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V&J V"nk*\5 Rt*zsAhil P7 Foq -oo'11 il?d^^^,4*Gl"" t'vald ((- ';;?'0"/k IIYDRAULICAL CALCULATIONS \$ 'sNTWO SETS OF CALCULATIONS CHECKED BY: SCOTT ALLAN ROLL P.E. #33276 PROJECT: VAIL PARIilNG GARAGE AT P.3 &J 350 HANSON RANCII ROAI) VAIL, COLORADO CONTRACTOR: FIRE PROTECTION INC. 498I E. 39TH AVENUE DEIYVER, COLORADO 80207 to-r4-04 (ror4M Remote Area tocatorl Ocopancf Claeelf lcalion funsity Remote Area Slze Cov€rage p€r Spdnkl€r Spdnkler K-Factor No, of Sprinkler Caloiated In.Rack Demand Source Hose Oernand Tooal Water hdudlng Hoso Name of Contrac{or Name of D€slgner Addr€s! Auhority Havhg Jurlsdicdon HYDRAUUC CACULATIONS lq Vail I Partcng Garage a+ LotsPS&J-jSo tt-.s.', Rlrrct U. Vall, Colorado Conbact No.L{.1-173 Date S6pt$tber24.2@l C:\Drawlnga\Found€rs Patldng Garage-Rl.hcp Deslgn Oata: Redraed f,ow b8t usod In €dcs - 20% r€ducilon OmnCADD Hydreulic Calculadon Software v. 2.2 l.'et d f fiighestLord) Ordinary HaEard Group I O.15 gpmroq.fr 2081.0 sq.ft 196.0 sq.ft u.n . 't2 0.0 gPm 250.0 gpm 732.8 gpm Flre Prot€cllon, Inc, Danny Obert 4981 E 39th Ave.,Denver, CO 80:107 Vail FlreDept Sopt€mber 24. 2004 09:29 AM V*i[ Paktng oarage GENERAL RESI'LTS Page:2 Total Watar lndudlng Hose Addltlonel Allor,tances Dlschargo trom Sptinklers Source Hose Demand Average lmbalance Maxirnum lmbalance Ma<imum Velodry{o Plp:7 Maximum Ff. Lo6t @ PiPe 7 Avoreg€ D€nsity Romote Area was not Poal(€d vdodty pr€ssures have been used for informaton only, end are not valld for balandng tho system' SOURCE: SR Statlc Preesure Residual Pressure Flout Hoso Audrvanoo Ardlable Pressure Reguired Preseure Safidy Factot WaterFlordng 732.9 dpm 0.0 gpm 482.9 gpm 250.0 gpm 0.010 gpm 0.0 gpm 26.4 ft/s '1.383 psitfr 0.23 gpmrsq.fr 106.4 poi 98.0 psl 801.0 gpm 250.0 gpm . 99.3 psl. 82.3 psl 17.1%, 17.0 psl lo2.9 gpm OmnICADD llydraullc Calarlatlon Sofrtrete v. 2.2 Sept€tnber 24. 2004 0929 AM 0 200 300 110 Vr,tl ; Parting Garage Water Curves for Sro : $ 600 700 E00 Page:3 900 110 100100 90 90 80 70 80 70 60 50 40 30 60 50 40 30 PSt 20 10 20 t0 - X: 1ojfT €5?- F. ----€_.- E--- "/ 0 200 300 OmniCADD Hydraullc Caldd8tlon Softrmre v. 2.2 800 J0 900 NODES #Type Value Elcvation x Res. Pras.Discharge fr ft fi psi opm SR 2 a 4 E 6 'l II 10 1'l 12 13 BF] 1sl 16 17) 1eilel 20 121 |nl 23 124 12sl 26 127 128 12sl BRI 31 |TRI s1 |P1 I I Src I xeao I Head I Head I Head lHead l. Head i Head I Head lHead I Head I Head I Head IFPUO I Node lNode I Node i Node I Node I Nod6 Nod€ Node Node Node Node Node NodE Node Nodo Node Nods Node Node Node rl 11.20 11.20 11.m 11.20 11.20 11-20f.m 11.20f.m 11.20f.m 11.20 8.0 7o.7 83.4 84.4 83.4 85.4 u.4 83.3 86.O 85.3 84.3 86.0 85.3 86.0 80.7 92.4 83.4 83.4 u.4 u.4 81.4 81.4 83.3 87-8 86.8 84.3 6.2 85.9 88.2 88.2 80.7 88.2 88.2 80.7 80.7 118.8 75.5 6.7 67.1 97.9 78.3 58.7 106.0 89.5 69.S 97.6 81.1 85.2 138.6 4.3 61.6 63.5 132.3 125.4 36.4 38.8 ffi.7 138.2 138.2 66.9 7E.2 88.2 1/t3.3 1423 130.8 146.0 138.2 138..2 136.4 23.9 1n.1 113.V 1 10.8 105.3 102.5 99.6 99.3 94.1 91-2 88.0 82,9 76.8 36.8 {55.8 153.0 't52.5 136.2 135.8 108.6 108.2 95.6 89.8 89.8 87.3 78.9 72.5 57.2 57.1 38.9 35.9 34.9 34.9 9.7 42.3 7.7 7.4 13.4 7.3 13.0 20.7 7.2 12.7 20.o '12.6 19.6 19.4 68.0 40_4 41.9 42.0 47.4 46.5 36.7 35.8 33.5 51.4 51.t 325 31.8 31.4 55.0 54.3 77.5 57.3 58.5 e5.7 67.1 250.0 31.0 30.5 41.1 30.2 40.4 50.9 30.0 40.0 50.1 39,8 49.6 ot.: : SepHnber2it. 2{XX 0929 AM Vall rParttngGarage Page:4 OmnICADD Hydraulio Calculation Softrrare v. 2.2 PIPES #StarvEnd Nodes Mated.l hrwc Fittinqs siz€ Nom.Dlam. lnt.Diam. Length Eq.Lengrth Total Lenqtf Fr. Loss P1gs.Fr,Loss Pr€s.Els\r.Loss Pr€s.Vel.Loss Flow Veloclty Type #Type Valu€Elevation Res. Pres.Discharg€ ff psl gpm ft psi/ft psl gpm fUs 'l 2 4 2 Head Head 11.20 11.20 83.4 83.4 13.4 41.'l 31.0 Scr|40 100 1 1.000 1.049 14.O 0.0 14.0 o.411 5.750 0.018 0.893 31.O | 1.5 Brancn Lin( E 3 Head Head 11.29 11.20 44.4 u.4 13.0 7.4 40.4 30.5 sch40 100 1 1.000 1.049 14.0 o.0 14.0 o.398 5.578 0.018 0.864 30.5 1 1.3 Branch Line 3 9 o Head H€ad 11.20 11.20 85.3 85.4 12.7 7.3 40.o 302 Sch40 100 1 1.000 1.049 14.0 0.0 14.O 0.390 6.40'2 0.018 o.u4 30.2 11.2 Branch Llnc 4 11 I Head Head 11.20 11.20 EO.O 86.0 12.6 7.2 39.8 30.0 Sch4o 100 I 1.000 1.049 14.0 0.0 14.0 0.386 5.4(X o.018 0.835 30.0 11.1 Branch Lln€ A 7 4 H€ed Head 11.24 11.20 83.3 83.4 20.7 13.4 50.9 41.1 Sch40 100 1-1t4 1.250 1.380 14.O 0.0 14.0 0.515 7.198 0.018 1.609 72.1 15.5 Branch Un€ 6 10 6 Head Head 11.20 11.20 84.3 84.4 20.o 13.0 50.1 40.4 Sch40 100 1-1t4 1.250 1.380 14.0 0.0 14-0 0.499 6.S84 0.018 1.658 70.9 15.2 Branch Line 7 n 7 Node Head 11.20 83.3 83.3 33.5 20.7 50.; sch40 100 T 1-1t4 1.250 1.380 5.0 4.3 9.3 1.383 12.792 0.018 4,685 123.O 26.4 Branch Une I 12 9 Head Head 11.20 11.20 85.3 85.3 19.6 12.7 49.e 40.0 Sch4t) 100 1-1t4 1.250 1.380 14.O 0.0 14.O o.469 6.841 0.018 1.523 70.1 15.0 Branch Llne 9 25 10 Node Hoad 11.20 64.3 84.3 TZ.5 20.o 50.1 sch40 100 T 1-1t4 1.250 1.380 5.0 4.3 9.3 t.343 12.406 0.018 4.538 t?tt.1 26.0 Eranch Lirle 10 13 11 Head Head 11.20 11.20 86.0 86.0 19.4 12.6 49.3 39.8 Sch40 100 1-1t4 1.250 1.380 14.0 0.0 14.0 0.484 6.771 0.018 1.507 69.8 15.0 Branch Une 26 12 Node Head 11.2; 85.2 85.3 31.8 19.6 49.6 Sch40 100 T 1-114 1.250 1.380 5.0 4.3 9.2 t.316 12.142 0.018 4.439 119.7 25.7 Branch Line 12 ?7 13 Nod€ H€ad 17.20 85.9 86.0 31.4 15.4 49.; sch40 't00 T 1-1t4 1-250 1.380 5.O 4.3 9.2 t.s03 12.O10 0.0't8 4.390. 119.1 25.5 Branch Line 13 16 15 No6€ Node E3.4 82.4 41.9 40-4 Sch10 100 E 4 4.(x)0 4.260 17.6 9.4 27.O o.o72 1.930 o,433 0.795 482.9 10.9 Fecd Main 14 20 15 Nod€ Nod€ 41.4 42.4 36.7 40.4 Sch10 100 E 4 4.000 4.80 47.9 9.4 57.3 o.oT2 4.100 0.433 0.795 10.9 Feed Main 15 17 16 Nod€ Node 83.4 83.4 42.O 41.9 schl o 100 4 4.000 4.260 2.O 0.0 2.0 o.o72 o.143 0.000 0.795 442.5 10.9 F€ed Main 16 19 17 Node Node 84.4 83.4 46.5 42.0 Sch10 100 4 4.000 4.260 68.0 0.0 68.0 o.072 4.867 0.415 0.79s 482.5 10.9 Feed Main 77 19 18 Nod€ Nodc u.4 u.4 46.5 47.4 sch10 100 E 4 4.000 4.240 zs 9.4 129 o.o72 o.881 . 0.000 0.795 442.9 10.9 Feed Main 18 24 l8 Node Nod€ 86.8 84.4 51.1 47.4 sch10 '100 T 4 4.O00 4.260 4S,E {8.8 65.6 o.o72 4.69E 1.050 0.795 482.9 10.9 Fe6d Main 19 21 20 Nod€ Node €1.4 81.4 35.8 36.7 Sch10 100 E 4 4.000 4.260 2.4 9.4 11.8 0.072 0-840 0.000 0.795 10.9 Feed Main Seplernber 24, 2()04 09:29 AM Vd,l Parting Garage Page:5 OmniCADD Hydraulic Calculadon Softvvar€ v. 2.2 Ssptenrber 24, 20& 09:29 AM . Veit Parldng Garage Page: 6 PIPES #StartlEnd Nodes Matoflal HWC Fittinss Size Nom.Diam. Ir|tDiam. L€ngth Eq.Length Total Length Fr. Loss Pres. Fr.Los3 Pres.Elw.Loss Pres.vel. Loss Florv Velocity TyPe #Type Valu€Elevatlon R€s" Ptes.utl(rrat9E t psl gpm tt psint psi Epm fr/s zu n 21 Node Node E3.3 81.4 3:t.5 35.8 sch10 100 4 4.000 4.260 21.2 0.0 21.2 0.072 1.516 o.812 0.795 482.9 10.9 Feed Maln 21 25 72 Nodc Node u.3 83.3 32.5 33.5 Sctrl O 100 4 4.000 4.24O 14.0 o.o 14.O o.o42 o.5.83 o.433 o.442 8.1 Feed Main '2,24 23 I{od€ Nodo E6,E 87.8 51,1 51.4 scn10 100 E 4 4.000 4.280 1.0 9.4 10.4 o.o72 0.744 o.429 0.795 482.9 10.9 Feed Main 15 zs 23 Node Nod. EA.2 87.8 54.3 51.4 SchlO 100 E 4 4.(xro 4.260 33.0 9.4 42.4 o.o72 3.036 o-1d2 0.795 482.9 10.9 Feed Main 4.1 26 25 Node Node 85.2 84.3 31.8 32.5 sch10 100 4 4.000 4.24O 14.0 0.0 14.0 0.020 o.273 0.415 0.194 -238.8 5.4 F€ed Main zo 27 26 Node Node 85.9 85.2 3',1.4 31.8 SchtO 100 4 4.000 1.80 10.1 0.0 10.1 0.005 0.o54 0.288 0.048 -119.1 2.7 Feed Main 2A 29 28 Nod€ Nod€ EA.2 88.2 54.3 55.0 Ech10 100 E 4 4.000 4.80 1.0 9.4 10.4 o.o72 o,745 0.000 0.795 10.9 F€ed Maan -a 28 31 Nod€ Nod€ 88.2 88.2 55.O 57.3 Schlo 100 E 4 4.000 4.2AO 21.5 9.4 30.9 o.or2 2.213 0.000 0.795 10.s Feed Main 30 3t TR Node Nod€ 8.2 88.2 57.3 58.5 schl0 'r00 E 4 4.O00 4.m 7.9 9.4 17.3 o.o72 1.z,JB 0.oo0 0.795 Feed Msln ZT BF Node FPLD 8.0 EO.7 80.7 77.5 68.0 sch1() 120 T 4 4.000 4.AO 3.5 26.3 29.8 o.051 1.525 o.000 0.795 4829 10.9 Plpe z4 BF P1 FPLO Node 8.0 80.7 80.7 68.0 67.1 Sch10 120c 4 4.O00 4.260 3.5 132 $.7 0.051 0.853 o.fi)o 0.795 4€,2.9 10.9 Plpe 31 TR s1 Nod€ Nodo EE.2 80.7 58.5 65.7 schlo 100 EDB 4 4.000 4.260 I.5 47.0 54.5 o.o72 3.902 3.248 0.795 .48.29 10.9 Pipe tz sl P1 Nod€ Node E0.7 80.7 6s.7 67.1 schl0 120 T 4 4.(x)0 4.280 1.8 m.3 28.1 0.051 1.436 0.000 0.795 10.9 Pipe 33 BR SR Nodo Src t.. 80.7 70.7 T7 -5 82.3 250.0 DIRON 140 TG o 6.000 6.280 21.7 520 73.7 0.006 o.42E 4.330 0.168 482.8 5.0 \Jtlt srgrwgrtfr OmniCADD Hydraullc Calculation Soltwar€ v. 2.2 .! (\a j g EIt o EoC)(, =o TIt cto 6E Eo F oItt!G roCIE= Eg 5ZE3 o 9rr = CDslg g trl xi ,E s6.c,at Msterials Inlb Name Abbr.Stzo F{WC L€ngth Total kngth Fitings Abbr.Eg.Leng&Anrount Schrrc Sch40 ,|100 56.0 56.0 1-114 100 75.9 93,0 T 4.3 4 Sch10 Sch10 4 '100 318.8 469.1 9.10 T 18. B 't1. 120 8.8 74.4 T 26.3 2 E 13.2 DIRON DIRON 6 140 21.1 73.7 T 47.3 1 Ssptenrber 24, 2004 09:29 AM VaiI tParklngGarage Systetn Slatbtics Page 8 ------- Fittlnss hao Nlame Abbr.Amount NFPATee T I NFPA EII 90 E 11 NFPA Buterlly Valw B 1 OmniCAOD l,lydraullc Calarlalion Software v. 2.2 # Rernote Atea Locatlon . Occupancy Classifi catlon D€n3ity Remoto Area Slze Coverago p€r Sprinkler Spdnkler K-Factor No, ol Sprlnkler Calfllated ln-Rack D€mand Sourco HoEe Demand Total Waler Inctuding Hose Name of Confrac{or Nam€ of o€slgnor Address Au0rorlty Havlng Jurisdictlon HYDRAULIC CALCUIATIONS lor Vail i Parklng Garage a* LotP-3&J-3Eo tla,r:cr R".A R-J Vail. Colorado Contaci No.. L'U'173 Oate Septernber24'2004 C:lDrarings\Founders Psttlng Garege-R2hcp Design Data: Redsoed floil test used in calcs '209o reduction Pavilion Attic Ught Hazard 0'10 gpmrsq'fr 555.0 sq'ft 130.0 sg'ft 5,60 I 0.0 gpm 100.0 gPm 233.7.qPm Fire Protedlon, Inc. DannY Obert 4981 E. 39th Ave..Oeni/er, CO 80207 Vail Fire Depl. OmnICADD Hydraulic Calorlaton Softwarev. 2.2 Sepiemb€r24, 2004 09:33 AM Vail ; Parklng GaragePavllion GENERAL RESULTS Page: 2 Total Water Includlng Hose Addlu6nal Allouancso Dlsciage from Spdnklers Sourcs Ho€o O€mand Averaoo lmbelan€ Maimum lmbalancs Ma$mum Velocity @ PiPe 34 Madmum Fr. LosE @ PlPc 35 Av€ragp Density R€mote Ar€a was not Peaked V€todty pre6sur€e hava been used lor Informatlon only. and efe not valid for balanclng the system' S:tetlc Pr€3surg R€sldual Pr€csure Flor Hose Allorvance Avallable PrecsurE Required Pre*ure Saftty Factor Wat'ef Flosiing SOURCE: SR OmnOADD tlydtaulic @lculaton Sohrare v. 2.2 233.7 gpm 0,0 gpm 133.8 gpm 100.0 gPrn 0.005 gPm 0.0 gPm 11.7 Ws 0.184 pti/ft 0.24 gpm/sq.ft 106.4 psi 98.0 psi 8O1.O gpm 100.0 gpm 105.5 psi 70.3 psi 24.5%,26.2 Ni 133.7 gpm IB G '/ L G I Septemb€r 24, 2004 @:33 AM 0 200 300 V"il ParkingGarags,Pavilion Waler Curvog for Src : sr 700 800500 Page: : 900 110110 PSI 100 90 100 90 80 80 70 60 70 60 50 40 50 30 20 10 40 30 20 10 J0 9000 200 300 OmniGAOD hlydraullc Caldlation Soflrvare v. 2.2 September 24. 200{ (x}33 AM \ldl ParkingGaragePavilion NOOES #Tvpe Value Elevation x Res. Pres.Discharge ft ft ft psl gpm SR 2 3 4 5 6 7II BF 11 12 13 14 t5 t6 17 l8 19 20 21n 23 24 25 26 27 28 2S 30 31 32 33u 35 36 SR TR s2 Src H€ad Head Head Head Head H€ad H€ad Head FPLD Node Node Nod€ Node Node Nodo Node Node Nod€ Node Node. Node Node Node Node . Node Nods Node Node Node Nod€ Node Node Nods Node Node Node .Nod€ Node t...1 5.60 5.OO 5.80 5.60 5.€0 5.60 5.60 5.60 4.0 70.7 r03.7 1A3.7 10d..2 104.2 10"4..2 1o4.2 104-2 10/-.2 80.7 103,7 103.7 10F,2 100.3 100.3 103.7 103.7 85.8 100.3 104.2 100.3 '100.3 100.3 85.8 85.8 104.2 104.2 f00.3 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85,8 85.8 85.8 80.7 85.8 80.7 2%.2 269.1 269.1 283.3 278.6 283.8 278.6 2&,.8 278-6 308.5 2f'5.7 269.7 283.8 275.1 272.6 272.6 269.7 271.O 281.8 278.8 278.6 275.1 273.2 273.2 269.6 283.8 281.8 281.8 263.9 288.7 203.6 305..1 306.4 294.'l 311.8 314.0 3@.2 310.8 310.8 25.6 137.7 135.5 134.8 1U.8 128.O 't26.O 117.2 117.2 39.9 137.7 135,5 1"4.8 134.0 t34-0 134.0 134.0 129.6 't2s.0 123-0 1A.O 129.0 129,0 't29.0 128.8 128.0 128.0 {28.0 12'1.2 110.7 106.6 96.7 89.2 72.8 59.6 42.5 41.4 38.2 38.2 79.3 7.0 7.O 8.5 10.6 9.4 11.1 8.3 9.8 70.8 7.2 7.5 8.6 16.5 14.3 10.9 9.3 2A-8 17.0 11.5 17.1 17.5 17.8 27.5 29.9 9.0 11.2 14.5 92.4 39.5 37.7 44.4 46.8 51.4 58.2 ao.2 74.9 62.0 70.6 100.o 14.8 14.8 16.3 18.3 17.1 18.7'16.1 17.A- Page:4 OmniCADD Hydraulic Calculatoo So$mtev. 2.2 September24. 20O4 09:33 AM Vail Pa*ing GaragePavillon 17.1 | 100 OmnICADD Hydraulic Cqlculation Software v. 2.2 September24, 2004 0933 AM Vail r Pstldng GaragePavilaon OmniCADD Hydraulic Calarlation Software v. 2.2 -1 G'(\it P oo CC'€ EEQ(t EgIt :Eoo [J C! Eo g ate 5 6o- s33eP6E=.10 0'r' d =s = dl'q?oo I(\I a'al !,3ttr ot6.o, at,