HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5A LOT P3 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING LEGALV il, (loloraclo Denver, Co lo rad o 1)iil()n, Colorado Lots P3&J Vail, Colorado M&N #s762 These calculations are the property of Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. Any use or reproduction ofthese calculations without the expressed written permission of Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. is strictly prohibited. ** P.E. stamp on sheet applies to the following calculation pages and indicates that they have been reviewed. This includes all sheets attached to this cover. Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc- STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS For: Vail Park & Garase Aprit 9,2004 lr nrl - w \1, \\; . l1l e n r()c - n e wcI L co m Street. Suitc 200. Denver, Coloraclo 110202 (303) 623-(r602 o email: denver@tnonroe-newe ll.con.l 1701 Wynkoop (3o3) 623-1927 o FAX 'f \S r-1^tr, N,s)1 ( ',i\ ;*1 __-E-()-q t'-r. F-l{1 -{--r \a"t -+- --' LJ ae ,*.} F)':i-: lr lm 17|dlz t\till=lJt4t' lL\ [- bl{ titp IZ a\z,/l --c 5)ts\r'\ ;a\.*a t._, :l lll /N\t) 7 rtlq)-Fltl/TIll ll rll -( N' U' \-/ -T1R$,f? d\---r-l.v rn o 4r:- r..r Y i,' -']fi'a >- Il' i,: 3 ll ;' 1 (, )-'1 i-i f.f i*'ri" , (.ri Q::,-: '? V*lI'; i"r+ Xi 1,;t*' P#. i :':: f -' lj: ::;; {- . k,.: - tl/v(-? .i'r { 4.. .'..: ..1 "Y' i;. - \ (1. ) A(t ,,.1: ,. { tli",.i -(J 'ri,)>.i' :itrl i't,,, ll|!lllIlIlFr .:i I -E ? eiifriatiii.iti tii is i i i a 'i!'i,t lti ti. ilt tit g8' i i I-: " i 7 Pi dy I PARI< dj PARI<ING GARAG.E VAIL, COLORADO E ? lcs -^< t- ZZi-' f-t t r trl )dt N5 F-<-> z, r+c{ c! c\,1(\ N ON F' rr) $ O N N $|.l)@Ncool)oFNca$ dctZZ (ENd)co l'_ ro c'os (! U) (E" vN o -o fz. |r)(0F-COO)O *\NSr"$r!:=$!tt F.cr) |... $ 9 rtJ; N () C.l (.) aNI tr\ 9 c)\Nrf) Nq $F..i c.);NN (t) c! N tr) $s F F$ N l.olr, Nc? |r)F. (o (\ N c!c! FT t\ N F. C.l f- e.i CD N $i|r) N .t N N o,F- ,-i N r-\tr)N t-(r) q s ro (o v N \lr) lo N tr ^iN r+(r) d I ; $ f-CO;s N Crl <f,ol c! C\ tt? (9 m s \rf) lr)N |J. lr) rf) f- N A $r: v t-NN (.)\ N CO t:(.)c'js v N(\q t- NN lr,(o d (t ; N Nd(\l $ o cr) LOc) O) ci{ C' F F- f- K) N @ \ CON Nq (9 ci) s |r) ^i s (D @ N \F* o,l Nc{ q N (.) l'-O) (o N$; N F F.d(\ \s(\ dOoN F-q (9 Lr) r.c) N s\rf) N t- qo c\I c.i to to co t: NC\ (o N F. -(o (f) N c? |r) N O,l F. N c.) Fs N t-o! C\sN N ci F.;(o sn nic!N t--;N +F. r<t F-c! N tr) + F. t-\ c.l tt)q q N F.\t- N (f) a|f) t- t- (o (r)Ld N .; |r)q c! t-g?RN CAq s c.l |r) r- N;<- l:lr).; $c\l F.ro N (f) N lr)(o (o r)cO tr(r) e.i (\l {. |r) c.i \s (oq rt) q N q v N r<r c! c! o (.) Fo)s s NI l.- t- a? CO c.i l.r t\\nN (f)j .t |r) t- t- N; q N c.) N N lr) R*(r)d Nn Noi t- c?A n F- u? N F- N (o 'q t N (r) A t F.A (f)nl F-\l.\ oi $ N (t)s -i (o t-Cr)c! c.) c.);s @q a? N(r)o N\t x D.s s ; (fj a? A I R t - lr)F- K) -\ c!t- -aNsF. N tr) oi N A c);a(\N cO I2-O9-2002 ADOSS (tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 10 1,243:24 PM Licensed to: Monroe and NewelI Engineers, Inc,, Denver, CO SHEAR ANALYSIS *****+********************* NOtE--Af iowabl-e sh-eEr- stress j-n Slabs = 252.96 pSj when rafio of cof, dim. (long/short) is less than 2.0. --Wide beam shear (see "CODE") js not computed, check -nanual1y. --After the column numbers, C: Corner, E: Exterior, T = Interior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH ARO UN D TRANSFER COLUMN OF MOMENT COL. ALLOW. PATT REACT]ON SHEAR PATT REACTION NO. STRESS NO. STRESS NO. ( kips )( kips ) UNBAL. MOMENT lff-k\ SHEAR SHEAR TRANSFR STRESS (ft-k) (psi) 1E 744.04 21 241 .65 Jl1 Zqt.oJ 43.2 -37.52 1 Q{112??.,i ,0 .0 .0 n.\t- cna.'i Fi a.l nni- cnani f i ari nar enan i fi aA 1 4 4 * - Shear stress exceeded. 43.2 225.2 vo.{ ZY. L n -54 .4 31 .52 255 .96* I9O.I.L - - AROUND COLUMN ALLOW. NUMBER STRESS (psi ) DROP/SOLID HEAD - _ PATT REACTTON SHEAR NO.STRES S (kips ) (psi ) 1 2 3 Not appli.cable, Not appJ.icable, r1^+ --- 1 .l ^^L-r ^r\lrL.r|JP-Lr\-durEt drop dimensions drop dimensi-ons Arnn rliaanci nnc o :-2-09-2002 ADOSS (tm) ?.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 12 I:43:24 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc., Denver' CO lJ-L)rul\ t1 I.J\Jlf J*************************** No-lE:-th'e schEdule giveri 6elow is a guide for pr-opei rein-forceineht pl-acement and js based on reasonabte engineering judgement. Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may require modification of this schedule. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT **+*****************+****************+****** ,K COLUMN+ LONG BARS COLUMN*-BAR-LENGTH- NUMBER * NO SIZE LEFT R]GHT* (ft) (fr) STRIP +MI SHORT BARS * -BAR-LENGTH-*-B NO SIZE LEFT R]GHT * NO (ft) (ft) * DDLE STRIP LONG BARS AR-LENGTH- SIZE LEFT RIGHT (fr ) (ft ) 1** 2 3** .42 10.57 8. l9 5.49 8. 19 1.75 3.80 5. 68 r .15 6 f 8 At+E, 4 *57 #85 #5 S TR* SHORT*----BA * NO SIZE * MTD* LONG*----BA * NO SIZE # s .42 4.r4 # 5 10.s7 6.8s # 5 6.r8 1.75 STRIP SHORT BARS ----BAR---- NO SIZE LENGTH (ft ) IA 11 *" - Positjve reinforcement required, design manuaIly. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT ***************l:********+******************* * COLUMN* LONG BARS SPAN *----BAR__-- NUMBER * NO SIZE LENGTH " (fr) IP iJAi(> R ---- LENGTH(fr) DLE BARS R ---- LENGTH (fr ) 1?.83 25.99 15. 83 22 .94 ltt. JJ 26.49 15. 38 22 .28 7 #59 #s 7 +59 #s 4 #5 9 #6#6 4 10 @)o t2-O9-2O02 ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 14 L:43:24 PM Licensed to: Mon.roe and Newell Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DEFLECTION ANALYSIS ************+**********+*********+**** NOTES--fhe def l-eEti-ons b-efow must 5e cornbin'ed wifh= f6o-s-e of- ihtr anelvsis in fhe nernFnrli r:rl ar direction, ConSuft users manual- for method of combination and limitations. --Spans L and 4 are cantilevers. - - Time-dependent deflections are in addition to those shown and must be conputed as a multiplier of the dead load(DL) deflection, See "CODE" for range of multipliers. --Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads may be Iarger at the point of application than those shown at the centerline. DefLectj-ons are computed as from an ave.rage uniform loading derived from the sum of al-I l-oads applied to the span. --Modrrl rrs of elasficilv of conr.rpf e- Ec = 3834. ksi * * C O L U M N S T R ] P * M I D D L E 'S T R I P* DEAD * DEFLECTION DUE TO: * DEFLECTION DUE TO: SPAN * LOAD +---------- NUMBER * Ieff. * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * * (in^4) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * 1 28500. -. 001 .000 -. 001 -.001 . 000 -. 001 2 25905. .026 .015 .041 -.011 -.003 -.0133 25905. .269 .r82 .451 .r'12 .088 .260 4 28s00. -.050 -.018 -.068 -.051 -.018 -.069 QUANTTTY ESTIMATES *+*********+*********+************* TOTAL QUANTITTES CONCRETE 41.0 cu.yd FORMWORK 1327 - sg. ft REINFORCEMENT (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) (NEGATIVE) 1071. 1bs (PoSITIVE) 1545. fbs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE .83 cu. ftlsq. ft FORlvllilORK 1.00 sq. ftlsq. ft REINFORCEMENT** .... L97 lbs / sg.ft **(IN TitE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) * p..\.!rirn .'.\mnl af a.l :< ra^rra<ia.l + X1;:.','1fl ,t?":,'':t?'"0"'Jr:;',"'ft "I,m"ffi ::::lJ3:3":.'X5*'AsstrJel pppppp ccccc aaaaap pc ca ap pc p p c aaaaaap pc ca ap pc ca a pppppp ccccc aaaaaa o p AAA DDDDD OOO SSSSS SSSSS AAD D OOS SS S A AD DO OS S AAAAMAD DO O SSSSS SSSSS A AD DO O S S (tttttmm mm) A AD D O O S SS S ( t mmmm )A ADDDDD OOO SSSSS SSSSS (tMMM) Computer program for ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF SLAB SYSTEMS Licensee stated above acknowledges that Portland Cement Association(PCA) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or adequacy of the material supplied as input for processing by the ADOSS(Im) computer program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty expressed nor implied with respect to the correctness of the output prepared by the ADOSS(Im) program. Although PCA has endeavored to produce ADOSS(Im) error free the program is not and cannot be certified infallible. The final and only responsibility for analysis, design and engineering documents is the licensees. Accordingly, PCA disclaims alt responsibilig in contract, negligence or other tort for any analysis, design or engineering documents prepared in connection with the use of the ADOSS(Im) program. Note: Further information and technical support on the ADOSS computer program is available through the CPCA Web site at: "www.cpca.ca". v l1,ffi i,t'"3::':T}'"T",.i:":;5',ililryffi ::::IJ3:3":.'35"ASSNOe2 FILE NAME C :\PROGRA- 1 \ADOSS\DAfA\S7625 P50.ADS 5762 DATE TIME frrcr ro- SPAN ID. ENGINEER az 2t19t2004 09:01:44 UNITS U.S. in-lb coDE ACt318-95 SLAB SYSTEM FLAT SLAB SYSTEM FRAMELOCATION INTERIOR DESIGN METHOD STRENGTH DESIGN MOMENTS AND SHEARS NOT PROPORTIONED NUMBER OF SPANS 4 SOLID HEAD DIMENSIONS : AS INPUT BY ENGINEER CACRETE FACTORS SLABS BEAMS COLUMNS Jsrwlpct ) 150.00 150.00 15o.ooryPE NORMAL WGT NORMAL WGT NORMAL WGTfc (ksi) 5.00 5.00 5.00 density factor 1.00 1.00 1.00'rr (psi) 530.30 530.30 530.30 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS: NON-PRESTRESSED YIELD STRENGTH Fy = 60.00 ksi DISTANCE TO RF CENTER FROM TENSION FACE: AT SLAB TOP = 1.25 in OUTER LAYER AT SLAB BOTTOM = 1.75 in OUTER LAYER MINIMUM FLEXURAL BAR SIZE: AT SLAB TOP = # 6 ATSLAB BOTTOM = #6 MINIMUM SPACING: lN SLAB = 6.00 in X1;l',?Tfl ,t?3.'3'i?h'J,,:$5'inY.T,;:i::lI3:,"":,:MENTASSN?e3 SPAN/LOADING DATA ****tt***t******t AN ILENGTH Tslab I WIDTH L2***l SLAB I DESIGN COLUMN I UNIFORM LOADS I INUMBERI L1 | LEFT R|GHT I SYSTEM I STRrP STRrP**l S. DL L|VE I| | (ft) (in) l(ft) (ft) | | (ft) (ft) l(psf ) (psf )l l---- F------- l------- l----- | --------- l--------rrttl1-l .5 10.0114.3 14.3 1 2 | 28.5 2118.0 10.0114.3 14.3 | 2 | 28.5 3128.0 10.0114.3 14.3 | 2 | 28.54-l .5 10.0114.3 14.3 | 2 | 28.5tl .0 | 2o.o 5o.o I 9.0 | 20.0 50.0 | 14.0 | 20.0 50.0 | .0 I 2o.o 50.0 | I * -lndicates cantilever soan information. ** -Strip width used for positive flexure. ***-L2 widths are 112 dist. to transverse column. "E"-l ndicates exterior strip. PARTIAL LOADING DATA PARTIAL LOADINGS ARE NOT SPECIFIED 11;l?.fr'ff t?3"':':?,hoJ.,.::"3l5.fi" ?,ffi ::::lJ3:1"3''X5*'nssNle4 COLUMN/TORSIONAL DATA UMN I COLUMN ABOVE SLAB ICOLUMN BELOW SLAB ICAPITAL** ICOLUMN MIDDLEI NUMBER I C1 C2 HGT I Cl C2 HGT IEXTEN. DEPTHISTRIP* STRlP.l | (in) (in) (ft) | (in) (in) (ft) | (in) (in) | (ft) (ft) | ttttl1 | 12.0 312.0 12.0 | 12.0 312.0 12.0 | .0 .0 | 9.0 19.5 [2 | 18.0 .0 12.0 | 18.0 .0 12.0 | .0 .0 | 9.0 19.5 |3 I 12.0 312.0 12.01 12.0312.0 12.01 .0 .0 | 14.0 14.5 |t_t_t_t_r_l Cof umns with zero "C2" are round columns. '-Strip width used for negative flexure. **-Capital extension distance measured from face of column. coLUMN I TRANSVERSE BEAM I DROP PANEUSOLTD HEAD ISUPPORT I NUMBER IWTDTH DEPTH ECCEN I LEFT RIGHT W|DTH THICK lFlXrTY. I | (in) (in) (in)l (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) | o/o I ll.5 3.0 9.5 .0 | 100o/o I1.5 1.5 3.0 12.0 | 100% |4.7 .5 9.5 .0 [ 100Yo I I.0 .0 .0.0 .0 .0.0 .0 .0 1 2 ? upport fixity of 0% denotes pinned condition. Support fixity of 999% denotes fixed end condition. '#'"'.Til,t"":n'jT]'"H:5;5'fi "{ryffi :j::lJ3:l":f MENTASSN}e5 LATERAL LOAD/OUTPUT DATA ,t*o. L'ADS ARE Nor 'PECTFTED OUTPUT DATA PATTERN'LOADINGS,' l THRU-4 PATTERN LIVE LOAD FACTOR (1-3) = 75% LOAD FACTORS: U=1.40*D+1.70"L U = .75( 1.40*D + 1.70*L + 'l .70"W) U = .90"D + 1.30*W OUTPUT OPTION(S): lnput Echo Centerline Moments and Shears Column Strip Distribution Fac Shear Table Reinforcing Required Bar Sizing Additional Information Deflections lhterial Quantities ltoP NoT SPEC|FTED AT COLUMN 1 *- SPECIFIED DROP PANEL LENGTH LEFT LESS THAN 1/6 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 2 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. ** SPECIFIED DROP PANEL LENGTH RIGHT LESS THAN 1/6 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 2 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. * SPECIFIED DROP PANEL WIDTH LESS THAN 1/3 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 2 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. -"SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 2 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGE DISTANCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 2 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. -'SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 2 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGE DISTANCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 3 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS..'DROP NOT SPECIFIED AT COLUMN 3 '*TOTAL UNFACTORED DEAD LOAD = 188.592 kios LIVE LOAD = 66.975 kips 11',.',#fi ,too:::'iTj'"H:"$54"v#"ffi ::::lJ3:,"":,'35"nssNle0 ---- STATICS PRINT-OUT FOR GRAVITY LOAD ANALYSIS ---- JoINT MOMENTS (ft-kips) PATTERN-1 PATTERN-2 NUMBER LEFT RIGHT TOP BOTTOM LEFT RIGHT TOP BOTTOM 1 -.4 140.0 -69.8 -69.8 -.4 50.2 -24.9 -24.92 -402.0 470.0 -27.7 -40.2 -370.9 452.2 -3s.2 -48.13 -542.2 .4 270.9 270.9 -542.2 .2 271.0 271.0 JOINT PATTERN-3 PATTERN-4 NUMBER LEFT RIGHT TOP BOTTOM LEFT RIGHT TOP BOTTOM -.2 139.9 -69.9 -69.9 -.5 116.8 -58.2 -58.2 -337.1 375.5 -15.7 -22.7 434.0 507.4 -29.9 -43.4 -396.1 .4 197.8 197.8 -575.6 .5 287.6 287.6 JOINT SHEARS (kips) o JOINT JOINT PATTERN-1 PATTERN.2 PATTERN-3 NUMBER LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT 1 -1.5 55.3 -1.5 32.1 -_6 55.3 -1.8 U.l2 -85.3 104.7 -70.4 103.7 -79.9 80.8 -92.0 113.0 3 -107.4 1.5 -107.4 .6 -79.5 1.5 -115.1 1.8 .-------------- - 1 2 3 PATTERN-4 LEFT RIGHT T;l?ffi t?3""ff?,h0"'",['5l5Kt?ffi ll::lJ3:3"ff MENTASSNOeT DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS FROM SUPPORTS +*********r*r**t*********+****i***************rtr***r***t COL LOAD CROSS DESIGN DISTANCE LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD NUM ryPE SECTN MOMENT CR.SECTN PTRN DISTANCE PTRN(ft:k) (ftI (ft) 1 TOTL LEFT TOP -.3 .087 4 .500 1BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 112.9 .500 1 2.700 3BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 2 TOTL LEFT TOP -374.7 .665 4 8.100 2BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 4U.'t .665 4 5.600 2BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 3 TOTL LEFT TOP -s18.8 .500 4 7.000 2BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP .3 .087 4 .500 1BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 x1'.iTilt?:"':'l?,h1,.:r:;:Ktg"ffi ::::lJ3:3":,'35*'AssNOes DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS ALONG SPANS r*t*t*******t*******!r****t**t***tr******r*+**********ttt SPAN LOAD CRITICAL DESIGN LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD NUM ryPE SECTION MOMENT PTRN DIST LEFT PTRN DIST RGHT PTRN(ft) (ft-k) (ft) (ftI 2 TOTL 7.650 TOP .0 0 .000 0 .000 0 BOT 77.7 3 5.850 2 4.050 3 3 TOTL 13.300 TOP .0 0 .000 0 .000 0 BOT 2U1 4 7.700 1 9.100 3 ';/u''."Ti,t?:.':'i?,'"0"'",.::"ll5.fitg.ffi :i::lJ3:3"3,'35*'o"Nles DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS AT SUPPORTS COL CROSS TOTAL TOTAL-VERT COLUMN STRIP NUM SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE MOMENT (ft:k) (ft-k) ( %) (ft-k) ( % ) (ft:kl( % ) (ft-k)(o/o ) 'r LEFT TOp -.3 .0 ( 0) -.1 (32) .0 ( 0) -.2 ( 68)BOT .0 .0 ( RGHT TOP 112.9 BOT .0 .0 ( 2 LEFT TOP -374.7 BOT .0 .0 ( RGHT TOP 434.1 BOT .0 .0 ( 3 LEFTTOP -518.8 BOT .0 .0 ( RGHT TOP .3 1 BOT .0 .0(v 0) 0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0 ( 0) 35.7 (32) .0 ( 0) 77.3 ( 68)0) 0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0 ( 0) -281.0 ( 75) .0 ( 0) -e3.7 ( 25)0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0 ( 0) 32s.6 ( 75) .0 ( 0) 108.5 (25)0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0 ( 0) -254.e ( 4e) .0 ( 0) -264.0 ( 51)0) .0(0) 0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .2(4e) .0(0) .2(51)0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) BEAM MIDDLE STRIP MOMENT MOMENT DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS IN SPANS ******a*****ir***!a*tf ******1*tttt******* SPAN CROSS TOTAL TOTAL.VERT COLUMN STRIP NUM SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE MOMENT (ft-k) (ft-k)( % ) (ft-k)(%o ) (ft-k) (% ) (ft-k)( % ) BEAM MIDDLE STRIP MOMENT MOMENT 7.6s roP .0 .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0) BOT 77.7 .0 ( 0) 46.6 ( 60) 13.30 rOP .0 .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0) BOT 264.1 .0 ( 0) 158.5 (60) .0(0) .0( o) .0 ( 0) 31.1 ( 40) .0( 0) .0( 0) .0 ( 0) 105.7 ( 40) 'f ;1';'#il,1?3"'3t?,"*,.::"5i5.fitg.ffi ::::lJ3:."":,:MENrASSNosel0 SHEAR ANALYSIS OTE-Allowable shear stress in slabs = 282.84 psi when ratio of col. dim. (long/short) is less than 2.0. --Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check manually. -:AftCr the column n0mberS, C = Coirier, E = Exteiior, I = Inteiior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSFER OF MOMENT--.- AROUND COLUMN -- COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION UNBAL. SHEAR SHEAR NO. STRESS NO. STRESS NO. MOMENT TRANSFR STRESS(psi) (kips) (psi) (kips) (ft-k) (ft-k) (psi) 1E 152.30 1 51.6 19.64 3 51.6 95.0 12.4 24.80 21 282.84 4 203.6 334.08' 4 203.6 73.4 29.4 390.52* 3E 152.30 4 111.0 42.23 4 111.0 481.4 -63.0 68.53 * - Shear stress exceeded. - - AROUND DROP/SOLID HEAD - - COLUMN ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR NUMBER STRESS NO. STRESS(psi) (kips) (psi) 1 Not applicable, drop dimensions nol specified. 21 279.68 4 199.4 149.80 3 Not applicable, drop dimensions not specified. x1;t:.ffi t?:;3'i?,1T",["5;5K"1ffiffi ::::lJ3:3":f MENTASSNJeIl NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT COLUMN-PATT'LOCATION * TOTAL - COLUMN STRIP * MIDDLE STRIP NUMBER. NO."@COL FACE'DESIGN * AREA WIDTH * AREA WTDTH * (ft-k) . (sq.in) (ft) . (sq.in) (ft) 1 1 llR 112.9 1.94 9.0 4.21 19.52 { llR 434.1 8.86 9.0 4.2',t 19.53 4 L ll -518.8 6.69 14.0 6.93 14.5 POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT SPAN *PATT*LOCATION * TOTAL 'COLUMN STRIP * MIDDLE STRIP NUMBER- NO.'FROM LEFT DESIGN " AREA WIDTH ' AREA WIDTH (ft) . (ft-k). (sq.in) (ft) . (sq.in) (ft) 2 3 7.7 77.7 1.94 9.0 4.21 ',t9.53 4 13.3 zMj 4.37 14.0 3.13 14.5 Coe , lyIrTD, C-) l,o o'5 (+) obz o,25 +bO b" To? €-t&>t'' #-b O lo" TF @ iltl:- ' +b@lL" b6('@Coc- + <a@-, tL" ba-r,@r4rD %*',.'#fl ,t?:::'i?,'"'JJf 5l5'ft"1'#.ffi ::::lJ3:""":'''85*'essNf et2 DESIGN RESULTS OTE-The schedule given below is a guide for proper reinforcement placement and is based on reasonable engineering judgement. Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may require rnodification of this schedule. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT " COLUMN STRIP -MIDDLE STRIP- LONG BARS - SHORT BARS - LONG BARS COLUMN * -B A R - L E N G T H- -.8 A R - L E N G T H- - -B A R - L E N G T H. NUMBER * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT - NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT. (ft) (ft) .(ft) (ft) . (ft) (fr) 3 #6 .50 5.55 3 #6 .50 3.87 13 #6 .50 4.20 8 #710.08 8.83 7 #7 6.70 6.70 13 #6 9.78 7.28 8 #6 8.68 .50 7 #6 5.87 .50 16 #6 8.68 .50 POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT ^* COLUMN STRIP - MIDDLE STRIP J r-oruc BARS . sHoRT BARs . LoNG BARs . sHoRT BARS SPAN .--- BA R ---- ----- BA R ----*---- BA R ---- *---- BA R ---- NUMBER * NO SIZE LENGTH - NO SIZE LENGTH - NO SIZE LENGTH - NO. (ft) . (ft) . (ft) . (fr) SIZE LENGTH 3 #6 17.75 3 #6 15.75 7 #6 18.25 6 #6 't5.30 5 #6 27.75 5 #6 24.50 5 #6 28.25 5 #6 23.80 ,| 2 3 2 3 %1,11ffi t?3::':T]'"T..::Tl',".i"ry,,H"ffi ::::TJ:ilR":.=X5*'AssN3e14 DEFLECTION ANALYSIS ***'t***t*t*****i*:lll****t****t**t***** *rar-tn" deflections below must be combined with those of SPAN " LOAD ' the analysis in the perpendicular direction. Consult users manual for method of combination and limitations' --Spans 1 and 4 are cantilevers. -Time-dependent deflections are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a multiplier of the dead load(Dl) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multipliers' --Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads may be larger at the point of application than those shown at the centerline' Defleitions are computed as from an average uniform loading derived from the sum of all loads applied to the span' -Modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec = 4287' ksi * TCOLUMN STRIP*MIDDLE STRIP * DEAD . DEFLECTION DUE TO: . DEFLECTION DUE TO: NUMBER- leff. " DEAD * (in^4) ' (in) - (in) - * LIVE * TOTAL - (in) . (in) . (in) .DEAD - LIVE - TOTAL - (in)' 28500. .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 28500. .020 .010 .03',1 .002 .002 .004 26256. .151 .09S .249 .103 .064 -167 28500. -.002 -.001 -.002 --002 -.001 -.002 QUANTITY ESTIMATES ****t**t********i******t*********** TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 41.7 cu.Yd FORMWORK 1352' sq.ft REINFORCEMENT (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) (NEGATIVE) (POSITIVE) 1371. lbs 1264. lbs SUMMARY OF OUANTITIES CONCRETE .84 cu'fUsq.ft FORMWORK 1'01 sq.fVsq.ft REINFORCEMENT** .... 1'97 lbs / sq.ft --(IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) * Program comPleted as requested * 72-o9-2002 ADoss(tm) ?.01 proprietary software of PoRTLAND CEMENT ASSN. page l01:46:18 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Newe.Ll Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO SHEAR ANALYSIS*************************** NOTE.--A1l-cr-rab]e shear s.tsress in slabs - 252.9d- psi wfren ratioof col . dim. (long/short) is less than 2.0. --Wide bearn shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check manually. --After the column numbers, C: Corner, E: Exteriot, I= fnterior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSFER OF MOMENTAROUND COLUMN COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACT]ON UNBAL. SHEAR SHEARNO. STRESS NO. lpsi ) STRESS NO. ( kips ) lpsi ) MOMENT TRANSFR STRESS(kips ) (ft-k) (ft-k) (psi) rE 247.65 4 / _r*q_ 113.?0 4 75.0 42.7 .0 113.70.2r 247.65 4 /(3:gg) 248.83+:,..4 278.e .0 .0 248.83*3E 24i.65 4 ' --6.0 1i3.?0 .4 15.0 -42.i .0 113.70 * - Shear stress. exceeded. -. AROUND DROP/SOLTD HEAD - - COLUMN ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR 1 Not applicable, drop dimensions not specified.2 Not applicabJ.e, drop dimensions not specified.3 Not applicable, drop dimensions not specified. NUMBER STRESS NO. (psi )/lrincl /nci \\ue4 / O 72-O9-2002 ADOSS(tn) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. page l-2l:46:18 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Newel-l Enoineers. Tn.:. _ Denver, CO DESIGN RESUL?S ********************** J.**** NorE--The sehedule gi'"'en beJ.evr i-s a g',ride for proper rei-rrforcemeatpl-acement and is based on reasonable engineering judgement. Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may reguiremodification of this schedule. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT******************************** ************ * COLUMN STRIP *MIDDLE STRIP* LONG BARS * sHoRT BARS * LONG BARS COLUMN * -BAR - LE N GT H- * -BAR _ L ENG TH_ * -BAR- L E NG T H- NUMBER * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT + NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT* {t.1 (fr ) * { f.; (fr ) * {t.1 (ft ) t** g #51.75 8.82 4 #5 1.75 6.10 I #s 1.75 6.64z L/8 # 810.25 10.25 I # 8 6.10 6.10 1.2 # 510.25 10.253+* 4 #5 8.82 1.75 4 +s-6.=ft- 7.15 8 #s 6.64 1.75 ** - Positive reinforcement required, design rnanually. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT***************+**************************** * COI,UMN STRIP + MTD DLE STRIP* LONG BARS * SHORT BARS * LONG BARS * SHORT BARSSPAN * ---- BAR---- * --*- BAR---- * ____ BAR ____ * ____ BA R ____ NUMBER * NO STZE LENGTH * NO SIZE LENGTH * NO SIZE LENGTH * NO SIZE LENGTH* /++\ * \rL/(fr) *(ft) * 2 I * 6 28.09 7 # 6 24.7.1 7 # 5 28.59 7 # 5 24.063 I #6 28.09 1 #6 24.17 7 #5 28-59 7 #5 24.06\--- L2-09-2002 ADOSS (tm) T.0L Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. page 141:46:1"8 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Newel_l Engi_neers, Inc,, Denver, CO DEFLECTION ANALYSIS *** ******** *t *************** i*******rf * ,. NOTES--The def.leetsions below mus t be combined with- those ofthe analysis in the perpendicular dj_rectj-on. Consult use.rs manual for method of combination and fimitations. --Spans 1 and 4 are cantilevers. --Time-dependent deflections are in addi.tion to those shown and must be computed as a multip_Lier of the deadload(DL) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multip]_iers. --Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads may be Iargerat the point of application than those shoh,n at the center.l-ine.Deflectrons are computed as from an average uniform loading derj-ved from the sum of atf loads applied to the span. --Modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec : 3934. ksi * * COLUMN STRI P * M]DDLE STRI P* DEAD * DEFLECTION DUE To: * DEFLECTIoN DUE To:SPAN * LOAD * -------- -- NUMBER * IEff. * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * DEAD * LTVE - TOTAL ** (in^4) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) *I 1 22250- -.052 -.019 -.071- _.a52 _.019 _.0712 18560. .298 .189 .48't .175 .Og2 .2663 18560. -298 .189 .48'7 .r15 .og2 .2664 22250. -.052 -.019 -.0?1 _.052 _.019 _.071 QUANT]TY ESTIMATES****++***************+************* TOTAL OUANTITIES CONCRETE 41.5 cu.ydFORMWoRK . 134 6. sq. ft REINFORCEMENT (IN THE DIRECT]ON OF ANALYSTS)(NEGATIVE) 7249. lbs(POSTTIVE) 1965. fbs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE .83 cu. ftlsq. frFORMWORK 1.00 sq. ftlsq. fr REINFORCEMENT** .... 2.39 lbs ,/ sq.ft ** (IN THE DTRECT]ON OE ANALYSIS) * Prooram a:clmnl atpal :< rp.rr16cl-a.i * 02-19-2004 ADoss(tm) 7.01 proprietaryloftware of pORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. paoe 1 9:39'.21',AM Licensed to: Monroe and Nf Engineers. Inc., Denver. CO J pppppp p pc p pcp pc p pc p pc pppppp p p AAA DDDDDAAD D OA AD DO AAAAAAN D DA AD DOA AD D OA A DDDDD ccccc aaaaaca a ca aaaaaa ca a ca a ccccc aaaaaa OOO SSSSS O S SS SOS SO O SSSSS OSS O S SS S OOO SSSSS SSSSS SSSSS (ffi mm mm )( t mmmm ) SSSSS (tmmm) T*************************************************** Computer program forANALySIS AND DESTGN OF SLAB SYSTEMS ******rl+**:l*************************:r!r********:l********** Licensee stated above acknowledges that porfland cement Association(pcA) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or adequacy of thematerial supplied as inpur for processing by the ADoss(tm) compuier program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty expressed nor implied with respectto the correctness of the output prepared by the ADoss(tm) program. ArthoughPCA has endeavored to produce ADoss(m) error free ttre progiam is noi anocannot be certified infallible. The final and only responsibility for analysis, design and engineering documents is the licenseei. Accordingly, pCA disclaims all responsibility in contract, negligence or other tort for anyalalysis, design or engineering documents prepared in connection with the useof the ADOSS(Im) program. Note: Further information and technical support on the ADoss computer program is available through the CpCA Web site at: ',www.cDca.ca,'. i.i;l,?Tfl 'too3f,3t?,'"'"'Jf:;'."'iryg"ffii::lJ3:l"f MENrASsNf oez FILE NAME C:\PROGRA- 1 IADOSS\DATA\5762SP51 .ADS 5762 u)JEcr tD- SPAN ID. 51 ENGINEER DATE TIME UNITS CODE az 2t19t2004 09:01:44 U.S. in-lb ACt318-95 SLAB SYSTEM FLATSLAB SYSTEM FRAMELOCATION INTERIOR DESIGN METHOD STRENGTH DESIGN MOMENTS AND SHEARS NOT PROPORTIONED NUMBER OF SPANS 4 SOLID HEAD DIMENSIONS : AS INPUT BY ENGINEER CONCRETE FACTORS SLABS BEAMS COLUMNS |lrsrwlpcr ) 150.00 150.00 15O.OO.FIE NORMALWGT NORMALWGT NORMALWGTfc (ksi) 5.00 5.00 S.0O density factor 1.00 1.00 1.00fr (psi) 530.30 530.30 530.30 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS: NON-PRESTRESSED YIELD STRENGTH Fy = 60.00 ksi DISTANCE TO RF CENTER FROM TENSION FACE: AT SLAB TOP = 1.25 in OUTER LAYER AT SLAB BOTTOM = 1.75 in OUTER LAYER MINIMUM FLEXURAL BAR SIZE: AT SLAB TOP = # 6 ATSLAB BOTTOM = #6 MINIMUM SPACING: lN SLAB = 6.00 in 11;l?ffi t'.313t?'"H:"5If .fin:ffi ::::ll3:"",S,:MENrnssNf oe3 SPAN/LOADING DATA ***!r*tt!t*!r**iit*t t|IllEryGIH rslab l wlDrH L2**.1 SLAB l b UMBERI L1 | LEFT RtcHT I SYSTEM I STRtp STRtp.-l s. oL trvE t | (ft) (in) | (ft) (ft) | | (ft) (ft) l(psf ) (psf )l l---- l-------- | -------l---- l---------l--------rrtttttl | 1.1 1.5 10.0 | 14.0 s.0 | 2 t 23.0 .0 | 20.0 50.0 || 2 | 28.1 10.0114.0 e.0 I 2 | 23.0 11.51 2O.O 50.013 | 28.s 10.0|14.0 9.0 | z | 2s.0 r.s1 zo.o so.o j4'l 1.5 10.0114.0 9.0 | 2 | 23.0 .Ol 2O.O 50.01 ' -lndicates cantilever span information.-- -Strip width used for positive flexure. "'-L2 widths are 112 disl. to transverse column. "E"-lndicates exterior strip. H.IN-!-I"O-1?NG DATA PARTIAL LOADINGS ARE NOT SPECIFIED X1:1,',',Til,173"'3'j?,'"1,.::":;f KSffi;::::lJ3:1":f MEN'ASSNase4 COLUMNffORSIONAL DATA LUMN lcoLUMN ABovE sLAB lcoLUMN BELow stng tcAprrRt*;lcoLuMN MtDDLEI INUMBER I C1 C2 HGT I Cl C2 HGT IEXTEN. DEprHlSTRtp.| | (in) (in) (ft) | (in) (in) (ft) | (in) (in) I (ft) (ft) | sTRtP.l ,| I 2 3 | 18.0 | 18.0 118.0 .0 .0 .0 .U .0 .0 .0 .0 tl 12.0 | 18.0 12.0 I 18.0 I t.c I Lc 11.5 11.5 11 .5 11.5 I 12:0 i 12.0 | 12.0 | .U .0 .0 Columns with zero "C2" are round columns.. -Strip width used for negative flexure.**-Capital extension distance measured from face of column. 12.0 | 18.0 COLUMN I TRANSVERSE BEAM I NUMBER IW|DTH DEPTH ECCEN I | (in) (in) (in) | (ft) (ft) (ft) DROP PANEUSOLTD HEAD ISUPPORT ILEFT R|GHT WTDTH THTCK lFtxtry- |(in) | ok I 1-5 1.5 1.5 1 2 3 .0 .0 .0 1.5 1.5 1.5 tl3.0 12.0 3.0 12.0 3.0 12.0 100% 100o/o 100o/o fixity of 0% denotes pinned condition. Support fixity of g99o/o denotes fixed end condition. x1,l',,'#il,1?3"'3,j?'"'JJ:"$5',fi ryffi g::ll3:3":f MENTASSNSeS LATERAL LOAD/OUTPUT DATA ]*or L.ADS ARE Nor spEcrFrED OUTPUT DATA PATTERN LOADINGS: 1 THRU 4 PATTERN LIVE LOAD FACTOR (1-s; = 75o/o LOAD FACTORS: U=1.40'D+1.70-L u = .75( 1.40*D + 1.70*L + 1.70-W) U=.90"D+1.30-W OUTPUT OPTION(S): lnout Echo Column Strip Distribution Fac Shear Table Reinforcing Required Bar Sizing Additional Information Deflections Material Quantities .feorreo DRop pANEL LENGTH RrcHT LESs rHAN 1/6 oF spAN AT coLUMN .l DUP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. *. SPECIFIED DROP PANEL WIDTH LESS THAN 1/3 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 1 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. **SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 1 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGEDISTANCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 1 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. *'SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 1 GREATER THAN 1i4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGEDISTANCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 2 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. * SPECIFIED DROP PANEL LENGTH LEFT LESS THAN 1/6 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 2 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. "- SPECIFIED DROP PANEL LENGTH RIGHT LESS THAN 1/6 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 2DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. * SPECIFIED DROP PANEL WIDTH LESS THAN 1/3 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 2DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. **SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 2 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGEDISTANCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 2 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. :xglfFD DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 2 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGEI]IUINCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 3 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. .. SPECIFIED DROP PANEL LENGTH LEFT LESS THAN 1/6 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 3DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. ** 6nl-/\lFtf ri hh/\l\ hAltt-t tAflr\tt t t t-6.\ ?lt lt arO /\t-.\11Alt .r/\a.\t I rrrrt .t O2-19-2OC4 ADOSS(Im) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 6 9:39.22AM Licensed to: Monroe inO ruef engineers, Inc., Denver, CO O I oEslcru MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS FROM SUPPORTS ***r+*r***l**al**ta!l****i*****l**ti********t*a****l*t**i+* COL LOAD CROSS DESIGN DISTANCE LOAD MM.I.P. LOAD NUM ryPE SECTN MOMENT CR.SECTN PTRN DISTANCE PTRN(ft-k) (ft) (ft) 1 TOTL LEFT TOP -5.5 .262 4 1.500 1 BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 192.3 .665 4 4.275 3BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 2 TOTL LEFT TOP -549.5 .665 4 8.550 2 BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 549.5 .665 4 8.s50 3BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 3 TOTL LEFT TOP -192.3 .665 4 4.275 2BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 5.5 .262 4 1.500 1 BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 o tl;l'#fl ,t?:"'3'i?,'"H:"$5'ft ryYff :i::IJ3:.'":,:MENTASSNf e7 DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS ALONG SPANS*i*******t+****t**************!t*t**tr*!t!r**t************* SPAN LOAD CRITICAL DESIGN LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD MAX.I.P, LOADNUM TYPE SECTION MOMENT PTRN DIST LEFT PTRN DIST RGHT PTRN(ft) (ft-k) (ft) (ft) 2 TOTL 12.113 TOP .0 0 .000 0 .0oo oBOT 255.2 4 9.263 2 9.262 1 3 TOTL 16.388 TOP .0 0 .000 o .0oo 0BOT 255.2 4 9.263 1 9.262 3 x1;',,?Til,t"":;:,i?,h'"'J:fi 5Ks?""ffj::lJ3:"""3,:MENrAssN-se8 DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS AT SUPPORTS*tt*******t+****!t*********************:rt** COL CROSS TOTAL TOTAL-VERT COLUMN STRIP BEAM MIDDLE STRIPNUM SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE MOMENT MOMENT MOMENT(ft-k) (ft-k) ( o/o ) (ft-k) ( yo ) (ft-k) (%) (ft-kJ (%'r 1 LEFT-rOP -5.5 .0 ( 0) -5.3 ( 96) .O ( 0) -.2 ( 4)BOT .0 .0(0) .0(o) .o(0) 0(0) RGHT TOp 192.3 .0 ( 0) 185.6 ( e6) .0 ( 0) 6.8 ( 4)Bor .0 .0(0) .0(0) .o(o) .0(o) 2 LEFT TOp -549.5 .0( 0') _412.1(75) .O( O) _137.4(25)BOr .0 0(0) .0(0) .o(o) .0(0) RGHT TOp 54e.5 .0 ( 0) 412.1 ( 7s) .O ( O) 137 .4 ( 25)BOT .0 .0(0) .0(o) .0(0) .o(0) 3 LEFTTOP -1e2.3 .0(0) _1s5.6(96) .O(0) _6.8( 4)BOT .0 .0(0) .0(0) .o(o) o(o) RGHT TOp 5.5 .0 ( 0) 5.3 ( 96) .O ( O) .2 ( 4) ^ BOr .0 .0(0) .0(o) .o(o) .0(o) --------__-___ DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS IN SPANSitrl***ta**!rt*t*t**tt**t*****:l******:rti* SPAN CROSS TOTAL TOTAL-VERT COLUMN STRIP BEAM MIDDLE STRIPNUM SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE MOMENT MOMENT MOMENT(ft-k) (ft-k)(%) (ft_k)(%) (ft_k)(7o) (ft_k)(%) 212.11rop .0 .0( 0) .0( o) .0(0) ,0( o)Bor 2ss.2 .0( 0) 1s3.1 (60) .01 o1 roz.r (+oy 3 16.3e_rop .0 0 ( 0) .o ( 0) .0 ( 0) 0 ( 0)BOr 255.2 .0( 0) 153.1 (60) .O( O) 102.1(40) 02-19-2004 ADOSS(Im) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN' Page 9 9:39:22AM Licensed to: Monroe ino rudf Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO O SHEAR ANALYSIS TE-Allowable shear stress in slabs = 282.84 psi when ratio of col. dim. (long/short) is less than 2.0. -Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check manually. -Afterthe column numbers, C = Corner, E = Fxterior, | = Interior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSFER OF MOMENT ---- AROUND COLUMN --- COL. ALLOW, PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION UNBAL. SHEAR SHEAR NO. STRESS NO. STRESS NO. MOMENT TRANSFR STRESS (psi) (kips) (psi) (kips) (ft-k) (ft-k) (psi) 1E 282.U 4 90.4 197.73 4 90.4 205.s 82.2 402.21'. 2t 282.84 4 214.9 352.58* 4 214.9 .0 .0 352.58" 3E 282.84 4 90.4 197.73 4 90.4 -205.5 -82.2 402.21* * - Shear stress exceeded. - - AROUND DROP/SOLID HEAD - - COLUMN ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR NUMBER STRESS NO. STRESS (psi) (kips) (psi) 1E 282.84 4 87.2 93.42 2l 279.68 4 210.7 158.26 3E 282.84 4 87.2 93.42 %1.1,*fl ,to"3"':,i?,hoJJ:"5l5'ft ny"ffi ::::lJ3:1":.'X5*'nssxf ero NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT **t*******+!a*****:l*******t***ir*******t*****t f aoru"**pATT.LocATroN . TorAL . coLUMN srRrp * MTDDLE srRrp NUMBER" NO.-@COL FACE- DESIGN * AREA WTDTH . AREA WTDTH. (ft-k) '(sq.in) (ft) * (sq.in) (ft) 1 4 ll R 192.3 4.85 11.5 2.48 11.5z 4 llR 549.5 11.20 ,"1.5 3.56 i1.53 4 L ll -192.3 4.85 11.5 2.48 11.5 1".?.s..i1,1.y."r...55.r.1:.f._o.R c€ rvr E N T SPAN -PATT*LOCATION - TOTAL * COLUMN STRIP - MIDDLE STRIP NUMBER* NO.-FROM LEFT" DESIGN * AREA WIDTH - AREA WIDTH (ft) . (ft-k) '(sq.in) (ft) . (sq.in) (ft) 2 4 12.1 255.2 4.24 11.5 2.80 11.53 4 16.4 255.2 4.24 11.5 2.80 11,5 (+ I io o.3S (+) o,.{ o.Zb +,GQ b" ToP @ CP-. *be17'tc? I lvlrD' * Ue n-" br. @ oot- * bev" 6a-r 9tY'1,ff2, o2-1g-2oo4ADoSS(tm)T.0lProprietarySgftwareofPORTLANDcEMENTASSN. g:3gt22AM Licensed to: Monroe and NelEngineers, lnc', Denver' CO P"5tt.l*"o..T..I*.F.:..u.'.! t t Orr-rn" schedule given below is a guide for proper reinforcement - placement and is based on reasonable engineering judgement' iJnusual boundary and/or loading conditions may require modiflcation of this schedule. Pageo 11 NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT **t***+:t****t***+t*l******+*******a:lt******* * COLUMN STRIP *MIDDLE STRIP- LONG BARS - SHORT BARS - LONG BARS COLUMN * -B A R - L E N G T H-' -B A R - L E N G T H- * -B A R - L E N G T H' NUMBER * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT . (ft) (ft) . (ft) (ft) . (ft) (ft) 1 6 #6 1.50 8.82 5 #6 1.50 6-10 8 #6 1.50 6.64 2 10 #710.31 10.31 I #7 6]0 6.70 8 #610.25 10.25 3 6 #6 8.82 1.50 5 #6 6.10 1.50 I #6 6.O4 1.50 r--?:.1.11x5... 5..t. l.lli.-o"r.95ll. t * t * COLUMN STRIP I MIDDLE STRIP l- loruc BARS . sHoRT BARS * LoNG BARS . sHoRT BARs #N . ---- B A R ---- - -- BA R---- t---- BA R ----*---- BA R --- NUMBER * NO SIZE LENGTH - NO SIZE LENGTH - NO SIZE LENGTH * NO SIZE LENGTH . (ft) . (ft) . (ft) . (ft) se hrL. -) t"o 2535 #6 28.09 5 #6 24.77 4 #6 28.59 #6 28.09 5 #6 24.77 4 #6 28.59 4 #6 24.06 4 #6 24.06 9T{t?ITTD 9RP o,35 ;/: IO,V5:az I X1;1,?Til,i73"',i',,?,h'"'",.::"5i5'ftn?"?;::::lJ$:""":,:MENrAssNff e12 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AT SUPPORTS*t**********************************************t***************** | " *=,*r. suMMARy. ADD,L R/F RE.'D DUE ro ,NBALAN.ED (u.) M'MENT TRANSFER coLUMN * ------------* NUMBER " W/O U. MOMENT " MAX.U. *GAMMA- FLEXURAL *PATT* CRITICAL SECTION- REQ'D - PROV'D* MOMENT * -f * TRANSFER -NO. * SLABW - AREA - R/F '(sq.in) (sq.in)- (ft-k) - * (ft-k) . . (ft) (sq.in) 1 7.33 8.36 237.2 .60 142.3 4 3.8 3.88 6 #62 14.76 14.92 51.0 .60 30.6 2 3.8 ]9 0 #73 7.33 8.36 -237.2 .60 -142.3 4 3.8 3.88 6 #6 NOTE: Zero transfer "CRITICAL SLABW' indicates no support dimensions given for transfer. lf beam(s) are present, transfer mode may be due to beam shear and/or torsion, check manually. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FORIN-SPAN CONDITIONS * REINF. SUMMARY * SPAN *- TOTAL FACTORED SPAN NUMBER- AT MIDSPAN * STATIC DESIGN MOMENT* REQ',D. - PROV'D.. (W/O PARTIAL LOADS)* (sq.in) (sq.in) . (ft-k) 2 7.03 7.92 61.t.33 7.03 7.92 611.3 o2-1g-2OO4ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietary slftware of PoRTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 13 9.39.22AM Licensed to' ur-onroe InJ rtr{enoineers, lnc', Denver, co O ?5 l..t.:.?.I.,-9.|...3"[l.f.y.:' t Gttt--tne deflections below must be combined with those of the analysis in the perpendicular direction. Consult users manual for method of combination and limitations' *Spans 1 and 4 are cantilevers. -Time-dependent deflections are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a multiplier of the dead load(DL) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multipliers' -Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads may be larger at the point of application than those shown at the centerline' Deflections are computed as from an average uniform loading derived from the sum of all loads applied to the span. -Modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec = 4287. ksi * *COLUMN STRIP'MIDDLE STRIP. DEAD . DEFLECTION DUE TO: . DEFLECTION DUE TO: SPAN - LOAD - NUMBER- leff. * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * DEAD - LIVE * TOTAL * - (in^4) * (in) - (in) * (in) * (in) . (in) * (in) * 23000. -.018 -,006 -.024 --018 -.006 -.024 19790. .215 .082 .297 .107 .040 .147 19790. .215 .082 .297 .107 .040 '147 23000. -.018 -.006 -.024 -.018 -.006 --024 QUANTITY ESTIMATES tt***t*********t:r***********l*****t TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 43.6 cu.Yd FORMWORK 1416. sq.ft REINFORCEMENT (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) (NEGATIVE) 1410. lbs (POSITIVE) 1427. tbs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE .85 cu.fVsq.ft FORMWORK 1.03 sq.fUsq.ft REINFORCEMENT** .... 2.06 lbs / sq.ft "*(IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) * Program comPleted as requested * 1e 4 1 2- 0 9- 2OO 2 ADOSS / i_,n lz, o z, ie- iu^;i::j ::l J; l'""5i3i,:;:"i1":if .3:::- :f PORTLAND CEMENTr. Engtneers, lnC., Denver, :. :,- :.1.:.,-.:. T.1. :. :. :. _.. : NOTE--AII ohrable shear c+_^_^ . _of, e o.r-. o-gr,.n"?l-." tl",i" lt' slabs = 252. 96 ps-r- ,vheri -,; -,, rr-ons,/shor-i;' i;1""; i:::t.psr when raLio __Wide beam shear (see ,,ggpg", is not computed, check--After the co-lumn numbers, c = cor.,". "-_':-' ''t':ctt lTtdnDdlly. DTREcT sHEA" :-:'-'l- - Lorn€rr E: Exterjor' r = rnterior. --ol- oorrH ;::: ll#:,; .lj: *.o.i,5*o iriul' ",^,: :^i.i ; ; ; * _ : : M o M E N r (psi) /r-,..--\ STRESS to.t REACTTON -UNBAL- --------l*,p") (psi) (kin<r y:yt$ ;ffftir- :ii3i, ASSN. p6gs co 10 ---_______- lPs.r, 4r\.1r'{rrK STRESS i! l"it1 I ;#s-;t* i r;:r i;;r;r rii:ii- li:ii:3c 252.e6 ; ffi S#Jp i ,:::i "'.; .B :1?::.;;'" !4es4 4 46'u ,z'.1 '3 i;:'11..0 L49 -94* - Shear srress !?F.o"a. .oru"* -ffi# DBoP/soLrD HEAD - - NUMBER ;;*"il; 'fr;l REACTTot'r sHEAR ---------lf:11 --- (kips) ?;f;' i il:: iltll""bt", ;;;;;;;;;;;;-,.,z r\ot appf icabLe. .r.^^ .-, i-l_'" 'vrrr Ilol specified.3 Nor "ilii;i:; ;::: iiilil:if:;:: :ii:*l:=S: @ I2-09-2002 ADOSS (rm)2:02:28;,';";#lj J;?',.iil:':;:TJ,:i.'.;".;:.::,::-i#:: ;:f:i:,ASSN. pase 12 ?.:.:'t l.:_f...l.:.:. y.:.I. : NOTE__The scheduL p ra-ceirien t -e glven befow -is " ":13: for propdr reinrorcement unusuaL ooull t" based on t"""J' modi rica t iol.f';l:;::;j::iffi"::i:, :l:;:";:i"l.l,li:"*"';:' " SPAN * COLUMN LONG BARS * ---- Q '\ h! n t\ ____ * :. ?_:. i.:. i* y*:* * * *:*:* I. ).:_ 3.l,-:.:.y.:'.I.l STRIP sHoRT BARS * r,olrl-";.:"_ -srRrp__BAR____,, ____-: - :^*" '. SHORT BARS MTn UL)L STRIP NUMBER * hro srzE LENGTH . "o--riri*f fi- l *LENGTH * No srzE LENGTH . ,n--"1"3 l-_:- -(ft) * ,-.." or4l LENGTH # 5 28.5s 4 # s 24.06 '3:32:33',3.^::::J:lj J.?".ii33':::TJ":ii.;ff:"::,::_ll3:: ;:H::. ^::, pase 14 ?.:. :. l.:. :. l* j*:*1. * *.1. 1.1. :,-:. :. ]. : :,:^t o: must.be eoinbirred with those_of.::-f:lp"ldicul-ar direction. corr",_riimethod of combination and finitations --e^--^ . .u|,drrs I and 4 are canti ievers. --liff;':i:T::: S:':::rj.ons are in addirion to rhose Ioad (DL) o.ia."ii"iomputed as a murt-iplrer of the deadr. See "CODE" for range of multipliers to concentrated or piappricatioi-ii.""in5.3ltl:-1 loads mav be rarser computed a" rrom ---'le srlown at the centerllne. sum or urr ro"J"""p;l:::':."lij.:Li""ot,n NOTES--The defLections the inaTysis- inusers manua.l for --Def.Lections dueat the point ofDeflections arederived from the - *Modul r: s CONCRETE FORMWORK REINFORCEMENT TTN TTiEi'NEr:n.r,rrznr ( POSITIVE ) SUMI\4qRY OF QUAN?ITIES CONCRETE FORMWORK RE TNFORCEMENT * * 25.4 cu.yd823. sq. ftDrREcrroN of lxar,ysrs r794. Ibs7293. lbs r** DEAD * "oLuMN sTRTp * MrDDr,E srRrpsPAN - ;oo; *-- DEELECTToN DUE ro NUMBER . ;;; ;--;;;;--;- ;;;; :;:-::::---l-____:::T:ll:i DUE ro: * (in^4) * ,.-, lrvrJ lorA', : ?p? . Lr;;--;--;;;;;--;---------l ttt' * (in) * (i'1 132s0. -----------------___ll___:__l::l__l__l::l * {in; *_.052 _.019 _ o-11; ijjil 3j,1 133 :yi - il; -:3'n - 071 4 132s0. _ 1?: 1gg .486 '.;;; l;" .266_.0s2 _.01e _.oii _.;;; _.3i; _.t i of elasticity of concrete, Ec = 3g34. ksi 3.Y.1.f,r1.1"T.: E s r r MA rE sx*+*)r * :t**** * * ***+ * * **** * t TOTAL QUANTITIES ft / sq. ft f t,/sq. f t/ sq. ft "* (IN THE DTRECTION OF ANALYSIS) .83 cu. 1. 00 sq.2.54 lbs * Program completed as requested * o@ L2-Ll-2002 ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietary software of PoRTLAND CEMENT ASSN. page 103:57:01 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Nlwelf Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO SHEAR ANALYSIS*************************** NOTE- -A-1] owable. slrear stress l-'n sfabs : ZgZ.g psi whenof coJ-. dim. (1ong,/short ) is less than 2 , O. --Wide beam shear (see ',CODEI) is not cornputed, check manually. --After the column numbers, C: Corner, E: Exteriorl I = Interior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSFER OE MOMENTAROUND COLUMNCOL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION UNBAL. SHEAR SHEARNo. tT:::: No. srRESs No. MoMENT TRANSFR srREss\ps-r/ (kipsy (psi ) (kips) (fr_k) (ft_k) (psi)--;:--. -. - ----------- -L t! lbr-.ub 1 38.5 / 33.41 r 38.5 _26.7 .0 33.4.12t 2i6.92 4 248.g/d.zgz.gs* i zae.g .o .0 2g2-94*3E 2'76.92 4 108.3 i-64.11 4 108.3 60.9 .0 164.11 * - Shea.r stress exceeded. - - AROUND COLUMN ALLOW. NUMBER STRESS (psi ) DROP/SOLID HEAD - - PATT REACTION SHEAR NO. (kips) (ps i ) ratio not speci fied. not specified. not specified. I Not applicabte, 2 Not applicable, 3 Not app.ticabt-e, drop dimensions drop dimensions drop dimensions Oo\urut ryh''Fs= H i, 72-rr-2002 ADoss (tm) 7.01 propr.ietary software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. page 123:57:01 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Newelf Engineers, fnc., Denver, CO DESIGN RESULTS ..** *+* ***** *+ * **+** * ** *.* ** * * NorB--The schedu-L'e .gl=verr berow is a qui-de for proper rGinforcementpfacement and is based on reasonable "rrqin".rirrg iroga^..,tunusual boundary and/or loading conditions ,.y ieirlremodlfication of this schedufe. NEGATIVE RE]NFORCEMENT**********************************++******** * COLUMN STR]P *MIDDLE STRIP* LONG BARS * sHoRT BARS * LONG BARSCOLUMN * :BA R - L E NG T H- * -BAR - L E N G TH- * _BA R _ L E N G T H_NUMBER * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT* trtl , (ft) * (ft) (fr) * (rr) (ft) l** 4 # 5 .42 5.4g 3 # 5 .42 3.80 I4 # 5 .42 4.r42 1 # 913.48 9.19 1 # 9 1.63 6.35 L4 # 513.48 7..733** s # 5 n.l9 1.7s 5 # s 6.35 r.15 .10 # 5 6.92 1.75 ** - Positive reinforcement required, desrgn manually. POS IT IVE REINFOR,CEMENT** + * + * ** * *,r r< * * **,r******* ** *** * ** * * ** * * * * * * ** * C O L U M N S-T R I P * M I D D L E S T R I P spAN : --::-: ^ 3o1:__ 't sHoRr. BARS * LoNG BARS * sHoRr BARS___ dA R ;___ r ____ B A R ____ * ____ B A R ____NUMBER * No srzE LENGTH * No srzE LENGTH * No srzE I.,ENGTH * No srzE LENGTH(fr) - (r.) * (fr) (fr) z 4 f 5 17.83 3 # 5 15.83 7 # 5 18.33 t # 5 15.383 13 #6 29.34 t2 #6 25.87 72 #5 2s.84 11 #5 25.12 0fi-4 1* \=r.77\$F rnidd\e3@= t? b4.'14 r-' | ' \-..'' : j,*f- + *l ** /o" €lt-s.\ cr!J:-r;rlir:* - QlT lz,qzi,rl 6,a411 u% 72-LF2a02 ADoss(tm) 7.01 proprietary software of PoRTLAND CEMENT ASsN.3:57:01 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc,, Denver, CO DEFLECTION ANALYSIS** * **** ******* **********:a* *** * * *** ** * * Page 14 NorEs--The deflecti-ons bgiow must be conbfne-d'with thi ie ofthe anal-ysis in the perpendicular direction. ConsuLtusers manual for method of conbination and Iimitations. --Modulus of elasticity of --Spans 1 and 4 are cantiLevers. --Time-dependent deflections are in additron to thoseshown and must be computed as a rnultiplier of the deadIoad(DL) deffection. See "CODE', for range of rnultipliers. --Deffections due to concentrated or partial Ioads may be Iargerat the point of application than those shown at the centerl-rne.Deflections are computed as f.rom an average uniform foadingderived from the sum of all loads applied to the span. '* * DEAD SPAN * LOAD NUMBER * Ieff.* (in^4) COLUMN DE ELECT ] ON concrete, Ec : 4287. ksi S TR] P * MIDDLE S TR I P DUE TO: * DEFLECTIoN DUE To: I DEAD (in1 * LIVE* (in) r TOTA], * DEAD * LIVE + TOTAL :F ' {:n1 . {in; * (in) * (in) 1 28 630. 3 22933.4 28630. .000 .007 .401 -.066 .000 .006 .282 - .024 .000 . U-LJ .689 -.090 -.u26 .27I -.uoo .000 -.009 1 ,,t E, - .024 .000 -. UJ / - non QUANTITY ESTIMATES*********************************** TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE FORMWORK REINFORCEMENT (IN THE (NEGAT]VE ) ( POSITIVE ) SUMMARY OT QUANTITIES cu.yd sq. f t OF ANALYSIS) lbs Ibs 44.7 T429. DI RECT ION r47 6. 20'7 L. CONCB.ETE . 93 cu. ftlsq. ft r uruvrwuKn l- . 00 sq. f t /sq. f tREINFORCEMENT*+ . . . . 2.48 tbs ,/ sq. ft **(IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) + Prog-ram completed as reguested * 02-19-2004 ADOSS(tm) 7 e :5i :2 1AM Lice n sed r", Mo;,::"$5n tPff :j: :lJ3:1":f M E N r AS s e g e t pppppp p pcp pc p pcp pc pppppp p p AAA DDDDDAAD D OA AD DO AAAAAAA D DA AD DOA AD D OA A DDDDD ccccc aaaaa ca a ca a ca a ccccc aaaaaa ca 6aeaaa OOO SSSSS SSSSSO S SS Sos sO O SSSSS SSSSSO S S (tttttmm mm )O S SS S ( t mmmm )OOO SSSSS SSSSS (tmmm) Computer program for ANALyS|S AND DESIGN OF SLAB SYSTEMS *raa***l****t*******i******tr***!r**+*a**rt*t************** Licensee stated above acknowledges that porfland cement Association(pcA) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or adequacy of the material suppl]ed as input for processing by the ADoss(tm) compuier program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty expressed nor implied witn-respecr to the correctness of the output prepared by the ADoss(tm) program. Although PCA has endeavored to produce ADoss(tm) error free ttre piogiam is not and cannot be certifled infallible. The final and only responsibility foi analysis, design and engineering documents is the licenseei. Accordingly, pcA disclaims all responsibility in contract, negrigence or other tort for any analysis, design or engineering documents prepared in connection with the use of the ADOSS(Im) program. Note: Further information and lechnical support on the ADoss computer program is available through the CPCA Web site at: "www.cpca.ca". - 02-19-2004 ADOSS(Im) 7 e : 53 ; 2 1 AM L i ce n sed,", "0"t" I!"51'0"tft f, Pffij: : lJ 3:.t":,: rvr E N r AS s Qs e 2 FILE NAME C:\PROGRA-1\ADOSS\DATA\5762SP53.ADS u) J E c' o______ __-?1?_1 SPAN ID. 53 ENGINEER az DATE 2t,t9/2004TIME 09;01:44 UNITS U.S. in-tbcoDE ACt318-95 SLAB SYSTEM FLATSLAB SYSTEM FRAMELOCATION INTERIOR DESIGN METHOD STRENGTH DESIGN MOMENTS AND SHEARS NOT PROPORTIONED NUMBER OF SPANS 4 SOLID HEAD DIMENSIONS : AS INPUT BY ENGINEER cgacRETE FACTORS SLABS BEAMS COLUMNS ISITY(pcf ) 1s0.00 100.00 lSo.oO]Y?E NORMAL WGT NORMAL WGT NORMAL WGTfc (ksi) 5.00 5.00 S.OO density factor 1.00 1.00 1.OOfr (psi) 530.30 530.30 530.30 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS: NON-PRESTRESSED YIELD STRENGTH Fy = 60.00 ksi DISTANCE TO RF CENTER FROM TENSION FACE: AT SLAB TOP = 1.25 in oUTER LAYER AT SLAB BOTTOM = 1]5 in OUTER LAYER MINIMUM FLEXURAL BAR SIZE: AT SLAB TOP = # 6 ATSLAB BOTTOM = #6 MINIMUM SPACING: lN SLAB = 6.00 in * SPECIFIED DROP PANEL LENGTH RIGHT LESS THAN 1/6 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 1DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. "'SPECIFIED DROP PANEL WIDTH LESS THAN 1/3 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 1DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. *ilCIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 1 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGEDlilNcE, EXCESS DEPTH oN SPAN 1 SIDE IGNORED FoR REINFoiCEMENT cALcULATtoNS. *SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 1 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGEDISTANCE' EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 2 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. ** arr|Fr^lFtt-h nrt^Ft FrAltl-r tFlt/rittrt-r.r. I t-a\a_ ?t t lt a r/! /\t_ t_Ft at -r /\/\t t rrtl, n 02-19-2004 ADOSS(Im) 7.01 ProprietarSlftware of PORTT-AND CEMENT ASSQge S 9:53:21 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Nilll Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS FROM SUPPORTS *ttr*a*t*at*********t****t*****t++*t*tt**t***t**********i* COL LOAD CROSS DESIGN DISTANCE LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD NUM ryPE SECTN MOMENT CR.SECTN PTRN DISTANCE PTRN(rr.$ (ft) (ft) 1 TOTL LEFT TOP -25.4 .52s 4 3.000 1BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 189.7 .665 4 2.600 2BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 2 TOIL LEFT TOP -474.4 .665 4 6.500 2BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 403.5 .665 4 8.100 3BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 3 TOTL LEFT TOP -102.9 .500 2 2]00 2BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 2.6 .17s 4 1.000 1BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 o2-1g'2oo4ADoss(tm) 7.01 ProprietaSpftware of pORTLAND CEMENT nssQge a 9:53:21 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Ndfll Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS ALONG SPANSt*tt***t*t*t****lt****************'l*t***a*************** SPAN LOAD CRITICAL DESIGN LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD MAX.I.P. LOADNUM TYPE SECTION MOMENT PTRN DIST LEFT PTRN DIST RGHT PTRN(ft) (rt-k) (ft) (ftI 2 TOTL 11.050 TOP .0 0 .000 0 .000 0BOT 301.3 4 8.450 1 9.750 1 3 TOTL 10.350 TOP .0 0 .000 0 .ooo oBOT 75.6 2 4.050 2 6.750 3 X1,li;lTfl ,t?3,'':'i?,'*0J,.,.:f5l5'finH''ffi ::::lJ3:."":,:35*'o"!o"s DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS AT SUPPORTS *****tt+*t***!rtt****ll****t**t************ COL CROSS TOTAL TOTAL.VERT COLUMN STRIP BEAM MIDDLE STRIP NUM SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE MOMENT MOMENT MOMENT (rt:k) (fi-k) ( %I (ft:kl( % ) (ft_k) ( 7o ) (ft_k) ( 7o ) 1 LEFTTOP -2s.4 .0( 0) -24.7 (97) .0( 0) _.7( 3)BoT .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(o) RGHT TOp 189.7 .0 ( 0) 1s4.4 ( e7) .0 ( 0) 5.4 ( 3)BOT .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .o(o) 2 LEFT TOp -474.4 .0 ( 0) -355.8 ( 7s) .0 ( O) _118.6 ( 25)BOr .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .o(o) RGHT TOp 403.5 .0 ( 0) 302.6 ( 75) .O ( O) 100.e ( 25)Bor .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(o) 3 LEFT TOp -102.9 .0 ( 0) _32.5 ( 32) .0 ( O) _70.4 ( 68)BOr .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) RGHr rop 2.6 .0 ( 0) .8 ( 32) .0 ( 0) 1.8 ( 68) ^BOT .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(o) - DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS IN SPANS***a****ta***it****t******************* SPAN CROSS TOTAL TOTAL-VERT COLUMN STRIP BEAM MIDDLE STRIPNUM SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE MOMENT MOMENT MOMENT(ft-k) (ft-k)(%) (ft-k)(%) (ft_k)(70) (ft_k)(%) 211.0sTOp .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(o) BOT 301.3 .0 ( 0) 180.8 ( 60) .O ( O) 120.5 ( 40) 310.35rop .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(o)BOT 75.6 .0 ( 0) 45.3 ( 60) .0 ( 0) 30.2 ( 40) K,l?;?Tf, ,t"*3Li'.?,'^,T","i:fi 5'fif,ffi;::::lJ3:1":f r'erurnssQoeo SHEAR ANALYSIS **+**++*****il*********:l**** lOtr--O,,o*able shear stress in slabs = 282.g4 psi when ratio of col. dim. (long/short) is less than 2.0. ---Afterthe coiumn nUmbers, C = Corner, E jExterior, | = lnterior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSFER OF MOMENT---- AROUND COLUMN -- COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION UNBAL. SHEAR SHEARNO' STRESS NO. STRESS NO. MOMENT TRANSFR SiNESS(psi) (kips) (psi) (kips) (ft_k) (ft_k) (psi) -Wide beam shear (see'CODE) is not computed, check manually. 1E 282.84 4 115.6 252.97 4 115.6 172.5 69.0 424.62.2t 282.84 4 212.0 347.87' 4 212.0 _87.0 -34.8 414.79'3E 152.74 1 50.6 19.41 2 50.5 _83.1 _12.2 23.65 ' - Shear stress exceeded. - - AROUND DROP/SOLID HEAD - - COLUMN ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR NUMBER STRESS NO, STRESS(psi) (kips) (psi) 1E 279.68 4 113.8 114.002l 279.68 4 207.8 156.11 3 Not applicable, drop dimensions not specified. x1.1rTil,t?:::,i?,'"'"'J:"$5Kyjg"ffi ::::lJ3:3":f MENrAssNleT NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT COLUMN-PATT-LOCATION - TOTAL * COLUMN STRIP - MIDDLE STRIP NUMBER. NO.-@COL FACE* DEStcN - AREA WTDTH . AREA WTDTH. (ft-k) " (sq.in) (ft) . (sq.in) (ft) 1 4 llR 189.7 4,80 13.0 3.35 15.52 1 Ell -174.4- 9.74 9.0 4.21 i9.53 2 Lll -102.9 1.94 9.0 4.21 19.5 POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT SPAN *PATT-LOCATION - TOTAL - COLUMN STRIP - MIDDLE STRIP NUMBER- NO.*FROM LEFT- DESIGN * AREA WIDTH * AREA WIDTH (ft) '(ft-k) * (sq.in) (ft) . (sq.in) (ft) 2 4 11.1 301 .3 5.01 13.0 3.35 15.53 210.4 75.6 1.94 9.0 4.21 19.5 jat_ rhrD (-> L l 0.6 C) o,q o.,L, * b g .{ ,b" a^ e'l e, b' Te g (D,- eb@ro"-To?@fvlrD e b@fL" bot @ 1at- &o8 tL" fu-r gpa19 11,1:;Ti,t?:::'j?,1'"'J:"5;5'ft ,1#,ffi :fi :TJ3:3":iMENrAssNSes DESIGN RESULTS Or---rn. schedule given below is a guide for proper reinforcement placement and is based on reasonable engineering judgement. Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may require modification of this schedule. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT * COLUMN STRIP -MIDDLE STRIP- LONG BARS - SHORT BARS - LONG BARS COLUMN * -B A R - L E N G T H. * -B A R - L E N G T H- - -B A R - L E N G T H- NUMBER - NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT'NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT - NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT. (ft) (fr) . (ft) (ft) . (ft) (ft) 1 6 #6 3.00 8.07 s #6 3.00 5.60 10 #6 3.00 6.092 7 # 810.14 10.94 6 #8 7.56 7.56 ',13 #6 8.04 9.643 3 #6 5.55 1.00 3 #6 3.87 1.00 13 #6 4.20 1.00 POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT - COLUMN STRIP * MIDDLE STRIP I r-or.rc BARs . sHoRT BARS . LoNG BARS . sHoRT BARSsqN *-- BA R ---- *---- BA R ---- *---- BA R ---- ----- BA R ---- NUMBER * NO SIZE LENGTH - NO SIZE LENGTH'NO SIZE LENGTH * NO SIZE LENGTH- (ft) t (ft) . (ft) . (ft) 2 6 # 6 25.59 6 #6 22.59 5 #6 26.09 5 #6 21.94 3 3 #617.75 3 #6 15.75 7 #6 18.25 6 #6',15.30 'iJ.1;1Til,1?3::t?"H:"5l5,ftyfl Iy.?';::::lJ3:3":.'X5*'nssruf; ;e':o DEFLECTION ANALYSIS Grrr--rne deflections below must be combined with those of the analysis in the perpendicular direction. Consult users manual for method of combination and limitations- --Spans 1 and 4 are cantilevers. -Time-dependent deflections are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a multiplier of the dead load(DL) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multipliers. -Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads may be larger at the point of application than those shown at the centerline' Deflections are computed as from an average uniform loading derived from the sum of all loads applied to the span. -Modulus of elasticity of concrele, Ec = 4287. ksi * ICOLUMN STRIP-MIDDLE STRIP ' DEAD ' DEFLECTION DUE TO: . DEFLECTION DUE TO: 1? 4 SPAN * LOAD - NUMBER" leff. * DEAD. LIVE - TOTAL. DEAD'LIVE * TOTAL - - (in^4) " (in) . (in) . (in) * (in) . (in) ' (in) ' 28500. -.035 -.012 -.Q47 -.036 -.012 -.048 27020. .173 .076 .249 .091 .037 .128 28500. .0',19 .011 .029 .000 .o02 .002 28500. -.001 .000 -.001 -.001 .000 -.001 3.',..i,|..1 l.l.I.,i.: -I-ly. 1-l t t TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 42.9 cu.Yd FORMWORK 1392. sq.ft RETNFORCEMENT (lN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) (NEGATIVE) 1436. lbs (POSITIVE) 1275. lbs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE .85 cu.ftlsq.ft FORMWORK 1.02 sq.fVsq.ft REINFORCEMENT** .... 1.98 lbs / sq.ft ."(IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) * Program comPleted as requested * 12-71-2002 ADoss(tm) ?.0L proprietary software of e0RTLAND cEMENT ASSN. page 104:01:59 PM Licensed tot Monroe and Newe.ll_ Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO SHEAR ANALYSIS ******************+******** lioTE-- -Af rowabte sh-e-aF stTess iTi sf5b5 : 282.84 psT wFen rat-ioof col,. dirn. (long/short) is Less than 2.0. --Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not conputed, check manually. --After the column numbers, C = Corner, E : Exterior, I = fnterior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSFER OF MOMENTAROUND COT,UMNCOI. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION UNBAL. SHEAR SHEARNO. STRESS NO. STRESS NO. MOMENT TRANSFR STRESS _______jT:l_____. '(kips) (psi) lkipsi (ft-k) (ft-k) (psi) 1E 161. o6 ' '-----;;l;-;--;;-.;;----;-----;;:;----_;;:;-------:;----;;-.;;-- 21 276-92 4 299.ay'0f,.1a0.:o* 4 2ss.4 .O .o 340.30*3E 276.92 4 122-? 185.95 4 122."1 68.8 .o 185.95 * - Shear stress exceeded. - - AROUND DROP/SOLID HEAD - - COLUMN ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR NUMBER STRESS NO. STRESS (psi ) (kips) lpsi ) 1 Not applicable, drop dimensionb not specified.2 Not applicable, drop dimensions not specified.3 Not applicable, drop dimensions not specified, @ L2-II-20A2 ADOSS (tm) 7.01 Propr:ietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page l2 4:01:59 PM Licensed !o: Monroe and Newel-f Engineers, Inc', Denver, CO DESIGN RESULTS +**+*********************** Na]T;-__Tha. <nho.lrrl * rtt---... L.-. 1^,., i- ^ -..i^^ f .\r nl-oDer rei nfCI.Cengnt--- - rIVeIl UE llrvY !J a vurss !v! yfv|J!r r,l ^-emenr and is based on reasonable engineering judgenent, UnusuaJ" boundary and/or Ioading conditions may requrre modificatron of this s chedule . NEGAT]VE REINFORCEMENT ***********+******l.*********++************** * coLU* LONG BARS COLUMN*-BAR-LENG NUMBER * NO SIZE LEFT* (fr) q T Q T p +M r SHORT BARS -BAR._LENGTH-*-B NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT * NO(fr) (fr) DDLE STRIP LONG BARS AR-LENGTH- I f i- \ / f | ) MN TH- RIGHT(fr) 1** 2 3** 4 B 5 s q rl ?q # s 8,89 4 I 5 ** - Positive re.inforcement required, design manually. DNqTT'T\/tr B.EINFORCEMENT *******************************l*+********+* 6 .54 8.89 I. /J STR* SHORT* ---- B A+ NO SIZE + q A) + E 11 ?O # s 6.14 *o +q ^.> 5.55 6. 15 4 .50 5.15 1.75 4 .9L 1.75 16 16 14 * COLUMN* LONG BARS SPAN BAR____ NUMtsER * NO SIZE LENGTH* (f r ) IP BARS R ---- LENGTH DLE R ---- I,ENGTH * M]D T LONG* ---- B A* NO S]ZE STRIP SHORT BARS ----BAR---- NO SIZE LENGTH(fr) 2 3 8 10 1 10 I L2 8 T2 +trIt?it 2I .33 28 .34 1,8.90 24.99 2L .83 28.84 18.36 24 .21 C-Olu-,t'*.\'=rrv'-r'-Y = {C't& {\' iua*i* *-.*".'''? = Z4'O 4+' t-r:.+-6!.a.r'*-= AA1O,8N\ +-- r= ' \:'-r:.." f;l I \- | rn^ ilyrT 2 t5fr_L -t.+F-*l7,&4.Zo l- +ddt " . c,4a.s {o,ot/to'? = CV- 12-lI-2002 ADOSS (tln) 4 :01:59 PM Licensed o@ ?.01 Proprietary Soflware of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN' Page 14 to: Monrol and Newell- Engineers, rnc'' Denver' co DEFLECTION ANAL YS I S ************************************** NOTES--The- deff ections be-low must be combined r'ri'th thosg- o-f- tne analysis in the Perpendicular direction' Consult ,""t" .ti,"1 for method of combination and limitati-ons --Time-dependent defLections are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a multiplier of the dead load(DL) deffectlon. See "CODE" for range of multipliers ' --Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads may be Iarger at the point of application than those shovrn at the centerJine' Deflections are computed as from an average uniforrn loading derived from the sum of all loads applied to the span' --Spans 1 and 4 are cantilevers - -Modulus * DEAD of efasticity of concrete, Ec = 4287 ' ksL * COLUMN STRI P * DEFLECTION DUE TO: * MI DDI,E STRI P * DEFLECTTON DUE TO: + Tr\nn *il#*-;?;. * DEAD + LrvE * TorAL * DEAD * LrvE * rorAl * ------ : ll-11 : lll -:--l:1.-:--i::l---:--il:l--:--11:l--:--irl---: 1 33760. -.003 -'oo1 -'oo4 -'003 -'001 -'004 2 2s694. .o-t2 ' 033 ' 105 ' 003 '002 ' 005 3 2s6es. .352 '255 ' 608 '207 ' 108 ' 315 4 33760. --057 -'o2o - 'o'11 -'05? -'02a -'078 OUANTTTY ESTIMATES *********,.*+****+*********+****+*** TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE FORMViIORK REI NFORCEMENT (NEGAT IVE ) (POSTTIVE ) (]N THE 54. 5 L]70. DIRECTION 1570. 2406. cu. yd sq. ft OF ANALYSTS ) l-b s lbs SUMMARY OT QUANTITIES CONCRETE FORMV,I0RK REINFORCEMENT+ * -,1 F" /<.1 ft sq, ftlsq. ft lbs / sq. ft .83 1. 00 2.25 **(IN THE DIRECT]ON OE ANALYSIS) * Program comPleted as requested * ?3,J3;Tiiii"?'"3!1f,11#1,':J::Xi'ilil;iYil?":'"',":n:ru?cEMENrAssruf set pppppp p pc p pcp pcp pc p pc pppppp p p AAA DDDDDAAD D OA AD DO AAAAAAA D DA AD DO A AD D OA A DDDDD ccccc aaaaa ca a ca a ccccc aaaaaa OOO SSSSS O S SS SOS SO O SSSSS OSS O S SS S OOO SSSSS SSSSS SSSSS (ttttt mm mm )( t mmmm )SSSSS (tmmm) a aaaaaa aa Computer program for ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF SLAB SYSTEMS Licensee stated above acknowledges that Portland Cement Association(pCA) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or adequacy of the material supplied as input for processing by the ADOSS(Im) computer program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty expressed nor implied with respect to the correctness of the output prepared by the ADOSS(Im) program- Although PCA has endeavored to produce ADOSS(Im) error free the program is not and cannot be certified infallible. The final and only responsibility for analysis, design and engineering documents is the licensees. Accordingly, pCA disclaims all responsibility in contracl, negligence or other tort for any analysis, design or engineering documents prepared in connection with the use of the ADOSS(tm) program. Note: Further information and technical support on the ADOSS computer program is available through the CPCA Web site at; "www.cpca.ca,'. - ?il3:itiifi,;'":::'f,Ll^::.li::Xiiinruil"":'":in:flffi it'J'o"Qoez FILE NAME C:\PROGRA-1\ADOSS\DATA\5762SP54.ADS DJECT ID. 5762v .PAN rD --;;--- ENGINEER az DATE 2h9t2001TIME 09:01:44 UNITS U,S. in-IbcoDE ACt318-9s SLAB SYSTEM FLAT SLAB SYSTEM FRAMELOCATION INTERIOR DESIGN METHOD STRENGTH DESIGN MOMENTS AND SHEARS NOT PROPORTIONED NUMBER OF SPANS 4 SOLID HEAD DTMENSIONS ; AS tNpUT By ENGINEER CACRETE FACTORS SLABS BEAMS COLUMNS USITY(pcf ) 150.00 150.00 1s0.00TYPE NORMALWGT NORMALWGT NORMALWGTfc (ksi) 5.00 5.00 5.00 density factor 1.00 1.00 1.00fr (psi) 530.30 530_30 530.30 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS: NON-PRESTRESSED YIELD STRENGTH Fy = 60.00 ksi DISTANCE TO RF CENTER FROM TENSION FACE: AT SLAB TOP = 1.25 in OUTER LAYER ATSLAB BOTTOM = 1]5 in OUTER LAYER MINIMUM FLEXURAL BAR SIZE: AT SLAB TOP = # 6 ATSLABBOTTOM= #6 MINIMUM SPACING: lN SLAB = 6.00 in * SPECIFIED DROP PANEL LENGTH RIGHT LESS THAN 1/6 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 1DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. -" SPECIFIED DROP PANEL WIDTH LESS THAN 1/3 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 1 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. :lglryo DRop DEprH AT coLUMN 1 cREATER THAN 1/4TH THE suppoRT-DRop EDGEDIS?ANCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 1 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. ."SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 1 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGEDISTANCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 2 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. rri} 6hFatl-ll-|'\ a\6a\6 Fr}trll-t I rrr^Tlt I t-t-t I rl-ar -rt IAI|,at -rFar|-tAI| A.rar,.\t I larlt 6 ?3,J3;?iii3"""?3!T,f l^:1"',i:Hiin'iHil'":,:ilS"?,::^3'J'nss.rfea DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS FROM SUPPORTS COL LOAD CROSS DESIGN DISTANCE LOAD MAX.I.P- LOAD NUM WPE SECTN MOMENT CR.SECTN PTRN DISTANCE PTRN(f.-kI (ft) (ftI 1 TOTL LEFT TOP -20.6 .525 4 3.000 1BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 47',1.7 .665 4 5.662 2BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 2 TOTL LEFT TOP -795.7 .665 4 7.550 2BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 598.1 .66s 4 11.000 3BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 3 TOTL LEFT TOP -65.2 .500 2 9.000 3BOT 37.5 .500 3 .000 0 RGHT TOP 2.3 .175 4 1.000 1BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 02-19-2004ADOSS(Im) 7 1 0 : 00 : 1 2 AM L icensed,", ,,: l, :J:H".tin;iTil?":t"ti Hroffi:%tJ r AS s ss e + DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS ALONG SPANS**tlt**************r**rt****i**r***tt**r****t*********** SPAN LOAD CRITICAL DESIGN LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD MAX.I.P. LOADNUM TYPE SECTION MOMENT PTRN DIST LEFT PTRN DIST RGHT PTRN(ft) (ft:k) (ftI (ft1 2 TOTL 17.931 TOP .0 0 .000 o .oo0 0BOT 473.2 4 12.269 1 12.269 1 3 TOTL 14.500 TOP .0 0 .oo0 o .oo0 0BOT 83.6 4 6.500 2 4.500 4 ?6,J3;f iiifl """,?:lT,Ll#i,:J::i"Jilllruil;":'"',,:n:ff ;:t'Jrnssf oes DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS AT SUPPORTS***tt*****+*!a+!t**++t!t**:r+*t***+!t**t******t COL CROSS TOTAL TOTAL-VERT COLUMN STRIP NUM SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE MOMENT(rk) (ft-k) ( % ) (ft-k)( % ) (ft:k) (o/o) (ft_k) (%) BEAM MIDDLE STRIP MOMENT MOMENT 1 LEFTTOP -20.6 .0(0) _1e.8(e6) .0( 0) _.7( 4)BOr .0 .0(0) .0(0) .o(0) o(0) RGHTTOP 471.7 .0( 0) 455.1(96) .O( 0) 16.6( 4)BOT .0 .0(0) .0(0) .o(o) .o(o) 2 LEFT TOp -795.7 .0 ( 0) _596.8 ( 75) .0 ( 0) _19s.9 ( 25)BOr .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(o) RGHT TOp 5e8.1 .0 ( 0) 448.5 ( 7s) .O ( 0) 14e.5 ( 25)BOT .0 .0(0) .0(0) .o(0) .0(0) 3 LEFT TOp -65.2 .0 ( 0) _25.6 ( 39) .O ( O) _39.6 ( 61)Bor 37.s .0 ( 0) 14.7 (3s) .0 ( 0) zz.e (ati RGHT TOp 2.3 .0 ( 0) .9 ( 39) .0 ( o) 1.4 ( 61)lBor .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(o) \v 17.e3_TOp .0 .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0) .o ( 0) .0 ( 0)Bor 473.2 .0 ( 0) 2s3.e ( 60) .o ( o) ras.g i+o) 14.!0_Iop .0 .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0)BOT 83.6 .0 ( 0) 50.2 ( 60) 0 ( o) 33.4 ( 40) DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS IN SPANS**********!rt***!r*t*********lrt********** SPAN CROSS TOTAL TOTAL-VERT COLUMN STRIP BEAM MIDDLE STRIPNUM SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE MOMENT MOMENT MOMENT(ft-k) (ft-k)(%) (ft_k)(%) (ft_k)(%) (ft_k)(%) ?3;3:iif,fft'"?:l'fJ"1'fl l"',i:'J:'ii:ruffi'""':n:tr;:tilresstrf, eo tt-I.F.f.Lni:.1.t.J.:' t r{ TE-Allowable shear stress in slabs = 282'84 psi when ratio of col. dim. (long/short) is less than 2.0. -Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check manually' -After the column numbers, C = Corner, E = Exterior, l= Interior' DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSFER OF MOMENT --.- AROUND COLUMN --- COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION UNBAL. SHEAR SHEAR NO. STRESS NO. STRESS NO. MOMENT TRANSFR STRESS (psi) (kips) (psi) (kips) (ft-k) (ft-k) (psi) 'tE 282.84 4 131.8 288.44. 4 131.8 470.3 188.1 756.52. 2t 282,U 4 238.6 391.49* 4 238.6 -217.1 -86.8 558.48. 3E 155.56 1 43J 20.26 2 43.5 -48.9 -7.9 23.53 '- Shear stress exceeded. -. AROUND DROP/SOLID HEAD - - COLUMN ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR NUMBER STRESS NO. STRESS (Psi) (kiPs) (Psi) 1E 279.68 4 130.0 130.24 2t 279.68 4 234.4 176.08 3 Not applicable, drop dimensions not specified. ?3,J3;?iif1,"".,'.::'flf l^:1":J:#inruil?S',in:ro?cEMENTASSnlsez NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT *******i********:t*t********t+tt***!r*****t*** .' COLUMN*PATT-LOCATION - TOTAL " COLUMN STRIP " MIDDLE STRIP NUMBER* NO..@COL FACE. DEStcN * AREA WTDTH " AREA WTDTH. (ft-k) - (sq.in) (ft) . (sq.in) (ft) 1 4 ll R 471.7 12.47 11.5 2.48 11.52 4 Lll -79s.7 17.13 10.0 5.19 13.0 3"" 2 Lll -65.2 2.16 10.0 3.35 15.5 ** - Positive reinforcement required, compute manually. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT *****:r:r****t*t****t****t****t*************** SPAN -PATT*LOCATION " TOTAT 'COLUMN STRIP * MIDDLE STRIP NUMBER- NO.-FROM LEFT- DESIGN - AREA WIDTH * AREA WIDTH (ft) . (ft-k) " (sq.in) (ft) . (sq.in) (ft) 2 417.9 473.2 8.05 11.5 5.27 11.53 4 14.5 83.6 2.16 10.0 3.35 15.5 (Pt- rlarO /-\ t,fu a,b\/ (+) onb o,3 * 6 @ to" er * 7 @ b,o" n vle@,3" ror 6co,- *. u, g tc>" ao? frtlDDLE t+ a @ a" bot. C-oe . * b@ lo" bot' flrD ?6,J3.:i'i,ifl'"""?:['fl,f1'f,:"',J:?XTt]itil?,'""'"''i[:fl?f":T'J'ASSN]e 8 DESIGN RESULTS placement and is based on reasonable engineering judgement. Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may require modification of this schedule. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT - COLUMN STRIP *MIDDLE STRIP- LONG BARS - SHORT BARS * LONG BARS COLUMN ".8 A R - L E N G T H- - -B A R - L E N G T H-' -B A R - L E N G T H- NUMBER " NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT - NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT - NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT- (ft) (ft) . (ft) (ft) . (ft) (ft) 1 8 # 8 3.00 11.59 I #8 3.00 7.95 I #6 3.00 8.682 7 #1012.53 14.26 7 #10 9.42 9.42 12 #6 9.83 13.283*" 4 #610.18 1.00 3 #6 5.68 1.00 10 #610.18 1.00 ** - Positive reinforcement required, design manually. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT ************************+*****tit*********** * COLUMN STRIP - MIDDLE STRIP- LONG BARS - SHORT BARS - LONG BARS - SHORT BARS SPAN . --- B A R ---- * --- B A R ---- ----- B A R ---- * ---- BA R --NUMBER * NO SIZE LENGTH - NO SIZE LENGTH - NO SIZE LENGTH - NO SIZE LENGTH- (ft) . (ft) . (ft) . (ft) 2 10 #6 37.U I #6 32.87 6 #6 37.84 6 #6 31.923 4 # 6 19.75 3 #6 17.50 5 #6 20.25 5 #6 17.00 ?3il3;?tif,-?"?'"31'f,Ll^3:,.',.J:*Tiltruili":'""ifi:ru?cEMENTAsslo"s ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AT SUPPORTS*****************************ii***********ti**********rt*****r**** - * REINF, SUMMARY- ADD'L R/F REQ'D DUE TO UNBALANCED (U.) MOMENT TRANSFERCOLUMN * --------------r NUMBER - W/O U. MOMENT " MAX.U. *GAMMA* FLEXURAL *PATT* CRITICAL SECTION- REQ'D - PROV'D* MOMENT'-f 'TRANSFER *NO. - SLABW - AREA - R/F "(sq.in) (sq.in). (ft-k) . * (ft-k) " . (ft) (sq.in; 14.95 16.16 517.4 .60 310.4 4 3.8 s.45 7 #822.32 23.06 -222.2 .60 _133.3 3 3.8 3.62 0 #105.51 7.48 -85.2 .84 -71.5 2 22.5 1.82 o #6 NorE: Zero transfer "cRlIcAL SLABW' indicates no support dimensionsgiven for transfer. lf beam(s) are present, transfer mode may be due to beam shear and/or torsion, check manually. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FORIN-SPAN CONDITIONS ******tt****lt****t********t!t*t**********:r*tt**:r*** 1 2 2 SUMMARY " TOTAL FACTORED SPAN AT MIDSPAN * STATIC DESIGN MOMENT - PROV'D. - (WiO PARTIAL LOADS) (sq.in) - (ft-k) - REINF. SPAN * NUMBER"* REQ'D. '(sg.in) 2 ? 13.32 13.6,f5.51 7.48 't098.3 325.7 ?313:iliif l"'"?:$11,?1"',i:'Jiiilryil:'9"'":n:ff'cEMENTASSN DEFLECTION ANALYSIS *****t******ttrt*****t**********t**t** IbtES--rne deflections below must be combined with those of- tn" analysis in the perpendicular direction' Consult users manuat for method of combination and limitations' --Soans 1 and 4 are cantilevers' -Time-dependent deflections are in addition to those tho*tt"iiO must be computed as a multiplier-of the dead r"iiiiiLl J"tr"ction' See;'coDE" for range of multipliers' -Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads. may be larger Xii'" ii'"i"r "pplication than those shown at the centerline' Deflections are computed as from an average uniform loading J"iJ"J ito* the sum of all loads applied to the span' -Modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec = 4287' ksi * *COLUMN STRIP"MIDDLE_S-TRIP * DEAD . DEFLECTTON OUe fO: - DEFLECTION DUE TO: Pageo 10 SPAN * LOAD - DEAD - LIVE - TOTAL ' (in) .- LIVE * TOTAL - (in) . (in). (in) -NUMBER* leff' * DEAD * (in^4) ' (in) - (in) ' I ? 4 23000. -.079 -.027 -.106 -.080 -'028 tizeg..e65 -904 1.869 '473 '376 ziia1..o13 .oo7 .o2o -'ooe -'oo2 ziioo. .ooo .ooo .ooo 'ooo 'ooo -.108 .848 -.011 .000 QUANTITY ESTIMATES ************+*******+:l*t**t*t*****t TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 46'1 cu'Yd FORMWORK 1497' sq'ft irEiI.iFiJNCiT"TENT (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) (NEGATIVE) (POSlTlvE) 2742. lbs 2111. lbs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE '85 cu'fUsq'ft Fonuwonx 1.02 sq.fusq'ft - hErr.tFonceruENT** ..'. 3.29 lbs / sq'ft **(lN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) * Program comPleted as requested * I2-Og-2OO2 ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN' Page l0 2:34226 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Newelf Engineers, Inc., Denver/ CO SHEAR ANALYS]S *******************+******* NoTE--A11or4rable shear stress in, sl abs . 25?.9Q psi when ratio of col-. dim. (l-onq/short) is less than 2.0. --Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check manually' --After the cofumn nunbers, C = Corner, E = ExterioY ' T: Interior' DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSFER OF MOMENT AROUND COLUMN COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION UNBAL. SHEAR SHEAR NO. STRESS NO. STRESS NO. MOMENT TRANSFR STRESS (psr) (kips) lpsi) (kips) (ft-k) (ft-k) lpsi) 31.91 1 36.1 -24.9 .0 31.91 2'76.26*,,/.4 243.0 .0 .0 276.26* 160.96 1.,''4 106.2 -59.8 .O 160.96 COLUMN ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR NUMBER STRESS NO. (Psi ) ) 1I1r,)) lleinc\ f n<i l 1 r'r^! --^ti^-l-ta ztr.rn dimcnqinnq lot soeCi figd..l t\uL dPPrrec'rrfEr \.i! v}J srrtLsrrJ!vrrJ Ive rtl 2 Not applicable' drop dimensions not specified. ? N.rf rnnl inalrle- clrnn dimansi.rs nof soecified.ayy!!vo uaL, lZ-Og-2002 ADOSS(trn) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 12 2:34:27 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc., Denver, Co DESIGN RESU\TS +*+ ****** *+** *** * * * ** * ** * *:t NOTE--The scheduf e given beJ-ow is- -a gqi{q for- p-r-oper l9inf orcelgnt nl:cemenf and is based on reasonabfe engineering judgenent. Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may require modification of this schedule. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT * * * + * tf * * * * * * ** * * * * *+** * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * + * COLUMN STRIP *M]DDLE STRIP * LONG BARS * SHORT BARS * LONG BARS COLUMN * -BAR- L EN G T H- * -BAR- L E NG TH- * -BAR - L E N GT H_ NUMBER * NO SIZE LEFT RTGHT * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT * NO SIZE LEFT RTGHT * (ft) (ft) * (ft) (ft) * (ft) (ft) l** 3,#5 .42 5.34 3 +5 -{2 3.70 1-4 #5 .42 4'03 z L.{ # g 1.3-72 9.04 1 # 9/f -43 6.25 14 # 513-12 1'60 3** 5 # 5 9.04 1.75 5 + 5 6.25 r.15 10 # 5 6-81 1.75 ** - Positive reinforcement required, design manually' 2 3 +5 17.33 3 +5 15.40 ? +517.83 t *514.96 3 12 #6 28.84 72 *u€B l-1 +s 2s.34 ll #s 24.70 POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT ***********************+******************** * COLUMN STRIP * MTD DLE STRIP * LONG BARS * SHORT BARS * LONG BARS * SHORT BARS spAN * ---- BAR ---- * ---- BAR---- * ---- BAR ---- * ---- BAR ---- NUMBER + NO SIZE LENGTH * NO SIZE LENGTH * NO SIZE LENGTH * NO SIZE LENGTH * (fr) * (ft) * (ft) * (ft) @ L2-09-2002 ADOSS(tn) 7.01 Proprietary software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN' Page 14 2:34:21 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Newel1 Engineers, Inc', Denver' CO DEELECTION ANALYSIS ************+*******+***************** NOTE$ -The deflections b,e-lgq 3-u9t be combined with those of the analysis in tne peipendiculii af-iecfion ' ConsDlt users manual for method of combination and fimitations --anrne 1 :nd 4 are cant i ]evers --Tirne-dependent deflections are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a multiplier of the dead load (DL) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multipJ-iers' --Deftections due to concentrated or partial loads may be larger at the point of application than those shown at the centerline' Deffections are computed as from an average uniforn loading derived from the surn of all loads applied to the span' --Modu.lus of elasticity of concrete, Ec : 3834' ksi * * COLUMN STRl P * MIDDLE STRI P * DEAD * DEFLECTION DUE TO: * DEFLECTION DUE TO: SPAN * LOAD *---------- NUMBER * Ieff. * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * * 1in^4) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) 1 2 3 28500. 24609. 20412. 28500. .000 .006 -.070 .000 -.029 .293 -.070 .000 .000 .00s .0r2 .293 .144 _ nrq - nqq nnn nnn -. 010 -. 040 ,i q] AAA - .025 -. 096 QUANTITY ESTIMATES * *** *** /.**** +****** ** J'*** ** * ** ** *** TOTAL QUANT]TIES CONCRETE FORMWORK RE I NFORCEMENT (NEGAT]VE ) (POSITIVE) (IN THE 43.0 r5).!, DI RECT I ON I4 5Y. l-940. cu.yd sq. ft OF ANALYS IS ) lbs Ibs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE FORMWORK RETNFORCEMENT * * ^rr fi / c.r fl-vg.l9lv\1..' ^- ct l^- CrDgl. !L/ Jq' !L 'I l-\c / <d fl- 1.00 2 .42 ** (TN THE DIRECT]ON OF ANALYSTS) * Program completed as requested ' O2-1s-2oo4ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietafp"rg of PORTLAND CEMENT nssrrr*e r 'i0:31:41 AM Licensed to: Monroe and NeFell Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO pppppp ccccc aaaaap pc ca ap pc c ap p c aaaaaap pc ca ap pc ca a pppppp ccccc aaaaaa p p AAA DDDDD OOO SSSSS SSSSS A A D D O O S SS S A AD DO OS S AAAAAAAD DO O SSSSS SSSSSA AD DO O S S (ffimm mm) A AD D O O S SS S ( t mmmm )A ADDDDD OOO SSSSS SSSSS (tmmm) Computer program for ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF SLAB SYSTEMS Licensee stated above acknowledges that Portland Cement Association(PCA) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or adequacy of the material supplied as input for processing by the ADOSS(Im) computer program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty expressed nor implied with respect to the correctness of the output prepared by the ADOSS(Im) program. Although PCA has endeavored to produce ADOSS(Im) error free the program is not and cannot be certified infallible. The final and only responsibility for analysis, design and engineering documents is the licensees. Accordingly, PCA disclaims all responsibility in contract, negligence or other tort for any analysis, design or engineering documents prepared in connection with the use of the ADOSS(Im) program. Note: Further information and technical support on the ADOSS computer program ic 2vailable through the CPCA Web site at: "www.cpca.ca".v ?3,1?;1'9Kf ."-""?il'Ll1^::"'#*ixmruffi"::'":n:s"?,:":1il'ASSNoe2 FILE NAME C:\PROGRA-I!ADOSS\DATA\5762SP55.ADS Qrcr ro. s762 SPAN ID. 55 trN(llNtrtrR ^7 DATE 211912004 TIME 09:01:44 UNITS U.S. in-lb coDE ACl318-95 SLAB SYSTEM FLAT SLAB SYSTEM FRAMELOCATION INTERIOR DESIGN METHOD STRENGTH DESIGN MOMENTS AND SHEARS NOT PROPORTIONED NUMBER OF SPANS 5 SOLID HEAD DIMENSIONS : AS INPUT BY ENGINEER qlcnerr FAcroRS SLABS BEAMS CoLUMNS ENSITY(pcf ) 150.00 150.00 150.00 ryPE NORMALWGT NORMALWGT NORMALWGT fc (ksi) 5.00 5.00 5.00 density factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 fr (psi) 530.30 530.30 530.30 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS: NON-PRESTRESSED YIELD STRENGTH Fy = 60.00 ksl DISTANCE TO RF CENTER FROM TENSION FACE: AT SLAB TOP = 1.25 in OUTER LAYER AT SLAB BOTTOM = 1.75 in OUTER LAYER MINIMUM FLEXURAL BAR SIZE: AT SLAB TOP = # 6 ATSLABBOTTOM= #6 MINIMUM SPACING: lN SLAB = 6.00 in ** SPECIFIED DROP PANEL WIDTH LESS THAN 1/3 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 1 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. *"SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 1 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGE DISTANCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 1 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. lEctFtED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 1 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGE DISTANCE. EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 2 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. -- SPECIFIED DROP PANEL LENGTH RIGHT LESS THAN 1/6 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 2 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. ?3;Jl"?Kf i,:":::'fi"l^::"',. j::XTi[,#ffi"""'"".:n:S?,:":13'ASSN]3 v- DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS FROM SUPPORTS t****lit*+*t**+*****i*li****il*t*ttttll******l*******t**t** COL LOAD CROSS DESIGN DISTANCE LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD NUM TYPE SECTN MOMENT CR.SECTN PTRN DISTANCE PTRN (ft-k) (ft) (ft) 1 TOTL LEFT TOP -5.9 .350 4 2.000 1 BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP .0 .000 0 3.000 3 BOT -30.5 .665 2 .000 0 2 TOTL LEFT TOP -220.9 .665 4 7.500 2 BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 295.6 .665 4 5.000 2 BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 3 TOTL LEFT TOP -393.2 .665 4 6.250 3 BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 349.2 .665 4 7.200 2 BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 TOTL LEFT TOP -100.9 .500 3 2.700 3 BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 2.6 .175 4 1.000 1 BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 o 4 Hi"'ff fft""?::'r,11^::""J:*:ii:#ffi":'"'Jfi13"?,::t=J'AssNO"4 DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS ALONG SPANS t*l*******t*!rir****l*i****t*t***ttl*****t**t************t SPAN LOAD CRITICAL DESIGN LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD NUM TYPE SECTION MOMENT PTRN DIST LEFT PTRN DIST RGHT PTRN (ft) (ft-k) (ft) (ft) 2 TOTL 10.000 ToP .0 0 .000 0 .000 0 BOT .0 0 7.500 2 -7.000 3 3 TOTL 11.875 TOP .0 0 .000 0 .000 0 BOT 233.3 4 6.875 1 8.125 1 4 TOTL 10.350 TOP .0 0 .000 0 .000 0 BOT 91.3 3 4.950 3 5.850 2 ?3,;?;?iifi"""?::'frLl';:,."J:'J:1i:ilru;;*!i,?n:ff ;:%'JrASsNf e5 DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS AT SUPPORTS COL CROSS TOTAL TOTAL-VERT COLUMN STRIP NUM SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE MOMENT (ft-k) (fr-k)(%) (ft-k)(7o) (ft-k)(%) (ft-k)(%) 1 LEFT TOP -5.9 .0 ( 0) -5.5 ( e4) .0 ( 0) -.3 ( 6) BOr .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) RGHTTOP .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) BOT -30.s .0 ( 0) -28.8 ( 94) .0 ( 0) -1.8 ( 6) 2 LEFT TOp -220.e .0 ( 0) -165.7 ( 75) .0 ( 0) -55.2 ( 25) BOT .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .o(o) RGHT TOP 295.6 BOT .0 .0 ( 3 LEFT TOP -393.2 BOT .0 .0 ( RGHT TOP 349.2lsor .o .o(U 4 LEFTTOP -100.9 BOT .0 .o ( RGHT TOP 2.6 BOT .0 .o ( .0 ( 0) 221.7 (7s) .o ( 0) 73.9 ( 25)0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0 ( 0) -2e4.e ( 75) .o ( 0) -e8.3 ( 25)0) .0(0) .0(0) :0( 0) .0 ( 0) 261.e ( 75) .0 ( 0) 87.3 ( 25) 0) .0(0) .o(o) .o(0) .0 ( o) -100.5 (100) .0 ( 0) -.3 ( 0)0) .0(0) .0(0) .o(0) .0 ( 0) 2.6 (100) .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0)0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) BEAM MIDDLE STRIP MOMENT MOMENT ?6i?,"if^ii""":::'fl,'"1^:i"l. j:H:5ilmil?"""'"',,:il3"?,:',1'J'o"H(}e0 DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS IN SPANS SPAN CROSS TOTAL TOTAL-VERT COLUMN STRIP BEAM MIDDLE STRIP NUM SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE._MOMENT MOMENT MOMENT (ft-k) (ft-k) ( % ) (ft-k)( % ) (ft-k) ( o/o ) (ft-k) ( 7o ) 10.00 ToP .0 .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0)BOr .o .0(0) .0(o) .0( 11.88 TOP .0 .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0) BOT 233.3 .0 ( 0) 140.0 ( 60) 10.3s TOP .0 .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0) BOT 91.3 ,0 ( 0) 54.8 ( 60) .0(0) .o( o)0) .0( 0) .0(0) .0( 0) .0 ( 0) e3.3 ( 40) .0(0) .0( 0) .0 ( 0) 36.5 ( 40) ?3;l?,:ii'#.*i3!'f,L1il."j:H"J1iilrHffi'"',,:n:ro?,:"'.t'J'AssN'oe7 SHEAR ANALYSIS of col. dim. (long/short) is less than 2.0. -Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check manually. -Afterthe column numbers, C = Corner, E = Exterior, | = Interior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSFER OF MOMENT -.-- AROUND COLUMN --- COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION UNBAL. SHEAR SHEAR NO. STRESS NO. STRESS NO. MOMENT TRANSFR STRESS (psi) (kips) (psi) (kips) (ft-k) (ft-k) (psi) 1E 282.84- 1 4.1 8.92 2 .0 -49.0 -19.6 97.50 21 282.U 4 147.4 24'1.82 4 147.4 106.6 42.6 323.79* 3t 282,84 4 196.7 322.74- 4 196.7 -55.1 -22.0 365.08* 4E 155.56 1 55.0 25.47 1 55.0 -78.8 -12.7 30.93 * - Shear stress exceeded. - - AROUND DROP/SOLID HEAD - - COLUMN ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR NUMBER STRESS NO. STRESS(psi) (kips) (psi) 1E 279.68 1 1.4 1.39 21 279.68 4 143.2 107.57 3t 279.68 4 192.5 144.6'l 4 Not applicable, drop dimensions not specified. ?3-;i;lKi,""o"?:!R1#1""J::X?i#ru;"::::n:fl?,::til'o"ulea NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT COLUMN"PATT-LOCATION * TOTAL - COLUMN STRIP - MIDDLE STRIP NUMBER- NO.-@COL FACE. DESIGN . AREA WIDTH * AREA WIDTH * (ft-k) " (sq.in) (ft) " (sq.in) (ft) 1** 4 t_ll -59 190_-4 t.ga 9.02 4 llR 2e5.6 €'14-59) Let e.q3 4 L ll -3e3.2 D6-T5 4TE34 3 L ll -100.9 2.60 9.0 4.2't 19.5 ** - Positive reinforcement required, compute manually. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT SPAN "PATT*LOCATION - TOTAL * COLUMN STRIP - NUMBER- NO.*FROM LEFT- DESIGN * AREA WIDTH (fi) . (ft-k) . (sq.in) (ft) . (sq.in) (ft) 10.0 .0 1.08 5.0 1.94 9.0 11.9 233.3 3.85 12.5 3.46 16.0 10.4 91.3 1.94 9.0 4.21 19.5 ** - Negative reinforcement required, compute manually. MIDDLE STRIP- AREA W]DTH 2*03443 t-\ /+) Cot ' t,21 o.t1 f4rD. o,z5 o'za O2-1s-2oO4ADOSS(tm) 7.01 ProprietartJt*are of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN.Qe 9 1O:.31:41 AM Licensed to: Monroe and New-ell Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DESIGN RESULTS OTE-The schedule given below is a guide for proper reinforcement placement and is based on reasonable engineering judgement. Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may require modification of this schedule. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT " COLUMN STRIP *MIDDLE STRIP* LONG BARS - SHORT BARS - LONG BARS COLUMN ".8 A R - L E N G T H- - -B A R - L E N G T H- - -B A R - L E N G T H- NUMBER - NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT - NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT " (ft) (ft) " (ft) (fr) . (ft) (ft) 1** 2 #6 2.00 4.73 2 #6 2.00 3.23 6 #6 2.00 3.752 4 # 810.64 9.39 4 #8 7.56 7.56 6 #6 8.98 6.483 7 # 7 9.16 9.63 7 #7 6.70 6.70 13 #6 7.73 8.684 3 # 6 5.55 1.00 3 #6 3.87 1.00 13 #6 4.20 1.00 ** - Positive reinforcement required, design manually. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT * COLUMN STRIP * MIDDLE STRIP " LONG BARS - SHORT BARS " LONG BARS - SHORT BARS SPAN .----BAR--------BAR----*----BA BAR---- NUMBER * NO SIZE LENGTH - NO SIZE LENGTH - NO SIZE LENGTH * NO SIZE LENGTH. (ft) . (ft) . (ft) ' (ft) z',* 2 #6 9.59 2 #6 8.59 3 #6 10.09 3 #6 8.343 5 #6 24.50 4 #6 18.75 6 #6 25.50 5 #6 17.504 3 #6 17.75 3 #6 15.75 7 #6 18.25 6 #6 15.30 ** - Negative reinforcement required, design manually. O2-'lg-2OO4ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprieta.ftt*"r" of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSNOge 1O i0:31 :41 AM Licensed to: Monroe and NeW-ell Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AT SUPPORTS _ ****i*tl**i***************t*t******+t**************************t** - * REINF. SUMMARY-ADD'L R/F REQ'D DUE TO UNBALANCED (U.) MOMENT TRANSFER coLUMN * --------------* NUMBER * W/O U. MOMENT * MAX.U. *GAMMA'FLEXURAL -PATT* CRITICAL SECTION* REQ'D - PROV'D" MOMENT*-f *TRANSFER *NO. *SLABW -AREA- R/F*/so in) /sn in)* /ft-k) * * Ift-kl * * /ff\ /cn inl 1 3.02 4.40 -47.5 .60 -28.5 2 3.8 .73 0 # 62 8.08 8.96 106.6 .60 63.9 4 3.8 1.67 0 #8 3 12.18 14.12 -66.0 .60 -39.6 2 3.8 1.02 0 #74 6.82 8.36 -125.7 .84 -105.4 3 22.5 2.70 0 #6 NOTE: Zero transfer'CRITICAL SLABW'indicates no support dimensions given for transfer. lf beam(s) are presenl, transfer mode may be due to beam shear and/or torsion, check manually. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR IN-SPAN CONDITIONS - REINF. SUMMARY - SPAN *- TOTAL FACTORED SPAN NUMBER- AT MIDSPAN * STATIC DESIGN MOMENT* REQ'D. - PROV',D.. (W/O PARTTAL LOADS)* (sq.in) (sq.in) - (ft-k) 2 3.02 4.40 37.93 7.31 8.80 574.94 6.16 8.36 290.8 i3;?;iKi."3":::T,11,;i,':J::xiitlHil'"".:n:ff ,::t=J'AssNJelt DEFLECTION ANALYSIS 'OrcS--rne deflections below must be combined with those of the analysis in the perpendicular direction. Consult users manual for method of combination and limitations. --Spans 1 and 5 are cantilevers. -Time.dependent deflections are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a multiplier of the dead load(Dl) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multipliers. --Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads may be larger at the point of application than those shown at the centerline. Deflections are computed as from an average uniform loading derived from the sum of all loads applied to the span. -Modulus of elasticity of conciete, Ec = 4287. ksi t *COLUMN STRIP'MIDDLE STRIP* DEAD ' DEFLECTION DUE TO: . DEFLECTION DUE TO: SPAN * LOAD - NUMBER' leff. * DEAD * LIVE . TOTAL * DEAD * LIVE " TOTAL * * (in^4) " (in) - (in) * (in) * (in) . (in) ' (in) * 14000. .004 .0Q2 .006 .004 .001 .006 13762. -.007 -.002 -.010 -.008 -.003 -.010 3 28500. .119 .055 .173 .061 .026 .0874 28500. .033 .014 .U7 .002 .001 .003 5 28500. -.001 .000 -.002 -.001 .000 -.002 OUANTITY ESTIMATES TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 44.9 cu.yd FORMWORK 1458. sq.ft REINFORCEMENT (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) (NEGATIVE) 1536. lbs(POSITIVE) 1276. lbs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE .85 cu.fVsq.ft FORMWORK 1.03 sq.fUsq.ft REINFORCEMENT** .... 1.98 lbs / sq.ft --(IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) * Program completed as requested * L2-09-2002 ADOSS (tn) 2:51:09 PM Licensed 1,0L Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT to: Monroe and NeweII Engineers, Inc., Denver, ASSN. Page CO 10 SHEAR ANALYSIS *********************a***** NOTE--Al-l-owabf e shear stress in slabs = 252.96 psi when ratioof col . din. (long/short) is less than 2.0. --Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check manua.lJ-y. --After the column numbers, C: Corner, E: Exterior, l: fnterior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH ER O r.MNMFA1IT AROUND T RAN S F COLUM N COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTIONNO. STRESS NO. STRESS NO. (psi )( kips )(psi )( kips ) UNBAL. MOMENT JnEfit:' Dtt-trAt( t .|1.tit\ D ! !\ ) l l1li>D ffi-Ll /nci \ -1tr Zq t.o) 21 247.65 Jtr z1 I . O1 * - Shear 6+l--L).uJ 25r.6t* 11 q' n? .0 .0 .0 ei"\6,..ifiarl <ncn i fi aA <nan i fi orl 1l-5.03 )q1 6.1' 11s.03 4 4. ,4 15.9 227.4 15 .9 -)1 ? ) .0 43.2 I exceeded. - - AROUND COI,UMN ALLOW. NUMBER STRESS (psi) DROP/SOLID HEAD - - PATT REACTTON SHEAR NO.DttLtiJJ /'lz in<\ /nci \ 1 2 3 Nl^r -*^ 1 ,i ^ ^1- t ^rrvL ayPr r\-q!_Ls, Not appLicabl-e, Not applicable, drop dimensions not drop dimensions not drop dimensions not L2-09-2002 ADOSS (tn) 2:51:09 PM Licensed 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. to: Monroe and Newel l Engineers, fnc,, Denver, CO UIr)ll'l\ 11 E DULIJ * ** ****+******* * ** *+***** J.* NOTE--The schedul e given below is a guide for proper reinforcement olar:emerf and is based on reasonab-le anoi neeri no irrclocmon- Unusual boundary and/or }oading conditions may require modification of this schedul-e. NEGAT]VE REINFORCEMENT ****************************+*************** * coLU* LONG BARS COLUMN*_BAR-LENG NUMBER * NO SIZE LEFT* (ft) STRIP *MI SHORT BARS * _BAR-LENGTH-*-B NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT * NO (fr) (fr) + DDLE STRIP LONG BARS AR-LENGTI{- SIZE LEFT RIGHT (ft) (ft) MN TH- RI GHT ffi) 1** 2 3+* 8.82 r0 .25 1.75 6.10 6.10 r. t) 4/ # s 7.15 y{ # 8 r.0.25 # 5 8.82 STR* SHORT*----BA * NO S]ZE * M]D* LONG*----BA * NO S]ZE # 5 1.75 6.64 # 510.25 70.25 # 5 6.64 1.75 STRIP* SHORT BARS*----BAR---- * NO SIZE LENGTH* (ft) 4 8 4 # 5 r)15 * I v/6 .70 # 5 6.10 I TZ I ** - Positive reinforcement regrrired, desiqn manuallv. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT **********************************+********* * COLUMN* LONG BARS SPAN ' -___BAR--_- NUMBER * NO SIZE LENGTH* (ft) IP BARS R ---- LENGTH(fr) DLE BARS R ---- LENGTH 28 .09 28 .09 24 .1'l 24 .17 28.59 28 .59 24 .06 zq . uo ,tl #5t/ 7 #5 8 #6I #6 I #6 I #6 o L2-09-20A2 ADOSS (tm) ?,01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page l4 2:51:09 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Newelf Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DEFLECTION ANALYSIS************************************** NOTES--The defl-ections below must be combined with those of the ana.Iysi s in the perpendicular direction. Consul-t users manual for method of combination and Iimitations. --Spans 1 and 4 are cantilevers. - -Time-dependent deffections are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a multiplier of the dead load(DL) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multip}iers. --DefLections due to concentrated or partial loads may be larger at the point of application than those shown at the centerline. Deflections are computed as fron an average uniform loading derlved from the sum of all Ioads applied to the span. --Modufus of elasticity of concrete, Ec = 3834. ksi COLUMN STRI P * MI DDLE S TR] P* DEAD * DEFLECTION DUE TO: * DEFLECTION DUE TO: sPAN * LO.a^D *__________ NUMBER * Ieff. * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL + DEAD * LIVE + TOTAL * * (in^A) * 1in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * r 22500. - .052 -.019 -. 071 -.052 -.0r9 -.071 2 18768. .298 .189 .487 .175 .092 .266 3 18768. .298 . 189 .48t .r'75 .092 .266 4 22500. -.052 -.019 -.071 -.052 -.019 -.071 QUANTITY ESTIMATES +*++******************************* TOTAI QUANTIT]ES CONCRETE 42.0 cu.yd FORMWORK 1361. sq. ft REINFORCEMENT (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) (NEGATIVE) 1249. Ibs (POSITIVE) 2039. Ibs SUMI4ARY OF OUANT]TIES CONCRETE FORMWORK .83 cu. ftlsq. ft 1 nn c^ fl- /<,.r ff REINFORCEMENT** .... 2.42 lbs / sq.ft ** (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) * Prr'r;rrm .-.\mnl al- a.l ,1 c ra.!rro<l'c.'l * O2-1 }-2OO4ADOSS(Im) 7.01 Proprietarfrt*"r" of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSr'r.Qe r 2:09:54 PM Licensed to: Monroe and NewEll Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO pppppp ccccc aaaaap pc ca ap pc c ap p c aaaaaap pc ca ap pc ca a pppppp ccccc aaaaaa p p AAA DDDDD OOO SSSSS SSSSSA A D D O O S SS SA AD DO OS S AAAAAAAD DO O SSSSS SSSSS A AD DO O S S (tttftmm mm) A AD D O O S SS S ( t mmmm )A ADDDDD OOO SSSSS SSSSS ( t mmm) Computer program for ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF SLAB SYSTEMS Licensee stated above acknowledges that Portland Cement Association(PCA) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or adequacy of the material supplied as input for processing by the ADOSS(tm) computer program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty expressed nor implied with respect to the correctness of the output prepared by the ADOSS(Im) program. Although PCA has endeavored to produce ADOSS(Im) error free the program is not and cannot be certified infallible. The final and only responsibility for analysis, design and engineering documents is the licensees. Accordingly, PCA disclaims all responsibility in contract, negligence or other tort for any analysis, design or engineering documents prepared in connection with the use of the ADOSS(Im) program. Note: Further information and technical support on the ADOSS computer program is-r,a1;s6;s through the CPCA Web site at: "www.cpca.ca".v O2-1g-2oO4ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietarltt n"r" of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSrulge Z 2:09:5,4 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Nefr-ell Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO FILENAME C:\PROGRA-1\ADOSS\DATA\5762SP56.ADS Orr.t,o. s762 SPAN ID. 56 ENGINEER az DATE 2t19t2004 TIME 09:Q'l:44 UNITS U.S. in-lb coDE ACt318-95 SLAB SYSTEM FLAT SLAB SYSTEM FRAMELOCATION INTERIOR DESIGN METHOD STRENGTH DESIGN MOMENTS AND SHEARS NOT PROPORTIONED NUMBER OF SPANS 4 SOLID HEAD DIMENSIONS : AS INPUT BY ENGINEER LCRETE FACTORS SLABS BEAMS COLUMNS CIENSITY(pcf ) 150.00 '150.00 150.00ryPE NORMAL WGT NORMAL WGT NORMAL WGTfc (ksi) 5.00 5.00 5.00 density factor 1.00 1.00 1.00fr (psi) 530.30 530.30 530.30 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS: NON-PRESTRESSED YIELD STRENGTH Fy = 60.00 ksi DISTANCE TO RF CENTER FROM TENSION FACE: Ar SLAB TOP -- 1.25 in OUTER LAYER ATSLAB BOTTOM = 1.75 in OUTER LAYER MINIMUM FLEXURAL BAR SIZE: ATSLABTOP = #6 ATSLAB BOTTOM = #6 MINIMUM SPACING: lN SLAB = 6.00 in O2-1}-2OO4ADOSS(Im) 7.01 Proprieta.fm"r" of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSNfge a 2:09:54 PM Licensed to: Monroe and NeW6ll Engineers, lnc., Denver, CO SPAN/LOADING DATA *tt****n*tt*t**** ISPAN ILENGTH Tslab I WIDTH L2*"*l SLAB IDESIGN COLUMN IUNIFORM LOADS I INUMBERI L1 | LEFT R|GHT I SYSTEM ISTR|P STRrp..l S. DL L|VE II | (ft) (in) | (ft) (ft) | | (ft) (ft) l(psf ) (psf )l l----r-------- F-----:- t-----t---------t--------,ttll 1. | 1.5 10.0118.0 9.0 I 2 2 | 28.5 10.0 | 18.0 9.0 | 2 3 I 28.5 10.0 | 14.0 e.0 | 2 4"1 1.5 10.0114.0 9.0 | 2tltrl tl| 27.0 .0 | 50.0 50.0 |27.0 11.6 | 50.0 50.0 I 23.0 11.5 | 50.0 50.0 | 23.0 .0 | 50.0 50.0 | o * -lndicates cantilever span information.*'-Strip width used for positive flexure.*t*-L2 widths are 1/2 dist. to transverse column. "E"-lndicates exterior strip. PARTIAL LOADING DATA PARTIAL LOADINGS ARE NOT SPECIFIED O2-'lg-2OO4ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietra,lft,,"r" of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSen" O 2:09:54 PM Licensed to: Monroe and NeW-ell Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO COLUMN/TORSIONAL DATAo" coLUMN ICOLUMN ABOVE SLAB ICOLUMN BELOW SLAB ICAP|TAL-- ICOLUMN MIDDLEI NUMBER I C1 C2 HGT I C1 C2 HGT IEXTEN. DEPTHISTR|P* STRtp*l | (in) (in) (ft) | (in) (in) (ft) | (in) (in) | (ft) (ft) I 1 2 3 18.0 18.0 18.0 I 12.0 12.0 12_0 't8.0 18.0 18.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 .0 .0 .0 n .0 .0 .0 .0 .U 11.6 15.4 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 Columns with zero "C2" are round columns. * -Strip width used for negative flexure.*'-Capital extension distance measured from face of column. coLUMN I TRANSVERSE BEAM I DROP PANEUSOLTD HEAD ISUPPORT I NUMBER IW|DTH DEPTH ECCEN I LEFT RtcHT WTDTH THTCK lFtxtry. I | (in) (in) (in) | (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) | % | 1 2 I.0 -0 .0.0 .0 .0.0 .0 .0 tl3.0 12.0 3.0 12.0 3.0 12.0 lOOo/o 100o/o 100o/o 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 ,|F, * -Support fixity of 0% denotes pinned condition, Support fixity of 999% denotes fixed end condition. o2-1s-2oO4ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietaf*"r" of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSNIS" S 2:09:54 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO LATERAL LOAD/OUTPUT DATA LOADS ARE NOT SPECIFIED OUTPUT DATA PATTERN LOADINGS: 1 THRU 4 PATTERN LIVE LOAD FACTOR (1-3) = 75o/o LOAD FACTORS: U=1.40"D+1.70*L U = .75( 1.40"D + 1.70*L + 1.70-W) U=.90*D+1.30"W OUTPUT OPTION(S): Input Echo Column Strip Distribution Fac Shear Table Reinforcing Required Bar Sizing Additional Information Deflections I4aterial Quantities .l}aa'r,=o DRop 'ANEL LENGTH RrcHT LESS THAN 1/6 oF spAN AT coLUMN 1 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. ** SPECIFIED DROP PANEL WIDTH LESS THAN 1/3 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 1 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. **SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 1 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGE DISTANCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 1 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. *-SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 1 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGE DISTANCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 2 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. -- SPECIFIED DROP PANEL LENGTH LEFT LESS THAN 1/6 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 2 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. -- SPECIFIED DROP PANEL LENGTH RIGHT LESS THAN 1/6 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 2 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. -* SPECIFIED DROP PANEL WIDTH LESS THAN 1/3 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 2 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. *.SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 2 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGE DISTANCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 2 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. -IECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 2 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGE DISTANCE, EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 3 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS. -- SPECIFIED DROP PANEL LENGTH LEFT LESS THAN ,I/6 OF SPAN AT COLUMN 3 DROP IGNORED FOR FLEXURAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS. o LATERAL O2-'lg-2OO4ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietarfnn"r" of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSNfge O 2:09:54 PM Licensed to: Monroe and NeW6ll Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS FROM SUPPORTS COL LOAD CROSS DESIGN DISTANCE LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD NUM TYPE SECTN MOMENT CR.SECTN PTRN DISTANCE PTRN(ft-k) (ft) (ft) 1 TOTL LEFT TOP -7.3 .262 4 1.500 1BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 243.6 .66s 4 2.8s0 2BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 2 TOTL LEFT TOP -703.6 .66s 4 7.125 2BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 668.9 .665 4 8.550 3BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 3 TOTL LEFT TOP -209.6 .665 1 2.850 2 BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 RGHT TOP 6.2 .262 4 1.500 1 BOT .0 .000 0 .000 0 02-19-2004 ADOSS(Im) 7.01 Proprietarflnr,vare of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSru.Qe Z 2:09:54 PM Licensed lo: Monroe and NewEl Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS ALONG SPANS ****illl*****i*l*****t**a*t**t*****a**l****tl***:.**t***** SPAN LOAD CRITICAL DESIGN LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD NUM TYPE SECTION MOMENT PTRN DIST LEFT PTRN DIST RGHT PTRN (ft) (ft-k) (ft) (ft) 2 TOTL 12.113 TOP .0 0 .000 0 .000 0 BOT 366.9 4 9.263 1 9.262 1 3 TOTL 16.388 TOP .0 0 .000 0 .000 0 BOT 282.8 4 9.263 2 5.262 1 O2-1g-2oo4ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietary lware of PORTLAND CEMENT ASsN. lG 8 2:09:54.PM Licensed to: Monroe and NewEl'Engineers, Inc', Denver, CO DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS AT SUPPORTS ******,t*t!t******t******l*****i**t****t**** COL CROSS TOTAL TOTAL-VERT COLUMN STRIP NU[4 SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE MOMENT (ft-k) (ft-k) ( o/o ) (ft-k) ( %) (ft-k) ( % ) (ft-k) ( % ) 1 LEFT TOP -7.3 .O ( 0) -7.0 ( e7) .0 ( 0) -'2 ( 3) BOr .o .o(0) 0(0) .0(0) .0(0) RGHT TOP 243.6 .O ( 0) 236-3 ( s7) .0 ( 0) 7.3 ( 3) BOr .o .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) 2 LEFT TOP -703.6 .O ( Ol -527 .7 (75) .0 ( 0) -175.9 ( 25) Bor .o .o(o) .0(0) .0(0) .o(0) RGHT TOP 668.9 .0 ( 0) 501.7 ( 7s) .0 ( 0) 167 '2 (25\ Bor .o .o(0) .o(0) .o(o) .o(0) 3 LEFT TOP -209.6 BOT .0 .0 ( GHT TOP 6.2 .o ( 0) -202.3 ( e6) .o ( 0) -7.4 ( 4) 0) .0(0) .0(0) 0(0) .o(o) 6.0(s6) .0(0) .2(4) BEAM MIDDLE STRIP MOMENT MOMENT BOr .O .0(0) 0(0) .0(0) .0(0) DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS IN SPANS :l:r:r***********t*ttt*****t************** SPAN CROSS TOTAL TOTAL-VERT COLUMN STRIP BEAM MIDDLE STRIP NUMSECTNMoMENTD|FFERENCEMoMENTMoMENTMoMENT (ft-k) (ft-k) (% ) (ft-k) (% ) (ft-k) (o/o ) (ft-k) ( % ) 12.11TOP .0 .O ( 0) .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0) -0 ( 0) BOT 366.9 .O ( 0) 220.1 ( 60) .0 ( 0) 146'8 ( 40) 16.3e TOP .0 .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0) BOT 282.8 .O ( 0) 16e.7 ( 60) .0 ( 0) 113.1 ( 40) oz-1g-2oo4ADoss(tm) 7.01 proprietaryluare of poRTLAND cEMENT ASSN.Oe s 2'.O9:34 PM Licensed to: Monroe and NewEl Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO o NO SHEAR ANALYSIS t******t*t****lt*******]r*t* TE-Allowable shear stress in slabs = 282.84 psi when ratio of col. dim. (long/short) is less than 2.0. -Wide beam shear (see'CODE') is not computed, check manually. -Afterthecolumn numbers, C = Corner, E = Exterior, | = Interior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSFER OF MOMENT ---- AROUND COLUMN --- COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION UNBAL. SHEAR SHEAR NO. STRESS NO. STRESS NO. MOMENT TRANSFR STRESS (psi) (kips) (psi) (kips) (ft-k) (ft-k) (psi) 1E 282.84 4 122.4 267.73 4 122.4 2t 282.84 4 268.6 440.79* 4 268.6 3E 282.U 4 101.5 222.18 4 101.5 * - Shear stress exceeded. NUMBER STRESS NO. (psi) (kips) (psi) - . AROUND DROP/SOLID HEAD - - COLUMN ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR 261.7 104.7 528.22" -46.9 -18.8 476.85. -222.8 -89.1 ,143.88* STRESS 1E 2l 3E 282.84 279.68 282.U 118.9 127.37 264.0 198.34 98.1 105.07 4 4 4 o2-1g-zoo4ADoSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietaryft*"r" of PoRTLAND qEMENT assnr. le 10 2:09:54'PM Licensed to: Monroe and NewElT Engineers, Inc', Denver, CO NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT t****:lt**t***it**i**liht|}*t***ai***}****t'tl+ LUMN*PATT'LOCATION - TOTAL - COLUMN STRIP - MIDDLE STRIP MBER'NO.-@COL FACE'DESIGN' AREA WIDTH * AREA WIDTH " (ft-k) * (sq.in) (ft) '(sq.in) (fl) 1 4 llR 243,6 6'23 11.6 3.32 15-4 ', 2 4 t- ll -703.6 14.66 11.5 4.59 11.5 o co NU 3 1 L ll -209.6 5.30 11.5 2.48 11.5 POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT :l********t}'lt***********t***********t***ilt*'* SPAN *PATT"LOCATION'TOTAL - COLUMN STRIP - MIDDLE STRIP NUMBER- NO.'FROM LEFT DESIGN' AREA WIDTH * AREA WIDTH (ft) - (ft-k)'(sq.in) (ft) - (sq.in) (ft) 2 4 12.1 366.9 6.16 11.6 4.03 15.4 3 4 16.4 282.8 4.71 ',t1.5 3.1'l 11.5 Uot-. t?4rD. (,-) t,La o.5 G) o,s5 o.3 #-b A q" oe b1@ 3f" r"" I Cor- +1 @ tz oP -* bO b' r>? @ VlrD + b@tb" fio{" A Lot-. -v b@tz" 6a'r e tfbq1 ';;L:#i,t?:::':?'"'JJr$5',il,#"?,:::::lJ3:3":,'X5*nssNf e11 DESIGN RESULTS *+i********:l******t**ttl*** NOTE-The schedule given below is a guide for proper reinforcement placement and is based on reasonable engineering judgement' iJnusual boundary and/or loading conditions may require modification of this schedule. ll59ali.Y..l.-.T.5ill-t".9.1.9.F.1f t * t r COLUMN STRIP -MIDDLE STRIP- LONG BARS - SHORT BARS - LONG BARS COLUMN * -B A R - L E N G T H- - -B A R - L E N G T H-' -B A R - L E N G T H- NUMBER - NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT - NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT'NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT . (ft) (ft) . (ft) (ft) . (ft) (ft) 1 7 #6 1.50 8.82 7 #6 1-50 6.10 10 #6 1-50 6'64 2 10 #810.46 11.17 I #8 7.56 7-56 11 #6 8.82 '10'25 3 6 #6 8.82 1.50 6 #6 6.10 1.50 I #6 6'64 1'50 r..?:.l"ll.Y.F--.*.=.1-|l:..o..T.9".t..11.ttt - coLUMN srRlP * MIDDLE srRlPt- LoNG BARS - sHoRT BARS * LoNG BARS . sHoRT BARS SPAN *---- BA R----*---- B AR ---- ---- BA R----*---- BA R ---- NUMBER'NO SIZE LENGTH - NO SIZE LENGTH * NO SIZE LENGTH - NO SIZE LENGTH * (ft) . (ft) . (ft) . (ft) 2 7 #6 28.09 7 #6 24.77 5 #6 28.59 5 #6 24.06 3 6 #6.28.09 5 #6 24.77 4 #6 28.59 4 #6 24.06 11;l'#ilt?3"'i'.?'"'J".'::"5;5'fi 3ty.ffi ::::lJ3:"'"rMENrASSNiJetz ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AT SUPPORTS -* REtNF. SUMMARy. ADD'L R/F REQ'D DUE TO UNBALANCED (U.) MOMENT TRANSFER coLUMN r --------------t NUMBER * W/O U. MOMENT * MM.U, -GAMMA- FLEXURAL *PATT* CRITICAL SECTION * REQ'D - PROV'D- MOMENT"-f "TRANSFER -NO. *SLABW .AREA- R/F *(sq.in) (sq.in)- (ft-k) . . (ft-k) * . (ft) (qq.in) 1 9.55 10.56 304.5 .60 182.7 4 3.8 5.10 8 #6 2 19.25 19.85 -92.3 .60 -55.4 3 3.8 1.44 0 #8 3 7]8 8.80 -259.0 .60 -155.4 2 3.8 4.27 7 #6 NOTE: Zero transfer "CRITICAL SLABW" indicates no support dimensions given for transfer. lf beam(s) are present, transfer mode may be due to beam shear and/or torsion, check manually. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR IN-SPAN CONDITIONS - REINF. SUMMARY - SPAN * - TOTAL FACTORED SPAN NUMBER- AT MIDSPAN * STATIC DESIGN MOMENT* REQ'D, - PROV'D. - (W/O PARTIAL LOADS) - (sq.in) (sq.in) . (ft-k) 2 10.19 10.56 822.2 3 7.82 8.36 700.4 02.1s_2o*ADoss(tm)1r;.:l5l5.ft"yju|.'ffi ::::ll3:S"rMENrAssN'5" 2:A9'54 PM Licensed to: I DEFLECTION ANALYSIS *****i**i1t****!tt**********t*+**t*t*t MOTES-fte deflections below must be combined with those of ''- th; anatysis in the perpendicular direction' Consult users manual for method of combination and limitations' --SPans 1 and 4 are cantilevers' -Time-dependent deflections are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a multiplier of the dead rouJtoul deflection' See;'coDE" for range of multipliers' --Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads may be larger "t tn" point of apptication than those shown at the centerline' Deflections are computed as from an ?vifg: uniform loading derived from the sum of all loads applied to the span' -Modulus of elasticity of concrete' Ec = 4287' ksi T *COLUMN STRIP*MIDDL-E STRIP * DEAD " oerr-icirorl oue ro' * DEFLECTIoN DUE To: SPAN - LOAD - DEAD - LIVE - TOTAL - (in) ' - LIVE - TOTAL - (in) - (in) * (in) -NUMBER* leff. * DEAD * (inn4) * (in) . (in) - e 3 4 27000. -.025 -.007 -.032 -'025 22842. .280 .089 .368 -147 19428. .251 .075 .327 .119 23000, -.02't -.006 --027 -'021 QUANTITY ESTIMATES **tt******t******ti*****:l***ttl'*tt TOTAL QUANTITIES ..UU '.045 .035 -.006 -.032 .192 .154 -.027 CONCRETE 47.3 cu'Yd FORMWORK 1536' sq'ft irEir'i'iiincirr,rENr (tN rHE DlREcrloN oF ANALYSIS) (NEGATIVE) '.1826. lbs ipostrtve) 1707. lbs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE .85 cu fVsq-ft FORMWORK 1'02 sq'fUsq'ft -. hEiHFoncelaENT*' .... 2.35 lbs / sq'ft *(tN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) * Program comPleted as requested * o 72-09-2002 ADOSS(tn) 7.01 Proprietary Softwar'e of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN, Page 1O2:56:05 PM Licensed to: Monroe and NewelI Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO SHEAR ANALYSIS*************************** NOTE--AI- l-owabl e shear stress in slabs = 252.96 psi v,'hen ratioof co1 . dim. (lonq/short) is less than 2.0. --Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check manually. --After the column numbers, C = Corner. E: Ext6rior, I = fnterior. DIRECT SHEAR !iITH AROUND COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR NO. STRESS NO. STRESS (psi )(kips )(psi ) TRANSF COIUM PATT REACTION NO. ( kips ) !!t(ur MOMENT N UNBAL . MOMENT (fr-k) SHEAR SHEAR TRANSFR STRESS ( ft-k) (psi ) lE 144.04 2T 24't .65 JM.! |.63 i - shear 4 140-.06 49.2 32.9226.5 ,092.4 52.2 .0 .0 .0 n^i <na-i f i 6,.1 not speci fied. n^l- eno/-i f i6A 42 .6.9 257 . 5l+ 1 V,4'' 4 42 .69 25'7 . 5I* 140.064 ess exceeded, 0v,COLUMN NUMBER AROUND ALLOW. STRESS (psi ) DROP/SOL]D HEAD - - PATT REACTION SHEAR NO.STRESS /lzine\ /nci \\t/v4 / 1 2 3 Not appficable, Not applicable, Not applicable, drop dimensions drop dimensions drop dimensions @i 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. page to: Monroe and Newe1l Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DESIGN RESULTS*************************** I212-09-2002 ADOSS (tm) 2:56:05 PM Licensed * LONG COLUMN*-BAR_ NUMBER * NO SIZE COLUMN BARSr,eNerH- lJri ! J. J1-L bil l(ft) (ft) J I Jl. T* SHORT BARS*_BAR.LENGTH- * NO SIZE LEFT RTGHT* (ft) (fr) DDLE STRIP I,ONG BARS AR-LENGTH- SIZE LEFT RIGHT(fr ) (fr) NOTE--The schedufe given below is a guide for proper reinforcementpl-acenent and is based on reasonable engi neering judgernent. Unusual boundary and/or l_oading conditions may requi renodification of this schedule. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT************+******************************* *MI *-B *NO f*+ 2 3** .42 11.39 8.89 C C,A L89 1.75 4.50 O. IJ .l- . /5 .42 11.39 6.70 4.9L 1 .46 I fq #8 +q," I34 #s 3 7 4 11 l2 10 ** - Positive reinforcement required, design manual.ly. POSITIVE RE]NFORCEMENT ******************************+*+*********** * COLUMN* LONG BARS SPAN * ---- BAR_--- NUMBER * NO S]ZE LENGTH* (fr) S TR* SHORT*----BA * NO STZE ]P llAf(-> R ---- IENGTH (ft) + MID* LONG*----BA * NO SIZE DLE BARS R ---- LENGTH (f r ) STRIP SHORT BARS ----BAR---- NO SIZE LENGTH (fr) 6 10 5 10 5 t-0 9 #s r) #6 2L .33 28.34 -Lb. YU 24.99 21. B3 28.84 IO. JO 24 .21 )'2-09-2002 ADOSS(tm) 7.Ol Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. page 14 2:56205 PM Licensed to: Monroe and NewelI Engineers, Inc,, Denver, CO DEFLECTION ANALYSIS *****************t *** ** ** **** ***** * *** NOTES--The' deftections bel-ow must be conbined with Chos; ofthe analysis in the perpendicular direction. Consult users manual for method of combination and ]imitations. --Spans 1 and 4 are cantilevers. - -Time-dependent defl-ections are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a rnult j.pl-ier of the dead Ioad (DL) deffection. See "CODE', for ranse of mul_tipliers. --Defl-ections due to concentrated or partial loads may be Iargerat the point of application than those shown at the centerl-ine. Defl-ections are computed as from an average uniform loading derived from the sum of all- Loads applied to the span. --Modufus of elasticity of concrete, Ec : 3834. ksi + * COLUMN STRIP * IvIIDDLE STRIP* DEAD * DEFLECTION DUE TO: * DEFLECTION DUE To: SPAN * LOAD *---------- NUMBER * Ieff. * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL ** (1n^4) * (in) * (1n) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * 1 25630. -.003 -.001 -.004 -.003 -.001 _.004 2 21946. .060 .026 .086 .007 .004 .0103 19964. .385 .268 .653 .249 .135 .3844 25680. -.064 -.023 -.08? -.064 -.023 _.08? QUANTITY ESTIMATES *******************++++************ TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 41 . 5 cu. yd FORMWORK 1344 . sq. ft REINFORCEMENT (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSTSI(NEGATIVE) II11 . lbs(POSITIVE) 1794. tbs SUMMARY OF QUANTITTES CONCRETE .83 cu. ftlsq. ftFORMWORK 1.00 sq. ftlsq. fr REINFORCEMENT** .... 2.21- l-bs / sq.fr ** (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) * Prorrr:m a.lmr'r lal- a.i re ra.rrract-A.l + @ 12-'l'3-20O2 ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 128:54:09 AM Licensed to: Monroe and NeweJf Enoineers, Tnr: - nenver, CO SHEAR ANALYS]S ******i****t *************** NOTE--Ali-owable shear stress in slabs : 282.84 psi when ratio of col . din. (lonq/short) j-s less than 2.0. --Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check manually. --After the cofumn nunbers, C = Corner, E = Exterior, I = Interior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSFER OF MOMENT AROUND COLUMN COL. A.LLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION UNBAL. SHEAR SHEAR qTDFAE Nl.\ (kips) (psi ) 1E 161.06 1 36.7 31 .9L 1 36.'t -24.9 .0 3r.912t 21 6.92 4 243.0 21 6.26 4 243.0 .0 . o 2-76.263E 21 6.92 4 106.2 160.96 4 106.2 -59.8 .0 160.96 - - AROUND DROP/SOLID HEAD - - COLUMN ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR NUMBER STRESS NO. STRESS(psi) (kips) (psi) I Not applicable, drop dimensjons not specified. 2 Not applicable, drop dimensions not specified. 3 Not applicable, drop dimensions not speci-fied. NO. STRESS NO. (psi ) MOMENT TRANSFR STRESS(kips) (ft-k) (ft-k) (psi) 12-13-2002 ADOSS (rn) 8l 54 :09 AM Licensed 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. page to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DESIGN RESULTS * ****** +*****Jr* * * * ** * * * ** ** NorE--The schedule given below is a guide for proper reinforcementplacement and is based on reasonabl-e engineering judgernent. Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may requiremodification of this schedule. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT************************+****++************* * COLU* LONG BARS COLUMN*-BAR-LENG NUMBER * NO STZE LEFT * /fi\ S T R I P *M I* SHORT BARS*-BAR-LENGTH-*-B * NO SIZE LEFT R]GHT * NO* {fa1 (ft) * DDLE STRIP LO}!G BARS AR-LENGTH- STZE LEFT RIGHT (ft) (fr) MN TH- RT GHT # s .42 # 9 13.L2 # 5 9.04 9.04 -1 . /f, 3 6 5 +5#9 .42 3.70 t-41.43 6.25 L46.25 1.75 10 # 5 .42 4.03f s 13.12 1.60 # 5 6.81 1.75 ** - Positive reinforcement reouired, design manually. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT***+**************************************** + COLUMN* LONG BARS SPAN *-__-BAR---- NUMBER .I NO SIZE LENGTH* (ft) S TR* SHORT*----BA * NO SIZE IP BARS R ---- ],ENGTH * MID* LONG*----BA * NO SIZE DLE Itt\tlJ R ---- LENGTH (ft) STRIP* SHORT BARS ---- b A t( ----* NO SIZE LENGTH * /t+\ \!L' 2 3 #53 t2 #6 3 #512 #6 '74C 7 #517.33 28.84 15.40 25 .43 17.83 29.34 14.96 24 .10 o 12-1-3-2002 ADoSS (tm) ?.01 proprj-etary software of PoRTLAND CEMENT ASSN. page 168:54:09 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newefl, Engineers, Inc.r Denver, CO DEFLECTION ANALYSIS************************+*****+******* NOTES--The deflections bel_ow must be conbined with those ofthe analysis in the perpendicular direction. Consul-tusers manual for method of combination and limitations, --Spans 1 and 4 are cantiJ_evers. - -T ime-dependent deflectj.ons are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a nuLtipl-ier of the deadload(DL) defl_ection. See "CODE" for range of muftipl-iers. --Deffections due to concentrated or partial loads may be Iargerat the poinl of application than those shown at the centerl_ine.Defl-ections are computed as from an average uniform Ioadingderived from the sum of al-l loads appl j-ed to the span. --Modulus of eLasticity of concrete. Ec = 429"1 . ksi * * COLUMN STRIP * MIDDLE STRIP,' DEAD * DEFLECTION DUE TO: * DEFLECTTON DUE TO:SPAN * LOAD * --- -- ----- NUMBER * Ieff. * DEAD * LIVE r TOTAL * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL ** (in^4) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * 1 28s00. .000 .000 .000 .000 . o0o . o0o2 25325. .00s .005 .o1o _.027 _.009 _.03s3 24110. .370 .263 .533 .250 .136 .3854 28500. -.063 -.022 _.085 _.063 -.022 _.085 QUANTITY ESTIMATES * ** * ** * * * * i.* ***** ** {**++**+****** ** TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 43.0 cu.ydFORMWORK 1394. sq. ft REINFORCEMENT (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS)(NEGATTVE) 1392. Ibs(POSITIVE) 194 0. ]bs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE .83 cu. ft /sg. ftFORMWORK 1.00 sq. ftlsq. fr REINFORCEMENT++ .... 2.39 tbs / sq.ft ** (IN THE DIRECTTON OF ANALYSIS) * Program conp)eted as requested * O?-1}-2OO4ADOSS(Im) 7.01 Proprietarfimare of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN.Qe 1 1'159:53 PM Licensed to: Monroe and NewEl Engineers, Inc., Denver' CO @ pppppp ccccc aaaaap pc ca ap pc c ap p c aaaaaap pc ca a p pc ca a pppppp ccccc aaaaaa p p APIA DDDDD OOO SSSSS SSSSS AAD D OOS SS S A AD DO OS S MAAAAAD DO O SSSSS SSSSS A AD DO O S S (tttttmm mm) A AD D O O S SS S ( t mmmm )A ADDDDD OOO SSSSS SSSSS (tMMM) Computer program for ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF SLAB SYSTEMS Licensee stated above acknowledges that Portland Cement Association(PCA) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or adequacy of the material supplied as input for processing by the ADOSS(Im) computer program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty expressed nor implied with respect to the correctness of the output prepared by the ADOSS(Im) program. Although PCA has endeavored to produce ADOSS(Im) error free the program is not and cannot be certified infallible. The final and only responsibility for analysis, design and engineering documents is the licensees. Accordingly, PCA disclaims all responsibility in contract, negligence or other tort for any analysis, design or engineering documents prepared in connection with the use of the ADOSS(Im) program. Note: Further information and technical support on the ADOSS computer program is ^.ailable through the CPCA Web site at: "www.cpca.ca". - O2-19-2004 ADOSS(Im) 7.01 Proprietarfn""r" of PORTLAND CEMENT nSSNOge Z 5:59:53 PM Licensed to: Monroe and NewEll Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO FILE NAME fr."r,o. C :\PROGRA- 1 \ADOSS\DATA\5762S P59.ADS 5762 DATE TIME UNITS CODE SPAN ID. EIJGINEER az 2t19t2004 09:01'.44 U.S. in-lb ACr318-95 SLAB SYSTEM FLAT SLAB SYSTEM FRAMELOCATION INTERIOR DESIGN METHOD STRENGTH DESIGN MOMENTS AND SHEARS NOT PROPORTIONED NUMBER OF SPANS 5 SOLID HEAD DIMENSIONS : AS INPUT BY ENGINEER RETE FACTORS SLABS BEAMS SITY(pcf ) 150.00 150.00 150.00 TYPE NORMALWGT NORMALWGTfc (ksi) 5.00 5.00 5.00 density factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 fr (psi) 530.30 530.30 530.30 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS: NON-PRESTRESSED YIELD STRENGTH Fy = 60.00 ksi DISTANCE TO RF CENTER FROM TENSION FACE: AT SLAB TOP = 1.25 in OUTER LAYER AT SLAB BOTTOM = 1.75 in OUTER LAYER MINIMUM FLEXURAL BAR SIZE: ATSLABTOP = #6 ATSLAB BOTTOM = #6 MINIMUM SPACING: lN SLAB = 6.00 in COLUMNS NORMALWGT O2-1}-2OO4ADOSS(Im) 7.01 Proprietarfnrrr" of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSNOge S 3:59:53 PM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO SPAN/LOADING DATA **:rt***t*t+ttttt* INUMBERI L1 | LEFT RIGHT I SYSTEM I STRtp STRtp*.| S. DL L|VE II | (ft) (in) | (ft) (ft) | | (ft) (ft) l(psf ) (psf )ll---l--------l-------l----F--------l--------r I 1. | 1.0 2 | 25.0 3 | 34.0 4 | 18.0 5" | 1.0 I 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 6.0 3.0 |7.5 e.0 | 19.0 9.0 14.5 6.0 6.0 3.0 I ttl | 9.0 .0 | 20.0 50.0 | 16.5 8.3 I 20.0 50.0 I| 28.0 13.0 I 20.0 50.0 || 20.5 7.5 | 20.0 50.0 |I e.0 .0 | 20.0 50.0 I I SPAN ILENGTH Tslab I WIDTH L2*"*l SLAB I DESIGN COLUMN I UNIFORM 2 2 l2l2 2 - -lndicates cantilever span information. '* -Strip width used for positive flexure. "**-L2 widths are 112 dist. to transverse column. "E"-lndicates exterior strip. PARTIAL LOADING DATA PARTIAL LOADINGS ARE NOT SPECIFIED 11;:,',.Kt?:::':?,'"T"I":":;5.ftilP"ffi ::::lJ3:1,:iBS"nssNle+ 12.0 48.0 12.01 12.0 48.0 12.0 | 18.0 .0 12.0 | 18.0 .o 12.01 18.0 .o 12.01 18.0 .0 12.0 | 12.0 48.0 12.01 12.0 48.0 12.0 | 1 2 3 4 COLUMN/TORSIONAL DATA *****t****i******!ttt* UMI'' ICOLTJMN ABOVE SLAB ICOLUMN BELOW SLAB ICAPITEL*tcoLUMN MIDDLEI NUMBER i C1 C2 HGT I C1 C2 HGT IEXTEN. DEPTHISTRIP* STRIP*I | | (in) (in) (ft) | (in) (in) (ft)l (in) (in) l(ft) (ft)l i----r---------- r---------- l--------l------- ItlllI.o .0 | 4.5 4.5 |.0 .0 | 8.3 8.3 I.o .0 | 7.5 13.01.o .0 | 4.5 4.5 | Columns with zero "C2" are round columns. * -Strip width used for negative flexure. 'lCapital extension distance measured from face of column. ffi DRopPANEUSOLIDHEAD ISUPPORT I NUMBER iWrOrH DEPTH ECCEN I LEFT RtcHT WTDTH TH|CK lFrxlTY. I 1 2I * -Support fixity of 0% denotes pinned condition' Support fixity of 9990/o denotes fixed end condition. ll I.01 100% I 12.01 100% I 12.01 100% | .0 | 100% | .0 .0 .0.0 .0 .0.0 .0 .0.0 .0 .0 1.0 1.5 1.5 .0 1.5 1.5 1.5 .0 I 3.0 3.0 3.0 .0 t1-J,:,'#il,1?:"':':?,ho;;:"$5K"1#9.ffi ::::ll3:3"ru5*nsstrJe5 LATERAL LOAD/OUTPUT DATA ********+********ti*****I L,qYrnnL LoADs ARE Nor sPEclFlED OUTPUT DATA pnfrrnf,f LOADINGS: l THRU 4 PATTERN LIVE LOAD FACTOR (1-3; = 75o/o LOAD FACTORS: U=1.40"D+1.70*L U = .75( 1.40*D + 1.70*L + 1.70-W) U=.90*D+1.30*W OUTPUT OPTION(S): lnput Echo Column Strip Distribution Fac Shear Table Reinforcing Required Bar Sizing Additional Information Deflections Material Quantities -OP NOT SPECIFIED AT COLUMN 1v -*SPEC|FIEDDRoPPANELLENGTHLEFTLESSTHANI/6oFSPANATcoLUMN2 DROP IGNORED FOR TIEiUNNI- DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS' --SPEo|FIEDDRoPPANELLENGTHRIGHTLESSTHANI/6oFSPANATcoLUMN2 DROP IGNORED FOR rr-EiUNNL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS' --SPECIF|EDDRoPPANELWIDTHLESSTHANI/3oFSPANATcoLUMN2 DROP IGNORED FOR TIEiUNNI- DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS' *SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 2 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGE DISTANcE. EXcESS oiprH ont spnn 2 SIDE IGNoRED FoR REINFoRcEMENT cALcULATIoNS' *SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 2 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGE DISTANcE, EXcESS oiprH oN SPAN 3 SIDE IGNoRED FOR REINFoRcEMENT cALcULATIONS' -'SPEC|F|EDDRoPPANELLENGTHLEFTLESSTHANI/6oFSPANATcoLUMN3 DRoP|GNoREDFoRrr-exunnr-DES|GNANDDEFLECT|oNcALcULAT|oNS. -*SPEC|FIEDDRoPPANELLENGTHR|GHTLESSTHANl/6oFSPANATcoLUMN3 DROP IGNORED FOR TLEiUNNU DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS' *SPEC|F|EDDRoPPANELWIDTHLESSTHANI/3oFSPANATcoLUMN3 IIROP IGNORED TON TITiUNAL DESIGN AND DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS'tFSPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 3 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGE DISTANCE. EXCESS DEPTH ON SPAN 3 SIDE IGNORED FOR REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS' --SPECIFIED DROP DEPTH AT COLUMN 3 GREATER THAN 1/4TH THE SUPPORT-DROP EDGE DISTANCE, EXCESS otprH ON SPAN 4 SIDE IGNoRED FoR REINFoRcEMENT cALcULATloNs' **l\rt/trrr rl/\? FhFtrlrlrFr 1'l\tal I l"ll /| ,2-1e-2oo4.ADogrll?'^fJ",'"::ffi .ft?-nfl i"::::fi J3:3f iMENrAssN'Ju 3:59:53 PM Licenseo to: t - ^, ..,-,--r-r^Nre trRoM suPPoRTS - oESIGN MoMENT ENVELOPES AT,9TIIgIL SECTIONS FROM SUf **t**ti*t*t**t********tlt****t**tt****t************t{****t o'iio*ce LoAD MAx'l'P' LoAD """n.G'i6iH -PrnH DI'TANcE PrRN (it) COL LOAD NUM TYPE CROSS DESIGN SECTN MOMENT (ft-k) (ft) TOTL LEFT TOP 9-BoT .0 '000 RGHT TOP 68.6 BOT .0 '000 TOTL LEFT TOP -463.1 BOT .o '000 RGHT TOP 640.6 BOT .0 '000 TOTL LEFT TOP -642.8 BOT .o '000 RGHT TOP 460.4 BOT .0 .000 rorL LT;r r?? 2 -t luoo .175 0 .500 3 U .665 0 .665 1.000 1 0 2.500 3 4 .000 o 4 0 .665 0 .665 U .500 2 .000 0 4 11.250 t .000 0 4 6.800 2 .000 0 4 6.800 t .000 0 4 10.800 2 .000 0 3 8.100 4 .000 0 *nBlrtot .o -t .ooottuo o .ooJoooo 1 02-19-2004 ADoss(tm) 7.01 proprietafttrn"r" of pSRTLAND cEMENT aggNeg" z 3:59:53'PM Licensed to: Monroe and New-ll Engineers, lnc., Denver, CO DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT CRITICAL SECTIONS ALONG SPANS **a***tra*!rii*******+!r*****t**t+t*****t*t*t*t******j.**tt SPAN LOAD CRITICAL DESIGN LOAD MAX.I.P. LOAD MM.I.P. LOAD NUM TYPE SECTION MOMENT P.TRN DIST LEFT PTRN DIST RGHT PTRN (ft) (ft-k) (ft) (ft) 2 TOTL 9.375 TOP .0 0 .000 0 .000 0 BOT 111.4 3 8.125 2 6.875 3 3 TOTL 16.150 TOP .0 0 .000 0 .000 0 BOT 434.5 4 9.350 1 ',11.050 1 4 TOTL 13.050 TOP .0 0 .000 0 .000 0 BOT 58.0 3 4.950 3 4.050 1 O2-1!-2OO4ADOSS(Im) 7.01 Proprieta,]tt""r" of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSen" , DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS AT SUPPORTS COL CROSS TOTAL TOTAL-VERT COLUMN STRIP NUM SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE MOMENT (ft-k) (ft-k) (% ) (ft-k) ( % ) (ft-k) (%) (ft-k) (%) BEAM MIDDLE STRIP MOMENT MOMENT 1 LEFT TOP -.8 .0 ( 0) -.8 ( 99) .0 ( 0) 0 ( 1)BOr .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) RGHT TOP 68.6 .0 ( 0) 68.2 ( 99) .0 ( 0) .4 ( 1)BOr .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) 2 LEFT TOP -463.1 .0 ( 0) -347.3 ( 75) .0 ( 0) -11s.8 ( 25)BOr .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) RGHT rOP 640.6 .0 ( 0) 480.4 ( 75) .0 ( 0) 160.1 ( 25) BOT .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) 3 LEFTTOP -642.8 .0( 0) -482.1 (75) .0(0) -160.7(25) BOT .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) RGHT TOP 460.4 .0 ( 0) 345.3 ( 75) .0 ( 0) 115.1 ( 25)leor .o .o(o) .o(o) .o(o) .o(o) -4 LEFT TOP -3.5 .0 ( 0) -3.5 (100) .0 ( 0) .0 ( 0) BOr 32.2 .0 ( 0) 32.0 (100) .0 ( 0) .1 ( 0) RGHT TOP .8 .0 ( 0) .8 ( e9) .0 ( 0) .0 ( 1)BOr .0 .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) o2-,tg-2oo4ADOSS(tm) 7.01 proprietaryltr"r. of poRTLAND CEMENT nSSH.oe e 3:59:53 FM Licensed to: Monroe and New'E[ Engineers, Inc', Denver' CO DISTRIBUTION OF DESIGN MOMENTS IN SPANS *t*********tt**t*lii***tt****tt***t**** SPAN CROSS TOTAL TOTAL.VERT COLUMN STRIP BEAM MIDDLE STRIP NUM SECTN MOMENT DIFFERENCE MO.I|/IENT MOMENT MOMENT (ft-k) (ft-k)(%) (ft-k)(%) (ft-k)(%) (ft-k)(%) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .o ( 0) 66.8 ( 60) .o ( 0) 44.6 ( 40) .0(0) .0(0) .0(o) .o(0) .o ( o) 260.7 ( 60) .o ( 0) 173.8 (40) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0(0) .0 ( o) 34.8 ( 60) .o ( o) 23.2 ( 40) 9.38 TOP .0 BOT 111.4 16.15 TOP .0 BOT 434.5 13.05 TOP .0 BOT 58.0 o NO ';;f ,1''3fi ,t?:::'lT],'"1,:r:l5.i#fffi ::::lJ3:3"3.-35*'o"r'rQero SHEAR ANALYSIS *****t*****j}********:}****** TE-Allowable shear stress in slabs = 282'84 psi when ratio of col. dim. (long/short) is less than 2.0. -Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check manually' -Afterthe column nutbuta, C = Corner, E = Exterior, | = Interior' DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSFER OF MOMENT - - AROUND DROP/SOLID HEAD -. COLUMN ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR NUMBER STRESS NO. STRESS (psi) (kiPs) (Psi) 1 Not applicable, drop dimensions not specified' 2t 279.68 4 209.5 157.37 31 279.68 4 214.8 161.33 4 Not applicable, drop dimensions not specified' ---- AROUND COLUMN --- COL. ALLOW- PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION UNBAL. SHEAR SHEAR NO. STRESS NO. STRESS NO' MOMENT TRANSFR STRESS (psi) (kips) (psi) (kips) (ft-k) (ft-k) (psi) 1E 212.13 4 42.0 57.46 3 417 66-6 19'1 88'27 21 282.84 4 213.7 350.62" 4 213.7 216.7 86'7 517'29' 3t 282.U 4 218.s 359-27. 4 218.9 '218.5 -87'4 527'35* 4E 212.13 3 28.4 38.82 2 11.3 22.1 6.3 54'15 " - Shear stress exceeded. o N ';;,:#i,t'":::':13,1';:::1553#"ffi g::lJ3:3":,=U5"AssNle':1 NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT tl:lt*****tt********t***l*********i**a+****** OLUMN-PAfi-LOCATION'TOTAL - COLUMN.S-TRIP " MIDDLE STRIP uMBER. No..@coLrncL"bisrcn JnnEn wIDTH " AREA wIDTH . 1ft-=k;. (sq'in) (ft) . (sq'in) (ft) 't a llR 68.6 1.78 4'5 '97 4'5 ; ; ii* 640'6 13.74 8'3 4'21 8'3 i + r'it -042.8 14.00 7 '5 4'17 13'o i.- s L'il -3.s .s7 4'5 '97 4'5 ** - Positive reinforcement required' compute manually' POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT *tt****t****t*****t**i***t**t*t*t****t*tl** SPAN *PATT*LOCATION - TOTAL . COLUMN SJIIP . MIDDLE STRIP NUMBER*No.*FRoMr-Errl-oesrcN* AREA wIDTH * AREA WIDTH (ft) '(ft-k) . (sq'in) (ft) . (sq'in) (ft) 2 3 9.4 111.4 1.83 8'3 1'78 8'3 i ; Gr 434.5 7.32 13'o -a.7.e ,15;oi z ii.r 58-o 1.62 7'5 2'81 13'o Lot- ' P{rP' e) l, ao D,8l &) o,b1 o"73 *-6@b. To? @ bt &6@ro" ao? @ Mta +b b8" br.4, be . * 6@rz" tur'@ HD. %l;:#f, ,tH::'ill'"*..:f :l5.ft"Y,ty.ffi ::::lJ3:3"ff MENTASSNJe12 DESIGN RESULTS *************t************* \[rg--rr," schedule given below is a guide for proper reinforcement''- pl""mlnt anO is daslO on reasonible engineering judgement. Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may require modification of this schedule' N EGATIVE REINFORCEMENT ***********t+rl*****ttt**l****t*t*******:l**** * coLUMN sTRIP 'MIDDLE STRIP . L.NG BARS J'sHont aRns . LoNG BARS COLUMN - -B A R - L E N 6 1 [-';-g A N - I- T U C T H- * -B A R - L E N G T H- NUMBER'NO SIZE LEii ni6Hrl No stzE LEIT RIGHT * NO slzE LEFT RIGHT"- ; (n) (ft) ' (ft) (ft) . (ft) (ft) 122636 4** 2 # 6 1.00 #1014.38 #1012.16 # 6 9.15 7.65 2 #6 1.00 5.27 3 12.16 5 #10 9.42 9.42 14.16 5 #10 9.42 9.42 1.00 1 #6 5.10 1.00 3 # 6 1.00 5.74 10 #613.29 8.84 10 #6 8.84 12.84 #6 9.15 1.00 ** - Positive reinforcement required, design manually' POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT r*i**,r*t*t:r**:t*l*t:r**tl*t*l *tt:l******t+***** * coLuMN sTRIP * MIDDLE sTRIP * LONG BARS * ,SiTCJNi BARS ' LONG BARS - SHORT BARS spnN -i---e A R ---- * ---- B A R --- * ---- B A R ---- * --- B A R ---- NUMBER. NO StzE r_Er.roiri:'NO SIZE LENGTH. NO SlzE LENGTH. No slzE LENGTH '--';-- (ft) . (ft) . (ft) . (ft) 233943 # 6 24.75 # 6 33.50 #6'17.75 # 6 21.88 # 6 25.50 # 6 15.75 #6 25.25 # 6 34.50 #6 18.25 #6 21.25 # 6 23.80 # 6 15.30 3 8 2 J 5 4 3 6 5 ADDITIoNAL lN FORMATIoN AT -q-UPPORTS *******+*t***t****t**r******r*;**********l**l****t**t****:r******t Q *r,*,SUMMARY- ADD'L R/F REQ'D DUE TO UNBALANCED (U') MOMENT TRANSFER R8h'#H.m ; m;;G: 'o^ v,:%lir6::t*x* f*,I-fF#?ft,, ""'o* 02- js-2oo4ADoss(tm)'"tJ#'J:l5K,1#"ii"::::fi J3:3":iMENrAssNUe13 3:59:53 PM Licensed to: I COLUMN - 1??":yl3-:".}Jl1,?.."tilfi;; r"nnni6i:liNo . sLABw -AREA - R/F 'tu t-\ t, r /5+\ /c.r in\.trqlill-t"q.inl; tn-rl: .-(tt-k).. MI tsc11] 2.75 3.08 88.1 .71 62'8 3 6'5 it.is \s.it zYs .60 149:7. 1 3"9 ;;;i; iii.it -zzs.t -60 -135'1 2 3'8';;; z.v zB.4.71 2o'3 2 6'5 NOTE: Zero transfer "CRITICAL SLABW' indicates no support dimensions given for transfer' lf beam(s) are presenr, transfer mode may be due to beam shear and/or torsion, check manually- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR"- lr.r-sPAN coN DlrloNS ***tt:r*******tl*****t*****:rt:r*****t*l***t**tA*i**t* * REINF. SUMMARY SPAN * - TOTALFACTORED-SPAN NUMBER* nr vttospnni * STATIC DES]GNr'/loMENT''-';' nEb'o. - pRov'D. . (wo PARTIAL LoADS) ' (sq.in) (sq.in) * (ft-k) tlI 2 J 4 1.62 0 #6 3.83 0 #10 3.67 0 #10 .52 0 #6 2 3.61 5.28 337.5 I tZ.tt 12.32 1075.9 i t.+s 6.16 209z o2-1s-2oo4ADoss(tm)'"';,::":15K3#"ffi ::::fi l3:3":iMENrAssNU"'o 3:59:53 PM Licensed to: I DEFLECTION ANALY,.SIS *-* **** ******* *** *ltt******* tt******* tbres--rne deflections below must O9 c91uiry! with those of the analysis i n the perpendicula r direction: -C,ol"'" users manual tor meinoo of combination and limitations' -SPans 1 and 5 are cantilevers' -Time-dependent deflections are in addition to those shown and *ust oe'"-o-tp'* * : multiplier of the dead toad(DL) deflection' 6u";cOoe' for range of multipliers' -Deflectionsduetoconcentratedorpartia||oadsmaybelarger at the point ot "pprrcliio" i-n"n tnot" shown at the centerline' Deflections ,'" "o*Jui"o as from "n."-u9l?s^: uniform loading derived from the sum of all loads applied to the span' -Modulus of elasticity of concrete' Ec = 4287' ksi - coLuMN srRlP. ylD-Dlt--:-r^T,X DEAD (J L u rvr r\ \' ' '\ ' ' o,' -. DEFLECTIoN DUE To:' DEFLECTION DUE Ti SPAN " LOAD ' NUMBER* leff.'DEAD * (inr4; * (in) . (in) .LIVE - TOTAL ' (in) - (in) - (in) - DEAD - LIVE - TOTAL ' (in) ' J 3 4 9000. -.005 -.002 -'006 itzss. .081 .031 ''t12 20488. .471 425 896 1un. .oo5 .oo3 'oo8 9000. .000 .oo0 '001 -.005 .016 .275 -.017 .000 -.002 .007 .221 -.005 .000 -.UUO .023 .497 -.022 .001 OUANTITY ESTIMATES ************t*************tl******r TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 54'7 cu'Yd ionrrrwonr 1776' sq'ft l#iiffi;&it ENr (rN rne otnLcrroN oF ANALYSTS)'iruecnrrve) 2994 lbs ipostrtve) 2025' lbs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE '84 cu'fVsq'ft FdnrvrWOnr 1'01 sq'fUsq-ft -. hEir.iiijncirr,rENr*" ...' 2'87 lbs / sq'ft *(tN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) * Program comPleted as requested * * $rbrr\r4r$Brttic lll l-0vu ta t\t>lllNt_ i\17 l)> lFl- l-u 12li lm 17u a\z/ r-1 lr)\s tr K U ^Y,$"\ ."L r'T"+', FO te 9,n.d & rlt "o lt \ G)A{D) a-{\E, 6. AtF ) d 2 rE*=< r---r Zile /-\ OriNr' ;- -irf.>: \.}J F 't z llllllllllll|Iil ni Z. =!,i 'it '!i i'i z=; ill tii 2fr,2 i qi ;ii rll 5l; iiiiriiii iI; lE Ftti rti *, i1? 111 it! tfii 3 I i;i li '4r :(- '(i ir il ilo'i ! r r< -.-i ' F t Pt d2 ] PARI< dy PARKINC CARACtr VAIL. COLORADO 12-L3-2002 ADOSS (tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page l0 8:1-4:58 AM Licensed to: Monroe and NeweLl Engineers, Inc.r Denver, CO SHEAR ANALYSIS * ******* :l **** *** *********** NOTE--Al-lowable shea4 stress i_n_ slabs : 2.82.84 psi when ratio of col. dim. (Ionq/short) is less than 2.0. --Wide beam shear (see "CODE" ) is not computed, check manual.Ly. --After the column nurnbers, C = Corner, E: Exterior, I = Interior. r-,/r!\!L I )f1 ti A _f(WITH TRANSF COLUM COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTTON SHEAR PATT REACTIONNO. STRESS NO. STRESS NO. (psi)( kips ) AROUND N ER OF MOMENT UNBAL. SHEAR SHEAR MOMENT TRANSFR STRESS (ft:k) (ft-k) (psi ) 1E 161.06 2t 282-84 3E 282.84 1 4 4 SETESS 130.0 70.71 165s. n 397.88+'W 236.sI exceeded. Not applicabfe, Not appJ.icable, Not appl-icabf e, drop dimensions drop dimensions drop dimensions .0 .0 .0 nni- enan i fi ari not speci fi ed . nnt cnan i fi oA 1 A 130.0 658.0 280 .2 110. I .0 )aA 1 10.1r 397.88* 236.9I *-She A"E** +'-4'*d-z'x COLUMN NUMBER AROUND DROP/SOLTD HEAD - - ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR STRESS NO. STRESS (psi ) (kips) (psi ) It-at'd\T 1 2 3 L2-T3-2402 ADOSS (tm) 7.01 Proprjetary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. page 12B:14:58 AM Licensed to: Monroe and NeweII Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DESIGN RESULTS**********************+**** NOTE--The scheduLe given below is a guide for proper reinforcementplacement ard is based on reasonable engineerjng judgement. Unusual- boundary and/or ]oading conditions may requiremodificati on of this schedule. NEGAT]VE REINFORCEMENT *********************+**********,t*********** * LONG COLUMN+-BAR.- NUMBER * NO SIZE COLUMN BARS LENGTH- LEFT RIGHT (ft ) (fr) STR]P *MI SHORT BARS * _BAR-LENGTH-*-B NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT * NO(fr) (fr) * DDLE STRI P LONG tsARS AR-LENGTH- S]ZE LEFT RIGHT(ft ) (ft I 5 6 7 # 5 -42 #11 14.17 # 5 8.19 5.49 8.29 1.75 A 6 6 ** - Positive reinforcement required, 1** 2 3** * coL* LONG SPAN *----BA NUMBER * NO SI ZE * 5 .A2 3.80 #r1 &l 6.54 # 5 F.68 .1.75L luo' ..oesrgn manua-t_Ly. l9 19 l5 .42 14.t7 6. 18 4.14 B.l7 1 .75 POSITTVE REINFORCEMENT * * * * * * + * * * J. rf * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr. * * * * * + * UMN tsARS * R ____ * LENGTH * SHORT ---- B A NO SIZE IP R ---- LENGTH(ft) * MID+ LONG* ---- B A* NO SIZE DLE BARS R ---- LENGTH (ft) STRIP SHORT BARS ----BAR---- NO SIZE I,ENGTH(fr) 2++ 6 + 6 17.83 6 # 6 151fi 10 # 5 18.33 93 11 # I 25.9s 10 * a o_z.Dq L2 # 6 26.4s 12l1z.',* * - Negati ve re inforcement required, desifrf 'rfanua) Iy. #6 15.38 22.28 4.D\ttnnr/r6tri[-'s q LtJ v,t'Jdl\eqF^? = Ia) t-.1 I l. --l |Je.G --+eia+4" ?o* = #get E" I'JL€P(@r,cb= -+3 -ili ('," PO+f6,:.rl;' 'r+ S -r { {Y" o 12-L3-2002 ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 14 8:L4:58 AM Licensed to: Monroe and NeweLl Engineers, fnc., Denver, CO DEFLECT]ON ANALYSTS************************************** NOTES--Tbe defl-ectiong b-elow must be combined with those of the analysis in the perpendj-cular direction. Consul.t users manual for method of combination and linitations. --Spans 1- and 4 are cantilevers. --Time-dependent deflections are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a multipfier of the dead load (DL) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multipliers. --Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads may be larger at the point of application Lhan those shown at the centerl-ine. Deflections are computed as fron an average uniform I oading derived from the sum of all loads applied to the span. --Modulus of el,asticity of concrete, Ec : 428?. ksi * * COLUMN STR] P * MIDDLE STRI P* DEAD * DEFLECTION DUE T0: * DEFI,ECTION DUE TO: sPAN * T,OAD *---------- NUMBER * Ieff. * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * * (in^4) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * ! 18204. -.001 -. 001 -. 001 -.001 -. 001 -. 0012 '74943. .015 .023 .039 -.007 -.00s -.0123 74943. .168 .299 .466 .109 .146 .2554 78204. -.032 -.030 -.063 -.032 -.031 -.063 QUANTITY ESTIMATES ****+*+**************************** TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 57.3 cu. yd FORMWORK 1321 . sq. ft REINFORCEMENT (IN THE D]RECTION OF ANALYSIS)(NEGATIVE) 1999. lbs (POSITIVE) 2893. Ibs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE 1.17 cu. ftlsq- ft FORMWORK 1.00 sq. ftlsq. ft REINFORCEMENT** .... 3.69 lbs / sq.ft +*(IN THE D]RECTTON OF ANALYSTS) * Program completed as reguested * t2-I2-2002 ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PoRTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 10 11:00:12 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Englneers, fnc., Denver, CO 511 !if+r( flNfT! I J-TJ*************************** NOTE- -Allowakrle shear stress in slabs = 282.84 psi when ratio of co1 . din. (long,/short) is fess than 2.0. --Wide beam shear (see "CODE" ) is not computed, check manually. --After the col-umn numbers, C = Corner, E = Exterior, I: Interior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH AROUND TRANSF COLUM COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION NO. STRESS NO, STRESS NO. (kips )(psi )( kips ) N ER O F MOMENT UNBAL, SHEAR SHEAR MOMENT TRANSFR STRESS (ft-k) (ft-k) lpsi) l-E 282.84 21 282.84 3E 282.84 204.7 l-73.05 4 4 4 364.26* 173.05 204.'7 602 .4 204.1 1?? q -l- / 5. f . 0 173.05.0 364.26* . 0 173. 05 *-She stress exceeded. - - AROUND COLUMN ALLOW. NUMBER STRESS (Psi ) DROP/SOLID HEAD - - PATT REACTION SHEAR NO.STRESS f leinc\ /nci \ 1 3 Not Not Not appl-icabl-e, drop dimensions applicable, drop dimensions applicable, drop di.mensions not specified. not specified. not specified. Ra4ouu'ea,' 41x+Y4 XlfP" &J^-tlm*t-' o L2-L2-2002 ADOSS (tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 12 11:00:12 AM Licensed to: Monroe and NewelI Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DES IGN RESULTS **********+**************** NlnTF.--'lha sr-hcrJrr'l c o'jrzen l-relow is a orride fnr nr.lnFF -Fi nfnrcement -j-'.'.!v!!]i\'!,\,! -_,.r r - _r-t r: An.ri naari r,: i11.l.rc-nent.Pldc.crrlvrlL dlllr r5 sri9rrrcsrrrlY JuqYsrL Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may requi re modi fication of this schedul,e. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT *********** ****************************J.**** * COLU* LONG BARS COLL'IMI.J*-BAR-LENG NUMBER * NO SIZE LEFT* {ft1 STRI P SHORT BARS -BAR-I.ENGTH- NO SIZE LEFT R]GHT (ft ) (fr ) MN TH- *M]DDL * LONG*-BAR- * NO SIZE E STRTP BARS LF,NGTH- LEFT RIGHT (fr ) (ft ) 1** 2 3** b.1u 6.10 1.75 b' 9 6 5 8 5 + 5 1.75 8.82 #10 10.25 I0.25 * 5 8.82 1.75 # 5 1.75 #10 6. 10, # 5 6.10 1.75 6.64 r0. 25 10.25 6.64 1.75 STRIP SHORT BARS ----BAR---- NO S]ZE LENGTH(fr) 11 15 11 #s. #6 #5 ** - Positive reinforcernent required, design manuaIIy. POSITIVE RE]NFORCEMENT t * * * * * * .J. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COLUMN* LONG BARS SPAN * ---- BAR---- NUMBER * NO SIZE LENGTH* (ft) STR* SHORT*----BA * NO SIZE IP BARS R ---- LENGTH (ft) ,t MID* LONG* ---- B A* NO STZE DLE t1Atl) R ---- LENGTH(fr) 9 *6 9 *6 7 #8 7 #8 I #8 I *8 28 .09 28 .09 24.17 24.'17 z6 . )J 28 .59 9 + 6 24.06 9 * 6 24.06 (//4\ +tvif : \l' ) r rVr'rd.+"{vf't' \\'3 L.{}*6!-r*r.;'.J, ffu.-==+8o-+ 4" -/4 T*\tr | fnrD/r z-l,7B 4 qE-tt tr I \\,"6 +,15 + o'ig' I2-I2-2002 ADOSS(trn) ?.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 14 11:00:12 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc., Denver' CO DEFLECTION ANALYSIS************************************** NOTES--The defLections below must be cornbined with those of .'^r ^ in t- h6 nFrnandi r:r:lar direction.. ConsuJ,tL llc dlrd-l-yJIJ I/t!uErrvrvurq! users manual for method of conrbination and limitations. --Spans 1 and 4 are cantilevers. - -Time-dependent defl-ections are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a multipfier of the dead Ioad(DL) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multipliers. --Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads may be larger at the pojnt of application than those shown at the center.Iine. Def.lections are computed as from an average uniform Ioading derived from the sum of all loads applied to the span. --Modufus of elasticitv of concrete, Ec = 4287. ksi + * COLUMN STRIP * MIDDLE STRIP * DEAD * DEFLECTION DUE TO: * DEFLECTION DUE TO: SPAN * LOAD * -------- --- IiUMBER * Ieff. * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * * (in^4) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * 1 6r-054. -.0s3 -.0t2 -.065 -.053 -.0L2 -.06s 2 38313. . 366 .143 . s09 .200 .06'7 .267 3 38313. .366 .143 .509 .200 .061 .261 4 61054. -.053 -.O12 -.065 -.053 -.0L2 -.065 QUANTITY ESTIMATES*********************************** TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 58.2 cu. yd FORMWORK 7346, sq. ft RETNFORCEMENT (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYS]S) (NEGATIVE) 2082. Ibs (POSITIVE) 3549. Ibs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE I.I7 cu. ftlsq. ft FORMWORK 1. 00 sq. ftlsq. ft REINFORCEMENT** .... 4.18 lbs / sq.ft **(IN THE DTRECTIoN OF ANALYSIS) * Dr^^r.h nnnnl arod :- -6^.,aF+a.l *1- v9! erL' ev.!'y!Lree qD rE:9uE:JLsu ,"" ?z+s l*'r*z-lMonroe & Newell Englneers, Inc.SHEEl NO. ,"--4A-L{-- oo..CALCULATED CHECKEO BY 12-L2-2002 ADOSS(tn) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PoRTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 10 8:53:53 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell- Engineers, fnc., Denver, CO SHEAR ANALYSIS*************************** NoTE--Alfowabfe shear stress in sl-abs = 282.84 psi when ratio of col . dim. (long/short) j.s less than 2.0. --wide beam shear (see "CODE" ) is not computed, check manually. --After the co.Lumn numbers, C = Corner, E - Exterior, I = Interior. DIRECT SHEAR WlTH AROUND TRANSF COLUM REACTION SHEAR PATT REACTION STRESS NO. L tl t, I MOMENT N COL, ALLOW. PATT NO. STRESS NO. t/nci \(kips ) (ps i ) SHEAR SHEAR TRANSFR STRESS ( ft-k) (psi )( kips ) UNBAL. MOMENT aft--k) 1E 161.06 21 282.84 3E 282.84 * - Shear L26.O ress exceeded. .l 244.39 11 4 4 68.50 409.78* rzo.v 289.r 106. 9 .0 241 .8 68.50 409.78* 244.39 .0 .0 .0 COLUMN NUMBER AROUND A].LOW. STRESS (psi) DROP/SOLID HEAD - - PATT REACTION SHEAR NO. I ,l'rPr ,| \Pr-! / 1 2 3 Not Not Not applicable, drop applicable, drop applicable, drop dirnensions not specified. dj-rnensions not specified. dirnensions not specified.. ,-l .ll -t. lt .r ri 5J-a *.l>lp nt-O d,nsp ^P*"^fj 1,2-12-2002 ADOSS (tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 12 B:53:53 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc., Denver' CO IJE)-LUl\ 11 IJ)U!lD +++************************ NOTE--TI^e sr:heciu le o'--- r- fnr nrc,nFr rei nforr:ement pl-acement and is based on reasonabfe engineering judgement. Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may requi re modification of this schedule. NEGATTVE REINFORCEMENT *******************++***************+*++**** * COLUMN* LONG BARS COLUMN *.-B A R - L E N G T H_ NUMBER * NO SIZE LEFT RTGHT* (fr) (fr) 1** 5 # 5 ,42 5.49 2 &.r'f #11 15.07 8.29 3** 1 + 5 8.19 1.75 STRIP *MIDDL * SHORT BARS * LONG*-BAR-LENGTH-*-BAR- * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT * NO SIZE* (fr) (ft) * STRIP BARS LENGTH_ LEFT RIGHT (fr ) (fr ) STR+ SHORT* :---- B A* NO STZE * MID* LONG*----BA * NO SIZE .42 4 .14 15.0? 8.17 6.18 1.75 STRIP* SHORT BARS*----BAR---- * NO SIZE LENGTH + / f i \ 4 # 5 .42 3.80 19 # 56 +rL rfr2 6.54 20 # 5 6 # 5 5.68 1.7s 15 # 5 ** - Positive reinforcement required, design manualfy. POSIT]VE REINFORCEMENT * * * * * * ** * * * ****** J.* r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * J.* * * * * * Jr * SPAN * NUMBER * coL LONG ---- B A NO SIZE UMN BARS R ---- LENGTH IP BARS R ---- !EJt\ u I fl DLE BARS R ---- LENGTH(fr) 2*+ 3 o 11 B 11 t"0 l.J l-J #6*6#8#8 J- /. dJ 25.99 15.83 tz2.e4 18.33 26.49 13.56 22.28 ** - Negative reinforcernent required, design manually./ ',32 iw"/si- t/ov\+,zB/7D = ?n = *8 d*E* t$@ = -+S r,,th b" Ar coe =1il E.a$ 4 " 1.2-12-2002 ADOSS(tn) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 14 8:53:53 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newe1I Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DEFLECTION ANALYSIS' * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * NOTES--The deflections be.Low rnust be combined with tho.se Qfj-he analvsis in j-ha nFrncndi r:rlar direction. ConsultLrru qrrga -)' J4e users manual for method of combination and limitations. --Spans 1 and 4 are cantil-evers' --Tine-dependent deflections are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a rnultiplier of the dead load(DL) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multipliers. --Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads may be Iarger al- fha rl.\ini- of anolicaLion than those shown at Lhe centerLine. Deffections are computed as from an average uniform Ioading derived fron the sum of all- l-oads applied to the span' --Modulus of elasticity of concrete' Ec = 428'l - ksL * * COLUMN STRI P * MIDDLE STRIP* DEAD * DEFLECTION DUE TO: * DEFLECTION DUE TO: SPAN * LOAD * ---------- NUMBER * Ieff. * DEAD * LTVE * TOTAL * DEAD + LIVE * TOTAL * * (in^4) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * r 78204 . . 000 -.001 -. 001 .000 -. 001 -. 001 2 71,964 . . 011 .022 . 033 -.Or2 -. 005 -.018 3 71.964. .193 .305 .49'1 .L26 .148 .2't4 4 18204. -.037 -.030 -.06? -.037 -.031 -'068 QUANTITY ESTIMATES*********************************** TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 57.3 cu. yd FORMWORK ]-327 . sq. ft REINFORCEMENT (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) (NEGATIVE) 2208. IbS (POSITTVE) 3005. lbs SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES coNcRETE I.L] cu. ftlsq. ft FORMWORK 1.00 sq.ftlsq.ft REINFORCEMENT** ... . 3.93 lbs / sq. ft **(IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) * Program compfeted as requested * ,* ?>N SHEET NO.-- ./\i.r CALCULATED BY ,4t+'T CHECKED BY- L2-L2-2002 ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 10 11:36:05 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO SHEAR ANALYSIS *********************+*++** NoTE--All-owable shear stress in slabs : 282.84 psi when ratio of col . dj-rn. (1ong/short) is Iess than 2.0. --Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check manually. --After the co.lumn numbers, C = Corner, E: Exteriott I: Interior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH UND TRANSF COT,UM SHEAR PATT REACT]ON STRESS NO. ( kips ) MO M E N T SHEAR SHEAR TRANSFR STRESS (ft-k) (psi) ER OF ARO COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION NO. STRESS NO. /kirT q)lnsi l N UNBAL. MOMENT rfi--k\ tE 282.84 2T 282.84 3E 282.84 * - Shear A 4 A 202.5 171.8 618.1 .0 214.0 -181 .0.0 ress exceeded, - - AROUND COLUMN ALLOW. NUMBER STRESS (Psi) 7'7 7.24 373.75* 180.88 .0 .0 .0 L71. .24 373.75* 180.88 DROP/SOLID HEAD - - PATT REACTION SHEAR NO.J t TIEJJ /leincl /nci \\r?e+, 1 2 3 Not Not Not ^-^-.r-:nsionsaPP-L r \-d!ts ' urvy sfn'E appl-icable, drop dimens j-ons applicable, drop dimensions nnt cnoai fi arl nat cnanifiod nnt <nani fi ad\Ava-d'r [d' Ca],.te.? 1.2-12-2002 ADOSS(tn) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 12 11:36:05 AM Licensed to: Monroe and NewefL Engineers, Inc', Denver, CO UE )Ibl\ 11 IJ)UliIJ*************************** NOTtr--1Lo enhedrr'l F .r ': -.^- 1-^r ^.. I l -tr f or nroner rei nforcementc a-|- lr L/sM r> a guruc pLacement and is based on reasonabl-e engineering judgement. Unusual- boundary and/or loading conditions may requj-re modi f icati.on of this schedule. NEGATIVE RE]NFORCEMENT +******************************+************ * LONG COLUMN*_BAR_ NUMBER * NO SI ZE COLUMN BARS LENGTH- LEFT RIGHT (ft ) (fr ) *M]DDL * LONG*_BAR- * NO SIZE E STRIP BARS LENGTH- ],EFT RIGHT (fr ) (fr ) STRIP SHORT BARS -BAR-LENGTH_ NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT (fi ) (ft) 5 8 5 ** - Positive reinforcement required, desiqn manua1lv. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT ***************+*++*+***********Jr*********** 2 3** 8.82 8.82 1.75 6. 10 6. 1-0 1.75 6 9 6 # 5 L.15 *10 10.25 # 5 8.82 # 5 1.75 +10 6.1-0 # 5 6.10 # 5 1.75 6.64 # 5 10.25 8.82 # 5 6.64 1.75 STRIP* SHORT BARS*----BAR---- * NO S]ZE LENGTH * /ff \ 11 -LO 1l- * C OLUMN* LONG BARS SPAN *----BAR__-- NUMBER * NO SIZE LENGTH- (fr) STRI P * M]D DLE SHORT BARS * LONG BARS ---- B A R ---- * ---- B A R ---- NO SIZE LENGTH * NO SIZE LENGTH (fr) * (ft) 'rd ep,Bkr a.o+r,b&O,UZ7+ *a a* 4" T f 8 8 '7 B s fr 8 I 9 I 6 1 28.09 28.09 24.11 24.'77 z6 . aY 24.06 24.06 9 +6 7 #1 t\r47, w', co{. e'hnp= \t' \ nri\d+V\P' i\'3 Len4bcri^ il'D4u o,q1 +Jor*" l--\lAJL -T (.-F-T D,u4i-. t , ll i1+': $ r1-1 \5 -*6 4* l,-'tlIIJ |v,45 zQ +6cC* Pd:e df 4} *-* ig:l' r ., ,r .,:,+r.c; A,1-C"OL =tl f ''le:* aL Ptr,n-r c,or.. +b aI4" +Be+L-o\r,frV o t2-12-2002 ADOSS (tn) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 14 11:36:05 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newel-l Engineers' fnc., Denver' Co DEFLECTION ANALYSIS************************************** NOTES--The deflections below must be combined with those of the analysis in the perpendicular direction. Consult users manua] for method of combi.nation and fimitations. --Spans 1 and 4 are cantilevers. --Tima-rlancndent deffections are in addition to those++r!!e vvrvr.ee shown and must be computed as a multjpfier of the dead load(DL) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multiplrers. *-Deflections due to concentrated or partial loads may be Iarger at the point of application than those shown at the centerl-ine. DefIections are computed as from an average uniform loading derived from the sum of all loads applied to the span. --Modul-us of elasticitv of concrete, Ec = 4287. ksi * * COLUMN STRIP * MIDDLE STRIP * DEAD * DEFLECTION DUE TO: * DEFLECTION DUE TO: SPAN * LOAD *- -- ----- --- NUMBER * Ieff. * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * * 1in^4) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * 1 61054 . -.050 - .0r2 -. 063 -.051 - .OL2 -. 063 2 401-42. .339 .146 .485 .181- .068 -249 3 36296. .420 . 138 . 558 .235 .06s - 300 4 61054 . -. 060 - .0r2 - .012 -. 060 - .0r2 - .012 QUANTITY ESTIMATES*********************************** TOTAL OUANTITIES CONCRETE 58.2 cu. Yd FORMWORK L346. sq. ft REINFORCEMENT (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) (NEGATIVE) 2023. Lbs (POSTTIVE) 3790. Ibs S UMMARY OF QUANTITIES CONCRETE 1.17 cu. ftlsq. ft FORMWORK 1.00 sq' ftlsq. ft REINFORCEMENT** .... 4.32 lbs / sq.ft ** (TN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) * Dr^^T.m nannl at-o^ rc ra^rrcef a.i * r rvY!qlr evr!,Ff veve o Monroe & Newell Englneers, Inc. ,"" Pzr+ | SHEET NO, 0srt CHECKED BY CALCULATED BY Monroe & Newell Enqineers, Inc. JOB ,. e>a-s?*+ri\ SHEET NO. "or"uro-ro."--24!L- oo.. CHECKEO BY Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. OATE 12-L2-2002 ADOSS (tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PoRTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 12 7t31 :40 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc./ Denverf CO SHEAR ANALYSIS*************************** NOTE--AIlowable shear stress in sl-abs = 282.84 psi when ratio of col. dim. (1ong/short) is Iess than 2'0. --wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check nanually. --After the column numbers, C: Corner, E: Exteriot, I = Interior. WITH ER O F MOMENTDIRECT SHEAR TRANSF COLUM NAROUND COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR. PATT REACTION NO. STRESS NO. STRESS NO. (ps:- )( kips ) UNBAL. SHEAR SHEAR MOMENT TRANSTR STRESS ( ft-k) ( ft-k) (psi ) 1E 2T JI- Lbr.uo 282.84 282.84 * - Shear st 1 4 51. 99 370.48* ZZJ.UL r.00. 9 649.2 281.1 89.0 .0 239.1 I 4 .0 51. 99 .0 370.48* .0 225.0L ss exceeded. - - AROUND COLUMN ALLOW. NUMBER STRESS (Psi ) DROP/SOLID HEAD - - PATT REACTION SHEAR NO. STRESS (kips ) (psi ) l- Not 2 Not 3 Not applicable, drop dimens j-ons appficable, drop dimensions applicable, drop dimensions not speci fied. not speci fied. h^r- cr\a/.i f i a.l wz 6\d' x gL 3"Y \L t='( dj,.ayy*e I2-L2-2002 ADOSS (tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 14 7:3'lz40 AM Licensed to: Monroe and NeweLL Engineers, Inc'r Denver' CO DESIGN RESULTS ***+*********************** NOTE--The schedul"e given below is a guide fo4- p3:oper.g-9i-nf orcement nl er:ement and is based on reasonable engineering judgenent. Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may require modification of this schedule. NEGATIVE RE]NFORCEMENT *******************+************************ * COLU* LONG BARS .OT,I]N4N*-BAR-T-ENG NUMBER * NO SIZE LEFT * aff\ q r R T P +M I SHORT BARS * -BAR-LENGTH-*-B NO SIZE LEFT RTGHT * NO (ft ) (fr) * DDLE STR] P LONG BARS AR-LENGTH- SIZE LEFT RIGHT (fr ) (ft ) MN TH- RI GHT r f | \ 1** 2 SPAN * NUMBER * E ,il o L2 .10 _1 . /tr A) 14 .38 Aq)'e +1d\ d= 4,14 1.73 t. /f 1,1> tr Jl c. ia 1 *rr 76.02? f 5 9.19 # s .42 3.80 19 # s *rr 11 .27 rr.27 2r * 5 # 5 6.35 1.75 14 * 5 ** - Positive reinforcement requ i r ed, POSITIVE REINFO.RCEMENT ***+******+******************+************** ,/ry, COL LONG ---- B A NO SIZE STR* SHORT*----BA + NO SIZE * MID* LONG* ---- BA* NO SIZE STRIP SHORT BARS ----BAR---- NO SIZE LENGTH(fr) UMN BARS R ---- LENGTH(fr) IP R ---- LENGTH(fr) DLE BARS R ---- LENGTH(fr) 2** 3 5 I2 5 11 10 10 9 l-0 #s #'7t+?#5 #8#8 17.83 29.34 If,.dJ 25 .87 IU.55 29.84 15.38 25.1.2 ** - Negative reinforcement reguired, design manually' L2-L2-2002 ADOSS(tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 10 7:37:40 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO DESIGN MOMENT ENVELOPES AT.CRITICAL, SECTIONS ALONG SPANS ********+******r|.**************************************** SPAN. NUM tOAD TYPE TOTL TOTL CRITICAL DESIGN SECTION MOMENT (fr) (ft-k) 5.850 TOP -9.8 BOT 282.5 1.7.106 TOP .0 BOr 1516. I LOAD MN(. I.P. LOAD MAX. I.P. LOAD PTRN DIST LEFT PTRN DIST RGHT PTRN (ft) (fr) r nnn 0 .000 4 11.156 0 .000 0 1 4.950 3 0 .000 0 L 12.644 1 L2-L2-2002 ADOSS(tm) 7.01" Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 10 8:02:A4 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell- Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO SHEAR ANALYSIS ***+*********************** NOTE--Atlowable shear stress in slabs = 282.84 psi when ratio of col-. dim. (long/short) is less than 2.0. --Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not conputed' check manua1ly. --After the column numbers, C = Corner, E: Exterior, I: lnterior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH TRANSF COLUM PATT REACTION NO. ( kips ) ER OF MOMENT SHEAR SHEAR l|(fI!\>I11 )TllLDJ (ft-k) (psi ) AROUND COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTION SHEAR NO. STRESS NO. STRESS N UNBAL, MOMENT rfr-kl L!, zoz. aL) 21 282.84 Jr, zoz. a9 4 196-1 165.8e 4 OV4PJT;) 34e.os'+ 4 196.2 165 . 19 _ _ AROUND COLUMN ALLOW. NUMBER STRESS (psi ) DROP/SOLID HEAD - - PATT REACT]ON SHEAR NO.STRESS /lzincl /nci \\E el ', .0 .0 .0 nnt <nan i fi ad na|. enaa i fi arl nnt <ncn i fi cri 4 4 4 LYO.I r96. Z LOO . Z .0 166 .2 165.89 349.05* -L bf, . u v * - Shear stress exceeded. 1 2 J Not applicable, Not applicable, Not appl icable, drop dimensions drop dinensions drop dirnensions 1,2-12-2002 ADOSS(tn) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 12 8202:44 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Enqineers, Inc.' Denver, CO DESIGN RESULTS*************************** NOTE--The schedul"e given below is a guide for proper. reinforcemqnt placement and is based on reasonable engineering judgement. Unusuaf boundary and/or loading conditions may require modi fication of thi-s schedule. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT******************************************** COLUMN * NUMBER * COLU LONG BARS -BAR-LENG NO SIZE LEFT I f i \ STRIP SHORT BARS -BAR-LENGTH- NO SIZE LEFT R]GHT(fr) (fr) *MIDDLE STRIP* LONG BARS*-BAR-LENGTH- * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT* (ft) (fr) MN TH- SPAN * NUMBER * COL LONG NO SIZE UMN BARS R ---- LENGTH (ft) STR* SHORT* ---- B A* NO SIZE IP iJAtl5 R ---- LENGTH * MID* LONG* ---- B A* NO SIZE 11 20 11 DLE BARS R ---- LENGTH(fr) l** 2 3** o 8 o 5 I 5 # 5 1.75 8.82 #10 10.2s L0.25 # s 8.82 7.75 #10 6. 10 # s 6.10 # 5 1.75 6.64 # s 10.2s 10.25 # 5 6.64 1.75 STRIP* SHORT BARS*----BAR---- * NO SIZE LENGTH " (ft) 6. 10 6. 10 1.75 ** - Positive reinforcement required, design nanually. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r( * * * * * * t :l 10 10 I *6 8 *6 9 #69 #6 #1 #'7 +Bo* 28.09 28 .09 24.7'l 24.71 28 .59 26. )> 24.06 24 .06 \Jtrr?,o\.,w- [t.z+-I, ffl\d4'b,iF-* \\,z. +t. lpr-"n,\re,"n-u ' nfrZ/ \\' 3 * O'gf i\''i4+ \q,!eb 7Z+ 4n Po+ LOrnc,\oc,,tA- = b'Oi twz -- + ba.* Ao NEG = *F- S €c* g' /1rt- u5r-: Af CDL-) = if, Boj 4" IZ-I2-2002 ADOSS (tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 14 8:02t44 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc.' Denver, co ?.:,,1.1.:.:*T*l *:*l** * *t.T-1.:.:.:.1.: NOTES--The deflections below must be conbined with those of the analysis in the perpendicular direction' Consult users manual- for method of combination and limitations' --Spans 1 and 4 are cantilevers. --Time-dependent deflections are in addj.tion to those shown and must be computed as a muttiplier of the dead load(DL) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multipliers' --Deffections due to concentrated or partial loads may be larger atthepointofapplicationthanthoseshownatthecenterline. Defl-ections are computed as from an average uniform loading derived from the sum of all loads applied to the span' --Modulus of eLasticj-ty of concrete, Ec = 4287' ksi . * * COLUMN STRIP *-M]DDLE STRIP * DEAD * DEFLECTION DUE TO: * DEFLECTION DUE TO: SPAN * LOAD "---------- NUMBER * Ieff. * DEAD * LM * TOTAL * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAT k * (in^4) * (in) + (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * 1 61740. -.042 -.018 -.060 -.o42 --018 -.060 2 5r5]? . .239 .2L6 .455 .140 .101 '24L 3 51517'. .239 .2L6 ' 455 .140 . l-01 .241' 4 617 40. - .042 -. 018 -. 060 -.042 -. 018 - ' 060 OUANTITY ESTIMATES*********************************** TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 58.8 cu. Yd FORMViIORK 1361. sq. ft REINFORCEMENT (TN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS) (NEGATIVE) 1960. lbs (POSITIVE) 3411. lbs SUMMARY OT QUANTITIES CONCRETE 1' 1? cu. ftlsq. ft FORI"TWORK 1.00 sq. ftlsq. ft REINFORCEMENT** .... 3.95 lbs / sq.ft +* /T\I 'T IJF' NTPF.r.TTON OF ANALYS]S)\f rr frr! * Program completed as reguested * oMonroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. ?3tu-s O-*-*'' SH€ET NO, "o."r*r.o ," CAI'{ oot, I CHECXEO 8Y oF_ DATE L2-12-2002 ADOSS (tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PoRTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 10 9:50:48 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newel] Engineers, Inc., Denver' CO SHEAR ANALYSIS*************************** NoTE--Al-l-owable shear stress in slabs = 282.84 psi when ratio of cof. din. (]ong,/short) is Iess than 2.0' --Wide beam shear (see "CODE") is not computed, check manual-ly' --After the cofumn nurnbers, C: Corner' E: Exteriot, I = fnterior. DIRECT SHEAR WITH AROUND ER OF MOMENTTRANSF COLUM N COL. ALLOW. PATT REACTTON SHEAR PATT REACTION NO. STRESS NO, STRESS NO, (ps.i ) UNBAL. MOMENT lft-k.| SNLAK SNLt{l( TBANSFR STRESS /ft- -L) /n<i \ lt1 -Lo-1 .uo 21 282.84 3E 282.84 * - Shear 1 4 4 I 4 4:2 26r.0L LLL.Z -v:).:) 618.4 .0 284.2 18s.0 .0 .0 .0 nnt cnoni fi od -^r-.^-^ifiar{ -nr cnan i fi aA 60.44 46L.97* 50.44 467.97* zot.ut !;tres s exceeded, - - AROUND COLUMN A],LOW. NUMBER STRESS (Psi ) DROP/SOLID HEAD - - PATT REACTION SHEAR NO.STRES S rLinc\ /nqi t Itqul,'"G I lr ..-\, t.,rl ,{t5'-b"K?-lr"ttlo Not Not Not applicable, drop dirnensions appticable. drop dimensions applicable, drop dimensl ons I2-lZ-2002 ADOSS(tm) 7.01 ProprieEary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page l2 g:50:48 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newell Engineers, Inc., Denverr co DES]GN RESULTS*************************** NOTE--The schedul-e. given belord iS a guide for proper reinforcement rll a.ement and is based on reasonable engineering judgement' F+Yvv.!!vrr v e__- Unusual boundary and/or loading conditions may requ.ire modification of this schedule ' NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT *********************+***+****************** * COLUMN* LONG BARS COLLTMN*-BAR-LENGTH- NUMBER * NO SIZE LEFT RIGHT* (fr) (ft ) STRIP "M * cu.lDT! RLaq * *-BAR-LENGTH-* * NO qT ZE T,F,FT RTGHT * * (ft) (ft) )t DDLE STRIP LONG BARS AR-].ENGTH- SIZE LEFT R]GHT (ft ) (fr ) I -B NO _L*- ) lo # 5 .42 5.34 #14 13.79 11.90 # s 9.04 1.75 4 # 5 .42 3.70 20 s #l-4 10.31 10.31 23 7 # 5 6.25 1.75 14 # 5 .42 4.03 + 51r.37 7.60 # s 6.81 1..15 ATPTP * SHORT BARS*----BAR---- * NO SIZE LENGTH* (ft) ** - Positive reinforcement required, design nanually' POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT ************+******L******+********++******* * COLUMN* LONG BARS qpLNI*----RAR---- NUMBER * NO S]ZE ],ENGTH* (f r ) STR* SHORT*----BA * NO SIZE IP BARS R ---- LENGTH /fi-) * MTD* LONG*----BA * NO SI ZE DT,E BARS R ---- LENGTH(fr) 2 6 #5 3 L2 +8 1 / . JJ 28.84 6 +5L2 +8 15.40 25.43 10 # s LL * '7 17. B3 29.34 10 #510 #'7 24 .'7 0 l.\EG;ffi#tr-lli:' \-on6\=eurrr. = \44b iw" l,Le4rn'/* +q eb b] LatElLc.,'r.r = q.4Z iwzu I, o?2 i*=/4+ {aac*, A-!o-y- *& o*4" Mrb L-"I-i I 2z 2b*le*4,o=(2 3,o\inil O,fu)& 4.zo 4,eo G,r4 ?Qru,, tte_4 .v-l, llr, 1,2-12-2002 ADOSS (tm) 7.01 Proprietary Software of PORTLAND CEMENT ASSN. Page 14 9:50:48 AM Licensed to: Monroe and Newelf Engineers, fnc., Denver' CO DEFLECTTON ANALYSIS *****:r.*************** ********+******** NOTES-:-Ihe def-lections be]-ow must be combined with those of the analysis in the perpendicular dj rection- Consult users manual- for rnethod of combination and limitations. --Spans I and 4 are cantilevers. --"f imo-denen.lent defleccions are in addition to those shown and must be computed as a multiplier of the dead load(DL) deflection. See "CODE" for range of multipliers' --Deflections due to concentrated or parLial Ioads may be Iarger at the point of application than those shown at the centerl-ine. Deflections are computed as from an average uniform Ioading derived from the sum of aLl .l-oads applied to the span. --Modu.Lus of elasticity of concreter Ec : 4287. ksi * * COLUMN STRI P * MI DDLE S TR] P * DEAD + DEFLECTION DUE TO: * DEFLECTION DUE TO: SPAN * LOAD *----------- NUMBER * Ieff. * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * DEAD * LIVE * TOTAL * * (in^4) * (in1 * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * (in) * r t8204. -.001 .00r . 000 -.001 .001 . 000 2 6s1 62- .024 -.006 .018 -.01,5 -.016 -.031 3 41 968. .4IA .264 . 678 .254 .744 .398 4 18204. -.0s9 -.025 -.084 -.059 -.025 -.085 QUANTITY ESTIMATES*********************************** TOTAL QUANTITIES CONCRETE 60.2 cu. yd FORMWORK 1"394. sq. ft REINFORCEMENT (IN THE DIRECTION OF ANALYS]S) (NEGATIVE) 2825. lbs (POSITIVE) 3450. lbs S UMMARY OF OUANTITIES CONCRETE 1-.L7 cu. ftlsq. ft FORMWoRK 1.00 sq, ftlsq. ft REINFORCEMENT** .... 4.50 lbs / sq'ft **(IN THE DIREC?ION OF ANALYSIS) * D.^^.^m anmnl ol-ad >- 'a^,'6-+^^ *+ !v9!qlr vv".r,re!uv dr rcYUErLsv Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. JOB SHEET NO. "o."u*r.o ""---CA-H-- o^r. I CHECKED BY SCALE ,o, P3 {'pA Monroe & Newell Enplneers, Inc'SHEET NO. o SCALE "0,-"r*r.o rr-#".S-...-- oor. CHECKED BY Pztu: (b=it-i; Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc.LSHEET NO, CALCULATED BY CA\) CHECKED BY SCALE tn la J ,'.^ .^D^rE_lc+_J+_g_e{-_ OATE Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. ,", i%&s&tpi) SHEET NO. \/ CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE ^^,.talqlw--'..-_----T-.-_- DATE ?e q s Q-rr*2,Monroe & Newell EnAineers, Inc.SHEET NO, OATE "o."u*rro ,, 414 Fi oo* CHECKED BY oMonroe & Newell Engineers, Inc.;{ SCALE - ,"" p=*{3+t;* SHEET NO, "o,-"r*r.o ,, CAF{ oor. CHECKEO BY ,"" Pa+s Q=t+,-d\ SHEET NO. "o."u-r.o r"€A.S-- oo* DATE 0 ,fr 71Io (/ \ oMonroe & Newell Drrqineers, Inc'a"aa, *o. -4 CALCULATED BY cA& CHECKED BY o Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. ,." pz|J (b+uz]) SHEET NO. "o."u*r.o "" dl!i'{ oor. CHECKEO BY DATE SCALE f Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver. Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623-6602 www. mon roe-newel l.com Title : Osgnr: Description : Scope : Job # Date: 1'1:00AM, 12 APR 04 usca:91ft,"." Concrete Rectangular & Tee Beam Design Description Uoturned Beam Beam Weight Added Internally fc Fy Concrete Wt. Seismic Zone End Fixity 5,000 psi 60,000 psi 145.0 pcf 1 Pinned-Pinned Live Load acts with Short Term General Information.- Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Reinforcing Rebar @ Center of Beam... Count Size oq Rebar @ Lett End of Beam... Count Size 'd' from ToP 2 I 2.00 in 2 I 11.00 in 2 9 20.00 in 2 I 29.00 in Short Term Rebar @ Right End of Beam... Count Size 'd' from Top #1 2 I 2.00 in #2 2 I 11.00 in #3 2 9 20.00 in #4 2 I 29.00 in #3 'd' from Top 62.00in 60.00 in 58.00in 56.00in #1 #2 #3 Dead Load 0.200 k Maximum Deflection Max Reaction @ Left Max Reaction @ Right 22.000 29.333 Not Req'd Not Req'd22j00 22.100 End 44.000 ft Beam Design OK -0-2271 in 43.41 k 43.41 k Span = 44.00ft, Wdth= 12.00in Depth = 64.00in Maximum Moment: Mu 741.16 k-fi Allowable Moment : Mn.phi 1,943.68 k-ft Maximum Shear : Vu Allowable Shear ; Vn-phi Shear Stirruos... Stlrrup Area @ Section 0.400 in2Reoion 0.000 7.333 Mai. Spacing 22.000 22.000 Max Vu 60.371 45.278 60.37 k 120.96 k 14.667 Not Req'd 22.639 Mu, Eq. 9-1 741 .16 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq..9-1 60.37 k 59.83 k 44,000 ft 22.000 in 59.832 k Bending... @ Center @ Left End @ Right End Shear... Mn*Phi . 1,943.68 k-ft 474.08 k-ft 474.08 k-tt Vn'Phi 120.96 k 120.96 k Mu, Eq. 9-2 555.87 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-2 45.28 k 44.87 k Mu, Eq. 9-3 247.32 R-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-3 20.15 k 19.97 k@ Left End @ Right End DL + [Bm Wt] DL + LL + [Bm Wtl DLrLL+ST+[BmWt] Reactions... DL + [Bm Wt]l DL + LL + [Bm Wt] DL+LL+ST+[BmWt] 0-0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 21.413 k 43_413 k 43.413 k 0.0000 ft 0.0000 fr 0.0000 ft @ Rioht 21.413 k 43.413 k 43.413 k -0.0777 in -0.2271 in -0.2271 in 22.0000ft 22.0000ft 22.0000ft Bending & Shear Force Summary Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 6236602 www.monroe-newell.com Title: Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 11:004M, 12 APR 04 [iii**;g*3;E#ff ]ii"g"",l;?Bi*." Concrete Rectangu|ar & Tee Beam \siq1 Description Upturned Beam Evaluate Moment Capacity... X : Neutral Axis a=beta-Xneutral Comoression in Concrete Sum lsteel comp. forces] Tension in Reinforcing Find Max As for Ductile Fallure... X-Balanced Xmax=Xbal ' 0.75 a-max=beta'Xbal Comoression in Concrete Sum lsteel Comp Forcesl Total Compressive Force AS N4ax = Tot Force / Fy Actual Tension As Center 11.760 in 9.408 in 479.808 k 0.000 k -480.000 k 36.694 in 27 .520 in 29.355 in 't,122.833 K 0.000 k 't,122.833 k 18.714 in2 8.000 0K Left End 6.150 in 4.920 in 250.920 k 108.915 k -360.000 k 17.163 in 12.872 in 13.731 in 525.196 k 128.310 k 653.506 k 10.892 in2 0.000 0K Rioht End 6.150 in 4.920 in 250.920 k 108.915 k -360.000 k 17.1633 in 12.872 i^ 13.73'1 in 525.196 k 128.310 k 6s3.s06 k 10.892 in2 0.000 0K ACI Factors (per ACl, applied intemally to entered loads) Neutral Axis l9ross lcracked Elastic Modulus Fr = 7.5' fc^.s Z:Cracking Eff. Flange Width ACt 9-1 & 92 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST*: '19.475 in 26?144.0Q in4 119756.60 in4 4,030.5 ksi 530.330 psi 76.429 ksi 12-00 in Mcr Ms:Max DL + LL R1 = (Ms:DL+LLyMcr Ms:Max DL+LL+ST R2 = (Ms:DL+LL+STyMcr l:eff... Ms(DL+LL) l:eff... MS(DL+LL+ST) 0.750 0.900 1.300 362.04 k-ft 477 .55 k-lt 0.758 477 .55 k-ft 0.758 181799-106 in4 181799.106 in4 UBC 1921 .2.7 "1.4" Faclol UBC 1921.2.7 '0.9" Factor 1 .400 1.700 1 .700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor oMonroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623-6602 www.mon roe-newel l.com User: KW{60365. Ver 5.5.1_ (c)l 983-2002 ENERCALC E Description Typ. Core Column 16 16,000 Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Rectangular Concrete Column Fc Fy Seismic Zone psi 60,000.0 psi LL & ST Loads Act Seoaratelv Job # Date: 11:00AM, 12 APR 04 Page 1 Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is BRACED 1 11.000 1.000 2.000 in 8.000 in 14.000 in Dead Load 250.000 k Eccentricitv inAxial Loads 16.00 x 16.00in Column, Rebar: Applied : Pu : Max Factored Allowable : Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po * .80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced Actual kLu/t 27.500 Neutral Axis Oistance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm Et / 1000 Pc: pi^2 E l/(k Lu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + l\4oments Design Ecc = Ecc . Delta 3-#7 @2.00in,247 ACI 9-1 605.00 k 759.14 k 54.45 k-ft 1.080 in 1.00 1.080 in 54.4s k-ft 1 ,084.48 k 415.83 k 7.793 in Elastic Modulus ACI Eo. 9-l 17.9350 in 0.7000 34.0000 0.5785 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0-0000 1 .0000 1.080 1.080 @ 8.00in, 3-#7 @ 14.00in ACt 9-2 262.50 k 759.14 k 23.62 k-tt 1.080 in 1.00 1.080 in 23.6?k-ft 1.084.48 k 415_83 k 7.793 in Column is OK ACr9-3 225.00 k 759.14 k 20.25 k-ft '1.080 in 1.00 1.080 in 20.25 k-ft 1,084.48 k 415,83 k 7.793 in 4,030.5 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 17.9350 in 0.7000 34.0000 '1 .0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.080 1.080 Beta Ar:l tr^ O-? 17.9350 in 0.7000 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 '1.0000 1.080 in 1.080 in General Information catcrt"tioni ii sf enderness per Act 318-s5 Section 10.12 & 10.13 ACt 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST': '1.400 1 .700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor AUt Y-J Snon term Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor0.900 UBC 1921 .2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.300 1.400 0.900 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Golorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623'6602 www.monroe-newell.com Tlfle : Osgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 10:17AM, 12 APR 04 Liii,, xwlobros, ve' s 6 1. 25-ocl'2002 rcl1983-2002 ENERCALC Enqrneerino Soflware Circular Concrete Column Description COLUMN B-14 General Information C"i"ui"tion" are designed ioACt 3't8-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Reblr Percent Bar Cover 18.000 in 10 10 12.700 i^2 4.991% 2.000 in Fy Seismic Zone 1 LL & ST Loads Act Separate Spiral Ties Used Live Load 215.000 k Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is BMCED 5,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 12.000 ft 12.000 ft 1.000 Dead Load 530.000 kAxial Loads Actual kLu/r 32.000 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm Et / 1000 Pc:pi^2Ell(kLu)^z alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc' Delta ACr 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 ST ---.setsmlc=51-: Elastic Modulus ACLE!.-9:1 18.6790 in 0.7500 34.0000 0.6700 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1 .0000 1.1400 0.0000 4,030.5 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 18.6790 in 0.7500 34.0000 i.oooo 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 0.0000 Beta ACI Eo. 9-3 18.6790 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 in 0.0000 in 1 .400 1 .700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 GrouD Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.UBC 1921.2.7 ''1 .4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9' Factor0.900 1.300 Column Diameter= 18.00in, with 10 #10 Bars Column is OK Act 9-3 477.00 k 1,107.51 k 45.3'l k-ft 1.1400 in 1 .00 1.1400 in 45.31 k-fi 1,521.09 k 449.06 k 'r0.3508 in Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn t Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined EccentricitY Magnification Factor Design EccentricitY Magnified Design Moment Po * .80 P : Balanced Ecc: Balanced ACr 9-l 1,107.50 k 1,107.61 k '105-21 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 '1.1400 in 105.21 k-ft 1,521.09 k 449.06 k 10.3508 in ACI 9-2 556.50 k 1,107.61 k 52.87 k-ft 1.1400 in '1.00 1.1400 in 52.87 k-ft 1,521.09 k 449.06 k 10.3508 in Slenderngss per Act 318-95 section 10.12 & 10.13 ACI Factors (per ACl, applied intemally to entered loads) Spiraf Tie Requirements peteT uBc 1s10'e3 Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Wthin Spirals Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing 254.47 inz 153.94 in2 0.024 15.400 in Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc' 1701 Wynkoo.p Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623'6602 www.monroe-newell'com Tltle : Dsgnr: Description : Scope : Job # Date: 10:17AM, 12 APR 04 tlser: KW{50365, Ver 5.6 '1, (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC El Circular Concrete Column Description COLUMN E-P1 General Information Iulatlon" "t" designed to ACI 31s-95 and 1997 uBc Requlrements Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover 18.000 in 6 6.320 inz 2.484 % 2.000 in 5,000.0psi 60,000.0 psi 12.000 ft 12.000 ft 1.000 IC Fy Seismic Zone LL & ST Loads Act Separate Spiral Ties Used Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is BRACED 1 Dead Load 360.000 k Live Load 110.000 k Eccentricitv 1 .000 in Axial Loads Actual kLu/r 32,000 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm Er / 1000 Pc:pi^zEll(kLu)^2 atpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc . Delta 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST': Elastic Modulus ACI Eo. 9-1 17.9490 in 0.7500 34.0000 0.7294 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 0.0000 1.400 1.700 1,700 1.100 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor |JBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor VBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 4,030.5 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 17.9490 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1 .1400 0.0000 0.750 0.900 1.300 Beta ACI Eo. 9-3 17-9490 in 0.7s00 34.0000 '1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 in 0.0000 in Column Diameter= 18.00in, with Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined E ccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnitied Design Moment Po ' .80 P : Balanced Ecc : Balanced B #8 Bars ACt 9-1 691.00 k 899.52 k 65.& k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 1.1400 in 6s.64 k-ft 1 ,214.76 K 435.88 k 7.5858 in ACr 9-2 378.00 k 899.52 k 35.91 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 1.1400 in 35.91 k-ft 1,218.76 k 435.88 k 7.5858 in Column is OK ACI 9-3 324.00 k 899.52 k 30.78 k-ft '1.1400 in I .00 1 .1400 in 30.78 k-ft '1,218.76 k 435.88 k 7.5858 in sf enderngss Der ACI 318-95 Section 10.12 & 10.13 ACI Factors (per ACl, applied internally to entered loads) Spiral Tie Requirements per 9z uBc 7970 9'3 Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals l\ilin. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie SPacing 3 254.47 inz 153.94 in2 0.o24 15.400 in Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 170'l Wynkoop Street, Sulte 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623-6602 www,monroe-newell,com Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope : Job # Date: 10:17AM, 12 APR 04 Circular Concrete Column Description COLUMN E-3 Calculations are desigried tci ACi 3i8-95 ano''i 997 UBC Requirements Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover 18.000 in I 7 4.800 in2 1.886 % 2.000 in 5,000.0psi 60,000.0 psi 12.000 ft 12.000 ft 1.000 fc Fy Seismic zone LL & ST Loads Act SeParate Spiral Ties Used Live Load 120.000 k Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is BRACED Dead Load 400.000 k Eccentricitv 1.000 in o Axial Loads Actual kLu/r 32.000 Neutral Axis Distance Hnl Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm Et / 1000 Pc:pi^2Ell(kLu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc' Delta 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST.: Elastic Modulus ACI Eq. $1 17.7390 in 0.7500 34.0000 0.7330 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 0.0000 4,030.5 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 17.7390 in 0.7s00 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 0.0000 Beta ACI Eo. 9-3 17.7390 in 0.7500 34.0000 I .0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 in 0.0000 in 1 .400 1 .700 1 .700 1.100 0. 0.900 1.300 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor uac 1921.2.7 "',|.4 IJBC 1921.?.7 "0.9" Factor Column Diameter= '18.00in, with Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po ' .80 P : Balanced Ecc:Balanced 8 #7 Bars Acl 9-1 764.00 k 850.42 k 72.58 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 1.1400 in 72.58 k-ft 1,146.73 k 435.00 k 6.8723 in ACt 9-2 420.00 k 850.42 k 39.90 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 1 .1400 in 39.90 k-ft 1,146.73 k 435.00 k 6.8723 in Column is OK ACI 9-3 360.00 k 850.42 k 34.20 k-ft 1.1400 in 1 .00 '1.1400 in 34.20 k-ft 1,140.73 k 435.00 k 6.8723 in slenderness per Acl 318-95 section 10.12 & 10.13 ACI Factors (per ACl, applied internally to entered loads) Spiral Tie Requirements per 97 UBC 1910 9 3 Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Wthin Spirals ? 254.47 inz 153.94 in2 0.024 15.400 in Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623-6602 www. monroe-newell.com Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 10:17AM, 12 APR 04 o User: KW-060365, Ver 5.6.1, 25-Ocl-2002 lc)1983-2002 ENERCALC Enqineedno Software Circular Concrete Column Description COLUMN G-6 'r oiameier 18.000 in fc 5,000.0psi Total Height 17'000 ft Number of Bars I Fy 60,000.0 psi Unbraced Length 17 000 ft Bar Size 10 Seismic Zone 1 EtL Length Factor 1 .000 Total Rebar Area 10.160 in2 LL & ST Loads Act Separate Column is BRACED Rebar percent 3.993 % Spiral Ties Used Bar Cover 2.000 in Dead Load 430.000 k Live Load 140.000 k 1.000 inAxial Loads Actual k Lu/r Neutral Axls Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Bela = M:sustained/M:max Cm Et / 1000 Pc: pi"2 E l/ (k Lu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc. Delta ACt 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 ST ..,.seismic=ST': Elastic Modulus ACI Eo. 9-1 15.2590 in 0.7500 34.0000 0.7167 0.6000 6,6?4.77 1,571 .12 Q.7129 2.0896 1.1400 0.0000 1 .400 1 .700 1 .700 1 .100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Facior ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor UBC 1 1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 4,030.5 ks ACI Eo. 9-2 18.1290 in 0.7500 34.0000 1 .0000 0.6000 c.ooo.zo 1,348.55 0.4464' 1.0838 1.1400 0.0000 0.750 0.900 1.300 ACI Eo. 9-3 18.4090 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 0.6000 5,686.26 1,348.55 0.3826 1.0000 1.1400 in 0.0000 in Column Diameter= 18.00in, with Applied ?u : Max Factored Allowable Pn " Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po ' .80 P : Balanced Ecc : Balanced I #10 Bars ACI 9-1 840.00 k a47 .02 k 79.80 k-ft 1.1400 in 2.09 2.3a22 in 166.75 k-ft 1 ,400.73 k 438.10 k 9.3755 in ACt 9-2 451.50 k 1,009.74 k 42.89 k-fl 1.1400 in 1.08 1.2356 in 46.49 k-ft 1,400.73 k 438.10 k 9.3755 in Column is OK ACt 9-3 387.00 k 1,023.44 k 36.76 k-ft 1.1400 in 1_00 1.1400 in 36.76 k-ft 1 ,400.73 k 438.'r 0 k 9.3755 in slenderness per ACt 318-s5 section 10.12 & 10.13 ACI FaCtOrS (per ACl, applied intemally to entered loads) Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals 3 Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio 254.47 inz 153.94 in2 Max Spiral Tie Spacing 0.o24 15.400 in Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 17Ol Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623-6602 www.monroe-newell.com Tltle : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 10:17AM, 12 APR 04 user: KW460365, ver 5 6. icl1983-2002 ENERCALC Circular Concrete Column Description COLUMN G-8 Calbulatioritdre-d€aifiriecf to ACi 31 8:95' and 1997 UBC Requiremenis Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover 18.000 in 6 10 10.160 in2 3.993 % 2.000 in 5,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 12.000 ft 12.000 ft 1.000 fc Fy Seismic Zone LL & ST Loads Act SeParate Spiral Ties Used Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is BRACED 1 Column Diameter= 18.00in, with Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phl @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined EccentricitY Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po - .80 P:Balanced Ecc: Balanced B #10 Bars ACI 9-1 1,006.00 k 'l,023.44 k 95.57 k-ft 1 .1400 in 1.00 1.1400 in 95.57 k-tt 1,400.73 k 438.10 k g-3/ 55 tn ACI 9-2 525.00 k 1,023.44 R 49.87 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 1 .'t 400 in . 49.87 k-ft 1,400.73 k 438.10 k 9.3755 in Golumn is OK ACt 9.3 450.00 k 1,O23.M k 42.75 k-ft 1 .1400 in 1.00 1.1400 in 42.75 k-ft 1,400.73 k 438.10 k 9.3755 in Sf enderness per Act 318-95 Section 10.12 & 10-13 Dead Load 500.000 k Live Load 180.000 k Short Term k Eccentricitv 1.000 inAxial Loads Actual kLu/r 32.000 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm Er / 1000 Pc:pi^zEll(kLu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc' Delta Elastic Modulus ACI Eo. 9-1 18.4090 in 0.7500 34.0000 0.0958 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1_1400 0.0000 4,030.5 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 18.4090 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 0.0000 Beta ACI Eo. 9-3 18.4090 in 0.7500 34.0000 '1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1 .0000 1.1400 in 0.0000 in ACI Factors (per ACI' aPplied internally to entered loads) ACt 9-1 & 9-2 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST': 1.400 't .700 1 .700 '1 .1 00 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 93 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor VBC 1921.2.7 "1.4' Factol UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9' Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 .400 0.900 Spiraf Tie Requirements per e7 UBC 1e10 e 3 Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Wthin Spirals Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing 254.47 i^2 153.94 in2 0.o24 '15.400 in Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234s27 F: (303) 623'6602 Description COLUMN H.12 Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 10:17AM, 12 APR 04 Circular Cgncrete Column ,ecw:Calculation General Information Calcrl"tioiis aa6designed.io ACi 3i6-35 and i997 UBC Requirements Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover 18.000 in 8 11 12,480 in?' 4.904 % 2.000 in fc Fy Seismic zone LL & ST Loads Act SeParate Spiral Ties Used Live Load 218.000 k Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is BRACED 5,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 1 13.000 fr 12.000 ft 1 .000 Dead Load 520.000 k Short Term Axial Loads Actual kLu/r 32.000 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm Er / 1000 Pc:pi^zEll(kLu)^z alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc * Delta Elastic N4odulus Act Eo. 9-1 18.6590 in 0.7500 34.0000 u.ooz/ 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 0.0000 4,030.5 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 18.6590 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1 .0000 '1 .1400 0.0000 Beta ACI Eo. 9-3 18.6590 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 in 0.0000 in Column Diameter= 18.00in, Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn ' Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnitication Faclor Design EccentricitY Magnified Design Moment Po' .80 P : Balanced Ecc : Balanced 8 #1 '1 Bars ACI 9-1 1,098.60 k 1,098.83 k 104.37 k-fi 1.1400 in 1.00 1.1400 in 104.37 k-ft 1,510.67 k 439.,14 k 10.4480 in ACI 9-2 546.00 k 1,098.83 k 51,87 k-ft 1.'1400 in 't .00 1.1400 in 51.87 k-ft 1,510-67 k 439.44 k 10.4480 in Column is OK ACI 9-3 468.00 k 1,098.83 k 44.46 k-fr 1.1400 in 1 .00 1.1400 in 44.46 k-ft 1,510.67 k 439.44 k 10.4480 in slenderness per Acl 318-95 Section 10.12 & 10.13 ACI Factors (per ACl, applied internally to entered loads) ACt 9-1 & 9-2 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST.: 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 0.750 0.900 '1.300 1.400 0.900ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor UBC 1s21.2.7 "1.4' Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor Spiral Tie Requirements pereT UBC 1e10e 3 Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals 3 254.47 inz 153.94 in2 o.024 15.400 in Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Golorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623-5502 www,monroe-newell.com Description UMN H-16 Title : Dsgnr: Description : Scope : o Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is BRACED Job # Date: 10:17AM, 12 APR 04 Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent ' Bar Cover 18.000 in 10 10 12.70Q in2 4.991 % 2.000 in fc Fy 5,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi Dead Load 460.000 k Seismic Zone LL & ST Loads Act Separate Spiral Ties LJsed Live Load 227 .500 k Short Term KAxial Loads Actual kLu/r 34.667 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm Et / 1000 Pcl. pi 2E l/ (k Lu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc' Delta ACI 9-1 & 9- ACt 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST*: Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals Elastic Modulus ACI Eo. $1 18.5090 in 0.7500 34.0000 0.6248 0.6000 8,110.10 3,289.10 0.4178 1.0307 1 .'1400 0.0000 4,030.5 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 18,6790 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 0.6000 0.2410 1.0000 1 ,1400 0.0000 0.750 0.900 1.300 Beta ACI Eo. 9-3 18.6790 in 0.7500 34.0000 1 .0000 0.6000 2,672.O4 0.2066 1.0000 1.1400 in 0.0000 in 0.800 '1 .400 1 .700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor UBC 1921.2.7 ''1 .4' Factor I.JBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor a 254.47 inz 153.94 in2 Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing 0.024 15.400 in o iii"i, -xivoeoses, ver s.6.1, 25€ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineenng Software Circular Concrete Column General Information Caliulatlolrs ard Oesign-ed to ACi 318:95 and 1997 UBC Reqijiiemeiiis Column Diameter= 18.00in, with Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc' M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po' .80 P : Balanced Ecc : Balanced 10 #10 Bars ACI 9-1 '1,030.75 k 1,101.9E k 97.92 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.03 1 .17 49 in 100.92 k-ft 1,521.09 k 449.06 k '10.3508 in Column is OK ACI 9'3 414.00 k 1,107.61 k 39.33 k-ft 1.1400 in 1 .00 1.1400 in 39.33 k-ft a 4?1 nqk 449.06 k 10.3508 in ACI 9-2 483.00 k 1,107.61 k 45.88 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 1.1400 in 45.88 k-ft 1,521.09 k 449.06 k 10.3508 in sf enderness per ACI 918'95 section 10.12 & 10.13 ACI Factors (per ACl, applied internally to entered loads) Spiral Tie Requirements per 97 uBc 1e10 e3 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623.6602 Title : Dsgnr: Description : Scope : Job # Date: 10:17AM, '12 APR 04 Circular Concrete Column UMN D-16 Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover 18.000 in 8 10 10.160 in2 3.993 % 2.000 in 5,000.0psi 60,000.0 psi '| 12.500 ft 12.500 ft 1 .000 Fy Seismic Zone LL & ST Loads Act Separate Soiral Ties Used Live Load 224.000 k Total Height Unbriced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is BMCED Dead Load 400.000 k Ecce ntricitv inAxlal Loads Actual kLu/r 33.333 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm Er / 1000 Pc:pi^2Ell(kLu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc' Delta Elastic Modulus ACI Eo. 91 18.4090 in 0.7500 34.0000 0.5952 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 0.0000 4,030.5 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 18.4090 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1 .1400 0.0000 Beta ACI Eo. 9-3 18.4090 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 in 0.0000 in Column Didmeter= 18.00in, with 8 #10 Bars ACI 9-l 940.80 k 1,023.44 k 89.38 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 1.1400 in 89.38 k-ft 1,400.73 k 438.10 k 9.3755 in Column is OK ACt 9-3 360.00 k 1,023.4 k 34.20 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 1.1400 in 34.20 k-ft 1,400.73 k 438.10 k 9.3755 in Applied Pu : Max Fac{ored Allowable Pn * Phl @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po ' .80 P : Balanced Ecc : Balanced ACt 9.2 420.00 k 1,023.114 k 39.90 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 1.1400 in 39.90 k-ft 1,400.73 k 438.10 k 9.3755 in slenderness Det Acl 918-95 section 10.12 & 10.13 ACI Factors (per ACl, applied intemally to entered loads) ACI 91 DL ACt 9-1 & 92 LL ACt 9.1 & 9-2 ST ,...seismic=ST*: 1.400 1 .700 1.700 1.100 Factor ACI 93 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1921 .2.7 "1.4" 0.900 UBC'1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.300 1.400 0.900 Soiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Wthin Sgirals Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing 3 254.47 in2 153.94 in2 0.024 '15.400 in Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 6236602 www. mon roe-newell. com Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 10:17AM, 12 APR 04 User: Kw{60365. V€r 5.6.1. 25oct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Enoineedng Sofi.Jare Circular Concrete Column Descr:iption COLUMN B-16 eC nequiretents ! -D'"rn"t* --- 18.000 in fc 5,000.0psi Total Height 19 999 Il Number of Bars e Fy 60,000 0 psi Unbraced Length 12 000 ft Bar Size 10 S'eismic Zone 1 Eff. Length Factor 1 000 Total Rebar Area 10.160 in2 LL & ST Loads Act Separate Column is BRACED Rebar Percent 3'993 % Spiral Ties Used Bar Cover 2.000 in Axial Loads Actual k Lu/r ACr 91 & 9-2 DL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic = ST' : Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Wthin SPirals Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustiained/M:max Cm Et / 1000 Pc:pi^2Ell(kLu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc . Delta Elastic Modulus ACI Eo. 9l 18.4090 in 0.7500 34.0000 0.5996 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 0.0000 4,030.5 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 18.4090 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0,00 0.0000 1.0000 1 .1400 0.0000 0.750 0.900 1.300 Dead Load 429.600 k 1.400 1.700 1.700 1 .100 Live Load 236.250 k Beta ACI Eo. 9-3 18-4090 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 in 0.0000 in ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 3 254.47 inz 153.94 in2 Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing Column Diameier= 18.00in, with 8 #10 Bars ACt 9-1 1,003.07 k 1,023.44 k 95.29 k-ft. '1.1400 in 1.00 1.1400 in 95.29 k-ft 1,400.73 k 438.10 k 9.3755 in Column is OK ACt 9-3 386.64 k r ,023.44 k 36.73 k-ft 'r.'r400 in 1.00 '1.1400 in 36.73 k-ft 1 ,400.73 k 438.'r0 k 9.3755 in Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn . Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined EccentricitY Magnification Factor Design EccentricitY Magnified Design Moment Po . .80 P.: Balanced Ecc : Balanced ACt 9-2 451.08 k 1,023.44 k 42.85 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 'r.1400 in 42.85 k-ft 1,400.73 k 438.10 k 9.3755 in Sf enderness per Acl 318-s5 section 10.12 & 10.13 ACI Factors (per Acl, applied intemally to entered loads) Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623-6602 www.monroe-newell,com Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 10:18AM, 12 APR 04 User: KW-060365, Ver 5-6.'1, {c)l 983-2002 ENERCALC El Circular Concrete Column Description Column F-13 Calcuiations are desigh:63 tb ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover 18.000 in 6 10 '10.160 in2 3.993 % 2.500 in 5,000.0psi 60,000.0 psi 1 Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is BRACED 18.000 fi '12.000 ft 1 .000 Eccentricity in 0.800 Fy Seismic Zone LL & ST Loads Act SeParate Spiral Ties Used Live Load 193.300 kAxial Loads Actual kLu/r 32.000 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kllr Beta = M:sustained/lv:max Cm Er / 1000 Pc:pi"2Ell(kLu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc * Delta ACt 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACt 9-l & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST*: Elastic Modulus ACI Eo. 91 18.1590 in 0.7500 34.0000 0.6445 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 0.0000 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI $3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "1 .4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9' Factor 4,030.5 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 18.1590 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 1 .0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1 .1400 0.0000 0.750 0.900 1.300 Beta ACI Eo. 9-3 '18.1590 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 in 0.0000 in Column Diameter= 18.00in, with I #10 Bars ACt 9-1 924.3'l k 1,016.74 k 87.81 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 1 .1400 in 87.81 k-ft 1,400.73 k 399.94 k 9.7128 in Column is OK ACI 9-3 382.95 k 1,016.74 k 36.38 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 '1.1400 in 36.38 k-ft 1,400.73 k 399.94 k 9.7128 in Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn ' Phi @ Design Ecc. M-crilical Combined EccentricitY Magnitication Factor Design Eccentricity MagniRed Design Moment Po ' .80 P : Balanced Ecc : Balanced ACt 9-2 446.78 k 't,016.74 k 42.44 k-'.tt 1.1400 in 1.00 1.1400 in 42.44 k-ft 1,400.73 k 399.94 k 9.7128 in SlenderneSS per Acl 31\-ss section 10.12 & 10.13 ACI Factors (per Acl, applied internally to entered loads) Spiral Tie Requirements per e7 uBc 1910 9'3 Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Wthin Spirals ? 254.47 i^2 132.73 i^2 0.034 11.809 in Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver. Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234s27 F: (303) 623-6602 www.monroe-newel l.com Title : Dsgnr: Description : Scope : Job # Date: 10:18AM, 12 APR 04 User: Kw460365. Vrr 5.6.1, 25oct-2002 ic)1983-2002 ENERCALC Enqineeing Software Circular Concrete Column Description Column C-2 Di"r"t* -_- 18.000 in fc 4,OOO.0psi Total Height 11 999 ft Number of Bars 12 Fy 60,000 0 psi Unbraced Length 10 000 ft Bar Size a Slismic Zone I Eff' Length Factor 1 000 Total Rebar Area 9.480 in2 LL & ST Loads Act Separate Column is BRACED Rebar Percent 3'725 ok Spiral Ties used Bar Cover 2.500 in Axial Loads Actual kLu/r 26.667 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit klir Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm Er / 1000 Pc: pi^? E l/ (k Lu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc ' Delta Acr 9-1 & ACr 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST': Elastic Modulus ACI E0. 9-1 18.2890 in 0.7500 34.0000 0.678'l 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.1400 0.0000 Dead Load 404.700 k I .400 1.700 1.700 1 .'100 Live Load 158.200 k ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor UBC 192'1.2.7 "1 .4" Faclor UBC 1921 .2.7 "0.9" Factor 3,605.0 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 18.2890 in 0.7500 34.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1 .1400 0.0000 0.750 0.900 '1.300 Beta ACI Eo. 9-3 18.2890 in 0.7500 34.0000 1 .0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1 .0000 1.1400 in 0.0000 in Column Diameter= 18.00in, with 1 2 fl8 Bars ACt 9-l 835.52 k 863-81 k 79.37 k-ft '1.1400 in 1.00 1 .1400 in 79.37 k-ft 1,191.50 k 353.42 k 9.6928 in Column is OK ACt 9-3 364.23 k 863.81 k 34.60 k-ft 1.1400 in 1 .00 '1.1400 in 34.60 k-ft 1,191.50 k 353.42 k 9-6928 in Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Momenl Po ' .80 P : Balanced Ecc : Balanced ACt 9-2 424.94 k 863.81 k 40.37 k-ft 1.1400 in 1.00 '1 .1400 in 40.37 k-ft 1,'191.50 k 353-42 k 9.6928 in SlenderneSS per ACI 318-95 section 10.12 & 10.13 ACI Factors (per Acl, applied internally to entered loads) Sphal Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Are3 \Mthin Spirals t 254.47 in? 132.73 inz 0.028 14.761 in Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623-6602 www.monroe-newell.com Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 1 1:00AM, 12 APR 04 User: KW-050365, Vor 5-6.1, 25ocl-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Enqineedng Software Combined Footing Design Description Perimeter Footing r Gerieial lnformation Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements ff--. Allow Soil Bearing 7,000.0 psf fc 4'000.0 psi Seismic Zone 1 FY 60'000.0 Psi Concrete Wt Overburden 145.0 pcf 0.00 psf Short Term Increase 1.33 Min As Pct 0.0014 Distance to CL of Rebar 3.50 in Live & Short Term Load Combined Footing Size... Distance Left Dist. Betwn Cols Distance Right Footing Length width Thickness 3.58 ft 17.50 ft 0.50 ft 14.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 #1 : Square Dimension ...Height #2 : Square Dimension ...Height tn tn in in21.58 ft 7.50 ft 38.00 in Vertical Loads... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load @ Left Column 430.000 k 140.000 k k @ Rioht Column 303.600 k 57.000 k k Soil Pressure @ Left Dead + Live Dead+Live+Short Term Soil Pressure @ Right End Dead + Live Dead+Live+Short Term Stability Ratio Actual Allowable 6,890.8 7,000.0 psf 6,890.8 9,310.0 psf 5,525.3 7,000.0 psf 5,525.3 9,310.0 psf 999.0:1 tr^ q-1 tr^ A-2 ACI Factored 10,052.4 psf 7,539.3 psf 4,986.0 psf 8,060.3 psf 6,045.3 psf. 3,997.9 psf Eccentricity 0.396 ft 0.396 ft -0.396 ft -0.396 ft trd q-'l Eq.9-2 Eq.9-3 Footing Design OK Length = 21.58ft, Wdth = 7.50ft, Thickness = 38.00in, Dist. Left=358ft, Btwn. = 17.50ft, Dist. Right=0.50ft Maximum Soil Pressure 6,890.81 psf Allowablc 7,000.00 psf Steel Req'd @ Lef 0.580 in2lft Max Shear Strest 103.35 psi Steel Req'd @ Cente 1.925 inzft Allowabl( 215.03 psi Steel Req'd @ Righ 0'580 in2lft Min. Overturnino Stabilil 999.000:1 Moments... Mu @ Col #1 Mu Btwn Cols Mu @ Col #2 One Way Shears... Vn : Allow' 0.85 Vu @ Col #1 Vu BWn Cols Vu @ Col #2 Two Way Shears... Vn:Allow.0.85 ACr 9-1 41.93 k-fvft -286.62 k-ttlft 0.00 k-fuft 107.517 psi 2.839 psi 100.604 psi 0.000 psi 215.035 psi 103.346 psi 63.508 psi ACt 9-2 31.45 k-fuft -214.96 k-fuft 0.00 k-fvft 107.517 psi 2.129 lsi 75.453 psi 0.000 Psi 215.035 psi 77.510 psi 47.631 psi ACt 9-3 20.37 k-Wft -138.78 k-wft 0.00 k-fvft '107.517 psi 1.380 psi 48.298 psi 0.000 psi 215.035 psi 53.486 psi 33.958 psi Vu @ Col #1 Vu @ Col #2 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Golorado 80202 P: (303) 623-4927 F: (303) 623-6602 www,monroe-newell.com Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope : Job # Date: 1 1 :00AM, 12 APR 04 Combined Footing Design Description Perimeter Footing @ Lefi Edge of Col #l Between Columns @ Right Edge ol Col #2 ACt 9-1 ACt 9-2 ACt 9-3 ACt 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACt 91 & 9-2 ST .-..seismic=ST': Ru/Phi 39.14 psi 29.35 psi 19.02 psi As Req'd 0.580 in2lft 0.580 in2lft 0.580 in2/ft KU/t,nl 267.56 psi 200.67 psi '129.55 psi As Req'd -1.9?5in2ln -1.428in21fi -1.212in2lft Ru/Phi 0.00 psi 0.0Opsi 0.00psi UBC 1921.2.7 "1 .4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor As Req'd 0.580 inzft 0.580 inZft 0.580 inzft 1.400 1.700 1.700 1 .'t00 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 'l701 Wynkoop.Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623-5602 www. monroe-newell,com Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 1 1:00AM, 12 APR 04 User: Kw460365. Ver 5.6.1. 25oct-m02 (c)1983.2002 ENERCALC enqineednq Software Combined Footing Design Page 'l Description COMBINED FOOTING General Information Calculations are dasiqned to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Reouirements Allow Soil Bearing Seismic Zone Concrete Wt Short Term Increase Overburden 9,000.0 psf 1 145.0 pcf 1.33 0.00 psf fc Fy Min As Pct 4,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 0.0014 Distance to CL of Rebar 3.50 in Live & Short Term Load Combined Dimensions Footing Size... Distance Left Dist. Betwn cols Dislance Right Footing Length wdth Thickness 3.75 ft 13.50 ft 3.75 ft #1 : Square Dimension ...Height #2 : Square Dimension ...Height 14.00 12.00 '14.00 12.00 In in in in21.00 ft 7.50 ft 36.00 in Loads Vertical Loads... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load @ Left Column 425.000 k 160.000 k k _@BtShLCp]umn 425.000 k 160.000 k k *gggnf-F Footins Desisn oK Length = 21.00ft, Wdth = 7.50ft, Thickness = 36.00in, Dist. Left = 3.75ft, Btwn. = 13.50ft, Dist. Right = 3.75ft Maximum Soil Pressure 7.863.57 osfAllowabl( 9,000.00 psf Steel Req'd @ Lef 0.546 in2lft Max Shear Stres! 1 16.08 psi Steel Req'd @ Cente 1 .300 in2lft Allowabk 215.03 psi Steel Req'd @ Righ O.546 in2lft Min. Overturning Stabilil 999.000:1 Soil Pressures Soil Pressure @ Left Dead + Live Dead+Live+Short Term Soil Pressure @ Right End Dead + Live Dead+Live+Short Term Stability Ratio Actual Allowable 7,863.6 9,000.0 psf 7,863.6 11,970.0 psf 7,863.6 9,000.0 psf 7,863.6 11,970.0 psf 999.0 :1 ACI Factored '11,618.5 psf 8,7j3.9 psf 5,248.6 psf 1 1 ,618.5 psf 8,713.9 psf 5,248.6 psf tr^ a-1 tr.a a-) trn O-1 tr^ a-) Eccentricity 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft Moment & Shear S ( valuesfot moment are given per unit width of footing ) Moments... Mu @ Col #1 l/u Btwn Cols Mu @ Col #2 One Way Shears... Vn : Allow' 0.85 Vu @ Col #1 Vu Btwn Cols Vu @ Col #2 Two Way Shears... Vn : Allow' 0.85 ACt 9-1 55.20 k-fvft -173.40 k-t!ft 55.20 k{Vfi 107.517 psi 12.939 psi 100.968 psi 12.939 psi 2'15.035 psi 1 '16.077 psi 116.077 psi ACr 9-2 41.40 k-f!ft -130.05 k-fuft 41.40 k-fvft 107.5'17 psi 9.704 psi 75.726 psi 9.704 psi 215.035 psi 87.058 psi 87.058 psi ACr 9-3 24.35 k-wtl -76.50 k-fvft 24.35 k-fvft 107.517 psi 5.708 psi 44.545 psi 5-708 psi 215.035 psi 58.241 psi 51.21 0 psi Vu @ Col #1 Vu @ Col #2 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 6236602 www. mon roe-newel l.com Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date:11:00AM, 12 APR 04 User: KW{60365. Ver 5.5.1, {c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Er Combined Footing Design Page 2 Description COMBINED FOOTING Reinio ' ( vaiues given per unit width of footing ) @ Left Edge of Col #1 Between Columns @ Right Edge of Col #2 ACt 9-1 ACr 9-2 Ru/Phi 58.07 psi 43.55 psi 25.62 psi As Req'd 0.$6 in2lft 0.540 in2/ft 0.546 in2lft Ru/Phi 182.41 psi 136.80 psi 80.47 psi KU/tsnl 58.07 psi 43.55psi 25.62psi As Req'd 0.gO in2lft 0.546inzft 0.546in21ft ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor As Req'd -1.300 inzft -1 .207 inztl -0.704 in2lft 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor' 0.900 UBC 1921 .2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.300 ACt 9"'1 & 9-2 DL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic = ST. : 1.400 1.700 1 .700 1 .100 ACI Factofs (per ACl, applied internally to entered loads) Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623-6602 www, monroe-newell.com Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 11:00AM, 12 APR 04 r KW46( 983-2002 l;3i":o#;1033,**" Square Footing Design Description MAXIMUM INTERIOR FOOTING General lnformation Calculations are designed toACl 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 220-QQQ k 0.000 K 1 0.000 psf 145.00 pcf 1.330 36.00 in Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover Fy Allowable Soil Bearing 24.00 in 20 3.250 4,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 7,000.00 psf Reinforcin Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 200lFy As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reini % to Req'd 20.188 in 0.0033 0.0037 in2 0.0037 % 0.887 in2 9.755 in2 0.0014 As to USE per foot of Wdth Total As Req'd Min Allow % Reinf 11.00ft souare x 24.0in thick wiih 20- #9 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu : Actual Mn * Phi :Capacity 6,570.99 psf 7,000.00 psf 6,570.99 psf 9,310.00 psf 77.96 k-ft / ft 154.20 k-ft / fl Vu : Actual One-Way Vn'Phi : Allow One-Way Vu : Actual Two-Way Vn'Phi : Allow Two-Way Alternate Rebar Selections... 49 # 4's 32 # 5's 17 # 7's 13 # 8's Footing OK 93.23 psi '107.52 psi 212.80 psi 215.03 psi 23 # 6's 10 # 9's I # 10's Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 1701 WynkooP Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 623-4927 F: (303) 623'6602 www.monroe-newell'com Description Pavillion Wall Height Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Location Grouted Cells W Bars Uniform Eccentric Load... Dead Load Live Load EccentricitY Roof Concentric Load.'. Dead Load Live Load Roof Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope: fm Wall Wt Multiplier Medium Weight Block Fr=2.5-(fm)^.5 Seismic Factor Job # Date:10:04AM, 12 APR 04 1,500.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 1.00 2.50 0.300 0.00 lbs 0.00 ft 0.00 *vft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 15.00 8,0 in 5 48 in 200.00 #/ft 1 ,000.00 #/ft 0.00 in 0.00 #/ft 0,00 #/ft Lateral Loads... Point Load @ height Seismic Distributed Load Dist. to ToP Dist. to Bottom Seismic Slender Masonry Wall Cai"ulitions are designed to 19-67 UBC Requirements Wall Design OKummary t S.OOft nign, 8.00in thick wi #5 bars at 48 00in on center at ' MedWt Block f m = 1,500.0psi, Fy = oo,ooo.opsi, specia| |nspection Req,d, Grout @ Rebar only ;;;..;;"fi;;, ' lfino rcaa coverns service Load Deflection : \Mnd Load Govems Maximum lteraled Moment : Mu '13'909 42 in-# Maximum lterated Deflection 0'217 in Moment capacity * 15"zAA qS in-# Deflection Limit l 260 in Seismic Wnd Mn'Phi : Moment capaciry 15'268'5 in-# 15'268'5 in+ Mu: (0.9D+1.0E),(1 .2D+1 .3Wrf1'L+'5Lr) 6'986'0 in+ 13'909 4 in+ Mu: i1.2D*f1'L+'1.0E),(1.2D+1.61r+'8w) 6:9s6'0 il-t 8'259'3 in+ ' Overstress Precentage u uv Allow Deflection: 0.007' Height 1 260 in 1-260 in Max lterated Service Load Deflection 0'042 in 0217 in Rctuii oeftection Ratio 4,270'4 830'8 Actual Reinforcing Percentage erro*aULe rr,rar. Rlinr. Perceht = 0.5 ' Rho Bal Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.04 ' !m 0.0017 0.0053 10.28psi 60.00 0.0017 0.0053 10.28 psi 60.00 Factored Load Analysis Basic Moment without P-Delta Basic Deflection without P-Delta Moment in excess of Cracking Moment Max. lterated Wall Deflection Max. lterated Wall Moment Service Load AnalYsis Basic Moment without P-Delta Basic Deflection without P-Delta Moment in excess of Cracking Moment Max. lterated Wall Deflection Max. lterated Wall Moment Seismic 6,945.75 in-# 0.06 in 0.00 in-# 0.06 in 6,985.98 in-# Seismic 4,961.25 in-# 0.04 in 0.00 in-# 0.04 in 4,985.'17 in-# wind 13,'162.49 in+ 0.55 in 4,151.52 in+ 0.63 in 13,909.42 in-# Wind 10,125.00 in-# 0.20 in 1,114.02 in-# 0.22 in 10,247.95 i^-# Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc' 1701 WYnkooP Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623-6602 www.monroe'newell.com Description Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 10:04AM, 12 APR 04 Slender Masonry Wall Vertical Load Summary... DL @ Max. Mom Loc. LL @ Max. Mom Loc. 0.9 ' Dead Load 1.05 . Dead Load 1.275 ' Live Load Wall Weight Wall Weight' Seismic Factor 567.50 Ibs 0.00 lbs 510.75 lbs 595.88 lbs 0.00 lbs 49.00 Psf 20.58 psf 1.3 . Wnd Load 1.7 ' \ryind Load Seismic Factor ' Wall Wt. 1.43 ' Seismic Weight '1.87 ' Seismic Weight Rebar "d' Distance 39.00 psf 51.00 psf 20.58 psf 29.43 psf 38.48 psf 3.81 in Phi Equivalenl Solld Thickness Gross Atea A-steel As - Percent As-Effective = (Pu +As- FY) /FY As-eff : Wnd As-eff : Seismic 'a' : ComPression Block 'a' : \Mnd 'a' : Seismic ffi = Fni ' As-etf' Fy' (d-al2) \Mnd Seismic Em=750'fm n=29E6/Em Fr = 2.5' (fm)".s Soross Mlracking=Sgross'Fr FGross l-Cracked - Wind FCracked - Seismic Phi: \Mnd Phi: Seismic 0.80 . 4.60 in 55.20 in 0.08 in2 0.0017 0.087 in2 0.087 in2 0.34 in 0.34 in 15,268.48 in# 15,268.48 in-# 1125000.00 Psi z).t o 96.82 Ps 93.06 in 9,010.97 in 354.81 in4 26.42 in4 ?6.42 in4 0.800 0.800 Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc' 1701 WynkooP Street, Suite 200 Denver, Golorado 80202 P: (303) 62s4927 F: (303) 623-6602 www,mon roe-newell.com Description Pavillion Wall 13.00 Title : Dsgnr: DescriPtion: Scope : Job # Date:10:04AM. 12 APR 04 0.00 ft 8.0 in 5 40 in 3.810 in 0.3300 750.00 1 .330 1.000 Factor Calc of Em = fm ' Duration Factor Wall Wt Mult. @ Center fm FS Soecial lnsPection Grout @ Rebar OnlY Medium- Weighl Block Eouivalent Solid Thickness 4.700 in psl psiWall Height Parapet Height Thickness Rebar Size Rebar SPacing Depth to Rebar l'.iru,Y.tlll**ll3l;3,'";T;?33**Masonry Wall Design -C"i"uf"ti*" are designed to 1-o97 UBC Requlrements Concentric Axial Load Dead Load Live Load Roof Load Wind Load 30.000 psf Uniform Load Dead Load Live Load Load Eccentricity Roof Load En: Es/Em Wall Weight 200.000 #/ft 1,000.000 *f/fl 'r .000 in 0.000 #/ft 0.000 #/ft 1,125,000 psi 25.778 53.000 Psf Rebar Area Radius of Gyration Moment of lnertia 0.093 inz 2.521 in 358.350 in4 301.72 psi 495-00 Psi 24,000.00 Psi 0.05244 0.?7562 0.90813 7.99050 )2lkt Max Allow Axial Siress = 0.25 fm (1-(h/140r)^2) t Splnsp Allow Masonry Bending Stress = 0'33 fm ' Splnsp = Allow Steel Bending Stress = to"d CotUination & Stress Dell!:Sgmg Top of Wall DL+LL DL+LL+WNd DL+LL+Seismic Between Base & ToP of Wall nl +ll DL+LL+Wind DL+LL+seismic Moment in-# 1,200.0 200.0 200.0 600.0 4,534.3 Axial Load lbs 1,200.0 200.0 200.0 1,544.5 544.5 *4.5 Stqel psl 621.5 621 .5 1,864.6 23,945.2 14,091.3 7 ,722.64 17,016.91 Masonry psl 55.U 9.2 9.2 zt.c t5J.+ 208.0 Bending Stresses Axial Compression psi 21.28 5.tf, 5. J3 zt .co 9.65 9.65 fb/Fb + fa/Fa f.?Fi 0.1817 0.0303 0.0303 0.1464 0.9977 0.5871 Wall Weight moment @ Mid Ht Dead Load Moment @ ToP of Wall Dead Load Moment @ Mid Ht Live Load Moment @ ToP of Wall LiveLoad Moment @ Mid Ht 200.00 100.00 1,000.00 500.00 Total Dead Load Total Live Load tDs lbs in-# in-# in-# in-# 200.00 1,000.00 Maximum Allow Moment for Applied Axial Load = il;;i;;rn Allow Axial Load for Applied Moment = in-# lbs Wall Design OK 13.00ft high wall with 0.00fi parapet, Med wi Block w/ 8.00in wall W/ #5 bars at 40'00ino'c' at center Governing Load comblnation is" ' Dead + Live-+^Wind Between Top & Bottom Masonry Bending Stress 353'44 Psi Steel Bending Stress 23,945'17 Psi H,f"ronw AxiJt Stress 9'65 Psi Combined Stress Ratio 0'9977 < 1'3300 (allowable) Wnd Moment @ Mid Ht Seismic Moment @ Mid 7,605.00 4A33.72 Tltle : Dsgnr: Description : Scope : Job # Date:10:04AM, 12 APR 04Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc' 1701 WYnkooP Street, Suite 200 Denver, Gotorado 80202 P: (303) 62s4927 F: (303) 623-6602 www.monroe-newell.com Description Lintel at Masonry OPening Masonry LintelDesign General Information fm FS Em=fm' Special InsPeclion Seismic Factor Wall Wt Mult. Block Type #1 Wind Load 1,500.0 Psi 24,000.0 PSi 750.00 0.015 1.000 Medium Wt Clear Span Lintel Depth Thlckness End Fixity Bar Spacing Live Loads Not Included with Wind/Seismic 0.00 k/ft c"l -crl"ti"".'* designed to 1997 uBc Requlrements 6.00 Rebar o 1 4.000 in 4.000 in 2 1 .330Load Duration Factor 2.00 ft 8.00 in F rx-Flx 3.000 in # Bars E/F Top Clear Btm Clear # Bar Sets End X 0.000 ft 1.50 k/ft 30.00 psf Moment Actual - Allowable 4.97 22 50 k-ft 4.97 22 50 K'It Shear Actual Allowable Vertical Loads DL OnlY DL+LL DL+Wind/Seismic+(LL) Lateral Loads \Mnd Seismic Equiv. Solid Thick 0.18 0.01 7.600 in Wall Wt 37 90 37.90 1.60 0.06 E 1125,000.0 Psi 38.73 psi 38.73 psi 51.51 psi 51 .51 51 .51 n 495.00 Psi 24,000.00 Psi 38.73 PSi 29.92 k-ft 7.46 k-ft 7.46 k-ft 78.00 Psf psi psi 25.7774 Vertical Strength k:(np^2+2nP)^.5-nP np i=1-U3 tra:mas=Fb k.i b d^2/2 ' LDF M:Stl = Fs As j d Lateral Strength As k:(np^2+2nP)^.5-nP np i='1 -k/3 M:mas=Fb k jb d^2/2. LDF M:Stl = Fs'As.j'd'LDF Allowable Stresses Masonry Fb. 0.33 f m (.5 if w/o sP insp) Steel Masonry Fv fm^.5 * (.5 i{ o sP insp) 0.8800 in2 0.42 0.1490 0.861 22.50 k-ft 30.25 k-ft 0.88 in2 0.44 0.17 7.46 k-ft 10.99 k{t Soan= 6.00ft, DePth= Using Z bar sets of 1- #6 Combined Stress Ratios DL+LL DL + Wind (+ LL) DL + Seismic (+ LL) Combined Stress Results ' DL+LL DL + Wind (+ LL) DL + seismic (+ LL) (shear governs) (shear governs; (shear governs) fb/Fb fb/Fb ID/FO 1.00 1.00 1.00 Combined 0.2208 0.9785 0.1901 0.7667 0.1669 0.7369 1 oq7ft Thick= B.o0inMedium Weight Block' Special Inspectton o"-ti toa"eO 3 000in apart, Ends are Fix-Fix 0.9785 . 0.7667 ' 0.7369 | Lateral i 0.0241 0.0310 0.0009 0.0012 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc' 1701 WynkooP Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623'6602 www. monroe-newel l.com Description ROOF BEAM Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 10:O4AM, 12 APR 04 i: iivioooles, ver s.o t ' 25-od'2002 . 983-2002 ENERCALC Engineenng >onware General Timber Beam General lnformation ffits*d to 1ee7 NDS and 1"1!99!::51; Section Name 6x12 Beam Width Beam Depth Member TYPe Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 5.500 in 11.500 in Sawn 1.150 Pin-Pin 30.000 Pcf Center SPan Left Cantilever Riqht Cantilever Do.-uglas Fir - Larch, No.1 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 10.00 ft 2.50ft ft 'I,350.0 psi 85.0 psi 625.0 Psi 1,600.0 ksi 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Full Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Center SPan". Deflection ...Location @ Center @ Left @ Right ...Length/Defl 3,817'9 Camber ( using 1.5 ' O.L. Oefl ) "' Deflection ...Length/Defl Right Cantilever.'. . Deflection ...Length/Defl Sxx 121 .229 in3 Area cl 0.000 Sxx Reo'd 97.62 in3 24.96 in3 0.00 in3 @ Right SuPPort 6.19 k 63.332 in2 97.75 Psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd DL DL DL 170.00 #/ft 170.00 #/ft #1ft #tft #1ft #1ft LL LL LL 8s0.00 850.00 Dead Load -0.031 in 5.100 ft 0.047 in 0.030 in 0.000 in Total Load -0.203 in 5.000 ft 591.48 0.020 in 2,970.4 0.154 in 389.9 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 Bending ck cf Analysis 26:035 1.000 @ Center @ Left SuPPort @ Right SuPPort Shear AnalYsis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ SuPPorts Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 0.000 ft 0.000 Max Moment 12.63 k-ft 2 2? ll-fl 0.00 k-ft @ Left SuPPort o./o ^69.165 in2 97.75 Psi 8.07 k 5.11 k Rb Allowable fb 1,552.50 Psi 1,552.50 Psi 1,552.50 Psi 2.348 in 1 .486 in ffi*ru"*ant= 2.50ft, Beam width = 5 50oin x Depth = 11'sin' Ends are Pin-Pin Max Siress Ratio 1 oe4 ' 1 Maximum Moment 12 6 k-ft Maximum Shear * Allowable 1s.7 k-ft Allowable Max. Positive Moment 12'63 k-ft at ! q?9 L Shear: ii,ili. u"!"tiu" r',ro."nt -0 s7 k-ft at 0 000 ft Max @ Left support -3.23 k-ft camber: uax 6 nignt support o oo k-ft Max. M allow 15 68 Reactions.. fb 1 ,250.20 psi fv 106 89 psi Left DL 1 43 k Fb 1 ,552.50 psi Fv 97'75 pt' - x'9ht5---0 86 i 1.5 @ Left @ Risht @ Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Overstressed in Shear ! 6.8 k 6.2 k 5.49 k 5.11k 0.030in 0.047 in 0.000 in 8.07 k 5.11 k 63.250 in2 Title : Dsgnr: DescriPtion : Job # Date:10:04AM, 12 APR 04Monroe & Newell Englneers, lnc' 1701 WYnkooP Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234s27 F: (303) 623'6502 www.monroe'newell'com DescriPtion frfJ A O @ Sp""ified Locations Moment -3.23 k-ft 0.00 k-ft -3.23 k-ft Shear 5.49 k 0.00 k 5.49 k Deflection 0.0000 in 0.0000 In 0.0000 in @ Center SPan Location = @ Rlght Cant. Location = @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 fi Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 'f 7Ol Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 6236602 www.monroe-newell'com DescriDtion ROOF BEAM Title : Dsgnr: Description : Scope : Job # Date: 10:04AM, 12 APR 04 General Timber Beam C"l"rlution. aredesigned io 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 6x12 Beam Wdth Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 5.500 in '11.500 in Sawn 1.150 Pin-Pin 30.000 pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 8.50 ft 2.50ft ft 1,350.0 psi 85.0 psi 625.0 psi 1,600.0 ksi 0.00 ft 0,00 ft 0.00 ft Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Center SPan... Deflection ...Location ...Length/Defl @ Center @ Left @ Right ck 26.035cf 1 .000 @ Center @ Left SuPPort @ Right SuPPort Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ SuPPorts Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction Dead Load -0.0'15 in 4.381 ft 6,663.5 Total Load -0.105 in 4.294 fl 973.35 tL LL DL DL DL 170.00 #/ft 170.00 #lft #fit 850.00 850.00 #lfr #tft #tft Camber ( using 1.5 ' D.L' Defl ) .-. Deflection ...Length/Defl Right Cantilever..' Deflection ...Length/Defl Sxx 121.229 i^3 Area cl 0.000 Sxx Reo'd 69.93 in3 24.96 in3 0.00 in3 @ Right SuPPort 5.06 k 51.760 in2 97.75 Psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd 0.010 in 5,887.8 0.000 in 0.0 0.094 in 640.0 0.000 in 0.0 LE Rb 0.023 in 0.0'15 in 0.000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 Max Moment 9.05 k-ft 3.23 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left SuPPort 5./5 K 58.622 in2 97.75 psi 7.35 k 4.3? k 63.250 inz Allowable fb '1,s52.50 Psi 1,552.50 psi 1,552.50 psi 2.139 in 1.258 in So"* A.sOft, Left Cant= 2 soft, Beam Wdth = 5 500in x Depth = 11 sin' Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left SuPPort Max @ Right SuPPort Max. M allow fb 895.49 Psi Fb 1,552.50 PSi 0.927 '. 1 9.0 k-ft 15.7 k-ft 9.05k-ft at-0.57k-ft at -3.23 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 15.68 Maximum Shear * Allowable 4.294 ft Shear: 0.000 ft Camber: Reactions... Left DL 1.30 k Right DL 0.71 k Beam Design OK 3./ K 6.2 k 4.77 k 4.32R 0.015 in 0.023in 0.000 in 7.35 k 4.32k90.60 psi 97.75 psi '1 4 @ Left @ Right @ Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Bending Analysis Title : Dsgnr: Description : Job # Date: 10:04AM, 12 APR 04Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc' 1701 Wynkoop Street, Sulte 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623'6602 www.monroe'newell'com DescriPtion GeneralTimber Beam lrt, V, a O @ SPeclfled Locations Moment -3.23 k-ft 0.00 k-ft -3.23 k-ft Shear 4.77 k 0.00 k 4.77 k Deflectlon 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in @ Center SPan Location = @ Right Cant. Location = @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 fl Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc' 17Ol Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 623-6602 Description MFTER - TYP. General lnformation 3xg Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 12.00ft .... 3.00ft ....ft .... 1,350.0 psi 85.0 psi 625.0 psi 1,600.0 ksi Job # Date:10:04AM, 12 APR 04 ReDetitive Member Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope: Cilculations are deaignedio-1997 NDs and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name Beam Wdth Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 0.00 fr 0.00 ft 0.00 ft2.500 in 7 .250 in Sawn 1.150 Hrn-Htn 30.000 pcf iiiii,'xW-b;lsos, v", s.5.1, 2s'oct-2002 1cl1983-2002 ENERCALC Enqrneedng Sofiware General Timber Beam Center Len Cantilever Right Cantilever Span... Deflection ...Location @ center @ Left @ Right Bending Analysisck 26.035cf 1.200 @ center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ SuPPorts Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction Dead Load -0.098 in 6.120 ft 0.147 in 0.094 in 0.000 in Total Load -0.685 in 6.000 fl 210.13 DL DL DL 27 .50 #|ft 27 .50 #lft #tft 160.00 160.00 Deflection ...Length/Defl Right Cantilever... Deflection ...Length/Defl LL LL LL #tft #tft #tft ...Length/Defl 1,473.8 Cambet ( using 1.5 ' D.L. Defl ) ..' 0.063 in 1,146.6 0.000 in 0.0 0.521 in 138.2 0.000 in 0.0 Le Rb 0.000 ft 0.000 Max Moment 3.37 k-ft 0.86 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support 1.66 k 16.951 in2 97.75 psi 1.79 k 1.14 k Sxx 21.901 in3ct 0.000 Sxx Reo'd 18.89 in3 4.82 in3 0.00 in3 @ Right SuPPort 1.53 k 15.670 in2 07 76 ^ca Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd Area 18,125 i^2 Allowable fb 2,142.45 Psi 2,14?.45 Psi 2,142.45 psi 1 .148 in 0.727 in Sp"t= fzoOtt, Left Cant= 3.00ft, Beam Width = 2 500in x Depth=725in' Endsare Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right SuPPort Max. M allow fb 1,848.11Psi Fb 2,142.45 Psi at 6.060 ft at 0.000 ft Reactions. . 91.42 psi Left DL 0.29 k 97.75 psi Right DL 0.'18 k Beam Design OK 1.7 k 1.8 k '1.22k 1.'l4k 0.094 in 0.147 in 0.000 in 1.79k 1.14 k 0.935 : 1 3.4 k-ft 3.9 k-ft @ Left o Monroe & Newell Englneers, Inc' 1701 WynkooP Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 P: (303) 6234927 F: (303) 523'6602 wwwmonroe.newell.com Description Title : Dsgnr: Descrlption : Job # Date: 10:04AM, 12 APR 04 GeneralTimber Beam Query Values try, a O @ SPecified Locatlons @ Center SPan Location = @ Rlght Cant. Location = @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Moment -0.86k-ft 0.00k-ft 4.86k-ft Shear 1.2? k 0.00 k 1.22 k Deflection 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in