HomeMy WebLinkAboutCROSSVIEW AT VAIL BUILDING E LEGALI t o) TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAlL, CO 81657 970-479-2I38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: C,RQSSVIEW ELDG E NEW ( SFR, p/S, DUp ) PERMrr '"'"T '-r.+-permit a|F Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. .: ISSUED .:Eo4/Lt/lee7.: o4/23/Is97.: lo/20/Lee7 L460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Status.. CROSSVIEW AT VATLGT Applied. Issued.. Expj-res. 2LO3-122-00-00 B APPLICANT T.I.B., INC 9959 SOUTH TURKEY CREEK ROAD, MORRISON CO CoNTRACTOR T.I.B., INC Bui Ldiny----) 1,540.00 Restuarant ptan Review--> Pl,an Chcck--> 1,0O1.0O DRB Fe"-------- Phone: 3036971076 80465 Phone: 3036971076 OWNER Description:NEW SFR Number of Dwelling Units: 001Occupancy Type Factor Sq. F.eet ValuationDwellings Zone 2 V-N 70.44 2,LI4 148,9L0.1"6Private Garagee Zone 2 V-N 25.56 468 11;962.08Subtotal:2 t582 16Q,872.24Table Date: 05/L7/1996 Total Valuation: L60,872.24 Town of VaiI Adjusted Valuation: 300,000.000 Fireplace Inforration: Restricted: y flot cas Apptiances: 1 flof cas Logs:flot Uood/Pa t tet:****i*t***********t*****t**************t****************t** FEE SUI'll.lARy **************************i***********t*****************i* 9959 SOUTH TURKEY,CBFET<=.BOAp._.MORRTSON CO 80465 HOLDINGS, 4000 CUMBERLAND PARKING BLDG, ATLANTA GA 30339 FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A PUBIJTC WORKS CHARLIE AcLion: NOTE SITE PLANCHARLIE AcLion; NOTE SITE PLAN I,ARRY_P Action: APpR Lp ENGINEERING CHARLIE Action: NOTE SITETERRI Action: APPR SEE .00 Total Catculated Fees---> 200.00 AdditionrL fecs--------> PLAN TO TERRI CONDITIONS Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: TO LARRY TO TERRI Dept: ENGINEER Divieion: 3,A78.2O .00 lnvest i gat ion> 9i Lt Catl,----> .00 3.00 ,,i#!.zo Total Permit fee--------> 3,87E.20ino;P I Farmenrs------- 3,878.?0 BALANCE DUE---- BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:CHARLIE AcIion: NOTE PLANS TO cHucKCHUCK AcIion: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept,: PLANNTNG nivi6ion: CHARIJTE AcLion: NOTE PLANS To GEoRGE GEORGE Action; APPR **t*******************ff****t*******t*t******i*****************t********************ff****************t***********ff*ff*********** Item:051.00 04/t! /tee704/t4/Lee7Iteml 05400 o4 /LL /tee7o4/77 /tse7Item:05600 o4/LL/Lee7 Item:05500o4/rr/tee7 o4 /LL / teeT _ o4/22/tee7 Item:05550 o4/rt/Lee7 o4/22/Lee7 *ff***t***t****ff***********ff'r***********************i***************************************t***t****f****t********t******** for any conditions that DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovlcdge that I h.vc rcad this appl,ication, fitted out in futl the infonnation rcquired, conptcted an accurate ptot ptan, and stete that alt the infofmation provided as required is conrect. I agree to corrpl,y uith thc information and ptot pLan, to comPty uith atl' Tovn ordinances and statc [aus, and to buitd this structure according to thc ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, uniforn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS I}I ADVANCE BY FICE F t" o Docunent Send Ctlan-up Deposit To: T.L8.SIGNATURE OF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AI{D O!'NER TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De approved amount date PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 89?-0048 as of 04/29/97 Status: ISSUED ********************************************!k*********************************** aSee Page 2 of this Permit Type: NEw (SFRTP/SrDUp) PERMITapplicant: T. f.B. , INC o may apply to this permit. Applied: O4/tL/L997Issued: O4/23/1997 Job Address: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Locati-on: CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG E 1460 BUFFHER CR RDParcel No: 2103-122-00-008 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WII,L REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS,AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. CULVERT MUST BE EXTENDED. RIP RAP MUST BE PLACED AT CULVERT4. OUTLET. SWALE TO ITANDLE WATER MUST BE DUG DOWN TO WHERE5. EXISTING SWALE IS IIELL DEFINED Refund TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR ********i***t*********************t*******tt********t****** F EEPtumbing-----) 225.00 Restuanant P[an nevi ew--> TOTAL fEES----- Valuation;14 ,7 4L,00 suf4tlARy *****************************************************i**** DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT Permit AT ALL TIMES P97 -O027 Job Address: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Status...: ISSUEDLocation...: CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG E Applied..: 04/tt/I997Parcel No..: 2103-122-00-008 Issued...: O4/23/L997Project No.: PRJ97-0029 Expires..: tO/20/L997 APPLICANT ROYAL FLUSH PLUMBING & HEAT phonez 970-328-62L3 POB 1168, EAGLE CO 81631 coNTR"AcroR ROYAL FLUSH PLUMBTNG & HEAT phone z 970-328-6213 POB 1168, EAGL,E CO 81631OWNER CROSSVIEW PROPERTIES LTD I ULTIM HOLDINGS, 4OOO CUMBERLAND PARKING BLDGI ATLANTA GA 30339 Ptan Chcck---) Investigat i on> 56.25 .00 tli l,L Cal.t----) 3.00 REAUESTS foR tNSpECTroNs SHALL BE IiADE T|{ENTY-IOUR HoURS Il{ A0VANCE By IslgUOUr*+pO-\,rJl.,_ .00 ?84.?5 Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additionat f ees---------> Totat Permit Fre--------> CE FROII ?44 .25 .00 284 .25 accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdivi sion Payments------- DECLARATIONS codes, design reviev approved, Unitorm Buitding code and othcr ordinances of the tovn afpticabte I hereby acknovtedge that I have read.this apptication, fitLed out in futt the infornation required, corpteted anptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. r agree to compty riith the inforantionto comPty with al'l' Town ordinances_and state-lel,g, and to buiLd this structure according to'the ToHn's zoning and SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER FOR HIIISELF AND OI,'NER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2r38 E Iectr i ca [---> oRB Fee Invest igat i on> ili l, L Cat t----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON APPLICANT VAL'S ELECTRIC 2199 CHAMONIX, #14, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR VAL'S EIJECTRIC JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E97-0048ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Status...Location...: CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG E Applied..Parcel No..: 2703-122-00-008 Issued...Project No. : PRJ97-0029 Expires. . OWNER 2199 CHAMONTX, #14, vArL co 81657 CROSSVIEW PROPERTIES LTD t ULTIM HOLD]NGS, 4OOO CUMBERLAND PARKING BLDG, ATLANTA GA 30339 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW SFR Valuation. '?,052.00 *******************t*)t********t*********************i*****t fEE SUl,lltARy ***i*******1******tt*********************t**t**t********** I SSUED 04/r1/7ee7 04 /23 / |ee7 t0 /20 / reeT 61s 18Phone z 30347 Phone | 30347 6l-518 116.00 .00 116.00 116.00 113. 00 .00 .00 3.O0 Totat Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> EALANCE DUE---- *****************************t******r*******************************t********************************ff*i****r*ff**ff***********i* Iggsi,9F990 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Depr! BUTLDTNG Division:04/23/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR FoR ERNSTItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept,: FIRE Division: *******************************ff****ii*********************************************t**t**************t************************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL *******************t***********ff***************t************************************************i******t***************rt******** DECLARATIONS I _ hereby .acknow ledge that I have read.this Bpptication, fitl,ed out in tul,L the information raquired, conpteted an accurate ptotpLan, and state that att the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compty riith tire information and ptot it,an,to comPLy vith al'l' ToHn ordinances -and state_tavs/ and to buitd this structure acconding to'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approvcd, Uniform suitding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabte thefeto. ToTAL FEES---> 115.@ REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIENTY-FOI'R HOURS It{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT ouR\ SIGNATURE OT O}'NER TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job AddreEE...: I-,ocation......:Parcel No.....:Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THTS PERI.IIT MUST BE POSTED MECHAN]CAL PERMIT ON .]OBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES Permit #: M97-0046 APPIJICA}IT ALTEN'S HEATING, A/C & SHEETME 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO 80002 CoNTRACTOR Ar-,LEN'S HEATTNG, A/C & SHEETME 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG E 2LO3-t22-00-008 PRJ97-0029 5570 HARLAN SIREET, ARVADA CO 80002 CROSSVIEW PROPERTIES LTD I ULTIM HOLDINGS, 4OOO CIJMBERLAND PARKING BLDG, Status...: ISSUEDepplied..z oa/LL/L997Iasued...: LO/24/L997 Expires. . : 04/22/1998 Phone. 30342140'10 Phone z 3034214020 ATLANTA GA 30339 OT{NER Description: MECHAT.TICAL FOR NEW SFR Fir.ptrce Informtion: Rcstricted:#0f Ges Apptiances: Valuation: flof Gas Logs: 3 r 000.00 #Of tlood/Pal. Lct: ****ff*ff**t****t**f***f,r*t**t*tt*ft*t***********fif*** FEE SUfilAnY !tt***i**tt*tk******ff*Srit*****t*t'r,tl*'ttffi*rt*ff***frr*'r|t60.m Rcatuar.nt Ptrn R.vi crr--> FEES------------> Pryrents--_--- llschanl ca [*> P Lan chcck-> InvcrtlEf,tlofD tli l,L Crtt---> 15.(x} DRB F,OO TOTAL 3.00 ,m Total catcut.tcd Fece--->.00 Addjtion t Fccs-------> 76. m Totrl Perrlt F.F----> 7t.00 .00 7E.m Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARIMENTLO/24/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPRIt,em:,.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTt0/24/t997 cttARirs--Ac-tion: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL Dept: BUIL,DING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: 1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE IRED TO CHECK FOR CODEPER SEC. 607 OF THE 19 TO MANUFA COMBUSTION ATR ISINSTALLATION MUSTTO APPENDIX CHAPTEGAS APPLIA}TCES SHASHALL TERMINATE ASACCESS TO HEATING703 0F THE 1991 UMBOILERS SHALIJ BE U CCORDING TO CTTAPTER 9 ANsEc.906 0F THE 1991 I'uC. COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND UNLESS LISTEDPERMIT, PIJANS HALIJ BESTED FOR 9 AND ED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 19T MUST COMPLY WITH SEC. D ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.ING ON COMBUSTIBLE FtOORING.NALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANIC}IN MECIIANICALOMBUSTIBLE FtOORING.MIUST BE POSTED IN I UEST. , r.lv trr.'t..irJ-r r r,4 rJ trJvr,I ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.DR,AINAGE OF MECEANICAL ROOI.{S CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER S AND CO TO AN INDR,AINAGE OF MECEANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATEF S9PPIY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 nMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I h.rsy.ctmt dg! th.t t hrvr rrd thl. Sptlc.tlm, tltt.d.rJt tn futt th. lnforrtlqr.r-rSrll{l^.$1I1,r| 'Gflrrt' ptot ptrn, r.d rtrtc th.t .[t th. lnforrtlcr prorrldcd !r mqulr.d lr corr6ct. r arro tq.cagty.ritttr tir tnf:Flt :L?:?:.*-,ile;fi;ffi-.ifi;..ii#;;;;tft;'fi;,-;-il'l,iti-tiil ii.*tu..-.o*ttne !i.l'f tgl:^lotng erd l*drvrrror codtrr'dLrlgn ranlrl rpprovrd, ltrlforr &ttding codr rrd oth.r ordin nocr <rf th. Tflr.PpttctDl. th.r.to. rE(|JE3t3 Fon ilt'EcTtott sH LL BE I|ADE n€mf-FouR il(|ns Iil ADv llcE BY.TELEP SIGIIAIURE OF OIIIIER OR COITNICTOI FOI HIIISELF ffID OIIIER iv v **************************,t************************************* TOWN OF vAfL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statennt Nunber: REC-0351 Arnount: 78.00 10/24/97 16:18 Payment Method: CK Notation: *1272 Init: JRM Permit No: M9?-0046 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-122-00-008Site Address: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD I-,ocation: CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BL,DG E Thie Payment Total Fees:78.00 Total ALL PmtE: Balance:**************************************************************** Account code Deecription },tP OO1OOOO31113OO MECIIANICAI, PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO I'ILL CAI.,L INSPECTION FEE 78.00 78 .00 .00 Amount 60.00 15.00 3.00 TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArr,, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Description: MECHANICAL FOR NEW SFR Firlptrcc Inforratlon: ncstficted: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED UECHANICAL PERMIT Job Addreaa. . . : 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location : CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG F Parcel No.. . ..: 2103-122-00-008Project Number: PRJ97-0030 APPLTCANT ALL,EN'S HEATTNG, A/C & SHEETME 5570 HARI-,AN STREET, ARVADA CO 80002 CoNTRACTOR ALLEN'S HEATTNG, A/C & SHEETME OWNER ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-0047 Status...: ISSUED epplied..z 0a/n/.Le97rsBued...: L0/24/L997 Expiree..z O4/22/L998 Phone z 30342L4020 Phone: 3034214020 5570 HARIJAN STREET, ARVADA CO 80002 CROSSVIEW PROPERTIES I.,,TD t ULTIM HOLDINGS, 4000 CUMBERLAND PARKING BL,DG, ATITANTA GA 30339 Valuation: #Of Gas Logs:#of 6a3 Apptilncls: 3, 000 . oo #of lood/Pa L l,et: *****t*f*fi*t* FEE StfifARv ****ttffitti*t*tt*t***ltt****t***f,i****t*******ffi*tot*ttlt. il.chlni cr [-->60,00 Rcstuar.nt Ptln Rcvirir-> Ptrn Check--> 15.00 DRB .00 Totat catcutatcd Fees-->.(x) Add{tionaL Fcc3------> 7E.m .00 1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. IIEM: .O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViEi.ON:LO/24/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISri'en;'.05600-i;fHr-Dnp[RTMENT ----- --.--- Dept: FIRE DiviEion:lO/24/L997 CHARIJIE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 M4C.INSTALLATION MUST COfrFORI4 TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.GAS APPLIANCES SHALI., BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC. AqgE$S TO HEAEING EQUIPMENT TVIT,ST COMPLY WITH SEC.5Os AND703 0F THE 1991 U!,lC; BOII.,ERS SHAIJL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI.,E CONST' I'NLESS LISTED I'OR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AIiALYSIS MJUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.DRAINAGE OF MECHAN]CAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOII.ERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 r,rMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t h.rsy .ckn tdgo th.t t hry. nrd th{r rpptlcrtion, tltt.d out ln futt thc lnfomrtiql rrqulrcd, ccptrt.d.m accunta ptot nr.- -i,. .r-?. ?rr.r .r I th^ ri..rrr{nr M,{r-. .. idrir-{ ir a.r.r...r I .dnG. ?o cDtv Jith thr info ticl Jd ptot ptllifii.-ft-ltil'fr;;iiih"T"Lillirii'i'illTili'ii"ih,i'.a ii co*.ct. r .g..c ti -+ty rii!! tirc i{911ji1 *J.l?!.pt'',to co?l,y vlth rtt Tq,n odl tcar rrd rt tc t.I., ld to build thi. rtnrcturc accot{llig to t! zonlng f,rd tddivi.idr codor'Cirtgn .rlrl.r, .Froy.d, ltrlforr erttdiry c6rb rnd othcr odlnnc.. of th! forhfpt{ crrtttt th.PCto. NGq.|EST8 fON ITSPECTIOII3 SHALL 8E IADE TI'ETIW.Fq'R HOI'Rs Iil Al orri oFrtcE Fno E:00 A 5:m P treunnE ot os|En 0n cqfimcTo| Fon HII3ELF ll{0 otl{Et TOI|N OF VAII, COI,oRADo Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-o351 Anount: Payment Method: CK Notation: *L272 78.00 L0/24/9'1 16:19 Init:.fRM Permit No3 M9?-0047 Tlpe: B-MECH MECEANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-122-00-008 Site AddreBE: 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location: CROSSVIEW AT VAIL BLDG F ThiE Paynent Total FeeE: 78.00 Total ALL Pnte: Balance: t-!p 00100003111300 MEcHNlIcAr., PERI'!rT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WTIJIJ CAI.'L INSPECTION FEE 78.00 78.00 .00 ************************************************************:**** Account code Deacription Anount 60 .00 15.00 3.00 i- i-.:$:,iri ;.3]: :":::: i T :c,tfi? oF vAr r, coNsrRucrr o N IJPAKUEL r:_pa:el_+ 4, = .. FERMff AppLIeATfoN FoRMv )t<,$- IJJ_-oo-606 DATE:!4-09-97. APR-c,s|-9" 12:29 FROM r TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.rD.9?54?gl2452 PAGE 2/E PERMIT # - t . APPLICATION MUST BE FfLIJED OUT col{PIrgfELY oR fT MAy NOf BE AccEqfED x***************************** PERI4IT INrORltATroN ***************************,r *rl ftxJ-Building 8E-pLusblng Ex]-Eleotricat s4-Mechdni-car I J-other ,tob Narre: _crossyiew at vail E irob Addresgs'l 460 Buffehr creek Rd.,Vail, CO 81657 Owncra Nane:'p^hcrf M Ilt.'tman Adilress; Building 700 77 0- Ph€J3_9.00-Q_Atlanta, GA 30339-4515Archltect: R. J. Hodqes r{LralrLcr., -"i: -Addresssp.o. Box' 1297 pilloqr CO ph.ZiH_sezr-_ General DescrLptlon: work crass: gx]-Neff t l-Artcration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]_othe4 Iregal DesariptLont Lot_ Block_ Filing_Crossview properbies; Lt-d; 2255-[-m-5fr 5 v ffi#tilE: t?111i16# - --- -- +ird-r..jJ-- ** * ****** ** * * * * ** * ******!t **,*trrEeneral Contractors T T F. EI-,EcrRIcaL: $7 0 52 . O O OTHERTMEclrN{rcAr, : $3t o'oToT--TorAL: f3f!;oi-d,:dil- INFOITMATION * * ***t* * * * ****** *it *** **** **R AddresE: Electrical Contracterl Address:2'l 99 Chamonix ll:*::-"^ c^ont-r_act-o:: neval rtush pl+mgldJ ?+ ' Mechanical Contractor3 BUIf,DTNG PBR}iITT EEB: PIN'I-IBING PER!,IIT FEE3 T{ECITAI.ITCAIJ PER!{TT FEE: Town of vail Req. NO.212-BPhone Number; gdg-ogz=t7c Town of vair R;. No. tf l- Ephone Nunber: tie_lslT- Town of Vail ReE- NO. /e3-p Phone Nurnberl g?g-oeo6-: Nl-:.Laq6yo*n of vair rtes. No..tSt - tylttQ2 _ phone Hurnlergo_g_a?t_aF -****+**it**!******************* ***FOR OFFfCE USE **** * ***** ***********:r***;*** ** EI,ECTRICAI FEE: OTHER TYPE OE. gEE3 DRB FEE; BUILDING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: PIIIITIBING PIAN cITEcK FEE:I.IECIIANICE! PI.IAN cJrEcK FgEs .RECREATION TEE! CLEAI,I-UP DEPOSIT: |IOTAIJ PERI{IT I'EESI BUTTDTNG: STGNAITTIRE: UONING: SIGNI,ITIREt f,E APR-CtS-97 12.29 FROM , ToV--DEV-DEFT, l|fll ?3 sorrlh front gG rold Ell. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 oc 479-2139 TO! EROM: DATE: . surrrEcls coMo tD ' 9l7@47912452 o PAGE 3/A lultn n rn su'roary, ordJ,nance No- 6 states that it LE ualawfur for anyperson to X_itter, track or detrosit any soif,-r"di<, sand, debrisor naterial, incruding trash Eumpsteri, po*ari"- toir"ts andwor]sren vehicles- upon any streetl siaeqrair, ;;i;y or publicp1?9" or anv porti6n theieof . - -rit. right-oi-ilt-;" au nown ofvaLr streets and roads is approxirnateiy g ft. -ofi paveraent-Thre ordinance wilr be stril-irv -enrorced by the town of vailPublic l{orks D€bartnent. persins found violating this ordirrahceyirl- be given a-24 hour writitn-notice to tremove-said material-rn the event the person so notified does n"i-""rpty with thenorice within the e4 hour_rtrnJ-=p*Jiii"d."[i."ilif,ri" worksDepartment wirr remgve said nateiiat .t inJ-"rrelise or personnotified. The provtsions otrhi;-;iai".""I ;tili ,,or beapprieable to c-onstruction, -nainienu,nce or repai.r projects ofany street or atley or any utiritieJ irr iir"-il!fri_"-ruy. To revj'ew ordinance No. 6 r.n fuII, please stop by the Town ofY11l Building Depar*Dent to obiii'a copy. trhank you for yourcooperatiolt on thls uatter. Read and acknouledcrad bw: otflce of communlty developmgnl ALL CSNTRACTORS CURRENILYL REGISTERED WI1IEI THETOI'IN OF VAIL TowN oF ve.rlJ puBlrc I{oRKs/coMMUNrTy DEVELOP}{ENr TIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.TATERIITL SIORAGE (i.e. iontractor. owner) acknovleCAed r- APR-et9-Sl7 t2 t 30 FROM: TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT , v lnwn 75 uoldh Irontagc rErd vdl, coloredo 81057 (3os) 479-2L38 ot 479-2t39 IrJ,9764792452 PAGE 4/g olllce ol .omm*ity deyalopmeut BUILDII,IG PERT|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMMT If ltts permlt requ.ires a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval,Engl neep ts..(.publ ri $*r t reyrew a na -ipp"ovar,' a pr annr ni' oep""tment. revievr or HeaI th Departndnt_ revi'ew, anh' a- reui"i Lv-iii."Eui r oi nsDepartment' the estimated tine for a toral "euiiru-iuv"Ll6'ai i6r,gas Uiree weel(s. All commerclal flarge or small) and ail murti-family permits wiilhaye to fotlow the ibove menti6ned maxrtmum requiremlnii.""iesioenfia'rand.qmal'l proiects-shourd take a Iesser anound-oi-tird.' However, ifresidential or smaller-projects impact the various above mentioneadepartments wrlth regard to-necessaiiy reviiw,-iffi; p"oju"ii ,novalso take the three-week period. !l::f-rtiry?! *1!t be gge by this departnent ro expedite this PermTt.aS s.qon as posslble. l:-!!. underslgned, understand the pian check procedure and fimeTrame. ,/^ Coununi ty Oevelopment Department, APR-O9-Sl? l2t 3@ TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FROM : TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT .ID,g7el4 452 MEMORANDUM ?s2 o ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VA]L PUBLIC WORKS DEPAETMENT MAy g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUTRED PAGE S/B 1) ls thle a new residence? ?I ls demoiition work being performed that requlres the use of the right . of way, easetnents or public propety? 3) ls any'utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls dlfierent aocess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage wod{ being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7') Is a'Revocable Right Of Way permit" requlred? I have read and answered allthe above YEq X NO ,{ a "X- \ ,a-.\ \,/ .-/. \ ,t-/l-?7 Date Date: 4 tt 1) 7 Please answer the followln'g Questionnaire regarding the need for a "PubticWay Permit': \ f !!9u- algwered yes to anY of these guesttons, a "Public Way'permit' .nuo be obtajned."Public Wey_ Permit" apPlications rney be obtained a thetpublic Wort's office or ai ?.TTuIity DevelopmenL lf you have any questions ptease c"itdfrartte Davis, the Townof Vail Construction lrrspector, at a7g-2tbE. Signature 8) 4,. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, . parking or fencing? - B. tf no to 8A,ls a parting, staging or fencing plan requlred by Gommunity Development? Job Name Contractof Torrynoft/Uf O OFFICE COPY TOWI,I OFVATT 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Proj ect Number: PRJ97-0029 Address: 1450 BUFFEHR CREEK RD. Occupancy: R3 'M1Type of Const: V-N NoTE:The code items listed in this report listing: of al-1 possj-ble code requirenents selected sections of the code. llown of Vai 7 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81557(303) 479 -2138 Plan analysis based. on the 1991- Uniform Building Code Nane: CROSSVIEW #E Dater April 14, 1'997 contracLor: T.I. B. Architect: HODGES Engineer; NA Plans Examiner: C. R. are not inbended to in the 1991 UBc. It AREA MIN. LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS Department of Community Development FELDMANN a complete a guide to EGRESS be:^ FL 2 office 1-41 2 Living room 359 2 Dining room 184 2 Kitchen 87 2 earage 458 2 Hal1s, closets, etc. 325 TOTAI, FOR FIJOOR 1570 l- Bedroom #1 154 1 Bedroon #2 L64 1 Master bedroom 227 1 HaI1s, closets, etc. 45'7 TOTAI., FOR FLOOR 1 O ].2 BUILDING TOTAL 2582 FOOTNOTES: L4.70 35.90 l_8.40 10.00 0.00 0.00 1-6.40 1.5 .40 22.70 0.00 7.35 tt ->a 9.20 5. 00 0.00 0.00 d - zu e.20 ,Ll_. Jf 0.00 Yes Yes Yes No 1 t- 1 1 1 1 t- 1 I 1 1 1 No No No No No 2',) 3) 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door thab opens directly to the exterior is required from this roon. The minimum clear openable area must meet Lhe following. -- Sec. 1204. 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minirnum clear widlh is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feeL 4) The maximum sill heiqhb is 44 inches The number of exits is based on Tabre 33-A (Dwellings) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for venEilation. -- sec. 1205. (c) €p r"n""'o'uo 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V47e-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development ROOM DIMENSTONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projecLion. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum heiqht is required in only l/2 of the area' - - Sec. L207 . (a\ Every d\relling unit shall have at Least one room which has not less than 120 .qrr... feet of floor area. other habitable rooms except kitchens shalI have an area of not less than 70 square feeL. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shal1 not be less l-han 7 feet in any dimension.Sec . 1207. (c) GLAZING REQUTREMENTS : A11 glazinq in hazardous focations is required to be of safety gLaz)'ng material . -- sec. 5405. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies- 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sllding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors- 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and. encfosures for hot tubs, whirlpools. saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wal1 enclosing bhese compartments where the bottorn exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inleL- 5) clazing in fixed or operable panels ad.jacent to a door where the nearest exposed. edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edqre of hhe door in a closed posi-tion and where the bottom exposed edge of the qlazing is less than 50 inches above the walking surface' 7) Glazinq in an individual f i_xed or operable panel , other than those locations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meeLs all of the following condiLions: A. Exposed area of an ind.ividual pane greater bhan 9 square feeL' B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor' c. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor' D. One or more walking surfaces wiLhin 35 inches horizontally of Lhe plane oE bhe glazing. 8) Glazing in raifings regardless of heighb above a walking surface' Included are sLrucLural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fiI1 panel s . See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point cenLrally focated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area' '- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detecLor is required on Lhe ceiling or wa1I in each sleepi-ng area. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke debector is if the upper Ievel .l* !L^ ^^i ri-- ^fuEr f rrrY vr - - sec. 1-210 . (a) required on all stories' -- Sec. l-210. (a) 4. contains sleeping room(s), a smoke deLector is required the upper level close to Lhe stairway. {g *r"r"uo r*", 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Smoke detectors are required to be wired to Lhe buildinq's po$rer source and shal1 be equipped with a battery backup. -- sec. 1210-(a) 3' Detecbors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 121.0. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2) Ctearances and hearth size must. be per manufacLures approval' -- Sec. 3705. (a) a (b) 3) Chimney height musL be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between Lhe garage and the residence, materials construction are required cn the garage side the garage and the residence are bo be a self core door or a 20 minute fire door.Tabl e approved for thr f ire only and any doors between -closing 1 3,/8 inch solid 5-B & sec. 503. (d) exc. *3 STAIR REQUTREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling musb be at least 35 inches wide. -- sec. 3305. (b) The maxinum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- sec. 3305. (i) provide a quard rail where drop off is greater Lhan 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum openinq size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L1L2- (al exc' *1 The minimun headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usable space under Lhe stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire- resisbive construcbion.sec. 3305. (I) SHAFT ENCI.,OSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more bhan 9 square feet may lined on the inside l^tith not less than 25 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joinbs locklapped. The outside musl be t hr construction. AII openings into any such enclosure shall- be probected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door I 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1-705. (f) 2) cas vents and nonconbustible piping insLalled. in wa11s passing lhrough 3 floors or less do not need Lo be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1705. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-builL chimneys. piping. or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need noh be in t hour shafts. -- sec. 1706. (c) 4) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly' -- sec. 1705. (a) {; *r"r"rro r*"* TOWN OFVAIT 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Community Development CRAWI,SPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterlor wal-l-s. opening shall provide a neb area of not }ess than 1 square fooE for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space, openings shall be distributed on two opposiLe sid.es and be located as close to corners as praelica1 ' -- sec. 2516. (c) 5- Note: vent openings may be reduced to 1-0% of the above if ground surface area is covered wiLh an approved vapor barrier and Ehe buildins official approves. For a 458.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: Ratio Mininum sq.ft. of vent1/rs0 3.72 2) Provide 18-inch by 24- inch access opening to the crawl space area' Note: opening may be required to be Iarger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 251,5 ' (c) 2. 3) Unless Ehe wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches.Sec. 2515. (c) 2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : F^r P? This project will require a site improvement survey- shalI be subnitted and approved prior Lo request for .i - ^^^^ L i ^-I rr-vEv L !vrr . A11 crawl spaces within Lhe Town of Vail are limited structural floor ceiling heighL of 5', be earth floor ventilated as per UBc 2515(c)6 with minimum access as 2516(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sg. ft- Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more engineer design. Such design shall address drainage, and sLrucLural design. Such survey f rame to a earLh Lo only, be per UBC shall require an soil retainage Excavation below slabs on grade shal1 not be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers shal1 be posted plainly visible and Iegible from the screeE. For M1 occupancy Slope garage floor to aLlow for drainage to oulside Lo provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer' Any garage floor drain connected to sewer musL be approved by Upper Eagle Val1ey Waler & Sanitation District. In g.arages with living area above, lhe walts of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBc 503 (B) . {S *""r"rro r*u, , .a\ II -IIII ltlrlrt,\\v// lTIMA HOLDINGS. L,L.C. Apil25,1997 Mr. Charlie Davis Town of Vail 75 S. FrontageRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Crossview Dear Mr. Davis: Wth this letter I am enclosing a check in the amount of $6,135.45 for the building permits for Lots E & F at Crossview. The breakdown is as follows: Lot E: $2.g47.45o/ LotF: $3',113.00/ Additional Fee: S 75.00 / Total: $6,135.45 Please call me with any questions you may have. Verytruly yourg {Eep,Wre Robin Joi Fordv \--l Administrative Assistant tif 2255 CUMBERLAND PARKWAY BUILDING 7OO ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30339 770-333-9000 FAX 770-333-9311 (J o fu z () =Fvl €i€si :€E;E a€;ic: €A;E€A iEEfig €AEE,;g E$€Ba3 €g\ o\ o tr o, E (J !, I la q v 9{ H 1 Fi q d\d$ 1 *'! = v2 t-l frf B H (n & 2 .9 ; U F J.qo tl oqol I 3z .= = :- .= = E (n 7 !, tllltltltlrltl,_.tt-tlot IztlFrt I-fal IHt I Fel Itltllti r-{ | |<l el>t Hl Ftl<l BlI ldlEt 2l H] (/:l :ot .:tflF = =C 7.= o F'-urH Y*-f>x pzz!QS< 3tz5=arLlrt-z"v-2= *,aIFS< It .-<a-\ !.rJ \J F-tr2<ex+J \ --.,1 <F<= a.hca5=ooE zL! F\ ;-.--rrl<*9i:\ z--r-<volil3zF!L>Z^=<-y *J-.p=*u =Fta .lJ A*-'-ilto>>: arOa=lz-:-<Htissr<x\., :-- 1-\ --L r: ( ISZU.-tirDutx*.^FYlItr=t!-U>,- +ats(E A.tsrF,F +afra a{rA. FR rn F -rl-Etd It F -a.lJ Et il-l EY l|Ja-: -F?tlt9 F\ -{LI tJ -a *FllPL.L. €v t|-a 11 A.i{ Et{ tPfH.iJrf{ha.o o c c)EOl'd8oa|n C)C' o oo o o o oct oo o FIEFc5o E A vUE I dNtlI o o a{ F H aq Aslr E 6 !l Eo o F .:EFE Hr.HoqI28,CE(,e GHOtGl'c A&(l.a .Ulir !atE cr6 Eoo -rg P(^o llrB rae 'nO d E al. EE E8!!a gEHI HE E88.lto EE*l(a E IE AEE' F E e EH o E IH E HgEE cE H aa6 U- a B ra Eo R EE A E !cc FI HE o; Ftt : ET!l al4dr^ao-EOF.ccE ilEpl lrl T01^,N UF VAIL, LfiLUIiAUO 1UlA8./99 E7;46 REOUESTS FOR IN$JF'EtrTINN NORK 5HEET$ I"OR:1Il B./9€ lictivityl Adclr'ess: Locat i on l ljarce I : Descriptionl Appl icant: []wn er. : Corrt r-arc-t or-: 897-UffZf4S I?/ A/9il 'f ype: irJ-.HtJIt-D fitat r-rs I IS$UEll PRGE AREAI EF ta 1460 BUFFEHR CREER RO CRO$SVIEI^I AT VRIL BLDG E lr+60 e 1 03-.1 ee-f!,a*ila& NEId sFR T. I. F., INC DRtrssV IEi^' F.ROF.ERT IE$ T. 1" B. , INC BUFFHIR CR RI) Or:c ; ffEttZt 7 [-ttrone ! Jfi36971076 L. III f ULTIt4 |:,ilcin€: ftfione: 3O36971O76 Constr: N$FR Use: V N lnspect i on Reqr-rest Inf onnat i on. . . . . lleauestor l f IB ket:r Time: tZtS r tZlE Cornments: WILL Itens requested to be Inspected.., |agt54rrt LTLDE-I:inal {:/O F_'ii(Jne I SrZrJ *697-l12176 LAL,L Aet i ori {jourments Tine Exp .[ns6.rect.ian l-liEt0ry. . . . . Ilemr ArasgrrA tril-Backfill Inspecbi.on Item: tZtEts0 1 Ftl--Temp. access/dr-E(rnage le/ I9/97 Inspector: LF' l'1, Hm: AU'SrAg IrlJ*Rough gr-;rde. 1E'./ 19/9'7 Inspector: LF, Item: UIO5OS [-,W*Finel driveway gr-ade l l em r UtlZtS l €l clri veway grade f inal It em :'AAOf 0 ALDG-Foot ings,/5bee1 03/LE:/97 Inspectorr EG Aetionr AFt-'R bldg e footings Item : ft{t0ger BLDG-Foundat ion/Ilt eeI' A5/19/97 Inspector"r [iG ILem; CtSSeE FLRN-ILC Site F,lan LA/eU/97 Inrpect0r. GEORGE Item ; AgrrASrZ Sl-D6-Fr"aming 1Al31/97 Inspectorr f,RT' JOISTS "TO MICRO LRIY|S. 1 L em r UlOtZlStr bLDG-"Insr-tlat iorr lt /3I /97 Irt*pectol'! flRT. . Act i on r ER Notes: VERIFf FRAHING CORRECTION'.r NOTED Cll'l FRFTMINGtI/q3/r7 Inspector; CIr Frr:t i on : rtF'F R AF PROVED T.IOtES: FRAI!INCI CORRECTIUhT$ ilUIYIf"'IF.IL', F'L.ts TTER f.ROM EN6. HfINGERS FgR !lItrRgg f,'QRllftrUf iINLl Item: rA806rA BLD6-Sheetrock l{ai I FICLiCTN: AI.'F'R AF'F'RNVEIltI/LJl97 lnrpectcrr': EF AUtoTtA BLDG--ltli sc,tt/$3/97 Inspectcrrr Et) tzr0ogra BLDti-Frnal te/X2/9"7 Inspectorr AR'l' CONCERNIN : AF'[-'R LATHE IN$FECTION r DN TCU ONLY I:XCEEDS JIA,, ABOVE GRRDE. CSDE 1S A{-CEF'TABI-E'UNIY[]' ,'tfh I-,. . I h ern : I t em : "'r' Hct i o' tir-:t i {:rn ItloteE: F'RBVIDE GUARDRA.IL IIHERE DEUK b\qEQ DzZr.n,tS f 161vft-|.iCI Ac ['i rrn : AFtrR RF F ROVED Aet i gn r AF F.R AF.F.ROVED AcIion: FIF.'FR bldg e Act i orr : AFIF t? AFF ROVED Ac.t i cln: cil-,F R w/cor't'ect ions ae not ed: VE.RIFTY FRAMINB trORR. : NOTES: -trOMF.LETE FIRE TII,-OCI'(IN$ AT S']AIR 5I-RIN6SR5*I. IRE. bL,OCK fTLL T-ONCH{ILED WRLL 5F'FIilE!J I3 1O' MAX. -. VERIFY HAhIGERS OhI I,JET}I $LOF'tsI] ROUF DONNICTING TRUSS T TEMT'URNRY, THAT UTJITII-.LIE5 t,,I1TH 6RADE I'$ {"I0RRE.CT€Dr' Ltern: [r05.irl BLDG'-Temp" C:/U) 1::i _1 I c:,rl.,ri. 1;..^r,=r,..i:r.r..: illt i:r ! i,'r,: ! )!:! o o TOI'N OF VRII.. COLGRADN 0B:O5 RE0UESTS FOR INSF'ECTION tJORK SI-IEETS FOR:I:3/:.32/97 897-CIA4S |e/e.e/97 Type: F-BUILD Statr-rs: ISSUED 146'A EUFF'EHR CREEH RD CROSSVIEI^I AT VAIL BLDG E 146IA BUFFHER I]R RD e103-1ee-0rzt-OrA8 Oc*: OOtlT NEbJ SFR T. I. B. r INC F'hone: 3O36971O76 CROSSUIEt,.I F.ROF.ERTIES LTD / ULTIM F.}rone: T. I. B. , .INC Fhone: 3tl*j6971076 REtrT I31 le/'ce/97 PAGE AREA: EF L4 Activity: Addre s s : Locat i on: Far.c e I : Descr.iption: AppI icant: Owner: Cont ract or; Constrl NSFR User V N Tine Exp Inspect i on Reque st Reqrrestorr TIB Req Time: tZtBrOO Itens requeBted to OAO9IA BLD6*Final Infonmation..... [-'troner 479-9 1P3 Comments: UNIT E be Inspected. . . Act ion Conments )Sa- Inspeet i on Hi st or-y. , . . , Itemr 0CIEOO trt^l-Backfi ll InspeetionItem: OASOI trt^l-Terp. access/dra i nage Lg./ 19 /97 Inspect or: L.trIt en: AA3g" F'W-Rough qrade lE/L9/97 Inspector: Ltr foere Act ion: flFFR AtrFROVED Act i on: FTtrtrR RF'FROVED Item: OtaEOS Ftl-Final driveway gnade Itenr OO5IA driveway grade final Itemr OEqtlO BLDG-Footings/$teel fi1/ Le/97 Inspect or': EG Act i on : Iten : tZrAOeA BLDGI-Fonndat ion/5teel AA/LS/97 Inspectorr EG Action Iten: @A3?@ trLRN-ILC Site trIan tA/3A/i7 Inspector: GEtrRGE Action Itern : ettttzt3Q BLDG-Framing AF,FR bldg e footings r AFFR bldg e I AFFrR nPFROVED 16/31/97 Inspector: ART Act i on : ffPF R w/ccr^r'ect i ons as not ed I Notes: -COMtrLETE FIRE BLODKINE AT STAIR STRINGSRS_FIRE BLOCR ALL CONCEALED WALL SPACES E 1A' NAX. - UERIFY HANGERS ON I^IEsT SLOF.ED ROOF IONNICTING TRUSS JOISTS TO MICRN LAfiS.Iten: AAOSO BLD6-Insulat i on 1Al31/97 InEpector r ART Action: CR Iten: Item: Iten: Item r VERIFY FRAMING C0RR. I Notes; VERIFY FRALNG CBRRECTIONS I'JOTFD ON FRAMING II/tA1/97 Inspector: {lD ACt i ON : AF'trR NPF'ROVED Notes: FRAMING CURRECTION$ COMFLETE, FLETTER FROH EN6. CONCERNIN HANGERS FOR MICROS FDRHTCOMIN6 OtatA6G BLD6-Sheetrock Nai I Il / 13/97 Inspeet or: EE 0OCt70 BLDG-Mi se. tL/o,3/97 Inspector"! [:D rer0a90 BLDG-Final la05J0 BLD6*TenF. l/A L?./19/97 Inspector: CD Actigrr; DN DENIET) Notesr LOAD HINGESS ON FEII DOOR IN GARAFE sTEF. REG' D AT DOOR IN CARAGE COI]KTOF' AND HOfiD MUs-T BE INSTALLED IN KII'CI-IEN Actiorr: AFFR AFPROVED AC.t i ON; AF'trR L.ATHE INSPECTIT]N @O53ra BLDG-Tenp. -Er4rffi I I a REPTlSI TOWN OF Vf]IL., COLORADO F,A6E 17 AREAI trIIe/ee/9l tl8:O5 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:'12/EE/97 Activlty: lit97-O046 tc,/:E:I/97 Type: B-MECH Statr-rs: ISSIJED ConstlI NSFR Address: 146O BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location: CROSSUIEIJ RT Vf,IL BLDG E Parcel : 813t3-1EE-rZlE-0tZtB f}rc:Use r Descniption:' MECHANICAL FOR NEt^l SFR Appl icant : ALLEN' S HEATING I A/C & SHFETMF F'hone: 3tZt34Il4OPO Ownerr CRtrSSVIEt^l F,ROtrERTIES LTD / ULTII{ F'hone ! Dontractor'r ALLENTS HEATIN6! n/C &. $HEEIME Fhone: SOJzrPl4OSO Inspect ion Reque st Requestor: TIB Req Time: O8:OO ItemE request ed to A@394 MECH-Final Infot nat ion..... Comnents: UNIT H be Inspeeted. . . Fh on e : 47 9-9 113 Act ion Comments Time Exp TN;''tt .4/Ft Inspeetion History. .... Iten: lzl6e80 MECH-Ror-rgh Item: o0lE40 trLMB-Eas Fiping IAlSll97 Inspector': ART Iten: OIASf tA MECH-Heat inq lt en: rzr|a3e0t MECH-Exha.ust Hoocls Iten: AO33A MECH-Supply Air' It em: lZtO34O MECH-Mi sc. Item: 04394 MECH-Final IE/ L9 /57 Ipspect or': CD NoteEr rPgfiove sroF,s FRoM ,rnbvrne A BARRTER Action: AFFR r"rnder" plumbinq by CD ftct i on: COIYIA I R DUCTSIN EARABE TD DN DENIED F'RNTECT MECH EGIUItrMENT J REtrT T 31 Tot^,N 0F VAIL, COLORRDO PAGE AREA: CFte./ee/97 OB:O5 REOUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION I'IORK SHEETS FORzI?/?E/97 Act i v ity t P97-€t0?.7 Le/?.?/97 Type : AddreEs: 146ft BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location: f,ROSSVIEW AT VRIL BLDG E Far cel : E1O3-1€3-OA-A0A B-F.LMB Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr: NSFR Occ:Use r Descri pt i on : trLUItlBING FOR NEW SFR flpplicant: ROYAL FLUSH trLUt4BING {. HEAT Fhone: 97O-3?8-6813 Ownerr CROSSUIEH FROFERTIES LTD /. ULTIM Fthone: Contraetor': ROYAL FLUSH F'LUMBING & HEAT Fhone: 97O-338-6813 Inspeet i on Reque st Requestor': TIB Req Tine: OB:O0 Items requrested to OOE9O trLltlB-FinaI Information..... Fhone : 479-9 lE3 Comments: UNIT E be Inspect ed. . . flct i on Commerit s Tine Ex Inspeetion History. .. .. Item : 0@glla PLHB-Under'groundg6/eA/97 Inspector': DS Item: CtAeeO trLMB-Rouph/D. tl. V. tA/4.3/97 Inspector: CDIt ern r O@PBG F'LltlB-Ror-rgh/Water'l0/e3/97 Inspector: CD Item: AQ?4A FLMB-Gas F,ipingtq/?3/97 I nspect or': CD It en r 0Oe5O PLMB-troo I /Hot Tr.rb It en : E0a6O FLftlB-Mi sc. Iten : 0Oe9A trLFlB-Final 7e/n/97 Inspectorr CD Act i on : AFF R I^IATER TESTED ACt i ON : AtrF.R I^JATER CI]LUMN TEBT Action: AFFR 1Ora FSI AIRTEST Ftct ion: AFFR 15 FSI AIRTEST Action: DN DENIED Notes: 4COMf,Uere KITCHEN SINH INSTALATION AND DIsiHl^lRgHER CONNECTI rGf,bur ALL SINK BAcKs AND TOILET BAsEs dCCESS TO JACCUZZI TUB REGIUIRED $,n' Fievrew Acuon +" TOWN OF VAIL Category Number | (.-t'7 ' ,'t-/Date tL i !'c, l'lt:'rl Proiecl Name: Building Name: Project Description: {t>,-',hotl of- #, d of flltnl 4 :tr-u,f,,,r ,-tf 1Ztt:sr*. , f /.t,t e, n Owner, Address and phone: Kr, [=€vZf _ i I L ,,+J ercniteq@Addressand enone: ( €€ 'Q.t,,,al ZP{) 6tv\F 4-. \ltr,l , ('t 6tbSl 1'71 'lDrZ Legaf Description: Lot 6 BlocXTAltr'l &tbdivision Liou'.*,d,i? 5.-rb, Zone District -:>DD. Project Street Address: Comments: Board I Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: El Approval ! Disapproval n Statf Approval II| -. .. - ;', L. t Town Planner , I t. tDate'. i ,-- I l:: j-t t DRB Fee Pre-oaid ".v1..4 Slll /91 DBSIGN REVIET{ BOARD APPIJICATION ' TOWN OF VAId I DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB I'IEETING: ******t*!r* ********** I. A.i^/0a C.+JdVCJ\ --ra P.eZv; ou\(DESCRTPTTON: a TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construct,ion (9200. 00)Addition ($s0.00) /ulnor Alrerar.ion ($20. 0O) Conceptual Review (90) n t/r-o ?crr,-l.lz C f-'\1<.- tr-cr</)a. "{#o{-I-y'= A ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRfPTfON: L,otSubdivisiond,r.tR; -1-QA 4-rS F. ,-cLa .t eff property is described by a meet.s and bounds Iega1description, please provide on a separate sheet ana aLtachto this application. ZONING: A J.| /-\ ,, NArt{E oF App1.,rcA}rr , J , /{ {JeA C:S .l <au t r<-cT p E=-++ect Ma.iLing Add.ress^: € zq7) G. i LCO|V NAI'IE OFMailing APPLICAI T ' S Address: ENIATIVE::Ac,S- S7 phone H. NAr{E OF OWNER(S): I. ,1. t'lailing Address: Phone APPrJrcATroNs wrrJrr Nor BE PRocEssED wrrilow owNER,s srcre?uRB Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submittal of the DRB application. Llter, whenapplying for a building penniL, please identify the accurasevaluat.ion of the proposal . The iown of vait will adjust thefee according to the table below, to ensure t,he correct feeis paid. OTINER(SI SIGNA?TJEE: ?rOAgTZ, Q ULNP{ FEE SCHEDUI.TE: VALUATION$ o $ 1o,ooo$10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -g 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 9500, 001 - $1, 000, 000g Over 91, 000, 000 DESICIN REI'IIETI BOARD APPROVAIJ E:KPTRES APPROVA! U![I,ESS A BUII,DING PERITIT ISIS STARTBD. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $400 .00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTAR FINAIJ ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION t Lt N ls- ,- TT staff is encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility t,o make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are addit,ional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application wiLl st,reamline thereview process for your project. rTI. TMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDTNG AI.TI-T SI'BMISSTONS TO FHE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submit,t.al reguirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees to be removed mus! be taped. Allsite uapinqs and st.aking must be completed prior to the DRB sit.e visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during Lhe winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUIIJDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of t,he Design Revj.ew Board: aconceptual rewiew and a final review. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at Ehe discretion of Lhe zoning adninistrator, be approved by the Community Development Department seaff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylight.s which do noE alterbuilding; and and similar exterior ctrangesthe existing plane of the b. Building additions not vi-sible from any other lot.or public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants must incLude letters fromadjacent property owners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacenL condominium associationstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property i-s locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfal1, flood p1ain, debris f1ow,wetland, eEc.), a hazard study must, be submitted and Lhe owner must siqn an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buitding permit. Applicant.s are encouraged. to check with a Town planner prior Lo DRB application to determine the relaE,ionshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construcLion: a. Clearly j.ndicate on Lhe floor plans the insideface of the ext,erior st,ructural walLs of thebuilding; and b. IndicaEe wiLh a dashed line on the site plan afour foot disLance from the ext,erior face of thebuilding wa1ls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with condit.ions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a builriinrrpermit. IL/L211996 1E:1.5 IJLTIMA IiOLD DESIGN REITIEW EOAXD ATPIICATION ?Ohlf O! VAII., CO!,OX}DO D.\TE RECEIVED t D.\TE OF lRi IT.SgTING : itrtttrtrt I!.IEOMPLTTE APPLTEAq,IONS TII!' N-AT BE i!}!!EDTMED FOR &I"Vr}qW -ttr*a.rrta ?i,A|EBCT-TIFOR}IITION I P?ION:itutC Ctllur.=P,?$-.r <;,,r\r a- PAGE 02 E. I. A. E. Nel,'J OF APPLICAI.IT :liDg Addres sj !-L,a cF b< ?i:cns t_2ci7) NAIIE OFl.Lt1ioc AlPr,icL\T's Mdress: NA,.'E oF olrNER(S): Ot{iftfF l.( I Src?y??trnE.. MailinE Addrese; Fncne APPI.ICAIZO,\IS ,I;EIJL NpT Bg EF,OCE5539 ,iIrNAV? OrlIER, S S IGnrAgUnB Con€onini|Jln Applor.at i f eFpl i€a.': e . DRB FEEi DRB fets, as silol.r.r abowe, ai'B co be pa:d or. EhEtj,tne o: subsri E, Lal of the DFs a?tlicarion, l,iLes, whenaPFly:ng f,o! a buijding p€rrn:!, please iicnLify lhe accuraEevaluacioD of the proposal . The ao*.:l of . 'ilai I wl,I l. adj uE ! Lhe3ee according lo Lhe table belou, Eo €:rsu5e ri-re cor=6cc feers paid. IEB PA'D r $CH?.CX #: DA{E: BY: Ftt <agtl\lfi.F t V'ATgAAIONs o'$ 1c,ooos 10,00t -| 50,00cg 50,00! . $ 1s0,000 $150,001 ' $ 500,C00 s500,001 . $1,000r 000I owe< $1, 00C,000 DESIO{ RWIEI{ BOARD APFROVAI. EXPIiZS APPROVIfJ UNIJAS S A BUILDING 9TRHIT iS 18 STARTED. F'F ) .:u. uu t 50 .00 s100 . 00 9200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 OTTE YEAR }FT8R FINA! ISSUED END CO}IS TRUCTION INGS LLCt TYPZ OF REVIE!i: -/. -New coisiruc!:on (5loo.or-) -4rrr., AicsraL:on (g2o.og) -.lddi cion ($t0.00) -CoaccpEual Revicw (S0) iJEGAr, DEscRrPTi-,cNr Lo, _-' €.{J -s ^ tk!{cF iaree+-t-'4 Sr.udivisror ,/; i.S'i,tt;ffi.t, J ,ffi- :f propercy j,s desc::.be€, b1. a nae--: ald bounds legaidc,scripi,ion, please pro..ridc on a separace shoec a:ld arlach:o this aPpl.icac,lori. t TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTj\|F.\T OF Collll u^-lTl' DETT'LOPj|IE:\T ADDR.LSS lnotEcT CttEClLs MADE IAYASLE TO TO\\|F.^ OF vAtL 0 0000 4 t540 ZONING AND ADDRIJSS MN I'S 5 r.00 0 0000124 UNIF-OW-554.00 0 0000 424 UNIFORIvi s39.00 U 0000 424 5 UNIFORMT4EEM 537.00 0 0000 424 )UNII.ORI\,I FIRE CODI]536.00 I wOu 414 5 NATIOi.*A L ELECTRICA L CODI]sJ /.00 0 oo00 424 5 oTtlER CODE IIOOKS 0 0000 4 | 5{8 I]LUE PRINTS (MYLARS)s7.00 0 oo00 424 )X.LROX COPIES 50.25 0 0000 424 )5 I UDIL,S 0 0000 424 TOVFEE -st.00 0 0000 42i 7 I PENATTYFEESTRFJ-NSTEETI0N-S_- 0 0()00 4 r 332 ll.nN Rlivll:w Rlj-CllECK l.'l:lj I540 PljR llR.] 0 oo00 42-132 ()rl' IiOURS INSPECTION FI:ES 0000 4 LUN I RNCTORS LICIJNSES TLI;S 0 0000 4 S,IGN APPLICT\TION F'EE s20.00 0 0000 4 4 J ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE IS I .OO PER SQ,FT.I v I Cr A RT PROjI--CT DOn\ATION oo()0 4 tji l -DRE PAID 2D,oD INVL,STIG^TION FF:E (tsUILDING) (Xro(, .r5 I l0 TOV PAR}IING I-UND uouu ..:lu.t /IUV Nb\\'SPAPER DISPF-NSER I.UND l*0 r 0000 zl ilz I T,L\ABLE@{.52 (STATE) I O00u 4t 0t 0 T^-\ABLE @{.ql(IauD (ru00 42J7 t IJUILDING l:.\VIiSTIGATION OTIIIJR ,f! I -1 0l 0000 4 -i30 ADDITIONAL GRI-A "250's200.00 0000 4 JJU CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 0l 0000 4 330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ITESSTEANIMSOTT:I s200.00 0l oooo 4 -1i0 I;XTERIOR^LTEffi s500.00 0l 0(J00 4 .ji0 SPI:c-l L Dl:VLLOPI4F-NT DISTRICT tNljWl s 1.50{J.00 01 0000 4 330 SPECI s 1.000.00 0t oo00 4 3i0 SPEEI s200.00 UI 0000 4 JJU SUtsDIV]SION *l 0r 0000 4 .i30 VARIANCE s250.00 0t oo00 4 J.j0 ZONING CODE AMIJN DMENTS 5250.00 0t oo00 4 J-iU RE. ZONINC 5200.00 OTlit:RIOTI.IER M |n.* Icor.rvann, t 't t rc)bV l91V hl$tEt ' t*'n ' JM.OLI , '','-\ . -a --:--*-**Tgl,,H OF tJF| i t- ttiscel laneouE Cash ' It-B?-96 15:1?:BF Rereipt * ?E'1438 Fkcount + l:11 + LEE PIT''IEL\DRB FEE fitnount ?endered :' It€fii PBid B1SBBE41sf,1SBE Change reiurn*d i THFHT4 \/SLI r,rc'ur ca:hi*r F:EffTHFt "- "' t" "' "t' 'u '-"1" ..{'!.( -l 1161 . ?B,BB Frounr Paid ?F]. EE1 , 81. EtE