HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT ABC PERMITS CORRESPONDENCEV^;I,X\^trF\\ Rt*zsc- t^frRC P^*t /,,*t d\ ftuori-fr," +t lotln. s box to0 r vail, colorado 8r65? . 303.476.86r3 November 8 1977 fl Paul Lodge at Vai Vai1, Coloradc 81657 Dear l,lr. Lewis: I an writing you this letter to adyise you of the Fire Departrnent's decision i" i"i"rincE to your r-q.t"tt for a variince to the occupancy certificates for the International Roon and the Arlberg Roon. A variance for the International Room will be granted for the following ret'- sons: The codes require a ninimun of 3 exits. The International Room has 6 exits. The codes require a ninimun exit width of 10.7 feet. the room has 27 feet. An emergency lighting system does exist in the room' r.) 2) 3) Section 26.LLZ (a) of the Uniforrn Fire Code all,ows the Fire. Depgunen!. to in- ir".ru the occuiiancy 'oy t0i6 in an instance such as this. Therefore, the oc- c"panci"s Of thb Inlernational Roon I'ill be raised 25C to 275 when food or aliolioL is served, and frorn 557 to 591 for rneetings' The variance for the Arlberg is being denied at the present time for the follor,ring reasons: 1) The room has only one exit which rneets the building code. This is the exit which leads to tire Salt Lick Lounge' Z) The doors leaeling to tlie kitchen carmot be considered exits since the- code forbicis exits going through the kitchen. 3) The doors afong ttr."sidE of th6 room also cannot be considered exits since tfr"y -t"qiiiu a ;rp"cial loowledge or effort" to' release the latches to oPen the door. 4) No ernergency lighting exists in this roon' A 10? variance r,rill be granted for this roonr if the following conditions are INEE : l a o.l , Norrernber I, L977 Page 2 1) Tlrree of the side doors are converted to neet code. 'We believe that these doors can be nodified at a very slight elpense.2) Energency lighting is extended into this room. - In the neantirne, since the Arlberg Roon has only one legal exit, we are going to require that one of the two side doors on the south side of the east waIl be brought up to the code requirenents within 30 days. I am enclosing a copy of tlte otit requirenents for your inforrnation. Please contact ne at )'olr earliest convenience concerning the nodifications to tJre Arlberg Roon. Sincerely, James Olsen, Captain Vail Fire Protection District st November 3, lgTl Mr. Jaroes OlsenFire CaptainVall Flre DepartnentVal1, Colorado g1657 Dear Jln: I_ an wrltlng- to you concerning ou, """..ra;1"y. . r believe t$ro of ,.. pitii" ..="i.hazard to public safecy. o Our Arlberg Room ls rated by your department at lhl+ fot a banquet. I{e haveslx large double o"ybl: aooi",-"ir-.i "ti"t, "o,rrJ;"-;J in the event of aftre' Thev alr lead.drrectit'".i"iJ., tr,,r" ,.ti.,g-;rr;;ri. warl rhe lengthof the roon a suitable-.fi.;-:"i;:"^;o=i,ar,r" "".son r would rlke to aec ouroccupancy lncreased 2oZ, ftoi Lii ,""ils people. Ilr':i,:::i;T:1il:r^T:n, we have ,o"-g:u11. doors.extts (elght doors) lead-outslde. ei"., i".rll':1,u"":::.:TJ:Hli..dT: iiiillt"ji"o'gr, a halr ;"-il; ifffL:l':"".:,':3::,"lth.a'-saieii-Ji""a"ra". ii"-""i".i"crlon or thls roonu"riari e, ;;;'ffi il,""ii,]i.;"il*.;::" :;:".;:: fja TiJ*::'f;!JiL'*"overalt capaclrv of thls-roor "'i"riT _ir_,1rg1.J-'ti'zov7i'."m 248 to 298 people.(rncldentally, th. old capactr;-;;;-3;;.peop1e) -rom 248 to zs, peo;'r f you are ahtarer th: o:t1y criterLa that.r^7as applied to these roons walr a R.,rara:$:iff.i":,3illll""::"r'!'"".,'pi""'ili,;.,,, ril"-.*ii". -"i"..,,"" or the ex_"ril " ;iil;;;;; ::::::ji:':"f:$ :|ffi.::f;, -i;;' "";" these varrati;ns I look foruatd to hearing frour you. ,.,^9 SLncerely,G. f)\J-l S C"^",; Paul S. LewlsAsslstant Manager P$r/J e -l1T: :"t:.y ratlns for roon occup-could be lncreased wlthout aoy f. 80x | 168,vAtL, GoLORAOO 8165?tErE6rr^..- .---- /3.5"x /2.z f, .L /6,?,,:: d got^- --'11->3, {t 3D.7f,2 7zz. c tf, cr33.K -rtdsf €" 6-lo d/.L lq1( lnutn box 63r o vail, t A--t )/ vl I Iil colorado 9r657 o 303.4?6"b6r3 MEMORANDUM T0: Boar:d of Tnustees, Town of Vail FROM: Tennell J. Mingen, Town Managen DATE: May 10, 1971 RE:Zoning fon Lodge at Vail In December, 1968, a few meetings wene held between thePlanning Commission, the Architectural Contnol Committee, and Walten J. Stalden, Jn., and Ross E. Davis, punchasensof the Lodge. Certain pnomises relating to the zoning(1.65:1 F.A.R.) of that building were mide by the PlanningConmission. (This was befone a zoning ondinance was a- dopted. ) Recently, T have had conversations with JenomeNage1, an anchitect, reganding the pnope:: F.A.R. designa-tion. I indicated to hin that despite any eanlien pnomises, / +the pnesent o:rdinance :reads 1.25:1, and without a siecialdinective from the Board of Trustees, this F.A.R. must befo1lowed. It is obvious that the pnomises of the Planning Commission,no matter how well intentioned, have no basis in law, al-though the::e may be centain moral obligations. This case app:roaches the complexity and seniousness of the Rich F.A.R.nequest and thenefone I feel must be handled p:ropenly toavoid setting an unfain pnecedent and perhaps p::ovokinglegal action. I have asked Larry Robinson to ::esear:ch case law :relatingto this issue and make necommendations. Please read overthe minutes of the commission meeting fo:: youn own infonma-tion and backgnound, and we will discuss the case at ournext meeting. nn enc. December 2E, 196E Vall Planning and Architectural Control CornrrltteeVall Planning and Zontng Comrl.eslon Town of VallValI, Colorado 81657 Re: Pioposed expaneion to the Lodge at ValL propertles. GenElemen: In accordance wLEh the purchaee of the sale agree- ment dated Decenber 23, 1968, betlreen Vall AesocLates, Inc. and WaLter J. StaLder Jr. and Ross E. Davls, we proposed:i addlclons and the new conaEructlon to the Lodge propertlee. Our plans for the existlng Lodge would involve a nejor refurbishment and redecoratlon of the lnterlors and the addltlon of dinlng and bar areas together wtth addltl.onal oeeting room and conventlon areaa. It ts not our intent to com- blne the rooms into lndivldual apartEent un1ts. In accordance wLth the above referred to concract the purchaser agrees to comply with a Floor Area Ratlo require- ment of one pol.nt elx flve (1.55:L), and to preserve and main- taln the renalnlng land for prLvate purposes, landecaping, or surface parklng. The purchasera plan that the entLre completed pro- Jecc nlll reflect tradtttonal alpine archltecture aa compared wlth Ehe noru exletlng alpine modern archl-tecture. lte wlsh to enphaelze that we are Ln no way requestLng approval of aeethe- tLc or archltectural features, as Ehts would be the subJecc of ,', I oo L_ Lodge at Vail Properties Page 2 future discussion at the time detailed plans and specifica- tiona are submltted. We are requescing at thts time approval of che proposed maasea referred to ln Paragraph Flfteen (15) of the contract and deflned by Exhibit A, as follows: 1.The now exlsElng root ot the Lodge bull.dtng would be removed and one addlcional scory plus mezzanine would be constructed over thie area. Ttre new roof llne would be established not more than thlrEeen(r3) teet higher chan it is at Ehe present time. lle llan slxteen (16) condomlnlr.m unlts in this area of the one and orie-half scory variety, wtth htgh celllng livlng rooms and l-ott-tyPe' second floor bedrooms. These would be spaclous units and becauseof thelr very outstanding locatlon would be con- sLdered luxury condominluo aPartments. In the area marked Expanslon Area A on Exhlbit A ne propose a buildlng one full story lower than the'ne'i'l"y establisheE roof Ilne for- the northern portlon bt the Lodge building. Satd butlding- irould contain appr6ximately forty (40) cond-orulnl'um apartment unLEs- ind contain approxlmately fifty- three tboUsand (53,000) square feet. The units on the flrst and sdcond fiooi of this bulldlng would each be divislble into Ewo or three rentbble rooms units, and the units on the third floor would be two- and three-bedroom luxury or family sultes. We contemDlaLe locatine this structure not 1e99 than twenty (20) feet SouEh of the exlsting Goqe Creek Drive ln order to provide convenlent surface parking. In the area marked Expanslon Area B on Exhlblt A rre propose a bullding not to exceed elgh-t (E) scoiled ln height wiEh approximately eight t_!,ot- sand, flve hundred (E,500) square feet-Per_floor, r;: or approxinately slxty-etghc thousand (6U'000) -squalL feet. Aiptne ioof-llne and architeccural ddtalls would be-lncorporated to minimlze the building's helghE and deviaEe entlrely from the usuaL uodern aichltecture of hlgh-riae structures. 2. 3. I, Lodge aE Page 3 o oo L*- Vatl ProperEies 4. In the area marked Expansion Area C on Exhiblt A we plan to expand the exlsting dlning, conventLonand/or cafeteria facllitles, and perhaps have alimlted amount of quality shop area. We have aLso reserved a permanent pedestrian easement and a forty(40) foot sitback froir the east property line, lnsuiingfurther open plaza space near the ticket area. 5. The contract further requires that the owners complywith a parking ratio of one point tive (I.5) auto- mobile parking spaces per condominium apartment unit; and one (l) automobile parking space for each hotelroom. As presently outllned, this would necessLtatea total of approxlmately tr"ro hundred tifty (250) parking spaces. From a practical standpoint, the ownera deem this to be an lnsufflclent number andplan to provide the following parklng: a. Surface parking for one hundred menty (120) automobiles. b. Parking underground beneath the north wingof the building with a capacity of sLxty-tour (54) cars. lT5ll'"3:ti3ln" !nin:' g::,:;3ll *tiu1"3.il1city ot ninety (vU) cars. d. Parking beneath the plaza erea to the eastof the Lodge on two leve1s with a capaclty of approximateLy ninety (ytl) cars per level. Thls would bring the total parklng capacity to four ". huncred fitty (4ro) cars, whlch would far exceed the required mtnimum. Upon notl.fication of approvaL of this outline of the general master plan, the owners would proceed lrrnedlateJ-y to- prepare preltminary pl-ane for prompt submi-sslon and with a plan,ln tactr- to cormence constructi.on of the Lodge additions. and the north wlng to the Lodge as soon as !ileather perroits. J IIt_ Ross EIDavis oo /,tur Jo L- December 28, L968 Vall Planning and Architectural. ConErol CornrnltCeeVall PLanning and Zonlng Couriesion Town of VallVail, CoLorado E1657 Re: Proposed expansion to the Lodge at Vail propertles. Gentlemen: In accordance with the purchase of the sale agree- ment dated December 23, L968, between Val.l- Associates, Inc, and l{alter J. StaLder Jr. and Ross E. Davis, we proposed' additlons and the nen constructton Eo Ehe Lodge propercies. Our plane for the exlsttng Lodge would lnvolve a major refurbishment and redecoraclon of the interlore and the additlon of dlnlng and bar areas together lrith addlttonal meetlng room and convenlion areas. It is not our intenc to coo- bine the rooms into indlvidual apartment units. In accordance with the above referred to concract the purchaser agrees to comply wlth a Floor Area Ratlo requLre- ment of one poinc slx flve (1.65:1), and Eo preserive and maln- taLn the rernalnlng land for prlvate purposes, landscaping, or surface parklng. The purchasers plan that the entire completed pro- Ject wllL reflect traditlonal alplne architecture as compared lrlth the now exlstlng alplne modern architecture. I{e wish to enphaslze that we are in no lray requesting approval of aesthe- tLc or architecEural features, as chie would be che eubJect of ir I I oo OO Lodge at ValL ProperEles Page 2 future dlecusslon at, the time detailed pLane and speciflca- tlons are submlEted. We are requesting at thls tlme approval of the proposed mas8es referred to in Paragraph Ftfteen (15) of the contract and deflned by Exhlbit A, as tollows: 1.The now exLsting roof ot the Lodge bulldlng would be rernoved and 6ne addlEional story plus mezzanlne- would be constructed over Ehls area. The new roof llne would be establlshed not more than thirteen(13) teet higher than lE is at Ehe present time. fie-ifan slxtEen (15) condomlnium unlts in thle area ot' ttte one and orie-half story variety, wtth hlgh ceiling livtng rooms and lotc-tyPe' second floor bedrooirs. ThEse would be spacibus units and because of thelr very outstanding location would be con- sidered luxury condomLnium aPartments. In the area marked Expansion Area A on Exhlbit A we propose a buiLding'one fulL story tower than the'neivlv estabtished roof llne for the northern portion 6t ttre Lodge buildlng. Said building- i'ould contatn appr6ximately Eorty (40) condomlnium aDartment unlts' ind contaiir apprbxlmatel-y fifEy- three thoUsand (:3,utlO1 square- feet,. The unLts-on ttri first and sdcoid fiooi of this bulLding would each be divteible lnto two or three rentbble room: ,rnfcs. and the unlts on the chird floor would be two- ind Ehree-bedroom luxury or family suites' We concemDlate locating this- structure not less than twenty (20) feet south of che exiscing Go:e Creek Drlvb ln order to provlde convenlent surtace parklng. In the area marked Expansion Area B on Exhiblt A tte DroDose a buildins not to exceed eight (8) stolleh ln height wiEh approxiurately eight t-ltott- sand. five hundred (8'500) square feet Per troort --: or aiproximately slxtf-elght thousand (6u'0u0) - "o".li r.tt. Aiplne i:oof-line and architectural a6ia11s wouLd be'incorporated to ml'nimLze Ehe u"iiaine'i h"ieht and ieviate entlrely from the usuaL n6dern aichitecture of hlgh-rise structures' 2. 3. ,t' I tl oo Jo L- at Vall Properties 4. Ln the area marked Expansion Area C on ExhibLt A . we plan to expand the existlng dining, conventlon and/or cafeteria facillties, and perhaps have allnited amount of quallty shop area. We have also reserved a permanent pedesErian easement and a forty-(40) foot s6cback froi the east proPerty line, lnsuring further open plaza space near the tlcket area. 5. Ttre contract further requires that the ortners conply wlth a parking ratio of-one polnt five (1.5) auto- mobile parking spaces per condominium aPartment- unt!; and one'(1) EucbmoblLb parking space fbr each hotel room. AB presently outJ-ined, thls would necessitatea total of- approxlfoately two hundred fltty (250) parking spac6b. From a practical standpolnt' the bwners-deem this to be an insufflclenE number and plan Eo provide che following parking: a. Surface parklng for one hundred nuenty (fZO) automobi.les. b. Parklng underground beneath Ehe north wing of the-bullding with a capaclty of slxty- four (54) cars. c. Parktng beneath the eight story bullding and a main portLon ot the courtyard ltlth a caPa- city ot ninety (YU) cars. d. Parking beneath the plaza area, to the e88t of the Lodge on Ewo ievels with a capacity of approximat6ly ninety (9u) ears per Ievel. Thls would bring the tocal parklng capacLty to fou-r .. huncred fitty (4stl) cars, whlch would far exceed the required mtnlmrm. Upon notification of approval of this outltne of the general macc;r plan, the owners wbuta proceed imaediately to- firepare prellulirary'plans for prompc submisslon and with a plan' in iact,'to comenle construction bf the Lodge addltlons and the norih wlng to the Iodge as soon as weather perrnlts. Lodge Page 3 I a ot L AREV RECOMMENDED AMENDI{ENTS TO ZONING OR,DINANCE Anticle III, Section 2, (d) (b) Size of Parking Space Panking spaces ane nequired to by 10f-Orr x 20r-0rr. Most space nequinements are 8r-6rr x L9rx0?? and the langest nequinenentsI have ever seen wene 9r-0rf x 20r-0tr fon ventical on angleparking. Due to pnopenty value and nelated requir.ements, Iwould recommend 9r-0rr x 19r-0tr for ventical and angle panking and 9t-Otr x 23r-0rr fon pana1le1 pa:rking, both of which wouldbe ample pnoviding pnopen aisles are used. See examplesattached herewith. Anticle III , Section 2, (d) (2) (c) Accesswavs Amend last pant of finst sentence by deleting and substitutingthe wonds, ilst:reet, a11ey, on public right-of-way, which .shaI1be in acco:rdance with panagraph |(e) Aislesr.tt Article IfI Section 2 (d) (2) (e) Aisles This panagraph does not mention or nequine any specific liidth; consequently plans ane being subnitted showing inadequate aisleswith vei.tical panking on both sides which does not allow enough noom fon a can to back out. Conseciuently, the numben of panking spaces shown will not be usable. I necommend the dinensions shown on the enclosed examples. tir l4'-o'o .l te]-d c eo' lati xrtr^t v€ AN -lr.trAr)r-E'- <.-Al5LE -+ E,SAMPLE A . ArrEIE.PARIGINC X E,(A MPLII C t VERTICAL PARI(IT{ C r ll2'-o". #A.3LE -+ lt3:::,l 23t- o"9!onl{tit.li^ I }|. .t i .,. .1 oo FINAL AR(III ITI.]CTTIRAL CONTROI, COI.O,ITT'I'IiE MINUTES l-i:iday, December 27, 196ti 9:00 a.m. PRESENT: ABSENT: THE I.ODGE AT VAII, PROPERTIES: Peter W. SeiberE, Chairman Rrchard H. Bailey Gordon G. Brictan C. E. Kindel Walter J. Stalder, Jr. Ross E. Davis John l]. T\eeedy Lorence C. Burdick I Jirn Statder and Ross Davis Presented to the Committee their plans tpF expanding and condominiumlzing the l,odge. Messrs Scaldef and Davis a.o pr6s"ntly negotiatint{ the purchase ot the Lodge with VaiI Associates, Inc. The purpose for today's meeE- ing waS to obfain the Conrniftee's prelimrrrarY apProval ot a mas- tei plan indicatlng rhe placement and densiry ot the proposed sEructures and pariiing thctlities in order to allow tinaliza- iion ot negotlatlons 6etore December 31, l96lJ. It is recognized by both th6 members of Che Connni f Lee and by l'lessrs Stalder and Divis that details ot constructlon and aesLherics wrlL be sub- micced for consideration and aPProvaI at a Iater date. The plans include: - The exisEing Loclge unlts will be remodeled and wiIl ccrntinue to be operated as l"odging units. The dini-ng tacilities may be exnanded.. Th9 exis ting [i tchen, now large enoug,h to hand.l e several- time t-he business, wi-1. I rernain unchanged' - On che sotiEh end of the existing Lodge, the roof line will- be raised Eo no more chan thirteen (13) teet plus a mezzanine above the exiscing root' SlxEeen ( t-6) condominium unlts with r>ne and one- halt stories wiII be located here. i ___l ArchiEectural Control Comnittee December 27, 1.968 Page 2 On Ehe north of the exlsting Lodge, a wing including forty (40) condominium units will be consErucEed. The roof line of Ehts burlding will be eight and one-haff (8f) teet lower lhan EhaE on Ehe proposed south end. The bullding will be adequately set back from Gore Creek Drj-ve. The unics will be dlvlslble lnto Ewo or three renEable unlts and will open onto a cencral cor- ridor Eo avoid Ehe clumsy, _joint foyer arrange- ment ofcen construcEed ln condomlnium uniEg. All bedrooms will have baths. To the BouEh and west ot the exiscing Lodge,against the mountain, an eight story bullding will be constructed. This buildine willibeparate from the Lodge, butf6onnected by a"third'or'tourth floor bridge. The architecture will comply with the alpine character of the village. It is be- lieved Ehat the height of the building will appear to be only four tloorstrom Interstate 70. Stag- gered balconies will also help minimize the vlaual heighc ot che building The present Cafeteria will be moved to accomodaEe parklng facil-ities and will probably be moved to anoEher locatlon with Che possibile addltion of a cottee shop. fE is proposed that these facil- lties be used as a cafeteria in the wlnEer and a convention room tn the suunef.. IE is required that the developer provide one and one-halt (1.5) parking spaces for each condo- minium units arrd one (1) parking space for each Iodging unit or approximateLy 243 parking sPaces. The developer teels that parking is a primary sel).ing factor and will provide more than the required number, located as tollows: a. Sixty-four (64) spaces underground beneath Ehe proposed north wing wlth elevator services; b. Ninety (9tt) spaces underground beneaEh the elght story structure; I Architectural. Contro I Commi ttee December 27, i968 Pag,e 3 figures Per Ele8 aI. 5: r on thls c. T\.ro levels of nlneEy ro one hundred fgu-t0o) Parking sPices Per level i"o.igiir.tnd benEath the souLh end ot che Lodge. d. One hundred Ewency (f2o). surface parking ;;;.;; Eo the north ot the elght story Uiriraing. This vrould result in tour hunlred -flfcY ro tour hu,,area_seventy-five(450-475)parkingspaces.rr ta!"siigt'"ita-;y the Conrmittee that this excess of parking spu""t- might also help' alIe- viaEe the Present ""tJ for Tong term parking' - A Permlt to use a piece of Ehe National Forest ft.ra't""fJ-ue-secui-ed irom vail AssociaEes' Inc" as ingress and egress i"i tn" dual-leveled parking' - A pedescrian easement of twenty (2tt) feet to the .""c]-nuti the ticket booth' wi!l-.be granted to Vail Associates, Inc" ald an-additional Ewenty (2u) ;;;;-ot-"pitt.wiit be dedicated open sPace' totari;; fJitv'i'-tll teet of oPen unused area' The plans will take- place in two phases over a Elto to rhree yu., p"riol. --rt u fiisr pui""-riri inclr.rde refurblsh- ing the exlsEing.ioOg"- a19.:9tstt"fiio" of the north wing and accoEpanying parring-facilicies'--il;-;tiance -wi ll be completed ln a second phase. It vtas recognitea by the develorrer EhaE rhe elevatlon for' "oro" oi-tt'e ufraeiiioiia-pttli:g,.t" beneath Ehat of Ehe stream and amy req.rire-fiumping'our wacer from the foundation area. The quesElon of classiflcation for the Lodqe proper- Eies was raised.iri-.ia.i to al10w-I-;l;";-Area Ratio (rnn) whtch would u" "ornpiiiti"-*icit che FIR;-"o"tidered bv rhe vail Zoning and Plannin! Comnrissio" io-ti''"--lorthcoming zoning ordin- ance.- Possible cLissification woull-incfuae the Accomodatlons Cacagory, wiEh-t-i;i-FAR, ctre core Area Catagory'with a 1'5:1 FAR, and tt. pr.nit; i;ii uet'elopietti ctt"goiy i'rictr a l' 5+: r FAR. In pre:plannlng discusslons wlth George Beardsley erere arrangeo aroi;;-;h; thlnklng that t'he Lodge pro- wourd quaI-ity .""i"ir;;;"d Unlt 6evelopmenc' aIlowing FAR wlth a bonus ot itl7.--oi a Eotal FAR ;t l'65: l' Based allowance the tollowing ft$ures were escablished: o ornrni t cee Lo L A.rea TotaI allowable exapnsion (1.6>% ot 12),94E) Existing lodge (does nor Lnclude crectit tor trrs E tloor) AllowabIe expansion One and one-half storY adrti tion Co Lr:dge '[5 Apartments, three lanl Eour bedrooms Nor Eh vI r-ng, /'3/7hpar tmen Lsrz\ Erght srory buLLdLng,T 6p' apartments; u,4utrgouare teet Der tloor 'llo ta I new expansion I44,058 square teet Remaini-ng al lowable 13,362 square feet expansion sPace tor Poss ible bar anci res- tauranL exPans i on , trr high qual.itY sh'rPs such as Abercrornbie 6 Ft tch' Saks , I. Magni.n, or Neiman Marcus . Jack lbeedy reminded the Connnitte t-hat it can give its /approvaL based onLy on the requirements existing at this rlmet ahb unotticialfy db irs best io see that rhere wr 1l be a maxl- mum ot compliance with che proposed pro ject t-n Lhr'r future as new requirements are estabtishbd. He recommended that Ehe Lodge properEres be classifled as core Area. He also poinEed out that the sate of che Lodge rePresenEs a loss for Vall Assoc j"ates and that Che Cransfer irom an investor's owtrership Eo a condominium holder's ownership is a viable way ot maklng Ehe Lodge proPerties realize a protiE. Page 4 Archi-t ec tural Contro I December 27, [916U o 12 ),94E square teet '2u7 ,6 L4 ,u,3E4 It7,43U square teet 24,u44 square feet t'2,6Z2 square teet 67,200 square feet i I I F b 'i, ' a ,'ArchiEec tural'December 27, ConErol CommiEtee 1.96U It was expressed by the mernbers ot Ehe Comnlttee that they felt Ehe Town PLannlng ana Zoiinq-9t:td :l?:ld b" consulted "ii-'.t!-i!r"ii"-oi-'tir" piop6"a1 and a ioint meeEing of the two olannins boards ,"s -""ir!a tot l:uu plm' on the fotlowlng day' Sacuraa!, December 28, 1968 The ArchitecEural Control Conmittee then adjourned to a cloeed session. Respec tful lY submitted, Barbe Bowes tt ) : t I I i ,l ! i $ i I'I t t, t. t. i i! t: t t, r I t. i!l , I I j-ii-,.oo Pleaae revies thla draft of the rDtnutes trom the Jolnt meettng of the plannlng boards end return to ne wlth your cments and correctlona wlchin the next forty- eLght hourE. I wllL send you a fl.nal draft ot theee Elnutes at the end of this conlng week. Thanks, 6o^t'* Barbe Borreg I .*;j o o DRAFT JOINT MEETING OF fiTEVAIL ARCHITECTI'ML CONTROL COMMITTEE AND ]]TE VAIL PIANNING AND ZONING COI'{MISSION Saturday, December 26, l96U 3:uu p.nr. PRESENT: Gordon G. BrlttanC. E. Klndel John A. DobsonF. Blake Lynch, AdvlsorGerry Whlte Proposed Orrners --n??FETEFTsl{alter J. Stalder Jr. ABSEM: Peter I{. Selbert, Chalrman The meetlng of the two plannlng bodles was called to Jolntly revlew the proposed plan8 for alEeratlons and addltions to the Iodge aE Vail. In order to meet a December 3l cLoeing date, the proposed orfilers eubnttted for approval only the basl.c uasses and denelty for the master pLan of the proJect. Constr:uc- tlonal and aesthettc detalls are to be submlEted for approval at a future date. AB lt wag felt by the Archltectural Control Conrnlttee thst thts proJect was of Eajor slgnlflcance to the future of Vail, they wlshed to meet Jotntly with the plannlng and Zonlng Coffinlselon to hear an}l maje; objectlona which ulght be votced and to epply the Comleoions's zonl.ng expertlse to the proposed proJect. t'I ,*--, JolnE Meetlng December 28, L966 Page 2 The proposed plans lrere presented by l'tr. I{alcer J. Stalder and lfr. Ross E. Davis and are outllned in the leEter attached hereto. ZONING CONSIDEMTIONS: The prlmary quest,lon consldered by the Town Plannlng Corunleslon lras one of correct zonlng for the Lodge property. The zoning ordinance, now in the draftlng stages, offers three poeslbllltles for thls properry: a. Core Area - The most recenc draft of the zonlng ordinance conslders the Core Area as limited by Gore Creek on che north, the National Forest property on the south, the MiIl Creek CourE Bulldlng on the eaat, and the Pl-aza Bullding on che trest, thus ellminating both the Lodge 'r:. properEy and Tract 58 trom Core Area classifl- cation. The prlmary uses are retall and resceu- rant tacllitles with a pedestrian orientaclon. Buildlngs supplying lodging accomodations are deflned as a condltlonal use in this zone, as lodglng units are vehlcular generating buslnessec and lt le felt the Core Area should be preserved for the pedescrian, ln as far as possible. The Floor Area Raclo for this area is contemplated aE 1.5 : l. By geographical proxlmlty to the exlstlng Core Area, the Lodge property could be considered ln thls catagory. b. Public Accomodatlons - This classification includes uees of hotel, moEel, J.odge, and condominium unlts. The proposed zoning for these areas alLows lese denslty (1:1 fAR) than the Core Area, yet provldes .t- t' PRISENTATION: lr Joint Meetlng Deceober ZE, 1968 Page 3 greater parklng and traffic flow faclltties. The Lodge property ls adjacent to other publlc accomo- datlon sectors and by function of the lodging and condonlnlun untts could be consldered ln thie cata- gory. Planned Unlt Developnent - Thls lnvolves e new con- cept tn zonlng prinarlly destgned to Juggle the posltlonlng of improvements, servlce, parklng and open space on a large tract of land, maincalning an overall Floor Area Ratio, thus allowlng the - developer a greater flexibility than ln past zonlng catagorles. Bonuses are sometlmes granted the de- veLoper ln terms of greater FAR ftgures. Although ln function the proposed Lodge plane could be con- eldered a Planned UniE DeveloPment' the relatlvely ene.ll amount of land involved would elinlnate lt fron quallfylng ln the PlrD cacagory. sent from the Vail Plannlng and Zoning Corenisslon that the Lodge sheurd be included as par 1r d not. at chls time or in the for le vlolate the crlceria of re Area definltion. and in the case parklng and trafflc fLow would possiblv lmprove the overall condlElone. The varlety of uses would elimlnate Public Acco- modations claeslflcatlon and the lack of knowledge abouE the Planned Unit Devel-oPment would ellminate classlfylng the Lodge property ln this catagory. However. indlviduaL Courission menbers volced the followLng conerns: 20 t setback from t*._ c. 't' I a.ed te malnEa ,:*,-) Jolnt Meecing December 2U, l96U Paee 4 venlent trafflc flow and does not manlfest a f rdowtt tor{rnrr appearance. That adequate senrlce areas and clrculatlon be provlded. lBrat ingress and egress to the underaround parking from Gore Creek Road be under grade. d. That all site plan teatures will be gtven detaiLed and careful conslderation. The Tolrn Planning and Zoning Comlssion wiehee that Vall Aeeoclates, Inc. be informed that, by the same logic lnvolved ln the Lodge propertles, Tract )B wouLd nost likeLy be lncLuded as perC of the Core Area, rather than as a Planned Unlt Develop- oent conaldered by the company planner, George Eeardeley. &84.,9E-A3ET9JAL: Mteters Stalder and Davls wieh to Proceed wlth this proJect only upon securlng the approval of the authorttleg lnvolved and upon receivlng assurance that once the proJect ts lnltlated, it w111 not come ln conflict with the forthcomlng zonlng ordlnance, during the later phases of conetructLon. The proposed oltnera were reminded that wrltten and legal approval may come only from the deveLoper ln the fotm of a slgned contracc and from the Archtcectural Control Coumtttee tn the form of a letter of, approval. As the Town Planning and Zonlng Comtssion has not veE adopted a zonlng ordinance. thev are wtthout authorltv to comLt to a 'ludgement ae a Cormieelon. {_ b. c. .'i i I-ll Joint Meetlng December 2U, 196U Pase 5 Ehe fflcial o f rhe indi orurisst whlc the case the e at ValI ex ion describe 1n affirmative on the parE of che members present. conEingent upon the tour concerns listed above. Ic i8 felt chat the Floor Area Ratlo establlshed in the tlnal zoning ordinance wlll be comPa-'' tlble wlth exiscing tacillties (now approximately 1.5:l ln the Core Area) lf not higher, and chat the Lodge ac Vall Pro- pertles wllL be consldered as part of the Core Area. Itte mechanics of the offlclal Town approval begins with the daLe of issuance of the building permit. After thls dace, no construction whlch meets with the establ-ished require- ments aB ot that date, may be dented. It any furEher conatruc- tlon is undertaken after the expiration date of the bullding code, a new butLding code must be secured, subJect Co any nelt requirementg whlch may have been instituted. Misters Stelder and Davie were remlnded that all constructlon to dete ln Vail' lnctudlng thatlof many members Present, has proceeded under the same condttlons and that Pre-constructlon meetlng ot the mlnds, such as ls caking place in today's meeting, serves to decreaae future conflicts and help insure a relatlvely smooth project completion. It was suggested that Mr. Stalder and Mr. Davls attend the publlc hearlngs to be held ln adopting the Vall zonlng ordLn- ance, not only to represent thetr intereste as ProPerty oltnerst buc to lend Ehelr expertise as zonLng speclallsts. ao Jolnt lGetlng December 2U, 196U Page 6 APPRECIATION: AppreclatLon was expreseed to the Vell Archltectural Control Cotrmtttee Zontng Conrrnl.esl.on for the opportutlty to the propoead lfdge etrpanston plane. .q,JO the proposed ornere and by the Vall Plannlng and revlew and co@€nt on Reapectfully submltted, Barbe Bmeg Secretary, Vall. Archt tectural Control Comittee ?' I a- a--u lt --'1, t COMMENTS t' t,' I oo ,'a.l o'aaocf,ote,', inc-. .r...il. "-L-;- January II, L972 Town of VailPlanning and Zoning CommissionVail, Colorado ATTENTI0N: Rod Slifer, Chairnan Gentlenen: At the joint meeting of the Town Trustees and the Planning and Zoning Connission held on January 3, I expressed ny view-point on the reconnended nodification of the parking require- ments as set forth in the memorandum dated Decenber 2L, L97Lto Terry Minger fron Rod Slifer. I feel it would be prenature for the Trustees to consider such a nodification until a thorough study is made of thepresent Town parking situation. Such a study may result in the conclusion that private parking, in fact, is not inadequate. VaiL Associates has reason to believe that this is the case dueto the results of parking surveys conducted jointly by our en-gineering and rnountain departments. Two such surveys were con- ducted fron 6:30 a.rn. to 12:30 p.rn. on Sunday, lecernber 26, 1971' and on Monday, Decernber 27, I97I. The Village was divided intosix areas with a counter being assigned to each area. Two counts were recorded each day. The norning count taken between 6:30 a.n. and 7:30 a.m. shows the number of cars park- ing in Town overnight. The peak count was taken fron the 11:00a.n. - L2:30 p.rn. count and shows the highest nunber of autos in the village during the day. Prior to the count, the capacity ofVailrs condorniniun and J.odge parking was taken by a phone surveyof lodge owners and condominiun managers. The lodge and condo- niniurn auto vehicle counts established by these surveys are as follows: OO AREA COOE 303 476-5501 BOX 7. VA|L. COLORADO 8r657 oo January II , \972 Town of Vail Planning and Zoning Connission Page 2 Total Lodge and Condoniniurn Parking Capacity Morning I of Capacity Peak 442 45eo 899 97r Date 72/26/7L 72/27/7r A breakdown of rninium proj ect reference and 879 908 the counts forfor each of the s tudy. On Decenber 26th, there were 4,917 skiers on the rnountain and on Decenber 27th there were 6,162 skiers on the mountain. Prior to drawing any final conclusions regarding the apparent under-utilization of private parking, it is obvious that addi- tional auto counts should be nade during both low and peak periods during the ski season and possibly even during the sunmer Season. The menorandum frorn Rod Slifer proposes nodifications to the present parking ordinhnce which would result in the following requirenents: Dwelling Unit Square Footage 0- 600 601 - 1200 1201 - 1s00 1501 - upwards Parking Space Required 1 r-L/2 2 3 The above proposal appears to require further consideration as to the criteria for nurnber of spaces required. For exanple,studio units at Manor Vail consist of 685 square feet of floor area and studio units at the TaLisman consist of 684 square feetof floor area. On the basis of the above proposals, these units would require L-l/Z stalls. In my opinion, this is not warranted and such an approach would penalize the developer who is attenpting to give his custorner a more spacious living unit. It would appear that the criteria for deternining nunber of stalls required should be a function of number of bedroons, rental divi-sibility and the nanagenent and rental concept to be enployed by the project rather than the floor area of the unit. OO - 2,000 3 of Capagity 4S% 48.58 each individual lodge and condo- survey dates is attached for your .,t Zoning Corunission Auto Vehicle Count f.or LZ/26 and Sl"ifer Meno regarding Recorunended IU and o In ny opinion, the above proposal would tend to direct all futuie Londorniniun developnent toward the snaller studio, one or two bedroon mix. This-wouLd exclude the potential VaiL customer with a large faniLy who rnight prefer a three or four bedroom J.uxury unit for his second hone. Very truly yours, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. 4a,-ra Robert H. Nott Vice President - Real Estate January 11r. 197 Town of Vair Pl Page 3 Enclosures: 2a anning o rzl 27 / 7t Modifications cc: Terry Minger Larry Robinso Peter Seibert Dick Peterson Town Board of Trustees t.oo Peak 27 19 2 25 89 16 25 15 82 26 1 94 15 I33 16 T7 L4 4 z9 6 JJ JO 5 38 38 7 LJ 22 10 19 OO 60 20 10 40 L2s 30 22 1n 16s 100 100 200 40 100 27 48 39 30 55 55 110 15 36 ?0 2s0 30 27 20 40 36 20 Peak 30 19 3 26 68 16 24 19 69 58 ,) 80 2T 131 20 20 19 4 29 6 44 11 49 q qq 52 6 z7 z6 1? z0 AUTO VEHICLE COUNT L2/26/7L CapacityToinTng L2/27 /7r CapaciTT-FnTngLocati on LODGES/ CONDOMIN IUMS F1l Seasons AlpHorn Blue Cow Christiania Lot Cros s roads Edelweiss Grey 6 Shites GrarnshammersIloliday Inn KiandraLazier - Lionsllead The Lodge Lion Square Manor Vail RansHorn Riva Ridge Row Houses Si t zmark Short Swing Sink Building Ta 1i snan Texas Townhouses I ]-VO L 1 TreeTopsVail Village Inn Va1ha11a VaillLionsHead Condos. Vorlaufer Wedel Inn Wes twind Wi1lols TOTALS 60 20 rt, 40 L25 30 z2 20 165 100 100 200 4U 100 27 48 39 30 35 35 110 15 36 20 250 JU 27 20 40 36 20 24 2L 2 t4 59 z5 14 97 36.) IJ 27 725 10 25 20 4 29 1 33 13 47 +) 46 9 2L ZI L? 16 28 23 3 24 41 T7 23 2L' 69 45 2 79 22 136 L4 22 I7 J 34 5 33 10 4Z 4 61 41 9 28 24 11 L7 2000 879 899 2000 908 97L P{ONE 9O3 17a422r Ouuo!t ot' ilmcl Co::lfl)exly R *l trt.t" . (Propuly -)l,,rogr^rol VA]L HOME ANO APARTMENT RENTALS DRAWER No.:8trlr 1248 vAtL. coLoRAOO 8t6s7 Deccmber 2I, I97L MEI'iORANDUI.I i At several :neet,ings in the past fe!, months the planninc comnissionhas discusse<i and r.rourd likl to recomnrend.that t,ile parking ru"uiio-ments for conconi;:iuns, section 3, page 3g of the zoninq.ordinance,be modified as forr-or.rs: erininate tn6 existing iequirements ofI r/2 s.?aces per cwelrinq unit. rnsert a ner.r schedure as folLorvs: TO: Terry llinqer FROM: Rod Slifer SUBJECT: Reecr.:cndcC Town of Vai.I Drvelli-nq Unit. Sguare Footage 0-600 6 0l-] ?0 0 1201-15 0 0 1501 uprvards cct Bob Clark John Dobson .John Donovan Dave Gorsuch rr^ .f .i €.!.-i<jiiI!iCa!iotiotParkingRequirementsin Zoning Ordinance l Parking space '. : ,., Required I,T L/2 23 ... i -.. .:,i'