HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT ABC PERMITS FIRE\ / 'r. lrtrVoJ\J,XrvF,,\,-l IBu-ttc l*>f ATV p^,.AE, () .) 'dL/l9/Sg 17:10 FAI 070 040 67{s nIIIE RIV-4 EI.EC Architeet: Nle Address:Ph. Cenetal Descriptl-on:{t-at<*t- nt,.'{a Ft ^" o-.+@..,3",---5*,J-L-SeE elo- ',-, [! oor .r-*Cd:vtr-s:r Eagle CounEy Aascgsors Office lf at !.'.J-t2J-8640 for Parcel l. Totlr oF vArL coNsrnuclroll PE8[trr il E ?.tlCEI, {:- pERI.trt Appr.r.cAfron Fonl{,f ;Ptor- okL- 25-1tt, oeru:11!fu[Q *tt2- )/--ain I Iz*'fmitldffi* BE prLrED our co#rrr'nr,v on rr uAv rror BE AccEprED ****t***!t**!rt a*r t*i*t****r*** PERI{II fNFORI{ATfON aaatltr*1.*'!.t***t**!r!r**t*tt*r* ./t ]-Building 6 l-Plunbing [ ]-Electrlcal I J-Mechanlbal tr'f-Otrr"r f;t'Env Job ltahe: @ Job Address2 14* Caor- ei-q-u..-h--- -- tl r,egal nescriptlon: tat\lLLo nlock;!! rilins yy 1 suBprvrsroN, - 4at ra!e-g.t'll"-:r- Owners Nane: Laagc-?'orr.&.$.:ia. Address: ,, - .. Ph .a .a UECIIAIIICAL: I Plunbing Contractot: Address: ' llechanical Contractor:NIA r::::::I** *** ** **r***** * * * * **** r ***+.** FoR BUILDING PERMIT EEE: PLT'UBING PERUTT FEE: UECHAIIICAI, PERUIS FEE! I!O[AL: I BUTLDING: SIGNATT'RD: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: -/ !' l{orl< Class: [ ]-Nes [ ]-Alteration fi.zf-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-otbef Nu:nber of Due].]-illE UnlCs:Nunber of, Accoaruodation Units: and grira of Pireplaces 3 cas AppJ.iances GaE Logs l{oodr/Pellet **** * ******** *il** * t** i* t********* VALUATIONS ********************f*t****t**t*t EtJEqrRIcAL z l#.an9 OTHER: I *l**** **** ******* ******** a*COIIfRAqf OR fNFORI{ATION ** *t * * :r t * ** *t ** * *** * * ** * f :}rcontraqton N Ja Town of Vail F,eg. NO. Phone Nuubersd.e--vE;zg'g'Electrical Contractor. ["lurr€ Rven- Eit'stzt - Tswrr of, Vail ReE. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg, lfO. Pbone Nnmher3 oFFIcE USE **:l*r***** * *r|r*r**t*********tr* BUTLDTNE PIA}I CHECK EEE' PII'MBING PI.AN CHECX FEE: I.IECIIANIC}IJ PIJAN CHECK EEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEIN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIT PERr'IIT Towrr of Vail Reg, lfO, E-l.l-E Phone Nunber: ?cl? - l+o a - Address: CAT FT.E! TYPE OF FEE! IIP DEPOSIT IETUXO /tv'z-"2 //ft"/S U/LE/08 17:3$ FAI 070 s48 8740 WSIIE RIYER ELEC @ ooa otllil ol comrnuDlv dovrlopmcul 75 roulh lro6lrgr rord rr,rll, color.do 0165t Glos) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSIANCE TIII{E FRAME If this peqrlt fequt'res a Town of Vail Fire Departnrent Approvalt Engi neer ts. (.Publ'ic l'lorks ) revi ew and approvai,' a prinnini'Dipartnent rev'ie', or Hea'tth Department review, ani'a revfew uy Ure 6uii[i;t't"-Department, the estirirated ting for a total revitw;ray LG"ii tingas three weel(s - AII conmercial (large or sma'l l) and all multi-family permits willnave to tollow the above mentioned maximum reguirenLnts. Residentialand.small projects should take a lesser a,nouni of timC. noiiver, ifresidenti'al or smal'l er projects impact the various above meniionid 9g?l"Finq,.with regard. to necessaiy review, these projecrs mayatso take the three week period Every,attempt wlll be nnde by this departnent to expedite thispemit as soon as possib'l e. I' the undersigned, understand.the plan check procedure and timeframe- Cormuni ty Devel oomont Deoartment. LL/LS/S8 l7:$3 FAI 070 e$ A74g luwn Sf,ITE RIVER ELEC @oor offlcr el ce mrnunf ly d:vclopmrnt ro: EROU: DTIEI su&TEm: Read and acknow ed byl II/! CONTRACf,ORS CI'BSEMTLYL RECtrSXERED IfIIII TEETOtfN 0F vztlt Tor{N oF vArL puErJg woRxs/coMMgNll:f DElfEIpp}rENT ttARcII 15, lg88 CoNSTRUSTION PEXICING & UITERIEIJ STORACE tn sumary, ordi'ence No. 6 states that it ie unlawful for anyFerson to Litter, track or deposit any soil , roc[,, eand, aeUiisor naterial, ineruarihg trash ir:mpsteri, Borialte loireii ana---uorkhen vehicles upon any streetl siaegaii, -aff"y-or putft- -qli:e cr any portion ttrei"oi. --ii" rishtloi-wai-ln-aD Town ofvail' streers and rgags is approiiuateiy s-it.-'ori-pavenent.Thls ordinance vilr be striiity enrorcia uv the-rcin of, vaitPubric works Detrart$enr. pere-ons io""J'iiriii"i-iii, ordinansewilr- be given a 2{ hour written--nqErce to renove said nateriar,.rn the eve'nt the person so notif,iea ooei-noi^riipri nittr tbenotice vithin the 24 hour tiu. ipecified, the public wor)csDeparcment will re,nove said nateiiit at--in" -":cp""ll "t per'onnoc:.fied. The prowisionE of crris orainanc" siiiir iot ueappricable to c6nstruction,-niint=nanc. or repalr projects ofahy street or a1ley or any utifitiei in i[e-rlgni-I_r"v. To review Ordinance.No. 6 in full , please stop by the Toun Ofylil_l!*+ding DepErrnent to obraiir a copy- rhank yoq for yourcocperation on this maE,ter. tS tou[r frortrgc rotd Yril, Eol€rrdo 1t637 (3ort 479-21.38 or 479-2139 elr+*ra<-*t-rr-- (i.e. contractor, ouner) 7p aetonsh SPRINKLER SYSTEM IIYDRAULIC AIIALYSIS Page 4 Dare: o4/to/Lgg6 9601081c'sDF JOB TITLE: TIIE LODGE @ VAIL AREA nBn LEVEL l REMOTE AREA oCu PIPE DATA (cont.; PIPE TAG END ELEV. / Fh\rYVlJrrD llrt Pipe: 28sB 10.881 9.8 Pipe: 29sA 10.8sB to.B Pipe:30T1 1.3sA t0.8 Pipe: 31BFD -0.5sB l_0"8 Pipe: 32 BFS -0.5BFD -0.5 . Pipe: 33BOR -2 -OBFS -0.5 Pipe: 34HYD O. OBC:t -2 . O Pipe: 35suP 0.0 HYD O. O NOTES: NOZ. PT(K) (Psr ) 0.0 L07.8 H. S. L07 .9 0.0 107. B 0,0 107. B 0.0 1_L1.9 0.0 1_07. 8 0.0 tL2.90.0 107.8 0.0 ]-22.0 0.0 tL2.9 Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTII vEi, (FPS) HW (C) (rr)PRESS. SUM. (PSI) 2.08 PF 0.3 T PE 0.4 28 .38 PV 0 .1- 43.37 PF 0.0 zET PE O. O 96.07 PV 0.0 L8.75 PF 0.0 3ET PE -4.1 84.65 PV 0.0 52.00 PF 0.3 7ET PE .4.9 2L2.90 PV 0.0 DISC. (GPM)F. i,. /FT 4.260 PIr 1.20 FTG 0.009 TL 4.260 PIr 120 FTG 0.000 Tt 4 .260 PI) 120 FTG 0.000 TrJ 6 .357 PL, 120 FTG 0.001 TIJ 193 .50.0 4-4 l_00.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 193.5 0 .0 2.o 0.0 FIXED PRESST'RE I,OSS DEVTCE 0 . 0 9 .1 psi, 193 .5 gpm 0.0 193.5 6.357 PL 0.0 L22.7 0.0 2.O 120 FTG 0.0 L22.0 0.0 0.001 TL 193 .5 8.390 PL, 0.0 L2L.9 0.0 1.L 140 FTG 0.0 L22 .7 0 .0 0. 000 TL, L93.6 8.390 PL, sRcE L22.O (N/A) 1.1 140 FTG 0. 0 L2L.9 0.0 0 . 000 TI-, 1 .50 1.50 76 .00 TI,G 165 .00 360.00 222.00 582.00 PF O.O PE -0.6PV 0.0 PF O.O PE 0.9 PV 0.0 PF O.2 PE O.OPV O.O (1) Calculations were perfonned by Ehe HASS 5.2.0 computser program under license no. 603GB88 granEed by HRS Syst,ems, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr.. N.E.Atlanta, GA 30345 The system has been balanced to provide all average imbalance aL each node of 0.005 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.152 gpm. velocit,y pressures are print,ed for information on1y, and are noE, used in balancing the system. Maxinrum \.taEer velocityis 3+.3 ftlsec at, pipe 15. (2) (3) SPRINKI,ER SYSTEM HYDRAUI'IC ANALYSIS PAgC 2 )dE€: o4/70/l9gg ''------- " 9601081c'sDF JOB ?ItLS: THE LODGE @ VAIL' AREA "B" LEVEi-' l REMOTE AREA "C'' PIPE DATA PIPE TAG END ELEV. NODES (FT) Pipe r L 32 11.5 3i L2.5 Pipe: 2 32 11.5 33 11.5 Pipe: 3 33 l_1.5 34 L1.5 PiPe: 4 34 11.5 35 r2.L Pipe: 5 31 12 .5 35 1.2.L Pipe: 6 34 11.5 36 6.9 Pipe: 7 3s 12.1 37 L2.4 PiPe: 8 37 L2.4 36 6.9 Pipe: 9 37 12.4 38 L1.5 Pipe: 10 38 11.5 39 7.0 Pipe: Ll- 39 7.0 40 6.8 Pipe: L2 36 6.9 40 6.8 Pipe: 13 40 6.8 4L 6.5 0 . 0 106.2 0 . 0 105.6 0.0 105.6 0.0 l-04.8 0. 0 105 .8 0.0 l-04.8 0.0 105.6 0.0 1"05.3 0.0 1.04.8 0.0 1.03.1 0.0 103.1 0 .0 105 .3 0 .0 l-03 .1 0.0 98 .0 0.0 98.0 0.0 94.0 0.0 94.0 0 .0 92.1 0.0 L05.3 0.0 92.L 0.0 92.L 0.0 72.9 2.009 PL 150 FTG 0.027 Tl' Q(GPM) P1A(IN) LENGTII PRESS' Noz. Pr Drsc. vir,(r'p3) llw(c) (rr) .-lgY'iit tps:l (cPMi i'.i,. /rt (Psr) 34.6 2,::54 PIJ 21' 50 PF o ' 5 0.0 106.? 0-o 3-O l-20 FTG zFT PE -0'4 o.o 105.8 0.o o'oLL rr', 45'90 PV 0'1 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF P8 PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV' PF PE PV PF PE PV il il t t il il il il il ,il il il il il il I 59.0 2 . oo9 PIJ L5 .2L PF 0.0 106.? o.o 6.0 150 FTG E PE o. o L06.2 0.0 0 '027 "fi-', 20 '7L PV s9.00.0 6.0 0.0 38 .4 0.0 3.9 0.0 34 .50.0 3 .0 0.0 20 .60.0 5.1 0-0 72.9 0.0 7.4 0.0 7.6 0.0 1. 9 0.0 65 .4 0.0 6.6 0.0 65 .4 0 .0 16.0 0.0 14.8 0.0 5.4 0.0 28.2 0.0 L0.3 0.0 42.90.0 1s.8 0.0 2 .009 PL 35 .79 150 FTG 2E 0. OL2 TL 46 '79 2.L54 PL' 59.04 ]-20 FTG 3E2T 0.01L rr-, L1L.74 L.291. PL ,18.8? 150 FTG 3E2T 0.033 TL, 68.87 2 . OO9 Pr, L4.17 150 FTG EzT O . O4O TL 17 .67 t.29L .PIr 2t.t7 150 FTG 3E2T 0.005 TL 41.17 2.009 PL 13L.?5 150 FTG 7E 0.033 TI' L70.25 1 .2 91 PL t2 'L7. 150 FTG 3E O .280 TL' 2L.L7 1.055 PL 29.5O 150 FTG 3ET 0 .048 Tr, 41.50 1.055 Pt 74-28 150 FTG zET o .158 Tr, 83 .78 1.055 PL 4L.L'7 150 rrc 6E 0.344 TIJ 56.L7 2L.25 2L.25 0.5 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.0 o-z 0.6 -0.3 0.1 1.2 o.2 0.1 2.3 2.O 0.2 1.5 -0.L 0.4 0.2 2-+ 0.0 5.5 0-4 0.3 5.9 1"9 1.7 2.O 0.1 o.2 L3.2 0.0 0.7 L9.3 0.1 L.7 7" l- :onracc Eaglo Gouncy Asscssors Offlce rr 970-329-.8_6{0 fgr Parcel il. TOWN oF VAIIJ coNsTRUcTION .RrEL 024'tor'8e'U'a pERMfT AppLfcATIoN 'ORM;\. DATET/-rlt/fu ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IIr MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI rrtrtrtJrrt*rt********************** PERMIT fNFORMATfON *********************rr*rr***** ltt l-Buitdtng J l-Flumbing [ ]-Elecrrical [ ]-Mechanibal g{'-otrrer lEeB, rob Narne: ,egal Description: Lot BIock PER.\ItT /I ---_ Fifing sUBDIvIsIoN: ' *************tl***************** UIIJDING PERMIT FEE: TUMBING PERMIT FEE: ECHANICAT PERMIT FEE: LECTRICAI/ FEE: IHER TYPE OF FEE: RB FEE: of, Acconnodation Units: cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet *************************** Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: ."6!_Je[ /3r3 Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunrber: 9 Town of VaiI Reg. No.?7O-S Phone Number: W.ZteAT- Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: ** ************* * *** *** ** ** ** t3 ** PISN CHECK FEE: TEE:K FEE: Nunber ,-f,( ********************************* OTHER: $ T0TAL: S epr/tL*-astbbql ddress: rOR OFFICE USE BUILDING STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! )wners Nane: V' kn-fit ao, Address:'<t*/P}r. Hn-22{' irchitect:@ Address: iiorl- anJ^ i,-r-r- rlh.&te s%.1 zaa ;eneral Description: 'ork class: I J-New [ ]-Alteration [],leAdditional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other urnber of Dwetling Units z I pmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * ** * * * * * * * * * * VALUATf ONS ,UII,DING: S EI,ECTRICAL! $ -*g$ET g d;.lqo, oea MECHANICA ;"fii*"fu:il;: "* * n%* "o*'*"*oo ffi* ddress: 'Iectrical Contractotl., /zl4|rT Etr't1 t -?*c,r*leddress: a. Contracto ra A tL-Sr+w Ft es 4zcru-aadl/rt yg 4.2LE adnnstr'A C.,Tr. .ao Fo z;tL echanical Contractor: ddress: ;LEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFUND AO: Assessors e1 # n .'rconcac t Eagle Councy PARCEL #: PLUMBING: Office TOWN OP VArL CONSTRUCTTON Address: ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANIcAL: S- PERIIIT !- aPERMTT APPLTCATTON FORMDATE: ?-31-j:l- I AppLrcATroN MUST BE FTLLED OUT CoMpLETELy oR rr MAy NOT BE ACCE'TED [***************************** pERMfT INFORI,fATfON *********************:r******* [ ]-Buirdins [ ]-prurnbins [ ]-Erecrrical [ ]-Mechanibal 6y1-ott ""Li[ffi*Job Nane: .LoDcglI vntu .T^r^ rrr-----bvyv\. _r, yFrrL_ Job Addre"r, Jfff@Legal Description: r-,ot- Block- Firing---,:qurvrstou, Ph.Architect: zEHR'sN i' Astoc' fNc' Address: @ph.?+r-ozs+General Descriptio* work class: I i-Ne$/ [ ]-Alteration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-otherNunber of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Uni.ts: y:::" and rvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances- cas Loss- wood/pe1J..al********************************* | - '.--:if t * *'r * vALUATJoNs ********************************* 3UflDfNG: $ Owners Narne: looo€ pnornzrs5 __-.--- Contractor: S$RW Co\ddress:o RoRiz.o^, Oa, GBa,^, lLectrical Contractor:\ddress: )lurnbing Contract,or :rddress: -O//pe- Town of vaiL Reg. No.8l Phone Nurnber: 6ro-z+Eifil Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiIPhone Number: Town of VallPhone Nunber: Reg. NO. ?-z+so Reg. NO. Iechanical Contractor:.ddress: .******************************* ;UTLDING PERMTT FEE:'LUMBTNG PERMTT FEE: ECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: LECTRTCAL TEE: THER TYPE OF FEE: RB FEE: sr ZONING: LEAN IIP DEPOSIT XEFIIND TO: STGNA -l $i Et ( *gHt6d 6 $Eo qEQ ()FH-85 >f; ss) t!:t -0- s,E 6r ;r$Htl FsiiEn lrglsl lrl trJl H u u ?!ou 6 J p >ntrl lc.lml.,.l JLI ql"j sle o I I Ibl -,1c\lsl I Fu u.l'-) P Lul(J) Ftl-f 3l|lz otuI ?o 9oEoI B = oz eooo .ri =s (97 6 il Eu c\l H-H.i; INRo -!l89..N9r E_ - Esr $ri s c)"$ e) sltL lll b*I6.,, s[ii&F:s Feii;n lIEEii o UJ B;a p b(l Y o v3 |f)o 7 ol, 8o('z o E o H u Ho BEl') vct Foz hfi I cl g J 3 (9zt-(f) E co H*H.i; Ef.(rt!pox(D= ..N9a g ilR '-t(o.!>6 s+) .oo$ -o- olu6is frs Et F,d;tJdF-=L Eo n HSitm lftEsi NI E Bt-t ' tl E$IJ 3 Yt! (^w 'i,id $ Iuloc s -,!t6 Eh"6Ui0t- t'..N za UpE-E F>f; ,op P ' {H* sl Fssigl zz.Ess ;iiE I$ :lgl fs N e E 9E ra\iZ Z\ ,/-\v( ,) f-nlvlnl I( ).\lX-q/l ILJI F}4Y)u D ()={Y\Av tn,N -( )n,\4 c:l OD -></ L,/ n\-tv)>,,-\ .__\l{t(r} unCJ vn ()h\t j. !)r il6rl \ I trT I I ),o ':[l= $ll lfOnO a\\ .// cooTl ;!tlor+l Iz ot I 0J LlJ tu...:.=-:- t-t I -l I I I€lolenl Pt tlutt | | O, LJ 'JlreI to et I- tl0/Pl Izvtl I O, LJ tlll -Q-':O ##### ill-t LrO E*Ht; 8 r.!sooo- r.'.,(\'9t F'u FF-E E>f,..,) crop Onr0 5X.'g ql*'= >9 ;_:$tfll F#srIr lIs5ll N t bt8 ils+ t; I F fi Ez p oz F, H 0 tuzp 6 j g etl Ed ? H a |r.l Lj Fo I |,) E E I Fz.r e,t- $ Ec tez< PI IJi o F2I iF *x2Y 1 Il -'r thl\ --_'l I ----l I I I I'r - -'i ---+---l - - - '"1 ---"1 I i I I-T- -l -Jl ---J --l--l I I--{ I I I I-r -'1 ---.J -----l ---i I----{I i-'t - -1 -J -) -J -J H il il tl I I I I I I I I I I I I l'- I I I I i I iL- wt wt wt (0 u*u t:t0:u E F,Ro-oI o9.!ie plE <lE= BE9r F6! g se 8o ;l$rPI Fpsa;r +) \io 9 |r) ft. I (! .L)ot- edl FS QO!(N r-T N g _9 o6OOo6(f)-6 .-: \t lr) i(\vl+ T _9 lIgEgl li slt €l il il N E u*c I rt EEE IEn EiE 6E- = '-17Trr=h a l')1o {I n _sscnigt > vl I Luc \ li: ,Jii[rJJ0-)28-8540 for Parcel //. ?ot{N oF vArL coNssRucrroN pEnryrr #I rt._ -_ ._ pERlrrT AppLrcATroN FoRM __ F. f ' otTB:ll, l'1,Qd r'i , APPLTCATTON UUST BE FTLITD OU! COI{PLqIELY OR IT }TAY NO? BE ACCEP?EDtf' N***** I * **'t **t**tit**t***** *** pERilrT rNPoRtfarroll rrr ***!r*r** *rr*****r********* [ ]-Building t l-pru:abing' [ ],Erectriear [ ]-nechanrbar Dd-otr,"rifob Na:ne: Legal Description: Lot Owners Nane: r,,i Architect:,*,, -Addressl Ph. -;\ ^H f' General Descriptio", fr lrork class: I J-Ner [ ]-Alteration 1 l_Additional I J_Repalr I t-other I N',b.ber of Dnelring units: Nunber of, Acconnoaation u"r;-li g"ot" and t)pe of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiances- Gas r.ogs- wood/perlet_,_ lf*********t***t*********t**'t***:l** vAruATrONs * **** **!r*t****+****************** ^ \; |-iiffiil5; *-- I::S:TI9g: !__ o'HER: $l,sre.oo +:.3iiffhJi rt*-'*-r'l\r' Y t'tEctiAlrrcAr,, s:::-- idd; I .' 7 teneral Cgntractor:RI'IATfoN *****************r **rir****i Address: &i$6,j6R $ Town of Val-L Reg. NO-t Phone Nuuber: 3O?-)J,.i <zL,.E'-.:4r&1Er.€J-6rlr_!4:lJld_l?^_td+)dA) phone Nuuber: _a€-afffi- Electrical contracror: Mqq- OZ dni Acidress: __ ' !-r r o \r/c/-lv 13* "-q vail Reg. No. f .Plurnbing Contractor: L Address! ----.- Towrt of vaiL Reg. NO.:i - --- -- rtr ltechanical Contractor: Phone Nunbef: -r,,s,a \-vrl(-raqEor:I Address: _ T-o!.'tt of vail Reg, NO. BUILDfN; ;-"i;-rr-r;rrr*t*r**** FOR OFfIeE USE 'r****r****:l**************rrrn** FI,T'M3iNG i,gidii iie' BUTI.DTNG PIAN qHECK EEE' lncaaHrcla iliiri-ren: - PIITMBING PLAN ,cIiEcK FEE! :-drecmrcnr, ;ft;-' 'THER rypi 6F;e, .=.__ .RECREATIoN FEE: --- DRB IEE: Block._- Filing suBprvrsroN, Address:Ph, -___ ?oTAL pERMrr FEES3 . - BUTLDTHG! STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: N/4- ALL STATE EIRE PRUIECTIOM INC. 6045 E.76nr AVE., UNrT #72 0oMMERCE CtTy, CO 80022 TEL (30il 288-3907 FAX (d,0il 288-7936 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ATTN: JOB NAME: WE ARE SENDING: (fr*ached (fftrc nnee I I product submittal t{l ptan regietration form ( I I chante orders I I propoeal | | sign contract I DATE:tl- 0-18 JOB #:l gozl I I mylars I I copy of letter | | flow test lsampler I lapproved prints I lelevation I site plan water and size | | other 4 "r* oF PLAN' ,nrtr, I pAGEs, DATED u-/J7( DESCRIPTION vlFsE ARE TRANSMTTTED As CHECKED BELow: .-\or approval | ]for your fe t laerequested I lfor rcview and comment PLEASE RETURN A COPIES. ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. STATEOF COLORADO DNISION OF FIRESAFETY PLANREGISTRATIONFORM Date_lJJJJJ9L_ContractorRegistrationNumber 008 Contractors Name al'l ql.efo Firc Pr.)tection Inc MailingAddress 5045 E. 75th Avenue #12 Zip Code 80022 TelephoneNo. Naine System Test Signature Certification No.(Certified Fire Suppression Inspcctor) Iurisdiction Commmts (for additional comnente use aeparate ehect) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fir,e Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local lire department Copy to contractorand copy tobuilding owner upon completion and srgn-off. - STATEOF COLORADO DIYISIONOFF/RE SAEETY PLANREGISTRATIONFORM Date_JlJ_1_1J93._ Contractor Registration Number () 03 Contractors Name A11 qtal-." rii 16. pr{)Lc(rtion Inc MailingAddress 6045 E. 76th Avenue h'12 City ComlErce Cit Telephone No. Name System Test Signature C ertification No. Zp Code 30022 (Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) Comments (for additional comments use separate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire departmerrt. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off.