HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT ABC PERMITS WILDFLOWERV; VS%-\ \ I\"Jht r'fi' N\cP^''^'( \t$a{"*q l/o Project Application ? Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: LesarDescriptio ^,r^ hrb rU , ero"r f)- O , riiins Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL D statt Approval IPPLTCtrTrON - tOnN Otr Vtrrl., DATE APPLICATION RECEI\ED : DATE OF DRA MEETING: Jlecd 9lU9L COIOR,ADO '/ l(rf - ********** ITETS IPPLICf,IION XII.L NOf BE ICCEPTEI) ONIIL tlf. REQUIRID IITIORT|AIION IS SUEliIlllD **tt*ttt** - T.@: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)nor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: l-ll-l Lr+ Q'o.- Q-r<*&,Q-r LEGAI DESCRIPTfON: Lot -61-e4.* Block 5-C Subdivision V '.i\ V. Xui c. D. If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. a meets and bounds J.ega1 on a separate sheet and H. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing VALUATION$ o - $ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50r000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - 91r 000r 000 $ Over $1r 000r 000 must provide a current'.4 3 crt.. q applicantLot area. NAI.{E MaiI V", OF AppLICgNl; W- }.c\:.,.-r U.'..\ ing Address: r-'l(r t.,*\ (,,".. L'. or NAI{E OF APPLICAIiIT'S REPRESENTATIVE! Qq.,\ \ -\rQg,o.. Mailing Address' \)\ <c,xst L.'.- Lv \) - .t. K. Phone 1-)u iatr Phone L\1 L-- soir I. NAI,IE OF OWNERS: *SIGNAIURE (S} :Mailing Address: Phone {-l\- - qo\\ Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. tater, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail wilt adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the comect fee is paid. c ! FEE pAIp: S {L\ _16-r FEE SCHEDULE: ,-'-'iia --l-(-siiloo- ' s s0.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 r DISIGN RE\'IIEI| BCIARD IPPROVAI. EXPIRES OXE YEAR AFTER TINAI. TPPRO\TAI. I'NI.ESS A BUII.DING PERMII IS ISSI'ED AND CONSTRUCTIOI{ IS SIARTED. **NO TPPLICAIION IfILL BE PROCESSED T|IEEOIXT O9|NER'S SIGITATT'RE II. PRE_APPTATIoN MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionaLapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the st.aff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application wiII streamline theapproval process for your project. II]. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires tldo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not. asked in advance that, discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Wj-ndows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addit.ion proposals not visible from anyother 1ot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must incLudeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or nanager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. ff a property is located in a napped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Pl_annerprior to DRB application to deternine the relationshipof the property to aII mapped hazards. F. For all residential" construction: a. Clearl-y indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structuraL walls of thebuilding,' andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a buildj.ng permit. NAI{E OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT..lga''gLOCx I ^C SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF V.l\ V '\\q.,. The fol1owing information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING T.TATERIALS: Roof Siding Other trlall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other reguired for submittal approval can be given: the Design B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES ry' Conmon Name ouantitv Size* *Indicate deciduous trees. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED TYPE OF MATERIAL CtI.^r 5ho\., s trees. caliper for Indicate PLANr *Q*r*r, PROPOSED SHRUBS I Botanical Name Co-rnmon Name lighting plan. IdentifY each fixt on the list below and Provide the grade and type of light ProPosed. SHRUBS \ *Indicate size\of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qallon. \ \ GROUND COVERS q.ln SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROL a LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If CXICTiOT f ghting j-s proposed, please show the number of fixtures and 1 cations on a separatere from the lighting plan ttage, height above D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUP€S (retaining walls,fences, swinmingts of retaining ront setback is o\t the property pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate hei waIls. Maximum height of waIls wit'hin the 3 feet. Maximum height of walfs elsewhere is 6 feet. ffi:il3 $':n *ul: i fi !iq:{: ffiiilii.c io Glt couoGt ot !rlL' 9trt' ot ,l' : * 0tiiii.i-rilic iirris'.cqit1 -ol-!'glt' 8c't' ir: r il iiroieo, -JJiiit*lrriv drcrt'brd rr':.'.'' lotlart !.r r,:f"ti, :i*rf:i${j.::$il"hfi}:h:' H:::.'ilTli'$:io; ;:;;-;-er.;-* ot. fi'h.lllqilHlil'r,:'itr$ll'F,li- trng,.nci Bh.nc. .rooi'tiii-tiisiol N9E:! 79' iii6oi' irlc r dtrcrnir ot 2h5'42 fmc.co-e iltli .ii"'.t;-thto"' r19$ l-c:t c: :1.ilrhc hrvtng r rrorui-oi-lci'tg tert' I crncrll Iiiri li'z-jfu;si;,-ria-in sre rcngch ot 21'00 lrot go . potnt; Gtrnc. Soush 10'30'16"-!t'3 i'ii.iioi.'ii- idr. zr"ii'i-ii ln -.t*:h. ltr ot i.ii-iil-i;-itt n . s-tt 89'44'o0"-l'trrt rnd lili.iiri'st'it' rr--i dtrGencr ot 490'63 iiii-so thr Potot ol brgtnotnS3 atcaDg. harwr, gs6raal r{.4 un(tr lllt ' til9r'rii.'i3r.-iii, - icr, iil.-'ttt. - 2t t, ltv' 24" 2t$', zbt, zlz, 25t) ffi: tii; 262: ?ql' 2681 iil: tii: fit; r3E; ri6l iao^ r43' 346' 36t' 340. ttl, !!2, Issr 11i', lsii 360; 362r !6t' ffi: I-oi: lin; -,oti ioe I ior. oto, olt' tle' ;U: iil: rio, -13r,,titi::'i l:k,tl3iJf&"tll' ltO' end l3lt.r coripnuriux. ...o'aiil.l"r nol3li"LlSr$i ."' Condctllur D..L8rL---'n.-- rtr ir tfr !.cordtlook 2ltr brltnntnl;i-;h.-Ai.ilroc nrcorarr-for Er31r corrnBt' Golorrdol .:i,+,':, iii.-{i{-jrlqi ir.: :rl roraGhs rlGhr hot.v.rr all ol ch' rttht" ttEh, tnElrllG, brnflcrr ""Dnctt-lm-.ii;;il.;-;a;rrvia uv Drclireom tn rlG lllml iim;rcln- caNDolllNrlM, rccordl rg . end Pur!:'!c Lo ittl-ltta condoolniuo D. o Ltrc lon-th'l' ror' ;;.;;Le-i; i*i err, brBlnntns rt ragr 5ll ;i-att rrcordr of th. clrrk rrd n'cord't to! legb CountYl @lorrdo3 'qvt3h rtl lta rPpuat.ncn€'r 'nd-Gr'n3oa hrrrby erta'ocl :io-ehe rrn, luLllct to chr follortng ortt'rrl th Gkr.,;l'i Ctnrrel tr*.. for the ycer 1971 due rnd pry- ibl. Jant"ry l, 1972; ProcGcllv' cot"o'Dc' ;;;;i;; ^6'ri 10, igoz rn Eook 174-rr trt'- iiii-ii..-it for uttlltv PurPor" elong eod r.i6rr th. SouEh.rly 10 fcrt of-t'ld.Loc. lr aa a lroro on th. rccordcd Phl of t'16 'uD'aitiilon;-i.ro and-condl'il'onr of Ghr Goadoolop t"i-O..titrGlon for Thc tadgr-ApTto?nc. i;d;l;auo rccordrd lo look 2u,b'gtnotn6 '3-iil;tal; 6...ttuncr' lf rnv' o! vrtl.l{ecrr lni srnrietron Dtatrlic, v'tl l{'troPoll'trD r."tl.tton otrtrtcs, veil rtrc Protrctloo Dtr' ;i;;;-i;Ifc"n"i.r' toprov'unc Dt'trl'cc' rnd in -iirn of vall; and ixccpc Dcrd of .Trurt to w.rt.io Fcdcrel ieul'nsr e 'lpan Arloclr!lon for $E65 , OOO . Er.cut.d thtr 1!g deY of \ '\'' ' t 19?l' SIATt OF , clll AtlD (x,l.on^Do OUI|rY O? ) ) DEr|vER) aa. Th. eor.go(ng Dc.d ser lcknorlrdgrd brforr , l9?l bY tlerold H: Sfa' E thl. Sr. ,dffi.xiL"5#rni Rorr l. Drvlt. lflTlGSS oy hrnd end offl'clrl rrel' Hy cootrllon orPlrcr -2- a o a o n0erE,lrl. E Engi lnc. Union Te(ace. Suite 230 12596 West Bavaud Avenue, Lakewood, Colorado 80228 303 989 1 124 January 23, 1984 Ivtr. Gary Murrain Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 Re: Lodge at Vail Wildflower Restaurant Dear Mr. Murrain: This will advise you that we have authorized the use of threaded gas piping in lieu of welded piping on the above project. Threaded piping is restricted to the first floor and includes the verlical riser from the tunnel , piping above the ceiling and the riser up to the Wild.flower ceiling. The section of gas piping below the ftoor slab to the tunnel will be removed and replaced with a welded elbow. All gas piping in the ceiling of the Wildflower Restaurant is in a return plenum and will be welded according to the specifications. If you have any questions or we may be of further service, please call this office. Very truly yourst M-E Engineersr Inc. dr,*/t'l*,n Home r E. Mostery, P.E. HEM/bjb XC: I'lr. Ron Grantham, Warren Platner Associates C. D. - Lodge at Vail 75 soulh Ironbge road vall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce ot oommunlty dcvolopmcnl T0: Dick Duran l4i ke McGee Jay Peterson FR0M: Kristan Pritz Town Planner SUBJECT: The Lodge llildflower Landscaping, lt|alkway and Pocket Park DATE: October 30, 1984 Our agreement after visiting the site inc]uded the following decisions: l. The laundry and intake vents shall be redesigned so that each vent functions properly and does not block necessary fire access. 2. The paved walkway shall be a minimum of 12 feet from the edge of the swinrning pool wall to the edge of the ljne of lighting posts. 3. A landscaped buffer of one foot to two feet may be planted^a1ong the swimming pool wa1 1 (east'side). Junipers are approved for this planting. 4. It was also mentioned that if chrjstmas lights were p1 aced on the trees, the Lodge should make sure that no fire hazard would be created. Thanks to all three of you for com'i ng to a reasonable compromise on the landscaping. I appreciate the cooperation! FILE COPY 75 Soath Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0 t -47 9-2r 3 I / 47 9 -21 19 D epartment of Commanity Dcwlopmcnt July 6, 1992 Ms. Sherry Donrard The Lodge at Vail 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81k657 Re: Aprll27,1992 PEC Meetlng - A request for a condltlonal use permlt to allow an outdoor dlnlng patlo on the flrst floor at the Lodge at Vallrulldflower Restaurant, 174 Gore Creek Drlve/a Portlon ol Block 5C, Vall Vlllage First Flllng. Dear Sherry: Encfosed is a copy of the minutes ol the April 27, 1992 Planning and Environmential Gommission (PEC) meeting at which your conditional use permit request was approved. The attached copy of the minutes will serve as your record of the conditions of approval. Please note that the approval of this conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permil is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from approval (Aprll 27,1992). lf approval of this conditional use permit lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEc. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, 1-..4 kf,-.^_/A"( Andy Knudtsed \ -_ Town Planner Enclosure Katlryl,angenwalteragreedwith.saffsassessmentthuthercquestcdvarianceforBuildingB would result in an unacceptable encroachment. st " oona the-request for Building A to be morc acceptable, since it was a side setback' GcnaWhitenwashappytoseetheupgradc,.but.foundthevariancerequestforBuildingBto ilr*"ttti"", anA ueUJvea the mature-rees should be protected" GregAmsdendidnotsuPportavarianceforBuildingB,agrceingtlratitwasexcessive. Karhy Langenwalter moved the request for $d.e setback variances to allgw for the extension of balconies at the Vail fruif, euriConOorninium-sJ+ili Cot" Geek Drive/Los 7-15' Block 4' Vail Village fint fiung-tapnt*a for Buildiru'A' and the rcquost for front sctback variances 1o allow for the expansion of balconies-for Builtling B be denied per staff memo' Thc motion *u, ,""ond-uy a"* wr,incn. It was unanimously approvcd, 5'0. 4. Applicant: Planner:Andv Knudtsen AndyKnudtsenreviewedtherequest.Staffrecommendedapprovaloftheconditionalusc permit with the condition ,hu, u r*r.r landscape plan be deiigned for the courtyard area before scheduling any p"lfi. triri"g, whether if,uiUt *itf, nin or PEC, for the proposed International wing. Jay Feterson, representing the applicants' thought the master plan requirement was a reasonable condition. DianaDonovanwasconcemedabouttheplacementoftwotablesinthedesign,asshe believed they were ro"ut"Jii tr," public way. - l.y-r"*ron .and .Paul jTp-son' from the lndge' did not think those uur.i *ouio a$ualty be placed per the drawings presented" Dalton williams moved the request for a conditional use permit to {9*-- outdoor dining patio on thc first n*, ut *"r",age at var]Iililano*"t Restaurant, 174 Gore c}eek Drivc/a ilonion of Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing b9 approved per staff"s 1:*o' with the recommendation .ont"irl"d *ffi ,ft" t"*o] Cenu Wttitten seconded the motion' It was approve4 5-0. 5. FpP-ant Michael LaPterbach Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen summarized the p'roposed amendment' Staff recommcnded approval' stating tftw'Utiit".a good design solutions had been achieved' Planning and Environmenal Commission ' AWI n ' 1992 ' Page 4 FIL E COPY Kathy Langenwalter agreed with staffls assassment that the requested variance for Building B would rcsult in an unacceptable encroachment. She found the rcquest for Building A to be mor€ acceptable, since it was a side setback. Gena Whiren was happy to scs the upgradc, but found the variance rcquest for Building B to be excessive, and bclieved the mature trees should be protected- Greg Amsden did not support a variance for Building B, agreeing that it was excessive. Kathy Langenwalter moved the request for side setback variances to allow for the extension of balconies at the Vail Trails East Condominiums, 433 Gore Cleek Drive/Lots 7-15, Block 4, Vail Village Fint Filing be approved for Building A, and the request for front setback variances to allow for the expansion of balconies for Building B be denied per staff memo. The motion was seconded by Gena Whicen. It was unanimously app'rove4 5{. Applicant Lodee at VaiUSherrv Dorward Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen reviewed tle request. Staff recommended approval of the conditional use permit with the condition that a master landscape plan be designed for the courtyard area before scheduling any public hearing, whethcr that be with DRB or PEC, for the proposed International wing. Jay Feterson, representing the applicants, thought the master plan requirement was a reasonable condition. Dana Donovan was concerned about the placement of two tables in the design, as she believed they were located in the public way. Jay Petenon and Paul Jepson, from the Lodge, did not think those tables would actually be placed per the drawings presented. Dalton Williams moved the request for a conditional use permit to allow an outdoor dining patio on the first floor at the lndge at VaiVWildflower Restaurant, 174 Gore Cleek Drive/a Portion of Block 5C, Vail Village Fint Filing be approved per staffs memo, with the recommendation contained within that memo. Gena Whitten seconded the motion. It was approved, 5-0. 5. A rcouest for an amendment to an approved development olan for Spruce Crcek. Phase Itr. 1750 S. Frontase Road Wesy'Spruce Creek. Phase IlI. Aoolicanu Michael lauterbach Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen summarized the proposed amendment. Statr recommended approval, stating they believed good design solutions had been achieved. Planning and Environmenal Commission . AWI27, 1992 . Page 4 -T oIr'o t"(/ 4-14-qz fu* ,aL.tt 0< srk *"f @ vrlr( "-/, I r oo \ Proje ct Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: E statt Approvat luun 75 loulh t?ont.go rcld Yrll, coloi.do 81657 (30i1) 47E-7000 offlcc ot comnunlly davaloprnml Itlay 30, 1984 Ron Grantham llarren Platner Assoclates 18 lrlitchell Drive Neur Haven, Connecticut 86511 RE: }Jildflowers Restaurant Menu Box Dear Ron: Here is the information for the Design Review Board process. If you havefurther questions please give me a ciil. Si ncerely, Ktho [',h" Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP/la DATE: TO; FROM: DEADLINES January 4, 1984 ,January 18, .|984 February I , .|984 Fe.bruarV 15,.|984 March 7,1984March 28,.|984 April 4,.|984Apri'l 18,.l984 May 2,1984May 16,.|984May 30,.l984 June 6,.l984June , 20,1984 July 5,1984July 18,'l 984 August I,1984 August 15,1984August 29,1984 December January January ,January February March March Apri 1 Apri'l Apri l May May June June July July July August August Sept. Sept. 0ct. Oct. Nov. Nov, Dec. 16th ,'1983 2nd,.l984 16th ,1984 31st,1984 20th ,I 984 13th ,I 984 19th,1984 Znd,'l 984 13th,'1984 30th,1984 1.4th,I 984 21st,'1984 4th,I984 19th ,.l984 2nd,'l 984 16th,1984 30th ,I 984 13th ,I 984 20th ,I 984 4th ,I 984 18th ,'1984 1st,1984- .t, 23rd,1984 6th ,1984 19th,1984 4th ,1984 Sept. Sept. 0ct. 9.t. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. 5,'1984 19 ,l 984 3 ,.| 984 17 ,1 984 7,l gg4 2L,1984 5,.|984 19,1984 fin{, fli#ff1t "q, REVISED DRB PROCEDURES AND INSTRUCTIONS January, '1984 Architects working in the Town of Vail Department of Community Development, Town of Vail The Design Review Board meets the'lst,3rd, and 5th Wednesdaysof each month at 2:00P. M.. Below are the dates of the meetings and:the deadline dates for submitting appllcat'ions for those meetings. Materials must be submitted no later than 4:00PM on the deadline date. Read the submittal requirements with utmost care. N0 SUBMITTALS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THEY ARE COMPLETE; If you h a Erlandsonat 476-7000. MEETINGS IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALt SUBMISSIONS T0 TIIE DESIGII REVIEW BOARDT 1. A11 new buildings will require a site or tfr'e stEfEur building locations visit by either the Design Review Board and driveways ttrust be staked. 2. 3, 4. Tte review Process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate neetings ^of the Design Review Board, so plan on at teast two meetings for their approva'l , People who fail to apPear before the Design Review Board at their scheduledrneeting and who have not asked for a postponenent will be required to be re- l published. The following iterns no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the zoning Adninistrator for approval: a. windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changes that do not alter theexisting plane of the building; and b. Buil.ding additions that are not viewed fron any other lot or public space;whi have had letters subnitted fron adjoining property owners apploving tleaddition; and,/or approval fron the agent for, or rurnager oFa condoniniun association. a ch 1-.;: o . t#f ,:"j*ilr, F\o^ utq t .t L lr() +AstuUzil PS., \t, (o.':'q'n ,/,=- lry 44 tlC(.81-{ 16-0 OM r /2 o?) + u lQ,', 6lonfhnl"-, A oh,{tt Pu,q^ Yhi\w ksot ^ \,lsw \hrlel^ (^" K6Stl o o Euto2u,o. ^geo -v,oO 8R c9YY o og<!!i. (J xIct|to2 I -t- ?q:99:l q{ O o3 iE 6 X JJ 6 ll, {uJ d 2 q d JJ F ,tuoct dtr Faltz(3 EGoItl?o E5l!F fI ]uuto PouJ) d tI H att P ezt \ i! t \ \ o E F I t 6 lllg lll d z q J 6j 3 Eu,oEf JJ 6 trlIouJzEf b GoulzoI5utF fI luu,o PollJJ) (J tI u,ulo P P2 g E0 g l| Et = tto(J E ,\ A0't \ \ n\ N 1 \ N{\ FJ o lrlr lrl 3f ge UU o E F Profect Appllcatlon I i\[,u"r -)d\Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Addres and Phone: Architect, Addre3s and Phone: t; t-^l ll Zona - L€gal Description: Lot Comm€nts: Design Review Board o"," i' j/J/K'/ APPROVAL -) DISAPPROVAL I \i,v....< : {'*\nn tr,f Town Plenner ""," ltllffl E statt Approval ? t o TO: FROM: RE: Apri I When applications for signs are submitted, the fo'llowing informationis required: I. Site plan showing exagt 'locatjon where the sign is to 2. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) 75 south lrontrNge road yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 17, 1984 SIGN APPLICANTS Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz, Planners Sign AppI ication Requirements olflce of communlty dcvclopnrenl I ocated. n is to be located. of application. be sig (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph 'if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be required at time fr,* Fee Paid Applicatiori Number SIGN APPLICATION ** tp/3lg'{ Name of Project Name of Person Submitting Location ot project flrrL Description of project The following information is required forto the Design Review Board before a finalSign subnittal fee is $20.00. submittal by the applicant approval can be given. A. Sign Materia'l \\&^or B. Description of Sign D. Corments MATERIALS SUBMITJED t,|ITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan Y2. Drawings sfi-rifriffiact 1ocationq. Photographs showing proposed 'loca-€To4. Actual sign _5. Co]ored sialiliiErin6- V6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittiT- ffi N \ nnN $N ${ it$ utl $$ SR $\ t $ $ N $s $ a $ q $ \ sts$ \ $ k rt) \\) R N $ N':f, r'---1ir !iFj ;___ _J \ \\t ll o 2;! Project Applicatlon Date a,rgTot 21, 1994 Project Name:(hrp CYook Wal k proiect Descripl;on. Permarent lardscal= schcre for blildflo,rer Festar:rant I allsr to Goc Creel< Dr. Contact person and "non" Clnrles Dr:ncan (C.D.) 476-5011 ext. 568 Owner, Address and Phone:'the Lodcre at Vail 174 E. C<rre Cler:k th^- - !'ai]- ('r)- !1165? Architect, Address and Phone: Idarren Fl..fner Assrr itir''s arr.hi foc't'q 203./77?-6471 18 Mitdrell Dr., Ne*' liaven, ibru'r. 06511 Legal Oescri Comments: ption: Lot Btock 3A , Fiting \tai} Viuage FiljlIE {:1 , Zone -CeI- Design Review Board Oate Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date: Town Planner E statt Approval i. +" INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI EI{ .tPROJECTz UJ,cr,+ei>,^,t€z .-- W4c( t"*7 /6--\E/ S^'o,u Zanao4c FIRE DEPARTI.IENT Reviewed by: Cornments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Gonments: TOI.IN ATTORI{EY Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Comments: 8, 7l/a {oece DATE OF PUBLICE HEARING:DATE SUBIiIITTED: C0l'il"lENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Comments: PUBLIC tllORKS .,/) .n Reviewed byz /1 1 O &r/^/4o€ ot*tfo 6ce Grez ?z,p y' ,k.', / 7 Date: Date: Gornents: RECREATION DEPARTI,IENT Date: Date: t ^n. *3n" rcLE 4 ?or.or', 6 $ & & @ 6 t trODEL NO.DESCRIPTIOI{ L-l40 14! dia. x 3ifh. 5 candelabra bas€ incandescont '.l,rLDb h H.l.O, NODEL NO,DESCRrmoil L-l65 161t' dla. r 39h. 5 caftblabra base incandosGnl 'rvdhlL in H.l.O. ' .r pi..7 rd I b. X,l.D. .9dlc.lkia ? IODEL 1IO.DEttcRtmoil L-185 t81t' dia. x 4l'tr. 5 cardelabra bas€ incendescant 'rvd.DL h H.t.D. PLAfl UEW HB o-€C +' cR-l fits 3 o.d. post; P-3010, P-3012, P-3014, P-30r6 HB HC +" HB HC ++ Consult taclofy for cuatom erm sproad bngths. fits .l: o.d. post P-3016, P€020 Cast aluminum-oainted frnFh lo malch lar{sms. ilooEL ilo.DESCRTPnOI{ L-U25 22h'dl,a.x57h. 9 cand€labra base incerdescent 'rvCLua h H.l,O, noDEL 1{O.DESCRIMON L-l80 17h'w.rt341t. 5 candelabra base incandogcont 'av.il.tb ln H.l.O. (h€x!gon) HOOEL XO.DESCRIPflON P-416 1?w. x 28"h. 5 cendelabra bas€ incandesc6riiclndagl oart WALL BRACKETS tr dia. backplaEiI wall extension, S€o otdoting guide lo. vetious lat orn Cast aluminum afms & back plate3. Painted finish$ to match or For H.l.D. rgfrole ballast (ballast vault by A. 1) o EASIIIilI_r!!9BL N0, E-109 That according to the indices of the County Recorder of Eagle Counl.y, Colorado rclaL ivc to tlrc l'ollowirrg rca'l lrropcrt;y: See attached Exhlbit A. Easements that affect the above described property are as fol'lows: Encroachment of building onto the property adioining on the south as shown on the Condomin'ium l'lap of the Lodge Apartnent Condominium. Ground level vehicle and pedestrian easement as shown on the plat of a resubdivision of part of Lot C, Block 5C, Vail Vi'llage First Filing' and as reserved in deed recorded January 7, L969 in Book 214 at Page 444. Release and Termination of existing easement and grant of new easement as . more fully described in document recorded May 3, 1979 in Book 284 at Page 924. Ratification of Boundary Lines as set forth in document recorded June 10, 1980 in Book 303 at Page 871 Dated: August l0' 1984 at 8:00 a.m. (fne tiabifity of the conrpany is 2) 3) 4) '1i 'ljrnjted to bhe fee paid for thjs reporL) EXHIBIT A A part of tots ": b' lnd l: ll":l 5-C' Vatl Vtllage' Flrat Flllng, Gorinty oi ilgr"' siace of lotorado' oore parclcularry i.""r-f6"a aa f ollq"a: iiiffi ::',li:i}:i:$ii::ffiirrlafiil;'l:it.l"!'ii.," of 119.67 fccc; ' 143.00 fcet Eo "-pofot of cunre;'ttt"n"" along-a cunre go the rtrhc havlng t ttlii''"i-giloo it"l' " cencril angle of earoo,00,,,^ "oa "i-li" dtr."n"" "t.il1;3i, ;;:ir:30?ro"3l'l "' ii:ii::l ifu;.;l'l:":'l::T:ft "i-""^"; Eheoce arong a' ;;;; ro rhe Tr# ;:iil:-i*{il;;";,diili.'?l!; l"'i'ii!l.' iliii " t:.:.1',lt' a, "r;i's. :i. d::hft ,1, ill ;i ;::: ltJ!,", ::ii;r** ii":":'ol3l"ii.'li"iio;-;..; co tt''lolnt or littonrog. ' ffi; of Lotr-a and b-'-ll::* 5-G' vatl vlllase Ftrst Flltng' Couoty of ta8,rc' Scate of 'colorla-t'-it"t" parttcuiarty descrlbed ee follre: Cocnctng at the Sotrthrcac :orner of l2c-'11'Il""k 5-C' satd VatlVlll"g"rrllc-iiiiogltt.cnil.n]iairi.oo.t.aodalongthe Norrrrwcst rrot'li-r;l;U; "' r-rl"ii'i-c' ur'67 fccc; chcnce x.15't7roo'E' "ii "it"g ttre-noJnreac rinc of geld lot a' Block 5-c' 109'ii fttt"to-thc- t*"-p"rit of bcgtnolng; thence n. 15'r?'00'E. "ii liiig.ly-y1il;";;-ii":-":.,?' a' Block 5-c, 33.35 fcei--co-i pitot of "t'n'"; thcnce "l*g chc Norrh rrr,. or r."e..., r1;; ;-; "::-:iiili"i:r'U{lE|3'i"::ll=i.,,,,ili"i-oe 96.00 feet, t ccocrtr.:'j";; ;;;;r;t rh.n"" N.79'17' siri*.'i'iii ?i,:i;:.i"f'1":?' ;: ;:3i{i ;';;";' "1"g aatd tang"ot, l"iliz-i""t-to " pkot o-f cunc; Ehencc along the l{orth rto"-li'iit-b' -Elo"t 5li-'"a''"'a?":ttli:!iili::. hntng e redlua "eJaz'ig-fect' t ccncrtt "osrt.";.i6'i6'iq'!t' 1?, li:'ri:itii j }i t'll f:'ii$* : iiti:'* .t 10 3.' ; :i:i"i":llFia'!;?j,::i:i"l:::; il;"!- s ' zg'zg '4r"u ' ' E ' 35 fect; thcncc i'i;';itri't't 1'66 i""l; Ghcncc s'?9'29'44'T" 157.81 rttc ri';;"-;;; poinc of bcgtnnlns' o Ard orcePtirg: rhe northerrv Portion of tt-re gouih wine of !h:-:'*:!|lt$'itiltll?"n' ' i;;#;;it '"?'i"I'i; ;; il; iourth rloor or the The alr sPacc ebgrre the cleva:t:i 8'191'62 feet above can eea level ot'ut til'rlir*rog-descrtbed property: rhat par, :: H' il"ll'll 3;ilJ:ll ::11"3:'ll::i":li'lElcrruea CountY of Eagre' ee f ollcrg: Cooenclng tt the Sotrttresc corner of !.o!'lt'llotk 5-C' aald ilrr- v * rie: .: lii:':ihi't il: t::' \."1# rll ii*li.il:i: "" H:I"1:"'! :"1 iitFtl- ".e r'o:q *:"::'i,$:!;Tii d. l- u i. a r ;;";; -nrocr 5-c' roe'65 -r::::-:?:;:=.il;"-1. to'5oi 16"8: r-^,il".-l" .f :i:l"liir:lrtii',ill"ia.bii-i"".1 -thencc s' 10'30' 44.30 feec; tncl 1.i:git6o*** *{i=[$:ifif'''fi',l .. *reet; !h":!"-I:::.1.ii.i;lrorr. , 57.s5 rcet; lto"" s.ze.ze'38.35 feet; thesse ":::^;i.'t,* iop;gg.l";lao.l!;;; -l'--o": _lit* . :';; :'!"?l!i ::;q#, i!il",. .i; ll"' B . ll;,il'*lii1i;l;i3i3"il''J;;'ii$:,:l# ;:*u rcec ro .t" .*ipiiic-or feec; cheocc >'t> L' -- !"' - bcstnnlns aouchcrlY'0"::1::r:: ::"iii:1*) ts!:l l:l:::fiill ii'ili#Gqstrv rere rlng o!.th: l?T;;-;;nlootntuo 6uirarng)'flfth floor or rhe arr "r"::-t:ii;Hr:H;:lf:f;"ft1?r:""' above ran 6ea level over tn€ rhar pert or Loc a' Block 5-c' vatl vlllagc lfii":tltl:;crrbed countv ot eteill "tl";;;; Lororado' oore Ptr.' ::::" * at the souctrres t -:"=il:' nl trot'' ia'illlii lliri"li'ilir viuir:..'l'rll :1'[?i il:"ll''i';n. t::r-]l?'t'r":'::' r,c a, H::I" "r:"r! lvt, t 6;ts. - ana - a t::: iS rli;:["4::' ii t:c t rec c ;-sir;i-s-c, ro9 '65 feet; shenc Bhencc S.lO.3O,l6,E., 44.30 f:":i thencc S'?9029'44'T" l0'00 fect; thencc s.16'5;1;C:, lq..'O it"I;-tt'"nce N'?9'29'4h'E" ro.o0 fcet; .*oi'-!'i6';il15;'E'' G:il i"l; 'thlncc N'79029' 44'E.. 15.65 r."l=.i't-;"-;; poiot of beglnnlng; thence s.ln,JOrU,E.,d.;0i""r;ct.-n""--i.ig'Zgrqa'E.'.0'OOfeec; th. ncc s.10.30,,;;i:,-ie.io r""c; ;;;;";-N.79'2i'44'E', 6'00 feet ; thcacc s. ,6'i6l illi:, l:96'e""ll thence N"89 '44 '00"E ' ' 24 .44 fcct ; d'cnle'i. fg.lii,.i.n,-iilio-l..1 i Bhence N' 10'30' i; ;r:,-4i.ip'.:i i :il";-r :l:::i"'3.T;,r3 ;11,,[ll';r:XT;.. i l*:"i'r:rolia, l?hil fi:ii !l!l'i"";;: ;;";-nlii.- li-Legrnning' - -2- IndEe eparffi Or&dnilln Asmciation 174 EasE Gore Geek DriveVail, Olorado 81657 Angust 17,1984 Ilcryn of Vail Ccrmnmit1l DenelqrEnt DeparUwft 75 Sot$h monmEe bad l€st VaiJ, 6l-orado 81557 Re: fjral Iandscagn Plans Lodp at Vail Wildflolr€r Addition Centlan:n, lltris letter will senze as tJre cDnsent of the lodEe eparErent @rdcrdniun Association, dho are owrErs of a gnall portior of the lard to be inpnoved urder the final landsepe plan to the car4zing out of rmrJ< on orr land. Our bard has considered ttris plan by lfarren Platrens offi.e ard fee.ls it rculd gnreatLy enhm€ the area hvofved and Vail as a r.rtnle. ltb urge lour favorable onsideration. Very truIy ]pursr IlIrcE PROPERTIES MIDCMINIUM A.gSOCIATTO{ nl U4S{-K,.^ro""u/lphck Larson Vie-Preeidert ,t,or')lr:'f' o o rcage AparUrcnt &r&nirriun Asociation 174 East Gore Creelc Dri\re Vai1, blorado 81657 AugusE L7,1984 Tovn of Vailecrunity Develcgnent DegartrErt 75 Sort]r lbon@e bad l{estVail, oJorado 81557 F: E.jna1 L,andscape Plans Lodge at vail wiJ.dflcnEr Adalitjsr C;errtlenen, lltris letter will senre as tlre @nserrt of tlp rndge ApartrEnt Oqrdcnriniun Assocjatiur, who are cx,vrErs of a gnall porfion of the lard to be isproved urder the finat landscatr= plan to tlE carrying out of rmk on orr land. otlr bard has csrsiderecl th:is pfan by Warren Platrers office ard feels it wculd grreatly enhan€ the area ir$/olved and Vail as awlole. l{e urge lour favonable consideration. Very tnily ]Dura, I/OEE PROPERIIES @.IXMINIIII{ ASS€IAItChl.tIltrlWJ' A*qtaY.-/tfrd< LarsonViepresident luwn 75 louth lronirge ,oad vall, colorado 91657 (3o3) 476-7000 August 20, 1984 Mr. Ed Drager c/o Lodge at Vait 174 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ed: otflcc of communlty dcuclopmcnt Re: l..lildflower Restaurant parking Fee Lodge at Vail I have met with Jav peterson concerning the parking fee for the lii.rdflowerRestaurant. rne nlmueri h; d;;-;;"me'indicate an increase of r4 seatsas a result of this expansioi. aiiea-on one parking space per g seats,this addition requires.payr"nt into the^pa$jng lgnd for .|.75 spaces.At.$3,000 per space, ttrb amount'Ju" i.-SS,ZSO. This amount can bepaid in one sum or over s pavmenii. '- Our Finance Department has-prepared a paynent schedule for you if youchoose to pgy over 5.instarimehir.- ir,6 first instailment is one-fifthof the total due, and-remainirg-piyr.;ii, including lO% interest perannun on the unpaid barance- Ftbaie ieturn ttre piomiisorv-nJi. iiignea),if you choose the payment-pian. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, IJ4( \\rt Vnnut THOMAS A. BRAUN Town Planner TAB: bpr Encl. ?rfur $ 5,250.00 instal lments after the Town of Vail at Vail, Colorado, Vail, Colorudofu In of at date, for value received, J promise the office of the Finance Director, to pay to the order Municipal Building Five Thousand Two Hundred Fif with interest of ten percent per yearly installments as follows: The first installment of $_. 1,050.00 the-second installment of $ .l,324.96 the third installment of $ 1,324.96 the fourth installment of $ 1,324.96 with the remaining balance of g I ,324.96 August 20, lggg l,li ldf lower nestaurant annum on the unpaid balance, payable tn Dol I ars , due and due and due and due and payabl e payabl e payabl e payabl e due and on on on on August 20, lgg7 , payable on IT-Is AGREED-that tLl* **-i:.rgi pllg when-due or decrared due hereunder.ii':iliiiiifil ;:l :::3.d i'i.""it"iieleon,shar -i"."' :.ii"est at the rateor_in_tlresi.;l!i'd;;tn"' and that railure to mare-iiy ;;y,il;. or principal ff#ffi5*;;*u*i#,ru'us:fffi"lgtg or inl.dii"ilt..-?lJm9nts before, at, 6r arter-mitrlri"iv, uno if this l:.9:, " i i'il;;;,;ffi;":1, i: l8r.Bii :.ffi I, oy;;, jj; ;F:" j :.mi$#;$,, DATE Project Application ( re rf1. o"t" JU.r \T, llkti :, Prolect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: LesarDescription,.o, [n[)F,€ , "fidf, JA\L , r,,,nn Comments: Zone Design Review Board Motion by: o"," Ju.* ),C, \18t1 DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL ,/ | ni trr\ii,-, YrrfI Town Planner.< \no","' ')ro$,I0-l/k't S st"t Approval : FREDERICK S. OTTO JAY K. PETERSO N WI LLIAM J. POST Orro, Prtnnsor'r & Posr AT IAIV' POST OFFTC E BOX 3t49 vl'IL, cor.oBADo al66a- 3t49 June 19, 1984 VAIL NATIONAL BANK SUILDING (303) 476 -OO92 EAGLE VAIL PROFESSIONAL BU ILDI N G (3 03) 949-s3eO DENVER DIRECT LIN E (303) 6?3-59?6 Ms. Kristan Pritz Planner Town of VailVail, CO 81657 Re: LandscaPe Plan for Wildflower Restaurant Dear Kristan: Pursuant to our discussions of last week with Peter Patten, it is my understanding that the landscaping plan submitted by the Lodge at Vail is a temporary plan and is basically returning the area to its prior condition with some upgrading. At the time the plaza landscaping plan is finalized and brouqht to the Design Review Board, we will incorporate and include in such submittal the finaL landscape plan for the area on which we are nO\.7 recel-vang temporary approval If you have any questionsr plea contact me at my office. Sincerely, PETERSON & POST .TI{D . 'n6.. 4( iu lh*\"il fiS*t'w \&tulrl, o' \q'\aN I ilU" .,d tb nc $ur'rd u0os)\ V .tt d) [:SDln \x *r r\ r, !r,$ Hfif,Yffi* t\c- -Ut\i\rq \oadlcfl,L hoirtld\lflgr. ?Ul,^l iF fr,$,Pqfrirq K,urr'-ru//& ;AL Dlis;Clttl,'fI0N: 1,0't LIST oF,ltlIERl/lts t;l l.l NG 9z,Z-* st Dl:sc;Rl|l.uoN oF PRoJI;c]' The fol lor+i ng Board bcfore A. BUILDIN(': infornation is a final approval MATERIALS Tyge of l.latcrial rcquircd for submi.ttal by thc ciLn be given: applicant to the Design Rcview Color Iioof Siding Other l{al1 Materi.als Fasc ia Soffits l{indows lfindow Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails F lues FlashS-ngs Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Cormon Name Quanti ty Size -7b-fu f1-SHRUBS I ttrlasqtscFnLrs lv sQUdRE o s0D FOOTAGE SqUARE FOOTAGE SEED TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 0ther Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify.