HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 TRACT E PIRATE SHIP PARK 2003-2005 LEGAL\{r t.\\ E Toi}E };* Sp+ 4oos - ?Dq5 ''f . . "_ c. Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 9D.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: PIMTSHIP PARK BRIDGE PEC Number: PEC030052 Project Description: RECONSTRUCNON OF BRIDGE OVER MITL CREEK Pafticipants: OWNER VAILCORP 08/2612003 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPLICANT TOWN OF VAIL 0812612003 Phone: 970-479-2100 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 816s7 License: CONTRACTORTOWN OFVAIL 08/2612003 Phone: 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 License: z163-8 ProjectAddress: Location: pirateship park tegal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: VAIL VILIAGE FILING 5 Parcel Number: 210108242008 Comm€nts: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Berhnardt Action: APPROVED Second By: Lamb Vote: 4-0 Date of Approval= 0912212003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0006390 The applicant shall submit proof of US Army Corp of Engineers approval of a Nationwide Permit 18 - Minor Discharge to the Town of Vail Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building and grading permib. Cond: CON0006391 The applicant shall submit a stamped Improvement Location Certmcate and "as-built" topographic survey to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to Town of Vail final construction inspection. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $0.00 { .! I0l,tft/ Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co. u5 General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review 8oard, Type of Application and Fee: . Rezoning $1300 tr Conditional Use PermitD Major Subdivision 91500 pj Floodplain Modificationtr Minor Subdivision $650 D Minor Erterior AlterationD Exemption Plat $650 tr Major Exterior AlterationD Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 tr Development plan D New Special Development District $6000 ! Amendment to a Development Plantr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 tr Zoning Code Amendmenttr Major Amendment to an SDD 91250 E Variance (no exterior modifications) tr Slgn Variance Description of the Request: $6s0 $400 $6so $800 $1500 $250 $1300 $s00 $200 Physical Zoning- Subdivision: -l-?.Ac T 6 fore v.--.as 5d AuLt -,!1 -r -. Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for no.) Name(s) of Owner(s):(la y'ert ca1,. Maif ing Address: 7 o' 6"* 1 t/txc, Ce S lLrtl Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Phone: Fax For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Page I of 5-01/ l8/02 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission hRo'*'t &,\"':d*t u,/ 5'rt ,l,o [io'd,' ov TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Community Development Department September 22,2003 A request for a floodplain modification pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, VailTown Code, to allowforthe construction of new bridge abutments in the Mill Creek floodplain at Pirate Ship Park located at Tract E, Vail Village 5h Filing. Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Town of Vail Planner: Bill Gibson SUMMARY The applicant, Vail Resorts, represented by Town of Vail, is requesting approval of a floodplain modification pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of new bridge abutments in the Mill Creek floodplain. This proposal facilitates both the replacement of an existing recreation path bridge and the upgrading of the Town of Vail's storm water sewer system. Based upon staffls review of the criteria in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve, with conditions, the requested floodplain modification, subject to the findings noted in Section Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing to modify the Mill Creek floodplain to allow for the construction of replacement bridge abutments for the existing recreation path bridge at Pirate Ship Park. The replacement abutments will be installed in approximately the same location as the existing abutments, and therefore will have no significant impact on the existing Mill Creek floodplain. The purpose of replacing the existing bridge abutments is two fold: first the existing pedestrian path bridge is structurally failing and is in need of replacement, and second the Town's storm water sewer system is currently inadequate to accommodate the possible future development of the Vista Bahn ski yard area. A more complete description of the applicant's request has been attached for reference (see Attachment C). Additionally, a floodplain study by J.F. Sato and Associates, a consulting engineering firm; a review by the Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator; and architectural/engineering plans have been attached for reference (see Attachments D, E, and F). il. ilt. tv. Pursuant to Section 12-12-3, Vail Town Code, staff has determined that an Environmental lmpact Report is not required for this proposal since this proposal is an "alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvements" and .on the basis of a preliminary environmental assessment covering each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2" this project "is found to have an insignificant impact on the environment." BACKGROUND The Design Review Board reviewed the design review application associated with this floodplain modification proposal at its August 20, 2003, public hearing. The Design Review Board unanimously approved, with conditions, the design review application for the proposed replacement bridge and abutments. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Planninq and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approvaUapproval with conditions/denial of a floodplain modification application. Desiqn Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority of a floodplaln modification, but must review any accompanying Design Review application. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whetheror not the Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Zoninq Requlations (Title 12. Vail Town Code) Section 12-12-3, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS, EXEMPT PROJECTS (in part) v. An environmental impact report shall not be required for the following projects: A. Alteration, repair and maintenance of existing sfructures and site improvements. B. A phase of a projectfor which an environmental impact report previously was submifted and reviewed covering the entire project, provided that the project was approved and not subsequenily altered. C. A project which, on the basis of a preliminary environmenfal assessrnenf coveing each of the factors prescribed in Sectbn 12-12-2 of this Chapter is found to have an insignificant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmental assessrnenf and the finding on environmental impact shall be made by the Administrator. Section 12-21-10E. HAZARD REGUI-ATIONS. DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTED (in part) E. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiing to modify the flood plain by fill, construction, channelization, grading, or other similar changes, to submit for review an environmental impact statement in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title, to esfab/ish that the work will not adversely affect adjacent properties, or incrcase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. Town of Vail Development Standards Handbook (Title 14. Vail Town Code) Chapter 14-6, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS HANDBOOK, GRADING STANDARDS (in part) Floodplain Standards: No grading is permitted in the 100-year floodplain without Planning and Environmental Commission approval. lf an applicanf uzshes to grade into the 11)-year floodplain, an environmental impact repoft is required. The environmental impact report shall include impacts to vegetation, riparian areas, appropriate hydraulic engineeing calculationsto show no increase in water surface profile and velocity, as well as stating that there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties. No permanent improvements shall be constructed within 1'of the floodplain line. The floodplain line shall be determined by a registered professional land surueyor by plotting the appropiate elevation of the floodplain on a maximum 1"-20' topographic 2' contour map using the adopted Town of Vail flood profiles (the Federal Emergency ManagementAgency Flood lnsurance Study). The topographic survey shall reveal the method for determining the stafting point and the starting elevation for the floodplain delineation. A site specific study performed by a Professional Engineer per FEMA guidelines and approved by the Town of Vail and FEMA may be required. vt.PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ln accordance with Sub-section 12-12-3C, Vail Town Code, staff has conducted a preliminary environmental assessment covering each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2, Vail Town Code: A. Alters an ecological unit or land form, such as a ridgeline, saddle, draw, ravine, hillside, cliff, slope, creek, march, watercourse, or other natural land form feature. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. B. Directly or indirectly affects a wildlife habitat, feeding, or nesting ground. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. C. Alters or removes native grasses, trees, shrubs, or other vegetative cover. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. D. Affects the appearance or character of a significant scenic area or resource, or involves buildings or other structures that are of a size, bulk, or scale that would be in marked contrast to natural or existing urban features. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on lhis factor. E. Potentially results in avalanche, landslide, siltation, settlement, flood, or other land form change or hazard to health and safety. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. F. Discharges toxic or thermally abnormal substances, or involves use of herbicides or pesticides, or emits smoke, gas, steam, dust, or other particulate matter. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. G. Involves any process which results in odor that may be objectionable or damaging. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. H. Requires any waste treatment, cooling, or settlement pond, or requires transportation of solid or liquid wastes to a treatment or disposal site. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. l. Discharges significant volumes of solid or liquid wastes. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. J. Has the potential to strain the capacity of existing or planned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other utility systems. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. K. Involves any process which generates noise that may be offensive or damaging. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. L. Either displaces significant numbers of people or results in a significant increase in population. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. M. Preempts a site with potential recreational or open space value' Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. N. Alters local traffic patterns or causes a significant increase in traffic volume or transit service needs. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. O. ls a part of a larger project which, at any future stage, may involve any of the impacts listed in this Section. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. VII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall consider the following criteria when reviewino an application for a modification to the floodplain: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the guantilt or velocity of flood waters. Staff response: The technical analysis provided by J.F. Sato and Associates, dated September 17,2002, states that this proposal will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters (see Attachment D). The Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has reviewed and confirmed this opinion (see Attachment E). 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Staff response: The technical analysis provided by J.F. Sato and Associates, dated September 17,2002, states that this proposal will not adversely affect adjacent properties (see Attachment D). The Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has reviewed and confirmed this opinion (see Attachment E). B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the following findinos before aooroving a floodplain modification: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve, with conditions, the proposed floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14€, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of new bridge abutments in the Mill Creek floodplain at Pirate Ship Park. Staffs recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence presented, subject to the following finding: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quanlity or velocity of flood waters, based upon the technical analysis provided by J.F. Sato and Associates, daled September 17,2002. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties, based upon the technical analysis provided by J.F. Sato and Associates, dated September 17, 2002. 3. Pursuant to Section 12-12-3, Vail Town Code, submittal of an Environmental lmpact Report is not required for this proposal. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this floodplain modification request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit proof of US Army Corp of Engineers approval of a Nationwide Permit 18 - Minor Discharge to the Town of Vail Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building and grading permits. 2. The applicant shall submit a stamped lmprovernent Location Certificate and "as-br.rilt".topographic survey to the Town of Vail Comrnunity:Dsvs1ttt.t, Department for review and approval, prior to Town of Vail final construotion inspection. IX. ATTACHMET{TS A. Vicinity Map B. Public Notice C. Applicant's letter of request D. J.F. Sato and Associates Floodplain Study E. Town of VailFloodplain Coordinator's review F. ArchitecturaUEngineering Plans Attachment: A THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE Attachment B NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Vail Town Code on September 22,2003, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-7A-3, Vail Town Code; a major exterior alteration pursuant to 12-7A-12, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to the existing fractional fee club and a restaurant addition; and a request for a building height variance pursuant to Chapter 17,Yail Town Code, to allow for dormer additions, at the Vail Mountain Lodge and Spa, located at 352 E. Meadow Drive / Tract B, Vail Village 1s Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain Lodge LLC, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: George Ruther A request for major exterior alteration pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of new dwelling units and accommodation units at Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle / Lots C and D, Morcus Subdivision, and Lot 7, Marriott Subdivision Applicant: Planner: Vail Mountain Marriott Resort, represented by Gwathmey, Pratt, SchultzArchitects. George Ruther A request for a floodplain modification pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of new bridge abutments in the Mill Creek floodplain at Pirate Ship Park located at Tract E, Vail Village 5h Filing Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Town of Vail Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a major subdivision pursuant to Chapter 13-3, Major Subdivision, Vail Town Code, to allow for the platting of four lots at the Lionshead tennis court site and a rezoning pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Administration, Vail Town Code, from Agriculture and Open Space zone district, Vail Town Code, to Primary/Secondary Two-Family zone district, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of single-family homes on the four proposed lots, located at 615 West Forest Road/Unplatted ( A more complete metes and bounds legal description is available at the Town of Vail Community Development Department) - Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: Warren Campbell The applications and information about these proposals are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department office, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend the project orientation held in the Town of Vail Community Development DePartment office and the site visits that precede the public hearing. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for additional information. This notice published in the Vail Daily on September 5, 2003. ^\,\n\*) od Pirateship Park Neighborhood Addresses / Locations Parcel #Owners Name Physical Address Mailing Address Mill Creek Circle (adjacents)z',t01-08248-001 Martha Head 325 Mill Creek Cir 325 Mill Creek Cir Vail, CO 81657 2101-08248-002 Judith Roth and Howard P. BerkowiE 315 Mitl Cir Creek c/o HPB Associates 65 East 55th St 30th Floor NewYork, NY 10022 2101-08248-003 Mary Ann Childers, Jay Levine 305 Mill Creek Cir 222 E Chestnut St 19 A&B Chicago lL 60611 2101-08248-004 Maurice O Rhinehardt 303 Mill Creek Cir 333 Key Palm Road Boca Raton. FL 33432 (southern lot adjacent)2101-082-50-007 Barbara M Osborne 335 Mill Creek Cir UIT of Barbara M Osborne 2014 Sea Cove Houston. TX 77058 Mill Creek Circle (inside loop)2101-08249-00',1 Jay A Precourt 328 Mill Creek Circle 328 Mill Creek Circle Vail. CO 81657 210148249-002 Richard D Bass 312 Mill Creek Circle PO Box 439 Winnsboro. TX 754% 2101-082-49-003 Caulkins Residence Trust 304 Mill Creek Circle Eleanor N Caulkins 1600 Broadway 1400 Denver, co 80202 210148249404 No records available 2101-08249-005 Peter & Patrice Knobel 392 Mill Creek Circle 392 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 2101-082-49-006 Thomas & Cydney Marsico 362 Mill Creek Circle 1200171h st 1300 Denver, CO 80202 2101-08249-007 Stephen J Redding 342 Mill Creek Circle Angelina C Trustees PO Box 1640 Goleta. cA 93116 2101-08249-008 Frances E Gunn Trust 332 Mill Creek Circle 3101 Valley Oak Dr Loveland. CO 80538 2101-082-49-009 W Grant Williams Family Partnership 302 Mill Creek Circle 3145 Polo Drive Gulf Stream, FL 33483 2101-0824S010 W Grant Williams, ll 302 Mill Creek Circle 3145 Polo Drive Gulf Stream, FL 33483 Mill Creek Circle (southern lots)2101-082-50-00'1 H.J. & Ann Becher Smead 395 Mill Creek Circle 395 Mill Creek Circle Vail. CO 81657 2101-082-50-002 ILC Realty LTD 385 Mill Creek Circle 10100 Reunion Place Suite 750 San Antonio. TX782164171 2101-082-50-003 Elizabeth Ross Johnson Revocable Trust 375 Mill Creek Circle c/o Tag Associates LTD 75 Rockefeller Plaza Suite 900 New York. NY 10019 '. Pirateship Park Neighborhood Addresses 2101-082-50-004 Alejandro Burillo Azcar.aga 365 Mill Creek Circle 104 Del Court Laredo, TX 78041 2'101-082-50-005 Harley G & Lorraine N Higbie 353 Mill Creek Circle 1600 Broadway Ste 1400 Denver, CO 80202 2101-082-50-006 820 Management Trust Lee M Bass Trustee 345 Mill Creek :201 Main Street Ft Circle lWortn, tX Z01OZ 2101-082-50-007 Barbara M Osborne Trustee 335 Mill Creek Circle UIT of Barbara Osborne 2014 Sea Cove Houston, TX 77058 Christiana 21 01-0821-66-001 Christiania LTD 356 Hanson Ranch Rd 356 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 2101-0821-66-002 Chamber Corp 356 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o Christiania Inc 356 E Hanson Ranch Rd Vail. CO 81657 2101-0821-66-003 Mad Jack Trust 356 Hansbn Ranch Rd c/o Singer Burke & Co. 6345 Balboa Blvd Building 4 Suite 375 Encino. CA 91316 2101-082143-001 Joseph & Maura Collins 356 Hanson Ranch Rd 155 Long Neck Point Darien. CT 06820 2101-082143-002 lrving and Janet Cox, William and Emily McCoy 356 Hanson Ranch Rd Stonegate 66 4031 Kennett Pike Greenville, DE 19807 2101-082143-003 Jennifer Held Warford 356 Hanson ,800 Prospect Point Ranch Rd Bismarck, ND 58501 2101-082143-004 Kaciana Association 356 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o Heywood H Davis 1930 City Ctr Sq 1100 Main Kansas City, MO 64105 2101-0821-43-005 Maura M Collins . 356 Hanson Ranch Rd 155 Long Neck Point Darien. CT 06820 2101-082143-006 Urbanova. S.A. Inc 356 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o Robert C Kenney PC PO Box 1835 Vail, co 81658 2101-082143-OO7 Gail S Siegal 1 356 Hanson Ranch Rd '1526 Bay Blvd Atlantic Beach, NY 11509 2'101-0821-43-008 Gail S Siegal 356 Hanson Ranch Rd 1526 Bay Blvd Atlantic Beach. NY 11509 2101-082142-003 Rappaport Family Trust 366 Hanson ; 16379 SkYline Blvd Ranch Rd Woodside, CA 9462 Recreation Path Access 2102-082142-004 Vail Corp 278 Hanson 'PO Box 7 Vail, Ranch Rd 'co 81658 Tivoli Lodge 2101-082142-005 Robert and Diane Lazier 356 Hanson PO Box 1325 Vail, Ranch Rd CO 81658 . Pirateshio Park $eighborhood Addresses tiT ',/ | ,.1r2101-0821-6$37 Robert E Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 80407 Memphis, TN 80407 2101-0821-69-38 R. Howard Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd % Buckeye Cellulose Corp 7574 Poplar Ave Germantown, TN 38138 2101-0821-69-39 Robert H Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 482 E Racquet Club Pl Memphis, TN 371 17 2101-0821-6940 Bridge Street lnvestments LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Felix Guzman No 16 Col El Parque 53390 Naucalpan Mexico One Vail Place 2101-082-51401 JaredM&lreneM Drescher 244 Wall St 100 Wilson Blvd Upper Mall 800 Arlington, Ya222Q9 2101-082-51-002 Harold Joseph Smead 244 Wall St 395 Mill Creek Circle Vail. co 81657 2101-082-51-003 JaredM&lreneM Drescher 244 Wall St 100 Wilson Blvd Upper Mall 800 Arlington, Ya22209 2101-082-51-004 Luanne Wells 244 Wall St 450 Newoort Ctr Dr Suite 400 Newport Beach, CA 92660 2101-082-51-005 Luanne Wells 244 Wall St 450 Newport Ctr Dr Suite 400 Newport Beach, CA 92660 2101-082-51-006 lntrawest Retail Group, Inc 244 Wall St 221 Corporate Cir Suite Q Golden. CO 80401 2101-082-51-007 lntrawest Retail Group, Inc 244 Wall St 221 Corporate Cir Suite Q Golden, CO 80401 2101-082-51-008 lntrawest Retail Group, Inc 244 WallSt 221 Corporate Cir Suite Q Golden, CO 8M01 210'1-082-51-009 lntrawest Retail Group, Inc 244 Wall St 221 Corporale Cir Suiie Q Golden. CO 80401 2101482-51-010 lntrawest Retail Group, Inc 244 Wall St 221 Cotporale Cir Suite Q Golden, CO 80401 2101 -082-51-01 1 lntrawest Retail Group, lnc 244 Wall St 221 Corpo.:ate Cir Suite Q Golden, CO 80401 2101-O82-s1412 Vail Corp 244 Wall St PO Box 7 Vail, co 8'1658 Hill Building 2101482-79-001 Blanche Hill 254 Bridge St 31 1 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 2101-082-79402 BlancheHill 311 Bridge St 31 1 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 '. Firateship Park . Neighborhood Addresses .J J 2101-0821-69-021 Georgie LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 30 Madison House, The Village '101 Amies St London SW11 2JW, England 2101-0821-69-022 Bridge Street lnvestments LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Felix Guzman No 16 Col El Parque 53390 Naucaloan Mexico 21014821-69-023 Robert & Nancy Bartels Revocable Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 3426 S Twyckenham Dr South Bend. lN 46614 21014821-69-024 Robert E Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Box 80407 Memphis, TN 38108 21014821-69-025 MBW Realty 278 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o Clark Willingham 3878 Oak Lawn Ste 400 Dallas, TX752194469 2101-0821-69-026 Robert & Nancy Bartels Revocable Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 3426 S Twyckenham Dr South Bend, lN 46614 2101-0821-69-027 Bridge Street Assoc LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2719 Ridgewood CT BloomJield Hill. Ml 48302 2101-0821-6S028 Bridge Street Assoc 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2719 Ridgewood CT Bloomfield Hill, Ml 48302 2101-0821-69-029 Arnold Bisseger Living Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2625 S Atlantic Ave 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 2101-0821-69-030 Robert & Natalie Bissegger 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 5345 Wind Ridge Road Racine, Wl 53402 2101-0821-69-31 Robert E Masterson Real Estate 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Revocable Trust PO Box 390186 Omaha. NE 68139 2101-0821-69-32 Peter A. Bissegger 321 Bridge Street 3021 Garretson Ave Corona, CA 92881 2101-0821-69-33 Richard & Maryl Georgi 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 30 Madison House, The Village 101 Amies St London SW11 2JW, England 2101-0821-69-34 Arnold Bisseger Living Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2625 S Atlantic Ave 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 2101-0821-69-35 Arthur C Cox QPR Trust - Emma Jane 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Cox QPR Trust 12001 Guilford Road Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 2101-0821-69-36 Arnold Bisseger Living Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2625 S Atlantic Ave 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 Pirateship Park hborhood Addresses v t/ f,ail Village Glub 2101-082142-001 Remonov & CO Inc 298 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 1888 Edwards, CO 81632 Bridge Street Lodge 2101-0821-69-001 Riley-BSL LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 2101-0821-69-002 Colorado Ski Service, Inc 278 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 2796 Vail. co 81658 2101-0821-69-003 Colorado Ski Service, Inc 278 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 2796 Vail. co 81658 2101-0821-69'004 Rad Three LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 2101-082169-005 Rilev-BSL LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 2101-0821-69-006 Karl & Ursula Hoevelmann 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 161 S Golden Drive sirt, co 81652 2101-0821-69407 Riley-BSL LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 228 Bridge Street Vai., co 81657 2101-0821-69-008 Riley-BSL LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 2101482'1-69-009 Riley-BSL LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 2101-0821-69-010 Vail Corp 278 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 7 Vail. co 81658 2101-0821-69-01 1 John Kaemmer 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 291 Bridge Street Vail, Co 81657 2101-0821-69-012 John Kaemmer 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 291 Bridge Street Vail, Co 81657 2101-0821-69-013 Bolanovich Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o John Kaemmer 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 21014821-69-014 Bolanovich Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o John Kaemmer 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 2101-0821-69-015 MBW Realty 278 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o Ron Riley 228 Bridge Street Vail. CO 81657 2101-0821-69-016 Robert E Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Box 80407 Memphis, TN 38108 2101-082149-017 Robert & Natalie Bissegger 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 5345 Wind Ridge Road Racine. Wl 53402 21 01-0821-69-018 Arnold Bisseger Living Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2625 S Atlantic Ave 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 2101-0821-69-01 9 Robert E Masterson Real Estate 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Revocable Trust PO Box 390186 Omaha. NE 68139 2101-0821-69-020 Bridge Street Assoc LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2719 Ridgewood CT Bloomfield Hill, Ml 48302 RAMS IIORN IODGE CONDOMINruM A'SSOCIAiIION OWNERSROSTER SUITE 1 A'RH' Holdings' PTYLTI) %Alfrld& ShirleY Horan Unire 10 Lauderdale Ave Fabligtrt' N'S-w' 2094 Austraiia2 ffinffi["#,1$'o""t"'* Valle #140 Mexioo 20 D-F- 01900 Mcxico 'r *Four-Klnvesturctris" Y"i"u*-vrvt*schleget 4835 LBJ Dallas ParkwaY #700 Dallas, TX.75244 a, W. and ldrsEric q"$:l^^_ 11 \ r,l o_...g,v.,€\) :J\' - @ d'^ \'\''! # 's-o*\e L-n\ ,(-\' \ eoc'7 5 + Norman & HoneY Kurtz \ 6 Eton Road Scarsdale- N-Y- 10583 e See Suite 5 Z See Suite 3 3 See Suite 15 9 Eugene & Caroline StoecldY 5ld8 VistaMisuei La enada,. CA 91 0 I i-1 858 1'd ueEr 1I rLl auerC elt:60 E0 SI JdU OWNERSROSIER PAGE2 . Bogtlldcmbefs Rsvised rcmM Jcsos & Costlial'tirada i"* lt 1"" Lr'liarNo' Y2PJL BosqueDcf.as Lornrs 05120fvladco' DJ' r Rorald &[drYPlessman 5306 Srn*tDr. Knsas CitY'MO.64112 ldoscsL,crs 9379 SadaAronica BevartYIIiXs' C,A-W212 Eric &Aldrcy Adjnt 34 w. 33rl.2n Fbor Ncw Yorlc. N.Y. 10001 Jamcs &Amo PorYtlI 1573 Yor*Pbce Brrlingfon' N'C. 2?215 10 11 14 l5 v,'d ueBr 1l !l.l .u3Tg EO 9I JdU Attachment: C TOWN OFVAIL Department of Public Works & TransPortation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2166 wwwci,vail.co.us Pirateship Park Bridge Replacement Project Planning and Environmental Commission Memorandum Town of Vail September 22,2003 Purpose Recent bridge inspections show that the existing pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek West, near Pirateship Plrk, is in need of replacement. Much of its wooden support structure is broken or starting to decay. However, the existing abutments have been determined to be structurally soundl Concuriently, Vail Resorts is in the design process for the Vail's Front Door Project' Part of the Front Door Project requires a new storm sewer system to discharge into Mill Creek West in the area of the bridge. In order to protect two large spruce trees on the western end of the bridge, the Town of Vail and Vail Resorts are coordinating their respective projects. The Town of Vail proposes to remove and replace the western bridge abutment, and in the process to install a sleeve through the center of the abutment. The new storm sewer will daylight through the sleeve. Without removing and replacing the abutment, one of the trees would pe damaged, and likely removed, by the new storm sewer. Design The ploposed bridge is a prefabricated wooden bridge, and its design has been approved by the Design ReviewBoard. The concrete bridge abutments will have a stone veneer finish. JF Sato and Associates has confirmed that the existing span between abutments is adequate to accommodate 10O-year flood waters, with approxim alely 2 feet of freeboard between the water surface elevation and the bottom of the bridge. The replaced bridge abutment will be constructed in approximately the same location as the existing abutment. The location of the new abutment will be determined by a surveyor in order to ensure precise placement. ln addition, an as-built survey will be performed following construction as confirmation and the new cross sections will be included in the new countywide Floodplain Study currently in the review process. Please note on the attached site plan that the proposed construction actually open the bridge span by approximately 8' by using a thinner stone veneer. The new storm sewer pipe will be installed through the abutment, however, it will be capped and remain inactive until the storm sewer system design for the Front Door Project has been approved. {S "tn"uor ru" Construction Construction of the project requires approval of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The C.O.E. will require Nationwide Permits 18 - Minor Discharge. The Town is currently in the process of acquiring this permit, which allows for fill below the ordinary high water mark. (i.e. once the existing abutment is removed, the proposed abutment will be considered fill even though it is in the same location). During construction, the flow in Mill Creek West will be reduced by diverting some of the water to Mill Creek East. Flow will NOT be entirely turned off. The Colorado Division of Wildlife has agreed to this process in order to reduce the amount of potential sediment while working in the creek. Additionally, in the work area, water will be diverted towards the eastern abutment using sandbags to keep excavations as dry as possible and reduce sedimentation. Finally, a dewatering technique using a "dirtbag' will be used for any water that must be removed from the excavation. Water basically filters into a sump, which is then pumped into a filter bag before flowing back into the creek below the excavation. This is a standard procedure approved of by the Colorado Department of Health. The Town has applied for a Dewatering Permit from the Department of Health. Closing The timeline for this project is critical due to the poor condition of the bridge. Therefore, the Town asks that the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision should be contingent upon receipt of these permits. This will reduce delays as construction approaches. At this time, the Town hopes to begin construction in mid October, with completion in early November upon receipt of the bridge. SEP 17 ?O03 5:14PM J.F. SFTO & RSSOCIRTES I n s To Ah[) AsSOclAIF-l JFS6ffi, Eruhr;da+ E$errcrnrsnbl' m':t Pto an llrnaglrrc:d srlvlcct St4lit $outh llspp Sbd ' Llt!6bn. CO 801?0 i'h;$s 3fit.'iii-l?ui . hx s03'?y/'r187 $,wur.f,ratg.ffiil September t7,2OO3 0375 Mr. Gregg Barrie, l-andscape Architect Town of Vail Dept. of Public Works/ Transportatlon 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vatl, CO 81657 Re: FloodPlain StudY Pirateshlp Park Bridge Replacement Dear Gregg: The existing bridge floodplaln analysis has been completed for the above referenced project as we have discussed. As suspected, the analysis Indicates that incluslon of the pedestrian bridge to the odsting 1999 floodplain study currenuy under the FEMA go-day appeal Process does not creEte a condition'where flov{ is over-topping the structure, In fact, results Indicate that the base flood elevatlon (BFE) ls over Wvo feet below the lowest portion of the brldge structu re and that all flow ls contained within the channel of west Mlll Creek, our smce has reviewed the drawings received from your office on september 16, 2OO3 for the PropOSed replacement bridge and west abutment and compared the proposed design to survey data of the existing bridge, abutments and channel of West Mill Creek. Glven thls information' we believe that the proposed bridge improvements will meet the requirements of Town of Vail code 12:21'10 F. ""'lheq me wprh wlll not adversely affect adjacent prcpertles, or lncrease the quantity or velocity of flood waters'" ThiS cpncluslon has been reached oaseo r-r'pon the aisumption that the channel of West Mill Creek will remain essentially unchanged from exlstlng to proposed conditions. We recomrnend that an as-bullt survey be completed followlng construction of the replacement brldge and associated abutment and the results evaluated for compliance wlth the above stated Town Code' We appreciate the opportunity to provlde engineering servlces-to,theTo1v1-of Vall for thls project and look forward to working with you again. Please let me kn6w f any further assistance or additlon'l information is needed. 303-797-118? Attachment D ffiffi Fller 0375 '.i.l r'ri r i.ttt Attachment: E Department of Public Worla & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 58 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.ci.vail.co.us To: Bill Gibson, Planner Department of Community Development From: Greg Hall Town of Vail Flood Plain Coordinator RE: Pirateship Park Bridge Replacement Date: September 17,2003 Pursuant to Section 12-12-3 (A)and (C) of the Town of Vail Code, the Pirateship Park Bridge Replacement Project will not require an Environmental lmpact Report (ElR) for the following reasons: 12-12-3: An environmental impact report shall not be required for the following projects: A. Alteration, repair and maintenance oJ existing structures and site improvements. This project is required maintenance on an existing bridge structure. C. A project which, on the basis of a preliminary ewironmental assessment covering each ofthefactors prescribed in Section 12'12-2 ofthis Chapter isfound to have an insignificant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmental assessment and the fnding on environmental impact shall be made by the Administrator' Through a preliminary environmental assessment of the items in Section 12-12-2, the Administrator has found that this project will have insignificant impact on ltems A,B,C,D,E, and O. The remaining items are not applicable to this project. Also, after reviewing the floodplain information and the attached letter provided by J.F. Sato and Associates in relation to this project, it is my opinion that the construction of this project will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Sincerely, "rnTown of Vail Floodolain Coordinator {g r"n"uo r^r", Attachment F F:,+l:: l. ^ew,l@&-csrr------\4rw ,2')-'.'.- \ eEi,' ,'< 1FE i*,-----,-7, \ Ec i, t..'')7, \ 8g i. '..'')! I \t/--,o' \>'- /z r->.7' z -//'' .. " 1- ,/'- _---.{___-- iag €:9E i;!eEEHH h Eis f;iEI rli ;FE ;I;;;$H 9:S Ies EEi:;l i3i elE EE a3iii., f Hl -dF 96u fEeC. E gl t ,//n | \ \ \ r"' fufl=u{N., -t- ilr, ig ;nA \ e'+ ds lg ;HEH ' , Ei ;: !=Eg ", / \; \/ \f__G\ / --...__..\ R)-ffi/,V---.t-.-- I I 388 Hg; EEEzts\ I' l i -T-l | .l- | i l-llf dr DEpaFnierr oF puBuc woRKs/rBANsPoFrArtoN $ell!3tEh! [als[3llt-r -t l't't I td l +.tii-"" slTE PLAN !?i!' ffi {}${r$fi rfiH'ti{ {fitffi${l ffi'ffi ryffi ffi I lffirrrlrl rtlrn!ffilffifffil{{l^Ti$iHill ,1'li----- lil d I l^ liitit$ l$ ' HI NI I;ld +-= a rF l, 'lllr PRIRATE SHIP PARK BRIDGE VAIL VILI.J\GE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO i#, ir,{, nil, ll v,N rF t' 'll F PRIRATE SHIP PARK BRIDGE VAILVILLAGE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO luii, Luil,i#', i[ THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Vail Town Code on September 22,2003, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-7A-3, Vail Town Code; a major exterior afteration pursuant lo 12-7A-12, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to the existing fractional fee club and a restaurant addition; and a request for a building height variance pursuant to Chapter 17, Vail Town Code, to allow for dormer additions, at the Vail Mountain Lodge and Spa, located at 352 E. Meadow Drive / Tract B, Vail Village 1s Filing. Applicant: Planner: Vail Mountain Lodge LLC, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. George Ruther A request for major exterior alteration pursuant to Sedion 12-7H-7, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of new dwelling units and accommodation units at Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle / Lots C and D, Morcus Subdivision, and Lot 7, Marriott Subdivision Applicant: Vail Mountain Marriott Resort, represented by Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulEArchitects. Planner: George Ruther A request for a floodplain modification pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of new bridge abutments in the Mill Creek floodplain at Pirate Ship Park located at Tract E, Vail Village 5m Filing Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Town of VailPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a major subdivision pursuant to Chapter 13-3, Major Subdivision, Vail Town Code, to allow for the platting of four lots at the Lionshead tennis court site and a rezoning pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Administration, Vail Town Code, from Agriculture and Open Space zone district, Vail Town Code, to Primary/Secondary Two-Family zone district, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of single-family homes on the four proposed lots, located at 615 West Forest Road/Unplatted ( A more complete metes and bounds legal description is available at the Town of Vail Community Development Department) Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: Warren Campbell The applications and information about these proposals are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department office, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend the project orientation held in the Town of Vail Community Development Department office and the site visits that precede the public hearing. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for additional information. This notice published in the Vail Daily on September 5, 2003. ^\,\n J'J JFS&, I E SATO AND ASSOT-IATES Engineedng. Envitonmcnlal, and kogram Managemenl S{}rvicee 5,1t98SoLrih Rapp Strect . ljltleton. C:(] l .)i?1) phorre ij0j.l 7()7 l2ffr . Fax:j0'l r-v7 l ltt7 September L7,2003 Mr. Gregg Barrie, Landscape Architect Town of Vail Dept. of Public Works/ Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Floodplain Study Pirateship Park Bridge Replacement Dear Gregg: 0375 The existing bridge floodplain analysis has been completed for the above referenced project as we have discussed. As suspected, the analysis indicates that inclusion of the pedestrian bridge to the existing 1999 floodplain study currently under the FEMA 90-day appeal process does not create a condition where flow is over-topping the structure. In fact, results indicate that the base flood elevation (BFE) is over two feet below the lowest portion of the bridge structure and that all flow is contained within the channel of West Mill Creek. Our office has reviewed the drawings received from your office on September 16, 2003 for the proposed replacement bridge and west abutment and compared the proposed design to survey data of the existing bridge, abutments and channel of West Mill Creek. Given this information, we believe that the proposed bridge improvements will meet the requirements of Town of Vail Code L?-2L-LO E, '...that the work will not adversely affect adjacent properties, or increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters." This conclusion has been reached based upon the assumption that the channel of West Mill Creek will remain essentially unchanged from existing to proposed conditions. We recommend that an as-built survey be completed following construction of the replacement bridge and associated abutment and the results evaluated for compliance with the above stated Town Code. We appreciate the opportunity to provide engineering services to the Town of Vail for this project and look forward to working with you again. Please let me know if any further assistance or additional information is Water Resources Project Manager File: 0375 a 35054 r ' Pirateship Park Neighborhood Addresses 2101-08248-002 Mary Ann Childers, 210'1-082-48-003 JayLevine Maurice O 2101-082-48-004 Rhinehardttt (southern lot adjacent).2101-082-50-007 BarbaraMOsborne Mill Creek Circle l (inside loop) 2101-08249-001 Jay A Precourt Locations Mill Creek Circle (adjacents) Mill Greek Gircle (southernlots) 2101-082-50-001 2101-08249-002 Richard D Bass Circle I Caulkins Residence 304 Mill Creek 2101-082-49-003 Trust Circle Parcel #Owners Name H.J. & Rnn Bectrer Smead Physical Address iC25 Mitt creer Cir t 315 Mill Creek Cir 305 Mill Creek Cir 303 Mill Creek Cir 335 Mill Creek Cir 328 Mill Creek ,Circle 312 Mill Creek 'e95 Mitt creer crq!e 385 Mill Creek Circle East 55th St 30th Floor NewYork. NY 10022 ZZZ e Cnestnut St 19 A&B Chicago lL 6061 1 333 Key Palm Road Boca Raton, FL 33432 utf ot aaibira M Osborne 2014 Sea Cove HoustonJX 77058 328 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 PO eox +49 Winnsboro. TX 75494 I ereano] N Caulkins 1600 Broadway 1400 Denver, co 80202 392 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 1200 17th st 1300 Denver, CO 80202 Angelina C Trustees Box 1640 cA 93116 31ol Villey Oak Dr 'Loveland, CO 80538 3145 Polo Drive Gulf Stream, FL 33483 3145 Polo Dtite Gulf Stream, FL 33483 395 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 10100 Reunion Place Suite 75O San Antonio, fX78216-4171 c/o Tag Associates LTD 75 Rockefeller Plaza Suite 900 New York, NY 10019 2101-08249404 Norecordsavailable Peter & Patrice 392 Mill Creek 2101-082-49-005 Knobel lcilclre Thomas & Cydney 362 Mill Creek i2101-082-49-006 Marsico lCircle 342 Mill Creek 2101-082-49407 Stephen J Redding Circle Frances E Gunn 332 Mill Creek 302 Mill Creek Circle s07 Mitt creek 2101-082-49-010 W Grant Williams, ll Circle PO Goleta, i21O1-082-50-002 ILC Realty LTD 2101-082-50-003 Elizabeth Ross Johnson Revocable 375 Mill Creek Trust Circle Pirateshio Park Neighborhood Addresses Alejandro Burillo 2101-082-50-004 Azcarraga 2101-082-50-005 2101-082-50-006 12101-082-50-007 2101-0821-66-001 2101-0821-66-002 2101-082143-OO4 2101-0821-43-005 I i2101-0821-43-006 12101-082143-007 Trust I N Higbie Circle 820 Management 345 Mill Creek Trust Circle Harley G & Lorraine 353 Mill Creek 1600 Broadway Ste 1400 Denver. CO 80202 ILee tr,t BisJ iiustee 201 Main Street Worth, TX 76102 UIT of Barbara Osborne eek 2014 Sea Cove iHouston, T4 4058 356 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 c/o ChristianElnc 365 Mill Creek Circle 104 Del Court Laredo, TX 78041 6345 Balboa Blvd Building 4 Suite 375 Encino. CA 91316 itss tongNecr eoint Darien. CT 06820 istonegate 664031 Kennett Pike Greenville, DE 19807 .eoo Prosteit Point Bismarck, ND 58501 11509 11509 Ft hristiana Recreation Access Tivoli Lodge 356 Hanson \ Ranch Rd) zsa Hanson 356 Hanson Mad Jack Trust Ranch Rd Joseph & Maura 356 Hanson Collins Ranch Rd trving -nO .Janet Cox, William and 356 Hanson Emily McCoy Ranch Rd Jennifer Held 356 Hanson Warford Ranch Rd 356 Hanson lnc Ranch Rd 2101-0821-43-008 Gail S Siegal Ranch Rd Rappaport Family 366 Hanson 2101-082142-OO3 I Path I 2102-082142-OO4 2101-082142405 Ranch Rd V?ilc9ry Robert and Diane I Lazier 278 Hanson Ranch Rd'356 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 7 co 81658 PO Box 1325 co 81658 Vail, Vail, . ' Pirateshio Park Neighborhood Addresses 2101-0821-69-37 2101-0821-69-38 278 Hanson Ranch Rd iR. Howard Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2101-0821-69-39 lRobert H Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Felix Guzman No 16 Col El Bridge Street lnvestments LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Parque 53390 Naucalpan Mexico One Vail Place JaredM&lreneM Upper 2101-082-51-001 lDrescher Harold Joseph lSmead JaredM&lreneM Drescher Vail, 2'to1-082-51-002 244 Wall St Upper 2101-082-51-003 244 WallSt 2101-082-51-OO4 Luanne Wells 244 Wall St 450 Newport Ctr Dr Suite 400 Newport Beach, CA 92660 2101-082-51{05 Luanne Wells lntrawest Retail 244 Wall St 450 Newport Ctr Dr Suite 400 Ngrynort Beach, CA 92660 221 Cotpo'ate Cir Suite Q Golden, CO 80401 221 Corporate Cir Suite Q Golden, CO 80401 244 Wall St 244 Wall St 244 Wall St 244 Wall St 221 Cotpoale Cir Suite Q Golden, CO 80401 221 Corpo"ale Cir Suite Q 2101-082-51-009 Group,lnc Intrawest Retail 2101-082-51-010 rGroup, lnc lntrawest Retail 2101-082-51-01 1 Group, Inc Golden. CO 80401-ii1 Corporate Cir Suite Q 244 Wall St Golden, CO 80401 221 Coroorate Cir Suite Q Golden, CO 80401244 Wall St PO Box 7 co 81658 l lStt eridge Street co 81657 Vail, 2101-082-51-012 lvqif Corp WallSt Blanche Hill Vail 2101-082-79-001 254 Bridge St 31 1 Bridge Street co 81657 Hill Building 2101-082-79-OO2 Blanche Hill 31 1 Bridoe St Vail, Pirateship Park Neighborhood Addresses J 2101-0821-69-021 ]Georgie LLC Bridge Street lnvestments LLC 278 Hanson iRanch Rd 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 30 Madison House, The Village 101 LondonAmies St SWI 1 2JW, England i retix ouimin No 16 cot El Parque 53390 Naucalpan Mexico2101-0821-69-022 12101-0821-69-023 t 2101-0821-6*024 Robert & Nancy Bartels Revocable LTrust Robert E Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Ranch Rd ]2101-0821-69-025 I :2101-0821-69-026 2101482',t-69.027 21014821-69-028 2101-0821-69-32 2101-0821-69-33 2101-0821-69-34 l 2101-0821-69-35 2101-0821-69-36 Richard & Maryl lGeors! Arnold Bisseger Living Trust Arthur C Cox QPR Trust - Emma Jane Arnold Bisseger Livino Trust 3426 S Twyckenham Dr South Bend, lN 46614 2625 S Atlantic Ave 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 tSe+S Wind Ridge Road 30 Madison House, The Village 101 Amies St London SWl1 2JW, England izozs s nttantic Ave 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 Cox QPR Trust 12001 Guilford Road Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 2625 S Atlantic Ave 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 2101-0821-69-029 2101-0821-69-030 Bissegger Ranch Rd Racine. Wl 53402 2101-0821-69-31 Revocable Trust Robert E Masterson 278 Hanson PO Box 390186 Real Estate Ranch Rd Omaha, NE 68139 3021 GarreGon Ave Peter A. Bissegger 321 Bridge Street Corona, CA 92881 Arnold Bisseoer 278 Hanson Living Trust Ranch Rd Robert & Natalie lzTa Hanson Fliccanrror Rannh Rrl 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2719 Ridgewood CT Bloomfield Hill, Ml 48302 2719 Ridgewood CT Bloomfield Hill, Ml 48302 Addresses ail Village Club Bridge Street Lodge 2101-0821-42-001 2101-0821-69-001 2101-0821-69-002 2101-0821-69-003 2101-0821-69-004 2101-0821-69-005 2101-0821-69-006 2101-0821-69-007 2101-0821-69-008 2101-0821-69-009 2101-0821-69-010 2101-0821-69-01 1 2101-0821-69-012 2101-0821-69-013 2101-0821-69-014 2101-0821-69-015 2101-0821-69-016 21014821-69-017 298 Hanson Remonov & CO Inc Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Riley-BSL LLC Ranch Rd Colorado Ski 278 Hanson Service, Inc Ranch Rd Colorado Ski 278 Hanson Service, Inc Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Rad Three LLC Ranch Rd 278 hanson Riley-BSL LLC Ranch Rd Karl & Ursula 278 Hanson Hoevelmann Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Riley-BSL LLC Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Riley-BSL LLC Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Riley-BSL LLC Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Vail Corp Ranch Rd 278 Hanson John Kaemmer Ranch Rd 278 Hanson John Kaemmer Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Bolanovich Trust Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Bolanovich Trust . Ranch Rd 278 Hanson MBW Realty Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Robert E Cannon Ranch Rd Robert & Natalie 278 Hanson Bissegger Ranch Rd 278 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 1888 Edwards, CO 81632 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 PO Box 2796 Vril, co 81658 PO Box 2796 Vail, co 81658 2i8 Bridge Street vair, co 81657 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 161 S Golden Drive sitt, co 81652'2r8 Bridge Street Va,., co 81657 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 228 Bridge Street Vail, Robert E Masterson 278 Hanson 2101-0821-69-019 Real Estate Ranch Rd Bridge Street Assoc 278 Hanson 2101-0821-69-020 LLC Ranch Rd co 816s7 PO Box 7 co 81658 291 Bridge Street Vail, Co 81657 291 Bridge Street Vail, Co 81657 c/o John Kaemmer 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 c/o John Kaemmer 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 c/o Ron Riley 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Box 80407 Memphis, TN 38108 5345 Wind Ridge Road Racine, Wl 53402 2625 S Atlantic Ave 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 Revocable Trust PO Box 390186 Omaha, NE 68139 2719 Ridgewood CT Bloomfield Hill. Ml 48302 Arnold Bisseger 2101-0821-69-018 LivingTrust '-l r. RAMSIIoRI\IIoDGECoNDoMINIUMASSoCI^!|TION O'WNERSRO$TER. SUITE 1 ARH' Holdings' PTYLTI) o/oAlfred & ShirleY Horan Unite 10 Lauderdale Ave Fairligtrt N'S 'w'2t94 Australia 2 TYM International LTD - ToGrillerrno A TilcY DeVelasco Valle #12t0 Mexico 20 D'F' 01900 Mexico 3 * Four-Klnrregments o/oBob & Myrna Schlegel 4335 LBJ Dallas PartwaY #700 Dallas' TX'752M 4 Mr- and [&$Eric Gnridel ^- -r@ +a t!c-9netr):*.-ffi ;i\)Rilooc; 5 + Norman& HoneY Kurtz 6 Eton Road Scarsdale" NJ' 10583 e See Suite 5 Z See Suite 3 g See Suile 15 9 Eugene & Carcline StoecklY 5168 VistaMieuel La&nda.CA9101i-l858 1'd ue311IIH eueTg Ett:Bo eo 9I JdU 'a'.^ OWNERS ROSTER PAGE2 f0 Jesus & Cecilia Mfoatrda Paseo De Las Lilias No' 92?'tt Bosqtrcs De Las Lom's 05120lvferdco, D'I'r' 11 * Romld & ldarY Pressnoan 5306 Sunsct Dr' Kansas CitY' MO' 54112 12 Moscslemer 9879 SadaMonica BeverlY Hills, CA' 90212 r^ Edc & eudrey Adjmi 34 w- 33o1. 2d. Fbor NewYorlqN'Y' 10001 t5 James&Anne Powell 1573 YorkPlace Brrliogfon' N'C'n21'5 r BordMembers R€vised rcn2l$z 7'd ue311ItH eueTo 3'1 360 eO 9I JdH JFS6T\ I. l. 5.\lr.r.\Nl) ^\\)(.1'\l I S September 17,2003 Mr. Gregg Barrie, Landscape Architect Town of Vail Dept. of Public Works/ Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Floodplain Study Pirateship Park Bridge Replacement Dear Gregg: The existing bridge floodplain analysis has been completed for the above referenced project as we have discussed, As suspected, the analysis indicates that inclusion of the pedestrian bridge to the existing 1999 floodplain study currently under the FEMA 90-day appeal process does not create a condition where flow is over-topping the structure. In fact, results indicate that the base flood elevation (BFE) is over two feet below the lowest portion of the bridge structure and that all flow is contained within the channel of West Mill Creek. Our office has reviewed the drawings received from your office on September 16, 2003 for the proposed replacement bridge and west abutment and compared the proposed design to su rvey data ofthe existing bridge, abutments and channel of West Mill Creek. Given this information, we believe that the proposed bridge improvements will meet the requirements of Town of Vail Code L?-2I-IO E, "...that the work will not adversely affect adjacent properties, or increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters." This conclusion has been reached based upon the assumption that the channel of West Mill Creek will remain essentially unchanged from existing to proposed conditions. We recommend that an as-built survey be completed following construction of the replacement bridge and associated abutment and the results evaluated for compliance with the above stated Town Code. We appreciate the opportunity to provide engineering services to the Town of Vail for this project and look forward to working with you again. Please let me know if any further assistance or additional information is needed. Sincerely, Ross Horvath, P.E. Water Resources Project Manager I d!i!'?' fiir.t. | ,rvira!rn-,r'rtji,i. nr(l ltogtdtn ltarr.ilq('tlrtll Sr r!i(e- -, r . , i r ji.., , .i , ., ' : . , .1!t'.: 0375 Department of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.ci.vail.co.us Pirateship Park Bddge Replacement Project Planning and Envaronmental Commission Memorandum Town of Vail September 22,2OO3 Purpose Recent bridge inspections show that the existing pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek West, near Pirateship Park, is in need of replacement. Much of its wooden support structure is broken or starting to decay. However, the existing abutments have been determined to be structurally sound. Concurrently, Vail Resorts is in the design process for the Vail's Front Door Project. Part of the Front Door Project requires a new storm sewer system to discharge into Mill Creek West in the area of the bridge. In order to protect two large spruce trees on the western end of the bridge, the Town of Vail and Vail Resorts are coordinating their respective projects. The Town of Vail proposes to remove and replace the western bridge abutment, and in the process to install a sleeve through the center of the abutment. The new storm sewer will daylight through the sleeve. Without removing and replacing the abutment, one of the trees would be damaged, and likely removed, by the new storm sewer. Design The proposed bridge is a prefabricated wooden bridge, and its design has been approved by the Design Review Board. The concrete bridge abutments will have a stone veneer finish. JF Sato and Associates has confirmed that the existing span between abutments is adequate to accommodate 1O0-year flood waters, with approximately 2 feet of freeboard between the water surface elevation and the bottom of the bridge. The replaced bridge abutment will be constructed in approximately the same location as the existing abutment. The location of the new abutment will be determined by a surveyor in order to ensure precise placement. In addition, an as-built survey will be performed following construction as confirmation and the new cross sections will be included in the new countywide Floodplain Study currently in the review process. Please note on the attached site plan that the proposed construction actually open the bridge span by approximately 8" by using a thinner stone veneer. The new storm sewer pipe will be installed through the abutment, however, it will be capped and remain inactive until the storm sewer system design for the Front Door Project has been approved. {g *ot""tor ro Gonstruction Construction of the project requires approval of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The C.O.E. will require Nationwide Permits 18 - Minor Discharge. The Town is currently in the process of acquiring this permit, which allows for fill below the ordinary high water mark. (i.e. once the existing abutment is removed, the proposed abutment will be considered fill even though it is in the same location). During construction, the flow in Mill Creek West will be reduced by diverting some of the water to Mill Creek East. Flow will NOT be entirely turned off. The Colorado Division of Wildlife has agreed to this process in order to reduce the amount of potential sediment while working in the creek. Additionally, in the work area, water will be diverted towards the eastern abutment using sandbags to keep excavations as dry as possible and reduce sedimentation. Finally, a dewatering technique using a 'dirtbag' will be used for any water that must be removed from the excavation. Water basically filters into a sump, which is then pumped into a filter bag before flowing back into the creek below the excavation. This is a standard procedure approved of by the Colorado Department of Health. The Town has applied for a Dewatering Permit from the Department of Health. Closing The timeline for this project is critical due to the poor condition of the bridge. Therefore, the Town asks that the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision should be contingent upon receipt of these permits. This will reduce delays as construction approaches. At this time, the Town hopes to begin construction in mid October, with completion in early November upon receipt of the bridge. SEP 17 2003 5: 14P1'l J.F. SRTO & RSSOCIHTES 303-79?- 118? Frtsfrtwl4l Eftrrernrsnt l, fi Ll Prgrnar Hrrrilgrnranl S*vlt'er 5ti,0 $o lh ttcpP Sbd ' Utdeton, CO 80I'10 Ph,m0 3$).'igi.i20u . FAx 303'19-i.l18? i{ww.ifrato.cofll JFSST\ r n s/ffo ANt) A$oc|ArEs 0375 September 17,ZOO3 Mr. Gregg Barrie, LandscaPe Archited Town of Vall Dept, of Public Works/ Transportatlon 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Floodplain Study PirateshlP Park Bridge Replacement Dear Gregg: The o<isflng brldge floodplaln analysis has been colnpleted for the above referenced project as we have discussed. As suspected, the analysis Indlcates that incluslon of the pedestrlan bridge to the e)dstlng 1999 floodplain study curren$y underthe FEMA90-day appeal Plocess does not create a condltion'where flow is over-topping the structure, In factr results Indlcate that the base flood elevation (BFE) ls over hvo ftet below the lowest portion of the brldge structure and that all flow is contained within the channel of West Mill Creek. our ofrice has rcviewed the drawings received from your office on September 16, 2003 for the proposed replacement brldge and west abutment and compared the proposed design to survey data of the existing bridge, abutments and channel of West Mlll Creek. Glven thls lnformatlon, we believe that the proposed bridge improvements will nieet the requlrernents of Town of Vall Code 12-21-10 E, ''..that the wgrk Will not adversely afiect adJac€nt prcpertles, or In$ease the quantity or veloclty of flood watens." Thls condusion has been rleached based upon the assumption that the channel of West Mill Creek will remaln essentially unchanged from exlstlng to proposed condltions. we recomrnend that an as-bullt survey be cornpleted followhg construction of the replacement brldge and assoclated abutment and the results evaluated for compliance wlth the above stated Town Code. We appreciat€ the oppoftunity to provlde engineering services-to.the Toyl of Vall for thls project and look i;r";fi ifi;[ing ilii1 vo" .'giin. ii"iie rei me kn6w lf any further asslstance or addltlonpl lnforrnatlon is needed. p.2 Ross Horvath, i1r4$,9\$;s Flle: 0375 Department of Public Worl<s & Tiansportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 58 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.ci.vail.co.us To: Bill Gibson, Planner Department of Community Development From: Greg Hall Town of Vail Flood Plain Coordinator RE: Pirateship Park Bridge Replacement Date: September 17,2003 Pursuant to Section 12-12-3 (A)and (C) of the Town of Vail Code, the Pirateship Park Bridge Replacement Project will not require an Environmental lmpact Report (ElR) for the following reasons: I2-1L3: An environmental impact report shall not be requiredfor thefollowing ptoiects: A. Alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvements. This project is required maintenance on an existing bridge structure. C. A project which, on the basis of a preliminary environmental assessment covering each of the factors presuibed in Section I2-12-2 of this Chapter is found to have an insigniJicant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmental assessment and the finding on environmental impact shall be made by the Administrator' Through a preliminary environmental assessment of the items in Section 12-12-2, the Administrator has found that this project will have insignificant impact on ltems A,B,C,D,E, and O. The remaining items are not applicable to this project. Also, after reviewing the floodplain information and the attached letter provided by J.F. Sato and Associates in relation to this project, it is my opinion that the construction of this project will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator {g*nouor "o NV'td 3lrs .."s* [O[YrrOdS VUll$dOiU Cngnd JO.L :lilgYdrO \g 2a I o('I I e -E * HJ EHe HEHg cEEi L EEEI EEEH I E 6'i6 :f;E irlrE HF f;Ei[a: EE;gEi EEEEEf, EE!:IE*Eit al3 F iFE 5EF T ,, , Erlr l[i I lft* ; --"'i;-t- g{ --f,:-g gi,iii'{ ,fi4i ,iiti ocwolof,'AlNnof, llDY? 39n1l llVA 3DO!U8 yUVd dlHS lltvliltsd ili,li o ffi,ffi ;irft$fifi*fifi filt fir ffiil ilH*[s ffi lr i!r! iil r$ hil itil TE il;1ilffi lffi,ffi*m I cti n tti ri rftlfifilfi#,ffiiffiifil Ei,!ii1,$i,$t ocrv?olof,'AtNno) f]gw 3DV-r]L 'llYA 3DO[U8 )UVd d[{S lllvlttud Jr dt I llIt JI Nrn TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 22,2003 A request for a floodplain modification pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for the mnstruction of new bridge abutments in the Mill Creek floodplain at Pirate Ship Park located at Tract E, Vail Village sft Filing. Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Town of Vail Plannen BillGibson il. SUMMARY The applicant, Vail Resorts, represented by Town of Vail, is requesting approval of a floodplain modification pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of new bridge abutments in the Mill Creek floodplain. This proposal facilitates both the replacement of an existing recreation path bridge and the upgrading of the Town of Vail's storm water sewer system. Based upon staffs review of the criteria in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve, with conditions, the requested floodplain modification, subject to the findings noted in Section Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing to modify the Mill Creek floodplain to allow for the construction of replacement bridge abutments for the existing recreation path bridge at Pirate Ship Park. The replacement abutments will be installed in approximately the same location as the existing abutments, and therefore will have no significant impact on the existing Mill Creek floodplain. The purpose of replacing the existing bridge abutments is two fold: first the existing pedestrian path bridge is structurally failing and is in need of replacement, and second the Town's storm water sewer system is currently inadequate to accommodate the possible future development of the Vista Bahn ski yard area. A more complete description of the applicant's request has been attached for reference (see Attachment C). Additionally, a floodplain study by J.F. Sato and Associates, a consulting engineering firm; a review by the Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator; and architectural/engineering plans have been attached for reference (see Attachments D, E, and F). ilt. 1V. Pursuant to Section 12-12-3, Vail Town Code, staff has determined that an Environmental lmpact Report is not required for this proposal since this proposal is an 'alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvements" and "on the basis of a preliminary environmental assessment covering each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2" this project "is found to have an insignificant impact on the environment." BACKGROUND The Design Review Board reviewed the design review application associated with this floodplain modification proposal at its August 20, 2003, public hearing. The Design Review Board unanimously approved, with conditions, the design review application for the proposed replacement bridge and abutments. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Planninq and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approvaUapproval with conditions/denial of a floodplain modification application. Desiqn Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority of a floodplain modification, but must review any accompanying Design Review application. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whetheror not the Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overtum the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Zoninq Regulations (Title 12. Vail Town Code) Section 12-12-3, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS, EXEMPT PROJECTS (in part) v. An environmental impact report shall not be required for the following projects: A. Alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvements. B. A phase of a project for which an environmental impact report previously was submitted and reviewed covering the entire project, provided that the project was approved and not subsequently altered. C. A project which, on the basis of a preliminary envircnrnenfal assessment covering each of the factors prescibed in Section 12-12-2 of this Chapter is found to have an insignificant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmental assessmenf and the finding on environmental impact shall be made by the Administrator. Section't2-21 -10E, HAZARD REGULATIONS, DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTED (in part) E. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiing to modify the flood plain by fill, construction, channelization, grading, or other similar changes, to submit for review an environmental impact statement in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title, to esfab/t'sh that the wotu will not adversely affect adjacent propefties, or increase fhe guantity or velocity of flood waters. Town of Vail Development Standards Handbook (Title 14, Vail Town Code) Chapter 14-6, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS HANDBOOK, GRADING STANDARDS (in part) Floodplain Sfandards: No grading is permifted in the 1)1-year floodplain without Planning and Environmental Commission approval. lf an applicanf wishes to grade into the 100-year floodplain, an environmental impact report is required. The environmental impact report shall include impacts to vegetation, ripaian areas, appropiate hydraulic engineering calculations to show no increase in water surface profile and velocity, as well as sfafing that there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties. No permanent improvements shall be constructed within 1' of the floodplain line. The floodplain line shall be determined by a registered professional land suveyor by plotting the appropriate elevation of the floodplain on a maximum 1"-20' topographic 2' contour map using the adopted Town of Vail flood profiles (the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood lnsurance Study). The topographic survey shall reveal the method for determining the stafting point and the stafting elevation for the floodplain delineation. A site specific study performed by a Professional Engineer per FEMA guidelines and approved by the Town of Vail and FEMA may be required. vl.PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ln accordance with Sub-section 12-12-3C, Vail Town Code, staff has conducted a preliminary environmental assessment covering each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2, Vail Town Code: A. Alters an ecological unit or land form, such as a ridgeline, saddle, draw, ravine, hillside, cliff, slope, creek, marsh, watercourse, or other natural land form feature. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. B. Directly or indirectly affects a wildlife habitat, feeding, or nesting ground. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. C. Alters or removes native grasses, trees, shrubs, or other vegetative cover. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. D. Affects the appearance or character of a significant scenic area or resource, or involves buildings or other structures that are of a size, bulk, or scale that would be in marked contrast to natural or existing urban features. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. E. Potentially results in avalanche, landslide, siltation, settlement, flood, or other land form change or hazard to health and safety. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. F. Discharges toxic or thermally abnormal substances, or involves use of herbicides or pesticides, or emits smoke, gas, steam, dust, or other particulate matter. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. G. Involves any process which results in odor that may be objectionable or damaging. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. H. Requires any waste treatment, cooling, or settlement pond, or requires transportation of solid or liquid wastes to a treatment or disposal site. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. l. Discharges significant volumes of solid or liquid wastes. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. J. Has the potential to strain the capacity of existing or planned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other utility systems. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. K. lnvolves any process which generates noise that may be offensive or damaging. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. L. Either displaces significant numbers of people or results in a significant increase in population. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. M. Preempts a site with potential recreational or open space value. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. N. Alters local traffic patterns or causes a significant increase in traffic volume or transit service needs. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. O. ls a part of a larger project which, at any future stage, may involve any of the impacts listed in this Section. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. VII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall consider the followinq criteria when reviewinq an application for a modification to the floodplain: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. Staff response: The technical analysis provided by J.F. Sato and Associates, dated September 17, 2002, states that this proposal will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters (see Attachment D). The Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has reviewed and confirmed this opinion (see Attachment E). 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Staff response: The technical analysis provided by J.F. Sato and Associates, dated September 17,2002, states that this proposal will not adversely affect adjacent properties (see Attachment D). The Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has reviewed and confirmed this opinion (see Attachment E). B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before approving a floodplain modification: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve, with conditions, the proposed floodplain modification, pursuant to Chaptert4€, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allowforthe construction of new bridge abutments in the Mill Creek floodplain at Pirate Ship Park. Staffs recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence presented, subject to the following finding: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters, based upon the technical analysis provided by J.F. Sato and Associates, dated September 17,2002. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties, based upon the technical analysis provided by J.F. Sato and Associates, dated September 17, 2002. 3. Pursuant to Section 12-12-3, Vail Town Code, submittal of an Environmental lmpact Report is not required for this proposal. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this floodplain modification request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit proof of US Army Corp of Engineers approval of a Nationwide Permit 18 - Minor Discharge to the Town of Vail Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building and grading permits. 2. The applicant shall submit a stamped lmprovement Location Certificate and "as-built" topogr:aphic survey to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to Town of Vail final consfirction inspection. IX. ATTACHMENTS A Mcinity Map B. Public Notice C. Applicant's letter of request D. J.F. Sato and Associates Floodplain Study E. Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator's review F. Architectural/Engineering Plans THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE Vail Mountain Lodge LLC, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. George Ruther Attachment B NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Vail Town Code on September 22,2003, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-7A-3, Vail Town Code; a major exterior alteration pursuant to 12-7A-12, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to the existing fractional fee club and a restaurant addition; and a request for a building height variance pursuant to Chapter 17, Vail Town Gode, to allow for dormer additions, at the Vail Mountain Lodge and Spa, located at 352 E. Meadow Drive / Tract B, VailVillage 1" Filing. Applicant: Planner: A request for major exterior alteration pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of new dwelling units and accommodation units at Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle / Lots C and D, Morcus Subdivision, and Lot 7, Marriott Subdivision Applicant Vail Mountain Marriott Resort, represented by Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects. Planner: George Ruther A request for a floodplain modification pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of new bridge abutments in the Mill Creek floodplain at Pirate Ship Park located at Tract E, Vail Village 5h Filing Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Town of Vail Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a major subdivision pursuant to Chapter 13-3, Major Subdivision, Vail Town Code, to allow for the platting of four lots at the Lionshead tennis court site and a rezoning pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Administration, Vail Town Code, from Agriculture and Open Space zone district, Vail Town Code, to Primary/Secondary Two-Family zone district, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of single'family homes on the four proposed lots, located at 615 West Forest Road/Unplatted ( A more complete metes and bounds legal description is available at the Town of Vail Communig Development Department) Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: Warren Campbell The applications and information about these proposals are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department office, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend the project orientiation held in the Town of Vail Community Development Department office and the site visits that precede the public hearing. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for additional information. This notice published in the Vail Daily on September 5, 2003. ,,\'\n \-) {nt/ Pirateship Park Neighborhood Addresses / Locations Parcel #Owners Name Physical Address Mailing Address Mill Creek Circle (adjacents)2101-08248-001 Martha Head 325 Mill Creek Cir 325 Mill Creek Cir Vail. CO 81657 2101-08248-002 Judith Roth and Howard P. Berkowitz 315 Mill Creek Cir cio HPB Associates 65 East 55th St 30th Floor NewYork. NY 10022 2101-082-48-003 Mary Ann Childers, Jay Levine 305 Mill Cir Creek 222 E Chestnut St 19 A&B Chicago lL 6061 1 210148248-004 Maurice O Rhinehardt 303 Mill Creek Cir 333 Key Pdm Road Boca Raton, FL 33432 (southern lot adjacent)2101-082-50-007 Barbara M Osborne 335 Mill Creek Cir UIT of Barbara M Osborne 2014 Sea Cove Houston. TX 77058 Mill Creek Circle (inside loop)2101-082-49-001 Jay A Precourt 328 Mill Creek Circle 328 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 2101-08249402 Richard D Bass 312 Mill Creek Circle PO Box 439 Winnsboro. TX 75494 2101-082-49-003 Caulkins Residence Trust 304 Mill Creek Circle Eleanor N Caulkins 1600 Broadway 1400 Denver, co 80202 210148249-004 No records available 2101-082-49-005 Peter & Patrice Knobel 392 Mill Creek Circle 392 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 2101-082-49-006 Thomas & Cydney Marsico 362 Mill Creek Circle 1200171h St 1300 Denver. CO 80202 2101-08249-007 I Stephen J Redding 1 342 Mill Creek Circle Angelina C Trustees PO Box 1640 Goleta, cA 93116 2101-082-49-008 Frances E Gunn Trust 332 Mill Creek Circle 3101 Valley Oak Dr Loveland, CO 80538 2101-082.49-009 W Grant Williams Family Partnership LP 302 Mill Creek Circle 3145 Polo Drive Gulf Stream. FL 33483 2101-082-49-010 W Grant Williams, ll 302 Mill Creek Circle 3145 Polo Drive Gulf Stream. FL 33483 Mill Creek Circle (southern lots)2101-082-50-001 H.J. & Ann Becher Smead 395 Mill Creek Circle 395 Mill Creek Circle Vail. CO 81657 2101-082-50-002 ILC Realty LTD i 385 Mill Creek Circle 10100 Reunion Place Suite 750 San Antonio, TX78216417'l 2101-082-50-003 Elizabeth Ross Johnson Revocable Trust 375 Mill Creek Circle do Tag Associates LTD 75 Rockefeller Plaza Suite 900 New York. NY 10019 . Pirateship Park . Ngighborhood Addresses 2101-082-50-004 Alejandro Burillo Azcarraga 365 Mill Creek Circle 104 Del Court Laredo, TX 78041 2'1 0 1 -082-50-005 Harley G & Lorraine N Higbie 353 Mill Creek Circle 1600 Broadway Ste 1400 Denver. CO 80202 2101-082-50-006 820 Management Trust 345 Mill Creek Circle Lee M Bass Trustee 201 Main Street Ft Worth. TX 76102 210'1-082-50-007 Barbara M Osborne Truslee 335 Mill Creek Circle UIT of Barbara Osborne 2014 Sea Cove Houston, TX 77058 Christiana 2101-0821-66-001 Christiania LTD 356 Hanson Ranch Rd 356 Hanson Hancn Koao Vail, CO 81657 2101-0821-66-002 Chamber Coro 356 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o Christiania Inc 356 E Hanson Ranch Rd Vail. CO 81657 2101-0821-66-003 Mad Jack Trust 356 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o Singer Burke & Co. 6345 Balboa Blvd Building 4 Suite 375 Encino, GA 91316 2101-082143-001 Joseph & Maura Collins 356 Hanson Ranch Rd 155 Long Neck Point Darien. CT 06820 2101-082143-002 lrving and Janet Cox, William and Emily McCoy 356 Hanson Ranch Rd Stonegate 66 4031 Kennett Pike Greenville, DE 19807 2101-082143-003 Jennifer Held Warford 356 Hanson Ranch Rd 800 Prospect Point Bismarck, ND 58501 2101-082143-004 Kaciana Association 356 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o Heywood H Davis 1930 City Ctr Sq 1100 Main Kansas City, MO 64105 2101-0821 -43-005 Maura M Collins 356 Hanson Ranch Rd 155 Long Neck Point Darien, CT 06820 2'101-082143-006 Urbanova. S.A. lnc 356 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o Robert C Kenney PC PO Box 1835 Vail, co 81658 2101-082143-007 Gail S Siegal 1 356 Hanson Ranch Rd 1526 Bay Blvd Atlantic Beach, NY 1 1509 2101-082143-008 Gail S Siegal 356 Hanson Ranch Rd 1526 Bay Blvd Atlantic Beach, NY 11509 2101-082142-003 Rappaport Family Trust 366 Hanson Ranch Rd 16379 Skyline Blvd Woodside, CA 9462 Recreation Path Access 2102-082142404 Vail Corp 278 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 7 Vail, co 81658 Tivoli Lodge 2101-082142-005 Robert and Diane Lazier 356 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 1325 Vail, co 81658 Pirateshio Park Neighborhood Addresses ll rv | "n," 2101-0821-69-37 Robert E Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 80407 Memphis, TN 80407 2101-0821-69-38 R. Howard Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd % Buckeye Cellulose Corp 7574 Poplar Ave Germantown. TN 38138 2101-0821-69-39 Robert H Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 482 E Racquet Club Pl Memphis, TN 371 17 2101-0821-6940 Bridge Street lnvestments LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Felix Guzman No 16 Col El Parque 53390 Naucaloan Mexico One Vail Place 2101-082-51-001 JaredM&lreneM Drescher 244 WallSt 100 Wilson Blvd Upper Mall 800 Arlington, Va22209 2101-082-51-002 Harold Joseph Smead 244 Wall St 395 Mill Creek Circle Vaii, co 81657 2101-082-51-003 JaredM&lreneM Drescher 244 Wall St 100 Wilson Blvd Upper Mall 800 Arlington, Va22209 2101482-51-004 Luanne Wells 244 WallSt 450 Newport Ctr Dr Suite 400 Newport Beach, CA 92660 2101-082-51-005 Luanne Wells 244 WallSt 450 Newoort Ctr Dr Suite 400 Newport Beach, CA 92660 2101-082-51-006 lntrawest Retail Group, Inc 244 Wall St 221 Corporale Cir Suite Q Golden, CO 8040'1 2't01-082-51-007 lntrawest Retail Group, Inc 244 Wall St 221 Corporate Cir Suite Q Golden. CO 80401 2101-082-51-008 Intrawest Retail Group, Inc 244 Wall St 221 Corporale Cir Suite Q Golden. CO 80401 2101-082-51-009 lnhawest Retail Group, Inc 244 Wall St 221 Corponle Cir Suite Q Golden. CO 80401 210'1-082-51-010 lntrawest Retail Group, Inc 244 Wall St 221 Corporate Cir Suite Q Golden, CO 80401 2101-082-51-011 lntrawest Retail Group, Inc 244 Wall St 221 Corporate Cir Suite Q Golden. CO 80401 2101-082-51-012 Vail Corp 244 Wall St PO Box 7 Vail, co 81658 Hill Building 2101-082-79-001 Blanche Hill 254 Bridge St 311 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 2101-082-79-002 Blanche Hill 311 Bridge St 31 1 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 Pirateship Park Neighborhood Addresses -J J 2101-0821-69-021 Georgie LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 30 Madison House, The Village 101 Amies St London SWI 1 2JW, England 2101-0821-69-022 Bridge Street Investments LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Felix Guzman No 16 Col El Parque 53390 Naucaloan Mexico 2101-0821-69-023 Robert & Nancy Bartels Revocable Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 3426 S Twyckenham Dr South Bend, lN 46614 2101-0821-6*024 Robert E Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Box 80407 Memphis, TN 38108 2101-0821-69-025 MBW Realty 278 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o Clark Willingham 3878 Oak Lawn Ste 400 Dallas, TX752194469 2101-0821-69-026 Robert & Nancy Bartels Revocable Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 3426 S Twyckenham Dr South Bend, lN 46614 2't01-0821-69-027 Bridge Street Assoc LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2719 Ridgewood CT Bloomfield Hill, Ml 48302 21 01 -0821 -69-028 Bridge Street Assoc LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2719 Ridgewood CT Bloomfield Hill, Ml 48302 2101-0821-69-029 Arnold Bisseger Living Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2625 S Atlantic Ave 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 2101-0821-69-030 Robert & Natalie Bissegger 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 5345 Wind Ridge Road Racine, Wl 53402 2101-0821-69-31 Robert E Masterson Real Estate 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Revocable Trust PO Box 390186 Omaha. NE 68139 2101-0821-69-32 Peter A. Bissegger 321 Bridge Street 3021 Garretson Ave Corona. CA 92881 2101-0821-69-33 Richard & Maryl Georgi 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 30 Madison House, The Village 101 Amies St London SW1 1 2JW, England 2101-0821-69-34 Arnold Bisseger Living Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2625 S Atlantic Ave 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 2101-0821 -69-35 Arthur C Cox QPR Trust - Emma Jane 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Cox QPR Trust 12001 Guilford Road Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 2101-0821-69-36 Arnold Bisseger Living Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2625 S Atlantic Ave 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 Pirateshio Park N borhood Addresses ."1 V fail Village Club 2101-082142-001 Remonov & CO Inc 298 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 1888 Edwards, CO 81632 Bridge Street Lodge 21014821-69-001 Riley-BSL LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 228 Bridge Street Vai., co 81657 2101-0821-69-002 Colorado Ski Service, Inc 278 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 2796 Vail. co 81658 2101-0821-69-003 Colorado Ski Service, lnc 278 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 2796 Vail. co 81658 2101-0821-69-004 Rad Three LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 2101-0821-69-005 Riley-BSL LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 2101-082'1-69-006 Karl & Ursula Hoevelmann 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 161 S Golden Drive silt. co 81652 2101-0821-69-007 Riley-BSL LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 2101-0821€9-008 Riley-BSL LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 2101-0821€9-009 Riley-BSL LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 228 Bridge Street Vail, co 81657 2101-0821-69{10 Vail Corp 278 Hanson Ranch Rd PO Box 7 Vail, co 81658 2101-0821S$011 John Kaemmer 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 291 Bridge Street Vail, Co 81657 2101-0821-69412 John Kaemmer 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 291 Bridge Street Vail, Co 81657 2101-0821-69-013 Bolanovich Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o John Kaemmer 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 2101-082149414 Bolanovich Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o John Kaemmer 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 2101-0821-69-015 MBW Realty 278 Hanson Ranch Rd c/o Ron Riley 228 Bridge Skeet Vail, CO 81657 2101-0821-69-016 Robert E Cannon 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Box 80407 Memphis, TN 38108 2101-0821-69-017 Robert & Natalie Bissegger 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 5345 Wind Ridge Road Racine, Wl 53402 2101-0821-69-018 Arnold Bisseger Living Trust 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2625 S Atlantic Ave 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 21 01-0821 -69-01 I Robert E Masterson Real Estate 278 Hanson Ranch Rd Revocable Trust PO Box 390186 Omaha. NE 68139 2101-0821-69-020 Bridge Street Assoc LLC 278 Hanson Ranch Rd 2719 Ridgewood CT Bloomfield Hill, Ml 48302 RAMS HORN IODGE CONDONIINTUM ASSOCTATION OWNERS ROSTER SUITE 1 A'R'IL Hotilings' PTYLTI) %Alfred & ShirleY Horan Uoite 10 l-auderdale Ave Fablight" N's'w' 2094 Australia 2 TYM lnternationat LTD, - %Guillerrno & TikY DeVela'sco Valle #140 Mexico 20 D'F' 01900 Mexico 3 *Four-Klnvestments o/'Bob &Myrna $chlegel 4835 LBJDallas ParkwaY #700 Dallas' TX'75244 - Hlill#"Kffi;; Qa iYlo-rc;rec t* - ffi -s'r\\e--L- 5 *Norman&HonevK'rtz i\tKtT \ eoe.7 6 Eton Road Scarsdale. N.Y' 10583 6 See Suite 5 Z See Suite 3 I See Suite 15 9 E4ene & Caroline StoecldY 5i68 Vistalvfiguel' LaC:rnada'CA9101i-1858 1'd ue9rlIxH auerg Ptt:60 gO 9I JdU OWNERSROSTER' PAGE2 f0 Jesns & Cecilb lt{iranrla - - -- Pa$o Dc LsliliasNo' 92?JJ' BosqrrsDc lasLomas 05120lvtrc*ico, DJ' 11 . RoBld &ldryPttcssman 5306 Su$tDr' IGnsasCitY'MO' &ll2 12 lvtroscslss' W9 SadaMonica gewrtYHils, CA'9o212 14 n*Aerrydrt-Yedjni !-i' 34 w- 33"r' 2f' Fbor NcwYodr,N'Y' 10001 l5 Jamcs&AnrePowell ls7| YoftPlecc Brdtueto'tt N'C' 2?2f 5 r BoarilMeobes Rcviscd filnl$z 7.d ur311I Tl.,l ouBIg e'' t60 eO 9I JdU Attachment: C TOWN OF VAIL Department of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 58 Fax: 970-479-2 166 www.ci.vail.co.w Pirateship Park Bridge Replacement Project Planning and Environmental Commission Memorandum Town of Vail September 22,2003 Purpose Recent bridge inspections show that the existing pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek West, near Pirateship PLrk, is in need of replacement. Much of its wooden support structure is broken or starting to decay. However, the existing abutments have been determined to be structurally sound: Concuriently, Vail Resorts is in the design process for the Vail's Front Door Project. Part of the Front Door Project requires a new storm sewer system to discharge into Mill Creek West in the area of the bridge. In order to protect two large spruce trees on the western end of the bridge, the Town of Vail and Vail Resorts are coordinatlng their respective projects. The Town of Vail proposes to remove and replace the western bridge abutment, and in the process to install a sleeve through the center of the abutment. The new storm sewer will daylight through the sleeve. Without removing and replacing the abutment, one of the trees would pe damaged, and likely removed' by the new storm sewer. Design The p-roposed bridge is a prefabricated wooden bridge, and its design has been approved by the Design Review Board. The concrete bridge abutments will have a stone veneer finish' JF Sato and Associates has confirmed that the existing span between abutments is adequate to accommodate 10g-year flood waters, with approximately 2 feet of freeboard between the water surface elevation and the bottom of the bridge. The replaced bridge abutment will be constructed in approximately the same location as the existing abutmentl The location of the new abutment will be determined by a surveyor in order to ensure precise placement. In addition, an as-built survey will be performed following construction as confirmation and the new cross sections will be included in the new countywide Floodplain Study currently in the review process. Please note on the attached site plan that the proposed construction actually open the bridge span by approximately 8" by using a thinner stone veneer. The new storm sewer pipe will be installed through the abutment, however, it will be capped and remain inactive until the storm sewer system design for the Front Door Project has been approved. {S ""no*r r", Construction Construction of the project requires approval of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The C.O.E. will require Nationwide Permits 18 - Minor Discharge. The Town is currently in the process of acquiring this permit, which allows for fill below the ordinary high water mark. (i.e. once the existing abutment is removed, the proposed abutment will be considered fill even though it is in the same location). During construction, the flow in Mill Creek West will be reduced by diverting some of the water to Mill Creek East. Flow will NOT be entirely turned off. The Colorado Division of Wildlife has agreed to this process in order to reduce the amount of potential sediment while working in the creek. Additionally, in the work area, water will be diverted towards the eastern abutment using sandbags to keep excavations as dry as possible and reduce sedimentation. Finally, a dewatering technique using a "dirtbag" will be used for any water that must be removed from the excavation. Water basically filters into a sump, which is then pumped into a filter bag before flowing back into the creek below the excavation. This is a standard procedure approved of by the Colorado Department of Health. The Town has applied for a Dewatering Permit from the Department of Health. Closing Thetime|ineforthisprojectiscritica|duetothepoorconditionofthebridge.Therefore,the Town asks that the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision should be contingent upon receipt of these permits. This will reduce delays as construction approaches. At this time, the Town hopes to begin construction in mid October, with completion in early November upon receipt of the bridge. SEP 1'l 2OD3 5:14PM J.F. SHTO & RSSOCIRTES 303-797-1187 Ii'ng&rcslnlt Brrtr:lnnrsntal' m{ Prootnr ltllnruP|t|ctrl S'rqicrt 581)ll So;rlh ll6p?.Qitc.t ' Llr&ron. CO 80120 phonu l!{I].19?"t200 . Fax 303.,197.118? *,ww.i{ratacrm JFSSm, r n s/ffo AND ASsooArF-c September !7,2oo3 0375 Mr. Gregg Barrie, Landscape Architect Town of Vail Dept. of Public Works/ Transportatlon 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vall, CO 81657 Re: Floodplain Study Pirateship Park Brid ge RePlacement Dear Gregg: The existing bridge floodplaln analysis has been completed for the above referenced project as we have discussed. As suspected, the analysis lndicates that incluslon ofthe pedestrian bridge to the existing 1999 floodplain study currenuy underthe FEl,lA 90-day appeal Process does not create a condition'where flow is over-topping u1e structure. In fact, results lndicate that the base flood elevation (BFE) ls over b/vo fieet below the lowest portion of the brtdge *ructure and that all Row ls contained within the channel of west Mill Creek. Our ofiice has reviewed the drawings received from your office on September L6' 2OO3 for the proposed replacement bridge anct west abutment and compared the proposed design to survey data of the existing bridge, abutments and channel of west Mill creek. Given this information, we believe that the proposed bridge improvements wiil meet the requirements of Town of Vail Code tz-zl-Lo E. "..'that lhe wqrk will not adversely affect adjacent properties, or lncrease the quantity or velocity of flood watet€'4 This conclusion has been reached based upon the assumption that the channel of west Mill Creek will remain essentially unchanged from existlng to proposed conditions. We recommend that an as-bullt survey be completed following construction of the replacement brldge and assoclated abutment and the results evaluated for compliance with the above stated Town Code. WeappreciatetheopPortunitytoprovideengineeringserv|ces-to.theTownofVai|forthisprojectand|ook forward to working *itn Vou r'erini pt.".. lei me kn6w lf any further asslstance or additionPl Information is needed, Attachment D File: 0375 I irAttachment: E , Department of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 58 Fax:970-479-2166 www.ci.vail.co.us To: Bill Gibson, Planner Department of Community Development From: Greg Hall Town of Vail Flood Plain Coordinator RE: Pirateship Park Bridge Replacement Date: September 17,2003 Pursuant to Section 12-12-3 (A)and (C) of the Town of Vail Code, the Pirateship Park Bridge Replacement Project will not require an Environmental lmpact Report (ElR) for the following reasons: 12-12-3: An environmental impact report shall not be requiredfor the following proiects: A. Alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvements. This project is required maintenance on an existing bridge structure. C. A project which, on the basis of a preliminary environmental assessment cowring each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2 of this Chapter is found to have an insignificant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmental assessment and the finding on environmental impact shall be made by the Administrator. Through a preliminary environmental assessment of the items in Sectlon 12-12-2, the Administrator has found that this project will have insignificant impact on ltems A,B,C,D,E, and O. The remaining items are not applicable to this project. Also, after reviewing the floodplain information and the aftached letter provided by J.F. Sato and Associates in relation to this proiect, it is my opinion that the construction of this project will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Sincerely, "rQ,Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator {g *"n"t*r^ro Attachment F F:.+,,:-1 ig+es,e------ \4A\V ..r/--,' ,.). - -\_ A,fq,' .,7, fiiH !il] -;:.,_f, -:- - ";.t pf p' t" ?ez -><j'---- 461i"* - - - -." / - "11'---.-'J ) .' -rt ;='tt":{' 'il:;;i=i;frg* EHllfi;EEr == fr-ii B lls EHE e li9 ;FE i ifi; ;$; E5HB3H*;E fig; EiP;rEa$t !=H FeiiiH EH #:; n 6 rg-dF 8Ee fE 4 ( E8E ci8 ?,iz *iqrdI t' I I DEPABTIi,IENT OF PUBLIC WORKSI/TRAiISPOFTAT|OII PIRATESHIP PARK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT SITE PLAN _9 ' I t,nt8 a f t : a , n rrt : i ffitT${$ fifi rHrTifi {fi+{$lfirll H'ffiffffiI ffiliffiri:] :: rt;nutffilgHfi1{{T^ii*i$ lil +k ii:l ++ J- !i*i* lil l$lrn I iil I14 | --*l - l--l l0' V) rF t' l' lt lr Fh hll t'l PRTRATE SHIP PARK BRIDCE VAIL VILTAGE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO ioii, iid, hui,, '[ iHin E aN 'lllt lFl' PRIRATE SHIP PARK BRIDGE VAIL VILLAGE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO i*s,ftiil,h,ii,,ii gEEIg giii *odr*/ E5Blr(--/ | 1,7,11l\\( -..-1_-_lJ4-lD'-'- --l>'-'- \r EHHEFP-*figlH -E z ..' d,.' ^6' '.' '" ^".n - ,' ._-- *r,-Y . ,/ ;r-.-?.- , - ,.4//'t . / ," ./' J'' n ?",/' J' n ?"./--i' - -\ r,.t' )/'i,<' ainS'/ ' *9',/;-X -'11-'./ -, ' !/ -'- - '-t't--/' / --/.t "' ,.-',/' /-- / t;giriEHni 'e lls g3H Hfi;F;H; EEggsHH;E 8H= f,lF;E3 'at f,lg EEIfiE ridqP. o <n (D d \ 'l -l I Il_-I EEggl-F /\ /\ t- I ( fiE =eE= *a mt' \ I gE s3trt9. =9EH9r0 d P3oo HB EE HE d I I I _/ o.ll tl q a =! o-NB(o T II o oo =u g DEPARTilEiIT OF PUBLIC WORKS/TRA}|SPORTANON PIRATESHIP PARK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT SITE PLAN t I I!! I I I I iit'iiilIII I I lll il !t il l! rl ilit E a ''t ilii'i r i! !i l! rl I I ! it TiI Ii II 5I t I I I , t i 6 IJ I I ; I I t i$trl fiffi fi*t riiil .-i IN Fr.-l itI i I l 7 ;. - I i tiiiifiliii lt$firll ii iifiiiIl li :l ll: ii'!iifi'! {t l n { rn (ttI T T nn u a U o rn uc {f mz { (t) I { i I E r I I E i i I a7 II I I 3 aJ I, I 3If t I PRIRATE SHIP PARK BRIDGE VAIL VIL1AGE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Eii,E' F F*i $ali is,il, es trEg[F i$!EEF iiliale iI .l I q N I II I - PRIRATE SHIP PARK BRIDGE VAIL VIIIAGE EAGLE COUNTY, COTORADO i*tl, i*tl, fuuiu,s$ Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxt 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co. us Prciect Name: Pirateship Park Bridge DRB Number: DRB030328 Project Description: RECONSTRUCTION OF PIMTE SHIP PARK BRIDGE OVER MILL CREEK ON TMCT H, Pafticipants: OWNER VAIL CORP 08i13/2003 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81558 License: APPUCANT TOWNOFVAIL 0811312003 Phone:970-479-2100 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 License: CONTMCTORTOWN OF VAIL 08/13/2003 Phone: 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 License: 463-B Project Addressr Location: legal Description: [ot: Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 5 Parcel Number: 210108242008 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Dave Viele Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich Vote: 3-0 DateofApproval: 08/20/2003 Conditions: C.ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006079 The applicant shall match the stone to be placed on the abutments to the stone on the Vista Bahn Builidng, which is believed to be moss rock. Planner: Warren Camobell DRB Fee Paid: $0.00 ,.- T0l,VNm Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by tire Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental C-ommission' Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction comrnences within one year of the approval. Description of the Reque4' ? E * - ., = 3;,or-r o re.i- lt1 r',- (e;cn ,-.-tL.j- - 1rl.->LocaUon of the Proposal: LoI-Block:- Name(s) of Owner(s): Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: rQ1o) X'lS- 2.c11 Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (sin gle-fa mily/du plex) Changes to Appro/ed Plans Separation Request + tr tr n Phone: q-2o .J?1-23\7 v. Ct",-^ Fax: 4 ) ct r-t 1 4 2- t 6b $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For @nstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addlUons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucfi as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Planning Staff or the .";*-old From: Gregg BanieTo: Doris FloresDate: 08/051200311:'11:47 AMSulriect Parcel # I was finally able to track dom the parcel# for the bridge project... The parcef # for Tract E, Vail Village 5th filing, is210'148242-008. For some reason, it shows up as lot 005 on our parcel map and without a block #. Let me knonr if you need anything else. Thanks, Gregg r0r4ft,t) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Roa4 Vail, Golorado 81557 tel: 97O.479.2L39 taxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: PIMTESHIP PARK DRB Number: DRB040230 Project Description: RENOVATION OF PIMTESHIP PARK Participants: OWNER VAILCORP 06/04/2004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 Li@nse: APPUCANT TOWN OF VAIL 06104/7004 Phone: 970479-2100 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81557 License: 463-8 ProjectAddress; Location: Legal Descripdon: Loe TR E Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 5 Parcel Number: 210108242008 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: ROGERS Action: APPROVED Second By: PROPER Vote: 4-0 Dateof Apprcvalz 0il0il2W4 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building perrnit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $0.00 ,r*m ffilr:i*"tlJrTfr?i:$" review must receive app,ovar prior to submittins a buirdine permit apprication' ?lease refer to the submittal requirements for the particula' tpptoutiinit-ii-tequesteO' An application for Design Review @nnot be accepted untl arr re-qu-irei informat'ron is receivJ ;;d1; d;;'"ity Deveiopment Department' The project may atso need to O"'rJi.*.. iiV ifr! r9y. Corniitnbloilne nannin! and Environmental Comm*s.n' Design review approvat tapses unless a building p".}i;'Gfu and construction commences within one year of llre aPProval. ''if't' Application for Design Review Department of Community Developme-nt -- Zs ioitn Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8-1657 tel 970,479.2139 fax: 970'479'2452 web: www'd'vail'co'us Description of the Regue slt Aff Qa't *- nt- Tv tr (' 't fua t$c Wuo't*+""r Location of the Prcposa l, totTT 6glock:-5ubcliyig'on1 -TV?4!d- I , UA-r L v' el-'+oe Physical Address:I\,4 Parcel No.: 'ZlAttg:=aZa8- =.(Contact Eagle Co' Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no') zoning: # e Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s); Phone: A4S Name of APPlicant:Ge'aou S6*'etz Mailing Address: f-rn"i| mOt"sst a-Vrfie@ o^lgot'eo^Fax: Type of Review and Feel n Sigrc tr /onceptual Review ff New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-fa milY/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (si n gle-familY/duPlex) tr Changes to APProved Plans tr SeDaration Request Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' IVED JUN 0 3 2004 $s0 No Fee $6so $300 $2s0 $20 For construction of a new building or demo/rbyip' ---,. For an addition where square fitage is added.to. any,residential or .Jrrl"iti nuiroing (includes 250 aiditions & interior conversions)' i.i tit*ih..sesio buildings and site improvements' such as' ;;rd -piiniing, window actditions' landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc''r"i *""oi.n."s.s to buildings and site improvements' such as' reroofing, painting, winctol/f idditiont, landxaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 i.i,."Li..t io plans already approved by Planning staff or the Design Review Board' No Fee Phone: -Z'QL Department of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 58 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com Pirateship Park Renovation Prolect Design Review Board Applicatlon Applicant: Town of Vail, Colorado Attn: Gregg Barrie 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Phone: (970) 479-2337 Fax (970) 479-2166 Propefi Owner: Town of Vail, Colorado 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Project Location: Pirateship Park, near Vail Village, along West Mill Creek. The Work: Pirateship Park has been a Vail Village landmark since its construction in the early 1970's. Unfortunately, like many things, the years and use have taken a toll on the park and the Pirateship play structure. The proposed renovation will follow the original design intent of the park. That is, an artistic pirateship structure, with a simple site plan that blends with our mountain environment. Town stalf is working with local artist Ty Gillespie to create an exciting new Pirateship that will continue Vail's tradition of including art in our play areas. The new structure will provide expanded play opportunities while at the same time meeting current playground safety guidelines. The new play structure is to be tabricated with a steel frame, and covered with wood siding. lt is a multilevel structure, and will incorporate wooden details, steel railings, and various custom and prefabricated play components. Play leatures include a crow's nest, net climbers, a slide, ships wheel, talk tubes, an accessible bow sprit, and a plank. Additional features include a tot swing, and a wooden row boat mounted on a large spring. The site plan will incorporale boulders, native plantings, exposed aggregate walkways, and a wooden "wharf" into an intimate play area that provides adequate salety surfacing while not dominating the surrounding area. The entire site will be accessible for persons with disabilities. Existing vegetation will be maintained and protected, and the highly eroded stream bank ol Mill Creek West will be stabilized and improved for stream access. Construction is tentatively scheduled for September and October of 2004. f,'p ^,.,.,"o "u""^ [=, l"$ x-6$o-o- q) .YQ-c -n Eg(t'X ;-- f-o- * ! \Y., \. !., \: oo .'.|;,.W o ..''t tar.a'o ',4'' /.+ (,)< Fa'lpo.\ 3EFl6'E8 pge= o< oc> -eiF r. .Q 6) |!(BEc= P ='.F *EEsEX6Pcs9tF si ,-#Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Deparlmert of Community Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2Lfi fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us PEC Number: PEC0,10035 Floodplain modification: request for approval of modification of ^,17 lineal feet of stream bank stabilization (in the floodplain) involving the placement of 5-5 boulders as steps into the stream from the play area Project Name: PIMTESHIP STREAMSIDE STABIL Project Description: Pafticipants: OWNER VAILCORP PO BOX 7 VAIL co 816s8 License: APPUCANT VAILCORP PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 License: Project Address: 340 HANSON MNCH ROAD (APPROX.) 06/02/2004 Phone: 06/02/2004 Phone: Location: tegal Description: Loh TR E Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 5 Parcel Number: 210108242008 Comments: seeconditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Kjesbo Viele 6-0-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz O7 | L212004 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0006551 prior to final construction inspection (^,end of Sep.), a stamped ILC and as-built topo survey must be submitted for review to ComDev by the applicant Cond: CON0006552 The applicant shall comply with all requirements of all necessary state and federal permits and approvals Planner: ElisabethEckel PEC Fee Paid: $0.00 ORIGINAL TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July'12,2004 A request for a floodplain modification, pursuanl to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for stream bank stabilization of a portion of West Mill Creek located at Pirateship Park, 340 Hanson Ranch Road, Tract El/ail Village sth Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Gregg BarriePlanner: Elisabeth Eckel il. SUMMARY The applicant, the Town of Vail, is requesting approval of a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for modification to the stream bank of a portion of Mill Creek West, located at Pirateship Park, 340 Hanson Ranch Road, Tiact E/Vail Village 5m Filing, in order to mitigate further erosion oJ the stream bank dru'io heavy foot traffi-c. Based IpbnEiaTf's review=--oflhe ciitEiieln- Seclion Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and lestimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve, with conditions, the requested floodplain modification, subject to the findings noted in Section Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing 1o modify a seventeen foot (17') portion of the West Mill Creek strearir'bank tocdteci at PiTateship parnF ftaison nanch-Ro?E Tract EA/ail Village Sth Filing. Through the stabilization of eroded sections of the bank further erosion will be avoided. (A vicinity map has been attached for reference [Altachmenl A]). The proposed improvemenls involve the excavation of a portion of the existing bank and the placement of iivE-oisixTo-ulders aions =ireafiEd!fl-in-ihe same locaiion as the existing, eroded stream bank. The boqldeElry!!_lg placed as steos into the stream and the top of the stream bank will be leveled- rc cre"r" a batt'iiom ihEplavEiea to the creek. An additional step will be added approximatel)l ten feet from the edge of the stream to make up the orage. The applicant has stated that the boulders will encroach "only slightly into the stream from the exisling eroded edge..." However, "by stepping the stream bank back, the cross section of the stream will actually increase in size". The work will be performed during the early part of September 2004 and will occur simultaneously with the diversion of Mill Creek West into Mill Creek East. The diversion ol Mill Creek West into Mill Creek Easl was planned as a part ol the Vail Village Streetscape Project that involves replacing the culverts under Hanson Ranch Road. The coordination of the two projects will prevent the possibility of erosion and sedimentation during the slabilization construction. Any dirt or sediment resulting from the work on the stream bank will be removed from the stream bed after the boulders have been placed and prior to the release of water back into the Creek. r/ tv. A site plan and cross seclion of the proposed work are attached for reference (Anachment B). Additionally, the US Army Corps of Engineers approval letter has been attached (Attachment C). Pursuant to Section 12-12-3, Vail Town Code, staff has delermined that an Environmental lmpact Report is not required for this proposal since it is included as an "alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and sile improvements" and "on the basis of a preliminary environmental assessmenl covering each of the factors prescribed in Section 12- 12-2" this project was not "found to have an insignificant impact on the environment." BACKGROUND The project site, the west stream bank of Mill Creek West, is adjacent to an existing playground, Pirateship Park. Mill Creek West is accessible from the play area and has been regularly accessed for the past thirty years. As a result, a section of the stream bank approximately seventeen feet (17') long has been heavily eroded and the plant material in the area has worn away. The purpose of the project is to reduce further erosion and potential siltation. The Design Review Board approved the design review application for Pirateship Park at its July 7 , 2004 public hearing. ROLES OF REVTEWNG BgptES Plannino and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/approval with conditions/denial of a floodplain modification application. Desion Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority of a floodplain modification, but musl review any accompanying Design Review application. Town Council: Aclions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overlurn the board's decision. Slaff : The stalf is responsible for ensuring that all submiftal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Statf provides a memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the projecl with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. V. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Zonino Reoulalions ffitle 12. VailTown Gode) Section 1 2-1 2-2, APPLICAB ILITY An environmental impact report shallbe submitted to the Administrator for any project for which such a report is required by Federal or State law, or for any project which the Administrator determines may significantly change the environment, either during construction or on a continuing basis, in one or more of the following respects: A. Alters an ecological unit or land form, such as a ridgeline, saddle, draw, ravine, hillside, cliff, slope, creek, marsh, watercourse, or other natural land form feature. B. Directly or indirectly affects a wildlife habitat, feeding, or nesting ground. C. Alters or removes native grasses, trees, shrubs, or other vegetative cover. D. Affects the appearance or character of a significant scenic area or resource, or involves buildings or other structures that are of a size, bulk, or scale that would be in marked contrast to natural or existing urban features. E. Potentially results in avalanche, landslide, siltation, settlement, flood, or other land form change or hazard to health and safety. F. Discharges toxic or thermally abnormal substances, or involves use of herbicides or pesticides, or emits smoke, gas, steam, dust, or other particulate matter. G. lnvolves any process which results in odor that may be objectionable or damaging. H. Rquires any waste treatment, cooling, or settlement pond, or requires transportation of solid or liquid wastes to a treatment or disposal sife. l. Discharges significant volumes of solid or liquid wasfes. J. Has the potential to strain the capacity of existing or planned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other utility systems. K. lnvolves any process which generafes nor.se that may be offensive or damaging. L. Either displaces significant numbers of people or results in a significant increase in population. M. Preempts a site with potential recreational or open space value. N. Alters local traffic patterns or causes a significant increase in traffic volume or transit service needs. ls a part of a larger project which, at any future stage, may involve any of the impacts listed in this Section. (Ord. 8(1e73) S 16.200) Section 12-12-3, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS, EXEMPT PROJECTS An environmental impact report shall not be required for the following projects: A. Alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvements. B. A phase of a project for which an environmental impact report previously was submifted and reviewed covering the entire project, provided that the proiect was approved and n ot su bseq u e ntly altered. C. A project which, on the basis of a preliminary environmental assessment covering each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2 of this Chapter is found to have an insignificant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmental assessment and the finding on environmental impact shall be made by the Administrator. (Ord. 8(1973) S 16.300) Section 12-21-10E, HAZARD REGULATIONS, DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTED (in part) A. No structure shall be built in any tlood hazard zone or red avalanche hazard area. No structure shall be built on a slope of forty percent (40"/4 or greater except in Single-Family Residential, Two-Family Residential, or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Districts. The term "structure" as used in this Section does not include recreational structures that are intended for seasonal use, not including residential use. E. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to modify the flood plain by fill, construction, channelization, grading, or other similar changes, to submit for review an environmental impact statement in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title, to establish that the work will not adversely affect adjacent properties, or increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. Town of Vail Development Standards Handbook ffitle 14. Vail Town Code) Chapter 14-6, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS HANDBOOK, GRADING STANDARDS (in part) Ftoodptain Standards: No grading is permitted in the 110-year floodplain without Planning and Environmental Commission approval. If an applicant wishes to grade into the 100-year floodplain, an environmental impact report is requireQ,/ The /environmental impact report shall include impacts to vegetatiorl(riparian '/ areas, appropriate hydraulic engineering calculations to show no increase in 4 o. water surtace profile and velocity, as well as stating that there wJl be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties. No permanent improvenlents shall be constructed within 1' of the floodplain line. The floodplain line shall be determined by a registered professional land surueyor by plotting the appropriate elevation of thefloodplain on a maximum 1"-20'topographic 2' contour map using the adopted Town of Vailflood profiles (the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood lnsurance Study). The topographic suruey shall revealthe method for determining the starting point and the starting elevation for the floodplain delineation. A site specific study performed by a Professional Engineer per FEMA guidelines and approved by the Town of Vail and FEMA may be required. PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ln accordance with Sub-section 12-12-3C, VailTown Code, Staff has conducled a preliminary environmental assessment covering each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-'12-2, Vail Town Code. Ihe applicant's response to the criteria in sub-section 12-12-3 has been attached for additional reference (Attachment D). A. Alters an ecological unit or land form, such as a ridgeline, saddle, draw, ravine, hillside, clitf, slope, creek, marsh, watercourse, or other natural land form feature. Slaff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on these factors. B. Directly or indirectly affects a wildlife habitat, feeding, or nesting ground. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on these factors. C. Alters or removes native grasses, lrees, shrubs, or other vegetative cover. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor since native grasses and vegetation are non-existenl due to erosion. D. Atfects the appearance or character of a significant scenic area or resource, or involves buildings or other structures that are of a size, bulk, or scale that would be in marked contrast to natural or existing urban features. Statf response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. E. Potentially results in avalanche, landslide, siltation, settlement, flood, or other land form change or hazard to health and safety. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. F. Discharges toxic or thermally abnormal substances, or involves use of herbicides or pesticides, or emits smoke, gas, steam, dust, or other particulate matter. Staff response: This factor is not applicable lo lhis proposal. G. Involves any process which results in odor that may be obiectionable or damaging. Staff response: This factor is not applicable lo this proposal. H. Requires any waste treatment, cooling, or settlement pond, or requires transportation of solid or liquid wastes to a treatment or disposal site. Staff response: This lactor is not applicable to lhis proposal. l. Discharges significant volumes of solid or liquid wastes. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to this proposal. J. Has the potential to straan the capacity of existing or planned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other utility systems. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to this proposal. K. lnvolves any process which generates noise that may be offensive or damaging. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to this proposal. L. Either displaces significant numbers of people or results in a significant increase in population. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to lhis proposal. M. Preempts a site with potential recreational or open space value. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to this proposal. N. Alters local traffic patterns or causes a significant increase in traffic volume or transit service needs. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to this proposal. O. ls a part of a larger project whlch, at any luture stage, may involve any of the impacts listed in this section. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to lhis proposal. VII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. The Plannino and Environmenlal Commission shall consider the followino criteria when reviewino an aoplication for a modification to the floodplain: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of llood waters. Staff response: Though the width of the streambed will increase slightly, the quantity or velocity of flood waters would not be affected. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely atlect adiacent properties. Staff response: This proposal will nof adversely affect adjacent properties, a fact which the Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has reviewed and confirmed. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before aoprovino a floodplain modification: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmenlal Commission approve, with conditions, lhe proposed floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for the stabilization of a portion of the stream bank of Mill Creek West located at Pirateship Park, 340 Hanson Rinch Road, Tract El/ail Village sth Filing. Staff's recommendation is based on the review of the criteria in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence presenled, subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocily of flood waters. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. 3. Pursuant to Section 12-12-3, Vail Town Code, submittal of an Environmental lmpact Report is not required for this proposal. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this floodplain modification request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: o 1. The applicant shall submit a stamped lmprovement Location Certilicate and "as-built" topographic survey to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior tg fggnpryaitl4gl colgluctig!- inspectiqn. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of all necessary state and federal permits and approvals. IX. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Site plan and cross section of work C. US Army Corps of Engineers approval letler D. Applicant's response E. Public Notice TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmenlal Commission Community Development Deparlment July'12,2004 A request for a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for stream bank stabilization of a portion of West Mill Creek located at Pirateship Park, 340 Hanson Ranch Road, Tract EA/ail Village 5n Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Gregg BaniePlanner: Elisabeth Eckel ll. SUMMARY The applicant, the Town of Vail, is requesting approval of a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for modification lo the stream bank of a portion of Mill Creek West, located at Pirateship Park,340 Hanson Ranch Road, Tiact EiVail Village 5m Filing, in order to mitigate lurther erosion ol the stream bank due to heavy foot traffic. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and teslimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve, with conditions, the requested lloodplain modification, subject 1o the findings noted in Section Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing to modify a sevenleen foot (17') portion of the West Mill Creek stream'bank bcdted at Piiateship Park, 340 Hanson Rancfr Road, Tract EA/ail Village Sth Filing. Through the stabilization of eroded sections of the bank further erosion will be avoided. (A vicinity map has been attached for reference [Attachmenl A]). The proposed improvements involve the excavation of a portion of the exisling bank and the placemeht of five or six boulders along the stream edge, in the same localion as the existing, eroded slream bank. The boulders will be placed as steps into lhe stream and the top of the stream bank will be leveled to create a path from the play area to the creek. An additional step will be added approximately ten feet from the edge of the stream to make up the grade. The applicant has stated that the boulders will encroach "only slightly inlo the stream from lhe existing eroded edge..." However, "by stepping the stream bank back, lhe cross seclion of the slream will actually increase in size". The work will be performed during the early part of September 2004 and will occur simultaneously with the diversion of Mill Creek West inlo Mill Creek East. The diversion of Mill Creek West into Mill Creek East was planned as a part of the Vail Village Streetscape Project that involves replacing the culverts under Hanson Ranch Road. The coordination of the lwo projects will prevent the possibility of erosion and sedimentation during the stabilization construction. Any dirt or sediment resulting from the work on the stream bank will be removed from the slream bed after the boulders have been placed and prior to the release of water back into lhe Creek. 1 ilt. A site plan and cross section of the proposed work are attached for reference (Attachment B). Additionally, the US Army Corps of Engineers approval letter has been attached (Attachment C). Pursuanl to Section 12-'12-3, VailTown Code, staff has determined that an Environmental lmpact Report is nol required for this proposal since it is included as an "alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvemenls" and "on the basis of a preliminary environmental assessmenl covering each of the factors prescribed in Seclion 12- 12-2" this project was not "found to have an insignificant impact on the environment." BACKGROUND The project site, the west stream bank of Mill Creek West, is adjacent to an existing playground, Pirateship Park. Mill Creek West is accessible from the play area and has been regularly accessed for the past thirty years. As a result, a seclion of the slream bank approximately sevenleen feet (17') long has been heavily eroded and the plant material in the area has worn away. The purpose of lhe projecl is to reduce further erosion and potential siltation. The Design Review Board approved the design review application for Pirateship Park at its July 7,2004 public hearing. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Plannino and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approvaUapproval with condition9denial of a floodplain modification applicalion. Desion Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority ol a floodplain modificalion, but must review any accompanying Design Review application. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluales whether or not the Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a memo containing background on the property and provides a statf evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. tv. V. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town ol Vail Zonino Requlations fiitle 12. VailTown Code) ) Section 12-1 2-2, APPLICABI LITY An environmental impad report shall be submitted to the Administrator for any project for which such a report is required by Federal or State law, or for any project which the Administrator determines may significantly change the environment, either during onstruction or on a mntinuing basis, in one or more of the following respects: A. Alters an ecologicalunit or land form, such as a ridgeline, saddle, draw, ravine, hillside, cliff, slope, creek, marsh, watercourse, or other natural land form feature. B. Directly or indirectly affects a wildlife habitat, feeding, or nesting ground. C. Alters or removes native grasses, trees, shrubs, or other vegetative cover. D. Affects the appearance or character of a significant scenic area or resource, or involves buildings or other structures that are of a size, bulk, or scale that would be in marked contrast to natural or existing urban features. E. Potentially results in avalanche, landslide, siltation, settlement, flood, or other land form change or hazard to health and safety. F. Discharges toxic or thermally abnormal substances, or involves use of herbicides or pesticides, ot emits smoke, gas, steam, dust, or other particulate matter. G. lnvolves any process which results in odor that may be objectionable or damaging. H. Requires any waste treatment, cooling, or settlement pond, or requires transportation of solid or liquid wastes to a treatment or disposal site. l. Discharges significant volumes of solid or liquid wastes. J. Has the potentialto strain the capacity of existing or planned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other utility s/stems. K. lnvolves any process which generates noise that may be offensive or damaging. L. Either displaces significant numbers of people or results in a signilicant increase in population. M. Preempts a site with potential recreational or open space value. N. Alters local traffic pafterns or causes a significant increase in traffic volume or transit service needs. 3 ls a part of a larger project which, at any future stage, may involve any of the impacts listed in this Section. (Ord. 8(1973) S 16.200) " Section 12-12-3, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS, EXEMPT PROJECTS An environmental impact report shall not be required for the following projects: Alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvements. A phase of a project for which an environmental impact report previously was submitted and reviewed uvering the entire project, provided that the project was approved and n ot s ubs eq u ently altered. A project which, on the basis of a preliminary environmental assessmenf covering each of the factors prescribed in Section J 2:!2-:2 of this Chapter is tound to have an insignificant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmental assessrnent and the finding on environmental impact shall be made by the Administrator. (ord.8(1973) S 16.300) o. B. c. Section 1 2-2't -1 0E, HAZARD R EG ULATIONS, DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTED (in part) A. No structure shall be built in any flood hazard zone or red avalanche hazard area. No structure shall be built on a slope of forty percent (40%) or greater except in Single-Family Residential, Two-Family Residential, or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Districts. The term "structure" as used in this Section does not include recreational structures that are intended for seasonal use, not including residential use. E. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to modify the flood plain by fill, construction, ch4nnelization, grading, or other similar changes, to submit for review an environmental impact statement in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Tttle, to establish that the work will not adversely affect adjacent properties, or increase the quant$ or velocity of flood waters. Toqn of Vail Development Slandards Handbook fiitle 14. VailTown Code) Chapter 14-6, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS HANDBOOK, GRADING STANDARDS (in part) Ftoodplain Standards: No grading is permitted in the 100-year floodplain without Planning and Environmental Commission approval. lf an applicant wishes to grade into the 100-year floodplain, an environmental impact report is required. The environmental impact report shall include impacts to vegetation, riparian areas, appropriate hydraulic engineering calculations to show no increase in vt. water surtace profile and velocity, as well as stating that there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties. No permanent improvements shall be constructed within 1'of the floodplain line. The floodplain line shallbe determined by a registered professional land surveyor by plotting the appropriate elevation of the floodplain on a maximum 1'-20'topographic 2' contour map using the adopted Town of Vail flood profiles (the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood lnsurance Study). The topographic survey shall revealthe method tor determining the starting point and the starting elevation for the floodplain delineation. A site specific study pertormed by a Professional Engineer per FEMA guidelines and approved by the Town of Vail and FEMA may be required. PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT In accordance with Sub-section 12-12-3C, VailTown Code, Staff has conducted a preliminary environmenlal assessmenl covering each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2, Vaif Town Code. Ihe applicant's response to the criteria in sub-section 12-12-3 has been attached for additional reference (Attachment D). A. Alters an ecological unit or land form, such as a ridgeline, saddle, draw, ravine, hillside, cliff, slope, creek, marsh, watercourse, or other natural land form fealure. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on these factors. B. Directly or indirectly aflects a wildlile habitat, feeding, or nesting ground. Staff response: This proposalwill have an insignificant impact on these factors. C. Atters or removes native grasses, lrees, shrubs, or other vegetative cover. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor since native grasses and vegetation are non-existent due lo erosion. D. Attects the appearance or character of a significant scenic area or resource, or involves buildings or other structures that are of a size, bulk, or scale that would be in marked contrasl to natural or existing urban features. Staff response:This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. E. Potentially results in avalanche, landslide, siltation, seltlement, flood, or other land form change or hazard to health and safety. Staff response:This proposal will have an insignilicant impact on this factor. F. Discharges loxic or thermally abnormal substances, or involves use ol herbicides or pesticides, or emits smoke, gas, sleam' dust, or olher ) particulate matter. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to this proposal. G. Involves any processwhich results in odor that may be objectionable or damaging. Staff response: This factor is not applicable lo this proposal. H. Requires any waste treatment, cooling, or settlement pond, or requires transportation of solid or liquid wasles lo a treatment or disposal site. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to lhis proposal. l. Discharges significant volumes of solid or liquid wastes. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to this proposal. J. Has the potential lo slrain the capacity of existing or planned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other utility systems. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to this proposal. K. lnvolves any process which generates noise that may be offensive or damaging. Staff response: This factor is nol applicable to this proposal. L. Either displaces significant numbers of people or results in a significant increase in population. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to this proposal. M. Preempts a site with potential recreational or open space value. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to this proposal. N. Alters local traffic patterns or causes a slgnificant increase in traffic volume or transit service needs. Statf response: This factor is nol applicable to this proposal. O. ls a part of a larger project which, at any future stage, may involve any of the impacts listed In this section. Staff response: This factor is not applicable to this proposal. vil.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall consider the followino criteria when reviewinq an application Jor a modification to the floodolain: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. Staff response: Though the width of the streambed will increase slightly, the quantity or velocity of flood waters would not be affected. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will nol adversely attect adjacent properties. Staff response: This proposal will not adversely affect adjacent properties, a fact which the Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has reviewed and confirmed. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before aoprovinq a floodplain modification: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood walers. 2. The proposed floodplain modificalion will not adversely affect adjacent properties. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve, with conditions, the proposed floodplain modification, pursuant 1o Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for the stabilization of a portion of the stream bank of Mill Creek West located at Pirateship Park, 340 Hanson Rinch Road, Tract E /ail Village 5'h Filing. Staff's recommendation is based on the review of the criteria in Section Vll ol this memorandum and the evidence presented, subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed lloodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. 3. Pursuant to Section 12-12-3, Vail Town Code, submittal ol an Environmental lmpact Report is not required for this proposal. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this floodplain modification request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: vilt_ ' 1. The applicant shall submit a stamped lmprovemert Location Certificale and ' "as-built" lopographic survey to the Town of Vail Community Development r Department for review and approvgl, prior to Town of Vail final construction . inspection. 2. The applicant shall comply wilh all requirements of all necessary state and federal permits and approvals. IX. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Site plan and cross section of wotk C. US Army Corps of Ergineers approval letter D. Applicant's response E. Public Notice Attachment A it ri6.Ei59t*,i tsE =€!t TTEI TE;e EErE i$ !rst A9 i5:r I i R I t ttr bro tl l- Attachment B -XooE= P.E #E E -V := c"l -l- -O $Aug;2@g'ic E8 E3(Lfr nZcil b(LEutXFw, au o tl o o o t-^lslv12z 3(L oooJ LL 1! o .*. ilg . *e" ) --, . c3ee*'$- /---"-' {,\Lt t 4 I I I>Yut z> Pfr E3(r =ox=o-tIIL Yz anEEL.F = (t)Xoeziadi efr =odt ulul x.FtuloJ rl I3l/-l 2=o<=c<, 53 \o' co cO co /....- co -- t ,b tltF id @ C)o HE G =R sooC! + (U lz o ->co (E s -oo U) Eoaoo-o (L co CU ocotr .Y (U(L o- -cao (t' IL zotru r.u @ CN U)otrr) t .= € -cx[J t\\ +\ lrzI't.-tltl+l'zu o2FJ C)luoo anog,o fi\\og \\ H f; \\ F T r\e \ \\:* -.t ,Jo) ol \o,Oe+ *t \I 8l ; O:+ :t :^ '. CiPo t Nf of r.)se 3l 3 l.- qB < F.l96 =trEG =ulxdt*o F lu aEoz lrJoo (9zFa,xul I I I I I o o gEss p.h HE Bff.oG eE20 '.i<<oJ< zo F oo l- I L EgE s ilfrs adxFUJ U' r*o;rul esb<FF =48(rrLtt tEfi =95= 5HHil E FEgfrg Attachment C REPLYTO ATIENTION OF DEPARTMENT OFTHE ARMY U.S. ARMY ENGTNEEH DISTRICT, SACR.AMENTO CORPS OF ENGINEEBS 1325 J STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNTA 9581 +2922 .lune I , 2004 (200475224\Regulatory Branch Mr. Gregg Barrj.e Town of Vail 1309 Elkhorn DriveVai1. Colorado 8155? Dear Mr. Barrie 3 t.'1,We are responding to your May 11 , 2004, reguest for a Department of the Army permit for the Pirateship Park and Mi1l Creek streambank stabili.zation project,. This project involvesactivities, including discharges of dredged or fill material , inwaters of the United States to reconstruct the right descendj-ng bank of Mill Creek at Pirateship Park. This site is locaEedwithin Ehe NW l/4 of Sectj-on 8, Townshj.p 5 South, Range 80 West, Latj.tude 39" 38' 22.5", L,ongitude LO6" 22t 18.5", Eagle CounEy, Col-orado. Based on the informat:-on you provided, the proposed activityis authorized by Nat.ionwide General pernit number 13. Your work must comply with the general Eerms and conditions listed on the enclosed Nationwide PermiE, rnformation sheets and the followinqspecial conditions: Special Conditj-ong: 1. To documenE pre and post-proiecE const,ructionconditions, you shal1- submit pr. "i-ta io"t-.on=Eruction photos ofthe project site wiE,hin 30 days after project completion. 2. You shall plant and maintain regJ.onally appropriaEenative riparian plants at a l:1 replacement rati.o along the affect.ed reach of Mill- Creek, to mitigate project impact,s to Ehe aquaCic resource anci assoc:ated habitat as presented in your application. 3. You must sign and return the enclosed CompJ-ianceCertificaLion t,o t,his office within 30 days after completion ofthe work. This verification is valid for two years from the date ofthis let.ter, or untj-L the Nationwide General permit is modifiedor explres, whichever comes first, It is incumbent upon you to remain informed about changes tothe Nationwide Permit Program and to ensure that all contract and construct,ion personnel are familiar with the terms and conditionsof this permit. Please refer to identification number 200475224in correspondence concerning this project. If you have any guestions, please contact Mr. Mark Gilfillanat t,he address below, email Mark.A.Gilfillan@usace.army.mil, or telephone 970-243-LL99, extension 15. You may also use the Regu1at,ory Permits link on our websiEe: www.spk.usace.anny.miT. blorado/cunnison Basin aEory Office 400 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand'Junction, Colorado 81501-2563 Enclosures Copy furnished wiEhouE enclosures: Mr. Ron D. Velarde, Colorado DiviEion of Wildlife, 7lL IndependenU Avenue, Grand ilunction, Colorado 81501 Eagle County, Post Office Box 850, Eagle, Colorado 8L631 ly, Attachment D Department of Public Works & Transportalion ],309 Elkhorn Drive l/ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com To: Bill Gibson, Planner Department of Community Development From: Chad Salli Town of Vail Flood Plain Coordinator RE: Pirateship Park Slream Bank Stabilization Date: June 1,2004 Pursuant to Section 12-12-g (A)and (C) of the Town of Vail Code, the Pirateship Park Bridge Replacement Project will not require an Environmental lmpact Report (ElR) lor the following reasons: 12-12-3: Anenvironmentalimpactreportshallnotberequiredforthefollowingproiects: A. Alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site imprcvements' This project is required maintenance on a well used and worn area in an existing park in order lo prevent further stream bank erosion and sedimentation. C. A project which, on the basis ofa preliminary environmental assessment coveing each ofthefactors prescribed in Section I2-12-2 ofthis Chapter isfound to have an insignificant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmental assessment and the finding on environmental inpact shall be made by the Administrator. Through a preliminary environmental assessment of the items in Section 12-12-2,lhe Administrator has tound that this project will have insignificant impact on ltems A,B,C,D,E, and O. The remaining items are not applicable to this proiect' Also, after reviewing existing floodplain information and considering the net increase of the stream cross section at this location, it is my opinion that the conslruction of this project will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Sincerely,#$&"r.r. Chad Salli Town ol Vail Floodplain Coordinator {g *""""uo ror"* Attachment E TH]S ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE -S# NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on July 12, 2004, at 2:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a major amendment to a Special Development District (SDD), pursuant to Section 12-94-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to Special Development District No.4, Cascade Village, to allow for a new development area located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for stream bank stabilization within the Mill Creek floodplain, located at Tract E, Vail Village Filing 5 (near Pirate Ship Park), and setting for details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: ElisabethEckel The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2'138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is avaihble upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (97O) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published June 25, 2004, in the Vail Daily. tr Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500B Minor Subdivision $650n Exemption Plat $650E Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Development District $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (n o exh rior mod i fi ca tion s) Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teL 970.479.2t39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General fnformation: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requeSed. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: RECE,UED J{r'i'J U 1 ;,,q.,, $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 tr u€onditional Use Permit€f FloodplainModificationtr Minor Exterior Alterationtr Major Exterior Alterationtr Development PlanB Amendment to a Development Plantr Zoning Code AmendmentE Variancetr Sign Variance Description of the Request: N+z,'t <- J.z\ | L! C 24-e-u- L )e tf *4- ? | €aAc-.B * rp ?*+-sc Location of the Proposall. J-P.-Bacff.- Subdivision: -TP-r[c-:t- E Vaau Vre^,.a'"r . 5rH Physical Addrcss: Parcel No.: Zla lobLl2-eob (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:N/A Name(s) of Owner(s):t C a),-/ Ot- Vur- Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:&o-n ^ -L^.ora Mailing Address:t3o1 C-.: i+o.,2-t Drz-^u t- Va< - 8tt"5'l Phone: 1'lo - Ll11-2-331 E-mail Address: Paee I of3-04/08/04 TOI'N#JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Depaftment for the proposed improvemenb to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of 3-04/O8/04 r0r4il\,t) Floodplain Modifi cation Submittal Requirements I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Fee: $400.00 o Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of the propefi ownens adjacent to the subiect property, including properties behind and across streets. The list of property owners shall include the owners' name(s), corresponding mailing address, and the physical address and legal description of the propefi owned by each. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses, This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. / fiU" Repoft, including Schedules A & B. o Written approval from a condominium arsociation, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. o Existing and Proposed Site and Grading Plans (Four complete sets). o Topographic suruey (Four copies). o wetlands Report from a qualified environmental consultant (Iwo copies). o Hydraulic Analysis from a licensed Professional Engineer (Two copies). o Environmental Impact Report, see Chapter l2-I2,Yail Town Code. o All plans must also be submitted in 8.5'x 11" reduced format. These are required for the Planning and Environmental Commission memberJ information packets. o Additional Material: The Administrator and/or PEC may require the submission of addltional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessry to properly evaluate the proposal. Paee 3 of 3-04/08/04 Depaltment of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkharn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t 58 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com Pirateship Park Streambank Stabilization Planning and Envaronmental Commlssion Appllcatlon Applicant: Town of Vail, Colorado Attn: Gregg Barrie 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Phone:(970) 479-2337 Fax: (970) 479-2166 Property Owner; Town of Vail, Colorado 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 8'|657 Project Location: Pirateship Park, near Vail Village, along West Mill Creek. Purpose of the Work: The project site is adiacent to an exisling playground. Mill Creek West is accessible from the play area, and due to heavy use over approximately 30 years, a section of stream bank approximately 17' long is heavily eroded, and plant material has worn away. The purpose of the proiect is to stabilize the eroded section of bank to reduce potential siltation and further erosion. See photographs, Exhibit 3. Proposed Work: The town proposes to excavale a portion of the existing bank, and to place 5 or 6 boulders along the stream edge so that the face of the boulders is in the same location as the existing bank. The boulders will be placed as steps into the stream. The top of bank will be leveled to create a path from the play area to the creek. An additional step will be added approximately 10'from the edge of stream to make up the grade. See cross section, Exhibit 4. The work will be performed during early September of 20O4 in order to take advantage ol another project on lhe same waterway. As part of the Vail Village Streetscape Project, Mill Creek West will be temporarily diverted into Mill Creek East (though Goldel0_Pgg0 in order to replace the culverts under Hanson Banch Road. By coordinating the two p-ojects, sediment and erosion during conslruction will be eliminated. Therelore, the work can be performed with no impacts to flowing water. Because no work will be required to the actual stream bed, there will be no need for ongoing silVerosion control or dewatering on this project. After the boulders have been placed, any remaining dirt or sediment that may be a result of the work ft will be removed from the stream bed. The work will take no more than 2 days, and will be completed prior to releasing water back into Mill Creek West. f,tp ^u.,",oo 'u"^ Extent of lmpacts: The quantity of fill below the level of the 100 year flood plain elevation is estimated to be a net of zero or less cubic feeVlinear foot. The face ol the boulders to be placed will encroach only slightly into the stream lrom the existing eroded edge, however bystepping the stream bank back, the cross section of the stream will actuallyincrease in size. The length of stream bank atfected is approximately lT linear feet. Wetland lssues: The banks of Mill Creek West through the project area have been delineated as wetlands both north and south of the project area, however fhe actual-$tabilzatiou{ork does.nqkcculin-wetlands due tq A complgtg_lack of .veoetation in\thglfigq]ec!_qea. Therefore, no wetlands will be impacted as part of lhE work. FieaseGee Exhibit 2 for the extents of the wetlands, and the location ol the project, and Exhibit 5 lor the delineation report. Excavated Materlals: Excavated materials will be disposed of as part of the playground renovation work at an otfsite location. Attached Exhlblts: Exhibit 1: Title Report Exhibit 2 (a & b): Plan Views of site (4 copies) Exhibit 3: Photos of the existing site Exhibit 4: A cross section of the proposed improvements (4 copies) Exhibit 5: Wetland Delineation Report Exhibit 6: Letter addressing Environmental lmpact Report Exhibit 7: Letter addressing hydraulic concerns Department of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2 166 www.vailgov.com To: Bill Gibson, Planner Department ol Community Development From: Chad Salli Town of Vail Flood Plain Coordinator RE: PirateshiD Park Stream Bank Stabilization Date: June 1,2004 Dear Bill: After reviewing the plans for the stream bank stabilization work along Mill Creek West at Pirateship Park, it appears that lhe work will not create significant impact to the flow ol Mill Creek. The boulders are to be set along the historic edge of the stream. The erosion that has occurred in this area is due to heavy foot traffic from the nearby play area, and not from changes in the hydraulics of the creek. k rner*orelgpgpqtloTlr,oogi_ngrhould not be required forthe purposes ol this project. Sincerely,<-?ge?a 7-F Chad Salli, P.E. Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator {} ^"","""' o'""^ Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. VC274766.4 Cust. Ref.: l. a Schedule A Property Address: TRACT E, VAIL VILLAGE, FIFTH FILING Effective Date: December 17 ,2002 at 5:00 P.M. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Information Binder Proposed Insured: THE VAIL CORPORATION. A COLORADO CORPORATION 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and t A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: THE VAIL CORPORATION. A COLORADO CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: TRACT E, VAIL VILLAGE FIFTH FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED APRIL 25, 1995 IN BOOK 665 AT PAGE 983. COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO. ?tol oT?-'q"pog €cq # Dotsttl covered herein is: a ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionI (Requirements)Our Order No. YC27 47 66.4 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. VC274766-4 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of panies in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspcction of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent ro rhe effective dare hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estale or interest or moflgage thereon covered by this Commilment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which arc not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7 . Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addirion, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereoi. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475 AND IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 20, I9O5 IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 51I. 10. RICHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHOR]TY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475 AND IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 20, 1905 IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 51I, I I, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANTS (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAPPED PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 05. 1965, IN BOOK I87 AT PAGE 353 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 30. I97I, IN BOOK 22I AT PAGE 496 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 03, 1977,IN BOOK 253 AT PAGE 48 AND AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUCUST 27, T984IN BOOK 393 AT PAGE 492. la o U) I I I I I 1 t FX @ b b =E=\J Al-FYO NtPE H FsFE i rt2.*-.3 s iEm XE F-(Ld l-^\l€lv12 .\ \..\ t'.\ \ " .o \.. \ 1 ri \ A.\l->-.'lEJ\Ytl*'<Ll6 =F a I.t$ ( la FYLl-ooE= LYO <eF E ft-FE Ij-:-4 E@-a=c E8s3o-d -oN .= -o -cx UJ I I>Yttr z= Pfi E3(r =ox=o-E ft ol I.l/-l 26 TE, g= \ IJJ\o o o - lt-Jl o tl .U an U' lIJE Fo uJo o tuttoF (t,oz llJ F z =IJJz f u-o uloo uJ Vz --/ --/" ->----=- . u.tgat .r' ,,- - a\( /_ ---. oRo- i' N,\L" / t--i €lr12 ,r"'',/. _ ,.__/"- -./ ,,(l ui (l Y\z\ Er 'a) OC (f ( -)= 2fi9trl-F ^s,e2 -.tY 6p =Ej odt utultF E IJJoJ -a o tl -9o(Ja l--\l€13t2 $oo(\l + o .Y o co (u .N -o(u a Eo U'oo-o (L co (U ocot lz o(L o- -cU)o (U (L zo trr) ]U ct) U) U)otrJ $ .= -o .C,xul .tt b+' ; ',|--2lo) It-.-IItltl+r'zu o= FJo LIJU'oo E.o I t + +r ; +q O o) + N+qs; s O) l'. @ IL oulo av.o(,z F anxul I I I \; ttq O o) I'\ o, frfi3b<!r 2-e E$tp lrJ o \JH =FcJo)l Fr<o9tEulir, @XoutF OO o o anuloo =ulF U' lr.o uJ E JJ z utFF 5l!oFo uJ UJul o llJoJfodt J z.IE zot- ()oJ b&E ffE:g g PE* fril3? 6dxF IIJo r6' 3H &rb<FF =48tr+E =mE eJJ-'Itll lr J O-6;d oF:H; 8 3#H*$ #5tf; ii =e I Exhibit 3 Site Photographs Exhibit 3 (continued) ? DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES , ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Permit #: 804-0219 Job Address:Status.. . : ISSUED Location.......: 3,10 HANSON RANCH ROAD (APPROX.) Applied. . : 08/1812004 Parcel No....: 210108242008 Issued...: 09/02/2004 Expires. . .: 03/01/2005hojectNo.:fp.pf -oO? OWNER VAIL CORP 08/L8/2004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAII.,co 81658 License: CONTRACTOR,1 .L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 08/L8/2004 Phone: 970-476-3082 I.OOO S FRONTAGE RD W, #202 VAII, CO 8t557 License: 1,88-A APPLICANT ,1.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 08/L8/2004 Phone: 970-475-3082 ]-OOO S FRONTAGE RD W, #202VAII CO 815s7 License: 188-A Desciption: PIRATESHIP PARK AND SITE WORK Occupancy: U TlpeConstruction: VN TlpeVNon-Rated Tlpe Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $299.000.00 Add SqFr 0 Fireplace lnfonnation: Restrictcd: # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 raa*i'trrir*t:r'rr*ar*rtlta*aa,la'taa'ta'l Building-> 52,108.15 R€stuaant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculat€d Fees--> 53,481.45 plan Chock-> 51,320.30 trf,B f66*.._-----y $O.OO Additional Fees-- - 53,481-.45) Investigation-> S0 . OO Redration Fee---------> S0 . OO Total P€rmir Fee----> S0 . 00 Will Call----> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit---> 50.00 Paym€ns---------> 50'00 TOTAL FEES--------> S3,481.4s BALANCE DUE-------> 50.00 *attrt*ltat*aa*t:rt Approvals: It,em: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEIIT 09/02/2004 cdavis Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTI,IEI{T 08/L8/2004 bgibson Actsion: AP Itern: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT IIem: O55OO PUBLIC WORKS tt*tt tal tl.t t,:+r']: See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requird completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wilh all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning desipreview . approved Uniforcr Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADETWENTY.FOURHOURS IN ADVANCEBY OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. FORHMSELF A}ID OWNER PAGE 2:t*'l+||*'l***l.'t*,t***'}***|'t*'lt't**'s****'t*'t'}***'t**|t***{.***'t**'t***|'t*:tf:f******t't***'|'t***'}**'f*t}*l't*'l** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 80,TO219 as of 0942-2004 Status: ISSUED **t*t:ltt**l'll*+*'t+ttli**t**t+t*tt*l*f l**'i{r'lr**t'}l*!ttrtrtttllrttt*i,t!t*!i*,t**:tlrtrtt*tf 'lt'}t't{t'l'*'3'+lr***,}*'}*ti**t***'}'} PermitTlpe ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: 0811812004 Applicant J.L. VIELECONSTRUCTION Issued: 09102/20M 970476-3082 To Expire: 03/01/2005 Job Address: location: 340 HANSON RANCH ROAD (APPROX.) ParcelNo: 210108242008 Description: PIRATESHIP PARK AND SITE WORK Conditions: Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. APPLICATION o WILL NOT ll BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project #:ov- 0t? Buildinq Permit #: It/EO $t! CONTRACTOR TNFORMATION 7 t? MWNOPVi,IL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 Trst.-FT nlcal, ( ^.- tl7l-3a12 qv_i/, ureAE (o" MECHANICAL: $ PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970'328'8640 or visit krce-t#2/n/ o92L/2(T{ too*^ ,P,ok s1,,, Poil( naeae4e<Job Address: Legat Description ll Lot ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivisionl Owner#ame: lt,;/A,9l8F anrt^^ Dl 6r-*, &tnz Phonei V7? -293 7 ArchitecVDesigner:{a'ni a., nczhi/--7 Address:Phone: Engineer.a _ For, l,Address: Ua ,,1 C9 phone: y76 _2170 Detailed description df work: f;DvoL <1,t ^.../ I' l. u,tor K WorkClass: New('f-Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Dem91, I Other( ) - WorkType: Interior( ) Exteriorffi- Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No P4 TypeofB|dg.:Single-fami|y()Two-fami|y()Mu|ti.fami|y()commercia|()Restaurant()Other,'(L No. of Accommodation Units in this building: -A- NoffvpeofFireplacesExisting: GqsAppliances( )GasLogs( )Wood/Pellet( )WoodBurning( ) //zl-- No/Tvpe of Fireplaces ProPosed:ffiExist Yes( ) NoF{. *********r*****t****t*****s***i*****FoR oFFICE USE ONLY*******t***t*t*******************i**** ffic'D AUG 17 20s4 F:\UsersuSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC 07 t28n004 WHEN A'PUBLtr WAY PERMIT' IS REQUIRED PIEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOTTOWTNG QUESTDNS REGARDTNG THE NEED FOR A ?UBLtr WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residerre? YES NOXt| o o o o tr Does demolition work being performed. requirc the use of the Right€f-Way, easemenE or public property? YES X NO- Is any utility work needed? YES NOK Are here any improvemenb being done to the driveway ? YES- NO K Is a diftrent access needed b the sib other than he exbting driveway? YES- NO >( Is any drainage wol1< being done that affecE he Rightof-Way, easemenB, or public property? YES x, NO_ Is a 'Revocable Right{f-Way Permit" required? YES NO Is the Right-of-Way, easemenB or public property to be used for sbging, pad<ing or fencing? YES_X_ NO_ If answer is NO, is a parking, sbging or fencing plan required by Public Woda?YES NO If you answered YES b any of these questions, a Public Way Permit" must be obbined. ?ublic Way Permit"applicatjons may be obtained at the Public Workb office or atCommunity Developnent (a sample is If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at479-2198. I HAVE READ Arr THE ABOVE QUESTiONS. )' /, U,z L 6n.h..-{oa .T'".. Signature PrcjectName: P,r, {, </,f D" '/ Signed:6-t7 -ov F:\UsersUSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC F .,ava ^,^aa ,f^r6c /hl.l^aErra Company Name 07 t2812004 PRI #: PW#: r0t4,l\,m APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC W,AY P Parcer #: 2JaL- O,8_2- !2- O_OB Bldg. Permit #: Street Address l. 2. Job Name Conhactor Name Mail Address (lfunknoun call TOV Contractor License Number - REQUIRED (Permit Expiration Date)@4. Completion Date Wrter Sewer Grs Electric Telephone CATVWork is for (circle one) Other 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Length Depth Total sF $ 6. 1 Bond Amount $Permit Fee $ Total LF Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATEzuAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are requircd on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket and lugs shall b€ protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review ofthe area and utility locations and approval. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option ofrouting application through the Public Workr offce to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow up to one week to process. Xcel Energr / Public Service Company ( I -800-922- I 987) Xcel Enerry High Prrssure (1-800-922-1987) Quest (1-800-922-1987) Comcast Cable (l-80G922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (97M76-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company ( I -800-922-19E7) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Inigation (970479-2158) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction tra{fic control plan must be submitled and approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of rbe permit. 9. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). 10. Permittee musr contact the Public Works Depaflment at 476-2198 24 hours prior to commencins of work. Failure to Notify the Town will result in forfeiture ofbond money. Scheduled inspections that are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I l. I certiry that I have rcad all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all uiility Company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as requir€d. Contractor's Sigrature of Agrcement Print name clearly ATTACH PLAN OF WORK,INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show street with names, buildings, and location of cuts. UsE DASH LINES FoR cUT. FlUsersUSuther\newBLDGPERM. DOC l)ate ofsierature White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor 07t28t2004 tl rumv0P PUBLT WORKS AND THE PUBLtr WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out he attached check list wih he Buildinq Permit Aoplication. If yes uns answered b any of he questions hen a Yublic Way" permit is rcquircd. You can pick up an application at either Community Development locaEd at 75 South Fronbge Road or Public Works. locabd at 1309 Elkhom Drive. Notice signoffs br utility companies. ALL utiliUes must field veriff (locaE) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies rcquire up b 48 hourc notice b schedule a locaE. A constuction taffic control/sbging plan must be prepared on a separaE sheet of paper. An approved siE plan may abo be used. This plan will show locations of all taffic control devices (signs, cones, eb.) and he work zone, (area of consbuction, sbging, eb.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need b be resubmitbd for consideraUon for appmval through he winbr. Be awarc that your resubmission for winEr may be denied depending on the location of constr:ction. Skehh of work being performed mrst be submitbd indicating dimens'rons (lengh, widft and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a siE plan for the !rb. Submit compleEd application tc he Public Work's office for review. If required, locabs will be scheduled for the Town of Vail elecbicians and irrigation crcw. The locaEs bke place in the moming, but may require up b 48 hourc b perform. The Public Work's Constuction Inspecbr will review he application and approve or deny the permit. You will be conbcbd as b the sbh:s and any requircments that may be needed. Most permits arc released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up b one (1) week b prccess. As soon as the permit is apprcved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building PermiU'b be released. Please do not confuse he Yublic Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above pn cess b for rltlork in a public rrvay ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is rcquired each year if uork js not Re-application each November 15th does not 07 n8r2004 ll TOWTTOF DMINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read end check off each of the items below: The Town of Vail Building Deparfnent has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the consbuction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depadrnent. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agrced to by: Print Name Project Name: Date Signed:9'rz oT t/. F:\UsersuSuthennev'/tsLDGPERM. DOC ut.-/'..\ 07na2w4 tl TDRII'Of BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-fami[ permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take five (5) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if Sre permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: o"te, 8-(7-o/ F:\UsersuSulher\net TBLDGPERM.DOC u./-1 07 t28t20u o ilding Team ll r0hh,m at479-2128 Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Checklist must be amoleted beforc a Buildino Petmit aooh'affion is acceotd, u All pages of application is complete o Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form o Condominium Association letter of approval attached lf project is a Multi-Family complextr Plan Check Fee required at submitbl for projects valued over $25000.00 (See atbched Consbuction Fee Schedule for calculations) a Complete site plan submitted a Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works drecklist) o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaoe allowed on rcadwavs and shoulders without writbn aooroval B Asbestos test and resulE submitted if demolition is occurringa Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) s Full floor plans including building sections and elewUons(4 seb of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) n Wndow and door schedule o Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structurd plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetraUons indicated o Smoke detectors shown on plans a Types and quantity offireplaces shown I have r€ad and understand the above listed submittal requircments: Questions? Call the Bu Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F:\UsersuSutheAnewBLDGPERM.DOC Received By: oTPS2OM ll NWN0p MATERNL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTDN PARKNG Please read and check ofr each of the ibnr below. (Copies of compleE Ext are available upon request) CODE 5.2.10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLT WAYS PROHIBITED $Anlawfut deposits: SubFct b subsection C thereof, it b unlawful fur any pemon b litEr, tack orv depmi! or cause b be litbred, b"cked or deposiEd, sand, gra\/el, rocks, mud, di( snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. 1--' 6f-Nonce; Abatement: The Direcbr of Public Wo*s may notiff and require any person who violaEs or causes anofier b violab the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Direcb/s employment a person who violaEs or causes anoiher to violaE the same, bp remove srrh sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt snow, ice or any other debris or mabrial wihin twenty four (2a) hous afur receipt of said notice by he Direcbr of Public Work. In the event the person so noUFred does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, he Direcbr of Public Worts, or other auhorized agen! may cause any srch sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt snow, ice, debris or any other mabrial b be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Sumrrcns and Penaltyr As an alEmauve b the notice fur removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violabs or causes anoher b violate the same, may be issued a summons b appear before the Municipal Court of the Town br said viohtions, and upon being bund guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. I\&ibtice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any peson to ftil or refuse b comply with the notice of the Direcbcr of Public Works as prcvided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addiUon to payment of the expense of removal incuned by Ure Direcbr of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being fuund guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979), CODES 7-3A-IAND 7-3A-3: PARKNG OBSTRUCTING TMFFD & IMPOUNDMENTAUTHORZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any oher place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as b inErEre with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1)/ { Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle atEnded or unatbnded, sbnding upon any poftion of a-fet-or upon any place within fris Municipality in such a manner as b constitub a violation of any section of this Article, or left unatEnded fur a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed b be abandoned under the condiUons prescribed by Colorado Revbed Sbtubs section 424-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle b be removed or cause it to be remoued and placed in sbrage in the nearest gamge or other place of safety designaEd or maintained by his Municipality, and he charges for bwing and sbnge of such vehicle shall be charged b the owner of fie vehich in addition b a En dollar ($10) impoundmentcharge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: El0Jcdig$dennewBLDGPERM. Doc 07/28nO04 ^ RECEI\JED ?q " GENERAL NOTES This structure hos been designed to meet the requirements of the 1997 Uniform Building Code with omendments os odopted by the Town of Voil. All omissions or conflicts betyveen vorious elements of the working drowlngs ond/or specificotions sholl be brought to the ottention of the Structurol Engineer before proceeding with ony work eo inrolved. The Generol Controctor sholl verify oll dimensions ond conditions of the job site ond sholl be r€sPonsibl€ for the meons, methods, techniques, sequenc€s ond procedures ossocioted with this project. Furthermore, he sholl be responsible for coordinotion of oll work ond moteriols including those fumished by subcbntroctors. The Structurol Engineer sholl be contocted during the construction phose to moke the job slte inspections necessory to conflrm thot the octuol fleld conditions ore consistenet with the design ossumptions ond thot the construction is proceeding occordlng to the plons ond speciflcotions. Live Loods Used In Deslgn: Decks Eorthquoke lt\lind 100 psf Zone 1 UBC 60 mph, Exposure B The foundotion design for this structure is bosed upon on ossumod beoring copocity of 1000 psf, A licensed Soils Engineer sholl inspect the site during excowtion to confirm thot octuol soils nolues ore consistent with this ossumption. OfficeGopy B,Il. oJlQ GENERAL NOTES PIRATE SHIP PIRATE SHIP PARK VAIL, COLORADO boY. .nglnlarlng, lnc. 143 c. mlodor dr. crurroodr rhopplng cantt wn, colcodo 81657 97O /476-2170 /176-,1,t6:t lor SPECIFICATI ON S Afl 2x froming lumber to be Wolmonized {2 Hem-Fir or better. All concrete for wolls ond footings to ottoln o compresslve strength of 3000 psl in 28 dop. All reinforcing bors to be Grode 60. All steel bolts sholl conform to ASTI/ A325 specificotions. All tube steel sholl conform to ASTU A500 specificotions. All steel beoms, chonnels, plote ond ongles sholl conform to AST}I A56 specificotions. SPECIFICATIONS PIRATE SHIP PIRATE SHIP PARK VAIL, COLORADO bot. .nglno*|ng, Inc. 1,i5 c, m.odou dr. Grglcrooda Cropplng ctrtlr YEI. colorodo E1057 S7 O / 17 8-21 7 O 476-rt38:t fo. ooI I t I I I I I I Proledl|ailral For ' Pirateship Park Renovation Profect TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKSYTRANSPORTATION 1309 Elkhorn Ddve Vail, Colorado 81657 June 21,2d)4 I I I t I I t T I I - Town of Vail 0FfilffiL: frfrPY RECEIVEB t1 I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I . TableofGontents Proposal and Contract Documents 1. Instructilrns to Bidders2. Associated contractors (Engineer, steel Fabricators, Play Equignent suppliers) 3. Introductioh to Playground Salety Guidelines4. ltem Description5. Proposal Form 6. Agreement7. NoticeofAward8. Notace to Proceed Speclfications1. Playqround Safety Guideline Outline 2. Installation of PlaY EquiPment .3. Sliding Board Specification 4- Fun Fone Specification 5. TelescopeSpecification6. TectrnicalSpecifications Part 1 General Notes Part 2 Site Preparation Part 3 Eaflhwork Part 4 Boulder Walls Part5 AggregaleBase Part 6 Cast-in-Place Concrete Part 7 Concrete Walks and Paving Part I Metal Fabrication Parl 9 lrrigation Systerns Pan 10 Landscape Accessories Part 11 Trees, Shrubs, and Groundcovers Paft 12 Sodding I ; I I I I t I I I I I I I t o lnstructlons to Bldders Plrateshlp Park Renovatlon Project Town of Vail June21,2fiX Dear Contrac{or, The Tourn of Vail is seeking a general contractor for the reno\ration of Phateship Park, near the Vista Bahn ski lift. Pirateship Park is an existing play area in Vail. The main playstructure has been in place for over 30 years and is in need of replacement. In general, the work for $is project invofues mnstruc'tion of a custom steel and wood play structure, site grading, concrete sidewalks and bands, boulder placement, and some tandscaping. A more detailed description of the work is attached. The Town would tike to begin the site work on the proiec't soon after Labor Day, with a conpletion date in mid to late October. However, fabrication of he steel'trame of he play stnrture should begin as soon ar; .,. poosible, wi$ delivery from thesteel fabricator sctreduled for hte September. The following Drawings are attached:o C-l CoverSheetc C-2 Existing Conditions and Site Preparation. C-3 Grading and Site Work. C-4 Decking and Site Details. S-1 Structure Plan and Elevations. S-2 Steel Deck Frames. S-3 Side and Center Panels. S-4 Structure Delailsr S-5 Railing Details Additional Drawings to follow in Addendum:o L-l Landscaping Plano l-1 lrrigation Plan. J-2 lrrigalion Details A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Monday, June 28, 2(Xl4 at 1:00 pm at tre To,vn of Vail Depattment of Public Works Administration Building to discuss ffre project and to help answer questions and provide clarification as needed. Proposats should be submitted on the enclosed Proposal Form, and will be opened at the Town of Vail Departrnent ol Public Works at 1309 Elkhorn Drive, Vail, CO 81657 at 3:30 pm on Mondan July 12, 2{Xt4. Proposals may be faxed (970479-2166), mailed, or hand delivered before he above time and date. Proposals received via fax or email will be kept confidential until the time of the bid opening. Bidders do not needt6 be present for acceptance. The selection of the successful contractor will be based on a combination of co6l, project approach and experience. Please direct questions and comments to the Project Manager, Gregg Banie, at (970) 479-2337- I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t Assoclated Contractors Pirateshlp Park Renovation Prolect June 2'1,2(Xl4 The following companies and contractors are familiar with this proj,ect. Structural Engineen Boyle Engineering Tim Boyle Vail, CO 476'2170 Note: oontact Town d Vail.profirci manager for engineering questbns Steel Fabrkntorc, Meyers and Gompany Gib Plimpton Zmmerman Metals, Inc Kevin Orosco Jerry Beauprez Fort @llins 970'49S1973 Note: Both o(the above companies have provided preliminary pricing and technical advice WdenMasts Log ltrowledge EngineeredWd Fiber Churchich Recreation, LLC Stephanie Seaton Ermold Park and Recreation Les Ermold Made in lhe Scfiade Dianne Schade Pby Nets Pucuda, lnc. Basaft, Denver,CO 303-294-0180 Boulder &+729-7529 877-88G5382 Evergreen 888-670-3721 Deep River, CT 800-241-7330 Mirade Play Equipnent Churctricfr Recreation, LLC Stephanie Seaton Boulder gWT29-7529 I I I ; I ; I I I l t I I I I I I I I INTRODUCNON TO PLAYGROUND SAFEW GUIDELINES Plrateshlp Park Bridge Prolect Town of Vall The Town of Vail has adopted a Playground Safety tmprovement Plan. The intent of the plan is to bring all of Vail's play areas, existing and proposed into compliance with the most cunent playground safety guidelines. These guirJelines, published by the Amedcan Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the Consumer Producb Safety Commission (CPSC), cover every aspect ol playgroundsfrom slnrctures, to site uork, to individualplay pieces- The Pirateship Park Renovation Projecf has been designed to comply with these gnridelines. However, as frabrication of the play structure and construstion of the site plan proceed, it is likely that items which do not comply wiih the guidelines will arise and need to be conected. In order to insure that atl playground safety guidelines are met, the Owner offers the following: :.. 1. Outline of Playground Satety Guidelines The Orner will provide an outline of the basic issues to be aware of for fabrication and installation. 2. Playground Safety Guldeline Meeting Prior to construction and any fabrication, all contractors involved in fabrication or installation will be asked to meet with the Owneds Representative tor 1-2 hours to discuss the basic guidelines. This will provide an opportunity for questions and concems, and discussion of specific issues. 3. Onvneds Representative availability The Owner's Representatives will be alailable during construction and fabrication to answerque$aons and to help solve issues vfiich may arise. Contractors are urged to contact Gregg Banie or Todd Oppenheimer with any questions- All parts of the playground must successfulty pass a comprehensive playground safety audit belore it is opened to the public, therefore it is better to ask first than to fix it later. A copy of fte playground safety audat form is available upon request. All contractors involved with trr,is project are expected to ensure that theirwork complies with all applicable national playground safety guidetines. Contractors will be held responsible for items that are specifically tisted on the Outline of Plavoround Safetv Guidelinps provided by the Town, on items covsred in the Playground Safety Guidetine Meeting, and on details and drawings cpvered by this contract ILI I I I I ; t t I I I t I I I ITEM DESCRIMONS Plrateshlp Park Bridge Propct June 21, 2(Xl4 1. General Gonditions LumpSum Includes equipment move-on and move-off, utility locates, temporary utilities, all projects coordination, traffic control, provision of portable toilet facility, erosion control, tree protection, fencing, signage, ard site clean up. Suruey layout shall be included as follows: The owner will pay for one general layout, and one detailed layout after general grading has been completed. The contractor shall be responsibte for protecting points. Additircnal layout at contactor's epense. fi.,:HJ'f.i:l*illo orpoor o,.onfHlloo?lfl Ensineered wood Fiber prayground surracins, stairs, walls, marble slab, stripping and disposal ofsod. 3. Site Grading Lump Sum Strip anO store topsoil,'excavation, haul off, and disposat as needed of on site matedals to grade site to subgrade, bacldll walls and concrete bands, place 4" topsoil is all sod areas, fine grading of topsoil, fine grading of subgrade under play surfacing 4. Dralnage Lump Sum Includes all materials and work required for the installation of 41 underdrain in play area including pipe, fabdc, screened rock, and tie in to existing storm sewel manhole. 5. Boulder Placement Lump Sum Includes provision of site boulders, excavation, subgrade prep, compacted class 6 road base on boulders adjacent to concrete. Boulders shall be 2-4' mixed sized. Placement at direction of Owne/s Representative. Also includes construction of boulder wall between play area and sidewalk. 6. Stream Bank Stabilization Lump Sum Include.s excavation, subgrade prep, provision and placement of boulders, backfill, and cleanup of excarrated materials in creek Permits by others. 7. Concrcte Sldewalk Square Yards Shall include all work required to install 5'wide exposed aggregate sidewalk as indicated on the drawings. Includes 6" aggregate base. 8. Concrete Stairs Lump Sum Includes allwork and materials required to install exposed aggregate stairs as indicated on the plans 9. Site lleckWall Lump Sum Includes all nork and materials required to install the curved concrete wall for the nVharf as indicated on the plans. 1O. Ship Foundation Lump Sum Includes all work and materials including excavation, compaction, subgrade preparation, forming, pouring, steel, and bacldill as required to install the concrete foundation for the Pirateship Play structure. I I I I I T I T I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I 11. Site Deck Footers Each lncfudes all uork and materials required to install 12" x 24" concrete footers and steel knife plates for round wtrarf pilings. 12. Sandstone Steps 2flt Face Square Feet tncludes alt work and materials to install seven (7) 24" x 36" sandstone steps per the drawings. 13. Site Handrails and Railings Lump Sum lrrclgdes steel, fabrication, hardware, sleeves, installation, giming, painting, finishing and all other work and materiats required for handrails and railings on wharf, concrete sleps, and sandstone steps. 14. Pirateship Steel Fabrication Lump Sum lrrcludesshop drawings, coordination with General Contractor and Carpenty_Contractors,. supply, fibriiation, shop assembly and inspection by Onrner and Carpentry Contractor, shipping to SG, field assembly, shop priming and field touch up of alt steelframes, decks, rails, bands, assembly mechanisms and supports, field tracking and final welding and aly o]ller parts' material6, tabor, etc, as needed to @nstruct the steel frame of the Pirateship Play structure as indlcated on the drawings. Also includes an ernaluation of assembly methods to ensure thatthe easiest and most cost effective methods and materials are used in the fabrication and assembly process. 15. Frame Carpentry LumP Sum lndudes materials, hardware, and labor to install all joists, nailers on the Pirateship. Also includes provision and installation of two masts and bowsprit pel drawing specs. Includes stair installations on Pirateship Also includes the construction of the Deck Structure and Transfer Steps including framing, decking, hardurare, and pilings. 16. Finished Carpentry Lump Sum Inctudes all siding, dectiing, trim, hardware, construction and inslallation of portals, installation of play equipment (slide, + tantubes, web climber, netting, ship's wheel, wall climber, the plank, conSnrct and instail ladder, 2 telescopes) Owner to provide slide, talk tubes, web climber' netting, ship's wheel, and telescopes- See attached "lnstiallation of Play Equipment" for more information. 17. Pirateship Finlsh Painting' Lump Sum Includes all work and materials required for preparing surfaces, painting, staining, masking, finish coats, and other incidental labor and materials to finish the steel frame, nailers, siding, masts, portals, railings, handrails, and other parts of the structure using the colors and materials specified on the drawings. 18. Row Boat Installation Lump Sum Includes atl woft and materials required for installation of concrete footer for row boat play feature. Boat supplies by owner. I I I I t I t I 19. Englneered Wood Fiber Surfaclng 2375 SF' lrrcludes provision and instaltation of Engineered Wood Fiber Surfacing to a 1? minimum I conrpac{ed depth, including fabdc and drain system. Due to underdrain, some areas will require I more than 1?. This additional quantity should be inctuded in the square foot unit cos{ r 20. Landscaping F 2l.Inigation I 21. Srvlng Set Add / Altemate Lump SumI Includes clearing existing vegetation from -swing area, excavation, installation of underdrain, installation of concrete curb and rarnp, installation of swing provided by Orvner (Two 36" I diameter x 36" deep concrete footers, poured witr swing in place) installation of Engineered I Wood Fiber. F I I I I I I l I T I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROPOSAL FORM Pirateshlp Park Brldge Project Town ol Vail To: Town of Vail From: (hercinafter Bidde{ The above named Bidder hereby proposes and agrees to fumish allthe necessary labot, materials, equipment, tools and seMces necessaryforthe Pirateshap Fark Bddge Replacement Project for the Town of Vail in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and all other Contract Documents pertaining to the Projecl. BID SCHEDULE Item Irn"r", conditions 2. Site Preparation 3. Site Grading 4. Dralnage 5. Boulder Placement 6. Stream Bank Stabilization CosWnitg$r 1 1 1 1 Unit LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS EA EA LS LS LS LS LS Iebl $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7. Goncrete Sidervalk 8. Goncrete Steps 9. Site [leckWall 10. Ship Foundation 11. Site Deck Footers 12. SandstoneSteps 13. Slte Handrails and Railings 14. Steel Fabrication 15. Frame Garpentry 16. Flnished Carpentry 17. Pirateship Finish Painting $ $ $ $ 15 7 1 1 1 1 1 $ $ 18. 19. 20. 21. Row Boat Installation Engineered Wood Fiber Sur.' Landscaping Inigation 1 2375 1 1 LS$ sF$ LS$ LS$ TOTAL BASE BID $ ; I I I I I I ) l t I I I I I I I I I Add Alternate No. 1. Swing Set guaranteed. Unit Prices are valid for the life ol the contract. Item Unit '1. Install Topsoil cubic yard 2. Underdrain w/ pipe, gravel, fabric, etc linear foot 3. Landscape Boulder 3-4'diameter each Bidder Acknowledges Receipt of the Following: Project Manual Drawings (June 21, 2004) Addendum 1 dated: Addendum 2 dated: Wrltten LS SUPPLEMENTAL UNIT PRICE SCHEDULE The following prices are intended to be the basis of additions or deletions to the work. The value of such changes shall be determined by the quantities involved at the time of the award, or as reinstated as specified. All unit prices for eash of the items listed shall include its pro-rate share of pfofits, and overhead, and are for the items instatled in place, as maintained and Unit Price $ $ $ Submitted by: Prlnted l{ame of Company 2(XB Signed: on Date I ; t t l I I I I t I I I I t I I I I TOWN OF VAII./CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT THIS AGREbMENT, made and ent€red hro this - day of -.".....-....-.- 2004,by and between lhe TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporatioq 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657, hereiufter reGrred to as the "Town " and with its offices at hereinafter referred to as the I'Contractorn , WTTNESSETTI: WHEREAS, the Town has soticited proposals for the Pirateship Park Renor"ation Proiecl and WHEREAS; the firm of represents that they possess the rccessary qualiEcations to perform this service; and WHEREAS; the Town has reviewed a proposal from for tbe provision ofsaid services as part ofthe Town's contractror selection process, and tbe Toqm firds said proposat acceptabte; and WHEREAS, the Town desires to engage the Contractor to render said sen/ices. . NOW, TI{EREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and bdween the parties hereto that the Town does rctain the Contraclor to act for and represeirt it in aU matt€.rs involved itr the t€rms of this dg6s6etr1 Such coatract for services to be subject to the following terms, conditions, and stipulations, to wiL I. PROJECTDESCRIPTION The Contractor shall perform all necessary services provided under this Agreement in connection wilh the project area- Project services are to include labor, material and equipment for the completion of tle Worlq as indicated in the Project Mawel (6/21104), The Drawings (C-l tbrough 4 S-l through 5, Ll, and I-l though 2), which are incorporaled herein by reference. GENERAL SCOPE OF SERVICES A. CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE Thc Contractor Representative shall accept fulLThe Contractor Representative is responsibility for the management of this Agreement rmder the general diroction of the Tosn of Vail Department of Public Works and shall report directly to the Project Manager, or his representative. No substitution of the Contractor Representative shall $s mads unlless approved in advance in writing by lhe Town. w. I I I I I I I I I B. WORKSCOPE The Scopo of Work shall be as indicated on the Drawings title.d '?irateship Park Renorration Projecf', md the Project Manuel datd (6t2llM), nd the Proposal Form, subnitted by on 2004. C, SUSCONTRACTORS A Subcontractor is a person or entity wto bas a direct contract with the Coltractor to p€rform a portion .. of the Work af the sit€. Tbe Co[tlactor sbalt require eacb Subcontractor, to lhe extent of the Work to be performed by the Subconhactor to be bound to the Contractor by t€rms of the Contract f,)ocuments, and to assume tovard the Contractor all the obligations and rcsponsibilities which the Contractor assumes toward the Owner. ADDMONAL SERVICES OF THE CONTRACTOR ,d If althorized in writing by the Town" the Contractor will provide additional services which are not considered normal or customary basic services nor included in the detailed scope of work These will be paid in a lump sum amoun! agreed tpon between the Tolrrr and Contractor' B. Other items identified during the project and mutually agreed to by the Toum and Contractor. ry The Town Shall: A Provide firll information as to lhe requirements for the project B. Designate a Town represe,ntative with respect to the work to be performed under this Agreement and said representatives shall have complete authority to transmit iostntctions, receive information, int€rpret and defirc tbc Tonn's policies and decisions with r€spect to maferids' equipment elemeots, and systerbs pstine to the work covered by this Agreement said representative shall not have sole 4thority to incrcase compersation to the Contrirctor beyond that specitred in this Agreement TIMEOFCOMPIJTION This agreement will cotnmrence on 2004 and proceed on a continuing basis until &e contract termination date of coryletion of the worlc All wort shnll be conpleted by November 24,2lX)4- t I,l I I I I T I COIi,PENS,ffiOU rOn SPwTCES Contractor shall be conpensafed on the following basis: A The total conhact shall not exceed an amount of$without firther ne and a sr4plemental agr€emer - The maximum as stated above shrll lasluds all services, direct charges . and expeirses. See attachod Exhibit "A' Item Descriptions for it€ms included in this cost B. Should wort beyond that described in the scope of services be required, it wilt be paid for as extta wort at a cost as indicatcd on the attached Proposal Fonn, or at a cost to be agreed upon in vniting by the Tovm and thc Contractor prior to comn€Nrc€melrt of tbe additional work Such additional Agreement sball be cxecutcd and approved by all persons re.quired by tbe Town C. The acc€ptance by Connactor 6f hnal pa5ment under this Agreement, or any final paymeot due on earlier terminatiotr of this Agreeme,n! shall coDstihtt€ a firll and corylete release of Owner from any and all claims, ainranas, and causes of action whatsoever vrhich Contractor, its successors and duly approved assipees, have against the Ownir. . D. The undersigned agrees thaf, if any portion of said wort or material proves defective within One Year fiom the final datc ofacccptance of the entire project by the Towo, he shall replace atry such defective material and remedy any such defective wort to the satisfaction of the Town 4f 5hall {6f6ai, indemniff and save harmless the Town from all damages, claims, demands, expens€s, and charges of ' wery lind which may arise as a rcsult of ary such defective material and worlmanship during said period. GENERALTERMS A Ind€peNrdentcontract/of The Contactor is an indepeodent conhactor, and nothing herein contained shall constintte or designate the Contractor or any of tbc Contractols enployS or agents at employees or agents of the Town- The Independent Coilractor is not entitled to Worter's Compensation benefits. The Independent Contractor is obligated to pay Federal ard Stab income tax on any monies eamed pursuant to the contract relationship. Frnther, it is agreed that: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I ) I I t ' l. The Toum of Vail does not require the Contraclor to work exclusively for iq 2. Tbc Town of Vait, for whom the services are to be p€rforme4 does not establish a quality sandard for the Contractog 3. Tbe Town of Vail may srry,ply plans and specificationg but may not ov€rsee the acUral wort or instruct the Contractor as to how the work will be perfornod: 4. . The Town of Vail can terminate the Con&act if the Contactor violales the terms of tbc or hils to pro&rce a result tbat meets the specifications of the Contracq 5. The Town of Vail does not provide training for the Contractor's eryloyees or wor*ers; . 6. Tbe Town of Vail does not providc tools or benefits to complete the Contract although "Tt*t"L ad equipment maybe spplid '7 , Thc Town of Vail does mt dictate the time of performance except tbat a completion schedule and range of work hours may be established; 8. Palmc.nt for services rendered pursuail to this C-o ract will be mad€ to the trade or ' business name ofthe provider ofservices ra6.er rhan to tbe individuall; and 9. The Toum ofVail does not in any way combine irc business operatiotls with ihose of the Contrac!or. B. Insurance The Contractor shall obtain and maintain in force for the term of this Agreement the following insurance covemge's. Certificales of insurance evidencing such coverages shnll $6 fi6i5[6d to the Town at the time of signing this AgreemenL Prior to cancellation of, or matsrial change in, any rcquisite policy, tlirty (30) days unittcn notico shall be given to the Town tbrough its risk manager. All automobile liability and general liability policies shall inelude the Town as an additional nemed insured by policy endorsement. l. C.omprehemiveGeneral Liabilit5r . . Each Occirrence: $ 1,000,000r Firc Damage: $ 50,fiX1' . PersonalmdADYlnjuryr $1,000,000 General Aggregate:$2,mo,m0r Products - C-omp/OP Agg: S 2,000,000 2. Automobile Liability (incfuding owned non-owne4 and hired): o Combined Single Limit $1,000,000 I I I I t I I I t I I I t I I l t I l I I I I I I t o 3. Workels compensation and e.oployer liability in accordance with tb€ Wortet's Compcnsation Act of the State of Cotorado for employees doing work in Colorado in accordance with this Agreemenl C. No waiver of aay of tfo provisions of rhis Agreement stall be deetned to constitrte a wairrer of any other provision hereia nor sh4ll such waiver constitute a continuing waiver unless othenrdse expressly prcvidod, nor shall the waiver of any default hereuder be deemed a caiv€r of any su@uent defiult hercunder D. The Conhactor agrees to indenni$ and save the Town, its agents, and eryloyees harmless from and agaiut all claims, demarids, liability, damagcs, suits, actions, or causes of action of every kind and ..natr€, costs including reasonable attomeys fees, which may be brought or asserted against the Town, its agcnts, or employees arising out of the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in the performance of this Agreemenl E. Tbe performance of the wort may be t€rminat€d at any time ia whole, or from time to time in parq by tte Town for its conveniencc. Any such termination shrll b€ effected by delivery ro tlre Contraclor of a vritlel notice ('Notice of Termination") speci$ing the date rpon which termination becomes effective. This Agreement may also be terminated by the Contractor in the event of a material default by the Town, provided the Contractor has fust provided the Town with written notice of the defrult and the Town shall have failed to cure the specified d€fault within seveo (7) days of receipt of the notice. If the Agreement is terminate4 the Confactor shall be paid on the basis of work status . satisfrctorily conpleted under the detailed scope of services. The portion of work completed but hot yet accepted by the Town shall be determined by the Town F. Venue of any suit or cause of action under this Agreement sball lie in Eagle Count1,, Colorado. If it becbmes rcc€ssar5r to bring any cause of action to cnforce the terms of this Agreemeng the prevailing party shall be awarded its legal costs including lnvestigation and altorney fees. G. Records of tbe Contractofs standard time charges pertaining to the project shall be kept on a generally recognized accounting basis and sball be available 0o the Town or its authorized representatiVe at mutually convenient times. It is agreed that any duly authorized rypresentative shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor wtich are directly pertinent to this specific I I T I I ; I I Agreement for the purpose sf making audit examinations, exceq)ts, and transcripts. It ie agr€ed thaf any such examination by such representative shall be made atthe Colorado of6ce of the Conhactor, rpon reasonable notice give,n by the Town All docume.lrts, drawings, or plans, shall become the property of lhe Town and it is agreed thar the Contractor shall not retain ary proprietary rights ofsaid rcporb, docurnenb, drawings, or plans- Aay points of contact for both parties and any notice provided for in this Agreement gholl be deemed given if mailed to the respecfve parties ar the addresses below: Town of Vail 1309 Etltrorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Aficntion: Gregg Barrie Phone: (970) 479-2337 Faur: (970) 479-2166 I t I J. I t t I I I I I Contractor's name, address, phone, andfax This Agreement is for the expert services of the Contractor and may not be assigned without the prior vnitten consent of all parties hereto. It is firther agreed that no party to this Agreement will perform conhary to any state, federa! or count5r lag or any of the ordinances of the Town of Vail, Colorado. The Tovm agr€es to tender !o the Contractor all fees and money in accordance with this Agr€emeng except that frilure by the Contractor to satisfactorily perform in accondance with this Ag€€m€nt thail constitute grounds for the Town to withhold paym.ent of the amount sufficient to properly corylete the project in accordance with this Agreement. Should any."6d6a sf 'lis Agreement be found to be invalid it is agreed that alt other sections shall remain in firll force and effect as though severable fiom the part invali@ted- , The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, age,sex, rcligion, or national origin. The ConFactor shall take affrmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employm.ent without regrd to their race, coloq religion, agq so)g or lational origin- Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the oI I T I I I I I t fo[owing €mplo]ar€n! upgrading; demotion or trarfcr, recruilihent or rocnri@t advlertisi[8' la]otr or termination, rates of pay or other foros of compensatiotr, and selectioo for training, incMing I I oI I I I I I I I J I I T I I I I I I I o Tte urde$igned do hereby state tbat this conhact agreem€nt is executed in drrylicate as though each were an origina! and that there are no oral agree,me,lrts that havc not been reduced in vniting tbis instrument EXECUTED day of ,2N4. TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO, a Colorado MunicipalCorporation CONTRACTOR Staa Zemler ToumManager ATTEST: Subscribed aod affirmed before me this day of -.......---.-... 20o4- By Notary Public Commission Expires: I I I I I I I t I I t t I I I I I I I o NONCEOFAWARD Town of Vail 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 The Orvner, having considered the Proposats submitted on July 12,2}O4,for the work covered by the Coniract entitled "Plrateship Paik Renovatlon Prolect," and it appearing that your . Proposal is fair, equitable, and to the best intsrest of the Owner, the said Proposal is hereby accepted at the bid pdce(s) mntained therein. Town of Vail By: Trtle: ATTEST: By: Tifle: o I within tive (5) ionsecutive ca6ndar days hereafter, including this day, with the Work covered in I the Project Manualentitled'Pkateshlp Park Renovation Prolect." t Town of Vail I i; I ATTEST: I Bv: I riile: I I I T ; I I I I I I t I I l o Playground Safety Guldeline Outline Plrateshlp Park Renovatlon Prolect June 2dl4 The items listed below represent the most common tlpes of safety issues tikely to ocurr on the Pirateship Park Renovation Proiect. This is not an all inclusive list, therefore it is possible that other issues may c{me up during conslruction. The Torn of Vail recornmends thal if contractors are not sure d a p.adicular situation, it is always better to ask for darification prior to cornpletion. The Ownefs nepresentatives will make every elfort to answer queslions, develop solutions, and provide drawings as needed. Erch ot ttlg |tems ltstd Elow are appllcable to ztt atrrrs of the ptayground, but arc brokart out acrcodritg to where they would most ttkely be encountercd ln thts prol*t SlteWorkl- SafetyZones Eactr play structure and piece of play equipment has a safety zone where there can be no encroachment from otrei equipm-eni, structures, or site feafures (boulders, sidewalks, etc) This is typlcally 72", however lhis slide wltl rcqulre 96'frmt the end ol the slide. Swings are more restrictive and the zone is listed below. 2. Surfacing The specified surfacing, Engineered Wood Fiber, is required in all Safety Zones. For the purposes of Uris pioject, 12" ls the mlnlmum depth lor the type and size of the playequipment and structures. 3. Guardrails The wood deck structure area has guardraits. A guardrait is required lor any drop of 2!i' 01 greqter. The.guardrail will have an upper and lower rail. The max height of the lower rail is 23" frorn the deck to th; bottom of the rait. Thb upper rail height shall be 38" from the deck to the lop of the rail. Shlo Structure1. Head Entrapment This ls the most llkely to be encountered. There are two probes used to test tor lhis. lf the smaller probe (sized 3 !4" x 6'ifits hrough ANY opening on the entire playground, lhen lhe larger probe (sized I diarneter) MUST fit hrough also- i,lost raitings for this project are sized with a I opening and therefore should pass this test. _Slairs, stepladders, and hdderi have also been designed to passlfris test, however ALL OPENINGS SHOULD BE TESTED. 2. Entanglement The most basic problem with entangtement will be that no more lhan two (2) threads may protrude out of any nut In addition, no piece of hardware can protrude more lhan ll8. vertically. Qther problems may occur around the slide and are discussed below. 3. Protrusion There are three round tools to lest for protrusions. A small, medium, and large. The rule is fairly simple: if any of the tools fit over a protrusion, and the protrusion "proUutles" beyond the face of the tool, then the protrusion FAILS the test. 4. Designated Play Surface Any surlace greater lhan ? x ? square, that is at less than a 30 degree angle lrom horizontial is a deiignated play surface. The surfice must therefore meet guardrait and protective banier T I I I I I I t I I I I I I T T raquire{nents and safety surfacing requirements. lt is the intent of this project to not create these surfaces other lhan deck, stair, and protected surlaces. 5. Prolective Banier A protective barder is required for all designated flay surfaces with a drop of 30" or greater. The pumo6e of a protective banier is to prevent inadvertenl or unintentional falls' 6. Stairs . All stairsonthispn*rc.tshall havaamaxlmumrlserof8"andamlnimuintrcaddepthof 14". However, each stair 'rs diffJrent, please refer to the drawings lor specilics. 7. Step Ladders The maximum rise on tre 6tep ladder is 9, and fre minimum depth is 7. Minimum inside width is 16- 8. Handrails All but me handrail on this projec't shall have an upper and lo,ver rail. The tolerances for these rails are as follows:' I I I Lower rail 22-26'.measured frmt irose of step Upper rail 22-38' measured from nose of step SwIESS1. SatetyZone The clear area for the swing is 2X the distance lrom the pivot point to.lhe seat, in front and behind fie cross bar. In addition, there is a72" clear zone around the support posts- 2. S-hooks S-hooksforsupportof thechainsandseatshall befullyctosed. Themaxlmumopeningis.04. All s' hooks should be tesled with a feeler gauge. .. Sllde1. Exit Height The height from the exit surface to the play surfacing shatl be between 7-15'. lt is preferred thal the height is in the 7-11' range so that as the play surface is displaced the slide will still comply with this guideline. 2. Exit Salety Zone There shatl be a clear zone 72" eadr side of the slide for a distance of 96" from lhe end of the slide in the direction of the slide. 3' fll?:i|sffi*?60'around ttre openins of rhe stide, there shallbe no objectthat protrudes srealer than 1/S perpendicular to the surface towhich it is attached. i.e. a vertical wall cannot have a bolt head that sticks out horizontally within 60" of the slide opening. lt must be countersunk. 4. Steepness 30 degrees overall, 50 degrees maximum at any point. I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t i I I I I I III I t Installation of Play Equipment Plrateship Park Renovation Prclect June21,2fi)4 Introduction Each play feature on the Pirateship Structure will require custom installation. Several of the phy f6atures will be pre-fabri(Fted, and some will be custom built for this pQjec't. In all cases, ihaplay features will be supplied by the Owner, irnd installed by the Contractor. Bidders are encouraged to visit the custom built play areas located in Donovan Park (West Vail) and in Ford Park to see how similar play equipment has been installed previously. Pecgyse some of the equipment will be custom built, there is an opportunity to provide input for dtfferent ways to attach the equipment. Following is a list and description of each piece of equipment. Also described are possible ways to conn*t the equipment toihe structure, however, because some of lhe equipment will be cusbm built, there is an opportunity to provide input attachment methods. 1. Sliding Board - Purchased from Miracle Recreation, part # 739-6, color Brown See attached Specification, however, will require (214x4 posts attached to the steelframe. 'Rungf (step S pg 6 of spec) must slide through the 4 x 4 posts. See @mparable installatibnd at bonovan or Ford Parks. Install will also require a short protective baffier on each side of slide (<12"). 2. Fun Fones - Purchased from Miracle Recreation, part # 71+994-3, color varies See attached specifications for the above item. There are 4 Fun Fones to be installed. One on the upper deck, one near the bowsprit, one at ground level undemeath the ship, and one away from the ship, on the "docK. All should be supported using parts of the ship, ie, the masi, or the side ianel, so only hardware should be required, with sorne ctstom fitting. The Owner will providil enough tubing and the connection hardware, Contractor to supply hardware to attach to the structures. 3. Telescope - Purchased from Miracle Recreation 2 telescopes, see enclosed picture, specification to follow. 4. Shlp's Wheel - Custom built by Town of Vail The ship's wheel will be located on the upper dec*, and will be a 36" diameter wooden wheel, mounted to a wooden post. The connection to the structure will likely be to attach to the decking, and also to the Main Mast using steel angle and lag bolts. 5. Deck Netting - Custom fabricated by Pucuda Netting Company The Net will be sized appropriately for the opening, and should be attached to the structure by lashing a continuouiiine arounO the circumference of the net and the 1' support bar in the opening. 6. Web Gllmber- Custom fabricated by Pucuda Netting Company The web climber will required 3 footings at subgrade level, and should be lag bolted or machine botted to the structure at the main deck level. I I I I I I I I T I o 7. The Plank The Plank is located at tre 30' portal on the port side at ths front of the structure. lt should attaci to the wooden nailers or siding. lt will be a 4 x 12 rough sawn cedar board, approximately 6' long. The surface of the Plank will be no greater lhan 20' frorn the surfacing. lt should be supported on the outside end by a steel support post imbedded in a concrete footer. Top of footel shall be at subgrade elevation. 8. Watl Climber lrlore information to follovr,. 9. ladder - Fabricated by Steel Fabricator See details, sheet S-5. 10. The Row Boat - Custom built by Town of Vail The row boat will require a 36' square x 12'deep concrete footer, top of footer at sufurade elevation. Spdng will be bolted to the concrete. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I t I I I t I I I I I I-.2+ 2150 R.r. F a3) dr Grt + 30" l.D. Straigltfi fube Slides from 3', {', 5', & 6'-6" Decks Fa rE 6 oedststsm dtdE. Decls1sBns rdidd€d h ilEse sttres Kits'Ctnice 714-739-6 Footing Layout 714.739-5714-739.3 Tube Slkle from 5' ToP Mew 714-739-4 P.gr2dt fr,218nr.F .Dd,crt + p-gt + T-a(a = crt4,n + I I I I t I I I t t I I I T t I t I I &I I . Kkls'Clmkn at - 1. 2. 3. 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1( 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. --m* I L @ Concretr Dig$ngr Tape me Open en Step Lad Drillmtr fubberl Adultim I L Deck Sy Foolings BarSocl RuEintr FrontLq Slide As Slide EnlW, Set Heig t. FinalA tt 3ll' l.D. Staioltt Tube Slides non 3', {', s, & 6'{" Decks Fd re as De.t rysEn #o* o.a tygt" mt hclded h tEse cen$es. et #n+rce.o] item assently (separate nro&de; not imktded in tfs assembly) eb ard Clamps h Ded( Posts I Side Enry Panel I to Sladelssenlili at Befiray Exit nmblyinto Footrys ry Panel to Deck, Rung ofS[de Enry Panel to Bar Sockeb ti*lg9+g alltd n1-dg4 W: tuwn tq ,ilfrt Flatp Cws n SMe A;sr.l;tb{y It of Slide Exit ;sembly nt l fu footings; wheelbarorrn ol nixefi 5 gdlon Mcket wata spfly nulpnrert-tor footiry hdes (spade shovd, post lmle diggu' auger) asure ardlevd d wrencfr se[ alen wremhes; soctet sec screwdivers lder I variety of drill bits, enercion cords, power supply nallet tallers - 3 midrum PToloat f.. A,2a[n r.F (t d)nt !t u:l4Cr' + + I t I t I I I t I I I t I I I t I I I [^Y, a!AA I BD E - Kils'Chohe 3lf" l.D. SUaffi T$e $ldesrom 3', {', 5', & 6'-s" Decl6 Fatce6 Dedqlsgr ad.c. Ded( sJ6Ens rd ldded h tlese 6ett$es. Enfry Pand on ib slde first and rsposilion as necessay. Use mallet t0 tap uids onSlde Effy Pard udil eryd ler4ts dRutg are exposed on each eff. ry8ffi*aimon@e6. n[ Leg h Slide Asserbly Exit as shwrn. serslyir[o posl[ort' placing Front Leg in Fooling ard Slide EnryPanel agimt {nad| side Enry Pald ro Deck UNDIRSIDT t]F DICK 3/8' X I V?', BUTTIN HEAD BILT 3/B'FLAT VASHTR ENIRY PANEL - uBts Stand Sllde Rutginto g RefertoSl Secure Fror a[ Bedrflay UftSfide As Dectface.l Pagc 5 ol t illta0erf I I I I I t I I I I I I I T t T I I I L. + + + Kils'Choice 3ll" l.D. Straight Tl6e Slldes ftom t', i', s', & 616" Decks Fa re 6 DectsFdn addc. Decl stlgtns rdhd|H h ilEse er&. Seore fung in Slide Enfy Pand b Bar SockeE and Clamps on Deck Posts. Reftrto lftsa&fHanpA y *sanftn. SLIDE ENTRY PANEL TWO PIECE BAR SOCKET RUNG ASSEMBLE TO POST lm€rt Side Assembly $ppon Leg into Footiry and aftach wih Flange Cow as slmuyn. Flange Cwerjoitrb rust be pmi['onedatboUom. 3/8'.X 3', BUTIII.I HEAD BOLT 3/B' FLAT VAS}ITR (J-7 /t6' B.n - 2 Rto',l) 3/8'TEX NUT CIVIR P.gr 3d t tt ll' n r.F @ e,F' lr Ic,nt + art ct?Grt + t I I t I t t I I I I I I I I I t I I mraaaa i mosctroin flr| F S{ ET E Le Fi -FFmc[IIT' 'TEP-{0 )rhebil( suehal DECK } \ INAL S' vel and p rarAss 30" l.D. Sfaiqht Tube Slides nom 3', 4', 5', & d-6" eecrc FaGeas DeckqFl€m do* O..t +gro ml iEtrbd h lhese 66lnks. f SSde Bedrmy Eiit as mted bdoy. Plur$ and brace From Leg in FooUng. erit regron rrirtairs ermugh dan[ to pefirit rYater rkim$. s 4'OR IESS DECI(S S'On Cnelren FNSHED GRADE lumb ertire assertrily, tighten aI bolts ard prepare to pourconcrete. Proceed to mffyinstallation. ED*AY SIJRFACE ft{G?oat S.*fl,lnnrv.F aa+a tt GT t('rIt+ +dt0t !f ts to(P t I I I t I I I t t I I I I I I t I I Ki&'Chde' Ground LevetFun Fones* Tq Vfu rn FdN t-ryt t d dlpm. fufu h ilrffi*n a Pqe I nd Cu8f/nfureal,f,s abe*fen h Uilr/€,. Fun Fones, Grsund Level to Freestanding Aluminum Post Trc fut FmsAs€rfios (eiltd letd) Onem'Arinrnfud 7'!4"$S4"{7'l&gs4 7't4"$$4-'! P.$ 2C a Ki&'Ckiceo Grourd LevelFun Foneg* FONE ASSEM&Y (4RKrr) POLYEIHYI.ENE PIPE DtAX24' IEFFOOIINO (2)RECrn N,lmpoftanf tofes, these insbuctions, and othererplosed and become familiar with system mmponents and hadwate. N(fe: h not pu cwaicte tor Footings until allcomprcnb in systan Invo been ittskf,d pairc0uc&ons and Maced inposifrbn hvel arrd plumb. FrePfl Read $afelyBroclruro lN,lmpaftanf tofes, these insbuctions, and other ernlosr mateddS. Unpflq @unt, and become familiar wilh system mmponents and hadwi lsrEPZ lmtall Deck system(s) per sepade imlrrctions. Plun6, level, and brre in position' S+ilrund. l'* | ,l- |,1 lL 3l ql E+l ReaHl mat *l EI HFl +l ,{otl 3l ,,", P.go { of a t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I PART 1 GENERALNOTES l. These general site wort reqpirenrents apply to all site work operafions. Refer to sp€cifcation secdons for specific general, troduct, and er(ecution requiremonts. 2. Comply wih att appllcable locat, state, and fedoral requirements eganfng mat€rials, me0tods ol rvod<, and disposal of excess and waste materials. 3. Obtain a PuHic Way pemit from the Town of Vail Departnent of PuH'rc Works, (97O),07$21q8: Obtaln all required bulHing pe'nirits t|rough the Torrn of VaI Deiartment of Cornmunity Det elopment' 75 S. Frontag€ Road, Vail, CO, 81657. The fee br all building permits shal be waive<!. 4. All conbactors shall be lic€ns€d !o perform wod< within the Tonn of Vafl. Obtain and pay-br conhacto|s tconse at the Tofln of Vail Depanment of 'Community tlevelopment 75 S. Frontage Road, Vail' @ 81657- S. The existence of utilities and appurtenarrces as shor rn on theso drawings aro for r€f€l€nce mV.-. The e,cq size, location, tlpe and eevaiiim shall be thoru,4hly hvesligated by the-confiactor pdg t9 fte qtt q constnrction. Ei&vate test pits as rcquired to determine emc{ locafions of exisling utilides. P9]fo1m..woll( gtd prwide necissary matedali to disconnec{ or rclocate exMng utililies as indicatred. Recod erdsting uffrty teminatbn points bebre disconneclirE. 6. When urrcharted or inconecdy charted undergu.rd pping or o0rer ulilities ard seryi:es are enoounte€d d|ling site work operations, notify'the applicablt utility "btputty irnmediatefy to obtah prccedure dircctions. Cooperato r;,ith Ote applicable utility iompany h maintaining active sewhes In operation. Z. Locate, protect, and maintain bench madc, monuments, control pdnts and proiect engine€dr€ refer€nc€ points. Reestablish distuded or destroyed items at Contracto/s epense. 8. Perform site work operations ard lhe rernoval of debris and waste materials to assut€ minimum lnterference with stre€ts, walks, and other adiacent facilities. 9. Contel dust caused by the woft Dampen surfaces as requircd. Comply with pollution contol reguladons of goveming authorities. 1O. Protect existing buildings, paving, and other services or facilities on site and adiacent to f|e site ftorn damage caused by site-work oftrdtions.- Cost of rcpair and restoralion of damaged items at @nbactofs expense. 1 1 . The 611 ner will occupy the premises and adiacent facilities dudng theentio pedod of consh.lction. Perbnn site' work operations to minimize confficts and 6 facilitate Oirn€/s use of the premises and cond$t of hb nomal operations. 12. Examine the areas and conditions under which site work's performed. Do not proceed with the work until u nsatisfactofy conditions are corrsted. 13' consuh the recods and drawings of adiacent work and of existir€ soMc€s and utilities which may effec{ sft€ work operations. 14. All elevations are national geodefic vertical dahim (N.G.V.D.). 1 5. The oontractor shall confine his operations ard activities for construction putposes wihin the establ"xsH stoe€t line, Right-of-Way, easements, or property line. 16. All grassed areas distub€d by the construcdon shall be replaced or repaired as per th€ specification. 17. Alt pavem€nt, ddveways and sidewalks distuded strall be r€daced according to the details, even if it is being rcplaced due to damage by th€ Contractot, and not being measured for payment 18. All sediment conbol systerns shatl be insp€cted and r€paired, in accordance With the contnct doq.rnents' within 24 hou6 of a sto.m o@urence or as directed by the Engineer. 19. Construction staking shall be the responsibility of the Contractor in accordance with the provisions a:.€tated in the Special Provislons unOer 'f-ay61rd of Woft.' The cost ol fris work shall be included in lhe pri:es bid for oher items. 20. Hodzontal locations of proposed work may be adjusted to fit existing field conditions with Spproval ol lhe Orvne/s Representative. 21- Conneclions to existing manholes and drainage structures - lhe contractorshall\redfythe exisling manhole and I I I I I I I I I I t I I t o I drainage structur€ invefts, nodry the Engineer if a discrepancy exists and a{ust the pipe slope as directsd- I 22. The quantities as indicated on the contract documents are in no way waranted to lndicat€ the achtal quantities ol work required. The contractor must vedfo all quanlities. I 29. At the end of eacfi wofiing day, the Conr'actor shall be responsible for conn€ding th€ existing sio.m drainag€ I fpes to tre newty tnstald sf6rm Orainage system. All drainage systems withh the corstnrtion limits shaX be maintained bY the Contrac-tor. I 24. fury ddveway and sktewalk damaged by the Corhactor or hisrtrer subconfactors, and not Henlified to bo t r"pfu""O as 'part of tris conhact, wm U.i conecteC at.the enense ot th€ Coofiactor, udess added b ttls cdrtract by written autrorization of the Engineer. I ENDOFSECTION I I I I I I I I I l: 2 I I I I I I t I t I I PART2 S]TE PREPARATION DESCRIPNON The work under this section inctudes all hbor, equipment, matedals, and Incklental wot* necessary to p€dom site ffi"ot- work as shown and "pecmea. ThL woft inchrdes protecting .""firy- tt*: not designated for rcloralt ienf*ing tre€s and other vegetation as designat6d, stipprng bt Uum areas, stripping and stoclgiling topsof,' and renrorring designated site improv€ments. MATERIALS Materials and equipment As selected by the Contractor, e)(cept as indilated' Trce Protection: Green snow ferrcing. EXECUTION Porform site preparation woft before commencing site construction' Locate, protect and maintain sctive utilities not designated for removal. ppvlle necessary banicad,as, coverings, and proteclion b prevent damage b exislirg lrnprwernents indi:at€d to temain ard to protect public dudng construction. Instal 6' high chain link fencing and 'green screen" around proiect pedmeter, mainain in good condition throtrgh the duration of the project protect all areas that are not to be resurfaced or regraded and adjacent areas outside of the contracl limits ftom damage Oue io site preparation work. Restore to original gddes and conditions, areas adfacen! to site dstutbed or damag€d as a result of site pr€paration work. public access to business locations shall be maintained through the projecf site at all times. Public access through the proiect site may be restticted. The contractor shall provide all necessary banicading and signage required. Plastic tape shall not be an acceptable means of banicading. Locate and suitably identify trees and improvements indicated to remain- Tree Protection: Protect existing trees scheduled to remain agEinst injury or damage, including cutting' breaking.or skinning of roots, trunks or branc"hes, smothering by stockpiling -construction materials, excavated materials, or vehhrlar raffic within branch spread. Trees shall be protected with temporary green plabtic snow fence enclosure. Provide a minimum radius from center o{ tree trunk equal to 12. per inch ot trunlid-iametir. Increase enclosure size as directed lor largetrees. Erect tsmporary ferrcing befoie commencing site preparation work. Maintain fencing dbring fult construction pedod- Remo/€ t€mporary ferrcin! when no tongerne&ed,6r*h"n """"pt Ule to Orner's Representative. Interfering branches ofbees scfieduled to renrain may be removed when acceptaHe to the o|flnefs Representative. Repair trees scheduled to remain and damaged by construction operations in a.manner aqeOlable to the Ome/s Representative. Repair damaged ftees prompidy to prevent progressive deterioraton caused by damage. Replace trees scheduled to remain and damaged beyond trbpair by construction operations, as determined -by the Orvner's R6presentative, with t;a of sirita. iite arif species. Cost tor treo replacement shall be detemined in accorUance'wittr the Tree Evaluadon Formula as describeb in 'A GuHe to the Pofessional Evaluation of Landscape Teds, Specimen Shrubs, and Evergreens' published.by the International Society of Atbodctlture. Repair and replacement of trees scheduled to remain and damaged by coristruction operations, or lack of adequate protection during conskuction operations, shall be at Contracto/s e)Qense. Clear and grub areas within contract limits as required for site access and execution of the work. Remove tleqs, plants, undergrowlh, otrer vegetation and debds, excepl items indicated to remain. Strip weeds and grass- Fdl hees in.a mann6r to prevent injut to adiacent fiacilities and to trees scheduled to @main. Use hand .rnethods lor gtrbbing insilJe the ddp lin'e of treesto'remaiii. Srip grass materials to a maximum depth of !' und91q-ee canopies. Car€ftrlly lill or scarif existing grade to a depth of 1 'l Remove stumps and rcots to a clear depllr of ,36' belou, subgrades. Remove stumps and rdbis to treir fun bepth within 5'{' of undeqround structures, utility lines, footings and paved areas. 3 I II I I I I l I I I I I I ( I I I I I I Sfiip topsoil to its full depth at buik i.q areas, and all areas to be regnaded, rcsurfaced or paved within contract lirnit rvork arei Sto*pne topsoit ir a tocaton icepa616 to 6re orlner,s Rep-resentative, br use in finish qradng and prep'aratbn of laums ani ptanhng beds. Stockpiled iopsoil shall b€ fto€ trorn trash, brush, stones over 3' in diameter and other e)daneous m;ter- draCe anC stopir stoc*f ites tor proper drainage and to prevent erosion. No topsoil shall be rcmoved from the stte wihout lhe consent of the Orner's Representalive. Rernore existing site ftnprovements within oonhact limiit as indicated. Remoal of ittdi:ated sit€ifplov€ments may irrchrde but b nd firnited'to wooden planters, r€taining walls, guatdrails, concrete or brick walls, staiilays, steps, stone masonry wans, landscape boulders ix roct<s, asptraft or concrete paving, cotrcrc*e curbs and gutters' and olher items as indbated on the Plans. R€mov6 existirE sidewalks, curbs and paving, induding a[ base materia[ as ]€cFft€d to a@orffnodate nsw cons'Eudion- c|rt e*sfing sid6wa[G, cr.rds and paviig h';'ag sfaigfu lines to.p|orride a uniform, even.hansition ftom neur to aq@nt existing wdrk Gut back existing p-avingi sutrcient distance to permit forming and installation of new wo*. Fill beloiv grade voids wlth ct€an ear$ filllree of wood, metal and organic matedals. lnst8ll and compact fill In layers not exceeding 6' In loose depth. Rsnorre, temporarily rdocat€ dudng construction, and drstatl in final location street signs, parking meteF, mal botcs, uaffic signal control boxes and other designated items. Coodinate the woft with applicable gioreming aufiorifes. Comdy with a! ]equirements conceming ternporary installation and pemanent reinstallaiion S-tockpite, haul trorn site and legatly dispose of waste matedals and debris. Accumutation is not permitted. Maintain dispdd routes clear, clean and-free of iebds. On-site buming of combustible clear€d matetials is not permitted. ENO OFSECTION I I I I t I PART3 EARTHWORK I T I I t I I I I I I I I DEgCRIPTION Th€ woft under this section consists of th€ removal and satisfactory disposal, in the manner herein reqlired' of all rnabrial taken horn witlrin the limits ol the work contracted for, the removal of whhh ls necessary for tfie construction of the roadbed, subgrade, shoulders, slop€s, €ntrances, retalning walls and offpr miscellaneous constrrction to the dlmen-sims ind fifiits shown on $e plari or as ordered. lt shall also include tho formation of embankrnents, lhe disposal of suplus or rnsuftabl€ matedals. CLASSIFICATION Urclassified Ercavation shall consist of the e)@avation of atl materials of what€ver cfiaracter rcquired for the wod(, obtaiG widlin tle ,ight of way, induding surface bouldnm and e)cavation for ditches and channels that is not r€moved und€r some dler item. l{trk Excavation shhll consist o{ the removal and dispmal of mixtrres of soils and otganic matter not suitable for lounAaton or ernUankment mate.ial. EXECUTION E(cavalion shalt be made in con{ormlty witr the requirements-of the plans ard as odered by the Engineer. The Contnador *ran, when necessary ln elcivation areas, plordde and maintaln dibhes rvt$c*t ate ad€quate to prevent fre€ *ater ftorn beoornkrg hcorporat& in materid to be used to form embankments, such dibfiing to be at the sole elQense. - of the Contractor. The e:<cavations aad efitankments shalt be finished to snroo0r and uniform. surfaces conformrng to the' ' ' typbal sections specified. Vafttons from the subgrade plane elevations specified shall not be more than 0.08 ft. Where tSfo1minotrs or coircr€ts surfacing matedats are to[e phced direcdy m tho subgrad€, the subgrade plane shall not v.ary more tran 0.04 lt Materials shill not be wasted witirout permission of the Engineer. b(cavation operations shall be 6onOuaeO so material outside of the slope limits will nbt Ue AisUrOeO. Prior to begiqing grading operations, all necessary cleadng and grubbing ln that arLa shall have been performed in accodance with the appropriate section of these specifications. Th€ Confiacior shall notify the engineer not less than fi/e (5) working days pdor to- beginning- excavalion so.any necessary cross sections may be faken. The Contractor shall not e)cavate beyond the dimensions and elevations established. Archaeological and paleontological materlals encountered dudng the wo* shall be dealt with in accodance with subs€ction | 07.23 of the Colorado Highway specifications 1991 ' Specifrc constnrction requirernents shall conform to the Colorado D.O.T. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Constntction 1991 sections 203.05 through 203.11. END OF SECNON I I I T I I I I T I PART,I BOULDERWALIS DESCRIPTION Work underthis item $all consist d the construction of stacked boulderwalls. The work 6hall include all mate.ials' lhe ercavaton for iv,O.the placement of bedding material (wtren necessary), sr.bgxade prcparation, boulder placement' and O"dnnin$ an in confonnity wlth the nnes, lraOes, Omensions and OAans shorn on lhe plans, or as oldered, and in aoorU"nb *ift the provisions of trese sjdifcafus for lhe vadors mabdals and uotk wttiott cons{it ies the corpleted sh,cute. X'ITERIALS Borild€rs sia[ be rcund€d, not anguhr, unless approved by the Ormer's Repregltawe: Boulders excavated from the 6lte shouH be used to the mairium irctent poiiinU. Bdckftl shall be fiee of frozen lumps' wood or.ofrler oQ|anic iltd; ;,td shni bniist otsanO, grava, s6j, crustred stone or mixtr.lr€s theteof. On site material should pobably be irrmA*t Or *" in bacldlllngralthirgtr diis *;if bo determined by the Ovner's R€presentative prior to construclion of boulder walls. EXECtmol' The walt shall be constsucted in the localion and to the dimens'rons shown on the plans oras ordercd. llatedal shall be ercanated so as to obtain a ffi and bvel subgrade to the'etevations sfrown on the plans' the u.bgrade shalt .b^e cornpaaeC sif*r a plate compaaOr or a mentroA aforoved by the Orne/s Reprcsentative. When unsuitable mate.ial ls erc6unteredwithtntreUearthg ar€adfnewalltnb mate.ial;hal b€ rcmotedin its entit€tyorto ad?.qlo-f thrce(3)bet anA Uacmnea w h a gravel ni ana compacteO in twelv€ (12) inch fft"..Tlt9 boulders-shall be lald in line in cou6es roughtteveted up. ffi'e OoUom ot i*nCition *,,o"r shai b6 composed 9t t"Ig.", TL*ry stones. The boulders shall b€-;dc€d ; t,"i aig touchlng and anei remov"al of moving lmplsm'ents, should be stableend unrockable. Open ioints shJi b" ;hinlied *tU, .p"lt" aiO smaner to"ks; from ttre r6ario ensure a tull face and that they will not.glo,t' Iht backfill shall be placeo in sequ€nc; wiur rre wati constnrtion, in no case sha[ tfre watl height exceed four (4)-feet before Ud;;;kfiih;dfit pitlA-;"d d.p".r.d- Tho backftlt shall be placed in lifts notto exceed twelvo (12) inches and 'care sfiall b€ taken to insure that a[ vdds arc filled and conpacted ard the boulders are not displaced- END OF SECNON I I I t I I I l, I I I t t I I t I I PARTs AGGREGATEBASE DESCRIPNON The work under fris section lncludes all labor, equipmeni, materials and all irrcidental work necessary for the installatbn of an aggrogate base. Ttia base shall consist of a ioundation constucted on the prep€red subbase in accodance with nese specifications and in conformity witr lhe lines, grades, compacted trickness and typical croqes€clim as shorvn on the plans. IIATERIALS Aggregates for bases shall be crushed stone, crushed slag, crushed gmvq, lqt_uFl gravel, or crushed reclaimed concrete or asphalt material whidt conforms to the quality r€quir€monts of MSHTO M147 e)a@t that the requircm€nts for the ratrb of'minus No.200 sieve fiaction to ihe minuiNO. lO sieve fraction, stated in 2.2.2 of MSHTO M147, shan not apply. The liquld limit shalt not be greater than 30 and the plasticity index shatl not exceed sh wttsn lhe aggregate is test€d in accorciance with MSHTO-T89 and T90 r€spectively. Test result copies shall be made available to lhe Orneis Repr€sentalive upon tequest. Gradation: Aggregates shall be combined and mixed by appoved methods so that the resulting material shall conficm to the following gradation requirements: Souare Mesh SieVes .Pass U4 Pass #4 Pass #8 Pass*200 EXECUnON Percent Passino Bv Wehht 100 3065 n-6s .cl-.l2 I I I t I I I I I I CoaGe aggregate shall be either gravel or broken stone at the option of the Contractor. However, only on€ typ€ o{ coarse aggiegate shall be used on I project unless othenrrdse pemited by the Engineer Obtain inspec'tion and applwal of subgrade surfaces by Soils Engineer prior to hstalling fil or paving base matedals. Disc, dry, and recompac{ or undercut soft and wet subgrade virgin soils prio,r to placement oJ any engfneered fill. E:cavatb unsatisfaaory soil materials extending below subgrade elevation to depth as dirccted by the Soils Engineer. Erdra e)(cavating and placement of additionai fill materials will b€ pait for as a change in work Obtain writlen authorization fronr the Orvner's Representative belor€ p€rfotming extra excavalion work Place engineered fill in layers not to exceed 8' in loose thickness with each layer compact€d to 95% of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D698 Standard Proctor Method or as specified by the &)ils Engineer. ftlx to placing the bottom cource of bre aggregate base, the prepared subbase shall be maintained bue to line and Srade. After he asqreqate is spread, it shatt G thoroughly compacted to 95"/o of the maximum dry density in accordarrce fufr asrnt ooss -Sani6d prictor MefroO anO uounJ bi use of equipment approved by the Engineer. Water may be used during the compaction and binding operation. When the bottom course has b€en completed, as specified above, the top course aggr€gate shall be spread over it to srrc{r thickness that, after ftnal compacti'm and binding, the total thickness of the two courses will equal that thickness sp€cified for the completed base. The top course shill be spread, compacted and bound as specified above for the boffom course. The final surface of the subbase cours€ shall be fine graded so that, after final compaction and just prior to placement of base or pavement courses, the surlace elevation shill not vary more than one{ua er inch above or below the design lin€ and'grade at any location. The surface shall be complsted to lhe above tolerance and approved by the Engineer pdor to airy work at i given location to place an ovedying course. lf after appoval, the clurse becomes displacedor lisurOeA in any way ior any reason, ihe Contractor'shill repak and regrade the damage to the satisfac{ion "t S* Engineer prior 'to piacing tre overlying course. All repaired sections shall be r€compacted until they meet lhe requirements as stated herein. END OF SECNOil I I I I I I o PABT6 GAST.IN-PLACECONCRETE DESCRIPT|ON ite work under this section inclldes all labor, equipment, mat€rials, and all ircirlental wo|k necessary b provide castin' place concrete as strourn anC gecmeO- fne i ,o* inAuOes fonmrork, rcinbrcing and accessodes' castindace corcr€te ioundalions, retaining walls and miscellaneous stnrctural concrete. ilATERIALS Matedals atd methods ol constnrtim strall conply with tre folloling standads: 1. Colorado Depadnent of Transportation Standad SpecincaUons for rcad and bridge construction' 2. Amerban Society for Testing and Materials, (ASTM). 3. Ametuan Concrete Institute, (ACl). Do not change Source or brands of cement atd agglegate materials dudng the course of the work' Submit concrete mix designs. Obtain approval before placing concr€le. gJbmit co.nplete mat€rials llst of ibms piopooeo ror rre wo*. raeirirv mater*rs iiJrce. Submit idmidrre and accessory ilem prcduct data. Submit matedal teiificates tor aggregates and reinforcing.. Submlt concrets delivery dckets. ShoW the fotlowing: batch number, mlx by dass or sack content with ma*mum 6lze "ggr"g-if", "Orixtures, ik content, slump, time d ldading. Submit concrete tost tepo6. General Por0and cement ASTM C150, Tpe 1 , natural color. Aggregate: pro/ide MsHTo M4it Grading #57 dean, uncoated crushed stone.or gravel coar€ aggregate fr€e ot mlieri-als whictr cause staining or rust spots-; fine aggregate shall b€ clean natural sand' t I t I I I I I I I I I I Waten Oean, fresh and potable. Airentraining admixture: ASTM C260. Water-reducing admixlure: ASTM C494. lntegral concrete colorant: As. indicated on the Drawings lllxes provide ASTM C94 ready-mixed concrete. Batch mixing at site not acceptable. Use ACI 3ol Method 1 or Melfiod 2 to determine mix proportions. Strength: 4,000 psi minimum at 28 days. Slump range: 2' to 4' maximum for consolilation by vibration. Integ;al cdcrete colorant P6r manufactirre/s recommendafions. Fibrous concrete reinforcemen[ 1.5 lbs per cubic yard. prwide an approved water-rcducing admixture inall corrcrete. Provide an air-entraining admbdure in all concrete' Air c-ontent s% to 7%. tndicate water alaeo to mix aiiro site on each delivery tbkel S-tro'r quantity-of water add€d' s'te water ternpered mixes e:aeeai! specmeilfurp rang" s'ill b€ rci€cted as na cornpt 'vng wiUr spedncadon rcqulcnents' Accessodes Foms shall be wood, ptyvlood, or metal o{ sufficient strength to resist corcrete placement press-ure and to.maint'ain hodzontal and verrical alignment dudng.concrete placement Provide forms straignt' ftee of defects and distortion' Minimize jrints by usinE largest practical sizes. Wood: Provide S4S surfaced plank wood forms where boad form finish is scheduled, membet slzes indicated' Pbrwood: Provide high density sheathing grade, plywood sound one fiace, undamaged, with clean true edges where ply|ood form finish is sch€duled. Provide elposed edges chamfered. provide form ties, formwork accessories and anchorages ol size required and of sufficient sbeng[h to maintain lomwork in proper alignment and tolerances while placing concrete. 8 -I t t Tubular column and suppofi toms: Round, laminated paper or fiber plies, giralty wound. lnside surface beated witrl fonn release ag€nt. Proride wall thickness adecnrate to resist concletg licads. Form release agent: Nonstaining chemi=l torm releaso agent free or oils, waxes and other materials hamful to ooncrete. Reinlorcing bars: ASTM A615, A616 or A617, Grade 60, new domeslic defomed steel bars' size as fidbated- Fbforrs concrete rcinforcement 10@,6 virgin polypropytene fibtillated frers. Fibemix by Fibemesh Conpany or apgove equivalent. EXECUTION l,lotify Ov.rne/s Representative at least 48 hours pdor to installation of concrete- E€mine subgrades and installation conditiens. Do not start concFte wolk unlil unsatisfactory condidons are 6o€cied. Design, erect, support, brace and maintain formwork to support all applied vettical ard ht€ral loads. Omsfitctfumtlotk to ptduiOe cor"ci iize, strape, af ignment, elevation and p6iition ot comrete work Design and erect formf,od( to pemit removal witho{rl damage to castiin.g{ace concrete surfaLes and adjacent materials dudng sMpping. Install, afgn and level forms. Support and brace forms in place Maintain follorving maximum tolerances: Horizontal and vertical.lin€s: 1/4' in 10'4'. Locadon dimensions indicated: 1/4'. Gross sectional dimensions: Plus or minus 1/4'. Earth cuts may be used as foundation forms, when excavations are straight at{ tru?, not expcs€d in the finlshed structure and icceptable to the Orner's Representative. Any indication of excessive slope or fiailure of earh crds wlll rcquire side fomwixt. Hand-trim sides ami bonoms of earth cuts ard remove loose din belors dadng concrete. Coat form surfaces in contact with corrcrete with form release agent. Clean forms Sfter each use and coal wifi form r€lease agent as necessafy to assure separation from concr€te without damage. Apply before phcing rcinfotcing sbel' anchoring devices, and embedded items. Locat€, place and.suppod reinforcement as indicated. Rebar stpuld be adequatety suppotted and secured toprev€nt displacement. Instali, sel and build-in items fumished by other tiades. Provide adequat€ notification for installation of necessary items. Verify lines, levels and locations of formed concrete wo*. Verify that form dimensions comply with drawing dmensions. Place no concrete in tootings before inspection and acceptance of bearing surfaces. Plae concret€ in accodance with ACI 3O4 'Recommerded Practbe tor Measudng, Mixiq, Transponing and Placing Concrete,'and as specified. Do not installconcrete work overwet, satrrated, mtddy or frozen subgrade. Do t|d lnstall corrcrete when air temperature is below 40 degrees F. Use of calcium chlorirje, salt or any other admi)(llre to prevent cficrete from freezingis prohibited. Protect adjacent work. Protect corrcrete frorn physi:al Agqfg9-qg,rd sE€ng0t due to weather extremej during mixing, placirig and curirt!. In cold weather comply wlth ACI 306, 'Recornmend€d Praclice for Cold Weather Conc-reting.'- tri not wlatner comply wittr lcl 3O5, 'Recommend€d Practhe for Hot Weather Concreting.' Place concrete continuously between construction jcrints. Deposit in horizontal layers not greater than 24'consolklate layers while still plastic to prevent coH ioints. Ptice atl footings full thickness in one operation, wihod gqnSq in prbportions, screbaeO O p'roper elevati6n and fioated. Consolidate installed concrete using mecfianical vigragng bqiipment iraplemented iivd hand rodding and tamping. Wo.k concrete thoroughly arourd t€inforcement and oher erbedded items and into all parts of formwork Fomed finishes shall comply with ACI 301. Pro,vide asrast rdJgh form finish where scheduled. Curing: Moist cure formed concrete surface with forms in place for 7 days. lf forms are removed prior to 7 days' apply liqui<J membrane-forming curing compound complying with ASTM C3O9. Surface repain Patch and repair detective areas to match adiacent surfaces. Matedals and finishes shall be consistent witr installed work Provide iample repair patches, in locatiohs acceptabte to the O$me/$ Representative tor appronl of rnatedals, procedures and finish results. Maintain fidd records of time, date of ptacing, curing and removal of forms of corrcrete in each portion ol work 9 I I I I I I I rl I I t I I I I o Acoeptanc€: The presence of serious honeycomb or e)cessive misalignment of blms shall be sufficient caus€ ,or relpfton and rcplacsm€nt of the corrcrete .affecied at the Conbactol's e,Pense' provide field quality conbol testing and inspection as indcat€d on lhe Drawingsdurir€ concFte 9pe@s- feoilg ard inspecfion sftaff O" performeO UVi quafin& inOepenOent testing taboratofy and pail for,q fte Orner. Conbactor shall pov*le aOecpate notice, cooperatewith, providi accesslo thiworlq obtiin samples,and assist test agercy and heir iepresentarires in er<ecufuon 6tneirtnctbn. Provide air indkptortests with a rchase- AE35 or equalair indil:ator' and aii meter tests in accodarre wid'r nsrM czsr or cl 79 for all air€ntralned concrete. Test the first load of corrc.ete each day. Fumbh copies of fidd recotds and test reports as listed br sfenglh tests' SrnBngtr testing: Prwile 1 set of 3 test specimens lor €ach 50 *r Ydi'-pi3.c:q !n any one doy.- Secure samples.in ;cc.tfu*" *i6 ASTM C172;nd rnotO spbmens ln accordance wdr ASTM c31. Test 1 sp€clnen at 7 da!'s and 2 specimenJat za Aays ln accoruanc" "'iti rcrU CgS. Fumish copies of feld records.."f .t31fp"J5^11f*1tr'sj^3;6pd b trJ Oumeis Representative, I copy to Conbactor, and I copy no Ready-Mix SuppLor. Reco;1; gr€ e)€cl loation of tfre concr"t" in n"."r* r"pt"s.nbi by each set oicylinders ind strow on test repods. Prcvide an lnsulated . mdsi box br pot€ction of the test cylinders until shipped to thg laboratory' protec{ concrete woft from damage until final acceptance. PovlJe temporary banicades and waming lights as r€qitir€d for pDtection of project work and publb safety. END OF SECNON I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 t ; I I PART 7 CONCRETE WALKS AI{D PAVING DESCRIPNON The work under this section includes all labor, equipment, materials, and lncuental work necessary to provide-concrete curbs, walks and paving "" "tt*rn- and ip#nirl, Th€'work includes final subgrade pr€paration and paving base' formwork, reintorcement, clncrete, and accessories. IIATERIALS Itibterials and methods of construc{ion shall comply witr the follorvlng standads: 1. Cdorado Department of Transpoilalinn standatd sp€cifications fror rcad and bridgO constnrction 2. American Society lor Testing and Matedals, (ASTU). 3. AmEdcan Concrete lnsdMe, (ACl). Do not change source or brands of cernent and aggregate matedals during ttre course ol the wofk' SLbmit concrete mix deslgns. Obtain apprwal bef,ore placlng co.rc|Bte. Submit complete mat'erials fst of items ;,opglgd fu ill" work. kdntify materiatsiortce. SOmit a*nnOrre, cudng cornpound, retader and accessory item b.buA a"t". Submit materiatlenificates for aggregat€s, ''ginforcing and ioint fill€ls. SLtUnit concrete ddivery thkets shoivirB: babh number, mix by class or sack cont€nt with marimum size aggr€gFte' admi)ilures, air aontent, stump, loading time. StSmil concrete test rcpods' Deliver curing matedals, admi:dures and retarders in manufabhrre/s standatd unopened containers with labels legiltle ard intact. Store and protect from freezing and damage- General Porflard cement ASTM C'150, TID€ 1, natural oolor. Aggnegate: proride ASTM G33 nomal weQht agrgregates, 94' maximum size, dean, uncoated crushed stone orgravd'd.sj"ggreg"t" free of materials whk*r &use-itaiiing or rust spots; fine aggregate shall be clean natural sand' Watec Cl€an, fresh and potable. Air-entraining admi)ftire: ASTM C260. Water-reducing admlrdrre: ASTM C494. Integral concrete coloranE As indicated on the Drawings. lllxes Prwide ASTM C94 ready-mixed concrete. Batch mixing at site not acceptabte. Use ACI 301 Mehod 1 or Method 2 to determine mix pfoportions. Strength: 4,000 psl minimum at 28 days- Slump range: 2' to 4' maximum for consolidation by vibrauon. Integral concrete colorant Per manufacturc/s recommendations. Fibrous concrete reinforcement 15 lbs per c-ubic yard. Prwide an approved water-reducing admixture in all concrete. Provirle an air-entraining admixture in all concrete. Air content S% to 7%. tnOtate watei iUOeO io mix at loO site on each delivery t'rcket. Show quantity of water added. Site water tempercd mixes erceeOin! spe"m"a Surp ringe wil be reiectred as not complyingvrih sp€cifcalbn GquiterFnts. Accessorles Granular base: CDOT Class 6 road base. Forms shall be wood or m€tal of sufficient strength to resist concrcte placement pressure. and to maintain horizontal and r/ertical alignment Urrf ng conciete-pdcemeni FroUAe torms staighl free of detects_and dis{onion, and height e lufl t9 full <lepth o:f concrete work Minimiie jolnts by uslng largest practicit iizes. provUe Z' nominal.thickness, surhced plank wood iorms for shaight s€ctions. Usi nexiUt'e me6l, ti lumber or pl!^,vood forms to toim radius bends. Joint filtec MSHTO lyl2 l g pre-molded, non-extruding asphalt-impregnat€d fiberboard, thbkness irdicated- Curing conpound: ASTM C309, nen-yellowing, non-staining liquid membrane'forming typ€ cofltaining a fugitive dye' l_l_ I I t t t J I I I t I I I I I I T t I I I I l I I t I I I I I I I I Chlodnat€d rubb€r compounds not aoceptable for e:<terlx use. Jc,int sealants: Two corponent polysulfide or polp6tharc ehstoneric type complyirg wi[t FS TT€'00227' selt leve[qg' dGigned for foot baffic. Refrforclng ste€L ASTM A61 5, A61 6 or A61 7, Grade 40, new dornestib deformed steel bas. Fbrous concrst€ rg6furcement 1007o virgin polpropylene fiAdlht€d fibers. Fib€rmix by Fibemesh Company or apprcved equi\talerf Fonn rclease agent Non-staining chemical form release agent free of oils, waxes and ofter materials hamful to cofEr€te. Color€d concret€ fnish beatnent Pigm€nted heavy duty, non-yelolving, curing and ftnish beatnent formulated for use on colorcd corrcrete. Provlde finish beatn€nt as dir€cbd by pigment manufactur€rs. EXECUnON tldfy Oumer's Representative at least 48 hou.s pdrx to installation of conctele' Fxmine stogra<les and installalion co,nditions. Do nd start cdlcr€te wo.k until unsatisfactory conditions ar€ conec{€d. Base Proot roff $e subgrade and do a[ necessary rclling and compactirE.lo obtain firm, even subgrade surfac-e.fill-and consolidate <lepraiseO areas. Remove urrc6mpactlHe ma!gd!!, rcplace witr. clean fitl and compact to 95% of the manmum dry demity h accotdancs wih ASTM D698 Standad Proctor Method' provkl€ compacted granular base matedal at walks and paving as s€t fo.th jn F€ F.qui.r€ment under Sp specification br .lggregab 6ase'. Femore bose material and debris lrom base suface beforc placing corcrete. Fonne and Rdnforcement Oeslgn, er€ct, srppo4 brace and maintain brmwoft to support all€pplied vertical and hteral loads. @nstuct bfinutofi to-p'r6i,tfue ciliii ;Le; sttape; ;lign."n! ete*tion ano pdiition of ooncrete work. D€sign and et€ct formwork to permit remorral wifirout Oama'ge td c;Jinftace concrete surfdces and adiacent mate]ials during stripping. Install, align and lowl fotms. Support and brace forms in place. l/lalntain follodng.maximum tolerances:. Top of brm: Maximum 1/8'in 10{'. Vefiical face: Maximum 1/4' in 10'-0'. Coat form surfaces in contact with corrcr€te with form release agsrt. Clean forms after Each use and coat with form rolease ag€nt as necessary to assue separation from concrete without damage. Apply before placing reinforcing s{eel, ancfiors, and imb€dded items. Locate, phce and support reinforcement as indbated. Rebar shouH be adequately $Dported and secured to prevent Oispacement. trstali,'set and build-in wosk fumished under ofierspecification.s€ctions.. Ptovide ad€guate notification Or'frstattation of necissary nemi. instatt tipe sleeves tor inigation, electrirxl, and drainage systems as indicated or debrmined In the field. lnstalhuon of Conc-rete Place corrcrete ln accordance with ACI 304'Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transpor-tinO-and fl3cingih;;t" j il ;i Gn"O. b. not install concrete work drer wet, saturated, muddy or fiozen subgrade. Do not hstall conc{Fte when air timperafure i" Uetor lo O"grees F. Use of calcium chlodde, salt orany other admidure to prevent concFte tfom freezing js prchibited. Fr,otec,t aujacent wo.k Proteqt concrete ftonr physir:al datnage or reduced st€ng0t due to weather e{reires ddd-;ffig;ptd;a inO curlng. In coH-w_eather colnply wq ACI 306' 'R€coormended Praciice for Cold Weatrer Conc-reting.'-iri trot w-eattrer conrity wit lCl 305, 'Recommended Practice tor Hot Weather Concreting.' Molsten base to provide a unibrm dampened condition at th6 time concrete'is placed. Vedfy manholes or other stn c{u€s are at iequhed finish elevation and alignment before placing concr€*e' place and spread corcrete to the ftrll depth of the torms. Use only squarecnd shovels or concrete rakes for hand sp6ading ahO consotidating--t*r.t". 'E "r"is€ care dudng spreading and cmsdidating operations to prevent segregation ol aggregate and dislocatfum of reinforcemenl Place concrete in a continuous operalion between e:gansion joints. placed continuously. Pwile constuclion ioints when s€ctions cannot be t2 I I I I i I I I l I I I o Place concFte in one cou.se, monolithic construc-lion, tor the full width and depth of concrete work Provide concretelo fu [ thicknesses indicated. Strikeoff and full-f oat concrst€ afier consolidating. Level ridgas and fill voids. Ctreck surfuce wittl a 1 0 'O' straightedge. Fi[ depessions and refloat repaired areas. Daby the con6rete surface to provide a smooth level surface ready for finishing. Provlde culb profiles, steps, ftmps, and concrete slabs as indicated. Joints Construct control, epansion, and constnrcdon joints propedy aligned with face pependicular to concrete surface. prcvide tooled c!|ntrol ioints, sectioning concrete into areas indicated. Tool ioints to dep$ equal to not less lhan one third ('ll3) ol the concr6te fricfness trairO toot control Fints in patt€m and at spacing irdicated. When not indicated' povide spacing €qual to slab wldth and not greater lhan 10'4' on center. Prcvide standard keyed-section constuc{ion.fttnts wh€r€ indicated. pmvide epansion Fints usang premolded, joint fill€r at conci€te worft abutting curbs, walls, structures, walks' and other fi-a "b[c{4. ioca:te e,pansffiir ioints as ddicated. When not indir:ated, provide ioints at maximum 3Or0' on center lor cufu'aiiO waffs. Align'epansi|n fints in abuting culbs and walks. tnstall Joint fitlers tull-widtt and depth ol ioinl ft"ide toe eOge nuit wifi aApctint finlshed surfice. Provide joint fillers in single. lengfihs for the tu|l slab widh, ulrenever i663bte. Fasten lrini filler sections together when multiple lengths are required. Protect the top edgB otthe jolnt filler during concrete plac€menl Goncrete Finishing Perforn concrcte finishing using mechanical or hand methods as required. Upon cornpletinn of ffoating, and after bleed water has <tisappeared and concrbte can sustain fod ptessure wih norninal indentation, cut corcrete away from ioms. Work edges with an edging tool. Round edges to 14' radius. lnstall cor tol ioints at indbated locations dudng edging operations. Int€rally colored concrete finish: After selected surface finish is completed, apply 2 thin coats of coloted conctete fnish treatrnent in acoordance with manufac'turc/s recommendations. ProvftJe sidewalk and pavement suriac€s with te!ftlred rnedium broom finish. Edge outside edges and allioints with a radius edging tool. Provide ramps wifr a nonslip texturcd medium broom finish. Cure corrcrete with a nonstaining liquftl membrane-lorming compound. Spray apply in accordance with manufacfure/s reconrmended cove.age rate. Appiy curing compound immediately after completing surface finish. Jdnt sealants: Install idnt sealants wh€re Indicated in accordarrcs wi0r the nranufac'turer's rrecorfrmendations- Clean and pdm€ 1tnts. REmov6 dirf and looso coatings. Apply sealants in conlinuous beads, without open ioints' void€' or air iocfeis- HanA toot and finish all ioints. Conn-ne mitbrials to |rint areas with masking tape or o0ler pr€cautions- Remotre Lxcess conpound pompdy as woft progresses and clean-adjoining surfaces. In rough surfaces or joints ot uneven widths, install idnt sealant wen back Into Fints. Maintain field records of time, date of placing, curing, finishing, and removalof forms of concrete in each portion of woft. Acceptance: The presence of serious honeycomb or excessive misalignm€nt of foms shall be sufficient cause for reiection and replacement of the concrete affected at the Gontracto/s epense. Provkte field quality control testing and inspection as indicated on the Drawings durinq oqtcrete gperations. Testing and lnspecddn shA{l bo perfonneC UVi qualified independent testir€ laboratory and paid for by the O,rrn€r. Contractor shall provide adequate nbrce, coopeirate with, providi access to th€-uloft, obtain samples_and.assist tsst agency and their iepresentatives in exectrtion df Ureir funciibn. Provide air indicator t€sts with a cOhase" AE35 or equalair indicator' and ai; meter tests in accordance witr ASTM C231 or C173 for all air-entrained concr€te. Test the first load of concrete each day. Fumish coprieq ot field records and tesl repotts as listed for str€ngth tests. Strengrth testing: Prwide 'l set of 3 tost specimens for each 50 cu. yds. p]"q4 '.n {Y one day- Secure samples.in accordance with ASTM C172 anO mofU spbi*ens in accordance wii'r nSfU C31. Test 1 specimen at 7 days and 2 specimens af 28 days in accodance *t0i lSfU q39. Fumish copies of field records..arf test repons as -follows: 2 cbies to fre Or,,neis iepresentatlve, 1 copy to Contiactor, and 1 copy to Ready Mix Supplier Record the exact b&tion of ne concrete in ihe work repiesent& by each set of cylinders irid shonr on test repotts. Provide an insulated mcist box for protection of the test cytinders until shipped lo the laboratory- o t I I I I I I 1_3 to i Profiect concrete rvort frun damage due to construction, vandalism, and vehicular haffc untl final acceptance- E)cfud€ I and vehixrhr traffc-horn concreb pavsments br a least 14 da)'s' Provitte temponary bani:ades and I waming lights as required br pdecrion of proiecl wod< and publb safety. I Sweep concrete sidewalks and par/ement, wash free of stains, discoloratftn, dG and other foreign matedal inmedialdy I pfur to final acceptairce. EI{D OF SECTION I I l I I I I I I I l I I I I t I t4 l I I t T I I I t T I t I I I I I I I PARTS IIETAL FABRPANOIS DESCRIPnON The work under this section indudes all labor, equipment, mat€dals and all irrcfulental work necessary for the-fabdcalion and instalhtion of metal fabrications. Uetal iaU-rication includes items made from iron and steel shapss' plales' ba6' "trips, t rUo, pipes, and castings which are not a part of structural steel or other metal slrstems sp€ciffed elsewtpre. prdviie ass6in6fies which, wtre-n insfalled, comply irdh trE tcrlto.ring minimum Fquirements tor sinrc-h.lral perfotmance, unless o0€rwlsg notod. UATERIALS F€rous mdals iiletal suilaces: For labdcafion of miscellaneous metal wod( urhlch win be exposed b view, use only matedals which are smoo0r and fiee of sudace blemishes including pitting, seam ma*s, ro$er marks, rdled trade names, and roughn€€s- 1- Steelplates,shap€s, andbars: ASTMAS62. Steel bar grating: ASTM A56t9 or ASTM A36 3. S:teel tr.6ing: CoH formed-ASTM A500, or Hot rolled'ASTMAsO1 4. Stnrtural sieet sheet Hot rolled-ASTM ASZ0, or cold lotl€d ASTM 61 1 , Class 1 of grade requircd br desQn loading. 5j catfitA st-"tural steet sheet ASTM Ai46, of grade required for design loading. Coating designation as indicat€, or if not indicated, G9O.6. 560l pipet ASTM AS3, tyf;-and grade (it appticable) as selected by fabdcator and as requlred for design loading: black finish unless galvahizing isinOicaieO; itandard weight (schedule ilo) unless othemise noted. Concrete inserts: Threaded or wedge type; galvanized fenous castings, either malleablejron, ASTM A47, or cast steel, ASTM A27. Provide botts, washers, aird shims as required, hotdip gelvanized, ASTM 4153. FastenerS Prorid€ zinc€oated tastene.s for exterior use or u/here built into e)derior walls. Select fasteners for llpe, grade' and class requircd. 1. Bolts and nuts: regular hexagon head tlpe, ASTM A307' Grade A 2. Lag bolts: square head b,pe, FS FF-B-5613. Machine screws: cadmium plated steel, FS FF-S-92 4. Wood scr€ws: flat head carbon steel' FS FF-S'111 5. Plain washers: round' ca.bon steel' FS FF-W-92 6. Masonry anchorage devices: erpansion shields' FS FF 5-325 7. Toggte 6ohs: tum5b wing type, FS'fr-a'seg' type, cla:s,-and style as required 8. Lod[ washers: helical spring type carbon steel, FS FF W€4 Paint Shop primer for Fenous Metal: Tnemec 90-97 Tmeme Znc rnetal primer applied at 2.5 t 3-0 dry mils' Apply to e)d€rior ste€l surfaces (SSPC Zone 1B) EXECUTION General Preassemble items in shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field splicing and assembly- Disassemble units only as necessary for shippingandiandling limitabons. Cleady maft units for reassembly and coodinated instafiaiion. Use materials of size and thickness indbated, or if not indicated, as rcquircd to produce strength and duability j". fi$t"d product for us€ intended. Workto dinrensions indi€ted or accepted o Shop Drawings, using prcven details of labdelion anO support. Us€ type ol materials indirxted or specified for various components of the work- Form erposed wo.k truo to line and tevel with accurate angles andsurfiace and straight sharp edgcs. Easo aQosed edges to a radius of approximaLfy ilg2; ,ni""" otherwlse iniicateO. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or othen'vise impairing work. Weld comers and seams continuously, complying with AWS recommendations. At e&osed connectinns, grind erposed weHs smooth and flush to match and blend with adjoining surlaces. Form erposed connections with haidine irJints, fiush and smooth, using concealed fasteners wherever possible. Use erposed'fasteners of type indicated or, if not indicated, Phillips flat-tread (counte.sunk) screws or bolts. Provkle for anchorage of tl/pe irdicated, coodinated with supporting slnrctire. Fabricate and space arrchodqg clevices l-5 t I I I I to provide adequate support for interd€d use. Cut, reintorce, drill, and tap miscellan€ous metal worl(s as indbated to receive finish hadware and similar items. Shop Painting eppfi "nop pti?,"r to surfaces ot metal fabrications e)@ept those which are galvanized or as indicated to be amb€dded in concrete or masonry, unless othenrise notdd and in cmpliance with rcquirements ot SSPOPA1 'Paint Application Specification No. 1'for shop paintirg. S&ipe paint atl edges, comers, crevices, bolts, weHs, and shap edges. Surface Preparation F "pa." g",iut metal sudaces to comply urih the minimum regulrernentsFqicaqq *toy for SSPC surface preiaration specifications and environm6ntal erposure conditions of installed metal fabdcaiitrns: 1. Exteriors (SSPC Zone 1B): SSPGSP6 tommercial Blast Oeaningf 2. tnteriors (SSPC Zone 1A): SSPC-SP3'Pouter Tool Cleaning' Rough Hardwar€ Fumish bent or otherwise custom fabrirxted bolb, plates, ancho6, hangers, dolvels, and other miscellaneous st€ol and lron shapes as required for framing and suppoding woodwork and for anchoring or securing woodwolklo concret€ or offier stnrctures. Fabdcate item io-sizes, sttif*s, ind dimensions required. F{mish malleable iron washers foi heads and nuts which beir on wood strucuJral connections; elsewhere, fumish sleel washers. Preparation Take field measurernenb prior to fabrkEtion wher6 possible. Coodinat€ and fumish anciorages, seting druawings' diagrams, templates, instmctions, and directions for installalim of ancfrorages,€t c-tl. as concete inseds, sl€eves' ancfior bolts, and miscettaneous items traving iniegral anchors, which are to b€ embedded in corrcrete or tnasonryconsh,cfron'. Coordinate delivery of strch items to prciect site. lnstallation Fastening to ln place Construction: Proride archorage devices and fasteners where necessafy for secudng miscellaneous metaf faOrlcd;i to in place construction 'fictuding hrcaded fasteners forcmcrete and masonry kis€tts' toggle bolts, through bofts, lag bofts, wood screws, and other connectors as required' Cutting, Fitting, and Placement: Perlorm ortting, drilling, and fitting required for installalion ot miscellaneous m€tal fabrbations. Set work accurately in tocation, aftg]iment ind elemtim, pltis, level, true and free of rack measurcd from estabtish€d lines and levef. Cov6e temp6rai Oracing or anchors in formwoil {or items which are to.b€ bulft.lnto conc6te masonry or similar consbuction. ' Fit eiqosed ionnections accurately together to form hairline loints. Wdd connections which are not to G left aJ eposeO ;dints, but cannot be shop welded d€caus€ of shlPptng slze limltations. Gdnd e)eosed joints smooth and touch tip snoi paini coat. Do not weld, cut, or abrade the surfaces of odedor units which have been hotdip gatvanizeU after fabn&tion and are interded for bolted or screwed field connections. Field Welding: Comply with AWS Code for procedures ot manual shielded metal arc welding, appearanc€, and quality of welds and methods used in coneclion welding work. Seting Loose Plates: Clean concrete and masonry beadng surfaces of any bond reduc!19 materials and rough€n. to improie bond to surfaces. Clean bottorn surface of'beadng-ptates. S€t loose levding and bearing plat€s 9n w€dgps-or other adjustable devices. efteitre Uearing members havi6een positioned ard plumbed, tighten the anchor bolts. Do not remove wedges or strims, Uut it piotuO-ing, c,rt off flush with de edge of the bearing plate belore pactirE$ilh grout. Use metallic non--shdnk gruri in co#ealed locations wtrere not eposed to moishrre, use non-metallic, ttott shdnk grcut an oeosed locations, uniess ofrprwise indicated. Pack grotrt sofidly between bearing suriace and pbtes to ensur€ lhat no vcids remain. ffr|5,:frr:iflrecr6n, clean fietd welds, bolted connections, and adraded areasor shop lnt al{ paint erpased areas with the same mated ;s ;sed foi inoi painting. Apply by brush or spray to provide a minimum dry fitn thic*ness of 2.0 mils. For galvanized surfaces, clean fieH welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas ard apply galmnizing repair paint to comtly wi&| ASTM A78O. I I I I t t t I I I I I I I END OF SECTION IO l I I I I I T t I I t I I I I I I I I o PART 9 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS DESCR|PNON The work under this section includes all labor, equipment, material, and all lncklental uiork n€c€ssary br the Installatbn oi " *1npf"O undeqround inigalion system as sirown and sOecified- The wo* indtrdes automatic lnigE|ftm system lnciuOing'piping, ftUirigs, sprinklEr headi and accessories, pump(s), valvesj bacldoiv.prev.ente(s) ard-tniqS"'Tq(")' inntroff,trtsi, "oitfAii6,ifeeving, s!;5tem testing, excavabng ind backfilling, associated erdedorandinletiorphmbing' and accEssories to complete the slrstem. UATERIALS Materials, equipment and methods of installation shall comply wilr fhe follodng codes and standatds: 1. Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Water Districts Regulations 2. National Electdcbl Code. 3. Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). Manulacturers and system component model numbers are indicated on he drawings. Provide oflly new matedals' without flaws or defedts and of the highes{ quallty of their specified class and kind' Submit manufacture/s product data and insiallation instructions for each of the system components- Deliver inigation system components in manufactureds odginal undamaged and unopened,containers with lab€ls intact an<, iegiUd. Deliv6r ptastic pibing in Uunarcs, pact<aged to f rovide adeqGteprotection o{ pipe ends, both ryrd"q "nd fiain. -Sor" and hahOte m'aieriifs 19 preu"ni Oamig€ anO detetorati6n. Provide secure, locked storage br rlatu€s, ip-,inrue, n""0" and similar componen15 trrat cannot-be immediatoly replaced, to prevent installation delays. Substitntions are not encouraged and as a general rule will not be allolved. Submit ]equests for substihltions witrin nft*n il sl OaVi aner Oate ot nireemenl Cdtraaor strall be responsible for innestigating th€ poposed su9$.ttto.t ang oernonlrriiqi tfrat it is ol the inre or better quality level, capacii, funclion, or appea.rance than the specifi"d qtodu* Contractor shall bear all costs resuhing fiom hecessary chinges.caused by the substiMion' The Orne/s Bepresentativ€ will determine acceptabilit y oi proposed substiMion and will notify Conbactor of acceptance or rejec{ion' lrrlgauon System llaterials Coilpfy wrui-pipe sizes indir:ated. No subsffution of smaller pipes will be qgrmitted' larger sizes may be used subJect to accebrince bf me orners nepresentarive. Remove dart;iled and defecUve pipe. Provide pip€- continuously and permlnendy mafted with manufacgrer,s name or trademarkl size schedule and tlrpe of pipe, working pr€ssure at 73 degrees F., and National Sanitation Fourdation (NSD approval. Po|yviny| chloride pipe: ASTM D2241, tigid, unp|asticized PVC, extruded fiom virgin parent matedal. Pro/de p|p9 horirog6neous throuitrout anO tree torir ri'sitite iracks, holes, foreign maledals, blistelsa wdnkles and dents. Pipes !: diamet€r and undershallbe SDR21, Ctass 2OO. Pipes wer 1'' diameter shallbe SDR 26, Class 160. Us€ Solvontwdd pip€ for diameter under 4'. PVC pipe fittings: ASTM D2241 schedule ,$ PVC molded fittings suitable _br solventweld, slip icint ring tite seal, or screft! connJctions. Frttings made of otrer materials are not fermitted. 9t9 9t,p fitting socket taper to pemit a dry unsoftened pipe and to Ue iiserted no more than halfway into ti\e socket- Saddle and cross fifrings are not peTq€d. scfreoute gd pvc pipe may be threaded- use male adapt6rs for plastic to metal connec{iors' Hand tighten male adaders plus one fum with a strap wrench- Polyethylene pipe: ASTM D2239 flexible polyethylene pipe rated at 100 psi minimum working pressur€. . tnsed fittings: ASTM D2,t66 insert tlpe fittings. Saddle and cross fittings not permitted' Sprinkter heads, pumps, valves and associated equipmer : Refgr to drawings materials list Controls: Refer to drawings mate.ials list. Bectdcal control wire: Electrical conkol and ground wire. Type UF AWG No. 14 sollc c@p€r UL approled-.for-direct underground burial.. Provlde one ertra wire to-furthest valve location(s). Wire color code: Provkle control or 'hot' wies red ]n-color. Prwide common oi 'grornd' *r"s white in color. Provirie extra wires black in cdor. Wire color shall be continuous over ifs enlire lengttt Glamps: Stainless steel, worm gear hose clamps with stainless steel screws' L7 T I a; .l I I o T t l t I l-ow voltage wire connectors: Socket sesl tlDs wire connectors and waterproof sealer. Vafue access bo@s: Tapered enc1osurc of rigid plastb matedal cornprised of ftrous components chernically inett and unaffacted by rgisture'corosion and tenVEraiure changes. Provide lid of same mderial, green in color. Size as indicated on drawing material lisl. sleeving: PVc oass 2oo pipe with solvent welded idnts, size as indicated on the drawings. Drip Inigation Components: Remot€ Cofltrd Valve Assembly for Ddp Laterals: as presented In the installadon details. Zone Control Valve Assembly: as presented in the lnstatlatorl details. Drip Emiter Assembly: Pressure compensating emitter device as presented in the installation details. Install emitter'\pes arfr quantifies on the imiter schedule as presented ir1.$e-installation details.' Use 1 /8. diameter flexiblaplasfrc trblng to direct wat€r trom emitter outtet to ?xnission point Length of emitter oudet tubing shall not er@eed five feet. Secure emitter oudet tubing with tlbirlg slakes- Install an access sleeve for each multiph ottdet ematter. Flush Cap Assembly: as presented in the Installation detaits. Locate at the end of each drip inigation hferal pipe. Acceosories Dralnagre fill: 16'to 3,t4'wash€d pea gravel. Fill: Oean scril free of stones h€er than 2' diameter foreign matt€G orgEnic matedal and debris- Provide impofted fill material as requireit to cornpbti the work Orbtain rights and pay alt costs for imported materials- Suitable e)@avat€d ma-terials removed to accorimodate tre Inignfon sfstem woik inay be used as fill material slbiect to th€ review and acceptance of the Oirnefs Representative. Paint Green, rust inhibitive paint EXECUTION tnstallers shall have a minimum of 5 years e)pedence installing inigalion systems of comparable size. Examine final grades and installation conditions. Do not stad inigation system work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Layout and stake the location of each pipe run and all spdnklet heads, sprinkler valves, manual drains' controller, and isolation vafues. Obtain acceptance of hyout from Orner's Representative prior to e)ca\rating. Inigation system layout is diagrammatic. Exact tocatiors of piping, sprinkler heads, valves and olher components shall be esfiOtisnei by Co'ntractor ii tre tetd at dme ot instattitibn. Space sprinkJer components as indkFt€d. Minor a justrnents in system tayout will be permitted to clear existing fixed 6bStruaions. Final system layout shall be acceptable to the Orvneis Representative. Sleeving: Place sleeves as indicated for installaflon of piping and control wire. Sayv cttt gxislilg paving-scl€duled to rernain ior sleeving installation. Forareas rcceiving new iivement tr€atm€nts, coordinate installation of sl€eves priorto pavement subgraie preparation. Install separate-sleevb to route eac+r run of ardgafon pl]€ or wiring bundle. Cutting and patching: Cut through concrete and masonry yvith co€ drills. Jack hammers ar€ not permitbd wihoutPrio( approJat troin tre dnefs nepilsentawe- trlaterials ani finishes for patching shal madr exi"t$ S .jq flpfl: ahb finish. Exercise speciat cire to provirle wat€r tight patchlng at op€nings in elderior walls. tlilefiods and matenals used for cutting ana pbtctring snan be acceptable to the Orvner's Representative- Ercavating and Bactfilling All ercavadon sirall Ue considered unclassified e:cavaton and irplude all matedals encounter€d. Ship sod for pipe trenches 1 ' to 1-1/2' hick providing clean cut edges. Ei(cavate tenctles of $fficient depth "lU t!,4 to pemit proidr handling and instaifarion ot ilpe and-nnings. Excarrate to depths rcquired to povide 2' dep{h d eadh fil or sand bedding tor pipiig wtren iock or ouiei unsuitabte-beadng mat€rial is encountered. t t T I I I I t 18 t I I I t I I I I t I I I I T I I I I Minimum cover over all pripes shal be as indicated in the installation details. E)(cavate trenches and install piping and fll dudng the same working day. Do not leave open trenches or padially filled G*n"s op.n ouemight. Reirdve'rocks larger San 2' in diameter kom trench bottom and sides before placing pipe. Backfill only afier lines have been reviewed and tes{ed. Backfll shall be frree from rubush, organic materials, frozen materials, and roc*s orer2'in diam€ter. Beldlland puddle the lower half of the Eench ald allnw to dry 24 horrs.. Backfillremairder of th€ Uenchi! 6'h)€rs attd compact to density of sunognding scil. Dress backfilled ar€a; to ofiginal grade. Incorporate excess bacld into existing slto grades. Remore material not suitable for bacldll. Replace stipped sod in sufficient tirn€ to allor/v tor satisfactory sod recq/ery and $owth. Water slripped and reinstalled sod untit iniiitlon s!r5te11 is phc€d in operation. Replace paving of same materiial, using ioints and pattems to matclt e)dsling adioining paving surfac€s. Plastic Pipe tnstall plaitic pipe in accodance with manufacture/s installatiotl instructions. Provide for themal e&ansion and contradd. Sdw 6[lt plastc pipe. Use a square-in-sawing vic6, to ensure a square cut Remove buns and shavings at cut trpjff:il]" t",. ** sotwnr weu jcrints or srip spat iotnts. gt only Tlvent. recommended bv the pipe manudactrrr"r. dstall pla$ic pip€ ftrnSs in aocordance wi.*r p,pe maruifiacture/s instrrrc{ion- Gonbac{or shall make .nar,g"r"ntt wift pii,e man'uiacturer-br all necessary neH iisisAnce. Keep ends of unassembled pipe capped. Remove caps only when necessary to continue installation. Make plastic to metal ioints with plastic male adapters. Snake pipe from side to side within bench. ilake solvent weld ioints in accodance with manufacture/s recornmerdations. Allow ioints to set at least 24 hours before pressure is applied to the system. Uncoil poly-pipe and insert fitting full depth. Secure poly-pipe to insed fittings wilh stainless-steel clamps. Double clamp pipe over i -i l+. Oiameter. Uainiain pipi interiors fr& 6t iiit and debris. ClosE open ends of pipe by acceptabte methods iiviren pipe installation is not in progie3s. Snake pipe from sid€ to side within trench. Sprlnlders, Fittlngs, Valves and Accessories Cbtain olnner,s R6piesentative's r€view and acceptanc€ of height for proposed. spdnkler heads and valves prior to installation. Instali fittings, vatves, sprinkler neids, risers an1 accessories in accordance with manufacture/s instuctions, except as o1rlnrnise lndica'teO. Provide conctete thrust btocks where required at fittings and valves. Set sprinkler heads perpendicular to finished grades, except as otherwise indicated. Install pop-up spray heads with fexibie swirg pipe a'ssdmblies. Maximum swing pipe length shall be 4'-O'. Locate spdnkler heads to assure proper coverage of incfitated areas. Do not 6:<ceed spdnkler head spacing distances itdi2ted. Instatl risers for spray heads in shrub or flower bed areas and planters of suffici€nt heigfit top^reverrt ill9TlqiT 9l S"^ stream byihe plait darcriat. Prcvide risers of tf SDR 21 class 200 PVC pipe with schedule 40 PVC male ddapters. Set risers in i row with top level and in-line. Paint exposed ptastic riserc with one (1 ) coat of paint. Install popup impact or gear driven sprinklers with an a-djustabte double suing ioint dser ol at least tht€e (3) standard 90 Oegred dU&s. 'patri,cite A61Ob sriing joint rbers of Sctredrle 8O PVC nipples and schedule 40 PVC elbovs. The hoizontat nipple connected direcdy lnOfie side o{ tre lateral line shall be a minlmum or 3' long. All other nipples of the swing ioint riser sha1 be of lengtr ii required for proper instaltation ol the spdnkler head. Use only bottom inl€t on all spdnkler heads. tnstall quick coupling valves with an adjustable double swing ioint ris€r assembled^ by-the use of at least three (3) standaril SO Aedee ltborils. ian1;6a6a Oouble swing ioint riiis shall be schedule 80 PVC nipples and schedule 40 PVC elbows- Instalt bacmo$, prevenlion valve, pump, suction line, booster pump, fitings, and accessodes as shown or requir€d to complete the system. Instalt controlle(s) as detaited. 1-9 l t I I I I T I I I o o I Install inground control valves in a valve access box as indilat€d. Install vafue access boxes on a sui1able base of grav€l to provide a level foundation at proper grade and to provlle dralnage of the access bor Povide e)tonsion sections as requircd. Seal thGaded connections on pressure sije of contol valves with Teflon tape or approved phstic ioint tlPe compound. -lnsta[ ffouv meters and cornbinafron ffc|lf meter/master rrafue in sccodance with manufiac{.1rc/s recommendations. lmtafl ddp emitfers and distrihnion tubing where irdicated. Provide alt adapters, plugs, and fittings. Contol wldng tnstali aecUlc controt catrle in the piping benches whelever possble. Plac€ wire in trench adiggeq !o-q'P9- lnsta[ wire with slackto alto , fort€nml g)g€uliioi anO cmfracfion. alanSon loints h wire may be prwil€d at 2oGiool int€wals by making 5{ tums of the wire iround a piece of %' pipe in$ead of Sacf Wherc necessary to run wire in a separate tbnch, prwide a minlrnrm cover of 12'. prc\ride sufficlent slack at site connecticns at remote control valves in coritrol boxes, and at all wire splices to allorv ralsing the valve bcflnet or splice to the surface without disconnecting the wires when repair is required. Prwide 24' minlmum slack. Conn€ct eaci remote conbol valve to one station of a controller exept as offrruise indicated. connect remote control valves to common ground wire system. Make wire connections to remote control electic valves rind splices of wlre in the field, using riire connectdrs and sealing cemenl in accordance with manufactureds recommendation Povide tight joints to prevent leakage of water and cofiosio.l build-up on the joint. Prcvite separat€ sleeve for wiring whem required. Provirle twisted pair wire bundles to controusensor equipment according to manufactureFs recommendations. Interlor Plumblng Install piping to pdvide complete drainage of the system, tourard the source wherever possible. Provide drain valves at att urair;g€ poiilts on pipes. cut pipe iccurately to measurements established at the buiHing attd irtalled wi0totlt spdnging-or iorcing. After cutting a'ni reaming, arid before assemHing, remore hterior scal€, dust, and foreign mater- tistat-teO'pipe snaii follow buitdiig lines, cleaiing atl doors and other openings. No dia_gonal piping will be accepfed. Install pip'ing to allou installation if pipe insulati& covering as indhated. Insulate fipe with t ' thickness of fibrous glass hsubdoh, d5 degre" service, with'white kaft paper jack;t and .OO1 aluminum foil vapor banier. Provide for thermal elgansion ard conbaction of pipe. Rrchlngb Tes{ng and Adjustment Afrer spdiikk pipiirg and diers are Installed and before sprinkler heads are installed, @en control valves and flush out tfie s!6tem wifi full head of wat€r. In the presence of the oliimer,s Representative, the Conhactor shall conduc-t a pressure te-st on the mainline pipe at a presstire of 1.5times operating pe'ssure for a period of two (2) hours. Pipe shouHhold pressure within 5 pounds fortwo (21 trorrs. 4ny leat<s oiUrcafsturing the test;ha[ be rpaired and the mainline will be retested until accepted. All test equlpment and pumps to be supplied by lhe Contractor. P€ilo|m system iesting lpon completion of eactr secliott. Make necessary repairs and retest tepaired sections as mqufued. Adiust sprinklers afterinstallation for proper and adequate distribution ot the wat€t over the coverag€ pattem- Adjust for trd proper arc of oove€ge. Tighten nbdbs on spray'type sprinklers afrer imtalladon. Adjust sprinkler adiusting sct€w m lateial 'line or circuit 5" reiri,"o for prop"r'..<iiui. Iniercnange nozzle panems as directed by the Ornefs Representative, to give best arc ol coveragp. A{ust all elec-tric aemote control valve fiout control slems for s}.stem balance. Test and demonstrate the controller by operating appropriate day, hour and station selection features as required to automatically stad and shut down inigfiton cyctes to d,:cornmoOate ptant .equitements and weather conditions. Prcgnm conboller according to Owner's R€pres€ntative instructions. ZO I t t I I I I I I I I I I T T I I I I I I I t I t I I o When requested, rcfum to th€ site dudng the subsecpent fiall season and winterize the system. Drain all water frorn lh€ iylfen ci Uo,r cirt g'n system wtUr-com-presseO air. lnstruct O,vnet's wotk force in prcper wintetizatcll ptocedures. Labd wi0l q/p€d descriplion of each contsol zme area ard location. |nsfucf fre O.mef6 deslgnat€d psrsonnd in the operatan of the s1s'tern, irrcluding adustnent of grinklers, conboler(s), valves, punp conhols and moisfuie senslng contols. Uoon acceptance the Owner will assume operatiofi of the system. Upor inigtion system acceptanco, submit wri[en qij;Ud;ffi-funi*ance in"rucUons. imvite format and cor*ents as dir€ct€d bythe Oivne/s Representalive. Povide inigation 6y1$om recod drawingS. Keep and update fieH copy daity. Legibly ma* to recod actlal constuction' f*icate frjrizontaf anC ve6cal focaffni, reterinceO 6 two (2) perm-anent curface inporcments. ldenttyfidd changes of dimension and detail and d;ge" ;;d€ OV Ctrange Order. Proide reprodrrciue mylar as-built drawing of acfrral co.rsttrcU*. lrchrde all intonndon forn re6rU Oriwings. Draft as-built drawing with Ink using standad drafrfuq bctmlques and procedurqs. ENDOFSECTPN 2t I I o PART1O LANUrcAPEACCESIPRIES DESCRIPTIONI I I I I The wo]k under this section includes all labor, equipm€nt, matedals, ard incHental work necessarylor ttrc instalhtion of . 6rdsc"pr u"""ssodes as shown and specified.'Lindscape accessodes include steel edging, and landscape boulders. IATERIALS tletrwr, sble and handh landscape accessories to prevent damage and deterioraton. Sbd edging: Painted sted 3/16' thick x 4' depth, wifr htedocking lints and steel stakes green in color' RyeGon or apprwed equivalent. Submit matetial samples. fadscape boulders: Exisffng boutders shall be used to tre rnaximum practical oxtent po6sible. lP-r49 ifPot!"d Uo.4O"o "s required to co6p[te the work Boulders shouH be rounded, not angutar, and.shotrld be wilhin d of the she naicatea m dl; drawings. ihe Ovme/s Representative wfll have the oplion ol inspectirqbouHes L|terded for Lnport at tre sor,c". The Conhaitor stroug allo/ se\ren C4 dap notice br lhe Ovner's Representative to inspect boulders pdor to tnport Any boulders moved m site where pdbi nof,ce was not given, rnay be rejec'ted by the Ourneds Repr€sentalivo and should be immediately removed ttom the job site. EXECL'nON Enmine subgrades, finished surfac€s, and installation conditions. Remov€ loose materiat and debris from base surface befor€ placin6 hndscap€ accessodes. Do not start landscap€ accessoti€s work.until unsatisfac{ory conditions aro con€ct€d. Locate ard lay-out all landscape accessory items. Obtain acceptance ol layout from the Oivne/s Rqrcsentahrc prior to installation. S!ee{ Edgilng Unes on [re-ptan indicate approximate fieH locations. The Landscape. Achitect will indicate in the field exacl locations and linas pddr to instattatiori.' Contractor is to notify the trndscape Arcfiitec-t seven O) days prior to the need for layout- Assemble, align, bend and adjust the sections before stakes are sel Set top flush with adjoining surfaces and trrf- CtEan ana tor.in-up paint all alraded, welded, and scratched surfaces with matching rust inhibitive painl lrrNdscap€ Boulde6 Place hrdscape boulders pdor to spreading topsoil and planting dtrt"!, Boulders shotrld be placed-,on a dry, ;."p"4; OJse nat wiU alfuw drainige froni' unier tre boulder, and trat will prevent the boulder ltorn selfing. Base mat€dal is subiect to insp€ction by the landscape Architect. The elenation of the compacted base should be I /4 to 1 /3 of the bouHer's height below finisheil grade- Plac€ and orient bodders as directed by the Landscape &chitect. Filt around placed boulders witr appropdate soil to finished grade so that boulders do not look as thoug! they 9P 3iningf on top of thb ground. Placed bould;rsshould be solid, stable, and unrockable. Wash landscape bouHers u/ith wat6. to remove mud, din, and debris as needed. I I I I I I I I t I I I END OF SECNON 22 T I o T I I I I I PART 11 TREES, SHRUES, ANDGROT'NDCOVERS DESCRIPTION The work for this section includes the provision of all labor, equipment, and matedals necessary fortte installation of .. trees, shrubs, and groundcovers, soii pleparation, existing tsee care, mulch, planling mixes, and accessories, as indrated on th6 plani. The work also iniludes the maintenance of landscap€ areas thrcugh the duralion olthe prciect MATERIALS PIant Provlslon A complete list of plants, including a schedule of sizes, quantities and odpr requirements is shown on the drawings. In the evbnt fiat quindty discrepancies or material omissions occur in tho ptant mate.ials list, the planling plans shall gwem. Plant names indicated shall compty with 'standadized Plant Names' as adopted by the latest edition of he Amefi:an Joint Committee of Hortkxlture lioinenclature. Names of varieties not listed conform generally with names accepted by the riuGery trade. Provide stock tru€ to Mani€l name and le$bly tagged. Comply with sizing, grading, and descriptive standards esiablished in th€ latest edition ol'American Standad br Nusery Slocr published by the American Association of Nurserymen. Provide plants ttpical of their species or variety, with normal, denselydwetoped branches and vigorous, fibtous root systems. Provide 'specimen' plants with a special height, shaps or.character of gowth. Tqg specimen bees or'shrubs at lhe source of iupply. ttr6 Owner,s Reprbsentativdmay inipect ipecimen selections at the source ol supply br suitability and adaptability id, selected location. When specimen ptant! cannot be purchased locally, provide suffici€nt photographs of tfie proposed sp€cimen plants for apprwal. Att plants shall be nursery grown under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality of the proiect fof a midmum ot 2 y€rs. Balled and burlapped plants: Dig balled and burlapped plants with firm, natural balls of earth of sufficlent diamet€r and depth to encompiss jle fibrouJ and feeding rooi systdm necessary for full tecovery o{ the plant. Ptovide .ball sizes complying with the laGst edition ot the tAme-rican Standard for Nursery Stock.' racked or mushroomed balls are not acceptable. Container-grown stock Grown in a container for sufficient length of time for the root system to have developed to hold ']ts soil togethir, firm and whole. No plants shall be loose in helontainer. Container stock shall not be pot bound. Bare root plants: Dig with adequate fibrous roots, covered with a uniformly thick coating ol mud by being puddled immediately after they are dug, or packed in moist straw, peat moss, or polymers. Plant Size Stock fumished shall be at least the minimum size indicated. Larger stock is acceptable, at no additional cost, and provkling that the larger plants will not be cut back to size indicated. Provide plants indicated by two measurements so ihat onf/a maximum-ol i5% are of the minimum size indicated and75!" ue of the maximurn size indbated. Ptant Conditon Provide only sound, healthy, vigorous plants tree from dead wood, bruises or other rooi or branch injudes. Plants sfian be free from d6fects, disftguring k;ots, sun scald injudes, frost cracks, abrasions ol the bark, plant diseases' insec{ eggs' borers and all forms of infes6tion. At ptants st ati trave a fully developed torm without voids and op€{r spaces. Eleqreen trc€s shall be branched to the ground. Phnts that are to be planted in rcws shall be matched in form. Sicle brarrches shall be generous, welFtwiggd and the phnt as a whole well-bushed to the ground. Plants heH in storags will be r€jected if they show signs of gro,vth during storage. All pruning wotnds must show vigorous bark on all edges. No pruning wounds shall be present with a diameter of mor€ than 1'. Delivery, Storage, and Handling ol Plants Take all precautiins customary in good tra<te practice in preparing plants for mwing. Wo*manship that fails to meet tp highest itandards wittbe rejecied.-SpnyOeciituous ptarits intotiagewith an approved'Anti0esiccanf im@iatdygfter dilging to prevent dehydration. Dig, pick, transpori and handle plants with care to ensure prot€ction against iniury. tnifeCtion certificates iequired by'iaw shall accompany each shipment invoice or order to stock and on anival' th€ certficate shall be filed wiih 16e Owner's Representativd. Protect an phnts |tom drying out lf dants cannot be planted 23 I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I immediately upon delivery, propedy protect them with soil, wet peat moss, or in a manner acceptable to the O$rnefs nepresentativi. Water tr6iied-in pt#tngs daily. No plant shail be bound with rcpe or wire in a manner that couH damage or break lhe branches. Transport plant matedal to site in a dosed vehkie or otherwise protected fiorn wind and ofrerdamage. Plant mderial aniving on site which have been wind damaged, desiccated, or othemise damaged will be reiected. Phnts with fresh uncalloused bark wounds will be reiected. Phnt lnspection Plants may be inspected and approved at the place of grcurlh, ior compliance with Secification rcguiremqrts br qualty, size and variety. Sucn approvii strail not impair the fuht ol inspec{ion and reiection ryon delivery at th€ {*b or dufng the progress of the work. Plant Warranty Wanant plant material to remain alive and be in healthy, v(prous condition for a period of one (1) year after completion and acceptance of entire proiec{. Replace, in accordance with the drawings and spscifications, all planb that are d€ad or, as determined by.the Orvne/s Representative, are in an unhealthy or Jnsighd!4 condition, and have lost theif natural shap€ due to dead branches, or offi'er causes due to the Conhacto/i negllge-ncd- The coet of such replacement(s) is at Conbactofs e)@nse. Wanant all replacement plants for 1 year after installation. Wananty shall not irrlude damage or loss of trees, plants or grqlnd coverc caused by fires, ffoods, fre€ahg, rains, tighting 6torms, winds over 75 mil& p€r hour, winter kiil caused by extreme cold and sovere winter corditions not tyTical of planting area or acts of vandalism. Accessories Topsoil: Provide dry, loose topsoil br plantng b€d mix€s. Topsoil should be feflile, ftiable, naturat topsoi! ot torqmy ctriracter, without admixture oi subsoil matedt, obtain€d from a welldrained arable site, reasonably free ftoot clay, lumps, coarse sands, stones, planb, oots, sticks and other fore(1n materials, with ack ity range olletween pH 6.0 and 6.8.' Hentify source locaticirr bf topsoit proposed for use on the project. Screen topsoil to break up and r€move all particles larger than 3/4' in diameter. Frozen or muddy topsoil is not acceptable. Organic matter for planting beds: Shrcdded or pulverized manure at least one year old, low in mineral and $oody mdiedal, welt comiosted to destoy weed seedi, free from objectional odot wet or dry,-toee !.otn :9lF al9 {t.. substances detrimintat to plant growtt. Screen manure to breakup and remwe all particles hqer Enn 94' In diarnebr. Peat Moss: Brown to black in color, weed and seed free granulated raw peat or baled peat, containing not more lhan 9oA mineral on a dry basis. "Mountain Peat Moss'will not be accepted. Prernixed ffower/groundcover bed planling mixture: Consists of two (2) parts screenedtopsoil to one (1) part peat moss tg on€ (1) part screeneO manuie. Add !6 pound 2G26€ slow release fertilizer per cubic yard of planting ml)(t tB. Fertilizer Plant Fertilizer Type 'D': Commercial tl1pe slow release, bdarced fettilizer with NPK anal)rsis of 2&2().20 or approved substiMe. Deliver fertilizer materials in odginal, unopened and undamaged containers showing weight, analysis and name of manufacturer. Slore in manner to prevent wetting and deterioration. Anti-Desiccant Protective film emulsion providing a proteclive flm over plant surfaces; pemeable to pemit hanspiralion, mixed and applied in accordance with manufacture/s instructions Mulch: Shredded Aspen bark or pole peelings free trom noxious weed seed and foreign material. Submit sample for approval. Waten Free of substances harmful to plant grcwth. Ho6es or other methods of transportation fumished by Contractor. Stakes for Staking: Ste€l tee post, 6 foot length. Stakes for Guying: Steel tee pos! 24 inch length. Guying/Staking Wire: No. 10 or 12 gauge galvanized wire. Staking and Guying Strap: 2' wide nylon straps ol sufficient length to avoid contact of tivire or grommets to trunk of tree. 24 I I I I I I I I need€d to T I I I I t I I I I I o Tree Wrap: Standard waterproofed tree wrapping papet, 2-1f2' wide, made of two (2) layers of crope ktaft paper weighing not tess than 30 bs. per ream, cemented togeher wih asphalt Weed Control Baniec Spun bonded, non-woven polyesterfabric, with dense surface capabb of impeding weed grcufi and penetration, rot resistant, air and water perineiUte, flexibb and capable ot wiftstanding nomal foot traffic and installation stresses. Submit a sanple br approval. EXECUnON General Notifu Orvner,s Reprbsentative at l€ast seven (7) working dap pdor to anstallation of plant mat6.ial. Examine poposed planting areas and conditions of installation. Do not start ptanting work until unsatisfactory conditions ar€ conect€d. The inigation system shall be installed prior to planting. Locate, Fotect ard maintain th€ jJnOalion Orytem dudngplanftng operat&rs. Ani inigation system components bamag-ed Ouring itanting operations shall be r€paired at the Gontactot's €xpense. planting wil be ihspected bythe landscapeArchitectdudngard atth€ co.n-pletinn of planling, fgqryeanO lqt{QtetV reptice-att ptanS, as AetenirineO Uy the tirndscape lrchitect to be unsatisfactory during the initial planting instalhlion. Tlme of Planting Ins{all woody plit matedal betureen April 1 and November 1. lQstall hebaceous plant matedal beh^,€€n llay 15 and Augus{ 1 . S-pray eveqreen material and deciduous matedals in leaf with an anti desiccant ptior to plantng operations. Planting Oporations gr,cavat! n6t"er and groundcwer bed areas to a minimum of 12'deep. Install inlatiot and odpr subsurface equipment pdor to plac€ment of ilanting mixture. Fillbedswith premixed fforver/.groundcover planling mixture up tofnish€d grade. Keep planfing mixture dry- Do not work planfing mirture when wet. la beds ars not to be plant€d imm€diately' cover to protict agairist contamination wittr specineO hndscape fabric secured with 6' stabl€s at 24' on center' planting shall be performed only by experienced workmen familiar with planting procedures under the supeMsion of a qualified supervisor. Locate plants as indicated on the Plans. All locations are to be approv€d in the field byfhe Orne/s Representative pdor to excavating planting pits. lf obstructions are enco.rntered that are nol shourn on the Plans, do not ptoceed wih plantig operations until altemate plant locations are selected. .- Excavate circular plant pib with veftbal sides, except lor plants specifically indltated to be danted in beds- Proride planting pits at leait e $mes fre diameter of tha root system. Oeptr 6t pit shall accotnmodate the root system. Scadly the siJes of the pit. Balled and Burlapped Plants: Remove botom 1/3 of wire basket on balled and burlapped dants prior to setting in plant pit. After plants are set, muddle planting soil mixture around bases of batls and fill att voids. Remove all budap and rop€s lrom ihe tops of the root Uatts. Ctro:ue "" r*h of the remaining wirc basket as possible wittolt causing damag9 to he rcot ball. Container Plants: Remove contain6r from rootbalt. Cut any circling roots and slit sidei of rootball as discontinue circular root growth. S€t plant matedal in Ere planting pit to proper grade and alignment- plants shall be set uprigh! plumb and faced to give the best appearance or relationship lo each other. or.adjac€nt structure. Set plant miteriai fiuitr wittr tre nnistr gdUe. No filling urili be permitted aro_und trunks or stems. Plants tnay be backfitled with'excavated pit matedal. D.o not usd frozen or muddy mirtures for backfilling. Form a dng of soil around lhe edge of each planting pit to retain water. Fertilidng Trees, Shrubs, and Groundcovers nppfy uicin]i rcrtiiit"iifi ;o' to surface of ptanting pit at a rate equal to o.2o pounds of Nitrogen per square yad. Do noi dppty tertltizer clossio trunk- Calculate ledilizei application by the following formula: Pit area (sq. yds.) x 0.20 pounds x 100f/oN = pounds per planting pit Mulching 25 T I t t I I I I t t I I I t I I I I I o Install woed contol banier over grade prior to mulching tree and shrub plantings and shn-6 beds' Secure on slopes wlti six (6) staples at 24' o.c- Mulch tree and shrub ptanting prib and shrub beds wifr required mulching matedal 3' deep immediately afrer planting. Thoroughly water mutlneO aieis. After watedng,. rake mulch to provide a unibrm finishEd surface. Do not mulch groundcover or ffower beds. Wrapplng, gtrying, staHng, and prunlng fnspiri:t Ges t& i rJury to truifs, e-vidence-of insect inJestation, and improper pruning beiore wrapping. Wrap funks of alt te€s spirally from bottom b top with spocified he€ wrap andsealre in place. Ovedap one haff (1r) tho widfi of the Uee wrap strip ani correr ule trunk frbm tre ground to the height ol the secord brarrch. Secure$ee ump In pf""e "tUr trin" *oulnO siirafy aownward in oppcite di6dion, tied around [re tree in at leas{ 3 places in addifion to top and bottorn. Stak€/gNJy alt tees immediatoly after lawn seeding or sodding operations and pdor to acceptance. When.high winds or o6rer ciriditlons which may affect fiee $urvfual or-appearance occur, the kndscalpe Architect may rcquire immediate staking/guying. Stake deciduous tees under 3' caliper and evelgreen trees under 8'-O' talt. Guy decirluous free oner 3' caliper and evergreen trees over 8'-0' tall. Pruning: Prune atl plant material only as directed by the Olne/s Representative' Care of existing trees Setectively prune existing trees in designatsd areas, under ditection of the Orrrne/s Representative- Remove strcker shoots, dead, rubbing and damaged branching. Fertilize desbnated..existing trees with 2 to 3 hs of Type 'A' plant fertilizer per inch ol tru.nk diameter, for trees kiss than O. diameter ind g 6 5 bsJor trees greater than O' <iiamet6r. Fettilize in early spring beforc _gtorrrfftegins or in late October. Fertilize at 2 to 3' on cent6r h a trian$rlar patem to a depth of 18' within the ddpline. Inieclkrn or dtiling fertilization methods when used, shall be acceptable subiect to tre orlne/s Representative. Water existing trees every 2 weeks until acceptanoe. Water thoroughly with a fine mist sprinkler head' soaker hcse or hose at a lor-flow rate over the entire drip tini aneas as r€quired to allorfl urater to penetrate to a depth of 12' io 18'- llaintenance Maintain plantings until cornpletion and acceptance ol the entire prc{ecl Maintenance strall inchrde pruning, cultivating, weeding, watering and application of appropdate insecticktes and fungicides necessary to maintain plants free of insects and disease. Reset setded plants to proper grade and position- Restore planting sarcer and adiacent material and remove dead material. Trghten and repair guy wires and stiakes as reguired. Corect defectirre work as soon as poesible after deficiencies become apparent and weather and season permil Water bees, plants, and ground cover beds witrin the first 24 hours ol initial planting, and not less than hflico per we€k until final acceptance. Acc€ptance tnspition to Oetemine acceptance of planted areas witl be made by theoune/s Representative. The Contrac{or will provUe notification at leist 7 wo*ing days before requested insp€ction date. Planted areas will be accepted provided atl requirements, irrcluding maintenance, have been complied with and plant materials are alive ard in a heallhy, vigorous condition. Upon acceptance of the entire proiect, the O,vner will assume plant maintenance. . PiwiOe pldnt material recorU aiauiingi. tegiOty mart drawingi to indicate actttal plant placement it difierent fiorn the original tanOscape Plan. ldentify fieid cfranigei of dimersion-and detail and changes made by Chang€ Oder. END OF SBCNON 26 I I I I I t t I I I I I I t I I I I I PART 12 SODDING DESCRIPNON The work required by this sec{ion includes the fumishing ol all hbor, equipm€nt, -materials and all lrrcidental woft necessary foi ne ins[aflation of grass sod as indicated on the Plans. The work includes soil preparation' pPv{s]on aqd Installatioir of sod, and maintenalrrce of sodded areas until final acceptance of the poiect or as directed by the Orvne/s RepEs€ntatiw. IIATERIALS So<l: Sod species shall be as indrcatred on the plans. Submit sod gowerc certifcation-of_grass sp€ci€€. prwide weit-rooted, h€althy sod, that has been-regn rhdy brtilized, wat€rcd, and moved. Sod shall b€ fr€€ of diseases, n€matodes and soii bome insects. Povide sod unibrm ln color, leaf textrrre, density and free of w6€ds' undesirable grasses, weeds, stones, roots, tftabh and odran€qls material viable and capable_ol gtowth and development urhen itanteO.' SoA snou6 be iniforrnty cd 18' (50 cm) wide, with a scril base not less than g8' (1.75 cm), or more than U'l' (2 crn) thi:k with clean cut edges. ltlor sod before srioping. Sod shall be delivered within 24 hours of cutting, and installed wi8rin 24 hourc of delivery. Do not haruesl orbansport sod rrrfren moishrre content may adversely affect- sod survival. Prctect sod {rom sun, wind, and dehydraiion prior to lnstallation. Do not t€ar, strehfr, or drop sod during handling and installatim. Delfuer sod propedy toaded on vehictes and protected from sun, wind, and heat h accodance with standad practice and labeted in aico'rU witr F€deral S€ed Act Sdd rolls shall not be dropped from loading carts, trucks' or sod pallets. Sod damaged in transit or storage will nd be accepted. l,lotif Owner's Representative of doliv€ryschodule in advance.so materi-at may Ue inspected tipon anival at lhe j6b site. Undcceptable material shall.be removed immediately frorn lhe Fb sfte. Ferlitizer: Deliver chemii:al fertilizer to site in odginal unopened container bearing manuftacfure/s guaranteed, chemical anatysis, name, trade name, trademark, and coinbrmanie to State Law, bearing name and wananty ol producer Tpe A fertilizer: Triple Superphosphate, 045-0. Tyle B fertilizen Starter Fertillzer, granular, non-buming, slou/ rel€ase, 16'20-0- Tiie C fertilizer: A slow release, pe-lletized iertilizer derived from soybean meal, cottonseed meal, and sulfate of potash magnesium, or an approved substiMe with the following analysis: Nihogen 6:1 Phosphorous 1:1Potash 3:1 Ofganic matten Shrcdded or pufuerized manurc at least m€ year old, lofl in nfrneral and woody material, r,netlcomposted to iestroy weeC seeds, free fiom objectionable odor wet or dry, ard free from salts and other substances detrimental lo phnt gronvh. Screen manure to remove clumps larger than 3/4'diameter. Turf Reinforcement Fabdc: Lightweight injection molded intedoc*ing plastic units 20' x 20' x 1 ' high, 2-7 sg ft (0-5 I 0r5 x 0.025 m) with hollow dngs on an open grid. The plasth shall be 10@- post- consumer recyded plasoc reslns' prcdominandy HDPE, uritia minimum ggaiaton blaik concentiite added for UV protection. Color is black. Submit product informalbn for approval. Polyacrytamide Polymec A dry syrthetic crystal made of polyacrylanfde (<). 1 "6) potymer that is non-bxic and neubal in pH. en6mative potymers d idrid, or anionic forms wifi n6t be afl6wed to b€ substihrt€d. Submit product information for approral. Stakes: Softwood, U4' dia x 8' long or, steel staples 8' long or as approved by the Orner's Representative Waten Fr6e of substance harmful t6 sod growsn. Hoses or otpr mEtlrods of fiansportation fumished by Contractor. EXBCUTION Wort< notificalion: Notify Or.vner's Representative at least 7 urofting days prior to stattot sodding operations-. eerOrm soOOinjwo* 6nfy aGr panting and other work affecring grourtd iurface,has been completed. Examine finish surfraces, gradei, topsoil {tafty ind dep-th. Do not start sodding wok until unsatisfactory condition$ are conected. Limit preparalion to areas which will be irnmediately sodded. The inigation system shall be installed prior to sodding. LocatE, prctect and maintah the inigaton s]6tem dudng sodding operations. Heiair inigation system cixnponents damaged during sodding opqrations at the Contracto/s expens€. 27 I I I.L ; I ; I I I I I I I I o Loosen tbpsoil to mhimum depth of 4 irrches. Spread oryanic matter orrer lawn alea at a rate of 3 cubic ltads per 1 OO0 square fe& This is ecn al b a; orerall <iepth of i inshEs.- Aflply Type A fertilizer at a rate of 1 2 pounds per 1 Oq gqtpP fei*. Rdotil or disk lain area to a minimirm deplh ol 6 irrcies. Remove sdcks, ncots, clods and ston€s orer 1 inch in diameter, and offrer e)draneous mater. Grade liwn area to a $nooth, free draining, even surface, and according to the grading plan. Lawn ar€a shouH be fim but not packed. Apply Type B fertilizer at a rate of 7 pourds per 1(D0 square fe€t, ard rake lnio soil su*ace. ff requlEd by tf|€ Plam, install base course, turt rsiniorcement fabtic, po[/acrylamid€ polymer, and sand per manrifactrrets recommendations. lnstall base course in accordance with pavernent base specifications- Store mlled sod in the shide or water erpos€d surfaces lighdy b avcrid dryrng out. Do nd store sod br more han one day in warm weather. lf sod bed soil is dry, water ligh0y. Coordinate sodding operat'ons to minimize Uaffic on pr€pared bei or newly laid sod. Rake qit hacks as necessary U&ore sodding. Do nd tay domant so<l or install sod on saturated orfrozen so . lnstall Initial row of sod in a shalght line, @inntng at bofrom of slopes, perpendicular to direction of the sloped area. Place sLbsequent rorivs parallet to and lighty against p.€viously installed row- Lay sod to fom a solid mass with tightly-fitted jolnts. &Itt ends and sides of sod strips- Do not ovcday edges. Stagger stfirs to ottsat jolntjs in adjac€nt cou[ei. Rem&E excess sod to avokt srnoil]€dng ot adiacent grass. Ptwide sod @ top flush with adjaqent culbs, sid€nralks, drdm and needed areas- Peg sod on slopes gr€ater than 3 to 1 to prevent slippag€ at a rat€ of 2 stakes per yd. of s'od, Water sod thoroughly wi$r a fine spray immediately ater hying. Inigiion heads will be adjusted to properrvatedng height accoding d-eptr of sod mateiiat'Uut tower Urai compacted grass blade height to enable lawnmovvers to freely cut grass wiBput damage to spdnkler sysl€m. Roll ytlth [gtrt lawn rcllor to ensure contact with subgrade. . ltlaintain sodded bwn areas, ircl1rdnq waterirp, spot we€dng, nroring, appfrcation of hebicides, fungi:ides, insecticides and resodding until a fufi, uniform j16nd of g-rais free of teed, undesirable grrass species, diseas€ and insects is . achieved and accept€d by the Landscape fuchitect Water sod daily in warm weather, and every 2 to 3 days in cooler weather, or as required to establish proper rooting. Mo/v lawn areas as soon as lawn top go$rth reaches a 3' height. Cut back to 2' hoight. Repeat mou/ing as required to ' maintain specified heighL Not morethan 4O7o of grass leaf shall be removed at any single mowing- Apply hebicides as rcquired to conhol weed growth or undesirable grass species. Apply fungicides and insecticHes as reqil€d to contrcl diseas€s and insects. Remov€ sod p€gs. Repair, rewo* and resod all areas that have washed out or are eroded. Fephce undesirable or dead areas with new sod. R€stft:t tsaffic from lawn areas until grass is estabtished. Erect signs and banierc as required. Acceptanc€: h+daion to determinb aoceptance of sodded lawns will be made by the Landscape_ Architect, upon Confacto(s) redlest prwtOe notification ai least 1 O wo*ing da}'s bebrs request€d inspec{ion date. Sodded areas wi[ be acc€ptable prdvtOeO atl requirements, induding maintenance, have been complied wifr, and a healthy, even-colored viable lawn is bstaUIistreO, frie of weeds, undesiEOte grass species, disease and hsects. Upon acceptance, the Orner will assume hwn maintenance.I t I I I E}IDOFSECNON 28 R.quacbd Insp€at D.b:' lnrp€cuon Arc|: Slh Addr.r.: Tuecd.y, ilry 24,2005 CD <l{onc Urbd> 340 HAilSOftI RAf.ICH RC,AO (AFPROK} A/P/Dffirmrdoo Acfnltt: B0+{lillgcons!TyF:*."Iffi,A-CONrm SmI.: |sgt EDInrpArs: CD otvricr VALCORP ADDllcsnt J.L. VIEIE ( Coirhlcbr: JI.\r|ELE ( Dr*lEloo: PIRATESIFCofidrrtt ROUTEDTO Comm|tt: SIRUCN,RAL SPEC|NCANONS SUBMITTED AND R.GxEbd lruocotrodsl lbmr il{ ruU{.FIl{ALCrt)R.q$rbr: J.L. VIELE COt€TRlJCTlOf.l Commrnu Ptt|r Shb Pertwil cal eilhil nwr*'cr Arc€ncdTo: BGIIBSONAEflon: Tlm. ExD: fbfii! 90 Bll)G+lnd R.gr.r.rb,r: J.L. \rl€LE CONSIRT CTlOry Cofimrilf: wltcd dhor nmb*A..hn.dTo: JMONDRAGOII Acfloi: llsn: DSTTE vr|)Rr( DAVr{i. ErLt GTESON AND PUBLIC rJlpSU(s - JSuT}ER ICATIONS SUBMITTED AND ROIJTED TO CI{ARLIE OAVIS. JSUTI{ER ll*e Elp: Phonc: 97{147$3& Fhonc: 970s1?&3083 R.quest d Tlme: 0E:15 At- Plbnc: 97G476^AEC -ot- 471- 3514 Entir.dBy: DGOLDEN K Rcouccbd Tlmc: 08:0oAt' Phom: g7(l.,l75.iIIfl ot- 471- $14 Ente..d ry DGOLO€N K h/;' lnro.cdon HlsbrY lbm: l0 ELDGFooSmdSbel - Aoprowd * Blg(X-lmorcror: JRU -' Aciloo: APAPFRoVED Comn rlr FOOTEn5FPP9ry69l(yldtx InsD.cbr: c(hvlr Aouon: APAPPROVED Co,mmad: bodno p.dr Nnd bourlE tlor &ropil rtuctm -9rovfltr 3F charrrca 6 ea rlFom nbGr 2O BLDG.FownhlloilSled * Ap9rovod "917/{X In Dccbc Arl AcJon: APAFPRO/ED COMM3N: APPRO/ED FOUTEATION STEELl(yt6f}. ksocbr: cdcvls Acdon: APAPPROVEDComnaft r5n wal o{r aad sH3 ol r& uctraO BLDGfr.nUnoS ELDG.Flrpl - 5O.l Fllll-FltlALCto5S PW-FINALC,O2l PLtl+|lC Founddon fun t}h* lbm:lhn:nrr lbm: lbm: St.6T\tpe: Ottr.: V N REgr131 Rrrn Id: 3226 Planning and Environmental Commission Va(trly€h1 e--frr*E ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.4D.2I39 Ja><: 970.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Pmject Name: Vail Mountain Park Subdivisi PEC Number: PECO50022 Project Description: MAJOR SUBDIVISION OF TMCT E Paficipants: OWNER VAIL CORP 03/25/2005 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 License: APPUCANT VAIL CORP 03/2512005 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 816s8 License: Project Address: Location: PIMTESHIP PARK Legal Description: Lot: TrE Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 5 ParcelNumber: 210108242011 Comments: BOARD/Sf,AFF ACIION Motion B$ Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Viele Vote: 4-0-0 DateofAPProval= O4ltLlzOOS Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond:300 PEC apprcval shall not be not beconre valid for 20 days following the date of , approval. Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 g3/2Ll2ag5 LLi47 979-926-7576 BRAJN ASSOCIATES Application for Review bY thg PAGE A3 Plannlng and Environmental Gom Depaftment gl Community Darclopnnnl- -- 75 Sclth Frontaga Rord, VrIl, Cobrado 81557 tel: 970,.79,21 3S !.F,r:. 97O'419,?452 u,6b: {wvw.vallgov.com General Informetion: Al projcoB |lquHru H fing rnd E Mtonmenlal ommirdon rcview mtFt ltcal\n aPp.oval ptlor to srbmlttir€ a buldlrtg prrnlt appxcalion. pg" nror to the $lbmltbl reqdnna|E for ltr partlqJlar apfrolal ihat b rcquesbd' A.,;;Fd"uil tuI'pi"nning aa erwi'pg1-mnr"l alrr;isbnrivlew cannot be ppbd udil ell le$lnd Inbmatirn i;';fide-t nrs comdniry O*iiopt"nt o.p"rtmrnt. Thc pmiect may al6o nrd b be re!i6t^'d by lhe Torn Councll and/or the tleslgn Raderrv Board, rypc of Applicatlon rnd Fm: Raonlng t13m lrajor subdlvBion 11500MlnorSubdivlsion E6s0 E(.mptlon Plat 0{150 Mlnor Amcndment lo sn SOD S'1000 l.to,lr $cclal DevehFnent Dlstrlot S6000 lilajorAmendmenltoanSDD Sm00 iliJor Am.ndment to an 8DD 5125{) boertcrfinodfrc€,ttu',sl Ocrditional Ule Plrrnit Floodplain Moducatlon Mhol Ecbrlor AlhnUon i,lajor Exbdor AlGlrton DevalopnEnt Pltn Amsrdm.nt io a Da/Glopmcnt Pbn Zonlng Oodc Amendmsnt \larbnce s|gnVtltrce s650 t/O0 $550 s800 01s00 s250 $1300 $500 0200 I I il 8(tf ocll }., the R.qu.it3 lr.i o.- PhyslcalAddmae: zl ol Parcrl No.: *r cl (Oontact Eagi€ Co. Asscssortt 970€28€640 fbr parcel no') Zonln0: Nrm.(i) of own.r{s): Mailing Addruer: owncr(s) 9[naturc(s]: .. Pt ANNING AND Namr of Appllcant: Maillng Addrerg: E-m.ll Addruls: f.-..$'fAoP PBgc l offfH rl^14 a3/2L/.2965 11:47 978-926-7576 TO: trROIU: CC: DAIE: RE: LAI{O FLANNINA A COMMUNITY DEVIIO'MINT . MEMORANDUM George Ruther TomBnun JryPeterson Mrrsh 21,20G; Vall Mounteir Park Subdlvlrlon (Plrete Ship Perk) BRAJN ASSOGIATES PAGE A2 Attaphsd pu will find an application form for the Vail Mountain Park Subdivision, a proposed major subdivision of Tract E, Vail Village Fifth FilirU. I do notr€call sccing anyrefefial comrn€nts on this application frorr Public Works' That said, with tho nurry of suldivisions wo have bccn processing over the pasl few months it is poesible firat this has occuned. Let me know if you oi nrblio Wor*s would like any modiffcations to the plat and I will work with Peak o get thc'ra dono' While tbc toum rlrcady has thc deed for this parcel aud fte subdivision is il many rcspocts a frrnality, I havc askci Gcrry Arnold from Vail Rosorts to give this plrt anothen look over. I would roqucd thet we proceed with thc PEC rcrriew of this plat and thcn make any firal rcfinemene following the rwiew by Gerry (aad by Public Wotks)' Thank pu agaln for lour assistance wittr this applicatio'n. Opd Euilding . 225 M.ln S ..t ' Suli. G-Z ' Edrvadt CO 81632 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 11, 2005 A request for final review of a final plat for a major subdivision application, pursuant to Chapter 13-3, Major Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for the creation of the Vail Mountain Park Subdivision: a final review of a variance from Section 12-8A-5, Lot Area and Site Dimensions, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the creation of a new lot less than 35 acres in size, located at Tract E, Vail Village, Fifth Filing and a part of Lot C, Block 5-C, Vail Village First Filing, and setting for details in regard thereto. (ftCo6 . @LZ) Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George Ruther il. SUMMARY The applicant, Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc., is requesting a final review of a major subdivision application and a variance from Section 12-8A-5, Lot Area and Site Dimensions, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the creation of a new lot less than 35 acres in size and to create the "Final Plat. Vail Mountain Park. a resubdivision of Tract E. a resubdivision of Tract E. Vail Villaqe. Fifth Filinq and a part of Lot G. Block 5-C, Vail Villaqe. First Filinq. and Golden Peak House. Town of Vail, Countv of Eaqle. State of Colorado". As a result of the subdivision, Tract | (0.485 acres) will be created. Staff is recommending approval of the applicant's development review applications as listed in Section Vl of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Braun Associates, Inc., is requesting final review of a major subdivision application and a variance from Section 12-8A-5, Lot Area and Site Dimensions, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the creation of a new lot less than 35 acres in size and to create the "Final Plat. Vail Mountain Park. a resrlbdivision of Tract E. a resubdivision of Tract E. Vail Villaqe. Fifth Filinq and a part of Lot C. Block 5-C. Vail Villaqe. First Filinq. and Golden Peak House. Town of Vail. Gountv of Eagle. State of Colorado". As a result of the subdivision, Tract I (0.485 acres) will be created. The sole purpose of the final plat is to resubdivide Tract E into two parcels; Tract I and Tract E. Tract l, pursuant to a Bargain and Sale Deed, executed on May 19, 2004, will remain the property of the Town of Vail. The remaining portion of Tract E shall remain the property of Vail Associates. I lt.BACKGROUND On September 22, 2003, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission approved a conditional use permit and an approved development plan for the Founder's Parking Garage and Park, located on Lot P-3, Vail Village, Fifth Filing. Upon approving the request, the Commission placed the following condition upon the approved development plan, 1. That the Developer provides a deed, af his so/e expense, to the Town of Vail, Iegally transfening that portion of land under Pirate Ship Park, as generally described in Exhibit A (attached), to the Town of Vail, prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of Vail's Front Door Project improvements (includes Founder's Parking Garage and Park). The terms and conditions of sard transfer shall be review.elf,ytd aQWffifrytthe Town of Vail. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use Zonino tv. North: South: East: West: Mixed Use Development Commercial Core I Residential/Ski Yard Primary/Secondary & SkiBase Recreation ll Mixed Use Development Commercial Core IRecreation Ski Base Recreation ll V. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Chapter 3, Major Subdivision, Title 13 Subdivision Regulations, of the Vail Town Code prescribes the review criteria for a request for a major subdivision. Pursuant lo Section 13-3-6, Final Plat, Vail Town Code, the criteria for reviewing the final plat shall be as contained in Section 13-3-4 of the Subdivision Regulations. According to Section 13-3-4, Commission Review of Application; Criteria, "The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application ls in compliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subsecfion 13-3-3C above. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densfties proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the sunounding /and uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesfhefics of the Town". The sole purpose of the final plat is to resubdivide trdct g into two parcels; Tract I and Tract E. One of the basic premises of subdivision regulations is that minimum standards for the creation of a new lot must be met. This project will be reviewed under the Major Subdivision Criteria, pursuant to Section 13-3-4, Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code. The first criterion to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission for a Major Subdivision application is: Lot Area - The Zoning Code requires that the minimum lot or site area for a lot located in the Agricultural & Open Space zone district shall be 35 acres. Sfaff Response - The proposed size of the newly created Tract I is 0.485 acres or 21, 127 square feet. ln order for the Planning & Environmental Commission to approve this major subdivision application request, the accompanying variance application must be approved simultaneously. ln the absence of the variance reguest approval, the major subdivision application is null and void. The second set of criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission for a Major Subdivision application is the subdivision purpose statements. The subdivision purpose statements are as follows: To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development and proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. Sfaff Response - Ihe review of this request has followed the regulations prescribed for major subdivlsions of land. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent properties. Sfaff Response - Ihe subdivision will not conflict with future development on adjacent properties. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. Sfaff Response - Staff does not believe that the proposed subdivision request will have any negative impacts on the value of land or the value of buildings and improvements on the land. 4. To insure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town Zoning Ordinance, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives. Sfaff Response - Ihe proposed subdivision meets the intent and purpose of the Zoning ftegulations for the parcel of land and will not prevent the harmonious, convenienl or workable relationship of uses conslsfenf with the Town's municipal objectives. 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreational and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that pubic facilities will have sufiicient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. Sfaff Response - Sfaff does not believe the reguested major subdivision will have any adverse impacts on the above-described criteria. ln fact, staff believes that the approval of this major subdivision reguest endures the presence of Phate Ship Park into the future. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction, design standards and procedures; Sfaff Response - Ihe proposal will result in an accurate legal description of the subdivided land. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds, to insure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the municipality in order to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the community and the value of land. Staff Response - Sfaff does not believe the proposed major subdivision will have any negative impacts on the above-described criteria. Staff has reviewed the application for the major subdivision. Upon review of the proposed final plat, staff finds that the proposal complies with the criteria prescribed for a major subdivision application. A reduced copy of the proposed final plat has been attached for reference (Attachment A). Chapter 17, Variances, Title 12, Zoning Regulations, VailTown Code prescribes the criteria for the review of a variance from the minimum lot size requirements. According to Section 12-17-1 , Purpose, Vail Town Code, the reasonsfor seeking a variance is, 'ln order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance". Furthermore, according to Chapter 17, "Variances may be granted only with respect to the development standards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, setbacks, distances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, usable open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requirements; or with respect to the provisions of Chapter 11 of this title, governing physical development on a site". Before acting on a variance application, the planning and environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff Response: The applicant is requesting approval of a variance to allow for the creation of a new lot in the Agricultural & Open Space (AgO) zone district that is less than 35 acres in size. The purpose of the major subdivision is to allow for the creation of Tract I which shall be legally subdivided from Tract E, Vail Village, Fifth Filing. Pursuant to a Bargain and Sale Deed executed between the Town of Vail and Vail Corporation on May 19,2004, the Town of Vail is now the owner of the land area commonly known as "Pirate Ship Park". Prior to May 19th, the Town operated a public park on Tract E in accordance with the terms and conditions of a land lease with Vail Corporation. lf approved, staff believes that the variance from the minimum lot size standard will not result in any negative impacts on the existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity of Tracts E & l. "Public parks, recreation areas, and open spaces' are permitted uses within the Agricultural & Open Space zone district. Given the recent improvements completed by the Town of Vail for Pirate Ship Park, it can be reasonably inferred that the public park use will remain well into the foreseeable future. Existing covenants, conditions and restrictions with the Vail Village, Fifth Filing, Subdivision, and terms of the Bargain and Sale Deed strictly limit the use of fdture Tract I to a "public park and for public park purposes" in perpetuity. In the event that any of these terms and conditions are breached by the Town, the ownership of Tract I shall revert to Vail Corporation 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to aftain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff Resoonse: The applicant has requested the minimum amount of relief from the strict and literal interpretation of the minimum lot size regulation necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment to attain the objectives of the Zoning Regulations with a grant of special privilege. The proposed lot size, (0.485 acres), is the resulting lot size of the defined boundaries of the existing park and associated improvements. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff Response: vt. Staff believes that there will be no negative effects of the requested variance on the above-described criteria. The planning and environmental commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or matedally injurious to properties or improvemenls in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananled for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. sinpr necomuenoaroru The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves the final review of a final plat, pursuant to Chapter 3, Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, VailTown Code, and the variance from Section 12-84-5, Lot Area and Site Dimensions, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the creation of a new lot less than 35 acres in size to allow for a major subdivision to create the "Final Plat, Vail Mountain Park. a resubdivision of Tract E. a resubdivision of Tract E. Vail Villaqe. Fifth Filinq and a part of Lot C. Block $C. Vail Villaqe. First Filinq. and Golden Peak House. Town of Vail. County of Easle. State of Golorado" Staffls recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section V of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: "Upon review of the request for a variance and major subdivision to create lhe "Final Plat. Vail Mountain Park. a resubdivision of Tract E. a resubdivision of Tract E. Vail Villaqe. Fifth Filinq and a part of Lot G. Block 5-G. Vail Villaqe. First Filinq, and Golden Peak House. Town of Vail. Gountv of Eaqle. State of Golorado" the Planning and Environmental Commisslon finds that the request complies with subdivision regulations and standards as adopted by the Town of Vail and that the variance is wananted as the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privitege inconsistent with the limitations on other propefties classified in the Agricultural & Open Space zone district; the granting of the variance, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially iniurious to propeities or improvements in the vicinity of the maior subdivision; and, there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone district." VII. ATTACHMENTS A. A reduced copy of the proposed Final Plat ( 3 $ ;,| 4!. ; :Til iiEl , 1-1 E t l:$ ::El i;E ie g :i i.ii ::; ;i li:i ;E Eii : ii:ll u ri:t:lr ii :i;::i;*i:igiir r l- i!il;i ii9.tE iiiiiiu ;rt i, nl I:i: ii: r: "i r-ai i i:i'.: { I;lisi:! iitliit i:iEt ! g iiiiiii i! li i? 1"1 iiti i; ti l1 9l l?g I :i a8 it! : |; Ei ?r. tiR t: :: i;E: ,i? I 161 !E l.irl!i!l_r ' itt: El 6:; il 5 1E!! 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