HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1984 DRB FINAL LEGALVC \/,t),r7F"u^1lT^.JB tututs*k r{R{ ?Rbr^;0) 99 ::q6;;F. I X;; q & Nii :::i;ilIii: E E E;; ; i I i;i iii;IEEEEiEI : .i 'r a o d r.. d dja !gis:i?F!rJr Eiil iii4ir'rrr 9U6 6 d d d #FFF!EI z zo rr.r 9 a! 2 { hl * h2 Llr *o { trl ;il R x r{ * 2 trl Q {o(l o o o tq @ @ B @ i!!t n- =l@ @ a rlrll iiii!:,., iliiisii,i* iitiiilitil t I I i:i*i i:: $.i t n \<; s o -:.-.--,.,"F--rra::.,i.i,.. -lilrl;. - nt-l :,....'d-rE.."{'' I :1 _ r - --.:t{-L:::111 <-43a I II Ilr )[ i 1 l. ,!l :j\.tit z tr.,i v4 r, i ZY4ila 1EI Eq -.fi3 eie -\; =JU --14 o5 E 59 f gt (96 (9a I o- *l)< Irl J ^-<*3= eZz-a\z zJ93 3EF !t !i '-r :; :::: ?=::" ::e;: ii ril i*--'/-"' z 6 a a r\)t't'-J --1 fl '/\ a-ttt'-'a,'/,/,-- ,,'tz:2 z- \ "rtt'' \-2 n.t z=<iJ,,. Lr.l ; , <.i ciz!<i.J -i >:i < i,2; --: iaf r-: cli: v lrl z lrJoJct) ,/./ e -7 I I l I -r7'' ti :: i1 !: it I !u ,\: 2 =t E < :-i i 2 ti - \? ;i ; :;;t al.i I -ELiri. 9;ij :-I;,irl l ji:' :,ii i ti;:j i.ij;j tli;:I :{ r i = lii ": i=' i ;:..j, |a_ !,.,i * .:..'; f i;,ir ii,iiiiri,:iil i!.t,. iie!!;.:,-. r ','!_i-i.: 1::s:i,:5 i:::''ii;:'1: I F:i!!J {!i'i f I .i i.r;.'ga i.: rri;i!):r [!:i E r i-:; l'r;r si : -.! - 5 l *r'i'rriii i'i, i iii ;ii i;ii iiii, $,,i,i, i:', i,'iri iii' i,i, .1 .ir ,i: 5g ! $ I E}:iiii: : Hqi:i$srrE; i'';. 'ee8f ; 3 h .i, .l I I {' E q 2 P F! F /o Hi I l',,I Ir o !: I .i r:lii i ;i ! . t: i.iil-/ I t \ !.,ti t, t, t,l. t: ': -1.i; I !'i::g |. i! i lij:.$ /: , *; I I lffi8t tr 4z th[' j et' 5.! !t' !l ;t 3 CJ[,E n c( Uc2z\l o 6c( h \) L€ z o- J lFa UJ(Jz \, t; oEzxUirut 3 ii{,r il . ;'ti $d ii i$ 'ftiil f,$Ifu ii$E $ $ f ii $$l$ latiJ:Trl. ri$ i;$ liitrt 6JF )- f!-F€H./:26s<oF d=E i6E hSH iFE Ees l I T )a t ul Rd c. ILo!Fu H6crLlL P{ i, i i I I a rilF-l[ln i=il loil l.*il l*'l Llted t--l [-i lu 2 6 o|lloIo cco- u B Hs 5 s t 5 e ! E B g il t B E 3t! =b i Pt'-ul 3 '3 x Iii .P:5 ao LIST OF SIGNS North Uall " Restaurant/bar o Ski Rental o Restroooa ' o Tourlng ' o ski school " Nursery o Bratshellar 16.20.200 (I{a11 sigrr -joint directory' multi-tenant bulldlng) #43 Northside Belltower o 'Logo and Golden Peak Skl Center -- 8 inch letters Letters 8.44 sf Logo 8 sf 25 feet above grade 16.20.190 + L6.22.040 /f 54 Condonlnlun Parkine " 1 sf 6 feet above grade 16.20.170 il40 Lockers - Skl Rental " 4 inch letters 256 et 1.84 sf 16.20.110 #41 Small .World Bratskellar' " 4 inch letters 2.33 sf, 16.20.190 Llst of Signs continued #42 Skler Servlces " 4 inch letters 1.44 sf 16.20.190 #44. Tickets o 4 lach letters ,77 sf 16.20.190 #45 Skl School 'o 4 inch letters '1sf 16.20.190 # Restaurant/Bar o 1.44 sf 16.20.190 #49 Golden Peak Ski Center o 8 inch Letters 8.44 sf 8 nodules including arrons 8 si /150 Tlckets o 4 inch letters .77 sf. 160.20.90 //51 Ski School " 4 inch letters lsf 160.20.90o List of Signs continued #52 Ski School " 4 lnch letters 1sf 160.20.90 il53 Golden Peak Ski Center o 8 lnch letters 8.44 sf 5 nodules 5 sf t o-.go f sf r_60.20.190 15 feet above grade " 4 sided 4x8-7L{>t28 sf 'n0 Varlance required 16. 20. 040 #71 Bighorn Bus Stop " 4sf 16.20.170 #9 Loading & Unloading 0n1y " 1sf 5 signs 16.20.170 List of Signs continued #10 No Entrance " 4sf L6.20.t70 #8 Skier Drop:off o 4sf 16.20.L70 #18 No Parking " 4sf .15.20.170 #17 Parkine 'o 4sf 15.20. t 70 #20 Vail Vlllaee anor Vail " 2sf 16.22.L20 #19 No Parking " 4 sf 16.20.170 /120 EurergencY Vehlcles 0n1Y " 4 sf 16.20.170 #13 A11 Seasons, Vail Vl11ase " 2sf L6.22.L20 List of Sign.s continued /i15 Additional- Parklng " 4sf 2 signs each t6.22.L20 #14 Parking or Fu1l o 4sf L6.22.120 /122 Mlnl Cars o- 1sf . 5 signs 16.22.t20 #2 3. Reserved Corido o l- sf '6 signs L6.22.r20 il21 Chlldren's Drop-Off o 6 slgns 1 sf each L6.22.120 Va1M1lage " 1sf t6.22.L20 ? /i 16 Parklng o 4sf L6.22.r20 Slgn List continued il3 Golden Peak Ski Cencer, Northwoods, Chairlifts /16 & /112 " 4 sf 16.22.120 /124 Ski Safetv Act Signs o 4 signs 13 sf L6.20.120 $ GOLDEN PEAK REDEVELOPMENT June 20, 1984 Materlals List Site Materials: o Parklng areas -- black asphalt / naroon ttl-ava rock" asphalt " Edglng at asphal t paving -- none " wallorays: -- north side of Gore Creek Road -- concrete walkway and curb with apron for Chalet Road energency access -- bus drop-off/pedestrian plazas -- ttztt or t'n" pattern 2 712" paver -- random or red nix color o Concrete curbing -- flush r{ith paver -- standard color " Pl-azas above grade -- rrmtr pattern 2 L12" paver, red/brown color o Tennip bleachers: -- south and west -- "o1:_1:-!9-Lrggk _-T11!__t:" (color to rnatch stucco) -- east -- concrete pres-tr,ess " Retaining walls -- concrete blog& --spJ.it face (color to match stucco) Bicycle path -- asphalt Bridges -- Town of Vail review prior to building perrnit SEream culvert wa11 -- poured concrete ltith standard road guardrail Landscape walkways (Gore Creek Road berm) -- precast washed aggregate slabs (2r x 2t) Fencing -- continuous split rail- to match existing o stairs: -- at building -- concrete Tree plan Eers: -- pernanent -- concrete block $tith cap and wrought iron protective screen -- temporary -- rectangular precast concrete sEone Lighting -- Town of Vail sEandards Drainage grate along bike path o o Building Materials: o Roof -- "Westiletr concrete shakes " Decking: -- Plaza and tennis deck -- brick pavers -- Above grade condominiums -- redwood o Chirmrey caps -- sheet metal painted to natch stucco " Mechanical equipment housings -- sheet metal painted to match stucco o Skylights -- anodized metal -- dark brown o Ridge caps -- I'Westilett concrete shakes o Flashing -- anodized metaL -- dark brown ,/ painted " Flues -- metal painted dark brown o Fascia: -- Fleshing -- anodized metal- -- dark brown / painted -- Top courslng -- wood stained clear -- Bottoxn coursing -- 2x cedar -- stained clear " Soffits -- artificial stucco ("sto") /i8287 " Coluurrs -- wood painted o wal1 caps -- precast stone o Deck raillngs: -- metal -- painted terratone to match windows " siding -- ful"1-thick 1" red cedar 10", 3" 10" batEen Pattern clear stain o Stucco -- artificial stucco (rrsto") 118287 (preterred) " Stone veneer -- mortarless joint -- lrregular stone " windows: -- in stucco -- clad -- terratone -- in wood siding -- terraEone o window trim: -- in stucco -- sto /18287 -- in wood siding -- clear stain -- si11s -- Drecast stone o Building I'laterials cont inued o Doors: -- garage -- netal insuLated flush painted terratone -- trash/loading -- metal lnsulated flush painted to match stucco -- public or V.A.I. -- metal insulated flush painted terratone -- private -- metal insulated flush palnted to match clad terratone " Door trim: -- in stucco -- sto /18287 -- in wood siding -- clear stain o other: -- clock -- anodized metal narks to natch sigrrage with back lightlng -- be.11 -- cast iron relocated from Mld-Vail -- awnS.ngs -- at ski rental -* canvas dark green and beige strip (1/4 sphere shape) o signage: -- specific services -- over doors -- cast bronze on green Painted pLaque on 2x cedar header. Dark brown on stuceo walIs -- letter style -- Prl.smatic Roman 205 -- gold anodized on wood -- ot ll20 bronze enamel on stucco -- Internatlonal logos -- dark brown on whlte -- Company logos -- dark brohm / blue " General: -- north -- r,ral1 mounted on northeast face of parking garage -- south -- at kiosk on steps of plaza I'ith posts (4) and planter support base -- culvert grates -- neenah R-3382 -- loading dock bridge guard rail -- galvanized highr^'ay-type -- pedestrian bridge -- guard rails -- same as building CAST BRONZE OR DARK BROWN ENAMEL Prismatic Roman 205ABCD E F"GF{ [.}KT-N/[ NOPQ RST'UVWXYZ" 17/8 7 t/2 9ln lo tn t8 | 1/8I t/E I t/2 4tn Dark Bronze Av8. Width PRISMATIC ROMAN 205 TYPE-FACE l,t 2 5/8 o fr o O\ait, OBffiEr_ CAST METAL LETTERING + o VAIL LOGO 3 o I Or STONE VENEER _=:_wEL.. :-!irffi*!* - -,-:JISIG -.-- +Ae Fr- '<a?".trr-. tn t Double Roman 2000 An ancient design inspires a clean, contemporary look. Interlocking design provides a consrslent, unilorm appearance. lmpregnated color ensures fade resistance, Slate 1000 Tradilional elegance is recreated in a durable, affordable design Westile's unique extruding process gives each tile the look and feel of quanied slate. Shake 1100 The natural look of Westile makes a rugged Western shake design come to life. The texturing method gives each tile the look and feel of wood shake. o \ltJestile is an extruded concrlete, interlocking roof tile. . Concrete construction provides permanent protection against heat, cold, moisture and fire. . The Wbstile interlocking design insures a consastent, uniform appearance. . lmpregnated color resists fading. Interlock design teatures o, CONCRETE TILE o' li:.:,1 o) ROOF COPIN G ARCO CONCNETE, INC, 5B80 Sheridan B!vd. - (303) 428.5021 Arv;l,il, 9olcrildo il0/j03 a, WINDOWSILL MATERIAL DES/GiV L G TTMPORARY PLANTER DESIGN o Durable Construction. Moisture Sealed Column Shafts. Once the column has been machined, the base end is trimmed and sealed. The sealer is a treatino material similar to that used on wood water skis. li completely seals the end grain to prevent moisture penetration and provides for excellent paint adtresion as well. All column shafts extend several inches bevond the column neck to allow for trimming from the top of the column, rather than the base end. Trimminq at the capital end assures that the sealer at the baie end will not be removed. Ths bonom of the column shala is sealed to Drcvent moisture penetrction. Protecting the Capitals and Bases. Nord capitals and bases are made from one square member and one round member. Because the base requires greater protection, each component of lhe square member is sealed individually before assembly. Then, the pieces are joined with twelve clinch nails that lock the mitered corners and reduce any chance ol separation. Finally, the round member is sealed and assembled with tf|e souare. Each component patt ol ths base is sealed Drior to a$embly. The round and square members of the capital are each sealed before assembly. These sealing procedures ensure that all surlaces and end grain are completely prolected against moisture. Large vent holes bored into the round portion of the capitals and bases allow free air circulation through the interior of the shaft. This eliminates condensation and reduces the possibility of the column splitting or rotting. Vent holes allow lrce air circulation through the interior ol the column shaft. Elevating the Base. Four permanent, heavy duty plastic pads protect the corners ol the base and prevent it from coming in direct contact with surface moisture. The plastic pads eliminate lhe need for a plinth. Baising the base also increases shaft ventilation. Extra olastic shims are provided with each base lor leveling. l Ctushproot pads nlse the base aboye the porch or slab. WOOD COLU{N DETAIL rA\vf'@MMERGIAL Below: Marathon Electric Manufacturing Company, Wausau, Wisconsln. ArchltecuThe Zimmerman Design Group. Paverc laid in a hering-bone pattern provide a handsome walkway lot this manufacturing plant. CONCRETE MASONRY FOR LOCAL AVAILABILITY. A\r=r=n/Ar= r-rn tnr rRt|.\n/A FOSTER GITY' CALIFORNIA K/Ftr=U(zltr lp)UrUtl!/[jl]\\A ARCHTTECTiMARK A. coFFEY, ArA AUGUST ZAMOLSKY. PROJECT DESIGNER x split block provides a dramatic to the bronze glass toweL This attractive structure is in a transitional area which combines both residential and commercial buildings and has a view of San Francisco Bay. The architect's comment: "lt was essential to the client that the building be of low maintenance and permanent in appearance. Concrete masonry was chosen for its warm earth tone lhat blends well with the surrounding neighborhood, its ability to emphasize the strong angular corners of the building, its durability and low maintenance characte ristics. " ^'.' -J. I Detail ot the 8x8x16" split block entrance lacade. L slocr DETATL FoR RETATNTNG wALLs 'I rnuurs BLEAcHERS, sourt{ PLANTERS o I Bo (n a (g (,') t.ro o I I rn F-l zHFa F ./ O Q . I Bo TN a atro I F-l(,7ts rt F c.) o I or ol o .q(t ID (/) o i-to(J i a F-l H a F z I h-c o l'|EMORANDUM Joe l4acy Jack Hunn, Manager l Estimat'i ng/Schedul i ng/Desi gn VAI/BC Real Estate DeveloPment June 14, 1984 GOLDEN PEAK DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED SITE LIGHTING Lantern Lantern Mount Lamp Type Refractor Lens Acryl ic Panel Post#/Si ze Fi ni sh Attached, please find a CAL light'ing catalog, depicting the proposed site lighting for Golden Peak. The Town of Vail lighting standard is a CAL fight also, but is a different style than the ohe that we've been using successful1y in Beaver Creek. The specification for the proposed light is as follows: T0 . FROM: DIV: DATE: RE: It would befixture. As north side I ot. JDH: #L- 185 #ST-1 HPS-70- 120 #TP-5 Full Frost Acrylic P-3016-10'X4" bl difficult to restrict the'l ight source with this type of I recall, there is only one light proposed for thef the street, directly opposite the entrance to the parking t {r.', t- lr c' ,. ai'- L i1 :-, r'. I,A}IDSCAPE MATERIALS o Loading dock area J.l spruce, Colorado blue 3 14 foot 4 12 foox 2 10 foot 2 8 foot o North lJall 3 Colorado Blue SPruce 1 8 foot, 1 10 foot, 1 6 foot 20 Potentill-a, 5 gallon sizes 25 Colurb lne plants J.0 aspens, uinlmum size o Temporary planters 14 east of tennf-s courts aanuals -- petunias, n:rigolds, etc. O o Bermed areas norrh of parking tot 30 aspens, 2 inch 16 spruce, Colorado Blue 6 6 foot 4 8 foot 6 10 foot 35 Potentilla, 5 gal-lon sizes 5 Crabapples, 4 inch size 25 Golden Currant, 5 ga11on slzes o Entire north bern area to be sodded " Screening for retalnlng wa11s 15 aspen 10 2 inch 5 4 inch 5 Crabapples, 2 inch 25 Potentill.a O Landscape Materials continued o Screening area south of grass bleachers and south of retainingwall along bike path 3 each, 12 foot Col-orado Blue Spruce 8 aspen 2 6 inch 2 4 inch 4 2 inch 40 five ga11on PotentilLa Perennials -- pansies, Icelandic Poppies, Oriental Poppies o Permanent planters on south edge of plaza 5 large planters I Mountaln P1un, 4 inch per pl-anter 4 each, 5 ga11on PotentiLla per planter 2 srnall planters: 6 4 inch Crabapple per planter; 4 Potentllla, 5 ga11on per planter O o Plantlng along stream and bus sheLter Revegetated lrith Vail MouDtain 1or^' altitude seed mix 6 6 foot spruce 30 5 gallon willows 20 5 gallon Potentilla 8 4 inch aspens " PLanting along stairs by ambulance parking and bus stops 1 6 foot spruce 2 4 inch Crabapples 10 five gallon Golden Currant o Race City parking 1ot 12 Colorado Blue Spruce 6 6 foot 3 8 foot 3 10 foot 20 Golden Currant IAilestt"qInc. Geators and Operaton of Vail and Bearer Creek Aprll L1, 1984 Mr. Tom Bratrn Tonn of Val1 Pl-anner 75 South Frontage Road Val1, Colorado 81657 Dear Tom: Vall Associates i6 pleased to nreliolnary D.R.B. review for o o o o o o o o o o o o o Maps & Plans Topo naps, proposed and existing Uttllty nap Landscape and sl.te plans Floor pLans and elevations Artlstsr renderlngs Retaining wal1 sketch Written material-s Easement leases Suumary of program changes Utlllty statenents Title report Slgn inventory Slgn progran sumnry Materials l1ets Revlsed area I urmurry Revised oarking surmrary subnlt the followlng materlal for the neeting schedul,ed on May 2, L984. o A revised rnodel Vail Associates, Inc. Revlew Board on this $locdrely, . Other Materlals looks forward to rottl.ng proj ect. with the DegISD '7f;:'-rt'* 7 ,/ Joe l,Iaet ./' l.lanager Vail,l Plentng & tctggrrD tr: DArE:Tee.hslcal hst Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658'(303)476-5601 Ton Braun ii'i ?.1:i ;.., I 1'r 1i'.1,,tt .,{ '5*.; .i,rs ralr :! Htrs o"l 'i'"'c,6.i?. t. s:5; i? 3.-,.E.,AO '.4.!rto.tetrlrJoido ^o{o!r.Oa'$.H*5slB"r.i ie&E:!.?fl3Et >rlroo,rlrcodltcoax.3!...t{c4!4.E.4 .ao>r ('l .oi{ tkotrt,4,>!orr/r/rlqrr|,s.! &.! € 6 5 t t 9 Y j rl I "..8 i r ? i 3 t i&l!dNl0at!aE OOtllqno.iOEArA - 3 i € - ', r r: El ;.i. t r I - 3'€ "'. L " i I -; t " tl I t &'l " l,o E s € i ! i " i'it ". !l ! o. o . o e " xi 3 aor.iora5.t8€i.,5;- .1ii.lEE :li or!.tr.orrroa...A.a.a!.!3;52r\2t 586r&:.eFf i ta8.i c .s"5.i ! t 6 E'&; Pi 'iq.oooort o40t!pot o6i,l oaaiEr>zr|it6ra.< orrlora .t.:atFl. oaHcc i !8. llx!E € i;€if ego r.Ho3*.t5! 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" i 6 ESrit..llEoocadorss.3 t -9 t ";i!.re:;Li;: l€; l5 r E iiri$EEirfieiErat"!: i -5A o 8t8..;.a!,r.lqu:rE$ri!€e;: j t$ re I i: I r:-c ! i I {i,Ei.l".!e s!isli.:lq3!g:i!'€;,ig: fl ! 3i b t9 :: ! ! H: !,r € E i-!O'r!.4.dE 5. Ln; o "i I3;:5i5:;:{;Er8.?"5!"!13.3s:F3i,'€:..!r;ri-93.5..:" t.' j I "" t t B I i-:iEE,i:!:$1fi I '., f 1X"t"33iilrl!.!:i3;,eE3!ZiiZirsillf i r: -,5 r E !I ea liEf lri E:.:.lbe IIef,"oEai.IrrBE;;;r3Ei-q4;ie 'tri$iE;sE;i5tii".!"".:;rzt|"t*H5"5'i.icoorrso>t,o!.;E3315'it c>!n arir.oroaa.a, t: 3 ql -l rl il el tlrl ot El E: fr i r i E1?sr:;i,!fr:iSliEi;ni?!:t:ir:?ii!!.7. 11 3 i ":.:^Xi60ai9!';5:;t-i.a'.2riX:;r..:$ila.; ! q i in r..68 -':ii!p>:!rl i i: !: i: ! tE$!iiiiiA;iiri:!Hi;i;llEEia:f,!;iicr;ii;!ii:iii;;i!-!s[!i:tn.rE j! i;i:!iEif;;i;Fl$:i?;!B:3:bIgiEe** .3 r!l3jizEti.zrr;3E:si i; $' i I; i g ? il:ii;?tili;;!i;;llir*;s-r.a-:ilitaiazift3:i:Iitigi;!1: B " I slEii6;Ei fl;ri:if;r;ili+iri;u a fli3liiiiiliiiiiiii;i i . :l: i ii iii! i i i I I i $i "' irliil lili i; ili i li l iil ii'fli ii iiiiii iiii i! tii iiiriii,l,iiiilel liliiliiiii i,a'aii iiiiiiiiiiiii;;';;;;ii;i+ liliiil,iriii! i ii'tiiiiiii'!ili!,':il'ii i!,'?i,r;,lliii i:iisii';[ii;i*:iiti !ililll*t;Hfii:;i;i;! rs?;:;!?:lX?:ijrilrl tlr"i?iii?iiittiiii;iiiii Hl i€ririri!liiiil i l iil i I i;i3i ;i iI;iil;llif :'*?E;siil$Eiiti:r1;;!tii siEiisl;;l?sie?:s:! ll!li:i;:;!ia8;i;+r isiz :l 6t -ij ? r r ! r, i e, i i:lii:; l!i : i 3; ! 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B S 4: jis.!l;i;I, :lE {€I$"t.lds; _".i;;ilEl:i,r iitiei;E!*iEili'ir:3:;iEl i;;ii:ri:;igEl ;:!i8".,:g!iF, ;il;li;;ii-!! ! .oa .tiacr AItr:3;Iti', 1 3 t r 3!t:5tt .i t,8.iriS:!8.. t";I i 3t ittt! i !i i I il 5 ilt : I rx5: rl ..,8 3r rl ll E 6 i; i iaa! " o. i it2tqfa66Zixialaa f.-.i'i.. .'ti BJ: \ fr lri il T16O FF o & VailAssociates,Inc. Crcak'rs:rn.l Optnt,'rs rtf Vril ;rrrrl l},';trr.r Crecl April 12, 1984 Mr. Rodney E. Slifer Mayor Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Rod, Vail Associates has initiated minor changes to the Gofden Peak project due to Design Review Board input received at the conceptual review session on FebruarY'1, I9B4 and due to changes in program requirements generated by our staff' However, no substantive Changes to the buildj-ng or site have occurred and no functions have been added except as noted be lorv . I have summarized the most significant changes for your review: Building Exterior thanges o A 1568 sq. ft. balcony on the eastern side of the building was developed and enclosed to j"mprove the apres ski situation- o Tennis bleachers were added to the northwest corner of the building resulting in a slight . change to the foot Print. o Minor changes in the building elevalions will be required to implement these changes. Site Plan Changes o The skier drop-off was enlarged to acconmodate three lanes of traffic. Landscaping was not affected. o The existing Chalet Road tennis courts were moved to the east to accommodate the relocated tennis court on Chalet Road. An emergency vehicle corridor was added on the west side of the tennis court. o The parking attendant shack was relocated. t Post Office Box ? . Vail, C.otorado 81658 . (303)4?6-5601 l'1r. Rodney E. SliferApril L2, I9B4 Page Two Site Plan Changes (continued) o One bridge on the east side was deleted. o A barbecue reas added on thethe building plaza. Interi-or Chanqes of the building southeast corner of the nursery in the space formerly allocated o A 1668 sq. ft. locker room expansion was done underground. No changes in the above-grade foot print of the buiJ-ding resulted. o Numerous interior space re-allocations have occurred due to program refinement and optimization. o The only added function was basement which now occupiesfor unspecifi.ed "retail. " S ti nuna rv The program changes conform to Chapter 18.39, the Ski Base Recreational District Zoning Code and do not change the parking requirements. The changes to the building facade, while mi-nor, will have a major impact on improving how the building "reads" architecturally and on how it relates to the site. VaiI Associates appreciates the continued assistance of the staff, particularly Peter Patten and Tom Braun on this pro'i ect. Sincerely, Robert W. Parker Senior Vice President RWP/kI t-3 .';!: SUBDIVISIOII JOB UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION V \.-a)/1FILINGx/o.5VlLOT ADDRTSS .f;r '*' ' ',i: - :lt- ,l :: Ii;l':l ': l *i. J -:v; The location of utilities, uhcther they be nain trr.rnk lines or pFposedlines, nrst be approved and vcrified by the foltowing utilities fo; the icconpany lng site plan. Authorized Si qnature 0ate tdountai n Bel I l -634-3778 tErffi36Fftas Harry Moyes Publ {c Serv'lce Company Gary {lal I * Holy Cmss Electrlc Assoc. Ted Husky/l4ichael Laverty Val'l Cabl e T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Val ley Water and Sanl tation Discri ct lhvid Krenek , y'/a/ t t * For new consti/U(r' pl ease fl I I out' attrcned sheet. *, .Or.* '" NOrE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his rssponsibility to obtain a street cut Pemit frou the Torn of.Vail, Depattrnent of Public works and to obtain utllity locations before digSing in any public right- of-vay or eEsenent in the Torit of Vail, A building penit is not a street cut pernit, A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. This form is to velify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction nith preparlng your utility plan and scheduling installations. I FOBM NO C-5OOO Color6do ReOion Form 342 ALTA Own€.s Pollcy - Fo.rh B - t97OAmended lO-17-70 POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CON. TAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF. TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a California corporation, herein called the Company. insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereundet sustained or incurred bythe insured by reason of: 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vesteC otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, Transamerica Title Insurance Company has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized oif icers as of Date oi Policy shown in Schedule A. Transamerica Title lnsurance Company Ci*n g p.d-- pr*idcn, 'f':?6' ,, f& C . f* -,ezt sccrc,rry FORM NO. C-5000-l FOi U'E WITH COLORADO REGION ATiERICAN LANO TITLE A6sOCIATION B- ltTo (A},TENDEO IO.t7-7O) SCHEDULE A Ampunt of Insurance $ 34, 720 ,000. 00 Date of Policy November 22, 1983at 4:59 p.M. Policy No.4105923 Sheet I of 11 l. 2. Name of fneured: BEA\ER CREEK I{OLDING Ct[4pAt{y, a @lorado Corporation BEA\,ER CREEK ENIERPRISES, I}lC., a Oclorado &rporationVAIL ASSCIATES, Il,iC., a @lorado Colporation The eetate or intereEt in the land described hereia and which ir covered. by rl,;r policy isr IN FEE SII4PLE 3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of policy veeted iu: BEA\IER CEEEK HOLDTNG @l,lpA\y, a colorado corporation, ai to parcel rBEA\ER CREEK EIVTERPRTSES, rt\E., a coLorado corporation,,as to parcel rI\arl., Ass€rAtEs' rbrc., a colorado 6r.--coration, ets to parcels rrr, rv, v, \nJ.and VIrI, in fee sinple VAIL A.SSOCIAiES, IltC., a Oolorado Cor-roration, as lessee rrder a lease betr+enEarl s. rye Jr.' rtustee, as lessor a',d vail Associates, rnc., as ressee,reco+q Janua4/ 13, 1975 in Book 239 at page 2b9 ana arerrtrent to leaserecorded llay 4, 1976 in Book 246 at page 175, as to parcel W FORM NO. C-6000-2 FC'R UAE WITH COLORADO toi urt wlTH coLoRADo REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE AASC'CIAYION LOAN POLICY IDTO (AMENOEO IO.I?.7Ot REGION AIIERICAN LANO TITLE AAAOCIATTO:{ OWNER'E FOLICY-FOhM B-'97O (AMENDED IO.t7.7O) SCHEDULE A-Continued The land refcrred to in thie policy is situoted in the sratc of colorado, county of Eagle , rnd is described aa followr: LoEs 5, 6, and 10, Block I, Tracc A, SECOND A}IENDMENT TO TIIE FIRST FILING OF TIIE BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Lot 21, Block 1, Tract A, SECOND AMENDMENT TO TEE FIRST FILING OF THE BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION An irt"plaEted parcel of 1and, said parcel being parc of thc SllNil sccciorr g,l'ownship 5 souch, Raage g0 west of rhe 6th principal Meridian, Town of vail ,'Eag1e county' colorado, and said parcel being more parEic;1arry descrlbedas follows: Beginnlng at the SI.l corner of Ehe sEl4Nwk secEion B; Ehence N 00"09,00" w876.8I feeE, aloag the sresterly 11ne of said sLll! iecrton g to thesouthwesterly corner of Tract E, vail vilrage Flfth Fl11ng, a subdlvlsionrecorded in lhe office of Ehe Ilagre county, cororado, clerk ana Recorder;thence s 62"28'oo" E gzz.gs feerl along the sourherly rlne of sald Trac!E' to the southL'esreriy c-ffner of Lot 13, Block l, Valr v11lage FlrstFlllng, a subdivision recorcled in che office of E.he Eagle counEy, cororado,clerk and Recorder; -Ehence the fo1lolrrng Ehree courses arong the sout.herlyand easEerly line of said Vai.r Vlrrage iirsr Flrlng: r) s 62'2g100,,EtQ!;! feet; 2) s-80o00r00" E 120.4i f.ur; 3) N t2.29i00,, E -II0.12 feer,to Ehe souEhwesEerly corner of Tract B, Vall Vlllage SevenEh Flllng, asubdlvision recorded 1n the offlce of itre Eagle county, coioraao, crerkand Recorder; Ehence the for-l0wing four courses a10ng the southerlyllne of sald Tracc B: l) S 79"20i05', E 1379.2g feer; 2) N g9"42,37r E515.00 feec; 3) S 80"32t23', E 355.00 feec; 4) N 82"57t37,t E I05.00feeE, to Lhe norchwescerly corner of vail Village Tench Flling, a sub-dlvlslon recorded tn the office of the Eagle county, colorado, crerkand Recorderl thence s 07o02r23rr E 354.7g feet, arong ttre wesrerty lrneof sald vaIl. vllrage Tenth Flllng, to a polnr on Ehe sour-herly line ofthe sald sLNL secrlon g; thence s g9'42r14r' t,| 30g5.g9 feer, arong rhesald souEhcrly line of che SkNL Secrion g, ro che polnt of'beginnlng. SCHEDULE A-Continued Exceptlng lherefron that certain Tract of land conveyed to the Vall l^fater andsaniEarlon Dlstrlcc in chat certain deed recorded January 13, l97l bear-1ng receptlon No. 115138, in Book 2r9 aE page 510 being descrlbed as: A part of the southwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarler ofsectlon 8, Township 5 south, Range 80 west of the slxch prlnclpal Meri-dian, County of Eagle, SEace of Colorado, more parllcularly describedas follows: comnencLng ac the southwest corner of said soulhwest one-quarter of the NorEheasE one-quarrer; Ehence N 89.42t37" E 535.95 feec along thesouth 11ne of sald southwest one-quarter of the Northeasc one-quarEerto the true poln! of beglanlng; rhenc" N 2o50' W 205.39 feet; Ehence N 87ol0t E 200.00 feet; thence S 2o5ot E 2L4,27 feet, Eore or less,to a polnc on sald South llne; Ehence S 89.42137" W 2OO.0O feet tothe polnE of beginning. AND TRAcr F, vArL VTLLAGE, FrFTH FrLrNc, according Eo rhe recorced plat rhereof AND TRAcr B' vArL VTLLAGE, SEVENTH FrLrNG, according to the recorded pJ-at thereof EXCEPT those parcels descrlbed as follows: That portion of Tracr B, vail Vi11age, sevenrh Fillng oeeded frcrn vailAssoclates, Inc., a Colorado CorporaElon Eo Ski Club Vail , a ColoradoNon-Proflt corporation recorded June 16, 1976 1n Book 247 at page lg,and Those certal-n porEions of Tracc B, Vall Village, SevenEh Flling, nowknom ae PrNOs del NORTE coNDoMrNruMS and N0RTHWOODS coNDoMrNruMS (aL1 buildings and connon areas contained chereln) An unpratted parcel of land located 1n Ehe Ni{L of sectlon 7, Townshlp 5souEh, Range 80 wesr of the sixth princlpar Merrdian, whlch is bounded onche Norrh by va11/LLonshead, Frrlng No. 2 and 3, and on the South by va11v1llage Thlrd and slxth Fi1lngs, (al1 of the above subdlvlslons recorded1n che offlce of the Eagle Councy, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder), sald par_cel of land being more particularly described as follows: FOFM NO C-5()@ Colorldo Region Forrn 3a2 ALTA Osners Policy - Forn B - t97OAmsndsd tO.l7-7O POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUBJEC'I'TO THE SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CON. TAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a California corporation, herein called the Company. insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vesteC otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Transamerica Title Insurance Company has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized off icers as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. Transamerica.Title Insurance Company ,, Cin^;) e. R"t-**, "...,0"n, "'f&e.t'*-u- Sccrc.rv SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: CONDITIONS AND STIPUI..A,TIONS I. DEFINITION OF TERMS The follorving terms when used in this pc:jcv mean- _---.(a) 'insurcd": the insured named in Sci.edule A, and,suoJcct lo anY ri5:hts or dcfcnses the Com;.:rr. mav havea.qarnst the namcd insured, those rtho succeei ..o the interestoI sucn Insured bl' operation of la\I as disr::rguished from ?llgnase rnctudinS, but not limited to, heirc.- distriburees, 9gvlsee:, surv-rvors, personal representatives. next of kin, orcorporate or f iduciary successors. (b) "insured claimant": an insured claimir-? loss or dam-age hereunder. , (c) ,"knou'ledge": .actual kno\\,ledge, no: constructtveRno\vredge or notice $.hich may be impited to an insured byreason of any public records . ^ (d) -"land": the Iand described, specificallr. o: bv referencein Schedule A. and improvemens afflxeJ ttreie: r- o:f,iif,'Uu r"*constrtute.real -propert_v: provided. hoivever, :l+ term ,.land', ooes.Jror.. Include_any property bel.ond the li...s of the area :P^l?t':?lJI g_e:9ll!:d or referred ro in Schedute A, nor anyrrgn_r, tt e. lnterest. estate or easement in afulting streeta, i919,.: u-1"_ip"r. 1tl.et s. la.ncs, wat,s or watenra..._.. Uui notiringnerern shalt m^odifv or limit the extent to rv--.:ch a rieht ofaccess to and lrom the land js insured b1, this lolict,. .' -.._!"i- .g.r,ggge": mortgage, deed of trusr. trusr deed, ororner secuntV Instruntent. (f) "public records": those records rvhich 3]. la\\, impartconstructive notice of matters relating to saii .inO. 2. _C.ONTINUATION OF INSURANCE AfIER CONVEYANCE OFTITI.E ^ . The goverage -ot this,policy shall continue in force as ofuare oI yoltcy ln lavor of an insured so long as such insuredrerarns an estate or interest in the land, or holcs an indebted- l:::^:"9llg by a purchase mone!' mortgage _e:r.en 6, " Our-cnaser. rroJn such insured, or so long as suc-i insured ihallnavle trabttttv . bJ, reason of covenants of war-nr_v made bysucn Insured In any transfer or conveyance of such estate orrnreresr; provtded, ho\tever, this polic). shall :-.ot continue inrorce rn tavor _ot any purchaser from such in:..rr€d of eithersaro estate or interest or the indebtedness seaured by a pur-chase money mortgage given to such insured, 3. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACIIONS _ NOTICE OFCI,AIM TO BE GIVEN BY AN INSURED CIAIATANi . . (a).The Company, at its ou'n cost and ra-irhout undue 991_ayt -lh-qlL.plovide for the defense of an insured in a titiga-uon conststtng ot actions or proceedings com=enced aqainstslrcn lnsured, or a defense interposed against a:: insured-in anaction to enforce a contract for'a sale d-f the es:3r;-;; lntere.tin sa-id land. to the extent that such iitieation is founieJ-uponan alleged defect, lien, encumbrance, oi other nariCi insureoagainst by this policy. . (b) Tfte insured shall notify the Complny promptly in\rriring (i) in case any action or proceeding. ij u'egun'oi oe-Icnse rs rnterposed as set forth in (a) above, (ii) in case knowl-edge shall come to an insured hereunder of any claim of titleor inter€st r.r.hich is adverse to the title to the esiate or interest,as insured. and which might cause loss or damage for which I!19 L.omqany mav be liable by virtue of rhis policy, or (iii) iftrl.le. to -the estate or interest, as insured, is rejected as un-marketable.. If su_ch prompt notice shall not be-given to the -L.o,,:lp?!X then. as to such insured all liability of the Companyshall cease and terminate in regard to the matter or matters 19f..:hlsh such prompt norice is required; provided. however,that larlurc to notify shall in no case prejudii:e the rights of anysuch rnsurcd under tiis poJicv unless ihe Compariy shall bLprerudrced.by such failure and then only to ihe -.extent ofsuch prejudice. . ..(c) Tlrc Company shall have the right at its own cost toInstrtute and &'ithout undue deta], proaecute any action orproceeding or to do any orher act ivhich in itJ oDi;io;-;;; benecessary or desirable to establish the title to'the estat6 orInterest as insured. and the Company mav take any aDDrro_prEte_action under the terms of ihis- policy, r,r,hethe-r oi'notit shall be tiable thereunder. and shail noi'ttrere'v -conceOe liabilitv or waive any prosision of this pollcy. . (d) Whenever the Company shall have brousht any actionoI rnterp{rsed. a defense as required or permitted by ihe pro_vlsrons ot thrs potic]./. the Company ma], pursue any iuchlllrpatron to ltnal determination b1- a court of comDetent iuris-diction and expressly res€rv.es thi right, in its soti OiiiidtiLn,to appeal lrom anv adverse judgment or order. _ (e) In all cases rvhere this policy permits or requires theCompany t9 prosecute or providi for"the dcfense of-iriv iitio,or proceedtng, the insured hereundcr shall secure- to theLompany l||e rrght to so Jlrosecute or provide defense in suchac[ron or proceeding. and all appeals therein, and permit thecompany to use, at its option. the name of such insured forsuch purpose. -Whenever requested by the Companv, suchrnsured shalt Bive the Company all reasbnable aid in airv such lslr,qn oI proceedrng. in effectinB settlement, securing evidence,oorainlng _wttnesses, - or prosecuting or defending such actionor proceedrng, and the Company shall reimburse such insurcdror any exp€nse so incurred. 4. NOTTCE OF IOSS _ ltMtTATtON OF ACTTON - .ln addition to the norices.required under paragraph 3(b):I ll:::^gl{rigns and. Sriputations. a starem-ent 'in 'writing p-r ,?:J,^,9:,9I .damaBe. for ." {,j..h i! js ctaimcd the Companji ::., jl1:,""^"T:: rhrs_ potic) sha be.furnished to_rhe Comianyvr'ttnrn yU ara)|s atter such loss or damage shall have been de-termined and. no righr of acrion stralt-icciue i" an - i,.,-iir.eoclaimant.unrit 30 days afrer suctr staiemeniitlll tiiri'-di.n IITj..1*,3itf .-"_ ro, iurn ish such s rarement or ross oi aariiidsnar rerrnrnate any liabiljtv of the Company undcr this poliias to such ross ,jiai'njiel "' eY O of Back Cover l'", l' Any lau', ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) re- :ll"^tjlg- ot regulating dr prohibiting th"e ociupaircy,. us;or enlo-,*nreni of the land, or regulatir:til*:'f'?Tilgtirklr#"tlHifu,n".t.":x""*t;:'rn: ;ffif:.f i? i1#;,%r"rir,i,*,*t':l,l",ld*,f;j.fnance or governmental regulation. 2' Rights of eminenf domailor governmental rights of police porver unless notice of the exercise of such rights appearsin the public records at Dateif policy. 3' Defects' Iiens' encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by theinsured claimant; (b) not-knos'n to the. company qnd- not shoivi-'by iiie public records but known to the insuredclaimant either at Dite.of Policy-or at ttre ajie ai,"h ili:";1i;;;iJ';'"-.stare or interest insured by this policyand not disclosed in rvriting by.ihe insured claimant to the com-p;ni-iriir to the date such insured claimant becamean insurei! hereunder; (c; iesulting in no loss or damage to trre iniu'rea- claimant: (d) attaching or created subse-quent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or dama[e rvnicir unuio'not have been sustained if the insured claim-ant had paid value for-the eitite or int"erest insu.e- Uy tilr;;li;y:'"-'"'^ Continued on Front FORit NO. C.!OOO-| 'or gal wltH coLoiADCt Rtclol{ AtaERtcaN LAND TTTLE AaTOCIATION OWNER.a nOLtCy-FOtta !- rtto (AMG'{DEO to.r7-7ot SCHEDULE A Anpuar of Ineuranco E 34,720 r 000.00 Dateof Policylb€rber 22, L983' at 4:59 p.M. l. Namc of Inrured: BEA\,ER CREH< ITDING @,tpAtr\Iy, a Ool_orado Oorporation BEA\rnR CREE( EMERPRISES, IIIC., a olorado C[rporation \ZAIL ASSeIAIES, DE., a 6.lorado Aorporation - Policy No. 4106923 Sheet I of [' 2. The estatc or iaterert in the laad described hercin and which ir covcrcd by rhir policy tr: IN FEE SIfiPLE 8. Tho estato or intcrert rcferred to hcrein ir st Date of policy vortcd in: BEAVER CREEK I$EDM @,!pa\n, a oolorado oorporation, ai b paroer r BEA\/ER cR@( ENIERPRTSES, rl€., a blorado c6rrporation, sr to parqel xr\allasscrAlEs' rliE., a colorado Orlnrationr as to drers rrr, rv, v, wr,and WII, in fee sinple l/arr. Ass€trNIE9, DiE., a oolorado @rporation, as lessee srder a lease betrenE"tl q.-rye Jr.' TEustee, as ressor aira vair Ar"*Gt""; rnc., as ressee,recorded January 13, t9z5 in bok 239 at page 2G9 ana drEnlrent to teasereorded lby 4, 1976 in Book 24G at page lZ5, as to par;I VI FORM NO. C.6000-2 FOR U'E lvIYH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LANO TITLE AAS''CIATION LOAN POLICY .I97O (AMENOEO IO.I7-7O) 7Oi Ua: W|TH COLORADO REGIOX AtaERICAN LANrr TITLE AAaOCtATto;{ owNER,6 FOLICY-FORM B-t970 (AHENDED tO-t7-7O) SCHEDULE A-Continued The land refcrred to in thie policy is situared in rhe Starc of Colorado, County of Eagle , and is deecribed ae followg: Lots 5, 6, and 10, Block I, ?ract A, SECOND ATENDMENT TO TitE FIRST FILING OF TIIE BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION ftAnc"' - Lot 21, Block l, Tracc A, sEcoND AMENDMENT To r-riE FrRsT FrLrNc oF Tl{E BEAVER CREEK suBDrvrsroN - I PARCEL III \ -) An r:rplaEred parcel of 1and, said parcel being parc of rhc s!:N!! scc[iorr B,'I'ownship 5 South' Raage 80 west of the 6th rrincipal Meri.dian, Tom of vail ,' Eagle counEy' colorado, and said parcel being urore parEicurarry describedas follows: Beginnlng aE Ehe SW corner of Ehe SELNWk SecEion g; Lhence N 00"09,00,, W876.8I feer, aloag the westerly l1ne of sald SINL iecrfon g to rhesouthwesEerly corner of Tract E, vail v111age Friti, rrrrng, a subdlvlsionrecorded in rhe office of the Eagle councy, co10rado, cleii ano Recorderlthence S 62'28'OO" E 4.'Jfeerl along the soulher1y 11ne of sald TractE' to the southl-esrerly cEner of Lot 13, Block l, Vall Village FlrstFillng, a subdivi.sion recorcled in Ehe ofiice or che nalre -ouncy, cororado,clerk and Recorder; .thence the follosrng three courses along rhe southerlyand easterly line o{ gaif Vail Villagu il.rc Fl11ng: l) S.62"2g,00,, Ei*H l:::i 2) s.8o'o0ro0" E 120.4i f...; 3) N 32.2erO0r' E -rl0.12 fee!,Eo Ehe sou'hwesEerry corner of Trac! B, valr v1l'age sevenEh F'llng, asubdivision recorded ln rhe offlce of lhe Eagle councy, coioruao, crerkand Recorder; thence the folrowing four courses along the southerlyllne of sald Tracc B: l) s 79.20i05,'E 1379.2g feerJ 2) N g9"42,37,r8515'00 feec; 3) s 80'32t23" E 355.00 feer; 4) N g2"57r37,,E lo5.0ofeet, to the norrhwescerly corner of vall Village Tench Fr.1ing, a sub-dlvlslon recorded ln fhe office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerkand Recorder; Ehence s 07"02 123" E 354.7g feet, arong -ttre -wes t erly rlneof sald vall- Vlrlage Tenth Ffrlng, to a polnt on Ehe sout-lrcrry line ofthe sald slNL secrlon g; thence s g9'42'i4,'w 30g5.gs-r""i,-urong rhesald southerly line of che SLNL Secrion g, ro che polnr of beglnnlng. SCHDDULE A-Continued Exceptlng therefrom chaE certain Tract of land conveyed co Ehe Vail water andsanltatlon Districc in that cerEaln deed recorded January 13, l97l bear-ing reception No. ll5l38, in Book 2L9 at page 510 being di:scrlbed as: A part of the southwest one-quarEer of the Northeast one-quarter ofsectlon 8, Township 5 south, Range 80 west of the slxEh prlnclpal Merl-dian, county of Eagle, sEaEe of colorado, more particularly describedas follows: connencing ac Ehe Southwest corner of said southwest one-quarter of the NorEheasE one-quarter; thence N 89.42t37tt E 535.g5 feet along thesouth llne of sald souEhwest one-quarter of the Northeasr one-quarterto the true polnE of beglnnlng; thenc: N 2o5O' I^f 205.39 feet; thence N 87"10r E 200.00 feer; rhence S 2o50r E 214.27 feer, nore or leas,to a polnt on said South 1lne; Ehence S 99.42t37" W 2OO.0O feet tothe polnE of beginnlng. AND TRAcr F, vArL vrLLAcE, FrFTH FrLrNc, according Lo the recorced plat thereof AND TMCT B' VAIL VILLAGE' SEVENTH FILING, according to Lhe recorded plat thereof EXCEPT those parcels descrlbed as follows: ' That porEion of Tracc B, vail vlllage, seventh Filing oeeded frcrn VailAssoclates, rnc., a colorado corporaElon to ski club vail , a coloradoNon-Proflt corporatlon recorded June 16, 1976 ln Book 247 at page lg, and Those certaln porElons of TracE B, Vall Vlrlage, sevench F1llng, now known as PINoS del NORTE C0NDoMINIUMS and NoRTI|WOODS CO!{DOMTNTuMS (all bulldings and comnon areas conEained thereln) An unplatred parcel of Land locaEed 1n the NI.lk of sectlon 7, Township 5souLh, Range 80 wesc of the slxEh princlpar Merldian, which is bounded onthe Norch by vall/Llonshead, Fillng No. 2 ancl 3, and on the south by vallVtllage Thlrd and slxth Fl11ngs, (arl of Lhe above subdlvlslons recordedln the offlce of che Eagle counry, colorado, clerk and Recorder), eald par-cel of land being more particularly described as follows: lo!r.!l*. C-l{ttl. SCHEDULE A-Continued Beginning aE che norEheast corner of Lot 6, Block 3, sald Vail VillageThird Flllng, which ls also Ehe norEhwest corner of Lot 41, Block 7,Vall Village Flrs! Filing; Ehence the followlng tr4ro -courses along thenortherly boundary of said Vail Vlllage Thlrd Filing: (l) N 72o14'00" W 575.00 feet; (2) S 38'Iir43', W 673.40 feer co rhe northwesE cornerof LoE 5, Block 4, sald Val1 Vll1age Thlrd F1l1ng, whlch ls also rhernost northerly corner of Loc l, Block 2, said Vail Village slxth F1llng;lhence Ehe following seven courses along the norEherly boundary of sald Va1] Vlllage Slxrh Fll1ng: (l) S 24"23t45,, W 259.20 feet; (2) 64.13feet along the arc of a curve to Ehe left havlng a radlus of 125.00feet, a central angle of 29"23'45", and a chord whlch bears N 80o18t08" W 63.43 feet; (3) s 85"00100,'I^1 200.00 feer; (4) N 5.00100', w 50.00feeE; (5) 129.59 feec along Ehe arc of a curve to the right havlnga radlus of. 275.00 feet, a cenEral angle of Z7"OO' 00,, and a chord whichbears N 91o30r00" I.t 129.40 feer; (6) N 6g"00100" I,I 270.00 f,eer; (7) N 22'00'00r' E 130.00 feec ro che northeast corner of Lot 2, Block 2,sald Vall Village sixth Fl1lng, which ls an angle polnt on the southerly Boundary of Tract B, said vail./Llonshead Thlrd Fi1lng; thence the follow-ing four courses along lhe southerly boundary of said TracC B, Vail/ Lionshead Third Filing: (l) N llo24rlg'. W 69.3g feer; (2) N g1.27'30" E 151.03 feer; (3) t't 69'Z:'40" E 234.53 feer; (4) N 4"35r5g" W 55.00feec, to an angle polnE on the soulherly boundary of said Tract B, Vail/Llonshead Second Filing; Lhence Che following eleven courses along Che souEherly boundary of sald Tract B, Va1l/Llonshead Second Fi1lng:(i) N 63"24'OO" E 245.00 feer; (2) N 82"24rOO" E 148.00 feec;(3) N 54"34r00" E 72.00 feer; (4) :i 11.34roo" E 252.00 feer;(5) N 54'22too'r E 95.00 feer; (6) x ga.osr00,r E 125.00 feer(7) S 73"36r00" E 188.00 feer; (g) N go.00roo" E I50.00 feer;(9) S 49"36t00'r E 235.00 feer; (lO) S B6o4Bt42,'E 179.90 feec;(11) s 19o52t39" I^I 1g1.57 feec (s lgolgr50" I.l 17g.60 feer calculared), Eo Ehe point of beginnlng, Beglnnlng at a polnt on the weslerly llne of sald NWtNWt SecElon 7, whence the northwest corner of sald secElon 7 bears N 00"07t43tt w 209,9feet dlstant, sald polnt of beglnnlng also 11es on the soulherly rlghE-of-way llne of Interscace }lighway No. 70, chence N 59o30r29" E 591.0feet, along sald souEherly rlght-of-way llne of Incerslate Hlghway No.70, to a polnt of lnLersectlon wlth the northerly rlghc-of-way l1ne ofthe south fronEage road of sald IncersEaEe Hlghway No. 70; Ehencc thefollowlng three courses along the sald norcherly rlght-of-way llne ofthe souch frontage road of InEersEare Hlghway No. 70: l) S 19o30r29,'l.l 358.3 feet, to a polnt of curve; 2) an arc dlsrance of 305.5 fee! along An unplatted parcel of the NwkNl'lk SecEion 7, Townshlp 5 sourh, Range B0 I.Ies uof the 6th Prtncipal Merldlan, Town of Vai1, Eagle County, Colorado, saldparcel of the NwkN'wL sectlon 7 belng more partlcularly described as follows: SCIIEDULE A-Continued a 513.0 foot radi.us curve to Ehe right, sai.d curve havlng a central angleoi 34"07'14" and a chord that bears s 46'34110" l,l 301.0 ieec;3) s 66.- 521 34" t.I 175.8 feer to a pornr on the wesrerly line of saia HwkitwkSection 7, thence N 00"07t43tt t{ 31g,9 feeE, along sald westerly 11ne of ll"v.'tNWk Sectlon 7, to the polnt of beglnnlng. A parcel of land rhat includes al1 of LoE 4, Block I, and parts of Tract cand rracr D of vArL/LroNsltEAD rrRsr FrLrNG, a subdlvlslon iecorded underreception nurnber 113260, ln Book 2L7 at page 676, and correctlon of platrecorded october 15, 1970 ia Book 218 at page 900 of the Eagle county ctert'and Recorders Records, sald parcel of land beI-ng nore partlcularly descrlbedas follows: Beglnnlng aE lhe northeast corner of Lot 4, Block l, VArL/LTONSHEADFII.ST FILING, thence the follor^,ing tfrie. courses along Ehe eascboundarv of sald Lot 4: (1) s 04;35iisi'e " ai"tan"""oi"is.ts ru"r;(2) S 85024ro2r'W a disEance of iZ.OO ieer; (3) S 04.35r5g,,Ea dl.sEance of 190.90 feet co the ,outf,.".c corner of sald Lot 4;Ei,ence contlnulng S O4o35r5g,'e fo, " Ji"Lance of l02.gl feec,ac:oss Tract C, and Lnro Tracr D VAIL/LIONSHEAD FIRST ITILINC; ctrerr3es s5"24'02'r I{ for a dlsranc" or rgt.2i-i."a rhrough sald Tract Dand across sald Tract C to a polnc on rhe r{est boundary of Tract C;thence N 12o43t23" W along the wesf Uounaary of TracE C for adl.stance of 103.85 feet to che "outt"""t corner of Lot 4; thence i::;:tt""ang seven courses along the wes! and north boundary of (1) N 12"43123,' W a dlstance of 16.70 feec;(2) N 44'50109', I{ a dlsEance "r ji.Oi i"..;(.3) N 4'35!59,' I.j a dlsrance of 102,g; ;;".;(4) N 27'05t58rr $/ a dlstance of 33.g7 ieec;(5) N 4'35t58" W a dlsrance "f lA.a7'f"J..(6) N 28"44130" E a dlsrance "r zs.iZ-i""i;(7) N 85'24ro2" E a dlsrance ot 24g-,96-iee. ro che polnr of beginnlng. The SEt of the NWk and Souch, Range 80 Wesc of the SWk of the NEk of Sectlon 19, Townshlp 5the 6Eh Prlnclpal Merldian. SCHEDULE A-Continued Condonlnlun Unlt C-3, VArI/LTONSHEAD CENTRE coNDoMrNiltMS, accordlng ro the nap rhereof flledfor record ln Book 218 at page 902, as arnendid by amended xap in Book 225 at Page 740, and accordlng to the condon{nlun Declararton for vArL/ LIONSEEAD CElflRE CONDOUINIWS recorded {n Book 218 ar page 901 , aa anrended by Flrst Anendment to condonlnlum Declaratlon, recorded ln Book 225 at Page 741. subJect to the cerms, condltlons and provlslons of sald coedonlnlunDeclaratlon and Flrst Anendnent to Condomlnlurn Declaratlon. T o Porr No' G{.gl' FORM NO. C-6000-38 FOR U'E WITH COLORADO REGION AMEFICAN LANO TITLE AGSOCIATTON OWNri.. IOLICY-FOiM B-I'7O (AMENDED tO.I7.7O) SCHEDULB B This Policy does not insure against loss or damage by reaeon of the folrowing: l' Rights or claims of parties in posseision not shown by the pubric recordc. 2, Dasements, or cluima of easemente, uot shown by the putrlic recorda 3' Dircrepancies, conflicta. in bou_ndarl' lines, shortage in area, encmachmentr, and any frcte which a cor-rect Eurvey and inspection of the premieeg would discloge and which are not rhown by rhe public recor4s. 4' Any lien, or right to a lien, for eervices, labor, or material hercto{on or hereafter furnished, impoeed bylaw and not shown by the public records. 5' Taxes due and payable; and any tax, special assessnrents, charge or lien impose4 for watcr or scwereervice, or for any other special taxilg district. RestricEions, which do not ccnLaln a forfeiture or reverter cl-ause, but ornlc-ttng resErlctions, if any, based on race, color! rellgion, or naLlonar ortgln,as conEalned tn lnsrrument recorded December 2t, tglg-ta iook 296 at page 446and Lhe Supplemenla1 .Declararion (Tracc A, Block l) recorded March 12, l9B01n Book 300 aL Page 48 and A:endment to che supple'ental DeclaraEron aa re-corded Sepleurber i6, l9B2 ln Book 346 ar fage i. Easenents and reserva!ions as containeC on Ehe recorded plai c,f Bearrer Crcel<Subdlvision, Bloclc l, TracE A and Anendinencs thereto. Reservaclons of (l).rlql E of propriet.or of any penerrating vein or rode coexEracL h1s ore; and_(2) rlghc of way for aiccires o, "un"i, constructed bysulhorlLy of united sLates, ln u,s. Latent recorded Apr11 27, l9l5 1n Booic48 at Page 340 and Septernber 20, IgO4 ln Book 4g ac page 504, RestrlcElons whlch do noE concaln a forfelEure or reverter clause, but omlt-tlng restrlctlon'r 1f any, based on race, color, rellglon or naltonar orlgin,aE conEalned 1n Deed frorn Vall Associales, rnc. to Beiver creek Holding com_'Panyr a Colorado Corporatlon recordecl ocEober 27, L}AL tn look 331 at iage 244. X Easemenc and rlght of way for utillcy and drainage purposes as reserved byvall Assoctatee, rnc. 1n Deed !o Beaver creek lloidlng corapany, a coloradocorporatlon recorded ocrober 27t LggL tn Boolc 331 al'rage 244. (iExceptlons 6 tluu J0 affecC parcel I) 6. o X }(.Restrlc!lona, whlch do not contaln a forfelEure or reverter cJ.ause, but onlt_tlng reslrlcttons, 1f any, basecl on race, color, rellglon or nattonar orlgln,aa concalned 1n Deed from Varl Assoclates, rnc. to Beiver creek EnEerprlals,'Inc. recorded occober 27, lggl 1n Boolc 33i ar pugu i/ri. - - and dralnage purposes as reservecl byBeaver Creclc En!crprlsea, Inc. recorded 245, Parcel II) llaeenenE and rlghr of way for urilityVa1l Aesoclqles, Inc. 1n fhe ljeecl coOctober 27, lg8l 1n Book 331 ac page (ExcepElons 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12 affecr oy. FORM NO, C.6000.3C FOR USE WITH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN FOF UEE WITH COLORADO FEGION AMERICAN LATO TITLE ASSOCIATTON LOAN POLICY I97O (AMENDED IO.I?.7O) LAND TITLE A€SOC IA TTOII OWNER'E POLICY-FOFM B-I97O (AMENDED IO.I7.7O) v 0 @ Reservall0ns of (1).riqlrE of proprletor of any penecratlng veln or rode t.oex'racc h1s ore; a1d__(2) rlghr oi way for uny'ait"t,u"-oi-'!u.rur" consrrucredby the auEhoricy of unir:ed stutu", ir u.s. pacenr recordeJ Jury r2, lggg 1nBoolc 48 aL page 475 and May 20, ISOS fn Boolc 4g at page 5ll. Agreenent between va1l Associa'es, Ltd., a col0rado Lfinlted partnership andGas Faclllr.es, rnc',. a cororaao io.p"iici""lti.-irtii,'*iin"..u"rt acqulreand operate inco' wrthln and through' portr.ons of sections 7 aod g, Tor,mship5 south, Range 80 l.lesr and,oEr,"r pi.pi"tv; gas dl'Erlbutlon fac11111e6 andeaaemenEs as discl0sed by lnstruuent-recordid 1n Book ial-ut page r57. Rlglr[ of way icr the unlnLerrupEed flow of l"lill creelc over and across subjecuP'operLy as is now locaced or as nay be located in the i;;ur.. covenants, concj-tions and Restriclions, which do not contain a forfeitureor reverter clause, but ornitting::estrictions, if any, based on race, co10r, SCIIEDULE B-Coutinued 187 at Page 353 and as recorded Decsnber fZ,Page 515. Any exi.sclng 1:ases or tenancies Eo include !ha! certain lease recorded inBook 215 at page 296, (Excepcions 13 tliru 17 affecC parcel III) o @ religion, as ccrrtained in instrunrent recorded Noven6r 15, 1965, in Book187 at Page 353 and as recorded Decsnber lZ, 1965 in Book lBZ at paqe 51 18' ReservaLlons o: (1) rlghc of proprleuor of any penecratlng vein or lode toexcract his ore; and (2) rlght of nay for any'dicches or canals consEructedby aurhorlcy o!- unlted stales, in u.s. paceni recorded september 4, 1923 rnBoolc 93 ac page 9g. 19' BasemenL and rj-ght of way for lhe purpose of granulng the rlghE to consErucE,inspecE, nalntain, operace and use and repair-oe unJE.lround plperlnes asgranLed to Gas Facllllles, Inc., a Publlc ULillLy corpJratlon, by Va1l AssociaEes,LEd.' a Colorado Llmlted ParEnershlp 1n Ehe lnsciunrenl recorded Aprtt 7, 19661n Book 192 at page 373 affeccing rhe followlng descilbed propercy: A 50 fooc utlllcy easemenr lying 25 feeE on ercher slde of a frnedescrlbed as commenclng aE the Norchwes! corner of TracL rAr, Block l,vall vllrage, slxth Flrlng; theoce Northerly atong itre l,Iesi rlne ofTract A extended 25 feec to the cenlerllne of Forest Road and lhe polntof beglnnlng; thence Eascerly and..paralleL with Ehe North 11ne of satdTracE A 200 feec; thence along che arc of a curve Eo Ehe rlghE whoseracllue 1s 150 feeu, and arc cltsEancc of 76.96 fecr, .oi,l arc subcendinga ccntral angle of 29"2jt h5", !o a poln! on rllo ccnuerlhre of Dores!lload. ,',] Itr': 't! ?' ,'. S C I{ B D U t E B-Conti:rued 2l' Easenent and rlghu of way for lhe purpose of granting the rlgliL to consgrucr,lnspect, malnLaj.n' operaIe and use ani repa 1r-und ergiound plpe11nes as grantedto vall l{ater and sanlEatton Dlstrlct! a goverrurenEar subdlulslonof the sEaue' of colorado by Va11 Assoclates, rnc., a cJlorado corporatlon ln che lnstrumencrecorded Augus! 15' 1966 ln Book 197 at Page /r71 affecclng Ehe followlng de-scrlbed property: An easement l0 feet In wldLh lylng withln secrion 7, Townshlp 5 south,Range B0 west of r.he 6ch p.M., EaEte counEy, colorado, whose centerline1s nore partlcularly descrlbed as follows: beglnnlng at the Northwestcorner of Lot 3, Block 2, YaLL Vtllage Slxch Fillng, thence Souchea6terlyalong lhe Norch llne of safd Lot 3 a dlsEance of 4s.:e reet; thencesou'heasterly on an angle to the left of 5o07r30,'wtth sald lot llne,a dlstance o! 10j.62 f.eeti thence on an angle !o the left of 25o251 ,' a dlsEance of 237,17 feet; thence on an angle to,.the,rlgbt. of 9o5gr,a dlsLance of 665.28 feet Lo a polnE on the iot line between Lots 4 and5, Block 4, va1l Vlllage - Thlrd Fillng, which is 5 feet souEheasterlyfrom the NorthernnosL. corner of sald roc s, "*"upt thaE part rylngwlthin Va1l vlrlage - Thlrd Fil1ng and Vail vi.r1age, slxEh Flrrng. AND A l0 fooc easemenE 1n the NorEhwesL Quarter oi Ehe Northwes! Quargerof Secrlon 7, Townshlp 5 South, Range 70 Wesc of the 6Eh p,tt., UaglecounEy, Colorado, lytng 5 fee! on eicher slde of a llne described as:beglnnlng aL a polnr on Llre west rine of LoE g, Bloclc 2, Vall v11rage,Slxth Ftl'fng, whlch 1s 36.13 feeu souLh of che Northwest corner lhereof;chence souEhwearerly maklng an angle to lhe iighi-oe l05"l4rw1th theWesE l1ne of sald Lot B a di"tun"u of i.87 feei; thence Southlresterlyon an Angle to the reft of 16o59130" a dtstance of 116,03 fee' !o apoinc on the North line of Forest Road whlch ia 56,42 fee! wes! of Eheflrsr angle poln' 'ues! of ur're wesu line of sald LoE g, 21' Rescricui'ons, whlch do no! contain a forfelLure or reverter clause buE omi!-tlng res'rlcElona' tf any, based on race, cor.or, re11g10n, or nall.nar orlgln,aa conLalned in instrumenL recorded 1n Book 2L7 ax pale 675, and ae amendeiby inscrument recorderl Augusc 30, lg7.r 1n goolc zzi ai"rage 4gg. 22' Lease between vail Assoclales, rnc., a cororado corporatlon, lessor, anrr lhe'rowN o!' VAIL, a ruuntcipal corPoracl;n recordecl Decernber B, l97l in Book 222at Page 518 for a Eerm of 99 ycars l>cglnnlng Augusc iO, lSZf. FORM NO. C.6000-3c FOR UsE WITH COLORADO REG]ON AMEBICAN LAND TITLE AASOCIATTON LOAN POLTCY rATO (AMENDED IO.!7.7O) FOF U6E WITH COLORAPO REGION AMERICAN LANO TTTLE A6EOCIT.'TION OWNER'6 POLICY_FORM E-IO?O {AiIgNDED IO.IA.7O' (Excepuions 14, 18, J:9,20t 2I and 2? affecC parcel IV) |l(ffl l'lo, el{2j FORM NO. C.6000.3C FoR UEE WITH coLoRADo REGtoN AMEFItcAN LAND TITLE AEsOclATloN LoAN poLrcy tgTo (aMENDEp to.t7-7o) FOR U6EWITH COLOnADO REGION AMgnrcAN LANO TTTLE A5SOC|AT|ON OWNEn'5 po|-rcv-FoRM B-107o (AMEN9EO tO.t7-70) SCIIEDULE B-Contiuued 2tt l3::l:nt agreement betr,reen vArL ASsocrATEs, rNC, aud vArL WATER AND SANTTATToNDTsrRrcr, for sewer servlce recorded July !,.19g0 ln gook 205 at page 31. (Exceptlons 14, 18 and 23 affecc parcel V) 24' ReservaEton of rlghc of way for any dlEches or canals con6lructed by authoriEyof unlted sEate€' ln u.s. Paten; recorded July 13,.193g ln Book 123 at page 617. '25' Reserva'ions of (1) rlghc of proprietor of any penetratlng vetn or rode toextract hls ore; and (2) rlght of way for any-dirchea or canars constructedby authorlty of unlted sEaEesr in u.s. patent recorded t4ay 24, 1904 1n Book48 at Page 503. 26' ucllity Easement as shor^m on lhe Plat of said subdivlslon, sald easernentbelng over lhe Wesferly 25 feet of sublecu property. 27' Restrlctlons, whlch do noE conEain a forfelture or reverter clause, but omlt-tlng resLrlcllons, 1f any, basei on race, color, religlon or natlonal origi-n,as conEained 1n insrrumenr recorded May rg, l97d 1n oJok, 2L7 aE page 675,ae amended by lnacrumenL recorded Jury 30, 1970 ln Book 2lg ac pag! 334, andas anrended bv lnslrurnen! recorded ocrober t5, 1g7o 1n Book 2ig at-pa;; sgg. 28. EasenrenL agreenent and all condrcions, provisions and rlghts as contalnedtheretn as granted to Robert T. Lazler ind Dlane J. Lazler by va1l Aseoclates,rnc., a colorado corporaElon, recorded Novernber L2,igTL rn iook 222 at-i;ge258. 29' Terns, provisions, condlcions and obllgaElons as contalned in Lease recordedJanuary 13, 1975 ln Book 23g ar ?age 264, u" u*u"J.J-iy rnruru*un;s recordedJanuary 13, 1975 1n Boolc 238 ar pafe 269 and as,u"orJlg May 4, 1976 in Bootc246 at page 179. (Exceptlons 24 t}rnr 29 affect parcel Vr) 30'Reservatlons of (I) rlghr of proprretrir of any penetratrng veln or lode toextract his ore; and (2) rlglrE of way for;rny'dirclres or canals con.ErucEeclby,authorlLy of untted stat;s, in u.S; pareni recorded July rz, 1949 in Boolc134 ac page 515. 3r' Right of way for the unlnEerrupced flow of creeks over anc! across subJectproper.y 's la now l0caterJ or a5 r'ay be loca[ecl tn the future. 32. Lack of a rioht of acqess frorn said Parcel to any open pr:lclic road., streetor highway. $<oeptions l_6. 30, 3l ard 32 affect parceL Wf) FORM No. C.6000-3C FOR U5E WITH COLONAOO FEGION AMERICAN LANO TITLE AESOCIATTON LOAN POLICY t97O (AMENDED 'O.I7.7OIFOF UAE WITH COLORAOO FEGION AMEB ICAN LANO TTTLE AESOCIA'ION OWNEF'E POLIqY-FONM S-rA 7O (AMENDSD IO.I7.7O) SCIIBDULE B-Continucd covenants, condlcions and ResLriccions ::' whlch do noE contaln a forfeltureor reverter clause, but onlttlng restrlctl0ns, if any, based on race, eo10r,rellglon or natlonaL orlgln, as contelned in. lnstrurnent recorded May ig,1970 ln Book 217 at Page 675, and July 30, 1970 ln Book 219 ar page 334,and oe8ober 15' 1970 1n Book 218 ar page 899, and October 15, tgTo 1n Book218 at Page 901 aod Ocrober ll , L972 ln Boolc 225 at page 741. utility and dralnage eaaemenus as shown on plat of satd subdivlslon, andas reserved ln instrunen! recorded l4ay 18, 1970 in Book 217 at page 675. sec-back restrlcllons as shovm on the recorded prat of sald subdlvlsion. 35 affest Parcel Wf]) : Vail A.ssociates, a Colorado co:i:oration Beaver Geek iioldi.ng fu$cany, a Colorado coryoration, and Beaver Geck .:,.hter._orlses,Inc., a @lorado corporation: RepublicBairk Da1las, liatj.onal lssociatioir a national bankirrg associat,j.a: as agentfor itself and otlrer banks: an aggregate anDr]Ilt not to exe.ed $37 , 000, 000 . 00: October 7, 1983: liorrernber 22t I983t in Pook 373 at 9age 545. 37. Fiaancing Staterent frqn Vail Associates, fnc., Beaver Creek Iloldilrg ccrpany, Beanrer creek Sxterp:ises, Inc., debtors, to RegublicBank Da1las, :.iaiio:-al Association,as Agent' secured parEy, recorded !-ovcnlcer 22, !983, in Book 373 at pag: 546. (Excepti.ons 18. 25. 32, 33, 34 and llertgage and Security fureenent fron to the nDrtgagee to secure dated recorded -1D. l'on[ Nr.. C.laz.g --. FORM NO. C-5000 Colorado Reqron Form 342ALTA Owners Polrcy - Form B - t97O{--. Amended 10-17-70 l -:,!. " POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE. THE EXCEPTIONS CON- TAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPUI.ATIONS HEREOF, TRANSAMERICA TITLE TNSURANCE COMPANY. a California corporation, herein catted the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance staied in Schedule A, and costs, attorneys'fees and expenses which the Company may become obligaied to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: 1. Title to the estate or interesi described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein: 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such tifle: 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land: or 4 tJnmarketability of such tiile. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Transamerica Title Insurance Company has caused this policy to be signeo and sealed by its duly authorized officers as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. Transamerica Title Insurance Company ,, cfd) e.RJE;_, "*.io.", " fr"'.L; C,t't*-eZ- $crcrrv SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not timited to building and zonings,tricting or regulating or^ prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, -or regutatingolmenslons or locatlon of- an_y improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of anv violation of an!' nance or governmental regulation. ordinances) re- "'l:o:lffl"".)sucn law. orol- Rights'in the of.eminent domain or governmental rights of police porver unless notice of the exercise of such rights appearspublic recolds at Date of Policy. an Insure{l nereunoer; (c) resulllng In no loss or damage to the tnsured clalmant: (d) attachrng or created subse-. quent to Dale of Policy: or (e) resulting in loss or damage rvhich would not have been susta:ned lf the insured claim-ant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by fhis policy. CONDITIONS AND I. DEFINIIION OF TERMS The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "insured': the irsured named in Schedule A. and,subject to any rights or defenses the Compan), may haveagainst the namcd insured. those r.l.ho succeed to the interestof such insured by operation of larv as distinguished frompurchase including, but not limited to. heirs,- distributees,delisees, survivors, personal representati\.es. next of kin, orcorporate or fiduciary' successors. (b) "insured claimant": an insured claimins loss or dam-age hereunder. (c) "kno\'ledge": actual knowledge. not constructivekno\rledge or notice which may be imputed to an insured by feason of any public records. (d) "land": the land described, sDecificall\. or bv referencein Schedule A, and improvemens afflxed theriro rvhich by larvconstitute real propert-v: provided, hou'ever, the term ..land" does.-not include anv property beyond the lines of the areaspecifically described or referred to in Schedule A, nor anyright. title. interest. estate or easement in abutting streets,roads, avenues. all€ys. lanes, ways or \t'aten\.a)s, but nothinBherein shall modifl' or limit the extent to Nhich a risht of access to and from the )and is insured bt,this policy. . (e) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trus!. trust deed, orother securitv instrument- (f; "pubiic records": those records rvhich bt. la$, imDarrconstructive notice of matters relating to said lind. 2. CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE AFTER CONVEYANCE OF T ITI. E The coverage ot this policy shall continue in force as ofDate of Policy in falor of an insured so long as such insuredretains an estate or interest in the land, or holds an indebted. n€ss sec-ured bv.a purchase money mortgage grren by a pur-cnaser lrom such lnsured, or so lonp as such insured shallhave liabilitv by reason of covenanti of \rarranty madc bysuch insurcd in'any transfer or conve)ance of such estate orinteres!: provided, -ho$.ever, this policj. shall not continue inforce in favor of an1' purthaser from-such insured of eithersaid estate or interest or ihe indebtedness secured bv a our.thase money mortgage given to such insured. 3. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OT ACTIONS _ NOTTCE OF CTAIM TO BE GIVEN BY AN INSURED CI.AIMANT (a) The Compant', at its own cost and without undue delay, shall provide for the dcfense of an insured in all litiga.tion consisting of aetions or proceedings commenced againstsuch insured. or a defense interposcd against an insured in anaction to eniorce a contract for a sale of the estate or intercstin said land. to the extent that such litiearion is founded uoonan alleged defect. ljen, encumbrance. oi other matter insured against by this policy. Defects, Iiens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assu:ned or agreed to by theinsured claimant; (b) not_known to the Company and not shown by the public records but knorvn- to the iniured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date sirch claimant acquiied an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in u'riting by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such :nsured claimant b6cam'ean insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant: (d) attaching or created subse- STIPULATIONS (b) The insured shall notify th* Company promptly in \r'riting (i) in case an1- action or pro:eeding is begun or de- fense is interposed as set forth in (a) :.f,ove, (ii) in case knou'l- edge shall come to an insured hereu:'-::r of any claim of titl€ or interest xhich is adverse to the tirl.? :o the estate or interest. as insured. and which might cause icss or damage for which the Company mav be liable by virtu: of this policy, or (iii) iftitle to the estate or interest, as ins-:red. is rejected as un- nrarketable. If such prompt notice s::all not be given to the Company. then as to such insured all :rability of the Company shall cease and terminate in reqard :.t the matter or matters for rvhich such oromot notice is rec:::*d: provided. horvever, that failure to ndtify ihalt in no case ;::-:udite the rights of any such insured under this policy unles-. rhe Company shall be preiudiced by such failure and the:- onl!' to the extent of such prejudice. (c) The Company shall have the :i3hr at its o\i'n cost to institute and without undue dela!' ;rcsecute any actlon or proceeding or to do any other act \\'l--::h in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish L-:a title to the estate or interest as insured, and (he Compa:.j' ma!' take any appro-priate action under the terms of th- policy, whether or notit shall be Iiable thereunder. and s.--i:l not therebv concede !iabilitv olwaive any prolision of r.---: policy. (d) Whenever the Company sha:: ::a\e brought any actionor interposed a defense as requireC :: permitted by the pro- visions of this polic5,. the Compan-1' mal' pursue any such litiPation to final determinarion b_\'a :ourt tf competent juris- diction and expressly resenes the dE--.r. in its sole discretion, to appeal from anv adverse judgme---: o: order. (e) In all cases where this pol!c'. lermits or requires the Company to prostrcute or provide fo: '--.: defense of any actionor proceeding, the insur€d hereu:'.::r shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute o: i:-ovide defense in such action or proceeding. and ail appea:s ',::erein. and permit the Company to use, at its option. the.-a:re of such jnsured for such purpose. Whenev€r requested l]' the Company, such insured shall give the Company all r:r'onable aid in any such action or proceeding. in effecting s€t:.:::ent. securing evidence, obtaining rvitnesses, or prosecuting c: defending such action or procecding, and the Company sha-. :eimburse such insured for any expense so incurred. 4. NOTTCE OF LOSS - UMITAT|ON OF AC ON In addition to the norices rcqu:.:l under paragraph 3(b)of these Conditions and- S(ipulations. a statement in writi-ngof any loss or damage for s hich it :s claimed the ComDanyis liable- undcr this policv shall be fu:rrrshed to the Comirany\r'ithin 90 days aftcr such loss or da-_age shall ha\.e becn de'-ttrmined and no right of action sh:.ll accrue to an insuredclaimant until 30 days after such s..::ement shall have beenfurnishcd. Failurc to furnrsh such sr3::rnent of loss or damageshall terminare any.liabilitl. of the Co::tplny under this poliCyas to such loss or damaRe. Continucd on Front of Back Cover Continued from 5. OPTIONS TO PAY OR OIHERWISE SETIIT CIAIMS The Compan) shall have thc option to pal' or othi-.\'ise settlc for or in the name of an insurcd clainranl any cia:::1 in- sured against or to terminale all liabilit! and obligstj,::.s ci the Company hereunder b1- paying or tendcijng pa)'r::::.! of the amount of insurance under this oolicv together wi::- anv costs. attornc]'s' frcs and erpenses 'rncuired up to tl-.: iim; of such pavn)elrt or tcndr'r of pa)'nrcnt, bl ti.e insured :.a:m- ant and authorizcd b]' the Company. 6. DETERMINATION AND PAYMENT OF I.OS5 (a) Thc Iiabilitv of the Compan]' und€r rhis polic:.' shall in no case exceed th('least of: (i) the actual loss of lhe insured clain:ant; or (ii) the amount of insurance in Schedule A. (b) Thc CompanY rvill pay, in addition to an!' Ioss :--j j:ed against bl,this polic\'. all costs imposed upon an insured ::. liti- Aatior) carriud on b]' the Companl' for such insured. a:.: all costs. attorneys' fees and expenses in litigation carried :.:. b}' .. such irrsurrd \rith the \rritten authorization of the Co:-:.::r]'. (c) when liabilitl'has been definitelt fir-:d in acco:::::ce Nirh thr' conditions of this policl', the loss or CamaFe s:::. be pa)3bic \\'ithin 30 davs thcr€after. ^-.7. UMITA ON OF uABtutY lt \o c,rrm shali arrse or be maintained -rd{r this :.--.:ci' - (a) if rh(' Conrpanl'. after having reccived ncr:ice of an a..*:ebdcfr'ct. lien or e::cuntbrance insured agains: hereunca: bv Iitigation or othcr\\'ise. removes such dt'fec:. lien or ::. r'..::n- branct' or ostablishes the title. as insured, \rirhin a reas::.3'f,le tinrc aft('r rec('ipl of such nolice; (b) in the i'..int of lii:::.:jon until thcre hits br(,n it final determination b', a court ci :,:::r-pttent jurisdiclion. and disposition of all aprials the:::::'i--r. ad\'(rsc lo th(' titlc.. as insurcd. as pro\ ida-: in paras-:-:::3 hcrt'of: or (c) for liabilitr' \'oluntaril! assun:iC b!' an ::.:-::'ed in settling anl'clilim or suit \\'ithout prior \,.:;iten con:::: of thc Conl pa nt'. 8. REDUCTION OF IIABILITY All palnrcnts uDder this polic)', cxcept palments n:::: for costs. atlorncls' feIs and c\pcnscs. shall r<C.rce the 3::'rnt of the ir]surancc pro tanto. No pa)ment sh:ri, b'r madt '.\.::,out producing this policv for endorscmcnt of suc: calmen: -.--.:ssthc poli(\' lrr' losi or dcstrol'cd. in rlhich c:s,. proof c: s!ch lors or (lcslructiorl shall bc furnishcd to t::: satisfac:::: of the Ctrtrt na n r'. 9. I.IABII.ITY NONCUMUIATIVE It is nxpressl! undcrstood that the arnount of ins:=:rcc under thrs policl'shall be rrduced by anv ar:"-ount th. Com-pany nraY pay under polic)' insuring cither (a) a mo::lage sho\\'n or refcrrcd to in Schtdule B hcrcof ghich is a::i:r on thc estate or interest covered by this polic)". or (b) a mo:-.eage hercafter cxccuted by an insurcd rvhich is a charAe or l:in on the estate or intercst dcscribcd or rcferred to in Sched:le A. and the amount so paid shall be dccmed a paiment unC:: rhis policy. The Company shall havc the option to apply to th: pav- ment of any such mortgagcs any amount that othen'ise tould be payablc hercunder to thc insurcd o$'ner of the esE:e or Back of Front Cov€r interest covered by this policf'and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payrirmt unaer lhis policy to said insured owner. I O. APPORTIONI$INT If the land described in Schedule A consists of two or more Darccls which are not used as a single site. and a loss is estab' iishcd affecting on€ or more of said parcels but not all' the loss shall be ibmpured and scttled on a pro rata -basis as if the amount of i*urance under this policy was divided pro rata as to ihe value on Date of Polic)' of each separate parcel to the \\'hole. €xclusive of any improvements madc subsequent to Date of Policl. unless a liabilit! or valtt,' has otherrvise been agreed upon as to each such parcel b3- thc- Comp-any and the iniured ai the rime of lhe issuance of this policy and shown bv an exprt*s statement herein or by an endorsement attached h€rero. IT. SUBROGAIION UPON PAYMTNT OR SEITTEMENT Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim under this Dolic\'. all right of iubiogation shali lest in the Conrpany unaffectcd bv anu act of lhe insured claimant. The CompanY shall be sub;ogated to and be entitled to all righls and reme- dies uhich sudh insured claimanl \r'ould have had aFainst an)' Derson or DroDenv in rcspecl to such claim had this policv not been issu.{. ind-if requixted b} the Compan}', such insured clainrant shall transfer to the Companj' all riRhts.and remcdies ap,ainst an]' person or propcrt) necessarf in order to pcrfect such right of subrogation and shall permit the Comptny to use the name of such insured clainlant in any transaction or litigation involving such rights or remedics lf the paymen{ does not col er the loss of such insured claimant. thc Companl' shall be subrogatd to such rights and remcdies in the pro- Dortion \\'hich !aid patment bears to the amount of said loss. if loss should resuli irom anv act of suclt insured claimant, such act shall not t'oid this pblicv. but the Company, in that event, shall be required to pat only that part of any losses insured aFainst heieundcr fhich shall excecd thc amount, if any, lost io the Company b}' reason of iht impairnrcnt of the ri8,ht of subrogation. t 2. UABIUTY tlMtTED tO lHlS POtlcY This instrumeot togethcr Nith all endorsi'nlents and other instruments. if an)-. attached hereto b!' tht Compin] is the entire policl' and contract bet\\'een the insured and the Companl'. Any claim of loss or damage. - \'hethcr or n-ot- based on ne8lisencc. and rvhich arists out of lhe status of thc title to thi istate or interest covcrcd herebl or an]' action asscrting such claim, shalt be restrictcd ro the prolisions and conditions and stipulations of this Policv No amendment of or cndorsentent to this policv can bc madc exceDt bv $ritinA endorscd hereon or attacl,'.'l hereto sie.ned bv dittrci ttr Prcsident. a Vice Presidcnt, the Sccrctarv. ai' Assistant Secretary, or validating officer or authorized si8natory of the CotnPany. 13. NOrtcEs. wHBt sENr All notic€s Equired to be gilen the Company and any statement in u'riting required to be furnished thc Company shall be addressed to Transamcrica Title Insurancc Conlpany, P. O. Box 605, Dcnser. Colorado 80201.t t-l' .t' t- oe E g ? 2 F== - .g , o 5 E " i 5:g H ; fi €; ,i i ,€ "E .3 s s i €? $ d EH EFi ii iI ii si ii ii !i ri si si :: iE ElgA - 'R I - ", > z.LF XF: I 9 3 : q CgctIb0lEl oho)G.9t'i =66E or.L=Fi: oe .=(Ut- o-.Ee URt_ \r,g 9o!? trc)::(oc @(6c\-Gf,!-aFc a)U -EFulvJFJ HF5 V) -t-{ - b b E iF ,i es i;g i,n .qH ' , ;- €ie EfEi;*iil*EiiiiiiiilisillsiEiEiil*illlffiis GOTDEN PEAK SIGN Prellnioary Deslgn Revlev PI,AN Board Subrnittal Northwoods'! 4. 5. 6. 7. a It6 f Blke Path to Vail Village Val1 village 4 9. 10. 11. ]-2. 13. L4. 15. 16. L7. 18. 19. 20. 0nly (2) (5 each) vall vilLage f on structure L - 2. .- llanor Vail and A11 Seasoos) k.-cfrJ"o p""r. str center ? + 3. Golden Peak Ski C"rrt.t ? Chalrllfts Northwoods and /lr2 ? Northwoode ) F Bike Path to Bus Stop. Skler Drop-Off Loadlng and Unloading No enrrance e Bighorn Bus Stop Vall Vlllag" -l} A11 Seasons '-+ trParkingtt or ttFulltt \ "ouuraronal Parking"'(when lot ls t'fu11") r"rtr.'g t P -+ Parklng -+, ? .+ No parktng .A No parklng e Emergeocy Vehlcles Only GOLDEN PEAK SIGN PI.AN Page 2 2I. Chlldrenrs Drop-Off 6 22. Mlnl Cars Only 30 23. Reserved Condo I Reserved Condo 2 Reserved Condo 3 Reserved Condo 4 Reserved Condo 5 Reserved Condo 6 .'t ,l '1;11 '( 40. lletal - Anodlzed Aluulnuo - gold colbr 4rl 41. llooden - dsrk bronn 4" 42. Toodeo - darlc bronr 4" 43. lletsl - Anodlzed - dark brown 6tt 44. !!et81 - Anodlzed - dark brown 4" 45. lletal - Anodlzed - dark brorn 4" 46. ltetal - Anodlzed - dark brona 4" 47. Metal - Anodlzed - dark.brown .Ltt 48. Metal - lnodlzed - dark brown 6' 49. Per elgn plan L2't x L2tt ?? 50. l{etal - Aoodized - dark brorn 4ti 5L. l{etal - Aoodlzed - gold 4" 52. Hetal - Anodtzed - gold 4t' 53. Metal - Anodlzed - darl< brown 6rl 53. Per slgn plan L2't x L2t' 54. Prl.vate garage NORI'II SKIER ARCADE WALL SIGNS 55. Gold Anoillzed 4t' 56. Gold Anodlzed 4" 57. Gotd Anodized 4" 58. Gold Aoodtzed 4" 59. Modulee 60. l{odulee 61. Gold Anodlzed 4" HV o o SIGN PROGRAM SIJMMARY: A large quantlty of slgpage will be necesoary once Golden Peak is redeveloped. (See the Sign Plans and Sign Inventory for the exact Locatlon and types of slgns conteuplated at thle time). Several generic types of siggs wlll be necessary: " Traffic signs sinllar to those presently used by the torrn will be needed, such as ttno parking, unloading on1y, emergency vehlcles onlytt, etc. These sigas w111 be rectaagular, reflectlve, and metal-llc. o Town of Vail wooden signs w111 be used for the pedestrian circulation. Ihese slgns are natural wood with whlte letters and borders. Sanple signs would be BIKE PATU, VAIL VILLAGE, NoRllIltOODs' MANOR VAIL" wlth dlrectlonal arrows. o llountaln signage -- a felr mountaln signs w111 be requlred on-site. These signs reLate to Ski Safety Act requlrements. These slgns are blue background lrlth eandblasted letters and pLastic modules. Also standard mountain slgnage would be required at the llfts. Buildtng exterior signage wllL be of several types: ,./o Slgnage for wooden backgrounds w111 be gold anodized nelal letters Liv- fastened to Ehe vood surfaceg. Sizes nay vary, but 4 lnch letters w111 ,fu, be used predoninantly. sample signs would be ttSKI RENTAIS, SKI S CHOOT, ' rr y ) etc., with dlrectionaL arrows. Ilelvetlca medium type faces. o Signage to be placed on stucco walls rsl1l be dark brown anodized metal letters to contrast with the lighter stucco backgrounds. Typlcal signage would be "G0LDEN PEAK SKI CENTERI nith vall logos in aPproprlate colors. Helvetica medlum type faces. o Plastic or metal international nodules woul-d be used on some surfaces where J.arge amounts of infornation need to be dlsplayed. (See the Slgn Plans for sarnple sketches), Samples would be a restroom or restaur:rnt international module with the words "restauranttt or ttrestroomtt on the module. These rnodules would appear on the stucco above the arcade entrance on the east side of the building and ln other locations. Colors woul.d be white backgrormd wlth gold letters and borders. Ilelvetica urediunr type faces would be used. o Several display boxes rould be required for groomlng and weather information' etc. o Some fl-ags would be used--probably one for each nationality ln the Ski School. o Temporary slte developnent signs wouJ.d be needed also. I t-a !\.t lil\iti: 1)t: t,t4il.;i:(:'f Ll:(i\1, l)l:l;,iti I l,'l lol,i : l.i't. Tract r ti!.0('t(l: .t.i(; ValMuage 5th rtllng t)li.S(:l{ll'llo:i 0lr l'lt0.Jl:cl DeDolltlon of exlstlng structure and bullding of a new srlucr.ure LI,ST OF MATERIALS l .-. : Thc follol{ing infonn:rtion is rcquircd for eul)niLtal by tho irpl)l ic:rlt to thc Dcsillt RcvicwEorrd bqlblc a finlll, nj,provJl-ciin bc givcn: A. DUILI)Iii(i [t\TnRlAt,S ,ryFc of lrjlt_cr.iul 9"_]g doof Sgde!_€!fEs&c__ Siding Board and batten cedar Brorln other l';al l Matcrials stucco off-.t hite to creau Fascia Soffits llindor.rs lfindow Trirn Doors Door Trin Hand o: Deck Rails F lues Flashj.ngs Chinneys Trash En:losures Grccnhotrses -other Tree Guarde Wrought lrou B. LANDSCAPING l'lane of Designer: Peqqv stennark - At conceptual level nolr - ouanrlties and sizes to follortFnone : 476-0874 PLANT MTERIALS Botanical Name Comon Name Quanti ty Si ze TREES Ygglg_Eggr_Aslg! rlt.bjlll_lglll9:lr_jcopulortn Juniper, Anertcan plum, !rab_4pp1",_I9,mt8tr A"E!_41pflg_Igr_jlue spruce, Ptn cherly, Esgq-I9celelB--qggoth sL Ug]r!!3b_S49$egJ, Pf I Czel-&gl-per.__8u_ssl -n Tea Shrub, Uoos3bqrry VlburnuD,Alplne Currant, SIIver Buffaloberry, Peklng Cotoneaster, Colden Currant, Colorado Redtwl e Doeil'ood._19@ngJl1ggr Korean Barberry, Dl.ack chokecherry I,loods Rose, Blue Stded W1!.1ow, Boulde! Rasbelly, Splrea Wood./Stucco Brovn/Off-iihl t e Palnted out to natch chlll[rey Pelnted out to oatch surloundina Stucco off-rldte to creap Inslde structure _ SHRUBS @3 CN(IJilD 00trERli s00 SqUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOONEE TYPE Natlvr c-araea- por€drtslr. SQUARE FOgilGE dalsl.!. rnd Colupblaes . :.) stE0 ;. l!t TYPE OF IRRIGATIOT{ TYPE ON ilEIII@ OF EROSION COI{TROL other Landscape Features (retainlng walls, fences, swlnml ng pools, etc.) please speclflr. tennl8 bleachers (graee), relocated blke path brldges Flrst Floor Public Spaces: Retail Restroom - men Restroom - hromen Vending lbchines Janitor Clrculatlon: Arcade Stairs - Arcade Stairs - Enclosed Operations: Ski Tourlng Nursery l4eet,ing Rooms (3) Employee Lod<er Roorns Employee Showers Physical ?raining Ski Schrrol Offlce Dnployee Clrcul-atlon t bchanical- /Electrlcal Kitchen Storage @LDEN PEAK NEDEVELOPMENf April 16, 1t84 Subtotal & Lounge _ 4,ggg 10,650 GSFNSF Rooms Loading Dock/Service Corridon,Stairs, Freight El-evator Trash Subtotal Condominiums: Lobby, Stairs, Elevator, S<i Locker Garage Storage Janitor Equipment Subtotal 3,888 487 487 :22 768 1,743 2,690 61128 616 11252 ::: 62U ::: 3,888 487 487 136 35 4, 344 864 444 768 1,743 2,690 6JzB 616 1,252 112 1 ,548 882 ot1 840 208 464 2,287 208 ,rQ 1 3, 933 17,411 1 8, 93't 3,007 3',t ,068TOTAL - FIRST FLOOR 2 Second Floor !4ounLain Operatlons: Ticket Office, Storage, Offlces Sk1 School, Instructor Qreck-Ort, Offlces Restnooms BratskeLler Sra1l lforld Tennls Deck CircuLation Subtotal NSF GSF 7,561 10,481 1 ,1182rez 161' 3,300 1: 11 ,682 19,243 1 ,118 2rQ2 161 3,300 960 2,688 232 3,70q 1,536 1'966 1 ,787 209 784 666 66 412 552 765.5 72 Food Service Operations; Dlning Apres S<l/Bar ScrambLe Cafeteria Kitchen Managerrs Office Scullery Storage Kitchen/Bar Storage Restrooms Bar Reta1l Circulation Freighf Elevator TOTAL . SECOND FLOOR c.,^{Ll tq 20 .3, ?04) {\ 5?- 1,536t ,5j@ i,,?3? 209 784666' 66 412 552 Subtotal 12,519 23,000 Thlrd flIoor Condomlniun Condomlnitm Condominium Condomlniun Condominium Condomlniun spa Sborage /11 Sborage #2 Storage #3 Storage #4 Storage 15 Storage J/6 Corridor, lobby,Elevator, Stalrs #1 T2 #3 #4 #-5 #6 2,691 11712 1,384 1 ,384 1 ,384 1,684 2'691 1 ,712 1 ,381{ 1,384 1 ,384 1 ,684 43t 121 121 121 121 121 121 1,426 't2,822 GRFA GSF CSF 1 ,076 11076 982 TOTAL - THIRD FLOOR Fourfh Floor Condominium Condominium Condominium TOTAL . FOURTH FLOOR tt3 #4 #5 10,239 GRFA 1rW6 1 ,Al6 98? Jl lJ{ ==== = 3, 134 o GOI,DEN PEAK ANEA SI'}'IMARY April 16' 1984 hrltdlng: First Ploor. Second Floor- Tlrind Floon Fourth Hloor Total GSF of .fulldlng Condomlniuns: Gondomiliuun Condorninlum Condominlm Condominlum Condonlnlun Condonintun 3rd Floor 2,691 '1,7t2 1'384 1 '3841,384 1,6811 ltth Floor 1'Ul6 1rW6 982 GSF 31 ,068 23,000 121822 19 70,@4 #1 #? #3 #4 ffi #6 Total GRFA 21691 1r?12 2,460 2r460 2'366 1,684 13,yt3Total Condqlnluun Square Footage Total lbn-Residentlal GSF = 54,068 Retall Sales: l.teetlng Rooms : 21690 Residenees: 13rn3 = 4,440 = 8.7* I lS% lrlon-Resldenttal GSF = \.n5* 4 5S non-nesfdenbial csF' 24.8* 4 3oi6 Total GSF There have been no changes concerniog the parking sutlm:rry. M Dining Apres Skl Serallf,.Lr Cafeteria Ear Theaters /|bet j.ng Rooms/ Convenlion Facilibies l4eeting Rooms (1, 2 & 3) Other Professlonal &ffi GOLDEN PEAK PARKITG SI'I4,IARY@ NET SQJARE FESI 80 8r6 2r60 384 3440 Sales/Repairs 4068 121t8 64 224 3936 95110 space per elgh! (8) seats based on UBC (1/15 s.f.) J46 people - 43.2 or 44 spaces space per elght (B) seats based on UBC (l/15 s.f.) 118 people 14.66 or 15 spaces 1 space per 250 s.f. USE Offices Supervisor Offlce/'lst Floor Ticket Sales Ski SchooL Restauran! l"hnagerrs Offlce Retail Stores /Services Ski Rental Shop/Accessory Basket Rental Candy Sales iadio Rental O:tleb'' l:,atskeller /Snail Vlorld CODE REQUIRE!,IENT I space per 250 s.f. net 13.76 on 1 space per 300 s.f. neb t4 spaces 31.8 or l2 spaces 1920 1152 1536 576 51811 1760 1760 r200 on5 t- I ft'NEf, SQUARE FEET 500-2000 s.f. 2000 s.f. + 2 @DE REQUIREMENT 2 spaces/unlt 2.5 spaces/unit 2.5 spaces 2.5 spaces 2.5 spaces 2.5 sPaces 2.5 sPaces 2.0 spaces 14.5 or 15 spaces to be determlned bY Plannlng Commlsslon 125 3 spaces 122 6 135 Condominiwn Unlts Condominium #1 Condominiurn /12 Condominium /13 Condominium /14 Condominiurn 15 Condominium /16 RecreaLional Eaclllty Requlrenentsrr ?208 .2088 2496 2\96 2376 17'12 13,376 Tctal i:aces Required by. Ccde befcr-e credit dedrrctlon l-tultiple Use Faclllty Credlt -.-- Total Paiklng Requlted by Cocte 2.sfi r,:,isting Race Clty Parklng Winten: Available spaees as shoem on slte plan ( 106 regular/3O mlnl spaces) Summer: Deduc! winter supervisor parking (6) and temporary plantens (lt) Net parklng surplus. (wlnten) (sunner) 't26 14 4 *rAppllcant feels no rgcreattonal faclllty r€qulreocnt strould be assessed due to pre+xistlng cqrdltlqrs at slte. . f,