HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE 1991 LEGALt{rl tqrt to/rrr(tt t{rl 1't. IIEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: October 14, 1991 sUBJECT: A request for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak Developmglq P-l?{t !9 allow for tre installation of a rope tow lift, generally located at 498 Vail Valley Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing' Applicant: VailAssociates Planner: JillKammerer ll. I. BACKGROUND on December 7, 1gg3, ordinance No. 45, series of 19g3 imposed the.ski Base/Recreation Zone District on this rit.. Viirattociates, lnc., has submitted an apptication to amend ci"pt"ils.g9 otthe v"ir r,rrrnitipai CoJJ, g,e bki gase/Recreation Zone Distict' in oder to al6w the construction oi a to" r6pe lift on the westemmost portion of the site' The "Mitey-Mite' lift would be installed at Golden Peak between chair No' 12 on tre east' and Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, Vaif Viffig" First Filing on the west (Mill Creek Circle)' The base.of the tow rope lift would be ioJaieO ipptoximatel-y 30 feet from the weslem Propgr.ty I'19 9l{te site, and would extend to the soutn, up tne moirntain, a distance of approximately 370 feet' A Mitey-Mite lift is essentially a tow rope with handles. The proposed lift would have a capacity of 360 persons peinoui. ThL horizontat distance Oetween terminals would be 375 feet, and the vertical tiseiorrO be 39 feet. The instiallation would be permanent' with the upper and lower terminals bolted to concrete pads. About 200 sq. ft. of grading would be needed for the termina -plJs and loading areis. The rope and terminals would remain in place during tre otf-seaJon. ine titt woJtO bad and un6ad on the east, and no lift shacks are cunently planned, however two lift operalors would be needed. All disturbed areas would be revegetatbd and restored to natural conditions' The applicant has indicated the lifi is needed to accommodate 'never-ever ski school clients' Following their first oay ot tessons, tre beginners would use the litt for the second halfday' and the second full day of tnei, leam-to-sfi week. After the second full day ofjnslruction'- skiers would graduate rJCnair No. 12. The upper parF or he run:9ted by Chair-No' 1.2 are too steep for beginners to ,lifitt attet a half-dai otili insmAion' The proposed lift would atso provide a@ess to tfre Vaii Vlffagg anO V!9fL Bahn lift. The applicant has furfrrer indicated a Mitey-Mite tift was opiii"t"O in tni-'iOs on the sams general alignment' However' the previous lift was dismantled and removed' itJ' ,,.',. l) , L,17- fiO rl'(",', ) ..," - fpt','ll'" " :'.11 ' ' ;/ 7 I Ski litts ar€ a permitted use outside the main building, as shown on the approved Jeveiopment ilan, in the Ski Base/Recreation Zone District. A minor amendment to he O"uefobr"nt itan is r"qrir"d ln order to allow lor the new lift. The Ski Base/Recreation Zone OiSiiA is moie dosety issociated with a Special Development Oisfic,t than any of the other zone Oistricts in tne f-own & Viit. tn essencs, the approved development plan for-the- Ski . g;e/Recreation OistriA, in conjunaion witr the Desiln StandardJGriteria for Evaluation, shall eitabfirn the requirements tor d'evetopment a1d useJol tre property Included In the Ski Base/Recreation Zone District. The development plans for he ski Base/Recreation Distict shall meet each of he lollowing standards, or demonstrate that either one or more ol these standards is not applicable' or that " pr"Ai."i solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved: A. The developer wlll provlde a bufler zone In arcag where the skl Base/ Re$eailon'Dtstrtctboundary ls adlacent to a resldentlal use dlstrlct boundary. The bufler zone hust be kept free oJ-bulldlngs or structures' anO musi be landscaped, scrcened to protect lt by natural featur€s 3o that adverse aftecg on th-e surroundlng ardas are mlnlmlzed. Thls may requlre a bufler zone of sufflclent slze to adequately separate the proposed use fromthesurround|ngpropert|es|nFrmso|v|sua|pr|vacy'!9|se' aoequatellght, atr, air'poitutton, slgnage and other comparable potentlally IncomPatlble factors. Based on the site plan submitted, the lower terminal of the Mitey-Mite lift will be approximatety gO 6er to the east ol the westemmost property line, and the lift will be 6broririefl 70 feet from the nearesl residence. The terminals themselves are approximatelY 8 leet tall. The applicant has located the lift so that all off-loading and skiing activity will occur to the east of tre tow rope. In so doing, the lift itself will seNe as a barrier/buffer between aOiacent residential uses to the west and the skiing activity. Horrever, stafl recommends tne appticant provide a lardscape berm on.the westem edge of the appticants' proprtd,-in orddr to provile.1 low-levd visual screen and visual privacy for the acliacent resiO6ntiat properties. Staff believes tre construction of such a berm *ouiO iOeqrately separ;te the proposed use trom he surroundilg proPerties..ln terms of visual priuacy, noiie, light anb air, slgnage and oher cornparable, Potentially incompatibte taiciori. to iate, there has been no feedback lrom the djacent Prgperty owner as to wnener he would be supportive of the construction ol the berm' lf the adjacent prop.rty on ner would pre9ihqt to have the berm consEucted, statf would no lo,iger pursr'e ild construction. 'Statt lurther recommends the applicant consider shiiling'the basJ oiU,e fin stightly uphill in order to mitigate fire impact the lift pole will have 6n the adjacent prop€ri owners'views and to provide additionalvisualprivacy. Removat or tne tin terminits in the spring would further mitigate the lmpact the lift would have on adiacent property owners' I a? .a il1. tv. I. B. A clrculatlon system deslgned tor-the llng ot t14t"-qT:^t:l*'teklng Into comlderatlon, saleiv, sep-aratton trom ilvtng aT!"l9ol1-?{ence' acse3s' notse, ano errurei 66nifr". prtvate-tnErnit gtre3ts may be permltted lf irrev &rn ue useo ov pofice-and.flre d€partment vehlcles.for cmergency purpo3es. srcyctJidfirc thail be conitdered and provlded when the 3lte is t6 be used tor reeldentlal purposes' Staffbe|ievestheproposedMitey-Mitellftwillhaveno|mpadontheabovecriteria. C. Functlonat open 3paoe In lerme of: optlmum pn$ervatlon.of natural features An"ruoiniit"tJ and dralnage areas)' l€ceatlon' Ylils' convenlence and f unctlon. under the proposed atignment, no trees.or shrubs wlll be removed' The proposed lift will span Mill Creek. ffi,*euet, the applicant cunently oovers YjllCLtl during the winter months to facititate snow making and to provide a smooth s.Y1a9 over which individuats can ski. fne f7i cuf"ett civering is removed each spring prior to spring runoff. A Sgnt amounioi'riff iiai U" re.gyirgO in order to smooth/even out the surface under he lift. Xowevei, li *|t t possifif" to use artilicial snow to smooth/even out the surface under the rn.- iitfie Oebired surface can be achieved with artilicial snow' no perm.rnent fill witl Oe'ttqriiJO.-somagraOingf and excavation will occur in installing the terminalPads. As proposed, the Mitey-Mite lift would have no negative imqgcts ol.lny of the above criteria. However, statt h;;;;mmended tne Uaie of the lift be shifted slBhtly lo the sourh, uphiil, in order; ;;;; til impact the base of tre lift would have on views from adjacent property'oin"J rinoor"s. rr tne appricanl.were to_ttJhe top of the lift a corresponding amouni, no r.ti ot shrubs would'need to be romov€d' D'Avar|ety|ntermso|hous|ngtype,den3|t|es,|ac|||t|esandopen3paoe. The applicant's request will have no lmpact on the above criteria' E.Pr|vacy|ntermsottheneedgof:|nd|v|dua|s,fam|||esandne|ghbore. Given the location of the residences adjacent to he ski Base/Recreation Distict' it is impossibte to compreteii mitigaterne impact ol a skl area's operation on adiacent properties. nowever,-Oi tniit]tg thJoqq gl1ht Mitey-Mite tift to the south' constructing a berm "rii f-""Oi."ping said berm, stafbolieves tha lmpact ol the proposed lift on the pri"".V Jil6".En1-single family residences will be largely mitigated. The appticant has indicated that, in the p_ast,.some adiacent property_ ownsrs have complained of skiers J"iJJririinq M11Cte91 resideniial area from he ski area through rheir yards. ffi;;id;i6 t,e Mitev-rvrite rift, rhe applicant has taken this 3 ,. ooncem into account, and has responded to this by designlng the lift so hat all off- loading will ocanr on Ure east side of the lift. The tow rope itsetf will serve as a banier i;6gt; skiers lrom accessing the Mill Creek residential area from he skl area at this location. F. Pedestrlan trdflc In terms d Satety, Separatlon' convenlence' acoess tO polnts ol destlnatlon and attractlveness' The base of fris lift will be an approximately 415'foot walk from the Gold Peak Ski Base Facifity. By shifting ttre Uiie ol the liit further upJ|ill, sklers-wlll need to walk a greater distince. irdpioposeo lift location and the allgnment of tre lift work well with ihe existing topography. tery little, ll any, lill will be required in order to allow lhe &,ati; 61 0ie in io 6ccrr. Skiers who desire to uso thls lift will be required to walk across tho base oi Ure Chak 12 run,where many beglnning sklers will be skiing down " o.]j Jp to tn" Chair 12 lift lines. Stafl has recommended the applicant dhect access io fre pritev-r.lite iittlo a point north of the Chair 12 loading area in order to avoid he conflici with skiers. G. Bulldlng upe In terms of approprlatene$ to denslty, slte relatlonshlp and bulk. The applicant's proposal will have no impact on these criteria' H. landscap|ng o| the tota| s|te ln termg o|: purposes, type3, ma|ntenance' 3ultablllty, anO attect on the nelghborhood' As previously stated, the staff recommenG the applicant construct a berm and landscape ttris Ueim'in order to mitigate the impact construction and use of this lift will have on the adjacent residences' V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION statf recommends approval of the proposed Mitey-Mite lift, subiecl to the following conditions: 1. The base of the lift be shifted to he south, 10-20 feet, In order to mitigate the impact the lift will have on views to the Gore Range lrom tre adjacent residences' 2. The applicant construct an earthen berm and lanGcape he berm, subiect to 9.lB approuif, in orOer to screen the Mitey-Mite lift from the adiacent residences' This cbhOition of approval is subject to the adjacent propefiy owne/s desire to havs the berm consfucied and landscaPed' statf believes the installation of the proposed lift, in conjunction witt fre conditions ol ;pp;.""|, *ili meet the District design standards and criteria for evaluation' 4 c :pec\nremos!oldPeak.Ol 4 <iil--.==s H'-1' 'i flj& ilii\)- II'1 ll ."' .! ':l 'i-'$: lrs'...t I,I l.\ l.&V I a I / t \ \l \ Best copy Available 'l {"'' g:ryhlt rff;;:,/:;: ry/a}*y'eL'l <( frfl7,-e./,rnare ?@be/ tag*i { /r'/-hzo.r/ iC&srC an y'ttttzt ' nati hrrliu /a',,14ra4)a- etz,4qat ' j 9 try^q z+ Vtz**,,r aarr:zuanl<MF n o2r"& a4?i--,/\_/' / -'.nsh//a/)yr-U /4<L )w,4 ns*/b/o- lz/';;T iV"ETralb'zz 'a zzrynA - rzaf-nZ<e €z.rys4 h -zrtorc /e /ir{l - /4n e:- -rla/d nal b a,rfut y' c r//,a, /o<.4tzt /6/ -y'*ofta rr/ s-:"r.,- ilo fu',4,.-e t4t) ?r* 4 *rf. Ud* .- ed{-A ntAfrae3{ a frfu'h y'r/c/o/s Dt*na<) - o^r, tfu33 % rt.a-Zt /4// c/az!7 $a.wt:!/'S "d""r,"Y a<aa-. . t/s ,,,,qi/ lYr"o ttoi - .n7oo ia-fthr* v,p f1 c-,oot o,o-e"; ffigraa*e"y Vra44.a.r/ro( hrb onfujr.zne_ q./. ?.' t1/ 7t f"i'#rrtrr %t *1 u7*,* r :.''e .7;;E Tfu.ffiru o"*fr4 i''*'z"P/.*? 1i;rr%"% iTc .*ryz:,4<? z^- % ffi-(rry,ffra"nziiryru'ffir.f(frJ .rJ fu4 - fritu " vrrrp ff"r-ultu 4ttr':t/"b /2 -'"4>/'/J -42, ntztzt - (tna-ut+,l ri/.., q? a-/-- y'raOzo&orn-' httrzlt "?re? fu- zatdtho|., aTVr2za( /A//rq'/7')ct<"-'/' -J" 'r' "t,ff1ft*l,:ttt!)' r,rt/'iq,utsr, tu 2gz* -/ ,/.- zaz 32aat 27. Szrunt o,nau7$ b'La--' ul*"nw^/ 2,4" r'o //-nro 4a>zz/z ?;4trz o2.', /4 7t// H*- bzw'"- n /&/w' '1-,ZrZ z?or - t rzz' r)t// & te -bp*,-', /an/sca/az-,Ur. ,6 o^shly' Ur,,, friay'n- u Best copy Available ' ) ' 2tr oa/'t" n'l oF/'e(.trItr Ld, - , l,l (( '' -\r'" 1-o (h/d?nfraz - zz*/szz,e Ff L t c0Py PLANNING AND EI.TVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Ocober 14, 1991 Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whinen Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack Amber Blecker The worksession was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at approximately l:55PM. 1. A request for a worksession for Soecial Development District No. 4. Cascade Villase (Coss'iff Parcel). to review a development plan. generallv located south of Millrace Condominiums and west of the Westin Resort. Vail. Applicant East-West Partners Planner: Shellv Mello Mark Smith, Jerry Mullikin and Ned Gwathmey reprcsented the applicants. Shelly Mello began the discussion of the proposal by stating staff believed the project needed to be more materially compatible, a landscape plan, and a final survey werc neede4 and since it was an unplatted parcel, a minor subdivision would be necessary. Diana Donovan was unhappy that the proPerty would not remain open spaco, and the Commission agreed with her. Jim Shearer did not mind a difference in materials, and believed that the applicants should try to "bring up" the neighborhood. Ludwig Kurz thought that, since therc were distinct styles, urban and hotel, that compatibility was impossible. He said he could live with the design presently submitted. He was more concerned with both landscaping and sueet surface materials. Ned Gwathmey askcd what the opinion of the Commission was regarding a metal roof, and which type should it be. He advocated shake shingles stained to match the existing surounding buildings, but did not believe a material match was the best solution. He suggested spraying the shake shingles to achieve a compatible roof color. Kathy Langcnwalter did not see a problem in not using a metal roof, as long as the roof lines were cornpatible. She suggested pcrhaps adding mot€ stucco and changing the railings for a more renneO appearance of the building. She also believed it was imporant to continue thc paving pattern which was used in the Millrace project. She was conccrned with thc layout of the p-j"", and the difference in scale betrveen the hotel and this project. She said it felt like the east unit was very close to a large building. Ned asked if a landscape plan would be necessary for approval. The Commissioners told him it would. Chuck Crist asked if employee housing would bc a part of the development. Shelly said staff would not rcquire it as a condition of approval, as there was a reducdon in dcnsity from the previously-approved plan. Chuck asked if the applicants were interested in providing a iaretaker unit. .Ihe responded that they wert not. Shelly said staff would be supportive if such a unit was proposed, as long as it was integfated into one of the proposcd units. Kathy brought up the issue of parking. Shelly explained the proposal had 4 spaces more than the Town required. Kathy wondered wherc guest parking would be provided. Kevin McTavish, the manager of the existing units at Millrace, shared Kathy's concem, stating that their project had no guest parking, and it was a major problem. Ned asked what a reasonablc number of overflow parking spaces would be. He was not opposed to providing additional parking, but indicated it would requke additional paving. Kathy suggested pethaps widening the circle. Ned agreed to look at different possibilities for providing additional parking. Kathy said she would prefer to have adequate parking for tlre project rather than insisting the project meet the 75Vo enclosed parking requilement. Aftcr a general discussion regarding parking, Connie Knight asked if there were any problem with the bike path running across the project. Shelly said there should be an easement, and agreed to check the Special Development Disrict documents to make sure. Kevin McTavish reiterated that the prcsent parking plan was inadequate. At this time, the public meeting was begun. Filine/365 Vail Vallev Drive. Applicanc Marsaret Hill Marital Trust Planner: Shellv Mello Shelly Mello explained the differences between what had been submitted for the PEC approval of the SDD, building permit and what was built, and the disoepancies. Staff asked thit the Improvement Location Certificate (ILC) and future surveys reflect the fact that the property lines not close. The sources of the discrepancy werc atnibuted to three facton. The 1. fint is a difference in drawings. The submitted site plans at bth PEC review and building permit were soft line drawingi. The I.L.C. is computer generated. It is difficult to accurately icale and compare a soft line drawing and computer gencrated drawing at 1"-20" scale. The second source of change was generated by a need to adjust the building in order to ensulE that the building footeis *ere not located in the right-of-way. The third reason is that only 2 control points, 4 feet from the north and 2 feet from the west property lines, werc used in locatingthe building through the process. Because of the non-rectilinear shape of the lot, and form oi the drawings, thesi control points were mainuined, but still allowed for a slight shift in the building. Shitly indicated that the building was slightly turned from what was approved by the PEC, but the result was that thc proximity to the view corridor was increased. Staff believed that the shift was reasonable. Diana Donovan was bothered that after thorough review by thc PEC, the building had to be moved in order to accommodate the foundations. Kathy Langenwalter confirmed that the sources of the discrepancies were rpasonable. After a discussioniegarding the effect of the slight change in building location, Kathy asked that the Town copies of all surveys reflect the fact that ttre property lines did not close. Since the Commission agreed with staff's approval of the minor amendment, no action by the PEC was necessary on this item. A reouest for a minor amendlment to the Goldlen Peak deyeloD4le4lqlar to allow for ffiiift.498 vatt vattev Dlriveffract B. vait vitlaee 7th Filine. Apolicant Vail Associates Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer explained the request. Staff recommended approval of the minor amendment to the development plan with conditions. Joe Macy, representing Vail Associates, said he would prcfer not to construct an earthen berm to the wist oi the p.oposed lift unless Mr. Brown, the adjacent property owner' requested one' He suggested using a snow berm instead of an earthen berm with landscaping to scrcen the lift from the adjacent property. Jim Shearer asked that Mr. Brown and the Meyers be contacted again for their input' Kathy Langenwalter was concemed about a buffer for privacy and noise control. She preferred to see the base of the lift moved to the east. Joe Macy indicated such a move would result in a loss of ski terrain. 2. Ludwig Kurz believed the proposal was an inoffensive installation, and would not rcsult in a problem for the neighbortrood. He did not believe it would make sense to move the base of the lift uphill, nor to install a pennanent bnn. Diana Donovan did not believc a berm needed to be rcquired at this time, but wanted an allowance to be made to require its installation in the futurc if it bccame necessary. Joe Macy replied that the neighbors could always install a fence around their properry if cross- traffic became an issue to them. He would prefer to r€move thc lift support poles in the summer rather than construct a berm and landscape ir Diana stated her preference of bushes being planted rather than a berm being installed. Chuck Crist asked what would keep out-of-control skiers hom skiing into a house. For control neasons, he suggested a snow bcrm. Joe Macy replicd that, most likely, a skier would simply sit down before they reached one of the homes. He reitcrated that noticcs had been r"ni to adjacent property ownsrs, and no one had indicated any opposition, but pledged to continue to try and iontact them again. Connie Knight wanted the approval contingent on the adjacent property owners' approval. Kristan Pritz said that could be made a condition of approval, but an alternative would be that, if therc was opposition, the applicant could retum for an amendment to the proposal, if necessary. Kathy Langenwalter moved to approve the rcquest for a minor amendment to the Golden peak development plan to allow for the installation of a rope tow lift, 498 Vail Valley Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing, with the following condition: If either of the two adjacent propefty owners r€quested mitigation by landscaping or through the construction of anearthen berm, within two years of the installation of the lift" the applicant must provide such mitigation. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. It was approved, 7-0. Jack Rush from Manor Vail was in aftendance to expr€ss support of the request. Applicanc Vail Associates Planner: Jill Kammcrer Jill Kammerer prcscnted staff's findings on this tequest. Staff recommended approval of the request for a period of 2 years, with the conditions listed in the memo. Joe Macy, representing the applicant, thought a berm on the west side of the lot was acceptabie, but that a berm on the south side was unnecessary, as the grade of the lot was high enough above the road that can parked in the lot would not be visible to drivers on the 3. ,A -/-Z^,)b-t'Z -%,"/ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Gommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on September 14, 1992, at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a setback variance to allow lor a new garage and an expansion to an existing residence, located al4238 Nugget Lane/Lot 5, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Planner: W.G. and Carol R. Smail Shelly Mello 2. A request for a work session for a major amendment to SDD#4, Cascade Village, to amsnd the development plan lor the Waterford parcel, described as follows: That part of the SW 1i4 NE 1/4, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 70 whence an iron pin with a plastic cap marking the c€nter of said Section 12 bears S 33'10'19'W 1447.03 feet; thence along said southly right-oFway line two @urses 1) N 52"50'29' E 229.66 feet 2) N 74'38'17' E 160.70 feet; thence departing said southerly right-of-way line N 88"45'57" E 138.93 feet; thence S 40'45'14'W 94.32 feet; thence S 18" 18'36' W 54.08 feet; thence S 01o21'36'W 205.02 feet; thence S 12"07'36'W 110.25 feet;thence S 28'28'36" W 164.48 feel; thence N 40'17'04'W 211.16 feet;thence N 4942'56 E 97.80 feet; thence N 37'09'31' W 95.59 feet; thenca S 52'50'29' W 55.10 feet;thence 69.48 feel along the arc of a non-tiangent curvs to the left having a radius ol 65.00 feet, a central angle ol 61o'14'42'and a chord that bears N 58" 55'53' W 66.22 feet; thence N 37"09'31' W 118.50 feet To The True Point of Beginning, Gounty of Eagle, State of Colorado; and the Comerstone parcel described as follows: Building C Site That part of the sw 1/4 NE 1/4, section 12, Township 5 south, Range 81 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress known as Westhaven Drive recorded in Book 421 at Page 651 in the office of the Eagle Gounty, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder whence the center of said Section 12 bears S 38o34'43"W 1,168.27 feet; thenc€ along said line of Westhaven Drive N 52'4{l'41"E 1/ttl.92 feet; thence departing said line of Westhaven Drive, 132.24 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left having a rdius of 55.00 feet, a cenfal angle of 137"45'30' and a chord ?a,z- 4"12* that bears N 42'11'46'E 102.61 feet; thence N 52"50'29'E 65.24 feet; hencs S 37'09'31'E 95.59 feet; thence S 49'42'56'W 97.80 feet; thencs S 40'17'04"E 24.12teet; thence S 52'50'29nV 213.66 feet;thence N 37'09'31'W 105.76 feet to the point of beginning containing 0.6848 acres more or less. MECM Enterprises represented by Eustaquio Cortina Shelly Mello 3.A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow for the addition of bay windows at Gotthelf's Jewelry located at 122 East Meadow Drive/Block 5-E, Vail Village First Filing (Village Center Shops). Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Fred Hibberd Mike Mollica Town of Vail Mike Mollica 4. A request for a work session for a conditional use permit for an addition to the Municipal Building to house the Vail Police Department, located at 75 South Frontage Road West (at the east end of the existing Municipal Building), and as legally described below: A part of the Southeasl114 ol Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Gommencing at he Southeast corner of said Section 6, thence Norh 00 degrees 28 minutes 16 seconds West and along the East line of said Southeast 1/4 of said Section 6 72.75 the East line of said Southeast 1/4 of said Seclion 672.75 feet to a point, said point being 110.00 feet northeasterly from the southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 6 as measured at right angles thereto; thence North 79 degrees 46 minutes 11 seconds Wesl and along a line parallelto said southerly right-of-way line 1/+5.50 feet to The True Point of Beginning; hence North 16 degrees 08 minutes 47 seconds East 78.00 feet; lhence North 68 degrees 08 minutes 35 seconds West 428.70 feet; hence North 66 degrees 01 minutes 29 seconds West 152.57 feet; thence South 27 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds West 192.66 feet; thence South 52 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds East 36.32 teet to a point, said point being 110.00 feet northeast from said South rbht-oFway line of U.S. Highway No. 6 as measured at right angles thereto; thence South 79 degrees 46 minutes 11 seconds East and along a line parallel to said South right of way line 585.56 feet to The True Point of Beginning. Except that portion conveyed to he Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County, and the Department of Highways, State of Colorado by rule and order recorded January 5, 1971 in Book 219 at Page 441. 5.A request for a site coverage variance to allow an addition to the residence located at Lot 1, Vail Village 13th Filing/3025 Booth Falls Road. -2- Applicant: William T. and Julie C. EsreyPlanner: Mike Molica 6. A request lor a setback variance to allow an addition to the residence located at 716 Forest Road/Lot 10, Block 1, VailVillage 6th Filing. Applicant: Gharles AckermanPlanner: Tim Devlin 7. A request for a work session for an exterior alteration and setback variance for the Vail Lionshead Genter Building located at Lot 5, Block I, Vail Lionshead First Filing/S2o E. Lionshead Cirde. Applicant: Oscar TangPlanner: Andy Knudtsen t,(# 8. A request to amend the development plan at the Gold Peak base to allow the addition of two ski totvs located adjacent to the Vail Associates Children CenterAgS Vail Valley Drive/Tract B VailVillage, 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, represented by Joe MaryPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 9. A request for a conditional use permit and setback variances to allow the construction of a ski tow at the Lionshead base area located on Tracts D and B, Vail/Lionshead First Filing, south of 520 E Lionshead Circle (the Lionshead Genter Building). Applicant Vail Associates, represented by Joe MacyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 10. A request for front and side setback variances and a variance to allow parking in the front setback and wall height variances to allow the construction of a triplex located at ,14 Willow RoacULot 9, Block 6, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Towermar CorporationPlanner: Shelly Mello 1 1. A request for a variance from the parking standards for paving to allow a gravel parking lot located at the ABC School/l49 N. Frontage Road. Applicant: The ABC Scfrool, Inc., represented by Holly BukacekPlanner: Shelly Mello 12. A request for a work session to discuss a proposal to construct a modular telephone cell site in the East Vail area. Applicant: U.S.WesUCellular One/United States Forest Service Planner: Andy Knudtsen 13. A requsst for a wod<session on the proposed 19921993 Environmental Work Program. Straff: Russell Fonest Susan Scanlan The applications and Information about the proposals are availabb for publlc review In the Community Development Dgpartment ofiice. Town ol Vail Community Developrnent Deparlment Published in the Vail Trail on August 26, 1992. c:ts c\re3nda.\9l,l9rl -4- { \,( ) | L,-,Vl :.-ili'.r .c-(( i'-c rOrc.: , t 9ttP'e PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GI\'EN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of vail will hold a public-hearing-in- ic.oia."ce with sectlon 18.65.050 of the Municipal Code of the Town of vail on Ociolii il, 1991 at 2:00 p.n. in the Town of Vail Municipal Bullding. Consideratlon of: 1. A worksession to consider rezoning Lots 3 through 9 and 12' VaiI Meadows Fillng No. 2 from Agiicultural and Natural Open Space to Residential Cluster.afplicant: Valt City Corporation and David Elmore Planner:Andy Knudtsen 2.ArequestforawallhelghtvariancefortheChest.er Residence, Lot 19, Block 1, Vail Vitlage lst Filing/395 Mi1I Creek Circfe.Applicant: E.B. ChesterPlanner: Kristan Prltz the August 12, 1991 PEC review of the staff minor amendnent for Garden of the Godst SDD slocX 5A, vai] Village 5th Filing/355 vail Margaret Hill Marital Trust Shelly Mello 4. A request for a conditionaf use permit lof ". cellular telephone 'ceII site" at Red Sandstone School, 551 North fronlage Road/Lot 2, Block 8, Vail Potato Patch' Applicant: The walter GrouP Pfanner: AndY Knudtsen A request for a minor amendment to the Gotden Peak devefopment plan to allow for the installation of a rope tow irii;-it8 vair varrey Drive/Tract B, Vail Village ?th 3, A follow-up to approval of the No. 22, Lo! K, VaIleY Drive. Applicant: Pfanner: Filing. Applicant: Pl.anner: Applicant: Planner: vail Associates,Jill Kanmerer Jackalope, Inc. Mike Mollica 6. 1. A reguest for a setback variance for the sipf Residence'jai6'i"pine-orive/Lot 148, Block 1, Bighorn 2nd Addition. applicants: Eric and Susan SiPf Pl-anner: AndY Knudtsen A request for a satellite dish antenna variance for the Jacfdfope Cafe ana-Ci"iin", 2161 N. Frontage Road west/Lot 2a, i.sitl,division of Lot Z, vaif Das Schone Filing *3' o A request for a conditional use permit and a variance to the parfing standardsr Section 18.52 of the Town of Vail'llunicifaf Code to allow for off-street surface parking at the "H;ly Cross parceln which is generally located on the north side of the South Frontage Road east of and imrnediately adjacent to Red Sandstone Creek. Applicant: Planner: A reguest for a setback variance for a garage-at the iaiser/ttall Residence, 4913 Juniper Lane/Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition. applicant: Ursula Kaiser/Robert HalI Planner: ShellY Mello A reguest for an amendment to the approved conditional use permit in order to construct a snow dump on the proPerty ienerally located west of the Town of Vail Shops ' The froperty is more specifically described as follows: That part of the North l/2 of Section 8r.Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 5th Principal Meridian, Ea91e County, Cot5rado, lying north of Interstate Highway No. 70 and being nore particularly described as follows: eeginning at the NE corner of said section 8; thence along th6 nortfrerly line of said Section 8, S89 46'27trW a distance of 1500.00 fL; thence departing the northerly line of said section 8, s00 23'03"w a distance of 529.85 ft to a point on the northerly ROW line of l-?ot thence along the northerly ROW fine of I-70 following two courses: 1) 515 28' 18"E a distance of 180.82 fE to a point of curvaturei 21 1327.90 ft along the arc of a curve to tbe left, having a radius of 5580.00 ft' a central angle of 13 38'04" and a chord which bears N89 36'34[E 1324.?0 ft distance to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8,' Thence departing said Row line of I-?0 N00 23' 03nE along the eist".ly iine oi said Section 8, a distance of 512.10 ft to the poi;t of beginning, containins 20 -480 acres more or less. The above description is based on the Town of VaiI annexation ptats for the property described and is not based on a field survey. The basis of bearing for.the-above pjrcef is the noitherly line of Section 8 being S89 45'27"W ls shown on said annexation Plats.Applicants: Town of Vail/Vail Associates Planner: AndY Knudtsen A request to amend Chapter !8.32, Agricultural and Open Space', Section 18.32.030 - Conditional Uses in order to ailo*'well water tleattnent facilities as a conditional use. eppficant: Vail valley ConsoLidated water District Pllnner She11Y Mello \tt 8. Vail AssociatesJilI Kannerer 9. 10 11. {12. A reguest to und chapter 18.62, Variancesr- section Lg.6i.O80 - parrtt Issi:ance and Effect and Chapter 18.60' Conditionaf Uir Porrnlts, Section 18.60.080 - Permit Issuance ina nffect fn-oraer to tlarify the notification of approval procedures.Applicant: Toun of Vail Planner: Jlll l(ammerer 13. A reguest for a workaesslon on Millrace IV Special Devefopment District No- 4, for Cascade Villaggt to review a develo-prnent plan, generally located south of Millrace Condominiums and w6st of the t{estin Resort, Vail' Applicant: East-west Partners Pfanner: ShellY Mello 14.ArequestforapprovalofawetlandnitigationproPosalforateai along Gore Creek and Booth Creek' Applicant:---uppe'EaglevalleywaterandSanitationDistrictPlanner: AndY Knudtsen Information on the listed items is available at the conmunity Ol*refop^.nt offict in the Vail Municipal Building during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on September 27' 1991' ,:-- .-* -'1 ,l il i I t ':t; l.I - t! ' .iII{\ i; tli, /,- ftt/ tltr lii ('li i I ) :irji h II ..2'! '"4\\ U iilr!t7 iA /; 'tt !(!!\ n *c.': l \i I { it li ,. ,/, 'll g rL. >.4, -q 3F-u g. i ,"JK .'.Jr,.- .t Ti ir.- .7t'r?,?,^7f-''-' -'.-JL-L''.'' y " f' ?' I I PUBLIC NOT]CE NOTICE IS HEREBY GI\IEN that the Planning and Environmenta] Cornmission of the Town of Vail will hold a public-hearing in iccJta.nce with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of tbe Town of Vait on OcioUei fe, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A worksession to consider rezoning Lots 3 through 9 and 12' Vail Meadows Filing No. 2 from agiicultural and Natural Open Space to Resldential Cluster. aiplicant: Vail City Corporatlon and David Elmore Planner:Andy Knudtsen 2.ArequestforawatlheightvariancefortheChester Residence, r.,ot- 19r Block-1, vail Village 1st Filing/395 MiIl Creek Circle.Applicant: E.B. Chesterglanner: KrisLan Pritz 3.Afollow-uptotheAugusLL2'lgglPEcreviewofthestaff-pfrovaf o'f tfre minor amendment for Garden of the Gods' SDD No. 22, Lot i,-eio"i si, vait ViIIage 5th Filing/355 Vail Valley Drive.Applicant: Margaret HiIl Marital Trust Planner: She1lY Mello 4. A request for a conditional use permit Io: ".ceIlulartelephone "cell siterr at Red Sandstone Schoot, 551 North fron-tage Road./Lot 2, Block 8, VaiI Potato Patch' A request for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak d".r"ioprent plan to aflow for the installation of a rope tow iirt, qga vair varley Drive/Tract B, vail village 7th A request for a setback variance for the Sipf Residence' iei6=i"pitt"-Oti.r./Lot 148, Block 1, Bighorn 2nd Addition. applicants: Eric and Susan SiPf Planner: AndY Knudtsen A request for a satellite dish antenna variance for the ,Jackalope Cate anA-C""ii"", 2161 N. Frontage Road West/Lot il; R;;;aa:.vision of Lot z, vair Das schone Filing *3' 6. Applicant: Pl.anner: Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: The walter GrouP Andy Knudtsen VaiI Associates ,Ii11 Kammerer .fackaloPe, Inc. Mike Mo]lica I t 9. 10 A request for a conditional use permit and a variance to the farring standards, Section 18.52 of the Town of Vail fruniciiaf Code to allow for off-street surface parking at the "Holy Cross parcel" whiCh is generally located on the north side of the South Frontage Road east of and innediately adjacent to Red Sandstone Creek' Applicant: vail Assoclates Planner: ,rill Kammerer A recruest for a setback variance for a garage at the i.i=.iiina11 Residence, 4913 Juniper Lane/Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition.ap6licant: Ursula Kaiser/Robert Hall Piinner: Shel1Y Mello A request fOr an amendment to the approved conditional use fe.mft in order to construct a snow dump on the proPerty-gentraffv located west of the Town of VaiI Shops' The iiop"tty-is more specifical-ly described as follows: That part of the North l/2 of section 8, Township 5 south, R;;.'80 west of the 5th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, doi5iaao, Iying north of Interstate Highway No. 70 and being more particularly described as follows: geqinninq at the NE corner of said Section 8; thence along r;;-;;raf,erly tine of said secrion 8, s89 45' 27ngt a disrance of 1500.00 fL; thence departing the northerly line of said ;;"ii;;8; sgb 23'03"w a distance or 529.85 ft to a Point on if,e nortnerly ROW line of I-?0; thence along the northerly ROW Line of I-70 following tYto courses: 1) S'?5 28' 18"E a distance of 180.82 fE to a point of curvaturei 2|l327.g0ftalongthearcofacurvetotheleftlhavinga radius of 5586-00 ft' a central angle of 13 38'04n and a chord which bears N89 35,34"E L324.?0 ft distance to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8'' Thence departing said Row line-of I-?0 N00 23',03r'E along the "irf.ity iine oi said Section 8, a distance of 572.10 ft to the poiit of beginning, containinS 20.480 acres more or less. The above description is based on the Town of VaiI innexation plats for the ProPerty described anl is not based on a field lurvey. The blsis of bearinS-f9r.the-above parcel is the ttoitherly line of Section 8 being 589 46' 27"W is shown on said annexation Plats.Applicants: Town of Vail/VaiI Associates Pllnner: AndY Knudtsen A request to amend Chapter L8.1?, Agricllltural and Open s;;;e=;-stctlon L8.32.030 - conditional uses in order to ailour'well water treatment facilities as a conditional use. eppricant:VailVa}leyConsolidatedwat'erDistrictPlanner She1lY Mello 11 II- !2. A request to amend chapter L9.62, Variances, section Lg.6i.08O - Permit Issirance and Effect and Chapter 18.50, Conditional Use permits, Section 18.60.080 - Permit Issuance .trd nffect In order to clarify the notification of approval Procedures.APPIicant: Town of VaiL Planner: ,till Kammerer 13.AreguestforaworksessiononMillracelVSpecial Oeveiopment District No. 4, for Cascade Villaggt to review a develolrnent plan, generally located south of Millrace condominiums and west of the Westin Resort, VaiI' ApPlicant: East-ltlest ParLners Planner: ShellY Mello 14. A reguest for approval of a wetfand nitigation proposal for areas along Gore Creek and Booth Creek 'Appticant:-UpperEagleValleywaterandSanitationDistrictPlanner: AndY Knudtsen Information on the listed itens is available at the cornmunity Oevelopm-nt offi"" in the Vail Municipat Building during regular office hours. TOhIN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on Septenber 2?, 1991' F\ TDtrIh-{ tfF Lrtrl I L- l'liscel l aneous f,ash it'_-r-1i-:i1 1i:81:4.i F.:E-,*-+ i F t * !:1i;;:iEl i1i:i. nl.,Trt. + t-:il. # 1i 14[1r-1111:1 iiiji i i_ ;t5:;Ur-:I HTE!:...FE[ FEE.5 ritrirr-rni tf,ndh.rE'i .:r - 1-. - -' i ten'r pa id Hmount pa i d *1. U$,J[14i-1]iJi:1'Jtr ;tl:ill. iitj i- l r..:i1'J* :'E, I.,-t i-rtp,l .t tl " t-tl: -FHFth.l|< (/tl{J r,r,,_r1'';.3;i11.;.1 :ll_lirLi' tr )K .,1^ t-fu,^' ,**7Oolyer -'<ra't'<t, gr"rrtQ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Corunission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on october 14, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A worksession to consider rezoning Lots 3 through 9 and 12, Vail Meadows Filing No. 2 from Agricultural and Natural open Space to Residential Cluster.applicant: Vait City Corporation and David Elmore Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A reguest for a walt height variance for the Chester Residence, Lot 19, Block 1, Vail Village 1st Filing/395 Mifl Creek Circle.Applicant: E.B. ChesterPlanner: Kristan Pritz 3. A follow-up to the August t2, 1991 PEC review of the staff approval oi tfre minor amendment for Garden of tbe Gods, SDD N;-. 22, Lot K, Block 5A, Vail. Village 5th Filing/365 vail valley Drive.Applicant: Margaret HiII Marital Trust Planner: Shel1Y Mello 4. A request for a conditional use permit for a cellular telephone 'ce1l sice" at Red sandstone School, 551 North Frontage Road/Lot 2, Block 81 VaiI Potato Patch. Applicant: The Walter GrouPPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak developnent plan to aLlow for the installation of a rope tow lift, age vaif valLey Drive/Tract B, vail village 7th Filing.Applicant: Vail AssociatesPlanner: JiIl Kanmerer 5. A request. for a setback variance for the Sipf Residencet 3876 -Lupine Drive/Lot 148, Block 1, Bighorn 2nd Addition. Applicants: Eric and Susan SiPfPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 1. A reguest for a satellite dish antenna variance for the Jackdlope Cafe and Cantina, 2151 N. Frontage Road west/Lot 2a, Resubdivision of Lot 2, YaLL Das Schone Filing #3. Applicant:,JackaloPe, Inc. Planner: Mike MoIIica 8. A request for a conditional. use pernit and a variance to the parking standards, Section 18.52 of the Town of VaiI t'tunicipal Code to allow for off-street surface pa'rking 9tthe "HoIy Cross parcel" which is generally located on the north side of the South Frontage Road east of and immediately adjacent to Red Sandstone Creek. 9.A reguest for a setback variance for a garage at the xaiser/ttall Residence, 4913 Juniper Lane/Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition.epplicant: Ursula Kaiser/Robert Hall Planner: ShellY MeIIo 10. A request for an amendment to the approved conditional use permit in order to construct a snow dump on the proPerty generally located west of the Town of Vail Shops. The property is more specifically described as follows: That part of the North !/2 of Section 8, Township 5 South' Range 80 west of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, lying north of Interstate Highway No. 70 and being more particularly described as follows: eeginning at the NE corner of said Section 8; thence along the northerly line of said Section 8, S89 46' 27'tW a distance of 1500.00 fL; thence departing the northerly line of said Section 8, S00 23'03'w a distance of 529.85 ft to a point on the northerly ROw line of t-70; thence along the northerly ROw tine of I-?0 following two courses: 1) 575 28' L8"E a dlstance of 180.82 ft to a point of curvaturei 2) L327.90 ft along the arc of a curve to the left' having a radius of 5580.00 ft, a central angle of 13 38'04" and a ctrord which bears N89 35'34"8 1324.70 ft distance to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8; Thence departing said ROW line of I-?0 N00 23' 03"E along the easterly line of said Section 8, a distance of 5'12.10 ft to the point of beginning, containing 20.480 acres more or Iess. The above description is based on the lown of Vail annexation plats for the ProPerty described and is not based on a field survey. The basis of bearing for the above parcel is the northerly line of Section 8 being 589 46' 27"W as shown on said annexation P1ats. Applicant: Planner: Applicants: Planner: Vail AssociatesJill Kanmerer Town of Vail/Vail Associates Andy Knudtsen A request to anend Chapter 18.32' Agricultural and Open Space, Section 18.32.030 - Conditional Uses in order to a1low'well water treatrnent facilities as a conditional use. Applicant: Vail valley Consolidated water District Planner SheIlY MeIIo 11 L2. A request to amend Chapter L8.52t Variances, Section L8.6i.080 - Permit Issuance and Effect and Chapter 18.50' conditional use Permits, section 18.50.080 - Permit Issuance and Effect in order to clarify the notification of approval procedures.Applicant: Tonn of VailPlanner: JiII Kanmerer 13. A request for a worksession on Millrace IV Special Development District No. 4, for Cascade Villag9t-to review a development plan, generally located south of Millrace Condominiums and west of the westin Resort, Vail . Applicant: East-west Partners Planner: Shelly Mello 14. A reguest for approval of a wetland mitigation proposal for areas along Gore Creek and Booth Creek.Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley water and Sanitation DistrictPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Information on the listed itens is available at the Comrnunity Development office in the Vail. Municipal Building during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on Septenbet 27, 1991. Vail Bocroation DistriJl Pinos Del l,lorte 600 Vall Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Upper Eagle Valley Waler & Sanitalion G. Peck & Co. All Seasons 4il4 @re Greek Ddve Vall, CO 81657 Vail Trails Easl 605 N. Frontago Road Vail, CO 81657 Twn of Vail &46 Foresl Road Vail, CO 8'1657 Ski Club Vall 598 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Rkh Phelps U.S. Forest Service P.O. Box 190 Minlum, CO 81815 Ramshom Condominiums 416 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Howard ard Judith Bed<owitz 15 Dolma Scarsdale, NY 10583 Maurice O. Rhinehadt P.O. Box 10063 Porpano Beach, FL 33061 Paul C. Wofo 505 South Flagl€r Drtue 11th Floor West Pafm Beach, FL 3340,2-34-75 J.A. Precourt 1600 Broadrvay Sulte 2600 Denver, CO 80202 Richard D. Bass 4224 Thanksgiving Tower Dallas, TX 75201 16fl) Brcadway Suile 2600 Denver, CO 80202 W. Granl Williams #2 Ladre Lane St. Louis, MO 63124 Lon & Narrcy Slaughter 2301 Do4las Drive San Angelo, TX 76901 Jall ad Scott Olson 401 Race Slreet Denver, CO 80206 Hadand Flouse c/o Sliter & Co. P.O. Box 1248 Vail, CO 81658 Frarrces E. Gunn Trusl 3101 Valley Oak Drive Lovehnd, CO 80538 Barbara M. Osborne 2014 Sea @ve Coud Horston, TX 2058 Slarford Popeni€s 2655 Le Jeune Road Suile 1010 Coral Gables, FL 33134 Harley and Lonaine Higbie 2100 Colorado Stat€ Bank Building Denver, CO 80202 Ksith and Carol Brown 377 Race Corxt Dsnver, CO 80226 Gharles and Suzanne Meyer 1320 l.lonh Sherklan Road Lake Forest, lL 60045 lda Laftln Clomont King Rarrch Kingwille, TX 7e!trt Kay H. Ch€ster 395 MillCreok Cirde Vail, CO 81657 Linda J. Gmdclock Colorado State Bar* ot D€nver 25 Pourlalos Truslee ol Douglas B. Olson Trust Colorado Spdngs, CO 80906 1600 Brcadway Denver, CO 80202 ,* Jt,.., .1.t',,' n''..{}Jy'€-r *!(:'r'tt y'teFt't' Planner:Andy Knudtsen 2. A reguest for a wall height variance for the Chester Resldence, r,ot 19, Block-l, vail village lst Filing/395 Mi]l Creek Circle.App).icant: E.B. Chester Planner: Kristan Pritz 3.Afot]'ow-uptotheAugust12,lgglPEcreviewofthestaffippio.raf o't tne minor-anendnent for Garden of the Gods' SDD N;'. 22, rot i, -aioci sa, Vail village 5th Filing/365 Vail- Valley Drive.Applicant: Margaret HiIl Marital Trust Pl.anner: ShellY Mello 4. A request for a conditional use permit {o.t ".cellulartetefnone "ce:.r iite,' at Red sandstone school, 551 North Frontage Road/Lot 2, Block 8, VaiI Potato Patch' Applicant: The tttalter GrouP Planner: AndY Knudtsen 5. A teguest for a minor amendnent to the Golden Peak deveiopment ptan to allow for the installation of a roPe tow tift, agg vaif Valley Drive/Tract B' vail village ?th A request for a setback variance for the Sipf Residencer 5e?6-i"pine-Orive/Lot 148, Block 1, Bighorn 2nd Addition. applicairts: Eric and Susan SiPf Planner: AndY Knudtsen A request for a sateltite dish antenna variance for thejacfitope Cafe anA-Cintint, 2151 N. Frontage Road l{est/Lot Zl, iesitUdivision of Lot 2, Yai.L Das Schone Fifing *3' PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GI\IEN that the Planning and Environmental comlni.ssion of the Town of vail will hold a public_hearing in i"coio""ce with Section 18.65.060 of the Munl-cipal Code of the iown of VaiI on OcioUii fe, 1991 at 2:00 p.n. in the Town of Vail Munieipal Building. ConsideratLon of: 1. A worksesslon to consider rezoning Lots 3 through 9 and 12' Vail Meadows Filing No. 2 from AgiicuJ.tural and Natural Open Space to Residential Cluster-aipiic"tt: vail city Corporation and David Elnore 5. Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Vai] Associates,Iill Kanmerer Jackalope, Inc. Mike Mollica Town of Vail II 9. A request for a conditional use permit and a variance to the parking standards, Section 18.52 of the Town of Vail ilunicifiaf Code to allow for off-street surface parking at the nHoly cross parcel" which ls generally located on the north side of the South Frontage Road east of and immediately adjacent to Red Sandstone Creek. applicant: vail AssoclatesPlanner: Jill Kammerer A reguest for a setback varlance for a garage-at the xaiser/nall Residence, 4913 Juniper Lane/Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition.epllicant: Ursula Kaiser/Robert Hall Planner: She1lY Mello A reguest fOr an amendment to the approved conditional use permit in order to construct a snow dump on the property generally located west of the Town of Vail Shops ' The irope.ty-is more specifically described as follows: That part of the North I/2 of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County' Coi5raAo, lying north of Interstate Highway No. 70 and being nore particularly described as follows: eegin-ning at the NE corner of said section 8; thence along ln5 "ortfrerly line of said Section 8, S89 46' 21".W a distance of L500.00 fL; thence departing the northerly line of said iection 8, SOb 23r03"trt a-distance of 529.85 ft to a point on ine-norttrerly ROW line of I-10i thence along Lhe norlherJ.y ROw tine of 1-?0 following two courses: 1) 515 28' 18"E a distance of 180.82 fL to a point of curvature; 2|L32l.g0ftalongthearcofacurvetotheleft,havinga radius of 5586.00 ft, a central angle of 13 38'04u and a chord which bears N89 35'34"8 L324.70 ft distance to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8; Thence departing said ROll line of I-?0 N00 23' 03"8 along the eisterly iine oi said Section 8, a distance of 512.10 ft to the poi;t of beginning, containing 20.480 acres rnore or less. The above description is based on the Town of VaiI annexation plats for the property described and is not based on a field survey. The basis of bearing for.the-above parcel is the noitherly line of Section 8 being S89 46'27"1{ is shown on said annexation Plats.Applicants: Town of Vail/Vail Associates Plinner: AndY Knudtsen A request to amend Ctrapter I8.3?' Agricultural and Open Spac"rSectionL8.32.O30-ConditionalUsesinordertoaiIo"''$relf water treatment facilities as a conditional use. applicant:VailvalleyConsolidatedwaterDistrictPllnner She11Y Me1lo 10. 11 , I L2. A reguest to anend chapter 18.62, Variancesr- section 18.gf.OgO - permit Issuance and Effect and Chapter 18.60, conditlonal use Permits, section 18.60'080 - Pernit Issuance a"a-eifect 1n order to tlarify the notification of approval procedures.applicant: Town of vail Planner: JilI Kammerer 13. A request for a worksession on Millrace IV Special oevefopment District No. 4, for Cascade Villaggt-to review a develoinenL plan, generalty tocated south of Millrace Condominiums and w6st of the l{estin Resort, VaiI' Applicant: East-west Partners Planner: ShellY Mello L4.Arequestforapprovalofawetlandmitigationproposalforareal along Gore Creek and Booth Creek' Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley $later and Sanitation DistrictPlanner: AndY Knudtsen Information on the ]isted itens is availabte at the corununity ;;;;16il"1 oiri"e in the vail Municipal Buildins during regular office hours. TO$IN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vait Trail on Septettber 27, 199L' I. Thls use. The o APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT procedure is required for any project requirei to obtain a conditional permi t . application will not be accepted until all informatlon is submitted. A. NAI,IE OF APPLICANT VAil ASSOCiATES AD0RESS Post Office Box 7 Vai1, Co. 81658 pHsxg 303/476-5601 NAME OF ADt)RESS APPL ICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE Joe Macy Post Office Box 7 Vail, CO. 81658 pHoNE 3 03/476-560I B. ,, t, C. NAME OF OTJNER(S) (prinr or type)Vail Associates, Inc. olrNER(S) | STGNATURE(s)_ ADDRESS Post Office Box 7 Vail, CO.81658 pssxE 3 03/476-5601 0.L0CATIOII 0F PROPOSAL: LEGAL- ADDRESsGolden Peak Ski i.0T BLoCK_FILING Tract B Vail Village Base Recreation Seventh Filing Districtt ooc BYE. it g{^n ,oro q/nhl cr *-11{' "" Y"iOj' ^tv-----:J--:-:J---L THE FEE'MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. ( F.,) A list of the names of owners of all property Y INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, THE APPLICANT }'ILL BE RESPONSIELE FOR CORRECT II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE OF COI4I4UNITY adjacent to the subject property and their mail ing addresses. OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I,|ITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICAT]ON I,IILL 8E ACCEPTEO UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIREO BY THE ZONING ADHINISTRATOR). IT IS THEAPPLICANT'S RESPONSIBLITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTHENT IIITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADOITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI'IENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION ITILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUI4BER OF CONOTTIONS OF APPROVAL PEC MY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COHPLIED I,JITH BUiLOING PERI,IIT IS ISSI]ED. PROCESS THAT THE BEFORE A OVER 'Ji o ENVIRONMENTAI.. HAZARDS REPORT r^ras relocatedr culverted, outside the flood Plain of L2/L0/87 cs improved in diversion A mud slide occured in 19g2 on the southeastern part of the site caused by overflow of the a water storage facility. An- overftow line was installed in rhe fall of fgSi-vrhict *ifi direct aiy tank overflow to MiIl creek--away from it"'pi*ti;;;-"iia;-"re". No problems have occured since Lggz. The new building would not be endangereZt Uy -any further slide activity at the above site. preliminary geologic studies on the soils at the site indicate that a spread founaition will be recommended' Avalanche: some moderate avalanche hazard occurs infrequently on the -southeasternp.itf*-"i tf,. "i1..- r1te butlding could not be endangered by any lvalanche activity from thq southeastern area' I-, Hvdroloqv: The MiII Creek di.version ch 1985. The Chitdrenrs Cente channel. annelris YI iliiti b_,i I I and Ehe Surnrnary: with the excePtion of some environmental imPacts will fugitive dust from construction, result from the Project. no adverse ,'c'lJtLi/1\ r, Mill Creek Circle List Of Owners Lot 1 Block 1, Vail Village First Filing Linda J. Craddock 25 Pourtales Colorado Springs, CO. 80906 Lot 2 Block 1, Vail Village First Filing Howard P & Judith R. Berkowitz L5 Dolma Scarsdale, New York 10583 Lot 3A Block I, Vail Village First Filing Maurice O. Rhinehardt P.O. Box 10063 Pompano Beach, FL. 33061 Lot 38 Block l, Vail Village First Fj-ling Paul C. Wolfe 505 South Flagler Drivellth Floor West Palm Beach, FL. 33402-3475 Lot 4 Block 1, Vail Village First FilingJ.A. Precourt 1600 BroadwaySuite 2600 Denver, CO. 80202 Lot 5 Block I, Vail Village First Filing Richard D. Bass 4224 Thanksgiving Tower Da11as, Texas 7520I Lot 6 Block 1, Vail Village First Filing G. Peck and Co. 1600 BroadwaySuite 2600 Denver, CO. 80202 Lot 7 Block 1, Vail Village First Filingw. Grant williams #2 Ladue LaneSt. Louis, MO. 63L24 Lot 8 Block I, VaiI Village First Filing Lon & Nancy S. Slaughter 2301 Douglas Drive San Angelo, Texas 7690I Page Thto Lot 9 Block f , vai0illage First Filing Jill E. Olson40I Race Street Denver, CO. 80206 Scott R. Olson 401 Race Street Denver, CO. 80205 Colorado State Bank of Denver, Trustee of the Douglas B. Olson Trust 1600 Broadway Denver, CO. 80202 Lot 10 Block 1, Vail ViIIage First Filing Harland House c,/o Slifer & Co. P.O. Box 1248 Vail, CO.81658 Lot 10 & 11 Block 1, Vail Village First Filing Frances E. Gunn Trust 3101 Valley Oak Drive Loveland, CO. 80538 Lot 13 Block I, Vail Village First Filing Barbara M. Osborne 2014 Sea Cove Court Houston, Texas 77058 Lot 14 Block 1, Vail Village First FilingStarford Properties 2655 LeJeune RoadSuite l-010 Coral Gables, FL. 33134 Lot 15 Block 1, Vail Village First Filing Harley C. Jr. & Lorraine Higbie 2100 Colorado State Bank Buildinq Denver, CO. 80202 Lot 16 Block 1, Vail Village First FilingKeith L. Brown & Carol L. Brown 377 Race Court Denver, CO. 80226 Lot 17 Block 1, Vail Village First Filing Charles A. & Suzanne S. I"leyer 1320 North Sheridan Road Lake Forest, IL 60045 Lot 18 Block I, Vail Village First Filing Ida Larkin Clement King RanchKingsville, Texas 78363 Lot 19 Block I, Vail Vi11a9e First Filing Kay H. Chester 395 Mill Creek CircleVail. CO. 81657 oo ovrsu\ 4n--rJr ctJ{ MM= ( Ce,Tere r4 GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE RECREATION DISTRICT Mill Creek Circle - Lots L2 - 14 - L9 AIl Seasons - 434 Gore Creek Drive, VaiI, Co. 91652 Vail Trails East - 605 N. Frontage Road, Vail, CO. 81657 Town of Vail - 75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, CO. 81G57 Vail Metropolitan Recreation District - 292 west Meadow DriveVail, CO. 81657 Pinos Del Norte - 600 Vail Valley Dri_ve, Vail, CO 81657 Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation - 845 Forest Road, Vail,co.816s7 Ski Club Vail - 598 Vail- Valley Drive, Vail, CO. 81657 United States Forest Servj.ce, Holy Cross Ranger District - p.O. Box 190, Minturn, CO. 81545 Ramshorn Condominiums - 416 VaiL Valley Drive, Vail, CO. 81652 o Revigedr L2lL4l87 GOLDEN PEAK SKI EASE/RECRSATION DISTRICT }IASTER PLAN REPIdCEI,IENT OF EXISTING RESTAURAilT & SKI SCIIOOL FACILITIES Tlrese faclll.Eiea sre planned for replacement at eone future date. Plane cal.l for flnlshlng operatlng space in one conatruction aeason. The Condomlnla and landscaptng rlll be completed durlng the folloring rlnter and eprlng. FIIIURE DEVELOPHENT IN THE PROPOSED SKI BASE/RECREATIOTI DISTRICT The Vall Village Daater plan recomended the Golden Peek area as a potenElal aite for a hotel. llorever, Vall Aseociates haa oo plane Bo construct a hotel at Golden Peak at this tlne. OTHER DEVELOP}IENT PLAXS Li ftg Replacenent and nodlficatlon of the exLstlng lifto, particularly Chatrllft 16, rtll be necesaary. Replacement wllt be done wlth Etate-of- the-art equlpnrent having aufficLent capacitiea to Deet Dountain oPeratlns neede. A surface ltft at Golden Peak ie under consideration. llo other nes lifts'are planned at thls tl.me . SKI MGING FACILITIES I{hlle rcplacemenC of the exlatlng 8kl racing facilltlee is not ptanned concurrently rlth the reotaurant and ski echool bulldlng' or the Ghlldrenrs Center, Vail Aesoclatea, Inc. antl-cipates replacing tlte cxietlng facility uith a larger, more modern facllity to sccomodate World Gup racing ln the near future. PANRING FACILITIES Vall Aegoclatea, Inc. and the Tosn of Vall recognlze the deelrablllty of additlonal parklng ln the Golden Peak Zone. Accordlngly, we have ldeutified two locatlons l-n the zone for addltonal parklng developnent. Underground parklng atructurea could be bullt beneaEh the east tcnnLs courto, aoccer field, and volleyball area, or bcneath the eesE tennig courts and aurface parklng. Urrderground parklng structurea rould requlre a GondLtlonal Uee Pentrit under the propoeed zonlng code. llowe ver, neither the Torn of Vall nor Vail, Aeeociatee, Inc. hag any Plans to conatruct addltional parking facllltles ln the zone at thlg tine. o IIASTER PLAN continued PUBLIG PARKS, PLAYGROUI{DS, & RECREATIONAL FACILITIES One tennis court seat of the erLstl.ng butldtnga rould bc lost vhen thenaln bulldlng ie bullt. Vall Aesociatea, Inc. wlll replace the logt courtat a nutually detenined location. Up 3o three tennla courta eaat of Ghalr 16, yould be loet due to the coDstruction of the Chlldrenrs center. Vai.l Aasoclatea and the VURD erecurrently worklng on court relocation. .. It la poeaible that the Recreatlon lriotrlct rould ranL. to expand the tennLs courtsr playing flelda, or other aumrer recreatLon amenitles in thezone. such expanslon would require a condltional use pernlt and vall Aeaociatea, Inc. rs conaent. . Seasonal atructurea for educatlonal, cultural, or athletLc octlvltlea slllbe erected on an occaaional baals. Fireworka rill contlnue on rpecLal occaeLona, auch aB July 4th, llew tearraEven, etc. UOUNTAIII FACILITIES Butlding facllltleg euch ss llft shacks and other bulldrnga rlll requlrenodification, naintenance, conotructl-on, and replacement on an on-goingbaeie. Torn of Vatl butldlng, deoolltLon, etreet cut, and other standardpernits rould be requl-red. PT'BLIC FACILITIBS I{ater atorage arrd treatnent facrlltlea, and exlstlng upper Eagle l{ater and SanitatLon DLstrlct improvement.s are wlEhln the proposed dietrlct androutine maintenance wlll occur. Expansion of these facilities la also poaelble. CIIILDRENIS CENIER A 12,000 S.F. (approrlnately) Chlldrents Genter Le planned forconetructlon in 1988. The Center rlll be dealgned to penit further expaneion lf needed. f,EU:il ili i' i 01991 Qvait.@ Vail Associates, Inc" Creators and Onerators of Vail and Beaver Creel€ Resorts Sentember 16' 1991 Ms. JiII Kammerer Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vilest Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jill, This application is for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak Development Plan which would allow a Mitey-Mite lift to be installed at Golden Peak between chair #12 0n the east and Lots 15 & 16, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing on the west' A Mitey-Mite lift is essentially a rope tow with handles. The propo="i titt would have a capacity of 360_persons per hour. rhe -horizontal distance between terminals would be 375 feet. Vertical rise would be 39 feet. The installation would be permanent with the upper and lower terminals bolted to concrete at each terminal. About 200 square feet of terminal grading will be needed for the terminal pads and loading areas. The rope would remain in place during the off-season. I have attached photos of the actual terminals to show what the terminals would look like. The lift would load and unload on the east side' No lift shacks are planned currently. Two lift operators would be needed. No outhouses would be provided. A11 disturbed areas would be revegated and restored to natural conditions ' The lift is needed to accommodate never-ever ski school clients. After their first half-day of lessons, the beginners would use the lift for the second half-day and the second full day of their learn-to-ski week. After the second full day of instruction, skiers would graduate to Chair #12' The upper part of the runs served by chair #12 are too steep for beginners Lo utilize after a half-day of ski instruction. The lift would also provide access to Vai-l Village and the Vista Bahn for skiers via a route throuqh the trees to the Golden Peak runout ' Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 o USA - (l0l) 476-5601 Ms. .1i11 Kammerer September 16, 1991 Page Tvo A Mitey-Mite lift was operated in the I970's on the samegeneral alignment as the proposed lift at Golden Peak. However,the previous lift was dismantled and removed. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely,nW/haczlJoe Macy /Manager ' Mountain Planning JMlkm Enclosures: -Site Plans (2') -TerminaI Details -Gol-den Peak Master Plan - Amended L2/L4/87 -Check S200.00 cc: Dave Larson Larry LichliterChris RlmanPeter Sherowski Paul Testwuide EEEE?iE gfiaE1EE *H;3id= aIEEAEE EiiE;lE agrEEAg =d#da"gEd+5: e.s=t ?-gEEEi fi : a:9: ) 6qt-r{:I EExEij'3=.EliZ oP > > t - 7 \,D ooooo 99"€ HgsEg l?rp (D Et 'v I' ><t}.+I q E 9 c :A 6 e-gEE fleg; gg1 sEzS g"=s Blgq E = 3.X9i L E, R{.+>t \:-/ -|V oau)F .< qg(DeeE nY- r+) rtxqE=Fl< (D C)o Ffi -l 'o H-SB,^, x cAooEsa (,roos tJ tJ (,|Ao\ai500P € oT tm =z 6)m3mz{ !9 9" o Ql I N (D !t a Hx mx xoooFr O\ 5@ftoi'L.J !:^ 0a -lF(D' o(D.;x 5\Ol.J OlI.J UJ{o\wH E5* E; v, -l) =.i88 F@-1 O O. UJ r ,'( \-, \v E ElsSigFX l'?'15 ^ <v^e ISF'ig 3E E F 33FN€13 E#lslO' 'Tlo 3o o 5 o 3 l o. q (Dz 9 6(tl N*O\O urO 3E L^ O. s ^t,5q fdz> c,aFsU)v;:.> sg$3 =Fr g (/)G:t'< Fl,-o =v(D= :< o HF996:-iz! av>g;FF ?AF FL.5:! r6 AIEI sl8fla IBP l-l td< hlE:'13Alo E) t< t}-.: lH l(JJ l\o