HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 1 VANTAGE POINT 1993 STRUCTURAL REPAIRS BALCONIES LEGALNorton s B ryhtnidt WS. Norion. PE. M.A. Schmidt, PE E.H. Pro/iritl, PE. A.S. Fatkeri/icz. M A. DJ. Nelsen. PE RW Somme( PE E.P Hutson, Jr, PE. R D Hyland, PE R.A. l\reloy, PE W D Sch'.\abauel Jr. PE LC. Fehnel PE. C:I Hatlnet PE Consulting Engineers, Inc. Kansas City MO . Atlanta GA August 24, 1993 Town of Vail Building Permits/Inspections 75 South Fronkge West Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2100 RE: STRUCTTJRAL REPAIRS.BALCONYiWALKWAYS VANTAGE POINT CONDOMINIIJMS 508 E LIONSHEAD CIRCLE VAIL COL'ORADO PERMIT NT]MBER 6058 JOB #920777 Gentlemen: This letter is provided as written verification that the construction work associated with the above_referenged projecl is complete and to the best of our knowledge has been performed in accordance with the project manual and specifications and drawings developed by Norton & Schmidt Consulting Engineers 1100 Mairi Street Suire 419 Kansas-City, vb A+iSZ (816) 421- !23.2. py-final inspection of this project was performed on Thursdali and Friday nirguit 12& 13.1993. Cordiallv. \=,p+--\ Andy S. Ratkewicz Secretaryi Treasurer SA Mike D'Anci, Vantage Point Dave Richard, Chamberlin Dave Nelsen enclosure pc: 'i$un'#;;iini$ 64105 . (816)421-4232 . Fax: (816)421-1956City Center Square Suite 419 .1100 Main Street . Kansas City MO INSPECT REOUEST VAIL AM N OFPERMIT NUM F PROJECT DATE lC tou READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: NAME CALLER TUES 47f 'r/,H OOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr B tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER O HEATING N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL ft,nnnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor= t'//- ?s rNSpEcroR I I I I I I I t t I I I I T ; I I I T VAhITAGE POINT CONDOMINIT]MS BAI.CONY|WALKWAY STRACruML NEPNR 508 EAST LIONSIISAD CIRCLE VAIL, COLORADO PROJECT I\,IAI{UAL AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VANTAGE POINT COI{DOMINITJMSI VAIL, COLORADO January 15, 1993 NORTON & SCHMIDT CONSTTLTING ENGINEERS, rNC. CITY CENIER SQUARE l1OO I\{AIN STREE'T STJIIE 4T9 KANSAS CTIY, MISSOtru 64105 PHONE NIJMBER: $104214232 FAX NIJMBER: (810421-1956 PROJECTNIJMBER: 920777 Al.lDY S. RATKEWICZ PROJECT COORDINATOR ENGINEER DAYID J. NEISET{, P.E. I-hereby cerlify that these plans and specifications ryene pneparcd by me or under ny dircct rupervision and that I qm a fully Reglstered Engineer under trhe laws of lhe State of Coloredo. ,*$''.''fr.$'"i{j.:= 4$;''';ffi $$"$ri{/;r, ;'?ru'' -q# A;f1"-. t Date: January 15,1993 Registration Number: 20548 I I J I I ! I I I I T I I T t I I I I VANTAGE ROINT COI\DOMIMI]I\4S BALCONIES/WALKWAY SIRUCTT]RAL REPAIR TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO Division 00 - Bidding Requirements and Contract Documents Bidding Requiremens and Contract Documents BR1-BR4 Bid Proposal Form.......... ........ BF1-BF13 Contmct Forms and Bid Bond .... B1-B7 Gen€ral Conditions GC1-GC28 Supplemenary Conditions... ...... SCl-SCs Guarantee Foim......... GFl-GF2 Division 01 - General Requirenents ..............GR1-GR8 Ilivision W - Work Item Specifications..........,. W1-W10 Division AIV - Altemate lVork Item Specifications........... ,.. AWl-AW2 Division OZ - Concrcte Surface hrparation and Remova1s.............. ...... SP1-SP4 Division 03 - Concrete............... . C1-C8 Division 07 - Themal and Moisture Protection .TM1-IM7 Details........ ............ E1-E7 I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I VAIYTAGE ROINT CONDOMINIT'II(S BALCONIIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT]RAL REPAIR BR-1 DTVISION OOBIDDING REOUIREIVIEhIIS AND CONTRACT DOCI]MEhITS OOIO.OO INVTTATION TO BID 0010.01 The Owner will receive sealed Bids for: SIRUCTT'RAL REPAIRS BALCOTIIIES/WALKWAYS VANTAGE FOINT COI\DOMINIUIUS sOE EAST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE vArL, CoI0RADO All Bids shall be received no later than 3:00 p.m. (local time), March 19, 1993. Bid packages shall be delivered to Norton & Schmidt Consulting Engineers, Inc., City Center Square, 1100 Main Suite 419, Kansas City, Missouri &$105; attention: Andy Ratkewicz. Also, one copy of the bid shall be delivered to Mike D'Anci, Vantage Point Association, 508 East Lionshead Circle, Vail, Colorado 81657. Bids shall be privately opened shortly thereafter. The Owner rcserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. 0010.02 Bids will be for a single contract including: Providing all materials, labor, equipment, supervision and services required to malc neairs to the balconieVwalkrvays. Ttese repairs should be performed in accordance with the Plans and Specifications by Norton & Schmidt Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated January 15, 1993. 0010.03 The Owner is: VANTAGE POINT ASSOCIATION 508 EAST LIONSIIEN) CIRCLE VAIL, COIORADO 0010.04 The Engineer is: NORTON & SCHMIDT CONSI'LTING ENGINEER.S,INC. CITY CEIYTER SQUARE 11OO MAIN STREET SUTIE 419 KANSAS CITY, MO 64105 TELEPHONE | (ElA42l-4232 PROJECT COORDINATOR: ANDY S. RATKEWICZ 0010.05 Complete sets of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the office of the Engineer, Norton & Schmidt Consulting Engineers, Inc., upon depositing the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each set of documents. The full amount of the deposit will be refunded upon the return of the Contract Documents, transportation prepaid, in good condition within ten (10) days after the receipt of bids. All sets shall remain the property of the owner and shall be returned upon re4uest. 0010.06 Deleted. 0010.07 The Owner reserves the right to modify the Bid Quantities stated on the Bid Form. The Contract price shall be adjusted based on the unit prices stated on the Bid Form. (See Page GR-6, Section C) t I I T I I I t I I I I I l I I I t I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINIIMS BAIfOIIIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT]RAL REPAIR OOII.OO INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 0011.01 Defined Terms BR-2 A. Terms used in these Instructions which are defined in the General Conditions have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. B. The contract between the Owner and the Contractor shall be comprised of the Contract Documents as listed in the Agreement. See also Section 0021.01, Agreement Form. 001l.02 Examination of Contract Documents and Site A. Bidders shall carefullv examine the Contract Documents and the site to obtain fust hand knowledgebf existing conditions. No subsequent extftrs witl be allowed due to any claim or lack of knowledge for conditions which can be determined by examining the site and the Contract Documents. B. Contractor examination of this facility is available between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on weekdays only by conlacting Mike D'Anci, phone number (303) 476-0364. C. The submission of the Bid shall constitute a warranty by the Bidder thatr 1. The Bidder and all subcontractors he intends to use have carefully and thoroughly reviewed the Contract Documents and have found them complete and free from ambiguities and sufficient for the purpose intended; further that, 2. The Bidder and all workmen, employees and subcontractors he intends to use are skilled and experienced in the type of construction represented by the Contract Documents bid upon; frrrther that, 3. Neither the Bidder nor any of his employ@s, agents, intended suppliers or Subcontractors have relied on any verbal representations allegedly authorized or unauthorized from the Owner, his employees or agents including the Engineer or consultants, in assembling the Bid figure; and further that, 4. The Bid figure is based solely on the Contract Documents, including properly issued written Addenda and not upon any other wdtten or oral representation. 0011.03 Interpretations A. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents shall be submitted to the Project Coordinator in writing. Replies will be issued by Addenda mailed or delivered to all prime bidders of record. Questions received less than five (5) days prior to the date for opening of Bids will not be I I I I I I I I I I l T t I I I I I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINITJMS BALCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTIJRAL REPAIR BR-3 answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. B. Any Addendum issued during the time of Bidding shall be covered by the Bid and shall become a part of the Contract Documents. All Addenda used in determining Contractor's Bid shall be acknowledged on the Bid Forrn. 0011.04 Preparation of Bids A. Bids must be made in the form given in this Project Manual. No oral, telephonic or telegraphic Bids will be considered. Bids shall be signed by the Bidder giving his full name and business address. State whether Bidder is an individual, a partnership or corporation. B. Each Bidder must fill in all blanks on Bid Forms and quote on all altemates. The entire Bid shall be without interlineation, alteration or erasurc. 0011.05 Contract Time The number of days for the completion of work (the Contract Time) stnll be as sated in the contractor's bid form and will be included in the executed agreement. Anticipated start date is May 17, 1993. 0011.06 Performance Bond and I-abor and Material Fayment Bond A. The bidder to whom the award is made will be required to furnish a performance bond and labor and material payment bond in accordance with the general conditions. the bidder shall deliver said bonds to the company within fifteen (15) days after Notice of Award. B. Bidder shall include the premiums for bonds in his bid the bond forms shall be as indicated in this project manual. Bonds must be dated the same date as the agreement. 0011.07 Insurance The Bidder to whom the award is made will be renuired to furnish the Owner with insurance coverages as set forth in the General and Supplementary Conditions. Bidder shall include all premiums for insurance in his Bid. 0011-08 SubcontractorListing Bidders shall list the names of Subcontractors as required on the bid Form. Only one subcontractor shall be listed per category. 0011.09 Bid Bond A. The bidder will be required to furnish a bid bond. The bidder shall deliver said bond along with bid submital. See Section 0014.00 and Section 0021.04, Bid Bond. The amount of the bid bond shall be as estimated by the contractor after his visual review of the project and scope of work. I I I I I I I I I I l I I I l I YANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINII,]MS BALCONIES/WALKWAY SIRUCTIJRAL REPAIR BR-4 B. Bidder shall include the premiums for bonds in his bid. The bid bond form is bound herewith and forms a part of this project manual. The bid bond must be dated the same date as bid form. 00ll.l0 Requirements for Signing Bids A. Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by fte president, a vice-president or other corporate officer (accompanied by evidence ofauthority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be affrxed and attested by the secretary or an assistant s€crctary. The corporate address and the state ofincorporation shall be shown below the signaturc. B. Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner. The partner's title must appea.r under his signature and the offrcial address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. C. Bids not signed by individuals making them must have anached therelo a power of attorney evidencing authority !o sign the Bid in the name of the person for whom it is signed. D. All names must be typed or printed below the signature. mll.ll Contract hice Approximate quantities are listed on the Bid Form which, at the indicated unit prices, forrrulate the basis of award. The contract price shall consist of the actual quantities detemrined in accordance with Section 0101.03 and at the corresponding unit prices shown on the Bid Form. 001 l. 12 Scope of Bidding The intent of the Drawings and Specifications is to describe a complete scope of work for this project. The base bid work items and altemate work items are intended to represent the entire work covered by these Drawings and Specifications. OOI4.OO FORMS FOR BIDDING 0014.01 Bid Form Bids shall be made on the following Bid Form in accordance with the Instructions to the Bidders, Section 001 1.00. 0014.02 Bid Bond Form A Bid Bond shall be furnished on AIA Document A310 in an amount of ten percent (1070) of the contractor's estimate of the total contract amount. I I I I I T I I t I I I I l I I I l I I t t VAI.ITAGE FOINT CONDOMINTUMS BAI,CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIR BF.1 Contractor: Contract Person: Telephone: BID PR.OFOSAL F1ORM PROJECT: VANTAGEFOINTCONDOMII\IIJI\4S . BALCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURALREPAIR NORTON & SCHMIDT CONSULTING EI.IGINEERS, INC. ATTENTION: ANDY RATKEWICZ CITY CEi{TER SQUARE 11OO MAIN SIREET STIITE 419 KAI\ISAS CITY, MISSOtru 64105 N&S JOB #nM77 PROFOSAL FOR: VAIYTAGE POINT CONDOMINIUMS BALCONIES/WALKWAY SIRUCTT]RAL REPAIR 508 EAST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE VAIL, COIORADO For furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, other facilities, supervision and means of construction and to do and perform all work necessary and incidental at a total price or prices as hereinafter set forth and in accordance with Contract Documents dated January 15, 1993, and Addenda thereto for: The Bidder agrees that the Bid is subject to the terms and conditions of the Specifications, Drawings and that this Bid is also subject to the following underakings: l. That Bidder and his Subcontractors have inqpected the site and have informed themselves as to conditions that will affect the Work performed. 2. The Bidder and his subcontractors have received and examined the Drawings and Specifications and have informed themselves of all Addenda thereto, form of contract, and Contractor's Bonds and insurance to be furnished in the event he is the successful bidder and is awarded the contract. 3. Certain types of equipment and kinds of material are described in the Specifrcations by means of rade names and catalog numbers and/or manufacturer's names. In each instance where this occurs, it is not intended !o exclude from consideration such types ofequipment and kinds of material bearing other trade names, catalog numbers and/or manufacturer's names, capable of accomplishing the functions and purposes of types of equipment or l I t I I I I T I t t I I I I I I I I VANTACE POINT COI{DOMINITJMS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI.'RAL REPAIR Second: Third: Fourth: Sixth: Swenth: BF-2 kinds of materials to be used, if not as specifically indicated in the Specifications, must be approvcd in writing by the Engineer and be agreed upon by Owncr prior to opening of bids except as provided in the General Requirements. The undersigned Bidder agrees to executs the Contract in the form as set forth in the Spccifications and to furnish required Contractor's Bond in the form as set forth in the Specifications all within fifteen (15) days of receiving Notice of Award of Contract from the Owner. The undersigned Bidder further agrees to begin the work on receipt ofexecuted conmct and/or to prosecute said work in accordance with Notice to Proc€ed by the Owner. The undersigned Bidder agrees to comply with all federal laws, laws of the State of Colorado, and ordinancqs of the City of Vail, where any of such laws ale applicable, regarding non-discrimination and civil rights. The Bidder agrees to complete the Project in the number of CALENDAR DAYS statcd in this Bid proposal. The Bidder agrees that amounts stated in ftis Bid shall be shown as appropriate in both words and figures. In case of a discrepancy, the amount shown in words shall govern. The Bidder agrees that work quantities arc estimates and the owner nay increase or decrease the quantities at the unit priccs stated, such that increases or decreass in the base bid do not exceed 25 percent ofthe base bid price. I I VANTAGEPOTNTCONDOMTNTIITS t BAIfONTES/WArJ(WAY STRUCTURALREPATR BF-3 T I BIDIROPOSALFORM DESCRIPTION OF ABBREVIATIONS r i$:ll = iltrFS Cu.Yd. = Cubic YardEa. = Eachr ffi : *llffir"Lbs. E Pounds r L BASEBID WORKITEXVIS BASIC STRUCTI]RAL REPAIRS I tmr WONK IIEM DESCruPTION T'MTS OUANTTTY PRICE EXTEF TOil I w-1.00 Mobilization Ee. I t*rr (complete Pg BF-10) I w-2.m Bonds w-2.10 Bid Bond Ea. I **'r (normally no cost) I \.rr4urquJ rrr, rHr.t9,r t w-2.2O Performance Bond, Ea. I }t:| labor and material t PaYmentbond W-3.00 Deteriorated concrete I w-3.10 H,"Jil Sq.Ft. 338 and repair I (o"-ri W-3.20 (F2) Removal Sg.Ft. 3lI tis_fr-' W{.00 Rout & caulk Ln.Ft. 73 I j"8*Tou"o* I T T t I T I I I t I I I t I I I T I I I t VAI{TAGE FOINT CONDOMINITJN{S BAI.CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT]RAL REPNR BF.4 Rout & caulk Ln.Ft. rendom cracks Grpater than 1/16') Rout & caulk Ln.Ft. et perimeter edge Precast double tee nenoval and repair Removel & reinstall Totel ctrannel et bese for all of railing \ilork Grind vert. Ln.Ft. leg of angle tlush w/ concrcte flr srrface G/RC) Remove Ln.Ft. and replace concrete and edge engle Instell drip edge et perimeter angle SandblasUpaint all exposed steel aad handrails 960 2m u 270 69 Ln.Ft.960 2% w{.00 w-7.m w-9.00 w-l0.00 w-11.00 w-u.00 w-13.00 w-13.10 w-13.20 w-13.30 w-14.00 Membrane installation st balconies/walkway Preparation Materials Application Temporary shores W-7.10 (I1) Tee flange Sq..Ft. removal & repair W-7.20 CI2) Tee stem end Ea. rcmoval and rcpair Totel for all Work .f* Sq.Ft. Sq.Ft. Sq.Ft. Ee. 6.240 6.2& '.6r?d0- l5 VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINIT]MS BALCO}IIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIR BF.5 w-ls.00 Dust/debris partitions and bamicades (O story scaffolding Protect first floor membrane Grind off edge of precast flange which projects beyond face of exterior angle w-16.00 w-17.00 w-rE.00 Total Base Bid for l{ork Items W-1.00 through W-18.00 above is: Total for all Work Total for all Work Total for all Work Total for all Work I I l I I I T I l I T t I I T t t T I (written dollar amount) Dollars (Numeral amount) The bidder agrees to complete the Base Bid lVork ltems in calendar days from the NoticeofAwIrdofContract.ThisinctudestheNormalave-ragenunrberofnraindaysnas recorded by the National Weather Service. IL ALTERNATE WORK ITEMS UMT WORK ITEM aw-l.00 DESCRIPTION Concrete surface sealer app. at balconies/walkway Preparation Materials Application OUANTITY 6.240 6.240 6.240 EXTENSION AW-I.10 AW-1.20 AW-1.30 Sq.Ft. So.Ft. Sq.Ft. I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINII]1\{S I BALcoNrEs/wALKwAy srRUcruRALREpArR T T BF-6 I AW-2.00 Irstall membrane Total *** rrr at stair tower for a-U i landings \{orkra AW-3.00 Addition of Total *** ***accelerator for allI to membrane WorkI systemto reduce i$tal- - lation time t Tobl Bid for Altemate Work Item AW-1.00 through AW-3.00 above is: (written dollar amount) Dollars ffi The bidder agrc€s to complete the Base Bid Work Items in ealendar days from the I Notice of Awird of Contrict. This inctudes the Normal avelilffiffi5-er of 'rain daysn asa recorded by the National Vgeather Service. I I t I I I I I t I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINITJII{.S I BALcoNms/wALKwAy srRUcruRAL REIn'rR BF.7 I *0BK.''EEDIJI,E a Work shall commence on May 24, L993 in Phase A on all levels. All work shall be completed no later than June 25, 1993 no wbrt ltratt commense in Phase B until all work is complete in ptrase 1,. I Work shall oommence on June 28, L993 in Phase B on all levels urd shall be complete on luly 28, 1993. I I t T I I I I I l I T I I I I VANTAGE POrNT CONDOMINIUMS t BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURALREBATn t The anached list of Subconmcbrs and material supplicrs will be I used by the undersigned for this oonmct. If the work is o be done t by the contractor, so stat€. Ust only one p€r category. BASEBID I DESCRIPTTONOF WORK MANUFACTURER INSTALLER I BF{ Concrcte Applicator I Caulking and Control Joint Application I Gunite Application Temporary Shoring I Membrane Application ! ALTERNATEWORKITEMS I concrete surface Sealer Application I Membrane Applicariont at Stair I:ndings DESCRIPTIONOFWORK MANTFACTUNER INSTALLER I I I l I l I I I I- VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINII]II{S I BAr,coNrEs/wALKwAy STRUcTURALREINR ADDENDA Addendum No. Dated Addendum No. Dated Addendum No. Dated BF-9 I The contractor aclnowledges receipt and the consequent rerriew ofthe following Addenda coveringr rerrisions to the drawings and/or specifications, and the cost, ifany, of such radsions has been included in the price herein before quoted: I Addendum No. Datcd I I I REOrrrREp TNFORMATTON - GENERAL CONpTTTONS: I A) For compliance of Article 7 of the Genenl Conditions, the contractor shall attach to this Bid Form a complete schedule of hourly labor cost compon€nts for each craft to be employed in I accordance with the Union's labor rate listings. B) On the lines below, the contractor shdl entcr the percent as required by Article 8, paragraph - 8.2.3 of the Generil Conditions of the contract as inctuAeA in ttris Docirment. I l l I I l I I I T I r YN|ITAGEFOINTCONDOMINTIJIT,S I BArfOr{rES/WALr(WAY SIRUCTTJRALREPArR BF-IO I oNTHrs SHEET, TrrEcoNTRAcroRwrrrpRovrDEAcoMpIgrEBREAIoou/NoF I MOBTLTzA'rroNcosrs. t I l T t I T I I I l I I I I I . YN{TAGEFOINT CONDOMINIUMS t BArfoNIEs/wALKwAY STRUcTIIRALREPATR I ON TIIIS SIIEET, TIIE CONIRACTOR SHALL LIST ALL SI'BCONTRACTORS NOTI pREvloust.yu3tso ropEnronu woRK oNTIIIS pRoJEcr AND THEwoRKwHIcH I Tr{EYWTLLPERFORM. T I I t t I I I I BF-I1 I l I I I I I I VANTAGEFOINTCONDOMINIIIMS I BArfOr\rES/WAT.IflwAY STRUCTURALREPATR I I T T l I I I I I CorporateSeal: T I I T t l I By Legal name ofperson, firm or corporarion (if incorporated, name of state) Telephone Number: BF-tiz I t I I l I I I t I t I I I I I I I I VAI{TAGE POINT CONDOMIMUMS BAIf ONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT]RAL REPAIR BF-T3 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION FOR CONTRACT HGCUTION This certificate shdl b€ executed by an officer of the corporation other than the one who signed the preccding Bid Form. I,, certify that I am thq of the Corporation named as Contractor herein; that who signed the foregoing Contract on behalf of the said Contractor was then (offrcial coryorate title) of the said Corporation; that said Corporation was duly signed for an in behalf of uid Corporation by authority of its goveming body, and is within tlre scope of its corporaE pow€rs. Srgned TSDed Namq (place Corporate Seal here or notarize below) State of Colorado County of Firm Subscribed and sworn to beforc me this day of 1993. My commission expires Notary Public Noary Seal: Date )) ss: ) (official corporate title) a - VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMTNIUMS I BAIfONIES/WALKVSAY STRUCTURALREPATR FI OO2I.OO CONTRACT FORMS AI\D BONDS I oo2l.ol Agreemenr FormI After the Notice of Award, a written Agreement will bc cxecuted on the following I modified NSPE Document l9l0-8-A-1, (1979 edition), 'STANDARD FORM OF t AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR - ON Tr{E BASrS OF A STIPULATED PRICE", in accordance with the General Conditions. t 0021.02 PerformanceBond A performance bond shall be executed on AIA Document A3ll 'Performance Bond'. t 0021.03 l:bor and Material Payment Bond I A labor and material paymcnt bond shall be executed on AIA Document A3ll 'Iabor I and Materid Payment Bond". 0021.04 Bid Bond t The Bidder shall furnish with Bid, a Bid Bond in accorduce with Subsection 0014.02 on the following AIA Document A310, 'Bid Bond.' I 0022.00 GENERALCONpnONS 0022.01 The foltowing Document labeled 'General Conditions", Articles I through 28I inclusive, is fiereby made a part of the Contract Documents.I ffi22.02 The 'Supplementary Conditions", Section 0010.00, shall modify, change, delete from I or add to the above General Conditions. Where any article of the General Conditions I is modified or ury paragraph, subparagraph or clauie thereof is modified or delaed byt' the Supplementary Conditions, the unaltered provisions ofthat article, paragraph, subparagraph or clause shall remain in effect. I I I I I t I I I VAIYTAGE FOrNT CONDOMINIUIIS I BATfONTES^ilAIJ(WAY STRUCTURALREPATR b2 STN{DARI} trORM OF AGREEI\{ENT BETWEEN OWNER AND COIYTRACAOR ON THEBASIS OFA STIPT'I.ATED PRICE JOINILYISST]ED BY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS IN TRTVATE PRACTICE A PRACTICE DIVISION OF IEE NATIONAL SOCIEIY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS N\ID BY AI\{ERICAN CONST'LTING ENGINEERS COI'NCIL AT{DBY CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS INSTITUIE I I I I I T T I I t I T T I I I I I I t I I I I VAITTAGE FOINT COI\IDOMINITJIVIS BALCOIIIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT'RAL REPAIR This agreemant is dated by and between Vantage Point B3 Condominiums (hereinafter called OWNER) and CoI{TRACTOR). (hereinafter called Owner and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual @venants hercinafter set forth, agreed as follows: ARTICLE l. WORK ITEMS W.I.OO TIIROUGH W-18.00 Contractor shall completc all work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The work is generally dencribd as follows:- R@irs, restoration and imprcvements and all other items as outlined in the specification. the project for which the work under the Contact Documents may be the whole or only a part is generally described as follows: VAIYTAGE POINT CONINMII{IUMS BALCOIIIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT]RAL REPAIR ARTICLE2. ENGINEER The project has been designed by: ' Norton & Schmidt Consulting Engineers, Inc. City CenEr Square 1100 Main Stneet Suit€ 419 Kansas City, Misrcuri 64105 who is hereinafter called Engineer and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to the Engineer in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT TIME 3. 1.1 The work will be substantially completed on or before July 28, 1993 and completed and ready for finat_payment in accordance with erticte 1 of the Supfkm6ntary Conditiois on or before August 2, L993. 3.1.2 Conract time shall commence to run as of May 24, L993 (start of work). The work will be subsantially completed within 45 calendar days (July 28, 1993) after the date when the contract time commences to run as providcd iir paragraph 2.3 of the General Conditions, and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions within 50 calendar days (August 2, 1993, after the date when the contract time commences to run. 3.2 Liquidated Damages. Owner and Contractor recognize that time is of the essence of this agreement and that the Owner will suffer financial loss if the work is not substantially complete within the time specified in Paragraph 3.1 abovg plus any extensions thenif allowed in accordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the daily expense and difficulties involved in providing a leeal or arbitiation oroc&ding ttre acfual foss suffered bv Owner if the work is n6t subsaitiallfcompleted on tirie. Accoidingly, instead of requirin! any such proof, Owner and Contractor agree that as liquidated damages for delay @ufnot as a I I I I I I I T I T I I I I t I I I I VANTAGE POINT CONDOMII{ITMS BAIJCONIES/WALKWAY SIRUCTI.,RAL REPAIR &4 penalty) Contractor shall pay Owner five hundred dollars ($500.00) fol each day that expires irfter thb time specified in Piragraph 3.1 for substantid completion until the work is substantially complete. ARTICLE 4. CONTRACT PRICE 4.1 Owner shall pay Contractor for performance in accordance wi0r the Contract Documents in current funds as indicated in Article 5 below: ARTICLE 5. PAYMEI{T PROCEDTJRES Contractor shalt submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article l.C of the Supplementary Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by Engineer as provided in the Supplementary Conditions. 5.1 Progress Payments. Owner strall make progrcss paymcnts on a@ount of the contract price on the -basis of Contractor's Applications for Paymanias recommended by Enginecr, on or about the 25th day of each month during construction as provided below. All progrcss paymcnts will be on the basis of the progress of the work measured by the schedule of values provided for in the Supplementary Conditions. 5. l. I Prior to substantid completion progrcss payments will bc in an amount cqual to: Ninety (90%) pcrcent of the work completed, less the aggregate of payments previously made, in accordance with the Supplementary Conditions Section 0020.01, Article l. 5.1.2 Upon substantial completion, Owner shall pay an amount sufficicnt to increase total payments to Conractor to 90% of the contract price, less such amounts as Engineer shall determine in accordance with Article l, I of the Supplementary Conditions. 5,2 Final Payment. Upon final cornpletion and accrptance of work in accordance with Article I, L of the Supplementary Conditions, Owner shall pay the remainder of the Conuact Price as rccommended by Enginecr as provided in Articlc l, L, M, N, O of supplemental conditions. ARTICLE 6. DELETED ARTICLE 7. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS In order to induce Owner to enter into this Agreement, Contractor makes the following representations: 7.1 Contractor has familiarized himself with the naturc and extent of the Contract Documents, work, Iocality and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, nrles and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the work. 7.2 DELETED 7.3 DELETED 7.4 Contractor has correlated the results ofall such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 7,5 Contractor has given Engineer written notice of all conflicts, error or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Conract Documents and the written resolution thereof by Engineer and acceptable to Contractor. I I I I t I T I I t I t I I I I I I I 8.9 8.10 8.11 VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINIT]MS BALCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT]RAL REPAIR F5 ARTICLE 8. CONTRACT DOCTJMENTS The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agr€ement between Owner and Contractor are attached to this Agreement, made a part her€of and consists of the following: 8.1 This Agreement (pages B-2 to 8-6, inclusive). 8.2 Exhibits to this A$eement. 8.3 Performance and other Bonds, identified as exhibits urd consisting of _ pages. 8.4 Notice of Award. 8.5 G€neral Conditions (pages GC-l to GC-28, inclusive). 8.6 Sup'plementary Conditions (pages SC-l to SC-s, inclusive). 8.7 Specifications bearing the title Vantage Point Condominiums (January 15, 193) and consisting ofseven (7) divisions and97 pages, as listed in Table ofContents thereof. 8.8 Drawings consisting of sheets numbered El-87 inclusive with each sheet contained in this specification. (See Appendix) Also drawings dated January 15, 1993 1 thru 3 in association with the specification. Addenda numbers Contractor's Bid (pages BF-l !o BF-13, inclusive) Documentation submittcd by Contractor prior to Notice of Award (pages _ b _,inclusive). None E.Iz Any modifications, including Change Orders, duly delivered after execution of Agreement. 8.13 There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above this Article 8. The Conhact Docrments may only be dt€red, amended or repealed by a Modification (as defined in Section 1 of the General Conditions). ARTICLE 9. MISCELLANEOUS 9.1 Terms used in this Agreernent which are defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 9,2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interest in the Conhact Documents will be binding on another party hercto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specif,tcally but without limitation, monies that may become due and monies that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in an assignment will rcIease or discharge the assigner from any duty or responsibility under the ConEact Documents. 9.3 Owner and Contractor each binds himself, his partnen, successo$, assigns and legal r€Presentatives to the other party hereto, his partners, successors, assigns and legal r€,presentatives in rcspect to all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. T - VANTAGEFOINTCONDOMINnJIWS I BALCONIES^ilALKWAY STRUCTURALREPAIR F6 I ARTrcLEro. or'ERPRovrsroNs r In wiEress whereof, the parties hereto bave signed the Agreement in tiplicatc. Otte I countcrpan each has bccn dctivered to O*'ncr, Contractor and Enginecr. All portions of the! Contnct Documeflts have been signcd or identified by Owner and Contractor. I lhis Agreement will be effective on Ovner Contractor I Vantage Point Association I Bv: I (&rpontc scal) t Asesr I Addrcssforgivingnotices: By: (Corporarc SeaI) Att€.st Addrcss for giving noticcs: I I I Ucensc No.I flf Owner is a public body attach cvideace of authority to sign and resolution or other documentI authorizing execution of Agrccment) I Agent for servicc ofprocess: I I I I I I VATVTAGE NOINT CONDOMINII.]MS I BAr./coNrEs/wALKwAy STRUcrRALRErATR I TrrE AMERrcArrr NsrrrurnoF ARcrrrrEcrs I ArATDCnMENTA3I0 t This documcnt can be o,btained through the local ctraptcr of the American Institut€ of Architccb. I I I I t I I I I I T t I I Y7 I ,_ VANTAGEPOTNT CONDOMINIUMS t BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURALREPATRS I GC-1 GET{ERAL CONDITIONS I I.t is the objective of these documents to obail for the.Owner equipment and facilities of a high degree of quality, performance, reliability urd durability. The equipment, matedal, and services I required hereunder must conform to this intent. These documents present minimum standards I considered essential to achieve a fully successful overall project. In no respect are these requirements intended to mitigate the Contractor's responsibility in achieving this objective. I rABLE or coNrEr{rs ARTICLE I. DEFINMONS I ARTI.LE 2. EXEcurroN AND TNTER'RETATT'N oF coNTRAcr DocLTMENTs ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT SECURITY I ARTT.LE 4. rNDEMNrFrcATroN I ARTTCLE 5. SCHEDTJLE REQTIREMENTS ARTICLE 6.INSI,'RANCE I ARrrcLE z. AcruAL cosr pRrcrNG ARTICLE 8. CHANGE ORDERS I ARTT.LE 9. suspENsroN oF woRK, TERMTNATT'N, AND DELA' I ARTTCLE lo,RESpONSrBtLrTy OF ENGTNEER I ARTICLE II.RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR I ARTTCLE T2.SUBCONTRACTORS ARTTCLE 13.QUALmy CONTROL AI{D TESTING t ARTTcLE r4.NorrcE FoR covERrNG woRK ARfiCLE 15.CORRECTION OF WORK t ARTT.LE 16.sHop DRAwrNcs, sAMpLEs AND MANUAT* I ARTTCLE IT.SUBSTTTUTTONS I ARTICLE IE.EQUAL OPPORTUMTY I ARTICLE 19.SURVEYS, PERMTTS AND REGITLATTONS ARTICLE 20. SEPARATE CONTRACTS I ARTIcLE 2I.MATERrArJ, sERvIcEs, AND FAcTLITIEs I I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMTNIIJMS I BAIf,ONIES/WALKWAY SIRUCTURALREPAIRS t ARTrcrJ22.coDEs ANDSTANDARD' I ARTICLE23.SmEINVESTIGATION ARTICLE 24.MEETINGS I ARTTcLE 25.REeIIREMENTs FoR FoRErcN coNTRAcroRs AND suppl-lEs ARTICIJ26.WARRANTY I ARTrcrJ 2?.SAFETY AND sEcnRrrY I ARTTCLE2S.MTSCETTANEOUSPROVTSTONS I T I T I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I T I I I T I I I I I I I VANTAGE POINT COI\IDOMINIT.]MS BAI.CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI.'RAL REPAIRS GC-3 GEI\ERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE I. DEFIMIIONS l.l Wherever used in the Contract Documents subject to the Special Conditions, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated which shall be applicable to both the singular utd plural thereof. 1.2 . Accept - Regard as proper and in compliance with the General Documents. 1.3 Addenda - Written or graphic instnrments issued prior to the execution of thc agreement which modrfy or intcrpret the Contract Documents, Drawings and Specifications, by additions, deletions, clarifi cations or corrections. 1.4 Engineer - The person or organization licenscd to praaice architecture and/or Engineering and identified as such on the Contract Documents, referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and masculine in gender. The rcrm Engineer shall be exanded by inference to include the Engineer's authorized representatives. 1.5 Bid - The offer or proposal of the Bidder submitted on the prescribed form sening forth the priccs and schedule for the work to be performed 1.6 Bidder - Any person, firm or corporation submitting a bid for the work. 1.7 Bonds - Bid Bond and other instruments of sccurity, furnished by the Contractor and his surety in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.8 Qhange Order - A written order to the Contractor authorizing an addition, delction or revision in the work within the general scope of the Contract Documents, or authorizing an adjustment in the Contract ltice or Contract Time. 1.9 Contract - The entire and integrated agr€cment between the Frties hereto, superscding all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements whether riritten or oral. The Contnct rnay bc amended or modified only by a modifications defined in Article l.18- l. 10 Contract Documents - The collection of documents which make up the subsuncc of the Contract; specifically, the agreement between Ownerand Contracior, the special conditions, the general condilions, the specifications, the drawings, all addenda theretq and any subsequent modifications, and the Contractor's bid. 1.11 Contract Price - The total monies to be paid to the Contractor under the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. l.l2 Contractor - The person, firm or corporation with whom the Owner has executed an agreement, referred to throughout the Contract Documents as singular in number and masculine in gender. The term shall dso include the Contraclor's authorized representative and employec(s) designated or authorized to have authority over the work. l.l3 Vantagg Point Association., the Owner. The term strall be extended by inference to include any authorizcd representatives. l.l4 Day - Calendar day, including Saturdays, Sundays, urd holidays, commencing at 12:00 midnight, local time, with the duntion of 24 hours. 'Workin! Day" shall include all calendar days except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. I I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINII.'MS BAI,CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT.]RAL REPAIRS GC-4 1.15 Bids - Shall be made on the enclosed bid form in accordance with the instruction to bidden. l.16 Field Order - A written order affecting a change in the work not involving an adjustment in the contmct price or an extension of the contract time, isued by the Owner's representative to the Contractor during construction. l.l7 Final Completion - The date on which all requirements of the Conract Documents havc been tulfilled. - l.t8 Modification to Contract - Wriuen order to change the scope of work, contract price or oontmct time. l-19 Necessary - Whenever the words "necessary", 'proper", or words of like effect are used in the Contract Documents with respect to the exlent, conduct or character of work specified, they shall mean that Ote said work shall be carried to the extent, must be conducted in a manner, or bc of a character which is "nec€ssary" or 'prq)er" under the circumstances in the opinion of thc Engineer. 1.20 Owner - The name of the Owner is as stated in the agreement. The Ov,rner is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and masculine in gender, ud the term shdl also include the Owner's authorizcd rcprcsentative and agent, if any. 1.21 Product - Material, systems, and cquipment included in the work. 1.22 Project - The total scope of construction designed by the Engineer, of which the work performcd under these Contract Documents may be the whole or a part. 1,23 Provide - Furnish and instatl with all necessary appurtenances to insure the subject produa is suitable for its intended pulpose. 1.24 Required - Whenever the words "as requiredn, 'as described", "as permitted", and wotds of like effect are used in the Contract Documents, it is undentood that the requircments, direction or permission of the Engineer are intended, unless othenuis€ stated. Similuly, the words 'approved", 'acceptable", 'satisfactory', or words oflike impan shall mean 'approved by', "acceptable to', or words of like impart shdl mcan 'approvd by', acc€ptable to', or 'satisfactory !o" the Engineer, unles otherwise stated. 1.25 Shop Drawings - All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, brochurcs, schedules and other data which are prepared by the Contractor, a subcontraclor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor, which illustrate how specific portions of the work shatl be fabricated or installed or how they are intended to perform. 1.26 Specifications - A palt of the Contract Documents consisting of written descriptions of a technical nature of materials, equipment, conslruction systems, standards and workmanship. l.n SubContractor - An individual, firm or corporation having a contract with the Contractor or with any other subcontractor for the performance of a part of the work at the site. 1.28 Substantial Completion - The time at which all or a specified portion of the work is available for its intended puryose and is so accepted by the Owner. 1.29 Supplier (Vendor) - Any person or organization who supplies materids or equipment for the work, including that fabricated to a qpecial design, but who does not perform labor at the project site. t I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I t t I I I I t VAIIITAGE FOINT CONDOMINIT]MS BAIJCONIES/WALKI4'AY STRUCTTJRAL REPAIRS GC-s 1.30 Work - Material and equipment incorporated in the construction described in the Contract Documcnts, and all labbrhecessary to insure that said material and equipment is installed o permit its intended function. 1.31 Written Notice - Any notice to any party of the Contract relative to any part of this contract in writing and considerbd delivered inf ttrl service thereof completed, wlreir posted by certified or registered mail to the said party at his last given address or delivered in person to said party or his authorized representative on the work. ARTICLE 2. EXECUTION AND INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACT DOCT]MENTS 2.1 The Contract Docum€nts shall be signed in not less than two (2) copies, each of which shall be deemed an original. 2.2 The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as ifrequired by all. In the case ofdiscrepancy, figured dimensions, unless obviously inconect, shall govern over scaled dimensions. Technical Specifications shall govem over the , drawings, and the special conditions and general conditions shall govern over both technical specifications and drawings- In any case, prior to commencing work, discrepancies ud omissions shall be brought in writing to the atrcntion of the Enginecr who shall issue a wdfics clarification to all document holders. 2.3 Written clarifications, approved by the Ovner, neeessary for proper execution or progress of the work in the form of drawings or othe,rnise, will be issued with rearcnable p,romptness by the Engineer and in accordance with and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents, and may be affected by Field Order. Neither the Engineer nor the Owner will be responsible for any oral or telephone interprctation. Any additional drawings and instnrctions issued undcr the provisions of this article shall become a part of the Contract Documents. The Contraclor shall carry out the work in accordance with the additional drawings and instructions. 2.4 The organization of the specifications into divisions, sections and articles, and the arrangements of drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the work among subcontractors or in establishing the extent of work to be performed by any trade. 2.5 Notations which apply to one of a number of similar situations, materials or processes shall be deemed to apply to all cxcept where indicated to the contrary. 2.6 All manufactured material and equipment shdl be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions unless specifically otherwise directed by the Contract Documents. 2.7 Mechanical and electrical drawings are not intended to show exact physical locations, and installations should be madc clear of obstructions and in a manner to present an order$ appearance and as directed by the Engineer. 2.8 All drawings and specifications and copies 0rereof furnished for the Contractor's use are and shall rcmain the property of the Owner- They are to be used only in respect to this project, and are not to be used on any other projcct without the Owner's written permission. tlfith the exception of one set for each party, all copies of Contract Documents shall be retumed to the Owner, upon request, at the project completion or termination. 3.1 I t I t T I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINITJMS BAIJCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI'RAL REPAIRS ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT SECURITY ARTICLE 4. INDEMMFICATION 4.3 If so requested by the Owner, the Contractor shall, prior to entering into an agrecment for the construction of the work described in the contract documents, furnish the Owner with performance and material and labor payment bonds in penal sums equal to the amount of the contract price. Conditioned upon the performance by the Contractor of all undertalcings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of the contract documents, and upon $e prompt payment by the Contractor to all persons supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided by the contract documents. Such bonds shall be executed by the Contractor and a corporate bonding company licensed to transact such business in the state in which the work is to be performed and named on the current list of 'Surety Companies acceptable on federal bonds" as published in the heasury department circular #570. The expense ofthese bonds shall be borne by the Contnctor, and he shall be allowed to increase his bid price for the work described in the contract documents by an amount equal to the cost ofobtaining said bonds, if the bonds or so requested by the Owner. Form of bonds shall be the latest addition of AIA Document A311. If, at any time, a surety on any such bond is declared as bankrupt or loses it right to do business in the sate in which the work is to be performed or is removed from the list of surety companies acccpted on federal bonds, the Contractor shall, within ten (10) days after notice from the Owner to do so, substitute an acceptable bond(s) in such form and such sum an designed by such other surety (sureties) as may be satisfactory to the Owner. The premiums on such bonds shall be paid by the Conractor. No further payment shall be deemed due nor shall be made until the new surety or sureties shall have furnished an acce?table bond to the Owner. GC{ 3.2 t I I I 4.1 4.2 I I I I I I I I I The Contractor u'ill indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Engineer and their agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work, or the breach of any obligation of the Contractor hereunder, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnifred under the contract. In any and all claims against the Owner or the Engineer, or any of their agents or employees, by any employee of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liablc, the indemnification obligation under this Article shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type ofdamages, cornpensation orbenefits payable by or for the C.ontractor or any subcontractor under Workmen's Compensation Acts, Disability Benefit Acts or other employee benefit acts. The obligation of the Contractor under this article shall not extend to the liability of the Engineer, his agents or employees arising out of the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, change orders, or instructions by the Engineer or Owner, their agents or employees, provided such giving or failure to give is the primary cause of the injury or damage. The Contractor shall pay all applicable royalties and license fees. He shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and save the Owner harmless from loss on account thereof. however, if the Contractor has rcason to believe that the design, process or prcduct specified is an infringement ofapatent, he shall be reqponsible for such loss unless he promptly gives such information to the Owner. 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.1 5.2 s.3 5.4 I I I I I t I I t I I I t I I I I T I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINIIJMS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI,JRAL REPAIRS ARTICLE 5. SCHEDULE REOUIREMENTS GC-7 The Contractor shall, at all times, keep theproperty free and clear ofany and all liens from its direct subcontractors and will furnish the Owner with partial waivers of lien, satisfactory to Owner, with each application for payment. Contractoi further exprcssly undertakes to defend Owner, at Contractoi's sole expense, against any actions, lawsuits, or proceedings brought against the Owner as a result of liens filed against the property by 4y qf its subcontractors. Cbntractor hereby indemnifies Owner against any such liens or claim of lien utd agrees to pay any judgment or iien against Owner or Owner's property resulting from any such actions, lawsuits or proceedings brought by its subcontractors. The Owner rcserves the right to settle any disputed mechanic lien claims by payment to the- mechanic lien claimant if Owner deems such payment to be the most economical metbod of settling the dispute. The date ofbeginning and the date ofcompletion, as may be subsequently amended by change order, are essential conditions of the contract. Unless otherwise stipulated in the special conditions, the Contractor shall furnish sufficient forccs, and equipment, and shall work such hours, including night shifts, overtime opentions, Sundays and holiday work, witholt additional cost to Owner as may be necessary to insure the prosecution of the work in accordancc with the approved progress schedule. If, in the o'pinion of the Orner, the Contractor falls behin-d the progress schedule, the Contnctor shall ake such steps as may be- necessary to improve the progress and the Owner may require him to increase the numbcr of shifu, arid/or oi,ertime operidons, days of work includin! Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, dl without additional costto the Owner. If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the progress of the work, by act or neglect of the Owner or the Engineer,'or by any employee of either, or by a sep:nate Contractor employed by the Owner, orby changei ordered in thc work, or by labor disputes, fire, or by delay airthorized by the Owner pending arbitntion or litigation, then the contmct time shall be exrcnded by change order for such reasonable time as the Owner may determine, and such extension shall bethe only compensation to the Contractor for such delay. No payment to the Contractor will be made by the Owner for "extended general conditions". The Contractor shall perform his work in compliance with the schedule included as part.of the Contract Documents.' The Owner reserves Ue rigtrt to adjust the "milestone' dates ivithin the schedule as the Owner's needs dictate. Those changes which are minor in nature and do not affect the overall schedule will be performed at no additiond cost to the Oq,ner. All claims for extension of time shall be made in writing to the Engineer no more than ten (10) days after the occurrence ofthe delays and will include documented details ofdelay; otherwise the right to claim shall be waived. In the case of continuing delay, claims and documented deuils shall be submitted on a weekly basis; othenvise the right to claim shall be waived. The Contractor shall provide an estimate of the probable affect of such delay on the progrcss of the work. If no schedule or agreement is made stating the dates upon which written interprctations as set forth shdl be furnished, then no claim for delay shall be allowed on account of failure to furnish such interpretations until fifteen (15) days after demand is made for them, and then not unless such claims are reasonable and prcsented in writing; otherwise, the right to claim will be waived. 5.5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I VANTAGE FOINT COhIDOMINIUIUS BAICOITIES/WALKWAY STRUCTIJRAL REPAIRS GC.E 5.6 Decause schedule requirements are essential elements of the conhact, the Contractor shall be liable for any damages the Owner may incur as a result of the Contractor's failurp to adhere to schedule requirements. 5.7 It will be neoe$nry to maintain full operation of this struchre during the repair process. All Contractor's work will be limit€d to normal days' working hours unless alternate shift work is accepted by the owner. ARTICLE 6. INSI]RANCE 6.1 Insurance Provid€d by the Contract - The Contactor shall have the sole responsibility to purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect against claims which may arise out of or result from the Contractor's operations under the c,ontract, whether such operations be made by himself or by any subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such insurancc requirements are set forth as follows: 6.1. 1 ConEactor shall not be permitted to commence any work until all required insurance has been obtained and cirtificates have been recei'ieO by the Ovrner.' 6.1.2 Certificates of Insurance: Contractor shall secure, pay for and maintain during construction the following amounts, which shall be endorsed in all policies to include Vanage Point Association and its beneficiaries and their employees and agents as insured palties, and which shall provide in all polieies that Vantege Point Association shall be given ten (10) days prior wrincn notice of any altention or termination of @verage, in amounts as set forth below. 6.L.2.L General Contractor and subcontractor's required minimum coverages and limits of liability: a. Workmen's comoensation: emolovers liabiliw insurance with limits of not less than $100,000'and where required by sta0e law any insurance required by any employee benefit acts of other satues applicable where the work is to be performed as will protect the Contractor and subcontractors from any and all liability under the aforementioned acts. b. Comprehensive General Liability lnsurance (including Contractor's Protective Liability) in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for injury or death to any one or mor€ penons, and $1,000,000 with respect to damage !o property. Such insurance shall provide for explosion and collapse ooverage and contractual liability coverage and shall insure the general Contractor and/or subcontractors against any and all claims for personal injury, including death rcsulting therefrom and damage to the properry of others and arising from his operations under the confrct and whether such operations are performed by the general Contractor, subcontractors or any of the subcontractors, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them. I I I I I I l t I I I I l t I I I I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINTTMS BAI,CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT]RAL REPAIRS GC-9 c. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including the Ownership, maintenance and operation of any automotive eqripment, owned, hired and non-owned in the following mrnrmum amounts: i. Bodilyinjury, ea. person.......$1,000,000ii. Bodili injury; ea. 'occurrence... 1,000,000iii. Property damage, ea. occurrenoe. 1,000,000 d. Contractor's Protective Liabilitv Insurance: Contractor shall provide Protective Liability insirance against any and all liability to third parties for damage because ofbodily injury liability (or death resulting thercfrom) in the completion of the premises, and any other liability for damages which the general Contractor and/or subcontractors are required to insure under any provisions herein. Said insurance shall be provided in minimum amount as follows: i. Bodily injury, ea. person.......$1,000,000ii. Bodily injury, ea. occurrence... 1,000,000iii. Property damage, Ea. occurrence. 1,000,000 6.2 Insurance Provided by Owner - During the term of this contract, the Owner shall have sole rcsponsibility to procure and maintain insurance coverages as follows: 6.2. I Property insurance during construction: 6-2.1.1 Builders Risk Coverage - Covering building and/or structures while in the course ofconstruction against perils of fire, theft, extended sovefirge, vandalism and malicious mischief and sprinkler leakage. 6.2.2 Owner may acquire any type of insurance not described in this Article which the Owner desires for its own protection. 6.3 Insunnce provided by subcontractor - The subcontractor shall procure and maintain insurance coverages as set forth in Article 6, Item 6.1.1 and 6.1.2. 6.4 Vantage Point Association shall bc held harmless for any occurrense which produces property {amage or bodity injury arising out ofContractor's negligence, see Article 4, Paragraph 4.1 of General Conditions. ARTICLE 7. ACTUAL-COST PRICING (For Potential Use In Change Order Work) 7.1 Where the price for all or a portion of the work is based on the Contractor's actual cost of performing such work, the provisions of this article shall apply. The Owner, at his discretion, may authorize basing either the contract price or change order prices on Contractor's actual oost. 7.2 For all cpntract or change order prices based on Contractor's actual eosts, thc Contractor shall be dlowed an additional sum to cover overhead costs and for profit. The maximum price to be paid to the Contractor for that work whose price is based on the Contractor's actual costs shall be established prior to the commencement of such work. Regardless of the Contactor's actual costs, no monies in excess of the established maximum shall be due to the Contractor- I I I I I I I I I I t l I I I I t I I VANTAGE POINT CONDOMINITJMS BAIJCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIRS GGTO 7.3 The Contractor shall provide a comDlete schedule of hourlv labor cost components for each craft to be employed in accordance with the Owner's laboi rate listings. These listings will be used as basis for billing labor- All items or hourly labor costs will be charged in accordance with actual payments 5y the Contractor as subslantiated by certified payroll records. The labor rates submitltei by the Contractor at the start of work wilibe the hb6r rates used throughout the course of the project regardless of any other subsequent labor negotiations. 7.4 The costs to be reimbursed under this article shall include dl of those actud costs necessarily incuned in the proper performance of the work paid by the Contractor. Such costs shall be no higher than Oe sanaard rates paid in the localitj of thi: work without prior written consent-of the Owner. The Contractor shall be paid for the following costs when such costs are actualy incuned, 7.4.1 Wages paid for labor in thc direct employ of the Contractor in the performance of the work under applicable collective bargaining agreements, or under a salaly or wage schedule agreed upon by Owner and Contractor and including such welfare or other benefits, if any, as may be payable with respect thereto. ?.4.2 Salaries of Contractor's employees when stationed at the field office and employ{ gn this project. Employees engaged, at shops or on the road, in expediting the produqion or transportation of materids or oquipment, shdl be considered as stationed at the fidd offrce and their salaries paid for that portion of time spent on this work. 7.4.3 Cost of contributions, assessments or taxes for such items as unernployment compensation and social security, insofar as such cost is based on wages, salaries, oq othei renumeration paid to empioyees of Conthctor and included in the cost of work under subparagraphs 7.4. I and 7.4.2. 7.4.4 Cost of dl materials, supplies, and equipment incorporated in the work, including cosls of transportation thereof. 7.4.5 Payments made by Contractor to subcontractors for work performed pur$rant to subcontractors under this agre€ment. 7.4.6 Cost, including tnnsportation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, temporary facilities and hand tools not owned by the workmen, which are consumed in ihe performance of the work, and at a cost less salrrage value on such items used but not consumed which remain the property of the Contractor. 7.4.7 Rental charges of all necessary machinery and equipment, exclusive of hand tools, used at the site of the work, whether rented from the Contractor or others, including transportation and delivery costs thereof, at rental charges consistent with those prevailing in the area. All equipment rental rates shall be agreed upon by Owner in writing before commencing any work requiring the use of such equipment. In no event shall rental charges for equipment owned by the Contractor exceed the lesser of the depreciable value of the equipment for the period of time used; or the cost of such equipment plus maintenance and repair costs, less salvage value. 7.4.8 Cost of premiums for all bonds and insurance which the Contractor is required by the oontract documents to purchase and maintain. I I I I I t l I T t t T I I t I T I I VAI\TTAGE POINT CONDOMINITJMS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIRS GC-l1 ?.4.9 Sales, use, or similar taxes rclated to the work and for which the Contractor is liable impoied by any governmental authority. fie Owner will identi$ all tax exempt items and will piovirie-necessary forms for r[questing such cxemptions upon r€qucst. The Owncr will not be responsible for taxes on such items so long as the exemption exists. 7.4.10 Perrnit fees and royalties. ?.4-11 Minor exp€nses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calls, tdephone service at the site, Cxpressage, and similar petty cash items in connection with the work. 7.4.12 Cost of removal of all debris. 7.4.13 Other costs incurred in the performance of the work if, and to the extent, approved in advance in writing by the Owner. 7.5 The Owner shall not reimburse ilre Contractor for the following coss: 7.5.1 Salaries or other compensation of the Contractor's officen, executives, general mzrnagers, estimators, auditors, accountants, purchasing and contracting agents and other employees at the Co,ntractor's principal office and branch offices, except employeis oi the Contractor when eigageit at shops or on the road in expediting rhe produition or transportation of materiali or equipment for the work, utd then only willt prior written approvd of the Owner. 7.5.2 Expenses of the Contractor's principal and bnnch office other than the field office. 7.5.3 Any part of thc Contractor's capital expenses, including the interest on the Contractor's capital employment for the work. 7.5.4 Overhead or general expenses of any kind, except as may be expressly included in the agrEement. 7.5.5 Cosa due to the negligence of the Contractor, any of his subcontnctors, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or for whose acts any of them may be liable inctuding buthot timiteO tri the conectioir of defective work, disposal of materials and equipment wrongly supplied, or making good any damage to property. ?.5.6 The cost of any payment made directly or indirectly to any govemment agent, oompany, or any individual for the pqpgse of.influencing government decisions or securing preferential treatrnent or special consideration. 7.5.7 The cost ofany item not specifically and expressly included in the terms described in Article 7.4. 7.5.8 Costs in excess of the guaranteed maximum cost, as set forth in the agreement or. change order, and adjusted pursuant to the agreement or change order. 7.6 The Contractor shall check all materials, equipment and labor entering into the work and shall kcep full and detailed accounts as may be necessary for proper financial management under this agreement, and the system shall be satisfactory to Owner. The Owner shall be afforded accesi to all the Contractbr's records, books, correspondence, instructions, drawings, receipts, vouchers, memoranda and similar data relating to this contnct, and the Contractor shall 7.7 7.E 8.1 8.2 I I t I l I T I I t I I I T I I I I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINITJMS BAITONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI.]RAL REPAIRS Engineer and accepted by the Contractor. ARTICLE 8. CHANGE ORDERS Gf-tL preserve all such records for a period ofthree (3) years, or for such aperiod as may be reouired bv law. after the final pavment. The Contnctor shall deliver to Owner a statement, sh6wing iri comilete detail, all 'm6nies paid out of costs incurred by him on account of the cost of the work during the previous month llor which payment has been made, and lien waivers from all subcontractors and suppliers who have, in any way, worked on or supplied any improvement to the prqject. All portions of the work that the Contractor's organization has not been accustomed to perform shall be perfortned under subcontracts. The Contractor shall request bids from subcontracton and shall deliver such bids to the Owner. The Owner will then determine, with the advice of the Contractor, which bids will be accepted. Contractor shall procure the Owner's written approval before subletting any portion ofthe work. 'FORCE ACCOIJNT' - It is anticipated that there may be some work not included in the work item list covered under this specification. Because of this potential a "Force Account" shall be initiated by the Owner to which this work rnay be charged. Work under this account shall only be performed after a change order has becn issued by the Owncr, through the The Owner, without invalidating the contract, may order changes in the work within the ganeral scope ofthe oontract consisting ofadditions, deletions or olher revisions, and the oontract sum and the contract time shall be adjustcd accordingly. The Owner may sstablish one or more of the followinB means as a basis for establishing a change order price: 8.2.1 By a lump sum proposal acceptiable to Owner, which shall be accompanied by a detailed estimate of quantities and prices of each material or labor unit requird. Included in this sum shall be Conlractor's peroentage profit and overhead, as established in the agreement. Allowable percentage for overhead and profit sha[ be lOVo for the Contractors own work. Contracior may mark-up subcontractors work 5% (five percent) for overhead and profit. 8.2.2 By unit prices stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon- If the quantities originally calculated are so changed that application of the agreed unit prices to the quantities of work proposed will crcate a hardship to the Owner or the Contractor, the applicable unit prices shall be equitably adjusted to prcvent such hardship. 8.2.3 By adding all reimbursable costs as established under Article 7, and an amount cqual to an agreed-upon percentage of such costs, such percentage to be established in the Contractor's proposal, which together shall constitute complete compensation for such changes. If the Contractor wishes to make a claim for an increase in the contract sum, he shall give the Engineer written notice thereof within ten (10) days after the (rcurrenoe of the event giving rise to such claim. This notice shdl be given by the Contractor beforc proceeding to execute lhe work, except in an emergency endangering life or property in which cases the Contractor shall proceed in accordance with Article 27. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. Any change in the contract sum resulting from such claim shall be authorizcd by change order. 8.3 I t t I I t T l T T I l I I I T 9.5 9.2 9.3 VATITA GE FOINT COT\'DOI\IINII]MS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI,JRAL REPAIRS GC-13 8.4 The Engineer shall have the authority to order changes or clarifications in the work not involving an adjustment in the contract sum or an extension in the contract time or a change in acsthetic qualities, urd which are reasonably consistent with the intent of the contract documenti. The Contractor shall comply u.iith such field orders or instnrctions without claim for additional time or monies. ARTICLE 9. SUSPENSION OF WORK. TERMINATION A}ID DELAY 9.1 The Owner may suspend the work or any portion thereof for a period of not morc than ninety (90) days or sulh further time as agreed upon by the C,ontractor, by written notice to tltc Contractor, which notice shall fix the date on which work shall be resumed. The Contractor will resume the work on the date so fixed. The Contractor will be allowed an extension of oontract time, directly attributable to any suspension, and such extension ofcontract time shall be the only compensation to which the Contractor shall be entitled. If the Owner elecs to suspend all or a portion of the work because of the Contractor's failure to correct defective work, or because of the Contractor's refusal to supply equipment or materials or adequate labor in accordance with the Contract Documents, no increase in oontract time or price will be allowed. If the Contractor is adjudged as bankrupt or insolvent, or ifhe makes a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a trustce or receiver is appointed for the Contractor or for any of his property, or if he files a petition to take advantage of any debtor's act, or to reorganize under the bankruptcy or applicable laws, or if he repeatedly fails to supply suffrcient skillcd workmen or suitable materials or equipment, or if he repeatedly fdils to make prompt payments to subcontractors or for ordinances, rules, regulations or orders ofany public body having jurisdiction of the work of if he disregards the authority of the Engineer, or if he otherwise violates any provisions of the Contract Documents, then the Owner may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving the Contractor and his surcty !! minimum of five (5) calendar days from receipt of a written notice, terminate the services of the Contractor and take possession of the project and of all materials, equipment, tools, constnrction equipment and machinery thereon owned by the Contractor, and finish the work by whatever method he may deem expedient. In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finished. If such costs exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor will pay the differcnce to the Owner. Such costs incurred by the Owner will be determined by the Engineer and incorporated in a change order. Where the Contractor's sewices have been so terminated by the Owner, said termination shall not affect any right of the Owner against the Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of monies by the Owner due the Contractor will not release the Contractor from compliance with the Contract Documents. After five (5) days from delivery of a written notice to the Contractor, the Owner may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, elect to abandon the project and terminate the contract. In such case, the Contractor shall be paid for all work executed on the basis herein provided with fees other than reimbursable costs to be prorated. If, through no act or fault ofthe Contractor, the work is suspended for a period of more than ninety (90) days by the Owner or under an order ofcourt or other public authority, then the Contractor may, after five (5) davs from delivery of a wrinen notice to the Owner, terminate the contract and recover from the Owner payment for all work executed and all expenses 9.4 T t I 9.6 l I I I l I T t T T I I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINITMSBAIf ONIES/WALKWAY SIRUCTT]RAL REPAIRS GC-r4 sustained. In addition, and in lieu of terminating the contract, the Contractor may upon five (5) days written notice to the Owner stop work until the reason for the suspension is eliminated, and upon rcsumption of lhe work, change orders shall be issued for extending the oontract time to compensate for the delays attributable to the stoppage of the work. ARTICLE IO.RFSPONSIBILMES OF THE ENGINEER 10.1 The Engineer will be a representative of the Owner during construction and until final payment. The Engineer will have the authority to act on behalf of the Owner to the extent irrovided in the Co-ntract Documents, unless otherwise modified by wittan instrument which will be shown to the Contractor. The Engineer will advise and consult with the Owner. 10.2 The Engineer shall, at all times, have access to the work wherever it is in preparation and progress. The Contractor shall provide facilities for such aocess so the Engineer may perform his function under the Contract Documents. 10.3 The Engineer will make periodic visits to the site to familiarizc himself generally with the progrcss and quality of the work and to determine, in general, if the work is procccding in accordance with the Contract Documents. On the basis of his on-site observations as an Engineer, he will keep the Owner informed of the progrcss of the work, and will endeavor to guard the Owner agaihst defecs and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor. The Engineer will make on-site observations to check the quality of the work and perform "qpecial inspections" as required by the Uniform Building Code, l99l edition as directed by the Vail Codes Administration. 10.4 Claims, disputes and other maners in question between the Contractor and Ot'mer rclating to the execution or progress of the work or the interpretation of the specifications, project manual and drawings shdtt Ue referred initially to the Engineer for decisioi which he will render in writing within a reasonable time. All interpretations and decisions of the Engineer sttdl be consistent with the intent of the Contract D@uments. 10.5 The Engineer will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of Contractors, G ily subcontractors, or any of his or their agents or employecs or any other persons at the site or otherwise performing any of the work. The Engineer will not be responsible for Contractor's means, methods, techniques, s€quencesorproceduresofconstruction, orthesafety precautions and programs, and he will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perform the work in aceordance with the Contract Documents. 10.6 The Engineer will review all change order requests to determine the necessity and desirability of the scope of work, and to determine the reasonableness of the Contractor's proposed price for same. 10.7 The Engineer will have the authority to reject work which does not conform to the Contract' Documents. Whenever, in his reasonable opinion, he considers it necessary or advisable to insure the proper implementation of the intent of the Contract Documents, he will have the authority to require special inspections or testing of work whether or not such work be then fabricated, installed or completed. However, neither the Engineer's authority to act under this subparagraph, nor zrny decision made by him in good faith either to exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of the Engineer to the Contractor, and subcontractor, any of their agents or employees, or any other person performing any of the work. t I I t I I I l t I I l I t T I t T I t t l I I t VA}ITAGE FOINT CONDOMINIT]MS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCT{JRAL REPAIRS GC-rs ARTICLE I I. RESPONSIBILMES OF THE CONTRACTOR ll.l The Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and strall at once rcport to the Owner any erroi, incdnsistency br omission he may discover- The Contractor sfAt be liable for any damage resulting froir any such errors, iiconsistencies or omissions in the Contract Documints if he fails to rEport them and proceeds with the work without written clarification. The Contractor shall do no work without drawings, specifications or modifications Ll.z Thc Contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of all his employees and all subcontractors and suppliers, their agents and employees, and dl othcr persons performing any of the work under a contract with the Contractor. The Contractor shall designate a person(s) who shall be reqponsible for the Contractor's employees, subcontractors and vendors. The Contractor shdl employ a competent superintendent and ne,cessaDf assistants who shall be in anendance at the project sile during the progress ofthe work. The superintendent shdl be satisfactory to Owner, and shall not be changed except with the consent of Owner, unless the superintendent proves to be unsatisfactory to the Contractor and ceases to be in his employ. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor and dl communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. Important communications will be confirmed in writing. Other communications will be confirmed on written request. ll.3 The Contractor shall retain the services ofa surveyor, licensed to practicc in the state ofthc project location, to establish line and grades, to certify actual locations rclative to property lines, and to establish lines and grades for suh,ontractor's work if rcquircd to satis$ thc project requirements. I 1.4 The Contractor shall, at all time, enforcc suict discipline and good order among his employees and shdl not employ on the work any unfit person or:rnyone not skilled in the task assigned to him. The Contractor will not allow the introduction or use of drugs or alcoholic berrerages on Owner's property. The Contnctor shall ensure that any of his employees and/or subcontractors shall not harass and/or use abusive language towards Vantage Point Condominium residents and/or visitors. ll.5 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the work, using his best skill and attention. He shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions ofthe work under the contract. 11.5 The Contractor will insure against conflics between Owner's normal facility operations and constnrction. All potential interferences with Owner's facility operations will be reviewcd and approved by the Owner's before work proceeds, and the Contractor will comply with Orner's recommendations. ll.7 The Contractor shall conhne operations at the site to areas permined by law, ordinurces, permits and the contract documents and slnll not unreasonably encumber the site with any materials or equipment. If the space designated by the Owner is insufficient for the storage and construction of material and equipment, the Contractor shall at his expenseprovide for additiond easements, right-of-way permits, and property as may be required. I1.8 The Contractor give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of any public authority bearing on the performance of the work. If the Contractor observes that any ofthe contract documents are at variance therewith in any respect, he shall I T T I I t I t t l l l T T l l T I I VANTAGE POINT CONDOMINIT]MS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTTTRAL REPAIRS G'C-l6 promptly notify the Owner in writing, urd any necessary changes shall be adjusted^b-y ippro'priare m6difications, and without such nbtice to th-e Owner, he shall assume full riiponsibility therefore and shall bear all cosr artributable thereto. ll.9 The Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer use, and other similar taxes required by law. The Owner will furnish ali iirformation necessary conceming any material or equipment that may be exempt from taxation. l l. l0 The Contractor shall include in the contract sum all allowances stated in the contract documcnts. These allowances shall cover lhe net cost of the materials and equipmmt delivercd and unloaded at the site, a]l applicable lraxes, the Contractor's handling costs on the site, labor' installation costs, overheaO, frbfit and other expenses contemplated for the_origin-al allowance. The Contractor shall cause tlie work covered bi ttrese allowances to be performed for such amount and by such persons as the Owner may direct, but.the- Contractor will nol be requiled to employ per"son agiinst whom he makes a rdasonable objection. If the cost, -whendeterdrinid, is mord than or less than thc allowance, the Contractor sum shall be adjusted accordingly by change order. I L I I The Contractor shall maintain at the site one sopy of dl drawings, specifications, addenda, approved shop drawings, change orders, sampleC an! ottrel modjficatio_ns, -tlgood orde.r and mi*eA to rerlord all cEairees riade durins, cohsuuction. These items should be currently marked to indicate the exict locations of -the installation of the various items of work, to recotd all changes made during constnrction and all other data reqrisite tq q.comp_leteset of 'as-built' drawingi shall be availible for periodic review, and they shdt be-detiverei 3o Owner upon comple'lion of the work. neailyharked to record all as-built conditions and changes made duriirg constnrction. Final payment shall be withheld until satisfactory as-built information is furnished to Owner. 11.12 The Contractor shall not shut off ury utility, fire protection systcm or life safety system without obtaining written permission from Owner 4E hours prior. I I .13 The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent damage to the Owner's property which is affected by construction. Specifically, he shall secure the Prqerty to irevenf Ueft and vandalism, he shall provide -temporary heat when necessary until accepance by the Owner's insurance carriers and shall provide adeguate fire equipment at the lite. Ftnhermore, he shall protect the property fiom all typei of water damage, and shall provide adequate pumping and snow removal equipment when necessary. ll.l4 Prior to claiming substantial compietion, the Contractor shall deliver to Owner co_pies of all special warrantiEs and/or bonds a! may be required by the contract documents. He shdl also di:liver all reports of inspection, occufancy pirmits, ind other certificates as may be required prior to claiming substantial completion. I l.l5 The execution of the underlying contract does not create an agency relationship between thc Contractor and the Owner for any other purposc than is specifically set forth in the contract documents, and particularly no sirch agency-relationship i-s created for purposes ofthe Contlactor's and subcontractor's compliance with the OSHA Standards. ll.16 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer and Owner (or Owner's representative) a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prioi to the dme ofrequired inipections and/6r quantity verifications. I T I I I t I I I T I I T t VAI$TAGE FOINT CONDOMINIT]MS BAI.CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTTJRAL REPAIRS GC-17 ARTICLE 12. SUBCONTRACTOR l2.l The Contractor may utilize the services of suhontmctors on lhose parts of the work which, under normal contracting practices, are performed by thc subcontractors. Furthermore, the Contractor shall not awald to any iingle subconuactin work in exccss of fifty percent (50%) of the contract price without qpecific written authorization from the Owner. 12.2 The Contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of his subcontractors, and of the persons either dircctly or indirectly cmployed by them, as he is for the acts and omissions of persons employed directly himself. 12.3 Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents or in the instructions to bidders, the Contractor shall submit with his bid a list of the names of the subcontractors and suppliers proposed for the principal portions of the work. The Owner shall notify the Contractor in writing if the Owner has reasonable objetion to any subcontractor or supplier on such list prior to award of contract. The Contractor strall notify the Owner in writing of any changes in the aforementioned list of subcontnctors and suppliers. 12.4 The Contractor shall not contract with any subcontractor or any person or organization (including those who are to furnish materials or equipment fabricated to a special design) who has been rejected by the Owner. The Contncor will not be required to contract with any subcontractor or person or organization against whom he has a reasonable objection. 12.5 If the Owner rcfuses to accept any subcontractor or supplier on a list submitted by ttre Contractor in response to the requirements of the oontract documents, the Contractor shall submit within ten (10) days an acc€ptable substitute and the contract sum shall be increased or decreased by the difference in cost occasioned by such substitution unless the Contractor has acted promptly and responsibly in submitting for acceptance any list or lists of narnes as required by the contract documents. If the Owner requires a change of any proposed subcontractor or person or organization prcviously accepted by them, the contract sum sball be increased or decreased by the difference in cost occasioned by such change and an appropriate change order shall be issued. The Contractor shall not rnake-any substitution forany subcontractor or person or organization who has been accepM by the Owner unless substitution is acceptable by Owner. 12.6 All work performed for the Contractor by a subcontractor and all purchases from supplier shall be pursuant to an appropriate agreement behpeen subcontraclors and sub-subcontnctors or suppliers which shall contain provisions that: 12.6.1 Preserve and protect the right of the Owner under the oontr.rct with respect to the work to be performed under the subcontract so that the subcontracting thereof will not prejudice such rights; . 12.6.2 Require that such work bc performed in accordance with the requirements of the' contract documents and these genenl conditions as appropriately amended in the special conditions; 12.6.3 Require submission to the Conbactor applications for payment under each agreement to which the Contractor is a party, in reasonable time to cnable the Contractor to apply for payment in accordance with the payment schedule; I l I l I l l T I T t t I t T t I I I t l I l t VANTAGE FOINT COI\DOMINIUMS BAIJCOMES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIRS GC-1t 12.6.4 Require that all claims for additional costs, extensions of time, damages for delays or otherwise with respect to subcontracted portions of the work shall be submitted o the Contractor (via subcontractor or sub-subcontractor where appropriate) in sufficient time so that the Contractor may comply in the manner provided in the contract documents for like claims by the Conractor upon the Owner; 12.6.5 Waive all rights the contracting parties may have against one another for damages caused by fire or other perils covered by the property insurance; 12.6.6 Obligate each subcontractor specifically to consent to the provisions of this pamgraph; 12.6.7 Obligate waivers of liens on all work and material furnished during the current day period to be furnished with the subcontractor's application for payment and requirc final waivers oflien and release ofrights documents from all subcontractors, sub- subcontracton and supptiers who have performed work or supplied anything on the project; 12.6.8 Require subcontractors to provide cost breakdowns as may be required by the Ovner. 12.7 Nothing contained in the contract documents shall create a contractual relationship between the Owner and the subcontractor or suppliers. 12.8 The subcontractor shall check all materials, equipment and labor pertaining to his work and shall keep full and deailed a@ounts as maj, bi n'ecesury for profer finandal management under this agreement, and the system shall be satisfactory !o Owner. The Owner shall bc afforded aciess to atfthe subcoitractor's records, book, conespondence, instructions, drawings, receipts, vouchers, memoranda urd similar data relating to the contract, and the subcontractors shall preserve all such records for a p,eriod of three (3) years, or for such long period as may be required by law, after the final payment. The subcontractor shall deliver to Owner a statement, showing in complete detail, dl monies paid out of costs incurred by him on account of the cost of the work during the previous month for which payment has b€en made and lien waivers from all subcontractors and suppliers who have in any way worked on or supplied any improvements to the project. ARTICLE 13. OUALITY CONTROL AND TESTING 13.l Periodically or continuously during construction, the Owner may require that tcsting be performed to determine that materials provided and methods used for the work meet the speciqed requirements. Requirements for testing may be described in various sections of the specifications. Additionally, the Owner may requirc testing to be performed under current pertinent testing standards when no testing requirements are described. 13.2 The-Owner will selec! the testing laboratory and pay for all initial testing services requested by the Owner. When initial tests indicate non-compliance with the contraci documents, -the Contractor shall pay the costs involved for any rctesting necessitated by such non-compliance. Unless otherwise n6ted, the Contractor shall issist in pioviding test samples free of chirge, and the testing laboratory will provide all required peisonnel and equipment for obtaining specimens and samples and delivery of samples and qpecimens to th-e laboratory. l3-3 The Contractor shall arrange and pay for (l) inspecrions and tests specified as the Contraclor's responsibility in the various sectionsofthe specifications; (2) inspections and tests performed for the Contractor's convenience. All tests shall be made by a qualified Esting laboratory, approved by the Owner. l I I I l t t t t l l I I I I l I t I VANTAGE POINT COI{DOMINIIJMS BAIfOMES/WALKWAY STRUCTI.]RAL REPAIRS GC-r9 13.4 Testing labontory representatives shall have access to the work at dl times. The Contractor shall provide facilities for such access in order that labonory represcntatives may properly perform lheir functions. 13.5 The Owner reseryes the right to monitor the execution of the work through the use of the on- site inspectors, who shall be hired by the Owner. Inspectors shall be authorizEd to inspect all work done and all materials furnished. Such inspection may extend to all or any part of the work and to the preparation, fabrication or manufacture of the materials used. The inspector is not authoriz€d to revoke, alter or waive any requirements of the contract documents. He is authoriz€d to call the attention of the Contractor to any failure of the work or materials to conform to the contract documents. He shall have the authority to reject materials or workmanship which fail to conform to lhe contract documents. fire inspector shall in no case act as a foreman or perform other duties for the Contractor, nor interfere with the management of the work by the latter. Any advice which the inspector may give the Contractor shall, in no way, be construed as binding on the Owner or Engineer in any way, or release the Contractor from fulfilling all of the terms of the contract. f3.6 The Owner's decisions or actions in regard to testing or not testing materids or methods shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibilities under the contract documents. ARTICLE 14. NOTICE FOR COVERING WORK 14.1 Contractor shall give the Engineer timcly notice of readiness of the work for all inspections, tests or approvals. If any such work required is to be inqpected, tested or approvcd is covercd without written approvd of the Engineer, it must, if requested by the Engineer, be uncovered for observation, and such uncovering shall be at Contractor's expcnse unless Contractor has given Engineer timely notice of his intention to cover such work and Engineer has not acted within forty-eight (a8) hours in response to such notice. Neither observations by Engincer nor inspections, tests or approvals by persons other than Contractor shall relieve the Contractor from his obligation to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. 14.2 If any work is covered contrary to the rcquest of the Engineer, it must, if required by the Engineer, be uncovered for his obscrvation and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 14.3 lfany other work has been covered which the Engineer has not specifrcally requested to observe prior to being covered, the Enginecr may request to see such work and it shall be uncovered by the Contractor. If such work be found in accordance with the contract documents, the cost of uncovering and replacement shall, by appropriate change order, be charged to Owner. If such Contractor shall pay such costs unless it be found that this condition was caused by a separate Contractor employed as provided in Article 20, and in that event the Owner shall be responsible for the payment of such costs. ARTICLE 15.CORRECTION OF WORK 15.l The Contractor shall promptly correct all work rcjected by the Engineer or Owner's inspections as defective or as tailing to conform to the contract documents whether observed before or after substantial completion and whether or not fabricated, installed or completed. The Contractor shall bear all costs of conecting such rejected work, including but not limited to compensation for the Engineer's additional scrvices thereby made necessa4r, damage to Owner's property, and damage to the property of third partie!. l l I I l T I l t t l I I I I I I l I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINIIJMS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIRS GC-20 15.2 Not withstanding acceptance of the work by Owner, if any of the work is found to be defective or not in accordance with the contract documents, the Contractor shall correct it promptly after receipt of a written noticc from the Owner to do so unless the Owner had previously given the Contractor a written acceptance of such condition. The Owner shalt give such notice pmmptly after discovery of the condition. 15.3 All such defective or non-conforming work under Article 15.l and Article 15.2 shdl be removed from the site if necessary, and the work shall be corrected to comply with the oontract documents without cost to the Owner. 15.4 The Contractor shall bear the cost of making good all work of separate Conmctors desfoycd or damaged by such removal or conection. 15.5 If the Contractor does not remove such defective or non-conforming work within a reasonable time fixed by written notice from the Owner, the Owner may remove it and may store the materials or equipment at the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not pay the cost of such removal and storage within ten (10) days thereafter, the Owner rnay upon ten (10) additional days written notice sell such work at auction or at private sale and shall account for the net procceds thereof, after deducting all the costs that should have been borne by the Contractor including compensation for additional architecturd services. Ifsuch proceeds of sale do not cover all costs which the Contractor should have borne, the difference shall be charged to the Contractor and an appropriate change order shall be issued- If the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor arc not sufficient to cover such amounts, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. 15.6 If the Conuactor fails to correct suCh defective or non-conforming work, the Owner may correct it and charge the Contractor for all costs thereof. 15.7 If the Owner prefers to accept defective or non-conforming work, he may do so instead of requiring its removal and correction, in which case a change order will be issued to reflect an appropriate reduction in the contract sum, and/or to require an extended wamnty. If the amount is determined after final payment, it shall be pard by the Contractor. ARTICLE 16.SHOP DRAWINGS SAMPLES AIi{D MANUALS 16.1 Shop drawings, diagrams, iltustrations, schedules, performance charges, brochures other date which are prepared by the Contractor or any subcontnctor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor, and which illustrate some portion of the work. Shop drawings shall be submitted for all work so specified. Drawings shall be complete and accurate, showing appeararce, dimensions, materials, jointing rnethods, fasteners, and all other pertinent information required for fabrication and installation. Where material or color selection is available, it shall be noted and samples of choice submitted. For equipment or materials, the Contractor shall submit brochures shor+'ing appearance, size, finishes, required services, performance, etc. Samples are physical examples fumished by the Contractor to illustrate materials, equipment or workmanship, and to establish standards by which the work will be judged. Samples shall be selection of materials for fabrication or erection. Samples shall be sufficiently large to illustrate standards to be established by the sample. Color samples shall be true and as closely equal as possible to actual colors. t6.2 The Engineer's acceptance of shop drawings or samples shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for any deviation from the requirements of the contnct documents unless the Contractor has informed the Engineer in writing of such deviations at the time of submission l t I I l I I l I I I l I I l I T l I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINITJMS BAIfOMES/WALK\,VAY STRUCTURAL REPAIRS GC-21 and the Engineer with thc Owner's concurre'nce has given written approval to the spccific deviations. Nor shall the Engineer's acceptance relieve the Contractor from responsibility for efiors or omissions in the shop dnwings and samples. 16.3 The Contractor shall approve all shop drawings beforc submining them to the Engineer. By approving and submitting shop drawings and samples, the Contractor represents that he has determined and verified all field measurements, freld construction criteria, materials, catalog number and similar data and that he has checked and coordinated each shop drawing ud sample with the requirements of.the work and of the contract documents. 16.4 The Engineer will review and accept shop drawings and samples with reasonable prompiness so as to cause no delay, but only for conformance with the design concept of the project and with the information given in the contract documents. Acceptance of a separate ircm shall not indicate approvd of an assembly in which the itcm functions unless so indicated. 16.5 No portions of the work requiring a shop drawing or sample submission shall be commenced until the submission has been accepted by the Engineer. All such portions of tbe work shall be in accordance with acceptable shop dnwings urd samples. 16.6 The Contractor shall forward at least six (6) sets of dl submitted data to the Engineer for acceptance- Shop drawings and samples shall be properly identified by project locations, Owner project number, and with additional identification as the Owner may require. At the time of submission, the Contractor shall inform the Engincer in witing of any deviation in the shop drawings or samples from the requirements of the contract documents. Shop drawings larger than 8-l/2' x I l' shall be sepia or mylar reproducible. All other sized may be on reproducible paper. 16.7 All shop drawings, submittal data, samples, color chips, and other detailed information will be submitted to the Engineer in accordance with prior written approvd from the Engineer- Failure to meet this re4uirement will be considered evidence of unsatisfactory prosecution of work, and may be grounds for withholding payment. The Contractor shall make any corrections reguired by the Engineer and shall resubmit the required number of corrected copies of shop drawings or new samples until approved. The Contractor shall direct sp€cific attention in writing or on resubmitted shop drawings for revisions other than the correstions requested by the Engineer on previous submissions. All information shall be submitted carly enough to assure prompt delivery. Contract extensions will not be allowed for delays in shop drawing approval. 16.8 The Contractor shall fumish the Engineer a minimum of three (3) copies of operating manuals for all equipment installed under this contract. This information will be presented in a neat, bound, 8-ll2 x I l" booklet, and will contain, as a minimum, all instructions neoessary to operate and maintain each piece of equipment in its intended manner, manufacturer's warranties, parts lists and name and location ofqualified vendors, and all approved insallation and shop drawings. ARTICLE 17. SUBSTITUTIONS l7.t The contract is based on the materials, equipment, systems and methods described in the contract documents. The Contractor shall not substitute materials, equipment, systems or methods unless such substitution has been approved in writing by the Engineer. I I I t I T I l I I I l I VAITTTAGE POINT CONDOMINITJMS BAI.CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI,JRAL REPAIRS Gc.22 17.2 The Contractor shall bc rcsponsible for notifying the Engineer promptly whenever it is apparent that specified items will not bc available in time for installation during the orderly and timely progress of the work. The completion time of the contnrct will not be extended for delays due to non-availability of qpecified itcms wben such delays could have been avoided by the eontractor. 17.3 The Engineer will not consider any request for substitutions unless the request is accompanied by complete data substantiating the items compliance with the intent of the contnct documents, identification and description, performance and test data, references and samples where applicable, and an itemized comparison ofthe proposed substitution 3o the item qpecified, such comparison to include scheduling factors, design and appearance considerations, and the relationship to other contracts. Furthermorc, any request for substitution must be accompanied by accurate cost data on the proposcd substitution in comparison to the product specified, whether or not modification of the contract price is to be considered. 17.4 In requesting a substitution; the Contractor shall specifically state in writing that he: 17.4.1 Has personally investigated the proposed substitute product and determined &at it is equal or superior in all respects to the specified item; 17.4.2 Wiil provide the same or better guarantee for the substituted product that he would for that specified; 17.4.3 Certifres that the cost data prcsented is complete and includes dl related costs under this contract but excludes costs under scp:rratc conbacts and associated redesign fees, and that he waives all claims for additional costs related to the substitution which subsequently became apparent. 17.4.4 Will coordinate the installation of the accepted substitute, making such chuges as may be required for the work to be complete in all respecs. 17.5 The Contractor is encouraged to submit to the Owner, through the Engineer, suggestions to improve the quality of the Owner's finished project. These iuggestions may include different methods or materials and should cover project costs, shorten construction time, or improve project quality. All information related to this suggestion will be submitted in accordance with the provisions of this article. ARTICLE 18. EOUAL OPPORTUNTY 18.1 The Contractor and all subcontractors shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because ofrace, religion, color, sex, or national origin. The Contracioi shall take affirmative action to ensure that emDloyecs ile treated durine emolovment without rcsard to their race, religion, color, sex or nati6nai origin. Such actionihalfin6lude, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitrnent or recruitmeht advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to poCt in conspicuous.places, available to employees and applicants for employment, nodces sening IOnn me potlcles oI non-olscnmrnatlon. 18.2 Thc Contractor and all subcontractors shall, in dl solicitations or advertisements for employees place by them or on their behalf, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideritioi for employment without regard to race, rcligion, color, sel or national origin. I I I l I I I I t I I I I I I I T I I I I I l t I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOI\{INIIJMS BAI.CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIRS GC-23 ARTTCLE 19. SURVEYS. PERMITS. REGULATIONS 19.1 Owner shall furnish all boundary surveys and establish all base lines for tocating the principal component parts of the work together with a suitable number of bench marks adjacent to the work as shown in the contract documents. From the information provided by the Owner, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, the Contractor shall develop and m;ke aI detail suweys needed for construction such as slope stakes, batter boards, sukes for pile locations and other working points, lines, elevations and cut sheets. 19.2 The Contractor shall carefully preserve bench marks, reference points and stakes and, in case of willful or careless destruction, he shall be charged with the resulting expense and shall be responsible for any mistakes that may be caused by their unnecessaqt loss or disturbance. 19.3 Permits and licenses of a temporary nature neoessa4f for the prosecution of the work shall be secured and paid for by the Contractor unless otherwise stated in the special conditions. P- ermits, Iicenses, and easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities shall be secured and paid foi by the Owner, unless otherwise specifi-ed. The Contractor shall give all noticis and coriply with all'law, ordinan@s, nites and regulations bearing on the conduct of the work as drawn and specified. If the Contractor observes that the contract documertts are at vari:rnce thercwith, he shall promptly notify the Engineer in writing, and any necessary changes shall be made. ARTICLE 20. SEPARATE CONTRACTS 20.1 Owner reserves the right to award separate contracts in connection with other portions of the projcct under these or similar conditions of the contract. When separate contracts are awarded for different portions ofthe project, the Contractor in the contract documents in each case, shall be the Conttactor who signs each separate contract with the Owner. rilhen two or morc contracts are awarded on a single project, the Owner shall coordinate the work of the various Contractors. 20.2 The Contractor shall afford other Contractors reasonable oDDortunitv for the introduction and storage of their materials and equipment and the execution tif theini,ork, and shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs. If any part of the Contractors work depends for proper execution or results upon the work ofany other sepamte Contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and promptly report and confirm in writing fo the Owner any apparent discrepancies or defect in such work that render it unsuitable for such properexccution and results. Failure of the Contractor to inqpect and report shall constitute an-acccptance of the other Contractor's work after the execution of the Contractor's work. Should lhe Contractor delay or cause damage to the work or property of any separate Contractor on the prqiet, the Contractor siall, upon due notice, settle with such oiher Contractor by agreement foi arbitration, if he will so settle. If such separate Contractor sues the dwner or initiates on arbitration proceeding on account ofany delay or damage alleged to have been so sustained, the Owner shall notify the Contrdctor who shall defend such pioceedings at the Owner's expense, and if any judgment or award against the Owner ari'ses therefiom, the Contnctor shall pay. or Ytisfy it and shall reimburse the Owner for all attorney's and court or arbitration costs which the Owner has incurred. 20.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for any cutting, fitting, and patching that may be required to complete his work except as otherwise specincliy proViOeO in ttre co-ntmct do6umenti. The Contraitor shall not endanger any work ofany othei eonEactors by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering any work and ihall not cutbr alter the work of any othei Contractoiexcept with the written consent of the Engineer. Any costs caused by defeciive or ilt-timed work - shall be bome by the party responsible. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I t I VANTAGE POINT CONDOMINIUMS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTTJRAL REPAIRS GC-z/ 20.4 If a dispute arises between the separate Contractors as to their reqponsibilities for clcaning up, the Owner may, with three days written notice to the Contractors involved, clean up and charge the cost thereof to the several Contractors as the Owner deems appropriate. ARTICLE 2 I . MATERIAIS. SERVICES AI'{D FACILMES 2l.l It is understood that, except as otherwise specifically stated in the contract documents, the Contractor shall provide and install and complete aispecified and pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, water, light, power, tmnsportation, supervision, temporary constntction of any nature, and all other utilities and facilities ofany nature whatsoever neoessarJr lo execute, complete, and deliver the work within the specified time. 21.2 Materials and equipment shall be so stored as to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Sored materials and e4uipment to be incorporaM in the work shall be located so as to facilitate prompt inspection. All materials not yet incorporated in the work, for which the Contractor seeks rcimbursement, shall be stored on the Owner's property, uless written waivers allow otherwise. The Owner shall designate job site storage areas. Ar€as designated for storage may change during the time of construction, and the Contractor shall move his materials and equiprnent to oth€r points on the job site or off the job site when so required. Any such moves will be without additional payment from the Owner. 21.3 Manufactured articles, materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, €rcct€d, used, cleaned and conditioned as directed by the manufacturer and/or Engineer. 21.4 Materials, supplies, and equipment shall be in accordance with samplcs submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Enginecr. Materials, supplies or equipment to be incorporatcd into the work shall not be purchased by the Contractor or the subcontractor subject to a chattel mortgage or under a conditional sale contract or other agreement by which an interest is retained by the seller. 21.5 The method of operation, the operation and the rcurce of heating energy shall be determined by the Contractor, except as noted, and shall be selected in such a manner as to provide ample and proper t1rye of heat for the several materials being protected or dried. 21.6 The operations of the Contractor shall be in full conformity with all rules and regulations of boards and bodies having jurisdiction with rcspect to health and sanitation. The Contnctor shall supply safe and sufficient drinking water and toilet facilities to all employees, shall obey and enforce all sanitary and health regulations and orders, and shall take precautions against the spread of infectious disease. ARTICLE 22.CODES AND STANDARDS 22.1 Reference to standard specifications ofany technical society, organizations, or associations, or' to codes of local or state authorities, shatl mean the latest standard, code, specifications, or tentative specifications and adopted and published at the date oftaking bids, unless qpecifically stated otherwise. 22.2 The Contractor shall obtain at least one set ofeach such standard specifications specifically referenced in the contract documents and shall maintain them at the job site for the use of all interested parties- I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I VANTAGE FOINT COI{DOMINIT]MS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIRS GC-25 ARTICLE 23. SITE ITWESTIGATION 23.1 Prior to submitting his bid, each bidder shall inspect the site of the proposed work so as to arrive at a clear understanding of the conditions under which the work is to be accomplished. Unless furnished by the Owner, each bidder shall assure himself of actual elevations, obstructions, utilities, subsurface conditions, and all other physical characteristics ofthe work area which may impact on his choice of means, methods or materials necessary for the proper cxecution of the work. 23.2 Owner shall fumish boring logs and the locations of all underground utilities and structures which may impact the work, but Owner shall not be responsible for the accuracy of information concerning underground utilities and obstructions which are not under his control. 23.3 fie Contractor shall promptly notify the Engineer in writing of any subsurface or latent physical condition which differs materially from that shown in the contract documents. Excent in the event of an emergency, the Contractor shall not disturb such differing condition without the express written consent of the Engineer. The Engineer shall investigate the condition and mal<e recommendations to the Owner concerning design changes and/or contract.time or price changes necessitated by the differing condition. The Owner shall review the Contractor's claim and Engineer's recommendations and issue a change order to establish adjustment. ARTICLE 24.MEETINGS Z4.l During the construction period, meetings will be held among the Owner, the Engineer, and the Contractor. Representatives ofthe Contractor and those subcontractors and materials suppliers who have been notified shall attend each meeting. Each representative in attendance shall bc vested with executive authority to speak and make decisions for the company or firm he represents. Meetings may be rcheduled for regular intervals or as the needs of the project dictate. Either the Owner, project administrator, Engineer, or the Contractor may request such a meeting, but the Owner will be notified of all such requests at least 48 houn prior o the meeting taliing place. The project administrator will publish a meeting agenda and will issue copies to all parties prior to the me€ting. The project administrator will record minutes of all progress meetings and will distribute copies to the Owner and all present within 48 hours of the meeting. ARTICLE 2s.REOUIREMENTS FOR FOREIGN CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIES 25.1 Foreign Contractors and suppliers must conform to tle laws of the state of the project location. Before a conuact is awarded which involves a foreign Contractor or supplier, the Owner may reguire the Contractor to furnish a certificate or supplier is qualified to-Conduct business in the state of the project location. ARTICLE 26.WARRANTY 26.1 The Contractor warrants to the Owner that all materials and equipment furnished under this contract will be new unless otherwise specified, and that all work will be a good quality, free from faults and defects and in conformirnce with the contract documents. tfrequiied by ne project administrator, the Contractor shall fumish satisfactory evidence as to the kind andqq4ltyq 4gterials and equipment. Notwithstanding acceptance of work by the Owner, within THREE (3) YEARS thereafter unless otherwise specified, the Ownei may require Contractor, at his cost, to replace or repair any defective materials or equipmeni or the Owner may return such defective articles to the Contractor and recover from the Contractor Ore contract price thereof. T I I I T I I I I I I I I I t I I I t VANTAGE POINT CONDOMINIIMS BAIf OMES/WALK}VAY STRUCTIJRAL REPAIRS GC-26 26.2 Nothing contained in this article or any other provision of these general conditions shall be construed to establish a period of limitation with respect to the time within which the Contractor's obligations to comply with the contract may be sought to be enforced, nor to the time within which proceedings may be commenced to establish the Contractor's liability with relpect to such obligations. The time period of THREE (3) YEARS after the Owner's acceptance relates only to defective materials which otherwise conform to the specifications. ARTICLE 27.SAFETY AND SECURITY 27.1 All activities of contracting firms on the premise's of the Owner are to be conducted in accordance with all applicable laws goveming building codes, regulations, and the Owner's safety practices specified below. The Contractor will be required to, but is not necessarily limited to, furnishing and installing all materials, equipment and devices and taking all necessaDr protective measures for the safety of public and private property, workmen and the general public. All work included in this contract shall comply with the requirements of all applicable local, state and federal health and safety regulations. 27.2 The Contractor shall provide suitable storage space ouside the immediate building area for storing flammable materids and paints; storage will not be permitted in the building. Excess flammable liquids being used inside the building shall be kept in closed metal containen and removed from building when not in use. n3 The Owner will be notified in writing of the specific location of any burning or welding necessary for the construction processes. This notification rnust be presented at least 24 hours prior to commencing such work. The Owner will rcview such notification and may r€qufuc modifications and safeguards to protect the Owner's property. The Owner's review of this notification shall in no way reduce the Contractor's responsibility to protect persons and property from damage. The Contractor will make at least one firc cxtinguisher available at each location where welding or cutting is being conducted, and will protect combustible material with shields as required. 27.4 Tnsh and waste material will not be bumed on the Owner's property. 27.5 The Contractor will not allow persons under his control to smoke in aisles, restrooms, clevators, stairways, or any areas designated as "no smokingn areas. 27.6 Fires will be reported immediately on the company phone. 27.7 The Contractor will pick up and dispose of trash on a regular basis, and will not allow any trash to accumulate. Under no conditions will rubbish or waste be dropped or thrown from one level of the building to another, within or outside of the building unless authorizcd in writing by the Owner. The Owner resenves the right to clean up trash if necessary and withhold an amount equal to cost of same, divided among the affected Contractors. 27.8 Contractors are responsible to provide their workers with appropriate first-aid treatment and are responsible. for repoting injuries in accordance with workers compensation and-their-other insurance provisions. Contractor shall post at each telephone location on the site a list of emergency medical telephone numbers. All injuries requiring treatment shall be reported to the Owner who rx'ill take affidavits stating cause, nature, time, and all other pertinent information related to the injury. I I I I T I t I I I I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINII.MS BAIf ONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIRS GC'27 27.9 In emergencies affecting the safety of persons, the work or of the property al the site or adjacent thereto, the Contractor without qpecial instruction or authorization from the Owner's oiEngineer, shall act to prcvent threatened damage, injury or loss. He will give the Engineer prompt writlen notice ofany significant changes and the change order shall thereupon be issued covering the changes and deviations involved. 27.tO Whenever unsafe working conditions are discovered, the Owner or the Engineer may notiS the Contractor of such, and the Contractor shall promptly alleviate the unsafe condition. The Owner reserves the right to stop all work affected by those conditions until such time as those conditions are eliminaled. Failure of the Owner or his represcntative to so notiS the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor ofhis sole responsibility to alleviate unsafe conditions. No increase in time or money shall be due the Contraitor due to a suspeirsion of I I I I I I t work under these circumstances. 27.1I The Contractor shall conduct meetings to dircuss safe working methods with atl workers under his conuol on a regular recurring basis, but not less than MONTHLY. 27.12 Pior to the commencement of construction, the Owncr will designate the point(s) of entrance/exit to the prcject site for construction personnel, equipment and material. Entrance/exit will be limitcd to such point(s). 27.13 T\e Owner reserves the right to requirc all personnel under the Contractor's jurisdiction to wear identification cards issued by the Owner, and to sign in and out at a point designatcd by the Owner when entering or leaving the Owner's property. Vehicles, containers and other articles which anyone wishes to bring onto or l€move from the Owner's prop€rty are subject to inspection and the Contractor shdl conspicuously post signs to this effect at all entrances. Consenting to a reasonable inspection shdl be condition of entering the Owner's property. 27.14 The Contractor has the affirmative duty to scek out and identify actual and potential safety hazards, abate them and instruct all personnel on the site accordingly. ARTICLE 28. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 28.1 The contract shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Colorado. 28.2 The Owner and the Contractor each bind himself, his partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives of such other party in respect to all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the contract documents. Neither party to the contract shall assign the contract or sublet it as a whole without the written consent of the other; except, however, the Owner reserves the right to assign the contract in whole or in part to any municipality or governmental unit having jurisdiction of the pdect site in accordance with the laws of the state of the proj€ct location which relate to industrial revenue bonds. The Conractor shall not assign any monies due or to become due to him hercunder without the previous consent of the Owner. 2E.3 The duties and obligations imposed by the contract documents and the rights and remedies available thereunder shall be in addition to and not a limitation ofany duties, obligations, rights and remedies otherwise imposed or available by law. No action or failure to act by the Owner or the Engineer, shall constitute a waiver of any right or duty afforded lhem under the contract, nor shall any such action or failure to act constitute an approval ofor acquiescence in any breach thereunder, except as may be specifically agreed in writing. I - VANTAGEFOINTCONDOMINTIMS I BAIfoNrES/WALKWAY SIRUCTTJRALREPArRS GC-2t t 28.4 Should either party to the contract suffer injury or damage to pcrson or prcperty because of any act or omission of the other party or of any of his employees, agents or oths for whose - acts he is legally liable, claim shall be made in writing to suCh other party within a reasonable I time after the firs obserrrance of such injury or damage. I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I I T T T t I t T T I I t t t t I I I t VAI{TAGE POINT CONDOMINIUMS BAIf OhIIES/WALKWAY SIRUCTI]RAL REPAIRS 0010.00 0010.01 sc-1 SI'PPLEMENTARY COI{DMONS ARTICLE 1: PAYMENTS A. The total amount due under the conFact is esablished in the agreement, and shall be changed only under the provisions of Article 8 of the General Conditions. B. The Owner shall have the right to identify material and equipment included in the work which may be eligible for the investment tan credil provided by Section 38 of the Intemal Revenue Code. Upon request, Contractor shall provide a schedule which allocates a portion of the contract sum as the reasonable value, including overhead and profit of each item eligible for the investment tax credit and shall provide such data to substantiate its correcfiress to the Owner as necessary for claiming the investment tax credit. C. On approximatcly the 25th day of each month, the Conhaclor shall submit to the Engineer an itemized application for payment, zupported by such data subsantiating the Contractor's right to payment as the Owner may requirc (as well as all other ufiat€d information described in special conditions). After review of the application for payment, the Engine€r will submit it within five (5) days to the Owner for payment. The Owner will make payment to the Contractor within 35 days of submission of the Contractors ap'plication for payment. D. No palments shall be made for stored naterials. E. The Contractor warrants and guarantees that title io all work, materials and equipmelt covered by an application for payment, will pass to the Owner upon the receipt of such payment by the Contractor, free and clear of all liens, claims, security intercsts or encumbrances, hereinafter referred to in as 'liensn; and that no work, materials or equipment envered by the Contractor, or by another person performing the work at the site or furnishing materials and equipment for the project, subject to an agr€ement under which an inter€st therein or an encumbrance thereof is retained by the seller or othenrise imposed by the Contractor or such other person. AIA Fbrm G706A (Contractor's ' Affrdavit of Release and Liens) supported by lien waivers from each supplier and Subcontractor shall be submitted with each application for payment. F. If the Contractor has made application for payment as above, the Engineer will sign the request for payment to the Owner, with a copy to the Contractor, for such amount as he determines to be propedy due, or state in writing his reasons for withholding any amounts. Signihg the request for payment will constitute a representation by the Engineer to the Owner, based on his observations at the site, and the date comprising of the application point indicated; that, to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the quality of the work is in accordance with the conmct documents (subject to an evaluation of the work for conformance with the contract documents upon substantial completion, to the results of any subsequent tests required by the contract documents, !o minor deviations from the contract documents correchble prior to completion, and !o any specific qualifications stated in his certificates;) and that thetontractor is entitled to payment in the amount certified. In addition, the Engineer's srgning I I VAI{TAGE FOINT CONDOMINII,]MS BAIf ONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTTJRAL REPAIRS I I t t I I t t I G. sct of the final request for payment will constitute a firrther representation that the conditions precedent to the Contnctor's entitlement !o final payment have been frrtfiUed. ARer Oe Owner has rcceived the request for paynieit, hc will within thirty (30) days, pay the Contractor the amount specified or will issue written notice of his intent io wittrhold all or a portion of the requested sum as described below. The total amount of progress payments received by the Contractor shall never exceed 90 perccnt of the toal price.for work to that date under this contract. When the tbtal sum of the progress payments reccived by the Contractor equals the sum of90 percent ofthe total contmct price, all progress payments shaI cease and no further payment shall be made until find completion and aoceptance by the Owner. No certificate for progress payment, nor any progress payment, nor any partia! or entire use ofoccupancy ofthe project by the Owner shall constitute an aaceptanoe of any work not in accordance with the oontract documcnts. The Engineer or the Owner may decline to approve any application for payment or, because ofsubsequently discovered evidcnce or subsequent inspections, he may nullify the whole or any pafl of any certificate for payment prwiously issued, to such extent as may be necessary in to protect the Ou'ner becaurc of: l. defective work not remedied; 2. thbd party claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims: 3. failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to Subconfactors or suppliers for labor, matcrials or equipment; 4. reasonable doubt that the work can be completed for the unpaid balance of the contract sum; 5. damage to the Owner or another Contractor; 6. reasonablc indication that the work will not be complete within the sontract time; 7. unsatisfactory prosecution of the work by the Contnctor; 8. incomplete or incorrect reports and records submitted under the conditions of the special conditions; 9. violations ofother conditions or this contract; 10. when the grounds for withholding payment ale removed, payment shall be made accordingly. If the Owner should fail to pay the Contractor or should fail o give rcason for his non-payment within thirty (30) days of the date agreed upon, then the Contractor may, upon ten (10) additional days written notice to the Owner suspend without prcjudicc all work until payment of the amount conceived. J. I t t I I t T I I I I T t t I I t I T I I t I t I I I VAI.ITAGE POINT COI{DOMINITJMS BAI.CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI,'RAL REPAIRS sc-3 K. When the Contractor considen that the work, or a designated portion thereof which is acceptable to the Owner, is subsandally complete as identified in Article I of the General Conditioirs, the Contracior shill prepare for submission to the Engineer a list of items to be completed or corrected. The failure to include any items on such list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to comDlete all work in accordance with the contmct documents. When the Enginei:r, on the basis of an inspection, determines that the work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete, he will then prepare a certificate of substantial completion, whicli shall establish the date of substantial completion, shall state the responsibilities of the Owner and the Contractor for security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the work, and insurance and shall fix the time within which the Contractor shall complete the items listed thercin. Warranties required by the contract documents shall commence on the date of FINAL COMPLETION of the work. The certificate of substantial completion u'ill be submitted to the Owner and the Contractor for their mitten acc@tance of the responsibitities assigned to them in such certificate. L. Upon receipt of unitten notice that the work is ready for final inspection and acc€ptance and upon receipt of a final application for payment, dong with dl warranties, requircd by the contract documents the Engineer will promptly make such inspection and, when he finds the work acc€ptable under the contract documents and thc contract is fully performed, he will promptly issue a final certificate for payment stating that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, and on the basis of his observations and inspection, the work has becn completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract documents and that the entire balance of found due the Confactor, and noted in said final cefiificate, is due urd payable. Warranties required by the contract documents shall commence on the date of final completion and accepance by the Owner. M. Neither the final payment for the retained percentage shall become due until the. Contractor submits to the Engineer (l) an affrdavit (AIA Form G706) that all payrolls, bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedncss connected with the work for which the Owner might in any way be rcsponsible, have bean pard or othenpise satisfied, @) consent of surety (AIA Form G707), if any, to final payment, and (3) if required by the Owner, other data establishing payment or satisfaction of all such obligations, such as receipts, releases and waivers ofliens arising out ofthe contract to the extent and in such form as may be designed by the Owner. If any Subcontractor rcfuses to fumish a releasc or yailer requir$ py th.e- Owner, the Contractor [fV furnish a. bond satisfactory to the Owner to indemniry against any such lien. If any such lien remains unsatisfied after all payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all monies that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien, includipg all costs and rcasonable attorney's fees. N. The making of final payment will constitute a waiver of all claims by the Owner except those arising from: l. unsettled liens; 2. faulty or defective work appearing after substantial completion; I t I t I I I I I t I t t I I I I I I VANTAGE POINT CONDOMINII]MS BAI.CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT,]RAL REPAIRS 0010.02 0010.03 00r0.04 sc4 3. failure of the work to comply with the requirements of the contnct documents; 4. terms ofany qpecial guarantees required by the contract documents. O. The acceptanc€ of final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims by the Contractor exc€pt those previously made in writing and still unsettled. Reports and Records A. The general Contractor shall, within ten (10) days after being awarded a oonbact, prepare and submit for the Owner's approval a reproductive proposed progress schedule for the work. This progress scheiule shall be related !o the entire project to the extent required by the contract documents, and shdl allot time for major reviews and rcsponses (e.g. shop drawings) requird of the Engineer or the Owner. A minimum of seven (7) days shall be allotted a bar chart, time-scale diagram, indicating the planned dates for starting and completing the various activities. The planned man-hours and direct costs atlocated for each activity must be indicated. This rchedule must be approved by the Owner and it shdl be intenelated to the schedules of all other Contractors and Subcontractors. This schedule will be used to monitor m4ior construction progress and verify payment applications. B. This progress schedule shall show cumulative and incremental costs for each month's work, and shall serve as Contractor's proposed cash flow schedule for the prqject. C. Each time period should also include the number of days that will be lost due to wealher cohsidered to be the normal average number oi'rain days' by the U.S. Weather Bureau in that given time period (monthly). Only if the number of 'rain days' is in excess ofthe normal number as recorded by the national weather service will this be a basis to extend the contract time. D. The Contraclor's progress schedule shall meet in dl aspects the Owner's requiremmts and schedule, if any, as provided for in the contract documents. E. All aspects of this schedule (time, @sts, work sequenoe, scope of work) shall be revised as required by the conditions of the work and submitted in reprcducible form lo the Owner in conjunction with the Contractor's application for payment. F. The Contractor shall not begin work at the project site until all required rcports and records have been received and approved by the Owner. No extensions in contftlct time will be allowed for the Contractor's failure to submit approval information. Deleted The Engineer will recognize the inputs of the Owner or Owner's rcprcsentative. The Owner or Owner's representative may give directions regarding sequence site use, and other activities on the Owner's premises. The Contractor may request review by the Engineer or any Owner (reprcsentative) directives which he believes involve Engineering judgment. I I VAITITAGEFOII\TTCONDOMTNnMS I BATfONTES/WALKWAYSIRUCTTRALREPArRS t 0011.00 DRAwTNGs INDn( - sce Appurdiccs I 0012.00 TEST DATA - Not Applicablc t I T T I t I I I I I I t I I sc.s I I I I I t T I I I I I I t I T I I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINII.JMS BAITCONIES/II'ALKWAY STRUCTTIRAL REPAIRS GF-1 We. as seneral contractor. and assubi am-e of project) do h-erebyloiirtffiii-@ guamntee thai for a pe@ tom' - -_, tli" above proj*t will iemain free from all defects in workm@ maerialls,:nliT-ClilGffihply with ill tire qpecific requirements of the specifications and other contnct documents governing the work under our contract for the above project. It is further understood and agreed between ourselves that if, after due inspection, the Engineer, or his sucoessor, as provided in the general conditions ofsaid contractdocuments, shall declare in writing that by reason of this guarant€e, the replaccment of any of the above work is, in his opinion, necessary, we will remove such defective work and replacr it with new work meeting all requirements of the contract and will bear all costs of supplying such new work, and installing and finishing same, and will assume all costs for replacing otherwork damaged by the removal and replacement of any of the work covered by this guanrntee, also all costs for freight, drayage and demurrage, and all labor in connection therewith. Such decisions as thc Enginecr shall render in connection with this guarant€c shall be subject to arbitration as providcd for in thc general conditions of the contract documents. Anything to thc contrary herein notwithstanding, Confaclor and/or Subcontractor shall at all times be and rcmain liable to Owner for any work done or materials used that does not suictly conform to the requirements of the plans and specifications. In the event Contractor and/or Subcontractor fails or refuses to honor any ofits obligations hereunder immediately after receipt of written notice, Contractor and/or Subcontractor shall indemniff and hold harmless Owner from any cost or expense whatsoever, including but not limited to attomeys fees (including, but not limited to, any such fees or expcnses necessary to enforce this "Guarantee" through legal action or otherwise), occasioned by Contracton and/or Subcontractors refusal or failure to so perform his (its) obligations hereunder. Notice hereunder shall be deemed as received four (4) calendar days after said written notice has bcen posted, registered or certified mail, prepaid, return reccipt requested, addressed to Contractor or Subconractor's last known address or to such address as Contractor or Subcontractor may from time to time fumish Owner and/or any known assignee, in writing. This guarantee shall be binding upon Genenl Contractor and each Subcontnclor and their respective successors, assigns, legd representatives and heirs, and shall inure to the benefit of Owner, his sucoessors, assigns, legal representatives and heirs. Name of Contmctor By: Signaturc of Officer or Partners Title of Ofhcer Date: I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINITJMS I BALcoMES/wALKwAy srRUcTr.,RALREpAIRs GF.2 I snBcoMRACroRS: Companv Name Bv: (Sienature of I and Addicss O?ficir 6r Partner) Titte Date Phone I Signcd and sealed this day of- l9_.I (Principal) oirre)l I I (Notary) (scal) My commission expires:_ L I I t t I I t I I I I I t t t I I I t VANTAGE POINT COI\DOMII\M]MS BALCONIES/WALKWAY S1RUCTIJRAL REPAIR DIVISION OIGENEA,AL REOI]IRBVIEIYTS O1O1.OO DESCRIPTION OF WORK 0101.01 Scope of Work DESCRIPTION OF ABBREVIATIONS A. The ryork to be performed under this contract consists of fumishing all labor, materials, equipment, supervision and incidentals necessary for completing the repairs, restontion and improvements of the VAI\TAGE POINT CONDOMINIT]I!6 B. Work required shalt be limit€d to ttre following work items: GR-1 Sq.Ft. =Ln.Ft. =Cu.Yd, =Ea. =A/R =N/A =Lbs. = Square Feet Linear Feet Cubic Yard Each As Required Not Applicable Pounds WORK ITEM w-l.00 w-2.00 w-2.10 w-2.20 w-3.00 w-3.10 w-3.20 I,'MT DESCRIPTION Mobilization Bonds Bid Bond Performance Bond, labor and materid payment bond Deteriorated concrete floor repair (Fl) Removal and repair(0'-l') (F2) Removal and repair (1"-2.,) Rout & caulk controUconst. joints IjNITS Ea. Ea. Ea. Sq.Ft. w4.00 So.Ft. I I t I T I I T I I I I I t I t T t I VANTAGE POI TT CONDOMINIUMS BALCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCT{'RAL REPAIR GR.2 w{.00 w-7.00 w-7.r0 w-7.20 w{.00 w-9.00 w-10.00 w-11.00 w-12.00 w-13.m w-r3.10 w-13.20 w-13.30 w-14.00 w-15.00 Rout & caulk random cracks (greater than 1i16tr) Rout & caulk at perimeter edge hecast double tee removal and rcpair (I1) Tee flange removal & repair (I2) Tee stem end removal and repair Removal & rcinstall channel et base of railing Grind vert. leg of angle flush w/ concrete floor zurface R/RC) Remove and replace concrete and edge angle Install drip edge at perimeter angle Sandblast/paint all exposed steel and handrails Membrane installation at balconies/walkway Prqnration Materials Application Temporary shores Dust/debris paftitions and barricades Sq.Ft. Ea. Total for all Work Ln.Fl. Ln.Ft. Ln.Ft. Ln.Ft. Ln.Ft. Sq.Ft. So.Ft. Sq.Ft. Ea. Total for all Work Total for all Work I I I I I t I I T t I I I l T I I I I VAI{TAGE POIIfT CONDOMINITJMS BAI,C ONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT]RAL REPAIR w-16.00 (O story scaffolding hotect first floor membrane Grind offedge of prccast flange which projects beyond face of exterior qngle w-17.00 ALTERNATE WORK ITENIS TJNIT GR.3 Totsl for all Work IL w-1E.00 WORKITEM AW-1.00 AW-l.10 AW-1.20 AW-1.30 AW-2.00 AW-3.00 Total for all Work Total for all Work I'NITS Sq.Ft Sq.Ft. Sq.Ft. Total for all Work Total for all Work Work Items Specification W-1.00 through W-18.00 and Altemate Work ltems AW-1.00 through AW- 3.00 correspoird to the above work itemi. Work Specifications and Deails shall govern Al rfrir operauons. The quantities associated with Work ltems have becn estimated by the Enginecr and aie subject to measurement as defined in Section 0101.03 of ihese Ge-neral Requirements. It shall be understood that where additional work items are described, but not specifically locat€d and/or shown on the drawings, the Contractor shall be responsible for locating and marking ar€as to be r€paired. The Owner and/or Engineer rcserves the right to increase or decrease quantities up to 25 percent at the same unit cost, as required byjob conditions. Final payment shall be made on the basis of actual approved work performed as measured in place. DESCR,IPTION Concrtte surface sealer application at balconies/walkway frAaration Materials Application Instal membrane at stair tower landines Adilition of accelerator to membrane system to reduce installation time D. I I I I I T I I T T I I I I T I I I I VAI|I'TAGE POINT CONDOMINIUMS BALCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT]RAL REPAIR 0101.@ Construction Frogram and Coordination 0101.03 ldeasurements 0101.04 It shall be the full responsibility of the Contractor !o coordinate, schedule and expedite all phases ofthe work-and give sufficient notice of his work schedule to the Owner and all hades so that they may have ampl,e timc to install their work. Work shall be accomplished in a manner which will permit pedestrians to move in and out of work a.rea in the normal traffic flow patterns at all times. Signs and barricades necessirry to inform the public of closing and traffic flow modifications shall be provided by the Ovmer. Sign wording and placement shall be established by the Owner's representative. GR.4 Before ordering any material or doing any work, the Contractor shall veri$ all measurements at the Project Site and-shafl be responsible for the correctrreis of same. B. Before proceeding with each Work ltem, the Contractor shall locate, mark, and measure the quantity of each item and report the quantities to ttrc Engineer. If measured quantities exceeds the Engineer's estimate, the Contractor shall obain verbal authorization to proceed from the Owner's r€Fesentative beforE executing the work required for that work item. C. Measurement of quantities for individual work items wil be performed by the ConEactor, Owner's representative and rcviewed by *re Engineer. Coordinate measurements with inspections as required in Section 0140.03. D. The cost of the work included in each work item for the quantities as indicated in the con&act docum€nts shall be included in the lump sum base bid. Additions to or deductions from the lump sum price for quantities sf each work item added to or deducted from the work respectively shall be at the unit prices indicated in the bid form and shall constitute'paymerit or deductions in fuil for all material, equipment, labor, supervision and incidentals necessary to cornplete the work- E. It shall be the responsibility ofthe Contractor to notiry the Engineer forty-eight (4E) hours in advance in order to schedule necessary site observation visits for the purpose of veri$ing measurements of repair quantities. Reference Specifications All Specifications of national organizations and trade associations rclated to the building industry such as the American Society for Testing and lvfaterials, American Institute of Steel Construction, American Concrete Institute, Prestressed Concrete Institute, Post-Tensioning Institute, National Board of Firc Underwriters and othen as referred to in this Specification, shall mean the latest revision of such specifications exc€pt as otherwise noted. I t I I I I I I t I I t I t, I I ; I I VANTAGE POINT CONDOMINITJI\4S BAI,CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIR 0101.05 010r.06 0101.07 0101.08 0101.09 0101.10 GR.5 'Work by Othen The Owner may have other work within the struchre occuning at the same time as this project. This Contractor shall cooperate at all times with the Owner to insure that all work proceeds without delay to scheduled completion. Schedule Work shall commen@ on the date stipulated in the 'Notice to Proceed" or execution of the Owner/Conmctlor agreement, wliicharer is sooner and shall be completed within the number of calendar davs stated in the Contractor's bid form. Time is of essence and it is anticipated that stirt of construction will be on May 24, t993. The work shall be complete and Conhactor totally demobilized by August 2,1993. The Contractor shall provide the Owner and Engiheer with a schedule bar chart and orpected s€quence of operation prior to begrnning the work. The Owner and Engineer shall revierand apprcve the schedule. Work Sequence A. Prior to commencement of work, the Contractor strall meet with the Owner's and Engineer's representatives to establistr sequence and schedule ofwork. B. Contractor shall notify Owner's representative at least twenty-four (24) houn prior to beginning any sandblasting operations. C. Contractor shall remove all broken concrete and debris from the work area on a daily basis and dispose of same at authorized dump sites. D. Contractor shall remove dust and air transported sand from the remainder of the facility at the conclusion of sandblasting operations in a work area. Contractor Use of Premises Contractor's use of premises shall not interfere with operation of same. Elevators shall not be used for transfer of materials or equipment unlCss approved in writing by the Owner. Contraclor to note existing height and weight (50 PSD restrictions wiihin the structure unless written authorization is provided by the Engineer. Owner Occupancy Owner will continue to occupy and opemte the stnrcture during repairs. I,og fhe Contractor shall furnish and keep one (1) log book at the Project Site. He shall enter into this log each day the weather conditions, the temperature, general information as to the prcgress of the project, materials received, amount of concrcte placed that day, tests made, inspections made by other authorities, and all visitors to !h-e Plojryt_lite. One (l) copy of the log shall be submitted to the Engineer every Monday following completion of the previous week's work. I I I I I I I I l l I t I t I I t I t VANTAGE POINT CONDOMINITJI\IS BAIfOI\IES/WALKWAY STRUCTTJRAL REPAIR GR.6 O13O.OO SUBMITTAIS 0130.01 ASTM, ASA, commercials and other standards, schedule of test and progress rc?orts shall be fulfilled or submitted in stict accordanie with the Specificatiions-as set fbrth therein. 0130.02 The Contracor shall, within ten (10) days afta execution of the Agreement, prellate an estimated progtess schedule and submit it to the Engineer for review. This schedule shall show the work's estimated progress. O14O.OO OUALITY CONIROL 0140.01 All inspections and tests specified that are not indicat€d !o be the Contractor's responsibility shall be performed by a testing agency employed and paid for by the Owner. 0140.02 The Contractor or appropriate Subcontractor shall advise the testing agency and Engineer when work.specified as r€quiring inspection or testing shall commence ud shall coordinate and cooperate with the testing agency and Engineer for all required inqpections and tests. 0140.03 The Engineer will inspect, at his discretion, ar€as to be rcpaired or rcnovated after preparatory work has been completed and prior to placement of any patching, sealing or other materials to insu€ all damaged materials have been removed. 01'$0.04 A minimum of forty-eight (48) houn notice of required inspection shall be provided by the Contractor to allow scheduling of such inspections. Except in emergency situations, schedule such inspections when sufEcient repair areas are pn4aneC to effectively utilize Engineer' f visit. OI5O.OO TEI!{PORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROIS Limited storage space is available within the structure for overnight and weekend storage of Contractor's lockboxes and materials. In general, storage will be confined to the sp€cific area agreed upon by the Owner and Contractor. Ttie Contractor shdl obtain approval of storage areas from the Owner. 0150.01 Temporary Water The Owner shall provide and pay for all water used for construction purposes. The Contractor shall frovide and riraintain necessary t€mporary connectio'ns tb the source of temporary supply. 0150.02 Temporary Electric Electric power of 110 volt is available within this facility. Contractor usage shall be limited t6 110 volt. If the Contractor shall require addifronal electrical poier, then the Contractor shall make all necessary provisions to provide additional electrical power. 0150.03 Temporary Telephone - DELETED I I I t I t I I T I I I I T T I I I I VAI\"TAGE POINT CONDOMINIT]IUS BALCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTTIRAL REPAIR 0150.04 0150.05 0150.06 0164.M SI]BSTITUTIONS 0164.01 ot&.42 GR.7 Security Provisions The Contractor shdl be responsible for the security ofthis project. It shall be his responsibility to construct and maintain any requiGd pedestrian walkways, barricades, screens, railings and fences in strict accordance with all ap'plicable codes for protection of @esnians and stucture users. Temporary Sanitary Facilities The Contractor shall provide and mainain sanitary facilities at the sib. Fasilities and locations are subject !o aprproval of the Owner and Engineer. The Contracor shall obtain and pay for any applicable permit. Conbactors personnel shall not use public toilet facilities or tenant toilet facilities in any location of the facility. Workmen shall only use temporary facilities provided by thei Confactor. Temporary Dust Screens The Contractor shall provide t€mporary dust scrcens constnrcted of wood and plastic to isolate the areas in which work is bein[ performed. Whenever the proposal of substitute materials, equipment or prrcess is permitted by the specifications, the proposed substitute materials, equipment or prccess shall be submitted in accordance with the Genenl Conditions. After the start of constmction, the proposal of substitute materials, equipment or process shall be considered only for one or more of the following reasons: A. The manufacturer of production of the specified materids, equipment or p(rcess has been discontinued. B. The qpecified materials, equipment or process is not available in sufficient quantity or quantities to complete the work. Failure of the Contactor to award subcontracts in sufficient time, or failurc of the Contractor and/or the Subcontractor involved to place orders for materials, equipment or process so ari to insure delivery or execulion without delaying the woik-shall not establistl cause for approval of substitutions. C. Delays beyond the control of the Contractor such as, but not limit€d to, strikes, lockouts, storms, fires or earthquales, which preclude the procurement and delivery of material or equiprnent for the project. D. Advancement of the delivery date, provided this advances the overall prlgress of the work. E. Reduction in cost, provided that the Owner receives the full benefit of such reduction in cost by a coneqponding modification to the contnrct price. The Contractor shall fully substantiate such credi$ given the Owner by making available to the Owner copies ofatl proposals,'invoices, subcontricts or oiher documents related to the cost of the substitution. I t I I I I I I t t T t t I t I I I VANTAGE POINT CONDOMINIU},IS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT'RAL REPAIR . GR{ F. Improvement of quality or function of the material, equipment or process. 0164.03 After the sart of the construction, ury proposed substitute material, equipment or process shall be subject to the followih! colnditions: A. The proposed substitute materials, equipment or process shall be submitted in accordance with the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. B. The request for a substitution must be made early enough to allow ample lead time foi the Engineer's review, preparation of tlie shop-drawings and' submittals, fabrication and delivery, without delaying the work. C. Substitutions shall be approved by the Engineer only with the Oryner's consent. O17O.OO PRO.IECT CI,OSEOIJ'T 0170.01 0t70.u2 Clean up A. Each Contractor or Subcontractor, in addition to the responsibilities set forth in the General Conditions, shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by his employees or work. B. At the completion of the project, the Contractor shall restore or replace all property damaged by his work and remove all qpots, paint, soil, plast€r, markings, dropping, or other foreign material, from all work. Remove all tqmporary protection from all the work, and leave the facitty neat and orderly after broom sweeping. Guarantee The act of the Contractor in executine the Agreement for this work shall be considered as his acceptance of the following guiranteeiovering the project: Any materials, workmanship or equipment furnished as a part of this project which prove dcfective or fail to operate properly, within TIIREE (31 YEARS, or as otherwise specified in these contract clociments, on the date of acr€ptanc€ of the work required lnder this project (damage by wear urd tear or yiolence or-casualty not the fault of the Contractor acceDted). shali be reoaired and replaced bv the ConEactor promptly upon notification ironi-the Owner ind widrout cbst to thi: Owner. this guarantee provision shall apply regardless of whether or not such defective workmanship, materials or equipment are lisM in the final punch list. Date of acceptance will be established by the Owner and Engineer upon finding all items of this project finally complete as to qdanty of workmanshi-p and miterials. - I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINIT]MSI BAI.CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTTJRALREPAIRf w-l -t The General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Reguirements of Division 0l of this Spccification form a part of this Division.Itt pIwsIoN w woRK rTEMs I nEM NO. DESCRTPTTON a w-r.oo MoBrLrzATIoN I This work consists of obtaining and assembling all equipment, materials, supplies,I manpower and other essentials and incidentals necessary to perform the work defined in this contract at the construction site. Contractor should also include cost for locating I and marking floor and ceiling delaminations. r w-2.00 BoNDs t I W-2.10 Bid Bond This item consists of the Contractor providing a Bid Bond to be submi$ed with his bid il on this prcject. r W-2.20 Performance Bond and labor and Materials Payment Bond l. "Rapid Road Repair" with pea gravet aggregate as manufactured by Quikrete Companies, Atlanta, Georgia. 2. 'Set 45' as manufactured by Master Builders, Cleveland, Ohio. B. Epoxy coating materials for rcinforcing shall be as specified in Section 0203.09. This item consists of providing a performurcc bond and a labor and materials payment bond by the Contractor as outlined in the conract forms artd bonds section of thc specification for this prqiect. I W-3.00 DETERTORATED CONCRETE nt)OR REPATR (0n-1") W-3.10 (Fl) Removal and Repair I, W-3.11 Scope of Work t This work consists of fumishing all labor, materials, equipment, supervision urd I incidentals pqsqly lo.remove delaminated concrete and locate existing spalls, remove exposed welded wire fabric, remove concretc at rust stains and remove nrst stains at membrane located at sixth level, prepare the cavities including sandblasting for the I installation of patching materiali io iestore the conlretJflooiitiu o oriiirial surfaceI condition and appearance. Also, see Detail Sheet APP El Class (Fl) Removal. I W-3.12 Materials t A. Parching material shall be one of the following: I I I I I t I I I t t t I I I I I t I I I T l VANTAGE ROINT CONDOMII\ITJI\{S BAI,COIIIES/WALKWAY SIRUCTURAL REPAIR w-3.13 w-3.20 w-3.21 w-3.22 w-3.23 w4.00 w4.01 w-2 Procedure A. The Contractor shall locate work areas and mark their boundaries with paint as specified in Section 0203.03. Contractor shall also sawcut around periineter @oundary) prior to initiating concr€E removal. B. The procedurc for delaminated, spalled and unsound concrete removal shall be as specifred in Section @03.04 tluough 0203.08. Closely qpaced repair areas may be combined at the Engineer's discretion. C. The Engineer will inspect all cavities for condition according to Section 0203.05. D. All steel exposed with cavities shall be cleaned to bar metal by sandblasting as qpecified in Section U203.07, and damaged reinforcement replaced as specified in Section 0203.06. E. The Contractor shall prepare cavities for parch placement as qpecified in Section 0203.08. F. The Contractor shall then apply one (1) coat of epoxy to dl oeos€d rreinforcing as specified in Section 0203.09. (F2) Removal and Repair (1"-2") Scope of Work This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supenrision and incidentals necessary to rcmovedelaminated concrcte andlocate existing spalls, prepare the cavities including sandblasting for the insallation of parching materials to restore the concrete floor slab to original surface condition and appearance. Also, see Detail Sheet APP E2 Class (F2) Removal. Materials See Work Item W-3.10, Item W-3.12. Procedure See Work Item W-3.10, Item W-3.13. ROIIT AND CAT]LK CONTROI/CONSTRUCTION JOINTS Scope of Work This work consists of fumishing all labor, materials, equipment, supervision and incidentals necessary to rcut out all control/construction joints, prepare joints urd fill with sealant. I I I I t t t t l I I I l I T t I l I VAI{TAGE FOINT CONDOMINII'MS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI.'RAL REPAIR w-3 W-4.02 Materials A. Sealant material shall be one of the following: l. -Concresive 19t6,4' lMasterFll CJ) as manufactured by Master Builders, Cleveland, Ohio. 2. 'Sika 51 SL" manufactured by Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, New Jersey. B. Backer rod, if required shall be constnrcted of closed cell polyethylene foam. W4.03 Procedure A. Routing, where required, shall be performed by a mechanical devicc that has positive mechanical control oycr_dept{r and alignmentof cut. -Hand held power grinders with abrasive disl6 shdl not be used for routing cracls. B. The Contractor shall rout all joints and/or cracks to 3/8" wide and 3/8' d€ep minimum, and in accordance with Section 0791.03 A. Control joint width could vary up to one inch wherc concrctc topping has cracked adjacent to control joint. C. The Contractor shall clean all grmves in accordance with Section f/91.03 B. D. Concrete edges shall be chamfered l/16'. E. The Contractor shall install crack andjoint sealant in accordanoe with Section 079 1.04 and manuracturer's recommendations. F. Material manufacturer and installer shall be required lo provide a letter of aocepance of joint configuration and material installaticin. W.s.OO ROUT AND CAULK RANDOM CRACKS (GREATER THAN I/16') W-5.01 Scope of Work This work consists of fumishing all labor, materials, equipment, supewision and incidentals necessary to rout out all random cracks greater than Ul6" and insall sealant. W-5.02 Materials See Work ltem W-4.(X), W-4-02- W-5.03 Procedure See Work Item W-,4.(X), Item W-f.03. I t l I l l T t t I l I I t I I l I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINIUMS BAI,CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTTJRAL REPNR w{.00 rv{.01 w-6.(n w{.03 w-7.00 w-7.10 w-7.11 w-7.12 W.4 ROUT AND CAI'LK AT PERIMEIR, EDGE Scope of Work This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supervision and incidentats neocssary to rout ajoint benveen vertical leg of perimeter edge angle and @ncrete floor slab, fill joint with s€alant. Also, see Detail Sheet APP E7. Materials See Work Item W-4.$, Item 1V-4.(n. Procedure Sce Work Item W-4.(X), Item W.4.03. PREICAST DOUBLE TEE REI\{OVAL AND REPNR (Il) Tee Flange Remonal and Repair Scope of Work This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supervision ud incidentals necessary to rcmove deteriorated concrete and prepare cavities and insUll gunite patches. No handpatching matcrial strall be allowcd. Alrc, see Dctail Shect APP El Class (I1) Removal. Materials A. Pressure applied concretc malerials shall be as qpecified in Section 0371.00. Pressure applied concrete shall bc used for all repain. B. Epoxy materid stull be: l. 'Sikadur 35, Hi-Mod LV' as manufactured by Sika Coqloration, Lyndhurst, New Jerscy or an approvcd equal. Procedurc A. The Contractor shall locate and mark all areas as specified in Secrion 0203.03 and in coordination with Engineer. B. The procedurc for delaminated, spalled and unsound concretic removal strall be as specified in Section 0203.04. C. The Engineer shall inspect all cavities for condition according to Section 2003.05. D. All steel exposed within the cavities shall be cleaned to bare metal by sandblasting as specified in Section 0203.07 and damaged reinforcement replaced as specified in Section 0203.06. All exposed stecl shall be coated with epoxy prior to gunitc placement. E. The Contractor shall prcpare cavities for patch placement in accordance with Section 0203.08. w-7.13 I I I I I t T I t t t T t t l l I I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINIT]]US BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT]RAL REPAIR w-7.20 w-7.21 w:l.22 w-7.23 w{.00 w-8.01 w-8.92 w-9.00 w-9.01 w-5 F. The Contractor shall install patches in accordance with Section 0371.00. G. During this repair operation, 0re Contnctor shall be responsible to ensure that the adjacent concrcle surfaccs are not damaged or discolored. Contraclor shall be responsible to mask offadjacent ars$ or floor surfaces prior o applytnC gunite. Any excess overspray and/or debris shall be cleaned up at the Contractor's expense. Surrounding @ncrete surfaccs shall be left in same condition as it was found prior to initiation of repair. CI2) Tee Stem End Removal and Rcpair Scope ofY/ork This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supewision and incidentals necessary to rcmove delaminated ooncrcte and prepare cavities and insall gunite patches. No handpatching matcrial sttall be allowqi. hlso, see Deail Sheet APP Bt (f2) Removal. Materials See Work Item ril-7.10, Ircm W-7.12. Procedure See Work Item W-7.10, Item W-7.13. REIVTOYE AT{D REINSTALL CIIAI{NEL ATBASE OFRAILING Scope ofY/ork This work consists of furnishing all labor, mataials, equipment, supervision and incidentals necessary to rcmove and replace all of the steel channel at the base of railing to facilitate the repair to the perimetcr cdge anglc. This work shall also include lhe removal and replacement of the handrail as required to facilitate edge angle repair. Also, see Detail Shees APP E5 and APP E6. Procedure A. Prior to removal of perimeter edge angle, Contractor shall remove the steel channel located at the base ofthe railing urd any necessary handrail, B. Contractor shall store channel and railing in area designated by owner. C. Upon completion of perimeter cdge angle repair, Contractor shall reinsall steel channel and handnil. Contractor shdl be responsible for providing temporary barriers across areas wherc channel and handrail have been removed. GRIND VERTICALLEG OF ANGIJI|LUSH WTIH CONCRETEFI.OOR SI.]RFACE Scope of\Mork This work consists of furnishing all labor, matcrials, equipment, supervision urd incidentals necessary to grind down vertical leg of perimeter edgc angle flush with I l I I I I T I t I T T l t T I T I I VN\ITAGE FOINT CONDOMINITI!$ BAIfONIESNilALKWAY STRUCTT]RAL REPNR .w{ ooncrcte floor surface at locations where the vertical leg of angle projecs above floor surface. firis work shall also include the rcmovd of metal weld studs from angle at locations of concrete popouts. W-9.(D Procedure A. Contractor shall locate and mark all areas wherc perimeter edge angle projects above floor surface. B. Contractor shall grind or cut vertical leg of edge angle flush with flmr surface. C. Contractor shall also rcmove meal weld studs from angle at locations of concrete popouts. W-10.00 (R/RC) REI\{OVE AtrlD REPLACE CONCRETE AND EDGE AI\GLE W-10.01 Scope of Work Ttris work consists of furnishing all labor, matcrials, equipment, supervision and incidentals nocessary to r€move and replace the concrete and perimeter cdgc angle at deteriorated locations as indicated on Orc plans. Work will also include the remonl and rcplacement of handrail to facilitate edge angle removd and replacement. AIso scc Detail Sheet APP E7. W-f0.02 Materids A. Parching material shall be as qpecified in Work Item W-3.00, Iam W-3.12. B. Epoxy coating matcrials for rcinforcing shdl be as specificd in Section $28.09. C. Perimeter edge angle shall bc 2"x2'x%' (A36). W-10.03 Procedurc A. Contractor shall locate and mark sections of edge angle and adjacent concrete to be removed. B. After rcmoval of concrete topping and deteriorated edge angle, Contractor shall instlll new edge angle and concrete topping. C. Contractor may necd lo rrmove and replace handrail to facilitate perimeter edge angle removal and replacement. Handrail shall be stored in area designated by owner. Contractor shall be rcsponsible for providing barrien across areas where handrail has been removed. W.ll.OO INSTALLI}RIPEDGEATPERIMEITR ANGLE W-l1.01 Scope of Work This work consists of furnishing dl labor, materials, equipment, supervision and incidenals necessary to install drip edge at perimeter cdge angle over entire length of balcony/walkway at all supported levels. AIso sec Detail Sheet APP E7. I I I I l l T I T I T T I t I I I I I VANTAGE POINT COIYDOMINIT]IUS BALCO}TIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI]RAL REPAIR w-7 W-l1.O2 Materials A. Steel shall be 16 gage galvanized. W-11.03 Procedure A. After installation of new edge angle is complete, Contractor shall insAll drip edge continuous around perimeter edge angle. W.12.OO SANDBLAST/PAINT ALL EXPIOSED STEEL AND HANDRAII^S W-12.01 Scope of Work This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supenrision and incidentals necessary to sandblast and paint all miscellaneous steel (connections plates, bollards, etc.) and handrails and handrail posts and also caulk around base of handnil posts. Also to touch-up areas :ui required adjacent to and including @ncrete patches. Color !o match existing paint. W-12.O2 Materials A. For steel the approved paint system is as follows: 1. @rimer) "9G'97 Tneme-Zinc' zinc rich urethane primer, manufactured by Tnemec Company, Inc., I(ansas City, Missouri. 2. (Intermediate Coat) "series 65 Hi-Build Epoxoline", epoxy-polyamide coating, manufactured by Tnemec Company, Inc., Kansas Ci[r, Missouri. 3. (Top Coa$ 'Series 73 Endura-Shield 111', high build acrylic polyurethane enamel, manufactured by Tnemec Company, Inc., IGnsas City, Missouri. B. Paint and primer for wood and concrete shall be submitted by the Contractor for approval prior to start of work. C. Sealant material for this work shall be one of the following: 1. "Dymeric" as manufactured by Tremco, Cleveland, Ohio. 2. "Sonolastic NP2" as manufactured by Sonneborn Building Products, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 3. 'Sikaflex-2C' as manufactured by Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, New Jersey. W-12.03 Procedure A. The Contractor shall locate and prepare all exposed steel embed plates and structural steel and handrails and posts. I l l t t T T I t I t I I I I I t t I VANITAGE FOINT CONDOMIhIIUMS BALCONIES/WALKWAY S1RUCIIJRAL REPAIR w-13.00 w-13.01 w-13.02 w-13.03 w-t B. The Contractor shall prepare dl steel !o receive primer and paint by the use of SSOC-SPG or NACI13 commercial blast cleanini which shall consist of the removal of all visible oil, grcase, dirt, dust, mill-scale, rust, paint, oxides, corrosion. Products and other foreign matter by compressed ur nozzle blasting, centrifugal wheels or other specified method. Discoloration caused by certain sains shall be limited to no more than 33 percent of each square inch of surface area. C. The Contractor shall apply primer, intermediat€ coat and top coat per manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations. D. For the priming and painting of concrete or wood surfaces, Contractor shall prqarc and paint surfaces in accordance with approved paint manufacturcr's instructions. E. Contractor shall install 314" x314" cove joint at base of all handrail posts in accordance with Section 0791.00. F. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing drop clothes, masking, etc. to protect surrounding surfaces from qplatters and qpills, any excess paint spills or splatters shall be cleaned up by the Contractor at his own expense. MEMBRANE INSTALLATION AT BAL,CONIES/WALKWAYS Scope of Work This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supenrision and incidenals necessary to prepale the rcstored concrete surface and install a waterproof,tng membrane system. Manufastur€r and installer shall provide a letter of acce?tance of substrate and membrane installation. Materials The gsating ystem specified for use shall be one of the following listed below and as specified in Section 0750.00. 1. Scorchclad brand deck coating system "P" (gray) (regular traffic) as manufactured by 3M Company, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. Peda-Gard II (gray) as manufactured by Neogard, Dallas, Texas. Procedure A. Surface must be clean and sound which, in all cases, requires some form of preparation. Substrate must be prepared in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. B. Effectively remove concrele laitance by steel shot or grit blasting (acid erching is not an acceptable method of surface preparation). C. The Contractor shall pre-fill all surface irregularities, holes 'popouts" and minor spalls, per manufacturEr's recommendation. I VANTAGE POINT CONDOMINITIMSI BALCOIIIES/WALKWAY STRUCTTJRALREPAIR I w-9 I w-13.04 Application A. The Contractor shall fill all npopouts", minor spalls and other surface inegularities after sandblastinlgiitrotUt'isting is cbmplete.t B. Apply primer to all surfaces to which membrane system is to be applied. t C. Apply membrane system per manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. D. Membrane shall be tumed up or down whichever the case may be at all edges.II E. Extend membrane system under all door thresholds, Contractor shall also be required to caulk around perimeter of door thresholds after membrane I application with two component polyeurethane sealant (nonsag). t F. Also refer to Section 0250.00. I w-14.00 rEn{PC}RARY sHoREsI W-14.01 Scope of Work I This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supenrision and incidentals necessary to install shores beneath locations undergoing repairs and maintain - the shores in place intil the concret€ repairs have cured and g-aind &i percent ofdesign t kTgl1rtl* strength. Shoring shall have capacity to support 5K. See plans for I W-14.02 Procedure I A. The Contractor shall install shores as directed by the Engineer adequate to support the existing load and new material dead load and any constnrction live - loads. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting the shores. And shall fence I shored areas to prevent pedestrian traffic through the work area. W-15.00 DUST/DEBRIS PARTITIONS I W-15.01 Scope of Work - A. This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supendsion I and incidentals necessary to insiall full height dust proof partitions fo containI dust and debris within the work area. Installation locations shall be as shown on the drawings.I B :hffffi';illt'dfr"#i#"1trJH1fsffi$:l'*T,'EHfi:H** fiom those areas (vent on the same floors) which are open to the public and t Pedestrians. I T I VANTAGE POINT COI\DOMIMUI\{SI BALCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT]RALREPAIR I w-10 I C. Dust partitions shall be constructed with sufficient workmanship as to prevenr! the migration of dust ftom the constnrction arca !o a-djacent areis. I D. Installation and removal of dust partitions shall not darnage or harm the existingI surfaces in any way. In the case of damage, the Contractor will be solely responsible for restoring surfaces to theh original state.I E BifffmfH:Y"r.?iHHJff#'ffi$3Ht"TSffJ#,TFtr"Hit present a hazard to pedestrians, Contractor shall constnlct debris partitions out bf 2x dimension lurirber and 15'plywood so as not to allow passage of debrisa through partition. I w-16.00 (O STORY SCAFT'OLDING I w-16-ot Scope of work I This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supervision andr incidentals necessary to erect and dismantle (6) story scaffolding to facilitate work at balconies and walkways. Contractor shall also be required to prcvide means in which I to limit access to scaffohing by construction personnil only. ' I w-r7.00 pRorEcr FrRsr LEvELMETVTBRAT{E I w-17.01 Scope of WorkI This work consists of fumishing all labor, materials, equipment, supervision and I incidentals necessary to protect the existing first level membrane. During constnrction, I any damage to existing membrane caused by falling debris, equipment, construction personnel shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own expense. I w-1E.00 cRrI\D oFF EDGE oF pREcAsr rLArycE wHrcH pRoJEcrs BEyoND- FACEOFEXTERIORANGLE I w-18.01 Scope of work I This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supervision and I incidentals necessary to grind offedges ofprecast flangts which project beyond face of I exterior perimeter angle. Any reinforcing exposed shall be cut of flush with concrete - and the ends coated with epoxy. I l I I I l I I I I T l l I t I I t I I I I I I VAIYTAGE POINT CONDOMINIUMS BALCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTT]RAL REPAIR. AW-l The General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Requirements of Division 01 of this Specification form a part of this Division. DIWSION AIV WORK ITEMS ITEM NO. DESCRIMION AW.I.OO CONCRETE SI]RFACE SEALER, APPLICATION AT BALCONIES/WALKWAY AW-1.01 Scope of Work This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supen'ision and incidentals necessary to insall a penetrating sealer system on the concrcte surfaces of the balconieVwallonay. Sealer manufacturcr and installer shdl provide letter of acceptance of substrate and installation. AW-1.10 Preparation All surfaces to be treated with penetrating sealer shall first be cleaned by means of shotblasting or other means acceptable by the sealer manufachuer, !o remove all grease, oil, tar and other materials which may inhibit sealer penetration or effectiveness. Air blasting shall be completed just prior to the sealer application. AW-1.20 Materials The concrete surface sealer specified for use shall be one of the following: 1. 'Hydrozo Clear 40" manufactured by Hydrozo, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska. 2, "Sil-Act ATS 42' manufactured by Advanced Chemical Technologies, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 3. 'Consolideck II40" manufactured by ProSoCo, Inc., I(ansas City, Kansas. AW-1.30 Application A. Application of penetrating sealer shall be performed as specified in Section 0718.00. Penetrating sealer shall be applied to the entire exposed concrete supported deck surface area of the balconieVwalkway. B. Contractor shall be rcsponsible for protecting adjacent surfaces (glass, wood, plastic, etc.) dudng surface sealer application ftom ovenrpray, splashing of sealer. Any clean-up required will be at Contractor's expense. C. At areas of rrelligator cracking" in concrete surfaces (2) coats of concrete surface sealer shall be applied. AW-2.00 INSTALL MEIVIBRAI\TE AT STAIR TOWER LAI{DINGS AW-2.01 Scope of Work This work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supervision and incidentals necessary to prepare surfaces and install membrane !o stair tower landings at locations indicated on the drawings. See rrMork Item W-13.00 for materials and application. I VAI{TAGE PIOII\T COI\DOMII\IIJIIIS| I BAIfOIIIIES/WALKWAYSTRUCTTRALREPAIR AW-2 I Aw-3.00 IN'TALLATT'N'F Acc*r.rRAToR To ME'TBRAI\.E sysr'Dr ro REDUCE INSTALLI\'TION TIME t Aw-3.01 Scope of work This work consists of firnishing all labor, malerials, equipment, supenrision andI incidentals necessary for the adilition of a system ap,proveil accelerator to the membranet syst€m to €xpedite the curing phase o allow quicker hrn around time. t t I I I T I t I t I I l I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINIT]MSI BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI.JRALREPAIRI sP-r ! DTVISIONO2CONCRETESURFACEPREPARATION I 0202.00 GEFIERAL ! (D(D.01 The Genelal Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and the requircments of Division I 01 of this Soecification form a oart of this Division. t 0203.00 suRJ'AcE pREpARATIoN FoR pATcHTNG I 0203.01 Scope of Worka The work required under this Division includes providing all labor, materials, - couipment and supervision necessary to locate and rcmove all delaminxed concrete and I prbpiare the cavitiis creatcd by said iemoval to receive patching material. Also- included in this work the preiaration and sandblasting ofexisting surface spalls utd potholes to receive patching materid. I 0203.02 Definitions - A. Delaminations r Delaminations are fracture ptanes, 'internal cracls' within concrete. Typicatly these fractures are parallel to the frce of a member and vary in dcpth.It B. Spalls Spalls or potholes, cavities or voids in floor slabs, pan joists, beams, columnsr #'":;l';"ff#fr1'sl'"ffs,*ilL";fliilllii""H#,ffiil:ff,"* resulting in a spall. I C. Unsound Concrete Unsound concrete is concrete that has incipient fractures present beneathr sh'[?1j;11*i31*%,#11#fitr' ffiercombed' is friabreorpunkv I 0203.03 Location and Marking of Work Areasr A. l) Floor slab detaminations shall be located by sounding the surface with a I hammer, or dragging a chain. I D H*L" delaminated area is struck, a distinct hollow sound will be 3) The Contractor shall sound all designated floors for delaminations. B. l) Wall, beam, column and ceiling delaminations shall be locatcd by sounding the appropriate member with a hammer or rod. 2) Cracks, usually horizontal in orientation along beam faces, utd vertical in orientation near comers of columns are also reliable indicators of delaminated concrete. I I I T I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I T VANTAGE FOINT COI\IDOMIN II.MS BAI.CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIR sP'2 3) The Contractor shall only sound beams, columns and ceiling that show evidence ofcracking and/or salt and water staining. C. Delaminated areas once located by the Contractor will be further sounded to define their limis. These limits or "boundaries" once defined shall be marked with chalk or paint. D. The Contractor shall locate spalls and delaminations by visual inspection and mark their boundaries with chalk or paint. 0203.04 Concrete Removal and Cavity Preparation A. Delaminated, spalled and unsound concrete areas shall have their boundaries marked. Patch areas may be irregular polygons. Contractor shall sawcut around perimeter of all floor delaminations prior to removal. B. All concrete shall be removcd from within thc marked boundary to a minimum depthof 3/4" using f 5 to 30 potnd chipping ham.mers equipped yittt- chisel point bits. If delaminations cxist beyond the minimum removal depth, then chipping shall continue until all unsound and delaminated concrete has been removed from the cavity. (Ierger hammers may be utilizrd only with approval of the Engineer). C. Where ernbedded reinforcement is exposed by concrete removal, extra caution shall be exercised to avoid damaging it during rcmoval of additiond unsound @ncrcte. If bond between exposed reinforcing bars and adjacent concrete is impaired by removal operations, then additiond removal around and beyond the perimeter of the reinforcement for a minimum of 3/4" along the entire length affected shall be required. D. Ifrust is present on embedded reinforcement where it enters sound concrete, then additional removd ofconcrete along and beneath the reinforcement is required. Such additional removal shall continue until bare rcinforcement is exposed. Ifrust persiss beyond the removal limits, the Engineer shall be advised and will ilirect furtlier removal. 0203.05 Inspection ofthe Cavity Surfaces and Exposed Reinforcing A. After removal is complete but prior to frnal cleaning, the cavity and all exposed reinforcement shall be inspected by the Engineer. The inspection shall include sounding the exposed concrete to determine completeness of delamination removal, examination ofdressed edges to verify depth and vertical edge ofcut, and uniformity of excavation to insure compliance with minimum limits specified (Section 0203.04). Where the En'gineer finds unsatisfactory cavity preparation, the Engineer will direct the Contractor to perform additiond removal. B. The Engineer shall inspect dl embedded reinforcement exposed within the cavity for defect due to corrosion or damage resulting from the Contractor's removal operations. Replacement of damaged or defective reinforcement shall be performed according to Scction 0203.06 and as directed by the Engineer. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I T I t VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINN.]MS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIR 0203.06 sP-3 C. After inqpections are complete and all preparation approved, the Engineer and Conuactor shall measure and document removal andleplacement quantities for payment. Repair of Reinforcement in Work Arca A. Mild Steel All embedded reinforcement exposed during surface preparation which has lost more than 25 percent (20 percent iftruo (2) or more consecutive parallel bars are affected) of the original cross sectional area due to corrosion shall be considered defective. All exposed reinforcing bars which have lost section due to excessivc chipping hammer application or other improper handling by the Contractor, to the extent specified above, shall be considered damaged. Damaged and defective reinforcement shall be supplemented by additional reinforcement as described below. 1) Concrete removal required for repairs of Defective reinforcement shdl be paid for at the unit price bid. Supplemental reinforcement required for repair shall also be paid for at the unit price bid. 2) Costs for concrete rcmoval rcquired to repair damaged rcinforcement shall be bornc by the Contractor. Supplemenal reinforcement required for repair shall also be paid by the Contractor. 3) I-oose reinforcement which cannot be adequately secured by wire ties to bonded reinforcement shall have anchors installed to securc loose reinforccment to the original deck. The Engineer shall determine adequacy of wire ties and approve other anchoring devices prior to their use. 4) Supplemental reinforcement shall be of a diameter equal to original. I-arger diameter reinforcing steet may be approved at Engineer's discretion. Supplemental reinforcement should cxrcnd 30 bar diameters beyond the damaged portion of the reinforcement and be secured using wire ties incidental to surface preparation and no extras will be allowed for this work. Mild steel shall be ASTM 4614, Grade 60 steel shall be installed in accordance with Section 0320.00. 5) Concrete shall be removed to provide a l/2" minimum clearance on all sides of exposed reinforcement. Reinforcement exposed during surface preparations should be made secure to the original deck prior to patch placement. Concrete cover shall be placed to a minimum depth of l- l/4' over all new and existing floor reinforcement. This cover may be reduced to 314" with Engineer's approval. Cleaning of Reinforcement Within Delamination and Spall Cavities Exposed steel shdl be cleaned of rust and laitance to bare metal by sandblasting. Cleaning shall be completed immediatcly before patch placement to insure that the base metal is not exposed to the elements and further rusting for extended periods of time. u03.07 t I I I I T I t I t I I t I t I I I I YAI|ITAGE FOINT CONDOMINITJMS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI.'RAL REPAIR 0203.08 0203.(D SP-4 Prcparation of Cavity for Patch Placement A. Cavities will be examind prior lo commenoement of patching olnrations. Sounding the surface shallbe part of 0re cxamination. Any delamination noted during tie sounding will be re'movcd as specified in Sectioir (}203.(X. B. Cavities shall be sandblasted or water blasted to removc all laitance from thc concrete surface. Air blasting is required as a final step to remove sand and dust. All debris shall be removed from the site prior to commencement of patching. Sandblasting for 0203.07 may be don'e in conjunction with 0203.08. Coating of Reinforcing with Epoxy After the cavities and anv exoosed reinforcine have been cleaned as statcd in Sections 0203.07 anO OZ0l.Olg, the exposcd iinforcing shatl reccive one (l) coat ofepoxy pnor to concr3tc placement. Thc epoxy specifred for use shall be onc of thc following: l. -sikadur 35, Hi-Mod LV' manufacturcd by the Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, New Jersey. 2. 'Concrcsive !38Q- murufactured by Adhesive Engineering Company, Sur Carlos, California. I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINII,]MSI BAIJCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCI.I.]RALREPAIRt c-1 ! DIVISION O3CONCRETE I 0302.00 GEI'IERAL I 0302.01 General Conditions I The General Conditions, Supptementary Conditions and the requircments of Division- 0l of this Specification form a part of this Division. I 0302.02 Codes, Specifications and Srandards !A. Specifications for Snuctural Concrete for Buildings (ACI 301-72) (Revised I 1982), by the American Concrete Institute, herein referred to as ACI 301, isr '#"iifl1;il."S"ffi'5if,f;liJ"r'.$'ffi':tsiffias*Trrffii:T all times. ! B. Comply with the provisions of the following codes, specifications and standards exccpt where more stringent requirements are shown on the drawings or specified herein. t t) 'Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrcte, (ACI 318-89), American Concrete Institute, herein referred to as ACI 318. I 2) "Recommended Practice for Concrcte Formwork" (ACI 347R-88), American Concaete Institute. I 3) ffilgt3*:Fifff,l::.."t0 weather concreting", (AcI306R/88), 4) "Hot Weather Concreting' reported by ACI Committee, 305 (ACII 305R-77). 5) "Manual of Shndard Pnctice" MS-2-77, Concrete Reinforcing Steel ! Institute. 6) ^t#Hv[il*l13si:; Reinforcing steer", (AwsDr-4-7e), !0303.00 scoPE oF woRK I 0303.01 Iiems - The work required under this Division shall include atl materials, labor, equipment and I services nocessaDr to furnish and install in accordance with the Drawings andt Specifications aliitems listed, but not limited to: Concrete repair work-as detailed on the drawings, and as described hercin, including: Reinforcement repair and securing,I Gunite, epoxy-injection repair work, and cast-in-place concrete. I t I t t t I I t I I I I I t t I t I t I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINIIJMS BALCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTTJRAL REPAIR 0304.00 0304.0r 030s.00 0305.01 0306.00 0306.01 030E.00 0310.00 0320.00 032r.00 0370.00 0370.01 0370.02 c-2 WORK NOTINCLI]DEI) Items The follou'ing items of related work are specified and included in other Divisions of this Specification and in general consist of those items listed, but not limited to: Concrete surfacc preparation, penchting ooncrete sealer, crack filing, installation of sealants, fl ashing, caulking and coatings. SHOPDRAWINGS Requirements Shop drawings shall conform to the requirements of tlre General Conditions, Article 16, Shop Drawings and Samples, of this Specification, and as herein specified for other sections of this Division- T]NIFORI\{ITY To minirnize inegularities in appearance and/or color, the cement, aggr€gates, admixturcs and water for each tlpe of concrete construction exposed to view in the complete project shall bc selccted !o metch closely the existing surfaces. AGGREGATES - DELETEX) CONCRETE FORMWORK (ACI30l, Chapter 4) - DELETED CONCRETE REINFORCEIVIEI{T . DELETEI) EFOXY COATED REINFORCEIVIEhIT - DELETED CONCRGTE MORTAR Application A. Mortar 'Rapid Road Repair' or 'Set 45' shall be used for patching spalls, delamination voids on supported floon. Before beginning operations, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the mix designs. Testing A. Mortar Cylinders 3' in diameter by 6' long will be fabricated, cured and tcsted in accordance with ACI 301 exccpt as noted in this specification. Threc (3) cylinders will be made for each ten cubic yards of mortar prepared. Cylinders shall be field cured for one (l) day then transported to the testing laboratory where they shall be cured in air at 73 degrecs F., 50 perccnt relative humidity. I I I I I I t t I I t I T I I I T I I VAI$TAGE FOINT CONDOMINII,]MS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTIJRAL REPAIR 0371.00 0371.01 0371.02 0371.03 0371.04 c-3 One (l) cylinder will be lested at three (3) days, one (l) at seven O) 4ays, ?n9 one (l) aftu,enty-eight (28) days. Compressive strength at three (3) days shall be 2000 PSI minimum and compressive strength shdl be /1000 P$ minimum at 28 days. Two (2) additional cyiinders shatl bi fabricated for each 20 cubic vards-of mortar'orepared. Thrise shall be field cured and retained in the field ior sixty (60) days ior use as extra cylinders with disposition as directed by the Engineer. PRESSTJRE APPLIED CONCRETE MATERIAIS General Conditions The General Conditions, supplementary conditions and the requirements of Division 0l of this Specification form a part of this Division. Codes, Specifications and Sandards Specification for materials, proportioning, and application of shotcrete: (Gunite) (ACI 506R-83), by the American Concrctc Inititute, is included in total as Specification for this structurd except as otherwise specified herein. The Contractor strall have a copy of this ACI Standard on the project at dl times. Preparation of Surfaces After the removal of delaminated, spalled, and unsound ooncrcte, all concrcte surfaces to receive gunite shall be thoroughly cleaned by sandblasting or waterblasting. Sandblasting or waterblasting shall be done by experienced workmen using approved equipment and suitable sandblasting or walerblasting materials. Prior to receiving gunite, all surfaces shall be cleaned ofdust and debris, using compressed air and water. Concrete shall be thoroughly wetted before application of gunite, but shdl not be so wet :rs to overcome suction. Free water shdl not remain on the surface to be gunited, nor shall surfaces be so dry that there is excessive absorption of moisturc from the gunite. Form Work Forms shall be ade4uately braced to ensure against excessive vibration. Forms shall be built so as to permit the escape ofair and rebound and to facilitate the placing of gunite. Wall intersections shall be formed in such a manner as to afford a minimum loss of time in guniting the intersection. This may be accomplished by the insallation of short removable bulkheads at these points. Free standing columns may be formed on three (3) sides or two (2) adjacent sides, whichever is practicable. Pilasters may be formed on two (2) opposite sides. Forms for beams and pan joists may be constnrcted of a soffit and one (l) side or a rcgmented soffit and one (l) side to permit gunite placement in supported layers. Two @) sided beam and joist forms without soffit shall also be permitted. Shores shall be provided below the soffit in such a manner that no deflection of the forms will occur under the load to be superimposed. Sufficient time shall be allowed other crafts for instaltation of equipmenf or miterials which must be fastened to the forms. Form surfaces shall be cleaned prior to application ofgunite. I I I I I I I I T I I I t I I t I I I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINITMS BAI.CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTTJRAL REPAIR 0371.05 C-4 Materials A. Cemcnt Only Portland cements of American manufacturcr's complying with the current issue of "Standard Spccifications for Portland Cement', ASTM Cl50 shatl be used. Typc I or lI Portland cement shall be used. Sand Fine aggregate shall consist of washed sand (Missouri Rivcr sand prohibited) and shall be hard, denrc, durable, clean, sharp and graded evenly from fine to coarse in accordance with the'Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates", ASTM Designation: C33. It shall be free from organic matterand shall not contain more than five percent by weight ofdeleterious substances. LIMITS OF GRADING OF FINE AGGREGATES PERCENT BY WEIGITTSIEVE SIZE Passing a 3/8" Passing a #4 Passing a #8 Passing a #16 Passing a #30 Passing a #50 Passing a #100 100 95-100 80-100 5G,85 25-60 l0-30 2-10 0371.06 For proper placement ofgunite, sand should contain between three percent and six percent moisture by weight. Sand and cement proportion may be corrected to provide for bulk due to sand moisture content. Percentage ofbulking can be easily determined in the field, using a process based on the theory that 100 percent surface saturation by water will develop a material density equal to that of loose dry sand. To nrn this test simply fill any vertical sided watertight contiainer level full of sand and fill ontainer with water. Physically measure the settlement of the sand and calculate the percent of shrinkage to vertical depth of the container. C. Water Water used for hydration at the nozzle shall be fit for drinking and shall be rnaintained at a uniform pressure which shall be at least 15 pounds per square inch above air pressure et the nozzle. Proportions of Mix A. Unless otherwise specified, all gunite shall be mixed in the proportions of I part of cement to 4 ll2 parts of wrd bascd on dry loose volume. I I I I t I I I I I I t t I I I T t I VANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINII,]MS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIR 037r.07 0371.08 0371.09 c-5 B. "Fibermesh" fibers as manufactured by Fibermesh, Inc., 4019 Industry Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416, shall be used in all gunite as specified and in strict accordance with the manufacturcr's recommendations as to the type and amount. The fiber manufacturer or approved distributor shall provide the services ofa qualified employee for a prejob meeting and initialjob start-up. Only fibers designed and manufactured specifically for use in gunite from virgin pollpropylene and so certilied by the manufacturer shall be acceptable (fibermEih shall be used in conjrinction with supplementary reinforcement not in lieu of supplementary rcinforcement). Placing of Gunite Whenever possible, except when enclosing reinforcing steel, the nozde shall be held at right angles to the gunite surface at a distance of 2-ll2 to 3-ll2 feet. When enclosing steel, the nozzle shall be held so as to direct the matcrial around the bars- A nozzleman's helper equipped with an air jet shdl attend the nozzleman and blow out all rebound, sand, itc., which may have lodged on the forms, steel or gunite. Gunite material shdl emerge from the nozzle in a steady, unintemrpted flow. Hydntion shall be thorough and uniform without the use of excessive water. In shooting walls, columns and beams, application shall begin at the bottom and shall completely cmbcd the reinforcement. The limit of thc thickness and the height has been exceeded when the material begins to sag. In shorting formed slabs, the nozzle shall be held at a slight angle to the work so that rebound is blown onto the completed portion from where it shdl be removed. The air jet shdl be constantly employed to keep the area placement frce ofrebound and all loose material. Wherever possible, slabs shall be completed in one operation. Reinforcement shall be cleaned of any previously deposiled gunite which might prevcnt proper bond to reinforcement- Sufficient time shall be allowed between layers for the material to set. Before setting has taken place and before placing any succeeding layer, Iaitance shall be removed by sandblasting. Surfaces shall be damp at all times. Rebound pockets, sags or other defecs shall be carefully cut out and replaced with new gunite or handpatched in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. Finishing Upon reaching the thickness and planes outlined by forms, the surface shall be rodded to true lines. Upon completion of rodding, ground wires may be removed. If possible, the finish coat shall be applied so that gunite is not shot over the finished work. All exposed surfaces shall be finished to sraight and true lines. Finish shall be as indicated: Wood Float-granular texture. Curing Gunite slall be damp cured for at least seven (7) days after placing or by proper application ofan approved sealing compound. It shall be mandatory for the gunite Contractor to perform the curing opcration. No gunite shall be plar:ed during freezing weather except when protective measures are laken as with ordinary concrele work. Gunite shall not be placed against frosted surfaces. I I I t I I t I I T t t t I I I I t I VANTAGE FOINT CON'DOMINTI,]MS BAIJCONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIR 0371.10 037l.ll c-6 Gunite Quality The minimum ultimate 28dav compressive strength shall be 5000 PSI (based on a normal l:4 lt? mix). The reiresenative of the Engineer may require @y verbal directive) two test simples ofgunite each day as a iraterial cirntrot. Tesi samples shall represeni the quality of guniteteing placed iir lhe slnlglure, and if there is more than oni cre* or n6zzleinan 6n the wor[,'test samples shall be made by each nozzleman in rotation so that the samples shall refresents thle quality of gunite being placed by eaph.- nozzleman, all as determined by th6 representatiie of the Engineer. Each saryple sh$l be dated, given a number, the name of the nozzleman making the sample and the point in the structure represented by the sample. The gunite Contractor shall furnish, at his own expense, wood forms as appropriate to provide samples which are made in the same fashion as the gunite work being performed. The test samples of gunite shall be made with the same air pressure, nozzle tip and hydration as-the gunite in the structurc at the point where the sample was made. At the end of 24 hours after samples are made, the samples shall be stored in the testing laboratories under air-cured conditions. Separate tests of gunite samples taken at the place and time shall be made at the ages of thr'ee (3) days, foirrteen (14) days and twenty-eight (2S) days and thall be used for correlative iurposes only. Conipressive suength of structural gunile in place shall be determined by cores as specified below. Core Tests A minimum of three (3) cores from the samples shall be taken for each 15 ctbic yards or fraction thereof, of structural gunite deposited. Cores shall be obtained ftom wood forms as appropriate to provide samples which are made in the same fashion as the gunite work being performed and tested in accordance wilh ASTM C42. Two (Z) qgrys itratt Ue removed and tested at a gunite age of three (3) days, fourtcen (14) days and the other one (l) core at a gunite age of28 days. Fourteen (la) day cores shall develop a minimum strength of 2750 PSI. Twentyeight (28) day cores shall develop a minimum strength of 5000 PSI- If gunite cores show deficieit strength, additional cores shall be taken at the Contnctor's expense ftom adjacent areas.- Two (2) cores shall be required for each deficient core. Should either additional core prove deficient, the defective gunite shall be removed and replaced. Should such deficiency be evident in fourteen (la) day cores, on approval ofthe Engineer, the Contracior may proceed with thi w6rk bn his 6wn riiponsibility until the 28day cores are tested. Wherc conditions prelude at the possibility of obtaining oores from the gunite in place, the Engineer may approve cores taken from a representative test panel made at the same time and under the same conditions as the structural gunite. I t I I I I T T I I T I I I t I I I T VANTAGE FOINT COI$DOMINII.]MS BAI.CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTI,'RAL REPAIR 037t.t2 0372.00 08?2.01 0372.O2 0372.03 c:, Eligible gunite contractors (subcontractors) and workmen. A. The Contractor, to be eligible as a bidder, must have had at least five (5) years. experience in gunite cnnstruction and must list at least ten (10) significant structural gunite installations which he has constructed and which on investigation, have been found to be completed in a satisfactory manner. Bidders with limited experience arc advised that very close scrutiny will be given all phases of this work. Unsatisfactory work will be immediately rejected. The Contractor is cautioned against attempting to substitute for specific equipment, items which have not been previously approved and items which may not meet all requirements of design and quality. Inferior equipment will not be accepted. B. Only foremen, nozdemen, gunmen and rodmen with at Ieast three (3) years of structurd experiencc shall bc employcd with satisfactory written evidence of such experiencc shall be fumished for the Engineer or his representative upon demand. TRO\YEL APPLIED MORTAR Scope of Work This work includes all labor, equipment, materials, supervision and incidentals necessaDr to prepare deteriorated or damaged concrete surfaces and install patches to horizontil surfaces to restore original surface condition and integrity. Materials Approved materials for this work are: l. -Rapid Road Repair" by the Quilaete Companies, Rich-Mix Ploducr (local reprcsenEtive) 2424 South 88th Street, Kansas City, KS 66lll. 2. "Set 45' as manufactured by Masler Builders, Cleveland, Ohio. Patch Installation A. The cavity surfaces shdl be clean and dry prior to commencement of patch. Preparation ofthe cavity to receive new patch material shall be in accordance with Section 0203.00. B. After sandblasting and air blasting to remove all loose concrete particles and laitance, the cavity shall be coated with a bonding agent compatible with the patch material and approved by the Engineer. Ifpatching is delayed until after the bonding agent is allowed to'set-up' (approximately l/2 hour for most producs) then the entire coated cavity strall be re-sandblasted and air blasted before the bonding agent is re-applied and patch is continued. D. F. I T I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I t t VANTACE FOINT COi\'DOMINILIMS BAIJCONTFS/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIR o37Z.A O398.OO EFOXY !\^'JECTION SYSTEIT{S . DELETED c{ Placement of patching materials shall immediately follow bonding application. The properly portioned and mixed patch material shall be placed using trowels to consolidate the patch such that no voids exist wilhin the new material and continuous contacf with the base concrete is achieved. Supplemcnal wire mesh shall be required for delamination and spall repain greater than two (2") inches in depth. Fresh bonding agent is required between successive lifu. No traffic shall be allowed to drive on floors above freshly placed ceiling, beam or joist patches for a minimum of 72 hours after parch placement. On windy days or when the rclative humidity is less than 50 percant after the patch material has been allowed to cure for at least two (2) hours, damp cure the patch material for six (6) hours by misting with a fine water spray. DO NOT use curing compounds. Curing time shall be extended when the curing temperature falls below 55 degrees F. When the curing tempenture falls below 50 degrees F., curing shall be considered to have been intemrpted. The trowel applied mortar shall be applied to precast tee stems only where the cavity patched is locatcd directly above the bearing plate of the stem (within 6' of the end of the tee). Testing A. Three (3) test cylinder (3" in diameter urd 6" long) shall be made by the Contractor for each ten (10) cubic yards of patching material. The cylinders shall be field cured undei similar c6nditionias the-patctr. Tests shdfbe made by a testing laboratory employed by the Owner and approved by the Engineer. B. Compression test shall be executed as follows: l. One (l) at threc (3) days. 2. One (l) at scven (7) days. 3. One (l) held in reserve for use as the Engineer directs. C. After56 days, unless notified by the Engineer to the contrary, the leserve cylinders may be discarded. All tests shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM C39, and by the same laboratory. Copies of test reports (one each) shall be sent to the Owner, the Engineer and the general Contractor. D. The Owler's representative shall further test all cured patches for soundness. Any defective patches shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor in accordance with these qpecifications at no additional cost to the Owner. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0702.00 0702.01 YANTAGE FOINT CONDOMINITJIITS BAI.CONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTIJRAL REPAIR TM.1 DWISION O7fiIER}TAL AND MOISTI.]RE PROTECTION 0703.00 0703.01 GEI{ERAL General Conditions The general conditions, supplementary conditions and the requirements of Division 0l of this specification form a part of this Division. SCOPE OF WORK Items The work required under this Division shall include dl material, labor, equipment end services neoessaq/ to fumistr ud insall in accordance wilh the drawings and specifications, all items listed, but not limited to: PETIETRATING SLAB AND DECK SEALER SYSTEI\4 Scope of Work A. Work in this scction shall include the furnishing and instdling of dl labor, materials, equipment, supervision urd incidentals as nccessitry to install a penetrating sealer system on the intcrm€diate level. B. This penetrating slab and deck scaler system is related directly to section 0791.m. C. Approved penetrating slab and deck sealer systems are: l. Hydrozo Clcar 40 manufacturcd by Hydrozo, Lincoln, Nebraska. 2. Sil-Act As 42 manufactured by Advanced Chemical Technologies, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 3. Consolideck H40 manufactured by ProSoCo, Inc., Kansas City, Kansas. D. Any substitute systems proposcd under the provisions of the General Conditions shall meet or exceed the following requirements. l. The proposed sealer material shall be cost competitive with that specified. 2. It shall have been tested for chtoride ion permeability on concrete of design mix similar to thal used in the deck concrete and show significant chloride ion rcduction with respect to a similar test block treated with the sealer specified and a correqpoirding reduction ofat least 65 percent over an untreated concrete test block to a depth ofone inch. 07rt.00 0718.01 t VANTAGE POINT CONDOMINITJMS I BALcoNrEs/wALKwAy srRUcruRALREpArR TM.z t 0718.02 Materials and Design A. The sealer system shall be a complete system of compatible materials designedI bv the manu'facturer to oroducc a oenetiatine orotectilve coatins,. See SccdonI 0?91.00 for compatibility of sealei system iith ilre control joiit and crack filler systems. I B' m:i:l-il:ft:'1,""L?g,:"*r*",ffton orthe concretcbv watetr' oirs' stease' I C. The sealer system shall be pro,portioned mixed and packaged by a manufacturerI familiar with the qpecificatilon and having previous cxperience wift prcparing the system for application to concrele. I D' fg*?1f,*J,l$H f;liffi;;,the site in originar unopened @ntaine$, I l. Productname. 2. Name of manufacturcr. I 3. Date of preparation. 4. Shelf life. I 0718.03 Installation I A. f,lj Sfffig.*air and random crack sealing shall be complete prior to scaling - B. The sealer materid shall not be applied until all @ncrete patches have beeo air I cured at tempemtures at or above 50 degrees Fahrenheit for at least rcven (/)t *S""J,"H1r*eiving approval of the Engineer, or if cold or damp weather is I c' Fff*?"i,"*t,llfr,lf"?JHr"f$ifil*,Tr-*rcs above 50 degrees I D. The concrete surface shall be cleaned by shot blasting to remove any dust orr LtH?eJs1ffi3.:lil"fltr'"'f ff"':'"?ls,1l,ll!.#!'l,Hl[Ii['*"n"lffil''t E #:::;""':":j;ffi'fi:J:"::1ilfi*-#ffilT Fahrenheit without approval of the manufacturer and the Engineer. U F. Sealer shall be applicd at a rate of 125 quare feeVgallon. I 0718.04 F4uipment I A. The equipment used shall be of the following rypes. t l. I-ow pressure Hudson spnryenl. I I t I I t I I I I I I I I T I l t I I VANTAGE PIOINT CONDOMINII]MS BAIfONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTIJRAL REPAIR 0718.05 0750.00 0?50.01 0750.02 TM-3 2. A drum cart with a spray distribution bar. 3. A pickup truck with an attached spray bar. B. When pressurized distribution eguipment is used to apply the sealer, it shatl be flow controlled and pressurc regulated. Line pressures during application shall not exceed 30 psi gauge. The discharge nozde orifice shall not be more than 12" nor less than 8" from the concrete surface. Delivery rates from the pump impeller shall not exceed exhaust rate at the orifice by more than 25 Percent. Quality Assurance The Contractor or the sealant manufacturer shall provide the Owner with a single sourse guiuantee of product performance for a period of three (3) years. Any material failure during the warranty period shall be conected to the satisfaction of, and at no additional cost to the Owner. WATERPROOFING MEIVIBRANE Scope of Work The work covercd under this scction consists of furnishing all labor, materials, eguipment, supervision and incidentals necessary to prepare the existing concrete surface and install waterpKx'fing membrane. Installation Procedure A. All concrete surfaces to rcceive the special coating shatl be cleaned so:rs to facilitate the application of the new membrane systern as reguired by the coating manufacturer. A written letter accepting the condition of the concrete surface for final Fepaxation and application of the membrane by the manufacturer and applicator shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to the start of work. B. At junctions between the floor slab and walts or curts, the membrane shall be turned up along the vertical surface a minimum offour inches. C. The coating shall be applied in a continuous film over controljoints between floor slab, cove or curb, and bumper walls. D. Test subsrrata for excessive moisture content and for bond to the ocisting surface, in manner recommended by manufacturer. E. Prime and seal substrata as recommended by membrane manufacturer, applying thin coating of membrane liquid if not otherwise recommended. F. N{ask off adjoining surfaces not to receive membrane, and close off floor drains, to prevent spillage and migration of liquid materials outside membrane iuea. G. Atl deck control joint scaling, (to include 'T'-flange joint sealing if applicable) shall be complet6d before thii iirstallarion. I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I t I I I VAI$TAGE FOINT CONDOMINII]MS BAIfONIESNTAIJ(WAY STRUCTTJRAL REPA]R 0750.03 0750.04 0750.05 TM-{ H. Existins conrol ioints in toooine slab shall be clearlv identified bv a method subminid in wriling for the iingineer's approval. Iiint identificalion after installation wil be dl inclusive and exact. I. All deck expansionjoinb and other detailing work not excluding above shall be completed prior !o this installadon. t. Apply lotal thiclness of coatings in number of coats recommended by m'airdfacturer, using qpecial toi'couting to achieve wear resistance and weather resistance as required, urd to provide appropriate skid resistance. Retain product containen during course of work, to aid in determining whdher completed coating complies with average thickness requirements. Verification to be made by the Engineer. L. The coating sball be allowed to properly cure, according to the_manufacturer's recommendations, prior to the work area being opened for traff,c use. Materids The coating system specified for use shall be the following: 1. Scotchclad Brand Deck Coating Systcm 'P' (gray), (regular tnffic) as manufactured by 3M Company, St. Paul, Minnqsoa. 2. Peda-Gard tr Gray) as manufactured by Neogard, Ddlas, Texas. Qudity Assurance A. The coating manufacturer, applicator and Contractor shall provide the Ovsner with single souroe guarantee of product performance for a period of thrce years. Any material failure during the warranty period shall be corrected to the satisfaction of and at no additional cost to the Owner. B. It is required that membme work be water-tight and not deteriorate exccssively for normal weather exposurc and for normal traffic in applications indicated, nor for manufacturer recommended cleaning procedures, for period of warranfy. C. Throughout the balconieVwalkrvays, it is required that the membrane not deteriorate under spillage of normal ice/snow melting substances. Specid Consideration The materials shall be shipd directly to the job site by the manufacturer. Special :urirngements for local warehouse storage may be obtained after which approval will be provided by the Engineer provided appropriate insurance coverage is certified. Wet mil thiclness will be taken by the Engineer at various locations on the job during each coating application. A final dry mil thickness will also be bken by the Engineer upon job completion. These mil thicknesses shall comply with the manufacturer's specifications as submitted as part of the Bid Proposal Form. I VAI\ITAGE POINT COI\DOMINIT]1\,{SI BALCONIES/wALKwAY STRUcTT]RALREPAIRI l1vr-s I 0750.06 Protoction I ffi:$:lftrii":'#i,if,$Tf'"t:TisL#*ff*Ttr"'iF#i::.ae*1$#,:y't completion of the reconstructioi work. Submit proposed procedurc to the Engineer for r€vrew. I Ot7.00 DpANSTONJOTNT SYSTEM- DELETEn I l)791.00 JOrNT SEAr-tu\TS a 0791.01 Scope of Work I A. Work in this section shall include furnishing all labor and materials for sealingt *Tffi:'i:',SfJilHffiH,i"fffi,:#ruX*:"ts as shown on rhe t B. Htffiltrt"#y assume tull rcsponsibility for the compatibility of the I C. 1. For control joints and cracts approved sealant systems arc: a. "Corcressive 1964" (Masterfill CI) manufactured by Master Builders, Cleveland, Ohio. t b. 'Sika 51 SL' manufactured by Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, New Jersey. I Backer rod, ifrequired, shall be constructed ofclosed cell polyethylene foam. r 2. For cove joints approved s€alant systems are: 1. 'Dymeric" as manufactured by Tremco, Cleveland, Ohio. I 2' ;:sl3H:i'#;stT:ilhtffffi'bv sonneborn Building I 3. ;Tfj:Hf" as manufactured by Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, t D' frH,t3;oiH,'J,'f^, TffHd*,ffiiEg,tH'.T*:orthe Generar conditions l. Sealant shall be a traffic bearing, two component, polyurethane s€alant. t 2. Sysle4 manufacturer shall show evidence of similar work for a five-year period. - E. The Contractor and sealant system manufacturer shall assume direct contractual I F#l"1*tgrtffit#ant ivork including the required three (3) vear t l T I t I I I I I I I t I t I t t I t VAI\NAGE FOINT CO}IDOMINIT]MS BAIf ONIES/WALKWAY STRUCTTJRAL REPAIR w9t.g2 0791.03 0791.04 TM-6 Materials and Design A. The sealant system shall be a complete system of compatible materials designed by the manufacturer to produce a waterproof, faffic bearing joint. Deliver all materials used in the work in original unopened containers, bearing the manufacturcr's name and brand name. B. Bond breaken and fillers shall be as recommended by the system manufacturer. C. All materials shall be unmodified ud contain no coal tar, asphalt or other adulterurts. D. System manufacturer shall check adhesion required substmta and recommend appropriate preparatory mglsures. E. System manufacturer shall have the frrll responsibility for rwiew and approval of all joint deails prior to construction. F. Sealant materials shall be compatible with the traffic bearing waterproofing membrane and concrete surface sealer. Preparation A. Routing shall be performed by a mechanized device that has positive mechanical control over depth and alignment of cut. Iknd held power grinders with abrasive disla shall not be used for routing cracks. B. Cavities shall be thoroughly cleaned by either nndblasting or grinding o rernove all laitance, unsound concrete and curing compounds which may interfere with adhesion. The grmve shall always b€ air blasted to remove remaining debris. Said debris shall then be removed from the work area before crack sealing commences. Installation of Sealant A. The sealant materials shall be insalled in accordance with the manufacturer's qpecifications by an applicator approved in writing by the manufacturcr. All sealants shall be insalled bv workers skilled in the trade. B. Work shall not proceed with the installation of sealants under adverse weather conditions, or when temperatures are below or above manufacturer's recommended limiations for insallation. C. Apply joint primer as recommended by the sealant manufacturcr in strict accordance with the manufacturer's printed recommendations. Allow primer to properly cure prior to sealant insallation. D. Apply bond breaker tape, sand, backer rod as required by sealant manufacturer. E. Prepare and insall the sealant evenly and to the proper depth so as to completely fill the crack or the routed groove. F. G. I I t I I T t I I I I t t t I T I t I VA}ITAGE FOINT CONDOMINIT]I\{S BALCONMS/WALKWAY STRUCTURAL REPAIR 0791.05 ToalReqonsibility Guarantee ASPHALT STJRFACE SEALF,R . DELETEI) TM.7 If low pressure caulking equipment is used, then the appropdate looling and working of sealant material shall be required. The sealant manufacturer shall provide printed instnrctions as to specific detrils of the recommendcd applicati,on procedure at conEol joints and grooves. Care shall be bken not to overfill the joint. The joint sealant material at control joints or routed goove strall be at least 1/16' below thc surface ofthe deck. The new s€alant shall be allowed to properly cure, according to manufacturer's recommendations, before the rcpair area is reopaned to Eafftc. The Contractor or system manufrcturer shall furnish the Owner a written single source performancc guarantee that the sealant system will be free of defects related'to desrgn, wo-rkmanship or material dedciency for a three (3) year period from the date ofacceptance ofthe work required under this section against leakage related !o the following: 1. Any adhesive or cohesive failure. 2. Discoloration, crazing or other weathering deficiency. 3. Normal abrasion or tear failure or defective joint application. Anv renair under this suarantee sttall be done at no cost to the Orner. The guiantee shatl be proiiOeO by the manufacturer of the system. This guarantce excludes damage due to vandalism or snow plows. I I I I t T I I I T I l I T t I I t I CCNC. TOPP ING DELALI INATED A.RTA RII,'1CVI 1/2' u' lN . BEY0I'iD DILAM INATED SURFACT \F_4 rY rqT 'c P/n Trr CLASS (F 1) R[h4CVAL Rt[10vt BTYOND B[Y ND DTLAM DILA[/ Rt INF I I NATTD NATID STItL (]ONCRtTI TO ql lPf Ar^f A\lnJUI \t n\_/L /1 r\L lii \/l IN i\lliN ILOOR SI.]RTACI PRTPARAT ICI']-1 4r /\=i- 1f-Y.-t VANTAGT PC I []T CONDCS A r-, f-\ f- -1L\PP F I nt /I \t I L_ I L,/ I I I I T I I T I I I l I t t I I t I I CONC. TOPP ]NG D[LA[4 INATED ARIA RE|/IOVE 1/2" .'./|rN. BIYOND DELAM iI'IATED SURTACI \\1-4 tx lsT 'G . P/c TEt CLASS (r2 )R[[4CVAL R[[/0vt B[YCND BtY C ND DtLAltll DTLA[4 Rt INF I I NAITD NAITD s-r t tL CONCRTTI TC SuR[ACt AND 1l)' ' [/ r\l,/ /_ rvr I r\ -1 /' , ,.'' \i | \ltl !_ r,i i i lt ILCOR SURFACI PRTPARAT ION 4 -1 - r,-t- | )-'"1 )||\--lv'\-' VANTAGT PC I NT COI{DOS A -r ff f 11 it\ u L-' t- / /1 'r-r\l I Lt- \_r I I I I I I I I T I I l I I I I I t I I I CONC . TOPP INC [x rsT G . P/c TEE FL/\NGE +X 1.........".., .......... Rt[/cv[ D[LAN/ | NA-t-tD CONCRI-II -t0 1/2" |\l I \l BTYOND DILA[,1 I\]A-t[D SURFAC[ AND -I/Z iV1 i\I BIYCND R[ INF- " S-I ttl DETAM INATED ARIA RTMOVT coNC. 1/2" rA rN. BIY0ND DELAM INATTD SIJRFACE CLASS (T i) R[it,lCVAL Ct IL I NC SURTACI PRiPARAT ION 1- 15 193 VANTAGT PO INT CONDOS APP f 3 ,'-r{ 1/-\l I LJ L/ I T t T T t I I I T I I t I I I I t I T L]ONC . TOFP iI,JG tx rsT 'c . P/c Ttt DELA|/ IMTED ARIA RII/{)VI CONC . 1/2 ll rN. BIYI]ND DILAIJTNATID SURFACT ar Aaa\-,Ln -r J /-T rttt/\ t/Rt\/IOVAL RtlvlOt/t D[LA[,1 BTYCND DtLAh4 CONCRTII AND NArtD CONRITI 1l?" NATiD SURIACI OR TC 1 l', t\/ tN " BTYCND Rt h4 ll'',i " SOUND lNt " S] [[L Ct I NG SURTACT PRTPARAT ION -1 -la r^', =| | r_\ \ I \l- l-)-:].-) VANTACI PO I N_T CONDOS APP t4 of 7 I t I t t T t I I I I I t I I I I I I I O,lV att 11.1 ' rlirrtTL : '\ L t/'+ (-'-llt 2 CONC. TODP ING C Ttt FLANGT r -/v_ / fl.ll t// I I T -5 - 2', ,\ 2., SPI\C Ii\G \,/AR 6 IO8 CTR XI; iis 5. IVIFY |)TIN I 5. |]IRI 1'DIA.PIPtSHI SPAC ING VAR ITS 6 'TO 8 CTR 'S. E)( IST G. CHA\NNtL ( w-B .oo 10' l-l /a, -rr- cTrr rrlL rLL Jrt_rvl PER IIV{IT[R AT Ttt STtM -1 4T t-\ -r- |:)-yJ CCNDOSVAN-TAG[ PC I NT ADD f tr -,{ f/1 | | L_ *-,/ \-./ I / I I T I I I t I I I T I I I I I I I I CONC. TOPP i-' \ r\ aJ\- 3 ,t' A T f7- |.---7--' C t'/TTE TLANGT ,1 D iA " P IPE SH IMS SPAC ING VAR IES / T.5.2'.X2 .Y'ii4'. SPAU iNC VAR It5 APPR0X. 6 -0' 0 .r1 . CHAI/FIR OR VO ID AT TOP OF DOUBLE TTT TLANGE 10' CHANNTL ( \l/-s .oo ) T08 CTR S. SLAB tDGt MOD IF ICAT ICN -1 -1 f- t\, --7r- r)-vJ VANTAGT FO II']T CONDOS A-)-) T-a --C -AgF- i {'\ (-lT Ir \r I L_ \_,/ NEW Mil'/B - (\{l-'r3 .00 IX IST 'G . COI\IC . TOPP INIG R0uT & CAULI{ ( !i-6 .00 ) CONT . a /.,r' l I R[[1OVI & RtPLAff MI A[&t ASRIOD. ( w- 10.c0 ) f 4 D0WELS o 24 ' DR ILL IN & TPOXY(6"MtN.) rflil 160A.$Au.DRtP iDrT ftt'IT. flt- tr.0o ) rY lqiln tr/a rrr AT STTM IXTIND I,/EI,{B. OVER TULL DTPH OF STIM AND WRAP AROUND S IDES 1' ( D0 NOT WRAP AROUND B0TT - SLAB tDGt h4OD I T I CAT ICN .4 4- /\, --7t- tf,-y.._1 VAN-I AGt PC INT CONDOS APP a7 of 7