HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 1 VANTAGE POINT SIGN VARIANCE LEGAL/. t.a(o/' k,t-'. r, Ar'' I\.'/ /frl\ 6 {T ,*'1n'i;4-t ,l ,'{:'"\n1,,''.,0 i.., I TO: FROM: ; DATE: SURTECT: rc,l Design Review Board Conmunity Developnent Department May l-8, 1988 I I.THE REQUEST The Vantage Point Conddminium Association is requestingsign variances for the total sign square footage andreguired height of wall signs. Vantage point has 27square feet of signage in three signs, one of which is ato99. They are proposing to remove all existing sj_gns andreplace them with two signs totalling 29 square feet. Onesign containing 8 square feet.would Ee located above thegarage entrance on the eEst side of the building. Theother sign containing_2O squqrg__€_eet would be on the north A request for a sign variance for the Vantage point CondominiurnsApplicant: Vantage Point condominium Association tofthe allowable. The than sign code restricts the signage to be located no more SI above the allowable heiqht. elevatioi at a heish€=T-3!i-66E$-n "*i=ti"g-g."a". The sections of the code which relate to the variancerequest are listed below:' Lg.20.2L0 Wall Signs B. Size. square foot for each five front lineal feet ofbuilding, with a maximum area of 20 square feet. C. Height No part of the sign shall extend above twenty-fivefeet from existing grade. According to the sign code, the Vantage point Condominiumsare all-owed a maximun of 20 square feet of combined totalsquare footage. One the Vantaqg Point is requestinq a total of 28gnage in two signs, 8 square feet above 25 feet above grade. The reguest is to place theon the norttr elevation 38 feet above qrade, 13 feet Please see attached drawings for location and detail . I II. FINDINGS AND STAFF RESPONSES Before the Board acts on a variance application, theapplicant must prove physical hardship and the Board rnustfind that, A.There special circumstances or conditionsapplyinq to the land dinqs vecretation, s structures or other matters onad'iacent lots or within the ad acent riqht-of-wa ch would sub tiall estr ct the effectivenessof the s tion;ovid however, that suchspecral clrcuns or condit ons are uni<rue to therticular business or enterpr to which theapplicant des to draw attention and do not aqenerally to all businesses or enterprises. Staff Response The Vantage Point Condoniniums do have anidentification problem due to the size of thebuilding and the fact that for the entire project,they are allowed only tvo signs having a cornbinedarea of 20 square feet. Sinilar large projects suchas the Raintree Inn, Holiday Inn, Marriott Mark, andDoubletree have also received sign variances relatedto total anount of sigmage due to the_g,ie_of theirprojects. Staff feels that the Vantage Point Condominiums have sinilar special. cireumstances thatwarrant an increase in the cornbined square footage of signage. The staff doesglfeel , however, that the VantagePoint Condominiurns should be allowed to place onesign at 38 feet from grade. There are no special circumstances or conditions that are unique to theproject that do not apply generally to all businesses. It is true that the Dgubl?tree Hgtel was given avariance to place their sign Tacing the Frontage Roadat a height of 55 feet. The reasons for granting the variance as indicated in the memo dated June l-7, L987, was that the size of the sign was in scale withthe rest of the building and the fact that thebuildinq was situated below the qrade of the Frontacre Road, niti To the west of the Vantage Point Condominiums is the Landnark Hotel whose siqn is 15 feet above the-FequJ;edt-6-teet?tt'when the Landmark constructed thissign in L984, they were replacing an existing signwith a new one at the sanre height as the oJ-d sign. The is another building along the Frontage The the onto make which has signs higher than 25 feet above grade.records do not show approval of these signs, sostaff must surmise that these signs were paintedthe building at a very early date; this wouldthe signs legal nonconforming. B. The staff feels that, in general , the circumstancesthe Vantage Point condominiums face are not unique toother buildings along the South Frontage Road, andtherefore the height of the Vantage point signageshould not exceed 25 feet above grade. s circumstances were not cr theIicantr anyone tn Staff Response: Special circumstances were not created by theapplicant. c.Iha!__!he grantinq of the variance lrill be in qeneral harmony with the purpose of this titfE-Ena-dff not Staff Response: Staff feels the proposed signaSe Eif.[- reFpec!_-g9_S,izeis in harmony with the purposes of the-Elgn-6a-The signage will be lit by a liqht source separatedfrom tlre sign. The 8 foot sign above the garage entry :[s alsogBel.iblarrith the sign code's generEfiuilG. Thestaff feels that this sign is inportant to help !--:notorists :lclentify E be ma allv detr tal to the sons resid acent Dro orhood or to the c welfare eneral . purpose and location within the froject. from the to the The staff doesvariance is in many buildings conforms to the whose signs are not feel that qrantinq the heichtre arealong the Frontage Road whose signagesign code with respect to height and adequate to identify the buildings. D.e varlan lied fo does not dsions of th s title an more thandentthe a cant's bus ness or use. ed to Staff Response: The applicant is reguesting an additional 8 squarefoot sign beyond the allowed 20 square feet. Staffbelieves that one 20 square foot sign and one 8square foot sign are not unreasonable square footagesto reguest for a building of this size. The staff does feel that the 20 square sign on thenorth elevation will identify the building adequatelywhen placed 25 feet from grade, and that i freigntvariance to place this sign at tB feet is notwarranted. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff a al an allowed t/ consistent with the sign coders requirement that signagenot call undue attention to itself. The square toofagtrequest also does not depart drastically fiorn the arlowedsignage. We recommend approval of the iequest for avariance from the arnount of total signage allowed. Hfrrq.';wrl-I be adequately identified with two signs that are the sign code.believes t the signs arG placed no higher than 25 feet. Due to the recent increased nunber of subnittal-s for signvariance requests for large lodges, the staff feels it - will be appropriate to adjust tf,e sign code to aLlow forwrrr De approprl_ate to adjust the sign code to aLlow forso4e__qE44igne! signage for these@t6Viewing these-T6?[Ence requests, -taff nas tliea to Dl(B naintain continuity in our decision making andreconmendations to the Design Review Board and council.However, in the long term, we feel that the best solutionis to adjust the sign code so that it is in tune with theneeds of these tlpes of developments. This approach willavoid a series of individual rlview of sign viiianceswhich are time consuming for the applicanf,, Design Review.Board and Town council.";:;;'ol'w-,f^i:: zr d YN.^o.r t8 i-; t"' 3t'lt'-tr(P a,r,4e-.1-) crrra,':' J.- :f;S' |'ffi- - lu .,* |*l : ri,,- a,t- h"\"- IANTAGE POINT.IAIL Agril 21, 1988 508 East Lionshead Circte, Vait, Cotorado 81657 Ms. BeEsy Rosolack Town of VaiI Comrnunity Development. 75 So. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81658 Dear Betsy: With regard to the height of the Vant.age point sign onthe north side of the elevator shaft, ie feel thaE 25 feetabove ground level_will not be high enough. Since VantagePoinE sits well below the level ol the S6. Frontage Roadlwe feel a minimum of 38 feet above ground level i6 necessaryto make_the sign clearly visible. We have recently planteda row ot coEtonwood trees along Lhe south side of the frontageroad EhaE will grow quite tall-over Lhe years. As it isnohr Ehese trees will block Uhe view of a- sign rnounted at25 feec above ground level. After looking aE some of our neighboring condominiumsnamely the Landmark Eo our \"res; ind uhe-Doubletree to oureast, we do noE feel 38 feet above ground level ls at al-lunreasonable' since this will be our only sign on the norths-ide of the building we do feel it should- be Elearly visiblefrorn I-70 and rhe 56. Frontage Road. I would like theopportuniEy,to.have soneone from the sign review committeeand/or the design review board to come 5ut and look at oursituation in order to make a fair evaluation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. S i n n ar-o 1 rr VANTAGE POINT/IIAIL CONDOMINIUMS ,lilJiJh--_ Michael D'Anci, General Manager (303)476-0364 VANTAGE y'tu/d,*, 3ir" PGENTT ,ru'l . ;),/tz.rL /<-&- /cfttu' , | " a'a{tu r . 4rtc& +-utotfi/- /r /oi/'/ro7 / eoue,A l{ a 3? r. t-E_ t' EXr S-n r+(-- L-eAO - El-EuArto^J - POINT \N V/+Ar recra---pffi .. NO G-T- t+ C? L6\.i Aa I O ^),,P+rc-.rtaL) - SITE- PL-Ar{ - I ts€ &€14 ou€-o) El,_t s /( -l-o b<- S -f- r r-_r C, _7 tC ^/ ,1'Lsrnd "n d ) L.-p<-.41-t e..\) oF ?%?o=aiP- GAeA4;t- I DEllJrl p.-1- .-;t-1 o"1 \r +eoYi e-r'{rR-f t- o e,O -5*1c4./{ 4s2o r-cclA'fr oA /7- € ^4 A L/ e- D j54Jft{FF..a,{'T-Aci€- e4,AF \l} ! ! '/,tl u trtl li ri rf ler'I (1t T': ';;t Fz, o- bJ Fz > z. F LJJtlJ t- z. {' \ \, f JI vl $ri\lII'\ |tvl1J.tli'*lr_li 'l rri ll /',F\lt' -r o *{ v o -..J ( tr ul \ I .4 t5 (l- A. \ 7:3Q 7:35 7:40 Larry Eskwith 7:55 Larry Eskwith 8: 10 Tom Braun 8:25 Ken Hughey 1. z. 3. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1988 7:30 p.m. EXPANDED AGENDA Anderson Youth Recognition Award - Jothi Alahan Approval of Minutes from May 3 and 17, 1988 Meetings Ordinance No- 14, Series of 1988, second reading, amendingTitle 12 Streets and Sidewalks of the Municipal Code by the addition of Chapter 12.12 Mandatory Utility Connection Action Requested of Council: Approve,/deny Ordinance No. 14, Seri es of 1988, on second reading. Background Rationale: Ordinance 14 will gjve the CounciI the power to require abutting property owners to connect toutilities whenever a street is authorized to be paved by the CounciI. Staff Recommendation: Approve Ordinance No. 1.4, Serjes of @ing. Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1988, second reading, repealing and reenacting Section 8.24.060 H to provide new requirements for the use of loud speakers or sound ampl jfying equjpment Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1.988, on second reading. Background Rationale: Because of problems in administering the ampl ified sound ordinance, it has been repealed and reenacted to do away with the discretionary permit system. Changes discussed at first reading have been made. $taff Reconrmendatjon: Approve Ordinance No. 15, Series of@ins. Ordinance No. 12, Series of L988, first readjng, amending the Design Review Guidel ines pertaining to primary/secondary and duplex development Action RequesLed of Council: Approve/deny 0rdinance No. 12, Series of 1988, on first reading. Background Rationale; Wh'i le the Counci1 was general 1y amenable to this ordjnance as presented in May, staff was asked to receive fjnal comments from the DRB pri or to any action by the Council. The DRB has discussed this ordinance on two occasjons and has endorsed what js presented to the Council today. Two changes requested by the Council (concerning slope and garage additions to existing units) have been incorporated through these rev'i sions. Staff Recommendation: Approve 0rdinance No. 12, Seri es offfi9. 6. 0rdjnance No. 16, Series of 1988, first reading, prohjbjting liquor and beer in closed containers over July 4th tdeekend and New Year's Eve uested of Council: Approve/deny Ordinance No. 16, 4. 5. 1988, on f i rst read'i ng. 7. Background Rationale: 0ver the 4th of July holiday period ffi the Vail Police Department has seen a rapid increase in the amount of drunkenness, disorderly conduct, assaults, minors in possession of alcohol , violation of the alcohol in open container ordinance, and vandalism in the area of Bridge Street and Gore Creek Drive. Indicators lead us to believe that inebriated persons are responsible for a majority of these problems. In an effort to control the amount of alcohoi contributing to the problem areas, we are proposing that no alcoholjc beverages be allowed in the area of Bridge and Gore during the impacted time periods. This wil1 give the Police Department one more tool to use in an effort to control the prob 1 ems . Staff Recommendation: Approve 0rdinance No. 16, Series of 1988, on first reading. Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1988, increased fines and jail sentence vi ol ati ons first reading, regarding on criminal ordi nance 8:45 Buck Al len 9:05 Pam Brandmeyer 9:15 Betsy Rosolack Acti on of Coulcil: Approve/deny Ordinance No. L7, on first reading. Background Rationale: Home rule cities now have the option ffind penalty limit to $999 and 180 days in jail- The increased fine and penalty level does not change the municipal court procedure. The increased fine level for the more serious criminal ordinance violations will allow the court to deal more effect'ive1y with those crimes. There are currently instances where the max'imum fine is being imposed and a greater fine would be set if possible. The higher fine and ja'i 1 sentence are also valuable in gettingzrestitution for the victim and fon the Town for rejmbursement for jail terms actually served. The longer jai1 provisions also al 1ow'l onger probation perjods for the defendarits. Staff Recommendation: Approve Ordinance No. 17, Series offfins. 8. Appointment to the Local Liquor Licensing Authority Board Acti on Requested of Coulqjl: Appoint one menber to the Board,replacing Colin Gleason. Background Rationale: Col in G] eason resigned, and so far, ffiicants for the positjon: Lynn Fri tz1en, Kevin Cassidy and Tim Savage. 9. Sign Variance Request by Vantage Point Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny sign variance nequest. Background Rationale: The Vantage Point Condominiums have requeited two variances to the s'i gn code. One is for the amount of signage and the other for the height of the sign. The DRB voted unanimously to approve 28 square footage of signage, 8 feet above the 20 feet al'l owed. They also voted unan'imously to allow a sign to be placed 32 feet above grade, 7 feet above the allowed 25 feet. A slanted roof extends up the wa1 1 approximately 20 feet. The Board felt the sign looked better at 32 feet rather than 25 feet because of the location of the roof. Staff Recommendation: The staff supports the variance ffidditional 8 square feet over the 20 square feet allowed in the sign code. The staff does not support the requested sign height variance. e T uested -?- \ \\..l I I LA\|IAGE POINT'IAIL\I April 21, 1988 Ms. Betsy Rosolack Town of Vail Cornmunity Development 75 So. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81658 Dear Betsy: With regard to the height of the Vantage Point sign on the north side of the elevator shaft, we feel that 25 feet above ground level will not be high enough. Since Vantage Point sits well below the level of the So. Frontage Road, we feel a minimum of 38 feet above ground level is necessaryto make the sign clearly visible. We have recently planted a row of cottonwood trees along the south side of the frontage road that will grow quite Lall over the years. As it is now rhese trees will block the vlew of a sign mounted at 25 feet above ground level . After looking at some of our neighboring condominiums namely the Landmark to our west and the DoubleEree to our east, we do noE feel 38 feet above ground level is at all unreasonable. Since this will be our only sign on Ehe north side of Ehe building we do feel it should be clearly visible from I-70 and the So. Frontage Road. I would like the opporEuniEy to have soneone from the sign review comittee and/or the design review board to come ouE and look at our situation in order to make a fair evaluation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, VANTAGE POINT'YAIL CONDOMINIUMS "lLiJiJh.^Michaet D'Anci, General Manager 508 East Lionshead Circle. Vail. Colorado 81657 (303) 476-0364 TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST Request form must be given to the secretary to the Town Manager by8:00 A.M. Thursdays. Date:5/L9/88 Dept. Con Dev Meeting Date: Work Session Iten/Topic: Vantage Point sign variance reguest. II. llo uphold or overturn the DRB decision. III. Backqround Rationale lhe vantage point condoniniunrs have reguested two variancesto- the -sign code. one is for the aurouit of signage and theother for the height of the sign. The Design i,eview Boardvoted unanimously to approve 28 square footige of sj-gnage, Ifeet above the 20 feet alrowed. chey also v6tea unaiiur5uiryto allow a sign to be placed 32 feet above grade, Z feetabove the arrowed 25 feet. A slanted roof extends up thewall approxirnatery 20 feet. The Board felt the slgn iooieabetter at 32 feet rather than 25 feet because of tlie locationof the roof. Ttt Staff Recommendation I. The.staff Eupports the variance request to allow anadditlonar 8 sguare feet over the fo sguare feet alrowed inEne stgn code. The staff does not support the reguested signheight variance. V. Assurances: (_Legal , Engineering,Outsiderprof ess ional )rT .'/, , ... ,</ ."'' -/-" i' /J;4 ,.., f4: ct s r /.- _Finance, (t/ C.^r)=- ,,/Y I /l ' J-l - | ' Jr d , (J'- \ \./L1 L) Profect Appllcation ' Proiect Name: ProJect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect. Address and Phone: Lsgal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Commeib: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by:Ea ,t T L.- APPROVAL .\ DISAPPFOVAL V Town Planner7 .r _ i/' ,'/ ,i / d,i/Aara' ' t' / U E statt Approval ,.r( r 7 I ApplicaLion D.iLc APPLIC.\TION TOR A SIGN VARIA.I{CE This proccclure is required, for any project requcscing a Variancc. The application wlll not be acccpted until all information is submitt A. NattE OF AppLrCAltT Vnrtlrl ne Pni ADDnEss :jC)g ?.. L-iitrr.,, V(i r{ ' PHoNE 'l-/(-- C76' NAI,IE oF APPLICAI\TIs REPRESEI.IT.ATIVE i i)r[jc,. -I) I/- ADDRE55 5C X {' ( , Lr ri 1-1/1d...1 s{ (',i-. ',lyJe - t t-Gl c.'NAME 0F OwNER (print or type)!..i r)/'cr r.iri -lr'.rrl SIGNAIURE )' i : /l 'ADDESS ,=I..rL,{' t' I.rf,' HoigE I-,OCATION OT PROPOS]\L ADD]IESS D. E. LEGAI-, DESCRfPTION FEE. S20.00. " ''i.ci t,lot l,t iI block:_- g (over) lt **au* ,{ tb .zL . ii-l- "^/';i'-; -lT i @,* tLn 6t- ryu--Y (-"frl h"/-'{47__1' trtl 4 /*rf-"a*rq-(t'rl tL Lt't,tr: ,ltt'41:I 'T , ..J tLf- 1,.r, C-LO4r,P(--t- Pd'uc''r-| 541\L,e- | { = 1la Elts'rrrr)6- L_"€>Arc _ A_e{.*n o^J _ VANTAGE POINT \N - STTE PL^.N - ,--€<-.4 -fl ar.\) ,""' ----i, oP FF"oro.eF G^aa'za- lDErSrr Fra;sa1 -n.5 LedArloAL-*r*u 't€{'j:t-J.| FF,.or{TAct€_ €zrA,F . 7a^/ai./et& /''^"lz- lot&+u , I " azt*+'r o 4fiitL +?tcrtnft-d- tt /,*i,//a'*7 VANTAGE g' tun,t-, POINT dlb" I / 3&, - )l'AppIj.caLion DrrLc APPLIC,ITION FOR A SICN VAIIIAIiCE This proccdure is reguired for :rny project rcqucscing a variance. Ithe apPlication will not be acceptcd until all inforrnation ii: submj.t: A. NAfiE oF. APPLIcA.I.IT VnnI.I ADDnESS :;t)g t-. L-iitrr-,fl PHOIiE tl'lL- a 8.. NAI.IE OF APPLICAT\T'S REPRESII.ITATIVE-}))r[,-({, .I,III\IrC I' ADonnss 5c f, { ( 'o " ''. ('i- "*-" t/ C. 'itAME 0F OttNER (print or typel\,*r Al,l ri,; lr', SXGNATURE ADDRSSS I. LOCATION OTT PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAI DESCRTPTION lot__l_Z J._ FEE. g20.oo. , ' 'i.ci ]t -L'tuwa.q Lt-, tL& I. D. E. )(e- utt c-LztLc C/ s/r;/tr fr'tt 6)' [t*"t-r-?o , t+ ltP .7L . t5T, ad+or- tr-'+ *CLo*'--- t' 'n""t'/T dt- 4l-t*7' C'tu fu*tt Pfriu-t*'L4- . &4F".l'f;il Town of Vail Office of Community Developement/J South Frontage RoadVail-, Col-orado 8165? Planners: Find encl-osed applications for a sign and a relatedvariance for Vantage Point Condominj-um Association.The sketches and specifications included are providedby Va11 Sign Corporation, and any questions may bedirected to Carl Babcock, Manager/Fresident, a\ 949-67tO, Thank you for your time and considera,tion. S inc erely,64 Carl- Babcock P. O. BOX s010 / 41 01 0 U.S. HtcHWAY 6 /AVON, CO 81620 / 303-S49-6710 tIsvArL srcrilY, coRPoRArtot{ lli r, r'i. Y April 18, 1g8B Mike D'Anci Vantage Point Condoniniums J08 East l-,ionshead Circ1eVail, C0 81657. Mike: The following is a list of materials submitted to the Town ofVail on behalf of Vantage Point this afternoonr 1) North and east elevations showingproposed signage drawn to scale ? 2) Detail of proposed signage showing square footage g.t,f i 3) Photos of the north elevation The existing logo i-s approximately 18 square feet in area,making the total square footage desired for the north elevation J8 square feet including the logo, or !g square feet excludingthe logo. Per our conversation this afternoon, I am assuming you haveprovided the Office of Community Development with the properfees and applications. Thank you for your time and consideration. S inc ere1y, Carl Babcock Manager Betsy Rosolack/offiee of Conmunity Devlopment P. O. BOX 5010 / 41010 U S cc: llrctwAY 6 i AVON. CO 816:10 / 303 $49 0/r0 .)>' ofllce of communlty developmenl March 22, 1988 Mr. Mike DrAncic/o Vantage point Condominiurns 5O8 East Lionshead CircleVail, Colorado 81652 Re: Application for a sign variance for Vantage point Dear Mike This letter is to confirn the phone conversations r have hadwith you and with CarI Babcock. we will schedule your proposal for a sign variance with theDesign Review soaid afler-we have receiried trre eollowinginformation: 1. A full north erevation with the signage and. logo drawn tosca1e. 2. The square footage of the J.ogo. 3- The east elevation with requested signage drawn to scale. 4. Detailed drawings of both signs with sguare footage ofeach and total sguare footage requested. 5. Photos of the north and east erevations would be herpful . 5. An application with the signature of the condoninium boardrepresentat j.ve. After Design Review Board reconnendation, you must appearbefore the Town councir. rf you have ani luestionsr-p).ease donot hesitate to call me. c.i h^^-^ r -- ")"')"'"8' / t /r.<- t t/Jo*'^ ru-l *a+et\Betsy Rdsolack Planning Technician cc: carl Babcock 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 i.o o- n 1€ tilt.'1s},#tf.{*rdi* .qr +rg ffi'+.' ;ip PUBLIC NOTICE NOtrrCE rS HEREBY crvEN that a Design Review Board neeting willbe held on Wednesday, May 18, 1989 at 3:OO pM in the TowiCouncil chanbers ln the Town of Vail Municipal Building. The lten under consideration ls a request for a sign variancefor the Vantage Point Condoniniuns located at SOg SouthFrontage Road West. Ehe-application and information related to thLs request isavailable for publlc review at the office of connuriityDeveloprnent during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL ZONING ADMINISTR,ATOR .:, TEol.tAS A. BRAuN Published ln the Vait Trail on April 2gt 1988. 'I a{rF '1.' *fl as rf,. f T c