f; lit{v r i T,_^,,rn*rL;hsh"liffi{
,-ffi Design Review Board
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657
tel : 970.44.2L39 f axt 970.479.2452
web: www.ci.vail.co.us
Pmject Namer Vail Resorts Trampolino DRB Number: DR8020143
Projct Description:
Trampolino for summer use
OWNER VAIL CORP 05/15/2002 Phone:
APPLICANT VAIL CORP 05ll5l200z Phone: 479-4395
Britt Stubblefield
Vail, CO
Bstubblefield@vailresorts.com 81658
ProjectAddresc: Location:
West of gondola no<t to golf/climb wall
Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: VAIL UONSHEAD RL 1
Parcel Number: 210107207009
Comments: Seeconditions
Motion By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED
Second By: Pierce
Vote: 5-O Dateof ApprovaE 0611712002
(P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of
Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)'
(P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with
Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.
Cond: CON0005378
That the applicant installs a westem wood rail fence and places a minimum of six
large flowers pots around the trampolino, prior to stafting operations.
Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $250.00
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
3:00 P.M.
PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department
Clark Brittain
Bill Pierce
Hans Woldrich
Charlie Acevedo
Margaret Rogers
slrE ustTs
1. Clark residence - 4887 Juniper Lane2. Weiss residence - 3838 Bridge Road3. Robason residence - 1 139 Sandstone Drive4. 770 Potato Patch - 770 Potato Patch Drive5. Phillips 66 - 2293 N. Frontage Rd. West6. Alphorn Condos - 121 West Meadow Drive7. Villa Cortina - 22 West Meadow Drive8. Daymer Corporation - 123 S. Frontage Rd. East9. Vail Mountain Lodge - 352 E. Meadow Drive10. Vail Resorts - 600 Lionshead Mall
12:00 pm
' ' 'l:UU pm
1. Villa Cortina DRB02-0172. Bill
Final review.of change to approved plans.
22 West Meadow Drive/Lot A, Vail Village 2nd Filing.
Applicant: Nedbo Construction
MOTION: BillPierce
SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0
2. 770 Potato Patch DRB02-0182. Allison
Final review of proposed addition of stone.
770 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 6, Vail Potato Patch.
Applicant: 770 Potato Patch Drive Condo Assoc., Inc., represented by Fritzlen Pierce
MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 4-0-1 (Pierce
CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION:1. That the applicant submit a drawing of the west elevation of the upper building for
review by staff prior to the issuance of the building permit.
3:00 pm
Fleischer residence DRB02-01 08.
Final review of two new single-family residences.
4315 Bighorn Rd./Lot 6, Block 3, Bighorn 3m Addition.
Vail Resorts DRB02-0143.
Final review of proposed outdoor trampoline.
600 Lionshead Mall/Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1"'Filing.
Applicant: Vail Resorts
Weiss residence DRB02-01 60
Final review for changes to approved plans
3838 Bridge Road/Lot 12, Bighorn Subdivision 2nd Addition.
Applicant: VAg Inc.
Applicant: Chad Fleischer, represented by John G. Martin, Architect, AIA
MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0
1 . That in lieu of the proposed 6 blue spruce trees, 10 blue spruce trees 8 to 10 feet in
height and 10 blue spruce trees 12 to 14 feet in height be planted.
2. That an arborist report be submitted to verify the survivability of the proposed
landscape plan and to establish a tree preservation plan prior to the issuance of
building permits.
3. That staff review and approve the final landscape placements prior to installation.
Clark residence DRB02- 0188 Allison
Final review of proposed entry addition
4887 Juniper Lane/Lot 78, Block 4, Bighorn 5'n Addition.
Applicant Stephen & Jackie Clark
MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0
1. That this is the one-time exemption to the requirement that the entire structure must
be brought into compliance with the Design Guidelines. Specifically, any future
addition of GRFA to this structure will require the removal of the T-1 11 siding.
MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0
1. That the applicant submits revised plans to the Community Development
Department indicating the location of a split-rail fence and a minimum of six
landscaped planters. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the
Community Development Department.
MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0
l. That prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant shall file the final plat
for the resubdivision of Lots 1 1 and 12, Bighorn 2noAddition.
2. That prior to the submittal of a Building Permit application, the applicant shall
meet all the concerns of staff addressed in the letter dated June 13,2002.
3. That the a}ou"l for this application will void tne aplvat of the Weiss
Residence on June 20,2001 .4. That the applicant submit revised drawings of the tower element and a new roof
material for review and approval by staff.
7. Daymer Corporation DRB02-0192. Allison
Final review of proposed wood decking.
123 S. Frontage Rd. EasUlots M,N &O, Block 5D, VailVillage 1"'Filing.
Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by John Perkins, AlA.
MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 4-0 (Acevedo
1. That the applicant shall be required to make the following improvements to Phase
lV, Vail Village lnn, prior to the issuance of a TCO for Club Chelsea;
. All restaurant signs referring to the Village Restaurant be removed.. The dumpster area be cleaned up.. The fence around the pool be painted and repaired as necessary.. -l he shutters and flower Doxes on at tne entrance be reparnteci.. fhat the existing Villager Restaurant awning be removeci and any necessary.
repair and repainting as a result of the removal be done.. The two walls at the existing Villager Restaurant entry be repainted to match
existing.o Power wash the stucco and repaint if necessary.. Dumpster enclosure lo be reviewed by the DRB.. A landscape plan must be submitted for review by staff.. A revised color scheme must be submitted for review by staff.. Remove the fence at the pool and walkway.. All necessary repairs to the north side must be completed.
2. That the applicant submit either a letter from the condominium association from the
entire Vail Village lnn, stating that they approve of the proposed deck covering; or,
the applicant shall provide evidence that the entire Vail Village lnn site does not have
the right to use the existing recreational facilities of phase lV, Vail Village Inn, prior to
the issuance of a building permit for the proposed decking.
8. Robason residence DRB02-0163. George
Conceptual review of new single family residence.
1139 Sandstone Drive, Indian Creek Townhomes/Lot A'l , Block A, Lions Ridge Filing 1.
Applicant: Randy D. & Donna Robason, represented by Steven James Riden
9. Alphorn Condominiums DRB02-0164. Allison
Conceptual review of fagade remode,.
121 West Meadow Drive/Lot D2, Vail Village 2nd Filing.
Applicant: Alphorn Condo Assoc., represented by Ray Story
10. Phillios 66 DRB02-0il Allison
Final review of proposed retaining wall.
2293 N. Frontage Road WesUTract A, Vail das Schone Filing 1.
Applicant Feather Petroleum Co., represented by Stephen Richards.
MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0
1. That prior to the issuance of a CO, the applicant provide a newspaper box
enclosure, similar in design to the newspaper box enclosure located at the First
Bank Building.2. That the retaining wall not be painted.
11 . Vail Mountain Lodge DRB02-0185. George
Final review of amendment to approved plans revising the dormers on the east side of
the building.
352 E. Meadow Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 1"'Filing.
Applicant: VML, LLC
MOTION: Charlie Acevedo SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 5-0
12. Middle Creek DRBO2-OO6O Allison
Conceptual review of proposed employee housing development & private educational
160 N. Frontage Rd./to be platted as Lot 1, Middle Creek Subdivision.
Applicant: Vail Local Housing Authority, represented by Odell Architects
Staff Approvals
Vail International DRB02-0112. Allison
Lobby/office addition.
300 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2no Filing.
Applicant: VaillnternationalCondoAssociation
Tachariah residence DRB02-0140. George
Entry replace bricks with flagstone.
4074 Bighorn Road/Lot 3, Bighorn Subdivision.
Applicant: Bobby & Liby Zachariah
Klinga residence DRB02-0168. George
New split rail fence with mesh.
1773 Shasta Place/Lot 13, VailVillage West 2no Filing.
Applicant: Elizabeth A. Klinga
Olson residence DRB02-0169. George
Driveway change from asphalt to heated concrete.
1 785 Su nburst DriveA/ail Golfcourse Townhomes.
Applicant: Curtis & Kristin Olson
Wood/Pringle residence DRB02-0167. Bill
Revised landscape plan.
1 146 Sandstone Drive/Lot A-7, Block 13, Casolar Vail.
Applicant: Thomas Pringle
Fresco Holding Co, Inc. DRB02-0179.
Skylight addition.
103 Willow Place, Edelweiss Condos/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village 1't Filing.
Applicant: Nedbo Construction
Seigal residence DR802-01 50.
Change to approved plan.
356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D. Block 2. Christiania.Applicant Gail Siegal
Simpson residence DR802-01 56.
Enclose lower portion of deck with lattice.
1813 Shasta Place/Lot 17, VailVillage West Filing 2.
Applicant: Judith A. Simpson
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during
regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community
Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information.
Sign language interpretaticn avcileble upon request rsith 24 hcur notification. Ftease calt 479-
2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information.
Application for Design Review
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657
tel 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452
web: www.ci.vail,co.us
General Informationr
All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building perrnit application. Please
refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew
cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The
poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.
Ilesign review approval lapces unless a building permit is issued and construction commenes within
one year of the approval.
Description of the Requesh
LocationoftheProposal: Lot: * Block: -
Physical Address:6os Lto'.ske.)Ao.\l
(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no')
$50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area.
No Fee
$650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.
$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or
commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)'
$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,
reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and
relaining walls, etc.
$20 For minor dlanges to buildings and site improvements, such as,
reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and
retaining walls, etc.
$20 For revisions to Plans
Design Review Board.
No Fee
already approved by Planning Staff or the
Fg'ff* ?3j'l'" Q..uNo.: o339o
Application Date:
Zonins: Licntsh*o ilIlVa Lta t
Name(s) of Owner(s):
Mailing Address:
Xowner(s) Signature(s)r
Name of Applicant:
MairinsAddress: ?. s Bo.{ 1 '/-Sf V.i, (9_ 8Jg11
E-mail Address:Fax:
Va\ R.rsoAs . cs..\
Type of Review and Fee:
tr Signs
E Conceptual Review
tr New Constructiontr Addition
/ Minor Alteration
( multi-family/commercial)
E Minor Alteration
(single-family/d uplex)
O Changes to Approved Plans
tr Separation Request
3 2002
I t
Planning and Environmental Commission
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657
te| 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452
web: www.ci.vail.co.us
Project l{ame: Conditional Use Permit PEC Number: PEC/J20027
Project Description:
Trampolino for summer use
OWNER VAIL CORP 05/15/2002 Phone:
APPUCANT VAIL CORP 051L512002 Phone: 479-4395
Britt Stubblefield
Vail, CO
Bstubblefield@vailresorts.com 81658
ProjectAddress: Location:
West of gondola next to golf/climb wall
Legal Description: Loe Bbck Subdivision: VAIL UONSHEAD FIL 1
Parcef Numberz 2|OL07207OQ9
Comments: See memo dated 6/10/02
l.lotion By: Doug Cahill Action: APPROVED
Second By: Chas Bernhardt
Vote: 6-0 Dateof Approvalz A6lfil2o02
(PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of
Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).
Cond: CON0005324
See @nditions in Staff memorandum dated 06lt1lZ002 with the additional condition
that the conditional use permit is vaild until May 31, 2003' In future use will
require a new conditional use permit approval
Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $650'00
Planning and Environmental Commission
Community Development Department
June 10. 2002
A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a private/public outdoor recreation
facility, located at 600 Lionshead Mall/Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1" Filing.
Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Britt StubblefieldPlanner: George Ruther
The applicant, Vail Resorts, represented by Britt Stubblefield, is requesting a conditional
use permit to allow for the operation of a salto-trampolino in Lionshead. According to the
informational materials submitted by the applicant, a salto-trampolino is an extreme sport
jumping trampoline with a bungee cord system that safely propels jumpers up to 24 teel
into the air. The specially designed harness and bungee cord system accelerates the
users jumping ability and protects jumpers from injuries. Most importantly, it provides
hours of fun for kids of all ages.
The applicant is proposing to set-up the trampoline on the sodded area directly west of
the Eagle Bahn Gondola in the generally vicinity of the previously approved seasonal
climbing wall and putt-putt golf course. The operation of the trampoline will be for the
summer season only and is intended to compliment the other existing recreational
facilities already approved on the site. lf approved, the applicant intends to begin
operations of the trampoline in mid-June and cease operations in mid-September. The
proposed hours of operation would be from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm weekdays and from
10:00 am - 9:00 pm weekends.
According to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, the proposed trampoline site is
located on a property within the Lionshead Mixed Use I zone district.. Pursuant to
Section 12-7H-5, Vail Town Code, Conditional Uses; Generally (On all levels of a
building or outside of a building), private or public outdoor recreation facilities are
allowed, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title (Zoning Regulations).
The area under consideration has two other similar private/public outdoor recreation
facilities already existing. On June 10, 1991, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental
Commission approved a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of a
temporary miniature golf (putt-putt) course in Lionshead in the area directly to the east of
the Eagle Bahn Gondola. Upon approving the request, the Commission placed a
condition on the approval requiring the applicant to return for an extension to the
conditional use permit after one year of operation.
On February 24,'1992, as required, the applicant reappeared before the Planning &
I lt.
Environmental Commission for an extension of the miniature golf course conditional use
permit. Upon review of the request, the Commission approved the request and extended
the conditional use permit for an additional four years to February 24, 1996. A significant
outcome of the 1992 approval, in addition to granting a fourlear extension of approval,
was that the level of permanency of the course was increased to include permanent
landscaping, concrete greens, and permanent fairway borders.
On April 26, 1993, the Planning & Environmental Commission approved a revised
conditional use permit application to allow the miniature golf course operator to install
and operate low-level outdoor lighting and to expand the hours of operation of the course
until 10:00 pm each evening throughout the summer season.
On May 20, 1996, the Planning & Environmental Commission approved an amendment
to the conditional use permit to allow for the temporary relocation of the course lo
accommodate the construction of the new Eagle Bahn Gondola. The approval was valid
for one year.
On September 23, 1996, the Planning & Environmental Commission approved a
conditional use permit to allow for the reconstruction of the golf course. In approving this
conditional use permit the Commission added a condition prohibiting the use of amplified
On February 22,1ggg,the Planning & Environmental Commission evaluated an
application for a conditional use permit to allow for the continued operation of the golf
course and the new operation of a mobile climbing wall. The Commission evaluated
each of these uses as public;/private recreation facilities. Upon review of the requests the
Commission voted unanimously to approve the reguest for a conditional use permit.
The Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for a
conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a public/private recreation facility
(salto-trampolino) in Lionshead, located at 600 Lionshead Mallffract D, Vail Lionshead
1"t Filing. Staffs recommendation is based upon review of the criteria outlined in Section
lV of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning
& Environmental Commission choose to approve the request the following findings shall
be made as part of the motion:
A. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the
conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district
in which the site is located.
B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be
operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or
welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity'
C. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the
conditional use permit section of the zoning code.
Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to approve the applicant's
request for a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a public/private
recreation facility in Lionshead, the Community Development Department recommends
the following conditions of approval:
1. That the applicant shall not be prohibited from using outdoor lighting in the operation
of the salto-trampolino.
2. That the applicant submits a revised site plan to the Town of Vail Communi$
Development Department for review and approval of a security fencing plan prior to
the construction of the salto-trampolino.
3. That the applicant shall be prohibited from installing and displaying any form of
advertising signage in conjunction with the operation of the salto-trampolino.
4. That the applicant revises the site plan to illustrate the location of the salto-trampolino
on the sodded area directly west of the Eagle Bahn Gondola and that the tramploline
be constructed a minimum of 30 feet from the edge of the nearest bicycle and/or
pedestrian pathway.
5. That the applicant operates the salto-trampolino in accordance the hours of operation
and dates outlined in this memorandum. Any changes that increase the hours of
operation or lengthens the duration of operation shall require approval of an
amended conditional use permit in accordance with Chapter 16 of the Town of Vail
Zoning Regulations.
1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of
the Town.
The proposed trampoline site is located on a propefi within the
Lionshead Mixed Use I zone district. According to the Town of Vail Zoning
Regulations, the purpose of the Lionshead Mixed Use I zone district is to,
' p rov i d e slfes for a m ixtu re of m u lt i p le-f am i I y dwe I I i n g s, /odges,
hotels, fractional fee clubs, time sfiares, lodge dwelling units,
restaurants, offices, skier servlces , and commercial
establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead
Mixed lJse 1 District. in accordance with the Lionshead
Redevelopment Master Plan, is intended to ensure adequate light,
air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted
types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities
of the District by establishing appropiate site development
standards. This District is meant to encourage and provide
incentives for rcdevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead
Redevelopment Master Plan.
This Zone District was specifically developed to provide incentives
for propefties to redevelop. The ultimate goal of these incentives is
to create an economically vibrant lodging, housing, and
commercial core area. The incentives rn fhls Zone District include
increases in allowable gross rcsrdential floor area, building height'
and density over the prcviously established zoning in the
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan study area. The primary
goal of the incentives is to create economic conditions favorable to
inducing private redevelopment consistent with the Lionshead
Redevelopment Master Plan. Additionally, the incentives are
created to help finance public off-site improvements adjacent to
redevelopment projects. With any developmenUredevelopment
proposal taking advantage of the incentives created herein, the
following amenities will be evaluated: streetscape improvements,
pedestrian/bicycle access, public plaza redevelopment, public art,
roadway improvements, and similar improvements."
Staff believes that this proposal will expand the mixture of uses in the
Lionshead area, as well as provide an additional recreational facility for
visitors and residents of Vail to experience and enjoy. Like the golf course
and the climbing wall, the trampoline is a seasonal use during the summer
months. lt is intended to compliment the many other opportunities already
in Town. Staff believes the use will comply with the proposed zone district
in Lionshead and the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.
The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population,
transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation
facilities, and other public facilities needs.
Staff believes that the proposed conditional use permit will not have any
negative impacts on the above-referenced services. Over the past years,
the golf course facility and climbing wall have proven to be positive
recreational opportunities for the public. Staff has reviewed the file and
spoken directly with the Code Enforcement Officers to ascertain the $pes
and numbers of complaints received with regard to the operation of the
golf course and climbing wall. Staff has determined that neither of these
uses have generated complaints, nor have they been in violation of the
conditions of their respective approvals. Staff believes that the salto-
trampolino operation will be similar in nature to the golf course and
climbing wall and will not result in any negative impacts on the
neighborhood or community. In fact, staff believes that these uses will
have a positive effect upon the recreationalfacilities located within the
Town of Vail as they provide diversity to the many other recreational
opportunities that are already provided (rafting, fishing, biking, tours, roller
blading, hiking, climbing, golfing, etc.)
Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion,
automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and
control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the
street and parking areas.
The operation of the golf course has proven to have had no negative
impact upon traffic flow in the vicinity of the course. This is largely due to
the requirement that a split-rail fence be constructed to delineate the golf
course area from the pedestrian pathway.
The climbing wall tends to attract a crowd consisting of climbers, parents,
friends and on-lookers. The climbing wall has been setback from the
adjacent bicycle and pedestrian paths in order to reduce conflicts between
users. The 3O-foot setback from other facilities that was required by the
Commission is largely responsible for the safe and efficient flow of bicycle
and pedestrian traffic through the area. Staff recommends that a similar
30 foot setback be required for the salto-trampolino. To further ensure
that traffic flow through the area is not negatively impacted, staff
recommends that the trampoline be placed on the sodded area west of
the Eagle Bahn Gondola instead of being placed on the concrete brick
pavers immediately adjacent to the gondola building.
4. Effuct upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to
be located, including the scalE and bulk of the proposed use in
relation to surrounding us6s.
The trampoline is unique in its design in that it is really a combination of
four round trampolines grouped together in a square utilizing one center
supporting structure. The overall dimension of the salto-trampolino is
approximately 33 feet square by 25 feet tall. The height of the trampoline
is the results from the five supporting arms that accommodate the bungee
cord jumping system. Staff does not believe that scale and bulk of the
trampoline will have any negative impacts on the character of the
surrounding uses. While not proposed by the applicant, Staff
recommends that some form of mutually agreed upon securi$ fencing be
installed around the perimeter of the trampoline. Staff believes that the
fencing is necessary to prevent unintended use of the trampoline during
the off hours. Staff recommends that the Design Review Board Review
and approve any required fencing solutions.
The Planning & Environmental Commission shall make the following
findings before granting a conditional use permit:
1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes
of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes
of the district in which the site is located.
2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it
would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public
health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity.
3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable
provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code.
Ovail North America's f1 Resort
Town of Vail
Planning and Review Commission
May 13,2002
Vail Resorts, Inc. proposes the set-up of a Salto Trampolino at the base of the Lionshead
gondola. It will be set-up just west of the building in the vicinity of the climbing wall
and putt-putt golf areas. We will be running the trampoline as an activity during the
surnmer_operating season. The dates and times of operation are as follows: Opening on
June 14'n through September 22n" from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on the weekdays and from
10:00 am to 9:00 PM on the weekends. The trampoline is a temporary moveable
structure that can be set-up or taken down in approximately two hours.
The use of this trampoline will be geared toward all ages that visit the Vail area in the
summer time. Venue tickets will be sold through our existing ticket windows and
operated by our summer staff. We assume that the positioning of the trampoline in the
base area will attract guest to the Lionshead base area in the same manner as the
climbing wall and putt-putt golf. The size of the trampoline structure is I lm square by
8m tall coinciding with the approximate height of the other structures in the area.
VarL REsoRTs-$
Britt Stubblefie
Post Office Box 7 . Vail. Colorado 81658 . 970-845-2500 . www.vail.com
- Salto-Trampolino
Page 1 of2
http ://www.bungeesport. com/salto.html 05n4/2002
Business Profile
Page2 of2
' Eamingsfatenlial ' QderBlail
Rebound Unlimited, Inc. 150 West 700 South Smithfield, Utah 8'835
Phone: 435 563-1650, Fax: 435 563-0166
The Salto-Trampolino(tm) - Extreme Sport Jumping with a Bungee cord system that safely propels jumpers up to 24
feet in the air.
A multitude of options are open to you, installation is easy and there are a number of appropriate sites available, The
Salto Trampolino is adaptable to all situations, at the beach or in the mountains, indoors or outdoors, summer or
winter, st skating rinks, waterprrks, games parks, festivals, malls, anywhere you can imagine! All kinds ofenterprises
and commerce's are great potential clients for their inaugurations, events, presentations ofnew products,
motivational workshops, etc.
Trampoline jumping with bungee cords and harness to accelerate jumping and protect jumpers from injuries. Safe,
fun and profitable. Great money maker for carnivals, fairs, celebrations or other large gatherings. Easy to move and
operate and fun for all ages.
http: i/www.bungeesport.com/salto.html 05n4/2002
REBOUND UNL IMITED 435E€i31EsA @4/23/OZ 11r@6em P. @@Z
Conception, fsMcolion, dishibulion d' inslollolions de divertissement
CoF rhtn
C.P- /t2 Cll-38E8
Page 3 of 19
150 West 700 South
Smithfield, UT 84335
(435) 563-1650
Fax (435) 563-0166
www. bungeesport.com
150 West 700 South
Smithfield, UT 84335
(435) 563-1650
Fax (435) 563-0166
www. bungeesport.com
150 West 700 South
Smith{ield, UT 84335
(435) 563-1b50
Fax (435) 563-0166
www.btlrlgeesPort con'
$llrl ll
150 West 700 South
Smithfield, UT 84335
(435) 563-1650
Fax (435) 563'0166
Type of APPlication and Fee:
Major Subdivision
Minor Subdivision
Exemption Plat
Minoi Amendment to an SDD
t'tew Soecial Development District
Maior Amendment to an SDD
Maior Amendment to an SDD
fto exterior nodifications)
DescriPtion of the
Location Efthe ProPosal: Lot:
Name(s) of Owner(s):
Mailing Address:
Owner(s) Signature(s):
Mailing Address:
PhysicalAddress: Lo o \-lo^t\^"\ $"\t
zontng: Llo^.\..,\ tv\i-..\ t^Sc a
APPlication for Review bY the
Planninj and Environmental Commission
Deoartment of Community Development- --
zs itiiil iiJ.i.s" ioad, VaiL.colorado 816s7'' 'r.ti sio..ati.2139 fax: 970'479'2452
web: www'ci'vail'co'us
General Information:
buitding permit appricatron. ,il# il;; 6il; submittal ,"q',it"t"t"s iot the partF-llar. aDoroval that is requesteo'
An apptication for ptannrng ..|'ffi;;;;;;t r cort*1on-[i*i .un*t oe gaent{ until'all required information
is received by the commun,.v olu.6pr"nt Department. +;;;;o;;;;; .r* tioa to be reviewed by the Town
Eoul't-.ii .noi6t the Design Review Board'
/Conditional Use Permit
tr FloodPlainModificationtr Minor Exterior Alteratlon
tr Major Exterior Alterauon
E Development Plan
E l."nO..nt to a Development Plan
tr Zoning Code Amendment
tr El Variance
D Sign Variance
E-mail Address:
bf ,,fc u
tou cn"runo.' 0V44Th
Page lof5-01/18/02
Larry Bames
Vail Home Rentrals
143 East Meadow Dr #397
Vail, CO 81657
Lionsquare Lodge
600 W. Lionshead Place
Vail, CO 81657
Post Ofioc Box 7
vail, Colorado 81658
I'lotttt Nne 6t *1 fuEc/'t
Post Offico Box 7
Vall, Colorado 81658
/Vort r /qrn6i.bds *t Basort .
frs rrerr,r rirr5r,sRlvoun enoefv
NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of
Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the
Town of Vail on June 10, 2OO2, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In
consideration of:
A request for a variance from Section 12-6H-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the
construction of a new front entry feature in the front setback at Riva Ridge North, located at 133
Willow Place/Lot 6, Block 6, VailVillage 1"'Filing.
Applicant Riva Ridge North Chalets Condo Assoc., represented by Peel/Langenwalter
Architects, L.L.C.Planner: Bill Gibson
A request for an amendment to the approved development plan; a request for conditional use
permits to allow for the construction of Type lll EHU's, to allow for an expansion of the Vail
Mountain School, to allow for a private outdoor recreation facility, to allow for a private
school/educational institution and to allow for temporary modular classroom structures; a
request to modify the official Rockfall Hazard Map to indicate approved mitigation; a request for
a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a rezoning from Two-Family Residential to
General Use (Tract C); a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Councilto amend the
land use designation from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi-Public (Tract C) and a
request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a text amendment to Section 12-8A-
8 (Density) Vail Town Code to amend the GRFA requirements in the Ag and Open QPace Zone
District, located at 3'160 Katsos Ranch Road / Lots 11 & 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12"'Filing and
Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12th
Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Russ Forrest
A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks) Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition
in the front setback, located at 4887 Juniper Lane/Lot 78, Block 4, Bighorn sth Addition.
Applicant: Stephen & Jackie ClarkPlanner: Allison Ochs
A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the operation of a private outdoor recreation
- ,;pcility, located at 560 Lionshead Mallffract D, Vail Lionshead 1't Filing.
.b+Tpplicant: Vail Resorts'Planner: George Ruther
A request for an exemption plat to amend a platted building envelope, located at 1094 Riva
Glen/Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates.
Applicant Spraddle Creek LLCPlanner: George Ruther
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during
regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community ,, ; IV 'i
Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend i .f'"L".. 1i t"
project orientation and the site visits that prJcede the publib hearing in the Town of Vail , , ,lN tlhuf --l -,
Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. L",--'-.\ 6l)11." "
U-1,\ \ l'n rr'
Sign language interpretatiot"if"Or" upon request with 24-hour notttion. Please call 479-
2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information.
Community Development Department
Published May 24, 2002 in the Vail Daily.