HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 VAIL 21 CONDOS ARNESON FINE ART LTD LEGALI .t ttlnwSilrnd /wttlLr ' F, lihr L Lot j, Btac( I l/ail 2t Ca^do 5 rt,eneson frie fi./ tld June 3,1987 Corrmunity Developrrnnt Of f ice Town of Voil Lodies ond Genflemen, . I hove seen the design for the pedes to I s ond the sculptures by Josper D'Ambrosi intended to be ploced ot site nurnbers l3 ond l6 on the Lionsheod sculpture plon by Arnesen Fine Art, Ltd. Both sites ore in the flower beds South of the Lozier building. I opprove of the sculpture ond its pedes fo I . Robe r t Lozier Loz i e r PEDESTALS FOR SITES l3 ond l6 Both pedestols wi I I be constructed of wome r ized 3/4 inch plywood covered with wire screen ond s i uccoed to motch the bui lding. Site Number l3 S i te Number I 6 \--. 'r':-., 'tl\ I I I I I I \ '... I { I .tr .,. I ATTA€Frv€NT ONE TO PETITIO\ OF THE TO\M OF VAIL REGARDING SCIJLPTIRE IN LIONISHEAD. YEAR-RCI D SOJLPTTRE SITES(numbers refer to mop ottochmen]s two ond three) l. At f log poles ot entronce io Lionsheod: The f irst piece of sculpturein Lionsheod ond represent s the initiol effor t toword ort in the mol l. 2. West of Bus Shelier: Three foot pedestol to reduce snow problems. 3. In f ront of Krismor ot bottom eost side of stoirs: A smol I verticol work on o pedestol higher thon the surrounding stone work. 4. Flower Bed ot South end of Colorodo Insight neor stoir: Lorge pedestol * x opproximotely two feet high. 5. Spoce between Colorodo Insight ond Krismor: on o low pedestol designed to protect work 6. Eost s ide of entronce to Lionsheod Court: Very lorge verticol work from snow shove I s. Smol I verticol work onpedestol two to three feet high. * 7. West side of entronce to Lionsheod Court: Pedestol five feet high withwork not fo extend into wolkwoys {i I & ?. Weed bed in corner between stoir wells of Voil 2l Building: Twolorge pedestols--one ot height of Ploce restouront roiling ond one oto lower level. Sculpfure will not extend inio oreos where there is o donge r to pedesfrions. +10. Corner of Voil 2l Building between Lionsheod Court ond Lions Pride Couri: Smol I pedestol ond verticol work on o pedestol ot leost three feet high. + ll. On Gross oreo in Lionsheod Court next to Lozier Building: Pedestol otleost three feet high ond up to eighf feet long. Sculpture not toextend into wo I kwoy. 12. Stoir Woy out of Lions Pride Court: Pedestol on lower steps of stoirwoyopproximotely fhree to four feet wide ond up to eight feet long. 13. Flower Bed ot entronce to Lionsheod Center Moll: Pedestol no more thontwo feet high. l4 & 15. In front of Blonk Wolls of the Lionsheod Cenier Building: Pedestolstwo to three feet high roughly in line with tomp posts. 16. Flower Bed ot exif from Lionsheod Cenfer Moll: Pedestol no more thontwo feet high. 17. BIonk Woll ot top of stoir between Voil Associotes Reol Estote ondGondolo Terminol. Pedestol between two ond three feet tol I for sculpturerequiring only view from the front. l8 & 19. Lifthouse Lodge/Gorsuch: Ploced so os not to blick windows butto odd to visuol interest of the moll. Pedestols tvro to three feet high. 20 & 23. In flower beds next to stoirs by Woder Fountoin: Pedestols de s i gned to i nsure scu I pture is not imbeded in snow. ATTACI-Iv|ENT OfrE: PAGE T\ltD 21 . Front Lip of Fountoin: Sculpfure on very low pedestol or none ot oll- 22, FIower bed left of Fountoin: Horizonfol sculpture on low pedestol. 24, center of Gondolo Plozc: Round pedestol the some size or one footsmoller thon center concrete circle. The height of o bench ond designedwith stone ond concrete. For instollotion of q very I orge, to iwentyfoot toll, sculpture which provides cleoronce for tiucks ond fire equ i pmen t . 25 & 26. Gross ot West corner of the Gondolo Terminol: Pedestols two tothree feet high. 27. Gross ot North Side of Entronce to Lon.dmork Mcrl l: Some os obove. 28. Corner by Colorodo Insight ond Fountoin oreo: Pedestol obout three feet. 29. In lorge oreo obove porking V/es t of Voil Associotes Offices & Gondolo: Yuty lorge sculpture visoble from the Moll between Sunbird Lodge ond Gondo I o Te rmi no I . 30. On steps in front of Sunbirdopproximotely fou r fee t wi de 31. On concrete pod: Five foot 32. In corner of londing: Three 33. Cenier of circle in front offive feet toll to ollow snowAy 1rf,4e/./F srepf Note: Eoch of the sculptures willond the nome of ihe gollery Sites 5 ihrough ll orethe proper fy owners Lodge: Pedestol flush wiih upper wolkwoyextending down to two steps from bottom. pedestol. to f i ve foot pedes fo I flog poles: A circulor pedestol opproximotelystoroge. TlhS €rft- /s o&ltz'rEa Zo hove o ploque wifh the nome of the ortisi represent i ng the ort isf . on privote property ond hove been opproved by TI-E PETITION OF Tl-E TO^tl OF VAIL TO ALLCM/ AI€ ETS'RAGE INSTALLATICN OF SCt -PTI-RE tN LICI.{S}-EAD tvlALL BY ART CIALLERIES LOCATED IN LIONSFEAD on ideol locot ion for the exhibition of outdoor sculptureuse sculpture to over come some of its drowbocks. Withinwhich could occomodofe scu I pture yeor - round ond sites whichfrom lote Moy until mid Ocfober. Lionsheod Moll is ond the mol I could the moll ore sites would be ovoi loble The ottoched mop ond list of sites identifies potentiol yeor-round sculplurelocotions. All yeor - round scu I pture would hove to be on'pedeslol s protect i ngthe work from snow removo I ond roising it obove normol snow occumulotion. Surrme r sites for sculpture would be ony locofion which does not interfere withservice ond emergency vehicles or business needs. We propose thot ort golleries locofed in Lionsheod be qllowed to utilize thesesculpture sites for ihe temporory ond long term exhibition of their ortistsworks. REPRESENTITS -We recogn i ze thot ort works in public p I oces con be extremely controversiol. We olso recogn i ze the consideroble investment o gollery musf moke in order toinstoll o work of ort in public ond ore fherefore willing io occept theexPertise of the golleries in the selection of ortworks for Lionsheod. Webelieve thot the instollotion of sculpture in Lionsheod, controversiol or not,will enhonce our porf ion of the corrmun i ty ond encouroge the Town of Voi I to moke. every ef for t to occomodote ond ossiit the gol leries in plocing scu I pturein the mol l. U'v/ - &^2. r Pei i t ion of SIGhIATT,RE lhe Town of Voil regording sculpture in Lionsheod--Poge TalD REPRESENTTNIG rU 7-"/) 4t /p ,/.-, a4 7- f,.a,nr.-- \a,l T-(h,'t Cr-p.r* 't wu---L- "*^.'-ao r-- Sr^.6 " 7/br*& P-'e:oAl rr S Attr€cl s*ta ou A 9e-=. E PErtT Crtfr -LH - ' ,r"u &our/i/ ') 'Petition of the Town of Voil regording sculpture in Lionsheod--poge T*AE{ REPRESENTIIG SaaB4O /4a68 {t<6ao,gra hD LH. L--, i' *J-on-2- Lhcw,.-- APPLICATI0|{DATE; Ausust I, 1986 DATE OF DRB I'IEETII'IG: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS AppLICATI0N HILL NoT BE AccEPTED UNTIL ALL INF0RI4ATIdN Is SUBIIITTED***** A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:See ottochmen t - /tO,v-s7/a4p &.lllPrpaE- I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: . A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to . d'eiermihb ii anv".laitionat information is needed. No appljcation will be-accepted . unless it is compi"i"-(mrrt inc'lude all items requ'ired Uy tne zoning administrator). it ii-tt. ippiicint;s iesponsibility to make an-appointment with the staff to find.',:out about adiitionat submittal requirements. Please ngte that a COI"IPLETE applic:- tion will streami ine the approval process for your proigg! by decreasing the number of condjtionr oi'ipprovit ihat the'DRB may sti-pulat'e. -ALL c-onditions of approva'l must' be resolved before a building permit is issued. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Lionsheod Mol I Legal Descri pt'ion Lot Bl ock Fi'l i ng Zoni ng C. NAi'IE OF APPLICANT: Address 26038 Cor r i no I nnc Vo i I . Co 8l 657 telephone 47 6-048.7 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Ar ne Honsen Address NAI'IE OF Some os obove tel ephone E.OIJNERS: Chor les Ror"nO, irt. Bob Lozier, Voi I Associotes. & olhers Signature Sign.trrres nn peiition Add res s F. DRB FEE: te'l ephone permit is requested. VALUATION The fee wj.ll be paid at the time a building FEE $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 5o,ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 -'$ .5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 II4PORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBi'lISSIOIIS TO THE DRB: $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $3oo. oo 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trges_ that t,ljll be removed should also be markbd. This work must be completed before the DRB vjsits the site. 2. The reviey, process for NEI'I BUIL0I|IGS uill normally involve tt'ro separate iie.i'i ngs of the Design Revieyr Board, so plan on at least tlo meetings for the'i r approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Reviet'r Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement vljll be required to be republ i shed. no to 4.lonqer have to be presented to the Design-Revlew Dcrr be iresented to the Zoning Administrator for apprcvat: ano siniiar exterior changes that do not a'l ter the the building; and ' - : b. Buildjng additions that are not viewed trory gt,y other]ot or public-sl:ll' .'tl-.: nhicn hivt naa telteri-srt*tltea from adjoining property owners appro"'rng_, the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium : association. :. ..:. 5. .You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard check with a Town Planner before proceeding. Studies on your property. You should The following items They, however, have a. l,li ndorvs , skyi ights existing plane of to the Design Administrator Revi ew Bc:r'l ' for aPPrcval: \"\"9 iyl r*"' *-$t' August l, l?86 Mr. Ri ck Py I emon Corrmunity Development Of f ice Town of Voil Zc.$]".d c,s'""*- ..S"".c Deor Rick, Here ore you r copies of the L i ons heod Sculpture sites ond o new ottochrnentone. I hove olso filled out whot little I could on DRB opplicotion. I hove the signoture of Chorles Rosenquist on the petition for sites 5, 6,B, 9, 10, ond 28 which ore his privofe property. I hove the signoture of Bob Lozier on the petition for siies 7, ll, 18, & 19.which ore his privote property. I hove the signofure of Rick Pirog of Voil Associotes for sifes 16A, 17 ond 26 which ore ogoin privote property. I do not hove ihe signoture of the owner of the privote siies l4 & l5 ( Li onsheod Center Bui lding) Sifes 16, l3 ore more thon likely owned by Bob Lozier but I om not certoin. Site l2 is owned by either Lozier or Rosenquisi. Whot I om osking for is permission to begin pedestols on the privote sites irrmediot ly ond lofer once the process is estoblished to be ollowed to plocepedesfols on the publ ic sites. The first sife I will instoll will be sife 5. There I intend to ploce otwenty-two foot pointed steel piece ond o six foot morble piece. Both willbe on o cernent block riser with o slob concrete cop. The second site will be site number 8 which will be built of wood ond focedwith wood to motch fhe building. The third sife will be site 9. There I intend to ploce o smoll pedestolfoced with wood to motch the building. I om not certoin which pieces I will ploce on sites 6, 7 1l & l2 but thepedestols will probobly be of cement Ar ne onsen block covered with s t ucco. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Insto ond publ ic lond for the exh STAGE OtllE: Requesf opprovopedestols on sites 5, 6, 7, which ore privote sites forby the lond owners. STAGE TWO: once signotures of owner is obtoined or ownership of property is determined, request opprovol of the DRB for permission to inslol I pedestols on sites 13, 14, l5 & 16. STAGE TFREE: Request opprovol of the DRB for permission to instoll pedestols on the public lond sifes noted on the ottoched plon once o comprehens ive plon for such public sites hos been opproved by the city. Eoch of these sites will receive o temporory pedestol with o projected useful life of three fo f ive yeors. They will not hove permonent foot- ings ond will be reodily removeoble. If ot o loter dote it is def ermined thot pernrcnent pedestols ore desireoble the DRB will ogoin be consulted. The pedestols will be constructed in four different monners depending upon the surrounding orchi tecture: ONE: Pointed wood. TWO: Wood consfruction covered wif h metol Ioth ond Stucco. TFREE: Concrete block. FCI.,R: Concrete block covered with metol Ioth ond Stucco. lotion of sculpture pedestols on privote bition of sculpture on o yeor - round bosis. of the DRB for permission to instollg, 9, 10, ll, 72, 16A, 17, 18, 19, 26 & 2S which permi ss ion to instol I hos been given ATTACX-TilENT ONIE TO PETITIOT{ OF THE TOftN OF VAIL REGARDING SCIJLPTT,RE IN LIONISHEAD. YEAR-RO.IA SCLI-PTIRE SITES(numbers refer to mop ottochment two) l. At flog poles of enfronce to Lionsheod: This is fhe first piece ofsculpture in Lionsheod ond represents the initiol effort toword ortin the rnoll. 2. Wesf of Bush Shelter: Three foot pedestol to reduce snow problems. 3. In front of Krismor of bottom eost side of sfoirs: A smol I verticol work on o pedestol higher thon ihe surrounding stone work. 4. Flower Bed ot South end of Colorodo Insight neor stoir: Lorge pedesfol opproximotely two feet high. *5. Spoce between Colorodo Insight qnd Krismor: Very lorge verficol workon o low pedestol designed to protect work from snow shovels. Othersmoller works(one to three) on oppropriote pedesfols. *6. Eost side of entronce to Lionsheod Courf: Smol I verticol work on opedestol two to three feet high. *7, West side of entronce to Lionsheod Court: Pedestol five feet highwith work not to ex t end i nto wolkwoys. *8. Weed bed in corner between stoir wells of Voil 2'l Building: One lorgepedestol ot height of Ploce Restouront roi I ing. *9. A pedestol in the corner of the weed bed or on hord surfoce by the down stoir wells. *10. Corner of Voil 2l Building befween Lionsheod Court ond Lions PrideCourt: Smol I pedestol ond verticol work on o pedestol ot leost threefeet high. *ll. On gross oreo in Lionsheod Court next to Lozier Building: Pedestol otleost lhree feet high ond up to eight feet long. Sculpture not toextend i nto wo I kwoy. *12. Stoir woy out of Lions Pride Court: Pedesfol on lower sfeps of stoiropproximotely three to four feet wide ond up to eight feet long. #13. Fl ovrer Bed ot entronce fo Lionsheod Cenier Moll: Pedestol no more thontwo feet high. *14 & 15. In front of blonk wolls of the Lionsheod Center Building:Pedestols two to fhree feet high roughly in line with lomp posts. Itl 6. Flower bed ot exit from Lionsheod Center Moll: Pedestol no more thontwo feet high. *16,4. Gross oreo behind bench in front of Voil Associotes Reol Estote.Pedestol three to four feef high. Lorge sculpture site. *17. Blonk Woll ot top of stoir between Voil Associotes Reol Estote ondGondolo Terminol. Pedestol beiween two ond tree feet toll forsculpture requiring only view from the front. ATTACI-{IIENT OtlE Poge Two *18 & 19. Lifthouse Lodge/Gorsuch: Ploced so os not to block windows but to odd to visuol interest of fhe moll. Pedestols two to three feet hish. 20 & 23. In flower beds next to stoirs by Woter Fountoin: Pedestols designed to insure sculpture is nol imbeded in snow. 21 . Front Lip of Founioin: Sculpture on very low pedestol or none ot oll. Z?. Flower bed lef t of Fountoin: Horizontol sculpture on Iow pedestol. 24. Center of Gondolo Plozo: Round pedestol the some size or one foot smoller thon the center concrete ci rcle. The height of o bench ond des i gned with stone ond concrete. For instol lotion of o very lorge, tweniy foot or Iorger, sculpture which provides cleoronce for trucks ond f ire equ i pment. 25, Gross ot Wesf corner of the Gondolo Terminol: Pedestols two to three feet high. *26. Some os obove 27. Gross ot North Side of Entronce to Londrnork Moll: Pedestol fwo to three feet high. #28. Corner by Colorodo Insight ond Fountoin oreo: Pedestol obout three feet tol l. "29. ln lorge oreo obove porking West of voil Associotes Offices ond gondo I o : Very lorge sculpture visoble from the f'lo I I between Sunbi rd Lodge ond Gondo I o Terminol. 1t30. On steps in front of Sunbird Lodge: Pedestol flush with upper wolkwoy opproximotely four feet wide extending down to two steps from boftom. 31. On concrete pod: Five foot pedestol. 32. In corner of londing: Three to five foot pedestol 33. Center of circle in front of flog poles: A circulor pedestol opproximotely f ive feef toll to ollow snow storoge. This site is objected fo by Chorlie Stone of Chorlies T-Shirts. *334. On top of roof obove Chorlies T-Shirts. Architects ore now working on plons to f ix up thot site. - Indicotes pr ivote property /l Indicotes property thot moy be on privofe or public lond NOTES: The pedestols wi I I be constructed os long-term temporory boses intended to fit the surfoce texfure ond color of their irrmedi ote surroundings. S ome will be of concrete block ond others of wood---mosi will be covered wifh stucco. Eoch of the sculptures wiII hove o ploque with the n onre of the ortist ond the n orne of the gol lery representing the ortist. 75 south tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 May 3, 1988 Mr. Arne Hansen Arnesen Fine Art Limited 2603 B Cortina LaneVail, Colorado 81557 olf lce ol communlty development Re: Arnesen Fine Art Expansion, Vail 21 _B_yildinq Dear Arne: I am wondering how things are coming along on your proposal to expand your gallery at the Vail 21- Building. If you have decided to postpone the project, that is certainly fine, and I, would be happy to send back your information. If you desire to rernain in the process, I nust ask that you subroit a letterrequesting an extension by l.!ay 23t L988. Also, please subrnitthe additional inforrnation that is needed for the staff review.If f do not receive this infornation, I will assune that you would like to withdraw the project. The next submittal date isthe 4th l,londay in Novenber for this tlpe of project. I trope things will work out so that you will able to do yourexpansion. Please give me a ring if you have any questions about these requirements. Sincerely, t). | 0.tY^.-l-^' V" *r Nllfl{J,^f\ l{ t l+Kristan Pritz' Senior Planner KPrbr .\ A. \d;"*' ^.\ ^.0,'r!- ."o'v ..' cA';u Q'."b" May 12,19 87 Corrmun i ty Deve I opmen t Of f ice Town of Voil Goeff Wr ight Bui I ding Monoger ,(.1-.." c^Q).y'O'. oc" q*:"d Lodies ond Gentlemen, We hove seen fhe design for the pedestol ond o photogroph of the sculptureby Betty Gold intended to be jrloced ot site number four on the LionsheodscUl,pture plon by Arnesen Fi n'e Ari, Ltd. Site number four is in the flowerbed neor the stoir on the Norih Eost corner of fhe Voi I 21 Bui ldino. We opprove of ihe scu I pture ond its pedestol. , .7 ' -a,;[-&JCh6r les Voil 21 DETAIL OF PEDESTAL CONSTRTtrTION FOR SITE T.I.T\,IBER FCT,R sfftt'clt lUb #r*rr* vE*Tteet zlL SCtt-PTt.RE PEDESTAL Fm SITE I{,I\'BER FOI.R(BETTY MLD SCINPTLRE) The pedestol wlII bc constructed of redwooil 2 x 6 ondset upon r I scrs of 4 x 4 rmf er lol wl th totql outs ide66 3/1 x 96 lnches. Thc dcgtgn is Intended to ccnplerrcnt exlsttng scoting I x 6 rmteriols d irrens I ons of ln fhe lrrrredtote oaGo. o90 (*" FXIS-r rr<- s'fo*'E vctltt Project Appllcallon Proioct Name: Proiect Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Addre$ and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Block Filing Zon€ - Commenls: Deslgn Review Board ,^," llllltft= Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ,{ tttu Approval qs:-.s Sepf ernb.er' 15, | 986 Corrmunity Development Off ice Town of Voil O'.."bo q\s;.."CI ."o:.-\"*' 9'-.,r€ E5"' "16o Lodies ond Genf lernen, We hove seen fhe plons for the sculpture pedestols intended fo Arnesen Fine Art, Ltd. on the property of the Voil 21 building ond Colorodo Insight ot the site numbered five on the petition instol lotion of scu I pture in Lionsheod. be ploced by be tween Kr i smo rto ol low the We hove olso seen photogrophs of the Morble sculpture by D. which is opproximotely six feet toll ond the poinfed sfeel Michoel Anderson which is opproximofely fwenty two feet tol We opprove of the instollotion of these pedestols ond works Yoshikowo Wrighf sculpture by l. of orf . Chorles H. Rosenqu i s t Voi I 2l Portnership Voi | 2l Condomi n i um Associotion Vocot i on Resorts ? f.P 6F PflEs.,tL S4ohttps fittt<at ar frg woo2 gorT;4 /.rarE //vOr.lTES 2 XL Lur'rga< tf Ps€O- UoF PPEFE\e fo t61: & * t2 Lu*tBr.v? y:rlteN tS 112111c47?V Ey SoUaZ Lt*t€g{ -> sfztT- F*zE 2il3,t;;L eoNcCETE SLoe( REgtteo' /q'Ptn2q" tLu J + Ltr ---eI -,tVtE f/f Doo0 .l,D/zt 8F '?cQ.trc*rcw To T/F eEA v>c>oo Lu,urgtY ) f4on rllz SaTToh sa flar f#p *rtrr/-a oF +rrec4mtz,7 'i SorS AroT .f tlow, flywad.O WLA gE SE7- Eec4 fao*t nlf 1tOLe ft8ocT b tpztlrs, I I Uurzof Sloc(g LwrtA /1,ef 8F hoQTn<tZ) fterrlc\ I { IlfZuzUuAs StF ?t/:/)/,/Er< f,uF | ..fr=r fr.zntol t n-rTa</nrztr Tt*o I i 1( i\ri,t -"'*;'r- 7l c,tn. <: &' :ir -t t' r'i Cilule ---'-' \ a$.. \ {'-l"rRr:..iN Au- l {4-o}leP- 2, e7),-).-),(i:L) fk --' r:F .l c)+:J',f- l" it z^ -_/- *+e= ei5'* -za _.'_', \/._.]|i:? Ft. i:^ve <',.r (oz AaWhrrrr'l ? INTTP-DEPARTMENTAL REVI il.i PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: ?- /7-Fb DATE OF PUBLiC HEARING C0hliENTS NEEDED By: ERIEF DESCRIpTI0N 0F THE pR0pOSAL:. PUBLIC }IORKs ho.ushlr>rt vl/A 2/ Bt4lic rtt ffr A x 'twfmAt 4Tra,u Revierved by: Comments: oK( FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by /V:a-g'su." 2'.2 7' r c' Cornments: ,","/t_/E_6_- O/r' /* i/.2.--e--z azZ-.-..-- ,//y'v s'trzzt4 Llj/L Z/ Revierr'ed by! Comilents: Date Ri:; ::-: tlr DtPARTt'ti:iT Revi rr'ed by: Cc;:g1--31 Date 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 25, 1986 olflce of communlly deYelopment Mr. John S'l evi n Gore Range Properties 511 Lionshead Mall Vail , Co'l orado 81657 RE: Display Box Signage Dear John, 0n Monday of this week, we both agreed that you would take down the display box at the base of the stairs and remove the signage from one of the display boxes at the top of the stairs. The display box and signage should be removed by Monday Apri 1 28, 1986. I have also included information on the s'i gn veriance procedure, sign code, and signapplication. Once you submit a sign veriance request, the staff must publish a notice 21 days before the actual Design Review Board meeting. Please keep this detaiI in mind with your schedul ing. I talked to Rick Pylman about Pepi Gramshammer's two display boxes at his establishment on Bni dge Street. It was decided that these display boxes have both been at Pepi's for so many years that they are considered to be grandfathered display boxes. Secondly, I asked Rick if parking would be cons'i dered during the annexation of Solar Crest. Peter Patten and Rick stated that parking is an issue that is not addressed during an annexatjonproceeding. Therefore, the staff wjll not be requiring that the Solar Crest project provide any further parking on site. If you have any further quest'ions please feel free to give me a call. Si ncerel y , K,'*,rr, ?t'[ Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner Encl osure KP:j1t (\,i c.-) OJO Cf Llt E Qoo1zo FIL uJv uJ co oF F cc IJJ o- b_l> col0-!9ql" (\rll-lgurAEzo z,"9 zz.60 ^ == H dP o EE; ;Hg E =ur o- l!o uloz oIo F E.I CEo- JFUJ-h=:Eo- ul>LOL9o -uJxd:> uJ' =tr IJJo co EooE B! .E : E Eol, o -fO E =0t UJo.zo F()f E,Fazo(J !!EI ciz F =t UJo- lnq F Ua gd ErS tc) trEl!rOc5 l(t $f; 5;:.9:APE 2a YZo< >9>-EP:E5 9 r5 E:8 ieaEg .c= o (2 tr -. ari @ oYv =s2ZtLto oo.tr ^ 6z)q 5 > e.;E P "E:I o R;ei E:3 { IrH 6 s- F- 8 Hgi ni oE =>G --(rtEqr.S =COc'l Jl<ltrl zl zl .. >loll,oul IJ,Jz (n tr uJ J z E o JJ 3 F uJ H,'EioH o 3 R$ ffi# HTt(9lzF -'i9; +J(d o (u d <uU'(l) t- ii =z dlo-) UJ = lu z tso g t! rlJc, o J = o- F() (u =E : e "l>l trl o2 d uJ = r! z =IFi uiJulF = o t! 5 t!oz3IF = tr oll!l (El J1 <l il :l;loFI e. t! oz olu J l! z3I =e. o =.1o uJl ql <l>l t!i zl =l9lFI uJ luF uJz3 FO uJ = E c -rO<FGC)uJ<zgIIJ F.nZ-o C) JE<o()F trs =l--2r.E oI(J EgP s3fFd6o *5:IFz2+(l iz =g CE t-Eir P F;o2 o <oatt (1,rir llj I t trtr! 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(lJ +, = E =t! z ai ul J z]UJ UJ att(J .g (u =(l) tr o ol uJE J t!o z B o1F =c tt z o u,l 5 a t!o z 3lI =c oz ciul J <l ll-o z3I uJ trF utz =o Fo UJ ET E -rO<FE() IJJ <zEIIJ F(aZo() I F uJJIul - E : ! a J E99 s3 =Fd6o ix ::F =3AFz =8 (r t-E ir UJ!nF;Oz <O UX I o ct(/, .Fco o- q- {JA-.r rd .o \.-, g(t'(F ('F.F q) O-vgx.F (U.=c.6(Ui, L+,(, 'tt (U oJ o-O.|J E EF (J 8 3o E 3.=o!(F -rFO(n .(t -:zLmcL Ot P'r O+)qrS=+)(n(t'o, L{+J6.tE O il N '-{1\ x JI\l Ns\ x \\ $ x '\ x N c\ N \ c\ \ C"ul LU Ll- tr = UJ I I $Al \\r \'rt!)\x.\:] \\ UJF o E FIz l=E*/g/z. 2 o UJF z = = € z z {JJz3 UJIF oz o q) o o)o o =F @ C) o) E (6 oo == dl E o = l o o (! ]'; E6s;','=O(o;i*:otE8F; F.c *€*tPs F.= E F € gE.g e:58 :SP:E >=:ct'-(s B5;= " *:6g E F;*_o otiEo=.9;ee .E ! a'e o- ([ 0--FErgo!E-or = *:€E6:i :E: H EEEg-Ee6-- c 3(uo'-!c; o s) dr o)!-Y!gEEs sglEo ('=; *EFs *E;e $, o-o -e5g: ),t \ cv as rn .N 0 c\ 0 t' \il\t ts E UJo-oz6J g lrJI 2 Jo- J F uJJgJ z Co oz o UJ = uJul z tr uJ oqJ =UJ ut z a u,l ts oculo o. ) q,lJ() x F uJo (n uJ uJlt- F3 04, UJ\ FoF (, =oJ f .J n UJ ul oza = o- () z uJ = J(t t-- e ,-l (!NO[Vn]VA oF F trf ,*l[ il,,- = R'.1 ,{ t: :-il".=\[ *tl:YP $q}"t!^G<o\ =Z Z tL lro o o>tr ^ 6 z.'q 5 > e. F 9 O EJ6 6 Ei 6 ! fi\5 { :irg gs .r N O- u a ?\,t\F\\ ".1Ixt\ sl t r{l $h \ \l \, \ P{t q 2 tr J l! = UJ F I \\ R)f Eao-lu 1 s o Fo 3s e. uJ 3 lJJz tl ul = zY|!i. fF F 2 9 \ 3 a o l Jl<li-l zl zl .. >lo uJ llJ uJz F uJ z E oz tru, d! z Y (E ryivn9\ \ ot{ul Ii rJJ I (' uJo.rl--o | -\+ HP25x cJ .)\\ G at> J B F ul oo -l:t G oz F = lJ-i (j J o lJ.l L!z, a/) z, =O J Lr- e( I7 { iu *.- f$r,),[J\{n (9 z. =ll. I I I _l 6 |.- tr a )l\\\ a,) \)q R.{l 0 a\ Lri =z -) I\I Q dt t $l t Ql.$t{t\ :lIq5t fr'\l E]ul Itl q =l i<l4= SoN(!Iri \J {\ == E u.lo! T E Fo *r* \J t^\ .5 os{ { 1 \lvlq 9 =l trl s Is! -l Ioi alol IJJI 1l <l>l t!lol zl3l PI a ctl\.J s N \ uiJt! F 1 =l q 4n1 E fi o ul : ?l>l r.lol zl 3lolFI u.l ul F + ) \ -x \ \ =tr tl.\Ir l'\lol=.(9 UJI it fr!olzl 3lI I I '.J \l N I$\\$, 3 uJF = tr z Iu .J r! z =v g o o llJ :l =l :l 9l uJ l! E LUz3 F. uJ trT d. -..r O<F(r(J uJ<zEt!Far=ua <o()F -< -,2 to oa 2P e3 f,F'-a <^9;7<) =sP,2>3 e irL! b +!{Oefr -: i-r -- z .rPzemo =z dP J zE /'\ F .)J co t1J trD ::l LrJoi rnl\zltrt ll El ,,, I =l*-t-=t= =lF=lb =llr.,-l* tJJI a L! Jo- o E Ic) o1' ,=c5 E Eo(, o FlJ) t+, \n Y Mi<>z fltr 75 soulh frontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce of communlly developmenl .BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If thi.s permi.t requ'[res a Town of Vai] Fire Department Approval ,Engineel's (.Pub1 ic }lorks) review and approval , a p1 anning Department review or llealth Department review, and a review by the Bui'l ding Department, the estirnated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All conrnercial (large or sma'll) and a1'l multi-family permits will have te fallow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if resi-denti'al or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments; with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the th.ree week period. Every attempt w'ill be made by this departnent to expedite this permit as seon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. '49 € Pfoject Name Stret was turned i n Communi ty Deveiopment Department. ARNESEN FINE ART DEIVOLITIONI AND RENOVATIOTI Demol ition ond renovo t i on of second f I oor corrmerciol spoce obove . "Thu Ploce" restouront---Unit 302, Voi I 2l Bui lding--Lionsheod. The most recent use of the spoce wos os storoge for Colorodo Insight' Prior to thot use(lost renovotion) it wos o beouty/borber shop' Demo I ition/renovoiion for "., n.l lery use wi ll inc I ude: I. DEtvOLITIOtl A. Removo I of oll but one existing woll ond two four foot sections of o lorge closet. B. Removol of existing floor coverings. C. Rerr'ovol of exposed plumbing for three sinks locoted olong the Eost sicie of the mo jor wol I rvhich is to be retoined. D. Rerrrovol of some woll ond ceiling electricol outlets ond conduit. E. Possible removol ond replocement of ceiling. F. Removol of existing entry door. I I. RENOVATION A. Cove r i ng remoining plosterboord rvot ls ond f ireploce wi th 3/4 inch plyrvood, ond finishing ivith stucco ond poini- B. Insfolling f r ock lighting system. secur i ty system, new corpet, gloss entry door ond rvosh room door. C. Covering North window with door to creote disploy window. D. Movi,rg woshroom sink f rom one side of conmode to other. E. lnstolling one five foot r^ro I I or one foot column to hide uPper I eve I d r o i n . F. Instolling canopy (s i gn ) on Sou th side of building ond directionol s igns(f ive) io en t r once. ARNESEN FINE ART DElvtfLITIOI.J Al.D RENIOVATIONI Demolition ond renovof ion of s e cond f loor corrmerciol s poce obove ' " Th. Ploce" restouront---Unit 302, Voi l 2l Bui lding--Lionsheod- ' The most recent use of the spoce wos os storoge for Colorodo Insight. Prior to thot use(lost renovotion) it wos o beouty/borber shop- Demo I i t i o n,/ r e n o v o t i o n for ort gol lery use will i nc I ude: l. DE/|)LITIOt'l A. Removo I of oll bui one existing woll ond two four foot sections of o lorge closet. B. Removo I of existing f I oor coverings, C. Removol of exposed plumbing for three sinks locoted olong the Eost side of the mojor woll which is to be retoined. D. Removo I of some wol I ond ceiling electricol outlets ond condu i t. E. Possible removol ond replocement of ceiling. F. Removol of existing entry door. I I. REIIOVATIOT{ A. Cove r i ng remoining plosterboord wol ls ond fireploce wi th 3/4 inch plywood, ond finishing with stucco ond point. B. Inslolling trock lighting system, security system, new corpet, gloss entry door ond wosh room door. C. Cove r i ng North wi ndow with door to creote disploy window. D. Moving woshroom sink from one side of corrmode to other. E. Instolling one five foot woll or one foot column to hide upPer level droin. F. Instolling conopy(sign) on South side of building ond directionol signs(f ive) to en t r once. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF i,i, 1r r ' REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TUES WED THUR i--,', 1,. ,i., ,' / AMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL ,EI APPROVED ,, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED /i DATE INSPECTOR !r. P?hb"/vril INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL REQUEST PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL . -II-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIREd DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL REOUEiT D^TE iI'JOB NAME CALLER 'rMON TpES. WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: INSFEGTION: i J, ' BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o o tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FIML tr FINAL --trI,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Project Application Proiecr Name: l' t lLr") ',t+-\\\nE L' Project Description: Contact Person and Phone 6Kl< AV 4,,q,soc.. , Go-r. /crt\ (/ail* Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Filing Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL N€tL) Ej/fe4lo.z- '[4tH dr,)LAIWSummary: Stafl Approval + + Ec EuE =1-o t + --r I I I \ o' (,) i\$ t it$ g ilxs $ti $ $: ^'isfiE il SF!vl\ 8 \NE I * T(, oh o\ S 15ob I -\ JF-., )o-\..t\ VJxrqa-j/.\ \ ifr u * I oo \ I ItN (^) oqIo o a :t S.I oo 3 Ur\ \ \ \Is o 75 soulh lrontage rord vell, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 29, '1984 olfle ot communlly dovclopmenl Mr. Chuck Rosenquist tgs eiJi eoie-di"el-o"iveVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Rosenquist: This letter confirms that the Vai'l amount of $] 7 ,480.00 p'lus i nterest overdue. The total amount owed is { Ptigl tr!:!gry of the Vait 2t park.ing Fee revea'ts that Mr. Sayre,SJu'ly 15' l98l 'letter states that a naikino fpe nf S4-Aqn-nn i< nworlJu'ly 15, l98l tes that a parking fee of $4,4SO.OO is-owed Iour prompt att-ention to these payments. PATTEN, on.Vail 2l's partial expansion. Shbrtly fhereafter, Vail 2l'sentire expansion required a rev.ision leiter for the'pailing feecreatr'ng a new amount due which was 9.|7,4g0. To datl the iown ofvail has received no monies for the vaii zt expiniion.- ihini you for Re: Vail 2l Parking Fee 2'l Building Parking Fee in thein the amount of $5,575.90 is $23,055.90. Acting Director APP: bpr ',lRCommunity Development I']r, -r- 7 /e/84 3.Burns. peter patten stated that sjnce .|98.|, 4 or 5 similar proposals had been proposed concerning thjs propeity, but f9r lng.entjre subdivision. Lots 3, 4, and 5 were all restricted tb rti.ii'ftom the bottom. Patten showed a sjte plan and . - explained that lot 3 didn't have the site conditions that 4 and 5 did' and lot Z irai a mooi-point beciuie-it was a'lready built upon. The staff recommended approval of rezoning lots 2 and 3. Dr. Burns, owner of lot 3, showed sljdes with three main views and exp'lained that his home would noi irirpact the view corridors from the units on Vail Ridge. He added that there n"ie tiro problems: 'l) the zone RC.made the lot unbui'ldable U".uri" oi ihe stope"ieit"i.tions, and alio cut down the GRFA, and 2) the use of the upper entry wai important to Dr. Burns. B'ill Post, representing the Ridge at Vail, read from Ridge at Vai'l covenants that stated tirat the siructures-must be kept back so that they "peek over the ;idg".'i He stated that the Ridge owners did not mind the use of the upper u.c6ss to the lot if the same restrjctions concerning the height of the structure remained the same as those for the Ridge units. post a'lso wanted to have a restriction that there would be no parking in the. .ri-0" ru.. Jim Flaum, president of the Ridge Town House_Association, wanted to be sure the same u.i"ti irouta not be given t6 lots 4 and 5. Dave Cole, owner of ]ot 2, stated that at first it appeared that his home would,i*P.91 Burns" but found that Burns' view was over Co1e's chimney. Cole felt that if Burns would have to access from below, it would be a tremindous infringement upon Burns' .iig[ti. -Foii-reminaea tne board that thjs was a zone change request.. Eskwith stited that since this was a request for a zone change, the'PEC could p1 ace conditions upon its approval. tie added that although the Town could not deprive if," ippiicanl ttre use of his property, the owner of-that property was not entitled to the best use of the ProPertY. f;apson was stil'l concerned wjth the view corridolimpact, Donovan was concerned abbut the narrowness of the road. Patten stated that this was a private drive inA-*ut iotally control'led by 6 owners, but that the fire access would need to Ut-foof.ea at. -Edwardi statei that he would like to see some sort of reasonab'le iimitation of height because of the restrictjons that had been p1 aced on the Ridge uniti. - pierce hai no prob'l ems with the request, but was concerned about lots 4 ina S using the drive to reach their homes. Patten reminded hjm that the owners of lots 4 and 5 must corne in for review. Donovan moved and Ra son seconded to recommend vote was uest for exter or alteration the ent of Gore Ra he Town Courlgf_l__Pgl rder to remodel roperti es Krjstan Pritz presented the Properties, stated that he needed in protection of the glass met the Paving, such request. John Wheeler' would like to have Duane glass. Pierce suggested as stone. representing Gore Range Piper work out the detailing other detai'l s where the the Vail 2I Buildinq in cant: Gore PEc ,O4 -4- Edwards moved and T exterior alteration which woulduest for revisions to the zoni ts 'location. Appl icant: Patten asked to table this item.this item unti] the next meeting. The meet'ing adjourned at 4:50. and Donovan seconded to table was 5-0. unanimous. moved vote Rapson i- z- X+r <-I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L .r ).. F ,1.DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: -r'". WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr tr o D tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERT'1 tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: o tr tr E tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: /-r, t*lttspEctoR . THIS CONVEYANCE dared this lG day of G"o**aO ,1983, i.s from VAIL 21 CoNDO}IINIUM ASSodiATIoN, Iffi., acorora'do non-profit-corporation ("Grantor"), to the TowN oF vAIL,a Colorado municipal corporation ("Grantee;'j. TO HAVE AND HOLDGrantee and its successors CONIEYANCE OF EASEMBNT WITNBSSBTH said easement and right of way untoand assigns. of this conveyance and thethe parties hereto hereby agree as Grantor, for and in cons j- d.e ra.t i on of the sum of tendorrars and other good and valuabLe consi-derati.on, the receiptand- sufficiency of which are hereby acknorvledged, does herebyse11, grant and quitclaim to Grantee a non-exclusi-ve, perpetualeasement and right of way over and upon the real propeity- l the"Right of l{ay property") described in Exhibj-t A aitached heretoand made a part hereof, for the sole purpose of construcbing,instarling, maintaining and repairing a pedestrian marl there-upon in conjunction wi-th adjoining property owned or under thecontrol of Grantee. In cons lderat ionconsideration stated above.follows: 1. Grantor hereby reserves and Granlee acknowledgesand agrees that Grantor sharl have the riglrt to use the Rig[t ofway Property for arL other purposes subject to the rights indpriviJ-eges herein granted to Grantee, whi-ch reserved uses shal-Iinclude, but not be l-imired to, underground utlritles ]1nes suchas water, sewer, electricity, gas, telephone and cable TV,ingress and egress froni the remaining real property ( "Grantor',sProperty") covered by the Deelaration of covenints, conditionsand Restr j-ct ions Eastabtishing a pfan for condominium ownershipof Vail 21 condominiums, vai1, cororado (the "Decraration"),across the Right of lgay Property to al] adjoining real, property,and the right of encroachment (including, but noi limitea to, th.right of use of the Right of Way property for the purpose ofmaintaining, repalring and reconstrucling such encroachments) forthe existing improvements on Grantor's property which presentlyencroach on, over or under the Right of way property inc).uding,but not Li-mited to, existi-ng roof s, balconies, anci utility Iiies,even if such encroachments interfere with the rights andprlvileges herein granted to Grantee. 2. In the event Grantor shall in the future performany residential or commerci-al expansion or modificatlon ofexisting improvements on Grantor's property and sha11 obtain a1lnecessary Grantee consents and permits, Grantor may constructsuch expansion or modification even if it encroaches upon theRight of IYay Property and necessitares the movement of theimprovements which have been constructed and maintained thereonby Grantee; provided, however, ilrat should Grantor's expansionnecessi.tate the movement of said improvemenbs, the cost of movingsaid improvements shall be paid for by Grantor and the movingsharr be done at the direction of Grantee. Grantee warrants andcovenants that neither Grantee noi. anv of its agencies norpersonner sharr deny such expansion or modification based. on itseffects on the improvements and pedestrian mall to be built onthe Right of way Property nor to take into account such effectsin any manner rvhatsoever in any revierv proeess of any appricationfor such expansion or modif j-cation; provided, however, thatGrantee may take into account in gooct faith th<: effects of suchexpansion or mocif ication on parts of' l.hc pedeslrian mall notlocated on the llight of lvay in any such review process as though the Right of \tlay had never been made a part of such pedestrianmall. 3. Grantee shall have improvecl all of the Bight ofWay Property on or before Noveober 15 , 198 5 Suchimprovements sha]l includeE;I;E-A;a'loi-iandsdlping of all ofthe Right ltay Property with the paving to consisi ofbrickpavers, asphalt or concrete and the lanclscaping to consistof sodded grass, trees, shrubs, and/or fLower beds. AII suchimprovements shalL be constructed, instarred, maj.ntained andrepaired in a first c1ass, ti.meLy and rvorkmanllke manner and atthe sore cost and expense of Grantee, which maintenance sharrinclude, but not be limited to, snow removar from arr paved areasof the Right of IVay Property roeated four feet or more from theVail 21 Condomini-um BuiLding located on Grantor's property. Notwithstanding that Grantee shaLr otherrvise at its discretiondetermine which areas of the Right of Way property are to bepaved and which are to be landscaped, Grantee sharr be requiredand hereby agrees to reave in pLace all existing sidwarks (intheir existing conditions) from existing exits and entrances ofthe Vail 21 condominium Building rocated on Grantor's propertythat exit unto or enter from the Right of Way properry, toconnect, with pubric si-dewafks or paved public malr areas, orat Grantee's sore discretion to construct new paved sidewarks fromany or arr existing exits and entrances of the Vair 21 condominiumBuilding located on Grantor's property that exit unro or enterfrom the Right of way Property, to connect wi-th public sidewarksor paved public mal1 areas. 4. AI1 existing and new utili-ty lines (which newutirity rines may be instal-Ied wi.thout the consent of Grantee butat Grantee's direction and at the sole cost and expense ofGrantor except that the cost and expense of any restorati-on orrepLacement of i-mprovements placed on the Right of i{ay propertyby Grantee sharl be borne sorely by Grantee) located in and und.erthe Right of Way Property used to suppl5' utility services(including, but not Iimited to, water, sewer, electricity, gaSrtelephone and cabre TV) to Grantor's property shall be mainiainedand repaired at the cost and expense of Grantee. Grantee sharl commence repairs of any such utility Iines within 24 hoursnotlce from Grantor that a problem exists and i.n good faithdillgently complete such repairs in a timely manner. If suchmaintenance or repairs are not made in a timeJ-y manner byGrantee, Grantor may perform such maintenance or make suchrepairs, with Grantee being required to immediateLy reimburseGrantor for alr costs and expenses incurred by Grantor in suchmaintenance or repairs. 5. Grantee shall indemnj.fy, hold harmless. and defendGrantor, its successors and assigns, against any claims, debts,demands, damages, losses, costs, expenses, iudgments, action andcauses of action of any nature or kind rvhatsoever, Iegal orequitable, whether statutory, in contract, in quasl-contract, intort or otherwise, pertalning to, arising in connection with orrelating in any manner to construction, installation,maintenance, repair and/or use of the pedestrian mall on theRight of Way Property, the improvements thereon and the utilityLines therein and thereunder. said i.ndemnification sharl_ includethe costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, of theinvestigation and defense, including appea]s, of any such claims,demands or actions, and the costs, lncluding reasonableattorney's fees, of collecting any amounts due from Granteepursuant to said indemnity. 6, Should any action be brought to enforce orinterpret this Conveyance or the agreements contained hereln, theprevaili.ng party in such action shall be entitled to receive fromthe defaulting party aII reasonabLe cosLs and expenses, including Yt-!. ^ B' but not ]imited to, reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by theprevailing party.in such action. . 7. This Conveyance and the rights and obligationscreated hereunder shall not be assignable by Grantee without theprior written consent of Grantor. Excepl as otherwisei-mmediately set forth above, this Conveyance and the rights anclobrigations created hereunder sharl, be binding upon and unure tothe benefit of Grantor and Grantee and their respectivesuccessors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Conveyance is executedeffective as of the date first set forth above. GRANTOR: VAIL 21 CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC.,a Colorad BY: X res ident GRANTEE: TOITN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporat ion BY: Witness my hand and official seal \)) l<t ) My commission expires: December 30, .|983 bt ary Address Col orado Col orado STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. couNTY oF EAGLE ) Witness my hand and official seal My commission expires f.__ t PubI ic STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF flf;Hff The foregoing Conveyance of Basement was acknowledgedbefore me this l3llr ,t*y of December , 198 3 , by M, as PresidenT of VaiT-21 Condomi;ium-TssoEI-at j-on, Inc., a Colorado non-profi L corporation. ))ss ) I vd. 80222\ \ , ' .rt -t' The for%roing Conveyance of Easement was acknowled.gebefore me this /4,fr a"y of N"-,.,--L.r , isej, by Richarduapran, as I'own ltanager of the Town of vai1, a colorado municiparcorporation. Address: .6-4 / ),/ \"ny'tr-' ''/'2 Caplan, Public. 2696 S. Denver, f,re Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: "^,.111+ltrL DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: ""," ,al_.di&t A a,"u Approval Project Appllcatlon Proiact Nam€: Proiecl Description: Contact P€rson and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Addr$s and Phone: Legal D6scription: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL { t*n Approvat Project Appllcalion Date Project Name: Project Description: Conlact Person and Phone Ourner. Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL { a,ru Approval S\. October 22, 1986 Corrmun i ty Deve loprnent Of f ice Town of Voiln*$" t"* Lodies ond Gent lemen, We hove seen the design for the pedestol ond o photogroph of the sculpture byMichoel Anderson intended to be ploced ot site number six on the Lionlheodschulpture plon by Arnesen Fine Art, Ltd. on the corner of the Voil 2l build-ing in Lionsheod Court. We opprove of the sculpture ond its pedestol. ChorlesVoil 2l Portnership Goeff-V/r'ioht Bui lding Monoger PEDESTAL FOR SITE NLAABER SIX En t r once corner to Lionsheod Court by the Voi I ?l Building This pedestol will be constructed similorly to ihe pedestol for site numberseven. Its scole olso depends upon the size of ovoiloble slobs of Morblefrom fhe Town of Voil. We hope it will be opproximotely two feet toll ondtwo fee t squore. The pedes to I will hove 2 x l2 foot i ngs p i nned into the g r ound ond be constructedof 3/4 inch morine plywood covered wiih metol loth ond whife stucco. Thepedestol will be copped with o two inch thick slob of block morble. ' :i/ )( l.,lt4t'tnJ MftF-bLe tl &. /iAU,tN m*F1Ln \. tosrlr g4rJ& r,lfr6*r ttrFI5 # .S irr # /> I \ YorUr<*nr,l hjAl6.tT PEDESTAL FOR S I TE NI.AABER E IGHT Corner of Voi I 2l bui ldinq in Lionsheod Court The pedestol will ten feei long. It portion of the roi Insight ski rentol The pedestol will ond sided with the(f lot) sur foce wil ent i re pedestol wion the building. be 7 feet 9 inches tol I by 5 feet 9 will extend from the ground to leve ling ond from the corner of ihe roil conopy. See o t t oched photogroph. nche s deep by with the wooden ng to the Colorodo hove wooden 2 x l2 footings ond be consfructed with wood some wood surfoce os the surrounding roi I ing. The upper I be covered with 2 x 6 x 2 over c 3/4 inch plywood. The ll be pointed fhe some dork brown os the ofher wood trim Sculpture by D. Yoshikowo Wright, White Morble, See photo. PEDESTAL FOR SITE NIJ\4BER NINE Directly in front of site number eight. The pedestol will be opproximotely 36 i nche s toll and 28 i nche s squo re. The size will be odjusted to occomodote the morble copstone ovoiloble from the Town of Voil. The pedestol will be construcfed of 3/4 inch morine plywood covered with metol loth ond then stuccoed to motch wol I behind the pedestol. See Photo Sculpture by Arne Honsen, Bronze, See photo. A two inch thick block morble cops tone will sit between the pedestol ond the sculpture. 5c,{+Tc*1c-0 5D4Fht€ )D,0t<A7t3 ?eEs74 L + I \d"r$ s;." Ocfober 7, 1986 .F**Corrmun i t y Deve lopment Off ice Town of Voil "r"e Lodies ond Genflemen, We hove seen the designs for the two pedestols ond the photogrophs of thesculptures by D. Yoshikowo Wright ond Arne Honsen intended to be ploced byArnesen Fine Art, Ltd. ot the inferior corner of the courtyord of'the Voii 2lbuilding ond opprove of the sculpfures ond the deslgn for the pedestols.k, Voi I 2l lding Monoge r 7 , l, '' { VAJ z-l ' ,/ Ssun)' flA. :t qOD t\5S0( i DuLe,*ru,t,,6rt8 ef8 N.Adl^ih*-., Rr=til \qb tho !0",4- r.,brt: J\l LI1 S'tf (er."+ c"*l)*Jindcil ]vT, vt h*&----F N1 J^d- 0r 3nJ- fbcrr $alg Gnd l.ha rs 3 d- {bdf U 8rW\ Ounqr.r ldL irrcorrqL+ ',C^il.4- '0un&t*{ FI.|0}D\ wqo ' ,00aP no tnod ,r,A*tb r{SJ hb%' mun\on 1,300 ?dJ &t- 5. l! SntO ttdd.u loDO l<yaa v .1 dt^l not alta.rd s d 5- JJ&ft*h5 ' i"dt,r*,-q Noi,"i"fuio".. 6 u.le- taa-il a- lu,nlL\ - f\D I t / o @ o o Art6l/,v @ LIONS PRTDE COURT :- Court opened^to free^a:..":r, lo LionsHead Court. plantino ariareduced' rerocated to.abut Liorn"ii'iiiJoe brdq. to providescreen buffer for restaurant inJ-io-"ce"irarric frowout ofsnadows into sunny a"ea oi"ioui:i.'"iiitriture focal point. SHEAD COURT l1pioy" viabitity of be)ow_sradetnto broader landings and sinken.lllll.?pins and pavins to ffeaterevet shops. thopg by.expanding stair accesscourtyards. Sun pocket .locaiion, ,attraction competitive *iil -d"ii,l_ Conrnercial expansioncorner and present an ( 1-2 storeys) toadditional front better util ize shade_zoneracade activity to court. SUB-AREA CONCEPTS EAST MALL .ENTRY Expanded pedestrian-waiting plaza (bus she.l ter. relocated) to better -1. accommodate skier crowdr ii il'ini."]""Hign visibility entry symbor - _ .lsuch as f'lags) and sculptu""'if"irio".elrain entry to LionsHead. ..Moveab're pranters restore p"a"ri"iii' riut" ina".b'io""i;';;"#"". IStJSliri;less restricted (sisnaoe) auto drop-off relocated adjacent Access route from oarking relocated northward.(by landscaoep1 anter barrier) to separate parkino iot route fron the ci-owded_ous waiting area, and,reauc" i"ofring'it.orgt, the service area.uonrnercial expansion (t storevj -io"'r1ui", reinforce route. l::l:l entry park (created by reduciion of parking structure) tocreate and enhance l, ?]!:l:tir;-;ilil to ine NJit,-i."i,ii...ons.r_tron at peak periods,. increase peaesiri'an exposure to back areas,il;"i:. ;'[;"it jlir3il:i n g' i"u clu""".ni" g.n.i"u r rv -upg"Ji" ^*," :.Additional Studv area_to,explore.potential to: further uporadesecond mall entiy, expand aha ;ntiniiiv'r_ton,s pride Coui^i,anacornprete pedestrfan c6nnection id-e"ra6t" ptaza. i;;"ili;;iiu""ytunctionsessentia'l to maintain, -;r;;ii as private parkinq. .Conrnercial expansion_(1-2, storey) to strength.n r..onau.vlutt!l!y-itit1 activitv/pedestrian-iiui;,-;;; better utirize shade-zone service court (minor) ' -"J vsr'usr uLr I rze snal . tl - I Date November 30, 1987 ExrERroR Ar.rERArroNr 8f,"iiffiiiiTi8# Iff*"o"**"rAL coRE rr (ccrr)\UAIL IIONSHEAD r' This procedure required for arteration of an existing buirding whichadds or removes any enclosed floor "r"--or-orrldoo. patio or replace-ment of an existing, building shalr il-;"bj";r-to review by the pran_ning and Environmental Commi""iorr. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. I: NAME OF APPLTCATiTT Arnesen Fine Arf , Ltd. Moilin ADDRES PHONE 47 6 -0487 NAIIE OF ADDRESS PrroNE 47 6 -0487 3. NME 0F OIINER (print or type) .Voil 2l portnershi Chor I es Rosenqu i s t STGNATURE .< ADDRESS ?9x 686, Voil,co 8t658 PHONE 476-3201 f,OCATION OF PROPOSAI, .1', , .,,:i ,i DDMSS, IEGAL DESCRIPTION FEE $r00. 0o ,,,. PAID s wt-48?// 'r';'-i,: r . ,. (::j .r.l ,,:i.i,. )...,! , Improvement survey of property showing property linesof building and any inlroir.*uit"--on the land. 2.APPLICA}IT t S REPRESENTATIVE Arne Honsen 11918 Corrino Lone, Voil,81657 4. 5. 6. 7. Ir. Four A. A list of the name of owners of all property adjacent to thesubject property and their I,tAILING aaaresses. (4) copj.es of a site plan containing the following infornation: The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet- size of 24,, x 36,, at ascale of 1" = 20r; a variation of the sheei-or-"J.r. may be ap_proved by the Community Development Department ii-:ustitied; fhe date, north arrow, scare and name of the proposed developmentshall be shown on the site plan; B. .n ccrr C. The existing topographic character of the site. including existingand proposea contour-s. This condition wiri-onry be reguire. foran expansion area where there is i-cfianSiJ-Jf'two feet of grade;D' :*":ff:::":#"idifiJ:"i:1 existins and proposed buildinss, E' The existing and, proposed landscaping patio additions or deletions. III. The applicant shall submit in_written and graphic form, a preponder_ance of evidence before trr"-prutt"i"s.."ii*"iitro.r*.r,tar cornmisslonthat' Lhe proposal is in .o"r"r*"";;.."i$ iii. p..poses of the ccrrii:::i::..iloll"S":l;Jnlj!Ii^tiild".;i"iff compr ie s witrr _trre va ir A' rf the "pglrr:lr-is-propos'rls-:-T-ior change to the vail Lionshead,3::il"l"iilln3]3"di:; -Lh" p'o'"dures toi chang"-";;-;";!a i,, IV. The applicant must also submit. written and graphic supporting nater-ials that rhe proposal subsri"tflriv-ii"iiir3'r.yir! the-fouo;ineB::S.=:i?:"::""iaerations secrion "f -ti,;-;;ir rionshead, Desisn 1. Ileight and MassingB. Roofs . C. Facades _ Walls/StructureD. Facades - Transparencv . E. Decks and patio; ' F. Accent ElementsG. landscape Elements Many of the above items should_be addressed in some graphic means;:ilfl" Hl, lff *:, : "d::::F;, _" $"iliiIill.".ju.r " ( incr uains neish- V-ail Zoning Code for CCIIthe applicant must respond v. r. 'l.t' r'1 ..,. ! | | The Town ofissues thatform. also describesto in written other zoningor graphic vI.applications forbe received. up tcnoted in Section exterior alterations or modificationsJuty 31, 19s0. Afrer ti,_t-aiil] .n.L8.24.065-A-5 appay. in CCIf cantime frames LIST OF PROPERTY O\AI.IERS ADJACEM TO TFE PrcPERTY OF TFE ARNIESEN REI'{OVATION Voi I 2l Condomin i um Associot ion % Goeff Wright Dest inot ion Resorts 610 Wesf Lionsheod Circle Voil, Colorodo 81657 Rober t Loz ier Lozier Corrmerciol Propert ies 386 Honson Ronch Rood Voil, Colorodo 81 657 John Slevin Gore Ronge Proper f ies 5ll Lionsheqd Moll Voi f, Colorodo 81657 Voil 2l Portnership %Chor les Rosenqu i s t Box 686Voil, Colorodo 81 657 %Dick Brown 1780 S. Belloire /1106 Denver, Colorodo 80222 l*ic*rs fri{f; U.M l.aftd A.co-d{ trl,l,in krkr-^qr ftmefvtq lehiud th,[ ]\ \,, VAIL LIO|.ISHEAD I.JRBAI\ DESIGN G.JIDE PLAN We sre not proposing ony mojor chonges to the Voil Lionsheod Urbon Design Guide Plon. Lionsheod eourt is the only oreo specificolly impocted by therenovcrtion. ..Th e proposed renovot ion odd s to the specif ic object ive of the Guide Plon to present odditionol front focode octivity to the Court. LRBANI DES IGN CoNS IDEMT IOiIS GENEML: The corrmerciol spoce occupied by Arnesen Fine Art, Ltd. is two ond o holf sfories obove grode level on Lionsheod Court(South), one ondo holf stories obove grode on the olley s i de (Nor fh ), ond one level obovegrode on the Li onsheod Ci rc I e s i de (Eqs f ) . The current renovotion is intended to emphosize the Lionsheod Circle occe s s to the corrmerci ol spoce ond i ncreose its ottroct iveness from Li onsheod Cour t whi Ie expond i ng the inter ior retoi I spoce. A. HEIGI-'IT AND[/ASSING: The renovotion will drowmore ottenf ion to thethird Ievel(iwo ond o holf obove Lionsheod Court) of ihe building which would normol ly be counter productive to the height ond mossing guidelines. However, this level is reodily visoble becouse of pedestrion viewing ongle ond present ly this level is not ottroctive. S uch visobility will increose once the Uptown Grill instolls its greenhouse over its front deck. The proposed oddition to the focode will be.ottroctive ond i nc I udes o hor izontol element which should deter the cosuol eye from moving further up fhe build- i ng. B. R@FS: 7l. South Side: A f lot roof will be ploced over the newly enc I osed sDoce. 2. North Side: A slonted roof with wood shoke shingles ondtwo sky lights will be ploced over the oddition. This is corllpotoble wifh current roof s on the North side of the building. C. FACADES-STRUCTURE: The focode on Lionsheod Court(South) wi I I incorpor-ote the veriicol cement block elemenfs currently in ploce with gloss ond ocolorful horizontol element. D. FACADES-TRANSPARENCY: The tronsporency on the Lionsheod €ourt focode(South) will be compotoble with the iloor below(Uptown Gritl) ond thusmore tronsporent t hon the guidelines but cons i stent wi th corrmerciol u seoge. E. DECKS AITD PATIOS: F. ACCENT ELEIvIENTS : the top of the South meto I . Current decks wi I I be enclosed. The only occent elemenf is the horizoniol bond ocrossfocode. This bond will either be ownino moteriol or LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS:Noi oppl icoble PI.,ANNTNG AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSTON December L4, L987 STAFF PRESENTPRESENT J.J. Collins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pan Hopkins Peggy OsterfossSid SchultzJin Viele The meeting l'ras called to order by Peter Patten Tom BraunRick PyhnanKristan Pritz Betsy Rosolack the chairrnan, Jim Viele. L. Diana Donovan moved to approve both setsHobbs seconded the rnotion. The vote was 2. A fecruest for a rrari rnr.o i n nrr:tar. I Enclosure of Gramshammer deck, Peggy seconded a 90 day review o. of minutes and Bryan 7-O. CCf. Hobbs moved,period. Vote was 7- Tom-Braun presented the request and explained that theapplicant had already gone to Design R-eview Board for approvalof the 9 foot diameter satelrite. Mr. clay _, nanagei forthe_applicant, K-Lite Radio Station, stated EEET'he hadexplored using a 9 foot dianeter satelrite, but it was not l3ts" 91ough to receive the desired signars. He was asked whatthe radio stati.on received from the di;h, and answered. that itwas not what was received as much as the guality of thereception-that dictated the use of a dish.- rt was also explained that if the tennis bubble were t,o comedown, the radio station must return to the DRB with anothermeans of screening the dish. peggy fert that trees ought toplanted on the road above Vail Run. Bryan moved and pam seconded to approve the request per thestaff memo. The vote was 7-0. cant: Joyce Cornrnunications, fnc-. 3.Prelinin Review of Exterior Alteration osaLs forCCI an minutes a. b. c. d. e. Extension of Otto Stork Building, CCI . HobbE moved,Diana seconded a 90 day review pilriod. Vote, Z-0. Golden Peak House expansion, cCI . Hobbs moved, DLanaseconded for a 90 day review period. Vote lras Z-0. VaiI 21 Buildinq, deck enclosure, CCfI . Diana movedand Peggy seconded to have a 60 day review period.Vote was 7-0. Lj.onshead Center BuiJ-dinq, extension, CCII. Diananoved and Hobbs seconded for a 90 day review period.Vote $ras 7-0. lnwn 75 south trontage road vall, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 December I, i,987 ;,K$\fi,,s'u offlce ol communlty developmenl Mr. Arne Hansen Arnesen Fine Art Lirnited2603 B Cortina LaneVail, Colorado 91657 Re: Arnesen Fine Art Expansion, Vail 21_ Building Dear Arne: The staff reviewed your subnittal for the expansion of ArnesenFine Art and must ask that you subrnit the foilowinginfonnation: 1. A condo association retter of approvar for the request. 2. The names and rnailing addresses of property owners for theLions Pride Buirdinq; Lionshead arcade- euirding, ""a in"---parking structure to the north of the vair 21 iuirding. 3. Photos of ttre north, west and south elevations of thebuilding. 4. Detailed el-evations that indicate materials, recessedareas' and other design details. The existing elevationsare difficult to decipher. 5. A north elevation should be subrnitted. 6. The site plan.showing areas of the remodel should providemore inforrnation as to where the walkways are andproperty lines, especially on the north side of thebuilding where you are adding space. Your proposal will be presented to the planning comrnission onDecember L4 so that the commissioners nay deteirnine if a eo or ?.0 9"V review period is appropriate for the project. r irnaginethat the planning cornmissioners will recomrnend i eo aay re.Tiewperiod. once the staff receives this additional information, I willschedule the project for a formal review with the planning Commission. The PEC meets every 2nd and 4th Mond.ay of themonth. Each PEC neeting date has a deadl"ine which is 4 weeksin advance of the meeting. The four weeks are necessary forstaff review as well as publishing reguirernents. It isirnportant that you attend the format FfC reviehr. It is notnecessary that you attend the meeting on December L4 unless youwish to. f have also enclosed a schedule of planning Commission meetingsfor 1988 so that you can be sure to make a subrnittal deadlineas soon as possible. ffffi"fi-.b Town Planner KP:br PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMTSSTON 1988 SUBMITTAL AND MEETING DATES DEADLINE I.IEETING DATE Decenber 28 January LL January 25 February 15 February 29 March 14 March 28 April 11April 25 ltay l_5 May 3I June 13 June 27 JuJ-y 1lJuly 25 August l-5 August 22 Septenber l-2 September 26 October 17 October 31 Novenber 14 Novernber 28 L989 December 12 December 26 January L5 January 30 ,tanuary 25 Febmary 8 February 22 March L4 March 28 April L1April 25 Uay 9 May 23 June 13 June 27 July 1LJuly 25 August 8 August 22 September 12 Septenber 26 October 10 October 24 November L4 Novernber 28 Decenber l-2 December 26 January 9 January 23 February L3 February 27 luwn 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 December 8, J.982 offlce ol communlty development Mr. Arne Hansen Arnesen Fine Art Lirnited2603 B Cortina LaneVail-, Colorado gtG57 Re: Arnesen Fine Art Expansion, Vaj_l 2l_ Buildinq Dear Arne: The staff reviewed your subrnittal for the expansion of ArnesenFine Art and must alk tnat you submit the toitowinqinforrnation: L. A condo association letter of approval for the request. 2- The names and rnailing addresses of property owners for theLions pride Buirding; r-,ionshead Arclde- auitd.ing, ."a-in"---parking structure to the north of the vair 2r- suiidi"gl- 3. Photos of the north, west and south elevations of thebuilding. 4. Detailed elevations that indicate materials, recessedareas, and other design detairs. The existing elevationsare difficult to decipher. 5. A north elevation should be submitted. 6- The site plal .showing areas of the remoder should providemore information as to where the walkways are and.property lines, especially on the north side of thebuilding where you are adding space. Your proposal will be presented to the pranning commission onDecernber 14 so that the cornrnissioners may deteimine it a oo or ?.0 9.V review period is appropriate for Lhe project. r inagine !na! lne planning comrnissioneis will recornrneird i eo aay reii"wperiod. Once the staff receives this additional infornation, I willschedule the project for a formal review with the nianningCornmission. The PEC meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of themonth. Each PEC meeting date has a deadLine which is 4 weeksin advance of the rneeting. The four weeks are necessary forstaff reviel'r as well as publishing reguirernents. It isimportant that you attend the formaf peC review. It is notnecessary that you attend the neeting on December 14 unless youwish to. r have also enclosed a schedule of planning commission meetingsfor 1988 so that you can be sure to make a subrnittal deadlineas soon as possible. ",tl"rt"tth t lf istqq YnilKristan priti' Town Planner KPsbr PI,ANNING AND ENVTRONMENTAL COMMISSTON 1988 SUBMITTAL AND MEETING DATES DEADLINE UEETTNG DATE Decenber 28 January l-1- January 25 February L5 February 29 March 14 March 28 April 1-1April 25 May 15 May 31 June L3 June 27 JuIy 1lJuly 25 August 1-5 August 22 September J-2 Septenber 26 October 17 October 3l- November L4 November 28 1989 December 12 December 26 January L6 January 30 January 25 February I February 22 March l-4 March 28 April 1-1-April 25 May 9 NIay 23 ifune 13 June 27 July l-l-July 25 August 8 $ugust 22 Septenber L2 September 26 October 10 October 24 November L4 Novenber 28 December 12 December 26 January 9 ;Ianuary 23 February 1-3 February 27 TRANSMITTAL TETTER AIA DOCUMENI C87O COAUUATY DarEt-oPft{put/ gp u*t-- WE TMNSMIT: (ferewith ( ) under separate cover via( ) in accordance with your request THE FOLLOWING: Drawings Specifications Change Order ro: 'K4tsni/ pEFz- ATTN: L FOR YOUR: approval review & comment u5e ARCHITECT'S PROIECT NO: J one'l/sy3r/78 7 lf enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures.( ) Return enclosures to us. ( ). distribution to parties (rhacord ( ) information () ( ) Shop Drawing Prints( ) Shop Drawing Reproducibles()Nf*,.r* Lirerature t\ ACrION A, Action Indic.ted on item tr.nsmitted CODE 8. No rction reoulred C. For siSneture rnd retum to this office R,EMARKS D. tor signrture end fonvarding * noted below under REMARKS t. S€€ REMARKS bclow coPrEs DATE OESCRIPTION ACTIoN CODE TltePo @ue ctzilHef f6€to PAetdcay l+s t+tP/@t/H ry DRB COPIES TO:ft+ie lfulrtr/Marc lianent 1080 Sherman Street #315 tr tro Denver, Colorado 8O2O1'28r2(317WZZ-1+e7 n AIA DOCUMENT GE1O . TRANSMITTAI LETTIR . APRII..I97O TDITION . AIAO ' COPYRICHT O 1970 THE AMERICAN INSTIIUTE OT ARCHITECT5, 1785 MASSACTIUSTTTS AVTNUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C.2M36 ONE PACT MixCOLOR uvit_h the protection of THORO . Thoroseal' . Thorocoat' . Thorosheen'. Thorolastic'" . Thoro'Stucco . Super Quickseal' . Thoroseal' Plaster Mix fl8500 OFF WHITE I+8521 MOSS GRAY #8543 SCROLL #8532 OLD BONE 118598 COCOA #8510 PEARL GRAY NOTE: Colors may vary f rom chip due to application techniques or surface condition. #8587 BUCKSKIN See Cross-Reference on Reverse Side O Thoro color cross-Reference chart Thoroseal Thorocoat Thorosheen Thorolastic Thoro Stucco Super Quickseal Thoroseal Plaster Mix #8500 OFF WHITE 'l #8510 PEARL GRAY ,|,l 'l ,|,l #8521 MOSS GRAY ,|,/,|,l ,l +8532 OLD BONE ,|,l ,l *8543 SCROLL ,l I 'l ,/,l #8554 MANILA ,|,l I ,l I #8565 LIGHT COFFEE ,l ,//,l ,l #8576 TOFFEE J ,/,/I ,l *8587 BUCKSKIN ,l ,|,l ,l #8598 COCOA ,|,/,/,/ All colors must be ordered by name and number. You're SURE with THORO Just the way the Thoro System gives lasting protection, Thoro color goes in and on for keeps. The uniform tone and texture you achieve so easily has the unmistakable look and the feel of quality. And retains it, through every vagary of weather and all the onslaught of rain, snow and FRANCIS.IftSHER, lNC. sun over the years. Professionals know a Thoro -2960m3 Court finish hangs in there. That's why we've been the Dq|tU, GolO.80210 leadership company in products for concrete andt0E-27O1 masonry since the beginning. And today, around the world. The Worldwide THORO Sysfem THORO SYSTEM PRODUCTS,INC. 7800 N.W 38th St., Miami, FL 33166 (305)592-2081 Telex 51-9624 Plnied rr U S A Color Card No 33 The above chart indicates the standard colors by product. White is available in all producls. Standard Gray is available in Thoroseal and Thoroseal Plasler Mix. lt is not intended to be a decorative finish coat Special colors are available upon request. This card suoersedes all other cards. c 1985 Thorosysiem Products, Inc cct50M 6/46 Project Name: n Projecl Description: ta Project Application Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Staff Approval "",. \D/,J I fr?: o Project Application Proiect Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board "^," q,lffila DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPHOVAL Summary: Staff Approval 75 south trontage .oad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 October L, L9B7 offlce ol communlty developmenl the possibility ofconpatible nateriaL situation be reviewed. Mr. Arne Hansen Arnesen Fine Arts 26038 Cortina LaneVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Arnesen Canopy/Sculpture and Stairway Dear Arne: On September 30, L9g7, the Design Review Board. d.iscussed !:lgentually-your proposal for ihe canopy/sculpture andsE,arr$ray_reading up to your gallery at Lne vail 21 Building.The Board I s conments are surnrnarized below: l-. In general, llg Design Review Board felt that the projectIras very exciting. Their opinion was that the design-details wilr rnake or break Lhe concept. a jreat dear ofattention needs to be paid to the actuaf ilnf,fenentation ofthe design concept. 2- The more transparent the stairway is, the better. Thesupports for the stair and awning neia to be addressed.other members fert that the walr'shourd be tiven rnoredetair- some members fert that the warl srr5ura be treatedas a backdrop for the sculpture. 3. The-eight foot height clearance shouLd be considered whendesigning the support wires for the """"pv. -- trre stairwaywill atso need to naintain the rnininrrrn "il.r.nce of Ifeet. Members asked that Mark look intocontinuing the pavers or a similarthrough ttre stairway space. It was suggested that the drainage 4. 5. 6- rt.was suggested that the landing be located closer to theentrance of the stairway to creaie a more inviting entry. 7. Lighting should be part of the overall d.esign of thefabric sculpture concept. The Board did no€ have aproblen with lighting for the canopyr is no signage wouldbe applied to the canopy. 8. signage should be decided as soon as possibre to determinehow it will relate to the stairway anl canopy. TheGallery is arrowed.5 square feet of signage--if adequatelineal frontage exists.- The sign code-stites that forevery five lineal feet of galleiy frontage, you areallowed one sq[uare foot of signage. I belie;e that theGallery has rnore than 25 rinear ieet of frontage at this !ir9. If you wish to locate a sign larger than one squarefoot at the base of the stairway,-a sign variance wirr'uerequired. Mark has the necessary formi for the signvariance- please note that we must pubtish the vaiianceL5 days in advance of the meeting, so the time line is. different from a regularly schedrlied Design Review Boardmeeting. 9. The stairs need.to be designed so that they rnake d.esignsense in respect to the vait zr Building. L0. The naintenance of the canopy should be addressed. TheDRB was concerned that if ttre canopy becornes tattered. or {irty, _a means to replace the canopy needs to bedetermined. Ll-. The Board felt that the uptown Grill and other adjacentbusinesses should be informed of the proposal . L2. Normarly, the Board discourages the use of the plasticizedcanopy material . Horirever, in this case, the Bolrd feltthat due to the height of the canopy and importance ofrnaintenance, the plasticized naterih was alpropriate. r have scheduled the final review of your proposal for theDesign Review Board rneeting on octobel zt.- rt you are going toask for.a sign variance, please subnit that inf6unation a, ""o"as possible, so we can publish and schedure it for an upconingDRB rneeting. o If you have any further questl.ons, please feel free to call me.Congratulations on a successful revies! l/. I l.,|a._ _t tt <9\ llltl lrt,,l\ lll l--_L Town Planner KP:br cc: Marc Diament fftCwu,* a\ {\*r, ,r-10 bu * tror[. cu&r,{o'e o \'\,ub:aLoilo I 4 3 \A/l?{ Kuwqn , F/t,\a-(3 ro ia i p^ {i\tr-i;*l* *[\r^{.cJ cr''rc dL ,Uil\; t',R f'*'"eo wi\[ loa *{h.I\ \r^str'aad *l*0!' \.^*" wo[ M san{\.di.- w*Q. BropuaL rnC-u lure '.\ u.tor\: i w*L ulr([., ttr"c.o flXcn g*bl co[".s{roLi\ 's \ao{bUb -tgftt (a DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA SEPTEIiIBER 30, 1987 3:OO p.n. SITE VISITS 2:15 p.m. L. Irtarquez Garage AdditionLot 9, Block 2, VaiJ_ Vitlage West Filing 2 2. Vail Associates Ski l-ockers Lionshead 4 3. Vail Beaver Creek Resort Real Estate AssociatesSign and Canopies Sitzrnark Lodge - Vail Village 3 4. Arnesen Fine Art Stairway & FabricSculpture/AwningVail 2L Building - Lionshead fu!-N\4rod\di i of5.West Side Decor VaiI . VaiI Das Sign, First National Bank Schone Shopping Center 6.Rocky Mountain Reprographics Sign Brandess Building MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF ABSENT I{EMBERS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT STAFF APPROVAI,S ! Martin Deck - Lot 6, Block 1, Bj.ghorn 5thWerthein Resid. Minor Addition - Lot 11, Blk 2, potato patch Ross Spa - Lot 1, Block 3, Vail ValleyCrossroads-Laurars F9d99 Shop & Tirnberline Barber Shop SignsCrossroads-concrete infill by ex. sidewalk at Burger Xing-Langer Resid. Modifications - Lot 28, Mattterhorn-Villag6Papangelis finishing crawl space - parcel 2, Sundial phise t [.Mr!^-fr^q f-0ptq fr^,^rr!s,ffi1''* c/ \mCNE"NY"gWJ\orr cv"\S\urn NM, 5ig^*1uttrM-* f{\,,^r-\.ol^@ fou ir {l^t--\c#R^ ?A \n[qd\ruo^-\ cred[c-r$c,k{, inu'r},g t[,^,4)' O tJ/tt\(J2,Ff. 9E^ b6U\N. OrV/N-l q !:r!''l d*V n0n..^-[)r-L-n [\_ KjIJI\001/\o6a9g. A , ll,N.-\r$- ",6 di,\6l o^ctvtt1.^ 7 TRANSMITTAT TETTER AIA DOCUMENT C81O PRoJE6: &-iA.r^* f,,*c- CAf,. \h;g,.CO (name, address) StAA,r- I A^^*1irrrrg+il;r^ ro: 'Arngor Pt-*, Ttl,r)"",r{Ve, ATTN: L WE TRANSMIT: fiherewith ( ) under separate cover via THE FOLLOWING: Drawings Specifications Change Order ( ) in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: ) approval ) review & comment ) use -l J AR,CHITECT'S - PROJECT NO: DArE: l0 'rO'91 lf enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. ( ) Retum enclosures to us. ( ) distribution to parties ( ) information fi record() () () () Shop Drawing Prints Shop Drawing Reproducibles H,s"tpl"t1 ) Product Literature coPlEs DATE REV. NO.DESCRIPTION ACIION CODE F?dl1l'.eeU.* ?ohl..soo Noi: 9oS ,go319,lt , goo ,5 to I 5r { a-c, h^1 Deg 2v ?leit 1quo.tr ". (61 9ra4 Sfair.z-. ACTION A. Aclion indicrted on item tr.nsmitted CODI B. No action required C. for signrture and return to this office RIMARKS COPIES TO: r A)tla bb/^dr^^/ D. for signaturc and fonvarding as noted below under RTMARKS E. See REMARKS below (with enclosures) 'fu-tr" *9lo Wr^! Marc Dia.nent 1080 Shernoan Street #t15 Denver, Colorado 80201-2852 trn trtr tr (zo AIA DOCUMENT G'10 . TRANSMITTAT TETTER . APRIT 1970 EDITTON ' AIAC ' COPYRIGHT @ 1970 THE AMIRICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITICTS, 1785 MASSACIIUSETTS AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D,C.20036 oNE tACt / -1 J DArE: lo'30' 9 7 lf enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures.( ) Return enclosures to us. ( ) distribution to parties ( ) information (X. record() ( ) Shop Drawing Prints( ) Shop Drawing Reproducibles() ( ) Samples ( ) Product Literature {\ ACTION A. Action indicated oD item transmitted CODE B. No .ction required C. fo? signrture and retum to thls office R.EMARKS D. For 5ignaturc and forwarding as noted below under REMARKS E. See REMARKS belorY TRANSMITTAI 'I TTER AIA DOCUMENI C87O To:tffi arrx, .To<'{J'rr o{'V*0 . WE TRANSMIT: 0( ) herewith( ) in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: ) approval ) review & comment ) use THE FOLLOWINC: ?{ D'at"ings ( ) Specifications( ) Change Order COPIES TO: . r A),rue.lk/ 4r4^/ ' ( ) under separate cover via (name, address) ('a-'rpe12a,l . PROJECT NO: coPrEs DATE RTV. NO.DESCRIPTION ACTION CODE wlt!t?r lttOt;$-i; P!4,^'a ;I - v &oraF+* fl^b i4t wtlr ;t[^{, b4il%(,&&v, (with enclosures) tr trtr tr D AIA DOCUMENT G'10 . TRANSMITTAI TETTER . APRIL 1970 EDITION ' AIAC ' COPYRIGHT @ 1970 THE AMTRICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1785 MASSACruSITTS AVTNUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C.20036 Marc Diament 1O8O Shermari Street #715 Denver, Col-orado 80203'2852(lonxan-t+gt rn ONE PACT