HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 VAIL 21 CONDOS 1972-1975 GENERAL 1988 PLANS LEGALt,ti 'f t k,'\jn" 61' :''L ,'r' tO' PrurosAL arJ BoTl{ o B T?pPoSAc: -G $urcD Tt,lo Kqoates As Srtcxrxl r|..: Ptcruer A , ( Aurz'eAuc,1 €K(ST1N6 o\J Tr{E LtorrsF{eAs AfuD, AUU \xlSTAtc \N Fr?orut otr TF{€ LAt$DMArzr Bto6 Cprl,rUeLOAU AR€A \N FRDNTT aF tIE CttgB SF\or^r|-J lN ?tctuPe B <?' \D Itosf,Alu Pt\N'T€IL 6oK6 STAteoey :,TD€s a( -lr+c qx_Eae S$or"-rr0 i,l*J flcnrfg C THeq LprcL S€ AplAc,exlf ,To THe cAtrN AruP ACe To 6€ CauSrZt tcteD DF TL{= SAME MA TLTAC AS -TAe StorN< a{\r Tt\€ 6r,\rcD(rJ6 " SfAtPeO To 6l.ftrc( AtSa- fr UAtu z-r 6uoe"' ,rl.!"., ,.. ,-. I).i ]i or l.iuliTItiG a/tiltu^ "/ u"/Jr^- A'$^.- FlU^- rx;b/^,Ar'/f U/:r24 u Ft.u,t9- ,l/.6 jlH 1o gr**t"/ - 5, /qVs lDaJlu"n- -/ru- hi,tk Jfl,ju"&2,,,t*n anda/h)"-a/4 fthA-Ar '.-- ,'r'.i ATI:S;1' - bz*u" #2,/n,c-^/ I o T-ionsHead d4ssociA[i June 4, 1975 Town of Vail Design & Review BoardVail, Colorado 81657 The LionsHead. Architectural Control CoruritteeVail, Colorado 8L657 Gentlemen: The sumter of l-975 affords the LionsHead connnunitv r,rith thefirst real opportunity for a financially successful sunrner seasonto date. With construction basically cbmpleted in the core area,landscaping reaching its final stage;, an'arnbitious mountainprogram and early opening of Gondola tl2, the LionsHead business-nen are looking forward to an exceptional sutrmer season. gf T}usif1es.seo5 In the interest of creating a lhe coununity requests the Board'sbasic categolies t 1. Authorization to usethe gondola parkingactivities . center of activity in LionsHead,attention to the following two mall area and portions ofLot for comnunity sponsored 2. Physical improvements to area for g6nrmrrni r'tz leiref ir. 1. I{ith the Board's approval , the corrnnunity would like to sponsoran art exhibit, a square dance meet, an antique car exhibiE,-aboat and travel show, a kite contest and several musical perfor- mances during the surnnrer. The community pledges to observeestablished fire lanes, avoid interruption of-normal businessactivities and publicize ea.ch indiviCual event at least a rseekin advance. rn addition, the Vail poliee Department & Fire Depart-ment will be notified well in advance of each activity. 2-. The conrnunity would like to conscrucc an open-fire ampitheatre,the d-esign of which is attached, between chair-/18 loading-pointand the ski school bridge extending southeast over the ciebt<. Thisfacility would be used ior weekly 6vening fireside nature talks.and weekly evening children's movies. Jim Gregg of the Forest serviceand Jan Altstatt of vail Mountain Guides have pledged their supportfor the nature ta1ks. The LionsHead Associatibn oF Businesses'iiittgupply the filrns, audio-visual equipment and firewood as needed.rn the event of inclement weathei, i'aul Golden of Vail Food serviceshas offered the temporary use of the GondoLa lt2 cafeteria for thechildren's movies on1y. Nature talks uould be cancelled if foulweather should occur.1Box2ffi cVail, Qolofado 81657 (303)476-24n :O , The stream'created noise factor w111 hopefully not be -sufflcLent to interfer with either progrin. -HowevEr, it maybe necgseary to provide addltional voice a'nplification, aEove the Association Le prepared to make. Thank you for you time and conslderatl.on. Reepecifully aubrnl.tred, Morgan L. Brooks Sunnner llarketing MB/seb lFrigi3 o@o ^ ocv zF;o3 HfrU sEgazazAs< e5 E. OE E r^7 3Ht(, tY *, <E is*< >'r \ -s I l> E.\ lln6 :: TlE Fi1\ 6 at 3\3?ot E6*..-l I F tl, FI zo F IJ4c o uJEIu oozD lll z 3 G I 2 uJ =uJo ul 9F ulE ltoo JIt !JE Fo J FoF lr,l ooJtt J FoF N $ ! E E ul r, o 2 I oJ -f, o I lro -,-ol- (9 2 o o J Folttto t 4ulE F oo ( zo F !E||t J 3 u,l2 U) Iz o fGtto ulo, an G!tJvz GIo!t tt 2o t- !E clrlvt ()2 cf a)t zo F I c4 tto ||,1F o fo NI -bt-7 ic st t- o ll-t :- Ert >(9!' >ltll U,l F =ozo9-o-Et 2o c+d,6FEQO6l(r;bT l! -,A(Jtt F(rl IEo3. tl. 2o FIEoIAulo a I i,l i^ro^" \\.*J Sk, Rnrulnt A5,rr'. 1!r-f tu{4JoaqrJ rDool , T:-B< rncr,red Trr oT\qr Sl O " siu" r_- tx i 6vI{ ut".lct t"\ H tr TT H t<{tr aa z atrt$\hs !ri .E A ulE zo oo o u,lJYz GIo tu z,f Iz J tto ci2 zo tr GItlF =ul2 Gr :-tt >oGt :*o. UJF =ozC'9 - al,-ot zo F9qd,6FE.20 =>xo:z srtAC'It ;oi 2o F I AA Itor!F o -t' lor-l lrE< BB vz tl Efr 2Z a22A<: tvoEZE}F9 o{ e{ Eg<t I !.E F e ts tigl e ot! uJ oo2) ur(,zg E .AF2ul =ulv, uJ o F G Itlc Eoo-tlt IIJG Fo J FoF uJ GooJlt J FoF \ \T\ F..f, \ I \ \ $"" t\ ! .E:_r = lrl olre)o -ZI =oEr!-r -I l o rNsFEr?,o* FtEouEsr. TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME REoEIvED '/.''i'i; AM PM E orsen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE q.gq)FRr . Alv! ffi J5 APPROVED E orsnppRovED EnerNSPEcr f] upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsPE{!TroN FtEouEsr oor, 4/Zl t /7 JoB NAME rlME REcErvEo //:rDAM PM EAGLE COUNTY 5,zJTAL E oruen n pnnrtnu LOCATION AM FM READY FOR INSPECTION COMMENTS: APPROVED E orsnppRovED I nrtNSPEcr E upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcrtoNS: CORRECTIONS :r alrz c c zt b !l li z u, tFriE:9er8 ^4tsY 2t =<2ar8!?Eazaz A'r< 5tr :.OEBz9 gEE ei8- <c ie*<. t rr H F l. F. + tr =E |l,1 vo uJI C'z o oltl G u, (,z) ur 2 3 lE Fa Az z tr oj l|t o l. !l F s frl 7 zIo I 9F E ulE EooJ ut oJ J F lllE EooJtt J oF oFz u,l Eulv, !,1 ! E tr ulo o z I o Jf E -l< lro -, -G't- ogl EoF x uJ G G UJ G 2o F oo zo F uJFJ.t 3 uJz lttE UJJvz E o !I t|. E- !rt >(,.l' :*N UIF =ozo9 -v,t z 9 al 4 -l.EoFGQat =>xo-2 =<HAIE vco =tl.ozo Fgc C' ||,1o ccut zo t- 9JGc tto IJJ F \ ] \ UlrSIcN ill;\' I r':lV IIOARI) rl DATrt Or unnmNc_l\b\,/. @_El6_ MOTION I VOfE: APPIOVED: DI$APPROVED: SIlCONDD]] AGAINST Appl-,I CAt{'i' DI]SIGN R]IV 1 I;:IY BOARI) J Tu'.re {o- s{onrgp uDlt -rt.le.3Ac^e nt [.ro^tJ."q) Vsi I "il(" {'x lO' 1'(J' x lC',-('oluy {O' -+- - Qs€osl {"* clqsJr"t .*t ou\ti"; uui! roit\ P"o"i)s' A tPl* +:, e,udoge-J *eb\es q^:t) <JAriss usP . dt-rsi xt< tln€- sey\y\e,\- .J+*{. t"t. ;ii g'=t*t +t $t3-?^'lqtt5 {.r=ii{ \.LnJ \^,) o5t\^[i=ZJ busi'?-s5 eqessfl6l i p c-:"npi-isoD Vo pse_\di3125 YgAFc ,.phe"<-' €.qui plrnn e'^lr trt\s s$ *<,[3r) i r / hr\\wlvs atQe ^)\.] {xe- viewg*s ey<.'. \\"o, if t,...>i[( d..t,r,.)e- u. bq*-i<,.,r \o<-\,**1" {h.- t*.( "f {he. .t.\rttnttj i !q" cor..re\D.ilt Je,\lve.c'ie.5 hr'rJ vols*o,\ 9u,lrc,tio,"rs !:r:I:r F"3'.1:d h"I'1) -h:: -:':T"::-q't--errNgY:1 \(e15 \\rC,l bo\neSj \.c-)Y.^ St.lri.rr)\)Nd t Uq €s*xbtJtht"?yts so trre- crrat "'.,.-- qtr([ ,.rcL bJ Cp,ool.r.'lriop \ tt 'C.gdn.r (Y- t-lt) parue,\\,!urlt,\ C*tt"sf rJsC.gd n.r (I- t -l tJ PANe,tt!\ , *^ "\":-;)- il.- .+ o= Q*tBf exlre'ior s{nx'fa*-, v off ice of the town manager December 1, 1975 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 The Place at Lionshead Vail 21 Building Vail , Colorado 8165? ATTN: Manager Re: Design Review Boardrs Dear fir: On November 26, 1975for a trash enclosurethe following reasons decision on Trash Enclosure '| | .'|:- -t 'j;. the Design Review consldered your..iapplioation and they denied the application for ;., ) , 'ri ' is unsightly and esthetically .:,. interfers wlth,two '' j',' : ,. lr ,i Since the structure has been disapproved, elther a new applicatlon must be submitted or else the structure must be taken down withinfifteen days after receipt of this notice : Your cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either myself or Bill Pierce SincerelY, r' 7 irii ; FIED MAIL-30d (pl postagt) DEpARTMENT OF :..,'11,v,.;, 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT L. The structure unpleasing; 2. The structure in questionpreviously approved signs. CN<f r*c) oz RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL_3OC us gr POST ARK OR DATE //#/r' ':ry/ f/nu- T/"1') zl ^&o-/J,n n*ffiv"rh- / - "- -'00fl0i4ft-slnvlcEs FoR aoolTlofilL fEEs * I l. Show3 t! vhom.nd drt. d0llvltld ........... l5fililil D r. **iiilii;:'1"1".111"i;f"Ty',;,;: 33l 3ERVICES Z With dellvsry to addressee only ..... ... 85d--i=i_ivco r^ -rnnorccGG _^r,ri--- - - ---ro; -spEc t AL 0 El t VECY (.xr ro Ir. r. A i r.4 .-....,........................... PS Forrn Apr, 1971 ll0 rr{suRlilct covtRAGE Pnovlllt0- ilol r(lR lltTtRltAlt0LA[ MAlt (Scr ofhor sido) * CIPO : Iq?4 O - 551-,l5rl fl;rtr sFF251q74rNsnefrleiN- . T'OWN OF DATE TIME RECEIVED E]ornen E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION E nppRovED E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORf,ECTIO|T.S DATE INSPECTOR t Town of Vail ET,ECITRICAL PER1VIIT Jr!,,L, ' 4 46 $.-.......................... Date of Application.....-. N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid-........ Received By $/-&g# E -Z-o\ APPROVALS THIS FORIUT IS TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURING GONSTRUCTION 24 HOURSI ADVAI{CE NOTTCE NEQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Z8"t tNa a. t. x!a!rat a0., !rntla r!tttl b'(td ! N s t' E{r15 ^itt tJ:A u E si r TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME TfME RECETVED,T. AM PM CALLER E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION .. .*-: MON GOMMENTS: TUE . WED THUR FRI !.AM PM [f, eee Rov E D E orseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORREGTIONS INSPECTOR '4r=4,ot HEEUEST VAIL JOB NAME TOWN OF DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E ornen MON GOMMENTS: E pnnrrlu LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR i rnr.'".'.-AM PM ! orsaeRRovED E uporu THE FoLLowlNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS S neeRovED D nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR (u N ll) D I J I() N .= Q (., F z ID bo Qo P S,.1 |HSas!i HilH sT$!:F.X HFI Er=:a5=rH C,,.}A!3 Eaxer RRHF H;FE RF:s $sE:6 F:diEn RNAHE FF!$E ETiR = EffF.-.F sls3 dd:8 $XHF NHSi $ F:3 FEsI -f.F) EF !-lf,T\€v tst{F( --11l9 F\aaLr IP -a *FLIH ,\{:7 rr-l 11 errFfaf-l fPit..fP *rfhe.g o PLUMBING./MECHANICAL TOWN OF VAIL PEFIMIT OF BUILDING: oF woRK: fl r,rew ! aoorrroru El ntruooel n ntpotn PLUMBING: NUMBER | .:' , J' i"MECHANIGAL: NUMBER ) VALUATION $ ..VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE i ,.,PERMIT FEE fi. nennoveo TOTAL FEES: $ D orsnppRoveo' la '"- . DATE PLUIV!EilNGi.' M ECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL MEGHANIGAL: NUMBER VALUATION $ T..VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE !,,,PERMIT FEE APPROVED TOTAL FEES: $ D orsappnoveo' .DATE , ,1 ,fa P LIJ MEil NGi.' M EC HAN I CAL TOWN OF VAIL PEFIMTT E orsappnoveo L Pe* TRAcroR |Fl-Lro-F P t- OF BUILDING: LA.rruO oF woRK: E nrw Elnootnor E ,r"oo.1 E nepntn ON OFWORK: lrJ57-*t-rr NJ€r.*\ L*.r^tg.z.r lY"R.t-tugs PLUMBING: NuMBER IZZE.P MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArroN g ,2o6o s VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: / PERMrrrr./kas /PERMIT FEE ir''' ToTAt FEES: $ l5\ \ DArE &'zt ^z* Ao az 'E Ir zo 9lF qF; :9t lE'abEx 222<azelEFr.O<ooHZ3qFFX9?E'9o{ Eq: <a>-fi89E<t r.1 d ',o * {qE o UJ G |l, o(J2J ul z n 2 u,l =uJ ah ut o F G ltl G G oJtt l|l G Fo J FoF ul G G Jtt J FoF t Errl o o z -oJ Il o -l< lf.G' -,-etF E a4ulE 2o F oo zo F EulFJ =ul2 Ezf og,Jqt E o rJoEott G uJF ul o2 Fv, c zo F E o||t Q uJG zo F I JoA ll.o gJ F o 6t 2o 4't a !laI- I>9 rtG=\/ =oI\ U\ot o z 9g3aol-E2o =>xo:z6fqrfac)>9 ;.i vco =ttozo Fg lco anulo t-o j 0 p 2 Nqr\ \ rl d RU rou 30 st3 llovcnbrn 2Or 1t73 Urc ollarlflortlon tr l-9' Pl.rr Zonr.tr Urc lom CC-2' TOr}t OF IAIL tyDc o! conltrtretlon I'r butldtng oen.r le IIEC' ?O $IO}' TT HAY COI{CERX: Thla Lg to eo:rtlfy that a t.rDorrarJ/ certlflcatc of ooouprney har bc.D krucd for BD.$l;l5l!!rA. A ftnal otrtlf,l.ortc of ocouprncy-l-c ooatlngent uDon th€ apgrcve1 of, th€ ooadltlonal uet FrBtt by thc Torm Coturol.l. fIrInc. iloney L. Aldrloh tE-"f$rsRtr.kl't rNsi,,EcloN TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL DATE TIME i' .L),r", 73 JOB NAME RECEIVED ,/.1 ,,.t AM PM CALLER E orxen MON GOMMENTS: TUE fl pnnnnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED 1 irrUAt:FRI /. ,...r'. AM!PM,. - fl aeeRovED LI UPON THE CORRECTIONS ! orsappRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE ...-1 . . INSPECTOR o F =v G 4 Folttto E c !,1E \zo 6o zo F G ulFJ 3 uJz F 2 oql ut IE oul c)Gott E u, 3 .AF 2 oz :J Eo oz zIF a Jcc Ito urF o C,2 J E YJo FoJ a (}.\, Lll o () E * o!l(:, oz 4 D(,I 6,i R-\ = z 9Fo cFtn- otto uJ F; Y o =ttozo c .Jo ||,1o J ul zo talr attz z B ? cl HE E3 Etr lr Az aE z z o z, F, ilj tF, >. L E lr !| !1 2 Fla cc o v, E 91 !l>T<1. KEs; tt ",4z ={z9Xlia<{o:i ;<dr,' -1. c Y N z =o2E::F!ioI ltl A(J o ur G !J o(,zf |r,1(,z s ttFzul Elrlo ul 9F G ul .E .E oJtt u,E FoJ J FoF ? qJ GooJtt J FoF !tr lrl B o 2 -oJ -l o -l< lrct -, -G'F- O 9rn* d. /-(* f- V^"2 e / - -/*"--r''n"''--fr box too o vail, colorado 81657 o 303.476'5613 MEMORANDUM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION LEVIS PENNOCK - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT OCTOBER 12, L973 The Planning Commission has reviewed in two separate meetings the proposal by Mr. Pennock for installlng a coin-operated laundry in the basement of the Vail 21 Building at LionsHead. Mr. Pennock has complied with all zoning and parking requirements for the Town of Vail and the Building Department has passed favorably on all technical aspects of his project. With this information in hand, the Planning Commission could find no problems with the proposal and recommends to the Council that the Conditional Use Permit be granted- TO: FROM: RE: DATE: oo /40 ( MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, lflsre rrrrcxeo sxterl I oa9ai, PIiON E LICENSE NO. 2,/ -s?F,t 2 24-cor,r riacrSll-- /. MA|L aDorEss AicHrtEct oryoEs rcN Ei LICENS€ NO, ENG IN EER LICENSE NO, USE OF 6U ILOII{ G 8 Clars of work:tr AOOITIO'{ D ALTERATIOiI tr REPAIR S-u-r' Type of Fuel: Oit O Nar. Gas D t-PC. E PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. n Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnage Ea. Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. Gravity Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters-8.T.U. M Unit Hoaters-B.T.U. MNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORKIOR CONSTBUC- TtoN AUTHORTZED rS NOT COMMENCED W|N|N SO DAYS, OR lF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABAIIDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAV€ READ AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW R€GULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Air Handlim Unit- C.F.M. TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION eo WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANABY - AUOIT PIN K - APPLICANT 4 /c= MP, FILE rNSPEt,oN FIEBUE=T TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME 1.,'.'l u. 2 I TIME RECEIVED .:-l ,i.i:'r'- ',AM PM CALLER n orsen MON COMMENTS: AM PMFRITUE ! pnnrll LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR E eppRovED E orsnppRovED D nerNSPEcr IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR 1,"1. Isilil fiu Ht!t Htii Rrt oEc 2 6lsR box loo vail, colorado 8r 657 303.4 7ti.56 r 3 marked to containing marked as December 24, 1973 r-Va,f ,l*f,i- lcndornirium As sociati onc/o core Range properties P.O. Box 1528Vail, colorado 91657 Gentlemen: On December 22,-1973, a! 3j00 p.m. the Vail 21 building wasinspected by officers of the v;i1 Fire Departn,.rrt. Duringthe course of this inspection a nuinber of viorations of theuniform Fire code were noted, along with certiin areas thatneed attention to insure the safety of t.he build.rng. Theresults of the inspection are outllned below. 1.. Stor:age of fixtures and other rnaterials were obvious inthe boiler room. and elect::'cal rooms. No storage of any lii'dis permitted in these spaces aue to the hazards thew Drpsan+during-emergencies, and their proximity to "i"-"-"i'irigh-i;"t.Removal is imperatj_ve. 2. Circuit breaker panels are to be more clearlyenable personnel to locate the proper circuits tlde-energized as quickly as porsible. panel boxescircuits for fire or other ilarm systems are to besuch on the face of the panel. 3. The bottonr revels of stairwerrs in the buildi-ng are beingused a's storage arear vlhich nust cease. one care.r-ess personwith a match or cigarette can fil_1 the enti_re stairv.,el-r withsrnoke and,/or heat and prevent the use of ttre stainvay as ameans of escape. (Sec. L0.ll0 Srnokeproof Enclosures) 4' Doors to all stairways have automatic crosers and are tobe closed at arr times. Again this is to insure an area freeof smoke or heat for an es6ap" route. propping stairway aooisopen defeats the purpose for r,rhich they arl- inlended and wilrcease ln"unediately. (sec. 10.110 smokelroof Encrosures) ,vair 21 .o.uo*rr,llPossoci ation Q"""*o er 24, rs73 5. Trash anrl linen chutes in the building are sprinklered incase of fire. lloweverr this does not prevent the pubJ_ic fromputting material in these chutes that should not be there.During the inspection both trash and linen were being dumpedin the li-nen chute. Both of these areas shoul-d be marked.,right abcve the chut.e door itself, as follows: "Linens OnIy - No Trash, Ashes or Burning Material" "Trash Only - No Ashes or Burning Material" 6. The Fire Department Siamese connection at the southeastcorner of the buiiding has a problem with ice buildup due towater co:ning dorr'n the drain pipe from the roof . If possible, some provision should be made t.o keep this appliance free ofice, .if nothing more than changing the point at which thedrain pipe empties. 7. The door leading to the electrical room is without a knob.This should be replaced as soon as possible. Both the door tothe boil-er room and the door to the electrical room should be equipped with signs to indicate the space they service. Of the problems outlined. above, Numbers 1,2,3,4 and 6 areto be remedj-ed no later than Friday, January 4, 1974, aE 10:00 a.m. The two remaining areas, Numbers 5 and 7, are tobe taken care of as soon as the proper signs and knob can beobtaineo. Should any questions arise concerning these probJ-ems, or diffi-culty in complying with the Code become evident, please feelfree to contact the Department at anv time. The office numberis 476-2200. S incerely, ENT Assistant Chief JH/csc : ! j I :. o APP L ICAT I ON FOR VAR I ANC E An d/O r COND IT IONAL USE PERM IT Ordinance No. B (Series ot 1973) \ ,l \ri I t Tl J Application Hearing Date \Tnrr 1q. I 07?UaTe \,' 'J- '7 ' J Dec. 13, 1973 Final Decision date for Town Council (we )LIEG, Inc. (Jim Newkam) Publication Date Nov. 23, L973 Hearing Fee $s0.00 Dec. 18, 1973 o1 Box 1407 (Applicant) uol-oltado (Address) Phone None (State)(C ity ) do hereby request permission to appear before the Vail Planning Commission to reo uest the f ollowinql Variance f rom Article_,Sect ion toZoning Change f rom Park ing Variancexx) Conditional Use Permit to a I low Fanily ententain- ment center in a in ccZ For the fo I low i ng descr ibed p rope rty:Lot/tnact _ , Block buildingFi Iing Numbe; Basement - Vaif 2f Clearly state p u rpose and intent of this center apP I ina i cat ion To allow a farnilv entertainment CC2 zone It'lhat do you f ee I FFr.r |1t1/ rs ,a lm.tst is the bas is for hardshio in fhis case? completely constructed due to a zoning approval in error caused by a mi sunderstanding of what applicant was using the premises for. g n a t u re ! H ,r e \s I'+ F =E !J4 I\l \ I 2o '' lu;: t-Y4 dH o uJc uJ o()zt z ts FI 2 o z a z ot B rl alql iE3igoo Ee? #Hn ezz<a2 6aEFao<c)osl z iEe?E' 9l,l4 F,r { 3isE<t ulo2 s .E v,Fz UJ E u,lo u,l o F ||lc Eoo tt uJc FoJ J FoF uJ GE alooJrl J FoF ! .E =r I = lrl olreto -==oE'rf--.-f o I g I =Y G c Fq ttlto c 4ul G 2o EIo 2o F ulFJ 3 uJz 2 oEulJvz Go UJ E 2o t o tt ul o () 6 g fo !E oz Bf(t o .i EI : = 2o F .Jl GFozo(, o ||Jc 2o F 9J4o t!o UJF o \} o4,,utEo J E -&r,, .,'n -)i-=i, I .-- ^/ -- s-5'o' t -\ 0 I/\=d H llllei! c,. t ?-tV o" lli i I I I i -riP' tD t.. .'i !.] EE :EU<(+. ,o rE .!-,; F.- - a.'eL:?'--T?t "^L- il l 5 .'- A. . .. : - __i g- -.-i;a. . -+-....- .'.+i3,: . 2<)2?4; c<t:'t" ,i i;;;-)::,i:'--\ ---'=\J;- . r, ?-<.-t /2''^,' :J \..21 >+'rr\Lj-E' n I ll4-1 ,rru \ Jurisdiction of BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR 1[szr ttrecx:o sx::r) zta - pl{oirE coNtiacToi MAII ADDR E SS PT'ONE t rca 9t No. AFCHIIECT OR OESICNEi MAII AOORESS PHOIIE LICENSE rlO. 1ra,-ltE ENGINEER MAIL AOOh €35 PHON' 55,*tL MAI L AOORES 3 BIANCH USE OF gUILDING 8 ctass ol work: D NEw O AoolTlotl Eflutrnertolt n REPAIB fl movE fl REMoVE l0 Change of use trom Change of use to I I Valuation ot work: f,,Q 1 1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Flr. Sprlnkl€rs RequlreO !ye3 l1rjeAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y:APPAOVED FOR TSSUANCE BY: OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NortcE r \ SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIBED FOR ELECTFICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOI THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND COA.SECT.ALL PRovIsIoNs oF LAws AND oRDINANCES GovTfiitrNc=Fn.TYPE oF WORK wlLL BE COMPLIEO WITH wH ET}{IBI5IrEC trIDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PE'[}(1!I,E|DE5-TIOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO V I O LATA/'Ei'C4\ CE |.f fFTCPROVISIoNS OF ANY oTHER STATE OR LOCAI/tlAl,lZrEE(n LAT|NGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE CF @NIIRUCTION. SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION PIN K - APPLICANT dn.t CANAFY - AUDIT GOLOENROD _ TEMP. o o /i-n% MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION rilr Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, PLAN CHECK VA J,.,A I 6Ju_i.D)"te (J9ee aTTACHED ar{EEt'.lEcAL| 0Esci, ZI" PHONE h LiLc a rn -S r+'[ii fr c r/, L AICI{ I'ECT OR OESI GN ER LICCNSE NO. EXCINEEA r- tc EN 5E NO. s (arz 6*m MA|L ADORES s z BIANCH Lr Sa o7_lrJlLolr{G I Crassof work: /ruew tr ADDlrloN tr ALTERATIoN tr REPAIR TPuc-ia{, E / 6aelq&.ozte?, Cfn: Soao e' t oo" gl ""6, t H/ t Type of Fuet: Oit D Nat. Gas ![ lPC. Eio*^. /o' Attoue &3'odea SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. U nits-H.P. Ea. Units-H.P. Ea. Boile6-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaoe Ea. Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea, B.T.U. M Ea.APPSOVED FOB ISSUAIICE 8Y Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Unii Heaters- B.T.U. MNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES\NULL AND VOID IF WOII{OR CONSTRUC. TroN AUTHORTZED rS flQT COMMENCED WITH I\.160 OAYS, OR rF CONSTRUCTION OR WORX IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONE D FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 3lGNArurr ", """r"^...^ y';:ryE Air Handlim Unit- C.F.M. TOTAL FEE VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION O1p>/raa WHITE - INSPECTOR RY - AU DIT PI NK _ APPLICANT GOLOENBOD _ TEMP. F ILE .uP-BLAST DISCI{AR6E IDg CLEANOUTiE ELEVATION EXTENO TO 3'Ar O rrP- ROOFEND ACCESSoooR . EXTEND UPTo 3'ABovERooF 'T.'3Idro i ALT, FAN DISCHARGE -il \**"tL P LA I.{ FAN I DUCT FOR SoTTOlrt -HORIZOU.IALDIsCHAfi4E az\O rnou HoopPIROVIOE C\2NE Z lf\ /\! SEE FAN SUFFORYPEfATL Be\LoW.FLA9H1N6 A ROOF PENE'TF'ATION FA|J 31111- SPECIFIED F5*qsi"a3: - N-* "THE PLacE" RUBBER IN SHEAR VIBRATION ISOLATORS 3'*317j'lpcr-e, l'/ixt'tt^ '4"Ir.rEurIRON LE6S PITCH POCKETS. ANChIOR TO ROOF (Z+) REQUIRED, rAN SUPPORT DE'IAIL b /'-f:,Lf G PEtuvtTAPPLrcATroN %F rPLUMBIN -! ' 7y'1-27,t//3' Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbared spaces only, [be ?face at Vail trionrs Head 1f]s ee rrrrcreo sr e rry 2 Y"i1 valte MAtL ADDiESS Ya11 Colo.Enterprizes P.O. Box 1036 coNriacToi MAll ADoiE9S PHONE LICENSE tro.3 AIC Pl-umblns 5O7 I'aute1 Gl-enwood Springs ARCHI'TECI OF OESICNEN MA tt- ADDiESS PHON E ENGINEER MAIL ADOn ESs PHONE L tcEN 5E O. MAIL ADDRE 55 ARANCII U :;E OF IUILDIIIG 8 Classofwork: D NEw tr AoolTtoN t olfe*ofto* tr REPAIR baths ro -in for kitchst Typo of Fixtur. or lt m WATER CLOSET (TOI LET)SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNDRY TRAYAPPROVEO FOA ISSUANC€ 8V CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEAT€R URINAL THIS PE RMIT EECOMES D volD lF WO Ftlt OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT OOMMENCEO WITHIM60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOO OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BETRUEAND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR"SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING E WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS SEPTIC TANK & WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT VALIDATIOPLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH 822.5O WHITE - INSPECTOR CANARY - AUDIT PINK _ APPLICANT GOLDENROD - TEMP. FILE Vat/ zt vail, colorado 816s7 303 476-5613 May 24, box i oo t972 Gent lemen 3 We have not yet received a letter from your firm in- f ormi ng us that yorr 'have h i red an on-s ite inspector for the fo I low ing phases of construct ion: Concrete, Masonry, Structural welding, Reinforced Concrete (pre- cast ) . Please comply with this regulafion (Section 305 of the Uniform Building Code) immediately so that tve may receivereports as work is commenced.. You rs truf y, TOWN OF VA I L .ar ++( t ? f . nta L >r'-al4r. Ed Strub leBullding 0f f icial dw r'! ROSENQUIST & ASSOCIATES V*9*4*a&fupd",**" vArL. coLoRADO 8t657 '2, P. O. BOX 646 Mr. Ed. Struble Town of VaiI Buildlng Official VaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Ed. In accordance with contacted Bob Lazier and north llne by title change J ,,} June 1, L972 our conservation we are willing to if necessary. tod ay, I have work out the Yours truly o ROSENQ}UIST & ASSOCIATES V**-rr zf9*4r, e d%rrzfardzzl C"t** P. O. €'OX 6A6 vArL. coLoFlADo at657 May 30, 1972 Mr. Robert Clark Chalrman Variance Board Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Dear Bob: . In accordance with out agreement for a variance on thewest llne of parcel B that abuts Robert Lazier,s building, We,Vail 21 and Robert Lazier, agree as follows; be maintained without flre fighting equipment ..2) nt -/nrZ ( J A mlnlmum of ten feet clearance willplantlngs or obstructions to allow for between said buildlngs. Thank you for your conslderatlon. Robert Lazier ZEILEFI ANo GIFIA IIVG. c0ilsutItil0 tlr t f [s PHONE; 303 -222 . A668 June 5, .|972 International Conference of Build'ing 0fficial s 5360 South llorkman RoadlJhittier, Ca'lifornia 90601 ATTN: Mr. T. J. Koyamatsu . Chief Plan Check Enqineer RE: Vail 2l Dear Sirs: In review of your plan check of the project Vail 2l, Vail, Colorado by The TAG Associates, Architects, we feel you apparently used a set of calculations for another project. Your Plan Check No. is 8552. The TAG Associates have two projects in Vail, Lion's Square III Condo- miniums and Vail 2l . It appears you have used the Structural calcu-lations for Lion's Square III in conjunction wjth the plans for Vajl 2l . You have been sent a copy of the calculations and plans for both pro-jects so you should have a copy of the correct calculations in youroffice. If you cannot locate them, please notify us immediately. After you have completed your review of the necessary correctionsfor Vail 21 , would you p1 ease send a copy to: The TAG Associates 820 - l6th, Suite 3]0 Denver, Co1 o. 80202 hJe would appreciate your prompt attention for construction is pro- ceeding at the building site. Si ncerel y, ZEILER and GRAY, INC. ,i 11" '' '; rri ' '.iittill 1 r* ';:ll ;l ,il$ .i l! t, a1{ ,.i'i' 'r|l.,\'Ii'Jt:tl ,, "l;' ;it .i:l'i, i6, I i1, i' i; i. PR?/db Copy To: Mr. The Ed Struble y' TAG Assoc. : Paul R. Pennock, P. E. Ntr \'ATT BUILDING DEPARTMENT Permit No. Job Above itens shalf be cornected STATE COIJNTY or C0L0RAD0 ) ) OF EAGIJ ) SS. DECLAMTION OT LAND ALLOCATION and declaration was duly subscribed and I, P,c-ho.d N.T r"-n , being finst duly sworn upon oath depose a statements are true and connect acconding to my best knowledge, information and belief, to wit: 1. That this statement is made in conjunction with the filing of an applieation for a building permit to the Town of VaiI and to cornply witn tne requinernents of Anticle VII, Section 3, 0rdinance Number ? (Senies of tgOg) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vail as amended by 0rdinance Numben 8 (Series of 1970) and Ordinance Nunben 15 (Series of 1970). 2. The descriptionbuilding is as follows:(Description may be atta descniption). of the building site for the pnoposed ' .iit Z::"3. The pnoposed building site -contains square feett and the existing building contains square feet and tne proposed additi5n contaiis -rcne feet; the total buildin scuar"E--Feet and the pnoposed addition contains as CfinAd in the aforesaid Zoning )g souare feet is 0::dinance as amEftlEiT- 4. The proposed building and/or existing building_and addition as it relates to the building-site anea, comply to the Floo:n Anea Ratio fon the zoning which alplies to the Uu|tAing site, as defined in the afonesaid Zoning Ondinance as amended. STATE OT COUNTY OT COLORADO )) SS. EAGLE ) The foregoing Bworrn to befone me,ttrie _ 4_l/4. _- day affidavita Notaryof 7 z-, My Commi scion E:rpi t es ( Seal) My 99nry!,!-!lS!_9xpire{gar. 26. I 9Zl aunveyor //a ''/- L/ 7 7 APPL iCAT ] 3OARD OF ZON CN TO APPEAR ING, APPEALS BEFORE THE AND EXAN4 INERS from the requ irements of Seci Zoaing Ord inance in order to /-y'-7- 1 '/ \ ,representinl f)t'+tf z/ - , respectf ully request a variance of the Vail late Annlir-atio:r Filed /'%* )(, 4/Z-lrr|lvv.|vi|o ..) I , C/n/cE- K )sz.qg ut sr , and/ o r Sect ion of the Uniform Buildi ^^ n^ A^ ^^rrg vrJUtt o5 amenCed and adopted by the Town of Va i I order to In making a cjetermination on zon ing, the Boa rd considers only undue hardshio; nee d for the p ropose o variance; compat:bility of the p roposed variance with the surround ing area; e f fect on future de ve lop - ment of the area and; hea lth, safety, and the we I fare of the inhab i- f an-is of the Town, In ouilding code variances, the tsoa rd may cons ider only suitabiiiiy of a iTernate rnateria ts and me-ihods of consfruct ion and; reasonab le in fe rp retaf ions of the provisions of the code. tn The adrninistrative of f icia I may challenge any variance granted goes beyond the scope of the powers of the Boa rd. li i', Drt<)rt r: lood 'l ha'l a fco of $?.5.00 poyablc in ,:dvonco le:n ( l0) o;iy posf ing period is required prior to a pub li the above requests. wh ich and lh.rl ,r c heariniJ on PLUMBING PERMIT APPLI ? CAT 1//o O2 roN Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered Waaas only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED (IN {I IStI ATTACHED 3HEETI ,,ta PHOr{E coN Tiac toi ?FP"F"..ot R*y*l, '"o"' 7? 7 -32 o?'''r', ,-,/ a.r , /S-fu aicHrtECt oi oE3 tcN a LICEN5E NO. EI{CIXEER LICENSE NO. U3E OF BUILDINO 8 clas of work: 6* E Aoolrloil tr ALTERATIoJI tr REPAIR 9 Describe work: P Typ. of Firtun or lt m WATER CLOSET (TOILET)SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASI KITCHEN SINK & OISP. DISHWASHER LAUNORY TRAYAP?ROVED FOR ISSUANCE 8Y CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEAT€R NOTICE THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL ANO VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OF ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR-.SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKL€R SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK E PIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR CANARY - AUOIT GOLDENROD _ TEMP. F ILE THE TAG ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS 82O sixteenth stneet suite 31O denven, colonado 8O2O2 (3O3) 534-6905 June 15, 1972 s 1l lrl Mr. Ed Struble Building fnspector TovJrI of vail Box 100 Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. S truble: We received your letter regarding the review of the Vail 2l Condominiumproject dated June 72, !972, and thank you for same. We have attemptedto resolve these questions and issues and the following conments are]isted sequentially with the numbers of the comments of your letter: 1. we are sendjng a letter to Mr. Rosenquist to take care ot' thisparticular iten. 2. We have taken care of this. See our letter to your office dated June 2, 1972. 3. We have done this. 4. }'le have subrni tted a new site plan showing entire property includingparking area as one conliguous property. We wj-fl j_nform Mr. Rosenguist to submi t informaU_on on needed parking information. 5. This iten has been taken care ofo The areas desigrnated have beenfenced. We did not notice ttre sign but will inforn contractorof thi s l tern. 6. We are sendjrg a Letter to Mr. Rosenquj.st to take care of this item. 7. The toilet facilities showrn on 1evel 2 are for employees r use only. The intention ls that the tenants r leasing space will provide thenecessary required public toilet facilities. 8. This will be done. 9. The boi.ler size is sufflcient. 10. The state plumbing code allows 6 water closets on a 3r! staci<. Page 2 June 16, 1972 This irformation is on p. 3Br table 11.5.3' state of Coforado plumbing code. 11. We have ei ther Ik,, oE 111' vent pipins shown. In checking plans we find no violation. If there are any qr.restions on any of the above items vre will be happy to meet with you at your convenience. Thank you for your time and effort ln thi s matter. Sincerely, rt zt .ll / iltf1 r& t L 4'' f*ttzl*tu{ Norman J. Haurt cc: Charles Rosenguist NJH/Mg THE TAG ASSOCIATES. 82O sixteenth str€et suite denraer, colonado @2O2 (3O3) 534-6905 ARCHITECTS 310 2 Jure 1972 re: VaI1 21 Cqrdqalniunrr VaiL Liqlrs Head Mr. Ed Stnrble nulldlng OfflciaL fotffr of ValI Box 100r Vallr Colo. 81657 Dear llr. Struble: thls letter ls to lnf,orm you ttrat Mr. Dean We11st certified stnrctrral engiacer, State otr colorado, will carry ant lnspections for tlre subJcct Job in accordance wltlr SectLon 3O5; U.B.C. Sincerclyt Iheodor A. Groaa'nrn Jr. Fcso IGiZ,EELEFB c 0 r$ l| L I tr8 PRESENT AT THE SITE: STATE OF CONSTRUCTION: JOB SITE tr8A ENEG. t r 0 tI t t R$ I22 EASI I9IH AVENUE oENvER. COTOnAoO 80203 PHONtj 303 -222-8668 All of the footing! except those that are to receive the northwest stair walls have been placed and appear to have the correct dowe'l spacing specified on the drawings. The forms for the concrete wall on line (A) and thb norlh 33 feet on line (5) weie jn p1 ace up to el evation'l'l 9'-7. The reinforcing appeared to be properly set. The steel foreman was instructed to keep the reinforcinq near the'inside'face of the wal'l . COMMENTS: The ToTIowing items were discussed with the superintendent:'l . Because the he'ight of the wall on line (A) was so great (approx.'l 6'), the concreteis to be placed with a tremie with the maximum free fall being 4-6 feet. An alter- nate to this would be to cut a ho] e in the side of the forms and create a well at each opening where the concrete could f'low even'ly into the wal'l with no segregationof aggregate.?.. The distance between the top of the west interior column footing on line (E) and the top of the elevator footings was correctly set. However, because of the exca- vation for the e'l evator footings, a 2 to 1 s'l ope does not presently occur. The superintendent was instructed to compact the backfill according to the specificationsfor structural compaction prior to any'load being apptied to this column.3. Because of changes shown on draw'ing SDI affectin! location of steel floor joists, the structural fram'ing plans were briefly reviewed to alleviate possible problems that might occur. No decisions other than clarification of the drawings were necessary at the job site. Dick Snodgrass, Superintendentrand Bob l,|ilson of Mountain Contractors. Paul R. Pennock, P. E. ,rufi 19 1972 SHEET NO. I the TAG ossociotes orchitects 820 l6lh suite3lO denrer.colo534.6905 &2V2Mr. Ed Struble, Building Inspector Town of VaiI Post Office Box 100 Vail , Colorado 81657 LETTER OF TRANSMITTA L Date: June 16, 1972 fll t 9 pz;, Re: Vail 21 Gentlemen: We ane tnansmitting the following: Job site observatlons dated 6/12/72 by Ze5-1er & Gray, rnc. (copy) Thank you, N orman Haun the TAG associates, architects THE TAG ASSOCIATES. ARCHITECTS 82O sixteenth stneet suite 31O denven, colonado AO2O2 (3O3) 534-6905 27 Jwre L972 Mr. Ed Stnrble Building Official Toum of Vail Box 100 Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: We are enclosing copies of drawings;retails of changes regarding the I. C. B. O. plan check for thelTail 2Dproject. These drawings are coordinated !^rith the items listed in a letter to Mr. Koyamatsu dated June 22. 1972 as follows: Item 4--dralting SD-7 Item 21 (9)--SD-5, SD-6 Item 2I (h) 1--SD-5 Item 21 (h) 4--SD-4 Item 27 (a) (b)--SD-B (Noter mechanical consultants are preparing drawings showing set and dry standpipe systems.) The drawings showing set and dry standpipe systems are being prepared and copies will be sent to you immediately on completion. Thank you. Sincerely, /Lrwr,*4 H* Norman .r. na(n Enc1. (6) NJH/M9 ILrvet- z ruRrlbw 'lqt:2 wALL'lArfl f+" rE/- f0f*9f> E'rK.tN t-t6u aFi$farrzffQtlf . AARKY T'LKTa lJt4',6F,- ?tpa aF tavPetx aTAt* 6 I tv-l6t rE'V.4+tMtLAe e.WL6'AVF IN.?aat< o-L - tll/s -- LE\/EL I E /f,,1Mt[ K -19". ar-r<V4.g -lt-) rtr[ pt' ,.lIaF6 qS.ailf LE\ !r :3 F)r H;_ .---g- \ "/n\':1t --t_-\ y J| /- \-/ lrr*el an6rnrfi ^f*.' P FY /.'f ArJP ? t ? G - a$|-4/,-e9 Vfiarr rFw49.ANp+tl't."tqf} i: I lEL the. TAG ossociqtes *ll?lb:s'n* o"*?b#? IVAIL 21 OA')AOV,iNIJ|"4?aD+ '6ANdg.G,TT:. g-LK, V/ALL Af lTArr< A 'AF{P ?(AtW- * ' ouNE 32, )n14, o I i I tt:-4 A)tW LA?wF TaFaaF t'.rtf .. i ; I I -==-l - EYlf..?aOF, ,.:At-bu;- Li-dll fVrN. lg!Fr.)TAFRY RUNA LAPF'SF.to htrron aP e?6Ntt".Ja I ! i i ;iLEVELATAIF 1P the. TAG ossociotes *!l$$;:,h,'' o*a,oi"di _yA tL 2I dAW4t'4tNt!M_€QQa- A-t pad? a,tHepuLE - Nafgzapa. tuR = Te w{'fsffiteev I '',VglH &tW€.. t? -* PA?He?-)t.e'._ rt?r'nv,F.'AfL AT l-.f-vg-, 6 A'l ?aCIe*&t +lE.f2Ul-E a4fi. aailA. KAI t- {,fl;:'rlNpr..t rl.tr?'i*('rif -;?TA:R LEVE'*4 AND '(> tr-veL avt.) tv'-p'l the- TFG ossociofes qrchitects suite3l0 denver, colo 80202 . VAIL ZI OONO'NVINIUM*?V?...-._:-;carvl:ET1 waer< ryALL ANP PaPK fari &,y4ltu A.Jltr6.42,l4'f Z G. iii ill rilrl iiilitl,ll I rll tl LJ'11 i1 4 *l I tl -._,t_:r ,i';i ]l I ill liiil-l i/ x :' ii'i 4 ^HLTW +. l,* LEVLL-A .r' '-\Z l€:ffi''1j,/v2r*t's* ,N ztE :. /)Lut/'2.rn lg,;rt"l |F{/irc:AT ?'- o'\ OElt-tt,l7t Hf=lai,tr,rl=Lftfai l,*E l:- L:\'fi'). t,,'J, II zal'd+drn? I I I I I I 2zo "r'rj 4 / I II II I I I I I I t-'. .-, v itj'- l,;. r> rt ;..'- ..:;1.r,rVr..i';;i- ^- P,:1'AlL., lt 4+4t A-*1 .,tl.n/E1-: W A,//): 2,\/O tF ?--t .at 2- ]fK,ls _-L ''rl I I -ll- - - b -l{ LiNAN I I I -1 lt t 4 A tr s. ' E1at ' t l'..2t4.Ic eofirref*ra ,Ewua:'E TKA'.zH ANP LtF.ltFl aH*ffiX? ^Dv|tA ihye F;e,'z+l M'T.!.. !-rJEt< tNA Ar4At.tN Er{ V r-eweu a ,I|KA4A AlP LINI{N N.ATE lr+a tNfENTtrN aF- lata'/-110\N A F-r/l: ?"t). agtL-tAtrfHe aHLlrw Aa T1+g a,-'"1' dfiaw:,?gofl2r1 lr/4rt.= 1l-4'tt fzFlAwNrr t/, laacvrrcT1bY EiletzAHE.t,r1tlf r\f LGVEIL Ttr{,,t{ AFJZ LIhIFN IV.T4d{-l-tt-Ja, AT LF-\4ir' ?.$lile /*zttql{ rJA.'I the TAG ossociotes orchitects 820 l6th suitb3lO 534.6905 IVntl zt ooilezvLNtuMf 9D:7 80202 - tl . z-Rtat? NpdLAfraFltTa.O6'7Adgv |ttl':VAAaTEY €Avt|l tl .--1+- j - .t- lzt-Anr z'-q" nt^uoq*/_ 0s :2PtllrN6r -Tft* j?at/a.tt,(eo'/"" FtFuN(C-.- '.dAbr4El ,as€E l4E4+1- "- - - fUWWA. fast 7-leEurETa N :tNdl Vrf\\u\\i\ dH T> b"tarr.g-R.wht-v ATaa$r>all|N|t t4.-, 9t1f .WAr''. t 9t'iexalR*-raI-e4q, AT U1A,Jfia,qAaq VxTLtatffi.l,,'.'LLLA - lrLng:Aaarsel_rufdg_ -ttAir = t-,-A l.FsNsnnu safff, ; rlu) 2' F.r6tp tN?dLATt.2r..l-Tq P€ IN/-'fALLtrP f.?QW€ltu 6 gxa$fi.lg26 \vALt-F.:i?nE[N dAf4NET A!Jr2 WhLl- F / &EN6r*.\, aailT Ft4.fag,. @ uaaerra* oF €'fryr.tr-1.1tr16.&-7:-HaWd z:r4 MEAAAA1A1-qIfVTEt4E>.t1.A r;f Ft<Awt t l&?.'....* @J +Eb MEa.t, FaE A76-l#lE4- OCrNgr KELAT1 eH'++tP I l-al" t, wET fiAr'l?7Felevel lYr"tiiAl -d4zr,a'"vlw"atAL l/4tt7 lta./.tl fl the TAG qssociotes orchitects 820 15th suite3lO denver,colo 534.6905 ', 80202 - Vn tL t t ;o*?sMlNiuMt ,ob r^)E? #xijilfr f,f;++ dur't9- zbttq'rl- I t..l 12 rlwrs l97? lfr To Jr Kcyanatau I rC rBo0 r 5360 $crrrttr liorkrwt lioq4 hhl,tu.errl Cal,lfornla 90601, Deor llrr Koya$otgu I fhe foXlcnrlng 1o a reollonsq to youf plan r.c..choctt #8551 dqted S Jtrrta l9?e cworlng tlre "VEll ?I Ccndcralolunr Bulldllg"r ne6$cnso ln r,ode ln tecordancoulth decla{ooc orrd rocorr,rr errda tloff r$aultant frosr a cstforrrncc bot*osn lilrr 8d Strublen tsulldlnE Cifflctrnt, Vollr colorador $nd m iyr el Juno lg?ai 1r ihls X,cttc.r wlll bo ctrraldcrod ln tjro sar$o filannar ar an ddordue totlo r.:ontrgct llocunrnta uqrlcl bs ccrcldsredr f,hc.locsl t'.rlfdlng offlclatr ulll flold wrtfy atrtqrmertr nudo here for wplioncar R€oponse to I.CrBrC. check f li(!td; t nrctu.trsl Cc,'.mrr'n tE 1r A wttanse ollcr;lng f,borretardont tr$t€d rvocd clccpcra and ottrcrnatung assrs',bllcs for "cold roof' conrtrlEtlcn rrll1 bo opplld for Ulr€lrgh propor Vall chsnnfiIer 2t l'icte, this cscncrnt rever6od to lll tro psr )p1ri: tolcpScno qonvsrsatlon *Ith Ed iltrubln, ll Juno Ig??. 9r (a) $pace botrcon ctnr tea srd surroryrdlng concreto floor olob ct alllevole rl11 be fvlly qrouterl wtth concrst€ os trraf youf tslephonr cqrvefsatldl wltfi Strublc, ?1 Juno 19??r 4r A twtr t$Dr ratsd csi.ltnq relll be tnrtollsd ct ths ,,3 lsvnl" trash and lfuran sor(:16r flilr; ce(tlng u)ll nst dlnlctly to eaeh chutrlr end s{'ol Euu}c f roirr !L-,ircc &bovo. 5r A tto hcur rqt{K: !"all shull bo }yr.illt at c{tch levsl rhere traglr and llnen chutn! occurt ?hts r'all shrll creoto o sqparste enclo$uro fgr eaclr chute wlthtn th{illr rsspcctlvo t,re(Brs',. Orrly tha door to th€ chutdIn each corin shall Fr.qna Lratcr thL$ uallr lfotol spa€J,{lcntlons ccll f,or irlh gar Olrrnlnlsed steel conetnrcttsrfor chuterr llntqka dcors aro to bo hJxl o]rGsatsdr hopfrar typc, b*ortngIt hrr ?50e Pr v&r g l*ral, -2- 6.1 7.r B.r 9.r 10. ud Struble wlIl vcrlf,y. L2o systcrn call.ed for ln prang and speclflcatlons confotta to tr,c.B.o. recearch reconur,c:-rdatlon i11497, allgwlng slngle layer, U.S.G, 4.'sheetrock, flrerods FC,! cn mt. fuf,rlng channols fir 24r'e,C. 13., 14. Fd Struble wJ.ll verifye 16r Fireplaces have I.CrE.O. report Ji.1602.6. 18. onc hour flre r:cslotanco 1s met by our drar,rings 6nd sp€clflcatLa.re call,lng f or olnc1le laycr U.I;.G. t" sheetrock , f lrecode rrc'! on boul 6Ldes of 3 5/8" motal studs, Notel our speclfl"cstLons dld not cal,lfor llj" 'fhermaflher ooturd attenuatl,on blankets, Ihese nhall boJrratalled. 3ee I.CrB.C)r F€aenf,ch recormendotton ifl4g?r ?O. Sd Stnrblo nLll verlfy. 2L. (a) Varlanc€ hac been g::antecl ln thle ease, rl,th cddltlcrns to besatl"sflcd. Ed Strublo rdll vcrlf,y. (c) Revtsed spandrel dotall (sht. SD-I) providcs for'rsxterlor exlt balcony', condlllc,nr Varlance rr'LlL bo applled for throrgh proFr Vsl1 channcls for % of glass reca,r5.red whero oppilcable. (gl Statr I'Art w111 be revlsecl to corrform to 'renclos€d atai.r'rrequlremeriBr A lsdder vdll be .l,nstaued to the roof i,:1 Etalr riDft in confornanco urlUr VaI1 Ar.endnent il6. Ed st&ble rrtl.1 verlf,yr (h) l. Stajlr rArt r,r'111 l:e revlssd to cooforrn to 'reneloc€d gtclr" rl:d.Stnrble wlltr verlfy. 2, A v6rL6rtce ul.ll, t>e applted for throrEh prqper Valt channels-- uolrrg I'oxccptlen", scctlon 3308 (d1 U.BrC. - X. Ed Stnrlrle u!.1.1 verlf,y. 4. Revlsiong to the plan r,rll-I bo mader grd Strubl,€ will vcrifyr 22t StaLr' "On t+lth rovlsed spandrel detatl should nou open cnto ',ext6rlorexlt bolcwry.t and thus, t}le coriment should no longor apply. Sd stnrbl@ will verlfy. 27t Ed Struble wlll verlfy. 27. (a) (fr) lV@t and dry stondplpo Eysterio vill be destqned and lnotalledtn bulldtngr Drawlngs wltl be euhrrltted for revJ.evrr Ed stnbte utuverify. SlncereJ.y, Theodor Ar Groesnan I Jr1 ccr Ed Stnrble Chartrea Rosenqulot fAG./mg VAIL 21 MECIIANICAL ITEMS - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 DRAWINGSj A. SIIEETS M-1 and M-2 1. Chan$gwater service size from 3rr to 4rt cast iron mechanical joint pipe. 2. Room No. 114, Add fin tube radiation complete with necessary piping and controls as ghown on Sheet M-SD-l. B. SHEET M-3 1. Relocate two sill cocks as shown on Sheet M-SD-l. C. SHEET M-4 1. Stair-An Moveeave grilles south approximately 3r to clear the enclosed etair tower. 2. Plumbing Riser Diagram P-1, CFnFg waste stack from size 3" to size 4tt 3. Plumbing Riser Diagram P-3, below 3rd level, Qh4ngq waete stack from size Stt to size 4tt. SHEET M-6 1. Plumbing Riser Diagram P-4, below 8rd level, Change waste stack from eize gtr'to 4rr. E. ALL MECHAMCAL DRAWINGS 1. Add wet standpipe system, dry standpipe 6y6tem and heat and Bmoke detectors as shown on Drawings M-SD-l, M-SD-2, and M-SD-3 which are a part of this Change Order. tr SPECIFICATIONS: A. HEATING AND VENTILATING; EXIAUST FANS: 1. Addthe following: Exhaugt fan capacity - ?0 cfm. B. Ad4 new section 0o Specificatione entitled: D. -1- 1. FIRE PROTECTION AND DETECTION $ySTrCM rnstall wet standpipe system and dry standpipe system as shown on the drawinga and specified herein. System shall be in strict accordance with National FireProtection Association. wet standpipe system with hose cabinets on eachfloor is primarily intended for use as first aid service for control of incipientfires by occupants of building. Dry standpipe system shall have a 2-L/zr; varveat each floor for use by Fire Department personnel only. provide heat and smoke detectors at the ceiling of each loft unit as ehown on the drawings. 2. qRDINANCES AND PERMITS 4, CooPERATIOI\LWITII OTIIER TRADES coordinate this work with all other trades 60 as to have a minimum of inter-ferences. Changes to pipe location shall be made as described above to accomplish a coordinated system without additional cost to the owner, even though pipe may have been delivered to the site cut to predetermined lengths. A. Comply with the laws and ordinances in effect at the site and the UniformBuilding code. sueh raws and ordinanceg, where they apply, shall take precedence over these plans and specifications. B. Secure and pay for all necessary permits and certificates of inspection andpresent the owner with the signed certificates of final inspection. 3. SHOP DRAWINGS A. submit shop fuawings showing proposed layout of Fire protection system.' Drawings shall show actual equipment t o be used complete with such dimensiong as are required to accurately install the system. Drawings shall includefloor layouts and sections drawn to a minimum scale of l/gr, = I /Orr. y B. Install system to clear all other iiems of equipment and Architectural andStructural components within the building. Shop drawings shall show all suchitems and the proposed routing of piping to clear same. show all details required to make a complete installation from the shop drawings. Afterapproval of drawings has been obtained, install the system exactly as shown. obtain approval from Architect to make any changes from shop drawings. C. Prior to submitting to the Engineer for approval, shop drawings shall be submittedto the city of vail Building Department and their approval obcained. only approved drawings shall be reviewed by the Engineer. -2- 5. CUTTING AND PATCHING Aecomplish all necessary cutting and patching for installation of piping and equipment, and provide all cutting as directed by Architect. Where neceEsary to cut chases in walls, reinforce walls as direcf,:d. After work is installed, patch holes to match original finish, 6. MATERIAIS AND EQUIPMENT All materials and equipment used in the installation of the standpipe system shall be as approved in the Underwriterts Laboratories list of inspected fire protection equipment and materials, or the Factory Mutual Laboratories tist of approved equipment, fire protection devices involving fire hazard, and shall be the latest product of the manufacturer. 7. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT gCHEDULE As soon as practicable and within thirty (30) days after the date of award of contract but before commencement of installation of any material and equip- ment, submit a complete schedule of the material and equipment proposed for insiallation for approval of Architect. Include catalogs' cuts, diagtams, drawings and such other descriptive data as may be required by the Architect. In event any items of material or equipment contained in the schedule fail bo comply with the specifications requirements, such items may be rejected. 8. PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Refer to Plumbing Section of original specifications for pipe and fittings below ground. B. Piping above ground shall be Schedule 40 black steel pipe. C. Fittings above ground shall be gray cast iron suitable for 175 psi cold water working pressure and so rated. D. Pipe joints above ground shall be screwed or flanged. Wblded joints are not acceptable in pipe less than four (4) inches in diameier. E. Pipe unions shall not be used. F. Pipe couplings (screwed) shall not be used except where the length between fittings exceeds twenty (20) feet. G. Reductions in pipe size shall be made only by means of single piece reducing fittings. Bushings ehall not be ueed. -3- 9.GATE VALVES Up to two (2) inch pipe size inclusive shall be screwed, bronze body, solid wedge, O. S. & Y. rated L75 non-shock cold water service. Gate valves 2-1/2" pipe slze and over shall be flanged, iron body, bronze mounted, double discn O.S. & Y. rated 175 psi non-shock cold water service. Provide gate valves at all locations as required by local authorities and inspection bureau having jurisdiction. Locate all valves where readily accessible. Provide valves which cannot be located so as to be accessible from floor with chain wheels or permanent ladders to provide acces6. Valvee ehall be of the size as noted on the drawings. CHECK VALVES Up to 2rrpipe size inclusive shall be all bronze, screwed, horizontal swing check, regrinding type, rated 200 psi non-shock cold water service. Check valves ,-r/r,t pipe size and cver shall be flanged, iron body bronze trim, horizontal swing check with renewable bronze seat and seat rings, rated 175 psi non-shock cold water service. Check valves shall be installed in all locations as required by local authorities and the Inspection Bureau having jurisdiction. 11. PIPE HANGERS 10. Pipe hangers shall be adjustable, and National Board of Fire Un&rwtiterst DRAINS Provisions shall be made to drain all parts valves shall be provided as required by the DRAIN OUTLETS the t5pes indicated as acceptable Pamphlet No. 13 and No. 14. of the piping system. Drain NFPA. ln I- L2. 13. Outlets to receive water from sprinkler system will be provided under the Plumbing Section. 14. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS Connections shall be installed where shown on the drawings and in accordance with the requirements of the NFPA Volume No. 6, Section 13. Check fire department connections with the local Fire Dcpartment before installing to be certain of proper hose thread and size. Connections shall be similar and equal to Standard No. 132, Siamese inlet, built-in, with straight-way body, size 4 x2-I/2 x2-7/2, with brass plugs. Units shall be labeted for d3y standpipe application. -4- 15. ROOF MANIFOLD ASSEMBLIES hrrnish and install roof manifold assemblies in dry standpipe system' where shown on the drawings. Check fire department connection with the local Fire Department before installing to be certain of proper hose thread and size. Assemblies shall be equal to Standard No. 183 - 90o two-way manifold with brass caps and chains size 4tt x2-l/211 x2-L/2tt. 16. IDtrNTIFICATION SIGNS Provide identification signs at Signs shall be of the type' size Section 13. 1?. TESTSI all control, drain, test, and alarm valves. and location as required by NFPA, Volume No. Upon completion and prior to acceptance of the installation, subject the system to the test required by the NFPA. 18. WATER SUPPLY The water supply, as shown on the drawings, will be installed by the Mechanical contractcr, who will provide connections for the standpipe system. The Fire Protection installer shall make the required connections at this point and shall install all piping and accessories ae shown and/or specifred. 19. FIRE HOSE CABINETI| A. Manufacturer - Standard or Elkhart B. General: Fire hose cabinets shall be steel, surface mounted, arranged for freeze-proof installation. Cabinets shall be furnished with standard finish, baked white enamel inside, baked gray prime coat outside. Cabinets shall be as follows: (1) Standard hose unit No. 76. (2) Style I, solid panel door with latch. (B) Stanclard No. 4?S U Red Rack with ?5 ft. of L-L/z" U./L unlined linen hose. (4) Standard No. 205 fog nozzle. (5) Standard No. 158 V 1-L/2tt angle valve. (6) Standard No. ABC-10 L0 lb. dry chemical fire extinguisher. (?) L-l/Zn extension nipples and ells as required for freeze-proof installation. (8) Chrome eecutcheons for valve handle andl-L/z't supply pipe. -5- 20. HEAT AND SMOKE DETECTORS Provide where slrown on the drawings $atitrol llfiodel 104-040 line voltage ionized fire detectors mounbed adjacent and wired parallel to a lloneywell . Model T-48?A'rate-of-rise detector 0o ectuate a model SC-808A horn. Provtde a single pole, double throw, spring return toggle switch, with mountlng plate labeled ttfest-1,sgs1tt Provide electrical clrcult for each unit es requlred. t -\It THE TAG ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS 82O sixteenth street suite 31O denven, colonado 80202 (3O3) 534-6905 30 June 1972 Re: Vail 21 Theodor A. Grossman, Jr. Enclosures TAG,/mg Mr. Ed Stnrble Building Offlcial Torn of Vail Box 100 Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Ecl: PLease fLnd enclosed copies of change order reguest, mechanlcalspecificatlms for standptpe systems and other mechanical correctionsfor subJect hrlldlng curplySlg rdt.}t r.c.B.o. reguests and your andthe Towr of VaiL requests. vte are also enclosing copies oidrawilgs M-SDI , 2, 3. Sincerely, PHILIFS INDUSTRIES INC.Malta Thermatite rnrcod windows and Thermaslide patio doors. t ," i'., M alta D ivis io n o rylT o .. ,| ,\ !r? rl ' 'f ' tl o xh{IffEnl,r;fidf,Ulltnl tVlaltaThermatite wood windorus and Thermaslide patio doors. WELL WORTH LOOKING INTO Energy efficiency never looked so good. Not since Man f irst moved out of the darkness and into a world of light and beauty and wind and weather. Fo r nea rly 90 yea rs, Malta wood windows and pat io doo rs have offered an alternative to life in the dark ...a c lear view of the world around, a look of style that enhances ratherthan interruptsa structure sar- chitectural lines. and a practical, f unctional barrier that protects against the caprices of nature. Malta woob windows-and patio doors are beautiJul. to look at and to look out of . More importantly. Malta wood windows and patio doors are energy eff icient, be- cause a good part of the beauty of wood is in its insu lation effectiveness. Add to this insu lating g lass. tight closures and fail-proof weatherstripping, and you have windows that reduce heat loss, heat gain and inf iltratio n ... and offer a great amount in the way of f unctional beauty. And consider this: Th ermatite windows and Therma- slide patio doors are made of wood .. . wood with its countless millions ol tiny air cells that make it one of nature's most perfect insulators. How good an in- su lato r? We ll, com pare wood with alu m in u m. A solid aluminum sash has an 'R" factor (resistance to heat loss and heat qain) of .0. A solid wood sash of the same d imensi-on has an " R factorof 2.57.Asmuch as 30h or 4Oo/" of a h ome's exterior wa ll su rf ace is made up of windows. The more energy efficient those windows can be, the better, in order to help conserve precious energy. The Malta line is broad, one of the most complete in the industry. lt offers a range of choices and alterna- tives that give architects remarkable f reedom in de- sion. And the Malta line includes features that help sell energy-consci ou s, style-consci ou s buyers. Malta wood wind ows and patio d oo rs are beautif u I ly bu ilt. Wood parts are of top grade Western Pine, milled and produced in Malta s own plants. pre- treated with water repellent and toxic preservatives to hold up to any kind of weathering, all with stain- qrade intbriorsurfaces.Insulating g lass, assembled at Malta, is combined with factory-installed weath- erstripping to keep weather outside where it belongs. Operdiionls smooth and easy. Hardware is f inest quality. Options are available. Malta wood windows and patio doors are delivered the way you want' ready to install. Malta wood windows and patio d oors. E nergy eff i- cient and beautiJul. @ vanufacturer Malta Division, Phi lips Industries Inc., manufactures and assembles its f u ll, broad line of wood windows and patio doors rn a 400,000 sq. ft. plant in Malta. Ohio. The division maintains its own cutting and milling plants in Flagstaff , Arizona and Spokane, Wash ington. Market and oroduct research is conducted contin u- ally through the Malta off ices and the Philips head- quarters in Dayton,Ohio. Quality control and testing, in-plant and in independent laboratories, in the f ield. are on-going. Distribution isthrough a network of millwork distributors throughout the United States. A co rps of Malta sales representatives provides factory-backed expertise and assistance to ar- ch itects and contractors on a local basis. IDT lDocument This cataloq includes information on the f ull line of Malta woodwindows and patio doors. lt has been prepared according to the Sweet's Guideline rec- ommendations. Information on the Malta wood windows and patio doors that f it your needs can be easily located through the table of contents. Table of Contents lntroduction 2 Uni-Case Casement and Awning Windows 3-6 Classic Casement Windows 7-1O Double Hung V.P Tilt Windows . . 11-12 Double Hung Windows...... .... 13-15 SlidingWindows.... ...16-17 Patio Doors .... 18-19 Distributors 20 (OP) Malta Thermatite Uni-Case windows with insulating glass. Versatility is the big feature here. lt makes these Malta U n i-Case windows particula rly attractive in any casemenl or awning installation. Full extension al- lows cleaning of outside glass f rom room side. Fuel-savino features include wood construction, double-pane glass, and a positive weatherseal system. All interiorwood parts are stain-grade, ready for stain ing or painting. And the Malta Uni-Case can be used in either casement or awning installations. lrame pro!roe nsu at on In sulalrng glass bedded In gla2rng c han ne B. Hrnges are concealed lrori the olrtsrd€ Casemenlssw ng toiul 90 C. Awn ngs o ren oulward ishowefs won I threaten rLgs and draper es O. Smoorh operat ng Roto Lock Hardware n Go'dtoneirn sh on E. Go dto ne irn sh L€ver Lock Hardware on awnrngs gives easy. FEATURES: ! The warmth, beauty and weathertight insulating quality of Jine wood conslru clion. ! Wood parts treated with water-repellent, toxic preservalive. [! Allexteriorwood parts are factory primed. ! Interior is natural, unfinished wood that can be stained or painted. I Insulating glass teatures vinyl boot glazing gasket plus a double seal of butyl and polysulf ide, one of the most eff ective sealing systems avai lable. n Goldtone Roto and Locking Hardware on casements. n Goldtone Lever Lock Hardware on awnings. n Conforms to NWMA-l52-73, Sec. 43.1 Class A perlormance level as required for HUD-FHA and MPS. f Air intiltration blockage 10 times better than industry standards. OPTIONS: I Rectangularvinyl orwood grids. I Goldtone alu min um f ramed screens. I Bronze tint glass. I Ref lective storm panels fo r environmental triple glazing. Malta Thermatite Uni-Case windows INSTALLATION SASH VENTILATION Casemenl sash may hinge on lhe lerl, on lhe righl. or be stal onary. Awnrng sash may operale as awnrng oroe stalronary. Hing ng is delerm ned asvrcwed ltom lhe GLASS SIZES:Wrdths Heighls1514" 233h" 51r,h" 19%" 23!s" DETAILS ROUGH OPENING WIOTH Add 5" lo call size, m!llip y by numbef ol openings w deand add 1a". Example: 1523-6 15.5x6.t!"(10-oti ) UNIT DIMENSION WIDTH Add I% lo rough opening. UNIT DIMENSIONS width overallw dlh from oulsid6€dgosols de cas ng- herght overall herghl from top oulsideof head cas nglo botlom oulside edge ot subs L AWNING WII{DOWS 273h" 593ta" 351'e" 671ta 433b" Standard Jamb 4e/rr" ,,ffi,, !im'ii ' fifExll :rm:, 4'glle " FRAME WALL '.; :5,- | | -;;1 f- I f l-nliiir | | Hlnged on lhe left - , or hinged on the right - , ag viewed trom the oulslde. !l!. I --- W ,r:Tl l<*7 fTts# Inlw 'Tr i=.-ti7lm ,L-.r ItiE @_@ ruHruM !i;i[ m m [' Illl[] []El!-E-flirflr -;;: <r--;=-7 ---A-- ffi-lllf iilT 8rorurururu WWruru I d -+iooE 5s ! I ,ffi1,, ,iE:lJfl!.lJ ' ,lilffi ii tloarfTiH.-h- r I WA',tli:. ;fryrl I BRICK VENEEB WALL H H n f-T-i{te i" i l- 1_ I _ - iOUOll OtELllO: lo,a%" 'l - 11N.". ra r rl]t. CASEMENT WINDOWS-19'' GLASS Suggcst.d hlnglnE ot !r!h a! vlGwcd f.o|n thc outalda and da3lgnrl.d s.: L ti Lsn l3aa slsRs m o t t 6 MULLION 5Vs FRAME WALL CONCRETE BLOCK WALL CASEMENT WINDOWS -15'' GLASS Suggelt€d hlnglng ol !a!h a3 vlcwad lrom tlre outtlde end dodgntlad 63: ::r- L jt' 1l:;;- FTT llL rlL ,_ =ani?[-t-r I hl'ilu4 ttItlt-t-l5*:7 tft I I IT,J LJ E] m ur.lj nt.. U $tTi:lL lrl ii i: trt- iil " TTT ii_l ru Malta Thermatite Uni-Case windows STUDTO WTNDOWS CASEMENT WINDOWS-23" GLASS CASEMENT WINDOWS-25" GLASS 9r99e!tod hlnging ot sa3h ar vlowod fron lhe out!lde and deslgnal6d as: LJFtr F i"r'-J'r m :fi - ' :l,T.f ',! r ' l,i l,! ' .r t.n xtilr m 11-l rna-ll|--J---I--J Ur---.i!.4I r [rnL = i l!-!--- --r!-/ TT TIiI Il.l rli l!,lt ll {frr ll i:: L.J]. t{!!! _ _ tiri L-.il il.-l,,,P4+sriltrHH r r'|r lii:rl | |i6t blrl ii:r i rl t tl,' FMTT-MTILIJL; ]_Llt ,=JmffirrLLluuU LD Fr3!I F 5.r 1q0 :15i I -5rr -l,s -za1-i! l - 1 ' [---1 tf ltf tl;gUU HEru CASEMENT BOW WINDOWS Suggsalad hlnglng ot !a!h aa vlaw.d f.om the oublde and deslgnatod a3: CASEMENT PICTURE WINDOWS 15" FLANKERS Suggestgd hlnging of sash as vlewed kom lho oultlds and da!lgnated 8!: CASEMENT PICTURE WINDOWS 23" FLANKERS Suggolled hlnging ol 3a3h a3 vlewed t.om the oltlldr and de3l9naled a3: ,,''il. : 111 1 -! .L ,il -;[ ltnilrl ) t. t ) l,. I I i-+': l .f t t- | i: lrl i il -F,i[ ] [-r-Ril ilil -I -f I i i {{q- |i'J[r r-, -T_f -i r :l{l:l I I ttliir. I ll| .t tt lil CASEMENT PICTURE WINOOWS .I9" FLANKERS Suggo3ted hlnglng ot relh ar vl.uod tlom lhe out lde and do3lgnaled a3: mr; -]a?-d-'-7 Ii- UEIj[Jru M:T f s lf roe | ! -l ,Ft,rt f 1,r o .ol!'lt. I 'i ll ts I !r lo.1,. $ '., l lD. { .'r ltr t ', lr#;J"JJ =l--- U--[- ": =1,-,- =l-,- =*,*t '.jI [J =;.,,, N_ ,] , ,IJ_I- JJ +_Iil'l [l l o o o Malta Thermatite Uni-Case windows oAWNING BASIC WINDOWS uNtT NO. 2719 uNrT NO. 2315 I ' I Indicates Suooesled I I operar on es-lwnrnq uNtT NO. 3s19 IFAI,IESZE - "GIASSSIZE - I ; . rs i € l..11'l'l.- / J, LL tt. -t t. .J :- lat I I I:t .l.lL"t/J 2 /-19 laliz. | /. I::.t/rlur':,t/ ?7)1 U]I c f nP.l +'r! IFs 1,.. 1F .! rGs l4 l dl :l; ffil F[fm:;i: u4 E4jLrffiTrm F-tn-::l l- l-l-- I t-: t---+-L I'u ' -11 L'* lll t,r: [,;: L' :lllt J4fll4-ll uNtT NO. 4323 ii. IT-- :: :. i,'; I I l,,. { ^. rii ".1l/'..",i,., 1ll-r ,L/ lL rn TlI lr iEl L'",.11,'^tll[I]l LrD f ."-1t IF.0. l*"i l lFs F lF 6.r lcs I $ ] ffiH['tr";]?'r llTEL-,1r 1l:l l-1ll [^']li ".,1 [r Et ri: t $i s [-1]l l. jl,L E- 1"".r '.1 GS -,, - :ll;.-La Ll !lTrffi L I l,' 'll -|f tt ; i f l, ll""' t "J-\-m. l L.l',L:,,1rftrr-lr I [F-,'llL,"'il iil;f.{rtil llLl .rllr-ffi9i, lF-I llL lll|-E{i qir- lL --!IE AWNING PICTURE WINDOWS d;r Emlffr ;o o (OP) Malta Thermatite Classic Casements with insulating glass. Malta casement windows swing outward to a f ull 90' on easily operated gear mechanism. No-sag exten- sion hinges. Fu ll extension allows cleaning of outside of g lass f rom room side. Insu lating glass is imbedded A, E xlens on firnges ol i\ ro saq steel permrt orls de\ cl o ass to be c eaned\ irom room s oe,tlt-.\r FEATURES: ! The warmth, beauty and weathertight insulating q uality of fine wood constru ction. ! Wood parls treated with water-repellent, tox ic prese rvatrve. ! Allexteriorwood parts are factory Dnmeo. n lnterior is natural. unJinished wood that can be stained or painted. ! lnsulating g lass features vinyl boot glaz- ing gasket plus a double seal of butyl and polysulf ide, one of the most effective sealing systems available. in f lexible vinyl glazing chan nel. Narrow mu llions g ive true casement appearance wh ich add style to any installation. B. Heavy sas h (l rr!r" )and lrame provrde maxrm!m lhermal insulatron nsu at nq g ass bedded n flex ble vrnyl C. Narrow rn( 1l ons trch ele 1r!e casern e nt appearance. D. Gc dtone ',f sr Folc Operelor ho ds sash'rrrly and wrl ror' rattle In any tl Goldtone Roto and Locking Hardware on casements. n Conf orms to NWMA-l52-73, Sec. 4.3.1 Class A performance level as required for HUD-FHA and MPS. X Air inf iltration blockage 10 times better than ind ustry standards. OPTIONS: n Goldlone aluminum {ramed screens, n Rectang u lar or diamond wood g rids. fl Fl r^n76 iint ^ l. cc [] Ref lective storm panels fo r environ mental triple glazing. MaltaThermatite Classic Casements INSTALLATION SASH VENTILATION: Sash may hinge on the left. on lhoflght or be stationary. Hinging is determined as viewed ltomtheoutside. GLASS SIZE Widths: Heiohts: N 16'^6 2 241h" w 20r^E 30 30r!E25 3 361/z 4 48rt$ 5 605 6 z3'16 uNtT DtvtstoNs: Wdth ov€rall width lrom out- side 6dges of side casing.He€ht overall heighl lrom lop outside ol head casrng to bot- tom outside edge ol sill. --lF-so---l DETAILS SASH OPENING WIDTH The sum ol the inclividual sash opening for each unit... Plus 17. tor €ach MULLION A used. Plus 27." lor each MULLION B used. Plus strd" for each MULLION C used. ROUGH OPENING WIDTH AOD 3Y2' to ov€r-ali sash opening. UNIT OIMENSION WIDTH Add 5Y." to oveFall sash opening. MULLIONS FOR COMBINING CASEMENT AND PICTURE WINOOWS Fso iFso -]Fs.o --J l--so --IR lf-- 1|--ffill --._r Iwwbre MULLION A MULLION B TORIZONTAL SEC-ION CASEMENT WINDOW l--[[T Tl Ini ilI-mlI rt]r L_ r llt _rl]=- rIt Fso lFso -.1Fso I l-so lfso.lFs.o.lFso -l Standard Jamb 4elro" MULLION C !.,' "11,( : STANDARD MULLION A BF CK VENEEF CONCFETE BLOCK CASEMENT BOW WINDOWS INSTALLATION DETAILS Forfurther information, ask for Malta Casement Bow architectural tracings. VERTICAL SECTION ROUGH OPENINGS 5N4B 5N5B 8'41h" t 4'61rc" 8'4112" r.5'6tls'' 5W4B 5W5B '10'2tlc" r 4'631rr" 10'2tlt" r S'fP:h" rt rt Malta Thermatite Classic Casements REMOVABLE GRIDS N30 6q N3 6R E3 9R E5'5F d€signet€d aa: LSLSR l-- ro"u---.1F_ rG3 _+ F-9.11ri?--J m*JJ ffi ITFnR:-l l-L lL I mffi r t- ll - LuLll ffifu u!r!!um CASEMENT 1'0" SASH Suggested hinging ol sash as vtewed lrcm the outstde and designaled a5: L LR LSB LSSR LSLSR F'*J ha-s'a IHing€d on lha lett - , o. hingsd on lie rlght - , a! vlewgd from th6 oulside. oi.dond ln.! Nc No No N2 120 w2 120 N3O 12D W'ro r20 N3 r20 w3 l2D El l2D N4 l7D W! llD E4 174 N5 t7D W5 l7D E5 17O w6 220 $sf[rumm___.LL__-L i#s -T'FT s-."j urrrorurr f,-rrv.-l I u-{ RGH oPG F 1-sr/, i F3.5'i.l sAsH oPG. F r-6 .{ F3.rrnl--r-r-.i j* ln rT-ill S:* lld L]r!J 1N2 2N2 $io= ffil [llT lN30 ?N30 f-a.o',t --.1F8-41r--lF- 8-' --1 @ 5N2W WW ru I e-ro', -.{ Fril l F]-FM trfu FTfMe! rlr 3N2 Fl'r rllll L t_t_11 3N30 WWW mmm Suggested hinging ol sash as vgwed ltofi the autstde and designai€d.s: L m 2E3m ilL__iltL__Jtlffiru m m m TTTSJ: -$ Jlll f-t fd{ ]_LI TTT- I ss<" il i||l H m CASEMENT 1'10%" SASH Sugg€stod hinging ot 3ath as viewed lrom the outside and L LR LSR LSSR tr w w w m m H H U rrvs ro CASEMENT 2'3" SASH U.S. O.prrlm..tol Hodng I Urb.r O.r.lopn.nt Xlnlhsn Ptot.rly strnd.rd. lor On. ..a llo f.nllyOr.llh93alt+5.r Eve.y rooh usod lor sro.pr.g. l,vrng, o. dr.'no snarl have al leasl l*o meaosol e0css al easlo^eolwhrch sha/beadoororsrara.yp.ovrd.gameans ot u nobs truded t ravol lo lhoouisde al slre.l or 9'ou.d le!el E d.h steepi ng toad un- laBs tl has l*o doo6 ptavtdtng sapaQtawsts ot oscapo,ot hasa doot laading outst.le ol tha buttdtnq dneclll, shall havc ,l taasl ana ootstct.tiodoe rhtch c.n ba oponad lrcd the i1stdefihoul lhe use oltools. *nh sitl h.ight not morclhao 11thch.s tbov.lh.lloo.. prow&ng notl.ss t a. _57to ft ol ooanabtc atea and no o.t ct@l oDenno dtn.nsto. less lhan 24 tnches in h.toht;ad 20inches ia *dth ot vndo|| pt oTtdi n g aq u i Yat e. t.g rcss. LSR Nos. IEa.2E4.3E4. 1E5. 2E5,3E5 are egress srzes. uur orxer. lz-ri.l I +r -.1 I u r. --.1 RGH 0P6. l- 2-2 '1 l-1-2t,1 l6-2'h-|| sAsH oPG. F1.10 rl F3.10!..1 F5-11 -l iS" qT. lrdl slEs fi-]I:+* !--r'r-r ---.L-t---r- ja.=f -T'r-r rrl -T-r-rs:- wwm 3h8 W tTt---lT-l[ UU 3YV5 m ,rn,,6,,,r6n f z.o'i -..1 f- rt ----] l--rs% -----_lnm. oec. | 2'61a 1 l-+111t. 7-1 --- -- sAsH 0'c F 2.3 J l__ +P,. _____! 1 7.0"r ____- 1- o-r'r, -l - v23r. 1 F7_11,1__l lnflftntl qfiw mml |Llt- j ,[JffiiLIU m v Malta Th ermatite Classic Casements CASEMENT PICTURE WINDOWS 1'6" SASH Suggested hinging ot sash as yleryed from the outside and designated as: LS l5-23h1l- s-1 -l l-4-e'j./,J m-il N23 tl ITJILJI ffiillll!Jl:.J] N25 L5 -iff- trffiirT+r ilLllL-ul N23N ---T=--r- F[-Fll-s,s ll IY+f - l=!Ir N2tlN_lT-r nrTll++s lr lii??f Lllr,lLli N25N SRLS LSR LSR rJNrTDIMENlo-ro'"--.] f-re,.---] BGH oPG F 6.8E. --l F8-d"?--.1 sAsH oPG F 5-5'/. -l f- 8-1 -- UNII DIMEN. R6H. OPG. SASH OPG, ---r-rs-ej;;; fs-2",.-.1F s-l -.i l- 4-9r, -1 FF: 23N ro 24N m 25N SR F:Mt |ll 44N |-aro'"-l fo.ro'i-l Fuu',.--] ;-e-or.---]f o.a,:.-l |- +4,,.--1 Fe+'a---.{ l-e.r'"---] F_ o.s"--.r F6-5!;--l F8.1 -----.r l-- &1 - [[T N34N ru ry m 35N UNIT DIMEN. RGH OPG. SASH OPG, T--T---r -i "€ f r-r-r- f rm,,,--l l- 6-83/. -l F6,5'/1 -..im PNNAI mn PNN24 SERtES STUOIO WINDOWS f s 2",.-] fo.ro'r,--l l- t, -l l-6-834 -lj-4.e,/,-l F6.5'L -i "N" lo' j l3-s,r1 f3,13,! I U PN23 F n PN25 m tL------It PN34 tr] llr___ll PN35 trtr N35 [_]l] LSR UN,TD.ME .fB-4,/,_ BGH.oPG. |.-8-P/.- sAsH oPG. f-7,1r '/i--1 srm mlTif [J-.ll [JLx w25 25w LS SR uNrT orMcr{ | a+r, -l |_ a.r','--1 RGH.oPG. F &23.'1--l F8'2r/.--l sAsH oPG F7-11 '.--l F7-11';--l .=# Elmi='lt!k#%+ w24W : '- i f la lf tii* il til il tL66o ll lll ll 1l!| | l LLln-LIl w25W LS UNIT 0IMEN -6-41i4-l RGH. 0PG. l_ 6-2'l,-l SASH oPG. F r11 -l "w" sERlEs sTUDlo wlNDows uNr- 0|MEN l- r-4 I t-6.4'4-l -8-4t, - RGF oPG lu, "-l F6.21',-l f-8'2rt-l SASH oPG. f3-103,4J F tlr -l F7-1l t--l trTF tr trTE PW25 10 1'10%" sAsH Suggested hinging of sash as viewed trcm the outs/de and designaled asl LSR |--10-43i._-l__ 10_3 __-l l--e-]1'r-i m-Fll (OP) Malta Thermatite Double Hung V.P.Tilt with insulating glass. VP means vinyl protected. The entire exterior f rame of these double-hung wood windows - cas ing, blind stops and sill is protected with tough, du rable wh ite vinyl that never needs painting. The exterior of the sash is f actory finished in wh ite paint. A beautif u lly low-maintenan ce wood wi ndow with top an d botto m that tilt in and take out quickly and easily. cffi tt (ii frr;.'llr fW FEATURES: I The warmlh. beauty and weathertight insulatang quality of line wood construction. I Wood parts treated with water-repelle nt, toxrc p reservative. ! Interior is natural, unf inished wood that can be stained or painted. n Insulating glass featuresvinyl boot glaz- ing gasket plus a double seal of butyl and polysullide, one ot the most effective sealing systems available. ! Weatherstripping is rig id vinyl backed by closed cell urethane foam. n Top and bottom sash tilt in and take out quickly, easily. Includes tinger Iift. n Facto ry applied Goldtone s uitcase-type sash lock. No additional hardware reouired. Ll Single units are f actory assembled and protective packaged. n Conf o rms lo NWMA-lS2-73, Sec. 4.3.1 ClassA performance level as required for HUD-FHA and MPS. I Air inf iltration blockage 4 times better than ind ustry stand ards. OPTIONS: n White aluminum lramed fullscreens. ! Rectangular wood grids. ! Combination unit available f or tnple g laz ing. 11 o o o l- 3.1 "/161 f 3-st"rs-.1 l- 3.9',/,6 IF 3.2i F3-6--l F3-10-Jl-- r-o ---l l-- a-q --.] l-- ro --.1 rElE T3214 [E] FE IL:JT3216 T3616 li-' Fllr----i F':=:alilL-J i j t3220 lil620 lL__llt tEtEt rn222 T3622mnr-lltF.:i -l -luL:ll : l.l LJf3221 T3024 T4024 llL -l ll-.ill L lllil-ti t-l.t r--11t____.i lr_____.It l___ll t3228 T3628 T4028mt-tt[_'l t[ llllu llt J 73221/96 T3624/36 Malta Thermatite Double H ung V.P.Tilt UNIT OIMEN, RGH. OPG. SASH OPG. T-]-Ts .-: * lT r "r----T----r Sn=+ YT.i ;-T-T..,T+Yl I Standard Jamb As/rs' ilf.oY"5 -J-----J-L -T-T-T +?+,f i'l l- 1-9||r,6 I l- 2-11,,r5 I l-2.5' '"6 -l f 2.91"r0I I r ro -l l n j|, u -l f z.ro-l l.- r-8 - F- 2-0 --] t- 2.4 1F- 2.8 ---l t[ ]l[]l f-il 12414 T2811 itt_]t ilt ]lrTlt il-l T2116 T2816 It tlflLit2420 12E20m Et-rLJ12122 t2822mEtEEt2124 t2824m lil*t dllL,j I ll 12428 12828 ltrltr r2824t36 [-tlul T2016 mJ 1i2020m E-lmtr11622 T2022 I il tEr]ILil E]T1624 t2024 ,m ltL tI E r2028 v.P. 4s'BAY WTNDOWS LN|T rrM r-6 8---J Fr-8 ---l F8.1---l FGP ooc Fur---l F.u--l Fr-t--lsAsHoPG l1 8+t-4+'-81 1--8+4-4+1-81 11 8+5.0+1.81 Htl 11656-228 m-iil tli ill Ii T1618-218 T165S218 T--rr irl-[-I =+:T,l I _fl li. L T164&22t u\rTDM F/.r'.'-l I-8-""-l F8er,'6-l l-s5l'-lqe-.opc. Fi r'.,--.1 Fs-r'.,--l F8.e,.--J Fs-52-l sAsH opc ir.8tJ-41'-81 l1-8+r 4h-81 l1 s15.0+1-sl 2 015'0+2 ol -I-l-T +a+tl I r--r-rJJ; 'il I il' .Et []J .:l I aL j, .!,.ji 11 a-a rr65G22 F.- | lt -tlll fr rTl rr Lrl rli I ITI l[] [i il NI1 n 6.2a T1648-24 11656-21 E] 12155-21 V,P TILT PICTURE WINDOWS Multiples Twin and triple unrls are made by butting singles and using mull kits and mull T' covers. To find the rough openrng lor twins, add sash openings plus 33/4"; for triples, add sash openrngs plus 5%". Oeduct 5/15" trom rough opening to arflve at unil dimension. V.P. STUDIOS uNrT DrM f3-5 t bl l-{-5r" 51 f5 1" '61 ncr o"c l-:-o --l l- 4'6--l l-5'2--l SASH OpG f__3 d__..1 l._ 4.d __..1 F_5.0_.1 J rl LL rLl 118-22 f56-22 lttti--r' [L ]ll rL: :t18.2r rE&24 l--t-r ii I -r-T--f r rl3i; il9"9+ i :++ | llr rtrrl T36-24 o lHotonrar b36 'ncr0de relarn'ngc ps Locar ng P'ns'nc Jd€d f |n ?12 (OP) Malta Thermatite Double Hung windows with single or insulating glass. Malta, the most complete line in the industry, pro- vides you with a choice of g lazing systems in dou ble-h ung windows: insu lating glass, sing le strength glass or single strength glass with RDG (re- movable double glazed)storm panels. Any of these .\\ A. lnsllal nq ltass\ w th vrnyl boor \ g raz In!t qas('!l ?- \\-# 8. AdtListable pressure balan ce and w€atherstr p prng C. Sash remo\re eas ly lrom ,oom s de D- FDG sto.T .a.e s ot)t onal$,rih srlg e strengrh E. Spr ng assrsted pressLrre balalce will f it the same wall open ings to give you greater f lex ibility and fewer problems in plann ing, design and installation. €-g :i:!r -- r-- * FEATURES: ! The warmth, beautyand weathertight insu lating q uality of f ine wood co nstructio n. n Wood parts treated with waterrepellent, toxic preservat ve. n Allexteriorwood parts are factory primed. ! Interior is natural, unf in ished wood that can be stained or painted. ! Adjustable pressure balance and weatherstripping prevents sash bind ing or rattlang,allowsweatherstrippingto'float for easy sash removal. n Both sash remove lrom room side foreasy cleanrng. n Insulating glass features vinyl boot glaz- ing gasket plus a double seal oJ butyl and polysulf ide, one of the most effective sealing systems available. D Fu ll weathe rstripp ing Iorfuel savings. - Single strength glass units feature groove glazrng prevents water penetralion around g lass. n Su itcase type Goldtone lock is factory applied to all insulating glass units. I Interiorstops and fingerliftsstandard on all units. - Conf o rms to NWMA-l52-73, Sec. 4.3.1 Class A perf ormance level as required f or HUD-FHA and MPS. I Air inf iltration blockage nearly 5 times betler t han ind ustry standards. OPTIONS: ! While aluminum f ramed f ullscreens. n Rectangular wood g rids. '13 Malta Thermatite Double H ung windows Standard Jamb 4elre " INSTALLATION DETAILS I - la r I I' rF;F llrl rr i - t:-Tr r lfr-il]ilt:-ltl 4016 lfi-il ut__llt 4020 mtEl 4024 F3-8 1 FJ-O 721 l- e-q .l T ----r I[i-lr ,tl 36't 4 tr 3616 E 3620 mlE 3624 E 3628 E]U 3624i36 f3-4 I l3-21/z I!3-0{ t- llF_ 3214 mE 3216 E 3220 r mtr] 3224 t-lr-It |[________-J 3224 m m s224!36 l3-0 I l2-10vzll 2-8 I il-tlE 2814 H 2816 H 2820 H 2822 mtr 2824 mtr 2828 m tnlltL- rtl 2824/36 | 2-8 ,l l2-61i21t 2-4 1 ,EIE 2414 mIE 2416 mE 2420 mtr 2422 m EJ 2424 tr Lft IL____l 2428 E 2014 H 2016 H 2020 H 2022 HU 2024 &o [Tltrtiil-t. t]ffil gto 5 6 ffiffiil iffi,riiF*ij*N'.1 i5 Yt{f,+ffl- 5 lm.Tl "truli " @4i-- u]L Ho rizontal Insulating Glass available in all but 40" wide. RDG storm panels available as an option on sing le strength windows only. r/-nlI -.t [3r0rzjl 3-8 .{ r--------- | l ltr-I I 4014 uNlT DllvEN. | 2-4 I ROUGH 0PG. l2-2141 SASH OPG. I' 2.0 'I -r-'rSS.',I 'r? a6 .TT-T --r-r-r --t----r-! 1-r-r I o 'r' + +'f _l_l_L -t-T--r 99,; ttl TTT ??; ltl 14 Malta Thermatite Double Hung windows TW|N WTNDOWS RDG storm panels available as an ootion on single strength windows only. uNtT D|MEN. F 5.2 -{ ROUGH OPG. P5-gt'z-{ SASHoPG. l2-4lz-44 lr---r1lr-----rlTS >=- lLl/iL-Jll(o rr> ' ltl ob oh o Ll!=!l!Jt/ 24167 .T-TT' c! ri- 'i -!--r--L TTT ++=JJJ- TT-T 9o;++= J_IJ_ =li,,aF3 4+3-41 llt=llf__-lllEJlEll 36167 EE]IEE 36207 F 6-6 -ll-6-41t2 -l F3-0+3 o{ ilr_ilnilEE 32167 mmEE 32207 rtEEE 32227 m'llnF-llL ,t ' 32247 Ef;s] l-2-8l2 8l I t_]Eg 28167 t]r]lEE] 28207 mtEIE] 28227 mlnlEE] 2824r It]iltr trlEt 24207 mtEE] 24221 ltL__jtL___,EU 2424r mtEE 3624r PICTURE WINDOWS (Center Sash with Insulating Glass) UNIT DIMEN. ROUGH OPG, SASH OPG.=,!;,1I r+1s-nft-a I -,:,i,J E,i;1,1 -,9,i,1fr el n1r al F2-0t4 4-12 0l F2 0+t0t2 0-1 204'8-22 #; FFEI ffi-M trFE]ii-i [UlL:--rUX EIL---illUi EjL-XE 1636-22 164A-22 #ffiffiffi 1636-24 Multiples For overall rough slud openrng widths. add lhe sash op€nrng widlhs plus 2" permLrlton and lhen add 2rr" lO thrs ligure: lorunrtdimensron addthesasr ;t?ls wrdrhs elus 2' eer mulrion m]_M lulL___txul 2056-22 m-m IUIL_=lrul 2056-24 WOOD GR!D PATTERNS ,For S'ngle Slrength orlnsulating Glass Units) BH ffiffiffiffi 2t2 4i4 6i6 818 6/9 atp 16wde 20,24, 32,36. 2a 32.36 28w de 40wide wide wide lFelarr ng C rps ncud€dwilhal Gr ds LocalrrqPrns nclud€dwilh2i2a.d4/4Grdst INSULATING 45" BAY WINDOWS UNIT DlrilEN. F6-911,6--l F /.91 tr6-l F8.str;'G--{ RoUGHopc fos,r''-.1 fr++,"-l fa rr'"-l sAsH 0PG. lr-8+3-r+r.81 l.-814.4+1-81 11.815.0tl.81-r--rT r | ', l. "i q9+ .l l, .l'1, ,u i I f $36-228 1648-228 l6s6'224 il,-i ffifl EL-i1 1636-248 1648.248 1656-248 -T----r---r 5Tn rll 15 (OP) Malta Thermatite Sliding Windows with single or insulating glass. Malta Sliding Windows are ideal for installation re- q u iring large glass areas, distinctive groupings, or ' ribbon ' conf igurations. They provide all clesirable features in window convenience and constructlon. Exceptionally large picture window effects are made possible with Malta Slid ing Windows, as well as en- lire window walls, with the added advantage of open- ino forventilation. 8. Goldlone finish suitcaselype C. Operaling sash liils out easily for room sideclean ngol allg ass D. Wood conslruction. Silltrack sof durab e Appalachian Oak FEATURES: n All the advantages of wood construction. D Insulating glass or single strength glass. ! Wood oarts treated with water-repellent toxic preservative. ! All exterior wood parts are factory primed. n Oak silltrack foreasy sliding operation. ! Spring-loaded, adlustable head track eliminates thermal transmission. ! One light is stationary for wind resistance and tightness. ! Operating (sliding)sash lifts out easily f or washrng. ! Slim lines match casements or ribbon awning installations. n Ful I weatherstrippi ng forf uel savings. ! Suitcasetype Goldtone lock islactory applied to allinsulating glass units. n Finger pulls are standard on all units. ! Conf orms to NWMA-l52-73, Sec. 4.4 as required torHUD-FHA and MPS. OPTIONS: I Removable Double-Glazing storm panels fo r sing le strength. D White aluminum framed f ullscreens. ! Rectangular wood grids. 16 Malta Thermatite Slidi ng Wi ndows ;t INSTALLATION DETAILS UNIT DIMEN. ROUGH OPG. SASH OPG. l-rr ---r-f "JL""Tffit_ ' . [] I -5-1', J Standard Jamb 4elrs" SLIOING Piclure Windows '''..l"lr'l "r:":::l :: I I "; I -l----rtlt l||r ]L ]t G2424 t-f_-llItl G2824 t-rT---llI t tl tL-tL__r I G2836 tr trltlll Lr lL __tl G2444 t-::.r- l-r v ---J lt--t--'_lti l---Jtl G2424 F_|lL || ' G2424 r --r ]l|l lL_]r- __Jtl G2428 tF-l tltL__]r _-_.r tl ilT lT-ltlti lt lililtl |L_.tL_ji G2444 f: ;'1 l_- 3 s _-_l il__lL Jti G2024 lf lr-lltl G2028 ---ttr--tlIt|l Ir_tLitl G2036 f-_]-]lt [lil ltl llL.lL- Jll G2044 -:r---r- f b:b ttl .l Tt ttl rT--r 1tl JI G1628 l-lfr lttllIt l r-J tl G1636 ASSEMBLED RECTANGULAR WOOD GRIDS 2x2 Grids available for all sizes. 6xO Grids available for 20",24" and 28" heights. 8xB Grids available for 36" and 44" heights. o o (OP) Malta Thermaslide Patio Doors with moveable inside panel, insulating glass. The new Malta Thermaslide Patio Door is designed forenergy savings. The moveable panel is inside, protected f rom jamming caused by snow or ice build-up. Tem pered insu lating glass forms a thermal ba rrier to keep comfort inside, weather outside. D Extra heavy-duty extruded aluminum sills. ! Custom designed dual weatherstrip ping at meeting rails. ! Conformsto current FHA and HUD perf ormance standards. OPTIONS: D Keylock ! Security lock ! Wood grids ! Bronze tint g lass wood construction means there is no f rost or con- densation build-uo on inside surfaces. The Malta Thermaslide Patio Doorcan beassembled with move- able oanel on either side. FEATURES: fl Wood construction that won't rattle in the wrnd. ! Inside sliding panelthat sealstightly on custom-desrgned weatherstrippi ng. ! Wood partstoxic preservative treated. ! Exterior is factory primed. I Inlerior is natural, unfintshed wood that can be stained or painted. tr Heavy-duty screen door. ! Panels slide on tandem adiustable steel ro ers. ! Solid walnut inside pull handle. t(' Malta Thermaslide Patio Doors F = FIXED PANEL M : MOVING PAN EL (viewed from outside) NOTE: 5068, 6068 and 8068 doors can be lurnished as "FM" rather than 'l\4F" (as shown). 9068 and 12068 doors can be "lvlFF' or "FFN4 'rather than' FMF' (as shown) Decision 10r these variat ons must be made prior to assembly Standard Jamb 4slrs" 6.3 !/ii 6.2ri" 6.1e,6 tzE ; - t2 .l,, 16 t2-4rr,6 l--:r_-1 F-34-F-.ro -l F-q -l F ao--l--+--31-1 f-.'-r""-J. .."- l- 12, -i-+-, -.1 l---46 1 |t--]t ilr----lilil il|il tll|tlililttllll'llllll'lllllrrllllr'll 3068. 4068" .FIXED PANEL ONLY 2 PANEL HORIZONTAL SECTION 3;: fi..J*_._,___ tmml r]ffil ffimrIt- t-iI I g+N4 UNT D I,IEN :1"-- ;,,,"= 3 PANEL HORIZONT VEBTICAL SECIION F-34-i i-31--i l- 46- i F ,ro- -1 ]_'-.ll M 6068 dl L- 12 6',0 5068 M 8068 tt rEt Pt{rLrFs NUjSrRESll,lc nrlta DiYision P.O. Box 397 Malta. Ohio 43758 o Malta wood windorvs and patio doors are available through retail lumber, building material and sash and doo r d-eale rs th rou ghout the Un ited States. They are listed in the Yellow Pages under "Windows." --1 ! i o {-{ do 't9t'8 GatalogPrintsd in U.S.A. 20 z : ]tX g- E.oEr€ "j.-gE{g,E+ E"dgE;€ E.:iEf ; E :-o s-g : E e o ; Pe;.9-; x;;;*;,I i P E€ :! Ei E; , 5€; *,tE; FEE;:!=i eEEIg[5E=*=If:iEe;li;s< d)o-C) -.9 t o o o o o t.:-o oc o) aoe?Ig of(, .gE E IOc €El- Il! - nE.8.5"e-:: €; gFEEtF;f€ - ff;Eiii=;i:i aJo -9 )o =o E ILI o |'|trOI F6+oEI !lOIIonIOIo E Io ,I=TI- I, CI ot o aI E e G0 bo I E !a0 ecc to?co ! ao0 o I 4 o ! a aIt a!t !o 4 E o oi, ,l, III 3oo (,o o c,d, E -9o- )(tz tt{)4, .g oz Eo ot I o o (,o tJ't oN o @ o-o o o @ o.: ^ Eoo ooIlt.= =.g z cotf, co3o() (1, =o 'a lo -9 IJ o o ol oo,o 'r 6 :1 o ox eil6+R o >6 idu Q-:" A:: i51o L_c o 9o< x 5i3q ;llp*&;ei SiEr cJAi'd a&;o FaI n I < .< -CI (, ^'E v,^ nJo Yf -r. ='fr Y ii o_o - o .l6.? 6',eto-i9o ?3aol- '5' (DJ 3! o- \J f-.<- o ^9 o-o oo f-o +fl+[:n F iigisi 3q4aS'g :"aE t r itqsg : tr; .a,i a; s1;l:ro=6^9.''u'=- (o f- : i,;.< 6X-o =oi o! :- o-{se: =q- : b':6 g=' ;' u, -iE a =R x: aq =o;-ii95 'ooo-9. o ili o = U1 ;;.' A = =-- g: o-X ciy ^o o- cUl & =o lzLrO= ;'(,f'< '- o'F{r o-d o :t:l +(D I R o!. IiJ "-^e(n:y =o '-@= ic!i-tul) -O -Yo9:<; [-q Fq;i o- oc s8 18;9 5I PA: s3 -.-E P. -a6orl -ao5 -afurtI Carl -aot U| - q rFt r-&3 1q :f=qf q 1; Elii;tqgaiFiiE;Egq! =€ +3 iaP i:z 3*==3xg ilili: r3**+: t:}$iei n rriil*{q'; i: [[$;; i *9igiig*-i-'i[ili4€ii:iA5?i :.iFag:i* €5$*'qaa"$ * :a3gr{d;:i1i,sa e ilrteaq .a-* [6a; i' i itE=t+ f)osfrrt:o:toEo '" il-r 6-a o ;' 9a ir'' -mygi?o ii!sFi!x-;n )f 961 2 =O- [E 6i9fgr rr sfF 1! [itiii5 9 o'o-: a{ 3: "dP<Eo9=iF :iffi3i.l fi1f o"..='l 1o-3 u agii: s;iiipi$ Efd 9:J= rr + -:. o 6 ,1\uv .? /n (p { -$32 {d- 2 3 e _0 ? \9 To p oxv J L) -l-4 E o+t--'.2!'en fil-