HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 VAIL 21 CONDOS 2006 PARKING ISSUES LEGALElisebetlr !?eed- Re: Vail 21 Parkinq lssues 1
From: Elisabeth ReedTo: Stewart McNabDate: 1011212006 1:46:02 PMsubject Re:Vail2l Parkinglssr.reo l,tf E, Bttgl,V*lt ttcElEtD tS fl$Si-
Hefro, Mr. McNab: 521 v' uoxirra.o asctE
After some discussion with Staff this morning regarding your questions, the Town would like to clarify that
Vail 21 was developed with no parking for their sole use on their own property, so to receive Temporary
and Final Certificates of Occupancy from the Town, they were obligated to find it from a another source.
At the time, Vail 21 chose to use the propefi to the north, a parking structure which was owned by a
separate owner, who agreed to provide Vail 21 the appropriate number of parking spaces at that time.
They received parking leases from that owner to occupy/utilize the required number of spaces (27 spaces
were allocated to Vail 21 at the time of Certificate of Occupancy).
The Vail Town Code does not regulate the parking structure owner's right to adjust lease/rental rates for
those parking spaces; nor does it obligate the owner of the parking structure to fulfill Vail 21's parking
requirement in perpetuity.
lf Vail 21 is no longer able to obtain parking from the parking structure owner, Vail 21 is obligated to find
another source/location for its required parking. However, the loss of paking for Vail 2'l and the inability
of Vail 21 to provide its own required parking constitutes a violation of the Town's zoning regulations and
may result in the Town of Vail taking enforcement action.
Let me know if any outstanding questions remain. The Town's stance on this issue will not differ from what
has been outlined here.
Elisabeth E. Reed
Planner ll, Town of Vail
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
97O.479.2454 ofc
>>> "Stewart McNab" <SMcNab@cksmb.com> |U1AOO 7:16 AM >>>
Ms. Reed:
Thank pu for fonrarding me your August 30, 2006 email to
Bill Walker, which I now understand to be the ToV's response to my
August 1, 2006 letter regarding parking issues at Vail 21. I have some
follow up quesiions.
First, as I mentioned in my letter, the commercial uses in
the Vail 21 building have changed since the building was first opened.
Have the parking requirements changed as a result of the expanded uses,
and, if so, what are they now and what parking spaces were presented to
the ToV as meeting the requirements of the parking ordinance when the
associated building permits were issued? In a related vein, have the
owners of the parking structure received any permits of the type called
for in Vail Town Code Section 12-10-17 B.?
- Re:lssues 2
Second, does the ToV only enforce the requirements of the
parking ordinance when there is an application for some change in use?
That is the conclusion I draw from lour email to Mr. Walker. lf I am
mistaken, under what circumstances does the ToV take enforcement action?
Finally, I am also a little confused by some statements in
lour letter. You state: 'the Town has no preference regarding lhe
localion of the parking spaces required of Vail 21" and 'the Town
cannot dictate that the owner of one parcel of land provides parking for
the owners of another parcel of land." Those conclusions appear to be
at odds with the wording of Vail Town Gode Section 12-10-17 A., quoted
immediately above. The code section appears to prevent an owner [here
ihe owners of the parking struclurel from renting parking spaces to
persons other than to those for whom the spaces are required to be
provided by the ordinances [here, the owners of the units in Vail 21].
It cannot be disputed that the parking structure was consfucbd at the
insistence of the ToV to provide parking for the Vail 21 owners, among
others. ls it ToV's position that, despite that fact, the owners of the
parking structure are no longer required to provide parking spaces to
the Vail 21 owners? lf so, when did thai obligation end?
Thank pu for llour assistance. lt would simplify things
enormously if you could respond directly to me. Also, I am happy to
talk with you or anyone else at the ToV about my questions and the
issues generally ff you would like to call.
Stewart McNab
Carver Kirchhoff Schwaz McNab & Bailey, LLC
1@0 Stout Street, Suite 1700
Denver, CO 80202
fax 303-893-1829
DrREcrDr^r- 303.893. | 819
August 1, 2006
Ms. Elisabeth Reed
Town of Vail
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Vail21 Condominium Parking
Dear Ms. Reed:
As you may recall from our earlier conversation, I represent the Vail 21
Condominium Association ('V21CA') in connection with the parking situation for its
members. I write to you because of our previous communications and because I know
you have some familiarity with the issues. At the same time, I am sending a copy of this
letter to Susie Huxford, Vail's Code Enforcement Officer, because this letter is a request
that the Vail Town Code ('VTC") off-street parking provisions be enforced.
The Vail21 condominium building was constructed in 1972. The
developers/owners were a group headed by Charles Rosenquist and Richard Brown.
Then, as now, ToV required that parking be provided for new buildings within the Town.
The developers had agreed with Vail Associates, from which they purchased the real
estate, to construct a joint-use parking structure on an adjacent parcel to accommodate
the parking demands of the Vail 21 , Lift House and Lionshead Arcade condominiums.
The parking structure was constructed by the RodenquisVBrown group as well as by
Robert Lazier, the developer of the other two condominiums. lt is currently owned by
Lazier and his wife (owners of an undivided one-half interest) and by Lady Belle
Partnership, LLLP (successor to Rosenquist) and Brown, who together own the other
undivided one-half.
The building permit for the Vail 21 building (issued July 31 , 1972), specifically
recites that 58 off-street parking spaces were to be provided. Correspondence in the
ToV's file establishes that the residential units in Yail21 could not be occupied before
the parking structure had been completed. The Vail 21 building has 19 residential units,
so underVTC 512-10-10 and 11, twenty-seven parking spaces (19 x 1 .4=26.6) must be
provided to accommodate the off-street parking needs of those dwelling units.
Presumably, the remaining 31 spaces were to be provided to the owners of the
commercial units in Vail 21 pursuant to the claimed uses and the parking requirements
contained in the same Code section.
HuDsoN's BAy CENTRE " | 600 srour SrREEr, Su|rE I700. DENVER, CoLoRADo 80202
M^rN 303.893,1815. t^x 303.893. | 829
Ms. Elisabeth Reed
August 1,2006
Page 2 of 3
Currently, the owners of the parking structure make only 14 spaces in the parking
structure available for Vail 21's residential units, by leasing them to V21CA. All but 2 of
the commercial units in Vail 21 are owned by Richard Brown and Lady Belle, who assert
control all of the spaces intended to be for the use of Vail 21 unit owners and lease
them out at their discretion. Furthermore, Brown and Lady Belle have indicated through
their lawyer (January 13, 2006, letter attached), that they do not plan to continue to offer
the few spaces they now lease to V21CA beyond the next four to six years.
V21CA believes that Brown and Lady Belle lease the spaces withheld from its
members to other users. This situation is in violation of at least two sections of Chapter
10 of the Vail Town Code. First, to avoid the possibility that a developer will create off-
street parking spaces to get occupancy approval and then use them for other purposes,
the off-street parking ordinance provides:
Off-street parking and loading facilities used for off-street parking
and loading on the effective date hereof shall not be reduced in
capacity to less than the number of spaces prescribed in this
chapter, or reduced in area or number to less than the minimum
standards prescribed in this chapter.
VTC S 12-10-3. By withholding spaces from V21CA residential units and commercial
units they do not own, the owners of the parking structure have effectively reduced its
capacity below the standards of WC 512-10-10. V21CA suspects that Brown and Lady
Belle have reduced the capacity of the parking structure in two other ways. First,
V21CA believes that some of the commercial uses now in existence require more
parking under VTC $12-10-10, than those contemplated when the building was
constructed. Second, Brown and Lady Belle have changed to commercial uses space
in the Vail 21 building which was not even planned for commercial use when the
building was constructed. Those changes were not accompanied by the addition of
parking spaces in the parking structure.
In addition, VfC S 12-10-17 prevents the leasing of spaces'to any person other
than a tenant, occupant or user of the building for which the space, spaces or area are
required to be provided by the zoning ordinances or regulations of the town" without a
permit. V21CA is unaware of any such permits being issued for the parking spaces
Brown and Lady Belle are withholding from its members. The owners of the parking
structure are not entitled to such permits based on the criteria set forth in the Code.
In light of the foregoing, V21CA hereby requests that ToV enforce the above
quoted ordinances as they relate to the parking structure adjacent to the Vail 21
building. Specifically, V21CA requests that ToV require that the owners of the parking
structure provide to those V21CA members who do not have an ownership in the
structure, all of the off-street parking spaces to which those members are entitled. Any
non permitted (and unqualified) leasing of spaces in the parking structure must be
ftE.. T. Atrr|t
St:phca L Browa
1959{l E. Mrlnrtrcctr Sultc 107
Prrkcr, Cobredo t0138
Phonc: 3llll-&fl-9525
db@prrLcrlrx4fcn co[
January 13,2006
Dave Gottenborg (Via E-mail)
Re: Pa*ingkase
Dear Dave:
I am conccrned that parking lease expectations hav€ cntcrpd into the land exc.hange
discussions, partiorlarly afler our recent lunch with you, Dick Brown and me. At that lunch it was
my undcrstanding tbat the land cxchange tansaction was ard should be separate and apart from
parking expcctations of Vail 2l properl.] ownerc. When you scnt me your proposed 60-year parking
lcase, I realized that I must have been mistaken. It is my prupose in this letter to set forth Brown
and l"ady Belle's intentions with r€spect to their parking strustut, and then see whether it is worth
moving forward with the land exchange
Dick Brurm and Iady Belle wish to continue to provide parking to resi&ntial owners of the
Vail 21 Building, as they have done for over thirty ycus, but will not do so in lcgal form that would
encumber their property or limit or restrict their options with respect to development or future sale
of the propefty. Such restrictions would include a uritten long-term lease, granting of options to
purchase or ganting of dghb of first r€fusal. They have the present intent of redeveloping the
parking stnrctnre wittrin four to six years, and then leasing or sclling pa*ing spaces at market
value. Until such time as the stntchrc is redcveloped orsold, Brown and [.ady Bclle intcnd to
continue Foviding parking to the Association and continue working positivety with the Association
as they have done in the past.
In light of the above, I hope that it makes sense for all concerned to mov€ for*ard with the
land exchange agr€ement. Pleasc advise.
cc:RichardN. Brcwn
Ms. Elisabeth Reed
August 1, 2006
Page 3 of 3
lf you have any questions about the facts or about what V2lCA is seeking, or if I
can provide any further information, please feelfree to contact me. I look fonrtrard to
hearing from you.
Susie Huxford, Town of VailCode Enforcement Officer
Y ail 21 Condominium Association
August 30, 2006
Mr. Bill Walker
BillioO31 @hotmail.com
Dear Bill,
Thank you for your palience while Town Staff discussed the issues being considered regarding the Vail 2l parking
situation. The primary problem for Vail 21 arises from the separate ownership of the joint parking structure.
Though the structure was constructed with the intent, or "an agreement", to provide spaces for Vail 21 and other
buildings (according to the letter from Stewart McNab dated August 1'2006), the currenl owner(s) of the parking
structure have conveyed the spaces otherwise, according to your conespondence with me. The Town has no
jurisdiction to force the ownerc of the parking structure to provide required parking spaces for the ownem of other
developments, in accordance with the following section of the Vail Town Code:
A. General: No owner, occupant or building manager, or their respective agent or reprcsentative, shall
lease, rcnt, convey or rcstrict fhe use of any paffing space, spacos or area to any person other than
a tenant, xcupant or user of the bullding for which the space, spaces or anea arc rcquircd to
be provided by the zoning ordinances or rcgulations of the town except as may be speciftcally
prcvided in this secf,br.
The Town acknowledges lhat Vail 21 received a Certificate of Occupancy from the Town of Vail building
department in 1972, which was granted based on the completion of the joint parking structure. However, the
Town has no preference regarding the location of the parking spaces required of Vail 2'1. Al the time of the
Certificate of Occupancy issuance, Vail 2't was able to prove that its required number of parking spaces was
being met in the joint structure thereby satisffing the zoning regulations of the Town of Vail at that time. However,
please be aware that if any application is submitted today which requires review by the Town of the parking
requirements for Vail 21, the development will be required to prove that its cunent and/or proposed parking
requirements are still being met, either in that locale (via a private lease agreement) or via the Town's pay{n-lieu
system. Again, the Town cannot dictate that the owner of one parcel of land provides parking for the owners of
another parcel of land. lf you find that such a scenario is occurring now, the Town will deem it a civil matter to be
resolved in court.
Please let me kngwiflhere is anything else that I can help with at this point.),.'.
DTRECTDTAL 303.893.18 1 9
August 1, 2006
Ms. Elisabeth Reed
Town of Vail
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Vail21 Condominium Parking
Dear Ms. Reed:
As you may recall from our earlier conversation, I represent the Vail 21
Condominium Association (1/21CA") in connection with the parking situation for its
members. I write to you because of our previous communications and because I know
you have some familiarity with the issues. At the same time, I am sending a copy of this
letter to Susie Huxford, Vail's Code Enforcement Officer, because this letter is a request
that the Vail Town Code ("VTC") off-street parking provisions be enforced.
The Vail21 condominium building was constructed in 1972. The I
developers/owners were a group headed by Charles Rosenquist and Richard Brown.
Then, as now, ToV required that parking be provided for new buildings within the Town.
The developers had agreed with Vail Associates, from which they purchased the real
estate, to construct a joint-use parking structure on an adjacent parcel to accommodate
the parking demands of the Vail 21 , Lift House and Lionshead Arcade condominiums.
The parking structure was constructed by the RodenquisUBrown group as well as by
Robert Lazier, the developer of the other two condominiums. lt is currently owned by
Lazier and his wife (owners of an undivided one-half interest) and by Lady Belle
Partnership, LLLP (successor to Rosenquist) and Brown, who together own the other
undivided one-half.
The building permit for the Vail 21 building (issued July 31 , 1972), specifically
recites that 58 off-street parking spaces were to be provided. Correspondence in the
ToV's file establishes that the residential units in Yail21 could not be occupied before
the parking structure had been completed. The Vail 21 building has 19 residential units,
so under VTC 512-10-10 and 1 1 , twenty-seven parking spaces (19 x 1 .4= 26.6) must be
provided to accommodate the off-street parking needs of those dwelling units.
Presumably, the remaining 31 spaces were to be provided to the owners of the
commercial units in Yail21 pursuant to the claimed uses and the parking requirements
contained in the same Code section.
HuDsoN's BAy CENTRE. l6cn Srour SrREFr, SurrE l70O " DENVER, CoLoRADo 80202
MA|N 303.893. | 815 . FAX 303.893.1829
Ms. Elisabeth Reed
August 1,2006
Page 2 of 3
Currently, the owners of the parking structure make only 14 spaces in the parking
structure available forVail 21's residential units, by leasing them to V21CA. All but 2 of
the commercial units in Vail 21 are owned by Richard Brown and Lady Belle, who assert
control all of the spaces intended to be for the use of Vail 21 unit owners and lease
them out at their discretion. Furthermore, Brown and Lady Belle have indicated through
their lawyer (January 13, 2006, letter aftached), that they do not plan to continue to offer
the few spaces they now lease to V21CA beyond the next four to six years.
V21CA believes that Brown and Lady Belle lease the spaces withheld from its
members to other users. This situation is in violation of at least two sections of Chapter
10 of the Vail Town Code. First, to avoid the possibility that a developer will create off-
street parking spaces to get occupancy approval and then use them for other purposes,
the off-street parking ordinance provides:
Off-street parking and loading facilities used for off-street parking
and loading on the effective date hereof shall not be reduced in
capacity to less than the number of spaces prescribed in this
chapter, or reduced in area or number to less than the minimum
standards prescribed in this chapter.
\ffC S 12-10-3. By withholding spaces from V21CA residential units and commercial
units they do not own, the owners of the parking structure have effectively reduced its
capacity below the standards of WC 512-10-10. V21CA suspects that Brown and Lady
Belle have reduced the capacity of the parking structure in two other ways. First,
, b V21CA believes that some of the commercial uses now in existence require more
IA.,'l' . parking under VTC S12-10-10, than those contemplated when the building was
lF tt / t,lt'^^- ^.,-I ^,'-, .r^^^-r Fr-^..,- --r | -r., r'^r^ L^.,^ ^L^-^^-r l^ ^^--^,^:^r .,^^^ ^
/ ,.4 -' '-" -0
',/constructed. Second, Brown and Lady Bell e have changed to commercial uses space.ln
in the Vail 21 building which was not even planned for commercial use when the
building was constructed. Those changes were no!aecompanied by the addition of
parking spaces in the parking structure. - /Ptt//'/{/ :
ln addition, VIC S 12-10-17 prevenfs the leasing of spaces "to any person other
than a tenant, occupant or user cf the building for which the space, spaces or area are
required to be provided by the zoning ordinances or regulations of the town" without a
permit. V21CA is unaware of any such permits being issued for the parking spaces
Brown and Lady Belle are withholding from its members. The owners of the parking
structure are not entitled to such permits based on the criteria set forth in the Code.
In light of the foregoing, V21CA hereby requests that ToV enforce the above
quoted ordinances as they relate to the parking structure adjacent to the Vail 21
building. Specifically, V21CA requests that ToV require that the owners of the parking
structure provide to those V21CA members who do not have an ownership in the
structure, all of the off-street parking spaces to which those members are entitled. Any
non permitted (and unqualified) leasing of spaces in the parking structure must be
Ms. Elisabeth Reed
August 1,2006
Page 3 of 3
lf you have any questions about the facts or about what V21CA is seeking, or ff |
can provide any further information, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Susie Huxford, Town of VailCode Enforcement Officer
V ail 2'l Condominium Association
Herold.d Turtletaub
610 West Lionshead Circle
Vail, CO 81657
(970) 476-s26s
August 9,2006
Town ofVail
Legal Departrnent
75 S. Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Vail 2l,#il3
Dear Sir/t ady;
II{ My wife and I are 5(P/o ownen ofthe above pnoperty and have been so since 19E9. From the
commencement of our ownership to the present we have been using the parking facility to the
rearofVail 21. Theownersofthatparkingstnrcturehaverentedparkingspscetoour
condominium associetion since 1972 or 1973 when the parking stnrctre and Vail 2l was
constructed. Approximately six months ago during a confererrce of certain ovmers of Vail 2l and
owners ofthe parking structur€ (who are planning to dernolish tlp parking shuctrre and consfruct
a new one), the larvyer fc th owners oftbe pcking sfwar€ relrted any fuhne rrmgffi
for the owners to park in th new struchr€. Thereafter a fery of tb owners researchod the Town
of Vail reconds going back to 1972. To their arnazcNnent dld shoch the rccords revealed that the
tovm of Vail roquired the developer to 'lrovide" I .4 spaces of parking for each residential owner
knto cmiryVail 21. Forryprurimdely 34 yers'thc devehpctshtvc
llected rent Aom tte doanrs of rmit orvners. Frrtbermqe, |hG developers idmd to
it owners tom access to the planned new parking strrchre. The collectiott of rent was
ille$l in its inception and in violation ofthe Town ofVail's @gldition allowing the
developer's to costrrrt Vail 2l 'm 1972. A grding of r pcrmil b itr tsc finrc b dcmolirh the
parking stnrctne and build a new stnroture, withan povidim for prking for Vail 2l omss'
would violate vested and existing rights of unit owners.
I would qpreciare you advising re whd the To*l of Vail intends to do abo* the pric
actions of the developers and finther, what pr*otitn lhe Torvl of Vail will give to uit wners in
the firhre.
Harold A. Turtletaub
Stcphcl L Brum
tggfll E Mrlnrtrrct' Sulb lO7
Prrtcr, Colondo t0l3t
Phonc: 3(&tlt-91fi15
January 13,2006
Dave Gottenbory flia E-mail)
Re: Pa*ingl*ase
I am conccrnod that parking l€ase ocpootations havo €ntcr€d into the land orclangc
discussions, particularly aftcr our reccnt lunch with you, Dick Brovm urd me. At that lunsh it was
my undErstailling lhat&e lsnd exchange tansaction wus and should be separate and spart fiom
porking expcctations of Vail 2l propcrty owrrs. Whcn you sent me yow proposed 6Gyear parking
lease, I rcalizcd that I must bave bccn misbken. It is my purpose in this letter to set forth Brovm
ard lady Belle's inlentions wift rcspect to their parking strucnre, and then sce whether it is worth
moving forwud with the land orclrangc.
Dick Brown and Lady Belle wish to continuc to provide parking to rcsi&mial owuers of the
Vail 2l Building; as they have donc for ovcr thirty years, but will not do so in lcgel form that would
encumber treir propcrty or limit or restriot their options with rcspect to dcvelopment or future sale
ofthc propcrty. Srrch restrictions would include a nniuen long-tcnn lease, granting of options to
purchase or grantiqg of dghtr of first rcfusal. Tbey have the present intent of redeveloping the
parking srucrure within foru to rix years, and then tcasing or selling parking spaccs at market
value. Until sucb timc as the struotur€ is rcdcveloped or sold, Brown ard l,ody Bclle intard to
continue prcvidingparkingio thc Associationaldoominuc wortingpositively with the Association
as they harrcdone in the past.
In ligbt of tbc abovc, I hope thnt it makes sense for all concerned to movc forward with the
land o<change ag€qnent. Pleasc advise.
Joh. A lficl\hD.n
gc:RichardN. Brown
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
970-479-21 38
FAX 970-479-2452
December 22,2006
Carver, Kirchhoff, Schwaz, McNab & Bailey, LLC
c/o Stewart McNab
Hudson's Bay Centre
1600 Stout Street, Suite 1700
Denver, CO 80202
Re: Vail 21 located at 521 East Lionshead Circle/Lot3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 1
Mr. Stewart,
This lefter is sent in response to your letter dated December 5, 2006, in which
you ask four questions regarding Yail21 and its parking situation both in the past
and currently. I have discussed your letter and its contents with the members of
the Planning Division and the following are our responses to your questions.
Your questions appear in bold and the response directly beneath.
1) When the parking structure was completed in 1972-3, what
were the parking rights of the ourners of commercial and
reeidential units in Vail21, Lift House and Lionshead Arcade?
In reviewing the legal files for the Vail 21, Lift House, and
Lionshead Arcade, I have conformed that the parking structure to
the north of the Vail 21 location was constructed to satisfy the
parking requirements for the three buildings under the Code that
was in place at the time of construction. Staff does not know in
what particular manner the parking was provided to the three
structures within the parking structure. Whether by deed, lease,
or some other manner, is not clear, nor was one particular manner
mandated by the approval of the development. Staff would
suggest that a full review of any record declarations or covenants
be performed to determine any specific rights granted to Vail 21.
For clarity, the Town of Vail does not enforce any private
declarations and covenants to which it is not a party.
2l Has anything happened to change those rlghts since that
time, and if so, what and when?
Staff has confirmed your account of Vail 21 being required 58
parking spaoes at the time the building was issued a Certificate of
Occupancy. The Vail 21 structure met these requirements and
staff is not aware of any changes which would have affected any
rights Vail 21 had/has to parking within the structure.
3) Does ToV consider that currently the parking structure must
be used to fulfill the parking requirements of the Vail 21, Lift
Houso, and Lionshead Arcade buildings before the parking
spaoes in it can be used for any other purpose?
The Town of Vail believes that the existing parking structure was
constructed to satisfy the parking needs of the three structures.
Staff further believes that the parking structure should be currently
used to satisfy the parking requirements of all three structures,
however, the method of providing those spaces is not of @ncem
by the Town as addressed previously in Question 1.
4l Will the ToV enforce Code Section 12-10-17A to prevent use
beyond that required by the three buildings, and if not, why
Yes, the Town of Vail will enforce Section 12-10-'174, Leasing of
Parking Spaces, Vail Town Code. For the purpose of clarity this
Section of the Code refers to the leasing of any parking spaces in
excess of those required to address a projects/structures parking
requirement. lt is clear in this Section that parking can be leased,
rented, or othenrvise conveyed to a tenant, owner, occupant, or
user of a projecUstructure to which the parking requirement is
meant to address.
Please review these comments and contact me at 970-479-2148 if you have any
Wanen Campbell
Cc: Fib
DTRECTDTAL 303.893.181 9
December 5, 2006
By EmailAttachment and U.S, Mail
Mr. Wanen Campbell
Town of Vail
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Vail21 Condominium Parking
Dear Warren:
Thank you again for your time and assistance last week when Bill Walker and I
reviewed documents relating to the parking situation at the Vail 21, Lionshead Arcade
and the Lift House condominiums. As I mentioned, my client Vail21 Condominium
Association, needs to understand issues related to parking before it can meaningfully
undertake planning for any redevelopment. To that end, based on the document review
and the facts as we understand them to be, the Association has several related
questions it now poses to the ToV.
First, let me review some of the undedying facts. Yail21, Lift House and
Lionshead Arcade are all located on Lot 3, Block 1 of Vail/Lionshead First Filing. The
property for the Arcade and the Lift House was conveyed to Robert and Diane Lazier by
Vail Associates in 1970 and 1971 . The site for Vail 21 was conveyed in 1971 by Vail
Associates to Charles Rosenquist and Richard Brown (and two others who later
conveyed back to Rosenquist and Brown). Vail Associates conveyed the remainder of
Lot 3, Block 1 , to the Lazier group and the Rosenquist group in 1971 . Some of the
parcels were conveyed individually and others jointly. Our search of the title documents
indicates that, except for the land underneath the condominium buildings (and most of
the condominium unit themselves), the property - including the parking structure -- is
still owned by the original developers, Mr. and Mrs. Lazier, Mr. Rosenquist (through an
entity called Lady Belle) and Mr. Brown.
MArN 303.893.l8l5 " FAX 3O3.893.'l829
Mr. Waren Campbell
December 5, 2006
Page 2 of 3
I can provide you with copies of the various deeds if you would like them, or if it
would assist with your analysis. The various parcels are also described on two maps I
reviewed in your Yail21file, both prepared by Richards - Huffstutler Engineers, and
both titled: Land Parcels in Block 1, Lot 3, Part of Block 1, Lots 1 and 2 and Paft of
Tract E. Vail/Lionshead First Filing. The large one was prepared December 1970, and
the smalfer (11" x 17") was prepared on 10-27-71. Also, the property situation was
specifically described to the ToV by Vail Associates in an October 26, 1972letter,
attached as Exhibit 1.
When the three condominium structures were constructed in 1972 and 1973,
ToV required that the developers provide for parking. As described in a May 22,1972,
letter to the ToV Building Department (attached as Exhibit 2),Yail Associates required
that the Lazier and Rosenquist groups build a joint-use parking structure to
accommodate the needs of the buildings. ToV made completion of the parking
structure a pre-condition to issuing certificates of occupancy for the condominium
buildings in its letters of August 17, 1972 to Rosenquist and Lazier. A copy of the
Rosenquist letter is attached as Exhibit 3, I reviewed a copy of the Lazier letter in the
Lionshead Arcade file. The building permit for the Vail21 building (Exhibit 4) shows a
requirement of 58 parking spaces. The ToV confirmed its position about the connection
between the condominiums and the parking structure in a December 8, 1973
memorandum and a December 12, 1973letter about the subject (Exhibits 5 and 6).
' Nothing much has changed since 1972. The parking structure has the same
owners and Lot 3 of Block 1 of Vail/Lionshead First Filing has not been further
subdivided. Some of the commercial uses in the Vail 21 Building have changed but, in
at least one such instance expanded parking needs were handled by requiring a
payment of a parking fee to the Town (see PEC Minutes, 4-14-80 meeting and 4-1 1-80
Staff Memo).
Based on the foregoing facts, Vail 21 has the following questions with respect to
the parking structure on Lot 3, Block 1 of the Vail/Lionshead First Filing:
1. When the parking structure was completed in 1972 - 3, what were the
parking rights of the owners of commercial and residential units in Vail 21 ,
Lift House and Lionshead Arcade?
2. Has anything happened to change those rights since that time, and if so,
what and when?
. 3. Does ToV consider that currently the parking structure must be used to
fulfillthe parking requirements of the Vail 21,Lift House and Lionshead
Arcade buildings before the parking spaces in it can be used for any other
Mr. Warren Campbell
December 5, 2006
Page 3 of 3
4. Willthe ToV enforce Code Section 12-10-17 A. to prevent use beyond that
required by the three buildings, and if not, why not?
ToV's response to these questions will provide guidance for its redevelopment
decisions. lf you have any questions about either the questions themselves, or about
the underlying facts, or if I can provide any further information, please feel free to give
me a call. I look forward to hearing from you.
Vail21 Condominium
Exhibit 1
M:r. Bob AJ-dnidge, Building fnspector
Town of VaiL
Vail- Municipal OfficesVai1, Colonado 81657
Dean Bob:
This is to advise you of the statue regarding the joint
use st:ructu:red parking area which wiLL be'constructed by
Bob Lazier to se:ove his two buiLdings known as Lift House
and tionsHead Ancade, as well as Vail 21r which is being
developed by a gnoup including Chuck Bosenquist,
These ptopenties ane all located within Bl-ock 1, Lot 3'
Vail/LionsHead Finst Fil-ing. Oun contnact Provides fo?
the partitioning of this lot as fo11ol'as:
Site ASite BSite C
Pance1 l-Parcel 2
-Har?cer J
Owned by Robent Lazie:r
Owned by Chuck Rosenquist et a1
Owned by Robent Lazier.Jointly owned by Lazie:r I Rosenquist \.Iointly owned by tazien t Rosenquist /
Joint use panking stnuctu:re /+;:Auz +
k t"--t,J
quist, we have pnovided that Pancel 3 is to be used for- a & #/joint use pa:rking area subject to plans acceptable to us. F.r4,< fr^-/
VJe have recently appnoved plans fo:r this area, which Plans .t^,t (,call fon basicaily-i two-sto41 stnuctu:red panking racitity. YaAJ Al
Any deviation of theee plans as alneady app:roved by us
would :requine ou:: fu:rthen approval . It is not our inten-
tLon o:r desine to see this pa:rcel developed in any othen
way than the joint use panking facility fon which we have
alneady approved p1-ans .
Veny truLy yours,M
Robert H. NottVice P:resident - Real Estate
, +aEL'-rt.<,-t
fn oun contracts of sale to both Mn. Lazier and Mn. Rosen- A J^ /*4
uana KLcKl.t_
AREA COOE 303 476-5601 BOX 7. VAIL. COLORAOO 8r657
Exhibit 2
6/"o ^-cr,.,f,e', ir'rc. .,rr.ilL..-{--**
Ms. Diana Wygant
BuiJ.ding Departrnent
Town of Vail
VaiL, Colorado 81657
Dear piana:
This letter is for the purpose of reviewing natters dis-
cussetl at a meeting on April ?7, L97Z in which Robert LazLer,
Chuck Rosenquist, Larty Robinson, Ed StrubLe anil nyself were
in attendance.
The subject of the discussion was the time table required
for construction to commence on the joint-use parking structure
which is iirtended to accorunodate the parking demands of build-
ings cornpl.eted, under construction or scheduled to conrnence
this surmner on portions of Block 1, Lot 3, Yail/LionsHead First
Filing. These buililings are known as "LionsHeatl Arcade Build-
ing",-under the ownership of 8ob Lazier; nVail 21t' building,
under the ownership of Charles Rosenquistl and "The Lift House"
buililing, under the ownership of Bob Lazier.
Robert H. Nott rePresented the position of Vail Associates
that in accordance with those understandings set forth in the
contracts nade with the buil.ding owners, construction of thejoint-use parking structure was to be cornmeneed during the - .sunmer of 1972. Furthermore, Robert H. Nott stated that Vail
Associates would not support any variance application on thepart of Lazi-er and Rosenquist to defer construction of this
structure until a Later builcling season.
May 22, L972
Yours very truly,
Robert H. NottVice Presiclent - Real Estate
AREA CODE 303 476.5601
Exhibit 3
aS.. o'lr'r t""
a OtOt "to
box roo r vai l, colorado 81657 . 3O3..1 76.56r3
August L7, L972
l{r. Chuck RosenguLstVail, Colorado 81557
SUBJECT:parking structure for nLionshead Arcadel"
and "Lift Ilouse. tr '
Dear Mr. Rosenquist:
Referenqe is maile to the meeting on April 27 ? L972 wit'h Robe=t
Lazier, Chuck Rosenquist, Larry Robinson, Ed Struble and Robert
. Nott in attendance. .The subject of the discussion was the hirne
Xfable resuired for construction to commence on the joint-use
l'parking Jtructure for the three above mentioned buildings.
Rcbert }Iott'represented the position of Vail Associates that in
. sccordance with those understandings set'forth in the conbracts
made with the building olv-ners, construction of the structure
was to cornmence during the sunmer of L972. Further, Nott stated
that 1'ail Associates would not support any variance application
on the part of Lazier and Rosenguist to defer construction of
this structure until a later bui'lding season.
To this dater the Torsn of VaiI has not received an application
for a building permit or a complete set of structual plans and
calculations for approval in regard to this structure. StrJctured
parking must be provided for these buildings in order to comgrly
with the zoning and parking regulations set forth by the Eown
. _of v_ail.
ILme is of the essence in the connencement and completion of the
construction of, the joint-use parking structure as absolutelY
no permit of occupancy will be issued for "Lionshead Arcader"
'VaiI 2lrn or nl.ift House" until parking is supplied.
Please submit the required, plansl specifications and calculations
as soon as possible to avoid furt,her delays. If, this offiee can
be of further assistance at any time regarding this matter, pJ-ease
contact us.
cc Robert Nott
Terry Minger
L,arry Robinson
Very truly yours,
Kent R. Rose, P.E.
Town Engineer
Exhibit 4
Eirr l?t^CsrD attsrrl
MrlL ^DDi.ff I/14 tt tal, .
ui e 3/o
7 (.o h v4
Slz. ol Bldg.
(Totrrl sq. Ft.
10 Change ol use lrom
Change o{ $e to
11 Valuation of work: $
lhnr and
r r' r't\rctlt "
l\€4l. b9 t
Exhibit 5
Attached are the letfers lwrote to Lazier and Rosenquist regardlng
their parklng strucfure. They wlll be in to see you at l:50 to
dlscuss the possibility of issulng temporary Cerfiflcates of
Occupancy for the buslnesses wantlng fo open this week.
Both of them were i n Fri day to talk;lf Jerry or nyse lf
pernlsslon for these businesses to open as they are rea
nto. granil ngly being.
d we do ittl. I am
soueezed. We -fold them thaf under no c I rcumsfances wou I
and anv further action would have to come from the Counc
sure that by now they have contacted all Board members.
My opinlon is that this ls our last chance to show fhese two that
we mean what we say. lt is, however, not right to punslh the ll'ttle
man, so we mighf grant fhem C.0.ts ff Lazier can show that he has
enough parklng spaces available for these occupants thai want to oPen
and tha* these spaces are accessible, ready fo use, and wl.ll remain
so. occupancy for the remainder of the bui lding would then sfem.
on the completion of fhe sfructure.
Kent Rose
Town E-n g i neee r
cc: Jerry Aldrlch
Exhibit 6
Mn. Robert T. Lazien
Mn. Chanles Rosenquist
Vail, Colonado 81657
Re, Conditional Occupancy -Li.rt House "*@
In accondance with oun agFeernent concennin! ttre subject butldings, the
follorving conditions must be met in onden to allow ocpupancy of centai'n
commencial areas of the Lift House and Vail 21r J
1. Tenants who ane neady to open befone the Chnistmas
season wtll be allowed to occupy the commenclal space
on\1. No othen occupancy wilt be allowed untit the panking
stnuctune is complete and a final inspection has been rnade
and centificates of occupancy issued. It is understood that
the fotlowing tenants will. be neady to open under the condi-
ti.onal occupancy: Hanvest Tabte, Puncell|s, Gonsuch Ltd. t
Gone Valley Ti.tte, LionsHead Ski Rentats, the Genenat
Store, The Place, Knisrnan, and Sassy Set.
2. Each tenant who wishes to move in beFone this deadtine
shalt be nequined to n ctify the Bullding Depantment and it
will, at that time, be detenmined if adequate paFki.ng is
available. In each case, the Butlding DepantmeriE will take
into considenation the public safety, numben oF spaces
nequired and arzailabte, adequate acce'ss to those spaces,
as well as consideni.ng if alt Building Code nbquinements
have been met and a frnal inspecti.on rnade oF each shop.
3. No occupancy will be allowed fon any condominium anea
in erthen buildrng until the parking stnuctLtre is complete and
a final inspection of the stnucture has been rrnde.
.1 , \lVe ai$o remrnd you that atl tap Fees rnust be patd beFone
a conditional occupancy penmit will be issued and the tenant
allowed to ooen fon business.
5. Constnuctton debnis and piles of d ti-t and snow rnust be
re moved before we will consi.den the panking useable. The
area on the northeast side of the Vatt 21 buil.di,rrg which is
being used fon construction debnis must be fenced ofF fon
public safety and to deten use of the north entnance to the
Vail 21 building. Doons exrting into construction aneas must
be manked trFon Ernengency Exit OnIy.tt
Inspections wilt be rnade on a negular basis and su mmons witl be issued to
the propenty ownens fon each violation of the above conditlons.
Tennell J. Mifigen
Town Managen
cc: Hanve st Table
Gonsuch Ltd.
Gone Valley Title
LionsHead Ski Renta ls
The Genenal Stone
The Place
Sassy Set
*-----.-....*.=--------*=- -
SrEw^m McNAs
DrREcrDr r. 303.893.t8I9
August 1, 2006
Ms. Elisabeth Reed
Town of Vail
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Vail21 Condominium parking
Dear Ms. Raed:
, As you may recall from our earlier conversation, I represent the Vall 21
Condominium Association ('V21CA) in connection with the parking situation for its
members. I write to you because of our previous communications and because I know
you have some familiarity wlth the issues. Atthe same time, I am sending a copy of this
letterto Susie Huxford, Vail's Code Enforcement fficer, because this letter is a request
that the Vail Town Code (VTC") off-stleet parking provisions be enforced.
The Vail 21 condominium building was constructed in 1922. The
developersi/owners were a group headed by charles Rosenquist and Richard Brown.
Then, as now, ToV required that parking b6 provided for new builclings within the Town.
The developers had agreed with vail Associates, from which they purchased the real
estate, to construct a ioint+se parking structure on an adjacent parcel to accommodate
the parking demands of the Vail 21, Lift House and Lionshead Arcade condominiums.
The parking structure was conslructe<! by the RodenqulsUBrown group as well as by
Robert Lazier, the developerof the other two condominiums. lt is cuffenfly ovnned by
Lazier and his wlfe (owners of an undivided one-half interest) and by Lady Belle
Partnership, LLLP (successor to Rosenquist) and Brown, who together own the other
undivided one-half.
The building permit forthe Vail21 buiHing (issued July 31, 1972), specifically
recites that 58 off-street parking spaces were to be provided. Correspondence in the
ToV's file establishes that tfre residential units in Vail 21 could not be occupied before
the parking structlre had been completed. The Vall 21 building has 19 resldential units,
so under WC 512-10-10 and 11, twenty-seven parking spacas (19 x 1.4= 26,6) must be
provided to accommodate the off-streel parking needs of those dwelling units. ,
Presumably, the remaining 31 spaces were to be provided to the oramers of the
commercial units in Vail 21 pursuant to the claimed uses and the parking require'ments
contained in the same Code section.
HuDsoN's BAy C€NIRE " I d00 Srotjr SIRET, SurE I ZO0 . DcNVEt, CotoRADo A0202
M^N iJ03.893.1815 " F^x 303393. t 829
Ms. Elisabeth Reed
August 1, 2006
Page 2 of 3
Cunently, the owners of the parking structure make only 14 spaces in the parking
structure available for Vail 21's residential units, by leaslng them to V21CA. All but 2 of
the commercial units in Vail21 are owned by Richard Brown and Lady Belle, who assert
control all of the spaces intended to be for the use of Vail 21 unit owners and lease
them out at their discretion. Furthermore, Brown and Ldy Belle have indicated through
their lavuyer (January 13, 2006, letter attached), that they do not plan to continue to offer
the few spaoes they now lease to V2l CA beyond the next four to six years.
V21CA believes that Brown and Lady Belle lease the spaces withheld from its
members to other users. This sifuation is in violation of at least two sections of Chapter
10 of the Vail Town Code. Fimt, to avoid the possibility that a developer will create off-
street parking spacos to get occupancy approval and then use them for other purposes,
the off-street parking ordinance provides:
Off-street parking and loading facilities used for off-street parking
and loading on the effective date hereof shall not be reduced in
capaclty to less than the number of spaco€ prescrlbed In thls
chapter, or reduced ln area or number to less than the minlmum
standards prescribed in this cfiapter.
VIC S 12-10-3. Bywithholding spacesfrom V21CA residential units and commercial
units they do not own, the owners of the parking struc{ure have effectively reduced its
capacity below the standards of VTC 512-10-10. V21CA suspects that Brown and Lady
Belle have reduced the capacity of the parking struc{ure in two otherways. First,
V21CA believes that some of the commercial uses now in existence require more
parking underWC S12-10-10, than those contemplated when the building was
constructed. Second, Brovtrn and Lady Belle have changed to commercial uses,space
in the Vail 21 building wttich was not even planned for commercial use when the,, ,
buildlng was constructed. Those changes were not accompanied by the addition of' .
parking spaces in the parking strucfure.
fn addition, VIC S 12-10-17 prevents the leasing of spaces "to any person other
than a tenant, occupant or user of ihe building for which the space, spaces or area are
required to be proMded by the zoning ordinances or regulatlons of the town" without a
permit. V21CA is unaware of any such permlts being issued for the parking spaces
Brown and Lady Belle arc withholding from its members. The owners of the parking
structure are not entitl€d to such permits based on the criteria set forth in the Code.
In light of the foregoing, V21CA hereby requests that ToV enforce the above
quoted ordinances as they relate to the parking structure adjacent to the Vail 21
building. Specifically, V21CA requests that ToV require that the owners of the parking
structure provide to those V21CA members who do not have an ownership in the
structure, all of the off-street parking spaces to which those members are entitled. Any
non permitted (and unqualified) leasing of spaces in the parklng structure must be
Me. Elisabeth Reed
August l,2008
Page 3 of 3
lf you have any questions about the facts or about what V21CA ls seeking, or if I
can provide any further informetion, please feelfree to contact nre. I lookfonrard to
hearing from you.
Susie Huxford, Town of Vail Gode Enforcement Officer
Vail 21 Condominium Aseociatbn
&u?.AnrltMNCMe 9yua
$rphcr L Bro*l
oc:Richard N, Brown
l959ll E Mrlnrtnot, Srftr f07
Pri*.r, Gob.rdo gll3E
Plrons! 303.tfl-9tBt
Frr: gB€tl-0ttl
Juurry 8,2n6
Devc Gotenborg (Via E-mail)
Rel Pa*inglcase
I su cqraerncd fhdparthg leasccxpoctatiors havc cnsrcd into thc hod achange
discussionr, perdallarly aflrr our reccnt tun6tr wlth }ou, Dick Brown and me At that h;ch it was
nv.gndcr*anding thut{p Eqd ochsngc tansa.doi was and should be separaE and spart from
porklng expectadoru_of Vail 2l prcpcrty twvnem, Whrn yorr cent me pru proposed 6{i-year parking
lc8ll€' I lrBlltz€d tltal I must hsvc beet mlstrtcn. It ls my purporc in thir letter lo set fo'rtlr Brovm
-Lg+y- Betle'E Intendons widr rrcpcct to thcir pq*ing s&r&;ntrc, and thco sce wtettrer it ii worth
movlrg fomnrd wlth thc laod excfoilgc
Dick Bloun ond Lady Bllle wish to oontimre b prrovirie pslfitg to r€sidcdial ownerc ofthcVail 2l Buil{lng' ar ttay bevo aono for over rhirty yccs, but wiii lrot di so iu tcgEl io6m tbat would
ensumD€r their psopsrty or-limit or restriot thoit optiors widr respcct to devehpment or finrc sateofthc proPclty. Srch rpstrlctious would irrcludo iwrirur long-tirm lcasc, grairiqg of options topurchascorgrantingofri_glleoffastncfinal. ThcyhavcthofrEseorintcni;fred6i/€lopingthp'
parHsg stustule within four to dx ycars, and then lcasiru oiscllins pc*irrc sDaces at'mdr*et
value. until such tln€ a8 the goucfrrm ir rcdcvclopod or ilH, srod;iand Gof' ocuc intena to*Tit ul p-{eoq parking o tho Ascocidiqr and'cominrc dorurg positvai wfth thc Aseociation
ar thcT havc donc in ttc past,
r - h ligtt of ttc abovc, t bope thn it nrakes sffc ftr all oonccmed to movc forunrd witr the
land exchaugo agrcernant Pleasc adyisc.
E-Mail Message
Digital Law Office AutoCapture: Further information at www.dlosystems.com
From: Elisabeth Reed [EReed@vailgov.com]
Sent Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:49 PM
To: Stewart McNab
Subject Re: Vail 2'l Condominium Parking
Hello. Mr. McNab:
Please find attached my letter to Bill Walker dated August 30, 2006.
Please let me knq/y if you need any additional information as well.
Best Regards,
Elisabeth E. Reed
Planner ll, Town of Vail
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail. CO 81657
970.479.2454 otc
>>> "Sta^/art McNab'<SMcNab@cKmb.com> 10/09/06 1:23 PM >>>
Ms. Reed
On August 1, 2006, lwrote you a letter concerning parking issues
related to the Vail 21 condominiums. I am aware that on August 30, 2006, you
wrote an email to Bill Walker, one of the members of the Vail 21 Condominium
Association which mentioned my letter, but I have never actually received a
response. Can I expect a response in the near nJture? For reterence, I attach
a copy of my lefrer
Thank you for your assistance.
Stewart McNab
Carver Kirchhoff Schwaz McNab & Bailey, LLC
1600 StoutStreet. Suite 1700
E-Maif Message Digilal Lavrr Office AutoCapture -Page2
Denver, CO 80202
fax 30&89$1829
E-Mail Message Digital Lanr Office AutoCapture - Page 3
1 Attached File:
Digital Law Office AutoCaptured Attachment:
August 30, 2006
Mr. Bill Walker
Billio031 @hotmail.com
Re: Vail 21 Parking issue
Lot 3, Trac't c, Vail Lionshead 1* Filing
Dear Bill,
Thank you for your patience while Town Staff discussed the i$eues being considered regarding the Vail 2lparking
situation. The primary problem for Yail 21 arises from the separate ownership of the joint parking structlre.
Tho4h the slructure uras construc'ted with the intent, or "an agreement', to provide spaces for Vail 21 and other
buildings (according to the letter from Stewart McNab dated August 1'2006), the current orne(s) of the parking
structure have conveyed the spaces olherwise, according to your correspondence with me. The Town has no
jurisdicdion to force the owners of the parking structure to provide required parking spaces for the owners of other
ds/eloprnents, in accordance with the following seciion of the Vail Town Code:
, A. General: No owner, occupant d building manager, or thet respedive agent or representative, shall
lease, rent, convey or restrict the use of any parking space, sp&es or arca to any person other than
a tenant, o&upanl or u*r of the bullding for whiclt tte spa@, spaoes or anea are requhd to
be provided by the zoning ordinances or rquhtions of the town excepf as may be specifically
provided in fhis secf,bn.
The Town acknodedges that Vail 21 received a Certificate of Occupancy from the Toun of Vail building
department in 1972, which was granted based on the completion of the joint parking structure. However, the
Town has no preference regarding the location of the parking spaces required ot Yail 21. At the time of the
Certificate of Occupancy issuance, Vail 21 was able to prove that its required number of parking spaces was
being met in the joint structure thereby satisfying the zoning regulations of the Toun of Vail at that time. Ho €ver,
please be aware that if any application is submitted today whicfr requires review by the Tom of the parkirg
requirements for Vail 21, the devdopment will be required to pro/e that its current and/or proposed parking
requirements are still being met, either in that locale (via a private lease agreement) or via the Tom's pay-in-lieu
system. Again, the Town cannot dictate that the owner of one parcel of land pro/ides parhng for the ownee of
another parcel of land. lf you find that such a scenario is occurring now, the Town will deem it a cMil mattet to be
resolved in court.
Please let me kncn/v if there is anything else that I can help with at this point.
Besl regards,
Elisabeth Reed
E-Mail Message
Digital Law Office AutoCapture: Further information at www.dlosystems.com
From: Elisabeth Reed [EReed@vaibov.com]
Sent Thursclay, October 12,20061:46 PM
To: Steurart McNab
Subject Re: Vail 21 Parking lssues
Hello, Mr. McNab:
After some discussion with Stafi this momin! regarding your questions, the
Town r ould like to clarify that Vail 21 w6 developed with no parking for their
sole use on their ovrrn property, so to receive Temporary and Final certificates
of Occupancy fom the Town, they \,vere obligated to find it from a another
At the time, Vail 21 ch6e to use the property to the north, a parking
structure which was owned by a separate o\ rner, wfio agreed to provide Vail 21
the appropriate number of parking spaces at that lime. They received parking
le6es from that o\ rner to occupy/utilize the required number of spaces (27
spaces vyere allocated to Vail 21 atthe time of Certificate of Occupancy).
The Vail Torn Code does not r€ulate the parking struciture ome/s right to
adjust lease/rental rates for those parking spaces; nor does it obligate the
owner of the parking structure to tulfill Vail 21's parking requirement in
lf Vail 21 is no longer able to obtain parking from he parking strudure
omer, Vail 21 is obligated to find another source/location for its required
parking. However, the loss of parking for Vail 21 and the inability of Vail 21
to provide its own required parking constitutes a Molation of the Town's
zoning regulations and may result in the Toln of Vail taking enforcement
Let me knoirr if any outstanding questions remain. The Torvn's stance on this
issue will not differ from what has been outined here.
Elisabeth E. Reed
Planner ll, Torvn of Vail
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
E-Mail Message Digital Law Office AutoCapture - Page 2
970.479.2454 olc
>>> "Stewart Mcf.lab" <SMcNab@cksmb.com> 10112106 7:16 AM >>>
Ms. Reed:
Thank you forforwarding me your August 30, 2006 email to Bill
Walker, which I now understand to be the ToV's response to my August 1' 2006
letter regarding parking issues at Vail 21. I have some follow up questions.
First, as I mentioned in my letter, the commercial uses in the Vail
21 builcling have changed since the building was first opened. Have the parking
requirements changed as a result of the organded uses, and, if so' what are
they now and what parking spaoes were presented to the ToV as meeting the
requirements of the parking ordinance when the associated building permits were
issued? In a related vein, have the owners of the parking structure received
any permits of the type called for in Vail Town Code Sedion '12'10-17 B.?
Second, does the ToV only enforce th€ requirements of the parking
ordinance when there is an application for some change in use? That is the
conclusion I draw from your email to Mr. Walker. lf I am mistaken, underwhat
circumstances does the ToV take enforcement action?
Finally, I am also a little contused by some statements in your
letter. You state: 'the Town has no preference regarding the location of the
parking spaoes required of Vail21" and "the Town cannot dictate that the
owner of one parcel of land provides parking for the owners of another paroel
of land." Those conclusions appear to be at odds with the wording of Vail Town
Code Section 12-10-17 A., quoted immediately above. The code section appeaft;
to prevent an owner [here the owners of the parking struc{ure] from renting
parking spaces to persons other than to those forwhom the spaces are required
to be provided by the ordinances [here, the owners of the units in Vail 21]. lt
cannot be disputed that the parking struc{ure was constructed at the insistence
of the ToV to provide parking for the Vail2l ownefti, among others. ls it
ToVs position that, despite that fact, the owners of the parking strudure are
E-Mail Message Digital Larv Office AutoCapture - Page 3
no longer required to provide parking spaces to the Vail 21 owners? lf so,
when did that obligation end?
Thank you for your assistance. lt would simplify things enormously
if you could respond directly to me. Also, I am happy to talk with you or
anyone else at the ToV about my questions and the issues generally if you would
like to call.
Stewart McNab
Carver Kirchhoff Schwaz McNab & Bailey, LLG
1600 Stout Street, Suite 1700
Denver, CO 80202
fax 303-893-1829
E-Mail Message
Digital Law Office AutoCapture: Further information at www.dlosystems.com
From: Ste\i/art McNab
Sent Friday, Oc.tober 13, 2()06 3:16 PM
Subjec{: Vail 21 Parking lssues
Ms. Reed:
Thank you for your promd response to my questions yesterday, As
with many issues, answeE sometimes bring on more questions. Specifically I
have two tollow up questions to your response:
1 . Does ToV realize that the omers/developers of Vail 21 in 1972 were also
ovwrers of the parking s{ruc'ture when it \ |as developed (and continue to own the
parking structure) and horr does that iad affect your conclusions about
apdication of the ordinances?
2. ls it possible for ToV to respond to my other questions about Vail Town Code
Section 12-1G'17 B. permits and the expended commercial uses?
Thanks very much for your assistance.
Stewart McNab
Carver Kirchhoff Schmz McNab & Bailey, LLC
1600 Stout Street. Suite 1700
Denver, CO8ff2y2
fax 303-8941829
E-Mail Message Digital Law Office AutoCapture - Page 2
Department of Comrnunity Development
75 South Frontage Road'
Yail, Colorado 81657
970-479-2 r 38
FAX 970-479-2452
January 3,2007
Carver, Kirchhoff, Schwaz, McNab & Bailey, LLC
c/o Stewart McNab
Hudson's Bay Centre
1600 Stout Street, Suite 1 700
Denver, CO 80202
Re: Vail 21 located at 521 East Lionshead Circle/Lot3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 1
Mr. Stewart,
This lefter is sent in response to your letter dated December 5, 2006, in which
you ask four questions regarding Vail 21 and its parking situation both in the past
and currently. I have discussed your letter and its contents with the members of
the Planning Division and the following are our responses to your questions.
Your questions appear in bold and the response directly beneath.
l) When the parking structure was completed in 1972-3, what
were the parking rights of the owners of commerclal and
residential units in Vail 21, Lift House and Lionshead Arcade?
In reviewing the legal files for the Vail 21 , Lift House, and
Lionshead Arcade, I have confirmed that the parking structure to
the north of the Vail 21 location was constructed, in part, to satisfy
the parking requirements for the three buildings under lhe Code
that was in place at the time of conslruclion. Staff does not know
in what particular manner lhe parking was provided to the three
structures within the parking structure. Whether by deed, lease,
or some other manner, is not clear, nor was one particular manner
mandated by the approval of the development. Staff would
suggest that a full review of any record declarations or covenants
be performed to determine any specific rights granted to Vail 21.
For clarity, the Town of Vail does not enforce any private
declarations and covenants to which it is not a party.
2l Has anything happened to change those rights slnce that
time, and lf so, what and when?
Staff has confirmed your account of Vail 21 being required 58
parking spaces at the time the building was issued a Certificate of
Occupancy. The Vail 21 structure met these requirements and
{-p "t ""rto ',"""
?100 3Jl1
staff is ng]-g\1ar9.of any changes which would have affected any
rights Vail21 had/has to parking within the structure.
3) Does ToV consider that currenfly the parking structure must
be used toJurfil the parking requirements oitne vait 21, LtftHouse, and Lionshead Arcade buildlngs before the parking
spaoes in it can be used for any other purpose?
The Town of Vair berieves that the existing parking structure was
constructed lo satisfy the parking needs of the three structures.
staff further.b-elieves that the parliing structure should be currently
used to satisfy the parking requirements of all three structures,
however, the method of providing those spaces is not of concern
by the Town as addressed previously in euestion 1.
4l witl the Tov enforce code section 12-10-17Ato prevent usebeyond that required by the three buildings, and if not, whynot?
Yes, the Town of Vailwill enforce Section 12_10_11A, Leasing ofParking Spaces, Vail Town Code. For the purpose of clarityihis
section of the code refers to the reasing of any parking spaces in
excess of those required to address a projects/shuctuies parking
requirement. rt is crear in this section that parking can be ieasedl
rented, or othenrise conveyed to a tenant, owner, occupant, oruser of a projecustructure to which the parking requirehent is
meant to address.
Please review these comments and contact me at g70-47g-214g if you have anyquestions.
Wanen Campbell I
Cc: File
DTRECTDTAT 303.893.181 I
December 5, 2006
By EmailAttachment and U.S. Mail
Mr. Warren Campbell
Town of Vail
75 S, Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Vail21 Condominium Parking
Dear Warren:
Thank you again for your time and assistance last week when Bill Walker and I
reviewed documents relating to the parking situation at the Vail 21, Lionshead Arcade
and the Lift House condominiums. As I mentioned, my client Vail21 Condominium
Association, needs to understand issues related to parking before it can meaningfully
undertake planning for any redevelopment. To that end, based on the document review
and the facts as we understand them to be, the Association has several related
questions it now poses to the ToV.
' First, let me review some of the underlying facts. Yail21, Lift House and
Lionshead Arcade are all located on Lot 3, Block 1 of Vail/Lionshead First Filing. The
property for the Arcade and the Lift House was conveyed to Robert and Diane Lazier by
Vail Associates in 1970 and 1971. The site for Vail 21 was conveyed in 1971 by Vail
Associates to Charles Rosenquist and Richard Brown (and two others who later
conveyed back to Rosenquist and Brown). Vail Associates conveyed the remainder of
Lot 3, Block 1, to the Lazier group and the Rosenquist group in 1971. Some of the
parcels were conveyed individually and others jointly. Our search of the title documents
indicates that, except for the land underneath the condominium buildings (and most of
the condominium unit themselves), the property - including the parking structure -- is
still owned by the original developers, Mr. and Mrs. Lazier, Mr. Rosenquist (through an
entity called Lady Belle) and Mr. Brown.
MA|N 303.893.1815 " FAx 303.893.1829
Mr. Warren Campbell
December 5,2006
Page 2 of 3
I can provide you with copies of the various deeds if you would like them, or if it
would assist with your analysis. The various parcels are also described on two maps I
reviewed in your Yail21fi|e, both prepared by Richards - Huffstutler Engineers, and
both titled: Land Parcels in Block 1, Lot 3, Part of Block 1, Lots I and 2 and Paft of
Tract E. Vail/Lionshead First Filing. The large one was prepared December 1970, and
the smaller (11" x 17") was prepared on 10-27-71. Also, the property situation was
specifically described to the ToV by Vail Associates in an October 26,1972\efter,
attached as Exhibit 1.
When the three condominium structures were constructed in 1972 and'1973,
ToV required that the developers provide for parking. As described in a May 22,1972,
letter to the ToV Building Department (attached as Exhibit 2), Vail Associates required
that the Lazier and Rosenquist groups build a joint-use parking structure to
accommodate the needs of the buildings, ToV made completion of the parking
structure a pre-condition to issuing certificates of occupancy for the condominium
buif dings in its letters of August 17 , 1972 to Rosenquist and Lazier. A copy of the
Rosenquist letter is attached as Exhibit 3, I reviewed a copy of the Lazier letter in the
Lionshead Arcade file. The building permit for the Yail21 building (Exhibit 4) shows a
requirement of 58 parking spaces. The ToV confirmed its position about the connection
between the condominiums and the parking structure in a December B, 1973
memorandum and a December 12,'1973letter about the subject (Exhibits 5 and 6).
' Nothing much has changed since 1972. The parking structure has the same
owners and Lot 3 of Block 1 of Vail/Lionshead First Filing has not been further
subdivided. Some of the commercial uses in the Vail 21 Building have changed but, in
at least one such instance expanded parking needs were handled by requiring a
payment of a parking fee to the Town (see PEC Minutes, 4-14-80 meeting and 4-11-80
Staff Memo).
Based on the foregoing facts, Vail 21 has the following questions with respect to
the parking structure on Lot 3, Block 1 of the Vail/Lionshead First Filing:
1. When the parking structure was completed in 1972 - 3, what were the
parking rights of the owners of commercial and residential units in Vail 21,
Lift House and Lionshead Arcade?
2. Has anything happened to change those rights since that time, and if so,
what and when?
. 3. Does ToV consider that currently the parking structure must be used to
fulfill the parking requirements of the Yail21, Lift House and Lionshead
Arcade buildings before the parking spaces in it can be used for any other
Mr. Warren Campbell
December 5, 2006
Page 3 of 3
4. Will the ToV enforce Code Section 12-10-17 A. to prevent use beyond that
required by the three buildings, and if not, why not?
ToV's response to these questions will provide guidance for its redevelopment
decisions. lf you have any questions about either the questions themselves, or about
the underlying facts, or if I can provide any further information, please feel free to give
me a call. I look forward to hearing from you.
Vail21 Condominium
Exhibit 1
M:r, Bob Aldnidge, Buil.ding Inspector
rown or v aLl-Vail Municipal Offices
Vai1, Colo:rado 81657
Dear. Bob :
This is to advise you of the status regarding the joint
use st:ructu::ed parking al?ea which will be'eonstructed by
Bob Lazier to se::ve his two bu-iJ-dings known as Lift House
and tionsHead. A::cade, as well as Vail 2l-, which is being
developed by a gnoup incJ.uding Chuck Rosenquist,
These propenties are all located within Block 1, Lot-3'
Vail/L-ionillead Fi:rst Filing. Our cont:ract p:rovides fo:r
the partitioning of this lot as folloros:
Site A Owned bY Robent Lazie:r
Site B Owned by Chuek Rosenquist et al
Site C Owned bY nobent Lazi6n
Pa:rcel l- Jointly owned by Lazier' € Rosenqu! st r, -'/<^€+'<c'-
Pa::cel 2 'Jointly owned by Lazien 6 Rosenquist) /a.L +
Par'cel 3 Joint use pa:rking stnucture K"r-,_*_J
rn ou:r contracts of sal-e to both Mn. Lazier and M:r. Rosen- t" Z* /""--t
quist, we have provided that Pa:rcel 3 is to be used for: a /1L f*/joint'use pa::kiirg .n"u subject to plans accepta.bae -to 9s. F.A.< p-,,t
i,ie have r.eientl-y-appnoved Plans fon this arear -which Phns .,t.'t ( ,call fon basicaily'i two-story stnuctuned pa:rking facility. Y@''r' 'Ll
Any deviatj-on of these plans as alneady ?pProved by.u?
would :requi:re our fu::then appnoval . It is not ou:r inten-
tion o:r desire to see this pa:rcel developed in any othen
way than the joint use parking faciJ-ity for: which we have
alneady appnoved plans.
Verry trul-y youns,M
Robe:rt H. Nott
Vice Pnesident - ReaL Estate
Dana Xl-cKJ.a
AREA COOE 303 476-5601 BOX 7. VAIL, COLORAOO Ar6s7
Exhibit 2
Ms. Diana WYgant
Building DePartnent
Town of Vail
Vail, Colorado 81657
Dear piana:
This letter is for the purpose of reviewing matters dis-
cussea--il i neeting on April'Z7', 1972 in which Robert Lazret,
Chuct< Rosenquist, Larry -Robinson, Ed StrubLe and myseLf were
in attendance.
The subject of the discussion was the tine table required
for construction to comnence on the joint-use-parking structure
which is iirtended to acconmodate the parking denands ot bullo-
ings conpleted, under coDstruction or scheduled to commence
itris suniner on portions of Block 1, Lot 3, V-ail/LionsHead First
F-ii;";:--iiu"" b"ifaings are \n-ow1-as "LionsHeacl Arcade Build-
int;l'unAei iitu ownersf,ip of Bob Lazi-et; nVail -21'- building,'
""E"i ite o*n"tthip of Cirarles Rosenquilt; and "The Lift House'
building, undet th6 ownership of Bob Lazier.
Robert H. Nott represented the position of vail Associates
that in accordance witir those underslandings set forth in the
contracts nade with the buiLding owners, construction of the
ioint-use parking structure was to be cornmenced during th-e_.-
lurnrner of igZZ. -Furthernore, Robert H. Nott stated that ValI
Associates would not support any variance application on the
p"it of Lazier and Roseiriuist tb defer constiuction of this-structure untit a later building season.
May 22, L97Z
Yours verY truly'
Robert H. Nott
Vice President - Real Estate
AREA CODE 303 476.5601 BOX 7. VAIL. COLORAOO 81657
Exhibit 3
box too o vail. colorado sr6s7 o 303'476'56r3
Dea= Mr. Rosenguist:
Reference is made to the meeting on APril 27. L972 with Robe=t
iazier, Chuck Rosenquist, Larry Robinson, Ed Struble and Robert
. Nott in attendarr... "The subJeit oe the discussion was the birne
*iiil"-i"quirea for construction to commence on the joint-use
ti;;kiG-3tio"i"r. for the three above mentioned buildings.
Robert Nott.rePresented the position of Vail Associates ttrat in
..ccoia.t"e witir those unilerstandings set'forth in the conLracts
made vrith the building olv'ners, construction of the structu:e
was to commence aurin6 the summer of 1972' Further, Nolg stated
that $eil Associates iould not suPPort any variance application
J":*r. lart of Lazier and Rosenquiit to aefer construction of
this s-'iucture until a later bui'lding season'
To this date, the Torsn of vail has not received an application
ior " buildiig permit or a complete set of structual plans and
calculations foi approval in rlgard to this structure. Strrctured
parking must be pr6v:.aea for thise builitings _in order to comply
ititt lfr" zoning ind parking regulations set forth by the fown
. _of v-ail.
llfune is of the essence in the cornmencenent and cornplgtion of the
conitruction of the joint-use Parking structure as absolutely
no permit of occupan6y will be-issued for "Lionshead Arcader";vait 2Lr" or'Liit Housen until parking is supplied'
please subrnit the required p1ans, sPecifications ancl calculations
as soon as possible €o avoid furthei delays: If- this office can
be of furthlr assistance at any time regarding thi.s matter, please
contact us.
August L7 ' L972
!'tr. Chuck Rosenquist
Vail , Colorado 81557
cc Robert Nott
Terry Minger
LarrY Robinson
parking sttucture for nlionshead Arcader"
and trlift Bouse"''
Very truly yours,
Kent R. Rose, P.E.
llown Engineer
Exhibit 4
l:;.i""iil:/ V1
@i:t rrtrcxto rtartt
14^rL Aooi.tr J//4 t r talr.
ui e Slo
Slr. of Bldg.
(Totrtl sq. Ft.
Y:^, CC L
I0 Change of use from
Change o{ use to
l l Valuation of work: $
pEaroo op r2o DAYS AT ANV TIME AFTER woBK ls coM-
tt( M.o.
r rJ't:!\rgl\ s r\geJ- tis u4Lg
Exhibit 5
0ecembsr 8, 1972
Attached are the letters I w rote to Lazler and Rosenquist regardlng
their parking strucfure. They will be ln to see y9y at l:50 to
;i;;;.!-ih. io.tibility of issulng temporary certiflcates of
0ccupancy for the buslnesses wan+lng to open this week'
Both of them were in Friday to +al\lf Jerry or myse lf
oermission for these businesses to open as fhey are rea
squeezed. We to ld them that under. no ci t"9t:lu1::t^1::
and any further action would have to come from fhe counc
sure that by now they have contacted all Board members'
nto. graniing
ly be i ng.
d we do itll. I am
My opinlon is that this is our last chanc6 to sho"f these two that
we mean what we say, l+ is, however, not right to punslh the little
man, so we might grant them C.0.rs if Lazier can show fhat he has
enough parklng rpJ""" available for fhese occupanis fhat want fo open
and that these spaces are accessible, ready to use, and wi.l I remaln
on the completion of the structure.
Kent Rose
Town E-ng i neee r
cc: Jerry Aldrich
Exhibit 6
Mn. Robert T. LAzien
Mn. Chanles Rosenquist
Vail, Colonado 81 657
Re: Conditional OccuPancy -Lift House -*@
In accondance with oun ag!.eemem concennin! ttre subject buildings' the
fotlowing conditions rnust be met in orden to allow ocpupancy of centain
commencial aneas of the Lift House and VaiI 21: u
1. Tenants who ane neady to open befone the Chnistmas
season wrlt be aLlowed to occupy the commencial space
"nly. No othen occupancy wilt be allowed until the panking
stnuctune is complete and a final inspection has been rnade
and centificates of occupancy issued. It is undenstood that
the fotlowtng tenants wilL be neady to open unden the condi-
tional occupancy: Harvest Table, Punceltrs, Gorsuch Ltd.,
Gone Valley Tttle, LionsHead Ski Rentals' the Genenal
Stone, The Place, Knisrnan, and Sassy Set.
2. Each tenant who wishes to move in beFone this deadline
sl'ralt be nequined to n ctify the Building Depantment and it
will, at that time, be detenmined if adeguate pankirg is
available. In each case, the Building Depantment will take
into consideration the public safety, number oF spaces
nequi.ned and available, adequate acce-ss to those spaces,
as well as considening if alt Buitding Code rbquirements
l-rave been met and a frnal inspection made of each shop.
3. No occupancy will be allowed fon any condomtnium anea
in erthen buitctrng untii the parking stnucture is complete and
a fi.nal inspection of the stnuctune has been made.
r. vve c-\iso ne mtncl you that all tap Fees nrr.rst be pard beFone
a conditional occupancy penmit will be issued and the tenant
allowed to open fon busi.ness.
'.+.-.-:--+=--- - =_
Gon-stnuition debnis and piles of dirt and snow must be
nemoved befone we will considen the panking useable. The
area on the northeast side of the Vail. 21 buildi,ng which is
being used fon constnuction debnis rnr..rst be fenced off for
public safety and to deten use of the nonth entFance to the
Vail 21 buitdtng. Doons exrting into constnu cti, on aneas must
be rranked trFor Ernengency Exit Only.tr
Inspections will be rrrad e on a negulan
the pnoperty ownens for each vi.olation
cc: Hanve st Table
Gonsuch Ltd.
Gone Valtey Title
LtonsHead Ski Rentals
The General Stone
The Place
Knis rnan
Sassy Set
basis and sumrnons witt be issued
of the abow conditions.
Tennell J. Mt6gen
Town Managen
]l ]--'.<:-'"'-'-t-='--stznl. -