HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 VAIL 21 CONDOS PRUDENTIAL GORE RANGE PROPERTIES LEGAL/ ,I t I tl ,n"l)o/' ffj^,n-,J ) r 7,1,,e, P',r q FfiS*S*':!::li}}1f.; +;r "-{i. ) --T .i:" t.rffi!:'ithiry Project Application Protect Project Contacl Name: -Descriptaon: Person and (nu /l 6apo,tq- ilPn c-tof ' ''^'" 4fnfqz hor AePqi ,hr Q.arrt c/,, flt /,r,rp[rr,o, (*t /@nns qtl l,',<lqo lthu / ' (o frtlE7 t/'%-l'tBL /- - owner, Address and Phone: fflUf I Phone K,l,uot Architect, Address and Phone: ption: Lot 5ll LolllJtw /lt!rt Block VA/L Co ,/4t 7 FilingLegal Descri Comments:' #2o oo fu28 ftL 4er-?/ rD Zone -pu\uA 6*oo /tnp or /ttraz'rt, 6/,t/fz Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary: \ .,"u Approval fl.8-1a-19:E 14.6 FRTIDENTIfl- GfiPT}E o ljx: fl?-21b7 Rr['D /,,J] i ^ i992 { DE$TINATION RESORTS ,,A4tf'lt"dry vp st Vice President andl Destinatlon Resort General l{gmt., Menager Inc. FA*I 1 1o: Town of voil-Design and Review Board Frotnl nestination Resort ltlanagenent To lVhom It May Concernr Deetinatlen Resort tlanagement as cond.omlnium Aseociation hae given .Tohn approval f,qr color chengec on the butlding common qrea. Thank You. tspresentative for vail 21 slelin/Core Range ProPerti es touth Eide of the vail 2L 4ffir57 P.AL 6r0wETlI0riEHE Dcncu vAtL CULoRADO $r657.!pO IELIPI|oNE tr€) rt61!l*lo Al/'+rE tEtprhr CrltDfliY TOTFI- P.61 APPLICATION - rOWN OT'VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ****t***** TIIIS APPLICE,IION WILL NOT BEUNTIL AI,L REQUIRED TNFOR}iATION***t*****r reviged 9/4/9L COLORADO IED JUL 27\gg2 ACCEPTED IS SUBI'IITTED I. PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION: zes B, TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) n Subdivision H. Ii NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailin NAME OF Mai l ing t_1-lo Iegal and z- L Phone SENTATIVE: I.NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE(S): Mailing Acidrese Phone Phone .T k Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB feesr. as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of subnrirrl+ of DRB.appricationl --r,Ifii, ,nenapprving for a buirding. permirl prease ioentiiy-li-,eaccuraLe valuation of the proposll . The fo"n 6f Vaifwill adjust the fee_accordi"g'i"-tne table U"fo"r'toensure t.he correct fee is paid. FEE SCfiEDULE: VALUATION I 0 - $ 10,000 ! 10,001 1$ SO,0O0 I s0,001 - $ 150,000$150,001 - $. 500,000$500,001 - St,000,0oo$ Over 91, C0O, OO0 FEEI 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 r DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI EXPTRES ONE YEAR AI,TER FTNAI,APPRovAr. uNLEss A BurLDrNc pERMrr rs rssuED AlrD coNsrRucrroN rsSTARTED **NO APPLIqATION }TILL BE PROCESSED I{ITAOUT OI{NER'S SIGNATURE ADDREss St t Lro@r<n-I=li[L-'"" rY LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: LoT - Block 2\ Minor Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($O) If property is described by a meets and boundsdescription, .please providl o. i-"up.r.ate, sheetattach to this applitation. ,/zoNrNG: @hnE'P-<-tt{l_ r,OT AFTEA: f f requirecl, ap.rplicant rstampi,J--su;;";';lowins rol ".".. """t,,.tt""r""' \ LIST OF MATERIALS NA!,IE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: DIVISION L..- p5 4e The following information is Review Board before a final required for submittal to the oesign approval can be given: A.BUILDING I'IATERIAIS: Roof Siding Other 9lall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF UATERIAI,COLOR 3s#l T*,^:r - ,Eur oZ t tol5C- LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES eok-rff_cal-Nane Common Nane Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Mininum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. rndicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. 'ua/;\E * Szoaae sx:rBvn-s+w- PLANT }IATERIALS: Botanical Name Conmon Nameo ouantitv Sizel PROPOSED SHRI; EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 qal]on. .gJE Scruare Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the erattage, height above grade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retalningwa1ls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. 5 { FfLr copy 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Departrnent of Contntuniry Deve lopment July 13, '1994 Ms. Anne Fitz Prudential Gore Range Properties, Inc. 51 1 Lionshead Mall Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail 21 Building Conversion of Commercial Condominiums to Residential Condominiums Dear Anne: I received your fax with your two questions related to converting two commercial condominiums in the Vail 21 Building to residential condominiums. You asked: .Does the Town have any objections to this? and, .Are there any restrictions that the Town would impose? First, a complete zoning check of the building would need to be done to determine if there is Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) remaining in the project. lf there is no GRFA remaining, it would be necessary to obtain a GRFA variance which would be very difficult to justify given the variance criteria. lf there is GRFA remaining, than the new units would need to be located on a floor where a residential use is allowed. I have enclosed the Commercial Core ll zone district lor your review. ll the new owners wish, on their own volilion, to put the units into some type of a rental program, that would be positive. However, this assumes that there is GBFA and density (i.e. number of unils) remaining to allow for the project. The parking would also need to be addressed. There is a difference between office and residential parking requirements. lf there is any additional parking required, the owners would need to pay into the pay-in-lieu parking lund for Lionshead. The Council is in the process of raising the parking fee from approximately $8,200.00 to $15,000.00 per space. The first step would be to have an architect do a GRFA and commercial floor area analysis of the existing building. You would then submit the existing floor plans and this analysis to the staff for conlirmation. At that time, we could answer these questions more specifically. lf you have any lurther questions, please give me a ring at 479-2138. lt has been nice working with you Anne, I wish you the best in your work also. Sincerely,,-r/. t {i I "Kv 'r7tr, k't+ Kristan PriE Community Development Director xc: Planners -JUL T3 '94 E8:56NN PRUDENTINL GRP. VFI I rnenuOento@ Gor.e Range Propertles, Inc. Sal33 . FenlalE i Propsrly Managsmonl 511 LlonsHoad Mall vrt, co 81657 8us. (3o3) a7&2484 Bu3. (000) 28$2430 Fsr (30!i) 476€499 JuIy 13 | L994 xEl|o o To: Kristin Pritz Frorn: Anne Fitz In case we play telephone tag, the question I have isthis: I have listing on Dick Brown and Chuck Rosenquists conmercj-al condominiunE in Vail 21. rt is ny supposltion that someone buying one or both htill want to turn them into residential condominiums and probably put thern into th6 rental progran. rtDoes the town have any obJection to this?r! rrAre there any restrlctions that the town would irnpose?t t$u, IfI ludct Just Iake donrt see you before you leave to Boulder - good I leave a nessage on ny voice nail if you wouldl care. I . Offices In Vall and Beaver Creek e Ao tndiD.n$nt ot'$d ard (heded i.lsnbsf ol th. Prud.rxa Faal Ertlh At' 'drr, Ino v '-.-.'-.Dat€ .rr,],y 15, t!iR4 I 7 ir Proiect Applicatioq . __ J-{ Proiect Name: GORE RANGE t?RgPERTUig OliF+eLl FR€NT Rl#I;IeN Proi€ct DescriPtion: - Owner Address and Phone:. €ore Range lrr:perticc / Johrr Stevin 476-2482 Architect AddreSS and PhOne: hlhpc-l er Pi irer ,i Archi tarrs Rnv 556O . :lfrnn fYt. 949-7074 L€gal D€scription: Lot 3 , Block 1 , Filing I'ionshoad Firsf 2e1e; CommerciAl Core TT Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board "",. g/ l/gf/ DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Yt-lf, i ' I \4, i S ti.-o '{,\ .u')to,-,f *" I Chiet Building Official Lr.57- -ql 'lH r€(rALs ii,\irij i)r; r'l(i).'i:c'r' cqBu_34!g-E_p30p.EBTrES SI0BEFBQNI_R_E_YI_S_r-QI l,li(;,\1, Dl;t;Cltll)'ll0N: l.O't'_ 3 Ul.OtlK. 1 --.1;il.t)i(i _ Lionshead Firs-t .- t)l:.,-I:llll"Ll(l:i Ol: l)ll0,Il:(l'l' S3orefront remodef 'l'lrc fol loning infornut iorr is 1]oa rd bc l'tr rc a f inu I allprova I A. DrJlLIriii(; ttl\,'t'nRtALs Roof Siding Othcl lfal1 lrlatcriais Fasc ia Soffi ts |llin d or.r s Ittindow 'I'r im Doois Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flues F I ash j. rrgs Chir,rney s Trash lln: I osur.es Glecnholrg es O !ire r' B. LANDSCApING None Name of Designer: rcqrr i rcd for sulrr.r i t til I by crrn bc I:ivcn: lryg:l_I!rt_":i{ thc appl jclnt to thc Dcs j1;u ltcviclv Color Cle<q in alUT. fra'ne Alrr$- hrnnzp None Pl nsrer Rtr"t (tn .at"h e-l { J_. Nono -- Wood w/ gJ,azll Llood lj" dia. netal none Natura 1 oak Hunter reen Hunter reen Alum.Bronze none none Yes Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanica'l Name Common Name Quanti ty Si ze SHRUBS GROUNO LUV LXD a sQt|ARE F00TAGE soD I SQUARE FOOTAGE SEED TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wal.ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. ENCI NETR IHG ' .r-. cxrlx ttst Subdivision Lot B'lock Filing l. iubmi tta'l ltems (A) Topo Map (B) Site P'lan (c) utility Plan (D) Title Report(t) Subdivision Agreernent 2. (nqineering Requirements Source of Uti'lities (Acceptrblc) (ttot Acceptable) (if applicable) (A) Culvert Size ( o i ori veuay Gri:dF(87-frfiffnrT;Il - (A) Elcctri(a) cas (C) Seuer (o) ltater (E) Tclephc (F) r.v. Conir,entg: c Ie 6) lt-,.4. Approved: Di sapproved:// /'; 'r/u' DEt,arinfi i-oJT-E5l-rt-firTl Dill Atrd:'c:*s i/TuutryeV b f.rdr\nhri". Ittrylx," $ A general premise of Lionshead area expansions and improvements has beln creation of additional one story building extensions with degree of 'thigh transparencytr. Such additions offer to al-so "improve pedestrian scale it base of tali bulldingstr and to "generate greater pedestrian activityrr. These design considerations' as a general premi-se' are our guide for the addition and remodel of Gore Range Properties main entry. lJhile this area is not expressly rnentioned in the Sub-Area #8 concept study, it does closely t"iut.. Our effort is to, as noted in the guide pfan,'ttimprove viability of below grade shopstt' Not so preponderant, huh? "Piper, I said, be brief, they read so many of these . tt PREPONDERANCES: FACADES / WALLS & STRUCTURE No wa11 are added. Existing be slightly recessed to aid FACADES / TRANSPARENCY Yes! Very. DECKS & PATIOS None are intended or needed wingwalls are to rernain. in definition. above the Pedestrian ma11 level; ri-sing to height of 9 feet aE the perception because of transparency create interest and 1ife. Door entry will LIONSHEAD DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS HEIGHT & MASSING Structure height is an average of 6| feet starti-ng at aPprox. 4 feet in height and existi-ng building. Massj-ng is of litt1e of addition. Transparency does, however, ROOFS Roof is sloping at aPproximately 4/12 pitch and is clear glass in material' Frames are bronze in color to match existing storefront system. in business funcLion. ACCENT ELEMENT Door might be an accent it'em by use of color and design' LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS Adjacent planters are adequate for these purposes' ? 99lg lulg..Properties, located in the Lionshead vail 2l Buirding, proposes toexpand their main entry by encrosing a portion of the-exiiting ifainnblr wiina clear_glass roof. The Lnclousre is ai,proximatery 2l feei uv to teei (zio-square feet total). The structure,s heilht is an iverag"-or 6+ feet abdve-theadjacent pedestrian mall. At sidewalk l6vel the structire is 4 feet in heiqhtsloping up to 9 feet to the Vail zt eu.itoing. - it'e-ire"-rpi..-riili-ii.n"onio'""the.existing reception area. An entry staifrvell will remiin on the east sideof the enclosure, approximately 5 feei in width.. The applicant's reasons for constructing the addition are as follows: A general premi.se.of Lionshead area expansions and improvements has been thecreation of additional .one-story building exteniions iiitr-. degr:ee,of.'rnisr,-transparency.l' .ltfch additions otfer to ilso "improve pedestriin icite ii'itrebase of tall buildingsu.and to "generate greater pedeslrian activity.,i '- -"- I!:t:9":ign consideiations, ar i-tene"ul"premise, are our guide for the additionand remodei of Gore Range properti6s main bntry. l{hile this area is,not expressly mentioned in the sub-Area #g concept study, il"9:.:":llsg]y relale. buu-arLa c;;;;pi e ltiies ;lrprou" viabiliiv oi-uiior_graoe shops by expanding stair access ihto broader lanitings and sunkin cou"t-'yards. Sun pocket location, landscaping and paving to crEate attraction.competitive with qrade revei stropi.;'oir effbrt ii to, ai noted in-irre iuiaeplan, "improve viibility of beroil-graae shops.rt -'' -- Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 5, 1984 Request for exterior alteration to the Vail 2'lto remodel the entry of Gore Range properties. Appttcant: Gore Range prnperties I. PROPOSAL The application is in compliance with the cclI zone district. III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE LIONSHEAD URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT:Building in order II. There is.not a specific sub-area concept that refersmenEloned, sub-area concept #g relates indirectly inthat add viability to belbw grade shops. to this site. Asthat it encourages the appl icant improvements t Gore Rap( Properties -3- 7/5/84 VI. RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN VII. RECOMMENDATION The corsnunity Action p'lan's section on community.Design encourages upgradingand site improvements.. This proposal supports ine poficy.--The-projLit-ii16has,been reviewed bv.lfeye paltei^son, prbject Managir io"r-the Libnii;;; i;;;r"-ment Program. The addition does not conriict *ii["4i,"'impiovement progril] -'- The.community Development Department recommends approval of the additioncontingelt upon the appricant resolving ttre poienliui'inoi'removil p"ouiemwith Public Works.before final DRB appiovat. ? PREPONDERANCES: A general premise of Lionshead area expansions and improvements has been creation of additional one story building extensions with degree of "high transparencytt. Such additions offer to also ttinprove pedestrian scale at base of tall buildingsrr and to ttgenerate greater pedestrian activityrr. These design considerations, as a general premise, are our guide for the addition and remodel of Gore Range Properties main entry. While this area is not expressly mentioned in the Sub-Area #8 concept study, it does closely relate. Our effort is to, as noted in the guide plan, "improve viability of below grade shopsrt. Not so preponderant, huh? ttPiper, I said, be brief, they read so many of these .rr LIONSHEAD DBSIGN CONSIDERATIONS HEIGHT & MASSING Structure height is an average of 6| feet above the pedestrian mall level ;start.ing at approx. 4 feeC in height and rising to height of 9 feet at the exi-sting building. Massing is of little perception because of transparency of addition. Transparency does, however, creale interest and life. ROOFS Roof is sloping at approximateLy 4/12 pitch and is clear glass in rnaterial . Franes are bronze in color to match existing storefront system. FACADBS / WIU,S & STRUCTURE No vall are added. Existing wingwalls are to remain. Door enlry will be slighcly recessed to aid in definition. FACADES / TRANSPARENCY Yes! Very. DECKS & PATIOS None are intended or needed in business function. ACCENT ELEMENT Door might. be an accent item by use of color and design. LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS Adjacent planters are adequate for these purposes. ? Planning and Environmental Commission ,.Ju1y 9, 1984 2:00 pm Site Inspections 3:00 pm Public Hearing '1. Approval of mjnutes of meeting of June 25, 1994. 2. Request for revision to the Bonne Vue earth-sheltered housing project on Lots A'1, A2, A3 Lionsridge Fil'ing 2 and on Lot 6, Block t, LionsriaseFiling 4 to redesign the hous'ing unit. Applicant: Reinforced Earth Co. 3. Request to rezone Lots 2 and 3, Cliffside Subdivision, from ResidentialCluster to Single Family Residential. Applicants: Divid Cole andDaryl Burns. I.IITHDRAWN 4. Request to rezone Lots .l,4,5, and 6, Cliffside Subdivision, fromResidentia'l Cluster to Sing'le Fanily Residential. Applicanti Town of Vail 5. Request for exterior alteration to the Vail 2l building in order to remodelthe entry of Gore Range Properties. Applicant: Gore Range Properties. 6. Request_for revisions to the zoning code regarding outside vending which , TABLED would a'l low outside vending only under a special events permit withspecific criteria for its locatjon. Applicant: Town of Vail Subdivi s ion Lot 8l ock Filin9 tretrrrnlHc cHECr usr -(A) Topo Map(0) Sita P'lan(c) utility Plan(0) Title Report (E) Subdivision. Agreement 2. (lrqineeriqg Requireirents l. Submittal ltems Gas Sever lta ^uer Tcleplorie T.V. (if applicable) (Acceptrble) (ttot Acceptable) t(A) Culvert Slze _(B) Dri ver,.ay GrrdFTETTEiffAffi;IT= 3.Source of Utillties A) 8) c) D) E) F) El ectri c u. 4. Corir,entg, 6) Bttro.... ? 'vs.--d Q..**- Approved: I t, Di saooroved z ?/ 3 /B F ,/-1 // . /// .z't t/\ Y// (, A:)4'c4 v <-_,6ffi-rta:riffi 8il I Andrc:ts TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: I. PROPOSAL Planning and Environmental Commission Corrnunity Development Department Ju)y 5, 1984 Request for exterior alteration to the Vail 2l Building in orderto remodel the entry of Gore Range Propert.ies.Applicant: Gore Range Properties Gore Range.Properties, located in the Lionshead Vail 2l Building, proposes toexpand their main entry by enclosing a portion of the existing iiainlbt'l witha clear-glass roof. The enclousre is approximate'ty 21 feet by lO teet (2lO square feet total). The structure's height is an iverage of -6* feet abdve theadjacent pedestrian ma1'|. At sidewalk level the structure is 4 feet in heightsloping up to 9 feet to the Vail 21 Building. The new space w'ill open ontothe existi!g reception area. An entry stairuell will remain on the'east sideof the enclosure, approximately 5 feel in width. The applicant's reasons for constructing the addition are as follows: A general premise of Lionshead area expansions and 'improvements has been thecreation of additional .one-story building extensions with a degree,of,,'!hightransparency." Such additions offer to a'l so "improve pedestriin scale at-thebase of tall bui'ldings" and to "generate greater'pedestrian activity." These design considerations, as i general-premise, are our guide foi^ the additionand remodel of Gore Range properties main bntry. lr|hile this area is_not expressly ment'ioned in the Sub-Area #8 concept study,it does closely relate. Sub-ar-ea Concept 8 states "improve viabilily of bliow-grade shops by expanding stair access iirto broader'l anhings and sunk6n court-yards. Sun pocket location, landscaping and paving to cr6ate attraction.Competitive with.grade level shops."' Our effbrt ii to, as noted in the guideplan, "improve viability of beloi^r grade shops.,' II. COMPLIANCE I,IITH THE CCII ZONE DISTRICT The application is in compliance with the CCIi zone district. III. COMPLIANCE I.JII.H THE LIONSHEAD URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN There is not a specific sub-area concept that refers to this site. As the applicantmentioned' sub-area concept #8 relates indirectly in that it encourages improvementsthat add viability to below grade shops. IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Staff concurs with the applicantrs comments related eore Raloperties -z- 7/s/84 . to each of the fo1 lowing Desi gn Considerations: " Lionshead Design Considerations Height and Massing Structure height is an average of 6* start'ing at approximately 4 feet inat the existing building. feet above the pedestrian mall level; height and rising to a he'ight of 9 feet Roofs Roof is Frames sloping at are bronze approximate'ly 4/12 pitch and isin color to match existing store clear glass in material .front system. Facades/l,lalls and Structure No walls are added.slightly recessed to Facades /Transparenc.y Yesl Very. Decks and Patios None are intended or Accent Element Existing linglqlls are to remain. Door entry wi'l'l beaid in definition. needed in business function Door might be an accent jtem by use of co'lor and design. Landscape Elements Adjacent planters are adequate for these purposes." V. The.app'licant should talk to the public llorks Department to work out aproblem with.snow plowing since the Town has to ilow next io the 91 assThe Town Engineer suggested constructing some tyfe of barrier in irontglass tacade to preven_t_any breakage. Genera'lly, there is no impact.estate office use is allowed on the basement level in CCII. "possible encl osure. t' of the The real ZONING CODE CONSIDERATIONs Gore narfoperties -g- 7/5/84 vI. RELATEp PoLICTES IN VAIL'S C0MMUNITY ACTIoN PLAN The Cormunity Action Plan's section on Cormunity Design encourages upgradingand site improvements. This proposal supports ttre poTicy. The-projbit alsohas been reviewed by Steve Patteison, Prbject Managbr toi ttre Libnshead Improve-ment Program. The addition does not conf'lict with-the Improvement Program. VII. RECOMMENDATION The.community Development Department recommends approva'l of the additioncontingelt upon the applicant resolving the potentia'l snow removal problemwith Public llorks,,6sgepe fina] DRB approval. O PREPONDERANCES: A general premise of Lionshead area expansions and improvements has been creation of additional one story building extensions with degree of tthigh transparencytt. Such additions offer to also ttinprove pedestrian scale at base of tall bulldingstt and to rrgenerate Sreater pedestrian activityrr. These design considerations, as a general premise' are our guide for the addition and remodel of Gore Range Properties main entry. While this area is not expressly mentioned in the Sub-Area #8 concept study, it does closely relate. Our effort is to, as noted in the guide p1an, trimprove viability of below grade shopstt. Not so preponderant, huh? ttPiper, I said, be brief, they read so many of these. ?l LIONSHEAD DESIGN CONS]DERATIONS HEIGHT & MASSING Structure height is an average of 6! feet above the pedestrian mall leve1 ; starting at approx. 4 feet in height and rising to height of 9 feet at the existinf building. Massi.ng is of litt1e perception because of transparency of addition. Transparency does, however ' create interest and life. ROOFS Roof is sloping at approximately 4/I2 pitch and is clear glass in material . Frames are bronze in color to match existing storefront systern. FACADES / WALLS & STRUCTIJRE No wa1l are added. Existj-ng wingwalls are to remain. Door entry will be slightly recessed to aid in definition. FACADES / TRANSPARENCY Yes! Very. DECKS & PATIOS None are intended or needed in business function. ACCENT ELEMENT Door might be an accent item by use of color and design. LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS Adjacent planters are adequate for these purposes. bo- t, fteo ' 8L63 / I \ \ v d f,I t,\.i o tffi; ' h,rr, o! Q'a''9 5t ,a 7t6' 5' 2nrngp, ail e acfr* ra t Best Copf€$ AvailablePnfr Qr PO Eot 6al, l/4,,t, Cei2,ac l/657 Ccohr ozz .brrrlfrtt-- f, -il i --I.-1 Iit-{!r t't lt- _ry6r1<.*g ,> t: e Qt' c-c€? ; 'tF '-^! r.., a .'qPt.la ,a 2r,.!rar, -+ 1. ;' J'tr*]-t*t$' \.et :t, Ve'..j -i., - t*! - -. i' iu 9E€O^9 E - yj I 5AIEET / of 2 I $ t I LECEND A - uandnpc lm i',tF,- Coanoa E*r*rc fio. LC - L/rrritu Coanon ,1u L - Ehpbr /)/E - l&/aia/od Ekffi t W ' Cotdonniua Un? 4t6As-E*q lapptt*t ca C26'Onn*ob/ lru Unh fi - Fm/u F/to -^ ,|lGttrGDr f ErO*rAt vrr, LC7 t, 7ryt C ,V ot&\:i ti l.I\ e l:it-,1,'V{} 2ttvlan t)t ?8a ntt PWry \ 'tArVt-', I " ou-fft 16 9 "u"rr-a" "trrtrqc47E,'/, tttot* E Pbt6 a Qt*d &bd €tp,,r*.tdlat fiurgo, & hetty a4rt /H ,t't ,-c&ttah- tlci *' ,/e z Caloopr lupJ ,t N byl e untr Ey tW rrta, e4 tr, lt ry eudy a-t* /b ie* q tb btt*d a .**q/ ar)uart*t* t'f ryf+fl ot6'ti*in. 4a*Z4rf./-zIr*# e J*-*--* - 4n ttAr /a8 ,7.7' et @.ot?A2o ] ,., cotr /7/ F ll*e I Lbur4--rLs-q /t( -t { dflk .E tJlr-q'ree b ny ca.tu & rtbnl &nE rr#al €lbe r{##'r',*filfhii ir ::-^t*' *1idai: na-;7'4 .3ct/\n* tlgfut ry hoot' t6 ll1l1 3+. t*1?, ou tll;|ltl 04tloT ?|t ao.A1.r A.|sr I - -- -a ----zru qt -oErge rt byin * Co*m ew ,Af ,r. l rJ (*Lz Lr- ,?lt Jt 3-{)-r-a aJ1' I ttrti 'lt< ct-crrc | ?r@eder?t cotp3aT H i,fiQt-q*/s*tq*o1g11**?c#rt +'E'+ t-t.,ry etm Lt-1 C& -Y4_ WEAL b*t 221 el, r$ '-l * zn lh,s ihfu Y fra* - 4trqbh*-/*..*rflaF:4cl- *r'*t*ittJw. ttDa&6a&' I -CA'N?/ Q try ) _r7,brqrF -4 *ta'qtl?- q- O.b .t ,Jr, - #!f'k-- /J{X,t-.-, ./7/ .;?,e,F-rzf__W lg,n Q**S lCe-3r J7.7T AA.a',8' Cou,vtt 6lr t{L i-ltts ^5. ttr I,tl-/ *..,t le*--q*'i L-tu Jr-.Y jry* 'aar- wilb Q 3**t Ep .1Olll h.fitr fl -E 2, /}(t. L4 . - '<Atr- til !fa< ol?t- FLcg? -hasat aeba** ay'p,. 'ECOND --, ?5 ---Og? :'t--aa trt <. 4at 19..'-' ^rt te .-- ...1 -f. r 2.< J t3t :."ri:..; L#;..J5.;-{Besf coptes Avaitabte SEE S H[f,T I rr r | -tlVI]IL LI , i-_\i-:-\rLE -r.-. ,:t. : ,^' \i ;r-:-.8#5\i liF#gl'r.'cRArE \ 4"r ! &Cre*llt t \UPLL I l. I.,,--:; tI \.!sili*i4y l\+/\,._ i /\ ttt. ;(_r';';I.t:, ,t.:,-:r, \/ |:I r i a)e,i .i . t6;- tt +' '.', ...':"1 g 7- - i-'-i't,'It'- t .,,,\-.?=, .- ;{L --.- .' - '! n -"*] *^- '--.,- lL;;':J';: - F: ;-611 eoul l\ i:.-'"'' ,_.a. il -t -:-> a, ' ..,. .5?, r53 i,b - :C, ;\rt':. I 'is4 E'.\ ,/ i '4 ..\___ ____-_--- | _.^.- ,. \. I 3e :-x. ii_I a' II :..l 5rqti *' .r37 | lE l,'I '$ | --.-\ ., iJ- I't" tr?\ " t)' ;..Jl\- E'l rO 1 . :r;r: alrr [. i..gPLtAL'r lo ic - 1 Ilrv l l" 'r i J t;'/ I a1^ Ii"r. I i '?t i {^i.-". +l , .-.. | -_,.-]:f,r r2 v -T :'.c !,.;.{ i Fij' t : lC i,',t f'. --'';;- . iz :1':.; ; / ". .' t-'\J - I ''\'"- \ t,.o' -: '.* rh-_--- -- .,ir-ii:r f ".:j") i] 1r',L--'.t,/ r i'<__:-_4" ,.t tr!.\ \'e'z-.'=t.''- / .r 'l- {--.' .t ,r;r r-:,l- .t.-.. .._r_ir_- \!_J- ?.j I U:1L J-.\* , --= = :-.-,./ \ . -'--.J , ,' , r'\:. 1 -ii J' i; 3: ! -- j '.. t:n. r\ :\l 2'.,"dtL-X LIN E Lr., RroEAnD N. Bnwxgqlrr. ldo l78O ElootE r|at Latt! glDlarolt I)r!v!x. OoLoraDo Sotl'!2 (ao8t ?64-627() Ylay 24, L984 Duane PiperP. 0. Box 5560 Avon, Colorado 81621 Dear Duane: This letcer will give the approval of the remodelthat the Gore Range Property nants to do on the Vail 21Building. If you should have any questions please feel freeto caII. Thank you. RNB/mo "Z;;";E--_ Richard N. Brown 5/30/84 cal l ed Duane Pi Pe-r rho-iiated that a letter from brown, one of the owners ' to Slevin authorizing an 0K on it'ii ptoi..t, would be forth- comi ng. BetsY 75 soulh lronlage toad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 May 31 , l9B4 Duane Piper % Wheeler Piper Architect Box 5560 Avon, Colorado 81620 Dear Duane: KP: bpr olflce of communlty developmenl Re: Gore Range Properties: 0ffice Addition Vail 2l Building on June 5th for the June 25th PEC meeting. If I do not receive be tabled. Please ca'l I me if you have I have reviewed the plans for the Gore Range Properties Addition. You need to submit: l. Improvement Survey2. Property 0wner's signature3. Condominium association letter of approval . I need to receive thjs information by noon PEC meet'ing or June lgth for the July 9th the information, the project wil'l have to further questions. Si ncere1l, i4l-.- U'J- \\\ r\ \Lil \ \\ \it. KRISTAN PRITZ Town Planner t" -d?""r*rroN F.RMFoR '^Y SXT.ERTON ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATTOIIS rII COT.IUNNCTAL CORE II (CCII} .\ZAIL LfoNSHEAD This procedure required for arteration of an existing buirding whichadds or removes any enclosed froor area or outdoor patio or reprace-ment of an existing.building sharr be subject-io-i".,rr", by the pran-ning and Environmentat conuni";i;;. The application will not be accepted until arl inforrnation is submitted. 1. NAME OP APPLICA}TT GORE RANGE PROPERT]ES bv John SlevTn I. ADDRESS 511 Lionshead Ma11. Vail NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRXSENTATI\IE ADDRESS Box 5560 Avon, C0. Wheeler Piper /Architects, Duane piper pHONE 476-2482 2. pHONE 949-7074 SIGNATURE ADDRESS Box 686, Vail , Colorado 4. R pHONE 476-1350 >(L<-t-K-d( LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filine T /\/a '\ rn.t-..\rru\.r\.ll J, IvL\ ADDRESS: FEE OF PROPOSAL 511 Lionshead Ma11 sroo. oo pArD J/-s " ,l,r / a v u y. 6T 6. Improvement survey of property showing propertyof building and any improvenents on tie- tana. ' ) r/"/) t u, "1,r ' ,. -r ' ,1 &.-1,.| ) ---' .. :l5/eu,.. t' Iines and location '7 II. Four A. A list of the name of owners of arl property adjacent to thesubject property and their MILING addresses. - (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: The site plan sha11 be drawn on a sheet size of 24,' x 36', at ascare of 1" = 2o'; a variation of the sheet or scale may be ap-proved by the community Devel0pment Department if justi?ied; ' The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed developmentshall be shown on the site plan; B. o AIUACENT PROPERTT Lionshead Arcade CommerciaL Bob l,azier, Tivoli LodgeVail, C0. 81657 LionsHead Arcade Condomi.nium Association c/o Carol Duddy Box 7 Vaj.1 , C0. 81657 Vail 21 Condominium Assoc. c/o Dick Brown 1780 S. Be11aire, Suite #106 Denver, CO. 80222 Lionshead Centre Condominiun Assoc. c/o Marvel Barnes Box 474 Vai1, C0. 81658 b;u clultl ao oo !{-l:.7f.tl}f --. -'' (t ''-:.,-{ - t< -'-| ;,jl-i1';1l3JJ,;- Date Received by fe connunitY Developuent DeParhent !- IPPLTCATIOf, FOR ct)lfDollrNrtDt/roxxlou8E Pr,al REvrEr (Chapter L'7.22 Vail uunicipal code) mil t]Ec 2 81se0 (PI_,EASE PRrNT OR TYPE)A. APPLICANT UAILING ADDRESS -S.e E. r. 1. Tato mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivisionplat shall be subnitted to the DePartment of Conngnlty bevelopnent. The plat shall include a site nap with the following reguirements: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered sunteyor in fnaia ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible uedium (preferably nylar) with dinension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with nargins of one and one- half to two inches on the left and one-half lnch on all other sides. b. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and currres used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be resetlred or dedicated for public or colnmon uses and other irnportant features. A11 curves shall be circular arcs and shatl be defined by the radius, central angle, arc scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, both linear and angrular' are to be deternl-ned by an accurate control survey in the field which nust balance and close within a linit of one in ten thousand. c. North arroqr and graphl.c scale. d. A systematic identification of all existing-and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. e. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, lnd a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use' Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shonn on the Plat. I l,Lt & &'2<? pnoNn_{'V-C!3& B. APPLICANTIS REPRXSENTATIVE 5gz-ts ADDRESS PHONE c.PROPERTY OIITERIA AICTITT'RE UAILING ADDRESS D. IOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS APPLICATION FEE I.IATERIALS TO BE pnox" 9%-&4H.- IOT 3 Br.,ocKJt suBDrvrsroN-lAgLl4[EkAFTLTNG-JL -perchM 12.2?.70 (oatz) cHEcK * bo/100. oo G. f' flci'::l.ilyg ff:";::::31c,::;"?ff: :lsl:i:3"tl" figrure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown ln this manner as weII. g. A description of all sunrey monuments, both found andset, which mark the boundaries of the subdlviELon, and a description of all nonuments used in conducting theaunrey. I{onument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Ttto perimeter monumentE shall be establisbed as naJorcontrol nonunents, the naterials shich ehall be deternined by the town engineer. h. A Etatenent by the land surveyor errplaining how bearing base was detetnined. i. A certificate by the registered land surrteyor as outlined in chapter 1?.32 of thiE title as to the accuracy of the surrtey and plat, and that the survey was perforned by hln ln accordance wLth Colorado Revised Statutee L973, Title 38, Article 51. j. a certificate by an attorney adnitted to practice in the State of C6lorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedlcating to the publlc thepublic right-of-way, areas or facilities as ehown thereon are the owners thereof ln fee sinple, free and clear of all liens and encunbrances except as noted. k. The proper form for fllinq of the plat uith the Eagle County clerk and recorder. 1. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should thecertificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or Lnprovenenta to the public, aII beneficiaries of deeds of trust and Dortgage holders on said real property vill be requlred to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee sirnple owner thereof. m. Signature of owner. 2. fhe condominiun or townhouse plat shall also include floor plans, elevations and cross-aections aE neceEsary to iccurately deternine indlvidual air apaces and/or other ownerships and if the proJect was bul.lt eubstantially the €rame as the approved Plans. 3. A copy of the condoniniun documents for staff review to assuie that there are naintenance provisl.ons included for all conmonly owned areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a conplete-subnittal along wi!h-- plynent of the approprlate fee, the zoning adninietrator shall ioirte one copy oi the site uap to the town engineer for his review. the- ioning adrnlnistrator shall then conduct this review concurrently. The town engineer shall review the eubnittal and return corments and notifications to the zoning adnlnistrator nho shall transrnit the approval, disapproval or approval with rnodifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoning adninistrator shall sign the plat if approved or require noaifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due to inconsistencies with the originally approved plan or failure to make otber reguired nodifications of the plat. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning adninistrator shall be the flnal signature required on the plat to that the Departrnent of Conmunlty Oelelopment- will be resp-onsible for prornptly recording the approved plat wlth the nagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording Ehall f" .-_paia ly the-appticant. The Cogmunity Developnent Department will ietain one nytlr copy of the plat for their records and will record the remaining nYlar coPY. H. I?./2L'9n 1.1:j-E, :lTEiliRT TITLE r:lF EiILE i:DLlfiT! ' EENT sy:EAoLE oouNTy 00vT, O-r'-,0 '-ltiLr"_^"i0u\ry MANAO t'i COUNTY OF EAqtE OFFTOE OF THE TREABURER a,l.il g4g ??18i* ? CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE 0R9FENo,: tOOOotrtE VENDOFN9:EOOOI toBrJca TO, lTEl{AiT FOEDX vAtL C0 TTTLE 3000 elorc m0 DEC 2 8€qi) PAFOST No O0loi33 A6'6eBeEO rO 6LEVIN, \'NHN G, E IATRTCIA O' )I OORS RANOE FROPERTIES DIT LIo|{8HEAD I{ALL vArL. co Bl6s7 AMOUNIg FIEFLECTED ARE VALID OilLY UI{TIL ? Lp./sr/?0 VAIL 8Ir*{tT lourt{IT 106 FROPERTY OEECFIPTION CgNDD. TAr UIEI{ gA{.8 A'IOUNT 'E gUPJECT TO CHANCI DlJtf, tl. t r':Tf Ni OF flil CUftnENT i. ,, r (;i PURf HAEI HALDEn, Af. I ts,.r $:.e' r, PilRgoNAr PftoF !. nottlE Hor,tE *, .T I8 9USJECT rO ChANOE. AFTER OCT i fiEAL PROF. TAX A'.IIII'f{T IE EUBIECT TO CHANOS. PLEAEE CONTAGT THh TREAEUPLIIfl OFFICh FON c0RriLcr AnOUNT Pi ?O REIITTII{O NOTICE l, THE 'JN0EROjGi\|E9 tfa' HE8:FY 0FtrrrF! I r'lA I I xt b\'l I IHE arvt). '\ OF -.AXE6 C\iE UPOiI l}tF A89vt .lFir{qrnPli ea}t.;. i, .: hFAl rlr:)|-. EFTY AblD AJ CIfGTAAIDING BA{0 !.)R ..,re4,0 '^rir {8 8n.l*rr 8Y ThE .{6OCJftC.<i tfi Mi' OrF'Cr rA'(lv .vr. f,,|'| r Hr- \. '.tl ' . E€ ,tqq!!Me! Wnx "tf av(r-'ir EF,\..r':rr':) F x lrsi,i' '' i. A8 NOTEO HENEIN P*ylq3:,HrTttFfi|ih "x::l; -'i;g -": ".'':'', ! CURBEilTIAX t, 0?6.98 TAX DUE I INTER€$1 ADVFFTTISING PENALTIES; Mi8C. rufaL nAi,$utE TAX LIIN 3ALI8 ON DEL|NQUENT TAX SPEOIAL AItE68T,IENT8 ,T{-,-re r eq*r'. nsru jn$fi F$ i STATiJS PAID o. oo o. oo o. oo 0.00 0, oo 0,00 0,00 0.00 0. oo ,-trg,.jt,dt Fti,A'€ iOEe fO+ i\ir.vDt LirlD OFI rUPelO,/FfvF. ,1"9 sr-0 ,tlr)FF A EEDAiA'| tcHrDul g \ -,ilBEn. FEF$i r.' r ir 'rr{lY lr\,\F6, lEANd'-€x r AL,.i 'rll,gc :AX OOiTECtED Olr At'r '. ' .'- l1lfl ENTTTiES SpE(:rA Oli r.9()At ,vJFoJB[{Et{T C'E+qlCr /\6te6!,\ .!\ 6 0R MCetLE 'rOtnES ",irLEEti giti'r,rl'r(;ai r Y MF;iTtC$iEb FFF FOR laFUlNCl THtg CEHTIFICATE $ 10, 0O'itajJBF* I.air.r. L | \, ? M.AFY c WrAl {t tl o "o DtrFMtsTMtrNT @F .EE}MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENE XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM 0r 0000 4t330 COM. DEV. AFPUCATION FEES | 0000 41s40 ZONINO AT.ID ADDRESS UAPS 1988 UNIFoRI.| BUI-DINO CODE 1988 UNtFORt.t PLUIIBINO CODE | 0000 42+13 1988 UNIFORI' I,IECHANTCAL CODE | 0000 42413 1988 UNIFORM RRE CODE | 0000 42113 1987 NATIONAL ELECTRTCAL CODE OTHER CODE BOOKS | 0000 41548 PRTNTS (M}l.ARS) 0x coPtEs ./ sTuDtEs I oooo lzlzt ALTY FEES / ng-nspecnoN OFF HOURS INSPECNON FEE CON1RACTORS UCENSES'EES 0l 0000 4t{13 .SIGN rIPLICA'ION o