HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 VAIL 21 CONDOS UNIT 400 SERIES REMODELS LEGAL/ail l//ont'o{ T F,'(i^q L /at =', R/ro{ I- /ai/ Jt Cordos It ul(' 'ao/e/< 400 S-et'*' oz b =G UJo- Eoo FI N ooo\ \T U'!u uJt! F =E UJ(l- ffiqE +d0,i#,o\c'\ N xE}{ v HH B |J (J H 2ar{<Fl oBtr^u- !,oz 2 ) [lJIF uJF G,oF EFIz =o =z in UJF z z !ldl .6 ozz .HE ..r \}}sE-Slc;<H a!€pFbi, d5 =SE effsc<--+U G v ?1--f l t, =i -\\-:aF J- :t' -)lr? ^R ./-XA =E-'-A<f ;$)e{. EN EN ?RN a8 Ro.(6P =d,sffiI r++- (lit ooE o o() o o C' o) N o ! F E ct) o()o6 E o o .9 1) .D 'o o;(6'=o(,,*ip -o(6 ,.s n;9 g E=E .0 8pc-o'- atc:5:sf3 i=c96'- o. -c E E5 E E-seooiE() €eP,q! c.:- (u o-(! o- FEEo, o. =fi:E;:EE EOO: EEE eeC ar O-EE:-qi335>9(!a €is Bte9dote5g -o(l, co\o c{(n .rf.t E oo o <\'(! g> tr =tuo. z dI : z o.- EF |lJ uJ z =fJ .) z = ti.JqJ TLz tr UJ uJ =tu 5 IJJ z a UJ F (L uJo (L 2 UJ C) x F LUo q, UJ LrJtl = IJJ o- F - z 6J fo F IJJ gJ oz 6 =.J J = uJ = Flj H NOTMlVA frU }: F n Y.' 6<;zzv-I o o; F ^ th ZiX f > Y>F 9 o Eg6oAr6; 8r 3f =a; l a<E '-? ffFa6=^;<'iUE <\l N =>E = il, =lD () HF z tr J { (r ul(L F oo .it (L uJ J zI =o xB5z tr UJFJ 3 uJz tzlzOa <()o< >(r xrLUo<z aLz. 9=.:F-irIo3trOI t1ll.J E t!z IIF F z F 5az Il 'lr'lzq 4 -1-I I "?l- =:lilurl t! o 3 l -i -1 I F :6 <L EI =l zl .. >lo u.l llJ UJz(t =(r lu(L z Eo z tr dl & tr t-lH -$ @ -$--tO z. '"9zz(nO =z CL LL ..i3 =z-==tuXdd= F!! LuFooo-zo Fo- llJY lTJ co oFt ffFo-: lrloJ IHl'nUILX5l"qlr!f,ll}lrl t- LLlbEz6 F UJ(L llJoz loI no. J'-Lr., -h=i(tsdr!>(LOLoo \ulxo-x>Ir- J ; uJ F o Eoo.' oE Ect E Eo(, 0 E =E,lrlo.zIF()fEFazoo I I I I Il' .ilz.l lul ]<l>l ttlol 3l sOl rJJFI F f\.+ F\ Ior\7or .lzlHIpal EI Fll :lxlFIrl >lFrlFllFll<lol =l trl =.1olutl 5l <l>l r|-Iol zl 3l FI I I I o. lrl(')t YI I.lol =.1ot IIJIEl J' at>lr!lol zl =tFI 2H E Ff A{ oHB F 14|l|{ tr I I I I .l =.1(rl uJl 5l ?l>lttlol zl =lolFI ui =z c) -t :l ;-{ |zlpl liI :l FfHt I. t(L FlH tsz E z Fl F 7 & & c.l c\Io\(') UJc F Eo z z T [! Ei\ =!tY OzE z J EF UJ) uJ 2? =o =#]Fd5 E-:o<FEQ[!<ZE (42 F C) !U F-rtrtr8 l5 I rr,lqt>ti IGlolrlt- loIFlot< Fzoo o luz B oq:. lt uJoz ,;, =crvlur KE7aY2(/,< I a ;$g- l€cigE l€gEiE c9'!FP E s'€ g; rtiF$ =E5*E-.: o;.= E;SFE r;$ee ctEsE i;egg -- c J@ €= 0, (a E eg;: =EFa=e sgi;g x >< tran fr-f hd=<Gu,(,4crb EEU E=3€rE :? rr, o;=F:F G.?- 9 5ES E=E €5s :-.16c=\ 51r- 6 E.u Q€q= =u TP** z.o9 =EcroEZ>Jde E8g ailH trtrn Frf u.to-zo F C)3EF(nzo()F =ul lJ-o u, FI jd Ntoi.t zll- -lgil $sv K =z o-l s\ ) cilzl q ?l :l (9 u., =<1>lrtl zl 3tolFI JO<FcouJ< UJF.tZoO J c) F() IJJ l! (, = =fJ z o UJ = , z <o sg -er t{ i.l t: > I FL OON PLA AlvAtL at u h,7 9C|LE ,/vr t 1r !- 10, .' ' ,/ar o-""* rf,*,r.,_.-- e *._ .,.,. '- t I-t ! i )' rl't' ,,,,gr' ,,I i I FLAOR PLA TVvAlL At u n,T SCALE ,/t. r 1t !,. 4ot t Dc fti soulh tronbg. rc.d Yall, cobrado 816!i7 (303) 47$2138 (3{B) 4792139 otfrce of community dwdopmenl Plan Revierr Based onthe 1988 Uniform codes PRo,.TEeI NITUBER: 8/L/90 ADDRESS: T'NIT 4O1 VATL 21 BLDG OCCTTPANCY: R-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON: II-FR NAUE: TRICOCT DATE: 8/2/90 CONTRACTOR: VALLEY WIDE P & H ARCHITECT; NONE ENGINEER: NONE PI,ANS EXAMINER: MTCHAEL WITTIAKER 1. CORREEIIONS REQUIRED iloisture exhaust for domestic clothes dryer shatl be installedas per ttMC 1104 & 1903. 6r max. flex. not concealed and 14 1 maximum J.ength of rigid duct with no screw connectors. Standpipe and trap to be set for washing nachine as per UPC 504 (a). All wall construction to be nonconbustible. A11 drlmall installation to be as per UBC Ch. 47. 2. 3. 4. 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 4792139 otlice of community deYelopment Plan Review Based on the 1988 Uniform Codes PRoJECT NtmBER: 8/L/9O ADDRESS: UNIT 4O]- VAIL 21 BLDG OCCUPANCY: R-]- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: II.FR CONTRACTOR: VALLEY WIDE P & H ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: I'{fCHAEL WHITAKER t_. CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Moisture exhaust for domestic clothes dryer shall be installed as per ItMc LLo4 & l-9o3. 6r max. flex. not concealed and l-4 1 naximum length of rigid duct with no screw connectors. Standpipe and trap to be set for washing machine as per UPC 604 (a) . A1l wall construction to be noncombustible. Alt drywall installation to be as per UBc ch. 47. Maintain l-hr. enclosure for wood fireplace chimney. Maintain clearances to conbustibles of factory built chinney. Hear+-h extension to be noncop.bust.ible and as per listing instructions of fireplace. 2. 4. 5. 6. ,., NIIUE: TRICO rtr0N3. ,. -'--*-ftr-:t,fir LiG fj tsl fri ,|lIl $a-tl slF{}ff h'$,/t/i/t/ tl1.! . i 'ltrt g!tUtsqg!a E,! : Eil dfi'l lit, -: l_:=$ rr--fiTltlI $ l{** il E{$-$ t\[ ']Et t '*1"' l[\-:l .iiIs ll \,t--\i[1o$riil ll \ $$i$$fi il I-xJl $$$r3$H ll il [)1|ilyrir{,t ll li $$$$*E$ tL :L--L--JIi[f lttttt f- r---.- {=T- tif;t$$* i[ :t.i\ rsirrr$$ 5 $ \$(rE l.=.=0rt ..rr'*=*rgg*s t E \ fl ntr gsrsr;e E t \S ,=" =uesiEeEB $$t$U $ ;\\ it iiluiig $$T$$$ t,i rf=r'i.lta;. $fisfrI:tr l,.ili;=\--=[ffiEE :rt;F'$ErF i*l.=N P '! tttl i,-'r EEril --trrr-.,?rrtJ,otJ -.'=-,-- .-or-r."'.rr ? EDtr E E Elf,BE-, -lS-EB RS =E E \b"o a G*uu !t(DAEOGe4 (, -#-\-..*\ b* tY-a,+h= ,'" F '/ $ T, $ r rtlurcQS!E !"r rcli ? ifi 'l3i'l :il ,--:'- - ' ('+ qs t: L $ bt tr n H +tg+ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oate 04-Zo'4o JoB NAME . ,41i.,I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -fAgcoccc CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:Mory @ wED rHUR FRI AM PM @ un ,r / voY zr Bu**wQ / oto u' -,opsue+>cP. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEr- n/)!noucx/DWV. 4'4- tr ROUGH / WATER '-"1 N FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING E TNSUIFT|ON O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr . f-l E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTR!CAL:, MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH ..- tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr FINAL Dd 4enaoveo. CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rnrs#ctoNTOWN OF REOUESTVAIL t \tl rl i/ AM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME SPECT TUESMON \, PM' CALLER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL -iilECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS .E SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr o FINAL APPROVeD-f:E DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR RiFsr."" ,l I tttt,att vLtL{q"t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rNsttoNTOWN OF DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALTER WED THUR FRI REQUESTVAIL I AM PM tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED LocAroN: \.. .. 0 !' I i,r li '-f- aO \ F(ppnovro CORRECTIONS: b orsnppRovEo BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W,V, tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB r-1 T1 tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR ..'. f-l O FINAL rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL' tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH - CONDUIT FINAL INSPECTOR r*r!"toN REeuEsr PERMIT NUM BOFPR ECT {DATE It JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: TION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr EI tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr tr tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL:ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr n tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR CNFINAL tr FINAL t /RPpaoveo 2 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc //-/Q- ?cr rNSPEcroR 41t'/ TdrI---t rNstctoN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME t$ u/0 D iut4.r, _ AM- PMrl LLtal*t '6ctt'0a1rt /t'lr'f4747 READY FOR LOCATION: lNSPEcrloN I di^ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION .tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAI-: **.'- tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr COND-IJIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ORRECTIONS: oor= //-/ ,- 7o ,*rru"ro* The ltens belos glvlng a permlt Please check off FINAL PLI'}TBING l* rnrrrcrroNrs .'ITPLETED aeed to be complete before a fLnal C of 0. 1o the box provlded. DATE! I'INAI, MECEANICAL DATEs IMPROVEMENT ST'RVEY RESID. NA}TE: DATE: EAST SIDE:I{EST SIDE:FINAL BUILDING rtnI Y-lt l-lll n DATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY O,rrf,, ,/, Za ? LANDSCAPINC DIJE FILE NAUE: TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT {,t^rti,H'JIA?E R.AD !-+ 3' B\u \ g7o-47g-2r38 bt^-.-\ L$ s NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES \)6i\ ?-\ +t ro\ ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PCTMit #: 807-0156 Project #: ?? -?ft3 6-l - o I tO Job Address.: 521 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location......: VAIL 2l BUILDING, LJNIT 404 ParcelNo....: 210106403009 OhINER WII-,EY, JAMES & SALLY A. 05/25/2007 6005 GOLF DR DAIJI-rAS TX 75205 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 05/2512007 Issued...: 06/22/2007 Expires...: 12/19/2007 APPLICANT K.W. WOODWORKS, INC DBA K..W. CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION P O BOX 512 I-,,EADVII.,I,E co 80451 I-,i cense z 27 5 -B CONTRACTOR K.W. WOODWORKS, INC 05/25/2007 Phone z 7L9-486-A6!5 05/25/200"1 Phone: 7L9-485-15L5 DBA K.,W. CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION P O BOX 5t_2 LEADVILLE co 8046r- L,,icense z 2'75-B Desciption: BATHROOM REMODELS, REMOVE TUBS, REPLACE ONE TUB, INSTALL ONE SHOWER PAN, REMOVE AND REPLACE VANITIES, TILE AND PAINT Occupancy: R2 TypeConstruction: II-A Valuation: $8,500.00 Revision Valuation: ?? Total Sq Ft Added: 0 *|*l'|*.:||l+*,}+*'}*****'l*'******'|*'|'r.,,t++t'}.*:tl|'l...|.lt*i*.|****+i|* Buifding--> iL67 .25 Restuaranl Plan Review-> So . oo Total Calculaled Fees-> g21a .96 Plan Check-> 5108.?1 Recreation ps€-.---> $O.OO Additional Fees---> 50.00 Investigation-> $O . oo TOTAL FEES- - -> $2'l.5.96 Total Permit Fee--> s27a . sG wilf call--> g3 . oo payments___-__-_-_-_> ;27e . 96 BALANCE DUE-----> $0. oo Approvals;Item: 05L00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 06/0g/2007 JRyi Acrion: Ap Item: 05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT 05/25/2007 Js Action: Ap see conditions page of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read fiis application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable ther€to. IDQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MAIIE TWENTY-FOUR lIOltRSt IN AIIVAIICD DY TELEPEoNE AT 4?9-214t OR AT Otn OrnCE FI'OM t:lXl AM. 4PM. .Q )G)\.tdc TURE OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND **** *,f * * ***'l ***** *** ** *{' * *,t '}{.:i* 't *{.'t*,} ** ** * ** ** + ++ +* * +,1. **,f +* ** *** ** * *t '}d.,t *{.**,} *:t*,} ** '} *{. 't* '1. *{. {t {' * *'l *'l*'}'t *** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 807-0156 asof06-22-2007 Status: ISSUED ***:|*'t* * **'i*'t*'i** ** * *,1"|( * 't ** * *,**1. * {.,r * 'f '} {. * + * *+ + * * *t + * 't ** * * * +* * * * ** * *,t *{.,t * 't *d.,1. ** *,1.**** * *{. * ****** * *** ** * *,} *,i Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 05125/2007 Applicanr K.W. WOODWORKS,INC Issued: 06/2212007 719-486-1615 To Expire: 12/19/2007 Job Address: 521 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: VAIL 2l BUILDING, UNIT 404 ParcelNo: 210106403009 Description: BATHROOM REMODELS, REMOVE TUBS, REPLACE ONE TUB, INSTALL ONE SHOWER PAN, REMOVE AND REPLACE VANITIES, TILE AND PAINT *'}*'|**,|t'N.***************'}:|.,}*'t*.|.,}*'}************+*conditions.*,|.:t*'|.*:|.'}*'|.**'}:l.f****,}+**,|.,}*,t*'|.'i'r***'t'.{.*'t{.'|*** Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENTAPPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIVY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PERNFPA 72. ll BoZ-olsA FV BUILDING PERrVIT APzu MVIIWVAIL sepffictrical, Plumbing' mec 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION -- nd r:= t- €.rlE ll v/ lE ln\ lilt MAY 232007 llll -iilvt 1b's-R.tn-ru6,R ll lJ Ks +dc. I1TTMPI FTF VAI I.IATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT r & Materials ELECTRICAL:$ 5OO oTHER:$ --BUILDING:$ C, 6OC PLUMBING:$ 5 rl>O MECHANICAL: $-/TOTAL:$ 3, !;5] For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at g7p42A'!9!9-or visft zrst otVO Sost Job Address: I\a.\ b. LtJob Name: y Filing: '2tq st6 E&a CIEE@ oru6 -ruA */..- \./-A,,{.T\ €< al LE , FArn/ WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel $ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) il.;-"n E-HU etist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Wo* typ"' Interior )Q Exterior ( ) Both ( ) ffiiry( ) Murtifamiry(41 commercial {X) Restaurant( ) other( ) l'-lo of Accommodation Units in this building: a\No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBur ffiist: Yes( ) o-6esETire ntarm Exist: Yes *****************:r****sffs********FoR OFF]CE USE O N LY"**********************+t*******rrr|l*** 07 t2612002 APR-19-264-f LA:23 AM !TILEY 2t4 344 =@42 RENOVATION OF BATHS IN UNIT 404, VAILzI5l I Lionshead Circlre, Vaif , Colorado Contacts: Owner: James Wiley, architect 8600 Skytine Drlve #tO4Z Dalfas , TX 75243 tellfax: 214 348 5OB2 Contact for access: Destination Resorts 6l0 West Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 8 t 65 Z tel: 920 476 t3SO SCOPE OF WORK unit 404 ls a two bedroom, two bath unit on the fourth floor ofthe vail 2l buildilg a! 5r l Lionshead circie, Vail, co.The project includes the removal of the fibeiglas tub unit ineach bath, the installation of a newtub in thisouttr eith, ind ashower in the North Bath. Installation of iil" wort ", ,ho*n, - new silestone counter tops, lavatories, and mirrors in eachbath. Paint the walls and-ceilings in each room. cordinate the work with Destination Resorts Management, ando.btain any permits or inspections as required by ttie T;il ;i-Vail. a/a/pr ll TOI,!'Nffi Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 Proiect Name: Project Address: This Chdclist must b ompletd fufore a Building Permit aoolt'ation tis arcphd. All pages of application is complete HasDRBapprovalobtained(ifrequired) Provideacopyofapprovalform 1 Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex o Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Work checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders witrout written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(6)ets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) \-/ Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity offireplaces shown o tr o D D o o o o o tr B o o o o Applicant's Signature: Department of Community Development Date of submittal: (-vufr t-\o.{ J^J(-- \Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Received By: 04n212003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:L^r tt-U.,+ n-- \. --\-ua,te Q-I K'a DolDcso&t/t \ Tzvc. Print name Project rtrun"'"' VrA \u D. \ , t t".) i-r q oa , \d\L6J RgS- out.' 5it8/otlll Signature F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 Vl41L a (^^1,T.. \ Bt .t 1-5rr.tr (r 9o.f tr-tril\^gs U:tu€$ THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTTNG ANY TIME WHEN MoRE THAN 160 s.i OF vrnreRlAL WILL BE DISTURBED oR REMovED' AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT AppLtcATtoN FoR ALL REMODEL, ADDITIoN dt OiHen-pnoJEc-TS,INVoLVING ANY DEMoLlrloN oR REM9VAL OF BU;LDING MATERIALS THAT MAV b6i1rft5r nS9EST,OS' BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER ocroBER 12, 1988 trni'nevr No ASBESTos-cor'lrArrtrrrtrc MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT' ASBESTOS TESTING REQUIREMENTS date o I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application applicant signature OR o I certify my proiect will not disturb or remove more than 160 s'f' of building material' The construction plans submitted with my application clearly. inJicate tnis information' (This will be ver:ified during plan review, and will delay youi pCIect if found to be inaccurate) OR o The building was constructed after October 12' 1988'The date of construction was original col"lstruciion date dateapplicant signature !-r-ceJ F 2to loUio"oa3 c.\rrrar\FirQM(\Darmlf<\B| ril.lino\htrildino oermit 4-L7 -2007'DOC Pap 5 of7 o4lr7l2oo7 P.@22r4 344 5AA2l"f AY- I A-2eA7 lg:6e Am t\e e- :.tr * € -nroofr -0r z Ic1 { t+so$ q tl I a $e Er*t{ F, RlFi ?* et- N l- F\EJ-TI ,..",.ffi -fr*rrl e'rq €' '"i1 5ti o, -*.,O l i,'*g S{*-.I =ru d 3I o i h,r -1e-qu lfr o Remove existinE fiberglas tub unlt lnstall new tub Counter Top; Silestone, Crey Amazon Walf Tile: 12"x12", white Lavatory: Kohfer #K"2210 undercounter Bath Tub: Kohlar #716 Villager bath Fitringr Grohe #33 413 000 "Tub Flttlng: Crohe # 35 007 combination FLOOR PLAN 1/2" =1'-O' i i EAST WALL 1/2" -1'-0" "'ty ,lltnewPytd *^ttJ vm Plug ifior't -.9 for !{ oo ooo 11/2" splash SOUTH BATH U nit 404 Vail21 s11 Lionshead circte, Vait, hw? or 'tr o*'$/tr/afCO t.tvzs'a zg@t abz blz A3-l r 14 zz= @t L@az-6 r -adv New top, lavatory & fittinp on ext cabinet New glas shower enclosure & door Remove existing fiberglas tub unit lnstall shower Counter Top; Silestone, Crey Amazon Walf Tife: 12"x12', whlF Floor Tile: 2"x2" un$azed whitr Lavatory: Kohf er #K-221O undercounter FiUinti Crohe #33 413 W Shower Fitring: Crohe # 35 00E combination 5 Fh...rff o,"lu1 NORTH BATH eagel of r Co w a/s/a F R PLAN ',, Existing tile Nerr/ top, lavatory & fltrings on etft cabinet 112 =1'-O' toilet prper holder EAST WALL 1/2" =1'-9" j Unit,404 Vail21 s11 Lionshead circte, Vait, 90 'd zeag ebz Ftz Ag-'lIl'f uv zz. aI L@az-6I -lrdt, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Legal Description: Project No : 52I E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL VAIL 2I BUILDING, UNIT 404 210106403009 .-.*rR36l-od-\O DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.INITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P07-0091-bI otS(€ Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 07/10/2007 Issued..: 07/lll200'l Expires . .: 0l/0712008 Total Calculated F€es--> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee------> Paymenls--------> BAtrANCE DUE------> ohtNER wrLEY, ,JAMES & SALTJY A. 07 /1,0/2007 5OO5 GOLF DR DALLAS TX 75205 APPLICANT PLUMBING & HEATING DESIGN LLjT/Io/2oo7 Phone: 97o-376-7776 P.O. BOX 944 AVON co 8J"620 License:353-P CoNTRACTOR PIJWBING & HEATTNG DESTGN LLOT/LO/2007 Phone: 97Q-376-7776 P.O. BOX 944 AVON co 81520 License:353-P Desciption: RE-ROUGH DRAINS FOR A TUB ANS SHOWER, AND SINGLE SHOWER; NEW VALVES Valuation: $3,400.00 Firepface Information: Resticted: ?? # ofcas Appliances: ?? # ofcas Logs: 1'l I of Wood Pallet: ?? .t'.**''|t*'*,t't'''||*|il*'i+*|*.'.|++*tt+.t+.|*|.*''l''.i*.:lt't'l|****'|i Plumbing-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call---> s0.00 $78.00 s78.00 $?s.00 $?8.00 $0.00 960, oo Restuarant Plan ReYiew--> sls. oo ToTAL FEES-------> s0.00 $3 .00 r r tt+l {t a **,a t 1*l t Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT 07 /t0/2007 Jwl Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *.lit**|*'t{l.l'|t:}tti+tii+iltr+'ti.*|it*'tr'|i+tti|t*ti+**+1****'*i{ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR O. ozlo Po7. oo g / Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97o,-479-2t49 q,/ 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ftru{a/( P.wro!6-H7 ( Address:#z O1r; - COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) @ndct o'tu at 97O-328-8&40 or vbit for htel # Parcel # robName: \/1J\UZY rob Mdress: Vr+ r t- ?-l tt,"f (q!! LcAal Descripton Lot:Elock:Flllng:Subdlvlslon: dress:6o6 6&F wD^*r,n. I phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaifeddescriotionofwork: ^ r/nt,taC le-rzo*l.t\jgn'.^15 €n h'Wrglu)q-,AND sdke SliwL tuu* "'"'' WorkCfass: New( ) AddiUon( ) AlteraUon ( ) y'epatrl 1 Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Singlefamily( ) Duplo<( ) Multl-famllyq/ C"tm't"tcf4f-n"sCunnt( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Unlb In this building:No. of AccommodaUon Units In this building: ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********************!t*******:********* 18' Page 1 of 1 FrFL5 \\' JUL OWN l-EIvfF 0e 200t OF VA]L D F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\Building\plumbi ngJDermit-1 1-23-2005.doc /a\/ttr'.\'r'a['$d,J TowoFvlniffiY HOW DIDWE RATEW]TH YOU? Tovm ofVailSurvey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonest Director, (970)47s.2139 Check all that applies. 1. Which Deparfne(s) did you conbct? Building _ Environmental _ Housing Admin Planning DRB PEC no one available ? 3. lf you werer required to wail how long was it bebre you were helped? 4. Was your project revieured on alimely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no? 5. Was ttris yourfirstlime to fle a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ IUA 6. Please rate $e performance of he staffperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knortedge; responsiveness, availabillty) 7. Overallefiectiveness offre FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 I 8. Whatis tlre besttime of day fur you b use he Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime to complete this survey. We are commified b improving our service. 99.1?#0t tn"p""$:fl["d]F",ffiFo'ting e"g" ez f1i!_ay August 10,2007 .,KM 521 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL VAIL 2{ BUILDING, UNIT 404 Sub Tvoe: AMF Status: ISSUEDU'se: Insp Area: JRM Phone: 970-376-7776 A/P/D lnformation Activitv: P07-0091 Tvoe: B-PLMBConstTvo6: Occuoahbv:OWrier: WILEY. JAMES & SALLY A. ContfactoT: PLUMBING & HEATING DESIGN LLP Description: RE-ROUGH DMINS FOR A TUB ANS SHOWER, AND SINGLE SHOWER; NEW VALVES Reouested Insoectlon{s) Item: 290 PLMB-FinalRequeslor: PLUMBING & HEATING DESIGN LLP o.t,s'lf;[,I3i GoENCKLA Reouested Time: 09r0Hilf --' Phong>470-376-7776 Entered Bv)-DGoit-DEN K Time Exp: 0,'nil ")| )4 /L .,.,,p,f ' n/0/t Ail,l Insoection History fX / f A ltem: 210 PlMB-und€roround U/l ' [lItem: 220 PLMB-Rouoti/D.W.V. *Aooroved * L 07112107 lnsoeclor: GCD ' ' Action: AP APPROVED \l ./ COMMENT: LIMITED AMOUNTOF PLUMBING NOTEST YItem: 230 PLMB-Rouoh/Water * Aooroved 07112107 Inso€ctor: GCD ' ' Action: AP APPROVED / ICommen[ STREET PRESSURE I IItem: 240 PLMB-Gas Pioino I IItem: 250 PLMB-Pool/HbtIub I /Item: 260 PLMB-Misc. V Item: 290 PLMB-Final REPTl31 Run Id: 6977 Roquested Insp€ct Date: F.rid_ay, August 10,2OO7' Inspection Area: JRM - - Site Address: 521 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL VAIL 21 BUILDING. UNIT 404 ArPlD lnformation Contractor: Oescription: Reouested Insoection(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: K.W. WOODWORKS,INC Comments: unit 404 Assiqned To: JMONDMGON- Action: Time Exp: Insp€ction Historv Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Type: A-MF Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUED)ahby: U'se: ll-A Insp Area: JRM Phone: 719-486-1615 REMOVE TUBSJEPLACE ONE TUB, INSTALL ONE SHOWER PAN, REMOVE TILE AND PAINT Requostod Time: 08:00 AM' Phone: 719-480-_1615 -or- (719) 213-0369 Entered By: DGOLDEN K 66(( Activitv: 807-0156 Const Tvo6:Owiier: WILEY. Jr c(( 0 ,.t- 'fc^ WMY,,^I' /N'fl*|"'rI T'r1' REPT131 DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen INS]'ECION FTEGIUEST TOWN OF VAIL l: / r'-j I penrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED AM.,)PMMON COMMENTS: U APP ROVED florsnppRovED n uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS D nerNsPEcr INSPE CTOB DATE INsiPEC DATE TIME RECEIV JOB NAME D- AM PM CA 1i,= LI PARTIAL '\./r'',t z I -*- READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATIONn orHsn MON COMMENTS: ?'_.\.\' (. TUE '.':. WED Il'"RIF n orsepp noveo n netNsPEcrflnppRovED fl upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS (3, DATE -" .> - /2/ =t' INSPECTOR JOB NAME INSPEC.ctN FTEOUEsiT TOWN OF VAIL -)/' " ,:a ., bfur CALLER "-l-,' Lt ''i "'4 ('"\ t. f] pnnnnl LOCATION { READY FOR INSPECTION ; TIME RECEIVED D orHen TUE WED ,'- TIIUR IAM PM') FRt E nppRovED D uporu rse CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR Townof Vail ETfi:CIRICAL PERIVIIT Job V'qL 4l Erectricar contracror..... *y. nl- K*.* -..:.....--................-... APPROVAIS THIS FORT Ig TO BE POSTED O]I JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTTON 24 H(X'NS ADVANCE NOII@ REQUINED FOR INSPESIIONS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 537 , .4SDL s-...-....................... ,./.a?9 Date hid--..... Received By $.........................-.. ?oo Pllr Chactc lir r. f. t!aalar aa.r oatrlar lr!aat /'/t;t,,s/fu8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMIT Permit #: 896-0076 t. rowN or varl 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 OIINER NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ADD/ALT MF BUILD Fircpt!cr Information: Rcstricted:fof Gas Appt i enc.s:fof Gas Logs:fof tlood/Pal,llt: FEE SUIIITARY Bui Ldi ng---)85.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eH-->.00 Totat Catcul.tcd Fees-->243.25 P tan chcck-> 55 .25 DRB Fe!-------Invcstigation> .m R.crcrtion Fee---------) .00 Total Pcrmit Fec---) 243.?5|,littcatt->3.00ctcan-uPDePosit-----_->100.00PayDcnts-:--_> TOTAL FEES--_-. APPLICANT BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT PO BOX 2894, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT Job Address: 521 E LIOI{SHEADLocation...: VAIL 21 406 ParceI No.. : 2101-064-03-011 Project No. : PRJ96-0056 PO BOX 2894, VArL CO 81658 HAYNES DOUGLASS & SANDRA 229 COOPER DR, MCMTNNVTLLE, TN 37110 CR status...: ISSUED Applied. ,: 0a/30/I99$ Issued.. . : 05/03/t996Expires..: l0/30/7996 Phone z 3039494244 Phone: 3039494244 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: DeDt: PUB WORK Divieion: accur!te plot and ptot p[.n, subdivi sion Description: KITCHE REMODEL Occupancy: Type Construction: Tlpe Occupancy: VaLuation: R1 Multi-FamilyII 1-HR Type II 1-Hour 3,500 Add sq Ft: Ite.m: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04130/1996 DAN Action: APPRItb,m:..05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT9!/30/Ie_2Q^DAN,_ Aetion: AppR N/AIt.e,m:, 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 9+/30/Ie_?Q^DAI!__ __ Aqlton: APPR N/AIt'em:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS04/30/1996 DAN Act,ion: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay appty to this permit. OECLARAIIONS I hereby lcknotledge thrt I hlvr feld this apptication, fitlcd out in futt thc infofnrtion rcquircd, cooptctcd anpl..n, rnd stlte that at[ thc informtion provided as required is corract. t agrec to compty uith tha inforlationto conpty uith atl, Tovn ordin.nccs lnd statc tavs, and to buitd this structurc accord!)g.to the Toun'g cod.3, dcsign reviev approved, Uniforn Buitding codc and othrr ordinances of thc Tgvrfappt i cabl,e REOUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE I,IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR }IOURS It{ ADVAI{CE BY Send Cl,can-Up Deposit To: EAUER TURE OF OIINER zoni ng and ANo ot| ER \ I ,t ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSpernit #: 896-00?6 a6 of 05/03/96 Status: IssuED ****************************************************il*************************** permir rtrpe: ADD/Ar-,T l[F BUrLD PERMTT Applied: 9!/,19/,\229appliciirt: seubR HoME TMPRoVEMENT lEsued: 01/,0-3_/,\226- 3039494244 To ExPiret LO/30/1996 Job Address: Location: VAIL 21 406 Parcel No: 2101-064-03-011 Description: KITCHE REMODEL Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CETTINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIA],.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AI{D EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 0F THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENI APPROVAI IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CA}T BE STARTED. 7 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co .81657970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COI'{MUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 521 E LIONSHEAD CR Location...: VAIL 21 406 Parcel No.. : 2101-064-03-011 Project No. : PRJ96-0056 APPLICANT EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN CO 81645OWNER HAYNES DOUGLASS & SANDRA 229 COOPER DR, MCMINNVILLE, TN 37110 Descript,ion: KITCHEN REMODEL ON JOBSITE AT ALL Pbrmit #: TIMES E9 6-00 59 Valuation:1, 000 . 00 FEE SU}IIIARY Tot![ catcutatcd tees-> 55.m Status...: ISSUED Applied. . | 04/.30/.L996 IEsued. ..: 05/03/L996 Expires..: L0/30/L996 Phone: 303827 5772 Phone t 3038275772 .00 55.m 55.m .00 E Icctri cat--> DRB Fcc Invest iglt i orD ui tt catt-_> TOTAL FEES-> 50.00 .00 .00 5.m 53.00 AdditionaL Fecs-----> Total P"rmit Fee-------> Payrents---____----t BALANCE DUE-----> Ite-m:,O5OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT0413011996 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAT DECLARATIONS l- hcreby lcknoYlcdgc th.t I hlvc rc.d this lpptication, fitl,ed out in futt thc infornation required, coryl,ctld !n lccurltr p[ot pl'an, ard strtr that ![[ thc infornrtion providcd as requircd is correct. I !grc! to conpLy rrith tht informtion rnd ptot ptrn, to.conPl'y vith al'l' Tovn ordinrnces rnd stat! [aus, and to buil,d this structufr rccording io the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approvcd, unitorr BuiLding code snd othcr ordinancas of thc ToHn a[p[icabte thereto, REOUESTS IOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E ITADE TUENW-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAfL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * *''t * * ** * * * * * * * * *** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * ** * * * Statemnt Nunber: REC-0131 Anount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 5?06 s3.00 05/03/96 08242 Init: ALll 896-0069 Tlpe3 B-ELEC ELECTRICAI PERMIT 2101-0 64-03-011 52L E LIONSHEAD CR vArr, 21 406 Total Fees: 53.00 Total ALL PmtB: Balance: ********************************************ir*t***************** Permit No: ParceL No: Site Address: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTR]CAL PERMIT FEES WIIL CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53.00 .00 Anount s0.00 . 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co .8L657 970-479-2L38 P tunbi ng--; Ptan chcck--> Investigation> tli l, L Cat l.---> 15.00 Restuarsnt Ptsn R.viev-->3.75 TOTAL FEES-_- .00 5.00 21.75 AdditimaL Fces--) Total Pcrnit Fee---) Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 04/.30/.L996 Issued...: 05/03/L996Expires..: 10/30/L996 Phonet 3035249376 Phone: 303524937 6 .m 21.75 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI.,t TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PENNit *: P96-0044 Job Address: 521 E LIONSHEAD CR Location... ! VAIt 2L 405 Parcel No.,: 2101-064-03-011 Project No. : PRJ96-0056 APPLICA}TT EAGLE COI'NTY PLUMBING & HEAT P O BOX 1173, cYPSrrM CO 81637 CONTRACTOR EAGLE COI'NTY PLUMBING & HEAT P O BOX 1173, GYPSW CO 81637OWNER HAYNES DOUGLASS & SANDR,A 229 COOPER DR, MCMINNVILLE, TN 3?110 Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Valuation:s00.00 'EE SUII}IARY .m Tota[ Glcutatcd F..s-> 21.75 paynents.-_-__) 21 .75 BALANCE DUE--> .00 Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI,TENT04/30/1996 DAII Action: APPR Dept: BUILDTNG Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLAR,ATIONS I hcreby acknowt.dge that I have read this apptication, fil,Led out in futl, the infor0Etion required, coopteted an lccurrt. ptot ptan, and stat! that ltt th! informtion providcd as rcquircd i3 corrlct. t rgrcc to conpty vith the infornation lnd ptot p(!n, to cotPly vith al,t ToL'n ordinlnces 8nd statc [avs, and to buiLd this sttuctufe according to thc ToHn's zoning and suHivi3ion cod$, dasign rcvieu approvcd, l,rnifor! Bui tding codc .nd othcf ordinancca of the Torrn rylicrbl,c thrrcto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE 'IIIENTY-FOUR HOURS I}I ADVANCE BY cE FRo S:00 A|| o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAfL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * ** * * * 2t.7s 05/03/96 08:40 Init: AI.M Statemnt Number: REC-0131 Anount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 6706 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address:. Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41335 Total Fee6: 2I .75 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description PLIJI.{BING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE P96-0044 Tlrpe3 B-PL!{B PL,ITMBING PERI{IT 2101-0 64-03-011 521 E TIONSHEAD CR vArL 21 406 *************************!r**************************:t*********** 2L.75 2L.7s .00 Anount 15.00 3.75 3.00 County e"fo." 0 f or Parcel /f .lo 1064-0zort 0ffice TOI{N OF VAIL o CONSTRUCTT ON PERMIT APPLICATTPN, FORI'TDATE: 4/;cl'lt - PERI"IIT # , APPLfCATfoN MUST BE FTLLED OIII COIIPLETELY OR IT ltAY NoT BE AccEPTEDUtrt* * ** * *********** * ** * ********* PER!{IT fNFORilAIfON ** ************ * ** * ******* ****ttt . .,[ ]-Building I J-plunbing ;f'3-nlectrlcal [ ]-Mechanibal t J-other _ rob Name: ilt?1.ry=; nZc,,ra{) rob Addre "=, FA/L e/ tsele, x 4o6 Iegal Eescription: Lot ,,\p., t, nowners Nane:-'H#17 Block Fitiryt suBprvrsroN: Address: daf Ceafd u)fuUD Ph. Address:TIj'37/lc-\' -Ph.Architect:/,ah1t,/,:1r.te, ceneral Description: G'work class: [ ]-New L{-orr"=ation t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units, /Nunber of Accomnodation Units: / lftl.t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances- cas Logs- wood/pell "t &_ {************:*:****************** VAL,,UATIONS ********************************* BUTLDTNG: PLWBTNG: Contractor: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: ELECTRTCAL:$ / CeC,- MECHANTcAI: $- e 61 OTHER: $ TOTAL: Address: Town of Vail Reg. No.E'/92 Phone Number: -?2a - 5e- Town of vail Reg. NI.!,ZZ-P Phone Nurnber: <2+-F Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Mechanical Address: Contractor: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: UECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'UBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECEAIITCAL PIA}T CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNA1TIIRE: Jm,cz /B/L i"o si{1k CLEATT UP DDPOSIT NEI'I'I{D \ts-r :t727 ?5 roulh tronlagG rord Y.il, colo.sdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: suB.TEer: offlcc ol conmunlly deyelopm.nl ALL CONIRACTORS CT'RRE}ITLYL REGISTERED WITII TTIETOT{N OF VAIL To![N Or VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI!{MI NITY DEVELOP!{ENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit anv-soirr-"J"r, sand, debrisor material, incruding trash iunpsters, portabre toir.ets andworknen vehictes.|pon any streetl =ia"iuil;-;ii;y or publicplace or anv norti6n tneieoi. --rir" right-of-rray on arr. Town ofVail streetl ind.f3"g= is alproiinately s ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be strilliy--enforced by the Town of VailPublic works DeDartment. -i"i.6ns founa ,riiriring this ordinancewirr be siven a 24 hour *riii."-""ii""-ti-;;;;;'="id rnareriar.fn the event the person so notified-aoes noi-'"orpfy with thenotice within the 24 nour tine-=p."iiiJ,"il"'il;ric worksDeparrment wilr remove saia natE;i;i-;t-ir,J"I6!ire of personnotified. The provisions or-irri= ordinance shatr not beappricabre to c-onstruction, n.ini"n.nce or repair projects ofanv street or a'ev or anv utiiiii"='-i; 6"-;i;ii-"-rr"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in fulr., please stop by the Tovrn ofvair Building Department to obtiin a copy. rirani you for yourcooperation on this natter. --- - --rt ' "'r"r't (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south hontrg. rold rtll, color.do 81657 l3o3l 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlcc of oommunlfy devotopmclrl BUILDING PERI|IT ISSUANCE TII{E FRAI.IE If this perylt requires a Town of Vai'l Fire Departnent Approval,EnsineerLs. (pubric t*:l review ana approvai,'i iiiiiiini'brp."t "ntreview or Hea] th Departrntnt review, anl'a_review by the BuildingDepartment, the estimated tine ror'a totat ;;ri;--;"y"L[!'as tongas three. weeks. All cormercia't ('large or smal'l) and all multi-family permits willhave to follow itre ioove menti6neJ-maximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects should take a ]eiler amound of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projects impaci the various auove mintioneodepa rtrnents wi th reoard to- necessii,i- revie*,-il,.ii p""j".il' ruyalso take the three-week period Every.attempt wilr be nnde by this deparrment to expedite thispennit as soon as possible. - l:_!!. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame - 41,(r79Project Xanre te t,Jor Community Develo TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM O ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED 1) 2) Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Pubtic Way Permit': YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public propefi? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done afleding lhe right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? x X3) 4',) s) 6) 7)X. 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used tor staging, pafting or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community K Development? !t19u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work,s otfice or at C.ogTult'ty Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis,lhe Townof Vaif Construction Inspector, al479-2158. read and answered allthe DESTINATIONRESORTS 610 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE vAlL, coLoRADO arc57 -5293 TELEPHONE (970) 476-13s0 FAX (970) 476-t6t7 April 1.8, 1996 town Of Vail Planning & Building Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern, This letter is to serve as authorization from the Vail 2t Condominium Association, Inc. for Bauer Home Improvenent to proceed with the renodeling of the kitchen in Unit #406 according to the plans dated March 11, 1996, which were prePared by Thurston Inc. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information. Vice President and Destination Resort General Manager Mgmt., Inc. cc: Zenik BauerV/ A Lowe Enterprises Company