HomeMy WebLinkAboutTOWN OF VAIL VAIL RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1988 SERVICE AGREEMENT MAY 2 1988 LEGAL'J'n,, i'l / y) 1,,/ut,f /rt D (,-.. ,; ))f )(-ta-r-, Ir1,rtr-nt',',f ")'1/-" ( l 5/r/ /f {K TO: FROU: DATE: SU8..fECT: Charlie Wick Connunity Developnent Departrnent May 2, 1988 Connunity Development Relationship/Services providedto Town to VaiI Recreation Departnrent: planning/ Zoning Dlvision This sumnary only addresses the planning/Zoning Dj.vj_sionrsrelationship to the Town of Vail Recreaiion Defartnent.Basically, there is no inpact on the Environmeirtat lteatthserrrices due to this proposal. The inpacts on buitding andproject management will be in a report-coning to you fion earyMurrain. Below is our su'nmary of services, iostsl eguiprnentr'and connents on the proposal . I. Services provided from 1985 to 1988 A. PARKS/RECREATIONAIJ FACIIJITIES/TR,AII,S PI,ANNING l_. 2. 3. Ford and Donovan Master PLans Construction documents andconstruction supenrisionPark design base data and projectorganization for Ford, Bighorn,Buffehr, and Sandstone Parks $ 40,000 51, 000 6 ,4OO o L5, 000 25, 000 I, ooo 7,860 3r880 3 r7OO 4. Aquatic study, phase Iconsultant tine 5. Aquatic study, Phase II 6. Master Trails plan 7. Bighorn Park concept design 8. Ford Park construction docunents 9. Sandstone Park construction docunents 10. Buffehr Creek Park construction documents 11. Overall park construction managernent 1. 2. 3. c. B. I'NG RANGE RECREATTONAL POLTCY PI,ANNTNG Eagle County Strategic RecreationalPlan Recreation Management Study Town of Vail Strategic Recreation plan (Money has not been spent at this tine) rN-HOUSE STAFF ASSISTANCE l. Planner services provided for specialprojects such as the banner program,skating pond study, consultant iees- 2. In-house review, special event permits, DRB proposals, etc., includes assistanieand advice and preparing subrnittals.Staff takes a nuch nore hands-on approachif it is an in-house proposalConsultant fee, O 3. Provision of infomation relating toTown of VaiI parks to the public,consuLtant fees o Total consultant fees, A through C,1985 through t98B II. EOUTPMENT The following eguipnent is used at various tirnesstaff provides these recreational services: Word processor/personal computerTown of Vail carDictaphone Phone Camera Town of VaiI surv.ey equipnentXerox copy machineXerox blueprint machineMeeting roomSlide projectorSlide screen 5, OOO 4r000 12,000 500 L75 r34O when the rrr. cosr o, ,tr"*" A. Cornmunity Developnent staff time We estimate the following allocation of staff tinefor recreation each week: Cornnunity Development Director 4 hrs/week Lead Planner 8 hrs/week Secretary 2 hrs/week It is also felt that this allocation of tine shouldonly be used for 758 of the year, as there are period of tine when we do not work on recreation projects. Using this fornula, the total bours per year devotedto providing recreational services by each of thethree staff rnenbers is as follows: Community Developnent Director 39 weeks x 4 hrs/week = 156 hrs/year Lead Planner 39 ueeks x 8 hrs/week = 312 hrs/year Secretary 39 weeks x 2 hrs/week = 78 hrs/year This creates a total of 546 hrs/year devoted torecreation. B. Consultant Costs Total consultant fees per items listed under A through C from 1985 to 1988 : $175,340. IV. PROPOSAL IMPLICATIONS A. Positive Inpacts l. One board, focussed only on recreation will have more time and energy to devote to management ofrecreation for the conmunity. . 2. The community will know who to talk to concerning recreational issues. 3. The Town Council will have more tirne to devoteto other rnunicipal projects and policies. 4. There is a potential to save money on consultantfees if landscape architects are hired for the B. recreational staff and are capable of doing design and construction documents for parks. 5. The proposal frees up more time for the Connunity Developnent staff to focus on otherplanning projects, assuming park planning services are not contracted to Connunity Developnent staff. Issues I. One focussed board may not be as aware as they should be of the interrelatedness of all conmunity issues. 2. In-house cornnunication between the Connunity Developnent Department and Recreation Departnentis presently quite efficient. This helps insaving tine and naking decisions and also keeping both departnents abreast of each other,sactivities. This connunication would be moredifficult, however not impossible, under the re-organization. Solution: Contract with Cornmunity Developnent6; planning and design work or hire landscapearchitects who are able to coordinate with the Tor.tn as part of their job. 3. Staff would needed to be added to the RecreationDistrict to cover related recreation planning services. Solution:work. A Cornnunity areas orneet this Consultants could be hired to do this contract could be arranged with the Development Department to cover these Iandscape architects could be hired to need. 4.Decisl-on-rnakJ.ng for the use of park lands could be nore conplicated due to the reorganization. As an exanple, who will be deciding whether a cernetery will be allowed to be located at Donovan Park. Solution: This decision nust be made up-front before the reorganization occurs. overall planning and recreation planning arevery interrelated. There is a certain econonyof scale of handling both within a certaindepartnent. Also, other planning projects have impacts that relate to recreatLon planning. 5. :e ,!i. ,F..*1 '1*1 8!'*6. 7. 8. Solution: Contract with the Connunity Developnent Departrnent or hire landscapearchl-tects/planners whose job descriptionsinclude naintaining close contact wittr the Cornnunity Developrnent Department. The Town's abltity to handle as nany proJects asthey do presently may decrease, dependlng on howthe Recreatlon Department is staffed. Consultants greatly increase a departrnent,sabllity to do more projects sinultaneously. Additional design and office equipnent nust bepurchased if Connunity Developnent serrrices areduplicated in the Recreation District. In-house advice fron the Town Englneer, Publictlorks and Building Department as weII asplanning Etaff wiII not be as readlly available.Certainly, the lown staff would workcooperatively wlth the new department. However,the arrangenent would be sinilar to the way wework with the Water District or Vail Associates. There is definitely a spirit of cooperation between these ftroups. Hordever, it would not beour responsibility to nake subnittals to PEC, DRB, Town Council, etc.