HomeMy WebLinkAboutTOWN OF VAIL VAIL UNPLATTED 1982 APPROVAL TO LOCATE HELIPAD WEST OF MUNI BUILDING LEGALLhrlnwl' lf ft fri4Pt't''"/ t /)c.fr. lr/p'/ irru-t il,fq'/"il;u/*/e' .t({c ,.", ---'-_ r-.. ar \' FR0l'l: DATE: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND MEMORANDUI'I Planning and Environrnental Cormission Department of Commun'ity Development APril 5r,1982 Amendment to the zoning code to jnclude the Public Use Distict, a heli"pad forApplicant: Town of Vail-:=- as a conditional use in emergency use only. 'is to inc'lude in the zoning code provisions for-the appl for a conditional use.perm_it in the Public Use District for a helipad f e only.It is felt at this time after evaluating the sitiration)most appropriatelocation for such a he'lipad would be the area west of ihe m/n'icipal posi'ofiice. This location is a centra'l one for the Gore val1ey, but moy'e impbrtairtly isin close proximity to the Vail hospital allowing lpeedy ty'anspoi-tation of emergency patients requiring he'licopter service. Also location west ofthe-post office is wel'l suited for a heli.pad with regay'd to the predoninantoffice use in the inmediate sunounding area, \*ECOMMENDATiON The Department ofto amend the zoni Cormunity Development recomnend approval of the request use in the Publ ic Use Districtcode to allow as a conditi a he]i-pad forl use on1y. l,Je feel tha this amendment to the zoning code is the fi rd provfsion of a s table location in the Villagefor a he'l i-pad use. In the past, helicopters have'landed jn variqus areas of the town basicallywith no officjal approva'l or thought put 'into the appropriate location for such a use, This has el icited severai complaints fibm iunounding property owners concerning adverse effects of the landing of a helicopter. This request 2J vr"l".iu B*4-1 ( rut "V"" h /1" b /) /(, or. T LOR ili ..tr.u|-v'.*" ' 'za. ,'*6'lit H IGHWAYS'6;rrAr' ,tf'. CO ADO STATE DEPARTMENT OF DIVISION OF.HIGHWAYS Novenlf,er 30, 1981 more. . . . Mr. Richard CaPlan Town l'lanager Town of VaiI P. O. Box 100 Vail, co 81657 Dear Mr. CaPlan: We have decided to give conditional approval for the con- struction or a r'eiipad foi emergency purposes^only at the site ieferred to in your letter of November 24' I98I' Though we are concerned by the distraction potential to motoristsonbottrtheFrontageRoadandthemainlinesofl-70 as well as the p"""i[iritv oi the Prop wash creati"g^i^!:?:1tt *i*t visibiLity by producing a snow cloud' we also recognaze the need for an "i,"ig"ttty Uefipad in the Vail area' The following list of conditions is provided for your con- sideration before ie will sanction a trial period: 1. AlI costs associated with the construction and rnaintenance of the helipad must be borne Uy-ttt. parties involved other than the Colorado Division of HighwaYs. 2. AII parties associated with the use of the helipad assume fuff iesponsibility and liabilities with re- sPect to any'i"'"ia."t, inlident or circumstance that may occur as a result of the usage of tle helipad' Said partles must also agree to indemnify the colorado Dj-vision ot Higlwayt tt"i loss or €lamage resuJ-ting iio* "rry "."ia6"t. ineident or circumstance that nay occurasaresultoftheusageofthehelipad.we ask that such protection to the Colorado Division of Hishways b" ;t;;i;;e-i; the form of an insurance policv' 3. The fencing musL be rnaintained between the site and the mainline of I-?0 - 4. This conditional approval is for a one year trial- perioa ""a *iV-Ue ilvotea at. any time if the. operation is determineJ-to Ue detrimental- to the health' safety and welfare of the motoring public' P.O. Box 2107 GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81502 (303) 242-2862 Page 2t'tr. Richard CaPlan From Mr. D. B. CamPbell DBC:1mw XC: Prosence aradburY,/Drieth Lt. Woods - CSP - Eagle CamPbell f il-e The site is to be used only for emergency PurPoses and no comrnercial or private use will be allowed' Such usage witt be grounds for revokation of the conditioial approval of the site for a hel-ipad' We will also require that the site be restored to its original coridition when it is no longer used as a helipad. Access to the site must be from the Frontage Road, i"a "" access, either vehicular or pedestrian, will be allowed to the mainlines or ramps of I-70' 5. 5. 7. Very truly Yours, R. A. PROSENCE DISTRICT ENGINEER DISTRICT SAFETY & TRAFFIC ENGINEER BY * @xffi e S- s t- $c FE Jl!'r :\- =., \\L J.-:<\- $ R\rx N $ 8/zz/n 70. 71. Chap 7. Par 70 AC 150/5390-rB CHAPTER 7. IIELIPORT VISUAL AIDS GENERIL. Recorrnendatlons for narklng an<l ltghttng of ground-1evel hell.ports are baaed on tests conducted for the FAA wlth the cooperatLon and lnvolvenent of civLl and mllLtary helicopter pllota. For day VFR operatlons, Lt ls recomended that the takeoff and landlng area be raarked and that the helLport be equlpped with a eultable wlnd dlrectloo ladlcator. For nlght VFR operatlons, Lt ls reconnended that the takeoff and landing area and the wlnd direction lndlcator also be llghted and a hellport ldentLficatlon beacon be Lnetalled. l{AE&Il{G. FAA etandards for marklng hellports aerve two purposes. One type;f narking senres to identify the heHportte deslgnated takeoff and landLng area and provldes vleual approach cuea to the p11ot. The eecood type of narking provLdes guldance for ground novenent and helLcopter parklng. Harklngs may be painted on paved surfacee usLng reflectLve or oonreflective palut of the recormended color. A 6-lnch (15 cn), or nl.der, black (red for hospl.tal heltporte) border nay be used to enhance painted narkl.ngB. The marking of turfed hellports nay be acconpll.shed in a varLety of waye. a. IdentlfLcatl.on Marklngs.Heli.port narklngs identlfylng the takeoff and landLng area are white.They are centered on the dealgnated takeoff and landing area. DlmensLons for these markings are shorm on the referenced flguree._ (1) Standard l{ellport @!qt-. The standard hellport roarker ffinded to ldentlfy the deeLgnated takeoff and landing area of a hellport. Wtrtle thls eynbol le wldely uaed throughout the hellcotrfgsa lnduatry, a number of private-use and personal-uae he1lport6 are eLther not rnarked at all or utl1lze a conpany logo or some other uarklng recoguized by the hellcopter pllote authorl.zed to uae the faclllty. (2) EoapLtal l{ellport arker. A red letter ttHtt Lrposed ln the niddle of a whlte croBB (Flgute 7-2) 18 recolnnended ae the ldentlfler of a hospLtal heliport. Exlstlng hoapltal helLporta ehould convert to thlB color pattera at the flrat opportunlty slnce the prevlous etandard of a whlte t'Ett on a red cross background La no longer reconnended. The color reversal is neceaaary to prevent confllct wlth the eynbo 1 of the American Red Crosa. Page Jl I {r I ,} I FIGI'RE 7.2. FSCO}f'IENDED HOSPITAL HBLIPORT NARKINGS l I I I 5 4 1 LC L'ol53g.'-rrt t8"(45 cnl TOUGHDOWN PAD EOUNDARY NOTES: 1: 'The cross and touchdown pad bounrlary maikings are nhite and loay be edged vlth a 6-lnch (1-5 cra) red border to lmprove contrast. _ fhe letter t'H" ls red. 2. The touchdown' pad boundary marklng rnay be clther' a solLd or segrnented 1ine. . B/zz/77 Page 60 Chap 7 I I rrl'/ t'or D ) (o tt *"ry n /..,(:, 7, ,/-/ ./" PQ ",D -"'2 %€ '- 2A 6 7p/'l'ul I ot''0(. Ol offlce ol the loutn managet November 24, L98t l[r. Dave Campbell Colorado Department of HlghwaYs P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, CO 81501 Dear Dave: As you know, the Town of Vail has been seeking an appropriate site for an emergensy helipad for quite a few years' Because of the narrow coistriints of our valtey we have beep unsuccessful tn securing a p"ntanent location. our situation must be met with finding a perninent location which is in close proximity to the VaiL Vif:-"y lt.di."l Center and can be assured of being free of automobiles as well as easily snowplowed. After reviewing and utillzing numerous sites over the past few years on both public and private land, we have concluded that ine Uest Location in terms of proximity to the hospital and accessibility for snowplows and ambulances is a triangular slte irmedialely west of the U.S. Post Offlce. This site is under the ownership of the Town of vail. However, there is the possibility of both minor encroachment onto the state right-o}-way as well as the potential issue of distraction to palsing motorists. While r e recognize the proximity to the interslate, 1et me assure that the nature of the uses for emergency purposes which fortunately are infrequent as well as uiuatiy-oclurring after hours when traffic is at a minimum. We have discussed sites at length with Fl-ight Operations Engineer Daniel Reich of st. Anthony's Hospital . After considerable re- search with he and other pitots in the area we have jointly, concluded that this site i.s the best location for such a pad. Lastly, I understand that there may be some possible concern about lr:-naing snow as the helicopter bovers to ]and. It is my understanding that this type of helicopter does not hover, nut tands right away. In addition, during,conditions of bLowing snow the heiicopter visibility would be such that takeoffs or landings would not occur. 75 loulh lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ,r.O3 t[r, Dave Ca,npbell Irlovember 24r'LSBL Page 2 Therefore, I thlnk with any appropriate slgning or other safe-guards which you may feel are necessary we hopefully nay b'eable to work together to proceed with this location as aoon.as possi-ble so that emergency services nay be improved forthls coning rinter Thank you for your prompt attentlon to thls matter. Shouldyou bave any furtber questtons please feel free to contact me. rely yours, 4alchard Caplan Town llanager cc: Chlef Dlck IluranVail Flre Department :.. OO Novcnbcr 2ll, 1981Ittchacl Rausch Chairman, Eaglc Co. El{S Councll P.o. Box 507 Avon, Colorado 81520 Itr. Davc CanPbell Coloraito DcPt. of l{lghwaYs P.0. Box 210? Granil Junctlonr Colorado 81501 Dcar l{r. CanPbc}l; I an rrttlng on bchalf of thp Enclgcncy t{c<llca} Councll of Eaglc Cotrnty' Or"-;ot ls io lnp:rovc rcillcal scrvlccg ln thc County ard to advlec if," 6o,tnty Connlislonsr3 Ba to our Buggcatlone aE to waya thcsc ecrvlces can bc lnprovcil. onc of thc groblcn a,rcae for thls alca re.e thc leck of a pcrnancant iitrlitg "fti t* hcllcoptcn rnaftlng crcrgcncy-tlcllvcrlcs of nsillcal "oppffl" to thc yall vallcy Mcillcal Ccnter ard-plcklng.uP cr{tlcal paiicnte bclng transfcrrcil to othcr hoepltale for trcatrcat not avallablc et thc local lcvcl. In tr7lng to aolvc thls problcnl lcvcttl locatlons vcrc coneldcrcd as poestf,lc-ettce for a landtng sltc. Thc onc chooecn by tbc pllota_es tln icet for thcn r1s a tr{angplar p1coc otr latd Juet caet of t}p Vall Pogt Offlcc. Thls sltc ras also dcslrablc bccauac of ltE cloec proxlntty to thc hoapltal a.nil bccaugc of thc cetlr acccss to ttr arce. [c anc accklng yout approvlal for the ucc of thls lard aa I clcrTcncJr lanllng slte for lrcllcoptcrs conlng lnto tzlrc Vall arca for cncr6cncy rcasoru. Thc lard le on thc hlghney ilcpartncntfc r{ght-of-ray for I-70. Te 1cellzc thet t}1te ny fron tlnc to tlp caugc problcus rlth trtfflc on I-?0r but rc bcllcw tbat ttrte rtll bc dnlnalr ad that thcrc 1111 only bc a llnttcil nulbcr o'f landlrys tdtlng placc. Thcsc lnoblane rlll bc far outrclghcaf Dt thc bcncflta of a slnglc pcrnancnat lenil'lng sltc ln thc arca. Pllotg 1111 ba norc fanlller rlth tbc cltc. It v111 bc evatleblc at all tlnc lrd not aubJact to thc parktng p,roblcns rhlch havc pla6ucil lentlngg ln thc pst. Iorr conetdlcratlon of thls tattcr ta apprcclatcalr anal rc hopc that a epcc{y appf,oral 1111 bc fortlrconclng. 9lnccrclyl Chalrran, Ea6Ic Co. Elfi. Councll. O lnwn 75 gouth tronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 18, 1981 Dave Campbel I Colorado Dept. of Highways Box 2107 Grand Junction, C0 81501 RE: Helipad Location in Vail Dear Mr. Campbell: I would'like to discuss the proposed Helipad'located west of the Post 0ffice. As you know, Vai'l,is in need of a permanent site for the St. Anthonyfi ,'F'l ight for Life" Helicopter rescue operation. Consultations with representatives of St. Anthony's have told us the best location for a Helipad to be the area stightly west of the Post Office. There are many reasoni behind this choice. -First, the site is located very near the hospital and the length of time needed to transport a patient wou'ld be kepi to a minimum. The site also offers a central location for the 10 miie long Gore Va'lley. Another reason is the pilot favors this location over all-other locations because of the ease in which he can find the site and the lack of obstacles. Finally, very iittle work wi'll need to be done to make the site operationa'|. I understand the Highway Department's objections to this site are two-fo'ld. The He]icopter would distract drivers on I-70 and the Frontage Road and m,ight cause visibi'lity problems in the winter whi'le hovering. The distractions caused by the He1 icopter will be minimal because most the flights occur at night and flights average approximate'ly 20 per year. My understanding is that this site will never be allowed to become a commercia'l landing site. Visibi'lity problems can also be addressed by beeming around thi site so that the "White 0ut" area can be minimized. Since ihe craft lands directly and does not hover this condition of poor visib'ility may not even exist. I hope you wil'l reconsider our request to use this area for a vital operation'like the "Flight for Life." I be] ieve a trial approval may be in order so we can better determine the feasibility of using this site- Please contact me if you would like to discuss this further. S'i ncerely, E^lt (c.-L--,.'..r- Bill Andrews Town Engineer BA/J b lnwn 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 91657 (303) 476_7000 November 19, 1981 Dave Campbel1 Colorado Dept. of Eighways Box 21O7 Grand Junction, Co. 81501 Re: Emergency Helipad Dear Mr. Campbell: As you may know the Vail Va11ey is in desperate need of a helipadfor St. Anthony's "Flight for Life" helicopter operation. With theVail Valley Medical Center serving the upper end of Eagle County,Vail seems to be the logical site. In a discussion I had withLarry Drieth, he informed me that you would have concerns aboutthe site being distraction to motorists. Much effort to find a site that would not endanger any property or life has been done on our part. I have met with Daniel Reich, who is flight operatlons engineer for St. Anthony's. After com-pleting a study of the Gore ValLey the area just west of the Vail Post Office presents the best site. f have enclosed a letter fromMr. Reich addressing this site and study. f also have enclosed aletter from the town engineer, who has prepared a layout of the area v/e would like to use for this emergency heli-pad. I hope you will consider this site and if I can be of any helpplease feel free to call me at 476-2200 or if you are in the areafeel free to stop in at the station. Sincerely, / I /' -/ t.t/\tt . 4,.L(,1-21<<-^- Diek DuranFlre ChiefVa1l Fire Department DD/gd E. V KUHLIVIAN. Executive Director Sept€mber 11, 1981 Rlchard Caplan Vall Town Manager Box 567 VaiI, CoJ.orado 81658 Dear Richard: On behaLf of St. Anthony ttospltal Systemre Fl-ight Operations,I would like to express my support ln the efforts to designate an emergency nedlcal hellcopter landLng faci.l_lty ln VaL1, CoI-orado. I have beeu associateil wLth Fltght For Life since Lts ioceptlon Ln L972, orlglnal-ly as a Flight For Llfe heLlcopterpilot, later as operatlons manager for the hellcopter and fixed-wlng pxogr€rm under contract lrlth Fllght For Life, and presently as F]-lght Operations Engineer rrith St. AnthonyIlospltal Systems. I was invoLved during the ValI- gondoJ-a nishap and many other mountain operatLons. So Lt was lyith great l-nterest that I accepted the invLtation fron Captain Tim Lahey lrlth the Vall FLre Departnent toconsult on the selectLon of a possibLe permanent Landing slteln Vall for ernergency hellcopter gerviceg. On Auguet 25, L98L I accompanled Capt. Lahey to four areas under consideration. A11 four areas have excelleot potentl"alfor establlshing energency heLicopter landing faci!"lties. Both of the sites associated with the soccer field on the east end of tow'n have good ingress and egress routes. To facilitate night. operations ll-ghting woul-d be neceesary. Boundary narkers, a l-ighted wintlsock, and obstructlon markers would plovlde optlmum safety. EFt Foundet ol Fhght Fo( Lile. Richard Caplan Vall Town Manager Box 567 VaLl, Colorado 81658 Page 2... The site which ls presently the horse stable on the north side of I-70 ls situated such that it Ls away from the congestion and present populace and provides easy access for the helicopter. Ltghting an<l markers would be requlred. The fourth side dl-rectl-y west of the post offlce provides several advantages for designatlon as a hellcopter landing site. Its elevation provides a natural safety barrler since the landlng site is higher than the surrounding terrain and slmulates a raised helipad. The lnterstate highway affords the most ldeal route for ingress and egress to the landing slte. Some llghtlng is already present and the posslbility of tylng lnto exlstlng electriclty would he1-p resolve the 1-lghtlng requirement for night operatlons. Dlstance fron the hospital to the hell.copter ls a consLderatlon. Transporting of the fllght crew from the hel-icopter to the hospital and patlent and returning r.l-th the patient to the helicopter consumes t ftre. In ny overalL evaLuation, the site adJacent to the post offlce presents the best possiblllties for an emergency hellcopter landing site. If I can be of any further asslstance, pl-ease contact me. Daniel R. Rel-ch Flight Operatlons Eng ineet DRR/Jw cc: George Seaton Lyn Morgan Chief Duran APPLICATION FORI4 FOR CONDITIONAI, USE PERMIT I. This procedure is reguired for any project required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. The application will not be accepted until all inforrration is subnitted. A. NAI.IE OF APPLICATIT / I rik? ADDRESS ADDRESS Dt,o,.; Dv. d,l, / '-\i\l B. NArrtE OF Appr,ICAlrTfS REPRESBiTEATTVE u;Ck t\)f N lulalulss lJ N. tlrtaood Dri, dA. l , rioffit/}"'zto d. c.Aur'oRrzArr-oN oF pRopERrv owNER G/o"L DS "t 4, 7hu,,1 &SIGNAT1RE tf{ "r/eo - D. LOCJMION OI' PROPOSAL ADDREsS fl{tY PEoNE </)L,' ZZ o cl PEONE E.to the to be F. A'list of the name of owners of all subject property and their addresses. ,r0 49tS!*!0.00 plus an anount equal NY' rate for each property owner L'EGAI DESCRIPTfON Lot Block riljn then current first-class Postagenotified hereunder. property adjacent to the eae, Srnr /& e +rtt/rr4t' r5r Orgte*t ota H/kttl'/t?/S Po. 6oAa-loa 6y6sru fDr-qtAN )ctLo. ? TtgaL fttN: tBfLuz€ Ctuf rka.t t/*S.?asrau 5€E4k{ /// So"y'( frr,(i' nvU. ,n)sr/44;"F:t_ Hr c,qtsT gonctltj.onal USe Permi-t Page z ,e o^tE c*usa+uenfP^ nlttlttfI.. four (4) c ' A. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics, and measures proposed to make the-use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. B. A site pJ.an showing proposed development of the site, including topography, building locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped area, an4 utilities and drainage features. lM l2lLc C. Preliminary building plans and elevations sufficient to indicate . the dimensions, general appearance, scale, and interior plan ofall buildirlgs. Nn D. Any additional rnaterial necessary for the review of ttre application as detenuined by the zoning Admj-nistrat "ot '56 lrLf III. Ti:ne requirements 'llhe Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanyingrnaterial must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the rneeting. /Nlss hStr ttFa i ii:]FiiD E TF \,1 Ij'\v k q-> I \htLlB/*E -jf ./ / f/ <,/I] N I I ( \\ \\'\ i