HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 2 BLOCK 1 LOT 2 EVERGREEN LODGE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM LEGALr, . l D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman ***{<***{<*{<* P.O. Box 1230 Clifton, CO. 81520-tzZd ofifice eoFr368e Home Phone s70-464-5265 INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: Evergreen Lodge 250 South Frontage Road West Vail, Co. 81657 Attn: Pamela Stenmark LOCATION: Evergreen Lodge 250 South Frontage Road West Vail, Co. 81657 REPORT PREPARED BY: John R. Peterman Inspector Manager Certificate No.660I A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman AsbestosTesting, Project Design, and Consulting '4, INTRODUCTION: On April 8, 2003, an inspection/survey was conducted and i2 bulk samples were collected from the: Units and Common Hallwavs Evergreen Lodge Vail, CO. The purpose of the inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected asbestos containing materials that might be present in the areas of the building that are planned for renovation. The inspection was made, and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of Colorado Certified Asbestos Inspector. Great care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Lakewood, CO. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.p.A.euality Assurance (eA) program for the determination of asbestos in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materials that were discovered. If during any future demolition or renovation work, suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman , _AsbestosTesting, project Design, and Consulting Units and Common Hallwavs Evergreen Lodge Vail, CO. UNITS AND COMMOryHALLWAYS DESCRIPTIONS: The Evergreen Lodge is a five storey building that is planned for renovation to some of the units and common hallways. The renovation involves the interior walls and ceilings. The interior walls are covered with sheetrock and wallpaper. There is fiberglass insulation inside the common interior walls. vent piping was observed inside the interior walls that is covered with fiberglass and foil covering. The ceilings are concrete with a spray on texture. The floors are covered with carpet and ceramic tiles. The common hallways have sheetrock ceiling with sections of 2'xz' ceiling tiles. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Laboratory Analysis of the bulk samples indicate that Asbestos was found in two of the three suspect materials tested. The spray on ceiling texture contains Asbestos that is in excess of the Regulatory Limit ( Greater than lvo Asbestos ). The ceiling texture will need to be abated as per colo. Reg. #g prior to disturbance of the material. The composite sheetrock samples contain Asbestos that is less than the Regulatory Limit. The Asbestos content of the composite sheetrock samples was verified by the required point count analysis. The sheetrock can be removed under non-abatement conditions. The o.s.H.A. requirement to protect workers from Asbestos fibers is still in place. >z>z>z>z>z>z lll a0 trlr I .iLlzLllzR EEggSEd F itBfiEfiifiifii4cr E EEFEsEsEsEsEfl E gsisggsggggH j O (/)Oi\rO(/)()(/)O(tO(/)O tr G) E Po= 'iP.E: !E tt ooE 0 P EEc-P-e-P-S E EEiiEgEgESEgE 5 ggggEgggggsg C 4 o o-6t o o o o o-9-9-9E ,E 9?TT????99??6 33 HpppRRHH$$$il BE qE s55555555555R, dmd.E q E;? 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Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DCM Project No.: ADAT 75 CIienI Job No.: EVERGREEN LooGE _ Bulk Sample Analysis i BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: Ron Schott Laboratory Director 5-tt-cv mwlLn6iu \ V, \J{j.WT2 ease 4 *3 DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the McCrone Research lnstitute and in compliance with guidelines establishid by lhe Environmental protection Agency (EPA-600/R-93i116, Juty, 1993). Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood whichprovides a contamination-free environment. The sample is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy(PLM) at 100X. When the sample consists of more than one layer, eich tay'ei is prepared and analyzedseparately. Fiber and matrix materials are identified by the characterization of optical properties including color and pleochrorism, form, cleavage, relief. birefringence, extinction, orientation, twinning, interferencefigure and other distinguishing features. Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral identification. All percentages of asbestos, other fibers and non-fibrous constituents are calculated from the values obtained from the stereo and PLM microscopes analysis. In-house and NIST standards as well as achart prepared by R.D. Terry and G.V. Chilinger for "The Joui'nal of Sedimentary petrology", (Volume 24, pp. 229-234' 1955)provideaguideforestimatingpercentages. All samplesarearciivedforiixmonthsunless otner arrangements are made by lhe client. ACCREDITATION: DCMSL is accredited by the AIHA (since 1986). Our laboratory number is 101526. DCMSL is accredited byNVLAP(sinceApril 1,1989). DcMsLcomplieswithNVLAPandAlHArequirementsunlessothemisenoted. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must nol be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAp or any agency of the U.S. Government. This test report relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed by : NVLAP Code 101258 DCIII SCIENCE LABORATORY. INC. li42t w.49TH AVENUE, uNtr #6 WHEAT RTDCE, CO 80033 (303) 163_8270 BULK ASBESTOS ANALYSIS. POINT COUNT METHOD PAGE I OF 3 CLIENT: ANALYSISDATE: S-lS-03 A&D ASBESTOS TESTTNC REpORTING DATE: 5-19-03 653 36 l/4 ROAD ' RECEIpT DATE: 5-l,t-03 PALISADE, CO 81526 CLIENTJOBNO.: EVERGREEN LODGE PROJECT TITLE: 250 S. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST DCIISL PROJECT: ADAT77 CROSS REFERENCE: ADAT75 PERCENTAGE COI\TPOSITION BY AREA/VOLUME DCM LAB NO.: -l - 2 -3 -4 S.ANIPLE DATE: 5-8-03 5-8-03 5-8-03 5-8-03 % OF TOT.A.L SAMPLE: 2.0V,, 4.0V, 4.0o/o 2.0yo CLIENT NO.; EL-B-002 EL-B-004 EL-B-006 EL-B-008 PARTA PARTB PARTB PART A ASBESTIFORNI IVIINERAL FIBERS: CHRYSOTTLE AMOSITE CROCIDOLITE TREiVIOLITE.ACTINOLITE ANTHOPHYLLITE TOTAL ASBESTOS COUNTED TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAYER TOTAL ASBESTOS IN SA]VIPLE NOTES: SAMPLE NO. t IS WHITE DRI'WALL MUD. ND - NONE DETECTED TOTAL ASBESTOS COUNTED = TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAYER TOTAL ASBESTOS IN SAMPLE = SAMPLES NO. 2.4 ARE TAN DRY'WALL MUD. DEFINITIONS THE AMOUNT OF ASBESTOS PRESENT IN THE SA]VIPLE EXPRESSf,D AS A PERCENT. THE PERCENT OF SANTPLE REI}IA]NING TIMES ASBESTOS COUNTED EXPRESSED .4S .A, PERCENT. THE PERCENT OF TOTAL SAMPLE (FRO]VI PLIII/SM ANALYSIS) TI}IES THE TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAYER OF NO ASBESTOS IN OTHER LAYERS). 0.50% ND ND ND ND 0.50o/o 0.50% 0.0t % 0.50% ND i'iD ND ND 0.50% 0.50% 0.020 0.25Yo ND ND ND ND 0,25o/o 0,25o/o 0.0t % 1.00y" ND ND ND ND t.00% 1.00% 0.02yo DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. 12421 W .49th Avenue, Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DCM Project No.: ADAT 77 Client Job No.: EVERGREEN LOoGE Quantitative Bulk Sample Analysis (Point Gount) QUANTITATIVE BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES:Page DCM Science Laboratory, lnc. analyzes bulk samples in accordance with the National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for asbestos (Federal Register, Vol. 55, No. 224, pp. 48406-48433, 11120190r. The analytical procedures followed are described in "lnterim Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples", (USEPA 600/M4-83-020, 1982), with minor modifications recommended by the Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory, USEPA, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Samples analyzed by the point count method are milled to homogenize the sample, prepared on microscope slides and point counted using polarized light microscopy (PLM) in conjunction with a point counting stage and counter. One hundred counts are performed on fcur separate preparatioils of each sample for a toial of 400 points.. lf asbestos is identified but not counted during the point counting procedure, total asbestos is reported as zero and presence is noted on the report. Other preparation procedures including ashing and acid washing may be performed with client permission lo improve accuracy in determining asbestos concentration. All samples are archived for six months unless other arrangements are made by the client. ACCREDITATION: DCMSL is accredited by the AIHA (since 19BO). Our laboratory number is 101526. DCMSL is accredited by NVLAP (since April 1, 1989). DCMSL complies with NVLAp and AIHA requirements unless otherwise noted. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government. This lest report relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed by : Ron Schott Laboratory Director Ron Schott, Analyst C- t5'b2, NVtAp otJ .1 t: NVLAP Code 101258 CLIENT: A&D ASBESTOS TESTING 653 36 l/4 ROAD " PALTSADf,, CO 81526 DCM LAB NO.: SAMPLE DATE: % OF TOTAL SAMPLE: CLIENT NO.: ASBESTIFORM NIINERAL FIBE RS: CHRYSOTILE AMOSITE CROCIDOLITE TREMOLITE-ACTINOLITE ANTHOPHYLLITE TOTAL ASBESTOS COUNTED TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAYER TOTAL ASBESTOS IN SAMPLE NOTES: SAMPLE NO.5 lS TAN DRYWALL MUD. ND - NONE DETECTED TOTAL ASBESTOS COUNTED = TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAYER TOTAL ASBESTOS IN SAMPLE = DCM SCIENCE LABORATORY, INC. I242I W. 49TH AVENUE. UNIT #6 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 (303) 463-8270 BULK ASBESTOS ANALYSIS - POINT COUNT METHOD PAGE 2 OF 3 ANALYSIS DATE: REPORTING DATE: RECEIPT D.A.TE; CLIENT JOB NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DCMSL PROJECT: CROSS REFEMNCE: PERCENTAGE CO[lPOSITION BY AREAA/OLUNIE -6 5-&03 2.$Vn EL-B-012 PART B 0.25Vo ND ND ND ND 0.25Vo 0.25Vo 0.01% DRYWALL MUD. 5-1s-03 5-t9-03 5-14-03 EVERGREEN LODGE 250 S. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST ADAT77 ADAT75 -f, 5-8-03 3,0v" EL.B.OIO PART B 0.50% ND ND ND ND 0.50v" 0.50% 0.020h SAMPLE NO.6 IS WHITE DEFINITIONS THf, AMOUNT OF ASBESTOS PRESENT IN THE SAMPLE EXPRESSED AS A PERCENT. THE PERCENT OF SAMPLE REMAINING TIMES ASBESTOS COUNTED EXPR.ESSED AS A Pf,RCENT. THE PERCENT OF TOTAL SAMPLE (FROM PLWSM ANALYSIS) TIMES THE TOTAL ASBESTOS IN LAYER (IF NO ASBESTOS IN OTHER LAYERS). rvvN0FltAtt 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGN Project #: F VAIL FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT APPLI Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and must include the following. Permit application will not be accepted y{tftout this i nformation :If-Plans lllust be submitted by a Registeied Fire Protection Gontractor. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) L.o* ( ,3 $il!#I@tlwrr i c E : Le'le''ii'irnini srarnp - rc\ Fire Sprinkler: $ t )a-^\ L \\ E.r.-6.'"^ [.d:t *****rt**********************:t)t*****!t**:!FoR aFFlcE usE oNLY****************:!*************rt****** RECEIVED i'!," tI :;rir Fire Sprinkler Contractor: l\-u-srnre. FIRE gRnrFc+r6i Town of Vail Reg. No.: r ?:)^R Contact and Phone #'s: Laa\eaq-=qnr E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: D r AL.oS!_g,t- andr(fi-l _-,) (_3\k Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www..com for Parcel #Parc"t* AtO \Otc*lr..\Oil r Job Name:Job Address:25o s FeoNtr\IDE Rr> wEsr Lesal Description l[qA fl arocr<: \ l] rirrns: ;]Subdivision: VAI L L\ANI<\{ FAT\ owners Name: ^rEP.\oPprlr I o9tffi' s r-e^rr.n'toq e'Phone: tnn'ntt''PERR\ vrAnHF\!Address:ba54 ilXA\4ar^.6=ae Detai|edLocationofwork:(i.e.'f|oor,unit# ApJritted ir6 Si.lijrl!ttod O Detailed description of work: lNSTArr SFR\N\K\_EP.. SVS-rEb/I rt. Work Class: New() Addition ( ) Remodet ( ) Repair (flllgetrojit ( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-famity( ) Muttijamity( )0frg.nr!9t_cre(j__Bgge!]:ant( )Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buitding:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( J Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) iVai l\dara,cdev\FORt\'tS\PE R\,tlTS\SpR KpE Rl\1.DOC 0ii74t2002 I TOWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 PPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSTGN Project #: Sprinkler Permit #: PERMIT AP Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and must include the following. Permit application will not be accepied ut this information: ioldo Regi iprlnt cut tatDf Colora an "{"'_{afi ol.l.C.E.T. Level lll (min) stamp. 'atlorDr Plans ilust be submitted by a RegisteiedFire Protection Contractor. TIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Sprinkler: $ It**,k******tr:t*rk*fr***lt****t(:l**:!',t***:t*',k:t**FOR aFFICE USE ONLY.i*****!k*******:r************!r********* RECEIVED i\lJ:. tg l{tgrr CONTRACTOR INFORNlATION Fire Sprinkler Contractor: f\-L-srn rp- trnr" 99l.\TFc?re, Town of Vail Reg. No.: T <l^F. Contacl and Phone #'s: Grs=):ae-=qnr E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: D rtdl-ur au\x)@a\-l COMP )(_ 1/ALUA' Contact E counfy Assessors office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaqle-countv,com for parcel # Parcel #2,..to tol"antbAo I Job Name:Job Address:f,So s FQoNrttlroE Q.t> !<Esr Lesat pescription ll Lot:;J ll erccr: \ ll ririns: !Subdivision :'lu/61 L L \6Nt<H FAI\ ow111 Name:^ER.\D?trENr rr.,u"#A9tEB' s rer*rrts.F ?,' ,^, ll enone: tnn'n""t'PERR\ f4AnHEur I4X&roa^-63d."Address:bA54 Detailed Location of work G , floor, uni Appruvsd i:s Sllimltied O Delailed description of work: Atrpr[l,f 1i :ttFiilFdTl Irrtsrnuu Sfi,R$.\KI,ER -SVSTEV\ rv. WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair(flftfetg:!!.Ll!]her( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Unils in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) Other Fees: Public Wav Permit Fee: viril.d.tl cdc\ f()li\lS l,l: lt\l lTS,Sl,llK Pl: tt\4. t)(X'07;l+'l(X)l STATEOF COLORADO D/YISIONOFFIRE SAFEW PLAN REGISTRATION FORM Contractor Registration Number Contractors Name Zipcode ?w\.ra Svstem Test Signature Certification No.(Certified Fire Suppression Inspcctor) Iurisdiction Comments (for additional commente u8€ eeparate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon totalcompletion of form. Copy to local fire dePartment. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. oo A,-r-qrATE F'RE pRorEcTroN, rNc. 6045 E.zsrH AVE. #12, Commerce City, CO g0022 PHONE (303) 288-3901 o FAX (303) 288-1e36 FIRE SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT SUBMITTAL AND HYDRAU LIC CALCU LATIONS FOR EVERGREEN LODGE 250 S. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, GO. CHECKED BY: MICHAEL KRZASTEK, NICET III #93492 vAr r- Tnr, PF,P$PTAiENI K...S'% ii ttrtr E: fo,rr# Apfllyro as surllGu'! I I I t I Series TY-FRB -_2.ggupright, Pendent, aia i6cessea penaiit sprinkrersQ u i c k R e s p o nse,' Sran a i ii c "i" i"-g ;' -' " TtllEr0 i !rre.* Eutnns I products Technical Services; Tel: (B0O) 381 -9S12 / Fax: (g00) 791_S5OO Customer Servic€/Sales: Tel: (21 5) 362-0700 / (800) 523_6sj 2 Fax: (215) 362-5385 ModeUsprinkler Identification Numbers Data E OJo F. .9 tr oo- o l- I T I t I I I I I I I I I I General chemicalto which the sprinklers will beexposed. An intelmediate level versions of theSeries TY-FRB pendent Sprinklers aregg!-a-rFd in Technicat Dara Sheet IlP356, and Sprinkter Guards are de_tarred in Technicat Data Sheet TFp780 WAENINGS The. Seties Ty-FRB Sprinklers oe_scrtbed herein must be instalteo andmarntatned in compliance with this l?:yfen.t, ag wgtl as with the apptica- Dte standards of the National Fire pro_ rc.Ctton Association, in addition to thestandards of any other authorities nav-rlg-lunsdiction Failurc lo do so maytmpatr lhe integrity ot these devices.' The owner is responsible for matntatn-tng their fire protection system and de_vtces. tn proper operating condftion. r ne rn-stalling contractor or sprinklermanutaclurer should be contacledretattve lo any questions. Description Jrle ge.ries TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, andb.u K-ractor, Upright and pendent rpflnKters dsscribed in this data sheetare quick response _ standard cover_age_ decoratrve 3 mm glass bulb typespray spflnklers designed for usd inIghl or ordinary hazard, commerctaloccupancres..such as banks. hote ls,snopptng malls, etc. i!,"r ilfif ;A " "il :i - t"i, [? i,: :?:prlcabte. rs inlended tor use In areaswrrn a ttnrshed ceiling. ll uses eilher awo pre^ce-Style 10 (t/Z inch NpT) orstyte 40 (3/4 inch NpT) Recessed 'Es_ -"^rj:!?91 wilh 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) otrecessed adjustment or up to 3/4 iirch(,ry.r mm) ot total adjustment from thetly",n pgry-"-nl position, or a two_precesryre.20 (1/2 inch NpT) or style 3b (3/4rnch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon wrthr/.+ Incn (6,4 mm) of recessed ad.just-Iglr of. up ro 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) oftp^tal €djustment from the flush p'en_oenr posilion. The adjuslment provided Dy the Recessed Escutcheon reduces 19.ac:uLacy lo which the fixed pipeorops t0 the sprinklers must be cur. Corrosion resistant coatings, whereapprrcabte. are utilizod to eltend the l,l?.ot 99qO.t alloy sprinkters beyondrnat which would otherwise oe oo_ratneo when exposed to corrostve at_mospneres. Althoug h corrosion resrs_tant coated sprinkleis have passed the ::1lg1rd corrosron tesrs oi the appti_ :-a?r-e- approvat agencies. tne restin! isnor. represenlative of all possibre cor_rosrv-e_ atmospheres. Consequenfly, itrs recommended that the end usei becons-utted with respect to the suitabilityo' rnese coatings for any given corro_srve envrronment. The effects of ambi_ent temperatu re, concentration of :l:Tfil.. and gas/chemicat vetociry,snoutd be considered, as a minimum,along with the corrosive nature of the Page I ol 8 TY113l - TYl231 - TY2131 - rY2231 - TY3131 - TY3231 - TY4t31 - TY4231 - Upright 2.8K, 1/2'NpT Pendent 2.9K, 1/2'NpT Upright 4.2K, 1/2"NpT Pendent 4.2K,1lZ,NpT Upright 5.6K, 1/2"NpT Pendent 5.6K, 1/2.NpTUpright 8.0K,9/4,,NpT Pendent 8.0K, 3/4,,NpT ryla_ximum Working pressu re1/5 pst (12,1 bar) Discharge Coetflcient 5 = ? 9 9ll'4{0.|' tl (40.3 LpMhan,zl 5 = 4.2 GPMlpsit,i (60,s LpMrOarr,zj K = 5.6 GPM/psi1/2 (80,6 Lplr4/barr 2j K = 8.0 GpM/psi z qt tS.ZleMtisrt,il Temperature Ratinos Refer to Tabte A aniB Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Tabte A and tsHec-essed,Escutcheon: White Coated,unrome Ptated. or Brass Plateo Physlcal Characteristics Jrqme . B ronze Fllgl ; BrassrCopperseatrng Assembly .... ... _1.,1 . . . . Berytiium Nicket wTeftontEurD . .. .. Glassuompression Screw . Bronzeuelrector . Copper/Bronze Eusnrng (K=2.9) Bronze Technical Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. ljv,.LPCP, and NyC Approved, (Herer ro table A for complete approvalrn?ormation including corrosion resrs_ranl status.) APRIL,2OO3 TFPI7I I I I I I I t t I I t I I I I I I I I Page 2 of 8 TFP171 ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SUFFACE ' 2"* NPT PENDENT 7/16'(11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE.IN STYLE 10 or 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON SSU. DEFLECIOBf- 2-1t4' (57,2 mm) 'I - F.am€ 2 - Button 7t16. (11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN (55,6 mm) SSP DEFLECTOR * 1/2" NPT ** UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION I - 3il''T'i' ;.,1:13:liH",f*:? is indicated on derrecror or adjacenr to .;5:?; gt"flxi"'"ections per lso 7/1 can be provided on eutcK REspoNsEsEBrEs ,rnr" ,ro[lr?',lirL]) AND_*ENDENT lryt2st) spRtNKLERs2.8 K-FACTOB, tn wcn upr 3-S€allng 4-BulbAssembly 5 - Compression Screw A I 2-718" (73,0 mm) DtA. ---1 BECESSED PENDENT ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE ssp oErlEctoa * 7/l6" (11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN STYLE 10 or 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON WRENCH FLATS ssu * DEFLECTOR t tz" '" NPT I-- 2-3/16.7/16. (11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN i 2-718" (73,0 mm) OlA. - --l PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT t/2. Npr-. UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 ' Frame 2 - Button 3-Sealing 4-BulbAssembly S - Compression Screw 6 - Detiector * Temperature ta orifice seat on fratting is indicated on deflector or adjac€nt lo lr5y"", l'?t""r1oJ"*ections per lso 7/1 can be provided on eurcK REspoNsEsER/Es *-r1"^r_r*{liiFfr^1?t) AND_*ENDENT (w22st) sp,tNKLER.4.2 K-FAcroR, ttz tubx tupr TFPI71 Page 3 of 8 ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SUHFACE 7/16' (11, t mm) NOMINAL MAKE.IN STYLE 1O or 20 BECESSED ESCUTCHEON (38,1 mm) SSP DEFLECTOR * PENDENT :_______lI1/2'NPT"* I CROSS SECTION 1t2. " NPT ssu* DEFLECTOR 2-3116' (55,6 mm) 7/'16 (11,1 mm) NO[4INAL MAKE.IN 2-3t16' (s5,6 mm) UPRIGHT 1 - F.ame 2 - Eutton 3's?9!ns.. 4.Butb 6 - DelecrorAssembly 5.Compression Screw ",,1;Tg::i:1",1:*:: is indicared on defrector or adjacent to ";5:?"l g."rxXit""ectlons per lso z1 can be provided on Q U r c K R E S P O N Sg SEB/ES r r - r r r r r r, [l?,ll f 11 r, o *,s.6 K-FAcroR, ,r, ,*", *71'*o"r (rY32s1) sPRtNKLERs 1t2' (12,7 mm) NOMINAL MAKE.IN II I STYLE 30 or 40 QtratrccFn ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR 1t2' (12,7 mm) NOMINAL MAKE.IN I.t WRENCH FLAT$ 2-1/4' (s7,2 mm) ssp oErLectoR * PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT -_)--K- I 2-718" (73,0 mm) DtA. --*l ---rtr- __=-____I 'l3/4'Npr" I CROSS SECTION i - Frane 2 - Button 3, SeE nO 4- Butbnssembty s - 6iip,"""ron 6 - Dellecror '. Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent toscrew llir:,,,i:!i{:,fl1",,on. 0". rso zrr can oe provioeo onspectat request. aurcKEEspoNsEsEB/Es rrn*"^rrr,[lr?',lfolr)AND^*ENDENT(ry42.t)spntNKLER. a.o K-FAcroR, eh Nbn ^tpr t -9/16. (39,7 mm) Operation Jne glass Butb contarns a ftuid whichexpands.when exposed to heat. Whenrne,rated temperature is reached, lheIuro expands sufficien y to shatter thegrass Bulb, allowing ttie sprinkler toacttvate and water to flow Design Criteria Jl:.S^"1,q., Ty.FFB pendent and up-ngnr sprinklers are intended for fiieprotectron systems desiqned In ac_coroance with the standard installationrures recognized by the appjicableLrsflng or Approval agency (e.g., UL !j:ting is based on the requirements olr\r- r,A 13. and FM Approval is basedon rne re_quirements of FM's Loss pre. ventio-n Data sheets ). only the styte'10,20,30, or 40 Reiesseb Escurcn_eon. as applicable, is to be used torrecessed pendent installalions. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T t Page 4 of I NOTES: I l-ill:9 Pv underwriters Laboratories, rnc. (uL) as euick Response sprinkrers, 6ri;1t33: underwriters Laboratories, tn". t. uJin c""";;idiff)'". euick Fresponse 3. Approved by Faclory tvlutual Research Corporation (Flvt) as Ouick Response Sprin- 5 Apgoved by the Cjty ot New york under MEA 354_01-E./, where polyesler Coated Sprinkl( I i;"*":.-l;# i i u,., uf::,,; aritiiO ffiT:i',:c-essed Escutcheon, as applicable.' ""i!:T !X1y,:l*li:3t"!tJil"I""l or stvre 30 (3/4" Npr) 1/2' rotar Adiusrment Re- ,^:rilii: j"?i"] "dor onty. Listinss and approvats appty ro alr cotors (speciat Order). TFPI TI Installation The Serres Ty-FRB Sprinklers musr bernsaatied In accordance wtth the,ollow_Ing Instructions: _ /voIES uo not,install any bulb type sp nkler itne out-b rs cracked ot there is a loss ol,:_11,g ,tro? the butb with the spnnkternerd horizontally, a Small air bubble snoutd. be present. The diamet6r ol theatr oubble is approximately t/16 inch \t.? rym) br the |SS"F/,7"C to g/32 r.ncn e,4 mm) tor the 2A6.F/t4t.Cremperature ratinos. ile^?f,tight t,/z rnin Ner spnnkter pinl :!2ujd..gg obtained with a torque ot 7to t4 tt..tbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi_ !u^m p! 2t rt..tbs (28,5 Nm) ot torquemay.og_used to install sprinkters iitht/z.N.t't _conneclions. A leak tight 3/4tnch NPT sprinkler joint should-be ob-t1.fed wtth a torque of j0 to ZO ft.tbs.(.jJ.4 to 26,A Nm). A maximum ot J0rT.tDs. (4O,2 Nm) of torque is to be usedro tnstalt sprinklets with 3/4 NpT con-nectrcns. Higher levels ol torque mavdtst.ort the sprinkler inlet and causlereaKage ot impairment ol the sprinkler. Do not a empt to make-up for nsuffj_ctent adlustment in the escutcheonprat.e by under_ or over-tightening lhesprinkter. Readjust the p;si\on 6f thespnnKter lilting to suit. llg.s:ije.s J.Y-FRB pendenr and up_ngnr Sprinklers must be jnstalted lnaccordance with the followinq instruc-ltons Step 1. Pendent sprinklers are to beInsta ed in the pendent position, andupnght sprinklers are to b6 Installed Inrne upng ht position. Slep 2.,With pipe lhread sealant ap- PJ,:^9]9 !l't9 pipe threads, hand tightenIne spflnkler jnto the sprinkler titlng. Step 3. Tighten the spnnkler Into lhespflnkter filting using onty the W-Type b ,bpnnkter Wrench (Ref . Fiqure ib).Wilh rejerence to Figures I ,2, S, anA4, the W-Type 6 Spriikler Wiencn rs rooe apptied lo the sprjnkler wrencnlals. The S-eries TY-FRB Recessed pen- oenr sprinklers must be installed inaccordance with the followinq instruc-tions. Pi.q3. nrlgt jnstatting rhe Sryte t0.zu, ,J0, or 40, N4ounting plate, as appli.caDre, over the sprinkler threads andw(n ptpe thread sealant applied to thepl?-",]ll9pd., hand righten the sprin_ Krer Into the sprinkler fittino. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler inro rhe TABLE ALAB^oll.Tg Ry +tsrtN cs AN D A pp B ovA Ls2.8 AND 4,2 K.FACTOR SPBINKLERS_- SPRINKLER FtN|SH (See Nore 7) K TYPE TEMP,BULB LIQUID NATURAL BRASS CHROME PLATED WHITE"' POLYESTER 2.8 1l2', NPT PENDENT (rYl231) ano UPRIGHT (TY1131) r 35"F/57.C O range 1,2,3,5 155"F/68.C Fled 175"Fn9"C Yellow 200"F/93"C Green 286.Fh41aQ Blue RECESSED PENDENT w22311' Figure 5 I13s"F/s7"C Orange | 1s5'F/68"c Red | fis"Fns.a Yellow Izoo.agg"c Green RECESSED PENDENT (rY2231r. Figure 6 135"F/57"C Orange 15s.F/68"C Red 175.Fn9"C Yellow 200'F/93"C Green 4.2 1/2" NPT PENDENT (TY2231) and UPRIGHT (rY3131) 135.Ft57.C Orange 155.F/68"C Red 175"Fn9"Q Yellow 200"F/93.C Green 286.Ft141.Q Blue BECESSED PENDENT (TY2231). Figure 7 135.F/57"C Orange 155"F/68.C Bed 175"F/79"C Yellow 200.F/93"C Green RECESSED PENDENT (TY2231).' Figure 8 Orange 155"F/68.C Red 175.Fn90C Yellow 200"F/93.C Green I t I I I TFPl7I t I t I I T I I I t ; il:l::3yUl!:illl:i:i:33i:l3ir:: Inc rr'rL) as eu,ck Response sprinkrers I gf;i;i$li.;1r.[TJ"x,fi#Tiffi:lr"""'t.5l,fil3ifxtff;8ff*"^ru;ftL]il"-:"* ,he Lpc d.es n., rale he,nerma : 193,::10 by rhe_City of New york under iMEA 354_01.E. :H*:i3fr,1ff,l:1ii;;lx$iri"q#i*'":l:lil|:JHt;r;t"'"U'fils,fr*"r:i,"t,"il'n*ii?:"":"tfi;;li:Tf!i? ;,^i#*l$ilililii:fltiiilf#fi;lrg1'};il li;i1ili.djjffirF::::::: F3i*ii33r 3=iilirsi! TABLE B LAB-ORA.TORY LISTI NGS AN D APP R OVA LS5.6 AND 8.0 K.FACTOB SPRINKLERS spnnkler {rtttng ustng only the W_Type I j,1,::9s:69,Sorinkter Wrench (Rbf. ; ' vjr c_ | qt..vvtrn reterence to Figure 1 ,z, r, .and 4. the W_Type 7 Fecessed5p nkter Wrench js to be applied toIne sprinkler wrench flats. t t t I Step C. After the cejting has been rn_ :lllgd gl rhe f inish- coar has been ap-prred., stide on the Style t O, ZO, gO, b,+u urosure over the Series TY-FFIBspnnkter and push the Closure overlhe Moun ng plate untjl its flanoecomes in contact with the ceiling. - Page 5 of I SPRINKLEH FlNlsH rsa. u^r^ zr K TYPE TEMP.BULB LIQUID NATURAL BFASS CHROME PLATED T wF rrE* IPOLYESTER l---"---"-'-I LEADI COATED 5.6 1/2" NPT LO 3/4" NPT PENDENT (fY3231) and UPRIGHT (Ty3131) 135"Ft57.C Orange 1,2,3.4,5,6 155"F/68.C Fled 175.Fft9.C Yellow 200"F/93.C Green 286.F/141"C Blue FECESSED PENDENT (TY3231r Figure 9 135.F/57.C Orange 1,2,4,5 155"F/68"C Red 175.Fn9.C Yellow 200'Fl93"C Green RECESSED PENDENT (TY3231r- Figure 10 135"Ft57"C Orange 1,2,3,4,5 1.2,4,5 NiA 155"F/68.C Red 175.Fn9"c Yellow 200"Fig3.C Green PENOENT (TY4231) ano UPRIGHT (TY4131) 135.F/57.C Orange '|,2,3, 4, s, 6 155"F/68.C Red 175"F /79"C Yellow 200.F/93"C Green 286.Ft141"C Blue RECESSED PENDENT F\ 4231). Figuro 11 135"F/57.C Green 1,2,4,5 155"F/68"C Orange 175.Fn9.C Bed 2000F/93"C Yellow RECESSED PENDENT (TY4231)-' Figurs 12 135"Ft57"C Orange 1, 2,3, 4, 5 155"F/68"C Fled 17s.Fn9"Q Yellow 200"F/93"C Green NOTES: I I I I Page 6 of I Care and Maintenance The Series Ty-FBB Sprrnklers must bemarntarned and serviced in accord-ance with the following inslructions: ^ NOTES Hetore closing a lire protectjon systemmatn conlrol valve lor maintenance worK on the tire protection svstem thattr c,ontrots,, permission to shit down theat,,ec.ted f ir,e protection System must be ?oYtn3d lrom rhe proper authorities ano.,a. personnel who may be atf ectedoy this actjon must be noiitied. Absence of an escutcheon, which is I I I I t I t I I I I I t I I used to cover a cleannce hole, may de!.ay the time to sprinkter operation iha nre srluation Sprinklers that afe found to be leakingor exhibiting visible signs of corrosronmust be reo laced. Automatic sprinklers must never beparnted. plated, coated or otherwiseartered after leaving the tactorv. Modi_Ired sprinklers must be reilaced.spflnkjers that have been exposeo rocorrostve products of combustion, butna.ve not operated, should be replacedlI rney cannot be completely cieaned Py wrping the sprinkter with'a ctorh oroy brushing it with a sott bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam-age to the sprinklers - before, durinq. and atter installation. Sprinklers dam_ag,ed by dropping. strikinq, wrenchrwtsuslippage, or the like, musr oe re-praced. Atso, replace any sprinkler thatnas. a.cracked bulb or that has lostlqurd trom jts bulb. (Flef. lnstallation SecUon ) Frequent visual inspections are rec.0mmended to be initially performed forcorrosron .resislant coated sprinklers,aner the installation has been com-prered. to verify the integrity of tne cor_r0sron,resistant coating. Thereafter,a,nnuat inspectjons per NFpA 25snoutd suftice; however, instead of in.specting from the floor level, a random :ilrlpllS of ,close-up visuat inspec-Uons shoutd be made, so as to b;ttaroetgrmtne the exact sprinkler conoj_ TFPl 71 5l8r.l14" (15,9i6,4 mm) FACE OF SPRJNKLEB FITTING 2-7t8 DtA. (73,0 mm) 2-1t4" OtA. {57,2 mm) 1i4" (6,4 mm) MOUNTING PLATE 1tE' (3,2 mm) MOUNTING SURFACE FIGURE 5 ...._. SERtES TY-FRB RECESSED pENDENTwrH ryyg:plEgE,3/4 tNcH rorat i;Ju'diueurSTYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTC4EON"'-"' 6LOSUFE SEFIES TY.FRB 2.8 K.FACTON, U2 INCH NPT 1/2r1/8' (12,7r3,2 mn) FACE OF SPRINKLEB FITTING MOUNTING SUBFACE 2-7/8" DtA. (73,0 mm) 2-14'DtA. (57,2 mm) 1/2" (12,7 mm\ r/4 (6.+ r.) 1 trlOrtlt,"e I-- PLATE I1/8' I(3,2lmrn) I CLOSUBE SERIES TY.FR8 FIGURE 6 ,,,, _. .s_F.l!E g n:F B B R E C E ss E D p E N D E NrWITH TWO..PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSiMENTsTvLE 20 FECSSSED ESC UTCHEO|i"-"' 2,8 K.FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 1-1116'(27,0 mm) 5/81114" (15,9r6,,t mm) FACE OF SPRINKLER FITTING MOUNTING SURFACE 2-7t8'DtA. (73,0 rnm) 2-1t4'OtA. (57,2 rhm) t/4' (6,4 mm) MOUNTING PLATE cLosuRE :511E!rriht' FIGURE 7 ....--.SEA'ES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENTwtrH rwo-p_tEcE a/4 tNcH roiit idJiiiueursry+E t9 FscESsEDEscurciEoN -' 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DtA. (73,0 mm)112t118, ('12,713.2 mm) FACE OF SPHINKLER FITTING 2-1/4'DtA- (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE TY.FRB FIGUBE 8 ...._..q89/ES TY-FRB RECESSED qENDENT WITH TW-O.PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJU;iMENTSTYLE20 EECESSED ESCUTCHEOU'- " 4.2 K.FACTOR, 1/2 \NCH NPT 1' (25,4 mm) fFP171 Page 7 of 8 2-7t8'DtA. (73,0 mm) FIGURE 9 ...._. .s_El{Es w-FR B B EC ESS E D pE N DE NTwtrH rwo-p_tEcE 3/4 tNcH rorat ariJidiuexrsryLE I0 REcEssep escurcnEou"'-"' 5.6 K.FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 1/2r18' (12,7a3,2 mm) FACE OF SPFINKLER FITTING _- 2.7/8' DtA. {73,0 mm) 2-1/4' OtA. (57,2 mm) 1/2" (12.7 mm) MOUNTING PLATE 1/A' (3,2 rnn) r1 SERIES ry-FRB FrcUNE 1O ...._. -S:F!E,S rV- FR B R Ec E s s E D p E N D E NrwrrH rwo-ptEcE t/2 tNcH rcrn aoiuiitttenrsryLE 20 nEcEsstp escurcuz6u'-'-"' 5.6 K.FACTON, 1/2 INCH NPT I I I lgl ald rhe tong term integrny of thecorrosron resistant coating, ad it maybe affected by the corrosiv-e conditionlpresent. The owner is responsible for the in.spectt_on, tesling. and matntenance ofrnerr lrre protection system and de.vrces In compttance with rhis docu-'renr, as well as wjth the applicablesrand-ards of the National Fire protec- tron ^Association (e.g., NFpA 25), in l:gJ!o.l ro lhe.standards or any oiheraurnorrttes havjng jurisdict;on. ihe in_slalrng contractor or sprinkler manu-racturer shou ld oe contacted relative toany questions. It rs recommeoded that autuma csp-rnKler .systems be inspected,Iested,.and maintained by a iualifiedInspection Service. I CLOSURE SERIES TY-FRB FIGURE 11 ..,.-. SEF/ES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENTwtrH r!!9.:p!EqEj4 rNcH rorAL ADrisiMENrsry LE 40 R EC ESSED E sc ur'iE oit"' - "' 8.0 K.FACTON, s/4 INCH NPT 1l2r118' (12,7r3,2 mrn) FACE OF SPRINKLER FITTING 2-7t8'OtA. (73,0 lnm) 2-1/4' OtA. (57.2 mm) MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES TY-FRB FIGUHE 12 ...._..s_qF,ES Ty_F R I R E C ESS ED p EN D E NTWTH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJi;;MENT STYLE 30 RECESSED ESCUTCHJON 8,O K.FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT wReNCl ReCess (END 'A' USE0 FOR 1/2" NPT MODELS) WRENCH FECESS (END 'B' USED FOR 3i4" NPT MODELS) FIGURE 13 W.TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WBENCH \F1:''l Jr'--i.'\./.- | ./ ,i l"tls-: ":t; I r'.)-\],/- PUSH WFIENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 14 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH I t I I I I I I Page I of I TFP171 P/N57_XXX_X-XXX TABLE C PABT NUMBER SELECTTONSERIES TY-FRB PENDENT AND UPRTGHT SPBINKLERS 2.BK UPRtcHT (1i2"NPT) 2.8K PENDENT (1/2.NPI) 4.2K UPRTGHT (1/2'NPT) 4.2K PENDENT (1/2'NPT) 5.6K UPRTGHT (1/2"NPT) 5.6K PENDENT (1/2'NPT) 8.0K UPRicHT (3/4'NPT)TY4131 8.0K PENDENT (3/4.NPT) I I I I I I I I I I Limited Warranty Products manulactured by Tyco Fire :]o-quct: are warranted sotely to the 9l'-91!9t,e.uye' for ten (10j yeariagarnst defects in materjai ano worK_ I:,1?,1,9 when paid for and propertyInsra ed and mainlained under normaluse and service. This warranty will ex-prre Ien (10) years from dateof ship_ment by Tyco Fire producls. No wdr-ranry rs given for products orcompon€nls.manufactured by compa- l]9^._ lot affitiared by owner!hip withryco Ftre products or for producrs and ::IP^ol9nls which have been subjectro mrsuse, improper installation, corro_ :91.9iwlich have nor been insta ed,marntatned. modified or repaired in ac- :jro.qn9e with appticabte Standards ofrne Nalionat Fire protection Associa-ron, -an-d/or the standards of any otherAurnonlres Havjng Jurisdtction. Mate_rrars round by Tyco Fire products to beoetective shall be either repaired orrepraced. at Tyco Fire prodLcts,sote optron. Tyco Fire products neither as_sumes, nor authorizes any person loassume for rt. any other dbijoation incon.nec|lo4 wjth lhe sale of proiducts orparts ot products. Tyco Fire products snafl nol be responsible for sprinklersysrem design errors or inaccurate or ljlcomptete rnformation su pplie d byuuyer or Bd yer,s representaiives. irie$iFl{{,iH+i:fr:itrUI\UEH ANY OTHER LEGAL THE. 9lI,^FOR TNCtDENTAL, rNDlRECr,llEcr L oR CONSEQUENIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOTLIMITED TO LABOR CHABGES. RF- P6E'"'".33r3i.W1"=1"*EB 199.qr-rHE PosslBtLtrY oF sucHDAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT i E i.!i J' 3 ?,|J E E'i3 "^'fi 1.,,t+EQUAL To rHe sares pntCe.W Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the fullproduct name. Refer to the price Listror comptete listing of part Numbers. Contact your local distributor for avarl.aDllttv. Sprinkler Assembties with NpTthread Connections: Specify: (Specrfy Model/StN), Oujck 111.!?n:u, (specify K-racror). (specifyIemperature rating), Se ries TV-FFB(specify Pendent oi Upright) Sp nkler wrrn {specrfy lype of finish or cbatingl,l,/N (specify from Tabte C). Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: Styte (specify) Recessad Es_ 9^{9!,9q" wrth (specify rinrsh), p/N (speclty). 1/2' (15 mm) Sryle 10 ..Chrqms p1.1.a ... p/N 56-701_9.010l/2" (15 rnm) Style 10 White Coto. .,^999:"o .. p/N 56 /01_4.010 Style 10 . Brass Frated p,N 56.701.2-OlO1/2' fis mm) Style 20 .-Chrome ptdted ... p/N 56 /05.9.0101t2" lls mm) Style 20 Whiie Cgtof .,^S9g:"0 . piN 56./0s_4.oto styte 20 -. Brass plaled p/N 56-705-2.010:l/4" (20 mm) Style 30 ^. Chfome piateo p/\ s6./05_9-0t l3la G0 rr|m) Styte 30 White Color - Coated. p/N 56./05.4-Ot I3/4" (20 mm) Style 30 - Brass Ptated p/N 56-705-2-o1t314' (20 fj,m) Style 40 . Chrome P'ated .. ... p.\ 56 700-9.OtO3/4 (20 mm) Styte 40 White Cotor - Coated p/N S6-700.4-0tOY4" (20 mm) Styie a0 Brass Plated p/N 56-700.2-010 Sprinkter Wrench: Sp.ecify:^ W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench,P/N 56-000_6_387. pqgcr'!V:- yv.rype 7 Sprinkler Wrench,P/N 56-850-4_001. I TYCO FIRE PROOUCTS,4S1 Norrh Cannon Avenue, Lansdate, pennsytvania 19446 I I I I T I Series DS.I - 5.6 K.factor Dry Tltpe Sprinklers Quick Response, Stan dard Coverage trl'o k::r:,f;irdino Technical Services: Tel: (800) 391-9312 / Fax: (B0O) 791.5500 --- Customer Service/Sales: Tel: (215) 362-0700 / (800) 523-6s12 Fax: (215) 362-5385 General standards of any other authorities nav_ ing jurbdiction. Failure to do so mayimpat the pertormance of these d;_ vtces. The owner is responsible for maintain- in.g their tire protection system and de_ utces. tn proper operating condition. r ne tnstalltng contractor or sprinklermanutacturer should be contacted with any questions. The Series DS-l Dry Type Sprinkters must onty be installed in tittings that meet the re .quirements of the -Design un@rB sectton Identification Numbers TY3235 - (Pendent) TY3135 - (Uprioht) TY3335 - (Hbriioniat sidewalt, Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM and NYC Approved. (Refer to Tabte A) Maximum Working pressure 175 psi (12,1 ba0 Inlet Thread Connection '1 inch NPT (Standard Order)lso 7.F11 Discharge Coefticient K = 5.6 G PM/ps j1/2 (80,6 LPM/[sr trz; Temperature Ratinqs Fefer to Tabl€ A - Finishes Sprinkler: Nalural Brass, Chrome Plated, White potyester Escutcheon: White Coated or Chrome Plated I t I I I I I I I I I I I Description The Serj€s DS- j , 5.6 K-factor, euickResponse, Standard Coverage, DryType Sprinklers are decorativb 3 mmglass bulb automatic sprinklers de_ srgned for the following typical uses:. where pendent sprinklers are re-qurreo on dry pipe systems that are exposed lo freezrng tempera- rures (e.9. sprinkler drops from un_ neated portions of buildings) . where sprinklers and/or a portion of the connecttng piping may De exposed to lreez ing temperatures (e.9. spflnkler drops from wet sys_tems into freezers, sprinkier sprigs from wet systems into un-heated attics. or horizontal piprng extensions through a wall to proi recr an unheated area of a build_ ing) . where sprinklers are used on svs_tems that are seasonably drain-ed to avoid freezjng (e.0. vai;ation re_son areas) WARNINGS The Series DS-l Dry Type Sprinkters acscnbed herein must be installed andmarntained tn compliance with thisoocumen.t, as welt as with the applica. bte standatds ot the National Fir; pro_ tection Association, in addition to the ModeUsprinkler % *r IMPORTANT Always reler to Technical Datas.heet TFP700 for the TNSTALLER WARNtNG" that provides cautionswttn respect to handling and instal- Etron ot sprinklet systems and com-ponents. tmpropet handlinq and in_s-tallation.can perma nenlly-da n ngea sprinkler system or iis compo-nents and cause the sprinkter to'lait to .operate in a fire situation or cause ft ro operate prematurelv. Physical Characteristics lnlet, . . copperItys ....cobbeiloke.. . staintess SieelCasing . Galvanized Carbon Steellnserl . B ronze Bulb Seat Sta inless Steelr,Uro GlassCompression Screw . Bronzeuenector BronzeFrame . Bronze Guide Tube Stainless SteelWater Tube Stainless Sreelbpnng . Stainless SteelSealing Assembly ... . _. :: , Beryllium Njckel w/Teflon.Esculcneon Carbon Steel-Registered Trademark of Dupont Patents U.S.A, Patont No. 5,198,i 85 Page I of I APRtL,2OO4 TFPsIO I I Pase 2 or8 I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I TFPsl O PUSH WBENCH IN TO ENSUBE ENGAGEI\4ENT WITH SPRINKLEF WBENCHING AREA FIGUBE 2 W-TYPE 7 SPBINKLER WRENCH I I SPRINKLER FINISH TY3235 pendenr W Standard Recessed Escutcheon (Ret. Fig. 3) w/ Wide Flanoe Recess€d Escut;h€on (Bsr. Fis. 4) TY3235 Pendent w/ Std. Escutcheon (F€r. Ftg. 5) M Deep Escutcheon (Ret. Fig. 6) w/o Escutcheon (Ref. Fi9. 7) TY3l35 Uprighr Wo Escutcheon (Ref. Ftg. g) TY3335 Hor. Sidswall with top of Deflector.to-Ceilino distance of 4 lo 12 inches (100 to 300 mm) w/ Std. Escutche6n (Bet. Fig.9) w/ De6p Escutcheon (Ret. Fig. i0) Mo Escutcheon _ (Fef, Fig. 11)Temperature Rating Bulb Color Cods Natural Brass Chrome Plated White Polyester Natural Brass Chrome Plated White Polyestet Natural Brass Chrome Plsted White Polyester 135"F/57.C Orange 1 ,2,3, 4 1, 2,3, 4 1,2,4 1" 2.,3'. , 4 't., 2', 4155.F/68.C Fled 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 1,2,3,4 't", 2" 3." 4175'Fr7 9"C Yellow 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 1,2,4 1', 2" 3*, 4 1',,2" 4200.F/93"C Green 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 1,2,3, 4 1,2,4 1',2.,3'., 4 1" 2' ,42A6.Ft141"C Blue N/A 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 1', 2', 3.., 4 1"2',4Notes: i,ii:id"[[[;[:rif [iilqq:;::j,:"]p!9.!:qirdi:ii,Hnlt#"Trijffi tno,48nches) i i^pli;lryJ,A"*":;tg|,:%Ail1ffffl,'ff'3!3b1Y€:''m order 'ensth & 48 n;h;;i -'' -'Light Hazard Occupancies Onlv.N/A - Not Avaitable sEB/Es Ds-r, eurcK BEspoNsE -.ylff..iFi 9",ERAGE, DBy rypE spRtNKLERsLABORATORY LISTINCS AND APPBOVALS PtUG WITH INLETGASKETED SPRING PLATE SEAL ---..----- YOKE SPRING -..... WATER I Ut'E CASING INSERT GUIDE _.. TUBE -' trULB DtrA I 3mm BULB VENT HOLE DEFLECTOF ----COI\4PRESSION SCR EW FIGURE 1 SER/ES DS.' QUICK RESPONSE DNY TYPE SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY TFP5IO t I I I I I t I t I I T I t I I I I I Page 3 of I SPFINKLER FITTING lBEFEH IO OESIGN ORDER LENGTHSI 3-1/2'lo 48' (88 I to 1219,2 mm) lN 1/4'(6,4 mm) INCBEMENTS 2,1/4'DtA. ,2 nm lcErLtNG| -L-Z Il- - -'- 1 3/8"j 1/8' (34,9 r 3,2 mm) FIGURE 3 TY3235 PENDENT M STANDARD BECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2-7/8',OtA. (73,0 mm)1-3/8' * 1/8' (34,9 r3,2 mm) 3-5/8" OtA (92,1 mm FIGURE 4 TY3235 PENDENT WIDE FLANGFRECESSED ESCUTCHEON ORDER LENGTHS: 2-1t2. to 4A. (63,5 to 1219,2 mm) lN i/4" (6,4 mm) INCREI,4ENTS 2-3/16' ! 1/8" (55,6 r 3,2 mm) 3'OlA. (76,2 mm) FIGURE 5 TY3235 PENDENT M STANDARD ESCUTCHEON CRITERIA SECTTON) 1-, r ..'. j l FACE OF SPRINKLER i ] ii.FITTING t.'L+.]- ! :E==l '.:= 1l SPRINKLER FITTING (REFER TO DESIGN OROER LENGTHS: .- 3.1/2" DIA ',:".'.'":u, _ _. I (q8smT) FIGURE 6 TY3235 PENDENT M DEEP ESCUTCHEON "fri1}? ';u;o "' | ?)!!,:'D'i;TNcREMENTS i +TlI+! It'i' T' - i FACE OF CEILING I 4-1/4' r 118, 08,0 r 3,2 mm I I I SPRINKLER FITTING (REFER TO DESIGN ORDER LENGTHS: 5" ro 48" (1 27 ,0 to 1|219 ,2 mm) lN l/4'(6,4 mm) INCREMENTSl,itl-- I N NI\rUt\,l 11-3/4" t44,5 mm) IDEFLECTORI TO CEtLtNG'---T- FIGUBE 7 TY3235 PENDENT do ESCUTCHEON { - ---I TOP OF ]DEFLECTOR l I ORDER LENGTHS: 5.lo 48. (127,O la 1219,2 fi\m) lN 1/4'(6,4 mm) INCHEI\,1ENTS | ,o". o. I SPRINKLER r_'11'".9 {BEFEFl TO DESIGN cRITEBtA SFCTIoN) FIGURE 8 TY3135 UPBIGHT Mo ESCUTCHEON I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I Page 4 of 8 TFPSI O Operation When.the Series DS-1 is in service,warer ts prevented from entering theassembty by ths plug & Beltevi e Seat.rng nssembly (Ref. Ftgure 1) in theInlet of the Sprinkter. T-he glals Butbconlains a flutd that expandi when sx.posed to heat. When the rated tem_ ?eFlyle ls reached, the ftuid expandssu tcren y to siatter the glass Butb,and the Bulb seat is released. Thecompressed Spring is then able to ex-pand and push the Water Tube as weltas the Guide Tube outward. This actionsrmuttan€ously pulls inward on rneYoke,-withdrawing the ptug & Bellevilte :g3ll'gT rhg Inlet ailowjng the sprin_kter to activate and flow water. Design Criteria The Senes DS.1 Sprinklers are rn_tended for u.se jn fjre sprinkler systemso€srgned in accordance with thestandard installation rules recog nizedoy the a.pplicable Listing or Ap-provata.g-ency (e.9.. UL Listinq is based onNFPA 13 requirements)l The Series DS-1 Dry Type Sprinkler isro De rnsta ed in the 1 inch NpT outleror run ot malleable or ductile ironrnreaded tee littings that meet the di-menstonal requireme nts of ANSI816.3 (Class 150) or ""sr ,ronrnreaded tee fittings thal meet the di_mensronal requirements of ANSIts16.4 (Ctass 125) with rhe end sprin-kler fitting on a branch line ro beprugged as shown in Figuras 3 _ 1 1 . Wie.n^ installing I inch NpT Series :_-,, LY.y rype sp nkters on a dry pipe Spnnkle_r Sysiem. Only use tne SrOeoulet ot maximum 2- l /2 inch size re.0uctno tee's. For wet pipe sprinkler systems, theseries DS- 1 Qry Type Spiinkters mayarso be installed rn rhe j inch Npfoutlel of a Central Figure 730 Me_chanical Tee or the follo-winq Tvco Flre lj.od'1gF. _cjyc f irtings: (p7N - s0 1 4s)1" x I' NPT Femate Adapter or 1p/N80249) 1'' x 1' x 1' NpT Sp;inkter HeadAdapter Tee. NOTE Do not.insta.ll the Series DS-t into anyother type fitting without first consuli_tng t.he _Technical Seruices Deparfm,enL Failure to use the approiriate rt.t,ttng may result in:failure olihe spnn- K,tet to. properly operate due to torma_on ot tc.e,over ,the inlet plug or bindingot the inlet Plug; or, insifficienl ei- ORDER LENGTHS; 4 !118 {101,6 a 3,2 mm) ,.::.,---SPRINKLEF FIITING (BEFER TO DESIGN CR'TERIA SECTION) CENIEFLINE 5/16' OFWATERWAY (7,9 mm) FICURE 9TY3335 HORIZONTAL SIDEWALT WJ STAXONAO ESCUTCHEON OFDER LLNGTHSj reCe Or1t.2'.to t5-3t4" n2,7 to 1162.1 mm) MouNflNGlN l/4'{6,4 mm) TNCREMENIS SURpnCt spntruxien r\'1! (63 5 mm) 4-13/16" r t/8' (122,2 t 3,2 nm) - FIGUBE 10TY3335 HoR|Z0NTAL STDEWALL w/ DEEp ESCiTCHEON , OROEF LENGTHS: 5"lo 48 (127.0 to 1219,2 mm) ----l I tN 1/4" (6,4 mm) INCREMENTS I u,",,,,,,u, I i 2-1t4" ts7,2 F,mr I FACEOF l_- -t DEFLECTOR TO - SPFJNKLFR I i vorrNrrNc ,l FrrlNG I I suRFAcEi-t I Iffi-l-_lr *I ---rtl35' 5/16 {7.9 mm) FIGURE I1TY3335 HORIZONTAL SI D EWA LL SPBINKLEB FITTING (REFER TO DESTGN cFTTERtA SECTION)CENTERLINE OF WATEBWAY w/o ESCUTCHEON I t I t I I I t T I I I I I I I I T I TFPstO gagement ot the inlet pipe threads with consequent leakage. Branch, cross, and feedmain piping connected to Dry sprinklers and subi Ject to treeztng temperatures must bepitched for drainage jn accordance wrth the minimum requirements of theNational Fire protection Association for dry pipe sprjnkler syslems. When Dry Sprinklers are to be useo rnwe,r plpe, sprinkler systems protecting areas subject to freezjng temperatures (e_.9-, .spnnkler drops Into freezers),constderation must be given to the a[-propflate tength ot the sprinkler thbtwt prevent freezing of the water in thec.o.rnecttng pipes due to conduction. ,"J:?n.tng remperature su rro undinglne wel pipe sprinkler system is mainitarned at a minimum temperature of4O'F/4'C, the following are the mini_mum recommended lengths betweenrne race ot the sprinkler fitting and theoutside surface of the protec-ted area(r,e., tength exposed to minimum am-brenl of 40"F/4.C): . 12 inches (300 mm) when the tem-perature within the protecreo areais -20"F129"C . 18 inches (450 mm) when the tem_perature within the protecreo area rs -40"F/-40"C . 24 inches (600 mm) when rne tem-perature withtn the protected area ts -60"F/_51 .C For protected area temperatures be_Iween those given above. the minimumrecommended length from the face ofrne. rrttrng to lhe outside of the pro-lected area may be determined by in_rerporating between the indicated val_ues. NOTE When Dry Spnnklers penetrale a ceit-t.ng orwall into an area subject to freez_tng,.the clearance space around the :P:,!rk!?t Casng musr be comptetety :",",.! ,n. order to prevent the teakagbot. motst air into the freezing areawhich might result in the formdtion ofcona_ensate araund the Frame, Dellec_tor. B,ulb -Seat, or Bulb. Failure to pre-vent the formation of condensate coutdtesult n the build-up ol ice around thereteastng components. This couE re.sutt an inadvertent operation of thespnnkter or impaired operation due tored uced I he rna I se ns i tt vity. Installation The.Series DS".1 Dry Type Sprinklersmust be inslalled in accordance wilhthe following instructions: NOTES The.S.eries DS- | must onty be instaltedtn ttutngs Ihat meet the requirements of the Design Criteria section. Befer to the Design Criteria section forother important requirements regard_ tn.g piping design and seating olt thectearance space around the Sprinkler Casing. Do not.install any bulb type sprinkler itrne Dutb ts crccked or there is a loss olt!!L!i! .frof1 the butb. With the sprinkterneld horizontally, a small air bubbleshould be present. The diameter ol thearr DuUble is approximately l/16 nch (.1 :9 m?) lor the t SS"F/57bC rating to1/8 inch (3,e mm) for the 286"F/t 4i .C raung. l,lea!<.t.ight I inch NpT sprinkter joint tho_uld.bg obtained with a torque 6f 20 t,o 3q ft tps e6,a to 40,2 Nm) Hisner I,e,uels of torque may disbrt the s:prin-KIer tntet with,consequent leakage ortmpairmenl ol the sDrinkler Do not attempt to compensate tor in-sufftcienl adjustment n an Escutcheon l,?19 ,o,y under-..or ovettightening theSpnnkler. Readjust the position of thespnnkler fi ino to suit Sfep t. Pendlnt sprinklers musr beInstalled only in the pendent posttion, an_d upright sprinklers musi be in-sra. ed onty in the uprjght position. Theoeflector of a pendent or upright sprjn-kler is to be para el to the ceiting. Horizontal sid6wallsprinklers are to bernstalled in the horizonlal position withrnerr c€nterline of waterway perpen_ orcular to lhe back wall and parallel tothe ceiting. The word.'TOp', on the De_llector is to face towards the ceiling. Step.2. Wrth pipe thread sealant ap-p,lred to the inlet threads. hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler frtt'rng. Step 3. Wrench ttghlen the spn nkler bywrenching on the Casing with a pipe wrencn.whenever the casrng ts readily accessible. Otherwise, use a W-Type 7spnnkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 2). Thewrencn recess of the W-Type 7 is to beapplre_d to the sprinkler wrench flats 1iier. rrgure 2). Step 4. A,fter the ceiling/wall has beenrnsra ed/tinished, sllde on the ourerprece of the Escutcheon until it comes rn. contact with the ceittng/wall. Do notI rne ceiling panel out of its normalposttton. In the case of the outer piece of the page 5 of g Desp Escutcheon, hold the outerp-rece tn contact with lhe mounting sur.race (ceiling). and then rotate the innerprece approximately l/4 turn with re.spect to the outer prece, to holo theueep Cscutcheon f irmly together. Care and Maintenance The .Series DS- 1 Dry Type Sprinklersmust be maintained and seiviced inaccordance with the following instruc- Irons: NOTES Absence ol the ouler piece ot an es-cutcneon. which is used to cover actearance hole, may delay the time tospnnKter operation in a lire situation Before closing a lire protection sys,emmatn control valve lor maintenance work on the lire protection sysrcm thatn controls, permissrcn to ihur oownthe affected lire protection systemsmu9t be obtained lrom the proper ?^tl?::t!?l 3!rd gu personnet who friy o.e anecrcd by this action must be no_trtrcd. A Vent Hole is provided in rhe Butbs^eat (Hef. Figure | ) to indrcate it theury bp .nkter is remaintng dry Evi_dence of teakage trom th; Vent Holets an indication that there may beweepage past the lnlet seal and thattne sprinklet needs to be removed tordete-rminng the cause ot teakage (e.g. an mproper installation or an icb plug-). t ne ttre protection system controlualve must.be closed and the system drained belore removing the sp nkler. Sprinklers that are found to be leakingor exhrbiting vtsible signs of corros,oimust be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never bepainted, plated, coated, or otherwiseartered atter leavtng the factory. Modt_red sp nklers must be replaced.spnnKters that have been exposed tocorrosrve products of combustion, butnave not operated. should be com_pretety cteaned by wiping the sprinkler wtrn a ctoth or by br ushrng rt with a sottonsUe brush- Care must be exercised to avolo oam-age . b_efore. during. and after instal-ra on. sprinklers damaged by drop.prng. Stnking, wrench twisuslippage.0r rhe ltl(e. must be replaceO. AI6o,reptace any sprinkler that has acracked qulb or that has lost liqu id from,ts bulb (Ref. tnstallation Section). The owner is responsible for the jn, speclton. testing, and maintenance ofrnerr ltrs protection system and de_vrces in compliance with this docu, t t I I t I I I t I I I I I Page 6 of I ment. as welt as with the applicablesranoards ot the National Fire protec_ tion Association (e,g., NFpA 25), inaqollon ro tne slandards of any otherauthorities having jurisdictjon. ihe in_sra ,ng contractor or sprinkler manu_racturer should be contacted relative toany questions. It is recommended that automatlcsprjnkler.systems be in s pected,tested. and maintained by a qualitied lnspect,on Servtce in accordance wrlnrocar requrremenls and/or nationalcodes Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Firerrooucts are warranted solely to lhe 9lrginlt.B.uyer for ten (10i years agarnst defects in materiai anO wort_ I:.11,!'q *l"n paid for and property Instajled and maintained under normaluse and service. This warranty will ex-prre ten (10) years from date of shio-ment by Tyco Fire products. No war-ranry ts given for products or :,o]1r pon.entg Tanufactured by compa_ 1]e,s lor afirliared by owner3hrp wirhryco Ftre Hroducls or for products andc^omp-onenls which have been sublectro mrsuse, improper installation, corro_sron,crwhich have not been installed,matnlarned, moditjed or repaired in ac_corct-ance with applicable Standards ofrne National Ftre protectton Assocta_flon and/or,the standards of any otherAUrnoflttes Having Jurisdiction. Mate_flats round by Tyco Fire products to beoerectrve shall be either repaired orrepraced. at Tyco Fire products soleoption. Tyco Fire products neirner as-sumes, n-or authorizes any person toassume for tt, any other obiiqation inconnection with the sale of prdducts orparts 0t products. Tyco Fire products :.n?] I fot be responsibte ror sprinktersystem design errors or inaccurate or lL9o_rnp1"!. in[ormation supplied byuuyer or Buyer's representaiives. #ieiFibl{f iA:+i:[Le"# mru*'"se,*$txl i F-"1 i???,,%:..,9[i,.lT g : u5 B ?,4yAqES AND rN NO EvENrsHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, LI-lllflrI EXCEED AN AMouNrTQUAL TO THE SALES PFICE TFslOW Ordering Procedure Contacl your local distributor for avail-abrlrly, and please specify lhe follow_rng: 1 . Sprinkler. . Model/StN. . Quick Response, Standard Cover.age, Dry Type Sprinkler . Dellector Style. . 5.6 K-factor. . Order Length. pa TVOe Sprinklers are furnsnedoased upon Order Length asmeasured .per Figule 3 through | |, as applicable. Alter the meas-urement is taken, round it to thenearest 1/4 inch increment. . Inlet Connection (1 Inch NpT ortso 7-R1). . Temperature Rating. . Sprinkler Finish. . Fscutcheon Style and Finrsn, asappttcabte. . Part. Number from Table B. (part numbers are for 1 inch NpT stand_ ard order sprinklers. Orders for allotner sprinkler assembli6s mustoe accompanied by a complete oescnptron.) 2. W-Type Z Sprinkter Wrench. lefer lo the price List for comptetelrstrng of Parl Numbers. I t I I I I I I t I I I t T I t I I I I I I t t TFPsIO P/N60_XXX_X-XXX Page 7 of 8 NOTES (1). Dry Type Sprinklers are lurnished based upon,,Order Length,, 1: Tga:yre.d per Fjgu.es 3 through 1 .1. as appticabte, and tor-eacn Indrvrduat sprinkler whe.e it is to be Installed. Atter the meas-urement is taken, round it to the nearest 1/4 inch increment. (2). Escutcheon Finish applies lo sprinklers provided wilhesculcheons. (3). The 286F/1 41C temperature ratrng apptres tonon-recessed sprinkler assemblies. ' Eastern Hemisphere sales only. paar NuIfaZ::&tEcnoNsEB/Es Ds-r, eutcK REspo*sE, srAioa'a''oit;iice, oay rvpe sp,TNKLERs(Use prefix "1" for ISO 7_Rt Connection, ".g., t-AO-SSt_t4aOl Pendent w/ Standard Escutcheon (1" NPT) Pendent w/ Deep Escutcheon ( 1" NpT) Escutcheon (1" NPT) Pendent w/o Escutcheon Escutcheon (1" NpT) Sidewall Standard Escutcheon (1' NpT) Sidewall w/ Deep Escutcheon (1" NPT) Upright w/o Escutcheon (1' NPr) 2A6Ft141C ESCUTCHEON FrNtsH (2) CHROME PLATED wHrrE (FALso10), LENGTH (1) (EXAt\'tPLES) 055 5.50" 082 8 25" 180 18.00' 187 18.75" 372 37.25" 480 48.00,' I t Pase I ot8 I I t I T I I I t I I I I t oo TFs'O TYCO FIBE PRODUCTS, 4st North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, pennsytvanh 19446 I T I t T I Series LFII Residential Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers 4.2 K.Jactor ItllCO f lireaBuitdingI Products ^L/-,-- Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-93.12 / Fax: (800) 791 -5500 fENTRAL-- Customer Servlc€/Sales: Tel: (21s) 362-0700 / (800) 523-6512 Fax (215J 362-5385 I I t I I I I I I I I I I General Description The Series LFll (TY1334) Residentjal Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are decorative, fast response, f rangible bulb sprinklers designed for use in residential occupancies such as homes, apartments, dormitories, and holels. When aesthetics and optimized flow characleristics are lhe major con- sideration, the Seri6s LFll (TY1 334) should be the first choice. The Series LFll are to be used in wet pipe residential sprinkler systems ior one- and two-family dwellings and mo- bile homes per NFPA 13D; wet pipe residential sprinkler svstems for resi- dential occubancies ub to and includ- ing four stories in height per NFPA 13R; or, wet pipe sprinkler systems for the residential porlions of any occu- pancy per NFPA 13. The Series LFII (TY1334) has a 4.2(60,5) K-factor that orovides the re. quired residential llow rates at reduced pressures, enabling smaller pipe sizes and water supply requirements. The rocessed version of the SeriesLFll (TY]334) is intended for use in areas with finished walls. lt employs a lwo-piece Style 20 Recessed Esculch- eon. The Recessed Fscutcheon pro- vides 1/4 iach (6,4 mm) of recessed adlustment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm)of total adiustment trom the flush mounting sdrface position. The adjust- ment provided by the Fecessed Es. cutcheon reduces the accuracv to which the pipe nippies to the sprinlilers must be cut. The Series LFll (TY1334) has been designed with heat sensitivity andwater distribution characteristics proven to help in the control of residen- tial fires and to improve the chance for occupants lo escape or be evacuated. tprinkler/ModeI Identilication WARNINGS The Saries LFll (TY1334) Besidential Horizontal Sidewall SDrinklers de- scribed herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this docunent, as well as with the applica- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standads of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failurc to do so may impair the integrity of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The injtalling contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. Number slN TY1334 Technical Data Approvals: UL and C-UL Listed. Maximum Worklng Pressure: 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coefticient: K = 4.2 GPM/psil/2 (60,5 LPM/barl/2) Temperature Rating: 155'F/68'C or 17 5'F /79"C Finishes: White Polyester Coated, Chrome Plated, or Natural Brass Physical Characteristics:Frame BrassButton . Bronze SealingAssembly..... Beryllium Nickel w/Teflonf JANUART 2OO3 Bulb .. 3 mm dia.Glass Compression Screw . BronzeDeflector . . Copper tDupont Registered Trademark Operation The glass Bulb contains a fluid thal expands when exposed to heat. When lhe rated temperalure ts reached, the tluid expands sufficientlv to shatter the glass Bulb allowing th'e sprinkler to activate and flow water. Page I of I TFP4IO Page 2 of 8 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I Componenls: 1 - Frame 2 - Butlon Assembly 3 - Sealing Assembly 4 - Bulb 5 - Compression Screw 6 - Dellector * * Temperature rating is indicated on top ot Defleclor. TOP.OF. DEFLECTOR 2-7t8 0lA. (73,0 mm) I 7 t16', (11 ,1 mm) CENTERLINE OF WATERWAY -l1/2'NPT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON END-OF- DEFLECTOR BOSS N EUtrJJtr,U FIGUBE 1 SERtES LFil (Ty1334) BESTDENTTAL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL AND NECESSED NOAIZOUTAT SDEWALL SPBINKLERS TFP4IO WRENCH BECESS (ENO'A'USED FOR TYl334) FIGUBE 3 W.TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH PUSH WFENCH IN TO ENSUBE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AF]EA FIGUNE 4 W.TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH ror"r,*o IsuRFAcE -J 7l'16!1/8" (11,113,2 mm) FACE OF SPRINKLEF FITTING TOP.OF- DEFLECTOR 2-7t8" DtA. (73,0 mm) 2-1t4', OtA. (57,2 mm) 1/8' (3,2 mm) FIGUBE 2 STYLE 20 BECESSED ESC UTCHEON FOR USE W|TH THE SERTES LFtr (Tyl334) RESIDENTIAL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLER 7t16' (11,1 mm) I I t I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I TFP4lO Design Criteria The Series LFll (TY1334) Residential Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are UL and C-UL Lisled for insrallation in ac- cordance with the following criteria, NOTE When conditions exist that are outside the scope of the provided criteria, referto the B_esidential Sp nkler Design Guide TFP490 for the manulacturei's rec.ommendations that may be accept_ aplg to the local Authority Having Ju_ nsotclton. System Type. Only wet pipe systems may be utilized. Hydraulic Design. The minimum re-quired sprinkler f low rate for svstems designed to NFPA 13D or NFPA j3R are given in Table A, B, C, and D as a lunction of temperature rating and the maximum allowable coveraoe areas. The sprinkler flow rate is thehrnrmum requrred discharge from each of the total number of "design sprinklers" as specilied in NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R. For systems designed lo NFpA 13, lhe number of design sprinklers is ro oethe four mosl hydraulically demanding sprinklers. The minrmum required dis-- charge from each of the four sprinklers is to be the greater ot the foltowing: . The llow rates given in Tables A, B, C, and D for NFPA i 3D and 13R as a function of lemperalure rating andthe maximum allowable coveraoe . A minimum discharge of 0.1 gpm/sq. tt. over the "design area' comprisedot lhe lour most hydraulically de_ mandtng sprinklers for the actual coverage areas being protected byrne rour spnnklers. Obstruction To Water Distrlbution.Locations of sprinklers are to De In accordance with the obstruction rules ot NFPA 13 for residentjal sprinKters. Operational Sensitivlty. The sprin- Krers are to be installed wrth an end_of_ deflector-boss to wail distance of 1- 3i8 to 6 inches or in the recessed po- srtton using only the style 20 Re-cessed Esc..ltcheon as shown in Fig ure 2. ln addition the top-of-deflector-to-ceil- rng distance is to be within the range(Fef. Table A, B. C. or D) being hydra-u-Ica y calculated. Sp r inkler Spacing. The minimum spacrng between sprinklers is g feet(2.4 m). The maximum spacing be-tween sprinklers cannot sxceed the width of the coveraqe area (Ref. Table A) being hydlautjcally catcutated (e.g., maximum 12 feet for a i2lt. x lzit. coverage area, or 16 feet for a 16 ft. x 20 ft. coverage area). Installation The Series LFll (TY1334) must be in- stalled in accordance wiih the follow- rn9 rnstructions: NOTES Do not install any bulb type sprinklet if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss ot liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkter held horizontally, a small air bubbte should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately l/16 inch (1 ,6 mm). A leak tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained with a toraue of 7to 14 tt.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi- mum of 21 ft.lbs. (29,5 Nm) ot torquets to be used to install sprinklers. Higher levels of torque may distort the sptinkler inlet with consequent leak- age or rmpairment ot the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for in- sufficient adjustment in an Escutcheon Platg .b! under- or over-tightening the rpnnKter. Headlust the pOSition of the sprinkler fitting to suit. The Series LFll Horizontal SidewallSprinklers must be installed in ac- cordance with the lollowing rnstruc- lrons. Step 1. Horizontal sidewall sprinklers are to be installed in the horizontal position with their centerline of water- way perpendicular to the back wall and parallel to the ceiting. The word',TOp,' on the Deflector is to face towards the ceiling with the f ront edge of the De- llector Oarallel to the ceilino. Slep 2. With pipe thread seatant ap- plred to lhe pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprjnkler into the sprinkler fittrng ustng only the W-Type6 Sprrnkter Wrencn 1Fdt. Figure'3). With reference to Frgure r, tne-W.type 6 Spnnkler Wrenchls to be aoolied to the wrench f lats. The Series LFll Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the followinq in- structions. Step A, Recessed horizontal sidewall sprinklers are to be installed in the horizontal position with their centerline of waterway perpendicular to the backwall and parallel to the ceiljnq. The word "TOP" on the Def lector is io face towards the ceiling. Step B. After instaliing the Style 20 page 3 of 8 Mounting Plate over the sprinklerthreads and with pipe thread sealantapplied to the pipo threads. handtighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler rrrung. Step C. Tighten the sprinkler jnto thesprinkler fitting using only the W-Type7 Recessed Sprinkter Wrench (hbf. f iSr!9 E. With reference to Figure 1 ,the W-Type 7 Recessed Soiinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkrer wrench flats. Step C. After the wa has been in- stalled or the finish coat has been ap_plied, slide on the Sryte 20 Ctosuieover the Series LFll Sprinkler andpush the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its tlange comes in conhct with the wall. Care and Maintenance The Series LF (Ty1A34) must bemarntained and serviced in accord- ance with the followrng instructions: NOTES Absence of an Escutcheon ptate may delay the sprinkler operation in a lire situation. Before closing a fire protection systemmatn control valve for maintenance w?r.k. on the fire protection systemwhich it controls, permission to shutdown the affected fire protection sys- tem must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be na- tified. Sprinklers wh jch are found to be reaK- ing or exhibiting visible signs of corro- sron must be replaced. Automatjc sprinklers must never bepainted, plated, coated, or olherwise altered after leaving the factory. lvlodt-lred sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosrve products of combustion, but have not operated, should be repldced if they cannot be completelv cieaned by wiping the sprinklei with a ctoth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised lo avoia oam- age to the sprinklers - before, durino. and after installation. Sprinklers dsri. aged by dropping, striking. wrench rwrsvsrrppage, or the like, musl be re- placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb, (Bef. Insta arion secuon ). The owner is responsible for rne ln- spectron, testing, and maintenance oftheir fire protection system and de- (Continued on Page B) I I Page 4 of 8 I I I I t I I t I I I t I I I I I TFP4IO ELEVATION (a) For coverage area dimensions less lhan or between those indicated, il is necessary to use the minimum required llow for the nexthighest coverage area for which hydrautic design "rit"r," iiu atul"O. {b) Width (backwall where sprinkler is localed) x Length (horizontal throw o, sprinkler). (c) Requirement is based on minimum flow in GPt\4 (LPt\.4) from each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are calculated usingthe nominal K-tactor. Refer ro Hydraulic Design iriterti Section-ior ietairs. (d) sidewall sprinklers' where installed-under a ceiling with a.slope greater lhan o inch rise for a 12 inch run ro a slope up to 2 inchrise for '12 inch run, must be located per one ol thi loffowin j:' " ' Locate the sprinkrefs at the high point of lhe srope and positioned to discharge down the srope. . Locate the sprinklers atong the slope and positioned to discharge across the stope. NEpA t3D AND NFIA rt'liiiioruc DEstGN cRtrERtA REstDENTtAL HoRtzoNrAL tJr[fli[!fif/i3Jf!/[',]3tl)orro, stDEwALL **RTNKLERsFoR HoRtzoNrAL cEtLlNG (Maxtmum 2 tnch Brse,to; ii;;i';;;i -' "' Maximum Cov€rage Aroa (3) Width x Length (o) Ft. x Ft. (mxm) Mlnimum Flow (c) and Flesidual pressure Top.Of-Deflector- To- Ceillng: 4 lo 6 Inches (100 to jS0 mm) Top-Of.Deflector- To- Ceiting: 6 to 12 Inchss (100 to tSO mm) 12x 12 (3,7 x 3,7) 12 GPM (45,4 LPM) 8.2 psi (0,57 bar) 12 GPlil (4s,4 LPM) 8.2 psi (0,57 bar) 13 GPM (49,2 LPN,) 9.6 psi (0,66 bao 13 GPM (49.2 LPM) 9.6 psi (0,66 ba414x14 (4,3 x 4,3) 14 GPM (53,0 LPM) 1 1.1 psi (0,77 bar) 16 GPN4 (60,6 LPt\4) 14.5 psr (1 ,00 bar) 17 GP[/ (64,3 LP|V) 16.4 psi (1,13 bar) 18 GPfiil (68,1 LPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar)'16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9) 16 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi ('1,00 bar) 16 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14.s psi (1,00 bar) 18 GPM (68,1 LPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 ba0 18 GPM (68,1 LPf,4) 18.4 psi (1 ,27 bar)'16 x 18 (4,9 x 5,5) 19 GPM1 (71,9 LPM) 20.5 psi (1,41 bar) 19 GPM (71 ,9 LPt,t) 20.5 psi (1,41 bar) 21 GPM (79,5 LPt\il) 25.0 psi (1,72 bao 21 GPM (7e,s LPt\,4) 25.0 psi (1,72 ba416x20 4,9 x 6,1) 23 GPr\4 (87,1 LPM) 30.0 psi (2,07 bar) 23 GPM (87,1 LPt\,,t) 30.0 psi (2,07 bar) 26 GPM (98,4 LPM)26 GPM (98,4 LPIVI) 38.3 psi (2,64 bar) I TFP4IOI I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I Page 5 of 8 MAXIMUM ELEVATION Maxlmum Coverage Area (a) Width x Length (b) Ft. x Fi. (mxm) Maxlmum Spacing Ft. (m) Minimum ppsr/v {c) and Residual pressure (l) Two sprinkter design with the sprinklers at the high point of rhe slope and positioned to discharge down the slope. Top-Of-Deflector. To- Ceiling: 4lo 6 Inches (100 io iS0 mm) Top-Of-Def lector- To. Ceiting : 6lo l2 Inches (150 to 3OO mm) 1s5" F/68.C 175"Fn9.C 155"F/68.C 175'Fn9"C 12x12 (3,7 x 3,7)(3,7) 12 GPM (45,4 LPM) 8.2 psj (0,57 bar) 12 GP[4 (4s,4 LPt\4) 8.2 psi (0,57 bar) t 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 9.6 psi (0,66 bar) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 9.6 psi (0,66 bar)14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3)(4,3) 14 GPt4 (s3,0 LPN4) 1 1.1 psi (0,77 bar) I 14 cPtll (53,0 LPM) 1 1.1 psi (0,77 bad I 17 cPl,4 (64.3 LPt\4) 16.4 pst (1,13 ba4 17 GPt\4 (64.3 LPi\,4) '16,4 psi (1 ,13 bar)16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)(4,e) 16 GPI\,,l (60,6 LPtvt) 14,5 psi (1 ,00 bar) I 16 GPr/l (60,6 LPt\,4) 14.5 psi (1 ,00 ba0 18 GPM (68,1 LPt\4) '18.4 psj (1,27 bar) 1B GPM (68,1 LPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar)16 x 18 (4,9 x 5,s)(4,s) I 19 GPt\4 (71 ,9 LPM) 20.5 psi (1,41 bar) I 1e GPM (71 ,9 LPM) 20.5 psi (1,41 bar) 21 GPM (79,5 LPM) 25.0 psi (1,72 bar) 21 GPM (79,s LP|V) 25.0 psi (1,72 bar)16 x 20 (4,9 x 6,1) to (4,9) 24 GPM (90,8 LPN4) 32.7 pst (2,25 barl I 24 cPM (90,8 LPM) 32.7 psi (2,2s batJ 26 cPt\4 (98,4 LPt\4) 38.3 psi (2,64 ba4 I 26 GPM (98,4 LPtVl) 38,3 psj (2,64 baO (a) For coverage area dimensions less than or belween those indicated, it is necessary lo use lhe minimum requrred llow lor the nexthighest coverage area lor which hydrautic design cril;;;r;;i;j;. (b) Width (backwa where sprinkter is locaied) x Lenglh (horizoniat throw of sorinkter). (c) Fiequirement is based on minimum flow in GPI\4 (LPM) lrom each sprinkler. The associaled residuar pressures are carcurated usrnglhe nominat K-tactor. Reier to Hydrautic Design Criterii Sectit n-toi ietaits.. NFIA 1sD AND NFIA ftr:ii;:AuLtc DEsrcN cnrrEutA R-E-srDENrrAL HoRtzoNrAL 1,!.;friii^!,rj':3t'{!![';3ti)oNrAL stDE*ALL spBtNKLER.FOR SPRINKLERS AT THE HIGH POINT Oi THE s',.-Oii ANO DISCHARGING DOWN THE SLOPE(Greater Than 2 tnch Rise for 12 tnch Bun trp To I rnch Rise for 1i tr;i';r;;;- I t Page 6 of 8 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I TFP4lO MAXIMUM ELEVATION Maximum Coverage Atea {a) Width x Length (o) Ft. x Ft. (mxm) Maximum Spacing Ft. (m) Minimum plql,v lc) 61d Residual pressure (II) Two sprinkler design wlth the sprinklers located along the slope and positioned todischarge across th6 sloDe. (IrI) Three sprinkl€r design when there are more rhan two sprinkrers in 8 companment andwith the sprinkrers rocat.d arong the srope.and positioned to discharge across rhe srope. Top-Of-Deflector. To- Ceiling: 4 to 6 Inches (100 to 1S0 mm) Top-Ol-Detlecior- To- Ceiling: 6 to 12 Inches (100 to 300 mm) '155'F/68.C 175'Fn9"C 155"F/68"C 175"F 9"C 12x12 l'3,7 x 3,7)(3,7) ll 16 GPM (60,6 LPM) '14.5 psi (1,00 bao II 16 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1,00 bar) II 18 GPtVt (68,1 LPtVt) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) II 18 GPM (68,1 LPM) 18-4 Dsi a1 27 bar\'14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3) 14 (4,3) II 16 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1,00 ba4 II 16 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1 ,00 ba4 ll 18 GPM (68,1 LPt\,l) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) II 18 GPM (68.1 LPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 ba4'16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9) II 16 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1 ,00 ba4 ll 16 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1 ,00 bar) II 18 GPt4 (68,1 LPM) 18.4 psi (1 ,27 bad II 18 GPM (68,1 LPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar)16 x 18 (4,9 x s,5) to /4 g) II 22 GPf/ (83,3 LPM) 27.4 psi (1,89 bar) II 22 GPM (83,3 LPM) 27,4 psi (1,89 ba4 II 22 GPr\4 (83,3 LPM) 27.4 psi (1,89 bar) II 22 GPN/ (83,3 LPlil) 27.4 psi (1,8s bar)16x20 (4,9 x 6,1)(4,9) lll 23 cPiV (87,1 Lplvl) 30.0 psi (2,07 bao It 23 cPN4 (87,1 LPM) 30.0 psi (2,07 bar) III 26 GPM (98,4 LPtVl) 38.3 psi (2,64 bar) Ill 26 GPM (98,4 LPM) 38.3 psi (2,64 ba4 (a)For coverage area dimensions less than or belween those indicated, it is necessary to use the minimum requrred flow for the nexthighest coverage area for which hydraulic design criteria are stited.' Width (backwall where sprinkler is located) x Length (horizontal throw ot sprinkler). Requirement is based on minimum llow in GPM (LPl\.4) lrom each sprinkler. The associaied residual pressures are carcutated usingthe nominat K-factor. Reier to Hydrautic Desjgn iriterii Section toa'deta s.. NFIA tsD AND NFIA rr'iir'i&rr," DEstcN cRtrERtA REstDENT;AL Ho*zoNrAL sn[fi[!fio/r,i:{l'J[',]3t2orroL stDEwALL spRTNKLERsFOR SPRINKLERS LOCATED ALONG A SLOPE AiD DISCHARGING ACROSS THE SLOPE(Greater Than 2 tnch Rtse for 12 tnch Run lJp To 4lnch Rise for tZiiin Aun) (b) t I I I t I I t I I I I I t I I TFP4lO t t I Page 7 of 8 MAXIMUM ELEVATION Maximum Coverage Area (a) Width x Length (b) Ft. x Fl. (mxm) Maxlmum Spacing Ft. (m) Minimum Flow (c) and Resldual Pressure (Itl) Three sprinklBr design when there are more than two sprinklers In a companment andwith ihe sprinkrers rocated arong the srope.and position€d to discharge across the srope. Top-Of.Def lector- To- Ceiling: 4lo 5 Inches (100 to 150 mm) 155'F/68"C 175"F 9.C 12x 12 (3,7 x 3,7)(3,7) Iu 16 GPM (60,6 LPM) 1 4.5 psi (1,00 ba4 ltl 16 GPM (60,6 LPiil) 14.5 psi (1 ,00 bar)14x14 (a,3 x a,3) 14 (4,3) tIl 16 GPM (60,6 LPN,I) 14.5 psi (1 ,00 bar) I 16 GPt4 (60,6 LPM) 14,5 psi ( l,00 ba4 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)(4,e) I 16 GP|VI (60,6 LPM) 14,5 psi (1,00 bar) I 16 GPM (60,6 LPt ) 14.5 psi (1,00 bar) 16 x l8 (4,9 x 5,5) to (4,s) N/A N/A 16 x 20 (4,9 x 6,1)(4,e) N/A N/A (a) For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated, it is necessary to use the minimum required llow for the nexthighest coverage area lor which hydraulic design criteria are stated (b) Widlh (backwall where sprinkter is localed) x Length (horizontat throw ol sprinkter). (c) Requirement is based on minimum flow in GPlv (LPl\4) lrom each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are carcutated usingthe nominat K-tactor. Refer to Hydraulic Design iriterii Section toi'oetarts.. NFIA lrD ANo NFuA rcr:ii;:AuLtc DEsrcN cRtrERtA REstDENTtAL HoRrzoNrAL t,rffX[:iif7,3:{l'J['iSAgorroL sTDEWALL spR,NKLERsFOR SPRINKLERS LOCATED ALONG A SLOPE AND DISCHARGING ACNOSSiNE'itOPT(Greater Than 4 rnch Bise for r2 rnch Run up To I tnch Bise for 12 Inch Ru;l' I t I t I t t I t I I I I I I I I I Page 8 of 8 vices in compliance with this docu^ ment, as well as with the apolicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The in. stallang contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. NOTE The owner must assure that the spin- klers are not used for hanging ol any objects and that the sprinklers are only cleaned by means of gently dusting with a feather duster; otherwise, non- operation in the event ol a fire or inad- vertent operatiOn may result. It is recommended that automaticsprinkler systems be inspected, tesled, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. Limited Ordering Warranty Procedure TFP4l O When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Contact your local dis- tributor for availability.. Sprlnkler Assembly: Series LFll (TY1 334), K=4.2, Residen- tial Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler with (s pecif y ) temperature rating and (specify) finish, P/N (specify). 155"F/68"C or Chrome Plaled . . . P/N 5l-2t t-9-155 155"F/68"C White Polyester. . .... P/N 51-211 4-i55 155'F/68.C NaturalBrass.......... P/N51-211-i-155 175'F/79'C o( Chrome Plated . . . . . . . P/N5t-211-9-t7S 175.Ft79"C White Polyester. . . .. ... P/N5t-211-4-175 175"F/79"C Natural Brass.. .... . P/N5t-211,1,175 Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: Style 20 Recessed Escutcn- eon with (specify) finish, P/N (specify). 1/2" (15 mm) Style 20 ChromePlaled . ....... P/N 56.705-9-01O 1/2" (15 mm) Slyle 20 Whrle ColorCoated.. .. .... P/N 56-705-4,OiO 1/2" (15 mm) Style 20 Bright Brass Coared. . . . p/N 56-705-2-0|0 Sprlnkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387. Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkter Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001 . Products manufactured bv Tvco Fire Products are warranted sbleiy to tne original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in malerial and work. manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war-ranty is given for products or components manufactured by compa- nies not attiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corro- sion, or which have not b6sn installed, maintained, modilied or repaired in ac- cordance with apOlicable Standards ot the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, and/or the standards of anv other Authorities Having Jurisdiclion. Mate- rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be detective shall be either reoaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products'sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither as- sumes, nor authorizes any person to assume lor it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be resoonsible for sorinkler system design errors or inaccurate or rncomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's represen taiives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIBE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE. IN CON. TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE. ORY FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIFECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHABGES, FE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS'LI- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EOUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WANRANTIES EXPRESS OR IM P LIE D. INC LU DING WAB RANTI ES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT- NESS FOR A PARTICULAB PUR. POSE. I TYCO FIRE PRODUCfS,451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdate, pennsvtvania j9446 I I I I I I Series LFII Residential Pendent Sprinklers 4.9 K.tactor / I Fire & Buitding I Products Technical Services: Tet: (800) 3Ai.9312 / Fax: (800) 79j-S5OO '-F Customer Service/Sales: Tel: (215) 362.0700 / (800) S2A-6Sjz Fax: (215) 362-5385 t I I I I I I I I I I I I General Description The Series LFlt (TY22g4) Residential Pendent Sprinklers are decorative, fast response, frangrble bulb sprinklers designed for use in residential occu_pancres such as homes, apartments, oormrtones, and hotels. When aesthet_ rcs and optimized f low characteristics are the major consideration, the SerlesLFll (TY 2234t shoutd be the first cnorce. The Series LFll are to be useo ln werpipe residential sprinkler syslems forone- and lwo-family dwellings and mo_ Dlr9 ,home.s per NFPA .t3D: wet pipe restdentiat sprinkler systems tor resi- oentrat occupancies up to and includ_Ing four stories in heiqht per NFPA 13R; or, wet pipe sprinkier slstems forIne restdenttal portions of anv occu_pancy per NFPA 13. The Series LF (Ty2234) has a 4.9(70,6) K-factor that provides lhe re.qurred residentialflow rates at reducedpressures, enabling smaller pipe sizesano water supply requ jrements The recessed versron of the SeriesLFll (TY22g4) rs jntended for use in areas with finished ceilings. lt employsa two-piece Style 20 Recessed Es_cutcheon. The Recessed Escutcheo nprovides 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessedaojustment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm)or total adjustment from the flush ceil_Ing posttron, The adjustment provided 0y the Recessed Escutcheon reducesIne,accuracy to which the pipe nipples to the sprinklers must be cui. The. Series LF| lTyzzg4l has beenoesrgned with heat sensitiviry anowater distribution ch a racte rist icsprov.en to help in the control of residen-rar lrres and to improve the chance foroccupants to escape or be evacuated. WARNINGS The Series LFll (Ty22J4) ResidentialPendent Sprinklers desiribed herein must be installed and maintained incompliance with this document. aswell as with the applicable standardsof the National Fire protection Asso- ciation, in addition to the standards ofany other authorities havinq iurisdic-tion. Failure to do so may 'iripair thetntegtity of these devices. The owner is responsible lor matnan- tng ffieir fire protection system and de-vtces tn pr.opet operating condition. r ne tnsta tng contractor or sprinklermanufacturer should be contacted rclative to any questions. 114 4 4.-* -*o. , ,. 't Te Da SprinklerlModel Identification SIN TY2234 Number chnical ta Approvals: UL and C-UL Listed. Maximum Worklnq Pressu re; 175 psi (12,1 bar) - Discharge Coetf lcient: K = 4.9 GPM/psi z (70,6 LpM/baiat Temperature Ratino: 1 55"F/68.C ot 17 s"F t7 s. c Finishes: White Polyester Coated, Chrome Plated, or Natural Brass Physical Characterlsfl cs:Frame BrassButton . BronzeSealingAssembly..... j i.. Beryllium Nicket w/TeflontrJuro 3 mm dia. Glass Compression Screw . Bronze D€flector Ejection Spring _ Bronze Stainless Steel tDuPont Registe red Trademark Operation The glass Bulb contains a fluid that expands when exposed to heat. Whenthe rated temperature is reached, the lrutd expands sufficienfly to shatter theglass Bulb allowing tfie sprinkler to activate and flow water. Page I ot g JANUARY,2OO3 TFP4OO I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I Page 2 of I Design Criteria The Series LFtl (Ty2234) Residentiat Pendent Sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed for installation in accordance with the following criterja. NOTE When conditions exist that are outside the scope of the prcvided crite a. referto the Be_sidential Sprinkler Design Guide TFP490 for th6 manufacturel's rec.ommendations that may be accept_ aDle. to the local Authonty having Juris_ otclton. System Type. Only wet pipe systems may be utilized. Hydraulic Design. The minimum re-qurred sprinkler flow rate for systems designed to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13Rare gjven in Table A as a function oftemperature rating and the maximum allowable coverage areas. The sprin- Krer flow rate is the minimum requireddischarge from each of the totalnumberofdesign sprinklers as speci.fi€d in NFPA 13D or NFpA 13R. For systems designed to NFpA 13, thenumber ot design sprinKlers is to be lne.Igyr mosl hydrautjca y demanding spflnklers, The minimum requjred drs- charge from each of the four sorinklers is (o be the grealer of the fo owing: . The flow rates olven in Table A for NFPA 13D and i3R as a tunction of temperature rating and the maxi- mum allowable coverage area. . A minimum discharge of 0.1 gpm/sq. It. over the "design area" comprisedof the four mosl hydraulicaliy de- manding sprinklers for the actual coverage areas being protected by rne Io ur soflnklers_ Obstruction To Water Distribution. Locations of sprinklers are to be in accordance wilh the obstruction rules of NFPA 13 for residentiaj sprinklers. Operational Sensitivity. The sprin- klers are to be installed wilh a deflector to ceiling distance of 1-3/8 to 4 inches or In the recessed position using only the Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon as shown in Figure 2. NOTE So as to help avoid obstructions to water distribution, a maximum l2 inch dellector-to-ceiling distance is permit- ted for NFPA 13D and NF?A igR ap- plications where the sprinklers are lo- cated in closets. Sprinkler Spacing. The minimum spactng between sprinklers is I feet(2,4 m). The maximum spacing be- Iween spflnklers cannot exceed the length of the coverage area (Ref. Tabte A) being hydraulicaily catcutated (e.g., maxrmum 12 feet for a t2 ft. x i2h. coverage area, or 20 feet for a 20 ft. x 20 ft. coverage area). TFP4OO Beam Ceiling Design Criteria The Series LFlt (Ty2234) Hesidential Pendent Sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed for installation in residential oc_ cupancies with horizontal cejlings (i.e., slopes up to a 2 inch rlse over a 12 inch run) wilh beams when installed in ac. cordance with the following criteria: General Intormation. The bastc con-cept of this protection scheme is to locate the sprinklers on the underside of the beams, Rel. Figure 5, (not in rheoeam pockets); to identily the marn beams that principally run in one direc- tion as "pflmary beams"; and, to iden- tify the beams that run principa y per- pendrcular to the matn beams, as may be present (or in some cases may b6 necessary for proper spnnkler protec- tron), as "secondarv beams',. Primary and SecondarV Beam Types, Solid surtace, solid br ho ow core, combustible or non-com bustible. Primary and Secondarv Beam posi- tionlng. Direc y attachad to tf,e un- derside of a combustible or non-com-bustible smooth ceiling at any etevatton. Primary Beam Cross-seclion: Maxi- mum depth of 14 inches and lhe maxi- mum width is unlimited. The cross-sec- tional shape of the primary beam may be rectangular to circu lar. Maximum Coverage Area (a) Ft. x Ft. (mxm) Maximum Spacing Ft. (m) Minimum Flow (b) and Resldual Pressura For Horizontat C6iling (Mar.2 Inch Ris€ for l2lnch Run) Minlmum Flo$/, (b) and Fesidual Pressure For Sloped Ceiting (Grealer Than 2 Inch Rise Up To Max. 4 Inch Fise for .12 Inch Run) Minimum flqv/ (b) 3n! Residual pressure For Stoped Ceiling (Gr€ater lhan 4Inch Rige Up To Max. 8 lnch Ftse tor 12 lnch Run) 155'F/68.C or 175.Fn9"C 155'F/68"C 175'Fn9"C 1s5.F/68" C 175"Fn9"C 12x 12 (3,7 x 3,7)(3,7) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 ba4 13 GP|V (49,2 LPN,) 7,0 psi (0,48 bar) 17 GPrV (64,3 LPtVt) 12.0 psi (0,89 bar) 13 GPM (49,2 LPi\,4) 7.0 psi (0,48 ba4 18 GPM (68,1 LPt\,4) 13.5 psi (0,93 ba0'14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3) '14 (4,3) 13 GPM (4s,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 13 GPN4 (49,2 LPtVl) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 17 GPIM (64,3 LPtvl) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 13 GPM (49,2 LPr/) 7.0 psi (0,48 ba4 18 GPM (68,1 LPM) 13.5 psi (0,93 ba416x16 (4,9 x 4,9)(4,s) 13 GPM (49,2 LPi,4) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 13 GPM (49,2 tPr/) 7.0 psi (0,48 ba4 17 GPt\4 (64,3 LPt\4) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 13 cPlvl (49,2 LPt/) 7.0 psi (0,48 ba4 18 GPM (68,1 LPM) 13.5 psi(0,93 bar)18 x 18 1B (5,5) 17 GP|V (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 17 GPr\4 (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 17 GPN4 (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 17 GPN.,| (64,3 LPt/) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 23 GPM (87,1 LPM) 22.0 psi (1,52 ba420x20 (6,1x6,1) 20 (6,1) 20 GP|V (75,7 tPM) 16.7 psi (1,15 ba4 20 GP[/ (75,7 LPt\,4) 16.7 psi (1,15 ba4 20 GPN4 (75,7 LPM) 16.7 psi (1,15 bar) 21 GPM (79,s LPM) '18.4 psi (1,27 bar) N/A (a) For coveraqe area dimensions less than or belween lhose indicated, it is necessary to use the minimum required flow tor the nexthaghest coverage area lor which hydraulic design criteria are ifaitO. (b) Flequirement is based on minimum tlow in GPNI (tPM) lrom each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are carcutatedusrng the nominal K-factor. Reler to Hydraulic Design briteria Section lor details. TABLE ANF2A 13D A!!Jl:!l_!1? !12!!!!tg..D^E:t_gN_g!!r_Ery4 Fon rHE sERrEs LFtr sy2234)RESIDENTIAL PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT SPBINKLEBS I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I t TFP4OO Secondary Beam Cross-Section. Maximum depth to be no greater thanIne pflmary beam and the maximum width is unlimited. The cross-sectional shape ot the secondary beam may berecla ngutar to circula r. Primary Beam Spacing. The primary beams (Fig.6A) are to be 3 ft. - + rn. t6 6 il from the compartment wall to cen-ler ot the nearest beam and trom cen.ler to cenler between beams. Secondary Beam Spacing. The sec-onoary beams principally run perpen_ orcutar to the primarv beams. Secondary beams of a depth equat to the primary beam must be placed so thal the beam pockets created by thepnmary beams do not exceed 20 teet In length (Fig. 68). NOTE When .the beam pockets created by Ine pnmary beams exceed 20 feet in length, the installation wilt require the use ol secondary beams as described above. Otherwise, secondary beams need not be present. Secondary beams of a cross-sectional depth greater than one.quarter the depth of the primary beams are to bea minimum of 3 ft. - 4 in, from the Page 3 of 8 FIGUFE 3 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH compartment wall to center of the nearest beam and from center to cen- ter between beams (Fig. 6C). Secondary beams of a cross-sectional depth no greater than one-quarter the depth.of lhe primary beams may bepraceo at any compartment wall to center of the nearest beam distance Components: 7/16" (11,1 mm) NOMINAL 1t2" NPT ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING _2-7t8" DtA. '1 - 3- 5- Frame Button Sealing Assembly Bulb Compression Screw MAKE.IN SURFACE (73,0 mm) 6' Dellector * 7 - Ejection Spring 'Temperature ralng rs indicated on Deflector CROSS SECTION PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT FIGURE I SERIES LFil (TY2234) RESTDENTTAL PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT SPBINKLERS 7116t1/8" (11,1r3,2 mm) SPFINKLEB FITTING 2-7t9'^DtA. (73,0 mm) 2.1t4" DtA. \57 ,2 m.r.) I I CLOSURE FIGURE 2 STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCTJTCHEON FOB USE WITH THE SERIES LFII (TY22g4) RESIDENTIA L PEN DENT SPRI NrctEN WRENCH RECESS r-,i+''-.\q----l l'- -r \/4t/ .) l't't., ,=J/ |k--: 'j1 ) L)-\irr- PUSH WFIENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGUBE 4 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH I I t I I I I I I I I t t T I I I I I Page 4 ot 8 and from any center to center distance between beams (Fig. 6C). Llntels. Lintels over doorways exiting the compartment must be present. Th; mirrimum height for the lintels ts 8 inches or no less than the depth of the Primary Beams, whichever is greater. Sprinkler Types. Series LFll(TY2234). 155F and 175F, pendenr and Recessed Pendent Residential Sprinklers. Sprlnkler Coverage Area and Hy-clraulic Design. The sprinkler cover. age areas and hydraulic design criteria as presented in the Table A for ,,Hori- zontal ceilings" are to be applied. Sprinkler Posltlon. The deflector to bottom of primary baams torthe SeriesLFll (TY2234) pendenr Sprinkters orSeries LFll FY2234\ Recessed pen- dent Sprinklers is to be 1-1/4 to 1-Ol4inches (Fig.5A). The vertical cenler- lane oJ lhe Series LF (Ty223\ pen_ dent Sprinklers is to be no greater than narr tne pnmary beam cross-sectional width plus 2 inches from the centerline of the primary beam (Fig 5B). ,vorEs Core drilling of beams to attow the in-stallation ol sprinkler drops requires consulting with a structural engineer. Where core dnlling B not permitted, me prevrcusly stated sprinkler position ctiteria for^the Series LF (Ty22J4)Fenoent ttpttnklers allows tot the sprinkler drop to be placed adjacent tone pnmary beam. Be.am and Sottit Arrangements. Asollrl rs permitted to be placed aroundthe perimeter of a compartment wilhthe beam arrangement wtthin the sof-trted area (Fig.7). The cross-section of the soffit mav beany size as long as it does not create an obslruction tO water distribution perthe obstruction rules of NFpA 13 forresidential sprinklers. When soffits are pr6sent, the pre- vroJsry provided 3 tt. - 4 in. to 6 ft.-compartment wall to adiacent beam"d'stance for the primary and secon. oary beams is to be measured from thetace of the soffit as opposed to thecompartment wall. NOTE Although the distance to the beams ismeasured lrcm the lace of the soffit,tne sprinkler coverage area is to bemeasured Irom the comparlment wa . Installation The Series LFlt (TY2234) must be in- stalled in accordance wiih the follow- ing instructions: /vorgs Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid f rom the bulb. With the sprinkterheld horizontalty, a small air'bubble should be present. The diameter of theair bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1 ,6 nm). A leak tight 1/2 inch NpT sprinkler joint should be obtained with e brque'of 7to 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi- mum of 21 ft.lbs. (28,5 Nm) of torquets to be used to install sprinklers. Higher levels ot torque may distort the sprinkler inlet with conseeuent leak- age or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for in- sufficient adjustment in an Escutcheon P^latg by undet- or over-tightening the Sprinkler. Readjust the p'sition 6t the sprinkler litting to suit. The Series LFll Pendent Sprinklers must be inslalled in accordance with the following instructions. Step 1. Pendent sprinklers are ro beinstalled in the pendent Dosition with the deflector parallel to the ceiling. Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- prred to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fittlng. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the :prinkler filting using onty the W.Type b . sprrnkter Wrench (Ref . Figure 3). With reference to Figure 1 , the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrenchls to be apptieA to the wrench flats. The Series LFll Recessed pendent Sprinklers must be Installed in ac-cordance with the followjng instruc- trons. Step A. Recessed pendent sorinklers are to be installed in the pendent posi- tion with the deflector paraltel to the cerlrng. Slep B. Atter instalting the Styte 20Mounting Plate over-the s orin k ler threads and with pipe thread sealantapplied to the pipe thr€ads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step C. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using onty the W-Type/ Hecessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figufg !. With reference ro Figure 1,the W.Type 7 Recessed Spiinkter Wrench is to be applied to the dprinkler wrench flats. Step D. After the ceiling has been In- stalled or the finish coat has been ap. plied, slide on the Style 20 Crosure over the Series LFll Sprinkler anopush the Closure over the Mounting Plale until its flange comes in contact with the ceilino. TFP4OO E A T- FIGURE 5 SPRINKLER POSITIONTNG UNDER PBIMARY BEAMS (Refer to the "Beam Cetlina Deslgn Criteria" sectton) = I I I I TFP4OO I I t I I I I I I T I I I I t Page 5 of I A -l* A ,*l- A *le€e A = 3 -4' to 6 -0" (1,0 lo 1.8 m) FOR PRIMABY 8€A[,IS HAV. ING A 1a" (356 mm) MAXll,{Utl DEPTH FIGURE 6A pnrvaRv ae;fi=F;is r rp ro-spANS up ro 20.,0" (6,1 m) A = 3!4', to 6 -0' (t,0 to 1,8 m) FOB PRII\,4ARY BEAMS HAV. ING A 14" (356 mm) MAXIMUI\.4 DEPTH B = 20!0' (6,1 m) MAXIMUI,I FOR SECONOARY BEAMS THATARE TO BE EOUAL IN DEPTH TO PRIMARY BEAMS AND THAT MUST BE IN PLACE SO THAT PRIMARY BEAM POCKETS DO NOT EXCEED 20 -0' {6,1 m) FIGURE 68 PFIMARY BEAM SPANS GREATER 't HAN 2OrO, t6.I m) - A -l.- A --l-^ --l L.QI I' TREFER To FIGURE 68 FOR SPANS EXCEEDING 20:0 (6.1 m) A=3-4 to 6'.0' (1.0 to 1,8 m) FOR PRIMARY AEAMS HAV. ING A 1a (356 mm) MAXIMUM DEPTH C = 3r4 (1,0 m) MINIMUM FOR SECONDAFY BEAMS HAVING DEPTHS GFEATEF THAN 259: OF PBII\,1ARY BEAMS - 0'- C = ANY OISTANCE FOR SEC, ONOARY BEAMS HAVING DEPTHS UP TO 259. OF PFIMAAY BEAfu{S CO[4PARTMENT WALLS FIGURE 6C COMBINATIONS OF PR{MARY AND SECONDARY BEAMS FIGURE 6 BEAM ARRANGEMENTS (Reter to the "Beam Ceiting Design Criteria,, section) I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 6 of I Care and Maintenance The Series LFll (TY2234) must be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with the following instructions: NOTES Absence of an Escutcheon Plate maY delay the sprnkler operation in a ftre situation. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire Protection sYstem which it controls, pemission b snut down the atfected fire protection sys- tem must be obtained from the proper authotities and all personnel who may be affected by thi6 action must be no- tified. Sprinklers which are found to be leak- ing or exhibiting vlsible signs ot corro- sion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated. coated, or otherwise allered afler leaving the factory. Modi- fied sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced it they cannot be complelely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- aoe to the sprinklers - betore' during 'aid after installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench twisuslipoaqe, or the like, must be re- olaced. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or lhat has lost liquid from its bulb. (Bef. Installation Section). The owner is responsible tor the ln- spectron, testing, and maintenance ot their fire Drotection system an0 0e- vices in iompliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the aPPlicable standards of the National Fire Protec- lion Association (e.9, NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The in- stallino contractor or sprinkler manu- facturdr should be contacted relative to any q uestion s. NOTE The owner musl assure that the sprin- klers are not used for hanging of any obiects and that the sprinklers are only cl6aned by means of gently dusting with a feather dustet: otnerwtse, non' operation in the €vent of a fire ot inad' vertent operation maY result. It rs recommended that automatic sorinkler svstems be insPected, tested, and ;aintained by a qualified Inspection Service. TFP4OO SECONOARY BEAM USE DISTANCES SHOWN lN FIGURES 6A,68 & 6C. EXCEPT MEASU REMENTS ARE TAKEN FFOM FACES OF SOFFIIS INSTEAD OF FBOM COMPARTMENT WALL SURFACES FIGUBE 7 BEAM AND SOFFIT ARRANGEMENTS (Befer to the "Beam Ceiting Design C te a" section) I I I I I Page 7 of I I TFP4OO Limited WarrantY Products manufactured by Tyco Fire pi"Jriii are warranted solely to the oriqinal BuYer for ten (10).Years iia-insi oJre6ts in material and work- ;;ship when Paid for and Properly in.t.rr"i "no maintarned under normal use and service. This warranty will ex- oit" i"n Ool years from date.of ship- hent bv Tvco Fire Products No war' rantv 'is -given for Products or com6onents manulactured by.compa' nies'not attitiated by ownership with iu"L Fitt Products o'r for products and ct,inoonents which have been subject to misuse. improper installation' corro- .]on, ot "tni"n hdve not been installed, miinraineO, modif ied or repaired in ac- loidince witt' applicablB Standards.of the Nalional Fire Protection Assocla- iion. and/or tne standards of any other Artnoririe. Having Jurisdiction Mate- riiis round by Tyc6 Fire Products to be Jefective shall'be either repaired or reolaced, at Tyco Fire Products'sole ootion. Tvco Fire Products neilher as- ii..,me., no, authorizes any Person to ai"utb tot it, any other obligation in conneclion wlth the sale of producls or oirts of products' Tyco Fire Products lnati nor'be responsible for sprinkler svstem design errors or inaccurale or iricom otete 'information supplied by Buyer br BuYer's rePresenlatives' tN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE Fnooucrs BE LIABLE, lN coN- rcrcr. ronr. STRICT LIABIL ITY OR UttOeR nltV OTHER LEGAL THE' ONi. TON INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT' SPC'CINT OR CONSEQUENTIAL nrr,.rnoeS. INCLUDING BUT NOT tirvrrEo ro LABoR cHAFGES' RE- ONNOTESS OF WHETHER TYCO iinr pnooucrs wAS INFoRN4ED NEOUT THC POSSIBILITY OF SUCH ONIINCES, AND IN NO EVENT sHALr rvco FIRE PRODUCTS'Ll- NEIT V EXCEED AN AMOUNT EOUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. Ordering Procedure When olacing an order, indicate lhe full piooJit nami. Contact your local dis- tributor for availability.. Sprinkler AssemblY: Series LFll $Y2234'), K=4 9, Residen- iiJ ieno"tit Sprin(ler with (sp.ecifv) ie-tpetaiure tating and (spocify) finish' P/N (specifY)- 155'F/68"C ot ^,-. -. . Chrome Plated.. . P/N 51-201-9'155 '--wnii io,v""t"|, P/N 51-201-4-r5s ' ""r.l"ti,iuie'ut" . .. P/N 51'201-1 15s 173'Fn9"C al Chtome Plaled P/N 51'201-9 175 " "wi,t! io'v".t"t . PiN 51 201'4'175 ' ' "Nru,riuia|.".t . P/N 51-201-l-175 Becessed Escutcheon: Specify: Style ?0 .R9"9s:9.q ,Escutch- e6n wiih lsiecify) finish. P/N (specifv)' 1/2' (15 mm) Stvle 20 d'ti|.o^"prur"a. ... P/N56-7059-010 l/2 ('l5 mm) Style 20 White Color Coaled ... P/N 56'705 4-010 1/2" (15 mm) Style 20 B::ijr'li:i . P/N s6'705'2'o1o Sorinkler Wrench: SbL"iiv, w rvP" 6 Sprinkler Wrench' P/N 56-000-6-387. SpecifY: W-TYPe 7 SPrinkler Wrench' P/N 56-850-4-001 . I I I I I I I I I t I I I frEF6 FoR A PAFTIoULAR PUR- I I Pasesorg I I oo TFP4OO -r TYco F1RE PpoDucrs' 451 North cannon Avenue' Lansdale' Pennsylvania 19446 I I I I I t I t I t I I t I I I FM Approved Sprinkler Pipe Bull Moose Company is a recognized producer of quality pipe products. Our Schedute 1O(NpS 314"-9") and Schedule 40(NPS 314"-2") are FM Approved, even though these products do not require separate approvals. Bull Moose Tube made the decision ro have them approved for your peace of mind. Our Scn. 10 and Sch.40 have been through the same rigorous testing as our other fine pipe products. Sched le 10 Pi Bull Moose Tube's Sch. 10 and Sch. 40 pipes are made to ASTM A135 and ASTM A79S. These products are supplied with our state of the art UV lacquer coating but can be supplied without the coating so they can be hot-dip galvanized to meet FM requirements for use in dry systems in accordance wilh the zinc coating specifications of ASTM A79S or ASTM A53. u Nomlnal Plpe Slze (in) o.D. (in) l.D. (ln) Nom. Wall (in) WeighUFt Bundle Size 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 z- Uz *t 4 1.050 1 .315 1.660 1.900 4.,O I C 2.875 3.500 4.500 0.884 't.097 1.442 1.682 2.157 2.635 3.260 4.260 0.083 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.120 o.120 0.120 0.857 1.40 1.81 2.O8 2.64 3.53 4.33 5.62 lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft bs/ft 61 ol 37 37 37 37 24 24 Schedule 3/4 1 1-1/4 t- Uz z 1.050 1 .315 1.660 1.900 z..Jtc 0.824 1,049 1.380 1 .610 2.067 0.113 0.133 0.140 0.145 0.154 1 .13 lbs/ft 1.68 lbs/ft 2.27lbslll 2.72lbslfl 3.65lbs/ft 61 61 5l 37 37 I I t CaS9-*sEn'Eoc'\rFANy A@co.pany For additional information, contact your sal6sperson today at (800) 325-4467 or (636) s37.2600 in ths USA, or from Canada call (800) 882-4666 1819 Clarkson Road Chestertietd, Mo 630i 7 (800) 325.4467 FAX: (636) 537-2645 www.bullmoosetube.com e-mail: info @bullmoosetube.com @A ,@ I PIPE PREPARATION l1t"l::f:ry1!"l all pipe.surfaces should.be cleaned pdor to installation. h order to provide a leak-righr sear for the gasket, pipe surfaces should be free fromindenhdons and Proiecdons from the end of the pipe to the grooue. ati toor" putnt, scale, din, chips, gr.ur., unor.ir, ,nuiil;#uJilffiiJu]rution. nuitur. totrake these important steps may result in improper coupling assembly, causing leakage. Also, checi the manufacturer's inshuctions for the sDecific fittins used. 8,99 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t A Lightweight Schedule 40 Reptacement pipe That Has a Corrosion Resistance Ratio of 1.0 Bull Moose Tube Company has been making pipe for a long time and is recognized as a producer of quatity pipe products. Eddythread 40 is designed with the same lhoroughness as our other fine pipe products and now our customers have an option to buy a carefully designed replacement for Schedule 40 that: o Has a Corrosion Resistance Ratio of 1.0. Has No Thread Warningr Has a Pressure Rating of 300 psi. ls Lighter Weight Than Schedule 40. ls Approved by Factory Mutual and Listed by Underwriters Laboratories. ls Produced in Accordance to ASTM A-135 and 4-795. Can be Used With Standard Schedule 40 Threaded Fittings, Couplings and Valveso ls Produced From Steel With Excellent prooerties ot Strength and Threadability. Can be Used in Wet, Dry, Preaction, and Deluge Type Sprinkler Systems". Offers Lower Freight Costs EDDYTHREAD 40 SPECIFICATIONS CORROSION RESISTANCE RATIOS ' Not FM Approved for dry systems. Nominal Pipe Size Weight Lb./Fr t.D. Bundle Size 314" 1' 1 -114" 2" 1.087 1.600 2.1 39 z.Joz J. JrJ4 0.856" 1.090" 1.425" 1, tz4 91 61 37 ,JT Nominal Pipe Size Sch.40 EDDYTHREAD 40 EDDYLITE 1" 1 -1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.74 0.48 0.47 0.38 I I a!"{t U ELlr IVEO€E Tt EE CC|\,|EANY A@Pf,ROcompany 1819 Clarkson Road Cheslerfield, MO 63017 (800) 325.4467 www.bullmoosetube.com e-mail: info @bullmoosetube.com For additional information, contact your sal€sperson today at (800) 325-4467 or (636) 537-2600 in the USA, or lrom Canada call (800) 882.4666 @A ,@ Allinlgnngtion contained heroin is e@urale as kno I I t I I t T I I t I t t I t The Cost Effective Replacement for Schedule 10 Realizing the growing need of fire protection systems rn commercial and residential construction, Bull Moose Tube has added Eddy Flow to its comprehensive line of sprinkler pipe products. Eddy Flow is a specially engineered replacement for schedule 10, offering better f low characteristics while providing design flexibility. This product is FM approved, as well as UL and CUL listed for roll grooving and welding. Please check with appropriate sources for up-to-date listings and approval inlormation. As an added benefit, it is more economical to use than schedule 10 due to reduced delivery costs and ease of handling. Furthermore, Eddy Flow,s larger lD provides an opportunity for downsizing and further cost savinos. COMPARISON Resistance Ratio ' Eddy Flow can be hot dipped gatvanized to meet FM's reqiieniii toiiry systems. Dual Certified to ASTM AlgS anct A7gS. FM epproved tor rcll groovtng ancl welding lor use In wet systems, uL.end cuL lislecl.for loining by wetding ot by tistec! rubb;t gasketed fitttngs tor use in wet, ctry, preaction, andcleluge type sprlnkler systems. Llghtweight - saves shlpping costs, and offers easler handling. Can be used wlth roll grooved couplings or welded ouuets loi pressures up to 17s pst. Floor stock avallehle in 2l anc! 25ft, lengths pro<luced ln Trenion (GA|, cerald (Mo1, and Masury (oH). Also can beorclered ln custom lengths. Cen be suppllecl roll groovec! or Dlaln end. Cen be used tor wet and dry. systems. lnside Diameter c.R.R.. NPS (ln) o.D. (in) Eddy Flow (in) Sch. 10 (in) Sch. 40 (ln) Eddy Flow Schedule 40 1-1t2 2 2-1/2 4 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 't.754 2.229 2.729 3.342 4.324 1.682 2.157 2.635 J.ZOU 4.260 1 .610 2.067 2.469 3.068 .+VZO 2.34 1.89 1.09 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I I l}#n::r':,:::,:"^'llll..-r^"IT:-1Tlrd,be creaned.prior ro ,",o"",toTt ffiTIJL?[. " ,""*-,,rhr sear for the sasket, pipe surfaces should be free fromindenhtionsandprojectionsfromthe€ndorthepipe torrie foov.. aii r"*"priri,.Ji.:;;..;hrp;,;;;il:ffi;}H:ii:"r;ilf"iff:i#i']f;:";::ilr.. take these imponant stcDs mav result in imorooer corr,ti,o i."6hrv .o,,c;-- r-,r."-Also, check the rnanufacturer's inshtctions for the specific fittins used. I C'S9.^-""=ruBEcc*FANy A@"o'-npany 1819 Clarkson Road Chestertield, MO 63017 (800) 325-4467 FAX: (636) 537-2645 www.bullmoosetube.com e-mail: info @bul lmoosetube,com For additional information, contact your salesperson today at (800) 325-4467 or (636) 537-2600 in the USA, or f rom Canada catr (800) 882.4666 @L .dFI ,@ I t o o I #;f;;?,f#,#,,*Esadb-aok I Waplysicatcharacteristics I I I I I I I I I I t Nominal 0r standard size, inches Nominal dimensions, inches Calculatedurru.ffi Outside diameter Inside dinmglgl Wall thickness Cross sectional area of bore, sq. inches Weight of tube only, pounds per linear ft. Weight of tube & water pounds per linear ft. .214 Contents of tube per linear ft Cu ft.Gal.,1,500 .450 .02s 159 I .).45 00110 .00826,1,.o2).569 l .Q28 -,,<A .204 314 .00t76 .0132,ln 875 .8ll vJz .517 328 .55 1 003 59 .0269 L 1.125 t.u))035 874 843 .00607 0454 L I tlo r.37 5 1.291 131 .682 1.25 .009 1 0 .0681I r,,,|.625 | 527 .049 183 .940 173 .0127 0951t)t-2 125 2 009 .05 8 3.17 146 z.6 J 0220 .lo)2 tt,/.olJ ? 40<.06s 489 z.v )4.14 .0340 254 3 J.II)2.981 072 6.98 268 570 0485 .3 633,tr.).oz)3 459 .083 9.40 358 / .o4 0653 488 4 4.\25 095 12.2 4.66 9.83 .0847 $i-} 5 5.125 4.907 109 18 9 6.66 148 .131 982 6 6.125 5.881 r22 272 8.92 207 189 |.41 8 8 125 7.78s .170 476 lo ).331 1 A1 l0 t0.125 9.701 212]i /J V )/ ).)tJ 3.84tl1) 1)\11.611 106 36.7 62 ). | 30 -l 5 51l-Iechnicil Data: Tables I AE epppe!_I'abe-iictbook I I I fiie://C:\wTNDOWS\DESKTOp\copper submirtars\copper tube rype M.htm 5113/98 @*@ t I I I t I t I t I t I I I I I I I ictaulic' An ,& 9oO1 cerlified company ,.::ri..:'.i,'.i:;i*b$il&;$iii:tir"l4,li{€ff,i PBODUCT DESCRIPTION ., i!.,,.., ii, ,t, :: l:;: i:.:;.rtf:!,,jl'}!!J r,.i,..j,rrf; DIMENSIONS FirelockrM products com- prise a unigue system spe_ cincaly designed for fire protection services. Fire_ Lock fittings are a CAD- developed, hydrodynamic design that has a shorter center-to-end dimension than standard fittings. A noticeable bulge allows rhe water to make a smoother turn to maintain similar flow characteristics as standard full flow fittings. Fittings Firelock flttings are designed for use exclu- srvely with Sryle 00S Fire- Lock couplings. Use of other couplings or flange aoapters may result rn bolt pad lnterference. Victaulic Firelock fiftings pressure ratings conform to the ratings of Victaulic Fire- Lock Style 005 couplings. c to A.r.'@ No.003 1 l.-r @ No.006 FireLockrM No.00l No- 002 I 1539 Rev A lNO O negisteGd Traderna.k orviclaulic o copyright 19gs victautic printed ih u s A I I I I I t I t I I I t I I I I I I I :'ri i.i.:if *|}!,iiL{"itit{sffit#'i:"{i+r.H FLOW DATA .,,?:,,.:i.i.{fi.{;inl.f*?ktii{;;f,.!!ff MATERIAT SPECIFICATIONS Fitting: Ductile iron conform- )ng ro ASTM 4-395 qrade 65- 45-15. and ASTM A 536. orad-" 65-45-12. Fitting Coating: Orange enamel D Optional Hot dipped qalvanized Equivalent FeeU ot Straight pipe 10.03 - 2 Thisploductsha||bemanulaclL]redbyVicteu|iccohpanyA||plodUctsshaJ|beinsla||ednacco|dancewilhcUlrenlVictaulicinstal|atio|Vassemb|yinsuctions victauhc rese'ves tf€ right to change proctuci sp;cii"ir""", u""ig-^. -J.i;n'o"rai!-uip."n, "rnn*r notjceand wirhout inctjrring obrigatrons I I I I An ffi 9001 certifled company PRODUCT DESGRIPTION ictaulic I I The unique angle-pad design of the Zero-Flex@ Style 07 coupling adjusts ro standard pipe and roll or cut groove tolerances. posi tively clamping the pipe to resist llexural and torsional loads. Wider key section fills more of the groove area. Style 07 couplings are rared up to 750 pSI (5f75 kpa), dependant on size, for I _ 24" (33.4 - 609.6 mm) pipins systems. Style 07 cou- - ptrngs provide rigidity for valve connections, machin ery rooms, fire mains, and long.straight runs, Support anc nanging requirements correspond to ANSI 83l. I Power Piping Code. ANSI 83l.9 Building Services@*@I I I t I I t I t I I t f-" -_l r'1lm*lffi\t" \ !+(l t-Pdrllffi Typical I - t2', DIMENSIONS notes on page 2 Style O7 Zero.Flex@ Rigid Goupting Code and NFPA l3 Sprin- kler. Systems. Angle-pad oes)gn permits assembly oy removing one nut/bolt and scissoring housing over gasket. Reduces ihe number of components to handle during assembly, speeOs and eases installa_ tion. srzE Nominal Inehes Max. Work Press, PSr Max. End Load Lbs.' tt Allow. Pipe End # Sep. In. @ BolUNut No. - Size Inches Dimensions lnches/Irii,-,..: 0602.1AAd-lwst IEach ILb5. Ixzl7500.05 2-:%x2 2 4.22 1 .84 750 1,620 0.05 2 3hx2 2 .69 4,62 184 'r.ti 1k 750 0.05 2-3/aX2 2.C4 5 81 1.84 16 750 3.320 0.07 2 U2X 21h 3.35 578 184 2.3 21h 750 4.87 5 0.07 2-1hx2%3.88 6.38 LB4 2.6 3 0.D 750 5 ,300 0.0 7 4.21 1.84 750 1 .215 0.07 2-1,4x21/t 454 5.d I 6,8l 1.84 LU 3.0 4 750 11 .925 0 t6 2-tAx 23/t 4V. O.D 750 10.635 0. r6 5.56 7 98 2.01 5.2 5 750 18.22s 016 2 .% x 31/t 703 I 89 2A1 7 .4 5% A.D 700 145 0.1 6.69 L60 2 .07 4 5% O.D.700 16.625 6.94 9.82 2.07 6 700 24.130 0.r6 2.sAX3y1 8.26 10.83 2.01 6Y1O.D 700 21 ,465 u: lo 7 _84 0!4 207 9.2 6%OD.700 2.%x3y.o rJ '10.84 2.01 83 pogc z .j@ Re fer to Victaulic@ Wortd Headquaners . p.0 Box 31, Easton, pA j8044,0031 . 4901 Kesslersville Rd., Easton, pA 18040 . 610/559-3300 . FAX: 610/250-88i7 . www.vtclautrc comI1482 Rev.c 4/99 @ Req5Lered Tradema/k oJ Vrctaulc O Copyr ght j999 Vrctaulic PrintedrnUSA 1',r fl H H I I t I I t I I t I I I I I t I I I I -1 ',I m W EE ffiU 'd@ See notes betow 0. 323 e mft) srzcs irvar,ab e ro rts sbnataEi;;;;AG;-661;;-d;E jiia..,ri:.#i:.}sgiwmffi MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Ductile iron conform- ing to ASTM 4,536. Coupling Gasket. (specifv ciroice*) O Grade "E" EpDM -EPDM (Green color code). lenperature ranpe _30"I to +230.F {-34"C to1 rO.C). Kecommended for cold and hot w^ater service within the speclted temperature ran€ie plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-free air and many chemi, cat services. UL classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 6l for cold +86"F (+30"C) and hor +180'F (-82"C) ootabte water service NOT RECOM- MENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVlCES. O Grade "T" nitrile Nitrrle (Olange color code) I enperaLure range 20"F ro +180'F (-29'C to +82"C). Rec omrnended for petroleum products, air with oil vapors, vegetable and mineral ojls within the specified ternpera tule range. Not recom- mended for hot water services over + 150.1.- {+66.C) or for hot dry air over +140"F (+60"c) *Services listed are General Ser- vice Recommendations onlV. It should be nored that there ire services for which these gaskers are not recommended. Refer, ence should always be made to the Iatest Victaulic Gasket Selection Cuide for specific gas, Ket service recommendations and for a listing of services wnlcn are not recommended Bolts/Nuts: Heat treated car- bon sreel, zlnc electroplated in ASTM B-633 track-head con forming to physrcal properries of ASTM A 183 minimum rr-n\rl€ It0,000 PSI (7583a0 kpa). DIMENSIONS Typical 14 - 't 8" stzE Nominal Inches Max. Work P.ess. PSt. Max. End Load Lbs.! t, Allow. Plpe End # Sep. In. @ BolUNul No. . Size Inch6s Dimensions Inches/r , r,,, ,, 0602.r Aprx. wst. Each Lbs.x z8S012-%x3vt 10 54 13 14 51 10 s 500 013 2 -t/s x 6th 12.86 16.98 2 56 23.5 12 S 400 51,000 0.13 2.% x 61h 14.86 18 88 256 28.2 't4 300 46.180 0.1 3-t/sX5 16.06 19.89 328 16 300 60.320 0.13 3.thx5 18.39 21 84 2.81 41 .2 18 300 76.340 0 1 3.rh x 5 20.68 23.89 3.00 542 20 300 94.200 0.r3 4.r x5 22 93 747 3.00 6l .2 5 Couplinqs 8. l 250 2' (2191 1 13.000 0.09 4,1x5 21.O5 J I Ol 3.06 76 2 Jypical 20 - 24" Y.T'J*i;T;Y::',&','#hiSi#i 3ii,ljilffiJli??;'l;:X"?;"T""j'lfXinl,"i,"oX""',""0a,d weish, (ANSr) s,eelpipe, sta,dard ro' orcut q,ooved in accor. WARNING FoR oN€ TIME FIELD TEsr oNLY' the Marimurn Joinl wo.ting P;;rrr" ruy oe rncreased to rrl2 rimes the rigures shown# For field installalion only on rojl qrooved pipe or cut grooved pipe Zero Ftex Style O7 couptings are essentially rigid and do not permit expansion/conrraction.@ Number of bolts.equired equals number of ho!sing segrnents. ["1etr]c thread size bolls are available (color coded gord) for ali coupring sizes upon requesr. conracr vrcta!ric for detairs.Style 07 couplings must not be used tojorn pVC pipe wARNING: Piping systems mLrst always be depressurized and drained before attempting disassembry and removar of any victauric piping p.oductsThis product shall be msnutactored -by vicbulic comp6ny All products sharr be instarect in accorda nce wnh current victa uric nstaration/assem bry nirc(rons.vrctau'c reserves rne rignr ro-crrange produci spici';;;;. ;".;;;.;; ,,r^oaro equipmeni wrtrrour n"i;;;;;;ilffi ".,,. "9 oDrigarions. 06.02 . 2 er Tube Technicsl Data: Tuhles o Hsn Allowances are for streamlined so.ldered fittings and recessed threaded fittings.For tfueaded finings. double the allowance rfro*n on *. i.il.. .1"T,:q u-u]...* ].ngths presented above are based upon a C factor of 150 intne Hazen-Williams friction loss formula. The lengt'hs ,t o*nlr. rounded rothe nearest half foot, Technical Data: Tables 7/8/98 9:01AM A DaBb^ ofSb,pip. podu.ut Lp I I -I I I I t I t I I I I I o c. t, rHne0eo /'f\ ({uLcI)\:'/ LISTED FITTINGS @@ LISTED APPROVED $ ffi ffiI I '.I!II uac a NOMINAL stzE (tNcH) 1x1/2 ITEM CODE MAX, WORKING P.S.t. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT EACH PIECE c890031 ttt r.<o | ..to 0.64c890032I IA 1 .45 0.87 0.96 I u4x1/2 1 .l /4x314 .t .t/4x1 . 1 1t2x1 I 1/2x1 1t4 zxi12 zxal4 2x1 2x1 1/4 2x1 1t2 c890041 c890042 I r5 1.34 r.cJ 175 1.45 1 .62 1.13c890043158|,or t.toc890053| /c | .oc 1.80 I Er c890054 I tc 1.82 1.88 1.62c890061tlc1.49 1.88 c890062 t/5 1.60 1A7 2.05c890063| /c 1.73 2.02 2.10c8900641751.90 2.10 2.30 ca90065 175 2.O2 2.16 2.60 @ ltltsJllt .l\\:Iflrl eJ;ll{=il|:-IiJlil NOMINAL stzE 0NcH) ITEM CODE MAX. WOHKING DIMENSIONS WEIGHT EACH PIECE 1 c890033 175 1 .50 1.50 0.951 1t4 c890044 175 t.tt t,tat 1a^ 1 1/2 c890055 175 '1.94 1.94 1.80 c890066 2.25 2.25 2.90 r4E'rll;{eN slliL,ci:tfFl= NOMINAL (rNcH) ITEM MAX. WOFKING P.S.t. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT EACH PIECE 1 cT333 175 1.50 1.50 1 .2111t4cT444175t,tc 1.75 1.87 175 'I .94 L94 2.51 rJ I ooo 175 1.44 2.25 3.96 !Lt'll|lr{.N thtrl cliliilll:fafif NOMINAL stzE 0NcH) ITEM cooE MAX. WORKING P.S.t. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT EACH P'F.'FAB I c845033 175 1 .12 1.72 0.841 'v4 c845044 175 1.29 1.29 1 .401 112 c845055 175 1.43 1.43 r.802c8450661751.68 1.68 270 1* this cataros. oI C..L TfrEADED FITTINGS @@@ LISTEO LISTED APPROVED I,fr l- A Diyiti.r .I Stzt pip. ptodudt, L p I I I I I t D I I I I I I I I I NoMINAL J 1TEM SIZE CODE 0NcH) MAX. WORKING P.S.t. OIMENSTONS APPROX. WEIGHT EACH PIECE FI 1 cx033 175 1.50 '1.50 t -5rt11t4 I cxo+q I IC t,I c r./c 2.401 1t2 cx0s5 175 1.94 1.94 3.10 cx066 I 15 2.25 2.25 4.001 114x1 cx043 1tE 1.58 1.671 112x1 I cx053 I rt 1.65 1.80 2.40zxr l-cxo63-I ta 1 .73 2.02 B--Fe Please consult the standard thread informatior;;;;"1"g. I euo"z WROT C PRESSURE o OPPER FITTINGSI I I I I t t I I I 10O Wrot Coupling ',//iih Stop coeee, i.o Copper l.l0minalSit€ rn IncnSs N0nlnalSize i! Incies i/laslEr Park Ba/. 0,iaitity Appnx oiri)tl\ \ A 50 1000 50 1000 50 1000 50 1000 50 t 000 50 1000 100 i 000 2s 5oo 50 500 r0 200 25 250 20 200 l0 100 5 50 5 50 5 40 I 16 2 t6 ro i6 lt l/e L t% 1k 2 . /2 3 .. 3% 4 5 6 L r0 200 25 250 20 200 l0 100 5 50 5 50 540 I 16 2 16 16 l6 1l .00 t4 .0025 .0041 .0 05 9 .0080 .014 .026 .04 0 .061 .08 5 .10 4 . i 50 .217 .40 | .624 q7 i 1.390 2.O40 3.300 5.250 13.900 i _--- ll:-..,-- ,ogs lss/ao .104 1?%z .150 2%, .217 2r%o .401 2o%o .624 31/ z .97 3'%, I .3 9 3r%, 1 .99 4r%, 3.3 q1a s,3 6% 13.9 8% _ 8ol uaster Appror 0r,ruuzn ty pack tjetv A %oo %a OD %. %a OD % % ti % .. % % l t%. 1% 2. 2% 3.. 4. 5 6.. . I la Ya Ya 'ta %z %z -/32 %z -/32 %" %z 732 %, -/32 -/32 -/32 732 732 %t %u % 1O1-R wrot Reducing Coupling *'),-.i U'J*I copper to Copper NominalSirt n Inches 0im8ox Maslerouantily pacl Atpror NetWl. 3lsoDx%OD I ',0', wrot coupfins i,";; : ;:JJ 50 , 000 003 %, %aoDx%oD . 50 looo 'oo5 %" /d oD x sl, oo l ooo 'oo8 % %x%. .... 50 'l ooo 'oo8 %' %x% 50 looo oo8 %' %x%.. 50 looo ot7 31" '/zx/"... .. 50 looo ol7 % yzxll .. 50 looo '028 %, /zx/s. ... 50 looo 'o2o % %x/2....... 50 looo '026 ',%o %r%.. 2s 5oo o3s %"25 500 .os7 %, ,;;; %x% . 5oo 064 %" % x %. . 50 5oo 059 34^ % x % 50 5oo o5o '%o t x 76 5oo 053 k' Ix% 25Q 116 1s/^o ix% 25 250 lo3 '%' t x% :: ::: i;: n,\x% 25 2so .oe4 i"11/<x1. lo loo .144 ;,t%x3l . l0 loo .l3o ,i, "l.t% Io roo .r77 ,;:,1%x% .... l0 1oo .r7t %"lYzxl%. l0 100 .210 ;%,11/ax1.. lo 100 .220 %: Bo, 0uartltt :/e !.- rrn 31^ :t. a,l 3/. I I t T I I Without Stop Ciopper fo Coppef ,r o ri ln; Siie h tnthes I a stef P3ck Appr0x 0 m Net ltt A /," h6 ,%a ,%a ,%, - 76a 1%z | 2%c 1,%, 50 l00o .00t4 50 1000 .0024 50 l00o .0041 50 t000 .0059 50 't000 .0080 50 t000 .ol4 i00 1000 .028 25 500 .o4o 50 500 .060 Pnoclucts Eorporation (continued) I Elkhart I Pase4 WROT C o OPP ER PRESSURE FITTINGS 0,3;'1,, nli:'f i:i',ii T 0im.8ox 0oanlity I I I I I I t I I I T I ffi*i'lf;ili--r- .-i rf-----iL-!L --i Mastsr AgproxPack Net Wt. 103 Wrot Femate Adapter 103-R Wrot Reducing Female Adapter copper to Female H PT. llominalSi2e u Inc|lg5 to Female N FT, fl0minalSize ln tictt€5 % ., %. %. h % 1.... t% .... 'l'/z ... . 2. 2Y, 50 1000 50 t 000 50 500 50 500 25 250 25 250 l0 100 l0 100 5 50 220 .024 %a .03 t%, .06 ,%z .09 /a .'t 4 1%a .22 I /ta .29 l%z .42 | %z .65 t% 1.2O tYz %x%. % x%.. %x%.. % x%. %r% .. I x 1/a .... %r% ... %r% . %x%. Yzx% ... %*% Yzx%.... %x% %xlr... %x1... 3/ex/".. .. I x th . . . lx%..... lx'4...... l% x r%. 1% xl. . l/zx2 llzxl%. 2xl/2..... 50 500 .08 1%a 50 1000 .05 %50 | 000 .03 %50 500 ,08 2%t s0 1000 .05 "%,50 1000 .02 1%" 25 2s0 .t2 %s0 s00 .08 %50 1000 .03 %e2s 2s0 .12 t%, s0 500 .05 %c50 500 .06 %s25 250 .l 3 ,/a 25 250 .09 3l 25 250 .231 t%"50 500 .l I | ,Yta I 0 I 00 .280 t%z25 250 .17 | .3/ac 25 250 .230 ttla l 0 1 00 ,414 6Yao I 0 I 0o .241 55Ao 5 50 .658 \la 1 0 r 00 .336 ,/a 5 50 .73 O l3la I I I I I I NOTE TO SPECIFYING ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS Jt is suggested that the foilowing p,hlasilg be incorporared in youf specifica-lrons 0r tist of materiats: "Sotdir_Joint Fiil;; .niiO" in accordance withapplicable standards as oublished by Ameriin r,rutiolur Standards lnstitute(ANSI) such as ilrustrated and described in Elkhart prooucts corporation,Plumbing products Division, Catalog Wrie! "- - ' I I @ | f"r,*-".:: !_ylcrycts _Eorporation I WROT o co PPER PRESSURE Pano q FITTINGS UJIl] A Appr0)f Net M. 8ox irast€foirantity Pack Appfor. Difi N6t l,!t. A Dim. A 'uaTiry Ti:T' ilfili T gox 0!antity 80r Master0uartlty pack ll0minslSre in Inch€s I t I T I I I I I I I I t I I I 103-2 Wrot Female Street Adapter 104-R Wrot Reducing Male Adapter - Fjtiing to F enale N.P T lliast€r Pack Copoer io l',4 ale N PT. ll0minalSlza ln lDches Ya.... %. . % '/2 . . . %. L. t%... % "%" | /16 1% 1 ',/,a 1'%z 2%z 2%u 2rsA" 50 r 00o .02450 1000 .o2g 50 1000 .ost50 500 .09625 250 ..t 3825 250 .199l0 100 322l0 l0o .5OO5 50 .658 50 t 000 .o45 %50 1000 .o 33 %s50 500 .07 5 %50 I 000 .o4s "%o50 1000 .ol4 1%z 25 250 .l4 11%z50 500 .07 1%a 50 t o00 .04 Ya20 200 .24 I'sAz2s 2s0 .t4 t%50 500 .06 %50 500 .07 %25 250 .13 t%25 500 .08 ,%a 20 2O0 .25 13%o25 250 .l I ,Yuo l0 100 .54 t1%al0 t00 .39 1r%"2s 250 .20 l%,25 250 .18 u%o l0 100 .52 to%a r0 t00 .30 .t% l0 t 00 .28 .r 5 50 .78 1t%ol0 100 .43 1r%ol0 100 ,56 1r%zs 50 .74 t% 5 50 .67 1%,s 50 .89 t%os s0 ,84 1%" 103-2R Fitting to Female N PI Nohi|latSizs 'l llches Wrot Reducino Female Street- Adapter Appr0r. Nel Wl %x%.,,.50 1000 .046 1%a 1O4 Wrot Mate Adapter copper ro ivale N PI r.lominatShe In ltch6s 1x%. .. 1%x1% l%x1.. t%x%. . l%x2 lYzxl%. lYzxl. 2xl%.. 2xl1l 2%x2 2/zx1%... % ,i r2 x I t)1 1t,'z 2 2'/i 3. 4 1000 1000 500 500 200 100 t00 50 40 20 t6 .017 .027 .049 .066 .l l6 .192 .37 2 ,794 1 .27 3.34 '732 % ,%z t3/a 1lz I e/ta 11%z 12/sz 12%z | zsAz 50 50 50 50 zt 20 IO l0 5 4 2 i I EII<hant produets Eorporation.V I A subsicjiarv.rf Arn^:cr r^.r,,.+,i^r ^^,^^"^.,^- I WROT oco PPEB PRESSURE Page 7 FITTINGS 0im. 01mA8 Dirh oih. 8or ll4aster 0uanlity pac k Iraslef tzcK Dim l\4asler Alprox OinlPacl Nel lii t A 8or 0uanrity rlominalSize In Incn86 I I I T I I T t I I I I T T t I T 105-C Wrot 90o Street Elbow-Close Ruff 107-CR Wrot 90o Reducinq Elbow-Close Rufi Firijrg ,.) F tninE fJo'irinalSize rn ricl]es Ce-.,pper ta CaDper f,l0minalSize n Incnesl\4asler Pack Appror {,let Wl - a- Appr0r Net Vr'I, )/a % % '/z % %, I 1,1 1Yz . . 2 3 3r1 4.. 25 500 25 500 25 500 25 500 t0 200 25 250 10 100 5 50 s 50 5 40 220't t0 l8 r8 .oo 6 % ,oi2 ,%" .o2s ,%u .05 | ytz .07 t% .l 0 l t7tz .I B I2%" .28 1La .41 2% .t 6 22'%a | .22 3%" I .8 5 33/o 2.67 4%u 4.27 4'%a %x% %x% Yz x 3,\ %'%. % r'/" .. 3Ax%..... I x/2. 1x%. l% x1 t%x1% 2 X l)/2 2%x2 3x2/2. 4x 3.... 5x4. 6x4 %u %"o%o 3%o ha%,%a Te '%e l/a % ,5lz t%% % '%,% ,%" 1%o "%olYe 1'%4 1% tYz 2%a l3l 2'%" 2 31%z 21%z 3% 2'%" 50 t000 .010 50 1000 .026 s0 500 .04 s0 500 .03 25 2s0 .08 50 500 .08 25 2s0 .12 25 250 .15 l0 100 .23 l0 100 .34 5 40 .60 5 40 t.06 3 24 l.5o I 8 3.1.1 r 6 6.39 7.79107-C Wrot 90o Elbow- Close Ruff coppe'. ro Copper 0uantity %.. u % /2 7\ 3 I 1)i 1h 2 ,r" 3 3lz 4 50 1000 50 1000 50 t000 r 00 1000 25 250 50 500 20 200 25 2Q0 20 t20 l0 80 5 40 l8 r8 .006 % ,0r2 %.024 '\/uo,O4 ? 3rAq .06 1%a .10 s,4s ' 18 o%o .28 '%a.44 11%c .7 s jz%o 1,l8 12.A" L88 1,%o 2.63 2%z 4.22 2,%z s0 1000 50 1000 50 1000 I00 1000 25 250 s0 500 25 250 25 200 20 120 I0 80 l8 r8 % % % lz 7a /, 1.. 1% th a 2% 3 3% 1l .005 .012 .024 .u5 .06 .t 0 .18 .28 .39 t.t 8 r.86 2.62 4.20 ,,4 % ,%o -na ,%z '47 ,%z % 1',%o 1)l 1% 2 2t%o 2',%" % % o%o 1'Az | 7i2 1',%z 1'.%z 12%z 2% 2rrA. 3?%o o- 732 4,%o 4131a 1O7-C2 Wrot 90o Street Elbow*Close Ruff NomtnalSie rn Inch€s 8oi 0ua ntily App.or NelWt I Ellthant Products Eorporation A Stlbsiclia^r ^f Arn^acr t^'r',^},,^r ,^^,^^-^1r^- o WROT I page 9 PPER PRESSURE FITTINGS Drm ClmA8 Illaslir Fark ii'J;' iiii,il ofl ofl I t T I I T I I I I .12 I I I T I I 107-2 Wrot 90o Street Elbow_ Long Turn 111 Wrot Tee la Caeper to Copeer i.lominalSti? In Inches Frilrng " ''oLr' NofirnalSrz! In In cfes Bcr Quanl(y ApptDl 8or 0uantrly 50 1000 50 1000 50 500 r 00 't 000 25 250 25 250 I0 t 00 l0 80 l0 80 5 40 I t0 l8 lB ll ,oo8 ,%, .016 % .0 3 ,%, .05 % .08 t %a .12 t%, .21 j% .39 1151a ,5 8 2%a l.ot 2%u | .67 3%, 2.51 3,%z 3.7 0 4 5.7 6 4la /eQO. %a QD % %a OD % % lz 5//a 3/o . I 1% 1% a 2% 3%... 5. 50 1000 50 1000 50 1000 50 1000 50 1000 50 500 50 s00 25 250 25 2 50 l0 100 5 50 S s0 540 I l0 I l0 lB l8 ll .0 05 '/a ,0 09 %s .0l5 ,%o .02 0 %, .028 '%o.047 %e .05 ,%o .r0 %,.16 % .33 ?%" .46 '%,.71 1%z 't .29 1% L90 tr%z 2.7s t% 4.17 2% 6.52 2r3lz 9 .9 5 23%o % %e %" -/32 % % ,%, Yz t%" 3l "tA" 1%, 1% l t%s 1% 2%a 2r%" '4 % % % % % I 1% ty, 2 2/, 3.. 3,/, % '7t" 1% t%a t% 2 2r%, 3%z 3%a 3ttlu 4'%a 5r%, 6r%" A I 108 wrot 90o Etbow 111-HE Wrot Heat ExchangerTees Copper to Copper to Cc,ooer No tube stop on srnall encj cf ruI Tube slrps all the,/ay intotrttrng. A./arlable In all srzes lrste.l under Fig. 11o. t1l.n ,flu,"tee has one or more red uction s orr an€ end of f un, on spec jalD(Aer. 111-2 Wrot Street Tee Ccaper r(i l- ema c ',or .atS!? 'r.ltie5 Bat lla sl:l 0uarl i? paLk $, Attto! Iifl V/i Ojn tjorAe 25 250 3%o I 732 C':..,pper to Fitl ng tr Cop pe r lloninalSil€ i,t licDes -+<_-_- -l We in v ite requests forquotation on any style, size0r 0 rm e nsion not shown 0ro c " i!1. Masi€, Agttot ljri ormuuelr'l7 DaCk \€tT,,r. A B Yz % 50 500 25 250 .068 .17 4 3t v? 1%z '%, 13%o % I Elkhant A subsirJiarv nf Fraelucts Eorporation Am.rct l^.1,,-i,;61 ^^.^^"^li^^ I Pase 1a WHOT C o OPP ER PRESSURE FITTINGSI I t I I I I I t I I I t I t 111-R, RR Wrot Or BH* Reducing Tee 111-R, RR or BH* O,D. S izes Only %,, x 16 7i1 , Yu r4axtl6aYo lixl!',yu hxllx%s hxl/,Fitx% %x%r3la hx%ex.le lixfi"r'1 ),ix)',ax3tia ll x 5,\u Pi1 * ttr . 11ax%ax% Va x 16 7i1 , t7, t/'d x %a Fit x 1,, Wrot Reducing Tee {also spe O D s z€: l t.,, C."pr::er \r CappEl la 1so see,ro.ninal sizss) 0 0 Sr?e Borr InLnr: orrn,,,. Tl'^tl, Appror Orm Dift Drflr _ ry facri |lli_l I c fl0minaiStze In Inch es 8ox l,4asler0ualljt/ pack L Qltar. lJelV/t. Oln Dn, Din t/'ax%ax% '16 x )a x 16 /16x'/ax/r %ar%ax% 14ax371"71iu lex%Fitx% 3ti x '7, s, stru %rlox%a. %x3/ex%a. % xsle x/e ','a x sle, Fil x % ?:/e x s,'te Fil x sr a :.', xsrt,,,',4 ix)1;,y37i '.2 x1.) x lt ixrzx:i1t 'zx)/"y1., 2x-.5xl/i€ 5 0 I 000 .020 %z ,%o %50 1000 .O2A 1%4 % %50 l oo0 .028 ,%q ,%o 1%t ' 50 1000 .029 i%o ,%z .%a . 50 1000 .028 '%o 1%o %as0 1000 .o2g 1%4 16 %. 50 1000 .028 ,%< ilAa %50 1000 .O2e 1t/Aa ,\(, t,4, 50 i00e ,028 1i,,,e, % 1%t 50 1000 ,028 '|re^ 'la li,S0 500 .0,17 ttle ./,. %e50 500 ,047 /'ts le %s0 S00 ,047 %e ,%z %50 500 .O 53 5la t14z %u 50 | 000 .oo9 %6 )1 %u50 I 000 .o I 5 '%o '%o %,. 50 t 000 .0l S ,%o ,%o %z50 1000 .020 ,%o 1%o %z50 1000 .015 13/ao 1%t %z50 1000 .015 ,/uo 1%o %,50 1000 .O2O 1%o ,%o %z.. s0 i000 .0i5 ,3/ao ,%,a lA,50 I 000 .o 15 '%q 1%o %z50 1000 .o2o '%o '%o %,s0 1000 .028 % % %. 50 1000 .028 % ,%, %50 100O .O2A i,/3, % .%, 50 1000 .O2O %z %t ,%z 50 1000 .o2o %z ,%z %,' 50 1000 .O2O /tt 1%z ,%, 50 i 000 .o2o %. 2%o ./,, 1/a x Ys x % 50 % x % xYz. 50 % x % x% 50 % x)l x1l 59 %x/sxYa 56 %x/sx/u 56 %x%x% 25 14,/u r/, so %x%xlq. sO % '% x% 50 %x%x%. so %x%,%. so %x%x% 50 %x%xt/e 50 %, % r%. so %x%x% so %x%x% so lzx/2v1.. ,O Yz x % v:ttr ,t % x % x%. so lz x )t, ,7 50 1/a x y'z x % 50 1/z x la x /s 50 14 x .3,1 x 11 59't),14x% so )4 x 7'a x \ 50 )'z x 11 *t4 50 lix% x,ti sO )1 xl/a v t1 S0 %x%x3ti 2s % x % x % 2s %x%x% 25 7i * %, % ts 7ixl1 x% 2s Ve x 1/z x'/2. 25 %xYzx%. zs %x%x%. ls t %z '3/tz ,I '%, 2yiz t%, '%, t%" % '%o '%o ,%, 1%o '%" %t%o '%, '%, '%, '%, .%, t%z t%, '%,%e slt '%,slu %a ,yuo '%, "A, '%z5le ,%, % %e '%, t%, 51" '%, % l(u %u % %s %a ,%" Va%u% '%a '%u % "%, ,%, ,y", '14, '/r, ,A "16 '4a , %, %, %z t%, er'iz %z t/z % '%, ,%, %a '/, '%,%, % ,%, % ,%, ,%, %e % '%,%z % '%"'%e '/,u '%,t%o '%o %,%, 2%0, ,%t 2jrio 2%o ,%, %e 2l(, Y; "/uo % ,/, '%o % '?%t%s 2%e % i 000 .028 s00 .063 500 .047 i 000 .028 I000 .028 r 000 .028 250 .14 500 .063 500 .047 500 .047 500 .053 500 .047 500 .047 500 .047 500 .047 500 .047 s00 .o47 I 00 .32 250 .'t 1 500 .10 500 .06 500 .06 500 .06 500 .06 500 .06 500 .06 500 .06 500 .06 500 .05 250 .ts 250 .lo 250 .to 250 .i0 250 .l0 250 .10 250 .to 250 .toI' i i-t -Fedrrcing on OutJet 111.FF-Red!cing on Fun - r. _L_ I 1 1 BH - Large Dramerer C!|et I I Elkhart lrroducts Eorpopation.V I o.,,n",n,".. (continuedl I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 114tru I Llo,'gs - tuoefllts (branch corutectlonsr branciring) - ]lumbers and... page 1 of 2 ---F:-+-==- ;l,:*ft;,1iil:l[,::'ffit TfIr:H:: as created bv r-DRTLL has been risred by rhe ' ASME coDE FoR PR-EssuRE PIPING 83l an America' National Standard ASME/ANSI B3r,5c - 1992 Addenda to ASME/ANii ri : r .i' fi).*f#,;itt:i,,*f;?::tilXlfilj":;na"a-s"r.tv ReqLrire*enrs For prurnbing 4.22 4. ' #"TJ,H[""X1'.P"T#?#: fi?$;rti"* 605 6 r ( recomme'decr ror approvar by ipC ' Uniform Plumbing code.rM- tgsz Edition, Se^ction 606.1.3 Mechanrcaily Formed Tee Fittinss' Hi,iH' Mecbanical cooe rM iseil;;;il", Section tzoil )i-i'i'iMechanicaly Formed rie ' BOCA ( Building officials anil code Administrators, Int'I.) See BocA Research Report # 7j - g9 ' UL Listed - Portable tools for Fabricated outlets lor Fire protection Service. LISTED 9gH2' I'A'P'M'o' (International-etto.iution-Jip]-*ut"g ^"Jll..rrl"i."l'5in"ru,r;. Fire # 1935' Nationar standard prumbing c"J. i""ti.""4.2.g.2.Extracred Mechanrcar Joinr' Standard Plumbinscoae.tsbccrj- ilil;3o9.7. Mechanicaly Formed ree con.ections.' fir?"'ffi]}d'r%Il|'.'Ll;iif;3fl;eropmenr i., r,ar"i',*" property s,""i".a,,^'" ' u'S' Army corps of Eng,1t...t s.._.,i_"1r5p1,,plumbing.Generar purpose 12,43 copper Tubebxtracted Joint, Effective August 15, 1983. Hvlc s..Ii"" ilioi.i'ii", water, Section 15601.3 3ffili.Gffiffatrng' Sectionisos: eit c""nii,ioning. rir. spr,rr..r.ri'Drll brazed joinrs rneet ' Naval Facilities Eneincering command Guide.specification Section NtrGS 15400 - plr-rmbinsGeneral purpose :. t .z coppe? f;#;;Jioint, Effective June 30, 1990.o veterans Administratiori 's..ti"" r i+oo e't-#uhg - s..tio,i i;;iipri'kler - Section 157c)5 _I{VAC piping Systeni, S..tion ii6ii n.f,,g.."t.n piping.r !11aoi-ar ptumbing Code Sectioni.:)iiir",*cted Tees,' NFPA 99 4-3'2'2'2 Vut''tum riping N.t*irllr) v..t,ani.aily Formed Bra'ch connecrio'r Approvals T-DRILL brazed joints compll',rvith nerv cocre requirements for read-free ioints. Applications T-D-RII_L N,Iachines d B""t -DRILL Industries Inc. el. (+1) 770-925-0520 oll free. (-t) 800-554-2730 ax. (+l) 770_925_3912 mail. r-ch-iII(a r_ihiIl.conr T-DRILL Ov el, +353-6-4153-333 Fax, +358-6-4753-300 Email, sa i es(rir-tlri I i tl a ,usrntfr Efl rfi,#Hgqf 6ll,ilr,I I I fuw$ffiwwMB8-SC SER/ES FIRE SPRINKLER ?lQwcLOsE tuorcnnuo BUTTERFLv unwri SYSTEMI I T I I I t t I l ,@* TISTED a I LrlBB-sco4o3oo cdr APPROVED IVIILWAUKEE VALVF I I SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOW CLOSE F. I I I I I t I I I I I I ALL PATENTED SLOW CLOSE BUTTERBALL VALVES... provide slow openjng and closing properlies in a quarter_ turn valve. The purpose is to eliminate hydraulic shock and water hammer jn fire protection and other liquid systems. r are available with or without an internal, pre_wired supervrsory tamper switch assembly. When mounted onany slow-close valve and wired, the switches signalmovernent of the valve disc from the full open posltlon. . are available factory mounted to a valve or as a kit for fieldjnstallatjon on previously installed valves. o have switch ratings of: 10 Amps/115 VAC_60 Hz 0.5 Amps/28 VDC . are equipped wilh tamper switch assemblies EeR]NDOOR USE ONLY, . have UL/FM ratings to j75 psi. and 500 psi with N.yC.B.S.A. ,@* APPRoVED LfsTED ror use with fire protection sprinkler systems 175psi, BUTTERBALL SLOW CLOSE tNSTALLAT|ON (BB.SC) A. The BBSC can be installed in any orienration in apjping system using standard National pipe Threads. Wrench should be used ro nex on the end of valve Derng threaded to pipe. pipe sealants should be used sparingly. B. The valves with internal switches can be easjly wired in the field, They will have two switches, switch_1 will have dual leads on the terminals. This switch is to beconnected to the supervisory cjrcujt ofa Listed alarm control panel. Switch_2 will have single leads and may be connected to auxiliary equipment per direction ofthe local authority having jurisdiction, Cap anvunused wire leads with wire nuts and tuck intijunction box. All connections shall be reviewed andapproved by the local authority having jurisdiction.C. A 14 gage green wire has been fastened to the interior of the housing and is to be used as a frousingground. D. Recommended type of wire ro be used is No.16 DualRated UL 3OOV 80 C and 300V 105 C. (Also availabte at 350 psi approvat.)E. . Approved by the New york City Board of Stds. &Appeals under Catendar No, 996_Sr -SM, ior rZi iJ anOCalendar number Z2O-g3-SA for 350 psi and 50C csi.(500 ps' .ated valves not shown.l Installation must be in compliance with NFpA 72 and 13, or bonded and grounded per Canadian Electrical Code Part 1 . The BB-SC, BBHSC (threaded_end) and BBVSC, BVHSC (grooved_end) valves are intended for use wrth schedule 40 andlor gO pipe, sizes 1. , 1_ j 14" , 1- 112" ,2" and 2-1tZ,,perANS I 836.10. INSTALLATION FOR N EW YORK CITY VALVES N.YC. special valves have a large flow indicator whichpoints in the direction of the valve dtsc, indicating open orclosed. The valve should be installed in a position wherethe indicator is read jly vjsible. FM MODEL DESCRIPIION Ql7trc BB-SC1OO BB-SCS02 BBVSC l OO BBVSCSO2 BBHSCl OO BBHSCS02.----..- BVHSCl OO BVHSCS02 Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 175 psi - Threaded Ends 175 psi - Grooved Ends 350 psi - Threaded Ends NYC BSA Approved NYC BSA Approved NYC BSA Annrnrro.l 1' 41tA" a at^,1| , t- tt+ , t- |Z I Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch t)jt a a t^r1 , z-|Z 1' 1-1 14', 1 -1 D" ..rr a ,1 1.\r. I z- n<..r.....r- at\ t1 I t^r. , z- vZ Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 350 psi - Grooved Ends I I I ULBE_SCO403OO.cdf @ BUTTERFLY VALVES o butterbalf I I I I I I I I I 'ALVES LEss s u PERVT'.RY rarvrpffi ^. BB-S.C100 (Threaded Ends) Sizes 1", 1 -114',, 1 -1 12", 2,,,2-1'12,, BBVSClOO 3 piece with Grooved Ends Size 2,' BBVSClOO Uni.body with Grooved Ends Size 2-112" VALVES WITH SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH ASSEMBLY 4-1t2. ',] THREADED ENDS BB_SCS02 ALL DIMENSION l_3.112' NYC INDICATOR (Available on both switched and non-switched rnodels. ) BBVSClOO 3 piece with Grooved Ends Size 2,, I I I I t t I I I I I()z U)fJI t I BBVSC100 Uni-body with Grooved Ends Size 2-112', I;X0j$F giry5!:lgNS usrNG gl;','frlS'S?:PNS usrNG N-4-O.IS FLOW RES ISTANCE ;6;E5iiE% 5flLlrvALE\_ LENGTq oF W JS THE WRENCH MAKE.IJP LENG] H ULBE_SCO4O3O0.cdr HES 3-1116 MATERIAL spectrtcl,rtoI Sintered lron | ,o,ruje ts faSS Stainiess Steel Die Cast niuEinuil WIRING DIAGRAM I I I (swlTcH POSITION VALVE FULL OPEN) SWITCH 1: DUAL LEADS I I I I I I I I T I I I I I SWITCH 2: SINGLE LEADS YELLOW 9r?:l !"rO provided is ground for switch housingSwitch Rating: I OAMp/ 1j5 VAC .5 AMP/28 VDC Cap unused leads with wjre nuts and tuck inside junction box (not provided)NOTE:Valves incorporatinc supervisory tamper switches are for indoor use only. _ SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH _ 1/2" ELECTRICAL ICONOUIT I I M.i I wa-u kee v. ru.Eiiiil eo,r c $outh Burrell Strebt , #+tr,.11ittr i n :"iz o z' I s gz LISTED FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL SUPERVISORY CIRCUIT TO NEXT INDICATOR OR ENq OF LINE RESISTOR - UL LIO ItrU JUCTION BOX ULBB_SC04O300.cdr MILWAUKEE VALVE qtGI I t PANT I KT.65UL threaded:/ rl ll { I I I I I Meslar Cadon 0uanlity llomln!l Slra I il.t Wt. 100)0 r00 228 312 r0 2.28 312 10010 312 45 17 @ 175 lb. wwp bronze gtobe Fire Protection Vaive . Threaded Ends r Rubber DiscScrew Over Bonnet . UL Lrsfeo. 175 PSI Non-Shock Cold Water MATERIAL LIST sPECtFlCAIl0L 1 Haodwheel Aluminum ASIM 885.60 Altoy 512A 2. Handwheet Screw Carbon Steel lh" & V..) Stainless Steet Type 430 SS {1,) 3. Stsm Sronzs ASTM 8-584 Altoy 845 4 Packino Nut Sfonze ASIM B-S84 A|oy 84S or ASIM 8.16 5. Pacting Graphrte |mpregnaled (Non Asbesl0s) o. uonnct Sronze ASTM 8.504 A oy 845 7 Body 8ron2€ ASTM 8-584 A oy 845 I Seat Disc 9. S€at Screw Stainless Sreet Type 130 SS 10. Gaskel Aramid Fiber I I Pack Washer She€t Srass ASIM 8.19 (COA 260) DIMENSIONS _ WEIGHTS _ QUANTITIES Appfor.Bor 0!antily 2 75 18 'UL Lisled lot f rjm and Drain us. _ stzes 1/2,, . r/.,, . 1,, I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 4aa lb. wwP Bronze side 0utlet Globe vaf ves '-^\ ;filJ;i1c,t;llarve ' 3'way Valve . Screr,,,-in Bonrei , lntesralSear , (.Qi/} 400P51127,6 Bar Non-Shock Cold Water -.-- MATERIAL LISTPAR| ffiI Handwheel ScrEW Zinc Pla ted Steel2 H6nd'^/heel 3 S(em ASMB iiiAi6iciijrdo llgr;r.oltU.e.nl]r.w@ _ -r;Eiffn-m prMENSt0lis_wEtG!TS_0UANTtTtEs KT-291-W3 NPTr ItiPT x NpT Si2e;-in nn. S ta intes S tee r ASTM n z i 6llii3E00o- Eronze ASTIf I 584 Altoy CBaq-!O-r}--- i_-In. nm. Weiqhr Lbs. K NrBc0 ric. w0RL0 HtAoouABTtRs. rsls ----- rr*rsrnvicisin,ieiiil;;?:''.;:;,iil;il1,1'f:'1ilTd'',iiifi'J,ltiT,','-il;il,,,'l;Jl,H:,?f.ffi.* - wrvw.ntoco.com I t I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I fioorl r ooo 3/a"||14"lt /2" e The AGF Monufocturing lnc. Model 1000 TESTff.TDRAIN provides Both The TestFunction And The Express oroin iunction For A wet Fire sprinkrer system.a ffiT;t^:i1000 complies with Al Requiremenrs or NFeA-13, NFpA_i3R, tr The Model I000 TESTT.rDRA|N ls A singte Hondte Bor votve Thqt ls Light weightAnd compoct, Includes A^Tomper nesistont Test oririce,iniJg,or Tomper ResistontSight Gtosses,And ts 300 pst noi'eO. -- lJ Avoiloble In A Full.Ronge Of Sizes FromJ /A)Ig.2 NpT & BSpT, With 41 SpecifiobteOrifice Sizes 3/s,',7/j6,,,i/2,,,v132,,sJ6" (EfOj a 12;lfSfnl -- ' f, The orifice size rs Noted on The Indicotor prote And The Vorve rs Topped ForA Pressure Gouge, tr The Stondord Mod_er t000 TESTa^TDRATN vorve Incrudes A pressure Gouge portTopping And con Be ordereo wii[-n nerief vorve As A Modef r 0r r or r or r Tf, Locking Kii Avoirobre which provides superior Vondor ResistonceAnd prevents Uninfentionor nrqimJctivttion. ,, o$\ out New Ar.lloc,, -o9F Visil us -nO ,O$" on rne tniirnet -96, I I I I I I t I I I ffiffieffi, o MODEr l0o0 3oo Psl ffffiSffnw 3/a" PI-ANVIEW FRONT VIEW/HORTZONTAL INSTALLATION lisled only. AGF MANUFAcrunrruG twc ltt 1| /a"lt /2" FRONI VIEW/VERTICAt INSTALI4TION if tr APPROVALS: UL qnd ULC Lisied FM Approved excepl J/4,, NYC.BSA NO 720-87.SM 3,A, Stcte Fire Morsholl 2 MATERIAL LIST PART: MATERIAL: HANDTE qrErlii'{ l"ii,'m:, iFlie,ae, iaflT,,f F^ll'lritb-*" iH,i':l,::' .''' 100 Quok€r lon€ Molveln, pA l93SO USA rer€phone: (610) 240.4900iox: (6t 0) 240.4906 www.tesfondfoln.com JOB NAME; ARCHIIECT; ENGINEER: rO DRAIN I lpoNa snlNo{ GAUGE INTEI // PROVTOED SIREET EL STREET Et _/r oR PtpE - r I TO DRAIN -.:, ro omrru J H ln,wOlsiRAlGHT TNSTALLATION IMENSIONS - INCHES A CASI stzE 6 l/,,t| | 28rnm B 3/au,1 llzt' 37.36mm a D F H2 3/rc" 55,65mm 3 5/e" 93 23mR 3 3/eu 85.88mm 7 t3/ to"/15.30mm 4 elrc" l17.l2mm 6 3/0" 162.12.nml" i,_____tt_ | 1tn" | 1/2,,1 2"I 4lrrc,, l28mm I t/2" 37.58mm 2 3/rc" 55.65mm 3 s/8" 93.23mm 3 t8''Il3/te" 45.30mm 4 e/rc" I I7.l2mm 6 3/gt' 162.A2mnE 7r.-n- l37.70rnm I ll/to" 42.l0man 2 e/rc" 65.36mm 4 ttt" 108.36mm ? 5/, ,rt 82.84mm lls/ro" 50.89mm 5 etrc" l4l.39mm 5 1/2" 192,28mm6 7t$" 163.38mm ll3/t6" 45.50rnm 3 t /4" El.50mm 5i/tr" l27h|h 3 7/B' 99.l8mm 2 5/a' 66.97mm I | /t" 206.63mm 70 7ta" 273,60mmA 7 t.,tl 163.38mm ll3/t6" d5.50mm 3 tltu El.50mm 5l/ta"3 7 te"2 s/au I | /t" 206.63mm l0 7ta" r/4' Vqly6 uL Lrslrwo exafr CONTMCTOR; T I I I I I T I I t I MoD? sooo/8or r TffiSTawBffi I I *:: * *1fl t#il: ri::l,Tff : rif :fi : [ [:D€ L 8o00/B 0 1, J l: necessory tiqhten air r,4 Tqnr - -- .,r verrlcol "nen crsEp|ec"r,lil:i:::,::":9^G-?-rge so ihoi souse fcce is ,/isiore, h€ n R rs E p pAc:k o, " o-",, " Ji " "=niJ,Yo"^:Jl;: :J _r'., it..r.".ro eo C siopiCr. ,o sp.rnkler svsrem inral ^, fl^^,I . ,^:: os d.ec,ed b. cooe oro ^JC;;;;#;;l;;;;? l":;"",,.- .':1,::,:1:_l9cor codes reqLJrre rne use ot o meief .1 ^^.t tt^,,, l li l":,T"* l :l r l,Il19 f ,: il;'',*'r;;i;'i n"" " o' J',ilJ[iJ,,,,"".f ,,;;; .,:;"_": :^,:::,."oo", wi,, d,oore ,,sel' oiin ,e{u-i,eiin,, uor * t'.o .-^,1"".L':::::"J ::,:Tbl.d., 9l9se r " Moder 2so0/2b I I BoiI MODET 8000 ! The AGF Monufocturing Inc. Modet g000 RtsERpACK ls An 5f,,"T:;i*i[ilT:'ffi :i:J,T,'#:*;i:,;":'i:,fi i:1".^"" ii!?.eff ,i?'!!l'5tii:x,:,".T:i:!lW::lli,,iti"*;; 15.3 " Floor Controt AssembsisntGrossesFoiu"il;;J#;i",i:Ji,."J!'rT::9.;9,3;""1i;'", Hi1fi#ijllli?i'?:'ss?"1,3??:,Jll;:*;.*:,#_.lr:.-.,Avoiloble Wilh r/B', //t6,,, j/2,,. lif [H"l*H::j jrf ;.f ?,,i{iB{E;[jl?:][#,:.m MODEI. 80I I ' -S?,i'F#i;:l1lill :i[: J"1'"";,80 1 I,R I s F R pAc K, n c I ude s A I r rm^'l$if i*j,:#tr$fl1#jlFJ*i,:r"_#U:,"":h" H:%!j|:|f,[fl ::IiddedsvstemsAnooo*nsri.o-m"cjin,i"rl'i..,,. The Modet 8000/80I i Comm tfilli$1il:;iqrf n':r sri?",##3is{t,*? ff iil,Jysrem Access Throuqh lhe V m,ll";llliklm':",#:iru.'il:i"il"$,n#'*li'^i:X", 'Aulomolc Sprjnk16r System Honabook, tignlh Edilion, 1999 MODET 801t )^.rl? i,J8il[rrrNoT BE pREssuRE TESTED virlH RELTEF J The_optional Reiiel Volve shouJd be instolled oftef lhecompletion of system insiolotion ."o ini"lritv i"rti"=g ! Shut off the Floor Control Vot\ ono,ru'rue !vsiirv,r ;r"rbir i'?i|r!lSroepressurize svs,e.l J Tu,rn^ihe^Model^25 t I Hondte ro rhe ,DRAlN,, posiiion remove t/2,, Y,l?T::;os:s"i:'',i:x?11??;5fl:JSh j:ii:g:"::,#;, t [?J ::". ?lx;ff ,i; y ?.';:[ :]l'^" "o d v R e i, ei vo I ve b y po s s d,o i n /olva body olp"i, i,li.",""r"iow r'.rlo Relier volve ouilel ond , Il:'].[u.,:o.j",d tubing ro X_borb etbows by ro ing ihe borb ;i : 3[ :,';# Jv3 :% :il ffi ifl rux.JJi:ifi*:n x", "T " Q Return Floor ContfolVolve to fLlr open position. I la" lt 12,,2 ._ ;r".T ::1,:f r o r^o^c i e c r,Li ve ffi ; l; il"",;lL;':i,ii F:ilil _ j:.:,S."#i:T n,[,,,:: I ii+i",!"J ",j Ai?, # :fl"i,jl 0Je2 5, B o,, oc.essed ror reslins iil;;q; i;Y i;si:";';;::,:tJ:?[I#,,?:,* melet, o bockflow AGF Manufacturing Inc. 'vu uuaKer Lane, Metvern, pA 1935S T: {6J0) 2a0-4900 / F: (6tO) 240-4906cmell: rnto@lestandraln.com web: www.testEndleln,com ---MADEiN U.S.A. 2 /03 [Y 2 o SSEMB lt la" It lz,' -+:-,.-tll o ill ,1 r,;]ffi o(ilrlit o II/IERCIAL A 0/80r I s6ffiY'$/I m" FH-e,er^ r M 800 'i A^Af-rlVY MODEI. ,.----' ----l i --- --+sYsTEM I ACcEss poer J w rffi-'(€,,?4" ' 'ff., ID(@yflI -'6, t I I I I I I I I MODET 8000 COMMERCIAT RrsrnpACK COMpONENTS B'8,frt"J Fd''^ [ ?l, I#AtsiF "!--B c D ^'^f8'"'6'igdli stzE I jtlJi +qI l tf- ' '_ _.i.llf MODET 8000 jtlpr*t I I I Backflow Prevention RED UC ED PRESSURE ASS EM BLY 14" I I I I I I I I I physical properties Siz e of Main line Max. Working pressure Hyd ro sta tic Test press Te mperatu re Range End Connections 21t2",3,4',,6",8,,, & 175 PSI (1200 Kpa) 350 PSt {2400 Kpa ) 32'F to 140"F (0" c to 60"C) Flanged ANSI B 16..1 Class 125 Ductile iron ASTM 4536 Crade 65-45-12 Fusion epoxy coated Internat and exte rn a I AWWA C550_90 NRS and OS&y resitient wed ge AWWA C 509 g ate valves B ronze ASTM 8584 Alloy C83600 EPDM Stainless steel Materials Main Valve Bs f,y Coating S hut Off Va lves Trim Elastomers S prin g ( tn.., . - -, )i--, r,*,1 ,'.j'tj, <., -.: */ ) U.S. Pate nt No. 4,999,635 U.S Patent No. 5,107,888 MOOEL 88OV REDUCED PRESS U RE ASSEM BLY(Shown in veru ca l posltlon.) I I I lnstallation Views I 18" mrn min 18' min I if'li FLowJI ',,. ] I t I I _Optionat Vertical installation for model gg0V (Shown in vertical position. ) 1E" mrn -'Vertical Supporl Adapter - 'Pipe S uppo rt (furnjshed by custome r) 'For va lve we ig ht onty 18" min i__.t5 --e<- -:.,njry6',_ '@,r--.ffi, "r-'f" 1#-I ii i2" Valve S eite r FtOW Horizontalinstallation for model g gOV ( sh own in N-shape position. ) R e co mme nded rninim,,* ^,_maintenanci-- ".',"',rum ctearances from permanent structures for ease of testing and llt/ l/:\riy.T=t;l t I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I Model BBOV N-Shape Position NOTE: The Model 880V is shtpped in the fJ-shape positron as shov./n belov/. NRS Side View Model 880V Vertical Position Re lief Va lve Detail l N Dimens io ns Size zi 1) i F F.1 NRS 1 OS&Y; , Fu[ Open ] 6 an I FIGK .LL M 12 q r)/tb3'1t2 )q 1t412 3t4tc 165.18i61/4 13 5/8 27 1t4 210-- rta i J rtto 26 3i4 i 69/16 1t2 22 1t4 16 5/8 161/4 i--_:-:_-------'1t8 I'J/A 28 '| t4 277 5 I i) otg 1 tJ 1t4 1t 11t16 | 7 15 1/2 24 31 #rlz-'-,lllG v. r/{ I ov/tQ 14 8,. ^v J/ro ttJi4 30z tn-, zl zn ; 21 9t16 I ,1 sra-iT1/4 I 18 5/8 2A 3t4 29 -B1a 37 1t4 .{/o ,ryelghts do nct include lsers or opttonalurluu rait.r---- i 'Lay length vrith optional llJ x FL,,/alve setter " vrirh \RS Gate vatves Refer to Specification Sheet SS VS for details on valve setter. t 'L1)rl,i7?I i*,11,.,::-' :: )' 1, i11l.+sI t4t) G3.*-I ,,- 'jt @t I /! ,:tr tllill '', \ ,a /.i';ll i//l I \r ti:' I I I I III I I t I OESCRIPTIOH MA TER IALS (:..i(i; Materials of Construction OESCRIPIION MATERIALS !) ir,) {;i ) y-':l I T,: Relief Valve Detail DESCRIPTJOH MATERIALS Gr' @F l_ I 2 21 22 ?t l, a. a Eocy Co? e, Cap Scrcw r-ler Nut S.a r Frng Blsh,n9.Swtn, p n R.tai. nt Cirpx.t:rn,ng C ip,naal D !a Ass/ rl Ciieck Drg: Asr,, ti !t'r Sp.rn9 Rrtif 5pnng S!am €lastjc So9 Jafn N!iopr n9 Sprlrrg 2nd Check nPnhO Cuidc Upr Spring R.tnr !u3nrn0.Spr StcmPvol Baenng A53E GR 85,1s,12 4538 GR 65.15- 1? FOA EPOU Phtad St..t Ptal6d St..t {20 ss Fla n O. c:lkct 86arin! Sockal F arge Boti BL!d Scrcw G:sk€t R V Bod y Cov!r Soti Elbow RV Mtt Bch RV Ml9 Nul 6..kcl / SIra i.€ rLr! Djaphfrgrn RV Spf,nt Rv st6h Stcm W.5hal Marn Guida Mein curd! O.Rrn,S..t Ditc Lorar Guide S..t Ring 18,E SS Plat.d Stc.l Pt.tad St.. 8584 Arloy C83600 18,8 SS 8584 Alloy C336OO 18.8 SS 4536 GR 65.15.12 Platod St..l Plat.d Src.t Pl.t!d Sr.cl EPDM / S;]s MG.h EPOM ASTM O2OOO 42.0 301 SS Acatal Ra!in 4313 Typ. 302 SS Actlal R6iin Acattl R.6in B58a Alloy C83€OO FDA EPDM EpDM ASTM 02000 Acctrl R!tln B58a Nloy C83600 o,Rrn0 B:ck-!p Ring e.xrng Sm. Di.phragm Slip Ring Ball Vrlv. G.t. Varve {NRS)B!lkh..d F dlin o Bulkhe:d Fflrn; Bulkhcad P1u! |ja5tct Gask.t N!l Sandng Lin. Slr.ct Etbow ld6ntitjc.tion platc ld.ntitiortion phto Driva Scraw Clanp FOA EPDM EPDM ASTM D?OOO 8584 A oy C83600 EPOM ASTM O2OOO 85€1 Altoy CE3€00 8581 Alloy C€41CJO ASTM 8-62 A oy 85.S_5 AWWA C509 8584 Altoy CE3600 85€1 Alloy CB36OO 8581 Alloy CE3600 EPDM ASTM D2OOO EPOM ASTM O2OOO 836 Alloy 260 836 Alloy 260 856{ Alloy CB36OO 85E1 Alloy C€3soic SAE Hydrrutic Hosc ASIM 8.62 Altoy 65.5.5 836 Alloy C26000 B30 Alloy C2oOOO Strinl63i St!61 15 16 17 TI '1E 1 2A 20 I 21 23 21 1 281 30 1 31 31 1 33 34 34.1 35 35 1 36 3E 30 40 al 42 .{3 43 1 i5 45.1 16 4 6.1 47 1 50 51 60 61 GI I-! 3i I i2 r3 858{ Altoy Cs38m EPDM ASIM D?OC4 856a Alloy C8*m 301 SS 302 ss 302 SS EPOM Co.t.d GR 45D!ctib lron \trth A?78 i/pc 30,+ SS 3r!m San€ as tt 301 SS BsE{ A/loy CE36m 30,a ss i 6-8 SS 4313 Typ.63t SS 4313 Typ€ 631 SS 8130 Altoy C 2?OO0 B58l Atloy C636OO Acctal Ra!in B56a AIloy CE36@ lf r I_ll\X' Ill ta -t J /'l +-Ti ,1lfl,t,lt-l' --1 1'- ..' i tj a-,)'!)!:) tc T a I t T t I I 'Options Valve Setier with MJ x FL or FL x FL ends UUFM O.S. & Y. RW Gate Varves Relief Valve Air Gap Drain Funnel Wye S tra in er Flow Curves Model gg0v A - Ou et flow up B - Outlet ftow down'- Pe nd ing Application H ea lth H azard Agency Compliance . ASSE Listing applied for April 1993 I I I I I I I I I I t I I ; .a8 o n9rar2 1a =12 5 ro a8 o), !€r T 0 10" 6 0) r FEBCO Division of cMB lndustrues p.o. Box 8020 Fresno cA 93747 Fax:(209) 4s3-eo3o880V SS 3/93 Vp @1993 CMB Industries 20 ta t2 t0 8 ;l 0 ag o) ! o u T 20 rB ll t2 r0 I I , I 0 a + 0J !€ r 20 r8 I2 ,0 5 ? 0 a!- c ! fr IJT I I t t I I I I I Rugged Switch Assembly Dual SPDT switches are enclosed in a for added strength. Accommodates up 100% Synchronization The Sys{em Sensor WFDTH Rerard T:Tap Warerflow Detector is designed for primary signaling in residentrai systems and fits v/ithin 2x4 stud r.r,all construction. Themodel fits any tee thar has a 1,, NpT branch, incluaing, f ,,, It/t" and I '/r" NpT threaded ferrous and brur, ,..f i7 ,It/.{'., 1t/r" and 2,,copper sweat tees; l- CpVC teest and |/,,,,polybutylene tees. The design of the WFDTH makes it easy to install anrlsimple to maintarn. lt can be mounted in the verlical orhonzontal position. Two conduit openings p.,.it e"ryattachment to local alarm system. Delay mechanism retardassembly and switch assembiies are field ..pfo..uli.. Plastic Paddles Nine different fleible paddles fit 1,,, It / 0,,, l\ / i, and 2,, tees.Sizes are marked clearly on the paddle for ease ofinstallation. Paddle Fastened Securely Plastic paddles slip over actuating lever and are securelyfastened with one screw. Handy Depth Gauge Insures proper installation depth of detector to tee. provides paddle with proper clearance rn ree. Sealed Retard Assures that the retarcj is not contanxnated by dust and dirtwhen the cover is removed. Visual Switch Activation Permits instalier to accurately set the retard even underextremely noisy conditions. durable terminal blt-rck to 12 AWG wire. Fires both alarm panel and locai bell simultaneously. Durable Tamper Resistant Enclosures Long lasting covers completely enclose the electdcaicomponenrs to keep out dust and dirt. Improved seff-gddingsecurity screws and removal tools make detectors ,.r;;;;;Io tampenng and simplify field maintenance. I ao"",rications I T;iggeiing Threshoid I oo;il,|r,.,,re Ranses: I c svstern sensor t rile 3arrdn.:Cth (Flo , Rarej 4 ro l0 CpM-r _.osJrei UL lndooreo';er Tampel Si,,,rtchr ULC N,fodels;tr:c uttlpen.ng5 T.,r.o openlngsu'':ra| Dinlensiorls. lnstalled. Shipping Weighr: Compatible Tee Fitrings: S ervice Use: Auromatic Sprinkler: Threaded ferrous and brass tees, copper sweat tees, CPVC tees, and polybutvlene tees NFPA 13 NFPA 13D Storles: NFPA 13R NFPA 72 ,_irntact Ratings:t0 A@ 125./250 \,AC .l 5A@24VDC : seis SPDT (Form Cl 2.6 lbs. I I Factor,' Insralled for L,/r" cond uit 4.5"H x 3.55"W y. 6.7,,L ll1.4cm H " 9cm Wx I 7.m r.l 32oF - i20"F (0.c _ 49.C1 One or Two Family Drvelling: Residentiai Occupancies up to 4 National Fire Alarm Code:\Varranri': .j ve.r-s @@ This document is not intended to be used for installarion nrrrnnco. Swiich 2 I I I t I I I I NOTEr Common and B connections will close when vsne is dellected. 1.e.. when water is flowing. Dual swiichespermit applications to be combined on a single detector, to nonsilenceable initiating zone ol listed FAcP CONTACT FATINGS 125/250 VAC 1O AI\4PS 24 VoC 2,5 A[4PS end-ol-llne resistor Typical FACP Connection Typjcal Local gell Connection Electrical Connections Break wlre as shown lor supervision ol connection. DO NOT allow siripped wire leads to extend beyond switch.housing. DO NOT roop wtfes. WFDTH swltch assemDry for WFDT - Archite ct / En{ineer Specifications I llodel shall be a WFDTH as manufactured by S1'stem Sensor. T-tap waterflow derectors shall be installed on a tee tllat has a 1,, ilPT branr:lt including: 1",I1la", or Irl:" threaded ferrous or brass per rninute and a static pressrrre fating of 250 psi. The retard t-tap detecror shali be a sealed mechanical pneumatic unit with visual indicatron of actuation. The actuation mechanism shalt include a polyethylene vane insened through the tee firring and connected Lry a lnechanical linkage to the delay mechanism Outputs shali consist of dual S lrllT switches (Forllr C contacts). T'"r'o coutiuit entrances lonc of which is a knockout type] for standard fittints of commonly used electrjcal conduit shall be provrded on the detectors. A grounding provision is provided. WFDTI i is listed by Underwriters Laborarories for indoor use. f Lee: l-2" copper sweat tees; l" CPVC tee; or 1i/:,, polybutylene I ree as designared on the dra$rrngs and/or as specified herern.r Derectors shall mount on any clear pipe span of the appropirate slze, €rther a verlical or horlzontal run at least 6,,from anv | ':trirgs or '.ralvel which mav c]'arrge water direclion, flow rate. or ! pipe diameter or no closer than 24" fron a valve or drajn. ferectors shall have a sensitivity in the range of 4 to 10 gatjons r Orderingi Information I \\,rDrH'\,Vaterflow Det€ctol Fits 1", lr14", 1rlr" ferrous and brass threaded tees; 1", 1r/,", 1r,i:", 2" copper sr.vear tees; 1" CPVC teesj and irl:" pohrburvlene te€s Replacement Terminal Block for !VFDTH Replacement Dela\f Mechafism for IVFD 2,'-6,, sizes Repiacernenr Paddle Kir - 9 paddles for \.\TFDTH [see WFDTH foi sizes includedj 507 -66-02 Replacement Tamper Screws for Covers of WFDTHWFDIV Replacement Tanper proof Wrench for Cover of \{ry.DTH C58-164-0i Replacelnent ivletal Cover oL[,C L,ersion designarcd LL)Ltlt "A" follot)tn1 the nodel number IViFDTIIA). -_.,, -! l -u- !..,:l,,rs.':oI !r.r..,. I .System Sensor Worldwide Distributionl'". s,.*n s€nsor canada "T,Hi:fliil:i:1,. 11,11fii.",.,,"0* l:;.- ll '-t Road urir --l Horsham cates ill. Noith si. A-Jo.t Maheshlvari Nagal l.::.-,;:.]r::. :j1"," Horshan, lvesr sussex orkav Mills Lane-s'c!c Lrr.l j1: RH13 5pJ, United Kingdom tJldi€ri Easr, Mumbai 40009j _Teiephone: 905-812.0?67 Telephone: 44-1403-226s00 Tetetar: 91.022.8202564la\r 905-ei2,0771 Fa_\: 44-1403_276501 Pape 2 In the Far East: S','stem Sensor Pirtwav FaJ Easr. Ltd. Suire 706, trVorld Shipplng Cenrre 7 Canton Road Tsinshatsui, Kowioon, Hong Kong Telepho ne: 852-27 30 -9 09 0 Fax; 852-2736-6580 L: I\ l-1 r.. I ii I t I I t I I I I I t I I I t I I I I *90 FIG.2OO A DJ LrS TA B L E BA ^iD I{A AlG E R ji:, R.ut.- - I - : .. : ...: llare:i.rl , ..,;l ., .: I. l . ! l)c'l ili,:;ifr, ,r-r :. Fttn, ri.'tt F ,r rrr.= 1-..r, I ler,r'l : J..rrtr'l..1 .' tr,.r, ,iri.lriiflr,.t-r[.tlr,.f it.]. r:.r I Iilf i., r-L fc;tru re. Il.rl'-ii-, . -1 | r ,. i allLt !rthct l,:t-iaf .r I itlltilt,., r'lrsi:t-r 1:.t rrri!, l-L tr,.-<r.& o t I I rirrir ] ir,,,i-,t Fl,,r..l erl!,-i cai,-. iri:r:,ll;,rr,,r, i,,r..Ll] l,rl,c f),Lre.j rinrl Fti)rcL[ (_p!/(] l-rl.trric L_.rf,,: ll.rrrrr al,r:L.i,,t_t.' .rt , tr.'J l, 1!11 l,q, 1 ., I I,i,.ri;tv tr-rr f1. ,,,, :l..rl rr, . . , 1. l, .r,--, H:r,1, r i c r:r1.. r,.r. .ic.l ..r ,rn...i j rlrll-1,''2 rlrlu lj rrrclr) 5f,r irig rcn\i(,11 irn nrrr h(r,l(l\ iL5qa|llql1,'ln fr:rngcr I..,1,_I.c .tstiillnfl,-rlr A.llrr.rir-r: r-rLrl i.,:,..1. ,tr, lc,J. .4,p1.tntrlls - [-]rr.lcrt,r ircl.jr L;ti:r.,rirr(.)rLe, list,,,.l (1,.1,,r:irr,. i") irr rhc l_j S. /LiL) rrrti (ltrnat]r rcUL) f,-,r:r.,,.1 ,ur,l{--P\"C pl,r.tr, plllr rn,-l Fhcr<,r1. Mrrrrrai Entiliccrrn,:,1l l '.- l rr l rlrflt - r -,,r,r, rpr .. r_Ll_r I Sl.,ccilii,rxr:ir)n5 \\1V.H,li iE, fypc ltr, rrr,.l l\,1.rrrL.rf.rctrn.ers SLarrr,larili.rrrir.rL.r _locrcrr, Sl:,_1_r!) n.,1,c 1ii. ;l [;n'i nt u rt t Ient7,era1s1.p. i.57o7 ttuish - \,1rL C.r l,,..ln i:.,-l .rn.l Srarr,Icss Sr.,:1.Ordct Bt'- Fr!lrr.. rrrrnri,,cr ilrJ pip,r si:c. l/2-2inchpipe PIPE SIZE Incl.r ROD SIZE tr Ietric \LL\. REC--. LOAD LRS. i,PPROX, \\'T., 10r1 I ttl]r ,-rl l at.. n1 + -',ii ' n1.-, - 1 ,.. ,.. llilill r,I l ! it_rlil -a \-1'- L- !r'f ,. l_..-- l_ ti l+ .+ir,l 1.1 :) !11ii1 | i i- It' I -r ,r'r l -*,1i il S l, r,r ..r' ii rritr.L +11 -1r-'i'ii L in',r',C! - i ,l lt ir-,t '-'.ti IJn-,nt ,-j 5 il i 1,,_',4 rl 1,1i!iIrtil ' '-1 :1,.i-)_)lr I - n-r ri-, C,llliatlI I nriL ia'I .Iiii.l IJCOFFOFA rEO COFatll,. CA. . t3a9\73j..,529 f r.ier Frq Jiil \f I I r'' n-,ii-i s 3-j, "t 1L;r.1i6 IiI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '1q.s.q.t PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Hilti HDf Drop-ln anchor is an internally threaded, flushrounted expansion anchor for use In concrere. Product Features . Shallow embedment depth. lnternal thread. Flush installation Guide Specifications ',iuSj:i:ryx1 il:;J#:".:i:n:l:i,li,,::p::I.l"y1 1, g." r19 i,"ted in accordance wjth ASrM 8683,sc 1 , rvpe rjr. Anchors shar be Hirri ior ""rn"i' ,' 'roo [o #ii,"iil::J;t'""J:1i:?]ilj:Jil:.r,?Inslallation: shell or flush lype anchors to be installed in holes drilled with Hilti carbide tipped drill bits. Anchors shall beinstailed per manufacturer,s recommendations. Approvals/Listings Approvals : 91,y. "tLos Angeles (COLA): Research Report No.23709' Factory Mutuar (FM): seriar No. 2zzos "spiinkler Hungur'cornpon"nrs-Expansion shierds:' conforms to the description in Federal si""iJu""'i?-s-"s"is, croup v|||, Type 1 for expansion shierd anchors. f1 Listinss o : ;L"'""T':'::: ^t:::^11:1 ( Y ?' Pipe Hansers" (3/8"-314" diamerer) : g:i5:: l1i :,o3eg1ice^01 e u ir i i s off d;bl r Eb-or, L "r",?,i"iko o rr N o 2 8 e 5. Southern Buitding Code Congress iSaCCrl, fi.p"u,r.f" corrosion protection in accordance wrrn Anchoring Systems n Anchor JrcDr \oau\,t,1: h{gport No. g9 j 3 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS HDI Carbon S,"ut r"r"ri MereqUirementsofA|S|12c14forthe5/8,,and3/4,sizesHiJl Stainless Sreel materiaffi MECHANICAL PROPERTIES rci([rpa) min. f, ksi (MPa) 44 (303)53 (36s) 60 (415)78 (540) Carbon Steet |J Ot ptuGO w,tn -a ou zinc finish tor 60 (414)100 (689) TECHNICAL DATA HDI Specification Table Detairs-{chott'tt ,-Ia.*m#IA A\ tlu /q 6l '1. (12.7) tl, /iq o\'lo (1e 1) In,,, /ra 1 min. [3ss m3ffi In. mm I .,'_","-,uEI.rL Ur em0e0. in, I J: anchor length lmmln,: n0le depth____:_-_ { rh: useable thread in.lenoth /mm,5fi0*# 1 (40) I /q1\ 2' (6s) 3'f,u (81) (11)(17) 'lt (22) 1rh (34) 20 t0 13 11 10 (76) 3'/t (7e)(102) o'tc (130) O"lt (162)0s. .,,q^, uvlLElltg II l0torque (Nm) 4 (5,4) 11 14.9) 22 (29.8) 37 (50.2 80 r108, Combined Shear and Tensign Loading I f I (#)". (#)^.,. (Ref. Section 4.1 .g) I Anchoring Systems HDI Drop-ln Anchor 4.3.4 $ I I I I I l I I I Carbon Steel HDtAllowable Loads in Concrete ffi1/4"HDr in f'c = 666s psi concrere which is based tp;; thr;;;;'; sAE Grade 8 bolr (f, = t2o t<si, r,,, = .i50 ksi). Carbon Steet HDt Allowabte Load in Lightweight Concrete3 rI Stainless Steel HDI Allowable Loads in Concrete 6I t I T I I t I Carbon Steel HDI Ultimate Loads in Concrete Anchor size in. lmm) 2000 psi f 13.8 MPa,)4000 psi (27.6 l/Pa)8000 psi {41.4 iVpa) Tension lb (kN)Shear lb /kN Iension lb (kN)Sheaf lb (k(kfl)Ni Tension lb (kNJ (kr\j) HDI - 1A 1995 (8,9)1800 (8.0 2270 (10,1 2500 (111)3150 (4 A)2800 t2.5)HDI 1A ?EEE /i ( or 3850 (17 .1 4460 (19 8)s0qo ez2t 5430 (24 2 6000 t264HDI - 1le 12,7 4470 (19.9 6000 (26.7 7140 (31,8)q500 r:z.el e375 (41 .7 1nn nn l/n E, HDI lJ.v 1\nn t11 ,4 10000 (44.5 1 1685 (52.0 13000 rsz e)14865 (66 1', \-r'?/ l qnnn taa 1\HDI - tlt (19 1 r uuuu {44.5 15500 (69.0 16260 (72,3 -illtdo-(se ot-22250 (gs.ol rvv,r l 22000 (97,9) An chor size In. 1m l]]J 2000 psi (13.8 Mpa)4000 psi (27 6 MPa)6000 psi (41.4 Mpa) - rensron tb (kN) J Shear lb {kN) Tension lb (kN)Shear lb (kN)Tension lb (kN)Shear lb (kN) HDI - r/4 64)500 (22)450 ( 20)570 ( 2.5 625 2A\7e0 ( 3.s)700 (31)HDI - 3/8 890 (401 e65 (43)1115 5,0 1250 q A\ HDI - 1lz HDtr % 12.7) 15 9) 1120 5o)r,rbu ( b.u)15nn / A 7r1s00 ( 6.7)1785 ( 7,9)z tza 9.5 2345 (10 4) -_- \ -''/,qnn /rl r\ 1875 (t '1r 2500 (t l 1)2920 (13.0 3250 3715 (16 5)HDI 3lq tJ. I 2500 (1 1.1 3875 (17.2)4065 (18.1 s000 22.2)q565 124 8)5500 (24.5 Anchor size in. (mm) Anchorin@ Lt. Wt. Concrele l Ancfr^or^lnstalled ffrrough Steel Declinq inG-3000 psi (20.7 MPaiLr. Wl. Concieft; '- _tensron tb (kN) | Shear tb (kN) 530 (2.4) I 335 (1.5i Tension tb (kN)Shear lb (kN) HDI -llq ( 6.4)i|;,';,- _----- .=465 (2.1 340 1.s)-#-:" I,Y? -- 7r5 (3 4)940 42\880 (xs) \ '.,ritntnttult2 \ tt./ )(5 0)I titJ '1700 HDI -5l€ (15 g)14.9 )I tuc llqq (7.8)'14b5 (6.5 2835 36Sd 12.61 16.4) l0t-:tt ttgt ?Us (s; lne tail Anchor size in. (mm) 4000 psi (27,6 [/Pa)6000 psi (41.4 tVlPa) Tension tb (kN)Shear lb (kN)Tension lb (kN)Shear lb (kN )$_!Dl-,/l ( 6 4)1930 (8,6)2400 (10,2950 (13 1)2400 110.7) (26.0)4520 t21.9)SSHD-- 1127/040 t49.1)630 (,4z8 11040 (49,1HDI -:/€ lJ5Sl '10540 146.9 0 (80 2)HDI-:ir 11X Anchor size rn. (mrn) -.,._-- Llnl 4000 psi (27,6 Mpa) rension tb (kN) I Shear tb (kN) 6000 psi (4i.4 lVpa) rensron rb (t(Nl ] Shear lb {kN)480 (.2.1)60q ( 27)740 (33)600 ( 27)€--+-=-_ _ll_11r _nul - :/F /1 q O\ hLJ-t- /io i\-----r 1o4o (ll)-1230 ((1460 1230 (55lq40 (i-a-2760 12 4)2410 (107 2lj! nzo-2630 11.7)(20.14510 3770 50-m (16.8) (22.4) 20.1\4510--------___:__\-J NOlei The aliolurhlp chprr \/rtr 3830 (17.0)-5580 (24.8 5s80 1{s-)arlowable shear values are based on the use ol Tvoe 1g.g bolts. I Fastening Systems General Application Fastener ,2.1,1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ffi 1. When the fastener nomenclature is preceeded by an "E" (e,9, X-EDNI 16 p8) it indicates a knurted shank for improved holding in steel. (Noter ESD 16PB Pin does not utilize shank knurling.) 2.P=p1251;.washer; S = Steel washer; D= Double washer (one plastic, one steel); L = Double washer (both steel); Dp = p6u61s washer (both ptastic). I PrnlJomellclatur€. X.DN Head Conlguation ----J Shank Lenglh (rnm) Stud Nomenclature,: W6 20 22 D1Z Thread Size (mm) ----J I Thread I cnoth /mml IThread Length (mm) Shank Lengih (mm) Washer Type:and 0tameter (mm) Length Schank 0ia.2112" 0.138'21le' 0.145' Washer Type' and 0tam€ter (mm) X-CF PINS (Paclcged 2000ibox with cartridge) lr_ ^ Description I I Ip cioiij6 crro. CF72P8S23 Combo DS HEAVY.DUTY PINS Shank d ameter. 0 177' for concrete and sieel. packaged in boxes of 100. Description DS 27 PlO DS 32 Pl0 DS 37 PiO DS 42 P]0 DS 47 P1O Length t' 11li 11tl l./z lilE 0escription Length DS 52 P10 2' DS 57 P]0 21ti DS 62 P10 21tz DS 72 P10 2itt' DS 82 P10 31ti DS 9i P10 3.ii' DS117P10 4.ta EDS HEAVY.DUTY PINS Shank djameter 0,177', for steei. packaged in boxes of 100, Descriplion EDS 19 P1O EDS 22 P10 X-DNl Pins with 15mm and g6mm Diameter SteetWastren Pre-mounted steel washer with DNI 32 pg and DNI 72 pg Length 3/," 7lB" Description Length Shank Dia. Pin DNI 32 P8S15 11tn' 0,145" Pin DNI 32 P8S36 i1/d O.tqS" Pin DNI 72 PBS3A 27h' i tas" X.ONI PINS Shank diameter 0.I45' i0r concrete and steel. packaged in boxes of .100. Pg,lqrlpl'gn tength Descfiption Lenqrh ?lr1l 19 f8 3t4" DNI4zpB i,/d:-' llil ?? f8 7ta' DNts2 ps z; ?Il ?llq 1' DNr57 P8 i,ro' Pl,ll i? ry fll DNr62 P8 zttz"?llqlry 11h DNr72P8 ,;t{ DNI 42 P8 lsla' 1/4" - 20 STUDS W6-11, 20. 38 S han k diamete r 0.1 45" for concrete, packaged in boxes of i 00.Description Thread Shank W6-l 1-17 012 3la" sta, W6-11-22 D12 Va' lta" W6.11-27 012 ye' 1, W6-20-17 012 3lq" s/pW6-20-22012 3E ir,l w6-20-27 012 3ti' 1;W6-20-42012 1li' jsre' w6-38-27 012 1'h' 1" X.EDNI PINS Shankdiam€ter0.145"forsteel. packaged in boxes of 100. Description Lenqth EDNI 16 P8 5/a" EDN| 19 P8 3ti' EDNI 22 PB jle" 1/4"-20 STUDS EW6,11, 20.28,38 S hank diameter 0.1 45" for steel. packag ed in boxes 0f 100.Descriplion Thread Shank EW6-11- 12 D12 3tz' ltr, EW6-20-12D12 3lq" th. EW6-28-1? D12 | ;i" F\l/A-lc-1tDlo ,;"t'tl '/2 Shan k diameter 0.138" for concrele and steel. Combos include j 000 pinsand b00sters packaged separatelv. Desc.ription Length Diameter Description Lenqth Diameter4111lt? '/z' 0 14s zF 4zil it;:"' 5. jd"'" 4f ?9 IfP 3/o; 0 145 zF 41 pB 1;;, ;.1;;al?lP-q r" 0,138 zrs2pa z,:i, 0 j5; 413^?p_9 11tri' 0.138 zF62p8 i i. ;.ii;Zt 37 PB 11lz' 0.139 'tl4". 20 STUDS EW6-11, 20, 28. 38 Shank diameter 0. i 45. for sleel. packaged in boxes of 100.Description Thread Shanx EW6-11-12 P8 3la' j/i EW6-20-12 P8 3ti tr, EW6-28-12 PB 1tta" ii' EW6-38-12 P8 1ilz" ,ti Shank diameter 0.205" f0r concrete. packaged in boxes oi 100. rnrl,fmrm=-- 11.- 1i ,?F1'"t'jp^t'19 "', ^ Thread ShankUunnuur-4> 'i,)ld:ji_5i Fjb ,,';. .,,,0 3/8'- 16 STUDS W10-30-42 P10 1rl4" j5ti 3/8".16 STUDS Shank diameter 0.205 f0rstl:el. packageo In ooxes 0t i00. Descrlption Thread Shank EWl0*0"15 P10 11li sll, X-ZF Pins with pre-mounted 23mm and OOmm Oiimeter' SGt Waslrin Combos include 1000 pins and boosters packaged separatelv, iFe;T,flb% f,'noil' shankDia. ZF32 P8S23 1\ti n iin" iii'Fffii lii i,iiij iii,itrii i,J lrlir I I I I I I I I I I I I I I-DJ I.D'LN D}\II\ . Up to 3-hour ratings .lntumescent . Flexible . Smoke, gas and watertight . Non-toxic 1. PRODUCT NAME: Nelson LBS rM Latex Based Sealant - Firestop Sealan t. 2. MANUFACTURER: NELSON Firestop Products P.O. Box 726 Tulsa, Ok 74101-0726 Phone: (800) 331-7325 (918) 627-5530 Fax: (918)627-2941 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION BASIC USE: Nelson LBS is an intumescent, flexible, firestop sealant used to seal against the spread of flame, smoke, gases and water in fire-rated walls and floors that have been penetrated for the passage of items such as metallic and nonmetallic pipes, conduit, bus duct or electrical cables. lt is particularlv useful for sealing penetrating items which are subject to movement and vibration when a positive seal is required. Nelson LBS is a highly adhesive sealant suitable for wall, floor and overhead applications. COMPOSITION AND MATERIALS: Nelson LBS, is a Latex based intumescent, elastomeric firestop sealant that emits no hazardous, combustible, or irritatinq fumes during or after installation, curing oi disposal, Nelson LBS is asbestos{ree and requires no m ixin g. APPLICABLE STANDARDS: UL 1479, Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops, ASTM E-814, Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops. ASTM E-119. Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. LIMITATIONS: Nelson LBS is a Latex based formulation and will react in a similar manner to other Latex Dased compounds. The user should test for compatibility before exposing Nelson LBS to chemicals or solvents, 4, TECHNICAL DATA: I I t t I I TECHNICAL DATA SHEET NELSON LBST'U' FIRESTOP SEALANT . Water clean-up . Tested to ASTM E-814 and Ut 1479. Hlghly adhesive . Easily repenetrated 5. INSTALLATION: Choose the appropriate firestop system using Nelson application data sheets, or the UL Fire Resistance Directory, No special skills or tools are required to ensure adequate adhesion, all surfaces shall be clean and free of dust, grease, oil, loose materials, rust or other substances. Apply the required depth of Nelson LBS beginning on the edge of the opentng (use over various backing materials as required). Make sure the Nelson LBS makes complete contact with the inside surface of the opening and also the surface of the penetrating item. The suggested method (s) of installation include: caulking gun, pumping and troweling 6. AVAILABILITY AND COST: Nelson LBS is available through authorized distribution worldwide. Contact Nelson for the location of the nearest distributor who is able to provide cosl and availability rnformation. SIZES: NELSON LBS, Tube Part Number (tube) AA740 (10 3 Fl. Oz, 18.5 Cu. In.) Standard Package M741 (contains 12 tubes AA470) Part Number (tube) AA743 (30 Fl. Oz., 53.88 Cu. In.) Standard Package A/.744 Contains 1O tubes AA743) NELSON LBS, 2-Gallon Part Number M746 (2-Gal, Pail - 464 Cu. ln) NELSON LBS, 5- Gallon Part Number AA74B (S-Gal. Pail - 1160 Cu., In,) 7. WARRANTY: Recommendations for the use of Nelson LBS and the information and data contained herein are based upon information we believe to be reliable, Since field conditions vary widely, the user must determine the suitabilit! of the product for the jntended use and specific method(s) of application, All firestop seals are subject to acceptance by the appropriate authority having jurisdiction. Contact Nelson Page 1 of'2 I t I I I I ITI I I I t I I T t I I II I Page2 of2 Nelson LBS Color Brick red Base Latex LBS,N/S Non Sag Negligible flow or stump Application Temp 40"F to 110"F Service Temp -49"F to 284"F Skinning Time Approx. 20 Minutes Curing Tirne Less than two weeks at 1/2,' thickness Specific Weight 1.45 Durometer 10-25 Shore A Ratings: Per UL1479 (ASTM E-Bi4) Up to 3 hours. STOMGE: When stored between 40"F (40.C) and g0.F (32"C), unopened Netson LBS has a shelf life of 6 months from date of shipment. for a copy of the full warranty, a part of the standard terms and conditions of sale. 8. MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT: Maintenance is normally not required. Future changes of penetrating items may be made simply by cutting through the existing seal wrth axnrre and reseating the opening with Nelson LBS. Any changes shoutd be approved by tf.e authority having jurisdiction. 9. TECHNICAL SERVIGES: For complete technical information and literature, including installation instructions, contact Nelson or your authorized distributor. Information concerning the firestopping ofnonstandard penetrations is available irom Nelson. Our considerable enoineerino expertise and laboratory facilities enaile us tomeet the most difficult firestopping requrrements. 10. RELATED REFERENCES: Sweet's Catalogs sectjon 07270. Architects' First Source section 07270. Application details in AutoCAD@ format available on request. T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ALI-,-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. ':il:;";':l,+::ir.r;; HYDRAULTC CA]-,CULATIONS FOR EVERGREEN LODGE RENOVATION CALC #1250 S. FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL, CO. Z3UU'L|J 8/3/04 _DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CI.,ASS I FICATION: DENS I TY : AREA OF APPLTCATION: COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CAI-ICULATED: TOTAL SPRINKIJER WATER FLOW REQUTRED: TOTAI., WATER REQUTRED (including hose ) FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ BOR) : SPRTNKLER ORIFICE SIZE: . 1s gpm/sq. fr . 4?q c^ fr- 100 sq. f t.. 5 sprinklers L05.5 gpm : 355.5 gpm L05.5 gprn @ 23.7 psi_ 1/ 2" irlc}' NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ALL.,-STATE FIRE PROTECTION DES IGN/I-,,AYOUT BY: M. KRZASTEK AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDTCTION: VAlL FIRE CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 008 CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # 15070888 HRS SYSTEMS, INC. TUCKER, cA 30084 ft-'is{ei:'t4l+3 iE trr''z *l fu,,,t,$ B/6/a7 I *ATER 'UPPLY DATA I DAT..: 8/4/2004 SENTT'CN SYSTEM HYDRAULIC "Xii;i:il\EVERGREEN-:i::"3 .JOB TITI,E: EVERGREEN I souRcE STATIC RESTD. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D I NODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS.r rAG (Psr) (psr) (cpM) (psT) (cpM) (psr) I 24 135. o 26 .o 943. o rr7 .L 3ss. G 73 .7I I AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: I TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 355.5 GPM I rorAt, HosE sTREAM ALLowANcE AT souRce 250.0 GpMI OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES O. O GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKIJERS 105.6 GPM I NODE ANAIJYS TS DATA I NODE TAG ELEVATTON NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE I (Fr) (PSr) (epM)I 86.0 85.0 oo u 60 - u 60 - u 86.0 86.0 .'0 - u 85.0 UO . U UO . U 86.0 86.0 18.0 18.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0'tn L.0 0.0 0.0 A1 l:1 D1 l:1 li '5 r2li 2LI ;3. BOR I 3'^ t\= I - b u l\= 5. bU r1.= f, - bu .tr= 5. bU K= s .50 L2.2 19.5 K= 5.50 15.3 22.6 I . Z J.f, . U 8.1 15.0 7.6 ]-5.4 q ? 11 n 8.0 s5.3 !2.6 17 .2 20 .7 z) . ) aa . z 63 .2 .74 a 12 1 58.8 59.1 - 59.2 SOURCE 13.1 105.5 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I DATE:8/4/2004 JOB TITIJE: EVERGREEN PIPE DATA PIPE TAG END ELEV, NOZ. NODES (FT ) (K) P].pe: r A1 1 1 B1 B1 2 c1 2 2 D1 D1 3 3 E1 4 4 5 F1 5 5 5 6 7 6. t 9.3 9.3 ro .2 lo .2 12.a 72 .2 !2. d 12 a 17 .2 to J 17 .2 L7.2 20 .7 25.5 -46.4 0.0 9.6 I7.O -63.4 17.o 13.1 0.0 -63.4 0 . 0 13 .1 0.0 _Lt - 5 0.0 -83.0 0.0 1-7 .I 0.0 -4.> < zz.o t.> 0.0 -105.6 0.0 2r.8 0.0 -105.5 U . U ZI.6 0.0 10.00 0.50 T o.zo 2.OO E 5.31 l.bb EG 7 .07 z.o 0.0 PF 0.7 PE O.O PV PF 4.3 PE O.O PV PF 0,9pFl n n PV PE O.O PF 4.A PE O.O PV EE PE PV SPRTNOR sYsrEM HYDRAULT. Tli;iJilTEVERGREEN-:?:;"i 85.0 5.6 85.0 0.0 Pi nA. , 86 .0 0 .0 oo. u 5. b 86 . 0 s .5 86 . 0 0.0 Pi ha . 4 oo. u f , b 86 . 0 0 .0 86 . 0 0 .0 86 . 0 5 .6 D i rra . A oo . u 5 - t) 86.0 0 .0 ato - u 86.0 Pipe: 8 86.0 86.0 Di r'\a. O 85. 0 85.0 Pfpe: l-U 86.0 86.0 Pino. 11 85.0 85. 0 Pi na. 1) 86.0 86.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 PT rDCT\ 7.2 8.0 8.0 at-l_ 8.7 (GPM) -L5.0 -Lf . u 5.5 0.0 -L5.0 0.0 5.3 -LO. U _J-L.U 16 . 0 6 .4 0.0 -15.4 7.6 15.4 5.4 8.7 0.0 Q (GPM) DIA(IN) DISC. VEL (FPS ) HW(C) FLlFT r-.080 PL 120 FTG 0.056 TL 1.080 PL 12 O FTG 0.066 TL 1.408 PI_'' 120 FTG 0.070 Tr_, L.080 PL 120 FTG 0.070 TL 1.408 PL., 120 FTG 0 . \47 TI_, 1.408 PL 120 FTG 0 .262 Ir-' 1.408 Prr 120 FTG 0.262 TL 1.080 Pr.., 120 FTG 0.108 TL 1.408 PL IZU ! Ilt 0.43t- TL 1.080 Pr, 120 FTG 0.141 TL 1.408 PL ].2 O FTG 0.674 TL 1.408 PL 120 FTG 0 .674 TL LENGTH I FT) 10.00 E 12 .30 2 . OO 2 . OO 8. O0 8. O0 10.00 T 15.76 4. O0 4. O0 0 .33 E 3.54 10. o0 10.00 0.50 T 10 . o0 PRESS. SUM. (Psr ) DFN'I PE O.O PV pF n 1 PE O.O PV PE" N A PE O.O PV PF 1.1 PE O.O PV PF O.5 PE O . O PV DF 1 A PE O.O PV I I I t I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I sPRreR sYsrEM HYDRAULT. Tli;iitEvERGREEN-:i::"1DATE:8/4/2004 ,.lOB TITLE: EVERGREEN r r r-e- -LA\t END NODES DiY16. 7 8 Pi na. U _t at Di na. t8 L9 Di na. I9 20 20 27 P i na . 2L P i na . TOR !+yvr TOR Diha. BOR D i nc . 23 24 ELEV. NOZ. (FT) (K) 13 ato. u 18.0 r4 18.0 18.0 15 18.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q (GPM) DIA(rN) LENGTHPT DISC. VEL (FPS) HW(C) (FT) (Psr) (GPM) FL,/FT _105.6 4.310 PL 58.0025.5 0.0 2.3 L20 FTG E 55 .2 0.0 0.003 rL 81 .94 -l_05.5 4.3L0 PL 7.OO55.2 0.0 2.3 120 FTG E55.3 0.0 0.003 Tr., 20.94 -105.5 4.310 PL 8.0055.3 0.0 2.3 1,20 FTG E58.8 0.0 0.003 TL 2r.94 _1-05.5 4.3L0 PL 53.0058.8 0.0 2.3 l-20 FTe 4E59.l_ 0.0 0.003 TL 1,08.75 -105.6 4.310 PL 5.0059.1 0.0 2.3 120 FTG TG59.2 0.0 0.003 TrJ 35.56 -L05.5 6.065 PIJ l-01.0059.2 0.0 r.2 120 FTG 5E59.3 0.0 0.001 Tr, 171.. o0 -105.6 5.065 PL 9.0059.3 0.0 !.2 120 FTG 53 .2 0.0 0.001 TrJ 9. OO FIXED PRESSURE I,OSS'73.2 0.0 10.0 psi, 105.5 gpm 63.2 0.0 ettM I DC T I PF O.2 rEJ Z>.J PV DE' N 1 DEi A A PV DF n 1 DET A ? PE O.O PV DFNlpFnn PV PF 0. t- DE' .r A PV PF O.O PV DEVICE IO 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 L7 10.0 0.0 r_0.0 0.0 _L at 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 t9 10.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 20 1.0 1-.0 2I 1.0 0.0 22 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 73.2 0 .0 73 .7 0.0 0.0 PF PE PV vl PE PV 0.0 o.4 0.0 0.0 -105.6 L.2 -l-05.6 1.1 o. ub5 y! 120 FTG 0.001- TrJ o .1av vL 140 FTG 0.000 Tr_, 1. 00 E 15.00 60.00 ETG 134.00 0.0 73.7 0.0 sRcE 73.7 (N/A) NOTES: (1) calculations were performed by the HAss 2.6 compuEer programunder license no. L6O7088B granted by HRS Systems, Tnc. 47 92 IJaVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 (2) The system has been calcul-ated to provide an averageimbalance at each node of 0.003 gpn and a maximumimbalance at any node of 0.061 gpm. I DATE: E/4/2004 SPRICR SYSTEM HYDRAUIJIC ^XII;i:il\EVERGREEN-:i]:": ,fOB TITL.,E: EVERGREEN I (3) Totaf pressure at each node is used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocity is 21.8 ft/sec at pipe 12. I (4 ) PIPE FITTINGS TABIJE I Pipe Table Name: STANDARD. P]P I PAGE : * MATERIAII : 54 0 HWC : 12 0 I Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet(rn) E T 1., C B G A D N I E11 Tee LngEll Chkvlv BfyVlv catvlv AlmChk DpVIv NpTee I 1.080 2.30 5.75 2.30 5.76 5.9L 1.1-5 1t-.52 7L.52 5.76r t-.408 3.31 6.62 2.2I 7.72 6.62 1.10 11.03 L1.03 6-624.310 13.94 27.87 8.35 30.66 16.72 2.79 27.87 27.87 27.87 I PAGE: A MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet I (in) E T I-., c B c A D N I 811 Tee r,ngEl_l Chkvl-v Bfyvlv GatVlv Almchk Dpvl-v NpTee5.06s 14.00 30.00 9.00 32.00 10.00 3.00 28.00 28.00 30.00 I PAGE: D MATERIAL: DIRoN HWC: 140 t Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet(in) E T IJ c B G Nr El_l- Tee l_,ngE1l Chkvlv BfyVlv GatVIv NpTee I 5.2AO 22.00 47 .OO 14.00 51..00 15.00 5.00 47 .oOI r I I T I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I t'J),l al zdi; >-:1 EqO::rJbu)a Er43 F U) o\ sPRrrOR sYsrEM HYDRAULT. ^:ii;i:t\EvERGREEN :i::"F iJ N|{'o Bo!tr{ n o DATE:. a/4/2004 JOB TTTLE: EVERGREEN or F F,l a o "ic.l ! .F{ {/t() ..1 ao mF nl ^Fl\o ln";Flr{O<DOr'l E c)()o. E>>dl O. tr ! (.) ro uu,.i .O\o 5 n tr >d(,rt tLoFt qo.f)otr)adI flo$."96fl o. ket(4o|il ".io ..-E j iio G U 6J .q C) P{tr!' rdro H 5l,).{o.,loox-.r Ja.(I)(nrd c-- tt .> .-{ o .,)4-r0.c-{o n//Am r}rclrlc0(nDdFl -Qo.,{^ I I I t t I I I I t t I I I t I I I I 24+ I2+ DATE: a/4/2O04 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN WATER SUPPLY CURVE !44+ I I 1,32+ \\ LZU+ L08+ v6+ 84+ IZ+ 50+ 48+ 35+ sPRr\eR sYsrEM HYDRAULT. Tllliill\nveRcReew :i::"; \\ \\ \ 26.0 psi @ 943 gpm-> F1or,r Test Point t( E s S U R E ( P S I ) IJ EGEND X = Required water Supply 73.70 psj- @ 355.6 gpm tl tl tl tl o = Available Water Supply rl tt1.06 psi @ 355.5 gpm 700 800 FIJOW (GPM) 200 300 400 s00 600 900 1000 I t I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I t AIJI-' _ STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. '33t;"1':l,t::y:,31: HYDRAULIC CAIJCULATTONS FOR EVERGREEN LoDGE RENoVATIoN cALc #2 250 S. FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIIJ, CO. 230018 B/3/04 -DESIGN DATA_ OCCUPANCY CLASS IFTCATTON : DENSTTY: .1 gpm/sq. ft. AREA OF APPL.,TCATION: N/A sq. f r . COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: 256 sq. ft. NUMBER OF SPRINKI-.,ERS CALCULATED: 4 snri nkt ers TOTAIT SPRINKIJER WATER FI-rOW REeUIRED : 10 4 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 204 gpm FI,OW AND PRESSURE (@ BOR) : S PRTNKIJER ORIFfCE SIZE: 104 gpm @ 98.5 psi 7 / !6n LrLch NAME OF CONTRACTOR: AI-rI-r - STATE FrRE PROTECTION DES IGN/ L.,AYOUT BY: M. KRZASTEK AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: VA T I.,, FIRE CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 008 CAIJCUI-,'ATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # ].6070888 HRS SYSTEMS, INC. TUCKER, GA 30084 ffi+ts'4,pii rzsrz 6! u:.,Fj"t'"" f..14 fo,ml;tP I WATER SUPPI,Y DATA t I I I I I I t I B2 c2 D2 1 ) 3 5 5 '7- at 9 10 11 72 -L.] 14 -!: l_o T7 18 19 20 TOR IJ UK z5 .A 70.0 70 .0 70 .0 70 .0 70.o 70 .0 70 .0 70.0 70 .0 70.0 70.0 70 .0 70.0 70.0 70 .0 70.0 70.0 60.0 60.0 18.0 18.0 t-8.0 10.0 10.0 l_0.0 L0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 Itr. f, 15.1 La. I L5.5 16 - z z t.o 5J -.4 34.2 )J. -L aa. z 58.9 oz.6 70.8 7L .3 K= 4 .2O 14.5 15.0 K= 4.20 r4.5 15.0 K= 4.20 15.8 I5.'7 K= 4.20 l-6.l- 15.8 L5 .9 zd.5 a5 .2 f,o. / 5tJ. v I I I DATE: 8/4/2004 SPRITCR SYSTEM HYDRAUI,IC TIiHT!I'EVERGREEN_:;::"3 JOB TITI-,8: EVERGREEN I souRcE sTATrc RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REO ' D t NoDE pREss. pREss. @ pRess. @ DEMAND pREss.I TAG (PSI) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) t 24 13s.o 26.0 943.0 130.6 16s.G 7r-3 I I AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: I I TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 155.6 GPM I TOTA]_, HOSE STREAM ALT..,OWANCE AT SOURCE 100.0 cpM I OTHER HOSE STREAM ALIJOWANCES O. O GPM TOTAL DTSCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 55.5 GPM I NODE ANAI,YSIS DATA I NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE I (Fr) (Psr) (ePM) SOURCE t ! . J bf, - t I I I I I I t I I I t I I TI I I I I I DATE:8/4/2004 .JOB TITI-,,E: EVERGREEN PIPE DATA PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) P:-pe: 1 A2 70.0 4.2 1 70.0 0.0 PIpei 2 I 70.o 0.0 2 70.0 0.0 70.0 4.2 70 _ 0 0. 0 Pinc. 4 70.o 0.0 70.0 0.0 70.0 4.2 70.0 0.0 Dina. a 70.0 4.2 70.0 0 .0 70.0 0.0 70.0 0.0 Di na . c 70.0 0.0'70.o 0.0 E.T, / F'P 0.811- PL 150 FTG 0.199 Tr_, 150 FTG 0 . 055 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.201 TIr I. Uf,] rL 1qn FT/: 0 . 056 TL 0.811 PIr 150 FTG 0.216 TL 0.811 PL 1qn ET/: 0 .220 TT., 1 nqq DT. 150 FTG 0.055 TL 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.200 TL 1.055 PL 1qn FT1: 0.435 TL L.ZJJ. E)J ]-50 FTG 0.282 TL L, Z>I EJ) 150 FTG 0.282 TL l.Z>L YIJ 150 FTG 0.282 TL PRESS. SUM. lDCT\ PF 0.5 PE O.O PV Dr. n n PV PE O.O PV PF 0.5pF: n n PV PF 0.7 PE O.O PV PF 0.8 PE O.O PV PF O.2 PE O.O PV PF 0.9 PE O.O PV PF 0.3 PE O.O PV DF' 1 ? PE O.O PV YE Z. T DFI N A PV PE O.O PV B2 3 3 4 C2 5 D2 6 ') 4 5 5 6 eJ 7 7 I I 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 70. 0 70. 0 D i nc . 1 n 70.0 70. 0 70. 0 70.0 Diha. 1t 70.0 70.0 4 .25 0.80 0.80 t.75 E o - 5u E 9.50 15.00 T,n Rn SPRTUR sYsrEM HYDRAUIJT. ^:it;i:;\nvpRcnnew f::"; PT l Dc T \ r.t . f, .L). U l-: - u L5.5 L4 .6 I]. L 15 .1 15 .7 1f,. tt _LO - 5 16 .1 L5 .9 J-f,. ) L). I t5 .7 Lo. f, 14 0 1Q t LtJ. Z 20 .9 20 .9 Q (GPM) DIA (IN) LENGTH DISC. VEL (FPS) HW (C) (FT) (GPM) -l-b. u 16.0 9.9 0.0 -IO. U nnqa 0.0 -16.0 r-6.0 10.0 0.0 -IO. U 0.0 5.9 0.0 - _LO - / 16 .7 10 . 4 0.0 -_Lt) - 6 16.8 10.5 0.0 -l-6.0 0.0 s.9 0.0 -32 .0 0.0 11-.8 0.0 -48.8 0.0 17 .9 0.0 -of,. b 0 .0 15 . 1 0.0 -b5 - o 0 .0 L5.1 0.0 -65.5 0.0 16.1 0.0 u. ob E 2 .55 5.00 E 8.50 u, oo E z. oo 5 .66 T 10.16 v . z) T 3 .25 u. bb T J. bb 3.50 3.50 4 .25 I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I DATE:8/4/2004 .fOB TITLE: EVERGREEN sPRr!ER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJT. Tt;ijt\EVERGREEN 3::"; PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DTA(IN) LENGTH PREss.END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL (FPS) HW (C) (FT) SUM.NoDES (Fr) (K) (PsI) (cPM) FL/FT (psr) Pipe: 13 -65.5 2.125 PI-, 2B.OO pF 0.99 70.0 0. 0 25 .7 0.0 5.9 150 FTG E pE O. O10 70.0 0.0 27.5 0.0 0.025 TIr 35.55 pV Prpe: 14 -65.6 2.125 PL 4-6G pF 0.310 70.0 0.0 27.6 0.0 5.9 LsO FTG E pE O.O11 70.0 0.0 27 .9 0.0 0.025 TL 13.31 pV Pipe: 15 -5s .5 2.725 pL 6 . OO pF O .41r_ 70.0 0.0 27 .9 0.0 5.9 150 FTG E pE 0.0L2 70. 0 0. 0 28 .3 0.0 o .025 TL 14 .55 pV Prpe: 16 -65 . G 2 .I2S pL 2.OO pF O .3L2 70.0 0.0 28.3 0.0 5.9 150 FTG EG pE O. O13 70.0 0.0 2A.5 0.0 0.025 TL 12.37 pV Prpe: 17 -G5.5 2.725 pI_, 10.00 pF 0.513 70.0 0.0 28-6 0.0 s.9 150 FTc E pE 4.314 50.0 0.0 33.4 0.0 0.025 TIr 18.55 pV Prpe: 18 -65 .6 2 .r25 pL 4 . 00 pF O .7L4 60.0 0.0 33.4 0.0 5.9 lso FTG 3E pE 0.0rs 60.0 0.0 34-2 0.0 0.025 TL 29.94 pV Prpe: 19 -65.6 2.703 pIJ 55. OO pF 0.8rs 50.0 0.0 34.2 0.0 3.7 120 FTG E pE ra.2L5 1.8.0 0.0 53.1 0.0 0.012 Tr_, 64.33 pV . Pipe: 20 -d5. G 2.703 pL 143. O0 pF 2.I16 18.0 0.0 53.1 0.0 3.7 l-20 FTG 2Et pE 0.017 18.0 0.0 55.2 o. O 0.012 TL 180.30 pV Pipe: 2L -65.G 4.310 pL 3.50 pF o.o17 18.0 0.0 55.2 0.0 r.4 120 FTG E pE O.O18 18.0 0.0 55.2 0.0 0.001 TL 17.44 pV Pipe: z2 -G5.G 4.3L0 pL 8.OO pF O.O18 18.0 0.0 55.2 0.0 L.4 120 FTG E pE 3.519 10.0 0.0 s8.7 0.0 0.001 TL 2L.94 pV Pj-pe: 23 -65.6 4.310 pL, 53.00 pF o-L19 10.0 0.0 58.7 0.0 r.4 120 FTG 4E pE 0.020 10.0 0.0 58.9 o. O o. ool- TL 108.75 pV Pipe: 24 -65.G 4.310 pL 6.00 pF o.o20 10.0 0.0 58.9 o.O r.4 120 FTG TG pE 0.02L 10.0 0.0 58.9 o. o 0.001 TL 36.66 pv Pipe: 25 -55 .6 d.0G5 pL 101 . OO pF 0 . 02L t-0.0 0.0 58.9 o.o o.7 120 FTG 5E pE O.O22 10.0 0.0 s8.9 0.0 o.0oo TIJ 171.00 pV Pi-pe: 28 -65 .6 6.055 pL 1.00 pF O. O1.0 0.0 70.8 0.0 0.7 l_20 FTc E PE 0.40.0 0.0 7r.3 0.0 0.000 TL 1s.OO PV I i3t I :?. r DArE: B/4/2004 senrfnn sYsrEM HYDRAULT. ^iit;i:tr\nvsRsRssw :;1;"; JOB TITI.,,E: EVERGREEN I PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PREss. END EIJEV. NOZ . PT DISC. VEI, (FPS) HW (C) (FT) SUM.I NoDES (Fr) (K) (psr) (cpM) rn/rt (psr) Ir Pipe: 25 -65.6 5.065 pI-, 9.Oo pF 0.022 10.0 0.0 58.9 0.0 0.1 120 FTG PE 3.9 I TOR 1.0 0.0 62-8 0.0 0.000 TL 9.OO pVI PLpe: 27 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVTCE l_.0 0.0 70.8 0.0 8.0 psi , 65.6 gpm L.0 0.0 52.8 0.0 I Pipe: 29 -G5.6 d.280 pr, o0.oo pF 0.0 I 23 0.0 0.0 71.3 0.0 0 .7 140 FTG ETG pE O. O24 0.0 sRcE 7L.3 (N/A) 0. OO0 Tr_, 134, OO pV I t\ \J _t li5 : I (f) Calculations were performed by the HASS Z.G computer program I under license no. 16020998 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 Lavista Road t Tucker, cA 30084 I (2) The system has been calculated to provide an average I imbaLance at each node of 0.002 gpm and a maximum - imbalance at any node of 0.0C5 gpm. I (3) Total- pressure at each node is used in balancing the system. I Maximum v/ater velocity is 12.9 fE/sec at pipe 9. I (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE I Pipe TabIe Name: STANDARD. pIp I PAGE: * MATERTAL: s4o HWC: 120 Diameter Equival-ent Fitting LJengths in Feet I (in) E T L c B c A D N I E1I Tee LngEl-l Chkvlv BfyVlv Gatvlv Almchk DPVI-I/ NpTee 2 .I25 s .72 1_L.44 3 .43 L2 .59 6 .a7 1 .14 rr -44 L!.44 !L.44 I 2.'7O3 9-33 18.6s 6.22 2r.76 10.88 1.55 1s.s4 L5.54 18.65 I 4.310 73.94 21 .87 8.36 30.55 75.72 2.79 27 .87 2.7 -a7 27 .87! I I I I DA=E: a/4/2004 sPRrl)ER sYsrEM HYDRAULT. ":ilffi:;\eveRenssw f:;": .JOB TITIJE: EVERGREEN I PAGE: A MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting lJengths in Feet r(in) ETLCBGADN I 811 Tee LngELl ChkVlv BfyVIv Gatvl-v Almchk DPVIV NPTee - 6 . 055 L4 .00 30.00 9 .00 32.00 10.00 3 .00 28.00 28 - oo 30.00 I PAGE: D MATERIAIJ: DIRoN HWC: 140 I Diameter Equivalent Ficcing Lengths in Feer.(in) E T IJ c B G N I 811 Tee IJngEll Chkvlv BfyVlv GatVlv NpTee I 6.280 22.00 47.00 14.00 s1.00 16.00 s.00 47.00 PAGE: M MATERIAL: CT_M HWC: 150 I Diameter Equivalent Fitt.ing L,engths in Feet I(in)ETFRCSGN 811 Tee 45-E1l- TeeRun Couplg Swgchk GatVIv NpTee I 0.811 2.00 3.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 3.00 o.5o 3.oo I 1..055 2.50 4.50 L.00 0.s0 0.50 4.50 0.50 4.50L.29L 3.00 5.50 1.00 0.s0 0.50 5.50 0.50 5.50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I o* B H& oo c{ o o oo €o oo |n o (n oN sPRrfER sYsrEM HYDRAULT. Tllli:t\aveRcnenN 3::"; t- t" rl I I N td ^ H.an ; ( BoJ ..1 ogr \o ct o..1 U) a)d ..1 :1 rt)a,rz< ..: >':: ilq DVJ m d F43 I t I I I I I t I I II II I t I I I I I DA?E: 8/4/20O4 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN C\ sfl tOr{ @ rJ) o<Dot{ adFr(nCnpcEl E oc)pr E>>trr Ork tr d1 t to(o outr orot m h Xl,olotlr|ricor-{oroo{dg $.3'96 ^ q !@c0o6 r'd *-., r ttrl .{ 0. 1J (') U {).l .a q 01r.,l! <ti r{ 2a.-l \o _-l ol O >.Fl . PNCD(/)do tt .> r'1 O-l<r.rp1F{tr mm vQu!.r{^ I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 24+ DATE:8/4/2004 .JOB TTTLE: EVERGREEN WATER SUPPLY CURVE 144 + I I 132+ 0\ 12O + 1.08+ vb+ R4-r 72+ x OU.F 4U+ 35+ sPRrNtR sYsrEM HYDRAUIJT. ^iil;i:ilTEvERGREEN-3::"; \\ \\ \ 25.0 psi @ 943 gpm-> F'l-ow Test Point P R E s U R E ( E I ) LEGEND X = Required Water Supply 71.29 psi @ 155.5 gpm tl 0 = AvailabLe Watser Supply 130.64 psi @ l-65.5 gpm 200 300 400 s00 600 700 800 FI,OW (GPM) 900 1000 I I I I I I t t I I t I I I I I I I t FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ BOR) : SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 104 gpm @ L04.5 psi 1/L6" inch NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION DESIGN/IJAYOUT BY: M. KRZASTEK AUTHORITY HAVTNG JURTSDICTION; VATL FIRE CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER: OO8 o""|l?1",:'l:';.:;:i3ioili,"' o CoMMERCE CITY,CO 80022 HYDRAULIC CAIICUIJATIONS FOR EVERGREEN ].JODGE RENOVATION CAI,C #3250 S. FRONTAGE RD WEST VAII.,,, CO. 2300L8 s/3/04 -DESTGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CI,ASSIFICATION : rJ-trr\>rr y: .1 gpm/sq. f t. AREA OF APPLTCATION: N/A srr fr COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: 256 sq. ft. NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: 4 sprinklers TOTAL SPRINKIJER WATER FI_,OW REeUIRED: 104 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 204 gpm CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # 15070888 HRS SYSTEMS, rNC. TUCKER, GA 30084 I WATER 'UPPI,Y DATA I AGGREGATE FLOW ANAI-TYSIS: I DA.'E: 8/4/2004 sPRrfER sYsrEM HYDRAULT.CI{*H:;Q'ERGREEN-.':i::"3 .]OB TITLE: EVERGREEN I souRcE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIIJ. TOTAIJ REQ ' D I NODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS.I TAG (PSI) (PST) (GPM) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) I 24 135. o 26 -o 943. o r2a.6 203.8 105.5 I r TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 203.8 GPM I TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE 1OO. O GpMI orHER HosE sTREAM ALLowANcEs 0.0 GpM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS ].03.8 GPM r NODE ANALYSTS DATA I NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE I (Fr) (psr) (GpM) ?0.0 70.0 70.o 70.0 70.0 ?0.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70 .0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.o 70.0 70.0 ld. u 18.0 l_8.0 10.0 L0.0 10.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 A3t:l D3 ra 4l: 7li. lii I4 t1; 19l:i TORI ::. K= 4.20 37 .2 25.5 K= 4.20 37 .4 25.1 K= 4 .20 39.1 26.3 K= 4 .20 39.2 26.3 39.5 38.7 40.0 +U. U A1 1 4q a 54.3 l/.o 58.5.. 4 53.1 05. ct 88.0 38.4 L05.0 89. _ Qq " 92 .6 92 .9 93 .0 > t.v 105.5 I I I souRcE 105.5 103.8 I t I I I I t I I I I spRraER sysrEM HyDRAUrrrc ANAL'sTO page 3 c : \HASSTs \EVERGREEN-C3 -A. SDF I I I I I DATE:8/4/2004 JOB TITI.,,E: EVERGREEN PIPE DATA FITE .ttt(.' END EIJEV. NOZ . NODES (FT) (K) I +yv . + 43 70.0 4.2 I 70.0 0.0 Pape: 2 1 70.0 0.0 2 70.0 0.0 pipe: 3 83 70-o 4.2 3 70.0 0.0 PJ-pe: 4 3 70.0 0.0 4 70.0 0.0 Q (GPM) PT D]SC. VEL ( FPS )(PsI) (GPM) \--) 5 D3 l] .) 4 5 5 t) 6 7 7 8 8 9 - za . o 42 . O t5 .:' 0.0 -25 .6 0.0 9.4 0.0 - z) I 0.0 -25.7 0.0 9.4 0.0 - zo - 5 0.0 40 . 5 -Lb . J 0.0 -za-6 0.0 9 -4 0.0 -51.3 0.0 L2.6 0.0 -77.6 0.0 19.0 0.0 -1n? o 0.0 11 .2 0.0 -103.9 0.0 1-7 .2 0.0 -103.9 0.0 9.4 0.0 HW (C) FT, / FT 0.811 PIJ 150 FTG 0.476 TL r. Uf,f, YL 150 FTG o .1.32 TL 0.811 PL 1qn E.I'.: 0.479 II) 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.133 TIJ 0.811 pL 1qn Fl.d 0.500 TL 0.811 PL ]-50 FTG n Rn1 .Ft r. ulf },! 150 FTG 0.132 Tr.., 't ?o1 DT. l qn FTr: 0. L79 TL L . Z J L t,L) 1qn FT/: 0.384 TL 1 q?? Dt, 150 FTG 0.253 TL 1 q?,) DT. I q n E.Fr: 0.253 TL LENGTH / ETT \ u. oo E z. oo O. UU E 8. s0 u. oo E z. oo 5 .66 T J.U. J.b o .25 T 3 .2s 0.66 T 3 .56 3.50 SUM. I DC T \ PE O.O PV DETA/.r PV pF 1 ? DE.AA PV DEr 1 A pE! n n PV YE I. b DF N A PF 1.8 DEA N A PV pF r) q PE O.O PV PF 0.8 PE O.O PV DF N 2 PE O.O PV pF 4 ? PE O.O PV PE Q A DF N A PV PE O.O PV 70.0 70.0 Pipe: 7 70.0 70.0 Pipe: 8 70.0 70.0 Pi r"1a . o 70.0 70.0 Pipe : 10 70.0 70.0 P i ne . r r 70.0 70.0 Pr.pe: 12 70 .0 70.0 70.0 4.2 70.0 0.0 Pipe: 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37 .2 38.4 1R 4 Jv. f, 37 .4 36 - I J6. I 40.0 39.1 40.8 39.5 40.0 40.0 40.8 40.8 41. L 41 1 45 .4 45 .4 54 .3 3+ . J f, /.o .1. f U * . z3 4 .25 0.80 0.80 o . za T 17.01 l-9.00 ET JJ.l-{t 2.r25 PL 31.00 1qN FT/f F'F 0.058 TL s6-94 I I I I I I q l10 I 10 1l 11 )_2 IL2 _tl t13 ),4 I I t I I I 18 19 20 20 2I DATEI a/4/2OQ4 'JOB TTTLE: EVERGREEN I P]PE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. r NODES (FT ) (K) I Dina. 12 DIA ( IN) I.,ENGTH PRESS .Hw(c) (FT) suM.rr-.,r/rr (PSr ) 2.L25 Pr_, 8.00 PF 1.0 150 FTG E PE O. O 0.058 TL 16.65 PV 2.I25 PL 14.00 PF 3.8 150 FTG 2E2T PE O. O 0.058 TL 65.87 PV 2.]-25 PL 4.00 PF O.7 150 FTG E PE O. O 0.058 TL 72.65 PV 2.L25 Pr,, 1.50 PF 0.7 150 FTG EG PE O. O 0.058 TL LL.87 PV 2.703 PL 52.00 PF I.7 ]-2 O FTG E PE 22 .5 0.027 TL 51.33 PV 2.703 PL L0.00 PF 1_.0 120 FTG ET PE O. O 0.o27 TL 37.98 PV 4.310 PL 1.s0 PF 0.0 120 FTG E PE O. O 0.003 Tr, ]-5.44 PV 4.310 PL 8.00 PF 0.1 120 FTG E PE 3 .5 0.003 Tr, 2L.94 PV 4.310 PL 53.00 PF 0.3 120 FTG 4E PE O. O 0.003 TL 108.75 PV 4.310 PL 5.00 PF 0.1 120 FTG TG PE O. O 0.003 Tr., 36-66 PV 5.065 PL 10L.00 PF 0. L 120 FTG 5E PE O. O 0.001 TL 17L.00 PV 6.05s PL 9.00 PF 0.0 120 FTG PE 3.9 0.00L TL 9.00 PV 57 .6 !o.o 58.5 62 .4 oz.+ oJ..l- oJ.l- 63.8 o5 - at 88.0 88.0 89.1 89.1 arv - -L dv - l- 92 .5 93.0 93.0 93. t_ 93.1 97 .0 -103.9 0.0 9.4 0.0 -r_03.9 0.0 9.4 0.0 0.0 9.4 0.0 -103.9 0.0 9.4 0.0 103.9 0.0 s.8 0.0 -103.9 0.0 5.8 0.0 -103.9 0.0 2.3 0.0 -l-uj - v 0.0 2.3 0.0 -103.9 0.0 2.3 0.0 103.9 0.0 2.3 0.0 -103.9 0 . 0 r.2 0.0 -103.9 0.0 L.2 0.0 14 18.0 0.0 1-'l 18.0 0.0 Di t1a.. ! q r'7 18.0 0.0 18 t-8.0 0.0 t2r 22I I T 22 I TOR jJ !,t(0.0 0.0 FTXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 8.0 psi, L03.9 gpm senrfnn sysrEM HvDRAULTc_^$1MO pase 4 c: \HAss z5TEVERGREEN- c3 -A. sDF 10.o 0.0 70 . 0 0 .0 Pipe: 3-4 70.o 0.0 70.0 0.0 Pape : I5 70.0 0.0 70.0 0.0 Prpe: 15 70 .0 0 . 0 70.0 0.0 P j-pe : 17 70 .0 0 .0 18.0 0.0 Pipe: 18 Plpe : 20 18.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 P i na . ? l 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 Pipe: 22 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 Pipe: 24 10.0 0 .0 1.0 0.0 Pipe: 25 1.0 1.0 0.0 105.0 0.0 91 .0 .\ /rr|.|ar\\l \ \r rr'r /PT DISC. VEL ( FPS ) (PSI ) (GPM) _ NODES (FT) (K) (psr) (cpM) F[.,/FT (psr) I Pipe: 26 -1,03.9 6.OGs pL 1.00 pF 0.0BOR l-.0 0.0 L05.0 0.0 r.2 120 FTc E pE 0.4I 23 0. o 0. o i.05. s 0. o 0.001 rr., l_s. oo pv I I DA*E, a/4/2004 sPRrlER 'YSTEM HYDRAUT'rcci{iH:;QvERcREEN-cr:i::"; ,fOB TITL,E: EVERGREEN I PIPE TAG Q (GPM) DIA(IN) I,ENGTH PRESS.END Er_,EV. NOZ. pT DrSC. vEr_., (FpS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. Pipe: 27 -103.8 6.280 pIJ 80.00 pF 0.0 I 23 0.0 0.0 10s. s 0.0 1.1 140 FTG ETG pE O. O I 24 0.0 sRcE 1os. s (N/A) o. o0o TL 134. oo pv I NorES:I (1) Cafculations were performed by the HASS Z.G computer program I under l-icense no. 160T0888 granted by I HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 Lavista Road Tucker, cA 30084 r (2) The system has been calculat.ed to provide an average imbalance at each node of O.OO4 gpm and a maximum I imbal-ance ^f an1' nnda nf n 115 gpm. I (3) Tota1 pressure at each node is used in balancing the system. r Maximum water velocity is 19. O ft/sec at pipe 9. I (4 ) PTPE FITTINGS TABIJE I Pipe Table Name: STANDARD. PIP I PAGE: * MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 I Diameter Equivalent Fitting l.,engths in Feet(1n) E T L C B G A D N r 811 Tee lrngEll ChkVl-v Bfyvlv GatVl-v AlmChk DPVIV NPTee I L.572 3.sd 7.!2 1.78 8.01, 5.34 0.89 8.90 8.90 7.L2r 2.L25 5.72 77.44 3.43 L2 -59 6.A7 ]--74 lr.44 rr.44 Lr-44 2.703 9.33 18.65 6 -22 2r.76 l_0.88 1.55 l_5.54 15.54 18.65 I 4.310 :-3.94 2i .97 8.36 30.66 L6.72 2.i9 27 .a7 2j .97 27 -a7 I PAGE: A MATERIAL: 540 HWC: i-20 t Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet t (in) E T LJ C B G A D N 811 Tee LngEIl ChkVlv .Bfyvlv GatVlv AlmChk DPVIV NPTee 5.055 14.00 30.00 9.00 32.00 10.00 3.00 28.00 28.00 30.00 I I I I I I I T t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I DATE"s A/4/2OO4 JOB TTTIJE: EVERGREEN Diameter (in) 6.280 PAGE: M Dr-amete r ( in) 0.811_ 1.0s5 I .29L s PR rfER sYs rEM H'DRAUI-' r ccTlll: ;lrvERcREEN _ c. :il;": MATERIAL: DrRON HWC: 140Equivalent Fitting Lengths in FeetETLCBGN El1 Tee LngEl1 ChkVlv Bfyvlv Gatvlv NpTee22.00 41 _00 14.00 51. OO 16. OO 5. OO 47 .OO MATERIAIJ: CT-M HWC: 150 Equivalent Fitting LengthsETFRC 811 Tee 45-E11 TeeRun Couplg2.00 3.00 0.50 0.so 0.502.50 4.50 1.00 o.so 0.503.00 5.50 1.00 0.so o.50 in Feet SGN SwgChk GatVIv NPTee 3.00 0.s0 3.00 4.s0 0.s0 4.50 5.50 0.50 5.50 Eorol or ;o Itr ..1 o 0{ o ? \o N TJ,rt o OJd a sPRrtR sysr'M r{yDRAUrJrcclt*il:;I"'ERGREEN_cr:i:;"; ol o rn \fl N DATE:8/4/2004 ITOB T]TLE: EVERGREEN t II I I t I I I I I t I t II I I I I I x: 3 Fl r'{ \o rno q.: r: dl zdi: >':1 Aq Dvr F4B t. i{ lq |n";r{ r'{o<DoFl E EOOor a> >dl tn tr tr (.) @ ao(JUh.ot ro 1r r.) >.OrDoto-tH(0cr o c.r ado 0, o oE 'z H@{J@50) x Yx-v{lqF J Q O l.r !rd or |rN J O.l lrj -..1 lrt o >r'"1 t ,(,0(n.d co (tLr)>N lDo{-lCr.r4€ nm ACFIcnc4DC(H - Oro..{^ I I I I I II t I I I I I I I t t I I I 0\ DATET A/4/2004 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN WATER SUPPLY CURVE sPRroER sYsrEM HYDRAULrccltill:;Q'ER.REEN-cr:i:;"i 25.0 psi @ 943 gpm-> Flow Test. Point 744+ I j L5Z+ v R E s U R E ( P s T ) I08+ vb+ 84+ 72+ bu+ 48+ 3 5+ L2+ IJEGEND X = Required Water Supply 105.52 psi o 203.8 gpm 0 = Avai labl-e Water supply ,l ).2a.59 psi @ 203.8 gpm '' 200 300 400 s00 600 ?oo 800 FLOW (GPM) 900 1000 I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I o""lot" FrRE pRorEcrroN, rNc. 6045 E. 76TH AVENUE #12 COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 HYDRAULIC CAIJCUIJATIONS ! \Jt( EVERGREEN LODGE RENOVATION CAIJC #4 250 S. FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIIJ, CO. 230018 B/3/04 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CI.TASS I FICATION: DENSITY: AREA OF APPLICATION: COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: NUMBER OF SPRINKI,ERS CAI,CULATED: TOTAL SPRINKIJER WATER FI-IOW REQUIRED: TOTAL WATER REQUIRED ( including hose) FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ BOR): SPRINKLER ORIFICE S IZE: -1 gpm/sq. ft. N/A sq. ft. 255 sq. ft. 4 sprinklers l-08, 5 gpm : 208.5 gpm 108.5 gpm @ 100.0 psi 7 /L5 inctl NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ALI-r-STATE FIRE PROTECTION DESIGN/I,AYOUT BY: M. KRZASTEK AUTHORITY HAVING ,JURISDICTION: VAII-r FIRE CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 008 CAI,CUIJATTONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (IJICENSE # 16070888 HRS SYSTEMS, INC. TUCKER, GA 30084 ffii,tW l'f. t7r,r!! n'.lv)- ct;' ,'!....-..1{ OY I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I DA'IE:8/t0/2004 .IOB TITI,E: EVERGREEN WATER SOURCE NODE SUPPIJY DATA STATIC Hl(f,sb. (PS]) 135.0 FLOW (GPM) 943.0 B4 c4 D4 1 4 5 6 8 9 10 L4 L7 _L at 20 2r 22 TOR BOR 23 rF.Fl 70.0 70.0 10 .0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 ?0.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 ?0.0 70.0 70.0 18.0 l_8.0 18.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10 .0 L.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 5l.o 54. I 5 t.a 40.0 40 .2 +o..r 4tb. -L 47 .0 56 .5 > t.3 58.0 a2 .4 83 .5 83 .5 87 .4 ttl.5 47.6 :rt-.9 99.5 100.0 100.0 29 .3 zJ .6 27 .9 l-u.'. D spnrOen sysrEM HyDRAULTc ANALysrt PFqTN PRESS. /DqT\ zo . u AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAIJ FIJOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOI^IANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM AI.,,LOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS NODE ANAIJYSIS DATA NODE TAG EIJEVATION NODE TYPE K= 4.2O K= 4.90 K= 4.20 K= 4.20 AVA.LL. rt(la5b. / Dsr'l L26.5 208.5 GPM L00.0 GPM O. O GPM 108.5 cPM PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PSI) (GPM) Page 2 c: \HAssz5\EVERGREEN-c4 -A. sDF TOTAL REQ'D @ DEIITAND PRESS. (GPM) (Psr) zu6. a 1_00.0 "n*rer* sysrEM H'DRAULTC o*oo"rrO EI,EV . NOZ . (Fr) (K) 4.2 0.0 4.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q (GPM) PT DISC. VEr., (FPS) (PSI) (GPM) t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I DATE: 8/l-0 /20O4 .JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN Page 3 C : \HASS?5\EVERGREEN_ c4 -A. sDF PIPE DATA PIPE TAG END NODES Dina. A4 Pipe: Hw (c) E'T. ,/ E T 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.481 TIJ 0.811 PIJ ].5 O FTG 0.610 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.5L0 TIJ I . Uf,5 t',L ].5 O FTG 0.545 TIJ 0.81_1 PL 150 FTG o.475 TL L-291 PL 150 FTG 0.413 TIJ 0.811 PL ].5 O FTG 0 .558 Tr, L.Z>L EI.J 150 FTG 0.058 TL 2.t25 PL 1.50 FTG 0.036 TIJ 2 . L25 PT) 150 FTG 0.053 TL 2.T25 PL 150 FTG 0.053 TIJ 2 .125 PIr 150 FTG 0 - 053 TL IJENGTH ( Fr) 5.00 5.00 r_.00 E 3 .00 l-.00 T 4.00 U.5U PRESS. CTIM (PSI) PF 2.4 PE O.O PV PF 1.8 PE O.O PV PF 2.4 PE O.O PV DFN? PE O.O PV Dtr ? 1 PE O.O PF 5.2 PE O.O PV PF 2.O PE O.O PV -25.7 zJ - | _Lb - u 0.0 -z>.5 29.3 1A.2 0.0 - z> .5 U . U Ld . Z 0.0 -Rq n 0.0 20.2 0.0 -25.6 0.0 -80.6 0.0 19.8 0.0 -z t -> 27 .9 1,7.3 0.0 -27.9 u.u b.at 0.0 -80.60.0 'r .3 0.0 -108.5 0.0 9.8 0.0 -l-08.5 0.0 9.8 0.0 -l-uo.:) 0.0 9.8 0.0 B4 1 1 2 -' 4 D4 5 5 o 4 o 6 7 8 6 9 Pipe: 3 70. 0 70. 0 Pipe: + 70.0 70. 0 Di ha. c. 70. o 70.0 Pipe: 6 70.0 70.0 Pipe: z 70.o 70.0 Pipe: 8 70. 0 70. o DinF. q 70.0 70.0 Pipe:10 70.0 70.0 Pipe: L1 70.o 70.0 Pipe: 12 70.0 70.0 1 70.0 70. 0 2 70.o 70. 0 40.0 54. r 40.0 40.0 40 -2 5t.z 40.2 45 .4 44 .t rlb .l 46.t 47 .0 47 .0 55.6 55.5 56. s 57.3 0.50 3.50 T 6. s0 9.50 T 15.00 3 .50 9.50 PF 0.9 T PE O.O 15.00 PV 14.00 PF 0.5 PE O.O PF A.1 PE O.O PV PF 0.8 PE O.O PV PF 0.8 PE O.O PV r-4 .00 120.00 T L37.29 4.75 E 13 .40 4 .00 E L2 .65 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Dino. Di nA. r7 1R n 10.0 18 10.0 r.0. o 1-9 10.0 10.0 20 10.0 r.0.0 2L 10.0 1.0 r..0 L-0 23 0.0 z+ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 UJ .5 83 .5 83. s 87.r a7 -r a7 .4 a1 .4 87.5 a7 .5 a7 .5 9l-.5 -108.5 4.310 PL 0.0 2.4 120 FTc 0 .0 0. 003 TL 4.310 PL 120 FTG 0.003 TIJ 4-310 PL 120 FTG 0.003 Tr., 4.310 PL 120 FTG 0.003 TI_, I.,ENGTH (FT) J-. f,\J EG l_l_.87 52.00 E 51.33 10.00 ET 37.94 l_.50 E L5 -++ 8.00 E 27.94 53 .00 4E 1-08 - 75 6.00 TG 36.55 PRESS. SUM. { D.c r'l PF 0.8 PE O.O PV pF' 1 C PE 22.5 PV PF 1.1 PE O.O PV PF O.O PE O.O PV PF 0.1 PE 3.5 PV PF 0.3 PE O.O PV PF 0.1 PE O.O PV PF O.O PE 0.4 PV PF O.O PE O.O PV I6 19 L9 20 20 21 0.0 2.4 0.0 -_LU6.5 0 - 0 2.4 0.0 -108.5 0.0 2,4 0.0 0.0 7.2 0.0 -Luo.f, 0.0 0.0 0.0 - J-Utt .9 0.0 r.2 0.0 -J-Utt.f 0.0 1.1 (N/A) Dina. 2I 22 Di na. TOR Di na. BOR TOR Di na. BOR 23 Ptpe: 23 6 .065 Pr, 101.00 PF 0.1 1.20 FTG 5E PE O.O 0.001 Tr, 171.00 PV 6 .055 PL 9.00 PF 0.0 120 FTG PE 3.9 0 .001 TL 9.00 PV FIXED PRESSURE IJOSS DEVICE 8.0 psi, 108.5 gpm 6.055 PL 1.00 ].2 O FTG E 0.00L TIJ 15.00 6.280 Pr, 60.00 140 FTG ETG 0.000 TL 134.00 spneLnn sysrEM HyDRAUTJTc ANAr,ysO DATE:8/IO/2OO4 JOB TITI.,,E: EVERGREEN PIPE TAG END EI.JEV. NOZ . NODES (FT) (K) 9 70.0 0.0 10 70.0 0.0 Pipe: 14 10 70.0 0.0 14 18.0 0.0 Pi na. 1 tr 1_4 L8. 0 0.0 L7 18.0 0.0 Pipe: 15 77 18.0 0.0 18 18.0 0.0 Di n-. 0.0 99.5 0.0 9r-.5 0.0 99.5 0 .0 L00.0 0.0 100.0 sRcE r-00.0 Q (GPM) DIA ( IN) PT DrSC. VEL (FPS) HW(C)(PSI) (GPM) FI-,/FT -l-UO.J Z.lZ5 EIJ 57.3 0.0 9.8 150 FTG 58.0 0.0 0.063 TIJ -108.5 2.703 PIJ s8.0 0.0 6 .r 120 FTG 42.4 0.0 0 .030 TL -108.5 2.703 PT., 82.4 0.0 6.1 1.20 FTG 83.5 0.0 0.030 Tr., Page 4 C: \HASS?5 \EVERGREEN-c4 -A. sDF I DATE:8/IO/2OO4 .JOB TITI.,E: EVERGREEN I NOTES: spneLen sYsrEM HYDRAULTc ANALyst Page 5 c : \HAss?5\EVERGREEN- c4 -A. sDF I I (4) PrPE FrrrrNcs rABr..,E I (1) Calcul-ations \,rere performed by the HASS ?.6 computer program r under license "i;r'3ili3::, ,:::"'ed bv 4792 Lavj-sta Road Tucker, cA 30084I (2) The system has been calculated to provide an average imbal,ance ab each node of 0.007 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.l"6L gpn. I (3) Total pressure at each node is used in balancing the system. I Maximum hrater velocity is 20.2 tL/sec at pipe 4. Pipe Table Name: STANDARD. PIP I PAGE: * MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D NTIr 111 Tee IJngEll ChkVlv Bfyvlv Gatvl-v AlmChk DPVIv NPTee I 2.725 5.72 LL.44 3.43 1_2.59 6.87 l-.l-4 1_r.44 ]-7.44 ].]--44 2.703 9.33 18.55 6.22 2L.75 10.88 1.ss t-s.54 15.54 18.65 I 4 .310 73 .94 27 -87 8 - 35 30 .55 16 .72 2 .79 27 .87 27 .87 27 -A7 I PAGE: A MATERIAI,: 540 HWC: l-20 nirmafar Equivalent Fitting Lengths in FeetI I (in) E T I-, C B G A D Nr Ef1 Tee IrngEll Chkvl-v BfyVlv catv1v Almchk DPVIV NPTee 5.055 14.00 30.00 9.00 32.00 10.00 3.00 28.00 28.00 30.00 I PAGE: D MATERIAL: DIRON HWC; L4O Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet I(in)ETLCBGN I 811 Tee r.,ngE11 ChkVlv Bfyvtv catvlv NPTee 6.240 22.00 47.00 14.00 51_.00 16.00 5.00 47.OO I PAGE: M MATERTAL: cr-M HWC: 150 f Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in)ETFRcSGN I EII Tee 45-E11 TeeRun Couplg Swgchk catvlv NPTee I 0.811 2.OO 3.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 3.00 0.s0 3.00 l-.055 2.50 4.50 1.00 0.50 0.50 4.50 0.s0 4.50 1.297 3 . 00 5.50 l-. 00 0 .50 0 .50 5 .50 0 .50 5.50 I I I I ""*rl"* sYsrEM H'DRAULT. *oo"rO ro c{ 5 o C) .rl o Il tn :1 rrla"{z4i; yd rl,[(6firJ F kB I I T I I I T T I I I I t I T I T I T Page 6 c : \HAssz5 \EVERGREEN - c4 -A. sDFDATE: 8/10 /2O04 .JOB TITIJE: EVERGREEN ooo F{ ooo XE =A'o ;otIh oo(rt oo N oo @ o \o oon !|l c.' sl.r{ tr @ c{ \o u) rtl @{rl ct rl()<DOl't E EOO0. 0.> >t'| t'|tr h (l)lo nl(Jot{.O, @ tr @ >,dooto.-rf:oc{oc.|o{dg 9,3.96tr{ O t{ (nQ!: ..r p...rE .E 3.d 3.3 E!: a q !!'rBC.ll.{r{5O .-t.i.daO>-.1 'F'(nl,)!d @ tto> oir oo . <.rc-ldfl mm adHU]U)DdFt v 9. o.,1 ^ x I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I ,"*rf"* sYsrEM HYDRA'ITT. o*oot"O DAaE.8/to/2004 'JOB TITIJE: EVERGREEN WATER SUPPLY CURVE L44+ I I 132+ \\ !20+ 108+ Page 7 c : \HAss ?s \EVERGREEN-c4 -A - sDF lr( E U E ( v I ) 96+ 84+ 72+ ou+ 48+ 35+ 24+ \\ \\ \ 25.0 psi @ 943 gpm-> FIow Test PointL,EGEND X = Required Water Suppfy 100.01 psi @ 208.5 gpm |l ll tl LZ+ o = Available water Supply ,l L2a-32 psi @ 208.5 gpm 0++-+---+----+--- --+------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+ 200 300 400 500 500 700 800 FI.,,OW (GPM) 900 1000 I I I I t T I I I I I I I I I T I I I ALL_STATE FTRE PROTECTTON, TNC.':tx;J':l,i::ir.rlt HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR EVERGREEN LODGE RENOVATION CAI,C #5 250 S. FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL, CO. 230018 s / 3 / o4 _DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION : DENS TTY : AREA OF APPLTCATION: COVERAGE PER S PRINKLER: NUMBER OF S PRINKI.,,ERS CALCULATED: TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FIIOW REQUIRED: TOTAL., WATER REQUIRED (including hose) FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ BOR): SPRINKIJER ORIFTCE SIZE: 1 ^^^/-- €r.L Yl,\tr D\4. l-L. N/A sq. ft. 255 sq. ft. 4 qrrri nlr'l arc 114.5 gpm z 2]-4.5 gpm LL4.5 gpm @ 95 psi 7/L5 irlch NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ALL STATE FIRE PROTECTION DES TGN//LAYOUT BY: M. KRZASTEK AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 008 CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (I.,ICENSE # 160?0888 HRS SYSTEMS, INC - TUCKER, GA 30084 (710'(El I DATE: ?/15/2004t JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN WATER SUPPLY DATAt I I I I SOURCE NODE TAG 24 STATIC ( ps r l FTJOW (GPM ] q4-2. a NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION I uo, 502 I ;3; l; 5 li^ L7 ll; 20 altTOR B- (rr1 40.0 40.0 39.0 ?q n 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 r_8.0 l_8.0 '1 a n 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 NODE TYPE K= 4 .20 K= 4 .20 K= 4 .20 K= 4.20 ||rD_L,l 4A F, 44 q 44 .4 44 .9 F'I 53 .2 b5 .4 66 .4 o/.o t6. ! 10 A 10 A a2 n o5. .t oJ . b o/.5 qq o 04 nSOURCE I I I t I s PR 'NTIR' "' ::T"l53llYfi i ""3i*#i+:o,."*"", _ ., li?,., i RESID. PPFCC ( ps r I zo u I o""*""or' FLow ANALysTS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCEOTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS tzd . u 214 .5 cPM 100.0 GPM O. O GPM 114.5 cPM roTAL REQ ' D @ DEMAND PRESS.(GPM) (PsI ) 2!4.5 95.0 DISCHARGE (GPM) 28.o 28 .0 za . u 30.4 r _Lt . f I I I I s PR i NtlR' "' ::T*X;311ft i""H3ilffi : C,"o*""* - ., lilioiDATE: j/rs/2o04 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN PIPE DATA PIPE TAG END ELEV. NODES (FT) s01 40. O1 40. o Dina. I 40.0 40.0 Di na . e 39.0 40.0 Pipe: 4 ?a n 40.0 Pi na. E 40. 0 40. 0 NOZ. PT(K) ( Psr ) 4.2 44.6 0.0 46.2 4.2 44.5 0.0 44.9 4.2 44.4 0.0 44.9 4.2 52.5 0.0 53.2 0.0 44.9 0.0 46.2 Pipe:5 40.0 0.0 46.240.0 0.0 51.4 Pipe:7 40.0 0.0 5L.440.0 0.0 53.2 Pipe: 8 40.0 0.0 53.240.0 0.0 65.4 Pipe: 9 40.0 0.0 65.440.0 0.0 66.4 Q (GPM) DIA ( IN)DISC. VEL(res; HllI1gl (GPM)FL/ FT -28 .0 L . 0s5 PL28.O 10.3 ].5 O FTG0.0 o.l-57 TIJ -28.0 1.055 PL28.0 10.3 150 FTG0.0 0.156 TL -28.0 1.055 PIJ28.0 L0.3 150 FTG0.0 0.L55 TIJ -30.4 1.055 PrJ30.4 tt .2 150 FTG0.0 0.182 TL -56.0 1.29L PIr0.0 13 .7 150 FTG0.0 0.211 TL -84.1 L.291 PL0.0 20.6 J.5O FTG0.0 0.445 TIJ -84.1 1.055 PIJ0.0 30.9 -t 14 q 0.0 10.4 n n 1h ^nn n n 1i A 0.0 6.4nn n^a,+ 150 FTG LENGTH 1FT \ 6.00 T 10.50 a . z) : -:: z , 25 1.00 T q qn 1.50 ? 5.00 1.00 T < Rn 8.50 E 11 q^ 1.50 SUM. /h^?\t.FDJ-, PF' 1 e PF n n PV DF A ^PE O.O PV PF' n o PE -0.4 PV PE -0.4 PV DF 1 A PE O.O D\/ PF q 1 PE O.O PV PF 1 a PE O.O PV PF L2.3 PE O.O PV DF 1 ^PE O.O PV DF 1 ^PE O.O PV PF 0.8 PV DF 1 ,) PE O.O PV PF n 1 PE O.O PV I ) I' 1l' t; Iz" I uo. Lon 4 t: l. bI 7I 7 J- I4I' l; I 1.193 TL 1.50 2.725 PL 158.50 150 FTG T0.070 TL I75.79 Pipe : 10 40.0 0.040.0 0.0 Di no. 1 l 40.0 18.0 Pipe:19 18.0 18.0 Pipe:19 18.0 t-8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 oo.4t o /.u o/.tt 1A 1 /d.1" 19.4 79.4 179.4 2 . 25 ts; 1? O^ l_0.00 EG 20.37 36.09 10.00 FIT ?7 0a 1 <n !; 15.44 0.0 0.0 z. LZ) yLr 150 FTG 0.070 TL z. Lz) Ht) ]-50 FTG 0. 070 TL 2.703 PL 150 FTG o . o22 .rL 1, tv5 Ptr 120 FTG 0.033 TL 4 .310 PL 1.20 FTG 0.003 TIr z.) I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I t DATE:7/rs/2004 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN PIPE TAG sPRiNUR'"":lT"x;3;1yil."313#ff :O".cnseN_ cs filsoi Q (GPM) DIA (IN) LENGTH 'RESS.PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FrI SUM.(PSr) (cpM) FL/FT (psrl _114.s 4.310 PL 8.OO PF 0.179.4 0.0 2.s 120 FTG E PE 3.583.0 0.0 o. oo3 TTJ 21 .94 PV _114. s 4.310 PL 53. OO PF 0.483.0 0.0 2.s 120 FTG 4E PE 0.083.3 0.0 o.oo3 TL 108.75 PV _114.5 4.310 PL 5.00 PF 0.183.3 0.0 2.5 120 FTG TG PE 0.083.s 0.0 0.003 TIJ 36.66 PV _114.5 5.055 PL 101.00 PF 0.183.5 0. o 1.3 120 FTG 5E PE 0.083.5 o.o o.ooL TL 171.00 PV -114. s 6.065 PL 9.00 PF o. o83.5 0.0 1.3 t2o FTG PE 3.987.s 0.0 0.001 TL 9.00 PV FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVI CE95.5 0.0 8.0 psi, 1-r4.5 gpm87 .5 o . o END ELEV. NOZ.NODES (FT) (K) Pipe:20 18 t-8.0 0.01,9 10.0 o.o Pi na. )1 19 1O.o 0.020 1O.O o.o Pipe: 22 20 1O.O O.o2L 1o.o 0.0 Pipe: 23 21 1O.o o.o22 10.0 0.0 Pipe: 2422 10.0 0.0TOR I. O 0.0 Pipe : 25BOR 1.0 0.0TOR 1.0 0.0 Pipe: 25BOR 1.0 0.023 0.0 0.0 pipe : 2 723 o.o o.o24 O. O SRCE :rl - 5 >o. u - L-L.t . f, nn I.J 0.0 nn (N/A) 5.065 PL 120 FTG 0.00L TL 5.280 PL 1 4 ^ F.r.l 0.000 TL 1.00 PF EPE 15.00 PV 50.00 PF cJ l\J ta l\ 134.00 PV 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.0 NOTES: ( 1) Calculations , under ri"",".'ir: ff;;;;ffiu o5,:l;.5T; ' s compurer prosram HRS Systems, Inc.4792 LaVi-sta RoadTucker, GA 3OO84 (2) The system has been calcufated to provide an averagej-mbalance at each node of O. OO: gpm and a maximumimbalance at any node of 0.057 gpm. (3) ToE.al pressure aE. each node is rMaximum warer velociry is :o.s ;:i:":"":"iil:';: rhe sysrem. t HI";, lli i,i$li"*"",s PRrN'lf '"'::T"H3;liii""3llffii:O"."*""* -.u fil5oi FITTINGS TABLE Name; STANDARD. plp MATERIAL: S40 HWC: L2OEquivalent Fitting Lengths in FeetEILCBcA I11 Tee LngE1l ChkVtv Bfyvlv Garvtv AImChk5.72 II .44 3.43 12.59 6.87 1.14 :-7.449.33 18.55 6.22 2t.76 10.88 1.55 l_5.5413.94 27 .87 8.36 30.65 16.72 2.7g 27 .87 MATERIAL: 54O HWC: 120Equivalent. Fitting Lengt.hs in FeetTTILCBGA - EI1 Tee LngEl), ChkVlv BfyVlv carvlv AlmChk14.00 30.00 9.00 32.00 ro.oo 3.00 28.00 MATERIAL: DfRON HWC: 140Equivalent Fit.ting Lengths in FeetETLCBGN Ell- Tee LngEll Chkvlv Bfyvlv Gatvlv NpTee22.00 47.O0 14.00 5l-.00 ie .oo 5.00 47.00 MATERTAL: CT-M HWC: 150Equj_valent Fitting Lengths in Feet11 r'FRC SGE1] Tee 45-E1I TeeRun Couplg SwgChk catvlv2.50 4.50 1.OO 0.50 o.io 4.so o.so3.00 s.50 1.00 0.50 o.50 s.50 0.50 I I t I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I (4) PIPE PAGE: * D i- ame t. er (in) z - Lza 2 .7 03 4 ?] n PAGE: A Diameter (in) o. ub5 PAGE: D Diameter ( in ) 6.280 PAGE: M DiameEer (in) 1 NEA -l ?a1 D DPVIv 1 t aL 27 .87 N NPTee IL .44 J-U. b5 D DPVIv 28.00 N NPTe e 30.00 N NPTee 4.50 5.50 t 3t;';, ;li:,i$lin*","sPR'NUR'"'::T-#3;3Yili""31tffiiil,"-o*""*_ ", fi?Eoi \o m@";Flr{o<butrl ; Ol 3o trr .,{ a) \o N o OJ ."1 n Or u) rl o ! Gp t, Fl q a Fl4z OrA ID trd3 I I t I I I I t t I I I I I I I I t o ot m N : I a .s9 99.-c'tr !.3^+5 r Ei; e; 7m 7n///t //"1///t ///l EI E],1 A C trIol o D C( trt - O60...{ ^ I t I I I I I I I t I I t t I I t I I P R E D U E ( P I ) 108+ 60+ +d+ 35+ DATE:7/Ls/2004 .lOB Tf TLE: EVERGREEN WATER SUPPLY CURVE L44+ I I 132+ \\ s PR I NUR' * : :T"XI3 XYli ""Ht#ii :O,".ene s^r _ c s lilso f 96+ 84+ \\ \\ \ 26.0 psi @ 943 gpm-> Flow Test pointLEGEND X = Required Water Supply ,l 95 . 97 psi @ 2!4 .5 gpm ,, O = Available Water Supply ;; 72'l .96 psi @ 214 . 5 gpm rl u++- +- - - +- - - - +- - - - -+_ _ _ _ _ _ +_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+_ _+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+200 300 400 soo 600 7OO 8OO 900 1000FLOW (GPM) I I I t I I I t I t I I I I I t I I I """ tl"" :'l:,;.:#fi Jioili, "" COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 HYDRAULIC CALCUIJATTONS FOR EVERGREEN LODGE RENOVATION CALC #6 250 S. FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL, CO. 230018 8/3/04 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASS IFICATION : DENSf TY: . t-5 gpm/sq. f t AREA OF APPLTICATION: 955 sq. ft. COVERAGE PER SPRf NKI-,ER: 13 0 sq. f t . NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCUL,ATED; 11_ sprinklers TOTAL SPRINKIJER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 241 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUfRED (including hose) : 491 gpm FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ BOR): SPRINKIJER ORIFICE STZE : 29L gpm @ 75.4 psi L/2" ir,crj. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: M. KRZASTEK AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FTRE CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 008 CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # 16070888 HRS SYSTEMS, INC. TUCKER, GA 30084 I T I I t I I t I II I I I I I I I I I DATE:8/4/2004 .fOB TITLE: EVERGREEN WATER SOURCE NODE 24 SUPPLY DATA STATTC 12q n FLOW (GPM) 943.0 101 L02 103 r04 105 106 107 J.U'' 109 110 111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 32 33 34 35 35 .tai 20 2T TAD (FT) 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 1_8.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 24 .0 24 .0 24.O 24.0 24 .0 24 .0 24 . O 24 . O 24 . O 24 . O 24 .0 18.0 18.0 l- at - u _t- u - u 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 1.0 1t 1 12 .8 IJ .4} 1.5.9 13.9 14 .7 16.0 77.L L9 .6 L0.8 1.L.9 L2 .6 13.8 J-f, . + r-3.0 15.5 19 .4 l-> - o 10 7 19 .9 20.7 41.8 50.5 f,v.5 OI. U OI.I ol.f 65 .4 Lt - ) tn 1 a1 ? zz .5 ,n o zL-a 23 .1_ z+ .6 sPRrIlR sYSTEM HYDRAULTcci{lH:;Q'ERGREEN-c.:i:;"i RES ID . PRES S . (PSr) AGGREGATE FI.TOW ANAI.,'YSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM AIJIJOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM AI.ILOhIANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE K= 5.60 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 K= 5.50 K= 5.60 K= 5.50 K= 5.60 K= 5.60 K= 5.50 I\= f,. OU l\. = ).bu AVAIL, PRESS. (PSr) 702 .4 49L. L GPM 250.0 GPM O. O GPM 2 41- . 1_ GPM PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PS I ) (GPM) TOTAL REQ ' D @ DEMAND PRESS. (GPM) ( PSI ) 75.I I DAr.'t a/4/2004 sPRrItR sYsrEM HYDRAUIJT.CI{iH:;*'ERGREEN-..:i::"i JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN I NODE ANAIJYSIS DATA NODE TAG EIJEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE { FTI 1n L.0 (PSI) (GPM) 0 .0 souRcE 76 .r 24!.! II I I BoR 23 124 I I I I I I I I I I It I I t5.1 75.5 I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I t I I nl'rrtr . e /L /).,.|a JOB TITLE : EVERGREEN PTPE DATA PIPE TAG END E].JEV. NOZ . NODES (FT ) (K) Pipe: 1 LENGTH .F'T} 101 I 102 2 103 3 104 4 105 5 106 6 107 7 108 I 109 9 1L0 10 111 11 1 2 5.6 0.0 f,.o 0.0 5.5 0.0 5.6 0.0 5-O 0.0 5.6 0.0 5.5 0.0 5.6 0.0 f,.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 Di nt.. ? -L tt - u z+ . v Pi rra. 4 18.0 24 . O Dina. q, -L tt - u .ti A Di na. 4 18.0 Prpe: / L8.0 t4 n oi na. q 18.0 24 .0 -Ld. U 24 . O Pi na ' 1n 18.0 24 .0 18.0 24 .0 Di na. 1.) 24 .0 24 .0 { ps T ) 12 .8 11.9 L2 .5 L4 .5 13.8 15.9 L5 - t 13.0 t4 .7 L4 .3 ItJ. U 15.5 I7 .1 15 .8 19 .4 L9 .4 19 .5 19.6 10.8 11.9 -20.L 20.I 7.0 0.0 -20.5 zv . ) I - z 0.0 -ZL.J 2r.3 7 .5 0.0 -22.3 22.3 7.8 0.0 -20 .9 20.9 7.3 0.0 -2r.5 z!.) t-) 0.0 -22.4 zz.+ l -6 0.0 -25-r 23 .r 8.1 0.0 -24.7 24.7 8.5 0.0 - z+ . 6 24.8 8.7 0.0 -t-9.5 0.0 5.8 0.0 1.080 PL 10.80 1)i r1(1 0 .108 TL 10 .80 PE O.O PV sPRrOER sYSrEM HYDRAUL'rccl{lll:;I"'ERGREEN-c.:i::"1 -1i'. U ). O 24.0 0.0 Diha. t _L at - u f. o 24 . O 0 . 0 1n a n n Q (GPM) DIA (]N) Drsc . vEr, (FPs ) HW (c ) (GPM)F T. / F.r. 1.080 Pr_, 7.00 120 FTG 2E 0.108 TL l_L.61 1.080 PL 7.00 120 FTG ET 0.1-13 Tr_, L5.07 1.080 PL 7.00 ].2 O FTG ET 0.r.r-8 TL 15.07 1.080 PL 7.00 l?N ET/l E'T 0.L27 TL 15.07 1.080 PIJ 7.OO ,] ?N F.PE FT 0.1-39 TL 15.07 l-.080 PL 9.00 120 FTG 2E 0.I22 Tr., 13.51 L.080 PIJ 120 FTG 0.129 TL r-.080 PL 120 FTG 0.139 TL 1.080 PL 120 FTG 0.1_48 TL 1.080 PL 120 FTG 0.167 TL L.080 PL ].20 FTG 0 .168 TL suM. (PSI) PF 1 . 3 PE -2 .6 PV PF I.1 PE -2.5 PV PF 1.8 PE -2 .6 PV pF 1 q PE -2.5 PV PF 2.I PE -2.6 PV PF T.7 PE -2.6 PV 9.00 PF 2.2 ET PE -2 .6 L7.07 PV 7.50 PF 2.2 ET PE -2.6 15.57 PV 7.50 PF 2.3 Et EL -Z.O 15.57 PV 7.00 PF 2.5 ET PE -2.6 l_5.07 PV 7.OO PF 2.5 ET PE -2.6 l-5.07 PV I T I I I I I t I I I I I I I T T I t DATE:8/4/2004 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN sPRTOER sYsrEM HYDRAULrcciTlll:;l"vERcREEN-c.:i:;"; Q (GPM) DIA (IN) PT DISC. VEIJ (FPS ) HW (C) (PS r ) (GPM) Fr.,/Fa r -L T.C, I AIJ END ELEV. NODES (FT) 2 I 3 4 5 5 JJ- 5 7 7 8 9 9 32 10 11 11 33 .]I 51, 32 33 33 34 NOZ. (K) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 I.,ENGTH (FT ) PRESS. SUM. (Psr) Di v'\4. 1? 24 . O 24 .0 Pinp. I4 24 .0 24 .0 24 .0 Pipe: 16 24 .0 24 .0 Dih6. 1? 24 .0 24 . O Prpe: 18 24 . O 24 . O 24 . O ai i P j-pe: 20 24 . O 24 .0 D i r\a . t 1 24 . O 24 . O Di ha. ",24.0 24 .0 24 .0 aA i Prpe: 24 24 .0 24 .0 Di r.\a. tq 24 .0 L8.0 -39.5 0.0 8.2 0.0 -60.1 0.0 12.4 0.0 -81.4 0.0 L2.4 0.0 -103.7 0 .0 15 .8 0.0 -20.9 0.0 7 .3 0.0 -+2.+ 0.0 8.7 0.0 -54.8 0.0 9.8 0.0 -87.9 0.0 ]-3.4 0.0 0.0 3.8 0.0 -49.5 0.0 7.5 0.0 -103.7 0.0 5.8 0.0 0.0 r-0.7 0.0 - z+ r - L 0.0 13 .5 0.0 1.408 PL 120 FTG 0.1L0 Tr_, 1.408 PL 12 O FTG o .237 Ir., )-.O5Y YIJ 120 FTG 0.199 TL o . z3 EE PE o . z) vv o.7 0.011_.9 12.6 tz . o .L.1. O 13 .8 15 .4 '1 E A 13 .0 14 .3 14.3 15.5 ro - at 16.8 L9 .9 19 .4 19.5 19 .6 20 .7 L9 .7 19.9 19.9 20 .7 20 .7 41.8 1.408 PL 120 FTG 0.124 TL 120 FTG 0.130 Tr, 1.639 PL 5.00 120 FTG T n ?11 'T'T. 12 t2 1.080 Pr_., 10.80 120 FTG o -I22 TL 10.80 4.80 PF 1.1 4 .80 PV 8.2s PF 1.6 8.25 PV PF 4.3 PE O.O PV pF 1 1 PE O.O '.1' EE L.2 9.75 PV q qn DF 1 a 9.50 PV PE O.O PV 9.50 PF O.2 9.50 PV HE J-.7 PE O.O PV 8.75 PF 0.2 PE O.O 8.75 PV 8.75 PF 0.7 Dr' n n tt. /5 vv Ef J-O. O rE z.o 1-.539 PIJ 5.00 ].2 O FTG T 0.229 TL L3.73 120 FTG 0.022 TIJ 1.539 PL 5.00 1?N F'F': FF 0.079 TL 13.73 2.703 PL 120 FTG o .027 Tr., z, tV5 Elr 120 FTG 0.085 TI_, 2.703 PL l-06.00 ].20 FTG 2ET 0.130 TL 143.30 I I DATE:-8/4/2004 .]OB TITLE: EVERGREEN b!-KarOEK sysTEM HyDRAUrrrc ANALysTO Q (GPM) DIA (IN) DISC. VEI-,(FPS) HW(C) (GPM) FLIFT -247.I 2.703 PL 0.0 13.5 120 FTG 0.0 0.130 Tr_, Page 6 C : \HASS 75 \EVERGREEN- C5 -A. SDF I I I t I PIPE TAG END NODES 34 35 35 36 NOZ. PT(K) (Psr) 0.0 41.8 0.0 50.6 IJENGTH (FT ) 40.00 ET 67 .9A 5.00 E 14.33 f,. UU 2EG 25.20 8.00 E q? nn 4E 108.75 6.00 TG 39.00 101.00 5E 171-.00 9.00 SUM, / Dc T \ EI 5.6 PE O.O PV PF L.9pE: n n PV l,! .' - 5 PE O.O pF n ? PV YE J. .5 PE O.O PV PF 0.1 PE O,O PV PF 0.4 PE O.O PV PF O.O PE 3.9 PV 35 IO 1B I9 LY 20 20 2I 2)_ 22 TOR 23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 tu. o 52 .5 55. 8 55.8 59.5 59.5 51.0 61.0 o_L - _t O.L .L or. f, 61. s 65 .4 65 .4 Pipe: 34 BOR 1.0 TOR 1.0 Pi na . Pipe: 29 to. u l_0.0 Pipe: 30 l-0.0 10.0 P:-pe: 31 l-0.0 10.0 Prpe: 32 10,0 10.0 Pipe: 33 l-0.0 1.0 D i i\a . 2 R 1.0 1.0 Pipe: 36 1.0 0.0 U . U .L-' .5 0.0 -24! . ! 0 . 0 13 . s 0.0 - zl L . r 0.0 5.3 0.0 nnq? 0.0 0.0 2.7 0.0 - 24I .I 0.0 2.7 0.0 -z+L-L 0.0 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 EIJEV . (FT ) 18.0 r-8.0 27 18.0 18.0 zo L8.0 18.0 2.703 PL 12n F.Pl1 0.1-30 TL 2.703 PI) rzu !I(.' 0.130 TL 4.310 PL 120 FTG 0.013 TL 4 .310 PIr 120 FTG 0.013 TL 5.06s Pr, 120 FTG 0.003 TII 120 FTG 0.003 TL 5.055 PL 120 FTG 0.003 TL t I I I t I I 9.00 FTXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 1"0.0 psi , 24L.1 gpm 123 24I I I I 0.0 75.4 0.0 '75.5 ,1 - z4 r . r o. uof, .H.L 120 FTG 0.003 TL O.ZdL EL 120 FTG 0.002 TLJ 1.00 E l_5.00 60.00 EI\' 115.73 PF O . O PE O.O PV PF 0.2 PE 0.4 PV 0.0 75.5 0.0 sRcE 75.'J. (N/A) I I I t I I I t I I t I I T I I T t I ^ l. t^^^.uArli: d,/ + / zuu+ .]OB TITLE: EVERGREEN NOTES : senr$n sysrEM HvDRAULTc ANALvsTO Page 7 c : \HAss75 \EVERGREEN- cG -A. sDF (1) Calculations were performed by the FTASS 7.6 computer programunder license no. 150ZOg89 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 4"7 92 Lavista Road Tucker, cA 30084 (2) The system has been cal-culated imbalance at each node of 0.003 imbalance at any node of 0.11G (3) Total pressure at each node is Maximum water velocitv is 15.8 to provide an average gpm and a maximum gpm. used in balancing the system. ft/ sec at pipe 16. ( 4 ) PIPE FITTINGS TABIJE Pipe Table Name: STANDARD. pIp PAGE: * MATERIAL: 540 HWC: 120Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet(in) E T L C B G A D NElf Tee IJngEf I ChkVlv Bfyvlv catvlv Almchk Dpvlv Npree1.080 2.30 5_76 2.30 5.76 6.91 1.15 rr.52 rL-52 5.761.408 3.31 6.62 2.27 7.72 6.62 l-.10 11.03 1l_.03 6-521,.639 4.35 8.73 2.ra 9.82 6.54 1..09 10.91 10.91_ 8.732.703 9.33 18.5s 6.22 2L.76 10.88 l-.55 1s.s4 15.54 18.654.310 ]-3.94 27.A7 8.36 30.66 :-6.12 2.79 27 .87 27 .87 27 .876-28r 15.60 3s.s7 1-O.67 37.95 11.85 3.s6 33.20 33.20 35.s7 PAGF. A Diameter (in) 6.055 MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 Equivalents Fit.ting Lengths in Feet ETIICBGADN E1I Tee LngEll Chkvlv BfyVlv GatVlv Almchk DpVlv NpTeet_4.00 30.00 9.00 32.00 Lo. oo 3 . o0 28.00 28.00 30. o0 ;F F- |'{ B tr r.l oo ao ro o u) oorf o r.l N spRrOER sysrEM HyDRAurJrc_"lnliylo pase I C : \HASS ? 5 \EVERGREEN-C6 -A. SDF ro rI,r-t ; \tl o| 3o.+t! -..1a ; N a 0)& o iirn;r ar) zdJ )' ':: fidip bvr(/l E] Fr43 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I T I I t DATE:8/4/2004 JOB TrTLE: EVERGREEN PqF e$ 'FlO1 c{";..1 Flo(DoEr E oc)o. E>>trr O. t{ lr O+ UUlr l|)rlt rr h . >d(r)6\rrlFlco irr ool odd o orio.EF h@a aafi o !@ua O cr ui -.a o eEl r{ O,d o o c)J P 0i O!lJ' rdo A aad9-ar.|oX..1 :J -l (1l cD6 ..1 o .>oo(o .4.-{dF.dgl nV^ ap4HU]U)DcH -o(,l..t^ I I I t T I I I I I t I I t I I I T I rJA t l:: d/+/ZUVl JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN WATER SUPPLY CURVE !44+ I I I L32+ \\ 12O+ l-08+ 95+ 84 + 60+ 48+ 35+ 24+ !2+ IJEGEND X = Required water supply 76.13 psi @ 491 .1 gpm 26.0 psi @ 943 gpm-> Floqr Tes! Point R E U R E ( P I ) i( tl 'PRTOER sYsrEM HYDRAUIJT..1{*I:il"'ERGREEN-cr:i::"; 0\\ 0 = Available water Supply rl ]-02.40 psi @ 491.1 gpm 700 800 FI-,OW (GPM) 200 300 400 s00 600 900 L000 I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I AI,LOATE FrRE pRorEcrroN, rNc. 6045 E. 76TH AVENUE #12 COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR EVERGREEN LODGE RENOVATION CALC #7250 S. FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIIJ, CO. 230018 I / 3 / 04 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION : DENSITY: .1 gpm/sq. ft. AREA OF APPLICATION: 1??? crr fF COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: 12?.5 sq. ft. NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: 1-0 sprinklers TOTAIJ SPRINKLER WATER FLrOW REeUTRED: j-?6.I gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 276.8 gpm FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ BoR) : 1?6.8 gpm @ 49 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 1/tn i.'.:n NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PRoTEcTIoN DBSIGN/LAYOUT BY: M. KRZASTEK AUTHORTTY HAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL FIRE CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATTON NUMBER: 008 CALCULATTONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (I-,ICENSE # 16070888 HRS SYSTEMS, TNC. TUCKER. GA 30084 I DArE: 8/ s /2004 NODE t I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I AGGREGATE FI-TOW ANAI-'YSIS : TOTAL F'LOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALIJOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALI-.,OWANCES TOTAL DTSCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS NODE ANALYSIS DATA STATIC PRES S . (PSr) 135.0 EIJ EVAT I ON ( FT) 0.0 25 .0 20 .5 -LO. U 25 . O 20 .5 16.0 25 .0 20 .5 15.0 l-5.0 22 .0 22 ,0 15. s 15.5 l-5 - 5 14.5 14 .5 14.5 18.0 18.0 l"d. u 18.0 10.0 10. 0 10.0 10.0 5.0 f,.u 1.0 ( !.D l- , zo . u FLOW (4 (GPM) 943.0 AVArr..,. PRESS. (PSI) r23.? NODE TAG 24 151 1_52 153 L54 155 155 r57 158 159 150 51 az 53 54 55 f,o 57 4I 43 44 34 35 35 18 19 20 2L 22 .r'nD IJ \J I( z5 NODE TYPE cr\TlDaaE v- E, 4n r\= ) . b U K= 5.50 K= 5.50 K= 5.60 n-= 5.bu K= 5.50 r76.8 L4.8 1,7.L t9 .4 t4 .9 L7.r L9 .4 t-5.5 77 .4 L9 .7 2r .4 49 . r 7.0 12 .8 7.O 9.7 72 .9 7.7 r.0.0 13.2 t4 .7 13.4 8.9 _Ll .: 6 -Z 13 .5 t4 .9 t4 .8 14 .8 15 .0 l-tr. f zo .6 24.7 z> - 6 33 .5 5+ - 5 34 .3 34 .5 36.7 46 .7 48.5 49.r 7.0 q? 72.0 7.0 9.4 L2 .0 '7 .7 9.7 12 .4 L4 .7 u.d t_3.0 13 .0 8.L t3.2 l{+ . d 1i n L4 .6 14 .9 26.5 28 .4 28.8 29 .7 33.4 J+. J JO. / 46 .7 48.5 spRrOER sysrEM HxDRAULTc ANAr.,ysO page 2 C : \HASS75\EVERGREEN C7. SDFJOB TITI.,,E: EVERGREEN LODGE 1ST FLR ATTIC WATER SUPPLY DATA 275.8 GPM 100.0 GPM O. O GPM 176.8 GPM PRESSURE TOTAIJ NORMAL DISCHARGE(PSI) (PSI) (GPM) TOTAIJ REQ ' D @ DEMAND PRESS. (GPM) (Psr) z to .6 +y - t I t I I I I I t I I I I I I t t I T I spRrOER sysrEM HvDRAULTc "I^l::f . pase 3 C: \HASS76\EVERGREEN C7. SDFDATE:8/5/2004 JOB TTTLE: EVERGREEN LODGE 1ST FI,R ATTIC NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION I F'T ) PIPE DATA NODE TYPE PRESSURE TOTAL NORMAL DISCHARGE(PSI) (PSI) (GPM) r-LTE IA\J END E],EV. NODES (FT) Prpe: 1 151 25.0 sl 22.0 P't DI\T lPCT\ lDQT\ Q (GPM) Drsc . vEL (FPS) (GPM) -t 4.8 l+ . 6 5 .5 0.0 -14.8 0.0 3 .2 L"] .7 -31.9 Lt.! o-6 1,9.4 -51.3 l-9.4 11.0 0.0 -51.3 0.0 8.1 0.0 - t+ . t 74.9 5.5 0.0 -74.9 0.0 3.2 L7.L - 52 . V I7 .I 6.9 79 .4 -51.4 19.4 1,1.0 0.0 -l,L-+ 0.0 8.1 0.0 -15.5 15 . 5 s .8 0.0 DIA(IN) HW(C) FL/FT 1.049 PL 120 FTG 0.075 TL 1.380 PL ]-20 FTG 0.020 TL 1.380 PIJ 120 FTG 0.081 TL 1.380 PL 1tn FT/: 0.1-96 TL 1.510 PrJ 120 FTG 0.092 TL 1.049 PL 120 FTG 0.075 TI_., I..Jt'U PL 120 FTG 0.020 TL 1.380 PL 120 FTG 0.082 TL., l-.5t'U PL 120 FTG 0.196 TL 1_.61-0 PL 120 FTG 0.093 TL 1.049 PL 120 FTG 0.081 TIJ SUM. (PSI) PV O.2 DE n .> PE 0.5 D\I A .I Diha. 51 r52 D1 ha. 152 153 153 52 Di na. 52 4L D i Y'\ 6 . 154 ft Di ria . 53 155 155 rlt) pt l1F. 156 q4 P'i r'\a. EA 42 ci na. ra I 55 2 22.0 20 .5 3 20 .5 t"6.0 15.0 15.5 5 15.5 b 25 .0 7 22.0 20 .5 al zu - ) 15.0 L6. O 15.5 1-0 15.5 14.5 1I z) - u 24.O o.at d.at a4 LZ - 6 12 .8 :-3.4 l_4 .8 ao 6.:' 12 .9 _t_ .' - 5 1.7 6-Z 7.0nc 8.8 9.3 t2.o 12.Q 13.0 13.0 14 .7 7.0 8.8 8.8 9.4 9.4 12.o L2.0 13.0 13.0 7.7 8.1 IJ ENGTH (FT) 7 . OO 7 . OO L00 8.00 15.00 15.00 2.OO 2 . OO 2.OO T 10.00 7.00 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF EE. PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV YE PE PV r.2 0.3 o.4 0.2 0.8 0.9 0.4 0.4 u.5 1.3 0.2 o.2 0.5 0.1 r.2 L.9 0.3 0.4 o.2 0.8 7.00 8.00 8.00 15.00 I5. UU 2 .00 2.00 T 10.00 1.00 r-.00 pF n q PE 0.4 PV 0.4 PF 0.r. PE 0.4 PV 0.2 I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 41_ 42 43 44 34 34 35 35 36 l8 DATET A /5/2004 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN LODGE 1-ST FLR ATTTC sPRrT ER sYsrEM HYDRAUIJT. Tit;it.\EVERGREEN f:;"1 PIPE TAG END NODES Di na. 55 l_58 Di na ' 158 159 Pi na. 159 56 Pi zra. fo 43 Di ^a. 160 57 oi na.!+}r'vi 57 Pina. Pi na. Di na. ELEV. {FT} I2 24 .0 20 .5 l_3 20 .5 16.0 t4 16.0 15.5 15 15 .5 14.5 Lb 16.0 15.5 t7 15.5 18 l-+ - 5 14 .5 19 T4 .5 14 .5 20 1/t I 14 .5 2r 14 .5 18.0 22 18.0 18.0 23 LB.0 18.0 24 18.0 l_8.0 Q (GPM) PT PN DISC. VEL (FPS) /P.qT\ fDcTl /.:DM\ -15.5 0.0 3.3 77.4 -32.9 L I .+ I . L 5Z,O 19.7 11.3 0.0 -52.6 0.0 8.3 0.0 -2L.4 zL.+ .t - o 0.0 -2r .4 0.0 3 .4 0.0 -51.3 0.0 2.8 0.0 -702.7 0.0 5.5 0.0 -155.3 0.0 8.s 0.0 -1,76.8 0.0 9.7 0.0 -L76.8 0.0 6.s 0.0 -.1- /o - at tr.u o.f, 0.0 _l/o.o 0.0 5.5 0.0 DIA (TN) Hw (c) FT. / E.t 1.380 PL 120 FTG 1.380 PL 1?N FTE 0.086 TL 1 .380 PL 120 FTG 0.205 Tr.., 1.510 PIJ 120 FTG 0.097 TL 1.380 PL 120 FTG 0.039 TIr J.. OIU l..L 120 FTG 0.018 TL ) '7)O Df. tzu I' l\J 0.007 Tr.., Z.lZ> Etr 120 FTG o .026 rL z. tz> Eb 120 FTG n nqq TT, Z. lZ> rtJ 120 FTG 0.070 TIJ 5 . 5+Z P)) 120 FTG 0 . 025 TL, J . 5+Z Y)J ]-20 FTG 0.026 TL 3.342 PI) 120 FTG 0.026 TIJ LENGTH IE'T) L4.00 14.00 15.00 15.00 1-.00 1.00 2.00 T 10.00 1.00 1.00 2 .00 T 10.00 6 - OO ;;; o. oo ; ;; tt - ob ; ;; 125.00 2E2T roJ. oz 40.00 ET 73.37 s.00 E 5.00 4LV 21 .75 gTTM fp.qT\ PF 0.3 EE I . f, D\tnl pF 1 1 YE L . Y PV 0.3 pF' i ) PE 0.2 D\/na DF 1 N PE 0.4 PF O.O rE) W . Z PV 0.1 PF O,2 PE 0.4 PV 0.1 PF 0.1 PE O.O PV 0.1 DF A 1 PE O.O PV 0.2 PF 0.5 DFAN PF L2.8 PV 0.5 PE O.O PV 0.3 PF 0.4 DE N N PV 0.3 PF 0.7 PE O.O PV 0.3 a.z 10.0 10.0 13 .2 13 .2 13.6 lJ. b If,. U 14 .7 L4 -9 L4 .9 l-5.5 14.8 14.8 14 . 8 L5.0 15. 0 If,. f, 15. s zo - d zo .6 26 - | 28 .7 29 . L z> . d 9.7 1.t A ]-3.2 13.2 74 .6 L4 .7 r{ . tt l_4.8 L4 .9 14 .7 L4 .6 14 .6 1A A t4 .6 14 .9 14 .9 zo . ) zo .2 28 .4 28 .4 za.6 za.6 I DA*E, a/s/2004 sPRraER sYsrEM HYDRAULT. ^:1i#t\EVERGREEN :;:;";JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN LODGE 1ST FLR ATTrC t PIPE rAG e (GpM) DrA ( rN) r_,ENGTH pRgss .END ELEV, PT PN DrSC . VE]-, (FPS ) HW (C ) 1rr ) SUM. I NODES (FT) (PSI) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) r Pipe: 25 -176.8 4 -324 pIJ 8. OO pF o -218 18.0 29.8 29.7 0.0 3.9 l_20 FTG E pE 3.sI 19 r-o.o 33.5 33.4 o.o 0.007 Trr 22.rG pv 0.1I Plpe: 25 -1?d.8 4.324 pL 53. O0 pF 0.8r L9 l-0.0 33.5 33.4 0.0 3.9 120 FTG 4E pE 0.0 I 20 L0.0 34.3 34.2 0. o 0.007 TL 1"09.64 pv 0.1 r Prpe: 27 -176.9 5.065 pL G. OO pF 0.1I 20 10.0 34.3 34.2 O. O 2.O 120 FTG TG pE 0. o - 2L 10.0 34.3 34.3 o.O o.oo1 TL 39.00 pv 0.0 I Pipe: 28 -176 .A 6 . O6s prr 101 .00 pF O .z I 21 10.0 34.3 34.3 O. O 2.0 120 FTG sE pE o. o22 10.0 34.5 34.s 0.0 o. oo1 TIJ 171. OO pv 0.0 I Pipe: 29 _176.8 G.055 pr_, 9.OO pF O.or 22 10. o 34.6 34.5 o. o 2 -o t-20 FTG pE 2.2TOR s.0 36.7 36 .7 o. o 0. ool_ Tr.., 9. oo pv 0.0 I P].pe : 3 O pIxED PRESSURE I-,osS DEVICEBoR s.0 0.0 46.7 O. o LO.o psi , r7G.8 gpm I TOR 5.0 0.0 36 .7 0. O I yJ-pe: J 1 -175.8 5 .0G5 pL 1.00 pF O. OBOR 5.0 46.7 46.7 0.0 2.0 L2o FTc E pE 7.7I 23 t_.0 48.5 48. s o. o 0.001 TL 15.00 pv 0.0I pipe: 32 -L7G.8 G.2Bo pIJ 60.00 pF 0.1I 23 1.0 48.5 48.5 O.O 1.8 140 FTG ETc pE 0.4 I 24 0.0 4e .r 49.r (N/A) 0. oo1 TL 134. oo pv 0.0 I NOTES:I (1) calculations were performed by the HAss ?.G computer program I under license no. 16070888 granted by I HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 Lavis ta Road Tucker, GA 30084 I (2) The system has been calculated to provide an average r imbaLance at each node of 0.005 gpm and a maximum I imbalance at any node of 0.152 gpm. -(3) Velocity pressures have been included in the calcuration I of the system pressures and f 1ows. Maximum waf er r.re I oai t-v I is 11.: itlsec- ar pipe 14 . vv4vv+er I I I DArEt s/5/2004 senrfen sysrEM H'DRAULTC "IoiIfO pase 6 c : \HAss75\EVERGREEN c7. sDFJOB TTTLE: EVERGREEN LODGE 1ST FLR ATTIC I (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE II Pipe Tab]e Name: STANDARD.pIp I pAGE: * MATERTAT-.,: s4 o HWC : 12 o I Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet(in) E T L c B G A D N I Ell Tee I-,ngEll Chkvlv Bfyvlv GatVlv Almchk Dpvlv NpTee I 1.049 2.oo s.oo 2.oo s.0o 6.00 i..00 10.oo 10.oo s.oo1.380 3.00 5.00 2.OO 7.OO 5.00 1.00 10.oo 10.oo 6.00 I L.510 4.00 8.00 2.OO 9. OO 6. OO t-.00 10.00 10. oo 8. O0 I 2 .729 9 .77 19 .54 6.5r. 22 .80 11 .40 r-.63 76 .28 16 .28 L9 .54r 3.342 L0.62 22.15 7 .58 24.27 15.1? L.52 79.72 !9 -72 22.154.324 14.L6 2A.32 8.50 31.15 16.99 2 -83 2A.32 28.32 28 -32 I 6.06s 14 . 00 30 .00 9.00 32 -OO 10 . OO 3 . OO 28 .00 28.00 30.00 I PAGE: D MATERIAL: DIRON HWC: 140 I Diameter Equivalent Fitting L,engths in Feet l(in) ETLcBGNr EIl Tee LngErl chkvrv Bfyvlv Gatvlv Npree5.240 22.0O 47 .OO 14.00 51. OO 15. OO 5. OO 47 .OO r I I I I I t I I t I I I DA=E: a/s/2004 senrfen sysrBM HvDRAUTJTc ry"il:Q . p ase 7 c: \HAss76\EVERGREEN c7 . sDF.JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN LODGE 1ST FIJR ATTICI I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I o Fl a.l Ol 3o (ri ro N -r.l c) .A o a-tzd:: t':: h; rtr (n H Er4B oo o @ c{ O(5Or'l $ @ to U)ol F., $ i'{ E oo)A E>>trr Orh lr oco ootr o@t 'o t{ >€oF-5\OFlCioN oF- ad ! ioit"idEl g tr@OQ!1l ..r Eq, 0ro ..1 oeFl '-r O.d o (J 0).f .Q c, P{ l.{ rJ16-llraAFl f'' 'Fi \O O >..{ SO(/)(/) !d .i tt>N (I)o\ '<rrrdtl<r0 mm adHv)ODCFI - or14..l^ I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I P }( E S S U R E ( D S I ) DAAE | 8/5/2004 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN WATER SUPPIJY CURVE 144+ I I 132+ \\ spRrOER sysrEM HIDRAUTJTc ANALvSO page I C: \HASS75\EVERGREEN Cz. SDF IjODGE ]-ST FLR ATTIC \\ \\ \, 25.0 psi @ 943 gpm- > Flow Test Point 0\\ L20 + 108+ 96+ 84+ 72+ 60+ 4B+ 36+ 12+ LEGEND X = Required Water Supply 49.06 psi @ 27G.8 gpm ll 0 = Available Water Supply n 723.7L psi @ 275.8 gpm 700 800 FI,OW (GPM) 200 300 400 500 500 900 1000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I ""ql;"":';:,;.i;:s;i"l l, COMMERCE CTTY, CO 80022 HYDRAULIC CAI.,,CULATIONS rNc. O FOR EVERGREEN LODGE RENOVATION CAIJC #8 250 S. FRONTAGE RD WEST VATL, CO. 230018 B/3/04 -DESIGN DATA_ OCCUPANCY CI,,ASSIFICATION : DENS rTY: . r gpm/sq. ft . AREA OF APPLICATION: L500 sq. ft. COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: 168 sq. ft. NUMBER OF SPRINKL,ERS CAL,CULTATED: 17 sprinklers ToTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REeUTRED: 344.4 gpm TOTAIT WATER REQUIRED (including hose) : 444.4 gpm FIJow AND PRESSURE (@ BOR): 344.4 gpm @ 9z psi SPRINKIJER ORIFICE SIZE: r/2u inch NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Al-rL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION DES TGN/I-,,AYOUT BY: M. KRZASTEK AUTHORITY HAVING .JURTSDICTION: VAIL FIRE CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 008 CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # 15070888 HRS SYSTEMS, INC. TUCKER, GA 30084 I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I DA-E: B/5/2004 sPRrlER sYsrEM JOB TTTLE: EVERGREEN I-,ODGE 1ST IJEVEIJ WATER SUPPLY DATA -I{YDRAULTC ANALYSU page 2 C : \HASS76\EVERGREEN Cg.SDF DINING I\ta\nE NODE TAG 24 2Ot 202 203 204 2nq 207 208 209 2I0 2Ir 2t2 2r3 z La zto 2\7 6t 62 53 55 bb o/ o.J o:, 10 7L 72 73 41 A) STATIC PRESS . ( PSI ) I-']. U EI.,EVATION ( FT) 0.0 19.0 10.0 10 - 0 11.0 19.0 10-0 10.0 11.0 19.0 18.0 16.5 t-4 .0 11.0 19.0 16.5 14 . 0 1"1".0 23 .0 19.0 15.0 23 .0 19.0 za . u 23 .0 l-9 - 5 r-5.0 23 .0 L9.5 15.0 14 . 5 RESID. IDqT\ FLOW @ (GPM) 943.O AVAIIJ. I DS T I 1n? o 444 .4 > I.) 444.4 GPM L00 .0 GPM O. O GPM 144 4 GDr|' PRESSURE TOTAL NORMAIJ DTSCHARGE (PSr ) (PSr) (GPM) TOTAL REQ'D @ DEMAND PRESS. (GPM) (PSr) AGGREGATE FI-,OW ANALYSTS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINK]-,ERS NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TYPE SOURCE K= 5.60 1\= f, _ bu K= 5.60 K= 5.50 K= 5.60 A= l.ou K= 5.60 K= 5.60 n= 5 . bu r\= f, . O U K= 5.60 K= 5.50 n = f, - b u K= 5 . 6 0 r\= I . O U 344.4 17.r 20 .0 zz . o 23.r L7 .2 20.L 2t .5 23.2 L6.8 17 .1_ L8.2 20 .8 23 .0 r8.2 2L .4 > t.) v.5 )-z . d 11 n 14.1 L1 .L 9.0 94 tu. o L5. tt l-o.:, l_u. b 1t\ A r+ - b r.0.0 IJ .5 r /.o 71 .8 o.l :r.o L.'. f, r /.o 11.5 L4 .5 19.5 20.o qa t2 .8 15.3 L2 .9 1_4.7 1.7 'l on 9.4 L0 .5 l-J .6 '1 n < 1a A r.t . o J-d.b L2.2 L5 .5 >.at .7 1 8.7 L2 .6 15 .0 11 ) L3.1 r.'.5 L> . > t DA*': a/s/2oo4 sPRrlER sYsrEM HYDRAULT. ^iitHt\EVERcREEN $::r;.fOB TITI.,E: EVERGREEN LODGE 1ST LEVEL DINING I N.DE ANALysrs DArA PRESSURE - NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE TOTAIJ NORMAL DTSCHARGEI (Fr) (Psr) (esry (cpM)I 43l:1 li:l19 20llt TORI ;:. 14.5 14.5 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 10.0 10.0 r.0.0 10.0qn 5.0 L.0 20.7 19.3 22.0 19.5 64.4 53.3 70.9 69.8 t1,5 tI.Z 74.8 74 -4 78.8 78.4 81.6 81.5 8L.8 8l-.7 82.6 82.5 84. I 84 .8 94.8 94.8 I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I I t t I I I I I I t spRrlER sysrEM HvDRAULTc ^IT::O pase 4 c : \HAss,6\EVERGREEN c8. sDFDA"IE 8/5/2004 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN LODGE 1ST LEVEIJ DINING PIPE DATA pipe: 202 57 Di l.rF . 61 62 Di ria . 203 pr ?'\a. 62 63 Di na. 204 63 r,L rE 1AU END ELEV. NODES (FT) Di Yra. l 201 19.0 5r 23 -O J) T DI\T fpsr) fDqr\ n / /:DM \ iJrD\-. vt1.! (rr>,/ (GPM) LT.! b.-1 0.o -20.0 20.o 7.4 0.0 -37.1 0.0 8.0 0.o -22.6 zz.o +.> 0.0 -59.7 0 .0 12 . 8 0.0 -23.r z5 . L 6. b 0.0 -dz. I 0.0 13 .0 0.0 -t7.2 L7 .2 6.4 0.0 20.L 7.5 0.0 -37.4 0.0 8.0 0.0 -zL.) zL.) o.u 0.0 -5at -:, 0.0 L2.5 0.0 HW (c) FTJ / FI L.049 Pr_, 120 FTG 0. 097 TL 1.049 Pr., 120 FTG 0.130 Tr, 1.380 PL tzu I t\t 0.107 Tt 1.380 PL 120 FTG 0.043 TL 1.380 Pr., 120 FTG 0 .259 TL 1.049 PL ].2 O FTG 0.169 Tr., r-.51_0 PL 120 FTG 0.223 Tr., 1.049 PL 12 O F'TG 0.099 TL 1.049 PL 120 FTG 0.132 TL 1 ?QN DT, ].2 O FTG 0.109 Tr., 1.049 PIJ 120 FTG 0.149 TL'l J,.56U lllJ 120 FTG 0.252 'IL YI(E55. SUM. / DE T \ EE 2.1 YL .L. T D17n? 0.4 -L.br.7 0.4 0.9 -J.Y 2.6 ),.7 1.1 -r.7 0.5 0.2 1.1 2O5 19.0 AA 1? A 63 4I Pi r\a. 64 64 65 Pipe: 207 b5 Di^a. 65 66 15.00 PF ET PE 22.OO PV 14.60 PF PE 14.60 PV 1L.00 ET 20.00 10.00 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF EE PV L0.00 5.00 2ET 14 .00 2.OO T 10.00 19.00 3E 25.00 15.00 ET I4 .50 PE -T.7 PV 0.3 DF ' O PE -5.5 PV 0.4 PF 1.6 PE I.7 PV 0.4 rl, z - | YE -3.9 PV 0.4 !-.l. z . ) PV 1.1 a 10.0 23.O 3 z5.v Lt - u 4 10.0 10 n 5 19.0 -L5. U 11.0 L) - u _tf,. u 14 .5 LENGTH (FT) 19.00 5E 25.0O10.0 ]-2.8 L0.0 10.0 t5 - 5 16.3 1,3.3 13.3 17 .6 17.0 17 .6 17 .6 20.0 9.5 L0 .2 L0 .2 !0.2 13.5 74.7 lJ. f, 13.5 77 .4 9.3 9.6 J-Z . A 9.5 9.6 12 .2 15.3 12 .2 t2 .2 16.5 l7.o 16.5 16.5 19 .9 :t -a 9.8 1) q 9.8 >-d 12 .5 14 .7 LZ. ) 1_2.5 L5 .7 I 9 L0.0 23 .0 l-0 23 .0 1q n 1L 10.0 19.0 12 L9.0 15.0 14 .50 11.00 ET r.8.00 L0.00 10.00 t I I I l DArE: B/5/2004 sPRrlER sYsrEM HYDRAULT. ritlit \ev'ncnnrw n:;";JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN LODGE 1sT IJEVEL DINING t P]PE TAG Q(cpM) DrA(rN) LENGTH pREss. END ELEV. PT PN DISC. VEL(rES) HY,1 191 (FT) SUM.NoDEs (FT) (PsI) (PsI) (GPM) FT-,/FT (PsI) r Pipe: 13 -23 .2 1 .049 PL 5 .00 PF 2 .4204 11.0 t7 .! 77 .L 23.2 8.5 l_20 FTG 2F.T pE _r..7 I 66 15.0 i.?.8 L6.7 0.0 0.171_ TL 14.00 pv 0.5IPlPe: L4 -82.0 1.G10 pL 2-OO pF 2.2 I 66 L5 .0 17.8 16 .7 O. O 12 .9 120 FTG T pE o .2 r 42 L4.5 20.2 1_9 -6 O. O o -22o TL 10.00 pv 1.1 _ Pipe: 15 _16.8 1.049 pL I2.OO pF !.7I 2Q9 19.0 9.0 9.0 16.8 6-2 120 prc 3E pE _2.6 I 67 25.0 8.1 7 .7 0. o 0.094 Tr_., 18.00 pv 0.3 I Pipe: 16 -;-7 .I 1.049 prJ 9.00 pF 1.I t 2r0 18.0 9.4 9 -4 17 .L 6.4 120 FTG 2ET pE -3. O6'7 2s.o 8.1 7 .7 o. o 0.098 TL 18. O0 pV 0.3 I pipe: 1? _33 . 9 1. 3go pL G.sO pF O. Gr 67 25.0 B.l- i -7 0.0 7 .3 120 FTG pE 0.968 23.O 9.6 8.7 0.0 0.091 TL 5.50 pv o.4 t Pipe: 18 -18.2 1.049 Pr., 7.OO PF 1.821,r 15.5 10.6 10.6 L8.2 6.8 120 FTG 2ET pE _2.a - 58 23.O 9.5 8-7 O.O o.LLo TL 16.00 pv 0.3 r pipe: 19 -52.2 1 . 380 pt 12.00 pF 2 .468 23.0 9.6 8.7 0.0 11.2 120 FTG pE 1. sI 69 r.9.5 13.s :-2-6 0.0 0.202 TL j-2.00 pv 0.8Ipipe: 20 -20-B 1.049 pL 5.00 pF 2.! I 2L2 L4.0 13.8 13.8 20.8 7 .7 L20 FTG 2ET pE _2.4 I 69 19.5 l-3.s 72.6 0.0 o.l_40 Tr_, 1s.oo pv 0.4 I Pipe: 21 -73.0 1.G10 prJ 12.00 pF 2.rI 69 l-9.5 13.5 12.6 O.O LL.5 120 FTG pE L-sr 70 15.0 17.6 16.0 o.o 0.777 TL 12.00 pV 0.9 I Pipe: 22 -23.0 1.049 pL s.Oo pF 2.4 t 2L3 1L . 0 76 .9 L6 .9 23 -O I . 5 120 FTG 2Er pE _L.770 15.0 17.5 15.0 O.O 0.169 Tr_, 14.00 pv o.s I eipe: 23 -96 . o 1 . 610 plr 2 .OO pF 2 .sr 7o 15. o 1_7 .6 15. o 0.0 L5.1 120 FTG T pE o.243 14.5 20.7 19.3 0.0 0.294 TL L0.00 pv 1.s t Pipe: 24 -r8.2 L.049 pL 19.00 pF 2.72L4 19.0 10.6 10.6 r8.2 6.8 120 FTG 3E pE _7.7 I 7I 23.0 11.6 Lr.2 0.0 0.110 TL 25.00 pV 0.3 I Pj_pe: 25 _L9.7 L.049 pL 7 .OO pF 2.o I 2r5 16.5 12.4 12.4 rs.7 7 .3 i.2o FTG 2ET pE _2 -8I 71 23.0 l_L.5 11 .2 0.0 o.!27 TL 15.00 pV 0.4I I I DArE: e/s/2004 r-LrE -L tt(r END ELEV. NODES (FT) Di ha. ?< 1'l ,? n D i ^a . 1'7 216 L4.O J- :t - 5 Diho. ?a 72 19.5 73 15.0 PirrF. ,o 2I'7 1L.0 73 L5.0 Q (GPM) DISC . VEL (FPS) (GPM) -5 t.t 0.0 8.1 0.0 -zL.+ zL..t t.y 0.0 -5v.3 o.o L2.7 0.0 - z+ . z 24.2 9.0 0.0 83.5 0.0 13.2 0.0 - 62 - I 0.0 4.5 0.0 -!64 .8 0.0 9.0 0.0 -260 .8 0 . 0 14 .3 0.0 -344.3 0.0 18.9 0.0 -344.3 0. 0 12 .6 0.0 - 5++ . 5 0.0 L2.6 0.0 -344.3 0.0 12.5 0.0 -J++. J 0.0 1.5 0.0 I t I I I I I I I I I I t II I II II I '73 44 4T 42 43 43 44 44 34 34 35 35 .1b 36 18 1R 19 Plpe:30 15.0 14 .5 Pr-pe : 31 14.5 l-4 .5 P i na . ? , 14 .5 D i ha . ? r- +t/e ! JJ 14 .5 Pr.pe: 34 14 .5 l-8.0 18.0 18.0 P i Yra . ? a 18.0 18.0 Pr_pe: J / 18.0 18.0 Pipe: 38 18.0 10.0 PT (PSr) rt .6 rt . f, 14 .5 18.5 L>.) L9.5 22.0 )A i 20 .2 20 .2 20 ,7 )n 1 22 .0 64 .4 64 .4 70.9 70.9 72 .3 1) 2 74.8 t+.6 t6.d PN I DC T \ tI .2 L3 .4 14 .5 13 .4 L3.4 18.3 18.5 1R ? 18.3 19 .6 19.9 19.6 19.5 19.3 19.3 -Ly. b 19.6 63 .3 OJ.J 69.8 7!.2 7L.2 74.4 74.4 78.4 LENGTH (FT) 12.00 12.00 5.00 2ET 15.00 12.00 12.00 r!(EDD. SUM. 1 De T \ pF 1 ? PV 0.4 EE Z. Z PE -2 .4 PV 0.4 Dl??.' DF 1 O Dlt11 4.324 PL 8.00 ].20 FTG E 0.025 TL 22.16 5.00 PF 2-6 2ET PE -T.7 14.00 PV 0.5 2.OO PF 2.3 T PE 0.2 10.00 PV 1.2 DET N 1 DE A A PV 0.1 DE A N D\7AE ET I . Z DE N A PV I.4 pF 41 0 PV 2.4 PE O.O p\7 11 PF I.4 DF A 'I Dlt1r DF N A D\t11 PF' A A PV 0.4 8.66 c'. bo ; ;; 8.66 o. ot) 125.00 2E2T ]-83 . 62 40.00 ET 73.37 5.00 t1; 15.62 5.00 z E\t 27.75 spRraER sysrEM HvDRAULTc ANAr.,yst JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN LODGE ].sT LEVEL DINING DrA (rN) Hw (c) FT, / E'T 1.380 Pr_, 120 FTG n 1 -1 a .lrr 1.049 PL 120 FTG 0.148 TL 1.380 PL 120 FTG 0.256 TL 1.049 Pr, 120 FTG 0. 185 TL 1 61n DT. 120 FTG v . zz I LL 4. tz> EL I ?n ET1: 0.017 TL z. lzt EIJ 120 FTG 0.061- TL ) 1ta Dl. ].2 O FTG 0.143 TL z. tZJ El) 120 FTG 0.239 TL J.5+Z Lalr 120 FTG 0.089 TL 5 , 512 Et) 120 FTG 0.089 Tr_, 5 .5+2 vL 120 FTG 0.089 TL Page 6 C : \HASS76\EVERGREEN C8. SDF I t .ATo. A /8, lrn,,a SPRTOER sYsrEM HYDRAULTC ANAIJYS U age ?. r c:\gessze\EVERcREEN C8.SDF JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN LODGE 1ST IJEVEL DINING PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) IJENGTH PREss.END ELEV. pT pN Drsc. vEL (Fps) HW(C) (FT) SUM.NoDEs (Fr) (PsI ) (psr ) (cpM) FL/FT (psr ) Pipe: 3 9 -344 .3 4 .324 PL 53 .00 PF 2.A19 10.0 78.8 78.4 0.0 7 .5 L2o FTG 4E pE O. O20 10.0 81.6 8L. s 0.0 o. o2s TL 109.64 pv 0.4 Pipe: 40 -344 .3 5 . OE5 pL 6 . O0 pF O .220 10.0 81.5 81.5 O.O 3.8 l_20 FTc TG pE 0.021 10.0 81.8 8r.7 0. o o. oo5 Tr., 39. OO pV 0.1 Pipe: 41 -344.3 5.055 pL 101_.00 pF 0.82t 10.0 81.8 8I .7 0.0 3.8 120 FTG 5E pE O.O22 10.0 82.6 82.5 0.0 0.005 TL 171.00 pv 0.1 Prpe: 42 -344.3 6. OG5 pL 9. OO pF O.022 10.0 82.6 82.5 0.0 3.8 120 FTG pE 2.2TOR 5.0 84.8 84.8 o.o o.oo5 TL 9.OO pV 0.1 Pipe : 4 3 FrxED PRESSURE I.,oSS DEvIcEBOR s.0 0.0 94.8 0.0 10.0 psi, 344.3 gpmTOR 5.0 0.0 84.8 o.O I I t I I I I I I t I t I I I I I Pr-pe: 44 BOR 5.0 23 1.0 Pr-pe: 45 23 1.0 24 0 . 0 94.A 96 .6 :ro . o 51+ - 5 94.8 0.0 3.8 95.5 0.0 ,344.4 96.s 0.0 3.6 e7.s (N/A) o. uol !.L 120 FTG 0.005 TIJ 6.280 PL 140 FTG 0.003 TL 1.00 E 15.00 50.00 ETG l_34.00 PF 0.1 PE L.7 PV 0.1 PF 0.4 PE 0.4 PV 0.L NOTES : (1) Calcufations were performed by the HASS 2.6 computer program under license no. 16070888 granted by HPq q\/q1- amc Th- 4792 Lavista Road Tucker, cA 30084 (2) The system has been calculated to provide an averageimbalance at each node of 0.004 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.190 gpm. (3) Velocity pressures have been included in the cal_cuf ationof the system pressures and ffows. Maximum water velocityis 18.9 ftlsec at pipe 34. I DA=E, a/s/2004 sPRrl)ER sYsrEM HYDRAULT. ^:ll;i#.\eveRcReer AT"3 rfOB TITL,E: EVERGREEN LODGE 1ST LEVEL DINING I (4) PIPE FITTTNGS TABLE I Pipe Tab1e Name: STANDARD. plp I pAGE : * MATERIAT..,: 54 0 HWC : 12 O I Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet(in) E T L C B G A D N I El1 Tee IJngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv catvlv AImChk Dpvlv NpTee I L.049 2.00 s.00 2.0o s.0o 5.oo 1.00 10.oo 10.oo 5.00]-.380 3.00 6.00 2-00 7.00 6.OO L.OO 10.00 10.00 5.001.510 4.00 8.00 2.00 9.00 5.00 1.00 10.oo 10.00 8.oo I 2 .72s s .77 19 .54 6. sr. 22 -go 11 .40 1 .63 rG .28 \6 .28 1e. s4r 3 -342 rO .62 22.75 7.58 24.21 ]-5.L7 r.52 L9.72 L9 .72 22 -754.324 14 -16 28 -32 8.50 3r..15 76.99 2.83 28.32 28.32 28.32 I 5.055 14.00 30.00 9.00 32.0o 10. oo 3. OO 28 -OO 28. OO 30.00 I PAGE: D MATERTAL: DIRON HWC: 140 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feec I (in) E r L c B c NI E1l Tee LngEIl Chkvlv Bfyvlv GatVlv NpTee5.280 22 .OO 4.7 .00 14.00 51. OO 16. OO 5.00 47 .oo T I I t I I I I I t I o rl ol E o, /A E> > /Ur Otr A /brt t /fllt.tt /t q tr >o /o{t<r.-rq /|') d' r, + or cd ,/0 (nv orE /trOC, )U /Or tl@(/)o /'.r gr /QA --i (.) E /r-r 016 (r) u o /'q 0) A|]! /dol] ta ,/.-t o..r r-- o > /-.r tscatr? /Gr- u />o(Dr_-./<r.rco,dra /?i / // //// / // // / /----/.-\\ /--- /-A z rl '-1 DATE: 8/5 /2004 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN SPRI.ER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC IUUU. TS ' IEVEL DINING ANAI,YSIO. page e C ; \HASS75\EVERGREEN c8.SDF r I m' ".eO{' *Ol N -Ao'.r^ br 01 3o ._l U) ,: (\ lJ U)o a, l-l va.:5r ut :-r (') z4:: >':1Jt.r: tU d!b(4(/l F1 Er43 I I I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I @ XE 'o Bo !] Ei \o r.r) N I lr| I N Fl r-{o4DOrl l4 a; Fl ACH(/)(nDP4El I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I R s U R E ( S r ) DAaE:8/5/2004 JOB TITI,E: EVERGREEN WATER SUPPIJY CURVE L44+ I 132+ \\ 108+ senrt'nn svsrEM HYDRAUIJTc LODGE 1ST IJEVEL DINTNG ANAi.',ysO page 10 C : \HAS576\EVERGREEN C8.SDF :ro + 84+ 72+ 60+ 48+ 35+ 24+ 0\\ LEGEND X = Required Water supply 97.4'7 ps! @ 444 -4 gpm \\ \\ \ 26.0 psi @ 943 gpm-> Fl-ow Test Point tl tl tl tl 0 = Available water supply 10?.90 psi @ 444-4 gpm ''r 700 800 FI-,OW (GPM) 200 300 400 500 600 900 1000 s TOVNOFVAILIY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLTCATTON WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED rF INCOMPLETE OR UNSTSI Project #:i"F,t3qs-.,ra ruiidins Permit *z.B e-l ?J78 AfarmPlrm|t#= Aol'odt Fire Alarm d are required at time of bmittal is form. te on the ithout this CONTRACTOR INFORMATION shop st inr 97Q:4:29:2!J!EiG!!5 Contact and Phone #'s: ; rA t//'aL/ t8 .ft3.7tooTown of Vail Reg. No.:Fire Alarm ,on ^Oorl- S * C E-Mail Address:C orn|ae,(C(daot ( O'vt COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR AI-ARM PERMIT (Labor & Materi FireAlarm:$ iZ.q13.3i flPcEr',En lontact Eaqle Countv Assessorc Otrie at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel # Job Name: lpurz2,ferv /o fu e ?.r,rcrJ"Z rob Address: ,l ro 5 FF""r^ r K>- u", Legal Description Lot: -r'Block: i Filing:Subdivision: Stla' l';.t 1,+, rl^-cn I Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaiied Location of work: (i.e,, floor, unit #, bldg. #) 3eD F-l&,e !\rrt:,u L,€v-er- Delailed description of work: t-:Pc.es.:s- Fea ALAP-.-\ SYs'rg'..' -TL' A€,-,.) A@ \Mork Class: New ( )Addition ( )ffi Reffo-fit()Other ( ) TypeofB|dg.:Sing|e-fa*nffi+amlrv(1commerciaT1fcestaurant()other() No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No, of Accommodation units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (yJ No ( )Does a Fire Spnnkler System Exist: Yes ('z)- No ( ) for Parcel # tr**'rr.ti**.*?r:k*************rrr.*lr***********FoR oFFIcE USE ONLY***!t**t(**************rtt ****!t:rr.:!*t *'t** Other Fees:Date Receiw Public Way Permit Fee;Aqccplea-ELJL!1--- Occupancy Group: . \VAI I \dAtA icdEV\FORI,,'IS\PERMITS\ALRM PERI'1. DOC c7 i2q2a02 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submittal must include the following: '/' A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp.(/" t " i t t'''''/t) - oevice locatiois on rcflecfed ceiling ptini. '/;./ Typical device wiring diagrams.l, Battery calculations.,,/ A list of specific device model numbers.,/ Equipment cut sheets of each type of device.,/' The number of each type of device./' Information indicating the specific zones. Circuit diagrams, r'" Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. _- Knox Box location.. Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring agency. ! " Information regarding property managers and contact numbers'i'" Owner's primafo resiiienci locition and contact numbers., - Instructions for fire alarm system operations and any peftinent code numbers for proper operations. This check list has been provided to ensure that our review process may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project name: 1 '., i'-l : .r.-tll' 'r..'r)i,r iflr)- fifo- t-\:rr-'c-- Contractor Signature: llL Date Signed: TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTING NON.EMERGENCY FIRE ALARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Depaftment Suppression crbws to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you perform the following tasks: t,'Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the structure you are working in with the owner or the manager of the property involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Depaftment. i ' Determine with the owner or manager of the property' which alarm company seruices the system for them. ,' Become familiar with the different components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Never paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, or any other component of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. l/' t' For small projects bag detector within the area you will be working in before you star$ and remove the bags after work is done for the day, :/ For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Department so that we can work with you in determining what needs to be done to alter or "Zone Out" specific areas of the alarm system for the structure. Please contact the Town of Vail Fire Marshal, Mike McGee at479'2135 or the Town of Vail Fire Prevention Officer, Mike Vaughn at479'2462. I have read and understand the above guidelines. Project Name: Contractor Signature: Date Signed: PREPLAN INFORMATION SHEET VAIL FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES BUILDING INFORMATION: '/JBuilding n *e FUtf7fterl r'''[174 Street address & phone #:fl, fo .C €Ka,ttag e P/. u.z Knoxboxlocatioa2 A,rortA ,'c/c , oa ea;/ er'/ e* l',L// /:urL Alarm panel 1sss1i6a1 6o4;n.! *. r"rar/9 gr'+)' e . n . ut ro /lo:rn' / /' Alarm silence & reset "oa"", //|* RPS': NAMES & PHONE I\IUMBERS (work & home): Owner: Property manager: Property maintenance manager: Alarm service company: BIIILDING UTILITIES: Gas: Main location: Other locations: Electric: Main location: Sub-panel loeations: Water: Main valve location: Main fire valve location: Secondary water valve locations: /--.\lfL|r\A R5/x / NVNfrvNY HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of VailSurvey Commu nity Development Department Russell Fonest Director, (970) 47e-213s Gheck allthat applies. 1. Which Departnen(s) did you conbct? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initalcontact with our sbfiimmediate_ dow _or : no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why noP 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you: 51321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, avaiiability) 7. Overall effectiveness of $e Front Service Counter, 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you b use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, We are commited b improving our service. o o Gommercial Specialists of Western Colorado, LLC' Data Sheefs For $ruasco Evergreen Lodge Remodel g'd Hoor t@rrorrFlER' lolltRarmswrsmxY.rc Table of Contents B501H Intelligent Base with Sounder.. ..-""Section I FAPT-85 I Acclimate Plus Multi-Sensor Intellig€nt Detector... . ......Section 2 NBc-l2lxManualPull Station """"""Section3 SpectrAlert Series Speaker/Strobes .....--""Section 4 o SP2W24I5 o SP2W2430 SpectrAlert SP200 Speaker On1y......... ----Section 5 June 26, 2000 DN-3170. H-320 NOTIFIER FTRE SYSTETUS B5OT BH Intelligent Bqse with Sounder Section; lntelligenuAddressable Devices GENERAT The 8501BH is a mounting base which includes a horn assembly. Any NOTIFIER analog, intelligent detector may be used with the 8501BH. When the detector alarms, it commands the sounder to activate. Model 8501BH Base with Sounder may be used with the AM2020, AFP1010, AFP-200, AFP-300, AFP-400, or System 5000 (equipped with AIM-200 module). APPLIGATIONS The 8501BH is ideal for applications where a sounder is required at each detector location, such as hotel rooms, offices and oatient rooms. GONSIRUCTION AHD OPERATIOII The 8501BH may be used in two modes of operation: Mode 1 - When the detector's LEDs are latched on for approximately 10 seconds, the associated horn sounds. Mode 2 - A loop of 8501BH Sounder bases may be acti- vated simultaneously by reversing the polarity of the 24- volt supply. This feature may be used in conjunction with Mode I for a 'two-stage" type of evacuation. The B501BH sounder always requires separate 24 VDC to operate the sounder (see Sounder Elechcal Rathgs, p. 2). FEATURES . Sounder output is greater than g0 dBA measured in an anechoic room at 10 feet (3.048 m), 24 volts, 85 dBA minimum measured in UL reverberant room, . An alarm delay of approximately 10 seconds is built into the B501BH. INSTATLATION NFPA 72 and NEMA guidelines should be observed. (NOTE: For installation in Canada, refer to CAN/ULC 5524, Standard for the lnstallation of Fire A/a/m Systems. See CEC Pad 1 , Sec. 32.) Units must be mounted directly to a 4' (101 .6 mm) square electrical box, minimum 1-112" (38.1 mm) deep, using the supplied mounting kit. A maximum space of 1/8' (3.175 mm) from outside edge of electrical box to the inside edge of the drywall or ceiling tile is allow- able. cs308 7300-1209:128 F= Californiafiffi g.tate Flre I((W,I//J Marshal FE 7300-1209:136 SPEGIFIG/AtlONS Base dlameter: 6.0" (15.2 cm). Base helght (less base and sensor): 0.75" (1.9 cm). Welght: 0.3 lbs. (140 grams). Operatlng tsmperature range: 14'F to 140"F G10'C to +60'C). Operatlng relaUve humldity range: 10To to 95o/o. @ TISTED s2522 @ @ Ym@ 93/00141 BASE ONLY; California State Fire Marshal 8501BH shown with a smoke detector This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. Ws lry to keep our product information up.to-dats Bnd accureto. Ws cannot cover all specific applications or snticipato €ll requir€msnts. All specifications are subioct to chango without notico. For more informalion, conlact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484.7161 FAx: (203) 484-71jS_u\(U) X C)TI Fl E R' 12 Ctintonyitte Rosd, Northford, connacucut 06472 UtSlMIHilE Iillil|ltffilrlr DN-3170. 06/26/00 - Page 1ol2 o SOUNDER ELECTR|GAT RAililGs External Supply: Voltage: 17 to 32 VDC. Standby current: 1 .0 mA maximum. Alarm current: 15 mA maximum. Maximum ripple voltage: 10% of supply voltage. Start-up capacitance: 200 pF. Communication Loop Power Requlrements: . Current draw from rernote output of detector to turn horn ON: Intelligent systems requires 700 pA maximum. (not included with detector base) 8501 Flangeless Base is factory- mounted to lhe 8601BH Detector Base Sounder SCREWS (not included with detector base) IVOIES; 't) Auxiliary devices, such as the M4002, may not be used in conjunction with the BS01BH. 2) A high current switching relay is required for both po- larities when used for the external power supply. The 8501BH requires 'l mA each in the Standby mode and 15 mA each in an Alarm condition. The current capac_ ity during monitoring (normal) can be up to 99 mA (1 mA per base) without any homs sounding (plus an ad- ditional 75 mA to 150 mA from local sensor control) or up to 1.5 Amperes with a potarity reversal and gg mA with horns sounding. PRODUGT IINE INFORftTATION Model Descrlptlon 8501BH Sounder Base Assembly. Includes 8501 base. 8501 Plugjn Flangeless Base for SOO Series detec- tors. 8601BH Replacernent Sounder only (requires BS01 mounting base). Page 2 ot 2 - DN-3170.06/2U00 NOTTFIER* April '1, 2003 DN-6937'H-111 FAPT.8sI Acclimote Plus'" Multi-Sensor Low-Profile lnfel li gent Delector Section:Devio€s OE]IERA1 The NOTIFIER FAPT{51 Accfmate Plutn detecbr is an inbF ligent, addressable, multi-sensing, low-prcfil€ delector designed frcr use on the NOTIFIER AFP-300, AFP400, AFC{00 (dassic rrbde only), ONYX Series NFSS4O and NFS-3O30 (dassic or Rashscan@ modes), AFP101O, and AM2020 Fire Alarm Control Panels. The Acclimate Plusru delector uses a combination of Dhoto- electric and trermal sensing bchnologies thal are designed to increase immunity to talse alarms. Unlike taditional intelligent del€ctors, the Acclimate Plusu detector has a micropoces- sor in lhe detector head that processes alarm data. As a re- sult, the Acclimate Plusfl detector adjusts its sensitivity auto- matically, without needing operator intervention. Areas [rhere the Acclimate Plusr{ detector is especially use- ful indude oftce complexes, schools, college campuses, manu- facturing and industrialfacilities, and anywhere else lhe use of a parlicular area may change. One day a conference room, tomorrow a kitchen, lhe next day a copy ma€fiine room - the Acdimate Plusu detector automatically adjusts its sensitivity lo the environment! !EATURES . Automalically adjusts sensitivity levels wihout the need for op- erator intervention or programming. Sensitivity increases with heat.. Microprocessor+ased, combination phob and thermal tech- nology.. Flashscan@ (NFS-640 and NFS-3030) and classic system (NFS-640, NFS-3030, AFP-3Oo, AFP-400, AFC-600, AFP 1010, and 4M2020) compatible.. Sleek, low-profile design.. Rolary, decimal addressing (1 - 99 on current dassic sys- tems, 1 - 159 on ONYXU Series FlashScan@ systems, 1 - 99 on the AFC400).. Addresses can be viewed and changed without the need for electronic programmers. . Dual bi-color LED design provides 360' viewing angle. . LEDS lock RED when in Alarm. ln FlashScan@, LEDs flash GREEN in Standby for normal condition.. Several base options, induding relay, isolalor, and sounder.. Built-in functional test switch activated by extemal magnel.. Listed to UL 268.. Capable of heat-only alarm mode, enabled by a specialcom- mand from the panel. Smoke alarms are ignored.. Backwards-comoalible on most oanels.. Low-temperature signal at 45"F/7.2?C (+/- 10'F/5.54'C). SPECIFIGATTOIIS Seisftfvfty: aulo-a dlustlng levels: 1 to 2%1ft and 2 lo 4Yolft. with Legacy syslems; 1 to 2, 2 to 3, and 3 tc 47oft. witr ONYX systems: ,tr€d.sensltlvry tevelA: 1 ,2, and 4%ift. wih Legacy systems; 0.5, 1,2, 3, and 4%lft. with ONYXn systems. g*@l i?i1H,1,.' s1115 ",1ff$IHll3n", MEA Permit # 2122 22542-E t, Ft' 't+ FAPT-851 in B7lOLP base Slze:2.1" (5.1 cm) high x 4.1'(10.4 cm) diameter installed in B50l base, 6.1" (15-5 cm) diameter inslalled in B710LP base. Shf pping welght: 5.2 oz. (147 {. Operating temperature: 0'C to 38'C (32'F to 100'F). UL-Listed velocfty range: 0 -4000 ft./min. (1219.2 m/min.), suitable for installation in ducls. Relative humldlty: t006 - 93% noncondensing. Thermal ratings: fixed-temperature setpoint 135'F (52'C). E LE CTRICAL SPECIFIC ATIO NS : Voltage range: 15 - 32 volls DC peak. Standby curr€nt (max. avg.): 25O pA @ 24 VOC (without communication); 360 jtA @ 24 VDC (one communicauon ev- ery 5 seconds with LED enabled). Loop r€sistance: 40 ohms maximum; varies accordir€ to con- trol panel used. Refer lo panel inslallation manuals. LED cur€nt (max.): 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC CON"), BASES AVAILABLE: B710LP: 6.1" (15.5 cm) diameter. B50l: 4.1" (10.4 crn) diameter. B5l)lBH or A501BHT: Sounder base assembly. Includes B50l base. Fhshscan@ is a registered trademark and ONYXfl and Accll- mate Plusr are tradernarks of NOTIFIER. LOTIFIERO is a lbrttd company. This doqJmont b nol ir{€.!d€d lo bo usod fo. installalion pu.pos€s. We try io k€6p our produci info.filafion uPlo{alg and accu.ete. We cannot cov€r all specific .pplic€lions of ahlicipato all r€quirsmenls. All speciticdions a.€ subject i,o change wilhout notice. For more infofmalion, conlaql NOTIFIER. Phoo6: (203) 484-7161 FAX; (m3) 484-7118 LOTt Fl E i' 12 Cliniorvitts Road, Northford, Conn€clicut o{i472 E=ffiTDffitlffilff rso g00r DN-69'7.(W01/03 - Pagp I ol2 B22aRB R.fey Baso: Scnev tannlndt: tJg to 14 AwG (2.0 mm2l. Reley typ..' Form-C. Rathrg: 2.0 A @ 30 VDC resis- tive; 0.3 A @ 110 VDC lnductive; 1.0 A @ 30 VDC indrclive. Nmenslons:6.2'(15.748 cm) x 1.2' (3.O48 cm). B52rlBf bofdor Base: Dlmenslons:6.2'(15.748 on) x 1.2' (3.M8 crn). naxtmum: 25 devices belyve€n isolator bases. l||3r l|'/rTIOX The FAPT-751 plugin detec-lor uses a sepaEte base lo sim- plify installatbn, service, and maintenancs. A special lool al- lows maintenance personnel to plug-in and remove detectots withort using a ladder. Mount base on a box at least 1.5" (3.81 cm) deep. Suitable moundng base boxes indude: . 4.0' (10.16 crn) square box. . 3.5' (8.89 c'n) or,t.0' (.|0.16 crn) ocbgonal box. . Singfe{ang bo\ (excqt ralay or lsolator base). , Wnh HffiBU base, use a 4.0' (10.,|6 on) square box. . WIth B224RB or B2i21BI base, use e 3.5' (8.89 cm) oc- tagonal box, or a 4.0' (10.16 qn) octagonal or sguare box. iIOTES: l) Bwusa ot tll€ inll€/'€,t wpervtsbn Wvided by the SLC l@p, ond4Htne ,r'sl'b/rs erc not ,e,qufued. lllrring -f-@s' or branches arc pamitted for Style 1 (Cra88 'B') wiring- 2) When using rct y or sourda. Drseq cottsun daia she€t DN- 2243 (ISo.E for devic-e timiblions betwe€n tulator modu/€'s and isorator basss. APPUCATTON NO?Ej The FAPT451 debcior has the unique ability to adjust sensilivity according to the environmenl, based on heai and smofte levels. Avoid installing lhese debctors in localkrns hat arc sttsceptiHe to rapfd and high temperature changes. An example of an incorrecl applicatbn would be near or in line with lhe ouhut of a self-conhined heabr. DEIECTOR SPACTNG; NOTIFIER recommends spacing de- lectors in compliance with NFPA 72. In low airflow applica- lions with smoolh ceillrEs, space debclors 3O feet (9.1t14 m). For specifc informaton rcgarding debctor spacing, phcemenl and special applicatilxs, reftr b NFPA 72. Struiem Smola De tedor Appli@fion Gude, doqrmenl A0$1003, is available al Sytt€m!€nta.com- oRDtttlt@ tlttornriloll NOTE: 'A'suffix idicates ULC Usled model FAPT-851: Lowarofile intelligent multi-sensor detecior. Must be mounted !o one of the bases lisbd b€low. FAPT-851A: Same as FAPT-851 but with ULC Lisling. lhrg BTIOLPBP: Sbndard U.S. low-profile base, pkg. of 10. BT|0LPA Standard U.S. lorv-profile base, ULC Listing. 8501BP: Standard Eumpean f,angeless base, pkg. of 10. B50lA: Standard European flangeless base, ULC Lis$rp. B$iAH{A}: Sqrnder base, includes B5O1(A) base abore. B50lBHf(A): Same as 8501BH(A), but includes temporel sounder. BZIaRB(A): Intdlig€nl relay base. BZI{A|{A}: Intelligent isdabI base. lsolabs SLC fiom loop shorts. Aocossorirs Fl tll Rebofit replacement flange for BX-501 base. Converts BX-501 base for use wilh Rashscan@ delectors. RA/OOZ{A): Remote LED annunciator. 3 - 32 VDC. Fib U.S. singfe{ang ebctrfcal box. Suppotted by B710LP(A) and 8fi1(A) ba*s only. SXKfID: Surface nrcunling kil provides for enty of surface wiring conduft For use with 8fi1(A) base on,y. RIXIO0: Rec$sed rnountirq fiL For use with 8501(A) Mse onty. SIBG(XI: Surface mountng kil tor use wilh 8710LP(A). 102-04'.01 : Test magnet. U02.09.011: Test magnet wit| blescope sliclc IR-2: Deledor rsmoval bd. Allows instalblion and/or removal of Flashscar0 Sed€s detecbr heads fiorn base in high ceil- ing installations. XP-|: Extension pole ior XR-2. Comes in three 5-n. s€ctions. D.a.ctor Ca.Jdst ^rOIE: Some gltatds llsi3d bebw may not be applic€, e. SIIG.773: Smoke detecbr guard; cover is 7.0" (17.78 on) square x 3.f (7.64 cm) deep. This guard, aWnugh machani- cslly conpathh, E M)f ULa npatiHlity UM wih the FAPT- 751. Sn 9601: Low.prcfile, nushflounl snoke deffir guard, whe.' STI 98112: Lovr.profile, surface.mount, smoke delector guard, w;e.' Sll96119: Hplrpmfile, flush{nounl, smoke deMrguad, wire.' STI 9605: High-profile, surface{ount, smote detector guard, wire.' STI gOlX: Flush-mounl heal det€cbr guard, wire.* STI 96lO: Surface.mount heat detedor guad, wire.' 'Fq ctimeneions anct a(fritional tufomdtbn o', 57, Sbe, lyeb Slqp- p€rs, see datE sheol DrV-,t936. STI€20GSS: Flush-mount stainless sleel smoke detectot guard. STl423ll-SS: Surface-mount slainless steel smoke detector guard. -L address dial on back of detector wiring diagram (standard base) P4e2ol2 - ON-6937. (WO1^)3 ) ffi'g NOTTFIER' March 23. 2001 DN€726 . H-240 NBG-l2UX Addrcssoble llqnuol Pull Stollon with FloshSion@ Seclion: IntelligenuAddressable Devices OEltlERAI Th6 NOTIFIER NBG.I2LX is a stateof-the-art, dual-ac- tion (i.e., requir€s two motions to activate th€ station) pull slation that includes an addressable interface for any NOTIFIER intelligent conlrol panel. Because the NBG- 12LX is addressable, the control panel can display the exact location of the activated manual station. This leads fire personnel quickly to the location of the alarm, FEATUREg . Maintenance personnel can open station without causing an alarm condition.. Built-ln bicolor LED, which is visible through the handle of lhestation,ffashesin nomalop€rationandlatchessteady rgd when in alarm.. Handle latchos in down position and the word "ACTI- VATED" appear to deady indicate the station has been operated.. Captive screw terminals wire.r€ady for easy connection to SLC loop (accepts up to 12 AWG/3.25 mm2 wire).. Semi-flush, mounls to a standard single-gang (2.125' [5.3975 cml minimum depth), double{ang, or4" (10.16 cm) square el€ctrlcal box.. Smooth dual-action design.. Within ADA 5 lb. oull force.. Highly visible.. Attractive shape and texturgd finish.. Key reset.. Includes Braille text on station handle.. Optlonal trim ilng (BG-TR).. Meetrs UL 38, Standard tor Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes.. Up to 99 NBG-12LX stauons per loop on classic protocol syslems.. Up to 159 NBG-121X stations per loop on Flashscan@ protocol systems.. Dual-color LED blinks green lo indicate normal on FlashScan@ systems. coNsrRucrrorl Shell, door, and handl€ are molded of durable LEXAN@ (or polycabonate €quival€nt) with a textured finish. oPERtflOil Pushing in, then pulling down on the handle causes it to latch in the down/activated position. Once latched, the word "ACTIVATED' (in bright yellow) appears at the top of the handle, while a portion of the handle prokudes from the bottom of the station. To reset the station, simply unlock the station with the key and pull the door open. This action resets the handle; closing the door automati- cally r€s€ts lhe switch. PATENTED, U.S. PATENT NO. D428r351 OTHER U,S. PA':E^|7S PEND,NA @ Approved This document b not intended to be us€d for Installation purposos. We try to keep our paoducl infonnadon up-to-datg and gcaurste. We cannoi cover all spgdltc apf icatons or antlclpste all reqoi.ementg. Al rpedflcstiorE are subiect to ch6n96 without notice. Fo. mot6 Inbrmation, contact OTIFIER. Phme: (203) 48,{-7161 FNC (203) 484-7118 @ f Oft f f = n' t2 c ntonv te Road, Norrhfo.d, connecdcd oMz2 ON-6726. $n3n1 - Psga 1ol2 c@us @i;?*l#:,,,, LISTED s692 The NBG-|2LX Addressable Manual Pull Statlon Each manual station, on oommand friom the control pan€|, sends data to the panel repres€nting the stale of the manual switch. Two rotary decimal switch€s allow addr€ss set- tings (1-159 on FlashScan@ systems, 1-99 on CLIP sys- tems). Fla8hscan@ is a rogistered lrademark of NOTIFIER. LEr(At{@ ls a rogistered tradamark of GE Plaslics, a subsldlary of Genoral Elsclric Company. PRODUGI ltNE tlitFont flOil llodel Descrlption NBG-I2LX Dual-action addressable pull station. Indudes key locking feature. SB-10 Surface backbox. 8G-TR Optional trim ring. tltstAlt ttoll The NBG-12LX will mount semi-flush into a single€ang, doublegang, or standard 4" (10.16 crn) square el€ctricel outlet box. or will surface mount to lhe Model SB-10 sur- face backbox, lf the NBG-12LX is being s€mi-tlush mounted, then the optional trim ring (BG-TR) may be used. The BG-TR b usually needed for semi-flush mounting with 4" (10.16 crn) or doubl*gang boxes (not with single-gang boxes). Termlnal Connecllons 1 SLC (-) 2 SLC (+) E Cover open to show easy access fo mlnlature monitor module, rotary swilch, and UL label. Pag62a'2 - DN-6726 ' 03/23101 EIEGTRIG,II SPEGIFIOI?TONS Normal operating voltage: 24 VDC. Maximum SLC loop voltage: 28.0 VDC. Maximum SLC loop cun6nt: 375 UA. ANCHlTECTUIAV ETIOII|EERTIIO SDECIFTCTTIOT|5 Manual Fire Alarm Stations shall be non-coded, with a k€y- operated r€set lock in ord6r that they may be tested, and so designed that aft6r actual Emergency Operslion, they cannot be restored to normal except by use of a key. An operated station shall automatically condition itself so as to be visually detected as adivated. Manual stations shall b€ construc{ed of r€d-cotorod LEXAN@ (or polyc€r- bonEte equivalent) wlth c-learly visible operating insfuc- lions provided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the front of tho staticns in white lett€rs, 1.00 inches (25.4 mm) or larger. Statons shall be suitable for surface mounting on malching badoox SB-10; or semi-flush mount- ing on a standard single€ang, double-gang, or 4' (10.16 cm) square electrical box, and shall b€ installod within th€ limits defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or per national/local requirements. Manual StaUons shall be Underwriters Laboratorles llsted. Manual stations shall connect with two wires to one of the control panel SLC loops, The manual station shall, on command from the control panel, send dala to the panel roprosonting th€ stat€ of the manual switch. Manual sta- tions shall provide address setting by use of rotary decimal switches. The loop poll LED shall be clearly visible through the front of the station. The LED shall flash while in the normal condition, and stay steadily illuminated when in alarm. o Detail of GI BREAKAuAYTAB* U *Remov€ tab to s€lect addresses above 99 (FlashScan@ systems only). Back of statlon without door. March 20, 2001 DN-6756 . J-112 6) Norl FI ER= | tot}'i$:if"t3'?"se,ries \=/ | tection: Audion/isual Devices GENERAL Sys{em Sensor's SpectrAlert@ SP2 Wall Speaker/Skobes combine leading-edge strobe and speaker technologies with a user-friendly, uniquely styled design. Technology - The SpectrAlert@ SP2 Series combines the low current draw of the original SpedrAlert@ strobes with the fidelity sound quality of the SpectrAlert@ SP200 Series evacuation speakers. Installation - The SpectrAlert@ SP2 Series includes sev' eral features to simplifl installation. with field-reversible components, the SP2 wall speaker/strobe may be mounted with the strobe on the right or left to avoid potential obstruc- tions. The unit may be secured to a 4" x 4" x 2-118" (101.6 x '101.6 x 53.975 mm) backbox wilhout an extension ring. An optional backbox skirt is available for surfac€fiount appli- cations. Flexibilityr -As with other SpectrAlert@ products, the SP2 wall speaker/strobes feature flexibility for a wide variety of applications. The 24-volt strobe is available in five different candelas. The speaker ofiers field-selectable 25.OnO.7 volt' age and 114, 112, 1, and 2 watt power taps. Aesthetics - Product appearance is important to most building owners. The SP2 Series wall speaker/strobes in- corporate features and aesthetic clrves similar to those of the Spec{rAlert@ homs and sbobes for a more appealing look. FEATUR.ES . Combines SpectrAlertlo strobe and speaker technologies for lorr, cunent draw and fidelity sound quality. . Sync.Circuitru module availablE for synchmnizing strobe. . 24-volt models available with 15, 15t5, 30, 75, and 110 candela strobes.. 25.0 and 70.7 volt speaker with four field-selectable po\^rer laps.. Field-reversible sbobe for left or tight mounting options. . Fits standard 4" x 4' x 2-118" (1 01.6 x 101.6 x 53.975 mm) backbox without an extension fing.. Optional surface-mount bac*box skirt available. SPEGIFIAATIONS General Speclflcations: Dimenslons: 8.25" wide x 4.875" high x 2.25' deep strobe and 1.'10'deep speaker (209.55 mm wide x 123.825 mm high x 57.15 mm deep strobe and 27.94 mm deep speaker). Mounting: to 4" x4" x 2.125" (101.6 x 101.6 x 53.975 mm) backbox, no extension ring required. Indoor operating temperature: 32'to 120'F (0'to 49'C). Strobe Specifications: Strobe operatlng voltage: 24 VDC and FWR unfiltered. HSTEII s4048 Operatlng'vottage range': 24 V 20 - 30 V. Operatlng voltage range wlth Slmc€ircuitn module*: 24 v.21 -30V. lnput termlnals: 12 to 18 AWG (3.25 to 0.75 mm'z). 'NOTE: These produds should be operated within their rated vdtage n@a. ULdes, however, testfunctionel integtv to -2M end +1096 of manufacturefs shtod rcnge$ Speaker Specifications: f nput voftage: 25.O or 7O.7 Vmrs (nominal). Input termlnals: 12 to 18 AWG (3.25 to 0.75 mm2). Frequenry range: 400to4,000 Hz. OfEj lte SP2C Series is Ui listed fron 400 to 4,000 Hz, but will provide an output from 100 to 10,000 Hz. Power taps: 114, 1t2, 1' and 2 watts. Sound OutPut: @ 10 feet (dBA)2W IW 1t2W 1l4W UL Reve6erart u 81 78 75 UL Anechoic 87 84 8't 78 MEA 219-99-E California State Fire Marshal 7320-1209:186 F I 675Gond,lDl This document is not intonded to b€ usdd tor inslallsuon purposes. We lry to keep our produd information uptodsie and accurdle. We cannot cover all specifc applicalions or antidpate all requir€msnts. All spedficelions ars subiect to change without notic€. For more informalion, contad NOTIFIER Phone: (a)3) 484-7161 FAX (203) 484-7118 @ r on rt e n 12 Cbntonvtle Road, Northford, conmdioit 06,472 SpectrAlertto is a registered trademad( and Syncrclrcultn is a trademarl( of S),stem Sensor' DN6756.03/20/01 - Pagel ol2 Reverslble Strobe Feature: The assembly ships with the strobe on the right-hand side. For a left-mounted strobe, perform the following steps: Re- move the strobe scr€w (near top of strobe assembly above "FIRE' left€ring). Lift the strobe assembly out of the rib slot on the right-harid side. Rotate the strobe 180'. Remount it to the lefi-hand side of the base using the strobe screw and the rib slot on the left-hand side. ORDERING INTORMATIO]I WiTh CURREIIT DNAWS ARCH ITEGTURAT/E]I€I ilEEN| NO SPEGIFTQATIOIIS The speaker/strobe shall be a System Sensor Model - listed to UL 1480 and UL 1971 and be approved for fire pro teclive signaling systems. Speaker shall be capable of op erating at 25.O or 7O.7 nominal Vnr..rs, and shall have a fre- quency range ot 400 to 4,000 Hz. Speaker shall have power taps whicfi are selected by shunts. The strobe shall comply with the Americans with Dlsabilities Acl requirements for vis- ible signaling appliances, flashing at I Hz over the strobe's entire operating range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. o o Wall Speaker€trobes: Gurrent AVG@24V PEAK @ 24 V TNRUSH @ 24 V RED Models WHITE Models CANDELA DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR sP2R2415 sP2W2415 15 43 mA 60 mA 135 mA 208 mA 116 mA 152 mA sP2R241575 sP21M41575 15 175 49 mA 64 mA 150 mA 207 mA 116 mA ',|64 mA sP2R2430 sP2W2430 30 67 mA 82 mA 183 mA 219 mA 116 mA '152 mA sP2R2475 sP2W2475 75 '123 mA 159 mA 340 mA 460 mA 230 mA 280 mA sP2R24110 sP2W24110 110 1,rc mA 191 mA 450 mA 570 mA 220 mA 290 mA Surface-Mount Backbox Skirt: BBS€P2R BBS€P2W Page2d2 - DN6756 . 03/20/01 March 20, 2001 DN-6710 . J-111 NOTIFIER'SpectrAlert@ SP2O0 Series- Duql-Voltq ge fronsformer DpeoKers Section: AudioMsual Devices CENERAL Syslem Sensor's SP200 Series Speakers combine per- formance, functionality, and flexibility in a line of dual- voltage evacuation speakers. Performance - With its low total harmonic distortion, the SpectrAlert@ SP200 Series offers fidelity{uality sound output. This provides greater assurance that the SP200's output closely matches its source signal. This fidelity sound quality is achieved at any of the SP200's four field-select- able power taps: 114, 112, 1, and 2 watts. Functionality - Insiallation ease and functionality are achieved through the SP200's compact design, which aF lows flush-mounling to a 4'x 4" x 2-118" (101.6 x 101.6 x 53.975 mm) backbox without an extension ring. Flexibility - The SP200 is designed for a varieiy of application requirements. Offered with round and square grilles, the SP200 can be mounted lo either the wall or lhe ceiling. White and red grilles are available to meet spe- cific aestheuc requirements. FEATURES. Fidelity sound quality. . Low-profile design; fits standard 4" x 4' x 2-118" (101.6 x 101.6 x 53.975 mm) backbox without extension ring.. Four field-selectable poarcr taps: easy to select and easy to change (1/4 through 2 wattrs).. Dual voltage settings: 25.0 and 70.7 volts.. Ceiling- and wall-mount applications.. Grilles available in white 8nd red.. Color-matched mounting screws. SPEGIFIAAflOIIg TUIECHANIGAL Input termlnals: 12 to 18 AWG (3.25 to 0.75 mrn'). Speaker size: 4" (101.6 mm). Grill€ slze: Round: 7-318' (187.325 mm). Square: 5' (127 mm). ELEGTRICAL Voltage input: 25.0 or 70.7 volts (nominal). Frequencyrange: 400-4,000 Hz. NOTE: The 5P200 Senes ls UL Listed frcm 400 to 4,000 Hz, but will provide an output from 100 to 10,000 Hz. Operatlng temperature range: 32" to 120'F (0'to 49'C). Power: 1/4, 112, 1, and 2 watts; field selectable. Spec'trAlert@ is a registered trademark of System S€nsor. MEA 353-98-E SOU]ID OUTPUT VOLTAOE AND POWER SETECTION EXAMPLE AT RIGHT: Selec{ion of 1/4 watt input when a 25.0 volt (nominal) amplifier is being used. /'i. l(DEt\/ TISTEII s4048 California State Fire Marshal 7320-1209:186 la\ /^\ I:\, \-/ |oonr-) oooo Rr-)_I,\-/ \ll t- 25.0 V 70.7 V 2W 1W 1t2 W 1t4 W dBA@ 10 FEET 2W 1W 1nw 1t4W UL Reverberant 84 8'l 78 75 Anecholc 87 84 81 78 This documenl is not inlended to b€ used for installation porposss. We try io k€€p our product information up-to-date and accurato. We cannot cov6r all specific applications ol anticipate all requirem€nts. All sp€cificatbns are subject to chango without notice. For rnore information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 48,1-7161 FAX: (203)484-7118 @ x orl rl E ll' 12 6iinl6nvie Road, Norrhford, conn€clidn 06472 ildmrtmf|rumr DN€7'1O.0320101 - Page I of 2 EI{€I NEERS'/ARGII ITECTS' SPEGIFIG/AtlONs Speaker shall be a System Sensor model - dual- vottage transformer speaker capable of operating at 25.0 or 70.7 norninal Vnr.rs. Speaker shall be Listed to Under' writers Laboratories Standard 1480 for fire protective sig- naling systems. Speaker shall have a frequency range of 400 to 4,000 Hz and shall have an operating temperature between 32'F and 120"F (0'C and 49"C). Speaker shall have power taps which are selected by shunts. PRODUGT IINE INFORftTATION SP200W Round, white, ceiling- or wall-mount applica- tions, 7-318" (187.325 mm) grille, 114 - 2waft power, speaker voltage 25.0/70.7 Vnus. SP201W Square, white, wall-mount applications, 5" (127 mm) gdlle, 114 -2watl power, speaker voltage 25.01/0.7 Vrus. SP201R Square, red, wall-mount applications, 5" (127 mm) grille, 1/4 - 2 watt power, speaker voltage 25.0/70.7 Vnus. ,o o flTOUNTING E;XAIIIPLES : E Both styles mount onto a standard backbox, 1- x 4'x 2-1/8- (101.6 x 101-6 x 53.975 mm), wlthout an ertension ring, as shown left and below. @e I E E PaEe2ot 2 - ON67'10 ' 03/20/01 o Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #: 9 70- 4 79 - 2 7 3 5 (f nsPe(tions t NVTIWY/'L 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81 Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop are required at time of submittal and must include i listed on the of this form.without this COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM E-Mail Address: Fire Alarm: $ C,ontact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8619 eryi1!!for Parel # (i,e., floor,- unit #, ( ) Remodel Qy' RePair ( ) Retro-Rt ( ) Type "f BldS" Si.rl"+amity 3 two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (ryJ ffif Accommdat'ron uniti in this buitding:Nfif Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ffi Yes() No() Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes *zt********'t**'t**!t****!t****'t******!t*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****tr*************+**'l**********'t*,t** Other Fees:Date neceivea: PuUlic Way Perlrrllfee:Accepted BY: Occupancy GrouP:70" \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITSULRMPERM.DOC 0ct.l4, 2003 2:23P1/ 1ll RIVIERA ELECTRICo ri . RTVTERAELECTRIC - \t ':::=: ::;;=i' N0,4026 P, 2/3 5001 S.ZuniStreet Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: 303.937.9300 Fax;3O3.922.1421 www.rivieraies.com ) October 14,2003 MkeMcGcc Vail Fire tbpartnrent Subjec*: Ertergreen Lodge 03058 Mfte, Riviera Ebctric has received yorn Renriew Comments for the Errcrgroen Lodge remodel in Vail' Colorado. Ihe changes are being incorporatd irfro a fnal project submittal sod s,i[ bc rezubmitted to you in tbs upcoming we€k for your approval In order to maintain the project scbedule, Riviera needs to begin rough-in wiring. Attach€d please find our permit applicatbn for this u,ork. Ail rougb-in wiriqg is as per most r€ccot submittal end will inplude your ohanges- Nviaa is requesttng Vail Firc Department approval to being rough wiring on this project wldle ttr stnp drawigs are updated. Ifpu have any questions, please contart me. Sincerely, RTVIERA ELECTRIC, LLC. TomMclntoshy hoject lvlaueger Asubiidiary",r. ffi IES www.tes-co.com l0-?l-2003 0e:36ar tron-R[1{ELs0llJERcREEll L0DGE 8101761606O T'152 ,,P 00t/00, t:trl,.,' Rr*rvrERAEr:g.1lLg 5m1 S_ Zrni Sre Lild€bn, CO B0ti Phone: 30B.9SZ-98( Faxr 303.92p.1r€ wunry.rivieteies_cot Octobg20,2003 MiLe lvdcCree VailFileDEprrtmffi Subiect Ewqg@Irdgp 0305t Mike, Attachcd pbac fnd a weoificqlns Hs shact for the Firc iqlrlr cable being utilieerl at tlroEvetsr€Gn loage' Ttese callee t* * fr"J r+rl to we,stpcm cables shoun in the attachd&rwiugs. Ifpuhave ary qrrectiotrs, pbrse cortastme. Sirrercly, RrvtrRA UI,ECTRIC,T,LC. TomMclntorh hrojeot LfalagEr A $ubsrrthry or,r- ffi IES w w.tei€.coh I 0-2'l-2003 09 : 38arrr I ron-RlttttsllvERoREEr{ L0DGE T-153 P.003/001 F-822er0a76l606j ffiffiffiur@ Multi-Condus.tor Cable - lJncrhielded - pkmum Ba.Om.r LoituDksltl0 l4r hft Pit iith ldpcqd d SquEtrtcl fdrlF ttrddllo$kd ?f,ec *loffi Fire AJf,rm Iype FPI,P God*brrl brbqoE &*GCC.!ru!.{nltunrnrutlrllF CrIEr CoaB Ctrrc Ofcndnf Vrqfg efdrrCnr: llpForal+ rCfidufttDOanduclot r0 APPLICN flON WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN Project #: Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado stamp.Registered Engi cut sheets of calculations. $lgdo Plan be submifted CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Sprinkler: $ for Parcel # *****************************i*********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****************** ********* * ********* 97 0- 47 9-21 3 5 ( I n s Pe cti o n s) Town of Vail Reg. No.:Fire Sprinkler Contractor: lll(min) Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www..com 'too t'rame: fgg1a1^.l-o-f\ daqAI5 Job Address:5,\ron\ Legal Description r-ot' \Z-.ll ero.x'Filing:\ -7. nd Subdivision:vhl U'tn^rlrr+l owners tlarne$xr..-oroo "rRafi"ll Address: A ^f\\S Phone: Engineer(nri -...\N r coftr ooot"T'.c tJs-.? \NA PhonRRg;q61 1^," k\.r-lANyl WorkClass: New( ) Addition( 1'n"t.o"r f!0 n.p.itf I No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (!f ) t'to ( ) "ffixist: YesX)/ No( ) \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITSLSPRKPERM, DOC 01i21i2002 ALL STATE ETRE PROTECTIOM INC. 6045 E.76nr AVE' UNIT #72 OOMMERCE CITy, CO 80022 TEL (303) 288-3907 FAX (d,0il 288-7936 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: ATTN: IOB NAMEi WE ARE SENDING: I I attached Stu" tir,", | | product rubmittal I I ptan regirtration form { [ | change orderE { | propoeal | | cign contract I _ SETS OF PLANS W|TH_PAGES, DESCRIPTION I lmylare I oamples I eite plan roB #, Aban\K | | copy of letter I I flow test I Japproved prints I lelevation water and size | | other DATED ESE ARE TRANSMITTED or approval | | for your uce PLEASE RETURN AS CHECKED BELOW: ( | ae requeeted I I for review and comment COPIES. COMMENTS: ALL.STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. STATEOFCOLORADO DIYISIONOF FIRESAFETY PLANREGISTRATIONFORM ContsactorRegistrationNumber eO{ Contractors Name MailingAddress apcoau@Q9.- Telephone N Name Svstem Test Signature Certification No.(Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) jurisdiction Comments (for additional comrnente use separate eheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire deparhnent. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 0D5p FILL.STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 6045 e.z6rH AVE. #12, Gommerce Gity, CO g0022 PHONE (303) 288-3901 o f41 (303) 288-1930 F,RE sPR,NKpfiitlilffiPY EQUIPMENT SUBMITTAL AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR EVERGREEN LODGE 250 S. NtcET LEVEL ilt,#084223 4rH F LaRffi r*,,, i,.,,.r E F_+.prmENr . 9, 1,9?.t --Z-1 o.(*i1u o r,,,z-t J , ctoZ ."O'./J-o] Frcrn: To: Date: Sublect: Mike McGee Desig n_Review_Team@vailgw.com 10l'15fr20fJ,3 3:21:30 PM Evergrcen Lodge Fire Sprinkler Retroft F03{036 Conditions for release of the permit to install fire sprinklers on the fourth f,oor are as follorus: 1. Approval of this permit does not relieve the orner hom obligation to comply witr oders issued to abate deficiencies throughout entire building. 2. Existing conditions in garden level mustcomplywith NFPA 13,2002 edition. Unprotected risers, feeder mains and cross mains are not permitted. 3. Supply to existing hose cabinet riser is approved on temporary basis only to to exceed 180 days from issuance of permit. 4. Entire building is subject to acceptance test. 5. Hydrostatic test of existing Class 1 stiandpipe is required. end I I I I PRODUCT I ,,. 'PRTNKLERS INDEX MAKE VIKING MODEL / DESCRIPTION MICROFAST RES. REC. WHITE HORIZ. SIDEWALL I vrKrNG MT.R.FAST RES. REc. wHrrE PEND. I vrKrNG MT.R.FAST e.R. REc. wHrrE PEND. - 2. PIPE BULL MOOSE EDDyTHREAD 40 I N/A rYPE M coPPER TUBE r 3. FITTINGS STAR 125# CAST IRON THREADED I FITTINGS T ELKHART COPPER FITTINGS . 4. BUTTERFLY VALVE MILWAUKEE BUTTERBALL BB-SC SERIES I s. GLoBE vALVE NrBco KT-65u1 r 6. S. O. c. VALVE NTBCO KT_291_W3t- 7. INSPECTOR'S TEST VALVE AGF MODEL IOOO I u. BAcKFLow 'REVENTER FEBco M'DEL a'ov (EXrsrNG) a 9. FLOW SWTTCH sysrEM SENSOR MODEL WFDTHI11. HANGERS TOLCO FIG.2OO PIPE RING I Htlrl DRop-rN ANcHoR I H|LT| ptNS & LoADS 11, FIRE CAULK NELSON LBS T I July 26, 2002 \IKINIG'M ICROFASTO RES I DENTIAL s,* 'L?y'lf?'il[lTro*, t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The oritice design, with a K-Factor of4.3, allow-s efficient use of available wa- l:I-r,1pqli"" for the hydrauticaily d+stgned fire-protection system. Thesmafl, lygged g mm gtass butb and sp+ctat oeflector combine speed of opera_Iton.and area of coverage to meet resi_aefitat.sprinkler standards while beingaesmettcally pleasino. During fire conditionls, tha heat_sensi_ :Y:.-lgy,g in the gtass butb exPands, .c,.]us-ry tne glass to shatter, reteasing Jle plp cap and seating spring assem-Dty _warer ftowing through theiprinkler .o]-rrc,e_ -stnt(g9 the sprinkler ddflector,rcrmtng a uniform spray paftern to exttn_gutsh or control th€ fire. 4. TECHNICALDATA Spring: U.S.A. patent No. 4,167,g74Bulb: U.S.A. patent No. q,lSA,ztO li-.]'19 ^9.s.4, parent No. 4,Bo1,8zotnread Size: %', (1S mm) Npluveratr Length: 2-1Sl16,,(75 mm) ryfr ,'1fi.'Ai,_1'.:"J;i.P",r,;?Jp;ifill ji"1l :l^effT€f.in kpq. When pressure is measured tn .'iHi,f iliirii'itlill{;lactor shown bv l 0 o Frame: Brass Castings UNS_CB44O0ueflector: Brass UNS_CSlOOO rruiD: Gtassr nominal g mm diameter ""lfll']? ^fpring Searins Assembty:NtcKet A oyr coated on both sideswith Teflon Tape Screw: Brass Ut lS_Csoooo Pi?,-C. :p_qE tnsert Assembty: Copp6rUNS-C.| 1000 and Staint6ss SteelUNS-S30400 ACCESSORIES SprinklBr Wrenches: A. _ ^S^t1!g?ld Wrench: part Number ]!!!p!v/e_(avairable since 2ooo) or " oj9_999y48 (no tonser avaitibte;,D. wrencn lor coated and recessedspnnt<ters: Part Numbe. o739gw**(avattabte since 199O). ' ,fn$' rEt"n", ls reqqlrod (n6r avaitabte trom vl- Refer to the ,Sprinkler Accessones"sefiton of the data book. :P.RtryKLER LOcATtoN GUTDELTNES HeJerro the Approvalcharton page 143D lor allowabl€ deflector distances oe_row tne ceiling. 1. PRODUCTNAME Viking Microfasto pesidential Horizontaly'g:ilL sprinkter stN vK44Bt (4.9K-Faclor) ;^9g_q'11i9r -a_"r" part Number 11810TupnnK$ |dentillca on number provided In accor-o€nc€ with th€ | 999 edition ot NFPA I A, Sectjon Available since 2002. 2. MANUFACTURER The Viking Corporation 210 N. lndustrial park Roacl Hastings, Michigan 49OSB USAtet€phone: (269) 945_9501 _ (874 384-5484 Fax: .. (269) 945-9899 e-matt: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCTDESCRiPT|ON Viking Microfasto Residential Honzontalurdewa _Sprinkler SlNVK448 is a small, !rSl-:gnsitivity, residentiat sprinkteiava abte with several finishes and tem- LISTINGS AND APPROVALS perature ratings to meet varying d6sign Sprlnkter StN VK44B ts UVC_flr-Ltsled for use In resldenUaloccupancles below smooth, flat, _ iorlzontal celllngs only. Herer to the Approval cha-rt onpage 143 b lor minimum watersupply requirements and maximum areas of clls:-bulb fluid temperature rated to-65 .F (_ss .c). Rated to 175 psi (1 207 kpa) waterwork_ Ing pressure. - Fagjo.ry. _tq1teg hydrostaticaily to 5oo psi(3 448 kpa). Flnlshes: Br€ss, BriSl,t 3-enby- (patenE pending), White, and Nav4o iip*.ffin:6ffiffip" 3:mftgli+H#"y,:1l,*r*',,;Brs,fnr1?r..rd!. 3l]! :lr:.:y" in parentheses may be approximations.r-orm No. F_070202 New page 140 a-b, issued July26,2OO2. I I I I I t I T t I I I I I I I I I I Sprinkler 143 b Juty 26, 2002 \IKINIG'MICROFASTO RESIDENTIAL HSW SPRINKLER stN vK448 (4.3 K_FACTOR) Sprinkler Bass part Numbe12 Approval Chart Mi$ofasto n€slcten al Hortzontal Sldewall Sprinkler SIN VK448 T-- Temperatur" KEF ifi* il::r""n (rr appricabreInstalled below smootn, nat between 4" and 6,'(i02 mm and t52 ml?|r har^u, r|.^ ^^r,,__ Mlnlmum WatBr Supply Rsqulrements6 |nsrarred berow-smoorlrt* tffii Approved Flnlshes' f,l,ff"o fiil?,T "tJ,ff";€[m; Approved Eacutch6ons "$ii:"4#[:|iff"j3i:3-qsff R-:aF#,'n}i:5'#ii"; 1 Metrlc K-F€ctorshown is tor usewhen presf,-ur/i. ma'c, ,,ad rn LD- lt^1tT::: ;$;fiiElil:f;ns##:ffii!ffifrffii8q"!i?q/i,i!pffi!'firifi",i::f;J,'*'"'*,'urtip,vthEmerricK.Factorshownbvloo :it$lT,o!!",iipl*!tr",it#:"""x,T"""?:fl'ff?lii#'',lll!ilSflflg5i;itl-fi1j:*';;1"*l;2p?ocess cnecrwi,hth6manurac,urerr Jfl',FlY, qgl!:tfl"pp1ouiiq. - *' -"*r evqrrqeru tn lne ume or prrntlng other apptovals miy ui in iiocess. checkwith th6 manufacturel;F#!1:h"S:3#1ff:'3|i"1fli,i:yi:I99_" wirh smo€th, tar, horizontar csirinss onry. ,listed are per sprinirer. - ' - ' snown' use the "Mlnimum water supply Hequiy'ement" tor the nexflarger area risted. Flows and pressure-s;,slyi.'1lg'fi '.iffi Tffi i:""^:i,$b';'*,[h:*1:x;nsider€dasement of the sprinkt"i'io o" i"c"!-3r. Denrnd rh€ tace ot the walt or ceiiill:ce'mounted escutcheon because itdoes nota owth€ tusibte el- New page 149 a-b, issued Ju ly 26, 2002. Form No. F _O7O2O2 I I I I I I I t t I t I I t I T T Aptit 17,2002 qutrements. The orilice design, with a K-Factor of 4.3, allows efficient use ot available wa- ter supplies for hydraulically designed llre-protection systems, The small, rug_ged 3 mm glass-bulb and special de- flector combine speed of opeiation and areas of coverage to meet residential sprinkler standards. During fire condi- tions, the heat-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the glass to shatter, releasing the pii caf and sealing spring assembly. Water fowing through the sprinkler oiifice strikes th; sprinkler deflector, forming a uniform spray pattern to elitinguish or control the fire. 4. TECHN]CAL DATA Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to -65 "F C55.c). Rated to 175 psi (1 207 kPa) water work- ing pressure. Factory tested hydrostaticaltyto 500 psi (3 448 kPa). Spring: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,167,974 Buf b: U.S.A. Patent No. 4]96710 Testing: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,831,870 Thread Sizs: r/2" (1b mm) NpT l{.gTJBI_K-Faqtor: 4.3 U.S, (6,0 metric*)* M6bic K-Faclor shown is lor use vihen pressure is measured in kPa" When pr€ssurg ls measureo n BAR, multiplythe metricK-Factorshown bv1 o.o. Overall Length: 2-114, (57,2 mm)' SPRINKLER MATERIALS Frame: Brass Castings UNS-CB44Oo Sprinkler 140 a Deflector: Brass UNS-C26000 or Coo- per UNS-C19500 Bulb: Glass, nominal g mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Teflon@ Tao6 Screwi Brass UNS-C36OOO Pip Ca! and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-C1 10OO and Staint6ss Steel uNs-s30400 ACCESSORIES Sprinkler Cabinets: A. Sjx-head capacity: part No. O1Z24Ats. twetve-head capacity: part No. 017254 Available since 1971 . Sprinkler Wrenches: A. Standard wrench: part Number 10896W8 (available since 2000) or _ 0.5000CWB (no tonger avaitable) B. Wrench for coatsd and recessed sprlnklers: Part Numbef O739BW** (available since 1 990). 'iA %' ratchet is requhod (noi avaitsble fom Vl- Krng). Refer to the "Sprinkler Accessories,, sectjon of the viking Engineering and Deslgn Data book for information on sprinkler accessori6s. SPRINKLEF DEFLECTOR POSITION GUIDELI NES Install Viking Microfasto Residential Pendent Sprinkler SIN VK43O with the deflector located between 3/4" and 4" (19 mm and 102 mm) belowthe ceiting. 1. PRODUCTNAME Viking Microfast@ Model M-4 Residen- tial Pendent Sprinkler SIN VK430t . Sprinkler Base Part Number O95OO tsprinkler idenlifcation number provided in accor. danc€ wlth the 't999 €dition ol NFPA 10. secffon s2.2. 2. MANUFACruRER The Viking Corporation 210 N. Industrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058, USATelephone: (616) 945-9501 (8n) 384_5464Fax: (616) 945-9599 e-mail : techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCTDESCRIPTION Viking's MicrofasP Residential pendent Sprinkler SIN VK430 is a sma , high- sensitivity, glass-bulb residential sprin- kler available in several finishes ano temperature ratings to meet design re- t I Note: Units of measure in parentheses may be approximations. Form No. F_08209S Replaces page 140 a-d, dated March 22,2OO2.Refer to resldentlal sprinkler technlcal dar6 page (l-ll) for qeneral care, Installatlon, and malntenanCe lnfoimiflon.- \IKINIG MICROFAST@ RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLER stN vK430 (4.3 K-FACTOR) Sprinkler Tempsrature Classlflcatlon Nomlnal Sprinkler Temperuture Ratingz (Fusino Poinl) Maxlmum Amblent Cslling Temperaturel Bulb Color Oldinarv lss "F (68 "C)100 "F (38 "C)Red lntermediate I75 "F (7s "C)150 "F {65 .C)Yellow Sprinkler Flntshes: arass, eriOnt erass White Footnotest Based on NFPA-13. oth6r limits may apply, dependlng on fre loadinq, spnnkt€r Iocation, and ^ other requiremenrs of the Auhority Havirig'Juris'dic{ion:F;f€r 6 "-pe.iiE initat tauon stand;i.G-z The sprinkter temp€rature ra ng is stamlea on itre ilitea;;.-: - " - Table I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sprinkler 140 b April 17, 2002 \IKII\G'MICROFAST6 RESI DENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLER stN vK430 (4.3 K_FACTOR) This pags applles to systsm deslgns for al StN VK43O Sprinklers Inrnuf""trrrdE]it-:ii# Approval Chart 1 Microlasto Feslden al pendent S0rtnkter ifi; :::![^*n (ir appricabre) 18'x 18'(5.S m x Approyed Tempefature Ratings A-Js5 "F (68'C) and175.F (79 "C) Approved Finishss 1 - Brass, Bdqhi Brass. Chrome-E3rass,. Bdghi.Brass, Chrome-Enloyo, White,and Navajo White X - Slandard sudace--mounted escutcneons or the Vi-knq Microtast@ Mod€t F-l Adiusrabt; Es;u1# ?p-1:r, g_rec€_s1€g wlh rhe Vikins l/icromiriiOEecssn(r wt.n rne vtKlno Mil or E-2 Recessed Escutctreon Notes: 1. Actual installations may require multiple sprinklers, A single sprin_ kl€r installation has been shown for clarity. 2. For "cathedral, ceiling apptica_ tlons, install sprinklers jn a svnr. metrical mirror-image ot Figure 2. 3, For areas up to 16' x 16'. witn slope-s betwesn a 2/12 (0") pir;h and an 8/12 (33,7") pitch, the iMin- imum Wat6r Supply Bequir6. ments" for the neli larger ,slop€d" installation must be used. Flefer to Approval Ch6rt 'l above. 1 Merric K-Factorshown isforusewhen pressure is measured in nr". ii""'l113L,"". -..";: gi:j"iil:tgif^:Ii!il?:?:ry,ii:l,iillfiff"Y:?g''i,i:11ffi,3tn;i?i"Tiis,measuredinBAFI'murtiprvthemetricK-Factorshownbvlo.o. _ t#il111:ili"Hffiff:ig,".:"0 "oo.ovdls available dt the timeoipinttirs. oii'Si iisiio:"ars may u€ in process. check wirh the manu,acturer ;,Y:II^S l"-fg,giid€ntiat occupancies,with smoolh, flat, horizonrat ceitings. iiff]:E [f,1f.":i,.illl3l"Jfft#t'"T#H|o'"n#*3?'f#iceit'nss,lnl smootir ceirinsswithsropes up toand incrudins ans/l2 ($.r) phch. ;ffiff,fi0":[iitfi€."":j]l,X!":hilill*' *" *a "Minimum walersupplv Rsquirem-ent"{orrhe nextrargerar€a tisted with sprinkters of simitar KJac.ror.ie rers lnan the_ tistco area ot cove?f,?lsured along the ceiling sicipir. Actual floor coverage In th-e horiionG, prane unoer sloped cellings will " I ne vlk'ng Mlcrofastw ModelF-1 Adiusiable Escutch€on ls considered a surface-mounted escutcheon because rt does not aflowthe fusibre er-,nement,of the sprinkter to be recesied betrinalhe fa; oi i#;;ii;;;;,,rs. ;1B?Eii*ilfiil$5'::idilg?]:i!3lB:'ff$i.x"f""ilgrgrfit*-.'s,,ffi#':ulg*l"lur*l3?ffi-"no,o.mm)berowthecei,ino Listed areas of coverage correspond to areas measured along ceiling slope. (For sloped ceiling installa ons, actual floor coveraoe in the horizontal plane under sloped ceilings will be less than the listed area.)Maximum ceiljng slope = 8/ 12 (33.7.). Reter to Approval Chad 1 above for lisr€d areas of cov€rage, Figure 2: Instatta on Instruc onE I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I II I I I April 17 ,2002 Sprinkler 140 c \IKINIG MICROFAST@ RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLER stN vK43o (4.3 K_FACTOR) This palF'.{gLres ro system designs using srN vK4go sprinkters n."nrf""rrr"d i!fo-[-JuriE]iii Approval Chart 2 Mlcrotaslo Resldential pendent Sprlnkler AIX+- Escutcheon (if appticabte) 16'x 16'(4,9mx4.9 18 qpm @ 17.s psi (68,1 Umin@120 Approved Temperature tialtngs A - 15s "F (68'C) and 175.F f9 "c) Approved Finlshes I - Brass,^Bright Brass, Chrome- bntoyw, White. and Navaio White Approved X - Standard surfacs-mounted erted escutcheons or the V ESCUtCneon', or rscessed I Base part numbei;h.wn. i;;;;iii,-h;"i';;iiiFJ:Eftiiti,it'ffi:!:ffi;fliF,i::as!red In tsAH, muniprvthemetricK-Facrorshownby 10.0. . IJ";i*:li.::lhe risths;€nd appro,{" ;tiir;b|"it ii;; tiii" iiiii"'t"g. itih5i'iiil-o*r" ,"y u" in process. check wrth the manuracturer ; l':1'l_S, j".9: j:ijg_"ftial occupancies.wuh smooth, ftat, horizontat ceitings. :i'Til8 ffiil?Jffill$"'ff"?lij?'"91fl:i3:'*jil [*'""ffrceirinss' a;d smoorh cerrinsswirhsrop.s uptoand incrudins ao/12 (26.6.) pitch. ' |-orareas ol covontge smallerthan sholm, usethe'Minimum watersupplv R6quiremenrforthe nodlargerarea lbted with spdnlders of similar K_tactor. "!ii"-:!if,A'.",'f;3i9!3^a'$g: &1"Jf"",&:Tured arons thec€irins stdp6-Aduiilii,'i;;;;;;;r"ii"-'n;;ldi?rpr"n"',noJi,6#;ir;;il;iil - The viking Microfast'o Model F-1 Adjudable Escutcheon is consider6d asurtace-mounted escutcheon because it does not allow the fusible B!,r:11g,:|ll?:t,l"flpj.9pg-f.":ji! behind thJrace oirira idr-ro-ri-",,,ns. I Metric K-Factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in nr". t*lr".tl ll""i C*Jpih "-r;6.i lij.*i. F""r iij=mrr"rs oarr numbe*oro. r., viri"^," ,|ff;tjlle is measured in BAR, multiplythe mevic K'Factorshown by lo.o. llA:::^c;:gi"j-*E .",lV q1gv;;!.offi;;i"ib;il;'d:,'ffiEi'N",it3ies.s,-e, vor. rs. llf*,iia,*rl"i;i;;; Maximum ceiling slope = 6/12 (26.6.). Chan 2 abov6 lor listed areas of coverage, Notes: 1. Actual installations may require multiple sprinkl€rs. A single sprlnkler installation has been shown tor clarity. 2. For "cathedral" ceillng applications, rn- stall sprinklers In a symmetricat mir_ ror-image of Figure B. 3. For areas up to 16' x i 6', with slop€s be- tween a 2/12 (0") pttch and a6/12 (26.61 pitch, the 'Mlnimum Water Supply He- quirements" for the next larger ;sloped' installation must be used. Refer to Ap- proval Chart 2 above. Listed areas of coverage corrBspond lo areas measured atong ceiling slope. (For slopsd ceiling installations, actual floor coveragB in the horizontal plane und€r sloped ceilings will be less than the listed area.) May 2,2003 \IKINIG MICROFASTo AND MicrofastHFe QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS t I I I Sprinkter 41 a I 1, PRODUCTNAME Viking Microfast@ and MicrofastHpoModet M euick Response pendent upnnklers 2. MANUFACTURER The Viking Corporation 2_10 N. Industrial park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058 U.S.A. r etepnone: (269) 94S_9S01 _ (877) 384_5464Fax: (269) 945-9599 e-mait: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com deflector, torming a unltorm sfly partern to extinguish or control th'e ,rre. SPRINKLER MATERIALS Framej Brass Castings UNS_C844OO ueflecto,r: Brass UNS-Cs1OOO or Cop_per UNS-C19500 for Sprinkter Bade H_an _Nos._066628, 066668, 06Z65B,and 12292. Brass UNS_C26000 for atiother Part Nos. B u^rlllq _(ior Sprinkter Bas6 part Nos. 062^1 8^B^,-06Z208, and 1 2290): BrassUNS-C36000 Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diamerert'e]|evt e .spring sealing Assembly:Nicket Alloy, coated oi both siddswith Teflon Taoe Scre'!v: Brass Uf',iS_Ca6oOo r,tp..u€p-and Insert Assembly: CopperUNS-Cl1000 and Stainl6ss SteeluNs-s30400 Pip CapAttachment: Brass UNS-CA6ooO :flllll"r: wtrh reftono coarrnsEe evi e _Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposeducrew:d Brass UNS_Ca6oo6, Nickel Pip Cap: Teflono Coated tT:ll':',;,YJ'n Porvester coatrns or ?:]l-:yi!" sprins: Nick6t Ailoy, exposed AVAILABLE FINISHES t I t I t t I I I I I I I I 3. PRODUCTDESCRIPTION Viking Jr4 icrofasto and MicrofastHpouu,cK Hesponse pendent Sprinklersar-e__sm€l,.themosensitive spriy sprin_Kters avaitable with severdl finiihes,temperature ratings, and oririce stzes to 1l::t q9rlq" reqgreryrenls. The specral '.oty rrntshes and Teflon@ coatings canDe used in decorative applications y::1"-99t9i. are desired. In addition, ]nTe two finishes are corrosion resis_rant and provide protection againstmany corrosive environmsnts. l::Iip .qp 3ng ggatins assembty of rhespnnktar. is held in placo by a g mm .SJls,s butb. D!ring fire condilions, whenrne temperature around the sprinklerreacnes its. operating temperature, theneat-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb _rll-"1,11 causing the butb io shatrer, :?:::,ls the. pip-cap and seatinssp-nng assembly_. Waterf towing througIrne sprinkler orifice strikes the-sprinkler 4. TECHNICALDATA LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Sltit_43gEY:1"",1il,",;ilgi#?d MittjTlln_ Operaring pressure: Z psi(48,3 kpa) RATilq WATER WoRKING PRES-SURE Sprlnklers VK3IZ and VK342 arerated fot use wlth water worklngpressures ranglng from the mlnl--mum z pst (48,3 kpa) up to 25o DslTT:.!_"lJ18,3.kFa) up to 2so psl l3i^":._er'_St',,Brass,. Chrome.Entoyo ii,fii,Rf il,:ll,?;r#,H""''9:I'"TITNos.066628 and 1Z2BZ only), Navajo Hr,lff f""r,,ffi,"r Btack pory66ter, and ACCESSoRTES Sp.rfl.lgr Cabinets (Avaitabte since1971 ):o'0ffi.0 caPacitv: Part No. B. ^T_welve-head capacity: part No.o1725A Sprinkler Wrenches: A. - 9_t_"!9qq Wrench: pan No. I 0a^9_6-WB^.(available since 2OOO)or 05000CW8 (no longer avail_able). B. Wrench for coated and recessed vtking Microfast@ and M icrofastHpo QH p-endent Sprinklers: part No.02398W. (avaiiabte since .t 990),gl Part No. i2144*, avaitabtesinc; 200.3._ NOTE: Recessed pend€nt spnnkters wlth protec ve capsmust use wrench 12144.. A %'ntchBt Is requir€d (not avallabts through l:fgl_Ig the ,'SPR|NKLER ACcEs_SORIES' section of tha Vtktno rnn;_ neering and Design Oaa Ooot." - '"' Note: units of measure in parenth'ses may be approximations. fi-sp;6sss page 4r a-b, dated Aprir 18, 2oog. Refor to technr-Form No. F_o'r2e6 ;*j:,,ilhfl:rd#;l;il.;,""#", rnstanairo;;;;;_;;ilil_ J]f34 !^.1"1 for htsh-prLssure sys_ [!]1.-fls,!-rlgssure (HP) sprtn_ :l:r: :_11 be.-tdenilfted by tociUng -..rn:.lumler .200" on the deflector]At! gtlel_qprlnkters: Maxtmum 175 _ psr (1 207 kPa) wwp. hacrory-tested hydrostatically to S0O psi(3 448 kPa). Spring: U.S,A. patent No. 4,167,g74Bufb: U.S.A. patent No. CJgA,lrc resring: U.S.A. patent No. +,e3t,ezo 'iJl"ilht!'tlllifi3;x iil - rotyester, and Black rEflono ozB and 12282 only), NEvaJo wt'ite Fotyest-i, dLli 1trj""x,1;"rHlT: fi,r,:""t":xl""trvest?rovhite porv tinish ror p/Ns 006628 and 1 :-asrT.:l r\]fp4-is. o,n",',,rnr,.n"r"filrtnotjilnaine on rir.to"ong, "prinkrer location, sal:d;ther requirements of the Authbriiy H'a"i"s J*i;diiii;.lJ[i,ior.i."iri" rn"t"rru,ion 2The tempefature rating ls stampod on the deflector.- Ine coroslon.reslstant coatinqi ha,utar approving i!anii;.;;;ilJ;:"-11:ed€tandard co'osion tests required by partic- $f.'j***'!+-*,**:r**,',*nili, I I I I I I I I t I I I t t I I I I I Sprinkler 4t b May 2, 2OOg \IKING'MICROFASP AND MicrofastHpo QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS - ^ ApprovalChart Mtcrotast" and MlcrofastHpo oulck Response f- | emperatur€ KEy- IfrI fllfln"on r,, appricabre)Maxtmum t zETst vtilF Approvod Temperature Rafi ngs :ff ;:i':;3lr'l'-"F (7e'c), 2oo'F (e3 B - i ss.F (68 "c), r is "r fs.cy, and 2oo .F c - 155 .F (68 .C) 1 - Brass and Chrome-Enloyo fr 1'as;,ff *l ?m-, chrom+Enrof, white-eoryes. x* a[:*"i:'Hg: Fit;;i;r i :il;lil#g':i: 3 - Brass, Chrom e_En loyo, and White polv Finish "' Eliff i,Bipll^lr1;s,_orr"."-enr"p, wfrii"' i!'"rv I!il] ","y:*yg"^p. p t#;i;: Bdi' i".,Hl wmtre vkine l,ti""rniiii.," ri;djEliil X - 9tandsr. g :urhg€_mounted escutcneonor the vi*ing Mlcrotasto Model F-1 Ad_ JustableEscutch€onlo Y - Standard surface.mounte-d escutch-eon or the vjkjng Mlcrotast@ Model F-1AdJustable Escutcheonl0, or recessed of Buildings, ME4s9-92_E, Vol XVt. I Base parl number is shown. For comprrr r*,lyl"b:lr ,"r", ,"tiilrntt"rr-n, o***J . a ' '.*w Escurcneon ;lT":f,F:il?ftli?i:i!.:iJ1111a";"",rffi;i#iiil""i;illoqL o,hli$i;d.'iliu",np,o"""" checkw*hthomanufaciurer for use, City ot New york | 19"epiteo ro,' ,ie, iini'Jr'ili* vort Boer.r ^f qla-,.r-.,.r^ ' - - ' I ie' ve x ' P' eecss \-necK wrth tho manufaciure' - rn€ spflnkter oritice is bushed. ( Board of standards and ApPeals, cal€ndar Numbef 219.76-sA.-:i;:;t:"t:"1tJr[:fler Accessories" sec tlon ol thaviktng Engineering and Dastgn oara book,or rechnrcar dara on approv6d escutcheons and; Listed by-Underv/rit.rs- Laboratories.inc. ,or use in the U.S, and Canada. 3ir,XiiJrlfllfli""[ffi"!p;;;i;timitec to.ustrt-nazaiJ o"LpinlL",itn r,ydrauricafly carcurated wer systems.s FMApprovedtoru;;;;tffiii;1,:'ffiXf;iffs|13(3,ft"H;,1$.Tyryii'3"","6i"edi;;dry,i"mericK-FEcrorshownbylo.o. '"i"^["'"iil!'^]i"ff:::ry#::li.:Xif-yins ana nesearcfil{#;#;;i?""ili,1;:gJi:ff y""J;n:,T?J:' p'"$;""iii""ijJ"oJ''iiilJil- ,,emenorihe spriiit;il;;;:LTf:I","H#j",::l:',";:Til,T."ff#:;;:;.;ilil;Jil;H1l'Jau,jssertooe"nota,owtherusibre er.' cuLus List€d as corrosion resistant. Qulck Response pendent Sprinkler with a Standard 1/8, (3,1 mm) Surface-Mount€d Escutcheon Celling Opentng..Stze: 2-5116,, (g9 mm) Minimum,2-1/2. (64 mm) Maximum. Quick Response psndent Sprinkler Installed with the Viking Mlcrolasto Model F.1 Adjustable Escutch€on Ftgure i 1-s/1"(4s irml Mqxlmum Ouick R6sponse pendent Sprinkler Installed with th€ Viking Micromatic@ Model E-l Recessed EscutcheonReptaces page 41 a-b. o"r"o ffipage QR1.2 for care, installaflon, and malntenance Informa on.Form No. F_081296 February 1 , 2002 1. PRODUCT NAME Viking Sprinkler Escutcheons: \lKllfG SPRINKLER ESCUTCHEONS I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I I I I I ' Slip-on Styl€ Micromatico Model E-1 Recasssd Escutcheons. Thread-on Style Micromatico Model E-2 Rac€ssed Escutchaons. Microfasto Model F_1 Adjustable Es_ cutcneons . Standard Flat and Raised Surface_ Mounted Escutcheons 2. MANUFACTURER Th€ Viking Corporation 210 N. Industrial park Road Hastings, Michigan 49OSB USATelephon€: (269) 945_9501 _ (87n 384_5484Fax: (269) 94S_9S99 e-mail: t6chsvcs@vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS Viking sprinkler escutchsons are orna_ m^ental plates used with 3/S' NpT (10 mm 991, z"'NPT (15 mm BSp)r, and o/4' lfl (?9 rl BSP)** frame-siyti pendentand sidewall sprinklers. The ebcuicheonsare inslallsd between the sprinklers andrne cettrng or wall for a pl€asing appear_ance. I ney are available with severalfinishopxons to meet dosign requirements. vtxrng rec€ssed and adjustable escutch_eons provide a low-profile decorative re_cesse-d sprinkler installation. The Micro_ matics E-1 Recsssed Escutcheon may berecessed- up to S/B' (16 mm). TheMicrotast@ Model Fn Adjultable Escutch_eon.has 7.r.' (12,7 mml total adjustmentava abte. However, the Model F_l is con_sidered a surface-mounted escutcheonbecause it doesn,t allow the fusible ele_menl of the sprinkler to be recessed be_hind the lace ot the wall or ceiling. I ne two-piece design of Viking's recessed escutcneons and adjustable escutcheons allow installation and testing ot the sprin-X|€rs pflor to installing the ceilinq or wall.vrKtng's Model E.1 and F-1 escutcheons teature a slip-on deslgn, whils ths Modelc-z escutcheons are threadsd (outer cupthreads onto the adaoter|. The.Viking recessed ana adjustable es_curcneons ar6 made to allow tor minor g-djustmenb due to pipe or ceiling pitch.rnese escutcheons can be removed andreinstalled, allowing access above remov_able ceiling panels for seMcing building 6quipment without shutting dowithe spriri fiier system and rsmoving the sprinklei. vrktng recesssd and adjustable escutch_eons are available as escutch€on pack_ ages-(includ€s outEr cup and adapte4.Ine outer cups and adapters are alsb avaitabte to order separateiy as individualprFcesrortho y2" and 3/4" NpT (j 5 mm and20 mm BSP) sizes. Vikjng standard 1/8" (g mm) styl€ flat and| (zt mm) styte ralsed surface.mounted escutcheons have a one-piece deslon. 'Micfomstic@ Model E-l and E-2, and Mic6fastoModelF-t Esculcheonswith %,NpT adapters are A. Thread-on Style Micromatico Model E_2 Recessed Escutcheon P. stip-on styte Micromatico Modet e-r n""eiiiiie"ciici"lf "" C. Microfasto Model F-1 Adjustable Escutcheon NOTE: Order sprinklers separately. Dopth ot Center Adapter Flng: ,t 1/32,, _ (8,7_mm) +/. 1/32" (0,8 mri)Escutcheon Materiall Cold ' BolledSteet UNS-GIOOBO or Stainless Steel UNS-S30400 Adlustment Range; Flush to S/8" (16 mm) recesssd NOTE: Escrdch€on adaptef is stamped "ry'iklng Modet E.l". 2. Threaded Style Mlcromatico Mod€l E-2 Rec€sr€d Escutcheons: Depthot Outer Cup: t g/16, (20,6 mm)outside Dlamerei or ouier Cuoi 3-1/8" (79,4 mm) Depth of C6ntErAdapter Ring: 21lg2.(16,6 mm) Escutcieon Material: 24 ga. (0,61 mm) thick 1010-1OtB mitdsteel Adiustment Rang6: 27192" (21,4 mm) totaf.adiustmsnt wilh v2" (12,7 mmi maxtmum recsss available. Notel Face of escutcheon adapter mayertend up to. 11/92" (B,7 mm, oe_ ..^y_ond edge of escutcheon cup.NOTe Esc_utcheon adapler is slamp€dlvlking ModelE-2' B. VIKING MICROFASTO MODEL F.l ADJUSTABLE ESCUTCHEONS Llstlngs and Approvals: Referto techni-cal data describing the sprinkl€r model to b€ used to verity whether lt issrso and/or approvad for installation with the Viking Microfast@ Modet F_1 Adiustable Escutcheon+. Depthof O_ul€r Cup:1-1116" (26,9 mm)Outslde DlametEr ol Outer Cuo: 3-1/16" (77,7 mm) Depth of Center Adapter Rlng,: 2glgi"(18,3 mm) Escutcheo; Matorial: Cold Rofled Steel UNS.GlOOSO Adlu.stment Range: %' (12,7 mm) totat adjustment with 1/4" (6,4 mm) maxi- mum recess avallable. Note: The tace of escutcheon adapter may exlend up for u-s_e with- StNs VKOOS, VKOO4, VKOO7, VKOO8.v{ols, vx023, VK102, VKIO4, VK11o, VKl12, y5119, y5!-1, vK132. vt<2o2. vreo6, vK3o2. l1llg1, l{!132e, vK331. vK333, vr<sse, vxa3o,vK432, VK434, VK44o, VK//'2, Vrq4a, vra4e,VKA)O. snd VK6O4**Micromatic@ Model E-t and E-2, and Microlast@Modet F-t Escr,tcheons with 3/. NpT adapters i'{di,l,i3.x',,1^3i!:,,xs3l; "uJyRSauyk u. NOTE: Sprinkler LD. Nos. provlded In accoroance wnh |he 1 ggg edition ot NFPA I 3. Sec liqn O_2.2. 4. TECHNICAL INFORMATION A. VIKING MICROMATICO MODEL E.l . AND E.2 RECESSED ESCUTCHEONS ListhgE and Approval6: Sprinklerc must be specifically listed and/or approved for I9c€::9d insta ationt. Wheir'using Vi_king Micromatico Modet E_1 and E-i Re-cessed Escutcheons icr recessed appli-cations, refer to technical data describ_ ing lhe sprinkler model to be used to ver- rty whether the sprinklef is listed and/orapproved for recessed installations, NOTE: Vtklng's thread.on Etyle Micro-mallcw Model E-2 Recessed- Escutch- eons carry the.same lls ngs and approv-ats aa the slip-on style Mlcromhico Model E-i Rgc€-ssed Eicutcheons, 1, Sllp-on Stytg MicromaflcoMod€t E-1 ReceBsed Escutcheons: Depth ot O_uter Cup: 1-j116" (26,9 mm)Ouislde- .Dlametdr of Ouier' Cupi 3-1116" (17,7 mm\ Note: Units ofmeasure in parenlheses may be approximalions. Form No. F_i 22698 rec€tted or flush-typs gprlnklers shatl be part of a fliied iorlnklera$smbly,', The Vlktng Co;poration wifl not authorize th€ Eale of unllstEd.€ceased sprinkler aseembllgs nor as3ume any llablllty Involvlng roceased sprinkler asbemblles lhatare not consldered UL Llst€d, FM P€r NFPA 13 (i999 sr flor :"Escutcheon piater used with Approved, or In tull compllance Wlth NFPA reoutramairc. lupl..."_r. .p?g_._i35 a-d, dated November 1, 2ooo(added 3/4'NPT Model E-2 Recessed Escutcheon). I t I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I t I Sprinkler 135 b to 1/4' (6,4 mm) b€yond the edg€ of ths escutcheon cup. NOTET Escutcheon adapt€r is stamped ,,Vlklng Model F-1".C, VIKING STANDARD FLAT AND FAISED SUBFACE.MOUNTED ES. CUTCHEONS: Listlngs and Approval8: Referto techni-cat data describing ths sprinkler model to b€ used to verify whether it is listed and/or approved lor installation with Viking standard surtace-mounted escutcheonsi, Depth of Escutcheons: Flat: i/9" (g,z mm), Raised: l" (25 mm) Escutcheon Mat€rlal: Flat Style Part Numbers 01960A. 01015A,029604, and 05464A: Cotd Rolled Steel UNS-c1OOBO. Flat Style part Numbers 09488, 0Z526,and 09596*: Stainless Steel UNS-S43OOO * These may also b€ speclal ordered and manufactured trom Elrass (non-mag- ne c mat€rial). Contact the manufac_ turer lor nore irformation. Fais€d Style Part Numbars 0.1961 B and 01016A: Brass Co UNSC26OOO. t Llstlngs and approvels vary, depending on_th€ sprinkter model, temperature rahng. tn|sh, ancl occupancv classifi cation. 5. ORDERING INFORMATION A. ForVlklng Microtasto Modet F-1 A& lustablo and Microma co Modet E_1 and E.2 Recessod Escutcheons: 1. T.o order as an escutcheon package (tnctuoes outer cup and adapter), specify the ?p_nropdate packags part numbortrom Tabla 1 on paqe i35 c.2. To order individual outei cuo or adapiar separately for the g/9", rZ,'. and 3/4" NpT (i0 mm, 1S mm. and 20 mm BSp) sizes, spocify the ap_propriate part numbdr lor-the indi_ vidual piece from Tabl€ 1. B. For Vlkhg Standard Flat and Batsed Surface.Mounted Eacutcheons: Spscify appropriate flat or raised es- cutchson part number trom Tabl6 1, NOTES:-When ordering, add the desired nnrsn sunx fiom the approval chart to theDas6 part number, Sprinklers are not ln_cluded and must be ordered separatelv. 6. AVAILABILIW AND SERUCE 7. GUARANTEES f.l 99J"iF ot warranly, rsfer to Viking,scurrent prlce schodule or contact The -Vi. Ktng uorporation direcfl v. 8.INSTALLATIO}I WARNING: Viking products are manufac- tured and.tested to mset the rigid r€quirs_ ments ofthe approving agencyi The dprirr Krers are designed to be installed in accor_ dance wilh racognized installation sran-dards. Deviation from the stanoaros or any alteration tothe sprinkler aftsr it leavesme lactory including, but not limited to:painting,.ptating, coating, or moditication, may render the sprinklBr inoperative and wflr nu tty the approval and any quaranteeml* b.y.Ihe Viking Corporatio-n. A. JpnnKters are to be installed in accor- dance with the latest published stan_ dards ot tha National Fire protection Association, Factory Mutual Loss pr€_ v€nlion Council, Assemblee pleniers, Verband der Sachverslcherer or oth€r similar organlzations, and also with th6 provisions of governmental cooes, ordinanc€s, and standards, whenever appticable. B, Recess€d sprinklers are decorative sprinklers and are generally consid_ered spsciaFservica sprinklers. As such, il the proposed installation ot Vi_king Mlcromatico Model E_l and E-2 Recesssd Escutcheons rsquires re_ cessing any of the heat-sensltive ooer. ating element (glass bulb), some Au-thorltles Having Jurisdiction mav limit the us_e, depending on the occupancy classificatlon. Reler to the Authoritv Having Jurisdiction prior to installa'_ Iton. Viking Mlcrofasto sprinklars utilize a g mm glass bulb to speed activation to a fire.. Because fast op€ration is critical, it is important that the entira glass bulb is exposed below the surlace of the ceiling. DO NOT recess any portion ot tha. glass bulb. Viking Microlasto Spnnktsrs are considered spectat_ser_ vics sprinklers; as such, some Author- ities Having Jurisdiction may timittheir uso, depending on the occupancy classilication. Re{er to the Authoritv Having Jurisdiction prior to installa'- flon. C. All oscutcheon styles are made to thrBad onto the sprinkler head prorto installing the sprinklsr into the fttino. The escutcheon must be attached iothe sprinkler prior to applvino pipe.joint compound or Te{tond [ao6 to the sprinkler threads. D. Refer to the appropriat€ sprjnkler technical data page Jor additional warnings and installation instructions and th€n install the escutcheons ac_ cording to ths following sequencs. Vlking. Mlcrofasto Model F-t Adlustable and Microma co Model E.l and'E.2 F+ce9ssd Escutcheons: (Refer to Flgures 1, 2, and g.) Step 1: Install all piping and cut the sprin-kler nipple so that the reducing cou_ pling is at the desired location ano cer}. tered in a minimum 2-5116' (S9 mm) toa maxrmum Z_112, (64 mm) diameter opening in the csitinq or wall. Step 2: S€cure the es;utcheon adapter onto the sprinkter by hand turning the adapter ctockwise onto th€ sprinkler threads. The face ofth6 adapter should rest on the shoulder of the sprinkler wrench boss. Step 3: Appty.a small amount ot pipe-joint compound or Teflono tape to ine ener_ nalthreads otthe sprinkler only, taking care not to allow a build_up of com-pound in the sprinkler inlet. Step 4: hstall the sprinklsr into the cou-pling using the special recessed sprin_ kl€r wrgnch only, taking care not to over-tighten or damage the sprinkler operating parts. DO NOT use the es- cutcheon or sprinkler deflector to start or thread the sprinkler into a fittinq. Step 5: Test the system as required-and repair all laaks. lf a thread leak occurs. normally the unit must be removed, new pipe-joint compound or Teflono tape applied, and then reinstalled. This is due to ths fact that when the joint seal leaks, the sealing compound or tape is washed out olthe lolntSlep 6: After installing the c;iling or watl with a minimum 2-5116,' (S9 mm) oper} ing, press on or thread on (depenos on the styls ol escutcheon us€d) the ourer escutcheon cup untilthe flanoes roucn the surface ot the ceiling or ia . With the Viking stip-on style Micro- matic- Model E-1 Recessed Escutch_ eon, the maximum adapter recess is 5/8" (16 mm). With the Vlkhg threadsd styte Micro_ matics Model E-2 Flecessed Escutch_ eon, the maximum recess ls %" (12.7 mm). NotB: The lace ofthe escutcheon adapter may extend up to 11/92. (8,2 mm) beyond edge of escutcheon cup, rssulting in 27lgz, (21,4 mm) totat ad_ Justment range. with the viklng Microtast@ lvlodel F_.t Adjustable Escutcheon, the maximum rscess is I /4. (6,4 mm). Note: The face olthe escutcheon adapler mav ext6nd up to 1/4" (6,4 mm) beyond edge of es- cutcheon cup, resulting in 1/z', (12,7 mm) total adjustment ranqe. DO NOT modify the unit, li necessarv. re-cut the sprinkler drop nipple as re- ouired. February 1, 2OO2 \lKil\|G'SPRINKLER ESCUTCHEONS Viklng Technical Data may be found on The Viking Corporatlon's W€b site at http://www.vlklngcorp,com. The Wgb site may includa a mgr6 recent edition ot this Technical Data I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I February 1 , 2002 yrrung -ranqarq Ftat and Ralsed sur- face-Mounted Escutcheono: Step l: Insta alt piping and cut the sprin- Kter ntppte so that the reducing cou" pling is atthe dosirBd locauon and cerF tered in a maximum 2_1/2" (64 mm) dt_ ^. ameter opening in the caiting or wall.Step 2: Secure th€ escutcheoi onto thesprinkler by hand turning the escut_ cheon clockwiso onto tho sprinkler threads. Cfhe convex surface oithe es. cutchaon must face toward the deflec_ tor of the sprinklar.) Step 3:Apply.a small amount of pipe-joinl compound or Teflon@tape to the exter- nalthreads otthe sprinkieronly, taking care not io allow a build-up of com--pound in the sprinkler inlet. ' Step 4: Install the sprinkler into lhe cou_pting using ths special sprinklsr wrench only, taking care not tb over_ tighten€r damage the sprinkler operat. ing pads. DO NOT us6 tha escutcheon or sprinkler deflector to start or threadthe sprinkl€r into a fittinq. Step 5: Atter installation, th;entire svsrem musl be tested in accordance wiih rec_ognized installation standards. The test is applied alter sprinkler installa_ lton to_ensure that no damago has oc_ curred ro rh€ sprinkler during shipping and installation, and to make sure the unit has been properly tightened. It athread leak ooours, normally the unit must be rEmoved, new pipe_joinl com_pound or tape applied, and ihen reln_stalled This is due to the tact that when the iolnt seal leaks, the sealing com_ _ _poundortape is washed out ofthejoint. DO NOT modit the unit. lf nscsssary, rerur the sprinkler drop nippl6 as requtred. 9. DISASSEMBLY The outer cups of Vlklng adjustable andrecessed escutcheons can be removedand ,reinstalled without r€moving thesprinklers to allow access above th; ceil. Lrg or t?.reptace it, if^n€cessary. Forsrrp-on style Micromatico Model E:1 RB_cesssd Escutcheons and MicrofastoModel..F-1 Adiustablo Escutcheons, re- T9ve rlre outer cup simpty by pu ing itourw_ardand away from the wall or ceiling. I o remove the out€f cup of the threadedstyle Micromatic@ Model E.2 Recessed Escutcneon, turn it counterclockwise tountnread it trom the adaDt€r. lf it is n€cessary to removs the Entire unit, the.system must be removed lrom servtc€.Heler to maintenance instructions on the ^apqlo,qrlate sprinkt€r technlcat data pageand lo ow all warnings and instructi6nsl Sprinkler 195 c \IKII\G SPRINKLER ESCUTCHEONS Vlklng Standard Flat anA Ralst d Surtace-Mounted Esa',rir* Eaae )art N(l.Mat6rlal Style Sprinkler Thread Size Avallable Flnishe6 Outslde Diameter 0'19604 Steel Flat 7t' (15 mm)+5/1 6" (84,1 mm)09488 Stainless Steeltt Flat (15 mm)F .3-s/16" (84,1 mm01015ASt6elFlat3/4" (20 mm)F &sfi 6' (84,1 mm) 029604 Steei Flar 7r'(15 mm)B, F, MnN M/N, M/B 2-314" (69,9 mm) 07526 Stainless Steeltt Flat 7z' (15 mm)F M/w 2€l4" (69,9 mm) o54644 Steel Flat 314' (2o mm)B, F, M/W, M/N 2.3/4' (69,9 mm) 09596 Stainless Stseltj Flat 3/4' (20 mm)F 2-314" (69,9 mm)019618 Brass Rais€d %" (1s mm)E, t-*1116' d7.7 mm]t010164BrassRaisedI 3/4' (20 mm)I F-g- l116' (77,7 mm)rP-rr|| Otyte ll€cet aad Esculcheon F 'ackages (incluc les adeote ahr{ drt6r ^rr^r 't 1123 Steel Recessed Slip-on 3/8'(10 mm)F, M/IV 3-1116t (77,7 r:|m) 06419A Steel RBcessed Slip-on 7r" (15 mm)B, F, M/1/V M/N, M/B 3-1116" (77,7 mml 07902 Stainless Steel lgclsrgx sriE:gl LZ"(15 mm)I F!!4/w 3- l 116" (77 ,7 mm\ 064204 Steel .l-Recessed Stip-on 3/4" (20 mm)le, r, uru i M/N, M/B 3-1/16" (77,7 mm) E-2 tmlrad€d Style Fec 6s!ed Eaculcheon tackages (inclu I 't' (1s ."t rr and outer cup) 3-1/8" r79 a mml11m8 |Steel @t."a n,"ao"o ti. t\,vw l .1162s I Steel lRecessed ThreadeJ L@ rs (lncludes ada F, M/w I Dter and o 3-1/8' (79,4 mm uler rlrrnlF-l Adlustable t:scutcheon packagc 06911A Steel Adjustable %" (15 mm)B, F, M/!V M/N, M/B 3-1/16" (77,7 mm) 06912A St6el Adjustabte 3/a" (2o mm)B, F, Ml/V M/N, M/B 3-1116" (77,7 mm) ESCUI(:heon Cups Avs llable S€pgrately to Adiustable an(Rgcesg€(Eacutcheone 054594 St6sl E-l Becessedi F-1 Adjustable 318" ,1/2' & 314" (10, 15 & 20 mm) B, F, MAV M/N, N4/B Stainless Steel 1/z' & 3/4' (15 & 20 mm)FM/1ivl Steel E.2 Recessed t/p' & s/i' (1s & 20 mm) td EacutchaonRtSCutcltlron Adapters A ralllble Sgpararety or AdJustabls al rd Becesgl F;IV/W TSte6t I E.1 Becessed Steel E-1 Recessed l\,t/N -{- M/B I 06s998 Steel F-1 Adjuslabte rl" (15 mm)B, F, M/W M/N, M/B 07527 Stainless Steel E-1 Recessed Yr" (15 mm) 064098 Steel E-'1 Recessed S/a" eO m.rl)B, F, MAV M/N, M/B 066008 St6el F-1 Adjustable 3/4, (2O mm)B, F, MAV M/N, M/B 10921 Steel E-2 Becessed U2"(15 mm) 1 1 623 Ste€l E-2 Recessed 3/4" (20 mm) tscutcheon Ftntshes: B = Briohr Brass, l; pot*dJhrfi;, lvUW = WTG p"I"".r";fo,.standard Jtat,and ratsed escuicheons, wnire nrruy = wnlie Fii!,ririii'ntr. uolrrtubte and r+cessed escutcheons, M/N = Navaio potyesrgr, andlu/B = Bf"lX Fiiy""i.r. liot": Orher cofors are.avaitabt6 on request. Sae Shenvin.wttia'n.dboror-eilweislfiinterior coto, Set"c-tion color numbers.ttl:l':ri:lb-ef 0.94S8, 0Z526, and 0€596 may atso be speciat ordered and manufacturedrrom srass (non-magnetic material). Contaci the manufaa;ier i;r r;;re detaits. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sprinkler 135 d Form No. F 122699 \IKII\G=SPRINKLER ESCUTCHEONS / ---r< > c.ir69 -Z-5/)A',djlsidbr. t-.- |tt' ---.-y,/t ?-)"2' oui.r c@1 | (s'( in) | It/e - \ I r-')16(r.r ".,1 | | (:6.! iF/ =J:=_, _- _H-lt 1---r-.1 ,e -- -l l-'--'--i *-",, / ail12 06,b n") __i _ _ F19yl" 1: Instaltarion ot Viking Stip-on Style MlcromatcoModel E-l necessed Escutcheon wlth 5/8. Maxlmum Recess._llSyr_"_2r Insta a on of Vtklng Thread-on Sryte Micromatico Model E-2 Rac$sed Escutch€on with 27132'iotal Adiustment. I 23/32' I C.rt66 Holp Recuiredi ,/-a =tta r5.1 nn t1i^nui Flgure 3: Installation ot Vlklng Mlcrotasto Model F_.1 Adlustable Escutcheon wlth y2" Total Adtustment. l"plu"9t page 135 a-d, dared November 1,2000 (added 3/4" NPT Model E-2 RecesseO Escutctieoni - Bull Moose Tube - Eddy ThreadI I I I I I t I t t I I I I I I I I I Page 1 of2 BULL MOOSE TUBE EDDYTHREAD 40 A Lightweight schedure 40 Repracement pipe That Has a co*osionReshtance Rafio of 1.0! Bull Moose Tube Company has been making pipe for a long time and isrecognized as a producer of quality pipe p.olu.ts. eaaytfrre"aa +O isdesigned with the same thoroughness is our other nne prpe pioau.L unanow our customers have an option to buy a carefuily aesigned replac"mentfor Schedule 40 that: r Has a Corrosion Resistance Ratro of i,0. Has No Thread Warmns. Has a Pressure Rating oi : OO psi. Is Lighter Weight Than Schedule 40 ' ,Is Approved by Factory Mutuar and Listed by underwriters Laboratories. Is Produced in Accordance to ASTM A_135 and 4_795. Can be Used With Standard Schedule 40 Threaded Fittings, Couplings and Valves. Is Produced From Steel With Excellent properties of Strengti andThreadabilitv. Can be Used in Wet, Dry, preaction, and Deluge Type SprinklerSystems*. Offers Lower Freight Costs Corrosion Resistance Ratios AII information contained herein is accurqte qs lcnown at the time ofpubrication. Bu, Moose Tube res-erve,s the right to "hong, proiu,"i"spectfcations w ithout notice and w ithout initning ob ti"gairons. http ://www. bulknoosefi rhe cnm /eddrr4o h+,". WeiehtLb./Ft.Bundle Size 3/4" 1" 1-t/4" l-1/2" 1.087 1.600 ) <6) 3.364 0.956" 1.090" 1.425" 1.655" 111A' 9l 61 1'7 37 Nominal Pipe Size 1" 1-1/4" 1-t/2" 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 * Not FM approvedfor dry systems. I Bull Moose Tube - Eddy Thread Page2 of2 I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I t For additional information, :ol?gt your salesperson today at (g00) 325_4467 or (636) 537-2600 in the U.S.A., or from Canadu "jf laOOj dSZ_-4666 Eddy Ep / Eddythread 40 I Eddyttte lEddy Fast Eddy Ftow / Ulta Eddy I Fipe_rn-e -.---.--_ Eddy Pipe Specs - US / Eddy pipe Specs _ Metric F+e / C.o=mpaqylrofllu i Air He.aj+ / V?chqnicat Tube / V5O / Holtow Structur.ai Frcliols^/ Srrrnkler Pipe / Contact Us / fLinks / SiteMap t I OoO r***.bullmoosehrbe com/eridv4o htm I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I The Capper Tube Hsedhaae Technical Data: Tables Table 2c. TYPE M-Dimensions and Technical Data: Tables The CoWer f6e nananoo* Characteistics Nominal or standard size, inches Nominal dimensions, inches Calculated values (based on nominal dimensions) Outside diameter Inside diameter Wall thickness Cross sectional area of bore, sq. inches Weight of tube only, pounds per linear ft Weight of tube & water pounds per linear ft, Contents of tube per linear ft Cu ft.Gal. 3l L .500 .450 .025 .159 .145 11A .00110 00826 1l'2 .625 .569 .028 .254 .204 .314 .00176 .0132 tln 875 .81 I .032 .517 .328 .551 .00359 .0269 I 1.125 1.055 .035 .874 .465 .843 .00607 .0454 1 Ll t.375 1.291 .042 1.31 .682 1.25 .00910 .0681 1 llt ,2 1.625 t.527 .049 1 .83 .940 r.73 .0127 .0951 2 2.12s 2.009 .05 8 J.L I I 1.46 2.83 .0220 .165 ) rr 2.625 2.495 .065 4.89 2.03 4.14 .0340 .254 J 3 r25 2.981 .072 6.98 2.68 5.70 .0485 .363 7 rl- '2 3.625 3.459 .083 9.40 3.58 7.64 .0653 .488 4.t25 3.935 .095 12.2 4.66 9.83 .0847 .634 5.125 4.907 .109 18.9 6.66 14.8 .13 I .982 6 6.125 5.88 r .122 ,r', .t 8.92 20.7 . 189 l.+ I 8 8,125 7.785 .t70 47.6 16.5 J I.I .JJ I 2.47 10 ro.t25 9.701 .212 73.9 25.6 57.5 .513 3.84 12 12.125 r1.617 )\a. I-. , I 106 36.7 82.5 --l .736 5.5 I sl13l98 file://C:\WINDOWSDESKTOp\copper submittals\copper tube type M.htm i_*** r_:*_ r%*;**_ -"- - :_ ; , l--'li---i*Lii*i '--[--*j--[*f -F-l-*- t- f6LL-::[---t :_j-'-*:i--j_*i-*, Li-i*i t*-i r- i--- --- i - l-.-i__:t*---i tu i .__i 27 I t.r I t.r i - F f'* i-r* I 6 lle 17 i 34 | 2 | z i_lr.slr:.slze.s" r---*-*-_ :_ i_. s i zs i rr i s0 -i- L [--, -[- i, i,* l-,.l Allowances are for streamlined soldered fittines and rA'owances are tor streamlined soldered fittings and recessed threaded fittings. For threaded fittings, double the allowance shown on the table. The equivalent lengths presented above are based upon a C factor of 150 in the Hazen-Williams ftiction loss formula. The lengths shown are rounded to the nearest half foot. Technical Data: Tables The Copoer Tube Handbook 718198 9:01 AM A Dintbn oItu Plt. pfrtu.E, LA I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I NOMINAL slzE (rNcH) lTEM CODE # MAX. WOFKTNG P.S,r. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT EACH PIECEAB t lx112 c890031 175 1.26 1.36 0.64 1x3t4 c890032 175 1.37 1.45 0.87 1114x1i2 c890041 175 1.34 1.53 0.95 1 1l4xgl4 c890042 175 1.45 1,62 1.13 1 114x1 c890043 175 158 1.67 1.16 1 'll2x1 c890053 175 1.6s 1.80 1.51 1 1nx1 114 c890054 175 1,82 1.88 '1.62 2x112 c890081 175 1,49 1.88 2.00 zxgl4 c890062 175 1.60 1.97 2.05 2x1 c890063 175 1.73 2.02 2.10 2x1 114 c890064 175 1.90 2.10 2.30 2x1 112 c890065 175 2.02 2.16 2.60 C. I. THREADED FITTINGS @@@ LISTED LISTED APPROVED m ffi @ alrl-'llllIaIrr eIrtrI ct:ttiltl3 alrir, NOMINAL stzE 0NcH) ITEM CODE # MAX. WORKING P.S.t. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT EACH PIECEAB I c890033 175 1.50 1.50 0.95 1 1t4 cB90044 175 1.75 1.75 1.34 1 1t2 c890055 175 1.94 1.94 1.80 2 c890066 175 2.25 2.25 2.90 .|rL'll|l:LTN ill:tr .dillll= NOMINAL stzE (rNcH) ITEM CODE # MAX. WORKING P.S.t. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT EACH PIECEAB 1 cT333 175 1.50 1.50 1.21 1 1t4 cT44/.175 1.75 1.75 1.87 11t2 cT555 175 1.94 1.94 2.s1 2 cT666 175 2.25 2.25 3.96 |'lt'lll:{alN rI qil{=lJl:altll, NOMINAL stzE 0NcH) ITEII CODE MAX. WORKING P.S.t. DIMENSIONS WEIGHT EACH PIECEAB 1 CBrl5033 175 1.12 1.12 0.84 1 1t4 c845044 175 1.29 1.29 1.40 1'll2 c845055 175 1.43 1.43 1.80 2 c845066 175 1.68 1.68 2.75 NOMINAL stzE 0NcH) ITEM CODE # MAX. WOFKING P,S,t, DIMENSIONS WEIGHT EACH PIECEA 1t2 cPL001 175 0.94 0.10 3t4 cPL002 175 1.07 0.17 1 cPL003 175 1.25 0.29 11t4 cPL004 175 1.36 0.44'l 1t2 cPL005 175 1,45 0,62 2 cPL006 175 1.56 0.91 -NOTE: Please consult the standard thread information in this catalog. r14 l Divirton of St t Pb. ?roe.b, LP. C. I. THREADED FITTINGS @@@ LISTEO LISTED APPROVED T b I I I I I I I fr t I I t I I I t I NOMINAL SIZE 0NcH) ITEM CODEi MAX, WORKING P,S.t. DIMENSIONS APPROX. WEIGHT EACH PIECE A 1 cx033 175 1.50 1.50 1.54 1 1t4 cx044 175 1.75 1.75 2.4011ncx0551751.94 1.94 3.10 cx066 175 2.25 2.25 4.00 1114x1 CX0'til 175 1.58 1.47 2.05'l 112x1 cx053 175 1.65 1.80 2.40 2x1 cx063 175 1.75 2.02 2.75 Please consult the standard thread information in this cataloo. leaoez WROT COPPER PRESSURE FITTINGS I I 10O wrot Couptins With Stop to Copper NoninalSlze in Inches NomlnalSizs ill Inches 8ox lllaster A00ror. Dim.ouanllly Pack Nstwt. A .085 tt%o .l 04 1r%, .l 50 2%z .217 2'%c .401 2a%o .624 3%z .97 31%z 1.39 3"%z l.9g 4134e 3.3 s% 5.3 6% r 3.9 8% 8ox Masteronantily Pact 8or Maslr. Aporox. Dlm.oueotity Pack Net Wt. A t I I t I I I I Dlm A 8ox Master ouanllly Pacft I I I I I 5U JU cu 50 50 | 00 l5 50 t0 25 20 t0 5 I 2 I I I ls %a %e %a %z %z %z %" %z %z %" /gz %" %z %z %z /t" -/16 %a /A I 000 .0014 r 000 .0025 1000 .0041 r 000 .005 9 1000 .008 0 1000 .014 | 000 .026 500 .040 500 .06 t 200 .085 250 .t04 200 .150 100 .217 50 .401 50 .624 40 .970 l5 | .390 16 2.040 6 3.300 6 5.2 50 | 13.900 1O1-R wrot Copper to Copper NoninalSizs an InChes Reducing Coupling FAI tni [---].+.__I ll ll€ec [ 1-- -l-t -_rt,nt I I -]__lt Appr0r. NetWt. 0in. A I 101 wrot Couptins Without Stop Copper to Copper NominalSize in Inch6s Appror. Nat Wt. 50 5U 50 50 50 50 50 50 5U 50 25 25 za 50 5U 50 5U 25 25 lc 25 zo t0 't0 l0 l0 l0 l0 | 000 | 000 1000 1000 I 000 1000 r 000 | 000 I 000 r 000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 250 250 250 250 250 100 r 00 100 r 00 100 100 .003 .00 5 .00I .00I .0 08 .017 .o t7 .028 .020 .026 .0 35 .0 37 .033 .064 .059 .050 .053 . 5 .r03 .r00 .105 .094 .t 44 .r30 .17 7 .177 .2r0 .220 %" "4, % %z -/12 V6 % -/32 % 23/s, -/32 %" -a %a 3Ae 2%o %" 'Yso t%z 7a %a Yz V6 t%z o%q 74 ,%, %" 5U 50 50 CU 50 JU r 00 lo 5U r 000 1000 I000 1000 I 000 I 000 t 000 OUU 500 .0014 .0024 .0041 .0059 .0080 .0r4 .02I .040 .060 V,t '/1A t%t ,%a 2%z '764 l%z l2%q l1%z I 6 | Ellrtail prodacts Eorpomation.V f A subsidiary of Amcast lndustrial Corporation (continued) )Pase4 WROT COPPER PRESSURE FITTINGS olm. A 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 50 25 50 50 25 25 zt 50 t0 25 25 t0 t0 c t0 5 Dlm. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 103 Wrot Femate Adapter Copper to Female N.PT N0ninalSizE In hchss 8or lilastor 0u. lty Peck Alprox. Nel Wt.B0r Mastorouantlty Peck Approx. et I'Vt. NOTE TO SPECIFYING ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS It is suggested that the foilowing phrasing be incorporated in your specifica-tions or list of materiars: "sorder-Joint rittings sndir oL In accordance with iptr:Tbrr standafds as pubrished by Americ-an Nationar standards InstituterAr\urj sucn as rilustrated and described in Erkhart products corporation,Plumbing Products Division, Catalog W.l2B5.' 50 r 000 50 1000 50 500 50 500 25 250 25 250 t0 t00 r0 t00 5 50 220 .024 %a .03 ,%" .06 ,g4z .0e % .14 1%e .22 | /ts .2e t%z .42 | %z.65 t% I.20 llz 500 .08 l%a 1000 .0S 5/t f000 .03 Yz500 .08 2.Az t 000 .05 ,%" I 000 .02 1%z 250 .r 2 3l 500 .08 la | 000 .03 %a250 .12 .%z 500 .05 sAe 500 .06 .ls 250 .t3 %2s0 .09 %250 .23 | tlzz 500 . t t%, | 00 .280 t'%z 250 .171 .%q 250 .230 t%e I 00 ,411 .yu 100 .241 55/ct 50 .658 t%a 100 .335 %50 .730 t%c 103-R Wrot Reducing Female Adapter coooer -rpfifr _r= lliT"" L:::I l' ffi trtr]--+qGI :---= NomlirlSlze h Incies I @ | ^".1{#,1.1**ffinEorPonation I page S WROT COPPER PRESSURE FITTINGS T I I I t T I t I I I I I I t I 1O3-2R Wrot Reducins Female Street Adapter li| --,-lr-] | tl||llT-.-------|r-lt-tlttl 8ox ilastor our ity Pacl Aplrox. NrtWt. Dln. Dlfi. A 8u Mrst0r 0uantlty Pack Appror. Net M, %x%.. 50 t ooo .o4s%x%.. 50 looo .033%x%... so 5oo .o7s % x%. . . so looo .049 %x% .. 50 tooo ,ot43/sxsl .. 2s 250 .t4 % x%. . so 5oo .07lAx%.. 50 looo .04 1/z x 'l . . 20 2oo .24 .024 %.029 ""/r" .05 | t%t .096 t?A .l 38 l1%a . | 99 t31lz .322 2142 .500 2%a .658 2rYza .14 .06 .07 .t3 .08 .25 .l I ,54 .39 .20 .t8 .52 .30 .28 .78 .43 .56 .74 .67 .89 ,94 h %c % 83/so ,%, I t%z rsAa % l1%z t% % 5A t% 1/re lsYu 5Yu 11./a l2/s" l%z ,Yu l r%, t% I 113/at lzYu l15Az t% t'42 l/ot t%z Fitting to Female N,PI N0mlml Sir. h hchel Bor [a6torou.ntlty Pack Appror. f{et !,lr/1. olm. A Yzx3l . 25 250/zxg/s.. 50 SOO1/zx%... 50 SOO%xs/o.. 25 2S0 %x%.. 2s 5oo3lxl... 20 2OO%x%.. 2s 2solxl%.. lO IOOlxl%.. t0 l0Olx%... 2s 250.lxYr... 25 250 1% x r%. t0 too1%x1.. t0 IOO1%x3/n.. l0 100l/2x2.. S 50 llz x l%. t0 l0Ol%xr.. tO lo'2xl1/2.. 5 SO 2xl%.. 21/zx2-. 2/z x llz . r 000 l%c.046 1O4 Wrot Mate Adaprer Copper to Male N,PI NomiralSlzs h lmlros Box Master 0oantlty P.c[ Approx- Not Wt. Dln. A 50 50 50 5 c J 50 50 50 25 20 l0 t0 c 4 z I 1000 | 000 500 500 250 200 t00 r00 50 40 20 t6 1%z '-Az % teAz 13/ta lYz lsla 111/sz l2%z 12/sz l"etlz .0t7 .027 .049 .0 66 .n6 .192 .372 .429 .794 | ,27 2.27 3.34 103-2 Wrot Femate Street Adapter Fitting to Female N.PI Nomlnal Sho h lncies 104-R Wrot Reducing Male Adapter Copper to l\4 ale N.PT l{onhal Slze In Inch0s I Ellchart Pro elaets Eorporation@lA subsidiary of Amcast Industrial Corporation T Page 7 WROT COPPER PRESSURE FITTINGS r Bor Nlaslgr 0uanlily Pack 8ox Maslef orantity Pack 8ox lvlaster Ap9rox. oimouanllly Pack Net Wt. A Dh. A0uentlly I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I 1O5-C Wrot g0o Street Elbow-Close Ruff 1O7-CR Wrot g0o Reducins Elbow-Ctose Ruff Fittin g io F itting NominalSize h lnches :-A - -rr't'=--^tt '=-l L:. Copper to Copper NomiralSize ti Incnes Appror Nel Wt. Dim oim.A8 25 500 25 500 25 500 2s 500 l0 200 25 250 r0 100 5 50 J 5U 540 220 I l0 l8 l8 .006 Ya .ol2 2%" .o2s '%a.05 t%z .07 t% .l 0 1r%" .18 12%z .28 r% .41 2% .7 6 2"%z | .22 35la 1.85 331 2.67 tYta 4.27 4r%e %x%...... .. . so %x%.... ..... 50 %x% ......., 50 Yzx%..... .... 50 %x%... .. ... 2s %x%.... ....... 50 lx/2..,.... .... 25 lx3l ......... 2s l%xl........ IO 1%xl%... .... . lo 2 x 1/z . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2/2x2. . 5 3 x 2/2 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4x3. . I 5x4............ I 6x4.......... I 1000 .0t0 r 000 .026 5 00 .04 500 .03 250 .08 500 .08 250 .t 2 250 .r5 t 00 .23 100 .34 40 .60 40 1.06 24 l.so I 3.t I 6 6.39 6 7.79 %s Y""o%q 3%o 'lu %1%s %3'Az % % 15/ta 't% % % 1%z % t%a l%t 5%o l%a l1%e l% | t/z 2%z 1% 21%a 2 31%z 21%z 3% 21%z 1O7-C Wrot g0" Etbow- Close Ruff Copper to Copper NomlnalSlze 1n Incnes Maslef Appror.Pack Net Wt.Appr0x N€t WI. "l Dim t]im.AB r 000 .006 r000 .0t2 r 000 .024 1000 .04 250 .06 500 .l 0 200 .t8 200 .28 | 20 ,40 80 .75 40 Lt8 24 1.88 I 2,63 I 4.22 50 t 000 50 1000 50 1000 100 1000 25 250 50 500 25 250 25 200 20 120 l0 80 540 324 l8 r8 .oo 6 % % .012 % % .o24 "%o o%o .05 "%o l%z '06 '%, l%" .l 0 '%z 11%z .] 8 2%z l"/tz .28 % t2%z .39 1'%q 2% .76 t% 22%z 1.18 t% 32%o 1.85 2 32%z 2.62 21%c 41%q 4,20 21%z 411/e x % 2%q ,%c 1%z -/16 a%c '5la lr%o 12%a l?%z l"%o t7a^ 2t%z 1O7-C2 Wrot 90o Street Elbow-Close Ruff F itting to Copper NominalSize in lnches I A I Eh<hant produets Eorpor:atior. \tZ I A subsidiary of Amcast lndustrial Corporation I page 9 WROT COPPER PRESSURE FITTINGS I Dlm 0mA8I I I 107-2 Wrot 90o Street Elbow- Long Turn Frttin g io CoDpe r NominalSize 1n tncnSs 111 Wrot Tee Copper to Coppe r to Copper No inalSize In Incnes Bor lllaster Aqprorouanlly Pack N€l Wl .- '-;-_, '.| I i .!"-'----- I. l-l:., - 8or lvasret Aop o, oi,r. D,mUranlit/ Pack \€t Wl A I I I I T I I 0irn. oim 7a % Yz %. Dlm oimA8 .t2 ll4ast€r Pack flominaiSt?e l] !ncn es I t I I I t %.. %.... % /2.. %. % .. I 1% r%. 2 z% 3.. s%. . 4. t%z -/e "%z % 1%e t%, t% l1%a 2%a 2sla J-/32 3'%" 4 4%a % ,142 t% l%u r% 2 2t%z 3%z J 716 3'%a 41%a aA2 t''/32 62/tz 50 1000 .008 s0 1000 .016 s0 500 .03 100 1000 .05 25 250 .08 25 250 .12 t 0 100 .21 r0 80 .39 r0 80 ,58 5 40 l.0l r l0 1.67 r I 2.51 I 8 3.70 I I 5.76 %oo . %eOD. . %.., %aOD. . % ., %.. . %, % .. %... , 1....... t%. .. l'/a . . ,) 2'/z. . . . 3....... 3'/z 50 1000 50 1000 50 1000 50 1000 50 t000 50 500 50 500 25 250 25 250 r0 t00 5 50 5 50 s40 I l0 I l0 l8 r8 ll .0 05 ,/e % .oo9 %a %u .01 5 '%o ,A" .02 0 %z Y"" .02 8 tr/uo % .047 %a % .05 "%o ttAe .10 %a y" .16 % 1%. .33 '%" % .46 "%" "%".71 t%z t%z 1 .29 t% 1% 1.90 12%z t1%a 2.7 s t% 1% 4,17 2% 2% 6.62 21%z 2%a 9 .9 5 23%q 22y32 I 1OB wrot 90o Elbow 111-HE Wrot Heat ExchangerTees Copper to Copper to Copper No tube stop on small end of run. Tube sl ps all the wav into f rttrng. A.,d,ldble iJr drt \t,'Es trSIed Lrder E,g. No. l1l.R r,trelp tee has one or more reductions on one end of run. on soecial order. 111-2 Wrot Street Tee Copper to Female N PT I b E0x 0!antity Ap0rox. Net Wt 20 I CU "%o lt%z Copper to Fitt ng to Copper NonlrnalSize ln mcnes :-l-__!.J:;- - B0r l\4aster Approx Di|nQuanlily Pack Netwt AWe in v ite requests for quotation on any style, size or d imension not shown 50 500 25 250 .068 .17 4 |%z "4" l3%o % I afiL I EII<hart P*aelucts Eorporation I A subsrdrary ol Amcast Industnal Corporation Jun"'o WROT COPPER PRESSURE FITTINGS I 111-R, RR or BH* Wrot Reducing Tee 111-R, RR or BH* Wrot Reducing Tee olm. orm otmA8C 8or Masler ouantity pack - 8ox lMaster Approx orm D n DtDUuantrty Pack Netwt A I C t I I I I I I I I O.D. S izes Only lt :1-" _j_r._ it_jllli++ _a --g- coppe,. to Copper lcr Copper NoninetSize in Inchss i-,-! - ai t-;;-l-:-'-i'r-- Ii- ---- A -L- (also see nom Ina I sizes) 0.0 Sir€ ro lIches (also see O. D. srzes) Apptox Net W. )zx5l3y7r. . 50 | 000 .009 3/a % 3lu 50 I 0oo .o t 5 1%o ,%o %, so looo .015 ,Tao 13At %z 50 l ooo .o2o '%o ,1/60 fo, 50 | 000 .01 5 ,Tao t3ao %, 50 | 000 .o l5 t/ao ,%q %z 50 | 000 .020 ,%. 2%q %z 50 1000 .0t5 1%o ,%o 7Az 50 I 000 .01 5 ,%o ,%o %z 50 1000 .020 1%c \%q %z50 to00 .o28 % 3/s % 50 1000 .028 l/s 2%c % 50 rOO0 .028 %2 % tluo 50 1000 .020 %z %z ,%z 50 1000 .020 %" t%, e/t" 50 1000 .020 %z .%z 1%z s0 1000 .020 %z 2%o ,%z 50 1000 .020 %z 2%o /s50 | 0o0 .028 1%4 3A % 50 | 000 .028 l%c t%a ,y3z 50 1000 .028 1%< 1%z 1%z 50 1000 .028 1%o 1%q %a 50 l00o .029 1%4 % %50 1000 .028 t%o '%z % 50 1000 .028 1%a ,%z 1%z 50 |0oo .028 1%4 % 1%z 50 1000 .028 ,%o %a % 50 500 .047 'le %e sla s0 500 .047 %s %a % 50 500 .047 %s '%z % 50 500 .053 %a ,%z ela '/ax%x%.. 50 lO0o .028 % x % x%... so soo .063 % x % x%. . 50 SOO .047 %x%x%. SO IOOO .028 %x%x%.. SO lO0O .028 %x%x% 50 loOO .O2g %x%xrl ... ZS 2SO .14 %x%x%... SO 5OO .063 %x%x% 50 soo .047 %x%x%... so 5Oo .oA7 %x%x% 50 soo .063 % x % x%. .. so soo .o47 %x%x%... so 5oo .o47 %x%x/a 50 5oo .047 %x%'%... sO 5OO .047 %x%x% 50 5oo .o47 %*%*%. 50 soo .o47 lzx%x1... l0 lO0 s2 /zx%aatr... ,U 250 .Il /zx%x%... so 5oo .to Yz x % a 24. UO 5OO .06 t/z x 1/z x % 50 soo .06 lzx%x%.. so 5OO .06 Yzx3,4x/2... 50 500 .06 Yzx%x%... sA 5OO .06 '/z xVsx% 50 sgg .06 %x%x/2.. so 5OO .06 %x%x%. 50 sgo .06 %x%x%. SO 500 .06 %x%x%.. Zs 2SO .15 %x%x%. zs 250 .lo %x%x%.. Zs 2SO .lo I I I I 316, x 316, Fil x%a ... . %exft"a11 %x%x% %x%x%a %x%Fitx%. . . %t%x%s %x%axsle %x%ax%.... %x%sx3la... % xElaFit x%.. 5lox15 v/r. . %exVirFi,tx%.... . %6 x %a Fil x 516 %ax15a'1 slax%xsla slax'/avttr .. %sx%ax%... %ax%a x"/a ... % x 3A Fit x 3/8 . . . . . ... %t3.4xEla %x%x%o .. . %x%x%a. % xslox3A ........ .. %xslaFitx/g.... . %xTaFii x.le..... %tVsx% ....... %x3lax3A.. 250 250 250 250 250 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 13Az ,%, t%z 1%q t%o ,%o t%" 716 716 t%z '6 -/1A 716 76 716 716 ,%a "%, 2%z -/18 -/32 -/12 7s 71a -/32 % v6 slz t%e 2%o ,%o ,%o %" ,%o ,%o ,lu ,%z 2'Az ,%" 11//64 t%z t%z 2%z 11//32 va 716 "%z t%" ,%" t%z 715 %a v6 1sla z5Az "%z 716 -/32 732 1%z ,/z '/z "%, 7a 78 1%a ,%o "%o "%o 2%" -/a 7a "%" % '%z -/a t%, % '%z ,%z ,%z t%z "%o t%z '/a t%z % 7e ,%z % % t%z % ,%z 13Az % '%, tsAz t%" ,%z '7i2 1%z 17//32 Yz 2%z ?%z v ,/z "%z ,/z I %x%x%, 7Ex'/zx./s. %x%x/2.. 7Ex'/2x/B %x%x%., ta ZD 25 11.R - Reducing on Ouflet 6 | Elkhant products Eorpomation.] I A subsidiary of Amcasl Industrial Corporation (continued) 111-RR-Beducing on Run I I 1-BB- Large Diameter Oufl ef I I -r-''r\rrJr- nalru roollngs - tuDeJolnts (branch connectrons, branching) - for plumbers and... pape 1 of 2I Approvals I The Mechanically formed TEE Fitting as created by T-DRILL has been listed by thefollowing authorities and code bodies. o ASME CODE FOR PRESSURE PIPING 831 an American Nationat Standard ASME/ANSI B31,5c - 1992 Addenda to ASME/ANSI B 31.5 ' ANSI A40 -1993 American National Standard-Safety Requirements For plumbing Formed Tee Connectionsr Internationar Plumbing code, Section 605.6. l. ( recommended for approvar by IpcDevelopment Committee 4ll0l97 )r uniform Plumbing code TM 1997 Edition, Section 606.1 .3 Mechanically Formed ree Fittingsr uniform Mechanical Code TM 1997 Edition, Section 1201. Formed TeeFittings. o BOCA ( Building officials and Code Administrators, Int'I.) See BOCA Research Reporr # 77 - g9 ' UL Listed - Porlable tools for Fabricated Outlets for Fire Protection Service. LISTED 9gH2e I'A'P'M'O. (Intemational Association of Plurnbing and Mechanical Ofhcials). File # 193io National Standard plumbing code section 4.2.g.2. Extracted Mechanical Jointr Standard Plumbing Code (SBCCI) - Section 309.7. Mechalically Formed Tee Connections.' U'S' Department ofllousing and Urban Development i.e., Minimun propefty Standards,Washington, DC. Effective luly 27,19g3. !1.s. lrryy corps of Engineers Section I 5p I , plumbing General purpose 12,43 copper TubeExtracted Joint, Effective August 15, 1983. HVAC - Secfion 15601.2 ijot Water, Section 15601.3 9:t::i^9::|,:ating, Section r5653 Air conditioning. Fire spinkler T-Drill brazed joints meetL orps requtrements. Naval Facilities Engineering command Guide Specification Section NFGS 15400 - plumbing General Purpose 3.1.7 copper Tube Extracted ioini, Effective June 30, 1990.Veterans Administration Section 15400 Plumbing- Section 15501 Sprinkier - Section 15705 -HVAC Piping Systems Section 15651 Refrigeratioir piping. Canadian Plumbing Code Section 3.3.2(1) Extracted TeJs. NFPA 99 4-3'2'2.2 vacuum Piping Network (F) Mechanically Formed Branch Connection T-DRJLL brazed joints compry with new code requirements for lead-free joints. I I I I I I I a o I I ntrrl'rUr,,r,r' r-rtrill fi/^*-- r.+*r I I Applications T-DRILL Industries Inc. el. (+1) 770-925-0520 Toll free. (+1) 800-554-2730 ax. (+1) 770-925-3912 . 1-drill(att-drill.conr -DRILL Oy Tel. +3S8-6-q7fi-333 ax. +358-6-4753-300 ai l. sa les(rr'rt-dri I l. fi SPECIFICAflONS AND I N STALLAT I O N /NS IR UC I/ONS fuffiffiffiwwfuffiffiffi BB-SC SER/ES FIRE SPRINKLER sL)w crosE tNDtCATtNc BUTTERFLY VALVES sysTEIW I I I I I I I t I t I ,@u* TISTED I t I ru APPROVED MILWAUKEE VALVE scl n-i/nn ULBB_SC040300.cd1 IN EVERY VALVE I I SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOW CLOSE I I I I t I I I t t t I I APPROVED For use with fire protection Approved by the New york City Board of Stds. &Appeals under Calendar No. 996_g1 -SM, for 175 psi and Calendar number 720-83-SA for 350 psi and b00 psi. (500 psi rated valves not shown.) ALL PATENTED SLOW CLOSE BUTTERBALL VALVES... r provide slow opening and closing properties in a quarter_ turn vatve. The purpose is to eliminate hydraulic shock and water hammer in fire protection and other jiqujd systems. . are available with or without an internal, pre-wired supervisory tamper switch assembly. When mounted on any slow-close valve and wired, the switches sional movement of the valve disc from the full open pisition. . are available factory mounted to a valve or as a kit for field installation on previously installed valves. . have switch ratings of: 10 Amps/1 15 VAC-60 Hz 0.5 Amps/28 VDC r are equipped with tamper switch assemblies FOR Nqaa8_usE !|LLY BUTTERBALL SLOW CLOSE tNSTALLATTON (BB_SC) A. The BBSC can be installed in any orientation in a piping system using standard National pipe Threads. Wrench should be used to hex on the end of valve being threaded to pipe. pipe sealants should be used sparingly. B, The valves with internal swilches can be easily wired in the fjeld. They will have two swrtches, switch-1 will have dual leads on the terminals. This switch is to be connected to the supervisory circuit ofa Listed alarm control panel. Switch_2 will have single leads and may be connected to auxiliary equipment per direction of the local authority having jurisdiction. Cap any unused wire leads with wire nuts and tuck into junctjon box. All connections shall be reviewed and approved by the local authority having jurisdiction, C. A 14 gage green wire has been fastened to the interior of the housing and is to be used as a housing ground. D. Recommended type of wire to be used is No. j 6 Dual Raled UL 300V 80 C and 300V 105 C.E. Installation must be in compliance with NFPA 72 and 13, or bonded and grounded per Canadian Electrical Code Part 1 . F. The BB-SC, BBHSC (threaded_end) and BBVSC. BVHSC (grooved-end) valves are intended for use with schedule 40 and/or g0 pipe, sizes 1", 1-114 ,1_ 112",2" and 2-1t2" perANSt 836.10. INSTALLATION FOR NEW YORK CITYVALVES N.Y.C. special valves have a large flow indicator which points in the direction of the valve disc, indicating open or closed. The valve should be installed in a position where the indicator is readily visible. o have UL/FM ratings to 175 psi. (Also available at 350 DSi and 500 psi with N.yC.B.S.A. approvat.) TISTED sprinkler systems 1 75psi. MODEL DESCRIPTION SIZES I I I BB-SC100 BB-SCS02 BBVSClOO BBVSCSO2 BBHSC100 BBHSCSO2 BVHSClOO BVHSCSO2 Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 175 psi - Threaded Ends NYC BSA Approved .1' I 1t^i ,r ,1 t..rr|, t-tt+, t- |z \ at a .l tanz-,z-U1 175 Psi - Grooved Ends NYC BSA Approved z , z- llz 4' I 4litn 4 ,4 t.rrlr f -f /.1 | t-U4, I I , Z- Ua 2",2-1t2" 350 Psi - Threaded Ends NYC BSA Approved Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 350 psi - Grooved Ends NYc BSA Approved ULBB_SC04O3OO.cdr buttcrball, B UTTE RFLy 'ALVESVALVES LESS SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH ASSEMBLY BB-SCI 00 (Threaded Ends) Sizes 1 ", 1 -1 14", 1 -112", 2",2-1 12" BBVSClOO 3 piece with Grooved Ends Size 2" BBVSC100 Uni-body with Grooved Ends Size 2-112" I I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I I t I VALVES WITH SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH ASSEMBLY THREADED ENDS BB-SCS02 M.4O ARE DIMENSIONS USING SCHEDULE 40 PIPE M.8O ARE DIMENSIONS USING SCHEDULE 80 PIPE N.4O IS FLOW RESISTANCE EXPRESSEDIN EOUIVALENT LENGTH OF SCHEDULE 40 PIPE W IS THE WRENCH i,,IAKE.UP LENGTH ULBB_SC040300.cdr NYC INDICATOR (Available on both switched and non-switched models.) BBVSClOO 3 piece with Grooved Ends Size 2" MATERTAL L|ST BBVSClOO Uni-body with Grooved Ends Size 2.112" Y' U) ;) I Il NO,PART MATERIAL SPECIFICATION 1 Indicator Sintered lron F0008P Housinq Bronze ASTM 584 3 tqdv Bronze ASTM 584 A Handle Brass Disc Stainless Steel Tvpe 304 6 Disc Seal EPDM Elastomer 7 Switch Housinq Die Cast Aluminr.rm WIRING DIAGRAM (SWITCH POSITION VALVE FULL OPEN) SWITCH 1: DUAL LEADS LISTED FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL SUPERVISORY CIRCUIT TO NEXT INDICATOR OR END OF LINE RESISTOR SWITCH 2:SINGLE LEADS Green Lead provided is ground for switch housino Switch Rating: 10AMp/ 115 VAC .5 AMP/28 VDC Cap unused leads with wire nuts and tuck inside junction box (not provided)NorE: Valves incorporating supervisory tamper switches are for indoor use onry. _ SUPERVISORY TAMPER 1/2'ELECTRICAL CONDU IT I ll I rqTtrn JUCTION BOX z/-; s=- N'.=s RFI IsEE qELlz--l 8wA^e !#vr{/E kfi \ al=U Ei=A R\ al 1c-o 63 Q \\ .R Hi:t#,ixx';:,ftl[8i' Milwaukee, Wisconsin SCzOz_t sgz [7&Wx,?t;:Jl#-u,oo ULBB_SC040300.cdr MILWAUKEE VALVE I Iil$||rAppmr. 8or C.don l|?l U/1, (lu.ntlty or.ntity tlomh.l Sltc I I I I I t I I I I I t T I I I 10 10010 @c 175 lb. wwp bronze globe Fire Protection Valve o Threaded Ends o Rubber Disc Screw Over Bonnet o UL Listed- 175 PSI Non-Shock Cold Water MATERIAL LIST sPECtflCATtotl 1. Handwheel Aluminum ASTM 885-60 A oy 51ZA 2. Handwhlrt Scfew Carbon Steel (h" & Vl"I Stainless Srsrt Typr {30 SS 0.) 3. Slem Eronzr ASTM 8-584 A oy 845 il. Packing Nut Eronr€ ASTM 8.58,1 A oy 845 or ASTM B- t6 5. Packing Graphite lmprsgnatcd {Non Asbestos) 6. Bonnct Bronzr ASTM 8.584 A oy 645 7. gody Eronze ASTM 8.581 AIoy 845 L Seat Disc 9. Seat Sccw Stainless Steel Typ€ 430 SS l0 Gaskrt Aramid Fib€r 1'1. Pack Washer Sh!€t Erass ASIM 8.19 (CoA 260) DIMENSIONS - WEIGHTS _ QUANTITIES 275 3.12 to0 228 312 312 45 1.7 'UL Lilfrd for Trim and Orgln usc - st2e3 V2- .,/.- . 1" 18 NIBCO INC., ELKHART. INDIANA @ 400 lb. wwP Bronze side 0utlet Globe valves _--i\ lfifirr,rffilyrlve.3-WayValve , screw.in Bonner r lnresralSear r ru92 400 PSllZT.6 Bar Non-Shock Cold Water MATERIAL LIST Aluminum ASTM I85 Allov C38000 t. Handwheel Screw ffi KT-291-W3 Threaded Kr-291-W3 NPTx NPTINPT Stainless Steel ASIM A 276 4ltoyS 3000 (D---_-__ DIMENSt0NSTWEtGHTS_oUANTlTt ES NlgcolNc. w0ar.0 HEADouArTEfis . | 5j 6 uro-Dr.EguRy sr . nxrnRr, tu losGiio-. usA . pH: j.800.2s.02? TECH stnvrcrs pH: r.888.a46.4226 . rrv\: 1.800.234.0sr . rrurumnouL diiiiiiriirl.zir niu ,2.l . rax: +r.21s.2s5.34ss w!vw_ntbco.com I l, I T I I I MODEL I OOO 3/4'lt 14'ltlz" The AGF Monufocturing Inc. Model l00o TESTIHDRAIN provides Both The TestFunction And The Express Droin Function For A wei rirJsprinH.r system. The Modet 1000 compries with Ail Requirements of NFpA-r3, NFpA-r3R,And NFPA-13D, The Modet 1000 TESTTHqRIIN ts A singte Hondte Boil Votve Thot ts Lighf weightAnd compoct, lncludes A Tomper Resislont resioriile,i"i"gr"r Tomper ResistontSight Glosses, And ts 300 pSt Roted. Avoiloble ln A Full R"lg9 p{Slzgs From 3/a" T-o 2" NpT & BSPT, With A1 SpecifiobteOrifice Sizes 3/a',, 7116",112",17132",sf s" (ELOj, a s7o; (glfnj. -- ""' The orifice size ls Nofed on The Indicotor plote And The Volve ls Topped ForA Pressure Gouge. The stondord Moder l0o0 TESTmDRAIN Vorve Includes A pressure Gouge portTopping And con Be ordered with A Reliervotve As A Modet lot I or tol tT Locking Kit Avoirobre which provides superior Vqndor ResistonceAnd Prevents Unintentionol Alorm Activqtion. .. out oul New Auto.._ ,ogs- Visit us --1o ^6rS- on lhe lnlernet or;5, I I I I T I T I lr I t I src2 I I I I TE$TrrDRAlIl, 3/4'lrt lt/t'lt /2" MODET 1000 300 Psl PIANVIEW 2 FRONT VIEW/VERTICAL I NSTALLATION I rnoru ennr'rcr.r GAUGE INI.ET / PROVTDED STREET EL IO DRAIN g$fflE'--'l l ro omrru { RIGHI HAND/STRAIGHT INSTALLATION APPROVALS: UL ond ULC Lisied FM Approved except 3/4" NYC-BSA NO.720-87-5M CA, Stqte Fire Morshqll D tr rl -i MATERIAL LIST PART: HANDTE SIEM BAt[ BODY SIGHI GI.ASS VATVE SEAT INDICATOR PLATE HANDI.E IOCK MATERIAL: STEEI ROD BRASS C.P. BRONZE BRONZE ITXANO IMPREGNATED TEF!ON STEEI. SPRING STEET l<_ E > iTT '^,fIi-Mtffi MENSIONS - INCHES slzE B F H3/an "5 l/ret' l28mm 1tt2" 37.5Emm 2 3/v" 55.65mm 3 s/au 93.23mm 3 3/s"I l3/te" 45.3Omm 49/rctt I l7.l2mm 6 3latt 162.42mm) t"/,41trc"| | tz" 37.58mm 2 3/rc" 55.65mm 3 5/s" 93.23mm 3 vs" 65.66mm I l3/r c" ,15.30mm 4 9/te"6 3ta" 162.42mm .l t/41'5 7trc" 137.70mm I I l/r6t' 42.t0mm 2 9/rc" 65.36mm 41U' 108.36mm 3 54C' 82.84mm | |S/le" 50.89mm 5 e/rc' l4l.39mm 5 1/2" 192.26mmll tlr"6 7t6" t63.36mm ll3/ta" 45.50mm 3 tu'5l/t6" 127mm 37ta" 99.l8mm 2 sta' 66.9hm 8 | tt" 206.63mm l0 7ta" 273.60mm .2"6 7trc" l63.3Emm I l3/let' rl5.50mm 3 ttn" ot.Sumrn 5 l/rct' 127mm 3 7 ta" 99-l6mm 2 5/a" 66,97mm E tlqn 205.63mm lO 7ts" 273.50mm 3/4" Volve UL listed only. ur- UST|NG EX4o l9 AGF MANUFACTURING tNC. 100 Ouoksr Long Motvern, pA I9OSS USA Telephone: (610) !4A-a9gg Fqx: (610) 240-4906 wwlv.feltondroln.com JOB NAME; ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: ffiF= - i-lr-l MADE IN U.S.A,CONTRACTOR: MODEr 8000/80r I TE$TrnDRAIN. I I I I I I I I t I I tt H,ltlz" 2" MODET 8000 O The AGF Monufocturing Inc. Modet g000 R|SERPACK ls Anrconomicot Riser Designed For NFPA l3 Wef Fire Sorint<ierJyslems. cost And Mochined Of Bronze In The Uniied Stotes AndRoted At 300 pst. RrsERpAcK ts oesigneo ro c."rpiuiliii.'rjii r,irpnl3 secrion s-15,4.2,3_1.1, a;:,q_oi.zi.,+ra z.+ {i6 i,i rlis_t5,3" Floor control Assembly.nequirements nego;ing';;roingSlght Glosses For Veriftcotion Wrrttb f".ting Ihio,ljn-l eY,op""r.lysized Test orifice, providing A 300 pst presirr. -e o"rg" Witfii_wovGlobe Varve And A Locotfoorer rro* eL,- B,sriFi;iil ' " Avoiloble With 3/8",7/b",thn,17len, & ELO s/s,i Orifi". fo fVfl.f llgminot K-Focrors of 2.8 To I 1.2. Avoilobrl r. i i/i,, i-ni."ii z"Wifh NPT Mote Threqded Ends, I r/2,'And 2,,nrr" Aud,iot]J'*imGrooved End. MODET 8OI I Th,e_ AGF Mqnufociuring Inc. Model 801 I R|SERPACK Includes AllOf The Feotures Or rhe-Modet aOOO wftn rr.l" lJa"C'iJ"rJ,?orThe !L ^risred FM Approv_ed Modet 7000 n.ri"i v"i,i, iJ rir"="t rn"r\rrA tJ Kequtrements Which Stipulote A pressure Rellef Volve Belnstott6d On A Grjdded Systems And Oownstreom OiAtiii"r"ur"Reduclng Volves Jl-'g Model 8000/801 I Commerciot RtsERpACK Utitizes The UL _Llr.!gd,ly Approved, porenred nor r,rroo"iisoo oi-lrr.ii-"iisI ITESTANDRATN Vorves, whtch Offer A unique D;;id il;l;i;.ll*l i"q":, Inroush The volve ro, sysiem t"n%g;iiv'rljr:r-"ilAng/O_r tnstolotion Of The Optionot netief Votve i;; kit-(tvtoo"r801 1) Without Sysfem Droining. *Aulomotic Sprinkter System Hondbook, Ejghth Edition, t999I t WARN|NG:Syslemmuslbeo*h."19l99!oj.onyqebrisorpipechips.Foi|ureto,,,.n,n".uo".ffi void the worronlv NoTE: This unit mov be shipp'ed in o seriilis-gnior-"o .t"t". r i"diiliF viivE rs TNCLUDED oo Ndt rr..tsrnrL tHE RE'EFVALVE BEFoRE THE SYSTEI\4 INTEGRIIY rlsr svsiE[rr-cnr.rr.roi'ai FRESsune TEsTED wrTH RELTEF vALVE TNsTALLED. MODEL 8000 AGF Manufacturing lnc. 100 Ouaker Lane, Malvern, pn fS3SS T: (610) 240-4900 / F: (610) 240-4906 Emall: lnto@te!tandraln.com Web: www.lost6hdraln.com MODEI. 8OT I NOTE: SYSTEM CANNOT BE PRESSURE TESTED WITH RELTEFVALVE INSTALLED- O The oplionot Retief Volve shoutd be insto ed ofter thecomptetion of syslem instoltotion ond integrity tesling. tr Shul off the Floor Conlrol Volve ond Depressurize System.DRAINING SYSTEM IS NOT NECESSARY 1.l Turn ihe Modet 25l I Hondla to lhe 'DRA|N,, position, remove t/e sy-stem Access port ptug, using appropriofe seolont lnooif fr,4zboor/2" Relief Votve to Modet 25l i Ooit uotve n.i "t.r" Ooiiuofu". tr Remove.prostic,ptug from votve body Relief Volve bvposs droinInrer ond insto ,/2" X_borb elbow inio Relief Volve ouilet onOvolve body byposs droln lnlel O Instoll Nytobroid tubing fo X-borb elbows by rollino ihe borbetbow into the lubing on the losl lurn of the elbo*]SfiO-" *"ptoslrc ctomp over eoch borb fitting ond secure wilh pllers, E Return Floor Control Volve to full open position, k -- MADE IN U.S.A. lWRg y,lylf ,R c I A t Asf,l yF Ly I I I I MODET 8000 I I ^'^f$&t'lE il i ".'S,l$'J 8d,1 [R ISlEif ' vrE. urmonstons hove b€en rounded to lhe n€orosl t/r'.,, erceDt ,E.,, 'r'rym Inor enough spoce is teft between th€ nlslpiecx lliJ-J^, i,ijilii#Arfi **:Pl'",";lr*lt*r"r,[nmi*t;*q#v"t;:i,l"'t?i:"" I /'.;44.\-\ +/#,|9,,t iffi I COMMERCTAI RrsrnpACK COMPONENTSI MODEL 8000/q0l I Commerctot RtsERpACK I I I f}.s; it'J,1 Backflow Prevention REDUCED PRESSURE ASSEM BLY 10" I I I I I I I t Physical properties Size of Main line Max. Working pressure Hydrostatic Test p ress. Te mpe rature 63;1g. End Con n ections 2 1t2", 3,4", 6', 8", & 175 PSI (1200 Kpa) 350 PSI (2400 Kpa) 32"F to 140'F (0'C to 60'c) Fla ng ed ANSt B 16.1 Cla ss 125 Ductile iron ASTM A536 Grade 65-45- 12 Fusion epoxy coated internal and exte rn a I AWWA C550-90 NRS and OS&Y resilient wedge AWWA C 509 gate valves Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C83600 EPDM Stain less steel Materials Main Valve Body C oa ting Shut Off Valves Trim Elastomers S pring ( tu.-...rlF+ F.,.*.tl.") :ca. L:l-.1 */ ) U.S, Pate nt No 4,989,635 U.S. Patent No. 5,107,888 MODEL 88OV REDUCEO PRESSURE ASSEMBLY(Shown In ver cal posltlon.) t I t I I I I I Installation Views I 18" min t_ 18" mln mtn 'Vertical S uppo rt Ada pte r -'Pipe Support (turn ish ed by customer) 'For valve weight only 12'min 5--\z- J---1,// FLOW Horizontal install.ation for model ggOV (Shown in N-sha pe position.) 1::^tTl:io"o minimum ctearances from permanent strucruresmatntenance Vertical installation for model 8g0V (Shown in vertical position. ) for ease of testing and I I I t I I t I I I T t I I I I I I Model 8B0V N-Shape position NOTE: The ModelBS0V is shipped in the N-shape position as shown below NRS Side VieW Model 880V Vertical Position Re lief Valve Detail Dimensions S ize B a D E NRS E1 os&Y Full Open F K M 2 1/2 12 112 25 3t4 24 1t4 4 15/16 12 1/4 15 3/4 16 5/8 61t4 13 5/8 27 1t4 2103'25 3t4 24 3t4 5 7 /16 12 22 1t4 1A alo 6 1t4 14 1t8 N/A 28 1t4 277277/8 26 314 6 9/1 6 13 3t4 23 1t4 17 11 t16 7 15 1t2 ?4 31 31161632 3t16 32 1t4 8 9/16 17 3t4 21 9/16 8 18 5/8 29 37 1t4 4768"18 1t2 33 1 1/'16 36 5/1 6 9 9/1 6 21 1t2 JI 21 5t8 I 1t4 20 3t4 38 1t2 41 1t2 80310' 'rrlWeights do not include risers or optional valve setter. 'Lay length u/ith optional MJ x FL valve setter. -' With NRS Gate Vatves Refer to Specification Sheet SS VS for details on valve setter, - I @D 9, G" l,t,,r'r " I t ,)t4tllf { t.1) II6 441 t51 I 4S'/ a', til :\ ',oc /-tn, l/trll 1' \, o4 1.. l;Ee t I T I Relief Valve Detail Materials of Construction ITE I oescRrPlroN HAtERtALs I rreu OESCRIPTION MATERIALS |IEM I OESCRTPTTON M IERTALS r;, j r;; I11 | li: i 'l -t I -l91 It, lll 1? 1 I13 | Sody Covcr O.Ring C.p Scraw H.r Nut Erp.h3ion Pin S.at Ring 6rskct 8u.hrng.S\*,ng Prn Swt|1g P,^ R.taining Ctrp R.t.inin9 Clip Ch.ck Dila A6sy tj Ch.ck Orsc Arly t2 Lo.d Pin Lrn Spring R.tnr Sprin0 Slem El.stic Stop Jam Nut SFring SFlng 2nd Ch.ck Spring Cuida Upr Spring Rctht Bu3hrnC.Spr St.m Pivot Bo.ring 4536 6R 65-.5-12 4536 GR 65-.5.12 FOA EPOM Platcd St6cl Platad St6al 120 SS BsEl Alloy C636OO EPOM ASTM O2O@ B5El Alloy C83€OO Ac.tal Rcain 301 SS 302 SS 302 SS EPOM Co.trd cR, 15 0uctiL lron with 4276 typ. 30a SS rla|n Serr aa #l 304 SS BsEr Altoy C836OO 30r ss rE-E SS 4313 Typ.631 SS 4313 Typ. 631 SS 8130 Alloy C22000 850.1 Alloy C$6m Acat.l Rc.in 8584 Alloy C838@ I14 | Ftano. G.sk.t15 | Bc.ftng Sock.t16 I H.x J.m Nui 18 | Ft.ng. Bort 18 1 I Fl.ng.Nur 20 | RV.Covcf 20 I i BlccdS.f.w 20 2 | G.sk.t21 1 R.V. Body22 | Cov.r Eotr23 | Elbow 21 | RV MtO Bon 21 1 | W..h.r 25 | RV Mtg Nut26 i G.tk.t/Str.'nc. 27 J Lrg. Di.phr.gm2E I Eunon 26.1 I Flow Washrl29 | RV Spring30 I RV StGm 30.1 | St.m wb3h.r 31 I M.in Guad. 31.1 | M.in curdr O.Rin932 J S.at Dir.33 | Lo$.r 6uid!31 I S..t Rhs Rubb.r / Fabric Ac.trl Raain 16-8 SS 302 SS Platad Stc.l Pl.tcd St..l 858a Alloy C83800 r 8.6 SS HDPE 8584 Alloy C33600 18-8 SS 4536 0R 85.r5-12 Pl.tcd Stcel PIar.d Stlcl Pl.lcd St..t EPOM / SS M..h EPOM ASrM 02000 A2r0 30r ss Ac.tal Rarin 4313 Typc 302 SS Ac.tal Rctin Acat.l Rasin BsE. Alloy C83600 FDA EPOM EPOM ASTM D2OOO Ac.trl Rarln 856,t Alloy C63600 lO-Ran9I B.ck-up Ring lo.RansI Ad.9to. Ptarc I Sm. O'.phr.gm lRct.'nclI Slip Rine I B.ll varv6 lNippl.I G.t. V.lv. (NRS) I Eurkhc.d Fiflrns I 8ulkh..d Fining BiJlkhr.d Plug Gask.t Gr6kat Nut Nut S.ndng Lin. Str..t Elbori ld.ntiticrtioh Pl.tr ldcntith.tion pt t.Orit Scr.w Cl.fnp FOA EPOM Ac.t.l R.ai^ EPOM ASTM 02000 8561 Alloy C83OOO EPOM ASiM 02000 BSaa Alloy C63600 Acatal Raain Ac6t.l Raain 8584 Alloy CE4100 ASTM S-62 A oy E5.5-s AWW C509 858,a Alloy CE36OO 8581 Alloy C636oO 8584 Alloy CE360O EPDM ASTM D2OOO EPDM ASTM O2OOO 936 Alloy 260 836 Alloy 2E0 9584 Alloy CE36OO B3E1 Alloy C636OO SAE Hydr.ulic Ho.. ASTM 9-62 Alloy E5.5.5 836 Alloy C20000 836 Alloy C26000 Strinl... Sl..l A\ /w' CE06 34.1 35.1 36 3E.I 3e a0 41 A2 a3 a3 1 41 ,15 I a6 t6 1 17 17.1 50 60 61 E2 70 I I I Options ! Vatve Setter with MJ x FL or FL x FL ends L-J UUFM O.S. & Y RW Gate Vatves LJ Relief Vatve Air Gap Drain Funnel L-J Wye Strainer Application Health Hazard Agency Comptiance r ASSE Listing apptied for Aprit 1993t Ftow Curves Modet B8OV I 8n 10" vl .J T1 0I I I t t I I I I I I I I I t4 fi !_'t ^ q t!0euT. 0 l,t =12g ro Ieq Irr2 0 vl N{ A - Outlet ftow up B - Outlet flow down'- Pe nd ing 20 r8 l6 t1 tz lo 6 ;1 o |,4 L* oJ n o l.)I 20 r8 t5 la t2 ro 6 I 2 o a 5 0J ! r! 0I I eF -47?1-l- GPM 20 r8 t6 I{ 8 5 I 2 o 6 ; 0 n uI FEBCo Division of cMB Industrues p.o. Box 80zo Fresno cA 93747 Fax: (209) 453_9030880V SS 3/93 VP @1993 CMB Industries T I t I I t I Rugged Switch Assembly I Dual SPDT switches are enclosed in a durable terminal blockI for added strength. Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire. 1O0% Synchronization Fires both alarm panel and local bell simultaneouslv. Durable Tamper Resistant Enclosures Long lasting covers completely enclose the electrical components to keep out dust and dirt. Improved self_guiding security screws and removal tools make detectors resistanr to tampering and simplify field maintenance. The System Sensor WFDIH Retard TThp Waterflow Detector is designed for primary signaling in residential systems and fits within 2x4 stud wall construction. The model fits any tee that has a i,, NpT branch, including: 1,,,|1;' and 1t7r" NPT threaded ferrous and brass tees: 1,, . 7t/{',Ir/r" and 2" copper sweat tees; 1,, CPVC tees; and 1rl1, polybutylene tees. The design of the WFDTH makes ir easy to insrall and simple to maintain. It can be mounted in the verticai or horizontal position. TWo conduit openings permit easy attachment to local alarm system. Delay mechanism retard assembly and switch assemblies are field replaceable. Plastic Paddles Nine different flexible paddles ht l" , lt /t', , It / 2,, and 2,, lees. Sizes are marked clearly on the paddle for ease of installation. Paddle Fastened Securely Plastic paddles slip over actuating lever and are securelv fastened with one screw. Handy Depth Gauge Insures proper installation depth of detector to tee. provides paddle with proper clearance in tee. Sealed Retard Assures that the retard is not contaminated by dust and dirt when the cover is removed. Visual Switch Activation Permits installer to accurately set the retard even under extremely noisy conditions. I I I specirications I T I I Conract Ratings: Triggering Threshold 10 A @ 125 /2s0 VAC 25A@24VDC 2 sets SPDT (Form C) Shipping Weight: Bandwidth (Flow Rate); 4 to t0 cpMEnclosure: UL Indoor Cover Tamper Switch: ULC Models: Factory InstalledConduitOpenings Tlvoopeningsforr/l,conduit Overall Dimensions, Instailed: 4.5"Hx3.55"W x 6.7"L [11.4cm H x 9cm W x lZcm L) Operating Temperature Ranges: 32"F - lZ0"F (0.C _ 49.C1 2.6 lbs. Compatible Tee Fittings: Threaded ferrous and brass tees, copper sweat tees, CPVC tees, and polybutylene tees Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler: NFPA 13 One or TV,ro Family Dwelling: NFPA 13D Residential Occupancies up to 4 Stories: NFPA 13R National Fire Alarm Code: NFPA 72Warranty: 3 years @@ I t rur,urn sensor 11,/96 This document is not inlended to be used for installation DurDoses.405-941-00 rt rnrB rl i i( E ]A I t I I I I I I NOTE: Common and B connections willctose when vane ls deflected, i.e., when waler ls flowlng. Dusl switchespermtt app caflons to be comblned on a slngle delector. to nonsilenceable ini atln zone of listed FAC Switch 2 Typlcal FACP Connectlon Typlcal Local Belt Connection Electrical Connections CONTACT RATINGS 125t250 V AC 1O AMPS 24 VOC 2.5 AMPS €nd.ol.llne resistor to power source compatlble with bell WFDTH swltch assembty for WFDT Bleak wire as shown lorsupervision ol connection. DO NOT allow stripped wlrelesds lo extend bivbnd switch-houslng. DO NOT roop wtres. I nrchitect/Engineer Specifications I T-tap v/arerflow detectors shall be installed on a ree that has a 1,, f NPT branch including: l",Lt/i',or. 1rlr,,threaded ferrous or brass tee; 1-2" copper sweat tees; 1,, CpVC tee; or lrlr,, polybutyleDe I ree as desigrdted on the drawings andTor as specified herein f Deleclors shall mount on any clear ptpe span ot lhe appropriateI size, either a vertical or horizontal ntn at least 6,, from anv fittings or valves which may change watcr direction, flow rate, or fpipe diameter or no closer lhan Z4', from a valvc or drain. lDetectors shall have a sensitivity in the range of 4 to 10 gallons Model shall be a WFDTH as manufactured Uv Svste.r, S"n.*.per minute and a static pressure rating of 250 psi. The retard t-tap detector shall be a scaled rnechanical pneumatic unit with visual indication of actuation. The actuation mechanism shall include a polyethylene vane inserted through the tee fitting and connected by a mechanical linkate to the delay mechanism. Outputs shall consist of dual SPDT switches [Form C conracrs). Ttvo conduit entrances (one of which is a knockout type) for standard fittings of commonly used electrical conduit ihall be provided on the detectors. A grounding provision is provided. WFDTH is lisred by Underwriters Ldboratories for indoor use. lo rdering Information WFDTH-Waterflow Detectot Fits j.,, , 'lt / q,, , I '/.,,, ferrous and Replacement Tamper Screws for Covers of WFDTHs07-66-02 WFDW [,,0'0, A3 008-00 Jnxr brass threaded tees: l" , lt /i, , 1r/1,, 2,, copper sweal tees; l" CPVC teesj and lrl1, polybutylene tees Replacement Terminal BIock for WFDTH Replacement Delay Mechalism for WtD Z"_g,, sizes Replacement Paddle Kit - 9 paddles for WFDTH (see WFDTH for sizes inclucledj Replacement Thnper proof Wrench for Cover of WFDTH C58-164-01 Replacement Metal Cover*WC verston destgnoted wtth ,,A,' foLLowtng the mod,el number (wF'DTHA). lLv.t.- Sensor Wortdwide Distribution J,f"T"rl:,"..,""0" 6581 Kitimar Road, Unir 17 ti::f:'"':hH;,,, Fax: 90S-Bt2-0721 In the United Kingdom: System Sensor Europe, Ltd, Horsham Gates III, Nofih St, Horsham, West Sussex RHl3 sPJ, United Kingdorn Telephone: 44 1403.27 650A Fa-\: 44-1403-276501 In India: System Sensor India 4-204 Maheshivad Nagar Orkay MiUs Lane Andheri East, Mumbai 400093 Telefax: 91.022-8202564 In the Far East: System Sensor Pittway Far East, Lrd. Suite 706, World Shipping Centre 7 Canton Road 'l'simshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Telephone: 852. 27 30 -9 09 O Fax: 852-2736,6580 A05,941-00]", I I tRo INCOFPOFATED CORONA CA. 1903t737-5599 -{ ltl il --f -\i -r , . l-1 l. I r! I I t I I t I I I t I I I I I I I FIG,2OO ,4 DJ USTA B LE BAND Id4 NG ER .{r--- R.lr}re 1 -1}.1.11 r;,-,..1, Jlaterial - (-arl-', 'n Sreel, l,{il. spei ii r c:rt i,-' 115. Functiln - Fur. tile splinkler I'L,rlr', c:. l..r,rr-1..1 irrir',' .r,tl a.l ju;trl.-n t liticr- i r-rsr.r ll.LtitIn. Fct t.rrei llpe. Galt :r r-t i:c.1 r,, (j-'-lrl an.l ()tlrcr ccr)et al Lriplllg tlcsign pefni i1s lti rl!g'l- @% . / 1./l thf Li 2 inch) FL.rr.rtl e.jges e:s,-, iusrallirtrr-rn ,r. rtLl Illrc tlPes illr!I L)r()tect CPVC g-,115116 pi1r,: fr.rrlr.rl.1Lsi,it.r Captr-rrcJ .lcs rgrr kccp,-s irr lj Lr jtLl jg p p t f r,1r scp:lrirting uith h:rnger. II:rrrgcr is c;rsi11,insrrlle.l ;l(.)Lutrl L-.,jl]r. (l-1,,'l drrrr 8 inch) Sl-,ring rensior.r rrrr nur lrr.r s it scctt lel,v irr hilrrgr'r- l-rcfore i rrstallatic-,r.r. Arl j rr.ting n L r t is clsill: rs111,j, a.1. .4pprttral"^ - Uir.lt,r-u,r ircrs' L:lho r.arr-r ries ListeJ (l/Z', rhrr.r 8") in rh" t j.S. (LlL) ancl Canacla (cLJL) i,rr Srecl urrcl(-P\,'Li plastrL: pil,)c ,ln11 Frct,..,r:r,MurtraI Errgineer irrg irpFr()\'ed (j,14" rlrrLr 8"). C,.rnfi,rrns ro [-'t:,]rr.ll -ltrecificiui( )ns \\/\X/. H- I 7 I E, T.vpe 1 0, rrnJ )r,larrLr iirctr r rcr-s S ta n J a r,-l izaric,L-i Soc i cry Slf (t 9, t\,.pc I 0. l,[a.vint unt Tent;terature. 65aoF . Firtislt - lvlil. Gah.,irnruerl an,-l Starrrles Srcel. Order By - FigLrre r.iuurber irricl pipe si:c.. 1/2 - 2 inch pipe PIPE SIZE Incl.r ROD SIZE Nletric N'L{\, REC. APPROX. I-O.A.D LBS. \\'T.,, ITrOt, l b nttti c'r 1LlmnrJS l+Snrn',,,r lCntnr ll3.i -1.- il ll )l Strt nt ,,rr lf p111 l-l .f l_j E 4r'0 1lI-1,4 ,1.'3 rin1.r e1 lClr1r ,1,1.'4 l-7,.,S 1lr-r. l ! trttrr , r lILrtrl )-r."f l-t,t\4i\-r I 4j'5 S tttttt,-,p | 1-r11ir,t 4-l I i 400 15I,l l ]E 10 n-r nr 5-5 _q +-t 3 6t'tl], E It-mm 6iril t+_j.1 l l,s ICnm 6[f 1.,'s ICmLl i-1. .f l l0lll J)ll llmnr _.r.1 8 (j-1.,4 1l5tl b L.\ 1,'2 IImnr 1C,1.6 (,,3/I llir--l 1,/l 1 I j-; $ ;-,r E ,- Or.1rr FLg. l0O \1 llmm ll-1,.,8 8-_1.4 l l5 rrl 116 2t/2-inch pip€ Anchoring Systems ^' r4.3.4.1 PRODUCT DESCRTPTTON - The Hilti HDI Drop-ln anchor is an internally threaded, flushmounted expansion anchor for use In concrete. Product Features . Shallow embedment depth. Internal thread. Flush installation Guide Specifications Expansion Anchors: Expansion anchols shall be flush or shell type which meet the description in Federal specification FF-s-325, Sj:i:ry11 prT^:^,::."fllii?,:1,3i,"::i,"1.":!.h";;j; p"-Ji* fiu,"o,n accordance with ASrM 8633,sc l, rvpe lll Anchors shall be Hitti HDt anchors as supptied uv Hirti, i".., ebt""1;1']1?3il.::Jil ;rt".1Installation: shell or flush type anchors to be installed in holes drilled with Hilti carbide ripped drill bits. Anchors shah oeinstalled per manufacturer,s recommendations. t I t I . City of Los Angeles (COLA): Research Report No.23209' racrory Mutuar (FM): seriar No. 22765 "sprinkrer Hangar components_Expansion shierdsl,' conforms to the description in Federal specification r'is--sls, croup v l, Type 1 ior expansaon shield anchors.fi Listings V : ljl".,?1,':,^": li::l,1g|'y ( u U, . pipe l g1 9e rs" (aa.-o/+,, diameter) Approvats/Listi Approvals : !::lf::Tl::j1:nce of Buirdins^ori.,iub 0bebr, e"":rr;tio=n"d.po,t No.28ss. Southern Buitding Code Congress iSgCCt): ieportgress (DE UUt): F{epon No. gg13 M ATER tAL SPECI FICATIONS - HDI Carbon ","r, rur"|. 3.---------'----...-.----...-UaroonStee|HD|pjatedwithadu||zincflnishforcor MECHANICAL PROPERTIES fy ksi (MPa) min. f,r ksi (MPa) 44 (303)53 (365) 60 (415)78 (540) 60 (414)100 (689)corroston protection in accordance with DATA I I t I I I d I Combined Shear and Tension Loadinq (#l^. (;)"= , o (Ref. Section 4.1.A) HDI Specif ication Table o*,iXilil,,il; qbr,: otl otameter in. 'l,, 16.4) ,lu /q A\ ,h (12.7) "le (15.e) 'ln (1e 1) 't,,rl&1 h^",:std. depth ot emEil--li.(: anchor length (mm)nr: n0te depth ;-.;i-:--..- 1 (2s) lthu (40) 2 (51) 2nl" (65) 3t (81) rth. useaote In[eao In,lenoth /mm\ ,h, (1 1)(15) " l.to (171 ,1, (22) 1'h (34)r r eauJ uut t.i:--::lr-' i:-i--------:-20 16 13 11 10r n r. uitse malenal in,thickness tmml;_=::---:.--.-:--- -----r::r:1 3 (76) J/l (7e) 4 (102) 51h (130) 6% (162)I tn$, tdr(. Ugnlentng t0r0ue fitb Nm) 4 (5.4) 11 (14.e) 22 (2e.8) 37 (50.2) 80 (108.5) Anchoring Systems 4.3.4 G I I I t I Carbon Steel HDI Ultimate Loads in Concrete Carbon Steel HDlAllowable Loads in Concrete Note: The ultimate shear and ailowabre shear varues'are based on the,use of sAE Grade 5 borts, (fy = g5 ksi, F,n =.r20 ksi) with thr rr..otioiliill1/4" HDI in f'c = 6000 psi c'ncrete which is based upon the use of a snr e.ao, e ooriii= izo't'ii, r_ = r so r,rir. Carbon Steel HDI Attowable Load in Lightweight Concrete, l The tabulated shear and tensile values are for anchors installed in :tr^[Eyg lis"glggght concrete having the designated ultimate comp,,-ffi^ strength at the time of instaflation. The concrete must compty witi,",),vr u rru-/ /.2. The tabulated shear and tensile values are tor i'nitrori'i-niiiijio ini:oron 20 natne inrcrmprti2rp rtonlzinn rnrn o+,,,^+,,,^r ri^h+..,^,^1.'rr! t'ruurdt'u 5rrtsdr irrru renslre values are l0r ancn0rs installed through 20 gauge intermediate de4ing into s_tluclural lightweight concrete hav- ili iii#fit1!ffig{rtrmale strensth at the time ot instittiiion-, fni c0"nc'€,idmu'st ;r;r'; ';;i; Asiti t 330-zz Anchors were'rocared in rhe var- 3. The allowabre values are based on the use of sAE Grade 2 bolts instaled in the anch0rs. Stainless Steel HDI Ultimate Loads in Concrete Stainless Steel HDI Allowable Loads in Concrete Note: The allowable shear values are based on the use of Type 1g-g bolts. I I I I I I t I I I I I { Anchor size in. (mm) 2000 psi (13,8 MPa)4000 psi (27.6 lvlPa)6000 psi (41.4 MPa) Tension lb (kN)Shear lb (kN)Tension lb (kN)Shear lb (k(kN)N)Tension lb (kN)(kN) HDI-t/t (64)1995 8.e)1800 ( 8 0)2270 (10.1 2500 (11 .1 3150 (14.0)2800 (12.5) HDI -Va (95)3555 (15.8 3850 (17.1)4460 (19.8)5000 (22.2)5430 rNT 6000 (26.7)HDt-1/z (12,71 4470 (19.9)6000 (26.7)7140 (31.8)8500 (37 8)9375 (41 .7)10000 (44 5) HDI - 5/8 (15.9)7500 (33.4 10000 (44.5)11685 (52.0 13000 (57,8)14865 (66.1)15000 (66.7)HDI- 3/r (19.1)10000 (44.5 15500 (69.0)16260 (72.3 20000 (89.0)22250 (99.0)22000 (97.9) IA Anchor size in. (mm) 2000 psi (13.8 MPa)4000 psi (27.6 MPa)6000 psi (41.4 MPa) Tension lb (kN)Shear Ib (kN)Tension lb (kN)Shear lb (kN)Tension lb (kN)Shear lb (kN) HDI -rlq ( 6.4)500 ( 2.2)450 (20)570 ( 2.5)625 ( 2.8)7etl ( 3.5)700 ( 3.1\ HDI - r/s ( 9.5)890 ( 4.0)s65 ( 4.3)115 (5.0)1250 ( 5.6 1360 ( 6.0 1500 ( 6.7HDt-th 112.7 1120 50)1500 ( 6,7)1785 ( 7.5 2125 o q\zsls (1oZl 2500HDI- % (15.9)1875 83)2500 (2s20 (13.0)3250 (14.5)3715 (16.5 3750 (16.71HDI-Vr (19.1 2500 {1 3875 (17 .2)4065 (18.'1 5000 (22.21 5565 (24.8)5500 (24.5 Anchor size in. (mm) Anch0r installed in 3000[sl@0.2M-Pff- Lt. Wt. Concrete j Anch_or-lnstalted Through $eet Deckinglii6'- 3000 psi (20.7 NllPa) Lt. Wr. Concreft, Tension lb (kN)Shear lb (kN)Iension lb (kN)Shear lb (kN) lQl -'lo ( 6.4)465 (21)340 1.5)530 (2.4)335HDI- 3/8 ( 9J /tJ (34 940 (42\880 /a o\1010 (4 5)HDI - 1lz f2n 1135 (50 1700 ( 7.6)1105 (4.e)1755 (7 8)!!1- ut' (15 eJ 1465 (6 s)2835 (12.6) HDI- 3/4 (191 2075 (9.2)3680 (16t) Anchor size in. (mm) 4000 psl (27.6 MPa)6000 psi (41.4 MPa) Tension lb (kN)Shear lb (kN)Tension lb (kN)Shear lb (kN) SS HD 6,4)1930 ( 8,6)2400 (10.7)2950 (13.1 2400 (10.7)SS HD 3/o / 0q\4170 (1B.5)4920 (219)5850 (26.0)4920 (21.9)SS HD tz (12.7J 7350 (32.7)11040 (4e.1)9630 (428 11040 (49.1SS HD sls (15.9)10540 (46.9)18040 (80.2)15100 (67 2)18040 (80.2)SS HDI- 3/o (19J 15340 (68.2)?2320 (e9.3)20130 (89.5)22320 (99.3) Anchor size in. (mm) 4000 psi (27.6 MPa)6000 psi (41.4 MPa) Tension lb (kN)Shear lb (kN)T8nsion lb (kN)Shear lb (kN) HD 6 4\480 ( 2.1)q00 ( 2.7)740 (600 ( 2.7)HD - s/a / 06 1040 (46 1230 5.5 1460 65)1230 ( 5 5)NU 1lz (12.7)1840 (82 2760 12.4 2410 10.7)2760 (i?3rNUrtE (15.9)2630 1.71 4510 20,1 3770 (16.8 4510 (20.1)HDr: % ----JTti 3830 (17 0)5580 lil.6r 5030 @a--5580 (24.81 I I General Actuated Fastening Systems lication Fastener I t I I I I I - Shark Dlaneter Wasre.\ lt / v-------T------*---- -- ----- r/l n*r/ l, ' ,nr.*,rtn* J Configi.rratlon Pin Nomenclature': X.DNI j7 pg Head Conflguatisn ----J | | Shank Length (mm) ----J I Washer Type? and Diameter (mm) -J 1.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION General application powder actuated fasteners include a wide variety of nails and threaded studs for fastening to steel and concrete. rnrea sue, offi![.' Stud Nomenclature': W6 20 22 012 Thread Size (mm) -J I Thread Length (mm) Shank L€ngth (mm) Washer Type, and Diameter (mm) 1 . When the fastener nomenclature is preceeded bv an "E" (e.9, X-EDNt 16 p8) it indicates a knurled shank for improved holding in steel. (Note: ESD 16PB Pin does not utjlize shank knurling.) 2. P = plssl;6 washer; S = Steel washer; D = Double washer (one plastic, one steel); L = Double washer (both steel); DP = Double washer (both plastic). I I I I I t X-DNI Pins with lbmm and 36mm oiameter SteeMasnen Pre-mounted steel washer with DNt 32 p8 and DNI 72 pB Descripllon Lenqth Shank Dia. Pin DNI 32 PBSIS 1t/at 0.145. Pin DNI 32 P8S36 11h. O tqS" Pin DNt 72 p8S36 zi/ti' O.rnS" Shank diameter 0. 1 45 f0r concrete and steel. packaged in boxes of j 00. Desc ption Length Description Length qryl 19 ?B 3tt'- DNt4zps 1irti"' DNI 22 P8 7ta' DNt 52 p8 2; Pl'll ?l ry 1' DNI bz P8 i,ro' PIlq ry r/a' DNt62 p8 2,/t Plilql ru r/2" DNt 72p8 i,n" DNI 42 P8 15/d 1/4'- 20 STUDS W6-11, 20. 38 Shank diameter 0.145" for concrete. packaged in boxes of 100,Oescription Thfead Shank W6-1 1-17 012 3ta" tW6-11-22012 z1s' 7k' W6-11-27 D12 3/s' 1' w6-20-17 D12 3ti' s/{W6-20-22012 3lq' ,tr. W6-20-27 012 3t4' iW6-20-42012 3lt' js/e, W6-38-27 D12 1t/z' 1. Shank diameter 0.145,'tor steel. packaged in boxes 0f i 00. Description Length EDNI 16 P8 5/a" EDN| 19 P8 3h' EDNI 22 PB 7K' 1/4'- 20 STUDS EW6-11, 20, 28, 38 Shank diameter 0.145"for steel. packaged in boxes 0f j00. oes-cription Thread Snanx EW6-11-12 D12 3t{ ttr EW6-20-12 012 3ti ti,rw6-zl-12D12 t" ii. EW6-38-12 P12 1t/2" ii, Shank diameter 0.138" for concrete and steel. Combos include 1000 pins and b0osters packaged separately. g::rj,Il:r !flsrh Diamerer Description Length Diamerer:M lll 't2 0.14s ZF AZ?B 15/s' 0. t3B4f?9IlP 3tt 0.145 zF4t pB 1;i. 0.j5;al?719 1' 0..138 zFE2pB zli. 0.js8lll?19 l1h 0.1s8 zFlrpl ili. 0.j;;7F37 PB 1112" 0.138 1/4'- 20 STUDS EW6-11, 20, 28, 38 Shank diameter 0.145" for steel. packaged in boxesof.100.Descripllon Thread Shank EW6-1 1-1 2 P8 3/a' 1tz EW6-20-12 P8 3/i 1/2 EW6-28- 12 P8 jtta, ,/2" EW6-38-i2 p8 1ii" ,/z Shank diameler 0.205" f0r concrete. packaged in boxes of .100. _ / Description Ttreadfn|lll1tfm-'-..-}= c -.. .. rrrrn o^ ^7^r^tnuurun-i1=',i,ij6:56:5iFl6 ),'i \ryl0-30-42 P]0 11tl Shank 1' 11h', 15k" X-CF PINS (Packaged 2000/box with cartridoe)+:e= 3F3i[3'3'ff,. li]*n schankDia. CF72P8S23 Combo 27ls' 0.145'Shank diameter 0.205" for steel. packaged in boxes 0f 100. Description Thread Shank EW10-30-15 P10 |1ti' 'td' Shank diameter 0.177"tor concrele and steel. packaged in boxes of 100, Description Length DS 52 P10 2', DS 57 P10 2t/q' DS 62 P10 2tlz- DS 72 P10 27ta DS 82 P10 31/4' DS 97 P10 33lt' DS 1 17 P10 45t{ Description Lenoth DS 27 P10 1" DS 32 P10 11t4, DS 37 P10 lttz' DS 42 P10 isle' DS 47 P10 ltle' X-ZF Pins with pre-mounted 23mm and 36mm Diarnd; Steel Wdsf,ers Combos include 1000 pins and boosters packaged separately. i,'}i'd;3i, flnCIn shank Dia. ZF32 PBS23 ljti' o iin 4llztgg?l flz| 0.j5i tixii\iii ii!,n, iiiH, 'iiiiii3i iii:, liliflShank diameter 0.177, for steel. packaged in boxes of .100. Descriplion Length EDS 19 P10 3ti EDS 22 P10 zla" TECHNICAL DATA SHEET NELSON LBSTM FIRESTOP SEALANT . Up to 3-hour ratings .Intumescent . Flexible . Smoke, gas and watertight. Non-toxic 1. PRODUCT NAME: Nelson LBS rM Latex Based Sealant - Firestoo Sealant. 2. MANUFAGTURER: NELSON Firestop Products P.O. Box 726 Tulsa, Ok 74101-0726 Phone: (800) 331-7325 (918) 627-5530 Fax: (9'18) 627-2941 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION BASIC USE: Nelson LBS is an intumescent, flexible. firestop sealant used to seal against the spread of flame, smoke, gases and water in trre-rated walls and floors that have beenpenetrated for the passage of items such as metallic and nonmetallic pipes, conduit, bus duct or electrical cables. lt is particularly usefulfor sealtng penetrating items which are suOieciio movement and vibration when a positive seal is required. Nelson LBS is a highly adhesive sealant suitable for wall, fl-ooi anO overhead applications. COMPOSITION AND MATERIALS: Nelson LBS, is a Latex based intumescent. elastomeric firestop sealant that emits no hazardous, combustible, or irritating fumes during or after installation, curing oi disposal. Nelson LBS is asbestos-free and requiies no mixing. APPLICABLE STANDARDS: UL 1479, Fire Tests of Through-penetration Firestops. ASTM E-814, Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops. ASTM E-119, Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. LIMITATIONS: Nelson LBS is a Latex based formulation and will react in a similar manner to other Latex based compounds. The user should test for compatibility before exposing Nelson LBS to chemicals or solvents. 4. TECHNICAL DATA: r-rJ o I ll\_ll u1\ I A t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 1of2 . Water clean-uo . Tested to ASTM E-814 and UL 1479. Highly adhesive. Easily repenetrated 5. INSTALLATION: Choose the appropriate firestop svstem ustno Nelson application data sheets, oi the UL FirL Resistance Directory. No special skills or tools are required to ensure adequate adhesion. allsurfaces shall be clean and free of dust. grease, oil, loose materials, rust or othei substances. Apply the required depth of Nelson LBS beginning on the edge of the opening (use over various backing materials as required). Make sure the Nelson LBS makes complete contact with the inside surface of the opening and also the surface ofthe p€netrating item. The suggested method (s) of installation include: caulking gun, pumping and troweling 6. AVAILABILITY AND GOST: Nelson LBS is available through authorized distribution worldwide. Contact Nelson for thelocation of the nearest distributor who is able to provide cost and availability information. SIZES: NELSON LBS, Tube Part Number (tube) AA740 (10.3 Fl. Oz, 18.5 Cu. In.) Standard PackageAAT4l (contains 12 tubes AA470) Part Number (tube) M7a3 (30 Fl. Oz., 53.88 Cu. In.) Standard Package M744 Contains 10 tubes M743) NELSON LBS, 2-Gailon Part Number 4,4746 (2-Gal. Pail - 464 Cu. In) NELSON LBS, 5- Galton Part Number M748 (S-Gal. Pail - 1160 Cu., In.) 7. WARRANTY: Recommendations for the use of Nelson LBS and the information and data contained herern are hased upon information we believe to be reliable. Since field conditions vary widely, the user must determine the suitability of the' product for the intended use and specific method(s) of application. All firestop seals are subject to acceptance by the appropriate authority having jurisdiction. Contact Nelson I htln'//w'r-r, netcnnfi,o.t^- ^^h/r Dc t I I I I I I t I I I t I T I I I LJ!1LT\ Nelson LBS Color Brick red Base Latex LBS N/S Norl Sag Negtigible flow or stump Application Temp 40"F to 1 10.F Service Temp -49.F to 2B4oF Skinning Time Approx. 20 Minutes Curing Time Less than two weeks at .1/2" thrckness Specific Weight 1.45 Durometer 10-2S Shore A Ratings: Per Ut 1479 (ASTM E-814) Up to 3 hours. STORAGE: When stored between 40"F (40.C) and 90.F (32"C), unopened Netson LBS hai a shetf tife of 6 months from date of shipment. page 2 of 2 for a copy of the full warranty, a part of the standard terms and conditions oi sale. 8. MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT: Maintenance is normally not required. Future changes of penetrating items may be made simply by cutting through the existing seal withatnife and resealing the opening wiih Nelson LBS, Any changes should be approved by the authority having jurisdiction. 9. TECHNICAL SERV]GES: For complete technical information and literature, including installation instructions. contact Nelson or your authorized distributor. Information concerning the firestopping of nonstandard penetrations is available irom Nelson. Our considerable engineering expertise and laboratory facilities enable us to meet the most difficult firestopping requirements. 1 O. RELATED REFERENGES: Sweet's Catalogs section 07270. Architects, First Source section 07270. Application details in AutoCAD@ format available on reauest. I t nttp'll*.nelsonfiresron nnrn/T RS OLl ATEr:'LI O,/ '^T\ ^ .F A ! . I T I I t I ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, TNC. 6045 E. 76TH AVENUE #12 CoMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR EVERGREEN LODGE - 4TH FLOORvArL, co. FTLE NUMBER: EVERGREEN4. sDP DATE:10/09/03 -DESIGN DATA- I' OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATIoN: RES]DENTIAL _ LIGHT HAZARD I MrN. GpM: 25 cpM / spRK.I AREA OF APPLICATION: 4 SPRTNKLERS I COVERAGE PER SpRINKLER: 250 sq. ft. max. I NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: 4 SPRINKLERS r TorAL spRTNKLER wATER FLow REeuTRED: 102.3 gpm I roTAL WATER REQUTRED (including hose) : 202.3 gpmr FLOW AND PRESSURE (G NoDE FLG) : 202.3 gpn G 95.1psi I SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 1/16 inch NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION INC. II DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: K. MURRAY I AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDIcTIoN: VAIL FIRE DEPT. I CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER: O0B I CALCULATTONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # 16070888 )r l3:di:':X'iodH! I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 1I DArE:1,0/9/2003 C:\HASST5\EVERGREEN4.SDF .fOB TITLE: EVERGREEN LODGE - 4TH FLooRI WATER SUPPLY DATA r souncn srATrc RESTD. FLow AVATL. TorAL REQ,DNODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. G DEMAND PRESS. I rAG (psr) (psr) (GpM) (psr) (cpM) (psr)I sRc 135. 0 26.0 943.0 !28 .7 202.3 89. 9 I AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSTS: r rorel FLow AT souRCE 2e2.3 cpr TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE O. O GPM I orHen HosE sTREAM ALLowANcES 100.0 GpMI TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 102.3 GPM I NODE ANALYSIS DATA - NODE TAG ELEVATTON NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE I ,*. 401 1133404.il3 A I i;: I Yii TOR I 3;3 (FT) 0.0 (Psr) (GPM) souRcE 89.9 202.333.6 K:4.20 36.2 25.3 33. 6 K= 4 .20 35. 6 2S.t33.3 K= 4.20 35.4 2S.O33.2 K:4.20 4I .1_ 26.9 t:-l 33. 6 33. 6 33. 6 33. 6 33. 6 30. 0 30.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -9. 0 -1. 5 -1.5 -6. B -6. B 37.0 42 .1 Aa .> 54.6 5'7 .4 60.s'7I.4 76.8 78.5 81.7 78.1 78. B 81.1 92.6 95. 1 2.0 HOSE STREAM 75. 1 1OO. O I I I I I I DArE: ro/s/2003 PIPE TAG END NODES Pi no' 1 401 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS C: \HASS7 5 \EVERGREEN4 . SDFJOB TITLE: EVERGREEN LODGE - 4TH FLooRP]PE DATAI I t ELEV, NOZ.(Fr) (K) PT DISC. r psT \ /cDM\ 37. 0 0. 0 Q (GPM) DIA(IN) VEL (FPS) HW (C) FL/FI 25.3 1.055 PL 9. 3 150 FTG 0.129 TL 25.7 1.055 PL9.2 150 FTc 0.121 TL 25.0 1.055 PL9.2 150 FTG 0.121 TL 26.9 1.055 PL 9 .9 150 FTG 0.145 rL 50. 1 I,29I PL12.3 150 FTG 0.171 TL 15.4 1.291 PL18.5 150 FTG 0. 365 rL 15.4 2.009 Pl1.6 150 FTG 0.042 Tr 702.3 2.009 PL 10. 4 150 FTG 0.0?4 TL 702.3 2. 009 PL10.4 150 Frc 0. 074 TL zttr02.3 1.610 PL 16. 1 120 FTG 0. 331 TL L02.3 2.469 PL6.9 120 FTG 0.041 rL 702.3 2.469 PL 6.9 120 FTG 0.041 rL 202.3 4.026 PL 5. 1 120 FrG 0.013 TL 1 33. 6 33. 6 2 ?? 6 33. 6 3 33. 6 33. 3 4 33. 6 33 .2 5 33. 5 33. 6 6 33-6 33. 6 1 33.6 33. 6 8 33. 6 33. 6 9 30. 0 33. 6 10 30. 0 30.0 11 "7.5 30. 0 0.0 4.2 0.0 A) 0.0 4.2 0.0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 35. 9 35.6 35. 9 35. 4 42 .2 A1 1 37.0 3s.9 42.r 37.0 42 .2 42 .7 54.6 42 .2 57 .4 54 .6 50. 5q.1 A 7r.4 60.5 0.0 25.7 0.0 25 .0 0.0 26 .9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LENGTH II'T\ 6.00 6.00 2 .I'7 2 .I'7 0.30 T 4.80 1.80 ET 8.80 1.00 T 6. s0 B .42 T 13 .92 1.50 1.50 158.50 T 167.50 5.00 2E 16.00 1.50 T 9.50 22 .50 E 28.50 7.50 2ET 31.50 3. s0 E 13. s0 PRESS. SUM. r/ Dq T \ PF 0.8 PE O.O PV PF 0.3 PE O.O PF 0.6 PE 0.1 PV PF PE PV 1.3 0.2 l, 403l, 404 I io, PiPe: Pina' Pi nc. t 1 a' li t: P i na ' Di no. Pi na. I 7l' BI' Pi no. l; l, 5 pF 1 l PE O.O PV PE O.O PV PF PE PV PF PE 0.1 0.0 PF 1 ? PE -1. 6 PV PF 3.1 PE O.O PV PF I.2 PV PF 1.3PE -2.4 PV PF 0.2 PE -1.5 PV ,'l' ' "f,,'lL'tu ,-1 t 12 t,i' 6ld"r, .'i' l;" l:;t yrpe: t2 2.0 1-5 Pipe:13 -1.5 2.0 75.1 100.0'7I.4 0.0 7 6.8 0.0 75. 1 100. 0 I I SPRTNKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 3I oaru.. L0/9/2003 q:\HASST5\EVERGREEN4.sDF JOB TTTLE: EVERGREEN LODGE - 4TH FLooR I ",,ix, ?HI Q (GPM) DIA (IN) LENGTHNOZ. Pr DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C)(K) (PSI) (GPM) EL/F"I rF.T} 202.3 4.026 PL 52.75 PRESS. SUM, (PSI) PF I.2 PE O.O PV PF 0.4 PE -3.2 PV PF 0.1 PE 3.2 PV PF 0.3 PE O.O PV i ,rn u ^ uf" 5f'tf"lo ,t&) PF YL PV I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I Pl r\6 t I tr vKJ -1. ) SPG -1.5 H]-pe : l_ 5 vR2 -9.0vR3 -1.5 vR1 -1.5vR2 -9. 0 Pipe: 1? TOR -1.5vR1 -1.5 Pipe: 1B BFD _6. B TOR -1.5 BFD -6. 8 Pipe: 20FLG _L2.5 BFS -6. B sRc 0.0FLG -L2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SRCE 0.0 78.1 '76.8 8t .1 78.1 78.5 81.7 ?8.8 78.5 81. t_ 78.8 81.1 95. 1 92 .5 89.9 95. 1 120 FTG 4E0.0 0.013 TL 92.75 202.3 4.026 PL ?.50 0_0 5.1 0.0 5.1 0.0 2.2 120 FTG ZEJ0.0 0.002 rL 38.17 202.3 6.065 PL 99.L'7 0. 0 2.2 120 FTG JL0.0 0.002 rr, I4r.I1 202.3 6.065 PL 6.15 1.2 O FTG 0. 0 0. 0L3 rL 29 .50 202.3 6. 055 PL 10.1? 0. 0 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.002 rL 20.15 120 FTG 6. 065 Pr 120 FTG 0.002 rL o. zdu Y)i 140 FTG 0.001 rL PF O.OPE -2.3 PV FIXED PRESSURE ]..OSS DEVICE11.5 psi, 202.3 qpm 202.3 0. 0 2.2 0.0 202.3(N/A) 2.r 0.0 5.75 8.75 60.00 ETG 134.00 PF 0.2 PF', \ A PV 0.0 -2 .5 NOTES: (1) calcul-ations were performed by the HAss 7.5 computer programunder l_icense no. 16070888 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 4 7 92 L.,aVista RoadTucker, GA 30084 (2) The system has been calcul_ated to provide an averageimbalance at each node of 0.003 gpm and a maximumimbalance at any node of 0.054 gpm. (3) Totar pressure at each node 1s used in balancing the system.Maximum water velocitv is 1R q ff lq,oc at n.i na 4 I I I t I I I I I I t t I I I I I T I DArE: 70/9/2003 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN SPRINKI,ER SYSTEM HYDRAU],IC LODGE - 4TH FLOOR ANALYSIS Page 4 C : \HASS7 5 \EVERGREEN4 . SDF (4) PrPE Pi no Tah l o PAGE: A Diameter (in ) 1.610 2 .469 4 -026 6.065 PAGE: D Diameter (in) 6 .2BO PAGE: M Diamete r (rn) 1. 055 7 .29I 2 .009 FITTINGS TAB],E NAMe: STANDARD. PIP MATERIAL: 540 HWC: I2O EquivaJ_ent Fitting LengthsFT'r-!1, l5811 Tee LngE11 ChkVlv Bfyvlv4.00 8.00 2-00 9.00 6.OO6.00 12.00 4. 00 14 .00 ?. oo 10. 00 20.00 6- 00 22.00 12 .OO 14 .00 30.00 9. 00 32.00 10. oo MATERIAL: DIRON HWC: 140 in Feet|^^9A GatVl-v AImChk 1. 00 10. 001.00 10.002.00 20.003.00 28.00 D DPVIv 10.00 10.00 20.00 28.00 N NPTee 8.00 12.00 20.00 30.00 Egui-valent Fitting Lengths in FeetETLCBGN Ell- Tee LngEll Chkvlv BfyVlv Gatvfv NpTee22.0Q 47.00 14.00 51.00 16.00 5.OO 41 .OO MATERIAI,: CT-M HWC: 150Equivalent Fitting LengthsETFRC EIl Tee 45-E11 TeeRun Couplg2.50 4.50 1.00 o.50 0.50 3. 00 5. s0 1.00 0. 50 0.505.50 9.00 2.00 0.50 0.50 in Feet SGN SwgChk GatV-Lv NpTee 4 . 50 0.50 4 .50 5. 50 0.50 5.50 9. 00 0.50 9.00 U) a '.14z tu or CN H B I I I I I I I I I I t I I t II I I I I DATE: l0/9/2003 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN SPRTNK]-,,ER SYSTEM HYDRAUIIC ANALYSIS Page 5 C: \HASS75\EVERGREEN4 . sDF LODGE - 4TH FLOOR o\ E orI B '-lt'r N r-lrlu4D(,rn co O (0 LO c{ ,9 e! ; 3 ; 7Am z Fl .Fl a o. o ;ct rl ..{ +Ja.p an orc(rdcD|J)D&H - Oro..l^ I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I P R E D S U R E ( P D I ) DA'IE:. t0/9/2003 JOB TITLE: EVERGREEN WATER SUPPLY CURVE SPRTNKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC LODGE - 4TH FLOOR ANALYSIS C : \HASS7 5 \EVERGREEN4 . SDF I4 4+ I I I32+ 0\ LEGEND X = Required Water Supply 89.85 psi @ 202.3 gpm 26.0 psj- G 943 gprn-> Fl-ow Test Point 120+ 108+ 96+ QAJ- 12+ 60+ 4B+ 36+ )A-t- 72+ ll 0 = Available Water Supply 128.68 psi G 202.3 gpm 0++-+---+----+-----+------+--------+--------+------_-_+___________+ 700 800 FLOW (GPM) 200 300 400 500 600 900 1000