HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 2 BLOCK 2 LOT 8 A VAIL GYMNASTICS FACILITY CONSTRUCTION 1 LEGALBuilding Safety I Inspection Seruices Diztision Community Deaelopment D epartment 75 SouthFrontage Road Vail, C-olarado USA 81,657 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This certificate is issued pu$uant to the requiremmts of the International Building Code as adopted by the Town of Vail certifying tut, at the time of issuance, this strucfure was found to be subsbntially in compliance with the various ordinances of the town regulating building conskuction or use for the following: Name and description of proiect Vail Gvmnastics Center 551 N. Frontaee RoadAddress of projech Ovvner name and address: Town of Vail. 75 S. Frontage Rd. VaiL Colorado 81657 IBCEdition:Occupancy Group(s): A3/B Type(s) of Construction: V-B (1997 UBC) Permit Number(s): B0tl-0091 Occupant Load:Snrinklersrste@rrlType: I 3 building official writing suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy issued under the provisioru of this code ts or on the basis of incorrect inforuration supplied, or when it is deermined that the building of any ordinance or regulation of this code.3, E. Davis, Chief Building Official Date ll APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project#: - oq -o00- Buildins Permit#:^ffim.n\tlr-!rt,\\\\I 't I t -\ -\trJ. , I 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 i","., REcEftlED Af,H .'ltt 2gu1 CoNTRACTOR INFORMATIqN ffie#'$- Lnq-ZqLlq 5usie Ne,'vcr+/ frln Ca.tlgS urq-ttr9own of Vail Reg. No.:General Contractor; -Tocun af V*rl +r'\116 En Et all ntNt? pFRMIT bor & Materials GUMI',LE | tr vALtrArrY!E-!-Y.!l-5 .I'TLIEQ.q BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL:$ For Parcel# Co4PglE Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit :l**s***tr****.*+***i+t**********lE*FoR oFFICE USE ONLY*t*:r*'r*H*****' \\VaiMAiA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC ooO1oa I f *r,"..-r --l l;E/o4 | ll: Itltl ntul I Erg" I| =i$HEI lsqggF lI ocn I l=l L___l ARCHITECTS |cn E\tirh&to., L'*rc.1 V{,@fl65t d.iftlddn d9rq4t5{er ot0J.76{r.2 BY THE OF VAIL AND COMltl fiTTE ,4-- ?1 .126Pffi "12 . 14 3Prc3fr. 13?&3?4.16 g"e*fr. A *&fr FIIISER PIERCE Attachment: C 'rotL . a1 gP&A oro1rj ntl L__l Ftul I Ers" II ci#Eil lsgggF II Odn Ite.- |t> |! vPP GI ^&&l FRITZLEN PIERCE LOOF FLANT LEVEL fa l1 jO n il lSEggF IL ARCHITECTS r6s0 '.sll v.Lto., r.|lnd.c-r rAl|,@n65t r&*d6 6{9rq .76sl otq .15642 FRITZLEN PIERCE NP FLAN r1 oa | *r,"r*ro --l Gvrvo4 -1 l*'-*l L_.1 Flul I Erc" I I5EggF I L IIiFORAIIDtrclA- Ar.f,{ti€ €a[RpL .-tflT tlta eo@rgRrle"r'E-sfo ta1?n l9(Jsi. s)g- l.Glr|- ltAc{ElE rF atF]Frr.E t|a.|aata Lt6t{T FlXinES@ItcF€iE iETAHIS IIA.L ca$|!tEgrfrEplllFLr€€aa6. 0E aOUTH ELEVATION cot'nta- .E [{T41,@p€oi&lEr€ P ,!a! 'to ltAla|{ Ext'J. **wLFEtl.oiallD r'EtAL Arl{ll€ al,.r|Nfi yttDon tv ArioPtzED fltll+t lgTonts*dtT rrfE 9Y€'TEi.O t€'.'zo*r^J-l,log9Jl0ltl& il ARCHITECTS 1650 I. vtllvdkt O., rdlidS.C-1 v.llcoar657 {|||dli6.6 5(!r70.'6-a$t F7oar5{:Lt FRITZLEN PIERCE EAgT ELEVATION o; I-- *r, ".*"--llovrvo4 ----1 l*"*ltltltl Ftul I Erg" I lsEggg II Oen Ile,- I l=ltl ARCHITECTS 1650 E- v.il v:rbt or. F.lltrdt Cn vil@a1557 ar.dib.n@ htcrot476,irn (ro)476{3,u FRITZLEN PIERCEaECTION #l I Vail Gymnastics Facility r Index of Specificationsr I Bid Form - AIA 310 I Instructions to Bidders - TOV Document Owner Contractor Agreement AIA 101 1997 I I Division One - General Gonditions I 01100 Summarv 01 140 Work Restrictions I 01210 Alowances I 01230 Alternates - 01250 Contract Modmcation Procedures 01270 Unit Prices I 01290 Pavment ProceduresI,rr",0 fiElilili.''iEiiuno cooro'n",,on 01 320 Construction Progress Documentation I 01330 Submiltal Procedures I 01400 Quality Requirements 01420 References I 01500 Temporary Facilities I 01600 Product Requirements 01 700 Execttion Requirements 01770 Closeout Procedures I 01781 Project Record Documentsr 01782 Operation and Maintenance Data 01820 Demonstration and Training r Division Two - Site Gonstruction Soils Report I Drainage Report I 02000 Site Drainage General 02260 Excavation Support and Protection t 02620 Subdrainage I 02621 Drainage Composites (MhaDMlN) 02300 Earthwork r 02720 Unbound Base Course I 02740 Flexible PavementI 02810 lnigation Systems r 02834 Modular Concrete Retaining Wall System I 02930 Exterior Plants Division Three - Goncrete I 03300 Cast-ln-ptace ConcreteI 03532 Concrete Floor Topping I Division Four- Masonry I I OfflceCo1ry Page I No Reguirements Division Five - Metals 05120 Structural Steel 05500 Metal Fabrications 05511 Metal Stairs 05521 Pipe and Tube Railings Division Six, Wood and Plastics 06100 Rough Carpentry 06402 Interior Architeclural Woodwork Division Seven -Thermal and Moisture Protectlon 071 10 Sheet Membrance Waterproofi ng 07210 Building Insulation 07531 EDPM Membrane Roofing and Accessories 07540 Snowguards 07620 Sheel Metal Flashing and Trim 07920 Joint Sealants Division Eight - Doors and Windows 0811.1 Steel Doors and Frames 08520 Aluminum Windows 08711 Door Hardware 08830 Minored Glass Division Nine - Finishes 09260 Gypsum Board Assemblies 09220 Stucco 09310 CeramicTile 09563 Resilient Wall Base 09651 Resilient Floor Tile 09680 Carpet 09910 Painting Division Ten - Specialties 101 55 Toilet Compartments 10801 Toilet and Bath Accessories 1M31 Signs Divlsion Eleven - Equipment , No Requirements Divislon Twelve - Furnishings No Requirements Division Thirteen - Special Gonstruction 13851 FireAlarm Division Fouileen - Gonveying Systems 14210 Hydraulic Elevator T I I I t I I t T I I I t I t I I I IlndexPage2 tlo I I Division Fifteen - Mechanical | 15mo Mechanical General I Division Sixteen - Electrical I 16000 Electrical General I *L""*';;ins schedure t I I I I I I I t I I I I I lndex Page 3 I T I I owNER PROJEGT VailGymnastics Facility Vail Public Worksi/Transportation Complex 1289 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO t BTDDER DATE/TIME May 20, 2004 at 4:00pm I Pubtic opening - ADDENDA: lackrowledge Addenda numbered:-, --, -,I I Base Bid Amount - Vail Gymnastics Facility tn mmpliance with the lnvitation for Bid for the Vail Gymnastics Facility for the Town of Vail and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish ail materials, labor, equipment, and supervision onsite and offisite overhead and profit as required for this Bidder to provide the Work as specified in accordance with the Contract Documents for the Project, for the following lump sum: Dollars ($), It The undersigned acknowledges that time is of the essence and agrees to complete the project within I z..rlann,rr n,'rrra. .r$a; anl a{ rr,rrlu nraz.lir-.rlad nn o rerriflon hlnlino fncalendar days after commencement of work predicated on a written Notice to I Proceed, cunently anticipated for issuance by the Owner June 01, 2004. I I THE TOWN OF VAIL Bid Form -VailGvmnastics Facilitv The Town of Vail Alternate # I The cost savings to delete Area #3 Paving and Site lmprovements as shown ), ), I I I I on A103: .Do llars ($ for a total contract sum of the Base Bid (plus)(minus)(shike one) Alternate (1) equaling: t I Bid Form Fbge 1 of 3 Dollars ($ The Town of Vail THE TOWN OF VAIL Bid Form -VailGvmnastics Facilitv Alternate # 2 The cost savings to delete the elevabr equipment and installation as described in Division Fourteen of the Project Specifications while providing finished and painted drywall inside of the elevator hoistway. In addition, please include the price to infillflooring and doors as in orderto allow the hoistway to be used as a closet: Dollars ($ for a total contract sum of the Base Bid (plus)(minus)(strike one) Alternate (2) equaling: Alternate # 3 The cost to substitute primed and painted finish for all exposed metalfinishes specified as powder coated: Dollars ($ for a total contract sum of the Base Bid (plus)(minus)(strike one) Alternate (3) equaling: Dollars ($ Alternate #4 The additional cost of a payment & performance bond (if required): Dollars ($ for a total contract sum of the Base Bid (plus)(minus)(strike one) Altemate (4) equaling: Dollars ($), The Contract shall be a Prime Contract directly with the Owner and administered by the Owner. The undersigned acknowledges that time is of the essence and the Owne/s final acceptance date on the Project is crucialto the final completion of the project. The undersigned acknowledges that the sequencing and scheduling of the Work may vary from time to time from that anticipated by the Bidder and reflected in the Delivery Schedule anO sirail make no ), T I I I I I I I I t t I I l I t I I I ), ), ), Bid Form Page 2 of 3 The Town of Vail I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE TOWN OF VAIL claim nor shall be entitled to additional compensation of any type as a result of the occurrence of any of same. The undersigned shall comply with any and all local, state, federal, or other govemmental laws, rules, and regulations with r"speit to the transportation, disposal, and dumping of debris and other materials, and Vendor shall secure any and all necessary permits and approvals incident to said transportration, dumping, and d isposal. The undersigned further agrees to indemnify and hold the Owner, Architect and Architecfs consultants harmless from any and all-claims and/or damage of any kind whatsoever as a result of the Contractot's performance of this Contract. A list of any and all exclusions and Contract documents affecting the Bidde/s scope of work for this project is required to be attached to this bid form. The list is to be submitted on the letterhead of the Bidder, dated, and signed. lf notified of acceptance of tris proposal within fourteen (14) calendar days after the opening of Bids, the undersigned agrees to execute and deliver an Agreement with the Owner. Notice of acceptance should be mailed or delivered to the following: Company Name: Address: Signature: Typed Name: Title: Seal: I I I t I Proprietorship: Partnership: Corporation: CIher Bid Form Pagp 3 of 3 The Town of Vail I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I O -t= TowN oF vAtL 1.00 Biddinq lnformation 1.01 Contractor quotations shall be accepted for the Town of Vail project until !!Q!pgq Mav 20. Z0OC. Bids are to be delivered to the Town of Vail at the address below: Town of Vail Public Works General Services Administrator 1309 Elkhom DrMe Vail. CO 81657 ' Addressee: Susie Hervert Fax: (970)479-2166 Email: shervert@ci.vail'co.us 1.02 Proposals sent via Ffi{ prior to the bid deadline *rall be accepted only if the original quotation is received in Town of Vail Public Works office by 4:00pm on MJy 20, 2004. The Owner shall not be responsible for proposals delayed by a non responsive FAX machine. 1.03 The Architect will be available to process written questions during the bid period at the location shown below. Verbaiinquiries will not be entertained. Written inquiries sent in a timely fashion via FAX or email to the address below will be addressed. Fritzlen Pierce Architects Contact: LYnn Fritzlen Fax:(970) 4764eol Email: lynn@vailarchitecb'com '1.04 These Instructions to Bidders are hereby deemed to be a part of the Contract Documents for this Project. Bidders are encouraged to study them closely and ask any questions they may have. Successful Bidders shall comply with requirements included in these instructions. 1.0S The Bidder shall submit hisiher bid on tre Bid Form supplied with these documents, together with an initial Proposed Construction Schedule. For more information on the format of this schedule, see paragraph 4.02 of these lnstructions to Bidders. ' PaSe 1 of8 F.IPROJECTS\I2 - TOV GY NASTICS FACIUTTIIr|STRUCTKINS TO BDOERS 'GYXNASIICS FACIUTY'DOC lnstructions to Bidders - Vail Gvmnasti THE TOWN OF VAIL 1.06 Submit proposal on form provided or on an exact copy of it' Sealthe proposal in an envelope addressed to the Town of Vail Attn: Susie Hevert and plainly mark on the outside of the envelope the name and address of the Bidder, time set for bid submiftal, project name, bid package number, and the name of the contents. All proposals and supporting document! shall be submifted with seven (7) hard copies of each item. 1.07 Bids must be received in the Town of Vail's office by the time and date specified. Bids received after the specified time (as defined by the clock at the place of opening) will not be accepted and will be returned unopened to the Bidder. 1.08 No Bidder may withdraw his/her bid within thirty (30) calendar days after the actual date of the Bid. 1.09 Bids shall be analyzed on the basis of cost, qualifications receMed, proposed completion schedu6, and performance characteristics. The successful Bidder shall be the acceptable combination offering the best benefits to the project in the opinion of the Oryner. The Owner reseryes the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. 1.10 Each bidder shall be provided with 2 sets of proposed Contract Documents at no charge. Additional sets are available upon request no less than five (5) business OayJin advance, and will require a norrrefundable payment in advance of $50 for eath set requested. Checks should be made payable to the Town of Vail and should accompany such request(s). 2.00 Interpretation of Documents 2.01 lf any person contemplating submitting a bid for the proposed contract is in doubt as to the meaning of any part of the plans, specifications, or other proposed Contract Documents, he/she may submit to Architect a gg!@ requestfor any interpretation thereof, prior to five (5) calendar days of the hour of the opening of the bids. Z.O2 The person submitting the request shall be held responsible for its prompt delivery or transmittral. 2.Og No bidder or material supplier shall communicate directly during the bidding phase with the orvner or any of the orne/s consultants or Architects consultant, without exception. Failure to adhere to this direction may, in and of itsetf, be grounds for disqualification of the candidate, at the Ownefs sole discretion. Paga 2 of 8 F:\PROJECTSII2 . TOV GY NASNCS FACTLTTIINSTRUCTIOIS TO BDDERS . GYIXNAS CS FACILITY.DOC t I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O rrr= rowN oF vAtL 2.04 Any interpretation of the proposed documents shall be made only by Addendum duly issued, and a copy of such Addendum shall be mailed or delivered, at the option of the Architect, to the approved Bidders' 2.05 The Oruner or Architect shall not be held responsible for any other explanations or interpretations of the proposed documents. 2.06 The successful Bidder shall be required to provide all labor, materials, tools, supplies, equipment, supervision, and all incidentals required to provide a complete and operable system as it pertains to the Contract Documents. This includes but is not limited to all necessary coordination with all other trades. 2.07 Submission of a bid indicates the Bidder has carefully read and understands these lnstructions to Bidders. 3.00 Examination of Premises 3.01 Before submitting proposals for this work, each bidder shall be held to have examined the premises and satisfied himself as to the conditions under which he shall be obliged to operate or that shall in any manner affec't the work under this Contract. Each Bidder must familiarize himself with all applicable laws and building regulations, as allwork must be preformed in accordance therewith. 3.02 No allowances shall be made subsequently in this connection in behalf of the Contractor for any error or negligence on his/her part. 3.03 Examination of the premises shall be by prior arrangement with the Owner only. Failure to follow this instuction may void any proposal submitted by that Eidder at the option of the Owner. 3.04 The Owner and Arch'rtect will hold one pre-bid conference to begin at 10:00am on May 05, 2002 at the following location: Vail Public Works/Transportation Complex 1289 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Attendance is not mandatory. Page 3 of I FtPRoJEcTs\l2 . TOV GYiINAsTTs FACTLFYIINSTRUCTIONS TO BDDERS . GYITIIUSNGa FACILITY'DOC THE TOWN OF VAIL lnstructions to Bidders- Vail Gvmnastics Facilitv 4.00 Pre-BidConstructionSchedule 4.01 For purposes of the Base Bid, assume a letter of intent to the successfulcardidate shall be issued by June 01, 2004 and a Notice to Proceed shall be issued by the Owner no later than June 01,2004. The anticipated duration will be included in the contract as the maximum contract duration. 4.02 In addition to the project duration identified above, each Bidder shall submit a graphic representation of a construction schedule for the project. The initial Proposed Construction Schedule submitted with the bid should be included in a format convenient to the Contractor, and should represent the Base Bid duration. This Proposed Construction Schedule is for the Owner's information and analysis only. 5.00 Bonds, Taxes. Permits, and Insurance 5.01 This is a tax-exempt project, therefore please exclude all local, state and federal taxes from your proposal. The successful candidate will be provided with all necessary tax exemption information. 5.02 Bidders shall be responsible for obtaining and providing the Owner wih all applicable licenses and/or permits required to perform the work described herein in their proposals. 5.03 Bidders shall be required to provide a performance and payment bond for this project. The cost of this bond shallbe included as shown in the Bid Form. 5.04 Successful Bidders shall be required to fumish insurance as defined in the General Conditions for the Contract for Construction and in Paragraph 10.00 of this document. 5.05 Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Security in the amount of 5% of the maximum bid price. Bid Security may be in the form of a certified or cashier's check, negotiable United States Government Bonds (at par value), or in the form of the Bid Bond included with the Contract documents. Page 4 of8 FIPROJECTS\I2 . TOV GYMNASTICS FACILITY1INSTRUCTIO S TO BDDERS . GY NASTICS FACILfi.DOC I I I t I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I O rnr rowN oF vArL Instructions to Bidders- Vail Gvmnastics Facilitv 6.00 GeneralRequirements 6.01 The successful Bidder shall provide their own temporary heat and weather protection as required to protect their work until accepted by the Owner and Architect. 6.02 The successful Bidder shall be responsible for all cutting and patching as it affects their scope and the accomplishment of their work. Patchback of work previously demolished by the successful Bidder as required to provide a complete and operable system shall also be the responsibility of the successful Bidder. 6.03 The successful bidder will be required to provide all pedestrian, landscaping & existing improvements protection and taffic control as defined by the Contract Documents or as normally and required to protect the safety of persons and property and the interests of the Owner. 6.04 The successful Bidder shall comply with all federal, state and local safety laws and other regulations applicable to their Work. 6.05 The successful Bidder, their employees or subcontractors shall not have access to the Owner's or any other adjacent premises at any time for the purpose of using the telephone or restroom facilities. 6.06 The successful Bidder shall include all cost for debris containment, debris storage and debris removal in their contract amount, as well as the cost necessary b provide a clean site at the end of each working day, as required by the Construction Manager. The site and all Owner's improvements thereon shall be returned to the Owner undamaged and consistent with their condition the day before Notice to Proceed. 6.07 Notwithstanding the above, the Owner will allow the Contractor to access temporary power and temporary water from a single source in the existing building. Wiring, plumbing, terminations and continui$ checks for these utilities will be at the Contractor's sole expense. 7.00 Safety & Hazardous Materials 7.O1 A Safety and Hazardous Communications Plan, including all applicable Material Safety Data Sheets (tvlSDS) shall be required from the successful Bidder prior to commencing work on the site. Strict adherence to the plan is required. Page 5 of 8 F1PROJEGTS\12 . TOV GY NASNCS FACILTTT\INSTRUCTD S TO BDDERS . GYMNASTICS FACLTY.DOC THE TOWN OF VAIL 8.00 Contract Form 8.01 The Owner shall be contracting directly with the successful Bidder using a modified form of AIA Document A101 (1997 Edition)' g.OZ The Owner will use the General Conditions for the Contract for Construction (AlA 201 (1g97 Edition), as supplemented by the Architect and/or Construction Manager. This document is included in the Project Manual' 9.00 Preparation and Format of Bid g.01 In case of discrepancy in the price between the written and numericalamounts on the Bid Fonm, the written amount will govern. g.02 Alternate # 1 is to provide the cost savings to delete Area #3 Paving and Site lmprovements as shown on A103. g.03 Alternate # 2 is to provide the cost savings to delete the elevator equipment and installation as described in Division Fourteen of the Project Specifications while providing finished and painted drywall inside of the elevator hoistway. The price to infillflooring and doors as in order to allow the hoistway to be used as a closet should be taken from this credit. g.O4 Alternate # 3 is to substitute primed and painted finish for all exposed metal finishes specified as powder coated. g.05 Alternate # 4 is provided to show the'Performance and Payment Bond rate trr be used on this project. Please note the Owner sees the Bonding Rate as one indicator of the Bidde/s financial stability and qualifications for this Work; Bonding Rates out of line with industry standards will be grounds for further investigation of the bidder and possible disqualification. 9.06 Bidders shallfill in all blanks in the provided Bid Form, using the words "No Bid" to indicate same. 9.07 The Base Bid for the Town of Vail shall be prepared using the Fritzlen Pierce Architects'documents attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 9.08 Bidders shall submit seven (7) copies of each proposal. Failure to do so may disqualify the candidate, at the Owner's option. Page 6 of 8 F:\PROJECTS\12 . TOV GYMNASTGS FACILITT\INSTRUCTIONS TO EDDERS . G'YMi|,ASTICS FACIUW.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I O rHr rowN oF vAtL 10.00 Town of Vail's Standard Requirements A. Limitations of Multiole-FiscalYear Oblioations: Allfinancial obligations unOer tnis contract subsequent to the fiscalyear in which it is signed is contingent upon funds for this purpose being appropriated, budgeted, and othenrise made available by the Town of Vail. This contract shall not be deerned to create any multiple-fiscal year direct or indirect by Section 20(4Xb) of the State Constitution (Amendment One)' B. Riqht to Reiect anv and All Prooosals: TheTown of Vail does not obligate Gef to accept the lowest, or any other proposal, and reserues sole discretion to reject any or all proposals, to re-advertise, and to waive formalities or irregularities in the process or of any proposal. when considering proposals and determining whether the Contract will be awarded and, if so, to which vendor, the Town of Vail, in its sole discretion, deems to be appropriate. C. lnsurance Requirements: The Bidder shall take out and maintain at the Bidder's own expense the following minimum limits of insuranoe: 1. Commercial General LiabilitY: a, $1,000,000 combined single limit b. $1,000,000 aggregate 2. Automobile Liability: a. $1,000,000 combined single limit b. $1,000,000 per person and $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and proPertY damage. 3. Workers'CompensationandEmployer'sLiability: a. Workers'Compensation limits as required by the State of Colorado b. Employer's liability limits of $100,000 per accident. 4. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled, reduced in coverage or in limits, except after 30 days priorwritten notice has been given to the Owner. Pag€ 7 of 8 FIPRoJECTS\12 . TOV GY NASNCS FACILITY1INSTRUCTIONS TO BDDERS . GYMI{A9TICS FACILTTT.DOC I nstructions to Bidderc -Jad-g nastics Facili I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. E. F. THE TOWN OF VAIL O Instructions to Bidders- Vail Gvmnastics Facilitv 5. The bidder shall provide Certificates in ACCORD format and all renewal notices for each insurance policy required by this clause to the Owner in a timely and proactive manner. Failure of the Oryner to receive such certificates and renewal notices shallgrant the Owner the right to take remedial action as required to protect its interests. Hazardous Material The Bidder agrees to indemniff and hold Oryner and Architect harmless for any release or disposal of any kind of toxic wastes or hazardous material, or any violation of any law or regulation of the Environmental Protection Agency or Colorado Department of Health and Environment which is caused, in whole or in part by the contractor or any of the Biddeds subcontractors. Assisnment The successful Bidder is prohibited from assigning or subcontracting the whole or any part of the contract wihout the prior written consent of the Town of Vail. Appropriation of Funds: Owner affirmatively represents that its governing body has duly appropriated such sums which are equal to or in excess of the contract amount, and that such contract amount may be lawfully paid by Owner to Contractor subject to the terms and conditions of the contact documents. In the event that Owner approves a change order or other additional compensable work to be performed by Contractor, (otherthan that contemplated by the contract documents under any remedygranting provision), Owner will issue a written assurance at the time of such approval that such additional compensation to be paid has also been duly appropriated by the Ownefs governing body. END of INSTRUCTIONS to BDDERS PagE I of 8 F.IPROJECTS\I2 - TOV GYIIINASNCS FACIUTTIINSTRUCTIOIS TO BDDERS . GYMMSNCS FACIUW.DOC I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I ADDITfONS tND DELETIOiiIS 3 The author of lhis document: has added lnfornation needed for its conT)Ietion- The author nay algo have revised the lex! of thc original AIA staDdard to!m. An Additions and De)etions Report that notes added informaLion as eell as revieidns to lhe srandard forrn Eex! is available from the auLhor and ehould be reviewed. This docunent has illq)or:lant'- 1e9a1 eonsequenees. Consultzitlon silh an autorney i! oncouraged Fith respqct tp It3 complet ion or modifleat,lon. BLaCTRONIC COPYIT{G of any porlion of this AIt' f:ocumerrt: Lo anoEher elecLronic f: l.: r":r prohibited atrd constiL.ut;e:r,r violation of copyrighb Lawr d set forth in the footer of this docurnent. lrl lto€rE rt alol' : 1t97. colrFtgbt o !.915, 1918, 1925, l9lt, lrlt, t95a. tr51. 196!, 196?, 1914, rg?t. Itao, 198?, 1991 .Dil 199? b! ttl€ Arcricat hglilute of Arcblt€cEs. Alt rtgLt. raacrv.d. lAlllttilr thlr l'Il Docurtrt ir t'lolacldl by o.B- coIDElg'ht r:r &d Itrtarsrtional trc.tl.t. q!.lehorlr.d lc9ro<hrctldr or dltgrlbqltoE ot lhta lIt Docrlart, os .'ry Dortl@ ot it, ra]. rarulE ln rcac.c clvll lad ctlnaotl gco.lclcr, .$d rLll lrc ptore..ut.ld lo th. ..rir| .r!.!! lro.rlbt. tlnd.! tb! 1.r. this docrnErr ls not an otiginal, AIt Conlract Docrm|cnt, bu! . le4rlrte producea by AtA' Coatr.ct DocrE ts sotteare for producing d custooized alocunEnt- Standard Fo'rn of Agreanent where the basis of papent Editing Template GAUTION: Take carc not to removo or otherwlse edit the FlllPofnt areas when making c$stom edits to thls document, AIA Document AL 0 l-" L9 97 Between Owner aJad Contractor is a STIPUI'ATED SUM AGREEIIIENT made as of the ,|6[&[tf day of g6flfiifrFll in the year of fttf,orl Qn words, indicate day, month and year) BETWEEN the Owner: (Name, addr*s and other information) and the Contractor: (Name, address and olher information) The Project is: (Name and location) The Architect is: (Nune, address and other information) The Owner and Contractor asree ds follows. ARTICLE t THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions ofthe Contract (General, Supplementary and othor Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreernen! other documents listed in this Agreement and pfodifrcations issued after execution of this Agrcement; these form the Contract, and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or ugro-"-nfr, either written or oral. An enumeration of the Contract DocumenLs, other than Modifications, appears in Article 8. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CO}ITRACT The Contractor shall fully execute the Work described in the Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically indicated in the Co tract Documents to be the responsibility of others or as follows. The Contractor shall provide all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision necessary to provide a complete and operable system, specifically including, but not limited to: The Contractor agrees it has had ample opportunity to review all prgject documentation, to adequately coordinate with all other firms currently und€r contract to th6 Owner to provide labor, riraterial or services for this projec! and has had sufficient time to resolve all overlaps, gaps, omissions, and ambiguities in scope. The Coatractor insures all work defined by Bid Package I insert project name ] shall be provided as set forth herein without.any modification to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCETIENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION $ 3.1 The date of commencemenl of the Work shall be fixed in a notice to proceed issued by the Owner. lf, prior to the commencement of the Work, the Owner requires timc to file mortgages, mechanic's liens and other security iflterests, the Owner's time requirement shall be as follows: Unless the date of commencement is astablished by a Notice to Proceed issued by the Ovmer, the Contractor slrall notify the Owner, in writing not less than five business days before commencing the Work to pennit the tim€ly filing of mortgages, mechanic's lie,'ns and other security interests, lWiqi1]1i.'i:i":1il'(..''':,.:l'i;i:i]l.;r,,1,..1.,'':|'i:iil,!+j1}].l+t+.ii'+:.'..':,..''...'t":;,tFji:''f:.fll}il${h}i"i1i $ 3.2 The Contract Time shall be measured from the date of commencement. $ 3,3 The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than ffi days fiom the date of commencement, or as follows: (Insert number of calendar days. Akernatively, a calendar datc may he wed when coordinated with the date of commencement. {Jnkss stated elsewhere in the Contruct Documents, insert any requirements for earlier Subslantl.l,l Completion of certain portions of the llork.) Portion of Wolk r :rir. "., : ::,:':'':' Substantlal Compledon Date I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I , subject to adjustmenls of this Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents. I Inserl provisktns, if any,for liquidated dumages relating to Jhilure kt complete on time or for bon*s payments.for early completion of the l(ork.) Volktst itionsForDassgs] lt^ nocurcnt tl01r - 19i1. copy!191t! o ltl5, 1918, 1t23, r93t, 19!r, tt5t, 1t61. 19G3. 1957, 1971. 19??, t980, t9!?. 1991 rad 1t91 llY Tha Anerican rnstitutc of Archit.cts, All rtgDt. tatar{d. ,lttatltcr t'hlr AIt Docrni.n! lr Drotrclcd by o,B. Copyrtgbt tJat |nc tn!.!n!ttona] Tlcrllar. Itaaulhorltaat rcaroducl,loq o! d1rt'llbutlo! o! thlr Afr Docur!.nc, o! .t|y I,6.tior ot l!, lry raltl! ln tav.r. civil rnd crt4llrr pca.lticr, .nd rtll bc prorccu!.C !o tlrG rrx!ftro .:(t!nt portlbt. ur.Lr th! lty. Thls document ls no! an orighal euf Coottacr Docu$an!, bu! a ler|Iflatc produced by l:i contract lrocrfilnts goftrale fo! producittr,r .1 cuslofiized docsent. I t I I I t I o The Contractor understands and agrees to perform to the milestones shown in the Project Construction Schedule (Exhibit "8" - Project Construction Schedule attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) and is bound herein by the Contract Documents to provide a complete and operable system not later than the date established herein lor Substantial Completion. ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM $ 1.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor the Contract Sum in current funds for the Contractor's performance of the Contract. The Contract Sum shall be ;!{ilHffiH!ffih#l ($ .l$ffim*ifrTlnl ), subjecl to additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents. $ 4.2 The Contract Sum is bas€d upon the following allowancc"s, which are shown in Exhibit 'C" - List of Allowances and Unit Costs attached hereto and incorporated hcrein by reference, which may be furrher described in the Contract Documents and which may be accepted at the sole discretion of the Owner: All lurrp sum costs shown for altematos may be accepted without a change in the Contract Time until the date identified iri Exhibit'€" as the expiration date for that alternatc, and shall include, without limitation, atl labor, material, equipment, supervision, profit, overhead, taxes and fees required for a full, complete and operable installation. (Stale the numben or other identiJication ofaccepted alternates. If decisions on other a emates are tobe made by the Owner subsequent to the qecution of rtis Agreement, dttach a schedule <tf such other alternate.s showing the amount for each cnd the date when that dmount expires) I I I I I I I t I I I I $ 4,3 Unit prices, if any, are as follows: See attached Exhibit't" - List of Allowances and Unit Costs, for all unit cost pricing. Units ffiffiffi$flhg ffi*-tfu;+xe.+i*gi,i.#..:q..*.!ffi lffi'ffi iq&..r*lk'l\iwihi*i$ft $ f.{ Orner affimatively represents tlrat its goveming body has duly appropriabd sudl $ms whidt are equal to or In e)aess of he contract amount, dd that such contract amounl my be lawfully paid by tre Orner lo Conbaclor subject b tre t€ms atd conditions of he contract doern€nts. In lhe event trat Orvner apoves a dtalg€ order or oher addltiond compensable yrork b be perbrmed by Conbaclor, Owner will issue a written assurarrce at he time of sudt approval that such addi$r:nal compensation to be paid has also been duly approprialed by the Oilner's goveming body. ARTICLEs PAYTIENTS s 5,1 PROGRESS PAYTENTS S 5.1.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to th€ Architect by the Contractor amd Catificates for Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account ofthe Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documenls. $ 5.1.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month. or as follows: 9d$fidsfrffil$iifil'),;,,,,r", S 5.1.3 Provided that an Application for Payment is receiv€d by lhe Architect not later than lh6 [ date ] of tre monlh, he Owner shall make payment to the Contractor not later than the Idate ] day of the same month. Architect shall not unreGonably wilhhold its approval of any Application for Paymenl submitled by the Contractor, and shall provide written notice of its specifc oblections to any Application for Payment that is nol approvable wifrin Iday ] business days of receipl fiom fre Conh*tor. lf an Application for Payment is received by the Ardritect after the application date fixed above, payment shall be made by the Oilner not later than Iday ] days after lhe Ardritecl rsceives the Applir:ation for Payment. tvlonthly progress payments shall not be released AIl, Eocucnt Alol'- 1997, coDt dghc o 1915, ItlC. 1915, 1t3?, rt5t, Ittt, 1951, 1963, 195?. 197r, t9??, lt!o, t98r, rllr.nd t99? hy ?hc Acrican rr.srlrure of Architcct.3. ltl ll9bta lararraat, llxrlc, "!1r Att Docrr.Dt ir p!ot.c!.d bI o.a. copyrlgh! hy rndrBtar ttdrrl ttart,laa. uaruthortrcd rqrrodrrtloa o! dlatllbutl,o! ot t!1, ltl liocut!rn!, os |ty ttorllot o! it, Day raaslt lt tevcrecLw.il |'d crl.!h.l tcn.ltl.r, .nd vlll b. Dsor.cu!€d to lhc r.xt n .r!.!t torrtbl. urd.! th. lrr.Thi3 alocrrnent ls not cn orlglnal AIA- Conlrec! Doc$an!. btrt a t!.platc prodrccd by Att Contract Docuier!3 softear€ for producin't dcustonlired docun€rt. wilhout receipt of a @lditional lien release for full amounl of lhe progress billing, less relainage, br the cunent period' and unmnditional lien release for all prlor petiods. $ 5.1.rt Each Application for Payment shall be based on the most recent schedule of values (Exhibit "D" - Schedule ofValues attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The schedule ofvalues shalt allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portiols of the Work. The schedule of values shall be prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Architect may require. This schedule, unless object€d to by the Architect, shall be used as a ba.sis for reviewing the Contractods Applications for Payment. $ 5.'1,5 Applications for Payment to be accompanied with an updated Project Construction Schedule. $ 5..|.6 Subject to other provisions of,the Contract Documents, lhe amount ofeach progress payment shall be comouted as foliows: .1 Take that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the Contract Sum I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t 4 I allocated to that portion of the Work in the schedule ofvalues, less retainage of ffi(%ffi).Pendinsftnal determination of cost to the Owner of changes in the Work, amount"r not in dispute shall be included as provided in Section 7.3.8 of AIA Document A20l-1997; Add that portion ofthe Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at thc site for subsequent incorporation in th€ completed construction (or, ifapproved in advance bv tho Owner. suitablv stor€d offthe site at a location aeFe€d upon in writing)' leSs r3r-arnage or -,ry{ffiatiftffii*i*f,1{iiFiffifi t ffi l: .3 Subtract the aggregate ofprevious payments made by the Owner; and ,4 Subtract amounls, if any, for which the Architect has withheld or mrllified a Certificate forPayment as provided in Section 9,5 of AIA Document A20l - 199?. $ 5.1.7 The progress payment amount determined in accordance with Section 5.1.6 shall be firther modified under the following circumstances: .1 Add, upon Substantial Completion ofthe Work, a sum sufficient to increase the toial palmoents to the full amount of the Contract Sum, less zuch amounts as the Architect shall determine for incomplete Work, retainage applicable to such work and unsettled claims; and (Section 9.8.5 of AIA Docttment A20l-1997 requires release of applicable retainage upon Substanlial Completion of lYork with consent of surety, if dny.) .2 Add, if final completion of the Work is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of tho Contractor, any additional amounts payable in accordance wilh Section 9.10.3 of AIA Documsnt A20l -l997. $ 5.1.8 Reduction or limitation of retainage, ifany, shall be as follows: (lf it Le intended, prior to Suhsmntiat Completion of the cntire llork, to reduce or limit the relainage resulting-from the percentdges ihrerted in Sections and ahove, and this is not explained ekewhere in the Contact Docaments, insert here provisions for such reduction or limitalion.) Retainage is to be withheld from the Contractor's monthly Application for Payment a.s shown in the General and Supplernental Conditions for the Contract for Construction, or at ten psrcent (10%), whichever is greater, until such time as any individual line in tbe Schedule of Value.s has reached fifty percent (50%) complete, in the opinion of both the Owner and the Architect. ln the following Application for Payment, retainage for that line only may remain fixed, at the sole discretion of the Architect" until such time a-,r th€ Architect agrees to relea.se said rctainage. Ar roclror AlOr'- ltt?. GI'l rtgbr o 1r!!, t9l!, t92t. LtaT, Itsr, r95r, Itfl. 1963, 1967, 197{, 1t??, 19t0. 1ta7. 1991 .td lt97 14' Thc arcrica! tnStitura of Archieects. lrt rtgbta saaas?ad. iAtrtl€r ?bla lti Docnrat lr grotcctcd by u.3. eogylight tar atld rlacrrrtlon l 'r!!.tl.r. gDrutborltcd rcirro<hrcllor or 6latrlDulloa ot lhk AtA lrocrn nt, o! ..tf Dosllor ol tt, ary llrult 1D t!vc!. ciyLl |ld crlnln.l DC!.ltIct, -rd rilt b€ trorcculGd lo t!. r.xl|ir. crt.ot to.rlDl. lr6<i.r rh. !$..ltlis aiocrfient ,,3 itoe an otiginal ALA- Contrac! Docunrlt, bu! ! laa''lalc ptoducad by AIrf Contnrct Doci|lllents softrare tor Proaluci ng c custo6lzed alocunent. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I o $ ftotwihstanding any provision of lhe Contract Dootments to th€ contrary, befure final payment may be made t0 he Contractor, the Ovner is required to comply with state shtues regarding puUk;alion of a notice of final selflement specifying the date of such final setdement. Any unpaid supplier of materials, quipment, services or laba {including Contractol's subconfmtors) may file a verified statemenl with Ouuner of the amounl due and owing. Conbactor acknowledges hal Ovner is required by law to witrhold ftom final settement payment to he total amounl of all such claims for a period of 90 days after be date of final settlement. During such ninety ($) day period, an unpaid suppliet may clmmence an aclion lo seek payment if sudr claim is not settled. At the expiration of the ninety (90) day period, Onref shall pay any retained funG whidl are not he subject of liligation. Any amounls retained by qflner ehall be suffcient to pay any judgmenls arising fton said lit(7ation. $ 5.'1,9 Except with the Owner's prior approval, the Contractor shall not make advance paym€nts to suppliets for materials or equipment which have not been deliveted and $tor€d at the site. $ 5.2 FINAL PAYMEI.TT $ 5,2.1 Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor when: .1 the Contractor has fully performed the Contract €xcept for the Contractot's responsibility to corect Work as provided in Section 12.2,2 of AIA Document A20l -1997, and to satisry other requiralents, ifany, which extend beyond final payment; and .2 a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect. $ 5.2.2 The Owner's final payment to the Contractor shall be made no lator than 30 days after the issuance ofthe Architect's linal Certificale flor Payment, or as follows: :ffifry:fq@dfit':l,t$qrit:ri:tiitf.:irffff;.s,,'' r. ':'i.'']i,:{4:iry.ai{...''w..}b;s:,."i:'.:t1j ART]CLE 6 TERIIIMTION OR SUSPENSIOI{ $ 6.1 The Contract may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided in Article 14 of AIA Doctment A20r-199',1. ! 6.2 The Work may be suspended by the Owner a.s provided in Artiole 14 of AIA Document A20l-l997. ARTTCLE 7 ilISCELLAilEOUS PROVTSTOI{S $ 7.1 Where reference is made in this Agreement to a provision of AIA Document A20l-1997 or another Co[tract Document, the reference refers to that provision a.s amcnded or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. $ 7.2 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract shall bcar interqst from tha date payment is due at the rate stated below, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from timc to time at the place whero the Project is located. (lnsert rate of intere:it agreed upon, rf any.) Not Applicable Wtl8f,f*|tur€tffi4hf$]xtr@if ' ((lsury laws and requirements under the Federal Truth in Leruling Act, similar state and lual consumer credit laws and other regulatiow at the Owner's and Contractor's principal places of business, the location of the Proiect and elsewhere may afect the validity ofthis provlsion. Legal advice should be obtained with respect to deletions or modiJications, and also regarding requirements such as written disclosures or waiverc.) $ 7.3 The Owner's represenhlive is: (Name, address and other information) |,tl Do.rn nt rlol'- 199?. cotrylttbr ol,r5, r,t1!, 1925, rr3?, 195r, rtJl, rt3l. l9:3. 196t, l9ta, 19?t, 19t0. 198t. lrtr |!d 199? bv thc irEtican hsr.irure of ArchirecLs. All. rlghi. :...w.d. tt\ltf[tgr |!tr lfr Dccll'llc it Itot.ctld bf lt.s. coPv:tgbE r,.r rtn lDlcrnrtlosrt Tsctll.a. Uoaulhoairrd raD.o<tucttor os dtrtslDulioo o! lblt l]| tto€t!t!6t, or rtry Pottioa ol 1t, rlry r.lult la lcv.rc clvll aril cslrllrl 9cra1tl.!, |!d rtll b. proracntcd !o lha r|il ta attaDt ]totalble undcr thc l.r. rhis atocrFtlr! is noL an original ArA' Contract DocunEnt. bur a t€rplaLe proarc.al by ilIA' Contract tocltlienEs soltware foE p.oduclnq it cuatdiz.d alocutlEDt. Yd@ffi&t..-,:r". $ 7.4 The Contractods representative is: (Name, address and other information) $ 7,5 Neither the Owner's nor the Contractor's r€pres€ntative shall be changed without ten days writt€n notice to the other party. $ 7,6 Other provisions: g 7.6,1 The Conhactor shall provide suficienl supporting doormentation in form and witr a level of detailwholly accepted to lhe Owner to subslantiate any request for Change to the Contracl Sum or Confact Time and all confet;allowances provided wilhin lhe ContractoCs final proposal for this scope of work. g ?.6.2 Proof of purchase and warehouse insuranc€ naming ttls Ovner as additional insured, together with inspec'tion rights for lhe Owner is to be pmv'rled for any billed materials by the Contractor for the Owner is to be proviJeddor any billed'mated* by the Contractor for ttis project thal are not at lhe project site. $ 7.6.3 Failure to provide dl supporting documenlation, in and of ilself, will result in r$ectfrn of all related portions of he Contactor's Applicaflon for Paymenl g 7.6.4 Unless olherwise specifed, his Agreement shall be govemed by the la,vs, codes and rcgulations of Eagle County and State of Cokrado to he extent hat such laws, codes and regulalions are applicable to Sre Owner. The_ parlies agree fiat lhe venue of any civil aclion arising out of his Agreement shall be Eagle County, Colorado. $ 7.6.5 Time limits sel out in or under his Agreement are solely for lhe protection and benefrt of lhe Owner and creaE no hird- party benefrciary rights in ily oher party. g 7.6.6 Any notice required or permitted by this Agreement shall be bnvarded as described in he General Conditions ol he Contract for Constuction, as supplernented, using the address sel fourfi above, or at such other addess a has been pr€viougly fumished in witing and accepted by the Owner. $ 7.6.7 All exhibits refened to in this Agreement are, by reference, incorporaled herein for all purposes. S 7.6.8 The captions of the paragraphs are set forth only for convenience and reference and are not intended in any way tr define, limit, or describe the scope or intent of this Agreement, $ 7,6,9 The parties agree that they will execute any furher instrument or instruments, and that they will perbrm any act 0r acts, which are or may become necessary to effechrale any of lhe terms or provisions of this agreement. $ 7.6.10 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or inlerests in he Contract Doorments will be binding on another party herelo wifrout the written consenl of the pady sorghl to be bound; and specifcally hrt wifrout tmitalion, moneys tEt may become due and mon€ys $at are due may nol be msigned wihout such consent (except to tre extent that he efied of ttis restriction may be limited by law); ad unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignmenl will release or disdlarge lhe assignor fiom any duty or responsibility under he Contract Documents. $ 7.6.11 This Contract is binding upon lhe Contraclof, and its succ€ssors and assigns. $ 7.6.12 The site id owned by a public govemmental entity. No mechanic, conlractor, subcontraclor, !,endor or o$er p€rson can, or will confact for, or in any mannu have, or acguire, any lien upon he wo* covered by tris Confad, or he land upfi which fte same is situated. Itr Doclr.rt Alol.- - lttt. co9)'ttght o r9r5, 1910, 1921, 193?, 1951, 1950, 1961. 1961, 1957. L97a, 19t7. 1910, r9!?, 19tl .!d r99? by The Nrcrican hstitute oi l\rchitects. All rttb!, r€..rycd. Ilttttttc! Tblr ArA t ocrrcni :r proE.ctlA bt q.8. Cotryltgb! trr |!d Ilr.bltioDll t!cr!i.3, ('ttatrlbollr.il lcl)rodrr4tloa o! dlttslhtlon <,! thfu ata Doc\!!a.t. or .3y lrorclo. ol lt, Dry larull i! aavcrc clrll |nd cltiln.l g.n.lt(.s, ud elu b. plor.cut.d to tL !|rt*|. ar!.nt Do'tblc und.r tlr. trr. This docuncnt i6 noL aD oiigii|al IIA- Contract tlocrlicnt, but a tcnplat€ produc€d by Atl' Contract DocurEnt3 3oftr.lrc tor producirg 'rcuslo|nl zed diocunreni, t I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I 6 I I I I I I t I I T I I I I I t I I I I g 7.6.13 lt is he express intention of the parties that this Agreemenl is nol to be construed as a contractual waiver of any immunities or defenses provided by the Colorado Govemmental lmmunity Act, Section 241G101 and following, Golorado Revised Stafutes, or other statules or common law. g 7.6.11 Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a conlractual relationship wilh a cause of aclion in favor of a thitd party against either lhe owner or Conhactor. g 7.6.15 In fre performance of the Work under tris Agreemenl, he Contractor agrees to comply witr the applicable proviEions of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act of 1957. The Contraclor agrees that he will not discriminate againsl any employee 0r applicant for employrnent because of race, creed, color, sex, or nalional origin. The e,onlractor abo agre96 that tre Conhacht will take affrmative aclion lo ensure lhat eplicants when employod {e beated during ttre emfloymenl witltotft regard tc fieir race, creed, color, sex, or nalional origin. Sud| action $all include but not be limited to lhe following: employment, upgrading, demotbn or fansfer, recruitnent or recruitnent adverlising; layofi or terminalion: rates of pay or otrer foms of compensation: and sdection tor haining, including apprenliceship. g 7.6.16 !'tttnn fre Confaclor believes il has reached Subsbntial Comfletion, the Contractor will notify tte Ovina in Miling, requesting tre Ardritect and Ourner meet onsite wilh tre Confac'lor to pr€pare the Punchlist. The Oryner shall have hrc weeks iom Itris written nolice to provide the Contaclw with a writlen Punclrlist issued by the Ardtibct In the event lhe Atchitecl, or Ovner aIe required h revisil the site at the Conbacto/s request to address oubtandng Punchlist items more tran two (2) limes ater lhe issuance of lhe Punchlist, the contractor will be rcsponsiHe for all cost inilned by he omer and their onsuftanls (ittcluding' but not limited at ltre costs of the Arciitect), as a result of tre Conlracto/s representation to the Archilect hat h€ Punchligt has been ompleted. Nol withstanding he above, the previsions in lhe Genenl Conditjons for the Conbact for Consfuction addrcssing Substantial Complelion Par4raph (9.8.2) and FinalCompletion (9.10), are not inlended to be diluted, and rsnain in fullforce and eJfec{. $ 7.6.17 Wlrenerer Confaclor receives progress paymenb, Ure Contraclcn shall make payments to eadr of ils subcontractors of any drrcunh actually received whidr rvere ircluded in tre Conkaclor's requesl br paymenl h he Ornerbr such subccntacb. Provided that ttre Wo* has been accepted by lhe Oumer and Architect, Confbclor shal make sudt payrr.Fnts wihin sFJefl €lenda days of receipt of paymenl from he Ouner in the sare manner ffi he Orner is required 1o pay he Confractror under his seclion if the subcontrachr is salisfactorily perfumhg under his contract wih fie conlraclor $ 7.6.,|7.1 The Contractor shall monitor fie $bcontador who shall pay dl suppliers, sub-suboontactons, laborers, and any oher persons who provide goods, mabrials, lahr, or equipment lo the $bconbador any amounts actually receircd whid *erc induded in lhe subconbaclor's request lor payment to he Contactor fof sudr persons, in the same manner set br$ in hb suhcc{ion regarding payments by the Contractor to the subconfador, lf the s.tbcontrachr fails lo make such payments in h€ Gquired mann€r, the subconlractor shall pay said suppliers, sutssubconbactors, md laborers interest in he sane manner set forlh in this subsec{ion regarding payments by tre conhactor to he subconFaclor. g At 0re lime the submnfactor submib a rquestfcr paymentb lhe Contractor, tre subcontelor shallalso submit to he Confaclor a list of the subcontratofs suppliers, sub-subcontacloB, and laborors. The Conbactor shall be relieved of he requhements of this subseclion regarding payment in sevefl days and inl€rest pay'ment until the subcontachr s{,bmits sudl list. lf the Contrmtor fdls to make timety payments to tle subcontactor as requied by tris sec{ion, fie Conhacbr sttal pay fte submnfaclor inbrest s specified by mntract or at he rale of fifuen percent (15%) per annum whichewr is higilpr, on frc anounl of Ure payment whidl was not made in a lirnely manner. The irteresl shall mue for Ure period from lhe required payment date h he date m whbh payment is made. Nohing in his subsedixr shdl be constued to affect tre retention prd,isions of dly conbact. $ 7,6.'17.3 The provisions of tris sec{ion shall be made a part ol each mnlract between Contrador and subconlrac'tor, eiher expressly or by incorporalion by reference b fiis Contract. ruoeiiiftffil i tt '::,....:: ARTICLE 8 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS $ E.l The Conhact DocumenLs, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agre€ment, ar€ enumerated as fbllows: $ 8.t.1 The Agreement is this executed 1997 edition of the Standard Form of Agreement Bedween Owner and Conlractor, AIA Document Al0l -199?. lu\ Itocu*at llol' - 199?. colryrlgbt . 191J, r9r3, t92t. t9!?. 1951, 1t5!. lrfl' lt5!, 195?, !9?4, l9??, 1940, Ittt' t99r .''d 199? bY.. Thc |treric|'t Inrlitula ot archltects. rll, !]g!tr r.rcr3d. rrittlcr t!1. ltA rrocarcDt it 9lot.ctcd bt' u-a. Cotyt.lghl !., rnat t$asnrllodrrl trcr!!a.. trlruiborLcd rctroii$ctlod or 6tr!ribu!16 o! tbl'r itll Docr,r.rt, or .ty Dorttoa ol l!. aat taault ln scv.rc cl,rl,t .ad crt.ln.l Faatti.r. .r|d rilL be Psotactttad !o !!. ratl&. .tt.nt Po.tlbt€ trod!- tba trt. This <tocunant, i3 not ao original III' Contlact DocunEtrt. blt ! tcrplare ptoduced by AIA' Coniract Docr!frents eoftr,arc lor prod|cirn, d cu€to.ized docu!€nt. $ 8.1.2 The General Conditions are the 1997 edition of the General Conditior.rs of the Contract for Construction, AIA Document A20l -1997. $ 8,'1.3 The Supplementary and othet Conditions of the Contract are those conlained in Exhibit "F'- Cenetal Conditions foi ihe Contract for Construction and their supplernents attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference: I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tltle Pages 'fflf,iit1ryfP,\'.,;.r, .-'':1'1*1 ffi. *$,,tf+;q .j i. r! -'i a 'r.:+ :r', , ,i:*,.i; -,t:l::+1i++at'-':':rrr'',':'i*tlrii"ir"r..' $ Ll.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated I date ], and are as follows: here or to an exhibit attached to this !*EtH#ffi tri*it$gft "..,4i ;iffi ffi :"r:i:q;'is'j*-l!ft t+; *r :,''i*i,: ;4 %[KeepBlockl(A I 0 I .Specifi cationsoption = "listed as follows")] True *ffiil{t{Ifriffi1,,{''tI,.:'ifiti:Y' I*f.;::,. 1j;;r;1..!1i'1 1,l i' t'''.' ,;;'.;: %lEndBlock0l g 8.1.5 The Drawings are as follows, and are dated ffifrlgE iM unless a different date is shown below: (Either list the here or a an ethibit attached to this %[KeepBiooklf(A l 0l .DrawingsOption : "listed as follows")] Number Title ''.:n4:'Fr %[EndBlockQ] ,fi Sffi ilSf ,;";:+ r :'.ni.i li' i i,';.6+B r:iii;,;+,irrS:1i: .:.:,i:iF.t 4."- !*:lf.,*ti $ 8..|.6 The Addenda, if any, are as follows: Number Portions ofAddenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unlcss the bidding requiremenls are also enumerated in this Article E. $ 8.1 .7 Other documenls, if any, forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows: (List here any additional doaonents thot are intended to lorm part of rte Contract Documents. AIA Document A20l- 1997 provides that bidding requirements such as advertisement or invit ttion to hid, Instructions to Bidders, sample forms and the Contractor's bid are not part ofthe Conftact Doctanents unless enumerated in this Agreenent.. They should be listed here only d intended to be part of the Contract Doatments.) Any and all document,s not identified above but refercnced within Bid Package for I Project Name ], include but not limited to the Instructions to Bidders and Bid Form, is incorporated hersin and made a part hercof by reference. Att gocnD.nt aloln - 199?. Cogyltgtst o 1915. Itl0. 1t25, 1t3?. 1151, 1958. 1951, 1953. 1t61..19?a, r9?7, 1980, l9l?' lttl .Dd 199'r bv The alelican Instilule of J|lchilects. dt rtgbtr !.r.!vril. r Srtno: ttir ltl Docrrelt l! prot.ctcd bf U.a. Collttlgtl &at aad htc.n tlon.l tr.atlar, Ouulbortt.a r.proahctto! o! dlltrtbutton o! tbia llr D0ctr6.!t, oE sy polLton ol t!, r.y tatr[3 lo ,avcta ciTil utl crlDlsrl pa!alt!.r. ru.l vtU lE plorccut.c to tlc r.xldrr axlant toa.lbl. |rldta th. lrr, Thlg docuncn! is not an origi 1 Art' qontract nocuranL. bu! | laiplala produccal by at]|' Conlract tlocurents softeare tor graxlucing t custooized docuiEnt. I 8 I Document Sectlon Date I I This Agreement is entered into as bf the day and year first written above and is executed in at least three original copies, of which one is to be delivered to the Contractor, one to the Architect for use in the administration ofthe Contract, and the rernainder to the Owner, OWNER (Signature) %ti|hfils4.fiud |itsf'ir*!pfr{{}*,,: (Printed name and title) llt ttocrm! Alol- - lttt. Copy!t9lt o 19t5. 1918, 19ts, r9t?. tt!1, rtrr. ltat, 1963, r9f?. tr7t, ttrr. 1t!0, ltar, lttl |'d 199? I'ynl! llcric.ll lDeiilutc ol lrchit.cls. l11 rlghtr rarar?ad, m|||I|Et tbir ttt Do<rr!!t lr Fotcctca bI o.B. copytlght !.r |!drrtcrltttolat traaglat, t|lrothor.trcd rq'toahlqtto! or dtttttbgtlca ct tlla trl trc€oast. ot asy rorttod ol it, ary raault i! rlvcrcclell |!d c!t.|a.l FD.ttlcr, ard ytlt bG trrorccutcA to tia r.rhr.!!.!t 9orrl,bl. ud.r rtr Lr.ltlit docuncnt f. ibt an original Att' ConLracC OerEnt, bu! . tc.plr!. produccd by AIt' Contract Docrrlants lotlrarr for producirq dcutt(nirad docuEnt. I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I CONTRACTOR (Si gn a ture) (Prinud name and title) I I t I I t I t Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 ? VailCymnasticsFacility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado SECTION 011OO - SUMMARY PART 1 - CENERAL 1.1 WORKCOVERED BYCONTMCT DOCUMENTS A. Project ldentification: Project consists of a new building for the VaiJ Recreation District Cymnastics Program and other recreational programs. 1. Proiect Location: A Part of Lot 8A Red Sandstone Elementary 2. Owner: Town of Vail, Vail Colorado 3. Owner Contact: Susie Hervert, Department of Public Works, Town of Vail,1309 Elkhorn Drive, Vail CO 81657, (970) 479-2444, SHervert@vailqov.com B. Architect ldentification: The Contract Documents, dated, were prepared for Project by: Fritzlen Pierce Architects, 1 650 E. Vail Valley Drive, Suite C-1, Vail, CO 81657 , 970-476- 6342, Contact: Lynn Fritzlen C. The Work consists of construction of a detached two story structure and associated site improvements. 1. The Work includes permanent shoring concrete spread footings and foundations, metal stud exterior and interior walls, metal structural framing wood and stucco exterior siding ballasted roof membrane and associated mechanical electrical and plumbing work, etc. D. Project will be constructed under a general construction contract. I I I I I I I t I I I 1.2 A. B. C. 1.3 A. SUMMARY WORK SEQUENCE The Work shall be conducted in two phases in order'to minimize impact on the operation of the Red Sandstone Elementary School, First Phase June 12 to August 8,2OO4 - The first phase will entail the completion of the excavation, permanent shoring and concrete foundations. Second Phase August 8, 2OO4 to March 30, 2005 - The second phase of the building includes all other aspects of the work. SPECIFICATION FORMATS AND CONVENTIONS Specification Format: The Specifications are organized into Divisions and Sections using the 16-division format and CS/CSC's 'MasterFormat' numbering system. 01100 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Archite Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01lOO Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado B. Specification Content: The Specifications use ceftain conventions for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words and phrases when used in particular situations. These conventions are as follows: 1. Abbreviated Language: Language used in the Specifications and other Contract Documents is abbreviated. Words and meanings shall be interpreted as appropriate. Words implied, but not stated, shall be inferred, as the sense requires. Singular words shall be interpreted as plural, and plural words shall be interpreted as singular . where applicable as the context of the Contract Documents indicates. 2. lmperative mood and streamlined language are generally used in the Specifications. Requirements expressed in the imperative mood are to be performed by Contractor. Occasionally, the indicative or subjunctive mood may be used in the Section Text for clarity to describe responsibilities that must be fulfilled indirectly by Contractor or by others when so noted. a. The words "shall," "shall be," or "shall comply with," depending on the context, are implied where a colon (:) is used within a sentence or phrase. 3. "Days" listed in Specifications shall refer to working days, i.e., Monday through Friday, exclusive of holidays. I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I TSUMMARY01100 - 2 1.1 t I I I I I I I B. I t I I I I I I I .I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 STCTION 01140 - WORK RESTRICI-IONS PART 1 - CENEML 1.2 A. WORK RESTRICTIONS o Vail Cymnastics Facility May2004 Edwards, Colorado USE OF PREMISES Use of Site: Limit use of premises to work in areas indicated sheet ,{101 . Do not disturb portions of site beyond areas in which the Work is indicated without written permission of the Owner. 1. Owner Occupanry: Allow for Owner occupancy of Red Sandstone Elementary School site and use by the public. 2. Construction Staging: Contractor shall submit construction staging and delivery plan for review and approval by Owner prior to beginning the work. 3' Parking: On-site parking for construction employees is not available. Contractor shall be responsible for providing off-site parking and transportation to the site. 4. Drivewap and Entrances: Keep driveways and entrances serving premises clear and available to Owner, Ovner's employees, and emergency vehicles at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials. a. Schedule deliveries to minimize use of drivewala and entrances.b. Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements for storage of materials and equipment on-site. Use of Existing Building: Red Sandstone Elementary shall not be avaihble for use by the Contractor. OCCUPANCY REQUI REMENTS Full Owner Occupanry: Red Sandstone Elementary will occupy site and existing building during entire construction period. Cooperate with Owner during construction operations to minimize conflicts and facilitate Orvner usage. Perform the Work so as not to interfere with Owner's operations. Partial Owner Occupancy: Owner reserues the right to occupy and to place and install equipment in completed areas of building before Substantial Completion, provided such occupancy does not interfere with completion of the Work. Such placement of equipment and partial occupancy shall not constitute acceptance of the total Work. 1. Architect will prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion for each specific poftion of the Work to be occupied before Owner occupancy. 0'1140 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Rrchitec0 Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2. Obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from authorities having jurisdiction before Owner occupancy. 3. Before partial Owner occupancy/ mechanical and electrical s)6tems shall be fully operational, and required tests and inspections shall be successfully completed. On occupanry, Owner will provide, operate and maintain mechanical and electrical systems serving occupied portions of building. 4. On occupanry, Orvner will assume responsibility for maintenance and custodial service for occupied portions of building. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01140 WORK RESTRICTIONS I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Edwards, Colorado 01140 - 2 I I I o I I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May 20O4 Edwards, Colorado SECTION 01210 - ATLOWANCES PART 1 - CENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements governing the following: 1. Lump sum allowances. 2. Unit cost allowances.3. Contingencyallowances. 4. Testing and inspecting allowance.5. Quantityallowances. See Division'l Section "Unit Prices" for procedures for using unit prices with quantity allowances. See Division 1 Section "Quality Requirements" for procedures governing the use of allowances for testing and inspecting. 1.2 SELECnONAND PURCHASE At the earliest practical date after award of the Contract, advise Architect of the date when final selection and purchase of each product or system described by an allowance must be completed to avoid delaying the Work. At Architecfs request, obtain proposals for each allowance for use in making final selections. lnclude recommendations that are relevant to performing the Work. Purchase products and systems selected by Architect from the designated supplier. 1.3 SUBMITTALS Submit proposals for purchase of products or systems included in allowances, in the form specified for Change Orders. Submit invoices or delivery slips to show actual quantities of materials delivered to the site for use in fulfillment of each allowance. 1.4 CONTINGENCYATLOWANCES Use the contingency allowance only as directed by Architect for G,vner's purposes and only by Change Orders that indicate amounts to be charged to the allowance. Contracto/s o/erhead, profit, and related costs for products and equipment ordered by Owner under the contingenry allowance are included in the allowance and are not part of the Contract ALLOWANCES 01210 - I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Sum. These costs costs. I itects Vail Cymnastics Facility Mav 2004 Edwards, Colorado include delivery, installation, taxes, insurance, equipment rental, and similar I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Change Orders authorizing use of funds from the contingency allowance will include Contractor's related costs and reasonable overhead and profit margins. At Project closeout, credit unused amounts remaining in the contingenry allowance to Owner by Change Order. 1.5 TESTINC AND INSPECTINC ALLOWANCES Testing and inspecting allowances include the cost of engaging testing agencies, actual tests and inspections, and reporting results. The allowance does not include incidental labor required to assist the testing agency or costs for retesting if previous tests and inspections result in failure. Costs of services not required by the Contract Documents are not included in the allowance. At Project closeout, credit unused amounts remaining in the testing and inspecting allowance to Owner by Change Order. 1.6 UNUSED MATERIALS Return unused materials purchased under an allowance to manufacturer or supplier for credit to Owner, after installation has been completed and accepted. 1. lf requested by Architect, prepare unused material for storage by Owner when it is not economically practical to return the material for credit. lf directed by Architect, deliver unused material to Owner's storage space. Otherwise, disposal of unused material is Contractor's responsibility. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.1 EXA/vllMT|ON Examine products covered by an allowance promptly on delivery for damage or defects. Return damaged or defective products to manufacturer for replacement- 3.2 PREPARAT]ON Coordinate materials and their installation for each allowance with related installations to ensure that each allowance item is completely integrated and related work. ALLOWANCES materials and interfaced with 01210 - 2 Fritzlen Pierce Architects O I lill:-9?:Jiii r 3.3 SCHEDULE OFALLOWANCES I A. Section 09310 Ceramic Tile - Floor Tile, WallTile $9.00/sf I B. Sectionl(X3t Signs- $2,s00 I C. Section 09860 Carpet - Carpet and pad $27.00/sq. yard D. Fire Alarm System - $25,000 I Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Edwards, Colorado I END OF SECTION 01210 I I I I I I I I I I I I ALLoWANCES 01210-3 I Fritzlen pierce ArchitectsI YiLf;:;if I SECTION 01230 - ALTERNATES PART 1 - CENERAL I 1.'t suMMARy Vail Cym nastics Facility May2Co,4 Edwards, Colorado I A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for alternates. 1.2 DEFINITIONS t A. Alternate: An amount proposed by bidders and stated on the Bid Form for certain work defined in the Bidding Requirements that may be added to or deducted from the Base I Bid amount if Owner decides to accept a corresponding change either in the amount off construction to be completed or in the products, materials, equipment, systems, or installation methods described in the Contract Documents- '1 . The cost or credit for each alternate is the net addition to or deduction from the Contract Sum to incorporate alternate into the Wprk. No other adjustments are made to the Contract Sum. 1.3 PROCEDURES I A' :"r;*riTl,il;:'y-;T"fiHtfl#1 adjacent work as necessary to compreterv I 1. Include as part of each alternate, miscellaneous devices, accessory objects, and similar items incidental to or required for a complete installation whether or not indicated as part of alternate. B. Notification: lmmediately following award of the Contract, notifo each party involved, in writing of the status of each alternate. lndicate if alternates have been accepted, rejected, or deferred for later consideiation. Include a complete description of negotiated modifications to alternates. C. Execute accepted alternates under the same conditions as other work of the Contract. D. Schedule: A Schedule of Alternates is included at the end of this Section. Specification Sections referenced in schedule contain requirements for materials necessary to achieve the work described under each alternate. I pART2 - pRoDUCTS (Not Used) I PARr3 - D(EcuroN I 3.1 SCHEDULE OF ALTERNATES T ALTERNATES I I I I I I 01230 - | I Fritzlen Pierce Architects I IVail, Colorado 97G476-6342 ALTERNATES Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Edwards, Colorado Delete Area #3 Paving and Site lmprwemenb as shown on A103 from Contnct Sum. Delete Elevator Equipment and Installation as described in Division Fourteen from Contract Sum. Finish Hoistway with drywall and paint finish. Provide infill flooring and doors so hoistway can by used as a closet. 3. Substitute primed and painted finish for all exposed mebl finishes specified as powder coated. B. END OF SECTION 01230 1. 2.I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I01230-2 I I I I t I I I I I t I I I t o I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 20O4 Vail Colorado SECIION O127O. UNIT PRTCES PART 1 - CENEML 1.1 SUMMARY A' This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for unit prlces. B' See Division 1 Section 'Allowances" for procedures for using unit prices to adjust quantity allowances. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A' Unit price is a price per unit of measurement for materials or services added to or deducted from the Contract Sum by appropriate modification, if estimated quantities of Work required by the Contract Documents are increased or decreased. 1.3 PROCEDURES A. Unit prices include all necessary material, plus cost for delivery, installation, insurance, overhead, and profit. B. Measurement and Payment: Refer to individual Specification Sections for work that requires establishment of unit prices. Methods of measurement and payment for unit prices are specified in those Sections. C. Owner reserves the right to reject Contractorrs measurement of work-in-place that involves use of established unit prices and to have this work measured, at Owne/s expense, by an independe nt su rveyor acceptable to Contractor. D. list of Unit Prices: A list of unit prices is included at the end of this Section. Specification Sections referenced in the schedule contain requirements for materials described under each unit price. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION UNIT PRICES 01270 - 1 o Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3.1 LIST OF UNIT PRICES 1. Excavation Material Export (Haul Away) - Cost per Yard2. Asphalt Paving and Base Course Cost per Square Foot END OF SECIION 01270 o Vai I Cymnastics Facility May2OO4 Vail Colorado 01270 - 2UNIT PR]CES 1.1 I I I I I I I I I 1. 2. B.I I I I I I I I i I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 SECTION 0129O - PAYMENT PROCEDURES PART 1 - CENEML 1.2 A. Vail Gymnstics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado SUMMARY This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements necessary to prepare and process Applications for Payment. SCHEDULE OF VALUES coordination: Coordinate preparation of the Schedule of Values with preparation of Contracto/s Construction Schedule. 1. Conelate line items in the Schedule of Values with other required administrative forms and schedules, including Submittals Schedule and Application for payment forms with Continuation Sheets. 2' Submit the Schedule of Values to Architect at earliest possible date but no later than ten (10) days before the date scheduled for submittal of initial Applications for Payment. Format and Content: Use the Project Manual table of contents as a guide to establish line items for the Schedule of Values. Provide at least one line item for each Specification Section. ldentification: lnclude the following Project identification on the khedule of Values: a. Project name and location. b. Name of Architect. c. ContractorJs name and address. d. Date of submittal. Arrange the Schedule of Values in tabular form wlth separate columns to indicate the following for each item listed: a. Related Specification Section or Division. b. Description of the Work. c. Name of subcontractor. d. Narne of manufacturer or fabricator. e. Narne of supplier. f. Change Orders (numbers) that affect value. g. Dollar value. 1) Percentage of the Contract Sum to nearest one-hundredth percent, adjusted to total 1fi) percent. PAYMENT PROCEDURES 01290 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectO Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3. A..1. 5. 6. 7. I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. B, C. D. 1.3 Vail Gymnstics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in enough detail to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reports. Coordinate with the Project Manual table of contents. Provide several line items for principal subcontract amounts/ where appropriate. Round amounts to nearest whole dollar; total shall equal the Contract Sum. Provide a separate line item in the Schedule of Values for each part of the Work where Applications for Payment may include materials or equipment purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. Provide separate line items in the Schedule of Values for initial cost of materials, for each subsequent stage of completion, and for total installed value of that part of the Work. Each item in the Schedule of Values and Applications for Payment shall be complete. lnclude total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit for each item. a. Temporary facilities and other major cost items that are not direct cost of actual work-in-place may be shown either as separate line items in the Schedule of Values or distributed as general overhead expense, at Contractor's option. Schedule Updating: Update and resubmit the Schedule of Values before the next Applications for Payment when Change Orders or Construction Change Directives result in a change in the Contract Sum. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT Each Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments as certified by Architect and paid for by Owner. 1. Initial Application for Payment, Application for Payment at time of Substantial Completion, and final Application for Payment involve additional requirements. Payment Application Times: The date for each progress payment is indicated in the Agreement between Owner and Contractor. The period of construction Work covered by each Application for Payment is the period indicated in the Agreement, Payment Application Forms: Use AIA Document C7O2 and AIA Document C703 Continuation Sheets as form for Applications for Payment. Application Preparation: Complete every entry on form. Notarize and execute by a person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of Contractor. Architect will return incomplete applications without action. 1. Entries shall match data on the Schedule of Values and Contractor's Construction Schedule. Use updated schedules if revisions were made.2. Include amounts of Change Orden and Construction Change Directives issued before last day of construction period covered by application. PAYMENT PROCEDURES 01290 - 2 I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnstics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado to be withheld,3. Include amount equal to 1O% of amount requested (retainage) payable at Final Completion. E. Transmittal: Submit three (3) signed and notarized original copies of each Application for Payment to Architect by a method ensuring receipt within 24 hours. One copy shall include waivers of lien and similar attachments if required. 1. Transmit each copy with a transmittal form listing attachments and recording appropriate information about application. F. Waivers of Mechanic! Lien: With each Application for Paymen! submit waivers of mechanic's lien from every entity who is laMully entitled to file a mechanic's lien arising out of the Contract and related to the Work covered by the payment. 1. Submit partial waivers on each item for amount requested, before deduction for retainage, on each item. 2. When an application shows completion of an item, submit final or full waivers.3. Owner reserves the right to designate which entities involved in the Work must submit waivers.' 4. Waiver Delays: Submit each Application for Payment with Contractor's waiver of mechanic's lien for construction period covered by the application. a. Submit final Application for Payment with or preceded by final waivers from every entity involved with performance of the Work covered by the application that is lawfully enritled to a lien. C. Initial Application for Payment: Administrative actions and submiftals that must precede or coincide with submiftal of first Application for Payment include the following: 1. List of subcontractors. 2. Schedule of Values. 3. Contractor's Construction Schedule (preliminary if not final). 4. Submittals Schedule (preliminary if not final). 5. List of Contractor's staff assignments. 6. Copies of building permits. 7. Copies of authorizations and licenses from authorities having jurisdiction for performance of the Work. 8. Certificates of insurance and insurance policies.9. Performance and payment bonds. 10. Data needed to acquire Or,vnerrs insurance. H. Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: After issuing the Ceftificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment showing IOO percent completion for portion of the Work claimed as substantially complete. 1. Include documentation supporting claim that the Work is substantially complete and a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum. PAYMENT PROCEDURES 01290 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Architef Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cyrnnstics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado 2. This application shall reflect Certificates of Partial Substantial Completion issued previously for Owner occupancy of designated portions of the Work. I' Final Payment Application: Submit final Application for Payment with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted, including but not limited, to the following: 1. Evidence of completion of Project closeout requirements. 2. Insurance certificates for products and completed operations where required and proof that taxes, fees, and similar obligations were paid. 3. Updated final statement, accounting for final changes to the Contract Sum.4. AIA DocumentCTQ6, "Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims."5. AIA Document C706A, "Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens."6. AIA DocumentGTOT, "Consentof Suretyto Final Payment.,'7. Evidence that claims have been settled.B. Final meter readinp for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as of date of Substantial Completion or when Owner took possession of and assumed responsibility for corresponding elements of the Work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECIION 01290 I I I I I I t I I I I I t I t I I I IPAYMENT PROCEDURES 01290 - 4 Fritzlen Pierce Architec6 Vail, Colorado 97G476-6342 B. I t I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail Colorado SECTION 01310 - PROJECT MANACEMENT AND COORDINATION PART 1 - CENEML 1..I SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative provisions for coordinating construction operations on Project including but not limited to, the following: '1. Ceneral Project coordination procedures. 2. Project meetings. B- See Division 1 Section "Execution Reguirements" for procedures for coordinating general installation and field-engineering services, including establishment of benchmarks and control points. COORDINATION Coordination: Coordinate construction operations included in various Sections of the specifications to ensure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the work. Coordinate construction operations, included in different Sections that depend on each other for proper installation, connection and operation. 1. Schedule construction operations in sequence required to obtain the best results where installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, before or after its own installation.2. Coordinate installation of different components with other contractors to ensure maximum accessibility for required maintenancg service and repair.3' Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation. lf necessary, prePare memoranda for distribution to each party involved, outlining special procedures required for coordination. Include such items as required notices, reports and list of attendees at meetings. Administrative Procedures: Coordinate scheduling and timing of required administrative procedures with other construction activities and activities of other contractors to avoid conflicts and to ensure orderly progress of the Work. Such administrative activities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Preparation of Contractor's Construction Schedule.2. Preparation of the Schedule of Values.3. Installation and removal of temporary facilities and controls.4. Delivery and processing of submittals. 5. Progress meetings. 6. Preinstallationconferences. 7. Project closeout activities. PROJ ECT MANACEMENT AN D COORDINAT]ON 01310 - 1 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a. b. c- d. e. f. oD' h. i. j. k. t. m. n. Fritzlen Pierce Architectt Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail Colorado 1.3 PROJECT MEETTNCS A. Ceneral: Schedule and conduct meetings and conferences at Pro.iect site, unless otherwise indicated. 'l . Attendees: Inform participants and others involved, and individuals whose presence is required, of date and time of each meeting. Notify Owner and Architect of scheduled meeting dates and times. 2. Agenda: Prepare the meeting agenda. Distribute the agenda to all invited attendees. 3. Minutes: Record significant discussions and agreements achieved. Distribute the meeting minutes to everyone concerned, including Owner and Architecg within three (3) days of the meeting. B. Preconstruction Conference: Schedule a preconstruction conference before starting consiruction, at a time convenient to Owner and Architect, but no later than ten (10) days after execution of the Agreement. Hold the conference at Project site or another convenient location. Conduct the meeting to review responsibilities and personnel assignments. 1. Attendees: Authorized representatives of Owner, Architect and their consultants; Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors; manufacturers; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall attend the conference. All participants at the conference shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. 2. Agenda: Discuss items of significance that could affect progress, including the following: Tentative construction schedu le. Phasing. Critical work sequencing. Designation of responsible personnel. Procedures for processing field decisions and Change Orders. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment. Distribution of the Contract Documents. Submittal procedures. Preparation of Record Documents. Use of the premises. Responsibility for temporary facilities and controls. Parking availability. Office, work and storage areas. Equipment deliveries and priorities. First aid. Security. Progress cleaning. Working hours. C. Progress Meetings: Conduct progress meetings at weekly intervals. Coordinate dates of meetinp with preparation of payment requests. o. p' q. r, PROJECT MANACEMENT AND COORDI NATION 01310 - 2 2. 3. I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 1 O VailGymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail Colorado Attendees: In addition to representatives of Owner and Architect, each contractor. subcontractor, supplier, and other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of future activities shall be represented at these meetings. All participants at the conference shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of previous progress Review other items of significance that could affect progress. Include discussion as appropriate to status of ProjeA. meeting. topics for a. Contractorrs Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last meeting. Determine whether each activity is on time, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule, in relation to Contractor's Construction Schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure commitmenb from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to ensure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. b. Review present and future needs of each entity present, including the following: 1) Interfacerequirements. 2) Sequenceofoperations. 3) Status of submittals. 4) Deliveries. 5) Off-sitefabrication. 6) Access. 7) Site utilization. 8) Temporary facilities and controls. 9) Work hours. 10) Hazards and risks. 11) Progress cleaning. 12) Quality and work standards. 13) Change Orders. 14) Documentation of information for payment requests. Reporting: Distribute minutes of the meeting to each party present and to parties who should have been present. Include a brief summary, in narrative form, of progress since the previous meeting and report. a. Schedule Updating: Revise Contractor's Construction Schedule after each progress meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. lssue revised schedule concurrently with the report of each meeting. PROJECT MANACEMENT AND COORDINATION 01310 - 3 FriElen PierceRrchitec0 Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01310 PROJ ECT MANACEMENT AND COORDINATION Vail Gymnastics Facility May2OO4 Vail Colorado 01310-4 I s7o476-6342 r sECTroN 01320 - coNSTRUCnoN pRocRESS DocuMENTATtoN May 2004 Vail, Colorado I PARTl-GENEML I 1.1 ''MMARY I A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for documenting the I prqlress of construction during performance of the Work, including the following: I 1. Contractor's Construction Schedule. I 2. submittals schedule. 3. Field condition reports. r 4. Construction photographs. I B. See Division 1 Section "Payment Procedures" for submitting the Schedule of Values. I C. See Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures" for submitting photographic negatives as - Project Record Docurnents at Project closeout. I 1.2 DEFINITIONS I A. Critical Path: The longes;t continuous chain of activities through the network schedule thatr establishes the minimum overall Project duration and contains no float. I B. Major Area: A story of construction, a separate building or a similar significant constructionI element. I 1.3 suBMrrrALS I A. Submittals Schedule: Submit three (3) copies of schedule. Arrange the following I information in a tabular format: I 1. Scheduled date for first submittal. t 2. Specification Section number and title.3. Submittal category (action or informational). r 4. Name of subcontractor. I 5. Description of the Work covered.6. Scheduled date for Architects final release or approval. I B. Contracto_r's Construction Schedule: Submit two (2) printed copies of initial schedule, one a reproducible print and one a blue- or black-line print, large enough to show entire schedule I for entire construction period. I C. Construction Photographs: Submit two (2) prints of each photographic view within seven - ' days oftaking photographs. I I i,:r'e,::#:Architects O Vail Cymnastics Facility I coNsrRucroN pRocRESS DocuMENTATToN 01320- 1 Fritzlen Pierce Architecrl Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail. Colorado '1 . Format: 4-by-6-inch smooth-surface matte prints on single-weight commercial-grade stock, enclosed back to back in clear plastic sleeves that are punched for standard 3- ring binder. 2. ldentification: On back of each print, provide an applied label or rubber-stamped impression with the following: a. Name of Project. b. Name of Architect. c. Name of Contractor. d. Date photograph was taken. e. Description of vantage point indicating location, direction (by compass point), and elevation or story of construction. 3. Negatives: Sutrmit a complete set of photographic negatives in protective envelopes with each submittal of prints. ldentify date photographs were taken. D. Field Condition Reports: Submit tvvo (2) copies at time of discovery of differing conditions. 1.4 COORDINATION A. Coordinate preparation and processing of schedules and reports with performance of construction activities and with scheduling and reporting of separate contractors. B. Coordinate Contractor's Construction Schedule with the Schedule of Values, list of subcontracts, Submittals Schedule, progress reports, payment requests, and other required schedules and reports. 1. Secure time commitments for performing critical elements of the Work from parties involved. 2. Coordinate each construction activiW in the network with other activities and schedule them in proper sequence. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SUBMITTALS SCHEDULE A. Preparation: Submit a schedule of submittals, arranged in chronological order by dates required by construction schedule. Include time required for review, resubmittal, ordering manufacturing, fabrication and delivery when establishing dates. 1' Coordinate Submittals Schedule with list of subcontracts. the Schedule of Values and Contractor's Construction Schedule. 2. Submit concurrently with the first complete submittal of Contractorrs Construction Schedule. CONSTRUCTION PROCRESS DOCUMENTATION I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I01320 - 2 I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects O Vail Cymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3. May 2004 Vail, Colorado Key Shop Drawing Submiftals - Following is a list of key submittals to be included in Schedule. Additional shop drawing submittals may be required, refer to individual specification sections. Permanent Shoring Structural Steel Exterior Metal Awnings Interior Metal Stairs Exterior Metal Handrails Enterior Doors and Windows Roofing System Elevator Mechanical Ducting Fire Sprinkler System Fire Alarm System Toilet Partitions Reception Desk Mechanical Ducting CONTMCTOR'S CONSTRUCIION SCHEDULE, CENERAL B. Time Frame: Extend schedule from date established for commencement of the Work to date of Final Completion. 1. Contract completion date shall not be changed by submission of a schedule that shows an early completion date, unless specifically authorized by Change Order. C. Activities: Treat each story or separate area as a separate numbered activity for each principal element of the Work. Comply with the following: 1. Activity Duration: Define activities so no activity is longer than thirty (30) dap, unless specifically allowed by Architect. 2. Procurement Activities: lnclude procurement process activities for long lead items and major items, requiring a cycle of more than 60 days, as separate activities in schedule. Procurement rycle activities include, but are not limited to, submittals,' approvals, purchasing fabrication, and delivery. 3. Submittal Review Time: Include review and resubmittal times indicated in Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures" in schedule. Coordinate submittal review times in Contractor's Construction Schedule with Submittals Schedule. 4. Startup and Testing Time: Include not less than ten (10) days for staftup and testing. 5. Substantial Completion: Indicate completion in advance of date established for Substantial Completion, and allow time for Architect's administrative procedures necesary for certification of Substantial Completion. D. Constraints: Include constraints and work restrictions indicated in the Contract Documents and as follows in schedule. and show how the sequence of the Work is affected. 1. Phasing: Arrange list of activities on schedule by phase. CONSTRUCIION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01320 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Architectl Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2. Work Restrictions: Show the effect on the schedule of the following: Coordination with existing construction. Limitations of continued occuoancies. Uninterruptible services. Use of prem ises restrictions. Provisions for future construction. Seasonal variations. Environmental control. 3. Work Stages: Indicate important stages of construction for each major portion of the Work. E. Milestones: Include milestones indicated in the Contract Documents in schedule, including but not limited to, the Notice to Proceed, interim milestones indicated below, Substantial Completion, and Final Completion. 1 . Foundations complete 2. Rough framing complete 3. Building closed in and weathertight F. Contract Modifications: For each proposed contract modification and concurrent with its submission, prepare a time-impact analysis using fragnets to demonstrate the effect of the proposed change on the overall project schedule. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail. Colorado I I I I I I I I I I a. b. c. d. e. f. alr' 2.2 2.3 A. CONTMCTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCH EDULE (CANTT CHART) Ganft-Chart Schedule: Submit a comprehensive, fully developed, horizontal Cantt-chart- type. Contracto/s Construction Schedule within ten (10) days of date established for commencement of the Work. Base schedule on the Preliminary Construction Schedule and whatever updating and feedback was received since the start of Project. Preparation: lndicate each significant construction activity separately. ldentify first workday of each week with a continuous vertical line. 1. For construction activities that require 3 months or longer to complete, indicate an estimated completion percentage in ten (10) percent increments within time bar. REPORTS Field Condition Reports: lmmediately on discovery of a difference between field conditions and the Contract Documents, prepare a detailed report. Submit with a request for information. lnclude a detailed description of the differing conditions, together with recommendations for changing the Contract Documents. I I I I I I I I I B. CONSTRUCTION PROCRESS DOCUMENTATION 01320 - 4 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970.476-6342 PART 3 - EXECUTION B. 3.1 I I I I I I I T t I I I I I I I I I t O Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado CONTRACIOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Contractor's Construction Schedule Updating: At semi-monthly intervals, update schedule to reflect actual construction progress and activities. lssue schedule one week before each regularly scheduled progress meeting. 1. Revise schedule immediately after each meeting or other activity where revisions have been recognized or made. lssue updated schedule concurrently with the report ofeach such meeting. 2. Include a report with updated schedule that indicates every change, including but not limited to, changes in logic, durations, actual starts and finishes, and activity durations. 3. fu the Work progresses, indicate Actual Completion percentage for each activity. Distribution: Distribute copies of approved schedule to Architect, Owner, separare contractors, testing and inspecting agencies, and other parties identified by Contractor with a need-to-know schedule responsibility. 1. Post copies in Project meeting rooms and temporary field offices.2. When revisions are made, distribute updated schedules to the same parties and post in the same locations. Delete parties from distribution when they have completed their assigned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in performance of construction activities. 3.2 CONSTRUCT]ON PHOTOCRAPHS A. Photographic Film: 35mm B. Date Stamp: Unless otherwise indicated, date and time stamp each photograph as it is being taken so stamp is integral to photograph. C. Periodic Construction Photographs: Take thirty-six (36) color photographs monthly, coinciding with cutoff date associated with each Application for Payment. Photographer shall select vantage points to best show status of construction and progress since last photographs were taken. 1. Field Office Prints: Retain one set of prints of periodic photographs in field office at Project site, available at all times for reference. ldentify photographs the same as for those submitted to Architect. END OF SECIION 01320 CONSTRUCTION PROCRESS DOCUMENTATION 01320 - 5 B. 1.1 It; I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 SECIION 01330 - SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES PART 1 - CENEML O Vail Cymnastics Facility May 20O4 Vail, Colorado reports SUMMARY This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for submitting Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and other miscellaneous submitals. See Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for submitting schedules and reports, including Contractotrs Construction Schedule and the Submittals Schedule and construction photographs. I I I I I D. See Division 1 Section "Quality Requirements" for submitting test and inspection and Delegated-Design Submittals and for erecting mockups. See Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures" for submitting warranties Project Documents and operation and maintenance manuals. 1.2 A. B. DEFINITIONS Action Submittals: Written and graphic information that requires Architect's responsive action. lnformational Submittals: Written information that does not require Architect's approval. Submittals may be rejected for not complying with requirements. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities. 1. Coordinate each submittal with fabrication, purchasing, testing, delivery other submittals and related activities that require sequential activity.2. Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittals for related parts of the Work so processing will not be delayed because of need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. a. Architect reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coord in ation with other submittals until related submittals are received. Submittals Schedule: Comply with requiremenb in Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for list of submittals and time requirements for scheduled performance of related construction activities. B. I I I I I I I T 1.3 A. SUBMITTAT PROCEDURES 01330- 1 Fritzlen Pierce ArchitecO Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 C. Processing Time: Allow enough time for submiftal review, including time for resubmittals, as follows. Time for review shall commence on Architect's receipt of submittal. 1. lnitial Review: Allow 10 days for initial review of each submittal. Allow additional time if processing must be delayed to permit coordination with subsequent submittals. Architect will advise Contractor when a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordination. 2. lf intermediate submittal is necessary, process it in same manner as initial submittal. 3. Allow 10 days for processing each resubmittal. 4. No extension of the Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals enough in advance of the Work to permit processing. D. ldentification: Place a permanent label or title block on each submittal for identification. 1. Indicate name of firm or entity that prepared each submiftal on label or title block. 2. Provide a space approximately 4 by 5 inches on label or beside title block to record Contractor's review and approval markings and action taken by Architect. 3. lnclude the following information on label for processing and recording action taken: Proiect name. Date. Name and address of Architect. Name and address of Contractor. Name and address of subcontractor. Name and address of supplier. Name of manufacturer. Unique identifier, including revision number. Number and title of appropriate Specification Section. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. Other necessary identification. E. Deviations: Highlight, encircle or otherwise identify deviations from the Contract Documents on submittals. F. Additiorlal Copies: Unless additional copies are required for final submittal, and unless Arch itect observes noncompliance with provisions of the Contract Documents, initial submittal may serve as final submittal. 1. Additional copies submitted for maintenance manuals will be marked with action taken and will be returned. G. Transmittal: Package each submittal individually and appropriately for transmittal and handling. Transmit each submittal using a transmittal form. Architect will return submittals, without review, received from sources other than Contractor. '1. Include Contractor's certification stating that information submifted complies with requirements of the Contract Documents. 2. Transmittal Form: Use Contractor's standard form of transmittal. I t t I I t I I t Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail. Colorado I I I I l I I I t tSUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01330 - 2 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 B. 2.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I e VailCymnasticsFacility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado H- Distribution: Furnish copies of final submittals to manufacturers, subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, installers, authorities having jurisdiction, and others as necessary for performance of construction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms. l. Use for Construction: Use only final submittals with mark indicating action taken by Arch itect in connection with construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS ACIION SUBMITTALS Ceneral: Prepare and submit Action Submittals required by individual Specification Sections. 1. Number of Copies: Submit five copies of each submittal, unless otherwise indicated. Architect will return four copies. Mark up and retain one returned copy as a Project Record Document. Product Data: Collect information into a single submittal for each element of construction and type of product or equipment. 1. lf information must be specially prepared for submittal because standard printed data are not suitable for use, submit as Shop Drawings, not as Product Data.2- Mark each copy of each submittal to show which products and options are applicable. 3. lnclude the following information, as applicable: a. Manufacturedswrittenrecommendations. b. Manufacturer's productspecifications. . c. Manufacturer'sinstallationinstructions, d. Manufacture/s catalog cuts. e. Wiring diagrams showing factory-installed wiring. f. Printed performance curves. E. Operational range diagrams. h. Compliance with recognized trade association standards.i. Compliance with recognized testing agenry standards. Shop Drawings: Prepare Projea-specific information, drawn accurately to scale. Do not base Shop Drawings on reproductions of the Contract Documents or standard printed data. 1. Preparation: Include the following information, as applicable: a. Dimensions. b. ldentification of products. c. Fabrication and installation drawingp. d. Roughing-in and setting diagrams. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01330 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 e. Wiring diagrams showing field-installed wiring including power, signal, and control wiring. Shopwork manufacturing instructions. Templates and patterns. Schedules. Notation of coordination requirements. Notation of dimensions established bv field measurement. 2- Wiring Diagrams: Differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring. 3. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns, and similar full-size drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-1/2 W 11 inches but no larger than 24 by 36 inches. D. Coordination Drawings: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Project Management and Coordination." E. Samples: Prepare physical units of materials or producG, including the following: 1. Comply with reguirements in Division 1 Section "Quality Requirements'for mockups. 2. Samples for Initial Selection: Submit manufacturer's color charts consisting of units or sections of units showing the full range of colors, textures, and patterns available. a. Submit two full sets of available choices where color, pattern, texture or similar characteristics are required to be selected from manufacture/s product line. Architect will return one submittal with options selected. 3. Samples for Verification: Submit full-size units or Samples of size indicated, prepared from the same material to be used for the Work, cured and finished in manner specified, and physically identical with the product proposed for use, and that show full range of color and texture variations expected. Samples include, but are not limited tq partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components; small cuts or containers of materials; complete units of repetitively used matefals; swatches showing color, texture, and pattern; color range sets; and components used for independent testing and inspection. a. Submit two sets of Samples. Architect will retain one Sample set; remainder will be returned. 4. Preparation: Mount, display or package Samples in manner specified to facilitale review of qualities indicated. Prepare Samples to match Architect! sample where so indicated. Attach label on unexposed side. 5. Submit Samples for review of kind, color, pattern, and texture for a final check of these characteristics with other elements and for a comparison of these characteristics between final submittal and actual component as delivered and installed.6. Disposition: Maintain sets of approved Samples at Project site, available for quality- control comparisons throughout the course of construction activity. Sample sets may be used to determine final acceptance of construction associated with each set. t t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I l. od' h. j. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01330 - 4 I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 I I t I I I I I I I I T I I I I O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado F' Product Schedule or List: Prepare a written summary indicating types of products required for the Work and their intended location. C. Delegated-Design Submittal: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Quality Requirements." H. Submittals Schedule: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation.o L Application for Payment: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Payment Procedures." J. Schedule of Values: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Payment Procedures." K. Subcontract List: Prepare a written summary identifying individuals or firms proposed for each portion of the Work, including those who are to furnish products. or equipment fabricated to a special design. 2.2 ]NFORMATIONAL SUBMITTATS A. Ceneral: Prepare and submit tnformational Submittals required by other Specification Sections. 1. Number of Copies: Submit three copies of each submittal, unless otherwise indicated. Architect will not return copies. 2. Certificates and Certifications: Provide a notarized statement that includes signature of entity responsible for preparing certification. An officer shall sign certificates and certifications or other individual authorized to sign documents on behalf of that entity. 3. Test and Inspection Reports: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Quality Requirements," B. Contractorrs Construction Schedule: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation." C. Qualification Data: Prepare written information that demonstrates capabilities and experience of firm or person. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. D. Product Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's lefterhead certifying that product complies with requirements. E. Welding Certificates: Prepare written certification that welding procedures and personnel comply with requirements. Submit record of Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) on AWS forms. lnclude namds of firms and personnel certified. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01330 - s Fritzlen Pierce ArchitedO Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 F. Installer Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacture/s letterhead certifying that Installer complies with requiremenb and, where required, is authorized for this specific Project. C. Manufacturer Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that manufacturer complies with requirements. lnclude evidence of manufacturing experience where required. H. Material Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacture/s letterhead certifoing that material complies with requirements. l. Material Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agenry, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting test results of material for compliance with requirements. J. Compatibility Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agenry, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of compatibility tests performed before installation of product. Include written recommendations for primers and substrate preparation needed for adhesion. K. Field Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting resuJts of field tests performed either during installation of product or after product is installed in its final location, for compliance with requirements. L. Product Test Reports: Prepare written reports indicating current product produced by manufacturer complies with requirements. Base reports on evaluation of tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency, or on comprehensirre tesB performed by a qualified testing agency. M. Research/Evaluation Reports: Prepare written evidence, from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, that product complies with building code in effect for Project. N. Maintenance Data: Prepare written and graphic instructions and procedures for operation and normal maintenance of products and equipment. Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures." O. Design Data: Prepare written and graphic information, including but not limited to, performance and design criteria, list of applicable codes and regulations, and calculations. lnclude list of assumptions and other performance and design criteria and a summary of loads. lnclude load diagrams if applicable. Provide name and version of software, if any, used for calculations. Include page numbers. P. Manufacture/s Instructions: Prepare written or published information that documents manufacture/s recommendations, guidelines and procedures for installing or operating a product or equipment. Include name of product and name, address, and telephone number of manufacturer. I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail,.Colorado SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01330 - 6 B. C. D. E. F. C. H. 3.'r t I I I I t I I t I I t I T I t I I I a. Manufacturerrs Field Reports: Prepare written information documenting factory-authorized service representative's tesG and i nspections. R. Insurance Certificates and Bonds: Prepare wriften information indicating current status of insurance or bonding coverage. lnclude name of entity covered by insurance or bond, limits of coverage, amounts of deduaibles , if any, and term of the coverage. S. Construction Photographs: Comply with requirements in Division .l Section "Construction Progress Documentation." PART 3 - EXECUTION Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3.2 A. B. O Vail Cymnastics Facility May 20O4 Vail, Colorado CONTMCTOR'S REVIEW Review each submittal and check for compliance with the Contract Documents. Note corrections and field dimensions. Mark with approval stamp before submifting to Architect. Approval Stamp: Stamp each submittal with a uniform, approval stamp. Include Project name and location, submittal number, Specification Section title and number, name of reviewer, date of Contractol's approval, and statement certirying that submiftal has been reviewed, checked, and approved for compliance with the Contract Documents. ARCHITECIS ACTION Ceneral: Architect will not review submittals that do not bear Contractor's approval stamp and will return them without action. Action Submittals: Architect will review each submittal, make marks to indicate corrections or modifications required, and return it. Architect will stamp each submittal with an action stamp and will mark stamp appropriately to indicate action taken, as follows: Reviewed Rejected Submit Specific ltem Furnish as Corrected Revise and Resubmit This review is only for general conformance with the design concept and the information given in the Construction Documents. Corrections or commenb made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with the requirements of the plans and specifications. Review of a specific item shall not include review of an assembly of which lhe item is a component. The Contractor is responsible for: SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 0'r 330 - 7 Fritzlen Pierce Archited Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the jobsite; information that pertains solely to the fabrication processes or to the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction; coordination of the Work with that of all other trades and performing all Work in a safe and satisfactory manner l. Informational Submittals: Architect will review each submittal and will not return if or will reiect and return it if it does not comply with requirements. Architect will forward each submittal to appropriate party. J. Submittals not required by the Contract Documents will not be reviewed and may be discarded. IND OF SECTION 01330 I I I I t I t I I t t I t I I I I I ISUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 0'r 330 - B I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I t I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970476-6342 SECTION 01400 - QUALITY REQUTREMENTS PART 1 - CENEML C. 1.2 A. O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2OQ4 Vail, Colorado 1.1 SUMMARY This Section includes administrative and procedural reguirements for quality assurance and quality control. Testing and inspecting services are required to verify compliance with requirements specified or indicated. These services do not relieve Contractor of responsibiliw for compliance with the Contract Document requirements. 1. Specified tests, inspections, and related actions do not limit Contractorrs other quality- assurance and -control procdures that facilitate compliance with the Contract Document requirements. 2. Requirements for Contractor to provide quality-assurance and -control services required by Architect, Owner, or authorities having jurisdiction are not limited by provisions of this Section. See Divisions 2 through 16 Sections for specific test and inspection requirements. DEFINITIONS Quality-Assurance Services: Activities, actions, and procedures performed before and during execution of the Work to guard against defecs and deficiencies and sub,stantiate that proposed construction will comply with requirements. Quality-Control Services: Tests, inspections, procedures, and related actions during and after execution of the Work to evaluate that actual products incorporated into the Work and completed construction comply with requirements. furvices do not include contract enforcement activiti es performed by Arch itect. Mockup's: Full-size, physical assemblies that are constructed on-site. Mockups are used to verifr selections made under sample submittals, to demonstrate aesthetic effects and, where indicated, qualities of materials and execution, and to review construction, coordination, testing or operation; they are not Samples. Approved mockups establish the standard by which the Work will be judged. B. B. C. D. Field Quality-Control Testing: Tesb and inspections that are performed on-site for installation of the Work and for completed Work. Testing Agency: An entity engaged to perform specific tests, inspections or both. Testing laboratory shall mean the same as testing agenry. QUALITY REQUIREMENTs 01400 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Architecf Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. 1.3 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado 1.4 A. F. Installer/Applicator/Erector: Contractor or another entity engaged by Contractor as an employee, Subcontractor, or Sub-subcontractor/ to perform a particular construction operation, including installation, erection, application, and similar operations. 1. Using a term such as "carpentry''does not imply that accredited or unionized individuals of a corresponding generic name, such as "carpenter", must perform certain construction activities. lt also does not imply that requirements specified apply exclusively to trades people of the corresponding generic name. C. Experienced: When used with an entity, "experienced" means having successfully completed a minimum of five previous projects similar in size and scope to this Project; being familiar with special requirements indicated; and having complied with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. coNFLrcTt Nc REQUTREMENTS Ceneral: lf compliance with two or more standards is specified and the standards establish different or conflicting requirements for minimum quantities or quality levels, comply with the most stringent requirement. Refer uncertainties and requirements that are different, but apparently equal, to Architect for a decision before proceeding. Minimum Quantity or Quality Levels: The quantity or quality level shown or specified shall be the minimum provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly with the minimum quantity or quality specified, or it may exceed the minimum within reasonable limits. To comply with these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or maximum, as appropriate, for the context of requirements. Refer uncertainties to Architect for a decision before proceeding. SUBMITTALS Reports: Prepare and subm-it certified written reports that include the following: 1. Date of issue. 2. Projea iltle and number. 3. Name, address, and telephone number of testing agency. 4. Dates and locations of samples and tests or inspections. 5. Names of individuals making tests and inspections.6. Description of the Work and test and inspection method. 7. ldentification of product and Specification Section.B. Complete test or inspection data. 9. Test and inspection results and an interpretation of test results.10. Record of temperature and weather conditions at time of sample taking and testing and inspecting. 11. Comments or professional opinion on whether tested or inspected Work complies with the Contract Document requirements. 12. Name and signature of laboratory inspector. QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01400 - 2 D. I I I t T I I I I l, I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architecs Vail, Colorado - 970476-6342 1.5 A. B. F. QUALITY REQUIREMENTS O VailCymnasticsFacility May 20(X Vail, Colorado 13. Recofnmendations on retesting and reinspecting. B. Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For Ownerrs records, submit copies of permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, correspondence, records, and similar documents, established for compliance with standards and regulations bearing on performance of the Work. QUALITY ASSUMNCE Ceneral: Qualifications paragraphs in this Article establish the minimum qualification levels required; individual Specification Sections specify additional requirements. Installer Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in installing erecting or assembling work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project, whose work has resu lted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing products or systems similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance, as well as sufficient production capacity to produce required units. Fabricator Qualifications: A firm experienced in producing products similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance, as well. as sufficient production capacity to produce required units. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineering services are defined as those performed for installations of the system, assembly, or product that are similar to those indicated for this Project in material, design, and extent. Testing Agency Qualifications: An NRT[, an NVLAF, or an independent agency with the experience and capability to conduct testing and inspecting indicated, as documented according to ASTM E 548; and with additional qualifications specified in individual Sections; and where required by authorities having jurisdiction, that is acceptable to authorities. 1. NRTL: A nationally recognized testing laboratory according to 29 CFR 1910.7. 2. NVLAP: A testing agency accredited according to NISTs National Voluntary Laboratory Accred itation Program. Factory-Authorized Service Representative Qualifications: An authorized representative of manufacturer who is trained and approved by manufacturer to inspect installation of manufacture/s products that are similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project. Mockup: Before installing poftions of thb Work requiring mockups, build mockup for each form of construction and finish required to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for the completed Work: 01400 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Architee Vail, Colorado 97U476-6342 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I B. C. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 20O4 Vail, Colorado indicated, as directed by 1.6 A. 1. Build mockups in location and of size indicated or, if not Architect. 2. Notify Architect seven days in advance of dates and times when mockups will be constructed. 3. Demonstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship. 4. Obtain Architect's approval of mockups before starting work, fabrication or construction. 5. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed Work. 6. Demolish and remove mockups when directed, unless otherwise indicated. QUALTW CONTROL Owner Responsibilities: Where quality-control services are indicated as Owner's responsibility, Owner will engage a qualified testing agency to perform these services. 1. Owner will furnish Contractor with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of testing agencies engaged and a description of types of testing and inspecting they are engaged to perform. 2. Costs for retesting and reinspecting construction that replaces or is necessitated by work that failed to comply with the Contract Documents will be charged to Contractor, and the Contract Sum will be adjusted by Change Order. Tests and inspections not explicitly assigned to Owner are Contracto/s responsibility. Unless otherwise indicated, provide quality-control services specified and those required by authorities having jurisdiction. Perform quality-control services required of Contractor by authorities having jurisdiction, whether specified or not. 1. Where services are indicated as Contractor's responsibility, engate a qualified testing agency to perform these quality-control services. a. Contractor shall not employ same entity engaged by Owner, unless agreed to in writing by Owner. 2. Notifu testing agencies at least 24 hours in advance of time when Work that requires testing or inspecting will be performed. 3. Where quality-control services are indicated as Contractor's responsibility, submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each quality-control service.4. Testing and inspecting requested by Contractor and not required by the Contract Documents are Contractor's responsibility. 5. Submit additional copies of each written report directly to authorities having jurisdiction, when they so direct. Manufacturer's Field Services: Where indicated, engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect field-assembled components and equipment installation, including service connections, Report results in writing as specified in Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures." QUALTry REQUTREMENTS 01400 - 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. t I I I I I I I t l: I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970476-6342 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS D. Retesting/Reinspecting: Regardless of whether original tests or inspections were Contractorrs responsibiliry provide quality-control services, including retesting and reinspecting, for construction that replaced Work that failed to comply with the Contract Documents. E. Testing Agency Responsibilities: Cooperate with Architect and Contractor in performance of duties. Provide qualified personnel to perform required tests and inspections. 1. Notiff Architect and Contractor promptly of irregularities or deficiencies observed in the Work during performance of its services. 2. Determine the location from which test samples will be taken and in which in-situ tests are conducted. 3. Conduct and interpret tests and inspections and state in each report whether tested and inspected work complies with or deviates {rom requirements. 4. Submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each test, inspection, and similar quality-control service through Contractor. 5. Do not release, revoke, alter, or increase the Contract Document requirements or approve or accept any portion of the Work. 6. Do not perform any duties of Contractor. F, Associated Services: Cooperate with agencies performing required tests, inspections and similar quality-control services, and provide reasonable auxiliary services as requested. Notify agenry sufficiently in advance of operations to permit assignment of personnel. Provide the following: Access to the Work. Incidental labor and facilities necessary to facilitate tests and inspections. Adequate quantities of representative samples of materials that require testing and inspecting. Assist agency in obtaining samples. Facilities for storage and field curing of test samples. Delivery of samples to testing agencies. Preliminary design mix proposed for use for material mixes that require control by testing agency. 7. Security and protection for samples and for testing and inspecting eguipment at Project site. C. Coordination: Coordinate sequence of activities to accommodate required quality- assurance and -control services with a minimum of delay and to avoid necessity of removing and replacing construction to accommodate testing and inspecting. '1. Schedule times for tests, inspections, obtaining samples and similar activities. O Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 01400 - 5 Fritzlen Pierce Arch itecO Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I I I I I I t t t I I I I I I I I I 3.1 REPAIR AND PROTECTION A. Ceneral: On completion of testing, inspecting, sample taking and similar services, repair damaged construction and restore substrates and finishes. 1 . Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Specification Sections. Restore patched areas and extend restoration into adjoining areas with durable seams that are as invisible as possible. 2- Comply with the Contract Document requirements for Division 1 Section "Ctrtting and Patching.', B. Protect construction exposed by or for quality-control service activities. C. Repair and protection are Contractorrs responsibility, regardless of the asgignment of responsibility for q uality-control services. END OF SECTION 014OO QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01400 - 6 I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 SECTION 0142O - REFERENCES PART 1 - CENERAL F. O VailCymnasticsFacilty May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado 1.1I I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I A. B. DEFINITIONS Ceneral: Basic Contract definitions are included in the Conditions of the Contract. 'Approved": When used to convey Architectb action on Contractor,s submittals, applications, and requests, "approved" is limited to Architect's duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contract. "Directed": A command or instruction by Architect. Other terms including ,,requested,,, "authorized," "selectedr" "approved," "required," and "permitted" have the same meaning as "directed." "lndicated": Reguirements expressed by graphic representations or in written form on Drawings, in Specifications, and in other Contract Documents. Other terms including "shown," "noted," "scheduled," and "specified" have the same meaning as "indicated." "Regulations": Laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdiction, and rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the Work. "Furnish": Supply and deliver to Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation and similar operations. "lnstall": Operations at Project site including unloading temporarily storing unpacking assembling erectin& placing, anchoring applying working to dimension, finishing curing protecting, cleaning and similar operations. "Provide": Furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended use. "lnstaller": Contractor or another entity engaged by Contractor as an employee, Subcontractor, or Sub-subcontractor, to perform a particular construction operation, including installation, erection, application, and similar operations. 1. Using a term such as "carpentry'' does not imply qhat accredited or unionized individuals of a corresponding generic name, such as "carpenter", must perform certain construction activities. lt also does not imply that requirements specified apply exclusively to trades-people of the corresponding generic name. "Experienced": When used with an entity, "experiencedu means having successfully completed a minimum of five previous projects similar in size and scope to this Project; being familiar with special requirements indicated; and having complied with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. D. H. t. REFERENCES o'1420 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Architecf Vail. Colorado gto-qzo-oyz K. "Project Site": Space available site is shown on Drawings and on which Project is to be built. Vail Cymnastics Facilty May2OO4 Vail, Colorado for performing construction activities. The extent of Project may or may not be identical with the description of the land I I 1.2 INDUSTRY STANDARDS A. Applicability of Standards: Unless the Contract Documents include more stringent requirements, applicable construction industry standards have the same force and effect as if bound or copied directly into the Contract Documenb to the extent referenced. Such standards are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference. B. Publication Dates: Comply with standards in effect as of date of the Contract Documents, unless otherwise indicated. C. Conflicting Requirements: lf compliance with two or more standards is specified and the standards establish different or conflicting requirements for minimum quantities or quality levels, comply with the most stringent requirement. Refer uncertainties and requirements that are different, but apparently equal, to Architect for a decision before proceeding. 1. Minimum Quantity or Quality Levels: The quantity or quality level shown or specified shall be the minimum provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly with the minimum quantity or guality specified, or it may exceed the minimum within reasonable limits. To comply with these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or maximum, as appropriate, for the context of requirements. Refer uncertainties to Architect for a decision before proceeding. D. Copies of Standards: Each entity engaged in construction on Project must be familiar with industry standards applicable to its construction activity. Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. 1. Where copies of standards are needed to perform a required construction activity, obtain copies directly from publication source and make them available on request. E. Abbreviations and Acronyms for Standards and Regulations: Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in Specifications or other Contract Documents, they shall mean the recognized name of the standards and regulations in the following list. ADMC Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) I I I t I I I I I I I I I Code of Federal Regulations Handbook for Concrete and Cement Department of Defense Specifications and Standards FED-STD FederalStandard (See FS) CFR CRD DOD I I I IREFERENCES01420.2 T I t I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facilty May 2004 Vail, Colorado FS Federal Specification FTMS Federal Test Method Standard (See FS) MILSPEC Military Specification and Standards UFAS Uniform Federal Accessibiliw Standards 1.3 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A. lndustry Organizations: Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in Specifications or other Contract Documents, they shall mean the recognized name of the entities indicated in Cale Research's "Encyclopedia of Associations" or in Columbia Books' "National Trade & Professional fusociations of the U,S." B. lndustry Organizations: Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in Specifications or other Contract Documents, they shall mean the recognized name of the entities in the following list. AA Aluminum fusociation, lnc. (The) AMDM American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers MBC Associated Air Balance Council AAMA AmericanArchitecturalManufacturersfusociation AAN American Association of Nurserymen (See AN[A) AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials MTCC American Association of Textile Chemiss and Colorists (The) ABMA AmericanBearingManufacturersfusociation ACI American Concrete Institute/ACl International ACPA American Concrete Pipe Association AEIC Association of Edison llluminating Companies, tnc. (The) AFPA American Forest & Paper Association (See AF&PA) AF&PA American Forest & Paper Association ACA American Cas Association REFERENCES 01420 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Archite Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 ACC AHA AHAM Vail Cymnastics Facilty May 2004 Vail, Colorado 01420 - 4 I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I AI AIA tusociated Ceneral Contractors of America CIhe) American Hardboard Association fusociation of Home Appliance Manufacturers Asphalt Institute American Institute of Architects (The) American Institute of Steel Construction American lron and Steel Institute American Institute of Timber Construction fusociated Landscape Contractors of America American Lumber Standard Committee Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc. American Nursery & Landscape fusociation (Formerly: AAN - American Association of Nurserymen) American National Standards Institute tusociation of Official Seed Analpts APA - The Engineered Wood tusociation Architectural Precast Association American Petroleum Institute Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Institute Architectural Spray Coaters Association American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers ASME International (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers lnternational) AISC AISI AITC ALCA ALSC AMCA ANLA ANSI AOSA APA APA API ARI ASCA ASCE ASHRAE ASME REFERENCES I 97U476-6342 I ASSE American Society of Sanitary Engineering I ASTM ASTM InternationalI (American Society for Testing and Materials lnternational) I AWcl AWCilnternationalf (Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industries lnternational) May 2004 Vail, Colorado I AWCMA American Window Covering Manufacturers Association (See WCMA) AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute r AWPA American Wood-Preservers'Association I AWS American Welding Sociery - AWWA American Water Work Association r BHMA Builders Hardware Manufacturers fusociation I BIA Brick Industry tusociation (The) I BIFMA BIFMA International I (Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer's fusociation International) - CCC Carpet Cushion Council I CCFSS Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures I CDA Copper DevelopmentAssociation Inc. r CEA Canadian Electricity Asociation r CFFA Chemical Fabrics & Film Association, lnc. I CGA Compressed Cas Association r CCSB Canadian Ceneral Standards Board r CMA Cellulose lnsulation Manufacturers fusociation t CFCA Ceilings & Interior S;atems Construction tusociation r CISPI Cast lron Soil Pipe Institute I CLFMI Chain Link Fence Manufacturers lnstitute I t i:r'e,'J:J:Architects I REFERENCES O VailCymnasticsFacilty 01420 - 5 Fritzlen Pierce Archite{ Vail. Colorado 970-476-6342 CPPA Conugated Polyethylene Pipe tusociation Vail Cymnastics Facilty May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CRI CRSI CSA csl CSSB Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau CTI Cooling Technology Institute Carpet & Rug lnstitute (The) Concrete Reinforcing Steel lnstitute CSA International (Formerly: IAS - lnternational Approval Services) Construction Specifications Institute (The) DHI EIA EIMA EJMA FCl FCMA FM FMG (Formerly: Cooling Tower Institute) Door and Hardware lnstitute Electronic lndustries Alliance EIFS Industry Members Association Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc. Fluid Controls Institute Flat Glass Marketing tusociation (See CANA) Factory Mutual System (See FMC) FM Clobal (Formerly: FM - Factory Mutual System) Forest Stewardship Council Cypsum Association Class Association of North America (Formerly: FCMA - Flat Class Marketing Association) Ceosynthetic Research Institute Class Tempering Division of Class Association of North America (See CAM) Hydraulic lnstitute FSC CA GANA CRI CTA HI REFERINCES 01420 - 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects O Vailcymnastics Faci\ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 HI HMMA HPVA HPW tAs ICEA ICRI IEC IEEE IESNA ICCC ICMA tLl ISSFA r3A tTs rws KCMA LMA LPI LSCA MBMA MFMA May2OO4 Vail, Colorado Hydronics lnstitute Hollow Metal Manufacturers fusociation (See NMMM) Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Association H. P. White Laboratory Inc. lnternational Approval Services (See CSA) Insulated Cable Engineers fusociation, Inc. International Concrete Repair Institute, Inc. International Electrotechnical Commission lnstitute of tlectrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (The) llluminating Engineering Society of North America lnsulating Class Certification Council Insulating Class Manufacturers Alliance Ohe) lndiana Limestone lnstitute of America, Inc. lnternational Solid Surface Fabricators Association International lmaging lndustry Association (Formerly: PIMA - Photographic & lmaging Manufacturers fusociation) {ntertek Testing Services Insect Screening Wearrers Association (Now defunct) Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association Lam inating Materials Association (Formerly: ALA - American Laminators fusociation) Lightning Protection Institute Laminated Safety Class Association (See CANA) Metal Build ing Manufacturers fusociation Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association REFERENCES o't420 - 7 Fritzlen Pierce nrchitecf Vail. Colorado 970,476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facilty May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I MFMA MHIA MIA MUSFA MPI MS5 NAAMM NMMM NACE NAIMA NAMI NBCQA NCMA NCPI NCTA NEBB NECA NeLMA NEMA NETA NFPA NFRC Metal Framing Manufacturers fusociation Material Handling Industry of America Marble Institute of America Metal Lath/Steel Framing Association (See SSMA) Master Painters Institute Manufacturers Standardization Society of The Valve and Fittings Industry lnc. National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers North American Association of Mirror Manufacturers (See CANA) NACE International (National Association of Corrosion Engineers lnternational) North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (The) National Accreditation and Management Institute, Inc. National Building Cranite Quarries Association, lnc. National Concrete Masonry Association National Clay Pipe Institute National Cable & Telecommunications fusociation National Environmental Balancing Bureau National Electrical Contractors Association Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers' fusociation National Electrical Manufacturers fusociation InterNational Electrical Testing fusociation National Fire Protection Association National Fenestration Rating Council REFERENCES 01420 - I I Yir'e,:,T:Architects Vail Gymnastics Facilty May2W4 Vail, Colorado- 970-476-6342 r NCA National Class Association t NHLA National Hardwood LumberAssociation I NLGA National Lumber Crades Authority I NOFMA National Oak Flooring Manufacturers Association I NRCA National Roofing Contractors tusociation I NRMCA National Ready Mixed Concrete tusociation I NSA National Stone Association (See NSSCA) I NSF N,tlll:ffi:il1.,:n Foundation Internationar) I NSSCA National Stone, Sand & Cravel Association (Formerly: NSA - National Stone Association) I NTMA National Terrazzoand Mosaic tusociation, lnc. r NWWDA National Wood Window and Door tusociation (See WDMA) r PCI PrecasVPrestressed Concrete Institute I PDCA Paintingand Decorating Contractors of America - PDI Plumbing & Drainage Institute r PCI PVC Ceomembrane Institute I RCSC Research Council on Structural Connections r RFCI Resilient Floor Covering Institute r RIS Redwood Inspection Service I sAE sA[ lnternational r SDI Steel Deck lnstitute Ir SDI Steel Door Institute I SEFA Scientific Equipment and Furniture Association - SGCC Safety Clazing Ceftification Council I I REFEREN.E'01420 - 9 F ri tzlen Pierce ArchitectlO Vail. Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facilty May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I SICMA SJI SMA SMACNA SPFA Sealed Insulating Class Manufacturers fusociation (See ICMA) Steel Joist Institute Screen Manufacturers fusociation Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National fusociation Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (Formerly: SPI/SPFD - The Society of the Plastics lndustry, lnc.; Spray Polyurethane Foam Division) Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (The) Society of the Plastics Industry (The) Spray Polyurethane Foam Division (See SPFA) SPRI (Single Ply Roofing lnstitute) Specialty Steel Industry of North America Steel Stud Manufacturers Association (Formerly: MVSFA - Metal Lath/Steel Framing Association) SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings Steel Tank Institute Steel Window Institute Sealang Waterproofing, and Restoration Institute Tile Council of America, Inc. Telecommunications Industry Association/Electronic Industries Alliance Truss Plate Institute Turfgrass Prod ucers lnternational Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association United States Institute for Theatre Technology, lnc. SPIB SPI/SPFD SPRI SSINA SSMA SSPC sTl swl SWRI TCA TI//EIA TPI TPI UL UNI USITT REFERENCES 01420 - 10 I i:f'e,:,"J:Architects t e7u476-6342 O VailCymnasticsFacilty May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado I WASTEC Waste Equipment Technology Association I WCLIB West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau I WCMA Window Covering Manufacrurers Associarion (See WCSC) I WCSC Window Covering Safety Council I (Formerly: WCMA - Window Covering Manufacturers Association) I WDMA Window & Door Manufacturers fusociation t (Formerly: NWWDA - National Wood Window and Door Association) I WIC Woodwork Institute of California r WMMPA Wood Moulding & Millwork producers tusociation I WWPA Western Wood products Association I C. Code Agencies: Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in Specifications or other - Contract Documents, they shall mean the recognized name of the entities in the following list. ' BOCA BOCA International, Inc. I CABO Council of American Building Officials (See tCC) I IAPMO International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (The) I ICBO International Conference of Building Officials I ICC lnternational Code Council, Inc. (Formerly: CABO - Council of American Building Officials) I SBCCI Southern Building Code Congress lnternational, lnc. r D. Federal Covernment Agencies: Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in r Specifications or other Contract Documents, they shall mean the recognized name of the I entities in the followins list- cF Army Corps of EngineersIt CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission I I REFERENCES 01420 - 11 Fritzlen Pierce ArchitecO Vail, Colorado Vail Gymnastics Facilty May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I 970-476-6342 DOC EPA FAA Department of Commerce Environmental Protection Agenry Federal Aviation Administration Food and Drug Administration Ceneral Services Adm in istration Department of Housing and Urban Development Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (See LBNL) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory National Cooperative Highway Research Program (See TRB) National lnstitute of Standards and Technology Occupational Safety & Heahh Administration Public Building Service (See CSA) Rural Utilities Service (See USDA) Transportation Research Board Department of Agriculture Postal Service FDA CSA HUD LBL LBNL NCHRP NIST OSHA PBS RUS TRB USDA USPS E' State Covernment Agencies: Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in Specifications' or other Contract Documents, they shall mean the recognized name of the entities in the following list. CAPUC (See CPUC) CBHF State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation CPUC California Public Utilities Commission TFS Texas Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory REFERENCES 01420 - 12 I !['EltJ:5:o'.n** O O vaircrmnasticsrffi - 97G476-6342 Vail, Colorado r PART 2 - pRoDUcIS (Not Used) I pART 3 - EXECUTIoN (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01420I I t t t I I I I I I I I t I I REFERENCES 01420 - 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 O VailCymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail Colorado SECTION 015OO - TEMPOMRY FAC]LITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1 - CENIML 1.1 SUMMARY A' This Section includes requirements for temporary facilities and controls, including temporary utilities, support facilities and security and protection facilities. B. See Division 1 Section "Summary of Multiple Contracts" for division of responsibilities for temporary facilities and controls. C. See Division 1 Section "Execution Requirements" for progress cleaning requirements. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Permanent Enclosure: As determined by Architect, permanent or temporary roofing is complete, insulated, and weathertight; exterior walls are insulated and weathertighq anJall openings are closed with permanent construction or substantial temporary closures. 1.3 USE CHARCES A' Ceneral: Cost or use charges for temporary facilities are not chargeable to Owner or Architect and shall be included in the Contract Sum. Allow other entities to use temporary services and facilities without cost, including but not limited to, Owne/s construction forces, occupants of Project, Architect, testing and inspecting agencies and personnel of authorities having jurisd iction. B. Water Service: Contractor to provide temporary service. C. Electric Power Service: Contractor to provide temporary service. 1.4 QUALITYASSUMNCE A' Standards: Comply with ANSI A10.6, NECA's "Temporary Electrical Facilities," and NFPA 241. 1. Electric Service: Comply with NECA, NEMA and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric seryice. Install service to comply with NFPA 20. B. Tests and Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to test and inspect each temporary util'rty before use. Obtain required certifications and permits. TEMPOMRY FACIL]TIES AND CONTROLS 01s00 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Architeda Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Conditions of Use: The following conditions apply to facilities by all parties engaged in the Work: Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail Colorado I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I 2.1 use of temporary services and 1. Keep tem porary services and facilities clean and neat. 2. Relocate temporary services and facilities as required by progress of the Work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS Ceneral: Provide new materials. Undamaged, previously used materials in serviceable condition may be used if approved by Architect. Provide materials suitable for use intended. Pavement: Comply with Division 2 pavement Sections. Portable Chain-Link Fencing: Minimum 2-inch 9-gage, galvanized steel, chain-link fabric fencing; minimum 6 feet high with galvanized steel pipe posts; minimum 2-3l8-inch- OD line posts and 2-28-inch- OD corner and pull pos$, with 1-5l8-inch- OD top and bottom rails. Provide concrete or galvanized steel bases for supporting posts. Lumber and Plywood: Comply with requirements in Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry." Cypsum Board: ASTMC36, minimum 112 inch thick by 48 inches wide by maximum available lenghs; regular-type panels with tapered edges. Insulation: Unfaced mineral-fiber blankeg manufactured from glass, slag wool, or rock wool; with maximum flame-spread and smoke-developed indices of 25 and 50, respectively. Tarpaulins: Fire-resistive labeled with flame-spread rating of 15 or less. Water: Potable. B. c. D. E. F. C. H. 2.2 A. B. EQUIPMENT Field Offices: Mobile units with lockable entrances, operable windows, and serviceable finishes; heated and air conditioned; on foundations adequate for normal loading. Fire Extinguishers: Hand carried, portable, UL rated. Provide class and extinguishing agent as indicated or a combination of extinguishers of NFPA-recommended classes for exposures. TEMPOMRY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01500 - 2 t t I I I I T Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 I t I I t I t I I I t 3.1 B. 3.2 I O VailCymnasticsFacitity May 2O&t Vail Colorado 1. Comply with NFPA 10 and NFPA 241 for classification, extinguishing agent, and size required by location and class of fire exposure. C. Self-Contained Toilet Units: Single-occupant units of chemical, aerated recirculation, or combustion type; vented; fully enclosed with a glass-fiber-reinforced polyester shell or similar nonabsorbent material. D. Drinking-Water Fixtures: IDrinking-water fountainsl [Containerized, tap-dispenser, bottled- water, drinking-water unitsl, including paper cup supply. 'l . Where power is accessible, provide electric water coolers to maintain dispensed water temperature at 45 to 55 deg F. E. Heating Equipment: Unless Owner authorizes use of permanent heating system; provide vented, self-contained, liquid-propane-gas or fuel-oil heaters with individual space thermostatic control. 1. Use of gasoline-burning space heaters, open-flame heaters or salamander-type heating units is prohibited. 2. Heating Units: Listed and labeled, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use for type of fuel being consumed. F. Electrical Outlets: Properly configured, NEMA-polarized outlets to prevent insertion of 1 10- to 120-V plugs into higher-voltage outlets; equipped with ground-fault circuit interrupters, reset button, and pilot light. C. Power Distribution System Circuits: Where permitted and overhead and exposed for surveillance, wiring circuits, not exceeding 125-V ac,2O-A rating, and lighting circuits may be nonmetallic sheathed cable. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION, CENERAL Locate facilities where they will serve Project adequately and result in minimum interference with performance of the Work. Relocate and modify facilities as required. Provide each facilfty ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Maintain and modify as required. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed permanent facilities. SUPPORT FACILITI ES I NSTALLATION Ceneral: Comply with the following: TEMPOMRY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01500 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Architefl Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 1. Vail Cymnastics Facility I I I I I t I I I T I t I I I May 2004 Vail Colorado Locate field offices, storage sheds, sanitary facilities and other temporary construction and support facilities for easy access. 2. Provide incombustible construction for offices, shops and sheds located within construction area or within 30 feet of buiHing lines. Comply with NFPA 241. 3. Maintain support facilities until near Substantial Completion. Remove before Substantial Completion. Personnel remaining after Substantial Completion will be permitted to use permanent facilities, under conditions acceptable to Owner. B. Project ldentification and Temporary Signs: Prepare Project identification and other signs in sizes indicated. Install signs where indicated to inform public and persons seeking entrance to Project. Do not permit installation of unauthorized signs. 1. Engage a'n experienced sign painter to apply graphics for Project identification signs. Comply with details indicated. 2. Prepare temporary signs to provide directional information to construction personnel and visitors. C. Waste Disposal Facilities: Provide waste-collection containers in sizes adequate to handle waste from construction operations. Containerize and clearly label hazardous, dangbrous or unsanitary waste materials separately from other waste. Comply with Division 1 Section "Execution Requirements " for progress.cleaning requirements. 1. lf required by authorities having jurisdiction, provide separate containers, clearly labeled, for each type of waste material to be deposited. 2. Develop a waste management plan for Work performed on Project. Indicate types of waste materials Project will produce and estimate quantities of each type. Provide detailed information for on-site waste storage and separation of recyclable materials. Provide information on destination of each type of waste material and means to be used to dispose of all waste materials. D. Common-Use Field Office: Provide an insulated, weathertigh! heated and air-conditioned field office for use as a common facility by all personnel engaged in construction activities; of sufficient size to accommodate required office personnel and meetings of 10 persons at Project site. Keep office clean and orderly. 1- Furnish and equip offices as follows: a. Desk and four chairs, four-drawer file cabinet, a plan table, a plan rack, and bookcase. b. Provide a room of not less than 240 sq. ft. for Project meetings. Furnish room with conference table, 12 folding chairs, and 4-foot- square tack board.2. Provide an electric heater with thermostat capable of maintaining a uniform indoor temperature of 68 deg F. 3. Provide fluorescent light fixtures capable of maintaining averate illumination of 2O fc at desk height. Provide 110- to 120-V duplex outlets spaced at not more than 12- foot intervals, 1 per wall in each room. I T I ITEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01500 - 4 I I I I t I I I I I t I I I t I I I I SECURIry AND PROTECI-ION FACILITIES INSTALLATION Environmental Protection: Provide protection/ operate temporary facilities, and conduct construction in ways and by methods that comply with environmental regulations and that minimize possible air, waterway, and subsoil contamination or pollution or other undesirable effects. Avoid using tools and equipment that produce harmful noise. Restrict use of noisemaking tools and equipment to hours that will minimize complaints from persons or firms near Project site. B. Stormwater Control: Provide eafthen embankments and similar barriers in and around excavations and subgrade construction, sufficient to prevent flooding by runoff of stormwater from heavy rains. Tree and Plant Protection: Install temporary fencing located as indicated or outside the drip line of trees to protect vegetation from construction damage. Protect tree root systems from damage, flooding and erdsion. Site Enclosure Fence: Before construction operations begin, install enclosure fence with lockable entrance gates. Locate where indicated, or enclose entire Project site or portion determined sufficient to accommodate construction operations. Install in a manner that will prevent people, dogs, and other animals from easily entering site except by entrance gates. 1. Set portable chain-link fence posts in concrete bases. 2. Provide gates in sizes and at locations necessary to accommodate delivery vehicles and other construction operations. 3. Maintain security by limiting number of keys and restricting distribution to authorized personnel. Provide Owner with one set of kep. Security Enclosure and Lockup: Install substantial temporary enclosure around partially completed areas of construction. Provide lockable entrances to prevent unauthorized entrance, vandalism, theft and similar violations of security. D. O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail Colorado E. Lifu and Hoists: Provide facilities for hoisting materials and personnel. Truck cranes and similar devices used for hoisting materials are considered "tools and equipment'' and not temporary facilities. F. Temporary Stairs: Until permanent stairs are available, provide temporary stairs where ladders are not adequate. Cover finished, permanent stairs with protective covering of plywood or similar material so finishes will be undamaged at time of acceptance. C. Existing Stair Usage: Use of Owner's existing stairs will be permitted, as long as stairs are cleaned and maintained in a condition acceptable to Owner. At Substantial Completion, restore stairs to condition existing before initial use. 1. Provide protective coverings, barriers, devices, signs or other procedures to protect stairs and to maintain means of egress. lf, despite such protection, stairs become damaged, restore damaged areas so no evidence remains of correction work. 3.3 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01500 - 5 lrruren r,"rc" r.rcn,tufl Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 F. Barricades, Warning Signs and Lights: Comply with standards and code requirements for erecting structurally adequate barricades. Paint with appropriate colors, graphics and warning signs to inform personnel and public of possible hazard. Where appropriate and needed, provide lighting including flashing red or amber lights. G. Temporary Enclosures: Provide temporary enclosures for protection of construction, in progress and completed, from exposure, foul weather, other construction operations and similar activities. Provide temporary weathertight enclosure for building exterior. 1. Where heating or cooling is needed and permanent enclosure is not complete, provide insulated temporary enclosures. Coordinate enclosure with ventilating and material drying or curing requirements to avoid dangerous conditions and effects. 2. Vertical Openings: Close openings of z5 sq. ft. or less with plywood or similar materials. 3. Horizontal Openings: Close opening in floor or roof decks and horizontal surfaces with load-bearing wood-framed construction. 4. Install tarpaulins securely using fire-retardant-treated wood framing and other materials. H. Temporary Partitions: Erect and maintain dustproof partitions and temporary enclosures to limit dust and dirt migration and to separate areas from fumes and noise.1. Construct dustproof, floor-to-ceiling partitions of not less than nominal 4-inch studs, 2 layers of 3-mil polyethylene sheets, inside and outside temporary enclosure. Cover floor with 2 layers of 3-mil polyethylene sheets, extending sheets 18 inches up the sidewalls. Overlap and tape full length of joints. Cover floor with 3/4-inch fire- retardant plywood. 2. Insulate partitions to provide noise protection to occupied areas.3. Seal joints and perimeter. Equip partitions with dustproof doors and security locks. 4. Protectair-handlingequipment. 5. Weatherstripopenings. l. Temporary Fire Protection: Until fire-protection needs are supplied by permanent facilities, install and maintain temporary fire-protection facilities of types needed to protect against reasonably predictable and controllable fire losses. Comply with NFPA 241. '1. Provide fire extinguishers, installed on walls on mounting brackets, visible and accessible from space being served, with sign mounted above. a. Locate fire extinguishers where convenient and effective for their intended purpose; provide not less than one eKinguisher on each floor at or near each usable stairwell. 2. Store combustible materials in containers in fire-safe locations.3. Maintain unobstructed access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, temporary fire- protection facilities, stairways, and other access routes for firefighting. Piohibit smoking in hazardous fire-exposure areas. I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OQ4 Vail Colorado TEMPOMRY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01s00 - 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 O VailCymnasticsFacility 4. 5. May 20O4 Vail Colorado Supervise welding operations, combustion-type temporary heating units, and similar sources of fire ignition. Develop and supervise an overall fire-prevention and first-aid fire-protection program for personnel at Project site. Review needs with local fire department and establish procedures to be followed. Instruct personnel in methods and procedures. Post warnings and information. Provide hoses for fire protection of sufficient length to reach construction areas. Hang hoses with a warning sign stating that hoses are for fire-protection purposes only and are not to be removed. Match hose size with outlet size and equip with suitable nozzles. 6. 3.4 OPERATION, TERMINATION, AND REMOVAL A. Supervision: Enforce strict discipline in use of temporary facilities. To minimize waste and abuse, limit availability of temporary facilities to essential and intended uses. B. Maintenance: Maintain facilities in good operating condition until removal. Protect from damage caused by freezing temperatures and similar elements. 1. Maintain operation of temporary enclosures, heating cooling humidity control, ventilation, and similar facilities on a 24-hour basis where required to achieve indicated results and to avoid possibility of damage.2. Prevent water-filled piping from freezing. Maintain markers for underground lines. Protect from damage during excavation operations. C. Termination and Removal: Remove each temporary facility when need for its service has ended, when it has been replaced by authorized use of a permanent facility, or no later than Substantial Completion. Complete or, if necessary/ restore permanent construction that may have been delayed because of interference with temporary facility. Repair damaged Work, clean exposed surfaces, and replace construction that cannot be satisfactorily repaired. 1. Materials and facilities that constitute temporary facilities are the property of Contractor. Owner reseryes right to take possession of Project identification signs.2. At Substantial Completion, clean and renovate permanent facilities used during construction period. Comply with final cleaning requirements in Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures." END OF SECTION 015OO TEMPOMRY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01s00 - 7 Y Technobgy SUBSTITUTION . REQUEST After tbe Project:Substitution Request Number: From: To: A.tE Project Number: Contract For: Specification Title:Description: Page:Article./Paragraph: Proposed Substitution: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Manufacftrer: Trade Name: Installer: Address: Model No.: Phone: History: I New product | 2-5 years old E j-10 ]rs old ft More than l0 years old Difrerences between proposed substitution and specified product: I Point-by-point comparative dala attached - REQUIRED By A/E Reason for not providing specified item: Similar Installation: Project: Address: Archite*: Owner: Date Installed: Proposed substitution afects other parts of Work:D No E Yes; exptain Savings to Owner for accepting zubstitution:($ Proposed substitution changes Contract Timc D no D Yes [AddJ [Deductl days. Supporting Data Attached: I Orawings I Product Data ! Samples flReports tr Pagp of I fests Copynght 1996, Conslruction Sp€cification hstitute, 601 Madison Slre€t, Al€r<andria, VA 2231+1791 September 1996 CSI Form l3.lA SUBSTITUTION REQUEST (Continued) The Undersigned certifies:r Proposed substitution has been fully investigated and determined to be equal or superior in all respecls 10 specified product.. Same waranty lvill be fumished for proposed substitution as fol specified product.o Same maintenance service and source ofreplacement parts, as applicablg is available.. Proposed subslitution will have no adverse effect on other trad€s and will not affect or delay progress schedule.. Cost data as stated above is complele. Claims for additional costs related to accepted substitution which may subsequortly become . ;Tl"*TJ:,,Tillll1r*, **r dimensions and tuncrionar crearances. I. Payment will be made for changes to building desigrl including A,/E design, detailing, and construction costs caused by the I substitution.r Coordination, installatig!, and changes in the Work as necessary for accepted substitution will be complete in all respects. I I I I I I Submitted by: Signed by: Firm: Address: Telephone: Attachments: I I I A/E s REVIEW AND ACTION Substitution approved - Make submittals in accordance with Specification Section 01330. substilution approved as noted - Make submittals in accordance with Specification Section 01330. Substiffiion rejected - Use specified materials. Substitution Request received too late - Use specilied materials. Signed by: I I Additional Commsnts:I contractor I Subcontactor I Supplier E Manufacturer tr arc tr I I t I I Copyright 1996, Constnction Specifrcation Institul€, 601 Madison Streer, AJexandria VA 2231+1791 Septemb€r 1996 CSI Forn 13.lA t t Page of B. C. B. D. 1.1 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail. Colorado 970-476-6342 SECTION 01600 - PRODUCI REQUTREMENTS PART 1 - CENERAL 't.2 A. O Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado SUMMARY This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for selecting products for use in Project; product delivery, storage, and handling; manufacturers' standard warranties on products; special warranties; product substitutions; and comparable products. See Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures" for submitting warranties for contract closeout. See Divisions2 through 16 Sections for specific requirements for warranties on products and installations specified to be warranted. DEFINITIONS Products: ltems purchased for incorporating into the Work, whether purchased for Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term "product" includes the terms "material," "equipment," "system," and terms of similar intent. 1. Named Products: ltems identified by manufacturer's product name, including make or model number or other designation, shown or listed in manufacturer's published product literature, that is current as of date of the Contract Documents. 2. New Products: ltems that have not previously been incorporated into another project or facility. Products salvaged or recycled from other projects are not considered new products. 3. Comparable Product: Product that is demonstrated and approved through submittal process, or where indicated as a product substitution, to have the indicated qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics that equal or exceed those of specified product. Sub,stitutions: Changes in products, materials, equipment, and methods of construction from those required by the Contract Documents and proposed by Contractor. Basis-of-Design Product Specification: Where a specific manufacturer's product is named and accompanied by the words "basis of design," including make or model number or other designation, to establish the significant qualities related to type, function, dimension, in- service performance, physical properties, appearance/ and other characteristics for purposes of evaluating comparable products of other named manufacturers. Manufacturer's Warranty: Preprinted written warranty published by individual manufacturer for a particular product and specifically endorsed by manufacturer to Owner. PRODUCI REQUIREMENTS 01600 - 1 Frrtzren P,"rce nrcn,te{ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 E. Special Warranty: Written warranty required Documents, either to extend time limit provided more rights for Owner. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado by or incorporated into the Contract by manufacture/s warranty or to provide SUBMITTALS Substitution Requests: Submit three copies of each request for consideration. ldentifo product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced. Include Specification Section number and title and Drawing numbers and titles. 1. Substitution Request Form: Use contractor's standard form. 2. Documentation: Show compliance with requirements for substitutions and the following as applicable: a. Statement indicating why specified material or product cannot be provided. b. Coordination information, including a list of changes or modifications needed to other parts of the Work and to construction performed by Owner and separate contractors that will be necessary to accommodate proposed substitution. c. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed substitution with those of the Work specified. Significant qualities may include aftributes such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect, and specific features and requirements indicated. d. Product Data, including drawings and descriptions of products and fabrication and installation proced ures. e. Samples, where applicable or requested. f. List of similar installations for completed projects with project names and addresses and names and addresses of architects and owners. g. Material test reports from a qualified testing agency indicating and interpreting test results for compliance with requirements indicated. h. Research/evaluation reports evidencing compliance with building code in effect for ProjeA, from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. i. Detailed comparison of Contractor's Construction Schedule using proposed substitution with products specified for the Work, including effect on the overall Contract Time.j. Cost information, including a proposal of change, if any, in the Contract Sum.k. Contractorrs certification that proposed substitution complies with requirements in the Contract Documents and is appropriate for applications indicated. l. Contractor's waiver of rights to additional payment or time that may subsequently become necessary because of failure of proposed substitution to produce indicated results. 3. Architect's Action: lf necessary Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within one week of receipt of a request for substitution. Architect will notify Contractor of acceptance or rejection of proposed substitution I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.3 A. PRODUCI REQUIREMENTS 01600 - 2 I t Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 O Vail Gymnastics Facility 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. L 1.5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I May 2004 Vail, Colorado within 15 days of receipt of request, or 7 days of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. a- Form of Acceptance: Change Order. b. Use product specified if Architect can not make a decision on use of a proposed substitution within time allocated. QUALITY ASSURANCE Compatibiliry of Options: lf Contractor is given option of selecting between two or more products for use on P-j".t, product selected shall be compatible with products previously selected, even if previously selected products were also options. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORACE, AND HANDLINC Deliver, store, and handle products using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft. Comply with manufacture/s wriften instructions. 1- Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at Project site and to prevent overcrowding of construction spaces. 2. Coordinate delivery with installation time to ensure minimum holding time for items that are flammable, hazardous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses. Deliver products to Project site in an undamaged condition in manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging s)6tem, complete with labels and instructions for handling storing unpacking protecting and installing. lnspect products on delivery to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents and to ensure that products are undamaged and properly protected. Store products to allow for inspection and measurement of quantity or counting of units. Store materials in a manner that will not endanger Project structure. Store products that are subject to damage by the elements, under cover in a weathertight enclosure above ground, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. Comply with product manufacture/s written instructions for temperature, humidity. venti lation, and weather-protection req u irements for storage. Protect stored products from damage. PRODUCT WARRANTIES Warranties specified in other Sections shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties required by the Contract Documents. Manufacture/s disclaimers and B. Basis-of-Design Product Specification Submiftal: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Submiftal Procedures." Show compliance with requirements. 1.4 A. 1.6 A. PRODUCI REQUIREMENTS 01600 - 3 B. Special Warranties: Prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution. Submit a draft for approval before final execution. 1. Manufacturer's Standard Form: Modified to include Project-specific information and properly executed, 2. Specified Form: Forms are included with the Specifications. document using appropriate form properly executed. 3. Refer to Divisions2 through 16 Sections for specific content particular requ irements for subm itti ng special warranties. I t I I I I tC. Submittal Time: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures." PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCT OPTIONS A. Ceneral Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, that are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, that are new at time of installation. 1. Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, fasteners, and other items needed for a complete installation and indicated use and effect.2. Standard Products: lf available, and unless custom products or nonstandard options are specified, provide standard products of types that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on other projects. 3. Owner reserves the right to limit selection to products with warranties not in conflict with requirements of the Contract Documents. 4. Where products are accompanied by the term "as selected," Architect will make selection. 5. Where products are accompanied by the term "match sample," sample to be matched is Architect's. 6. Descriptive, performance, and reference standard requirements in the Specifications establish "salient characteristics', of products. B. Product Selection Procedures: Procedures for product selection include the following: 1. Product: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Producf' name a single product and manufacturer, provide the product named. a. Substitutions may be considered, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Manufacturer/Source: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Manufacturer" or "Source" name single manufacturers or sources, provide a product by the manufacturer or from the source named that complies with requirements. Fritzlen Pierce Architee Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 limitations on product warranties do not relieve requirements of the Contract Documents. Vail Cvmnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Contractor of obligations under Prepare a wriften requirements and I I I I I I I I I I I IPRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01600 - 4 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970476-6342 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t t I I I O VailGymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail, Colorado a. Substitutions may be considered, unless otherwise indicated. 3. Products: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Products" introduce a list of names of both products and manufacturers, provide one of the products listed that complies with requirements. a. Substitutions may be considered, unless otherwise indicated. 4. Manufacturers: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Manufacturers" introduce a list of manufacturers' names, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed that complies with reguirements. a. Substitutions may be considered, unless otherwise indicated. 5. Available Products: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Available Products" introduce a list of names of both products and manufacturers, provide one of the products listed or another product that complies with requirements. Comply with provisions in "Comparable Products" Article to obtain approval for use ofan unnamed product. 6. Avaihble Manufacturers: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Available Manufacturers" introduce a list of manufacturers' names, provide a product by one of the manufacturen listed or another manufacturer that complies with requirements. Comply with provisions in "Comparable Products" Article to obtain approval for use ofan unnamed product. 7. Basis-of-Design Products: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled "Basis-of-Design Product" are included and also introduce or refer to a list of manufacturers' names, provide either the specified product or a comparable product by one of the other named manufacturers. Drawings and Specifications indicate sizes, profiles, dimensions, and other characteristics that are based on the product named. Comply with provisions in "Comparable Products" Article to obtain approval for use ofan unnamed product. a. Subotitutions may be considered, unJess otherwise indicated. 8. Visual Matching Specification: Where Specifications require matching an established Sample, select a product (and manufacturer) that complies with reguirements and matches Architect's sample. Architect's decision will be final on whether a proposed prod uct matches satisfactori ly. a. lf no product avaihble within specified category matches satisfactorily and complies with other specified requirements, comply with provisions of the Contract Documents on "subrstitutions" for selection of a matching product. 9. Visual Selection Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "as selected from manufacturer's colors, patterns, textures" or a similar phrase, select a product (and manufacturer) that complies with other specified requirements. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01600 - 5 Fritzlen Pierce Architecf Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 b. May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado Standard Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "standard range of colors, patterns, textures" or similar phrase, Architect will select color, pattern, or texture from manufacturer's product line that does not include premium items. Full Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "full range of colors, patterns, textures" or similar phrase, Architect will select color, pattern, or texture from manufacturer's product line that includes both standard and premium items. PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS Timing: Architect will consider requests commencement of the Work. Requests rejected at discretion of Architect. Conditions: Architect will consider Contractor's request for substitution when the following conditions are satisfied. l{ the following conditions are not satisfied, Architect will return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with these requirements: 1. Requested substitution offers Owner a substantial advantage in cost, time, energy conservation, or other considerations, after deducting additional responsibilities Owner must assume. Owner's additional respdnsibilities may include compensation to Architect for redesign and evaluation services, increased cost of other construction by Owner, and similar considerations. 2. Requested substitution does not require extensive revisions to the Contract Documents. 3. Requested substitution is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce indicated results. Substitution request is fully documented and properly submitted. Requested substitution will not adversely affect Contractor's Construction Schedule. Requested substitution has received necessary approvals of authorities having jurisdiction. Requested substitution is compatible with other portions of the Work. Requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work. Requested substitution provides specified warranty. COMPAMBLE PRODUCTS Where products or manufacturers are specified by name, submit the following, in addition to other required submittals, to obtain approval of an unnamed product: 1. Evidence that the proposed product does not require extensive revisions to the Contract Documents, that it is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce the indicated results, and that it is compatible with other portions of the Work. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I n 5. 6. B. 9. B. Vail Cymnastics Facility for substitution if received within 3O days after received after that time may be considered or 2.2 A. 2.3 PRODUCT REQUTREMENTS 01600 - 6 3. 4. 5. I I : I I I I t I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970475-6342 2. O var uymnasrcs Facurry May2ffi4 Vail, Colorado Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed product with those named in the Specifications. Significant qualities include attributes such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect, and specific features and requirements indicated. Evidence that proposed product provides specified warranty. List of similar installations for completed projects with project names and addresses and names and addresses of architects and owners, if requested. Samples, if requested. I I I I t I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01600 PRODUCT REQU]REMENTS 01600 - 7 t I I qlwb,, Y Teclwtqyr REQUEST FOR INTERPRETATION Project:R.F.I. Number: From:I ro: I Re:Contract For: I Specification Section: Paragraph: Drawing Reference: Detail: I Request: I I I Signedby:Date: t ."r*- I I I I EAnachments Responsc From: To:Date Rec'd:Date Ret'd: Signed by: I Copies: I Owner I Consultants O I Copyright lglX, Conslruction Sp€cifications Instituie, page of I 601 Madison SEeet, Alexandri4 VA 22314-1791 I I July 1994 CSI Fom 13.24 I FriElen pierce Architecrs O Vail, Colorado r 970-476-6342 SECT|ON 01700 - EXECUTTON REQUTREMENTS I PARrl-.ENEML I 1.r ',MMARY O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2QO4 Vail, Colorado t t I I A. This Section includes general procedural requirements governing execution of the Work f including but not limited to, the following: 1 . Construction lavout. 2. Field engineering and surveying. 3. Ceneral installation of products. 4. Progress cleaning. 5. Startingandadjusting. 6. Protection of installed construction. 7. Correction of the Work. I 1.2 QUALTTYASSUMNCE I A. Land Surveyor Qualifications: A professional land surveyor who is legally qualified to I practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing land- t surveying services of the kind indicated. I PART 2 - pRoDUcTS (Not Used) I PART3-EXEcuroNr I 3.1 EXAMTNATTON I A. Existing Conditions: The existence and location of site improvements, utilities, and other I construction indicated as existing are not guaranteed. Before beginning work, investigate I and verify the existence and location of mechanical and electrical systems and other construction affecting the Work. I 1. Before construction, verifu the location and points of connection of utility services. I B. Existing Utilities: The existence and location of underground and other utilities and I construction indicated as existing are not guaranteed. Before beginning sitework, investigate and verifr the existence and location of underground utilities and other r construction affecting the Work. r 1. Furnish location data for work related to Proiect that must be performed by public I utilities serving Project site. r EXtcuTloN REQUTREMENTS 01700 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. B. 3.2 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 3.3 A. C. Acceptance of Conditions: Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer or Applicator present where indicated, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance. Record observations. 1. Verifo compatibility with and suitability of substrates, including compatibility with existing finishes or primers. 2. Examine roughing-in for mechanical and electrical systems to verify actual locations of connections before equipment and fixture installation. 3. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Proceeding with the Work indicates acceptance of surfaces and conditions. PREPAMTION Existing Utility Information: Furnish information to Owner that is necessary to adjust, move, or relocate existing utility structures, utility poles, lines, services, or other utility appurtenances located in or affected by construction. Coordinate with authorities having jurisdiction. Existing Utility lnterruptions: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated: 1. Notifu Owner not less than two days in advance of proposed utility interruptions.2. Do not proceed with utility interruptions without Owner's written permission. Field Measurements: Take field measurements as required to fit the Work properly. Recheck measurements before installing each product. Where portions of the Work are indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurements before fabrication. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. D. Space ReQuirements: Verifo space requirements and dimensions of items shown diagrammatically on Drawings. Review of Contract Documents and Field Conditions: lmmediately on discovery of the need for clarification of the Contract Documents, submit a request for information to Architect. Include a detailed description of problem encountered, together with recommendations for changing the Contract Documents. CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT Verification: Before proceeding to lay out the Work, verifu layout information shown on Drawings, in relation to the property survey and existing benchmarks. lf discrepancies are discovered, notiflz Architect promptly. Ceneral: Engage a land surveyor to lay out the Work using accepted surveying practices. EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS 01700 - 2 t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Vail, Colorado 970476-6342 1. FriElen Pierce Architects O VailCymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado Establish benchmarks and control points to set lines and levels at each story of construction and elsewhere as needed to locate each element of ProjeA. Establish dimensions within tolerances indicated. Do not scale Drawings to obtain required dimensions. Inform installers of lines and levels to which they must comply. Check the location, level and plumb, of every major element as the Work progresses. Notify Architect when deviations from required lines and levels exceed allowable tolerances. 6- Close site surveys with an error of closure equal to or less than the standard established by authorities having jurisdiction. C. Site lmprovements: Locate and lay out site improvements, including pavements/ grading fill and topsoil placement, utility slopes, and invert elevations. D. Building Lines and Levels: Locate and lay out control lines and levels for structures, building foundations, column grids, and floor levels, including those required for mechanical and electrical work. Transfer survey markings and elevations for use with control lines and levels. Level foundations and piers from two or more locations. E. Record Log: Maintain a log of layout control work. Record deviations from required lines and levels. Include beginning and ending dates and times of surveys, weather conditions, name and duty of each survey party member, and types of instruments and tapes used. Make the log available for reference by Architea. . 3.4 FIELD ENCINEERINC A. Reference Points: Locate existing permanent benchmarks, control points, and similar reference points before beginning the Work. Preserve and protect permanent benchmarks and control points during construction operations. Benchmark: Establish and maintain a minimum of three permanent Project site, referenced to data established by survey eontrol points. authorities having jurisdiction for type and size of benchmark. 1. Record benchmark locations, with horizontal and vertical data, on Documents. Final Property Survey: Prepare a final property survey showing significant features (real property) for Project. Include on the survey a certification, signed by land surveyor, that principal metes, bounds, lines, and levels of Project are accurately positioned as shown on the survey. 1. Recording: At Substantial Completion, have the final property survey recorded by or with authorities having jurisdiction as the official "property survey." 2. 3. 4. 5. B.benchmark on Comply with Project Record EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS 01700 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Architec Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 3.5 INSTALLATION A. General: Locate the Work and components of the Work accurately, in correct alignment and elevation, as indicated. '1. Make vertical work plumb and make horizontal work level. 2. Where space is limited, install components to maximize space available for maintenance and ease of removal for replacement. 3. Conceal pipes, ducts, and wiring in finished areas, unless otherwise indicated. B. Comply with manufacture/s written instructions and recommendations for installing products in applications indicated. C. Install products at the time and under conditions that will ensure the best possible results. Maintain conditions required for product performance until Substantial Completion. D. Conduct construction operations so no part of the Work is subjected to damaging operations or loading in excess of that expected during normal conditions of occupancy. F. Anchors and Fasteners: Provide anchors and fasteners as required to anchor each component securely in place, accurately located and aligned with other portions of the Work. 1. Mounting Heights: Where mounting heights are not indicated, mount components at heights directed by Architect. 2. Allow for building movement, including thermal expansion and contraction. F. Joints: Make joints of uniform width. Where joint locations in exposed work are not indicated, arranEe joints for the best visual effect. Fit exposed connections together to form hairline joints. G. Hazardous Materials: Use products, cleaners, and installation materials that are not considered hazardous. 3.6 PROCRESS CLEANINC Ceneral: Clean Project site and work areas daily, including common areas. Coord inate Progress cleaning for joint-use areas where more than one installer has worked. Enforce requirements strictly. Dispose of materials lawfully. .l . Comply with requirements in NFPA 241 br removal of combustible waste materials and debris. 2. Do not hold materials more than 7 days during normal weather or 3 dap if the temperature is expected to rise above 80 deg F. 3. Containerize hazardous and unsanitary waste materials separately from other waste. Mark containers appropriately and dispose of legally, according to regulations. Site: Maintain Project site free of waste materials and debris. EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS o't700 - 4 B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 o Vail Cymnastics Facility May ZO04 Vail, Colorado C' Work Areas: Clean areas where work is in progress to the level of cJeanliness necessary for proper execution of the Work. 1. Remove liquid spills promptly. 2. Where dust would impair proper execution of the Work, broom-clean or vacuum the entire work area, as appropriate. D. lnstalled Work: Keep installed work clean. Clean installed surfaces according to written instructions of manufacturer or fabricator of product installed, using only cleaning materials specifically recommended. lf specific cleaning materials are not recommended, use cleaning materials that are not hazardous to health or property and that will not damage exposed surfaces. E. Concealed Spaces: Remove debris from concealed spaces before enclosing the space. F. Waste Disposal: Burying or burning waste materials on-site will not be permitted. Washing waste materials down sewers or into waterways will not be permitted. G. During handling and installation, clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials already in place. Apply protective covering where required to ensure protection from damage or deterioration at Substantial Completion. H. Clean and provide maintenance on completed construction as frequently as necessary through the remainder of the construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable components to ensure operability without damaging effects. l. Limiting Exposures: Supervise construction operations to assure that no part of the construction, completed or in progress is subject to harmful, dangerous, damaging or otherwise deleterious exposure during the construction period. 3.7 STARTINC AND ADJUSTINC A. Start equipment and operating components to confirm proper operation. Remove' malfunctioning units, replace with new units, and retest. 3.8 A. B. Adjust operating components for proper operation without binding. Adjust equipment for proper operation. Test each piece of equipment to verifr proper operation. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment. PROTECTION OF INSTALLED CONSTRUCTION Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure installed Work is without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. Comply with manufacturerrs written instructions for temperature and relative humidity. EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS 01700 - 5 Fritzlen Pierce Architeco Vail, Colorado 970-476-5342 Vail Cymnastics Faciliry May 2004 Vail, Colorado 3.9 CORRECIION OF THE WORK A. Repair or remove and replace defective construction. Restore damaged subatrates and finishes. Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Cutting and Patching." 1. Repairing includes replacing defective parts, refinishing damaged surfaces, touching up with matching materials, and properly adjusting operating equipment. B. Restore permanent facilities used during construction to their specified condition. C. Remove and replace damaged surfaces that are exposed to view if surfaces cannot be repaired without visible evidence of repair. D. Repair components that do not operate properly. Remove and replace operating components that cannot be repaired. E. Remove and replace chipped, scratched, and broken glass or reflective surfaces. END OF SECTION Ol ZOO I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I IEXECUTION REQUIREMENTS 01700 - 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.1 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-.476-6342 SECTION O177O - CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES PART 1 - CENEML C. 1.2 A. 6. 7 8. B. D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prepare a list of items to be completed and corrected (punch list), the value of items on the list, and reasons why the Work is not complete. Advise Owner of pending insurance changeover requirements, Submit specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance service agreements, final certifications, and similar documents. Obtain and submit releases permitting Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Include occupancy permib, operating certiflcates, and similar releases. Prepare and submit Project Record Documents, operation and maintenance manuals, Final Completion construction photographs and photographic negatives, damage or seftlement surueysf property surveys, and similar final record information. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra materials, and similar items to location designated by Owner. Label with manufacturer's name and model number where applicable. Make final changeover of permanent locks and deliver kep to Owner. Advise Owner's personnel of changeover in security provisions. Complete startup testing of systems. O VailGymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail, Colorado SUMMARY This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for contract closeout, including but not limited to, the following: 1. Inspectionprocedures. 2. Project Record Documents. 3. Operation and maintenance manuals. 4. Warranties. 5. Instruction of Ownerrs personnel. 6. Final cleaning. See Division 1 Section "Payment Procedures" for requirements for Applications for Payment for Substantial and Final Completion. See Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentationn for submitting Final Completion construction photographs and negatives. See Divisions 2 through 16 Sections for specific closeout and special cleaning requirements for products of those Sections. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting inspection for determining date of Substantial Completion, complete the following. List items below that are incomplete in request. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 01770 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Architeda Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 o 9. Submittest/adjust/balancerecords. 10. Terminate and remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements. 1'', . Submit changeover information related to Owner's occupancy, use, operation, and maintenance. 12. Complete final cleaning requirements, including touchup painting. 13. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes to eliminate visual defects. B. Inspection: Submit a written request for inspection for Substantial Completion. On receipt of request, Architect will.either proceed with inspection or notify Contractor of unfulfilled requirements. Architect will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion after inspection or will notify Contractor of items, either on Contractorrs list or additional items identified by Architect that must be completed or corrected before certificate will be issued. 1. Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. 2. Results of completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for Final Completion. 1.3 A. FINAL COMPLETION Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting final inspection for determining date of Final Completion, complete the following: 1. Submit a final Application for Payment according to Division 1 Section "Payment Procedures." 2. Submit certified copy of Architect's Substantial Completion inspection list of items to be completed or corrected (punch list), endorsed and dated by Architect. The certified copy of the list shall state that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance. 3. Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements. 4. lnstruct Owne/s personnel in operation, adjustment, and maintenance of products, equipment, and systems. Inspection: Submit a written request for final inspection for acceptance. On receipt of request, Architect will either proceed with inspection or notifz Contractor of unfulfilled requirements. Architect will prepare a final Certificate for Payment after inspection or will notifu Contractor of construction that must be completed or corrected before certificate will be issued. 1. Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I B. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES o't770 - 2 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t t I I I 1.5 A. Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Ceneral: Do not use Project Record Documents for construction purposes. Record Documents from deterioration and loss. Provide access to Documents for Architect's reference during normal working hours. B. Record Drawings: Maintain and submit one set of blue- or black-line white prints of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings. 1. Mark Record Prints to show the actual installation where installation varies from that shown originally. Require individual or entity that obtained record data, whether individual or entity is Installer, subcontractor, or similar entity, to prepare the marked- up Record Prints. a. Cive particular attention to information on concealed elements that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. b. Record data as soon as possible after obtaining it. Record and check the markup before enclosing concealed installations. 2. Mark record sets with erasable, red-colored pencil. Use other colors to distinguish betweeiir changes for different categories of the Work at the same location. 3. Note Construction Change Directive numbers, Change Order numbers, alternate numbers, and similar identification where applicable. 4. ldentify and date each Record Drawing; include the designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWINC" in a prominent location. Organize into manageable sets; bind each set . with durable paper cover sheets. lnclude identification on cover sheets. C. Record Specifications: Submit one copy of Project's Specifications, including addenda and contract modifications. Mark copy to indicate the actual product installation where installation varies from that indicated in Speciflcations, addenda, and contract modifications. 1. Cive particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. Protect Proiect Project Record O VailGymnasticsFacility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado 1.4 L]ST OF INCOMPLETE ITEMS (PUNCH LIST) A. Preparation: Submit three copies of list. Include name and identification of each space and area affected by construction operations for incomplete items and items needing correction including if necessary areas disturbed by Contractor that are outside the limits of construction. 1. Organize list of spaces in sequential order, starting with exterior areas first and proceeding from lowest floor to highest floor.2. Organize items applying to each space by major element, including categories for ceihng, individual walls, floors, equipment, and building systems. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 01770 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Arch itecta Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2. D. Miscellaneous Record Submittals: Assemble miscellaneous records required by other Specification Sections for miscellaneous record keeping and submittal in connection with actual performance of the Work. Bind or file miscellaneous records and identifo each, ready for continued use and reference. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 3. B. B. Vail Cymnastics Facility l.t) May 2004 Vail, Colorado Mark copy with the proprietary name and model number of products, materials, and equipment furnished, including substitutions and product options selected. Note related Change Orders and Record Drawinp, where applicable. OPERAT]ON AND MAINTFNANCE MANUALS Assemble a complete set of operation and maintenance data indicating the operation and maintenance of each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment not part of a system. lnclude operation and maintenance data required in individual Specification Sections and as follows: 1. Operation Data: Include emergency instructions and procedures, system and equ ipment descri ptions, operating procedures, and seq uence of operations.2. Maintenance Data: Include manufacturer's information, list of spare parts, maintenance procedures, maintenance and service schedules for preventive and routine maintenance, and copies of warranties and bonds. Organize operation and maintenance manuals into suitable sets of manageable size. Bind and index data in heavy-duty, three-ring vinyl-covered, loose-leaf binden, in thickness necessary to accommodate contents/ with pocket inside the covers to receive folded oversized sheets. ldentifu each binder on front and spine with the printed title "OPEMTION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL," Project name, and subject matter of contents. WARRANTIES Submiftal Time: Submit written warranties on request of Architect for designated portions of the Work where commencement of warranties other than date of Substantial Completion is indicated. Organize warranty documents into an orderly sequence based on the table of contents of the Project Manual. 1. Bind warranties and bonds in heavy-duty, 3-ring, vinyl-covered, loose-leaf binders, thickness as necessary to accommodate contents, and sized to receive B-112-by-11- inch paper. 2. Provide heavy paper dividers with plastic-covered tabs for each separate warranty. Mark tab to identify the product or installation. Provide a typed description of the product or installation, including the name of the product and the name, address, and telephone number of Installer. "t.7 A. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 01770 - 4 3.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail, Colorado or printed title Provide additional copies of each warranty to include in operation and maintenance manuals. 3. ldentifi each binder on the front and spine with the typed 'WARMNTIES," Project name, and name of Contractor. c. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A' Cleaning Agents: Use cleaning materials and agents recommended by manufacturer or fabricator of the surface to be cleaned. Do not use cleaning agents that are potentially hazardous to health or property or that might damage finished surfaces. PART 3 - EXECUTION DEMONSTMTION AND TRA]NINC Instruction: Instruct Ownerrs personnel to adjus! operate, and maintain systems, subslatems, and equipment not part of a s)6tem. 1. Provide instructors experienced in operation and maintenance procedures.2. Provide instruction at mutually agreed-on times. For equipment that requires seasonal operation, provide similar instruction at the start of each season.3. Schedule training with Or,'vner, through Architect, with at least seven days' advance notice. 4. Coordinate instructors, including providing notification of dates, times, length of instruction, and course content. 3.2 FINAL CLEANINC A. General: Provide final cleaning. Conduct cleaning and waste-removal operations to comply with local laws and ordinances and Federal and local environmental and antipollution regulations. B. Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to condition expected in an average commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacture/s written instructions. 1. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion for entire Project or for a portion of Project: CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 01770 - s Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 t. m. n. o. p' a. d. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Clean Project site, yard, and grounds, in areas disturbed by construction activities, including landscape development areas, of rubbish, waste material, litter, and other foreign substances. Sweep paved areas broom clean. Remove petrochemical spills, stains, and other foreign deposits. Rake grounds that are neither planted nor paved to a smooth, even-texturd surface. Remove tools, construction equipment, machinery, and surplus material from Project site. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard-surfaced finishes to a dirt-free condition, free of stains, films, and similar foreign substances. Avoid disturbing natural weathering of exterior surfaces. Restore reflective surfaces to their original condition. f. Remove debris and surface dust from limited access spaces, including roofs, plenums, shafu, trenches, equipment vaults, manholes, attics, and similar spaces. Sweep concrete floors broom-clean in unoccupied spaces. Vacuum carpet and similar soft surfaces, removing debris and excess nap; shampoo if visible soil or stains remain. Clean transparent materials, including mirrors and glass in doors and windows. Remove glazing compounds and other noticeable, vision-obscuring materials. Replace chipped or broken glass and other damaged transparent materials. Polish mirrors and glass, taking care not to scratch surfaces. Remove labels that are not permanent. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred, exposed finishes and surfaces. Replace finishes and surfaces that cannot be satisfactorily repaired or restored or that already show evidence of repair or restoration. 1) Do not paint over "UL" and similar labels, including mechanical and electrical nameplates. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment, and similar equipment. Remove excess lubrication, paint and mortar droppings, and other foreign I I I I I I I I t I I I I 8. h. t. k. I t I I I I q. C. substances. Replace parts subject to unusual operating conditions. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition, free of stains, resulting from water exposure. Replace disposable air filters and clean permanent air filters. surfaces of diffusers, registers, and grills. including stains Clean exposed Clean light fixtures, lamps, globes, and reflectors to function with full efficiency. Replace burned-out bulbs, and those noticeably dimmed by hours of use, and defective and noisy starters in fluorescent and mercury vapor fixtures to comply with requirements for new fixtures. Leave Project clean and ready for occupancy. Comply with safety standards for cleaning. Do not burn waste materials. Do not bury debris or excess materials on owner's property. Do not discharge volatile, harmful, or CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 01770 - 6 I ifi'e,'J:if;Architects a VailCymnasticsFacility May 2004 I 97u476-6342 Vail, Colorado I dangerous materials into drainage s)6tems. Remove waste materials from Project site and dispose of lawfully. t rND oF sECroN 01770 I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I ctosEour PRocEDUREs 01770 - 7 x< =!t co!) !L ;ta() s T; c'\trc\ E+ = ..1i;c-l !*. =€9XqgE< ,6d 3d; =#bo ;i'i> a- r-l tr tr tr u tr tr n F -v; e o ot) at) a D 7 {) z o .2 (u I q .g E € Fs .Y9EXq)H Yd b5qUoo E> rE G'E' HH 3x €E ..'' g o: Eoor9 EE;:6X c(Da)E H>>= 72 trP Z i..: a'6 <U a U !) a 3 o tr t-rUg7)P T I $Es g; I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I I I I o Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsI I;i!.f:;:;tii I SECTION 01781 - PROIECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 . CENERAL I Vail Gymnastics Facility May20O4 Vail, Colorado 1.1 SUMMARY I A' This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for Project Record Documents, including the followingr I 1. Record Drawings.2. RecordSpecifications. I 3. Record Product Data. B. See Division 1 Section for operation and maintenance manual requirements. I C. See Divisions 2 through 16 Sections for specific requirements for Project Record Documents of products in those Sections. - 1.2 SUBMITTALS I A. Record Drawings: Comply with the following: 1. Number of Copies: Submit 1 sets of marked-up Record prints. t 2. Number of Copiesr Submit copies of Record Drawings as follows: a. Initial Submittal: Submit one set of corrected Record Transparencies and oneI rH:.ilT1:tT,-ffJil:,fiT1;"f,'*E"Tffix,:*ffili:[HJ:l I ihffi"1f:3"::"Jy"JlJ:ff:f,,ffi,tii?1ltll";'*,ffTffi#':J1ili b. Final Submiftal: Submit one set of marked-up Record Prints, and the t foilowing: 1) Record Transparencies: One set I B. Record Specifications: Submit one copy of Project's Specifications, including addenda and contract modifications. I C. Record Product Data: Submit one copy of each hoduct Data submittal. I PROJECTRECORDDOCUMENTS 01781- r o ects I I I I I I I I I t I Fritzlen Pierce Archit Vail. Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 2.1 PART 2 - PRODUCIS RECORD DRAWINCS Record Prints: Maintain one set of blue- or black-line white prints of the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings. '1 . Preparation: Mark Record Prints to show the actual installation where installation varies from that shown originally. Require individual or entity who obtained record data, whether individual or entity is Installer, subcontractor, or similar entity, to prepare marked-up Record Prints. a. Cive particular attention to information on concealed elements that would be difficult to identify or measure and record later. b. Record data as soon .rs possible after obtaining it. Record and check the markup before enclosing concealed installations. 2. Mark the Contract Drawings or Shop Drawings, whichever is most capable of showing actual physical conditions, completely and accurately. lf Shop Drawings are marked, show cross-reference on the Contract Drawings. 3. Mark record sets with erasable, red-colored pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between changes for different categories of the Work at same location. 4. Note Construction Change Directive numbers, alternate numbers, Change Order numbers, and similar identification, where applicable. Record Transparencies: lmmediately before inspection for Certificate of Substantial Completion, review marked-up Record Prints with Architect. When authorized, prepare a full set of corrected transparencies of the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings. 1. lncorporate changes and additional information previously marked on Record Prints. Erase, redraw, and add details apd notations where applicable.2. Refer instances of uncertainty to Architect for resolution3. Owner will furnish Contractor one set of transparencies of the Contract Drawings for use in recording information. 4. Print the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings for use as Record Transparencies. Architect will make the Contract Drawings available to Contractor's print shop. Formatr ldentify and date each Record Drawing include the designation "PROJECT RECORD DMWINC" in a prominent location. 1- Record Prints: Organize Record Prints and newly prepared Record Drawings into manageable sets. Bind each set with durable paper cover sheets. Include identification on cover sheets.2- Record Transparencies: Organize into unbound sets matching Record Prints. Place transparencies in durable tube,type drawing containers with end caps. Mark end cap of each container with identification. lf container does not include complete set, identify Drawings included. B. I t t T I I I IPROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 01781-2 I I I t I I t I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado separate electronic files Name each file with the 3. Record CAD Drawings: Organize CAD information into that correspond to each sheet of the Contract Drawings. sheet identification. lnclude identification in each CAD file.4. ldentification: As follows: Project name. Date. Designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS.' Name of Architect. Name of Contractor. RECORD SPECIFICATIONS Preparation: Mark Specifications to indicate the actual product installation where installation varies from that indicated in specifications, addend+ and contract modifications. 1' Give particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later.2. Mark copy with the proprietary name and model number of products, materials, and equipment furnished, including substitutions and product options selected.3. Record name of manufacturer, supplier, Installer, and other information necessary to provide a record of selections made.4. Note related Change Orders, Record Drawings, where applicable. RECORD PRODUCT DATA Preparation: Mark Product Data to indicate the actual product installation where installation varies substantially from that indicated in Product Data submittal. 1. Give particular attention to information on concealed produq$s and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. 2. lnclude significant changes in the product delivered to Project site and changes in manufacturer's written instructions for i nstallation. 3. Note related Change Orders, Record Drawingswhere applicable. MISCELLANEOUS RECORD SUBM]TTALS Assemble miscellaneous records required by other Specification Sections for miscellaneous record keeping and submiital in connection with actual performance of the Work. Bind or file miscellaneous records and identifu each, ready for continued use and reference. a. b. c. d. e. I I I I I I I I I I 2.2 A. 2.3 A. 2.4 A. t PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 01781 - 3 o Architects I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I T I Fritzlen Pierce Vail. Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 3.1 PART 3 - EXECUTION RECORDINC AND MAINTENANCE Recording: Maintain one copy of each submittal during construction period for Project Record Document purposes. Post changes and modifications to Prgect Record Documents as they occur; do not wait until end of Project. Maintenance of Record Documents and Samples: Store Record Documents and Samples in the field office apart from the Contract Documents used for construction. Do not use Project Record Documents for construction purposes. Maintain Record Documents in Sood order and in clean, dry legible condition, protected from deterioration and loss. Provide access to Project Record Documents for Architect's reference during normal working hours. END OF SECTION 01781 PROJECT RECORD DOCI.'MENTS 01781 - 4 B. 't.1 2.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 SECTION 01782. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA PART 1 - CENERAL Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2@4 Vail, Colorado SUMMARY This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for preparing operation and maintenance manuals, including the following: 1. Emergency manuals.2, Operation manuals for systems, subsystems, and equipment.3. Maintenance manuals for the care and maintenance of products, materials,and 1.2 A. finishes. See Divisions2 through16 Sections for specific operation and maintenance requirements for products in those Sections. SUBMITTALS Manual: Submit [1 copy of eu.h manual in final form at least 15 days before final inspection. Architect will return copy with comments within 15 days after final inspection, 1. Correct or modifu each manual to comply with Architect's comments. Submit 3 copies of each corrected manual within 15 days of receipt of Architea's comments. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANUAIS, CENERAL Organization: Unless otherwise indicated, organize each manual into a separate section for each system and subsystem, and a separate section for each piece of equipment not part of a system. Each manual shall contain a title page, table of contents, and manual contents. Title Page: Enclose title page in transparent plastic sleeve. Include the following information: 1. Subject matter included in manual.2. Name and address of Project.3. Name and address of Owner.4. Date of submittal.5. Name, address, and telephone number of Contractor. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 01782 - | o itects I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 6. Name and address of Architect. 7. Cross-reference to related systems in other operation and maintenance manuals. C. Table of Contents: List each product included in manual, identified by product name, indexed to content of volume, and cross-referenced to Specification Section number in Project Manual. D. Manual Contents: Organize into sets of manageable size. Arrange contents alphabetically by system, subsystem, and equipment. lf possible, assemble instructions for subsystems, equipment, and components of one system into a single binder. 1. Binders: Heavy-duty, 3-ring vinyl-covered, loose-leaf binders, in thickness necessary to accommodate contents, sized to hold 8-1/2-by-11-inch (115-by-280- mm) paper; with clear plastic sleeve on spine to hold label describing contents and with pockets inside covers to hold folded oversize sheets. a. ldentify each binder on front and spine, with printed title "OPEMTION AND MAINTINIANCE MANUAL," Project title or name, and subject matter of contents. Indicate volume number for multiple-volume sets. 2. Dividers: Heavy-paper dividers with plastic-covered tabs for each section. Mark each tab to indicate contents. Include typed list of products and major components of equipment included in the section on each divider, cross-referenced to Specification Section number and title of Project Manual. 3. Protective Plastic Sleeves: Transparent plastic sleeves designed to enclose diagnostic software diskettes for com puterized electron ic equi pment. 4. Drawings: Attach reinforced, punched binder tabs on drawings and bind with text. a. lf oversize drawings are necessary fold drawings to same size as to\t pages and use as foldouts. b. lf drawings are too large to be used as foldouts, fold and place drawings in labeled envelopes and bind envelopes in rear of manual. At appropriate locations in manual, insert typewritten pages indicating drawing titles, descriptions of contents, and drawing locations. 2.2 A. B. EMERGENCY MANUALS Content: Organize manual into a separaLe section for type of emergency, emergency instructions, and emergency procedures, Type of Emergenry: Where applicable, include instructions and procedures for each system, subsystem, piece of equipment, and component for fire, flood, gas leak, water lealq and polver hilure. Emergency Instructions: Describe and explain warnings, trouble indications, error messages, and similar codes and signals. Include responsibilities of Owner's operating personnell for notification of Installer, supplier, and manufacturer to maintain warranties. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 01782 -2 D. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.3 A. 2.4 A. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, ColoradoD. Emergenry Procedures: lnclude instructions on stopping shutdown instructions for each type of emergency, operating instructions for conditions outside normal operating limits, and required sequences for electric or electronic systems. OPERATION MANUAs Content: ln addition to requirements in this Section, include operation data required in individual specification sections and equipment descriptions, operating standards, operating procedures, operating logs, wiring and control diagrams, and Jicense requirements. B. Descriptions: Include the following: 1. Product name and model number.2, Manufacture/s name.3. Equipment identification with serial number of each component.4. Equipment function.5. Operatingcharacteristics. 6. Limitingconditions. 7. Pedormance curyes.8. Engineering data and tests.9. Complete nomenclature and number of replacement parts. Operating Procedures: lnclude startup, break-in, and control procedures; stopping and normal shutdown instructions; routine, normal, seasonal, and weekend operating instructions; and required sequences for electric or electronic systems. Systems and Equipment Controls: Describe sequence of operation, and diagram controls as installed. Piped Systems: Diagram piping as installed, and identify color-coding where required for identification. PRODUCT MAIMENANCE MANUAL Content: Organize manual into a separate section for each product, material, and finish. Include source information, product information, maintenance procdures, repair materials and sources, and warranties and bonds, as described below. Source lnformation: List each product included in manual, identified by product name and arranged to match manual's table of contents. For each product, list name, address, and telephone number of Installer or supplier and maintenance service agent, and cross- reference Specification Section number and title in Project Manual. Product lnformation: lnclude the following as applicable: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 01782 -3 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.5 A. F. 1. Product name and model number. 2. Manufacturer'sname. 3. Color, pattern, and texture. 4. Material and chemical composition. 5. Reordering information for specially manufactured products. D- Maintenance Procedures: Include manufacturer's written recommendations inspection procedures, types of cleaning agents, methods of cleaning, schedule cleaning and maintenance, and repair instructions. E. Repair Materials and Sources: lnclude lists of materials and local sources of materials and related services. F. Warranties and Bonds: Include copies of warranties and bonds and lists of circumstances and conditions that would affect validity of warranties or bonds. SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL Content: For each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment not part of a system, include source information, manufacturers' maintenance documentation, maintenance procedures, maintenance and service schedules, spare parts list and source information, maintenance service contracts, and warranty and bond information, as described below. Source lnformation: List each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment included in the manual, identified by product name and arranged to match manual's table of contents. For each product, list name, address, and telephone number of Installer or supplier and maintenance service agent, and cross-reference Specification Section number and title in Project Manual. Manufacturers' Maintenance Documentation: Manufacturers' maintenance documentation including maintenance instructions, drawings and diagrams for maintenance, nomenclature of parts and components, and recommended spare parts for each component part or piece of equipment. Maintenance Procedures: Include test and inspection instructions, troubleshooting guide, disassembly instructions, and adjusting instructions[, and demonstrdion and Uaining videotape if arrailable, that detail essential maintenance procedures. Maintenance and Service Schedules: lnclude service and lubrication requirements, list of required lubricants for equipment, and separate schedules for preventive and routine maintenance and service with standard time allotment. Spare Parts List and Source lnformation: lnclude lists of replacement and repair parts, with parts identified and cross-referenced to manufacturers' maintenance documentation and local sources of maintenance materials and related services. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I for for D. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 01782 - 4 D. F. 3.1 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, ColoradoG. Maintenance Service Contracts: lnclude copies of maintenance agreements with name and telephone number of service agent. H' Warranties and Bonds: lnclude copies of war:ranties and bonds and lists of circumstances and conditions that would affect validiw of warranties or bonds. PART 3 - EXECUTION MANUAL PREPARATION Emergency Manual: fusemble a complete set of emergency information indicating procedures for use by emergency personnel and by Owner's operating personnel for types of emergencies indicated. Product Maintenance Manual: Assemble a complete set of maintenance.data indicating care and maintenance of each product, material, and finish incorporated into the work. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Assemble a complete set of operation and maintenance data indicating operation and maintenance of each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment not part of a system. Manufacturers' Data: Where manuals contain manufacturers' standard printed data, include only sheets pertinent to product or component installed. Mark each sheet to identify each product or component incorporated into the Work. lf data include more than one item in tabular format, identify each item using appropriate references from the Contract Documents. tdentify data applicable to the Work and delete references to information not applicable. Drawingp: Prepare drawings supplementing manufacturers' printed data to illustrate relationship of component parts of equipment and systems and to illustrate control sequence and flow diagrams. Cooldinate these drawings with information contained in Record Drawings to ensure correct illustration of completed installation. 1. Do not use original Project Record Documents as part of operation and maintenance manuals. Comply with Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures" for the schedule for submitting operation and maintenance documentation. END OF SECTION 01782 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 01782 - 5 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I o Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 SECTION 01820 - DEMONSTRATION AND TRAININC PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for instructing Owner's personnel, including the following: 1 . Demonstration of operation of systems, subsystems, and equipment.2' Training in operation and maintenance of systems, subsystems, and equipment.3. Systems to be addressed: mecfianical, lighting fire protection, elanator, landscape maintenance and inigation See Division'l Section "Photographic Documentation" for preparing and submitting demonstration and training videotapes. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. lnstruction Program: Submit one copy of outline of instructional program, including schedule of proposed dates, times, length of instruction time, and instructors' names for each training module. Include learning objective and outline for each training module. 1.3 QUALTTYASSUMNCE A. Facilitator Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in training or educating maintenance personnel in a training program similar in content and o<tent to that indicated for this Projecq and whose work has resulted in training or education with a record of successful learning performance. B. Instructor Qualifications: A factory-authorized service representative, complying with requirements in Division 1 Section 'Quality Requirements," experienced in operation and maintenance procedures and training. C. Preinstruction Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. Review methods and procedures related to demonstration and training. D. Coordinate content of training modules with content of approved emergenry, operation, and maintenance manuals. Do not submit instruction program until operation and maintenance data have been reviewed and approved by Architect. Vail Gymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING 01820 - I o itects I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado 2.1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS INSTRUCTION PROGRAM Program Structure: Develop an instruction program that includes individual training modules for each system and equipment not part of a system, as required by individual Specification Sections, and as follows: 1. Mechanical Systems, Ughting Systems, Fire Sprinkler and Alarm System, tandscape lrrigation Training Modules: Develop a learning objective and teaching outline for each module. Include description of specific skills and knowledge that participant is expected to master. For each module, include instruction for the following: 'l . Basis of System Design, Operational Requirements, and Criteria: lnclude system and equipment descriptions, operating standards, regulatory requirements, equipment function, operating characteristics, limiting conditions, and performance curyes. 2. Documentation: Review emergency, operations, and maintenance manuals; Project Record Documents; identification systems; warranties and bonds; and maintenance seryice agreements. 3. Fmergencies: Include instructions on stopping; shutdown instructions; operating instructions for conditions outside normal operating limits; instructions on meaning of warnings, trouble indications, and error messages; and required sequences for electric or electronic systems. 4. Operations: lnclude startup, break-in, control, and safety procedures; stopping and normal shutdown instructions; routine, normal, seasonal, and weekend operating instructions; operating procdures for emergencies and equipment failure; and required sequences for electric or electronic systems. 5. Adjustments: lnclude alignments and checking noise, vibration, economy, and eff iciency adjustments. 5. Troubleshooting: Include diagnostic instructions and test and inspection procedures. 7. Maintenance: lnclude inspection procedures, types of cleaning agents, methods of cleaning procedures for preventive and routine maintenancg and instruction on use of special tools. B. Repairs: lnclude diagnosis, repair, and disassembly instructions; instructions for identifying parts; and review of spare parts needed for operation and maintenance. B. DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING 01820 -2 I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility 01820 - 3 I y:!.e;;:;l-i Vail, Colorado r PART3-EXECUTION I 3.1 INSTRUCTION Ir A. Facilitator: Engage a qualified facilitator to prepare instruction program and training r modules, to coordinate instructors, and to coordinate between Contractor and Owner for I number of participants, instruction times, and location. B. Engage qualified instructors to instruct Owner's personnel to adjust, operate, and I rnur=nLin systems, subsystems, and equipment not part of a system.T 1. Owner will furnish an instructor to describe Owner's operational philosophy. t C. Scheduling: Provide instruction at mutually agreed on times. For equipment that requires seasonal operation, provide similar instruction at start of each season. I 1. Schedule training with Owner with at least swen days' advance notice. I D. Evaluation: At conclusion of each training module, assess and document each I participant's mastery of module by use of a demonstration performance-based test. I l. Comply with requiremenG in Division 1 Section "Photographic Documentation." I ENDOF SECrroN 01820 I I I I I I I T DEMONSTRATION ANDTRAINING l, Ir ll & HEFI|,ORTH . PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL llq:t*rxth"li;rrrla! (.ierrrer-hnrcal, lm. 5iltt (j,rrrrrr R*rtl I j4 tilcn,r', r rl 5;+incs, tL-.l.ra*r 3160 | Ph''rr{. 9?0'*{5. ?'}gF Fa::r1.1.94t-$4i,1 ,. rrr.ril lrpp" r,i3h1.li"(:t{i:h.i', rrp SUBSOIL STUDY FOR T'OUNT}ATTON Df,SIGN PROPOSID GYMNASIUM ADDITION RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 55I NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD Wf,ST VAIL,COLOnADO JOBNO. t04102 MARCH 24,2004 PREPAREI} FOR; FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS ATTN: LYNN FRITZLEN 1650 VAJL yALLDY IlRrYE, SUITT C,l VAIL, COLORADO 81657 ll Parker 103'841.7119 t ColoradoSprinp ?lg.63J'5562 r Silverthorne 9?0-468-19g9 I tl lr lt l: Ir l1 l; h h h ll It I il F F ilt il ll lr lf tf l1 l1 l1 Ir ll Ir ll ll lf tl il il s d d o PUR}OSE AND SCOPN OF STUDY This report presents the results ofa subsoil study for a proposed gymnasium addition to the Red sandstone Elementary school, 551 North Frontage Road west, vail, colorado. The project site is shown on Figure L The purpose ofthe study was to develop recommendations for the foundalion design. The study was conducted in accordance with our proposal for geotechnical engineering services to Fritzlen Pierce Architects dated January 26,2m4- we previously conducted a geologic site assessment at ihe project site and presented ou findings in a report dated January l6,2o04,Job No. 104 102. A field exploration program consisting ofexploratory borings was conducted to obtain infonnation on the subsurface conditions, Samples ofthe subsoils obtained during the field exploration were tested in the laboratory to determine theirclassification and other engineering characteristics. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing were analyzed to develop recommendations for foundation types, depths and allowable pressures for the proposed building foundation. This report summarizes the data obtained during this study and prcsents our conclusions, design recommendations and other geotechrdcal engineering considemtions based on the proposed conshuction and the subsurface conditions encountered. ' f.. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The proposed gymnasium will be a 2 story steel frarne structure with the lower level stepped into the hillside. The exercise facilities and entry wilt be oa the lower level next to the parfting and the gymnasium will be on the second level. Ground floorc will be slab- on-grade, Grading for the sfucture will be relatively extensive with cut depths up to about 25 to 30 feet. Foundation loadings will be relxively treavy and carried mainly by continuous walls. The uphill wall of the gymnasium will not have mid span support and ahernativp methods are being evaluated to reduce unbalanced lateral eafih loading on the wall. Job No. lM 102 cstech I r I I I I l I I t I I I t l t l I I lfbuilding loadings, location or grading plans change signiticantly lronr those described above, we should be notified to re-evaluate the recornnrendations contained in this report. SITE CONDITIONS The project site was in similar condition to lhat described irr our geologic assessmenl report except that the snow depth was less and a trail had been cut for the drill access. t he ground surface is steeply sloping down to the south at a grade up to about 50% with about 35 feet ofelevation difference across the building footprint. Vegetation consists ofgrass. weeds and brush. The weslem part appears to have been cut, possibly by the original construction. The eastern part ofthe site has sage brush which appears natural. The bedrock in the project area generally has a bedding dip down to the west across the Itillside slope. There are no natural landslide conditiorrs in the project area. FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration for the project was conducted on February 27 ,2004. Two exploratory borings were drilled at the locations shown on Figure I to evaluate the subsurface conditions. The borings were advanced with 4 inch diameter continuous flight augers powered by a track-mounted CME-45 drill rig. A trail was sut across the building site from the southeast corner td access lhe upper part ofthe proposed building site. The trail was then reclaimed after the drilling was completed. The borings were logged by a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geoteclurical, lnc. Slotted PVC pipe was placed in the uphill boring for water level monitoring. Samples of the subsurface materials were taken with l% inch and 2 inch LD. spoon samplers. The samplers were driven into fre subsurface materials at various depths with blows from a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. This test is sirnilar to the standard penetration test described by ASTM Method D-I586. The penetration resistance values are an indication ofthe relative density or consistency ofthe subsoils and hardness ofthe I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IJob No. lM 102 <sE&6ctr lI lr tl t1 l1 t; t; ll ll Ir ll ll ll t; $ $ 1f gf l; o -J- bedrock. Depths at which the samples were taken and the penetration resistance values are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Figure 2. The samples were returned to our laboratory for review by the project engineer and testing. SUBSURFACE CONDTTIONS Graphic logs of the subsurface conditions encountercd at the site are shown on Figure 2. The subsurface conditions encountered were variable, and belowa shallow fill depth, oonsist ofmainly siltstone-sandstone bedrock materials at Boring I (uphill side) and medium dense silty to clayey sand and gravel with cobbles at Boring 2 (dov',nhill side). Drilling in the bedrock with auger equipment was diflicult due to its hardness and drilling rpfusal was encountered in lhe deposit in apparently cemented rock. The fill materials urcre mahly granular soils but some construction debris was encoullered at Boring 2. Laboratory testltrg perfonned on samples obtained from the borings included natural moisture content and gradation analyses. Results ofgradation analyses performed on small diarneter drive samples (minus I % inch fraction) of the coarse granular soils encountered at Boring 2 are shown on Figure 4. The laboratory testing is summatized on Table l. No Aee water rras encountered in the borings at the time of drilling or when Boring I was checked l0 days later. The subsoils were slightly rnoist to moist and rhe bedrock was relatively dry. ENGINEERING ANALY$S The subsurface conditions encountered in the borings are variable but suitable for support of spread footings with relatively low settlement potential. The upper part of ltp Hrock is &actured and broken which could pose some stability conoems. We expect that "soil nailing" ofthe rock to stabilizs the cut should be feasibls from a geotechnical viewpoint. Job No. 104 102 cstecrr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3) 4) l r I I I ; I t I I ; t t t ; t I l -4- The site should be observed to finalize our evaluation ofthe potential rockfall impacts 1o the site as recommended in our previous geologic site assessnrent report. DNSIGN RECOMMSNDATIONS FOUNDATIONS Considering the subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings and the nature of the proposed construction, we recommend the building be founded with spread footings bearing on the natural granular soils and bedrock materials. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a spread footing foundation system. l) Footings placed on the natural granular soils should be designed for an allowable bearing pressure of3,000 psf. Footings that are placed entirely on the undistwbed bedrock materials (mainly the back wall) can be designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 5000 psf. Based on experiencq we exp€ct settlement offootings designed and constructed as discussed in this section will be about I inch or less but could be differential between lhe different bearing materials. The footings should have a minimum width of l8 inches for continuow walls and 2 feet for isolated pads. Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protection. Placement offoundatians at least 42 inches below exterior grade is typically used in this area. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span local anomalies such as by assuming an unsupported length of at least l0 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures should also be designed to resist lateral earth pressures as discussed in the "Foundation and Retaining Walls" section of this report. Job No. 104 102 e&&ecrr ll tr ll Il l; l; h * fr n m n T ;t il lf tt il o -5- All existing fill, topsoil and any loose or disturbed soils and rock should be removed and the footing bearing level extended down to relatively dense natural granular soils or bedrock. If rvater seepage is encountered, lhe footing areas should be dewatered before concrele placement. A representative ofthe geotechnical engineer should observe all footing excavations prior to concrete placement to evaluale bearing condilions. FOI.JNDATION AND RETAINING WALLS Foundation walls and retaining structures which are laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a slight amount ofdeflection should be designed fora lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of 50 pcf for granular wall backfill and walls that are up tol5 feet high. A unifonn pressure distribution in psf of 25H should be used for taller walls where Ft is the heighl of the wall in feet, Cantilevered retaining sfi:uctues which are separate from the building and can be expected to deflecl sufficiently to mobilize the frrll active earth pressure condition should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis ofan equivalent fluid unil weight of 40 pcf for granular wall backfill. If the backfill distance behind the uphill wall is about 4 feet add crushed rock is used as backfill, the earth pressur€ toading in psfcan be reduced to l5H. All foundation and retaining skuctures should be designed for appropriate hydrostatic and surcharge pressures zuch as adjacent footings, fiaffic, conshuction materials and equipment. The prcszures recommended above assurue drained conditions behind the walls and a horizontal backfill surface. The buildup of water behind a wall or an upward sloping backfill surface will increase the lateral pr€ssur€ imposed on a foundation wall or retaining strucfiire. An underdrain should be provided to prevent hydrostatic pressure buildup behind walls. Backfill should be placed in uniform lifu and compacted to at least 90% of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture eontent near optimum. Backfill in pavement and 5) 6) Job No. lM l{D cstecrr I r : I I : I I -6- walkway areas should be compacted to at least 95% oflhe maxirnum standard Proctor density. Care should be taken not to over cornpact the backfill or use large equipment near the wall, since this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the wall. Some settlement of deep foundalion wall backfill shoutd be expected, even if the material is placed correctly, and could result in dislress to facilities constructed on the backfill" We recommend ganular soils for backfilling foundation walls and retain.ing structures because their use results in lower lateral earth pressut€s and the backfill will improve the subsurface drainage. Granular wall backfill should contain less than 20% passing the No. 2(X) sieve and have a maximum size of 6 inches. The lateral resistance of foundaiion or retaining rvall footings will be a combination of the sliding resistance ofthe footing on the foundation materials and passive earth pressure against the side of the footing. Resistance to sliding at the bottoms of the footings can be calculated based on a coef{icient offriction of0.45 for granular soils and 0.50 for bedrock. Passive pressure ofcompacted backfill against the sides ofthe footings can be calculated using an equivalent fluid unit weight of400 pcffor granular soil backfill. The coefficient of friction and passive pressurs values recornmended above assume ultimate soil strength. Suitable factors ofsafety should be included in the design to limit the slrain which will occur al the ultirnate strength, particularly in the case of passive resistance. Granular fill placed against the sides ofthe footings to rpsist lateral loads can be assumed to have a moist unit weight of 130 pcfwhen compacted to at least 95% of the maximum staodard Proctor density at a moisfure content near optimum" FLOORSLABS The natural on-site soils and bedrock are suitable to support lightly to moderately loaded slab.on-grade construction. To redrrce the effects of some differential movement, nonstructural floor slabs should be separated frorn all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints which allow uuestrained vertical movement. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. The requirements forjoint I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t. 5 I I I I I I I I I Job No. | Oil 102 e5tectr I rl :l ll ll ll l1 l1 -'t - spacing and slab reinforcement should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. A minimum 4 inch layer of free-draining gravel should be placed beneath basernent level slabs to facilitate drainage. This material should consist of minus 2 inch aggregate with at least 50% retainetl on the No. 4 sieve and less rhan2o/o passing the No. )00 sieve. All fill materials for support of floor slabs should be compacted to at least 95o/o of maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimun. Required fill can consist ofthe on-site granular soits devoid ofvegetation, topsoil and oversized rock. I,JNDERDRAIN SYSTEM Although free water was not encountercd during our exploration, it has been our experience in mountainous areas and where bedrock is shallow that local perched groundwater can develop during times of heavy precipitation or seasonal runoff. Frozen ' ground during spring runoffcan create a perched condition. We rccommend below-grade construction, such as retaining walls and basement areas, be protected from wetting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdrain system. The drain should extend up the perimeter walls to within about 2 feet of ground surface. The drains should consist ofdrainpipe placed in the bottom ofthe wall backfill surrounded above the invert level with free-draining granular material. The drain should be placed at each level ofexcavation and at least I foot below lowest adjacent finish g:rade and sloped at a minimum l7o to a suitable gnvity outlet' Free-draining granular material used in the underdrain system should contain less than 2% passing the No. 200 sieve, less than 5fflo passing the No. 4 sieve and have a manimum sizn sf 2 inches. The drain gravel backfill should be at least 2 feet deep- c&Ftecrr I h ll tl tl ll ll ll il il lob No. I 04 I 02 I I I l I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I -8- SITEGRADING There will ire a risk ofconstruction-induced slope instability at the site due to thc proprsed extensive excavation. We understand that the uphill cut will probably be retained by permanent shoring rather than sloped back into the hillside. We expect tlrat the shoring will be designed by a specialty contractor. We can review their design when requested. Fills should typically be limited to about l0 to l2 feet deep to linrit settlement risk. Structural fills should be compactcd to al lEast 95%o of the maximum standard Proctor density near optimum moisture content. Prior to fill placement, the subgrade should be carefully prepared by removing all vegetation and topsoil and compacting to at leastglo/oof the maxirnum standard Proctor density. The filt should be benchetl into slopes that exceed 20% grade. Permanent unretained cut and fill slopes shoutd be graded at 2 horizontal to I veriical or flatter and protecled against emsion by revegeiation or other means, The risk of slope instabitity *'ill be increased ifseepage is encountered in cuts and llatter slopes may be neoessary. lf seepage is encountered in permaneut cuts, an investigation Should be conducted to determine if the seepage will adversely affect the cut stability. SURFACEDRAINAGE The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the building has been completed: 1) Inundation ofthe foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during conslruction. Exterior backFrll should be adjusted to near optimum moisture and compacted to at least 950/o of the maximum standard Proctor density in pavemsnt and slab areas and to at least 907o of the maximum standard Proctor density in landscape areas. The ground surface surrounding the exterior ofthe building should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We 2) t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3) Job No. 104 102 c&&ecrr t- il ttll tttIttt It ;t il -9- recommend a minimum slope of l2 inches in the first l0 feet in unpaved areas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in the first l0 feet in paved areas. Free-draining wall backfill should be capped with about 2 feet of the on- site soils to reduce surface water infiltration. 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill. LIMITATIONS This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty eitlrer express or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the geologic site review, exploratory borings drilled at the locations indicaled on Figure 1, the proposed type ofconstruction and our experience in lhe arca. Our services do not include determining the presence prevenlion or possibility of mold or other biological contaminants (MOBC) developing in the future. If the client is concerned about MOBC, then a professional in this special field of practice should be consulted. Our findings include interpolation ard extrapolation of the subsurface conditions idenlified at the exploratory borings and variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. lf conditions encountered during constnrction appear different from those described in this reporf we should be notified so that re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. We are not respo$ible for technical interpretations by others of otu information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implemenlation of our recommendations, and to veriry that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Sigrrificant design changes may require additional analysis or modilications to the recommendations presented herein We recomrnend on-site observation of excavations and foundation Iob No lO4 102 cstecfr I I I I _10_ bearing strata and testing ofstructural fill by a represenlative ofthe geotechnical engineer. Respectfully Submitted, HEPWORTH. PAWLAK cc: Redwine Engineers-attn: Sean Molloy Peak Land Consultants-attn: George Mussrnan I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ffihi* 16222 , -#;l-;$"* Job No. lM 102 oo lf rl lr lf tl tl ll l; l; ll ll tl il tr il il il APPROXIMATE SCALE l"=40' I l .\ ,I 102r04 HEPWORTH_PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.LOCAIION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Figure 1 I t I I I I I I I :t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I BORING 1 ELEV.-s268' BORING 2 ELEV'=8234' PRoFos€D 'lst LE\EL 26/12 WC=6.7 -20O- 31 21/12 j $C=6.6 +4-38 _296,119 {,o I t o.o 50n o)ol,t- I [)6 80/2 PROP0SEO 2nd LE\EL FLOOR r E2+5' Noter Explonotion of symbols is shown on FiEure 3' Figure 2LOGSOF EXPLORATORY BORINGSHEPWORTH_PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. :lt, _L-l tl ll lr tl lr l1 l5 lr lr lr lr lr lr tr I I LEGEND: X MAN-PLACED F|LL; on-site cut moteriols ot Eoring 1, moinly silty cloyey sond ond grovel below X osphdlt povement ot Boring 2, some wood ond insulotion foom trosh rrE LIE SAND AND GRA\EL (SC-GC); siliy, ctoyey, some cobbles, possible boulders, medium dense, moist Hl mixed brown. Rock frogments ond gronitic rock. W wEAfiERED srLrsroNE-sANDSToNE; Y mixed brown. medium hord to hord, froctured ond broken' slightly moist' ffi 9LTSTONE-SANDSTONE BEDROCK; hord to very hcrd, some cemented rock with depth, light brown ffi ond groy. Mjnturn Formotion. Il-1 U Relotivety undisturbcd dri\re somple; 2-inch l.D' Colifornio llner somple' I I I Drive sornple; stondord penetrotion test (SPT), 1 3/8 inch l.D. split spoon scmple' ASru D-i586' I . Drive somole blow count; indicotes thot 21 blors of o 140 pound hommer folling 3O inches were 21 /12 reauired to drive the Colifornio or SPT somplor 12 inches. Fffi Indicotes srotted pVC pipe instotted in boring to depth shown- (Boring 1 only) Lffi T Prccticol drilling retusol. I NOTES: 1. Explorotory borings were drilled on Februory 27, 2OO4 with o ,l-inch diometer continuoue flight power ouger 2. Locotlons of explorotory borings *ere meosured opproximotely by pocing from feotures shorun on the site plon provided. 3. Elewtions of explorotory borings were obtoined by interpolotion between contours on the site plon provided. Logs ore drown to dePth. 4. The explorotory borlng locotlons snd elewtions Ehould be considered occsrote onty to the degree imPlied by the method used. S, the 1ines between moterlols shown on the explorotory boring logs represent the opproximole boundories between moteriol tJpes ond tronsitlons moy be groduol. 6. No free troter wos encountered in the borings ot the tlme of drilting or whcn Boring 1 wos checked l0 doys loter. fluctuotion in noter level moy occur with tima. 7, Loborotory Testing Resultsr lllC=WoterContcnt(%) +4 = Pefcent retoined on the No' 4 sieve -2OO = Percent posslng No. 2OO siev,e 104 102 HEPWORTH_PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.LEGEND AND NO1ES Figure 3 I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t .s. slrt{orfio sEiEs curn sQurE F6a.l6 21o{-'flf,. 7lmta!t. t5 lfll, ]!f ffrD acs 60irl. isllil, + rli{. I tlil.rt?" 7/f I rlt t {8': r00 Lr.lz F bJu Fz TJ-() ll,l .06 .oo' ,ot3 .ort .0?a .r50 '3oo 'st'o l'tt z! r'76 e.5rz5 ltc 7!.2 1321/1 OIAME'IER OT PARTICLES IN MILUMEIERS cuY m sat GRA\€L 38 % LIOTJID LIMIT % SAND 43 % SILT AND CLAY 19 % PLASTICITY INDEX %, FROM: Boring 2 ot 9 ond 14 Feet CombinedSAMPLE OFr Cloyey Sond ond Srovol GRADATION ]EST RESULTSHEPWORTH_PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC.104 142 I rf ll lr lr lr l; 15' t1 l; ll Ht Htt il f\ -o ,i |r) ZJ firn U t-#iflUFg '/-\ d,ruy(9 ,Ev-d<'rlo =83tLrOF o aL:uJrG cy "o ao a_) ,., :IJ t /r ulE>r =(o(9 l-aYF' trgEE g :<zi.- z: llJ llJ tr !lx295d- Fg;s z d{J z-o#e)_.t <s (9 a dr =Rg Ei-H tE: F6E S599 r\ z U :l LrJ E I LE 6 -f 'e'':+ a) *E.:a z o aA al t I I I I I va'Recreari:?gjiffi;3"ffi::tcs{enter site I T I I I I I I I I I lI I PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE REPORT Prepared Foc Fritzle,n Pierce Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Prepared By: Peak Civil F.ngin6sring, fuo. 10@ Lion's Ridge Inop Vail, CO 81657 Job No. 1278 January,2004 I I ll I I T I I I I Preltlrinary Drainage Report Vail Recreation Diskict - Gymnastics Center Site Town of Vait Eagle County, Colorado For: Fritrlen Plerce Architects I. Introduction The p,roposed Gymnastics center site is located immediately east of the existing Red San,ftiore Elementary Scbool, a portio,n of Lot 8, Vail / potato patch, Towo of Vail, Fagle County, Colorado, Theproposed improvements include an approximately 80'by 60' building with crxb & gute,r and sidcwalk in the toot The sidewalk would connect to the existing conffete rfinp to tbe west @ed Sandstone Elernmtary Sc.hool}. The draiuage basin contributing to stoflnwat€r rirtroffthrouglr ttre site consists of 5.3 acrqs of moderate to steep slopes with vqgeation of mixed conifer forest to sagebrush md grass. An existing &ahage swale flows from north to south immediately west ofthe proposed building. This swale drains thc area behind the existing Red sandstone Ele'mentary school. Aaother existing swate directs dminage iom behind (north of) the proposed building to the eas! tben iouth along the east side of the prcposed building. This swale is shourn on the *Topographic Map - A part of Lot 8A {Red Sandstone Elernentary), Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colotadol, dated {ll\6lM,prepared by peak Land Suveying Ino. It appears that a portion of the proposed building will encroach into this drainage swale. Hydrologic and hydraullc anatysis Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of fie proposed development's stormwat€r ruaoffwas perfomned using the rational method as alcscrib€d in cbapter l0 of the Town of vail Developme'lrt code. Snow melt rates were included iu the calculations. The results of the analysis are included in the attachm€nt *Rational Method Calculation Sheet'!. \\Scwedftoji*\t 20s.l?9S l2Ttlprrlim Dainrgc,&c I I I I I I I I I III. PreliminslYPscoemendations Preliminary recommendations for the proposed site improvemenls include: The grading plan for the proposed building should reflect positive drainage away from the skwture on all four sides. Grading should be at least l0: t for the first 10 feet Direct drainage from the hillside behhd (north oD the building to the east in a concrete swale at a minimum of 1%. The concrete swale should'dayliglrt'into the existing swale to the east of the building A rip-rap apron should be installed at the downsfeam end of the concrcte swale to reduce runoffvelocities and provide energ5r dissipation. A cross-sestion of the recommended grading and consrete swale is included as an attacbmeol Ifthe proposed building encroaches into the existiag swale to the east oftbe building, the swale should be relocated firther to the east, at least 10' from the building. Stabilize and revegetate any disturbed portions ofthe swale_ Concrete cwb & gutter and sidewalks in the ftont of the buildiag should be desiped and constructed such tbat existing drainage patterns ia the existing driveway and parking area are not changed. I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I $ScrvsdProjses\I20$. 129!\127E\Pnlin Drarbage.<bc t a o a a a I I I I I I I I I GeorgeK Mossmao Peak Civil Engineering Inc. Reviewedby: fI tl, Ma*8. Tarrall, PE Peak Civil Fngineering, Inc. I I I I I I l I I I I fV. Aftachments Attached with this r€,port are: r Rational Method Calculatioo Sheet for 2yr, 5yr, 1$r, 25yr, 50f, and 100yr stonn events: Time of Concentation {Tc) calculation sheet; Tovn of Vail Intensity - Duration - Frequency Curves; Urban Drainage and Flood Coatrol Dishict RunotrCoefficient (C) Table; TqwD of Vail Chapter 10 page 15 of 26, Precipitatioa and snowmelt rates; l"= 200' scale Prelimiuary Draimge Pl4 Depth vs. Dischaqge Curve for a I' bottom width cotrcrete swale @ lo/a grade; Cross-section ofrecosmended grading and concrete swale. Prepared by: 0r ffi I -y- \\S€rvct\PiDjcc8\l2qLD99\t2?t\Prchn Dra naea.doc Io I I JOB NAME: VRD - Gymnastics Center I oALCULATEDBY: GKM JoBNo. 1278 r cHEcKED BY: DATE: 1nBr2ao4 sC,ALE SHEET NO' 1 J t RATIoNAL METHOD CALCULATION SFIEET SASIN hlAME: Glmnaslics center sih I [.AND USE: Vacant Forest 100% Pervlous I AREA: 53 Act6s r HYDRoLoGtc soll TYPE: c/D I TI!ilEOFCoilCEITITRATION: AJ Min. I Length(fi)slope(fuffJ vd-(fi/s) Tc (Sheet Flo't ) 3O0 0.3(n 0.4 12.7 {Shallovir Florr} 1100 0.24fi 2.5 7.3 I ic*rannel Fhw) 1100 0.368 10.6 1.7 r in./ hr, I RAfNFALL INTENSITY ( | ) 12 't.2 t From Torn of Vail IDF Curuos 15 1.7 lro 2.0ll:ifr' lrm 3.2 I RUNOFF COEFFICTEHT { C } C, 0.04 F oni Table RGs Q o'15 t Urban Storm Dminage Manual Cro 0.25 t vdumel, June2001 % 0.37 c5o 0.4 Qm '0'50 r (cfs/ acre) r. sNorv rrELT FACTOR,(SU) ?yr 0.040 I FiomTd|,n of Vail fue syr 0.048r 13-1G9(k) 10vr 0.060 25yr 0.067sqr 0.072 I 100Yr 0.080 ck I FLow FRoM RATToNAL MErHop Lol a, olrl, I Q = {Crl?} * (SM'A) Q5 '1.6{r*ffi I a6o oJc Qro &90 I $ssrv€f \Pmieds\120G1 299\1 24ADrahagF\Gym.Rdbrd Melhod I VRD-Gym Prepared by Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 101-Year Type tl 24-hr Rainfall=2.40' Page 4 1986-2001 Subcatchment G1: Gl Runoff = 1.70 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 0'156 af Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs' dt= 0'05 hrs Type ll 24-hr Rainfall=2.40" Area {ac) CN Description 5,300 7A Woods, Good, HSG C Tc Length Slope Veloci$ Capacity Description I I I I t I I t t I I 121 300 0.3000 7 .3 't,100 0.2500 Sheet Flow' Sheet Range n=0.130 P2=1.00' Shallow Concentrated Flow' Shallow Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 0.4 2.5 1.7 1.100 0.3700 10.6 58.46 Ghannel Flow, Overland Channel Area= 5.5 sf Perim= 12.2' r= 0.45' n=-Q'0!Q 21.7 2,500 Toial I I I t t t I I l, l_ lt ll lt ll l1 ll ll I -'tl ll ll ll ;l 1l 1l I' ll i tsn'r i-c,)g P.0!,/ct i-l4i - iir-i'r-3.i.-ri1-\./ - f\i iF- 4Tifri.{ *//v/EJVJJJ '{ -UUn'!':.,t lvt\ FREQUENCY CUf;VIS n ( TINIE, 0" 40 MINUTE5}. vAil .caLofrAto " Yf-Il l- a \t l'/F-\-a -a ^ o DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL {V. 1) o I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I RUNOFF TA,BLE RO.5 Runoff Coefficients, C Percentage lmDerviousness Tvpe C and D NRCS Hvdroloqic Soil Groups 2-vl 5-yr 10-yr 25-yr 50-yr 10o-yr 0%0.M 0.15 o.25 0.37 0.44 0.50 1Yo 0.08 0.18 0.28 0.39 046 0.52 10%0.11 0_21 0.30 0.41 o.47 0.53 1ie/o 0.14 v -2.,o.32 0.43 0.49 0.54 20o/o 0.17 0.26 0.34 4.44 0.50 0.55 25%0.20 0.28 0.36 0.46 0.51 0.56 30%o.22 0.30 0.38 0.47 o.52 4.57 35%0.25 0.33 0.40 0.48 0.53 0.57 40%0.28 0.35 0.42 0.50 0.54 0.58 45o/s 0.31 0.37 o.u 0.51 0.55 0.59 fio/o 0.34 0.40 0.46 0.53 0.57 0.60 550/,0.37 0.43 o.48 0.55 0.58 4.62 60%0.41 0.46 0.51 0.57 0.60 0.63 65%0"4s 0.49 0.54 0.59 4.62 0.65 -7Wo 0.49 0.53 0-57 4.62 0.65 0.68 751o 0.54'0.66 0.68 0.71 80o/o 0.60 u.b5 0.66 0.70 o.72 0.74 85o/o 0.66 0.68 0,71 0,75 0.77 0.79 90%0.73 r 0.75 o.77 0.80 0,82 0.83 g5o/o 0.80 0.82 0.84 .0.87 0.88 0,89 100o/o 0.89 0.90 0.92 .0.94 0.95 0.96 Tvoe B NRCS Hvdroloqic Soils Group 0o/o 0.02 0.08 0.15 0.25 0.30 0,35 5To 0.04 0.10 0.19 0.28 0.33 0.38 10o/o 0.06 0.14 o.22 0.31 0.36 0.40 15%0.08 at7 0.2s 0.33 0.38 0.42 20%4.12 0.29 0.27 0.35 0.40 o.44 25e/o 0.15 4.22 0.30 0.37 0.41 0.46 30%0.18 0.25 0.32 0.39 0.4i1 0.47 35o/o 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.41 o.44 0.48 A9a/o t.23 0.30 0.36 0.42 0.46 0.50 +o-0,26 0.32 0.38 0.44 4.48 0.51 50%0.29 0.35 0.40 0.46 0.49 0.52 0.33 0.38 0.43 0.43 n a.{0.54 6olo 0.37 0,41 0.46 0.51 0,54 0.56 65%0.41 0.45 0.49 0.54 9.57 0.59 7Oo/o 0.45 0.49 0.53 0.58 0.80 0.62 7SYa 0.51 0-54 0,58 0.62 0.64 0.66 90o/a 0,57 0.59 0.63 0.66 u.b6 0.70 440/-nAt 0.66 0.69 0.72 4.73 0.75 90%0.71 0.73 0.75 0.78 0.80 0.81 0.79 0.81'0.83 0.85 0.87 0.88 lCAo/o c.8s 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.95 0.96 36/2ilS1 Urban Dreinags end Flccd Contc] DistrJct Ro-11 I t Page l5 of26 I t I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I 2 5 6 25 50 100 1.0 1.4 1.6 1,9 2.2 2.4 melhod shall be utilized for drainage calculations. The appropriate design manual shall beProcedures for Determinin g pe* Filws in'ioloi"oo. a' Precipitation and snowmert rates to be used are itemized berow: Frequency (years) precipitation (inches) Snoar Melt (cfs/acre\ 0.040 0.048 0.000 0.067 0,072 0.080 b' unless an extensive ffilg:flort is prepared !v-a registered professionat engineeiwifir 3;3fl?fi?j;.. on soittypes, vegeiarion, ind rristoridn"G ii,eiouliing oesisn ;rird;#' Catculation Of Runoff Curve Numbers lmpervious surface CN = gg Lawn areas CN=60 Wood or forest land CN = Z0 A weightd cN shall be calculated for the,jmmediate. area proposed for devetopment. openspace areas will be tumped in separare tributary ba;ina;;i;-c-ri orio;;ridili; 1ii;'independent ofthe dev6lopea aria. SAMPLE: Total drainage shed = S.0 acres lmmediate developed areas = 0.5 acres Open space area = 4,,b acres lmpervious surface = 70% of developed area Appfy CN = T0 to 4.5 acres and calculate runoff Weighted CN for devetoped area: - Weighted CN = .7x0.Sx9g+.3x0.5x60 = 86.6 = g7 .5 r c. Galcufation of runoffdepth. httpl/66, I I 3. I 95.234/docbar.hrrn 3n4/2003 I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I t I o.8o.2 fis.o o o} r! (, vt b:lo.o 5.O Depth vs. Discharge Plotted Curves for Trapezoidal Channel Projec! Descdption Project File Wo*sheet c:\h aestad\f mw\swale. fm2 Flow Element Trapezoidal ChannelMethod Manning's Formula Solve For Discharpe Constant Data ManningsCoefficient 0.013 Rlghl Side Slope 2.000000H; V Bottom Wdth 1.00 ft Channel Slope Left Side Slope 0.010000ft/fi 2.000O00 H : V l'Bt*l 5e LoVs Conc,n,lr- 5r.ro,l a Discharge vs Depfi25.4 20.o o.o o.o o.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Depth (ft) Haestad M6thods, tnc. 37 B.ookcids Road wzterhJry. cr 06708 (AO3) 7F6_166S 1.O FlowMaste v5,15 Peg€ I of 1 01D9tO4 11:36:45 AM Maximum 0.10 fl &,n t9 e,€s t- - D iII I I o.1 o.tt t I l, I I I I I I I I. I I I t I I I I I PRI]FI]SED SUILDIN6 CENCRETE SVALE 1' BT]TTBM VIDTH RECt]HMENDED 2r1 SIDESLDPES '/ 1' DEPTH 9/ ,$/ \,/ GRADING 10, Q 10:1 ( 2rl GRADING-''_T[ MATCH EXISTING HN( PEAK LAID COI{g'LTA}TTA h|c, tEil( c}l. arsEEm,q$Rgrw+u FAIsr+,6c.St@lF{trocercol va- colst PROJECTNAME: VRD - GYMNASTICS CENTER DATE: 01B0rc4SCAIE: NO SCAIfi PROJECTNo: 1278 TITLE: RECOMMENDED GRADINGAND CONCRSTE SWALE FIGURENo.: 1 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sxgt I tlos slrll,iovrr FLcs trAri gL f'lorr 300' 3€!Fv. 90' l.!oc' a [riv, !70' r.rso t li-€v- {05' ! ' o.f,o S - 0.25 PRELIiJINANY DNAINAC€ PLANi-lL ( --J i--:;--;4I */l | \. ! t .rr, rNr {-{e!cEr fd !f I t__f L_ ** ,",n+* Ll-------l------r-.---r'o LE vt9 - cYi&tastqs clrrlli 5lT:!oq{ cF vAti tr8u coulrlt. coic*aoo trf Si:rat: $r,:nd €rf,|Lt tL r€t s.r!t: t_- I::C !,itsr rrr. s.-srB* , I Ylr'il,::#: Architects - 970-476-6342 I sEcTIoN 02OOO_ SITE DMINAGE CENEML I PART1 -CENEML I 1.1 ',MMARY I Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado I A. This Section includes concrete curbs, culverts, splash block, culverts and drainage I improvements as specified on the drainage plans and report prepared by Peak Land. The drainage report is a part of this specification at the end of this section. 1.2 SUBMITTALS I A. Products: Submit cutsheets for all prefabricated products, including splashblock, curbs, culverts and drainage diversion devices. I- PART2 - PRODUCTS I 2.1 1. Refer to Drainage Plan and Repoft for sizes and locations. I I PARr3-EXECUTION A. Install in accordance with civil engineers specifications as stated on the dninage plan and I report, and manufacturer's recommended installation. B. Request inspection of the work by the Civil Engineer at 70% completion and receive wriften I approval before finalizing the improvements - END oF sEcloN o2ooo I t I t\ I I srE D*^TNA.E .ENEML 02000- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects O Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Vail, Colorado 970476,6342 SECTION 02260 - EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PART 1 - CENEML 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes permanent excavation support, protection systems and synthetic back fill. System shall be an approved soil nailing or soil anchoring system. Contractor shall be responsible for reviewing and conforming with the recommendations of the soils report prepared for the site by HPCeotech March 24, 2004 and is part of this section. Approved subcontractors for this work are: Coggins and Sons - 303-791-9911 Littleton CO Yentor - 9/0-945-5333 Clenwood Springs CO B and Y Drilling Inc. 97G 625-2608 Rifle CO PERFORMANCE REQUI REMENTS B. Design, furnish, install, monitor, and maintain excavation support and protection system capable of supporting excavation sidewalls and of resisting soil and hydrostatic pressure and superimposed and construction loads. 1 . Provide professional engineering services needed to assume engineering responsibility, including preparation of Shop Drawings and a comprehensive engineering analysis by a qualified professional engineer. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings for Information: Prepared by or under the supervision of a qualified professional engineer for excavation support and protection systems. 1. lnclude Shop Drawings signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. 1.3 PROJECT CONDITIONS A' Survey adjacent structures and improvements, employing a qualified professional engineer or land surveyor; establish exact elevations at fixed points to act as benchmark. Clearly identif, benchmarks and record existing elevations. 1. During installation of excavation support and protection s)6tems, regulady resurvey benchmarks, maintaining an accurate log of surveyed elevations and positions for comparison with original elevations and positions. Promptly notify Architect if changes in elevations or positions occur or if crack, sags/ or other damage is evident in adiacent construction. EXCAVATION STJPPORT AND PROTECTION 02260 - | o Architects I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Ceneral: Provide materials that are either new or in serviceable condition. B. Ceofoam Synthetic Backfill as manufactured by R-Control Building Systems Excelsior, MN r-control.com PART 3. EXECUTION 3.1 PREPAMTION A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards that could develop during excavation support and protection system operations. B. lnstall excavation support and protection systems to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. C. Monitor excavation support and protection systems daily during elcavation progress and for .as long as excavation remains open. Promptly correct bulges, breakage, or other evidence of movement to ensure that excavation support and protection systems remain stable. D. Promptly repair damages to adjacent facilities caused by installing excavation support and protection systems. E. Install "Ceofoam' in strict accordance with manufacturer's specifications. 3.2 REMOVAL AND REPAIRS A. Leave excavation support and protection systems permanently in place.B. Provide "Ceo{oam" backfill between shoring and concrete retaining walls END OF SECTION 02260 Fritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 970-47G.6342 EXCAVATION SI.]PPORT AND PROTECTION Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado 02260 -2 I Fritzlen pierce ArchitectsI Y:!f;:i;1xi Vail Cymnastics Facility May 20O4 Vail, Colorado I sECTroN 02620 -suBDMTNACE I PARrl-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY I A. This Section includes subdrainage systems for foundations as described in the soils report. prepared by HP Geotech dated March 24, ZO0/., a copy of which is included in this I section 1.2 SUBMITTALS I A. Product Data: For drainage conduit, and geotextile fabrics indicated. I PARr2-pRoDUCrs I 1.3 Drainage conduit, geotextile fabrics, couplings, cleanouts and discharge devices. I PARr3-EXECUnoN 2.1 EARTHWORK I A. Excavating trenching and backfilling are specified in Division 2 Section "Earthwork." I 2.2 FOUNDATION DRATNACE TNSTALLATTON I A. Install Drain in compliance with Soils report recommendations. r 2.3 FTELD QUALTTY CONTROL ' A. Testing: After installing drainage fill to top of pipe, test drain piping with water to ensure I free flow before backfilling. Remove obstructions, replace damaged components, and t repeat test until results are satisfactory. I 2.4 CLEANTNC I A. Clear interior of installed piping and structures of dirt and other superfluous material as work progresses. Maintain swab or drag in piping and pull past each joint as it is completed. Place plugs in ends of uncompleted pipe at end of each day or when work stops,t I END oF sECroN 02620 I I SUBDRAINAGE 02620- | c. D. I I I I I I t I I I t t I I I I I I t Fritzlen pierce nrchiteJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 sEcTroN 02520 DRAINAGE COMPOSITES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY Drainage Composits A. Section Includes: Prefabricated Drainage Composite.1. Types of Prefabricated Drainage Composites include:a) Prefabricated drainage composite for below grade, vertical wall applications.b) Prefabricated drainage composite for below grade, horizontal applications.B. Related Sections:1. Earthwork: Refer to Division 22. Landscaping: Refer to Division 23. Cast-in-place concrete: Refer to Division 34. Structural pre-cast concrete: Refer to Division 35. Masonry: Refer to Division 4 1.2 REFERENCES(TNDUSTRYSTANDARDS) A. General: Refer to Division 1 References Section. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacture/s product data ceftmcates of compliance for drainage composites specified. Submit specimen copy of warranty specified herein.B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing layout, profiles, and product components, including accessories for drainage composites. Samples: Submit verification samples for prefabricated drainage composites. Quality Assurance/Control Submittals1. The specified properties of drainage panels must be supported by test results ftom an independent laboratory, documenting the specified flow rate in the plane of the core and creep perforrnance of the polymer core. The testing conditions shall comply with ASTM D-4716 as follows:a) Hydraulic Gradient 1.0 for vertical installations and 0.05 for horizontal b) i[:11'$'"#;rrre (pressure imposed perpendicutar to the plane of the core): Equal to 3600 psf.c) Creep: Model long term compression of the prefabricated drainage composite system and determine if the drain product flow channels become restricted with time. Long term creep/drainage performance shall be determined by measuring flow after 300 continuous hours under the above referenced normal pressure. The test method shall utilize a loading system that models the soil/drainage product interaction. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 02620-1 o Architects T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I Fritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Coloradod) Flow Direction: Flow shall be measured on only one side of the core. \A/here the core geometry differs in principal directions, flow shall be measured in both directions, simulating water flowing vertically down a wall and horizontally across the face of the wall to accuralely determine maximum flow rate in critical principal direction. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications:'|. lnstaller Qualifications: Installer experienced to perform work of this section, who has specialized in the installation of work similar to that required for this project, who can comply with manufacturer's warranty requirements, and who is an authorized applicator as determined by drainage manufacturer.2. Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufaclurer with a minimum of 10 years experience in prefabricated drainage composites, capable of providing technical support in the application of the drainage system.B. Pre-lnstallation Meetings: Conduct pre-installation meeting to verify project requirements, substrate conditions, manufacture/s installation instructions and manufacfurer's warranty requirements.C. Pre-lnstallation Testing: In accordance with manufacture/s recommendations and wananty requiremenls, conduct pre-installation testing of substrates to receive drainage composites. ,I.5 DELIVERY. STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Packing, Shipping, Handling and Unloading: Deliver materials in manufacturer's original, unopened, undamaged containers with identification labels intact. Schedule deliveries to avoid construclion delays but minimize jobsite storage. 1,6 PROJECTCONDITIONS/SITECONDITIONS A. \Men CCW MiraDRAlN is installed in conjunction with a waterproofing product, the GCW MiraDRAlN must be compatible with the waterproofing product and installed by methods acceptable to the waterproofing product manufacturer.B. The outfall for any drainage pipe used with the drainage panels shall be coordinated with the site drainage. 1.7 WARMNry A. Upon completion and acceptance of the work required by this section, the manufacturer will issue a warranty agreeing to promptly i'eplace defective materials for a period of 5 years.B. The formation or presence of mold or fungi in a building is dependent upon a broad range of factors including, but not limited to, the presence of spores and nutrient sources, moisture, temperatures, climatic conditions, relative humidity, and heating/ventilating systems and their maintenance and operating capabilities. These factors are beyond the control of Carlisle and Carlisle shall not be responsible for any claims, repairs, resloration, or damages relating to the presence of any irritants, contaminants, vapors, fumes, molds, fungi, bacteria, spores, mycotoxins, or the like in any building or in the air, land, or water serving the building. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Prefabricated Drainage Composite: CCW MiraDRAlN, a 3{imensional dimpled core and geoiextile fabric, by Garlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated, 900 Hensley Lane, Wylie, Texas 75098, Phone: l80O) 527-7092Faxi (972) 442-0076. Drainage Composits 02620-2 B. I l, I I t t I I t t I ! t I t I I I I Fritzlen Pierce nrchiteJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 o Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado1. ccw MiraDRAlN 2000 for shallow{epth foundation walls and residential applications.2. GCW MiraDRAlN 5000 for double sided drainage applications in landscaping and landfill applications.3. CCW MiraDMlN 6000/6200 for use over waterproofing membranes and lagging, underslab and retaining wall applications.4. GCW MiraDMlN 6000XU6200X1 for extended performance in all vertical applications.5. CCW MhaDMlN 8000 for hydrocarbon resistive applications.6. CCW MiraDRAlN 9000 for horizontal plaza and roof deck applications.4. CCW MiraDMlN 9800 fur planters and green roof applicatbns.6. CCW MiraDMlN 9900 for vehicular traffc and other high compressive strength applications.7. CCW QuickDRAlN functions as an edge drain/pipe collector to channel groundwater away fuom the structure.8. ccw MiraDMlN GR9200 functions as a retention/drainage composite for green roofs.L GCW MhaDMlN HC is high-flow drainage composite for french or trench drains. Prefabricated Drainage Composite: 02620-3Drainage Composib o itects t I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cym nastics Facility May 2004. Vail, Colorado Geocomposite Sheet Drain Physical Properties CharL Fabfic CCW MiraDRAlN Propertv Test ltethod Svste/|? CCW MlraDRAlN Prooertv Test Mellrod QuickDRAlN - - - - - - - - - - - -Typical Values - - - - - - - - Pertormance Index * N/A 17.100 I I I l CCW UlraDRAlN Propertv Test tlethod ApoaFnt Ooeninq Size ASTM D 47bl US std. Sieve (mm) 70 (0.21) Flow Rate ASTM D 4l9l qorytfr! (fmiwln2) 140 (5390) Grab Tensile Strenoth ASTM D 4632 tbs. (k$ 10O (0.45) System Performance Index ' N/A 12.75C All flow rates were tested at 3600 psf.lln plane flow rate @ gradient of 1.0 2lnslalled flow rate with soil overburden @ vertical gradient concrete ovetburden @ vertical gradient of 1.0 llnstalled flow rate wilh soil oveburden @ horizontal Drainage Composits I I I I f"lHl'$"i:ffi"fff,jffix'j'l I o252o-4 I - - - - - - --- - - -Typical Valu$ ---- - - Fritzlen pierce nrchiteJI I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May2OO4 Vail, Colorado rate with concrele overburden @ horizonlal gradient ot O.O5 ' Drainage Perfomance Index is a funciion of ASTIT D 4833, D 4632 and D 1621 S Contacl Ca isle Coalings & Waterproofing for perfomance values in these applications. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Site Verification of Conditions: Verify substrate conditions (which have been previously installed under other secUons) are acceptable for product installation in accordance with manufacture/s instruclions. Do not proceed with drainage installation until substrate conditions are acceptable for compliance with manufacture/s wananty requirements. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Adjacent Surfiaces Protection: Protect adjacent work areas and finish surfaces ftom damage during installation operations.B. Concrete Surface Preparation: Prepare concrete surfaces to receive drainage composite. Surfaces shall be smooth, free of depressions, voids, protrusions, clean and ftee of other surface contaminants that may impair the performance of drainage and manufacture/s warranty requirements.1. Cast-in-Place Concretes: Decks shall be monolithic, smooth, free of voids, spalled areas, laitenance, honeycombs, and sharp protrusions. Refer to Division 3 Concrete Section for concrete strength, density, finish, curing methods and other concrete requirements.2. Precast Concrete Decks: Decks shall be mechanically secured to minimize differential movement and each joint between precast units shall have an installed backer rod. Grout precasi units as recommended by manufacturer.3. Shotcrete: Surface shall be monolithic and smooth with no undulations, inegularities or exposed wire mesh.C. Substrate Cleaning: Clean substrate that is to receive drainage. Remove loose debris and other harmful contraminants that will affect performance of drainage composite. 3.3 DRAINAGE COURSE INSTATLATIONA. Vertical Surfaces: CCW MiraDRAlN 2000, 5000, 6000/6200, 6000/6200XL, MiraDRAlN HC; or Planters: CCW MiraDRAlN 9800, GR92001. Completed Walls: Position the panel with the flat side against the wall and filter fabric toward the soiUdrainage side. CCW DMIN GRIP contact adhesive or a washer headed concrete nail may be used b attach the panel against the concrete wall. Over CCW Waterproofing Membrane: Place ttre CC1/\l MiraDRAlN ovet the waterproofi ng membrane.2. Shoring Systems or Vertical Soil Excavations: Position the panel with the f;abric facing the shoring or soil. Nails of suficient length should be used to pin the panel direc0y against the shoring or soil. The fabric should lay flat against the shoring or soil to minimize voids. Concrete or shotcrete may be placed directly against the backside of the CCW MiraDMlN.3. Buttress Drainage and Landslide Repair: CCW MiraDMlN should be rolled out fabric side down onto the properly prepared subgrade. A "chimnef drain type drain pattern should be formed.a) Spacing between CCW MiraDMlN chimney drains will be dictated by the engineer. Chimney drains should be connected to the continuous horizontal collector panel by overlapping a minimum of 12" (30 cm) into the collector panel.b) CCW MiraDRAlN panels may be secured to the subgrade by ballasting with soil or nailing through the CCW MiraDRAlN panel into the underlying hillside. Fabric flaps must be folded over onto the core and secured with duct tape or soil ballast.4. Edge Diain or Trench Drain: Drainage Composits 02620-5 o Architects I I t I I a) Fritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado CCW MiraDMlN should be laid out in 50 to 500 foot lengths adjacent to the previously cuVexcavated trench.b) Panel end laps may be connected by overlapping the panels and applying locking clips or buttoning of the dimples. Flexible conugated polyethylene or rigid PVC pipe, which has been wrapped with filter fabric, should be placed in the bottom of the bench. The CCW MiraDMlN panel should be lowered into the trench beside the pipe and temporarily secured to the trench wall by nailing or propping. The Fabric side of the panel must fiace the direction from which the water is flowing. Fabric overlaps on the top of the CCW MiraDRAlN panels should be draped over the back of the core. Backfilling should be completed immediately. Connecting Adjacent Panels: Connect adjacent panels at the longitudinal edge by pulling the filter fabric back to expose the fiange. The panel edge should be butted to the edge of the adjacent panel dimple to dimple or the edge of the next panel may be placed over two dimples and interlocked. Panel ends are to be attached in the same manner. Connecuons should be completed in shingle fashion so that moisture will flow with the overlap and not against it. Overlap fabric in the direction of water flow. Cover all terminal edges with the filter fabric flap by tucking in behind the core. Horizontal Surfiaces: CCW MiraDMlN applications), GR9200 9000, 9800, 9900 or 8ffi0 (hydrocarbon-resistive 1.Plaza Decks, Parking Decks, and other Split Slab Construction:a) Attach the CCW MiraDMlN panels by either placing temporary ballast on top of the CCW MiraDMlN or adhering the panels to the waterproofing membrane with CGW DRAIN GRIP contact adhesive or SecurTape t$rc sided tape.b) Connect adjacent panels at the longitudinal edge by pulling the filbr frabric back to expose the flange. The panel edge should be butted to the edge of the adjacent panel dimple to dimple or the edge of the nerd panel may be placed over two dimples and interlocked. Panel ends are to be attached in the same manner. Connections should be completed in shingle fashion so that moisture will flow with the overlap and not against it. Overlap fabric in the direction of water flow. Cover all terminal edges with the filter fabric flap by tucking the fabric behind the core.c) CCW MiraDRAlN should be channeled into an internal drain or perimeter drain system.d) Conc-rete, sand, grout, or pavers may be placed directly on the CCW MiraDRAlN woven fabric side. Caution should be laken not to place point loads on the CCW MiraDRAlN that might puncture the filter fabric on the CCW MiraDMlN. \Men concrete is poured against CCW MiraDMlN, use proper chuting techniques and avoid high drop heights. Floor Slabs and Concrete Lined Channels:a) The subgrade shall be graded to a 2% minimum slope and clear of rubble, rock, large soil clods, etc. The CGW MiraDMlN should be placed woven fabric side down, directly on the subgrade. Installation should proceed from the higher elevation of the slope and work downward. Connection of panel ends shall be achieved with four-row dimple overlapping and taping of lerminal edges.3. Planters:a) CCW MiraDRAlN should be placed fabric side to the inside (soil side) of the planter. The planter walls should be covered with CCW MhaDMlN. Allow a 3" (75 mm) fabric overlap at the bottom of vertical panels in oder to cover the intersection of wall and bottom sections. Any exposed panel edges must be covered with supplemental pieces of iabric to prevent soil intrusion into the flow channels. 5. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Drainage Composits 02620-6 Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsOI I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t I I Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vai I Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado3.4 DISCHARGE CONNECTIONS A. Drainage:a) Foundation/Retaining Wall: Install CCW QuickDRAlN prefabricated drainage collection system in a vertical foundation wall to a horizontal footing configuration. Adhere CCW QuickDRAlN to the substrate using CCW DRAIN GRIP contact adhesive or SecurTape tape. Place the hinged porlion of the CCW QuickDRAlN against the verticaUhorizontal transition and press into place. Connect adjacent panels by pulling filter fabric back to expose the flange. Overlap the flange of the core of edge drain on to the flange of the preceding drain core. Cover the joint with the filter fabric. lnstall CCW MiraDRAlN in shingle fashion by overlapping the flange of the CCW QuickDMlN in the direction of water flow and cover with filter fabric. Cover all terminal edges of the core with the fabric flap by tucking it behind the core. Discharge Connection lnstallation: Leaving the filter fabric in place, slide the CCW QuickDRAlN Connector outlet over the horizontal portion of the CCW QuickDMlN and wrap with filter fabric.b) Where drainpipe is indicated, place the drainpipe next to the core. Wrap the drainpipe or rock-pipe drain combination with an auxiliary piece of flter fabric.B. Weep holes: Cut a hole in the core corresponding to the size and location of the weep hole. Avoid cufting a hole in the fabric by cutting the backside of the core between the dimples. A four dimple square area cut between the dimples (2 % squarc inch) should be sufficient for most applications.C. Plaza Drains: Create openings in the CCW MiraDRAlN core to correspond with all discharge holes in the drain at the structural deck level. Fabric must be placed over these holes to prevent intrusion of soil, grout, sand, or concrete into the drainage core.D. Terminal Connections and Probusions: dover all terminal edges with the integral fabric flap by tucking it around the edge of the core and securing it. At protrusions, cut the core around the protrusion, cut an "X' in the fabiic, and tape the fabric around the protrusion. Dirt and concrete must nol infiltrate the core. 3.5 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Cleaning: Remove temporary coverings and protection of adjacent work areas. Repair or replace damaged installed products. Clean installed products in accordance with manufacture/s instructions prior to owner's acceptance. Remove construction debris from project site and legally dispose of debris.B. Protection: Protection installed products firiished surfaces ftom damage during construction. End of Section Carlisle, CCW MiraDRAlN, CCW QuickDRAlN, MiraDRl are trademarks of Cadisle Corporation. @ 1996, 2002 Carlisle Corporation. Drainage Composits 02620-7 I I I t I I I I t I I t I I I I I I T o ArchitectsFritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 97U476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May'2004 Vail, Colorado sEcTtoN 0262r DRAINAGE COMPOS]TES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY Section Includes: Prefabricated Drainage Composite.1. Types of Prefabricated Drainage Composites include:a) Prefabricated drainage composite for below grade, vertical wall applications.b) Prefabricated drainage composite for below grade, horizontal applications. Related Seclions:1. Earthwork: Refer to Division 22. Landscaping: Refer to Division 23. Cast-in-place concrete: Refer to Division 34. Structural pre-cast concrete: Refer to Division 35. Masonry: Refer to Division 4 1.2 1.3 REFERENCES ONDUSTRY STANDARDS) General: Refer to Division 1 References Section. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Submit manufacturefs product data certificates of compliance for drainage composites specified. Submit specimen copy of warranty specified herein. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing layout, profiles, and product components, including a@essories for drainage composites. Samples: Submit verification samples for prefabricated drainage composites. Quality Assurance/Control SubmittalsL The specified properties of drainage panels must be supported by test results from an independent laboratory, documenting the specified flow rate in the plane of the core and creep performance of the polymer core. The testing conditions shall comply with ASTM D4716 as follows:a) Hydraulic Gradient 1.0 for vertical installations and 0.05 for hqizontal installations.b) Normal Pressure (pressure imposed perpendicular to the plane of the core): Equal to 3600 psf.c) Creep: Model long term compression of the prefabricated drainage composite system and determine if the drain product flow channels become restricted with time. Long term creep/drainage performance shall be determined by measuring flow after 300 continuous hours under the above referenced normal pressure. The test method shall utilize a loading system that models the soil/drainage product interaclion. 0262'l -1 A. B. c. D. Drainage Composits o itects I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Coloradod) Flow Direction: Flow shall be measured on only one side of the core. Where the core geometry differs in principal directions, flow shall be measured in both directions, simulating \ /ater flowing vertically down a wall and horizontally across the face of the wall to accurately determine maximum flow rate in critical principal direction. 1-4 QUALITY ASSUMNCE A. Qualifications:1. lnstaller Qualifications: Installer experienced to perform work of this section, who has specialized in the installation of work similar to that required for this project, who can comply with manufiacturer's wananty requirements, and who is an authorized applicator as determined by drainage manufacturer.2. Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer with a minimum of 10 years experience in prefabricated drainage composites, capable of providing technical support in the application of the drainage system.B. Prelnstallation Meetings: Conduct pre.installation meeting to verify project requirements, substrate conditions, manufacture/s installation instructions and manufacturefs warranty requirements.C. Pre-lnstallation Testing: In accordance with manufacturefs recommendations and warranty requirements, conduct pre-installation testing of substrates to rec€ive drainage composites. 1.5 DELIVERY, STOMGE, AND HANDLING A. Packing, Shipping, Handling and Unloading: Deliver materials in manufacture/s original, unopened, undamaged containers with identification labels intact. Schedule deliveries to avoid construction delays but minimize jobsite storage. 1.6 PROJECTCONDITIONS/SITECONDITIONS A. \Men CCW MiraDRAlN is installed in conjunction with a waterproofing product, the CCW MiraDRAlN must be compatible with the waterproofing product and installed by methods acceptable to the waterprooflng product manufacturer.B. The outfall for any drainage pipe used with the drainage panels shall be coordinated with the site drainage. 1.7 WARRANry A. Upon completion and acceptance of the work required by this section, the manufac{urer will issue a warranty agreeing to promptly replace defective materials for a period of 5 years.B. The formation or presence of mold or fungi in a building is dependent upon a broad range of factors including, but not limited to, the presence of spores and nutrient sources, moisture, temperatures, climatic conditions, relative humidity, and heating/ventilating systems and their maintenance and operating capabilities. These factors are beyond the control of Carlisle and Carlisle shall not be responsible for any claims, repairs, restoration, or damages relating to the presence of any initants, contaminants, vapors, fumes, molds, fungi, bac{eria, spores, mycotoxins, or the like in any building or in the air, land, or water serving the building. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.'I MATERIALS A. Prefabricated Drainage Composite: CCW MiraDRAlN, a 3dimensional dimpled core and geotextile fabric, by Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing lncorporated, 900 Hensley Lane, Vltylie, Texas 75098, Phone: (800). 527-7092 Fax: (972) 442-0076. 02621 -2 I I I I I I t I I IDrainage Composits B. I t: T I t I t I I T I I t I I I t t I o itectsFritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 1. 2. 3. 4- 5. 6. 4. o. 7. Dninage Composits Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado CCW MiraDRAlN 2000 for shallow-depth foundation walls and residential applications. CCW MiraDRAlN 5000 for double sided drainage applications in landscaping and landfill applications. GCW MiraDRAlN 6000/6200 ior use over waterproofing membranes and lagging, underslab and retaining wall applications. CCW MinDRAIN 6000XU6200XL for extended performance in all vertical applications. CCW MiraDRAlN 8000 br hydrocarbon resistive applications. CCW MinDMlN 9000 br horizontral plaza and roof deck applications. CGW MiraDRAlN 9800 tor planters and green roof applications. CCW MhaDRAIN 9900 for vehicular traffic and other high compressive strength applications. CCW QuickDRAlN functions as an edge drain/pipe collector to channel groundwater away fiom the structure.8. CCW MiraDRAlN GR9200 functions as a retenlion/drainage composite for green roob.9. CCW MhaDRAIN HC is high-flow drainage composite for ftench or trench drains. Prefabricated Drainage Gomposite: 02621 -3 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Geocomposile Sheet Drain Physical Propefties Chart Perfiormance lndex ' N/A Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail. Colorado I t 17.'t 00 I CCIV MiraDRAl Properw Test Uethod Grab Tensile Sfenoth ASTM D 4632 tbs. {kN)1(x) (0.45) t t I I t I t I Grab,Elongation ASTM D 46 Puncure Resistance ASTMDqS33 bs.ffi Svstern Perfomance Index ' lrl/A 12.750 All flor .ates $ere tested at 3600 Dsf.rln plane f,ow rate @ gradient of 1.0 2lnstalled flow rate with soil ol€lbu|den @ venical gradient concrete overburden @ vertical gradient ot 1.0 llnstatled flow rate with soil overburden @ horizontal Drainage Composits of 1.0 ztlnstalled flow rate with gradienl ot 0.05 llnstalled flow 02621 -4 t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o ArchitectsFritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado rale with concrete overburden @ horizontal gradient of 0.05 ' Drainage Perfomance Index is a fundion of ASTM D 4833, D 4632 and D 1621 S Contact Ca isle Coatings & Waterproofing for pertomance values in these applications. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Site Verffication of Conditions: Verify substrate conditions (which have been previously installed under other sections) are acceptable for product installation in accordance with manufacturels instructions. Do not proceed with drainage instiallation until substrate conditions are acceptable for compliance with manufacture/s wananty requirements. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Adjacent Surfaces Protection: Protect adjacent work areas and finish surfaces from damage during installalion operations.B. Concrete Surface Preparation: Prepare concrete surfaces to receive drainage composite. Surfaces shall be smooth, free of depressions, voids, protrusions, clean and free of other surfqcb contaminants that may impair the performance of drainage and manufacfureds warranty requirements.1. Cast-in-Place Concretes; Decks shall be monolithic, smooth, ftee of voids, spalled areas, laitenance, honeycombs, and sharp protrusions.. Refer to Division 3 Concrete Section for concrete strength, density, finish, curing methods and other concrete requirements.2. Precast Concrete Decks: Decks shall be mechanically secured to minimize differential movement and each joint between precast units shall have an installed backer rod. Grout precast units as recommended by manufacturer.3. Shotcrete: Suriace shall be monolithic and smooth with no undulations, inegularities or exposed wire mesh.C. Substrate Cleaning: Clean substrate that is to receive drainage. Remove loose debris and other harmful contaminants that will affect performance of drainage composite. 3.3 DRAINAGE COURSE INSTALLATIONA. Vertical Surfaces: CCW MiraDRAlN 2000, 5000, 6000/6200, 6000/6200XL, MiraDRAlN HC; or Planters: CCW MiraDRAlN 9800, GR92001. Completed Walls: Posilion the panel with the flat side against the wall and filter fabric toward the soil/drainage side. CCW DRAIN GRIP contact adhesive or a washer headed concrete nail may be used to attach the panel against the concrete wall. Over CCW Waterproofing Membrane: Place the CCW MiraDRAlN over ihe waterproofi ng membrane.2. Shoring Systems or Vertical Soil Excavations: Position the panel with the fabric facing the shoring or soil. Nails of sufiicient length should be used to pin the panel directly against the shoring or soil. The fubric should lay flat against the shoring or soil to minimize voids. Concrete or shotcrete may be placed directly against the backside of the CCW MiraDRAlN.3- Buttress Drainage and Landslide Repair: CCW MiraDRAlN should be rolled out fabric side down onto the properly prepared subgrade. A "chimneyr drain type drain pattem should be formed.a) Spacing between CCW MiraDRAlN chimney drains will be dictated by the engineer. Chimney drains should be connected to the continuous horizontal collector panel by overlapping a minimum of 12" (30 cm) into the collector panel.b) CCW MiraDMlN panels may be secured to the subgrade by ballasting with soil or nailing through the CCW MiraDRAlN panel into the underlying hillside. Fabric flaps must be folded over onto the core and secured with duct tape or soil ballast.4. Edge Drain or Trench Drain: 02621 -5 Drainage Composits o itects I t I I I I t I I a) Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 5. Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado CCW MiraDRAlN should be laid out in 50 to 500 foot lengths adjacent to the previously cuUexcavated trench.b) Panel end laps may be connected by overlapping the panels and applying locking clips or buttoning of the dimples. Flexible corrugated polyethylene or rigid PVC pipe, which has been wrapped with filter fabric, should be placed in the boftom of the trench. The CCW MiraDRAlN panel should be lowered into the trench beside the pipe and temporarily secured to the trench wall by nailing or propping. The Fabric side of the panel must face the direction from which ste water is flowing. Fabric overlaps on the top of the CCW MiraDMlN panels should be draped over the back of the core. Backftlling should be completed immediately, Connecting Adjacent Panels: Connect adjacent panels at the longitudinal edge by pulling the filter fabric back to expose the flange. The panel edge should be butted to the edge of the adjacent panel dimple to dimple or the edge of the next panel may be placed over two dimples and interlocked. Panel ends are to be attached in the same manner. Connections should be completed in shingle fashion so that moisture will flow with the overlap and not against it. Overlap fabric in the direction of water flow. Cover all terminal edges with the filter fabric flap by tucking in behind the core. Horizontal Surfaces: CCW MiraDRAlN 9000, 9800, 9900 or 8000 (hydrocarbon-resistive applications), GR92001. Plaza Decks, Parking Decks, and other Split Slab Construction:a) Attach the CCW MiraDRAlN panels by either placing temporary ballast on top of the CCW MiraDRAlN or adhering ihe panels to the waterproofing membrane with CCW DRAIN GRIP contact adhesive or SecurTape two- sided tape.b) Connect adjacent panels at the longitudinal edge by pulling the filter fabric .back to expose the flange. The panel edge should be butted to the edge of the adjacent panel dimple to dimple or the edge of the next panel may be placed over two dimples and interlocked. Panel ends are to be attached in lhe same manner. Connections should be completed in shingle fashion so that moisture will flow with the overlap and not against it. Overlap fabric in the direction of water flow. Cover all terminal edges with the filter fabric flap by tucking the fabric behind the core.c) CCW MiraDMlN should be channeled into an internal drain or perimeter drain system.d) Concrete, sand, grout, or pavers may be placed directly on the CCW MiraDRAlN woven fabric side. Caution should be taken not to place point loads on the CCW MiraDRAlN that might puncture the filter fabric on the CCW MiraDRAlN. When concrete is poured against GGW MiraDRAlN, use proper chuting techniques and avoid high drop heights.2. Floor Slabs and Goncrete Lined Channels:a) The subgrade shall be graded to a 27o minimum slope and clear of rubble, rock, large soil clods, etc. The CCW MiraDRAlN should be placed woven fabric side down, directly on the subgrade. lnstallation should proceed fiom the higher elevation of the slope and work domward. Connection of panel ends shall be achieved with four-row dimple overlapping and traping of terminal edges.3. Planters:a) GCW MiraDMlN should be placed fabric side to the inside (soil side) of the planter. The planter walls should be covered with CCW MiraDRAlN. Allow a 3" (75 mm) fabric overlap at the boftom of vertical panels in order to cover the intersection of wall and boftom sections. Any exposed panel edges must be covered with supplemental pieces of fabric to prevent soil intrusion into the flow channels. 02621 -6 B. I T I I I I I I I IDrainage Composits Fritzlen Pierce Arch itedsOt t I I I I T I I I I I I I T I I I I Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail. Colorado3.4 DISCHARGECONNECTIONS A. Drainage:a) Foundation/Retaining Wall: lnstall GCW QuickDRAlN prefabricated drainage collection system in a vertical foundation wall to a horizontal footing configuration. Adhere CCW QuickDRAlN to the substrate using CCW DRAIN GRIP contact adhesive or SecurTape tape. Place the hinged portion of the CCW QuickDRAlN against the verticayhorizontal transition and press into place. Connect adjacent panels by pulling filter fabric back to expose the flange. Overlap the flange of the core of edge drain on to the flange of the preceding drain core. Cover the joint with the filter fabric. lnstall CCW MiraDMlN in shingle fashion by overlapping the flange of the CCW QuickDRAlN in the direction of water flow and cover with filter fabric. Cover all terminal edges of the core with the fabric flap by tucking it behind the core. Discharge Connection lnstallation: Leaving the filter fabric in place, slide the CCW QuickDMlN Connector outlet over the horizontal portion of the CCW QuickDRAlN and wrap wlth filter ftabric.b) Where drainpipe is indicabd, place the drainpipe next to the core. Wrap the drainpipe or rock-pipe drain combination with an auxiliary piece of filter fabric.B. Weep holes: Cut a hole in the core corresponding to the size and location of the weep hole. Avoid cutting a hole in the fabric by cutting the backside of the core between the dimples. A four dimple square area cut between the dimples (2 Tz square inch) should be sufficient br most applications.C. Plaza Drains: Create openings in the CCW MiraDRAlN core to correspond with all discharge holes in the drain at the structural deck level. Fabric must be placed over these holes to prevent intrusion of soil, grout, sand, or concrete into the drainage core.D. Terminal Connections and Protrusions: Cover all terminal edges with the integral fabric flap by tucking it around the edge of the core and securing it. At protrusions, cut the core around the protrusion, cut an 'X' in the fabric, and tape the fabric around the protrusion. Dirt and concrete must not infiltrate the core. 3.5 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Cleaning: Remove temporary coverings and protection of adjacent work areas- Repair or replace damaged installed products. Clean installed products in accordance with manufacture/s instructions prior to owneis acceptance. Remove construction debris from project site and legally dispose of debris.B. Protection: Protection installed products 'finished surfaces ftom damage during construction. End of Section Carlisle, CCW MiraDMlN, CCW QuickDRAlN, MiraDRl are trademarks of Carlisle Corporation. @ 1996, 2002 Carlisle Corpora$on. Drainage Composits 02621 -7 I t I I I I I T I I t t I I t t I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 O Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado SECTION O23OO - EARTHWORK PART 1 - CENEML 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Excavating and backfilling for buildings and structures. 2. Review and incorporation of all recommendations put forth in the Ceo-technical Report by HP Ceotech dated 4l24lo4 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Backfill: Soil material used to fill an excavation. 1. Initial Backfill: Backfill placed beside and over pipe in a trench, including haunches to support sides of pipe. 2. Final Backfill: Backftll placed over initial backfill to fill a trench. B. Base Course: Course placed between the subbase course and hot-mix asphalt paving. C. Bedding Course: Course placed over the excavated subgrade in a trench before laying pipe. D. Borrow Soil: Satisfactory soil imported from off-site for use as fill or backfill. E. Drainage Course: Course supporting the slab-on-grade that also minimizes upward capillary flow of pore water. F. Excavation: Removal of material encountered above subgrade elevations and to lines and dimensions indicated. 1. Authorized Additional Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations or beyond indicated lines and dimensions as directed by Architect. Authorized additional excavation and replacement material will be paid for according to Contract provisions changes in the Work. 2. Unauthorized Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations or beyond indicated lines and dimensions without direction by Architect. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial work directed by Architea, shall be without additional compensation G. Fill: Soil materials used to raise existing grades. EARTHWORK 02300 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Arch ite{ Vail, Colorado 97Q-476-6342 H. Structures: Buildings, footings, foundations, retaining walls, slabs, tanks, curbs, mechanical and electrical appurtenances, or other man-made stationary features constructed above or below the ground surface. l. Subbase Course: Course placed between the subgrade and base course for hot-mix asphah pavement, or course placed between the subgrade and a cement concrete pavement or a cement concrete or hot-mix asphalt walk. J. Subgrade: Surface or elevation remaining after completing excavation, or top surface of a fill or backfill immediately below subbase, drainage fill, or topsoil materials. K. Utilities: On-site underground pipes, conduits, ducts, and cables, as well as underground services within buildingp. PROJICT CONDITIONS Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted in writing by Architect and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS E. SOIL MATERIALS Ceneral: Provide borrow soil materials when sufficient satisfactory soil materials are not available from excavations. Satisfactory Soils: ASTM D 2487 Soil Classification Groups CW, CP, CM, SW SP, and SM, or a combination oJ these groups; free of rock or gravel larger than 3 inches in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation, and other deleterious matter. Unsatisfactory Soils: Soil Classification Croups CC, SC, CL, ML, OL, CH, MH, OH, and PT according to ASTMD2487 A-2-6, A-2-7, A-4, A-5, 4-6, and A-7 according to MSHTO M 145/ or a combination of these groups. 1. Unsatisfactory soils also include satisfactory soils not maintained within 2 percent of optimum moisture content at time of compaction. Subbase Material: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 294O; with at least 90 percent passing a 1-112-inch sieve and not more than 1 2 percent passing a No. 200 sieve. Base Course: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 294O; with at least 95 percent passing a1-112- inch sieve and not more than 8 percent passing a No. 200 sieve. I I I I I I I I Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado 1.3 I I I I I I I I I I I B. D. 2."1 EARTHWORK 02300 - 2 I t I I I I I T I I I I I t I 3.1 Fritzlen Pierce Arch itects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3.2 A. 3.3 A. PREPARATION Protect structures, utilities/ sidewalla, pavements and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. Preparation of subgrade for earthwork operations including removal of vegetation, topsoil, debris, obstructions, and deleterious materials from ground surface is specified in Division 2 Section "Site Clearing.' Protect and maintain erosion and sedimentation controls, which are specified in Division 2 Section "Site Clearing," during earthwork operations. EXCAVATION Unclassified Excavation: Excavate to subgrade elevations regardless of the character of surface and subsurface conditions encountered. Unclassified excavated materials may include rock, soil materials and obstructions. No changes in the Contract sum or the Contract Time will be authorized for rock excavation or removal of obstructions. '1. lf excavated materials intended for fill and backfill include unsatisfactory soil materials and rock, replace with satisfactory soil materials. EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES Excavate to indicated elevations and dimensions within a tolerance of plus or minus 1 inch. lf applicable, extend excavations a sufficient distance from structures for placing and removing concrete formwork, for installing services and other construction, and for inspections. B. I t I I O VailcymnasticsFacility . May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado F' Engineered Fill: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 294O; with at least 90 percent passing a 1-112- inch sieve and not more than 12 percent passing a No. 200 sieve. C. Bedding Course: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed grarrel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D294O; except with 100 percent passing a 1-inch sieve and not more than I percent passing a No. 200 sieve. H. Drainage Course: Narrowly graded mixture of washed crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel; ASTM D 448; coarse-aggregate grading Size 57i with 100 percent passing a1-1|2-inch sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No. 8 sieve. l. Foundation Drains - Refer to Geotechnical Report for Specifications and Installation PART 3 - EXECUTION TARTHWORK 02300 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Archite{ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 1. Excavations for Footings and Foundations: Do not disturb bottom of excavation. Excavate by hand to final grade just before placing concrete reinforcement. Trim bottoms to reguired lines and grades to leave solid base to receive other work. EXCAVATION FOR UTILIry TRENCHES Excavate trenches to indicated gradients, lines, depths and elevations. Excavate trenches to uniform widths to provide the following clearance on each side of pipe or conduit. Excavate trench walls vertically from trench bottom to 12 inches higher than top of pipe or conduit, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Clearance: 12 inches each side of pipe or conduit. Trench Bottoms: Excavate and shape trench bottoms to provide uniform bearing and support of pipes and conduit. Shape subgrade to provide continuous support for bells, joints and barrels of pipes and for joints, fittings and bodies of conduits. Remove projecting stones and sharp objects along trench subgrade, 1. Excavate trenches 6 inches deeper than elevation required in rock or other unyielding bearing material, 4 inches deeper elsewhere, to allow for bedding course. SUBCRADE INSPECTION Proof-roll subgrade below the building slabs and pavemenb with heavy pneumatic-tired eguipment to identify soft pockets and areas of excess yielding. Do not proof-roll wet or saturated subgrades. Reconstruct subgrades damaged by freezing temperatures, frosf rain, accumulated water or construction activities, as directed by Architect, without additional compensation. U NAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION Fill unauthorized excavation under foundations or wall footings by extending bottom elevation of concrete foundation or footing to excavation bottom, without altering top efevation. Lean concrete fill, with 28-day compressive strength of 2500 psi, may be used when approved by Architea. 1. Fill unauthorized excavations under other construction or utility pipe as directed by Architect. STOMCE OF SOIL MATERIALS Stockpile borrow soil materials and excavated satisfactory soil materials without intermixing. Place, grade and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust. 3.4 A. B. 3.5 3.6 A. 3.7 A. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I B. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado EARTHWORK 02300 - 4 D. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I Fri?len Pierce Architecs Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado Do not store within drip line 3.8 A. B. F. 3.9 A. B. 3.10 A. 1. Stockpile soil materials away from edge of excavations. of remaining trees. UTILIryTRENCH BACKFILL Place backfill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow or ice. Place and compact bedding course on trench bottoms and where indicated. shape bedding course to provide continuous support for bells, joints, and barrels of pipes and for joints, finings and bodies of conduits. Backfill trenches excavated under footings and within 18 iriches of bottom of footings with satisfactory soil; fill with concrete to elevation of bottom of footings. Concrete is specified in Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete.,' Provide 4-inch- thick, concrete-base slab support for piping or conduit less.than 30 inches belor,v surface of roadwap. After installing and testing completely encase piping or conduit in a minimum of 4 inches of concrete before backfilling or placing roadway subbase. Place and compact initial backfill of satisfactory soil, free of particles larger than 1 inch in any dimension, to a height of 'l2 inches over the utility pipe or conduit. 1. carefully compact initial backfill under pipe haunches and compact evenly up on both sides and along the full length of utility piping or conduit to avoid damage or displacement of piping or conduit. Coordinate backfilling with utilities testing. Place and compact final backfill of satisfactory soil to final subgrade elevation. sotL FtLt Plow, scarify, bench, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal so fill material will bond with existing material. P|aceandcompactfi||materialin|ayerstorequiredelevationsasfo||ows: 1. Under building slabn, use engineered fill.2. Under footings and foundations, use engineered fill. SOIL MOISTURE CONTROL Uniformly moisten or aerate subgrade and each subsequent fill or backfill soil layer before compaction to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. 1. Do not place backfill or fill soil material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. EARTHWORK 02300 - 5 Frrrzren P,erce nrcn,tectf Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2. 3.11 A. 3."t4 A. B. May 2004 Vail, Colorado Remove and replace, or scarifo and air dry otherwise satisfactory soil material that exceeds optimum moisture content by 2 percent and is too wet to compact to specified dry unit weight. COMPACTION OF SOIL BACKFILLS AND FILLS Place backfill and fill soil materials in layers not more than I inches in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than 4 inches in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. Place backfill and fill soil materials evenly on all sides of structures to required elevations, and uniformly along the full lengh of each structure. 1. Place drainage course that exceeds 6 inches in compacted thickness in layers of equal thickness, with no compacted layer more than 6 inches thick or less than 3 inches thick. 2. Compact each layer of drainage course to required cross sections and thicknesses to not less than 95 percent of ma,rimum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 698. PROTECTION Protecting Craded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic, freezin& and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. Vail Cym nastics Facility I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I l C. Compact soil materials to not les than the following percentages of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 1 557 : 1. Under structures, building slabs, steps and pavements, scarifo and recompact top 12 inches of existing subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 95 percent. 2. For utility trenches, compact each layer of initial and final backfill soil material at 85 percent. 3.12 SUBBASE AND BASE COURSES A. Place subbase and base course on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. 3.13 DMINACE COURSE A. Place drainage course on subgrades free of mud, fros! snow, or ice. B. On prepared subgrade, place and compact drainage course under cast-in-place concrete slabs-on-grade as follows: EARTHWORK 02300 - 6 I I I t I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970476-6342 O VailGymnasticsFacility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado B. Repair and reestablish grades to specified tolerances where completed or partially completed surfaces become eroded, rutted, settled, or where they lose compaction due to subsequent construction operations or weather conditions. C. Where seftling occurs before Project correction period elapses/ remove finished surfacing backfill with additional soil material, compact, and reconstruct su#acing. 1. Restore appearance, quality and condition of finished surfacing to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to greatest extent possible. 3.15 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND WASTE MATERIALS A. Disposal: Remove surplus satisfactory soil and waste material, including unsatisfactory soil, trash and debris, and legally dispose of it off Ownerrs property. END OF SECI]ON O23OO EARTHWORK 02300 - 7 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I T I Fritzlen Pierce Arch itects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 stcTtoN 02720 UNBOIJND BASE COURSE PART T GENEMT 1.01 DESCRIPTION 100 9s-100_ 100- 90-100 - s0-90- 30-s0 Clas 4 Class 5 100 30-70 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Class 6 - 100 30-6s A" Work included: Preparing surface of sub grade after utility contractors have completed installation of all utilities and furnishing and placing one or more courses of aggregate in conformance with lines, grades, and typical sections shown on drawings. B. Related Work: 1. Earthwork: Section 02300 1.02 SUBMITTATS A" Test Repofts: lf pquested, furnish proposed source of materials and copies of tests from certified and acceptable testing laboratory: 1. Sieve analysis - ASTM C1 36 2. Wear Abrasion - ASTM Cl 31 3. Liquid Limit - MSHTO T89,, T90 4. Moisture Density Curves - AASHTO T99 PART2 PRODUCTS 2.OI AGGREGATE A. Aggregate shall conform to following gradation: Sieve Percentage by Weight Passing square Mesh Sieves Size Class 2 4n 3', z', 1-112', 1u 3/4', No.4 t I Unbound Base Course o2720-1 Fritzlen Pierce Arch itects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 No. g No.200 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado- 25-ss3-'t2 3-1s 3-123-1s t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Liquid limit not greater than 35 for Class 2; 3O lor Class 4, 5, or 6. Plasticity Index not exceeding 6. B. Requirements for this Project:- Furnish Class 6 aggregate for this Project. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.O1 PREPAMTION A. Staking: Contractor will provide at his expense all additional staking necessary to ensure work conforms to drawings. B. Sub grade Preparation: Shape and compact to crown, line, grades, and typical cross section shown on drawings before placing base material. Compactto 95% MSHTO T99. 3.02 MTX|NG The Contractor shall mix the aggregate by methods that insure a thorough and homogeneous mixture. 3.03 PTACEMENT lf required compacted depth of aggregate base course exceeds 6", construct in two or more layers of approximately equal thickness. Maximum compacted thickness of any one layer shall not exceed6". Whenvibratoryorotherapprovedtypesofspecial compactingequipmentareused/ compacted depth of single layer may be increased to 8" upon approval of Engineer. 3.04 SHAPING AND COMPACTION Compact each layer to 95% MSHTO Tl BO. Maintain surface of each layer during compaction so that uniform texture is produced and aggregates are firmly keyed. Apply water uniformly during compaction so moisture content is within 2% of optimum. Unbound Base Course END OF SECTION o2720-2 t t I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I t Fritzlen Pierce Architec;ts Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 sEcTtoN 02740 FTEXIBLE PAVEMENT PART 1 CENEML 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Furnishing laying and compacting hot-mixed asphaltic concrete pavement in conformance with lines, grades, and typical cross-sections shown on the drawings. B. Related Work: 1. Unbound Base Course: Section 02220 1.O2 QUALITY ASSUMNCE A. Source: Engineer shall have access to batching plant at all times work is in progress. B. Record of Work: Contractor shall keep record of time and date of placement, temperature, and weather conditions. Retain until completion and furnish copy to Engineer. C. Owner will arrange and pay for all field tests to determine compliance of base course and pavement materials and compaction with the specification and the approved design mix formula. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Samples: lf requested, provide samples of proposed materials. B. Test Reports: lf requested, furnish copies of tests from certified and acceptable testing laboratory: 1. Aggregate-AASHTOT96 2. Tar - MSHTO M52 Crade RTC B-5, M118. 3. Liquid tuphalt - MSHTO M81, M82; ASTM D20264. Emulsified tuphalt - AASHTO M140 5. Compaction - AASHTO T230 6. Stability and Flow - MSHTO T245 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Provide Engineer proposed mix design based upon aggregates to beC. Job Mix Formula: Flexible Pavement o274Q-'l FriDlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 used. I I I I I I I I I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado Submit design mix to Engineer for approval along with Marshall series performed by an independent laboratory. Stability per ASTM D1 559: 1500 lb minimum Flow per ASTM D1559: .08 to .16 inch Air Voids percentage per ASTM Dl 559: 3 to 5 percent Use an anti-stripping additive from the approved list of additives in Chapter 400 of the Colorado Department of Highwap Field Materials Manual Minimum Asphalt content: 6% 1.04 DELIVERY, STOMCE, AND HANDLINC A. Transport mixtures from mixing plant in truck having tight, clean, non-sticking compartments. When transporting provide covers to protect from weather and prevent loss of heat when temperature is below 50 degrees F. During temperatures below 50 degrees F on long distance deliveries, provide insulation around entire truck bed surfaces. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: Do not place asphaltic concrete on wet surfaces, or when temperature is below 40 degrees F, unless agreed to by Engineer. B. Protection: After final rolling do not permit vehicular traffic on asphaltic concrete pavement until cooled and hardened. Provide barricades, flagmen, and warning devices as required to protect pavement. Maintain pedestrian and vehicular traffic as required. Cover openings ofstructures in paving until permanent coverings are placed. C. Confirm in writing, aggregate base course constructed by others has been compacted to requirements of these specifications. Use any means necessary to proof roll or test to confirm aggregate base is satisfactory to receive asphaltic concrete. Notify in writing to Owner any deficient areas so they may be brought into conformance with specifications prior to placement of asphaltic concrete. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCRECATE Clean, hard, durable particles of crushed stone, crushed gravel, natural gravel, or crushed slag with not more than 45% of wear, AASHTO T95. t I I I I I I I I IFlexible Pavement o2740-2 I I , Friulen pierce Architects I X):!f;;::::; I I I I I Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Sieve Percentage by Weight Pasing Square Mesh Sieves Crading Crading Crading Grading GCCXF 1-1/2', 100 1" 90-100 100 - 100 314', 63-85 90-100 100 1/2', 46-78 70-89 90-1003/8" - 60-88 74-89#4 22-54 44-72 50-78 #8 13-47 30-62 32-64 4s-Bs #30 4-26 12-38 12-38#200 1-7 3-7 3-7 7-"t3 I Sizes #B and larger, tolerances + 8%; #3O + 6%; #2OO + 3%; where'100% passing, no - tolerance. I I Use Crading CX for this proiect. 2.O2 ASPHALTIC CEMENT I MSHTO M226, Penetration Crade 85-100. Use AC-10 for all paving. r 2.03 PRIME coAT I One of the following grade and type as recommended by supplier: A. Slow curinp ASTM D2026 I B. Medium curing MSHTO MB2 I 2.o4 rACK coAr I One of the following, grade and type as recommended by supplier: I A. Emulsified asphalt, MSHTO M14o I B. Cationic emulsified asphal! MSHTO M20S I ,: 2.0s Mtx DEStcN I A. Determine design mix based upon aggregates to be used. I Flexible Pavement o274O-3 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 2004 970-476-6342 Vail, Colorado 1 . Submit design mix to Engineer for approval along with Marshall series performed by an independent laboratory. 2. Stability per ASTM D1 559: 1500 lb minimum 3. Flow per ASTM D1 559: .08 to .16 in. 4. Air Voids percentage per ASTM Dl 559: 3 to 5 percent 5. Use an anti-stripping additive from the approved list of additives in Chapter 400 of the Colorado Department of Highways Field Materials Manual. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. 2.06 6. Minimum Asphalt content: 5.8% B. Furnish agtregate gradation. C. Accepted design mix shall meet compaction requirements of these specifications. MIXINC Ceneral: Comply with ASTM D995 for material storage/ control, mixing, and plant equipment and operation. Aggregates: Keep each component of various-sized combined aggregates in separate stockpiles. Maintain so separate aggregate sizes will not be intermixed and to prevent segregation. Heat-dry aggregates to reduce moisture content to not more rhan 2%. Deliver dry aggregate to mixer at recommended temperature to suit penetration, grade, and viscosity characteristics of asphaltic cement, ambient temperaturef and workability of mixture. tuphaltic Cement: Heat bitumen to viscosity at which it can be uniformly distributed throughout mixture. Select temperature range of 275 degrees F to 350 degrees F to suit temperature - viscosity characteristics of asphalt Do not exceed 350 degrees F. D. Mixing: Accurately weigh or measure dry aggregates and weigh or meter asphaltic cement to comply with job-mix formula requirements. Mix aggregate and asphaltic cement to achieve 90-95% coated particles for base mixtures and 85-90% coated particles for surface mixtures when tested in accordance with ASTM D2489. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPAMTION OF SURFACES Flexible Pavement o2740-4 B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 A. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado Base Course: Blade, shape, and smooth aggregate base course to uniform section. Remove loose materials. Clean the surface to be paved by mechanical sweepers, blowers, or hand brooms, until surface is free from dust. lf time lapse from final shaping to placement is longer than 24 hours, reshape, wet and compact surface, or apply prime coat. When prime coat is used, apply at rate of 0.3 gallons per sguare yard as soon as practicable after surface has been prepared and is sufficiently dry. Calibrate distributor and furnish calibration to Engineer. Adjust spray nozzles and spray bar to provide uniform distribution of prime coat. Cease immediately upon clogging or interference of any nozzle and correct before distribution is resumed. Protect adjacent surfaces from prime coat material. Remove prime coat from adjacent surfaces. Return to same condition prior to work beginning. Maintain prime coat and/or base course surface until covered by asphaltic concrete. Where prime coat has been applied for 48 hours, and has not dried sufficiently, materials may be blotted with aEtregate in manner agreed to by Engineer. Clean any damaged area of all loose material, and repair base course to satisfaction of Engineer. Reapply prime coat. Existing Surfaces: Clean of all foreign materials. Fill holes and low places with levelling courses and compact prior to surface placement. Tack coat existing surfacing at 0.1 gallon per square yard. Apply only to areas on which surfacing is to be placed immediately. Do not extend more than 2000' ahead of paving equipment. Prevent traffic from travelling on tack coat. 3.02 FRAME ADJUSTMENTS Set frames of structures to final grade. Place compacted asphaltic concrete to top of frame. lf permanent covers are not in place, provide temporary cove6 over openings until compaction is complete. Where frames and covers are paved over, ma* so crews can find on emergency basis until cut out and adjusted to final surfacing. 3.03 PLACEMENT Place at temperatures of not less than 280 degrees F, or more than 350 degrees F. lf temperature is below 5O degrees F and fallinp asphaltic concrete mix shall not be less than 300 degrees F, while on trucks just prior to laydown. Mechanical, self-powered pavers shall be capable of spreading mix within specified tolerances, true to line, grade, and crown as indicated on drawings. Road grader equipped with automatic blade control may be used for levelling courses. Pavers shall be eguipped with hoppers and distribution screws which place mix evenly in front of adjustable screeds. Screed shall be adjustable for height and crown, equipped with controlled heating device for use as required. Screed shall strike off mix without tearing, shaving or gouging surface, to depth and cross-section specified, without aid of manual adjustment during operation. Paver shalf be capable of placing courses in thicknesses{rom 112" to 4" and from widths of 8'to 15'. Extensions and cut-off shall permit changes in widths by incremenB of 6". Flexible Pavement o2740-s Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I t I B. Strike finish surface smooth; true to cross section; uniform in density and texture; free from hollows, transverse corrugations, and other irregularities. Paint contact surfaces between gutters/ manhole ringp, catch basins, and other similar structures with thin, uniform coating of tack coat. Final surface shall be 1/4" above all structures and gutters sloping away from paving flush with gutters sloping towards paving. C. Hand Placement: Where certain areas because of irregularity, inaccessibility, or unavoidable obstacles, do not lend themselves to machine placemen! Engineer may agree to hand placemenl Spread and compact to same finish and compaction tolerances of these specifications. D. Joints: Make joints between old and new pavement, or between successive day's work, to insure thorough bond between old and new surfaces. Clean surfaces free of sand, di4 dust or other materials. and apply tack coat. Construction joints must have same texture, density, and smoothness tolerances as other surfacing. 1 . Construct transverse joints to existing material by cutting material back to expose full depth edge. Paint thin uniform tack coat on joint and place new asphaltic concrete. 2. Prepare longitudinal joints by overlapping screed 1 " on existing surface. Deposit sufficient material to complete joint. Push excess by hand rake 1/2" on new mat leaving vertical uncompacted face approximately 1 " high. Compact against joint by rolling equipment. No depression allowed exceeding 'l18' lor width of 6", after final compaction. E. Finish Tolerance: Place levelling courses within f2" of design grade. Finished surfaces will be tested with 1O'straight edge, parallel to center line at location of wheel paths for each lane. Straight edge will be advanced 5' and space under straight edge shall not exceed 1/4". Correct areas deficient in smoothness by completely removing surface material and replacing. Overlay corrections may be made only if approved by Owner. F. Thickness Tolerance: Compacted thickness shall be no less than thatshown on drawings. Any surfacing which does not meet minimum thickness shall be removed and replaced. 3.04 COMPACTION A. Ceneral: Provide one pneumatic-tired and one steel-wheel roller to obtain required density, surface texture, and rideability. Begin rolling operations immediately following placement of asphaltic concrete. Do not permit heavy equipment, rollers, etc. to stand on finished surface where deformation may occur. End each pass of roller in different place. B. Rollers Flexible Pavement o2740-6 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 2004 970-476-6342 Vail, Colorado 1 . Steel-wheel rollers self-propelled, developing contact pressure under compression wheels of 2 50 to 350 psi per inch of width of roller wheel. Rollers equipped with adjustable scraperc and means for keeping wheel wet to prevent mix from sricking. 2. Pneumatic-tired rollers self-propelled, developing contact pressure under each tire of 85 to 110 psi. Wheels so spaced that one pass will accomplish one complete coverage equal to rolling width of machine. Wheels oscillate but not wobble. Remove and replace immediately any tires picking up fines. C. Compaction Procedures 1 . Compact longitudinal joints and edges first, starting at outside edge and gradually progress towards center of pavement. Begin superelevated curves rolling on low side on previously transversely compacted material. Successive passes should overlap by one half width of roller. Mat temperature must not be below 15O degrees F. 2. lmmediatelyfollowrollingof longitudinaljointandedgeswith breakdown rolling. Place drive wheel nearest paver and pull roller towards paver. Return roller to existing surface and make gradual shift to overlap previous pass by half roller width. Operate pneumatic-tired rollers as close to paver as necessary to obtain density required. Make enough passes for reasonably smooth surface. 3. Final rolling by a combination of steel and pneumatic rollers to obtain density, su rface texture, and surface tolerances required. D. Compact to minimum of 95% Marshall Design method data submitted, or from field samples taken by Engineer, and prepared in accordance with ASTM D1 550. Re-compact asphaltic concrete not conforming to density standards to these specifications. Remove and replace any sections not meeting specifications. Cut out compaction test plugs as directed by Engineer. Contractor shall cut test plugs, fill, and repair test holes at his exPense. 3.05 PATCHINC Cut out and fill with fresh, hot asphaltic concrete. Remove deficient areas for full depth of surface and base course. Cut sides perpendicular and parallel, and perpendicular to direction of traffic to extent of failure. Apply tack coat to exposed surfaces before placing new pavement. Compact and finish to specification. 3.06 CLEAN UP After completing operations, clean surfaces, pick up excess paving materials, and clean work area. Flexible Pavement END OF SECTION o2740-7 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail, Colorado SECIION O2B1O - IRRICATION SYSTEMS PART 1 - CENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes design and installation of a fully functioning irrigation system suitable for planting as shown on A102. Include piping, valves, sprinklers, specialties, controls and wiring for automatic-control irrigation system. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include pressure ratings, rated capacities, and settings of selected models for the following: 1. Ceneral-dutyvalves. 2. Specialty valves. 3. Control-valveboxes. 4. Sprinklers. 5. lrrigationspecialties. 6. Controllers. B. Shop Drawings: Show irrigation q6tem pipin& including plan layoug and locations, types, sizes, capacities, and flow characteristics of irrigation system piping components. Include water meters, backflow preventers, valves, piping, sprinklers and devices, accessories, controls, and wiring. Show areas of sprinkler spray and overspray. Show wire size and number of conductors for each control cable. C. Field quality-control test reports. D. Operation and maintenance data. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Warranty - Provide one year warranty for all parts and service. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EARTHWORK A. Refer to Division 2 Section "Earthwork" for excavating trenching and backfilling. END OF SECTION O2B1O IRRICATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 1 I Fritzlen pierce ArchitectsI Y:Ltr;?;iii I Section 2834 MODULAR CONCRETE RETAININC WALL I PARr 1: .ENEMT I 1.01 Description T A. Work shall consist of furnishing and construction of a KEYSTONE Retaining Wall System or equal I in accordance with these specifications and in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades, I design, and dimensions shown on the plans. I B. Work includes preparing foundation soil, furnishing and installing leveling pad, unit drainage fill t and backfill to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings. I C. Work includes furnishing and installing geogrid soil reinforcement of the typt-', size, location, and f lengths designated on the construction drawings. I 1.02 Related Sections I A. Section 02100 - Site Preparation I B. Section O22OO - Earthwork t 1.03 Reference Documents I A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) I 1. ASTM C-1372 Specification for Segmental Retaining Wall Units I 2. ASTM D-422 Panicle Size Analysis 3. ASTM D-698 Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil -Standard Effort I 4. ASTM D-4318 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils t 5. ASTM D-4595 Tensile Properties of Ceotextiles - Wide Width Strip 6. ASTM D-5262 Unconfined Tension Creep Behavior of Ceosynthetics I 7. ASTM D-3034 PolyvinylChloride pipe (pVC) t B. ASTM D-1248 Corrugated Plastic Pipe I B. Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRl) 1. CRI-CG4 Determination of Long Tern Design Strengh of Geogrids t 2. CRI-GCS Determination of Ceogrid (soil) Pullout ' C. National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) I I ''|. "C"^ SRWU-I Test Method for Determining Connection Strength of SRW 2. NCMA SRWU-2 Test Method for Determining Shear Strength of SRWI I Modular Concrete Retaining Wall Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 02834 - | t itects t I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2(D4 Vail, Colorado 1 .04 Subm ittals/Certification A. Contractor shall submit a Manufacturer's certification, prior to start of work, that the retaining wall system components meet the requirements of this specification and the structure design. B. Contractor shall submit construction drawings and design calculations for the retaining wall sptem prepared and stamped by a Profesional Engineer registered in the state of the project. The engineering designs, techniques, and material evaluations shall be in accordance with the KEYSTONE Design Manual, NCMA Design Cuidelines For Segmental Retaining Walls, or the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, Section 5.8 (whichever is applicable to designer). C. Contractor shall submit a test report documenting strength of specific modular concrete unit and geogrid reinforcement connection. The maximum design tensile load of the geogrid shall be equal to the laboratory tested ultimate stren$h of geogrid I facing unit connection at a maximum normal force limited by the "Hinge Height" of the structure divided by a safety factor of 1.5. The connection strength evaluation shall be performed in accordance with NCMA test method SRWU-I . 1.05 Quality fusurance A. Contractor shall submit certification, prior to start of work, that the retaining wall system (modular concrete units and specific geogrid): 1) has been successfully utilized on a minimum of five (5) similar projects, i.e., height, soil fill types, erection tolerances, etc.; and 2) has been successfully installed on a minimum of 1 million ('1,000,000) square feet of retaining walls. B. Contractor shall submit a list of five (5) previously constructed projects of similar size and magnitude by the wall installer where the specific retaining wall system has been constructed successfully. Contact names and telephone numbers shall be listed for each project. C. Contractor shall provide evidence that the design engineer has a minimum of five years of documentable experience in the design for reinforced soil structures. The design engineer shall provide proof of current professional liability insurance with an aggregate coverage limit of not less than $2,000,000. D. Owner shall provide soil testing and quality assurance inspection during earthwork and wall construction operations. Owner's guality assurance program does not relieve the contractor of responsibility for wall performance. 1.06 Delivery, Storage and Handling A. Contractor shall check all materials upon delivery to assure that the proper type, grade, color, and certification has been received. I I I I t IModular Concrete Retainins Wall 02834 -2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I FritzlenPierceArchitects O o Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 20(X Vail, Colorado B. Contractor shall protect all materials from damage due to jobsite conditions and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Damaged materials shall not be incorporated into the work. PART 2: PRODUCTS Product Description: Lepcy Stone as manufactured by Keystone RetainingWall Systems Style: Rockface Color: to be Selected from Manufucture/s full range 2.01 Definitions A. Modular Unit - a concrete retaining wall element machine made from portland cement, water, and aggregates. B. Structural Ceogrid - a structural element formed by a regular network of integrally connected tensile elements with apertures of sufficient size to allow interlocking with surrounding soil, rock, or earth and function primarily as reinforcement. C. Unit Drainage Fill - drainage aggregate which is placed within and immediately behind the modular concrete units. D. Reinforced Backfill - compacted soil which is placed within the reinforced soil volume as outlined on the plans. 2.02 Modular Concrete Retaining Wall Units A. Modular concrete units shall conform to the following architectural requirements: face color - concrete gray - standard manufacturers'color may be specified by the Owner. face finish - sculptured rock face in angular tri-planer configuration. Other face finishes will not be allowed without written approval of Owner. bond configuration - running with bonds nominally located at midpoint vertically adjacent units, in both straight and curved alignments. exposed surfaces of units shall be free of chips, crack or other imperfections when viewed from a distance of 10 feet under diffused lighting. B. Modular concrete materials shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C1372 - Standard Specifications for Segmental Retaining Wall Units. C. Modular concrete units shall conform to the following structural and geometric requirements measured in accordance with appropriate references: compressive strengh : 3000 psi minimum; absorption : 8 % maximu m (6% in northern states) for standard weight aggregates; Modular Concrete Retainine Wall 02834 - 3 FriElen Pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 2004 970-476-6342 Vail, Colorado dimensional tolerances - -r 1/8" from nominal unit dimensions not including rough split face, -+11'16'unit height - top and bottom planes; unit size - 8" (H) x 18" (W) x 18" (D) minimum; unit weight - 100 lbs/unit minimum for standard weight aggregates; inter-unit shear strength - 1500 plf minimum at 2 psi normal pressure; geogrid/unit peak connection strengh -100O plf minimum at 2 psi normal force. D. Modular concrete units shall conform to the following constructability requirements: verticaf setback : 118"-+ per course (near vertical) or 1"+ per course per the design; alignment and grid positioning mechanism - fiberglass pins, two per unit minimum; maximum horizontal gap beMeen erected units shall be - 1/2 inch. 2.03 Shear Connectors A. Shear connectors shall be 112 inch diameter thermoset isopthalic polyester resin-pultruded fiberglass reinforcement rods or equivalent to provide connection between vertically and horizontally adjacent units. Strength of shear connectors between vertical adjacent units shall be applicable over a design temperature of 10 degrees F to + 100 degrees F. B. Shear connectors shall be capable of holding the geogrid in the proper design position during grid pre-tensioning and backfilling. 2.04 Base Leveling Pad Material A. Material shall consist of a compacted crushed stone base or non-reinforced concrete as shown on the construction drawings. 2.05 Unit Drainage Fill A. Unit drainage fill shall consist of clean 1" minus crushed stone fof lowing gradation tested in accordance with ASTM D-422: Sieve Size Percent Passing 1 inch 10O 3/4 inch 75-100 No.40-10 No.500-5 B. One cubic foot, minimum, of drainage fill shall be used for each square foot of wall face. Drainage fill shall be placed within cores of, between, and behind units to meet this requirement. or crushed gravel meeting the I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I IModular Concrete Rekining Wall 02834 - 4 I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I IIt II t I Fritzlen Pierce Architects O Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.06 Reinforced Backfill A. Reinforced backfill shall be free of debris and meet the following gradation tested in accordance with ASTM D-422: Sieve Size Percenl Passing 2 inch 100-75 3/4 inch 1OO-75 No.40 0-60 No. 200 0-35 Plasticity Index (Pl) <15 and Liquid Limit <40 perASTM D-4318. B. The maximum aggregate size shall be limited to 3/4 inch unless field tests have been performed to evaluate potential strength reductions to the geogrid design due to damage during construction. C. Material can be site excavated soils where the above requirements can be met. Unsuitable soils for backfill (high plastic clays or organic soils) shall not be used in the backfill or in the reinforced soil D. Contractor shall submit reinforced fill sample and laboratory test results to the Architect/Engineer for approval prior to the use of any proposed reinforced fill material. 2.07 Ceogrid Soil Reinforcement A. Geosynthetic reinforcement shall consist of geogrids manufactured specifically for soil reinforcement applications and shall be manufactured from high tenacity polyester yarn or high density polyethylene. Polyester geogrid shall be knitted from high tenacity polyester filament yarn with a molecular weight exceeding 25,000 Meg/m and a carboxyl end group values less than 30. Polyester geogrid shall be coated with an impregnated PVC coating that resists peeling cracking, and stripping. B. Ta, Long Term Allowable Tensile Design Load, of the geogrid material shall be determined as follows: Ta - Tult/ (RFcr*RFd*RFid*FS) Ta shalf be evaluated based on a75 year design life. 1. Tult, Short Term Ultimate Tensile Strengh Tult is based on the minimum averate roll values (MARV) 2. RFcr, Reduction Factor for Long Term Tension Creep RFcr shall be determined from 10,000 hour creep testing performed in accordance with ASTM D5262. Reduction value : 1.50 minimum. 3. RFd, Reduction Factor for Durability RFd shall be determined from polymer specific durability testing covering the range of expected soil Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Modular Concrete Retainine Wall 02834 - 5 o ects I I I I T Fritzlen Pierce Archit Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 environments. RFd : 1 .10 minimum. 4. RFid, Reduction Factorfor Installation Damage RFid shall be determined from product specific construction damage testing performed in accordance with CRI-CC4. Test results shall be provided for each product to be used with project specific or more severe soil type. RFid : 1.10 minimum. 5. FS, Overall Design Factor of Safety FS shall be 1.5 unless otherwise noted for the maximum allowable working stress calculation. C. The maximum design tensile load of the geogrid shall not exceed the laboratory tested ultimate strengh of the geogrid/facing unit connection as limited by the "Hinge Height" divided by a factor of safery of 1.5. The connection stren$h testing and computation procedures shall be in accordance with NCMA SRWU-I Test Method for Determining Connection Strength of SRW. D. Soil Interaction Coefficient, Ci Ci values shall be determined per CRI:CC5 at a maximum 0.75 inch displacement. E. Manufacturing Quality Control The geogrid manufacturer shall have a manufacturing quality control program that includes QC testing by an independent laboratory. The QC testing shall include: Tensile Strength Testing Melt Flow Index (HDPE) Molecular Weight (Polyester) 2.08 Drainage Pipe A. lf required, the drainage pipe shall be perforated or slotted PVC pipe manufactured in accordance with ASTM D-3034 or corrugated HDPE pipe manufactured in accordance with ASTM D-1248. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 Excavation A. Contractor shall excavate to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings. Owner's representative shall inspect the excavation and approve prior to placement of leveling material or fill soils. Proof roll foundation area as directed to determine if remedial work is reguired. B. Over-excavation and replacement of unsuitable foundation soils and replacement with approved compacted fill will be compensated as agreed upon with the Owner. 3.02 Base Leveling Pad A. Leveling pad material shall be placed to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings, to a minimum thickness of 6 inches and extend laterally a minimum of 6" in front and behind the I I t I I I I I I t I I I IModular Concrete Retainine Wall 02834 - 6 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Gymnastics Facility Vail, Coforado May Zoo4970-476-6342 Vail, Colorado modular wall unit. B. Soil leveling pad materials shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 % Standard Proctor density per ASTM D-698 C. Leveling pad shall be prepared to insure full contact to the base surface ofthe concrete units. 3.03 Modular Unit Installation A. First course of units shall be placed on the leveling pad at the appropriate line and grade. Alignment and level shall be checked in all directions and insure that all units are in full contact with the base and properly seated. B. Place the front of units side-by-side. Do not leave gaps between adjacent units. Layout of corners and curves shall be in accordance with manufacture/s recommendations. C. lnstall shear/connecti ng devices per manufactu rer's recommendations. D. Place and compact drainage fill within and behind wall units. Place and compact backfill soil behind drainage fill. Follow wall erection and drainage fill closely with structure backfill. E. Maximum stacked vertical height of wall units, prior to unit drainage fill and backfill placement and compaction, shall not exceed two courses. 3.04 Structu ral Ceogrid Installation A' Ceogrid shall be oriented with the highest strengh axis perpendicular to the wall alignment. B. Ceogrid reinforcement shall be placed at the strengths, lengths, and elevations shown on the construction design drawings or as directed by the Engineer. C. The geogrid shall be laid horizontally on compactecl backfill and attacH to the modular wall units. Place the next course of modular concrete units over the geogrid. The geogrid shall be pulled taut, and anchored prior to backfill placement on the geogrid. D. Ceogrid reinforcements shall be continuous throughout their embedment len$hs and placed side-by-side to provide 100% coverage at each level. Spliced connections between shorter pieces of geogrid or gaps between adjacent pieces of geogrid are not permitted. 3.05 Reinforced Backfill Placement A. Reinforced backfill shall be placed, spread, and compacted in such a manner that minimizes the development of slack in the geogrid and installation damage. B. Reinforced backfill shall be placed and compacted in lifu not to exceed 6 inches where hand compaction is used, or I - 1O inches where heavy compaction equipment is used. Lift thickness shall be decreased to achieve the required density as required. Modular Concrete Retaining Wall 02834 -7 Fritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 974-476-5342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado C. Reinforced backfill shall be compacted to 95% of the maximum density as determined by ASTM D698. The moisture content of the backfill material prior to and during compaction shall be uniformly distributed throughout each layer and shall be dry of optim um, + O%, - 3%. D. Only lightweight hand-operated equipment shall be allowed within 3 feet from the tail of the modular concrete unit. E. Tracked construction equipment shall not be operated directly upon the geogrid reinforcemenl A minimum fill thickness of 6 inches is required prior to operation of tracked vehicles over the geogrid. Tracked vehicle turning should be kept to a minimum to prevent track from displacing the fill and damaging the geogrid. F. Rubber tired equipment may pass over geogrid reinforcement at slow speeds, less than 10 MPH. Sudden braking and sharp turning shall be avoided. C. At the end of each day's operation, the Contractor shall slope the last lift of reinforced backfill away from the wall units to direct runoff away from wall face. The Contractor shall not allow surface runoff from adjacent areas to enter the wall construction site. 3.06 Cap Installation A. Cap units shall be glued to underlying units with an all-weather adhesive recommended by the manufacturer. 3.02 As-built Construction Tolerances A. Vertical alignment : t 1.5" over any 10' distance, B. Wall Batter: within 2 degrees of design batter. C. Horizontal alignment: t 1 .5" over any 1O' distance. Corners, bends, curves -r 1 ft to theoretical location. D. Maximum horizontal gap between erected units shall be t/Z inch. 3.08 Field Quality Control A. The Owner shall engage inspection and testing services, including independent laboratories, to provide quality assurance and testing services during construction. This does not relieve the Contractor from securing the necessary construction control testing during construction. B. Testing and inspections services shall only be performed by qualified and experienced technicians and engineers. C. As a minimum, quality assurance testint should include foundation soil inspection, soil and backfill testing verification of design parameters, and observation of construction for general o Architects I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I t I I IModular Concrete Retainine Wall 02834 - 8 lo Fritzlen Pierce Architects I Vail, Colorado I s7O-476-6342 compliance with design drawings and specifications. t PART 4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Vail Gymnastics Facility May2004 Vail, Colorado T I I t t I I t I t I I I I I t Modular Concrete Retaining Wall 02834 -9 I Fritzlen pierce ArchirecbI #:!tr;:;1:; Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado I I I sECroN 02930 - EXTERT.R pLANrs I PARrl -cENEML t 1.1 suMMARy A. This Section includes the following: 1. Trees. 2. Shrubs. 3. Cround cover. 4. Plants. t 1.2 DEF|N|T|ONS r A. Finish Crade: Elevation of finished surface of planting soil.Ir B. Manufactured Topsoil: Soil produced off-site by homogeneously blending mineral soils or - sand with stabilized organic soil amendmenG to produce topsoil or planting soil. r C. Planting Soil: Native or imported topsoil, manufactured topoil, or surface soil modified to become topsoil; mixed with soil amendments. ! D. Subgrade: Surface or elevation of subsoil remaining after completing excavation/ or top surface of a fill or backfill, before placing planting soil. 1.3 SUBMITTALS I A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. I B. Product certificates. C. Planting Schedule: Indicating anticipated planting dates for exterior plants. I D. Maintenance Instructions: Recommended procedures to be established by Owner for maintenance of exterior plants during a calendar year. I 1.4 QUALtry ASSUMNCE I A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified landscape installer who maintains an experienced full-r time supervisor on Pro.iect site when exterior planting is in progress. I I EXTERIOR PLANTS I 02930 - 1 I I I t I t t t I I I I I I I I t I 2.1 I ArchitectsFritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 't.6 't.7 A. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado t-) B. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Proiect site. DELIVERY, STOMCE, AND HANDLINC Do not prune trees and shrubs before delivery. Protect bark, branches, and root systems from sun scald, drying, sweating whipping and other handling and tying damage. Do not bend or bind-tie trees or shrubs in strch a manner as to destroy their natural shape. Provide protective covering of exterior plants during delivery. Do not'drop exterior plants during delivery. Deliver exterior plants after preparations for planting have been completed and install immediately. lf planting is delayed more than six hours after delivery set exterior plants trees in shade, protect from weather and mechanical damage, and keep roots moist. WARRANry Special Warranty: Warrant the following exterior plants, for the warranty period indicated, against defects including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from lack of adeguate maintenance, neglect, or abuse by Owner, or incidents that are beyond Contractor's control. .l . Warranty Period for Trees and Shrubs: One year from date of Substantial Completion. 2. Warranty Period for Cround Cover and Plants: One Year from date of Subrstantial Completion. MAINTENANCE Trees and Shrubs: Maintain during warranty period by pruning, cultivating, watering weeding, fertilizing restoring planting saucers, tightening and repairing stakes and guy supports, and resetting to proper grades or vertical position, as required to establish healthy, viable plantings. Spray as required to keep trees and shrubs free of insects and disease. Cround Cover and Plants: Maintain during warranty period by watering weeding fertilizing, and other operations as required to establish healthy, viable plantings. B. I PART 2 - PRODUCTS EXTERIOR PLANTS Tree and Shrub Material: Furnish nursery-grown trees and shrubs complying with ANSI 260.1, with healthy root systems developed by transplanting or root pruning. Provide well-shaped, fully branched, healthy, vigorous stock free of disease, insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such as knots, sun scald, injuries, abrasions, and disfigurement. EXTERIOR PLANTS 02930 - 2 I t t t t I t Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 20O4 Vail. Colorado I I t T I I I I I I I I B. Ground Cover: Provide ground cover of species indicated, established and well rooted in pots or similar containers, and complying with ANSI 260.1. C. Annuals: Provide healthy, disease-free plans of species and variety shown or listed. Provide only plants that are acclimated to outdoor conditions before delivery and that are in bud but not yet in bloom. D. Perennials: Provide healthy, field-grown plants from a commercial nufs€rl, of species and variety shown or listed. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXTERIOR PLANTINC A. Protect exterior plants from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other contractors and trades, and others. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods. Treat, repair, or replace damaged exterior planting. B. Remove surplus soil and waste material, including excess subsoil, unsuitable soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of them off Owner's property. END OF SECTION 02930 EXTERIOR PLANTS 02930 - 3 I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 1.4 A. B. Vail Gym nastics Facility May20O4 Vail, Colorado l I I I t t I I I I SECTION O33OO - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 - CENEML 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Ceneral and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. .1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies cast-in place concrete, including formwork, reinforcement, concrete materials, mixture design, placement procedures, and finishes, for the following: 1. Footings. 2. Foundation walls. 3. Slabs-on-grade. B. Related Sections include the following: 1,3 I I I I I I 1. Division 2 Section nEarthwork" for drainage fill under slabs-on-grade.2. Division 2 Section "Cement Concrete Pavement''for concrete pavement and walk. 3. Division 2 Section "Decorative Cement Concrete Pavementu for decorative concrete pavement and walk. 4. Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Architectural Concrete" for general building applications of specially finished formed concrete. 5. Division 3 Section "Concrete Floor Topping" for emery- and iron-aggregate concrete floor toppings. DEFINITIONS Cementitious Materials: Portland cement alone or in combination with one or more of the following: blended hydraulic cement, fly ash and other pozzolans, ground granulated blast- furnace slag, and silica fume; subject to compliance with requirements. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Design Mixtures: For each concrete mixture. Submit alternate design mixtures when characteristics of materials, Project conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances wanant adj ustments. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - I o itects I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 1.5 A. F. B. 1. Indicate amounts of mixing water to be withheld for later addition at Project site. C. Steel Reinforcement Shop Drawings: Placing drawings that detail fabrication, bending and placement. Include bar sizes, len$hs, material, grade, bar schedules, stirrup spacing, bent bar diagrams, bar arrangement, splices and laps, mechanical connections, tie spacing, hoop spacing. and supports for concrete reinforcement. QUALITY ASSUMNCE Installer Qualifications: A qualified installer who employs on Project personnel qualified as AC|-certified Flatwork Technician and Finisher and a supervisor who is an AC|-certified Concrete Flatwork Technician, Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing ready-mixed concrete products and that complies with ASTM C94lC 94M requirements for production facilities and equipment. 1. Manufacturer certified according to NRMCA's "Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete Production Faci lities." Testing Agenry Qualifications: An independent agency, acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, qualified according to ASTM C 1077 and ASTM E 329 for testing indicated, as documented according to ASTM E 548. 1. Personnel conducting field tesB shall be qualified as ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician, Crade 1, according to ACI CP-01 or an equivalent certification program. 2. Personnel performing laboratory tests shall be AC|-certified Concrete Strengih Testing Technician and Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician - Crade l. Testing Agenry laboratory supervisor shall be an AC|-certified Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician - Crade ll. Source Limitations: Obtain each type or class of cementitious material of the same brand from the same manufacturer's plant, obtain agtregate from one source, and obtain admixtures through one source from a single manufacturer. ACI Publications: Comply with the following unless modified by requirements in the Contract Documents: 1. ACI 301, "Specification for Structural Concrete," Sections 1 through 5.2. ACI 117, "Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials." Concrete Testing Service: Engage a gualified independent testing agency to perform material evaluation tests and to design concrete mixtures. DELIVERY, STOMCE, AND HANDLINC Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail. Colorado D. 1.6 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 2 I I I t I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architec6 Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility A. Steel Reinforcement: Deliver, store, and and damage. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 fORM-FACINC MATERIALS A. Smooth-Formed Finished Concrete: Form-facing panels that will provide continuous, true, and smooth concrete surfaces. Furnish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number of joints. 1. Plpvood, metal, or other approved panel materials.2' Exterior-grade plywood panels, suikible for concrete forms, comprying with DOC PS 1, and as follows: a. High-density overlay, Class 1 or better.b. Mediumdensity overlay, Class 1 or better; mill-release agent treated and edge sealed. May 2004 Vail, Colorado handle steel reinforcement to prevent bending B. c. Structural 1, B-B or better; mill oiled and edge sealed.d. B-B (Concrete Form), Class 1 or befter; mill oiled and edge sealed. Rough-Formed Finished Concrete: Plywood, lumbbr, metal, or another approved material. Provide lumber dressed on at least two edges and one side for tight fit. I I I I I I t t I C. Chamfer Strips: Wood, metal, pVC, or rubber strip, 3la by 3la inch (19 by 19 mm), minimum. D. Rustication Stripa: Wood, metal, PVC, or rubber strips, kerfed for ease of form removal. E. Form-Release Agent: Commercially formulated form-release agent that will not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces':and will not impair subsequent treatmenb of concrete surfaces. 1. Formulate form-release agent with rust inhibitor for steel form-facing materials. F. Form Ties: Factory-fabricated, removable or snap-off metal or glass-fiber-reinforced plastic form ties designed to resist lateral pressure of fresh concrets on forms and to pievent spalling of concrete on removal. 1. Furnish units that will leave no corrodible metal closer than 1 inch (25 mm) to the plane of exposed concrete surface.2. Furnish ties that, when removed, will leave holes no larger than 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter in concrete surface. 3. Furnish ties with integral water-barrier plates to walls indicated to receive dampproofing or waterproofing. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 3 I ects I I I I I t I t I t I I I I t T I I I Fritzlen Pierce Archit Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado2.2 STEEL REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 61 5/A 61 5M, Crade 60 (Crade 420), deformed. B. Plain-Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement: ASTMA 185, plain, fabricated from as-drawn steel wire into flat sheets. 2.3 REINFORCEMENT ACCESSORIES A. Epoxy Repair Coating: Liquid, two-part, epoxy repair coating; compatible with epory coating on reinforcement and complying with ASTM A7751A775M. B. Bar Supports: Bolsters, chairs, spacers, and other devices for spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcing bars and welded wire reinforcement in place. Manufacture bar supports from steel wire, plastig or precast concrete according to CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice," of greater compressive stren$h than concrete and as folJows: 1. For concrete surfaces exposed to view where legs of wire bar suppoG contact forms, use CRSI Class 1 plastic-protected steel wire or CRSI Class 2 stainless-steel bar supports. 2.4 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Cementitious Material: Use the following cementitious materials, of the same type, brand, and source, throughout Project: 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type l/ll. B. Normal-Weight AgBretates: ASTM C 33, not less Class 35 coarse aggregate or htter, graded. Provide agtregates from a single source. '1. Maximum Coarse-Aggregate Size: 'l inch (25 mm) nominal. 2. Fine Aggregate: Free of materials with deleterious reactivity to alkali in cement. C. Water: ASTM C94/C 94M and potable. 2.5 ADMIXTURES A. Air-EntrainingAdmixture: ASTM C 260. 2.6 FIBER REINFORCEMENT 2.7 WATERSTOPS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 4 I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 grade to suit requirements, and as follows: 1. Types lV and V, load bearing for bonding hardened hardened concrete. REPAIR MATER]ALS Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado or freshly mixed concrete to 2.8 VAPOR RETARDERS A. Plastic Vapor Retarder: ASTM E 1745, Class B. Include manufacturer's recommended adhesive or pressurb-sensitive tape. B. Bituminous Vapor Retarder: 1 10-mil- (2.8-mm-) thick, semiflexible, 7-ply sheet membrane consisting of reinforced core and carrier sheet with fortified asphalt layers, protective weathercoating and removable plastic release liner. Furnish manufacturer's accessories including bonding asphalt, pointing mastics, and self-adhering joint tape. 1. Water-Vapor Permeance: 0.00 grains/h x sq. ft. x inches Hg (0.00 ng/pa x s x sq. m); ASTM E 154. 2. Tensile Strengh: 1a0 lbf/in. (2a.5 kN/m); ASTM E 1s4. 3. Puncture Resistance: 90 lbf (a00N); ASTM E 154. I I T I I I I I I I I 2.9 2.10 A. B. 2.1'l A. B. c. D. 2.12 FI-OOR AND SLAB TREATMENTS CURINC MATERIATS Absorptive Cover: MSHTO M'182, Class2, burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf, weighing approximately 9 oz./sq. yd. (305 drq. .) when dry. Water: Potable. RELATED MATERIALS Expansion- and lsolation-Joint-Filler Strips: ASTM D 1751 , asphalt-saturated cellulosic fiber or ASTM D 1752, cork or self-expanding cork. Semirigid Joint Filler: Two-component, semirigid, 100 percent polids, epory resin with a Type A shore durometer hardness of 80 per ASTM D 2240. Bonding Agent: ASTMC1059, Typell, non-redispersible, acrylic emulsion or styrene butadiene. Epoxy Bonding Adhesive: ASTM C 881, two-component epoxy resin, capable of humid curing and bonding to damp surfaces, of class suitable for application temperature and of CAST.IN.PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 5 o ects I I I I I I t t I I I I I I t I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Archit Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado 2.13 CONCRETE MIXTURES, CENERAL A. Prepare design mixtures for each type and stren$h of concrete, proportioned on the basis of laboratory trial mixture or field test data, or both, according to ACI 301. 1. Use a qualified independent testing agency for preparing and reporting proposed mixture designs based on laboratory trial mixtures. B. Limit water-soluble, chloride-ion content in hardened concrete to 0.06 percent by weight of cement. C. Admixtures: Use admixtures according to manufacturer's written instructions. 2.14 CONCRETE MIXTURES FOR BUILDINC ELEMENTS A. Refer to concrete mix table on 50.01 for information on concrete mixture proportions. 2.15 FABRICATING REINFORCEMENT A. Fabricate steel reinforcement according to CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice." 2.16 CONCRETE MIXINC A. Ready-Mixed Concrete: Measure, batch, mix, and deliver concrete according to ASTM C 94/C94M, and furnish batch ticket information. 1. When air temperature is between 85 and 90 deg F (30 and 32 deg C), reduce mixing and delivery time from 1-1/2 hours to 75 minutes; when air temperature is above 90 deg F (32 deg C), reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FORMWORK Design, erect, shore, brace, and maintain formwork, according to ACI 301, to support vertical, lateral, static, and dynamic loads, and construction loads that might be applied, until structure can support such loads. B. Construct formwork so concrete members and structures are of size, shape, elevation, and position indicated, within tolerance limits of ACI 117. C. Limit concrete surface irregularities, designated by ACI 347R as abrupt or follows: alignmenl gradual, as CAST-IN.PLACE CONCRET.E 03300 - 6 D. E. I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 20O4 Vail. Colorado I I I I I I I H. l. 1. Class C, ll2inch (13 mm) for rough-formed finished surfaces. Construct forms tight enough to prevent loss of concrete mortar. Fabricate forms for easy removal without hammering or prying against concrete surfaces. Provide crush or wrecking plates where stripping may damage cast concrete surfaces. Provide top forms for inclined surfaces steeper than 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical. 1. Install ke;,r,,rrap, reglets, recesses, and the like, for easy removal.2. Do not use rust-stained steel form-facing material. F. Set edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed strips for slabs to achieve required elevations and slopes in finished concrete surfaces. Provide and secure units to support screed strips; use strike-off templates or compacting-type screeds. t. Provide temporary openings for cleanouts and inspection ports where interior area of formwork is inaccessible. Close openings with panels tightly fitted to fornis and securely braced to prevent loss of concrete mortar. Locate temporary openings in forms at inconspicuous locations. Chamfer exterior corners and edges of permanently exposed concrete. Form openings, chases, offsets, sinkages, keywa1,s, reglets, blocking screeds, and bulkheads reguired in the work. Determine sizes and locations from trades providing such items. Clean forms and adjacent surfaces to receive concrete. Remove chips, wood, sawdust, dirt, and other debris just before placing concrete. Retighten forms and bracing before placing concrete, as required, to prevent mortar leak and maintain proper alignment. Coat contact surfaces of forms with form-release agent, according to manufacturer's written instructions, before placing reinforcement TMBEDDED ITEMS Place and secure anchorage devices and other embedded items required for adjoining work that is attached to or supported by cast-in-place concrete. Use setting drawings, templates, diagrams, instructions, and directions furnished with items to be embedded. 1. Install anchor rods, accurately located, to elevations required and complying with tolerances in Section 7.5 of AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges." REMOVINC AND REUSINC FORMS3.3 I I I I I I I I 3.2 A. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 7 o Architects I I I Fritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3.4 A. B. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado STEEL REINFORCEMENT Ceneral: Comply with CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice" for placing reinforcement. 1. Do not cut or puncture vapor retarder. Repair damage and reseal vapor retarder before placing concrete. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and rnill scale, earth, ice, and other foreign materials that would reduce bond to concrete. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement. Locate and support reinforcement with bar supports to maintain minimum concrete cover. Do not tack weld crossing reinforcing bars. set wire ties with ends directed into concrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I B. D. 3.5 A. Ceneral: Formwork for sides of beams, walls, columns, and similar parts of the Work that does not support weight of concrete may be removed after cumulatively curing at not less than 5o deg F (10 deg C) for 24 hours after placing concrete, if concrete is hard enough to not be damaged by form-removal operations and curing and protection operations are maintained. 1. Leave formwork for beam soffits, joists, slabs, and other structural elements that supPorts weight of concrete in place until concrete has achieved at least 70 percent of its 28-day design compressive strength. 2. Remove forms only if shores have been arranged to permit removal of forms without loosening or disturbing shores. B. Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be reused in the Work. Split, frayed, delaminated, or otherwise damaged form-facing material will not be acceptable for exposed surfaces. Apply new form-release agent. C. When forms are reused, clean surfaces, remove fins and laitance, and tithten to close joints. Align and secure joinb to avoid offsets. Do not use patched forms for exposed concrete surfaces unless approved by Architect. VAPOR RETARDERS Install plastic vapor retarders beneath all interior slabs on grade. Plastic Vapor Retarders: Place, protect, and repair vapor retarders according to ASTM E 1543 and manufacturer's written instructions. 1 . Lap joints 6 inches (1 50 mm) and seal with manufacture/s recommended tape. Bituminous Vapor Retarders: Place, protect, and repair vapor retarders according to manufacturer's written instructions. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 8 D. T I l: I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado IOINTS General: Construct joints true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. Construction Joints: Install so strength and appearance of concrete are not impaired, at locations indicated or as approved by Architect. 1. Form keyed joints as indicated. Embed keys at least 1-112 inches (38 mm) into concrete. 2' Space vertical joints in walls at 10 feet on center. Locate joints beside piers integral with walls, near corners, and in concealed locations where possible.3. Use a bonding agent at locations where fresh concrete is placed against hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces.4. Use epoxy-bonding adhesive at locations where fresh concrete is placed against hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces. Contraction Joints in Slabs-on-Crade: Form weakened-plane contraction joints, sectioning concrete into areas as indicated. Construct contraction joints for a depth equal to at least one-fourth of concrete thickness as follows: 1. Sawed Joints: Form contraction joints with power saws equipped with shatterproof abrasive or diamond-rimmed blades. Cut 1/8-inch- (3.2-mmJ wide joints into concrete when cutting action will not tear, abrade, or otherwise damage surface and before concrete develops random contraction crack. lsolation Joints in Slabs-on-Crade: After removing formwork, install joint-filler strips at slab junctions with vertical surfaces, such as column pedestals, foundation walls, grade beams, and other locations, as indicated. 1. Extend joinrfiller strips full width and depth of join! terminating flush with finished concrete s urface, unless otherwise ind icated. 2. Terminate full-width joint-filler strip,s not less than 1/Z inch (1 3 mm) or more than 1 inch (25 mm) below finished concrete surface where joint sealanb, specified in Division 7 Section'loint Sealants," are indicated.3. Install joint-filler strips in lengths as long as practicable. Where more than one lengh is required, lace or clip sections together. E. Install welded wire reinforcement in longest practicable lengths on bar supports spaced to minimize sagging. Lap edges and ends of adjoining sheets at least one mesh spacing. Offset laps of adjoining sheet widths to prevent continuous laps in either direction. Lace overlaps with wire. F. Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement: Repair cut and damaged epoxy coatings with epoxy repair coating according to ASTM D3963lD 3963M. Use epoxy-coated steel wire ties to fasten epoxy-coated steel reinforcement. 3.6 . A. B. CAST-IN.PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 9 o Architects I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3.7 A. B. C. D. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado CONCRETE PLACEMENT Before placing concrete, verifo that installation of formwork, reinforcement, and embedded items is complete and that required inspections have been performed. Do not add water to concrete during delivery, at Project site, or during placement unless approved by Architea. Before test sampling and placing concrete, water may be added at Project site, subject to limitations of ACI 30'1. Deposit concrete continuously in one layer or in horizontal layers of such thickness that no new concrete will be placed on concrete that has hardened enough to cause seams or planes of weakness. lf a section cannot be placed continuously, provide construction joints as indicated. Deposit concrete to avoid segregation. 1. Deposit concrete in horizontal layers of depth to not exceed foimwork design pressures and in a manner to avoid inclined construction joints. 2. Consolidate placed concrete with mechanical vibrating equipment according to ACr301. 3. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside forms. Insert and withdraw vibrators vertically at uniformly spaced locations to rapidly penetrate placed layer and at least 6 inches (150 mm) into preceding layer. Do not insert vibrators into lower layers of concrete that have begun to lose plasticity. At each insertion, limit duration of vibration to time necessary to consolidate concrete and complete embedment of reinforcement and other embedded items without causing mixture constituents to segregate. Deposit and consolidate concrete for floors and slabs in a continuous operation, within limits of construction joints, until placement of a panel or section is complete. 1. Consolidate concrete during placement operations so concrete is thoroughly worked around reinforcement and other embedded items and into corners. 2. Maintain reinforcement in position on chairs during concrete placement. 3. Screed slab surfaces with a straightedge and strike off to correct elevations.4. Slope surfaces uniformly to drains where required. 5. Begin initial floating using bull floats or darbies to form a uniform and open-textured surface plane, before excess bleedwater appears on the surface. Do not further disturb slab surfaces before starting finishing operations. I I t I I I I I I F. Cold-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 306.1 and as follows. Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced stren$h that could be caused by frost, freezing actions, or low temperatures. 1. When average high and low temperature is expected to fall below 40 deg F (a.4 degC) for three successive days, maintain delivered concrete mixture temperature within the temperature range required by ACI 301. I I t ICAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - l0 I I I I t I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado2. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. Do not place concrete on frozen subgrade or on subgrade containing frozen materials.3. Do not use calcium chloride, sah, or other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators unless otherwise specified and approved in mixture designs. C. Hot-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 301 and as follows: 1. Maintain concrete temperature below 9o deg F (32 deg c) at time of placement. Chilled mixing water or chopped ice may be used to control temperature, provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Using liquid nitrogen to cool concrete is Contracto/s option. 2. Fog-spray forms, steel reinforcement, and subgrade just before placing concrete. Keep subgrade uniformly moist without standing water, soft spots, or dry areas. B. t I I I I I I I I I I 3.8 3.9 A. B. FINISHINC FORMED SURFACES Rough-Formed Finish: fu-cast concrete texture imparted by form-facing material with tie holes and defects repaired and patched. Remove fins and other projections that exceed specified I i m its o n formed-surface irregularities. 1. Apply to concrete surfaces not exposed to public view. Related Unformed surfaces: At tops of walls, horizontal offsets, and similar unformed surfaces adjacent to formed surfaces, strike off smooth and finish with a texture matching adjacent formed surfaces. Continue final surface treatment of formed surfaces uniformly across adjacent unformed surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. FINISHINC FLOORS AND SLABS Ceneral: Comply with ACI 302.1R recommendations for screeding restraightening and finishing operations for concrete suifaces. Do not wet concrete surfaces. Float Finish: Consolidate surface with powerdriven floats or by hand floating if area is small or inaccessible to power driven floats. Restraighten, cut down high spots, and fill low spots. Repeat float passes and restraightening until surface is left with a uniform, smooth, granular texture. 1. Apply float finish to surfaces to receive trowel finish. Trowel Finish: After applying float {inish, apply first troweling and consolidate concrete by hand or power-driven trowel. Continue troweling passes and restraighten until surface is free of trowel mark and uniform in texture and appearance. crind smooth any surface defects that would telegraph through applied coatings or floor coverinp. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - I I a ects I I I I I I I t I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Archit Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3.10 A. 3.11 A. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2fi)4 Vail, Colorado 1. Apply a trowel finish to surfaces exposed to view, or to be covered with resilient flooring carpet, ceramic or quarry tile set over a cleavage membrane, paint, or another thin-film-fi nish coati ng system. 2. Finish surfaces to the following tolerances, according to ASTM E 1155 (ASTM E .l 155M), for a randomly trafficked floor surface: a. Specified overall values of flatness, F(F) 35; and of levelness, F(L) 25; with minimum local values of flatness, F(F) 24; and of levelness, F(L) 17; for slabs- on-grade. 3. Finish and measure surface so gap at any point between concrete surface and an unleveled, freestanding 1O-foot- (3.05-m-) long straightedge resting on 2 high spots and placed anywhere on the surface does not exceed 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE ITEMS Filling In: Fill in holes and openings left in concrete structures, unless otherwise indicated, after work of other trades is in place. Mix, place, and cure concrete, as specified, to blend with in-place construction. Provide other miscellaneous concrete filling indicated or required to complete the Work. Curba: Provide monolithic flnish to interior curbs by stripping forms while concrete is still green and by steel-troweling surfaces to a hard, dense finish with corners, intersections, and term inations slightly rounded. Equipment Bases and Foundations: Provide machine and equipment bases and foundations as shown on Drawings. Set anchor bolts for machines and equipment at correct elevations, complying with diagrams or templates from manufacturer furnishing machines and equipment. CONCRETE PROTECTINC AND CURINC Ceneral: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Comply with ACI 306.1 for cold-weather protection and ACI 30'l for hot- weather protection during curing. Formed Surfaces: Cure formed concrete surfaces, including underside of beams, supported slabs, and other similar surfaces. lf forms remain during curing period, moist cure after loosening forms. lf removing forms before end of curing period, continue curing for the remainder of the curing period. Unformed Surfaces: Begin curing immediately after finishing concrete. Cure unformed surfaces, including floors and slab,s, concrete floor toppings, and other surfaces. B. D. Steel Pan Stain: Provide concrete fill for steel pan stair treads, landings, and associated items. Cast-in inserts and accessories as shown on Drawings. Screed, tamp, and trowel- fi nish concrete surfaces. I I T I T I B. CAST-IN.PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - t2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3.'t2 A. 3.13 A, B. B. D. Cure concrete according to ACI 308.1, by one or a combination of the following methods: 1. Moisture Curing: Keep surfaces continuously moist for not less than seven dap with the following materials: a. Water. b. Continuous water-fog spray, c. Absorptive cover, water saturated, and kept continuously wet. Cover concrete surfaces and edges with 12-inch (300-mm) lap over adjacent absorptive covers. JOINT FILLINC Prepare, clean, and install joint filler according to manufacture/s written instructions. 1. Defer joint filling until concrete has aged at least one month(s). Do not fill joints until construction traffic has permanently ceased. Remove dirt, debris, saw cuttings, curing compounds, and sealers from joints; leave contact faces of joint clean and dry. lnstall semirigid joint filler full depth in saw-cut joinb and at least 2 inches (50 mm) deep in formed joints. Overfill joint and trim joint filler flush with top of joint after hardening. CONCRETE SURFACE REPAIRS Defective concrete: Repair and patch defective areas when approved by Architect. Remove and replace concrete that cannot be repaired and patched to Architect's approval. Parching Mortar: Mix dry-pack patching mortar, consisting of one part portland cement to two and one-half parts fine aggregate passing a No. 16 (1.18-mm) sieve, using only enough water for handling and placing. Repairing Formed Surfaces: Surface defeca include color and texture irregularities, cracks, spalls, air bubbles, honeycomba, rock pockets, fins and other projections on the surfacg and stains and other discolorations that cannot be removed by cleaning. 1. lmmediately after form removal, cut out honeycombs, rock pockets, and voids more than 112 inch (13 mm) in any dimension in solid concrete, but not less than 1 inch (25 mm) in depth. Make edges of cuts perpendicular to concrete surface. Clean, dampen with water, and brush-coat holes and voids with bonding agent. Fill and compact with patching mortar before bonding agent has dried. Fill form-tie voids with patching mortar or cone plugs secured in place with bondint agent.2. Repair defects on surfaces exposed to view by blending white portland cement and standard portland cement so that, when dry patching mortar will match surrounding color. Patch a test area at inconspicuous locations to verifu mixture and color match Vail Gymnastics Facility May 200,4 Vail, Colorado CAST.IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 13 O ects I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Archit Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cym nastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado mortar in place and strike off slightlybefore proceeding with patching. Compact higher than surrounding surface. 3. Repair defects on concealed formed surfaces that affect concrete's durability and structural performance as determined by Architect. D. Repairing Unformed Surfaces: Test unformed surfaces, such as floors and slabs, for finish and veriflz surface tolerances specified for each surface. Correct low and high areas. Test surfaces sloped to drain for trueness of slope and smoothness; use a sloped template. 1. Repair finished surfaces containing defects. Surface defects include spalls, popouts, honeycombs, rock pockets, crazingand cracks in excess of 0.01 inch (0.25 mm) wide or that penetrate to reinforcement or completely through unreinforced sections regardless of width, and other objectionable conditions. 2. After concrete has cured at least 14 days, correct high areas by grinding. 3. Correct localized low areas during or immediately after completing surface finishing operations by cutting out low areas and replacing with patching mortar. Finish repaired areas to blend into adjacent concrete. 4. Repair defective areas, except random crack and single holes 1 inch (25 mm) or less in diameter, by cutting out and replacing with fresh concrete. Remove defective areas with clean, square cuts and expose steel reinforcement with at least a 3/4-inch (19-mm) clearance all around. Dampen concrete surfaces in contact with patching concrete and apply bonding agent. Mix patching concrete of same materials and mixture as original concrete except without coarse aggregate. Place, com pact, and finish to blend with adjacent finished concrete. Cure in same manner as adjacent concrete. 5. Repair random crack and single holes 1 inch (25 mm) or less in diameter with patching mortar. Croove top of cracks and cut out holes to sound concrete and clean off dust, dirt, and loose particles. Dampen cleaned concrete surfaces and apply bonding agent. Place patching mortar before bonding agent has dried. Compact patching mortar and finish to match adjacent concrete. Keep patched area continuously moist for at least 72 hours. E. Perform structural repairs of concrete, subject to Architect's approval, using epory adhesive and patching moftar. F. Repair materials and installation not specified above may be used, subject to Architect's approval. I t I t I I I I I I3.14 A. B. FTELD QUALTTY CONTROL Testing and Inspecting: Owner will engage a qualified testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections and prepare test reports. lnspections: 1. Steel reinforcement placement. 2. Headed bolts and studs. I I I ICAST-IN.PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 14 I I l) I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May200.4 Vail. Colorado 3. Verification of use of required design mixture. 4. Concrete placement, including conveying and depositing. 5. Curing procedures and maintenance of curing temperature. C. Concrete Tests: Testing of composite samples of fresh concrete obtained according to ASTM C 172 shall be performed according to the following requirements: 1. Testing Frequency: Obtain one composite sample for each day's pour of each concrete mixture exceeding 5 cu. yd. (4 cu. m), but less than 25 cu. yd. (19 cu. m), plus one set for each additional 50 cu. yd. (38 cu. m) or fraction thereof. 2. Slump: ASTM C'1431C143M; one test at point of placement for each composite sample, but not less than one test for each day's pour of each concrete mixture. Peform additional tests when concrete consistency appears to change. 3. Air Content: ASTM C 231, pressure method, for normal-weight concrete; one test for each composite sample, but not less than one test for each day's pour of each concrete rnixture. 4. Concrete Temperature: ASTM C 1O64lC 1O64M; one test hourly when air temperature is 40 degF @.4 degC) and below and when 80 degF (27 degC) and above, and one test for each composite sample, 5. Compression Test Specimens: ASTM C 31/C 31M; a. Cast and field cure fqur standard rylinder specimens for each composite sample. 6. Compressive-Strength Tests: ASTM C 39/C 39M: a. Test one field-cured specimens at7 days and two specimens at 28 dap. b. Hold remaining specimen and test at 56 days if the 28 day average strengh is below the specified requirements. c. A compressive.strength test shall be the average compressive strength from a set of two specimens obtained from same composite sample and tested at age indicated. 7. Strength of each concrete mixture will be satisfactory if every average of any two consecutive compressive-stren$h tests equals or exceeds specified compressive stren$h and no compressive-strength test value falls below specified compressive strengh by more than 500 pi (3.4 MPa). 8. Test results shall be reported in writing to Architect, concrete manufacturer, and Contractor within 48 hours of testing. Reports of compressive-strength tests shall contain ProjeA identification name and number, date of concrete placemenf name of concrete testing and inspecting agency, location of concrete batch in Work, design compressive stren$h at 28 dap, concrete mixture proportions and materials, compressive breaking strength, and type of break for both 7- and 28-day tesb. 9. Nondestructive Testing: lmpact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may be permitted by Architect but will not be used as sole basis for approval or rejection of concrete. 10. Additional Tests: Testing and inspecting agency shall make additional tests of concrete when test results indicate that slump, air entrainment, compressive stren$hs, or other requirements have not been met, as directed by Architect. Testing and inspectint agency may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by ) t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I CAST.IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 15 o Architects I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I FriElen Pierce Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado cored cylinden complying with ASTM C 42/C 42M or by other methods as directed by Architect. 11. Additional testing and inspecting at Contracto/s expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements. 12- Correct deficiencies in the Work that test reports and inspections indicate dos not comply with the Contract Documents. D. Measure floor and slab flatnes and levelness according to ASTM E 1155 (ASTM E 1155M) within 48 hours of finishing. END OF SECTION O33OO CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - t6 I Fritzten pierceArchitects O I Vail, Colorado r 970-476-6342 I sECTroN 03s32 - CoNCRETE FLooRTopprNc I PARrl -cENEnnL 1.1 SUMMARY I A. This Section includes aggregateconcretefloortopping. t 1.2 SUBMlrrArs A. Product Data: For each concrete floor topping indicated. I B. Product certificates. r 1.3 PROJECT CONDIT|ONS r A. Environmental Limitations: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for I substrate temperature and moisture content, ambient temperature and humidity, t ventilation, and other conditions affecting topping performance. r 1. Place topping only when ambient temperature and temperature of base slabs are I between 50 and 86 deg F I 2. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.1 coNcRETE FLooRTopprNc I 1. Concrete Topping shall be in compliance with specifications provided by Redwine Engineering for the project. I z.z MrxrNcI A. Topping: Mix topping materials and water in appropriate drum-type batch machine I mixer or truck mixer according to manufacture/s written instructions.I I PART3.EXECUTION I 3..I PREPAMTION I A. Install joint-filler strips where topping abuts vertical surfaces. - 3.2 TOPPING APPIICATION - A Install topping according to manufacture/s written instructions. Start application in presence of manufacture/s technical representative. o I Vail Cymnastics Facility May20O4 Vail, Colorado I CONCRETEFLOORToPPTNG 03532 - I o Architects I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I Fritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado B. Monolithic Topping: Place topping while concrete base slab is still plastic. C. Deferred Topping: Within 72 hours of placing base slabs, mix and scrub bonding slurry into dampened concrete. Place topping while slurry is still tacky. D. Screed surface with a straightedge and strike off to correct elevations. Begin initial floating using bull floats to form a uniform and open-textured surface plane free of humps or hollows. E. Finishing: Consolidate surface with power-driven floats as soon as topping can support equipment and operator. Float and restraighten surface. Apply hard trowel finish, leaving surface smooth and uniform. F. Begin curing immediately after finishing topping. Apply curing compound uniformly in two coats in continuous operations by power spray or roller according to manufacturer's written instructions. Recoat areas subjected to heavy rainfall within three hours after initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repair damage during curing period. G. Install epory joint filler full depth of contraction joints according to manufacturer's written instructions. Overfill joint and trim joint filler flush with top of joint after hardening. H. Repair and patch defective topping areas, including areas that have not bonded to concrete substrate. END OF SECTION 03532 CONCRETE FLOORTOPPING 03532 - 2 t Fritzlen pierce ArchirectsI Y:!f:l:;!; Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado SECTION O5I2O - STRUCTIJRAL STEEL I PART I - GENERAL I I.I RELATEDDOCTJMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions ofthe Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions andI Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I t.2 SUMMARY - A. This Section includes the following: I l. Structural steel. 2. Architecturally exposed structural steel.ll 3. crout. I B. Related Sections include the following: I l. Division I Section "Quality Requirernents" for independent testing agency procedures and administrative requirements. 2. Division 5 Section "Steel Deck" for field installation ofshear connectors. I 3. Division 5 Section "Metal Fabrications" for miscellaneous steel fabrications and other metal items I not defined as stuctural steel.4. Division 9 painting Sections for surface preparation and priming requirements. r 5. Division 13 Section 'Metal Building Systems" for sfructural steel. I I.3 DEFINITIONS t A. Structural Steel: Elements of sfuctural-steel frame, as classified by AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges," that support desigr loads. I B. Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel: Sfuctural steel designated as architecturally exposed structuralr steel in the Contrait Documents. I r.4 PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS I A. Construction: Type 2, simple trarning.rI I.5 ST]BMITTALSI I A. hoduct Data: For each tlpe of product indicated. I B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication of stuctural-steel components. . l. Include details ofcuts, connections, splices, camber, holes, and other pertinent data.: 2. Include embedment &awings. I I STRUCTURALSTEEL 05120- I o itects I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Indicate welds by standard AWS symbols, distinguishing between shop and field welds, and show size, length, and type ofeach weld. Indicate type, size, and length of bohs, distinguishing between shop and field bolb. Identif pretensioned and slip-critical high-strength bolted connections. Provide sefting drawings for installation of anchor bolts and other anchorages to be installed by olhers. Welding certificates. QUALITY ASSURANCE Welding: Qualify procedures and personnel according to AWS Dl.l, "strucnral Welding Code-Steel." Comply with applicable provisions of the following specifications and documents: l. AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges."2. AISC's "Specification for Sfiuctural Steel Buildings-Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings."3. AISC's "Specification for the Design of Steel Hollow Stuctural Sections."4. AISC's ' Specification for Load and Resistance Factor Desigr of Single-Angle Members."5. RCSC's "Specification for Sfiuctural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 BolS." DELMRY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Store materials to permit easy access for inspection and identification. Keep steel members ofr ground and spaced by using pallets, dunnage, or other supports and spacers. Protect steel members and packaged materials fiom erosion and deterioration. | . Store fasteners in a protected place. Clean and relubricate bolts and nuts that become dry or rusty before use.2. Do not store materials on sfiucture in a manner that might cause distortion, damage, or overload to members or supporting stuctures. Repair or replace damaged materials or sfiuctures as directed. COORI'TNATION Furnish anchorage items to be embedded in or attached to other construction without delaying the Work. hovide setting diagrams, sheet metal templates, instuctions, and directions for installation. PART2 - PRODUCTS STRUCTURAL-STEEL MATERI.ALS W-Shapes: ASTM A 992/A 992M. Channels, Angles: ASTM A 36lA 36M. Plate and Bar: ASTM A 36/A 36M. Cold-Formed Hollow Structural Sections: ASTM A 500, Grade B, stuctural tubing. 3. 4. 5. 1.6 A. B. 1.7 t.8 2.1 A. B. c. D. STRUCTIJRAL STEEL 05120 -2 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970476-6342 E. Welding Electrodes: D. 2.3 2.4 2.5 I I I I I I I I I li t I I I I I I I I Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Comply with AWS requirements. BOLTS, CONNECTORS, AND ANCHORS High-Strength Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: ASTMA325 (ASTMA325M), Typel, heavy hex steel stuctural bolts; ASTMA 563 (ASTMA 563M) heavy hex carbon-steel nuts; and ASTMF436 (ASTM F 436M) hardened carbon-steel washers. I . Finish: PIain. Shear Connectors: ASTMA 108, Grades l0l5 through 1020, headed-stud type, cold-finished carbon steel; AWS Dl.l, Type B. Unheaded Anchor Rods: ASTM A 307, Grade A (ASTM F 568M, Property Class 4.6). l. Configuration: Hooked.2. Nuts: ASTM A 563 (ASTM A 563M) hex carbon steel.3. Plate Washers: ASTM A 36lA 36M cmbon steel.4. Washers: ASTM F 436 (ASTM F 436M) hardened carbon sreel.5. Finish: Plain. Threaded Rods: ASTM A 307, Grade A (ASTM F 568M, hoperty Class 4.6). l. Nuts: ASTMA563 (ASTMA563M)hexcarbonsteel. 2. Washers: ASTM A 36/A 36M carbon steel.3. Finish: Plain. Clevises and Tunrbuckles: ASTM A 108. Grade 1035, cold-finished carbon steel. PRIMER Primer selected must be compatible with finish coasts of paint. Coordinate selection of metal primer with finish pain requirements specified in Division 9. GROUT Cement Grout: Portland cemenl ASTM C 150, Tlpe I; and clean, natural sand, ASTM C 404, Size No.2. Mix at ratio of I part cement to 2-lD parts sand, by volume, with minimum water required for placement and hydration. FABRICATION Stuctural Steel: Fabricate and assemble in shop to greatest extent possible. Fabricate according to AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges" and AISC'S "Specification for Stmctural Steel Buildings-l,oad and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Sructural Steel Buildings.' l. Camber structural-steel members where indicated.2. Identif high-strength sructural steel according to ASTM A 6/ A 6M and maintain markings rmtil structural steel has been erected.3. Mark and match-mark materials for field assemblv. STRUCTURAL STEEL 05120 - 3 o Architects t I I I I I I I t I t I t Fritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado welding of units, before starting shop-priming4. Complete structural-steel assemblies, including operations. B. Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel: Comply with fabrication requirements, including tolerance limits, of AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges" for structural steel identified as architecturally exposed structural steel. l. Fabricate with exposed surfaces smooth, square, and free of surface blemishes including pitting, rust, scale, rolled trade names, and roughness.2. Remove blemishes by filling or grinding or by welding and grinding, before cleaning, treating, and shop priming. C. Thermal Cutting: Perform thermal cufting by machine to greatest extent possible. l Plane thermally cut edges to be welded to comply with requirements in AWS D I . I . D. Bolt Holes: Cut, drill, or punch standard bolt holes perpendicular to metal surfaces. E. Finishing: Accuately finish ends of columns and other members transmitting bearing loads. F. Shear Connectors: Prepare steel surfaces as recommended by manufacturer of shear connectors. Use automatic end welding of headed-stud shear connectors according to AWS Dl.l and manufacturet's wriften instructions. G. Holes: Provide holes required for securing other work to structural steel and for passage of other work through steel franing members. 1. Cur, drill, or prmch holes perpendicular to steel srrfaces. Do not thermally cut bolt holes or enlarge holes by burning.2. Base-Plale Holes: Cut, drill, mechanically thermal cut, or prmch holes perpendicular to steel surfaces. 3. Weld threaded nuts to framing and other specialty items indicated to receive other work. SHOP CONNECTIONS High-Strength Bolts: Shop install high-strength bolts according to RCSC's "specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts" for O?e ofbolt and type ofjoint specified. l. Joint Type: Snug tightened. Weld Connections: Comply with AWS Dl.l for welding procedure specifications, tolerances, appearance, and quality ofwelds and for methods used in correcting welding work. l. Remove backing bars or runoff tabs, back gouge, and grind steel smooth.2. Assemble and weld built-up sections by methods that will maintain true alignment of axes without exceeding tolerances of AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges" for mill material.3. Verify that weld sizes, fabrication sequence, and equipment used for architecturally exposed structural steel will limit distortions to allowable tolerances. Prevent weld show-throush on exposed steel surfaces. a. Grind butt welds flush.b. Grind or fill exposed fillet welds to smooth profile. Dress exposed welds. 2.6 I I B. I I I ISTRUCTURAL STEEL 05120 - 4 B. B, D. 2.8 I I I I I I I I I l: I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2-7 Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado SHOP PRIMING Shop prime steel surfaces except the following: l. Surfaces embedded in concrete or mortar. Extend priming of partially embedded members to a depth of 2 inches (50 mm).2. Surfaces to be field welded. 3. Surfaces to be high-strength bofted with slip-critical connections.4. Surfaces to receive sprayed fire-resistive materials. Surface Preparation: Clean surfaces to be painted. Remove loose rust and mill scale and spatter, slag, or flux deposits. Prepre surfaces according to the following specifications and $andards: 1. SSPC-SP I and SP 32. SSPC-SP 6 for members to receive epoxy primer or to be left exposed to view. Priming: Immediately after surface prepffation, apply priner according to manufacturer's written instructions and at rate recommended by SSPC to provide a dry fikn thickness of not less than 2.5 mils (0.063 mm). Use priming methods that result in firll coverage of joints, comers, edges, and exposed surfaces. Stripe paint corners, crevices, bolts, welds, and sharp edges. Apply two coats of shop paint to inaccessible swfaces after assembly or erection. Change color of second coat to distinguish it Aom first. souRcE QUALTTY CONTROL Owner will engage an independent testing and inspecting agency to perform shop tests and inspections and prepare test reports. l. Provide testing agency with access to places where stuctural-steel work is being fabricated or produced to perform tests and inspections. Correct deficiencies in Work that test reports and inspections indicate does not comply with the Contract Documents. Bolted Connections: Shop-bolted connections will be inspected according to RCSC's "Specification for Sfuctural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts." Welded Connections: In addition to visual inspection, shopwelded connections will be tested and inspected according to AWS Dl . I and the following inspection procedures, at testing agency's option: l. Liquid Penehant Inspection: ASTM E 165.2. Maggetic Particle lnspection: ASTM E 709; performed on root pass and on finished weld. Cracks or zones of incomplete fusion or penetration will not be accepted.3. Ulhasonic Inspection: ASTM E 164.4. Radiographiclnspection: ASTME94. In addition to visual inspection, shop-welded shear connectors will be tested and inspected according to requirements in AWS D l. 1 for stud welding and as follows: l. Bend tests will be performed if visual inspections reveal eith€r a less-than- continuous 360-degree flash or welding repairs to any shear connector. l.,, STRUCTI.JRAL STEEL 05120 - 5 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I2. Tests will be conducted on additional shear connectors ifweld frachre occurs on shear connectors already tested, according to requirements in AWS D 1. I . I PART 3 - EXECUTION I EXAMINATION Veriff elevations of concrete- and masonry-bearing surfaces and locations of anchor rods, bearing plates, and other emtredments, with steel erector present, for compliance with requirements. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Provide temporary shores, guys, braces, and other supports during erection to keep squctural steel secure, plumb, and in alignment against temporary construction loads and loads equal in intensity to design loads. Remove temporary supports when permanent structural steel, connections, and bracing are in place, unless otherwise indicated. l. Do not remove temporary shoring supporting composite deck consfiuction until cast-in-place concrete has attained its design cornpressive strength. ERECTION Set struclural steel accurately in locations and to elevations indicated and according to AISC's "Code qf Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges" and "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings- [Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings." Base and Bearing Plates: Clean concrete- and masonry-bearing surfaces of bond-reducing materials, and roughen surfaces prior to setting base and bearing plates. Clean bottom surface of base and bearing plates. l. Set base and bearing plates for stnrctural menbers on wedges, shims, or setting nuts as required.2. Weld plate washers to top of base plate.3. Snug+ighten anchor rods after supported members have been positioned and plumbed, Do not remove wedges or shims but, if prohuding, cut off flush with edge of base or bearing plate before packing with grout. 4. Promptly pack grout solidly between bearing surfaces and base or bearing plates so no voids remain. Neatly finish exposed surfaces; protect grout and allow to cure. Maintain erection tolerances of sfruchual steel and architecturally exposed structural steel within AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges." Align and adjust various members forming part of complete frame or stucture before permanently fastening. Before assembly, clean bearing surfaces and other surfaces that will be in permanent contact with members. Perform necessary adjustments to compensate for discrepancies in elevations and alignment. l Level and plumb individual memben of structure.2. Make allowances for difference between temperature at time of erection and mean temperdture when structufe is completed and in service. o itectsFritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3.1 I I t I I t I I I I I I t I I B. 3.2 -'.J B. D. STRUCTURAL STEEL 05120 - 6 I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Coloradot t t I I t I I I I I 3.4 E. Splice members only where indicated. F. Remove erection bolts on welded, arctritecturally exposed structural steel; fill holes with plug welds; and grind smooth at exposed surfaces. G. Do not use thermal cuning during erection unless approved by Arcbitect. Finish thermally cut sections within smoothness limits in AWS Dl.l. H. Do not enlarge unfair holes in members by buming or using drift pins. Ream holes that rnust be enlarged to admit bolts. I. Shear Connectors: hepme steel surfaces as recommended by manufachrer of shear conneciors. Use automatic end welding of headed-stud shear connectors according to AWS Dl.l and rnanufacturer's written instructions. FIELD CONNECTIONS High-Strength Bolts: Shop install high-srength bolts according to RCSC's "specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts" for type of bolt and type ofjoint specified. l. JointType: Snug tightened- Weld Connections: Comply with AWS Dl.l for welding procedure specifications, tolerances, appeamnce, and quality of welds and for methods used in correcting welding work. l. Comply with AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges" and "Specification for Shrctural Steel Buildings--Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings" for bearing adequacy of temporary connections, alignment, and removal ofpaint on surfaces adjacent to field welds.2. Remove backing bars or runofftabs, back gouge, and grind steel smooth.3. Assemble and weld built-up sections by methods that will maintain true alignment of axes without exceeding tolerances of AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges" for mill material. 4. Veri! that weld sizes, fabrication sequence, and equipment used for architectumlly exposed structural steel will limit distortions to allowable tolerances. Prevent weld show-throush on . exposed steel surfaces. a. Grind butt welds flushb. Grind or fill exposed fillet rvelds to smooth profile. Dress exposed welds. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency to inspect field welds and high-strength bolted connections. Bolted Connections: Shopbolted connections will be inspected according to RCSC's "Specification for Sfructural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts." Welded Connections: Field welds will be visually inspected according to AWS D I . l l. In addition to visual inspection, field welds will be tested according to AWS Dl.l and the following inspection procedures, at testing agency's option: c. 3.5 I I I I I I t STRUCTI,JRAL STEEL 05120 - 7 o itects I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2AA4 Vail. Coloradoa. Liquid Penetrant Inspection: ASTME 165.b. Magnetic Particle Inspection: ASTM E 709; performed on root pass and on fmished weld. Cracks or zones of incomplete fusion or penetntion will not be accepted.c. Ultrasonic Inspection: ASTM E | 64.d. Radiographic Inspection: ASTM E 94. D. In addition to visual inspection, lest and inspect field-welded shear connectors according to requirements in AWS Dl.l for stud welding and as follows: l. Perform bend tests if visual inspections reveal either a less-than- continuous 360-degree flash or' welding repairs to any shear comrector.2. Conduct tests on additional shear cornectors if weld facturg occurs on shear connectors already tested, according to requirements in AWS D I . I . E. Correct deficiencies in Work that test reports and inspections indicate does not cornply with the Cont'act Documents. 3.6 REPAIRS AND PROTTCTION A. Touchup Painting: After installation, promptly clean, prepare, and prime or reprime field connections, rust sPots, and abraded surfaces of prime-painted joists and accessories, bearing plates, and abutting structural steel. L Clean and prepare surfaces by SSPC-SP 2 hand+ool cleaning or SSPC-SP 3 power-tool clerining.2. Apply a compatible primer of same type as shop primer irsed on adjacent surfaces. B. Touchup Painting: Cleaning and touchup painting are specified in Division 9 painting Sections. END OF SECTION O5I2O t t t I I I I I T I I T I I ISTRUCTURAL STEEL 05120 - 8 I Fritzlen pierce Architects O I N):! ^e;::#;' I sEcTroN05210-STEELJOTSTS PART I -GENERAL I Vail Cymnastics Facility May2O04 Vail, Colorado I.I RELATEDDOCIJMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contact, including General and Supplementary Conditions and4 Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I r.2 ST.JMMARY r A. This Section includes the following: , l. K-series steeljoists.2. Long-spansteeljoists. I 3. Joist accessories. I B. Related Sections include the following: I l Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for installing bearing plates in concrete.I I r.3 DEFrNrrroNs I A. SJI "Specifications": Steel loist Institute's 'Standard Specifications, Load Tables and Weight Tables for I Steel Joists and Joist Girders." t B. Special Joists: Steel joists or joist girders requiring nodification by manufacturer to support nonrmiforrn, unequal, or special loading conditions that invalidate load tables in SJI's "Specifications." r 1.4 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Show layou! dbsignation, number, type, location, and spacings of joists. Include joining and anchorage details, bracin& bridging; joist accessories; splice and connection locations and details; and attachments to oth€r consfuction. I l. Comprehensive engineering analysis of special joists signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for its preparation. ,I r.5 QUALITYASSURANCE I A. Manufacturer Qualifications: A manufacturer certified by SJI to manufacture joists complying withI applicable standard specifications and load tables ofSJI 'Specifications." I L Manufacturer's responsibilities include providing professional engineering services for desiping I special joists to comply with performance requirements. I I srEELIoIsrs 05210 - I o itects I I I I t I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Type l, heavy hex steel nuts; and ASTMF436 1.6 B. SJI Specifications: Comply with standard specifications in SJI's "specifications" that are applicable to rypes ofjoists indicated. C. Welding: Qualifr procedures and personnel according to AWS Dl.l/Dl.lM, "sEuctural Welding Code - Steel." DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, and handle joists as recommended in SJI's "Specifications." Protectjoists from corrosion, deformation, and other damage during delivery, storage, and handling. 1.7 SEQUENCING Deliver steel bearing plates to be built into cast-in-place concrete construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Steel: Comply with SJI's "Specifications" for web and steel-angle chord members. B. SteelBearingPlates: ASTMA36/A36M. C. Carbon-Steel Bolts and Threaded Fasteners: ASTM A 307, Grade A (ASTM F 568M, Property Class 4.6), carbon-steel, hex-head bolts and threaded fasteners; carbon-steel nuts; and flat, unhardened steel washers. l. Finish: Plain, uncoated. High-Strength Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: ASTM A 325 (ASTM A 325M), struchnal bolts; ASTM A 563 (ASTM A 563M) heavy hex carbon-steel (ASTM F 436M) hardened carbon-steel washers. l. Finish: Plain. Welding Elecnodes: Comply with AWS standards. PRIMERS Primer: SSPC-Paint 15, or manufacturer's standard shop primer complying with performance requirenents in SSPC-Paint 15. K.SERIES STEEL JOISTS Manufacture steel joists of type indicated according to "standard Specifications for Open Web Steel Joists, K-Series" in SJI's "Specifications," with steel-angle top. and bottom-chord rnembers, underslwg ends, and parallel top chord. A. B, D.I I I I I I I 2.2 2.3 ISTEEL JOISTS 05210 -2 c. D, E, F. B. c. 2.4 2.5 2.6 I ll I I I I I t I ll I I I I I I I .)I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 B. c. D. E. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Coloradol. Joist Type: K-series steeljoists. B. Comply with AWS requirements and procedures for shop welding appearance, quality of welds, and methods used in correcting welding work. Provide holes in chord members for connecting and securing other construction to joists. Top-Chord Extensions: Extend top chords of joists with SJI's Tlpe S top-chord extensions where indicated, complying with SJI's "Specifications." Camber joists according to SJI's "Specifications." Equip bearing ends of joists with manufacturer's standard beveled ends or sloped shoes if joist slope exceeds l/4 inch per 12 inches (l:48). LONG-SPAN STEEL JOISTS Manufacture steel joists accordi4g to "stardard Specifications for Longspan Steel Joists, LH-Series and Deep l,ongspan Steel Joists, DLH-Series" in SJts "Specifications," with steel-angle top- and bottom- chord members; ofjoist type and end and top-chord arrmgenents as indicated. Comply with AWS requirements and procedrues for shop welding, appearance, quality of welds, and methods used in correcting welding work. Provide holes in chord members for connecting and securing other construction tojoists. Camber long-span steel joists according to SJI's "Specifications." Equip bearing ends ofjoists with manufacturer's standard beveled ends or sloped shoes ifjoist slope exceeds l/4 incb per 12 inches (1:48). JOIST ACCESSORMS Bridging: hovide bridging anchors and number ofrows of horizontal and diagonal bridging of material, size, and type required by SJI's "Specifications" for type ofjoist, chord size, spacing, and span. Furnish additional erection bridging ifrequired for stability. Fabricate steel bearing plates with integral anchorages of sizes and thicknesses indicated. Shop prime paint. Supply miscellaneous accessories, including splice plates and bolts required by joist manufactr.ner to complete joist installation. CLEANING AND SHOP PAINTING Clean and remove loose scale, heavy rust, md other foreign materials from fabricated joists and accessories. Apply I coat of shop primer to joists and joist accessories to be primed to provide a continuous, dry paint film not less than I rnil (0.025 mm) thick. STEEL JOISTS 05210 - 3 t I I t t I t I A. B. 3.2 I I I O itectsFritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado 3.t C. Shop priming ofjoists and joist accessories is specified in Division 9 painting Sections. PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine supporting substates, ernbedded bearing plates, and abutting stuctural framing for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance. l. Proceed with installation onlv after unsatisfactorv conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATION Do not install joists until supporting construction is in place and secured. Install joists and accessories plumb, square, and true to line; securely fasten to supporting constuction according to SJI's "Specifications," joist manufacfurer's *ritten reconunendations, and requirements in this Section. 1. Before installation, splice joists delivered to Project site in more than one piece.2. Space, adjust, and alignjoists accurately in location before permanently fastening.3. Install temporary bracing and erection brideing connections, and anchors to ensure that joists are stabilized during construction.4. Delay rigidly connecting bottom-chord extensions to columns or supports until dead loads have been applied. Field weld joists to supporting steel bearing plates. Coordinate welding sequence and procedure with placement ofjoists. Comply with AWS requirements and procedures for welding, appearance and quality of welds, and methods used in correcting welding work- Boltjoists to supporting steel framework using carbon-steel bolts. Install and connect bridging concurrently with joist erection, before construction loads me applied. Anchor ends of bridging lines at top and bottom chords if terminating at lvalls or beams. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency to inspect field welds and bolted connections and to perform field tests and inspections and prepare test and inspection reports. Field welds will be visually inspected according to AWS D I .l/Dl.lM. In addition to visual inspection, field welds will be tested according to AWS Dl.l/Dl.lM and the following procedures, as applicable: l. RadiographicTesting: ASTME94.2. Magnetic Particle lnspection: ASTM E 709.3. Ultrasonic Testing: ASTM E 164.4. Liquid Penetrant Inspection: ASTM E t65. 3.3 D. E. B, c. t I I I I I I ISTEEL JOISTS 05210 - 4 I l\ I t I I I I I I I I t Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 20O4 Vail, Colorado I I D. Bolted connections will be visually inspected. E' High-strength, field-bolted connections will be tested and verified according to procedures in RCSC's "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or ASTM A 490 Bolts." F. Correct deficiencies in Wo'rk that test and inspection reports have indicated are not in compliance with specifi ed requirements. G. Additional testing will be performed to detemrine compliance of corrected Work with specified requiremenls. 3.4 REPAIRS AND PROTECTION A. Repair damaged galvanized coatings on galvanized items rvith galvanized repair paint according to ASTM A 780 and manufactuer's written instructions. B' Touchup Painting: After installation, promply clean, pr€pare, and prime or reprime field connections, rust spots, and abraded surfaces of prime-painted joists, bearing plates, and accessories. l. Clean and prepme surfaces by hand-tool cleaning SSPC-SP 2, or power-tool cleaning SSPC- sP 3. 2' Apply a compatible primer ofsame type as shop primer used on adjacent surfaces. C. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and Installeq that ensure that joists and accessories are without damage or deterioration at time of Subsantial Completion. END OF SECTION O52IO I I I I STEEL JOISTS 05210 - 5 t Fritzlen Pierce ArchitecrsI #:!f;::#;, Vail Cymnastics Facility May 20O4 Vail, Colorado SECTION O53IO. STEEL DECK I PART I -GENERAL I I.I RELATEDDOCI.JMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Conhact, including General and Supplementary Conditions anda Division I Specification Sections, apply to rhis Section. I 1.2 SUMMARY .r A. This Section includes the following: t l. Roofdeck. 2. Composite floor deck. I B. Related Sections include the following: I l. Division 3 Section "Cast-in-place Concrete" for concrete fill. |l 2. Division 5 Section "Structural Steel" for shop and field-welded shear connectors. - 3. Division 5 Section "Metal Fabrications" for framing deck openings with miscellaneous steel I 4. *ffi" 9 painting Sections for repair painting of primed deck. I I 1.3 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Show layout and types ofdeck panels, anchorage details, reinforcing channels, pans, cut deck openings, special jointing accessories, and attachments to other construction. I r.4 QUALTTY ASSURANCE I A. Welding: Quali$ procedures and personnel according to AWS D1.3, "Structural Welding Code - Sheetr Steel.' I B. AISI Specifications: Comply with calculated structural characteristics of steel deck according to AISI'sI 'North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members." I C. FMG Listing: Provide steel roof deck evaluated by FMG and listed in its 'Approval Guide, Building J Materials" for Class I fire rating and Class l-90 windstorm ratings. I 1.5 DELIvERv; sroRAcE, AND HANDLTNcI A. Protect steel deck from corrosion, deformation, and other damage during delivery, storage, and handling.; f B. Stack steel deck on platforms or pallets and slope to provide drainage. Protect with a waterproof covering and ventilate to avoid condensation. I I STEELDECK o53lo_ I I I Architects t t I I I I I I t I I I I I T I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado 2.1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS ROOFDECK Steel Roof Deck: Fabricate panels, without top-flange stiffening groov€s, to comply wift "SDI Specifications and Commentary for Steel Roof Deck " in SDI Publication No. 30, and with the following: l. Galvanized Steel She€t ASTMA 653/A653M, Structural Steel (SS), Grade33 (230), G60 (2180) zinc coating.2. Deck Profile: Type WR, wide rib.3. hofile Depth: l-l/2 inches (38 mm).4. Design Uncoated-Steel Thickness: As indicated.5. Span Condition: Triple span or more.6. Side Laps: Overlapped or interlocking seam at Confactot's option. COMPOSITE FLOOR DECK Cornposite Steel Floor Deck: Fabricate panels, with integrally embossed or raised pattem ribs and interlocking side laps, to comply with "SDI Specifications and Commentary for Composite Steel Floor Deck,' in SDI Publication No. 30, with the minimum section properties indicated, and with the following: 1. Galvanized Steel Sheef ASTMA653/A653M, Stuctural Steel (SS), Grade33 (230), c60 (Zl E0) zinc coating. hofile Depth: 2 inches (51 mrn). Design Uncoated-Steel Thickness: As indicated. Span Condition: Triple span or more. ACCESSORIES General: Provide manufacturefs standard accessory materials for deck that comply with requirements indicated. Mechanical Fasteners: Corrosion-resistant, low-velocity, power-actuated or pneumatically driven carbon- steel fasteners; or self-drilling, self-threading screws. Side-Lap Fastenerc: Corrosion-resistan! hexagonal washer head; self*illing, carbon-steel scre$'s, No. l0 (4.8-mm) minimum diameter. Flexible Closure Strips: Vulcanized, closed-cell, synthetic rubber. Miscellaneous Sheet Metal Deck Accessories: St€el sheet, minimurn leld stnength of 33,000 psi (230 MPa), not less than 0.0359-inch (0.91-mm) design uncoated thicknesq of same material and finish as deck; ofprofile indicated or required for application. Pour Stops and Girder Fillers: Steel sheet, minimum yield strength of 33,000 psi (230 MPa), of same material and finish as declc, md of thickness and profile reconmended by SDI Publication No. 30 for overhang and slab depth. Column Closures, End Closwes, Z-Closr:res, and Cover Plates: Steel she€t, of sane material, finislU and thickness as deck, unless otherwise indicated. Piercing Hanger Tabs: Piercing steel sheet hanger attachment devices for use with floor deck. 2.2 2. 3. 4. 2.3 B. D. E. F. STEELDECK os3t0 -2 B. 3.1 3.3 I I I I I t I I t t; I T I I t t I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 I. Galvanizing Repair Paint: ASTM A 780. PART3 -DGCUTION B. c. D. E. F. G. EXAMINATION Examine supporting fame and field cbnditions for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting perfonnance. INSTALLATION, GENERAL Install deck panels and accessories according to applicable specifications and commentary in SDI Publication No. 30, manufacturer's written instructiong and requirements in this Section. Install temporary shoring before placing deck panels, ifrequired to meet deflection limitations. Locate deck bundles to prevent overloading of supporting members. Place deck panels on supporting frame and adjust to final position with ends accurately aligned and bearing on supporting frame before being permanently fastened. Do not stretch or contract sideJap interlocks. Place deck panels flat and square and fasten to supporting frame without warp or deflection. Cut and neatly fit deck panels and accessories around openings and other work projecting through or adjacent to deck. hovide additional reinforcement and closure pieces at openings as required for snength, continuity of declq and support ofother work. Comply with AWS requirements and procedures for manual shielded metal arc welding, appearance and quality of welds, and methods used for conecting welding work. Mechanical fasteners may be used in lieu of welding to fasten deck. Locate mechanical fastenerc and install according to deck manufacture/s written instructions. ROOF-DECK INSTALLATION Fasten roof{eck panels to steel suprporting members by arc spot @uddle) welds of the surface dianeter indicated or axc seam welds with an equal perimeter that is not less than l-l/2 inches (38 mm) long and as follows: l. Weld Diameter: 5/8 inch (16 mm), nominal.2. Weld Spacing: Weld edge and interior ribs of deck units with a minimum of two welds per deck rmit at each support. Space welds 12 inches (305 mm) apart in the field ofroofand 6 inches (150 mm) apart in roof comers and perimeter. Side-Lap and Perimeter Edge Fastening: Fasten side laps and perimeter edges of panels between supports, at intervals not exceeding I inches (450 mm), and as follows: Vail Cyrnnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado t STEELDECK 05310 - 3 o itects I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail. Colorado 3.4 l. Mechanically fasten with self-drilling, No. l0 (4.8-mm-) diameter or larger, carbon-steel screws.2. Mechanically clinch or button punch. 3. Fasten with a minirnum of l-l/2-inch- (38-mm-) long welds. C. End Bearing: Install deck ends over supporting frame with a minimum end bearing of l-l/2 inches (38 mm), with end joints as follows: l. End Joints: Lapped 2 inches (51 mm) minimum or butted at Contractor's option. D. Miscellaneous Roof-Deck Accessories: Install ridge and valley plates, finish strips, end closures, and reinforcing channels according to deck rnanufacturer's written instructions. Weld or mechanically fasten to substrate to provide a complete deck installation. l. Weld cover plates at changes in direction ofroof-deck panels, unless otherwise indicated. E. Flexible Closure Strips: lnstall flexible closure strips over partilions, walls, and where indicated. tnstall with adhesive according to manufacturer's written instructions to ensure complete closwe. F. FLOOR-DECK INSTALLATION Fasten floor-deck panels to steel supporting members by mc spot (puddle) welds of the swface diameter indicated and as follows: l. Weld Diameter: 5/8 inch (16 mm), nominal.2. Weld Spacing: Weld edge ribs ofpanels at each support. Space additional welds an averdge of 12 inches (305 mm) apart. Side-Lap and Perimeter Edge Fastening: Fasten side laps and perimeter edges of panels between supports, at intervals not exceeding 12 inches (910 mm), and as follows: l. Mechanically fasten with self-drilling, No. l0 (4.8-mm-) diameter or larger, carbon-steel screws.2. Mechanically clinch or button punch. 3. Fasten with a minimum of 1-ll2-inch- (38-mm-) long welds. End Bearing: Install deck ends over supporting frame with a minirnurn end bearing of l-l/2 inches (38 mm), with end joints as follows: l. End Joints: Butted. Pour Stops and Girder Fillers: Weld steel sheet pour stops and girder fillers to supporting structure according to SDI recommendations, unless otherwise indicated. Floor-Deck Closures: Weld steel sheet column closures, cell closures, and Z-closures to deck, according to SDI recommendations, to provide tight-fitting closures at open ends of ribs and sides ofdeck. Install piercing hanger tabs at 14 inches (355 nn) apart in both directions, within 9 inches (228 mm) of walls at ends, and not more than 12 inches (305 mm) from walls at sides, unless otherwise indicated. REPAIRS AND PROTECTION Galvanizing Repairs: Prepare and repair damaged galvanized coatings on both surfaces of dtick wiih galvanized repair paint according to ASTM A 780 and manufacturer's written instructions. B. D. 3.5 STEEL DECK 05310 - 4 I Fritzlen pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility I Vail, Colorado May 2004 I 970476-6342 Vail, ColoradoB. Provide final protection md maintain conditions to ensure that steel deck is without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Complaion. I END OF SECTION O53IOI t I I I I I I I I t I I I I t STEELDECK 05310 - 5 I Fritzlen Pierce Architects o r Vail, Colorado I 97U476-6342 I SECTION 05,,!00 - COLD-FoRMEDMETALFRAMING I PART I -GENERALI Vail Cymnastics Facility May2@4 Vail, Colorado I.I RELATEDDOCIJMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Conbac! including General and Supplementary Conditions andr Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. II 1.2 SUMMARY I A. This Section includes the following: ' l Exterior nonJoad-bearing wall framing. I B. Related Sections include the following: !l. Division 5 Section "Metal Fabricationsn for masonry shelf angles and connections. |1 2. Dvision 9 Section "Gypsum Board Assemblies" for interior nonJoad-bearing, metal-stud framing I and ceiling-suspension assemblies.3. Division 9 Section "Gypsum Board Shaft-Wall Assemblies" for interior non-load-bearing, metal- stud-framed, shaft-wall assemblies. I I.3 SI.'BMITTALS I A. Product Dlata: For each type of cold-formed metal taming product and accessory indicated. I t.4 euALTTvASSTJRANCEI A. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent testing agency, acceptable to authorities having I jrnisdiction, qualified according to ASTM E 329 to conduct the testing indicated. - B. Product Tests: Mill certificates or data from a qualified independent testing agency indicating steel sbeet r complies with requirements, including base-metal thickness, yield strength, tensile strength, total I elongation, chemical requirements, and metallic-coating thicloress. C. Welding: Qualifi procedures and personnel according to AWS Dl.l/Dl.lM, "structural Welding Code- I Steel," and AWS D1.3, "Struchu-al Welding Code-Sheet Steel."I D. AISI Specifications and Standards: Comply with AISI's 'North American Specification for the Design of - Cold-Fonned Steel Structural Mernbers" and its "Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing - GeneralI Provisions."I E. Comply with AISI's "Standard fon Cold-Formed Steel Framing - Prescriptive Method for One md Two I Familv Dwellinps." I 1, ., 1.5 DELTVERY,STORAGE,ANDHANDLING I I COLD-FORMEDMETALFRAMTNG 05400- I I o itects I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Faciliry May 2004 Vail, Colorado and other damage during delivery, 2.1 A. Protect cold-formed metal framing from corrosion, deformation, storage, and handling. B. Store cold-formed metal framing protect with a waterproof covering, and ventilate to avoid condensation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS Steel Sheet ASTM A 1003/,4' 1003M, Structual Grade, Type H, metallic coated, of grade and coating weilht as follows: l. Grade: a. For 16 gage and heavier units, fabricate metal framing components of stuctural quality steel sheet with a minimum yield point of 50,000 psi, ASTM A570/A, Grade 50.b. For 18 gage and lighter units including bridging, end enclosures and accessories, fabricate steel metal framing components of commercial quality steel sheet with a minimum yield point of 33,000 psi, ASTM 4570/A,Grade33.2. Coating: c60 (2180). Steel Sheet for Vertical Deflection Clips: ASTM A 653/A 653M, struchral steel, zinc coated, of grade and coating as follows: Grade:33. Coating: G60 (2180). EXTERJOR NON-LOAD-BEARING WALL FRAMING Steel Studs: Manufacturer's standard C-shaped steel studs, of web depths indicated, punched, with stiffened flanges, and as follows: l. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: As indicated.2. Flange Width: l-5l8 inches (41 mm). Steel Track: Manufacturer's standard U-shaped steel fack, of web depths indicated, unpunched, with unstiffened flanges, and as follows: l. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: Matching steel studs.2. Flange Width: l-ll4 inches (32 mm). Vertical Deflection Clips: Manufacturet's standard clips, capable of acconmodating upward and downward vertical displacement of primary structure through positive mechanical attachment to stud web. Single Deflection Track: Manufacturer's single, deepleg U-shaped steel track; unpunche4 with unstiffened flangeg of web depth to contain studs while allowing free vertical movement, with flanges designed to support horizontal and lateral loads and transfer them to the primary structurq and as follows: l. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: As indiciated.2. Flange Width: 2 inches. l. 2. 2.2 A, D. COLD-FORMED METAT FRAMING 05400 - 2 I I I T I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2O04 Vail, Colorado 2.3 E- Drift Clips: Manufacturer's standard bypass or head clips, capable of isolating wall stud fiom upward and downward vertical displacement and lateral drift ofprimary stucture. FRAMING ACCESSORIES Fabricate steel-framing accessories tom steel sheet, ASTM A 1003/4 1003M, Struchral Grade, Type H, metallic coated, of same grade and coating weight used for framing members. Provide accessories of manufacturer's standard thickness and configuration, unless otherwise indicated, as follows: L Supplementary framing.2. Bracing, bridging, and solid blocking. ANCHORS, CLIPS, AND FASTENERS Steel Shapes and Clips: ASTM A 361A36M, zinc coated by hot-dip process according to ASTMA 1231A123M. Power-Actuated Anchors: Fastener system of type suitable for application indicated fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to l0 times design Ioad, as determined by testing per ASTM E I 190 conducted by a qualified independent testing agency. Mechanical Fasteners: ASTM C 1513, conosion-resistant-coated, selfdrilling, self-tapping steel drill scre\rys. l. Head Type: Low-profile head beneath sheathing manufacturer's standmd elsewhere. Welding Electodes: Comply with AWS standards. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Galvanizing Repair Paint: ASTM A 780. Sealer Gaskets: Closed-cell neoprene foary l/4 inch (6.4 mm) thick, selected from mauufacturer's standard widths to match width of bottom fack or rim track members. FABRICATION Fabricate cold-formed metal framing and accessoribs plumb, square, and true to line, and with connections securely fastened, according to referenced AISI's specifications and standards, manufacfurer's written instructions, and requirements in this Section. I . Fabricate framing assemblies using jigs or templates.2. Cut framing rnembers by sawing or shearing; do not torch cut.3. Fasten cold-formed metal framing members by welding, screw fastening clinch fastening or riveting as standard with fabricator. Wire tying of fiaming members is not permitted. a. Cornply with AWS Dl.3 requirements and procedures for welding, appearance and quality of welds, and nethods used in corecting welding work. 2.4 D. 2.5 2.6 A. B. COLD.FORMED METAL FRAMING 05400 - 3 o Architecs t I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado b. Locate mechanical fasteners and install according to Shop Drawings, with screw penetratingjoined members by not less than three exposed screw threads. 4. Fasten other materials to cold-formed metal framing by welding, bolting or screw fastening, according to Shop Drawings. B. Reinforce, stiffen, and brace framing assemblies to withstand handling, delivery, and erection stresses. Lift fabricated assemblies to prevent damage or permanent distortion. C. Fabrication Tolerances: Fabricate assemblies level, plumb, and true to line to a maximum allowable tolerance variation of l/8 inch in l0 feet (l:960) and as follows: l. Spacing: Space individual framing members no more than plus or minus l/8 inch (3 mm) from plan location. Cumulative error shall not exceed minimurn fastening requirements of sheathing or other finishing materials.2. Squareness: Fabricate each cold-formed metal framing assernbly to a maximum out-of-square tolerance of l/8 inch (3 mm). PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION Examine supporting substrates and abutting structural framing for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance. l. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Install sealer gaskets to isolate the rmderside of wall bottom track or rim tack and the top of foundation wall or slab at stud orjoist locations. INSTALLATION, GENERAL Cold-formed metal framing may be shop or field fabricated for installation, or it may be field assembled. Install cold-formed metal framing according to AISI's "standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing - General Provisions" and to manufacturer's written instructions unless more stringent requirements are indicated. Install shop- or field-fabricated, cold-formed framing and securely anchor to supporting structwe. l. Screq bolt, or weld wall panels at horizontal and vertical jrmctwes to produce flush, even, true- toJine joints with maximum variation in plane and tu€ position between fabricated panels not exceeding Ii l6 inch (1.6 mm). Install cold-formed metal framing and accessories plumb, square, and true to line, and with connections securely fastened. l. Cut frarning members by sawing or shearing; do not torch cut. COLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING J -Z- J.J A. B. c. D. 05400 - 4 I I I I I I t I T I I I I I t I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 97U476-6342 2- Fasten cold-fonned metal framing members by welding screw riveting. Wire tying of framing mernbers is not pennitted. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado fastening clinch fastening, or a. Comply with AWS Dl.3 requirements and procedures for welding appearance and quality of welds, and methods used in correcting welding work.b. Locate mechanical fasteners and install according to Shop Drawings, and complying with requirements for spacing, edge distances, and screw penetration. Install tarning members in one-piece lengths unless splice connections are indicated for track or tension members- Install temporary bracing and supports to secure framing and support loads comparable in intensity to those for which struchre was designed. Maintain braces and supports in place, undisturbed, until entire integrated supporting stucture has been completed and permanent cormections to framing are secured. Do not bridge building expansion and control joints with cold-formed metal Faming. Independently frame both sides ofjoints. Install insulation, specified in Division 7 Section "Building Insulation," in built-up exterior framing members, such as headers, sills, boxed joists, and multiple studs at openings, that are inaccessible on completion of framing work. Fasten hole reinforcing plate over web penetrations tlnt exceed size of manufacturer's standard prmched openings. Erection Tolerances: Install cold-forme.d metal framing level, plumb, and true to line to a maximum allowable tolerance variation of l/8 inch in l0 feet (l:960) and as follows: 1. Space individual framing members no mole than plus or minus l/8 inch (3 run) from plan location. Cumulative error shall not exceed minimum fastening requirements of sheathing or other fi nishing materials. EXTERIOR NON-LOAD-BEARINC WAIL INSTALLATION Install continuous tracks sized to iuatch studs. Align tracks accurately and securely anchor to supporting structure as indicated. Fasten both flanges of studs to bottom nac! unless otherwise indicated. Space studs as follows: l. Stud Spacing: As indicated. Set studs plumb, except as needed for diagonal bracing or required for nonplumb walls or warped surfaces and similar requirements. Isolate nonload-bearing steel framing from building stuctwe to prevent tansfer of vertical loads while providing lateral support. l. Install single-leg deflection tracks and anchor to building shuctme.2. Connect vertical deflection clips to studs and anchor to building stuctrne.3. Connect drift clips to cold fonned metal framing and anchor to building struchre. lnstall horizontal bridging in wall studs, spaced in rows indicated on Shop Drawings but not more than 4E inches (1220 mm) apad. Fasten at each stud intersection. F. J. 3.4 B. D. COLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING 05400 - 5 I itects I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail. Colorado 970-476-6342 l. Completion. END OF SECTIONOs4OO Top Bridging for Single Deflection Track: Install row of horizontal bridging within 12 inches (305 mm) of single deflection track. Install a combination of flat, rauq steel sheet straps ofwidtb and thickness indicated and stud or sfud-track solid blocking of width and thiclcress matching studs. Fasten flat straps to stud flanges and secure solid blocking to stud webs or flanges. Select type of bridging required from three subparagraphs below or revise to suit Project. Add locations if more than one type of bridging is required. Add minimum size of flat steel strap, zuch as l-ll2 by 0.0329 inch (38 by 0.84 mm), ifdefault size is required. Bridging: Cold-rolled steel charurel, welded or mechanically fastened to webs of puched studs. Bridging: Combination of flat, taut, steel sheet straps of width and thickness indicated and stud- track solid blocking of width and thickness to match studs. Fasten flat straps to stud flanges and secure solid blocking to stud webs or flanges. Brideing: Proprietary bridging bars installed according to manufacturer's written instructions. F. Install miscellaneous framing and connections, including stud kickers, web stiffeners, clip angles, continuous angles, anchon, fasteners, and stud girts, to provide a complete and stable walFframing svstem. REPAIRS AND PROTECTION Galvanizing Repairs: Prepare and repair damaged galvanized coatings on fabricated and installed cold- formed metal framing with galvanized repair paint according to ASTM A 780 and manufacturer's written instructions. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a maru:er acceptable to manufactrer and Installer, that ensure that cold-fomred metal framing is without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial J. 4. Vail Gymnastics Facility May 20O4 Vail, Colorado t I I I I 5. 3.5 I I I I I I I I I I I ICOLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING 05400 - 6 I itjf'e,:,T:Architects I Vuit Cymnastics Facility - 970-476-6342 I - SECTION O55OO - METAL FABRICATIoNS I PARrl -.ENERAL I '1.1 suMMARy I A. This Section includes the following: r 1. Miscellaneous steel framing and supports. May 20O4 Vail, Colorado r 2. Miscellaneous steel trim. I 3. MetalAwnings 4. Metal Framing Studs. I B. See Division 5 Section "Metal Stairs,,for metal-framed stairs. C. See Division 5 Section "Pipe and Tube Railinp'for metal pipe and tube railings. I D. Refer to Structural Specifications prepared by Redwine Engineering for Snow Load Requirements for Roof Awning.l_'''-9'I E. Refer to Structural Specifications prepared by Redwine Engineering for metal stud design loads and sizing. I F, Refer to Paint and Coating Schedule at the end of this specification for paint locations and metal finishes. I 1.2 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, and details of metal fabrications and their connections. Show anchorage and accessory items, I B. Templates: For anchors and bole. I C. lterior Metals - Samples of Powder Coat Finish, match color of clear finish aluminum t windows. I PARr2-pRoDUCrs t 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lisb, the following requirements apply I to product selection: I 1. Available Products: SubjeA to compliance with requirements, producr that may be - incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, products specified. I I METAL FABRT.AT'NS 0sso0 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Archite0 Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, manufacturers specified. METALS Metal Surfaces, General: Provide materials with smooth, flat surfaces without blemishes. Metal Crating for Exterior Awnings - Bar Crating as manufactured by Mc Nichols Metals CO of Tampa Florida. Model # CW-250 (31 Bars Wide) Ferrous Metals: Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 361A36M. Rolled-Steel Floor Plate: ASTM A 7861A786M, rolled from plate complying with ASTM A 36/A 36M or ASTM A283lA 283M, Grade C or D. Steel Tubing: ASTM A 500, cold-formed steel tubing. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53/A 53M, standard weight (Schedule 40), unless another weight is indicated or required by structural loads. 5. Slotted Channel Framing: Cold-formed metal channels complying with MFMA-3, 1- 5/B by 1-518 inches. Channels made from galvanized steel complying with ASTMA653lA653M, structural steel, Crade33, with C90 coating; 0.079-inch nominal thickness. 6. Cast lron: ASTM A 48lA 4BM, Class 30, unless another class is indicated or required by structural loads. Nonferrous Metals: 1. Aluminum Extrusions: ASTM B 221 , alloy 6063-T6. FASTENERS Ceneral: Type 304 stainless-steel fasteners for exterior use and zinc-plated fasteners with coating complying with ASTM B 633, Class FelZn 5, at exterior walls. Provide stainless-steel fasteners for fastening aluminum. Select fasteners for type, grade and class required. Cast-in-Place Anchors in Concrete: Threaded or wedge type; galvanized ferrous castingp, either ASTM A4ilA47M malleable iron or ASTMA 27lA27M cast steel. Provide bolts, washers, and shims as needed, hot-dip galvanized per ASTM A i 53/A 153M. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Universal Shop Primer: Fast-curing lead- and chromate-free, universal modified-alkyd primer complying with MPI #79. Vail Cymnastics Facility May2@4 Vail. Colorado t I I 2.2 A. B. c. I t I I I I I I 1. 2. 3. 4. D. 2.3 A. 2.4 A. I I I I I I I I B. METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 - 2 I t I I I B. D. B. I I I I l, I I I I I I I I I FABRICATION Ceneral: Pre-assemble items in the shop to greatest extent possible. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. 1. Cut, drill, and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs and ease edges. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed surfaces. ,2. Weld corners and seams continuouslv. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. Remove welding flux immediately. Finish exposed welds smooth and blended. 3. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners where possible. Locate joints where least conspicuous. 4. Fabricate seams and other connections that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water. Provide weep holes where water may accumulate. 5. Where units are indicated to be cast into concrete or built into masonry, equip with integrally welded steel strap anchors, not less than 24 inches o.c. Miscellaneous Framing and Suppofts: Provide steel frafning and supports not specified in other Sections as needed to complete the Work. Fabricate units from steel shapes, plates and bars of welded construction. Cut, drill and tap units to receive hardware, hangen and similar items. Loose Bearing and leveling Plates: Provide loose bearing and leveling plates for steel items bearing on concrete construction. Drill plates to receive anchor bolts. Miscellaneous Steel Trim: Fabricate units from steel shapes, plates, and bars of profiles shown with continuously welded joints and smooth exposed edges. Miter corners and use concealed field splices where possible. Provide cutoub, fittings, and anchorages as needed to coordinate assembly and installation with other work. 1. Exterior Miscellaneous Steel Trim: Prime with zinc-rich primer. FINISHES Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. Finish metal fabrications after assembly. Steel and lron Finishes: C Vail Cyrnnastics Facility May20O4 Vail, Colorado B. Concrete Materials and Properties: Comply with requiremenb in Division 3 Section "Cast- in-Place Concrete" for normal-weight, air-entrained, ready-mix concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strengh of 3000 psi, unless otherwise indicated. 2.5 A. 2.6 A. Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 METAL FABRICATIONS 05s00 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Archite0 Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Preparation for Shop Priming: Prepare uncoated ferrous-metal surfaces to comply with requirements indicated below for environmental exposure conditions of installed metal fabrications: a. Exteriors (SSPC ZonelB)and ltems Indicated to Receive Zinc-Rich Primer: SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning." b. Interiors (SSPC Zone 1A): SSPC-SP 3, "Power Tool Cleaning." Shop Priming: Apply shop primer to uncoated surfaces of metal fabrications, except those with galvanized finishes and those to be embedded in concrete, sprayed-on fireproofing or masonry, to comply with SSPC-PA 1, "Paint Application Specification No. 1: Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting" for shop painting. Exposed Exterior Metal Finishes - Powder Coat Finish all exposed exterior metals including Metal Awnings. Color Selection by Architea. PART 3 - EXICUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Ceneral: Perform cutting drilling and fitting required for installing metal fabrications. Set metal fabrications accurately in location, with edges and surfaces level, plumb, and true. 1. Fit exposed connections accurately together. Weld connections that are not to be left as exposed joints but cannot be shop welded. Do not weld, cut, or abrade surfaces of exterior units that have been hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. 2. Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where metal fabrications are required to be fastened to in-place construction. 3. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete, masonry or similar construction. B. Set bearing and leveling plates on cleaned surfaces using wedges, shims, or leveling nuts. After bearing members have been positioned and plumbed, tighten anchor bolts and pack solidly with nonshrink, nonmetallic grout. C. Touch up surfaces and finishes after erection. 1. Painted Surfaces: Clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and touch up paint with the same material as used for shop painting. 2. Calvanized Surfaces: Clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and repair galvanizing to comply with ASTM A 780. END OF SECTION O55OO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 1. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado 2. 3. I I METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 - 4 I iijf'e,:,T:Architects - 970-476-6342 I SECTIoN 05511 . METAL STAIRS I PARrl-GENEML t 1.1 ',MMARY I A. This Section includes the following: I Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I 1. Prefabricated metal stairs with metal pan provided for concrete treads. Refer to Division 2 for concrete toppings. B. See Division 5 Section "Pipe and Tube Railings'for pipe and tube railings. I C. Refer to Paint and Coating Schedule at the end of this specification for paint locations and - metal finishes. I 1.2 'ERF'RMANCE REe,TREMENTS I A. Structural Performance of Stairs: Provide metal stairs capable of withstanding the effects oft gravity loads and the following loads and stresses within limits and under conditions indicated: 1. Uniform Load: 100 lbs/sq. ft. 2. Concentrated Load: 300 lbf applied on an area of 4 sq. in.. 3. Uniform and concentrated loads need not be assumed to act concurrently. 4. Stair Framing: Capable of withstanding stresses resuhing from railing loads in addition to loads specified above. I B. Seismic Performance: Provide metal stairs capable of withstanding the effecb of earthquake motions determined according to UBC, Zone 1. t 1.3 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and aftachments to other work. I B. Powder Coat Finish samples, minimum 4"x4" t 1-4 COORDINATION I A. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including sleeves, concrete insefts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors, that are to be I embedded in concrete or masonry. Deliver such items -t" eroj"ct site in time forr installation. I t MErAL srArRs ossr l - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Architedo Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 1.5 A. 1.7 A. B. 1.8 A. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vai I Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 't.6 A, B. C. MANUFACTURERS In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requiremens apply to product selection: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, manufacturers specified, METALS Metal Surfaces, Ceneral: Provide materials with smooth, flat surfaces without blemishes. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M. Steel Tubing: [ASTM A 500 (cold formed)] [or] tASTA,t A 513, Type 5 (mandrel drawn)]. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Fasteners: Provide zinc-plated fasteners with coating complying with ASTM B 633, Clas Fe/Zn 25 for exterior use, and Class Fe/Zn 5 where built into exterior walls. Universal Shop Primer: Fast-curing lead- and chromate-free, universal modified-alkyd primer complying with MPI#79. FABRICATION Provide complete stair assemblies, including metal framing, hangers, struts, clips, brackets, bearing plates, and other components necessary to support and anchor stairs and platforms on supportinE structure. Join components by welding unless otherwise indicated. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. Remove welding flux immediately. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds smooth and blended. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. Cut, drill, and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs and ease edgesf unless otherwise indicated. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed surfaces. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without impairing work. Form exposed connections with hairline .ioints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners where possible. Locate joints where least conspicuous. Stair Framing: Fabricate stringers and tread of steel channels.B. METAL STAIRS 05511-2 I t Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 97U476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May2004 Vail, Colorado 1. lf using bole, fabricate and join so bolts are not exposed on finished floor. 1.9 FINISHES A. Exposed Finishes - Powder Coat Finish, Color Cray B. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Producb" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. Finish metal stain after assembly. C- Preparation for Shop Priming: Prepare uncoated ferrous-metal surfaces to comply with requirements indicated below for environmental exposure conditions of installed prcducb: 1. Exterior Stain (SSPC Zone 1B): SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning.{ 2. InteriorStairs (SSPCZone'lA): SSrc-SP3, "PowerTool Cleaning." D. Apply shop primer to uncoated surfaces of metal stair components. Comply with SSrc- PA1, "Paint Application Specification No. 1: Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of Steel," for shop painting. PART 2. EXECUTION 2.1 INSTALLATION A. Perform cutting, drilling and fitting required for installing metal stairs. Set units accurately in location, alignment, and elevation, measured from established lines and levels and free of rack. B. Install metal stairs by welding stair framing to steel structure or to weld plates cast into concrete, unless otherwise indicated. C. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints. Weld connections that . are not to be left as exposed joints. Do not weld, cut, or abrade surfaces of exterior unib that have been hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and are for bolted or screwed field connections. D. Adjusting and Cleaning: 1. lmmediately after erection, clean field welds, bohed connections, and abraded areas of shop paint and paint exposed areas with the same material as used for shop painting. END OF SICTTON 0ss11 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I METAL STAIRS 05511 - 3 I l:r'4,::J:Architects O VailCymnasticsFacility May2OO4 Vail. Colorador 970-476-6342 T SECTIoN 05521 - PIPE AND TUBE MILINGS I PARrl -.ENEML I 1.1 suMMARy I A. This Section includes the following: 1. Steel pipe railings at Exterior Locations I B. Refel t9 Paint and Coating Schedule at the end of this specification for paint locations and metal finishes. r 1.2 eERFoRMANCE REeutREMENTs I A. Structural Performance: Provide railings capable of withstanding the effects of gravity loadsr and the following loads and stresses within limits and under conditions indicated: 1. Handrails: a. Uniform load of 50 lbf/ ft. applied in any direction. b. Concentrated load of 200 lbf applied in any direction. c. Uniform and concentrated loads need not be assumed to act concurrently. 2. Top Rails of Guards: a. Uniform load of 50 lbf/ ft. applied in any direction. b. Concentrated load of 200 lbf applied in any direction. c. Uniform and concentrated loads need not be assumed to act concurrently. I 3' :t " '::;',:'bud or 2s rbr/sq. ft. appried horizontary.b. Infill load and other loads need not be assumed to act concurrently. r B. Control of Corrosion: Prevent galvanic action and other forms of corrosion by insulating metals and other materials from direct contact with incompatible materials. I 1.3 SUBMITTALS I A. Shcip Drawings: lnclude plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. I B. Finish Samples - Powder Coat Finish t I P'PE AND TUBE RArLrNcs oss21 - l t I I I Fritzlen Pierce Rrchited Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 PART 2 - PRODUCTS Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Steel Pipe and Tube Railingp: a. Pisor Industries, Inc.' b. Sharpe Products. c, . Wagner, R & B, lnc.; a division of the Wagner Companies. d. or equivalent 2.2 METALS A. Brackets, Flanges and Anchors: Cast or formed metal of same type of material and finish as supported rails, unless otherwise indicated. B. Steel and lron: '1. Tubing: ASTM A 500 (cold formed). 2. Pipe: ASTM A 53/A 53M, Type F or Type S, Crade A, Standard Weight (Schedule 40), unless another grade and weight are required by structural loads. 3. Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36/4 36M. 4. Castings: Either gray or malleable iron, unless otherwise indicated. a. Cray lron: ASTMA 4B|A48M, Class 30, unless another class is indicated or required by structural loads. b. Malleable lron: ASTM A47/A47M. 2.3 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Fasteners: Provide concealed fasteners, unless unavoidable or standard for railings indicated. 1. Steel Railings: Plated steel fasteners complying with ASTM B 633, Class FelZn 25 for electrodeposited zinc coating. B. Anchors: Provide cast-in-place anchors, fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to six times the load imposed when installed in unit masonry and equal to four times the load imposed when installed in concrete, as determined by testing per ASTM E 488. 05521 - 2 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I IPIPE AND TUBE MILINCS I I I I t I I I T I) t I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch itects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 E. F. c. C. Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes: Select according to AWS specifications for metal alloy welded. D. Shop Primers: Provide primers that comply with Division 9 painting Sections. E. Crout and Anchoring Cement: Factory-packaged, nonshrink, nonmetallic grout complying with ASTM C1107; or water-resistant, nonshrink anchoring cemenq recommended by manufacturer for exterior use. 2.4 FABRICATION A. Ceneral: Fabricate railings to comply with design, dimensions, and details indicated, but not less than that required to support structural loads. B. Welded Connections: Cope components at connections to provide close fit, or use fittings designed for this purpose. Weld all around at connections, including at fittings. Form changes in direction by bending. Form curyes by bending in jigs to produce uniform curvature; maintain cross section of member throughout bend without cracking or otherwise deforming exposed surfaces. Close exposed ends of railing members with prefabricated end fittings. Provide wall returns at ends of wall-mounted handrails, unless otherwise indicated. Brackets, Flanges, Fittings and Anchors: Provide wall brackets, flanges, miscellaneous fittings and anchors to interconnect railing members to other work, unless otherwise indicated. C. D. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado windows clear coat 2.5 FINISHES A. Exterior Handrails - Powder Coat Finish, color to match aluminum finish for all exposed locations. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: Perform cutting, drilling and fitting required for installing accurately in location, alignment and elevation. railings. Set railings 1. Set posts plumb within a tolerance of 1l'16 inch in 3 feet.2. Align rails so variations from level for horizontal members and variations from parallel with rake of steps and ramps for sloping members do not exceed 1 I 4 inch in 1 2 feet. PIPE AND TUBE RAILINCS 05521 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Architectsf Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 B. Anchor posts in concrete by inserting into formed or core-drilled holes and grouting annular space. Anchor railing ends to concrete and masonry with round flanges connected to railing ends and anchored to wall construction with anchors and bolts. Attach handrails to wall with wall brackets. 1. Use type of bracket with flange tapped for concealed anchorage to threaded hanger bolt. 2. For wood stud partitions, use hanger or lag bolts set into wood backing between studs. Adjusting and Cleaning: 1. lmmediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint, and paint exposed areas with the same material as.used for shop painting. END OF SECTION 05521 I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I t I T Vail Gymnastics Facility May 20O4 Vail, Colorado D. PIPE AND TUBE RAILINCS 45521 - 4 I l:r'e,'J:ff:Architects 970-476-6342 I SECTIoN 06100 - RoUcH CARPENTRY I PARTl.CENERAL t 1.1 suMMARy r A. This Section includes the following: 4 1. Wood framing. Vail Gymnastics May 2004 Vail, Colorado I 2. wooct stats at exterior awningsr 3. Wood supports.I ! wtr3::""t1*r 6. Wood nailers.I i: Wfr::l;ilt,r g. Wood lheathing. I l?: Hff3J*:-inspaners- n. Buildingwrap. -' lir B. Refer to Paint and Coating Schedule at the end of this specification for painVstain locations and metal finishes. 1.2 SUBMITTALS I A. Wood Siding Samples - provide minimum 3'x3'sample of redwood lap siding I PARr2-pRoDUCrs t 2."t MANUFA.T'RERS I A. In other Part 2 articles where subparagraph titles below introduce lists, the following t requirements apply for product selection: r 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturerc I :fiil:r;jffiT;[il fir.,lljl'"'*rared into the work include' bur are not limited T I I RoucH .ARPENTRY 06100- 1 irrtzren P,"r." nr.n,r"d Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.2 WOOD PRODUCTS, CENEML A. Lumber: DOC PS 20 and applicable rules of lumber grading agencies American Lumber Standards Committee Board of Review. Vail Gymnastics May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I certified by the 1. Factory mark each piece of lumber with grade stamp of grading agency. 2. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. 3. Provide dry lumber with 19 percent maximum moisture.content at time of dressing for 2-inch nominal thickness or less, unless otherwise indicated. B. Wood Structural Panels: 1. Plywood: Either DOC PS 1 or DOC PS 2, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Oriented Strand Board: DOC PS 2. 2.3 DIMENSION LUMBER General: Of grades indicated according to the American Lumber Standards Committee National Crading Rule provisions of the grading agency indicated. Exterior Siding - 1x 6 Redwood Crade B or Better Tongue and Croove Siding SHEATHINC Oriented-Strand-Board Wall Sheathing: Exposure 1, Structural I sheathing. PLYWOOD BACKINC PANELS Telephone and Electrical Equipment Backing Panels: DOC PS 1, Exposure 1, C-D Plugged, fire-retardant treated, in thickness indicated or, if not indicated, not less than 112 inch thick. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Fasteners: 1. Where rough carpentry is exposed to weather, in ground contact, or in area of high relative humidity, provide fasteners with hot-dip zinc coating complying with ASTM A 153/A 153M. Power-Driven Fasteners: CABO NER-272. Bolts: Steel bolts complying with ASTM A 307, Crade A; with ASTM A 553 hex nuts and, where indicated, flat washers. Metal Framing Anchon: Made from hot-dip, zinc-coated steel sheet complying with ASTM A 653/A 653M, C60 coating designarion. B. 2.4 2.5 A. 2.6 A. 2. 3. B. ROUCH CARPENTRY 06100- 2 a. b. c. d. e. f. ctD' h. i. c. d. e. f. I. h. i. I I I I I I I I I ll I I I I I T I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail. Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics May 2fi)4 Vail, Colorado 1.Avai lable Manufacturers: Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. Cleveland Steel Specialty Co. Harlen Metal Produc6, lnc. KC Metals Products, Inc. Silver Metal Products, lnc. Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc. Southeastern Metals Manufacturing Co., Inc. United Steel Products Company, lnc. or equivalent 2. Research/Evaluation Reports: Provide products acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and for which model code research/evaluation reports exist that show compliance of metal framing anchors, for application indicated, with building code in effect for Project. 3. Allowable Design Loads: Meet or exceed those indicated per manufacturer's published values determined from empirical data or by rational engineering analysis and demonstrated by comprehensive testing performed by a qualified independent testing agency. Building Wrap: Air-retarder sheeting made from polyolefins; cross-laminated films, woven strands, or spun-bonded fibers; coated or uncoated; with or without perforations; and compfying with ASTM E 1 677, Type l. 1 . Available Manufacturers: a. Celotex Corporation (The); Building Products Division. b. DuPont (E. l. du Pont de Nemours and Company). Parsec, Inc. Raven Industries, Inc. Reemay, Inc. Simplex Producb. Sto-Cote Products, lnc. Tenneco Building Producb. or equivalent 2. Thickness: Not less than 3 mils.3. Permeance: Not less than 10 perms.4. Flame-Spread Index: 25 or less per ASTM E 84.5. Allowable Exposure Timel Not less than three months. D. Building Wrap Tape: Pressure-sensitive plastic tape recommended by building wrap manufacturer for sealing joints and penetrations in building wrap. ROUCH CARPENTRY 06100 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Architectf Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 E. SheathingTape: Pressure-sensitiveplastic sheathing and recommended by sheathing required. Vail Cymnastics May 2004 Vail, Colorado tape for sealing joints and penetrations in manufacturer for use with type of sheathing t I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I t I I B. D. H. 3..1 F. Sill-Sealer Caskets: Class-fiber-resilient insulation, fabricated in strip form, for use as a sill sealer; 1-inch nominal thickness, compressible to'1132 inch; selected from manufacturerrs standard widths to suit width of sill members indicated. C. Adhesives for Field Cluing Panels to Framing: Formulation complying with ASTM D 3498 that is approved for use with type of construction panel indicated by both adhesive and panel man ufacturers. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION Set rough carpentry to required levels and lines, with members plumb, true to line, cut, and fitted. Fit rough carpentry to other construction; scribe and cope as needed for accurate fit. Locate furring nailers, blocking, grounds, and similar supports to comply with requirements for attaching other construction. Apply field treatment complying with AWPAM4 to cut surfaces of preservative-treated lumber and plywood. Securely attach rough carpentry *ork to substrate by anchoring and fastening as indicated, complying with the following: 1. CABO NER-272 for power-driven fasteners. 2. Published requirements of metal framing anchor manufacturer. 3. Table 23-ll-B-1 , "Nailing Schedule," and Table 23-ll-B-2, "Wood Structural Panel Roof Sheathing Nailing Schedule," in the Uniform Building Code. Use finishing nails for exposed work, unless otherwise indicated. Countersink nail heads and fill holes with wood filler. E. Framing Standard: Comply with AFPA's "Manual for Wood Frame Construction," unless otherwise indicated. F.Framing with Engineered Wood Products: Install engineered wood products to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Comply with applicable recommendations contained in APA Form No. E30K 'APA Design/Construction Cuide: Residential & Commercial," for types of structural-use panels and applications indicated. Fastening Methods: 1. Sheathing: Screw to metal studs. ROUCH CARPENTRY 06100 - 4 | [iff'e,tJ:J:Architectso o u"":Iil;H I 970-476-6342 Vail, Colorado I 2. Plywood Backing Panels: Nail or screw to supports.3. Blocking and Misc framing: Screw to metal stud framing I l. Building Wrap Application: Cover wall sheathing with building wrap as indicated. Cover upstanding flashing with 4-inch overlap. Seal seams, edges and penetrations with tape.II J. Apply sheathing tape to joints between sheathing panels and at items penetrating sheathing. Apply at upstanding flashing to overlap both flashing and sheathing. END OF SECTION 061OO I t I I I I I I I I I I I I 06100 - sI ROUCHCARPENTRY 970-476-6342 t sECloN 06402.tNTERtoRARCHtrEcruMLwooDWoRK Vail Cymnastics Facility May2OO4 Vail, Colorado I PARrl-.ENEML I 1.1 ',MMARY r A. This Section includes interior woodwork including for the following applications: I 1. Plastic-laminatecountertops. r 2. Wood Interior Window Sills.I! B. Interior architectural woodwork includes wood furring blocking shims and hanging strips, 1 unless concealed within other construction before woodwork installation. - C. Rough carriages for stairs are interior architectural woodwork. I 1. See Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry'' for platform framing and other rough framing associated with stairwork. I D. Refer to Paint and Coating Schedule at the end of this speci{ication for paint/stain locationsI and metal finishes. I 1.2 suBMrrrAls I A. Shop Drawings: Include location of each item, plans and elevations, large-scale details, t attachment devices, and other components. I B. Samples: I 1. Lumber and panel products for transparent finish, for each species and cu! finished on one side and one edge. 2. Lumber and panel products with shop-applied opaque finish, for each finish system and color, with exposed surface finished. 3. Plastic-laminate-clad panel products, for each type, color, pattern and surface finish. I 1.3 QUALIryASSUMNCE t A. lnstaller Qualifications: Fabricator of woodwork. I B. Quality Standard: Unless otherwise indicated, comply with AWI's i{rchitectural Woodworkt Quality Standards" for grades of interior architectural woodwork, construction, finishes and other requirements.I I i:r'e,::J:Architecs I t TNTERT.RARCHTTECT-,ML wooDWoRK I I 46402 - 1 Friulen Pierce ArchiiedO Vail. Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install woodwork until building is enclosed, wet work is complete, and HVAC sptem is operating and maintaining temperature and relative humidity at levels planned for building occupants during the remainder of the cpnstruction period. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.'I MATERIALS A. Wood for Opaque Finish: 1. Species: Any closed-grain hardwood. B. Wood Products: 1. Hardboard: AHAA135.4. 2. Medium-Density Fiberboard: ANSI A2O8.2, Crade MD. 3. Particleboard: ANSI A208.1, Crade M-2.4. Softwood Plywood: DOC PS 1, Medium Density Overlay. 5. Hardwood Plywood and Face Veneers: HPVA HP-1 . C. High-Pressure Decorative Laminate: NEMA LD 3. 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. FormicaCorporation. b. lnternational Paper; Decorative Products Div. c. Laminart. d. Pioneer Plastics Corp. e. Westinghouse Electric Corp.; Specialty Products Div. f. Wilsonart lnternational; Div, of Premark International, Inc.g. or equivalent 2.2 INSTALLATION MATERIALS A. Furring Blocking, Shims and Hanging Strips: Softwood or hardwood lumber, kiln-dried to less than 15 percent moisture content. I I I I t t t l I I I I t I I I I I IINTER]OR ARCH ITECTURAL WOODWORK 05402-2 I T Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail. Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado 2.3 FABRICATION A. Ceneral: Complete fabrication to maximum extent possible before shipment to Project site. Where necessary for fitting at site, provide allowance for scribing, trimming and fitting. Interior Woodwork Crade: Custom complying with the referenced quality standard. Shop cut openings to maximum extent possible. Sand edges of cutouts to remove splinters and burrs. Seal edges of openings in countertops with a coat of varnish. For trim items wider than available lumber, use veneered construction. Do not glue for width. Backout or groove bacla of flat trim members and kerf backs of other wide, flat members, except for members with ends exposed in finished work. fusemble casingp in plant except where limitations of access to place of installation require field assembly. B. Plastic-LaminateCountertops: 1. High-Pressure Decorative Laminate Crade: HCP. 2. Colors, Patterns, and Finishes: fu selected from manufacturer's full range. 3. Edge Treatment: Same as laminate cladding on horizontal surfaces [As indicated].4. Core Material at SinJa: Particleboard, or medium density fiberboard made with exterior glue, or exterior-grade plywood. 5. Configuration: - Fabricate countertops with the following front, cove (intersection"of top with backplash), backplash, and end-splash style: 6- Front: Rolled. 7. Cove: Cove molding (one-piece post formed laminate supported at junction of top and backsplash by wood cove molding). 8. Backsplash: Curved orwaterfall shape. 9. End Splash: Square edge. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION Condition woodwork to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas and examine and complete work as required, including removal of packing and back-priming before installation. Quality Standard: Install woodwork to comply with AWI Section 1700 for the same grade specified in this Section for type of woodwork invohed. Quality Standard: lnstall woodwork to comply with WIC Section 26 for the same grade specified in this Section for type of woodwork involved. I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 5. 3.1 B. INTERIOR ARCH ITECTUML WOODWORK 06402 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Architecta Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 D. lnstall woodwork level, plumb, true and straight to a tolerance of 1/B inch in 96 inches. Shim as required with concealed shims. E. Scribe and cut woodwork to fit adjoining work, and refinish cut surfaces and repair damaged finish at cuts. F. Anchor woodwork to anchors or blocking built in or directly attached to substrates. Secure with countersunk, concealed fasteners and blind nailing as required for complete installation. Use fine finishing nails or finishing screws for exposed fastening, countersunk and filled flush with woodwork and matching final finish if transparent finish is indicated. C. Standing and Running Trim: lnstall with minimum number of joints possible, using full- length pieces (from maximum length of lumber available) to greatest extent possible. Fill gaps, if any, between top of base and wall with plastic wood filler, sand smooth, and finish same as wood base, if finished. H. Cabinets: Install without distortion so doors and drawers fit openings properly and are accurately aligned. Adjust hardware to center doors and drawers in openings and to provide u nencumbered operation. 1. Fasten wall cabinets through back, near top and bottom, at ends and not more than 16 inches o.c. with No. 10 wafer-head screws sized for 1-inch penptration into wood framing blocking, or hanging strips. L Countertops: Anchor securely by screwing through corner blocks of base cabinets or other supports into underside of countertop. Calk space between backsplash and wall with sealant specified in Division 7 Section 'Joint Sealants." END OF SECTION 06402 I I I I I I I I t t I t I I I t I I I Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado INTERIOR ARCHITECTUML WOODWORK 06402 - 4 I r FriElen Pierce Architects Vail cymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 2004 I 970-476-6342 vail, coloradoI I SECTTON 07t10 r SHEFT MEMBMNE WATERPROOFINC I I PART1 -CENEML I 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES: I Installation of sheet membrane waterproofing on surfaces indicated on drawings, consisting I of preparation of existing and repaired concrete surfaces, sealing of crack and joints, and I application of CCW MiraDRl 860/861Sheet Membrane Waterproofing. I 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS I A. Section 03150 - Expansion Joints. I B. Section 03300 - Cast-ln-Place Concrete. a C. Section 07900 - Caulking and Sealants. D. Division 15 - Floor Drains and Standpipes. I E. Division 16 - Conduit and other Electrical. t 1.3 REFERENCES I A. ASTM D 412 Tests for Rubber Properties in Tension B. ASTM E 154 Puncture Resistance I C. ASTM E 96 (B) Water Vapor Transmission of Materials I D. ASTM D 1970 Self-Adhering Polymer Modified Bituminous Sheet MaterialsE. ASTM D 882 Test Method for Tensile Properties I F. ASTM D 3767 Practice for Rubber - Measurement of Dimensions I G. ASTM D 751 Test Method for Coated FabricsH. ASTM D 570 Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics I l. UL 790 Tests for Fire Resistance of Roof Covering Materials I 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION I Product provided by this Section is a self-adhesive membrane of not less than 60 mils thickness, consisting of a rubberized asphalt membrane laminated to a 4 mil cross-laminated polyethylene film. I 1.5 SUBMITTATS f, I A. Ceneral: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. I Sheet Membrane Waterproofing 02110-1 I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product literature and installation instructions. C. Subcontractor:s approval by Manufacturer: Submit document stating manufacturer's acceptance of subcontractor as an Approved Applicator for the specified materials. D. Warranty: Submit a sample warranty identifying the terms and conditions stated in Section 1.7. QUALITYASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Applicator shall be experienced in applying the same or similar materials and shall be specifically approved in writing by the membrane manufacturer. B. Regulatory Requirements: Complywith applicable codes, regulations, ordinances, and laws regarding use and application of producs that contain volatile organic compounds (VOC). C. Pre-Application Conference: Prior to beginning work, convene a confeience to review conditions, installation procedures, schedules and coordination with other work. WARRANTY A. Upon completion and acceptance of the work required by this section, the manufacturer will issue a warranty agreeing to promptly replace defective materials for a period of 5 years. B. The formation or presence of mold or fungi in a building is dependent upon a broad range of factors including but not limited to, the presence of spores and nutrient sources/ moisture, temperatures, climatic conditions, relative humidity, and heating/ventilating systems and their maintenance and operating capabilities. These factors are beyond the control of Carlisle and Carlisle shall not be responsible for any claims, repairs, restoration, or damages relating to the presence of any irritants, contaminants, vapors, fumes, molds, fungi, bacteria, spores, mycotoxins, or the like in any building or in the air, land, or water serving the building. DELIVER' STOMCE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to project site in original, factory-sealed, unopened containers bearing manufacture/s name and label intact and legible with following information. 1- Name of material. 2- Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacture. 3. Material safety data sheet. B. Store materials in protected and well ventilated area. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not apply membrane when surface temperature is below or inclement weather cond itions confl ict with manufacturer's published req ui rements. t I I I I I I I I I I I 1.6 I I I I I I I 1.7 1.8 1.9 Sheet Membrane Waterproofi ng 07110-2 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado B. Coordinate waterproofing work with other trades. The applicator shall have sole right of access to the specified areas for the time needed to complete the installation.C. Warn personnel against breathing of vapors and contact of material with skin or eyes. Wear applicable protective clothing and respiratory protection gear.D. Keep flammable producs away from spark or flame. Do not allow the use of spark producing equipment during application and until all vapors have dissipated. Post "NO SMOKlNC" signs. E. Maintain work area in a neat and orderly condition, removing empty containers, rags, and rubbish daily from the site. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.'I MANUFACTURERS Provide CCW MiraDRl 860/861Sheet Membrane Waterproofing as manufactured by Carlisle Coatings and Waterproofing Incorporated, 900 Hensley Lane, foylie, Texas 75098, Phone: (8Oo) 527-7A92 Fax: (972) 442-0076. 2.2 PRODUCTS A. Self-Adhesive SheetMembraneWaterproofing: Shall be CCWMiTaDRI 860/S6lconsistingof a 56 mil rubberized asphalt membrane laminated to 4 mil cross-laminated polyethylene film, and shall meet or exceed the following requirements: 1. Tensile Strength: 325 psi minimum, ASTM D 4122. Ultimate Elongation: 350% minimum, ASTM D 412 3. Puncture Resistance: 60 lbs. minimum, ASTM E 154 4. Permeance: 0.05 Perm maximum, ASTM E 96 (B) 5. Low Temperature Flexibility: Unaffected at -45"F, ASTM D 1970, 1'mandrel6. Tensile to Film: 5OO0 psi, ASTM D 882 7. Thickness:60 mils, ASTM D 3Z6Z 8. Hydrostatic Head: 230 fL, ASTM D 251'9. WaterAbsorption:0.1% bywt., ASTM D S7O B. For application temperatures between 25 and 65"F, use CCW-861 Sheet Membrane and CCW-7O2. For application temperatures ahve 40oF use CCW MiraDRl 86O sheet membrane and CCW-702 , CC't,l-714 primer, or CCW-AWP. 2.3 ACCESSORY PRODUCTS A. Surface Primer: Shall be CCW-702 Solvent-based Primer, CCWAWPWateT-Based Primer, or CCW-714 Water-Based Primer. B. Mastic: Shall be CCW-7O4 Mastic. Sheet Membrane Waterproofing o71'to-3 Fritzlen Pierce Arch itects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May2OO4 Vail. Colorado C. Sealants: Shall be CCW-703 Vertical Crade LiquisealT Membrane, PT-304 one component, CCW-201 two component Polyurethane Sealant or CCW LM-800X1 D. Backing Rod: Shall h closed-cell polyethylene foam rod. E. Protection Course: Shall be CCW Protection Board-H or CCW 300H for horizontal surhces or CCW Protection Board-V or CCW 200V for vertical surfaces. F. Drainage Composite: Shall be CCW MiraDRAlN@ as recommended by the manufacturerfor each condition. C. Perimeter Drainage System: Where required shall be CCW QuickDMlN*. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Before any waterproofing work is started the waterproofing applicator shall thoroughly examine all surfaces for any deficiencies. Should any deficiencies exis! the architect, owner, or general contractor shall be notified in writing and corrections made. B. Condition of Concrete Surfaces: 1. The concrete surfaces shall be of sound structural grade and shall have a smooth finish, free offins, ridges, protrusions, rough spalled areas, loose aggregate, exposed course aSSregate, voids or entrained air holes. Rough surfaces shall receive a well- adhered parget coat. 2. Concrete shall be cured by water curing method. Any curing compounds must be of the pure sodium silicate type and be approved by the Carlisle representative 3. Concrete shall be cured at least 7 days and shall be sloped for proper drainage. 4. Voids, rock pockets and excessively rough surfaces shall be repaired with approved' non-shrink grout or ground to match the unrepaired areas. 5. Two-stage drains shall have a minimum 3 inch flange and be installed with the flange flush and level with the concrete surface. 6. Surfaces at cold joints shall be on the same plane. 3.2 SURFACE PREPAMTION A. The concrete surface must be thoroughly clean, dry and free from any surface contaminates or cleaning residue that may harmfully affect the adhesion of the membrane.B. Install a 314' face,45 degree cant of CCW-20'| Polyurethane Sealant or CCW LM-800X1 at all angle changes and inside corners including penetrations through the deck, walls, curbs, etc. C. All crack over 1n 6" in width and all moving cracks under 1/16' in width shall be routed out to 1/4" minimum in width and depth and filled flush with PT-304 or CCW-201 polyurethane sealant. I I I I t t I I I T I I I I I I I I I Sheet Membrane Waterproofi ng 07110-4 t I t I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I FriElen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 97Q-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 20Q4 Vail, Colorado D. All expansion joints less than 1" wide shall be cleaned, primed, fitted with a backing rod and caulked with CCW-201 Polyurethane Sealant. For larger joints, contacf Carlisle representative. E. Allow all sealant to cure at least overnight.F- Stir Primer. Apply a thin film of primer 10" wide, centered over sealed crack and joints, hairline cracks, and cold joints. Apply primer 8" on each side of all corners. Prime concrete around drain flanges. Allow primer to dry per manufacturer:s recommendations.C- Install an B" wide strip of CCW MiraDRl 860/861centered over joints and crack. Install a 12" wide strip of CCW MiraDRl 860/861centered over the axis of all corners.H' Terminate membrane around drains per CCW MiraDRl 860 series details. Terminate the membraneundertheclampingring. Seal all edgeswithCCW-704Mastic. Donotinterfere with weep holes. 3.3 APPLICATION A. Priming: Clean surfaces to remove residual dust before priming. Stir primer. Apply by spray or roller at a rate recommended by manufacturer. Allow to dry per manufacturer=s recommendation. B' Horizontal surfaces: Install sheet membrane from low to high point, so that laps will shed water. Overlap edge seams 2t/t", end laps 5". Stagger end seams. Roll in place with an 18 to 24" wide, 100 lb. (min.) resilient roller. Ensure that all laps are firmly adhered and that there are no gaps or fishmouths. C' Vertical Surfaces: Apply in lengths of 8'or less. Overlap edge seams 21/r". Onwalls over B' high, apply in 8'sections, stafting atthe lowest point with the higher section overlapping the lower section 5'. Roll in place using firm pressure with a hand roller.D. Terminations:ConsultCarlisle360-gDetailsforproperterminations. Rollterminatingedges firmly. ApplyCCW-704 mastictoall terminationsand >T: joints.ApplyCCW-704Mastic or CCW-703-V Liquiseal to laps at angle changes, extending 9" in each direction. 3.4 FTOOD TEST A- After sheet membrane. has been in place at least 24 hours, plug drains and provide baniers necessary to contain flood water. Consult with structural engineer for deck loading limits before conducting a water test.B. Flood surface with 2" head of water for 24 hours. Inspect for leak and repair membrane if leaks are found. Retest after making repairs. 3.5 PROTECTION COURSE VERTICAL APPLICATION: Install CCW QuickDMlN Perimeter Drainage system as the fint course of drainage composite immediatelyafter membrane has been installed on vertical surfaces. lnstall CCW Sheet Membrane Waterproofing 07110-s Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I I t t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I MiraDMlN Drainage Composite (consult CCW for recommendation), CCW Protection Board-V Protection Course or CCW 200V on remainder. Stop drainage composite 6" below final grade level. B. HORIZONTALAPPLICATION: Install CCW MiraDRAlN Drainage Composite (consult CCW for recommendation) or CCW Protection Board-H Protection Course or CCW 300HV immediately after flood testing on horizontal surfaces. lf flood testing is delayed, install a temporary covering to protect the CCW MiraDRl 860/861 membrane from damage by other trades. End of Section Carlisle, Sure-Seal, CCW MiraDMlN, CCW QuickDRAlN, MiraDRl and Liquiseal are tiademark of Carlisle Corporation. O 1996, 2OO2 Carlisle Corporation. Sheet Membrane Waterproofi ng 07110-6 I I Fritzlen Pierce Architecs Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.1 SECTION 07210 - BUILDING INSULATION PART 1 - CENEML SUMMARY This Section includes the following: 1. Foundation wall insulation (supporting backfill). 2- Cavity wall insulation. 3. Concealed building insulation. 4- Vapor retarderc for exterior walls and under concrete slab on grade floor slabs. Refer to Section 03000 Concrete for under slab vapor retarder locations ariil specifications. 1.2 QUALTryASSURANCE A. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide insulation and related materials with the fire' test-response characteristics indicated, as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 for surface-burning characteristics and other methods indicated with product, by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. ldentify materials with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. PART 2 - PRODUCTS INSULATINC MATERIALS Ceneral: Provide insulating materials that comply with requirements and with referenced standards. Extruded-Polystyrene Board Insulation: . ASTM C 578, Type V, 3.00 lb/cu. ft., with maximum flame-spread and smoke-developed indices of 75 and 45Q, respectively. Mineral-fiber blanket insulation consisting of fibers manufactured from glass: 1. Unfaced Mineral-Fiber Blanket Insulation: ASTMC665, Typel; with maximum flame-spread and smoke-developed indices of 25 and 50, respectively; passing ASTM E 136 for combustion characteristics. 2- Faced Mineral-Fiber Blanket Insulation: ASTM C 665, Type lll, ClassA; Category 1, faced with foil-scrim-kraft, foil-scrim, or foil-scrim-polyethylene vapor-retarder membrane on one face. 2.1 B. BUILDINC INSULATION 07210 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectO Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.2 B. VAPOR RETARDERS Polyethylene Vapor Retarder: ASTM D4397,6 mils thick, with maximum permeance rating of 0.13 perms. Vapor-Retarder Tape: Pressure-sensitive tape of type recommended by vapor-retarder manufacturer for sealing joints and penetrations in vapor retarder. I I I I I I t I I t I I t t I I I I I B. B. 2.3 3.1 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado AUXI LIARY I NSULATI NC MATERIALS Adhesive for Bonding lnsulation: Product with demonstrated capability to bond insulation securely to substrates indicated without damaging insulation and substrates Protection Board: Premolded, semi-rigid asphal[/fiber composition board, 1/8 inch thick, formed under heat and pressure, of standard sizes. Eave Ventilation Troughs: Preformed, rigid fiberboard or plastic sheets designed and sized to fit between roof framing members and to provide cross ventilation between insulated attic spaces and vented eaves. PART 3 - EXECUTION C. D. INSTALLATION General: Install insulation to comply with insulation manufacturer's written instructions applicable to products and application indicated. Extend insulation in thickness indicated to envelop entire area to be insulated. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions and fill voids with insulation. Remove projections that interfere with placement. Install perimeter insulation on vertical surfaces by setting units in adhesive. 1. lf not otherwise indicated, extend insulation a minimum of 24 inches below exterior grade line. 2. Protect below-grade insulation on vertical surfaces from damage during backfilling by applying protection board set in adhesive. Protect top surface of perimeter underslab insulation from damage during concrete work by applying protection board. Installation of Ceneral Building lnsulation: Apply insulation units to substrates by method indicated, complying with manufacturer's wriften instructions. lf no specific method is indicated, bond units to sub'strate with adhesive or use mechanical anchorage to provide permanent placement and support of units. BUILDINC INSULATION 07210 - 2 I I I I t t I I I I, I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 974-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May2OO4 Vail, Colorado 1. Seal joints between closed-cell (non-breathing) insulation units by applying adhesive, mastic or sealant to edges of each unit to form a tight seal as units are shoved into place. Fill voids in completed installation with adhesive, mastic or sealant. 2. Install mineral-fiber blankets in cavities formed by framing members according to the followi ng reguirements: a. Use blanket widths and lenghs that fill the cavities formed by framing members. lf more than ohe lengh is required to fill cavity, provide lengths that will produce a snug fit between ends. b. Place blankets in cavities formed by framing members to produce a friction fit between edges of insulation and adjoining framing members. 3. For wood-framed construction, install mineral-fiber blankets according to ASTM C 1320 and as follows: a. With faced blankets having stapling flanges, secure insulation by inset, stapling flanges to sides of framing members. b. With faced blankets having stapling flanges, lap blanket flange over flange of adjacent blanket to produce airtight installation after concealing finish material is in place, 4. Stuff glass-fiber, loose-fill insulation into miscellaneous voids and cavity spaces where shown. Compact to approximately 4O percent of normal maximum volume equaling a density of approximately 2.5 lbicu. ft.. E. Installation of Vapor Retarders: Extend vapor retarder to extremities of areas to be protected from vapor transmission. Secure in place with adhesives or other anchorage system as indicated. Extend vapor retarder to cover miscellaneous voids in insulated substrates, including those filled with loose-fiber insulation. 1. Seal vertical joinb in vapor retarden over framing by lapping not less than two wall studs. Fasten vapor retarders to framing at top, end/ and bottom edges; at perimeter of wall openings; and at lap joints. Space fasteners 16 inches o.c. 2. Seal overlapping joints in vapor retarders with adhesives or vapor-retarder tape according to vapor-retarder manufacturer's instructions. Seal butt joints and fastener penetrations with vapor-retarder tape. Locate all joints over framing members or other solid substrates. 3. Firmly attach vapor retarders to substrates with mechanical fasteners or adhesives as recommended by vapor-retarder manufacturer. 4. Seal joints caused by pipes, conduits, electrical boxes, and similar items penetrating vapor retarders with vapor-retarder tape to create an airtight seal between penetrating objects and vapor retarder. 5. Repair any tears or punctures in vapor retarders immediately before concealment by other work. Correr with vapor-retarder tape or another layer of vapor retarder. END OF SECTION 07210 BUITDINC INSULATION 07210 - 3 I Yiiia,::J:Architects o "',o 970-476-6342 i I SECTIoN 07531 - EPDM MEMBMNE RooFINc I PARrl -.ENEML I 1.1 suMMARy Vail Gymnastics Fability May 2fi)4 Vail, Colorado I A. This Section includes adhered membrane roofing system, tapered insulation, roofing I accessories, flashing breather vents, roof drains, ballasts , substrates, downspouts and splash blocks for a free draining watertight roofing system. I B. Related Sections: 07620 Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim I 1.2 suBMrrrAlst A. Roofing System Shop Drawingp: lnclude plans, elevations, sections, details and attachments t to othei Work. B. Roofing System Product lnformation I C. Roof Ballast Samples 3'x3' minimum I D. Downspouts and Gutters Product information I E. Concrete Splashblock Product Information I F. Roof Drains - C. Maintenance data. T 1.3 QUALTTYASSUMNCEIr A. lnstaller Qualifications: A qualified firm that is approved, authorized, or licensed by roofing r system manufacturer to install manufacturer's product and that is eligible to receive I manufacture/s warranty. B. Source Limitations: Obtain components for membrane roofing system from same I manufacturer as roofing membrane. C. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide membrane roofing materials with the fire-test- I response characteristics indicated as determined by testing identical products per testI method below by UL, FMC, or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Exterior Fire-Test Exposure: ClassA; ASTM E 108, for application and roof slopes indicated. I I I EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING o7s31 - 1 Flruren t,"r.. r.r.n,te{ Vail, Colorado 97o-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit roofing system to be installed according to manufacture/s written instructions and warranty requ i rements. 1.5 WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form, without monetary limitation, in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of membrane roofing system that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. Failure includes roof leak. 1. Warranty Period: 15 years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 EPDM ROOFINC MEMBRANE A. EPDM Roofing Membrane: ASTMD 4637,Type l, nonreinforced uniform, flexible sheet made from EPDM, and as follows: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the manufacturers specified. a. Carlisle SynTec Incorporated. b. Firestone Building Products Company. c. or equal 2. Thickness: 60 mils, nominal. 3. Exposed Face Color: Black. 2.2 AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. Ceneral; Auxiliary materials recommended by roofing system manufacturer for intended use and compatible with membrane roofing. B. Ballast: Ballast to match existing roofing ballast at Red Sandstone Elementary C. Sheet Flashing: 60-mil- thick EPDM, partially cured or cured, according to application. D. Bonding Adhesive: Manufacturer's standard bonding adhesive. E. Seaming Material: Manufacturer's standard synthetic-rubber polymer primer and 3-inch- wide minimum, butyl splice tape with release film. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IEPDM MEMBMNE ROOFINC 07531-2 I T Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.4 A. 2.5 A. 2.6 A. B. EPDM MEMBMNE ROOFINC Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado 2.3 I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I t I A. B. F. Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates meeting corrosion- resistance provisions in FMC 447O, designed for fastening membrane to substrate, and acceptable to membrane rooflng slatem manufacturer. G. Miscellaneous Accessories: Provide lap sealant, water cutoff mastic, metal termination bars, metal battens, pourable sealers, preformed cone and vent sheet flashings, preformed inside and outside corner sheet flashings, T-joint covers, in-seam sealants, termination reglets, cover strips, and other accessories. SUBSTMTE BOARDS Subatrate Board: As recommended by roofing manufacturer Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates meeting corrosion- resistance provisions in FMC 447Q designed for fastening substrate panel to roof deck. ROOF INSULATION Composite Polyisocyanurate Board Insulation: C1289, faced with insulation board on one major surface, as indicated below by type, and felt or glass-fiber mat facer on the other. Minimum R value 30. Tapered Insulation: Provide factory-iapered insulation boards fabricated to slope of 1/4 inch per 12 inches, unless otherwise indicated. Provide preformed saddles, crickets, tapered edge strips, and other insulation shapes where indicated for sloping to drain. Fabricate to slopes indicated. lNSULATION ACCESSORIES Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates meeting corrosion- resistance provisions in FMG 4470, designed for fastening roof insulation to substrate, and acceptable to roofing sptem manufacturer. B. Cold Fluid-Applied Adhesive: Manufacturer's standard cold fluid-applied adhesive formulated to adhere roof insulation to substrate. DOWNSPOUTS, CUTTERS and SPLASHBIOCIG Downspouts and Cutters - Pre-manufactured metal or vinyl system acceptable to roofing manufacturer. Splashblock - Pre-fabricated concrete minimum 6' in length subject to Civil Engineers approval. 07531-3 Fritzlen Pierce Architectf Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 PART 3 - EXECUTION J-Z A. B. E. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado l I I I I I t I t I I I 3.1 SUBSTMTE BOARD Install substrate board with long joints in continuous straight lines, perpendicular to roof slopes with end joints staggered between rows. Tightly butt substrate boards together. INSULATION INSTALLATION Coordinate installing membrane roofing system components so insulation is not exposed to precipitation or left exposed at the end of the wo*day. Comply with membrane roofing system manufacture/s written instructions for installing roof insulation. Install tapered insulation under area of roofing to conform to slopes indicated. Install one or more layers of insulation under area of roofing to achieve required thickness. Where overall insulation thickness is 2 inches or greater, install 2 or more layers with joints of each succeeding layer staggered from joints of previous layer a minimum of 6 inches in each direction. Mechanically Fastened and Adhered Insulation: lnstall each layer of insulation and secure first layer of insulation to deck using mechanical fasteners specifically designed and sized for fastening specified board-type roof insulation to deck type. 1. Fasten first layer of insulation to resist uplift pressure at corners, perimeter and field of roof. 2. Install subsequent layers of insulation in a cold fluid-applied adhesive. ADHERED ROOFINC MEMBMNE I NSTALLATION Install roofing membrane over area to receive roofing according to membrane roofing system manufacturer's written instructions, Unroll roofing membrane and allow to relax before installing. Accurately align roofing membrane and maintain uniform side and end laps of minimum dimensions required by manufacturer. Stagger end laps. Bonding Adhesive: Apply bonding- adhesive to subrstrate and underside of roofing membrane at rate required by manufacturer and allow to partially dry. Do not apply bonding adhesive to splice area of roofing membrane. Mechanically or adhesively fasten roofing membrane securely at terminations, penetrations, and perimeter of roofing. C. D. 3.3 A. I I I I I I I B. D. EPDM MEMBMNE ROOFINC 07531 - 4 I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I t I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado E. Adhesive Seam Installation: Clean both faces of splice areas, apply splicing cemen! and firmly roll side and end laps of overlapping roofing membranes according to manufacturer's written instructions to ensure a watertight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and seal exposed edges of roofing membrane terminations. F. Repair tears, voids and lapped seams in rooling that does not meet requirements. 3.4 BASE FLASHINC INSTALLATION A. Install sheet flashings and preformed flashing accessories and adhere to substrates according to membrane roofing q4stem manufacturerrs written instructions. B. Apply bonding adhesive to substrate and underside of sheet flashing at required rate and allow to partially dry. Do not apply bonding adhesive to seam area of flashing. C. Flash penetrations and field-formed inside and outside corners with cured or uncured sheet flashing. D. Clean splice areas, apply splicing cement, and firmly roll side and end laps of overlapping sheets to ensure a wateftight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and seal exposed edges of sheet fl ashing terminations. E. Terminate and seal top of sheet flashings and mechanically anchor to suhntrate through termination bars. 3.5 WALKWAY INSTALLATION A. Flexible Walkways: Install walkway products in locations indicated. Mhere walh,,ray product to subrstrate with compatible adhesive according to roofing system manufacture/s written instructions. END OF SECTION 07531 EPDM MEMBMNE ROOFINC 07531 - s I I I t t Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 vaiQ,mnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado SECI-ION 07 54O. SNOWGUARDS PARTl -GENERAL 1,1 SUMMARY A. WORK INCLUDES 1. #3(rc1 Snowguard that attaches directly to the roof deck. 2. Coordinate with the installation of the roof to assure proper placement of the snowguards.3. Provide appropriate snowguard and hsteners for the roof system.B. RETATEDSECNONS 'l - Section 076fi): Flashing and Sheet Metal. 2. Section 07610: Metal Roofing' 3. Division 7: Thermal and Moisture protection. 1.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A COMPONENTS: 1. . #30C1Smwguard system consists of individual metal snow guards made from same material as roof panel. 2. Fasteners a. Can be adhered with double-sided adhesive tape. b. Can be adhered with adhesive caulking. c. Can be fastened using acceptable through fusteners. d. All snowguards should be faslened using good fastening or adhering techniques.B. DESICNREQUIREMENTS: 1 . Spacing to be recommended by manufacturer or building engineer.2, Minimum 2 fasteners per srcwguard. 3. lt is important to design rrcw structures or assess existing structures to make sure that they can withstand retained i snow loads, 1.3 SUBMITTAL - Submit manufacture/s sp€cifications, standard detail dnwings, recommended layout and installation instructions. 1 '4 QUALITY ASSURANCE - Installer to be experienced in the installation of specified roofing material and snowguards for not less than 5 years in the area of the project. 1.5 DEUVERY / SIORACE / HANDLINC - Inspect material upon delivery and order replacements for any missing or defective items. Keep material dry cryered and off the ground unlil installed. PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER A. Afpine SnowCuards. A division of Vermont Slate & Copper Services Inc., P.O. Box 430, Stowe, VT (8fJ;81 7&4273.22 MATERIALS (choose one) A. Clear, UV stabilized polycarbonate. 2.3 FtNtSH A. Mill finish. PART 3 - DGCUTION 3.1 DG,MINATION A' Substrate: Inspect roof system to be properly attached and installed to withstand additional loading incurred, Notif Ceneral Contmctor of any deficiencies before installing Alpine SnowCuards.3,2 INSTATIATION A. C-omply with architectural drawings for location and with Manufacture/s instructions for layou! assembly, and installation. I I I I I T I I I I I I I I SNOWGUARDS 07540-1 I i:,T'a,'ff:Architects O VailCymnasticsFacility r 970-476-6342 I SECTIoN 07620 - SHEET METAL FLASHINC AND TRIM May 2004 Vail, Colorado II PARTl -CENEML I 1.1 ''MMARY I A. This Section includes the following: I 1. Formed roof drainage q/stem.2. Formed low-slope roof flashing and trim. I 3. Formed steep-slope roof flashing and trim. t 4. Formed wall flashing and trim. I 1.2 suBMrrrALS - A. Samples: For each type of sheet metal flashing and trim. I 1.3 OUALITYASSUMNCE I A. Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim Standard: Comply with SMACNA's 'Architectural Sheet Metal Manual." Conform to dimensions and profiles shown unless more stringent I ) requirements are indicated. t PART2-PRoDUCrs r 2.1 MANUFACTURERS t' A. ln other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply to product selection: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, manufacturers specified. I 2-2 sHEEr MErArs A. Aluminum Sheet: ASTM B 209, Alloy 3003, 3004, 3105, or 5005, Temper suitable for I forming and structural performance required, but not less than H14, finishei as follows: 1. High-Performance Organic Finish: Two-coat, thermocured system containing not less I kilo10u0f;r."", polyvinylidene fluoride resin by weight; complying with t I 'HEET METAL FLA'HTN. AND TR'M 07620 - 1 I I Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.4 A. I t T I I I I I I T I T I t T I I I I D. B. 2.3 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Color: Powder coat finish, color to match clear anodized finish of specified windows. .Refer to Section 08515 Aluminum Windows MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Ceneral: Provide materials and types of fasteners, solder, welding rods, protective coatings, separators, sealants, and other miscellaneous items as required for complete sheet metal flashing and trim installation. B. Felt Underlayment: ASTM D 226, Fype ll (No.30), asphalt-saturated organic felt, nonperforated F. 1. Slip Sheet: Rosin-sized paper, minimum 3 lb/100 sq. ft.. Fasteners: Wood screws, annular threaded nails, self-tapping screws, self-locking rivets and bolts, and other suitable fasteners designed to withstand design loads. 1. Fasteners for Flashing and Trim: Blind fasteners or self-drilling screws, gasketed, with hex washer head. 2. Blind Fasteners: High-strength aluminum or stainless-steel rivets. Sealing Tape: Pressure-sensitive, 100 percent solids, polyisobutylene compound sealing tape with release-paper backing. Provide permanently elastic, nonsag. nontoxic, nonstaining tape. Elastomeric Sealant: ASTM C 920, elastomeric silicone polymer sealant; of type, grade, class, and use classifications required to seal joints in sheet metal flashing and trim and remain watertight. Butyl Sealant: ASTMC1311, single-component, solvent-release butyl rubber sealant, polyisobutylene plasticized, heavy bodied for hooked-type expansion joints with limited movement. Bituminous Coating: Cold-applied asphalt mastic, SSPC-Paint 12, compounded for 15-mil dry film thickness per coat. FABRICATION, GENERAL Ceneral: Custom fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim to comply with recommendations in SMACNA's 'Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" that apply to design, dimensions, metal, and other characteristics of item indicated. Shop fabricate items where practicable. Obtain field measurements for accurate fit before shop fabrication. Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim without excessive oil canning buckling and tool marks and true to line and levels indicated, with exposed edges folded back to form hems. 1. Seams for Aluminum: Fabricate nonmoving seams with flarlock seams. Form searns and seal with epoxy seam sealer. Rivet joints for additional strength. SHEET METAL FTASHING AND TRIM 07620 - 2 B. 2.5 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch itects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.6 A. O VailGymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 2. Seams for Other Than Aluminum: Fabricate nonmoving seams in accessories with flatJock seams. Tin edges to be seamed, form seams, and solder. C. Sealed Joints: Form nonexpansion but movable joints in metal to accom modate elastomeric sealant to comply with SMACNA recommendations. D. Expansion Provisions: Where lapped or bayonet-type expansion provisions in the Work cannot be used, form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not les than 1 inch deep, filled with elastomeric sealant concealed within joints. t. Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions where possible on exposed-to-view sheet metal flashing and trim, unless otherwise indicated. F. Fabricate cleats and attachment devices from same material as accessory being anchored or from compatible, noncorrosive metal, and in thickness not less than that of metal being secured. ROOF DRAINACE SHEET METAL FABRICATIONS Hanging Cutters: Fabricate to cross-section to match existing complete with end pieces, outlet tubes, and other accessories as required. Fabricate in minimum 96-inch- long sections. Furnish flat-stock gutter spacers and gutter brackets fabricated from same metal as gutters/ of size recommended by SMACNA but not less than twice the gufter thickness. Fabricate expansion joints, expansion-joint covers, gutter bead reinforcing bars and gutter accessories frorn same metal as gutters. 1. Accessories: Wire ball downspout strainer. 2. Fabricate from the following material: a. Prepainted, Metallic-Coated Steel: 0.0336 inch thick. Downspouts: Fabricate rectangular downspouts complete with mitered elbows. Furnish with metal hangers, from same material as downspouts, and anchors. 1. Fabricate downspouts from the following material: a. Prepainted, Metallic-Coated Steel: O.O217 inchthick. LOW-SLOPE ROOF SHEET METAL FABRICATIONS Copings: Fabricate in minimum 96-inch- long but not exceeding 10-foot- long, sections. Fabricate joint plates of same thickness as copinp. Furnish with continuous cleats to support edge of e)fternal leg and drill elongated holes for fasteners on interior leg. Miter corners, seal and solder or weld wateftight. 1. Fabricate copings from the following material: SHEET METAL FLASHINC AND TRIM 07620 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cvm nastics Faciliw May 2004 Vail, Colorado a. Prepainted, Metallic-Coated Steel: 0.0396 inch thick. B. Base Flashing: Fabricate from the following material: 1. Aluminum: 0.040 inch thick. C. Counterflashing and Flashing Receivers: Fabricate from the following material: 1. Aluminum: 0.0320 inch thick. D. Roof-Penetration Flashing: Fabricate from the following material: 1. Lead: 4.0 lb/sq. ft., hard tempered. E. Roof-Drain Flashing: Fabricate from the following material: 1. Lead: 4.0 lb/sq. ft., hard tempered 2.7 STEEP-SLOPE ROOF SHEET METAT FABRICATIONS A. Apron, Step, Cricket, and Backer Flashing: Fabricate from the following material: 1. Aluminum: 0.0320 inch thick. B. Valley Flashing: Fabricate from the following material: 1. Aluminum: 0.0320 inch thick. C. Drip Edges: Fabricate from the following material: 1. Aluminum: 0.0320 inch thick. D. Eave, Rake, Ridge, and Hip Flashing: Fabricate from the following material: 1. Prepainted, Metallic-Coated Steel: O.O217 inch thick. 2.8 WALL SHEET METAL FABRICATIONS A. Openings Flashing in Frame Construction: Fabricate head, sill, jamb and similar flashings to extend 4 inches beyond wall openings. Form head and sill flashing with 2-inch- high-end dams. Fabricate from the following material: 1. Aluminum: 0.0320 inch thick. I I I I I I I I t I t t I I I I I I ISHEET METAL FLASHINC AND TRIM 07620 - 4 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 PART 3 - EXECUTION H. 1. B. D. F. 3.1 t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 2. U Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado INSTALLATION, CENERAL Ceneral: Anchor sheet metal flashing and trim and other components of the Work securely in place, with provisions for thermal and structural movement. Use fasteners, solder, welding rods, protective coatings, separators, sealants, and other miscellaneous items as reguired to complete sheet metal flashing and trim system. 1 . Torch cutting of sheet metal flashing and trim is not permitted. Metal Protection: Where dissimilar metals will contact each other or corrosive substrates, Protect against galvanic action by painting contact surfaces with bituminous coating or by. other permanent separation as recommended by fabricator or manufacturers of dissimilar metals. Install exposed sheet metal flashing and trim without excessive oil canning, buckling, and tool marks. Install sheet metal flashing and trinr true to line and levels indicated. Provide uniform, neat seams with minimum exposure of solder, welds and elastomeric sealant. Install sheet metal flashing and trim to fit substrates and to result in watertight performance. Verifi shapes and dimensions of surfaces to be covered before fabricating sheet metal. '1 . Space cleats not more than 12 inches apart. Anchor each cleat with two fasteners, Bend tabs over fasteners. Expansion Provisions: Provide for thermal expansion of exposed flashing and trim. Space movement joints at a maximum of 10 feet with no joints allowed within 24 inches of corner or intersection. Where lapped or bayonet-type expansion provisions cannot be used or would not be sufficiently watertight, form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than 1 inch deep, filled with elastomeric sealant concealed within ioints. Fasteners: Use fasteners of sizes that will penetrate substrate not less than 1-1/4 inches for .nails and not less than 314 inch for wood screws. 1. Galvanized or Prepainted, Metallic-Coated Steel: Use stainless-steel fasteners. 2. Aluminum: Use aluminum or stainless steel fasteners. Seal joins with elastomeric sealant as reguired for watertight construction. Soldered Joints: Clean surfaces to be soldered, removing oils and foreign matter. Pretin edges of sheets to be soldered to a width of 1-1/2 inches except where pretinned surface would show in finished Work. Do not solder prepainted, metallic-coated steel and aluminum sheet. Pre-tinning is not required for lead. SHEET METAL FLASHINC AND TRIM 07620 - 5 Fritzlen Pierce nrchiteJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I B. B. D. E. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 3.2 3.3 A. ROOF DRAINACE SYSTEM INSTALLATION Ceneral: Install sheet metal roof drainage items to produce complete roof drainage system according to SMACNA recommendations and as indicated. Coordinate installation of roof perimeter flashing with installation of roof drainage system. Hanging Cutters: .foin sections with riveted and soldered joints or with lapped joints sealed with elastomeric sealant. Provide for thermal expansion. Attach gutten at eave or fascia to firmly anchored gutter brackets spaced not more than 36 inches apart. Provide end closures and seal watertight with sealant. Slope to downspouts. 1. lnstall gutter with expansion joints at locations indicated but not exceeding 50 feet apart. Install expansion joint caps. Downspouts: Join sections with 1-1l2-inch telescoping joints. Provide fasteners designed to hold downspouts securely 1 inch away from walls; locate fasteners at top and bottom and at approximately 60 inches o.c. in between. ROOF FLASHINC INSTALLATION Ceneral: lnstall sheet metal roof flashing and trim to comply with performance requirements and SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual." Provide concealed fasteners where possible, set units true to line, and level as indicated. Install work with laps, joints, and seams that will be permanently watertight. Roof Edge Flashing: Anchor to resist uplift and outward forces according to recommendations in FMC Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-49. 1. Interlock bottom edge of roof edge flashing with continuous cleats anchored to substrate at 16-inch centers. Copings: Anchor to resist uplift and outward forces according to recommendations in FMG Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-49. 1. lnterlock exterior bottom edge of coping with continuous cleats anchored to substrate at 16-inch centers. 2. Anchor interior leg of coping with screw fasteners and washers at 18-inch centers. Counterflashing: Coordinate installation of counterflashing with installation of base flashing. Insert counterflashing in reglets or receivers and fit tightly to base flashing. Secure in a waterproof manner. Extend counterflashing 4 inches over base flashing. Lap counterflashing joints a minimum of 4 inches and bed with elastomeric sealant. Roof-Penetration Flashing: Coordinate installation of roof-penetration flashing with installation of rooflng and other items penetrating roof. lnstall flashing as follows: 1. Turn lead flashing down inside vent piping being careful not to block vent piping with flashing. SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 07624 - 6 I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I t I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 O VailcymnasticsFacility May 20O4 Vail, Colorado 2. Seal with elastomeric sealant and clamp flashing to pipes penetrating roof except for lead flashing on vent piping. 3.4 WALL FLASHINC INSTALLATION A. Ceneral: lnstall sheet metal wall flashing to intercept and exclude penetrating moisture according to SMACNA recommendations and as indicated. Coordinate installation of wall flashing with installation of wall-opening components such as windows, doors, and louvers. B. Openings Flashing in Frame Construction: Install continuous head, sill, jamb, and similar flashings to extend 4 inches beyond wall openings. END OF SECTION 07620 SHEET METAL FLASHINC AND TRIM 07620 - 7 I i:f'il,:,T:Architects o I ;:H'".J,',10-JOINTSEALANTS I I O VailCymnasticsFacility May2ffi4 Vail, Colorado I PARrl-.ENEML I 1.1 suMMARy I A. This Section includes joint sealants for the following applications, including those specified I by reference to this Section: 1 . Exterior joints in vertical surfaces and horizontal non-traffic surfaces. 2. Interior joints in vertical surfaces and horizontal non-traffic surfaces. 3. Interior joints in horizontal traffic surfaces. r 1.2 PERFORMANCE REQUTREMENTS I A. Provide elastomeric joint sealants that establish and maintain watertight and airtightI continuous joint seals without staining or deteriorating joint substrates. I r.3 wARMNTY I A. Special Installe/s Warranty: Installer's standard form in which lnstaller agrees to repair or t replace elastomeric joint sealants that do not comply with performance and other requirements specified in this Section within specified warranty period. 1. Warranty Period: Two years from date of Substantial Completion. I PART2-PRoDUC's I 2.'t MANUFACTuRERS A. Avaihble Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be I incorporated into the woik include, but are not limited to, producl listed in other Part 2r articles. I 2.2 MATERTAL'. GENERAL I A. Compatibility: Provide joint sealants, backings, and other related materials that are f compatible with one another and with joint substrates under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by sealant manufacturer, based on testing and field I experience. B. Colors of Exposed Joint Sealants: fu selected b;z Architect from manufacturer/s full range. I I JorNr sEArANrs o7s2o - 1 Vail, Colorado 970-476:6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 2.3 ELASTOMERICJOINTSEALANTS A. Elastomeric Sealants: Comply with ASTM C 920 and other requirements indicated for each liquid-applied chemically curing sealant specified, including those referencing ASTM C 920 classifications for type, grade, class, and uses related to exposure and ioint substrates. B. Stain-Test-Response Characteristics: Where elastomeric sealants are specified to be nonstaining to porous substrates, provide products that have undergone testing according to ASTM C 1248 and have not stained porous joint substrates indicated for Project. C. Suitability for Contact with Food: Where elastomeric sealants are indicated for joints that will come in repeated contact with food, provide products that comply with 21 CFR 177.2600. D. Single-ComponentNeutral-CuringSiliconeSealant: 1. Available Products: a. Dow Corning Corporation; 790. b. GE Silicones; SilPruf LM SCS2700. c. Tremcol Spectrem 1 (Basic). d. CE Silicones; SilPruf SCS2000. e. Pecora Corporation; 864. f. Pecora Corporation; 890. g. Polymeric Systems lnc.; PSI-641. h. Sonneborn, Division of ChemRex Inc.; Omniseal. i. Tremco; Spectrem 3.j. or equivalent 2. Type and Crade: S (single component) and NS (nonsag). 3. Class: 100/50. 4. Use Related to Exposure: NT (nontraffic). 5. Uses Related to Joint Substrates: M,'C, A, and/ as applicable to joint substrates indicated, O. 6. Stain-Test-Response Characteristics: Nonstaining to porous substrates per ASTM C 1248. 2.4 A. B. LATEXJOINT SEALANTS Latex Sealant: Comply with ASTM C 834, Type O P, Crade NF. Available Products: Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ 't. 2. 3. 4. 5. I I I T I I T I t I I I I I I I I I I Bostik Findley; Chem-Calk 600. Pecora Corporation; AC-20+. Schnee-Morehead, lnc.; SM 8200. Sonneborn, Division of ChemRex lnc.; Sonolac. Tremco; Tremflex 834. JOINT SEALANTS 07920 - 2 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.5 A. 2.6 A. B. 3.1 t I I I I I I I t t I I I I t I I I I O VailCymnastics Facility May 2AO4 Vail. Colorado 6. or equivalent JOINT-SEALANT BACKING Ceneral: Provide sealant backings of material and type that are nonstaining; are compatible with joint substrates, sealants, primers, and other joint fillers; and are approved for applications indicated by sealant manufacturer based on field experience and laboratory testing. Cylindrical Sealant Backings: ASTMC1330, TypeC (closed-cell material with a surface skin) B (bicellular material with a surface skin) or any of the preceding types, as approved in writing by joint-sealant manufacturer for joint application indicated, and of size and density to control sealant depth and otherwise contribute to producing optimum sealant pefformance: Bond-Breaker Tape: Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape recommended by sealant manufacturer for preventing sealant from adhering to rigid, inflexible joint-filler materials or joint surfaces at back of joint where such adhesion would result in sealant failure. Provide self-adhesive tape where applicable. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Primer: Material recommended by joint-sealant manufacturer where required for adhesion of sealant to joint substrates indicated, as determined from preconstruction joint-sealant- substrate tests and field tests. Cleaners for Nonporous Surfaces: Chemical cleaners acceptable to manufacturers of sealants and sealant backing materials, free of oily residues or other substances capable of staining or harming joint substrates and adjacent nonporous surfaces in any way, and formulated to promote optimum adhesion of sealants to joint substrates. Masking Tape: Nonstaining nonabsorbent material compatible with joint sealants and surfaces adjacent to joints. PART 3 - EXECUTION PREPAMTION Surface Cleaning of Joints: Clean out joints immediately before installing joint sealants. 1. Remove all foreign material from joint substrates that could interfere with adhesion of joint sealant. a. Clean porous joint substrate surfaces by brushing grinding blast cleaning mechanical abrading or a combination of these methods to produce a clean, JOINT SEALANTS 07920 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 I I I I I I t I I I I t I I t I I I I 2. B. D. 3.2 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado sound substrate capable of developing optimum bond with joint sealants. Remove loose particles remaining after cleaning operations above by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oil-free compressed air. Remove laitance and form-release agents from concrete. a. Clean nonporous surfaces with chemical cleaners or other means that do-not stain, harm substrates, or leave residues capable of interfering with adhesion of joint sealants. B. Joint Priming: Prime joint substrates, where recommended in writing by joint-sealant manufacturer, based on preconstruction joint-sealant-substrate tests or prior experience. Apply primer to comply with joint-sealant manufacturer's written instructions. Confine primers to areas of joint-sealant bond; do not allow spillage or migration onto adjoining su rfaces. C. Masking Tape: Use masking tape where required to prevent contact of sealant with adjoining surfaces that otherwise would be permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning methods required to remove sealant smears. Remove tape immediately after tooling without disturbing joint seal. E. INSTALLATION Sealant Installation Standard: Comply with recommendations in ASTM C'l 193 for use of joint sealants as applicable to materials, applications, and conditions indicatec. Install sealant backings of type indicated to support sealants during application and at position required to produce cross-sectional shapes and depths of installed sealants relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. 1. Do not leave gaps between ends ofsealant backings. 2. Do not stretch, twist, puncture or tear sealant backings. 3. Remove absorbent sealant backings that have become wet before sealant application and replace them with dry materials. Install bond-breaker tape behind sealants where sealant backings are not used between sealants and backs of joints. Install sealants using proven techniques that comply with the following and at the same time backings are installed: 1 . Place sealants so they direaly contact and fully wet joint substrates. 2. Completely fill recesses in each joint configuration. 3. Produce uniform, cross-sectional shapes and depths relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. Tooling of Nonsag Sealants: lmmediately after sealant application and before skinning or curing begins, tool sealants according to requirements specified below to form smooth, JOINT SEALANTS 07920 - 4 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail, Colorado uniform beads of configuration indicated; to eliminate air pockets; and to ensure contact and adhesion of sealant with sides of joint. 1 . Remove excess sealant from surfaces adjacent to joints. 2. Use tooling agents that are approved in writing by sealant manufacturer and that do not discolor sealanB or adjacent surfaces. 3. Provide concave joint configuration per Figure 54 in ASTM C 1 193, unless otherwise indicated. F. Clean off excess sealant or sealant smears adjacent to joinb as the Work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials approved in writing by manufacturers of joint sealants and of products in which joinb occur. END OF StCilON 07920 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 - 5 1.1 2."1 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 SECTION 08111 . STANDARD STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado PART 1 . CENEML 1.2 A. B. 1.3 A. B. SUMMARY This Section includes standard hollow-metal steel doors and frames. All exterior and interior doors are scheduled to be metal doors and frames. SUBMIITALS Product Data: Include construction details, material descriptions, core descriptions, label compliance, fire-resistance rating and finish for each type of steel door and frame specified. Shop Drawings: Provide a schedule of standard steel doors and frames using same reference numbers for details and openings as those on Drawings. DELIVERY, STOMCE, AND HANDLINC Deliver doors and frames palletized, wrapped or crated to provide protection during transit and Project-site storate. Do not use non-vented plastic. Deliver welded frames with two removable spreader bars across bottom of frames, tack welded to jambs and mullions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with reguirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Amweld Building Products, LLC. 2, Benchmark Doors; a division of Ceneral Products Co., Inc. 3. Ceco Door Products; an ASSA ABLOY Croup Company.4. CURRIES Company; an ASSA ABLOY Croup Company. 5. Deansteel Manufacturing Inc. 6. Fleming Door Products Ltd.; an ASSA ABLOY Croup Company.7. Kewanee Corporation (The). 8. Mesker Door Inc. 9. Pioneer Industries, Inc. 10. Republic Builders Products Company. STANDARD STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08111 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Architect0 Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 11. Steelcraft; an lngersoll-Rand Company. 12. or equivalent 2.2 MATERIALS A. Cold-RolledSteel Sheet: ASTMA1O08/A'lOOSM,Commercial Steel (CS),TypeB;suitable for exposed applications. B. Hot-Rolled Steel Sheet: ASTMA'lO11lA 101 1M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B; free of scale, pitting or surface defects; pickled and oiled. C. Metallic-Coated Steel Sheet: ASTM A 653/4 653M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B; with minimum 440 zinc-iron-alloy (galvannealed) coating designation. D. Electrolytic Zinc-Coated Steel Sheet: ASTM A S91lAS91M, Commercial Steel (CS), Class B coating; mill phosphatized. E. Supports and Anchors: After fabricating galvanize units to according to ASTM A 153/A 153M, Class B. F. Inserts, Bolts, and Fasteners: Provide items to be built into exterior walls, hot-dip galvanized according to ASTM A 153/A 153M. G. Powder-Actuated Fasteners in Concrete: Fastener system of type suitable for application indicated, fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, with clips or other accessory devices for attaching standard steel door frames of type indicated. H. Mineral-Fiber Insulation: ASTM C 665, Type | (blankets without membrane facing); consisting of fibers manufactured from slag or rock wool with 6- to 12-lblcu. ft- density; with maximum flame-spread and smoke-developed indexes of 25 and 50 respectively; passing ASTM E 136 for combustion characteristics l. Clazing:-'Comply with requirements in Division B Section "Glazing." 2.3 STANDARD STEEL DOORS A. General: Provide doors of design indicated, not less than thickness indicated; fabricated with smooth surfaces, without visible joints or seams on exposed faces. Comply with ANSt4250.B. '1 . Core Construction: Manufacturer's standard kraft-paper honeycomb, polystyrene, polyurethane, mineral-board or vertical steel-stiffener core that produces doors complying with ANSI A250.8. 2. Vertical Edges for Single-Acting Doors: Beveled edge. a. Beveled Edge: 1/8 inch in 2 inches. I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado be built into exterior walls STANDARD STEEL DOORS AND FMMES 08111 - 2 I I I t I I I I T t I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architecs Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 3. Top and Bottom Edges: Closed with flush or inverted 0.042-inch- thick end closures or channels of same material as face sheets. B. Exterior Doors: Face sheets fabricated from metallic-coated steel sheet. Provide doors complying with requirements indicated below by referencing ANSI 4250.8 for level and model and ANSI A250.4 for physical-endurance level: 1. Level 3 and Physical Performance Level A (Extra Heavy Duty), Model 1 (Full Flush) or Model 3 (Stile and Rail) as indicated on drawings. 2.4 STANDARD STEEL FMMES A. Ceneral: Comply with ANSI 4250.8 and with details indicated for type and profile. B. Exterior Frames: Fabricated from metallic-coated steel sheet. 1. Fabricate frames with mitered or coped and welded face cornersand seamless face joints. 2. Frames for Level 3 Steel Doors: 0.067-inch- thick steel sheet. C. Interior Frames: Fabricated from cold-rolled steel sheet, unless otherwise indicated to comply with exterior frame requirements. 1. Fabricate frames with mitered or coped and welded face corners and seamless face joints. 2. Frames for Wood Doors: 0.067-inch- thick steel sheet. D. Supports and Anchors: Fabricated from electrolytic zinc-coated or metallic-coated steel sheet. E. Jamb Anchors: Masonry, stud-wall, compression or postinstalled expansion type; not less than 0.042 inch thick. F. Floor Anchors: Formed from same material as frames. not less than 0.042 inch thick. 2.5 STOPS AND MOLDINCS A. Moldings for Clazed Lites in Doors: Minimum 0.032 inch thick, fabricated from same material as door face sheet in which they are installed. B. Fixed Frame Moldings: Formed integral with standard steel frames, minimum 5/8 inch high, unless otherwise indicated. C. Loose Stops for Clazed Lites in Frames: Minimum 0.032 inch thick, fabricated from same material as frames in which they are installed. . STANDARD STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08111 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ Vail, Colorado 974-476-6342 2.6 FABRICATION A. Ceneral: Fabricate standard steel doors and frames to be rigid and free of defects, warp or buckle. Accurately form metal to required sizes and profiles, with minimum radius for thickness of metal. Where practical, fit and assemble units in manufacture/s plant. To ensure proper assembly at Pro.ject site, clearly identifo work that cannot be permanently factory assembled before shipment. B. Standard Steel Doors: 1. Exterior Doors: Provide weep-hole openings in bottom of exterior doon to permit moisture to escape. Seal joints in top edges of doors against water penetration. 2. Clazed Lites: Factory cut openings in doors. C. Standard Steel Frames: Where frames are fabricated in sections due to shipping or handling limitations, provide alignment plates or angles at each joint, fabricated of same thicknesi metal as frames. 1. Welded Frames: Weld flush face joints continuously; grind, fill, dress and make smooth, flush and invisible. 2. Sidelight Frames: Provide closed tubular members with no visible face seams or joints; fabricated from same material as door frame. Fasten members at crossings and to jambs by butt welding.3. Provide countersunk, flat- or oval-head exposed screws fasteners, unless otherwise indicated. 4. Floor Anchors: Weld anchors to bottom of jambo and mullions with at least four spot welds per anchor. 5. Jamb Anchors: Locate anchors not more than 18 inches from top and bottom of frame. Space anchors not more than 32 inches o.c. 6. Door Silencers: Except on weather-stripped doors, drill stops to receive door silencers as follows. Provide plastic plugs to keep holes clear during construction. D. Hardware Preparation: Factory prepare standard steel doors and frames to receive templated mortised hardware; include cutouts, reinforcement, mortising, drilling and tapping according to the Door Hardware Schedule and templates furnished as specified in Division I Section "Door Hardware." 1. Comply with applicable requirements in ANSI 4250.6 and ANS/DHI A,1 15Series specifications for door and frame preparation for hardware. Locate hardware as indicated on Shop Drawings or, if not indicated, according to ANSI 4250.8. E. Stops and Moldings: Provide stop and moldings around glazed lites where indicated. Form corners of stops and moldinp with butted or mitered hairline joints. 1. Provide fixed stops and moldings welded on secure side of door or frame. 2. Provide loose stops and moldings on inside of doors and frames. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado and bolts for exposed STANDARD STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08111-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3.1 A. B. D. E. F. O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 2.7 FINISHES A. Steel Finish: Factory priming for field-painted finish. 1. Shop Primer: Manufacturerrs standard, fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free primer complying with ANSI A250.10 acceptance criteria. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION Remove welded-in shipping spreaders installed at factory. Provide doors and frames of sizes, thicknesses and designs indicated. Install standard steel doors and frames plumb, rigid, properly aligned and securely fastened in place; comply with Drawings and manufacturer's written instructions. Standard Steel Frames: Install standard steel frames for doors, sidelighs, borrowed lights and other openings, of size and profile indicated. Comply with SDI l O5. 1. Set frames accurately in position; plumbed, aligned and braced securely until permanent anchors are set. After wall construction is complete, remove temporary braces, leaving surfaces smobth and undamaged. a. At fire-protection-rated openings, install frames according to NFPA 80. Standard Steel Doors: Fit hollow-metal doors accurately in frames. Shim as necessary. Clazing: Comply with installation requirements in Division 8 Section "Clazing" and with standard steel door and frame manufacturer's written instructions. Final Adjustments: Check and readjust operating hardware items immediately before final inspection. Leave work in complete and proper operating condition. Remove and replace defective work, including standard steel doors or frames that are warped, bowed, or otherwise unacceptable. Prime-Coat Touchup: lmmediately after erection, sand smooth rusted or damaged areas of prime coat and apply touchup of compatible air-drying primer. END OF SEC'IION 08111 STANDARD STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08111 - 5 I Fritzlen pierce ArchitectsI N?'i;:;#iii Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I I SECTION 08s20 - ALUMTNUM WTNDOWS I PARTI -cENERALr 1.1 SUMMARY I A. This Section includes aluminum storefront exterior windows and doors. Refer to Window schedule and elevations for types and sizes. I 1,2 SUBMITTALS I A. Product Data: For each type of aluminum window indicated.I B. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, hardware, attachmenb to other Work, and operational clearances. 1. lnclude structural analysis data indicating structural test pressures and design pressures from basic wind speeds indicated and deflection limitations of glass framing q6tems, signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. r C. Samples: For each exposed finish. I D. Maintenance data. 1.3 QUALTTYASSUMNCE I A. Installer: A qualified installer, approved by manufacturer to install manufacturer's r Products' r B. Mockups: 1. Provide mock up of window for approval. -1.4 WARMNry r A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to I repair or replace aluminum windows that fail in materials and workmanship within I two years from date of Substantial Completion. B. Warranty Period for Metal Finishes: 10 years from date of Substantial Completion. ' C. Warranty Period for Class: 10 years from date of Substantial Completion. I I ALUMINUMWTNDoWS I 08520 - 1 O ects I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Fritzlen Pierce Archit Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.3 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 2.2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2,1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: B. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. Kawneer Company, lnc. GTAZINC Glass and Clazing Materials: Refer to Division B Section "Clazin$' for glass units and glazing requirements applicable to glazed duminum window units, Class: Low E, Insulating INSECT SCREENS General: Design windows and hardware to accommodate screens in a tight-fitting, removable arrangement, with a minimum of exposed fasteners and latches. Locate screens on outside of window and provide for each operable exterior sash or ventilator. FABRICATION Ceneral: Fabricate aluminum windows, in sizes indicated, that comply with requirements and that meet or exceed AAMA/NWWDA101il.S.2 performance requirements for the following window type and performance class. Include a complete system for assembling components and anchoring windows. Fabricate aluminum windows that are reglazable without dismantling sash or ventilator framing. Weather Stripping: Provide full-perimeter weather stripping for each operable sash and ventilator. Weep Holes: Provide weep holes and internal passages to conduct infiltrating water to exterior. E. Provide water-shed members above side-hinged ventilators and similar lines of natural water penetration. F. Mullions: Provide mullions and cover plates as shown, matching window units, complete with anchors for support to structure and installation of window uniB. 2.4 B. C. D. I tALUMINIMWINDOWS08s20 -2 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 97G475-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Allow for erection tolerances and provide for movement of window units due to thermal expansion and building deflections, as indicated. Provide mullions and cover plates capable of withstanding design loads of window units. C. Subframes: Provide subframes with anchors for window units as shown, of profile and dimensions indicated but not less than 0.062-inch thick extruded aluminum. Miter or coPe corners, and weld and dress smooth with concealed mechanical joint fasteners. Finish to match window units. Provide subframes capable of withstanding design loads of window units. H. Clazing Stops: Provide snap-on glazing stops coordinated with Division 8 Section "Clazin$' and glazing slatem indicated. Provide glazing stops to match sash and ventilator frames. 2.5 FINISHES Exposed Finishes -Clear Anodized Finish, Alumi n um fu sociation Designation # 1 4 Clear AA -M1 2C22A41 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. lnstall windows level, plumb, square, true to line, without distortion or impeding thermal movement, anchored securely in place to structural supportr and in proper relation to wall flashing and other adjacent construction. B. Set sill members in bed of sealant or with gaskets, as indicated, for weathertight construction. C. Install windows and components to drain condensation, water penetrating joinb,.., and moisture migrating within windows to the exterior. D. Metal Protection: Separate aluminum and other corrodible surfaces from sources of corrosion or electrolytic action at points of contact with other materials by complying with requirements specified in "Dissimilar Materials" Paragraph in Appendix B in MMA/NWWDA 101/1.S.2. E. Adjust operating sashes and ventilators, screens, and hardware for a tight fit at contact points and weather stripping for smooth operation and weathertight closure. Lubricate hardware and moving parts. F. Protect window surfaces from contact with contaminating substances resulting from construction operations. In addition, monitor window surfaces adjacent to and below exterior concrete and masonry surfaces during construction for ALI.JMINT.]M WINDOWS 08520 - 3 I itects I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May2004 Vail, Colorado presence of dirt, scum, alkaline deposits, stains, or other contaminanb. lf contaminating substances do contact window surfaces, remove contaminants immediately accord ing to man ufacture/s wriften recom mendations. C. Clean aluminum surfaces immediately after installing windows. Avoid damaging protective coatings and finishes- Remove excess sealants, glazing materials, dirt, and other substances. H. Clean factory-glazed glass immediately after installing windows. Comply with manufacturer's written recommendations for final cleaning and maintenance. Remove nonpermanent labels and clean surfaces. L Remove and replace glass that has been broken, chipped, cracked, abraded, or damaged during construction period. t. END OF SECTION OB52O ALUMINI.]MWINDOWS 08520 - 4 o Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility I I Vail, Colorado May 2004 970-476-6342 Yail, Colorado I sECTroN 08211 - DooR HARDWARE I PARrl -cENEML I 1.1 suMMARY r A. This Section includes the following: r 1. Commercial door hardware. I 2. Cylinders for doors specified in other Sections.r 3. Alt door hardware must accept a (7) pin Best Lock core as manufactured by I Best Lock in compliance with Town of Vail standards. 1.2 SIJBMTTTALSIr A. Product Data: For each product indicated. I B. Hardware Schedule: Provide Hardware Schedule based on Door Swings and Types indicated on the drawings. I C. Samples: For each exposed finish. I D. Door Hardware Schedule: Organized into door hardware sets indicating type, t style, function, size, label, hand, manufacturer, fasteners, location, and finish of each door hardware item. Include description of each electrified door hardware I function, including sequence of operation. E. Keying Schedule: Detail Owne/s final keying instructions for locks. t 1.3 QUALTTY ASSURANCE I A. Supplier Qualifications: Person who is or employs a qualified DHI Architectural Hardware Consultant. I B. Keying Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. Incorporate keying conference decisions into final keying schedule. r C. Keys; Deliver keys to Owner by registered mail. I I DooR HARDWARE 08711 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Gymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 2004 970-476-6342 Yail, Colorado D. Templates: Obtain and distribute templates for doors, frames, and other work specified to be factory prepared for installing door hardware. E, Standards: Comply with BHMA A155 series standards, Crade 1. F. Certified Products: Provide door hardware that is listed in BHMA directorv of certified products. 1,4 WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of door hardware that fail in materials or workmanship within warranty period. '1. Warranty Period for Manual Closers: 10 years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the product named for each door hardware item indicated in Door Hardware Sets. 2.2 DOOR HARDWARE A. Exterior Doors: Stainless Steel 12" pulls each door. Provide deadbolt to lock. B. Interior Doors; Lever Handles w/ integrated lock, brushed aluminum finish C. Bathroom Doors: Stainless Steel Push Cuards Only 2.3 PIVOTS AND HINGES A. Manufacturers: 1. Hinges: a. Baldwin Hardware Corporation (BH). b. Bommer Industries, Inc. (Bl)- DOOR HARDWARE I I I I T I I I I I I I I I T I I I I0871', -2 o Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Gymnastics Facility I Vail, Cotorado May 2004 970-476-6342 Vatl, Colorado I c. Cal-RoyalProducts, lnc. (CRp). I d. Hager Companies (HAC). I ;' []'*1"'i?:,lTJ[::J;:1, Div. or ESSEX Industries, Inc. (MCK). | f,. ffi:1,:1ffi:oration; Div' of Fanar' sA(MH)' i. Sargent Manufacturing Company; Div. of ESSEX Industries. Inc. (SCT). t i. Stanley Commercial Hardware; Div. of The Stanley Works (STH). k. or equivalent I B. General: Except for hinges and pivots to be installed entirely (both leaves) into wood doors and frames, provide only template-produced units. I C. Hinge Base Metal: Unless otherwise indicated, provide the following: I Exterior Hinges: Stainless steel, with stainless-steel pin.r 2. lnterior Hinges: Brass, with stainless-steel pin body and brass protruding I heads. r D. Nonremovable Pins: Provide set screw in hinge barrel that prevents removal of I pin while door is closed; for out swinging exterior doors. || E. Screws: Phillips flat-head screws; screw heads finished to match surface of I hinges. r 1. Metal Doors and Frames: Machine screws (drilled and tapped holes). I 2. Wood Doors and Frames: Wood screws. I 2.4 MECHANTCAL LOCKS AND TATCHES A. Manufacturers:II 1. Accurate Lock and Hardware Co. (ALH). I 2. Adams Rite Manufacturing Co. (ARM). I 3. Architectural Builders Hardware Mfg., Inc. (ABH). , 4. Arrow Architectural Hardware; Div. of ESSEX lndustries, Inc. (AAH). I s. Best Lock Corporation (BLC). 6. Brink, R. R. Locking Systems, Inc. (RRB). I I DOORHARDWARE 08711 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Gymnastics Facility I ,l I I I T I I I t T I I T I T I I I B. C. D. Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 May 2004 Vail, Colorado 7. Cal-Royal Products,Inc. (CRP). 8. Corbin Russwin Architectural Hardware; Div. of Yale Security lnc. (CR). 9. Door Controls lnternational (DCl). 10. Folger Adam Security lnc. (FAS). 11. Clynn-Johnson; an Ingersoll-Rand Company (CJ). 12. Hager Companies (HAC). 13. lves, H. B. (lVS). 14. Lockwood Architectural Hardware; Div. of Lloyd Matheson lnc. (LAH). 1s. Marks USA (MKS). 16. McKinney Products Company; Div. of ESSEX Industries, Inc. (MCK). 17. Medeco High Security Locks, Inc. (MED). 18. NT Falcon Lock Co.; an Ingersoll-Rand Company (NTF). 19. PDQ Manufacturing Co. (PDQ). 20. Rockwood Manufacturing Company (RM). 21. Sargent Manufacturing Company; Div. of ESSEX Industries, Inc. (SCT). 22. Schlage Lock Company; an lngersoll-Rand Company (SCH). 23. Security Door Controls (SDC). 24. Simplex; Div. of UNICAN (SlM). 25. Southern Steel Co.; Div. of Phelps-Tointon lnc. (SS). 26. Triangle Brass Manufacturing Company, lnc. (TBM). 27. Weiser Lock; Div. of Maseo Building Products Corporation (WEl). 28. Yale Security lnc.; Div. of Williams HoldinBs (YAL). 29. or equivalent Bored Lockset Design: Dummy Trim: Match lever lock trim and escutcheons. Backset: 2-314 inches (70 mm), unless otherwise indicated. BOLTS Flush Bolts: BHMA Crade'1, designed for mortising into door edge. 1. Manufacturers: 2.5 A. DOOR HARDWARE 087',11 - 4 t I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteorO Vail Gymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 May 2004 Vail, Colorado I t t I t I I I a. Adams Rite Manufacturing Co. (ARM). b. Burns Manufacturing lncorporated (BM). Cal-Royal Products, Inc. (CRP). Door Controls International (DCl). Clynn-Johnson; an Ingersoll-Rand Company (CJ). Hager Companies (HAC). Hiawath4lnc. (HlA). lves, H. B. (lVS). NT Quality Hardware; an lngersoll-Rand Company (NTQ). Rixson-Firemark, lnc.; Div. of Yale Security lnc. (RlX). Rockwood Manufacturing Company (RM). Sargent Manufacturing Company; Div. of ESSEX Industries, Inc. (SGT). Triangle Brass Manufacturing Company, Inc. (TBM). or equivalent 2.6 EXIT DEVICES A. Manufacturers: 1. Adams Rite Manufacturing Co. (ARM). 2. American Device Manufacturing Company; Member of The DORMA Group (ADM). 3. Arrow Architectural Hardware; Div. of ESSEX Industries, lnc. (AAH). 4. Corbin Russwin Architectural Hardware; Div. of Yale Security lnc. (CR), 5. Door Controls International (DCl), 6. Dynalock Corp. (DLC). 7. Locknetics Security Engineering; a Harrow Company (LSE). B. NT Dor-O-Matic Hardware Div.; an lngersoll-Rand Company (NTD). 9. NT Monarch Hardware; an Ingersoll-Rand Company (NTM). 10. Precision Hardware, Inc. (PH). 11. Sargent Manufacturing Company; Div. of ESSEX Industries, Inc. (SGT). 12. Securitron Magnalock Corp. (SMC). 13. Von Duprin; an Ingersoll-Rand Company (VD). 14. Yale Security Inc.; Div. of Williams Holdings (YAL). 15. or equivalent DOOR HARDWARE 08711 - 5 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 2004 970-476-6342 Yail, Colorado B. Panic Exit Devices: Listed and labeled for panic protection, based on testing according to UL 305. 1. Dummy Push Bar: Nonfunctioning push bar matching functional push bar. 2. Outside Trim: Lever with cylinder; material, finish, and design to match locksets and latchsets, unless otherwise indicated. 3. Through Bolts: For exit devices and trim on metal doors. 2.7 OPEMTINC TRIM A. Push-Pull Design: As scheduled. 1. Manufacturers: a. Baldwin Hardware Corporation (BH). b. Burns Manufacturing lncorporated (BM). Don-fo Mfg., Inc. (DJO). Forms * Surfaces (FS). Hager Companies (HAC). HEWl,lnc. (HEW). Hiawath4 Inc. (HlA). lves, H. B. (lVS). NT Quality Hardware; an Ingersoll-Rand Company (NTQ). Rockwood Manufacturing Company (RM). Stanley Commercial Hardware; Div. of The Stanley Work (STH). Triangle Brass Manufacturing Company, Inc. (TBM). or equivalent 2.8 ACCESSORIES FOR PAIRS OF DOORS A. Coordinators: BHMA A155.3. 1. Manufacturers: a. Adams Rite Manufacturing Co. (ARM). b. Architectural Builders Hardware Mfg., lnc. (ABH). c. Arrow Architectural Hardware; Div. of ESSEX Industries, lnc. (AAH). t I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I IDOOR HARDWARE 08711 - 6 t I I I I ! t t I t t Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 2004 970-476-6342 Yail, Colorado d. Door Controls lnternational (DCt). e. Glynn-Johnson; an Ingersoll-Rand Company (GJ). f. Hager Companies (HAC). g. lves, H. B. (lVS). h. NT Monarch Hardware; an Ingersoll-Rand Company (NTM). i. Precision Hardware,Inc. (pH). j. Rockwood Manufacturing Company (RrVl). k. Triangle Brass Manufacturing Company, Inc. (TBM). l. or equivalent B. Carry-Open Bars: Provide carry-open bars for inactive leaves of pairs of doors, unless automatic or self-latching bolts are used. 2.9 CLOSERS A. Surface-MountedClosers: 1, Manufacturers: a. Arrow Architectural Hardware; Div. of ESSEX Industries, Inc. (AAH). b. Cal-Royal Products, Inc. (CRP). c. Corbin Russwin Architectural Hardware; Div. of Yale Securitv Inc. (cR)' d. DORMA Door Controls Inc.; Member of The DORMA Croup (DC). e. LCN Closers; an tngersoll-Rand Company (LCN). f. Norton Door Controls; Div. of Yale Security lnc. (NDC). g. Rixson-Firemark, Inc.; Div. of Yale Security lnc. (RlX)- h. Sargent Manufacturing Company; Div. of ESSEX lndustries, Inc. (SGT). i. Yale Security Inc.; Div. of Williams Holdings (YAL). j. or equivalent B. Size of Units: Factory-sized, adjustable to meet field conditions and requirements for opening force. I t t I I I t I DOOR HARDWARE 08711 - 7 o Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Gymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 2004 97A-476-6342 Yail, Colorado 2.1O STOPS AND HOLDERS A. Stops and Holders: Provide floor stops for doors, unless wall or other type stops are scheduled or indicated. Do not mount floor stops where they will impede traffic. Where floor or wall stops are not appropriate, provide overhead holders. 1. Manufacturers: Architectural Builders Hardware Mfg., Inc. (ABH). Baldwin Hardware Corporation (BH). Burns Manufacturing Incorporated (BM). Door Controls lnternational (DCl). DORTVIA Door Controls lnc.; Member of The DORMA Group (DC). Clyn n-Johnson; an Ingersoll-Rand Company (CJ ). Hager Companies (HAG). Hanchett Entry Systems, Inc. (HES). Hiawath4Inc. (HlA). lves, H. B. (lVS). LCN Closers; an lngersoll-Rand Company (LCN). Norton Door Controls; Div. of Yale Secur:ity lnc. (NDC). NT Dor-O-Matic Hardware Div.; an Ingersoll-Rand Company (NTD). NT Quality Hardware; an lngersoll-Rand Company (NTQ). Rixson-Firemark, Inc.; Div. of Yale Security Inc. (RlX). Rockwood Manufacturing Company (RM). Sargent Manufacturing Company; Div- of ESSEX Industries, Inc. (SGT). Triangle Brass Manufacturing Company, lnc. (TBM). Yale Security lnc.; Div. of Williams Holdings (YAL). or equivalent B. Silencers for Door Frames: Neoprene or rubber; fabricated for drilled-in application to frame. 2.1'I DOOR CASKETINC AND THRESHOLDS A. Door Casketing: Provide continuous weather-strip gasketing on exterior doors and provide smoke, light, or sound gasketing on interior doors where indicated or I I I I I I t I 1 I I I I t T t I t I P. q. r, s. t. DOOR HARDWARE 08711 - I o Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility I Vail, Colorado May 2004', 970-476-6342 Vail, Colorado I scheduled. Provide noncorrosive fasteners for exterior applications and I elsewhere as indicated. | 1. Manufacturers: a. Gasketing: I 1) Hager Companies (HAC).t :l ffi:1T:fiJ#Tl;ll:JT;'J, 4) Reese Enterprises,Inc. (RE). I 5) Sealeze Corporation (SEL). 6) Ultra Industries; a Macklanburg-Duncan Company (ULT). | 7') Zero International' Inc' (zRO)' B) or equivalent t b. Door Bottoms: I ) 1) Hager Companies (HAG). t 2') NationalCuard Products, Inc. (NCP). I ;l ::*1H,J:,illllil;1""(PEM) 5) Sealeze Corporation (SEL). | 6) Ultra Industries; a Macklanburg-Duncan Company (ULT). 7) Zero International, Inc. (ZRO). I 8) or equivalent - 2. Air leakage: Not to exceed 0.SO cfm per foot (O.OOO774 cu. m/s per m) of | il*+ilfiJl: gasketing other than for smoke control, as tested accordins I 3. Casketing Materials: Comply with ASTM D 2000 and AAMA 7OU7O2. B. Thresholds: Low-rise as complies with ADA I 1. Manufacturers: t , I ffil:'"#,ilT"5:?,nc(NGp) I c. NT Dor-O-Matic Hardware Div.; an lngersoll-Rand Company (NTD). r DOOR HARDWARE 0 E711 -s I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Gymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 20O4 970-476-6342 Vail, Colorado d. Pemko Manufacturing Co., Inc. (PEM). e. Reese Enterprises, lnc. (RE). f. Rixson-Firemark, lnc.; Div. of Yale Security Inc. (RlX). B. Ultra Industries; a Macklanburg-Duncan Company (ULT). h. Zero International, Inc. (ZRO). i. or equivalent 2.12 CYLINDERS, KEYINC, AND STRIKES A. Cylinders: Tumbler type, constructed from brass or bronze, stainless steel, or nickel silver. 1. Manufacturersl a. Best Lock Corporation (BLC). 2. Number of Pins; Seven. 3. High-Security Crade: BHMA Grade iA, listed and labeled as complying with UL 437 (Suffix Ai. 4. Permanent Cores: Manufacturer's standard to match existing; finish face to match lockseti cores to match existing. 5. Keying System: Match exisitng. B. Strikes; Manufacturer's standard strike with strike box for each latch or lock bolt, with curved lip extended to protect frame, finished to match door hardware set. 2.13 FABRICATION A. Base Metals: Furnish metals of a quality equal to or greater than that of specified door hardware units and BHMAA156.1B for finishes. Do not furnish manufacturer's standard materials if different from specified standard. B. Fasteners: Phillips flat-head screws with finished heads to match surface of door hardware, unless otherwise indicated. Provide steel machine or wood screws or steel through bolts for fire-rated applications. C. Spacers or Sex Bolts: For through bolting of hollow metal doors. D. Fasteners for Wood Doors: Comply with requirements of DHIWDHS.2, "Recommended Fasteners for Wood Doors." t I I I I r I I I I I I t I I t I I IDOOR HARDWARE o87',t1 - 10 c. D. t I I I I I I t 3.2 t I I I t I T I I I T o Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Gymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 2004 970-476-6342 Yail, Colorado E. Finishes: Comply with BHMAA156.18. PART 3. EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALTATION A. Examine doors and frames for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, labeled fire door assembly construction, wall and floor construction, and other conditions affecting performance. B. Steel Door and Frame Preparation: Comply with DHtA115 series. Drill and tap doors and frames for surface'applied hardware according to SDI 107. F. Wood Door Preparation: Comply with DHlA115-W series. Mounting Heights: Comply with the following requirements, unless otherwise indicated: 1. Standard Steel Doors and Frames: DHI's "Recommended Locations for Architectural Hardware for Staridard Steel Doors and Frames." 2. Wood Doors: DHI WDHS.3, "Recommended Locations for Architectural Hardware for Wood Flush Doors." Adjust and reinforce aftachment substrates as necessary for proper installation and operation. Drill and countersink units that are not factory prepared for anchorage fasteners. Space fasteners and anchors according to industry standards. 1. Thresholds: Set thresholds for exterior and acoustical doors in full bed of sealant complying with requirements specified in Division 7 Section 'Joint Sealants." Adjust door control devices to compensate for final operation of heating and ventilating equipment and to comply with accessibility requirements. 1. Door Ctosers: Adjust sweep period so that from an open position of 7O degrees, the door will take at least three seconds to move to a point 3 inches mm) from the latch, measured to the leading edge of the door. DOOR HARDWARE CROUPS DOOR HARDWARE 08711 - 11 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 2004 970-476-6342 Yail, Colorado A. Hardware Group A- Door No. 101 Hinges Panic Hardware Lockset (keyed to match existing) Flush Bolt Closer Threshold-ADA compliant Finishes to match existing B. Hardware Group B-Door Nos. 104. 108. 119 Hinges Panic Hardware Entry Lockset (keyed to match existing) Closer Silencers Floor or Wall Stops as required Threshold-ADA compliant Finishes to match existing Hardware Group C-Door No. 102 Hinges hnicHardwarc Classroom Lockset (eyed to match existing) Wallstops Flushbolt Finishes to match existing Hardware Group D-Door Nos. 'l 12, 1 1 3, 1 1 4 Hinges Entry Lockset (keyed to match existing) Closer Silencers Finishes to match existing E. Hardware Croup E-Door Nos. 1 15, 116, 1 1 7. 120 Hinges DOOR HARDWARE I I I I I I I t I t I I I t T t I I I D. 08711-12 I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 2004 970-476-6342 Yail, Colorado Corridor Lockset (keyed to match existing) Silencers Wallstop Finishes to match existing F. Hardware Croup F-Door Nos. 103, 105, 106, 109,118,201,204,205,208 Hinges Corridor Lockset (keyed to match existing) Silencers Floor or Wall stops as required Finishes to match existing t. Hardware Group C-Door Nos. 122, 202, 203 Hinges Entry Lockset (keyed to match existing) Closer Silencers Threshold-ADA compliant Finishes to match existing Hardware Group H-Door Nos. 121,215 Hinges Entry Lockset (keyed to match existing) Flushbolt Closer Threshold Finishes to match existing Hardware Group l-Door Nos. 110, 111 Hinges Push plate Pull Cylinder-keyed both sides Closer Silencers Floor Stop Finishes to match existing t I I I I I I t I I I H. I I I I DOOR HARDWARE oB71',l - 13 o Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cvmnastics Facilitv I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t. May2OO4 Vail, Colorado Hardware Croup l-Door No. 107 Pocket door hardware Cylinder-keyed both sides Finishes to match existing Hardware Crouo K-Door Nos. 205,207, 209,210,211 Hinges Privacy set Silencers Wallstop Finishes to match existing Hardware Group L-Door Nos.214,215 Hinges Passage set Wallstop Silencers Finishes to match existing M. Hardware Croup M-Door No.212 Shower door hardware END OF SECTION 08711 DOOR HARDWARE o87'l'l - 14 I }jf'e,e;erce Architects T ;:H:.;;1O-MRRORS O Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado I I PARTl-CENEML r 1.1 SUMMARY I A. This Section includes the following: I 1. Annealed monolithic glass mirrors for areas above vanities. f 1.2 QUALTTYASSUMNCE I A. Clazing Publications: Comply with CANA's "Clazing Manual" and CANA Mirror Division's'r "Mirrors, Handle with Extreme Care: Tips for the Professional on the Care and Handlingof Mirrors" unless more stringent requirements are indicated 1.3 DELIVERY, STORACE, AND HANDLINCI t A. Comply with mirror manufacturer's written instructions for shipping, storing and handling mirrors as needed to prevent deterioration of silvering, damage to edges, and abrasion of I ', Blass sutfaces and applied coatings. Store indoors, protected from moisture including t condensation. I t 1.4 WARRANry 11 A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form made out to Owner and signed by mirror,| rnanufacturer agreeing to replace mirrors that deteriorate, f.o.b. the nearest shipping point to Project site, within specified warranty period indicated in second subparagraph below. t- I 1. Deterioration of Miiiors: Defects developed from normal use that are attributable to the manufacturing process and not to causes other than glass breakage and practices I for maintaining and cleaning mirrors contrary to mirror manufacturer's written I instructions. DefecG include discoloration, black spots and clouding of the silver film.2. Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion. - PART2-PRODUCTS Ir 2.1 SILVERED FLAT GLASS MIRROR MATERIALS I A. Clear Class Mirrors: ASTM C 1503, Mirror Selea Quality.I 1. Nominal Thickness: 6.0 mm.I I MrRRoRs 08830 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Archite Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado t I t I I t I I I t I T I I t I I I I 2.2 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Setting Blocks: Elastomeric material with a Type A Shore durometer hardness of 85, plus or minus 5. B. Edge Sealer: Coating compatible with glass coating and approved by mirror manufacturer for use in protecting against silver deterioration at mirrored glass edges. C. Mirror Mastic: An adhesive setting compound, produced specifically for setting mirrors and certified by both mirror manufacturer 'and mastic manufacturer as compatible with glass coating and substrates on which mirrors will be installed. 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 2. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. Cunther Mirror Mastics. b. Palmer Products Corooration. c. or equivalent 2.3 A. MIRROR HARDWARE Top and Bottom Aluminum J-Channels: Aluminum extrusions with a return deep enough to produce a glazing channel to accommodate mirrors of thickness indicated and in lengths required to cover bottom and top edges of each mirror in a single piece. 1. Bottom Trim: J-channels formed with front leg and back leg not less than 3/8 and 718 inch in height, respectively, and a thickness of not less than 0.05 inch. 2. Top Trim: J-channels formed with front leg and back leg not less than 5/8 and 1 inch in height, respectively, and a thickness of not less than 0.062 inch. 3. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, producb that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Bottom Trim: 1) Laurence, C. R. Co., Inc.; CRL Standard 'J" Channel. 2) Sommer & Maca Industries, Inc.; Medium Gauge Aluminum Shallow Nose'J" Moulding Lower Bar. 3) Sommer & Maca Industries, Inc.; Heavy Gauge Aluminum Shallow Nose '1" Moulding Lower Bar. 4) or equivalent b, Top Trim: 1) Laurence, C. R. Co., Inc.; CRL Deep "J" Channel. MIRRORS 08830 - 2 t I t Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.4 A. B. C. I I I I I I T t I t I I I I I t B. 3.1 B. e VailGymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 2) Sommer & Maca Industries, Inc.; Medium Cauge Aluminum Deep Nose'f" Moulding Upper Bar. 3) Sommer & Maca Industries, lnc.; Heavy Cauge Aluminum Deep Nose',Ju Moulding Lower Bar. 4) or equivalent Fasteners: Fabricated of same basic metal and alloy as fastened metal and matching it in finished color and texture where fasteners are exposed. Anchors and Inserts: Provide devices as required for mirror hardware installation. Provide toothed or lead-shield expansion-bolt devices for drilled-in-place anchors. Provide galvanized anchors and inserts for applications on inside face of exterior walls and where indicated. FABRICATION Mirror Sizes: To suit Project conditions, cut mirrors to final sizes and shapes. Cutouts: Fabricate cutouts for notches and holes in mirrors without marring visible surfaces. Locate and size cutouts so they fit closely around penetrations in mirrors. Mirror Edge Treatment: Rounded polished edge. 1. Seal edges of mirrors after edge treatment to prevent chemical or atmospheric penetration of glass coating. 2. Reguire mirror manufacturer to perform edge treatment and sealing in factory immediately after cutting to final sizes. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION General: lnstall mirrors to comply with mirror manufacturer's written instructions and with referenced CANA publications. Mount mirrors accurately in place in a manner that avoids distorting reflected imager. Provide a minimum air space of 1/8 inch between back of mirrors and mounting surface for air circulation between back of mirrors and face of mounting surface. For wall-mounted mirrors, install with mastic and mirror hardware. 1. Attach mirror hardware securely to mounting surfaces with mechanical fasteners installed with anchors or inserts as applicable. lnstall fasteners so heads do not impose point loads on backs of mirors. 2. For mirror hardware in the form of continuous J-channels at boftom, provide setting blocks 1/8 inch thick by 4 inches long at quarter points. To prevent trapping water, 08830 - 3MIRRORS Fritzlen Pierce ArchirectJ Vail Gvmnastics Faciliw Vaif, Colorado May 2OO4 970-476-6342 Vail, Colorado provide, befween setting blocks, 2 slotted weeps not less than 114 inch wide by 3/8 inch long. 3. For mirror hardware in the form of a continuous J-channel at bottom and continuous top trim at top, fasten .f-channel directly to wall and attach top trim to continuous cleat fastened directly to wall. 4. Where indicated, install mirror hardware in the form of J-channels that are fabricated in single lengths to fit and cover top and bottom edges of mirrors. 5. Install mastic as follows: a. Apply barrier coat to mirror backing where approved in writing by manufacturers of mirrors and backing material. b. Apply mastic to comply with mastic manufacturer's written instructions for coverage and to allow air circulation between back of mirrors and face of mounting surface. c. After mastic is applied, align mirrors and press into place while maintaining a minimum air space of 1/B inch between back of mirrors and mounting surface. D. Protect mirrors from breakage and contaminating substances resulting from construction operations. E. Do not permit edges of mirrors to be exposed to standing water. F. Maintain environmental conditions that will prevent mirrors from being exposed to moisture from condensation or other sources for continuous periods of time. END OF SECTION 08830 T I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I IMIRRORS08830 - 4 I i:r'e,'i:#:Architects 97U476-6342 I sECnoN 09260 - cypsuM BoARD ASSEMBLTES I PARrl-.ENERAL | 1t ',MMARY t A. This Section includes the following: r 1. Interior gypsum wallboard. I PARr2-PRoDUCrs I 2.1 MANUFACT'RER' Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado T I A. ln other Part 2 articles where subparagraph titles below introduce lists, the following I requirements apply for product selection: 1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, producG that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the products specified. I 2.2 PANEL PRODUCTSrt I A. Panel Size, General: Provide in maximum lengths and widths available that will minimize I joints in each area and correspond withsupport system indicated. - B. Gypsum Wallboard: ASTM C 36. Ir "1 . Regular Type: In thickness indicated and with long edges tapered.? Type X: In thickness indicated and with long edges tapered. I '1r" "' t C. Sound Board: ASTM D 1302 1. Homasote 440 Sound Barrier I 2.3 TRIM ACCESSORIES I A. lnteriorTrim: ASTM C 1047. I I '1 . Cornerbead: Use at oubide corners. 2. U-Bead: Use where indicated. I 3. Expansion (Control) Joint: Use where indicated. I I t I CYPSUM BOARDASSEMBLTES I Q9260 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Architectf Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.4 JOINT TREATMENT MATERIALS A. Ceneral: Comply with ASTM C 425. B. .foint Tape: Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 1. Interior Cypsum Wallboard: Paper. 2. Tile Backing Panels: fu recommended by panel manufacturer. C. Joint Compound for Interior Cypsum Wallboard: For each coat use formulation that is compatible with other compounds applied on previous or for successive coats. '1 . Embedding and First Coat: For embedding tape and first coat on joints, flanges of trim accessories, and fasteners, use drying-type, all-purpose compound.2. Fill Coat: For second coat, use drying-type, all-purpose compound. 3. Finish CoaL For third coat, use drying-type, all-purpose compound. D. Joint Compound for Tile Backing Panels: 1. Cementitious Backer Units: As recommended by manufacturer. 2.5 AUXILIARY MATERIALS A' Ceneral: Provide auxiliary materials that comply with referenced installation standards and manufacturer's written recommendations. B. Steel Drill Screws: ASTM C 10O2, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Use screws complying with ASTM C 954 for fastening panels to steel members from 0.033 to 0.112 inch thick. C. Resilient Furring Channels: 1/2-inch- deep members designed to reduce sound transmision, and asymmetrical with single leg.'' D. Sound Attenuation Blankets: ASTM C 665, Type I (blankets without membrane facing) produced by combining thermoseting resins with mineral fibers manufactured from glass, slag wool or rock wool. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PANEL PRODUCT INSTALLATION A. Cypsum Board: Comply with ASTM C 840 and CA-216. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I 1 . Space screws a maximum of 12 inches o.c. for vertical applications.2. Space fasteners in panels that are tile substrates a maximum of B inches o.c. CYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09260 -2 T I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t Fritzlen Pierce Arch itects o Vail Cymnastics Facility Mav 2004 Vail, Colorado On ceilings, apply gypsum panels before wall/partition board application to the greatest extent possible and at right angles to framing unless otherwise indicated. On partitions/walls, apply gypsum panels horizontally (perpendicular to framing), unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistance-rated assembly, and minimize end joints. a. Stagger abutting end joints not less than one framing member in alternate courses of board.b. At stairwells and other high walls, install panels horizontally, unless otherwise i nd icated or requi red by f i re-resistance-rated assem bly. 5. Single-Layer Fastening Methods: Apply gypsum panels to supports with steel drill screws. B. Sound Board: Comply with manufacturer's instructions. Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3. 3.2 FINISHINC A. Installing Trim Accessories: For trim with back framing with same fasteners used for panels. manufacturer's written instructions. flanges intended for fasteners, attach to Otherwise, attach trim according to 4. B' Finishing Cypsum Board Panels: Treat gypsum board joints, interior angles, edge trim, control joints, penetrations, fastener heads, surface defects and elsewhere as required to prepare gypsum board surfaces for decoration. 'l. Prefill open joints and damaged surface areas.2. Apply joint tape over gypsum board joints, except those with trim having flanges not intended for tape. C. Cementitious Backer Units: Finish according to manufacturer's written instructions. D. Cypsum Board Finish Levels: Finish panels to levels indicated below, according to ASTM C 840, for locations indicated: 1. Level 1: Embed tape at joints in ceiling plenum areas, concealed areas, and where indicated, unless a higher level of finish is required for fire-resistance-rated assemblies and sound-rated assemblies. 2. Level 4: Embed tape and apply separate first, fill, and finish coats of joint compound to tape, fasteners, and trim flanges at panel surfaces that will be exposed to view, unless otherwise indicated. END OF SECTION 09260 CYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09260 - 3 I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 97U476-6342 I I I I O Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado SECTION O922O _ STUCCO, PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER PART 1 CENEML 1.01 SUMMARY A. The extent of the stucco finish coat s)6tem is as indicated on the drawings. B. The type of stucco base and finish coat q/stem: Factory blended fiber-reinforced Portland cement plaster basecoat concentrate, for jobsite mixing with sand and water to provide scratch and brown coats to receive cement based colored stucco finish. Control joints and moldings to be metal fabrications as shown on the drawings. Total stucco system thickness is tA,,. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. 061OO0 Rough Carpentry- re: exterior.sheathing exterior buildingwrap. 1.03 QUALTTYASSUMNCE A. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: Install stucco basecoat system to comply with all applicable codes and standards and with requirements of local agencies having jurisdiction. B. Applicator Qualifications: Applicators specializing in the installation of exterior stucco s)6tems with a minimum of five years experience in work similar to that required by this section. C. Allowable Tolerances: Maximum deviation from true plane of 118" in 5' as measured by straight edge placed at any location on surface. D. Job Mock-up, base and finish coat system: 1. 4'x4' sample panel of same materials on same substrates as for project. 2. Show color, texture and workmanship of finished work. 3. Proceed with work only after sample is reviewed and approved by Architect/ Engineer. 4. Maintain sample panel on project site for duration of project for comPanson purPoses. 5. Remove sample upon completion of project or when directed by Architect / Engineer. E. Single Source Responsibility: All sptem materials manufactured by a single source or one that is approved by the system manufacturer. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's installation instructions, recommendations and technical information verifuing materials meet specification requirements. STUCCO _ PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER 09220 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Archited Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 1.04 DELIVERY, STOMCE AND HANDLINC A. Deliver manufactured materials in original unopened packages or containers with manufacturer's label intact and legible. B. Keep materials dry stored off ground, under cover and away from damp surfaces. C. Remove wet or deteriorated materials from site. 1.05 PROJECTCONDTTIONS A. Environmental Requirements; Cotd Weather: 1. Frozen materials shall not be used in cement plaster mixes. 2. Plaster shall not be applied to frozen surfaces or surfaces containing lrost. 3. Apply cement plaster when ambient temperatures are forecast to be above 40 degrees F. for a 48 hour period following application. B. Environmental Requirements; Hot Weather: Protect cement plaster from uneven and excessive evaporation during hot or dry weather. C. Protection: 1. Protect finished surfaces installed prior to plastering. 2. Maintain protection in place until completion of work. 3. Protect finished work when stopping for the day or when completing an area. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.O1 MATERIALS A. Weather-resistive Barrier: ICBOi IBC require 1 layer of Grade D 15 pound building paper, 2 layers over wood base sheathing B. Control joints and Molding;s - as manufactured by Frye Reglet Corporation 1-8OO-237- 9773. Clear anodized finish. C. Metal Accessories: Manufacturer's standard steel products unless otherwise indicated as zinc allov. Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2QO4 Vail, Colorado I I I I I t t I I l I I I I I I I I ISTUCCO - PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER 09220 -2 I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 3. 4. 5. 6. No.4 No.8 No.16 No.30 No.50 o% 10% 1O - 4V/o 30-6s% 70 -90% D. H. t. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l: I t 1. Exterior Components: Hot dip galvanized finish, minimum of 17-gage self-furred stucco netting. 2. Casing Bead: J-metal or plaster stop, general-purpose type with expanded or perforated flanges. No.100 95-100% C. Water: Potable BondingAgent: SUPERIOR BOND 100 as manufactured by El Rey Stucco Co., tnc. Finish Coatl Cement Based Colored Stucco Finish: STUCCO_ PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER 09220 - 3 O varr Cymnastrcs Facrrrry May 200,4 Vail, Colorado Cornerite / Corneraide: Manufacturer's standard pre-formed interior corner reinforcement made from 2.5 lbs. Per square yard diamond metal lath. Square-edged Corner Bead: Expanded or flanged to suit application. Rounded-edge Corner Bead: expanded or flanged to suit application. Controf Joint: No. XJ15-3 control joint with t/e" slol and 1" grounds, or egual. Expansion Joint: No. 4O adjustable expansion joint with adjustments trom th" to 5lg'. 8. Weep Screeds: SilJ screed with holes for drainage. 9. Fasteners: Galvanized steel of furring type and lengh suitable for at least t/2" penetration fo brick, block or concrete substrate 10. Fasteners: Screws or nails composed of galvanized steel of type and length suitable for at lbast /2" penetration of the stud system. 11. Expanded Metal Strip-lath: 3.4-lb. Density for use around all windows, doorways or openings, as shown on drawings. 12. Expanded Metal Lath: 3.4 lb. Density for use on all soffits and overhangs, as shown on drawings. Manufacturer's standard Factory blended, sanded stucco basecoat consisting of Portland cement, lime, properly graded aggregate, alkali resistant fiberglass and acrylic fibers: Fiber- 47 Sanded, as manufactured by El Rey Stucco Co., Inc. Finish Color: Sage Green (matches Benjamin Moore paint sample HC-l23) F. Sand: 1 . Comply with all requirements of ASTM C 897 or ASTM C 144. 2. Gradation: U.S. standard sieve weight retained: Fritzlen Pierce nrchitef Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.O2 MIXES 1. 2. Vail Cymnastics Facility MaY 2OO4 Vail. Colorado Manufacturer's Factory blended cement based finish coat consisting of cement lime, properly graded aggregate, proprietary ingredients and colorant: PREMIUM STUCCO FINISH as manufactured by El Rey Stucco Co., Inc., color as selected by ArchitecV Engineer. Color Stabilizing Spray: Cement based color stabilizing spray consisting of cement, lime, proprietary ingredients and colorant: FOG-KOTE as manufactured by El Rey Stucco Co., Inc. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. Ceneral 1.Accurately proportion materials for each plaster batch with measuring devices of known volume. Size batches for complete use within maximum of one hour after mixing. Re-temper plaster stiffened from evaporation, but dispose of partially hydrated cement plaster. Frozen, caked or lumpy materials shall not be used and shall be removed from .iobsite immediately. Mix factory prepared cement plaster in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations. Use moist, loose sand in proportions recommended by basecoat concentrated manufacturer. B. Mechanical Mixing: 1. Clean Mixer of set or hardened materials before loading new batch. 2. Malntain mixer in continuous operation while adding materials. 3. Confirm to mixing sequence, cycle of operations and time recommended by the manufacturer of the basecoat and finish coat materials. A 2. 3. 5. 6. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION Verifu that surfaces to receive plaster are free of dust, loose particles, oil and other deleterious materials which may affect bond or proper hydration of cement plaster. Verifu that lath is tight, properly secured and overlapped, and that all accessories are properly set and secured. B. STUCCO - PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER 09220 - 4 I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t Fritzlen Pierce Architec* Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 a. b. c. O VailCymnasticsFacility May2ffi4 Vail, Colorado C. Examine substrates, grounds, and accessories to insure that finished plasterwork will be true to line, plane, level, and plumb. D. Verify that masonry and concrete surfaces to receive direct bond applications of plaster basecoats are rough or otherwise properly prepared to provide adequate bond. E. Notifl Architect / Engineer in writing of any conditions detrimental to proper installation of stucco basecoats. Proceed with work after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 APPLICATION A. Ceneral: 1. Apply stucco base and finish coat systems in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations and in compliance with requirements of applicable codes, regulations and agencies having jurisdiction. 2. Interrupt or delay plaster application only at junctions of plaster planes, at openinp, or at control joints. B. Basecoat: 1. Wet absorptive surfaces with a fine spray of water to produce a uniformly moist condition. 2. Scratch Coat: a. Apply scratch coat to a minimum thickness of 3/8", using sufficient trowel presure to key plaster into lath or to create a bond to the substrate. b. Prior to initial set, scratch horizontally to provide key for bond of brown coat. 3. Brown Coat: Apply brown coat to a minimum thickness ol 318", using sufficient trowel pressure to key plaster into scratch coat, Rod surface to true plane. Float or lightly broom surface to provide for bond with stucco finish coat. STUCCO- PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER 09220 - 5 Fritzlen Pierce Architefl Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 d. Tool brown coat to provide a V-joint at intersection of plaster with frames or other materials that act as plaster Srounds. C. Cement Based Finish Coat: Apply finish in number of coats and consistency required to achieve texture to match approved sample. Repellent: AJlow cement stucco finish to fully cure. Apply repellent by brush, roller spray at rate recommended by manufacturer. Apply from corner to corner and from top to bottom. D. Curing: 1. Moist cure each coat of stucco basecoat system with fog spray of clear water with frequency sufficient to maintain uniformly moist condition for a minimum of 48 hours following application. 2. Wet cure cement based finish coat by misting with water as recommended by sptem manufacturer. 3.03 CLEANING A. Upon completion, point up finish coat around trim and terminations. B. Cut out and replace defective or damaged finish coat. C. Match pointing and patches to surrounding finish coat in form and texture. D. Remove finish and protective materials from perimeter trim and adjacent surfaces. E. remove all excess materials from project site. END OF SECTION STUCCO _ PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 1. 2. 09220 - 6 I I iijf'a,:,T:Architects o 970476-6342 r - '\ SECIION 09310 - CERAMIC TILE : I PARrl -.ENEML I "t.1 suMMARy I A. This Section includes the following: r 1. Clazed wall tile at Bathrooms e VailCymnasticsFacility May2ffi4 Vail, Colorado 2. Cementitious backer units installed as part of wall tile installations. 3. Floor Tile 4. This is a Cash Allowance item refer to Section 01210 I 1..2 suBMrrrAls I A. Samples: I I t 1 . Each type, composirion, color and finish of tile. 2. Assembled samples with grouted joints for each type, composition, color and finish of tile. I 1.3 euALrwAssuMNcE I PARr2-PRoDUCrs I 2.1 MANUFAcTuRERS - A. In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply I for product selection: 1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the producG specified. 2. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the manufacturers specified. I 2.2 nE PRoDUCTS A. AvailableManufacturers: I 1. American MarazziTile, Inc. ' I 2. American Olean; Div. of Dal-Tile International Corp. I 3. Buchtal Corporation USA. I t cERA^4rc*E 09310 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Faciliqr May 2O04 Vail, Colorado 4. Cerim-Floor Cres Ceramiche. 5. Crossville Ceramics Company, L.P. 6. Daltile; Div. of Dal-Tile International Inc. 7. Florida Tile Industries, Inc. 8. CranitiFiandre. 9. Interceramic. 10. KPT, lnc. 11. Laufen USA. 12- Lone Star Ceramics Company. 13. Metropolitan Ceramics. 14- Monarch Tile, Inc. 15. Porcelanite, Inc. 16. Quarry Tile Company. 17. Seneca Tiles, Inc. 18. Summitville Tiles. lnc, 19. United States Ceramic Tile Company. 20. Winburn Tile Manufacturing Company. 2'1. or equivalent B. ANSI Ceramic Tile Standard: Provide Standard grade tile that complies with ANSI A137.1 , "Specifications for Ceramic Tile," for types, compositions and other characteristics indicated. C. Clazed Wall Tile: Flat tile as follows: 1. Module Size: 4-'l/4by a-1/a inches (108 by 108 mm). 2. Thickness: 5/16 inch (B mm). 3. Face: Plain with modified square edges or cushion edges. 4. Finish: Bright, opaqueglaze. 5. Mounting: Factory back-mounted. 6. Basis-of.Design Product: Dal-Tile, Color: No. 1456 Doe or a comparable product. D. Clazed Wall Tile Trim Units: Matching characteristics of adjoining flat tile and coordinated with sizes and coursing where applicable. 1. Base: Coved, module size4-114 by4-114 inches. 2. Wainscot Cap: Surface bullnose, module size 4-1/4by a4/a inches. 3. External Corners: Surface bullnose. 4. Internal Corners: Field-butted square corners except with coved base and cap angle pieces designed to fit with stretcher shapes. E. Accessories for Clazed Wall Tile: Provide vitreous china accessories of type and size indicated, in color and finish to match adjoining wall tile, and intended for installing by same method as adjoining wall tile. One soap holder with grab handle for each shower and tub indicated. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t ICERAMIC TILE 09310 - 2 B. t I I I I I I I I l, I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 e VailCymnasticsFacitity May 2004 Vail, Colorado public walking 2.3 A. C. 2.4 A. F. Floor Tile: Ceramic Bx8 or larger tiles with abrasive finish suitable for surfaces. Provide "thin set" cementitious base, not to exceed 5/B', thickness. SETTINC AND CROUTINC MATERIALS Available Manufacturers: 1. Atlas Minerals & Chemicals, Inc. 2. Boiardi Products Corporation. 3. Bonsal, W. R., Company. 4. Bostik. 5. C-Cure. 6. Custom Building Products. 7. DAP, Inc. 8. Jamo Inc. 9. LAT]CRETE lnternational lnc. 10. MAPEI Corporation. 11. Southern Crouts & Mortars, Inc. 12. Summitville Tiles, lnc. 13. TEC Specialty ProducG Inc. 14. or equivalent Latex-Portland Cement Mortar (Thin Set): ANSI A118.4- 1. Prepackaged dry-mortar mix combined with liquid-latex additive.2. For wall applications, provide nonsagging mortar. Standard Unsanded Cement GrouL ANSI AI 18.6, color as indicated. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Elastomeric Sealants: Elastomeric sealants of base polymer and characteristics indicated that comply with applicable requirements in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealan$.' 1. One-Part, Mildew-Resistant Silicone: ASTM C 920; Type S; Crade NS; Class 25; Uses NT, C, A" and, as applicable to nonporous joint substrates indicated, O; formulated with fungicide, intended for in-service exposures of high humidity and extreme temperatures. a. Available Products: 1) Dow Corning Corporation; Dow Corning 786. 2) CE Silicones; Sanitary 1700. 3) Pecora Corporation; Pecora 898 Sanitary Silicone Sealant. 4) Tremco, Inc.; Tremsil 600 White. 5) or equivalent CERAA4lC TILE 09310 - 3 to-end butt joints. 1. Thickness: 1/2 inch. 2. Available Products: a. C-Cure; C-Cure Board 990. b. Custom Building Products; Wonderboard. c. FinPan, Inc.; Util-A-Crete Concrete Backer Board. d. USG Corporation; DUROCK Cement Board. e. or equivalent C. Crout Sealer: Manufacturer's standard product for sealing grout joints that does not change color or appearance of grout. PART 3 - EXECUTION l Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsV Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 B. Cementitious Backer Units: ANSI A1 18.9 in 3.2 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado maximum len$hs available to minimize end- I t I I I 3.1 PREPAMTION Remove coatings, including curing compounds and other substances that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone, that are incompatible with tile-setting materials. Fill cracks, holes, and depressions with trowelable leveling and patching. compound according to tile-setting material manufacturer's written instructions. Remove protrusions, bumps, and ridges by sanding or grinding. Blending: For tile exhibiting color variations, use factory blended tile or blend tiles at Project site before installing. Field-Applied Temporary Protective Coating: Where indicated under tile type or needed to prevent grout from staining or adhering to exposed tile surfaces, precoat them with continuous film of temporary protective coating taking care not to coat unexposed tile surfaces. INSTALLATION. CENERAL ANSI Tile lnstallation Standards: Comply with parts of ANSI A108 Series "Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile" that apply to types of sefting and grouting materials and to methods indicated in ceramic tile installation schedules. TCA Installation Guidelines: TCA's "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation." Comply with TCA installation methods indicated in ceramic tile installation schedules. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I B. C. D. B. CERAMIC TILE 09310 - 4 t I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 o O VailCymnasticsFacility May2W4 Vail, Colorado C. Extend tile work into recesses and under or behind equipment and fixtures to form complete covering without interruptions, unless otherwise indicated. Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges, and corners without disrupting pattern or joint alignmenb. D. Accurately form intersections and returns. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible sur{aces. Crind cut edges of tile abufting triri, finish, or dui[-in items. Fit tile closely to electrical outlets, piping fixtures, and other penetrations so plates, collars, or covers overlap tile. E. Jointing Pattern: Lay tile in grid patrern, unless otherwise indicated. Align joints when adjoining tiles on floor, base, walls, and trim are same size. Lay out tile work and center tile fields in both directions in each space or on each wall area. Adjust to minim2e tile cutting. Provide uniform joint widths, unless otherwise indicated. F. Lay out tile wainscots to next full tile beyond dimensions indicated. C. Crout tile to comply with requi.rements of ANSI A108.10, unless otherwise indicated. H. At showers, tubo, and where indicated, install cementitious backer units and treat ioints to comply with ANSI ,{108.11. l. Install tile on walls with the following joint widths: 1. Clazed WallTile: 1/16 inch. 3.3 WALL TILE INSTALLATION SCHEDUTE A. Interior wall installation; thin-set mortar; over cementitious backer units; TCA W244. 1. Thin-Set Mortar: Latex- portland cement mortar. 2. Crout: Standard unsanded cement grout. B. Interior wall and shower-receptor installation; thin-set mortar; over cementitious backer units; TCA 8415 and TCA W244. 1. Thin-Set Mortar: Latex- portland cement mortar.2. Crout: Standard unsanded cement groul END OF SECNON 09310 CERAfvllC TILE 09310- 5 I i:r'e,::J:Architects o - 970-476-6342 r .\ sECTloN 096s3 - RESILIENT wALL BASE AND ACCESSORIESl I PARTl-CENEML t 1.1 SUMMARY O Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado I t A This Section includes the following: 1. Wall base. 2. Moldingaccessories. 17 SUBMITTALSII A. Samples: For each type of product indicated, in manufacturer's standard-size Samples but not less than 12 inches long of each resilient product color, texture, and pattern required. I 1.3 PROJECT CONDITIONS I A. Maintain temperatures within range recommended by manufacturer, but not less than Z0 deg F or more than 95 deg F, in spaces to receive floor tile during the following time I Periods: 1. 48 hours before installation.I : ?#::f:l?i:lixl,,"o"" I B. After post-installation period, maintain temperatures within range recommended by I manufacturer, but not less than 55 deg F or more than 95 deg F. r C. Install resilient p.rSducb after other finishing operations, including painting. have been I completed. I PARr2-PRoDUCrs I 2J MANUFACTURERs A. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be I incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, produ& listed in other Part 2r articles. | 2.2 coLoRS AND pArrERNs I Colors and Patterns: Equivalent to Roppe #40 Fawn and #74 Smoke. I RE'TLTENT *ALL BASE AND ACCE''.RTES os6s3 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ I I I T I t I I I I I I I I I I Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 2.3 RESILIENT WALL BASE A. Wall Base: ASTM F 1861 . 1. AFCO-USA, American Floor Products Company, Inc. 2. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. 3. Azrock Commercial Flooring, DOMCO. 4. Burke Mercer Flooring Products. 5. Endura. 6. Estrie, American Biltrite (Canada) Ltd. 7. Johnsonite. B. Marley Flexco (USA), lnc. 9. Mondo Rubber International, Inc. 10. Musson, R. C. Rubber Co. 11. Nora Rubber Flooring, Freudenberg Building Sptems, Inc. 12. Pirelli Rubber Flooring. 13. Roppe Corporation. 14. Stoler Industries. 15. VPl, LLC, Floor Products Division. 16. or equivalent B. Type (Material Requirement): TS (rubber, vulcanized thermoset). C. Croup (Manufacturing Method): | (solid, homogeneous) or ll (layered). D. Style: Cove (with top-set toe) or Straight (toeless) as floor finish requires. E. Minimum Thickness: 0.125 inch. F. Height: 4 inches. C. Lenghs: Cut lengths 48 inches long or coils in manufacture/s standard lengh. H. Outside Corners: Job formed or pre-molded. l. Inside Corners: Job formed or pre-molded. J. Surface: Smooth. 2.4 RESILIENT MOLDINC ACCESSORY A. Description: Carpet edge for glue-down applications, nosing for carpet, nosing for resilient floor covering reducer strip for resilient floor covering joiner for tile and carpet. 1. Burke Mercer Flooring Products;. 2. Johnsonite;.3. Marley Flexco (USA), Inc.;. 4. Roppe Corporation;. I I I RESILIENT WALL BASE AND ACCESSORIES 09653 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 O VailGymnasticsFacility May 2O0/. Vail, Colorado 5. Stoler lndustries;. 6. or eqivalent B. Material: Rubber. C. Profile and Dimensions: As indicated. 2.5 INSTALLATION MATERIALS A. Trowelable Leveling and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, portland cement based or blended hydraulic cement based formulation provided or approved by resilient product manufacturers for applications indicated. B. Adhesives: Water-resistant type recommended by manufacturer to suit resilient products and substrate conditions indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Prepare substrates according to manufacturer's written recommendations to ensure adhesion of resilient producG. B. Remove substrate coatings and other substances that are incompatible with adhesives and that contain soap, w:rx, oil, or silicone, using mechanical methods recommended by manufacturer. Do not use solvents. C. Use trowelable leveling and patching compound to fill cracks, holes and depressions in substrates. D. Move resilient products and installation materials into spaces where they will be installed at least 48 hours in advance of installation. 1. Do not install resilient products until they are the same temperature as the space where they are to be installed. E. Sweep and vacuum clean substrates to be covered by resilient products immediately before installation. After cleaning examine substrates for moisture, alkaline salts, carbonation and dust. Proceed with installation onlv after unsatisfactorv conditions have been corrected, 3.2 RESILIENT WALL BASE INSTALLATION A. Apply wall base to walls, columns, pilasters, casework and cabinets in toe spaces, and other permanent fixtures in rooms and areas where base is required. RESILIENT WALL BASE AND ACCESSORIES 096s3 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado I I I t I I I t I I I I I I t I I t I 3.3 B. Install wall base in lengths as long as practicable without gaps at seams and with tops of adjacent pieces aligned. C. Tightly adhere wall base to substrate throughout length of each piece, with base in continuous contact with horizontal and vertical substrates. D. Do not stretch wall base during installation. E. On masonry surfaces or other similar irregular substrates, fill voids along top edge of wall base with manufacturer's recommended adhesive filler material. F. Premolded Corners: Install pre-molded corners before installing straight pieces. C. Job-Formed Corners: 1. Outside Corners: Use straight pieces of maximum len$hs possible. Form without producing discoloration (whitening) at bends. Shave back of base at points where bends occur and remove strips perpendicular to len$h of base that are only deep enough to produce a snug fit without removing more than half the wall base thickness. 2. Inside Corners: Use straight pieces of maximum lengths possible. Form by cutting an inverted V-shaped notch in toe of wall base at the point where corner is formed. Shave back of base where necessary to produce a snug fit to substrate. RESILI ENT ACCESSORY INSTALLATION Resilient Molding Accessories: Butt to adjacent materials and tightly adhere to substrates throughout length of each piece. Install reducer strips at edges of floor coverings that would otherwise be exposed. 3.4 CLEANINC AND PROTECTION A. Perform the following operations immediately after completing resilient product installation: '1. Remove adhesive and other blemishes from exposed surfaces. 2. Sweep and vacuum surfaces thoroughly. 3. Damp-mop surfaces to remove marks and soil. a. Do not wash surfaces until after time period recommended by manufacturer. B. Protect resilient products from mars, marks, indentations, and other damage from construction operations and placement of equipment and fixtures during remainder of construction period. Use protection methods recommended in writing by manufacturer. END OF SECTION 09653 RESILIENT WALL BASE AND ACCESSORIES 09553 - 4 I iffi'e,'J:J:Architects O Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado970-476-6342 I , SECTION 09651 - RESILIENT FLOOR TILE I PARrl -.ENEML I 1.1 suMMARy I A. This Section includes the following: r 1. Vinyl composirion tile (VCl-). - .1.2 SUBMITIALS I A. Samples: Full-size units of each color and pattern of resilient floor tile required. I 1.3 PROJECT CoNDtIoNS I l) I I 3. 48 hours after installation. I B. After post-installation period, maintain temperatures within range recommended by manufacturer, but not less than 55 deg F or more than 95 deg F. I C. Close spaces to traffic during floor covering installation. D. Close spaces to traffic for 48 hours after floor covering installation. I E. Install resilient products after other finishing operations, including painting have been completed. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 VINYL COMPOSITION TILE I A. VinylComposition Tile (VCf): ASTM F 1066. 1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, producb that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. AB ColorPlus, American Biltrite (Canada) Ltd. A. Maintain temperatures within range recommended by manufacturer, but not less than 70 deg F or more than 95 deg F, in spaces to receive floor tile during the following time periods: 1. 48 hours before installation. 2. Duringinstallation. I I I REsrLrENr FLooR rLE 096s1 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ I I I I I t I I I t I I t I I t I I I Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail. Colorado b. Armstrong World lndustries, Inc. c. Azrock Commercial Flooring DOMCO. d. CongoleumCorporation. e. Mannington Mills, Inc. f. Tarkett Inc. g. or equivalent B. Color and Pattern: Equivalent to Azrock "Taupe ll" and "Sunrise" C. Class: 2 (through-pattern tile). D. Wearing Surface: Smooth. E. Thickness: 0.125 inch. F. Sizei 12 by 12 inches. 2.2 INSTALLATION MATERIALS A. Trowelable Leveling and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, portland cement based or blended hydraulic cement based formulation provided or approved by resilient product manufacturer for applications indicated. B. Adhesives: Water-resistant type recommended by manufacturer to suit resilient products and substrate conditions indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPAMTION A. Prepare, . substrates according to manufacturer's written recommendations to ensure adhesion of resilient products. B. Concrete Substrates: Prepare accordingtoASTM F 710. 1. Verify that substrates are dry and free of curing compounds, sealers and hardeners. 2. Alkalinity and Adhesion Testing: Perform tesb recommended by manufacturer. Proceed with installation only after substrates pass testing. C. Remove substrate coatings and other substances that are incompatible with adhesives and that contain soap/ wax/ oil or silicone, using mechanical methods recommended by manufacturer. Do not use solvents. D. Use trowelable leveling and patching compound to fill cracks, holes and depressions in substrates. RESILIENT FLOOR TILE 096s1 - 2 I I I I I I I I t t t I I I I I I I I May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado INSTALLATION Lay out tiles from center marls established with principal walls, discounting minor offsets, so tiles at opposite edges of room are of equal width. Adjust as necessary to avoid using cut widths that equal less than one-half tile at perimeter. 1. Lay tiles quare with room axis. Match tiles for color and pattern by selecting tiles from @rtons in the same sequence as manufactured and packaged, if so numbered. Discard broken, cracked, chipped or deformed tiles. 1. Lay tiles with grain direction alternating in adjacent tiles (basket-weave pattern). Scribe, cut and fit tiles to butt neatly and tightly to vertical surfaces and permanent fixtures including built-in furniture, cabinets, pipes, outlets, edgings, door frames, thresholds and nosings. Extend tiles into tae spaces/ door reveals, closets and similar openings. Maintain reference markers, holes and openings that are in place or marked for future cufting by repeating on floor tiles as marked on substrates. Use chalk or other nonpermanent, nonstaining marking device. Install tiles on covers for telephone and electrical ducts and similar items in finished floor areas. Maintain overall continuity of color and pattern with pieces of tile installed on coven. Tightly adhere tile edges to substrates that abut covers and to cover perimeters. Adhere tiles to flooring substrates using a full spread of adhesive applied to substrate to produce a completed installation without open crack, voids, raising and puckering at joints, telegraphing of adhesive spreader marks, and other surface imperfections. Perform the following operations immediately after completing resilient product installation: 1. Remove adhesive and other blemishes from exposed surfaces. 2. Sweep and vacuum surfaces thoroughly. 3. Damp-mop surfaces to remove marla and soil. B. D. t. H. I VailGymnasticsFacility E. Move resilient producG and installation materials into spaces where they will be installed at least 48 hours in advance of installation. 1. Do not install resilient products until they are same temperature as space where they are to be installed. F. Sweep and vacuum clean substrates to be covered by resilient producb immediately before installation. After cleaning, examine substrates for moisture, alkaline salts, carbonation and dust. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 A. F. Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 RESILIENT FLOOR TILE 09651 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 a. Do not wash surfaces until after time period recommended by manufacturer. l. Protect resilient products from mars, mark, indentations, and other damage from construction operations and placement of equipment and fixtures during remainder of construction period. Use protection methods recommended in writing by manufacturer. END OF SECTION 09651 t I t I I I T I I T I I I I I t I I I Vail Glmnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado RESILIENT FLOOR TILE 096s1 - 4 I [ifi'a,::J:Architects T :ffi:H1O-CARPET I PARrr -.ENERAL I 1.1 suMMARy O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail, Colorado A. This Section includes tufted carpet. This item is an allowance item, refer to Section 01210. t 1.2 SUBMITTALS I A' Samples: For each for each carpet and exposed accessory and for each color and pattern required. t B. Maintenance data.I ItI 't.3 QUALTWASSUMNCET A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified installer who is certified by the Floor Covering I fiTi[l?j:ard or who can demonstrate compliance with its certification program I r.4 DELrvERy, sToMCE, AND HANDLTNC I A. Comply with CRI '104, Section 5, "Storage and Handling.,'I , 1.s PROJECT CONDTTTONS I A. Ceneral: Comply with CRI 104, Section 6.1, "Site Conditions; Temperature and Humidity." r B. Environmental Limitations: Do not install carpet until wet work in spaces is complete and s dry and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at the levels I indicated for Project when occupied for its intended use. I 1.6 WARnnNrv I A. Carpet Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to replace I carpet that does not comply with requirements dr that fails within the life of the carpetI from date of Substantial Completion. Warranty does not include deterioration or failure of carpet from unusual traffic, failure of substrate, vandalism or abuse. Failures includg I I .ARPET oe6'o- 1 I Fritzlen Pierce ArchitecJ Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail. Colorado but are not limited tq more than 10 percent loss of face fiber, edge raveling snags, runs and delamination. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CARPET A. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements/ provide one of the following: 1. LEE'S Carpets a. Color and Pattern: Style: Cranites/Ceologic Collection,' Pattern: DE056, Color: 354 lmperial Brown. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Comply with CRI 104, Section 8, "Direct Glue-Down." B. Comply with CRI 1 04, Section 12, "Carpet on Stairs." C. Maintain uniformity of carpet direction and lay of pile. At doorways, center seams under door in closed position. Bind or seal cut edges as recommended by carpet manufacturer. D. Install pattern parallel to walls and borders. END OF SECTION 09680 I I I t I I t I I I I I T T I I I I ICARPET09680 - 2 B. 1.1 I I I I t t I I t I D. I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 97A-476-6342 SECTION 09912 - PAINTINC (PROFESSIONAL LINE PRODUCTS) PART 1 - CENEML 1.2 A. 1.3 A. c. 1.4 A. O VailGymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail, Colorado I SUMMARY This Section includes surface preparation and field painting of exposed exterior and interior items and surfaces. Refer to Paint and Coating Schedule at the end of this specification for paint locations and metal finishes. SUBMITTALS Samples: For each type of finish-coat material indicated. PROJECT CONDTTTONS Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimum ambient temperature of 45 deg F. Maintain storage containers in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. Apply waterborne paints only when temperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air are between 50 and 90 deg F. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when temperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air are between 45 and 95 deg F. Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog or mist; or when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; or at temperatures less than 5 deg F above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. EXI-RA MATERIALS Furnish extra paint materials from the same production run as the materials applied and in the quantities described below Package with protective covering for storage and identif with labels describing contents. Deliver extra materials to Owner. 1. Quantity: 5 percent, but not less than 1 gal. or 1 case, as appropriate, of each material and color applied. PAINTINC (PROFESSIONAL LINE PRODUCTS)09912 - 1 t I I t T I t I B. 2.1 Fritzlen Pierce nrchitectsO Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado MANUFACIURERS Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the.Work include, but are not limited to, products listed in other Part2 articles. Manufacturers' Names: Shortened versions (shown in parentheses) of the following manufacturers' names are used in other Part 2 articles: Ben.iamin Moore & Co. (Benjamin Moore). Coronado Paint Company (Coronado). lCl Dulux Paint Centen (lCl Dulux Painr). Kelly-Moore Paint Co. (Kelly-Moore). M. A. Bruder & Sons, lnc. (M. A. B. Paint). PPC Industries, lnc. (Pittsburgh Paints). Sherwin-Williams Co. (Sherwin-Williams). Kwal Paint (Kwal) 2.2 A. PAINT MATERIALS, CENERAL Material Compatibility: Provide block fillers, primers, and finish-coat materials that are compatible with one another and with the substrates indicated under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by manufacturer based on testing and field experience. Material Quality: Provide manufacture/s best-quality paint material of the various coating types specified that are factory formulated and recommended by manufacturer for application indicated. Paint-material containers not displaying manufacturer's product identification will not be acceptable. Colorsi' As selected from man ufactu rerrs full range. PREPARATORY COATS Exterior Primer: Exterior latex-based primer of finish coat manufacturer and recommended in writing by manufacturer for use with finish coat and on substrate indicated. Ferrous-Metal and Aluminum Substrates: Rust-inhibitive metal primer. Zinc-Coated Metal Substrates: Calvanized metal primer. Where manufacturer does not recommend a separate primer formulation on substrate indicated, use paint specified for finish coat. Interior Primer: Interior latex-based primer of finish coat manufacturer and recommended in writing by manufacturer for use with finish coat and on substrate indicated. 3 t I I I I I I I t B. 2.3 1. 2. 3. B. IPAI NTINC (PROFESSIONAL LINE PRODUCTS)09912 -2 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.4 A. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. I I I I T t I I t t I I I I I t I I I O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail, Colorado Ferrous-Metal Substrates: Quick drying rust-inhibitive metal primer. Zinc-Coated Metal Substrates: Calvanized metal primer. Where manufacturer does not recommend a separate primer formulation on substrate indicated, use paint specified for finish coat. EXTERIOR FINISH COATS Exterior Low-Luster Acrylic Paint: 1. Benjamin Moore; Moorcraft Super Spec Low Lustre Latex House Paint No. 185. 2. Coronado; 408-Line Supreme Acrylic Satin Exterior. 3. lCl Dulux Paints; 2402-XXXX Dulux Professional Exterior 100 Percent Acrylic Satin Finish. 4. Kelly-Moore; 1245 Acry-Velvet Exterior Low Sheen Acrylic Finish. 5. M. A. B. Paint; Fresh Kote Latex Eggshell 405 Line. 6. Pittsburgh Paints; 6-2000 Series SpeedHide Exterior House & Trirn Satin-Acrylic Latex. 7. Pittsburgh Paints; 90-400Series Pitt-Tech One Pack High Performance Waterborne Satin DTM Industrial Enamels. B. Sherwin-Williams; A-100 Exterior Latex Satin House & Trim Paint A82 Series. 9. Kwal; 2900 Ambassador Satin Enamel Exterior Semi-gloss Acrylic Enamel: Benjamin Moore; Moorcraft Super Spec Latex House & Trim Paint No. 170. Coronado; 12-Line Supreme Acrylic Semi-Closs. lCl Dulux Paints; 2406-XXXX Dulux Professional Exterior 100 Percent Acrylic Semi- Closs Finish. 4. Kelly-Moore; 1250 Acry-Lustre Exterior Semi-Closs Acrylic Finish. 5. M. A. B. Paint; Sea Shore/Four Seasons Acrylic Latex Trim Enamel 024 Line. 6. Pittsburgh Paints; 6-9OO Series SpeedHide Exterior House & Trim Semi-Closs Acrylic Latex Paint. 7. Sherwin-Williams; A-100 litbx Closs A8 Series. 8. Kwal; 3200 Ambassador Semi-Closs Enamel INTERIOR FINISH COATS Interior Low-Luster Acrylic Inamel: 1. Benjamin Moore; Moorcraft Super Spec Latex Eggshell Enamel No. 274. 2. Coronado; 30-Line Super Kote 5000 Latex Eggshell Enamel. 3. lCl Dulux Paints; 1402-XXXX Dulux Professional Acrylic Eggshell Interior Wall & Trim Enamel. Kelly-Moore; 1 610 Sat-N-Sheen Interior Latex Low Sheen Wall and Trim Finish. Kelly-Moore; 1686 Dura-Poxy tggshell Acrylic Enamel. M. A. B. Paint; Fresh Kote Latex Satin Eggshell Enamel 405 Line. PA]NTINC (PROFESSIONAL LINE PRODUCTS)09912 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Arch itecsO Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Pittsburgh Paints; 6-400 Series SpeedHide Eggshell Acrylic Latex Enamel. Sherwin-Williams; ProMar 200 Interior Latex Eggshell Enamel B20W2OO Series. Kwal; 1900 AccuPro Latex Satin Enamel B.Interior Semigloss Acrylic Enamel: Benjamin Moore; Moorcraft Super Spec Latex Semi-Closs Enamel No. 276. Coronado; 32-Line Super Kote 5000 Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel. lCl Dulux Paints; 1406-XXXX Dulux Professional Acrylic Semi-Closs Interior Wall & Trim Enamel. Kelly-Moore; 1 649 Acrylic-Latex Semi-Closs Enamel. Kelly-Moore; 1685 Dura-Poxy Semi-Closs Acrylic Enamel. M. A. B. Paint; Fresh Kote Latex Semi-Closs 410 Line. Pittsburgh Paints; 6-500 Series SpeedHide Interior Semi-Gloss Latex. Sherwin-Williams; ProMar 200 Interior Latex Semi-Closs Enamel 831W200 Series. Kwal; 3O10 Accupro Semi-Closs Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail. Colorado I I I I t I t T I I I T I r t t I I I 7. B. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 B. 9. 3.1 PART 3 - EXECUTION APPLICATION Examine substrates, areas and conditions, with Applicator present, for compliance with requirements for paint application. Coordination of Work: Review other Sections in which primers are provided to ensure compatibility of the total s;atem for various substrates. On request, furnish information on characteristics of finish materials to ensure use of compatible primers. Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures, and similar items already installed that are not to be painted. lf removal is impractical or impossible because of size or weight of the item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. 1. After completing painting operations in each space or area, reinstall items removed using workers skilled in the trades involved. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be painted according to manufacturer's written instructions for each particular substrate condition and as specified. 1. Provide barrier coats over incompatible primers or remove and reprime. 2. Cementitious Materials: Remove efflorescence, chalk, dus! dirt, grease, oils, and release agents. Roughen as required to remove glaze. lf hardeners or sealers have been used to improve curing, use mechanical methods of surface preparation. 3. Wood: Clean surfaces of dirt, oil and other foreign substances with scrapers/ mineral spirits, and sandpaper, as required. Sand surfaces exposed to view smooth and dust off. B. C. D. PAINTINC (PROFESSIONAT LI NE PRODUCTS)09912 - 4 t I FriElen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 O VailCymnasticsFacility I I I I I T I t I I t t t I t I I May 2004 Vail, Colorado a. Scrape and clean small, dry, seasoned knots, and apply a thin coat of white shellac or other recommended knot sealer before applying primer. After priming fill holes and imperfections in finish surfaces with putty or plastic wood filler. Sand smooth when dried. b. Prime, stain or seal wood to be painted immediately on delivery. Prime edges, ends, faces, undersides, and back sides of wood, including cabinets, counters, cases, and paneling. c. Backprime paneling on interior partitions where masonry plasterf or other wet wall construction occurs on back side. d. Seal tops, bottoms, and cutouts of unprimed wood doors with a heavy coat of varnish or sealer immediately on delivery. 4. Ferrous Metals: Clean ungalvanized ferrous-metal surfaces that have not been shop coated; remove oil, grease, di4 loose mill scale and other foreign substances. Use solvent or mechanical cleaning methods that comply with SSPCs recommendations. a. Touch up bare areas and shop-applied prime coats that have been damaged. Wire-brush; clean with solvents recommended by paint mariufacturer, and touch up with same primer as the shop coat. 5. Calvanized Surfaces: Clean galvanized surfaces with nonpetroleum-based solvents so surface is free of oil and surface contaminants. Remove pretreatment from galvanized sheet metal fabricated from coil stock by mechanical methods. E. MaterialPreparation: 1. Maintain containers used in mixing and applying paint in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. 2. Stir material before application to produce a mixture of uniform density. Stir as required during application. Do not stir surface film into material. lf necessary, remove surface film and strain material before using. F. Exposed Surfaces: lnclude areas visible when permanent or built-in fixtures, grilles, convector covers, covers for finned-tube radiation, and similar components are in place. Extend coatings in these aieas, as required, to maintain system integrity and provide desired protection. 1. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture the same as similar exposed surfaces. Before final installation of equipment, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only.2. Paint interior surfaces of ducts with a flat, non-specular black paint where visible through registers or grilles. 3. Paint back sides of access pa.nels and removable or hinged covers to match exposed surfaces. 4. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms and side edges the same as exterior faces. C. Sand lightly between each succeeding enamel or varnish coat. PAINTINC (PROFESSIONAL LINE PRODUCTS)09912 - 5 Fritzlen P'erce Arch'te.tsO Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 H. Scheduling Painting: Apply first coat to surfaces that have been cleaned, pretreated or otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioration. 1. Omit primer over metal surfaces that have been shop primed and touchup painted. 2. lf undercoats, stains or other conditions show through final coat of paint, apply additional coats until paint film is of uniform finish, color and appearance. l. Application Procedures: Apply paints and coatings by brush, roller, spray, or other applicators according to manufacturer's written instructions. .1. Minimum Coating Thickness: Apply paint materials no thinner than manufacture/s recommended spreading rate. Provide total dry film thickness of the entire system as recommended by manufacturer. K. Mechanical and Electrical Work: Painting of mechanical and electrical work is limited to items exposed in equipment rooms and occupied spaces. L. Prime Coats: Before applying finish coats, apply a prime coat/ as recommended by manufacturer, to material that is required to be painted or finished and that has not been prime coated by others. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where evidence of suction spots or unsealed areas in first coat appears, to ensure a finish coat with no burn-through or other defects due to insufficient sealing. M. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover surfaces as necessary to provide a smooth, oPaque surface of uniform finish, color, appearance and coverage. Cloudiness, spottin& holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness or other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. CLEANI NC AND PROTECTINC At the end of each workday, remove materials from Project site. Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado l t I I I t I I t t t I I t l I t I I 3.2 B. empty cans, rags, rubbish and other discarded paint Protect work of other trades, whether being painted or not, against damage from painting. Correct damage by cleaning repairing or replacing, and repainting as approved by Architect. Provide "Wet Paint" signs to protect newly painted finishes. After completing painting operations, remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others to protect their work. '1. After work of other trades is complete, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA P1 . PAINTINC (PROFESSIONAL LINE PRODUCTS)09912 - 6 t i:r'e,:,ffiArchitects O Vail Cymnastics Facility May 20O4 Vail, Colorado I I - 97A-476-6342 T 3.3 EnERIoR PAINT SCHEDULE I A. Concrete, Stucco, and Masonry (Other Than Concrete Unit Masonry):I 1. Acrylic Finish: Two finish coats over a primer.Il; a. Primer: Exterior concrete and masonry primer. _ b. Finish Coats: Exterior flat acrylic paint. I B. Smooth Wood: I 1. Acrylic Finish: Two finish coats over a primer. r a. Primer: Exterior wood primer for acrylic enamels. I b. Finish Coats: Exterior semigloss acrylic enamel.r- C. Wood Trim: 1. Acrylic-Enamel Finish: Two finish coats over a primer. a. Primer: Exterior wood primer for acrylic enamels.b. Finish Coats: Exterior semigloss acrylic enamel. D. Plvwood:I ! 1. AcrylicFinish: Twofinishcoatsoveraprimer. I a. Primer: Exterior wood primer for acrylic enamels. f b. Finish Coats: Exterior flat acrylic paint. I E. Ferrous Metal: - arIF 3.4 INTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE I A. Cypsum Board:t 1. Acrylic Finish: Two finish coats over a primer. I a. Primer: lnterior gypsum board primer. b. Finish Coats: Interior flat acrylic paint.II B. Wood and Hardboard: 1. Acrylic-Enamel Finish: Two finish coats over a primer. I 1- Acrylic Finish: Two finish coats over a rust-inhibitive primer. a. Primer: Exterior ferous-metal primer (not required on shop-primed items). b. Finish Coats: Exterior semigloss acrylic enamel. I I pArNTrNc (pRoFEssroNAL L,NE pRoDUCrs)09912 - 7 Fritzlen P'erce Arch'tectt Vail Gymnastics Facility t I I I I I t T I t l I I I t I t I I Vail, Colorado May 2004970-476-6342 Vail, Colorado a. Primer: lnterior wood primer for acrylic-enamel and semigloss alkyd-enamel finishes. b. Finish Coats: lnterior semigloss acrylic enamel. C. Ferrous Metal: 1. Acrylic Finish: Two finish coats o\€r a primer, a. Primer: Interior ferrous-metal primer.b. Finish Coats: Interior full-gloss acrylic enamel. END OF SECTION 09912 PAINTING (PROFESSIONAL LINE PRODUCTS)09912 - 8 I iffi'e,::#:Architects 97G476-6342 I SECTION 09931 - EXTERIOR WOOD STAINS I PARrl -.ENEML I 't.1 suMMARy O VailCymnasticsFacility May20o,4 Vail, Colorado I A. This Section includes surface preparation and the application of clear wood finishes to I exterior wood surfaces. | 1.2 suBMrrrALS r A. Samples: For each color and stain material to be applied, with texture to simulate actual f conditions, on representative Samples of actual sub,strates.r 1. Clear Wood Finish: Provide 8-inch- square Samples. I} ,I.3 PROJECT CONDITIONS I A. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a .!, minimum ambient temperature of 45 deg F. Maintain storage containers in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue.r ] B. Apply stains only when temperatures of surfaces to be stained and the surrounding air are between 45 deg F and 90 deg F for oil-based stain, or bewveen 50 deg F and 90 deg F for I latex-based stain. I C. Do not apply stain in snow, rain, fog or mist; when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; I when temperatures are less than 5 deg F above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. l I PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.1 MANUFACTURERSI t A. Available Producb: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work includg but are not limited to, those listed in other Part 2 I articles.t B. Manufacturers' Names: Shortened versions (shown in parentheses) of the following manufacturers' names are used in other Part 2 articles: 1. Benjamin Moore & Co. (Benjamin Moore). I I I I E'ER'R wooD srArNS 09931 - 1 Fritzlen r'"r." Or.n,r"*O Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.2 EXTERIOR WOOD STAIN MATERIALS, CENEML A. Stain-Material Quality: Provide manufacturer's besrquality stain material of the various stain types specified that are factory formulated and recommended by manufacturer for application indicated. Stain-material containers not displaying manufacture/s product identification will not be acceptable. 2.1 EXTERIOR WOOD STAIN PRODUCTS A. Exterior Siding and Trim - Moorewood Natural Pine 081-52 PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.1 APPLICATION A. Examine substrates, areas and conditions, with Applicator presen! for compliance with requirements for paint application. B. Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures, and similar items already installed that are not to be stained. lf removal is impractical or impossible because of size or weight of item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and staining. 1- After completing staining operations, reinstall items removed using workers skilled in trades involved. C. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be stained according to manufacturer's written instructions for each particular substrate condition and as specified. Allow unseasoned or shiny new wood to weather three months before staining. 1. Countersink steel nails, if used;,and fill with putty tinted to final color to eliminate rust leach stains. D. Mixing: Stir stain thoroughly before applying and frequently during application to maintain color consistency. Maintain containers used in mixing and application in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. E. Minimum Spreading Rate: Apply stain at manufacturer's recommended spreading rate to ensure proper penetration. Use applicators and techniques best suited for substrate and type of stain material being applied. F. Protect work of other trades, whether being stained or not, against damage from staining. Correct damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and restaining as approved by Architect. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OQ4 Vail. Colorado EXTERIOR WOOD STAINS 09931 - 2 I t l t I T Fritzlen Pierce Arch itects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 I I I I t I I I I l T I I O VailCymnasticsFacitity May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado '. C. Provide 'Wet Painf' signs to protect newly stained finishes. After completing staining operations, remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others to protect their work. 1. After work of other trades is complete, touch up and restore damaged or defaced stained surfaces. Comply with procedures specified in pDCA p1. END OF SECTION 09931 EXTERIOR WOOD STAINS 09931 - 3 I i:re,::#:Architects r 970-476-6342 r SECTION 10155 - TOILET COMPARTMENTS II PARTl -CENEML I 1.1 suMMARy I A. This Section includes stainless steel units as follows: !' 1. Toilet Enclosures: Overhead braced. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2QQ4 Vail Colorado I 1.2 suBMrrrALS t A. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. I I 2.1 METAL UNITS I A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the I following: - 1. Accurate Partitions Corporation. I 2. All American Metal Corp. I 3. American Sanitary Partition Corporation. 4. Ampco. I 5. Bradley Corporation; Mills partitions. t 6. Flush Metal Partition Corp.' 7. Ceneral Partitions Mfg. Corp. I 8. Global Steel products Corp. t 9. Hadrian Inc. 10. KnickerbockerPartitionsCorp. r 11. Lambaton Univenal. a ' 12. Metpar Corp. 13. Sanymetal; a Crane Plumbing Company. I 14. Weis-Robart Partitions, lnc. I 15. or equivalent I . B. Stainless Steel Units: Smooth brush finish suitable for commercial applications. - C. Door, Panel, and Pilaster Construction: Seamless, metal facing sheets are pressure laminated to core material. Units have continuous, interlocking molding strip or lapped B. Samples: For each exposed finish. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I I rorlEr ..MPARTMENTS 10155 - 1 Friuien Pierce Archite{ Vail. Colorado 970-476-6342 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t I B. B. 2.2 2.3 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail Colorado and formed edge closures. Exposed surfaces are free of pitting seam marks, roller marks, stains, discolorations, telegraphing of core material, or other imperfections. Comers are sealed by welding or clips. Exposed welds are ground smooth. 1. Core Material: Manufacturer's standard sound-deadening honeycomb of resin- impregnated kraft paper in thickness required to provide finished thickness of 1 inch for doors and panels and 1 -1 I 4 inches for pilasters. 2. Crab-Bar Reinforcement: Provide concealed internal reinforcement for grab bars mounted on units. 3. Tapping Reinforcement: Provide concealed reinforcement for tapping (threading) at locations where machine screws are used for attaching items to units. D. Pilaster Shoes and Sleeves (Caps): Stainless steel, ASTM A 666, Typ 302 or 304. E. Brackets(Fittings): 1. Stirrup Type: Ear or U-brackets, stainless steel. ACCESSORIES Hardware and Accessories: Manufacture/s standard design, heavy-duty operating hardware and accessories- 1. Material: Stainless steel. Overhead Bracing: Manufacture/s standard continuous, extruded-aluminum head rail with antigrip profile and in manufacture/s standard finish. Anchorages and Fasteners: Manufacturer's standard exposed fasteners of stainless steel or chrome-plated steel or brass, finished to match hardware, with theft-resistant-type heads. Provide sex-type bolts for through-bolt applications. For concealed anchors, use hotdip galvan ized or othe r rust-resistant, p rotective-coated stee l. FABRICATION Overhead-Braced Units: Provide manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant supports, leveling mechanism, fasteners and anchors at pilasters to suit floor conditions. Make provisions for sefting and securing continuous head rail at top of each pilaster. Provide shoes at pilasters to conceal supports and leveling mechanism. Doors: Unless otherwise indicated, provide 24-inch- wide in-swinging doors for standard toilet compartments and 36-inch- wide out-swinging doors with a minimum 32-inch- wide clear opening for compartments indicated to be accessible to people with disabilities. 1- Hinges: Manufacturer's standard self-closing type that can be adjusted to hold doors open at any angle up to 90 degrees. TOILET COMPARTMENTS 10155 - 2 J. 3.1 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I t I Fritzlen Pierce Arch itects Vail, Colorado 970476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility Mav 2004 Vail Colorado Latch and Keeper: Manufacturer's standard recessed latch unit designed for emergency access and with combination rubber-faced door strike and keeper. Provide units that comply with accessibility requirements of authorities having jurisdiction at compartments indicated to be accessible to people with disabilities. Coat Hook: Manufacturer's standard combination hook and rubber-tipped bumper, sized to prevent door from hitting compartment-mounted accessories. Door Bumper: Manufacturer's standard rubber-tipped bumper at out-swinging doors. Door Pull: Manufacturerrs standard unit at out-swinging doors that complies with accessibility requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Provide unie on both sides of doors at compartmenb indicated to be accessible to people with disabilities. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.2 A. INSTALLATION Ceneral: Comply with manufacture/s written installation instructions. lnstall units rigid, straight, level, and plumb. secure units in position with manufacturer's recommended anchoring devices. 1. Maximum Clearances: a. Pilastersand Panels: 1l2inch. b. Panels and Walls: 1 inch. 2. Stirrup Brackets: Secure panels to walls and to pilasters with not less than two brackets attached near top and bottom of panel. a. Locate wall brackets so holes for wall anchors occur in masonry or tile joints. b. Aligir brackets at pilasters with brackets at walls. ADJUSTINC Hardware Adjustment: Adjust and lubricate hardware according to manufacturer! written instructions for proper operation. Set hinges on in-swinging doors to hold doors open approximately 30 degrees from closed position when unlatched. Set hinges on out- swinging doors to return doon to fully closed position. END OF STCTION 10155 2. 4. 5. TOILET COMPARTMENTS 101s5 - 3 I Fritzten Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado r 970-476-6342 I . SICTION 10801 - TOILET AND BATH ACCESSOR]ESI' PART1-CENEMLIf 1.1 SUMMARY I A. This Section includes the following:r 1. Toilet and bath accessories. I Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 1.2 SUBMITTALS I A. Product Data: For each product indicated. I B. Product Schedule: Indicating types, quantities, sizes and installation locations by room of t each accessory required. Use room and product designations indicated on Drawings. I I 1.3 WARMNTY - A. Special Mirror Warranty: Manufacture/s standard form in which manufacturer agrees to I repair or replace mirrors that develop visible silver spoilage defects within 15 yean fromt date of Substantial Completion. I PART2 - PRODUCTS t I 2.1 MANUFACTURERS I A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering I Products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: | 1. Toilet and Bath Accessories: a. A&J WashroomAccessories, lnc.r I iffi[?i,,Til11"?Jlfi*"nr,". d. BradleyCorporation.r ; f,:Hx$T:;:1'ffil,{:fiTf":;;sffi?-= g. or equivalent r- 2. Underlavatory Cuards: ! I ! TO]LETAND BATH ACCESSORIES 10801 - 1 Frrrzren Prerce nrcnnef Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado a. Brocar Products, Inc. b. Truebro, Inc. c. or equivalent 3. Hand Dryers as manufactured byWorld Dryer Corporation MATERIALS B. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 666, Type 304, No. 4 finish (satin), 0.0312-inch minimum nominal thickness, unless otherwise indicated. C. Mirror Class: ASTMC1036, Typel, Classl, Qualityq2, nominal 6.0 mm thick, with silvering electroplated copper coating and protective organic coating complying with FS DD-M-411. D. Calvanized Steel Mounting Devices: ASTMA153/4 153M, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. E. Fasteners: Screws, bolts, and other devices of same material as accessory unit, tamper and theft resistant when exposed, and of galvanized steel when concealed. F. Keys: Provide univenal keys for internal access to accessories for servicing and resupplying. Provide minimum of six keys to Owner's representative. 2,2 TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES A. Toilet Tissue Dispenser: 1. Type: Roll 2. Mounting: Surface Mount 3. Material: Stainless Steel 4. Capacity:2 roll B. Combination Towel DispenserAMaste Receptacle: 1. Type: 2. Material: Stainless Steel 3. Towel-Dispenser Capacity: Refer to size indicated on drawings4. Waste-Receptacle Capacity: Refer to size indicated on drawings C. Liquid-SoapDispenser 1. Mounting: Wall Mounted 2. Capacity: I oz. or greater TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES I I t I I I I l I I I I I I I I T I I 10801 -2 I ilr'e,:',"ffArchitects Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 r 970-476-6342 Vail, Colorado r : 3. Materials: Clear Plastic 11 4- Stainless-Steel Soap Valve: Designed for dispensing soap in liquid form. I 5. Lockel Tumbler type. 6. Refill Indicator: Window type. I t D. Grab Bar: I 1. Material: Stainless steel, 0.05 inch thick. I 2. Mounting: Concealed.3. Cripping Surfaces: Slipresistant texture. t 4. Outside Diameter: 1-112 inches for heavy-duty applications. I E. Sanitary Napkin Disposal Unit:'1. Material: Stainless steel. 2. Door or Cover: Self-closing 3. Receptacle: Removable and reusable. I F. Robe Hook: I '1. Double-Prong Unit: Stainless steel, double-prong robe hook with rectangular wall bracket and backplate for concealed rnounting. G. Underlavatorv Cuard I 1. Insulating Piping Coverings: White, anti-microbial, molded-vinyl covering for supply and drain piping assemblies intended for use at accessible lavatories to prevent direct I contact with and burns from piping. Provide components as required for applications I indicated with flip tops at valves that allow service access without removing coverings. f H. Electric Hand Dryer: I 1. Model: D)(A5 as manufactured by World Dryer Corporation 2. Mounting: Surface 3. Finish: Stainless Steel Ir PART3-EXECUTIoN lT 3.1 INSTALLATION I A. lnstall accessories using fasteners appropriate to substrate indicated and recommended byt unit manufacturer. Install units level, plumb and firmly anchored in locations and at reguired heighs. I 1. Install grab bars to withstand a downward load of at least 25o lbf,when tested. according to method in ASTM F 446.I t T'TLET AND BATH ACCEssoRrEs 1os01 - 3 I I irruren P,er.u or.n,r".f o Vail Cymnastics Facility Vaif, Coforado May 2CfJ4 970-476-6342 Vail. Colorado B. Adjust accessories for unencumbered, smooth operation and verify that mechanisms function properly. Replace damaged or defective items. Remove temporary labels and prot€ctive coatingp. END OF SECTION 10801 TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES 10801 -4 I I I I I I I I t t t I I I I l I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970476-6342 SECTION 10431 - SICNS PART 1 - GENEML 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Exterior Signage 2. lnterior Room Signage 3. Signageaccessories. 4. This is a cash allowance item refer to Section 01210 1.2 SUBMITTALS A Shop Drawings: Include attachments to other Work. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado plans, elevations, sections, details, wiring diagrams, and B. 1.3 A. 1. Verift dimensions by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. 2. Provide message list for each sign, including large-scale details of wording leftering arhvork and braille layout. Samples: For each sign material indicated that involves color selection. QUALITY ASSURANCE Regulatory Requirements: Comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and with code provisions as adopted by authorities having jurisdiction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2,1 MANUFACTURERS A. ln other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply for product selection: '1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the manufacturers specified. SICNS 1043'l - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Archite Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 2.2 PANEL SICNS A. Ceneral: Provide panel signs that comply with requirements indicated for materials, thiiknesses, finish, colors, designs, shapes, sizes and details of construction. B. AvailableManufacturers: 1. Allenite Signs; Allen Marking Products, lnc. 2. American Craphics Inc. 3. Andco Industries Corp. 4. APCO Graphics, Inc. 5. ASI Sign Systems, Inc. 6. Best Manufacturing Co. 7. Crimco, Inc. 8. lnnerface Sign Systems, Inc. 9. Kaltech lndustries Croup, Inc. 10. Mills Manufacturing, Inc. 1 1. Mohawk Sign Systems.'12. Seton ldentification Products. 13. Signature Signs, Inc. 14. Supersine Company (The). 15. or equivalent C. Cast-Acrylic Sheet: Manufacturer's standard and as follows: 1. Color: Match existing. D. Unframed Panel Signs: Fabricate signs with edges mechanically and smoothly finished to comply with the following requirements: 1. Edge Condition: match existing. 2. Corner Condition: match existing. E. Laminated Panels: Permanently laminate face panels to backing sheets of material; use manufacture/s standard process. F. Craphic Content and Style: Provide sign copy that complies with requirements indicated in the Sign Schedule for size, style, spacing content, mounting height and location, material, finishes, and colors of signage. C. Tactile and Braille Copy: Manufactureds standard process for producing copy complying with ADA Accessibility Cuidelines and ICOANSI A'i17.1. Text shall be accompanied by Crade 2 braille. Produce precisely formed characters with square cut edges free from burrs and cut mark. 1. Panel Material: Opaque acrylic sheet. 2. Raised-Copy Thickness: Not less than 1/32 inch. 10431-2 I ! I I I t I l I T I t T I I I I I ISICNS I t I I I T t I I t T I I I I I T I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch itects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.4 A. B. 3.1 O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2OO4 Vail, Colorado 2.3 DIMENSIONAL CHAMCTERS A. AvailableManufacturers: 1. American Craphics Inc. 2. A.R.K Ramos. 3. ASI Sign Systems, Inc. 4. Charleston Industries, lnc. 5. Ceminilncorporated. 6. Grimco, Inc. 7. Innerface Sign Sptems, lnc. L Kaltech Industries Croup, lnc. 9. MetalArts; Div. of L&H Mfg.'10. Mills Manufacturing Inc. 11. Mohawk Sign Systems. 12. Signature Sign Signs, Inc. 13. Southwell Co. CIhe).14. or equivalent B. Cast Characters: Form individual letters and numbers by casting. Produce characters with smooth flat faces, sharp corners, and precisely formed lines and profiles, free from pits, scale, sand holes, and other defects. Cast lugs into back of characters and tap to receirre threaded mounting studs. Comply with requirements indicated for finish, style and size. 1. Material: Match Existing. ACCESSORIES Mounting Methods: For interior signs, use hook-and-loop tape fabricated from materials that are not corrosive to sign material and mounting surface. Anchors and lnserts: Provide nonferrous-metal or hot-dip galvanized anchors and inserts for exterior installatidns and elsewhere as required for corrosion resistance. Use toothed steel or lead expansion-bolt devices for drilled-in-place anchors. Furnish inserts, as requ'r,ed, to be set into concrete or masonry work. PART 3 . EXECUTION INSTALLATION ceneral: Locate signs and accessories where indicated, using mounting methods of types described and in compliance with manufacturerrs written instructions. '1. Install signs level, plumb, and at heights indicated, with sign surfaces free from distortion and other defects in appearance. SICNS 10431 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce ArchiteJ Vail Gymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado May 2004 970-476-6342 Vail. Colorado 2. lnterior Wall Signs: lnstall signs on walls adjacent to latch side of door where applicable. Where not indicated or possible, such as double doors, install signs on nearest adjacent walls. Locate to allow approach within 3 inches of sign without encountering protruding objects or standing within swing of door. B. Wall-Mounted Panel Signs: Attach panel signs to wall surfaces using methods indicated below: 1. Hook-and-Loop Tapes: Use hook-and-loop tapes to mount signs to smooth, nonporous surfaces. C. Dimensional Characters: Mount characters using standard fastening methods recommended in writing by manufacturer for character form, type of mounting wall construction, and condition of exposure indicated. Provide heavy paper template to establish character spacing and to locate holes for fasteners. 1. ProjeAed Mounting: Mount characters at projection distance froin wall surface indicated. 3.2 SICN SCHEDULE A. Provide signage for the all rooms. Exact location and final sign copy to be verified with Owner. END OF SECTION 10431 T I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I ISICNS10431 - 4 I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 SECTION 13851 - FIRE ALARM PART 1 - CENEML Vail Gymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawinp and general provisions of the Contract, including Ceneral and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, 4pply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes fire alarm systems with manual stations, detectors, signal equipment, controls, and devices in compliance with applicable codes. This is an allowance item, Referto Section 01210. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Shop Drawings: Show details of graphic annunciator. 1. Wiring Diagrams: Detail wiring and differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring. Include diagrams for equipment and for sptem with all terminals and interconnections identified. 2. Battery: Sizing calculations. 3. Floor Plans: Indicate final outlet locations and routings of raceway connections. 4. Device Address LisL Coordinate with final system programming. 5. ' System Operation Description: Detailed description for this Project, including method of operation and supervision of each type of circuit and sequence of operations for manually and automatically initiated system inputs and outputs. Manufacture/s standard descriptions for generic systems are not acceptable. Coordination Drawings: Plans, sections, and elevations drawn io ,."1" and coordinating installation of smoke detectors in ducts and access to them. Show the following near each duct smoke provision of detector installation: 1 . Size and location of ducts, including lining. 2. Size and location of piping. 3. Size and arrangement of structural elements. 4. Size and location of duct smoke detector, including air-sampling elements. D. Operating Instructions: For mounting at the FACP. A. B. 't.1 1.2 1.3 $ I I I ! I I f,t I I T t I T f,"; I FIREALARM 13851 - I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 I I t I t I I I I I I I I I T I t I I H. 1.4 1.5 1.6 E. Product Certificates: Signed products furnished comply with F. t. J. by manufacturers of system requirements. by manufacturer certirying Vail Gymnastics Facility Vail, Colorado components certifying that that installers comply with t., Installer Certificates: Signed requirements. Field Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test results for compliance with performance requirements. Comply with NFPA 72. Maintenance Data: For fire alarm systems to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division 1. Comply with NFPA 72. Submissions to Authorities Having Jurisdiction: ln addition to distribution requirements for Submittals specified in Division 1 Section "Submittals," make an identical submission to authorities having jurisdiction. Include copies of annotated Contract Drawings as needed to depict component locations to facilitate review. Resubmit if required to make clarifications or revisions to obtain approval. On receipt of comments from authorities having jurisdiction, submit them to Architect for review. Certificate of Completion: Comply with NFPA 72. CLEANINC AND ADJUSTINC Cleaning: Remove paint splatters and other spots, dirt, and debris. Touch up scratches and marred flnish to match original finish. Clean unit internally using methods and materials recommended bv manufacturer. DFMONSTMTION Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train Owner/s maintenance personnel as specified below: 1. Train Owner's maintenance personnel on procedures and schedules for starting and stopping, troubleshooting, servicing, adjusting, and maintaining equipment and schedules. Provide a minimum of 8 hours'training. 2. Training Aid: Use the approved final version of the operation and maintenance manual as a training aid. 3. Schedule training with Owner, through Architect, with at least seven days' advance notice. ON-SITE ASSISTANCE Occupancy Adjustments: When requested within one year of date of Substantial Completion, provide on-site assistance in adjusting sound levels, controls, and sensitivities FIREALARM 13851-2 loo Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility I }il:.9*Hli vair,cororado to suit actual occupied conditions. Provide up to three requested visits to Project site for 6, this PurPose' I tND ot SEcrloN 138s1 I t I I t t, I I I I I l I tr I FIREALARM 13851 - 3 I l I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail Cymnastics Facility I Vail, Colorado Mayzwi t 970-476-6342 Vait, Colorado I SECTION 13851 - FIRE ALARMr - PART1 -CENEMLr I 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contrac! including Ceneral and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.t 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes fire alarm q/stems with manual stations, detectors, sigral equipment, controls, and devices in compliance with applicable codes. This is an allowance item, Refer to Section 01210. I 1.3 SUBMITTALS 't A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. - I , B. Shop Drawings: Show details of graphic annunciator. r 1. Wiring Diagrams: Detail 'wiring and differentiate between manufacturer-installed t and field-installed wiring. Include diagrams for equipment and for qatem with all terminals and interconnections identified. 2. Battery: Sizing calculations. f 3. Floor Plans: Indicate final outlet locations and routings of raceway connections. - 4. Device Address LisH Coordinate with final system programming. 5. System Operation Description: Detailed description for this Proj.a, includingIf method of operation and supervision of each type of circuit and sequence of operations for manually and automatically initiated s)6tem inputs and outputs. .l Manufacturer's standard descriptions for generic systems are not acceptable. ! C. Coordination Drawings: Plans, sections, and elevations drawn to scale and coordinating - installation of smoke detectors in ducB and access to them. Show the following near I each duct smoke provision of detector installation: 1. Size and location of ducts, including lining. I 2. Size and locarion of piping.r 3. Size and arrangement of structural elements. 4. Size and location of duct smoke detector, including air-sampling elements. I D. Operating lnstructions: For mounting at the FACP. l I I FIREALARMr 13851 - I o itects t I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Arch Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 E. Product Certificates: Signed by manufacturers products furnished comply with requirements. F. Installer Certificates: Signed by manufacturer L Vail Gym nastics Facility May2004 Vail, Colorado of sptem components certi4/ing that certirying that installers comply with H. requirements. Field Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test results for compliance with performance requirements. Comply with NFPA 72. Maintenance Data: For fire alarm systems to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division 1. Comply with NFPA 72. Submissions to Authorities'Having Jurisdiction: In addition to distribution requirements for Submittals specified in Division 1 Section "Submittals," make an identical submission to authorities having jurisdiction. Include copies of annotated Contract Drawings as needed to depict component locations to facilitate review. Resubmit if required to make clarifications or revisions to obtain approval. On receipt of comments from authorities having jurisdiction, submit them to Architect for review. Certificate of Completion: Comply with NFPA 72. CLEANINC AND ADJUSTINC Cleaning: Remove paint splafters and other spots, dirt, and debris. Touch up scratches and marred finish to match original finish. Clean unit internally using methods and materials recommended bv manufacturer. DEMONSTMTION Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train Owne/s maintenance personnel as specified below: 1. Train Owner's maintenance personnel on procedures and schedules for starting and stopping troubleshooting, servicing, adjusting, and maintaining equipment and schedules. Provide a minimum of 8 hours' training. 2. Training Aid: Use the approved final version of the operation and maintenance manual as a training aid. 3. Schedule training with Owner, through Architect, with at least seven days'advance notice. ON-SITE ASSISTANCE Occupancy Adjustments: When requested within one year of date of Substantial Completion, provide on-site assistance in adjusting sound levels, controls, and sensitivities t. 1.4 1.5 1.6 FIREALARM 13851-2 I Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsI Ni:#::;z.*, Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado' to suit actual occupied conditions. Provide up to three requested visits to Project site for I this purpose. I END OF SECilON 138s1 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 13851-3I FIREAI.ARM t I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 SECTION 14240 - HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS PART I.GENERAL Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail Colorado I I I I t I I I t I I t I I It I '1.2 A. B. 1.3 A. B. 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes a LULA (Limited Use, Limited Access) Holeless Hydraulic Elevator. SUBMITTALS Product Data; Include capacities, sizes, performances, operations, safety features, finishes, and sirnilar inforrnation for each elevator required. Shop Drawinp: Show plans, elevations, sections, and large-scale details indicating service at each landing machine room layout, relationships with other construction, and locations of equipment and signals. lndicate m:ximum and average power demands. Sampleg: For each exposed finish. Manufacturer Certificates: Signed by elevator manufacturer certifl/ing that hoistway, pit, and machine room layout and dimensions, as shown on Drawings, and electrical service, as shown and specified, are adequate for elevator sptem being provided. Maintenance manuals. Inspection and Accepance Certificates and Operating Permib: fu required by authorities having jurisdiction for normal, unrestricted elevator use. QUALITY ASSUMNCE Regulatory Requirements: Comply with local governing regulations and with applicable provisions in ASME 41 7.1, "Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators." Accessibility Requirements: In addition to local governing regulations, comply with "Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Accessibility Cuidelines (ADMC).'Section 407 in ICC A117.1. C. D. E. F. HYDRATJLIC ELEVATORS t424Q - | o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 1.4 MAINTENANCESERVICE A. Initial Maintenance Service: Beginning at Substantial Completion, providel2 months'full maintenance service. Include monthly preventive maintenance, repair or replacement of worn or defective components, lubrication, cleaning and adjusting. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail Colorado 2.1 MANUFACTURERS Elevator configuration shown on plan is based on Vertechs, Precision Lift Elevator as supplied by The Elevator Company, 7800 Hiway B2 S-206,Clenwood SpringF, Colorado (800) 735-0403 Manufacturers: Subjea to compliance with requiremenb, provide hydraulic elevators by one of the following: 1. Dover Elevator Systems. 2. Otis Elevator Co. 3. Schindler Elevator Corp. 4. Thyssen Elevator Croup North America. 5. Vertechs OPERATION SYSTEMS Provide manufacturer's standard microprocessor operation system of the type indicated. 1. Single Elevator, Two Stops: Provide "automatic operation" as defined in ASME A17.1. A. B. \ 2.2 MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS A. Ceneral: Provide manufacturer's standard elevator systems, published by manufacturer as included in standard pre -engineered elevator systems and as required for a complete system. 2.3 A. TryDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14240 - 2 t t, l' Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.4 STCNAL EQUTPMENT 2.5 A. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail Colorado B. C. D. I I I I I I 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. T I I I I I I IC' A. Ceneral: Satin stainless-steel signal equipment with hall-call and car-call buttons that light when activated and remain lit until call has been fulfilled. Fabricate lighted elements of acrylic or other permanent, nonyellowing translucent plastic. Car Control Stations: Manufacture/s standard car control stations mounted in return panel adjacent to car door, unless otherwise indicated. Emergency Communication System: Complying with ASME 412.1 and the U.S. Architectural & Transportation Barrien Compliance Board's 'hmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Accessibility Cuidelines (ADMC)." On activation, s)6tem dials preprogrammed number of monitoring station and identifies elevator location to monitoring station. system provides two-way voice communication without using a handset and provides visible signals that indicate when system has been activated and when monitoring station has responded. system is contained in flush- mounted cabinet, with identification, instructions for use, and battery backup power supply. Fire Department Communication System: Provide in each car and required conductors in traveling cable for fire department communication system specified in Division 16 Sections. ELEVATOR CAR ENCLOSURES General: Provide manufacturefs standard enameled-steel car enclosures with removable wall panels, suspended ceiling trim, accessories, access doors, doors, power door operators, sills (thresholds), lighting and ventilation. 1. Floor Finish: Vinyl Flooring 2. Metal Wall Panels: Flush hollow-metal construction, fabricated from metal indicated. Fabricate car with recesses and cutouts for signal equipment. Fabricate car door frame integrally with front wall of car.. .Stainless-Steel Doors: Flush, hollow-metal construction, fabricated from stainless steel. Silfs: Extruded aluminum, with grooved surface, 'l/4 inch (6.4 mm) thick. Luminous Ceiling: Fluorescent light firtures and ceiling panels of translucent acrylic or other permanent rigid plastic complying with flammability requirements. 8. Handrails: Manufacturer's standard metal handrails. I HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14240 - 3 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 2.6 HOISTWAY ENTRANCES 5. 6. T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 1. Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2OO4 Vail Colorado {' l'iti Ceneral: Manufacturer's standard horizontal-sliding door-and-frame hoistway entrances complete with track systems, hardware, sills, and accessories. 2. 3. 4. Where gypsum board wall construction is indicated, provide self-supporting frames with reinforced head sections. Enameled-Steel Frames: Formed steel sheet. Stainless-Steel Frarnes: Formed stainless-steel sheet. Stainless-Steel Doors: Flush, hollow-metal construction, fabricated from stainless steel. Silfs: Extruded aluminum, with grooved surface, 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) thick. Nonshrink, Nonmetallic Croul Factory-packaged, nonstaining noncorrosive, nongaseous grout complying with ASTM C 1 107. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 A. 3.2 INSTALLATION Provide and per Man ufactu rer's recom mendations DEMONSTRATION Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train Owner's maintenance personnel to adjusf operate, and maintain elevators. Review emergency provisions and train Owner's personnel in procedures to follow in identifying sources of operational failures or malfunctions. Refer to Division 1 Closeout Procedures and Demonstration and Training. PROTECTION Temporary Use: Do not use elevators for construction purposes unless cars are provided with temporary enclosures, either within finished cars or in place of finished cars/ to protect finishes from damage. MAINTENANCE 1. Provide full maintenance service by skilled, competent employees of elevator lnstaller for elevators used for construction purposes. 3.3 A. END OF SECTION -14240 FTYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 3.4 t4240 - 4 I i,ff'e,:,H:Architects 970-476-6342 . SECTION 15OOO. MECHANICAL Vail Gymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail, Colorado I PARrl -.ENERAL I 1.1 s,MMARY I A. This Section includes plumbing, fire suppression (sprinkler) s)6tem, mechanical equipment I and installation. Refer to Mechanical Drawings prepared by Beaudin Canze Engineering for design and product specifications. Ir 1.2 SUBMITTALS I B. Product Information - Plumbing Fixtures, Mechanical Equipment, C. Shop Drawings - Fire Sprinkler System, Metal Ducting .PART2-PRODUCTS 1. Refer to Mechanical Drawings by Beaudin Canze for Product Specifications; 2. Fire Suppression (Sprinkler) System is a design build item. provide design and engineering for a fully functioning s)6tem in compliance with applicable codes and I stamped by a qualified engineer. Coordinate devices with Fire Alarm and Detection t System which is a Cash Allowance item 01210. I PARr3-rxECUroN I 3'1 Coordinate with other trades for timely and efficient installation and scheduling. I rND oF sECnoN lsooo t t lc I I MECHANTCAT- 2.1 I t 1s000 - 1 I ilir'e,'J:J:Architects o I ;fiffio-ELEcrR,cAL O VailCymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail, Colorado 16000-1 I - PARTl.CENEML ! 1.1 ',MMARY I A. This Section includes Power, Lighting Telephone, Computer Cabling Fire Alarm and I Detection Devices and required service to the building. Refer to Electrical Drawings prepared by Beaudin Canze Engineering for design and product specifications. I B. Provide cabling to phone panel and computer server locations as shown on the drawings. Phone and computer s)rstem panels and devices are not included in the scope of work and are to be provided by Owner I 1.2 SUBMTTTALS !' B. Product Information - Lighting Fixtures, Electrical Trim, Electrical Panels and Equipment I C. Shop Drawingp - Fire Alarm and Detection Sptem. D. PRODUCISI 1.3 I 1. Refer to Electrical Drawingp by Beaudin Canze for Product Specifications t 2. Fire Alarm and Detection is a design build item. Provide design and engineering for a fully functioning system in compliance with applicable codes and stamped by a I *"lliffig[rTffiffiXl:f devices with Fire sprinkler system which is referenced I PARr2-EXECU..N I 2.1 Coordinate with other trades for timely and efficient installation and scheduling. I END oF sEcroN 16000 I I t I ELE.TRT.AL I Fritzlen Pierce Archirects O Vail, Colorado - 970-476-6342 r sEcTloN 1612d- phone and Computer Cabling O VailGymnasticsFacility May 2004 Vail Colorado r PART1 -CENEML I 1.1 RELATED DocuMENTS I A. Drawinp and general provisions of the Contract, including Ceneral and Supplementary I Conditions and other Division 1 and 16 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I 1.2 SUMMARY r A. This Section includes the following: r 1. Telephone and Computer Wiring I B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 16 Sections on Drawings.I 1.3 SUBMITTALS t A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. I 1.4 e,ALTTYASSUMNCE ,- A. Source Limitations: Obtain cable through one source from a single manufacturer. I B. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in I NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and t marked for intended use. t 1.s cooRDrNATroN! A. Coordinate locations with Owner.t PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.1 MANUFACTURTRS I A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: I Phone and Computer Cabling I 16120 - 1 Fritzlen Pierce Archite0 Vail, Colorado 970-476-6342 Phone and Computer Cabling 1. Telephone Cable: a. Belden b. or equivalent 2. Computer Cable:a. Belden b. or equivalent B. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: 1. Telephone Cable: a. 6 pair, CAT 3, Plenum-rated 2. Computer Cable: a. 6 pair, CAT 5e, Plenurn-rated PART 3 - EXECUTION CABLE INSTATTATION All cables to be homerun to Computer Room with no splices in cables. Both phone and computer cables to be in single gang box at each work station. Coordinate with Fire Alarm Supplier for telephone requirements for panel and system monitoring. 3-2 CONNECTIONS A. All final connehions by Owner. END OF SECTION 16120 Vail Cymnastics Facility May 2004 Vail Colorado I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.1 B. 16120 -2 I I I Vail Gymnastics Facility I May2o04t I Paint and Goating Scheduler Item Location Finish Color or Number Supplier T Exposed Metal Columns Interior Prime/Paint - Flat Finish Color 1 io be selected I ExposedMetal RoofDecking Interior Prime/Paint-FlatFinish Color2 tobeselected I Exposed Metal Roof Bar Joists Interior Prime/Paint - Flat Finish Color 3 to be selected r Metal DoorsandFrames Interior Prime/Paint-FlatFinish Color4 tobeselected I Wood Window Sills lnterior Eggshell Latex Color 4 to be selected Drywall Wet Locations High Gloss Latex Color 5 to be selected I Drywall Dry Locations Eggshell Latex Color 6 to be selected I Metal Pre-Fabricated Stairs Interior Powder Coat Color 7 to be selected I Metal Exterior Rails Exterior Powder Coat Color 7 to be selected I Exterior Metat Awnings Exteilor Powder Coat Color 7 to be selected Metal Flashing and Trim Exterior Powder Coat Color 7 to be selected I Metal Reglets for Stucco Exterior Clear Aluminum I Wood Siding Exterior Transparent Stain Moorewood 081-52 - Wood Slats at Awnings Exterior Transparent Stain Moorewood 081-52 I Stucco Exterior Integrated Color na re: Section 09220 t t I I I I I