HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 9 SUN VAIL ENTRANCE SIGN LEGALi)' ION'NM ProJect Name: Sun Vail Condominiums Prciect Description: Two entrance signs Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depatment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L9 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB l{umber: DR8010295 Participants: OWNER SUN VAIL CONDO ASSOC. 08/3U2001 Phone: License: APPUCANT Larry Deckard 08/31/2001 Phone:949-7038 PO Box 725 Avon, Co 81620 License: Project Address: 625 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot:9 Block 2 Subdivision: Vail Potato Patch Parcel Number: 210106316000 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mo6on By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By: Votei DateofApprovalz L0/2912A01 CondiUons: Cond:8 (PLAN)I No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005103 Public Way Permit Required Cond: CON0005104 All encroachment agreemenE must be recorded with the County Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO are available from the Department of Community Development. NAME OF BUSINESS:Ubrc BUILDING NAME ANd ADDRESS: SU*I Vb IL c. D. E. t-. \J. LEGALADDRESS: Lot 'l Fiiing: 6 (n | (Conta.ct Eagle Co. drssessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcei #) Atatod,St AaCt A ZONING; IfrAOrcA NAME OF OWNER(S): MAIUNG ADDRESS: OWNER(S) 5IGNATURE(S): &>cue-o LwtTtrA H,NAMEOFAppLICANT: |b4k{'OKt- o r70x 7A{ A\./oN) Co. Olbzo huu 1zo 0 Sign Awning e Other, specify: 1-oab Slcgz a a I,YFE OF SiGN (see next page for definitions): Free standing Wail Sign Hanging Sign NUMBER OF SIGNS PROPOSED: L SIGN MESSAGE. ,1 U U V /41 L NUMBER OF SIGNS E(STING:nJ. K. L. M. N. SIGN AND LETTERING DIMENSIONS FOR EACH PROPOSED SIGN (Attach a schematic on B.5" x 11" paper): LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE; 7OO HEIGHT OF SIGN(S) ABOVE GMDE: A t - ! " SIGN LOCATION (Attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph ciearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): Af E:XrSTIN6 SlbN Lo4s7'aa.9 v' R. MATERIALS AND COLORS OFSIGN (Attach sampteg: bUtrF ,9aatObfor^tA DESCRIBE SIGN LIGHTINGT T9Iu O buaAf t il bfo^le + (tT'tt,,ta? FEE: 320.00, plus 91.00 per square foot oftqtal sign area DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal PLEASE SU BMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FROI{TAGE ROAD, VAII, COLORADO 81657. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS: tr Complete Application. Cl A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located. n Ele.ration drawings or photos showing proposed location of the sign or awning. n Colored scaled (1/4"=1') drawing, including specific httering and dimensions and a photo, if available. tr Sample of proposed materials. n Drawings showing how and where sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. n Condominium Association or Landlord approval - attach a letter. SIGN CATEGORIES: Freestandino -A single or muli-faced sign affixed to a supporting structure, or imbedded in and extending from the ground and defached from the building. Awnino or Hanoing -Any sign attacfred to a building and extending in whole or in part more than 9" beyond the building line. Wall - A sign attached to, painted on, or erected against the wall of a building or structure with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the face of the wall and not projecting more than 9" from the face of the wall. Disolay Box - A freestanding or wall sign enclosed in glass for the express purpose of displaying menus, current enteftainment or real estate listings, Joint directory sion - A freestanding, hanging or wall sign that lists all the tenants within a muftF tenant building. Subdivision entrance sion - A sign to identiFy a major subdivision, a condominium cornplex, or group of apartment buildings having at least 100 linear feet of frontage along a vehicular or pedestrian way in any RC, LDMF, MDMF, HDMF, or SDD zone district. SUGGESTIONS: I 2. 5. 1 7. Copies of the Sign Code are available from the Department of Community Development. You may wish to check the Code to verify the type and size of sign you are allowed. Be specific. Vagueness in the description of design, size, construction may delay the approval of your sign. Measure the fronfage of your business to determine the size (area) of the sign you are allowed. Lighting for awnings may spotlight only the sign lettering on the awning. Lighting may not shine into pedestrian or vehicular ways. All individual business signs will be reviewed by the Departmslt of Community Development. New sign programs or amendments to sign programs will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. { 4 Status: I Approved OO' CoMMUNrry DevelopMENT Rounnc FoRM Q Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval. PW Date Routed: Routed By:Planner * 4l1,r.l^ Date Due: Description of work: 5,1- - 1.*-"r't;oi-,- Address: Lesal:Lot:Block:Subdivision: Comments:Date Reviewed: I, z Need additional review U IL"J. FRCM : LEN LE,]TCN il O FRx NO. : 6s14sss14a lrs. 31 ?@87 !A:26Ar' Plv August 30, 2001 TO: Ths Town of Vail DesignRer,iew Board RE: Signage at SunVail Condominiums The Sun Vail Condominium Association's Board of Directors has approved the srgn as designed by Larry Deckard and submitrcd 0o us on7B0l0l. We understand thar the sign is to be a &ee-standing buffsandstone and will re-rue the existing imgation and elecirical components. We appreciate your consideration of our requcst, Sincerely, // -/,{^-J ft &'*Vr*-- Dr. Len Levitan, President SVCA Board of Directors *l 7 -t..- - *r*lT'- $*E*Q'rY*1S r.-J ("' I ..iri ll / ,J Y ; . '... FRCI,I : LEN LEliTflN ' .5- FAX ts. : 6514555148 1. sr aor 1o:?5nr P! - Augrrst 30,2001 TO: The Town of Vail Design Rovicw Bosrd RE: SigrugE at Sun Vail Condominiums Tbe Sun VBil Condominium Association's Boerd of Directors hes approved the sign as dcsiercd by larry Dcckard ard submitrcd o us on7B0l0l. We undergtand thal tbc sign is to be a frtastarding buffsandstonc and will rc-usc tk exirting inigatbn atd clcctrical oomponcnts- Wc apprecirrte your consirhration of otu rqwst Sinccrclv.n// {^-r-t 4 {',^e'*- Dr. Len [rvitaa Prcsident SVCA Board ofDirec'ton Srp-21'2001 09:24rm Fronr-JAl'Et B HtJsrrrr USIEST RIeHT 0F IAY DEPT 9f0?,144399 e..rte{ E. Itugtag thN ot Wat Maa&Jef l4ta en CD. 2521 Stftlndrrn tua Gtattt JunmioD, C0 61505 970.241.AA30 970,244.a399 tltl Jarnes B. Ilusted I-i75 P.C0r/001 F-521 Qwes TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN By authoritl' of my signatue hereon ewest corporation does hcrcby authorize andaPProve a.on1 1im9 only encroachmenl into rhc iclecornrnunications easemcnr locatedalong nonh srcle of the nonh frontage road nrnning casr rc wcst in front of Sun vailcondominiums located in vail, colorado on Lor g"Brock 2 of rhe ,,vail potaro parcb", asoutlincd and reslricted below TO WIT Tlris encroaclunent is for the sole.purpose ofreplacing (2) rwo ently way signs to Sunvail condominiums, (l) one ar rhe eist enrtao." rocared on rhc northwist irncr and (1)one at the west entrance located on the northeast comer. This encroachmcrrt a€r'eme'l isco'ting'nt and predicatcd upon agrccmenr by sun vail condomi"i;;;;il-representativeforharrdexcavationonlyforthccntirccourseofrbisprojoci, Additionally, *li]: r:1" time only approvat. Any and all cosrs or expense incwied lry ewesruorporarton as a resurt of this project will be borne by sun vair coudominiurns. ewestcorporation rcnins any and all righrs associarcd wi0rthis u.t",*or,'ii.iuaiog rrr" agf,, toremove or relocare ar fieir discredon rhe cntrance signs bcing ptaced on ttrrs i*;..r a, ttr.expeme of Sun Vail Coudominiums. u5A eR9 '#ffi.- Qwest Corporation Right of Way Maaager Westem Coloradq L*RV DEC*AND A. 1.4.PAGE E2A1/27/zgat 15r 22 37094e?939 Lerry A. Dcclrrd A.I.A, l.O.Dc'?t Avcr, Co. 11620 (vto)He-?oll B|elalil-uriza[o! !O: $lCE! ENERCY ootMo}{f,Al, t730H^niltotl [t^Dl/tlt8,co t0.61 tF: SIJNVAIL G(IrIDOMIMUM! BNTIY StOlls s(cEL nBIn$EMATtVf, ; nM OIGAL rll^NxYOIJ. wrfv^ll C(xD$|lltln,Dl nSlDBNr, I Prttdnl $o: I tnlnl DEARJIIS, Tt0s LsTBr 13 TO REQuElr PEtMssloN To llrLAct ExlcTr{g stgNlglloR T}B ENTgEf, ro THt, suHvNL cor{DoMrNutiili-tE r, g,OCr r, ven-ttaTo ? TC}t' lltE rwo slltfiNci IYoOD , snNE AnE To m rEnrcdvrm Sipnii SU-i SIOlrr Jrr nr i ComStt IAsg-.trG NEt' 8lO{ DBsloN ts tLLultrRArEo o{ Ix^rnns rloM [Arrv A, DBcriib;irOmscr qrmD-llt/ol' tl[cAvlno{ FoR rrcNEwstcllArss fl{Alt IEDITOBY H^ND. ^Erfl6il-it tilDgcerry-c $lp-DB DnOVIDED'TIG-.- ltrw gto{su4LL UflUf EBsTOIcLIOHTINo rr{DAni-tiiaTBDAIttO grtl,C lron^tTlclXIsTNC ErilYSIO{S Tts suw^& col'lDoMlMLrM AsstrlArto}{ slt lL AccE Trrsfo{sABttlfY rorclcTs of tJ{Y- D^rr{AoB ro ErrcEL ENErc? L'ilili ii-ttc itoN ieifr5itc-ii ralr, is qpq:s*ctnruD r0 REFI cB Tiit Siotta r E CCBT snOUt b rtg-b lo DF AT nis urBitY EAIEMENT lN TIG FuRnE. o^* Yz.a/ol -- rrtrtgfir^l{ Srp-2I-?001 89:?lrnr From-JAl,E3 I H|JSr'rl USIEST RIeHI 0l IAY DEPT 9i0?44439S 9.,|rl't E. nu'taa Blgm ol *4 Memqe( Wetten Ct. e5U Srrchn'nn Avo. 6t.N Jun6 on, CA gtS^S 970.241.0030 970,244.a399 tax James B. llusted I-i75 P C0t/001 F-524 u6A eR9 Qwe ur*Q TO WHOM IT MAV CONCER}I By authorit5' of rny signature lrereon ewesl corporation does hcreby authorize andapprove I one rime only encroachmeil into rhe ielecornrnunications easemenr loc.ated Along nonh side of the north frontage roed running easr ro west in front of Suu vaircondominiums located in Vail, colorado on Lor iBlock 2 of tle,,Vail potaro parcb,, asoutlined and restricred below. TOWIT This encroachraent is for tlre solc-purpose of replacing (2) two entry way signs to Sunvail Condominiums, (l) one ar rhe ""st enrtar,." localed on rhe nonhwcst irner and (l)one aI the we$t entrance located on the northeasl comer. This encroachmoil agreement isconringent and predicatcd upon agrcement by sun Vail condominiu* o, ir, ' representative for haud cxcavation only for tbe cnrirc cowsc of this project, Additiorrally,this is a one time only approval. Anv ana att costs or expense incuried by ewestuorporarion as a result of this project will be borne by sun vail condominiurns. ewesCorporation rctains any and all righrs asrociaed witl,this u"*,o""r, ii"luainlirte right torerrove or relocate ar rbeir discretion the cntrance signs bcing placed on this p-rojecr ir rheexpense of Srur Vail Condominiums. Qwest Corporation Right of Way Manager Westcm Colorado L*frV DEO(ARD A. 1.A.PAGE g2g1/2?/293r l5:22 s709437038 Lrra A. Dcclrrd ^&I.A.l.O.l*t2t Avcr"Co. tl6l0 (9t0)s.9.?!tl licl4nn-unrl^ro[ DEARJIM, nos LeTItn E ro REqaST ?ETMSSION TO lE?l,AcF Dntrnio 3lo{Act pR T}D ENTRTE-S Tt', TuE suw^rl. cofrDourNrrlM! AT Ldt r, BLocK r, vAtl-itiaTo iercn nG rrto Exlsto{G !99P - -- . slorg llETos8rrnrcriiffirit'ortit-tt"tistottl irr nr icolqlpra!!!B-.I}G lfi$ ilcNDEsloN rs tLuJtrrRArBD oN DnAliltos rrom tlrrY A, Dgcriib, ii\crnno or1t914q/01' sxcnvlnox FoR rrcNEr/SlcNl^tts lllALL tEDrJolY xrwo. emrndr,r-er, uAl\occrrryg lslp.l8 TROVIDED'-?IG-.^ NEw stcl{s }rtLL Lrnult Efrilo{6 u-o-rffio rm Aii-tncrirD AT rib sr.l'o rxvrs r3 Tl{E 8rusrNc ErfnYSto{3. Tt{E SL}{VA&COItlDOillt}dtJM ASIdATIot{SHAL!AoC€PrnEsr0NsAS-ttfi FOTCO0il$Of A}fY D^rdAG8 !o EtrcEL El{Er0v.[itfd Ai-n8-irot ttri;Oir ^S uAu' er ggqs_txonnaD To nsPhcS rira siil$ r ExCBt aHoULbiGF rc om rt ms Unurr EASETGNT N nr Rflnr. ?O:$f*&$I€IGY C,OTIMONEAL t?30HAriltoN LEAD\rltlJ, co. 10.6t rE: 3UNYAIL COilDoldl{ll$l! SINTRY 8Fm BXCFL iBDnEIEtffATw.l i rnr OIIEAL 9/|.r1nl rflA!{Xy(Xr, tlrtflrA!. C(DimilNnil nSfDX[tfT. LliltlvlrA!{ I P113'du1 $rlr lnr lU\15, I ,^* Y rt, / Ll .- AGREEMENT PERMITTING ENCROACHMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the AL a^y of Cross Energy, a Colorado Corporation (hereinafter the "Easement Holder'), owner and developer of Sun Vail Condo's Phase 3 ("Develbper"). A. Developer is the owner of certain real property located in Eagle County, Colorado with legal description ot Vail Potato Patch, Block 2, Lot 9 as recorded in book 683, at page 204 in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder. B. The Easement Holder is the beneficiary of a certain perpetual easement and/or right-of-way over, under, above and through portions of the subject property (hereinafter the "Easement"), as shown on the plat recorded in book 683 at page 204 in the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. C. As part of its construction on the subject property, Developer has requested that it be allowed to place certain improvement on the easement. D. The Easement Holder is willing to permit such improvements to be a permanent encroachment on the Easement in consideration of cenain undertakings by Developer. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals, the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Easement Holder hereby grants to Developer the right to encroach onto the Easement with two (2) rock entry signs (herein after the "lmprovements") to be constructed prior to January I , 2002. lmprovements so located on the easement will not be modified in any way. No funher improvements will be constructed on the easement after January l, 2002. 3. The encroachment rights granted by this Agreement and the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall run with the land in perpetuity and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on the parties and their respective s uccessors and assigns. Developer understands that power lines located within the Easement are energized with at least 24, 900Y/14,400 volts at all times. Construction and maintenance of the lmprovements by Developer will adhere to all National Electrical Safety Code requirements. The Easement Holder shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury of any kind to any person or property caused by or arising from construction of the lmprovements or performance by Developer of its obligations under this Agreement. Developer shall indemnify against and hold the Easement Holder harmless from all liability for any loss, damage, or injury caused by or arising from Developer's construction and maintenance of the lmprovements and performance of its obligations under this Agreement and from all costs and expenses arising therefrom, including, without limitation, losses relating to any disruption in utility services. Developer shall at all times have in.effect a policy of general comprehensive liability insurance covering loss, damage or injury caused by or arising from the existence of the lmprovements. The Easement Holder may disturb, relocate or remove the lmprovements located on the Easement when necessary to construct! reconstruct, repair, change, enlarge, rephase, operate, and maintain power facilities with the Easement. Developer agrees that it will be responsible for replacing the lmprovements at their expen se. The Developer hereby indemnifies Easement Holder from any increase in the cost of construction of any new power facilities and from any increase in the cost of reconstructing, repairing, changing, enlarging, rephasing, operating or maintaining Easement Holder's power facilities due to encroachment of the lmprovements into the Easement. The parties and their respective successors and assigns shall have the right to enforce, by proceedings at law or in equity, the covenants, restrictions, rights and duties created by this Agreement. lf any action is instituted to interpret or enforce this Agreement, the losing party in the action shall pay, in addition to any other relief awarded, the attorney's fees and costs of the prevailing party. 2. 4. 5. 6. AGREEMENT PERMITTING ENCROACHMENT (Pag€ 2) 8. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may be modified only by a written and recorded agreement signed by both panies or their respective Successors or assigns. 9. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado. I 0. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterpaftst each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Dated this 2rZ a^v or OfiOot< . AoO t . DOMINIUM ASSOCI President srArE oF Ct/ap+/" , couNrY oF /r4te I ) ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J2 day of by LEONARD H. LEVITAN, PRESIDENT OF SUN VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION. WTNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires: woc|flstEpnEEfilll@|,,r- STATE OF ,20-4J, Add ress: couNrY or f,a-V-*'Z.{ , ) ss' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me tnis Jld aav X 0 &t4ten , zo-L L-, bv Richard D. Brinkley, General Manager. - Regulated Cross Energy, a Colorado corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires: B ,l _ O F a Colorado corDoration ?o"'q W:":'$S Notary Public Veda\d orman\lazicfencioac h mcnt: | (F I 841 ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this l0th dayof September, 2001, by Eagle River Water & Sanitation Disfrict (District), a quasi-municipal corporation of the State of Colorado, hereinafter refened to as "District", and SunVail Condominlums, hereinafter referred to as "Property Owner". WHEREAS, Property Owner is presently the owner of certain real property described as SunVail Condominiums, located in Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the District is presently in possession of an easernent, 30 feet in widtlr, running through the aforementioned property, said easernent is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Propery Owner desires to construct permanent stuctures ttrat will eircroach upon said easement in an area approximately 42 square feet. Said €ncroachment is herein described on Exhibit A" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. WHEREAS, said easernent is an active easement presently in use by the District. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: l. The Distict shall perrrit the permanent stnrcture to encroach upon said easement. 2. The Property Owner shall indernnify the District from the costs of any repairs to the District's utility lines which may occur as a result of the constnrction of the permanent struchres over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner shall hold the Distuict harmless from the cost of repairing any damage to the stnrctures that may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in said easement, or by a break in present and future utility lines of the Disticl or by the repair of such break by the Distict or by other maintenance of its lines. 4. The Property Owner shall indemnifythe Distict from any increase in the cost of construction of any new utility lines or in the cost of any repairs to the District's utility lines, such increase, if any, due to the proximity of the permanent structur€s to the utility lines. 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of the Property Owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deerned to nm with and for the benefit of ttre aforementioned property in Eagle County, Colorado until such time that the District abandons said easement. This Agreement shall be recorded against said property in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. F:U SWSD\EREGSIFORMS\ENCROACHMENT\SNVIaNDO6.D@JANUARY 2m I O9llzlzasl g7:31 |i!r:r.1/'!Lu,'l' rr' L' r 383-7795737 RIF{LEV]N t-aar+4v lL,.J,alrtr A.l A. PAqE V5 u.t wiTNtlSS $TIEREOF thc putict bcrao haw cesod $ir Afrc.tla[ to to cnccut€d rs of rhe dly and Yea flrst abovq reryiltrm' PROPER OWNER: (P.ud^a 5r)r. Io.r lChrl)- Dlsr8.lc"t: By srATE OF COI ()RADO ) )ss COUNTY OF EACLI: ) NoFFublic lfYoilflgsht|ffiMy Csmmisrion ctPircs:Clllffi - STATE OFCOI.OF*{DO ) )ss COUNIY OF PACLE ) Thc forcgoing instrrrntcm war roknowledted hofgp np Qir IL 20 _ . .. by Dennis (idvin, Ocnctrl Mau&19 By Nouryhblic My Comrnirrion vrpirer: MyConmtssion E4ires C7|06,ZWS. tlt rw9umf60fott SiF!| 4. r(r*laNT|In{clotctootoElq JAIi'AIY ?@I #W,ffi?,X SarOwuwlc^rtrt JvtttF8. :W 1iAl..l 'fl-wvfb49we hr Fvrvy fF qe FTV+tr6 qfw€ rq strt evqe JLN'|+E( :!u ril- r$ d_ \s_ Ij xv NJ$ $-5 2 $ \ bt- =\L q Ef =r {zt ) s -7 Fa \\ffitrerw,'ffr*,,4 -,,*_ILLLyFTlel-Jw '9rgr'*r' 94^u3-t I ,rVla6t'vvtT :l,frp{- YvwwWWr&, i:i..- ,'),it., -JF liq{Ftci 'ir SUN CONDOMINIUMS 60 Luxury Units Lazier Development Robert Lazier 476-5610 476-0906 Units Available for Show/Sale PRos eeT sisl,| coloas TD N nte\ +t( ? e r,lrn I{ cwt SlSDs -;: Tl?e; Pnrn r. s B** {rr Loo tl CorrS t*c ^rT .W .1 ,/ t t'., .- '#4xb eoloz t s'yt+ $r.; *i,.? t, .Fltr" doort o e*lgv EIrr*. rrr.' ltt I" &tJ firo, Efr I-ee Paid P! o. aJd- i '', lLtLt. Narne of' l,r'oject S*- Uru I*, -C eg-,no m t*'t Lr tryts SIGN APPL]CI.iI{)iI Name of l)erson Subrni tti ng l4-f t L*\i ll i n * *--- Phone Locat.i on of Proje ct .-,bg5----N.---C(pp:ut+ -d- Description of Proiect Crmoc -f,€q5"+. The following information is required for to the Design Review Board before a final Sign submittal fee is $20.00. submittal by the app'licant approvai can be given. A. Siqn Material &)"n Descri pti on C. size of sign n,+ tr ti -**)--- 2 v s D. Comments I.IATERIALS SUBMITTED l^liTH APPLICATION 1. Site P'lan L2. Drawings silg exact location3. Photographs shouring proposed locaTlin L/ 4. Actua'l Sign _5. Colorado sca@6. Photograph of s'ign _ Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT- Sign Administrator Sign Administrator Project Application Proiect Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Sr5ru-.r Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesar Description: t-ot '/ Btock f . Fitins UA, i Rrn tu .|}.f*t(ne Comments: Design Review Board APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL o Blddett ffi GontprtrrA.^.. archllocl u nol butldlny' ppod..at* April 27, l9B2 Whee'ler Piper Architects Box 3]29 Vail , Col orado 8'1657 Attn: Duane Piper RE: The Enclave Vaii, Co1 orado Dear Duane, Pursuant to our phone conversation of Apri'l 26, 1982, I spoke with Tom 81 ackwood, President of Architectural Eng'i neering Products. The A.E.P. metal roofing system in a low g'loss Duranar 200 finish wou'ld be available for theproject should you request it . charcoal gray above referenced S'i ncerely,,;;*-tu _/ James Riddell 59Ol South Quebec Street. Englewood, Colorodo BOlll .(3O3) 773-8071 Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board ,^,. 1o/zzkt DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL 4 -t- " /YOT //f ,r/tua . Date: \ ^- .. --' 'r(r Staff Approval i S"^ UJ C'J" S",^ C*A-,r^ ; {{L At;"T a/\1 /- /* -lJ- t{< ov\l^ oh {4. "htr--; - &.- {y.ry *It + f^U'[ n.^L,#ffi"r#muN^;tu C-r,^frr^r"fi:t - SIGN APPLICAT]ON Fee Paid o oe--l!-f, z Name of Project Name of Person Phone "/76. O706 The fo] lowing information is required for submjttal by the applicant to-tne Oes.i gi Re'iew Board before a final approval can be given. Sign submittal fee is $20.00. jL f, '.1 (u-'.o Subrni tti ng X,+ L (),lliaws Location of Proiect Lo+ of &itt^ z Fo+atr" PalJ Description of Proiect (n A u-, 4 Co*, S'ign l'lateri a I C. Size of Sign D. Cornrflents l.lATt&IALS SUUl4ITTE-! I'lITH APPLi CATI 0N 1. 5i te Pl an . --e-2. Drar.rings shbIjng exact location .# y* 3. Photograplrs showing proposed locafion 4 . Actua'l 5i gn . _ _--5. Colored scale draling Va/L--l---6. Plrotograpfr of sign Approved for ltftB Srrbnrittal Sisn ndai ni-s-trator Di sapproved for DRti Subrnittal s i 91r 'haririli i;. tij,itor Project Application ,*" ? /rtlrr Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 4Block y'. ,Fiting Design Review Board '*. 7/o Motion by: Seconded bv: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Planner E Statt Approval lltl vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 0ctober 5, 1981 Ki t'-tlil 'li arfis P.0. Box 627 Vail, Colorado 81657 department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 9-30-81 Dear Bob: We have re-scheduled your submittal for the Sun Vail Condos Sign for Wednesday, October 21 , 2:00 p-m. It is necessary for someone be there to represent you and the proiect. Si nc Peter Town PJ:df Jamar P'l anner ARrIG.,ES OF' I}{@RPORPTTrcN OF IIIE STJN \AIL SIMMINITJII{ ASSOCIATTCN, INC. The tndersigned, havirq associated ttrcnrselves @et}rer to establish a non-pr:ofit corporation pursuant to tle @lorado ttronprofit Corlpration Act, hereby cerLify: ARrIS,E I The nane of the Corporation shall be: Itre SIJN VAIL OCNEMINTIIM A.SSOCIATTCD{, rNC. ARTICLE II Ttre Cor;nration strall hare peryetual existence- ARTIS-,,E III (a) Purposes. Ttre objects and grrlnses of the oor[pration sha1l be: (i) to provide for the ca:re, r.pkeep and $pewision of the Sr:n VaiL Cordcrrd.nirlns in Eagle @unty, Oolorado (the "Prsltises"), as further described in ordcnrinitm declaration reorded irr book at Page of the Eagle Corrrty reords and al1 arended and supplenental Declarations fil-ed frorn tine to tjJre, if any; (ii) to regrrlate and control ttre relationstdps betvieen tle o,ners of condcrniniun units ("tlnits") otrt ttre Premises (the "oh,rlers") j-n connestion with *reir ovmerslr-ip of the Units; (iii) to prcvide for tlre pleasure and recreation of the Osners; and (iv) to Plqrrcte the best jrrterests of tte Ou6rers for tte Frrpose of secr:rirq for tlsn tlre fullest utilization and enjoynent of tlre Premises. (b) Pc'wers. In furtherance of the foregoing purFoses' but not otherwise, the corporation (wtrictr is scnetjnes hereinafter called tte "Association") sha1l have and may o<ercise all of ttre following ID$Ers: (i) rea1 and Personal Propertlt. Ito acquire, by gift, pr:rchase, trade or any other nethod, c't{n, oEErate, build, rllanagie, rent, seIl, derelop, enq-ndber, and otienp'ise deal irr and with real and persural prcperty of every kind and character, tangible and intangible, wherever located, and interest of every sort ttrenein. (ii) Borrorsirq. Tto borrow fr-nrd.s or raise roneys in any amrtrrtt for any of tle prrposes of ttre Association and frcm tine to tire to exectrte' accept, endorse, and del-irrer as evidence of suctr borrowirq' all kirds of instnnnents and sesurities, including, but w'ittrout lirniting the generalittz of ttre foregoirg, prcrnissory notes, drafts, bills of excirange, wanantsr bords, debentures, prcperty cerlificates, trust certificates and ottrer negortiable or non-negotiable ilstn-urents and evidences of indebte&ress, and to secure tlp palnrent ard performance of suctr securities by nrcrtgage on' or pledge, @nreyance, deed or assigrrrent in tn:st of , tlre vifple or any part of ttre assets of ttre Association, real, personal or rni:<ed, irtcludirg ontrast rights' \,rtretter at tlre tirre cnned or herreafter acqu-ired. (iii) Contracts. Tro enter into, nake, anend, perform and carry out, or cancel ard rescind, @ntracts, le:ses, penr[tsr and oncession agEeerrents for any lavrful FrrFoses pertaining to its busjness- (iv) Graranties. !o make arr1/ guaranty respecting secttrities' inleb'tedness, rntes, interest, contracts or other obligations cr:eated by any jJdividual, parfirership, association' @rtrDration or otier entity, and to secure such guararrties by encunbranoe l4)on any and all assets of the Association, to tte extent tlnt such guaranty is nrade in pursuance of tte !rur[pses herej-n set forttr. (v) Ioans. To lend nDney for arry of ttre pu4pses above set forttr; to irnrest its furds fr:crn tine to tire and take and hold real and persornl property as secrrrity for palmrent of finds so loaned or inrested. (vi) Assessrentq. Tb leirryr ronthly assesgrents and special assesgrents agaiast tle Opners for cqrupn erq)enses (including but not LirLit€d to ttle costs of repairilg and maintairrirq general @nrpn elerents, ad utiliQt charges v*r-ich are not clrarged di:cectly to the Oruners by the utility ocnpanl'), to cbarge interest on u'rpaid assesgrents and to ollect dr.es, fees, and interest in accordance with its tylar"ls, and to enforce liens given as secwity for suctr assessrents, dues, fees and interest. (vii) CeneraL E:oers. fO do oreqathirq necessarfr, suitable or proper for the acconq:lishrcnts of any of tle plrposes, the attairrrent of any of the objecEs, or the furtherance of any of the p\nErs above set forth, either alone or in connection with ottrer or;nrations, firms or irxiividuals, and eitler as prirtcipal or agent, and to do every act or ttrj.rg incidental or aFpurtenant to, or gao\rrirrg out of , or oornected w'ith any of the aforesaid objects, lnrqpses or por''Ers. (viii) Rrle makjrq. $o make and enforce rules and regulations with reqard to the managefient and operation of the Prsn-ises. (ix) llanagerrent, nrairrtenance and repair. To provide for t}te managelrent, rnaintenance and repair of the Prernises. (x) Porers onferred blz law. The forcaoing enuoeration of specific trprders shall not limit or restrict in any nanner tne Eeneral po$iers of the Association and the enjolrent and exercise tl:e-reof as no!.r or hereafter onfered by the laws of Colorado. (c) Restrictions lrtpn purposes and poere,rs. ltre foregoirrg purposes and trpvers of ttre Association are subject to the foltov.drq lirnitations: (i) that the Association shall be organized and operated ecclusively for pleasure, recreational- and other rnnprofitable pr:rtrnses as set forttr in Section 501 (c) (7) of the Internal Rgrenrre 6de of 1954, as it is now or nay hereafter be arended, or in any orresponrting provision of any futr:re law of the ttrited States of Anerica providilg for ocnqrtion of sirnilar organizations fncrn inccne taxation; and (ii) Tlrat no parb of ttre net earni-ngs of the Association sha1l inure to the benefit of any private holder of nenbership oerbificates in the Association. (d) Dividends, Distri-butions, etc. fhe A.ssociation shal1 not pay any dividerds. No distrilnrt-ion of ttrc @4prate assets to nernbers (as such) shall be made tntil all or5nrate debrts are paid, and tten only upon final dissolution of the A.ssociation bV ttre affirrnativre vote of at least eighty (80) percent of tl:}e \rctes of all of the nernbers at any reg|trlar or special neetirg called for that purpose at vtr-idr a quonm shall be represented. Upon suctt dissolution and distribrtion, tlrc assets refiaining after paynent of a'| 1 debts shall be distrituted arong tlre r€rnbers of the Association in plrcportion to tteir respective interests in tlre general annon elenents of ttre Prernises. ARMCLE rv The operations of the Association shall be conduqted at such places w'ithin or outside of ttre United States as rrEy froro tjne to tire be detan'[ned bv the board of djrestors. The address of the initi:'l registered ard prircipal office of tte @r[pration is 250 Frontage Road, VaiJ-, Oolorado. Ihe nane of its initial reqistercd aqent at such add:ess is l4ichael R. Storace. ARftCE V (a) l€mbers. Any individual, corlnration, partrership, association, tnrst or other legal entity or qntrination of entities, (i) contracting to purchase a llnit frcrn tlle declarant nared in ttre Declaration ("Declarant"), or (ii) o$tnirg an r:ndivided fee sinple jnterest in a tirit, shall autqnatically be a nernber of tie Association. Such nenrbership shall be conlinuous throughout the period that such ontract. remains in ful1 force and effect, or ttnt such ounership continues, ex€pt that Declarant nay resign at any tine in r.vtrich case it shall- not be liable for arqr assesgnents made after such resigaration. A nernbership shall terminate automaticalJ.y witbut any Association action qihenever such a contrast is termj:rated or such individual, organization or grol4) oeases to ov{n a ULrit. Eccept as set forth aborre, termjnation of nenbership shall not relierre or release any forner nenrber frcrn any liability or obligation jnsurred by virtr:e of or in any vray onnected with oronerstrip of a llnit, or jJIpaiJ any rights or rsredies which the Association or others may have against suctr forner Grner and nFmber arising out of or in any way oonnected with such ownership or nenrbership. (b) Classes of nenrbership. The Association shall have tlre fo1lc,v,rirg classes of nenberstrip: (i) Individr:al nelrrberstr-ip. Any irrdividr:al acquirirq such an interest in a tlnit shall autqnaticallv beqre an individr.nl rember of the A.ssociation. (ii) Organizational Msnbership. Any cor[pration, lnrtnerstrlp, association, trust or orther leqal etrtity acqtdring such an interest in a unit sha11 autsnaticalty beqre an organizational rernber of the Association. Eactl organizational nernber shall frcrn tjnE to tine desigrnate one or rncre irdividuals wto nay represent it at neetirqs and vote on belralf of such rsnber. The seaetary of the Associaticn shall nraintain a list of the persons entitled to rpte on behalf of such nernber and, until tlre Association is nctified to the @ntra.rry, any action taken bV strch persons IruaTorting to act on behalf of the organizational rcmber shal-l be binding on such nenber. (c) Ntunber of r,otes. I'!rc total- nunber of rrotes of all nElnbers shall be 128. Each nember shall be entitled to cast one'vote at all neetings of IlEmber.s for each r:rrit cr,med. For purlpses of ttris paragrraph, each joint tenant of a Unit shall be desred to o\dn an undivided interest in this tfrrit equal to 100 percent divided by the ttrtal nunber of joiat tenarrts. (d) ATe!{!F{r!. Ttris Rrticle V rnay be anended only ry the uraninnus rrote of all the nsnbers. ARTT(-T,F: 1rI (a) 1!:e ontrol and nranagenent of tte affairs of t}re Association and the dislrcsition of its fi-nrds and properQr slrall be vested in a board of di:ectors. lhe ntmber of dj.rectors (!fiidt nay not be less ttran tlu:ee) , their terms of office and the manner of tleir selection or election shal"l be deternined aceordilg to the bylaws frcm tjne to tfue in effect,. Qlrurlatirre rctirq shall- rpt be allcrvied in the election of directors or for any other Etrpose. 5he nares and addresses of tiose coprisilg ttre first board of directors, to senrc trrtil tttejr successors shall .be duly elected, are as follows: Michael R. Storace Carson Wright Janes Ccnerford. 250 Ftontage bad ttnit 204 Vail, @lorado 81657 250 fYontage had tlnit 504 VaiJ-, Colorado 81657 01230 l{ottirgham Road Arrcn, Glorado 8l-620 (b) the board of directors may by resolution designate tl^rc or IIrcre of their nunber to onstitu@ an ereorti'rre oqrmittee wtrich sha1l have and exercise all of the por,er of ttre board of directors irr the manaqefiEnt of the business and affairs of the Aspciation or such lesser auttority as IIEry be set forth in such resolution. No srrch delegation of authority shall relier.e ttre board of directors or any rernber of the board frqn any responsibility iryosed bV Ian. ARIITT : \,TI ltre Association shall have srrctr officers as may ftun Ujne to tfue be prescribed by t}te fuIavs. Tbeir terms of office and the manner of tleir designation or selection shall also be deteunined accordilg to tlre bylaws fncm tire to tine i:r effect. ARTTCLE VIII The board of directors shall harie por,uer to appoint a manager, wtrich may be a aoqpration, to carry on day-today najnternnce, Gpai.r, rental and senrice functions for the A.ssociation. fhe Association nay enter into a ontrast with such nranager havirg a tenn of not nrcre than fir,e years (including aIL renewal-s) ard w"ith such otter prorrisions as the board of directors nay approve. ARTTCT.E IX futtority to @nvey or encl:niber the properQr of the Association and to e:€cute any deed, oontract or other instn:nent on behalf of the Association for itself or as attorney-in-fact for one or rore of tte rembers is vested in tlre president or any vice-presiderrt and seaetary or an assistant secr:etar1'of the Associ-ation. ARI:lrrF: x Tlre follcrvrirq prorrisions are inserted for the nanag€lTEnt of the h:siress and for ttre conduct of the affairs of the Associaticnn, artd the sanre are in furtherance of , and not in Umitation or e><clusion of, tJe Por,ters onferr:ed by law: (a) Oontracts with di:ectors, officers or rrEnibers. No oontract or other transaction of tte Association w'ith any otler person, firm or corSnration shatl be affected or invalidated by: (i) the faet that any one or nare of tle directors, officers or rrErnbers of the Association is interested il, or is a di-rector, trustee or officer of another corlrcration; or (ii) tlre fact that any director, offier or nerilf,er, irdividually or jointJ-y with others, may be a party to, or nay be int€rested in, any such @ntract or transaction. Eactt person vrtlc may becc[IE a di-restor, officer or rernber of the Association is heeby reLieved frron any liabili-ty that might otherrrise arise bf' r@.son of tt-is contractjJg with t}te Association for the benefit of hirnself or any fj-rm or cortrnration in wtdd he rnay be in anpdse intsested. (b) Board of directors to ocercise general- por,rer. A1I orporate pol,\Ers, er.ceFt those vtr-ich by law or by tlrese articles opressly reguir.e the onsent of tte rembers, shall be ercercised by the board of djrectors or the o<ecutive ocnmittee. (c) Renoval of djrectors. One, or rore, or af1 of the d:lrectors may be renrrred w'ith or without car:se by tle vote of a majority of the \rctes of the fie$brs t]rerr entitled to rrcte at an election of dir.ectors. Such vacancies shall be filled only by tte rrcte of the nrgnlcers so repr.esented. as if such neeting were a reqular anrural neeting for the election of direqtors, the person or per$ns tnving ttre highest nr.rnber of rrctes in onsecutirre order beirg declared elected to the board of di:ectors. (d) Ccnperrsation of directors and nernbers. fle board of di::ectors is trereby autlprized to make provision for r-easonable ccnpensation to its nenrbers ard to rrEfibers of the Association for t]reir se:sices, and to reimhnrrse such rsnbers for elqlenses incrrrred in connection with fi:rtJrering the purposes of the Association, Tte board of directors shall fix the basis and conditions o q)on s,Lich such ccrrp<rsation and reimh:rsenent shall be paid. Any d5-rector or ttre Association nay also serr,re in any other caSncity and receive cnqpensation and reimb.rssrcnt for suctr o'ther r,vork. (e) Indemxity. Each dircctor or officer, whetler or not $En in office' and each person wto rnay harre ssrrcd at ttre request of ttre Association as a director or officer of another cortrnration in qitrich it or.ins capital stocl< or of wtr-ictr it is a ceditor, and his executors, a&ninistrators and assigns, shall be indenrrified by tln Association ag'ainst all costs and expenses reasonably incrrrred by or inposed r:pon him in connection with or arising out of any action, suit or proceeding in efrich he nay be irrvolved, or to wtrich he nay be nade a party bV r:eason of his beirq or havinq been sudr a director of officer (such openses to include the ost of reasonable settlsrent nade with a view tcraard curtail€nt of t}re osts of litigation), except in relation to natters as to which he shall be finalty adjudqed in suctt action, suit or prpceedinq to har€ been liable for negligence or misonduc*. in the perfounance of duty to tle Association, ard the foregoirrg right of jrdennification shaLl not be exclusive of other rights to whdch he may be entitled as a rnatter of 1--- ARTIS.,,E )Ct Ttre initiaL bylaws of tle Association shall be as ado'pted by its board of di:rectors. ltre board strall harrc po,rer to alter, @nd or repeal tle bylarts- 13re tryrlavrs rnay contaj-n any provisions for ttre reguJ-alicrn or nranagenent of tle affairs of tlre Association rafi-ich are not inconsistent with tlre 1aw or these articles of incorSnration, as tte saIIE Inay frcnr tine to tftre be arerded. ARIICLE )(rI Ttre Associatjon reserres tJre rigtr to anend, ctnnge or reSnal any prcnrision ontajned j4 tlrese articles of incorSnraLion b1r, unless a higher vo'tirg requi.rsrent is set forth herein w'ith respect to any partiollar provision, the rrcte of tlre holders of at least trrc-thirds of the rirrtes of tle rernbers at any regular or special reetfuig called for that purpose at wtrich a quonrn shall be repr.esented ARTTCI.,E )(tII llhe nare and address of each incor[nrator is: Michael R. Storace 250 Fr"ontage Road ttnit 504 Vail, Oolorado 81657 Carson Wrioht 250 Frontaoe bad Unit 504Vail, Coloiado 81557 Jares Ccnerford. 01230 NottirKrhan Avon, bloraao gteZO Dated: , 198 ffiace ffi \ERIFICASICbI S'I}EE OF OOI'RAM) ) ss. @UflIY OT EAG,E ) I, l4aq/ E. Bauer, a notary g$lic, herebV certify that on ttre _ day of , L984, personally appearea befor.e re l,liclnel Storace, Carson ffiiigtrt ana Janes Ocnerford, vrho being by ne first dtr-ly s,orn, sarerally declaled tlnt they rarere the persons who signed the foregoing docr.lrents as iacorE:orators and that the statsrents therein ontaired ar€ tt1.e. l y ccnmission e>rpi::es: L0