HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 9 SUN VAIL GENERAL 1977 - 1999 LEGAL. -,, .- t{ ratF?rtl t2aOrtLala aa.t6 TCrhrN crF uA:r_. F'EGITJE!'T* - INBFICTh. }'C'RR cGI-Ct FaCtttcl aHElcTt FClR.''e./ a ltrz- PG|AE tt8lGtil! J itl A€t{.rrt {tyr btt*4473 l&l, ,/ta rryF-r Gl-lr|F C|CICIF.... 6!EI N. F RC'NYA€I FtD I.,EA? a-oottlonr 3A!l il FForrG-|-- L.t lra a{, a}tll:ta, arr!.t F-?-G.lr &101-665-|'a-5O3 AFFl,1.r-irtr TAVI-C';IEE ca|Bl|\{ET 6YgTttt|tt Clstt -Fr CCIX FaCIDGRT L, a CFTFaCI-YN ln C!.rrr 3F-crG or'.. Tt|YLCTl.EE CAliIr\aE'r BYaTElntt Elt-tari. IAAUED t:orr -tF. FlllF lr-,Ll Co|r.torr Clr-€a ur.l t, t-H|l ft--€r.aFtiat|tr ,ao-til- rlrct - ?./ril|'oFtr.-lllr-lr- rr.€o(r.| G.a Ft.rF, f l.xtuF- | Ftroir.r !t7o-9+t-!log:7 F?ron-a 976-476 -S|6ri6 Flr.rn-r |liTal*iD4t-!taD=7 = G--+r- --- ------ l-oeLa. H€lcrri -,rr., N-tr,Er a-.-. CC'TIVITV Nattle-r l\.ctt,.?l-d (g-'r-F-L lra n-rajt trt !r-tr-F foF .t'Lr.trrF-. t6llSat, t't aF-cttt otr ll-quoit Fl-qu- atcFr tsr..a,-.ri A-q Ttr--. Oat6O tt--r Faat4rtated to -lDlD(DO Dl-DO-Fln-l Irr ?oFa-tl,attr----- Cat-- -rtt3r €F a-t - lr- lir 3|'-e{t-cl--- Fh.r'tr. !7G --+eit t4t-E rttTa t{all ct-ll LjNt'r E3- Cletilorr Co---!rta T1- - Er.F Irr apactlcta H|'rGaFir----- Ito-r It- -a It--a t.l--r (t(DEaf FttaE tlEtr-r- a|D|eJ|D !t-E C-F?.--tnC l//23/1., ln.Gt-..'toFr (tltag |oIO|'=lO Bl-E ll-I'| . r^I.-Ct .rrr AOlt66 al-Elct-Eri r -G?-crG:L N-ll lo136/?, I'r rlr-e.c.rFr AFIY tletL.rrr. AFFFI F(JR l!--r TDOOT|' Dl-E tl-lt1-a- tlfAjl|a ttrr,.r-c,Eot r Gt Glcl I'G--. 666tO Dl-DO-Ft'|-'' APfrr'.rvrd rt.t--tFctek rt-al E URCICR FC'R 'I'II-GT IhI !f|T}I A€lr|'6'1. AFFf,I t|etl'.r|rr F|FFfil TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArr., co 91657 970-479-2L38 APPI,ICAIVT CONTRACTOR OWNER DescripE,ion: Remove/replace roof Occupancy: Tlpe Construction: Tlpe Occupancy: RD WEST StAtUS...: ISSI'ED Rd, Bldg.Applied. . :i06/LL/t999rssued...: 06/2L/t999 Ercpires. . : L2/L8/L999 G & G ROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO G 6c G ROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO sIrN vAri, coNDo Assoc. 80443 80443 Phone: 970-658-5552 Phone : 970-668-5552 on bldg b,same for same. R1 Multi-Family V 1-IIR T)rpe V l-Hour Valuat,ion: Firaplaca Infornation! Restricted! yes 3!,'750 #of Oes Appliancea:*Of Gas Loga:*Of wood/Pa116t: rrra** FEE st ulrlutY r*1**i* Resluarant Plan Review- - >. oo Total calculated Feea---> 853 .50 Addicional Feed- -- --- --- > .00 aoa sedfl$g 250.00 ToLal Permig Fee- ------> Paymcnts------- Building-----> Plan check---> fnwa !t igat i on > !{i11 call----> 354 ,00 236.60 .00 3 .00 DRB Fee-------- .0o Recreation Fee- - -- --- -- -> .0o 653.50 Clean-Up D6poBit----- -- -> BE UADB THENTY-FOTN HOURS TN AD\IAIICB BYRBQUBSTS TEITEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT oUR OFPICB FRoM g:00 All 5:0o P(./r4q___ SIGNATI'RE oF oIINER oRGdOlTNfifTOR FOR HI}'SEIJF AND OV{NER v,*i/ &ildoo o #t4etk= ,l DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NTTY DEVEL $TTfuT?Ob/ T*fr'I NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .'OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AIJT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 899-0150 'Job Address: 625 N FROIiIIIAGELocation..-3 625 N. Front,age Parcel No.. : 2101-063-16-000 Projects No. : PR^T99-0170 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-uP D approved amount ,**,*,**r**i*,*,*,****r*****i-.,....,.:nl.i3Ti;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:..,."...",::l;i1....",.THi3"?Yl;;;:;;;;;;;;;;..."",.,....;::... ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:06/L4/1999 KATHY Action: NorE Approved per-Kw06/L4/I999 KATIIy Act.ion: APPR Abbroved Der KW rtsbM:' O54OO PLANNING DEPARTITENT -DEPE: PI,ANNING DjVJSJON: rEama 05600 FIRE DEPARTTIENT DebE: FIRE Divj-sion:IEem: 05500 PTBIJIC WORKS DepC: PUB WORK Divisj-on: ttatat**r*r*tlr*t!rtt*tt rr *tr '***rJa***irla*ttl*rr****r*r.rr**!rtr*11t1* * i r * * * * * * t i * * * * * * * * t * * * * * t *t** ***** **** t ***** * ***tr **i**, ')*tt i * See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to Ehis permit DECIARATIONA f hcrcby .cknorlcatg. that f have r6id thi! appLication, fillcd out in full bhe inforuation required, couttlctcd an accurat. PIo! plan, and 6tega th4t all Ehe inforrlBbion provided a6 required is corrccts, I agre€ to comply wi.lh tsha infohnation and plot p1an, t'o coEIrIy rith all ToIn otrdinances and state ltrB, and to build thiB struccure according to th6 Tonn's zoning rnd subdiwigion codcs, deEign rcview approved, Itniforh Building cod. and other ordinrnceE of the Toim aPPl,icable theretso. e posit Refund scnd cl.an-l4r DepoeiE Tor €&G Roofing **:l***************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit, #: 899-0150 as of 06/21/99 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUIIJD PERMIT Applied: O6/LL/L999AppJ-icant:G&GROOFING Issued:06/2L/a999970-668-5552 To Expire: L2/L8/L999 ilob Address: Locat,j-on: 525 N. Frontage Rd, BIdg. B, Sun Vaj-l Condo'sParcel No: 2101-053-15-000 De6cript.ion: Remove/replace roof on bldg b,same for same. Conditsions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REoUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. ALt PENETRATTONS IN WAI.,IJS,CEIIJINGS,AI.ID FTOORS TO BE SEALED I{ITH AI.I APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL,3. SMOKB DETECTORS AR3 REQUIRED IN ALt BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS pER SEC.310.5.1 0F THB 1997 IJBC.4. FIRE DEPART!,IEIC| APPROVAIJ IS REQUIRED BEFORE A.}Iv WORK CAN BE STARTED. ,1'ol'll.I or vArL col{sTRucTlol{Pssqq -ot1o lJIocl< Architec!: - Address: Getrer:al lJescrJ-pLicl,,, n.*o,r" ut'a Oi=oo= li"ro'EllEl'?"5'-1,3,r=nt'l'-irr.rat-iorr[]-AclrJiLional[]-Repairtl-oLlrer--- l{utnLrer of Dwellj.ng Utrit-s 2 - l'luluber of nccoluluorfaLion UuiLs; cas Logs- Woodr/Pellet tt * rt tt tt tt * * * !t rt tr rt * * * rt Jl Jt rt :t tt rt Jt rt Jt tr * Jl rt * t tl OTIIEII: TorAL: +--Et ]5b "s- ttIglJ tt 't tt tt * tt tt tr t( rt rt it tt tt * tr rt tt 'i * * * 'r rt * * * {6--'ro",1 of Vail Reg. l{O. l-24-S'Itfwll L.r r. v s*- -!v? l)horre Nuurber: 668-5fr2--- 'l'otnr of vail Reg. No'--. O!4lers Nane: Sun Vafl Condo Adclress: P'O'Box 3655' Vail Phone l'Iulnber:Acldross r Plurnbitrg Address: 'l'o!rtr of vail Reg. I'lo'- Phone Nutubet: Towtr of Vail Phone Nutttber:.l'lechanical Cort[.racLor :Iteg. l{o. Address: * rt * * * * tt tt tt tt :t rt rt :t rt Jt rt Jt /r * :1 * :t lr :t J! lr :t :t :t :t *trOR OFrICL: USlt rt rt rt rt fr Jr rt rt rt 'r tt * * tr rt tl rt * * * {r rt * rt :t:t * rt * tt tt IJUILDII{G PUIU"IIT TI]lj: PLUI'IBII.IG PUIU'II'I IlIiIJ: I'IBCIIANICAfJ PIIIU'IIt lll:;Li : ULUCTIIICAL ITEE: C}TIIBIT 'IYPE OF ITIII: DIIB ITIiJE: CLEAI{-UP DttPosF[',rornr PElrlrrr rE ate Rgggffi JUN r i ru99 I'AITCEL .APPLICA1,I(Jr{l.tus,I,IJi'IrILLEIJouTcOl'1P.t,]]TlijI,YollITMAYNo,l,I]EAccEPfIJD n "- r.,-L!rJ $d****"***:tfrltrt*Jtrtrtrt*rLrtrtrt*ltrt*'t'1 '1 I'[lu'trr rllltolu't^Trol-l tl't:t'r*tt**lrJl*rt*rtrt**'t**tt**rt**rtrr' fil r t"r ^^r'r-i ^nl r l-Mechanfcal [ ] -other'IxJ-I]ult<ling [ ]-Plurnbing I J-DlecLrical [ ]-Mechanical t l- ooo Job l'lane: sun vaif east erdg- R Legal DescriP{:ioll: Lol- ' ooo , ttt, 2rotoffiL6ffi Jrrturrr AppLrcATIOl{ rolol DATE: l,uiullr il Conl-rauLor: Job Atldress: 625 North Frontaqe Rd' VaiI ri r ing Ph. 476-0s06 Ph.--- I]UTLDTIIG T,'IJ\I'T CIIIICK FEB: t'Lul,lull{c l'LAl'l cllEcl( fEE! I'ilJCllAl{IcAL PLAI'I cnljcl( rIrD: IIUCITBATIOI{ FEE: VALUATlOI{BUILDING: sTGNNTURI': zol'lrl'lc: $IGI'IATUITE I | 'r'rru lcRouPl=l- Atldress: P. o. Box B 17 , Fr lll.ecLrical ConLrerct-or: Cotnutents I $Q. FT. 817, Frisco, 80443G&GRoofing, Inc.Box Fax:970-668-5552 Jun 11 Itt24'99 a P.01 G & G NOOFING FA,'i TRAN$M.II'TAL 'lr.r: ... -Town ..of, AITE!! I'J tr.t! r F'.\Ji NLI}!IIETI.:47.9.:'2452____ Il{..1.$l: , Carqlvq__ IIATE: 6llLl99 FA-\ NttNHEk I l97o'l6G{t-5tr5l TEr'EpHoNE NuunER: {9?0t 66s-Fb5t '!'otal number of rrase-c includinq f,hls cover letter: z (:$l'tlrEN't'ri : I'ust ( )llic-c lir-rx l:l [7 lrriscr.r, Colc'rado B0,ri43 (970) 068.5552 11 ITI25 P.02's ^dU .G ""*) ,eble6ilo t.ti gutr Va1l.,:E .t |||lfdflg .1. _..,.' !r ln96 rt*r.;- r|}r l Fr- L Ftr,|l.ar-,r.rtt tr|-{ rtHJrlE !tt--- tE - -frt' -rN!, - -r i -_r|Ia - :t- - ta -E Q r- r!! tI J!f. n l| --D-----ar-/rlr...!.r q,E -a - !- |lttr - |El -'. rr rr.r-taaal tE.-!4 :I qa.. r--r -.-L.. q-+ ryra Drculdlng ttl ltctrrtrt lrlcr .atafltl., toolarf{u.lti3||t .|!c ruDttulalon ta €aiplrrl rcrh rr iollar] |rrrrc- rnd_dtspela at tatlDe reod. llrPtc|t rDf aGt r|itatil,rbl.I..t ll tr.3' tcc6 tlltrDrl|t o r tnttrr icct .r' , tt.talt r -itslrur.trd rrDlSr t3lrlnf rrrtre lnclullng rtl. lrlt l'ri ttr.hlrlt. lrrt.ui.r tr.ft nrr||rd rrt.l cctt||g €rD rt fll t8rrrt rall& lll ..iFlala rlll lr lDrtallfd tn rtr''at sao'tl.tEo ytth nutrct[rrr.lnat.llrtloD r;rolttcrtloar. Il rlll larl*t lbt rorf drcllr|!. .td ctrrgrl rrr:l drcttng ttlr Ir r;tLd .t a t1'r. rrt 11t ritr Ftcrttr I lll pEst0t lmlrr lJ ratr.art. Ir rltl rtttt t.r tha lblld|e t f3t. lt -ral$$.6tttr crrt rtl'l le {r'elrfC .ddlltcn.llt. ttf l'|r". fltl Dr lenr rt acat tll|| ltll ,eae.it rtc lnurlEtdrgl.tln Ut. qt! L.ler rrd irtrrhlr rltl lr $rttrrtaod tc I f"rlod .t tlyf a0t t.rFlloUorlrr| tb dat. ot cerplrtf,on: . T0 Golntn sFr?T^lGE rr.trt! tttnt,. Drtt, rtD illruir r|tE t]grol cort. t. F..-. *D lLl EiL a.||. - trrfl l-ff- | q,. -.t r.rr r-rql -ttr-lt;-rrlarx.I}a --l nool DrEkiror lor,ltt ac totrtt I Sr0r lrEvrl: 1r-!E-r* lcrgfu ut ol trolord -rt.h!i.r !-rL.d ..Iltl| r |.[|.det ra r ||Il lt*a I t --! t- L rl . ....4a., rEli I L!ri. .t ird -t+tat|atr D.lrffi trr i -- *{ ri[.-'} r.Att-r{r r- -rr h.f -hrm. Lil -.rH,rtrt-,a-b. t;i F.aC, 6'd lJt6 E6. t rb ?5!98}{16rxrl o arozop;8 A}l FI N o o 'lroz.'9 F..2 .{or{o HH HooEO 4&OA T H E* la !lo HF H c; st z R.. a0C, o&e o!EoiEe U oA FIo U ET AEt.l d U (, ts !l (, aFlez EOE'E'( EF t" lr tr AE E9ala A lrl{ EB *:l0 b Cr liH,2 8BA= E.( EH o h E CT E!a- t{ a l. qc =U4lazE !a :Eo c'EF Cag s8(JU AH FIcl B H A 5 F EId 2 Ec FI cl q ; n c|p =>Elru .{ 0laocEOt&EOAAH #Xlil ""e sB r I 6 FEouEsrJ?il9"8['X^l,bi*'ghEE?3"'"*f ,, =,, "", trAEE 14 AREAI JRt4 Act ivity r Rddress: Locat i on l Parcel r Descri pt ion: Applieant:(lmdr: Contr^actorr 899-8159 7/131 tg Type: A-MF Status: ISSUED Constrr AltlF 6A5 N FRoNTAGE RD IIEST 6eS N. Frontage Rd, Bldg. B' ator-063-16-o6G Rerove/replaee roof on bldg lj & TJ RTltrFINE $,JH UnIL CttNDO ASStlC.6 E G Rff]FINE Sun Vai I Condot s Occ: b, sare for sale. Phone: 97S-666-555€ Phone l Phone: 97O-664-555e Use: U l-HR lnepection Request Inforration.... Requeatorr CAR(ILINE Req Tirel Eorrents: FINHL Iters requeeted to be Inspected... 60679 BLIE-lrlise. Phone: 66S-555e ROUFINEAction Corrent s Tire Exp Inepection Hlstory..... WaEE6 FIRE DEtrT. NOTIFICATION GO=tlO drivenay grade final AGIAIO BLDG-Foot in gsl9t ee I OASEO BLDB-Foundat i onl5t eel OSFaO PLAN-ILC Site trlan OOr:lO BLDG-Fraring OA$49 * * Not trn File * * OOOFE BLDG-Insulat i on.uurtp{' ITLIJU-rnsul aE-l on, Qtil,E;o BLDG-Shedtrodk -Nai I OIU,f'0**Notpn ile * * tdool$ BLDE-l{i OOO9O BLI}G_F oo530 BLDE-I 063I FIRE- oo53a ps,-:lo fi4533 oo537 rtg53g @539 rrs54t,BLDG-Final CIO Iterr Itar l Iter rIter:; . Iter l fter rItcr r ItarrIter rIter:Iterr Iter Ittar:Iter rIter:Iter r rtr trttr c/u IterrIter c Iter i Iterr' iti tr I * i r. *,- o ^JW Activity N?+l*ole t iIii$irh I,irre: $-M|:LH Stai,rrsr tSiilll;.li tlcrristr': tlRFI Ftddressl g5 {.ll.l-l HL:,[: R.J tJEg I :.::-===:l==== == E:=-- =r: i.:r:=..--i:====-i-=--:==;:=======ri--::-;!::=-: F VH.it., CtiL"ORFtt,U {-"f IOhl t,l0RK SHEETii frflFt; I1./lttrtri:i Use: IFlrii,!r/r:,T(j Gils {t tililvtr EiHLIF Ft.icinc : 9?ti-i;'LrfJ--j76t7-r Flrcilre; & STilVE iiHOF Flrorre: $7rii1-t"68 -;t76U p(fi- O?'?/v l// REF,T[ 31:lt/Lfr/9a 8"7137 LBL'at i o F ar'ce I r ite'scri pt i a6 l Appl i cant l Owner I []clntract or r' RIIOUL:, I,r l'OR I I trl^ltl llRtril: i;l) EOFI\tERT I^iTJTJID LiURI\ F:R i 5|;O t; I REF.LAUE L,f.{YEi.l Jrtiir"iiU[r FRlSCL} i:i I F{Ef-'L-HCE VAiL I,JI!J. 1 T In*peet i on Request 1n{orttrat:ion Requert or r JA{jtlhl ndq Tine: rll:EtZ Cr:nmr:rlL.s: l{ Iteils requested bo be Iris5rect,e U'€|e4O F,LfvlB-6as -"iping 'Ata39_0 ltlECH-Final F,h*ne: 6Al]-i76kl EY AT OFFICE d",. ffction f i rre Ex6: t nrpect i on. Hi.stuly" ",.. "Iten I lAAlEUr lvliltlH."Rur-ruir Iten: Araegg F I iiE-irBFllNl"iLE il ROUfiI-l Iten : t|$e4a F[,.FlB--i]iaF p-,:i rrll|ti Iten: UqlSlrzr i,liltll{-i-ieah i rrU Iten r ABJA|ZI I'iHillJ*Evli*r-r*i; llourie Iten I Egr3Srlr Flfjf,H-.$r-rupI y *-rir Itenr rag34r.'r l"lEcfl-l4i :r:, I t cn : tZlA39'A FlllCll-"F i rr.r L Iten: OO5SA f:: I RH-F'INAi.. i;/{:r tlq?- Ozzl fit- 0 -hLr a TO!{l[ OF VArr_, 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-4?9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ET,I COMM BUITD PERI'l7 ilob Address: 525 N FROri[fAGE RD WEST I-,OCATION,..: 605 N FRONTAGE RDParcel No.. : 2101-063-15-000Project, No.: ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0123 SEaEus...: ISSUEDApplied..: 05lLs/L998Issued...: 05/L5/t998 Ercpires. . : Lt/tL/L999 Phone: 9706685552 Phone: 9706685552 APPLIEAI\IT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REROOF-SAI4E G & G ROOFING P O BOX 817, FRISCO CO G & G ROOFING P O BOX 817, FRISCO CO SI]N VAIL CONDO ASSOC. 80443 80443 Occupancy: Rl T)4ge Construction: V 1-HR T1pe Occupancy: MuIti-Family Type V l-Hour ValuaLion:3 0, 500 Flr6place Inforilratlon3 ResEricEed: *Of Add Gas Appllancrd: 3S7.00 . oo 3.O0 .00 50 .00 R€creaEion Fee----------> .00 250 .00 992.0s Re€tualaDt Plan Rcview- - > DRB Fee-------- g92.OS 842.0S BAIANCE DUB-... .OO Dept: BUILDING Division: iIRM-Dept: PIJANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PIIB WORK Division: Total calcuLaCed Fee6- - - > Additional FleF---------> Total Perrnit Fe€--------> Pavmcnt6------- *of wood/Pallct: accurats. plo! and plot plan, rubdiwieion FRoM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM IEEM; .O51OO BUILDING DEPART'I'4EI{T05/1,5/L998 ,JRM Action: AppR AppRovEDIEEM: .O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT05/Ls /L29_Q _.lBU__ ___Asqis4: APPR N/AItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT0s/L5/)29q JU_ __ AcElon: APPR N/AIte_m: _05500 PIIBLIC WORKSO5/L5/L998 JRM Action: AppR N/A I h.r.by rcknottlcdgr that f have rcad lhiE application, fillcd oug in full chc infotnation rcquired, corrplcled anplen, rnd .ca!s chac all tho inforrnation providcd aa requircd i6 coft.cc. I agree tso cornply rilh th€ lnformation Co cooPly vith all fown ordinanceg and Bca!. lawe, rnd tso bqild thir struccur€ accordiDgf to tshc Toun, s zoning and codeg, d.E19n levi.rr approv€d, ttniforru Building cod. and othlr oldinanc€a of the Town aplrlicabl,e cher.!o. RAQUESI9 FOR INSPECIIONS SHALIJ BE MADE TWEMTY'FOI'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT ]T TOV/Comm. Dev.4 SAME BALI,AST ROOF SYSTEM Cfean-up FEE SUltltARY t**ll*r*rr*ri Building-----> Plan check- - - > Inva.tl,gatlon> will Call---->ellen-Ulr Dcposit - - - - - - - - > TOTA], FEES- - -.. rrr*il'r!ra*tta** ttt*t**.rrrirrrrrrrta.rrr*!r*r***r.rrrrrrrtrtl,irrrltr+rrrilirr See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any condit.ions Ehat may apply to this permiE. DECI,ARATIONS Refund approved amount date sq FE: *Of ga6 Logo t s.iiliitr.bn-op Dq,orlr ro, c&s RooFrtlct FOR HIff'BLF AND OIiNER *******************************************************************:t************ CONDTTIONSPermit #: 898-0123 as of OS/2}/ge SE,atus: TSSUED************:t*******:*******:l**!t!t****:l******************************************* Permit.Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD pERMr Applied: o5/L5/Lgg8Appllcant:G&cRoOFrNG Issued: Ol'l:s'/ittee70668sss2 ,7o E:qpire , ;-t'ti7/iggS ilob Address: LOCATiON: 505 N FRONTAGE RDParcel No: 2101-053-16-000 Descri.ption: REROOF-SAII{E 4 SAI4E BALI,AST ROOF SYSTEM Conditlons:1. FTRE DEPART!4ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAI{ BESTARTED.2. FIEITD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMpLrAlrCE. PARCEL ;,2 r.010631600 D 3[i{*,?il x};i,3iili3il"F3i.i'" o DATF: 5/l-4l98 PEII}IIT # APPI,ICATIoII }lusT l]E lrILLtj|.) oUT coI'lPLETIlLY oll I,I M^Y lloT BE ACCEE,.IIJ|) * * * * ti * * * !t it 't * !t 't tt rt * J-v 't * * rt * :t * * rt 't I'BRI'IIT Il{FoIU'tATIol{ rr * * * * * * '( * Jl * rt * * * 'r * rt it rt tr * {r * * * tt * ' t r-",.,rrdrnn [ ]-Plurnbing [ ]-trlecl-rlcal [ ]-Mechanica] [ ]-other Job l,lame: suD Vai r Job Address: Legal DescriPtiolr! Lot lJlock-_riling sulorvrsrotl: - Ph.476-0906 Plr._- Ovrners Name: Vail Resort Rentals Architect:Address: Adclress: 605 N. Frontaqe Rd' General DescrJ"ptiotr: Remove &Dispose of Existi!r.g Roof . Install 045 rubber -u.ir;"t rooffr!-EYstem'. -- worlc class: I r-N;;i"j:AiG;;titn [ ]-Atislitioiiai-[ 1'-stpair [ ]-o1 NunLrer of llwellj-ng UtriLs:l,lunber of Accontlnodatiotr Units: l4echanical Cotrtractor :'Iowtr of Vail Reg. No Address:Phone Nutnber: * * * * * * * rt rt tr rt rt rt * rt rt rt Jt lr * :t rt Jr it :t * /t * rt :t * :t |rOR OFfICE USI| * :t rt tt * rt rt rt rt rt lr:t Jr * rt * rt * * tr 'r * Jt tl rt * * * rt * * IJUILDING PIIII}IIT I"IIB: PLUI'IBII'IG PEITMIT T'I'B : I,TECIIANICAL PERI,IIT ITD.E : ELECTRICAL llEE: OTIIEIT TTPE OF FI]IJ: DRB FEE; I]UILDING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: PLUI'IBII{G PIJ\N CIIECK T'BE: UIICIIANICAI, PLI\N CUECK FDE! RECIIEATION FEE: CLEAI.T-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PEIU'II.f I.EBS: sQ. rT.VALUNTIOI.I DUTLDING ! SIGI.IATURB: Zol.lIl'lG 3 SIGI,IATURE! ColuueltUs: cLU{ll{ult DEPOSIT l6fugl, lO: G & G Roof ing, Inc ' Box 817 ' Frisco ' 80443 I/IEMOIIAI'IDUllfl TO: FftOM: DATE: t1E: ALL COI'tl'RACl-Ol-1s .TOWFI OI: VAIL PUBLIC rilAY 9, 1994 WHEI'I A ''PUBLIC IVAY WONI(S DEPARTI/IEI'IT I)E[.JMI1'' 15 HEQUIRED k/nJob Name; Date: $, Please ffiffi hr*'tgqilt{ttiairc regat ding thu rreed {or a "Public WaY Pernrit": YES NO 1) ls this a nerv residence'? 2l ls denrolitiort worlt beirrg perlorrned that requires the use of tlrc rigltt ' of way, easemenls or public properly? 3) ls anY utilitY worl< needed? 4) ls llte cJrivewaY being rePaved? 5) ts tjiflererrt acccss needed lo sile ollter lhan existing drivowaY? C) ls any ijraitrago work being dotttl' a{fecling tlro riglrtol way, easelnents' or Public Pro2eflY? ls a "Flovocable llight Of Way Perntil' recluired'/ A. ls lho righl of way, easerltenls or public properly to be used lor staging; parfting or lcncing? B. lf no to 0A, is a partiittg, staging or fencing plan required by Cornrtrunity I have read alld answered alltlte abov Develol:nlent? || you answcrcrJ yes to a|ly ot|lrese c;ueslitllts, a ''|,ulrlic War-.|g1nit" musl be obtained. 'lrublic way lrerrril' upp'|irnriort" ,nry be obtainecl al lhe trublic work's olfics or al Conrmunily Dcvelgprnci,i. ltyou lrave arry-quotlio'.1. llleasc call Chartie Davis' lhs l'own otVail Construction Inspeclor, at 479'2150' 7l 8) / A e g Jolr Name Con br's Sigrtaluro 1tll, 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3or) 479-21.13 or 479-2139 otttcc ol comnlulllty devclopltteltl 'ro: fnoll: DATIj; su[J licl': ALL COI,I'I'I{ACTOIIS CUIU{EI{TLYL REGITiTEIIUD WII'II rllE 'IOI.JI| OF VAIL Tot,ll.I on ViIIL PUBLIC tvortlG/Col4I{UI{ITY DIiVIILOPMEI'IT MARCTI 16, LgBB COI.ISTRUCTIOI.I PAITITII'IG & I{ATER'IAI, STOIIAGE (i.e. conl-ractor, owner) In sunuuary, Orclillairce l{o. 6 sLal-es thaL it is Unlalrful for any persop tcl-i-itUer, l-racll or deposi.b any $oil , rocl(' sand, debris-or rlaterial., incluclirrg tras[ {ulnpster:s, portable toilets and l.rorlouel vehicles Llirolt ally streeL, siclewalk, al}ey or public place or any por-'t-i-n Lltereof . The right-of-way otl a1l Town of Vaj.l streel-s and roads is a;rproxinraLely 5 ft. off pavelnent',l'his ordinance r.rill be strictfy enforced by Ltre Town of Vail Pr.rb-Lic l{orl:s Depart-nretrl-. Persolls found violating ttris ordinance rvill I:e givel a 24 lrour lrrj-bLelr noLice to renove said material . In the evel.L tfte persotr r;o lrgLifie<l cloes not Cotuply wiLh the Iot-ice witltin the 2.1 horrr tiure $pecified, the Publj.c works De1:artrncrtrL w111 relnove saicl tnaLel:ial aL ther eXpetrse of person notifiecl . Tlre 1:rovisiot-ts of this orditrance shall nol- be applicable to clns.t-ruction, urainl-enatrce or repair projects of any streeL or alley or ally uLilities .in Lhe riglrL-a-way. 'Io review ordinance llo. 6 -in full, please stop by the Torln of Vail lluilding Deparl-urent to obba.itt a copy. 'Ihanlc you for your cooperal-ion on this uratter. .'ll ltrl 75 s(,trtlt f rotlltge toad vail. culoratlo 0lGS I (3u3) 419-2l]8 ot h79-21))otJlco ol cglllll'tunlly developnleltl UUILIJITIG PIItI.iIT ISSUAIICE TII'IE FI{AI\IE I t' Llris l,cr-Ilit t-c(lu it'c:i il 'fol,m ol" Va il Iirc Dcpartlllent.Al)prova] ' ii,Uiii.,or'"i (tiubl ic lr,,r r<si ,.ev icw attd apprqval , a PlattttirrU Del)artlrlcllt r.evict, or llcaltfr U,:f,u,.iu,lrrL-review, att4'a t'evierv by t1e Buildittg itirru"i,uunt,-ltre cstlr,'u io'l ii,',. for a tutal reviet'r nray take as lotlg as tlirec vleel(s. All corilrrcl-t;ial (l.rrgc or srrrall ) arrtl all ttlulti-fatrtily pernrits will lave Le 1.ol It1r utre aiui,: r,,ii Li"t".t rtt,rxitttuttt requ iretttctlts. ..Residerttial alrd slrall lrr.ojecUt sf'uui.f i'l.c a lt:ssur i!llloutt i of'tittte. llowever' it ,-iil,iuLiri ul, srrral f .t-f,i..i".r,s itnpact tlte vat''ittus above tttctrtiutretl ,totroitui"nt, lvitlr r.egurtl ttl trecessary revietv' tlese projects ntay alio take the tlrree l'tcoll pcriotl ' [vei^y'attenrptwi.|ll-retrradebyL|risclcpurLrttcrttLoexpeditet|rispentiit as. s.qott as possi Lrle. I, tlte ur|(lcrs igrrerJ, urrrlct'stantl tlre lllatl clreck' procedure and titne frane.. 14-5^e Pruiect I'l.ttttc 9,#€*; iic u-i r r tu tlil;__ Conunutti tY DeveloPttettt Dcpartntcnt' I ?' : t,A'REpTl$1 lpt3. \o",.,-,/^il''(#(-^t-r#,'6;,l,,',43-, I F0R: 3,zEBl9€ === ==============_fionstr: ffDUl: Use: OZ/eol9A 68:37 REQUESTS FOR TBHN NF VAIL, COLI]RADO INSF.EITIT]N I^IORK SHEETS ffREfl: [D Activityr 897-O41€t 2.1t2$/9A Type: R*BUILD Addr.ese: 635 N FR0NTAGE RD [4ESTLocation: 685 N FRONTflGE RD (UNIT A-lS) Fanee l : fl lErl-12163-1ri-14fl3Deseription: REMtrDEL P BRTHR0OF1S Appl icant : L..EV I TAN LE0NARD H Ewner: LEUITAN LFONARD HContr4ctorr KITCHENS BY pESIGN, INC. St at r-rs : I.$SUEO Occ: [:'hone: Fhone r F,h on e : 3F.:8- 1l7O InEpeetion Reqr"rest Requestor: Ken Beq Timer Ol:tltl I t ers r"eqnest ed t o qt0090 FLDG-FinaI I n form at i on. . Comm ent e r f:*O be Inspect ed, Frhone: 3€8*1P7tZt Pte / locktrox KBD . Act icn Comments Time Hxp Inspection Histor-y. .,, . 46650 FLDG-InEulation AAA6A FLDG*Sheetrock Nail t elqS/97 In Epect or.: CD 006S0 + * Not fJn File * * Oftfi7fr BLD6-Misc. A€Ogra BLDG-Final OO33CI BLDG*Tenp. C/n OA54IA BLDG-Final C/u ffction: AFtrR AtrFR0UED Item: Itemr :!ten:Itenl Item; Item:rlten: 'l ' REpTl3l lpt3. TOt^lN OF UffIL' CULURADO Ae/eF/98 OBt37 REGUESTS FoR INSFECTIUN l,JoRK SHEETS FORt 'P/&O/i8 F,A6E E AREA: CD Activityr tr97-O176 e/'c@/98 Type: B-FLMB "flddr"essr 6ti N FRONTREE RD WEST Loeation: 6EE N FRtrNTREE liD (UNIT R-le) Parcrl r E1O1-t163-16-€tO3Descriptionr REMtrDEL P BATHRtrUMS Applicantr LEUITQN LEONARD H'0wncr: LEVITAN LEONARD H Contraetorr KITCHENS BY DESIGNT INC. Stat r-rs : ISSUED Constr*: ADUP Occ: Use: Fhone l Fhone: Fhone r 3lA*1370 Incpect ion Request Requestor: Ken Req Tirer 01 :OtD Itens requested tog0egG F|LMB*Fina1 Inf or.mat i on. , . Comments: AIE be Inspected.. Fhone: 3€8-lETlZt lockbox HBD . Act i on Conment s Time Exp Inspeetion History..... Iten I ooelo trLlvlB_undel.gr.ound Item: O0egqr F,LMB-Rouqh/D, 11. V. ItAn: OOeeS FIRE-SFRINKLER RUUGH Item r OOe3Ut pLMB-Ro'-rEh/l,later Iten: OOB4A PLMB-6as Fiping Itemr OOegC' trLMB-F,oo1/Hot Tub Iten: o0.e5fi FLMB-Mise. Item r 00e96 trL148-FinaI Iten: OO53B FIRE-FINAL C/0 ,REpTl3l 6e/eg/99 Activity: Addness: Locat i on :' Faree I : Description: Appl ieant r' 0wner: Contnpct or. r Ipt3. 0A:-57 REQUESTS FDR E97-e€99 e/eA/98 Type: B-ELED 685 N FRTJI.ITAFF RD I^JEST 6;:5 N FRENTAGF RD (UNIT A-IE) Ilra1*12163-16-'EtO3 REIYIODEL P BRTHRT]OfiS LEVITAN LEONARD H LEUITAN LESNARD H HITEHENS FY DE$IGN, INC. pA6E 19 AREA: EG Stat uE : ISSUED Constr: ADIJP ller: FhonB: Fhone: Fhone:388-1*7[t Us-e I T0[JN 0F UAIL! C0LORADo INSFECTION I^JORH SHEETS FORz 'E/?Q/98 "1 ,.Inspedtion Reqr-rest Irrfor'mation..... Fhone: 3Ea-187O ?2c- .is 8.{ Time ExF Reouest or: Hen " # Ti nre : O8: OO Conrm.ent s : A1t l oekbox KBD Itehs--requested to be Inspected,.. Aetion C OE1T0 ELEC-Final 'i, Aet i on Comment s hspec[ion' Histony. . . . " ,,,{!d"lil.l ,.0ft1tlZ ELEC*Ternp. F cwer IteJ..l-l gOlEEr El-Etr-Rough, 11lLAl97 Inspector"t EG I t eE :' $13O ELEC-Cond u i t' .Itenr @t14O EL.EC-i{iEe.':Iten! OS19A FLEC-Final-ilt-em: @&€t4 FIRF*ffLARM ROLIEH . titen r tl053B FIRE-f:INAL C/n <7Q / v /- ACt i ON : AF'F.R AF'F.ROVED \ i /I / IOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADy'AIL, CO 8L657 )7 0 -479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVETOPMEI.'IT NOTE: THIS pERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 625 N FROMTAGE RDLocation. .. z 625 N FRONTAGE RDParcel No.. : 2101-063-L6-003Project No. : PRJ97-0242 ON LTOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0410 WEST SLatus.. (UNIT AApplied. fssued.. E:qlires. ISSUED Lt/ 07 /L997 Lr/1-O / L997 os/09/1-eeB APPLICANT IJEVITAN LEONARD H 699 SYLVANDALE CT, ST. PAIJL MNOWNER I,EVITAN LEONARD H 699 SYI-,VANDALE CT, ST. PAIJI-, MN CoNTRACTOR KITCHENS By DESIGN, INC.P.O. BOX 3660, EAGI-,E, CO 91631 Description: REMODEL 2 BATHROOMS 5 5118 551L8 Phone z 328-L270 Occupancy: T)G)e Construct,ion: . Valuation: 19,600 Fircplaco tn forG.Ll on ! R.!Lrlctcd: ,Aa-'*H*ao Sof Wood/Pall6 t r Building-"--> !Ian Chock---> Invoot-IgaElon t wil,I cell - ---> ,00 50.00 ,00 too.oo, ssi .zs 245.00 ts9.2t irrr FEe guMt4ARY R6sLuar.nE Plen Rovlo\,- - > DRB Fna-------- Rocroaelon F6o------- - -- > clstn-Uit D.po.It - - - - -. - - > TOTAL TEES-...- Toh.l Crlculrt.d Fooa-- -> Addltlonrl Po..- -- --- -- -> rotel Pornrlt FGo- - --- ---> ss1 .25 . o0 s5? ,25 Paynonts------- 557.25 BATANCE DUE.... uL. ?216%@ @*,t-/ 3-tt'1 Add Sg Ft: SOf Oao Appll,rnc€o ! llof olo Logo! Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTL1,/O7/L997 .JRM AcLion: APPR APPROVEDIEem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENTIIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTIECM: O55OO PIJBLIC WORKS DenL: BUILDING Division: ,JRIrfDept : PLANNING Division:Debt: FrRE Division:Depb: PUB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions Ehat may apply to. tshis permits. DECI,ARATTONS I heleby acknorledgc thaL I hav€ read thi6 applicatlon, filled ouf ln full thG lnfonetion requir.d, comiiited en plan, end rtrtse bhat all the informat.lon plovl,d.d as rcqulred i. eorrcct. I rgrcc to conply r{lth thc lnfonratlon t.o comply rith all Town ordinanccE and scat6 la{a, and t'o build thi6 structurc according E;-th. T""", ;-;<iir-ing inil codee, deelgn r.vi.w apploved, Unifohn BulldlnE cod6 and olhcr ordlnenccE of gha l:own sppllcab16 th.r.!o, R'eu'srs FoR rNspEcSroNs sltA,,r, BE MN)E TflElrry-FouR HouRs rN ADVANce Br TELEeHoNE & "t"-aoao oR AT or,rR oFFrcE FRoM accurate plot and plots Plan, rubdivi sion A: OO AM 5t00 PM send cr€an-up Depo6r! ro: A!A; l1 lt-r;.4r/"-.5I€NATURE FOR HIMSEI,P AND OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEIiIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AIT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT ON .]OBSITE AT Permit #: ALL TIMBS 897-0410 APPIJICANT OWNER CONTRAETOR DescrJ-pt,ion: REMODEL 2 BATHROOMS Occupancy: Tlpe Construction: Valuation:19, 600 Firepl,ac€ Informabion: ReEllict,ed! I.EVITAIiT IJEONARD I] 599 SYLVATiIDALE C:f, ST. PAITIJ MN I.,EVITAIiI I,EONARD I] 599 SYIJVAIiIDALE ET, ST. PAI'IJ MN KITCHENS BY DESIGN, fNC. P.O. BOX 3650, EAGr.,E, CO 81631 WEST STAEUS. . . : FINAI-, (UNIT AApplied. . : LL/07 /L997Issued. . . : LL/1,0/L997 E:<pires. . : 05/09/L995 Phone z 328-a270 *of ca6 lJoga:#of wood/Pallets. Job Address: Locat.ion. . . : Parcel No..: ProjecE No.: 525 N FROI.ITAGE RD 625 N FROI..IITAGE RD 2r.01- 053 -16 - 003 PkJ97 -0242 551_1-8 551_r_8 Add Sq FE,: *of caa Appliances: Building-----> Plcn Ch.ck- - - > Inw€etigation> will c.Il----> 245.00 .00 3 .00 .00 . oo .00 100,00 507.25 507.25 . o0 50'1 .25 ResLuaranl Plan Revicw- - > DRB Fee-------- Recreation Pee---------- > Clean-Up Depo€ii:- -- --- -- > TOTAI, FEE'g- - -- - Tolal Calculabed Feea- - - > Addiglonal Fsc6---''----> Total Pemi! Fee--------> PaymentsE------- BAINNCE DUE---- -5O. OO *t*llttat*atat*tt*tttttttattatattttttt*!r*t**a*Ar******l*1*A****t|l*l*l****i*r ,alr*tttta*tatt* **t**tt*** Item: 05L00LL/07 /1997Item: 05400Item: 05600rEem: 05500 BUILDING DEPARII,IENT DCPE: BUILDINGiIRM .A,CTiON: .A,PPR APPROVED iIR!'T PIJAIiINING DEPARII,IENf DepE: PIJAIiININGFIRE DEPARTMEI T DEDE: FIRE PITBLIC WORKS DePE: PIJB WORK Division: Division:Division:Division: *tt***ttt*t****r*****t*********************** * * * * * !r * * * t t * * * * rr * * * * t * * * * * * * * * See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions tshaE may apply to Lhis permit. DECLAR.A,TIONS f hcraby acknowledge that I havc read lhis application, fi11.d ouc Ln fuII the information required, coEpleted an accuragc pl,ot plan, !t!d statc thaE all thc itlformatsion prowided a6 requilcd i.s corrcct. - r agEee t:o cooply *ith lh€ inforrrratsioD and pIoC plan, tso colllrly rith all ToIn ordinanc.g anil stat'e lavsr and to build ghi6 Blructsure according to che Totat'E zoning and 6ubdiwilion code6, d€sigin revi€s approv.d, Unlford Buitding code and otsher ordilrances of uhe Tovn aptrtlLcabla lhaletso. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALN BE UADE TT{EIITY-FOT,R HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONB AT 4?9-2138 OR AT ODR OFFICE FROU g:OO AI, 5:OO PM g.nd Chan-Up DepoEit To: KITCHBNS BY DEsreN slcI,IATIlRE oF OI{NER OR CONARACToR FoR HIMSELF Al{D OWNER Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0410 as of O4/O2/99 Status---: FIIiIAL******************************************************************************** Permit fi4pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Applied--:. 1,L/07/L997ApplicanL--: LEVITAIiI IJEONARD H Issued---: LL/L0/L997 To E:qrire: O5/09/L998 iIOb AddrESS: 625 N FROTiITAGE RD WEST I,OCAEiON---: 625 N FRONTAGE RD (IJNIT A-12)Parcel No--: 2101-063-16-003 Description: REMODEL 2 B.ATIIROOMS * * * * * * * * * * * :l * * :l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndiUiOnS * * * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI-,L BEDROOMS AIiID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.]_21_0 0F THE 1991_ I'BC.3. BATIIROOM VENTING REQ'D Building-----> Plan Check- -- > InvcEEigation> will caLl----> Reetsuarant PIan Review--> nFF Faa-------- Recreation Fee--- -------> Clean-Up Deposits- -- -- - -- > ToEal calculatsed Fee6---> Additional Fee6------ ---> Total Pcnrit Fee--------> Palment.E------- 245 .00 3.00 .oo . o0 100.00 507 .25 .00 **tt*rll*rr**tarrtrtr*rr*r!r**r,rtl**ir****tr*** * *,l t ttt *|,,t,, rtt* BUILDTNG DEPARIIVIENTJRM ACE,iON: APPR APPROVEDPLANNING DEPARTI,IEIiIITFIRE DEPARTMEI{TPT'BI,IC WORKS CONDlTIONS as of 04/02/98 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT LEVITAN LEONARD H BAI,ANCE DUE---- DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: ,lRM-DCPT: PI,ANNING DiViSiON:DeDts: FIRE Division:Depts: PllB WORK Division: rtem: 051_00LL/07 /L997ILem: 05400Item: 05600Item: 05500 rr r rr J a at*r ** rl * See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEions EhaE may apply E.o this permit,. DECI.ARATIONS f hereby acknoeledge that I have r€ad this application, filled out in fult the inforEatsion requlrcd, cotrlpleced an accurate plot Plan, and state that all the informatsion lrrovided as required i6 coEecE. r agrc. t'o comply ||ith the info-uation and plob plan, to cooply vith all lown ordinances arld state lars, and to build bhis structure aceording tso chc T0r.!r,6 zoning and subdivisj.ott cods!' deEign revier approwed, Itnifon Building code and oth€r ordinances of che To[n applicable lhereto. RBQUBSTS FOR INSPECIION9 SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOIIRS IN AD1IANCE BY TBLEPHoNE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM g:OO Al,l 5:Oo PM Ernd Cl6an-Up DepoEit To: KITCHENS BY DESION SIGINTURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OIINER Page 2 **!t***************************************************************************** ******!r:r:r!r********************************************************************** Permits #: B97-0410 Permit. \pe:Applicant--: ilob Address:Location---: Parcel No--: SEaEus---: FINAL Applied--. LL/07/L997 rssued---:- LL/1,0/L997 To E>rpire = O5/09/L998 Description: REMODBIJ 2 BATHROOMS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 525 N FRONTAGE RD WEST 625 N FRONTAGE RD (IJNIT A-12) 2101- 063 -t_6 - 0 03 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiTCE. SMOKE DETEqTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I]BC. BATIIROOM VENTING REQ' D l_. 2- 3. TOWN OF VAIL DEPAR1!,!EI{:r OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .IOBSITE AT ALt TIMES PLT]MBING PERMIT Permit #: P97-0L76 APPLICANT OI4INER CONTRACTOR Plumbing-----> Plan chcck- - - > InvesEigation> 9{i.11 c.l1- --- > Rc6tuaranh Plan Rcvieu- - > TOTAIJ FEES..'- - Tolal calculrBcd Fcc6- _ _ > Additional Fee6--------- > Tot.al PorrniE Fcc--------> Pavmcnlg------- LEVITAN LEONARD H 699 SYLVANDALE CT, ST. PAItr, MN I-,EVITAN LEONARD H 699 SYLVANDALE CT, ST. PAUL MN KITCHENS BY DESIGN, INC. P.O. BOX 3560, EAGLE, CO 8163L ,JOb AddTCSS: 625 N FRONTAGE RD I,OCATION...: 625 N FRONTAGE RD Parcel- No. . : 2l-01--063 -16-003 Projeet No. : PRifg7-0242 WEST SEaEus... : ISSIJED (ulqrr AApplied. . : tL/07 /L997rssued...: LL/la/L997 E>qrires. . : 05/09/L998 5 5118 s5118 Phone: 328-L270 Valuation:3, 500 . ooDescript.ion: REMODEL 2 BATHROOMS PEB gUT.IMARY 50.00 15. O0 .00 3.00 .00 7S.O0 ?a .00 .00 ?a .00 7a .00 BALANCE DUE---- Itsem: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTIiIEI{T Dept: BUILDING Divisi-on:LI/O7/L997 iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .'RI,,fItbm:-05600 FIRE DEPARTMETflI DepL: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ 1.. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hcrcby acknowledgc th.c I havc r.ad ghi6 applieal.ion, filled out in fult Lhe infoanation rcquired, compleLcd an accurate Plot plan, and state thaL all bhe infornaCion providcd a6 requilcd Lo co!rcc!. I .grcc to comply t,ith the informatlon and plot plan, to coEIrIy niCh alt Town ordirtancea and 6Bat€ Iat 6, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codee, deeign revier approved, Uniform Building codc rnd oth€r ordinances of thc aDFlicabl6 lheretso. REQUBSTS FOR INSPACTIONS SHALI, BE MADE TTIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\JANCE BY ?9-213e OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM gr0o AM 5:00 PM OR COIITRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNERSIGNATI,'RE OT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEANT OT'INER CONTRACTOR DescripLion: LEVITAN LEONARD H 699 SYI.,VANDAIE CT, ST. PAI'L MN LEVITA}iI LEONARD H 699 SYI,VANDALE CT, ST. PAUL MN KITCHENS BY DESIGN, INC. P.O. BOX 3660, EAGLE, CO 81631 REMODEI-, 2 BATHROOMS ELECTRICAL PERMIT iIOb AddTCSS: 525 N FROIiTTAGE RD LOCAEiON. . .: 625 N FROI{TAGE RD Parcel No.. : 2101-063-15-003 Project. No. : PR,J97-0242 ss118 5s118 .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0299 WEST St.atus... : ISSIIED (UNIT AApplied. . : tL/07 /L9e7 Issued. . ., LL/LO/L997 Expires..: 05/09/L998 Phone z 328-L270 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE:THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Valuation:1,000.00 r***r+r*.r.rtra* PEB stuMARY ti*tralr*r**rit Electrical--->50.o0 DRB Fae ,OO .00 3.00 53 .00 Total calcuhEcd Peee- - - > AddiEional FcG6--- ----- -> Tobal P.m1C Fc€-- -- ----> Paym.nts-------- 53.00 . o0 53.O0 53.O0 BAI,ANCE DUE-.-- .OO Inv6sEigatsion> wi I1 call----> TOTAI] FEES- - - > ITCM: O5OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTT4ENT DEPI,: BUILDING DiViSiON:LL/07/L997 'JRM ACTION: APPR APPROVED JRM-IEbm:'05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIfI Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIRE DEPARTI4EI.IT APPROVAL IS REQUIFJD BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *rrtitriirir*ia ti**rtt*tt*f**r DECLARATIONS I h€r€by acknorlcdgo thaL I hawe read thie application, fillcd ouC in full the infornabion required, cotlplctrd an accurale plot plan, and 6!ace lhat aII the lnformation provid.d ae required is correc!. I agrcc !o comply witsh lhe information and PLoC plan, Co conply wlth all Town ordinances and 6!ate lanB, and to build th16 etsructur€ according to the Town's zoning end subdivigion codee, desi.gn -eview aplrroved, Unifolm Building Code and other ordinaneeg of the Town applicable thereto. OR CONTR,A(:TOR FOR H]MSELF END OT{NER REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHA],L BE UADE T}IEI'ITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY . I|AS/T997 16:14 97A32A1655 PAGE A2 PERIIT '-_$ff .*rlT-1,;{"i{'rTi"L-Tn,ii_itryr:ry:.m"rxll DNrn: ll'5'4*f rn7-owz- I€gaI Description: Ipt Block otnrers ltane: lt'r$ f-c.Ur*o^f Architectl Filing Address Addregs:Ph. . C€neral DescriptLon: Nnnber of Acqorurodation Units: ll*tp"t- r ::o*"= Numter of lmelling Unlts: ili*'"ii" ,o, If,l;""f"Iil1t6j?iffi . PltUbi.ng Contractor:R*r..rrBi,g.-o In/E..t d C..e'bTLa Towr'of, vail Reg. No.l l5.-PPhohe Nurnber : %_:€I_UEE: Town of vaLl Req, No. Phone Nunber: ltechanlcal Contraetor; Address: t******t****** BUU,DI}IG PERIIIr Plltl,IBINe PERIIIT IiIECHANICAIT EIAC|IRIC,AI. EEE! r.: :t evtsut tt\r fL,|M;llI;I.-If, .!-EE:.i'J PqilBTNG PLIN CHECK fEE:I I{ECEANICAL Pr.Ail cHEcK FEE:I''REqRE,ATION FEE: CIJEil{-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERUTT FEES: Ptt; ollG CEECT FEE: qTBER TVSE OF FEEfN\I . DRB EEE: iUI - EUrf,DrNc: STGNAT{'RE: ZONING; STGNTN'RE:CoDnertts: lLrr<-+rt^.:, H OA+rr-A %sr< tbt?S eaht4 $ 6tsPl cr.Eirr |lP mosIl tE[Tm FtrEmr 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departrnent of Community Development July 3, 1997 Bob Ltuier 386 Hansen Ranch Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Dcveloper improvement agreemcnt for Sun Vail Phases 3,4,and 5, and landscaping issucsalsunVail,PhascV,BuildingNo.5 I ] q n t rt \ ^ A It' \, I ll,lo'Q'l(d lV.fl f lS 1_ Dcar Mr. Lazier. Your dcvclopmcnt improvemcnt agrccmcnt for Phascs 3,4, and 5 will cxpirc on August I, 199'l . This lcttcr is intendcd as a rcrnindcr of the improvcments that arc necessary. The letter of credit for this dcvclopmcnt has bcen cxtcndcd nuncrous timcs. The Town does not wish to entertain anothcr cxtension. A sitc visit rcvcalcd that this sitc is not landscaped according to the approvcd site plan and the mitigation plan rcquired for thc loss of the largc Evergreen as approved by the DRB. Specifically, you are short 5 Evcrgreens and 3 Aspens along the North Frontage Road,4 Evergreens and 2 Aspcns atong the west property line, 6 Aspcns and 1 Evergreen adjacent to the walkways in front of the building, and 4 Aspens and 8 Evergreens around the south west comer of the building (as required for mitigation of the large Evergrccn removed). Thcreforc, the site is short a total of l8 Evcrgreens (ranging in size from 6'to l0'tall) and 15 Aspcns. Part of the mitigation required for the loss of the large Evergreen required 4 Aspens be placed in thc exact location of the lost Evergreen. These Aspcns were not planted on-site and must be placcd in this area. Many of the Aspens that were plarted on-site were clumps of Aspcns from one root-bali. Credit was given for these clumps based on the caliper of individual tree stalks. Page I of2 {P'"*t'o'u"o I If-you have any questions call me at479'2148, Town Planner cc: JayPeterson Kit Williams, Sun Vail Condominium Association l Aug,.A* tr e:r,, ieil::+ qlb_t6ic Jer'+ 'l aay ot $cb' THfS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this1995, by and between RoBERT T. LAZIER AND DIANE ca11ed the rrDeveloperrr), and the TOWN OF VAIL,ttTowntr).(hereinafter called the WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Developer as a condition of approval of the Temporarycertificate of occupancy for sun vair condominiurns, phase rv, rown oiVail, Eagle County, Colorado, wishes to enter into a Developer Improvement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security orcollateral sufficient in the judgrnent of the Town to make reasonableprovisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateri,l to guaranteeperformance of this agreement, including construction of the above-referenced inprovements by rneans of the following: An irrevocable tetter of credit, or cash escrow in the anount of $31,25o.00, which shall provide the security for the following: IMPROVEMENT a. Painting (finaI costfor L buildinq) b. Landscaping cosT cosT x l_.25 $ 4, ooo. oo $t-6, ooo. oo $ 5,0o0.00 $20, 000 . o0 $ 5,250.00c. Miscellaneous Items $ 5,OOO.OO $25, 000. 00 $31",250.00 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual- covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: \, L. The Developer hereby agrees, at its sole cost and expens"=, to $furnish all equipment and material necessary to perforni and complete, on \or berore 'n" '"',::::"\$qar"^*4\:e'&/ fr#jJfsrl,. t912TMPROVEMENT (l DATE OF COMPLETIONT -r_z--f '.wffia. Painting June'?y.**)b. Landscaping JuIy l-I, 1 t6 -'c9€6 16. c. 4L O,tn. J , L996 7'te -?b The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, allirnprovements for sun Vair condominiums, phase rv, and the remaininglandscape iterns on Phase rrr, in accordance with al-1 plans andspecifications for the Sun vail Condoniniums fiLed in the office of thecornnunity Development Department, the Town of Vai1, and to do all workincidental thereto according to and in cornpriance with the following: a. AII final plans and specifications submitted prior to or atthe tirne of the Tenporary Certificate of Occupancy. b. A11 laws of the United States of Arnerica, State of Colorado,or Town of Vail and its respective agencies, affected special . districts and/or service districts. c. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and tothe satisfaction of the Town Engineer, the Town BuildingOfficial , or other official from the Town of Vail, affectedspecial districts or service districts, as their respectivej-nterest may appear, and shaLl not be deerned complete untitapproved and accepted as completed by the Tor.rn of Vail Conrnunity Development Departrnent and Public Works Department. 2. The estimated cost of said work and improvements is the sum of $25, oOO. oo. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forthherein, the Developer agrees to provide security . and coltateral asfollows: An irrevocable letter of credit fron Vail Bank in the arnount of $3L,250.00 on a forrn acceptable to the Town Attorney, shall provide the security for the irnprovenents set forth above if there is adefault under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any tirne substitute the collateraloriginally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable tothe Town to guarantee the faithful cornpletion of those improvementsreferred to herein and the perfornance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or ernployee thereof;be liable or responsible for any accident, Ioss or damage happening oroccurring to the work specified in this Agreernent prior to thecompletion and acceptance of the sane, nor shaLl the Town, nor anyofficer or employee thereof, be Iiable for any persons or propertyinj'ured by reason of tfie nature of said work, but all of saidliabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hord harmless theTown, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses,craims, damages, or liabilities to which the iown or any suCh or itsofficers, ag:ents, or ernployees may become subject to, insofar as anysuch losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respectthereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by theDeveloper hereunder; and the Developer shalI reimburse the Town for anyand all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town inconnection with investigating or defending any such loss, clai.rn, damage,liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition toany other liability which the Developer may have. 5. It is rnutually agreed that the Developer nay apply to the Townfor partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for eachcategory of improvement at such tirne as such improvenents areconstructed in cornpliance with all plans and specifications asreferenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. By way of exanple, uponcornpletion and acceptance by the Town of painting the sum of 95,OOO.OOshall be released. 6. If the Town detennines that any of such improvernents ascontemplated hereunder are not constructed in cornpliance with the plans and specifications set forth herein it shall furnish the Developer alist of specific deficiencies and shall be entitled. to continue towithhold collateral to insure such compliance. If the Town determinesthat the Developer will not construct any or aII of the improvernents in accordance with all of the specifications as set forth herein, the Town rnay give the Developer written notice and unless such improvements arecornpleted within a reasonable period of tirne based upon the amount ofwork necessary to cornplete the irnprovements the Town may withdraw andenploy from the letter of credit such funds as may be necessary tocomplete the unfinished improvements. t . 'r'ne parEl_es nere amended frorn time to time, 7. The parties hereto provided that mutually agree that this Agreement rnay be ch endments be in writing and e>iecuted by all parties hereto. ane J. Laz STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing before ure this ./ Diane g. r,azlerT- STATE OT'COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. Develope day of Witness ny hand and official seal . My cornmission expires on: i,lv CnffirhRho Frl!turc 1', tm na I) ss. 'lT\tt !.eyqt.opt4The foregoo i n g €.ret'dir*i=r.ienJ.urp rov em e n t s A g r e eme n \?r"tZlne tbii 4k a"y or h.'pe)*lz<_ , r6ss ryas 1 [ttt>- (1(l.y-i-z:p,ndof the Town of VaiL. Agreement was L995 by Robert as acknowledgedT. Lazier and I{itness ny hand and officiaL seaL. My cornrnission expires on , qoq 1 tqf / { -/ '/1 I,AZTER CONSTRUCTION CO. 386 HANSON RANCH ROADVAIL, COLORADO AL657 . Cost estinates for conpleting Sun Vail phases flf and IV. (1) Completion of Land.scaping andMiscellaneous items on Phase III g 5,0OO.OO (2') Cornpletion of Landscaping pursuant to approved landscaping plan: (a) Final Finish Grading g 1,oOO.oO(b) Sod $ 5,0oO.oO(c) Trees, shrubs and otherplantings 910, 000. 00 (3) Final Coat of Paint on Building E g 4,OOO.OO ; TOTAL s25,000. o0 f,TBAl{q. OF VAIL 17 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 476-5686,LENDER" of, VaiI BEIiEFICIARY ADDRESS Road West IDE{TIFICATION NO. EXTENS!Or.ii MODIFICATION OF IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT 75 S. FrortageVail, CO 81657 TELEPHONE NO. 1. EXTENSION OF LETTER OF CREDIT. Lender indicated above fLender") hereby extends an lrrevocable Letter of Credii established atthe request and for the account ot Customer in tavor of Beneliciary for the sum ot 2. CHANGE lN AMOUNT. I I lf checked, the amount availablo to draw under this Letter ol Credil is changed to 3. OTHER. All other terms and conditions of this lrrevocable Letter of Crsdit shall remain the same except: Oated: Septenber 01, 1995 LENDER: FiretBaDk Of Vail €xrtoc (e/94) f,TB4UK OF VAIL 17 Vail Fload Vail, CO 81657 (970) 47es686 "LENDER' BENEFiCIARY ADDBESS Rd West EXTEN$;?Ni MODIFtCATtOtt OF IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT 9 4 11844 ?5 S FrontageVail Co 81657 TELEPHOI{E NO. 1. EXTENSION OF LETTER OF CREDIT. Lender indicated above f'Lender") herebv extends an lrr8vocable Letter of Credit established at the request and for the account of Customer in lavor ot Beneficiary lor the sum of Thirty Tlto ihousaDd Five Eundred and tro/lO0 2. CHANGE llil AMOUNT. l-l f checked, the amount available 1o draw under this Lettar of Credit is changed to 3. OTHER. All other terms and conditions ol this lrrevocable Letter ot Credit shall remain the same except: Dollars ($). Dated: Novenber 01, 1996 1-g1'.|96p; FirstBaok Of vail EXTLOC (S/94) *wrrtstar Bank o 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Lisa M. Dillon President/Chief Executive Officer IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT Date: December 7, 1995 lrrevocable Letter of Credit Number: 21 1 Expiration Date: August 1 5, 1g96 Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Attn: Mike Mollica Gentlemen: We hereby open our irrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor available by draft or drafts at sight drawn on WestStar Bank for any sum or sums not exceeding in total the sum of Thirty-One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty and noi 1OO ($31,250.00). This Letter of Credit is for the account of Robert T, Lazier. Funds under this credit are available to the Town of vail by its sight draft(s) on us referring to this Letter of Credit by number and by its issuance date. Such draft(s) must be received by WestStar Bank prior to 4:00 p.m. on August 1 5, 1996. The funds available under this letter of credit shall be $16,OOO for completion of landscaping at Sun Vail Condominiums, $4,0O0 for completion of exterior painting at Sun Vail Condominiums, Building E, $5,000 for miscellaneous punch list items for Buildings D and E times 1 .25. Such draft(s) shall be accompanied by a statement signed by an authorized representative of the Town of Vail indicating that Robert T. Lazier has defaulted under the terms of a certain Development lmprovement Agreement entered into on even date herewith between Robert T. Lazier and the Town of Vail. The statement shall further indicate that the amount drawn is necessarv to meet the obligations under the agreement. WestStar Bank agrees with the drawers, endorsers and bonafide holders of drafts drawn and negotiated in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit that such drafts will be duly honored upon due presentation at the counter of this Bank. WestStar Bank represents and warrants to the Town of Vail that it has the full authority and power to issue this Letter of Credit to the Town of Vail, in the total amount and for the period of time stated herein; said authority being pursuant to the laws of the United States, or the state or territory which governs the establishment and regulation of weststar Bank, and westStar Bank's charter, by-laws, and other VAIL.AVON . DENVER . SUMMIT COUNTY Letter of Credit Number 211 August 15, 1996 Page 2 applicable rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Should it be necessary for the Town of Vail to file suit in an effort to enforce this lrrevocable Letter of Credit, WestStar Bank hereby waives all venue rights and submits to the jurisdiction of the District Court in and for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. All drafts hereunder shall be honored during the term as set forth above. Sincerely, WestStar Bank Lis/ M. Dillon, *wrrtStar Bank o IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT #211 DATE OF ISSUE: DECEMBER 7, 1995 PLACE OF ISSUE: VAIL, COLORADO EXPIRATION DATE: AUGUST 15. 1996 ACCOUNT PARTY: ROBERT T. LAZIER BENEFICIARY: TOWN OF VAIL WestStar Bank hereby extends the expiration date of the aforementioned letter of credit to October 1 5, 1996. All other terms and conditions of said letter of credit shall remain unchanged. Sincerely, 4^7Y) OL,-^-. Lisa M. Dillon President and Chief Executive Officer VAIL .AVON . OENVER . SUMMIT COUNTY f,TBA]K ?u",,BENEFICIARY OF VAIL | 7 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 476-5686,LENDER" EXTENSTON/ MODIFICATION OF IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT 75 S Ff,oDtagevail co 81657 TEIEPHONE NO. 9411844 ADDBESS EXPIFATION OATE This Lotter of Credit has been exlended and shall sxpila upon the earlier oJ: l. the clos€ ol business on August O1, 1997 and all drafts and aoeompanying statemenls or documents must ba presentod to Londer on or bofore thal time; or 2. tha day that Lender honors a dtaw under which the full amount of this Letler of Crsdit is drawn. Po Box 527VaiI, co 81658 TEICFHONE NO.toENflFtcATror{ lto. 1. EXTENSION OF LETTER OF CREDIT. Lender indicated above ('Lsnder") heleby extends an |rr6vocabl6 Lettet ol Credit the account of Cuslomer in lavor of Benoliciary for ths sum ot lhirtv i[wo thousand Five Eundred an< 2. CHANGE l1'l AMOUNT, T-l f checked, the amount availabl6 to draw under this Lettar of Crodit is changed to at ths requssl and tor 3. OTHER. All olhor terms and conditions of thls |revocable Lstter ot Crsdit shall remain iho same except: Dated: february 01, 19 97 LENDER: tr.irBtBaDk of vail AdiDa it . DreB ABBi6tatrt caE EFLOO (0/04) TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 JuIy 3,1997 Bob Lazier 386 Hansen Ranch Road Vail. Colorado 81657 FfrCoPY ffi 1, 6{rrla,, ua-..{ !?e&c f ' ls+ F RE;Landscaping for Sun Vail Phases 3,4, and 5, and landscaping issues at Sun Vail, Phase V, Building No. 5 Dear Mr. Lazicr- Staffhas performed an inspection of this property and has determined that all landscape materials have been provided on-sitc consistent with the approved landscape plan. However, on the west side of the buitding there are piles of soil and unvegetated areas which need to be corrected immediately. I_understand you have a plan to add a sidewalk in this area. If this is your intent, please submit a besign Review application to the Community Development Department in order to finalize this project. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions call me at 479-2148. nic S. Mauriello, AICP ChiefofPlannins cc:Jay Peterson Kit Williams. Sun Vail Condominium Association $ *unn"r r r", rD :OIVN OF VAIL/5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD/ArL, CO 81,657 )7 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBs]TB AT ALIJ TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PETMiT #: B9?_OOO5 Job Address Location...Parcel No..Project No. 625 N FRONTAGE RD SUNVAIL #A_I2 625 2101-063-16-003 PRJ97-0003 WEST Status. . . N. FRoNTApplied. . Issued... Expires. . I S SUED 07/t7 /Lee7or/r'7 /ree7 07 /L6/7ee7 APPLICANT KITCHENS BY DESIGN, INC.P.O. BOX 3660, EAGLE, CO 81631 CONTRACTOR KITCHENS BY DESIGN, INC.P.O. BOX 3660, EAGLE, CO 81631OWNER LEVITAN LEONARD H699 SYLVANDALE CTI ST. PAUL MN 55118 Description: KITCHEN, INTERIOR REMODEL Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-HourType Occupancy: Valuation: 25,500 Add Sq Ft: Phone: 328-1270 Phone: 328-727O fRo 8:0O Al'l 5:00 Pl,l i*i******************************************************* tEE SUfit4ARy **********************r*********************************** Bui f.ding-----) 522.00 Restuarant Plan RevieH--> .0O Totat, cat,cut.atecl Fees---) 7a1JOPl.an Check---) 209.30 DRB Fee--------Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> ,00 Totat permit Fee________> lE4.3Ol.Jit|'cat|.---->3.00c|.ean_tJPDeposit-------->25o.ooPayments--.-------------> ^****************i**r*****************lllil*liii;;;;;;;;;;;;iii**********lilll*******lllll;i-lli;;;;;;;;;;iiii************ill*** Itsln!.95100-EVII,DING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:ot/L7 /1997 -ctr4RllrE AAEion: ApFR cHenr,rE DAiiSrgem:' 0s400 pLANNTNG-'DeFAHiulllr -',"'--- ""oe[t: PLANNTNG Division:9!/t7 /\e_e7 -CUAB_LIE_ AcEion;--EiiFn u/eJtem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN,i' ' -' nArrf : E rpE' ni r 'gl/!7/rs_g?_cHARLTE Acrion: AppR N/A Dept: F]RE Division: rtbm:' 05500 puBl-,rc woRKs -:__ -_',_' Dept! puB woRK Division:oI/L't/1997 CHARLTE adrion: AppR N/A ft***********************************************Jr******ff**********ff******t*********i*******ff*************i*t*ff************** See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Fi reptace Information: Rest fi cted:,lof Gas AppI i ances:,tof Gas Logs:,/0f tJood/Pal. Iet: :,l:*:L.:li::t:19::f?.-l^h:Y:-l::1,i!i: Tpl.ication, fil.ted.out in ruu. the inrormation requircd, compreted an accurate pr.ot ll"l:-ll3 .::::"^ll":_:lt-:!:-ill?f i!l"l^provideo as required. is "orreci. i "g.;.-ii-i.ilti-;;ii-;i";i;;#iil ;il";i;; ;i;;, ::,::'p.!LYi:h_::!^]":1_:l9ll"":::.?!d stlte-r.avs,.and io buird tni" "i.u.tr.""""L.iiig i"'th"1";;;"';;;i;;'"iii lljioTiT}i,icodes, design review approved, tlniforn Euitding code and other ordinance" rt ilq iown appt.icabl.e thereto, IEOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I1ADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctcan-Up Deposit To: KTTCHENS By DESIGN CONTRACTOR TOR HIIISELF AND OIJNER owN r ' * ***** * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * ************** ************** **** * ** * * ****.k* ** ***** * * *sr CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0005 as of Ot/22/97 Status! ISSUED******************************************************************************* epplied: o1/77 /1991Issued | 0L/I7 /1997To Expire: O7 /16/1,991 Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMITApplicant: KITCHENS By DESIGN, INC, 328-1,27 0 Job Address:Location: SUNVAIL #A-12 625 N.FRONTAGE RDParcel No: 2101-063-16-003 Descript.ion: KITCHEN, INTERIOR REMODEL Condit.ions:],. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALI" PENETRATTONS rN WALLSTCETLTNGS,AND FLooRS To BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERTAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.5. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY ,l OWN OF VAIL 5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD AIL, CO 81657 't 0-47I -2I38 E tect r i ca t---> DRB Fee hvestigation>llitt cal. [----) TOTAL TEES---> Job Address Location, . . Parcel- No. .Project No. I SSUED D01/L7 /Tee1or/1.7 /Leel 07 /16/ree7 63358 DEPARTMENT OF COI'IMUNI TY DEVELOPI'IENT NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRTCAL PERMIT Permit #: E97-0006 APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX L451, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC 625 N FRONTAGE RD WEST SIaIus. . . SUNVAIL UNIT #A-12 625 N.Apolied.,2101-063-16-003 riiued. . . PRJ97-0003 Exoi-res. . Phone: 30392 Phone r 3039263358 OWNER P O BOX 1451-, AVON CO 81620 LEVITAN LEONARD H 699 SYLVANDALE CT, ST. PAUL MN 55118 Descriptioni ELEC FOR KITCHEN REMODEL Valuation:2,200.00 r***Jr:t****Jr*:t/r**t**********r(****************************** FEE SUtlllARy ********************************************************** 51,.00 .00 .00 3.00 57.00 Total Catcutated Fees---) Additionat Fees---------) Tota I Permi t Fee--------> Paynents-------- BALANCE DUE----. 57.00 ,00 57.00 57.00 .00 r*******t*t******t****************t********************************************************************t************************* Jtqm: .06000_EI,EqTRICAL DEPAR?MENT Dept: BUILDING Division:OI/17/1997 CHARLIE actlon: APPR-FOR ERNSTItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept,: FIRE Division: .*rt**Jd*****rt***tt**************t***t***************t***************ti****t************i********t*t***********i*****************r CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. r)t*****)t*************lt*********t*********ti************1*******************************************t*********t****t************** DECLARATIONS r.hereby _acknowledge that I have read.this apPtication, fiLted out in fuLt the information requifed, compteted an accurate plot Ptan/ and state that att the information provided as required is coFrect. t agree to compty with tire information and pl.ot ptan,to.compty rrjth al.L Toh,n ordinances and state taws, and io buil,d this structure according io'the Tovn,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town a[pticabte thefeto. TEQUESTS TOR INSPiCTTONS SHALL BE I4ADE TI.IENTY-rOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY