HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 9 SUN VAIL UNIT 11C REMODEL LEGALVu1fraaMffi l=ili'"7 2 bt i, B/o-(z SanVail WR'rnda TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAIrJ, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: llechani ca[---] Ptan Chcck---> lhv.3ti gEt ion> H i l. L ca l^ l,----> MECHANICAI., PERMIT ROD HALL COMPANY 255 WYANDOT ST, DENVER CO 80223 80111 ROD HALL COMPANY 255 WYANDOT ST, DENVER CO 80223 LEVIN RICHARD J & HELENE P 5649 S LOCUST ST, ENGLEWOOD CO Phonet 303-777-7700 Phone. 303-777-7700 1, 000. o0 #Of tlood/Pat Let: JOBSITE Permit, AT #: Job Addres6...z 625 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...: ISSUEDLocation z 645 N FRONTAGE RD UNIT 11C SUNApptied..: O3/t2/L998Parcel No.....: 2101-063-16-028 Iseued.. . : o3'/L2'/IggBProject Number: Expires..t Og/OB'/tggB I0111 80111 Valuation: .00 Total Catculated Fees--->.00 Additionat Fees--------->2E.00 Total Pernit Fee--------> Paynents------- REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE IIADE TI'ENTY.FOUR HOURS SIGNATURE OF OUIIER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF ANO OI,INER CoNVERT F/P TO GAS LOc SET Fircpt.cc Inforration: Restrictcd: y #of cas Appti.nccs:#0f Gas Logs: 1 ******{"r********ffi**trt*********************i*}**trtr*rtf,**** FEE SUI'll'tARY **t**t*********lrilnt****rhi*lrt*trtt*ffrtffrffi*ffitqt******20,00 Restuarant Plan RevicrF->5.00 DRB Fee-------.00 ToTAL FEES----* 3.00 ****rt*****r**r*f,****i****r****************ffi*i**fi*i****r*r******************r*r***illllhlll;;;;;;;;;;i*********ill* Item! .05100_DU_II_,DING DEpARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:o3/t2/L998 CHARTJTE A-Eiont--EFFn ctnnr_,rE DAViS-IEen:'.05600-PJRE_DEPARII:IENT -___ _-,_ Depr: FIRE Division:03/L2/LgeB CHARLTE Acaiont AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. EIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. q-ouB_uqrroN ArR rs REQUTREo-FEF, SeCl--607 bF- rHs-lsii--uMe;-'--'3. GAS PIPING TEST IS REOUIRED_ AIL_MANUFATUREB SPECS-AIID INSTALLATION GUIDELINES MUST BE ONSITE AT TIME OF INSPECTION DAMPER MUST BE REMOVED AT TIME OF GAS PIPING INSPECTION * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** t ** * * * * * * * * * tr *** * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * DECLARATIONS i,t."!I-"9!ryt*9: tft_.I have re.d.this apptication, fitted out in futt the information raquired, compLeted an accurate ptotpL!n, .nd state th.t a![ the inforrction Provided as required is corrsct. I agfee to conpl,y riith tire in?ornation and ptot il,an,to coipty gith atL Tor.n ordin.ncca -and state tavs, and to bu'l td this gtructure-according iothc Tonn's zoning and suHivisioncodes, dcsign revictr approved, Uniforr Buitding codc and other ordinanceE of th! Town aipticabte thereto. >r;.Oc'^\ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \\ c- NOTE: THIS PERIIIT MUST BE POSTED ON ALL TIMES M9 8-002 3 28.00 -2E.00 FRoll 6:00 All 5:00 P /'{t/ 7*Contacc Eagle Counly Assessors eiE 970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . PARCEL llz 7ro/ AZ3 /aaA{ 0fflce TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPIICATION FORMD^til ,7y'6,/?g PER}IIT # /i APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPI,,ETEIJy OR IT t[Ay NOT BE ACCEPTED It***************************** pERl{IT TNFORMATION *****************************nl [ ]-Building l-Electrical $-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Name:Job Address:. b4€ Legal Description:Block Pilincr "tAOwners Name: Architect: Address: Fatqleaaaa, Address: Plr.755-dz*7/ Ph. ceneral Description: work cl-ass: [ ]-Nesr [).1"-Alteration t ]-Addi tibnal I l-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accommodation Units:Number of DweLLing Units: rylmq"Land Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances_ Gas Logs ./ wood/perlet_ (.(#eK..€6,.!.1{.-##--ruK*.((Difruffi{ot";******************************IBUILDING: EI,ECTRICAL: P^LUMBING: JI- MEC}IN{ICAL:-vt**************************lr CONTRAqTOREeneral Contractor: $|ZEda _ TNFOIIMATION OTHER: $ TOTAL: S *************************** Town of VaiL Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: Address: Plumbing Address: Contractor: I:$;:1"'f"k:1, Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE! MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF F8E: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUIIJDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI{BTNG PIAN CHECK FEE; MECHANICAL RECREATION CLEAN-UP DE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: jji'':li (a traz/ cLlEAlr IIP DEposIT nxl{gg_Toi // A 75 south lronlage road Iail, colorado 81657 l3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acknowledged by: To^review Ordinance No. 6 in fuII,Vail Building Departrnent to obtaincooperation on this matter. please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your otllce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTIYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEyELOPMENT I,IARCH 15, 1989 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any soi1, ,""i, sand, debrisor material , incruding trash lunpsters, portable toirets andworkrnen vehicles, |pon. any streetl siaewaik;-;ii;y or pubriephg" or anv porribn theieor. ine risht-"i-;;t-;n alr rosrn ofVaiL streets and.Igag= is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement,.This ordinance wirr be. stri;fit--enrorced by the Town of VailPublic works DeDartment. i persini found vialaain; this ordinancewi-lr- be given a 24 hour written i"Ii""-t"-;;;:t"uid rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not compry with thenotice within the 24 hour.time spe-i;i;;,"ii"-i"[ric worksDepartment wilr- remove said nateiiar. _it ir,.-'"xpJi"" of personnot_ified- The provisions-or-'trris orainance shall not beapplicable to c-onstruction, -rii.lrn.r,ce or repair projects ofany street or aLLey or any utilities in,ttre i'ijti_u_ruy. (.f7/'l2zc/2,ositionTnb@(i.e. contractor, orrner)r CAIF{S, DWOREIN & CEAIYIBERS, P.C. A.EoEcFrcl:e 3900 Esir lrt€ri€o Ayeor!. SuiIe Ul0p, Dcqv61, Coloado E@t0. Tdqb.EcNo. C3€) 584{990 Hcsbile No. G03' J84{9t5 FACSIMII.E COVER.PAGE .rt DAra s/^ furo: (o/o*n (*d+ EIRM NAI}TE: FAcsrMIr.E No.: T 1 - / / 61, EBo$& n -Pl{fr- RE: frufil - Su, lA:L OIJRFILE NAtrrG: TOTAI, NO. OI'PAGES INCLUDINC COVERPACE, J COMMESITS: OI]REIIJ NO.: CoNFEElftTALIff NqrICEa TtcdFr.G lqcybg dis Ocsbil,e qzrcoisi,n consis c(Efd!8irl @tEatiou etdcb i: lcgzlty erivil*cl and ldd oly &r tc sc cf rbr rdpicc niird $wc. if you rteivc :tir Srrftdh la crtor, gtcalc bcdlucty noqfy E-by rctiFhosc or ertnnlg &r rgaof tlc c?!iliiEC d€tEloa to s. Ycu ere-lecby sodfd dar oy dislosrr' copllg' dissftniioc' ot 6c alisg of .!y rrrioo in rdhnca o ttc coclq of 6is frrsinile ir saicdy probtic{ aaaeaa..raaair..altaaaaaaalrGl'tttaaatarn]taarr.ttaaararaatrlrrtiaatFra+Flttltl.alta|rf.atl.lt, PI5ASE NOTITS GOI:') 5gOTgO IF AI.L PAGES ARE NqI RECEIYED OR T'YOU EAYE RECEI\IED IEI' E{ ERRON. r l u-rs r IEr- ltto a-. sIJ AGREET.GNT V3/F/JJ--EHIS AOREEMENI is eatered into th.te ,/0 day of, February, 1998, by and betweeo Richard Levin and nelene Levin (.Levins'. I aad Sun vail condominium A6Eocietion, a colorado nonprof,it corporalion ("Sua vail'). WHEREAS, the Levins arc tbe owneri of Uait 11-C in Sun Vail and bave requeeted conditiosal autborizalion fron Sun Vail to inetall Robert E. Peterson gas fireplece loge in Unit tt-C in Sun Vail; 0IHERE.AS, the Board has coneidered said regueit and concurrent herewith grants conditional authority to the Levins to in€tall the Robett H. Peterson gas fireplace logs in Unit 11-e upon tbe following terne and conditionsI 1. fn the eveDt the Levine eJect to off,Er Unlt 11-c for sale to a third party, the Robert. E, Petersoa gae fireplaee Ioge wiIJ. be removed, prior to offering to sell and showing th€ property. 2. In the event tbat the Levins allow for tbe property to be used in a commercial manner by partiee other than the Leviue (i.e., barter or rental;, tbe Robert tt. Peterson gae fireplace loge wiII bE removed. 3. For ao Iong as the gae fLreplacc logs remain on the prenises, the Leviae sball bave a fixed Ecreen in front of the loge tbat uill probibit dlrect access to the flame. 4, ID the event any of tbe foregoing conditione are uiolatcd, Sun Vail eball be eatitled to bavE Levine pronptly remove the gae fireplace loge from uuit 11-c witbin 20 days f,rom gotiee of violatiosr uithout furtber notice or bearing aod at tevine erq)ense. t4AR. 18. 1998 ?t 3'/Pn Lr l,r&L Hl lv.trrc-rr 5. Tbis agr€etoent sbalJ be coucttrued under the lawE of tbe state of Colorado. 6. All partier to tbis AgEeemerrt arc duly autborized and Ite: uI* Aa;/ Heleug tt CONDOMINIUM AS SOCIATIOT{ Colorado Comfort Pdts. Inc. 255 ll!'andot Street Denver, CO 80223 -rua,rzL ta,fry- . .At, Q03)777.32YJ444./zrL 7ZVf7-27 ,< 44-t/ /z-a /a,?^ r /., a &'ht ' I '''- u ' 44*r*Citt': l/",lL Zip: DESCRIPTION: Date Compteted:lnitials: