HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 2 LOT 3 UNIT B LEGALotr.f,arv cv€uDtErr Decign Rwiew Board ACTIO]I FORTI Department of Communlty DweloFment 75 Souti F ontage Road, Va,l, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O,479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Protect Nam€: AVERY FOYER/CHASE ProJ€ct Decrlption: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION FOR A rcYER ADDMON AND MECHANICAL CHASE Padldpants: owNER AVERY, MOITYQUINN&STEPHENI0/29120O7 2116 MANHATTAN BLVD SPIRIT I.AKE rA 51360 APPUCANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHmCT LLtOl29l2007 PO BOX /1701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C0m001843 ARCHmCT IOHN G. MARTTN, ARCHTTECT LLtOlzglzOO7 PO BOX,1701 EAGLE co 81631 License; C000001843 ProJect Address: 742 SANDY LN VAIL t ocaffon: 742 ,B' SANDY LANE Legal Descrlption: Lot: 3 Block Subdivlslon: VAIL POTATO PATCH RL #2 Parcel Number: 2101-063-1501-1 Comments: SEE CONDmONS DRBilunber: DR8070629 Motion By: Second By: Vote: GondlUons: BOARD/SiIAFF ACIIO'{ AcHon: STAFFAPP Date of App|ovalz L210612007 Cond; 8 (PLAN): No dranges to these plans may be made wtrhout the written onsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprlate re\riew commit@(s). Oond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permtt for buildlng. please consult with Town of Vall Eulldlng pemonnel prlor to onstrucdon activities. @nd:201 DRB apprcval shall not become valid for 20 days fullorlng the date of approval, pu6uant t0 the Vail Town Codg Chapter 12-3-3: APPEAIS. Minor ErGerior Altentions Depatment d Commrnity bdofrn€rt 75 Sou$ Fron@e Road, Vd, Cohmdo 81557 E: 9 0.479.2123 fu:, 97O.479..X.52 vwb: www.vailgov.om Genenl Infcnnton: Al pmjects rcquidng design revieur must recei\r appro\,al prid to cjbmfifing a bullding pernit apfliotion. Pleae rder to the slbrnitral requirefiEnts for the particular 4proal thd is reqrJested. An application for D€sign Rariet^, cannot be accepted until all requircd infonrEtbn is received by the Comrunity Developrnert Departnert. The projct rfry also need b be rsiewed by the Town Council ed/or the Hanning and Envlronmentd Gnmisdon. Dedgn review approval bpcc unle a blldng pemrlt lc Lrucd md oon Uucton cornrnncs wltlln one ycrr oftslc approvrl. Plryslcal Addrcss: Parcd l{q:Zlot- 06r- 16ol- |(Coftact Eagle Co. Assesor at 9ft-328-86,O for parel ro.) zontns: PRtu*tL'(/ :-( "NP gQ Application for Design Review Y,(1) g o 0'-,b -o l{arre(s)orowner(s): *U''' uu, l)OuX At*#tl llalling Addrc*s: Owner(s) 9gnatur{s): Namc d Appllcant; Maillng Addressl TYpe of Revieuv and Fee: tr Signs O Conceptral Raniary fl New Casbucffontr Addltion S-Irlinor lrlbratiorc" (mulU-family/conrnrrchl) Mlnor Aheration Cnglefanily/duploO D Changes b Approred Plans tr Separation Requ6t /t c- $50 PUS $1.00 per squae fmt dffil sign dea. No Fee $20 No Fee For consbucthn d a new building or demo/rcbuild. For an addition where square foGge b added to any residential or conmercial building findudes 250 addkions & interior corrcsions), For minor changes to bulldingF ild CE impro€ments, srh G, e.rodng pairtitq. window additins, hndscaging, fences and rcbining walls, eb. For minr changes to buiHings and db improrcmerts, s.rch 6, rerloding, paintirg, windol addtions, landscaS*ng, fences and Etalning walb, eb. For revbions b phns already appoved by Planning Sbff or the Dedgn Reviev Board. $6s0 $300 $2s0 ch"i,*N..,/Lt 7 w. # E It nE; *+*+la*f*+*tatlllft*'i**'ia!***t}+**+*aatt+l'}'l*'l**++*tlaa+a*a+aaat*ar**r*t**a*aaaaraa*a*r**+*+*t TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment +**l'****'**'l*'}tl'lt*'ttl*'3'i*'|{t*l'la*l*****+fll*f++l+*{'ttarlt{rl t***l+a*****r****a**'|{rl.*tft***lltfl'+'} Staternent Nufiber: R070002363 Amount: $20.00 LO/29/2OO704:47 Ptt! Palment Method: Check Init: dIS Notation: 1697lJOIIt{ c. II4ARTIN PermLt No: DRB0?0629 Tl4re: DRB-MLnor Alt, SFR/DSP Parcel No: 2101-053-1501-1 Sl.te AddreeE: 742 SANDY I.llMIL' rocation: 742 tBt sAlrDY rarilB Total FeeB: S20.00ttrie Payment: $20.00 Total AIfJ Pmta: $20.00Balance: 50.00 **9**{t**+**l*aa*****la**a**t**+********alllta+a++atfaall*a*aa**t*a*allaat'}***aa*a++a*+tlt+tt ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO],OOOO31.I22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 JOINT PROPERTY OUIER WRITTEN APPROVAL I.ETIER letter as written approal of the flans dated wtridr have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community De^/elopment Department fq the proposed improrcments to be ompleted at the address nded abore, I urdersfiand that the proposed improcments indude: ^ l- e"' f",ft, -[,uu ''a*ii Addi6omlln please dted< the statenrcnt bdow whidr b moct applicable b you: A l.r*#wrd t etrrts4tnwir@ti)tE ml h m*, a ilE da:6 6tfir. tte c,u* af tn nvl,ut trrc o cD{,tE e,vifltE t/rratt fie T4ittt wfrc*k e and rydatlarc, le Ofitnl lcre) n lrq**eEtdndlW t/twtdu$#, td*hanntden tc rbtow{n*,u* of fu trlf;i'v pw, b hvglt a nV atEriln hu tle arnian fu a6lhn l *nul lafoe utfuUlgfununvlufufie Tan. Qnitial lere) jdrt Fqeit owrtr lclbr redd I0/1E2006 b F:\cde\ARnl{s\ffiHartftB\DR8\drb]nirnr-alt*l-2S2m7doc Pqe2d13 1V232005 r.rIM,R EXTERIOR ALTERATIO'IS TO BT'ILDIreS AND SITE I}IPROI'EIIENNS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMET{TS Gcneral Informadon: Tl{s application is rcgdred br propcals invdving minq qterior akeratims and/q slte lrprcvemnts. Propcals to add landscadng do rpt require DRB approval unless they inrolrre the addtion of paUc, water features, gnding, or the additisr of rctaining walls. I. S'EIIITTAL RE(X'IRE{ETTSf,* { { I..JA ov EI4 N/A P( E NActr Starped Topographk SLn €y* Site and @adirg Plan* Landscape Plan* Ardltectral Elevatlons* E*erior obr and material samples and specificatbrs. T" W|\Al,lq-G-P Arditectural Flu Plans* Ligtrthg Plan* and Cd-$ee(s) tur prcposed fxtwes nfle report, lrrcluding Sdretluies A & B to wrify cnrvnerstrip and easements'r' 1ru Ftu? - L&1-( Yebg, Photc of the existing dte and adJacent stnrturcs, where applicable. Wr[.t€n apporal ftorn a ondorninlum assahtion, landlofd, and Jolnt ourner, lf appli:able Sitespecific Geological Hazad Repoft, if applicable* The Admlnbbator and/or DRB may require the zubrnission of addftimal dars, drawings, specificaUms, samples and drer materials (induding a model) if deemed rEcessary to detennire wheBrer a projed will comply wlth Deslgn Gddelines a if the intert d the popcal is rd dearty indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials rmted wilh an asterish (*). **fur interior cqtversions with no enErior chames, the submlttal requirements incbde a complete set of odstirg and pmposed f,oor plars, a title report, and written appoal ftom a cqdomhium association, landlotd, and jcint o,vrer, if applicable. I havc read ald undqctard theaborc llsEd submlttC rcqulrcnrants: Pruf*ttlarre:Av e PY {ZZ+..ras4a.-no g CartracbrSignahrc TUWN OF: VAIL OESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL o*, tzl6[o? srAFF. iLLC Pase 3 of 13 - 'l/AI2OoS F:kde\AFoRMs\PermtsuldrirE\DRB\drb_mintr_an_1-2SZX)7.doc ?otft ?*tzrtt >nP /"t z, blL> car.f.tldrt GtEL|3ollEhl Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM '1 Depa rtment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Roed, vail, colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 taxt 97O,479-2452 webl www.vailgcv' corn PrciectName: ProJect Descdption: ProiectAddrcss: l-egal Descrlpdon: Parel Number: Comments: AVERY GAMGE DRBNumber: DR8070119 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION FOR A GARAGE ADDMON, NEW TERRACED PATIO AREA, ANEW ENTRY FOYER AND NEW WINDOW CONFIGUMNONS Parddpants: owNER AVERY, MOLLY QUINN &. STEPHEN03/2612@7 2116 MANHATTAN BLVD SPIRIT I.AKE lA 51360 APPUCANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LLO3I26I2N7 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 ARCHmCT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT Ln3l26l2@7 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: @00001843 742 SANDY LN VAIL Location: 742 SANDY ROAD'A Lot 3 Block Subdivlslon: VAIL POTATO PATCH RL #2 2101-063-1501-1 Modon By: seoond By: vote: GondlUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Acdon: MTHDRWN Date of APPrcval: Cond: I (n qn)r No changes to thee plans may be made without the written consent of Tollrn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rwlerrr ommittee(s). @nd:0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constltute a permit for building. Please consult with iown of Vail Building personnel prlor to consffuction activities. Cond:201 DRB apprwal shall not beome valld for 20 days following the date of approval. C,ond: 202 Ir ' . Apprwal of thb prcrect shall lapse and become rroil one (1) year follordng Ute date dfinal applual, unless a hrlHlng pennlt b lssued and onstnrtion b o,mmened ard is diligenUy pursued burad @rnpl€flon. Cond: @NfiD8846 Monitored flre alarm q6tem requlred PIanneT: RACHELFRIEDE DRB Fee Pald: $2O.OO T0tfru nFvut 75 SouthFrontageRd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-21381479-2139 FA-x970479-2452 April30,2007 John Martin Sent via email to John.Martin@centurytel.net Re: DRB07-0119: Lot 3, Potato Patch 2d Filing Deparhnent of Community Development Dear John, Thank you for your design review application for minor exterior alterations at the Avery ResidenceatT42SandyLane(Lot3,PotatoPatch2-Filing). Perourphoneconversationtoday, I will withdraw this application on your behalf. All application materials will be at the Community Development Deparhnent front desk for you to pick up. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate io contact me. Rachel Friede Planner, Town of Vail (970Y79-24.r';0 Rfriede@vailgov.com Best, r--- d6E c Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Dorclopnent 75 Souffi ftonbge Road, Vail, cohrado 81657 d: 97O.47i.2128 tay.t 9m.479.2452 web: www.vallgot-com General Inio:nraUon: All pgojecE requlrhg rtestgn revlerv must r€etve approval prlor b srbrnfifing a bnlHlng pemft appllcaflon. Please renl6 Ure 5t|ilrnta reqrllerrcnts tr the partlo.dar apponal that b t€quested. An appli:atidl br Delign Revierv carnot be ac6gFbd und af reqteO lfrrnatbn b F@irred by the Cornnurfty D€ildrynent Oepalunat, Tte pnoJect may ai neea b be ret iercd by ttE Tolm GUnd ant/or tE frnning and E witooflEnbl Csnrnisslon. irai1E1 rdr6w.pForrd fpce urfci a buildng pGmlt b hrd lnd orsrnion onnrts wlUin mywdtiaapprml. l.ocation of thc Progocal: r-d:-3-gbck Subdivisbn: ffillddreccl Pardio:2 | O I b b 1 | , O ll (cqtlact Eagh co. Assessor at 97G32&8640 for parel no.) Zonhry: fu$a^ax / SF \\- '< llam{s)of Orner(O: llallng Addrcoe: Owng(r) S|gnabnr(s): ilamedAplbntl llaBturg Adrece: ant}, D \,o \ \,\.o tr S[ns O Coneptual Re\rielv tr l,lew Consbucuontr Addluon n Minor Alteration /(multi-family/cornrnerchl) ZO\ MlnorAention' '(dngbfamlV/dudex) Chang6 to Apprwed Plans Separafrn Request {. $50 Plus $1.00 per square fod of total dgn area. No Fee $2! No Fee r€bining rvalls, eb. For rsrisbns b plans alrudy apPoved For constsudiofl of a netv bulldlng or demo/r€build. For an additbn where square fo6ge is added b any residentlal or cornmerdal bulldlng (indtrdes 250 addluons & interior contersions). For mlnor drang€s to buiHhgs and dte improrernents, $dl as, re rmfing, palnting, windol , additiont landscaplng' fences and retaining YYalls, €fr. For mlnor dranges to fuiHlngs and dte impruvernents, sudl as' reroofing, palntng, window adtltbns, hndscaping, ftnces and $6s0 $300 $2s0 tr tr Staff or the /;)--\.\'.r' n rilrt/07. ol Deign Re\rlew Board. Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: AVERY ALTEMTION DRB Number: DR8040109 Project Description: ADD 2 WINDOWS, 1IN SUN ROOM, 1IN MASTERBEDROOM, ADD 10 FTOF GROUND LEVEL DECK RAIUNG, ParticiPants: OWNER AVERY,STEVE & MOLLY 0410212004 Phone: 712-262-1630 2116 MANHATTAN BLVD SPIRIT I-AKE IA 51360 License: APPUCANT BROWN-WOUN CONSTRUCTION 0410212004 Phone: 970-9494186 P.O. BOX 701 VAIL, CO 81658 License: CONTMCTOR BROWN-WOUN CONSTRUCilON A410212004 Phone: P.O. BOX 701 VAIL, CO 81658 License: 100-A Project Address: 742 SANDY LN VAIL Location: 742 SANDY I_ANE, UNIT'8" ,} Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH RL #2 Parcel Number: 210106315011 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: Mathias Vote: 4-0 DateofApprova!: 05/05/2004 Conditions: C.ond:8 (pLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond:0 (pl-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not beome valld for 20 days followlng the date of approral. t o Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become rcid one (1) year follonting the date of final apprwal, unless a building permit is bsued and aonsbudion ls commened and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0005430 , That the applkant prorrides tln pmper materlals depkflng ttn Woposed windon dranges to stafrfur rwieu, prbr to flnal apprornl, upon whldr sbff is $en authorized to make a final decisinn of approval, or denlal. EnWt O6lL7t?@4 By: MRG Action: AP Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: fzo.oo @, Application for Design Review R E c i- rv r u ffi ^ffrflffLH:?#fi[tH['fil3i','T0l4/]V }II/AILpP Et sTo'47i'2r3e rax:e70'47e'2452 web: www.ci.vgi\o.ust General InformaUon: .--'-?' .-- All projects requiring oesiin reuiew must'ieci:iue apfroval prior to submitting a. building permit application' ?lease refer to the submittat *qiii"r""G for the particul'ai approval that.is requested.. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untiiili requirea information is received by the Community Development Department' The project may also need to oe reviewed by the Town council and/or the Planning and Environmental commission' Design revaew "pp.or"lGp*" unl*3 " building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the aPProval. tn 54 ftrnvr 7 ,^ nn*t+LJrn* Description o! the I 1 *! [4a]a - A nt" Location of the ProPosal:slrx:k: 4 Subdivision . V,,( fal'd, f"lJ, F'1,\ * ,l),pk;i ----J- Physical Address:Ant parcer No.; 3)ot oL3 l5 crl I t (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') tt.llZoning: 5f L(".: i'r'P'e* - - Name(s) of Owner(s;: f o._t /laoll,, 4 tjfY Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of ApPlicant:c;"+, T Mailing Address:Uo',G 8/658 E-mail Address: Lot: ^ Type of Review and Fee: El Signs D ConcePtual Review tr New Constructionfl Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-familY/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duPlex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or .ommerciat building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' Foi tinot cnangesio buildings and site improvements, such as' iar*nng, pain-ting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For min6r changes to buildings and site improvements' such as' rai*nng, painiing, window additions, landscaping, fences and tr tr retaining walls, etc' $20 For reGions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rwiew Board' No Fee ,'^t> I, (print name ]OINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER description) It provide this letter as written approval of the plans dalled < / 27 / 2 tz' 4 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. ,z f^t fzoo4- (Date) a joint owner of property located at (address/legal Page 2 of 4/11/06103 i ir;,., '.,,i,.'. .:. ,$,.,1i.':l'..a:i*.iiiil i't;*l't"w;' u:'gflin.:i|, i;!',,diil.u '''' "''" ": ;"1 "a.l ::,1.'il .:, :,: .,i..]:l'ri.." r..'.r""l'.r... ,: ..::.r.::...1,::.. .r.:'i.' ':ijwfr, ..-:.r.:.?.1,,:i.. .r.: i, j. r., .r ' r. r .'a. .\'t,t. ";..'. ! :r..:.i:..,l:,...r-',,:':;,ffi,,i.,i,!!ir,!: :'rr.s.:'.r1,.;.,, ..i ' ..;::': ,1,.,,i;,,' ...ii. tr:d esbe6Lb.ot Lba96b6AL6 3ntlsNg3 Nr-]OM Nt'40U8:1,lUUl Al tez Aa/Ae-ll-NVr I lJq^r Uiolaq ; /rallfv Bdra,- APf59:iEi-q:{ IHE DESr''- - ,,-.,.._.., _-...*iif) o;,. , t/r/f ---#. frrr"'il -tu')#'{ "'.* {.t}at A r t AJtd d t< 44.J-,1lti .A- ri\'il=, f t/ Q"rlt It.- ll APiloyFJFB.JolJE_- DES',- -,:VIEW BOARD ,"' Zltl, 9"--. t",r^l *t - AJr-.l, O llJ L.R h)pdnt n.yf Agtl"0u* wi*Jnt 3 u) 4 n 5anr-"- dr nJone hr* Ned Nndow 5t*tream 'lt**a*a*'|*'}'t**f*+*ttrtlr||'|'l'l*'t*l**'la'3*'l**13*t*****rrrrrrrrrrt*t***********r*;rrrt*rrtt*rr*t**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement gtatcmeBt lturnber: R0{00O5553 Amount: $20.00 O4/O2/2OO4O4:09 PM Payment uethod: Check Inl-t : iI9 tlotation: Permit No: DR8040109 Type: DRB-MLnor A1t,SFR/DI'P Parcel No: 210106315011 Site Address: 742 SANDY LN \IAIIJ LocatioD: 7{2 SAIIDY L,A}IB, ItNfT 'Bi TotaL FeeE: $20. OO fhia Payment,: $20.00 Total, AI,L Prnts: $20.00 Balance: $0. O0 *a***,4*,t*a******:t++tttt+++t++++++tf+***f+*t*******t**l******at*a***t**+*rtt:t*t*t:t****!t *'?'i'rt'tt t ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current ffi,s DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES 20.00 \. I l I Prlnted by Joan Nolen o6/ 9e 2:1-6pm From r Gary coode'l 'l TO: BLDGDIV GROUP sr.rbj ect : campi s i /Guffey update (,.* 3 6LYz' J . !o+-a Pdw =-=NoTE-==============t2 / O6 / 99=tO z 5 5am= cc: Bob McLaurin, rohn cu] ick, tlike Mcqee, ui ke Vaughan, Pam a rindrireye r , nus5ell Forrest, Tom Moorhead i';;ii;;'c#;i i;'tffii;i' i;i;'i;'ih;''' morninq last thursday, December 2, 1999 & reached him at his-Avon number, the campisis are the other owne rslne i ghbo rsof unit 742-8 1n the duplex at 742 sandy Lane. Thei r unit "e" is curr-entlv vacant & thev are trvinq tosel] it.- settv Guffev- owns unit 'A" in the duplex a M3. cuffby has informed us that she is also attempting to sell her unit. l,tr. campisi told me that he had va'l1ey wide. plirmbing & Heating tape the_joints on the vent connector to the bol ler lntheir qaraqe, Per Mrs, campisi's LL/8letter-to Guffev. it must hive been done somet'ime a?'6und the lst of November. r'm assuming that valley wide used the foil-type tape that is commonly used for this purpose. As you may recall, the possibility that the- ioints miqht be leakinq was idenf ifi ed by'chuck Talley-of lerry Siblev plumbinq earlier this vear.rhis was the oilv itern that chuckidentified that he thought might contribute to fumes risinq intocuffey's unit. He specifically notedthat the termination location of the vents for the campisi's boiler & water heater were, in his opinion, code complying & should not be caus'ing any proD I ems . Note that taoino the ioints is not a code requireinent, but-we advised the campisii of the issue & Mr campisi has said that it was done & that he has an invoice from va1'ley wide to prove it' Two recent visits by the fire department (IL/LL/99 & !L/L3/99) at Guffey's request did not show any detectable ievels of carbon monoxide(co) in cuffey's unit either from detectors left on site for the 2 intervenino davs or on the fire departmentYs hind held unit. That's al I for now. Pada. '1 Printed by Joan Nolen 1,2 / 99 I I CIILL From : Kevi n Whe'l anTo: FIRE*OFFICERS GROUPslrbject: fwd. 742-A sandy tane ===[rf QJf ===============tl/ 11,/99==3 : 52pm= The owner,Betty cuffey, stopped bystation r como'lainino of co in her halfof duplex. rt'appeari that this has been a I ono and drawn out 'l eqa'l and oersonna'l Satt'l e with her neiqhbors. I isked her if she thouqht she had co in her apartnent now and-she said yes, rncident # 99-001664-000. Found no cowith our handheld. Left our niohthawk and will check it on 11,/13. sh6 had one operationa'l co detector that had no readinq and another that had a 'l owbatteri. These two are workinq now andr will- check these on LL/73 a5 well. she mentioned a 'lack of action by the building and government agencieswithin the town aid her opinion wasthat she was not qoinq to qet anyaction from her tixes-ti1'l-she cllled " her friend Paula woodward". rvr and r ''l'l 'l et you know hrhat r f i nd on 11,/13 , pwd=by : =Mi ke=tf cgee====11 / tL/ 99==4 | 58pn= Fr^d to: Tom Moorhead cc: BLDGDIV GROUP, FIRE-DEPT GROUP, revi n whe'l an Tom, Per our last conversation. we were not ooino to discuss this with her unless ihe fras submittino a perrnit or was represented by CoInsel . Is this sti'l'lcoirect? How shou'ld we proceed? Fwd=by : =Gary=coodel'l ==11 / L2 /99==9'.L4an= Fwd to: BLDGDIV GROUP, FIRE_OFFICERS GRoUP, Mike McAee., Russel I Forrest, Tom Moorhead one more time, a'lthouqh t'm sure thiswon't be the 'last. rhe installation.to the best of my knowledge, meets al'lof the minimum model code- requi rements adopted by the town. Yes, sibley oluirbinq feels that the joints in the vent coinector for the boi]er in camoisi's oaraoe are leakinq due to it beiho a foiced-draft svstem-with the fan in the boiler pushinq the exhaustqases out. f don't know-if Ur. Campisi had siblev seal the ioints or not, butthe requi iement to d6 that is not foundin either the u c or the rMc. venting the boiler and water heater through the side wal] of the oaraoe with forceddraft also meets frinitum code requi rements. Yes, under the ci icumstances, with a neighbor above who is apparent'ly hyper-sEnsitive to various qases. it would have been better t5 veni the appliances in a nore conventiona'l manner, above the roof. And , i n my opi ni on , trls . cuf fey woul d have been better off to spend, at most, a few thousand dollars to re-vent the campisi's appliances above the roof instead of 3bendinq what she c'laims to be $30,000 oh attoFney's fees. Page: 1 Printed by ,Joan Nolen From : Ga ry Goode'l 'l TO: Bob uclaurin, Pam Brandmeyer, Russel I Forrest, Tom Moorheadsubject: update on Guffey.... ===NOTE 99==3 :26pm==CC: BLDGDIV GROUP 1-2/ 99 4:01pm r had a messaqe from Betty cuffey whenr returned to-the office Zrfter the 4th. she felt that she'd applied for abuildino oermit to re-route the ventinqfor the-cimpisi's boi'ler and water heater in apri] and that we had "rejected" her application. Actual l y,r'd visited with her when she came into the office on April 19, she'd given me a partially completed permit application form, end r'd told her toqet a contractor, have them contact us,ind we'd work with her contractor toget the job done as soon as possible. so . she ca'l'l ed me back 'l ast rri day to sav that she was meetinq someone from:eiry sibley Plumb'ing at her unit on Sandy tane at 2:00 p.m. I agreed to meet them there. chuck Tal'ley, a manager with sib'ley, 'l ooked over the situation, one of thefi rst thinos that chuck said was thatthe existiio vent terminations met minimum coile requi rements and should not be causing any problems. once inside the garage, however, chuckfe'lt that the ioints in the vent (chimney) pipe-for the boiler inside the Camoisi's qaraqe were leakinq, should be siliione:caulked, and Eould be causino exhaust oases to qo into the oaraoe as-well as iito cuffeV's unit.ihe iwo different types of fln-forced ventinq on the boi'ler and water heater, respectively, cause the boiler's ventpipb (positive pressure) to let gases but when it ]eaks. and the water heater's vent pipe (negative pressure)to simp1y draw air into the vent pipeif it I eaks. chuck recommended replacinq the vent pipes with stainless steel pipe, just because forced draft venting systeqs cause moisture problems and corrosion. rhe pipe used tb vent the campisi app'l i ahces meets minimum code r'eLui rements, but, in these kinds of situations, can corrode over the long term. chuck felt that e'liminating the leakingioints in the vent pipe foi the boiler iou'l d elininate any pioblems, without re-doing the enti r'e venting system for both app'liances to have them terminate above the roof. r to'ld Betty Guffey that this was her decision - whether to simply do what chuck recommended or to go ahead and re-route the venting systems above the root . I al so cal'l ed carri e Wa'l'l ace , the Page: 1 Printed by ,foan s attorney, and 'l et hergorng on. The decision is now up to Betty cuffey. we stand ready and wi]ling to assistin helpinq euffev's contraator toeither'reiair or re-route the vents forthe boiler and water heater as expeditiously as possi b1e. That's all for now.,. Gary 4: 01pm ctrnpi si o nthat was Page: 2 oo TOWN OFVAIL Ofice of the TbwnAnorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 -479 -2 1 07/F ax 970-479-2 I 5 7 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Ifyou have any questions RTlWaw Attachment Ol MEMORANDUM Gary Goodell, Chief Building Offrcial y' Dick Duran. Fire Chief Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney /QY- ( February 10,1999 BettyGuft Gentlemen, attached is a transcript of the presentation of Betty Gufr and Gary Munain to the Vail Town Council on February 2d. I am unaware of any specif,rc action that has been taken by the Town of Vail at this time as a result of this presentation. I would be interested to know whether or not the lawsuit between the Campisi's and Guffy has in fact been settled. fr*N"l el free to contact me. Date Receiveo FEB r 0 ru99 {p *"n"uo'^""* oo oo TRANSCRIPT OF FEBRUARY 2, 1999 TOWN COUNCIL EVENING MEETING REGARDING ITEM NO. I, CITIZEN PARTICIPATION BY BETTY GUFFEY AND GARY MURRAIN, BUILDING CONSULTANT Mayor Rob Ford: Thank you very much. Anyone else this evening? I'm ah, Gary Munain, ah, a consultant, representing Betfy Ruffey. Um, does the Council, um, oh, I'm sorry she...didn't know she was, had arrived. Um, apparently, uh, do you know the situation of, that's the Council heard some of this stuffI don't need to repeat myself, ok, good. Uh, I have, ah, been retained yesterday just to look at, ah, possibilities of what she could do with, uh, the problem that she has had with this system and I have reviewed some of the documents, not all of it in the short timing that, uh, between yesterday and the meeting tonight that she wanted to discuss a few ofthe issues. I think at this point all I'm, ah, concerned about is, ah, I got a report from the building official, ah, Mr. Goodall, and ah (cleared his throat), it appears everything's in order. I did do some research from what I could get to. I, just looking on the outside ofit, I could only say a very short section that has been added and modified since, ah, this report, ah, I see at least three code violations in a section about that far before I even get to the wall. I think what, what we would like to see is if there would be any support from the Town, of possibly taking the final inspection done on that permit and, ah, revoking it and allowing us access or the buil... or the Town access back in theres. So that we can gain entry to do a private inspection. At this point we're having a hard time, ah, getting entry to look at it, ah, without being able to see what situation is I cannot complete my,fr, obligation to the client and, uh, I do believe that there is some, ah, probably not code violations but I think there is some malfunctioning going on in there, ah, that ah, some possible improper installation. um, from what I could see on the outside, there are definitely some, ah, non-complying materials used in this particular boiler and uh, the two materials put together, stainless steel and uh, and the galvanized use, use ofscrews, ah, versus the high temperature caulking, all these could contributed to the condensation going back into the heat exchanger, affecting the heat exchanger and ah, releasing carbon monoxide eventually or periodically. Thank you. Mayor Rob Ford: Thank you very much, I appreciate you ........tkough this ...... and we will, uh, make sure that this gets to the appropriate person in our Community Development Department and see ifthey can follorv through with your request. Betty Guffey: May I, ah, ask, some, Mayor Rob Ford: .........Cuffy Betty Guffey: I'd like, my name is Betty Guffey and I'm the owner of, and I did not get gas installed to my home. My duplex neighbor's did or my primary/secondary neighbors, them being the primary side vented that without my knowledge, without my permission while I was gone. And uh, for two years, there's one page of all the times that I have contacted somebody in the office of development, the fire department, I've got them that page uh highlights all of my attempts to get somebody's attention to get, uh, the offensive odors out of my face. When I walk outside my house I can, there is not a room, uh, three rooms, my living room, my dining room oo oo and my kitchen are affected. The windows all around there I cannot open in the summer because of the noxious fumes. I had, uh, Walsh Environmental and their report is in there, to measure this last, for a court case, I had them to measure, uh, the carbon monoxide level. We couldn't get the judge to extend the time so that it could be measured when it was most volatile. So what you see is something that the development took, they took a copy of it but they really don't know how to read it. And there is one page on there that I would like to call your attention to. It shows carbon monoxide coming into my house, uh, was measured and not at a significant level, but he explails in there in those pages, Mr. Gerro, Gerrow, uh, who is an expert industrial hygienist and safety manager, uh, safety engineer, that those small results are an average of a five minute period. So it could have come in at a nine level, of part nine parts per million one minute and then dropped offto zero and that just shows the average. The significant thing about that chart, its a page where there two, two lines going across. The bottom line is, is going on for 30 minutes and registering below, ah, I think it's below one part per million. But the significant thing is that it's, it's tied to the pattem of that exha..., of that fumace. The fumace comes on for 30 minutes, shuts off for 10 or 15, comes back on for 30 minutes or an hour. It runs a lot of the time, I would guess 85 to 95 percent ofthe day. So I'm getting low level carbon monoxide exposure and I would like your help to see rvhat we could do about it. Mr., uh, Mr. Gerrow also poi:rts out in there that even though your inspectors believe that it meets code, it violates the code ofType B piping. Type B piping is a double pipe that would prevent the rvall board from getting too hot and that's not there. I rvas late getting here because I was trying to copy some pictures of the exhaust to show you that it's single piping, it's not, does not have joint tape and it's a hazard. I would like, I hope all of you get by to see it and I've got some pictures of how beautiful it is. Mayor Rob Ford: Thank you very much. As I said .... we will more than happy to take this in revierv and see what .....and have the appropriate parfy in the Town to address this issue............ Betry Guffey: You have me, at the town, as a condominium. On all condominiums. your, ah, building inspectors are supposed to get my permission before any changes are made to the common elements. That has never been done. One fence that was going up I suggested because I know the, the contractor but he needed my name on it. So my condominium neighbors have added five sky lights without my permission or knowledge and it's now been a year so I can't do anlthing about it because its, it, uh, the statute of limitations has expired. So I've got five sky lights in my roof that I'm required to pay 35%o of the repair, uh. that I didn't want and wouldn't have given my permission to, because the town never got my permission and I think. I think you should be more careful in the future so that other people don't have to suffer what I've suffered. I bought the house, uh, six years before the owners came in tw'o years ago and put e1'erything that they wanted into it. They've taken two patios, I have no place except the balcony above this disastrous vent and exhaust to enjoy. And I've been selling houses for twenty three years and I thought protective covenants were to protect me. They violated the covenants, ah, uh, of our own house that were filed with the land, they violated, your, you violated your own ordinances and Ijust hope somebody, somebody else doesn't have to go through that. Mayor Rob Ford: Thank you very much. to oo Betty Guffey: They've also, you also approved a light undemeath my bedroom that blocks my view at night, two lights. Mayor Rob Ford: Thank you very much. Anyone else this evening on citizen participation? Seeing none Item No. 2 on this evening's agenda is the consent agenda. PMWhom /hert fx t, ro***nn Voice Mail f] Phoo"fl officevtsit IB-vtuit Innro"ocrl Rf,: BP-_____r-...._ Address Owner RECORD OF CONVEEATTON, cARy GOODELL Date of, Voice Mail I Phoo" RE: BP----:- Address I officevisit IE-ltauit Inn-.ocrn Owner to Y GOO Date of ^ f7lXJ Voice Mail l-l Phone / RE: BP--__-_ Address Phme/Pager/FAX fl ofiice visit fl p-uuit flnrn*.acar Owner ) I Date + ECORD OF CONVERSATION. GARY GOODELL @r{-"n^r,nro(3 8) 7 B'- 0 773 -{ D officeVisit n p-vruit f]neffircdcatt Owncr ,r^" L', l* Voice Mail n Phoo" RE: BP-_:Address vulra\r 5y (.) bl) oo a l. 5 OEE!!cioxaa+rcio'.= =*.CE,ig Ea;EE E' 5=oEOa{-g?c9 EE9E 616e ESB€\t-!za5 t i E. i,I '''. i: i I ..] ( !l I n t\tr f{ I :: f _o a) I a I o qo !) F !) t () i) g it iD ID !) .2 o i/ol *t€ I bf t T :t iE;t;,t;E$gggg$g o 'Ao uloooJ (t 2 -() lrt- =colt =l oo H E.9.8 E *EaeeEiasE e =E hE EE TE,E A6!--- 'J H: E E EggFE ie!gE iE"EiF- sEEcEA rlooo Iz T(, lrr- =EIIA ==I ro o ffiffi -' toc;lrn; e|cltC IltoH.Sooeg sua3Moil3 l'd 'Fapd 'o uFrrv 666t eZ NVI P-Oa . ltcpoaB . lrcpr{rott .oqrcuoc'cI$biilEShl:rE rs:Ittd )onlacaH alec 0) - 7s o glrl tl,l'(mdreg 84zee4(me) 303 773 4773 n4't{,t}:?'t'. 'sButpl;rrr1 (rotsrtprnr,lo .'rldl|tx rrl p..|llrllrl Jqf,itr:Anfuoulltnutrrjl|rllslltu:t^!:tAt$.Ilr(I'EUlI;rnqIrrrlslllnnrnl(tf,Jrrrs.krtJ{lrxr.roilflr 'Plnlq ^x,|rFrl:lur$ u u! Iluo ptllrlrsul al lJnqs >nn frols-rliurx (,l dluo p;rn l lrrse *ui 619 }lI1,; 'J:xl|hl lolplr||q nr rltol lEtJut 'rltrll pitu(rF;rl |(, prtruts -uoo tul:c,ro:l 1p'an prs oldS Pnlt n Ur gilufirl ru. rAt A{B D rtf,n^rt:lq F)llrtsur .rl llrxls t.ruJ||t{ tr!$'lU llat'F V -rlo!ltlulirrrJ flllJr, sutd l.|{xr pt|B t'Joi!1^|r:r llri$ frt rlonr:)rldtln t.rlrr: lrrtrrnltturru .rrt s.rerrutlt ,ft1 lulr er rrl s:Uu$r$.ll.t nlrp (Di P!sl, )rir ixl llc{s iunJ'i\)r:d$ P[I. |! ttt l|;tlnlol rt 1u.U sni 11q rdi(l.uqr{l'Jt:s|r lt|J^ snit rqt qll,$ PotlsttunJ 'sl3.ul* dors-arll Pun\.lul\ Jr d$ Jlt:t(l irtllrJ':lXl([ i}i}g.:tlt & pflx.,rorrl :rOttrls ltltl .tl ll$qli lBu;ttntU lue urtl I nlr^ snd mtl ,(l(l.Io r\')trrrturl.) t.'irnu ll$,{ tu.rrnqrt? rrlt rtrr^r qsnll rlri.rl lp$i rrnrrld tuira \u:l rll ll.rrq^r llit|lrullr {JnId rorrlI fxll: stl!|tl 8o;1o:t 11y 'fttuite rr.J 119 sdfl /fuu$lllnu IU ltf,rltlh.'u )rr l|nll Fj.rirDds- rlots-nlu IoJld.lole'rirorr ulrt|(, Jo:rruj :rl Ir.tJ pir;Iltsul rr pea |.c1,19 :rrJf.1 n q:;q,n u! i!!d$ pnN nu..z .p'so lur^ s!3 J(p r{tFr p::q*r[rr1atqd rn:r1r: (q aplrr rq llDqs lrrroqJ u \!r!1. 'p{Fnsur Drrl -lru llr'$ Psltn^ alll.roJ [riuElr3F 5tlllrl rrprt l ptls's I ,1; ttelFlctrD Jr{ llur \Nr^ sDt afl rd( L ' I :slrtrrrvrnhl ilot,rrolprl ap qtn lgrtuot.!t lt:tua^:q lPttls rrF,r rrcl 611 ;rtlA.1. t ur -rlnbr 3a$urnJ lFa p:rlr iqU:nq-rr:i'rrllcql slqt ut paljr:|'di- rlusuult t.v J,iq[rot ltr lrt'ltc ul snSrSAS 069 3dlD ilvilunJ ]'tvr$ o3lN3A - 208 NoLl,:l3s ',{rr,iJllqndrlilsoYir'||lAu.rd(udGlt]rrt.l{tsutrrIit)t:,r.'[l.t\FrllEtnltt(ul| lttot) |lej 0t lrllltlrh P:[nrxrl r{U! ,ln-FlJr(u n r^or{|! ( rrl| l'16) l*r.l f u|..llt rir.:rl lr}u l!lr:||r (|r'rl llcq$ sur:tsfl iulpen 'iu1p|1nq ou1 t.t;u1 .rp-(rrrrwJ u ro 'r|qto16 ilqnuJdo t|n 'J.irtr G JAoq[ (r'rnr qlt I tmj I tsntl p tlr,lr'ruorJ fllrruo?tro{ (u\rr 6lc I )|r]J rJo nuleq(uJru6lzll lre, t|srnl lr! rlrurrutll 1;nqs xrtrlS{* iurllt?^ 'tualltsnrl\Ut r.Jlntrr-lnr]lru Pun(iul$!tJl ll {|l,r:t:Inlu(rrr ul lE\ lrus -ur are Aalt uctltr pltu:te {yrloltl tu|rl s|: P-ri:rlrrrt(!] aq lltqc *oll:lur iurluel p;15,u, iulruo$rr.) -ur norl{lFllrrt rqrpJno roj Pttsll rirnn'llddv 'slrrA Flittul q1p Hru*l$rly J|xrPlno ('9ttt -Icrr )tlq d p drJr. :r !l luefirjd n DrJ (urur 61;11 lr{ t lloSl l$ l)rn (rrrlrt Nt{lt-l l.\rj 0 | ltlllli\ Frln.1o1 l:r1ttt ,rr*tlrt.r1:ut .trr -ilt,slltl tll: r oqrr(lxlutl(rtralf, lis{lrJtcur u:tt ll:rlt $tu.lts^r lurtrEl^ 's|Jlul lo.uJ urrltuCtlixi l'y9utt 'ntu! troq! tuul {Ol) r;tqir|! il r*Gr| rc l\]n*l'| -rl tF+i rT!|rr! rr.rql l$[ rijlulJr ru'^ all lo urrlt{ xrll. ltirrlrJl) oolD'rl|rn qrl trtl^ (u.! r:llt] q.xrl i| !r!.bx lFrtr (AlI6l t WrU UIt$9luF:|'rr Frrr lrxl {fl$ t t | | luoln ml'119 irlrltr+rro r6tlu qth si<r',cll.llv 'ilut ,-t{|rqx.ctll|al{nt slrlrutt r&rtr|xIr.|.| rl.rqn qttrttqrfiaprdout lr|ir|lt(rru 6aa) 14 l6 r\!i!ttt lFln. .rl $rFrFl r|(ihl t n, {nrg11l1p51ortrrtrrr {rnr $:u!!ldt ! ut^'lr}r'l|J('rlrululll l.i+t:NOtJJl:fx:t 'Bu1p;1nq r otul ttFrl -|lr &t^rut r Jo ,r.rput,f, clqrua.ld ut loop t a^oqr (tlnl. $0f) lool I urql srtl ru pltE'uo{ rllnltrozlxtq (tulll (rlil) rrrj tror*q:4(ururolll)r?rr9ur{lsr)ll'.'uelrulurr:rrlltqssu€ltffiEul|ulA'slsullllJ{lun^ 9'9llt -trulslll t; I Ur Clllll 'luc^ StllJ.r (ruur tltO{) l$J 0l tl|rlrr/i Supnnq Jql J.r tt rlUod,(un Urqt u1n-lq (tutu 019) 1r; 7 trrr:r1 rr;rl Eulp ng rquo.riu rrll qlneqt tttl}rl rxa^ rllt tq^r lul.xl ui>qi1q rqt -'r.^rrye 1 6rttl .olglt|aJu uuqr lttl lt,utln.ltut.r llEql ,itmlsrs fltluur^ l artfa 'tnrr6[5 i1q1u.11 '1d,[ 5-96; '(luu rnl[) to?, t)l u.qllnr ,lulHtnq F J(, u.!lu l rtrr rt?ru ,)q:ltq (r rt o trrl L\r, ; lsQal !|r p]|!Ju)l Jql qlnorqt srnl leqruirqrrr ttrod t!$$ll{ rlr?^({n(urtu0l9l lnnl i tltlql xx:tl Iltr llEuttul.tl lpqt sln,r rn8 g al(,r.ltqxr llv 'lli4l:fr.rlliqttJqrruh lo llrtr\ ItrJ!u.1|| ll tll.lJJ (rrttu Ht }l) l.\'tl N tst!]t ll: flbrro1Uu,(:rqt |*'rpiiirrl 'V'ff rUtU tllrtr :l:ltlllu0ir'xr ut Frlltrrrtiunt.1q rlt F'rlllttu:rrl ar'; Jluqs rrllutus ro azl$ ur saqtur;l drF rur^ pol$tl ql!,b cllb^ sc8 Alg xr 8xlf,1, .rtlr:AtE9Atft rtf,d,(; t'91tr .l.t)ta uollirrs r|l prpr^(xd * tdlltl'lr'|r:n1 a{t ro llroltq r{r r^oq flltliq In:t!ur^ ul (unu [!9[, INJ it rsE.l tt lururrjr ttnt|r rJlrury llr,|r prttioa n 8u1,Ucs rurr rli 69 adll 'fJruJnd [|!,ll f, gllu 'st^i:tdr lt tltlq/tr JBltoJ lU5^ l.-a{i\l .ql t oq$ (.r[tt fist ] t*'{ 5' u"rll rrtl lrlu us UIrt ltnrlt *)ttu t&h FIsrl*J(r Unrl I'-r!3191 rn s1q91q,n rl|:s,(i Sutlura |:ltrttllFI$ !utluJ^-sc8 /t\g cd{.l. i urqt rqtr 'trrre|rAt ittlturr rxl,(F{trrnrS 's!rle{s illrttulA rdfl'I1'rsJt'J f908 u! quoj r: u.rrlals / -r:rrt. ( rd( u3ts(* .ir -A:el) rad .{l J.) lu5 -rJorl l?to i(tlanrE n Illlt{s slui: I olul r.) 3 .lEr\|| l[g rl puu tul lE r!l!q || pJr(ln}-r, 'r(llJ5ulr.1 gMOn olu ()l tl.l( p:lltrr,.rrr lql ql-la : uErPIOtl {asr.llqJ aqt or llu 300c 'rrro-c tu13 a9 3do? llgtrlvH3:tn igoJtNn lfll oRu irEcHArrilcAlct 3. The connector is 10 inches (254 mm) or less in diameter and is installed according to one of the methods specified in Table 8-E. Concealed metal parts of the pass-through system in contact with flue gases shall be of stainless steel or equivalent material that re- sists conosion, softening or cracking up to 1,800"F (982'C). 815.10.2 dternate pmtection. In lieu of thimbles or other wall pass-through systems, combustible material in the wall or parti- tion shall be cut away from the connector a sufficient distance to provide the clearance required from the connector. A material used to close up the openings shall be noncombustible mate al conforming to part I of the definition for "noncombustible" in Section 216. E15.ll I*ngth. A connector shall be as short and straight as pos- sible. The appliance shall be located as close as practicable to the chimney. The horizontal run of an uninsulated connector lo a natrr- ral draft chimney shall not be more than 75 percent of the height of the vertical portion of the chimney above the connector, unless part of an engineered system. 815.12 Access. The entire length of a connector shall be accessi- ble for inspection, cleaning and replacement, unless listed materi- als are used and approval has been obtained fiom the building official. 81.5.13 Fireplace Connection. A chimney connector shall not be contrected to a chimney flue sewing a fireplace unless the fire- place opening is sealed or the chimney flue which vents the fhe- place is permanently sealed below the connection. SECNON 816 _VENT CONNECTORS 8l6.L Materials. Vent connectors used for gas appliances hav- ing draft hoods, for listed conversion-burner-equipped appliauces having draft hoods and for other gas appliance(s) listed for use with T}pe B venting systems may be constructed of T\pe B ITlpe L vent material or of noncombustible material capable of withstanding the flue gas duced by the appliance, such as 0.016-inch (0.48 mm) vanized sheet gage) steel, No. 26 B.&S. gage (0.40 mm) No. 24 B.&S. gage (0.51 mm) aluminum. 816J Size. Vent connectors shall be sized in accordance requirements of Section 815.5.1. 81.63 Clearance. Single-wall metal vent connectors, where permitted to be used by Section 802, shall be provided with clear- ances from combustible material of not less than that set fo(h in Thble 3-C. EXCEPTION: A lesser clearanc.c is acceptable if protection is pro- vided according to the .equiremeots ofTables 3-A alld 3-B of Chapter 3 of this code. 816.4 Length. -The maximum permissible length of a vent con- nector shall be in accordance with Section 815.11. 816.5 Pitch. Vent connectors shall be installed without any downward pitch ftom tho appliance and without any dips or sags. O 815.10.1 8182 The horizontal run of an insulated connector to a narural draft chimney serving a single fuel-fired appliance shall not be more than 100 perconl of the height of the vertical portion of the 817 _ MECHANICAL DRAFT SYSTEMSney above the connector, unless part of an engineercd system. horizontal length, design and construction of combined T.L Forced- or Induced-Draft Systems. Appliances, except tors, or connectors to a manifold joining two or more appliances idcinerators, requiring veuting also may be vented by means of mechanical draft systems of either forced- or induced-draft de-a chimney, shall be determined in accordance with approved engi- neering methods.sigl. 817.2 Positive-pressure Systems. Forced draft systems and all portions of induced draff systems under positive static pressure during operation shall be designed and installed so as to be gas- tight or as to prevcnt leakage of combustion products into a build- ing. t17,3 Interconnected Systems. Vent connecto$ serving gas appliances vented by natural draft shall not be connected into any portion of a mechanical draft system operating under positivo pressure. 817.4 Interlock Controls. When a forced-draft or induced-draft rs provision shall be made to prevent the flow of is not performing so Vent connectors shall be pitched upwards from the appliance at least 1/4 unit ve ical in 12 units horizontal (27o slope). 816,6 Access. The entire length of vent connectors shall be ac- cessible for inspection, cleaning and replacement, unless listed materials are used and approval has been obtained from the build- ing official. 816.7 Limited Passage through Walls or Partitions. The pas- sage of vent connectors through walls or partitions shall be limited to the conditions specified in Section 815.10. 816.8 Tbo or More Appliances Connected to a Single Vent. Two or mors vent connectors shall not be joined unless the cornmon connector, the manifold and the vent are sized properly to s€rye the appliances connected thereto and adequate draft is available to remove all products of combustion to the outdoors. Each vent conneclor of a multiple venting system shall have the greatest possible rise consistent with the headroom available be- tween the draft hood outlet or the flue collar and the ooint of inter- connection to a manifold or to a common venl. for safo VENNIANNG HOODS A}ID ilHAUST SYSTEilS E18.1 Commerrial Applications. Ventilating hoods od ex- haust systems may be used to vent gas-burning appliances in- stalled in commercial applications. 8182 Dampers. When automatically operated appliances such as water heaters are vented thrcugh natural draft ventilating hoods, dampers shall uot be installed in the ventilating system. When the ventilating hood or exhaust system is equipped with power moans of exhaust, the appliance control system shall be in' terlocked so as to permit appliance operation only when the power means of exhausl is in operation. system gasj).r 817.5 Exit Terminals. The exit terminals of forced-draft and in- duced-draft systems shall be located not less than 12 inches (305 ) from any opening through which combustion products could enter the building, nor less than 2 feet (610 mm) from an adjoining and not less than 7 feet (2134 mm) above grade when lo- cated adjacent to public walkways. PA@ AT aa "ooa nli ro thc chirrrnsY lcof dnft : with thc en'ilngcd rll r(l rhc uD$tG itlllCClafi occqtc.t tc br.rc !t lrd d ir 'till uxcrl, ctx into a Elt6.j! Grolll!{yF Vcttrirtg Sysltnrs. Gtrrily-tyFc vcntit{ tyliltlnr. rnhcr thrrr e'l'yF.Bw grs-$nring $y'rd;r.r{ vcnli;g rist.,t, which is.n loieg'"t Friof eli cd r'Oliarre dwtl tcrditEtc rxrt lc'c tl|an.l frlcl (15?4 rnrn) ttbovc thc ltighcsl vsit collff which il :'trvcs. tll6,! tVtrll Flrnrtt. Typc llw 8us vcd scrving d vartcrl wnll furnacl *hrll lsrmin c { lcart u fcri (:l6.slt nrm! ln ve.ticii hqitht !t$vc tht htlarm ('f ll|€ fun'IG.:, crccp er pnwided in Ser:tiut 8(n. flf,.r| TypcB or ttlV G.g Vtnrr. Ty6B or Br'Y g* vcnrr {,ith li$rcd {c capx 12 inchcs in tlzc* s txlh.r rhnll lx lrcnri[d to l*.- tcn||irilrttd in {t'corrtrrrrrc tJilh Tilhlt tl-^, lrn virlsrl lhc)r ltlg loclcd rt krxst $ lirl (:i-lt rrrrr I fn||n $ vcnicirl trull trr sintil0trrhstr'utrirrt. Allothcr'lyp lt ger vcnts lhnll lefmilrlt€ rtrr lcxx th:rn 1 l'rrcr ( fi l(l ntm) lhwc llE hillr:rt Foint rrlwtt rlrEy nurr thro[8h thc rfi)frtd !t Ic $t 3 fl'!'l (6l(t rrur') hiFhcr tlu,r trrty lturlirrn at{ :l huiLtitu wilhin t0 ioct (-ltXll rrlnr). t[65 fipt t, Vrnlhg Sylerrl Typc Lvmtltt8 syrtcmlt lrhlll ttlrnlnut€wn lcal lhnn2 fc.t (610 rtrrrr) ahrivl thc highrrr Frint whcrc th€ ycrr F.t'*cr rrough tltc nrrl rrf thc buildinglrl rl tcant 2 fccr (6l0nrnl) ltishEr rhm rny poair'nr r{ ftc building withirr l0 fcct (3{l4 rnnr) rtf tha vcnt. l-nOe.n Yml Ttrnlnrls. rfi;ntin8 rystcrns slutll lctmhrirli,rdrr lcrs lhrn d facl ( | ?lgrnrn)bclovr or4 I fc.ct ( l 1t'l rnmt horiT.onrulty frum. anrl ror lcss thrn I foot (105 rrrtt) abovc I do<r, rn olrnnblc I window or e gruviry alr Inlet inro l building. I ntt:*ffroN: l,tnt t?tmi|tlhofrli4rt.tli +Ptirrrt* virt irrlrrtraf !fi'l tnN/h(li.? tw)d l,trihell I h'f*uu.l ar [:N g rach$ (]19 nrrr] t rr|l rnottnipg fit rrrh thir.l..r|| rr!{idr t tfilua|r cfl||llcltcril huiF-' I iDg. Aptfi+n*x with irynrl^ u!'.ralirrf s(l,tttl Uhrrr t l.l.? Lwl bul rrl tK'.t!dln! 6ttm Flu/h ( 19lwl dr.ll I r.(uid l2 .irh (.ltlr rdn) ycttr llrrrifldiro rlc||! ci- Ttrr: h'th||| ol tlE vcnl tcfmlrsl rtrl th3 nir itlli|r! lhdll L- li' t.F.uLrl :l krll | : rlrlr:r (f{lt rnfl | .bovc I'!.k. ta06i. | licDlrrtl.rrr Jnrrn Inlcts. r'trrting xyrlr.'ms shr,lltr:nrrin{tc:rt least I fect(914 nrm) rrhotc illl ott-ti.h!..r mdorlr-nir itrlct lc.irlrtl withiq l(l lrrt 130{lt rrrrrrl rrrtl lt lcmt { fect (l?l9rnnt) fnrm rr prolErr)' lir$ cr(cepl d tnrblis .rny- tll6,7 Outdrrrr AlDliarres wlth Inl{?rd Vrlas, Aplrti rrcr:s listcd for outdrxr inrlrlhlitn in- (oqronrli.rg inlcfrol verrting mrlnr shrll lt corrirkn-d ls bcing pnrprly wmc.J whcn rhry arc in- stulkrl in l|:r.rrnlarrcc urilh Unlf li:,thrgl rnd lhc nro|tul:rcrn]Er's in$ructionl, Vtrltirg r)Elcmt $hall lcrmi tc.1t lcn$ 4 f€€t ( I ?l9mm) bdtoh,t,l4 fecr ( tf l9 rtvtt) lxrrizontrlly frotn,:rxl rl lc[st I fuot (.lt)-t nurr) lhorc e ilr'r. rn opnlble urir&rw or o S,rnviry-eir inh,t imo btrilding- Vcruing syrtcmr shtll l rnrrirr:rtc nrrl L'$ rl$rn I fr.ct (914 [tnt) Iht|vc foRtd-slf irllct ktr||lcd within IO lctl (]048 rrrn) tllxl al lcrrxt { ftr:t ( l3l I rrlnrf frnnr l pruprliy lirrc, cf,ccll I Puhlic w.ry. SECTION EO7 - VENTED WALL FURilACE (TYPE BW) SYSIEiIS lD:rdrliliru torrthc.r R:(lnircnnnti rtrrcifierl in thls chaptcr, girn-hurning vo cd tritll furnmcr rcqulr- ing a'ly1r: llW gas vent *hrll hc ventcd trr c.rrnply whll rl|c followin8 acquiftlrEntr: l.1i1x nW gls v€ntn sh.rll ]r irnaclrcrl l(r a $olid htrrdcrllrrtc dodlned forlhc rrcmcd vdl fur- nirc.c inslrrllcd- 'llrix ltttqchnrrl shnll bc nrede hy l h.uc plate t'urnir*rcd with dr 3as ve"f uricd. 2,'l-hc stud sprr.r irr which rr'llpt. BW! vct|t is inst lhd rtrrll hc fncof ohsrrucriorri. tx,cTt for fln-rhrp spil**r{ tlt l iur R'rlulred krr nuldllcry fypc 8W grr. vrnld, All cciling ;rhrtcs lnd floor plttcs lhnrrrph whicb ll|l: gn* vr:nl txrrrdli shall h! rrrt llush with rlw arlj$$cnl wl|ll llu|Lr' J. Ctsur.rnsr: of 'lylr llW Fo:t vtnl lrom any rttarr:drl shlll ln that rptclc prwklctl lty thc hrtic Flirtc, $:iliug trlltc lipuatr rtnrlri llln:-rtrry ilr(r{'crs, furnistrt'd with rht gu}t vr'lrl uscd. Whcn'l}ltc hW g'.rs vrnl ir hrcrtsliu it*l$l !ip;rt'$. caru r[all lr! sxcrcisrd:*it tlurt ('l$ng61cr:s Jxrvhlrel try qrnrlcn .tri: rr$iltlirirrr'r|:rlL'r uplllic;rri(xt of wrll t:twtrinF,r llrd uthsrn n$ol'llt! r-rt$lnrslioo-A slx8| lrcl.tl htnlcr sh;rll ht il|]tflll(.d hcrrvterr ;1 BW gar wrrt k^-'l|tcd irr -.r slu(l sprcc end wrll cuvcrinS co[- srnNl\.dl ot lErfrrruttd lrth. mclll |rth r.|' b|rilding Ol'J|(:r, .1, Tyfr HW S:rs vcpt lirtcrl only fnr'ringlc-rlory us rhull hc lrtsrellcd trnly in a sin6ln+rtrxy huild. irll ff .nr thc tqr rlory (rf rrrulli$lory buihling. Tylt ItW gir,i vcnl li:rtHl firr rnuhi ory u* nrry bc hrc lh'd kt sarrglr ot nruhisror'y lrulldint$. 6L EilqNEERS 6900 $. Ho||y Ctrcb. suile304 1e15 u 6C - td-2{r71 ref u lFoFr t Ecit{AtuGAL CO9E X,LLE T,LL Ec)E (oo9r?"bsr|s mts sh:rll :t Srtlvrly otal hori- ent trfthc pcr cltlf- rE liytlcm tplrtrsr l iicctim ;t forlh in m cInI :l nlsln|(;- lr ro'd gNItl3sNIEtN3 ls3ll|d drE:?o 66-zz-utc Far(30g1'70$Osi Date Receivet PREISTETGNGEM{ENG. Consd_Uttg.lrodt rfcrl . Eledrlcd . Aryln D. Prleot, p-E JAN 2 5 1999' ro PHlt'E l.|t]. : +1 343 751r- Jan. 19 1999 A1l49Pl'1 PA1"VU ^ -14^ A sanrtl L<'n- !/"1", c,rt pWtl 1 I^JALL ,) I \ IJurltl liR HCA'TEP 6rlprA-=--:: TYPg ,5" vdt l:l[ArJ V tur,r/ yttt!12ttt t) fQAKA?-€ lsookr (ooF Ir lr ll l' tf ll fl I Ir r/ Pf'/E ?. FOLER PtAlYoRl0 '"".,. l^LDilE!2 tEvcL I EL t: V/rl l(rt'J VtEv) ,. "i:t=r t'::; -' t:;rt a'-r_.:.'ti*i::; :?:_a'=:*r : .{\ f1 -B<^/ Du^"+r'L)<-' 2I/LR Tat, 7+Z srttdyQ,rc', E" efrPis) z/z+/e a 'l z-, t7 p"-{t4. L ryyt/aztaz @ rflf f"d,*qf fru"K1 Te ( r tu7rnz L=!(i- 7zu - 6;a1,h".i da,bLp,r,a S?jd bta\ =.r72; W r;"-z%to €rt€.o,r A+' U*nZazldf e l'h*.*t'og btx ,tfra6 "fr1d4 Dra+ft U,,*L ru,;;'ffi, ,, Vud sftir,fr._{un Uitt"'r- d"t I V".8,poi ler keSfuEX"W /^' eig"-o s(44 -torr K A c 5n r,{A Ma&,-( R;e- 7i z3o T!'u(3zr11 he"h- u;lfl^ d/4/4 hod/h, o q, r, N/f,^ rar-,,a/ :,/ 2 '. -t . /, T/ "' r <-..<,un, -j ern /,'.,rtl /ril.aAo rQn c -' /r,-,t6ut-1lau fv,r'ila4z/ P,fr'at 4twt {or d,ldef harrt€r'rw!r uwt/W(q ( orttin{qt o(o(LY tnaqrv vtWI qhj-\fi!r\L "jh^t 4{ a6v't WrtaL ['l€6'Zn lvs l-nerrn: N-Tra ( eK&Izldr7 t'*MLw 20 /U/.4 . D;,1t4 1 a,v4-hrazr .-A lB,' ryf+tu dvl 6Wd-ub //crYf-arttz1. -<< ' - Fpt ,4i 2 ,+v1lrafiu d^aufur.(r6orf,oe4r { ),, hr lh a-qi fLdp u2-<- ,4u o/|j@ Ic42{tlh/>Vi4f flk IfK2Vtm. SpttcEl3 I./ilnrc:r'+t *rVsP I ' O7/10/Sg 11: 56 G662 601 1522O Itte performancc requircrncnts break thc functional statemcnt into morc trngiblc components to waluate. For instancc flame spread is addrpsscd in Section 4'2'3.1 and firc spread through concealed spacca srrh ts walls is covcrcd in Scction Thc pcrformancc rcquircnrents also touch upon $otnc mcchrnisms to contml and mrnagc firc smh rs dctcction, suppression and smoko control. Additionally, slructurd stability and gcncrat firc sPread froro cortrp!iltrent to co|Dprrtmcl|t rrc addrcssod in Soctiqs nd rc+ccriveh. In ordcr to dcterminc to what levcl 'acccgtable' is with regard to thc pctforoatrce provisims a retationship is made tnck to Scction 2.2 withitr Secior Thc rcftrcncc to 2-2 will providc drc dcsbed level of tte building bnsod on tlrc use oft[e building. Acceatrble lltetodr The prcscritrivc mctlrodc vge diruseed Garlicr. fhe pre*riptive IBC dcals wi$ lhc mrntgernent of firc impect in many ilfls. Ouoc a spccific predion *sd€/ ir ctro*A for r builidng wtirt coositt3 ofdctcction fu ioghroc thorc rrc ao ortarrilrc arrry of staodads rhtEd to the propcr dcsiglt h$alldion, rndnicomce ud use of fire detccrion cysterns and cquipmcnt. Exanples are cudrds podwcd by Underum'ers hbcetorics"' ud thc N*ianal Firc h,oection Assciation }lnnficfiltrs ofthc cquipncnt povklc cpdensivc infonrrrtion fr the p,rcper applicetim of thcir producr that rlso need to be follow€d. ln many juridktions minimurn qualificrtions have becn dotrd for pcoplc who dcsign, install, aud servicc fire d€togtioo sysems- Thcsc rcsources arc ovailablc !o otb€r coraponerts such as firc rcsistive contnrctim aod automatic nrpprcssion systems. ICBO-CODES-- IFCI s.o PE(nsrRrA CIRCTILATION hblic dimati'm of thc paerinre twlCqs har fooccd m be ur rod hct of ucof uoe Cs.fr!?d b thc f*riptivc codcs. Ttprc is no ;t$irii ft .obno? r tcrm c cmcOt cinply 5.I MEANS OF EGRESS The intent of this scction is to provlh thc performance criteda by n'lricb tlrs exit facilitics for a sfircturr arc dcsigncd and crraluatcd. Thc cunent prcsc,riptive codcs pmvidc for thic clcroctt of buildiug;e by dictating a solutior of sh&ldircd olcrncnts basod ol nanrowlydofimd mbimums ud manimurns. This mdrodolory has been olrcc€ssful il prwiding saft buildings, buthrs bc.n foundtobe a hin&urce in ltredesig[ of somc ncr buildir€ ty?es. ln writing 6is scctiln all of thc olcmcr$ fond ia the codo of tto pas rtsr considcrcd- Thc tcrm$ formcrly used for these elernents .re not neccssarily found in thc terc, Genaric HEI will make it casict to €xpsnd ihc rcopc as ruy bc ftc€snry in 6infi.g in a tuo pcrfornam vocabulary. Thc rhafting of tbis provision rvrs carefirl to avoid cridiog tcnninology and drcrcby avoid old preconceived notioos boscd on past dcfioition. The gpocral cmccpt ofogcss hes nm clugnd. It considcn ths numba of poople, lengft of tnvel" provision of altematc pathg risk Iewl, irf€fy sysems pwided ud time. Tlrc ercsqiptive codc, rvhih cosklering all ofttesc ttinp whcn dcvcbping is inrmrRm, does m clcdy ' aticulaedrcn. fhrcforc, wtcn a building duc to siee, frrnction or physioal circumstanccr, cur not conply with 6e insrructioo thcre is not clear guidamc for rolving thc problem. An eftdive systEm of ctrces is inurrdcpcndcnt to acccssibility, fall prcvcntion, numbcrr of occupilrcy, lwcl of risk and drc building safcty systems. Each of thc*e isrues addrcssod in the mde will trve to bc frctorod iato ary accqtablc solution for cgress. If tberc is o bc a tnrc pcrformruce code wc must bc very careful to resist th€ tendency to prescribe by thc usc of absolurc spocifics. lA 913/ott N (l g\\'alsla Environmental Scientists and Ensineers. Inc. November 16, 1998 Betty Guffey 742 A Sandy Lane Vail, Colorado SUBJECT: Results of Indoor Air Nlonitoring at your Residence (742 A Sandy Lane) and Duplex Neighbor's Heater Exhaust Sample in Vail, Colorado OVALSH 3907-010) Dear Betty: The purpose of this letter is to provide you with the results of the indoor air monitoring performed between October 28 and November 8, 1998 at your residence and the exhaust grab sample collected from your duplex neighbor's heater exhaust on November 8, 1998. The indoor air monitoring and exhaust sample collection were performed to characierize any air impact from your neighbor's heater exhaust system. I::door Air illonitoiing: The inCoor air inonito:iirg r,vas perforrned with a luletrosonics 50.1 Indoor Air Quality Monitor. Tlte monitor measured the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide concentrations inside your residence. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are expected to be elevated if the indoor air was impacted by your neighbor's heater exhaust system. The direct-reading monitor averaged and recorded the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide data every five minutes during its operation. During the first few days of operation, the record bunon had been inadvertently shut off a few times, causing some data to be lost. However. all data after November l, 1998 were recorded. The attached figures (dated chronologically) provide the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide results- The carton dioxide data generally ranged between 300-500 parts per million (ppm). This range would be expected in the indoor air of a residence. The carbon monoxide data do not appear on 4 ofthe 6 figures because carbon monoxide was generally not detected in the indoor air (detection limit I ppm). Carbon monoxide was detected intermittently in the indoor air, yet the average concentrations were less than I ppm. These data indicate that the indoor air at your residence does not appear to be impacted by elevated concentrations of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Sampling of Neighbor's Heater Exhaust System: The exhaust from the heater exhaust system was sampled using a direct-reading carbon monoxide meter and a SUMMA sampling canister (a 6-liter sphere under negative pressure that collects an air sample when its valve is opened). A Passport air monitor measured the carbon monoxide concentrations being released from the heater's exhaust system during a S-minute duration (while heater was ftinctioning) on October 28 and November 8, 1998. The peak 4888 Pearl East Circle . Suire 108 . Boulder, Colorado . 80301-2475 . Phone (303) ut43-3282 c:\my documents\3907ii.doc FAX (303) 443-0367 I carbon monoxide concentrations measured during each S-minute evaluation were 15 ppm and 21 pprq respectively. The SUMMA canister was sent to Quantena Labortories in City of Industry, California and analyzed by the Environmental Protection Agency's Toxic organics Method 15. This method me iures concentrations of 50 volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The efluent sample was also analyzed for other VOCs (tentatively identified compounds, or TICs). The TICs analytical proce$ provides an estimate of the concentrations of different VOC groups (some ofwhich would be expected in the exhaust of a heater). The attached rezults indicate that significant levels of VOCs were not being emiued from the exhaust systetn when the grab sample was collected. The VOC concentrations found in the exhaust are similar to those found iri background indoor and outdoor air in urban areas (such as Denver). The exhaust may also contain irritating compounds that were not analyzed in the sample (e.g., nitrogen or sulfur oxides), Although significant levels of VOCs were not found in the exhaust, carbon monoxide was detected at 2l ppm. This concentration is higher than the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 9 ppm. The exhaust may be impacting the outdoor air near your residence and could impact the indoor air if a route of entry is provided (e.g., open window or dogr). The balcony for your residence is directly above the heater system exhaust. This indoor air monitoring and exhaust sampling are limited by the duration of the sampling and the compounds analyzed. Concentrations could vary over time and other compounds may have been presen! but were not analyzed. Please contact me with questions. WrittenBy: AnthonyE. Bamard CSP S enior Industrial Hygienist *Wals]a Environmental Scientists and Engineers, lnc. c:\my documents\3 907ii.doc tr'ilename. ....rl} Test Location. . . . .VailhPloyee Name. . . ..Betty toployee Number... DepartEent... .. .. . Coument Fleld 1... coument Fleld 2... Nuneric Code #1... Colorado cuff,ey *2...#4...*s... DDT leee. e DPI te. a 39e.9 639. e. .lCe . e eoo.9 0.e ou >a talza l?:se r9:3ell rETtosoNr cs -.coa ------.coLC/2||/9a l?:5e: t7: 5I'5ppr Losser...aq-sol. Qru.:. #e... Urtl Golorrrd,o T.rt Tlr. e DDr. e.e Losser.. ..n-uo,.l?ru.,. Colorado Guffey 'Firenaue. ....!t Test Location. . . . .Vail Eloployee Nane. .. ..Betty hployee Nunber...' Department... Co'nnent Field 1. . . CoDrnent Field 2. . . Numeric Code #1 ... #2.*3. .*4... gee. e 60e. I zea. s 6:36 *s... U.l l Co l ot .io -coz --.-..-.-. cotet?tlga 5:2,.:0a: a.l6DPi ? 3 5l T.!3t Ttr. SnPr Iaa6 Filenane. ....rn Test Location. . . . .Vail Ehployee Name... . .Bettyhployee Nuuber... Department. . . . . . . . Cornrnent Field 1... Conr'rent Field 2. . . Nuneric Code #1... Coloradocuffey #2... ,^ 'Logger...aq-501 Bfrser #t...*a...#5. . DPI' teec. 0 ttr .10.9 agB. e 5ae. e aee. e 2€A.9 e.e a.e te/3c '5124a3:3{T.rt Tlr. eFDr| Urll Golor.rdo >a ra/e9 l'l!5{ l?:rla ll ilErnotoNl cs -coa ------. coLa/29/9A tl:5{! a5: a69DDr .aq-sol $ru.'Test Location. . .. .Vai].hployee Narne. . -. .Betty Ebployee Number... Logger.. Colorado Guffey Departrent. colonent Field 1... Cotnl'lent Field 2. . . Nuneric Code #1 ... 80c.9 6ee. a a6€. e Jz. L6224 #2...#4...#5. . ll ""K;";;i* -coz ------* Gota/aa/g8 8:3{: 2?: {8aDDr tclgt a32LT.rt Tlrt Sppr a ! .la Url I Golor.rdo Filename. ....st Losser...aq-sol Qru.lTest Location.....Vail CoLorado Ehployee Name. . ...Betty Guffey Ihployee Nuaber... Departroent. . . ..... Conment Field 1... Co'nment Field 2. . . Nr:neric Code #1... #2... #3... DPI ,'See. e #4.#5... tPr te .0 o(, (loI aea. I 696rI aaa.a zfila.A e,e €.c tLlca l.la 4a1/ Lllret ae :5e LtlQ1 Zitl6 ll I|ETnOSOXICS Trr t -coe ---..-.- GolL/eL/r9A ae:5e:ae: 3?8rrpn enpr lL/t6 az 13 TlrC Urll Color.rdo E E Eii E t a3 rE8; F€IF S5 leItl<Itrl.tqr6 E x \ E$ $El BEI8ol bEtro€8gq 5bsE $s ,'8 E^ g -t.Fr roE .€Er'8 iF:fl ciS FTi 8Sl 0 B t c EtE le IE IE Et t s ni d I -] t* IJ t *o at ot E E () t s E $ & 5 E r I J$ '13 lq ls'It t3 l+ IEto lE IE t:!G! ir{ B Iat4 t R. u, H+ s tr I tr a Ett IJ t* t-J e L o It D E I,l,snflN | -f rilq,r,Nvnh rz:il (Noltl 86 ,91- ',li0Nl00l 9S6 qZg:13,1, .-.J ?00'd $ E f$ Eo(l tutrbs ;s€ E $t: , Cl.ienc Name: Cl,lene ID I IAB TD: Malrix: Authori z ed : fnEtruneuE: Al !( 13 NOV 98 GCltr.s-c Palalrleter Dichlorodlf luoromethane Chloroncthaaevinyl chlorlde 1, 2-Dichloro-L, I, Z, 2- teErafluoroeEhane Bromometha.ae Chloroethane Tri cbloro f luorornet bane I , 1-Dichloroethese Carboa diauLfide 1, l, 2 -Trichloxo-L, 2,.2 -trlfluoroethane Acetone Methylene ehloride trane - 1, 2 -Dichloroethene 1. 1-DichloroethaneVinyl acetate 2-Butanone cie-1, 2 -Dichloroethene C}loroform, r, 1, 1 -Tlichloroetbanre Carbon tetrachloride Eenzene 1, 2 -Dichloroetlrane Trichloroechene I, 2 -Dichloropropane aromod{chloromethane cle-1, 3 -Dichloropropene 4 -Methyl- 2 -penEanoD.e Toluene cran6 -1 . 3 -Dichloroprspene X. 1, 2 - Tricbloroelhane Tetrachloroethene 2 -llexaione Dibromochloromethane 1, 2 -Dib:romoeEhane (EDB) 'Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene m- e P-xylene (E) o-xylene Se)rrcne Bronoform I, l, 2, 2 - Tetrachloroethaae Benzyl cbloride 4 -Ethyltoluene Yolatlle Organics Waleh Envi loanent al ScientietEvAfL RESTDE!{CE (,92089, )135132 -o001-sA by CCIIIS - & Eagiaeera 08 NOV 98 N/A 1.0 () EPA IO Sampled: Prepared: Di luti.on : Received: Analyzed: 13 Nov 13 NOv 98 98 MDIJ Unita 0 .25 ug,/m:0.12 u9/n3 0 .15 u9lrnl 0.63 u9/rn3o.2? ug/m30.37 u9/m30-3t ug/m3O.24 ugln: 0. {0 ug/rr3 o.46 uglsr3O,47 ug/m3O.24 uglm3O.28 ug/m30.20 ug/m30.14 uSlm30.59 ug/n3O.2o uglrn3O.29 uglrngo.44 uglm3O.2s ug/m30.26 ug/n30.24 ug,/n30.32 ug/r{r30.28 ug/m30.40 u9/n3O.27 u9/urg0.37 uglmt0.34 ugln30.35 uglma9.44 ugln3 0 ,51 uglnre0.82 ug/n30.68 uglm30.46 ug/nl 0 .41 uglnra 0 .30 uE/nr30.8? ug/m30.35 ugln3o.26 ug/ngs.72 ug/n30.55 ug/m30.31 ug/n30.34 uglm3 '7 = Reeulc i8 deeected below rhe repolcing limlt or is an egtimaced concentration,!{D = Not Dec,ected Result 0.43 ND 'tlD IID ND xo IID l[D . 8.6 ND l.l. 0.27 r.ID ITD 3. t lfD tlD ![D ND 0.75 l{D I.iID tfD l{D lfD IID 6,7 I{D IID IqD l{D.lfD l{D 0.92 5.{ 1.5 1.5 ![D ND ND 2.4 Qualifler RI, 0 .99 o.82 0 .51 0.78 L.1 2.2 o.79 3.1 1.9 0.69 0.?9 u.ot ?q a.> 0.79 o .97 1.1 l..' 0.5.1 0 .81 11 o .92 I.J 0 .91 1.5 1.1 0 .91 1.1 1.4 r.o t.7 t.5 o -92 0.8? 0.87 o,8s2.t 1.4 2-L 2.o !00'd t00l 996 9i9:13J xIsf|0N I -YxxSINYn0 9Z,tl {N0}'l) 86,91-'i\0N Q"r..rre orsa,"ice by cc{s - atrs I3l"h Environrnearal Scientl€tEVArL_RESIDE$CB. l,g2o8s,)135132-0001-sA Client Narne :Cliant ID: IAB TD:Hatrix: Authorl,zed r fnatr:umeBt: (cont. ) ATR 13 NOV 98 GclHs-c Sampled: Prepared: Dilution: & Etrgiaeere 08 NgV 98 N/A 1.0 Received: lnalyzed: I'OIr o.44 0 .39 0.{0 0.36 o.42 o.57 1.3 13 llov 13 NOV 98 98 Paramecer 1. 3, 5 -Trimethylbelrzene 1, 2, {-trimeehylbeEzene 1,3-Dichlorobenz--e 1.4 -Dichlorobcnzene 1, 2 -Dicblorobenzeae 1, 2 , at-Trl,chlorobenzene Ilexachlorobutadiene Reeul! 1.4 3.1 .ltD llD ND l[D tfD Quallfier IIr 2.o 2.0t-2 L.2 7.2 5.9 4.3 Unite . uglnr3 ug/m3 ug/m3 ug/n3 ug/m3 ug/rn3 u9/m: \J= !{D = ReeulE ie detecced below No t, DeEected the lepolting linlr or ie an eatlmeged coBcentrati.on. t00',{C00l 996 929:13,1 )f t,snnN | -YHl,t,NVrl|)07:bl lN0tt|lR6 .ql-',\0N ' TeDtatiwely ldcntified CompoundE (TICE) Mcthod EPA Io-15 walah Envirsnmencal scienclg!€ e Englneere VAIIr RESIDENCE (,92OA9') 13s132 -0 0 01-SA clienc Name: Client ID: I.AB TD: Uatrix: Authorized: Ing c::unenE I Paramecer c0n'/ AIR 13 NEIV 98 cc,/Ms-c Sampled: 06 NOv 98 Prepared: N/A Dilucion;1.0 Result Qualifier Received: 13 lIov 98 Inalyzed: 13 NOV 98 RL Unigg Branched "113s6 (c5) N- rneEhoxy-meEhatramiBc Aldehyde Eubatitu€ed benzene Erancbed alkane (C9) Branched alhane (C1o) No Match FouBd No ltlatch Found Undecane Branched alkane (cU) No Match FouEd Dodecanc Branched a1kd1s (C13) J.I z.o 1.5 5.9 1.9 L.2 4.3 L. t 2.5 2.5 ,r iT J .t it ppb PPb P9b FPb pPb PPb PPb PPb FPbppb pgrb FPb v/t') v/vl v/w) v/v) !/v) v/v) !lvlvlvlvIt).t/vl w/vl (v/v) J = Reeult le detected below the reporcing or 16 an edtimated concentralion ' t00l cq6 qZg:1?.1, IlmiE )t,t.snnN | -t'xxc.l NYnn 00:i I lN0hjl 86 .91-',{0N >. i':.1*, .*l \\'- -.- I d -__= -7\r\-,.f \ \,{i./.-' . t\ Itl,,7, 'l I I\ II t I ( st.t ti \ - ( l.' I I I I ri ll .J {l I I lr ,1 I I I ( THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NoTlcE ls HEREBY GIVEN that thc Town council of thc Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.030 of thc Municipal Codc of the Town of Vail on November 19, 1996, at 7:30 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, locatcd at 75 South Frontage Road. In consideration of: An appcal of a variance denial made by the Planning and Environmental commission on S"pi"iUo 23,1996. The appcllants werc denied a sitc coverage variance to allow an additional ont-.u, garage to be constructc d at742-B Sandy Lane, Vail, Coloradofunit B' Lot 3, Vail/Potato Patch, Second Filing. Appellants: Charlcs P. Campisi and Geri Campisi The application and information about the proposal is available for public inspcction, during rcgular business t ou.s. in thc Community Devclopment Dcpartment, locatcd at the Town of Vail Community Dwelopment Dcpartmcnt, 75 South Frontage Road. o q I,.' TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97U479-2100 FAX 970-479-21s7 lt,".cr\n'rnV)OS ,l4o,nAtg l11S fu^d /1/-<'hll ftvza u,t si+e l'74L'+ !-' oI rn^sw)-u ' CERTIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATEOFCOLORADO I couNw oF EAGLE i""' subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of December, 1996, by Holly L.McCutcheon, Town Clerk, Town of Vail. / ! 4'/' NotarfPubiic Anne E. ll/ligtrt, Notary pubtic i,'i, Co--'rrrissim E\1rir€s 6I7.1999 7l: S. Fror:3r l]g:d ) ) ss. ) The undersigned hereby certifies the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of aPlanning and Environmentarcommission Memorandum datedMarch tg, tdds, asmaintained in the office of Community Development. Dated December 5, 1996 My commission expires: {p u*r^r", TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMOFANDUM Planning and Environmental Gommission Community Development Department March 13, 1995 A request lor a site coverage variance to allow_for an addition to the Flicci Residence located at 2576bavos Trail/Lot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Tom and Nancy Riici, represenled by Galen Aasland Andy Knudtsen Applicants: Planner: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicants, Tom and Nancy Ricci, are proposing to demolish their existing detached one- car garige and replace it with an attached two-car garage, a second story family room, and an entrance to their home. A variance is required because the additions exceed the site coverage allowance in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. Since the orevious hearino with the Planninq and Environmental Commission (PECI on Februarv 27. 1995. the aoolicant has reduced the size of the oaraoe to 521.5 so. ft. The allowed site coverage is 2,248.4 square feet (or 20%), the existlng sits coverage ls 2,319.4 square teet (or 20.64r, and the proposed site coverage ls 2,682 square feet (or 8.9n. The addltlonal 433.6 square feet of site coverage requires a variance. They are also requesting to expand their living room by approximately 66 square feet, as well as raise the roof ridge over the living room by 8 feet. The living room addition will be located over an existing lower level and does not count as new site coverage. Other changes that will be involved with the proposal include removing the T-111/plywood siding that currently is in place above and below the windows on the residence. The applicant is proposing to cover the trim and plywood with a stucco linish. Landscaping will be changed, as four large aspens will be removed as a result of this proposal. The applicant is proposing to replace these with four 2-inch caliper aspen. The driveway grades do not change as the proposed two-car garage will be located in approximately the same place as the existing one- car garage. II. HISTORY OF LOT 5 On February 26, 1990, the Planning and EnvironmentalGommission (PEC) approved a variance request for a setback encroachment. In order to construct a new master bedroom on the lower level, the applicant proposed to encroach 3.5 fest into the 1S-foot rear setback. The Design Review Board (DRB) approved the proposal on March 21, 1990. ln addition to the setback variance to allow for the master bedroom expansion, the applicant also proposed expansions to the kitchen and a second floor deck which did not require variances. On June 3, 1992, the DRB approved a 250. Though he 250 was granted, the addition was never constructed. The current proposal includes 64.3 square feet ol the 250. The applicant has submitted the 250 request and it wlll be scheduled for a DRB rsview if the variance is granted. Section 18.71.020 requires that variances be approved by PEC prior to the DRB reviewing the project, when both approvals are needed for one project. 185.7 square feet of floor area will remain for future expansions, assuming the variance is granted by the PEC and the 250 is granted by the DRB. III. BACKGROUND The staff has researched projects in which similar requests were made, and has summarized them below: Dean/Rousch Residence. 2942 Bellflower (Julv 1993): At the Dean/Rousch residence, the applicants requested a 3.56% site coverage variance (287 square teet), a setback variance (4 leet into a 2Ojoot setback), and a wall height variance. The request for site coverage and wall height variances were approved by the PEC, but the setback variance for GRFA was denied. lt should be noted that thE statf recommended denial of the variance, but the PEC approved it. The interior dimensions of the garage were 22.5 by 22.5 leet, and the area of the garage calculated for site coverage was 576 square feet. Tavlor Residence.2409 Chamonix Foad (Mav 19931: At the Taylor residence, the applicant requested and was granted a site coverage variance for 1.3/o (122 square feet) in order to construct a garage and building connection on the property. It should be noted that the allowed site coverage on this lot is 20% (not 15olo), and the applicant was also granted a variance to construct lhe garage in the front setback (the slope on this lot did not exceed 30%). The approved interior dimensions of the two-car garage were 21 feet by 20 feet, for a total interior area ol 420 square feet. The garage contributed 462 square feet toward site coverage. Donna Mumma Residence. 1886 West Gore Creek Drive (Februarv 1993): At the Mumma residence, the applicant requested and was granted a 1olo site coverage variance in order to construct a garage addition on a lot that exceeds 30% slope. The 1% overage on site coverage amounted to approximately 99 square feet. The lnterior dimensions of the approved garage measure 20 feet by 20 feet, for a total interior area of 400 square feet. The garage contributed 442 square feet toward site coverage ' NIU+41€ .'/'ff Sm6il'Relidence. +238 Nuooet Lane (Seotember 1992): ) l5,ooo At the Smail residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage and GRFA addition. The interior dimensions of the approvedgaragemeasure22teetS-inchesby22teet3-inches(504squarefeet). Please note that a slte coveragg variance was not necessary as a part of thls request. pDk 6.?6fow;[ Testwuide Residence.898 Red Sandstone Circle (Auoust 1992): At the Testwuide residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and lront setback variances in order to construct a garage addition to the existing residence. The approved garage had interior dimensions ol 21.5 feet by 24 teel, with a total interior area of 516 square feet. Please note that a site coveEge variancc.was not necossary as part of this request. . "RicciResictence O For comparison purposes, the proposed variance is lor 3.9% (433.6 square feet)' The garage contribuies 5S7 iquhre feet towards site coverage. The interior dimensions are 21.75 by 24.0 i*lt*'tn " smal ingte cut out ot one side). The total interior area of the garage is 521.5 square feet. tv. zoNlNG STATISTICS Lot Size: 11,242 square feet Zoning: Primary/Secondary Resid€ntial Allowed . Proposed Height: 33 feet 33 feEt GRFA: 2,810.5 + 425 + 250 = 3,485.5 sq. ft. 3'3299'8 sq' ft' Setbacks:Front: 20, Fronf 21' Sides: i5'/15' Sides: N/A Rear: 15' Rear: 23'5' Slte Coverage: 2(r€/" oJ 2,2t8.4 8q. ft. 23.9% or 2'6&l rq. ft. Landscaping: 6@lo min. or 6,745.2 sq. ft. 6,598 sq. ft. ' soft (58.7%) .|91 sq. ft. - hard 6,789 sq. ft. - Total(60.4%) Retaining Wall Heights: 6 feet 6 feet Parking: . 3 spaces required 4 sPaces proposed V. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A.@: 1. The relatlonship ol the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes that the proposed addition will be compatible with the surrounding development. We believe that the additional mass and bulk associated wlth the proposal is similar to the mass and h'lk of sunounding homes. Staff would like to point out that the site has signlflcant evergreen landscap'ing around the perimeter of the home, and that the addition will be buffered by the existing landscaping. 2. The degree to whlch reliet trom the strict and literal Interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and unifoimity of treatment among sites in the vicinity ortoattaintheob|ectivesofthist|t|ewithoutgranto'special Privilege. \ "'l I Staff has traditionally supported site coverage variance requests and. setback variance requests when it involves constructing garages, and wh.en the. variances do not negatively impact adjacent properties. Staff believes that it is beneficial to the community to allow individuals to construct garages, as it typically improves the appearance of a site. In this case, the applicant will be demolishing a one-car garage and replacing it with a two-car garage' In addition to site coverage variance requests for garages, staff h€ supPorted requests for connectionsbetween the residence and the garagg. This is lrue in all ihree of the examples provided in the background section of this memo, which required site coverage variances. In each case, staff has wOrked with the applicant and the architect to minlmize the amount of variance needed. In the past, staff believes that each final variance request has been for the minimum amount of site coverage necessary' Statf believes that the reduction in the size ol the garage since the previous PEC hearing, to 521.5 sq. ft. brings the proposalwithin the scope of what has been approved in the past. Stalf believes it, meets this criteria as the variance would not be a grant of special privilege, since other variances have been approved lor similar situations in the past. Furthermore, staff believes that the location and size of the existing building are physical hardships which make the expansion impossible without a variance. We think that the size of the two-car garage which is proposed is reasonable and should be supported. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public tacilities and utllltles, and publlc safety. Staff does not believe that there will be any negative impacts on the above- referenced criteria il the proposal is constructed. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs betore qrantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other propefiies classified in the same district, 3. B. 4 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, salety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in lhe vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or entorcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tiile. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcemsnt of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners ot other properties in the same district. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the variance. We believe it meets the criteria, as discussed above, as well as the findings. Specilically finding 81 is met, and statf's opinion, as the variance will not a grant of special privilege as this type of request has been approved several times in the past. Finding 82 is met, in staff's opinion, as there will be no impacts to the public health, safety or weltare. Finding B3c is met as a strict enforcement of the site coverage regulation would deprive this applicant from constructing an addition to his home that has been granted to other individuals with similar situations. Therefore staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. That the variance approval is contingent upon the Design Review Board (DRB) making the necessary findings and granting the'250" to this applicant. lf the DRB does not grant the "250', this variance approval shall be void. 2. Prior to issuance of building permit, the applicant shall agree to plant lour 2- inch caliper aspen adjacent to the entry to mitigate the loss of the four existing aspen trees, 3. Prior to submittal to the DRB, the applicant shall amend the elevation drawings of the residence to show the specific exterior treatment that shall be used to replace the existing T-111 plywood finish. F:EVERYONETPEC\MEMOS\BICC13I 3 ta. \ il e {E{nllr{l}.'l,rl 'tlrl l:l '+ t ! i'!- om rmtn*, .q..l[Affi^,D -o o S o T oI { r- - --f I I ; Itt I t'l-i \{ i--l!lir- I "t\\\.\ '\ \ \ \ -\ \ \ _I I I \\{\ \.\\\\\A \.\r \ \--- a o llll *^^t'-*-. - ge'ff( llr! -- "c. . to it-iliI, frg :tltE[;m',||o.lir{!litn ,,tiF .rli5 ,lg i : ., t-, I.l I /II/I.l /I /I.j - '.*i II ! ! itl o ,l C(-er-tn;nuJr, 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21M FAX 970-479-2157 CERTIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The undersigned hereby certifies the foregoing is a full, true and corect copy of aPlanning and Environmental commission Memorandum dated February 27, 1g95, asmaintained in the office of Community Development. STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss.couNwoFEAGLE ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of December, McCutcheon, Town Clerk, Town of Vail. 1996, by Holly L. ) ) ss. ) TOWN OFVAIL 'e1,.2+. n1s, Dated December 5. 1996 *t E: ltieftt, r,tobryhlbfi. Notdli'Public $EECYCLED PAPER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMOBANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Gommunity Development Department February 27,1gg1 A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an addition to the RicciResidence located at25z6 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1stFiling. Applicants: Planner: Tom and Nancy Ricci, represented by Galen Aasland Andy Knudtsen I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicants, Tom and Nancy Ricci, are proposing to demolish their existing detached one-car garage and replace it with an attached two-car garage, a second story fa;ily room, andan entrance to their home. A variance is required because the additions exceed the sitecoverage allowance in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. The ailowed sltecoverag€ is 2,248.4 square feet (or 20o/o) and the proposed site coverag e is 2,774.9square feet (or 24.7%). The additaonat 526.5 squire ieet ot site coverage requires avariance. They are also requesting to expand their living room by approximately'66 squarefeet as well as raise the roof ridge over the living room by 8 feet. -The living room addiiion willbe located over an existing lower level and does not count as new site coverage. Other changes that will be.involv.ed with the proposal include removing the T-11.l/plywood siding that currently is in place above and below the windows on the iesidence. Th'e applicantis proposing to cover the trim and plywood with a stucco finish. Landscaping will be cnangeOslightly. -Approximately one to two large aspens will be removed as a result-of this proposil. The.applicant is proposing to replace these with two 2-inch caliper aspen. The drivewiygrades do not change as the proposed two-car garage will be located in approximately ihesame place as the existing one-car garage. II. HISTORY OF LOT 5 on February 26, 1990, the planning and Environmentalcommission (pEc) approved avariance request for a setback encroachment. ln order to construct a new master bedroom onthe lower level, the applicant proposed to encroach 3.5 feet into the ls-foot rear setback. TheD99ign Review Board (DRB)approved the proposalon March 21, 1gg0. ln addition to thesetback variance to allow lor the master bedroom expansion, the applicant also proposed expansions to the kitchen and a second floor deck whicn oio not re'quirs variances. on June 3, 1992, the DRB approved a 250. Though the zso was granted, the addition wasnever constructed. The current proposal includes 64.3 square teet of the 250. The applicanthas submitted the 250 request and it will be scheduled foi a DRB review if the varianci isgranted. Section 18.71.020 requires that variances be approved by PEC prior to the DRBreviewing the project, when both approvals are needed tbi one proiect. tbs.z square feet offloor area will remain for luture expansions, assuming the variance'is granted by'the pEG andthe 250 is granted by the DRB. It.BAcKGRouNp c The staff has researched projects in which similar requests were made, and has summarizedthem below: At the Dean/Rousch residence, the applicants requested a3,567" site coverage variance (2g7 square feet)' a setback variance (4 feet into a z0-foot setback), and a wall height variance.The request for site coverage and wall height variances were approved by th;pE6, but thesetback variance for GRFA was denied. lt should be noted that the staff lecommended denialof the variance, but the PEC approved it. The inlerior dimensions of the garage were 225 by225 teel, and the area of the garage calculated for site coverage was 576 sqlare feet. At the Taylor residence,. the applicant requested and was granted a site coverage variance for 1.3% (1-22 square feet) in order to construct a garage and-buitding connection on tne property. It should be noted that the. allowed site coverage on ttris lot is 207o (not 1s%), and thdapplicant was also granted a variance to constiuct the garage in the front seiUacr (the slopeon this lot did not exceed 307o). The approved interiorlimdnsions of the two-car garage were21 teet by 20 feet, for a totalinterior area of 420 square feet. The garage contribuled +62square feet toward sile coverage. At the Mumma residence, the applicant requested and was granted a 1% site coveragevariance in order to construct a garage addition on a lot thaiexceeds 30o/o slope. Th; 1"/ooverage on site coverage amounted to approximately 99 square feet. The interior dimensionsof the approved garage me^asure 20 feet by 20 feet, for a tdtat interior area of 400 square feet.The garage contributed 442 square feet toward site coverage At the Smail residence, the applicant requested and was granted side anct front setbackvariances in order to construct a garage and GRFA addition. The interior dimensions ol theapproved garage measure 22 teet 8-inches by 22 teet 3-inches (504 square feet). please note that a site coverage varlance was not necessary as a part ot ints requ'est. At the Testwuide residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setbackvariances in order to construct a garage addition to the existin! residence. Tne approvedgarage had interior dimensions of 21 .5 feet by 24 teet, with a iotal interior area of'516 squarefeet. Please note that a site coverage variance was not necessary as part of thlsrequest. Ricci Residence For.c_omparison purposes, the proposed variance is lor 4.7o/o (526.5 square feet). The garagecontributes 623 square feet towards site coverage. The interibr dimenlions are'23.25 iy 2{feet (with a smallangle cut out of one side). ilt. zoNtNG sTATtsTtcs Lot Size: 'Zoning: Height: GRFA: Setbacks: Front: Sides:' Rear: She Coverage: Landscaping: Reaining Wall Heights: Parking: 1 1,242 square feet Primary/Secondary Residential AllowEd 33 feet 2,810.5 + 4ZS + 250 = 3,485.5 sq. ft. 20' 15',t15' 15' 20% or 2,24/,..4.q.ri. 600/" or 6,745.2 sq. tt. 6 feet 3 spaces required Proposed 33 feet 3,3299.8 sq. ft. Front: 21' Sidos: N/A Rear: 23.5' 24.7,* q 4774.9 sq.lt. 6,s98 sq. ft. - soft (S8.7%) 191 so. ft. - hard 5,789 sq. ft - Totat(60.4%) 6 teet 4 spaces proposed V. CRITERIA AND FINDTNGS Upon review of criteria and Findings, section 19.62.060 of the Vail Municipal code, theCommunity Development Department recommends denial of the requested variance based ohthe following faclors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other exisfing orpotential uses and slructures in the vicinity. Stafl believes that the proposed addition will be compatible with the surroundingdevelopment. We believe that the additional mass and butk associated with theproposal is similar to the mass and bulk of sunounding homes. Staff would liketo point out that the site has significant evergreen landscaping on the perimeter, and that the addition wilr be buffered by the -existing tanoscap'ing. 2- The degree to which reliet from the strlct and titeret interpretalon and entorc€ment of a spscified rsgulation is necessary to achlevecompatlbllity and unlformlty ot treatment among sltesln the vlcinltyor to attain the oblectivss ot this tifle wtthout grant of speciatprtvilege. B. staff has traditionally supported site coverage variance requests and setback variance requests when it involves constructing garages. staff believes that it is beneficial to the community to allow individuals to construct garages, as it typically improves the appearance of a site. ln this case, the appticlnt wiil be demolishing a one-car garage and replacing it with a two_car giiage. ln addition to site coverage variance requests for garages, staff has supported requests for connections between the residence and the garage. This is true in all three of the examples provided in the background sect]on 6t firis memo, which required site coverage variances. ln each case, staff has worked withthe applicant and the architect to minimize the amount of variance needed. lnthe past, staff believes that each final variance request has been for theminimum amount of site coverage necessary. ln order to accomplish the goal of the minimum amount of slte coverage needed, staff has requested that the architect bring the requsst down io size, closer to the figures of the previous decisions. statt oetieves that relief lrom astrict interpretation and enforcement from the site coverage regulation is reasonable as the Town has consistenfly approved mesJtypel of requests in the past, but that the amount requested exceeds what the staff cansupport. 3. The effsct of the requested variance on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, transportailon and trafflc facllltles, public facilities andutilities, and public safety. staff does not believe that there will be any negative impacts on the above-relerenced criteria if the proposat is constructed. That the granting ot the variance will not constitute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent with the limitations on other proferties classified inthe same district. Thal the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcemenl of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tiire. 2. 3. 4 b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c' The strict interpretation or entorcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. VI. STAFF BECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the variance. Though it meets some of the criteria and findings, staff believes the garage should be reduced in size. lf the PEC determines that the varianieshould be approved, staff recommends the following conditions: 1. That the variance approval is contingent upon the Design Review Board (DRB) Te[ng the necessary findings and granting the "250" to this applicant. lt the DRB does not grant the "250", this variance approval shall be vbid. 2. Prior to issuance of buiHing permit, the applicant shall agree to plant two 2-inch caliper aspen adjacent to the entry to mitigate the loss oi the existing aspen trees. 3- Prior to submittal to the DRB, the applicant shall amend the elevation drawings of the residence to show the specific exterior treatment that shall be used to replace the existing T-111 ptywood finish. c:\poc\m€mosv'cci.227 5 I lrti -rrg?n-'2A I2:1n7avdwtcw v 'D'FD :t Tl1le, l.rlr 3l 'HE?tr @ ts\.r7 ,/ {-..J', I I HI>t Eb 6F @ lr- G il -,#fu-a.ulrrnrEE=--^I.t -\\ t\\Y\\\'\ \\ \ I II_ | -"--' \,\ t .l I I .,i: .' ,,l:. i} ..r,1 .1,! ::ri' ;+l:iil :I .il rl o 4,-*-ffJ -OerE= I I i Ii-o .-fe-_ o,",,.;=il cNt..|q\w v l{tID tr-.r rv 5'rir*t --l ,::;...::-'.-' III I\i 'l 74t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado E1657 970-479-2100 FAX 970-479-2157 Apf*n.a /4r 5 {w1fva<,.'d' Lol t;z-" 6,1et6 ) ) ss. ) L' -.'t 't/.c4ti ..- L ! c' Notary PuU . Anne E. WiefiL ilfrrypubtic f,r,, ^^__:^-r^_ ^--_:__ _ - M, commissign Ex*rcs BtT.lgggMy cornmissicn expires: ' i! s.E $RECrcLED PAPEN l.c-,rJ b^g4'rc,i-*- z' CERTIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNW OF EAGLE STATEOFCOLORADO I ) ss.couNryoFEAGLE ) subscribed and sworn to before me this sth day of December, 1996, by Holly L.McCutcheon, Town Clerk, Town of Vail. The undersigned hereby certifies the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of aPfanning and Environmentalcommission Memorandum dated May 24,1ggj, asmaintained in the office of Community Development. Dated December 5, 1996 o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 24, 1993 A request for a setback and site coverage variance to allow for the construction ot an add_ition and a garage located at 2409 chamonix Road/Lot 19, Block A, Vaif das schone Filing No. 1, (ptease note changes are ln botd ttattx.) Applicant: Planner: Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello I. DESCBIPTION OF THE FEOUEST The applicant is requesting site coverage and setback variances in order to construct a two-cT qagge and building_addition to an existing residence located on a erimarylSeconoary ttwhich is less than 15,000 square feet in size. There is an existing emptoyee restricteddwelling unit on this site located in the lower level of the project. Currently, the property has a covered carport to meet the requirement for enclosed parking fora primary unit with a restricted employee dwelling unit. Under curent zoning, tre ploperty- - would require four on-site parking spaces with aileast one space covered. fne siie cunen1yhas three on-site parking spaces and one partially on-site spiJe. ni tne tme tris clrport-wLapproved, the carport was considered enclosed parking, Oui OiO not contribute to sitecoverage using the detinition in place at the time. Under the curent site coverage definition, the carport is counted as s1e coverage. Theploperty currently allows for 1,784 sq. ft. of site coverage or 2Oyo of the lot size-and with theexisting carport has a total of 1,635 sq. ft. of site coverage. As proposed the project *ouiohave 1,906 sg. ff. of site coverage or 2l.so/o. A varianc6 is require'd tor me t.g% sitecoverage or 122 square teet. The.proposed garage is approximately 17 feet 6 inches into the 20 foot front setback whichwill leave a 2 foot 6'inches setback fr6m the south property. iner" *iribe a z footencroachment Into the 15 foot side yard setback. A 13 foot setback will remain atong thewest property line. Variances are needed for the 17 loot 6 inch and 2 foot encroachments. II. BACKGROUND In 1989, the applicant received a variance to locate a carport in the tront setback. This was lnresponse to the requirement for.enclosed parking when a restricted secondary unit isprovided. Prior to the 1989 application, a varianle from the patiing sianoardi was requestedin order to add secondary unit without providing the required'enctoieo-larfing. This w;;- -- denied and the applicant was directed io constiuct a garage. r In Aprif and May of this year, the PEC reviewed this application at worksessions. The applicant was directed by the PEC to minimize the overage on site coverage, but that some overage would be acceptable because of the addition of enclosed garage ipace. The applicant has revised the application by decreasing the width of the garage and the stainvay leading to the house which decreases the amount of site coverage necessary to complete tirisproject. At the time of the review the staff also discussed lhe removal of the closet aiea to the north of the main entry in order to further come into compliance with the site coverage regulations. The applicant has selected not to eliminate this area therefore it remains a-part of lhe request. At the PEC revlew In May, the appttcant was agaln dlrected to detete the ctoset portlonot the request. The statt suggested that approxlmately 60 feet ol slte coverage'couldbe deleted. The appllcant has responded by deleung-a portton of the ctoset whtchcontrlbuted approxlmately 40 square teet ot stte covTrage. ,\ , III. ZONING ANALYSIS Total Size Area: Zoning: Allowed Density: Existing Density: GRFA: Allowed: Existing: proposed: Site Coverage: Allowed: Existing: proposed: Parking Proposed: Enclosed: Surface: 0.2048 acres or 8,921 square leet Primary/Secondary Residential One Primary with one restricted employee unit One Primary with one restricted embtolee unit 3,080 square feet 2,814 square feet 3,019 square feet 1,784 square feet (20%) 1,225 (Building) + 410 (Carport) = 1,635 total square teet 1,225 (Building) + 411 (Garage) 190 (Addition) = 1,906 totat (2t.3Vo) 2 spaces 2 spaces (completely on-site) 'ln order.to allow for a garage in the front setback, the average slope beneath the garage andthe dwelling unit must exceed 30% slope. ln a previous apprltatioi, tne staft determined rhatthis site did not qualify to. allow.the garage to encroach into'the froni setback due to excessivesite grades. While historicalty this site may have quatified for this ailowance, it wasdetermined that because the..existing g1-site parrcng area is uirtuarrvirai, this site would notqualify for the allowance' lf it had qualified, site coverage would have been restricted further to 15% and lhe existing project would be non-conforming to site coverage requirements. tv.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of criteria an_d Findings, section 19.62.060 of the Vail Municipalcode, the Community Development Department recommends approval ot the requested variance based on the tollowing lactors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relatlonshlp of the requested varlance to other etlsgng orpolenllal uses and structures In the vlclnlty. The proposed garage encroaches a maximum of 17 feet 6 inches into the 20toot tront yard setback leaving a 2 foot 6 inch setback from the front property line. There will be 2 toot encroachment into the 15 foot side yard seiOaif ' leaving a 13 foot setback from the western property line. Thd roof is pitched, however there is no proposed floor area within the-lofted area of the iarage.Materials are proposed to match the existing residence. The applicant has minimized the size ot the proposed garage in order tomaintain the maximum setback possible from the south property tine. The applicant has also minimized the amount of site coverage overage for theproposed garage. However, the staff feels that it is possible to furth; decrease the site coverage generated by the addition and garage. The staff feels thatthe connection between the garage and the building is important because itfurthers the. compliance of this project with the Design Review Guidelines, which specifies that the buibings should be connected, but feel that the connection could be minimized. The appltcant has reduced the proposed slte coverage by 40 squarc teet froi'21.g"/o to 2l.so/o by decreaslng theslze or the entry and closet area per the statt and pEC requests.- ln addition, the staff would like to see additional landscaping added to theproject to minimize the impacts of the garage, especia[y oritne soutn 6Olacentto retaining walls) and west (adjacent to the garage) etevations. fne appii-aniis proposing to remove a portion of the existing siaiis leading rrom me iliiingarea to the building. ln order to meet the wall height standa-rds, the applicant-hes stepped the new portions of wall which exceel the standards. Ttie staffasks that landscaped steps also be added to the existing portions ot exposed timber walls which exceed 3 feet in height in the front sJt6acn and 6 fe6t hheight on the remaining portions of the property. 2. The degree to whlch rellef from the strtct and llteral Interpretatlon and enf.orcement-ot a speclfled regulatlon ls necessary ti achtevecompatlblllty and unlformlty-ot treatment among sttesin the vlctnltyor to- attatn the oblecilves of thls ilile wtthout giant of speclalprtvilege. The staff of the building does constitute a Because of the as the B. topography of the site, it.is difficult to improve the property without obtainingvariances. The staff feels that the addition of the enclosed parking is beneficial and that the proposed location will have !0lniqrfll lmpaer on ihe adj-acen!properties. The staff feets that the granting of the requesteoGtuiffiriances l67lh1}!-arage wifl not be a grant oispeciit privitege.' The staff also supports the overage on site coverage in order to add the garage as welf as the building connection. we feelthat fte bulldlng connecttohisin important efement of the application whlch has bff'n clecreased tn srfe asyugh ag posstbte and that it furthers the comptiance ot this project wtth theDesign Review Guidelines. we do not feel thai a granting ot a site coveragevariance would be a grant of special privilege lf it were mi-nimized, as discussedabove. 3' The effect of the requested varlance on llght and alr, dlstrlbuuon ofpopulatlon, transportauon and trafflc facliiiles, publlc tacllltles andutllltles, and publlc satety. The addition of the encrosgd oara_g-e wiil improve the existing parking probrems for this property. The appricant wifl be abre to obtain four p;difig "i"!",gnjiletV on the property and meet the parking requirement. Curr6ntiv, there are3-1/2 spaces tocated on the property. 'The staff feets that aaoitionJ l,i ini" typ"on non-conforming properties are important because lhey decrease the needfor on-street parking. This proposal does not impact any of the other criteria risted above. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified Inthe same district. That the g-ranting of the variance wilr not be detrimentar to the pubric health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties oiimprovements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specifiedregulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary - physicar hardship inconsistent with the objeaives of this tiire. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstiances orconditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not 2. 3. apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners o, other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ]he gtaff supports lhe garage portion of the request as well as the building connection, including the necessary setback variances with the following conditions: 1. Additional landscaping be added to the south and west elevations to screen thegarage and building addition;and 2. Additional landscaping steps be added to the existing retaining walls. We^ find that this request, will not be a grant of special privilege and meets the criteria set outin Section lV B, 1, 2, 3, a, and c of this memo. The staff feels that this application is a positive improvement. we feel that the garage addition has been minimized to decrease site coverage. Due to the location ot Ine jxisting unit, as well as the topography of the site, we recognize that some additional site coverag6 isneeded to provide for the garage and the connection between the units and the garag". -ite stafl finds that it would not be possible to incorporate any portion of the garage into meexisting building. We believe the proposed building connection to be a pisitive improvement because it brings the structure more into conformance with the Design Guidelines. The applicant has worked with the staff to obtain a proposed plan for this garage and additionthat the staff can support. In the past, the statf has supported site coverage anO setbackvariances when they are attributed to the provision of additional enclosed 6ar-age $;*.: @ru #ffii1u.= F 0.zI l{Erl:-t '- .- ,t- iz l_-.r. , I \/ I't It I S:-&.---\ -.-- I:.- tl --* )' ll\') Lr llb. f-. lf il t, I I I I I I t-4 ljlr_ldr F.c{ z o ,t. 'I Ul Iq,.iE i(,.,2 o,ioioI r^,iold,'o ,i 3 i c,, z664Fl-d<-)9LuiJ:UJ oF Jl-:htri{i6: 9c F 6H.F TUJ UJ Fafi |rtc, G (, !oulg,ocoEA -lr ilI Bachrach VtP LTD PO Box 2236 Avon, CO 81620 303/949-9408 FAX 949-0629 Planning and Environment Commission Town of Vail, Colorado FROft/: Erwin Bachrach on behalf of Anneliese Taylor Subject: A request for a set back and site coverageallow for the construction of an addition and a garage 2409 Chamonix Road Lot .19, Block A, Vail das ScnonL May 14,1993 TO: variance to located at Filing No. 1. Dear Commission and Staff Members: considering the discussions before the planning and Environmentcommission work session on Aprir 12, 19g3, the communityDevelopment Departmsnt memorandum dated May 10, lggg and thetabled discussion before the planning and Enviionment commission,also-on May 10 we are herewith submitting a revised appricationhaving addressed concerns as follows: l. Subsequent to the work session we have: Reduced the garage dimensions by 2,-4" Lowered the garage roof pitch from 12110 to 12lgBy the combination of items 1&2 we have lowered thegarage roof ridge by approximately 3'-0" Made the stairs & stair enclosure narrower by 6"Added terracing with landscaping along the ietainingwalls to the north of the proposed garage. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ll.subsequent to the hearing (now tabled) before the planning and Environment Commission on May 10 we have: Added a North elevation to the concept drawing for clearer presentation of the building connection. Added more terracing Added more landscaping materials; 5 Aspen, 1 Blue Spruce Deleted the entire bench area and exit aisle, reducing the site coverage by an additional 50 square feet. We are however retaining a 2'_0" deep closet, adjoining (as close as possible) the existing entry door. The closet is an essential feature forthe owner and the key to the entire remodel effort. Retaining the closst will have no impact on the visual appearance of the building connection, interfere with no one,s views, has no bearing onlight, air, distribution of population, transportationand traffic facilities, utilities and public safety.Will be entirely within the set-bact< lines and in an area presenfly occupied by the existing deck. It is very unfortunate that previous government agencies alloweddevelopers to subdivide into now non-conforming lots, especially on dif f icult terrain. we are not asking for any speciar privirege; we are asking for acloset. lt will not be to the detriment of the neighborhoid, of theTown of Vail, or anyone. It is unfair that present day homeowners must depend on granting ofvariances for permission to modify their homes to bring them toreasonable standards and even comply to Design guidelines. Fortunately it is within the province of this commission to right awrong by granting this variance applied for here. The site coverageincrease is only trom 20oh lo 21.2o/o. Respectf ully, Erwin Bachrach 2. 3. 1. 4. TOWN OF VAIL lF0?,,,lll ': I' \.:",lii')u; l'.'.d DiPI tg96 r)F'/]0i| 00I 02 .c0tvrf'/l, REQUIR.ED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ORPLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION ACTION/DECISION BEINC AppEALED: Deoial of request for a site coverage variance to allow for a one-car garage located at 742 Sandy Lane/ LoE 3, Vai1, PoLato Pat filing. The specific regulation a variance was requested of is Section I8.13. Town of Vail Building Code regarding site coverage which provides rhar a res ldeiiElllo t to exceed twen rcent (202) of a tot€l site area. The. requesEed site coverage varlance wa9 f 9126Q.8 sq. ft. for construction of the garage. B.DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: September 23, 1996. NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: Planning and Environmental Connnission D.NAME OF APPELLANT(S):Charles P. C isi and Geri Campisi MAILING ADDRESS:1146 Sandstone Drive, Vai1, CO 81657 pTTysIcALADDRESS [..IyAIL?42-B sandv Lane, Vail , co PHONE: 47 6-s586 LECAL DESCzupTION OFAppELLANT,S pROpERTy IN VAIL: Unit B, Lor 3, Vail/potaro parch, Second Filing, Condoniniums according to che Condominium Man recorded March 4. 1980 in Book 299 at Page 597 and as deflned in theCondominium Declaration recorded March 4. 1980 inBook 299 at Page 59 f Colorado, SIGNATURE(S): Kerry H. Walla tornet/aid ?ep-resenEa f ive o P:8:ffi"aYe*l"es: Ertzo (e70)949-4200 Page I of2 rles an E Docs this appeal involve a spccific parcel of landt Yes lf ves. please provide thc following information: arc you an adlacent propcrty owncr? Ycs _ no y lfno, give a dctailed explanation ofhow you arc an "aggricvcd or advcrscly atTcctcd pcrson." ..Aggrieved or advcrsely affected person" means any person who will suffcr an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthcred by this titlc. The alleged adverse intcrest may bc shared in conunon with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degrce the general interest in community good shared by all persons. The appellants are aggrieved or adversely affected persons as they are the o\47ners of the property in question and che persons requestlng the site coverage variance of fied regulatlon in this esult in a ractical difficultv or unnecessa hysical hardship to the ts as at the resent time there is available oRlv one 300 sq. ft. single car garage space tor the appellantsr 3,366.6 sq. ft. residence.There ls insuff- icient parking space for the appellantst or^m vehicles without taking into nef d Par is not. avallable u the street or surround areas There is also insuffi.cient storage area particularly as the single cae garage is fu11y ut ilized for parking purposes. There also exists G. drainage problem in that area i.n which the new garage would be located tbe SEE ATTACHED SHEET Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) ofall owners of property which are the subject ofthe appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right-of-way, stream. or other rntef,vening barriers). AIso provide addressed and tt"-pia envelopes for each property owner on the lisl On separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeat. Please circ specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. FEE: $0.00 H. Page 2 of 2 o Continuation of Section F of Anmal of Denial of Site Coverage Yariance for Charles and Geri Camoisi building. The drainage problem will be expensive to fix and the proposed garage will correct the drainage problem while at the same time significantly improving the property. In addition, the owner of 742-A Sandy Lane, Vail, CO currently experiences a serious securlty problem in that the general public has access to her emergency egress which leads to her master bedroom and bathroom. The proposed garage will correct this problem for the owner of 742-A Sandy Iane who is Bettv Guffev. ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION NOR APPEAL OF PI,AI\IIIING AND EhIVIROT{MENITAL COMMISSION ACTION REGARDING SITE COVERAGE VARIAI{CE F{)R CSARLES AI\D GERI CAMPISI FOR 7.OB SANDY LAI\E, VAIL, COITRADO tl6yt SECTIONE NATT]RE OF APPEAL I. Brckground Infonnatlon The Appellants, Clrarles and Geri Campisi, filed a request for a site coverage varience for tbe purposes of constructing a single car garage addition. The ryecifrc regula,tion which the Appellents are seeking a yarianoe of B section 18.13.090 of the Town of Vail Building Code rcgarding site coverage. Safol section of the Code provirles that a residence is not to excrrd?,0% of the total site area. The Campisi's arc requesting a minimal variance of the regulation in order to allow them to oonstruct a single car garage addition. The site ooyerage variance world be 260.8 square feet for ttrc purposas of constructing a 300 square foo one car gamge upor the property. TIte allowabb ib covcrage for the site is 3,,f03.8 square feet QO%) and the proposed variance wonld allow for 3ffi4.6 square f@t QL.s%), I The property is a duplex which currently conains two enclosed garage spaces and the Appellants r€quested variance would add a third garage space. Curre,ntly each side of the duplex has use of one 3CI square foot garage qpace. As such, the Appellants currently have a 3(X) square fmt single car gar€e space for t3,366.6 square foot residence. The Appellants' request for a site coverage variance was presented to the Planning and Environmental Commission on September 23,1996 and based upon the rccommendations of the Community Development Department, the request for the variance was denied. tr. Flnding of the Planning and Environmental Commission The Planning and Environmental Commission at the September 23,199,6 meeting denied the Appelhnts' request for a site aoverage variance in order to construct a 300 square foot single car garage addition based on the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will constitule a grant of a special privilege inconsistent with tle limitations on other propertie.s classifred in the same district; 2. There are no exceptions, exhaordinary circumstances, or conditions that are applicable !o this sitc that apply generally to other properties in the pimary/secondary residential zone. In addition, any hardstrips which have been presented, have been self-imposed; and o 3. The stict interpreAtion, or enforcement of the specified regulation does not de,prive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of other property in tlrc primary/secondary residential district. m. It b Appellents Position thet Grentlng of the Yerirnce wilt not Constlhrte e grrrt of e Specirl Privilege rnd tbrt there rre hrcttcd Difficuties rnd/or ttrrtsUips whfuh the Appellants will Suffer if the Verfunce b nd Grrnted. Thc ryecific reguletion that the Appellants are seeking a site coverage variance of is 91t.62.O50 of Title 18 of the Town Code of Vail also known as the 'Zodng Title.' f 1t.62.060 ryecifically provides that before acting on a variance application thc Planning Commission dnll consider thc following facton with rcspect to the reqmsted variance: Section A. 1. The relationship of the rquestd variance to dher existing or potential uses and structur€s in the vicinities; 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a ryecified regulation is necessary !o achieve compatibility ard uniformity of treatment of sites in the vicinity, or to obtain the objectives of this titb without grant of special privilege; 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety; and 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Planning Commission is also !o make the following findings before granting a variance: Section B. 1. Thet the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of a ryecial privilege inconsistent with the limitatims osr other properties classifid in the same disEict; 2. That the granting of the variance will not be derimenal b thc public h€alth, safety, or welfare, or rnaterially injurious to properties or improvemen8 in the vicinity; and G CATEIsI\AGCOMP.DOC 3. That the variance is warranted for one or mor€ of the following reasons: a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified rqulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical lurdstrip inconsist€nt with the objectives of this Title; b. Tlrere are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditkrns applicablc to thc site of the variance that do mt apply generelly to othcr propertbc in the same zone; c. Th€ sbict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified reguletion would de,prive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of otler properties in the same district.' Tte Ap,pellants strdl initially address the requirements of Section 'A" of the Zoning Title !18.62.060: 1. Ihc relrtfumship of the rrquested verfuncc to other exft[ing or potentbl uses rnd structures frl the vhinity. It is the Appellants position that the proposed si0e coverage variance requested by the Appellants for the purpose of constructing a single car garage addition to their property will not have any negative impact upon the ottrcr structures in the vicinity as such structures arc dl esidential homes with two to th€e car garages ard/or condominium strrctures in the Poato Patch area. The garage addition will not block any views and fits in with other duplexes in the area, many of which have three car garages or a close equivalent. The rccomrnendations of the Planning Staff specifically stated that the Proposal may not negatively impact neighboring properties and thet other structures in the area have two to three car garages. In addition, at the Planning and Environmental Commission hearing on September 23, 1996 an owner of an adjacent neighboring prorperty, Joe Stauffer, testified stating that the garage would be a welconre addition to the neighborhood and would not in any way negatively impact any of the neighboring properties. There is no evidence that the proposed site coverage variance will negatively impact neighboring properties. 2. The &gree to whhh relief from the $rict gnd literal interprctation rnd enfortcment of e specilkd rcgulrtion b necessary to echieve compatibillty end unifonnity of trertuent upon sltes ln the vtcinity or to obtain the objectives of this title without grrnt of speciel privilege. The grurt of the minimal site coverage variance r€quest€d by the Appellants is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of heatment among sites in the vicinity and to attain the objectives of this tifle ard does not constitute a grant of special privilege. The Zoning Title !1t.(X.130 ddresses gross resi&ntial floor area ('GF.FA') and addresses tlow GRFA is G3\CAl[l{\lcC(*|IJXIC -& o calculated and ttrc arnount of GRFA that is allowed per site. 018.04.130A(l) specifically provides, 'Within buildings containing hvo or fewer dwelling units, the following area strall be excluded from calculation as GRFA: 1. Ettclosed garages from up to 300 square feet per velicle space not exceeding a maximum of two spaces for each allowable dwelling unit permitted by the zoning code.n The Zoning Title also has an entire section ddicated to parling requirements in pcrticular off street parking. The purpose of this title is to dleviate progressively or to p(went traffic congestion and shortage of on street parking areas, off street parking, and loading facilities. Chapter 18.52 of the Tnung Ti0e requires a certain amount of off street parking for dl new facilities. 18.52.100 requires that off stneet parking be delermfuFd in accordance with the following schedule 'A': if gross rcsidential floor area is two tlrousand (2000') square feet or nxlr€ per dwelling unit: 2.5 ryac€s per dwelling unit. The Appellants'property, which is 3,336 square feet, has only a single car 300 squarc fmt garrge space. Thus, the Appellants only have available one parking space for their dwelling unit. This is not in compliance with 18.52.100 which requires 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit Orat are 2,0(X) square feet or more. There currently exists insufficient off streel parking for the Appellants to park their two vehicles without taking into consideration guests and visiting family members. If the Appellants were to merely pave the area upon which they are rquesting the variance to build the single car garage it would not provide for year round parking for the Appellants. The Town of Vail snouplows during the winter months pile snow from the street onto the area where the garage would be built thus making that area unusable for parking Flrposes during the winter months. In addition, a concrete parking slab in the area in which the single car garage addition is proposed would be unattractive to the property and thus unattractive to neighboring residences. Though other sites in the area may have been constructed within the site coverage requirement, the only possibility for the Appellants' property to have sufficient parking in compliance with the code will be to allow the requested minimal site coverage variance for construction of the 300 squre foot single car garage addition. The possibility of on street parking is not available to the Appellants as it is illegal o park upon the streets in the Potato Patch area particularly during the winter months when the snowplows need full access to Ote sreets in order to sufficiently clear them of snow build up. The requested site coverage will help achieve compatibility with the objectives of the Zoning Title. 3. The effect of the rcquested variance of ligbt end elr, distribution of populrrtlon, tnnsportetion end treflic facilities, public facilities end utilities end public safety. It is the Appellants position that the vadarlce will have no effect on light ard air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and pr$lic safety. In fact the Appellant proposes that the requested variance will ac'tually have a positive affect upon these factors as it will allow for additional off street parking so that vehicles G:\CAI,GI\ACC0|8.DOC + will not be perlced upon the street causing potentially dangerous traffic situations. There was no widence prerentod to support a different finding on this issue. For the forcgoing relsons it is the Ap'pellants' position that the variance *nuld be grallted for the following reasons: l. The granting of the variance will not constibrte a grant of pociat privilege fuponsistent with tho limitilions of other properties classified in the same district; 2. That the granting of the variancc will not be detrimental o the public h€alth, safety, welfare, or mat€rhlly injurious to properties or improvemenh in the vicinities; ard 3. The variance is warmnted for the following rearnns: l. The strict or literal interpreation and enforcenrent of the ryecified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unn€cessary physical hardstrip inconsistent with the objectives of the Zoning Title; b. The strict or literal interpretation and enforceme.nt of the qpecifid regulation wanld deprive the applicant of the privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propcrties in the same district. The Appellants will suffer the following practical difficulties and/or unnecessary physical hardstrips if the site coverage variance is not granted. a. Thsy will be rqstrict€d to a 300 square foot garage for a 3,366 square foo residence. The Appellants will have insufficient parking for the parking of their own vehicles and/or pa*ing for their guests and family members. This is a practical difficulty and/or an unnecessary physical hardship in particular as there if no in particular as there is no available on street parking. The Town of Vail Code specifically requires that sufficient off site street parking be provided for each rpsidence. In particular 1E.52.100(A) requires that a 2000 square fmt or larger dwelling unit have 2.5 off street parking spac€s per dwelling unit. The Appellants have insufficient parking particularly in the winter months and wonld be subject to tick*ing by the Town of Vail for parking on the stret. In addition the Town of Vail Code spocifically provides that enclosed garages of up to 3fi) squarc feef per vefiicle, not to exceed a maximum of two parking spaces for cach albwable dwellfurg unit, permitted by the Zoning Code are not includod in the GR.FA for a residencc. It is consistent with ttt€ objectives of the Zoning Title to providp t3,3$ squre fmt residence to have the c.pability of having at l€.st 500 sqnarc feet of parking ryace, which is Op amount which will be provided to the Appellants' strould be proposed variance be grutcd. Gr\CAlIlI\lCC(M.E)C -$ b. The construction of the proposed garage addition will correct a seriotrs drafunge problem upon the property which will n€€d to be corectod rcgarOtess of whetber thc variance B grurted. The garage addition will be e poaitive rpsolution of tbedrainage problem and will b€nefit neighboring properties in the area because it will increase the value of the property. c. The garage will provide additional n€ed€d s0orage as there currcntly exists vcry little storage area within the residenae particulerly for storage ofrecreational equipment. d. The variance wold also correct ths serious security problem that exists for the qrrner of the other half of the duplex, 742-A Sandy l:ne, Vail, Colorado, who is Bery Guffey. Please see the attached AfEdavit of Betty Guffey. b. The strtct or literel interprctatlon end enforpement of the specifred reguhtion would deprive the epplicent of the privileges eqioyed by the ownens of other properties in thc srme distrfot. Orvners of other properties in the same distict are typicatly allowed at least 600 square feet of enclosed garage Sace per dwelling unit. While some of these strrctures have been cmstructed within the site cover4ge requirements, it doer not alleviale the fact thet the Appellants' property is adversely affected by the lack of parking space. The Appellants shorld be able to constnrct an additional 300 square fmt enclosed parking spac€ upon their property to allow for off street parking. c:lClMEg\ CC(n|PJIOC & AFFIDAVIT OF BETTY GLFFEY CON4ESNoW,theAffiant'BettyGuffey,har,ingpersonalknorr'ledgeofthefollowing facts and being duly sworn under oath hereby testifies as follows: l'ThatlamtheorvnerofrealpropertylocatedintheTownofVail.CountyofEagle' State of Colorado known as 7'11-A Sandy Lane' Vail' Colorado' 2.ThatlanranremberoftheCondonriniumAssociationforl-ot3.Vail,PotatoPatch, SecondFilingCondominiunr.TorvnofVail'CountyofEagle,-suteofColoradowhichis comprised of Unit 742-Aand7-12-B Sandy Lane, Vail, colorado ("condominiumAssociation")' 3. That the condominium Association is comprised of my unit. and unit 742-8 Sandy Lane. Vail, Colorado which is owned by Charles Campisi and Geri Campisi (hereinafter referred to as the "CamPisi's"). 4.Thatwithmyexpresspermissionandinvolr'ementtheCampisi'shar'erequesteda variance from the Town of Vail for the purpose of constructing a single car garage addition to their unit. The construction of said single car garage will not in any way.negatively impact upon other strucrures in rhe vicinitl'as most strucrures ai'e residential homes' including condominium units q'ith garages. 5.ThatthegarageadditionthattheCampisi'shar,erequestedavarianceforfromthe Tou'n of Vail is necessar,v for a number of reasons: A. There is significant drainage problem upon the properry in that the area in u,hich the new garage tvill be Jocared slopes tou'ard the residence and rvater florvs directly into a major rvall of the burlding. TIie coustruction of the garage $'ill resolve this drainage problem ri,hileatthesametimesignificantlyimprovingtheproperty' B.Thatatthepresenttimewiththecurrentconfigurationoftheresidencewithout the requested garage addition. there exists a significant securiry problem with regard to my unit' The general public currentiy has access_to_an emergency egress door which leads directly into my master bedroom and bath area. unforrunately, due to the current confrguration of the buildirrg the general public often utilizes .y .,n.,g.n.y egress door as opposed to my main door becau-seitistheonJl,doorreadilyvisiblefromth.'.'..'.Thisisacauseforconcernforme because I cannot 5ss rvho is at the emergency egress door until I am right before the door' This is nor the case rvith my main entrance door as i.an taa the person at the door through windows prior ro opening rhe door. In addition packages and flo"\'er deliveries are often left mistakenly ar n1\. emergency esress door and as I do not utilize that door I do not locate the items often for dar.s. I have rerained a,', ,r.t.,lt..t, lr{r. Bill Pierce of Frizlen Pierce Briner Architects in Vail' ,";io*rr, ^;;;;;;., issues. the issue of the public access to my emergency egress door so thalicouldbepro\ldedrl'ithsecuritv.ltrr,asulrinratelvdeternrirredbl'\{r.Piercethatthere \\'as no \\'aY to pror tcle n,e such'securitl' due ttl design constraitrts thus the proposed garage ls an excellenr solurion to my security problen. As such. I feel thal the granting of the Variance ro allow rhe construcrion of rhe single car earage is necessary to provide rne $'iih adequate security at my residence and I rvill suffer a hardship if the Variance is not granted as no other options are available to me. C. That in the Winter months rhe Torvn of Vail snow removal pushes snow onto rhe area where rhe new single car sarage rvill be constructed thus making such area unusable parricularly for parking purposes. There is insufficient parking in the area and the single car garage will provide a covered parking area 1'ear round. 6. For the foregoing reasons rhe o\r,ners of the property at 712 Sandy Lane constituted of myself and rhe Campisi's rvill suffer a hardship if the Variance is not granted allowing for constnrction of the proposed single car garage. Further the Affiant saYeth naught. STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTY ) \ ss ) '',',Ylz- Subscribed and srvorn to before nre this Z)J' dat'of September, 1996. bi' BETTY GUFFEY. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ?'ryt- ag'2 \o!ar\ Public AFFIDAVIT OF GERI C.L\fPISI COMES NOW, the Affiant, being dul,v sworn under oath and having personal knorvledge of the following facts hereby testifies as follows: l.ThatlamtheorvnerofrealpropertylocatedintheTownofVail,CounryofFagle, State of Colorado known as 742-8 Sandy L:ne, V:iil' Colorado' 2.ThatlamamemberoftheCondominiumAssociationforl,ot3,Vail,PotatoPatch' second Filing, condominium, county of Eagle, State of colorado which is constiruted of unit 742-Aandz+z.esanayl-ane,Vail,Colorado(the''CondoAssociation''). 3. That the Condominium Association is comprised of my unit and 742-A' Sandy [ane' Vail, Colorado rvhich is ou'ned by Beny Guffey' 4'Thatmyhusband'CharlesCampisiandmyselfhaverequestedaVariancefromthe Torvn of Vail for tne purpose of consuuciing a single car garage addition to our unit' The consrruction of such ,in!i. ".r garage rvill not in any rvay negatively impact upon other strucgres in the vicinity as mosl structures are residential hones, including condominium units' s'ith garages. 5.Thatthegarageadditionthat$,earerequestin_saVariancefromtheTorr'nofVailfor is necessary for a number of reasons: A.Thereisasignificantdrainageproblemuponthepropertyinthatrheareain rvhich the new garage rvill be lJcated slopes towaid the residence and rvater florvs directly into a major rvall of the building. TNs drainige problem needs to be corrected in some manner and could be yery expensiv. io-fr* pursuant tiUiOs tirat have been received. The construction of the t;;t. rvill iesoive this Jrainage problem u'hile at the same dme significantly improving the property. B. That there exists r,ery linle storage area within our residence and the existing r*,o (2) car garage is tully utilized foi the parking of our two (2) automobiles' '{s such' rte currently do nor tt.ur rny storage space particui;rly for our recreational equipment such a bicycles, golf clubs ana sti equip-ment. This creates a significant hardship for us in that there are no closets in the house ro srore the equipment, no spaie in the existing garage as it is used for parking our automobiles and it $,ould be inappropriate to store said items outside as they "ould b. Jolen and it would detract from the area to store goods in that manner' C. That $,e are unable to park an automobile on the street or else$'here on the lot in order to make storage spaie available in *re existing garage asparking is not allos'ed.upon rhe streer, panicularly iri rtri lt,inter months, and the irea in which the new garage rvill be- constructed is currently unusabldfor parking purposes during the lvinter months aS the To$'n Of )g/20/96 FRt 10:03 F'LI STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTY Subscntrcd and sq'orn CAI\4PISI. Funher the Affiant saYeth naugbt' Vail snow lsrneval plows large aroounls ofsnow upou the.space' In addition' it is prcferable ;;;" our c:r in coverecl ptrring during the wintcr montbs' D. Tbat we also have frequent guests' including nyggrous $mily nembers' and areunableoprovideaparkingsPaceforrhe.mwtrenrhcyarevisiting.Tbisposcsadiffieult probtcm again ia u," *iorci;oit, *h"n the spow plows nccd the srects clear of parkcd vehicles to adequately plow the strcct3' 6.Thattheproposedsinglccargaragcwilladdressallofttreabovcrefererredhardships in tbat it will providc foiO"-rJOitional-srorlge, it would provide a covcrcd parlSrg sPacc that ;:rffiilI"'iri i"* t;; ;;;-ii *ill bc a positive usc of currenrlv uorsable space' T.ThElthcproposedsing|ecargaregcwil|consdnrteanimprovetuenttotheProPclty that wilt increase ,t" u.luc of ihe residen"" anJ rhus would be a positivc effect upon thc ncighborhood iu general' S,Fortbeforcgoingreaso4toleown€rsofthegroperryatl{2Sandyl:newhichis consdmrcd of mysclf, "i'frTrl.J, Chartes Campisi, aui *tty Cuffcy will suffcr a hardship if the Variancc is not granred for the 96s5g1cdon of the proposed single car 83ragc' )) ss. ) .-, -{1t1 to before mc this /L- day of Septembcr'1996. bY GERI Wimess mY hand and official seel' t'{y comraission cxpires: 0 '7r)' G:\CAMPISI\GERIAFP. OTl{ IttlOxDDSCT 14 ffi MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet Greg Amsden Henry Pratt Galen Aasland John Scholield Diane Golden Public Hearing PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION September 23, 1996 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: Gene Uselton STAFF PRESENT: Mike Mollica Dirk Mason Dominic Mauriello' George Ruiher JudY Rodriguez 2:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Greg Moffet at 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a conditional use permit for a Type ll EHU, to be located al 1225 Westhaven Lane/Lot 43, Glen LYon. Applicant: Sentry Construction, rep. by Pam Hopkins Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the request and stated that staff was recommending approval with the two conditions listed in the staff rnemo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add' The applicant had nothing to add' Galen Aasland stated that access to the lot was a concern, but he had no concerns with the conditional use permit request lor the EHU. Diane Golden was in favor of the employee housing. Henry pratt shared Galen's concerns with the access and had no problem with the conditional use permit request. John Schofield had no comments. Greg Moffet, since Greg Amsden was not present for this item, stated Greg Amsden's concerns that-came up at the prelmeeting. He reminded the applicant that it was the PEc's understandihg, with ihe granting of the conditional use permit, th-at.no-variances would be requested. Gieg Moffet also stated that the applicant had met all the 1ndings. Henry Pratt made a motion to approve the request in accordance with the staff memo. The motion was seconded by John Schofield. Planning and Environmental Comnission Minutes September 23, 1995 ,! rt It passed by a unanimous vote of 5-0. ( Greg Amsden was not present for this item on the agenda). Pam Hopkins asked what the concerns were' Galen Aasland said there was not enough room to turn around vehicles' Pam Hopkins stated there was enough room to turn around' Greg Mottet said the turn around concern was in relation to the Fire Code' 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a miniature golf course in the cc2 and AG/opEN zon" fiittti"ttliocateo on portions of Tracts B & D, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing' Applicant: Charlie Alexander Planner: Dirk Mason Dirk Mason gave an overview of the request and stated that staff was recommending approval with the one condition, as siated in the itaff memo. Units #206 and #306 in the Lionshead C"ntet Condominiums have sent in two letters in favor of denial' Charlie Alexander stated that the only request he would ask of the PEC was to change the one y;;;ili;fi"nt to " 1ve year perio6. Cirartie stated that when spending this amount of money' his Oanier would like to Je'Ji five year period of time before appearing before the Board for renewal. Greg Moffet asked for any public comment. There was none' Greg Moffet disclosed, lor the record, that Charlie Alexander was a customer of his and Greg traoff-et didn't see a conflici of interest. lf anyone did see a conflict, Greg would then excuse nimsett from this item. There was no objeciion voiced to his remaining on the Board for this item- John schofield asked if this item could be recalled by the Board if the Board chose to grant a term for more than a one year period of time. Dirk Mason stated that the application could be called-up if any problems or complaints arose. John Schofield asked about the Lionshead Master Plan. Mike Mollica stated that by late spring or early summer ot 1997, the Lionshead Development Plan should be comPleted. John Schofield asked if this operation was moving east from its present location? Charlie Alexander said, Yes' Greg Moffet asked if this would be the existing, temporary, wood golf course' Planning and Enviro reDtal Commission Minutos September 23, I 996 .? Charlie Alexander said that this was a permanent structure. Charlie also said that Vail Associates owned tne ranJ anJ ii tn"y'O"t"rtined that the land could be better used, then that's ;h;i;;"ld nappen. He also mentioned that this condition was in his lease. Dirk Mason suggested an additional condition be placed on the apploval, which would allow for the conditionat use permii io be taff eO-up, if the Lionshead Master Plan suggested an alternative use. Ga|enAas|andSaiditwasagreatuseandagreedwithDirk'sproposa|. Diane Golden said it will be made more attractive than it is now. lt was a nice addition to Lionshead and also gave the youth of our Town something to do' Henrv Pratt stated that it was a good location. Henry addressed the.complaints from Units #206 1"1'?ebbl"O'i"io in"i O"rfinke'i's Bar and Restaurint poses a much greater threat on their orivacv than this use. Henry said in fairness to Charlie ind the bank, as long as the PEC can ball-ud this application, he was in favor of a longer term' Greg Moffet was in favor of this use. The units that complained had trees to screen them from tnii"operation. Greg was in favor of a longer term, to give Charlie an incentive to spend more money on the site to enhance the property. Henry pratt made a motion for approval, in accordance with the staff's memo, with the addition of a second condition that itthe Lion'sneaO Master Plan required or suggested a different use, the approval could be subject to a call-up. Greg Moffet asked Henry to indicate in his motion, the term length of the conditional use permit. Henry Pratt amended the motion to include a3-year period of time' Diane Golden asked the applicant if the 3-year period of time would work. Charlie Alexander said, Yes. The motion was seconded by John Schofield. It passed by a vote ot 5-0. (Greg Amsden was not present for this item)' g. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for the construction of a one-car garage' bcatbd at 742 Sandy Lane/Lot 3, Vail Potato Patch 2nd Filing. Applicant: JeriCamPisiPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of this request and stated that staff was recommending denial, because thd request does not meet the code criteria for a variance. Although it may not negatively impact othei properties in the area, it would be a grant of special privilege' Greg Motfet asked if the applicant had any comments. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes September 23, 1996 Kerry wallace, the attorney on behalf of Jeri.campisi, stated that the owner of the other half ot iniid"pi"i, ality cutty, wZJeiJ. k"tty stated tiat the lack of storage and the odd floor plan' with little or no ctoset space within the r6sidence presented a hardship, in particular. in relation to in" sioiig" ot recreationat gooqs. The present two-car garaSg is.not enough' She stated that-- ii;; ;;iE;"i nal a piooreri with parkini in the winter, as she had a lot of guests'. KqIv w.el!?n i| tffi tnat me Cairpisi'i iiave s'ignificintly improved the proPerty since purchasing it and that il;;;;;;"fe woutb turtnei imp6ve tne ite.'The proposed garage was as small as the iiif,it"ct"cori"O possibly make it ind the architect asdurdO them that it would not encroach into ;;t;a;;;dricrs. iighinow there existed a drainage problem and ry raising up.the front.of the new proposed garage, this drainage problem wout-O O'e corrected. There was also an existing """rtit' is-Je ror Aitt''C-ufry, "inct lqi door to her un1 went past the bathroom. This security Giue was a serious c6ncerri. Kerry Wallace went on to state that this property was an eyesore' Lntif td|tJt"plsis made some chairges. There. are a number of 2 and S-car garages in the area' so this requeit was not asking anything out of the ordinary' Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. Betty Guffy stated that she has owned the other half of the duplex for S.years, which is the upper third of the house. eetty slateo that the campisis are the perf'ect neighSors and have certainly fit in" rofO is neighbors tiratine would have chosen to jointly improve tle pJ.opefY: ?9!h-,^-,-_ n"ighUor" agreSO on the stucco improvements. The architect could solve the drainage prouem ritfi tni. nefr proposed addition. When the Campisis unit was rented short term, there were a numneior prcjblems. aeny stated that she lived hlone and security was a problem. Betty stated that 50 sq. ft. over the allowed site coverage is a minor overage' Greg Molfet asked for any other public comments. Joe Staufer stated that he lived at 746 Sandy Lane. Joe was in favor of this request and said mat it woufO not negatively affect any properiy owners. Under the safety, welfare and health iinO-ing,6e stated lhat m6 ieCurity isiue'wa6 the reason and the righl t9 grant this variance. lt was iOart< neighborhood, which presented a safety factor. .Joe.stated.that when he was gone' gettf Gufty wai all alone on the 6lock. He stated that granting this variance would give someone a Oetter ptice to live. Joe said he saw no conceivable reason not to grant this variance. Dominic Mauriello stated that he had reviewed recent DRB plans. Dominic stated that the applicant had just removed the former Storage Space, which was used to store snowmobiles, and n'ab created living area out ol it, so therefore, the result was a lack of storage. Betty Gufty stated that her neighbor to the right of her, was in favor of approving this request. Galen Aasland asked how big the existing 2-car garage was' Dominic Mauriello said 600 sq. ft. and that it had one garage space for each owner. Galen Aasland asked if the new garage would be the Campisis? Since the lot is over 15'000 sq. ti., eaten doesn't think the size oj the-lot was the problem and therefore there was no justification iol iiii. .ou"rage variance. The deck could be built without a variance to correct the securlty issue. Galen wal somewhat bothered by the argument that the Campisis didn't have enough Jtorag., *nen in fact, the remodel that was happening right now, did away with. the storage. He stated that the owners, with the remodel, have'created some ol their own conditions and hardships. Planning and Environmental Cornmission Minules September 23, 1996 Betty Guffy said that any staircase would be buried in snow. She stated that both sides of the house were short on "f ot"it.'-g"tty sdted that she uses part of the garage for storage for her ortiearon crothes. she also stated that the existing entry door was ugly. Diane Golden asked where the snow will be put? Dominic Mauriello stated that snow storage was up to the owner and there were a variety of solutions for the door. Betty Gutfy said that architect Bill Pierce said that this garage and entrance was the best plan inOiror t'he front of the house, this looks like the way it was meant to be' lt seems silly to pay $Z8,OOO.OO to iust correct the drainage and not do the addition' Henry pratt totd Betry Gutfy that she was extr€rnely lucky to n"^Y"-oy_1?t:^like the campisis who i"ie briOe in tneir ownership. ttenry felt.that identifying. where the front door was less important iffi id iecurity issue. He stated that they are enti1ea to a garage, but without the variance' iNr g"i"gJ nad no impacion the neighbois and so Henry wouldbe in favor of such a variance, if there was a hardshiP. John Schofield agreed with Henry. John stated that the door was in a lousy location' John . tendeO to agree 'i,itn Heniy, that ihe hardship would be getting a parking ticket, while parked out in the street. Greg Amsden said that these were self imposed problems. There was no drainage problem. when the house was tirri Urift; it happened with the expansion. The lack of storage doesn't hold an'iig,rment. A small deck would jiritiry tne safety concern. There were no justifiable reasons to go over site coverages. Greg Moffet was in agreement with Greg Amsden. Whqt you have here was a unit that was maxed-out over what wai permitted. Tliere was a lot of square footage in the mass and bulk that could have been used for storage. The storage problem has been self-created' Greg said he doesn't see how this was not a grant of special privilege. Henry Pratt asked what the area of the garage was? Dominic Mauriello said each garage was 300 sq. ft. Greg Moffet asked for any more comments from the public. There was none. Greg Amsden made a motion for denial, per the staff memo and he added that the hardships were self-imposed. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. Galen Aasland said the lot was over 15,000 sq. ft. lf it was under that size, it might be different- Henry pratt asked il this should be tabled until the applicant came back with a better design. Dominic Mauriello said that he did not believe tabling would produce alternative designs, since it would still involve a site coverage issue. Planning and Environmental Commissiou Minutes September 23, 1996 , Greg Moffet asked staf{ if a carport was proposed, would it then not be GRFA? Mike Mollica said that could possibly be a statf approval, and it may not be GRFA, depending on how the carport was designed. The motion for denial passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0' 4. A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and adding a 3rd floor, utilizing the 26b Ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED U}ITIL OCTOBER 14' 1996 S. A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow for the construction of a walk-in lreezer, tocatbd at SgO West Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Mitch GarfinkelPlanner: George Ruther WlTHDRAWN lllllllllll 6. Information Update Mike Mollica had no information update- 7. Approval ol September 9, 1996 minules Mike Mollica suggested tabling the minutes, as there were more corrections on item #5 in the minutes. Galen Aasland had two changes for the minutes of 9/9/96. Diane Golden made a motion to table item #4 and the 9/9/96 minutes' The motion was seconded by Galen Aasland. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. Greg Amsden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.m. Planning and Environnental Commission Minutes September 23, 1995 STOVALL GOODMAN WALLACE PRoFFssroNAL CoRpoRATIoN Attomevs & Counselors at Law 202 BENCIftTARK PI.AZA BI'tr,DING 48 EAsr BEAVER CREEK BoULEVARD P.O. DRAWER 5860 AvoN, CoLoRADo 81620 TEr-EPHol.rE: (97 0) 949 4200 FAcsn/mJ: (97O) 949-6843 JAMES WM. STOVAI JoHN D. GooDMAN KERRY H. WAU-ACE GIUIAN CooI,EY MORRISON October 10, 1996 Town of Vail ATTN: Dominic S. Mauriello, A.I.C.P. Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 REFERENCE: Site Coverage Variance Request for 742 Sandy Iane/Lot 3, Vail Potato Patch, Second Filing, for Charles and Jeri Campisi Dear Mr. Mauriello: The purpose of this letter is to formally request a continuance of the appeals hearing that was initially scheduled before the Vail Town Council for November 5, 1996 at7i30 p.m. with regard to Charles and Jeri Campisi's appeal of the Planning and Environmental Commissions' denial of a site coverage variance for 742 B Sandy Lane. I will be in trial the week of November 4, 1996 and as such would be unavailable for the hearins before the Vail Town Counsel on November 5, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. It is my understanding that the hearing before the Vail Town Council initially scheduled for November 5, 1996 has been moved pursuant to my request to November 19, 1996 at7:30 p.m. I appreciate your cooperation in regard to this matter and please do not hesitate to contact me if you require anything further. Very truly yours, KHW:tak cc: Charles and Jeri Campisi G:\CAMPISIWAIL.LET LIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO CHARLES AND GERI CAMPISI FOR TOWN OF VAIL VARIANCE APPLICATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Betty Guffey 742 Sandy Lane Vail. CO 81657 Rican Investment Company, Ltd. c/o Karl H. Fauland P.O. Box 4261 Vail, CO 81658 740 Sandy Lane Vail, CO Mikell Holdings Co., Ltd. c/o Karl H. Fauland P.O. Box 4261 Vail. CO 81658 740 Sandy Lane Vail. CO Kit C. William - Gail B. Dunning 2925 Booth Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 738 Potato Patch Drive Vail. CO Rogers Penske Trust c/o Penske Corp. 187 Highway 36 West Long Branch, N.J. 07764-1304 736 Sandy Lane Vail, CO Mary Anne Mills 31434 S. Bermuda Dunes Drive Evergreen, CO 80439 736 Sandy Lane Vail. CO 7. Mon Choisi, Inc. c/o Mr. and Mrs. Benigno Trigo P.O. Box 2369 748 Potato Fatch Drive Vail, CO 8. Tamaca Corp. Calle 3, #11 Garden Hills Estates Guaynabo, Puerto Rico fi)966 748 Potato Patch Drive Vail, CO 9. Charles R. and Barbara J. Ragan 744 Sandy l:ne Vail, CO 81657 10. Josef Staufer 100 E. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 746 Sandy Lane Vail. CO ll. RIS Holding Co. c/o Richard L. Swig The Fairmount Hotel San Francisco, CA 94106 860 Potato Patch Drive Vail. CO 12. Herman Staufer P.O. Box 5000 Vail, CO 81658 949 Potato Patch Drive Vail, CO 13. George & Elisabeth W. Freland 2025 E.4th Avenue Denver, CO 80206 860 Potato Patch Drive Vail, CO 14. Vail Condominium Partners 7130 S. kwis Suite 850 Tulsa, OK 74136 950 Red Sandstone Road Vail, CO 15. Scott Family Partnership 1555 Silver King Drive Aspen, CO 816ll 872 Potato Patch Drive Vail, CO 16. Scott Family Partnership 1555 Silver King Drive Aspen, CO 81611 950 Red Sandstone Road Vail, CO 17. James F. and Mary H. Flaherty III 251 21st Place Santa Monica, CA 90402 960 Potato Patch Drive Vail, CO 18. T2 Medical. Inc. ll25 l7th Srreer, Suite 1500 Denver. CO 80202 336 Potato Patch Drive Vail, CO 19. James A. and J. Anne Beltz 447 Peavey Rd. way zata, MN 55391 960 Potato Patch Drive Vail, CO 20. Samuel B. and Nancy Guren 1253 Linden Avenue Highland Park, IL 60035 950 Red Sandstone Road, #36 Vail, CO 21 . Nancy C. Rowan P.O. Box 176 Avon, CO 81620 960 Potato Patch Drive. #37 Vail. CO 22. John P. and Beverly J. Holland 14919 Bramblewood Houston, TX 77079 860 Potato Patch Drive. #1 Vail, CO 23. RLS Holding Co. c/o Richard L. Swig The Fairmount Hotel San Francisco, CA 94106 860 Potato Patch Drive. #2 Vail, CO 24. Kevin I'I. and Linda W. Burke 2142 Mountain Drive Golden. CO 80401 860 Potato Patch Drive. #3 Vail, CO 25. Ronald Elenbaas 3328 Oakdale Hickory Corriers, MI 49060 860 Potato Patch Drive. #4 Vail, CO 26. Even P. and Kazuko M. Johansen 27 Dublin Hill Road Greenwich, CT 06830 860 Potato Patch Drive. #5 Vail. CO 27. Tereco Realty, Inc. c/o Earl N. Feldman, Esquire 1200 Third Avenue, Suite 1324 San Diego, CO 92101 860 Potato Patch Drive. #6 Vail, CO 28. Hornby, Ltd. c/o Fred S. Otto P.O. Box 3149 Vail, CO 81658 860 Potato Patch Drive. #7 Vail, CO 29. IohnZ and Charlotte P. Kimberlin 3300 Oak Lawn Avenue Suite 703 Dallas, TX 75211 860 Potato Patch Drive, #8 Vail, CO 30. Douglas N. Morton 8 Cherry Hills Drive Englewood, CO 80110 31. kslie W. and Madeline D. Stern 75 E. End Avenue 6A' New York, NY 10028 32. Dome Investment Group 3800 E. Long Road Littleton, Colorado 80121-1914 33. 529 t2 Ltd. Attn: J.E. Peterson P. O. Box 745 Houston, Texas 77001 34. David H. and Lois E. Paul 950 Red Sandstone Road #13 Vail, Colorado 81657 35. Patricia A. Rickman 7936 Dublin Court Wichita, Kansas 67206 ) TIIIS ITEM MAY EFIECT YOTJR PROPERTY PUBLICNOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Town council of the Town of vail will hold a public n"aring in accordance with Section 18.66.030 of the Municipal code of the Town of vail on November lg,lgg6,,at 7:30 PM in the Town of vail Municipal Building, located at 75 South Frontage Road. In consideration of: An appeal of a variance denial made by the Planning and Environmental Commission on S.pt"-U." 23,1996. fne appellants were deniedt tit" oovo"g" varianoe to allow an additional o*-16 gar'uge to be ,oortroot"a afi4}-B sandy Lane, Vail, colorado/lJnit B, Iot 3, VaivPotato Patch, Second Filing. Appellants: Charles P. Canpisi andGeri Campisi The 4plication and inforrration about the proposal is available for public inspection, drning regular business hours, in ttre Community Development Departnent, looated at the Town of Vail Community Dwelopment Depufrnont, 75 South Frontage Road- F;;: OOPY TOWN OFVUT 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 September 24, 1996 Ms. Jeri Campisi I146 Sandstone Drive Vail, CO 81657 Department of Communiry Development RE: Site coverage variance request for 742 Saudy Lane/Lot 3, Vail Potato Patch, 2nd . Filing Dear Ms. Campisi: The Planning and Environmental Commission, at tbeir Septembcr 23, 1996 meeting, denied your request for a site coverage variance in order to construct an additional garage on the above referenced site, based upon the following findings: l. That the gfanting of the variance will constitute a gnnt of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same distict. 2. There arc no exceptions, extraordinary circumstances, or conditions that are applicable to this site that apply generally to other properties in the Prirnary/Secondary Residential zone. In addition, any hardships which havc becn prcsented, havc been selfimposed. 3. The strict interpretation, or enforcement ofthe specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of otherproperties in the Primary/Secondary Residential district. If the applicant wishes to appeal this decision to the Town Council, an appeal must be filed, on forms provided by the Town, u'ithin ten (10) calendar days of the September 23, 1996 decision. If you have any additional questious, please fcel free to call me at479-2148. Sincerelv, ,/^,'nril/ I ct(|[ /t ,t l-Y lI n.n ll O\,r\-I l-\g/-tr'J)<)<o Dominic F. Mauriellq AICP Town Planner DFIvI/jr cc: Kerry H. Wallace {7 *rn"trorut* IIEIIORANDUil TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: The applicant is requesting a site coverage variance of 260.8 sq. ft. in order to construct a 300 sq. ft. one-car garage on ifiJ suOje.t plgpirtyj.. This duptex cunently contains 2 enclosed garage ipa"ei and thf req-uest wouto abo a'rriio. The allowible site covi:rage for this site is 3,403.8 sb. t. (zOz) and thb proposal is lor 3,664.6 sq. ft. (21.5%)' This duplex was approved by tle 9FB in-1979_an-d constructed in 1980. The duplex' as .. orlginalit approuei, containdO C,Zeg sC.1of G.RFA (as calcutated in-1979)' This site is allowed i;i,ti.9'.q:fi or eirn. On March 3, 1b79, a density variance !o1" 19 sq. ft. addition was obnieJuy tn" PEC baseJ on a findingrhat no hardstiip existed to justity the requ-e91 ^O1. SLJtehO'er 21, 1988, a reqre-t tot SO'O sq. ft. of GRFA was approved under the 250 Ordinance. The structure now contains 4,502.8 sq. ft. of GRFA as calculated today. with two 250's, the site d per;ined up to +,+st.s iq .tt- ot cirn. Th.erefore the site is 50.9 sq. ft. over on GRFA and is cohsidered a iegal nonconforming structure with respect to GRFA' This structure also currently encroaches into both side setbacks. This is a pre-existing nonconforming condition aird is not atfected by the proposal. The applicant's justification for the site coverage variance request is that this addition will not n"gatiubty affeci adjacent properties, as adjacent properties have two and three Gar garages' See attached letter for greater detail. FILE COPT Planning and Enviroynrriial Commission Gommuni$ DeveloPment DePartment September 23, 1996 A request for a site coverage varianc.e to at!o1f9r a one-car garage' iocaiio at 742Sandy LaneTLot 3, Vail Potato Patch 2nd Filing' Applicant: JeriCamPisiPlanner: Dominic Mauriello II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Use: Lot Size: Standard Slte Coveraoe: Landscape area: GRFA: 3'951.9 sq. ft' dtwo 25Os: 4'451.9 3q. ft. Setbacks:Front: 20 Sijes: 15 REar: 15' Parklng: Primary/Secondary ReskJential Duplex residence 17,019 3q. ft. (entire site) Alknred Existino 3,46.8 3q. ft. (20%) 3,36s-6.q. tt (193%) 10,211.4 sq. ft. (607.) 11,330.4 sq. ft. (66'svc) 4,5(12.8 sq. tt. 4,502.8 sq. ft. 30' 10' & 13.58', 36' 6 (2 enclosed) Prooosed 3,6d1.6 3q. ft (215%) nlc nlc nlc nlc n/c nlc 6 (3 enclosed) III. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code' the Cbmmunity Development Department recommends denial of the requested site coverage variance. The recommendation for denial is based on the following factors: 5 r€quired A. Consideration of Factors; l.Therelationsh.po'therequestedvariancetootherexist|ngor potential uses and structures in the vlclnity' The proposal will increase the building's bulk and mass beyond that enjoieO Oy other properties in the same zone disgict. Staff believes x1at wtii6 tne iroposdtm'ay not negatively impact nephboring properties and while oth6r structures in the area have two and three car garages, there has been no indication of any physical hardship which would justify approving the requested variahca. Other structures in area have two and ttiree car garages and still comply w1h the s1e coverage requirements. Lisentiaf!, thii owner enjoys d lirger house at the expense of reduced Frage irba. Statt betievbd the grant of this variance would be a grant of special Privilege. 2. The degree to whlch rellef lrom the strlct and lltoral Interpretatlon and enforcehent ol a speclfied rogulatlon ls necessary to achleve compatlttlity and uniformlty of tt€atmont among 3lt€ in the Ylcinity or to attain thqoblectlvss of thls litle wlthout grant of speclal prlvllege. statf believes that the granting of this variance would be a grant of€pecial tti"iie$ not enloyeO b! other-los in the area or this zone district. Other . bites ii fre area were ionstructed within the site coverage requirements- f :\dreryonev€c\|n€moobamPi8i.g23 The effect of the requested varlance on light and alr, distrlbutlon ol population, ranspoitation and traflc faciiitles, public tacilities and utllities, and Public safety. staff believes that requested variance will increase the bulk and mass of in6lJiri'i.b "Nch ,alv nave a negarive effect on the tight and air of neighboring Properties. before granting a variance: l.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewi|lnotconstituteagranto|specia|.' priviiegi iticinli"steniwith rhe limitations on other properties classified in the same district. Z. That fie granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public neiitn, satety oiwettare, or materially injurious to properties or imProvements in the vicinity' 3. That fte variance is warranted lor one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical {tJticuft.V or. unne@ssary pt viiiai hardship inconsiitent with the objectives of this title' b. There are exceptions or exfaordinary circumstiances or conditions appii"aUte to th'e same site of the variance that do not apply gbheratly to other properties in the same zone' c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive ihe applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFFRECOIIMENDATION The Community Development Department staft recommends denial of fie applicant's variance request subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsist;nt witdtfre timiations on other properties classilied in he same district. 2. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appticable to this site that apply generally to other properties in the Piimary/Secondary Residential zone' 3. The srid interpretation or enforcement of the ipecified regulatlon does not deorive the apbticant of privileges enioyed by the owners of other pr6perties in itie Primary/Secondary Residendal disrid' B. f :bveryonev€ovnemo6batnpisi.92S ACCOMPANYING INT'ORMATION F'OR APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ET{VIRONII4ENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL VARJANCE FOR CHARLES AND GERI CAMPISI FOR 742-8 SANDY LANE. VAIL. COLORADO 81657 ST]BMITTAL REOT]IREIT4ENTS FOR A VARIANCE I. PRE-APPLICATION COI\IIERENCE The pre-application conference has already been held. II. SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. The $250.00 fee has been submitted. B. Enclosed are stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of the names and mailing addresses of all property owners adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and across streets. The enclosed addresses are all current pursuant to the Eagle County Assessor's Office. C. The specific regulation which the Campisi's are seeking a variance of is Section 18.13.090 of the Town of Vail Building Code regarding site coverage. Said Section provides that a residence is not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total site area. The Campisi's are requesting a variance of said regulation in order to allow them to construct a single car garage addition. The site plans set forth more precisely the extent of the variance. D. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity: the variance requested by the Campisi's for the purpose of constructing a single car garage addition to their property will not have any negative impact upon the other structures in the vicinity as said structures are all residential homes with two (2) to three (3) car garages and/or condominium structures in the Potato Patch area. The garage addition will not block any views and fits in with other duplexes in the area, many of which have three (3) car garages or a close equivalent. E. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to obtain the objectives of this title without grant or special privilege. The site plans show more specifically how much relief the Campisi's are seeking for the purposes of building the single car garage addition but it is the minimum amount necessary in order to construct such a garage. The total square footage is approximately 299 square feet and the structure will cover empty paved space upon the property which is currently unusable. The plans call for a very small single car garcge to be added and said garage is as limited in size as possible in order to still fit a medium sized vehicle. The Campisi's intentionally made the garage as small as possible knowing the restraints required by the Town of Vail regulations. The single car garage will be constructed fully within the setbacks upon the property and will in fact be completely in compliance with the Town of Vail setback requirements for residential property. The garage will actually be constructed behind the set back line in some cases as much as fifteen (15) feet. The single car garage addition will also be beneficial to the property at742 Sandy Lane in that there currently exists a drainage problem in that the drainage flows directly into the building at the present time. The construction of the single car garage will conect this drainage problem and will increase the value of the Campisi's real property which therefore increases values for the neighborhood and consequently for the Town of Vail. F. There should be no effect ofthe variance on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, transportation, traffic facilities and public safety. G. It is the Campisi's opinion that the request complies with Vail's comprehensive plan or essentially will not have any adverse effect on said comprehensive plan. IU. TITLE POLICY. A copy of the title report, including Schedules A and B are enclosed which is the Title Policy the Campisi's received upon their purchase of the properry. IV. CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL. Though the property at 742 Sandy Lane is a duplex, it is governed by a Condominium Association which went into effect on or about January 30, 1980. The new single car garage will be built on common association property but will benefit all condominium owners, i.e. the owner of 742-A arld 742-B in that the Campisi's will have a single car garage for their utilization and the owner of 742-4, Betty Guffy, will have use of a large deck on top of said garage. The Association is constituted of the Campisi's and Betty Guffy and Betty Guffy hereby submits her written approval of said variance thus providing full Condominium Association approval. The written approval is attached hereto. V. COPIES. Four (4) copies of the site plans improvements surveys and evaluations have alreadv been delivered to the Town of Vail. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Geri Campisi at 476-5586,742-8 Sandy lanre, Vail, Colorado 81657 or Kerry H. Vy'allace, Stovall Goodman Wallace, P.C., P.O. Box 5860, Avon, Colorado 81620,949420/J. I RESPECTFIILLY SITBMITTED Tnt ffia^v of August, 1996. Kerry H. Wallace, nl033 P.O. Drawer 5860 Avon, Colorado 81620 (e70) 9494200 STOVALL GOODMAN WALI.ACE, P.C. ltrFFllrtrrr&artlil.Oaalrqtt .F(tr|v dlrtva tu11rd puoos € +4{tted oerod uoBlppv rslarusc eql ix.:rril ifttNi-rrr ryE d -]Hror. oixr|fitryv TEE! utDt rp3m m,*-_IIAI}I t luggFo€S gp,Fq*ffi; uoplPpv IsIdrnBJ eql &/ez'd LIAI 6VG ALtr,sJ.33ltHf,tilJ t]^tu T.l.tZ 966I-Ttr-d3s o Agcnde last roviscd 9/18/96 9rm PI-ANNING AND ENVIRONiIENTAL COilTIIISSION Monday, SePtember 23, 1996 AGENDA Proiect Orientation / Lunch - Communlty Development llspartment 12:30 pm ouoRUM - (october 14, 1996) Site Vtslrs l:fit pm 1. Campisi - 742 Sandy Lane 2. Senfy Gonstruction - 1225 Westhaven Lane 3. Charlie Alexander - Lionshead Driver: George Publlc llering - Town Gouncil Ghambers 2:fl1 p'm' 1 . A request for a conditional use permit for a Type ll EHU, to be located al 1225 Westhaven Lane/Lot 43, Glen Lyon. Applicant: sentry construction, rep. by Pam Hopkins Planner: George Ruther 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a miniature golf course in the CC2 and AG/OPEN Zone Districts, located on portions of Tracts B & D, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Charlie AlexanderPlanner: Dirk Mason 3. A request for a site coverage variance to allow lor the construction of a one-car garage, located at 742 sandy Lane/Lot 3, Vail Potato Patch 2nd Filing. Applicant: JeriCampisiPlanner: Dominic Mauriello 4. A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and adding a 3rd floor, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 14, 1996 o Aglodr last tsvisod 9/18 16 9@ S. A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow tor the conslruction of a walk-in lreezer,located at sg'6 west Lionshead MaluLot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead lst Filing. Applicant Mllch GarfinkelPlanner: George Ruther WITHDRAWN lll ll llllll 6. Information Update 7. Approval of September 9, 1996 minutes The applications and information about the proposals are avaihble in the proiect danner's office during regulii offlce hours for public inspection, loiatid at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpetation available Lpon r€quest wilh 24 hour notificatbn. Please csll 47$2114 vc*r or 479-2356 TDD for inbrmdbn. Community Devebpment D,ePattm€nt Publbhed Soptember 20, 19{16 in the Vail Trail. Fr o rn : JERI CAIIP IS I oa-t3-96 g9:20 P. OO2 Quooticrs? Cotl the Planoing Statr at 479-213t APPLICATION FOR PLAhINING AND ENVIR,OI\TMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERALINFORMATTON This rppticador ii for any proJcct rcquiring approval by rhe Pt{rDirg and Enwlrqrmental gqngrisBion- For qrecifrc inforrDtion. scc thc autrrnirlal rcquircm€nt8 for the particular approvat that is r€questcc Tbo appication can not bc acccptcd uotil all fcquired information is subrrnitted. The projcdt may also nced to be rcvlerrod by thc Tmm Corurcil and/or tho D*ign R.owieu. Board. -A. TYPIi OIT APPIJCATTON: B Addihonal GRFA (25O) E Bcd fnd Brcaldlast E Csrrlr6oal Usc Pcrinit tr Majq u EMinorSuMivisidr tr Rczming tr17 Sign vriancc. Gl. Vriancc O ?lniigCrldrefumerrdment c. D. LOCATION OF TNOPOSAL: oc"' tr Amcodmcnt to &r Approvod Dwclopmcnt Plan E Employee Housing Unit (fypc: O Major c E Minor CCI Exterior Alserdion (vail Villagc) tr Major u E Minor CCII Extqior Altcration (Lionshcad) tr Special Dcvclopmcnt Diodot tr Maid or tl Minq Arncndmcnt to an SDD AooKEsE: 742 S*vret , uUTLDINGNAME: qer'Zta-,-_.- zoNINc: ,&tr*r*n-, I S**, /--*, /Z+dar*4tq,Z NAME oF owNER(S1, */t- Jer) oae.f i S ) _- MAILINGADDRESS: }IONE:q7b-5srb F. G. owNER(S) SIGNATTIRE(S): NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE: MAILINOADDRESS: PHONE: FBE - SEE THE SUBMIITAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT TI{ISAFFLICATTON,ALLSUEMITTAL REQI'IREMENTS AND THg FEE TO THE DEPAR,TMENT OF COMMI,'IilTY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, CoLORADO t1657. F.*parct?ho-oo cw,lb,lb ry@ rrryllcltion Da*t 6 - U3 -q V pEC MocingDate, q- 23 < l- Rovt$d 6t6 / 08/21/56 FRI 0E:03 FAI 3039{98843 ST1oVALL GOODXAN frA"LI,TCE @ oor APFROVAI, OX. COI\ilX)MIIYIUM OWNER I' Betty cuffsy, owacr of 742-A sandy Lene, vall, colorado and a mcober of the condominium Association for rot 3, vail, Potato Parch. Sccond Filirg Condoniniums, do bgrcby Purilant rc Pangraph l0 of the Condominium D*laratiou for Lot 3, VaiUPotato patch, ScsgDd Filing Condomiuiuns beneby expressly give my perrrission for rhe owne6 of 742-8 Sand5r r 'no, Vail, Colorado, Charles Parl Canpisi aD.l Geri D. Campisi to constroct e struchud addition to tbcir condominirrm unit ad/or rryon the commotr clenreflts of the property to wbrl cm$ruction of a single cer garagc rpon the costnon arca. This approval is givelr bescd gpon jtre uslclEr.n ling that I will be capable of utiliziqg thc roof of tbe garage for a deck area aod that said dcck arce wlll have access throrgh srcps insidc of my residerce. STATE OF COITORADO )) ss. EAGLE COUNTY ) ,.H Subscribed end swom ro befor' me rhis LT t'u", of August, 1996, by BETTY OIJFFEY. WitnEss my band and offrcial scal. . .' )' My pommission expires: . .\ ' ' A ,\' ' \\r\l -' r'f 1,._,: ,. -ft. /: .. ,):.,.. ., ;;\t,""1'',', ..,,i '^ - t' ',i\! O c t rct ^rhubr. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado E1657 970479-21AO FAX 970479-2157 STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ss. ) The undersigned hereby certifies the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of aPlanning and Environmental commission Memorandum dated Apil 27,1ggi, asmaintained in the office of Community Development. Dated December 5. 1996rl- tMr4 fr uahJoitnlL Holly L. McCutcheon,,Town Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss.couNryoFEAGLE ) subscribed and sworn to before me this Sth day of December, 1996, by Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk. Town of Vail. /// \ / t'//r"y,'-t- -L-l z<- Notary Public / .. Alne E wiy'r?. Notary pubfic t Uonrmis siJit Expires 6!7.1999 My commission expires: /r s'rroitas3 Roid "b &pafel ger 9a-.{4 fea,o,*,e-J-{ta'-' . F;d,q '." h+ l",ouf a4sht,k/ ^ fl''"tr'or./ hot'J 54,r" V ol +; z.-: tl,Lll f 4.e.2\/ '1 c<nSlicln"-" 7. CERTIFICATION s RECrcLED PAPEE o TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental C-ommission Community Dcvclopment Depanment DATE: Apil27,l992 SUBJECT: A rcquest for front and side setback and sitc coverage variances for the Wilhclm Rcsidence, 4289 Nugget Lanc, Wcst Unit/Lot 5, Bighom Estatcs, Resubdivision of Ints 10 and 11, Bighorn Estates. Applicanu Robert and Karen WilhelmPlanner: Jill Kammerer L DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCES REOI.'ESTED The applicant proposes to remodel an existing duplex unit. undcr the rcdevelopment proposcd, an additional 191 sq. fr of GRFA will be added to the residcncc. Chapter 18.71 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area ("250 Ordinance") will be utilizcd in order to allow the addition to be constructcd. Under this redevelopmcnt proposal, site coveragc will b€ increased by 177 sq. ft. In order to construct thc modifications to the residence as proposed, the applicant must obtain site coverage, and east sidc, west side and front sctback variance approvals. In conjunction with the redevelopment of this unit, the applicant will bc installing 3 additional aspens along the western property line adjacent to the street. Further, the applicant wiu be converting one existing woodburning fueplace to two gas fircplaces. A. Front Setback Variance l. Kitchen Exoansion/Ski Storaee (South Elevation) The applicant proposes to expand the existing kitchen and construct a ski storage arsa on the first floor. The existing structurc encroaches 3'-5" into the required 20-foot front setback. The kitchcn expansiory'ski storage addition will encroach 2'-9" further into the frront rctback Therefor€. a 5'-9" sctback variance is rcqufued in order to allow this kitchcn exoansion/ski sttraee arca to be constructed. rcsultins in a 14'-3" front setback. @lease notc this area also requires an east side setback variance discribcd in IC.) Dinine Room Bay Window The applicant prcposes to remove an existing dining room window and repraceit with a bay window. The existing structute encroaches 3'-ll" into the frontsetback in this area. Thc ncw bay window will encroach an additional 9 inchcs B. i:.,|",T::iS ?9:ff, front setback rhererore. a +,_s,, seiuacr vJance is 1. foot side setback. Stofe 9e tfPa ttr hF ,.rirrcFf^ia,l --,.1I-- :- - r, ^n ! J l.Kitchen Expansion/Ski Storaee Area The existing east side setback is 0. The building is built on the easternproperty line. This new kitchen expansiory'ski storage area will also encroach ll_t::llg "..t q.r*d..ttfTt side setback. trererore. a rS-footletllr gonstr.ucted, The proposed addition *iU "nffidoes the existing sultcttue. The applicanr prcposes to change existing fust and second floor windows robay windows. The cxisting structurc encroaches 6'-1" into tr,. *qoi*a l5-foot:'9_*,.u-."t. ;n;&eei" "8-'ll'] Side setback. Although thes" intothe side setback to a grcatcr cxtent than docs thc cxisting building, uecause ttreproposed construction would increase the amount of Gnre withi;-thc requiredsctback, a sidc setback variance is required. 2. West Side Storase Arca The applicant proposes to construct a 5' x l0' exterior storage arca on the westside of the cxisting strucuc. The existing structur' encroaches 5 feet to 3,-6,,into the rcquired lS-foot sidc sctback in this location. This 46 ,q. f,. ;og"area would encroach a maximum of an additional 5'-3', into thc rcquired 15- c. 2 sctback. (Plcasc notc thc kitchen cxpansiory'ski storage addt6into the front setback 'o a greater exbnt than wiu thi; proposed bay winaow.y I{est Side Setback Variance East Side Setback Variance 2. Rear Exterior Storage Arca The applicant proposes to construct a new extcrior storage area on thc rear of the building undcr an existing deck and stair. Please noic the existing easr side setback is 0. The building is built on the eastcrn property linc. This-ncw cxterior storage area will also cncroach 15 feet into thc required l5-foot sidc setback. Thcrcforc a lS-foot setback variancl is ryguircd ig allow this exterior storase arca to be constructed. The proposcd addition *itt'enctoactr 1glo-. geater cxtcnt than does the existing structue. 3. loft Expansion The applicanr prcposes to expand an existing roft by 39 sq. ft. of GRFA. This new sccond floor arca will not cncrcach further into thc t"qoit"d l5-foot sidc setback than thb 15 feet the existing structure cncroaches. Howcrer, becausc the proposed construction would increase thc amount of development within the rcquircd sidc setback, a side sctback variance is rcquircd. (pl"*" not€ all variances are calculated to the building footprint. fire Lave is not included which is approximately onc foot in ccrtain arcas.) D. Site Coverage Variance Site coverage allowed on this lot is 20% of thc lot size (.106 acres, or 4,617 sq. ft). Therefore, the allowed site coverage is923 sq. ft. The existing'site coverage is 995 sq. ft. Ql.57o). The addition will increasc the sire coviragc by177 sq. fr., for a total of 1,172 sq. ft. (zsvo) of sitc coverage. A sire coveiee'.---b variance is needed for thc additional u7 souarc fect of GRFAT4r1 1. Kitchen Exoansion/Ski Storaee Arca This proposcd addition will result in an additional 53 sq. ft. of site coverage. 2. West Side Exterior Storaee Arca The proposcd 5' x 10' storage area would increase site coveragc by 5l sq. ftfirercfore, a sitc coverage variance is rcquired in ordcr to alloi this exterior storage arca to be constructed. 3. Rear Exterior Storase T9 pn1i"*, prcposcs ,o "on.*", an exrcrior storage area under an cxisting declc/stair. This exterior srorage area will result in an aaaitiona 49 sq. ft oiGRFA gd 65 sq. ft. of site covcragc. Therefore, a sitc coveragc variancc isrequired in order to allow this exterior stomge ana to bc consircteo- + Thc zoning fol this Propcny is_.dgryle1 Brghorn Estarcs, Lors l0 and 1l were subdividcd iniotownhomes, which wene latcr dividcd ino imall lots, numbcrcd l-7. This subdivision creatcdlcgal, non-conforming lots of a lot size smallcr than ttrat which wouldt auowcd undcrprcsent zoning. M. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS II.BACKGROI.'ND Taning: Sitc Area: GRFA: Allowed: Existing: koposed: Increase*: 250 GRFA Remaining: Two'Family 0.106 aqcV46l7 sq. ft. 1,579 sq. ft. 2,337 sq. ft. 2,512 sq. ft, l9l sq. ft. 59 sq. ft. 923 sq. ft. 995 sq. tt. Qr.S%) 1,172 sq. ft. (E%) 177 sq. fr No Change * Incr€ase in GRFA is possible undcr 250 Orrdinancc Site Coverage Q0% ot Site Area): Allowcd: Existing: Proposed: Incrcasc: Hcight: Setbacksi Front: Required: Exisring: Proposed: West Side: Requircd: Existing: Proposed: 20 fect l6'-9" 14'-3 15 fect g'-9" 4',-9" 4 East Side: Rcquired: Existing: Proposcd: Rear: Required: Existing: Proposed: 15 feet 0 feet 0 fect 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Critcria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Cornmunity Dcvelopmcnt Depanment recommends approval of the front, east and west side setback variances in order to allow the construction of-the extcrior storage area under the !9cf/stairs and the bay windows on the frst and second stories on ttrc nonh elcvation; thekitchery'ski storage expansion, and dining room bay window on the south clevation. S'tafffurthcr recommends approval of the requested site coveragc variance rcquests associated with these additions. Staff recommends denial of the wcst sida setback variance and site coveragevariance rcqucsts required to allow the consruction of the 5' x 10' exprior storage area Thesc recommendations are based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing orpotential uses and structures in the vicinity. a. Setback Variances In gencral, the setback variances rcqucstcd will have no negativc impacts on adjacent properties, excluding the west ,toog" i,"u- Staff believes the west side srorage addition will negativily impact the propcrty owner to thc west. The resulting side- setback would be 4'-9'. If the adjaccnt property owner wer€ also to pursue such an addition, the accessway io the rear yard bcnveen the two duplexes would be very narow. Staff beicves the addition of the west side storage area reduces, to a great degrcc, the alr,eady small amount of open space which presently exists bctwccn this dwelling and the adjaccnt residencc. b. Site Coverase Variance Due to the unusual suMivision of thc lot, staff bclieves it isrcasonableto-dll6-owS-omETldi6ilityconccrningsitccovcragc. This expansion, cxcluding thc wcsi storage ,*-", ,rnill result in fditiolal site coverage of 125 q. ft. Stitr firthcr believes these additions will have no negative impacts on existing orpotential uses or sEuctur€s in thc vicinity. The staff does notbclicve the additional site coverage for tie west storage ar€a isappropriate. The degree to which relief from the strict and literalinterpretation and enforcement ofa specified regulation isnecessary to achieve compatibitity and uniformit] oftreatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain theobjectives of this tifle without grandof special privilege a. Setback Varianccs The duplcx lots which werc crcated undcr the rcsubdivision ofLoF 1.0 and ll of Bighorn Estates have lot configurations whichmake it almost impossible to modify the units without variances.As previously stated, the cxisting unit "t e"Ay encroach into thcrequired front and side setbacks. These encroachments are dueto the fact thc lots arc vcry narow and small. Instead of aminimum lot sizc of 15,000 square feet, this lot is 4,617 squarefeet. Staff believes there are extraord.inary circumstances due tothe original lot layout of these duplex lots-. other duplexes in this resubdivision have reccived similar sctback variance rcquests. In November, l9gg, Lot 3, obtainedapproval of front, side, and site coverage variances in order toconstruct a trash enclosure and to enlarge a kirchen. Aspreviously stated, the duplex loc associ-ated with thercsuMivision of Ipts 10 and 1l of Bighorn Estates are allsubsrandard in size. For this proposal]staff believes it isreasonable to consider the existing rcsidence,s location in thefront, east and west sidc setbackslo be a practical difficultywaranting setback varianccs fon the addit'rons supported by drestaff. This degr€€ of relief from the strict and literalinterprctation of the codc is appropriate, and has been grantcd toother property ownerr with similar circumstanccs. I Staff does not b€lieve, howcver, thcre is a pracdcal difficulty warranting 0rc construction of the 5' x l0' extcrior storagc arca on thc west side of thc propcrty. The degree of rclicf from thc setback for this request is not appropriatc. b. Sitc Coveraee Variance Because of the small lots, existing site coverage of all lots in thc vicinity is over the allowcd- Staff fecls that adding 125 sq. ft. of site coverage to accommodate the exterior r€ar storagc area, the bay windows and thc kitchcn expansiory'ski storage additions does not increase to any great extcnt thc cxisting site coverage. 3- The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. a- Setback Varianccs and Sirc Covcraee Variance The staff finds that the requested variance will have no significant effect upon any of thc abovc considerations. As previously stated under this rcdcvelopment proposal, the applicant will bc installing two additional aspen trecs along the western property line adjacent to thc roadway. In addition to installing these aspens, the applicant will eliminatc an existing woodburning fircplace and install two gas fireplaces. Staff belicves, with the exception of the proposed 5' x l0'proposed stonge arEa on the wcst side of the building, this proposal will have no negative impacts on the factors listed above. With regard to the proposed 5' x l0' extcrior storage area, staff believes thc construction of such a stomge area will limit access to the rear of the propcrty from thc east side of the building, which could negatively impact public safety. B.Thc.Planlrine and Envircnmental commission shall make the followine findinss beforc qrantins a variance: ( t ) /t 1. That the granting of thc variance will not constitute a grant of spccial privitege inconsisrent wiitr ttre limitations on other proi"tti"t classificd in thc samc district. o That the granring of the variance will nor bc detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties oi improvemenrs in thc vicinity. That the variance is warrantcd for one or mor€ of the foilowing reasons: a- The strict literar interpretation or enforccment of the specified rcgulation would result in practical difficulty or onnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this titre. fircrc are cxccpdons or cxtraordinary circumstanccs or conditions applicable to the samc site of thc variance that do not apply generally to other properties in thc same zone. The seict inrcrpretation or enforccment of thc spccified rcgulation would deprive the applicant ofpriviliges cnjoyed by the owners of othcr propenies in the samJdistrict. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Upon review of Critcria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, rheCommunity Development Departmcnt rtcommends approval of the front, cast and wcst sidesetback variances in order to allow the constnrction o}-th" exlerior storage arca under thedeclc/stairs and the bay windows on thc first and second storics on thc north elevation; thekirchedski storage expansion, and dining room bay window on the south elevation. Srafffurther recommends approval of the requested site coveragc variance rcquests associated withthese additions. staff recommends denial of rhe west sidJsetback "rr#;;-;;;i* ;;;;variance requests required to allow the construction of thc 5' x 10' exprior storage arca. Staff believcs the variances which arc recommendcd for approval meet thc crieria andfindings for a variance. Staff does not believe approval oi ttresc variances would be a grantof special privilege' bccause variance applications-have bccn approved for similar rqo"-rtr.Thg ProPgsal is not potentially injurious to the public health, s'ai'ety and welfare. Lastty, ttrestaff finds the location of the lot lines to be an exraordinary circumstance that is not tl,picatty' found in the TwoFamily zone district, and that other property o*n"r, in the samedevelopmcnt have received variances frrom the strict intelprct"tion oi tt " zoning code forsimilar tlpcs of rcquests when there wcre no negativc impaca from the rcques*. Please note rhar, undcr section 18.62.0g0 of thc Town of vail zaningcode, the approvalshall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years orttre -aate of issuance anddiligently pursued to complction. 3, cgccrocnoArilhch"42T : J i';.5 ;t! !! [ ;,i!5!B:i;s;i $:!is'I;*;i: €si'i:i ;:Eg5! H \l...\ It t"- / /'ot\, \R '...-*"'. it'_,,,=#/DR 96 !*.9 o9 >3:- rI.E 9t..: r;d ! to' u.q B EF; E t.I Ithl! it: I llt; t:!t fill ) . 5r€ *"gf*itt -*.uS$'-"- \ \ \ \\ I \ \ \ g- ir: \,8 = \-/ f\\ \\V''' t ( "\ .g$ Es ' -l]\' iit '8\\r 7\ c\'$t t\ \ *v € rt^: E E. E.e;E 3s9b nt :.d9, E.r ;.8 9b6€;! 8.s3g i3 ^u! r!i:. bst:!i.r 99lr6't E r.irE, Etj i:, o:i ;a lL €E :; !N) a It isP ;L}1) I I I a .9 ss:- 9t 5 !1 jj :r !' a f\l| , t I a !!o t-l:+rt*" 'E(,!:i9F- !os ,9 6; t -:: E E.r :IJ:EE B!:. ?ig ;:E Jfln1? $t _dliai I I .Et I .Et b , E; ;llrE: E.B AE e": :;EI E:gt ;6 iiE '!lr ".t 2z!iNt iE e": 6; iiiiiliii $li*i IE - ' ,11. \ I pirb'dp. ttrir -dotl! rory 21,. 1992. crcspt utlllty 'connoc- ' tlon!:'o?a cntirely vlthrn tltc boundoricr of thc porcd. erccpt os lhorn, thot lhcrc ore no ancaoochmont3 upon ihc dcscrDcd notcd. Stcven K Scnlor Mcc Johnson. : ::.-': 1) prcmiaer by improvemcnts on ony odjoining prcmirar, crccpt or.' indlcotcd, ond thot. thcrc ir no APPARO,IT ovidenco or dgrl;of .ony;.,. coscm€ni crosslng'or burdcnhg ony port of soid porccl, iiil*"n" LOT.{ 9 -+rLpd' a '.' q1.t J'o- \qa ?or€\ \\ \ \ \ASPHALT \\\ \ ..:PARKING \ \ v) \! -x'^r,-/,..Y' \./ tr' ,t' &n" ,* xODCg A-.rirC t Cdr!& lcr pr ru c. n |c. cry lqd rctlcnD€.-_rrcr rif d.1.4 F !n..Tlf 19!91! ,:!t !t11 t" -lI f.$-T E { r | -\l\ I -v- \ b.-t Ifi19\\\l$f$ )\'\ a)s t1 $$ $i r)' x!l:[s ."iIE. \ q:* € $Fw ,^ I I tJI \T $d {'* -1 l- 4Lr..i{ ---44 / / IL $$ *1$ -u$uv OJo)o, o- etL:lrll-!l-,2\g ll _\ ) \ t J \)J -\$t\ \-2 r- ) il+$5 il$+N{,,teil),.{ I E /t $l $h f$ .J 't\ 'i r ;t(i. ,\)!I ?gs.< 4.€Pat ,vu If a-l 2 \Ij \\\ 7 FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE COMPANY INFORMATION The Title Insurance CommilmEnt ls a legal cont6ct b€trveen you and the company. lt is issued to show the basis on rvhich lye will issu€ a Title lnsurance Policy to you. The Policy will insure you against certain risks to th6 land title, subiect to the limitations shown inlho Policy. The Company will give you a sample ot the./Policy torm. if you ask. The Commitment is based on the land titldas of the Commitment Date. Any changes in th6 land title or the transaction may affect tho Commitment and the Policy. The Commitment is subject to its Requirements. Exc€ptions and Conditions. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT PART OF THE TITLE INSURANCE COMMITMENT. TABLE OF CONTENTS AGREEMENT TO ISSUE POLICY SCHEDULEA 1. Commitment Oate 2. Policies to b€ lssued, Amounts and Proposed Insureds 3. Interest in the Land 8nd Owner 4. Oescription of the Land SCHEDULE B-1 - Fequirements SCHEDULE B-2 - Exceptions coNolTloNs Page 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 1-A YOU SHOULD READ THE COMMITMENT VERY CAREFULLY. lf you have any questions about the Commihonl, please contsct th6 isrulng oflice. 1. 2. 3. 4. CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS (a) "Mortgage" means mortgage, deed of trust or other security instrument. (b) "Public Records" means title records that give constructive notice of matters affecting the title according to the state law where the land is located. LATER DEFECTS The Exceptions in Schedule B - Section 2 may be amended to show any defects, liens or encumbrances that appear for the first tirne in public records or are created or attached between the Commitment Oate and the date on which all of the Requirements of Schedule B - Section 1 are met. We shall have no liability to you because of this amendment. EXISTING DEFECTS lf any defects, liens or encumbrances existing at Commitment Date are not shown in Schedule B, we may amend Schedule.B to show them. lf we do amend Schedule B to show these defects, liens or encumbrances, we shall be liable to you according to Paragraph 4 below unless you knew of this information and did not tell us about it in writing. LIMITATION OF OUR LIABILITY Our only obligation is to issue to you the Policy referred to in this Commitment, when you have met its Requirements. lf we have any liability to you lor any loss you incur because of an error in this Commitment, our liability will be limited to your actual loss caused by your relying on this Commitment when you acted in good faith to: comply with the Requirements shown in Schedule B - Section 1 or eliminate with our written consent any Exceptions shown in Schedule B - Section 2. We shall not be liable lor more than the Policy Alnount shown in Schedule A of this Commitment and our liability is subject to the terms of the Policy form to be issued to you. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT Any claim, whether or not based on negligence, which you may have against us concerning the title to the land must be based on this Commitment and is subject to its terms. 5. 200-200.1 Form No. 1343 (CO87) ALTA Plain Language Commitment COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE COMPANY agent for FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AGREEMENT TO ISSU E POLICY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, referred to in this Commitment as the Company, through its agent, First American Heritage Title Company, referred to in this Agreement as the Agent, agrees to issue a policy to you according to the terms of this CommitmenL When we show the policy amount and your name as the proposed insured in Schedule d this Commitment becomes effec- tive as of the Commitment:Date shown in Schedule A. lf the Requirements shown in this Commltment have not been met within six months after the Comm itment date, ou r obligation under this Com mitment will ehd. Also our obligation under th is Com mit- ment will end when the Policy is issued and then our obligation to you will be under the Policy. Our obligation under this. Commitment is limited by the following: The Provisions in Schedule A. The Requirements in Schedule B-1. The Exceptions in Schedule B-2. The Conditions on Page 1 -A This Commitment is not valid without SCHEDULE A and Sections 1 and 2 of SCHEOULE B. First American Title I nsu ra nce Company PRESIDENT BY UU/;. C.jryL/. sEcRETARY RSIGN EO 1. 2. FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE CO 31 8 Broadway, Eagle, CO 81631, (303) 328-5211 To Be Detenuined 3. lec.SLnple Lntcrent c@Ltaetrt Daue trlfs COMIVIITMENT SCEEDIIITE I comltD.lt DIo3 Es24434896 Co@ltDeat Datc s April 10, 1996 at, 8:00 A.M. Policy or Pollci.ot to be Lgsucd: (a) osners Pollcy - Propos.d Inaureal: Charles PauI Canpisi and Geraldine Campisi (b) Loerr Pollcy - ProDorod lDsurads tbLs conrr-ltDcnt ls orrrcd,, Filc * ES2il434B95 Pollcy InounE $ s30,000-00 $ 371, 100 - 00 at theLnla 4. tfhe land ref,erredl to Lu this cmLtn.Dt Lg deccrlbedl as follows: (for informational purposes only)742-8 Sandy Lane PRSTIUM: Sf -Itortgage Po I icY-COM/ Owner's Policy Tax Certificate O4lLg/96 !!':24:49 lf PsK $ $ $ 75.00 1,313.00 15.00 deacribed oA,/rg/9'6 L1:24:51 lf PSK File {t ES24434896 NOTICE TO PROSPEC.IIIVE OIVNERS (A STATEMEMI MADE AS REQUIRED BY COLORADO INSURANCE REGUIJAT ION ) CAP PROTESTION When this Corpany conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing the Iegal docurnelrts resultlng from the Eransaction, the Company shall be responsible for all maEters which appear on tshe record prior tso such time of recording or filing. If the property being purcbased has noE been the subject of construction, improvements or repair in the last, six months prior to the date of this coruritmenE the requirernents will be payment. of the appropriate premium and the completion of an Affidavit and Indernni ty by the seller. months prior to the date of this commitment the requirements rnay invoLve disclosure of cercain financial information, palment of preniuurs, and indemnity, among olhers. llhe general requirements stated above are subject to the revision and approval of the conipany. SPECIAIJ TN(ING DISTRICI NOTICE (A Notice eiven In Conformity Witsb Section !0-L1--!22 C.R.S.) 1|he subjeet. land may be located in a special taxing district; a certifj-cate of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the county Ereasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agenti and information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such district.s may be obtained from the board of county conuniss ioners, the counEy clerk and recorder, or tbe counEy assessor. 04/19 /95 lI:24:52 1f PsK Fotm No. 1344-81 (CO-88) Fil. | 8524434896 .IL!A Plain Langruags Comltritnent SCHEDITLEB-Sectlonl order No. Es24434896 RsquLreDent6 fhe f,ollowLng lequlremerrt8 tnu6t be nets: (a) Pay tshe aqreed amounts for the interest in the land and/or for the mortgage to be insured . (b) Pay us the premiums ' fees and charges for the policy. (c) Obtain a certificatse of taxes due from tbe county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agenE. (d) fhe {ollowinq document.s saEisfactory to us must be signed, delivered and recordef ./ 1. Wairanty Deed sufficient to convey the fee simple estate or interest in tshe land described or referred to herein, to the Proposed Insured, Schedule A. ftem 24. -t ./'/ 2-- Deed of Trust sufficient to encumber the fee simple estaEe or intserest in the . land described or referred to herein for lhe benefit of the Proposed Insured, Schedule A, Iuem 2 b. 3. Evidence that all assessments for common expenses due under ttre Declaratsion referred to as It.em No. 11, of Schedule B, Section 2 have been paid. 4. Evidence satisfact.ory to the Company of Compliance with an ordj.nance enacting a real estate transfer tax within the Town of Vail toqether with all amendments lhereto. 5. Compliance with the provisions of Section 39-L4-702, Colorado Revised statutes, requiring completion and filinq of a ReaI ProperEy Transfer Declaration. NOTE: IF THE SALES PRICE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY EXCEEDS $1OO,OOO.OO TI{E SELLER sHALt BE REQUIRED TO COMPIJY WITH rHE DTSCIJOSURE OR WITHHOLDTNG PROVISIONS OF C.R.S. 39 -22- 604. 5 (NONRESIDENT WITHHOLDING) 04/1-9 /9"5 L!:24:54 lf PSK Form No. t344-82 (CO-88 ) AIJTA P].al,n Language Cortritment SCHEDUITEB-Sectsion2 ordl€r No. E,s24434896 ExceptLons Any polLcy wa LE6ue wLl1 have the followitrgf exceptLonE unleaa they ale taken care of to our aatlafactlon: 1. Taxes and Assessments not certified tso the Treasurer's office. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not sho$rn by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possessj-on thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easements, noE shown by public records. 4. Discr-epancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachnents, and any. facts which a correct survey and inspection of the land would disclose. a.nd which are noE shown by the public records. 5. Any lien, or righc to a 1ien, for services, labor or rnaterial heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by 1aw and not shown by the public records. 6. Any and all unpaid taxes, assessments and unredeemed tax sales. 7 - ReservaCions and exceptions in patents and in acts authorizing their issuance as the same nay affect the subjecE property and speeifically, the rj.qht of the . proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remor4e his ore therefrorn sho11$. Erre sarne oe round to penetrat.e or intsersec! the prernises as set forth in United stsates Patent recorded l"lay 24, 1904 in Book 48 at Page 503. 8. Reservations and exceptions in patentss and acts authorizing their issuance as the same may affects the subject property and specifically, the right to ditsches and reservoirs used in connection with vested and accrued r,tater rigtrts Eogelher with the reservatj.on of a right-of-way for ditches and canals constructed by the authority of the Unit.ed States as set forth in United states patsenE recorded trlay 24, 1904 in Book 48 aE Page 503 and JuJ,y 13, L939 in Book !23 aE Page 517 9- Restrictive covenants, which do not conlain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but onitting restrietions, if any. based on race. co1or, relition, or national origin, as contained in instrurnent recorded March 5, 1974 in Book 233 aE Page 628 and as amended in instrument recorded September 24, 1975 in Book 24! aL Page 950. 10. Easementss, reservations and restrictions as shown or reserved on the recorded pJ-at of Vail/Potato PaEch second Filing and amended plat thereof. 11. Covenants, conditions and restricEions contained in Condominium Declaration recorded March 4, 1980 in Book 299 at Page 596. - -Cont inued I File # 8524434895 $\\^44 . FVzr'^ v4/19/56 7L:24:57 lf PSK Form No. 1344-82 (CO-88) ALTA Plaln lJaDgnrage Commi tm€nts Scb€dule B - Sectlon 2 contlnucd Orde! No. ES24434B96 L2. EasemenEs, reservaEions and restrictions as shown on the Condominium MaD recorded March 4, 1980 in Book 299 at Page 597. File # ES24a34896 o File I ES24434896Order No. 8s24434E96 AFFI DAVIT AIiID INDEMNITY TO FIRSI AMERTC}IiI TITIJE INSURANCE COMPANT 1. This is writEen evidence to you that t.here are no unpaid bills, and to the extent there may be unpaid bills that the undersigned undertakes and agrees to cause the same to be paid such that there shall be no mechanj-cs or maEerialnen's liens affecEinq the properEv formaterials or labor furnished for construction and erection, repairs or - imirov-ements conEracEed by gr o1 behalf of the undersigned on property located at 742-B Sandy f-rane, Vail,colorado 8L657 and lega11y descrj.bed as: Unit B. _Lot 3_, Vail/Potato PaEch Second Filing Condominiums according to the Condominium Maprecorded March 4, 1980 in Book 299 aE Page 597 and as defined in tshe Condominium Declaratioirrecorded Marctr 4, 1980 in Book 299 at Page 595. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO 2. We furlher represents that to the actual knowledge and belief of the undersigned thereare no public improvements affecting the property prior to the date of closing that wouldgive rise to a special property tax assessment. againsE the propertsy after the date of c Ios ing . 3. We furlher represenE tshaE to the actual knowledge and belief of the undersigned thereare no pending proceedings or unsatisfied judgments of record, in any Courts, Stsaie orFederal, nor any tax liens filed against us, and thaE if there are judg,rnents, bankruptcies,probate proceedings, state or federal tax liens of record against parties with same orsimilar na.mes, they are not againsE us. 4. We further represent that there are no unrecorded contracts, leases, easements or other agreements or interests relating to said premises of which roe have knowledge. 5. We further represent tshat to the actual knowledge and belj.ef of the undersigned vre arein sole possession of the real property described herein other than lease hold estates ref l-ected as recorded itsems under the subiect commitment for title insurance. 5. We further represen! that there are no unpaid c}rarges and assessments that could resul!in a lien j-n fawor of any associat.ion of homeowners wtrich are prowided for in any documentreferred to in schedule B. The undersigned affiant (s) know the matters herein stated are true and indemnifies FTRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CoMPANY against loss, costss, damages and expenses of every kindincurred by it by reason of its reliance on the statements made herein. This agreement is executed r"rith and forms a part of the sale and/or financing of the above desciibed premises, and is given in additi-on to the conveyance and/or f inanc-ing of thepremises in consideration for the conveyance and/or financing, and forms a complete agreement by itself for any action thereon. SELTLER: Richard PlaEtner Janice Platscner Filc + ES2a43aB96 STATE OF COLORADO ss. CO{JMIY OF The foregoing insLrumenE $ras acknowledged, subscribed and sworn E.o before me tshisday of by Richard Plattner and Janice PlatEner. My comrniss ion expires : , Notary Public AFFIDAVIT OI' GERI CAMPISI COMES NOW, the Affiant, being duly sworn under oath and having persornl knowledge of the following facts hereby testifies as follows: 1. That I am the owner of real property located in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado known as 742-B Sandv Lane. Va-il. Colorado. 2. That I am a member of the Condominium Association for Lot 3, Vail, Potato Patch, Second Filing, Condominium, County of Eagle, State of Colorado which is constituted of unit 742-A and 742-8 Sandy I-ane, Vail, Colorado (the "Condo Association"). 3. That the Condominium Association is comprised of my unit and742-A Sandy Lane, Vail, Colorado which is owned by Betty Guffey. 4. That my husband, Charles Campisi and myself have requested a Variance from the Town of Vail for the purpose of constructing a single car garage addition to our unit. The construction of such single car garage will not in any way negatively impact upon other structures in the vicinity as most structures are residential homes, including condominium units, with garages. 5. That the garage addition that we are requesting a Variance from the Town of Vail for is necessary for a number of reasons:_==.--" A. There is a significant drainage problem upon the property in that the area in which the new garage will be located slopes toward the residence and water flows directly into a major wall of the building. This drainage problem needs to be corrected in some manner and could be very expensive to fix pursuant to bids that have been received. The construction ofthe garage will resolve this drainage problem while at the same time significantly improving the propeny. B. That there exists very little storage area within our residence and the existing two (2) car garage is fully utilized for the parking of our two (2) automobiles. As such, we currently do not have any storage space particularly for our recreatiornl equipment such a bicycles, golf clubs and ski equipment. This creates a significant hardship for us in that there are no closets in the house to store the equipment, no space in the existing garage as it is used fbr parking our automobiles and it would be inappropriate to store said items outside as they could be stolen and it would detract from the area to store goods in that manner. C. That we are .unable to park an automobile on the street or elsewhere on the lot in order to make storage space available in the existing garage as parking is not allowed upon the street, particularly in the Winter months, and the area in which the new garage will be constructed is currently unusabld for parking purposes during the winter months as the Town of \ ogt20/9a FRI 10:08 F,l"\ STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTY Subscrihed and sworn to CAMPISI- VaiI snow ..y66val plows large amoul'lts of snow upon the rpace. In addition. it is prefcrablc to have our car in covered parking during the wint€r montbs ' D. That we also have frequent grrsts, including numerous family members' gnd are unable to provide a parking space for them when thcy are visiting. Tbis poses a difficrrlt problcm again in the w-intcr -oitns whcn the 3uw plows necd the steets clear of parked vehicles to adequately plow tbe StreetE. 6. That the proposed single car garags will eddr$s all of *re abovc referenced hardships in that li will provide for the addilionaisoragc, it would provide a covercd parking space that il*" usablJafl year round and it will be a positive use of orrrendy uanrsable space. 7. Tblt the proposed single car garegc rvill constitute an improvelnent to the propcrty that will incrcase th,e value of ihe residence and thus would be a positive effect upon the neighborhood in gcneral - 8. For the foregOlng rleasorlg the owners of the property at]-42 sandy Lane which is constinrted of mysctf, riy hisUand, Charles Carnpisi, and Betty G.oI.y will zuffcr a hardship if dre Variance is not graDted for the Construction of the proposed single car Siurge' 2i Further dre Afliail saYerh naugbt.(/ /a1.1 /./)0,. @htutz.j-/ <X_t t-,-. ,/' AERI CAMPISI 1 day of Septembet, 1996, bY GERI ) ) ss, ) before mc this \ilimess my hand and official soal- My eouunission explres: 0 t4' G:\CAMPISI\GERJAFF. OTI{ AFFIDAVIT OF BETTY GUFFEY COMES NOW, the Affiant, Betty Guffey, having personal knowledge of the following facts and being duly sworn under oath hereby testifies as follows: l. That I am the owner of real property located in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado known as 742-A Sandv Lane. Vail, Colorado. 2. That I am a member of the Condominium Association for Lot 3, Vail, Potato Patch, Second Filing Condominium, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado which is comprised of Unit 742-Aand 742-8 Sandy l-ane, Vail, Colorado ("Condominium Association"). - 3. That the Condominium Association is comprised of my unit and unit 742-B Sandy Lane. Vail, Colorado which is owned by Charles Campisi and Geri Campisi (hereinafter referred to as the "Campisi's"). 4. That with my express permission and involvement the Campisi's have reqirested a variance from the Town of Vail for the purpose of constructing a single c,ar garage addition to their unit. The construction of said single car garage will not in any way negatively impact upon other structures in the viciniW as most structures are residential homes. includins condominium units with garages. 5. That the garage addition that the Campisi's have requested a variance for from the Town of Vail is necessary for a number of reasons: A. There is significant drairnge problem upon the property in that the area in which the new garage will be located slopes toward the residence and water flows directly into a major wall of the building. The construction of the garage will resolve this drainage problem while at the same time significantly improving the property. B. That at the present time with the current configuration of the residence without the requested garage addition, there exists a significant security problem with regard to my unit. The general public currently has access to an emergency egress door which leads directly into my master bedroom and bath area. Unfortunately, due to the current configuration of the building the general public often utilizes my emergency egress door as opposed to my main door because it is the only door readily visible from the street. This is a cause for concern for me because I carmot see who is at the emergency egress door until I am right before the door. This is not the case with my main entrance door as I can see the person at the door through windows prior to opening the door. In addition packages and flower deliveries are often left mistakenly at m)' emergency egress door and as I do not utilize that door I do not locate the items often for days. I have retained an architect, Mr. Bill Pierce of Fritzlen Pierce Briner Architects in Vail, to address, among other issues, the issue of the public access to my emergency egress door so that I could be provided with security. It was ultimately determined by Mr. Pierce that there was no way to provide me such'security due to design constraints thus the proposed garage is an excellent solution to my security problem. As such, I feel that the granting of the Variance to allow the construction of the single car garage is necessary to provide me with adequate security at my residence and I will suffer a hardship if the Variance is not granted as no other options are available to me. C. That in the Winter months the Town of Vail snow removal pushes snow onto the area where the new single car garage will be constructed thus making such area unusable particularly for parking purposes. There is insufficient parking in the area and the single car g rage will provide a covered parking area year round. 6. For the foregoing reasons the owners of the property at742 Sandy lane constituted of myself and the Campisi's will suffer a hardship if the Variance is not granted allowing for construction of the proposed single car garage. Further the Affiant sayeth naught. STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTY ) ) SS. ) ^,rrYltt Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4' 'aiy of September, 1996, by BETTY GUFFEY. Witness mv hand and official seal. Notary Public Sep, 10, 1996i:9:364U o : AVON OF O EAGLE' wrrl^rrrt ouro No, 4200 P, t/l FI T o ':Y.:" 110 50 tl ' ) t*u, rrtrl Dtu$ fbr al. tlDh ..'d itun' '19 96 'i --iiJrro tLlGn r rnd Jrnrer Plltl l .t-ccuntt ct &rl. dsl{'lf Fl;;cl;l- r..t c.rrtr rtrd 6tE lcln' c'Trtl ' '- Andol\ g[^ gr">rttuz@ *. f*ttJf fcr.JJ ontU rindl Potot' pav loil' ltl' C-C.ultll c3 tael. rrl3'r tl ll | ' r'u* lnt|Elf|r fr atrE, hdtlr $i"o'brJ ltvU Hs DIED fllllll llloutrlD tt|D F/t0o-..------|lrll.^r3 63t0 ' o0o ' 00 I lb rslF ..l JIr J--nXt dt'hFl bt"r'd''.tlrl. :tl d'-:* drtur F-r'lD t'* }J' JG'-i r ri..l ;ni dr:i' Jrrp r'*'' trr-rrtr h - ld bJtr brra;' a-d'tstrt--l.ftt-lfi|.l' it"r' ff|.irrrru ft l|r councy ot Lgl' dl|-efqbl|tshl t ftlt'ur ilrii IriT-nrlrtolrle F :Gb lreol"ll turd condqrlnturt rccotdlnd Gnlrlnl|r IrP s.Gcrdac ftttrr i' rtrg ln toot z9t^'c trc" Ei7 rnd rr ;Fil"a-fitu.re ltrr:tca iicortrd lrrsh '' :9rc lh Eoot utt 'l Gcuort .t trtl., s!|!t e I colotrcc . .l::.. r'. bry co Eh. .Lllh.dtri 5rf, -Lar---Lt ta?-a i'nQr r'ao' v'll' qe !ctid'o. tl'3t' "- i'1rrrnrrrr^i.trn'Rrrwl':It:i:=]:ffi i$n%T,ff'il[]?.L?;:*-E;ffi ,I,fi il;i'-';*;p'nre"rir'ing+{'ltrrt|trrrh''r' * * -t* r r-Jilt-J -{ -t!3g: :'rrrr {rlii 6{Erx o rI 1tt.' ''allrtquullatt 0.t "l rrulta Fr.t?iHllill,'ff til:li?-"iiT,'l:j5'r'n 'a '1 r;' l! .l I i !!|or E rl o d lrlr | :rnrrr 'rl {sfLrs' rrr'r' } hh ln|. nt L 'trl.. TFnr'hlt{' d - Fb d * t-f -l Jr\ m'''l|r' tr Fclt |b*rtt' rd 'I ltt t'r-' t|.ll sllr' lr'{ r5 d ts Fr r r rr-]E i'J.j.r.rl. i. r -t h lb .brr trrrtrlr.l Ftf,lD. rtr 5 ?ir|*Bffi. d rdr. r-,. lrild xr-rr.r rrr rr.,rFi-.r.a ,,"r! d'. r.rrr..Lr Id{rF r r l-. Frri. u.-rr" l p.j nr-adk r rbr.a.. y-\ r.oh !r ;i*EfiF-a51gg=p1f 3'.1ffi i51 '-*--;ra,gf gt7 tf-frritfr t'ln'-rt 'lt rrl 'ir" lh { r rrr 5l !'rr r||*dtti---Jf-mtni-itf tr |tr " birha rrh' ['D' hx''| r''{trl' r_r-frf*-tlitfil"airti rutL'ottrntdrrtr rh hl Flt' rr .ffi;=lrt='-rb'tr'r.d .ilq'''ttd ti'it r"n ' (9 It E $ta,?-, Uul- I I tr,'ttrt-E* fr.tt,,,.' r? 6t n a t tl' ( t "' ,19 9a .rt JA}VGS WM. STOVALL JoEN D. GooprraeN IGRRY H. WALLACE Gug,AN4EOISY-MORRISON September 20,1996 Town of Vail Community Development Dominic Moriello 202 BENCHMARK PLAZA BUtr.DING 48 EAST BEAVER CREEK BOI,LEVARD P.O. DRAWER 5860 AvoN. CoLoRADo 81620 TET.EPHoNE: (97 O) 94942W FAcsnru: (970) 949-6843 REFERENCE: Variance Application for Charles and Geri Campisi Dear Mr. Moriello: Enclosed for your consideration please find the Affidavits of Geri Campisi and Betty Guffey setting forth the hardship which will be created ifthe variance is not granted for the construction of the single car garage upon the property. I anticipate that you will find these afFrdavits compelling. I apologize for not having provided them to you sooner but Mrs. Campisi was required to return to New York due to an emergency in the family. For that reason she will not be present at the meeting on September 23, 1996 but I will be present as her representative . Thank-you for your time and consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, STOVALL GOODMAN WALLACE, P.C. KHW:kah FtrE c0Pi 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D e partment of Community D eve lopme nt Septanber5,1996 Ms. Jeri Campisi I146 Sandstone Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Proposed site coverage variance for742 Sandy Lane/Lot 3 Vail Potato Patcb,2nd Filing Dear Ms. Campisi: I have performed a review ofyour application for a site coverage variance. Staffhas produced the following comments which rnust be addressed prior to the hearing before the Planning and Environmental Commission. Please address the following: l. The title report submitted states that Richard and Janice Plattner are the owners of the property. If they are not thc current owners of the property, please provide an up-to-date report that states that you own the property. 2. The scale on the site plan is indicated at ll4" = l', however, I believe this scale to be inaccurate. The scale is most likely l" = l0'. Please correct the scale and provide two revised copies. In addition to these copies, also provide one set of plans which are reduccd to I Yz" x I l " to includc in the Commission packagcs. The exact asrount of site coverage encroachment was not indicated in your application. Based on our calculations the existing site coverage is 3,366.63 sq. ft. and the proposed site coverage is 3,664.63 sq. ft. The maximum allowable site coverage for this site is 3,403.8 sq. ft. and therefore your variance request is for 260.83 sq. ft. of site coverage. This variance request is currently scheduled for a hearing on September 23,1996 before the Planning and Environmental Commission. {P *'n"uo'uo t .. I ndstbrdsftdflrre information needed to complete the review of this proPosal by Septeurber 16' r996. Ifyouhave ary questioils callne il'479-2148. Town Planner ,,r/,q "-Qol'htr '* /, Q,L']-lZzo*cHBeK O : Single FamiLy Residence. Dlplex, Primary/Secondary I zoNE DISIRICTS DATE: ITEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot - Block - Subdivision ADDRESS: OWNER ZONE DISTRICT PHONE. PHONE BUILDABI,E INtr AREA Allowed Existino Prooosed TotaL (30) (33) ARCHITECT LOT SIZE PROPOSED USE Height TOEA1 GRFA Primary GRFA +425= Secondary GRFA + 425 i SeLbacks Front Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping Beqrd Encl (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ PermiELed Slope t Proposed Slope t (30) (s0) Conplies with T.O.v. Lighting Ordinance yes No 20, 15' 15' Retaining Vfall Heights 3, /6, Parking Carage credit Drive: VfaLer Course Setback Do Finish crades Exceed 2:1 (501) EnvironmenLal,/ttazards: t) Flood plain :\ 4 ) Vfet,laads View Corridor EncroachmenL: yes YES NO 2l PercenL Slope (< > 3Ot) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris FLow NO DoeE Lhis reguest involve a 250 irddiLion? Hovr much of Lhe allowed 250 Addit,ion is used with this request? Previous condltions of approval (check properLy fite): 10 . E.trL..6, gltTlgl O t/n ^ tlahJh /b-id/^H^L' ' TOnlI OF VAIL I'TILT1ry IlOeA![I(nI VERIFICJATIC'II FONU JOB I{AI4E SI'BDTVISION LOT BIJOCK FTLTNG ADDRESS The forn is used to verify gervice availability and tocation. ThisshouLd be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andscheduling inatallations. For any @s3L theappricant. must provide a corq)leted utiliEy ffi The Location and avail.ability of utilities, whether they be maintrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by thefollowing utiLities for the acconpanying site plan. All authorizing sigmatures need to be originals. Authorized Sianature Dale U.S. west, Corwnunications 458-6860 or 949-4530 Rrbl-ic Senrice Company 949 - 6135 Gary Ha11/Rich Cooley Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering Dept. Ted Husky/Michael lJaverty riTCr Cablevision of the Rockies 949 -L224 Mark Graves **Upper Eagle Val1ey water & sanitation Distrlct * 47 6 -7 480 Fred. Hasl.ee rrA site Dlaa is required. Physical location of knora utilitieemust be sboma oD tbe site pJ.an. Utility locatione may or Eay aot,offer ser:viee to tbe property liae. ADy utility exteosion riquiredsball be tbe responsibility of tbe property orner. NOTE: 1. If a utility conpany has concerns with the proposedconstruction, the uti1ity repreEentative shouLd notdireetJ.y on the utiLity verification forn that thereis a problen which needs t,o be resolved. The issueshould then be spelled out in detail in an attachedletter to the Town of vail. However, pLease keep innind that ir is the responsibitiry of rhe utititt company to resolve identified problens. 2. If the utility verification form has sj_gmatures fromeach of the utility companies, and no cotmtents are made directly on the form, the Town will presumethat there are no problens and that the deveJ.opmentcan proceed. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibiliLy to obtain a street cut permitfrom the Town of Vail, Department of public worksand to obtain utiLitv locations before diogino inany public right-of-way or easenent in the Tonrr ofVail. A build.ing pernit is not a street cut nermit.A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. 4. Installation of service lines are at the $q)ense andresponsibility of the property owner. PIrAlm MATERI;: Botanieat Name PROPOSED TREES A}ID SITRT'BS Ouantitv. Size* trees ig 6 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 qall-on.Minimr:m size of shrubs is I\rpe Sorare Footagre GROtr![D COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETITOD OF EROSION COI{TROIJ C. IJAIIDSCAPE LIGIITING: ff exterior lighting is ptoposed, please show the number of fixtures and Locations on a ieparate |ighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the Lighting plan l{r the space below and provide the height above giade,-tfee oflight.proposed, lumen output, lurninous area andl i cut shaaE ofthe Light fixture. (Secrion 18.54.050 .t) *hdicate caliper for deciduoua trees. Minimum ealioer f or. deeiduous r,rees is 2 inches. rnaicatE EEiltrt f orconiferoua trees. uinimum heioht for coniierous CImER lAfiOSCapE FEATITRES (retaining wal].s, fences, ewimringpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights ot retaiuingwalls. Ma:rimum height of walls within the front eetback il3' . Maxinum height of waLls elsewhere on the property is 5' . D. I{AME oF pRorrrcr, ThL Cap(pis; Add)h6ft- ITEGATJ DEscRrprroN: r,orA BrJocK - snBDrvrsron ft/"h h*"1 STREET ADDRESS I 7.IZ SAA+ The following information is Review Board before a final IJISII OF IIIAITIERIALS o required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: A.BUIIJDII{G MAtrBR,IAI,S : Roof Siding \ Other waLl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors ooor irim Hand or Deck RaiLs iLues FJ.ashings Chimneys Trash EncLosures Greenbouses Retaining walLs Exterior Lighting Other ITYPE OF ITAI|ERIAII COITOR ,a/e. €tta";* Prot A pqt t a*ts$V, ^J/A s/- | I . t.mtCoo +a pL4 Tah-, 4p)S*lu</, Ar/A 'r p/A /6 ph^- e-psh,+ q{r / taN/A Ttv/A ltN/n t' I/v/ A B. LAIiIDSCAPING:Nane of Desigmer: tl.e Phone: c.arr urJ?ry serrrice J.inematerial used, and eize ag-builtsQ*ron rlpe orand exact Location of lines. D. E. Basis of bearing to tie t,o secEion corner. AlL property pins are to be either found or set andatated on iurprovenent survey. All easements. Garage sla.b elevations and all. roof ridge elevat,ionswith existing and proposed gradea shown under the ridgelines. G. H. VIII. C(trICEPTUII, DESIGII RB\TIEfl A. Submittal reorirenents: The owner or authorized agentof any projecL requiring design approval as prescribedby this chapter may submit pLans ior conceptual reviewby the oesign Review Board to the Department, ofConnunity Devel.opment. fhe conceptull review ieintended to give the applicant a Lasic understandiug oftbe conpatibility of their proposal witb the TownrsDesigm Guidelines. This procedure is recotrmendedprinarily for applicat,ions more compLex than single-fanily and two-fasril.y residences. However, devei,opersof sileJ.e-fanily and two-fasrily Brojects shatl not beexcl.uded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. complete applicatioris must ue sulnittea10 rorkiag days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. llhe fol-l-owing information shaLl be eubmitted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape pLan at a minimunEcale of one inch eguals tvrenty feet, 2. Conceptual- eLevations showing exterior naterialsand a description of the character of the proposedstructure or structuresi 3. Sufficient infornation to show the propoEalcomplies with the development Etandardl of thezone district in whieh the project is to beLocated (i.e. onra, site coverage caLculations,nurnber of parking spaces, etc.), 4. Completed DRB appJ.ication form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application forconceptual design review, the Department of ConmunityDevelopment shall review the submitted materialg forgeneral-comp15.ance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the propogat is in basic compJ.iance with the zoning code requirenents, theproject shal.l be fonrarded to ttre OnS for coneeptualreview. If the application is not generall.y ln-conrpliance with zoning code reguiresrents, tleappl.ication and submittal mateiials shall be retu:raedto the applicant with a written ocpl.anation as to rrhythe Conmunity Devetopment Oeparturent staff has foundthe project not to be in eonrptianee wi tb. zoning ecdcrequirements. Once a corpLete application has beenr:eceived, Lhe DRB shatl review tle subEdt,ted conceptualreview application and supporting materiaL ia ordei todeter:rrine whether or not the project generally eolplieswith the design guidelines. itre-pns doeg not vote onconceptual revj.ews. The property ormer or hisrepresentative eha1l be present at the DRB beariag. G. H. I. IrVtascia, trim, railings, chYnurey c€rp, tn€t€rl-ocations, etc. nust be shown graphieally andfulJ.y dimensioned. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if theproject.is located within the Single-Fanily, Primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. Photos of the exist,ing site and wbere appLicable, ofadjacent structures. The Zoning Administrator and/or DR8 nay require thesubmission of additional pJ.ans, drawings,specificationg, sampJ.es and other mat,eriale (includinga model) if deemed necessary to det,ermine whether aproject wil-L comply with Oesign Guidelinee. v.IIIIIOR AIJTIRATIOIS lFO ITIIE EXTERTOR OF BUIIJDIIIGIS. Plrotos or sketches which cl.earLy conv_ey the redevelopmentproposal and lhe location (site plan) of the redeveLopmentproposal nay be submitted in Lieu of the more foruralreguirernents set forth above, provided a1l inportantspecifications for the proposal incJ.uding colors and,materials to be used are submit,ted. VI. ADDITIONS . REITDBWIAI, OR COUIiER.CIAI.| A. Original floor plans with all specifications showa. B. Three sets of proposed floor pLans L/g, = 1r or Larger(L/4" - 1, is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. Ind,icate roof ridge eLevationswith existing and proposed gradee shown underneath.. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of tbe existing structure. F. Specifications for aL1 mat,eriaLs and, color samples on- rnaterials list (attached). AC tle request of the Zoniag AdniDistrator !'ou nay also berequired to subuiE: c. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservice and availabiliEy. See attached utiLitylocation verification form. H. e site improvement survey, stanped by registered Colorado Professional L,iceased surveyor. I. a preliminary title report, to verify ownerehip ofproperty, which lists alL easements. VTI. FITIAI, SITE PT.AII once a hrrildina pentit b--s been issucS, a::d cc-st;ueiioa i;underway, and before the Building Departnent lrill schedule aframing inspection, two copieg of an lrq)rovement LocationCertificate sunrey (IL,C) stanped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be sllbnitted. The folLowinginformation must be provided on the IIJC: A. Building Location(s) with cies to property corners,i.e. distancea and angles. A. Building d.imensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. c. .. l"tonoeed driveway, rrr.routn percenr sr.opeand spot elevations at the property line,garage slab and as neceaaary aLong thecenterline of the drive to accuratel.y refLectdriveway grade. d. A 4' coDcrete drive pan at the edge ofasphalt for driveways that exit the gtreet inan uphiJ.l direetion. 2. All existing improvenents including structurea,landecaped areag, ge:nrice areag, atorage areas,wal.ks, d,riveways, off -street parking, ioadingareas, retaining wal.ls (with top and bottosr ofwaLl spot elevations), and other existing siteinrprovernents. 3. In order to deternine proposed building heightselevatione of al1 top roof ridges, and-eavei whendeter:mined neceseary by the zoning adrrinistrator,shalL be indicated on the site plan with existingand proposed contour linee shown underneath. I.andncaoe PlaT (1u = 20, ot larger) - 3 copies required1. At a nuinimum, the follorring infolrration nusc beprovided on the landscape plan: a. IJocation of existing treeg 4" dianeter orlarger, b. T!Ee, size and location of all existing andproposed pLant mat,elial , c. Location of all trees to be transplanted, d. A detailed legend of all proposed planttnaterial inctuding cotnmon and lJatin nanes. 2. The location and type of existing and proposedwatering systens to be eurployed in caring forplant material following its installation. 3. Existing and proposed contour Lines. Retainingwalls should be included with the contourinforrration with top of wal.I and bottom of wallelevations listed. 4. Complete the attached landscape naterials list. $icrn eff frorn each utilitv eo4panv verifying thelocation of utility gsrrice and availabiliLy (seeattached utiLity verification fornr) . A prel-iminarv title report SeheduLe A and B muataecompany alL submittaLs, to insure property ownershipand identify at-l easenents affecting the subjectproperty. F. l?chitectu'ral Plans lt/8" = 1r Or Largrer, L/4" lApreferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. 1. Fl.oor plans and all elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale. ancl fully dine-nsjonF.t.The el-evation drawings nust show both existing andfinished grades. 2, One set of fl.oor plans must be rred-l.inedn to gbow how the gross residential fl.oor area (GRFA) wascalculated. 3. Exterior material.s and colors shall be specifiedon the attached naterials list. This materialgLigt must be conpleted and subrnitted as a part ofthe appLication. Color chips, siding samplesetc., shaLL be presented at the Design ReviewBoard meetlng. Details including, but not limited D. E. rv. A. Three copies of a recent topographic 6urvey, starrped bya Colorado ProfeEsional Lriceosed gurn€yor, aL a scaleof 1n = 20t or Larger, on which the foltbwingrinformat,ion is provided: 1.IJot area, and buiLdable area when different thanlot area. 2. IregaL descripeion and physical address. 3. Trro foot contour intervals unless the parcelconsists of 6 acreg or nore, in which case, 5'contour intervals nay be accepted. 4. Existing treeE or groul,B of trees having trunkswith diarreters of 4n or mo!e, ag meagured fron apoint one foot above grade. 5. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (large boulders, intennittent strea.ns,etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of gtreams or creekg, required creek orstreErm seEback, and 100-year fl.ood pJ.ain, ifapplicable. Slopes of 40t or more itratt Ueclearly deLineated by cross hatching. 7. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS lan&narkor sewer invert. fhis infornation must be clearlystated on the survey so that all ureasurenents arebased on the sane starting point. Ehie isparticularJ.y important for determining buildingrheigbt and. d,riveway slope. See pol.icy On SurveyIufornation, for more information regarding Surveys. 8. Locations of the following must be shown:. a. Size and tlpe of drainage cuLverts, swaLes,etc. b. Exact Location of existing utij.ity serviceLines from tbeir aource to the atructure,includinq: cable T\r Telephone Selver $later Gas El.ectric c. All utility meter locations, including anypedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. d. Property lines - distanceg and bearings and abasis of bearing. e. Indicate all easenents identified on thesubdivision pJ.at. 9. Provide spot eJ.evations at the edge of aspha1t,alOnc the Ftreet f ron t'arrF (.tf tha n?.r'\6?.r-r' .l rwenry- f ive f oor inrervils - i zi;i, -"rr-a-l iiii.*, orone spot eLevation on either side of the lot. Site Plan 1. Locati.ong of a. Existing the following muet be shown: and finished grades. B. b. Proposed surface drainage on and, off site. rr. a plg-?pplication neeting with a member of rhe ptanningstaff ie encouraged to deterrrine if any additioiralappl.icatlon infor-nation ie needed. It is the applicantisresponsibility to nake an appointment yrith the ltaff todetscnine if there are addilional subnittal reguireurents.Prease note that a col{prJgTe appJ.ication will sdreanLine thereview process for your project. IIr. ilp9mlNn rlorren nrcASonrc lr,r, gunnrrgsroNs ,ro ,rm nRBt A. In addition to neeting submittal requirements, theapplicant rmrst stake and tape the pioject site toindicate property lines, buitding fines andl buildingcorners. All treea to be renoved must be taped. Aifgite tapings.and staking must be compLeted piior to crreDRB gite.visic. The applicatrt must -ensure tlat statingdone during the winter is not buried by saow. B. The review process for NElf BUTTJDTNGS no::rrarty requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Boardi aconceptual review and a final review. c. Applicants who fair. to appear before the Desigm RevierrBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who-have notaeked in advance that discussion on their iterr bepostponed, will have their iterrs renoved fron the DRBagenda until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The foll.owing iteurs may, at the discretion of thezoning adrrinigtrator, be approved by the comunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB nay not be required): a: windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changeswhich do not aLter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. sullding additlons not visibte from any other lotor public Bpace. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants must include Letteis fromadjacent property o$mers and/or fron the agent foror nanager of any adjacent condominiun associationstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is tocated in a napped hazard area (i.e.gnow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc.), a hazard study must be subnitted andthe oyrDer.must siga an affidavit recognizing the hazardrepoTt prior to the igsuance of a building pernit.Applicants are encouraged to cbeck with a Toem pla^llnerprior to DRB application to detemine the relat,ionehipof the property to al.l. napped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans tbe insideface of the scterior stnrctural wal.lg of thebuitding; and b. hdicate with a dashed line oa tbe gite plaa afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting colunns. G. If DRA approves the application with conditions ormodifications, att conaitions of approval. must beaddressed prior to the applicatiou lor a buitdlingpernit. E et d, alt1 lta DESIGII Rs\,ltEIv BOARD APPIJTCAIIOI| - Tol|IT Otr VAIL, Ce{b*ffggO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: *tt***t*t* fiTCOEPIJEIEE ,"PPLICATIONS I'AY If/('TI BE SCEl',/trT,,g) FIOR RE]/IBry.tt!t!la*aatl I. A. B.TYPE OF REVTEW: New Construction ($200. 00)x Addirion ($50.00)Minor Alterarion ($20.00) -.,tConceptuaL Revievr ($0) a meets and bounds on a separate gheet, Legal and att,ach c. D. ADDREss r 7,/?, feA+h-a-hfab Fe,H-,a' LEGAIJ DESCRTPTTON:BlockSubdivision If property is described bydescription, pJ.ease provideto this application. g. r. ZONING: NN,IE OF Mailing )Ca is)APPLICANT: Address: G. Phone APPI,ICAIST I S REPRESEIiITATIVE : Address: Phone fl. NAI.{E OF OWNER(S): OENER(SI SI(IiIAITT'RE: Yailing Address: Phone APPIJICATIONS WT]J NOT BE PROCESSED WI'fEIO4? ONNER'S Sr@UITUNB Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at theLine of submiLtaL of the DRB applicatj.on. .Lat,er, when appJ.ying for a building permit, please identify tbe accuratevaLuation of the proposal . The Town of.Vail wiLl adjust thefee according to the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. IiIAME OFuailing I. ,t. FEE SCHEDTII,E: VAIJUATION$ o-$ 1o,ooo$i0,00r'+ 5u,uuu $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - 91,000,000S @er 91,000,000 D8ST6I RETTIEII BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVEL I'NIJESS A BUrIJDrlrc PBNUIT ISrS SIIIARTBD. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 s400.00 $s00.00 NE TEAR AF!!ER, FINNJ ISSIIED AI{D COTSTRUCTIOI LIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO CHARLES AND GERI CAMPISI FOR TOWN OF VAIL VARIANCE APPLICATION 1. ) J. 4. J. 8. 9. 6. 7. Betry Guffy 742 Sandy Lane Vail, CO 81657 Rican lnvesfrnent Company, Ltd. c/o Karl H. Fauland P.O. Box 4261 Vail, CO 81658 Mikell Holdings Co., Ltd. c/o Karl H. Fauland P.O. Box 4261 Vail, CO 81658 Kit C. William - Gail B. Dunning 2925 Booth Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Rogers Penske Trust c/o Penske Corp. 187 Highway 36 West long Branch, N.J. 07764-1304 Mary Anne Mills 31434 S. Bermuda Dunes Drive Evergreen, CO 80439 Mon Choisi, Inc. c/o Mr. and Mrs. Benigno Trigo P.O. Box 2369 Tamaca Corp. Calle 3, #11 Garden Hills Estates Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 00966 Charles R. and Barbara J. Rasan 744 Sandy [:ne Vail. CO 81657 o 10. 11. Josef Staufer 100 E. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 RLS Holding Co. c/o Richard L. Swig The Fairrnount Hotel San Francisco, CA 94106 Herman Staufer P.O. Box 5000 Vail, CO 81658 George & Elisabeth W. Freland 2025 E, 4th Avenue Denver, CO 80206 Vail Condominium Partners 7130 S. lrwis Suite 850 Tulsa, OK 74136 Scott Family Partnership 1555 Silver King Drive Aspen, CO 81611 Scott Family Partnership 1555 Silver King Drive Aspen, CO 81611 James F. and Mary H. Flaherty III 251 21st Place Santa Monica, CA 90402 T2 Medical, Inc. 1125 lTth Street, Suite 1500 Denver, CO 80202 James A. and J. Anne Beltz 447 Peavey Rd. Way Zata, MN 55391 Samuel B. and Nancy Guren 1253 Linden Avenue Highland Park, IL 60035 t2. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.Nancy C. Rowan P.O. Box 176 Avon, CO 81620 John P. and Beverly J. Holland 14919 Bramblewood Houston, TX 77079 RLS Holding Co. c/o Richard L. Swig The Fairmount Hotel San Francisco, CA 94106 Kevin H. and Linda W. Burke 2t42Mountain Drive Golden, CO 80401 Ronald Elenbaas 3328 Oakdale Hickory Corners, MI 49060 Even P. and Kazuko M. Johansen 27 Dublin Hill Road Greenwich, CT 06830 Tereco Realty, Inc. c/o Earl N. Feldman, Esquire 1200 Thid Avenue, Suite 1324 San Diego, CO 92101 Homby, Ltd. c/o Fred S. Otto P.O. Box 3149 Vail, CO 81658 John Z and Charlotte P. Kimberlin 3300 Oak lawn Avenue Suite 703 Dallas, TX 752LL 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. THIS ]TEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environm,ental-commission of the Town of Vaitwitl hold a public hearing in accordance^;iti 5";iii|le'6e'O6Oot tne Municipal Code of the Town of vait on s.'ii"'i6iizb, igbe, it irbii i.r'r. in tne Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit for a Type ll EHU, to be located al1225 westhaven LaneiLot 43, Glen LYon Applicant: Sentry Construction, rep. by Mike Young Pldnner: George Ruther r A reouest for a site coverage variance to allow for a one car garage, located at *ll, Sandv Lane/Lot 3. VailPotato Patch 2nd Filing 4^pp,,aanl: r,err Gampsr ..Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A reouest for a conditional use permit to allow for a miniature golf course in the CC2 Zone oistria, located at Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing Applicant: Charlie Alexander Pidnner: Dirk Mason A reouest for a minor exterior alleration to allow lor the construction of a walk-in lteezer,located ai sde West Lionshead Malil-ot 5, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead 1st Filing Applicant: Mitch GarfinkelPianner: George Ruther llllt,,t The applications and information about the proposals are available in the project planner's otfice Ouring'iegurar omce nouii foi public inspeciion, located at the Town of VailCommunity Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language int€rprctation availablE upon request with 24 hour notification. Pl€ase call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for inlormation. Community Developmenl Department Published September 6, 199€ in the Vail Trail. *Wt, Memo To: The Town of Vail From: JeffteyTenell,AlA RMTArchitects GrG: Ms. Jeri Campisi Date: September 11, 1996 Re: Potato Patch Lot 3, Second Filing In response to your letter to Ms. Jeri Campisi, regarding the Addition stated above, I have included for your record three copies of Drawing Al with the Scale typographic enor conected. Also, I have included three 8-1/2"x1 1" copies of the site plan (drawing Al ) for the variance application. Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information. Sincerely, dtWtu{///// Jefirey Tenell, AIA Princioal arlrrcartLr-CailGit Grv tEtrtvl tqgl puooe5 € |o1-qcosd qqod uoBlppv rsrorrrBc eql iiil i$iil zo E Fv,zoU H t-.bz ix, : ,k,,, aror{a8r{ '|tf ortlq|lt G'trv 0Strtva S{IT'ETIW TMIEL ETII'. uopTppv Isl Fml.A oFlodeql llil iftil .:+.: B 5 z Ep F(A eU H bz ,l ,l co-rtoity Developrnent pt"r, noo, * r.3UtO c s teg& Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire Return To:Dominic F. Mauriello, Community Development Date Routed:8/30/96 Retum By:9/4/96 Project Name:Campisi - Site coverage variance for 300 sq. ft. garage addition Project Address:742 Sardy Lane - Potato Patch Projeot Legal:Lot 3, Potato Patch Second addition Pdect Description:Requesting a site covaage variance to construct single car garage to existing paved area. No modifications to the existing driveway. # Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions v6nqr\@ i sEpc, ccl(\ t€- rS<irl--.,hCX'\S WNe'lrc€, & eo.wr tt's&6rqnttfu l-!c(}" nx$ te v3c}.gz s.\s.).) Lte, clsuclrnS <rc+,r'd q-,g "lcr0l ,&1,o,.)3atl-"."e (\<' \\ e-x1',\5 And O'-' \ \: $:q4 prC;,ted ? re.rei,<\ cR. o<' qto ce.ter.r.eA <Ja.cA.\ta tqruiwd qrcr !c-:" oq Og'qlo' f:\everyoreuomkoutrorm "o*"r|ttty Development pr"n noofg Form Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works F. Mauriellq Community Development Campisi - Site coverage variance for 300 sq. ft. garage addition 742 Sandy Lane - Potato Patch Lot 3. Potato Patch Second addition Requesting a site coverage variance to construct single car garage to existing paved No modifications to the existing driveway. Description: Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROA.D vArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 DEPARII{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLT]MBING PERMIT .Job Address: 742 SANDY LN I-,OCAIiON...: 742 A SANDY I,ANE Parcel No.. : 2101-063-15-010 Project, No.: iTOBSITE AT AIL TIMES Permit #: P96-0140 Status. . AppIied. Issued. . E:qlires. FIIiIAL 09 / 04 /L996 oe/04/L996 03 / 03 /Le97 APPLICAItl:T VAIL VALLEY PLI'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRAqTOR VAIL VALLEY PLUI,IBING & HEATING Phone:. 303949',1771 Phone: 303949777L 15.O0 .00R€Etsualatrt Plan Ravicw- - > TOTA! FEES----- Total calculaeed Fort---> 21.7s Addltional Fc.E--------->. o0 OWNER Description: INSTATJIJ GAS LINE FROM METER TO GARva1uation:725.00 *r**'r*trrr**ir!r.rr*t*r*rrt**t* PEB SWMARY P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 81520 cuFFEY BErrY / 77=o e 7{742 sANDy r.,N, vArr_, co BLG,T <v4 _ 7 A / ( J,n/ /--zU-f Z?e_ Plunbing-----> Plan Chcck- - - > Invasbigatsion> .oo Total Peroit FcG--_-----> 2l-7s Will Call----> 3.OO Pa!,bcnE!t------- 2L-75 BAIANCE DUE-- - - IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARII'IEIiTT DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON: O9/04/L996 CHARLIE Act,ion: APPR CHARLIE DAVISitam;'o56oo-Fine-DspARfl,tErl - Dept: FrRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI, ---L. FIELD INSPECIIONS ARE REO'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE2. AI,r.L WORK MUST COMPLY WITH TTIE 1994 UPC. t *tj, ti l| t t t + t* * t t ' * t ti t !}r t I_- DECI,AR,ATIONS I h.r6by .cknovl.dga bhrts I hrv€ rcad chis .pplicatsion, fillsd outs in futl lhr infornacion requircd, coDplctsd .n .cculatsc plot plan, and 6bate thats all the inforrnalion provid€d a6 r€quir€d i6 corrcct. I aErcc to co[p].y nitsh th. infornation and plot plan, tso comply t'ihh all Tot.n ordinance6 and Ftat6 lans, and to build bhir 6tsructsurc accordinE to tshc Torn'E zoning and Bubdi.vision cod€6, design rcwie!, approv€al, uniforn Building code and oth6r ordinanccs of lhc Town applicabLe tshelrto. REQI'ESTS POR BE UADE TIi,ENTY.FOIJR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TE],EPHONB AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM A:OO A.M 5:OO PM SIGT{ATURE OF OIINER OR CONT?ACTOR 'OR HIUSEIJF AND OTINER Lof 3 (?.tL 7 O TOViN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 9?O-479-2138 Ptua$ing---) Ptan ch.ck---> InvestigEt ion> Uitt c!tt--> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT 4\l"rgl DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT Permit #: ?**.1 < ,7*,/ F' /'r ALL TIMES P9 6-014 0 Job Address: Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: APPLICANT VAIL VALLEY PLI'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VAIL VAIJLEY PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 81620 OWNER GUFFEY BETTY 742 SANDY LN, VArL CO 81657 Description: INSTAIL GAS LINE FROM METER TO GARValuation: 15.00 Rcstuarant Plln Rcvicrr-->1.75 TOTAL FEES----- .00 3.00 .00 Totrl cEtcutat.d Fces--> 21.75 Additionat F.es------> Total Permit fcc--------> Pryncnts------- BALANCE oUE--------> Status...: ISSUED App1ied..t 09/04/Lge6 Issued...z 09/04/1996 Expires . . z 03/03/L99'1 Phonez 303949777L Phone t 30394977'11 725.00 21.75 .m 21 .75 21.75 .00 ***t*ffi**f**ffi****f,*** FEE SUl4l'lARY ttl*r*ffi*rr*tr*Jr*#.**ffi ******t ****tffi*r**#***Rt**rrtr**flt**ffi*i*tl*fr**i******* rtem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 09/04/t996 CHARLTE Action: APPR CHARLTE DAVrS *l*,*i firr#r*****t*****r**ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IANCE2. ALL WORK l"IitST COMPLY WITH THE 1994 UPC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHledga that t have paad this apptication, fitted out in futt the informat ion required, coltPteted an ptan, .nd statc th.t !!t th. infornation provided as rcquircd is correct. I agrcc to coety ttith the inforration io conrpl,y lrith stt To},n ordinancos and ctat. Lavs, and to buil,d this structurc according to the Tornrs zoning and codcs, design revicv approved, UniforF Buitding codc and other ordinancrs of the Toen appl,i cabl,e thrPcto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE NADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47F213E.9R AT'UR OfTICE TROII accuratr plot md ptot pL!n, subdivisim 8:00 A|| 5:00 F 742 SANDY LN 2To:.-i163-rs-o 1o AND O}'NER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8165? 97 0-47 9-2138 Ptumbing----) 15 '00 Pf,an Ch.ck---> 3.75 DEPARTMENT OF COWUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address. 742 SANDY LN Location. .. | '742 A SANDY LANE ParceL No.. : 2101-063-15-010 Project No.: APPL]CANT VAIL VALLEY PLI'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VAIL VALLEY PLT'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 81620 OWNER GUFFEY BETTY ?42 SANDY LN, VAIL CO 81657 Description: INSTALL GAS LINE FROM METER TO GARValuation: ON JOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit +: P95-0140 Status...: ISSUED Applied..t 09/04/t996 lssued...z 09/04/1996 Expires . . z 03/03/L99'1 Phone z 303949'1771 Phone t 30394977'lL 725.00 ********ff******ffffitffif*** F EE SUI'lllARY rHrJ**Jiffi(rrffir*'tffi**r#f lt#f iHffi #< Totat csl,cutatcd Fecs---> 21.75Rcstuarant Ptan Rcvicv--> TOTAL FEES-----21 .75 .m ?1.7' ?1 .75 .@ Investigation> ui l,L c!tt----> .00 3.00 AdditionaI Fces---------> TotaI Permit Fee-*----> P!ynents BALANCE DUE----- ffi ffi *ffiffi*ffr*****tr***rr*.i'|tJr** rren: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 09/04/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS ***ffi ******f******irlrtrt *lrt*Hr**f rf iffif ***Rk*********ffi kffi ffi ti*ffi Jrf i**t*t****ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH THE 1994 UPC. DECLARATlONS t hereby acknowtedga that I have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in futl, the in{ormation requi red, completed an accurate ptot pLan, aid state thit att thc 'inforration providcd as required is correct. I agree to conpl,y sith the intoroation and Plot Pt.n, to c6mpty Hith al,L Toyn ordinanccs and statr talrs, and to buil,d this structure acconding to the Tolrn's zoning and subdivision codcs, dcsign rcviev approvcd, Uniforu Buitding codc and othcr ordinances of thc ToHn app[icabte thlrcto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IADE TI,IEI{TY-FOI'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A1 479-21 e"".""f otfi". OPArCC1./I .- TOT,IN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMTT APPLICATTON FORM DATF! 4--7-ql-"--'4 / APPLICATIoN IIUST BE FILLED OUT CoMPIJTELY OR rT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED If***************************** PER!{fT INfORUATfON **************:t** ******** ****/l .-[ ]-Building 6/zf-prunbing [ ]-Erectricat [ ]-uechanibat [ ]-other Job Name:Job Addre"=. 7fl Legal Description:Block_ Filing Ohtners Name: Architect:Ph. General Description:Gffi Nunber of Dwelling Units; ).Nunber of Acconnodation Units: ^ l$tuber and llpe of Flreplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ wood/pellet_v 'r* * * * * ***************************J VALUATTONS ********************************* ' I pQ6_ ot4oBUTLDTNG: nr,gcfnrcir,:'f oTHER: S rtLi,'MBrlic: F- MEcndilfiii r:; ;ffi;; ----- vrr* ***** * * * * * ********** ****** coNrRAcToR TNFoRI{ATroN ******* **************** ****7 Eeneral Contractor: Address:Phone Number: ELectrical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. PERI-IIT Ji Address: Address: Ph. Plunbing Addr'ess: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE3 ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE *** *** ******* * * **************** BUTI.,DTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBTNC PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE3 RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI'fIT FEES: FOR EUTLDTNGS STGNATURE: ZONING3 STGNATURE: gLxAN nP DEPOSTT REFUND r0: 75 3outh fronlegr ro.d vlll, colorldo 81652 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 ottlce ol conmunlly dev.lopmcnl to: FROM: DATE: su&TEg!3 ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITIT TIIETO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORIG/COMr.|I NITY DEVEI.,oPMENI MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUC?TON PARKING & MATERIAI STORAGE rn Eu'nrnary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ritter, rrack or aepJsii ;t;;irl-rr"i, sand, debrisor naterial , including trasn Eunpsters, portabre toilets andworknen vehicles. upon any streetl sidewalk, alley or publicplace or anv portiin th#e;;:- itre rignt-of-way on a* Town ofvail streets ind_.I?"g" is alproxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wilr. be airi;iit"enforced by the To$rn of vair.Publi-c works oeoartment. --p"tllns touna .,rii,riring this ordinancewil-t be siven a-24 hour rrir[;;';"ti""-t"-;;;;;:'="id nareriar.fn the event the person so notified d.oes not cornply with thenotice within an:__r1 f,"ui-tiL.-Jpecified, the pultic worksDepartment will remove said nateiiut -"t the expense of personnotified' The provisions-or-'tiris orainance sharr not beapplicabte to c-onstruction, ,uirri"rrurrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any "iirii."= rn the right-a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful1 , please stop by the Tov,rn of::li.::il3*"3"";Hif*:*"::-'oriii" a copv. rirani vou ror your Rea Y d and acknowledged by: o s-t l41E y'kl. frJ..Jocr,a/ Te+ il*tD bJehe 4€E &..4ll +h, F *Fpe^te. 't11 :OZ% -- I:Tb.i\ d e{ tul ' '|^ ! ^ D"k.c' $Tr apprblc< u'O"'-- ,^/U 7".gr. A (.o,^^%. l5f}\ . / ".P, y72**c! /A ,*eL-// ae?4, e{ Z o 7^.1rrl a- &tnle , Fronr: Dirk Mason1[o: Dodnic l.iauriello, Gcorge Ruthergubject: Camp161 ulrdatc -==NOTE===== I Just spoke wiEh RoEer L,a crolx (the landscaper) about the poseible material chango of the on grade patios. H€ has lnformed me that they have stopped work untll the orners get thingE ironode out. He saLd the paElod have not becn installed ae o€ yet. Page: 1 TOWN OF VAIL Category Number ProieclName: z/-,,.-rt,':, - .lnr(,,',,(:.I)' l,', ^' Building Name: P@ect Description: r',,- rJ.^ o.(i t .{n.lt', . oesliheview Action rornl Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvoontact, Address and Phone: L€gal Description: Lot -, atock )J( Project Street Address: Subdivision Zone District Comments: c c,,r ql 61n^. I n i -^ 61, . Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: D Approval ! Disapproval dstatnRRroval Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid -.).r', \)9"-' W:AzPM Town or vAu @4-eL-7997 * c' s i I r4e * o o t " " "' "u',,"r,, 1,1-, .,; " n:;; T,,L rri - r** .dPPLTCATION FOR DESTGN REVIEW APPROVAI, ' cEt{,t:R4r |NF(}RMAT|ON Thi6 application is f<rl any projoct raquiring Dcsign Rcvicw npproval. Any proJcct rcquiring desigr rcvlcw ntusl' rs.rrcivo Dcsign Roviarv approvel lr$igr t$ s{tbmitting for a buildiDg pcnrrit. For'spccific inform*irn, ssc thc srrbmittat rcqrrircntcrlts for lhc partrcrrlar aPpioval thst i$ rcqua.ltcd, Tho application cannot be a<rcoptod until alt tho roquir.od intbrnration is subnrittcd- Thc projr:ct may also ncc{ to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc ptqnning on<l Environtrrcnhll Comnris:ion. Design Rovicw Boerd rpprovel crpiros ono ycrr eftti finrl approvrl unle$ s building pormlt ls issuctt *nd corrstruction ir $t rtcd. I A. DBSCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LoT: 3 B PI{YSICAL ADDTIESS: ZONING: F. NAMEOF OWNHR(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S) NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: .fYPE OF REVIEW ANDFEE:E Ncw Construsrion - $200E Addiaion - Q4tlq PrfoNE: a-aL- €sgL PHONE: Construction ofa ncw building. Includcs any additior whcrc squarc foohge is added to any rsidantial or cont'rrcrcial buikling. Includcs minor ch$ngcs to buildingr and sitc improvclrcnts. zuch ar. rcvoofiog, painting. window additions, landrcaping, fcnccs and rctaining walls. ctc. For arSr application whcrc thc opplicant wishq$ to mc{t with Dcsigrr Rcvicw. Boad rc dctcnninc tvhcthcr or not tbc projcct gcnsalty complics with tho : dcsign guiddincs" Thc DRIJ d{rcs not vote on concq)hral rcvicrvs. G. dMiooretrcrrtlirn - $s0 $20 : trl.Corccpturl Rcyicw - $0 DRB fes el'e to bc paid at thc time of subnrittql. Latcr. whcn aSrplying for a building pcnrrit. pt-*c i&ntify thc ac0urate valuation of thC projcCt Thc Town of Vail will adjust $tfe.e according to tfr" prol&t ,r.traior.r. Pt,tsAsE suBMlT THls APlLIcATtoN, ALL siJBMrrrAL REeUTREMENTS An D THE FEE To rrrp,DEPARTMENT OF CDMMUNTTY DEVELOPMONT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, i VAIL,COLORATX) 81657. Cit{4.rlue - Ft-€ftS€ SrGN + t=A\c BActr d{t_ lSe]uO T-o tsor.rr L6,7 tJ * t t ?a . qAt r^{€t Updatcd lrJT TOTH- P.A2 qr'? - "?f?1td - zno€ TX/RX N0.113404/2r/97 18:23 P.002 BERLINER ZISSER WALTER 6. GALLEGOS ATTORNEYS AT LA\,lr' ONE NOR\^r'EST CENTER surTE z+700 ITOO LINCOLN STR E ET oENVER, cOLORAOO eOzO3-4547 t3o3) a3o-r70o FAX (3O3t A3O-r7O5 EMA| L bzwg@bzwg,co.n Larry D. Gallegos June 17, 1997 Mr. Charles Campisi Vital Corp. 1 17 East 24th Street NewYork, NewYork 10010 Mr. Charles Campisi 742 B Sandy Lane Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Violation of Condominium Declaration Covenants Our Ref: 71084.002 Dear Mr Campisi: This Firm represents Ms. Betty Guffey concerning the work you have undertaken at the duplex in Potato Patch in Vail, Colorado. ln this regard, we have been informed of the modifications you have made to the exterior of the structure without Ms. Guffey's consent. Ms. Guffey's prior written consent is clearly required by the "Condominium Declaration for Lot 3, Vail/Potato Patch Second Filing Condominiums" dated January 30, 1980 (the "Declaration"). The Declaration was recorded March 4, 1980 in Book 299 at Page 596 in the records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorde/s office and its requirements, therefore, "run with the land," which means the covenants of the Declaration are binding upon you due to your ownership of a condominium unit. This letter will formally notify you that you have violated the Declaration in numerous respects, and that our client intends to commence an action to redress those violations, unless conective steps satisfactory to our client, as shown by her written consent, are promptly undertaken. Violations. Among the violations to which our client objects are the following: Installation of two fumace exhaust pipes, which emit clouds of noxious odors and gases and noises beneath her living room windows. Leaving a dumpster in front of house for at least six months of the last 12 months. v BERLINER ZISSER WALTER & GALLEGOS ^ PROIESSIONAL CO"POF|ATION ATTORNEYS AT LA\^/ Mr. Charles Campisi June 17, 1997 Farta a The proposed installation of two exterior patios, to be accessed by two unapproved installed exterior doors. Installation of exterior light fixtures beneath her bedroom windows. lnstalling skylights in the roof. Leaving construction debris and materials and a dumpster on the property. Installation of stucco surfacing beyond that for which consent was given. Our client has not consented to any of these activities, as required by the Declaration, and insists that they be corrected immediately. Any corrective measures you propose must also have the prior written consent of our client. Requirements of the Declaration. Even a brief review of the Declaration reveals that your modifications, which were not approved by Ms. Guffey, were made in violation of the Declaration. Specifically, paragraph 10 of the Declaration states (in relevant part): No damage to, or waste of, the common elements or any part thereof shall be committed by any owner, or by any member of the owner's family, by any guest or invitee of an owner, and each owner shall indemnify and hold the other owner harmless against all loss resulting from any such damage or waste caused by him, the members of his family or his guests and invitees. No structural alterations to any condominium unit or any common element shall be done by any owner without the prior written approval of the other owner. No used or secondhand structure, no building of a temporary character, no . . . shack, or outbuilding shall be placed or used on the subject property, either temporarily or permanently; except . . . during the period of construction of an approved and allowed improvement.... Except as provided herein, no exterior additions . . ., alterations or deenrations shall be commenced, erected or maintained without the prior written approval of the owners . . . . All landscaping and gardening shall bd accomplished or undertaken only by or with the written approval of the owners. BERLINER ZISSER WALTER 6. GALLEGOS A PiOFESSIONAL COiFOFIA'ION ATTORNEYS AT LA\^.| Mr, Charles Campisi June 17, 1997 Page 3 No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any condominium unit, nor shall anything be done or placed upon the subject property which is or may become a nuisance or cause embanassment, disturbance, or annoyance to others. No lights shall be emitted from any condominium unit which are unreasonably bright or cause unreasonable glare; . . . ; and no odor shall be emitted from any condominium unit which is noxious or offensive to others. Remedies for Violation of Declaration. In addition to your duty to indemnify and hold Ms. Guffey harmless from any liability relating to your alterations, the Declaration imposes other obligations upon an owner who violates its terms, including (without limitation) payment of "default assessments", imposition of a lien on your unit, liability for repair and reconstruction, as well as enforcement by injunction and restraining order. These remedies may be awarded in either an arbitration or legal proceeding. The Declaration specifically states that no delay in making a claim for violation of the Declaration shall impede an owner's right to do so thereafter. Relevant Colorado Law. Many Colorado cases have addressed the enforceability of recorded covenants, and have held that such covenants should be strictly enforced in the same manner as any other contract concerning real estate. Several of these cases are discussed below. Lookout Mountain v. Viewpoint,867 P.zd 70 (Colo. App. 1993). The Colorado Court of Appeals held that restrictive covenants "run with the land" so long as they "touch and concem" the land. As the Declaration has been recorded, its requirements meet this criteria. Wilson v. Goldman,699 P.2d 420 (Golo. App. 1985). In this case, the Colorado Court of Appeals states that protective covenants "must be construed as a whole and interpreted in view of their underlying purposes". The Court held that courts should construe the terms in favor of enforcement of the covenants. Norrisv.Phillips,626P.zd717(Golo.App.1981). TheColoradoCourtofAppealsheld that covenants are a recognized method used to prevent construction of nonconforming improvements and to assure properg owners, through approval of building and site plans, that their plans conform to a common scheme. WestAlamedaHeights HOAv. Boardof County Commissioners,45S P.2d 253 (Golo. 1969). The Colorado Supreme Court held that restrictive covenants will be enforced so that the original purpose of those covenants can be accomplished, even though the use of the land may have changed over time and no person would suffer any dgmage by violating those covenants. Deviation from the covenants may only be allowed where the neighborhood has so changed as BLRLINER ZISSER WALTER 6. GALLEGOS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Mr. Charles Campisi June 17, 1997 Page 4 to make it "impossible any longer to secure in substantial degree the benefit sought to be realized through the performance of the building restriction". Rhue v. Cheyenne Homes, |nc.,449 P.2d 361 (Golo. 1969). The Colorado Supreme Court stated that it intentionally gives great latitude to the vague and open-ended nature of restrictive covenants, so long as "the intention of the covenant is clead'. Restrictive covenants for the benefit of all owners "are valid and not against public policy, and are enforceable in equity against all purchasers". Conclusion. Given the duty of Colorado Courts to strictly enforce restrictive covenants, and the lack of written consent to your alterations to the property, we believe Ms. Guffey will prevail in an arbitration or legal action. Indeed, your defense of that action may well be seen as "frivolous and groundless", entitling Ms. Guffey to an award of attorney fees against you. Accordingly, we ask that you promptly contact me in writing with your suggestions for corrective measures. Please do not contact Ms. Guffey directly, as she prefers to have you deal only with me from this time forward. Very truly yours, LDGjls cc: Ms. Betty Guffey BERLINER ZISSER WALTER ,nll*di."lrti i: lt"vAILl, COIrnEAqq -.., UU r .j I l,lc. BOARD APPI,ICATTON . DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: PROJECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: I. A. O TOI{N OF D REVIBI{ 'e' ..vr..A a/17 /gtl DESTGN .I" . *t*la**ata B.TYPE OF REVTEW: New Construction ($200. 00)Addirion (950.00) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRTPT Subdivision X uinor Alr.erarion ($20.00) Conceptual neview (90) c. D. ff property is described bydescription, please provideto this appLication. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and at.Lach E. F. I. .t. ZONING: NAME OF Mailing APPI.ITCANT: Address: G.NAI,TE OF Mailing APPLICANT ' S REPRESENTATIVE: Address:o t-\ H.NAI{E OF O}IINER(S): u_ 't'..^ ' J._q ',l'tl.,rL.[,rMailing Address: APPLrcATroNs wrrrL Nor aE PRocEssBD ?Irrilow owNER,s srerIATuRE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thebime of submittal of the DRB application. Liter, whenapplying for a building permit; prease identify the accurat,evaluation of the proposal. The iown of vail will adjusl thefee according to the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $400. 00 $s00. 00 ONE YE,AR AFTER FTNAIJ ISSUED AI\TD CONSTRUCrION FEE pArp, 020,60 cHEcK #,2?4-l pArE, tolz- By,L/nlk,671s FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ o $ 1o,ooo $ 10,001 $ 50,000s50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 s500,001 - $1,000,000g Over 91,000,000 DESIGN RSVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPTRBS APPROVAIJ ITNIJESS A BUIIJDING pBRI,trT fSrS STARIED. !' ,,a"t O" Or'"*rt*r? NAI.IE OF PRO.IECT: IJEGAIJ IDESCRIPTION: I,oT_L BIJocK t^Lft-g*DrvrsroN P.tl- PJ r STREET ADDRESS: The following informat,ion ie reguired for submit.tal Review Board before a final approval can be given: TYPB OT UATERTAIJ to the Design COIJoR A. BUfIrDrNc UATERIALTS: Roof Siding Other litall Materials Fascia Soff i rs Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flueg Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior L,ighting Other Designer: Phone: B.LN.IDSCAPfNG: Name of t',PrJAnr Qoor, PROPOSED TREES A}ID SHRUBS Botanical Name I|!-"*r ouanrirv Size* M€ec- :I:d:::::..:.1lrp:I f or decidu-ous rrees. Minimum catinerL--il;icaE T;E;;*il;coniferous Lrees. Minimun heioht for coniieroustrees is 5 feet-**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 oallon. GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRICATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footade c.LANDSCA'PE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior f.ighting is proposed, preaseshow the number of fixrures and ioiatioi"-on=i-llparatelighting plan. Ideneify eactr iixture from the light.ing planlT -ttt" space berow and provid" itr" height above grade, tlpe ofl-tSn!.proposed, lumen ouLput, lurninous area and a cut sheet ofthe tighc fixrure. (section iA.it.050 ,r) oTHER LAI\IDSCAPE FEATURES (reEaining waIls, fenceg, swinningpools, eEc. ) please- specifv. rnai6ate h;ighil-;e 't"e"inirrgwarts. Maximun heishr or wirrs "irni.r, d;?;;r; serback is3" Maximum height-of watrs-eisernere o"-*r"-pioierty is 6,. D. lign Review Action nt TOWN OF VAIL catesoryNumber o""OC*,4r1b Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Architecvoontact, Address and Phone: LegalDescription:Lot3B|ock2-s,ooiui.ioMzoneDistrict Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval I Disapproval p(Staff Approval Conditions: .F.-., DRB Fee Pre-paio 1R 40'OPA. /\,tL.6urer'- Wlff, vtVU<- Town Planner . ,- Cil^Date'. (z'(,f 4 t t,o f^T, "?,.1, -qs.lt L i s hts Steps Ground Cover I Ylgrg " high degree of tighr snrerotng ts required, this fixture rs an exce ent choice for lighting palnways, border areas or planters, The small comoact shape blends nicely with surrounding plants and ground cover. Speclflcauons Hood: Spun aluminum sup_po(ed on brass rods Stem: Cast aluminum with l/1, N.PT at bottom br mountino Socket: Porcelain medium"bas with silicone lamp qasket Wlrlng: No. ,lBAWM rated 1OS"l Flnlsh: Iextured green baked enamel Typicalquadrant 40W. A-tg l.F. Incandescent Sugg€stod Moun ng Opfi on Arcnttectural J_Box, Below Grade Junction Box, or ponab Spear. See Page C2-25. Lamps by others. 5', \\:1" 3',\.o\\\ ? .8 ls- \ \\\ 52\\\ 12! 4'5', Eu.t-gg aowR-rgrn"anoffi dlgn Review Action |ltl TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phonej Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 5 Block Project Stre€t Address: Comments: Zone District -=rc**q"ja"D Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval D Disapproval lstaff npprouat /")on,on.' DRB Fee Pre-paid '-t'|f l '!+r, -' ' TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbe( x-/ /o*e 7./ t'l / 76 -// Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: -Q^ ,*8 , .,Q0 . ,:tl nn tJ, .+l- ,4,,,. , V. .- ,.- +1, n,,. Jk ,,! o^J -; !- - owner,Addressanaenone: lAorl;e (n^ ,.;':; '-J1? C,.^J,-, l^.u- ( \,E Co '7t( 5'-' /1 ,6 - {5N6 ArchitE[conrag$ddressandpnone: D^(.,q 4,.--l C.^s'l*.{','.,. ?/*s Fr. 8". f??57 Legaf Description: Lot I Block ? gu56;v;s;ep (.r ^:-! -i) Z/ S -r/yJq ,ras?/ ''7one District ? Project Street Address:7al Z e,47.rr ? L,\a)z-! taff Action -.- Motion by: Seconded by: (APproval a Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: lt | |Yl . -J. . -l- -v -T-\l?F- ftlAqo"J Town Planner .if o^n a - I 7 -' 76 DRB Fee prc-p^dTTo u T42SandyLane,B -Wl/2 This Potato Patch home is located at the end of the cul-du-sac! Spectacular views south of Vail Mountain and valley views west. Hot tub and deck overlook Vail Mountain! 3,200 square feet, approx.! Close to skiing and Birs stop! Can be converted to gas! Great short-term rental potential! Huge rooms throughoutl T'he master bedroom & bath are incredible! Woodburning Fireplace! Windorvs everywherel Don't miss this fabulous I'Iome! $590.000. 'lell wrur friend.t. aooaoaooooaoooao oooooooooooooaoooaaoooooooo Call Me Beverly Koller, oo GRT ThcinfonnationconlrincdhcIcinis|imish.dbythcown€r1otllcbcstoftcikI t.ipniibility forcdrccnresr. lltc ialeomcri'rgii m6(lc slbicctlo erntrs, on ssnlr3..fansc ofpricc,tnr)r srlc orwithdrrwal irithout notice. ln acco!danccqithihclr\thi|propcrtyi'o'Tclc.l\ai|hlnt.spccttoh.c'.o|o'.cl.cd'icx'nali.'t^Il'i8nl.t'l 10 West Beaver Creek Boulevard, Suite 221 . Avon Each office 16 hd€p€rd€r{t owned and op€ral€d. Exclusive Features of l42Sandy Lane, B -W ll2 O Potato Patch Area o Vail Mountain Viewso Furnished o 2nd Master Bedroom O River Rock Fireplace o Great Deck WHot Tub o Propane Grill & Hot Tub o Den with Murphy Bed o Kichen Counter WStools o Separate Storage Garageo Located On Cul-Du-Saco Huge Master Bath Areao Bidet o Jacuzzi Tub o Dressing Area o Huge Stall Shower o South & West Views o Laundry Closet o Many Storage Closets o Trash Compactor O Tile Floor in Kitchen o Close To Skiing & Buso Oversized Rooms o Cathederal Ceilings C,AT r RES ,r PROPERT'II SUUI|ARY ** Actlv€LtloT193 LLIL6 llLsl:001430 Area3 Adz742 sNfDY LN. 05 SubsVAfL POTAIO PABCI| (lfEsl sIDl) Fll:2 BIk:0 LP:$ 595,OOO zoningsL,ot:3 ASU:9458 Llvl,ng Area:3,375 FttR : F DR3 Car s ! LRt lP r tl Kf3 DR 3 Y Dlf3 Fn !l| 81: LOFfs B.2. IoFrr lf 83: IIA : tl 84: lytolDuP Acrs O.OO Lot YBsl9aO BDs3 L/Bd:tf tr833 3l4zO CourtB r N CSA3 N lat Loans 0 llot Eubs lf fnt Rat€ s 0.0OO Saunr t lf uth Pnt ! 0.oo Water H:O /cal PITf : O.OO l€ncer If Landers Solallumsl{ Assum Fe6: Buss lg Golf! l{ 2nd Loan: O No, of L€v€ls 3 2 lerma: Conentionl Sq/Ft: Lt,O62 L/2zO RE Tax:3142 Yr: 91 xfr Tx Pald BylB R Fe€:O lO Ug Co3 Avg UtLl: O Ren rksr NEXrDq)R IO PqfAtC, PATCII CLUB, PAIIORA}iTC VIEI|S OT \TAIL }rrtf. LIVING ROOI{ YTTTH HIGH VAI'LTED CEILII{CS AI{D HUGB RIVER ROCK FIREPL READy !O REUODEL, ROOU FOR 2-CAR GARAGE R€ntal Apt s Bedro@B s o Sq.ft :0 Loft: Bath6t O Kitchen: Leaae Expires s Fee: O F€e Expir€s ! RCS: Flreplace: O llonthly Rental Ant: O ASSESS-Not Applic G8Or.G -tlot in GSA OCCUPI-Vacant IRANSF-Buyer PayE @NsTR-Frame LAITNDR-Waah€r PROPSD-@nentlonl FLR co-F wall Crp LAUNDR-Dryer PHCIIO -Take Photo eARAGE-lcr Garage LISTG -Exclug Rgt PossEs-Dellv Deed *r. Jnformation deened reliable, but not guaranteed. *** E vt 6 alt1 l9a DBSIGIN RBT'ITEIV DESCRTPTION: BOARD APPLTCAEION - EOIIN OF VAIIT, COITORAITO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRA MEETING: I. A. !t*******!t* ata**taa*!r PROiIECT IIIFORIIATIOIT : B.TYPE OF REVIEgI: New Construction (9200. 00) -Jeidition ($50.00)_l_Minor Alrerarion ($20.00) :Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. ADDRESS z 7tL **anbnu LEGAL DESCRIPTIQ{:. Lot 3Subdivigien ?otrlrzr euTil BLoeX Z If property is described bydescription, please provideto thiE applicarion. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal- and attach F F. ZONING: ?l+ NAII{E OF Mailing APPI.IICAIiIT: Address: Phone G.}.]AME OFr'railing Address: APPIJICAI.IIT I S REPRESENTATIVE : H. NAME OF OWNER(S): ffiNER(SI SIGIITI.INIRE:Mailing Address: FEE SCHEDI'I.TE: VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -g 150,000 9150,001 - $ 500,000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000g Over $1,000,000 DBSI(tr{ REIrIEW DOARD APPRO\TEIJ EXPIRBS APPRO\TAL IINIJESS A BUU,DING PERUIE ISIS STARTBD. Phone FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 O{B BAR AF'ITER FXIITIJ ISSI'ED eI{D COCSTRUCAION Phone I. .t. APPTJTcA'rroNs wrrrrr Nor BE PRocEssED wrrilow onNER,s srGfrdAlnnB Condominium Approval if appj.icable. DRB FEE: DRE fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetine of submittal of the DRB application. Llter, whenapplying for a building permit, please ideutify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The bown of vail wiLl_ adjust thefee according to the table beLow, to ensure the correct feeis paid. II. A pre-applicacj.on meeting with a menber of che planningstaff is encouraged to deternine if any additionalappLicat,ion infor:mation is needed. It is the applicant,gresponsibil.ity to make an appointments with the staff todetermine if there are additionaL snbmit,tal requirenents.please note that a COlrtpLETn application will streanline thereview process for your project. rII. rupoRTAt[T !l(}rrgE REcAnDIT[c ALr, SttBt[IssroNs Io IIIE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submit,tal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the pioject site toindicate property lines, building Lines and buil.dingcorners.' AlL trees to be resroved must be talled. Allsite tapings and staking must be compLeted piior to the DRB site-visit. The applicant must ensure tbat stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. llhe review procesa for NEUI BUfIJDINGS no::rrally requirestwo separate meetings of tbe Desigm Review Boardi aconceptual review and a finaL review. C. applicants who fail to appear before the Desigm ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notaEked in advance that discusgion on their itenr beposEponed, will have their itens renoved from the DRBagenda until such time ae the item has beenrepublished. D. The following iterrs tnEry, at the discretion of thezoning adninistrator, be approved by the Comrunl_ty Development Department 6taff (i.e. a forrral hearingbefore the DRB may not be reguired): . a. Wir,'dows, skyligbts and similar ext.erior changeswhinh do not al_ter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not visible from any otber lotor public apace. At the time euch a proposal issuburitted, applicants must include Let,teis fromadjacent property ovrmera and,,/or from the agent, foror mandger of any adjacent condominiun associationstating the associat,ion approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. srrow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wet1and. etc.), a hazard study must be subnitted andthe owner must sigm an affidavit recogmizing the hazardreport prior to the isguance of a building perrnit.applicantB are encouraged to check with a Tocrn plannerprior to DRB application to deternine the relationshipof the property to al.l napped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the fl_oor plans the insideface of the exterior structuraL walLe of thebuilding; and b. rndicate with a dashed Line on the site pl.an afour foot distance fror the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting colunns. G. If DRB approves the appl_ication with conditions ornodifications, all conditions of approval qnrst beaddressed prior to tbe application for a buildingpernit. t.l 07r?6,'$6 l0:1:' Fr.\ 970178t901 roelr.4 ?/J,4 r9. DESIGN N.EVIEW BOAXI] AFPLI FRITZLE\ PIERCE E RECETVED; DATE IDRB MEETING:t*t,r+ TOWN OF 'i'AIL, COI,ORADO @ oo1 BE SCHEDALED FOR PSVIEW.*t.,r,Ff***r** : I.PROI'ECT INFORMATTON: t1 - -X vinot Al-terati3n /.\'.\\. D - i , vu / \'IUJConceptual Rewiew BIOCK -Lr property is aescrileo Sdescription, plelase provideto thj.s applrcabion. ;F-.' a meeLs and bounds on a seDaraLe shee t I anr 'l =r.rl p'I a,^i_, r. .y.E OF .A-PFLTCANT , G €a?.1 C.11.)4 fl+ t "'.a:.i i_riq -Acdress . =*eEpE-,.- **yo= d),,/7V/-tn/-Q- --.--,--..., - p-none 2/-z i-/d_'= J;;- \FJ,IFJ': iIFPLICANT' 5 R:FRESEI,ITATIVE, #I-'- fiEP-.,''=Mar) ir.; r\ddress, I/-6j) V/_:t_ ___-_+_- Fhone _1_7& t_fu+:-a _ rl, /ti p@"lEl__€rsN4 rltj.E: APPLICATTONS '{JI,L NOT EE PNOC.SS5SD il-IT}TOUY OhDTE'R'S sJGftEfUft.E '- - rricmi nr-L:m l\ppr.Oval j_f applicabl-€. llF,H sEE : DRE I ees , as shown above,\ are to be paid a t rheL::na.f subrnit,Lal of the DRB appli[arion. I.at_er. whenappli.ri1 f cr a iruildrr.g pernir, please iden:-fy Lhe accuratevalualic'n cf ';he orooosal - Thc T ora-n of Va:-I ..:.i_J_ adjusF- Lhetee dccririins Eo ih;=;;i;'nn'io",l :o ensure ,__..e correcL f ee v 1 .: lr-i r r l.rFF pr Tn . t F !'E' qr'llE nrr |.E, . _-._ CHECR #: _ _ oAlE-*._*_ VALUATION |? s p .l.t , UUU$ 10.001 $ sq,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 91s0,001 - $ s00,000$s00.001 $1,000.000$ Over $1.000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOAX! APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROV.\L TJNLESS A EUITDING FEFI,IIT I,SIS STARTED. El'. s i0.00 $ 50.00 9100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINE.L ISSUED AND CONSTRT'CTTON DHscp.rprr oN : -YE#JCF= EEe //"J i *+l TYFE OF REVIEW: _._*.I'Iero' Cons truc LiOn \'i.;tion ($50.00) U . .',lJL,f(,F-55:z D.i,E..IAL DESCRI Surcrirrision PTION: Lot : lr:'($200..00) IJIGAL DESCRIPUON: BTREET ADDEESS: The following infofinat,ion is Review Board before a finat A. BUrI,DING IIiATERIAJIS : Roof, Siclinq Crhet waLi. Material"s Fasc i a Scfl i cs tdrndows l'land or Deck Rails : -UeS t: I asirr ngs Ch iru.ey; Trash Enclosures Greer:hous es Recaining walls Ex t er j.or Li gh Ling OLher i,AI,IDSCAPING I Nane SION reguired for submiEcal apglroval can be (7ivea; TYPE OF MATERI.A! LOT I to the Deslign I coLO8,_ I '\{l Y On^aruil"(/) ?ea-rl-A4lr'- t .t ',i l I 1d { .i .l.t Il .1)i:,.i I ,l :| L ,.'; Designer:phone: I i 'I r:m of o /*E -r/ (4roS /" 44e Z/"4/ 4,"RJ //ry '' ea... {r-c-.+,^,c-.L\ *c Q,i.'tnS 4r'.a. OJ /t .to/ ao'-/ 4s oZ/U da/4 =tk*-.. <,'\. t*go <pa r.{ t-i,49 6Q€A. z{a hlne23,1997 George Lutler Community Development Town ofVail Vail, Colorado E1657 Dear George: The Landscape Modification Plan dated gllglgland revised l}lltg6is the OIll] hndscaping plan for 742 Sandy Lane in Potato Patch that I have approved or presented to the Town of Vail. That plan refers only to the placernent and types of trees, which were planted in 1996. I strongly oppose any patios or decks added to the space below my bedrooms. Stones appeared on plans "Preliminary Plan A and Preliminary Plan B. I did not approve these plans or give thent to you. Thank you for your conc€r\ Betty Guffey 742 A Sandy Lane Vail, Colorado 81657 JUI e3 <ft\ T0$c0ifl.m'uErI' t - FltE ccP" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Deccrnbcr 18. 1996 Departrnent of Community Deve lopment Ms. JcriCampisi | 146 Sandstonc Drivc Vail. CO 81657 RE: Appcal of Planning and Environmcntal dcnial of sitc coverage variance for742 Sandy Lanc/Lot 3, Vail Potato Patch, 2nd Filing Dcar Ms. Carnpisi: Thc Town Council, at its Dcccmbcr 17, 1996 mccting. unanimously uphcld thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission dcnial of your rcqucst for a sitc covcragc variancc in ordcr to construct an additional garagc on thc abovc rcfcrcnccd sitc. Thc Town Council madc thc following findings: | . That thc standanls ancl conditions imposcd by thc rcquircmcnts of Titlc l 8 (7-oning) havc not bccn rnct. 2. That thc granting of thc variancc will constitutc a grant of spccial privilcgc inconsistcnt with thc limitations on othcr propcrtics classificd in thc samc district. 3, Thcrc are no cxccptions, cxhaordinary circumstanccs, or conditions that are applicablc to this sitc that apply gcncrally to othcr propcrtics in thc . piimary/Sccondary Rcsidcntial zonc. In addition, any hardships which have becn prcscntal, havc becn self imposcd' 4. The strict intcrpretation, or cnforcemcnt of thc specificd regulation does not deprive the applicant ofprivilcgcs enjoyed by owners ofother properties in thc Primary/Sccondary Rcsidential district. Pagc I of2 {p *"*tto'utr a f f you havc any additional qucstions, plcasc fccl frcc to call mc at479-2148. Town Planncr cc: Kerry H. Wallacc Page 2 of 2 TO; FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department December 17, 1996 An appeal of a variance denial made by the Planning and Environmental Commission on September 23, 1996. The appellants were denied a site coverage variance to allow an additional one-car garage to be constructed at 742-8 Sandy Laneiunit B, Lot 3, Vail/Potato Patch, Second Filing. Appellants: Charles and Geri Campisi, represented by Kerry Wallace Planner: Dominic Mauriello I. SUBJECTPROPERTY Campisi project. Located at742-B Sandy Lane/Unit B, Lot 3, Vail/ Potato Patch, Second Filing. II. STANDING OF APPELLANT Statf believes the appellants have standing to file an appeal in this case as they are the owners of the subject property. III. BACKGROUND The Town Council tabled this appeal at the November 19, 1996 Council meeting. The item was tabled until December 17, 1996 at the request of John Goodman, attorney for the Campisi's. The appellants requested a site coverage variance ol 260.8 sq. ft. in order to construct a 300 sq. ft. one-car garage on the subject property. This duplex currently contains 2 enclosed garage spaces and this iequest would add a third. The allowable site coverage for this site is 3,403.8 sq. ft. (20%) and the proposal is for 3,664.6 sq. ft. (21.5%) of site coverage. The Planning and Environmental Commission, at their September 23, 1996 meeting, unanimously denied the site coverage variance and made the following findings (see attached minutes): 1. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent wittr the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. There are no exceptions, extraordinary circumstances, or conditions that are applicable to this site that apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone. In addition, any hardships which have been presented, have been self imposed [the PEC specifically added this provision to the lindings recommended by staffl. 3. The strict interpretation, or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential district. This duplex was approved by the DRB in 1979 and constructed in 1980. The duplex, as_originally approvdd, contained 3,7ffi dq. ft. of GRFA (as calculated in 1979). This site is allowed 3,951.9 sq. tt dt Cnfn. On March 3, 1979, a density variance for a 40 sq. ft. addition was denied by the PEC based on a finding that no hardship existed to justily the request. On September 21, 1988, a request for 500 sq. ft. of GRFA was approved under the 250 Ordinance. The structure now contains 4,502.8 sq. ft. of GRFA as calculated today. With two 250's, the site is permitted up lo 4,451.9 sq .ft. of GRFA. Therefore the site is 50.9 sq. ft. over on GRFA and is considered a legal nonconforming struclure with respect to GRFA. This structure also currently encroaches into both side setbacks. This is a pre-existing nonconforming condition and is not affected by the proposal. IV. NATURE OF THE APPEAL The appellants are appealing the PEC decision denying the site coverage variance. The appellants have provided additionaljustification for the variance which is attached. The appellants have also provided additionaliustification of how they will suffer practical ditficulties and/or unnecessary physical hardships if the site coverage variance is not granted (provided in attached materials). Staff has summarized theil statements below: a. The appellants will have insulficienl parking lor parking their own vehicles and for guests. The house will be restricted to one 300 sq. ft. garage for a 3,366 sq. ft. house. The Zoning Code allows up to 600 sq. ft. of garage space per unit' There is insufficient parking for the house, and snow storage in the winter months precludes parking in the driveway. Staff response: The driveway, as it currently exists, has the capability of storing 7 cars in addition to the 2 existing garage spaces, for a total of 9 parking spaces. The proposed garage does not add any additional parking to the site as it will be constructed upon the existing paved driveway. The appellants have mis-stated the square footage of the home and the exisling garage space. The entire home (both dwellings) contains 4,502.8 sq. ft. of GRFA and there are 2 existing 300 sq. ft. garages (one per unit)' This duplex is required 5 total parking spaces. Snow storage is lhe responsibility of the homeowner and snow can be stored or removed from the site in a variety of ways in order to maintain parking on-site. b. The construction of the garage will correct a serious drainage problem on the property. Stafl response: While this proposed garage may correct this drainage problem, there are numerous solutions to the drainage problem which do not involve constructing a garage. I c. The garage will provide additional needed storage as there currently exists very little storage area within the residence, particularly for storage of recreational equipment. Staff response: In July ol 1996, the appellants received approvals to perform a maior remodel to the exterior and interior of this duplex. No attempt was made in this remodel to provide additional storage space. On September 12, 1988, a DRB approvalwas given in conjunction with a 250 request to construct a storage area, labeled "Bike storage" on the first level of this structure (see attached elevation and floor plan). The storage area was 250 sq. ft. As part of the '1996 DRB approvals, this storage area was eliminated and converted to living area. lt appears that the lack of storage area on this property is a self imposed situation. d. The variance would correct the serious security problem which exists for the owner of Unit A. Staff response: The owner of Unit A has a staircase and a door on the east elevation of the home. This door opens to a bathroom in the unit. The door is perceived as the front entry to the home and according to the owner, people oflen come to this door. The staff understands the security issue with this doonvay. However, the proposed garage addition is not the only solution to correct this problem. For example, a deck without stairs to the ground could be constructed which would prevent persons from approaching the door; or the stairs could be removed and the door replaced with an egress window, thus preventing access. There are a number of other solutions which could correct this problem. The stairs that exist now do not meet the Building Code requirements. The Building Code requires a landing at the top of the stairs as well as hand rails. Staff and the PEC can find no justification for the hardship based on the Zoning Code criteria for granting a variance. V. REQUIREDACTION Uphold/Orerturn/Modify the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of a 260.8 sq. ft. site coverage variance. The Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with Section 18.66.030 (5) shown below: 5. Findings. The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title have or have not been met. Further, if the Town Council chooses to overturn or modity the PEC denial of this variance, the Town Council shall consider the tollowing factors and make the following findings related to the granting ol a variance: A. Consideration of Factors: 1 . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution ol population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. B. The Town Council shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site ol the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant ol privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. VI. STAFF RECOIIMENDATION Statf recommends that the Town Council uphold the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of a 260.8 sq. ft. site coverage variance and recommends that the Town Council make the following findings: 1 . That the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 18 (Zoning) have not been met. 2. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 3. There are no exceptions, extraordinary circumstances, or conditions that are applicable to this site that apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone. In addition, any hardships which have been presented, have been self imposed. 4. The strict interpretation, or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential district. F:\sveryonetsscvnemobempbi.dl 7 '.b Sites receiving site coverage variences: l. 4289 Nugget Lane (Wilhelm) approved April. 1992 Lot size: 4.61 7 sq. ft. Platted under Eagle County jurisdiction **(site coverage variance for GRFA not garage) 2. 1886 West Gore Creek Dr.(Donna Mumma) approved February. 1993 Lot size: 10.159 sq. ft. Platted and built under Eagle County jtrisdiction 3, 2576 Davos Trail (Ricci) approved March 13, 1995 Lot size: I1,242 sq. ft. Platted and built under Eagle County jurisdiction 4. . 2409 Chamonix Lane (Taylor) approved May, 1993 Lot size: 8,921 sq. ft. Platted and built under Eagle County jurisdiction 5. 2942 Bellflower @ean/Rousch) approved July, 1993 Lot size: <10,000 sq. ft. Platted and built under Eagle County jurisdiction Campisi Site: 742 Sandy Lane, Potato Patch Lot size: 17,019 sq. ft. Platted and built under Town of Vail jurisdiction MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL M December 17, 1996 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: t EETING A.regular meeting of the Vail Town Councilwas held on Tuesday, December 17, 1996, in the CouncilChambers of the Vail Municipal Building. The meeting was called io order at approximately 7:30 p.M. Robert W. Armour, Mayor Sybill Navas, Mayor Pro-tem Kevin Foley Rob Ford PaulJohnston Ludwig Kuz MichaelJewett MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFIC|ALS pRESENT: Bob McLaurin, Town Manager Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk The first item on the agenda was Citizen Participation. Local attomey, Mary lsom, appeared before Councilwith her client, Bob Schultz, owner of the Vail and Lionshead popcorn wagons, and Lori Fennese, apotential buyer of the businesses. lsom said she wished to discuis the Toin's lease with Mr. SchulE,which is due to expire in December of 1997,.and _the transferring of that lease to tne potential purchaser.Mayor Armour stated the item was scheduled for Council discusiion in the spring of 1g97. Town AttorneyTom Moorhead stated that the negotiation of leases with the Town was typically h'andled by his office, and,that to his know-ledge, such an issue had never before been brought io a council meeting. Tom furtherinformed Council members that he had talked to Ms. lsom about the issue and said he told her the Townwould honor the lease_and the provision of assignment. He said that he had not heard back from her. Atthat time, Councilman Rob Ford reiterated that the Council would not consider renewing the lease until thespring of 1997. Item number two on the agenda was the consent agenda which consisted of the following items: A' ordinance No.-25, Series of 1996, second reading of an ordinance Making SupplementalAppropriations from the Town of Vail General Fund, Farking structure Fund, poli'ce confiscationFund, Booth Creek Debt Service Fund, Debt Service Fund, aid Housing Fund, of the 1g96 Budgetand the Financial Plan for the Town of Vail, Colorado; and Authorizin-g tne Expenditures of SaidAppropriations as Set Forth Herein; and Setting Forth Details in RegarJ Thereto. B' Resolution No. _22, series of 1996, a Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into anAnimal Control Services Contract. Mayor Armour read the Consent Agenda in full and requested Ordinance No. 25, Series of 1gg6 beremoved from the ConsentAgenda. Town of Vail Finance Director, Steve Thompson, tiren updated Councilon a supplemental approp!"lo^n !g the budget in the amount of $i.z miilion, *hi.n i L "iptained in detail.Ludwig. moved for approval of ordinance No. 25, series of '1 996, and Rob seconded the motion. A vote wasthen taken and passed unanimously, 7-0. Sybillthen moved to approve the Consent Agenda, and Rob Ford seconded the motion. A vote was takenand passed, 6-1, Michael Jewett voting in opposition. Third on the agenda was the appointment of two members to the VailValley Marketing Board. At an earlierwork session Councll members interviewed the following six applicantsi getn 5166r, Lai Tisher, AndreFournier, Robert Batchelor, Katye Aaramson, Howard Leivitt. A letter of interest was also received fromJohn Cogswell but was withdrawn, as he'd previously been appointed to serve on the Marketing Board asa representative forthe VailVillage Merchants Association. Ballots were distributed and Councit membersthen voted for the two four-year terms existing on the Marketing Board. Sybill moved to appoint AndreFoumier and Beth Slifer to fill the terms on the Marketing Board, aid Paut secbnded the motion. A vote wasthen taken and passed unanimously 7-0. The fourth item on the agenda was Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1996, first reading of an ordinance amending Section 18.22.030, Conditional Uses, to allow time-share estate units, fractional fee units and time-share license units as conditional uses in the Public Accommodation Zone District, and to establish Section 18.22.035, conditional uses-factors applicable in the Public Accommodation Zone District. Gordon ,_ Cor/i. lvenin! Mr.r n9 Minrd.. _^-- '.1?, 19S6 -f,".]i';1""*?i,",::1l;J"'iJfi ilff ;TJf, H:H*Jnli'i#ff#E#,IfiIBJJ"y#'Jj?lB";:*T:x? staff to the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission dated November25, tggol 5t"rf-r"Jorrendation wasfor approval Ordinance No. 22, Series of 19g6 on first reading. Paul Johnston recused himself from the issue, as he felt he may have a conflict of interest. George brieflyreviewed the Ordinance and stated the PEC.had recornmend-ed approval. George tnen explain"d'in O"i"ifthe review criteria used by the PEC in considering a request for a conditional usi, "no "i"jeo that none ofthe criteria had more iqggrtalge than any other on the project being considereo. oeorge then presented 3 cfrt prepared by staff depicting properties in Vailzoned PublicAccommodation which-could be affectedby the proposed change to the text of the Town Code. Although in favor oi irre nustria Houseredevelopment, Council member Rob Ford felt the ordinance needed'to go into roi"-l"t"il, sefting forthspecific requirements and more specific language. He then recommendid tauiint tfie oroinance. Gordon Pierce, general partner and architect for the project introduced Jim Graves, Mark Sullivan, CynthiaThomberg, and Randy Fwir.- Randy Burgis from !h.e Deer Vailey crub in Deer v;ilet; utin exptained theunique type of ownership.the Sonnenalp was considering under ihe proposed reoevetopment, and statedthat the fractional feq ynjt $pe of_owneryhin fra{ proven to give the nighest tevet oi occupancy in DeerValley. He said that while hotels in Deer Valley ty. picatty averagld an occupanry rate of approximately 65%,winter eq6trrtanc! at the Deer Valley club was 10oo/o. Because owners buy i deedeo-iilerest in the unit,the properties are better maintained, he said. Jim Lamont said the Board of Directors from the East Village Homeowners Association, who herepresented, had not yet taken a position on the project, but said that the applicant fralGen respondingto requests by the neighborhood. He asked Council to be cautious and'"on."r"iiu" and said thatamending the Code to accommodate time share clubs should be given serious consiaeration . Concerns from Council members included: transfer tax, lost sales tax revenue, loss of publicaccommodation units, and that the project have no adverse effects upon the present and future supply oftown seryices or increase the demand on municipal facilities. Council members "gr"- tfre proje'ciwasextremely viable, a good redevelopment and were in support of it. However, they aljo stated they wantedmore time to increase their knowledge on the issue and to think about alternatives to the languagecontained in the ordinance. Johannes Faessler, an owner of the Sonnenalp, addressed. Ludwig's issue concerning the importance ofnew-faces coming to the area. Mr. Faessler explained that the sonienalp rrao i sirong-rJuming clientele,old faces that are seen year after year, which was very important for their business. - Tom Moorhead informed Council that the applicant had taken the time to submit a proposed ordinance,but that staff had not yet had the opportunity to examine it in depth. Rob moved to table ordinance No. 22, Series of 1996, untit the next evening meeting scheduled forJanuary 7, 1997. Ludwig seconded the motion and a vote was taken which pas"sed-u-naiimousty, 6-0-1,Paul Johnston abstaining Fifth on the agenda was Resolution No. 23, Series of 1996, a Res.olution Directing the Town Manager !o.exgcute the IntergovernmentalAgreement between the Town of Vaitand Vail t;1;;C;;sotidated WaterDistrict as modified. ordinance 24, Series 1996, second reading of an ordinance providing for the establishment of SpecialDevelopment District No. 33, Red Sandstone;.ado-ptinq.a ceueropment plan for Special DevelopmentDistrict No.33 in accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the-VailMunicipalcooe; ano "":tt-inJiorp, details inregard thereto; and ordinance 20, Series 't996, second reading of an ordinance rezoning three tracts from General UseSection 18.36 to Medium Density Multi-Family Residential, Section 1a.i8 generarry rocaleo at g45 RedSandstone Road. Applicants were the Eagle diver Water and Sanitation District, the Town of Vail, and theUnited States Forest Service. Town of Vail Senior H^ousing Policy Planner, Andy Knudtsen, presented the item, briefly reviewed theproject, and informed council members that th.e pioposed spettat oeueiofment oiliiJi'1,"t the criteriaand was consistent with the existing land use plan. councif was asked to ap_prove/Deny/Modifl7 Resolution No. 23, series of 1gg6 and ordinances 20 and 24,Series 1996. The staff recommendation was for approval of Resolution G. 23, S"il". or 1996 andOrdinances 20 and 24. Series 1g96. \ vail Town colndt Evsning l4€etng Minutrs o€clmb€. 17, .t 9€6 H*"rn, flom Jim Lamont oflg e."r, Village Homeowner. o.ro-Q,,un included his feeling that theproposed site had been originally designated for employee housing. He said the project was a conversionof open space, and then suggested other adjacent open space sit6s be used tor neiinUorhood parks. Heasked Council to consider expanding Sandstone Park, as he felt it was over utilized, and suggested thatanother park be constructed. Lamont said he was disappointed with the allocation otthe Wat6r District'sunits and the portion to be sold to the free market. Another suggestion was that a sidewalk be put in alongSandstone Drive to make the area safer. Red Sandstone resident, Dan Telleen, reiterated the importance of sidewalks due to the dangerous curbsalong Red Sandstone and asked Councilto address the issue. Rob Ford moved to adopt Resolution No. 23, Series of 1996, and Ludwig seconded the motion. A vote wastaken and passed, 6-1, Pdul voting in opposition because oi the possibility of free market sate units beingincluded in the project. Next, Rob moved to approve Ordinances 24 and 20, and then withdrew the motion in order to consider theordinances separately. Rob then moved to approve Ordinance No. 20, series of 1996, and the motion was seconded by Sybill. Avote was taken and passed unanimously, 7-0. A motion was made by B9b to approve Ordinance No. 24, and Kevin Foley seconded the motion. Sybillinquired about the cost of including a sidewalk and Andy addressed the issul, stating that the pEC did notrequire a sidewalk, and opted instead for landscaping. Bill Braun then informed Co-uncil that the site wasvery difficult because of the steep grade changes, anO stated that including a sidewalk would narrow thefeasibility of doing the project. Mayor Armour expressed his support of the project and its positive aspects such as less GRFA and sitecoverage than allowed, and increased parking and landscaping. PaulJohnston stated he was unable tosupport the project because of its architectural design. A vote-was taken and approved, 6-1, paul votingin opposition. Sixth on the agenda was an appeal of a variance denial made by the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission on September 23, 1996. The appellants were denied asite coveragjvariance to allow anadditional one-car oaraggjg,Qe cgnstructed at742-B Sandy Lane/Unit B, Lot 3, vaiipotato patch, SecondFi|ing'Appe||ants:-%ili-werereoreSenterJbvKernrWa|lancGori(1arnnieirrraca|c..r Council members then took a short break.FIL T CEP Y Filing. Appellants: Iffil*l€d}l0s present. Town of VailPlanner, Dominic l_tpbhwere represented by Kerry Wallace. Geri Campisiwas also Mauriello presented the item and gave the following background: the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 18 (Zoning) have not been That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with thelimitations on other properties classified in the same district. The Town Council tabled this appeal at the November 19, 1996, Councit meiting. The item was tabled untilDecember 17, 1996, at the request of John Goodman, attorney for the Campisi's. Dominic explained theappellants reguested a site coverage variance of 260.8 sq. ft. in order to construct a 300 sq. ft. one.carg.arage^on th9 property. The duplex contains two enclosed garage spaces. Site coverage allowed for thesite is 3,403.8 sq. ft. and the proposal was for 3,664.6 sq. tt. ine Fri at a meeting held 6n September 23,1996, unanimously denied the site cover€ge variance. Further, Donrinic stated th-at any hardship createdwas self-imposed, and informed Council members that the property had been granted two - 250's in thepast' both going to one unit. He explained that the allowable GRFA had alread! been exceeded by over50', and that the site encroached on both setbacks. Local.attorney' [9try Wallace was present with her partner, Jim Stovall, and presented the position of theappellants- Ms. Wallace stated that all neighbors were in favor of the addition and distributbd a packet ofinformation to Council members. Mrs' Campisithen addressed Council, 9|a]ming that the parkilg on the property was insufficient parking andthat the house was restricted to one 300'gaiage. She said lhat snow storage in winter prohibited usingsome of the outdoor parking, and that a serious drainage problem also existed. Dominic stated alternatives were available which would alleviate such problems, other than the additionof a garage. He said the zoning_code encouraged garages, but within the site "ou"og- nriLiionr. The staffrecommendation was that the Town Council uphold the Planning and Environmentil commission's denialof a 260.8 sq. ft. site coverage variance and that the Town Cou-ncil make the toltowlng finJings: 1. That met. 2. V.il To*n CouncJ EvcnirE M..ting Uind.! Orc!.nb€r 17, l 9$ 3. i4i';ff fi "?fi ii::l'#ffi :ll#';'fi :T?ffif ,'d"T.iJ:R',ffi -Ti=:H:'",X':::?,,jSurar dPPry 9Elrsrarry r.u el'rlrProperles In Ine F'rlmary/$e0OndafyResidential ZOne. In addition, ahardships which have been presented, have been ielf imposed. 4' The strict interpretation, or enforcement of the specified regulation_does not deprive the applicantof privileges enjoyed by owners of other properties in the Piimary/seconoaryiSsioentiar district. A motion was then made by Rob Ford to uphold the PEC's denial and to adopt the above-referencedfindings- Ludwig seconded. th-e motion. Maybr Armour stateo thJ afthough t#;;;i;;;; requested wasminimal, it would be a grant of a special privilege. A vote was then tat<en ina pa.r"J'rn-"nirously, 7-0. Agenda item'number seven was a report from tle ToyL Ma11ge1 Bob Mclaurin informed councilmembers of the upcoming meeting of the colorado Association ors-t<i Towns ."r.t"our"J roi.lanuary s ana PaulJohnston asked about the.new loading and delivery policy in the Village. police chief Greg Morrisonexplained that large trucks on Hanson Ranch,Road yoyto u,i fronioiteo it "rr time". Fiul 6en inquired 3.b9ut q community safety officer position to be staffed at tnd vair Viltage ctub construction site. BobMclaurin said the position remained unfilled. Council Reports: Sybill Navas updated fellow council members of her meetings with the Northwest Coloradocouncil of Governments, the chamber, commission on speciat events anl Activities anJ the Vail ValleyExchange. ' rv'r'r'\'.:' sr'rlr Kevin Foley passed along a thank you from the Vail Recreation District to the public works Department forits assistance in removing a sign at the golf course elected by an anti-tur groui. H;;il; uilted the groupon his attendance at the.Eagle county Transportation Auth'ority meetinls. x"uin J.J iiliir"o about theapproval status of the ski storage sheds in Lionshead. MayorArmour thanked the town's Social Commiftee for organizing the organization,s Christmas parg andwished all a very happy holiday. Condolences were expressed to the family of Cindy Nash. There being no further business a'motion was made_by^Rob for adjournment. Kevin seconded the motionand the meeting was adjourned at approximately t 1:d0 p.m. ATTEST: Flolly Mccutcheon, Town Clerk ilinutes taken by Hotty llccutcheon(* afi|es of certaln indrviduals }itlo gave pt.6lic lrput may be tnaccurate. ) Respectfully submitted, W. Armour, Mayor Holly McCutcheon, Town Vail Toin Col'|Cit Ev€ning Medi.tg lrinues D,ocemDff .t Z. 1996 -) 3. Charlie Alexander said that lhis was a permanent structure. Charlie also said that Vail Asiociates owned the land and il they determined that the land could be better used, then that's wnit woutO happen. He also mentioned that this condition was in his lease. Dirk Mason suggested an additional condition be placed on the appjoval, which would allow for the conditional use permit to be called-up, if the Lionshead Master Plan suggested an alternative use. Galen Aasland said it was a great use and agreed with Dirk's proposal' Diane Golden said it will be made more attractive than it is now. lt was a nice addition to Lionshead and also gave the youth of our Town something to do. Henry pratt stated that il was a good location. Henry addressed the.complaints from Units #206 "nO #gOe and said that Garfinke-i's Bar and Restaurant poses a much greater threat on their priua"V than this use. Henry said in fairness to Charlie and the bank, as long as the PEC can call-up this application, he was in favor of a longer term. Greg Moffet was in lavor of this use. The units that complained had trees to screen them lrom this"operation. Greg was in lavor of a longer term, to give Charlie an incentive to spend more money on the site to enhance the property. Henry Pratt made a motion for approval, in accordance with the staff's memo, with the addition of a ieionO condition that if lhe Lioh'snead Master Plan required or suggested a ditferent use' the approval could be subject to a call-up. Greg Moflet asked Henry to indicate in his motion, the term length of the conditional use permit. Henry Pratt amended the motion to include a 3-year period ol time. Diane Golden asked the applicant if the 3-year period of time would work. Charlie Alexander said, Yes. The motion was seconded by John Schofield. It passed by a vote ol 5-0. (Greg Amsden was not present tor this item). A request for a site coverage variance to allow for the construction ol a one-car garage' located at 742 Sandy Lane/Lot 3, Vail Potato Patch 2nd Filing. Applicant: JeriCampisiPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of this request and stated that staff was recommending denial, because the request does not meet the code criteria for a variance. Although it may not negatively impact other properties in the area, it would be a grant of special privilege. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had any comments. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutcs September 23, 1996 Kerry Wallace, the attorney on behali of Jeri Campisi, stated that the owner ol the other half ol if'" irpf ur, eetty Cutty, wis here. Kerry stated that the lack of slorage and the odd floor plan' with little or no closet space within lhe residence presented a hardship, in particular' in relation to ift"rior"g.of recreational goods. Thepresenttwo-cargaraggis.notenough. Shestatedthat - in" "ppf i"-"nt had a probleri with parking in the winter, as she had a lot of guests. XqlrV w.e.1!9n io "idtb that the Campisi's have signilicintly improved the properly since purchasing it and that in" n"r gir"ge would lurther impfuve lhe iite. The proposed garag.e was as small as the ircfritect"couli possibly make it ind the architect asdured them that it would not encroach into ,nV oiinr setbicks. iignt no* there existed a drainage problem and gY raising up. the f ront. of - - tnd n"* proposed gara{e, this drainage problem wouli be corrected. There was also an existing i".rriry i'rr,i" ior B"etty -Guf fy, since rh-e door to her unit went past the bathroom. This security issue was a serious concern. Kerry Wallace went on to State that this property was an eyesore' until the Campisis made some changes. There are a number of 2 and 3'car garages in the area' so this requesl was not asking anything out of the ordinary. Greg Molfet asked for any public comments. Betty Guffy stated that she has owned the other half of the duplex lor 5 years, which is the uppg.l third of the house. Betty stated that the Campisis are the periect neighbors and have certainly fit ine motO as neighbors that she would have chosen to jointly improve the property. Both neighbors agreed on the stucco improvements. The architect could solve the drainage problem witf, tnis neil proposed addition. When the Campisis unit was rented short term, there were a . number ot proOtehs. Betty stated that she lived alone and security was a problem. Betty stated that 50 sq. ft. over the allowed site coverage is a minor overage. Greg Moffet asked for any other public comments. Joe Staufer stated that he lived at 746 Sandy Lane. Joe was in favor of this request and said fhat it would not negatively affect any properiy owners. Under the safety, welfare and health linding, Joe stated lfrat tn6 securily isiue'wai the reason and the right to grant this variance. _lt was idark neighborhood, which presented a safety factor. Joe staled that when he was gone' Betty Gufly wai all alone on the block. He stated that granting lhis variance would give someone a beiter plice to live. Joe said he saw no conceivable reason not to grant this variance. Dominic Mauriello stated that he had reviewed recent DRB plans. Dominic stated that the applicant had just removed the lormer storage space, which was used to slore snowmobiles, and hab created living area out of it, so therefore, the result was a lack ol slorage. Betty Guffy stated that her neighbor to the right of her, was in favor of approving this request. Galen.Aasland asked how big the existing 2-car garage was. Dominic Mauriello said 600 sq. ft. and that it had one garage space for each owner. Galen Aasland asked if the new garage would be the Campisis? Since the lot is over 15'000 sq. ti., Caten doesn't think the size o'i thJlot was the problem and therelore there was no justification foi a site coverage variance. The deck could be 6uilt without a variance to correct the security issue. Galen was somewhat bothered by the argument that the Campisis didn't have enough. . .1oiage, when in fact, the remodel that was happening right now, did away with. the storage. He statei that the owners, with the remodel, have created some of their own conditions and hardships. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes September 23, 1996 Betty Gul'fy said thal any staircase would be buried in snow. She stated lhat both sides of the norie r"i" short on cfoseti. aetty stateO that she uses parl of lhe garage for slorage for her off-season clothes. she also stated that the existing entry door was ugly. Diane Golden asked where the snow will be put? Dominic Mauriello stated tnat snow slorage was up to the owner and there were a variety of solutions for the door. Betty Gutfy said that architect Bill Pierce said that this garage and entrance was lhe best plan and irom t'he front ot the house, this looks like the way it was meant to be. lt seems silly to pay $28,000.00 to just correct the drainage and not do the addition' Henry Pran told Betty Guffy that she was extremely lucky to have owners like the Campisis who taXe iriOe in their ownersnlp. Henry felt that identiiying where the fro.nl door was less important ini" in" iecurity issue. He stated that they are entitteO to a garage, but wilhout lhe variance' inir g"r"g" had no impact on the neighbors and so Henry would be in favor of such a variance' if there was a hardshiP. John Schotield agreed with Henry. John stated that the door was in a lousy location' Jol! , - . tended to agree witn Henry, that the hardship would be getting a parking ticket' while parKed out in the street. Greg Amsden said that these were self imposed problems. There was no drainage problem. *n""n tn. house was first built; it happened with the expansion' The lack of storage doesn't hold "n ;rgrrent. A small deck would luitiry tne salety concern. There were no justifiable reasons to go over site coverages. Greg Moffet was in agreement with Greg Amsden. What you have here was a unit that was maxed-out over what was permitted. Tliere was a lot of square footage in the mass and bulk that could have been used for storage. The storage problem has been self-created. Greg said he doesn't see how this was not a grant of special privilege. Henry Pratt asked whal lhe area ol the garage was? Dominic Mauriello said each garage was 300 sq. ft. Greg Motlet asked for any more comments from the public. There was none. Greg Amsden made a motion for denial, per the statf memo and he added that the hardships were self-imposed. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. Galen Aasland said the lot was over 15,000 sq. ft. lt it was under that size, it might be ditferent. Henry pratt asked if this should be tabled until the applicant came back with a better design. Dominic Mauriello said that he did not believe tabling would produce alternative designs, since it would still involve a site coverage issue. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes September 23, I 996 Greg Motfet asked staff if a carport was proposed, would it then not be GRFA? Mike Mollica said that could possibly be a stalf approval, and it may not be GRFA, depending on how the carport was designed. The motion for denial passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 4. A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and adding ? 9rd floor,'utilizing the 2s0 Ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1 , Vail Potato Patch. Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 14,1996 5. A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow for the construction of a walk-in fieezet' locatbd at 536 West Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Mitch GarlinkelPlanner: George Ruther WITHDRAWN illllllilil 6. Information Update Mike Mollica had no information update. 7. Approval of September 9, 1996 minutes Mike Mollica suggested tabling the minutes, as there were more corrections on item #5 in the minutes. Galen Aasland had two changes for the minutes of 9/9i96. Diane Golden made a motion to table item #4 and the 9/9/96 minutes. The motion was seconded by Galen Aasland. The motion passed unanimously by a vote ol6-0. Greg Amsden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.m. Planning and Environmental Commjssion Minutes September 23, 1996 n ) 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FAX 970-479-2157 CERTIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. coUNTYoFEAGLE ) Subscribed and sworn to before me thisSth day of December, ) ) ss. ) The undersigned hereby certifies the foregoing is a full, true and conect transcription of Item No.3 of the Planning and Environmental Commission of September 23, 19it6, as it appears in the original records of the Town of Vail, Department of community Development. Dated December 5, 1996 1996, by Mary A. Caster, Notary Public My commission Mary A./Caster, Deputy Town Clerk Administrative Services Deputy Town Cterk, to*'Hrffig;1-, r) *$;.:5a.;i+#ir GtYl'ltrac' {p *"n"uor r"* TRANSCRIPT OF JERI CAMPISI REQUEST FOR SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE AT PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEETING, MONDAY, SEPTEMBEB 23. 1996: Greg Moffit: Third item is the Jeri Campisi request, Dominic? Dominic Mauriello:The applicants have requested a site coverage variance in order to construct a one-car garage of approximately 300 square feet, making the request approximately 260.8 square feet. The allowable site coverage for the site is approximately 3403 square feet, which is 20.h of the lot area, and they're proposing 3664, which is approximately 21.5o/o. This duplex, when it was originally approved in 1980, contained 3763 square feet of GRFA. The way that is calculated today, they contain, they have 4502.9 square feet, and that's also due to a, in 1988 they received 500 square feet of GRFA under the 250 ordinance. So with today's two 250's, the site is permitted up to 4451 square feet, and therefore the site is over on GRFA by approximately 50 square feet. The structure also currently encroaches on the site setbacks on both sides. lt's a pre-existing non-conforming condition and it's really not aggravated by this request. Attached you will find some justification provided by the applicant and I've also passed out to you today two affidavits from owners of the property stating some other issues and hardships that they have. Staff believes that the request will increase the building's bulk and mass beyond that enjoyed by other properties in the district. Staff believes that while the proposal may not negatively impact neighboring properties, and while other structures in the have two and three-car garages, they have enloyed that within the limitations of the site coverage limitations, and they also have two and three-car garages built within those limitations. Staff does believe that this would be a special privilege, as other structures in the zone district have been able to construct within these limitations and enjoy the fact that they have a two-car garage. Staff is recommending denial of the variance request, subject to the three findings that you find on page 3, and that's all I have for you today. Thank you, Dominic. Does the applicant have any comments? Hi, I'm Kerry Wallace, my daughter gave me her cold, so if lsound like a swallowed a box of cotton balls, that's why. I'm here on behalf of the Campisi's, They would have liked to have been here today, but there was a medical emergency in the family that gquired them in New York. I'm their attorney, with Stovall Goodman Wallace. Their offices are in Avon and we assisted them in preparing the variance application. Obviously, as Greg Moffit: Kerry Wallace: you've seen from the affidavits that are attached, the Campisi's, in addition, the owner of the other half of the duplex, Betty Guffy, who is also present, I understand has some comments to make today. I feel that there a number of issues which does make this a hardship issue as opposed to, say, a special privilege. A major issue for the Campisi's is a lack of storage. Obviously, this was a property that was constructed some time ago and it does have a fairly odd floor plan in the way it's designed. The Campisi's have informed me that there is little or no closet space within their residence and so it makes it very ditficult for them to store items in the house, in particular, you know, as anyone who lives in Vail, you have a lot of recreational goods, such as skis and golf clubs, those types of items. They have no where to put them in the house and so their having additional garage space would be of assistance. Right now the two-car garage that they have which is not oversized is used to park both of their vehicles, so there's not a lot of additional storage space. There's also a problem with parking, especially in the winter months. They do have a lot of guests that come out, they have family members that like to come out and visit and there's a problem with parking, particularly in the winter when the plows need to come through and it needs to be a open area. An area where there is now, even say if you were going to put a parking pad there, from what I understand the Town of Vail, when they plow the snow, it piles up on that spot, so it's really not a usable parking spot in the winter, so they'd like to be able to have an additional car to allow guests and any other person to be able to park in an enclosed area during the winter months. The Campisi's, and I think Ms. Guffey wiil substantiate this, have significanfly improved the property since purchasing it with, you know, I think it's been a real benefit to the general area. The garage will essentially be an improvement to the property, not a detriment, it will increase the value which is a positive thing for the neighborhood. lt's my understanding that the space, and I know that you've had a site visit, is not really usable as is. And that the garage would be good use of that space. I was informed by the architect that the post garage, is as small as they can possibly make it and still park a regular size car in it. lt's not made for, say, a 4x4 or an over-sized car, so he made it as small as possible, keeping in mind the variance issue. And it's also my understanding in talking to the architect, i.e., I don't look at plans and analyze them, but he did inform me that it was not going to encroach on any of the setbacks. There's also the issue of a serious drainage problem right in the area where the garage would be constructed. lt's my understanding that it slopes and so drainage from Sandy Lane hooks right into a major wall of the building. This has to be corrected one way or the other. lt's my Greg Motfit: Kerry Wallace: Greg Moffit: Betty Gutfey:: Greg Moffit: Betty Gutfey:: understanding that Betty Gutfey can substantiate this. She's talked with some contractors. lt will be substantially expensive to fix the drainage by having to fix the grade or do something of that nature. The garage, by raising up the front of the grade, will take care of the drainage problem while at the same time being a benefit to the property. And I know that a major issue doesn't necessarily affect my client, but it does affect Ms. Guffey and she can tell you more about that as a security issue in that it's my understanding that there's access to a private door. lt's a door she has to have in her unit for egress purposes, in case of fire or some kind of emergency. But there's public access to this door. lt leads right into her bathroom and her bedroom. She says people use it all the time - knock on the door and, you know, you open the door and you might be in your bathrobe. She's concerned with regard to security issues on that. She can see from her main door out the window and see who's at the door and have a little bit more control than when someone knocks on this other door. She's got some pretty serious concerns about that. So, you know, there's a number of issues that they feel do create, you know, hardship in this case. And, like I said, it is the minimum amount that they could possibly do to put in a garage, and I know Ms. Guffey has landscape plans. They're planning on doing some further improvements to the property and, you know, beautifying the area. It is my understanding that the unit was a bit of an eyesore for a while. You know, until all of the changes that Campisi's have done. So, for those reasons, I know the Campisi's would really like to you to consider, you know, approving the variance. I think that in the area there are a number of places with two and three-car garages, so this is not something out of the ordinary or out of place. I don't think any of the adjacent units wilt be negativety impacted. lt's not going to be a high garage, so it shouldn't impact views or light to other units or that type of thing and we would like you to take those things into consideration when making your decision. Thank you. Thank you. Any other applicant comments? I'd just like to reiterate what .. First, you have to tell us who you are. Oh, I'm Betty Guffey, and Greg Moffit: Betty Guffey: Thank you. for five years l've owned the upper half of the house, or the upper third of the house known ot "A",742A, and I've been waiting on waiting on somebody like the Campisi's for five years, to come along and help me redo the outside. I refuse to allow the previous owners to paint it. lt takes both of our approvals to do anything. And I didn't want it painted blue gray again. I wanted stucco or some rock or something put on it and the Campisi's also fit the mold that they didn't want to subdivide it, make a litfle toft here and a little kitchen here and rent it out part time. They plan to live in it with their grandchildren visiting them and that was the perfect person to buy it. The only problem was I didn't sell it to them, another realtor, but they, we agreed on doing this stucco, which is a great improvement, over $60,000 for that, and I have to pay my share of that and when it comes down to repairing the drainage problem, and doing something with that area, I was very happy that they agreed to have an architect design a space that's small, that doesn't exceed the lot lines, will solve my problem about the emergency egress door, will open onto a deck that looks like the house to me from the front, looks like it always should have gone around that corner with the deck. And I have some videos, but I found out you didn't have, I have a video of when I bought it five years ago and my son was ready to put me in a nursing home because that was the ugliest house he had ever seen. So I had videos of it and I put up with a lot in the five years that I've had, oh, the propane tank that was there. The Campisi's have removed that and are going to put a garden in its place. The propane tank was to heat the hot tub. They brought in gas. The propane tank was right underneath my bedroom window and some of the renters said they've had short term downstairs before the Campisi's bought it, left the propane tank in my driveway for several weeks. I had to get the Fire Department to come out and move them. And one of my neighbors, Joe Staufer, is here to tell you too, that we had snow mobilers coming in at 2:00 in the morning, 3:00, shaking that garage underneath my bedroom. And if the Campisi's want a garage there for storage, l'm so happy to try to help them get it. lt will help me too. lt will have a deck of 300 square feet that they're willing to put in. And, I've stated that the security is the biggest concern and the biggest hardship I have. And I live there alone and I would, I definitely like these plans more than anything else, but it seems like 50 square feet overage is a really minor problem compared to the expense and the lack of security for me. Thank you. ls there any public comment? Come on up!Greg Moffit: Joe Staufer: Greg Moffit: Dominic Mauriello: Greg Moffit: Betty Guffey: Greg Moffit: Galen Aasland: My name is Joe Staufer, I live at746 Sandy Lane and maybe I shouldn't be here because where they want to build, that's where my dogs go every night at 10:00. I like to address a couple of things that I start finding, and number one is it's not, the neighborhood may not negatively impact it and then it says it's a negative effect on light, air and on the neighboring properties, well, I can't see how that little addition of that building is negative to anybody and I live up there so it certainly doesn't affect me and I'm sure it wouldn't affect anybody else to give them that variance. The other is that it says safety, welfare and health. Well, I think security is another area where you have every right if you wish to do so to grant this variance. We are living in a dark neighborhood. When I'm out of town, this lady is the only one on the block. And for her to be able to drive into the garage and from the garage a secure (inaudible) going to her unit is certainly a safety factor and I think that, you know, we are here to address those things and I think that granting a variance that in fact is, if I read it right, one half of one percent over or under the site coverage, allowable site coverage, for one and a half percent, I don't know how bureaucratic we want to become. I feel very strongly that this variance helps somebody in terms of safety, security and a better place to live in. And I can't see any conceivable reason that would hurt somebody else. So, why not grant it? Thank you. Thank you. ls there any additional public comment? Dominic. ljust wanted to follow up on something that was said earlier about the closet and storage space. We have DRB plans that were approved right now for the additions for the work that they're doing right now. There used to be a storage space, kind of bel6w that - area below Ms. Guffey's area, that was converted to living space, so while their argument, yea, that we need more storage space, this prior approval actually eliminated that storage and created a living area out of it. I just wanted to point that out. Thank you. Come on back up. The neighbor in the lovely hatf to the right of mine, (inaudible), had to go to physical therapy at this hour and she let me video tape her a few minutes before this, but we don't have a video. and she's in approval of granting this to us also. Okay, thank you. Let's go to the commission. Galen, comments, questions? I do have one question of Dominic or for the applicant. How big is existing two-car garage? Dominic Mauriello: The existing two-car garage? | think they're each about 300 square feet, each of those garage spaces, so you're looking at 600 square feet existing now. Galen Aasland: ls that, do you concur with that? Dominic Mauriello: lt's at least that. (Cannot understand comment from audience) Galen Aasland:Okay. So, under this application, it's like the garage that is being built, would that go to your unit or would it go to the Campisi's? (Cannot understand response from audience) Galen Aasland: Betty Gutfey: Galen Aasland: So they have access from their current garage inside? And it won't change the access into your house? No. (Garbled comment). Okay. On the south side. Okay. Alright. Actuaily, in ways for site coverage variance, I have some kind of unusual sympathy. I think in certain cases there's some good grounds for it, especially on smaller lots. lf this lot was under 15,000 square feet, I would feel much more strongly about it. I think the lot's under iS,O0O square feet have a particular problem once they get over that they have less and less a problem, although this is not that much larger than.... I do have some concerns about it though, is that the building seems to be already pushing the envelope of development under of different grounds already, and this would obviously make it push things further beyond what the zoning is consistent with the neighborhood. I think the deck that you're talking about could be built without a variance, in fact, I know it could off of your unit in terms of getting rid of the door. And so, well it's nice that that can be there. That's already an allowed use and it's not that you can't build a deck and you can't do certain things, it's just that, in this particular case, happens to make this more convenient. I'm somewhat bothered by the argument that the Campisi's don't have storage because they're doing this big remodel on the house right now and obviously they've gotten rid of storage, so I really don't think that there's really any argument from that particular standpoint. I would be interested if there's an opportunity because there is existing site coverage left whether the existing garage could be added to within what the allowed zoning to add storage Greg Moffit: Diane Golden: Betty Guffey: Diane Golden: Betty Guffey: Diane Golden: BG: Diane Golden: Diane Golden: Greg Moffit: Diane Goldlen: Dominic Mauriello: Betty Guffey: on to that, so ] do have a fair amount of sympathy for the site coverage, but I also see that there's some problems with it that you 've really done a remodel, that the owners have done a remodel and they really, they're creating some of their own conditions. Thank you, Galen. Diane? lf the garage is not put in, do you have to leave that staircase coming out of your bathroom? How did that get put in and when was that put there? It had a prior staircase (inaudible) and was buried in snow. So how long has that staircase been there? Five years that I've lived there. Stormshed and garage door (inaudible) short term rentat (inaudibte) And from your garage, so have to step outside and then go to your front door? (lnaudible) But lt's covered? Okay. Where will the snow be put if the garage is there? Would you come up to the microphone so we can, we're being recorded believe it nor not. Where will the snow be put if the garage is put in? I mean, thafs the owner's option. The fact that there's snow on their site, I mean, that's their own snow removal issue. As far as the door going in upstairs, I mean, l'm sure there's a variety of architectural solutions for that, not just having the stairs thdre. I'm sure that either of the architects on the board could tell you there's probably ten different ways to address that egress. Well, Bill Pierce worked with me to, we ran up a bill of $1600 to try to design a garage and an entrance around that. one plan was to enter my house in front of my fireplace, which I don't think is acceptable, and another was to put a rock stairway to the north corner and that exceeded the setback, so we scratched that, so it didn't make any sense to spend $70,000 and still have an ugly entry. You know, and to have that door that now goes down with Diane Golden: Greg Moffit: Henry Pratt: this plan, with Jeri's, or Campisi's garage, then ldon't have to get access from it and my staimay can go up. Bill Pierce's architectural plan was to have a staiMay, not from a garage there, to go up and around and enter where my laundry room is now and that was terribly expensive and this is just the best plan that I've seen that, from the front of the house it looks like it was meant to be that way instead of looking like a double-wide trailer, it will look like a house with a nice sized deck that usable. I don't have a deck on the house that's usable. And if, one of your plans was to build a deck up here, that still leaves the drainage problem, which is very expensive to repair. The drainage problem has been there for a long time, creating problems for the other side of the house and it seems silly to me to spend $28,000 to repair the drainage problem when, well, it would have been a liftle bit easier if they,d left the snowmobile garage there. Probably would have been cheaper to repair that, but I am so happy to have that out of there, and people running under my bedroom with gasoline and engines, so if they gave up the storage to build a room there, I guess I should be willing to sacrifice and pay for the drainage. But it just seems logical that, I think it does, to we're only exceeding 50 square feet that for the expense involved and somebody willing to make the place look better and more functional. About the question about the snow coming in. lt would just be the front part of our driveway that would have to be plowed. lt's piled back in there and buries any car that parks in that space there, that's there now and in the stairway, ugly as it is, is buried in snow also. I have no further comment right now. Thank you, Diane. Henry? I guess first I'd like to say that I think that you're extremety lucky to have new neighbors like the Campisi's who are willing to come in and address allwrongs and spend the money and take some pride in their ownership. In terms of this application, t,m hearing a lot of things being put forth as hardships that I don't think reaily are. I think you're security issue is more an architectural issue of identifying where the front door is, the drainage issue is something that should have been corrected when the current remodel was designed or laid out. On the other hand, I think that, like everyone else in town, you are entitled to 600 square feet of garage, bui as the staff memo points out, you should be able to do it without asking for a site coverage variance because everybody else is held to those rules. During our pre-meeting and during the site visit, we've talked about, well if you just took away some GRFA or moved it somewhere else, then you'd have that site coverage for a Greg Moffit : John Scofield: Greg Moffit: Greg Amsden: garage. At this point I think that's impractical, given the way you've got horizontal condominium type zoning on this thing. So lguess even though I don't want it be considered as a precedent, this garage has no impact on any neighbors in terms of light, air, mass and bulk and guess I'd be in favor of granting the variance in this case, even though I do not really find adequate grounds for a hardship, And that's a tough one for me. Thank you, Henry. John. lwould have to agree very much with Henry in allaspects. you are lucky to have a neighbor thafs willing to spend the money to upgrade and I think we should do everything we can as a town to encourage that. I agree that the drain is something that really is not a hardship. lt could be fixed with or without the garage. I've had similar problems, I understand what you're working with. Likewise, I think the door, it's a downright lousy location, but it could also, I think, be fixed in other aspects. I think what we have to looK at as a board is perhaps balancing the issues of site coverage and what's really going to sit on that site and no matter what we do, you're probably going to have a car sitting in that corner. So I would tend to agree with Henry that perhaps the hardship of getting parking tickets when you park out in the street would be something that I would look at and say that I could support this type of thing because I really don't think it's going to affect the neighbors at all and I think it would perhaps be an improvement over having a car sitting out there looking ugly all the time. Thanks, John. Greg? This application, and I'm leaning more to what Galen said, is that a lot of these are self imposed problems that have occuned here. The drainage situation at one time that house did not have a structure underneath your apartment. And there was no drainage problem whatsoever with that site. I was here when the house was constructed in the beginning. I know the whole history of the house. In fact, our real estate company marketed that house when it was first built. So I don't, I mean, the drainage problem has occurred when the house was expanded into that area and it still can be cured by proper treatment of the expansion, in which it has not been done, so the storage argument just doesn't hold water because they've removed the storage space and even the garage that they're suggesting building is only the size of one car. lt would be filled with a car and there would not be much storage in it anyway. So, again, they're left with no storage. They've got their Befty Guffey: Greg Amsden: Betty Guffey: Greg Amsden: variance in a garage and yet they haven't solved at least trying to justify this variance with. The safety concern, I believe you can put either a small or a large deck off that door. I would definitely remove what's there. I don't know if there's really, and it was mentioned but I don't even know if that is there for a fire purpose, does the staff know? | mean, no one knows if that's even an ingress/egress... That's an emergency egress. I don't have another way out of the house, out of the master.... Yea, but we don't know if that's why that stairway's there or even if it was there in the beginning and no one's even brought that point up or whether it has to be there or not, so if it doesn't have to be there, a deck would be a good treatment off that door. l've tried to find another access, or egress, and I don't have one. All the windows are on the second floor and they don't open large enough to get out. But I mean, in looking at this application, I have a hard time just because it does set a precedent. When you grant a variance without substantial hardship or reasons for that, and I don't find these to be justifiable reasons for granting a variance, I think that we open up, I mean we have a very hard time for the next guy that comes in and says, "Hey, I want to go over my site coverage because of this, this and this." I mean, literally they can associate their causes with what's mentioned here that I don't think, I think they're self imposed situations. And it sounds like the Campisi's want a second garage. My solution would be, it's a design driven problem. You have to fit that garage within existing structure. Without increasing that site coverage to go over that site coverage limit. And they need to take a hard took at that. I believe it's doable where their family room is. And where they've enclosed and that house has been expanded. In fact, in the memo by the staff, the 500 square feet, two 250's that was granted that site were all put on the large side of that home. Why, I don't know. I do know that it was under one ownership. The platners at that time. And that's probably why it occurred. But, that's the case and that's what is in existence. Basically in agreement with Greg on this one. What we've got here is kind of a classic zoning dilemma. You've got a unit, we've got a unit that is maxed. We've got as much square footage as permitted, we've got about as much site coverage as permitted, and now we want to add more despite the fact that there's a lot of Greg Moffit: l0 Dominic Mauriello: Greg Motfit: Greg Moffit: Dominic Maureillo: Greg Motfit: Dominic Maureillo: Greg Moffit: Greg Moffit: Greg Amsden: square footage inside the existing bulk and mass that could have been designed to hold cars or to store kayaks or to put a ski locker, or whatever. Without going into reiterating all of what Greg said, I think the storage issue is one of self creation and I am very concerned about the slippery slope aspect of it. Yes, Joe, in response t0 your comment that the 50 feet is maybe one and a half percent, but the next application may be an 8000 foot house. It's 260 square feet, it's 50 square feet over on GRFA, so what we're talking about is 260 square feet. Okay. And if it's an 8000 foot house, that starts to took tike a pretty big bubble. I don't see how granting this variance isn't a grant of special privilege - hardship or not. lt just strikes me as a grant of special privilege. My guess is that we're going to have to split votes. what's the area of the garage that's being proposed? 300 square feet. So, essentially the site coverage is maxed before you add this. It's 40 square feet - less than 40. Yea, I just wish I could find something to hang my hat on here. lf there are no further comments from the applicant, or the public, then somebody gets to make a motion. Mr. Chairman, I move that the request for a site coverage variance to allow for a one-car garage located at742 Sandy Lane, Lot 3, Vail Potato Patch, Second Filing, being denied, per the staff memo and that granting the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified the same district. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances in conditions applicable to this site that apply generally to other properties in primary/secondary residential zone district. And I might add that least, I believe that the hardships that have been presented by the applicant, many of them are self imposed by the handling of the expansion of the livable area in the large side of that duplex and that, finally, the strict interpretation or enforcement of this specific regulation does not deprive the applicant of priviteges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the primary/secondary residential district. ll Greg Moffit: Motion by Greg. Do we have a second? Galen Aasland: l'llsecond that. Greg Moffit: Seconded by Galen. Any further discussion? Galen Aasland: I would also like to add, if this lot was under 15,000 square feet, I think my vote would be ditferent on this. But the fact that it's over 15,000 is one of the deciding factors in my vote. Greg Moffit: Okay, thank you Galen. _: I guess I have a question for the board and statf. Does anybody see any opportunity to possibly table this and let them find a way to get the site coverage down or is the garage .... _: I don't think that there's any other way to do it. I mean, they've hired people to look at it themselves and I don't know if they've, they haven't presented any alternatives to us, but I would guess that there's .... _: Yea, let me ask a question. lf the deck, if they put a deck out of that door, that's not site coverage, correct. Dominic Maureillo: Gorrect. _: And they could put a hard deck... Dominic Maureillo: That's correct. _: outside that door. Now granted, you haven't got a heated garage, but what you've got is covered parking - a carport. The rules are screwy, but unfortunately, we got appointed to enforce them. That creates an interesting scenario in light of what Henry suggested. We've got a motion on the table first, Henry. _: That's stricfly a DRB or staff approval type of issue - it doesn't involve planning. Greg Motfit: okay. so we have a motion on the floor. ls there any further discussion? All those in favor? Aye. Greg Moffit: Opposed? 12 No response Greg Moffit: I am also in favor. Motion passes unanimously. The application is denied. I'm sorry - the rules are tough on this one. l3 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmenlal Commission Community Development Departrnent September 23, 1996 A request tor a site coverage variance to allow for.a one-car garage' i;;;iil;i 742 Sandv laneTtot 3, vail Potato Patch znd Filing' Applicant: Jeri CamPisi Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello FILE COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: The applicant is requesting a site coverage variance of 260.9 sq. ft. in order to construct a 300 sq. ft. one-car garage on itJtrbi""t piopijtt'-. This duplex currdntly contains 2 enclosed garage spaces and this request wo-ufiiirO iiniiO. fne arrow[OiJ site cov6rage for this site is 3'403'8 i[. rtlizO"u"l anA tnb proposal is lor 3'664.6 sq. ft' (21'5%)' This duplex was approved by the DRB in.1979:nd constructed in 1980. The duplex' as originaly approved, contain'til Clze3;q-n. or Cnrn iiJcalculated in 1979)' This site is allowed 3:bi1.9'd:ft or cirR. o; M#h 3, 1bzg, a density variance for a 40 sq. ft. addit6n was iLrdi-uvlniFet oaseo on'iiinoin'g tnttho narosriip existed to justify the request' on September 21, 1988, . tJql,Li'idi'ido iq. tt. or cnrA was approued under the 250 ordinance' The structure now contains 4,502.8 sq. ft. of GRFA as calculaled today' with two 250's' the site is oermitred up to 4,451.S iq.ft. oi-cR'FA. Therelorelne site is 50.9 si. ft. over on GRFA and is ;lfiil;;il;i.ga nonconto'rming structure with respect to GRFA' This structure also currently encroaches into both side setbacks' This is a pre'existing noniontorming condition and is not atfected by the proposal' The applicant's justification lor the site coverage.variance request is that this addition will not n"g"tiulryiffe"i aOjaceni properties, as adjac6nt properties have two and three car garages' Se-e attached lener for greater detail. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Use: Lot Size: Standard Slte Coverage: Landscape area GRFA: w/two 250s: Setbacks: Front: Sijes: Rear: Parking: Primary/Semndary Residential Duplex residence 17,01 I sq. ft. (entke site) Allowed Existino 3,403.8 3q. ft. (20%) 3,366'6 sq- fL (19'8%) 10,211.4sq.ft.(6070) 11'330.4sq.tt.(66'57d n/c 3,951.9 sq. ft. 4,451.9 sq. tt. 20' 15' 15' 5 required 4,502.8 sq. tt. 4,502.8 sq. fi. 30' 10'& 13.59' JO 6 (2 enclosed) Prooosed 3,664.6 sq. ft (21'5%) nlc n/c nlc 6 (3 enclosed) n/c n/c III. CR]rERNANDFINDINGS Upon review of section 18.62.060, criteria and Findings, 9f tlg Town 9f V_ail.Municipal code' the C'ommunlty Development Department recommends denial of the requested site coverage variance. The recomrnendation for denial is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l.Therelationshipottherequestedvariancetootherexistingor potential uses and structures in the vicinity' The proposal will increase the building's bulk and. rnass beyond fiat .. enfoieO OV otner properties in the saie zone district. Staff believes that wni6 tne iroposat m'ay not negatively impact neighboring properties and while othdr siructures in the a6a na'ie two and three car garages-, there hasbeennoindicationolanyphysica|hardshipwhichwou|djustify approving the requested variance. other structures in area have two ano firie cir-garaged and still comply with the site coverage requirements. Essentiall!, thil owner enjoys a larger house at the expensg,ol L"o-::::^. garage ar;a. statf believbs the grant of this variance would be a granl oI special Privilege. 2. The degree to whlch relief from the strlct and llteral lnterpretatlon and enforcd'ment ol a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity o.-f treatment among sites in the viclnity or to atbin the oblectives ol this title without grant of special privilege. staff believes that the granting of this variance would be a grant of special pr*iieg" not enjoyed O! omerioS in the area or this zone district Other . siles in me arei were ionstructed within the site coverage requiremenis' l:bverl|onoFecvnetnosbampisi.923 B. The effect ol the requested variancs on light and air' dlstribution oJ p"p"f.ti.it, r"nspohationlnd raffic faciiities, public facilities and utilities, and Public safetY. Statf believes that requested variance will increase the bulk and mass of inJ'6rii,ring *nicn ma-'i navJ a negative effect on the light and air of neighboring proPerties. before granting a variance: 1. That the granting ol the variance will not constitute a grant of special . . privitege nJonsiiteni*itn tne timitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2.Thatr|egrantingofthevariancewillnotbedetrimenta|tothepub|ic nea[h, silety ot"Gtt"t., or materially injurious to properties or imProvements in the vicinity' S.Thatthevarianceiswarrantedforoneor.moreo|the|o|lowing'reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement ol the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or. unnece.ssary pt l"i.ir t aioitrip inconsiitent with rhe objectives of this tide. b.Thereareexceptionsorextraordinarycircumstancesorconditions "ppiiiaure to tn'e same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properiies in the same zone' c.Thestrictinterpretationorenforcemento|thespeci|iedregulation- *orfO-OeptVe ihe applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners ot other properties in the same district' STAFF RECOMMENDATION The community Development Department statt recommends denial of the applicant's variance request subject to the following lindings: 1. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent witdtne timitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2.Therearenoexceptionsorextraordinarycircumslancesorconditions applicable to this site that apply generalli/ to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone' 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation does not oeprive tne apbricant ol privileges enioyed. by the ,gYl-e^rs of other prdperties in ilie Primary/Secondary Residential district' tv. l:bveryone$ecVnemosbam Pisi.923 g0tJ0t,{ rrEaora il G|t| .Ftlrl d| tlva tumg puocg 6 lo'I-qqsd ot?lod uoplppv rsrolrrcc eql iiil i$|il t -O.I-.- ,1 to 09 li,'(}i./i r,./ /) <\7/ r,,,''"/'fYf/ffilll,'y, .', '''fllfrl,#r/ ;\A i t/llllllltl/rl//r E 6 Ez*g* a *s // / ryi 72/ A./,/* .,/, tugg pnmg 6 rul-tt*tql orqqd uopTppv rsrdrrrBc eql !r,, 6 +. o T{ff; II:E? !166I-ll-clllSSI:I31IHfUU I.I,Idzvza'd Llar 6v€ u6 't \fl '\ .\.-, ,r I \ I I\1 tI?- 237 q. rt \l\'i f ltl B.rr llial' Nditlur- - _;_ II I ,OWN OF VAIL REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AND ENVI RONT{ENTAL COi\{]\{ ISS ION ACTION ACTION/DECISIONBEINGAppEALED: Denial of requesE for a site coverage variance to alLow for a one-car garage located at 742 Sandy Lane/ Lot 3, Vail, Potato filing. The specific regulation a variance was requested of is Sectlon Town of Vail Building Code regardlng siEe coverage which provides that a resldencffiiot to exceed twen ercent (202) of a total site area. The. requested site coverage variance was for 260:8 sq. ft. for constructlon of the garage. B. c. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAK]NG ACTION: Planni.ng and Environmencal Conrnission D.NAME OF APPELLANT(S): MAILING ADDRESS:1146 Sandsrone Drive, Vai1, C0 81b57 Char les PHySICALADDRESS6MILI42-B Sandy Lane, Vail, Co PHoNE: 476-5586 LEGALDESCRIPTIONOFAPPELLANT'SpROpERTyINVAIL: Unir B, Lor 3, Vail/Potaro Parch, Second Filing, Condouiniurns according to the Condominiurn Man recorded ]farch /r, 1980 in Book 299 at Page 597 and as defined in theCondominium Declaration recorded March 4, 1930 in Book 299 at Page 59 f Colorado. E.SIGNATURE(S): Kerry H, Walla Di8:, resentaElve oKE 20Io ndp 8l ey t3 EornalLaotrtAv (e70)949-4200 Page lof2 rles an Docs this appcal involve a specific parcel ofland? Yes If1cs. plcase provide rhc follos.ing information: arc you an adjacent propefiy ouner? \'cs _ no y If no. give a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person." ".A,ggrievcd or adversely affected person" means any person l'ho will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or firthered by tlis title. The alleged adverse interesr may be shared in common with other members of the community at large. but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good sbared by all persons. The appellants are aggrleved or adversely affected persons as they are the owners of the property in questlon and the persons requesEing the slte coverage variance wbich was denled, The strlct interpretation of the specified rdgulation in thls racEicaL difflcultv or unnecessa ical hardshlD to the lants as at the resent tLBe there is available only one 300 sq. ft. slngle car garage space for the appel-lants'31366.6 sq. ft. resldence. There is insuff- lcient parking space for the appellantst orn"n vehicles without taking into fanilv. Parkine is not avallable street or surround areas There ls also insufficient storage area partlcularly \J. H. as the single cae garage is fu1ly utillzed for parking purposes. There also exlsts slopes toward the residence and rater flows dlrectly into a pajor r^7a11 of lbe SEE ATTACTTED SHEET hovide tle names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) of all owners of property wbich are the subject ofthe appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right-of'way. steam. or other intervening baniers). AJso provide addressed and stampid envelopes for each ProPerty owner on the list On separate sheets of paper, specifu the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relwance to the a6ion being appealed. FEE: S0.00 drainage problen in that Ehe area in which the new garage would be located Page 2 of 2 continuation of section F of Aooeal of Denial of site coverage variance for Charles and Geri Campisi building. The drainage problem will be expensive to fx and the proposed garage will co(rect the drainage problem while at tlre same time significantly improving the property. In addition, the owner of 742-A"Sandy l:ne, Vail, CO currently experiences a serious 'securityproblem in that the general public has access to her emergency egress which leads to her,naster bedroom and batbroom. The proposed garage will correct this problem for the owrrcr of 742-Aisandy Iane who is Betty Guffey. ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION FOR APPEAL OF PLANNING AND EIYVIROI{MENTAL COMMISSION ACTION REGARDING SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE FI]R CEARLES AND GERI CAMPISI F1OR 7428 SANDY LANE, VAIL, COINRADO t1657 SECTION H NATT]RE OF APPEAL I. Background Information The Appellants, Charles and Geri Campisi, filed a request for a site eoverage variance for the purposes of constructing a single car garage addition. The specific regulation which the Appellants are seeking a variance of B section 18.13.090 of the Town of Vail Building Code regarding site coverage. Said section of ttre Code provides that a residence is not to excrrd20% of the total site area. The Campisi's are requesting a minimal variance of the regulation in order to allow them to construct a single car garage addition. The site coverage variance would be 260.t square feet for the purposes of consfucting a 300 squarc footone car:garage upon the property. The allowable site coverage for the site is 3,403.8 square feet Q0%)nd the proposed variance would allow for 3664.6 square feet Ql.s%\. ,l The property is a duplex which currently contains two enclosed garage qpaces and the Appellurts requested variance would add a third garage space. Currently each side of the duplex has use of one 300 square foot garage space. As such, the Appellants currently have a 300 square foot single car garage qpace for a 3,365.6 square foot residence. The Appellants' request for a site coverage variance was presented to the Planning and Environmental Commission on September 23, 1996 and based upon the recommendations of the Community Development Department, the request for the variance was denied. II. Ftnding of the Planning and Environmental Commission The Pluning and Environmental Commission at the September 23, 1996 meeting denied the Appellants' request for a site coverage variance in order to construct a 300 square fmt single car garage addition based on the following findings: l. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district; 2. There are no exceptions, extraordinary circumstances, or conditions that are applicable !o this site that apply generally to other properties in the primary/secondary residential zone. In addition, any hardships which havebeen presented, have been self-imposed; and 3. The sbict int€rpretation, or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by owners ofother property in the primary/secondary residential district. It ls Appellants Positlon that Granting of the Variance will not Constitute a grant of e Specirl Privilege end that there are hactical Difliculties end/or Eardships which the Appellants will Suffer if the Variance is not Grsnted. The qpecific regulation that the Appellants are seeking a site coverage variance of is $18.62.050 of Title 18 of the Town Code of Vail also known as the 'Zoning Title.' $18.62.060 qpecifica[y provides that before acting on a variuce application the Planning Commission shall consider the following faclors with respect to the request€d variance: Section A. 1. The relationship of the requested variurce to,other existing or-potentid uses and structurcs in the vicinitiss; 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of Eeatment of sites in 0re vicinity, or to obtain the objoctives of this title without grant of special privilege; 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety; and 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Planning Commision is also to make ttre following findings before granting a variance: Section B. 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district; 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental !o the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvemants in the vicinity; and m. cdcAMnSnAccoMP.DoG -L 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regula,tion would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hudship inconsistent with the objectives of this Title; b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable tro ttre site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone; c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the qpecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by owners of other properties in the same district.' The Appellans shdl initially address the requirements of Section 'A' of the Zoning Title $18.62.060: 1. The relationship of fte requesled variance to other existing or potential uses and structurcs in the vicinity. It is the Appellants position that the proposed site coverage variance requested by the Appellants for the purpose of constructing a single car garage addition to their property will not have any negative impact upon the ofier structures in the vicinity as such structures are all residential homes with two to throe qu gar4ges and/or condominium structures in the Potato Palch area. The garage addition will not block any views and fits in with other duplexes in the area, many of which have three car garages or a close equivalent. The recommendations of the Planning Saff specifically stated that the Proposal may not negatively impact neighboring properties and that o0rer structures in the area have two to three car garages. In addition, at the Plurning and Environmental Commission hearing on September 23, 1996 an owner of an adjacent neighboring prcpeftY, Joe Stauffer, testified stating that the garage would be a welcome addition to the neighborhood and would not in any way negatively impact atty of the neighboring properties. There is no evidence that the proposed site coverage variance will negatively impact neighboring properties. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of e specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility end uniformity of trtahent upon sites in the vicinity or to obtain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The grant of the minimal site coverage variance requested by the Appellants is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity and to attain the objectives of this title urd does not constitute a grant of special privilege. The Zoning Title $1t.04.130 addresses gros residential floor uea ("GRFA') and addresses how GRFA is GNCAITITITMCCOMP.DOC -3- o calculated and the amount of GRFA that is allowed per site. 018.04.130A(1) specifically provides, 'Within buildings containing two or fewer dwelling units, the following area shall be excluded from calculation as GRFA: 1. Enclosed garages ftom up to 300 square feet per vehicle space not exceeding a maximum of two spaces for each allowable dwelling unit permitted by the zoning code.' The Zoning Title also has an entire section dedicated to parking requiremarts in particular off street parking. The purpose of this title is !o alleviate progressively or to prevent faffrc congestion and shortage of on street parking areas, off street parking, urd loading fasilities. Chapter 18.52 of the Tanng Title requires a certain amount of off sfeet parking for all new facilitie.s. 18.52.100 requires that off steet parking be determined in accordance with the following schedule'A': if gross residential floor area is two thousand (2000') square feet or more per dwelling unit: 2.5 qpaces per dwelling unit. The Appellants'property, which is 3,336 squarc feet, has only a single car 300 square foot garage space. Thus, the Appellurts only have available one parking space for their dwelling unit. This is not in compliance with 18.52.100 which requires 2.5,spaces per dwelling unit that are 2,000 square feet or more. There currently exists insufficient off steet parking for the Appellants to park their two vehicles without taking into consideration guests and visiting family members. If the Appellants were !o merely pave the iuea upon which they are requesting the variance to build the single car garage it would not provide for year round parking for the Appellurts. The Town of Vail snowplows during the winter months pile snow from the street onto the area where the garage would be built thus making that area unusable for parking purpos€s during the winter months. In addition, a concrete parking slab in the area in which the single car garage addition is proposed would be unattractive !o the property and thus unattractive to neighboring residences. Though other sites in the area may have been constructed within the site coverage requirement, the only possibility for the Appellants' property to have sufficient parking in compliance with the code will be to allow the requested minimal site coverage variance for construction of the 300 square foot single car garage addition. The possibility of on street parking is not available to the Appellants as it is illegal !o park upon the streets in the Potato Patch area particularly during the winter months when the snowplows need full access to the sheets in order to sufficiently clear them of snow build up. The requested site ooverage will help achieve compatibility with the objectives of the Zoning Title. 3. The effect of the requested variance of light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities and public safety. It is the Appellants position that the variance will have no effect on light and air, disEibution ofpopulation, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public saf*y. In fact 0re Appellant proposes that the requested variance will actually have a positive affect upon these factors as it will allow for additiond offstreet parking so that vehicles Gr\CAIIHSI\ACCOMP"DOC + will not be parked upon the street causing potentially dangerous raffic situations. There was no evidence presented to support a different finding on this issue. For the foregoing reasons it is the Appellants' position that the variance should be granted for the following reasons: l. The grurting of the variance will not constitute a grant of qpecial privilege inconsistent with the limitations of other properties classified in the same district; 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare, or mat€rially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinities; and 3. The variance is warranted for the following rsuons: a. The sbict or literal interpreation and enforcement of the specified reguladon would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Zoning Title; b. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant ofthe privileges enjoyed by the ownen of other properties in the same district. The Appellants will suffer the following practical difficulties and/or unnecessary physical hardships ifthe site coverage variance is not granted. a. They will be restricted to a 300 square foot garage for a 3,366 square foot residence. The Appellants will have insufficient parking for the parking of their own vehicles and/or parking for their guests and family members. This is a practical difficulty and/or an unnecessary physical hardship in particular as there if no in particular as there is no available on street parking. The Town of Vail Code qpecifically requires that sufficient off site street parking be provided for each residence. In particular 1E.52.100(A) requires that a 2000 square foot or larger dwelling unit have 2.5 off street parking spaces per dwelling unit. The Appellants have insufficient parking particularly in the winter months and would be subject to ticketing by the Town of Vail for parking on the street. In addition the Town of Vail Code qpecifically provides that enclosed garages of up !o 300 quare feet per vehicle, not !o exceed a maximum of two parking spaces for each allowable dwelling unit, permitted by the Zoning Code are not included in the GRFA for a residence. It is consistent with the objectives of the Zoning Title to provi{e a3,3ffi square foot residence to have the capability of having at least 600 squarc feel of parking space, which is the amount which will be provided to the Appellants' strould be proposed variance be granted. G:\GA}|IISI\ACCOMIJIOC -$ b. The construction of the proposed galage addition will conect a serious drainage problem upon tlre PloPerty which will need !o be corrected rcgardless of whlther the variance B granted. The garage addition will be a positive resolution of the drainage problem urd will benefit neighboring properties in the area because it will increase the value of the property. c. The garage will provide additionalneeded storage as there cunently exists very little storage area within the residence particularly for storage ofrecreational equipment. d. The variance would also correct the serious security problem that exists for the owner of fte other half of the duplex, 742-A Sandy l:ne, Vail, Colorado, who is Betty Guffey. Please see the attached Affidavit of Betty Guffey. b. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation woutd deprive the applicant of the privileges eqioyed by the orYnets of other properties in the seme dlstrict. Owners of other properties in the same district are typically allowed at least 600 squ,are feet of enclosed garage spac€ per dwelling unit. While some of these structures have been constnrcted wiftin Oi site coverage requirements, it does not alleviale the fact that the Appellants' property is adversely affected by the lack of parking space. The Appellants should be able to construct an additional 300 square foot enclosed parking space upon their property to allow for off street Parking. G:\CAIr|I!6I\ACCOMPJOC -6 .\FFIDAVIT OF BETTY GLFFEY Co\{ESNoW'theAftlant'BettyGuffey,har'ingpersonalknorr'ledgeofthefollolr'ing facts and being duly srvorn under oath hereby testifies as follou's: l.Thatlamrheorr'nerofrealpropertylocatedintheTorr'nofVail.CounryofEagle' State of Colorado kno'*'n as ?-ll-A Sandy Lane' Vail' Colorado' 2.ThatlamanremberoftheCondominiunrAssociarionforl.ot3,Vail.PotatoParch' Second Filing Condolnlnirnl. Tonn of vait, county of Ea-qle, Sute of colorado rvhich is comprised of Unit 7a2-Aand 712-B Sandy Lane, Vail,tolorad-o ("Condominium Association")' . 3. That the Condominium Association is comprised 9f tly- o"i'.1nd unit 742-B Sandy Lane. Vail, Colorado rvnicn is os,ned by Charles Campisi and Geri bampisi (hereinafter referred to as tte "CamPisi's"). 4. Thar rvirh my express permission and invoh'ement lhe campisi's have reqtested a t,arialce from the Torvn of \iail for the purpose of consrructing a single car garage addition to their unit. The consrrucrion of said single car garage $'ill not in any rvay.negatively impact upon orher srrucrures in rhe vicinirl' as lllosl strucrures aie resideniial homes' including condominium units u'ith garages. 5.TharthegarageaciditionthattheCampisi'shar.erequestedavarianceforfromthe Toiln of Yail is necessa4 for a nuntber of reasons: .{. There is significant drainage problem upon the properry in that the 1e1 in *,hich the new garage * iil be-iocated slopes ro*'ard the residence and tu^ter florvs directly into a nrajor rvall of the building. Tbe copstrucrion of the garage u'ill resohe this drainage problem u,hile at rhe same time si-;ncantly improving the property B. That at rhe present rime u'irh rhe current configuration of rhe residenct-ll]T:lt rhe requesred garage addirion. rhere exists a significant securiry problem rvith regard to my urut' The general public currenrll,has accesslo-an emergen.y.gtisi door rvhich leads directly into my masrer bedroom and bath area. Unfonunatel-y, Oue io the culrent configuration of the buildirrgthegeneralpublicoftenutilizesn-''u.'.,g.n.1'egresdoorasopposedtomymaindoor because ir is rhe t'rnl., door readily visible from ihe tit..r' tttit is a cluse for concern for me because I cannot 5sg u ho is at the emergenc)' egress door until i anl right before the door' This is not rhe case s'ith m1'maln entlance d-oor as ican see the person at the door through windou's prior ro opening rhe door. In addition packages 3n6 11su'ei deliveries are often left misrakenJy at nt). emergen.y agr.,, door and as I do nor urilize that door I do not locate the items often for da1.s. I hare rerained an architect, \{r. Bilt Pierce of Fritzlen Pierce Briner Architects in \/ail' ro address. .mong orhe, issues. the issue of rhe public access to tny enlergenc)' egress. door so rhar i could be proricled $ith securirl'. lt,,'as ultinratell'deternrinecl b1'\{r' Pierce that there \\ is nLr $ a\ ro pror.ide i:.lc such'securiti, due lo design constraitrts thus the proposed garage ]s an excellenr solution to m)' securily problem. As such. t feel rhai the granting of the Variance ro allow tlre construcrion of r5e single car earage is necessary to prtrvide nre s'iih adequate security at my residence and I rvill suffer a hardship if the Variance is not granted as no other options are available to me. c. That in the winter months the To$,n of Vail snow removal pushes snow oilo rhe area rvhere rhe new single car garage s,ill be constructed thus making such area unusable panicularly for parking putpos.t. There is insufficient parking in the area and the single car garage will provide a covered parking area 1'ear round. 6. For the foregoing reasons the owners of the property at'112 Sandy Lane con$iruted of myself and rhe Campisi'i rvill suffer a hardship if the Variance is not granted allorving for construction of the proposed single car garage. Further the Affiant sa1'eth naught' STATE OF COLORC,DO EAGLE COUNTY ) \cc ) ._..^:Vrt Subscribed and su,orn to before n:e ihis /t)t 'di1'of September, 1996' b;' BETTY GUFFEY. \Virness mv hand and oft-rcial sea!. My commission expires: \ob)-. Prbiic . AFFIDAVIT OF GERI CI\{PISI col{Es NoW, the Affiant, being duly su,orn under oath and har'ing personal knorvledge of the follorving facts hereby lesdfies as follorvs: 1. That I am the onner of real propeny located in the Totvn of vail' counry of Eagle' Sute of Colorado knon'n as 742-8 Sandy Lane, Vail' Colorado' 2.ThatlamamemberoftheCondominiumAssociationforlnt3,Vail'PotatoPatch, second Filing, condomi*um, county of Eagle, sute of colorado $'hich is consdruted of unit ilZ-lana ziz-g Sandy I-ane, Vail, Colorado (rhe "Condo Association")' 3'ThattheCondominiumAssociationiscomprisedofmyunitandT42.ASandy[:ne' Vail, Cotorado u'hich is os'ned by Beny Guffey' 4.Thatmyhusband.CharlesCampisiandml,selfhaverequestedaVariancefromthe Torvn of \tail for *,e pu.poie of consmuciing a singe car garage addition to our unit' The consmrcdon of such rin,ir. ..r garage t.ill nor ii any rviy negatively impact upon other slrucrures in the viciniq' .', n or, ,t-at*"' are residentiaihomls' including condominium units' s'ith garages. 5. That $e garage addirion lhat $'e are requesring a variance from the To$'n of Vail for is necessary for a number of ieasons: A. There is a significanr drainage problenr upon the propeny in that rhe area in $.hich fie new garage $iil be located slopes to$'ard the residence and \\'ater flolTs directly into a major $.all of rhe building. This drainage problem needs to be corrected in some manner and could be very expensive to fr-r pursuant to bi,Js that ha\.e been receil'ed. The consrucdon of the garage rvill resolve rhis drainage problem trhile at rhe same time significantly improving the ProPerty. B. That rhere exists Yery linle storage area $'ithin our residence and the existiitg 1ro (2) car garage is fully utilized foi rhe parking of our rrvo (2) automobiles' '{s such' u'e cunenrly do nor ha*e ,ry ,ror.g. space ianicui-arly for our recreational equipment such a bicl'cles, golf clubs ano sii equipimenr' This creates'a significant hardship for us in that there are no closen in the house lo srore rhe equipment. no rpi.. in rhe exisring garage as-ir is used for parking our automobiles and it rvoutd be inappropriate to store said items outside as they aould b, siolen and it tvould detract from the area to store goods in that manner' c. That tve are unable lo park an automobile on the street or elseNhere on the lot in order to make storage spaie availabli in the existing garage as parking is not allos'ed.upon rhe srreer. panicularly iri rne ft,inrer monrhs, and rhe lrla ;n which the new garage s'ill be- consrructed is currently unusabld for parking purposes during the s'inter months as the Tos'n of )g/ 20/9E FRt 10:03 F.LI Funlrcr the Affiast saYcth naugbt' STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTY Subscnlrcd 31d 5*'orn to befoie rnc CAMPISI. Vail snow rctnoval plows large -trool"T of .sno1-lPou the.space' In eddidon' it is prefcrable to have ouf cir in covered pirkiog durins tle wintcr montls. D-Tbat*ealsohavefrequentguess'heludingnumerousfrrnilyEenbcrs'and are unable o providc t pl'fti'g;;1t;4;-'i"* "-ilJ;;; 'ititing' rbis poscs a dirricult orobtcm again io o" *ioitt io'irbs *utn tt'" sool;;;;; thi scccts cleu of parkcd lehiclcs toadequately plow tbc ltrccts' 6.Thattheproposedsinglccargaragcwilladdressalloftheaboverefcrerrrdbardsbips in that it will provide r"' t"-'iiiii"nat-srorlge' n;;ilP-"ide a covctc-d'parking spacc that will be usabte all ,"* ,ou'ni;;;it b. ipositive usc of currenrly uorsable space' 7. That tlrc proposed shgle car.garage will constirute' * t-tt:]'-t'T'tnt to $e proP€rty ttrat will incrcase ,fr" ".filoi-if,. ,.rii.nc-e anO'rtrus would be a positivc cffect upon thc neighborhood in gcneral - 8, For rhe forcgoing rcasoos-the-o"r:Ders of the troperty at 742 Sandy l:iic *hich is consdmted of m.vscrf. mr nusu-aoa, cr,artes caroi.ti'l"i:i'"i y a.rr.y will suffcr a hardshiP if$eVariaoccisnotgran:edforthecoustnrctionoftheproposedsinslecargarsge. )) ss. ).-fl| rtts 1/&._day of SePtcmbcr. 1996' bY GERI G:lCAlvlP t SI\GERI'{FP' OTIf STOVALL GOODMAN WALLACE PnoFEsstoNAL CoRpoRATroN Atlomeys & Counselors at Inw 202 BENCHMARK PLAZA BUILDING 48 EAST BEAVER CREEK BoULEVARD P.O. DRAWER 5860 AvoN. CoLoMDo 81620 TELEPHoNE : (97 0) 9 49 -4200 FAcsrMrLE: (97 0) 949-6843 JAMES WM. sTovALL JOHN D. GOODMAN KERRY H. WALLACE GILLIAN CooLEY MoRRISoN October 10, 1996 Town of Vail ATTN: Dominic S. Mauriello, A.I.C.P. Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 REFERENCE: Site Coverage Variance Request for742 Sandy Lane/Lot 3, Vait Potato Patch, Second Filing, for Charles and Jeri Campisi Dear Mr. Mauriello: The purpose of this letter is to formally request a continuance of the appeals hearing that was initially scheduled before the Vail Town Council for November 5, 1996 at7:30 p.m. with regard to Charles and Jeri Campisi's appeal of the Planning and Environmental Commissions' denial of a site coverage variance for 742 B Sandy Lane. I will be in trial the week of November 4, 1996 and as such would be unavailable for the hearing before the Vail Town Counsel on November 5, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. It is my understanding that the hearing before the Vail Town Council initially scheduled for November 5, 1996 has beenmoved pursuant to my request to November 19, 1996at7:30 p.m. I appreciate your cooperation in regard to this matter and please do not hesitate to contact me if you require anything further. Very truly yours, KHW:tak cc: Charles and Jeri Campisi G:\CAMPISIWAIL.LET Y H. WALLACE J'6{ VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1996 1:00 P.M. AT TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to dEtermine at what time Council will consider an item: Meet with the Board members of the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District to discuss the remaining issues pertaining to the Red Sandstone Locals Housing development. (45 mins.) FACKGROUND MTIONALE: Ptease see Councit packets. PEC Review. (15 mins.) John Gulick 20 Year Anniversary. (S mins.) Interview Applicants for 2 Marketing Board Positions. (1S mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Review apptications of Beth Stifer, Andre J. Foumier, and Robert Charles Batchelor submitted for the two Marketing Board position. A vote will be taken at the evening nreeting. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: There are two positions with four year terms that that need to be filled. The terms of Beth Slifer and Dean Liotta are expiring. Discussion of Ordinance No. 22, Series of 19g6, an ordinance amending Section 18.22.030, Conditional Uses, to allow time.share estate units, fractional fee units and time-share license units as conditional uses in the Public Accommodation Zone District, and to establish Section 18.22.033, conditional uses-fastors applicable in the Public Accommodation Zone District. Gordon Pierce, representing Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. (1 hr.) In preparation for this evening's meeting, regarding a request to amend Section 18.22.;030, the staff and the applicant wiil be presenting background information to the Council. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Listen to the presentations on the proposed amendments to Section '18.;22.030 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code and ask questions relating to Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1996. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Please see the attached memorandum from the Community Development Department staff to the planning and Environmental Commission dated November 25, 1996. West Vail Interchange Design Update. Review of construction phasing public process. (45 mins.) AC'IION REOUESTED OF COUNCTL: Listen to the project update, vatidate, have clarified or revise project direction to allow the project to proceed to final design. Review and sign off on corrstruction phasing public process. B.ACKGROUND MTIONALE: Since the Councilauthorized the design of the contract to proceed at its meeting in October. The design consultant and the Town have had various input meetings with the public, DRB, CDOT, affected property owners, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Division of 1. Andy Knudtsen 2. 3. 2:00 P.M. 4. Holly McCutcheon 5. George Ruther 6. Greg Hall MK Centennial Wnston & Assoc. 7. 8. L wildlife. In addition, the consultants have completed the preliminary plans for the project and are able to have more defined answeni to the design details which need direction/sign off prior to completing the final designl. In addition, review public process for construstion phasing and appiove and/or modiff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Provide direstion on design and public process. Information Update. (10 mins.) Council Reports. (10 mins.) Other. (10 mins.) 10. Site Visit - An appeal of a variance denial made by the planning and Dominic Mauriello Environmental Commission on September 23, 1996. The appellants were denied a site coverage variance to allow an additional one-car garage to be constructed at742-B Sandy Lane/Unit B, Lot 3, Vail/Potato Patch, Second Filing. Appellants: Charles and Geri Campisi, represented by Kerry Wallace. (20 mins.) The Town Gounciltabled this appeal at the November 19, 1996, Council meeting. The item was tabled until December 17, 1996, at the request of John Goodman, attomey for the Campisi's. ACT]ON REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Msit site. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: See the aftached staff memo and other materials for a comprehensive overview of the appeal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council uphold the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of a 260.8 sq. ft. site coverage variance and recommends that the Town Council make the following findings: 1. That the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 18 (Zoning) have not been met. 2. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 3. There are no exceptions, extraordinary circumstances, or conditions that are applicable to this site that apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone. In addition, any hardships which have been presented, have been self imposed. 4. The strict interpretation, or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential district. 11. Adjoumment - 4:55 p.m. NorE u pcorurltr HF"1il*%rJ#5LJj M ES BELow: |il|l THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION wfLL BE oN TUESDAY , 1a17|A6, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. tN Tov coUNctL cHAitBERs. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCTL REGULAR WORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY , 1n87, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. tN Tov coUNctL cHAIuBERs. THE NEXTVAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING IIEETINGwLL BE oN ruEsDAY, t?i7l96, BEG|NNING AT 7:30 p.it. tN Tov couNctl GHAMBERS. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEIIIBER {7, 1996 7:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA NoTE: Times df ltems are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item. 1.CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. (5 mins.) CONSENTAGENDA: A. Ordinance No. 25, Series of 1996, second reading of an Ordinance Making SupplementalAppropriations from the Town of Vail General Fund, Parking Structure Fund, Police Confiscation Fund, Booth Creek Debt Service Fund, Debt Service Fund, and Housing Fund, of the 1996 Budget and the Financial Plan for the Town of Vail, Colorado; and Authorizing the Expenditures of Said Appropriations as Set Forth Herein; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto.B. Resolution No. 22, Series of 1996, a Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an Animal Control Services Contrao. (10 mins.) Appointment of Marketing Board Members. (5 mins.) ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Appoint two members for terms of four years each to the Marketing Board. Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1996, first reading of an ordinance amending Section 18.22.O3O, Conditional Uses, to allow time-share estate units, fractional fee units and time-share license units as conditional uses in the Public Accommodation Zone District, and to establish Section 18.22.035. conditional uses-factors applicable in the Public Accommodation Zone District. Gordon Pierce, representing Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. (1 hr, 30 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve/modify/deny Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1996 on first reading. BACKGROUND MTIOMLE: Please see the attached memorandum from the Community Development Department staff to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated November 25, 1996. STAFF RECOMMENDATION:Approve Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1996 on first reading. Resolution No. 23, Series of 1996, a Resolution Directing the Town Manager to execute the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Town of Vail and VailValley Consolidated Water District as modified. Qrdinance 24, Series 1996, second reading of an ordinance providing for the establishment of Special Development Districl No. 33, Red Sandstone; adopting a development plan for Special Development District No. 33 in accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code; and setting forth details in regard thereto; and Ordinance 20, Series 1996, second reading of an ordinance rezoning three tracts from General Use Section 18.36 to Medium Density Multi-Family Residential, Section 18. 18 generally located at 945 Red Sandstone Road. Applicants: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, Town of Vail, United States Forest Service. (30 mins.) ? 4. George Ruther 5. Tom Moorhead Andy Knudtsen o ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve/Deny/Modifo Resotution No. 23, Series of 1996 and Ordinances 20 and 24, Series 1996. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: please see Council packets. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Resolution No. 23. Series of 1 996 and Ordinances 20 and 24, Series 1996. 6. An appeal of a variance denial made by the Planning and Environmental Dominic Mauriello Commission on September 23, 1996. The appellants were denied a site coverage variance to allow an additional one-car garage to be construc{ed at 742-8 Sandy Lane/Unit B, Lot 3, Vail/Potato Patch, Second Fiting. Appellants: charres and Geri campisi, represented by Kerry wailace. fthr.) The Town Council tabled this appeal at the November 19, 1996, Council meeting. The item was tabled until December 17, 1g96, at the request of John Goodman, attomey for the Campisi's. AcrtoN REQUESTED oF couNcrL: Uphord / modify / overtum the PEC's denial of the variance request. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: see the attached staff memo and other materials for a comprehensive overview of the appeal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council uphold the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of a 260.8 sq. ft. site coverage variance and recommends that the Town Council make the following findings: 1. That the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 18 (Zoning) have not been met. 2- That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 3. There are no exceptions, extraordinary circumstances, or conditions that are applicable to this site that apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone. In addition, any hardships which have been presenled, have been self imposed. 4- The strict interpretation, or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential district. Town Manager's Report. (10 mins.) Adjoumment - 11:00 p.m. NOTE U PCLOIII NG H,:"1TI*9-fTISJI*R:, BELOW: ililil1 THE NEXT VAIL TOYViI COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, IflT97, BEGINNING A i'2:OO P,M. IN Tov couNcIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwLL BE oN TUESDAY, 1/14197, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. tN Tov coUNctL GHAMBERS. THE NEXTVAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING iIEETING YVILL BE ON TUESDAY,1NP7, BEGINNING AT7:30 P.M.IN TovcoUNcIL GHATBERS.t|iltl Slgn fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please call47g-2332voice or479-2356 TDD for information. C:\AGENOATC 7. 8. o ,14 PUBLIC NOTICE (as of | 2/13/961 lanuary, l99T In an anempt to respond to scheduled meeting demands, as well as adhere to mandated ordlnance and chaner requiremenq council meetings ari scheduled at tlre following times: EVENING MEETINCS Evening meetings will continue to be held on the first and third Tuesday evenings of each month,shning at 7 30 P.M. These qeelngs will provide iforum for citizen panicipation and public audience for conducting regular Councit busines. woRK sEsstoNs Work sesions, which are primarily scheduled for Council debate and undersanding of isues beforethe Council, wlll now be scheduled to begin at 2:oO P.M. (unles ottrenrvlse notedion everv Tuesday aftemoon. Tuesday. Januaru 7, 1997 Work sesion O2:OO P.M. (*rttng tlre dercrmined by tensdr of asenda)Eveningmeeting......... 07:30p.M. Tuesdav. lanuary 14, l9g7 Work session O2:OO P.M. (senine rime der€rmined by tensth of agenda) Tuesdav. Ianuaru 21 . l9o7 Work session 2:00 P.M. (sarrins dme delermined by tenrh of agenda)Eveningmeeting......... 07:30p.M. Tuesdav, lanuary ^4, lgoz WOfk SeSSlOn O2:OO P.M. (saning dme deermtned by ten$h of agenda) TOWN OF VAIL THE IANUARY. 1997. VAtt TOWN COUNCTL MEETTNG SCHEDULE IS AS FOLLOWS: A"*'l4truaru,6.t Pamela A. Brandmeyer Assisunt Town Manager sigll-arylage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please cail 419-2332 voiceor 479-2356 TDD for information. o Do,-'- VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1996 2:00 P.M. AT TOV COUNCTL GHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Gouncil will consider an item. 1. Dominic Mauriello Site Visit - An appeal of a variance denial made by the planning and Environmental Commission on September 23, 1996. The appellants were denied a site coverage variance to allow an additional one-car garage to be constructed at 742-8 Sandy Lane/Unit B, Lot 3, Vail/potato Patch, Second Filing. Appellants: Charles and Geri Campisi, represented by Kerry Wallace (20 mins) ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCTL: Site Visit. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: See the attached staff memo and other materials for a comprehensive overview of the appeal. Site visit and discussion of Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1996, an ordinance providing for the establishment of special Development Distric{ No. 33, Red Sandstone; adopting a development plan for Special Development District No. 33 in accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code; and setting forth details in regard thereto; and Ordinance No. 20, Series of ig96, an ordinance rezoning three tracts from General Use Section 18.36 to Medium Density Multi-Family Residential, Section 18.18 generally located at 945 Red Sandstone Road. (1 hr., 30 mins.) ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Visit the site and discuss the proposal. BACKGROUND RATTONALE: ptease see Council packet. Information Update. (10 mins.) Council Reports. (10 mins.) Other. (10 mins.) Adjoumment - 4:20 p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TITIIES BELOW: (ALL TtrlES ARE AppROXtaATE ANO SUBJECT TO CruNGE) 2. Andy 3. 4. 5. Knudtsen |ilil1 THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL SPECTAL WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY' l1126/96, BEGINNING AT 1:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCIL CHAI|BERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY' 1213/96, BEGINNING AT2:00 P.M. tN Tov couNctL cHAitBERs. THE NEXTVAILTOVW{ COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 12lit/96, BEGINN|NG AT7:30 p.il. tN Tov couttctl cHAltBERs.ilil||l Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please call 429-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for inbrmation. C:IAGE DAWS 6. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL EVENING MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEiiBER 19, 1995 7:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Gouncil will consider an item. 1. 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. (5 mins.) CONSENTAGENDA: (5 mins.)A. Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1996, second reading of an ordinance amending Special District No. 21, the Vail Gateway Building, and amending the development plan in accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Town of Vail MunicipalCode and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Apartment, Inc., represented by Steve Riden. (10 mins.) B. Ordinance No. 21 , Series of 1996, second reading of an ordinance to designate 14 properties located in the Town of Vail as open spaoe as provided in Article 1 3, Section 13.1 1 of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado. (5 mins.) Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1996, first reading of the budget (10 mins.) ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL:Approve Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1996 on first reading. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: Annual appropriation Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1996 will adopt the 1997 budget and approve the 1998 budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1996 on first reading. Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1996, first reading of an ordinance providing for the establishment of Special Development District No. 33, Red Sandstone; adopting a development plan for Speciat Development District No. 33 in accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code; and sefting forth details in regard thereto; and Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1996, first reading of an ordinance rezoning three tracts from General Use Section 18.36 to Medium Density Multi-Family Residential, Section 18.18 generally located at 945 Red Sandstone Road. (1hr., 30 mins) ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve/deny/modiff Ordinance No 20, Series of 1996 and Ordinance No.24, Series of 1996 . BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Please see Council packet. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: Approve Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1996 and Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1996. An appeal of a variance denial made by the Planning and Environmental Gommission on September 23, 1996. The appellants were denied a site covemge variance to allow an additional one-car garage to be constructed al742-8 Sandy Lane/Unit B, Lot 3, Vail/Potato Patch, Second Filing. Appellants: Charles and GeriCampisi, represented by KerryWallace (30 mins.) 3. Steve Thompson 4. Andy Knudtsen 5. Dominic Mauriello AcrtoN REQUESTED oF couNcrl: uphotd / modify / overturn the PEC's denialof the variance request. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: See the attached staff memo and other materials for a comprehensive overview of the appeal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council uphold the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission's denialof a 260.8 sq. ft. sile coverage variance and recommends that the Town Council make the following findings: 1. That the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 18 (Zoning) have not been met. 2. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 3. There are no exceptions, extraordinary circumstances, or conditions that are applicable to this site that apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone. In addition, any hardships which have been presented, have been self imposed. 4. The stric{ interpretation, or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential district. Town Manager's Report. (10 mins.) Adjoumment - 10:00 p.m. NOTE U PCIIOIIL NG IT5"TJ[9f,""IS#ffi:l BELOW: ililil1 THE NEXTVAIL TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 11126196, BEGINNING AT 1:30 P.M.lN Tov couNctl GHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 1213196, BEGINNING AT 2:OO P.iI. IN Tov coUNcIL CHAI|BERS. THE NEXTVAILTOYW COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 123196, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:30 P.M. tN Tov couNctl GHAMBERS.t|iltl Sign language inbrpretation available upon requesl with 24 hour notification. Please call 47g-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD br information. C:IAGENOATC 6. 7. A regular meeting of the Vail Town council was held on Tuesday, November 1g, 1996, in the council chambers of theVail Municipal Buitding. The meeting was called to order at apiroximately 7:30 p.M. MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING November 19, 1996 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert W. Armour, Mayor Sybill Navas, Mayor pro-tem Kevin Foley Rob Ford Paul Johnston Ludwig Kurz Michael Jewett FILE CC;, TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Bob McLaurin, Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attomey Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk The first ilgT ol the agenda was Citizen Participation. Vail resident, Scotty McGowan expressed his concems regardinguncontrolled, vicious dogs in town. Next, Sheika Gramshammer of the Gasthof Gramshammer Lodge, addressed the Council about noise problems in the Y59,"*,:::,::lo_Y::,::P""i"lly concerned with the 7:00 a.m. tiash removat. She said trash removat that earty in themornrng was especially annoying to guests and suggested a later pick up of g:00 a.m. Jo Stauffer of the Vail Village Inn said he supported Sheika's concerns, and stated that because of the mixed usebuildings in the Village, it was important to be;liveable". on another matter, Mr. Staufer asked Council members toreconsider their decisions pertaining to the Red Sandstone housing project, stating it would be a mistake to put publiclands to private ownership. He also indicated he did not appreciai'e'tnd aicnitecture of the project. Peter Franke' an employee of Gasthof Gramshammer then addressed Council regarding the early trash removal issue.In addition to an 8:00 a.m. pick up, Franke suggested back up beepers and diesll eng-ines on the tiucrs be cut off tohelp alleviate noise, and asked that cneckpoint charlie be statreo it night. Roy Parsons of BFI explained the trash. removal proce_ss in the Village, and said he understood the concems expressedby Gramshammer' However, he explained that in addition to comirig uf ;iirr a cost effective collection system, safetywas his company's main issue' Larry Roman, facilities manager foiBFl was also on hand to eiptain operations. Jim Lamont of the East Mllage Homeowners Association said he supported ail parties who spoke on the trash removalissue' He said he was confident that short and long term solutioni to the loading ano obtivery pioblems could bereached, and that everyone in the community should-participate. Item number two on the agenda was the consent agenda which consisted of the following items: A' Ordinance No. 17' Series of 1 996, second reading of an ordinance amending Special District No. 21 , the VailGateway B-uilding, and amending the developmenl plan in accordance with ihabter r A.+O oi tne Town of VailMunicipal Code and setting forth details in regard ihereto. Applicant Vail Apartment, lni., rlfresented by steveRiden. B' ordinance No' 21 , Series of 1996, second reading of an ordinance to designate 14 properties located in theTown of Vail as open space as provided in Articte 1 J, Section r s. r r ot ihe chirt"i .rt ,ii,i";%ii, ;;;;. Mayor Armour read the Consent Agenda in full. A motion was made by Sybill Navas to approve the Consent Agenda,and Paul Johnston seconded the motion. A vote was taken and p"ss6o uninimousty, aci. Third on the agenda was ordinance N0.23, Series-of 1996, first reading of the 1g97 budget and financial plan, andconsideration of a 1 998 budget.and financial plan. Mayor Armour read tn-e mte in full. Todn of Vail Finance Director,Steve- Ttrompson presented the item,_ltating that the annual appropriation ordinance No. 23, Series of 1 996 will adoptthe 1997.budget and approve the 1998 budget, and that stati iecbmmendation was for approval of the ordinance onfirst reading' Mayor Armour asked that stiff look at the opportunity to add an additional firefighter position prior to :e?o$ reading. Paul inquired about the number of community safety officers employed by the town. Town Minager,Bob McLaurin stated that cunently there were four, but thafadditi6nal officers woutO tirity oe neeaea once a newloading and delivery plan was adopted. Rob Ford moved to approve ordinance No. 23, Series of 1996 on first reading with a second from Sybill. Sybill thenstressed the importance of an additional firefighter. Bob,McLaurin said he would have information available at theNovember 26 work session as to the cost of the position. A vote was then taken and p"a""o un"nimously, 6-0. Agenda item number four was ordinance No. 24, Series of 1996, first reading of an ordinance providing for theestablishment of special Development District No. 33, Red sandstone; adoptin! a oevetofmeni Fran for specialDevelopment District No. 33 in accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Vail'Municipil Code; an'd i"ttini tortn details in VailTovrn Councl Evanino Meeting MirlJtes Nov6mD€a 19, t996 t""Tsfffiyb:#,3'^f:t?ff1,xp{ftl6iln"iiFiffi:3:ffil"iti:t*;ruuiJ:i",Et":"g"","J:tx Road. Senior Housing Planner, Andy Knudtsen presented lhe two ordinances and ieferred to an october 2g, 1996memorandum to the PEC. He explained that the zoning charige was needed to move fonrard *itfr " proporal initiatedby the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District in partnership with the Town of Vail and the U.S. forest Service for a17-unit afiordable housing development. He said the water district was the owner of threequart"o otin" property, wtritethe Forest Service owned one{uarter of the land, and that the town and Forest service "i"r" n"goii"ting a transfer tothe town as part of the Land ownership Adjustment Agr,e9m9..n!. .Andy further statec tnat ttrE-l"no ,r" plan wasconsistent with the proposed use, and that the project was well within the rdnge and consistent wiin wnat cunenly existsin the area. He mentioned that parking and loading areas were well within the requirements. The staff recommendationwas for approval of Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1996 and Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1996- Tom Braun of Braun & Associates,- Pat Dauphanias of the Eagle River water and sanitation District, and Jim Morterof Morter Architects presented a visual design of the project, ansrrered questions, anO broviAeO-'a-n overview of theproposed site plan. Jim Lamont of the East Village Homeowner's Association questioned whether the units should all be sold, andsuggested keeping a portion of the units in the affordable housing pool. He requested the Water District's use of theirunits be similar be similar to that of the town's, as far as the number availablefor critical and non--crlficat empfo'eei,the rest being drawn for in a lottery. He said housing was needed for all employees, not ;ust itrosJ emptoyed by thegovemment. Additionally, Lamont said he would like to see additional siOewilti put in. IoU e.o.tO complemented the Water District for its efforts in,presenting an affordable housing project for the community.He said an_excellent job was done meeting the criteri.a..and proposing lhe projgct, "nd ;ugil"Go boiuncir approve theproject and move forward. He said he was confident the smatler Oetaits cbutO then be *l-rfJ out.' Rob Ford moved to approve ordinance No. 20, Series of 1996 on first reading with changes as recommendedby Town Attorney, Tom Moorhead. Sybill seconded the motion, and J vote wa-s taken ano passedunanimously, 6-0. ordinance No. 24, Series of 1996 was then discussed. Rob Ford stated the project met with all the designguidelines as required. Sybill moved to approve Ordinance No. 24, with addition of tanguage pertaining todeed restriction and streamwalk setbacks for the project. Rob Ford seconded the moti6n. Mayor Armour then complimented the project, pointing out that the setbacks had been met, and that parkingand landscaping was greater than what was required for the project. Paul Johnston stated he couldn,r vote in .favor of the project because of concerns about the architectural design, in particular the flat roofs. A vote was thentaken and passed, 5-1, Paul voting in opposition. Agenda item number five was An appeal of a variance denial made by the planning and EnvironmentalCommission on September !3' !9!6. The appellants were denied a site cbverage varia-nce to allow jn additional one-car garage to be constructed at 742-8 Sandy LaneAJnit B, Lot 3, VaiUPotato PatJh, Second Fifin!, Appellants: Charlesand Geri Campisi, represented by Kerry wallace. Town Planner Dominic Mauiiello intormei' tni'councitthat theappellants requested the matter be continued to December 17, 1996. Rob moved to table the item untilthe December 17 evening meeting and Sybill seconded the motion. A votewas then taken and passed unanimously, 6-0. Sixth on the agenda was a report from the Town Manager. Bob McLaurin stated he had nothing to add. Kevin Foley announced-the Eagle County Regional Transportation Authorig had authorizeO SzscjlOoo intransportation sales tax funds to help complete the Dowd Junction recreation'al path. He said approvalwasbased on a recommendation by the Trails Committee, which reviews requests ior matching funds. There being no further business a motion was made by Rob foradjoumment. Kevin seconded the motion andthe meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:S5 p.m. ATTEST: R. Yuo(t'rtt)'ut'rt Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk llinutes taken by ltotty ccutcheon(rNams of certaln tndjviduals who gnve public i nput nay be inaccurate.) Respectfully subm itted, Robert W. Armour, Mayor Vail Town Co(lri Ewling MactinC Mi|rtgs No|/rrnD.i 19. t996 e 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado E1657 97G479-2100 FAX 970-479-2157 December5, 19go Gillian Cooley Monison Stovall Goodman Wallace Benchmark Plaza Building 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite 202 P.O. Drawer 5860 Avon, CO 81620 ========================================================================= INVO IC E ========================================================================= Copies 24 @$1.25 per page Transcription of Planning & Environmentar commission Meeting, Agenda ltem No. 3, dated September23, 1996 _ 5 hours @ $50 per half day TotalDue $ 30.00 100.00 $ 130.00 Please ma(e your check payable to The Town of Vail and forward to: ' The Office of the Town Clerk Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81652 Thank you. {S*t^o* C MEMORANDUM TO: Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 19,1996 SUBJECT: An appeal of a variance denial made by the Planning and Environmental Commission on September 23, 1996. The appellants were denied a site coverage variance to allow an additional one-car garage to be constructed al 742-8 Sandy Lane/Unit B, Lot 3, VailiPotato Patch, Second Filing. Appellants: Charles and Geri Campisi, represented by Kerry Wallace Planner: Dominic Mauriello I. SUBJECTPROPERTY Campisiproject. Located at742-B Sandy Lane/Unit B, Lot 3, Vaili Potato Patch, Second Filing. II. STANDINGOFAPPELLANT Statf believes the appellants have standing to file an appeal in this case as they are the owners of the subject property. III. BACKGROUND The appellants requested a site coverage variance of 260.8 sq. ft. in order to construct a 300 sq. ft. one-car garage on the subject property. This duplex currently contains 2 enclosed garage spaces and this request would add a third. The allowable site coverage for this site is 3,403.8 sq. ft. (20/") and the proposal is for 3,664.6 sq. ft. (21.5%) of site coverage. The Planning and Environmental Gommission, at their September 23, 1996 meeting, unanimously denied the site coverage variance and made the following findings (see attached minutes): 1. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. There are no exceptions, extraordinary circumstances, or conditions that are applicable to this site that apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone. In addition, any hardships which have been presented, have been self imposed [the PEC specifically added this provision to the findings recommended by staffl. 3. The strict interpretation, or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential district. - This duplex was approved by the DRB in 1979 and constructed in 1980. The duplex, as originally approved, contained 3,763 sq. ft. of GRFA (as calculated in 1979). This site is allowed 3,951.9 sq. ft of GRFA. On March 3, 1979, a density variance for a 40 sq. ft. addition was denied by the PEC based on a finding fiat no hardship existed to justily the request. On September 21, 1988, a request for 500 sq. ft. of GRFA was approved under the 250 Ordinance. The structure now contains 4,502.8 sq. ft. of GRFA as calculated today. With two 250's, the site is permitted up to 4,451.9 sq .ft. of GRFA. Therefore the site is 50.9 sq. ft. over on GRFA and is considered a legal nonconforming structure with respect to GRFA. This structure also currently encroaches into both side setbac*s. This is a pre-existing nonconforming condition and is not affected by the proposal. lV. NATURE OFTHE APPE/AL The appellants are appealing the PEC decision denying the site coverage variance. The appellants have provided additionaljustification for the variance which is anached. The appellants have also provided additionaljustification of how they will suffer practical difficulties and/or unnecessary physical hardships if the site coverage variance is not granted (provided in attached materials). Staff has summarized their statements below: a. The appellants will have insufficient parking for parking their own vehicles and for guests. The house will be restricted to one 300 sq. ft. garage for a 3,366 sq. ft. house. The Zoning Code allows up to 600 sq. ft. of garage space per unit. There is insulficient parking for the house, and snow storage in the winter months precludes parking in the driveway. Staff response: The driveway, as it currenlly exists, has the capability of storing 7 cars in addition to the 2 existing garage spaces, for a total of 9 parking spaces. The proposed garage does not add any additional parking to the site as it will be constructed upon the existing paved driveway. The appellants have mis-stated the square footage ol the home and the existing garage space. The entire home (both dwellings) contains 4,502.8 sq. ft. of GRFA and there are 2 existing 300 sq. ft. garages (one per unit). This duplex is required 5 total parking spaces. Snow storage is the responsibility of the homeowner and snow can be stored or removed from the site in a variety of ways in order to maintain parking on-site. b. The construction of the garage will correct a serious drainage problem on the property. Staff response: While this proposed garage may correct this drainage problem, there are numerous solutions to the drainage problem which do not involve constructing a garage. o' c. The garage will provide additional needed storage as there currently exists very little storage area within the residence, particularly for storage of recreational equipment. Staff response: In July of 1996, the appellants received approvals to perform a major remodel to lhe exterior and interior of this duplex. No attempt was made in this remodel to provide additional storage space. On September 1 2, 1988, a DRB approval was given in conjunction with a 250 request to construct a slorage area, labeled "Bike Storage" on the first level of this structure (see attached elevation and floor plan). The storage area was 250 sq. ft. As part of the 1996 DRB approvals, this storage area was eliminated and converted to living area. lt appears that the lack of storage area on this property is a self imposed situation. d. The variance would correct he serious security problem which exists for the owner of Unit A. Staff response: The owner of Unit A has a staircase and a door on the east elevation of the home. This door opens to a bathroom in the unit. The door is perceived as the front entry to the home and according to the owner, people often come to this door. The statf understands the security issue with this doonray. However, the proposed garage addition is not the only solution to correct this problem. For example, a deck without stairs to the ground could be constructed which would prevent persons from approaching the door; or the stairs could be removed and the door replaced with an egress window, thus preventing access. There are a number of other solutions which could correct this problem. The stairs that exist now do not meet the BuiEing Code requirements. The Building Code requires a landing at the top of the stairs as well as hand rails. Statf and the PEC can find no justification for the hardship based on the Zoning Code criteria lor granting a variance. V. REOUIREDACTION Uphold/Overturn/Modify the Planning and Environmental Commission's denialol a 260.8 sq. ft. site coverage variance. The Town Council is required lo make findings of fact in accordance with Section 18.66.030 (5) shown below: 5. Findings. The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title have or have not been met. Further, if the Town Council chooses to overturn or modify the PEC denial of this variance, the Town Council shall consider the following factors and make the following findings related to the granting of a variance: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. o' 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect ol the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. B. The Town Council shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public heallh, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enlorcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners ol other properties in the same district. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Statf recommends that the Town Council uphold the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of a 260.8 sq. ft, site coverage variance and recommends that the Town Council make the following findings: 1. That the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 18 (Zoning) have not been met. 2. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 3. There are no exceptions, extraordinary circumstances, or conditions that are applicable to this site that apply generally to other properties in the PrimaryiSecondary Residentialzone. In addition, any hardships which have been presented, have been self imposed. 4. The strict interpretation, or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of other properties in the PrimaryiSecondary Residential district. F:beryone\p€cvn€mobarnpisi.n l 9 Charlie Alexander said that this was a permanent structure. Charlie also said lhat Vail Associates owned the land and i1 they betermined that the land could be better used, then that's whal would happen. He also mentioned that this condition was in his lease. Dirk Mason suggested an additional condition be placed on the approval, which would allow for the conditional use permit to be called-up, il the Lionshead Master Plan suggested an alternative use. Galen Aasland said it was a great use and agreed with Dirk's proposal. Diane Golden said it will be made more attractive than it is now. lt was a nice addition to Lionshead and also gave the youth of our Town something lo do. Henry Pratt stated that it was a good location. Henry addressed the.complaints from Units #206 anO ligOO and said that Gartinkel's Bar and Restaurant poses a much greater threat on their privacy than this use. Henry said in lairness to Charlie and the bank, as long as the PEC can call-up this application, he was in favor of a longer term' Greg Moffet was in favor of lhis use. The units that complained had trees to screen them from this-operation. Greg was in favor of a longer term,lo give Charlie an incentive to spend more money on the site to enhance the property. Henry pratt made a motion for approval, in accordance with the staff's memo, with the addition of a seiond condition that if the Lionshead Masler Plan required or suggested a different use' the approval could be subject to a call'up. Greg Moffet asked Henry to indicate in his motion, the term length of the conditional use permit. Henry Pratt amended the motion to include a 3-year period of time. Diane Golden asked the applicant if the 3-year period of lime would work' Charlie Alexander said, Yes. The motion was seconded by John Schofield. It passed by a vote of 5-0. (Greg Amsden was not present for this item). 3. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for the conslruction of a one-car garage, located at 742 Sandy Lane/Lot 3, Vail Potalo Palch 2nd Filing. Applicant: Jeri CampisiPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of this request and stated that staff was recommending denial, because the request does not meet the code criteria for a variance. Although it may not negatively impact other properties in the area, it would be a grant of special privilege. Greg Moflet asked if the applicant had any comments. Plannin g and Environmental Commission Minutcs Scpternber 23, 1996 J o' Kerry Wallace, the atlorney on behall ol Jeri Campisi, stated thal lhe owner of the other half of inu riupr"*, Aetty Cutfy, wis here. Kerry stated that the lack of storage and lhe odd floor plan, wilh liille or no ctoset space within the residence presenled a hardship, in parlic_u1ar, in rela.tior lo inu rtor"g" of recreational goods. The present two-car garage is.not enough' She stated that- - the aooliiant had a probleri with parking in the winter, as she had a lot of guests' Kerry went on i"iil! tnit rhe Carirpisi's have significintly improved the property since purchasing it and that in. ** giiuge would further improve the sjte. The proposed garage was as small as the urinit".t""ort"O possibly make it ind the architect assured them that it would not encroach inlo ,.V "iii" i"toi.fr. iignt now there existed a drainage problem and !Y ra'sing_uq,l!1fl{,:i-^ fhe new proposed garage, this drainage problem would be correcled. There was also an exrsllng ."""riry itr* f or B"etty "Guf f y, since thi door to her unit went past the bathroom. This security issue was a serious concern. Kerry Wallace went on to slate lhat this property was an eyesore' ,ntif tn" C"rpisis made some chahges. There are a number of 2 and 3-car garages in the area' so this request was not asking anything out of the ordinary. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. Betty Gutfy stated that she has owned the other hall of the duplex for 5 years, which is the uppqi ffrirO of fhe house. Betty stated that the Campisis are the periect neighbors and have certainly fit ifre mold as neighbors that she would have chosen to jointly improve the property. Both neighbors agreed on the stucco improvemenls. The architect could solve lhe drainage proDlem witti tfris new proposed addition. When the Campisis unit was rented short term, lhere were a nrrmber ot probtems. Betty stated lhat she lived alone and security was a problem. Betty stated that 50 sq. lt. over the allowed site coverage is a minor overage. Greg Moflet asked for any other public comments. Joe Staufer stated that he lived at 746 Sandy Lane. Joe was in favor of this request and said that it would not negatively aflect any property owners. Under the safety, welfare and health linding, Joe stated inat tn6 security issue was the reason and the right to grant this variance. lt was a dark neighborhood, which presented a safety lactor. Joe stated that when he was gone, Beily Gufly wai all alone on the block. He stated that granting this variance would give someone a better place to live. Joe said he saw no conceivable reason not to grant lhis variance. Dominic Mauriello stated that he had reviewed recent DRB plans. Dominic stated that the applicant had lust removed the lormer storage space, which was used to slore snowmobiles, and had created living area out of it, so therefore, the result was a lack of storage. Betty Guffy stated that her nelghbor lo the right ol her, was in favor of approving this request. Galen.Aasland asked how big the existing 2-car garage was. Dominic Mauriello said 600 sq. ft. and that it had one garage space for each owner. Galen Aasland asked if the new garage would be the Campisis? Since the lot is over 15,000 sq. ft., Cafen doesn't think the size of thJlot was the problem and therefore there was no justific.ation loi a site coverage variance. The deck could be built without a variance to correct the security issue. Galen wa-s somewhat bothered by the argument that the Campisis didn't have enough. . rtoijg., when in fact, the remodel that r,rias hapfening right now, did away with the storage. He state; that the owners, with the remodel, have created some of their own conditiohs and hardships. llanning and Environmental Cotllnlission Minutes September 23. 1996 o Betty Gufly said that any staircase would be buried in snow. She stated that both sides of the frou6e *eie short on ctosets. Betty Stated that she uses part of the garage for storage for her off-season clothes. she also stated that the existing entry door was ugly. Diane Golden asked where the snow will be put? Dominic Mauriello Stated that Snow Storage was up to the owner and there were a variety of solutions lor the door. Betty Guffy said that architect Bill Pierce said that this garage and enlrance was the best plan andirom t'he front ot the house, this looks like the waylt was meant to be. lt seems silly to pay $28,000.00 to just correct the drainage and not do the addition' Henry Pratt told Betty Guffy that she was extremely lucky lo have owners like the Campisis who take brioe in their ownersnip. Henry felt thal identifying where lhe fro.nt door was less important than ihe security issue. He stated that they are entilled to a garage, bul without lhe variance' inir d"i"S" nad no impact on the neighbois and so Henry would be in favor of such a variance' i1 there was a hardshiP. JohnScholieldagreedwithHenry. Johnstatedthatthedoorwasinalousylocation' Jol!-, ..^ tended to agree with Henry, that the hardship would be getting a parking ticket' while parKeo oul in the street. Greg Amsden said that lhese were self imposed problems. There was no drainage qr_o^b]9f'.^,, whe"n the house was lirst built; it happened with lhe expansion. The lack of storage doesn't nolo un urg'rrn"nt. A smatl deck would luitity tne salely concern. There were no justiliable reasons lo go over site coverages. Greg Moflet was in agreement with Greg Amsden. What you have here was a unit that was *"*10-ort over whafwas permitted. Tliere was a lot of square footage in the mass and bulk that could have been usedfor storage. The storage problem has been sell-crealed. Greg said he doesn't see how this was not a grant of special privilege. Henry Pratt asked what the area of the garage was? Dominic Mauriello said each garage was 300 sq. lt. Greg Molfet asked for any more comments from the public. There was none' Greg Amsden made a motion for denial, per the staff memo and he added that the hardships were self-imposed. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. Galen Aasland said the lot was over 15,000 sq. ft. ll it was under that size, it might be different. Henry pratt asked if this should be tabled until the applicant came back with a better design. Dominic Mauriello said that he did not believe tabling would produce alternative designs, since it would still involve a site coverage issue. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes Septembcr 23, | 996 Greg Moflel asked staff il a carport was proposed, would it then not be GRFA? Mike Mollica said that could possibly be a staft approval, and it may not be GRFA, depending on how the carport was designed. The motion for denial passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 4. A request lor an exlerior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and adding ? 9rd' itoor, urilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 8028 Polato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Palch. Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 14,1996 5. A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow for the construction of a walk-in lreezer, tocatbd at 596 Wesl Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Mitch Garfinkel Planner: George Fluther wlrHDRAwN illtttttttl 6. lnformation Update Mike Mollica had no inlormation update. 7 . Approval of Seplember 9, 1996 minutes Mike Mollica suggested tabling the minutes, as there were more correclions on item #5 in the minutes. Galen Aasland had two changes for the minutes of 9/9/96. Diane Golden made a motion to table item #4 and the 9/9/96 minutes. The motion was seconded by Galen Aasland. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. Greg Amsden made a motion to adjourn lhe meeling' Galen Aasland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote ol 6-0. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.m, Planning and Eovironmenlal Commission Minutes Septembcr 23, 1996 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departmenl Septernber 23, 1996 A request for a site coverage variance to allow for a one-car garage' i;;;6d ;i 742Sandv LaneTLot 3, Vail Potato Patch 2nd Filing' Aoolicant: Jeri CamPisi Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello FIIE COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: The applicant is requesting a site coverage variance of 260'8 sq. ft. in order io construct a 300 sq. tt. one-car garage o" ii" *bi""t proietty' This duplex ".Y1:llll-"^"-ltains 2 enclosed garage spaces and rhis requesr;;il-;l;;ii.'ifr. 'in. iirowibre sire coverage for this site is 3,403'8 s[. tiiznzl ;nl ttrb proposal is for 3'664'6 sq' ft' (21'5%)' This duplex was approved by the DRB in 1979 and constructed in 1980. The duplex' as orisinauy approved,.ontin"Jo'ilz;$gr1r;i elFn itiilir.rt.ted in.l97e)' rhis site is allowed 5:b11.9'.q:ft ot enrn. On r,l"iinC, rbzg, a density variance for a 40 sq' fl' addition was denied by rhe pEC Oaseion'iiinOlngrnat no nalO;tiip existed to Justity the request' On September 21, 1988, . rJqrLtt ioi S6O sq. tt. ofCnFA was approved under the 250 Ordinance' The slructure now contains 4,502.8 sq. ft. of GRFA as calculated today' With two 250's' the site is permined up to 4,4s1.d;q :i. ;i ci.'in. inet"rot" tne site is 50.9 si' ft' over on GRFA and is ff;il;;il;ieglt noncontorming struclure with respect to GRFA' This structure also cunently encroaches into both side sehacks' This is a pre-existing nfi,co-nfotming condition and is not atfected by the proposal' The applicant's iustification for the sile coverage variance requestis that this addition will not neoaiivbfv afeci adjacent properties, as adiacent properties have two and three car garages' se-e attained lener for greater detail. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zirning: Use: Lot Size: Standard Slte Coverage: Landscape area: GRFA: wftwo 250's: SElbacks:Front: 20'Slies: 15' Flear: 15' Parking: 5 required tII. CFITERIA AND FINDINGS P rim arylSecond ary Residential Duplex residence 17,01 9 sq. ft. (entire site) Atlowed Existino -3,403.s sq. ft. (20%) 3,365.6 sq. ft. (19.87c) 10,211.4 sq. ft. (60%) 11,330.4 sq. ft. (66'svd ntc 3,951.9 sq. ft. 4,451.9 sq. ft. 4,502.8 sq. tl. 4,502.8 sq. tt. 30' 1 0' & 13.58' ?A' 6 (2 enclosed) Prooosed 3,600.6 sq. tt. (21.s%) n/c n/c n/c 6 (3 enclosed) nlc nlc Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code' the Cbmmunity Development Department recommends denial ot the requested site coverage variance. The recornmendation lor denial is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l.ThErelat|onshipo|therequestedvar|ancetootherexistingor potential uses and structures in the vicinity' The proposal will increase the building's bulk and maslbe.yond that enjoyed by other properties in the sa;e zone district. Stalf believes that wtiit6 ttre propolaimt' not negatively impact neighboring properties and while othdr siructures in tne area have two and three car garages,, there hasbeennoindicationofanyphysica|hardshipwhichwou|d.justify approving the requested variahc6. Other struitures in area have two and mree caigaragei and stillcomply with the site coverage requiremenls. essentiatt!, tnii owner enloys d tirger house at the expense of reduced garage are;. Staff Oelievbd me grtnt ol this variance would be a grant of special Privilege. 2. The degree to whlch relief from the strlct and llteral Interpretatlon and entorcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity o.-f treatment among sites In the viclnity or to attain thaobiectives of thls title wtthout grant of sPeclal privilege. statl believes that the granting of this variance would be a grant of -special privilege noi enioieO b! otheriots in the area or this zone district. Other . bites in tfre arei were 6onstructed within the site coverage requirements. l:bveryone$ecVnemosbetnpisl.923 The etfect of the requested variancs on light and air' dlstribution of poputation, transponation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and Public safety. Stafl believes that requested variance will increase the bulk and mass of fne oriioing which may nave a negative effect on the light and air of neighboring ProPerties. before granting a variance: l.Thatthegrantingo|thevariancewi||notconstituteagrantofspecia|.. priviieg. in.onti"tteniwith the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2.Thatthegrantingo|thevariancewi||notbedetrimentaltothepub|ic health, sifeiy oiwelfare, or materially injurious to properties 0r imProvements in the vicinitY. 3.Thatthevarianceiswarrantedforoneormoreoflhe|o||owingreasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical dilticulty or unnece.ssary pfiicainarOship inconsiitent with the objectives of this title. b.Thereareexceptionsorextraordinarycircumstancesorconditions "ppiicOr. io tn'e same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone' c.Thestrictinterpretationorenforcementofthespecifiedregu|ation- wouto Oeprive ihe applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district' STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department statf recommends denlal ol the applicant's variance request subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of sPecial privilege inconsistdnt wittithe limitations on other properties classi1ed in the same district. 2. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions afpticabte to this site lhat apply generaliy to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of me specilied regulation does not deprive the apilicant of privileges enjoyed. by !h.e -ow1q rs ol other prdperties in ilie Primary/Secohdary Residential district' 3. B. tv. l:bveryone$ecvnomosbamPisi 923 turng puocag € yl-qq?d ot?lod uoFlppv rsIoIIrcJ aqJrt&a.Ota ilo|| srv .o(t!fr!ra riillli Iit!l i$!il 5 -A. T -r-t4 Ie 09 Ir',, ),N.7u,,,u,r),lffitt E zo E "E tl3 2a5 raE\I a3 *,'// ,l ryE 2,ry'2) *M "n w// tltt, l,b, aoza'd -1ul0r ij.:tlrqlv'rElEl EtDl rstaEq m**".II nt tslgd po@5 € lort-gnr4 o1q4 uoplPpv rsrdrrrBc eqf, 2 Bp Hu,zoU & PIz 5 +>o \? ff3 tt.ar oca?-??--flcq l -l: t I u1>lH .|)I73/7Ot' A ).|?il Rffi, 6) e I t I .lj 1 _- NEW .:, F.NAILY ,Ri?T - U? zvl q. ET. | 1rt B.rrlliS Ndifto^' ,5llfieFrB?la{:r,,,i;f ftr\#5.1\'f jil'ii ;?ne .{: '': i<.rrr *ji;l{:Ll 0Ct 0 Z 1990 \.:d I$V.TOMl',l, t)FY DIPT REQUIRED FoR FILING AN APPEAL oF A STAFF, DESIGn'REVIEW BO.{RD oR P LANNI Nc AND ENVI RONI| ENTA L COi\rIt ISS ION ACTIO nN ACTION/DECISION BEING AppEALED: Denial of request for a site coverage varlance to allow for a one-car garage located at 742 Sandy Lane/ Lot 3, Vail, Potaco atch zn filing. The specific reguJ.atlon a variance was requested of ls Section Town of Vail Building Code regarding slte coverage which provides shar a rei idEncEE-io t to eT!!9!,-!x9!!y-P9l!ent (207) of a total site area. The. requested sire coverage varLance was for 260.8 qg. ft. for conscructlon of the garage. B. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: C. NAN,{E OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERINC THE DECISION/TAKJNG ACTION: Planning and Envl-ronmencal Conrni ss ion D.NAME OF APPELLANT(S):Charles P. Camplsi and Gerl Campisi MAILINCADDRESS: ll46 Sandsrone Drive, Vail, CO 91657 PHYSICALADDRESS [.lVAIL142-B Sandv Lane' Val1, CO PHONE: 4 7 5-5586 LECAIDESCRIPTIONOFAPPELLANT'SpROpERTyINVAIL: Unir B, Lot 3, vail/potaro Parch, Second Filing, Condominiums according to the Condominiurn Man recorded llarch /r, 1980 in Book 299 at Page 597 and as defined in theCondominium Declaration recorded llarch 4, 1980 in Book 299 at Page 5 f Colorado. E.SIGNATURE(S): Kerrv H, Walla torne arid ?ep-resenEa t ive o'iB:Ertzo (970) 949-4200 A$3tl"t3: Page I of2 rles an F.DoL-s this appcal involve a specific parccl of land? Yes lf ves. ;rlcase pror.idc thc follog.ing infonnarion: arc vou an adjacent propcrry o\rlcr? \'us _ no !a lfno. give a detailed explanadon ofhorv you are a.n "aggrieved or adversely affected person." "Aggrieved or adversely affected ferson" means any penon s,ho rvitl suffer an adverse effect to an interest prolecrcd or funhcred by tlis title. The alleged adverse interest may'bc shared in common wirh other members of the community at large. but shall exceed in degree the gener:l interest in community good shared by alI persons. The appellants are aggrieved or adversely affected persons as Ehey are the owners of the property in quesElon and the persons requesting the site coverage variance of the soecified re tion ln thls ractical difficultv or unnecessa hyslcal hardshlp to the lants as at the resent tlne there ls available only one 300 sq. ft. single car garage space for the appellantsr 3,366.5 sq. ft. residence. There is lnsuff- lclent parklng space for the appellanEst or.n vehicles wlthout taking into nd famlly. Parklng is not avallable uDon the screet or surroundlng areas There 1s also insufflej.ent storage area particularly as the single cae garage is fully utillzed for parking purposes. There also exists dralnage problem in that the area in which the new garage r^rouId be locared c. f-l_ slopes toward the resldence and water f Io\rs dlrectly into a major wal1 of tbe SEE ATTACHED SHEET Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physical ad&ess in Vail) of all orvners of property which are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property ownsrs (including properties separated by a rigbt-of'way. stream. or other intewening barriers). Also provide addressed and su-p.a envelopes for each property owner on the list. On separate sheets of pape( speciff the precise nature of the appeal. please cite specific code secrions har"ing relevance to the action being appealed. FEE: 50.00 Pa-ee 2 of 2 t continuation of section F of Apoeal of Denial of Site coverase variance for Charles and Geri Campisi building. The drainage problem will be expensive to fix and the proposed garage will correct the drainage problem while at the same time significanrly improving the property. In addition, the owner of 742'A Sandy [ane, Vail, CO currently experiences a serious security problem in that the general public has access to her emergency egress which leads to her master bedroom and bathroom. The proposed garage will gorrect this problem for the owner of 742-4 Sandy Lane who is Betty Guffey. o ACCOMPAI{TING INIORMATION FOR APPEAL OF PLANNING AND ETWIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION REGARDING SITE COVERAGE VARHNCE FOR CEARLES AND GERI CAMPISI FOR 7428 SANDY LANE, VAIL, COI,ORADO t1657 SECTION E NATURE OF APPEAL I. Background Information The Appellants, Charles and Geri Campisi, filed a request for a siie coverage variance for the purposes of constructing a single car garage addition. The specific regulation which the Appellants are seeking a variance of B section 18.13.090 of the Town of Vail Building Code regarding site coverage. Said section of the Code provides that a residence is not to excrrd20% of the total site area. The Campisi's are requesting a minimal variance of the regulation in order to allow them to construct a single car garage addition. The site coverage variance would be 260.8 square feet for the purposes of constructing a 300 square footone car.gamge upon the property. The allowable site coverage for the site is 3,403.8 square feet (20r'o) nd the proposed variance would allow for 3664.6 square feet (21.5%r. t The property is a duplex which currently mntains two enclosed garage spaces and the Appellants requested variance would add a third garage space. Currently each side of the duplex has use of one 300 square foot garage space. As such, the Appellants currently have a 300 square foot single car garage space for a 3,366.5 square foot residence. The Appellants' request for a site coverage variance was presented to the Planning and Environmental Commission on September 23, 1996 and based upon the recommendations of the Community Development Department, the request for the variance was denied. II. Finding of the Planning and Environmental Commission The Planning and Environmental Commission at the September 23,1996 meeting denied the Appellana' request for a site coverage variance in order to construct a 300 square foot single car garage addition based on the following hndings: l. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district; 2. There are no exceptions, extraordinary circumstances, or conditions that are applicable !o this site that apply generally !o other properties in the primary/secondary residential zone. In addition, any hardships which have been presented, have been self-imposed; urd 3. The strict interpretation, or enforcement of the specified regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of other property in the primary/secondary residential district. ru. It is Appellants Position that Granting of the Variance will not Constitute a grant of a Special hivilege and that there are hactical Difficulties and/or Hardships which the Appellants will Suffer if the Yariance is not Granted. The specific regulation that the Appellants are seeking a site coverage variance of is $18.62.050 of Title l8 of the Town Code of Vail also known as the'Zoning Title.' $18.62.060 specifically provides that before acting on a variance application the Planning Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: Section A. 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinities; 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment of sites in the vicinity, or to obtain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege; 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, ard traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety; and 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Planning Commission is also to make the following findings before granting a variance: Section B. l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district; 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and G:\CAl{llSI\ACCOMP.DOC -2- 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict or literal inteqpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnec€ssaqf physical hardship inconsislent with the objectives of this Title; b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone; c. The strict or literal interpreation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of other properties in the same district." The Appellants shall initially address the requirements of Section "A' of the Zoning Title $18.62.060: 1. The rtlationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. It is the Appellants position that the proposed site coverage variance requested by the Appellants for the purpose of constructing a single car garage addition to their property will not have any negative impact upon the other structures in the vicinity as such structures are all residential homes with two to three car garages and/or condominium structures in the Potato Patch area. The garage addition will not block any views and fits in with other duplexes in the area, many of which have three car garages or a close equivalent. The recommendations of the Planning Staff specifically stated that the Proposal may not negatively impact neighboring properties and that other structures in the area have two to three car garages. In addition, at the Pluming and Environmental Commission hearing on September 23,1996 an owner of an adjacent neighboring property, Joe Stauffer, testified stating that the garage would be a welcome addition to the neighborhood and would not in any way negatively impact any of the neighboring properties. There is no evidence that the proposed site coverage variance will negatively impact neighboring properties. 2. Tbe degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and . enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment upon sites in the vicinity or to obtain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The grant of the minimal site coverage variance reguested by the Appellants is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity and to attain the objectives of this title and does not constitute a gmnt of special privilege. The Zoning Title $18.04.130 addresses gross residential floor area ("GRFA') and addresses how GRFA is G:\CAllflS[\ACCOMP.DOC -3- o calculated and the amount of GRFA that is allowed per site. $18.04.130A(l) specifically provides, "Within buildings containing two or fewer dwelling units, the following area shall be excluded from calculation as GRFA: 1. Enclosed garages from up to 300 square feet per vehicle space not exceeding a maximum of two spaces for eac,h allowable dwelling unit permitted by the zoning code.' The Zoning Title also has an entire section dedicated to parking requirements in particular off street parking. The purpose of this title is to alleviate progressively or to prevent traffic congestion and shortage of on street parking areas, off street parking, and loading facilities. Chapter 18.52 of the Zoning Title requires a certain amount of off street parking for all new facilities. 18.52. 100 requires that off street parking be determined in accordance with the following schedule nA': if gross residential floor area is two thousand (2000') square feet or more per dwelling unit: 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit. The Appellants' property, which is 3,336 square feet, has only a single car 300 square fmt garage space. Thus, the Appellants only have available one parking space for their dwelling unit. This is not in compliance with 18.52.100 which requires 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit that are 2,000 square feet or more. There currently exists insufficient off street parking for the Appellants to park their two vehicles without taking into consideration guests and visiting family members. If the Appellants were to merely pave the area upon which they iue requesting the variance to build the single car garage it would not provide for year round parking for the Appellants. The Town of Vail snowplows during the winter months pile snow from the street onto the area where the garage would be built thus making that area unusable for parking purposes during the winter months. In addition, a concrete parking slab in the area in which the single car garage addition is proposed would be unattractive to the property and thus unattractive to neighboring residences. Though other sites in the area may have been constructed within the site coverage requirement, the only possibility for the Appellants' property to have sufficient parking in compliance with the code will be to allow the requested minimal site coverage variance for construction of the 300 quare foot single car garage addition. The possibility ofon street parking is not available to the Appeltants as it is illegal to park upon the streets in the Potato Patch area particularly during the winter months when the snowplows need full access to the streets in order to sufficiently clear them ofsnow build up. The requested site coverage will help achieve compatibility with the objectives of the Zoning Title. 3. The effect of the requested variance of ligbt and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities and public safety. It is the Appellants position that the variance will have no effect on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. In fact the Appellant proposes that the requested variance will actually have a positive affect upon these factors as it will allow for additional offstreet parking so that vehicles G:!CAMIISMCCOMPJOC -+ will not be parked upon the street causing potentially dangerous traffic situations. There was no evidence presented to support a different finding on this issue. For the foregoing reasons it is the Appellants' position that the variance should be granted for the following reasons: 1. The granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations of other properties classified in the same district; 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinities; and 3. The variance is warranted for the following reasons: a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Zoning Title; b. The strict or lileral interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of the privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. The Appellants will suffer the following practical difficulties and/or unnecessaqt physical hardships if the site coverage variance is not granted. a. They will be restricted to a 300 square foot garage for a 3,366 square foot residence. The Appellants will have insufficient parking for the parking of their own vehicles and/or parking for their guests and family members. This is a practical difficulty and/or an unnecessary physical hardship in particular as there if no in particular as there is no available on street parking. The Town of Vail Code specifically requires that sufficient off site street parking be provided for each residence. In particular 18.52.100(A) requires that a 2000 square foot or larger dwelling unit have 2.5 off street parking spac€s per dwelling unit. The Appellants have insufficient parking particularly in the winter months and would be subject to ticketing by the Town of Vail for parking on the street. In addition the Town of Vail Code specifically provides that enclosed garages of up to 300 square feet per vehicle, not to exceed a maximum of two parking spaces for each allowable dwelling unit, permitted by the Zoning Code are not included in the GRFA for a residence. It is consistent with the objectives of the Zoning Title to provid-e a3,3ffi square foot residence to have the capability of having at least 600 square feet of parking space, which is the amount which will be provided to the Appellants' should be proposed variance be grutted. ct\CAIUIISMCCOMP,DOC -5- b. The construction of the proposed garage addition will conect a serious drainage problem upon the property which will need to be corrected regardless of whbther the variance B granted. The garage addition will be a positive resolution of the drainage problem and will benefit neighboring properties in the area because it will increase the value of the property. c. The garage will provide additional needed storage as there currently exists very little storage area within the residence particularly for storage ofrecreational equipment. d. The variance would also correct the serious security problem that exists for the owner of the other half of the duplex, 742'A Sandy I:ne, Vail, Colorado, who is Betty Guffey. Please see the attached Affidavit of Betty Guffey. b. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of the privileges e4joyed by the ownem of other properties in the same district. Owners of other properties in the same district are typically allowed at least 600 square feet of enclosed garage space per dwelling unit. While some of these structures have been constructed within the site coverage requirements, it do€s not alleviate the fact that the AppellanS'property is adversely affected by the lack ofparking space. The Appellants should UeiUte to construct an additional 300 squarefoot enclosed parking space upon their property to allow for off strcet parking. cdcAIt{nsMccoMP.Doc -6 .\FFIDA\;IT OF BETTY GLFFEY co\{ES NOW, rhe .Aftlant, Betty Guffey, having personal knoNledge of rhe follotving facts and being duly ss'orn under oath hereby testifies n5 fellqu's: I . That I am rhe ownsr of real propeny located in the To$'n of vail ' countl' of Eagle ' Smte of Colorado knoqn as 7Jl-A Sand,v Lane' Vail' Colorado' 2.ThatlanranremberofrheCondonriniunrAssociationforLot3'vail.PotatoPatch, Second Filing condominiunt. To$n of Vail, Counry of Ea-ele,. Sute of colorado rvhich is comprised of Unit 717-ltandT-I2-B Sandy Lane.} Vail, Colorado ("Condominium Association")' .3.ThattheCondominiumAssociationiscomprisedofmyunit'a.ndunit742.BSandy Lane. Vail, colorado rvhich is o$,ned by Charles campisi and Geri campisi (hereinafter referred to as the "CamPisi's"). 4'Thatrvithnrl,exPresspermissionandinl.olr,enenttheCampisi'shar'ereqlesteda variance from the Torvn of \;ail for the purpose of constructing a single car garage addition to rheir unir. The consrruction of said single car ,earage Nill not in any rvay.negatively impact upon orlter srrucrures in ilte vicinir5' iis lllost strucrures aie resideniial homes' including condominium units s'ith garages. 5.ThatthegarageadditionrhattheCanrpisi'shar'erequestedar'arianceforfromthe Toun of \:ail is necessarl' fc'r a nuutber of reasons: A.ThereissignificantdrainageproblemuponthePropertyinthattheareain rvhich rhe ne\\, garage rl'ill be located slopes tolvard the residence and s'ater flos's directly into a major $,all of rlie builciing. rhe construction crf tlte garage $ill resohe this drainage problem - s,hili at the sante time significantly improving the propenl'' B. That ar lhe present rime u'irh lhe currenr configurarion of the residence $'ithout rhe requesred garage addirion. rhere exists a significant securiry problem rvith regard to my unit' The general public currenrll, has access ro-an emergen.y .g.iti door lvhich leads directly into my masler bedroom and bath area. Unfornrnatel-y, Oue ro rhe current configuration of the building the general public often utilizes n.ty .n].rg.n.)' e-sress door as opposed to m1' main door because ir is rhe onl1, door readill, r'isible from i-he ,it.o. titit is a cnuse for concern for me because I cannot 596 *ho is ar the energenc)r egress door until I anr right before the door' This is nor rhe case s,ith m1'main entrance Ooor as ic.n stt the person ar rhe door through u'indorvs prior ro opening rhe door. In addition packa-ees and flou'ei delileries are often left mistakenll' at nt). emergency esress door and as I d-o nor utilize thar door I do not locate the items Often for da1.s. I haYe rerained an archirect, Ilr. Bill Pierce of Frirzlen Pierce Briner 'A'rchitects in \/ail' ro address. among othei issues, the issue of the public access lo nly emergenc)' egress. doo.r so rhat I could he proricted r|ith securirl'. lt Nas ultinrareh'deternrined b;'\{r' Pierce.that there \\.is no \ar.ro pror.ide r:lc suclf securirl'due ttl design constrainrs thuS the prOpOsed garage lS an e\cellenr solurion ro n.l), securit), problenl. As such. I feel that the granting of the Variance ro allorv rhe construction of rhe single car earage is necessary lo prtrvide ttre $ ith adequate securiry ar my residence and I s'ill suffer a hardship if the \/ariance is not granted as no other oprions are available to me. C. That in rhe \Yinrer monrhs rhe To$'n of Vail sno\\' removal pushes snow onto rhe area u'here rhe nerv single car garage s'ill be constntcled thus ntaking such area unusable panicularly for parking purposes. There is insufficient parking in the area and the single car garage rvill provide a covered parking area 1'ear round. 6. For the foregoing reasons rhe o\\'ners of rhe property at712 Sandy l:ne constiruted of myself and rhe Campisi's rr'ill suffer a hardship if rhe Variance is not granted allorving for construction of the proposed single car garage. Funher the Affiant sa1'eth naught. STATE OF COLOR{DO EAGLE COLiNTY )) ss. ) -', n!1/'. Subscribed and srvorn to before nte ihis /Ut'ai:'of September, 1996. b1' BETTY GUFFEY. \\'imess m1' hand and oiflcial seal. lr{y commission expires: )..o3r) ?!5iii . AFFIDAVIT OF GERI CI\IPISI col,IEs NoW, *re Affiant, being du|y su,o.rn under oath and har,ing personal knorr'ledge of rle foltorving facts hereby testifies as follols: 1. That I am rhe o\\.ner of real propeny located in the To$'n of Vail' counry of Eagle' Snte of Colorado knonn as 742-8 Sandy ['ane, Vdil' Colorado' 2. That I am a member of the Condominiunr Association for I.,ot 3, Vail, Pouto Patch' second Filing, condominiunl, counry of Eagle, Snte of colorado n'hich is consdruted of unit il2-Aana IJZ-g Sandy bne, Vail, Colorado Ghe "Condo Association"). 3. That the Condominium Association is comprised of my unit and 742'A Sandy [:ne' Vail, Colorado u'hich is ou'ned by Beny Guffey' 4.Thatmyhusband,CharlesCampisiandmyselfhar,erequestedaVariancefromthe To*,n of Vail for tr. purpos"bf construciing a singie car garage addition to our unit' The construcrion of such singie car garage *'ill not in any gay negati'ely impact upon other srrucrures in rhe vicinity .-l ntor, ,r-*.*r., are residentiai hon:es, including condominium units' *'ith garages. 5. That rhe garage addirion thal \'e are requesting a Variance from the To$'n of vail for is necessary for a number of reasons: A. There is a significant drainage problenl upon the property in thatrbe area in u.hich rhe ne\\' garage rrill b: located slopes torvard the residence and lvater flo$'s directly into a major \.au of rhe building. This drainage problem needs to be corrected in some manner and could be r.ery expensit,. ro-fr* pursuant ro ui,ls *rat hale been receited. The consruction of the larage u'itt 1..roiu, rhis Jrainage problem uhile ar rhe san1e time significantly improving the propeny. B. Thar there exists lery linle srorage area n'ithin our residence and the existing nr.o (2).r, gri"g, is fully urilized foirhe parking of our nvo (2) automobiles. .15 5ush, se currenrly do nor have .n1, ,torrg, space ianicularll' for our recrealional equipment such a bic],cles, golf clubs anO sii equip-ment. This creates a significant hardship for us in that there are no closets in the house ,o -.ror. the equipment' no spt.e in the existing garage as it is used for parking our automobiles and ir s'ouli be inappropriale lo store said items ourside as they .ould b. siolen and it rvoutd detract from the area to store goods in that manner' C. That s'e are.unable ro park an automobile on the street or elservhere on the tor in order to make storage spaie available in the existing garage as parking is not allon'ed.upon ,h. ,,r..,, panicularly in rhi tttinter months, and the irea in u'hich the new galage s'ill be constructed is currently unusabld for parking purposes during the rvinrer months as the Tos'n of )g/20/98 FRt 10:03 F.LI STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTY Subscntred and ss'orn CAI\4PISI, FurJrcr thc Affiaut saYcth naugbt' Vail snow ,gtn6val plows large:roounts of slxtw-upou the.space' In addition' it is prcfcrable to have our c:r in covered pirriog during rhe wintcr mon'5s. D. That we also bave frequent guess' including numcrous farnily Eembers' and are unabte o provide . pirtir'"rp*;4;,fi "*,:t;;;; "iti,ing. Tbis ooscs a difficult orobtem again io t.r'" *'ott' tiono' wbcn the ;;;l;"; nccd rhi sot"ts il"tt of parkcd i'"r,i.t"t toadeguately plow tbc succts' 6.Thattbeproposedsinglccar3aragewilladdresallofr}reabovcrefe'rcrrcedbardships in tbat it will providc f";;" ;eii"nal-stor-agc' it *""i4 pt"ide a coverc-d parkiag spacc tbat wi' be usabte all ,"^, ,n,i.i ,"|'ii*iff U" Jpositive usc of curreutly uolsablc space' 7. Thst thc proposed siogle car-garaga will consdrute' 3tl i-Plo]'-t'Ttnt to be Prop€rty Orat will incrcase ,f|e "if"" niif,e ."rii.n.u .ni'rttu, would bc a positivc cffect upon thc ncighborhood in gcneral' 8. For tbc forcgoing reasoos-$e.o*ys of the p'iopcrty:t 742-Sandy l::ic *'hich is consdmted of mysclf, ,"v rrir-u."a. chartes c..p-i.i, ^.,i- Bctty Guffey will suffer a hardship if rhe Variancc i, "o, grti.T;;;;.-G;crion of'rhc proposed sinSle car g'aretc' )) ss. ) to befoie mc day of SePtember, 1996' bY GERIu,'L[fl arg cevprst G:\CAIYIPtSt\GERI'tFF' OTH (& {-+_ lo+cc\ To: Tolvn of Vail or To \\hom It \,Iay Concem From: Bett-v Guffey, Owner of 742 A Sandy I-ane I har,e seen the plans fbr the upper deck railing for 742 B Sandl'l,ane and I approve of it. Date: August 30, 1996 ,qefu VGJ ( (k',4o,1^L g A-tL- z L'+V ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit #: 896-0179 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE R.OAD vArL, co 81557 97 0-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER :EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTEI ?HIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Acidress Locacioo. . . Parcel No. .Project No. C & h VIOODI'ToRKING PO BOX 3e40, A-vOli, CO, C I H WOODIIORKiNG PO BOX 3840, A'"'ON, CO, C.A3:}IZI CHAiJ,JS & JER.I ?42 SANDI;}..\E, VAIL, 742 SANDY LN 2101-063-15-011 PRJg6-0112 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .z 07/03/1996 Issued. . .: 07 /03/t996Expires. . : 12/30/L996 Phone: fornerly CAIRNS 81620 Phone: formerly CAIRNS 81620 co.81657 3038457968 30384s7968 Description: INTERIOR, REI,IODEL Occupancy: R3 Type Constructiurr: V i\i valuation : 1 ,Jt:t u\i.U tof Gas Logs: Bui ldi ng-----> Plan chcck---> Invcsti gat i on> l,i l, L cal,l.----> R€sturrant Ptan Rcvi eY--> )f;3 tee--------- 1i5.90-:4.45 .00 .00 .00.00 Recrrati04 Fee----------> 3.( l c'.€a: -Lp leissit--------> 100.00 Tf,TAL tr:S- -----ffi*ffi*fl#*rr*t*clrtr:t'rr:. t7*fr'**t ?|xffi:(r*r'trr.Jrldr**ffii'H*i****ffi#r***t*r*#r*tffi Addi tional, Fccs---------> Totat Pernit Fee-------> Payments-------------> Dept: BUILDING Division; Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept,: PUB WORK Division: .00 292.75 292.75 ITem: .O:1C : iLII.'...D:NG :E?.D.RTMENT 07 /03/!99q C::AR:l-l A:'c.ion: A?PRItem:' 054C'r PLANin:.(G .:,EPARTMENT 07 /03 /i I9 ( i::-L:.LI.i A:t-.en: APFR N,/AIt'e.m:'.05600 PIRE ):?Ai.TI{ENT0i /Oi /i92 E - ::iAi.!I; Action: APPR l.l/AIte.m:' .055C 3 PUBL:: rrlOiKS 07 /03 / ;9 t : tl::ARL:i iiction : APPR N/A TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund si.ngle FarniJ.y nesidenQPprOved 4-A-Type v Non-Rated amOunt l?t\.(D .i'irl Sq Ft: tol Gas Appt -i ances: *ffi**ffiitr*t*rr**#**#titiit*ti.rJrt**it*ffi FEE SUl,ll,lARY **ffi*rffi*trir*r.*ffirtr(1rffiffi***it nhhlfritrt ntf,**tft Total crtcutatcd Fe!s---> ?92.75 *t*trrffi#dt*'*ti*t**: r:i r:(***'t.ti'i{ l,i! r;r:'r t)Hdr*ffi*ffiffit*****k*****ffr***,ffi*rr*t*i*i*****t*****t*** l*t*** See ?age 2 o:'-;.is Do,:riei:: -irrr any conditions that. nay appty to this permit. NECLARATIONS I hercby acknovteCAc tl|at I ha,€ re:. 'hi! ao;iiration, lill,'-{ out in fuLt th. informtion requi rcd, ccnpt.ted rn accufltr ptot Ptan, and state t4at a.r rhe i;r'lu: r,riir;n proridec as requircJ is 3orrcct. I agrle to corpl,y uith thc inforration lnd ptot plan, to corpty vith att Tcv'r J:'c,naic:s :nd stcre ia,rs, and to buitd this structurc according to thc foun's :oning and suHivi3ion codcs, desig;t rev;et{ aJpf:ved. Lr'ilr.! 3uiitJi:r3 iJde end o':il-.r or:inances of thc Torrn appticlbl.e thereto. REAUESTS FoP. llisPEa-:t0hr S.AL. -:E t{.q)! :iEr';"-:3uR li3uRs lN AI|ANCE ay TELEq!oNE AT {29-2138 oRAT OUR oFFICE FR0l4 8:m Slnd Ctcan-Up Drposit T3: C 0 ;r UOOD;el; ::i:FOR HI}ISELF AND OII ER Page 2 ********** *rt**tk *1t J * *** * 'l: s i rt** * * * * * * * * * * ,, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CCNDITIONS Permit #: Bv6-0-79 as of 07/09/96 Status---: ISSUED **********rr***"'t?+*'i*+***,.******rr************************************************ Permit Tllle: .C.DD,/A]-,T SFR SUILD PERl.4Il Applicant--: Cl i H I,IOODVTOFK:I{G 3038457968 ":'i S!l\"i)f Lls 2lC1-03.r -15-011. Applied--z 07/03/L996 Issued--- t 07 /03/L996To Expirez L2/30/L996 ilob Addresc Location--- Parcel No-- Description INTERIOR l:.L'Mt':rEJ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'r: i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng * * * * ,. * lr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIi:Li/ IliSl::JCl'lOii3 ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DSTECTOF.S ARE R3:QUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PFi. i::J, ,'2i,,1 t)3' 'ii{;i 1.991 UBC. Asseee Parcel PERI'IIT # PERUTT APPLTCATION FORI,IDATE:1-3 -zltl - t APPLfCATION MUST BE FfIJLED OUT COI'IPLETEIJY OR IT MAY NOT BE AcCEpTEDUX*t*************************** PEII!{IT fI|FORITIATJON *****************************rl .. 0fflce TOTIN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO -t)0-auilainq [{J-er,.''r''irrn t{]-etectricat [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other rob ranes rlr.vl ( ^ t?t+t rob Addre "", 142 dhLL*,Jr ,t/*rrT Legal Description, ro13 ztock_7 Filing sURDIvIsIoN: VAIL PaTATO P,{ad Olrners Name:Address: ItArchitectt tl/A Address: General Description:d/' le iPE Electri Contractor: Address: .Plunbing C Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail 4/Pnone Number: Town of VailI Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. ********************************FOR OFFfCE USE **!r****************************BUTLDTNG PERI,IIT FEE: PLUT.'BING PERUTT FEE: MECIIANICAIJ PER}IIT FEE: ELEqIRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUI'IBING PI-,AI{ CEECK FEE:I.IECI|ANICA,L PI,AI{ CTTECK FEE: RECRELTION FEE: CLE,AN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAT PERT-IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG3 SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNANTRE: cr.EAf, ltP DrosrT tEF0r{D r0:\ b wPr(DFll*€rrr lvar.l , ca *tbz-o 75 routh trcnlag. rord uril, color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 419-2139 ottlc. of comrnsnlty dcvclopmrnt TO: FEOM: DATE: suB.TEqt: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTH NtETOIIN OF VAIL TOI{N oF VAIL pUBLrc woRKs/co}tMIrNITy DEVELOPI|ENT UARCH 16, 1988 CONSIRUqIION PARKTNG S UATERIAI STORAGE rn suunary, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or aeposii.;t;;iri-rlli., sand, debrisor naterial, i":t:311r_l1aslr-e;psters, portabte toitets andworknen vehicles.|pon-any street', sidewalk, alley or public$lii"=i:":l5 ::f.6n tr,eieoi.--,i1," rieht_oi_r.y 3n an rown of rhi : ;;ai;;;;' ;i ii_"i:. ::,i:8il.:l?:::L';.i;:*"*;:f+:i, "' Public l{orks oeoaitnEnt. --iJ*ins found .rii,r"fir,g this ordi.nancewirr be siven a- zc rroui-rriti!i'i"ai;1;-;;;;;;"="id narerial.rn the event the person so notitlea.ao"=-rrlilIoipr' with tbenotice within the 24 frour tine-lng.irr.., the puLtic r{orksDeparrnent wirr t.r"""-=iiilltEiiar-ii-irrJ';*;;=" or personnotified' The oroviti""r-or-iiil orainance shirl not beapplicable to c-onstruction, -r.iii"rr.nge 9-r repair projects ofany street or alley or any'ulifiii"" in the ,i!tt_._*"y. lo.review Ordinance.No..6.in full., please stop by ttre fown of:::i.::il:i"g"Tf,il*:*"::"";ili" - copv. rr",,i you ror your t5 louth tronbg. road r.ll, colo.rdo E1657(nq 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottler ot communlty dcvrlopmcnt BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FRAITE If this permi.t requj.res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineel's (tublt" p:El l.ri"n .ni'approvat, a planning Deparhentreview or Health Deoartnint review, ani.a-review uy ttre"duitcing 3:rilg:.h"lll .' ri* teo iime - iJr'.-tot"r ;; i;ul-*y"L i!,as I ong All cornnercial f'rarge 91 srnall) and alr murti-family permits wilrhave to fo'llow dne imve menti6ned *xirun requirenents. Residentiarand smalt projects should t"[;-;-i";;!r'amount of time. However, ifresidential or smat l9r,projecis-i;il;;' the various above mentioneddepartments with reoa.rd' to-n.J"riii!-ieule*, these proJects mayalso take the three-week period. Every.attenpt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - i;.*!i undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time 1-7- sheet wai tuFndlTi6-thEDate XoF[ Develooment Departnrent. t.,O MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMI.r'IS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Permit': NO7 ,/ ,t/ ,r/ ,r/7',) 8) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of the right of way, easem€nts or public propeiy? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls difierent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done afieAing the right of way, easements, or public property? fs a "Revocable Right Of Way permit, required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered all thg above !f19u- algwered yes to any of lhese questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way_ Permit' qpplications may be obtained at the'public work's office or at C.o.r.nT.tu-lttty Development. lf you have-any questions please cattCnarre Davis, the Townof VailConstruction Inspecto4 at 479-215g.' YES 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) Job Name Conlractor's TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 SouthFrontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 TO: FROM: DATE: Buildirtg Safuy &. Inspectiott Services Divisiott File, permits 896-0179, p96-0104 tlY"? -,Gary Goodell, Chief Buildin C Officiatffi August 17, 1998 Re: Final Inspection Approval, permit number 896-0179, Charles and Jeri Campisi Remodcl, i42B Sandy Lane Our office has received a number of complaints from the owner of the 7424 porlion of this duplcx, Bctty Guffl, concerning the gas appliances located in the Carnpisi's gamge. While rescarching our records in respondiog to thcse complaints, we discovered that the plumbing permit connectcd with the Campisi remodel, permit p96- 0104, which, according to our records, covcrcd thc plumbing work associatcd with thc rcrnodelind tlrc installation of in floor radiant beat, received a finai inspection approval on November 19, 1996, but that our computcr records did not show a final inspection approval for thc building permit, pcrmit numbcr 896-0179. I visitcd thc propcrty on July 24, looked at the gas-fued boiler and water heater and took notcs regarding their spccifications and thc manner in which they wcre installed and vcntcd. When I letuned to my officc, I also rcscarched the specifications and installatiotr instructions for the spccific appliances and the applicable requircments of the 199 I Uniform Mechanical Code ([IMC) as adoptcd by the town, regarding the installation. One itemthat I noted was that no combustion air, sometimes refened to as "make-up air'," had been providcd for the appliances installed in the garage. Although many persons involvcd with and knowledgeable about the installation of heating equipment are of the opinion that combustion air need not be provided in garagcs becausc sufficient air can be obtained through infiltration under and around the garage door, etc., the UMC permits culnbustion air to be through the infiltration method only if the volume of the space containing thc appliances is cqual to 50 cubic feet for every 1,000 Btuh of input to the applianccs. In this case, thc volume of the single-car garage is not large enough to be considered'lmconfincd spacc," so thc UMC requiles that additional combustion air be provided. An acceptable solution in this instance was to providc two (2) combustion air grillcs in thc cxtedor wall of the garage behind the boiler and water heater. Each of thcsc grilles would nccd to havc an arca of at least 100 square inches, with one located within 12 inches of the floor of the space and one located within 12 inches of the ceiling of the space, respectively. For reference, thesc provisions are contained within Chapter 6 and Table 6-4 of the 1991 UMC. I notified Mr. Campisi of this issue by telephone, and he proceedcd to makc thc arrangcmcnts to have the combustion air grillcs installcd. Mrs. Campisi also made anangements with our office to perfonn a finai inspection for permit number 896-0179. Charlie Davis of our office and I performed the inspection on the moming of August i 0. We noted two corrections at that time: l) that the combustion air openings as noted above needed to be installed in the garage, and 2) that the door between the house and the garage {grun"urruo Jsls uorsrN(I secr^Jas uorlcoosql ?9,(loJEs Eqpung JolceJr( lueurdolemq r(gmuuo3 'peuog ssna {euro11y u^rol 'peeqeJool^{ tuol Jslqc e4d 'rrsmo {c!( :cc E-rE:gXg 's,rsrdue3 eqt,{q eEere8 oqt m pe1?$q ropepp 93 ,or1neq1qEr1q ogl uo JoJorqr oq1 ,{q petzredo Euaq Je}eul OJ eql Jeqilo uo sEupeer 1e^ol OC alqepapp ,(ue a^Jesqo ol elq?un oJo/h o/ll 'uorle^JosqoJo s3lnuru 0z lnory regy 'Euruuru oJel\ Jepoq Jol?il\ eql pw ralroq aql qloq leql os splsouuaql enrlcedsa; eql pspnlpe oslu I 'pesolc pel[ErueJ pus p^rrre rno uodn pesolc ss/r\ Joop a8ure8 peeqJa^o eql IBI{I peuuguoc a,tn 's8urpear 93 Eurlet ol Joud 'spaurelnba: epoc unrumnur ' ,{{^ oou?pJocce u pe1e1&uoc uoeq p?q suolt o/r1,1 oqt 1zql punoJ pus s?eJ? eseql papadsm 1 'sSurpeer OC ogl e>Ft ol pu? Joop Eursolclles oql pus salu8 lz uorlsncproo aqt Eupre8e.r uorlcedsm aql rurogred ol asnoq eql le '1ueEe s.tstdue3 oql 'loqqv led tatu 1 pue Jerq3 ang II€AJo u1r\oJ eql 'uBJnC >1crq 'ru'e 0€:l I lv 'eEerBE aql ur sEurpual (oc) eprxouoru uoqJBc aryl reql luql po{se pu? luerugedeq orrd lI?A eql pelc?luoc osl? oH '8661 'Ll NnEny ',{epuogrl ro; uorlcsdsur ue pe6anbar prru uopcoJlp srq 1e pelaldruoc uaoq p?q e^oq€ ^,(lelerpaunrn polou {Jo/h eql leql Surlecrpur ocgto eql le eru JoJ soEesseu gal rsr&ue3 '{ tr '866I '?I NnEnV 'deppg uO ruroJlun rc6r't#uo4dacxg '(p)gos 'cas qrn' oorr?procc? ur Eurqcpl tf#"ttff?riT1lffi T, Io T,' d' g6/ Ll lg'rsrd,uu3 rL, TO$IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR O$INER Description: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES Permit #: 896-0159 CONSTRUCTION PLUSP.O. BOX 18459, AVON, CONSTRUCTION PLUSP.O. BOX 18459, AVON, CAMPTZI CHARLIE & JERI 742 SANDY LANE, VArL, Job Address: 742 SANDY LNLocation...z 742 SANDY LANEParcel No.. : 2101-063-15-011Project No.: Status...: ISSUED Applied. .2 06/L7/L996 I8sued. . .: 06/t7 /L996Expires..: t2/t4/L996 Phone:926-L4L6 Phone z 926-L4L6 TOV/Comm. Dev. co 81620 co 81620 co.816s7 Clean-up Deposit Refund 29o:n Geie r. hercby .acknovtcdgc that r hrve rrad.this apptication, fil,Lcd out in fut! thc infornation regui rcd, co+L.ted an Pl'an/ and stat. that att thc inforttation prcvidcd as required is corrcct. t agrcc to corpty riitn tire in?orrationto.corPty vith aLl' Tom ordinrncca -atrd statc_ tavs, and to buil,d this structurc according io tnc torn,s zming andcodes, dcsign rlvies aPProved, uniforn Buil,ding Cod. and othcr ordinances of th. Tovn aipticabl,e thcrcto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL 8E }IADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS I ADVAIICE BY TELEPHONE 'f,l.79-2'I3E OR 'rOUR OFFICE FROI,I TNSTALL 5 sKYLT#scio' E"rHi.t*BF Blfr ryslfPProved nt v3- Occupancy: Type Construction: R3 SingJ.e Fanily Residencel Valuation:68, 400 Fireptac. Infor.ation: Rcstrictcd: Add Sq Ft,: fof Gas Apptianccs:fof cas Logs:#of Tood/Pal.Let: FEE SUIIIIARY Bui f'ding---> 195.m Rrstuarant Ptan Rev'i c*F-> .m Totat cal,cutlted Feca-> 1,31E.25PLan Ch.ck*-> 360.25 DRB FeF_-__--__> 1m.0o Additional, Fccs_) 2O.OOInvestig€tiorD .00 Recreation teF------> .00 Total pennit Fcc----) 1,33g.25tiitt ca f. f.----> 3.00 Ctean-Up D.posit-------> Z50.OO payments----_-_> 1.33A.2s ToTAL FEES-----------> 1,318.25 > .oo Ite.qri .951q0_Eq_II,DING DEpARTMENT Depr: BUTLDING DiviEion:96/L7 /L9_96_CllARLrE ACEiont ApFn cnenr,rE DAViS-Mryri',9t1q0_Pi.4$INING DEPARTMENT --- ---Dept: pLAl.lNrNG Division: QA/L7 /L996-CHARLIE Action! AppR pER LAUREN-W--Itbm :' 0s500 _qIRE _DEPARTMEN,i' -- 06/L7/L996 CHARTTE Acaiont AppR N/.A,Iqe.qr!'.q55q0_pvBlrc woRKg ' Depr: pUB vtoRK Division:06/17/7996 CITARLIE Rction: AppR N/A see Page 2 of thie Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS accuEtc D[ot .nd pl,ot pl,an, subdi vi si on S.nd Ctean-Up Dcposit To: CoNSTRUCTION PLUS OUNER OR ANO OIINER -. Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPennit'*: 895-0159 as of 0?/30/96 Status---: ISSuED**********************************************i********************************* Perln+t rlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD pERMrr Appried--| o6/L7/Lgg6Applicant--! coNsBRUcrrON pl,us rElued---3 o6'/L7'/:-gg6926-74t6 To Expire. t2'/L4'/Lgg6 Job Addreeez 742 SATIDY LNLocation---z 742 SANDY LANEParcel No--: 2101-063-15-011 Description: rNsTAtL 5 SKYI_,IGHTS & 2 DOORS, REPLACE EAST WArt ************************************** COnditiOng ****************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS AR8 REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. S}IOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALIJ BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 0F THE 1991 UBC.3. SKTLIGHTS !.!UST COl,tpLy WITH 1991 UBC. CHAP. 344. SAFETY GLAZING IN DOORS !.IUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SEC 5406 {f#:iil:' ff :'T.3T3:'"f : : i " 1 ""#i oF vAr L coNs rRucr r O /} ** "*ilr3:PrrcArroN FoRr.! Legal Description: Lot -. z-t - Block_ Filingqc'{Str PERI'IIT /I J-Repair [ ]-otlter t APPrJrcarroN uusr BE Frrrr.,ED our col[pr.erEr,y oR rr uay Nor BE AccEgtEDUIr****tr************************ pERlIrl ilFonuarroN *****i**********************{rl I J-Building g J-plnnr.ing t l-Electrical I J-Uechanlbal I J-Other rob Nan!: Qa.-.lc"/d oldners Name: Architect: Address: Address: ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-Nen tf,J-Alteration t l_Adctitional I Nunber of Dtyelling unLts, ? Nunber of Acconnodation Unl.ts: togs_ Wood,/pel1eter and Blpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas BUILDTNG3 $7 EI..ECTRICAL: $ UECIIN{ICALr f:ILUMBTNG: I orHER: *3LL0a TOTAL: f--***********]ffi Town of Val.l Reg. No.96o-SPhone Number: 1L/r- bn Reg. No. v ^*** *** ***** ****************f Eeneral Contractor: Ka;t colla4qrog TNFoRUATToN Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: * ** * * * * * *** * * ******** * **********FORBUU,DING PERI.IIT FEE:PLWBING PERMTT FEE: }TECIIN{rCAI PER}IIT FEE:EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE oF FEE! DR8 FEE: OFFfCE USE ***** * **r. * * * * ********** *** t*ra* BUTLDTNG PIAII CIIECK FEE: Town of Vail PhOne }{rrntrg3g Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Val.l Phone Nunber: Reg. l|O. Reg. NO. PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:!.IECHN{TCAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECREATIoN FEEs CI-.TAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: I'P DEOSrl NEFUf,D.Ilo:C"vf,,,-G*tf/ 1 luwn TO: EROM: DAIEs SU&TECT: ?5 toulh trEn|lgc rrld}|il. coto?rdo El6Sz (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 rn su'ilar?, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyrrerson r,o rltter, !r.ack or aeposi!-#;-r;irl-"Jl,t, sand, debrisor naterial, includly__ti.=p-Siipster_s, portable toilets andworknen vehicres.-I19"..o"v "tr""tl siaewaii, ;Ii;y or publici:ii.=::":ig ffi.l'on rheieor. --u," iiil;:;i;;i=ln au roe,n orrhii ;;ei;;;' il.fi_T:. ::=!:fil":$::::"'"t.d*;ffi*"*i: ". Pubric works oenartnentl--iliiins round rrii,ratirrg this ordturancewr'lL be siven "-zr nJui-""1.;i;;;"tiJe ti-;;;;;;'r.id nareriar.rn the event the person so norierea.ao""-nir-Ioiprv with thenotice within the 24 hour.t-ir"-ip""ified, tt.e pulric l{orksDepartDenr nirr r".or"-=iiirit!li"i-"i-irrJ'!*o#r" or personnotified' The orovi=i""=-ir-iiil orainance stritt not beappricable to cinstruction,-liiii:l"nge 9r repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiiiires in the right_a_way. :::i:li:i:ffi:":irf*t.".1""ft*; I'Etii..Ti":il lti l:r":f, oftlc. ol co|nmunlly dauclopmattl AI..L CONTRACTORS CT'RRET{TLYL REGISTERED WITE TIIETOWN OF VAIL TOIvN oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/CO!,IMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT IrlARcIt 16, 1988 CONSTRUCIrON PARICTNG & UASERTAIJ STORAGE acknowledged by: contractor, owner) '1 ln.ttn 75 ro0th front g. rord }|ll, color.do t1657 leo3) 479-2L38 ot 479-2t39 otflcc of commr,nlty dtrdoprl|cnt BUILDING PERF|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMitE If this permi.t ".qril:: ? Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approvat,Engineerrs (publii p111l r-vil .il'ipproval, a planning Departmentrevlew or Hearth Departmint-review,-rni.-review ry ilre duitoing l:rilH:'h"the estina ted tim;' rr'r-irt"r il i;.-*y',L [!,., r one All cormercial frarge or smalr) and ar'r murti-famty pennits wi.'have to folrow ttre iuove ;;;ii6il;ximum requirements. Residentialand small projects should ta[;-;-i#ir'anount of time. However, ifresidentia'l or smal ler,prnjects-ii,pali' the various above mentioneddepartrneflts with rega.rd' to-n"".riui!-ievi"*, these projects mayalso take the three'week period. Every attempt wil] be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermi't aS soon as pOssibie.' -"!- rrrs' L"'srrL eu s^Pesrre El l;.*!l undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time L ProJGEE a o s nee t wEi-tuFiEaffio-TliEWor Develonmert Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WOFKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: t- Pleasehnsw YES NO >( X X X /r Y Y Y ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public froperty? ls any utility work needed? ls the ddveway being repaved? ls difierent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage worfr being done afieaing the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a'Bevocable Right Of Way permit. required? A. is tne right of way, eas€menrc or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. - lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing ptan required by Communit! Development? !t-v9u- apyergd yes to any oflhese questions, a "Public way permit must be obtained.?ublic way_ Permit' appticationl miy be obtained a tr,e'public wort,s office or atc.o.r.nqulrtr Development. .! ryq h.lreiltlr questions prease cari Crrarrie DaMs, rhe Townof Vail Construc'tion tnspeaoi at 479-215g.' I have read and answered allthe above questions. 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 8) :; - G-f Contracto/s Sig 3i', r Olign Review Action Fth TOWN OF VAIL Building Name: Project Descriplion: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecUOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -r Block- Subdivision Szone Distria Project Str€et Address: Comments: Motion by: fl Approval ! Disapproval ,X staftApproval Seconded by: Conditions: Il.\ l. 1 , irI ilrir*'r1, '. ,,.\-, VI il ..\--l Town Planner _iDate: , -i-t t-i'"\-t \ 1 t I l/-', DRB Fee Pre'paid ,\ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONSTRUCTION PLUS P.O. BOX 18459, AVON, CO 81620 CONTR,ACTOR CONSTRUCTION PLUS P.O.' BOX 18459, AVON, CO 81620 OI,IINER CAIIPIZI CHARLIE & JERI 742 SANDY LANE, VArL, CO. 81657 Description: INSTALL 5 .SKYLIGHTS & 2 DOORS, REPLACE EAST WALL Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: Valuation: 23,400 Fi neolace Information: Restni cted: Single Family Residence Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Appl,iances: 742 SANDY LN 742 SANDY LANE 2101-0 6 3- 15-011 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 926-14L6 Phone: 925-L416 #0f tlood /Pa I tet: Bui Ldi ng----> P Lan Check--> Invest igation> tli l,L Cal,t----> 285.00 1A5 .25 .00 3.00 Restuarant P lan Revi ew--> DRB Recreat ion Fee--------) ctean-Up 0eposit--------> TOTAL FEES--.-- .@ 50.@ .00 1m.@ 6?3.25 fof Gas Logs: TotaI CaLcuLated Fees---> Additional, Fees-------> Total Permit tet------> Payments----- BALANCE DUE_-- 62323 .25 20.00 &3.&3.25 e3.25 accunate ptot and ptot P Lan, subdivision lIem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:06/77/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISrt,CM:, 054OO PIAWXTWC DEPARTMENT DEPU: PLANNING DiViSiON:06/I7/1.996 CHARLIE Action: APPR PER LAUREN W- ft€mi'.010q0 FrRE DepAntEeNT Dept: FrRE Division: 06/L7 /!996_CHARLIE Action: APPR N/Art'eni"055Q0 PUBLTC WORK$ Dept: PUB WORK Division:a6/r7/1996 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hercby acknoHtedgc that I have read this apptication, fill,ed out 'in fuLl the information requircd, conpLrted an pl,an, and state that at! the information provided as required is correct. I agfee to comPty vith the infoflnation to compty with ail, Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structufe according to the ToUn's zoning and DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D LOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Pernit #: 896-0159 o EVE Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. FEE SUI'II'IARY ISSUED 06/r'7 /Lee606/t7 /Lee6 t2 /L4 /Lee6 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY send ctean-up Deposit To: coNsTRUcTIoN PLUS OFFICE FROI'IN An*2138 FOR HII.ISELF AND OTJNER Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0159 as of 07/L9/96 status---: ISSUED******************************************************************************** permit Tlpe: ADD/AI,T SFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied--r 06/.17/.L996 Applicant--: CoNSTRUCTION PLUS Issued---z !l/.\t/.\sSl926-L4L6 To ExPire z t2/t4/L996 Job AddresEz 742 SANDY LN Location---: ?42 SANDY LANE Parcef No--: 2101-063-15-011 Description: INSTALL 5 SKYEIGHTS & 2 DOORS, REPLACE EAST WAI.L * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns ****************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE. 2. SMqKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.1210 0F THE 1991 UBC. 3. SKYLIGHTS MUST COMPLY V'ITH 1991 UBC. CHAP. 34 4. SAFETY GLAZING IN DOORS MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SEC 5406 fufl"ex *-*..*Q li(]o. rrrodo'/d rlb tm crg{aaoods $oppho carta, !d, cplcrodo t166, g}3/a762t 70 CHECKED BY SCALE ?foorjcr ?01-t lsiqi.st!*)26 r (hd&d) @. hc &oh. l!i!.0l1tl. h mr ? |I nu nft 1{D22s$m TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT I'{UST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSIIE AI ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0159 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. APPL]CANT CONSTRUCTION PLUS P.O. BOX 18459, AVON, CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION PLUS P.O. BOX 18459, AVON/ OWNER CAMPIZI CHARLIE & JER] 742 SANDY LANE, VAIL, 742 SAI{DY LN 742 SANDY LANE 2101-063-1s-011 co 81620 co 81620 co.81657 Sratus . . Applied. Issued.. Expires. Phone r 926-L4I6 Phone: 926-14L6 fof tlood/Pa L tet: ISSUED 06/t7 /Lee6o6/t7 /Lee6 L2 /14 /ree6 Description: INSTALLING 5 SKYLIGHTS INSTAI,LING 2 DOORS Occupancy: R3 Single nanily Residence Type Construction: Valuation:20, 000 Acid Sq F-c: #0f Gas App'[1616ss;Firlptacc lntonmation: Rcst ri 6ted: ffi*#.#rffiffiHr**r*ffi**ffi**r*tlr*****i FEE SUltf,lARY *********Jdft***********]d*ttltff******ff.t***l('rt****itoh* Bui tding-----> 245.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ev-->Total, catcutateC fe.s---> 557.2s #0f Gas Logs: Additionat tses---------> Tota I Pernit Fee--------> Pavnents-------- .00 >> ( .2> 557 .25 Ptan check---> Investigat i on> tliLt cat t----> 159.25 DR8 .00 5.00 Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-tlp Depcsit--------> TOTAL FEES---.--EALANCE DU[.---- .00 50.00 .00 100.00 557 .25tri*ffi *#*r*t**tr**#lr**#*ffi #(**ffi **t**f **t* #.**ff *ff ***ffi *** IIem: O51OO BUILDING DEPT.RTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:06/L7/1996 CHARLIE Action: A?FR. CHARLIE DAVISii6mi' 05460-FrAwllr+tc--DeFARTMENt- - ------ Dept: PLANlirNc Division: 06/L7 /L996 CHARLIE AcIicn: APP]I PER LAUREN W.I!en:'.056Q0 FIRE DEPARTI"IENT Dept: FIRE Drvlslon: 06/17 /L996 CHARI,IE Action: AP?R i'l/A it'e.qri',055Q0-FUBLie troRKS- ------ - t.-- Dept: PUB Ir'oRK Division:06/I7/L996 CHARLIE Action: APP:. N/A *Jrrffi#tH*t*l*trffiffi*ffi*ffiffiffi1H*********t*******#**t****JrffiJr***rd***rr**-^-ti*ffi****tr*ffiffid.trfi See Page 2 of this Documen+- for any ccnditions that rnay ap;11'to this permit. I.]ECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that t have read this apptic:tion, fii.Led out in futL the information required, compteted an accurate Ptotptan, and state thrt at[ the inforrnation provideo as requirej is :orrect. I agree:o compty x'ith the information and P[ot ptan, to conpty Hith att Tovn ordinances and staie [a]rs, and to buiLd this structure according to the ]cwnrs :oning and suHivision codes, design revieH approved, Unifcrn Buil,ding crde end o:ilir oriinances of fie Tovn appticabre (1,-.ieto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TTJENTY-FCUR IC'URS:N I;\;tIiCE tsY Scnd Cl,ern-Up Deposit To: CONSTRUCTION PLUS FRo E: (P Arl FOR HI}ISELF AND OTINER Paq,e 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'1 1: * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CCNDTTIONS Pernit #: 896-0159 as of o6/L8/96 status---: rssuED ***************************************:r*******************xi******************* permir Type: ADD/ALT sFR sUILD PEzu.lIl Aptr>lied--t 96-/,\7/,\9-29 Applicant--: CON'STRUa*1o11 pLrUS ri.sued---' 06/L'1/!996 s26-L4L6 To ExPire I L2/t4/I996 Job Addresst 742 SANDY LN Location---z 742 SANDY LANE ParceI No--: 2101-063-15-011 DescriPtion: INSTALLING 5 SKYLIGHTS IiiSTALLIIIG 2 DOORS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CO:{PLIANCE ' 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN -\LL BEDROOMS AND EVERY sToRY AS PER sEc . 12 10 0F THE 1 9 9 1 ii-i'C . 3. SKYLIGHTS MT.'ST COMPLY Ti]?H 193:. UBC. CHAP. 34 4. SAFETY GLAZING iN DOORS I'IUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SEC 5406 *rtnn ' l!"fi :' ; ;:-il r-3 i: ;' pf : :i "j f o'r'offi o, vAr L coNs rRucr r op ,$iilr llt Oldners Nane: Architect: N roRll PERI-IIT iI t APPLICATION UUST BE FILLED oUT COMPLETELY oR IT UAY NoT BE AccEpTED x***************************** PEII{IT rNFORl,lATroN *****r***************!r*******,tl [ ]-Building [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Address: Legal Description: Lot BIock Address: Address: Ph. Ph. ':- /JOb Nane: ,rt c'f , \_c.,rrDiZ r ceneral Descript! pn 2 o".,1 A e, u t"r'| 7r " 4'-'i,ill-:-.1--"* 7, l{ork Class: [ ]-New t7l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repatr [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Acconmodation Units: l)}rmber and Tlpe of Flreptaces: Gas Appliances- cas Logs- !{oodlpelret_ fi**********wi!b*r2f ************* vALUATToNs ********************************* !y_r_r,-g11g: t'/)0 tjib Er.EcrRrcAL: s_ orrrER: I lirJulrBrNc: I uEctrru{rcArr $- ToiAi; W/H#::i,""p:",,"r+z+" '"I;:r":i:#:iI:;;;$:W P^LI'UBTNG: $ Electrical Contractor: Address: .Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: * ******* ***** ******** * ********** FORBUILDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLTIMBING PERMIT FEE: !.IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE : ELECTRICAI.I FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Af<rfr/ Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: oFFrcE usE ** ******* * ************ ********* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FE8: PLI'UBING PI"AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERI.IIT FEES: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Req. NO. BUILDING! STGNATURE: ZONfNcs STGNATTTRE:ommentsS CI.BAN UP ITEPOI|IT tErUf,D TO3 75 rouh tronlagr ro.d U|ll, color.do 81697 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&rEqt: Read and acknowledged by: ottlc. of connunlty deyclopn.nt AI.L CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED IIITIT THETOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC t{oRKS/CO!,tMrrNITy DEVEIpPMENT l,tARCH 16, lg8g CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAT STORAGE rn suu'oary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to titter, track or deposii ;t-r;irl-"#i, sand, debrisor naterial , incruding trash iunpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehictes.upon any streetl siaewaiil-;ii;y or publicprace or any porti6n tnJieoi.- ihe right-of-way on art Town ofVail streets ind_.:gag= ir-ippr"xinately 5 ft. off pavenrent.This ordinance will be "ttiElrv--enforced by the Town of vailPublic l{orks Departuent. --p"i.3ns founa ,riirriling this ord,inancewilr be siven a 24 hour rri;l;;';"ii""-t"-;;;;;:"=.id naterial.rn the event the person so notified-aoes-not-"coipry with thenotice within the 24 rrour tirne-siecitied., the pulric l{orksDepartment wilr remove =iiJ-iit"ii.i-ii-[h;';6;=e of personnotified' The orovisions-or-trrrl orainance shirl not beapplicable to c6nstruction, -r"iii.tr.nce or repair projects ofany street or alrey or any "tiiiii;"i; il"-;i;ii_"*.y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:::i"::ii3i"3"o;f,irn:*"::""it-ii" a copv. rlani< vou ror v-ur o I. J U.+,e 0f{- Pto oject (i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn 75 roulh ,ronbgc nold rrll, colondo 8t651 l3oa, 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 oltlc. ot communlty druolopmail EUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIIIIE FRA}IE If this penlit requires 1 Towl of Vai.l Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer's (publii Ig||:l "eview .nJ'ipp"orul, a planning Departnentreview or Health Deoartrn6nt.review,-aii'a-review by the Building S3ri[;3!',1;.lLl .'.i*ted timt ror'a-totur ili;ul ;"J"L[!'as r6ng All commercial flarge or smalr) and a't murti-famiry permits willhave to follow itre iuove ilii;fi;iimun requirements. Residentialand small projects shourd uie-i-ieiier"amount of time. However, ifresidential or smailgr,projects impici'the various above mentioneddepartments with reoa.rd to-nicessily-""ui"*, these projects maya'l so take the three-week period. Every.attempt wit'l be made by thispermi't as sgon as possible.department to expedite this I, the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time O-,ztV)Zt Proje-t[ame7 Communi ty Develooment Department. I MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: 1r.,, Date: 'Jt;t,.2 l7 /72 (,., Please answerthe following questionnaire regarding the need fora "PublicWay Permit': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemsnts or public properly? ls any utility work needed? ls lhe driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing ddveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting lhe right ol way, easements, or public poperty? ls a'Revocable Bight CI Way permit. required? YES NO ( r { I { 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) K K 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pad<ing or fencing? B. tf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !!9u_ alswered yes lo any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit" rnust be obtained.'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the public Work's oflice or at C9.ryry1ryttf Deve-lopment. lf you have-any questions ptease callCharliE Davis, the Town of VailConstruction Inspector, at 479-215g. d A d answered antne $)e fu/stions. ,r(1>:z-i (/Uo/h l,/, /rt DateJobNamEContraclo/s Signature o n =o5 r.) F lrrF()F Ll_lJ-o I.. I 2 h H \rL h 6 $t ll r { \T' { 'H r' ilJ 4i \5- I I I I t4 7 I$l, TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE F.C'i.''ii vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-21,38 E tectri cE --' > InvestigE..cr> Jcb Aid:ess Lcr:a:1or. . . Pe:cel flo.. Project No. :t.00 742 SANDY LN 2101-0 6 3- 15-011 PRJ96-0112 DB?ARTT4EN! OF CO}O,IUNITY DEVELOPMENT !.lO?E: TH:S PEzu"IIT }.UST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRTCAL PERMIT Pernit #: E96-0141 APPLICANT EL:i TI'TTERP:.ISESt Cr ilSX 1:'10 , GY?Srilr'r CO 8\637 CONTRACTOR TLI' TiiTER.?RISE:'] P t' BCX 1!0), r;y35',rll CO 8i537OWNER C.U.IIZI C}LIRLI9 & JERI T42 S:inLi -tuiE,'iAIL, CO.91657 Description : II'TliR,IOi i.il'lOi,8l, Status...; ISSUED Applied. .t 07/03n996 Issued. . . : O'1 /03/L996Expires. . : L2/30/1996 Phonet 3Q35247744 Phonez 3035247744 TOTAL FET:-.">:3.CC BALANCE OUE-----.00 ffiffi**ffi*****r* :e f' tii t ' i;.rr.ix:'lit rr:t!:*lril;**i*}i****rr*t*t***#***i**************tr****t(**ffi******rr*t****"ffit**** DeDt: BUILDING Division: ***'t*f*aia1(}-^-'r---.i-^11-i-^-^i.i-..1.i':.^-^-i:i.;-zir^-^-rrii/lxfrx-^'^-^1(***d*rti'r****i*i***fff*t*i#n rfR*****S***tt**tft* CC\I]ITIOS O: APPROVAL lx*:r**r't c: i rt,**;.*c::tr*t:i:!rt*tti*f,1****:hffi*******ffiffi*tr*ffiot**ffi1*****rrt**ffi* oRB.e3 Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Pernit F?e-------->.(J uitt Cait'---> !.C'C Payments-------- DECLAP,ATIONS I hcrcby acknowt€dg. trat I l'3'.e feai iris apitication, filted out in ful,t the infonnation r?quired, conphtad an lccurlte ptot ptan, lnd sta:e t'lat a'.. :1.'-, i'{--.l tir'-, 1'.-i13o,1 es requi:,''J is correct. I agrec to comp(y Hith :he intornltion lnd pl,ot ptan,to conpty lith atr Tcu.r J'ci;.!:cds :::l s:aic !r,,!, a:li to bJil.J t\is structufe according to the Tolrn's zoning and subdivision codcs, design review arJp':t'rc. Ur.if)rm Euitcirg cJCe end other ordinancrs of the Town appticabl,e thereto, Valuation:1,500. 00 F EE SUI{IIARY *#*H***t**ff *t*t****,Htffi *t**********tff,*****l*** Total catcutated Fees---> 55.00 .m 53.00 REOUESTS FoR INSPECTIoT\: SriLi. iE ilAt! -ilriTY-i"Cjl :CL,|S I.{ ,\LvA,rc: BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE tRotl E:00 A 5:00 Pil HIIISELFOF OIJNER -l'f TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE i.C'ilt vArL, CO 8165'/ 9',10-479-2L38 ]]9.\RTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l;OrE: 'I:{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit *: P96-0104 Job Acdress Lor:a--io:r. . . Pa:cel No.. P:r> j ect No . 742 SANDY LN 2101-0 6 3 -1s-011. PRJ96-0112 Status...: ISSUED Applred. . : 07/03/.L996 Issued...: 07/03/L996 Expires. . : 12/30/L996 Phone: 9709459809 co 81601 Phone: 9709459809 co 816 01 APPLICANT (IOL();;DO il.,A':B,-NG SERVICE 45105 itlcl{rlAY 5 E 24 ' GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CONTRACTOR (:C)L,Oli-1-DO :9:,",-l4B:NG SERVICE +5? C: i{iGlljJ.lY i i: 24, GLEIil^IOOD SPRINGS, OWNER C.!-l :-,', -i I Ci{--'<LIA & JERI '41 3iiNDi .1.{iE r '.,AiL, CO, o1657 Description : I:iTl-"-IOlt -i!I'!OtBL Valuati.on:4, oo0 . oo *ffi*tik #irt*i*J(**ur*r(**rri -:r r .:*trhl* r*r-***ir*irts't**rr****xr* tEE SUl4l.lARY ffff(*lr***tf***ttJrJrtrir*,ritr(*.i**t*f**lft*t*f*t**r* .@ 78.00 Total. Calcutat.d Fees---> 7E.00PtunSing-----) Ptan Check--> :' si-'rr l':l '.,tan nevier--)rrTlL tEis------ Invcstigstion> i': tli l, L ca l, !----> : . L -' Jrffiliffi,t*i*Jr******i.t+t**i.*i+*i**+rr- *rir*ii*xr.***Jttr<*'t***i********rrr*H***trt*****Hrtrrr*********i******rrff****r.**fkf,ffi**t DeDI: BUILDING DiViSiON: Dept: FIRE Division: CO:'IDIi:O:; OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD :l.rsii,a:." ))iS ;i:i.1 ::jQi-;IF3f ':C CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ,rffi**rr..x.:Jr*;1t..i.:,..i.'''i-^.,':i.^i,.,i:'.,..:':i'^,i^-J,.l..ir,./t"....'-,c:.^-^1'r.,:rt.,xfxr,iirffiffis***!Hrjrffi*HrHnh*s'ffi DSCLARATIONS I h.r.by ackncvt-eJge tniit : Ir r ': 3 -r: s i.l;i:'.:':ion, liil.ed out in futt the information required, conPtet.d.sn lccurate Plot ptan, and statc t1;t a.r '.h: i.io n--",- F:(:Jrclr 5s require-': is corrlct. I agrle to colPty vith th! infofmrtion and Ptot P[an, io cinpty yith aLl, Tcyi cid:r:.6es :rd s:s:€ la[s, end to buitd this structure according to thc ToHn's zoning and subdivision codcs, 1les,gir lev,e,,,,e,p.-i:., ,,r.r,,'.r ,r i,-r,.v..,g -.xlc urrJ ot:rJi e;.1;nances of the To|rn rppticabie tlleieio. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIotT; S' 1.:.:. 3E l:AiE -'liNiY-iCU,' !.4 i.llMl A)i','l:CE Additionat Fees---------> Totat Pernit fc"--------> Paymcnts-------- BALANCE DUE----- .m 78.m 78.00 .00 Item: lt- :{.(' : _:_.J ._..t_ .;E_,jr_R'!}1ENI 07 /03 /' :) 9 r i. :A;i" ;.- l;t.i.on : APPRIt'ern:' 056f ,1 f I:r-: l:i)A:.TI'1ENT 07 /03 / ."1:9 i ,.-,iir.:... I-:l ^ct-- -.on: AP?R o H eat Loss Analysrs Report WIRSBO Radiant Panel Heating System Proj*t#: N)5 Date:7/i22/96 Prepared By COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE. INC 45705HWY.6&24 GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 81601 Phone #: (970) 945-9809 Fax #: (970) 945-0723By: JACK SILLS Project lnformation Name: CAMPISIRESIDENCE Location: VAIL Closing Date: Project Summary Total Heat Loss: Upward: Downward: Supplemental: Net: Detailed Heat Loss Data Room,' D.S. BATH #2 Gross Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Component Floor Type: Temp Belorv: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: /() n3 0tr 40 fl3 8fr 320 fl9 0.50 per Hour 72'F Slab On Grade 40 "F 0.(x) 5.00 5.(X) 5.00 No 40 fl2 35.00 Owner: JERI CAMPISI Engineer: Total Area: Outdoor Temp: Room Intiltration: Total lleat Loss: Upward: Downward: Supplemenlal: Net: UniVNet: Slab Depth: Water Table Present: Space Belou, Healed: Downward Heat Loss: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Loss: (less sub components if any) 67,830 Btu/Hr 25,446 Btu/Hr 0 Btu/Hr 93.276 Btu/Hr 2,580 ft, -30'F Ceiling Component Space Above Heated: l,le{ Cdling Area' Rv: 312 Btu/hr 429 Btu/hr 247 Btulhr 0 Btu/hr 676 Btu/hr 17 Btu/hr/ff 4 incfies No N/A 247 Blultrl 6 Btu/hrlfl3 T7 "F 117 Btu/hr WRSBO nt Panel Heating System Prol*l#. 1fi5 Date: 7/22106 o Radia Room; D.S. BED#2 Gross Area: Unheated Area: Net Heated Ar6a: Ceiling Height: Volume: Air Changea: Room Temp: 240tr 0fli 240 ttz 8fi 1,920 fl: 0.50 per Hour 65'F Room : D.S. BED. Gro6s Ar€a: Unheeted Area: Nel Heated Area: Ceiling Hdght: Volume: Air Changes: Room Temp: FloorGomponent Floor Type: Temp Bdo,l: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perim€ter Rv: No 240fr? 35.00 1.lo 208 fl3 35.00 Geiling Component Space Above Heated: Net Ceiling tuea: Rv: Floor Component Floor Type: Temp Below: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Ceiling Gomponent Space Above Healed: Net Ceiling Area: Rv: Slab On Grade 40'F 0.00 5.00 5.fi) 5.00 R.#1 208 ftr 0fi? 2(B fl2 8fl 1,664 ff 0.50 per Hour 65 "F Slab On Grade 40.F 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Room lnfiltration: IolarHeaa Loss: Upvard: Domward: Suppl€rnental: Net: UniUNet: Slab Depth: Water Table Presenl: Space Belor Heated: Dowrnrvard Heat Loss: Unit l'l€et Loss: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Loss: (less sub components if any) Room Infiltration: Total Heat Loss: Upward: Dowrnvard: Supplemental: Net: UniUNet: Slab Depth: Water Table Present: Space gelou, Heat€d: Dovynward Heat Loss: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Lo6s: (less sub compon€nts if any) 1,712&ulhl 5,239 Btu/hr 2,3,16 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 7,585 Btu/hr 32 Btu/hr/ft'? 4 inches No N/A 2,316 &u/hr 9 Btu/hr/ff 75 "F 651 Btu/hr 1,510 Btu/hr 4,963 Btr/hr 2,190 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 7,153 Btu/hr 34 Btu/hr/{i3 4 inch€s No N/A 2,190 Eltu/hr 10 Btu/hr/fl2 78"F 565 Btu/hr Room Components wlRSBO O Radiant Panel Heating System Pto,ler,l*: @5 Da&; 7/22/96 Component Length I Wid0r (ft) Heisht (ft)Arca (fli)Rv Heat Losg (Btulhr) Walll 31 8 248 20.00 988 Windoltl 5 I 40 2.00 1,900 Room: DINING Gross Area: Unheated Area: Net l-l€at€d Area: Ceiling Hdght: Volume: Air Change: Room T€mp: Floor Gomponent Floor Type: Temp Belorv: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: 210tr 0fl2 210fr? 8fl 1,€80 fl9 0.50 per Hour 70.F Slab On Grade 40'F 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 No 210tr 35.00 Slab On Grade ,00 "F 0.00 5.(x) 5.00 5.00 Room lntiltration: Total Heat Loss: Upward: Dournward: Supplemental: Net: UniUNet: Slab Depth: Water Table Present: Space Belor Heated: Dornward Heat Loss: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surface Ternp: Heat Loss: (less sub componants if any) Room Infiltration: Total Heat Loss: Upward: Downward: Supplemental: Net: UniUNet: Slab Depth: Water Table Present: Space Below Fleated: Downward Heat Lo6s: Unit H€at Loss: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Loss: 1,6O4 Btu/hr 4,/+44 Btu/hr 2,290 Btr./hr 0 Btu/hr 6,734 Btu/hr 32 Btu/hr/fi3 4 inch€g No l.UA 2,290 Btu/hr 10 Btu/hr/ff 80 "F 600 Bttdhr 312 Btu/hr 429 Btu/hr 247 Blufin 0 Btu/hr 676 Btu/hr 17 Btu/hr/ff 4 inch€s No N/A 247 Blulhr 6 Btu/hrlfr'z n"F 117 Btu/hr Room: DOWNSIATRS BATH Gross Area: 40 fi2 Unheated Area: 0 tr Net Heated Area: 40 ff Ceiling Heigttt: 8 ftVolumo: 320 fl9 Air Changes: 0.50 p€r Flour Room Temp: 72"F Floor Component Ceiling Component Space Abor/e H€at€d: f.let Cldting nrcs; Rv: Floor Type: Temp B€low: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Peilmder Rv: Geiling Gomponent Space Above l-bated: Net Coiling Area:(less sub components if any) WIRSBO o Radiant Panel Heating Syetem PtoJ*l#:06 Dab: 7/2iU06 RAM: KTTCHEN Grosc Ares: Unh€ated Area: Net Heated Area: Ceiling Fleight: Volume: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Gomponent Floor Type: Temp Belovrr: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: Ceiling Component SpaeAbove l'lealed: l,leil Oeiling Area: Rv: 35.00 378 fl: 0ff 378 ft' 8ft 3,024 ff 0.50 per l-bur 65'F Slab On Grade '10 "F 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 532 ff 0 ft'z 532 tr 19ft 10,108 tr 0.50 p€I Hour 70"F Slab On Grade 40'F 0.00 5.(X) 5.00 5.00 Room Infiltration: Total Heat Loss: Ufltrard: DoM/rMard: Supplem€ntal: Net: UniUNet: Slab D€pth: Water Table Present: Space Bdow Heated: Dovnward H€t Loss: Unil Heat Loss: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Loss: (less sub components if slry) Room lnfiltration: Total Heat Loss: Upward: DownrYard: Supplemental: tlet: UniUNet: Slab Depth: Water Tablo Present: Space Below l-leated: DorvrMard Fbat Loss: Unit Fleal Loss: Floor Surfaca Temp: Rv: 2,744Blulhr 5,594 Btu/hr 2,625 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 8,219 Hu/hr 22 Blu/hr/ff 4 inch€s No 1.1/A 2,625 Btu/hr 6 Btu/hrlff 72',F 1,026 BturhrNo 378 nF 35.00 Room : LIWNG Gross Area: Unheeted Area: Net Heated Area: Cdling l'leight: Volume: Air Changes: Room Tanp: Floor Component Floor Type: Temp Below: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv; Perimeter Rv: 9,65.3 Btu,/hr 22,968 Btu/hr 6,026 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 28,994 Btu/hr 54 Btu/hr/ftz /3 inches No N/A 6,@6 Btu/hr 11 Btu/hrnr 9't 'F o RadiantwlRSBO Panel Heating Syctem Ptoj*tt*: o{Ei Room : MAIN B,R. Grose Area: Unheated Area: Net Heat€d Arca: Ceiling H€ight: Volume: Air Changes: Room Tarp: Floor Component Floor Type: Temp Below: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perimeter Rv: 285 fl3 0 t13 285 fl3 8ft 2,280 fl9 0.50 per Hour 65'F Slab On Grade 40 "F 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Heat Loss: (l€6s sub components if any) Room Infiltration: IofalHeat Loss: Uoivard: DorrnYard: Supplemenlal: Nd: UniUNet: Slab Depth: Water Table Preent: Space Below Heated: Downward Fleal Loss: Unit Heal Loss: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Loss: (less sub components if any) Room Infiltration: Tdal Heat Loss: Uprard: Dorvnward: Supplemental: Nd: UniUNet: Slab Depih: Wat6r Table Present: 2,069 Btu/hr 4,904 Btu/hr 2,604 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 7,508 Btu/hr 26 Btu/hr/ff 4 incheG No N/A 2,6(X Btr./hr I Btr/hr/frz 73"F 774B'.ulhr Ceiling Gomponent Spaoe Above Fteated: Net Ceiling Area: Rv: No 532 tr 35.00 No 285 fll 35.00 1,5rc Btu/hr Space Abwe Heated: Net Ceiling Area: Rv: Room : ITASTER B.R. Gross Area: Unheated tuea: Net Fleated Area: Ceiling Hdght: Volumo: Air Changes: Room Temp: Floor Gomponent Geiling Gomponent Floor Type: Tonp Bdow: 255 tr 0fl, 255 ff 10fl 2,550 tr 0.50 per Hour 65 "F 2,313 Btu/hr 7,555 Bhr/hr 2,813 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 10,198 Btu/hr 40 Btu/hr/ff 4 irrch€s No Slab On Grade 40 "F o RadiantwtRsBo PanelHeating System Ptot*:t*: ilE Room.' I|ASIER BATH Groes Area: Unheated Area: Itlet Heated Area: Ceiling Height Volume: Air Changes: Room T€mp: Floor Gomponent Floor Type: Temp Belour: Floor Cover Rv: Uncler Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perimder Rv: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perimet€r Rv: Room: REC. Gross Area: Unheated Area: l,let Heated Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Air Change6: Room Tenp: Ceiling Component SpaceAbow H6ated: Net Ceiling Area: Rv: No 255 ft2 35.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 No 200 n3 35.00 200 fl3 0fl3 200 flf 9fi 1,800 fl9 0.50 per Hour 72"F 1,753 Btu/hr 3,703 Btu/hr 1,9til5 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr 6,659 Btt/hr 28 Btu/hr/ff 4 inchos No N/A 1,956 Btu/hf 9 Btu/hr/ff 81 "F 583 Btu/hr Space Below Healed: Dorvmvard He€t Los$: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surface Temp: H€at Loss: (lsss sub component8 it any) Room lnliltration: Iota, F eal Lossi Upward: Downrnard: Supplemental: Net: UniUNei: Slab Depth: Wat6r Table Pre6enl: Spaca Belov l{eated: Domward H€at Loss: Unit Heat Loss: Floor Surface Temp: l'leat Loss: (less sub componants if any) Room Infiltration: Iofallleaf Loss: Upward: Downward: Supplemental: Net: UniUNet: l,l/A 2,843 &u/trr 10 Btu/hr/ff 79'F 692 Btuhr Slab On Grade 40'F 0.(X) 5.00 5.00 5.00 Ceiling Component Space Above Heated: l,le[ Cleiling Area: Rv: 192 ff 0fl: 192ff 10fi 1,920 fli 0.50 per Hour 65 "F 1,742Blulhr 7,602 Btu/hr 2,272Blulhr 0 Btu/hr 9,874 Btu/hr 5l Btu/hr/ff WIRSBO PanelHeating System PtoW#: UE Dtte: 7ft22/W o Radiant Floor Component Floor Type: Temp Belo,v: Floor Cover Rv: Under Slab Rv: Edge Rv: Perim€der Rv: Slab On Grade 40'F 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Slab Depth: Wat€r Table Present: Space Below Fbaled: Downrvard Heat Los3: Unit Heat Lo6s: Floor Surface Temp: Heat Loss: (less sub components if any) 4 incfi€s No N/A 2,272Btulhr 11 Btu/hrlff 84 "F 521 Btu/hr Geiling Gomponent Space Above Heated: N€t Ceiling Ar€e: Rv: No 192fr2 35.00 to6os The intended use of thb program is to provide accurate heat loss and desi;n data for Wirsbo Radiant Systems. The heal loss and des(7n data generated by the program will only be as accurate as the information supplied. Wirsbo Company is not responsible for the misuse of this program. REtrT131 Tot^|N 0F UAILr COLORADU PAGE 6 AREA: CDLI/L9/96 tl7r58 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION TJORK SHEETS FORI lI/19/i6 Activity: tr96-OlE4 Ll/L9/96 Type: B-F,LF'IB Statr.rs: ISSUED EonEtr: ASFR Addr.ess z 74?. SANDY LN Locat i on : Farcel: tl0l-O63-15-011 Oer: Use! Descr"iption; INTERIOR REMODEL AND INFLOOR HEflT Appl icant: COLORADO PLUMBINB SFRVICE F'hone: 97t494398Ct9 OWNET": CAMF'IZI CHARLIE & JERI F.hONE: _:::1::::::_:::!::3:_:::T:::_:::1]!:_________:::r:_11::i:::31_,_______ Inspect i on Request Requestor: JERRY Req Time: tlB:OlZl Itens reqr-rested to AOe9rA FLMB-Final I n format i on. . CAltltr I5I Connent s r INbe I n spect ed. F,hone: FLOOR HEflTING - I^IILL . Ac*t ion Cqnnlnts 476-5586 CRL.L F.LERSE Time Exp Inspeetion HiEtory..... OAAl A FLMB-Underground AqeeB FLMB-Ror.rgh,/D. W. U. OOEAS FIRE-SPRINRLER RC]U6H 0OP4O FLMB-Gas Fipinq AE/U7 /96 Inspeet or': EG OAeSra trLMB-Rough/Wat er AA/fr7 /96 Inspeet or': EG 00e5tzr trLMB-Foo I /Hot Tr-rb 00e6la F|LMB-Mi sc. U7/e6/96 Inspector': CI:Notesr 1tt0 LBS. AIR TEST ON OOagUt trLMB-Final CUI538 FIRE-FINAL C/O Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Action: AFtrR Action: AFFR Act i on: AFtrR INFLOOR HEAT 16 pSI i 9tZtpsi heat t6psi gas INFLOOR HEAT lin APPEAL OF PLANNING AND ETWIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION REGARDING SITE COVERAGB VARIANCE FOR CHARLES AND GERI CAMPISI FOIK.T42 B SANDY LANE, VNL, COLORADO 81657 I t t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INDEX OF DOCI.JMENTS I.TOWN CODE OF VAIL ZONING TITLE, SITE COVERAGE VARIANCES sEcTroNS 18.62.010 AND 18.62.060 2.TOWN CODE OF VAIL, ZONING TITLE, OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING SECTION 18.52. 101-18.52. I l0 J.MEMORANDUM FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DATED MARCH 13. 1995 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE FOR RICCI RESIDENCE AT 2576 DAVOS TRAIL, VAIL, COLORADO FOR PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING GARAGE 4.MEMORANDUM FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DATED MARCH 24,1993 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A GARAGE AT THE TAYLOR RESIDENCE AT 2409 CHAMONIX ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 5.MEMORANDUM FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DATED APRIL 27, 1992 FOP. WILHELM RESIDENCE AT 4289 NUGGET LANE, WEST UNIT, VAIL, COLORADO RECOMMENDING SET BACK AND SITE COVERAGE VARIANCE FOR KITCHEN EXPANSION AND STORAGE AREAS 6.AFFIDAVIT OF BARBARA RAGAN 1 AFFIDAVIT OF BETTY GUFFEY 8.LETTER FROM OSCAR RIZK 9.TESTIMONY OF JOSEF STAUFER AT PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION HEARING. ITEM NO. 3. SEPTEMBER 23, 1996 10.TRANSCRIPT OF ITEM NO. 3 OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1996 I t ( 479 I I r I I t I I T I I T I t I t I l, VARIANCES f8.60.090 Conflicting provisions. In addition to the conditions which may be prescribed pursuant to this chapter, a conditional use shall also be subject to all other proce{ures, permits, and.requirements of this and other applicable ordinances and regulations of the town. In event of any conflict between the provisions of a conditional use permit and any other permit or requirement, the more restricdve provision shall prevail. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 18.900.) Chapter 18.62 VARIANCES Sections: 1t.62.010 Purpose. 1t.62,020 Application-Information required. 18.52.030 Fee. 18.62.040 Hearing. 1t.62.050 Planning commission action. 1t.62.060 Criteria and findings. It.62.070 Appeal to the town council. 1t.62.0t0 Permit approval and effect. 1S.62.090 Related permits and requirements. 18.62.010 Purpose. A. ln order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficultjes and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulry or unnecessary physical hardship may rcsult from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or traffic condi- tions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the (vaiJ 4-7-92) I I I I I I I I I I l t i i I I I I I r ZONING applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. B. Variances may be granted only with respect to the development standards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, setbacks, distances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, useable open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requirements; or with respect to the provisions of Ctrapter 18.52, governing physical development on a site. C. The power to grant variances does not extend to the use regulations prescribed for each district because the flexibility necessary to avoid results inconsistent with the objectives of this title is provided by Chapter 18.60, conditional use permits, and by Sections 18.66.100 through I 8.66. I 60, amendments. (Ord. 8(t973) g 19.100.) 18.62.020 Application-Information required. Application for a variance shall be made upon a form provided by the zoning administrator. The application shall be supported by documents, maps, plans, and other material containing the following information : A. Name and address of the owner andlor applicant and a statement that the applicant, if not the owner, has the permission of the owner to make application and act as agent for the owner; B. Legal description, street address. and other identifying data concerning the site; C. A statement of the precise nature of the variance requested, the regulation involved, and the practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title that would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation; D, A site plan showing all existing and proposed features on the site, and on adjoining sites if necessary, pertinent to the variance requested, including site boundaries, required setbacks, building locations and heights. topography and physical features, and similar data: r (vail a-7-92) 480 r rI I I I I I I I T I I I t I I t I I J ZONING 18.62.050 Planningcommission action. Within twenty days of the closing of a public hearing on a variance application, the planning corttmission shall act on tlte application. The commission may approve the application as submitted or may approve the application subject to such modifications or'conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this title. or the comnrission ntay deny the application. A variance may be revocable. may be granted for a limited time period, or may be gnanted subject to such other conditions as the commission may prescribe. (Ord. 8(1973) S t 9.500.) - 18.52.060 Criteria A. Before acting and findings. on a variance application, the planning commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity; 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretatiort and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatability and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege; 3. The effect of the requested variance on light attd air, distribution of population, transporta(ion and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety; 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. The planning commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: l. That the granting of the variance will n<lt constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district: ?. That the granting of the variance rvill not be detrimental to the public health. safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity: (Vail a-7-92) 482 t VARIANCES 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons:a. The striat or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship incon- sistent with the objectives of this title, b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the appli- cant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 19.600.) 18.62.070 Apped to the town council. A. An appeal to the town council may be made by the appli- cant, adjacent property owner, or by the town manager. The town council can also call up matters by a majority vote of those council members present. B. For all appeals, the appeal must be filed in writing within ten days following the decision or must be called up by the town council at their next regularly scheduled meeting. C. The council shall hear the appeal within thirty days of its being liled or called up, with a possible thirty-day exten- sion if the council frnds that there is insufficient informa- tion. (Ord.37(1980) $ ll (part).) 18.62.080 Permit approval and effect. Approval of the variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and consrrucdon not commenced and diligently.pursued toward completion within two years from when the approval becomes final. (Ord.48 (1991) $ 2: Ord. 16 (1e78) $ s(c).) rI I I I l I I I I I I I t I t I I I I 483 flail a-7-92) I I I t t I I t I I t t I I I I I I J 2 fI t I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I ZONING Chapter 18.52 OFF.STREET PARKING AND LOADING Sections: 1E.52.010 Purpose. rt.52.020 Applicability. 18.52.030 Exisiting facilities. f 8.52.040 Additions or changes. 18.52.050 Construction and maintenance. 18.52.060 Parking-Off-site and joint facilities. 1t.52.070 Standards. 18.52.080 Parking-Standards. 1E.52.090 Loading-Standardsi 1E.52.100 Parking-Requirements schedule. 1E.52.I10 Parking-Schedule applicability. 18.52.120 Credit for multiple use parking facilities. It.52.130 Loading-Requirements schedule. 18.52.140 Loading-Schedule applicability. 18.52.150 Credit for multiple-use loading facilities. 18.52.160 Exemptions. 18.52.170 Leasing of parking spaces. 18.52.1t0 Variances. 18.52.010 Purpose. In order to alleviate progressiveiv or to prevent traffic congestion and shortage of on-street parking areas. off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided incidentalto neu' structures. enlar-gements of existing structures or a conversion to a ne\\' use which requires additional parking under this chapter. The number of parking spaces and loading berths prescribed in this chapter shall be in proportion to the need for such facilities created b5' the particular type of use. Off-street parking and loading areas are to be designed. maintained and operated in a manner that u'ill ensure their usefulness, protect the public safety, pail a-7-92) 388 I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I ( OFF.STREET PARKING AND LOADING and. where appropriate. insulate surrounding land uses from their impact. In certain districts, all or a portion of the parking spaces prescribed by this chapter are requircd to be within the main building in order to avoid or to mihimize the adverse visual impact of large concentrations or exposed parking and of separate garage or carport structures. (Ord. 26(1982) $ l: Ord. l9(1976) $ l2 (part): Ord. E(1973) $ 14.100.) It.52.020 Applicebilitl'. Off-street parking and loading space shall be provided for an!, new building. for any addition or enlargement of an existing building or for anv conversion of uses which requires additional parking underthis section.(Ord.26(1982) $ 2: Ord. l9(t976) g l2 (part): Ord. 8(1973) g t4.200.) It.52.030 Existingfscilities. Off-street parking and loading facilities used for off-street parking and loading on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title shall not be reduced in capacirl'to Iess rhan the number of spaces prescribed in this chapter, or reduced in area or number to less than the minimum standards prescribed in this chapter. (Ord.26(1982) $ 3: Ord. l9(1976) g l2 (pan): Ord. 8(re73) $ r4.2or.) It.52.040 Additions or changes. For additions or enlargemenrs of an1' existing building or change of use that would increase the total number of parking spaces required. the additional parking shall be required only'for such addition. enlargement or change and not for the entire buif ding or use. (Ord. l9( 1976) $ l2 (pan): Ord. 8( 1973) g 14.202.) It.52.050 Construction and mainlensnce. All off-street parking and loading faciliries required by this chapter shall be constructed and mainrained in accordance with the minimum standards for such faciliries prescribed by' this chapter. and shall be maintained free of accumulated snow or 389 (trrl l4tlJ I T I I I I I I I I I l t I I I I I I r ZONING other materials preventing full use and occupancy of the facilities in accordance with the intent of this chapter, except fior temporary pcriods of strort duration in event of heaqy or unusual snowfall. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 14.300.) 18.52.060 Parking-Off-site and joint facilities. All parking and loading facilities required by this cltapter strall be located on the same site as the use for which they are required, provided that the town council may permit off'site or irintly used parking tacilities if located within three hundred feet of the use served. Authority to permit off*ite or joint parking facilities shall not extend to parking spaces required by this title to be located within the main building on a site, but may extend to parking spaces permitted to be unenclosed. Prior to permitting off-site or joint parking facilities, the council shall determine that the proposed location of the parking facilities and the prospective operation and maintenance of the facilities wil fulfill the purposes of this chapter, will be as useable and convenient as parking facilities located on the site of the use, and will not cause traffic congestion or an unsightly concentration of parked cars. The council may require such leC instruments as it deems necessary to ensure unified operation and control of joint parking facilities or to ensure the continuation of such facilities, including evidence of ownership, long-term lease, or easement. (Ord. 8(1973) S 14.400.) 18.5 2.070 Standards. The standards set out in Sections 18.52.080 through 18.52.100 shall govern the design and construction of all off-street parking and loading facilities, whether required by this chapter or provided in addition to the requirements of this chapter. Minor adjustments of the dimensions prescribed in this chapter may be authorized by the zoning administrator if consistent with generally recognized design standards for off-street parking and loading facilities. (Ord. 8( l9?3) $ t4.5m.) i \'.tl la-dJ I 390 I I I I I I t I I I I t t I I I I I It.52.0t0 Perking-Srenderds. Standards for off-street parking shall be as follows: A. Location and Dcsign. Par'king sp-"..r, aisles and turning areas shall.be entire ly wirhin lor lines and shall nor cncroach on any public right-of-way. No parked vehicle shall overhang any p.ublic right-of-way. Excepr for parking facilities sening single-family or two-family residential Cwlllings, or parking facilitics accommodating lcss than four cais, off-streer parking areas shall be designcd so that it will nor be necessary for vehicles to back into any srreer or public righr-of-way. B. Size of Space. Each off-streer parking space shall be nor less than nine feet wide by ninereen feer long. and if cncloscd and . or covered. not less than seven feet high. An exception to th-e size of space shall be allowed for compacr spacei in lots with more than fificen spaces. In this case. up to twenty-five percent of the spaces may be cight by sixteen and the compact spaces shall be clearly maiked as such. C. Accessways. Unobstructed and direct accessways not less than ten feet nor more than twenty feet in width shall bc provided from off-street parking ro a srreet or alley. D. Aisles. Aisles of adequate width for convenicnt and easy access to each parking space shall be provided, affording unobstructed vehicular passage between each parking space and one or more accesswavs. This requirement may be waived only during such rimes as valer par!,ing is operated in lieu of self-parking. E. surfacing. All parking areas shall be paved and provided with adequare drainage facilities. F. Landscaping. Nor less than ren percenr of the inrerior surface area of unenclosed off-streer parking areas containing fifteen or more parking spaces shall be devoted ro landscaping. ln addition. landscaped borders not less rhan ten feer in diprh shall be provided at all edges of parking lots conraining more than fifieen parking spaces. Landscaped borders nor leis than fifteen feet in depth shall be providei ar all edges of parking lots containing more than thirtv parking spaces. A landscapeJ berm. r+'all or fence nor less t han four feet in heighr of the same architectural style as rhe building ma1' be subiriruted for the landscaped border, subjecr ro design revie* approl,al. OFF,STREET PARKING AND LOADING 391 (\.il l4-tr) fI I t I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I a ZONING G. Surface Runoff Control. Adequate measures for the control of surface runoff shall be provided. Such measures may include, but are not limited to: infiltration galleries. detention and settling ponds. sandtraps, grassed \r'ate rwavs. The com- munity development department shall establish and maintain a list of such control measures. Where required by subscction A8c of Scction 18.54.050. evidence of an approved NPDES discharge permit. or in lieu thereof. a no discharge plan shall be presented. (Ord. 26(1982) $ 4: Ord. 37(1980) g 8: Ord. l9( 1976) $ l2 (part): Ord. 8(1973) $ 14.501.) 18.52.090 Loeding-Stendrrds. Standards for off-street loading shall be as follows: A. Location. Alloff-srreet loading bcrths shall be locared on the same lot as the use served. bul not in rhe required front setback. Off-street loading berths shall be provided in addi- tion to required off-street parking and shall nor be located within acoessways. B. Size. Each required loading berth shall be not less than twelve feet wide, twenty-five feet long. and if enclosed and/or covered. fourteen feet high. Adequate turning and maneuver- ing space shall be provided within the lor lines. C. Access. Accessways not less than ten feet or more than twenty feet in width shail connect all loading berrhi to " ,tr..t o, alley. Such accessways may coincide with accessways to parking facilities. (Ord. 26(1982) $ 5: Ord. 8(1973) $ 14.502.) It.52.t00 Prrling-Requirements schedule. Off-street parking requirements shall be determined in accordance with the following schedule: lVrrl l4-tJ I 392 I I I T t I I I I I I I I I I T I I I r OFF-STREET PARKT,'iG AND LOADINC Use A. Dwelling Unit B. Accommodation Unit C. Other Uses. l. Medicaland dental offices2. Other professional and business offices3. Banks and financial institutions (i.e. savings and loan)4. Retail stores, personal services and repair shops 5. Eating and drinking establishments 6. Theaters. meeting rooms. convention faciliries Parking Requirements lf gross residential floor area is 500 square feet or less: 1 .5 spaces per dwelling unit If gross residential floor area is' over 500 square feet up to 2,000 square feet:2 spaces per dwelling unit If gross residcntial floor area is 2.000 square feet or more per dwelling unit: 2.5 spaces per dwel- ling unit 0.4 space per accommodation unit, plus 0.1 space pcr each 100 square feet of gross residential floor area, with a maximum of 1.0 space per unit 1.0 space per each 200 square feet of net floor area 1.0 space per each 250 square feet of net floor area 1.0 space per each 200 square feet of net floor area 1.0 space per each 300 square feet of net floor area 1.0 space per each 8 seats. based on seating capacitl' or building code occupancy standards. whichever is more restrictive I.0 space per each 8 seats, based on seating capacity or building occupa ncy standards. whichever is more restrictive 393 ( \'.rl I J-l.r I I I I T t I I I I I I I I I l I I I I ZONING Use7. Quick-scrvice food/ convenience stores 8. Recreationalfacilities, public or private 9. Hospitals 10. Warehousing I l. Any use not listed Parking Requirements 1.0 space per each 200 square feet of net floor area for the first 1000 square feet of net floor area: 1.0 space per 300 square feet for net floorarea above 1000 square feet Parking shall be required. Amount to be determined by the planning commission 1.0 space per patient bed plus I space per 150 square feet of ner floor area 1.0 space per each 1000 square feet of net floor area Parking requirement ro be de- termined b)'the planning com- mtssron.(ord. 26(1982) $ 6: ord. 8(te73) g t4.60t.) 16.52.110 Prrking-Schedule rpplicability. Where fractional requirements result from application of the schedule, the fraction shall be raised to the nexf whole number. (Ord. 50(1978) 0 l0 (pan).) (vril l-l-ll )394 :l.t .TOWI| OFVATL I I I I T I I I I I I I t I T I I I t 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FAX 970-479-2157 CERTIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The undersigned hereby certifies the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a Planning and EnvironmentalCommission Memorandum datedMarch 13, 1995, as maintained in the office of Community Development. Dated December 5. 1996 ) ) SS,- ) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE (V ^ ,t "rLHolly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sth day of December, 1996, by Holly L. McCutcheon. Town Clerk. Town of Vail. ss. NotanFPtbiic My commis:sion expires: Anne E. Wright, llolary Public l'ly Cor , rris siori Ertires Gl7-1939 ,,3'-.. Ff irl13: Rt:J {p rr.'rrrru r^r,,, I I t I t I I I t I I I I I I I t I T FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 13, 1995 A request for a site coverage variance to allow^for an addition to the Ricci Residence located at 25;6"D;s Trail/Lot 5, Block E' Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Tom and Nancy Ricci, represented by Galen Aasland Andy Knudtsen Applicants: Planner: DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicants, Tom and Nancy Ricci, are proposing to demolish their e-risting detached one- car garage and reptace it with in attached h,vo-car i"tage, a second.story family r.oom.' and an entrance to their home. A variance is required Oicause the additions exceed the site coveragea||owanceintneprimarl,isecondaryTtesid:.li"lii1"^9'lIi3.:,.ffi ed site coverage is 2,248.4square feet (or *f^133-"-1u3l1,1?::lPlll':")'iiilf,"-fr.il;'jj;il coveiage is 2,6'fsquare feet (or 23.e.%). rhe additional433.6 square feet of site covera-ge rlquires a variance. They are also requesting to expand their living room by approximateti ge ,qr"r" feel, as well as riise the roof ridge over the living. loori ov a te6t. 'ine tivinf ioom addition wili be located over an existing lower leveland does not count as new site coverage. Other changes fhal will be involved with the proposal include removing the T-111/plywood siding that currenlly is in pface above and Oetow tne windows on the residence' The applicant il ptJpb.ing to cover the irim and plywood with, a stucco finish. Landscaping will be changed' - as four large aspens will b; rerou'eJ as a result of this proposal. The applicant is proposing to replace these with four 2-inch caliper aspen. The driveway grades do not change as the proposed Nvo-car garage will be located in approximately the same place as the existing one- car garage. II. HISTORY OF LOT 5 on February 26, 1gg0, the planning and Environmentalcommission (PEC) approved a variance request tor a setnacl encioachment. In order to construct a new master bedroom on the lower level, the applicant proposed to encroach 3.5 feet into the 15-foot rear setback' The Design Review Boaro IDRB).approved the proposa|on March 21, 1990. |n addition to the setback variance to allow for the master bedroom expansion, the applicant also proposed expansionstothekitchenandasecond||oordeckwhichdidnotrequirevariances. On June 3, 1992, the DRB approved a 250' Though the 250 *.tt.gl?1j"d'the addition was never constructeO. fne cur6'iiptopoi"l includes 6+.3 square teet of.the 250' The applicant has submitted the 2S0 requesl and it will Oe scneOufeO foi a DHB review if the variance is T I I T I t t T I I I I I I I I I granted. section 18.71.020 requires that variances be approved by PEC orior lo the DRB reviewing the prolect, wnen Ooth approvals are needed tbr one prolect' 1b5'7 square feet ol floor area will remain for future expansions, "rrraingln" variance'is granted by the PEC and the 250 is granted by the DRB' ilt.BACKGROUND I I The sta{f has researched proiects in which similar requests were made' and has summarized them below: Dean/Rousch Residence. 2942 Bellflower (Julv 19931: At the Dean/Rousch residence, the applicants requested a 3'56% sile coverage variance (287 square feet), a setback uaiiance t+ teet into a z6lioot setback), and a wall height variance' The request tor site coverage and wall.rrejgn| ""ri"*". *"re ipproved bv the PEc, but the setback variance tor CniA-was denied. fi.norfOJ" *i"J in"t in" staff recommended denial of the variance, but the PEC approved it lhe i;il;ffi;"sions of th-e garage were 225 by 225 leel,and the area of the garage calculated for site coverage was 576 square feet' At the Taylor residence, the applicant requested and was granted a site coverage variance tor 1.3% (l12square feet) in orOli to construct " g"t"g" and-building connection on the property' It shoutd be noted that the allowed site coverage oi tni. lot is 20% (not 15%)' and the applicant was also granted a variance to "onrtrjciln" g"og" in the front setback (the slope on this lot did not exceed 30%). The approved interior?imJnsions of the tlvo-car garage were 21 feet by 20 teet, to, aiotar i,iterior area or +zo squire leet. The garage contributed 462 square feet toward site coverage' AttheMummaresidence,theapp|icantrequestedandwasgr4lted.al%sitecoverage variance in order to construct a garage addition on a tot tnat'eiceeds 30% slope' The 1% overage on site.ou"r.g-.'i;fftgqi; apro*"i.ry gg .qr"r" feet. The interior dimensions of the approveO garage'meitri" ZO feet'6y ZO feet,ioi a total interior area of 400 square feet' in" g"ta" contiiouteO 442 square feet toward site coverage' Smail Residence. 4238 Nuooet Lane (geotember 19921: At the smail resiclence, the applicant requesled and was granted side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage anO Gnin additi6n' The interior dimensions of the approved garage ,""*r" z2 teeig-inches by 22 teet3-inches (504 square feet)' Please note that a site coverigl variance was noi necessary as a part of this request' ArtheTestwuideresidence,theapplicantrequestedandwasgrantedside variances in order to aonatru"t a g"tage addiiion to the existing residence' i.,"g. h.d i.terior dimeisiont oiir '5 teet oy 24 leet' with a total interior i""t."pttt"" note that a site co\terage variance was not necessary as request. and lront setback The aPProved area of 51 6 square part ot this Tavlor Residence. 2409 Chamonix Foad (Mav 1993): ZONING STATISTICS v. I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t t I Ricci Residence Forcomparisonpurposes,theproposedvarianceisJor3.g%(433.6squarefeet)'Thegarage contributes 557 square feet towards site coveraje' The interior dimensions are 21 '75 by 24'0 feet(withasmatt "ngr""riortotonesioe;. fii-iot"rinittiot"tt"of thegarageis52l'5 souare Jeet. lv. Lot Size: Zoning: Height: GRFA: Satbacks: Frontl Sides: Rear: Slte Coverage: LandscaPing: Retaining Wall Heights: Parking: '| 1,242 squarg feet Primary/SecondarY Residential Allowed 33 leet 2,810.5 + 425 + 250 = 3,485.5 sq. ft' 20' 15'/15' It' zooz ori,zla.c sq. ft. 60"/o min..or 6,745.2 sq. ft. 6 feet 3 spaces required Prooosed 33 feet 3,3299.8 sq. tt. Front: 21' Sides: N/A Flear: 23'5' 23.9o/o or 2,682 eq. ft. 6,598 sq. ft. 'soft (58.7ol.) #*frf#reo.av.l 6 feet 4 spacas ProPosEd Upon review of criteria and Findings, section 18.62.060 of the vail Municipalcode' the Community Development Department recomme;d;approvat of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1'There|ationshipo|therequestedvariancetootherexistingor potential uses ind structures in the vicinity' stafl believes that the proposed addition will be compatible.with the surrounding devetopment. w" iJi;"Jtn"r tn" additional mass and bulk associated with the proposal is similar io tn" r"ss and bulk of surrounding homes' stafl would like to point out matihe site has significanr evergreen landscaping around the perimeter ot tne norne, and th;t the additioriwill be buf{ered by the existing landscaPing' T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal Interpretation and enforcemeni oi a specifieO regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility anO unitoimity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain tn. oOi""tiu"s ot tni" tltle without grant of special privilege' Staff has traditionally supported site coverage variance requesls and.setback variance requests *nenliinvotves construciing garages' an-d. yh:-n 11. variances do not negatively impact adiacent proferties' Stall believes that it is beneficiat to the commu.iii' i" lrr.* i'ioiuiorit. io construct garages' as it typically improves tnu "pp6uonce of a site' In this case' the applicant will be d6motlsning a one-car garage and replacing it with a two-car garage' ln addition to site coverage variance requests for garages, staff has€uoported requests for connectionillt*".n the residence a-nO ttie garage. This is true in all ihree ol the examples provided in the background section of this memo' which requireo site covJrJg" u"ii"nt"t' tn eain case' staff has worked with the applicant and the arcniiect to minimize the amount of variance needed. In the past, stafl believes tnii eacn linal variance request has been for the minimum amount of site coverage necessary' staff believes that the reduction in the size of the garage since lhe previous FFC n""ting, to 521.5 sq. ft' brings the proposal within the scope of what has Oeen approied in the p"it. St"tf-Oelievis ii meets this criteria as the variance *orro-iii,t be a grant of special privilege, since other variances have been approved for similarcituiiion. in tne p]ast. Furthermore, staff believes that the location and size ot tne existing building are physical hardships whjch make the e"jinsion impossible wiinout i varlanci. wb tirint< that the size of the two-car garag" which is proposed is reasonable and should be supported' 3'Theef|ecto|therequestedvarianceonlightandair,d.istributiono| population, trrn"poii.tion and traffic facitities, public facilities and utllities, and Publlc safety. staff does not believe that there will be any negative impacts on the above- referenced criteria if the proposal is constructed' B.The Plannino and Environmental commission shall make the lollowino findinos before qranlinq a variance: 1.That the granting of the variance will not privilege inconsistent with the limitations the same district. constitute a grant ol special on other ProPerties classified in T I t I I z ;::ili:r',:1;'Il-"J,'nriffi,uiii,?:i,i.::'iff':Fj;?"iepub ic I 3. ;l - -:-iT-""];d for one or more or the forowins reasons: I a l*",1*:l'[ff!?:"Jfiilil?:.i::il?,',i."JffT,'Jiff"'$:'li"o physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title.I b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance lhat do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement ol the specified regulalion would deprive the applicant ol privileges enjoyed by the owners ol othdr properties in the same district. - VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION ! Staff recommends approval of the variance. We believe it meets the criteria, as discussed r above, as well as the findings. Specifically finding 81 is met, and staft's opinion, as the t variance will not a grant of special privilege as this type of request has been approved severalr times in the past. Finding 82 is met, in staff's opinion, as there will be no impacts to the public heallh, safety or welfare. Finding B3c is met as a strict enforcement of the site I coverage regulation would deprive thisipplicant from constructing an addition to his homet that has been granted to other individuals with similar situations. Therefore slaff recommends approval with the following conditions: I 1. That the variance approval is contingent upon the Design Review Board (DRB) making the necessary findings and granting the "250" to this applicant. lf the DRB does not grant the '250", this variance approval shall be void. I 2. Prior to issuance of building permit, the applicant shall agree to plant four 2- inch caliper aspen adjacent to the entry to mitigate the loss of the lour existing I aspen trees. I 3. Prior to submittal to the DRB, the applicant shall amend the elevation drawings I of the residence to show the specilic exterior treatment lhat shall be used to replace the existing T-111 plywood linish. I FEVERYoNE\pEc\MEMosv cct.3r 3 r I I I I I I t I I T I I I I I I t t I I I /Z?\ ENTRY LEVELfl I t t I I I II I It t I I I t t I t I I I I I'l I I I I I I, \,\\\ ----tt ) . ,' i,. ' ir, i: I I I I I I I I t I t II I l-l I II II/II --r '/ i: i, {. I i' I I i T t I I I r li lli Frc^prrrrar -__3*Api^uI jl t:'t Cc.I t I I ll !'l l,iI :..:.Iit : l"tIf.t ,tit t. I'il:i liIiI,i I .::!Ilt 'i..:t .': r.lli 'i l: l,j j l!I :i;I .:t ,.:: I .::i I:iI;i lit .:. l:It ,,.1 'i:j l:iI':I ,.i il :.'lr: ;,I .:' I r': :" I;It II I I i i.l I fit:_ 3il Hil r..lll' ?!l ttt lt - tr[.xh Et ;l-1.- 1 '2a liii*.ffi-- rurlE-[[f 1 G tlIt- : a 'i ..,; t i,. tl .: j 'I'! I .i .j '.1 l ...! i .j.. 'i 'l I t I I It I II II I T I I t I I I I I t i + Ir l',t;t. F[ ' 0tr ./T\tv I t I I t I I I I t I I T I t I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I T I T t I I t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 24, 1993 A request for a setback and site coverage variance to allow for the construction ol an addition and a garage located at t4O9 Chamonix Road/Lot 19' Block A' Vail das Schone Fiting Nd. 1. (Please note changes are ln bold ltallcs,) Applicant: Planner: Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello t. DESCBIPTION OF THE FLOUEST The applicant is requesting site coverage and setback variances in order to construct a two- ca, gar'age and building aJdition to an 6xisting residence located on a Primary/Secondary lot wnic-n isiess than 1S,0b0 square feet in size. There is an existing employee restricted dwelling unit on this site located in the lower level of the project' Currently, the property has a covered carport to meet the requirement lor enclosed parking for a primary unit with a iestricted employee dwelling unit. Under current zoning, the property . w[ufO require four on-site parking spices with aileast one space covered' The site currently has three'on-sife parking spaceJanO one partially on-sile spa99. At the time this carport was approved, the carport wis considered enciosed parking, but did not contribule to site coverage using the definition in place at the time. Under the current site coverage definition, the carport is counted as site coverage' The proprrty currently allows for tlZg+ sq. ft. of site coverage o( zOV" of the lot size and with the 'exiitinj carport has a total of 1,635 sq. ft. of site coverlge. As proposed the project would nave f]gOO'sq. ft. ol site coverage or'21.3%. A variance is required lor the 1'3% site coverage or 122 square teet. The proposed garage is approximately 17 feet 6 inches into the 20 foot lront setback which will liave a 2 foot g incnei'setback from the south property. There will be a 2 foot encroachment into the 15 footside yard setback. A 13 foot setbackwill remain along the west property line. Variances are n'eeded for the 17 foot 6 inch and 2 foot encroachments' It. BACKGROUND ln 1989, the applicant received a variance to locate a carport in the front setback' This was in response to the requirement for enclosed parking when a restricted secondary unit is provided. Priorto the 1989 application, avarianie lrom the parking standardswas requested in order to add secondary uniiwithout providing the required enclosed parking' This was denied and the applicant was directed lo construct a garage' I t I I t I I I I I t l I I I I t I t fn April and May of this year, the PEC reviewed this application al worksessions. The applicant was directed by the PEC to minimize the overage on site coverage, but that someoverage would be acceptable because of the addition of enclosed garage ipace. The applicant has revised the application by decreasing the width of the garige'and the stairwayleading to lhe house which decreases the amount of site coverage nlceJsary to complete t'hisproject. At the time of the review the staff also discussed the removal of the closet aiea tothe north ol the main entry in order to turther come into compliance with the site coverage regulations. The applicant has selected not to eliminate this area therefore it remains a-partof the request. At the PEC revlew ln May, the appltcant was agaln directed to detete the c,oset portlonof the request. The statt suggested that approxlmatety 68 feet of slte coverage'couldbe deleted. The appllcant has responded by delettng a porlon of the closet whtchcontrlbuted approxlmately 40 square feet oi slte coierage. I III* ZONTNG ANALYSIS Total Size Area: Zoning: Allowed Density: Existing Density: GRFA: Allowed: Existing: proposed: Site Coverage: Allowed: Existing: proposed: Parking Proposed: Enclosed: Surface: 0.2048 acres or 8,921 square feet Primary/Secondary Residential One Primary with one restricted employee unit One Primary with one restricted employee unit 3,080 square feet 2,814 square leet 3,019 square feet 1,784 square teet (zOv"1 1,225 (Building) + 410 (Carport) = 1,635 total square feet 1,225 (Building) + 471 (Garage) 190 (Addition) = 1,906 total (2t,3o/o) 2 spaces 2 spaces (completely on-site) '.ln order.to allow for a garage in the front setback, the average slope beneath the garage and the dwelling unit must exceed 30% slope. In a previous applicatiori, the staff determined that this site did not quality to allow the garage to encroach into the front setback due to excessive site grades. While historically this site may have qualified for this allowance, it was determined that because the existing on-site parking area is virtually flat, this site would notqualify for the allowance. lf it had qualified, site coverage would have been restricted lurther I I I I I I T I to 15% and the existing project would be non-conforming to site coverage requirements. IV. CRITEFIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail MunicipalCode, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relatlonshlp of the requested varlance to other exlstlng or potentlal uses and structures In the vlclnlty. The proposed garage encroaches a maximum of 17 feet 6 inches into the 20 foot tront yard setback leaving a 2 loot 6 inch setback from the lront property line. There will be 2 foot encroachment into the 15 foot side yard setback leaving a 13 loot setback lrom the western property line. The roof is pitched, however there is no proposed floor area within the lofted area of the garage. Materials are proposed to match the existing residence. The applicant has minimized the size of the proposed garage in order lo maintain the maximum setback possible trom the soulh property line. The applicant has also minimized the amount of site coverage overage for lhe proposed garage. However, the staff feels lhat it is possible to further decrease the site coverage generated by the addition and garage. The staff feels that the connection between the garage and the building is important because it furthers the compliance of this project with the Design Review Guidelines, which specifies that the buildings should be connected, but feel that the connection could be minimized. The appllcant has reduced the proposed slte coverage by 40 sguare feet from 21.8% to 21.3% by decreaslng the slze of the entry and closet area per the statf and PEC rcquests, In addition, the staff would like to see additional landscaping added to the project to minimize the impacts of the garage, especially on the south (adjacent ' to retaining walls) and west (adjacent to the garage) elevations. The applicant is proposing to remove a portion of the existing stairs leading from the parking area to the building. In order to meet the wall height standards, the applicant has stepped the new portions of wall which exceed the slandards. The staff asks that landscaped steps also be added to the existing portions of exposed timber walls which exceed 3 feet in height in the front setback and 6 feet in height on the remaining porlions of lhe property. 2. The degree to whlch rellef from the strlct and llteral Interpretatlon and enforcement ot a speclfled regulation ls necessary to achleve compatlbllity and unltormlty of treatment among sltes In the vlclnlty or to attaln the obJectives of thls tltle without grant ol speclal prlvllege. I I I I t t t I I I 2. 3. B. t I t I I I t I I I I I I t I I t I T The statf recognizes that the siting of the existing building does constilute a physical hardship. Because ol the existing location ol the house, as well as the topography ol the site, it is difficult to improve the property without obtaining variances. The staff feels that the addition of the enclosed parking is beneficial and that the proposed location will have minimal impact on the adjacent properties. The staff feels that the granting of the requested setback variances for this garage will not be a grant of special privilege. The staff also supports the overage on site coverage in order to add the garage as well as the building connection. We feel that ffre bulldlng connectlonis an important element of the applicalion whlch has been decreased ln slte as much as posslble and that it furthers the compliance of this project with the Design Review Guidelines. We do not feel that a granting of a site coverage variance would be a grant of special privilege il it were minimized, as discussed above. 3. The effect of the requested varlance on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of populatlon, transportatlon and tratflc facllltles, publlc tacllltles and utllltles, and publlc salety. The addition ol the enclosed garage will improve the existing parking problems for this property. The applicant will be able to obtain four parking spaces entirely on the property and meet the parking requirement. Currently, there are 3-1/2 spaces located on the properly. The staff feels that additions of this type on non-conforming properties are important because they decrease the need for on-street parking. This proposal does not impact any of the other criteria listed above. The Plannlno and Envlronmental Commlsslon shall make the lollowlnq flndlnos before orantlnq a varlance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not-constitute a grant of special privilege inconsislent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious lo properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of lhe specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not I I I I t I I I t I I I I l I t s I t apply generally to other propertiesin the same zone, c. The strict interoretation or enlorcement ot the specilied regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district' V. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The stafi supports the garage portion ol the request as well as the building connection, including the necessary setback variances with the lollowing conditions: 1. Additional landscaping be added to the south and west etevations to screen the garage and building addition; and 2. Additional landscaping steps be added to the existing retaining walls' We lind that this request, will not be a grant of special privilege and meets the criteria set out in Section lV B, 1 ,2, 3, a, and c of this memo. The stafl feels that this application is a posilive improvement. we feel that the garage addition has been minimized lo decrease site coverage. Due to the location of the existing unit, as well as the topography of the site, we recognize that some additional site coverage is needed to provide forthe g'arige and the connection between the units and the garage. The staff finds that it would noibe possiOle to incorporate any portion of the garage into the existing building. We believe ihe proposed building connection to be a positive improvement becauJe it brings the structure more into conformance with the Design Guidelines. The applicant has worked with the staff to obtain a proposed plan for this garage and addition that tdd stalf can support. ln the past, the staff has supported site coverage and setback variances when they are attributed to the provision of additional enclosed garage spaces' N@ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r=n i/1-'ii .t..\\ -\-\_ . t.'-..- :w\' -\',:t '-. 'i.- -.._=l*lL- :'-t:tD :#; /--,.-\ \ Ir) |,l C5l l-I I'| t I T I I I I L o 4 itr _l rJ,r F.do ?- .lr l t- a (, olrl o oEG { cr:$..f f.OooOot- 6 F s TUJul -r F a t / :l r,,rI iF, tujt ;c(* .i2r o,I :o , lF..: 6 ,iz ,- _ .:-- *.-r i rl d>z-*6 <x ooU,F o:Jor)2,F !u !J< OEo, r!OFG<o.: ac:o a I I I I t I I I I 6H1-'s I.IJJt! Fa tr.J t I I I I t I I I t t t I Bachrach Vtp LTD PO Box 2236 Avon, CO 81620 303/949-9408 FAX 949-0629 May 14,1993 TO: Planning and Environment Commission Town of Vail, Colorado FROft/:Erwin Bachrach on behalf of Anneliese Taylor I l. Subsequent to the work session we have: 1. Reduced the garage dimensions by 2,-4,,2. Lowered the garage roof pitch from 12110 to 12lg3. By the combination of items 1&2 we have lowered thegarage roof ridge by approximately 3,-0,'4. Made the stairs & stair enclosure narrower by 6,'5. Added terracing with landscaping along the retaining walls to the north of the proposed garage. subject: A request for a set back and site coverage variance toallow for the construction of an addition and a garage located at2409 chamonix Road Lot 19, Btock A, Vail das sinone Filing No. 1. Dear Commission and Staff Members: considering the discussions before the planning and Environment Commission work session on April 12, 1gg3, the Community Development Department memorandum dated May 10, lggg and thetabled discussion before the planning and Environment commission,also on May 10 we are herewith submitting a-revised applicationhaving addressed concerns as follows:I I I I I I t II t'-r ll. Subsequent to the hearing (now tabled) before the Planning and Environment Commission on May 10 we have: t 1. Added a North elevation to the concept drawing for I clearer presentation of the building connection. t Z. Added more terracing3. Added more landscaping materials; 5 Aspen, 1 Blue Sprucer 4. Deleted the entire bench area and exit aisle,, reducing lhe site coverage by an additional 50 r square feet. We are however retaining a 2'-0" deep closet, adjoining (as close as possible) the existing I entry door. The closet is an essential feature for t lhe owner and the key to the entire remodel effort. Retainiqg the closet will have no impact on the t visual appearance of the building connection,I interfere with no one's views, has no bearing onr lfll' ,,?',1i.';::Jff::1'' ,i1,,,::olll'h0113"J"?:l?l'"'! Will be entirely within the set-back lines and in an r area presently occupied by the existing deck. It is very unfortunate that previous government agencies allowed I developers to subdivide into now non-conforming lots, especially on f diff icult terrain. We are not asking for any special privilege; we are asking for a closet. lt will not be to the detriment of the neighborhood, of the Town of Vail, or anyone. It is unfair that present day homeowners must depend on granting of variances for permission to modify their homes to bring them to reasonable standards and even comply to Design guidelines. Fortunately it is within the province of this commission to right a wrong by granting this variance applied for here. The site coverage increase is only from 20o/o to 21.20/o. Respectf u lly, Erwin Bachrach I I I I I I I I OFVAILWNTO 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FAX 970-479-2157 CERTIFICATION STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE The undersigned hereby certifies the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a Pfanning and Environmental Commission Memorandum dated May 24,1993, as maintained in the office of Community Development. Dated December 5, 1996 ) )ss ) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE [Mo#nnulu-r', Holly l-. McCutcheon, Town Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sth day of December, 1996, by Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk, Town of Vail. ,1 .,,, /.;. 1 c.) 4 / .L /7.,'t'-" -' c I L Notarv Public 'l' ,/ _- Anne E. Wigtrt, Nobry pubtic My cornmissicn expires: M'c'TTt]ilo,EH;'.Tou:7leee SS. $ *"''""t" '^"o ',,,;iij. t TOW OFVAIL I I I I t I I I I I I I I T I I I I I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FAX 970-479-2157 CERTIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The undersigned hereby certifies the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a Planning and Environmental Commission Memorandum dated April27 , 1992, as maintained in the office of Community Development. Dated December 5. 1996 ta])lMurt waotiotunt Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk STATE OF COLORADO I ) ss. COUNryOF EAGLE ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sth day of December, 1996, by Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk, Town of Vail. 75 S. Fro:rtagc Roa,iMy comrnission expires: {9 r"''"""^"' T T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department Aplil27,1992 SUBJECT: A request for front and side setback and site coverage variances for the Wilhclm Residence, 4289 Nugget Lane, West Unitl-ot 5, Bighorn Estates, Resubdivision of Ints l0 and ll, Bighorn Estates. Applicant Robert and Karen Wilhelm Planner: Jill Kammerer I. DESCRIPTION OF T}IE VARIANCES REOUESTED The applicant prcposes to remodel an existing duplex unit. Under the redevelopment proposed, an additional 191 sq. ft. of GRFA will be added to the residence. Chapter 18.71 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area ("250 Ordinance") will be utilized in order to allow the addition to be constructed. Under this rcdevelopment proposal, sitc coverage will be increased by 177 sq. ft. In order to construct the modifications to the residence as proposed, the applicant must obtain site coverage, and east side, west side and front setback variance approvals. In conjunction with the redevelopment of this unit, the applicant will be installing 3 additional aspens along the westem FOpeIty line adjacent to the street. Further, the applicant will be converting one existing woodburning fueplace to two gas fireplaces. A. Front Setback Variance 1. Kitchen Expansion/Ski Storase (South Elevation) The applicant proposes to expand the existing kitchen and construct a ski storage arca on the first floor. The existing structure encroaches 3'-5" into the required 2O-foot front setback. The kitchen expansiorVski storage addition will encroach 2'-9" further into the front setback. Therefore. a 5'-9" setback vu'iance is required in order to allow this kitchen exoansion/ski storase area to' be constructed. resulting in a 14'-3" front setback. @lease note this area also requires an east side setback variance ddscribed in IC.) I B. c. t l I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I t 2. Dinine Room Bav Window The applicant proposes to remove an existing dining room window and replace it with a bay window. The existing srructure encroaches 3'- I I " into the front setback in this arca. The new bay window will encroach an additional 9 inches into the rcquired 20-foot front setback. Therefore. a 4'-8" setback variance is reouired to allow this bav window to be constructed. resultins in a l5'-4" front setback. (Please note the kitchen cxpansion"/ski storage addition will encroach into the front setback to a greater extent than will this proposed bay window.) West Side Setback Variance 1. First and Second Floor Bav Windows (North Elevation) The applicant proposes to change existing fust and second floor windows to bay windows. The existing structure encroaches 6'-1" into the required 1S-foot side setback. Therefore. a 6'1" setback variance is reouired. resultinq in a 8'11" side setback. Although these proposed windows will not encroach into the side setback to a grcater cxtcnt than does the existing building, because the proposed construction would increase the amount of GRFA within the required setback, a side setback variance is required. 2. West Side Storasc Area The applicant proposes to construct a 5' x l0' exterior storage area on the west side of the existing structuro. The existing structure encroaches 5 feet to 3'-6" into the required l5-foot side setback in this location. This 46 sq. ft. storage area would encroach a maximum of an additional 5'-3" into the required 15- foot side setback. Therefore, a l0'-3" setback variance is reouired to allow this storase area to be constructed. resultine in a 4'9" side.setback. East Side Setback Variance l. Kitchen Expansion/Ski Storaee Area The existing east side sctback is 0. The building is built on the eastern property line. This new kitchen expansion/ski storage area will also encroach 15 feet into the required l5-foot side setback. Therefore. a lS-foot setback variance is recuired to allow the kitchen exnansion/ski storaqe arca to be constructed. The proposed addition will encroach to no greater extent than does the existing structurc. D. I I I I I I I I T I T I I t t I I t I 2. Rear Extcrior Storage Area The applicant proposes to construct a new exterior storage arca on the rear of the building under an existing deck and stair. please note the existing east side setback is 0. The building is built on the eastern property line. This new cxterior storage area will also encroach 15 feet into the rcqirirea l5-foot side setback. storase area to be constructed. The proposed addition will encroach to no greater extent than does the existing sructure. 3. l,oft Expansion The applicant proposes to expand an existing loft by 39 sq. ft. of GRFA. This new second floor area will not encroach furthcr into thc requircd lS-foot side setback than thb l5 feet the existing structurc encroaches. However, because the proposed construction would increase the amount of development within the required side setback, a side setback variance is required. (please note all variances are calculated to the building footprint. The eave is not included which is approximately one foot in certain arcas.) Site Coverage Variance site coverage allowed on this lot is 20vo of the lot size (.106 acres, or 4,617 sq' ft.). Therefore, the allowed site coveragc is 923 sq. ft. The cxisting site gglerace is 995 sq. ft. (2l.5vo). The addition will increase the site coverage by 177 sq. ft., for a total of 1,172 sq. ft, (257o) of site coverage. A site coverase variance is needed for the additional lZ7 squarc feet of GRFA. l. Kitchen Expansion/Ski Storaee Area This proposed addition will result in an additional 53 sq. ft. of site coverage. 2. West Side Exterior Storase Area The proposed 5' x l0' storage area would increase site coverage by 5l sq. ft. Therefore, a site coverage variance is required in order to allow this exterior storage area to be constructed. 3. Rear Exterior Storaqe The applicant proposes to construct an exterior storage arsa under an existing deck/stair. This exterior storage area will result in an additional 49 sq. ft. of GRFA and 65 sq. ft. of site coverage. Therefore, a site coverage variance is required in order to allow this exterior storage arca to be constructed. I I II. BACKGROUND ,l I The zoning for this property is duplex. Bighorn Estates, L,ots 10 and 1l were subdivided into townhomes, which were later divided into small lots, numbered 1-7. This subdivision created I legal, non-conforming lots of a lot sizc smaller than that which would be allowcd underI prcsent zoning. T M. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS I ^n,nrIo-Family I Site Area: 0.106 acres/4,617 sq. ft. J GRFA: r. Allowed: 1,579 sq. ft, I Existing: 2,337 sq. ft.Proposed: 2,512 sq. ft. r Increasc*: 191 sq. ft. t 250 GRFA Remaining: 59 sq. ft. I * Increase in GRFA is possible under 250 Ordinance I Site Coverage I (20Vo of Site Area): I Allowed: 923 sq. ft. Existing: 995 sq. ft. (2l.5%o) I Proposed: 1,172 sq. ft. (25Vo) I Increase: 177 sq. ft. I Height: No Change a Setbacks: I Front: t Required: 20 feet Existing: 16'-9" I Proposed: 14'-3" ! West Side: I Required: 15 feetIt Existing: 8'-9" Proposed: 4'-9" I I I 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet I T I I I I I T t I T I I I t I I I t East Side: Requircd: Existing: Proposcd: Rear: Required: Existing: Proposed: 15 feet 0 feet 0 feet ry. CzuTERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the front, east and west side setback variances in order to allow the construction of the exterior storage area under the deck/stairs and the bay windows or1 the first and second stories on the nonh elevation; the kitchery'ski storage expansion, and dining room bay window on the south elevation. Staff further recommends approval of the requested site coverage variance rcquests associated. with these additions. Staff recommends denial of the west side setback variance and site coverage variance requests required to allow the construction of the 5' x 10' exterior storage area. These recommendations are based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. a. Setback Variances In general, the setback variances requested will have no ncgative , impacts on adjacent properties, excluding the west storage area. Staff believes the west side storage addition will negatively impact the propeny owner to the west. The resulting side setback would be 4'-9". If the adjacent property owner were also to pursue such an addition, the accessway to the rear yard between the two duplexes would be very narrow. Staff believes the addition of the west side storage area reduces, to a great degree, the alrready small amount of open space which presently exists betwcen this dwelling and the adjacent residence. I I I I I I I t t I I t I I I I I I I b. Site Coverage Variance Due to the unusual suMivision of the lot, staff believes it is reasonable to allow some flexibility concerning site coverage. This expansion, excluding the west storage area, will result in additional site coverage of 125 sq, ft. Staff further believes these additions will have no negative impacts on existing or potential uses or structures in the vicinity. The staff does not believe the additional site coverage for the west storage area is appropriate. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. a. Setback Variances The duplex lots which werc created under the resubdivision of Lots 10 and 1l of Bighorn Estates have lot configurations which make it almost impossible to modify the units without variances. As previously stated, the existing units already encroach into the required front and side setbacks. These encroachments are due to the fact the lots are very narow and small. Instead of a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet, this lot is 4,617 square feet. Staff believes there are extraordinary circumstances due to the original lot layout of these duplex lots. Othcr duplexes in this resubdivision have received similar setback variance requests. In November, 1988, Lot 3, obtained approval of front, side, and site coverage variances in order to constnlct a trash enclosure and to enlarge a kitchen. As previously stated, the duplex los associated with the resubdivision of l-ots 10 and 11 of Bighorn Estates are all substandard in size. For this proposal, staff believes it is reasonable to consider the existing residence's location in the front, east and west side setbacks to be a practical difficulty wananting setback variances for the additions supported by tho staff. This degree of relief from the strict and literal interpretation of the codc is appropriate, and has been granted to other property owners with similar circumstances. B. t I I l I I I t I I t I III I t I I I I Staff does not believe, however, there is a practical difficulty warranting thc construction of the 5' x l0' exterior storage arca on the west side of the property. The degree of relief from the setback for this request is not appropriate. b. Sitc Coveraee Variance Because of the small lots, existing sitc coverage of all lots in the vicinity is over the allowed. Staff feels that adding 125 sq. ft. of site coverage to accommodate the exterior rear storage area, the bay windows and the kitchen expansiory'ski storage additions does not increase to any great extent the existing site coverage. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. a. Setback Variances and Site Coveraee Variance The staff finds that the requested variance will have no significant effect upon any of the above considerations. As previously stated undcr this redevelopmcnt proposal, the applicant will be installing two additional aspen uees along the westem property line adjacent to the roadway. In addition to installing these aspens, thc applicant will climinate an existing woodburning fireplace and install two gas fueplaces. Staff believes, with the exception of the proposed 5' x 10' proposed storage arca on the west side of the building, this proposal will have no negative impacts on the factors listed above. With regard to the proposed 5' x 10' exterior storage area, staff believes the construction of such a storage area will limit access to the rear of the property from the east side of the building, which could negatively impact public safety. The Plannine and Environmental Commission shall make the followins findings before qranting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. 3. I I t t I I That the ganting of the variance will not be derimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in thc same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specifred regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STATtr RECOMMENDATION Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the front, east and west side setback variances in order to allow the construction of the exterior stomge area under the declc/stairs and the bay windows on the first and second stories on the nonh elcvation; the kitchery'ski storage expansion, and dining room bay window on the south elevation. Staff further recommends approval of the requested site coverage variance requests associated with these additions. Staff recommends denial of the west side setback variance and site coverage variance requests required to allow the construction ofthe 5'x l0'exterior storage area. Staff believcs the variances which are recommended for approval meet the criteria and findings for a variance. Staff does not believe approval of these variances would be a grant of special privilege, because variancc applications have been approved for similar requests. The proposal is not potentially injurious to the public health, safety and welfare. Lastly, the staff frnds the location of the lot lines to be an extraordinary circumstance that is not typically found in the Two-Family zone district, and that other property owners in the same development have received variances from the strict interpretation of the zoning code for similar t1'pes of requests when there were no negative impacts from the requests. Please note that, under Section 18.62.080 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code, the approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently pursued to completion. I t t I t I t I I I I I I c :\cc\ncmos\wi.lhclm.427 : i l'i. I ;3! l!d oJ ! 5! ir!;s;i g:!i." i;rE!: €e!'i; I ;;E;ii B i" '*"* *fs uo di' 3:5I :!a? o->;! t; oi EcB0ie :6- z R.\ (. \ \E \l e\, I)'I \ \.I \ \\ .Y It t6lri! iiii i;!i ii!ill:ril;rll{ liiii t,. \ . Nle -..€1 "^'$)g$ul gv I (''I \\ .-' \ I I I t,'*, _--" 9, ( ( -.2 .'\ "?sq* e \ ?-') ..-!f \ \'o\ cr.' \ /' \ ,--'.-\/\ \ I ,-*,^,r!^9' ..,,a9-1.*if"J5 1"" !,i i iiui.a i Es;lli i ii:.iEf, ; Ei: +? i, Eii Ji: :i :E: jii: i: i3ii aa? t;lsrl;ili iii:iiitii :iiEiiiiiit;i!i; i; i: iiiiiiiiiii ii* ;i! i: iE i \it iin li \ 6..|,l \.87\ c\ ,/" $-?3F\I fl, w\.'l \o\\l,\'i \br, tt \ \ ,4'4--.'.. .dI tiiaz,lii ?!; li: l;jIIS l!riil:; INI 1 c{ \|ill : 0l': tl! ,/\.\ J .-- \ -,'\ r1'T i6f E --- i-v$'' \ : r$ \< f N ) : 3 s: f $)TF { \ u \ TT ,&JT .utd RSJn\.4$ t I I 'Jf. \)JI)i ,i\ il$f,[iltv -=l)F ) \ k \\J -\$I \-2 $ \ \ j ]T:\ N[, SiTV \O' a rL-'!) 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Ii' in'o oto"o acs'crrtidl]. ; por"J-6"n - tni" 'd otc, Fobruory 24, l99e crccpt utility. connoc-' [ro"r:';;;' entircty wlthin the boundorie: of the Porcel, exccp-[ O: shorn, thot tiorc ore no crrcroochments upon thc described p-rir"t by improrrcmcnts. on ony--odjoining p.rcmiscr. ercopt ol inoicoioa, jna inot thcrc is no APPARENT cvidcnco or sign-of ony , , eoscment crosslng or burdc:ring ony port of soid porccl,I noted. ffifD i',1' .According No.08005 shofii htrr flooding. w.'[T Stewn K. Scot Senlor Mce Pr Johnson. Ku ;.- t;' :;tt..' - . /9 ,or'lod' {rg- a 16"aI \q I I II t I I I I t' "-"1"'t' <.3.' ASPHALT at\PARKING /t '/ ;:h "',fo? '&_r* NOI1C8 Ac...dl^o to Coldldo br F IUSI Gdn.n'le' -ont ltld oclldi bo..a uoqt qrv oit*t h thi. .rrt" dgrh EYL t'rn qn- FJ -..t .|l.l.a. h 'ra -rl iEY dtv ocudr Dot a uooit v,ff/ffi . :j -'i"i. r'-' I I I I I I I t T I I I I I I I AFFIDAVIT OF BARBARA RAGAN REGARDING PROPOSED SITE COVERAGE VARJANCE FROM TOWN OF VAIL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE CAR GARAGE The Affiant, being of lawful age, being duly sworn under oath and having personal knowledge of the following facts do hereby testify as follows: l. That I am the owner of real property located at 744 Sandy hne, Vail, Colorado. 2. That my residence at 744 Sandy Lane, Vail, Colorado is located next door to the East of the property owned by Charles and Geri Campisi at 742 Sandy lane, Vail, Colorado. 3. That Mr. and Mrs. Campisi have made substantial improvements to the residence at 742 Sandy Lane, Vail, Colorado to the extent that the neighbors in the area, including myself, are very appreciative of their efforts in improving the property. 4. That the improvements made by Mr. and Mrs. Campisi upon their property at742 Sandy l:ne, Vail, Colorado to date have been extremely beneficial not only to their property but also to surrounding properties as it has improved the real property at742 Sandy Lane, Vail, Colorado substantially from its previous condition. 5. That it is my opinion that the construction of an additional one car garage upon the Campisis propefty would benefit the residence at 742 Sandy Lane, Vail, Colorado in that it would visually create a finished look to that side of the house. At the present time, that side of the house appears to be unfinished and it would be appropriate and beneficial to construct -a garage in that area, 6. That there is absolutely no negative impact which will occur to my property at744 Sandy Lane, Vail, Colorado or to any other neighboring property that I know of with regard to the construction of a single car garage upon the Campisis' property at 742 Sandy I:ne, Vail, Colorado and a granting of a site coverage variance for that purpose. 7. That to construct a carport upon the property, I feel, would be visually intrusive and create an eye sore. It is my preference that a enclosed garage be constructed on that area. 8. That as an adjacent homeowner to Mr. and Mrs. Campisis' properry at 744 Sandy Lane, Vail, Colorado I have no objections to the construction of a single car garage or any variances necessary to allow such construction. In fact, I would encourage approval of anyI I I ll I I I T I I I t t I I I I I I t t T )qc action needed, including granting of a site coverage variancg for the purpose of allowing the garage to be constructed. Further the Affiant sayeth nauqht. STATE OFCOLORADO ) EAGLE COUNTY Ragan. ,rlh\J ' Ouy of December, tgg6, by BarbaraSubscribed and sworn to before me this G : \CAMP]SI\BARBARA. OTH I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t 'I ri ,".. . I I I I t t I t I I I I t t I I t I T \Fl'(l)AVIT Ol: llt:I I \ (;LfFE\ Ct))'1E,SNO\\.lhc--\it.lrllt.Bettl,Cuiicl.ltllrinqPelsonalktli-.rrlcd:coltheloilottlnc ii,.als 3itri [,eing dulr S\\ r]!'ll IlliJtf oath hercbY iesiiiics ts lollotl s. i. l'har I arl] rhe Lr\\ nef (ri real propert)r ltrcsted lrl rhe To\\'n of \'ril COuntl' ol' Eagle' Slllte c.i Coiorado Knor,,.n as ?.1].A Sandl' Lane. \'arl. Colorado. l. That I anr a nrenrber of the condoniiniurtl Asstrciation for Lot l' \/ail' Potato Patch' Sgslrnd Filing Condon'liniunl' Torvtt of r'^lf iounty.of fagtt' Sute of Colorado rvhich is cornprised of Unir 742-A and 712-B Sandy r-ont,iuii''Colorad*o (' Condomiruum Association") ' S.ThattheCondominiumAssociationiscomprisedofmyurutandunitT42-BSandy 13n6. \;ail, Colorado r"hi.h i, o\\,ne,j b),Ct'rrf.r^b.rfiil anO Gerl bampisi (hereinafter referred to as the 'CamPisi's')' -l.Thatrr.trhnlyeXpresspennissronandinr'olt.emenllheCampisi.sharerequesled.a r.anance from the Torvn ol ittil fo' tnt pu'po" of-ton't^t'ing a single car sarage addition to their unir. The construction of said single car garage $'ill not in any way nesativell' tmpact upon orirer srrucrures in rhe 'icinitl as lllosi sliucrures al'e residenlral Somes' including condominium pni15 rlith garages. 5-ThatthegarageadditionthatlheCampisi'shar'erequestedavarianceforfromthe Torr n of Vail ls necessarl for a nuntber ot reasons: .\. There is significanr drainage problent upon rhe propeny in rhat.the ltt?-]n *hich rhe new garaqe *,ill be locared rtop.r roru.J the residence and.*'ater flo*'s directly tnto a nrajor *,alI of rire butlding. TIie co.sttucrio" oi ti''t garage r'ill resolr e this drainage problenr u'hile at lhe sane iime significantl.v improving the propen)' B.Thatattl]epresenrtimeu,iththecurrentconfigurationoftheresidencerr.ithout therequeStedgarageaddirion.thereeXiStsasignificantSecutitr,p':.b]:'rr,ithregardlonlyurut. Tlre general publrc currenrl), has ,...rr ao ,n'.*.i!.n.1' .g,.ti doot *'hich leads directly into nt), masrer bedroom .no ur,n ur.u. untonunr,.r*y, oue io rhe currenr configuration of the buildmgrheseneralpub)icoftenutilizesntut*t'gtnt)tegress-doorasopposedt:li^T::::t becau-ceitisrheon;t-Joo'-"tdi)1'r'isiblefronrihestreetTirisisacrtuseforconcernlorrne because I cannot s33 rr ho rs at the elllerselrc\' tg"" Ooo' until I anl risht before lhe dtror Thts is nor ihe cac!- \\'lln nll nlain entrance door as it'n "t the person lt r*he door through \\ llldo\\ s prior to C!en)ng li.i3 .]Ljo I In r<ltlition p;rck:rges and tlo.,r.er de]ir eries are often lefr nltsta}lell]r' iil tlr'. Jlllerlcl,a\ ;-;'iss :joor 3llri ils l di'' rlr'r utrlize that dt'i'r l..jtl ilot locate the itettls trl-tctt f t'r .1.r.. i I l.iic ;.1::.:t:-i a'-, arai,,,aa, \1r llill I)r.:lCc .l ljt'it;:lc. I'rcte c [Jritler '\rch::r.-l' rtt \':' ] i.' .:i.iij:! :r:rr,::rr ' ,;.I;;' ;t";"t' r:le rssLrl. "1. 1ils Iubllc ;l"c\\ li) irr\ cillerseic\ c:ri 'i\ 'jt\(\i \' I I -,.,;:,-i '. ,: .:-i-.-i .::li' \!-Ltll'L\ ' 'i'l' rtiltllrliti'' Liti'l:ll:;lu- l:-' \11 I):c':'- " rll:li lll';-' .':\l:'i::::r'-i::'-':;::'iL-i.'..:J\lsll!{\ll\i;rr:rl\'::'',si:-c:-':\r:r"'\i-'i:i!c' 1 I I I I I I t II I I I T t I T I T t t Subscribed and srvern to before nre lhis 2CWi, of September. 1996' b1' BETTY GUFFEY \\'itness mr hartd and oil-icial seal. lr{y commission expires: t-}'- &CU-t? .1ll L \!:- i:-:.: ll:li,':: t't tl:1 i{),rll\'." : - - il.l'i,!tir.ril SeC'Jtlt\ .1i :l. i.cSldCllac /\nti, '11\ ,,., :,- 1rl;111,' 111vl. \, '.- STATE OF COLOR\DO EAGLE COUNTY .\: .Lr.tr. | :.cl lirlri li:-' gtltt.lti:.-: : iic \'.t;l:lll!'' -- ....t.!.11.1-C I\ ilC-r'::.:l) .' ;-:'\\ IL U ri': ' iir ': L : r'j t I t ' ' r ' '- lrtrid.ltif ;1' 1113 \':rr ilrli.c i: il()t ,q:.1:::J'.i .is :l'r ir:itc:'J (-- 'fhar in rhe \\:inrer ittonths the 'fou n of \:lrll \n()\\' removal pushes (no\\r ont(l the lire:r .,'. lt.:;.c llre pew slngle car q:it'aqe rvill be con-qlructed thus ntaking such aiea ultusable panicularlr r,-,1 parkirrg purposes. There is insuffjcient prri'kine. in the area and the single car garase uili pi'ovide a covered parking area lear round 6. iroi- rhe foregoing r€asons the orvners of rhe propertl, at 7-11 Sandv Lane constlruted of n.r1,seli and rhe Campisi's rvill sufter a hardship if the Variance is not granted allorving ft-rr construction of the proposed single car garage. Further rhe Affiant sayslh nauohl. ) ) ss. ) \cli\ P! tlla I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1A./98/!396 t 3:0e I REDES Y SIS'I-,ras rEL F*UE AII t I I I I I I l, I l' I I t I I t I t FAX TRANSNAISSI@N FAX -II'I.- I IIII.-III IIr' I T ..IITITI-I It- ' III oscAR RtzK AZIZargultscto TO / PARA: Betty Gufty FAX J (970) 476 6717 FROU / DE: Oscar Bizk Aztz SUBJECT / ASUNTO: Town of Vait epplication DAJE / FEGHA: October 8th. 1996 PAGEA / PAGTNAS:_Z_ Including this page. COIIMENTS / COMENTARIOS: Dear Bctry: lf you n€ed any aclditlonat h€tp, pteasa do not hesltate to cail m€. R. Kipling 11315. Comptejo Induetrial Chihuahua. TevPhone: 011 52 1.1 81 35 99 Chlhuahua, Chih. Mexico. 31't09 Far: Ol 1 5214 81 02 47 tLL'., .Jd,, !ii6 13: gA 14_? -rg REDtrs Y SIS I .^,IAS TEL t I t t I t t t I I I I T I I I I I I Oscar Rizk Azizarquitecto Y11.-A"nV Qu!_and Ms. GeriCampisi 742 A and 742 Sandy Ln. Vail Colorado. Oear Betty: Yt:.T"il Fouland my house keeper s€nt me a copy of your application with th€ toyrn otVailto build s new addltion in your house. (gange), The purpose of this letter is to let you know that as your naighboor lrom 71O B, I do nothave any Problem wilh your project. tt does not eftect my vi6w whalsoever. I hope youg€t this approved by the town oi vail. I hope we will see you arround chrietmas and get together ro have a dfink. Sincerely Oscar Rizk 740 I Sandy Ln. Chrhuahua, Chih. Mexico. October gth. 1999 Fudyarct Kipling No. | 'l 3 15 complojo Inctustrial chihuEhua APclo. Poslat Z. I 565 Tel. {r4) 81.35-89 Fsr (14) 81-{1247 Chlhuehua. Chlh., M6xlco 3t tog I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I t ,'|i! iH '7 ;f, I lrorffi l';"f;tr:;::;:":;,:i* 970-479-2100 lnex s7o-47s-2is7 CERTIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The undersigned hereby certifies the foregoing is a full, true and correct transcription of Item No.3 of the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of September23, 1996, as it appears in the original records of the Town of Vail, Department of Community Development. Dated December 5, 1996 5?o-- A. J..*/'D Administrative Services STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Subscribed and sworn to before me thisSth day of December, 1996, by Mary A. Caster, ) ) ss. ) ss. Notary Public {2 *,,','r,,u,^,,^ I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Joe Staufer: Greg Moffit: Dominic Mauriello: Greg Moffit: Betty Guffey: Greg Moffit: Galen Aasland: My name is Joe Staufer, I live a1746 Sandy Lane and maybe I shouldn't be here because where they want to build, that's where my dogs go every night at 10:00. I like to address a couple of things that I start finding, and number one is it's not, the neighborhood may not negatively impact it and then it says it's a negative effect on light, air and on the neighboring properties, well, I can't see how that little addition of that building is negative to anybody and I live up there so it certainly doesn't affect me and I'm sure it wouldn't affect anybody else to give them that variance. The other is that it says safety, welfare and health. Well, lthink security is another area where you have every right if you wish to do so to grant this variance. We are living in a dark neighborhood. When I'm out of town, this lady is the only one on the block. And for her to be able to drive into the garage and from the garage a secure (inaudible) going to her unit is certainly a safety factor and I think that, you know, we are here to address those things and I think that granting a variance that in fact is, if I read it right, one half of one percent over or under the site coverage, allowable site coverage, for one and a half percent, I don't know how bureaucratic we want to become. I feel very strongly that this variance helps somebody in terms of safety, security and a better place to live in. And I can't see any conceivable reason that would hurt somebody else. So, why not grant it? Thank you. Thank you. ls there any additional public comment? Dominic. I just wanted to follow up on something that was said earlier about the closet and storage space. We have DRB plans that were approved right now for the additionsfor the work that they're doing right now. There used to be a storage space, kind of below that area below Ms. Guffey's area, that was converted to living space, so while their argument, yea, that we need more storage space, this prior approval actually eliminated that storage and created a living area out of it. I just wanted to point that out. Thank you. Come on back up. The neighbor in the lovely half to the right of mine, (inaudible), had to go to physical therapy at this hour and she let me video tape her a few minutes before this, but we don't have a video, and she's in approval of granting this to us also. Okay, thank you. Let's go to the commission. Galen, comments, questions? ldo have'one question of Dominic or for the applicant. How big is I I I I I I I I I I I T I t I I I T T I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FAX 970-479-21s7 CERTIFICATION STATE OF COLOMDO COUNW OF EAGLE The undersigned hereby certifies the foregoing is a full, true and correct transcription of Item No.3 of the Planning and Environmental Commission of September 23, 1996, as it appears in the original records of the Town of Vail, Department of Community Development. Dated December 5, 1996 7*- A !.-/-.' Administrative Services STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Subscribed and sworn to before me thisSth day of December, 1996, by Mary A. Caster, ) ) ss. ) SS. Notary Public {i ^"""o'^"^ TRANSCRIPT OF JERICAMPISI REQUEST FOR SITE EOVERAGE VARIANCE AT PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEETING, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1996: Greg Moffit: Third item is the Jeri Campisi request, Dominic? Dominic Mauriello: Greg Moffit: Kerry Wallace: The applicants have requested a site coverage variance in order to construct a one-car garage of approximately 300 square feet, making the request approximately 260.9 square feet. The allowable site coverage for the site is approximately 3403 square feet, which is 20% of the lot area, and they're proposing 3664, which is approximately 2'l.S%. This duplex, when it wa! originally approved in 1980, contained 3763 square feet of GRFA. The way that is calculated today, they contain, they have 4SOZ.8 square feet, and thafs also due to i, in tggg they received Soo.square feet of GRFA under the 250 ordinance. So with today's twb eSO's, the site is permitted up to 4451 square feet, and therefore the site is over on GRFA by approximately S0 square feet. The structure also currently encroaches on the site setbacks on both sides. lt's a pre-existing non-conforming condition and it's really not aggravated by this request. Attached you will find some justification provided by the applicant and l,ve also passed out to you today two affidavits from owners of the property stating some other issues and hardships that they have. staff believes ihat the request will increase the building's bulk and mass beyond that enjoyed by other iroperties in the district. staff believes that white the.proposal may not negatively impact neighboring properties, and while other structures in the have two and three-cai garages, the.V have enjoyed that within the timitations of the site coverage limitations, and they also have two and three-car garages buill within those limitations. Staff does believe that this woutd be a special privilege, as other structures in the zone district have been able to construct within these limitations and enjoy the fact that they have a two-car garage. Staff is recommending denial of the variance request, subject to the three findings that you find on page 3, and that's all I have for you today. Thank you, Dominic. Does the applicant have any comments? Hi, I'm Kerry Wallace, my daughter gave me her cold, so if I sound like a swallowed a box of cotton balls, that's why. I'm here on behalf of the Campisi's. They would have liked to have been here today, but there was a medical emergency in the family that required them in New York. I'm their attorney, with Stovall Goodman Wallace. Their offices are in Avon and we assisted them in preparing the variance application. Obviously, as I I I I t t t I I I t I I I I I I I you've seen lrom the affidavits that are attached, the Campisi's, in addition. the owner of the other half of the duplex' Betty Guffy, who is also present, I understand has some comments to make today. I feel that there a number of issues which does make this a hardship issue as opposed to, say, a special privilege. A major issue for the Campisi's is a lack of storage. Obviously, this was a property that was constructed some time ago and it does have a fairly odd floor plan in the way it's designed. The Campisi's have informed me that there is little or no closet space within their residence and so it makes it very ditficult for them to store items in the house, in particular, you know, as anyone who lives in Vail, you have a lot of recreationalgoods, such as skis and golf clubs, those types of items. They have no where to put them in the house and so their having addational garage space would be of assistance. Right now the two-car garage that they have which is not oversized is used to park both of their vehicles, so there's not a lot of additional storage space. There's also a problem with parking, especially in the winter moilths. They do have a lot of guests that come out, they have family members that like to come out and visit and there's a problem with parking, particularly in the winter when the plows need to come through and it needs to be a open area. An area where there is now, even say if you were going to put a parking pad there, from what I understand the Town of Vail, when they plow the snow, it piles up on that spot, so it's really not a usable parking spot in the winter, so they'd like to be able to have an additional car to allow guests and any other person to be able to park in an enclosed area during the winter months' -The Campisi's, and I think Ms. Guffey will substantiate this, have significantly improved the property since purchasing it with, you know, I think it's been a real benetit to the general area. The garage will essentially be an improvement to the property, not a detriment, it ' will increase the value which is a positive thing for the neighborhood. lt's my understanding that the space, and I know thal you've had a site visit, is not really usable as is. And that the garage would be good use of that space. I was informed by the ircniiect that the post garage, is as small as they can possibly make it and still park a regular size car in it' lt's not made for, say, a 4x4 or an over-sized car, so he made it as small as possible, keeping in mind the variance issue. And it's also my undersianding in talking to the architect, i.e', I don't look at plans and analyze them, but he did inform me that it was not going to encroach on any of the setbacks. There's also the issue of a serious drainage problem right in the area where the garage would be constructed. lt's my understanding that it slopes and so drainage from Sandy Lane hooks right into a major wall of the building. This has to be corrected one way or the other. lt's my I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I Greg Moffit: Kerry Wallace: Greg Moffit: Betty Guffey:: Greg Moffit: Betty Guffey:: understanding that Betty Guffey caneubstantiate this. She's talked with some contractors. lt will be substantially expensive to fix the drainage by having to fix the grade or do something of that nature. The garage, by raising up the front of the grade, willtake care of the drainage problem while at the same time being a benefit to the property. And I know that a major issue doesn't necessarily affect my client, but it does atfect Ms. Guffey and she can tell you more about that as a security issue in that it's my understanding that there's access to a private door. lt's a door she has to have in her unit for egress purposes, in case of fire or some kind of emergency. But there's public access to this door. lt leads right into her bathroom and her bedroom. She says people use it all the time - knock on the door and, you know, you open the door and you might be in your bathrobe. She's concerned with regard to security issues on that. She can see from her main door out the window and see who's at the door and have a little bit more control than wheqsomeone knocks on this other door. She's got some pretty serious concerns about that. So, you know, there's a number of issues that they feel do create, you know, hardship in this case. And, like I said, it is the minimum amount that they could possibly do to put in a garage, and I know Ms. Gutfey has landscape plans. They're planning on doing some further improvements to the property and, you know, beautifying the area. It is my understanding that the unit was a bit of an eyesore for a while. You know, until all of the changes that Campisi's have done. So, for those reasons, I know the Campisi's would really like to you to consider, you know, approving the variance. I think that in the area there are a number of places with two and three-car garages, so this is not something out of the ordinary or out of place. ldon't think any of the adjacent units will be negatively impacted. lt's not going to be a high garage, so it shouldn't impact views or light to . other units or that type of thing and we would like you to take those things into consideration when making your decision. Thank you. Thank you. Any other applicant comments? I'd just like to reiterate what .. First, you have to tell us who you are. Oh, I'm Betty Guffey, and Greg Moffit: Betty Guffey: Thank you. for five years I've owned the upper half of the house, or the upper third of the house known ot "A",742A, and I've been waiting on waiting on somebody like the Campisi's for five years, to come along and help me redo the outside. I refuse to allow the previous owners to paint it. lt takes both of our approvals to do anything. And I didn't want it painted blue gray again. I wanted stucco or some rock or something put on it and the Campisi's also fit the mold that they didn't want to subdivide it, make a little loft here and a little kitchen here and rent it out part time. They plan to live in it with their grandchildren visiting them and that was the perfect person to buy it. The only problem was I didn't sell it to them, another realtor, but they, we agreed on doing this stucco, which is a great improvement, over $60,000 for that, and I have to pay my share of that and when it comes down to repairing the drainage problem, qnd doing something with that area, lwas very happy that they agreed to have an architect design a space that's small, that doesn't exceed the lot lines, will solve my problem about the emergency egress door, will open onto a deck that looks like the house to me from the front, looks like it always should have gone around that corner with the deck. And I have some videos, but I found out you didn't have, I have a video of when I bought it five years ago and my son was ready to put me in a nursing home because thatwas the ugliest house he had everseen. So I had videos of it and I put up with a lot in the five years that I've had, oh, the propane tank that was there. The Campisi's have removed that and are going to put a garden in its place. The propane tank was to heat the hot tub. They brought in gas. The propane tank was right underneath my bedroom window and some of the renters said they've had short term downstairs before the Campisi's bought it, . left the propane tank in my driveway for several weeks. I had to get the Fire Department to come out and move them. And one of my neighbors, Joe Staufer, is here to tell you too, that we had snow mobilers coming in at 2:00 in the morning, 3:00, shaking that garage underneath my bedroom, And if the Campisi's want a garage there for storage, I'm so happy to try to help them get it. lt will help me too. lt will have a deck of 300 square feet that they're willing to put in. And, I've stated that the security is the biggest concern and the biggest hardship I have. And I live there alone and lwould, ldefinitely like these plans more than anything else, but it seems like 50 square feet overage is a really minor problem compared to the expense and the lack of security for me. Thank you. ls there any public comment? Come on up! I I T Greg Moffit: I I I Joe Staufer: Greg Moffit: Dominic Mauriello: Greg Moffit: Betty Guffey: Greg Moffit: Galen Aasland: My name is Joe Staufer, I live at 74&Sandy Lane and maybe I shouldn't be here because where they want to build, that's where my dogs go every night at 10:00. I like to address a couple of things that I start finding, and number one is it's not, the neighborhood may not negatively impact it and then it says it's a negative effect on light, air and on the neighboring properties, well, I can't see how that little addition of that building is negative to anybody and I live up there so it certainly doesn't atfect me and I'm sure it wouldn't affect anybody else to give them that variance. The other is that it says safety, welfare and health. Well, I think security is another area where you have every right if you wish to do so to grant this variance. We are living in a dark neighborhood. When I'm out of town, this lady is the only one on the block. And for her to be able to drive into the garage and from the garage a secure (inaudible) going to her unit is certainly a safety factor and I think that, you know, we are here to address those things and I think that granting a variance that in fact is, if I read it right, one half of one percent over or under the site coverage, allowable site coverage, for one and a half percent, I don't know how bureaucratic we want to become. I feel very strongly that this variance helps somebody in terms of safety, security and a better place to live in. And I can't see any conceivable reason that would hurt somebody else. So, why not grant it? Thank you. Thank you. ls there any additional public comment? Dominic. I just wanted to follow up on something that was said earlier about the closet and storage space. We have DRB plans that were approved right now for the additions for the work that they're doing right now. There used to be a storage space, kind of below that area below Ms. Guffey's area, that was converted to living space, .' so while their argument, yea, that we need more storage space, this prior approval actually eliminated that storage and created a living area out of it. I just wanted to point that out. Thank you. Come on back up. The neighbor in the lovely half to the right of mine, (inaudible), had to go to physical therapy at this hour and she let me video tape her a few minutes before this, but we don't have a video, and she's in approval of granting this to us also. Okay, thank you. Let's go to the commission. Galen, comments, questions? I do have one question of Dominic or for the applicant. How big is I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I existing two-car garage? Dominic Mauriello: The existing two-car garage? | think they're each about 300 Square feet, each of those garage Spaces, so you're |ooking at 600 square feet existing now. Galen Aasland: ls that, do you concur with that? Dominic Mauriello: lt's at least that. (Cannot understand comment from audience) Galen Aasland: (Cannot understand response from audience) Galen Aasland: Betty Guffey: Galen Aasland: Okay. So, under this application, it's like the garage-that is being built, would that go to your unit or would it go to the Campisi's? So they ha've access from their current garage inside? And it won't change the access into your house? No. (Garbled comment). Okay. On the south side. Okay. Alright. Actually, in ways [o19ite coverage variance, I have some kind ol unusual sympathy' I think in certain cases there's some good grounds for it, especially on smaller lots. lf this lot was under 15,000 square feet, lwould feel much more strongly about it. I think the lot's under 15'000 square feet have a particular problem once they get over that they have less and less a problem, although this is not that much larger than..,. I do have some concerns about it though, is that the building seems to be already pushing the envelope of developm.enf under 5f different grounds aiready, and this would obviously make it push things further beyond what the zoning is consistent with the neignoornood. I think the deck that you're talking about could.be built without a variance, in fact, I know it could off of your unit in terms of getting rid of the door. And so, well it's nice that that can be there. Thafs already an allowed use and it's not that you can't build a deck and you can't do certain things, it's just that' in this particular case, happens to make this more convenient' I'm somewhat bothered by the argument that the campisi's don't have storage because they;re doing tnis big remodel on the house right now ind obviously they've gotten rid of storage, so I really don't think that there's really any argument from that particular standooint. I would be interested if there's an opportunity because there is existing site coverage left whether the existing garage could be added to within what the allowed zoning to add storage I t I I t I I I I t I t I t Greg Moffit: Diane Golden: Betty Guffey: Diane Golden: Betty Guffey: Diane Golden: BG: Diane Golden: Diane Golden: Greg Moffit: Diane Goldlen: Dominic Mauriello: Betty Guffey: on to that, so I do have a fair amount of sympathy for the site coverage, but I also see that there's some problems with it that you 've really done a remodel, that the owners have done a remodel and they really, they're creating some of their own conditions. Thank you, Galen. Diane? lf the garage is not put in, do you have to leave that staircase coming out of your bathroom? How did that get put in and when was that put there? It had a prior staircase (inaudible) and was buried in snow. So how long has that staircase been there? Five years that I've lived there. Stormshed and garage door (inaudiblelshort term rental (inaudible) And from your garage, so have to step outside and then go to your front door? (lnaudible) But lt's covered? Okay. Where will the snow be put if the garage is there? Would you come up to the microphone so we can, we're being recorded believe it nor not. Where will the snow be put if the garage is put in? I mean, that's the owner's option. The fact that there's snow on their site, I mean, that's their own snow removal issue, As far as the door going in upstairs, I mean, I'm sure there's a variety of architectural solutions for that, not just having the stairs there. l'm sure that either of the architects on the board could tell you there's probably ten different ways to address that egress. Well, Bill Pierce worked with me to, we ran up a bill of $1600 to try to design a garage and an entrance around that. One plan was to enter my house in front of my fireplace, which I don't think is acceptable, and another was to put a rock stairway to the north corner and that exceeded the setback, so we scratched that, so it didn't make any sense to spend $70,000 and still have an ugly entry. You know, and to have that door that now goes down with I T I I I I I I t t I T I I I I Diane Golden: Greg Motfit: Henry Pratt: this plan, with Jeri's, or Campisi's garage, then I don't have to get access from it and my stairway can go up. Bill pierce,s architectural plan was to have a stairway, not from a garage there, to g0 up and around and enter where my laundry room is now and that was terribly expensive and this is just the best plan that I've seen that, from the front of the house it looks like it was meant to be that way instead of looking like a double-wide trailer, it will took like a house with a nice sized deck that usable. I don't have a deck on the house that's usable. And if, one of your plans was to build a deck up here, that still leaves the drainage problem, which is very expensive to repair. The drainage problem has been there for a long time, creating problems for the other side of the house and it seems silly to me to spend $28,000 to repair the drainage problem when, well, it would have been a litile bit easier if they,d left the snowmobile garage there. Probably would have been cheaper to repair that, but I am so happy to have that out of there, and people running under my bedroom with gasoline and engines, so if they gave up the storage to build a room there, I guess I should be willing to sacrifice and pay for the drainage. But it just seems logical that, I think it does, to we're only exceeding 50 square feet that for the expense involved and somebody willing to make the place look better and more functional. About the question about the snow coming in. lt would just be the front part of our driveway that would have to be plowed. lt's piled back in there and buries any car that parks in that space there, that's there now and in the stairuay, ugly as it is, is buried in snow also. I have no further comment right now. Thank you, Diane. Henry? I guess first I'd like to say that I think that you're extremely tucky to have new neighbors like the Campisi's who are willing to come in and address all wrongs and spend the money and take some pride in their ownership. In terms of this application, t'm hearing a lot of things being put forth as hardships that I don't think realty are. I think you're security issue is more an architectural issue of identifying where the front door is, the drainage issue is something that should have been corrected when the current remodel was designed or laid out. On the other hand, I think that, like everyone else in town, you are entitled to 600 square feet of garage, but as the staff memo points out, you should be able to do it without asking for a site coverage variance because everybody else is held to those rules. During our pre-meeting and during the site visit, we've talked about, well if you just took away some GRFA or moved it somewhere else, then you'd have that site coverage for a T T T t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Greg Moffit : John Scofield: Greg Motfit: Greg Amsden: garage. At this point I think that's impractical, given the way you've got horizontal condominium type zoning on this thing. So I guess even though I don't want it be considered as a precedent, this garage has no impact on any neighbors in terms of light, air, mass and bulk and guess I'd be in favor of granting the variance in this case, even though I do not really find adequate grounds for a hardship. And that's a tough one for me. Thank you, Henry. John. lwould have to agree very much with Henry in all aspects. You are lucky to have a neighbor thafs willing to spend the money to upgrade and I think we should do everything we can as a town to encourage that. I agree that the drain is something that really is not a hardship, lt could be fixed with or without the garage. l've had similar problems, I understand what you're working with. Likewise, lthink the door, it's a downright lousy location, but it could also, I think, be fixed in other aspects, I think what we have to looK at as a board is perhaps balancing the issues of site coverage and what's really going to sit on that site and no mater what we do, you're probably going to have a car sitting in that corner. So I would tend to agree with Henry that perhaps the hardship of getting parking tickets when you park out in the street would be something that I would look at and say that I could support this type of thing because I really don't think it's going to affect the neighbors at all and I think it would perhaps be an improvement over having a car sitting out there looking ugly all the time. Thanks, John. Greg? This application, and l'm leaning more to what Galen said, is that a lot of these are self imposed problems that have occurred here. The drainage situation at one time that house did not have a structure underneath your apartment. And there was no drainage problem whatsoever with that site. I was here when the house was constructed in the beginning. I know the whole history of the house. In fact, our real estate company marketed that house when it was first built. So I don't, I mean, the drainage problem has occurred when the house was expanded into that area and it still can be cured by proper treatment of the expansion, in which it has not been done, so the storage argument just doesn't hold water because they've removed the storage space and even the garage that they're suggesting building is only the size of one car. lt would be filled with a car and there would not be much storage in it anyway. So, again, they're left with no storage. They've got their I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I Betty Guffey: Greg Amsden: Betty Gutfey: Greg Amsden: iral.gnc.e in a garage and yet they ha/en't solved at teast trying tojustify this variance with. The safety concern, I believe yor"r ca-n put either a small or a large deck off that door. I would definitety remove what's there. I don't know if there,s really, and it was mentioned but I don't even know if that is there for a fire purpose, does the statf know? | mean, no one knows if that,s even an ingress/egress... That's an emergency egress. I don,t have another way out of the house, out of the master.... Yea, but we don't know if that's why that stairway's there or even if it was there in the beginning and no one's even brought that point up or whether it has to be there or not, so if it doesn,t have to be there, a deck would be a good treatment off that door. l've tried tq find another access, or egress, and I don't have one. All the windows are on the second floor and they don't open large enough to get out. But I mean, in looking at this application, I have a hard time just because it does set a precedent. When you grant a varianc-e without substantial hardship or reasons for that, and I don't find these to be justifiable reasons for granting a variance, I think that we open up, I mean we have a very hard time for the next guy that comes in and says, "Hey, I want to go over my site coverage because of this, this and this." I mean, literally they can aJsociate their causes with what's mentioned here that idon;t think, I think they're self imposed situations. And it sounds like the Campisi,s want a second garage. My solution woufd be, it's a design driven problem. You have to fit that garage within existing struCture. Without increasing that site coverage to go over thlt site coverage limit. And they need to take a hard took at that. I believe it's doable where their family room is, And where they've enclosed and that house has been expanded. ln fact, in the memo by the staff, the 500 square feet, two 250's that was granted that site were all put on the large side of that home. Why, I don't know. I do know that it was under one ownership. The platners at that time. And that's probably why it occurred. But, that,s the case and that's what is in existence. Basically in agreement with Greg on this one. What we've got here is kind of a classic zoning dilemma. you've got a unit, we,ve got a unit that is maxed. We've got as much square footage as permitted, we've got about as much site coverage as permitted, and now we want to add more despite the fact that there,s a lot of I I Greg Moffit: r0 t I Dominic Mauriello: Greg Moffit: Greg Moffit: Dominic Maureillo: Greg Moffit: Dominic Maureillo: Greg Moffit: Greg Moffit: Greg Amsden: square footage inside the existing br.rlk and mass that could have been designed to hold cars or to store kayaks or to put a ski locker, or whatever. Without going into reiterating all of what Greg said, I think the storage issue is one of self creation and I am very concerned about the slippery slope aspect of it. Yes, Joe, in response to your comment that the 50 feet is maybe one and a half percent, but the next application may be an 8000 foot house. It's 260 square feet, it's 50 square feet over on GRFA, so what we're talking about is 260 square feet. Okay. And if it's an 8000 foot house, that starts to look like a pretty big bubble. ldon't see how granting this variance isn't a grant of special privilege - hardship or not. lt just strikes me as a grant of special privilege. My guess is that we're going to have to split votes. What's the^area of the garage thafs being proposed? 300 square feet. So, essentially the site coverage is maxed before you add this. It's 40 square feet - less than 40. Yea, I just wish I could find something to hang my hat on here. lf there are no further comments from the applicant, or the public, then somebody gets to make a motion. Mr. Chairman, I move that the request for a site coverage variance. to allow for a one-car garage located at742 Sandy Lane, Lot 3; Vail Potato Patch, Second Filing, being denied, per the staff memo and that granting the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified the same district. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances in conditions applicable to this site that apply generally to other properties in primary/secondary residential zone district. And I might add that least, I believe that the hardships that have been presented by the applicant, many of them are self imposed by the handling of the expansion of the livable area in the large side of that duplex and that, finally, the strict interpretation or enforcement of this specific regulation does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the primary/secondary residential district. ll I II Greg Moffit: Motion by Greg. Do we have a second? I Galen Aasland: l'llsecond that. Greg Moffit: Seconded by Galen. Any further discussion? r Galen Aasland: I would also like to add, if this lot was under 15,000 square feet, I I l?$'TtH::ili|3 3:.1ffi"'::il'Ji['?,"T[:ractthat it's over r Greg Moffit: Okay, thank you Galen. I lguess I have a question forthe board and staff. Does anybody t ;:i,fl:"i31'J:?l?Ji3$TfJTJ?fi"#:#: 'et them find a wav to I -: I don't thin! that there's any other way to do it. I mean, they've I hired people to look at it themselves and I don't know if they've, they haven't presented any alternatives to us, but I would guess I that there's .... _: Yea, let me ask a question. lf the deck, if they put a deck out of I that door, thafs not site coverage, correct. Dominic Maureillo: Correct. I -: And they could put a hard deck... t Dominic Maureillo: That's correct. -: outside that door. Now granted, you haven't got a heated garage,' I but what you've got is cdvered pirking - a car-port. The rules are screwy, but unfortunately, we got appointed to enforce them. That I i't:il:1:li'1"ffi:l'3",''.'J,Tf?J?l!1:l'J.?,1"t Henrv sussested I _: That's strictly a DRB or staff approval type of issue - it doesn't I involve Planning. I Greg Moffit: Okay. So we have a motion on the floor. ls there any further I discussion? Allthose in favor? t AYe' Greg Moffit: Opposed? I I t2 I I , rra raa*a*aaNo response. t Gres Morrit: illl"fi I giil H:'i:JIT,,Ti.lliTT?,i;''onJn. apprication is I t I l3 _l ar ''fiign Review Action Flh TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbel Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Architecvoontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ? Bbck Project Street Address: Subdivision Zone District Comments: Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval a Disapproval XStaff ARRrovat condirions: Al\ rnc"t av;c.ls -fc ir\t*t r\-. e.{i.-.t\naJ I .\ , Itl',u,'nr,r i\k'.[e^rtvw- Town Planner o""' \<-rn*- l?,lL DRBFeePre-paid rev-t r.alr 7./ l{ /9a DESIGN REVI t ON . TOWN OF o EW BOARD APPIJIt-VAIL, COLORADO TE RECETVED: LJt{ L C.DRB MEETTNG:*t**** It i*rl*!atTPROJECT TNFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: EI TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstrucLionAddiLion ($50.00) ADDRESS: "7 I.,EGAL DESCRIPTTON:I ^!Subdivision ,Y Vinor Alteration ($20.00) ($0)Conceptual Review L BIock - /'Ya-2 ^* l,t jL //- a meeE.s and bounds legalon a separaLe sheeL and attach t I r:, hone ?./.r' It'i ..4 ( $ 200,1r 00 ) 1 c. D. .:a g{' b&If property is describeddescriptj.on, please provi.Lo this application. /:2 F. ZONTNG: NAME OF APPLICANT:G F.trzlMailing Address: NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT, S REPRESAddress:/._- f '- .r ,i.:J | ."t" T I J Phone NAME OF OWNER (S) : Mailing ,-AOOress: P-f) APPLTCATIONS WILL NOT BE PSOCESS.ED WITHOUT OWNER'S ST6NA?UR.E Condominium Approval rf applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown abovelLirne or submirl.i "r rhe DRB .ooiif:ii",l? o""3lll,",ln!l" applying .for a bujtding permir-.-pfbu"" iaenrity,-ine accuracevaluaLion of Lhe proposgl..; The iown of vait wilt- adjus[ uhefee according co rhe- tabre'b;i;r; ro ensure Lhe correct feers paid t FEE SCHEDULE: FEE ,D z'J. UU $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINA].. ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION VALUATION$ o 6 10,000$ 10,001 $ 50:000$ s0,001 $ L50.;000 $1s0, 001 - $ 5OO:, O0o$500,001 $1,000, Oo0$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPTRESAPPROVAL IJNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. t ) ['>; /-.> a/ r,- e ] t. 1-'--'r - Phone NA.I,TE OF PRO.]ECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOTTB STREET ADDRESS: SUBDTVISTON ired for submiLt.al to t.he Des ign al can be given: OF MATERIAIJ COL,OR .i '/: tJI) The following Review Board informaEion is before a final a A.BUIIJDING Roof Sidinq OLher WalI MaEerials Fascia Soffits Windows Wrndow Trim Doors : Door Trim lland or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining WaIIs Exterior Lightinq Other LANDSCAPING: Name of =,.i E</aT- a /?, /'thA{,t6(.'\ -'.'lt '; II It pesiiner: Flione: .; NO Cu*u,aa=f7zarfr>P,p - C4yttrr 2t /Zd'z,m op{V_ Thi:tu z-_ it,trlf;pi VUpittu:i ,tlrffr i,,1,,,,.h r\oov> \'..-----.-)