HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 2 LOT 3 UNIT A LEGALtt't uJ r.lJ|r F =t IJJo- \ \ \\\\ F.rHEfr Ir1A ho z U)zH ts(n PE Eta (9zH 3 an z € @o\ H tt H4& z rtr b ,qI $ $ \q b ^lsb $:S JCSrb-\r\ c;ts zd4Es ct @ oE go6 .9 CLcl(U =oF o.c o ooocl6 .g Po q, .c ooco oDooo E :to E o =cl ao o o.o,6; .g E EEig €EEI EEP:Oc-o> ef:E = gi; c96FIoSo !EEF sf sE Elt ec! o ct-sEieoi-o-grefie€ EEEE - o..Y o 60'-i<= c) (,' a' oE.9 g Ei;P:E5 *ffE Esgg - o (!.:g o\t/l e Ft |r| z 6I @ tn uJ uJt! b = IJJ o-J FoF X lr| UJ UJu-z9 F UJEo UJ #rOA>7 o a6 o.Fi E:; 8d H< dF frzOH >E -Eo)Eu(t =lON zz.9oF^.t95F9 0 .1, o1>E9r!<oq i-oF8jni {u- E.; .J z Eo XRItz tr IJJ ul f, E q)autzY iF ul F 2 tr 5)(t,z oLz zQ14k6o< =pxlr6o<z t-ltNl -l --r I tl otz, 9z do3tr I I l" i'|9 XIXI IlaEol114 liuJto Iu CC Fl trr fr .Eo J aJ 3 F IJJ E <l>lltlol zl FI HItc)l tHllalt^ |Y'; Idfll talt-llE't<nlo I tzF-:9i zoHHH a z FJd iri =z dlo-) rcl @c{o\ I.if o\.if o- Ff tn Fl '-lH Eoak v) \orn tttn llJco t Hztrl I Az v H& \o.ir N It-\s.q z FIdH M F-) &EU)E z d uJE IIoz3oF ul:h NOTtfF{l@ Or16l .Rzl olfr Hl;Jt Ia|o'>l's bl' 3l sol utFI F 4 F{rrl z rrl()zfrl v, tr O G,F C) UJ E2? E?-dDFd6 z - IJJ = t|iI+Eo2 C) E -rO<FG() IJJ <zG. II,J Fa3 () o =E-E UJo- L4kA .-=o ?Ytr S =< =roo Y =z-D= NJO'cto- u- F :f;*J i"i''i <) A;E !tr! t =Gulo-l!oEgEs€uB9!t '9'EE => =l!:-E FE: >o-: 8b9 \uE XILE ;'E[l€= uldt oF I =-FF! ;._ cf)io er)Oo UJt(t,ooazo Fo- uJY uJ @ oF F E:uJ:o-: ltooi 4 r-r A log u.r 2E E =E,lrl o-zoF C)rt E, 6zoo . i_i c ( o.Tt {F4 F =ulo-oz Co 3n UJ UJtL L = UJ o- .- {g 1,6 F- lll () IJJE z J an UJ uJL! Fs rlJ J f- F oz Co z ;ir O-:<>ccU'O<>I (.il\JZ|l-<.o o- -(JtoFc);d ,l P, >l.|:I ; o3Z tr-9otnzto !L o l ,t,tr2)z9oFIU<oo<o:EP81 <z -lsl at, tr2..ftro>z= -F \q, (]'= Eot t: z :- oo :1 o = C'z! o. o = llJ F I d UJ =z act -l l.l ',1 q t<l t9|q3l frPl ;l sl g YIFI oFo EFzoo J o E Fo -.r O<FE()r!<zEIIJ P.6Zo C) olu =o oFo Fzoo Iz -o llJ gF 3Ed6o tr2Fcoz O Gu,z3occ lL auoz -'ttuI F E9o< .9 $ s{ - J J] tltl $l o<E<(c u,l a,/a Lyb EE$ :^:1g5E ;iuJ O -F lc .= r.lj =!s q--+:'-- E=H =oc<u{;;3i F E:i sE*q * E.H,q F 3 ( -.r-- "..1 tri- lll'lf 6Ip *F* F E LTJo-zot-(J :) FU)zoO b-o)oo =u zo9 =<(D0zz a.,8 DD .-i6Yv--:--3 =st6;;E F RD Thls pagd, wilh Jdcket ' Form INSUBEF R AMERICAN HOIIE ASSURANCE @IIPANY PoLrcYNo. 1-936409 famed Ineurud and Malllng Addtrs! Richard T. Plattner 20400 S. Wolf Road , l,fokena, IL 60448 il rfr;;rx tr, "rt*t"-ents ttsted bdlovtt comptaes your Dwestng tullcy' DECLABATIONS D cotilEncE AND INDUSTRY lNsuRANcE collPANY Comprohcnslvo Est!t€ Owncrs Prcgram Pollcy Perlod: 812l-88 N THE IT{SURANCE COIIPAI.IY 9F THE - srne oE P€NNSVLVAN]A Rose-Tillmen, Inc. 510 Dundee Road Northbrook, IL 60062 742 Potato Patch Vail, Colorado Dr ive 81657 8-2r-89 1 Yr. From '12:01 A.ll.Standard Tlme Ar the Dc1llbgd l.ocrtlon t""AU"a fr""flon - The Described Location coverod by this policy is at the abo\re addross unloss othen rise stated: ftrn-is,,rance appties to the Desctibed Location, Coverage @ ^-. ^nh, lfi.t ^trt ni tor vthich al,mlt 0l Liability is shown and Perils Insured rha ln<c.nc. lhe deductible stated. PERILS INSUREO AGAINST BASIC PREMIUTiS l0r \ND ln CaSe OI ruSs ulluc| unr Pur|l't E wrEr vrrt ure! r'ei COVERAGES A.owolllng 8. olhor Slluclu]ct c Prr.onrl ProDe v LIMIT OF LIABILITY $ 800,000. FIRE ANO LIGHTNING EXTENOED COVERAGE tJ 667.$ 678. B0,000.62.6t+. 200 ,0oo .154.124. O. far nsnUt Valuc (1112 Prr rnonli) t" lOOrtonat f.fvtng Erprmo (up l0 250/| p01 nonlh] Attached: which a Premium is stated ;tai Insurance - See Fcim si;cleGl8te Ptovktons, South Carolina valuation Clause or Mit PREMIUMS Total Basic Premiums Flre and frtOffCaCee(S): Ntmo .nd AddEss lnltellment Pl€mlum Due At Each Annivetsary Umlt ol Llablllty 0tscSlPll0tl: PsdB lmutld Agalnsl Itid ll not 'lamdJ DP 100-c0 DP 0011 Hg ?16 De3cdpllon SpeciaI Provisions Automatic Increase Premises AJ.arm or Fire Protection $ $ i $ $ $ RATING INFOBMATION orxcn STnUcTUnE(3| lt{F0nflmo : PROTEgT STAT€MENT rh^[E8 0i xollu il(nt Fof,rlTl0tl: This policy shall not be valid unloss countersigned by 9t,llyhorlt.l "9:1-- Countersignature Date lAg€ncy at: 1 .749.O0 40962 8/84 INSURED'S COPY SP€CIfIC MIES: CHI 5207 815|Lc/9/19/BB NAME ANO AODRESS OF AGENCY I Rose Tillmann, Ine. 666 Dundee Road Suite 1703 Nonthb:rook, 11. 60062 Effective 12 : 0l_ Am /r4 ,1e 87Policyg fssueres D< | 12:01 am This binder is issued to extend coverage in the aboye nam€d company per expiring policy il -.. Richa:rd T. Plattnen C,/0 Jans Moton Senvice 12600 S. LaramieAlsip. Il-.60658 Umbnella-Liability Pensonal Typa rnd Loclllon ot Propedy P Ro P E R T Y Excess Liability Pe:rsonal Urnbrella covening 724 Potato Patch Dn. Vail- Co. 8l-6 5 7 20400 S. Wolf Rd Mokena, 11.60448 Personal Umbnella Excess Liability l_r000r00 L I A 8 I L I T Y Scheduled Form Ll Gomprehensive Form LJ Premises/Operations Ll Products/Completed Operationsn contractualp Otner (specity betow) f] l,teo. pay. . $ per g cer Bodily Injuty Property Damage Bodily Inrury & Property Oamage Combined $ 1,000,00 A u To TIoI I L € n!trtr!trtr Liability D Non.owned n HireO Comprehensive.Deductibte $ Collision.Ded uct ib le $ Medical Payments g Uninsured Motorist $ No Faull (specaly): Oth6r (specily): Bodily Iniury (Each Person) Bodily Iniury (Each Accident) Bodily Iniury & Property Damage Combined $ lJ WORKERS' COMPENSATTON - Statutory Limits (specity srares betow)t-l EMPLOYERS' LIABIL|TY - Limit spEctAL coNorTtoNs/orxen covEnlcEil- Personal Umbnella Liability 1,000,000. NAM€ ANo ADDREsS or Ll uonrcroee n .ora rora, n ooo,,,nau"ao -1-/ zlq.rvv' . tQFc27 Signature ol Aulho.ized Reprgs€ntative ACORO 75 (11n7{) Binder No.' 140887 : .: I Rose Ti1lmann, Inc. 666 Dundee Road Suite L703 Nonthb:rook, I1.60062 Etfective L2:0L lF 4/23/ ,ls 87 12:01 am L-| Noon tt I t 3 | ,19 This binder is issued lo extend coverags in th€ abov6 nam6d company per expirlng pollcy ll Richand T. Plattner. 742 Potato Patch Dn.Vail, Co. 8L657 Eagle county Typa and Locetlon ol Property P Ro P E R T Y 742 Potato Patch Dn.Vai1, Co. 81657 Eagle County DP3 .r l- re Extended coverage \f\6/.1,= | F n Y',rln Liability on H0 3Policy NAA 891-0840 790,000 500,000 L I AI I L I T Y Scheduled Form l-l Comorehensive Form LJ Premises/Ooerations |- Products/Completed Operations Ll Conlraciual D Otn"r (specify betow) Med.Pay. 92r000 p€r 3 2r000 pe, Bodily Injury Property Damage Bodily lnjury & Property Damage Combined $500 ,000 A U To Mo 8 I L E n ui"oitry ! Non.owned n nir"o L-J Comprehensive-Deductibte $ Ll Collision.Deductibte S D ueoicat payments $Ll Uninsured Motorist $D Ho Fautt (specity): LJ Otner (specily): Bodily Iniury (Each Person) Bodily Iniury (Each Accident) 0 $ Bodily lnjury & Property Damage Combined $ Ll WOnXenS' COMPENSATTON - Statutory Limits (specify srates betow) n euploveRs' LtABtLtTy - Limit $ NAME ANo AooR€ss or.! uo"ro^ura ACORD 75 frln7{} ROSE-TILLMANN, INC. BONDS AND INSURANCE 566 OLJNOEE FOAO SutTE 17O3 NORTHEFTOC)<, rL EiOOEe 31?/4AO_357O F O BOX 386 11 GLEN.EO PFOFESSTC]NAL PAFIK EDWAROSVILLE, IL 68025 61E/8i92-O6OA 8/IL+/87 Dean Mar:ta, I- spoke to Lisa today to tell_ herthat some wor"kmen we::e going todo some repairs on Mr. Flatfner'shouse at Potato patch Dir. Vail. Hene are the binderrs of insurancefon liability covenage. Thank you. Shanon A. Schoenwald Personal Lines Managen -/ Z*/K//zL 6 /uaai- /2o4'' */ "ror7o'r,l'nt n' 3l a' nft6 - 3 sio l*')x:' NAME OF ADDRESS: PHONE #: \rsu-s\ Must be received and apprrcvgd_prior to issuance of registration.**Submit to the Town of'Vait SLltdini-Oepartment. PLEASE SUBMIT COPY OF AI{Y PERTINENT REGISTRATIOI,I I..|ITH APPLICATIOil. Type of registration be Application made by: gnature -TmE-- a U \^q\ tr'-> J C) 9a tt-, *.r\_ \ ?) \ : REGISTRATION FEES General contractor A-.or construction Management Regu'lar cost (Valuation over gl,000,OOO1. .$l7S.0OGeneral Contractor 6..or Constru.iion-Nin.gement(Valuation under gl,00O,OOOI. f00.00P.lumbing.:..... 25.00l{echani cal El ectri calsi;;i;i -ii ;;i ;;;;' ;;y,;i i,' ;i ;;; :';;;;; ";,' ;;;;;; ;; : .;i;;;i;" 75. 00 , etc.... 75.00 E xcavaEl on . 75.. 00orner/Builder.... ......::::::::..::::.::.ffi'=.00\\-- --./ Renewal Cost $12s.00 75.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL CONTRACTORS HAVE THE FOLLOI.|ING INSURANCE CERTIFICATES: Y,LIABILITY - 0ption #r: 9r,000,000 '!n tfre aggregate for Bodiry Injury $1,000,000 in tnJ ;;;;;d;;; ior irop"ity"birige 0ption #Z: Combined single limit of 91,000,000.00 Y l{oRKl4EN',S COMPENSATION - Show that you are covered in the state of colorado/u *No Worknpn's conp. - provide-i ieltei--sil;;;;l;; are the sole owner &. will not hold the Town tilUte for any ,.iiO.nir.'ntthe tire you hire someone you will pipvide-ui *i.' wc. N0TE: tr vgt are purchlsing an erectrical or prumbing registration, you mustprovide a copy of a Master Registration' frrcm ttr'e s[ate ot ioioiijoT Thank you, Janei I Turnbul 'l TOV Building Dept. DArE 0F BIRrH_!2:3/- g t ; ( ,1,' '"l" By:... A Corporation A partnership An Individual Principal 0ffice: W (AIA Document Number A-30s 79 Edition may be l. .How.many years has your organization been in business as a'contractor under your present Susiness name? . 2: How many years experience in the proposed type and size ofconstruction work has your organizatibn irad? ..:.....:.. -l- - 3. List the most recent projects your organization has had inconstruction work similar in type ind size: Type and l.lhen ,1 9@ n Name and Address of 0wner . . . Lmfratry. . t. /A,.n.t. . .Wp.ck'/ 4, LJst municipalities you have licenses and current status:,t ...Nsn.?. .:..tT: i .'t t-. a ):5. }lhat other important projects compl eted? Type and Class of work of simi'lar magnitude lfhen has ygur organization & Address of OwnerCompl eted Name 6. Have you failed to where and ever If so, compl ete any work awarded to you? why? 7. Name and the the Surety Compan-v, name and address of bonding capacity, the 'local agency you expect to use: 8. llhat is the construction and experience of theprincipal individua'l s of your organization and those indiv'idua'l sto be direct'ly involved in any project in the Town of Vai'|. Individual's Nanre ' Present Posi tion or Office Yrs. of Con- s tructi on Exoeri ence Magni tude & Type of llork In l'lhat Capaci ty? you hold any valid licenses, i.e. Master Plumber, Architect, Electrical?9.,Do . U.o. . ]t ,4" -., t",, . f '; 10. tist the maJoror corporation own Items of eguipment or will be used in which you, or your the Town of Vai I : company,, 11. List be'low the Contracts which you, or ourcorporation were party to, during th! previousthat were invo'tvei in-litigation-oi in! type, 'company, orten (10) years, 13._-I!: following is for all contracts which you,-or your company,0r c.rporation were party to-during the prevtoii-iir. iii'v"rrr. A) Percentage of projects completed withjn schedule. 13. How much of the work wilr you do directly compared to sub-contractors? 14. Banking Reierences A. B. 15. Trade References A. B.' c. D. E. oa lVltile wefeout oF_ ABEA@DE- ,ro", -9.)t -XF S E TELEPHONED E PLEASE PHONE ! CAME BY TO SEE YOU ! WILL CALL AGAINE WANTS TO SEE YOU f] RETUBNEO YOUF CALL \rt* i-. f l\alrf(\ @PAtM6 r, '.';. t-. 'r ''\ ':' | .. , ., t tr 'l ' 16.. Have you ever had a license in our area or any other area under any name that was: A) Revoked B) Denied C) Suspended If so, please explain: 17)-If registrant is Corporation or Partnership, please state app'l icant rel ationship/posi tion : l8) What is your postion in this registration? A) Officer B) Stockholder C) Principal D) other: ,i . re) socia'r security *, !'/3-..€L:O),36.... Io lo PUBLIC NOTICE NOTfCE IS HEREBY cMN that the Design Review Board of the Toltn of Vail witl hold a publ.ic hearing in on geptenber 21, 1988 at 3:00 PM in the Town of Vail MunJ.cipal Building. Consideration of: 1.A request for 250 allitienal grgss residential- sguare for Lot 3*-Pa€ato Patch Second Fil.ing. ) rnis request addrd fanily room and additional storage. Applicants: Richard and Janice Plattner footage is to 2.A request for 250 additional gross residential square footage in order to enclose part of a deck at Lot 11, Potato Patch First 8iling. Applicants: Ken and Joyce Wilson If you have any questions or please contact Kristan Pritz Conmunity Development offices concerns about these two requests, or Betsy Rosolack at 476-70O0 in the in the vail- ttunicipal nuilding. J'/'.r7 u I {,v t/-/ /A f :o g )-"^ ' , fYloo tA ,.-n'--,2>r fAv n or4- r-t.r'l , ? ?S'L 1'1 ( (ot/--l q)yf €s-, 1r K Pr/t/n' - / ,ffi z f ?7 ?1 vr,rf t3-t ) i16,(\ -,, il/' /, '*@**:"'r'\J., c)J'<_ c_-tS rf .// 3 r: rlt-f-vl F JooZ,SU [ \- \**-..*."-",*"**-,-', ) "t | ' nr IJo^rr , - yld *9f ,4, ,o r."t^l / . t L /P,'--T/4 r/4 <- -fZ->\a/ zSi Cg.1*,,0r k u"J4rl Sf,trxS ZV?1 ttr,t f + L31 ffi- Zo o .rf ,ri, +y'-.. r i I ) 7 7/': " ,1, u^ 4t-t ,-'t t u'/) Lx elry ob-t- rrr ffuq- [en , ].n r' /4- . ^t ,/ fr') L.o/) a3 ( gvkt Q)+ 1?c t aV' lrr |15 TCt(Ft c-L< O |}r or MATERIALs to NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: ^PLnrTlar<- ouPLsx-n =Wta, DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fjven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther }|al i Materi a'ls fuaa.r € Fasci a Soffi ts t,lindows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED ^ffi,)€ Mz*t- Xf-LgN 116 pe. A-ho.Jt ilwe IMIE B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: Botani'cal Name Common Name I€P€NJ AJoA.E Quani ty 3 Si ze* 3'd 5tq'4,stz€, for conifers. (over) *Indjcate caliper for deciducious trees.Indjcate height " PLANT ]IIATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS SEED ol Botanical Name Conrnon Name eUtlt*-SA-e4'<lJ dd,.E. Tvpe LUV --- g11"k^- Wf6 Quanity 'Si ie vKr?-he Square Footage Bo4FT SOD l-,cz- S,sfruf lco Vrf' NNTWA.S@D 7oo Sg f7 TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL fwEft wlu.- (rKv€ PLfrNE 6N ',r-F+e sAyt€, C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wA1IS,etc.) Please specify. V€ PLfrp6 o7') fences, swimming pools, ( t 'oY*re Ta f)ate Prolect Tide Project Number To/Attending Copies to Rqgarding Page la I t7 ava )gD ?T</MRp+ IlNIT EF DOPL8. . 6 634s LkR.cH. 3. A. /0,- ^}€Y.P,,-,EF v ?l ; wFT.B,oX ze-/ V,'fri L 6b'a/658, KRlsTa,'11 FRTTZ-. gKt/L. TANN ot u*rt- FKNNNa wT frL DEF|6N Ps) eN ft'ru Nt'sxt #Tk6 rNTT44 rNcoRp.oRArEnfit-tl.V *f Z- ..-h*N/cA R.orrrc^ LoT 2 pftfFTo (4+'Tct4 ftUN€ # z wkLTeS B/4 L,2552 EAsr kL4,{+4 UtJtT =D,ADV*- b 8oZO9o /-oT 3 '{h'T*ro Pr+fql flLfi\E f z Ptrurcro 4sovT{4 w61F lL ' 6o++o. P LA?o 4 oo It{ o{ENA Bv $(r^ Kai^'/""'- /M..or"nd,r- D Meeting D Telecon D Field Report D Transmittal D Dnwing 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce of communlty development April 6, 1988 Richard T. PLattner 20400 South Wolf Road Mokena, IL 60448 RE: Deck Addition and Hot rub instarration at 742 sandy Lane,VaiI, Colorado rn reference to your building permit with the Town of vairBuilding Department, permit tro. sozc - deck addition and hottub, our records show no finar inspection has been carred in.Your building perrnit expires on May z, 198g. There are severalitens which have not been compreted as per approved orawings, aswell as building code viorati-ons. rtems are as forlows: - 1). Guardrail for Deck is not to code. 2l . Inclosure screens for propane tank is not built. 3). Boiler & mechanical equiprnent inspection required. 4). Final inspection required. Please contact our office as soon as possible and schedure theinspections required before your pernit expires. Thank you foryour cooperation. Qinr-oralrr -/) --/l /tJoe Norris TOV Building Inspector .J Date Project Title Project Number 1| TolAttendingv Copies to Reganding Page I of ( .., =*r&*.n'pfra-7n1ag DuPtEx-ABB 3+s. Bgfs', epsA.C& R L1L<'U' OKla<zl€p- C4€pT IeN REU,eN frFpl?buku BqEY{ P€jP, A,tE Pcgeeo-rwa<-K94Egp@eu /vl€ tF I ckrJ *svs-r Nffk KNr fr-Tt,<sx-t tfur M*v N@, EPotnsw ffi z frpt6 oF A/Lf FFkr'unscsCrf, Pg,< AUK.. fuJUe1<8'+TZ-o'^J 74.'f*O/+V rYS FA< eog- t/stLE'Sor:vJ | ( _tlruC#87,+NDTK|S ft6^ffi (+:tLC *2,19 BffiE T#f€D6/6N flg,vtg-z.-: por<K-.D oa.r =*-r 4. lTft-LK,e LdtTk <JW A.LxUerS- 4e /ta/rs6,},K|-L lTdvl< frtaE N6vr rff(rcrap AY 7 o' v''Exoep, *. A ^ta>sue-e vo fffiT# -To 8s 44<.@€o 7tJftT lT /S eapffi- lN 4bNSTREV/e'r\)fo #€ plhFRTn€, Auc.tas'ttg<, A-X/Pq2 % PZlu:strc toe* 4 l%.oeg s ozu4 € /Kp asc-APF .vp-€4J1^GMACe;r.f- tu [:der( EjoR-. TtFl8 rTa,^.TO 6 lrsFz a4-€Kf?,L-{ ffi,ttg PyUtSfUrrz 'E(E ( Mz-*t-ffi +- T-o'. u' @) ARCHITECTURE & PTANNINC 3300 Mitchell Lane, Suite 390 Boulder, CO 8o3ol ! Transmittal ! Drawing 303 447-2646 '- :.t ( ooo,-,ro{,0* PROPERTIES IN ol FOR PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Date of Aool icationlU!_!tf8r! Date of DRB Meeti ng__?kJ_ PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-appl ication conference with a member of the planning staff is stronglyencouraged to discuss the provisionunO"" which additional GRFA can be addedto a site' It should be uhderstool-tfiii tnis oioinini.-Jo". not assure each propertyan additional 250 square feet of GRFA.- Rather, ttre oiainin.. uito"r-ro,. gp't5250 square feet if iertain conaltioni'are mer. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless thevare complete. This includes art inrormition required on th;;-f;il Il"r"ir"ll'Design Review Board submittal requir.r.ntr. cl FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLOI,IABLE GRFA ETICL-Ds=AN EXIS-NKE SP,cE - *^r E I=TIAJG DUqEX 5o {s To ADf) €hteE Rn\4 tAMtLT -To ?RtMAkl? yNtT ot DUPLEX, B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Zone District C. NAME OF APPLICANT: .-IO*TP ILrcNM=tvRAqOfeSS 22 n r-Ky--c't+t-79-.:t=. o3oD. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPREs ENTATI VE:AS Addres s phone E. NAHE 0F OWNER(S):Ar'(PeR,F€at,iOEt )CE- ** Signature(s)Aaa1f W< oruru€< Addres s ") f. Filing Fee of 9100.00 is required at ti The follow!ng information, jn addition to DRB submitta.lrequired with this submittal: 'Verification that the unit has received Names and maif ing addresses of adjacentunits on the same lot. This infoFmationAssessor's office. Condominium associatjon approvai (if appl icable). Existing floor plan of structure. g : Address Legal Descript'ion: Lot 3 Bl ock Fil ing WATo pA-rcrl %a\tb P r ? 1 l4 O * 7 f s+ z t,-app"X FlLtNG. 3)t7E one47-244 fi@\)€ of subrnittal ?Y rae-c-k_ requirements, shal I be )r. 2. a final certificate of property olriers and ofis available from the occupancy. olners of Eagie County Ala 3. 4. -U ) -Ut ALTA COI,I I'I ITI"I ENT SCHETIULE A Apel ication No. V12(142 Fgr Irrfarmation Orrlv - Charses ALTA 0ulnen Fol icv --TETAL-- Hith vour remittance Flease r'efer. to V1264?. l. Ef f ective Date: September 27, 19SE at g: OO A, t"l. ?. Pol icr, to he issued, and proprrsed Insur'€d! "ALTA" 0un€r's Fol icy Form B-1970 (Amended 10-17-7CI) Pr rrpc,se d l nsured: RICHARD PLATTNER and JANICE PLATTNER 3. The estate or'interest in the land descnibed or referred to in this CE.nnritnrent and covered herein is: . A Fee $imple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in! RICHARD PLATTNER and JANItrE PLATTNER 5, The land referred to in this Cemrritrrent is described as f ol I ous: UNITS A ANN B, LOT 3, VAIL/POTATO PATCH $ECOND FILINIJ CONDOI"IINIUf'I$ ACCORDING TO THE CONDOHINIUFI HAP RECORDED I.IARCH 4'. I9SO IN BNfiH ?P? AT FAGE 597 ANE AS NEFINEN ANN T'ESCRIBEN IN THE CONDOHINIUH DECLARATION RECORBED HARCH 4, T98O IN BOOK 299 AT PAGE 596' COUNTY OF EAGLE' STATE t]F COLNRAEIO. t The follcuins are the resuirements 1. Pavment to or for the accountthe ful I consideratiorr for the insured, ALTA COFIf",I IT SCHEDULE B-1 (Re.rrliremerrts ) F,I ENT Appl ication No. VL5:64? tc-r he conrpl ied ui th: of the grarrt,rr's or mortgagors of estate c,r intenest to be ISSUER Fr,rper instrument(s) creatins the estate or interest to be insured must be executed arrd dulY filed fc,r record' to-rrrit! THIS COI"II,IITI"IENT IS FOR INFORI"IATINN ONLY, ANE N|l POLICY hIILL FE PURSUANT HERETS. THE COUNTY ADDRESSES ? CLERH ANN RENORNEFS ON NOCTII"IENTS SENT FNR OFFICE REGUIRES RETURN RETORNINTi I ! PA6E o ) oo ALTA CI:'I"IPIITMENT 9UHEITLILE B-: (Er,:cepti*rrs ) Appl icati,rrr Nc,. V1:64? The policr' ,r r' pc, I ities tc, he issued Lrr i I I cc'nta'irr *;ii{sFti c,rrs t'r the J:r11,:,tdine trrrl egs tfte Eam€ are dispfrsed *f t': the satisfacti,rri ,ri: the C,:'IrrParrl': 1.. Standar'd E:xcr.'pti.c,rrs I thr'*uEfr 5 pr'i.rrted r,n tfre {'rver' sheet. 6. Ta:,tr's arrd asses$ltruorrt$ rrr t yet due {,r. paTabl € and specia] assessmerrts n*t 'vet certif i.s,l t'r t'he Tr'sa.sur'er'"s ':f f ice. 7. An'r unpai d ta;qes or' assessnrents asai rrst sai d I arrd :3. Liens f or urrpaid uater' ar|'l seuer' cfr€.r'e€er i f a.rr'i. ?. RIL]HT FF PRI:PRIETCIR OF A VEIN CIR L.|:JNE TCI EXTRACT ANN REFII]VE HI!: DRE THEREFROM SHCIULTI THE SAI4E FE FI:UNN Tl] FENETRATE TJR INTER$HT-:T THE FREMISES AS RESERVEN IN LINITETI 1:;TATES FATENT REC:CIRTIEN MAr. (I?, 1?C'4, IN FOOI{ 4E AT PAGE 5I].3 ANN IN UNITEN f:TATE::: F'ATENT T{EI:I:IRNEN Jr.rlr 1.5' L?:J?, IN FflOF; T23 AT FAC;E 4-17. TO. RITJHT NF WAY FBR NITI:HE:; I]R I:ANAL,; I'-:IJN::iTRUTTEN BY TI.IE AI.ITHI]RTTY I]F THE LINITEN STATES AS RESERVEN IN UNITETJ F.:TATE:: PATFNT RET:I:IT{IIEII PIAY O?, I9()4, IN EOI]I:,4B AT FAGE =O3 ANN IN UIIJITHTI :STATEE FATFNT RECTJRNEI'.-IUI'T'15. TP3'7, ].N BNNii 1?3 AT PABH 617. 11. REgTRICTM CTIVENANTS, l^JFtlr:t-t ril:r NrlT r:_:r:TNTAIFt A FI]RFEITURF 'tR REVERTER |]LAUSE, EUT OI,IITTING REIITRIT:TII:INE:, IF AT'JY, FA::;EN f,IN RAI:E' T:I:ILL.IR, RELII]ICIN, NR NATIONAL ORIIJIN' A5 I:IfNTAII-JEN IN INSTRI.II'IENT REI::I:I,:iTIEN Ha .cIr OS" LP74, IN Bt[:rl.: ?33 AT FAGE 4-?€r ANI| AS AHFNnEn IN INfiTRl"ll-tFNT r{ECr-rRIrE:fr 5r:ptenrb,er.?4, !c..t73, IN Bflfil{ 141 AT FAGE f.,50. 13. UTILITY EASEMENT TIiENTY FEET IN tlInTH ALrJNtj THE rrnUTHldE::;THRt-Y LnT LINH |]F SLIF.-IECT PRCIPERTY AS SHOh'N I:IIJ THE RET:NRNEN PLAT NF VAIL/FfiTATN PATTH SECNNN FILINI:i. T3. NRAINAGE ANT| I-ITILITY EASEIIENT FIVE FEET II.J HITJTH ALNNG THE L']T LINF C'F SUB,-IEf,T PRTIFERTY A3 5HI:IIi,|N TIN THE.RET:IIRNEfI PLAT L.]F VAlL/PfiTATI:I PATf,H SECCINN FII-ING. T4. ENI::RI:IAI:I{NENT NF STEFEI ANN LJALII: INTI:I ITRAINAI:jE ANN I."ITILITY HA$EHENT A$ SHLII..IN NN THE RETORNEN CNNNCIN]NIUI'I HAP TIF LBT;J, VAII../FI:ITATN FATTH LiEC:IINTI F]LING I:ONNOF4IN I UHS. PAGE : T oI ALTA I:OT4MITMENT S[:HEnl-lL.E B*? (E>rceptions) Applicatir.rn Nt. V1?441 ' 15. THI]SE PROVIBIfiNS, COVENANTS ANN C:NNTIITITTN$, EA$EI.4ENTS ANN RESTRICTIBNS, hIHII:H ARE A BURNEN TO THE CENFNMINIIJI"I UNIT TIESI:RIBEN IN $CHETIULE A, A,5 CONTAINEN IN INSTRUI4ENT RECTIRrIEII I'Iar'ch O4' IPBI)' IN FFNH ?PP AT PAQE 5?/:, 14. EA$EHENT$, RESERVATIONS ANN RESTRICTII:JNS A:] '.iHBhIN fiR RESERVEN ON THE RECI]RDEN PLAT OF VAIL/FfiTATO PATCH T.EEI-INN FTL]NL.l ANTI THE RECORNETI , CflNECIPIINIUII HAF OF LI:IT ?" VAIL/FtrTATtr FATI:H gETflNTJ FILING ':NNEff!'IINIUI4S. PA6E 4 MINNESOTA TITIF I\ 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 120-0211 3300 So, Prrker Rd., Suife 105 Aurora, C. 80014 75t-4336 1810 30th Street Boulder, CO 80301 144-4tOl 200 Norih Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80121 453-2255 5 | 2 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 212 North Wahsatch C.olorado Springs, CO 80903 634-1821 LAIID TITLE GommitmentTo lnsurc ffi"= P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 8021 7 321-t 880 8821 E. Hampden Suite 100 Denver, CO 80231 750-1223 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 | 201 Main Avenue Durango. CO 81301 217-5860 6851 Sourh Holly Circle Englewood, CO 801 l2 770-9596 3600 So. Yosemile Denver, CO 80237 694-2837 lssud hnugh he 0ffin of:108 Soulh Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 176-2251 3030 S, College Avenue Suite 2Ol Fort Collins, CO 80525 182-9015 710 Kipling Srreel Lakewood, CO 80215 232-31 I I 3609 So. Wadsworth Suile I I 5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 | 1990 Granl Streel Suite 220 Northglenn, CO 80233 4s2-Ol19 | 9590 East Main Parker, CO 80134 841.4900 108 South Frontage Road W. P,O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 476-2251 , zg9z urroJ WtJ- l/f4eubrg pazuoqny vloslNNlw l0 ANvdt/lto3 ltNVUnsNt l]tt-t fuoleubrs pazuoqlne raqto Jo tact$o Ourlepr;en e Aq paubrsralunoc uaqm prle^ aq ol'V alnpaqos ur uMoqs alep aql uo sJacr#o pazuoqlne Alnp slr iq poxrge olunaraq aq-61 leos pue auleu alerod.roc s pasneJ seq etosauurlA 1o lueduo3 acuernsul aRlI3olulHM SSINIIM Nl 'tuauuururo3 srql Aq pa:anoc uoa:eq1 abeOlom ro lsaralur ro alelsa oql anleA lol plocal Jo sairnbce pornsur pasodord oql olep aql ol roud tnq ]oaraq alep alrlcafa aql ol luanbasqns 6urqcege ro sprocar cr;qnd aql ur 6uupadde lsJU'palsarc'Aue l'sroueu r0ql0 r0 su.rpl3 asia^pe'saouerqunoua'suarl'slcaroo'g 'splocal otlqnd aql Aq unnoqs 1ou pue me; Aq pasodurr 'paqsrur nl ragearaq J o aroiolara ql leualsur ro roq el 'socrruos rol'uorl e o11qbu ro 'uar1 Auy tr 'sp:ocar cr;qnd aqt lq uMoqs lou aJe qorqM pue asolosrp plnona sasrua:d aql lo uorlcadsur pue Aaruns lcat.toJ e qotqM s1ce1r{ue pue 'sluauqgeorgua 'sarp ur abeyoqs 'saurl fuepunoq ur slcrlluor 'sarcuedarcsrg g 'sprocal crlqnd aql Aq uMoqs lou 'sluouoseo lo surelc ro 'sluauiasel Z 'sprocar cr;qnd oq] Aq uMoqs ]ou uorssassod ur sarued lo sur!elc ro srq0ru 't burnno;101 aq1 ol lcalqns osle sr tuaulru.ru.ro3 s!ql 'ol paJJolal anoqe a0eteno3 urorl suorsnlcx3 pue suorlelnorls pue suorlrpuoS aql ur paureluoc siaueu aql 0l uorlrppe ul sN0rldl3xl 0uv0NV1s ]uauuulrlo3 srql +0 suorsrnod aql o] Felqns are pue u0 paseq aq lsnur luau4tuuo3 stq1,{q parerroc uoataql a6e0pou aq 1o sn1e1s sr{ ro IssJa}ur ro a}e}sa €q} 0l al}rl aql lo sn}eN aq} }o }no 8ursue iueduo3 aql lsureoe 0uuq Aeu ro areq /{eu parnsul pasodord aq teql uorpe 1o s1q0u ro suorpe ro uoqce i(uy g 'utalaq parttpou llssajdxa se ]dscxa luaurlttuuro3 stql;o ued e apeu pue aoualala: Aq paletodtocut Aqaraq ate qcrq/v\ poJnsul pasodord aq] p ronel ur Jol pautuluJor sarorlod to l(cr;od ;o urol aq 1o a6eralo3 txor] suorsnllxa aq pue suorlelndtlg pue suorlrpuo3 aql pue suorsrlud 0uunsur aql ol lcalQns st t(lrltqerl Wns pue rcl pautulruoJ satct;od to Artlod aql Jol V alnpaq3s ur palels lunoule ag paarxa r{irltqer1 qons lleqs lua^a ou ul ]uau4ulxoJ srq} ,(q pata^oc uoalaqi aoebuoul to lsara}ur ro alslso aql alearr ro arnhe ol lr) r0 'g alnpaqrs ur u/v\oqs suortdacxa ateururla ol (qlro lo€raq sluauarrnbar aq1 r.,quvr llduoc o1 (e) qltel pooo ur outlelapun ur uoaraq aouerlar ur parmur ssol lenpe rol lluo pue JoJ paurururoo sarct;od ro /ot;od ;o rxrol ae ur parnsul lo uot]tu[ap aW lopun papnlcur saped qens pup pajnsul pasodord paueu aq1 ol i1uo aq lleqs luaurururo3 srq rapun i{ueduo3 aq jo 4l!qe!l 't 'suorlelndtls pue suotltpuo3 esaql l0 0 qder6ered ol luenund palncur ,(1snotnald[t;tqet;Llo4Aueduo3eqa^al|a]}ou||eqs}uaupuauleWnslnqri;6utptocce1uau1tullxo3s|q}}oBa|npoqcspuau]er{ert,luodos1l1eAuduo3 aql,.]aueuJlaq}oloul|e|3asla^pe,a3uelquJnJua,ua||,pa}apqcns^ue1oa6pa;mou11enpesa:tnbceastrr,uaqlo^uedul0Jaql]tlo,r{ueduo3aq}o}a6pa|ioq qrns asolcsrp lleqs parnsul posodord aq1 11 a6pa;rtou1 rlgns esolJsrp os o] parnsul pasodoLd aq1 1o arn[e1 Aq paorpntud st lueduo0 ae luauo oqt o] uoalaq acuet;er lo pe lue uo4 6utllnser abeuep ro ssol lue Jol ltllnell uro4 pa arlai aq 11eqs riueduq aql'6urluM ur luedulq eq ol abpap,noul qrns asolostp ol llel lleqs pue Joalaq I olnpaqcs ul u/t^oqs aso$ ueql iaql0 luaulltlJtlJo3 slql lq pala^oc uoata$ a0e6uout ro lsaJatur ro ale$a sr4 ourpage repeu taqlo to urelc asia pe'acuejqurnoua 'uarl 'lo€Fp lue r0 aDpa;mou1 ;enlce sarrnhe ro seq parnsul pasodod aq 11 7'luaurruFur Alrnoas raqo ro 'paap lsu 'lsn4 ]o paap apnlsul lleqs 'uroraq pasn ueq',r ',,a0e0p0ur,, urat aql I sN0t-Mnd[s 0NV sN0t]t0N03 AueduroC aq] ]0 Unel aq rcu sr sarcr;od r0 AJlod qcns anssr 0] arnlrel aq] ]eql pepr^ojd 'sjnmo N.iU re^eq3rqM 'anssr lleqs j0+ paDrururoc sarrr;od ro l(ctlod aq1 ueryr ro loalaq alep a^rpa#a aql iaue s\rluom xrs a1eurttllal pue aseac lleqs rapunalaq suorlebrlqo pue ,!ilqell lp pup ocuernsur olll ]o sorcrtod io ,icrlod qons 1o acuensst eq o1rleururlard sr luoul]rllrrloC stqf 'luauagopua luanbasqns Aq ro luaqrulrlo3 srql lo acuensst ol.l] Jo aulrl aql le raqlo 1(ueduq aqt Iq par€q V alnpaqJs ur pauasur uaaq a^eq rol paulu.lxoc sarrr;od to ,{rrlod a$ r0 lunoue aql pue palnsul pasodoid aql lo llrluapr €$ uaq/v\ ^luo a^rlJajja aq lleqs luauqruuloS stqf 'l0aiaq suorlelndrls pue suorlrpuo3 aql ol pue I pue V salnpeqcg lo suorsrrrord aql ol lrolqns 1;e :roletaq1 sa6reqc pue sujnrurard aq1;o luauried uodn 'y alnpaqcg ut q patalat lo paqucsap pue; aq ur ,iqataq paJaA0J tsalalul ro alelsa oqt 1o aabebuour ro raur'ro se V alnpaqrs ur pauieu p€.tnsul posodold oq] ]o lo el ur 'V alnpaqcs u! paU!]uap! se 'aouelnsur allrl j0 sarorlod ro furlod s1r anssr 01 suulrxol Iqalaq 'uotlelaprsuoo alqenle^ e r0l' ueduo3 srll polle9 uraiaq 'uorErodroc elosauuln e'UoSlNNlf! fl ANVd!\03 IJNVUnSNI lllll ^au 0/6 I -luau4!ruruoS vllv 4fK{slh b'urM,6 Vr1'r,,. omsq ol uolulilruroc VIOS]NNIW t o at. LANTI TI'ILL IJUARAI.'I 'TE[ I:i:I I'I PANY Repr'eserrting Titls I ngur'ance t-:*rrparri' r,f Ili nrr€5{'ta Tl{Ahll; Yr:rr_r [:r:rri YIr-rri t]F:t!E[:t tltct*b'er. 11, 1:/',:rtl tllr.ri tlr'dsr'; Vlll:,4t rrl lVrr,. fi.i:I::HARTJ F'LATTNER ar'd .-IAI',III::[: F.LATTNER sELLER: n T-rrrH'[:,:-':: ! R I [:I.:: I:IRL.ANIICI AFT" A I.IJ 154,I ::: . r:nr:rTlt I l_l_::: !-l I rlt-il"tAY f,r-rl ll rr[:tr' r- r-r r:r i1 :,r-rj:' I At trr: .tcLta,,s7 lnp BUI/-DI'NA W,,pG doE, Tffiffi4ffi ffils (X.-Dde rS 5F6 oF ?R-/n JA ac-e€oLLflP'R-8. oN aeT 2l' KPI?TRN flUTZ TIK< MUISWR'atteN kzrucTs /lJ rtrPBaxt-aBTarN 74-€ &Jft_pt\E Ete44tTSo -7R&€ <tF, PCAS€ oqr-(/tri H€w t vpr&+ wR- wyl€:.N, 7T 60 6 Tfte. It 1 afrxs . tr Field Report Ll I ninsmrttal . E Drawing oz E =E uJo- osa $ ccc q o(> ooo GI oIooo lrt D 33D rt -l T (t uJ uJILt =E uJo- t8/oEr LJ, d)tlrl JFaoD o0Ctr 6r11'. #ld ooEdk ''rblol CD (J Tfl1il vI Ltc2<9 edEffi d)92 1E J= #qE tlF z zc = d C 2a G u.lz =o IttI o Eoc -g-otu =o. o) '- oN -ang!\oF (Dc o o) t o o(s E a !, .9 = o !tc6 a '(g q, o,oo' 6ooo (g .gE o 'oF (E E. = 'o- oo o i G o o. Ec(0 co 6 E o .E q,t =3 .>o. Eoo o ,o E o)(! o.o oo .2tt .g ori Eo6 Eo.!tl't o ct co 6E o .E oE 6t 6 o 6 an Ec(t ! o CL o E o06c6 Ec,go Eoa ttE6'5Ect: EU 5fFX E8cL'-o 0r(EG;r.x =f,g't ci Ec l, .= a)$ ,Fc F.EE9 o-q ic oiEI-c EEolsc OCR..cs qtc dtq GDdE:E!OC ta(!I>!-ct0!ec OE5( -( E)?P ,.)^, E 47,E,T*,( '- L/) '.<64r/ 7 E4%tt E;/n Is itig 3lig eliE 3li(Jll N o Df o-{. t\sovl c ic E oo rrtsf o rt)r\ooFl ,l' o oro (a r-l(o 4 E = uJ z c) = ao x t! oz Jo- J () E o IJJJ UJ z f, o- J = <)ul = ulrlll!zo F- uJE uJ .D 3ut uJEz 6 uJ la o- llJ z uJ) x F UJu, aul|rlll- ==t UJo- J FoF 2 6! =(o J IEFc) UJJul z 6 =DJo. = o uJt J ) NOtrvn'lvA J=;Frif :*92. E9EF8=HE:< E!Z HH uE >E -rF) =t!.! =co(\l zz tr^ 6q5 =EP o taOz>-Ooozl!<v= ox>x .i$i 29 F J l! CE ci c c IJJ F oIo<)o r.r) a ul z E z tr E r.uFJ =uJz a Ezfz tr Lzl z =Jllt3 a uJ J(! ulE IL oz z Fr E- ql lJ IJJzY i z F J oz F o F <l trl zl zl .. >lo uJ uJgJzaF uJc z Eoo (7' Id. z. <rPz4 dro =z dP NDD J.-i6 zE=qhr E;E 5:t!EZE<o, l€8n9ELb9gE E ir-t = uJ :-l E 5EI\E ;dla\g !{ +l t- !I I urlt=E d $l -E ; -lg& q -l =€' il uto F .Elu trtf4lf<lr.)€|<jrt< F-i:tr z,o F }Z t! e.lrl =FF J ui =z lD -) It =z J clq dq Nl t4ul ct CI<l J = J G' o -:z F tr aultr o- I !\(l,'cPP.a CL z(J d. = lt o o1!g, J IL z 3o= tr g o =.1ol UJE 4 t! z3 F tr g .c J t!oz =I tr I z oul CE J t!o z =F u.l JtuF LlJz = Fo UJ E E E -rO<FEQuJ<zg TIJ Ftrt z <oc)F H#iiF ^'i z -!OIto t2? =<ZE d6 dE =3EE E thgt *Eo2 () <o \, i:!c I .l PJ.Fo c0o? zo Fo- uJY ulo oF tr Gr:, HHbili5 l8;lril Hurbkzo ts =g, lrl o-zo Fc) :)E azoo |.o.. rJJ O HCO +'E< lUd() aLlH (6 o- o.<5 0- xz.< u Ju- 6Fr r< o)LJ-\JC d..= L- r,4 LttEoroLr-r c|O O+J Ld C-zo+ tnoHEO z..t- o- 3t-(a at ,ZI 0.)ll- J c\.1 L! k o B u; \ I'h 8q t, $ x x *0 a O \Dl ,( I il 8 a v' l!', UJ UJlr- L =c uJ tL. th UJFoz z o od z z ttFl I .,." i r+i:r\!*oistjc "tl I [,: I ,ti-; ,* \trJlE W;illoi= ILJ auo E tt (r Fo Fz o u,z3 vG l! llJ6Z.,* luJFI<Fz^ YZo< }( >< o) o .9 c 3' F 5 o $Ic Gr& o -c o o o o) ==fdl E =cl (g 3 .9 q) i.9:a'o) a; a c g) c ,N _o <a F 0) i. ()to' o o E. l ol]':(!! -o a(o-- o(! E()9c.=(E g; .'-3 6.oDF'5=o(! 3;'; )\G'=cgtE.oo cv 5i =S(go (6i< 9u nCE.9ct: EE xo*-c E-= 33o> nX;.\Di 5. or =g E c) f at> '5 (o o (t) $ c t!. () c(! E (D (l'. E f c .9 E c c)-c lo co .9 -c o o (! (5 o.(f) E l<o \ I nl N I I\ r( I\^ $$ \ \^t\$$ \ \ ^e \ s I t \r w F =lu z o J l Y LU z .J at- t/J z d = o- J z IJJ L! uJILz tr t! (-) UJ 'uJ UJ z 6 UJ F (L uJ z (J )< F UJo a LU uJu- F =c UJo-\ J oF oz o =lql I F qJ u.l z =fJ(L z llJ = J F F ic! NOtMlVA 'I 4l:I .! -l >1 r.l ':l t!F o E?rh |Y, ;!ZZt{-o o o- F^(,Ajq 5 >e.\E P " E:;U> O E-z>-()8 9 ^Bsr* * ir,Y i <qeg Ea iNCl- I t 1 .l I I I L z tr :) !! CE o o- UJ F a\v$\r' ; cIU J z Eoo :] al:-l EIElyrl5l :l ;l ='l Jl<I -l zl zl .. >l tuoul uJz F (E UJ(L z Eo I !, =zlz tr o I o trzl z =lu Bo UJo z! z tr \ \ N N Ni UJFo o-z F LuY lu F r. Lrl It a lJ-9",/>t(L-'o).-O,t | ,,' P'', rb!Zt l- =E,lrl o- .:, =:t! F J \s c\;\ \ -{-{ N ui =z1ml JI l) Fo o- F v4t4\ 71,!,lol Illl sI ut.\ -"1 ;l) JI EIJ,t zl>l 3l ullcl ol trlu-l Fl Fl liltlqlql vt .lr|el IolI uJlttrl N=l.b] :l!9 EEI ;EFI F tltl l.lt=llolI ull "l El Fl Jl ,tl fl''l I,AA*rlJ-t Fl F Iol-l uJl J<t>l t!lol zl FI I ru '1 =tr I I I I Iolzl HI cEl JJ <l>l LLIolzl ...,BI :Ol nJFI F tv LIJz3 F uJ T O <F u../ < t]J Ft,l zo <oOF trs iii FG t2? =#f,F1Zr!o 1o:1 F7a) =#i,z t F =<oo9.u{x-1 x,.x ><x z._o =e.oo =zJO J .^*-5\./ L, = =='scoil> !!b urEd.><(Eutttl t =5Es q E^<6t< dE-9I Lrr O -F(E 5ff E ='? uJ :- a=p fr:o > a i-r 8 b :H - uJ = x>BUi,q'- € q'= =ulE.oIp *F** --G=i I >< zot- C)fEFazo() XXx, nr! ^(,%v0u^g^a \)7 -\r.7 - |ay -T-- o \, Estate lfauagement 6/28/88 Joe Norris Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road tr'IestVail, Colorado, 81658 Dear Mr. Norris, I would like to reiterate our conversation on 6-27-88 eoncerningthe propane tank on Sandy Lane. We again would voice our concerns over the unfinished project. In our conversation you stated that the Eank is in no r^tay a safety hazard,. You also slated the owners have been some what uncooperative in finishing the project. Be that as it may, we would hope the town would become more aggresive in it's attempts toget thl-s project finished. The project is a eye sore and very up-setting to my client at 740 Sandy Lane. You should also note that we first complained about this project nearly 90 days ago. We would also object to a fence being built as a means of containment. Please forward any and all information concerningthe installation and and maintenence of such tanks as set forth by the Town of Vail. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Real Sales anil Sincerely, _.-? " ./ ./-././.-/1l/-&4Jzrd,q-:*zt'Rick Silvermari Prope::ty Manager P.0. Bor 39? . Vail, Colorailo 81668 . 303/47F,0320 Office o 122 East lfeailow Drive . Villagr Center Shops 75 south lrontage road Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllce ol communlty developmenl April 6, 1998 Richard T. Plattner 20400 South Wolf Road Mokena, IL 60449 RE: Deck Addition and Hot Tub instarration at 742 sandy Lane,Vail, Colorado rn.reference to your building perrnit with the Town of vairEulrcrr-ng Department, pernit No. 3024 - deck addition and hottub, our records show no final inspection has been called in.your b'ilding permit expires on May 7, r-988. There are severarlEems rirnrcrr have not been_ cornpleted as per approved drawi.ngs, aswerr as building code violations. rternl are-is forlows: 1-). cuardrail for Deck is not to code. 2). Inclosure screens for propane tank is not built. 3). Boiler & rnechanical equipnent inspection required. 4). Final inspection required. Please cont,act our office asinspections required beforeyour cooperation. Sincerely,,/) -t'1\-/. / /o^A.E-_- /tJoe Norris TOV BuiLding Inspector soon as possible and scheduLe theyour pernit expires. Thank you for ao J i ... Ix' o -n .-l p J vlrl(-) 5zo 'qx o| Io J[rl _l.-( |.C ou0 ,1o(.n(' a-z.p,eg F -J mt, IJ ;l tl "rJ D r,-1 I/') <:n rrl --1 J7 rr.l ...1 I rr r:) N.x m. x) J at5 f x-= $Flrr 55 -:l-qtrg $ .: sg trtr9 sab =S \:sE-\ se,J>Ts- -.s 9 -< i I i I i i:l t*l lllltrl) N #$FFgi ! -. .-_- : --:-_-:_ _ . -_-:_,-, : , I .-:: - -__ --::.::-_: 'f -/ ,.-j(, -- --\{<s = '$ t 11 r.\.-Ev'O\$a-o\\v\\* a\: c]e -..r'.i I 11 tr3 a.4">'-,Proiect Apyli.cltion Proiect Nam€: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Zone - Legal Descri Comments: ption: Lot 5 , Block Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: /?rt ,"(r,'lu Town Planner Stafl Approval o^,", Yf lrfr) \*t 1,+.:r LdESSAG- A.M. M TELEP HON ED WILL CALL AGAIN CALLED TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU RETURNED YOU? CALL Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Staff Approval lnwn box l(Xl vril, colorrdo 81657 13031 47es613 August 10, 1981 Richard Plattner P'lattner Enterprises 12600 S. Laramie Alsip, Illinols 60658 department of public works RE: Driveway for residence at,742 Sandy Lane Dear Mr. Plattner: John Muel'ler recently contacted me about your concerns 'lnvolving- the 'location of youndriveway. The recorded plat of Potato Patch 2nd Filing was diawn with tvl-o "wings" (approximately 20'x15') at the west end of Sandy Lane. It appears no matter where your driveway was located part of it would have'to have been located ln the right of way as ls the case of every driveway in the Town of Vall. Please contact me if you have any further quest'lons. Slncerely, Bill Town g;1! 44^* Andrews Eng'ineer BA:df cc3 John Mueller rl c;z F =E IIJo- t- F-FI B t- I; FI xx (t uJ UJ LL ==E UJo- o II t-l\t,s$i<.\rlo*l I Ji Jg lt-t! z o ) ! ef ( n z =f z o z zz *. ?v<:FFal)f 2t- fo.:Y- .,\Fli q--'--- Z g.- <=\+ 3<€-__-S€;=cfr-/ z9 --= '_< !i -.J'o \-r-E=p {t.. 4o,? >Il <FA.]cr-E <FOrltlF'<r R:3Qi" =<aAzzig<XFLe<i)<o!d a;€gr3 dg.:E:c- -F(.lA><cl']lqd< \ t-t. ti t4 ,| Fl2 'l Frl : ,|i tt 4 )!. >1 14i 't-,l il 's'| FJ.'.t z+V:-la I q mo !3f 6 sttril c\l e.l q F-l toLOI F- fi C\ lC str x ^.Url q 5N rl t- r-l = = UJo- z J o IIJ z J J o Fo u.lJ IIJ ozo ==Jo- .J 9z llj = UJ uJl!zotr UJ uJ 3 uJ UJ z 6 UJo F6 uJ o- z u,J U' uJu, LL =E uJ J F F z o J a C) uJ tr oz,o = o- oz () u.t = NOtrvn'tvA )< =ZZtL.oootr ^ 6z X=>YrP of,6 o Afz ., oq8e Q7r!<oq icH 6 f,ri: a) q r€.6 tEH(\to -*D =O 2 tr ) FIL o af> L lu F A rO r-{ Fl lO c\l rJ) ,rtrl |o c\l N uJ J z E o z F uJ J x =UJz l'l l'l q IsrllllF3 s__ 2 = n : X6-iEpP338 iEB EBfr E:g<oEtoz)tllrll*l fll I l"l I F(5o@ ? z!- 6 a = ir=gr5o (,()rz<) z tr az 1! =-J G c d s k LUI X I.IJ ul = ; J on{ N [!qJ lJ-c iIo z a oa E uJF =J aJ) LUF z J UJo- UJzY i €clFI Eo\tl FI c\t rO E d) A rl * c\l * UJo-)J fEr YF{ J =<r!x=odiE UJ n rO rO o\t F' olz. )z z \;,, :-ze =z (L rJ- itai a r = =de-;\ + -) -i L!6fi> ts = uJ o- tLo uJo rF ctz. F C) UJ-)oGo- PI slI ulF o co E CLo o clE .E a E Eot, ts =E lrJ o-zIFofE,, zo(J trnn #l (,z Jtr v dl F J X ot E E lla F k a) Fl = rl'i vIF F c)r-{r{ UJ =z CfJ 0q FI XI (D uJ oo = t E i o- 8 r-l d =o =ttr U) qJ o J 't- Fo .rl +r E +J B ko r-.{o = =tr @rl X tu <t>a UJ J = F. lC rC T c c.l - s != tr tll J =tr tt)at UJEo =ttr UI UJ J = =E LU E,o = x F lJ.l E uJtr E--.rO 4<F Iil< HzEiL!F r t'l 2 <oC)F t<il z o =l d I - z i.) dK YFz() =#Yz =g E l-E ir =!tf o2Ao(4 anrir LIJ JO trEE oz F =ul I l_ ,Ft<lo I I I I I tk tf-tq)z l=to lolz l!r.J I I I I I I l- I6 IE t3tzlo l!li= -eE iiI..2 FF-<?,9h ;;3;; ?*,i7"I l' 7 z 2 ^ rv >?<e=rI xFr- ct:- :I!=tq gigti4 !i:lH. C> -u)r < c i3( :l 1;j NOIIVN]VA Y o3zzu- h o. A=:r>YtrYrri!6oEz';oo eJ 9.->.(JzX rL<\ri !J-E aXz dN(J = 2_ 2 = i E # = H= F6-rErH9EE iEEEEl-=PEOLltuJ<Oz<dt(rErz) F t> Z)fso(JzE =<gg;E oz =tr :< d) F J trJ =z. il uJ z ull LU IJ {--f = - L = tr tuEoo F =ax. tr ruEo <l Ja E tr UJ oo =Etr a uJEoo -)t 3E --a =tr LUEoo = I o- =O LU.zt c) LIJF I E. t <F(tsOuJ<ZE,[!Ft,'t Z c) <oOF trsil ZF =#]F:zrr- o JTY<^a) Y =Fz() =riz =o E =bi O <oqH oz F uJ-) t o- uJF o F =E,lrl =z ze(Do =zJO O- LL "dq =='*dd= trtrn cotr o o 0,1l .E :> =wo ii'i(r= 6LL E rrro;itr>t ..F .Eo.ott o-zo F()fEFazo C) /S"A \'+ /f[=\2/E = tr!n (,z J G I I IJ Jc) Fo+ Yq a!- ,a ''- I - -<-t I --. t(+AUsq- €+>Fb Id 3Il q ;lI 1 =ltu .( l IP] rrt eol -1 ld n4lr Il"ltdful cld<l -.f rrt s( +tf G c t I cac UJ o O Ja Ic b l -{3.1 5 nq o. o = UI u.r o J a : C! G vttu o <l 5 tr a L!' o a F c (r uJ(roo a: -(L ts() c-l.+JJ ui =z m 3 o< -rf-is lt ,E ll dg ll E?s{ll 69 il :P ll 0P ll - F rF,;il rril qE il iE II E Et!!'r ll ,jE ll i2 ll 3? ll o ? l-- lllt't-() q( J<c)o u'tul l+I oz ts =Er!(L ac\ $ $t\ t$sa er n \ \ n R (v\ a LUul TL tr =Itt l9r lo lcr ti;tu-to tz t)r5 r(o u.lF o E F F2 =Eo oz zo ttlFozozz ,'Hlf=;:i;E -iOouY (,) f!ip?i l:"F.(a !;HnE3?::ei<oi6 ^22;r; ? <;:5 :.FFC..(J <(r<9:=; Edsi?tt 9 o { !?:r;:;o> -.,<ol.B!r6 =<G<}J F F ssI{Sq -( o $ ) ) N Vs t (t) Ic 6 ft. ..1 u f.,l N h\r- $..9 \c) s \ \l a oo $n N o .) -: r) Ir b =uJ (,z ! :a()ul oz J a o J u.l oz = J 9z () ul = ul z. LU IU oe. =!g L!' zL LU F -.no ul ; tu J (n t!,lll F =&.ul(! J FoF (,z =J = 9g. ol|.l -JuJ (,z6 o- (_) z. r(J lu = NOtwnlvA tltl tltl IIl.l l,$l xltl :$l:3olFlLI f;il :d ETbl I e9o fru.! (\l z.o6 6 z.Iho- EP<no6b<)ztL<o o--... l*8FOjc.i z.o F F ctv, (L :f E tl-l F tls V -S t4 N V) rA Ll Ns\ N ^l sl<lo, lurI-l :l JI<lz.loltrl OI :lzlojtrl<l(El uJll:l oi ^lXI;lutlzt fjlrl I oozzf;a X Erfig #, = P erJJ<Ozarcoz= :,1 lsl I Fc,c='tt !2 tdiH$&=deE iEH>(,tL>OUrOOoxz<) lt lol| \Jlllutt z F ouoQ>+o>o oo'() lrl<d)r'lNll )lI | -r- || 'l . =z f, z-1 <r+3q zIF Jl U''z ul J oa e0 Fi s a f4 F :E o a\r fO N LLl t! o- tI z od oa TUF 3 = an(l.' F z Jso rh LUz:<IIF d\5 6 \)r.lql F4 S T t) N : )l : '/) D cl \ IU F $c Ff \5 +r J -JASt J>-=(LX Lll v)ln b otz. Jzoz oPze coo>z)fJOo- tL ."i3tr\J=7yftQI:- AdH c otc o 0t d,lf .:cJrE=cil;(rorl..)() a-j;t o-tr>rF€ 4.) :r -..: o =F,J tu-)o (L $l ;l (\l\1 F o I :!trtr \ t]trn RISTDOITIAL I.IATER vAtL MTER I sNllI^Tlol DlsrRlcTtI sa.r$ v ri, ;o6;Ai;316t I p o rox .[fi) ilit*- -. PLM oeu, {' lw€ oF lc€ oiER. TREEf ADDRESS _ TAP FEE G1IJ|.IJTIOI brrj DfiRA SII{I€ RLL 3,1IH '(ss,'irn oR TtB' 8AS!N, TOllSTl .75 6x s.m ='. /0 4,KTTC€NS Dts+rAs€RS |IINDRIES Gen r,rsr'aJ ICE }IACiIINES sAlJr{As rarrn coo'i-ens & I.{A]ER FOI.NTAI}E slfllt"rll\E Polls JAAIZ,.I OUTSIDE }nIER . 0ilNt.*'u't oF c5€, FIII. EAT}S mFs rrrrsi DISFHASIGR i-ar.utes l.m = .9... ,E= .6a LX zx x x =! x.E x 5.O ?I ls o -H'J)- &AITSEL l. 2.. 3, q. x 5.m x 1.(} rtil x' .5) t c[,tfsllE I{A]ER TUIAL POINTS x l.[IJ = IBSPECTOR ...i tctustttrc Tle cor?LETIG{ oF cGlsTRLcrlotl oF ALL sIRtCTtIiE!' lI€ DtsTRlcl sMlI ;fiffi,,r; piilsrc[-1.1i',rciic'i-riF-rur- fRa:usEs 1-o DErEFlll{E n€ r:UBER-oF_ Polt:rs il il nfti;s'nccr.rur;r.;-i6-n: r.raia ^.iD s'c".i:R TA' FEE, ;.':D nv\IE sclf,J.,lf, ,1s ffit3ktt":tri"fi i11it;lnl5'B#ir;1ll"li8?,;l'l:l,t^e3''tl'i* DOARD OF DIRCCTOTF 1pT Z- . atccK BIIIIIE ADO?ESS l. BAsEI€NT lsr noon 4r{) FLoG? ,RD FLMR gAsttt 8 Totttr,(crr HAI.r EAfi) x 1.91 = 2. Esa=mr -----z--l5r FL@,l + iao ruon n JRD FL@R RB,s (Lt./lxc mts, EEDFTSF, OFTICES' q SFuOIOS, ' 3: BAsgeln lsr ruoat =,-(l{) FLOGI xl.0 ' q '- x 2,fl := -*!)- 5. 5.. 7, 8. g. 10. ,RD FL@R .sS,JI d?' \IP^*?*,.D,,pL€v L.gr 3 : gE@',=,o )TtLrx^(. Tot:uP*s-, 9Etutoo nate- Zn 3 ,?.S v4g = ?87,{ ?p Yz1 - gB8. ,?t y tB t 3?8 FaatH.arro R--Z /?,5<4q :8{7.9 Lx/b ' 32 l..l x .,g,g- e Aq t. i ?a.S x Zn ? 5S3, < 4osg @/o ,2qzeohL ?3x Eec 40Sg e/o6z-?-\ eC { 'TE-Yr) ?qmt ,/O e fu.t ML Zl X rs- R 3/- qvtL 6u ?^ .&Lsase -f /Al zn = bzt @ zf O/J{ = 3 2-.o'o/3,b{ lz.a c 2 0b6- €r7 obt 7S@4ao = /O,Oaa 7@: ?€u= 7-/r7?77o 3/q,ao /.t /498Rr-- Pc -z?/ /6/t s zo /E SZY z9 z{ /21,?20. t{)ect+ Z PP N&u \/eor 3e ?& = z? c') =. Zo Oa ---___3- /80/Or'----- h o JOTN }IT'EI.LER CONSTRUCTION COUPAMT BOX T83 VAIL, COLORADO Februery 14, 1.980 I, Johu tfueller eonfl::n that I wtl-1 the re-naillng of the siding on the Patch duplex, Lot 3 by June 1, L980 by the Town of Vail-. eller Construction Company oLorado 81657 corpl-ete Potato as required John M John M Box 18 ValL, IPermitNo.ir 1 0 Li 0 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL UQT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HA NAME OF JOB Le ll PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER oF uNrrs 3, r/ oA o (x$600.00)= Date Billed Teof ? Vl nttrJ Bldg. Dopt. -Whll€; - WatarEnd Sanilation - Grean: - Publlc Works - C8nary: - Contractor- Pink;- Accounting - Goldonrod | )/ Tlre followin g lnformationto thc Design Revlew Board A. ) BUILDING MATEIiIALS: Roof Sidlng Other WalI Materials Fascia Sof flts lf indorvs Window Trim Doors Door Trim lland or Deck Rails Flues ILashings Chimneys Tlash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Dolanical Name lx8 cedar-olympic new bark and'coffce Rai I in9 wal l-butternut 2x6 cedar-olymPic new bark Pella Wood - Postal ,Blue - PsL#5100 5/4 x \ wood - Postal Blue PsL#5100 l.leta I clad -ll tl 5/4 x 4 wood Pipe ralls - Galv. S.lt. - olYmPic new bark llood clad 'tl tl Conrnon t{ame Quantitv Slze tltl ttll B.) PLANT MATERTALS(Vegecative, _Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cr.rvcr) 1)at c-_4-12-79 - r,lst on MA1't,:trI ALIJ NAMIi OF PllOJliCT Huel ter./lJyman Duolex L[GAI., DESCIIIPTION I ,O'I_I__BLOCK Potato P.t"h - 2nd FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJDCT primarv/Secondar is requlrcd for submitt'al by the Appllcant bcfore a final approval. can be glven. Typc of lrlatorlal Cedar shingles Col.or Page 2 Plant Maccrial.s Continucd Botanical Namc Corrnon Name Quantltv ---4 Swinrning poolr, etc.) C.) , 9IHER IANDSCAPE FEATURES(Re calning llal lr , -F;;;;; , (Please Specify) (iltitf|.l g 2,ooo.0o rnqrencc for tends crplng; Iocat Ion to bc ddtrrnlned durlng Size Gonstrucd lon. o 6k* //e,*---,h 0 tu /&€. qz /6.{^ /i. z{ L?5x H 4 "**1t 9 x${ 7nn + 29 y Z?O. f 29 t /8,{ ,41*' 7 3x/7,7a.f l-", /tlrrr fZ,{ Z.z{*zX 7/z,r 76r.-/6, 22.?{- "$=7e 9.zu* 4,{" t?. /r- n^,,J*.4..d Wn 7zt,&?t | 5- _7t0, At r,875 g7.l 370 ^ .53,?'f /rur- o lstLlzs ,7 3,6 z0riI ctiIcr,. forR, R P/S ZONI DIS /E Legal Description:Lot 3 Block F'i1 ing or^"" fi/fuo//u /____!trchi tect Zone Distnict Proposod Use Lot Area l7)tq Height A1]owed 30' Pr'opole dE7 Setbacks: Front-Requiiea 20r:-Rroposed -3-7'Sides-Required l5' Proposed -j-f, ' Rear -Required 15' Proposed - ?2' A'llorved 2 (3 f Primary Proposed Allor+ed /7t7 secondary Proposed / 3 / L / A'llorved 2o2o Proposed 4lU Proposcd Propos ed Pn---') Required 7 _ Slope Permitted 97r. . rlope Actua1 Envi ronmental,/Hazards :Aval anche ' F'lood Plain Sl ope Conments : o SFR, GRFA: PrimarS, Secondary Site Coverage: Landscaping: Parking: . Drive: P.equired Zonin , sapproved Project Application 3-ag-70 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Archilect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot { , Btock ,3F 7./,r Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board 4-t2- Y7 Motion by:/1A,ll> [; ^" I orrrouo' Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL UqaA t(:"rr9c-l\ fi.n,. I IVoea4 | a5 t//2o,-, t, J .^^*4Summary: 2 o.o Chief Building Official -lhu fz .t o SFR, 'fu/€ R, R P/S ZONI DIS Legal Description: Lot 3 Block _ Filing q o*", /iluol/Ee- /uynal Architect Zone Distri rt 'tQ & proposed Lot Area Setbacks:Front-Requ i red Sides-Requi red Rear -Required l5' Proposed l5' Proposed /f' A'l'lowed 2c3r Primary Proposed Secondary A]]owed /?t7 Secondary Proposed / 3 / L / A'l'lorved 2"2o Proposed AQ Proposed PR __ Envi ronmenta'l /Ha zards : Corments: 2.7t Z0i:-rioils"a 37' ___Hei ght A1'lor,red 30' Proposed llatercourse-required O Proposed GRFA: GRFA: S'ite Coverage: Landscaping: A] I ovred Prinnry i -"zd zan- Required 6o7o .Aval anche 'Flood Piain Sl ope Zoni 'ing Admini o box lfi) Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 4tG5613 department of community dwelopment llarch 16, 1979 for tns in Sincelely Grac l, Sec tary ENC I tnwn Tom Briner Architect Box 2299 VaiI, Colorado 8'1657 Dear Mr. Briner: Enclosed is a copy of the Minutes of the Planning & Environrenta'l Conn'ission meting of l'larch 13, 1979. As you are ah,are your application for a variance nequest lli, -r- MINUTES PLANNING & MEETING OF: c0!s4rssI0N Ed Drager Sandy M'i11s Jack Goehl Roger Tilkemeier Ji.m Morgan Gerry White Ron Todd Dick Ryan Jim Rub'in ENV IRONMENTAL .COMMISSION March'13, .|979 MEMBERS PRESENT: Absent: STAFF MEIBERS PRESENT: The neeting was brought to order by Chairman Ed Drager and was fo1lowed by an introduction by Dick Ryan, Director of Conrnunity Development. He spoke in regard to the first three items on the agenda. He reuommends that a l,lorkshop be established regarding the growth in Commercia'l Core I involving the staff, CCI merchants, the Planning & Envjronmental Commission and Council . He would'like to see a direction in policy result from this Workshop. Dick also commented that he fee1s more detail is needed from the applicants on their proposa'ls, especially in view of those that are being heard today on buildings in Conmercial Core I. The first item on the agenda is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for the Schober Bui]dinq in Commercia'l Core I Craig Snowdon, Architect is representing the owner in this request. He introduced the owner of the bui1ding, Mr. Clark l,'lillingham. He explained his proposal to the Commission with floorplans, site p'lan and model of the building. He further explained that they propose to add 2,900 sq. ft. onto five'leve'ls wltich will inc'lude expanding the restaurant, ski shop, office space and fiving area. 0n the second 1eve1 they also p'lan to open up the djsplay area by pulling the bu'i'lding back about five feet, creating a covered wa'lkway/arcade and putting in an elevator from this leve'l to the offices and living quarters. He then eiplained the site changes they are proposing which inc'lude enlarging the planters on Gore Creek Dr., and along the creek side, they wouldlike to apply for the Public/Private Joint Venture so that the Town and the owner can work together on the landscaping and the stairway replacement on that corner of the building. He feels that the building does not affect the view corridor, since it will be stepped back 0n the creek side corner. A deck wi1l be added to the 4th floor, and the elevator tower is located on the street side. Jim Rubin then gave the surmary of the staff recomnBndations. He stated there were changes in the square footage that is ljsted in the staff remo, those changes are: on the first f'l oor the add'itional square footage is 700 sq. ft.,2nd floor,266 sq. ft.,3rd floor, 992 sq. ft., and the 5th floor, 937 sq. ft., which totals 2,895 sq. ft. He then went through the factors that are listed in the memo and stated that the staff recorrnendation is for conceptual approval . .-:- -?: Ps-z },IINUTES - PEC 3-13-79 o Ed Drager then- aSked for questions from the Cmrission. asked about the parking requirement. Jim Rubin stated ttnt beforepermit can be issued, noney has to be paid into the Parking Fund. requirement has been figured at 10 spaces. Jim l.lorgan the building The parking . Mr. Ryan to'ld the Conmission that Council has not stipulated thefees' and that recommendations wi1l be nnde to Council for any inirease in the amount per space that, needs to be made. iMr. Snowdon added that a loading zone now exists outSide the building which wi'l'l not be changed and the a]]ey way-will be cleaned up along with the construction on the building. Mr. Morgan continued that he opposes the increased density. Mr- snowdon stated that-the only change of use'witt ue in the living uniti, ttrat there wi'll be no new shops. They will only add space to the existing offices and restaurant. Mr. Tilkemeier fee'ls that-the prbposa'l irproves the-northside of the building, especially the patio area. Questions were then taken from the public in attendance. Peoi 9ramshanrner questioned whether the building wili infringe upon public prbperty? Mr. snowdon stated that they wil'l not be uui]oing on any nrbtic-property.' pepi continued that he is aga'inst enlarging the building and-eirclosin! everylhing.' There were Town Council members at-the meeting. C6uncilman Donoian as-ked whetherthe elevator shaft/tower is within their property lines? llr. Snowdon answeredthat it is within the property'lines. Fuithlr discussion of the building being non-conforming and the add'ition making 'it more non-conforming ensued. The Council members and the Cormission then discussed the considerationof the Floor Area Ratio (FAR), and that a 1.5/l FAR had been talked about but notadopted. Mr. Drager added that the Planning & Environnental Conrnission havethe conditional use Permit for control purposes, but that perhaps the factors they are concerned with here are not a proper hand'l e on thL problem where every nook anci cranny can be closed up. He continued that if this'app'lication is ap-proved,it can be assured that there will be many others coming in with'simi'lar requeits. llr. Snowdon stated that there are many buildings in the Core thatcould-be'improved, and he feels their design is a-vast impiovement to the presentbui'lding. Councilman Steinberg is concerned that the addi{ square footage'wi11constitute the need for npre employees. Councilman Hopman is'concerned iboutthe view comidor, and that with expansion throughout the core, they could'lose a'll the views throughout the Village. . Jim_Morgan stated that he is concerned about tJre entire Core beingtorn up with all the construction this surmer. Councilman l.lilto stated that the Floor Area Ratio was turned down because thel wanted to give people the opportunity to come through the Cormissionwith p'lans.for their buildings and that lhere shouldn't be a proSlem with settingprecedent because the Conmission has to'l ook at these p1 ans oir a case by case baiis. Councilman Ruder'feels the bui'lding design is good, but is concerned abilut more kitchens and bedrooms, that this will have an undesirable inpact. Mr. Snowdonstated that the building profile was designed so that the aditition doesn't look "tacked on." Mr. |rJillingham, the new own6r of the bui'lding, then addressed the ".- *t'- o Ps. 3 I.IINUTES.PEC 3-13-79 -..--*'-.---....--:-. Conmission. It is his feeling that he has purchased a good building and that his proposa'l nnkes the building much more attractive. lvlr. Tilkemeier asked whether the owner has the right to make condominiums out of the accommodation units and does the Cormission have contro'l over this proposed change? Jim Rubin answered that this is their right' they are permitted three units by the sizd of the Lot. l'lr. Ti'lkerieier made the l,lot'ion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for the Schober Building in accordance with the reconrnendations from the Department of Conrnunity Development and with the comment that the north side of the bu'ildingwill not impact the view com'idor. For lack of a second, the Chairman, Mr. Drager seconded the Motion. The Conmission voted one in favor of the Motioni Mr. Ti'lkemeier, and four votes in oppos'ition, Mr. Drager, Sandy Mi'l1s' Jim !4organ and JackGoehl. The Conditiona'l Use Permit request is denied. Mr. Drager informed the applicant that he can appeal the decision to the Town Council. Mr. Snowdon asked the Conrnission the reasons for den'ial? He fe]t that there had been no negative feeling on his preliminary presentation. Sandy Mi1'ls answered that perhaps initia'l ly there was a positive reaction from the Cornnission, but that at least for her, she has been think'ing about the additional square footage that would requ'ire additional employees. That this is the first building to come through with a proposal of this type in the Vi'llage, and they need time to,look at the Vi'l1age as a whole; and that looking at the project as a community benefit, she doesn't feel that this proposal nou'l d be a benefit to the community. lih. Paul Johnston of the Christiania Lodge then spoke to the Cormissjon. He stated that in the case of his 1odge, there are rooms only and no servjces. He feels that the Vi'l lage does need an increase in services, especialIy restaurants. He wou'l d be unhappy to see the Town zone for day skiers on1y, and that some expansionis a good idea. : The second'item on the agenda, Creekside Bui'lding request for a Conditiona'l Use Permit in Commercial Core I Jay Peterson, Attorney at Law is represent'ing the owner in this request. They propose to enclose the patio deck of the Watch Hi'|1 0yster C'lub restaurant. They propose a greenhouse effect, and contend this ranuld in no way shut off the view and that it would make the patio more viable. It could be used in inclement weather and at night. There is also the problem of the retail space below the deck that are having'leakage prob'lems, and they have been told that only enclosing the deck wil'l e'liminate these probl ems. Mr. Ti1kemej€r asked about the pitch of the roof. Mr. Peterson stated that there is not a great ang'l e to the roof, but that engineer.s have been consulted on this. Mr. Ti1kemeier feels the biggest problenr is with snow coming off the roof of the main building onto the plexiglass and that this could be a dangerous situation. Pg. 4 MINUTES.PEC 3-t 3-79 o Mr. Morgan is also concerned about this problem. Mr- Tilkeneier added that they mayhave.to-go with large skylights rather than entire plexiglass roof. The Cormis'sionunuld like to see the eng'ineer's report re'lative to the design of the "gneenhouse',addition. The commission suggested'that thjs matter be tab]6d. Mr. Drigeifeels there wi'lI be an impact-on the chitdren,s Fountain pedestrian area'andl'lr. Goeh'l is concerned about the added seating capacity aira tts potentialyear round use. Mr. lYlorgan again stated that-he ioes irot approvb of the design.. He doesn't feel thatiit ties in with the.roof'tine of the buiiaing. tabled unti'l the Planning & Environmental Cormission meeting on March 27,lg7g. The third.item on the agenda, Hi]l Euilding request for a Conditional Use Permit in Commercia'l Core I. Mr. Jack Curtin was present to represent the onrner. Mr. Curtinadvised the Cormission that Mrs.-Hil'l has withdrawn her plans for the toner asfirst proposed. she_is asking to trade the garage space for the cormercia'lspace and to gain 36I sq. ft. She a'lso proposes-to inc'lose her deck to add spaceto the kitchen. He,explained to the Commis3ion that this is a one-fami'ly Cweiltng.He had a npdel of the building and drawings to present to the conmisiion-. The Corrnission asked whether sumounding building owners had anyproblems with the proposed addition. Mr. Curtin pr6duced letters from the ownerof the Red Lion Inn and the Mill Creek Court Buililing, and stated that no one was i.l-gppolj!ton to the proposed changes. Jim Rubin adiised the Comnission that theHil'l Buildj.ng is'sti1'l under its aTlowable Gross Residential Floor Area (ciFA)with the addition. Sandy -Mi1'ls expressed the concern that the garage is'locatedin.a high traffic area. Mr. Curtiir feels that changing itr" tociiioi-ot-the-giragetakes it out of a higher traffic area. Roger Tilkemeier made the Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permitfor.expansion of commercial and residential space'in the Hill Building in accordwith the recommendations in the memo from the'Departmenl of cormunr'ty-oeveiopmentdated March 2, 1979, including the changes made bv ttre appticant ina noiing-lhewithdrawal of the variance, request for ihe tower.- Jim Mbi-gan seconded the-l'lotion.The cormission voted Q memberd in favor, Jack Goehl opposei and Jim Norgin - - abstaining because of i conf'lict of interest. The fourth item on the agenda, request for the rezoning of Lot I,Vai'l Villase 2nd Filinq (old firehouie siieJ:-- llr. Drager.gayg !h!i background on the sa'le of the property-and itspresent density_which is High Density Mutti-Fami]y (HDMF). Td rbwn Louncil - has asked the Planning & Environmentil Conmission-fdr this rezoning or ifre property. Two counci'lflEn were present, Mr. Hopman and Mr. Ruder. Nr. nuaer 6*prainea'tr,ltthe Council voted to.send this rezohing request to the Planning a rnvironm"niaicormission. It is his.feeling that th; Vait rire protection oiri"i.i iiFpoi-iannotlay that this.parcel wi'l'l not-be needed by the District for ever more, and ihat ttrs not correct for a.pub1 ic body to give up their land. They are particularly concerned about the density zonea toi this'parcel. They wani it tir go ihroug-h al] theproper channels. ou Pg. 5 MINUTES-PEC 3-13-79 The Planning & Environmental Commission felt that they are not a proper forum to tell the VFPD what to do. Jay Peterson spoke for the person who is contracting to buy the land. He stated that Mr. Prado submitted his bid for $0Z0,OOO. 0n January 16, 1979, the Toum Council met with the Fire District and d'iscussed the sale and the Town of Vai'l decided not to do anything about the land. He feels that down- zoning this parcel ngw wou] d be ridiculous. He has been present through severa'l down zonings through;the years, and nothing was done on this parcel . , Roger Tilkemeier stated that the Planning & Envircnmental Connission had heard the plans for the sa'le, and he was not in favor of it. Bob blarner a board member for the VFPD was present and exp'lained that the District uns very up front with their plans for the sale and have gone through a1l required procedures. Sandy Mi]'ls stated that she did not fee'l that the Planning & Environmenta'l Cormission shou'ld take action to change the zoning. She doesn't think it rnkes senseto rezone just this one site without looking at all Town of Vail and District owned'land. Mr. Drager stated that it was not brought to the Planning & Environmental Cormissjon's attention that this parcel (which is publical)y owned) was zoned HDMF during the 'last downzoning done, and it should have been downzoned at that time. A woman (who did not identify herself), but'lives in the Vi1la Cortina is very concerned about the increased density in this area. She brought up the problem the Villa Cortina had when the'lst Bank came through with their proposed addition, and she is aga'inst additional buildings in this area. Mr. Gordon Brittan spoke to the Cormission. He would like to see this meeting held up untjl the legal counse'l for the Town of Vail can be heard with his explanation of the situation. Sandy Mills rnde tt'u Uotion that the reconrnendation from the Planning & Environmental Conmissjon to the Town Council is to leave the zoning of Lot I, Vai'l Vi1lage 2nd Fi'ling as High Dens'ity Multi-Family (HDMF) based on the factthat it would be unfair to single out this parcel for rezoning as the Vail Fire Protection District had come in good faith, and the sa'le of the land should stand. Roger Tilkemeier seconded the Motion. Four members voted in favor of the l'lotion, ,lim Morgan opposed. The staff wil1 be working on an inventory of publically oyrned'land and will present this to Council and the Planning & Envirorunental Commission on April '10, 1979. The fifth item on the agenda, Variance request for the Mueller Residence located on Lot 3, Vail/Potato Patch 2nd Fi'linq. Tom Briner; Architect is representing this request. He explainedthat they would like to add an additional 40 sq. ft., to the secondary unit of the duplex in a Prinnry/Secondary zone district. The Commission asked whether he can prove a hardship? He stated that the hardship would be economics. The developer feels that it wou'ld be a much more marketable product with the additional square feet. I Pg.6 1.'IINUfES-PEC 3-r3-79 Sandy Mills exp'lained that the Conrnission is required to follow the parameters of the Primary/Secondary zoning, and that approval of this request unuld be a grant of special privilege which they cannot do. After further discussion Jim Morgan made the f'lotion to deny the variance request for the Mue'ller Residence located on Lot 3, Vail/Potato Patch 2nd Filing. Sandy Mi'lls seconded the Motion and the Commission voted unanimous'ly to deny the variance request. Mr. Briner was given notice that he can appeal to the Town Counci'l . Item 6 on the agenda, Resubdivision of Gondola I Parce'l Lot C, B'lock 5-C, Vail Villaqe'lst Fjlinq. ,ljm Rubin, expla'ined this to the Commission by showing the site plan with the Plaza area, easements and 'l ocation of fire'lanes. After further discussion, Sandy Mills rmde the Motion to approve the resubdivision of Gondola I Parcel, Lot C, Block 5-C, Vail Village'lst Filing. The Mot'ion seconded by Jim Morgan, the Cormission voted approval with one abstention, Roger Tilkemeier because of a conflict of interest. The 7th item on the agenda, Amendment to Sjte B, Casolar Del Norte Sg!{j\rEio!. Jim Rubin explained-to ttre efr angle- of the bui'lding eve'lope, it will not affect distance betvleen bui'ldings or setbacks in any way. After some to approve the amendment to Site 8, Sandy Mills and unanimously approved l*leeting adjourned at 6:25 P.M. discussion a Motion was made by Jim ltlorgan Casolar Del Norte Subdivision, seconded by by the Commission. o "1I*- TO FROM DATE RE MEMORANDUM PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMI'IUNITY DEVELOPMTNT 6 MqRCH 1979 MUELLER RESIDENCE REQUEST FOR DENSITY VARIANCE TO ALLOW FORTY(40) SQ. FT. OF ADDITIONAL GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA IN THE SECONDARY UNIT OF A PROPOSED DUPLEX TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 3, VAIL/POTATO PATCH SECOND FILING. a variabil ity that have no DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED Thorns Briner, Architect, representing John Mueller has requested a variance from the provisions of .|8.13.080 Density of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail in order to al1ow 40 additiona'l square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) in the Secondary unit of a proposed duplex to be'located on Lot 3, Vail/Potato Patch Second Filing that is zonecl Two-Family Piirnry/Secondary Res i denti al CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the l'lunicipal Code, the Department of Cormunity Development recommends denial of the requested Variance based upon the follow'ing factors: Consideration of Factors "The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structuresin the vicinity. rl Granting this Variance would admit a flexibility and in Primary/Secondary Gross Residential Floor Area determinations precedent in zoning f,or this district. "The degree to which relief from the strict or literal'interpretation and enforcement of_a speci.fied_regulation.is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformityof treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attiiin the objectives of this title without grant of specialprivilege. " No "relief from the strict or litera'l interpretation and enforcement" of the Residentia'l Primary/Secondary requirements is either reconnended or deemed necessary since a'l I similar development conforms to R P/S requirements. To allow otherwise in this case would be to grant a special privilege not merited v f 3 - The followint rervicc ir r€quc{cd (check one). ! Sho+, to whom and date delivcred-- -.--.-.--- 15,! Show to rvhom, dete, & addrtrs of, delivery-. 35/ D RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date delivered..-_-.--_-..- Sg7I RESTRTCTED DELTVERY. Show to whom, date, and addrcss of delivery 95/ n|{caz, o EI a)nlolol -ll EI il It * coP . tt,!--aF 2o3-a5€ :...,,Pffi.add your rddr6t io tlrc ..RtTUl.N TO,,sprcc on REGTSYEREO NO. I cERTtFtED a{o. 6. UNA3LE r.O DEI,VEM - ttl c 2,no E .t tlFtlot -ll sl *r ;t .-.,.,'F rrdd you. .ddr.g in thc ..RETUIN lDl trj.oo !. The foliorr.in'rc*@ H :l:w ,: *:". and date derivcred-.-...-...-. t5,! Show to whom, datc, & addrcrs of detivcry.. 351I RESTRTCTED DELMRY. Show to whom and date dclivercd--_----.-.... 65/! RESTRTCTED DELTVERY. , ,. I^-on ! raru r til_r DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and ,aa*r, of aCryery, Srl 2. ^RrrcLE ^DDREss-;El-^YiS4^fixsk1D* B.i r Vi;'c 3. ARrtcLE Oescnmi6r*- REGTSTEREO NO. I CERT|F|ED r{o. l,n,ili jll.t,.l_lu .,ri"l. d.IlffiE;;! Addt"'"tt c e.ti-ized asent orrs oF-oalrveii=- 2-rr^ 6 ,/za 6. UMBL€ ro oerrlEETd[G o by any hardship. "The effect of the requested variance on light and air,distribution of popuiation, tr6nSportation-and traffiifacilitiesn public facilities and utilit,ies, andpublic safety. " 3-6-79 There is no significant lmpact. ..-..''' ,...': The Planning & Environmental Connission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: "That tle granting of the variance will not constituteg.gfant of special privi'lege inconsistent with thetrmitati0ns on other properties classified in thesane {istrict: I That the granting of the variance wj'l'l not bedetrimental to the public health, safety, or. welfare, or materiaily injurious'to pro-p6riies orinprovements in the vicinity; That the Variance is warranted for one or ilrneof the fol'lowing reasons: Pg. 2 DCD.IiGMO llueller Res. Varia Findings RECOMMENDATIONS o nce The strict or literal interpretation and €nforcement of the specifiedregulation wou'ld result in practicaldifficul ty or unnecessary physica'l hardship inconsistent with the ob- Jectives of this t.iile, There are exceptional or extra- ordinary circumstances or con-ditibns applicable to the site of, the Variance that do not app'lyi generally to other propertiis- in: ' the same zone, The strict or litera'l interpretation and enforcement of the specified. regulation would deprive'the ppp'licant of privilbges enjoyedi fy the owners of other propertiesI in thd same district." ' t. The Departrne!! oficonmunity Development recommends denial ofthis variance for the to1lowiqrs reisoni: Pg. 3 DCD,MEMO l'fuelIer Res. inaccurate: '1.) That granting the variance wi'll constitute a grant of speclal privilege inconsiitent with the equitable application of requirements for deve'f opment elsewhere in the same distr'icti "t' 1!' 2.) A precedent detrimental to tlq'intent of the Two Family Primary/Secondiry ioning wjll be set (this "Distpict" is intended to proVide sites ?0r". . iesideniial uses in which one unit is a 'latger primary residence and the second unit is a smaller'caretaker apartment' . "!C. " (18.13.010) whereby the distinctjons of size and use between the two units become less distinguishable; and render computations used in the application3.) The fol'lowing data ? 3-6- (GRFA) Total: 3,952 sq. ft. Variance Lot 3 Vail/Potato Patch 2nd Fi'linq Lot Area: 17,0]9 sq. ft. Allowable Gross .Residential F'loor Area Prlmary Unit - 2,634 Secondary Unit - 1,318 Proposed GRFA (Staff Ca]cu]ation) Primary Un'it - 2,352 sq. ft. Secondary Unit - I,382 sq. ft. Total GRFA Proposed: 3,734 sq. ft. 79 Thus, the Secondary Unit GRFA Variance is for 1,382 -'1,3I8 or 64 sq. ft., not 40 sq. ft., as stated on the application. PUBLIC NOTICE No|tIcEIsIIERBYGIVENthatTomBriner,Architect, representing John Mueller has requested a variance from the provisions of 18.13-O8O Density of the Municipal Code of the Tonn of Vail in order to a1low 40 addltional square feet of Gross Besidential Floor Area j.n the secondary unit of a proposed duplex to be located on Lot 3, Vail/Potato Patch Second Filing tbat is zoned Trro-Family Primary/Residential . Application has been made in acsord with Chapter 18 '62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with section L8.66.060 of the Municipal Code on March 13' 1979 at 3:00 P.M. before the Planning & Environmental Commission' Said Hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal- Building' TOWN OI'VAIL DEPARTME{T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPI'IENT n 7\ ?Wn''oz /l- \fr,'!/--...- JaVes A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail February 23, L979 P00 s335181 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NN INSURANCE COVERAGE PBOVIOED_ MT FOR INTEBNATIONAT MAIt P00 5335178 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAI 1{() INSURAI{CE COVERAGE PROVIOEO- NOT F(lR IIITEBIIATIONAL MAII- P00 53351i9 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL tiO INSUflANCE COVERAGE PB(|VIDED_ NOT FOR INTEBNATIONAL MAII. P00 s335180 REC€IPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO I1{SURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOEO_ I{()T FOR II{TERI{ATI(lNAL MAIt t- t5 lr.a sHow l0 wHoM. DAr[. ANO ADDRESS OF DfIIVEffY SHOW TO WHOM DATEAiIO AODRTSS OF O€LNENY WITH RTSTRICTEDDEIIVENY SHOW TO WHOM DATI ANO ADORESSOF O€LIVERY W TH FESTF]CIED D€TIVERY\oF- j j a5 E 0 o SHOW TO WHOM AND DAIT OETIVTRED SXOW lO WrlOV,. Olre. AND AOORESS OF O€LIVERY SNOW TO WHO[' AND OA DELIVEREO WITH RTSTR DELIVEFY OF DEL]VTRYWITN RESIBICTEO DETIVERY TOTAL POSIAOEAT{D FEES 'l'"1r1 \of-o\ 6 E.a PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS I$RBY GMN that Tom Briner ' Architect ' representing John Mueller has requested a variance from the provisions of 18.13'O8O Density of the Municipal Code of the Tqrn of Vail in order to allow 40 additional square feet of Gross Residential Tloor Area in tbe Secondary unit of a proposed dupLex to be located on Lot 3, Vail/Potato Patch Second Filing thatiszonedTrvo-FamilyPrimary/Residential.Application tras been made i.n acsord with chapter 1g .62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing w111 be beld in accordance with Section 13.66.060 of the Municipal Code on March 13' L979 at '' 9:OO P.M. before the Planning & Environmental Commission' Said Eearing wilL be held in the Vail Municipal Building' TO1TN OT VAIL oupnnrllrrli- or colruI]NrlY DEVELOPMENT n - rA 7\t p',tc,lz 11- F,^tUz-<-- JAa/es A. Rubin Zoning Adrninistrator ' Publ.ished in the Vail Trail February 23' Lg79 NOTII'ICATION 2_22-79 Jeanne Marshall Vail Assoc. Inc. Box 7 - Vail Jack Carnie Vail Resort Ltd. Box 5BB J. IfrightVail i;-ui;l' Joe staufer vail , colo' Box 157 Vai1, Co1o. 81657 g- Io""Tru l\llt,N APPLICATION OF VAIL IIOR VARIANCE Applicatlon Date Publication Date :2-23-79 Public Hearing Date 3-.|3-79 Name of Applicant John Mueller Name of Owner if different from Applicant Mailing Address 8"" t83 Vtit' C"t"" Telephone 476-SlSl Legal Description: Lot. 3 , Block Vail/Potato Patch Second Filing , Filing property is unplatted su for .a- l, a mtes and Variance of the bounds description from the provisions Municipal Code for as exhibit of the Application is hereby made Sect ion 18..1 3.080 apprcxirTntely 40 sq.ft:.thb-lnaxidluTn'area Allowed for a secondary unit on this lot' in a RP/S APPLICATION WILL,NOT BE ACCEPTED I]NLESS ACCOMPANIED BY TIIE FOLLOIIING 1. Hearing Fee - $1o0.oO + $1.40 for EACH addressed envelope' 2. A LIST OF THE OIVNERS OF THE PROPERTIES WithiN 3OO fEEt iN A Single-Family Residential; Two- Family Residential; or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to the subject property in all other Zone Districts. The owners list shall include the names of al I owners and the lega1 description of the property owned by each. Accompanying this list shal1 be pre-addressed envelopes along with Certificates and Return Receipts properly fi1led out to each owner. These forms can be obtained from the u.s. Post office. 3. Site P1an, floor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator. 4. A description of the precise nature of the Variance. SEE ATTACHMENT District. Sighature of -APPlicant Thomas A. Bi'iner for John Mueller ,xffi v' / ,,11'*W. \.N' I o' at ATTACHMENT APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE LOT 3, VAIL/POTATO PATCH JOHN MUELLER APPLICANT GRFA COMPARIS0NS: The following is a breakdown of the allowable and PR0P0SED areas for primary,/secondary dwelling units on this lot: Allowable Area PROPOSED AREA Di fference Pri mary 2634 S. F.2340 S. F. Secondary 1318 S. F.1358 S. F.+ 40 s.F. Total GRFA 3952 S. F.3698 S. F.(-?s4) Probl em:The required room sizes for the secondary unit will not fit within the area limitation permitted by ordinace. A re- duced i'program" for this unit will be less attractive to prospecti ve purchasers. Adaption to site configuration, s'l ope of the grcund, location of existing tr€es, and practica'l limitation to building height requires a compact design. Several floor levels are necessary requiring stairs which, particularily ln the secondary unit, reduce the anpunt of "useable" area although these stajrs must be calculated as part of the GRFA. The proposed tota'l luilding area will be less than that al'low- able fori thisTo-F( The equivalent differeidi being one large bedroom.) Also, givEn that one of the objectives of a primary/ secondari ordinance is to discourage rrmirrcr image" designs, the propos"d structur€ ls rpant to be suggestive of a large single residence. A model is availble for anyone lntercsted. "Mi ti gati ng" Ci rcumstances: \ lnwn JAR/gew bor l(Xl Yail. colordo 81651 (sr3) 47F5613 department oI community development 19 July l-978 John t'lueller Box 183 VaiI, Colorado 81657 Ref: Lots 3 & 4, Vail/Potato Patch 2nd Filino L Ct]rr'rb oF Lots ';tr ;'::tr''J"'iZ''':;i{j;' P'+4) / -SDear John: ' l' Lots 3 and 4, Vail,/Potato Patch 2nd Filing are in " rto-r"tily Prirnary/iecondary Residential Zone' rn a prGiry/sec-onaary zole' the-second or smaller unit cannot exceed L/3 of tfri crosi Residential Floor Area (G'R'F'A') allowed on the lot- On Lot 3, you are per:uitted 3,952 sq' f!' "f G'R'F'A' with a naxirnurn of I,304 sq. ft' "i-e'n'r'e' in the smaller unit' on Lot 4, you "t" plttitlEa l,sea-tq' ft" with a maximun of Ir30l sq. ft. in the smaLler unrt' G.R.F-A- is the total area wittrin the enclosing walls of a structure, u"[-a""" not inctude garages or uninhabitable mechanical or attic sPace. SincerelY, lr,wh(6ames a. Rubin Assistant Zoning Administrator I li u ,'T il'U I,p PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN THAT Vail Associates,nc. has a resubd'ivision of Lot l, B'lock 2, Vai'l/Potato Patch; Town of Vail, Eagle, Colorado, pursuant to Article III, Section 3, of the Town of Subdivision Regulations, Subiect parcel of land is proposed to be into five (5) residential lots, N0TICE IS ALS0 GMN TMT Vail Associates, Inc. has requested that the resubdivjsion of sa'id Lot l, B'lock 2, Vail/Potato Patch be rezoned from the existing medium density multip'le fanrily zone district to residential (one 1ot to be single fami'ly and four lots to be duplex) in accordance with Section 21.500 of the Zoning Or'dinance,0rdinance No. 8, Series of'1973' as amended. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.|.500 of the Zoning Ordinance and pursuant to the Subdivision Regulations, the Town Counc'il wi'l'l hold a public hearing on February 15, 1977 regarding the requested rezoning and to consider the preliminary resubdivision plat. Said hearing w'i11 be he'ld at 7:30 p.m. in the Vail Municipal Building. TOt,lI,I OI-J VAIL OF Zon'ing Adnrjni strator Published in the Vail Trai'l January 21, 1977 appl ied for County of Vai I divided COMMUI,IITY DEVELOPMENT I L I '-'Iserii Eili; iliil!rtiiiii!;lsialiitiiiiii;tli:*:*:;:t;iiisi;*iE:EtE!;iiE:i:i;iEEI;3sq;;;;:;!;:iEgii:i=;;i=a-E;e;i iE: I Ei;8ir0 o a a Etf ;t ;;.: :; s gE:i=ii # ;;*;' iEi ;i ii?i Ei : ti';rlig {: :aE:=E i:i ; Eu iiii ;i E iiEiE!ii E' r;:=;,a!ii ;iiii:l ii,E;iii:iEil. E;*EaE cii,eiieli: iiiEi=:EE,i:i :iiiiliiuiiEi:i:ii