HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 6 LOT 7 RIVA RIDGE SOUTH 1996 SIGNAGE LEGALUU /,'r/*7u- ft/'o'^q 1" lat 7, b ta.( O 7-;'4'Jvo sauY{ V-^'///A o, Project Application Pro,ect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone owner. Address and phone: borb]h r, Fpe^e5 , f efro *,4-.l ,ve tlg r,r.ii I t,.-, n -.^ J Va , I Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot . rr,ocx L,r;tinsVa,l Vrllaqe,ltl,zone 5D0{ lS Q6mmsnts +'P I'v'l o,r^t - Morion by: {3,.^4 A i* seconded o, 6f", Mo{{e{- ,^" 2fTrtu DISA PPROVAL )rtartimu\- Su m mary: Town Planner o^,", ? l?f ?6 Statf Approval t 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development February 8, 1996 Barbara Feeney Riva Ridge South Condominium Association 74 WillowRoad Vail, CO 81657 Re: Application for a 6 sq.ft. Building ldentification Sign for Riva Ridge South - 74 Willow Road\Lot I, Block 6, Vail Village Fint Filing Dear Ms. Feeney: The Design Review Board at their Februry 7,1996 meeting approved your request for a building identification sigu for the above referenced property. Due to the size, weight, and manner of attachment ofthe sign, no building permit will be required forthe sip. Please notifu me when the sign has been installed so I can verifu conformance with the approved plan. Only one sign is allowed for this building along this frontage. Any existing signs must be removed wheu this sip is installed. Thank you for your patience in this process. If you have any questions call me ^t 479-2148. Sincerelv.-/^,'/) lI n{ | t/ fit "!t-V-d'.|/:o"'4LYQ Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner f \tuhtch"liLru.l|t..nrivr ?f|g**ruo o TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the following information j-s reQuired: L. A completed sign/awning application (attached). 2. A site plan showing the exact Locat,ion where the sign is lo be located. 3. A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign' as follows: (a) Colored exactly as sign will be.(b) A list of materials to be used in sign (netal, wood, canvas, paint, etc. )(c) Pbotograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showing exactly how and where the awning is attached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that will be used in conjunction with the sign_or awning.- .If proposing- an awning, tighting is not allowed to shine through the entire awning which cal1s undue attention to the business. tighting may spotlight only the actual sign lettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc. 2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construction may delay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of vaif, theapplication fee'sfrltt 6e increased by $2OO.oo. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Departmentof Highway Access Permits, Arny Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at theapplicant's request, atry matter is postponed for hearing, causing the natter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shaLl be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may havea significant impact on the conmunity may require review by consul-tants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by t,he tohrn st.aff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Corununity Development may hire an outsideconsultant, it shall estimate the arnount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town bythe applicant at the time he fiLes his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the reviewof the application by the consultant,, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consuftant which have not been paid to the consult,ant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in exce66 of the anount forwardedby the applicanL shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notificat,ion by the Tor,"n. t t 't|/ir.d l2l9l93 (Please NAME OF NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF APPLICATION DATE Print or PROJECT PERSON SUBMITTING OWNER PHoNE '116-e>73 PHoNE LlTb->233 mowss Q,Rs- uV hhllou RiJ Voi / eo ercsa SIGNATTJRE LOCATION OF OF OWNER O?/JTI-\- PROJECT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE AppLICANT pRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEjNC sCHepuLED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DEscRrprroN oF tue srcw/AWNTNG (FREE srAIprNG,_rwAl-,l' PROJECTING, ETC), TNCLUDE SrGN MESSACq. f-rtC €'lAnr{tfla B. SIGN/AWilING APPLICATIIN DESCRIPTION C. SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO D. E. F. G. H. HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOS1oI ,troltd CONDOMINIUM FEE: $20.00 PAID LENGTH oF BUsTNESS FRoNTAGE (rr) //o ASSOC]AT]ON APPROVAL (ATTACH) PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA. CHECK NO.DATE REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. ,/ site PLan ELevations showing exact location of sign awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available 2. 3. 4. q 6. / ---7 Sign Administrator or rcvirt n9l93 ( Please NAME OF NA},IE OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS o Print or Type) PROJECT PERSON SUBMITTING APPLICATION DA I'CV"COfiil$J|. DEV. DEPI LlTb-Aalv HONE 4-/h-a>23 SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER LOCATION OF PROJECT DESCRTPTION OF PROJECT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTTNG, ETC), B.SIGN OR AT,'TNING MATERIAL sIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, WALL, INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. c. sIzE oF oVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO 6o"D. F HEIGHT OF STGN ABOVE GRADE DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING oR PROPOSED)fd;n.f F. G. LENGTH oF BUsrNEss FRoNTAGE (FT) R/0 CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FEE: 520.00 PLus $1.00 PER SguA_RE FooT oF sIcN AREA._-PAID Aa.A CHECK NO. ,/J€'f Oprtn la,/aa,/?{ REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBMIITED VIITH APPLICATION 1 2. Site PlanElevations showing exact location of sign awning on the building3. _ Photographs showing proposed location4. _ Colored scale drawing5. _ Sample of proposed materials 6.Photograph of sign if available Sign Administrator or TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the following information is reguired: 1. A conpleted sign/awning application (attached). 2. A site plan showing the exact location where the signis to be located. 3. A photograph if possible and building elevation showingthe location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign, as f oL.l.ows: (a) CoLored exactly as sign will be.(b) A List of materials to be used in sign (metal,. wood, canvas, paint, etc. )(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is attached to thebuilding and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that will be used in conjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awning, Iighting is not aLlowed to shine through theentire awning which calls undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting may spotlight onJ.y the actual signlettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc.2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, s:ze', construction maydelay the approvaL of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATTON FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, theapplication fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of suchreview, nay include, but are not linited to: CoLorado Depa.rtmentof Highway Access Permits, Arny Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at theapplicant's request, doy matter is postponed for hearS-ng, causingthe matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Conrnunity Development Department to have significant design, Land use. or other issues which may havea significant impacL on the corununity may reguire review byconsultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed toreview any application, Community Development may hire an outsideconsultant, it shall estimate the amount of noney necessary topay hin or her and this amount shall be forwarded to t,he Town bythe applicant at the time he files his apptication with the Communit,y Development Department. Upon conpletion of t,he reviewof the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwardedby the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwardedby the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Torirn. 5110 W. Doherty Dr. W. Bloomfield, Mi. 48323 Dec. 8, 1995 Town of Vail Design Review Board Vail, Colorado 81657 To Whom h May Concern: This is to verify that the Riva Ridge South Condominium Association is desirous of installing a sign on the front of our property for identification purposes. In this matter Ms. Barbara Feeney, General Manager of the Willows, is hereby authorized to reprssent Riva Ridge South in the application process. Your cooperation with this application is most appreciated. Riva Ridge South Condominium Association I I d rq ,,1lLltqz(5 JAulct I J( TLo F $ N @ m I I I IrtWlwwwlW2? * 4atW- |&bV ?e+ 'r, i i-?'7t)i'ftl.,1"tr< ?^L]}"(*- ?/lGa+lt'cdrrr,g'6Ta tsb wi",.o/rA'':----nAP vlLtF- b'PtPV d>srliq*-t?h6trE:'r*;I F.b+Y,rwr- , *er.lq:tv wapS#ll,lt+e "rdftw.b^e .re\"794#' )F.E+-t a It4 ry- C .,'l- , ?l.t't+,-e+;""ffivtrv!--^,e"P*.ii+r+ ,' ,. i 4 Y-'+'- \'i\ 1i I I \. 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OO s0c33 FBOV RIVA RIDGE SOUTH SIGN APPLIC.******20.00 AAoo TOWNOFVAIL DEPAIRIMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELO'MEJ\T ^^,o" (v^ 124" ark^ tl ,' r^t"----L-t--!--'-3L- CEECI<S MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL 0l 000041540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 4241 5 UMFORM BUILDING CODE $54.00 0l oo0042415 UNIFORM PLI.JMBING CODE $39.O00l 000042415 IJNIFORM MECHAMCAL CODE $37.000l firco 42415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00,l oo0042415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $37.000t fi)00 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 000041548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00ot u)@ 424t2 XEROX COPIES $0.250l 000042412 S'tUDIES 0t (x)00 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROCRAM $5.000l 0000 42371 PENALTY fEES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0l 000041332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECKFEE [S4O PERHR] 0t fl)00 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000414t2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0r 00004t413 SICN APPLICATION FEE s20.000l fi)00 41413 AIJDII-IONAL SIGNAGE FEE tS I .OO PER SO.FT.I G^oO 1.000l fi)00 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION oI oo004t3il PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0t 0()00 4237I INVL,STIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 310{}0045110 TOV PARKING FUND 010()00 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0t 0000 2ll12 TAXABIET)-Jm + 0l e000 41010 I'AXABLE@4.O2 (TOWN) 0l 0()00 423fT BUILDING INVESTIGATION )iltL,R PISC AfPLICATION TEES 0t fixn 41330 ADDITIONALCRFA "250"sz(ru.000l finO 41330 s200.000l fi100 41330 EXTERJOR ALTERATION [LESS TTIAN IOO SQ.FT.I s200.000l fi)00 41330 LXIERIOR ALTERATION [MORE TI{AN IOOSQ.FT.I ss00.000t 0()0041330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENW sI.500.00 01 0()0041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTTIETTNIE E R_NTEFID 51.om.000l 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRIETTNiINO-R_TNIEND-s200.000l 0()00 41330 SUBDIVISION 0l fi)00 41330 VARIANCE s250.000t 0()0041330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.000l m00 4t330 RE-ZONING $2(X).(X) OTHER II-HER @ ,ou' ro. &i,jdhf,i,nl +i,1^ (ee- ctsEr l.*.'1 ti?3 'ry.g1-; R.BC. BY: Tfitrl]-l crF !.Jfq I L l'li sce I 1:nerrus Ca=h 'i{:-t:r5-'li,al'-;r: ,:'i: !+i fji,i* i F, t. * l- ?iri 1 : Hrc;,ir-il {+ r::1. + 1f,;: Fjir,lii FtIii6r ::r:!uTl-l r::'_rf.Jtl,J..:,Ir:il.l t"iFF, F[[ Flrri':,Lrri t. t errC,=,r-F,l .: t, , Utl I t em pa i d gric,un 1. F,.= i d tj 1tj$fit:141 4l li.Jlj F-,, fit,1 l--:h.li-rq* ii.,t.u rrie,j i r.j i.i,:i THfar-l}{ ar'Al-l '.i"Ji-ii .:.:shr i E r !t:tf..j."TFi I J I'! I I I ao