HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 8 TRACT C RED SANDSTONE SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD AND PARK LEGALTOWN OFVAIL Worlrs & Transport ationDepartment of Public 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.ci.vail.co.us Town of Vail OFF?flr "ffiOPY To: J.R. Mondragon Town of Vail, Building Deparhnent From: Gregg Barrie Town of Vail Department of Public Works RE: Red Sandstone Elementarv School Athletic Field Date: February 12,2003 Dear J.R., The purpose of this memorandum is to notif the Building Department that the Deparfinent of Public Works has accepted the Work completed for the conshuction of the athletic field at Red Sandstone Elementary School. The Work was considered complete and was accepted by Public Works on September 26,2002. Please find the following attached: l. A letter from CTl/Thompson, Inc., the consulting engineers for the Athletic Field project, stating that the field was conskucted per their specifications. 2. The letter of Project Acceptance signed by the Town and the Confactor 3. A copy of the As-Built drawing Please let me know if you require additional information. Sincerely, ,7m/5*^>-- (r"{#*'i" Project Manager {go"ouor * February 7,2003 Town of Vail Department of Public Works 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Aftention Mr. Gregg Barrie Subject: Red Sandstone Elementary School Soccer field Vail, Golorado Job No. GS-3435 Town of OFF'f,;il Vail f;OPY Gentlemen: GTUThompson, Inc. has provided construction observation and materials testing during construction of the soccer field at the Red Sandstone Elementary School in Vail, Golorado. Excavation and fill placement was started on August 17,2001 and was substantiallycompleted on November2,2001 . Based on ourin-situ densitytesting and observations the fill was constructed in general conformance with the recommendations contained in our geotechnical investigation (Job No. GS-3357, dated June 14,20011. Details of our site visits during construction and results of in placed density testing have been previously reported (Daily Reports 1 through 31, Job No. GS-3435). We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this any questions regarding the report, please call. Very truly yours, CTUTHOMPSON, INC. Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager DD:JM:cd (5 copies sent) CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTER DRTVE r GLENWOODSPRINGS, COLORAOOaT6OT r (970) 945-2809 project. lf you have Joh LETTER OF PROJECT ACCEPTANCE September 26,2002 This letter acknowledees that Rf"Vail wo't under the Contract titled ",ffi@Py satisfactory to the Town of Vail and establishes a Warranty Period for the Work which begins on June 26.2002 and ends on June 25. 2003. The undersigrred agrees that, if any portion of the Work or material proves defective during the Warranty Period, he shall replace any such defective material and remedy any such defective work to the satisfaction of the Town and shall defend, indemnifr and save harmless the Town from all damages, claims, demands, expenses, and charges of every kind which may arise as a result of any such defective material and workmanship during said period. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to accompany a representative of the Town of Vail on a Warranty Walkthrough a minimum of one month prior to the end of the Warranty period if so requested, although additional walkthroughs can occur at any time during the Warranty period. Any and all Work deemed unacceptable by the Town according to the General Conditions of the Contract will be noted and a procedure established to correct the Work. Prior to Final Payment, an Advertisement for Liens and Encumbrances will be published in the VAIL DAILY each Friday for four (4) consecutive weeks beginning on Aueust 30. 2002 and ending on September 20. 2002. Final Payment can be made to the Contractor contingent upon submittal to the Town of requhed As-Builts, Manufacture's Warranties, Instructions and Maintenance Manual, Site cleanup, and submittal and approval of a Final Request For Payment to the Town. ?aen>'.e Title oooo \r\ \\\i\i\i \ \ )'itt;. ril ant iEit iii rii ii \lt \ :\ \\\lI' LOr A - -----_, .f'/f-*: ,f -rErat{r -aq. ---I lr$\:il \tl \ \ \ I \ -a -a -t -' -t e' -t -' -' --'-'-t'-.....-.-.. -.-'- oJ UJlr(t. EI rl Hl=>l(') EIT ele El3 url =l BIcll =l<lololuflGI zo E E,Io2 F EIG g o Jo34lto -ulI E Eulcr OB GB ga rallr anl02. RPOO 1'=50' 1()F1 v tl Building Permit #: 97G479-ZIj,9 (&twg.etc) rrquired - mechanical. etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CTOR COMPTETE ALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT General @ntractor:-l?vo(t*\co^:<r. Ce Town of Vail R€. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: pg1 fi,n,at %tgt7o TOTAL:$ lo3. b.7o 7l olo G30ze oLl Joblddress: 5Sl N. Fcor^cc.-Eo t)esf Arr-- DIOS Job Name: ?gO SaPoaTol. lue '.a'.,taa4- €caoov \Trrue-rr<- FrewQ Owners Name: Ta,-r_, aF y'r.q Address:19 9. ?oo -r*oe 96, \,/,$r u 6tLS1 De V*w Et(4 1o ^,, sttzez,rt o^t oO A -./ Azt^t t€.Tr c- FtG-c-D O.l A c-rZE s r^r Sre€ WorkClass: t'tew(yf AddiUon( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (X)Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (rz) Both ( ) Typeof Bldg,: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other(X) 1./pa6 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ,y4No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: N + 4 Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist Yes ( For Patel #Asrcsrc Office at97o-3, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*************************************tr lther Fees:DRBb: Public Wav Pennat Fee: F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm ZD PAID JUL ,-gIOAI Town of Vail Bot RECEIVED JUL 3 O ZOO1 TOV.COM.DEV. 1""- 2001 OFFICE COPY June 14, Town of Vail Department of Public Works/Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Mr. Gregg Barrie Subject Geotechnical lnvestigation Proposed Soccer Field Red Sandstone Elementary School Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3357 This letter presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed soccer field at Red Sandstone Elementary School in Vail, Colorado. We performed a geologic evaluation for the proposed construction at the site under our Job No. GS-3356 (letter dated June 4, 2OO1l. As part of our geotechnical investigation, we performed a slope stability analysis. The following paragraphs describe site conditions, the proposed construction and subsurfiace conditions. A discussion of slope stability and recommendations for site grading are also included. Site Conditions The site is located north of the pedestrian bridge over l-70 in Vail, Colorado. The existing Sun Vail condominiums are south of the site, adiacent to the toe of steep slopes. The Red Sandstone Elementary School building is east of the proposed soccer field. Single-family residences are on slopes above the site to the north and west. The site can be visualized as a natural topographic bench that slopes down to the south at grades between 15 and 25 percent (see Figure 1). Ground surfaces on slopes above the site to the north are at grades of 55 to 65 percent. Slopes south of the site vary from about 70 percent adjacent to Sun Vail condominiums to about GTL/THOMPSON, lNC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRTVE r GLENWOOO SPRINGS, COLORAOO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 30 percent adjacent to the gravel play area. An abandoned irrigation ditch approximately 4 feet wide and 2 feet deep trends down to the southeast below the southeast part of the bench. Vegetation consists of sage, grass and weeds. Aspen trees and willows are on the steep slopes above the site. Prooosed Construction Plans are to construct a cut and fill balance pad approximately 500 feet long with a maximum width of about 120 feet as shown on Figure {. Maximum excavation cut depth of about 8 feet and maximum fill thickness of approximately l0 feet are proposed. The fill embankment at the south side of the proposed pad is planned at the crest of steep slopes above the Sun Vail condominiums. The soccer field will be located at the west end of the pad. The area east of the soccer field will be irrigated turf. We understand permanent cut and fill slopes will be re-vegetated with native vegetation. Subsurface Conditions Subsurface conditions at the site were investigated by drilling three exploratory borings (TH-l through TH-3) at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1. Drilling operations were directed by our engineer who logged the soils encountered in the borings and obtained samples of the subsoils. Graphic logs of the soils found in our exploratory borings are shown on Figures 2 and 3. Subsurface conditions in our exploratory borings consisted of nil to 1.5 feet of sandy clay "topsoil" underlain by silty to clayey sand and gravel with cobbles and boulderstothemaximumexploreddepthof25feet. Observationsduringdrillingand results of field penetration resistance tests indicated the sand and gravel were medium dense to dense. Practical auger refusal occurred on cobbles and boulders in TH-l and TH-2 at depths between 5 and 17 feet Free ground water was measured 3 days after drilling at depths of 18 feet and I 5.5 feet in TH-2 and TH-3, respectively. Three samples of the soils selected for gradation tests contained 10 to 25 percent gravel, 45 to 57 percent sand and 28 to 33 percent silt and clay size material '(passing the No. 200 sieve). Soil sampling equipment limited the maximum retrievable soil particle diameter to 1.5 and 1.9 inches, depending on the type of samplerused. Gradationtestsarerepresentativeofthesmallerfractionofthein-situ soils. Observations during drilling indicated a significant percentage of the soils consists gravel and cobbles. Gradation test results are shown on Figures 4 and 5 and laboratory test results are summarized on Table l. TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELO RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CTUT JOB NO. GSJ3' Slope Stability ln order to evaluate relative slope stability it is necessary to approximate slope geometry, the general profile of the subsoils, potential ground water conditions and the strength parameters of the soils. Slope geometry before and after the proposed construction was modeled from site plans provided by the Town of Vail Departmentof PublicWorksffransportation. Localvariations from the mapped slope geometry will occur. The subsoil profile was based on our exploratory borings at the site. We assume the fill will be built with the on-site or similar soils. The bedrock surface was modeled based on geologic mapping and our experience in the area. Ground water conditions were modeled from levels measured in our exploratory borings, site observations and our experience. Seasonal high ground water levels will be the critical condition for slope stability. Shear strength of soil is defined by friction angle ($) and cohesion (c) for the Mohr/Coulomb shear strength model. For our analysis, we estimated shear strength parameters based on correlations with laboratory test results, field penetration resistance tests and our experience. We analyzed the three cross-sections (A-A' through C-C') shown on Figure 1- A portion of our analysis results are shown in Appendix A. The term "factor of safety" describes the ratio of the strength to resist sliding compared to forces tending to cause sliding. A factor of safety of 2.0 means the strength to resist sliding exceeds the driving force to cause sliding by 2.0 times. For long-term stability, a factor of safety of at least 1.5 is considered desirable. The calculated minimum factors of safety for slope geometry before and after proposed construction are summarized on Table A below. Table A In our opinion, the risk of slope stability failure is low for the existing slopes and the currently proposed construction at cross-sections A-A' and B-B'. Our analysis indicates the steep slope above the site at cross-section C-C' is less stable than desired. However, it appears the planned construction will notfurther decrease the existing hillside stability. We should observe actual subsurface conditions exposed during earthwork operations. lf conditions are different than anticipated from our exploratory borings, we will re-evaluate slope stability issues. lf the strength ofthe excavated soils appears less than the strength used in our analysis or ground water seepage from excavation faces is obseryed, some mitigation may be recommended. Installation of horizontal drains or construction of an interceptor TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCGER FIELD RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CTUT JOB NO. GS.33' ----:-.-:1t:. trench are common methods used to lower ground water levels and increase the slope stability factor of safety. We suggest a contingency fund be considered to cover the possible cost for installation of horizontal drains in excavated slopes and/or an interceptor trench along the top of the excavated slope. Site Gradinq Guideline site grading specifications are attached as Appendix B. Planned excavations can likely be accomplished using conventional, heavyduty excavation equipmenL Large bouldercshould beanticipated. Some ground waterseepagefrom cut slopes may occur. Areas which will receive fill should be stripped of vegetation, organic "topsoil" and debris. Flat benches should be excavated into the natural soils where fill will be placed on natural slopes that exceed 5 to 1 (horizontal to vertical). We anticipate benching will necessary for most of the fill embankrnent at the south side of the proposed pad. A benched fill detail is shown on Figure 6. The surface of the benches and stripped soils should be scarified to a depth of at least 6 inches, moisture treated and compacted to allow the development of a good bond between the fill and the natural soils. The on-site soils free of vegetation, organics and rocks larger than 6 inches in diameter can be used as fill. lf import fill is required it should be similar to the on- site soils. A sample of the import fill should be submitted to our office for approval prior to hauling operations. Fill should be placed in lifts of 10 inches thick or less and moisture treated to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. Fill placed at depths of 8 feet or more below finished grade should be compacted to at least 98 percent of standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) dry density. Fill less than 8 feet below finished grade should be compacted to at least 95 percent of ASTM D 698 dry density. We recommend that fill embankments initially be extended laterally past planned grading limits at the south. Fill embankment slopes should bE cut back to planned grades after fill placement and compaction is completed. This will result in better compaction of the near surface fill soils and less potential for small slump failures and surface raveling. We believe the currently planned cuts and fills can be constructed as planned provided final cut and fill slopes are no steeper than 2 to I (horizontal to vertical). Possible installation of horizontal drains and construction of an interceptor trench was discussed in the Slope Stabilitv section. All slopes should be re-vegetated as soon as possible. We understand laying back of the steepest parts of the existing slopes above Sun Vail Condominiums is being considered. This would allow increased vegetation growth and reduced potential for local slumping and surface raveling. TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELD RED SANOSTONE ELE ENTARY SCHOOL CTUT JOB NO. GS.335' Limitations Our exploratory borings were located to obtain a reasonably accurate picture of the subsurface and provide data for our slope stability analysis. Variations in the subsurface conditions not indicated by our borings will occur. We should observe actual subsoil conditions exposed during earthwork operations. This investigation was conducted in a mannerconsistentwith the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by geotechnical engineers currently practicing under similar conditions in the locality of this project. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this projecL lf we can be of further service or if you have questions regarding this report, please call. Very Truly Yours CTL/THOMPSON, INC. _ . ., .__ r TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELD RED SANOSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL cTLfT JO8 NO. GS-3357 'iffit'1;e,'"; 't " ' ']r''r:; ':- " . RED SANDSTONT ?EUENTARY ATHLETIC FIELD o o VAIL, COLORADO.. .1. \ --^- \. , Soola: \ 1'=60' \'''',, APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS OF /- l Job No. cS-5557 EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIg. I Depth ln Fect o CT zI c,v, I CX(rl Or Ft{r--ill EN(tto ttt {FEillqt\'ht(rlo Fr -{i'T so.(tlIN N u N TDo4z. C)a (,|o(rl(,' N (rt @ C''o N (' <'ot Oro (ra a v t-o C)a o =l rflx1' ov ov otr' ct na N 1ce1 u; qldeq ITGEND: NOTES: t. w F Sondy cloy 'toproll', orgonlcs, vcry mokt, dolt brown. Sond, sllty to oloycy, grovcl cnd cobblcs, mcdlum dcnsc to densc, molst lo vcry molst, brown, rud. (sc) Grnvcl, sllty to cloycy, sond snd cobblcc, mcdlum dcnsc to densc, gol^st lo wct, brown, rusf, groy. (cc) Drfve somplc. Thc symbol SO/11 Indlcotcs thot 50 blows of q ilOpound hqmmcr folllng 5O lnchcs weru ruqulrcd io drfvc q 2.5 Inah O.D. somplcr 11 lnchcs. Drlvc scmpla. The symbol 5O/6 lndloofes fhot 5O blows of o 1+O pound hommer folllng 50 Inohes werc rcqulrrd lo drfvc o 2.0 lnoh O.D. somplar 6 Inchcs. Indlootcs ougar refusol. Symbolsqbovc bottom of borlngs indlcole holc loooflon wos moved to qdvqnae borlng fqrthea Indlsotes frec ground wqtcr lcvel meqsurcd on the doy of drllllng. Indlcoics frcc ground wotcr lavcl meosured on Junc 1, 2001. Explorofory borlngs wsrc dr'lllcd on Moy 29, 2001 wlth 4-lnoh dlomcler, oontlnuouc fllght ougcr qnd q trqok-mountcd drlll rfg. Loaollong ond slcvoitons of explorolory borfngs ore oppFoxlmqla. Thesc cxplorutory borlngs orc subJcofto thc cxplonotlons, llmllollons ond oonoluslons os contolned In thls rcport. V SUMMARY LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS flg. 5 90 80 2m Seo 8s0 H 4 3lt a) 't0 0 I HYDROMETER ANAIYSIS SIEVE AMLYSIS zs x* Z 6A fI||E READOIGS U.S. STA}IOARD SERES CTEAR SOT ARE OPENII'ES ,f5 MlN.15 MlN. d' 1,Il'1.19 MlN. ,t Mll.l. I MlN. ?00 'l@ 50'tO 3, '15 'lo.E '4 3 r 3i4' 1Ui f t€l t ----i-:::-J =:-ta :t--: .-z--:/ 7.": =a;, :) .ml .14 47 590 1.19 2.0236 418 o.42 OAI'EIER OF PARTICIE IN MI.IJI'ETERS cr-^y (prlsrq To srLT (r{oNPrlsTlc) Somple of SAND, StLTy, cLAyEY (scsM)From TI-I-1 AT 4 FEET GRAVEL 25 o/o srLT&cW--7E-o/o PtlsTrctrYiNSfr. SAND 47 o/o uour6 LrMlr - % - -/o Tn OARDSERIES CTEAR SOT ARE OPEr${GS {5 MlN.ts MN. €lt 1N.19 t/Uil. .a i,JN- I lllN. 2S 1q, isO'/O 3' '16 'to.E t(x, s0 TD o7oI $eo 1 Eso () ! m 10 0 -oct .0G .(h9 .G7 st4 .14 -o.of l-19 2Ir 23a ,0.76 952 l9.l 36't DIAAIETER OF PARTICLE IN MILUMETERS 0 l0 20 308 z {oE 250s 30^ 70 EO 90 1q, -z -21 ::::i: --i ;71i::=:z /-=,: /!:.:.4. {-:, crAY PulsTrC) TO S|LT (l|ot+AlSTlC) Somple of SAND, SILTY, CLAYEY (Sc.SM)From T-+z nr g peer GRAVEL 10 o/o srLT & CLAY_ tl% PI-ASTICITY INOEX SAND 57 % LloutD Ltt\ilT - %_-T o/o Gradation JOBNO. GS-3357 Test Results FIG.4 '.-.ir. :, : r r:l Somple of sAND, stLTy, cLAyEy (scsM) HOM TH.3AT4FEET GRAVEL 24 o/o S|LT A CtnY 31 o/o PLASNCTY INDEX LIQUIO UMIT o/o o/o o/o so 80 o70 g* 2 3so4P6 30 20 l0 0 25 ,t5 MfN.l5 Mlt'l. 60lilN.l9 MlN. 4MlN. I MlN. ?@ '1@ '50'4t3t '16 '10'6 '.f 3Y g1 11,4' 3 t€t A I-J:-fr =a:'=. -21: :='t, a.::z -t .-z t:::::::-----i E:::::: 0 10 m 308 =408 2508 60' ?o 80 s4 18 E7 5SO 1.19 2.3236 474 9.52 o.42 TMIfETER Of PARTICLE IN MILIJMEIERS ts.f ar.r 742 12151co cr-{Y (PltsTrc) To srLT (NoN+rl,sTrc) €MlN.l5MlN. d! MlN.tg MlN. 4li[N- I iflN. ?00 '1(I, 5{r'4t'30 '16 'lo.E '4 3A lf 1'/i 3 t-€r r tm s0 o7o = $eo 8so € 30 m t0 0 0 10 308 =40E ,s03 60A 71' EO 90 10 .o74 j4 297 .5€O t.lg 2.0238 4.76 o.42 TMf,IETER OF PARNCLE IN MI.IMETERS -a-- CLAY (HJSrtC) TO S|LT (NO q-ASrC) Somple of From srLT & crtY PI.ASTICITY INOEX SAND o/o LtoulD-mii-% -% olo o/o Gradation JOB NO. GS-3357 Test Results FIG.5 \.5\<-11,\\.-\. 2tz MA)(IMUM '-2 --l 1 MTURAL SLOPES OF 2OZ OR SIEEPER ARE TO BE BENCHED PRIOR TO RLL PI.ACEMENT. SLOPE EENCHES TO OIITSLOPE AT 2t PERCENT. MAflMUM SLOPE l.IA11'RAL GROUND SURFACE NOTES: 1) 2.) Benched FIII 10' MINIMUM Job No. GS€357 Detall o 9 ootoo.ro(r)Ido dzoo - it,FJf U' IJJ tr,F C" IJJF E.Lt Pd#S6'E J llo tr = =fo zoF otr6 U)Io Jo at =a dI ut 5 C) E6 ciz 6 a og ul 5ott6 ciz a =aog llt 5otI6 ciz u) (9 o e lll 5ot 5 -o j lrJ ?e.o €ul C)I l! 5ott6 ciz a =Io E ul 3ot 56 -j IJJ tro fi;x- o(\(i' c:,() aFa llJFzIF o Eo l-z^I!=^9eEfioo. N{Fto l.Is F,fra^ EEU rool o sol oE =otl Fxx EHE5=o !t o t uJF E 9;^ d=€ol 6|6 *g 4aEs !"Ec a!lit !t iE^P6t:9 oq ro * @ 1(t (\! @ g? rJ, gt ci huJfi ltl65 Ir I s o)6l (D (9z oo tF -F olIF ol+ F lq F o ? F .r'il . ' r;:- .:-.'_ jr -r:-ii]li tr.,ri_: ;rr /,,-.,v;Zgl*&llm o APPENDIX A SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELO RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CTUT JOB NO. GS.3357 .d a.l- '1 Eg (D(,c _9 =-E CoN'-o e- ar E-tEacoC'oi -e-O .ttg'a sq >-cc !.9 .9 PE o.E E- 9g E.<E.l v'c cOx;(l) 0.. E;*E E'; .. -' (D .h9 g= .sF F-gb Fz5(/)Ear6 ESEE a\l <rlrt {t (ooot. x) (per) uo$eaeE (t a -9It o(tg 3o gt oTL -I- q 66 'gF'o-o . =cl.tEa ' e9€-. SEETclf(Js t^oo Igg o6P6 EcoNEoRr 5 E P d,co9o. 1€ -3 q, >G EEfi* E Aifi E $fE b9 6= CEEAg5#E FlO(it c? ttt(9 d2 ..to- 3-!!5 (oOt x)(;eel)tlogE s|a oo tt -otI- E6o 9 Eo-o =GltIs egE - ahttE-|D g C'Eoloo. ao-g o(tE6686 6co .N o o- .gg p8 EH c0 (t =ocooo-6 -E I> e6:EE .6 iP ri o. E Fi€ ii 3'sT €a'EE.Eg9>. r'E E E' g,E # €' EErt lo (OOOI x) Oeet) uosg ate cr' r6t I6Ef 2$lg+ :olr o co (} EedtcoC' 0:o-_ .46.(II L CL6ie 5E# -6 F- 9I ddi;i oi6 7X O O .,g 8EB ??EEbg E= E EEggE# E FlO(q'I(t(' ctzlto? I -6lr oo-.E Icoltg6 E E R o o- Eo oeaEo C} o_o-vo,hcibE Id:6 -56-0 Pri o-6 F;9I dtrifT CD.F B o 6l P 8ETC';- (pE:-:'-s' 6.b* E=EEES . EEgEOCJTL< {Eo'o (0001 x) (lc$ nogB/iap Eo I € =a, E =6lt rDO-E qt atcooE6 6coNEo FE.i- 0mf x) (!eef) uo08 €13 t -9 e o6 ('Io-o =61!Esg -g. EiEs 8==EEo3()[ c .9 C) Eoco9o- ,P €E.@ >.E EE#. E E$€i oiiE gB-fr8 .EE e= EEsA E5€E E63e8 F€66 t Fu)G'ct ]Do(' dzoo- g 66 o gg-o =ol.l! -.:t cta.P -- ELg at-o=ogo3 6O o(,co 696EgoNEo O4 c -96 =atgocLQ-6 bd- "rE O -r- a[ tIII \-,= -Sdl6 9ri o-E Fcr II6di;i cDi6 HOO.-;i o-= ?rFOHq Y.o 6*, .Ee s=q=Edt-3E oba =zzg5fiE . .{ tt 1\a.t rt bOOf x) (pe$ rpgs,teg JO N9ao;s aD(, oz,I ot -sll- I €:a e2 6lr co6 =6c8a _ bE 3EE EEff * E g?E g$EE 59 a;E EEEg ESfE eo-o Eeoor6 dc R o^- oe5-:o g o-o :OltIe!Ee =oc,E-=Eg8E€Tofo(L o g e8 EH EEoo bml r)(leqluogs^ag t _d,lI- --_,.., ,a 't { | ,.r. Ed6 o eo-o =GrtEa FgE-TE€Tctf oo. o'o =p8 F€66 ,l* ;l I .':t;' eo Ic6 ot96Ec R o R- -tF t .^fl E E E q P; d to*i ,l t olui** d r'1\r(l('l. aP at,(, ctz .oo? oo APPENDIX B GUIDELINE SITE GRADING SPECIFTCATION PROPOSED SOCCER FIELD RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL VAIL, GOLORADO I I TOW|{ OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FFLN RED SAiIOSTONE ELEIIENTARY SCHOOL Gtur JoB l{o. c3{:r67 .,-r i ::. r__::._',. i TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSEO SOCCER FIELD RED SANOSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CTUT JOB NO. GS.3357 13.INSPECTION AND TESTING OF FILL lnspection by the Soils Engineer shall be full time during the placement of fill and compaction operations so that they can declare the fill was placed in general conformance with specifications. All inspections necessary to testthe placementof fill and observe compaction operationswill be at the expense of the owner. SEASONAL LIMITS No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled while it is frozen, thawing, or during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is Interrupted by heavy precipitation, fill operations shall not be resumed untll the Soils Engineer indicates that the moisture content and density of previously placed materials are as specified. NOTICE REGARDING START OF GRADING The Contractor shall submit notification to the Soils Engineer and Owner advising them of the start of grading operations at least three (3) days in advance of the starting date. Notification shall also be submitted at least 3 days in advance of any resumption dates when grading operations have been stopped for any reason other than advetse weather conditions. REPORTING OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Density tests made by the Soils Engineer, as specified under DENSITY TESTS above, shall be submitted progressively to the Owner. Dry density, moisture content, and percentage compaction shall be reported for each test taken. DECLARATION REGARDING COMPLETED FILL The Soils Engineer shall provide a written declaration stating that the site was filled with acceptable materials, and was placed in general accordance with the specifications. 14. 15. 16. 17. B-4 Holv cRossClEcTRlc .tssOctATIoN, I NC. 3?99 HIGHWAY 82 P. O. DRAWER 2I50 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 61602 llarch 20, L992 l.tr. Greg HaIl, Engineer Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 RE: 1992 Construction l{ithin Vail Dear creg: Enclosed are plans for Holy CroEs Electrlcrs proposed 1992construction in the Town of Vail . lfe are requesting approval ofour proJects in advance to insure that digging pernits can be procured pronptly prior to construction. Switchgear locationsare included per the Town of Vailrs request. Please review the plans and conment a soon as possible. If Holy cross Electric does not receive any conment within thirty days wewill assune approval and proceed with plans as subnitted. I will be happy to meet vith you and the other Town staff if necessary. Please call me at 945-5491 with any questions you may have. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ELEqIRTC ASSOCIATTON, INC.44eAtft-- Winston Chaffin, Staking Engineer Enclosure WC: rjn W/O*92-L2601 Potato Patch to Sandstone 52 w/O#92-L2961 Buffer Creek fie 51 (303) 94s-s491 FAX: 945-408 r 1.CPl,lPLgfIOl| OF TllE PffiAIO PATCII TO SAIIDSIONE TIE A'S PERI'IITTED AND STTRTED IN I.991A. A pad-nounted switchgear will be located in the southveet corner of Red Sandstone Park. Landscapingrl11 Lnclude building a bert and plantlng a few trees. Ifaterlng and naintenance of thie landscaping will be provided by the Town of VaiI.B. A 1nd-nounted switchgear will be located at the East end of Sun Vall . Landscaping will Lnclude a split rail fence, screen ra1l, planter box and planting of trees, buehes, and ground cover. Waterlng and naintenance ofthis landscaping vill be provided by Sun Vail . REPIACEI{ENT OF I'NDERGROT'ND RECI-SERSthie proJect reguiree the placenent of two new pad-nounted switchgear, one to be located westerly of the existing sritchgear on the sest side of Lionshead Circle and the South Frontage Road. Iandscaping for this location will include retaining walle and screen walls. Due to this belng a dry area, no plantLngs are planned. The second switchgear uill be located behind the crossroads BuLlding near the intersection of lleadow Drive and the south Frontage Road. Landscaping will include a screen vall andplanting of treee and buEhes. lrtaLntenance of this landscaping wlll be provJ-ded by Crossroade. IIEST GORE CREEK DRIVE TIE Thie project involves completing a loop through the new Gore Creek Drlve Bridge. Conduits nere installed through the head walls and extend beyond the edge of asphalt on Gore creek Drive. Asphalt cutting will be required within Placid Drive in the lrtarnlgan Townhone ProJect. BUFFER CREEK TTEThis project Lnvolves completing a feeder line tie betweentvo maJor cl.rcuits to utilize load carrying capacity and inprove senrice. Three new pad-nounted svitchgear and a road cut of the Chanonix Iane aaphalt will be requLred. Road cutE on Buffer Creek Road and Circle Drive are in older asphalt.A. The neu svl.tchgear on Buffer Creek Road will belnstalled in a natural area with natlve screening. Since lrrigatlon ig not available, no additlonal plantl-ngs are planned.B. A ney erltchgear Ls planned betrind the Brandess Building on eaaenents in the northweeterly eorner of the Brandess Property. tlo plantlngs are planned due to the linited space and Ecreening by exleting developuent.c. A new switchgear is planned along the South Frontage Road near the northwesterly corner of the Spruce Creek Townhone ProJect. A benned area exists for placenentof thl.e ewitchgear on the undeveloped parcel . No additional plantings are planned. 2. 3. tl . Memorandum Regarding Holy Cross Switch Gear InstallationApriL 22, 1992 Page 2 4. Crossroads Okay, no Town of Vail maintenance on plantings. 5. Lionshead Okay. TO/dsr Encl-osures t lr.tlril iiri I 1{l- ' .-. l. , '*'." i I, ' l!- .41 /.,I i .. i1 '.1 f,b'&/ 'h?';cs 6 h,fut 75 Soath Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0t -47 9 - 2 1 t 8 / FAX t 03 -47 9 -2 1 6 6 FROM: DATE: RE: Department of Pablic Works/Transportation MEINORANDI'M Jilf Kammerer Todd OppenheimerApril 22, :.992 Holv Cross Switch Gear Installation Red Sandstone Park Berm surrounding swir-ch gear iocation is shown at -li,::.islope. This is too steep to mcw and will- not lc.ok- good irrthis flat area. Have HoIy Cross change the sl-ope to a maximum of 4:1. Hol-y Cross w1l-l be responsibie to r:ernslal-l r-he irriqal-lon sysLem and resod all iis'rnrbe:.C a:r:as i-.\ '-.1:e acceptance of tlie Public Works Departn,ent. '.fi'.e 'icwr) r)1. ',:,i i wi. l-l continue normal pars maintenance. lq4_ vail C.)firrr1ent f r(;t* Mr- Chaf f i.'t L,-a-l:r iC) h3ve i'cii;l oi !./.---i.r,- I lia:ail :rees at inls si:e. Ir- i.$ pcls.l-.ie ':a-\ 1--clnec:t :o :i':e -'. -'1.,,.,'lidrip i rr.'iqa.t:on s!',sterl ..r i-- t-iie nor:-i:h ... n;i ;r ,-l',s ;;r-=.19,:i-.: ia.:i brldge. Hoi',, Crcss '.rill irave t--c b'-.r-y ai,.our. 2.J^; i!:e. cf . " r,1r1 IV i rr-iar^l- .i r-,n rl'. ,--r -' ' J-'--^ ...-.1 ---.-s -*r -. -l) iPe i:IiQ. l-IjS:-c-; -.-' --..:e Clill ri-Fl::S,. Oi'ai./ls ; ira other elements of t-he j-rr-j-qar-r.;ir $ys.Lern e,c r-.i'rci: cr).3i- . 'i.1: wj l- j- ne necessa;-.r f-o (:ross thc bi.iri: p..^th it. ;rnt.: j.r:c:: i:ic::wnich v;i11 requi re e s,.-r-€€r- ri Li L p+r:m'j ,--. Th: i-.,:rigation fri p(:.r should be buried i-2" oeep. 'Ine f'orsn wi.:. r ;;,a;<e r-h.t flna: conneclion to the e---lsting sysLem and :nspeet t-he u)t'!:. ii.e Town has not committed to maintain any aspect cf thls instaf la'-ion. Holl' Cross shculd l:emain responsibie for il l naintenance and renlacer.eni. of pLan;s ai.ri irrig:rl- i.or.,. u ?::fr'ehr Creek a--lkay, no Town - H.C. atu/ u'rft7';.? trrzir/ttl foieu 7ilzrl ttfr'/d+t;<//" na/rt /rrt> . 2 Yi'rrz: ttt,t4{7,t''.au s/tzb , 3rz)olti( ,/ 4 aurJz, {: ,ir t t<,n 7s/an(c:r p.i i::-)-:rq:: . i ,frr&rrr; / pt/y'. 9frt/a,'r-f *u/ r'.&//// tfri r4r / t+ry ra/.H"/./ ,",6t ;ft i-, ;i7 Ou,i/7 ,2 ' i,-a/r,"a-/ n tt'///t rfri 16r '/ mr.r ra//rr:/./7,6t,t W,k/ ra f 1a, 7// attrE.t *,rna*tra,fa/t// agrrcu ci \,'.-r j I na j.nci,.r{::rco 74r z3 \lr \ r \ u) !l {. I 1 rk l'? tl.i Itlui t; U q II \\ \,. \. (.lt U\l 'llrc'{ \rl l-..a | ,.i'| ..\ J, :1 ff|:,Y --\,,.,,, \ t-._t. lf_.-l llrb sl.\ I -l P.2/4ELECTRICCROSS , . AFR 15 '9? LAI12 HOLY bE\q- s { . -.I s tt $ tl P -e7- * -\6.<- ---\ T \\.tt. ->P- ".- - - b $s 'r { s E \r)4d I ,f" qF 0 F t $1Ps|'JHLK\ -f$1 \ Itlr\ l{$t\ IIt ttq ir + :4 Tlt 5uil vTtL ypylpsCnFE LEeftPt .n!._-'t- e I I I I\l\B \ t'-. Ifill 't* I - "-..t-E=l - =--'- ---+{=+ts_{ _ j--+J_z-^> Hs -/ | FLdu€\ / lu'o \ Kecl:/4/6'? 1ti fi'q T': LfiND senPE LEeErlPi {\ /" SPF,UCE T7EEE .THeRHlill PaTEAtrtaLt* RED DAeUadD RACR Suu Vnr tHOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASEOCIATION c|.EruooD rtilt|q3. co|'of,Aoo COLORADO 34 EAGLE SUSITCH G Efr R /ZeA / /6'fu ( \F., \ qb ,U tF. \\Jo Vt oqq \ \4 \f)s ( q_) 7o ftD, 'ncEFeoNT5ouTH E-- t I -/- NN g'ttu 8H, C p,7ss 1<oF DS E LD,?pf,K I rne =9F OA-ol ?alTo ioo;ql r--Fo gTJ rII eEut I< J :..1Xcl;f < 8!ru 5;a 3ocD =-eo10:<6coO}Jfrodo k frloo L .o .f,zo t^ lrJ ijj ."i a .1 I ''ffi o a9o' lw, )uN Vn ttHOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION GLEXWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO COLORADO 34 EAGLE TING DEPr. HoLY cio!!l!E!Ix!9.sw 7- !:,,'//(* tr,r-.) l-- L'\'I ltlt-\r ,' -- --et ----J,t..1--q- ? u|oo7t ,l o3N /^vl02/ lac.r'- D- 5 u u Vn tt f<oernrY ,'' ,/ IT'; r,tl'.{ lnl)"1 i q /q" rl(lt tli// t( OrJNsbt(}l -.a 4') 9U 1€Ef,#lo SAaS -1t33/" / 'z-r,'e€ac) w 0 f b $rl. rl /+atS'Q-,,& , bt \ ,fl J)[ R'qr 's\ (nl -lsltnl EI\lF ^ ,0' ,1 rt(./tr// It/ Ir1 ,, (''' "j/ lo DN oF vntt Pno pERry :om3LozU' @ T rtoartl mr PET- i9;i6!>^ ?13,\ EiFHlil:-{ o - 4 ov 8o FIfttlo-{ 6 U)(- R, s \- $ cr\_ -{ N-r-\ eJ lttr \-u /\J HOLY cRoss f*EC"fRlC ASSOOATION, lNC. tTtt rlrillw^Y lt & + DnAWEn :130 GLr:NrV{)olt 3PBINOS. COlI)llAlr() I l00t idc0 APR 16€ge (Jot) 0-r3-9rcl FAX: t{t.a03l FFR 16 'R tAiI? HOLY CROSSi E-ECTRIC P.t/4 FAX TRANS!{T?TAL SEEET ,", Tt // E. {1unm*:u,Date: 1-/€-fZ Fax l 1I7 -zt-E 7 Froml Number of Pages (including this cover sheet) Subjectr ouE Fax l: (303) 945-4081 Please advisc us l$qedietelY of any.'Cransmission Probleml . llessage: - - ea?@?/^/ ^/nwfi/ fr /s ,rryeaT @ - -ran/a/,v7p %,2/" ry aila o*4" r"ru /to/,t -r. y' eS r7ra;tA /2ar/e a/ ,AnOze Uo ! ,ree.l ,/"fe .h //4 bn-pa*t da*>t ///a 2. .lb.e4 i'd/", alza- a.4,,- il o. i,7;;t- "'-'J O tu/eaa& O '/6:"J'fl (! tu/eea*& O bzn,n$ /v<J1 fu>4/rt);.t t t s/ rttntt,Z ,a / t- / /^ no/CF - ut// /bn/ rUnr4 rikn, ar4 ./a*n(.- AF/ d/F4u- A - ry a,a-146e ua*# E arca/h^agu n /mnea- ati// e,A4e 4r arrra,t a. ).7,)- atr// p y':ru-og *::.: aie* ,nh { To("ca.n r;*ry//ae srizzaArra. Y e47'1 #:%r'! * 5 '/a'h-: d/'/ '+h11 n/^ '*oe*e,,zry -e/tn.ffift'r,ya, bz/dA-* *fr*J /orzY' ' 8?^ tlM h ft4n /otl.r,\fr.^lte.- rel uailq / /rI* ^.*dn"q- - F €r,us/'dr/o ,/s! ".a -fr&/ ..;d,.rbzce4d .1cs/ pd n /"t sfurh O - 7 gaadetV' eft Uft:44-Yt /Z+ -€tr r,u/tr l/,-alake&ry ar s* 7afix*//a " oV @Za7-m=V-,,*, lr4,a'*fl** *ry ryR,r ^rKe - &n€t*tJ e!.y ry . u/// a(yre*w' /</'c' ^rryfufu, na7 o*uz/6,-*ai' 7**- {'i), 3 ", W L a,afu/a atr//dze -* 4.e 7,t*zo ry''a/tz t-ta,n,*AD I a.Wt 7/an/ec /aea*"2..t l//b.Wsa#Li#*nal * t&trl n/oc, Hfr;L /t,^e' nv/ a,erlq@a?M fi,f re4 bt4,u /tze. al{*wt y'76-oy'67 RLnski Renodel 394 Beaver Dam ltOtIoN3 .'K 2, vall Vi11a9e 3rd VCITE:\ 16 5. sx-.r;:J xj:. :ti,;;'. ' ITABLED AO NOVEUBER 21ST I{EEf,ING' Approved with the following condLtions: b). c). d). JK L'ot 1, 1) : i:.!1 , { I.t ,i t : i I daf Rd,/Ipt 7, Block SECOND: ---^ Br,,rne ResLdence 6r^*tild witlr / z'so--eaaition. '7 \ 'iE'r??!"t naTelrcel'A' -a resubdLvislon of ;i.;;-;, v"if villase rilins-lf- riroTroN: e. *n;---'- ---ss6o!rDt c' Knight VOTE! 3-O-1 Applicant shall subnit a letter frorn the ab-iacent Propertv -;:;' H: l-?11*' statins ;;:-;;b.t€ alrees to the forlov-rns: a). Applicatlo" Ji -iton9 .siiing over the' existirrg "..il-"""t I brick siding by the apPlicant.$;ii;;;;'" p-aintlrle or-hl's residence "-"i"i" aPProved.bv tbe DRB' Applicant p",""t'ttgL existLng concrete rltaining wall' Applicant caplng. existing. retaining vall i-rr'=tott" to iatch stone siding' 21. Exlsting concrete retaininE -wall in front of the Hobart ,"-=illri.-" i., nalltga and capped with sane ston" "J G-Co be -used in sidinE' |frr,"€ e+dl IL -*'''* ^q:ffii ^* 5 larery{^. ty'art "/ory ", T** # €frFF ra Powe*<r lJ. TOIVN OF VAIL COI,IPAI{Y .NAMS: ?5 touth trontrgr rotd v.il, color.do El457 FIJ( PFOIIE TR.ANSI,TITTAI, SEEET rAX PHONE NI]MBER: FROM: DAIE: # OF PAGES IN DOCT'I,TENT RESPONSE REQUIRED?. SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL TO9IN OF !'AIL EXT. # FAX FHoNE NUMBER: (303) 479-2157 REGUI.T.R PHONE NIIMBEB:(3031 {79-2100 4)S (NOT INCLUDING CO\ER SHEET) 3 '/-\ ffiwa r:i SITE VISIES 1:15 p.m. DESIGN RETTIEW BOARD }GENDA APRrL 1, L992 3:00 P.M. Scorpio Condoniniums - 121 rf. Meadow Drive Eoly Cross - Lionsbead Switchgear box at Vail Glogoly Cross - Switchgear box South of S. Frontage Rd. at Spnrce Creek Butcbinson Residence - 2955 Basingdale Road Eoly Cross - Bebind Brandess Building Eoly Cross - S.E. Corner Buffehr Creek Rd. and Lionsridge Loop Road Grand TraversE at Vail - 1403 Moraine Drive Eoly Cross - Lion's Ridge Loop switcbgear box (exist.) Eoly Cross - Red Sandstone Park switchgear box Boly Cross - Sun vail/Rec Path switcbgear box Byrne Residence - 16 Forest Road Eoly Cross - Crossroads switchgear box Caulkins Residence - 3010 Booth Creek Drive McCuaig/eorne Residence - 5165 Main Gore Drive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 AGENDA 1. Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater - Roof modifications e weatherproofing. 530 S. Frontage Road East/Ford Park. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Approved for the 1992 "season" onl-y. Ore House - Canopies. 232 Bridge Street/Lot A, Block 5, Vail Village 1st. MOTfON: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 TABLED IO APRIL 15TB MEEIING. 3. Caulkins Residence - Revlew of exterior detailing. 3010 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 4, Vail Village 11th. MOTION: George Lamb VOTE: 4-0 A rrr_r r nrrad SECOND: Pat Herrington MM SM SM 4. Hutchinson - New primary with restricted 2nd unit. SM ; 2955 Basingdale Road/Lot 15, Block 6, vaj-1 Int ermountain.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABI.ED TO APRIL 15TII MEETING. 5. Scorpio Condoniniums - Facade improvements. JK 121 w. Meadow Drive,/Lot 1, A resubdivision of part of Lot D, Vail Village 2nd Filing. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 CONSENI APPRO/ED. 6. McCuaig/Borne Residence - New Single Family. JK 5L65 Main Gore Drive South/Lot L9' Vail Meadows 1st. _!ll-.Inq- MOTIOfr: Georqe Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Approved as submitted strong recommendation to applicant to review rock material and pattern on home on Elk Track i-n Beaver Creek . 7. Byrne Residence - Change to approved plans to a11ow JK different architectural treatments for separated rrri marrr c eaa-a\nrlarrr rrni f < 15 Forest Road/Lot 1, Block 7, Vail Village 1sL. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 3-0 TABLED TO APRII.. 15TH MEETING. Ned absLain as did worK on building. B. Holy Cross switchgear box locations: JK a. S.E. corner of Buffehr Creek Road and Lions Ridge Loop Road.b'. Behind Brandess Buitding. c. South of South Frontage Road at Spruce Creek. d. Sun Vail/Recreation Path. e. Red Sandstone Park. f. S.W. corner of Lionshead Circle and South Frontage Road.g. S.W. corner of South Frontage Road and village Center Road (Crossroads) . MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Staff to revj-ew revised landscaping' avoid wal-1s and fences where possible. Use plant materi.al to screen. I 't 9. Lionshead Miniature Golf - Permanent facility. SMTract D, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Approved as submiLted. 10. Grand Traverse at Vai] - Window changes. SM1403 Moraine Drive,/Lot 24, Dauphanais,/Moseley Subdivision. MOTION: George Larnb SECOND: Pat HerringtonVOTE: 4-0 CONSENT IPPROVED. 11. Discussion of proposed lightj.ng ordinance. AK Draft ordinance scheduled for Council worksession onApril 14, 1992. L2. Bailey Residence - New Si-ngle Family. JK 193 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 38, Block 7, VaiI Village 1st.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED TO APRTT 15TE MEETTNG. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Pat Herrington Gena Whitten (PEC) Sherry Dorward Ned Gwathemy r:a.l t-ara T.^mhvv v+ rv vY^.ry STAFF APPROVALS: Morton - Lodge at Lionshead Phase III, Unit #11 Exterior changes. 141 E. Meadow Drive,/Resub. Lot 1, Block 1-, Vail Lionshead 2nd. Sitzmark - (Polo Shop) , repair of retaining wal1. 183 Gore Creek Drive/Tract A, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st. Rothbart Residence - Material change entrance stair. 2349 Chamonix Drive/LoL 12, Block A, resub. of Vail Das Schone 1st. Katz Residence - Replace hot tub/replace some decking. 3031 Booth Fal1s Road,/Lot 13, Block L, Vail Village 12th. Vickers Residence - New deck. 2533 Kinnickinnick Drive,/Meadow Creek Condos. Phase fII, Unit E-2, t IDorn Residence - Conversion of garage to GRFA. 416 Forest Road,,/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village 3rd. West VaiI MalI - Retaining walLs and fence. LoL 2, Vail Das Schone 3rd Filing. Cano - Enclose balcony. 520 East Lionshead Circle/Lionshead Center Buildi-nq #205. NN s* ts3_L0._\ ao/ sih$,,H \./ .t- .i '\. * ._$ I \ t(.Iat {r ;(. \o* -"(r\ I |'. 7: '> h $r('q $$ RJ *l-_-- 6- ql* -J frno l,^ J, ) rJ. tf,a--\ /z !,t,: L"b-) 3IdlSTE SSAO A-lCl{ El2Al 6. 9T Udp/E'd fuuz?lfty'n \\ti$s 'l t{,, Itb.j .t \$ v_lL tts\n .--.=---" \N \uRANu \\N '$ 'sM N N N t U N vj t $hvl s il $n Ni NX *$, |l!t.!{. Frtl rardrD\z ,N e a,r z/T'a \ }J \t \q) \ \ .\,$ "$. I \\s/ :{r.AR l-{ *.-.{ q,q$ \ ", ('\ $-i s)€x$: i, a) --{- \* (-/\ \ OY \-A. '(-,/^t vCI o too :l$ flo i,'i - . ,r 3IUl.)El3 SSOIO A-]OH IA:.VI z;6,. EA H# . HFR fr ',*. 13:54 Hq-y cEEr E-ECTRTC - P.7/? HoLy cRoss lLecTRIc AssoOmtctN, I Nc. l?r9 $ll:r|WAY at P, O DlAVet 2t50 cLcln{r)oo StRlNoJ. @t RA',r, l!60? rAX TNAN5MXTTAL SEEET (Jott t{!.54tr FAX! t{s{otl ror *ngA subject: Orrr 8ax *: (303) Please advise us Date: Fax I this cover sheet!:L /.ur'g of any transmLssion Problems. eto*, littus|ztu.. Cfufu Number of, pages lincluding Ta.u,til ar -!/thtt-. e 94s-4081 iJqrnecliataLy Message: P.U? t,a .t). c..,l \..ra E-ECTRIC.-ES n ',gi!. 13:54 lfl-Y $r [{ o.. l\gr t*R t- -t It \ F s F.$ t \ *s \! \ \ \, ltl t ti\l ' '1. ''L--.ir .[ $i +ji i,\l=ti' t \ tr h R- {t \b qt -$. \ I : .. \ t I i \ tT* RE }tNe 'i ?st ir\i \ EA' UfTLtlY \ \ 1 E l{' l- a<a .{.* Irl\It, -J \J lJJ IY a \b J-* \A lr, S 7 ,4/ // /$.//,r"(,/ // ,/.{,{K,.{,{{Y /Y /:/q*/ -(! 4.{9 (-/ ,/.:::/.s 6Y /: --/'r fr//,; L,(t (, , - -' 't'lffi--"iF-,{r L-r #/ i __l 'F-' i^v t i-,1 -'r i6K/ r---l F t--J%rr==:ffi'a / ,^r t86 ltl 4, i .' !. d ft II tr ,;t @ ./\\2 a6/tr. e.F' 2 =8O" 5FEtu -e,.3id n Xtin : Xgss 4 -<fP Iol-ao;35 =F=*o:5 FuJ- EJEuli o- - t! d .J)z -9 ul \ K0 v. utr u G h S ''.. it i !. \.,_*t -,.. i\_; t- i{'l\ --- e- -lr 'i N: rr iu -: i' "\ v qJ \ \_\\5 '+ -ul-j '{J \ L}tl'Y-s-{ ;\ li, \..{ \-{ ,.'r \D ,,\i:\ =:1.- n, {ft\ \D !'J *\-L ri-.1 l-' $\\ -.{ l{ \Dn fv tn !.|J F.L \ !r I ll tlII | .ltlr u \ t\r4hq\ M\ (\\ \\)N Lt \-tv \[K\U( \J IrJ N, \tJo*(\bs u E 3 rrr -H <J =1E(, --f < g!ru g ,irt IUo i-EOro -<;troo>Jfiodo t - 9F lA -;C)AO-oiio I c,l 9E-Fo UIJ llr ldtto f(L aO tz9tn ul k @ (, V( thc Esl--IIelr) o\o< aa \ \ Rt *- SJ l'... \\)tl) ,,;(iJ,.,t''1),' ,r,l , .\l' \,j,/ 'rf:>. ;lrri- 'ft* lt;' ' 'l".nrir7y.rl -aO"-^ rFXU P-s;d i1t;; s *?-st d -<EPIgii9rvoO --'J-[;3 EJerrJ f UJ U)o(Lg. (L azo a IJ v "K t{t R \r) -'\i rx \l) o IlJ 0c ( \\b \ NNt '\ \i?'r\li E rxr Peril 6nLL tr-----'- F..lzi 1o -'--- V'nurA .._j'_-t.',1,wa)oure p '..\: (}. \ -o FEtu fig;* Xgssi;l: =fiid Jltl lF o /' .ii, .l :', !i :\Itf,|, : \v c:{/ * \V-rY Y' tt' o o ___ __71t LloNSHEn DHOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION oLEXWOOD tPRlxos' coLoRADO COLORADO 34 EAGLE DRAFTING DEPT. HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC REVISIONS 8 PURPOSE 9 u t 1-C //e E,4R ryrffa,"t/or/r'nMirP'o F$ }E oo s \ La{ t$ p\ \ (f) \tI a -Yttq ! t\ N l- \t t E Ftr h.{ t\'rtril5qt\t >\-l k trq\ H .*\ d$.,c trt S ll Eit o SSOUf su)sic{qttA \t \n ( Itlt_ IL\ A-]OH tI =61 ?6, 9I UdHf,IUif,3-'13v/v'd Bu fFEi.x CnrsxHOLV CROS8 ELECTRIC A$SOCIATIO}I orr rooD ltittlosr ooLoflADO COLORADO 34 EAGLE TIE Stteet I "'I purd ay'/oz- \o tn- t\( \n,<F'lnl CrII f) va /+o q' t nr $ 'l tl h >- Ns\\ F *1 l\)\ l--- t X\ \ (A q \ : s: '.^bTJ tU l{ R.\ €:. i '/ t-() 1 UJ F lrIq-) Itr b $ \ OO t--t _0 \.1 5S -,1' ir il F I-\er+li N^ L,J .:. l'.- .\' .. N) ? ( l'- Gr t\l Sq Ns \o Burff K CREEKHOLY CROSS ELEcihle AssoclArloN oLltltooD tPf,ltloE. coLoiaDo COLORADO 34 EACLE ftE Srczr Ioo7 tor 22 Lor 23 LOT 24 LOT 28 -4ln1a3l Lor 2) - ('\- ^)ExFrtN c J'b' t0 Lo((n** 41 I Or Lor25 LoT26 LoT 5a LoT to L0737 Burrtx Cnre<HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION oLEtawooo lPRlxo3. coloRADO COLORADO 34 EAOLE Tl t SHEET 2 o' '/ i,* HOLY CROSS EI.ECTRIC ASSOCIATION o|-EltwooD !PRtllos, c ol oRAD o COLORADO 34 EAGLE !i;li"l'Ij4rr;--------- ii#Hf,'e'llllersn:s!'ll"l'^:i##fu DAI E REVISIONS A PUNPOSE B(/rFEt< Cntn\ ne JiHrEr 3"r '1 %,/,4'at) o LoT 37 / X ,o,rozFRRKz (t /aQ €',/ 6* o$ 09(! 4Dt tt ,r9 (,/ /^(f M,",,#;!,:rti'* $&( (^'",w\4iM^ OQ to' LY(*i-"'- BurrrR LxtxxHOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION oLCtlwooD aPnlxol, col-oRADo COLORADO 34 EAGLE T7 t ,066 4 "r r/ COP YFIL E 75 South Frontage Rotd Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-21 t I / 47 9-21 t9 DcPartmert of Commanity De! elopment April2, 1992 Mr. Walter D. Dorman Construction Engineering Supervisor Holy Cross Electric Association, lnc. 3799 Highway 83 P.O. Drawer 2'150 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 Re: Two Year Constructlon Work Plan Dear Walter: Thank you for your letter of March 10, 1992 regarding the West Gore Creek Drive amendment to your 1990- 1991 Two Year Construction Work Plan. Upon review of the proposed amendment, the Community Development and Public Works Departments of the Town of Vail have no objections or comments regarding the proposed West Gore Creek Drive amendment. Please be advised these departments have been working with Winston Chaffin, Senior Engineering Technician, regarding the location and screening of- proposed switch gear installations in he Town of Vail. As I understand, we will continue to work with Winston on review and approval of the switch gear installations. The Town did take into account switch gear box locations in reviewing the West Gore Creek Drive amendment proposal. Thank you again for providing the Town the opportunity to review this information. lf you have any questions or comments regarding his letter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2138. Sincerely, lab cc:Kristan Pritz E. Kam Senior Pldnner HoLy cRoss i,r,n,c-rRrc,tss&rATroN, r NC. l7e9 HICHWAY 82 P O. DRAWER 2I50 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 8I602 March 10, L992 us. susan scanlan connurrity Developnent Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Co. 81657 Dear Ms. Scanlan: Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. is preparing an amendmentto our L99O-1991 Two Year Construction l{ork Plan. The originalplan was subnitted to your office for conment on February 19, 1990. Please review the enclosed project infornation for possiple environmental considerations as they apply to your department. Should your review disclose potential effects upon the environment or indicate that further study is warranted, adviseus of your concerns and provide the basis for your recommendations. We would appreciate a response within thirty (3O) days. If you need further infornation, please contact me at 945-5491. Since ly, ^orf"., c AssocrATroN, rNc. \l ,Construction Enclosure l{DD: rjn Engineering supervLsor (3O3) 945-5491 FAX:945-4081 ! ^,) .r o l- , L', | , ,.$ I . ,"*a*) : ":'' 11' 1 WEST GORE CREEK DRNE NE PROJECT Ul Electric service lo consumers on the westerly end of Gore Creek Drive in Vail is provided from a radial underground 1lO - 25 l(/ poler line. The cable was installed in 1 969 and is direct buried. As a radial, the lin€ has only one source, which is located on the east end of the clrcuit. Approximately 80 meters are seryed from thb power line. Cable failure or equipment replacement could cause a long outage for a large number ol these collsumers, This project will pro\ride a second source for the circuit. To accomplish thls lmprwement, a trench will b€ excavated from the existing lransformer on Placid Drh/€ to the north€ast comer of ths Intersectlon ot Gore Creek Drive with the South Interstate 70 Frontage Road, a dis{ance of about 550 fe€t. Th€ trench will be four fe€t deep. After conduh has been installed, the trench will be backlilled using the remqred soil and compacted. Soit and rocks which cannot be retumed to thetrench will be remo\r€d ftom the lob site. The trench will cross paved areas along the west side of Placid Drive. Pavement will be sawn prlor to excavation and replaced by a qualified paving contractor, The new circuit will cross Gore Creek on the new Gore Creek Drlve bridge. Sleeves were provided through ths concrde abutments durlng brldge construclion and eltend outside th€ parement on both sides of the brldge. Steel conduits will be extended between these sleeves and attached to the bridge across the creek. The conduits will be above the lowest part of the bridge and will not hinder vvater flow under the bridge. To provide a second source tor the underground cables, a new riser will be placed on an existing power pole located near the northeast comer of the Gore Creek Drive and South Frontage Road Intersec{ion. The project is located In a residentlal area. Construction will be limhed to between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. to decreas€ the effect ol construction noise on the neighborhood. Efiort will b€ made to keeP airbome dust to a minimum. Areas ol ground cover disturbed by construction will be reseeded with Forest 9ervice mh. Construction of thls proiect will not wetlands, threatened or endangered cause arry development to the extent applicable and practicable. lf a previously undisclosed cultural r€source of potential imPortance is discovered during construction, consitruction will bs stopped in the sunounding area and both the Rural Electrification Administration and th€ Colorado State Historic Preservation Office will be notified. h ls €xpected that minimal environmental impact will be caused by this proiect' not already planned. Nq_!!ood.!g!Irs, Holy Cross Electric will follow guidelines to,tz - 105 E. - SCALE:1fl - lqnl EXISTING UNDERGROUND CABLE NEW TRENCH, CONDUIT AND CABLE (,p ;t(!l9*7 aia 8r J lf jit) TRAIL {:'/ WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE TIE PROJECT 221 AMENDMENT NUMBER 16 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC MAPS {, / AI L2 l3 BI az B3 3l-rt3-o59-062 ..063 -OC€ o.9 - O33 ' "067 - O72 07! -078 /.: (,/ x a 'd E', rJ OJ ..1311 ' j--1.-) ' r l-r-- | FJ Ir ;- ---l L- -_l.H 7 .,:,1i) .:'-l' ./t' .li.i''/O t'o- K' "*1 '40, ("/,, ro3-.\'t07 [.,s'!r / QG. I 5r -45 - o5a - o58 0_\o-'$ ,)- _J, F:.-- l', :jt')--. ) ,-)')..t-'.''. ;' r.r)' :i)1fl 1 a .oto( rJ lrr r5s CZil \ vrzo --\ N 6q o fIF t c0Pr lultn 75 roulh honlrgc road Yail, colorado 81657 (30:l) 4792138 (3Cl) 4792r3e August 5' 1991 otffce of community deuelopment Winston Chaffin Holy Cross Electric Assn. P.O. Drawer 2150 Glenwood Springs, CO 8L602-2L50 RE: Switchgears Dear Winston: As per our previous conversations, we have reviewed the proposed swilchgears located at Red Sandstone School, Vail Run and Buffehr Creek Fark. The locations are appropriate, however, we would require that site specific landscape plans which will screen the switchgears be proposed for each site. Should you have any further questions please call either Greg Hall at 419-2158 or myself at 479-2L33. Sincerely, 6wN-\ Ih,tlr- Shelly Mello Town Planner Present Diana Donovan Ludwig Kurz Jim Shearer Gena Whinen Absent Chuck Crist Connie Knight Kathy Langenwalter r E[. I COPY PLANNING AND ENVIROMVTENTAL COMMISSION May 13, 1991 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Arnber Blecker The worksession was called to order at ll:45AM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. l. Uodate bv Holv Goss Elcctric Association resaldine.an amendment to 1990 Master Plan to undereround electrical lines. Applicanc Holv Goss Elcctic Winston Chapham from Holy Ctoss Elecric presented the tentative plan for undergrounding electrical lincs in the Bighorn arca to the PEC. He indicated the reason for the change from the 1990 plan was the Bighorn circuit was completely overloaded, necessitating a change from using existing conduits in the area to a new plan. He explained the options for the new conduit to tie the area together, emphasizing the landscaping and road cut options. He stated Holy Cross would need to dig from Vail View Drive to the west side of Sandstone under the new proposal. They would dig ditches where applicable, and bore under ncw roads, to eliminate cutting pavement in those areas. He also stated he hoped to bring in a landscape contractor to help ensure the landscaping was preserved. Town Engineer Greg Hall clarified that the Town Council had passed an o'rdinance which prohibited cutring new roads. He also recommended that Holy Cross Electric inspect their underground lines before the Town resurfaced any roads in the future. Mr. Chapham said Holy Cross began inspecting their lines via the usc of television last year, and hoped to expand that use. Greg Hall stated he was concemed with easements in the proposed plan. Mr. Chapham acknowledged easements might have to be obtained from Simba and the Potato Patch Club, among othen. Diana Donovan said she believed Todd Oppenheimer and Grcg Hall could work out any difficulties in the plan. If there was a problem which remained, Holy Cross could come back to the Commission. Mr. Chapham stated that, since thcre were cnvironmental aqpects to the plan, Holy Cross would need to filc with the Commission when the plan was completed. In conclusion, Diana stated she would stongly suggest placing the "green boxes" on corners of sites, rather than in the middle. A planner or Todd will accompany Holy Cross to help determine such placements and appropriaE landscape screening. 2. Uodate on Municipal Comptex. Phasc I Ken Huehevfvtike Mollica Ken Hughey began thc staff presentation by gving a brief background of the project. In 1989, the Town began looking for more qpace, specifically to house the Vail Police Department. Originally, they looked at the old Post Office, but it became apparent it would be too expensive to renovalc that space for the needs of the police department. The decision was to find a long term solution, rather than just a "band-aid" for the problem. A design/consulting team of Roth & Shepherd/Snowdon & Hopkins was chosen. The Town Council authorized approval of the consultant team and suggested a phased approach to the construction of a municipal complex, with the highest priority given to a new police facility. Ken Hughey went on to note ttrat the next step in the process was to give the Town Council an engineering and technical plan, along with the alternative costs of not providing a new building. This data is due to the Council in June or July. When sites were examined by the Municipal Complex Task Force, the Lionshead Transpoftation Center was identified as the top choice due to its location, access, and ease of construction. The primary site analysis consisted of four sites. Phase I would consist of a new level above the existing upper level for the Police Department, as well as a new level on the Lionshead Circle (south) side for additional parking. Phase tr would move the remainder of the municipal functions to a new fourth level on the Lionshead Circle sidc. Hughey stated that the current site decisions, such as when moves would take place, had not yet been determined. Mike Mollica clarified the planning prccess and stated that the proposal would go to the Town Council in June or Iuly for authorization to proceed with the Lionshead locarion. The staff would come back to the Planning and Environmental Commission and thc Town Council with a rezoning request so the site could be used for a municipal complex/police department, and in addition, a conditional use permit would also be necessary. Mike funher indicated there would be no net loss of parking on the site. Pam Hopkins stated there would actually be a bit of an increase, including provisions for the additional parking generated by the municipal complex. II I A q aK l{ rb I$ ( lI- E ( \ \ a--l \ \u \D \ \ R. tO a \ a\\A Al\a( sL_. {Lq- \s -dD\ 5-oe 6-.Y-.3 =*$'2- ^\ b\b so Q-r-{-{ ---$- /ottr/ B,+) PNTH6rt<t FFo nTfteE KD, NoRTt+ oo qrtlf VllJFl | \rl"rlI A PART OF I-au_qf_Vqil- ly, L/ I YIJ LrlVlll \ | UIY SIMBA RUN COMMUNITYIL RUN E lev. o o o ..ff?" ------=-:-=4HAMON,x LAN6 (oAl*'o \9d T-74 KOW. -4'. ^4r?- nxir#g,s' \*434*r"\ No> o DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, September 5, 2001 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION, LUNCH - Gommunity Elevelopment Department %*, MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Andy Blumetti stTE vtstTs1. Thompson residence - 3E97 A Lupine Drive 2. Aiello Children's Trust -2670 Bald Mountain Road 3. Middle Creek Village - 160 N. Frontage Road 4. Red Sandstone Athletic Field - 610 N. Frontage Rd. West 5. Zopf residence - 894 SPruce Court 6. West Vail Mall-2171 N. Frontage Rd. 7. Langmaid/Casabonne residence - 2953 Bellflower8. McDonald residence - 1775 West Gore Creek Drive. 9. Lazier Arcade Building - 600 West Lionshead Circle 10. Taylor/Donance residence - 97 & 107 Rockledge Road MEMBERSABSENT Charles Acevedo 11:30 am 1:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Zopf residence - Change to approved roof material. 894 Spruce CourULot 9, Block 3, VailMllage Filing 9. Applicant 894 Spruce LLC MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH A 1" STAGGERED EDGE 2. Anderson residence - Final review of proposed ederior alterations. 5106 Black Gore Drive/Lot 1, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision' Applicant: Lori & Ken Anderson, repres'ented by Ken Wentworth MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE:4-0 CONSENTAPPROVED 3. Langmaid/Casabonne residence - Final review of proposed roof. 2953 Bellflower/Lot 5, Block 6, Intermountain Applicant Kim Langmaid/Peter Casabonne MOTION:BillPierce SECOND:AndyBlumetti VoTE:4-0 TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 19, 2OO1 3:00 pm Brent Bitl Bitl 4. Ford Park - Final review of proposed children's and schoolhouse gardens Ann 540 Vail Valley Drive/Part of Tract A, Vail Mllage 7rn Filing. Applicant Vail Alpine Garden Foundation, represenled by EDAW MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Andy Blumetli VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED W|TH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the lease agreement area shall be expanded to include the area of proposed gardens prior to their development, 5. McDonald residence - Review of proposed repaint Ann 1775W. Gore Creek Drive/Lot 8, Vail Mllage West Filing #2 Applicant: Stephen McDonald, represented by Bob Bozynski MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WTH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the color scheme be approved by staff 6. Thomson residence - Final review of proposed addition. Bill 3897 A Lupine Drive/Lot 4, Block 1, Bighom 1d Addition. Applicant: David & Sarah Thomson, represented by Pat Walsh, VAG, lnc. MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE:4-0 TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 19, 2OO1 7. Taylor/Dorrance residence - Final review of proposed waledine location & Allison tree removal. 107 & 97 Rockledge Road/Lot 4 & Lot 3, Block 7, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant Jay Peterson MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 (Brittain recused) TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 19, 2OO1 8. lron Hawk Properties, LLC. - Final review of a new single-family Bill residence and Type 1 employee housing unit 1125 Homsilver iircle I ubt g, Block 1, Vail Village erh riting Applicant: lron Hawk Properties, LLC. Represented by Kyle Webb, Architect MoTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Hans Woldrich VoTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION; 1. That this meet all staff conditions. 9. Lodge at Vail - Final review of a new planter wall and pedestrian walk. Brent 174 Gore Creek Drive / Lot A, Block 5C, Vail Village Filing #1 Applicant: The Lodge at Vail, represented by Zehren and Associates Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND:Andy Blumetti VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit is required.2. Town Engineer approval is required. 10. Lazier Lionshead Arcade Bldg - Final review of removal of proposed existing Brent landscaping planter. 600 W. Lionshead Circle / Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1d Filing. Applicant: Robert T. Lazier MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. Phase ll of the project must be completed within one year from todays date.2. The placement of the Phase ll sculpture will be coordinated through the Arts ln Public Places Board. '11. Maniott Redevelopment - Change to previously approved plans.. George 714 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4&7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3'& Lots C&D, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant HMCAcquistionProperties MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: BillPierce VOTE:4-0 APPROVED 12. West Vail Mall - Final review of exterior modifications. . Brent 2'171 N. Frontage Road/Lot 2, Vail das Schone Filing 3. Applicant: Gart Properties, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architect. MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE:4-0 DENIED DUE TO A LACK OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING DESIGN GUIDELINE: Pa,ticuler attention shall be given the landscape design of off-drcet parting io's to reduce adverce impacb upon living arcas wilhin the proposed development upon adjacent propertl*, and upon public spaces wtth regard to nolse, Ilghfs' and vlsual impad 13. Middle Creek Village - Gonceptual review of proposed employee housing Allison development. 160 N. Frontage RdJ Unplatted Applicant: TOV Housing Authority, represented by Odell Architects CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 14. Red Sandstone Athletic Field - Final review of a proposed fencing material. Allison 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesUA portion of Tract C, Vail Poteto Patch. Applicant Town of Vail, represented by Gregg Banie MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE:'l-0 CONSENTAPPROVED 15. Aiello Children's Trust - Final review of erilerior changes to an existing residence. George 2670 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 29, Block 2, Vail Mllage 1$n. Applicant Aiello Children's Trust, represented by Pinyon Builders MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 19, 2OO1 16. Alternate building materials - Final review & recommendation to the PEC (15 min.)Bill MOTION: Bill Pierce _ SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO THE PEC WITH MODIFICATIONS Staff Aporovals Hawley/Waring residence - ite-roof. Judy 4E62 Meadorrlane/Lot 12, Block 7, Bighom 5h Addition. Applicant Lance Wine McOluer residence - Interior conversion/basement remodel. Judy 1090 Vail View Drive, Telemark Townhomes/Lot 81, Block B, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant: Frank McCluer lll Lauman residence - Repaint. Judy 4484 Streamside Circle/Lot 12-8, Bighom 4th Addition. Applicant Edward Lauman Aspen Tree Condo - Partial re.roof. Bill 931 Red Sandstone Rd./Aspen Tree Condos. Applicant: Jeffrey Snyder Vail Point Townhomes - Paint foundalions. 1881 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 1, Block 3, Lions Ridge 3d Filing. Applicant Vail Point Townhome Association Wakem residence - Enclose deck. 1116 Sandstone Drive, Lionsmane Condos/Lot A5, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant Lawlor Wakem Love residence - Re-paint. 800 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Robert & Judith Love Judy Hart residence - Repaint; replace siding and deck rails. Judy 1743 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 4, Block 3, Lion's Ridge Filing 2. Applicant Richard H. & Jane Y. Hart Gunn residence - Re-roof, same-for-same. Judy 2785 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 3, Block 1, VailVillage tarh fiting. Applicant: Robert D. Gunn Thompson residence - Exterior spiral staircase. Brent 45 Forest Road/Lot 33, Block 7, Vail Mllage 1" Filing. Applicant JVBProperties-VailLLC Ann Brent JudyTravers residence - Remove deck and replace with flagstone patio. 1422 Moraine Drive/Lot 11, Block 2, Dauphinais-Mosely Filing 1. Applicanl: Richard & Deb Travers Zopf residence - Re-roof. 894 Spruce CourULot 9, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 9. Applicant 894 Spruce LLC Brent Vail Resorts Snowmaking - Underground pipe vault. Brent 890 S Frontage Rd. WesUGlen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Vail Resorts Antlers Condos - Change to previously approved plans. George 680 Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3'. Applicant: AntlersCondoAssociation Kuz residence - Window replacement, same-for-same. Judy 2705 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant: Ludwig Kuz Travers residence - Replace deck with patio. Judy 1422 Moraine Drive/Lot 11, Dauphinais-Moseley Filing 1. Applicant: Richard & Deborah Travers Thompson residence - 3'10" tall timber retaining wall. Allison 45 Forest Road/Lot 33, Block 7, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant JVB Properties-Vail LLC Gordon residence - Addition of exterior lighted stair, door & dormer. Ann 5185 Main Gore Drive South/Lot 18, Block 20, Vail Meadows Filing 1 . Applicant: Kenneth Gordon Revocable Trust Godoy residence - Change to approved plan - Roof changed into balcony. Allison 600 Vail Valley Drive/Norlhwoods Condominiums. Applicant: Jose A. & Rosa Godoy Schink residence - Repaint; Exterior boiler; Screen wall. Allison 5027 Main Gore Drive/Lot 1-A, Block 1, Bighom 5'h Addition. Applicant: James & April Schink Schofield residence - Front entry roof. Bill 1448 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 18, Block 3, VailValley 1d Filing. Applicant: John B. Scholield Bolen residence - Re-roof, same-for-same. Judy 990 Fairway Drive/Lot 4, Vail Village tdh fiting. Applicant: James & Phyllis Bolen Cohagen residence - Raise roof. George 385 E. Gore Creek Drive, #303/Lot 14-1, Vorlaufer Condos. Applicant: John & Mary Cohagen Fair residence - Entry roof. Brent 1546 Matterhom Gircle. #7/Hobbit Hill. Applicant Greg Fair Shapiro residence - Change patio doors to fixed door w/windows. Brent 83 Willow Place/Lot 3, Block 6, VailVillage 1s Filing. Applicant: Douglas & Cynthia Shapiro Lionshead Centre Condos - Replace pool fence and add ski lockers. Allison 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Vail Lionshead Centre CO.Applicant TJT CO Inc. McCormick residence - Interior remodel; Replace all windows and add sliding door. Brent 680 Lionshead Place, #701lLol3, Antlers Gondo. Applicant: Ronald McCormick McDougall residence - Fence. Allison 2955 Basingdale Blvd./Lot 15, Block 6,.Vail Intermountain. Applicant Timothy & Mary McDougall Harding residence - Change exterior window and raise deck. Allison 4284 Golumbine Drive/Lot 2tr3, Bighom Subdivision. Applicant Jeffrey J. Harding Ludwigs Reslaurant - Exterior stone stair. Allison 20 Vail Road/Lot L, Block 5E, VailVillage Filing 1. Applicant: SonnenalpProperties,lnc. Stockton residence - Deck remodel/addition; landscape improvemenls. Ann 2470 Bald Mountain Rd./Lot 19, Block 2, Vail Village 13rh Filing. Applicant Tye & Brielle Stockton Ulmer residence - Deck addiiion. Bill 1987 Circle Drive/Lot 26, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Simon Ulmer Dunietz residence - 32 sq. fl. Addition. Bill 770 Potato Patch Drive, Unii 7/Lol 6, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant; Jack Dunielz The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please e,all 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon requesl with 24 hour notification. Please cell 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. lb ,r-r MAY AFFE.T "or* ,*or-0 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public heanng in accordance with Section 12-3-6 ol the Municipal Code of the TownofVail onMay14,2001,at2:0OP.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for an addition to the Vail Valley Medical Center, located at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Braun AssociatesPlannec George Ruther A request for a variance from Title 14 (Development Standards), Vail Town Code, to allow for snow storage and parking within the public right-of-way, located al2437 Garmisch Drive / Lot 12, Block H, Vail das Schone 2no Filing. Applicant: William H. Mentlik, represented by John Martin, AIA Planner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Section 12-6D6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located al 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: David Inrin Planner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a worftsession to discuss a new special development district, to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Racquet Club, located at 4695 Vail Racquet Club DriveA/ail Racquet Club Condominiums, Bighom srh Addition. Applicant: Racquet Club Owners Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects.Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a final review of a proposed special development district, to allow for the construction of a new conference facility/hotel; and a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for Type lll employee housing units and fractional fee club units, located at 13 Vail Road/ Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 2. Applicant: Doramar Hotels, represented by the Daymer Corporation . Planner: Brent Wilson lll--'B request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a soccer field, locatedr \10 N. Frontage Rd. WesU A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Town of Vail Plannen Allison Ochs o A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for the construclion of phase I of Donovan Park improvements, generally located soulheast of the intersection of Matterhom Circle and lhe South Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Rulher A request for the review-of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 1 1 , Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant Town of VailPlannen George Ruther A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-10 of the Town Code, to allow for a reduction in the landscaping and.site development requirements, located at 383 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicani: A2Z Holdings, LLCPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D5 of the Town Code to allow for the resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47. Vail Vif lage West Filing No- 2, re-creating Lots 46 & 47 , located at 'l 916 & 1 936 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Fat Dauphinais, representing Richard StraussPlanner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planneds office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour nolification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published Apnl 27,2001 in the Vail Trail. o D rn rzo E 9: 7 i \( 9! <i <,;\. F f' z t 'n t- I a:- z\4,4 .----' 9r \- \ = 2t- oI -{ ci -o' o I et:9:t 1 ? e wt zoN FDL>! .- C 6E l >-= oa\:i.= g.- aoa =F\J x 4c 8 =4a- == = ,' .;. -r=:.{lg8 I ii: =' l- =. ?z >i lE L:.1 o Zr --__a-a-rz4,\.,; €m Ctt Iz v, <l>l7it,- iE\\\\ \'"-n\\ ix 6-t ete; ,./ E/o -8. 9 6 sg q zt- tr zg, m TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmenlal Commission Community Development Department June 11, 2001 A request for a condilional use permit, to allow for the construction of an alhletic field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesV A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Gregg BarriePlanner: Allison Ochs t.W The Town of Vail, Vail Recreation District, and Red Sandstone Elementary School are requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the construction of an athletic field located adjacent to the elementary school on a portion of Tract G. The athletic field is sized and shaped to allow for the minimum sized U7|UB soccer field, which is generally intended for 7 and 8 year old players. The field is approximately 30 yards by 50 yards. For information, an official soccer field is a minimum of 50 yards by 100 yards. The parcel is zoned Outdoor Recreation. "Public parks and active public outdoor recreation areas and uses, excluding buildings" are a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district. According to the applicant, the athletic field is situated on the weslem end of the site due to steeper slopes on the easlern end. The applicant's letter of intent, along with a reduction of the site plan, has been attached for reference. BACKGROUND The athlelic lield is proposed to be located on a portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. In 1995, as part of the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan rezonings, Tract C was divided into multiple parcels. Portions of Tract C were then zoned Natural Area Preservation District. The portion of the property to include the athletic field is zoned Outdoor Recreation. Currently there are no improvements on lhe property. The Design Review Board reviewed the proposal and approved the request at the May 16, 2001, meeting. ROLES OFTHE REVIEWING BOARDS Plannino and Environmental Commission: The Ptanning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating this conditional use permit application for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Etfect ol the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation il. o facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recrealion facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safely and convenience, tratfic flow and control, access, maneuverabilily, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas.4. Effecl upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. 7. Conformance with development slandards of zone district Desion Review Board: The Design Review Board is responsible for evaluating the Design Review application for: 1. Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings2. Fitting buildings into landscape 3. Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography 4. Removal/Preservation of lrees and native vegetation 5. Adequate provision for snow slorage on-site 6. Acceptability of building materials and colors 7. Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms 8. Provision of landscape and drainage 9. Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory slructures 10. Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances 11. Location and design of satellite dishes 12. Provision of outdoor lighting 13. The design of parks IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit for an athletic field, subject lo the following findings: 1. Thal the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Outdoor Recreation Zone District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the request, staff recommends the following condition: 1. That no exterior lighting is permitted in conjunction with this Conditional Use Permit. The addition of exterior lights would require an amendment to the V. Conditional Use Permit and would require additional Planning and Environmental Commission review. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The proposal is subject lo the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with lhe provisions ol Title 12, Chapter 16. For the Planning and Environmental Commission's reference, the conditional use permit purpose stalement indicates thal: ln order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this titte, specified uses are permifted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on surrounding propefties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. A. Consideration ol Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on lhe development objectives of the Town. Section 12-88-1 defines the purpose of the Outdoor Recrealion zone district: The Outdoor Recreation District is intended to preserue undeveloped or open space lands from intensive development while permitting outdoor recreational activities that provide opportunities for active and passive recreation areas, facilities and uses. Staff believes lhat the proposed athletic field furthers the purpose of the Outdoor Recreation zone district. The proposed athletic field allows for an additional active recreation area, targeted primarily to children. In addition, statf believes that the proposal complies with the development objectives of the Town of Vail, as these objectives are stated in the Land Use Plan: 1.1.1 . Vait shoutd continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial, and recreational uses fo serue both the visitor and the permanent resident. 3. 1.1 .2. The quality of the environment including air, water, and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. 2.7 The Town of Vail should improve the existing park and open space lands while continuing to purchase open space. The proposed athletic field will provide additional recreational uses, primarily serving the permanent resident, and improves an existing open space area zoned Outdoor Recreation. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan designates this properly as Open Space. In addition, it identifies the entire tract as Tract 37 - Potato Patch: An irregular shaped area above Red Sandstone Elementary School was dedicated to the Town as open space. This area has a variety of high and medium environmental constraints as well as some areas with no identifiable development constraints. There are no apparent deed restrictions for use of the property, however, the site is relatively difficult fo access and seems most appropriately left in open space. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The proposed athletic field will provide additional recreational uses for the elementary school and community. The primary intent of the athletic field is to provide for turf area for the students of Red Sandstone Elementary. The Vail Recreation District will use the field for overflow for their soccer needs, but as the field is only 30 yards by 50 yards, the Vail Recreation District will primarily be using the new soccer field at Donovan Park for their needs. As there are no slructures proposed in conjunction with the development of the athletic field, staff believes that there will be no effect on light and air. Effect upon traflic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that the proposed athletic field will not have a negative effect on lhe above referenced criteria. Currently, there are 25 designated parking spaces plus 2 ADA accessible spaces at Red Sandstone Elementary. Additional parking can be accommodated on the access drive, allowing for approximately 71 spaces total. Overflow parking can be accommodated at the Sandstone Tot Lot, if necessary. The Planning and Environmental Commission sets the parking requirement for recreational facilities. Staff has identified parking requiremenls for other communilies with regards to athlelic fields. These requirements vary from 20 spaces per field to 1 space per 5,000 sq. ft. of land area. The athletic field is approximately 13,500 sq. ft. with additional turf area adjacent to the school. Because the field is primarily for the use of the school, staff does not believe that additional parking should B. be required. Other uses of the field will not occur while school is in session, specifically evenings, weekends, and summer, leaving the school parking available. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Statf has concerns regarding the amount of site disturbance on the hillside. The current design of the athletic field allows for regrading and vegetation of the hillside, as opposed to more visible retaining walls which would be necessary should the field be sited elsewhere. However, staff also recognizes the needs of the school and believes that with revegetation, the character of the area will not be negatively atfected. The chain-link fence will be brown lo minimize visibility and will also be screened with additional landscaping. There is no lighting proposed in conjunction with the athletic field, nor are any struclures proposed. Staff believes that this use is compatible with adjacent uses, which include residential uses and the school. 5. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. The Environmental lmpact Assessment, which was prepared by Design Workshop, is attached for reference. In addition, CTUThompson, Inc. completed a geologic evaluation of the site, providing specific construction recommendations for the athletic field. The evaluation has also been attached lor reference. The evaluation did not identify any potential geologic hazards which would prevent the development of the property for an athletic field, but does provide recommendations for construclion of the field. The athletic field will be constructed following the recommendalions of the evaluation to mitigate any environmental effects of the proposed athletic field. Findinqs The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operaled or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or malerially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit seclion of the zoning code. Department of Public Works & Transporlation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.ci.vail.co.us March23,200l Red Sandstone Elementary School Proposed Soccer Field The Town of Vail, in conjunction with the Eagle County School District and the Vail Recreation District, is proposing the construction of a U7lU8 sized soccer field on Town of Vail property adjacent to the Red Sandstone Elementary School. The property is Tract C, Potato Parch Filing, and is divided into four zoning parcels, two of which are Outdoor Recreation, and two of which are Natural Area Preservation District. The proposed field would be constructed entirely on a parcel zoned Outdoor Recreation. The soccer field is situated on the western end ofthe site due to steeper slopes on the eastern end. However, because this area is approximately 400 feet from the school, a smaller hrrf area is proposed close to the school. This would allow students to play on a turf area during the 15 minute "recess", while the longer Physical Education classes can take the time to walk out to the larger soccer field area. Currently the students play on the asphalt area just outside the school. The total amount ofturfarea proposed for this project is 40,000 square feet. The fields have been designed so that no retaining walls will be required, however, there will be sizeable cut and fill slopes that will require revegetation. All distwbed slopes will be planted with native species that currently exist on site. A plant inventory will be performed prior to construction by a regional plant biologist who will specify the plants to be used. In addition, he will specify erosion control measures and establishment procedures. The intent is that in 3 to 5 years, the disturbed slopes will match existing vegetation as closely as possible. No additional parking is proposed forthis project. Currently the school has 25 designated spaces plus 2 ADA compliant spaces. Additionally, during larger school events, the access road up to the school is used for parking. That will accommodate approximately 38 additional vehicles. Because the school will use the freld during the school day, and the Recreation District will use the freld outside ofschool hours, events requiring parking for both school and field use should rarely conflict. Finally, a 6' high green colored chain link fence is proposed along the downhill side ofthe entire turf area. The purpose of the fence is to limit the number of balls that might roll down towards the road. The school district prefers chain link as opposed to solid fence for line of sight purposes. {g*"noto"o ;{ I iiiiiiiiii ./ t: a il 4 I I I /iir\ i i")r,'l'.\ $\,N h,ill !'| -#t2\. \ \ \ \ \ I uawuadaQ clrofr 4qnd llo/l Io UALoI a4t.q dorlsl.toi4 ufung ot paplad olop aago4guonb \ca[otd 11,y :a1o17 uawt"udacl $ltofu| cllqnd uoA lo unrol ro{ op?JoloJ 6lrBA doHsxuo^\,Ncts=to ,(g panda"t4 I00z'qt9 eunf luaw s s a s sv t c0 dw J lDruawu o t! Aug pIeIf, cpeulY Iooqrs aruluoruelu ouotspuBs peu Project Descripfion The Town of Vail, in conjunction with the Eagle County School District and the Vail Recreation District, is proposing the construction of an athletic freld on Town of Vail property adjacent to the Red Sandstone Elementary School. This project will be funded jointly by the Town of Vail and the Eagle County School Dishict. The Town of Vail plans to complete this project by the end of September 200 I . The site is cunently undeveloped and consists of a mostly sage meadow with various other shrubs, grasses, and perennials intermixed. The athletic field, in its completed state, will consist of approximately .9 acres of turf area. This area will be inigated by an automatic irrigation system' The total disturbed area is 1.6 acres. The disturbance will consist ofbalanced cut and fill grading, and when complete, all areas will be revegetated. The Town of Vail will hire a company specializing in site revegetation projects to manage the site revegetation. The revegetation process will include a plant inventory of on-site plant materials prior to construction. After grading and installation of irrigation system, the revegetation contractor will provide and install all plants for the revegetation. The plan intends to not only use a large variety of plant species, but the sizes of plants will vary as well so the site will not be entirely uniform in appearance when first planted. Plant sizes will vary from seed up to 6' serviceberry plants as well as a number of aspens. A preliminary list of plant species is attached. The revegetation contractor will provide the Town with an erosion control specification as well as an irrigation specification as this type of revegetation will have special irrigation requirements. The intent is that in 4 to 5 years the disturbed slopes will match existing vegetation as closely as possible. The largest part of the athletic field will accommodate a soccer field for the 7 to 8 year old age group and is siruated on the westem end of the site due to steeper slopes on the eastern end. Currently the students play on a 200' long asphalt area just outside the school, as well as on a small playground and on a gravel area situated more than 400 ft from the school. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental Impact Assessment - June 6,2001 Paee 2 of6 [. Zoning Compliance The.site of the proposed field is Tract C, Potato Patch Filing, and is divided into four zoning parcels, two of which are Outdoor Recreation and two of which are Natural Area Preservation District. The proposed field would be constructed entirely on a parcel zoned Outdoor Recreation, a parcel of land 5.24 acres in size. There is no proposal to change the current zoning. III. DevelopmentStatistics 1. Total site area: 5.24 acres 2. Total undisturbed site area: 3.64 acres 3. Total site disturbed area: 1.6 acres 4. Total soccer/ twf area: .9 acres 5. Total native grasses revegetation area: .7 acres IV. Park Design Guideline Compliance | . Site preservation; All non-turf disturbed areas will be revegetated to match the existing natural gr€Nses and vegetation. 2. Impervious coverage:There will be no impervious coverage on the site. 3. Activity areas/separation and integration: There are two separate areas of the athletic field. The smaller one closest to the school is designed for the 15 minute recess period to allow children to access it quickly. It is smaller due to site grading limitations. The larger area is designed for organized activities and is sized for the U7AJ8 soccer field. While farther from the school, it will be used for the longer Physical Education classes. 4. Ziews: Views into the site from roads will not be significantly altered due to revegetation and the location of the larger field. From Sun Vail Condos, locatedjust south ofthe project, the proposed field will be higher than the roof of the building so the changes to views there will be minimal due to the revegetation and the addition oftaller landscape species along the south edge of the field. 5. Energt conservation: Not applicable. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental Impact Assessment - June 6, 2001 Pase 3 of6 6. Landscape accent. Landscape accent is provided through revegetation, taller landscape trees along the project's south edge, and the extension ofan existing aspen grove through the site. 7 . Accessibilityi All areas will meet ADA grade requirements. 8. Appropriateness/compatibility: An elementary school should have a turf area large enough for organized activities. An open field in a neighborhood setting is also appropriate. 9. Flexibility: The finished project will be highly flexible in use, especially given that no buildings or structures are proposed. 10. Continuity: As described above, the site revegetation will match the existing landscape, and no other building materials are to be used except for fencing. The project will utilize a standard 8' brown chain link recreation fence. 71. Maintenance. Project long-term maintenance will include only mowing, monitoring of the natural revegetation, and occasional maintenance to the irrigation system. Impact Assessment Existing site conditions: The site is composed of native plant materials, typically undisturbed with the exception of multiple utility line cuts and an old inigation ditch. The upper portion of site is very steep and covered with aspens and serviceberry. Portions of this area have been delineated as wetlands and will not be disturbed. There is an area at southeast corner of site that sustains a grove of willows, however, these are the only wetland species and this area has been determined to NOT be a wetland area, however, this area also will remain undisturbed. 100 yr floodplain: There are no floodplain hazards within the project site. ll/etland impacts: As indicated in item l, there have been wetlands delineated on the site however, there will be no wetland impacts. However, if it is determined that there are potentially affected riparian areas on the site, the Town of Vail will follow requirements set forth by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Avalanche/rocl{all/debris flow: Refer to attached geotech report. IV. 2. J. ^ Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental lmpact Assessment - June 6, 2001 Paee 4 of6 5. Erosion. All grading and earthwork during construction shall be performed according to relevantjurisdiction requirements, and all necessary construction erosion control measures shall be taken. All disturbed soils on the site shall be revegetated and stabilized to prevent any long-term erosion. No slopes in excess of 2: I shall be constructed on the site. Additional measures as specified by the project revegetation specialists may be taken. 6. Air pollution.' There will be no air pollution generated by the project. 7. Noise pollution: Any temporary construction noise shall be performed according to Town of Vail requirements and limitations. It is not anticipated that any of the proposed permanent uses will create noise pollution impacting the surrounding neighborhood. The only noise will be from children during school hours several times a day. There may be soccer practices during evenings but no organized games. 8. Lights: There will be no lighting on the project. 9. Parking: No additional parking will be required because this is a school facility and no additional staffpositions will be required. The school cunently has 25 designated spaces plus 2 ADA compliant spaces. Additionally, during larger school events, the access road up to the school is used for parking and will accmmodate approximately 44 additional vehicles. Because the school will use the field during the school day and the Recreation District will use the field outside ofschool hours, events requiring parking for both school and f,teld use will not conflict. 10. Visual: No retaining walls will be required in this design. Revegetated slopes will be the most notable impact immediately following construction. A brown chain link fence installed on south side of the field will be seen from Sun Vail condos, but aspen groups and the dark color will mitigate its visual impact. 11. Trffic impacts: The new field is an addition to existing school facilities. It will not require additional school staffand therefore will not increase parking requirements. In addition, it will not increase traffic during school hours. The Vail Recreation District will use the field after school hours as a practice facility. That use may increase traffic slightly on the site of the school but not necessarily on the Frontage Roads. Currently, parents may pick up children after school to take them to soccer practice elsewhere. Having the field at the school site will simply defer the pick-up traffic to a later time, therefore decreasing traffic during school pick-up times. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental Impact Assessment - June 6,2001 Page 5 of 6 12. Site accessi The field will be accessed by existing roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. An existing dirt path will be relocated to provide access from the pedestian over?ass area. 13. Drainage impacts: Seasonal flows from the uphill wetland areas will be caught on the north side of the field and drained to the east into existing swales. This creates an opportunity for actually increasing the total amount of wetland on the site by planting wetland species in the new swale. There is no anticipated increase in net runoffdue to the absence of impervious surfaces. 14. Infrastructure impacts: The only new utility required for this project is a water line tap for the inigatign system. A water line currently runs through the site providing easy access for this tap. The planting design seeks to mitigate the long-term water requirements of the project through the use of native plant species for all revegetation areas. lrigated turf will be limited to the sports field. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental Impact Assessment - June 6, 2001 Page 6 of6 ApF-z3-Ol 1t:44A Rockr U Native p.tants o April 23,2001 Greg B.arrie 'llor+t of Vail 1309 Elkhorn Dr. \tail, CO 81657 Re: Bxhibit A. RccommcndedNative Species for ths Vail Socccr Fiekl Expansion Project As per your request todny, we lrave compilsd a tjgt of native plant matenals tirat tecornrnended for use within the Town of Vail Soiccr Field Hxpunsion Prrrjcct. P. 03 Dear i-lreg: ,5elg*fis,l,.!{-*n'p .lsgr glnhrum ,4 ga s toch e ur nl t' f u I i u . . ,:lnctanthier a.lniJitlio .inlen n*'ia pnt't {jblia . .4.J1lltegt{r .iOtE le,A Arl.wlegia lbrnosa .,4 rctosttiphl,lu s uytt-..r$i .,1rtetnbin tridcnuua Astitr glaucatles fi a! s antr.trhizn s $ Ei t ta ta . Seula glundulosa . . Bt.tultt ul.cidun lalLr B tti pt tu ast oino I ttttt Bflrhu.S mtt r$indtu.f C am p un u I a r o I un d ifo lia (leuno t h is va lutitt tr s c.nlteglLl t' lr'v I Q I it Epi I ob ian a ngus tifo! ium E rittg{,tiltm lane-rit . {iriagonan utinhtliatwn SSsrlsr-llrue ' Rncky Morrarain nraple irorseinint nrountlin. rqn1qekny rb$y p$ssytocs Colorado bhr* columbile wrsttra colurhbfu)c bcartrenylkirrnikinnick . mountain big rage blue *stq Ermwlcaf b*teqmroot noB brrcn wcstern riucr birch nodding bmrie mountrin bromc harcheil snowtlush ccanolhus rilcr harvthorn lire,*'eed iarnes'r truekwheul sulfiu-fl owereitr buckwheat 3780 Silt Mcsa Road . Riflc. CO 8t650 Phon: (970) 615-ClRCrW t4'r,691 . fra:t (97r!) 62.$:FARM.{.1276) E"mril mtive @aspcninfo, conr r Wab Pagc w ww.imnstivcpl&nt$,corrr Afrr-23-Ol tl:4SA Roc|(lMtn Natfve p.lants Sclentlfic Name ' [:e.shtcasa.:timaniatrs j:estuca thutberii *-ragur[tt veSCA . Giran sn rrLrr:ci.s jssinrrn 1euy ma.:rophy llun . Heleniuu ltoopesii . Hercnnhic'a villosa lpomopsis (rggregata Kt*leria wirtokt Lupintu argertctts Mfth\ru reperrs P -O4 B$ut*Ip.yggrL!.dlsoccerf ieldflpiqqfl_lrego4!$elde$,.Phqtj(pagetr) . ltlanarda listttlusu !>a$(opvrar, tmithii Ft' nsle.tton et trtni.i Pe u s fitnton srt:t t i<*(l orus . Pltattiia ieriura Phlewn alpinann ' I'hvsocaryxt: nzonlg)mr r . I\cea engehnunttil finus uri:stata : I'inus llexllit l,oa fimdleriaitu Populxr tntnidoides . Putentilla grarilis t1't nus vrgtr una Ir?rthid tridentflta' Quercw gombelii Rhus trilohata Rihc.t dureum ' Rihis c'eratm Rom rwo<tsii esulm-oi-d-{.s!p Rocky Mountain fescue Thurber's fcscuc ' Rocky Mountairr strawbcry $ticky gcl"nium . largc-leafavcnr ottulgc sn&".zewecd hairy golderr asrr :lcarlet griu prairie juncgrass' ' uilver tupine mahoniardesert holly beebalft weslerh whealgftrgs . lirecrar*erpcnslemon onc-$ided peDstcrllotr ulcnder cinquefoil cnoRcch€rry entelope bittcftrush Ganrtrcl's oak . threqlcaf suhrac goldc[ curragt i,ax/squaw curraut Wood's rose' Pentiemoa sn'icti.tt . ' Itocky Mountah penstemon Pewlemon t,hippleanus Whiplrle's p€Itstemon Pentaphvlloirlesflori.[tuiul.ui4latentittflJruticosl) shrubhycinquefoil purple lringe rlpine timo&y mountain ninebark . . :llnglcrna[n spruce brie rlor:bne pine limber pine mwtongruss qu8f,.mg a$pen Apr-z3-Ol lt:ztI iA Rock5z U Native plants RfrNt:_.Tg:glglye!!,..$.oScrr [ield..Proi€cf*Re9 (page 3) $slgn$!is.N.{rrl.g Rub*s Ttutt ifictra Senrcfus uiangularis Shephenltt canadtntit Solidago cendm*s -Sorhus sctrytulina S-t'mp h o ri ca rp os o reo ph ifu s 'J'halictum fendleri ['Is1s i:nsTic6 s Ittye th i a omplc.xico alis P-05 -Cp.m$siliusg thimblcberry gmrrndscl russct buffalober'ry Canada goldenrod mourtain esh nrotlnlain snowbeny Fcndlet's ncadownc Amcrican v-etch woolly mubscarr Pleasc note thaf this is only a list of r€conrmended species fcrr the proJrxr. Irinal plant size. planting.nuntbqr, and placernent hao yet to be finalized for this rnateriai. IJecause ourpricing isvolume based, rvc will formaliee our quotation as soon a$ wt: determine what thc linai phnfrng uurnbss will be for rhe project. at 97'J.625.4'I(r9 if rhere axe any V;icc Prlesident/Slnior Scipttiisf, RMNP June 4, 2001 Town of Vail Department of Public Worksff ransportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Subject: Mr. Gregg Barrie Project Landscape Arch itect Geologic Evaluation Proposed Red Sandstone Elementary Athletic Field Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3356 This letter presents the results of our geologic evaluation for the proposed Red Sandstone Elementary Athletic Field in Vail, Colorado. We were told that an athletic field and turf area are to be built on property adjacent to the west of the Red Sandstone Elementary School. Plans are to build a cut and fill balance pad approximately 500 feet long by up to approximately 120 feet wide in plan dimension. The long dimension of the athletic field will be in an east'west direction perpendicular to the fall line of the natural slopes at the site. Maximum excavation depths will be approximately 10 feet deep. Our evaluation was to define geologic conditions, identify any geologic hazards and discuss mitigation concepts for any potential geologic hazards identified. Our report is based on a review of available geologic maps and published literature, an evaluation of aerial photographs, site obseryations and ourexperience. We are currently performing a barrow investigation and slope stability analysis to develop design level geotechnical recommendations and construction criteria forthe plannedathleticfield. Thefollowingparagraphsprovideadescriptionofgeneral site conditions, the geologic setting at the site, our evaluation of geologic hazards and mitlgation concepts. Site Conditions The site is located north of l-70 in Vail, Colorado. Gore Creek is beyond l'70 tothesouth. TheexistingSunVail Condominiumsareadjacenttoandbelowthesite to the southwest. The Red Sandstone Elementary School is adjacent to the east. A pedestrian bridge across l-70 and a park area are to the southeast of the site. To the CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234oENTERDRTVE r GLENWOOD SPF NGS, COLORADO 81601 I (97O) 945-2809 north, residences are on a benched surface approximately 50 vertical feet above the site. The site can be visualized as a benched area that slopes down to the south at grades measured and visually estimated at 15 to 25 percent. Ground surfaces above the bench slope up to the north at steep grades in excess of 60 percent. Ground surfaces below the west approximately 112 of the bench drop down the slopes excavated for the Sun Vail Condominiums at grades measured at up to approximately 70 percent. Ground surfaces belowthe eastapproximately 1/2 of the bench drop down to the park area at grades measured and visually estimated at 25 to 35 percent. An abandoned irrigation ditch approximately 4 feet wide and 2 feet deep trends down to the southeast below the southeast side of the bench. Vegetation consists of grasses, weeds and sage brush. Aspen trees, willows and other hydrophilic brush are on the steep slopes above the site to the north. Photographs of the site are shown in Appendix A. Geoloqic Settinq The site is located in an area of.folded and faulted Paleozoic aged sedimentary strata between the Gore Range to the northeastand the Sawatch Range to the southwest. Regional geologic mapping indicates the site is underlain by bedrock consisting of the Pennsylvanian aged Minturn Formation. Bedrock orientation strikes generally east-west, parallel to Gore Creek and dips down to the north. Surface deposits a the site consist of Quaternary aged glacial drift. Field observations at, and in the vicinity of the site confirm the geologic mapping. The site is a glacial drift terrace. The steep slopes above the site to the north appear to be the sides of a second glacial drift terrace above. The glacial drift consists of silty to clayey gravels with cobbles and boulders up to approximately 5 feet in diameter. Glacial drift is a heterogeneous unit with pockets of more permeable and more granular materials intermixed and interlayered with less permeable, more clayey materials. Numerous springs and seeps are at the base of and on the slopes to the northwest of the site. Geolooic Hazards We did not identify any potential geologic hazards that would prevent development of the property for the planned athletic field. Three concerns related to geologic conditions were identified that need to be considered. First, the steep slopes along the north edge and to the north of the site are potentially unstable; second, an area of saturation as evidenced by springs and surface water was observed on the slopes at the northwest part of the site; and third, the slopes below the site that were excavated to construct the Sun Vail Condominiums are very steep and placing fill at the top of these slopes will increase the driving force and tend to reduce existing hillside stability. TOWN OF VAIL RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC FIELD CTUT JOB NO. GS.3356 Glacial drift deposits appear similar to slope failure deposits and are difficult to differentiate. The glacial drift slopes above the site to the north may have moved in the geologic past (on the order of 10,000 years ago). Field observations do not indicate that recent slope movements have occurred. In our opinion, the site is comparatively stable and the potential for slope stability hazards is low. In our opinion, excavations at the site that do not intersect a 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) line extending down and away from the toe of the steep slopes (see Figure 1) can be accomplished without retainage. We understand excavations are to be into the steep slopes and will intersect the 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) line discussed above. lt appears the excavation may need to be retained. We are currently performing a detailed slope stability analysis to judge the necessity of slope stability mitigation and develop mitigation recommendations for retainage. The numerous springs at the northwest part of the site indicate the slopes in this area are likely saturated. Surface and subsurface drainage will be needed. Removal of ground water via subsurface drains such as an interceptor drain along the base of the cut slopes for the athletic field and horizontal drains extending back into the slopes will reduce hydrostatic pressures and increase slope stability. We envision a network of drains excavated into the slopes and a collector drain excavated along the based of the cut face. The drains can consist of slotted 4-inch diameter PVC pipe embedded in a free draining gravel such as washed 3/4-inch diameter concrete aggregate. The drain pipes would be 4 to 5 feet below the existing ground surface. The drain pipes that extend back into the slopes would need to extend up the slopes a distance equal to approximately 2 times the height of the excavation and be placed on an approximately 6 to 8 feet horizontal spacing. The collector pipe would need to be approximately 10 to 12 inches in diameter. ln addition, we suggest a drainage swale approximately 2 feet deep and 6 to 8 feet wide along the base of the cut face for the athletic field. The trend of the swale should slope at a sufficient gradient to prevent surface water from ponding. The third concern is related to the existing cut slopes below the proposed athleticfield. Ourfieldobservationsindicatethatamaximumgradeofapproximately 60 percent for dry slopes appears to be stable for the soil conditions at and on property adjacent to this site. Cut slopes below the site are up to approximately 70 percent and show evidence of raveling. We believe that adding weight to the top of these slopes will reduce the stability of the cut slopes. In our opinion, fill should not be placed closer to the top of the steep slopes that where a 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) line extending up from the toe of the excavated slopes intersect the existing ground surface above (See Figure 2) unless the existing cut slopes are laid back to a stable configuration, retained, or otherwise reinforced. Mitigation may involve reinforcement of the existing cut slopes with mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) cells or some type of retainage such as soil nails. Our geotechnical investigation will address fill placement above the steep cut slopes to ensure a fill embankment can be safely constructed. We believe the property can be developed using geotechnicaland construction practices normally employed in mountainous regions in the locale of the property. TOWN OF VAIL RED SANOSTONE ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC FIELD CTUT JOB NO. GS.3356 We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. lf you have questions, please call. Very truly yours, CTUTHOMP Wilson L. "Liv" Engineering copres ,^+;.;.._.\)..;'...) [fuiP,,L Bc\:6ffifi# TOWN OF VAIL RED SANDSTONE ELE ENTARY ATHLETIC FIELD CTUT JOB NO. GS.3356 APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS TOWN OF VAIL RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC FIELD CTUT JOB NO. GS.3356 I N t EXISTIT.IG TOE S I I l I { SITE WE RECOftn4EhD hE EXCAVATION BELOT.J THIS LI},IE TYPICAL NORTH-SOUTH CROSS SECTION THROUGH SITE (Upper Part of Site) GROLhID SIfFACE Job No. GS-3356 Fig. I vllE RECOtril4EhD hIO FILL PLACEMENT IN THIS AREA .'..;,]i ryPICAL NORTH€OUTH CROSS SECTION THROUGH SITE (Lower Part of Site) EXISTII.IG GROUND SI.JRFACE Job No. GS-3356 Fig. 2 APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS TOWN OF VAIL RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC FIELD CTUT JOB NO. GS.3355 CD lt o F U) lu oF F 3t, IJJ = =ottr. =ul (oro d)|r)oo C'zIto 6l .$ TL oul =o o Ir,J =ot|r. =lrJ = (o ro cl,cto(, dz lto o Law OFFtcEs DuNtl & AaPLeNer-P. P.C. A PROrElaroXA COIPOiIATTON WEsrSraa BaNx Bu rr-orl'le roe Soutx FnotracE Roao Wesr Surre soo Varl, Colonaoo 4r657-5047 June 7,2001 Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO 81657 Re: Request for Conditional Use Permit for soccer field on Portion Tract C. Vail Potato Patch Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: We have been asked to represent Joe and Anne Staufer and the Sun Vail Condominium Association in connection with the Town's application for a special use permit for a soccer field adjacent to Red Sandstone Elementary School. My clients for obvious reasons would prefer that the special use permit not be granted. However, they recognize that their desires may have to yield to the perceived need for the soccer field and therefore have asked that I communicate to you the conditions thev wish to see in any permit, if it is granted. The conditions requested by Staufers and Sun Vail are as follows: 1. Use of the soccer field be only by elementary school students under the supervision of school district employees. 2. The permit be effective only so long as an elementary school is at the Red Sandstone location. 3. No other use, including without limitation ice skating and parking, be 4. No amplified or broadcast sound, whether music or spoken, be permitted. 5. No outdoor lighting be permitted. TELEPHONE:(970' 47 6-0300 FACSIMILE; (97 0) 476-4765 highcounqylawcom em€ili vrillaw@vcil-net CEFIIFIEO LEGA ASSISYANYS KAREN M. OUNN, CLAS JANTCE K. SCOF|ELO, CLAS JOH N W. DUNN ARTH UR A. ABPLANALB JR. INGA HAAGENSON CAUSEY OF COUNSEL: JERRY W. HANNAH permitted. 6. No structures be permitted. The Commission's consideration of this request will be appreciated. Yours very truly, DI.INN & ABPLANALP, P.C.ll Jr,r Ar- jwd:ipse cc. Mr. Staufer Sun Vail Condominium Association O@ffis' 4'f /a, o/ ^f\ i(- ),. A+{.- - zZ !^4_ .,2-{-. Ce,vt.."" 'y-J gt*-/-. 4<...- -'-rzx<4* .ft;"{ *-,.- ,ti<-<,-. -,t--.-*&{-- -,.: r/TZ' -4?-aIJ- ao F 3961 Springhill Avenue Mobile, Alabama 36608-5730 334-343-9400 FAxSv-U3-4972 tr P.O. Box 28306 Atlanta, Georgia 30358 770-396-7069 FAx770-396-7732 ! P.O. Box 43087 Birmingham, Alabama 35243 205-967-7888 FAX 205-967-3155 U 3601 45th Streer Metairie, Louisiana 70001 504-831-9484 FAX s04-83t-9493 May 11. 2001 TOWN OF VAIL- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. Frcntage Road Vail, CO 81657 Fax: 970-479-2452 ATTN: Allison Ochs, Planning Liaison Officer Dear Ms. Ochs, As a homeowner at Sun Vail Condominiums, I am greatly disturbed by the prospects of a soccer field being built to the west of Red Stone Elementary, behind Sun Vail's A and B buildings. Although I am an owner in building D, I feel that this building program will impact the value of all of our properties in a negative fashion. I am at the property at least 20 days annually, and intend to retire in the Vail valley. Actions as these greatly concern me as a homeowner and future resident. This area has been a"green" area since I have been visiting the Vale valley and I believe it is a necessary part of the overall concept of Colorado and Vail. I would encourage the planning commission to review altemate selections closer to areas that are currently being used as recreational areas for children.'W Unit 1l-D Sun Vail Condominiums Irday 9, 2001 TO; TOWNOFVAIL PLANNER ALLISON OCHS FROI4 C}IARLES R AI.ID BARBARA RAGA}I 744 SANDYLANE WEUNDERSTAND IIIEREIS APROPOSAL TO BULD A SOCCERFIELD INTIIEAREAruST SOUII{ OF OIJR HOME. WE SIRONCLY OBJECT OF CONVERTING A PEACEFTJL, QTIIET AREA OF LAND, WHICH IS CT]RRNTLY, FILLED WTTH WILDFLOWERS AND WONDERFT,JL WILD LIFE, TO A NOISEY SOCCER FIELD. WHAT WIII HAPPEN TO TI{E WILD LIFE? WITYWEREWE NOT INFORMED OF TI{EZOING CHANGES FORTHIS PIECE OFLAND? TIIIS PROPOSED FIET D woIJLD RENDER oLrR DECK UNUSEABLE; THE NorsE LEVEL Is CURRENTLY SI.JBSTAJ{CIAL ENOUGH WTIII I-70, SO TO ADD TO TI{AT NOISE LEVEL WE FEEL rS QUrTE IINREASONABLE. VAIL ENCOIJRAGES LOCAL PEOPLE TO STAY IN VAIL, IIIETI MAKES TI{E SI.JRROUNDINGS IIVIPOSSIBLE. WHAT Is wRoNG WTII{ soME BEAUTIFTJL oPEN sPAcE IN THE CITY oF VAIL? tZ.L^/ To Town of Vail planners: From Len Levitan; President Board of Sun Vail Condominium Association I am writing to express our opposition to the building of a soccer field directly north of the SunVail Condominiums. Cunently this area consists of natural vegetation and wildflowers on a hillside. Replacing it would require excavation of a large area of slope replacing it with a flat field. Some sort of fence would be built facing the adjacent condominiums. The level of the field would be the same as the 3'o floor of our buildings. All this would impact negatively on SunVail in multiple ways: l) The view from the rear windows would be obscured, and replaced by a fence which could be an eyesore. 2)Noise: Kids would be using this field morning, noon, after school, and evenings and it is likely that the school would use it for recess play and physical education classes- this use which would be hard to control would dramatically increase noise in our residential area. 3)Trespassing: People likely would cross SunVail property to access the field 4)Potential for other development: lighting and bleachers might be added in the future exacerbating negative impact on the adjacent buildings. 5) Water drainage might be a problem. ln summary , 60 home owners in our complex and several home owners to the north and above the proposed soccer field would be adversely effected. - fl ,n-{nrtff -. -#- -ff-!: it n;s:txft--,rte-+'nlnra- -J;nH - - - -lAr rfr fuf;*=4rc -.tri:'k;"f/vr -/+7f ffia -CCnzZrttt : - - - - - - - - Jo thnw?--nnnze--f npr"r-#tmn- p-tu.rn ,ei- nt-fi;e - - - - - - ffi l.rr{"*tp"- =f -1i,4- h- - -vU- - - - try - #*- - {ri# gz #: W*q * Jf,rI nir-: # f t rtrf -,i,tJ T'.4*J;t-.- - TtiZ=- - t# -' r-, t -;g G,,,iry;i;ndtir; oo Io l/hunr *p.;( /8 t Qpot mq--Gu.rrla}|g' FenNS\roRTH InvESTMENT CorraPANY May 3,2001 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Allyson Ochs, Planner Dear Ms. Ochs: As I told you earlier todayn I am the owner of 754 Potato Patch Drive, W. Thank you for explaining the proposed soccer field to be located at 610 North Frontage Road West, said property being generally below my property in the Town of Vail. I do not object to the proposed soccer field as it is presently envisioned. As I understand it, it will be for children and not a full- scale official soccer field. I endorse it orovided that: l. There will be no lights on the property whatsoever; 2. That it will be properly fenced with a vinyl coated cyclone fence; and 3. That it will b€ properly landscaped. I tnrst that there will be a requirement that the landscaping is properly maintained by the school. Further, I endorse this with the understanding that any additional future requests, such as lighting, expansion, etc., will be brought back to the neighborhood for comments and opinions. Sincerely yours, A[V n. Azl-1' \ { ThomasE. Famsworth- Jr. TCFJr:bjm Cc: Mrs. Toni Hippeli DEVELOI ERS . REALTORS . INVESTMENT BUILDERS 5335 Distriplex Farms Drive . Menrphis, TN 38141 . 901-377-2000 . Faxt 901-372-4899 . v,'ww.farnsworthco.com oo M t. I I I I I Dr. and Mrs. Brian J. Wilson Sun Vail Condominiums 625 North Frontage Road West Unit 22B Vail, CO 81657 Town of Vail Planning Board C/o Alison Ochs Planning Liaison Oflicer 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern: We are writing to express our strong opposition to the construction and placement of a soccer field adjacent to, and directly North of, our home at the Sun Vail Condominiums. Cunently this area consists of natural vegetation and wildlife which is enjoyed by everyone. Our opposition to this soccer field is based on the following issues/problems: o Residential Area: tlre soccer field will be in the middle of a residential area (sunounded by condominiums/homes), not in a recreational area like that which is located to the West of Sun Vail. Playing fields should be, and are best located in recreational areas which do not impact directly on residents day{o{ay lives.c pnvironment: currently this area is a "natural" space wrth natural vegetafion and regional wildlife - this will be destroyed.o Noise: school children will be using this field in the moming, noon, after school and evenings and it is likely the children also will use it for recess play and physical education classes - the field has the potential to be used all day, every day which dramatically impacts on noise in our "residential" area and that noise will be directly outside the windows of our home.o Trespassing: as indicated above, the field could be used extensively throughout the day and people/children will use the Sun Vail property as an access to the playing field (both fooVbike traffic and parking in our parking lot).r Property Damage: as indicated above under trespassing, there is the potential for property damage to Sun Vail as a result ofthe trespassing and by balls and other sports equipment being used on the field that may end up on our property or through our windows.o Safety: children could fall over the edge ofthe escarpment bordering along the Sun Vail property and any fence that might be put up to prevent this would be an eye-sore and effect propsrty values. -L . Property Values: the construction and placement of a playing field adjacent to the Sun Vail Condominiums will negatively effect the value of our home. The playing field should not be located where it directly effects the lives ofresidents and residential property values.r Potential for Future Developmenfi whether part of the current proposal or the possibility for future development, there could be a proposal to light the field, or to erect bleachers or spectator seating, etc. - any further development ofthe playing field now or in the future would exacerbate the problems indicated above. We are strongly opposed to the construction and placement of a soccer field adjacent to, and directly North of, ow home at the Sun Vail Condominiums. We encourage the Planning Board to consider the above mentioned issues/problems and vote to oppose the soccer field in this location. Sincerely, Dr. Brian fuAe,l Mrs. Jane E. Wilson TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: UEUqEANEUU Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 25, 2001 A request for a condilional use permit, to allow for the construction of an athletic field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesV A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Gommunity Development. Applicant: Town of Vail, represenled by Gregg BarriePlanner: Allison Ochs $tb&rud, .hEtfirh- t;wuil.dnld. firFft h Utthild. uftu lfr tritrnt ilh^ur{ h httnt, rn \ta, n ilt. The Town of Vail, Vail Recreation District, and Red Sandstone Elementary School are requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the construction of an athletic field located adjacent to the elementary school on a portion of Tract C. The athletic field is sized and shaped to allow for the minimum sized U7lU8 soccer field, which is generally intended lor 7 and 8 year old players. The field is approximately 30 yards by 50 yards. For information, an official soccer field is a minimum of 50 yards by 100 yards. The parcel is zoned Outdoor Recreation. "Public parks and active public outdoor recreation areas and uses, excluding buildings" are a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district. According to the applicant, the athletic field is situated on the western end of the site due lo sleeper slopes on lhe eastern end. The applicant's letter of intent, along with a reduction of the site plan, has been attached for reference. BACKGROUND The athletic field is proposed to be located on a portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. ln 1995, as part of the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan rezonings, Tract C was divided into multiple parcels. Portions of Tract C were then zoned Nalural Area Preservation District. The portion of the property to include the athletic field is zoned Outdoor Recreation. Currently lhere are no improvements on the property. The Design Review Board reviewed the proposal and approved the request at the May 16, 2001 , meeting. ROLES OFTHE REVIEWING BOARDS Plannino and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating this conditional use permit application for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town.2. Ettecl of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation 1. Archirecturar compatibitiry with other srructures, the tand and .rroJ.l'frfn;' il*' i'"1 2. Fitting buildings irito landicape '. .i'.I:'. I :.1 -l I .:. .i i .rX1I 3. Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography4. Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation 5. Adequate provision for snow storage on-site 6. Acceptability of building materials and colors7. Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms 8. Provision of landscape and drainage9. Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures 10. Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances 11. Location and design of satellite dishes 12. Provision of outdoor lighting 13. The design of parks IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit for an athletic field, subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit seclion of the zoning code and the purposes of the Outdoor Recreation Zone District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will nol be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. Should the Flanning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the request, stafl recommends the following condition: 1. That no exlerior lighting is permitted in Permit. The addition of exterior lights facilities, ulilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public f acilities and public facilitieilidid3. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas.4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses.5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. The environmenlal impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmenlal impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with development standards of zone district conjunclion with this Conditional Use would require an amendment to the -'tl.:;-'..;:. '.hr,'lr, int rir:i,r;i r't .ti 'l . '. | .,.,!tl. V. Conditional Use Permit and would require additional Planning and Environmental Commission review. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The review criteria lor a request of this nature are established by the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Chapter 16. For the Planning and Environmental Commission's reference, the conditional use permit purpose slatement indicates that: ln order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this titte, specified uses are permifted in certain districts subjea b the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, . conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on surrounding propefties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and sunounding properties in the Town at large- Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. Section 12-88-1 defines the purpose of the Outdoor Recreation zone district: The Outdoor Recreation District is intended to preserve undeveloped or open space lands from intensive development while permitting outdoor recreational activities that provide oppoftunities for active and passive recreation areas, facilities and uses. Staff believes that the proposed athletic field furthers the purpose of the Outdoor Recreation zone district. The proposed athletic field allows for an additional active recreation area, targeted primarily to chibren. In addition, staff believes that the proposal complies with the development objectives of the Town of Vail, as these objectives are stated in the Land Use Plan: 1.1 .1. Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial, and recreational uses fo serue both the visitor and the permanent resident. 3. 1.1.2. The quality of the environment including air, water, and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. 2.7 The Town of Vail should improve the existing park and open space lands while continuing to purchase open space. The proposed athletic field will provide additional recreational uses, primarily serving the permanent resident, and improves an existing open space area zoned Outdoor Recreation. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan designates this property as Open Space. In addition, it identifies the entire tract as Tract 37- Potato Patch: An irregular shaped area above Red Sandstone Elementary School was dedicated to the Town as open space. This area has a variety of high and medium environmental constraints as well as some areas with no identifiable development constraints. There are no apparent deed restrictions for use of the property, however, the site is relatively difficult fo access and seems most appropriately left in open space. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilitles, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The proposed athletic field will provide additional recreational uses for the elementary school and community. The primary intent of the athletic field is to provide for turf area for the students ol Red Sandstone Elementary. The Vail Recreation District will use the field for overflow for their soccer needs, but as the field is only 30 yards by 50 yards, the Vail Recreation District will primarily be using lhe new soccer field at Donovan Park lor their needs. As there are no slruclures proposed in conjunbtion with the development of the athletic field, staff believes that there will be no effect on light and air. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traflic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking dreas. Staf{ believes that the proposed athletic field will not have a negative effect on the above referenced crileria. Currently, thefe are 25 designated parking spaces plus 2 ADA accessible spaces at Red Sandstone Elementary. Additional parking can be accommodated on the access drive, allowing lor approximately 71 spaces total. Overflow parking can be accommodated al the Sandstone Tol Lot, if necessary. The Planning and Environmental Commission sets the parking requirement for recreational facilities. Staff has identified parking requirements for other communities with regards to athletic fields. These requiremenls vary from 20 spaces per field to 1 space per 5,000 sq. ft. of land area. The athletic field is approximately 13,500 sq. ft. with additional turf area adjacent to the school. Because the field is primarily for the use of the school, staff does not believe that additional parking should B. be required. Other uses of the field will not occur while school is in session, specifically evenings, weekends, and summer, leaving the school parking available. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk ol the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff has concerns regarding the amount of site disturbance on the hillside. The currenl design of the athletic field allows for regrading and vegetation of the hillside, as opposed lo more visible retaining walls which would be necessary should the field be sited elsewhere, However, staff also recognizes the needs of the school and believes that with revegetation, the character of the area will not be negatively affected. The chain-link fence will be brown to minimize visibility and will also be screened with additional landscaping. There is no lighting proposed in conjunction with the athletic field, nor are any structures proposed. Staff believes that this use is compatible with adjacent uses, which include residential uses and the school. 5. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by chapter 12 of this Title. The Environmental lmpact Assessment, which was prepared by Design Workshop, is attached for reference. ln addition, CTUThompson, Inc. .completed a geologic evaluation of the site, providing specific construction recommendations for the athletic field. The evaluation has also been attached for reference. The evaluation did not identity any potential geologic hazards which would prevent the development of the property for an athletic field, but does provide recommendations for construction of the field. The athletic field will be construcled following the recommendations of the evaluation to mitigate any environmental effects of the proposed athletic field. Findinqs The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permil: That the proposed localion of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the sile is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. 1. 3. Department of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2158 Fax:970-479-2166 www.ci.vail.co.us March 23,2001 Red Sandstone Elementary School Proposed Soccer Field The Town of Vail, in conjunction with the Eagle County School District and the Vail Recreation District, is proposing the construction of a U7 N8 sized soccer field on Town of Vail property adjacent to the Red Sandstone Elementary School. The property is Tract C, Potato Patch Filing, and is divided into four zoning parcels, two of which are Outdoor Recreation, and two of which are Natural Area Preservation District. The proposed field would be constructed entirely on a parcel zoned Outdoor Recreation. The soccer field is situated on the westem end ofthe site due to steeper slopes on the eastern end. However, because this area is approximately 400 feet from the school, a smaller turf area is proposed close to the school. This would allow students to play on a turf area during the l5 minute "recess", while the longer Physical Education classes can take the time to walk out to the larger soccer field area. Currently the students play on the asphalt areajust outside the school. The total amount ofturfareaproposed forthis project is 40,000 square feet. The fields have been designed so that no retaining walls will be required, however, there will be sizeable cut and fill slopes that will require revegetation. All disturbed slopes will be planted with native species that currently exist on site. A plant inventory will be performed prior to constnrction by a regional plant biologist who will specify the plants to be used. In addition, he will specify erosion control measures and establishment procedures. The intent is that in 3 to 5 years, the disturbed slopes will match existing vegetation as closely as possible. No additional parking is proposed for this project. Currently the school has 25 designated spaces plus 2 ADA compliant spaoes. Additionally, during larger school events, the access road up to the school is used for parking. That will accommodate approximately 38 additional vehicles. Because the school will use the field during the school day, and the Recreation District will use the freld outside ofschool hours, events requiring parking for both school and field use should rarely confl ict. Finally, a 6' high green colored chain link fence is proposed along the downhill side ofthe entire turf area. The purpose of the fence is to limit the number of balls that might roll down towards the road. The school district prefers chain link as opposed to solid fence for line of sight purposes. {,2'"*uo"o t looqss auolsuEs PaE I E:FS.EI NOUvlrodsNVE.USvuO/Ur Cnsnd JO rN3tUCvd3O V r I t I b$ - f'*\ \-.'{ L.-._. \i $\ iE:t \ r&1r \l\l\l v\\ \\ I :E 68 /'/' i Eii n E { !I -'l r"l t \. \ \ \. 1\w" f'-'-'-'-r--: 5 June 14, 2001 Town of Vail Department of Public Works/Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Subject: Mr. Gregg Barrie Geotechnical lnvestigation Proposed Soccer Field Red Sandstone Elementary School Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3357 This letter presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed soccer field at Red Sandstone Elementary School in Vail, Colorado. We performed a geologic evaluation for the proposed construction at the site under our Job No. GS-3356 (letter dated June 4,2001). As part of our geotechnical investigation, we performed a slope stability analysis. The following paragraphs describe site conditions, the proposed construction and subsurface conditions. A discussion of slope stability and recommendations for site grading are also included. Site Conditions The site is located north of the pedestrian bridge over l-70 in Vail, Colorado. The existing Sun Vail condominiums are south of the site, adjacent to the toe of steep slopes. The Red Sandstone Elementary School building is east of the proposed soccer field. Single-family residences are on slopes above the site to the north and west. The site can be visualized as a natural topographic bench that slopes down to the south at grades between 15 and 25 percent (see Figure 1). Ground surfaces on slopes above the site to the north are at grades of 55 to 65 percent. Slopes south of the site vary from about 70 percent adjacent to Sun Vail condominiums to about CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTER DRTVE r GLENWOODSPR|NGS, COLORAOOal60l r (97O)945-2809 H 30 percent adjacent to the gravel play area. An abandoned irrigation ditch approximately 4 feet wide and 2 feet deep trends down to the southeast below the southeast part ofthe bench. Vegetation consists ofsage, grass and weeds. Aspen trees and willows are on the steep slopes above the site. Proposed Gonstruction Plans are to construct a cut and fill balance pad approximately 500 feet tong with a maximum width of about 120 feet as shown on Figure 1. Maximum excavation cut depth of about 8 feet and maximum fill thickness of approximately 10 feet are proposed. The fill embankment at the south side of the proposed pad is planned at the crest of steep slopes above the Sun Vail condominiums. The soccer field will be located at the west end of the pad. The area east of the soccer field will be irrigated turf. We understand permanent cut and fill slopes will be re-vegetated with native vegetation. Subsurface Conditions Subsurface conditions at the site were investigated by drilling three exploratory borings (TH-1 through TH-3) at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1. Drilling operations were directed by ourengineerwho logged the soils encountered in the borings and obtained samples of the subsoils. Graphic logs of the soils found in our exploratory borings are shown on Figures 2 and 3. Subsurface conditions in our exploratory borings consisted of nil to 1.5 feet of sandy clay "topsoil" underlain by silty to clayey sand and gravel with cobbles and boulderstothemaximumexploreddepthof25feet. Observationsduringdrillingand results of field penetration resistance tests indicated the sand and gravel were medium dense to dense. Practical auger refusal occurred on cobbles and boulders in TH-1 and TH-2 at depths between 5 and 17 feet. Free ground water was measured 3 days after drilling at depths of 18 feet and 1 6.5 feet in TH-2 and TH-3, respectively. Three samples of the soils selected for gradation tests contained 10 to 25 percent gravel, 45 to 57 percent sand and 28 to 33 percent silt and clay size material (passing the No. 200 sieve). Soil sampling equipment limited the maximum retrievable soil particle diameter to 1.5 and 1.9 inches, depending on the type of samplerused. Gradationtestsarerepresentativeofthesmallerfractionofthein-situ soils. Observations during drilling indicated a significant percentage of the soils consists gravel and cobbles. Gradation test results are shown on Figures 4 and 5 and laboratory test results are summarized on Table L TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELO RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CTUT JOB NO. GS.3357 o Slope Stabilitv In order to evaluate relative slope stability it is necessary to approximate slope geometry, the general profile of the subsoils, potential ground water conditions and the strength parameters of the soils. Slope geometry before and after the proposed construction was modeled from site plans provided by the Town of Vail DepartmentofPublicWorks/Transportation. Local variationsfromthemappedslope geometry will occur. The subsoil profile was based on our exploratory borings at the site. We assume the fill will be built with the on-site or similar soils. The bedrock surface was modeled based on geologic mapping and our experience in the area. Ground water conditions were modeled from levels measured in our exploratory borings, site observations and our experience. Seasonal high ground water levels will be the critical condition for slope stability. Shear strength of soil is defined by friction angle (Q) and cohesion (c) for the Mohr/Coulomb shear strength model. For our analysis, we estimated shear strength parameters based on correlations with laboratory test results, field penetration resistance tests and our experience. We analyzed the three cross-sections (A-A' through C-C') shown on Figure '1. A portion of our analysis results are shown in Appendix A. The term "factor of safety" describes the ratio of the strength to resist sliding compared to forces tending to cause sliding. A factor of safety of 2-0 means the strength to resist sliding exceeds the driving force to cause sliding by 2.0 times. For long-term stability, a factor of safety of at least 1.5 is considered desirable. The calculated minimum factors of safety for slope geometry before and after proposed construction are summarized on Table A below. Table A In our opinion, the risk of slope stability failure is low for the existing slopes and the currently proposed construction at cross-sections A-A' and B-B'. Our analysis indicates the steep slope above the site at cross-section C-C'is less stable than desired. However, it appears the planned construction will not further decrease the existing hillside stability. We should observe actual subsurface conditions exposed during earthwork operations. lf conditions are different than anticipated from our exploratory borings, we will re-evaluate slope stability issues. lf the strength ofthe excavated soils appears less than the strength used in our analysis or ground water seepage from excavation faces is observed, some mitigation may be recommended. Installation of horizontal drains or construction of an interceptor TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELD RED SANOSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CTUT JOB NO. GS-3357 trench are common methods used to lower ground water levels and increase the slope stability factor of safety. We suggest a contingency fund be considered to cover the possible cost for installation of horizontal drains in excavated slopes and/or an interceptor trench along the top of the excavated slope. Site Gradinq Guideline site grading specifications are attached as Appendix B. Planned excavations can likely be accomplished using conventional, heavy-duty excavation equipment. Large boulders should be anticipated. Some ground water seepage from cut slopes may occur. Areas which will receive fill should be stripped of vegetation, organic "topsoil" and debris. Flat benches should be excavated into the natural soils where fill will be placed on natural slopes that exceed 5 to 1 (horizontal to vertical). We anticipate benching will necessary for most of the fill embankment at the south side of the proposed pad. A benched fill detail is shown on Figure 6. The surface of the benches and stripped soils should be scarified to a depth of at least 6 inches, moisture treated and compacted to allow the development of a good bond between the fill and the natural soils. The on-site soils free of vegetation, organics and rocks largerthan 5 inches in diameter can be used as fill. lf import fill is required it should be similar to the on- site soils. A sample of the import fill should be submitted to our office for approval prior to hauling operations. Fill should be placed in lifts of 10 inches thick or less and moisture treated to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. Fill placed at depths of 8 feet or more below finished grade should be compacted to at least 98 percent of standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) dry density. Fill less than 8 feet below finished grade should be compacted to at least 95 percent of ASTM D 698 dry density. We recommend that fill embankments initially be extended laterally past planned grading limits at the south. Fill embankment slopes should be cut back to planned grades after fill placement and compaction is completed. This will result in better compaction of the near surface fill soils and less potential for small slump failures and surface raveling. We believe the currently planned cuts and fills can be constructed as planned provided final cut and fill slopes are no steeper than 2 to 1 (horizontal to vertical). Possible installation of horizontal drains and construction of an interceptor trench was discussed in the Slope Stabilitv section. All slopes should be re-vegetated as soon as possible. We understand laying back of the steepest parts of the existing slopes above Sun Vail Condominiums is being considered. This would allow increased vegetation growth and reduced potential for local slumping and surface raveling. TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELO RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CTUT JOB NO. GS.3357 o Limitations Our exploratory borings were located to obtain a reasonably accurate picture of the subsurface and provide data for our slope stability analysis. Variations in the subsurface conditions not indicated by our borings will occur. We should observe actual subsoil conditions exposed during earthwork operations. This investigation was conducted in a mannerconsistentwith the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by geotechnical engineers currently practicing under similar conditions in the locality of this project. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. lf we can be of further service or if you have questions regarding this report, please call. Very Truly Yours GTL/THOMPSON. INC, \ t/{l". e4.) Kellogg t// effiical Engineer (5 copies sent) TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELD RED SANOSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CTUT JOB NO, GS-3357 <>E>-lr7| rq uto=>O oz,5-'8 3trd Ebfr mrl'fl r.lz. 7 Tnox Jrrl t-oo _{oz Lt7 oal rfl ><l,ro7) -ton (Donzo a/l oq zI ov, I(,. ax(,\| -\\ rt€ oTH-T EL= E259 OF EXPLORATORY BORIN Tlt-2 EL=8230 IH-3 EL=E254 21/12 s1/12 aa C E o.oo GS Job No. GS-3557 SUMMARY LOGS n9.2 ot -I o I3{(rl(,| F6' FTzI mTT ilEFi 'iFi siFi i$ Eiiel .1i: i 1" Fa ;l+: Fls El$ lquiiiE r;i fi1 ti ;1;s EFi iii '* ililiiiiiiii;si si iF$€ii ii 'iil iiiilE; ;; l€i r:;lE =i Fi iFE ;3;s E 91i ii fisg tEE ii ii$ ixiii'iiia T'll"'ll. U'c =n rooU' o-n mxTroa -lov (Do4z.o U' ro 90 EO o70 in $so 850 40 30 10 0 25 4sMfN.tsMtN. @MrNlgMtN. 4MrN. l MlN. '2@ '100 '50'40'30 .'16 .r0.8 .4 3,/6' 314 1W 3' 5'5'A ::::t::-t: -)/: :'4 iF--: '-z :24: v_ la:=::4 10 20 30Ez/oE s0u lar60- 60 g, .074 .149 2E7 590 1.r9 2.0 2.38 4.76 9.s2 0.42 IMIIETER OF PARTCLE IN MII.IIMETERS CIAY (Pllslrc) TO SILT (NONPLASIIC) Somp|e of SAND, sILn/, CLAYEY (SGSM)rTOM TH.1 AT4 FEET 25 o/o Sf LT & CLAY 28 o/o PLASTICITY INDEX SAND 47 o/o LtQUTD-rr-[iiT---.o/o____l o/o I HYDROMETER ANALYSIS I SIEVE ANALYSIS Iga tiSERiES CLEAR SOUARE OPENNqS 45 MlN.15 MlN. @MlN.19MlN. 4MlN. 1MlN. 2OO '100 '50'/O 3()a. r0 Il10 I 120 IIl30il -lo Jto :I -l eo :1 -l zo:I :I -+ 80 :l -{ so :l rl 100 1@ 90 80 2'oI f60 z 850t /O an 2o 10 '- Z, 'r- :/ .,: a:i::/E::-t-r: .06 .0@ .019 .67 .074 .119 .N .5gO '1.19 2.02.9,t.78 9.52 19.'l 3€.1 76.2'127-26o.12 152 IMMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS ct-Ay (PtlsTrc) To srLT (NoruEAnc) Somple of SAND, SILTY, cLAYEY (SGSM)FTOM TH.2 AT 9 FEET GRAVEL 10 o/o SAND SfLT & CLAY 33 o/o PI-ASTICITY INOEX LIQUID LIMIT oh % % a7 Gradation JOB NO. GS-3357 Test Results FIG.4 o I HYDROMETER ANALYSIS I SIEVE ANALYSIS I 25HR. 7HR. T|ME READTNGS U.S. STAT.IOARO SERTES CrE R SOUARE OPEN|NGS 4s MfN.1s MlN. 60 MlN.19 MlN. 4 MlN. 1 MlN. 200 '100 '50'/to'30 16 '10'8 '4 3/8' 1{ 1A- 3r s'6 €r 90 80 2'o $o 8so H 4o 10 10 30G 40E Eso3 60o 70 EO 90 .074 .14 .297 .590 1.19 2.02:a 4.7A o.42 DAI'ETER OF PARTICLE IN MILUMETERS '-'-: 1 't-J: .........z: 4?, 1:::'z ::/z--2.---i cr4Y (PLASTIC) TO S|LT (NONfiASnC) Somple of SAND, stlfi, ctAyEy (sesM)FTOM TH-3 AT 4 FEET GRAVEL 24 o/o srLT & ir-AY 31 % PLASTICITY INDEX SAND 45 o/o LIOUID LltvllT - % - -/o 60 ffeo 350 40 20 10 I 25HR. ZHR. TIME REAOINGS U.S. STANDARD SERIES CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 45MlN,15MtN, 60M|N.1SM|N. 4MtN. 't MrN. ?00 .1@ .50'4030 .15 .10.8 .4 3S 3t1 1'/f 3 5|6" A .!- 10 308 406 , fr 60 70 80 90 100 .o74 .149 297 .5SO 1.19 2.O23A 4.76 o.42 OIAMETER OF PARNCLE IN MILUMETERS cLAy (pL sTrc) To srLT (NoN-PtA9TtC) GRAVEL SILT & CLAY PTASTICITY INDEX LIAUID LIMIT % % % o/o o/o Gradation JOB NO. GS-3357 Test Results FIG.5 o COMPACTED RLL MAXIMUM SLOPE E \r--r 1\-!' \ 2 ---.1 1 2l% 5, MAXIMUM NATUML SLOPES OF 2Q% OR SIEEPER ARE TO BE BENCHED PRIOR TO FILL PI-ACEMENT. SLOPE BENCHES TO OUTSLOPE AT 2I PERCENI. NATURAL GROUND SURFACE NoTES: t) 2.) Benched Firl Job No. GS-3357 Detail Fig.5 oo (|Jo,t[]-lo oo ctz t0o-t oFJfo UJtr F C" UJF EoE{Fdss6'c0 J lto t = ==CN zo F tr6 3 J o at, =a e u 5 t Ja ciz U' =o dI llj 5oiJg) c;z a =a oo lrJ 5otI6 ctz o =C9 oo l! J t 5a Jul ?t(9 =g, oa ul 5otI6 ctz o =(9 oo lu 5 tI6 j l,u to fttg' @(!(')(g (., oFa UJFzo F o t |.1r.ur=^9fEilol t-v l.! 'o ro!c HH' rON ol ot = ujq} E uJFF F?ixh6s 5= t (.J OL =a-^d=€ J_ C!C{crt H8 U) J\-ff'Lc koEezu (\I(.) rUJ E5^?6€ sg @ 'd a(o :cr q a0 r.r) ro c(t) I tl.l6s cD C.,t *o) z e.T F T F (\ F ol T F (or F c) 1- t- APPENDIX A SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELD RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CTUT JOB NO. GS-3357 ,.i .E IJ- (l,(, Etsto E =([lr c, .e(t =acoC' o:- cLEE1esq>E C E,'2 .Q PE o.xE;o r g,:E €sE€ .-e P P= EEE Ag5#€ E6-o IIc6aEboE .& o o+ 6 Eo!t.c,oItEoctt ot BR^o:5 -z?6 -n-?= Fk F9Es8E€fo>(Jo. &g sB Eg *Ed5 (OOOI x) (l*r) uonp eE ct .E tJ. ?o'o o C)c6 g, Ei5 6coN'=o OI E Eot,c,o!tc IUo o BR^o:5 -=? .E-gU =oc,'E'= E 3EESfoforL co € PoEooo.9-o __ o *<hFt- Y-=<>x EEEI6 9rj o.6 F;9 E [48A *E6;i o o.. €t'gE ' - : .AP e> =;E.a..F E g'6 6=12. 6 Es ecrc)|l<. o.(\l.J +.t- s'ocl 't ot\utct attI C',o .i2 !o? rat rtNEo'D'(Oml x)(pDwnmeg G',4 "6lr a I E ?i lO6ct€i()o- o E(, !te,o!tc6o eER-o:5 d-or =66E'=E S EE5tsof,oc co Eeoc 9". 1€ -3 €Efru fr s:g E sEE gE EE g5#E oo =oQEE 8H EE-o (o[ol x) (FotLto[B ot3 T -dtl- e .Eo g E9o =t\ltIa Eg€ - I €€€oloo. ao-o oocooE6 d Eo .N o 6 Eo !tg6 Eoa d ER^o:ts '; =?6--o= =6 0 E-=EBEE€folorL o 63pB 3E66 hct o?.E oz IIo ..r1 3g 8 €5o e5!=Gtl- $5 (oOOt x) (paD uonerag I .g'lr Ei -.1 6ml x)(leq)mgBq3 II,li:-1 I,II lruIrltI,totiat:oI talrClt@Ilet.,-ct.o;o,>/Spi o: 5E- E*gr=0'Eo:f otElo e! ;E I -o =EoE 8o'P o- " E-3.die .EE#. E F;# gef; E .bg p= FEEgg5f€ ao-.E o(tc .go,E6 6c F oRr oct EoE@6(q5€(J(L Fu'oI(r,o od 'z Ilo- (ot .El! i I --- /t /t/t I I I Eg p8 =€s=glD 6cao o(,co cts6 6coN o 't oI>,-6 ;or1tco Ecoo E6o Eo CL'c C'ooo g .9Ea4oCoC) o _o--athd_b'F I*;s .E Pq o- E F;ST CDi6 €sfr€ -bEp= EgEg@Eard88fr€ .: rOia gE =ESEE=foa ..F EErto (000t x) (Fs;) uoser\ep 8 €.3(tt eeolt o h .gil. E3E5 e =lII 30 c,atcoo96.6coN oR- 1r .J ltorrE IEiorEIFo coo'c o-tCL Eoocl I I o o6 9 Eo-., =({tIa *g€8E€ofo 5 Eg 9o. ,P €-A Ee$ c g#f; E EE EAg5#€ roieE:85 =ESE5€loc It)ctc, 3ho(9 dzoo FE.ia (OOOI x)0ae0uoneaet3 I{ .dftt €3E8 EH r!6 j o Eo-o =o.tIaEFeE-e g E=Bo=EoEoof(.) il liI EE o C'cooE6 6c s o tr,So:.o E-- -9C16O =EEg o-cloo- -,f; t tgl/ol, !t,glorErcI6tA o -a() Eo .LEisIE co6 Eocoeovi bd- gE€ €El s fl s:g €sEE .bP p= EEEg a5#€ cr t\ti|'ct c? v,(, dz IIo- 8 € =(t) g olJ- .FEdd(mr x)(raaDtFF erg q. -stI. !9-.E o(Jcag, F6 GcoN o RI @ a4t.-Eo. lt/l/lllll/lllllIL l'EltoI tEIto liE,IloIteI r ER-lt o:ts I FgE/ ocoI O3O CLoEo dl. EEo =h.g6 D EoEo =hg o = ,E6e ott(t o€o- bEI'e r EEg Egg ggfrl .E* e E EE EEf. q.il.{ a. l',d,ai,In,(, oztto- 3 I € =o Ez E -T-!tFaY atdqt (mOl x) (t*D uogerag o 4 .dl! I €J ct) ef 6l! ?o-d, ooco6gi5 EcoN o R- roSo:.oE!- E5 =EEEEE3()0 ttot>rjslreIE,g/o,-t,c 'oa a oo e, € CLt B(to I ) @ .go o Eo-o =(\1tIa6EEx6 0 E-=838E€fofo(L co E5 lDco(,o et "3EEg.6 FC! 9 fl g,?g e $€e ?q.EE, =.9 6= Frg1"g g5#€ Ir.-F Ig E$E'ct(' a$ a?'"'o c;z .c!o'.? It-o-TEato (OOO; x) (pq) uonenq: .-t d o 4 -dlll- o o c) g p 9o =N!Ia Egf; - TE€foloL -a-o-e Ic.o 0E6 Ec .8 o^- 'GtEa riE| ,(t lo.clo,tt,crOo Eo6 i:g .L Etttoct I ] roiete BE =ES =€tsfoo- II- F!octIoo oztto- I € =tt g ,I FF-d 6ml x) (taq) uo$Blet3 o APPENDIX B GUIDELINE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATION PROPOSED SOCCER FIELD RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL VAIL. COLORADO TOWfl OF VA|L PROPOSED SOCCER FIELD RED SAI{OSTOHE ELEIIENTARY SCHOOL cTLn JOB NO. O8.tit57 1. GUIDELINE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION This item shall consist of the excavation, transportation, placement and compaction of materials from locations indicated on the plans, orstaked by the Engineer, as necessary to achieve planned elevations at the site. These specifications shall also apply to compaction of excess cut materials that may be placed outside of the development boundaries- GENERAL The Soils Engineer shall be the Owner's representative. The Soils Engineershallapprove fill materials, method of placement, moisture contents and percent compaction, and shall give written approval of the completed fill. CLEARING JOB SITE The Gontractot' shall remove all vegetation, topsoil and other deleterious material before excavation or fill placement is begun. The Contractor shall dispose of the cleared material to provide the Owner with a clean, neat appearing job site. Cleared material shall not be placed in areas to receive fill or where the material will support structures of any kind. PLACEMENT OF FILL ON NATURAL SLOPES Where natural slopes are steeper than 20 percent in grade and the placement of fill is required, cut benches shall be provided at the rate of one bench for each 5 feet in height (minimum of two benches). Benches shall be at least 10 feet in width. Larger bench widths may be required by the Engineer. Figure 6 shows a benched fill detail. Fill shall be placed on completed benches as outlined within these specifications. SCARIFYING AREA TO BE FILLED Ground surface upon which fill is to be placed should be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least 6 inches to allow the development of a good bond between the fill and the natural soils. The ground surface should be free of ruts, hummocks, rocks larger than 6 inches in diameter or other uneven features, which would prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. 2. 3. 4. 5. TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELD RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CTUT JOB NO. GS.3357 B-1 6.COMPACTING AREA TO BE FILLED After the subgrade surface for the fill has been scarified, it shall be brought to the proper moisture content (2 percent below to 2 percent above optimum moisture content) and compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum density as determined in accordance with ASTM D 698. FlLL MATERIALS Fill soils shall be free from vegetation, organics, debris or other deleterious substances, and shall not contain rocks having a diameter greater than 6 inches. Fill materials shall be obtained from cut areas shown on the plans or staked in the field by the Engineer or imported to the site. On-site materials classifying as GL, SC, SM, SW, SP, GP, GC and GM are acceptable as defined by ASTM D 2487-83.lmported fill soils should be approved by the soils engineer prior to hauling to the site. MOISTURE CONTENT Fill material shall be moisture treated to within limits of optimum moisture contentspecified in MOISTURE CONTENT AND DENSITY CRITERIA. Sufficient laboratory compaction tests shall be made to determine the optimum moisture content for the various structural fill soils and other type fill soils. The Contractor will be required to add moisture to the fill soil prior to compaction of fill lifts. The Contractor may be required to rake or disc the fill soils to provide uniform moisture content through the soils. Should too much water be added to any part of the fill, such that the material is too wet to permit the desired compaction from being obtained, rolling and all work on that section of the fill shall be delayed until the material has been allowed to dry to the required moisture content. The Contractorwill be permitted to rework wet material in an approved manner to hasten its drying. COMPACTION OF FILL AREAS Selected fill material shall be placed and mixed in evenly spread layers. After each fill layer has been placed, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than the specified percentage of maximum density given in MOISTURE CONTENT AND DENSITY CRITERIA. Fill materials shall be placed such that the thickness of loose materials does not exceed 10 inches and the compacted lift thickness does not exceed 8 inches. 7. 8. 9. TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELD RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CTUT JOB NO. G5.3357 B-2 10. Compaction as specified above, shall be obtained by the use of sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other equipment approved by the Soils Engineer for soils classifying as GL or SC. Granular fill shall be compacted using vibratory equipment or other equipment approved by the Soils Engineer. Compaction shall be accomplished while the fill material is at the specified moisture content. Compaction of each layer shall be continuous over the entire area. Compaction equipment shall make sufficient trips to ensure that the required density is obtained. MOISTURE CONTENT AND DENSITY CRITERIA Fill soils shall be moisture conditioned to between 2 percent below and 2 percent above optimum moisture content. Fill placed deeper than 8 feet should be substantially compacted to at least 98 percent of maximum ASTM D 698 (AASHTO T 99) dry density. Fill placed less than 8 feet should be compacted at least 95 percent of maximum ASTM D 598 dry density. Additional criteria for acceptance are presented in DENSITY TESTS. COMPACTION OF SLOPES Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipment. Compaction operations shall be continued until slopes are stable, but not too dense for planting, and there is no appreciable amount of loose soils on the slopes. Compaction of slopes may be done progressively in increments of three to five feet (3'to 5') in height or after the fill is brought to its total height. Permanent fill slopes shall not exceed 3:1 (horizontal to vertical). We recommend that sloped surface of fill embankments be extended laterally past planned grading limits as fill lifts are placed and compacted. Fill embankment slopes should be cut back to planned grades after fill placement and compaction is completed. DENSITY TESTS Field density tests shall be made by the Soils Engineer at locations and depths of his choosing. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed to a depth of several inches. Density tests shall be taken in compacted material below the disturbed surface. When density tests indicate that the density or moisture content of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below that required, the particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the required density or moisture content has been achieved. 11. 12. TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELD RED SANOSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CTL/T JOB NO. GS-3357 B-3 13.TNSPEgTTON ANp TESTTNG OF FtLL Inspection by the Soils Engineer shall be full time during the placement of fill and compaction operations so that they can declare the fill was placed in general conformance with specifications. All inspections necessaryto testthe placementof filland observe compaction operations will be at the expense of the owner SEASONAL LIMITS No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled while it is'frozen, thawing, or during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy precipitation, fill operations shall not be resumed until the Soils Engineer indicates thatthe moisture contentand density of previously placed materials are as specified. NOTICE REGARDING START OF GRADING . The Contractor shall submit notification to the Soils Engineer and Owner advising them of the start of grading operations at least three (3) days in advance of the starting date. Notification shall also be submitted at least 3 days in advance of any resumption dates when grading operations have been stopped for any reason other than adverse weather conditions. REPORTING OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Density tests made by the Soils Engineer, as specified under DENSITY TESTS above, shall be submitted progressively to the Owner. Dry density, moisture content, and percentage compaction shall be reported for each test taken. DECLARATION REGARDING COMPLETED FILL The Soils Engineer shall provide a written declaration stating that the site was filled with acceptable materials, and was placed in general accordance with the specifications. 14. 15. 16. 17. TOWN OF VAIL PROPOSED SOCCER FIELD RED SANOSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL cTt_/T JOB NO. GS-3357 B4 o Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Envir onm,ental tmpact rl,s s es sment June 6th,2001 Prepared By DESIGNWORKSHOP Vail, Colorado For Town of Vail Public lTorks Department Note: All project quantitative data Wovided to Design Workshop by the Tm'n of Yail Public Worlc Department . Project Description The Town of Vail, in conjtmction with the Eagle County School District and the Vail Recreation District, is proposing the construction of an athletic field on Town of Vail property adjacent to the Red Sandstone Elementary School. This project will be funded jointly by the Town of Vail and the Eagle County School District. The Town of Vail plans to complete this project by the end of September 2001 . The site is cunently undeveloped and consists of a mostly sage meadow with various other shrubs, grasses, and perennials intermixed. The athletic field, in its completed state, will consist of approximately .9 acres of turf area. This area will be irrigated by an automatic irrigation system. The total disturbed area is 1.6 acres. The disturbance will consist ofbalanced cut and fill grading, and when complete, all areas will be revegetated. The Town of Vail will hire a company specializing in site revegetation projects to manage the site revegetation. The revegetation process will include a plant inventory of on-site plant materials prior to construction. After grading and installation of irrigation system, the revegetation contractor will provide and install all plants for the revegetation. The plan intends to not only use a large variety ofplant species, but the sizes ofplants will vary as well so the site will not be entirely uniform in appearance when first planted. Plant sizes will vary from seed up to 6' serviceberry plants as well as a number of aspens. A preliminary list of plant species is attached. The revegetation contractor will provide the Town with an erosion control specification as well as an inigation specification as this type of revegetation will have special irrigation requirements. The intent is that in 4 to 5 years the disturbed slopes will match existing vegetation as closely as possible. The largest part of the athletic field will accommodate a soccer field for the 7 to 8 year old age group and is situated on the westem end ofthe site due to steeper slopes on the eastern end. Currently the students play on a 200' long asphalt area just outside the school, as well as on a small playground and on a gravel area situated more than 400 ft from the school. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental Impact Assessment - June 6,2001 Pase 2 of 6 t III. ZoningCompliance The site of the proposed field is Tract C, Potato Patch Filing, and is divided into four zoning parcels, two of which are Outdoor Recreation and two of which are Natural Area Preservation District. The proposed field would be constructed entirely on a parcel zoned Outdoor Recreation, a parcel ofland 5.24 acres in size. There is no proposal to change the current zoning. III. DevelopmentStatistics 1 . Total site area: 5.24 acres 2. Total undisturbed site area: 3.64 acres 3. Total site disturbed area: 1.6 acres 4. Total soccer/ turfarea: .9 acres 5. Total native grasses revegetation area: .7 acres IV. Park Design Guideline Compliance l. Site preservotioni A11 non-turf disturbed areas will be revegetated to match the existing natural grasses and vegetation. 2. Impervious coverage: There will be no impervious coverage on the site. 3. Activity areas/separation and integration: There are two separate areas ofthe athletic field. The smaller one closest to the school is designed for the 15 minute recess period to allow children to access it quickly. It is smaller due to site grading limitations. The larger area is designed for organized activities and is sized for the U7AJ8 soccer field. While farther from the school, it will be used for the longer Physical Education classes. 4. Ziews: Views into the site from roads will not be significantly altered due to revegetation and the location of the larger field. From Sun Vail Condos, locatedjust south ofthe project, the proposed field will be higher than the roof of the building so the changes to views there will be minimal due to the revegetation and the addition oftaller landscape species along the south edge of the field. 5. Energt conservation: Not applicable. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental Impact Assessment - June 6, 2001 Paee 3 of6 6. Landscape accent. Landscape accent is provided through revegetation, taller landscape trees along the project's south edge, and the extension ofan existing aspen grove through the site. 7. Accessibility: Allareas will meet ADA grade requirements. 8. Appropriateness/compatibilityi An elementary school should have a turf area large enough for organized activities. An open field in a neighborhood setting is also appropriate. 9. Flexibility: The finished project will be highly flexible in use, especially given that no buildings or structures are proposed. 10. Continuity: As described above, the site revegetation will match the existing landscape, and no other building materials are to be used except for fencing. The project will utilize a standard 8' brown chain link recreation fence. 17. Maintenance. Project long-term maintenance will include only mowing, monitoring of the natural revegetation, and occasional maintenance to the irrigation system. IV.Impact Assessment 1. Existing site conditions: The site is composed of native plant materials, typically undisturbed with the exception of multiple utility line cuts and an old irrigation ditch. The upperportion ofsite is very steep and covered with aspens and serviceberry. Portions of this area have been delineated as wetlands and will not be disturbed. There is an area at southeast corner of site that sustains a grove of willows, however, these are the only wetland species and this area has been determined to NOT be a wetland area" however, this area also will remain undisturbed. 100 yr floodplain: Tt'rcre are no floodplain hazards within the project site. Wetland impacts: As indicated in item 1, there have been wetlands delineated on the site however, there will be no wetland impacts. However, if it is determined that there are potentially affected riparian areas on the site, the Town of Vail will follow requirements set forth by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Avalanche/roclcfall/debris flow: Refer to attached geotech report. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental lmpact Assessment - June 6, 2001 Paee 4 of6 4. ).Erosion. All grading and earthwork during construction shall be performed according to relevantjurisdiction requirements, and all necessary construction erosion control measures shall be taken. All disturbed soils on the site shall be revegetated and stabilized to prevent any long-term erosion. No slopes in excess of 2:1 shall be constructed on the site. Additional measures as specified by the project revegetation specialists may be taken. Air pollution' There will be no air pollution generated by the project. Noise pollution: Any temporary construction noise shall be performed according to Town of Vail requirements and limitations. It is not anticipated that any of the proposed permanent uses will create noise pollution impacting the surrounding neighborhood. The only noise will be from children during school hours several times a day. There may be soccer practices dwing evenings but no organized games. 8. Lights: There will be no lighting on the project. 9. Parking: No additional parking will be required because this is a school facility and no additional staffpositions will be required. The school currently has 25 designated spaces plus 2 ADA compliant spaces. Additionally, during larger school events, the access road up to the school is used for parking and will accmmodate approximately 44 additional vehicles. Because the school will use the field during the school day and the Recreation District will use the field outside ofschool hours, events requiring parking for both school and field use will not conflict. 10. Visual: No retaining walls will be required in this design. Revegetated slopes will be the most notable impact immediately following construction. A brown chain link fence installed on south side of the field will be seen from Sun Vail condos, but aspen groups and the dark color will mitigate its visual impact. 11. Trafic impacts: The new field is an addition to existing school facilities. It will not require additional school staffand therefore will not increase parking requirements. In addition, it will not increase traffic during school hours. The Vail Recreation District will use the field after school hours as a practice facility. That use may increase traffic slightly on the site of the school but not necessarily on the Frontage Roads. Currently, parents may pick up children after school to take them to soccer practice elsewhere. Having the field at the school site will simply defer the pick-up traffic to a later time, therefore decreasing traffic during school pick-up times. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental Impact Assessment - June 6, 2001 Pase 5 of 6 7. 12. Site sccess: The field will be accessed by existing roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. An existing dirt path will be relocated to provide access from the pedesnian overpass area. 13. Drainage impacts: Seasonal flows from the uphill wetland areas will be caught on the north side of the field and drained to the east into existing swales. This creates an opportunity for actually increasing the total arrount ofwetland on the site by planting wetland species in the new swale. There is no anticipated increase in net runoffdue to the absence of impervious surfaces. 14. Infrastructure impacts: The only new utility required for this project is a water line tap for the irrigation system. A water line cunently runs though the site providing easy access for this tap. The planting design seeks to mitigate the long-term water requirements of the project through the use of native plant species for all revegetation areas. Inigated tuf will be limited to the sports field. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athlctic Field Environmental lmpact Assessment - June 6,2001 Page 6 of6 Apr-23-Ol 1l:44A Rockt1}, Native plants I April23,2001 Greg Barrie llowu of Vail 1309 Elkhem Dr. \tail, CO 8165? Rel F.xhibit A, Recomrncnded Nafive Specics for thc Vail Soccer f ieiclExpan-sion Project []ctu'Creg: : As per yow request today, we lrave compilerl a list of nativc plarrt rnaterials that irr$ iecoinrnendcd for uss rvithin the Town of Vail Soccer Field Expunsion Projcct. $p"Lc$!Ils,]lL+r'"'p Acer gluhrum ' . A.gasrache urncftiiu . ,,1n elanchier alnifttlin. .Antenll'aria pnmfblia . .{qvllcgia <nrvul.ra Aquilcgia furtnosu ,'l r rt as utp hlltt s .uv t - (r$i ,|t'ten ir it t ritle ntu.ta ,islet glaucctths llu!s anu,rhizn wgitruta . Eetuki glandulosa . frttultt tx:cidenlalLt . lJ tti ttutt u.n oi'nu I ou:: Brtnus mvginatas Campen*lt lo tan$ifolia : (le.axolhis vslutinfls (i'uiegtx rivvluris E p.i kit iu nt n n g*r t ifu I iu m . [irirr guh t.trr .Jalr.e-rii. {itiogonrlrn wnbdiutu nr P. o; Sg$msr*Nsne Rocky Motralain maple ilorsenrint |rrountrin $crv'iccbrry rosy pussytocs . Colorado bhrc columbine wcstcra columbine . bcurhenyrkinnikinnick mountain big mgr,; bluc oster arrowtcuf b$lecmroot o{)g orlcn wcslern dr'cr birch . noddurg bmnic mountain brome barcbcll . snowbrrsh ccanothus riyer harvthorn lircweed . Jamcs's buckwheul . sulfru-flowered buckwheat 3780 Sitt Mcsa Rord . Riltc, CO t1650 Pfrortr; (97(l) 6?5-ClttOW (4'?$9, . ttax (97$) 62$-FARM{32?6) E"muil native 6\nspcwinfo, corn r Wr;tr Fagc w ww,tmnntiveplnnts,crlrn Apr-23;o 45A Rockua. Native p.lants o P.ozl {puge ?} $-el-e*!lls.l$cm,s- Feshtca sutimania*a Festuc'a thu tefii Fragtritt vesca Airan tm vls<vtrslir*urz Gain mur:rophyllurn llelutiun hoopesii Heremrhita :'allosu tpomnpsis trggregata Ktcleria cristula Lupinl argentcus ltl$hunic rejt?ns ltlttnarda fisttdosu Pnscopyron tmithit . Pt+rslt.non tdonii F e n t Le.nton s etlr ith(l oras Pensicnton sn'ict :i. P 0t s t emo fl \,hipp lerTrrr $ Pevtaplryltct idas llori huadu ( Potenti lln ltuticorc) Phtutritu iericw Phlrtun r pitnm I'hvs o ca tW s nt{t tt()&Jvnt s Prcea engelndnrril f inus wrl,snm I'iwat -flexilLs l'on Jimdleriana t'opu.l*r tronitkt ide s Pore.xtilla grn;ilis l\anus v.irginiuna Itarthia tridentdlq' Quercu gdwbclii Rhus trilohau Rihe.s oureum Rihds <'ereum Rasn :wtotlsii Qssmo-rl{e!rc Rr:cky Mouurajn fescue Thurber's feicuc ' Rocky Mormlain stra#berry sticky geraniun largr:-leaf avcns .. . or&nge sneezeweed hairy goideri astcr . ecarlct gili! prairie juncgrass ' silver lupinc mahorriardescrt holly hccba!u \^,c$tem whsaagftss Iirecrat*er pctslcmon 0nd-sided pensteinon Itocky M0unt-ain penstcmon Whipple's pcnsle.rnon shrubby cinquufoll purple fringe alpine timotly nrountain nincbark . . Engleinann qinrcc bris et'bne pinc limbc.r pine mufioflgra5$ quaking aspen slcnder cinquefoil chokecherry &ntcloFE bincrbrush (ianr'bcl's oak ftrcqlcaf suinsc goldcn cunarit tIDr/SqUgW Currar}i ' Wood's rose Apr-Z3-Ot ll:zlSA RockyJn native p.lants P-05 SUNL:.-T-o.:u-stY.s!--$$sg iicld.-tr-oleglrBecsluuetded_flartr (page 3) S.s-le$iCIs..N.rrqts Rubus part'ifktra Sewt:io trlangal oris Siep h enlltt t a n ade a{i t Solidago caaadmsis Sorhus scttpulina S-vmp h oricarpes orcophihu |'hali*rum lendleri ['it'io tncricena Wl :c th i a tt np le.x irg t I i.t @g!-Narse thimblcbcrry gmundscl rursct bulTaloberry Canada golderrrod morurtain tsh nuuntain saowberry Fcndlet's xrcadowrue .{metican vetch woolly mulcscars Please note thai &is is only a list of r€commended species for the proJort. Final plant size. planting nrnrbqr. and placemenl hao yet to be finalized for this material. Ilecause our pricing is volume based, rve will formalize our quotation as soon a.s vrc determine what thc tinai planiins numbels will be for the projsct at 9?0.625.4769 if rhere are any June 4, 2001 Town of Vail Department of Public Works/Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail. CO 81557 Attention: Subject: Mr. Gregg Barrie Project Landscape Arch itect Geologic Evaluation Proposed Red Sandstone Elementary Athletic Field Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3356 This letter presents the results of our geologic evaluation for the proposed Red Sandstone Elementary Athletic Field in Vail, Golorado. We were told that an athletic field and turf area are to be built on property adjacent to the west of the Red Sandstone Elementary School. Plans are to build a cut and fill balance pad approximately 500 feet long by up to approximately 120 feet wide in plan dimension. The long dimension of the athletic field will be in an east-west direction perpendicular to the fall line of the natural slopes at the site. Maximum excavation depths will be approximately 10 feet deep. Our evaluation was to define geologic conditions, identify any geologic hazards and discuss mitigation concePts for any potential geologic hazards identified. Our report is based on.a review of available geologic maps and published literature, an evaluation of aerial photographs, site observations and ourexperience. We are currently performing a barrow investigation and slope stability analysis to develop design level geotechnical recommendations and construction criteria forthe plannedathleticfield. Thefollowingparagraphsprovideadescriptionofgeneral site conditions, the geologic setting at the site, our evaluation of geologic hazards and mitigation concepts. Site Conditions The site is located north of l-70 in Vail, Golorado. Gore Creek is beyond l-70 to the south. The existing Sun Vail Condominiums are adjacentto and belowthe site to the southwest. The Red Sandstone Elementary School is adjacent to the east. A pedestrian bridge across l-70 and a park area are to the southeast of the site. To the CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTERDRTVE r GLENWOOD SPF NGS, COLORADO81601 r (97O) 945-2809 north, residences are on a benched surface approximately 50 vertical feet above the site. The site can be visualized as a benched area that slopes down to the south at grades measured and visually estimated at 15 to 25 percent. Ground surfaces above the bench slope up to the north at steep grades in excess of 60 percent. Ground surfaces below the west approximately 1/2 of the bench drop down the slopes excavated for the Sun Vail Condominiums at grades measured at up to approximatelyT0 percent. Ground surfaces belowtheeastapproximately 1/2 of the bench drop down to the park area at grades measured and visually estimated at 25 to 35 percent. An abdndoned irrigation ditch approximately 4 feet wide and 2 feet deep trends down to the southeast below the southeast side of the bench. Vegetation consists of grasses, weeds and sage brush. Aspen trees, willows and other hydrophilic brush are on the steep slopes above the site to the north. Photographs of the site are shown in Appendix A. Geoloqic Settinq The site is located in an area of.folded and faulted Paleozoic aged sedimentary strata between the Gore Range to the northeast and the Sawatch Range to the southwest. Regional geologic mapping indicates the site is underlain by bedrock consisting of the Pennsylvanian aged Minturn Formation. Bedrock orientation strikes generally east-west, parallel to Gore Creek and dips down to the north. Surface deposits a the site consist of Quaternary aged glacial drift. Field observations at, and in the vicinity of the site confirm the geologic mapping. The site is a glacial drift terrace. The steep slopes above the site to the north appear to be the sides of a second glacial drift terrace above. The glacial drift consists of silty to clayey gravels with cobbles and boulders up to approximately 6 feet in diameter. Glacial drift is a heterogeneous unit with pockets of more permeable and more granular materials intermixed and interlayered with less permeable, more clayey materials. Numerous springs and seeps are at the base of and on the slopes to the northwest of the site. Geoloqic Hazards We did not identify any potential geologic hazards that would prevent development of the property for the planned athletic field. Three concerns related to geologic conditions were identified that need to be considered. First, the steep slopes along the north edge and to the north of the site are potentially unstable; second, an area of saturation as evidenced by springs and surface water was observed on the slopes at the northwest part of the site; and third, the slopes below the site that were excavated to construct the Sun Vail Condominiums are very steep and placing fill at the top of these slopes will increase the driving force and tend to reduce existing hillside stability, TOWN OF VAIL RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC FIELD CTUT JOB NO, GS-3356 o Glacial drift deposits appear similar to slope failure deposits and are difficult to differentiate. The glacial drift slopes above the site to the north may have moved in the geologic past (on the order of 10,000 years ago). Field observations do not indicate that recent slope movements have occurred. ln our opinion, the site is comparatively stable and the potential for slope stability hazards is low. In our opinion, excavations at the site that do not intersect a 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) line extending down and away from the toe of the steep slopes (see Figure 1) can be accomplished without retainage. We understand excavations are to be into the steep slopes and will intersect the 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) line discussed above. lt appears the excavation may need to be retained. We are currently performing a detailed slope stabilitir analysis to judge the necessity of slope stability mitigation and develop mitigation recommendations for retainage. The numerous springs at the northwest part of the site indicate the slopes in this area are likely saturated. Surface and subsurface drainage will be needed. Removal of ground water via subsurface drains such as an interceptor drain along the base of the cut slopes for the athletic field and horizontal drains extending back into the slopes will reduce hydrostatic pressures and increase slope stability. We envision a network of drains excavated into the slopes and a collector drain excavated along the based of the cut face. The drains can consist of slotted 4-inch diameter PVC pipe embedded in a free draining gravel such as washed 3/4-inch diameter concrete aggregate. The drain pipes would be 4 to 5 feet below the existing ground surface. The drain pipes that extend back into the slopes would need to extend up the slopes a distance equal to approximately 2 times the height of the excavation and be placed on an approximately 6 to 8 feet horizontal spacing. The collector pipe would need to be approximately 10 to 12 inches in diameter. ln addition, we suggest a drainage swale approximately 2 feet deep and 6 to 8 feet wide along the base of the cut face for the athletic field. The trend of the swale should slope at a sufficient gradient to prevent surface water from ponding. The third concern is related to the existing cut slopes below the proposed athleticfield. Ourfieldobservationsindicatethatamaximumgradeofapproximately 60 percent for dry slopes appears to be stable for the soil conditions at and on property adjacent to this site. Cut slopes below the site are up to approximately 70 percent and show evidence of raveling. We believe that adding weight to the top of these slopes will reduce the stability of the cut slopes. In our opinion, fill should not be placed closerto the top of the steep slopes thatwhere a 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) line extending up from the toe of the excavated slopes intersect the existing ground surface above (See Figure 2) unless the existing cut slopes are laid back to a stable configuration, retained, or otherwise reinforced. Mitigation may involve reinforcement of the existing cut slopes with mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) cells or some type of retainage such as soil nails. Our geotechnical investigation will address fill placement above the steep cut slopes to ensure a fill embankment can be safely constructed. We believe the propefi can be developed using geotechnical and construction practices normally employed in mountainous regions in the locale of the property. TOWN OF VAIL RED SANOSTONE ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC FIELD CTUT JOB NO. GS.3356 o We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. lf you have questions, please call. TOWN OF VAIL RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC FIELD GTL/T JOB NO. GS-3356 Very truly yours, CTUTHOMBIFON,IN Wilson L. "Liv" Engineering Geo WW;!' T"f:,p#/rr;, *rYc;:Y-:""t"g?i""oryL eo$ APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS TOWN OF VAIL RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC FIELO CTUT JOB NO. G3.3355 o q I TOE OF STEEP ST.OPE I I I + -- SITE WE RECOMMET\D t.Io EXCAVATION BELOW THIS LINE TYPICAL NORTH.SOUTH CROSS SECTION THROUGH SITE {Upper Part of Site) Job No. GS-3356 Fig.1 I -l N IIII ''.,:".li TYPICAL NORTH.SOUTH CROSS SECTION THROUGH SITE (Lower Part of Site) Flg.2 h|E REcorfYlElS hE FILL PLACEI'4ENT IN THIS AREA EXISTINC: GROUhD SURFACE Job No. GS-3356 APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS TOWN OF VAIL RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC FIELD CTUT JOB NO. GS.3356 .d'lt 3T' IIJ o Foul = =og. ll. =IU5 (oII'(v) (r) Ioo dz .aoa (\ .d,IL +. -1 t.t '11:; t.-ii I 'r:ir fl oul E o o llt =oEl! E uJ tgroct a?Io(9 dztto t' , JOII N W. OUNN ARIHUR A. ABPLANALE JR. INGA HAAGENSON CAUSEY OF COUNSEL: JERRY W. HANNAH LA'w OFFtcES Dur.rr.r & AepLaNar-q P.C. A PROFESSIONA! COiIFORAIION WEsrSran BaHr Bu lr-orrc roe Soutx FnoHracs RoAD WEsr Surra soo Varl, Coloneoo 4t657-5087 June 7, 2001 TELEPHONE:(970) zl75-0300 FACSIM ILE:(97 0) 476-4765 highcountDdaw.com e-mail: vaillcvr@nail.nd. CERYIFIEO L€6A! ASSI9TAN'S KAREN M. OUN Nt CLAS JAN tCE K, SCOFtELO, CLAS Planning and Environm ental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO 81657 Re: Request for Conditional Use Permit for soccer field on Portion Tract C. Vail Potato Patch Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: We have been asked to represent Joe and Anne Staufer and the Sun Vail Condominium Association in corurection with the Town's application for a special use permit for a soccer field adjacent to Red Sandstone Elementary School. My clients for obvious reasons would prefer that the special use permit not be granted. However, they recognize that their desires may have to yield to the perceived need for the soccer field and therefore have asked that I communicate to you the conditions they wish to see in any permit, if it is granted. The conditions requested by Staufers and Sun Vail are as follows: l. Use of the soccer field be only by elementary school students under the supervision of school district employees. 2. T};.e permit be effective only so long as an elementary school is at the Red Sandstone location. 3. No other use, including without limitation ice skating and parking, be permitted. 4. No amplified or broadcast sound, whether music or spoken, be permitted. 5. No outdoor lighting be permitted. 6. No structures be permitted. The Commission's consideration of this request will be appreciated. Yours very truly, jwd:ipse cc. Mr. Staufer Sun Vail Condominium Association FenNs\roRTH INvTSTMENT ConPANY May 3, 2001 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Allyson Ochs, Planner Dear Ms. Ochs: As I told you earlier today, I am the owner of 754 Potato Patch Drive, W. Thank you for explaining the proposed soccer field to be located at 610 North Frontage Road West, said property being generally below my property in the Town of Vail. I do not object to the proposed soccer field as it is presently envisioned. As I understand it, it will be for children and not a full- scale official soccer field. I endorse it nrovided that: l. There will be no lights on the property whatsoever; 2. That it will be properly fenced with a vinyl coated cyclone fence; and 3. That it will be properly landscaped. I trust that there will be a requirement that the landscaping is properly maintained by the school. Further, I endorse this with the understanding that any additional future requests, such as lighting, expansion, etc., will be brought back to the neighborhood for comments and opinions. Sincerely yours, A[V n. Azl-1' \ | Thomast. Famsworth- Jr. TCFJr:bjm Cc: Mrs. Toni Hippeli DTV[.LOPERS . REAI,TORS . IN\/L]STMENT BUILDERS 5335 Distriplex Farms Drive . Memphis, TN 38141 . 901-377-2000. Fax:901-372-4899 . *,wrv.farnsworthco.conr ^, t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: METORANDUT Town Council Department of Public Works July 17,2001 Presentation of the final design, budget, and Intergovernrnental Agreement for the Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Project. Applicant: Town of Vail Project Manager: Gregg Banie Planner: Allison Ochs The proposed Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field creates a turf area aClacent to the school approximately .9 acres in size. lt is designed with two play areas' The smaller area located close to the school allows quick ac!€ss to turf during the shorter 15 minute recess periods, while the large portion of the field to-the west ellows toioiganizeO activities such as kick ball, tball, and soccer- While further from the schooi this larger field is for use during longer physical education classes. The design proposes the installation of a chain link fence along the southern edge of the field as well as an access path that is to be constructed from the lower playground' In addition, an aggressive revegetation program will help cover exposed cut and fill slopes qri"ify,'""0 i6uiO" vegetat-ive screlning oJ the fence from the south. The proposed Luegiiation shoutd treip to reestablish lxisting plant materials within a 3 to 5 year period. The Planning and Environmental Commission appr-oved the.conditional use permit for tne neO San-dstone Athletic field at their June 25,2001, meeting. The approval canied the following conditions: That a gate will be provided on the wesusouthwest comer of the field. That stiff will consider and explore the possibility of a boulder wall to create a berm for the fence. That amplified sound will only be allowed as part of school aclivities. That the school is considered the primary user; the Town is secondary: and the vail Recreation Distric.t is third. This shall be indicated in any agreement regarding the field. The Design Review Board approved the design for the field at the May 14' 2001, meeting. Their approval carried no conditions. During preliminary site analysis, it was found that the slopes to the north of the proposed ru6 6ht"ined several see6" "hO springs. After further study of the site, a geotechnical ;dt;"; deemeo n"""i.aty in 'orodr to A) determine the potential effec{s of the giorhOn Jt"r on the ptopos"d field, and .Bi determine the effects of the existing Iopography and geology on the proposed field. 1. 2. 3. 4. In brief, the study determined that A) the ground water should have little effest on the field but should be monitored during construction, and B) that all fill material must be placed on horizontal benches cut int-o the existing topography._ These required benches incr"ase the amount of cut and fill by more than 500/0. In addition, the benches require relocation of existing utilities not originally slated for relocation. These items increase the overall cost of the projecl from the original cost estimates. The overall cost of this project is estimated to be $375,000. This figure is taken from proposals submitted by'contractors for the work, and includes expenses already incuned rrch as engineering ahd survey fees. This figure also includes a contingency for any drainage struciures that may be required due to ground water. An lnter-Governmental Agreement between the Town of Vail, Eagle County !c.h9ot District, and the Vail Recr6ation District calls for the cost of construction for the field to Ue sptii between the Town and the School District. However, the Town will pay for all consiruction costs until the completion of the project, at which time the School District will reimburse one half of that cost to the Town. After completion, the field will be maintained by the Recreation District. A copy of the agreement is attached. JOINT USE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOW|I OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-sOJ AI\D VAIL PARKS AND RECREATION DISTRICT FOR RED SANDSTONE ATHLETIC I'IELD l. PARTIES. The padies to this Agreement are the TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado mruricipal corporation (Town); EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-50J, a Colorado public school (School District); and VAIL PARKS AND RECREATION DISTRICT, a Colorado quasi-municipal corporation (Recreation District). 2. RECITALS AND PURPOSE. This Agreement is for the construction and use of a soccer field on 0.9 acre, more or less, of real property owned by the Town located at 610 North Frontage Road West, a portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. The soccer freld will be constructed adjacent to the District's Red Sandstone Elementary School (School). The soccer field is sized and shaped to allow for the minimum sized U7AJ8 soccer field, which is generally intended for 7 and 8-year old players. The soccer field is approximately 30 yards by 50 yards. The athletic field will provide additional recreational uses for the elementary school and the community. The primary intent of the athletic field is to provide for turf area for the students at the School. The Recreation District will use the field for overflow for its soccer needs. Accordingly, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth in this Agreement, the parties covenant and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the following paragraphs. 3. TERM. This Agreement shall become effective July 1, 2001 upon its execution by the parties' authorized representatives; thereafter, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect through June 30, 201 l. This Agreement will automatically renew for successive l0-year terms unless any party shall give written notice at least one year in advance of its intention to terminate this Agreement. 4. ARDA INVOLVED. The soccer field covers an area of 30 yards by 50 yards on a 0.9- acre portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch referred to in this Agreement as the athletic field. A graphic representation of the athletic field is attached as EXHIBIT A. Upon completion of construction, the Town will cause a metes and bounds survey of the "as built" athletic field to be prepared and such survey will be attached to this Agreement as EXHIBIT A-1. 5. CONSTRUCTION. The Town is responsible for obtaining all necessary Town of Vail permits for the approval and construction of the athletic field. The Town will also oversee and manage construction of the athletic field including contracts let to outside construction companies for construction of the athletic field. The Town will pay all capital costs of design and construction. The School District agrees to reimburse the Town for one-half of the costs incurred for design and construction. Upon completion of the project, the Town will provide a detailed invoice of all costs to the District and the District will pay invoice within 30 days of its receipt. 6. MAINTENAI\CE RESPONSIBILITY. The Recreation District will be principally responsible for maintaining the athletic field including turf inigation, fertilizing, mowing, weed control, irrigation system maintenance and any other maintenance required to keep the turf in good condition. The School's custodial staff will assist the Recreation District personnel in ensuring that the appearance ofthe athletic field is kept up by periodically picking up trash and loose paper. 7. SCHEDULING OF ACTMTIES. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the parties agree to consult in good faith concerning any disputes or disagreements over scheduling matters. In the event that the parties are unable to resolve such disputes or disagreements between themselves, parties agree to submit any unresolved disputes to mediation pursuant to paragraph 12 below. The priorities for scheduling of the athletic field are set forth on the attached EXHIBIT B. 8. LIABILITY MATTERS. The following subparagraphs relate to activities of the parties pursuant to the terms of this Agreement: 8.1 The School District, and its ofificers, directors, agents and employees shall not be deemed to assume any liability for the intentional or negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Town or the Recreation District or any of their offrcers, directors, agents and employees. Likewise, the Town and the Recreation District, and their offrcers, directors, agents and employees shall not be deemed to assume any liability for any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission ofthe School District or its officers, directors, agents or employees. 8.2 The School District agrees to indemnifu, defend, and hold harmless, to the extent permitted by law, the Town and the Recreation District and their respective offrcers, directors, agents and employees ofand from any and all losses, costs, damages, injuries, liabilities, claims, liens, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to the School District's intentional or negligent acts, errors, or omissions, or that of the School District's officers, directors, agents and employees, whether contractual or otherwise. Likewise, the Town and the Recreation District agree to indemnity, defend, and hold harmless, to the extent permitted by law, the School District and its officers, directors, agents and employees of and from any and all losses, costs, damages, injuries, liabilities, claims, liens, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to the Town's or the Recreation District's intentional or negligent acts, errors, or omissions, or that of their offrcers, directors, agents and employees, whether contractual or otherwise. 9. INSURANCE. The School District, the Recreation District and the Town shall each provide its own public liability and errors and omissions insurance policies sufficient to ensure against liability, claims and demands or any other potential liability arising under this Agreement. Further, the School District, the Recreation District and the Town shall each name, subject to the approval of the other parties' insurance carriers, the other parties as addition insureds under such insurance policies to the extent of any potential liability arising under this Agreement and, upon reasonable written request, shall fumish evidence of the same to the other respective party. In any cvent, each party respectively shall procure and maintain the minimum insurance coverages listed below: 9.1 Workers' Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by applicable laws for any employee engaged in the performance of work under this Agreement. \WAllrD TA!ib.c\ATTORI{EY1R.d $||dtom Soco.r Fhld dtt 4.doc 9.2 General Liability insurance with minimum combined single limits of $500,000 for each occurrence and $1,000,000 in the aggregate. The policy shall be applicable to all premises and operations and shall include coverage for bodily injury, broad form property damage, personal injury, blanket contractual, products, and completed operations. 9.3 The School District shall provide property damage as it deems necessary. 9.4 Errors and Omissions insurance with minimum limits of $1.000.000 each claim and $1,000,000 aggregate. 9.5 Failure of any party to this Agreement to maintain policies providing the required coverages shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement, upon which the non- breaching party or parties may immediately terminate this Agreement. 10. CONSULTATION. The parties acknowledge that, over the term of this Agreement, issues may arise concerning implementation of this Agreement which the parties have not now contemplated. Recognizing that a high degree ofcooperation between the parties is necessary and desirable, the parties agree to consult with each other from time to time concerning implementation of this Agreement and further agree that their respective representatives will meet to conduct such consultation upon ten days' written requ€st given by one party to the other parties. In addition, each party shall, from time to time, designate in writing that party's "contact person" for all matters involving the administration of this Agreement. 11. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall not be assigned or delegated except with the prior written ponsent ofthe parties. 12. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. Il following the consultation required above and good faith efforts on the part of both parties to resolve any disputes regarding this Agreement, a dispute still exists, the parties agree to submit such dispute to non-binding mediation. If the parties fail to reach a settlement of their dispute within 30 days after the earliest date upon which one of the parties has notified the other party of its desire to attempt to resolve the dispute, then the dispute shall be promptly submitted to non-binding mediation by a single mediator provided by the Judicial Arbiter Group (JAG) of Denver, Colorado, any successor to JAG, or any similar mediation provider who can fumish a former judge to conduct such mediation if JAG or JAG's successor is no longer in existence. If, following such mediation, the parties dispute still exists, the parties shall have the right to pursue any other remedies under Colorado law. 13. NOTICES. Any notice required or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been suffrciently given for all purposes ifsent by certified or registered mail, postage and fees prepaid, addressed to the party to whom such notice is intended to be given at the address set forth on the sigrrature page below, or at such other address as has been previously fumished in writing to the other party or parties. Such notice shall be deemed to have been given when deposited in the U.S. Mail. 14. EXHIBITS. All exhibits refened to in this Agreement are, by reference, incorporated in this Agreement for all purposes. w tllo T YIIGMTTOIaNEnR.d Ssn6lo€ So...f FLld dtm 4.rtoc 15. PARAGRAPH CAPTIONS. The captions of the paragraphs are set forth only convenience and reference, and are not intended in any way to define, limit, or describe scope or intent of this Agreement. 16. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS OR ACTION. The parties agree to execute any additional documents and to take any additional action necessary to carry out this Agreement. 17. INTEGRATION AND AMENDMENT. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and there are no oral or collateral agreements or understandings. This Agreement may be amended only by an instrument in writing signed by the parties. 18. DEFAULT AND/OR TERMINATION. All terms and conditions of this Agreement are considered material. In the event that any ofthe parties default in the performance ofany of the covenants or agreements to be kept, done, or performed by and under the requirements of this Agreement, a non-defaulting party shall give the defaulting party 20 days written notice of such default and if the defaulting party fails, neglects, or refuses for a period of more than 20 days thereafter to make good or perform the default, the non-defaulting party without further notice may, in addition to any other remedies available to it, terminate all rights and privileges granted in this Agreement and the Agreement shall be of no further force or effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, should the Recreation District default in the performance of any of the covenants or agreements to be kept, done, or performed by and under the requirements of this Agreement while the Recreation Management Agreement is in effect between the Recreation District and the Town, the Town shall be given notice of the default simultaneously with the Recreation District. Should the Recreation District fail to cure the default within the 20 days so provided, the Town shall be given written notice of such failure by the School District and the Town shall have 10 days from the date of such notice to cure the default. If the Town fails, neglects, or refuses for a period of more than l0 days thereafter to make good or perform the default, the School District without notice, may, in addition to any other remedies available to it, terminate all rights and privileges granted in this Agreement and this Agreement shall be of no further force or effect. If a non-defaulting party elects to treat this Agreement as being in full force and effect, such non- defaulting party shall have the right to an action for speciftc performance or damages or both. 19. WAMR OF BREACH. The waiver by any party to this Agreement of a breach of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be consffued as a waiver of any subsequent breach by any party. 20. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties, and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns; provided, however, that nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to permit the assignment of this Agreement except as otherwise specifically authorized in this Agreement' 21.GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Colorado. 22. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is declared by a court of competentjurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed to be severable, and all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain firlly enforceable, and this Agreement shall be interpreted in all respects as if such provision were omitted. for the WAIL\DATAVnb.gI\ATTORNEY\R.d Srndtoo. So.c.r Flcb drm a.doc 23. AUTHORITY TO ENTER AGREEMENT. The parties have represented to each other that each possesses the legal authority to enter into this Agreement. ln the event that a court of competent jurisdiction determines that any of the parties did not possess the legal authority to enter into this Agreemenl then this Agreement shall be considered null and void as of the date of such determination. 24. THIRD PARTY ACTIONS. This Agreement shall not be deemed to confer or to grant to any third party any right to claim damages or bring a legal action ofclaim against any parfy to this Agreement because ofany breach hereofor because ofany covenant, condition or provision contained in this Agreement. 25. DATED.2001, effective July 1,2001. EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE50J, a Colorado public school district By President, Board of Education P.O. Box 740 Eagle, Colorado 81631 970-328-6321 970-328-1024 (fax) ATTEST: Secretary \vAtL\trATAt!!.lt\tTtERt{EYrRd a|ndtcL 8ocorFldd rfft4Ihc o TOWII OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation By Town Manager 25 South Frontage Road West Vail Colorado 81657 970479-2107 970479-2157 (fax) ATTEST: Town Clerk VAIL PARKS AND RECREATION DISTRICT, a Colorado quasi-governmental corporation Executive Director 292 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2279 970479-2197 (fax) ATTEST: Secretary trvrrDATAhirnA?t!$CYtR.d8fft.cmct+dc 6 tii!r t t ii !! E [ir ! I i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !-J !!t Quo. " rrrl [\ EXHIBIT A ANDSTONE ATHLETI ,iiiiliillliii' iii:i;i!iii ir:.::- . E"!i liilig !li.:1'..1...."', i ' I a ;.'.-'.- '..e\ 8r 6\ tiiiif !!i; i iit lti ii t*'-L \ \. \ I b t T E s:II E o @ a t €PAFTI|€I|T OF Pu8trc WOH(gTR l{SFOHr norg RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC FIELD S]TE PLAN!*',!!:i: EXHIBITB SCHEDULING OF ACTIVITIES 1. The Principal of the School will be responsible for the long range planning and scheduling of School District activities for the athletic field. Firm fall schedules should be completed by September I't of each year and firm winter schedules should be completed by January l't of each year. The Principal will be responsible for notiffing the Town and Recreation District of the School District's schedule no later than the above stated dates. The Town and Recreation District will contact and meet with the Principal by September 15 for the fall and January 15 for the spring to schedule activities and facilities. It is understood that the schools will begin to schedule other community use of the facilities after September 15 and January 15. 2. The Town and Recreation District will have the responsibility of drafting a schedule for the use of athletic field from the available time remainine after the School Disfict's scheduled use. 3. It is agreed that the School District shall have the final decision in the athletic field. Therefore, all schedules must be submitted to the Principal of the school for approval. 4. The Principal will notifu the Town and Recreation District at least ten days in advance of special school activities. In the event that the nature of the activity does not permit the principal to furnish at least ten days advance notice, the Town and Recreation District will give highest priority to school functions with every effort being made not to disrupt previously scheduled Town and Recreation District events. 5. Should community complaints arise regarding Recreation District programs, all complaints will be refened to the Recreation District by the Principal or designee. The Recreation District Director will investigate complaints and contact the Principal or designee regarding its resolution in a timely manner. The Recreation District will be responsible for providing a supervisor to be present at all times during Recreation District sanctioned activities. This person will direct, supervise and enforce the provisions contained in this Exhibit B. Payment for the supervisor will be the responsibility of the Recreation District. The Recreation District will be responsible for the recreation program's format, safety and implementation. School District employees are welcome to provide progam ideas and recommendations. \VAIL\OATAtnb6|\AT'ORNEY\R€d s.ndnlona Soccat Flald daen 4.doc : 1, t PLANN Mna ING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMTISSION PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS Monday, June 25, 2001 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community Development Dept PUBLIC WELGOME 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Doug Cahill John Scofield Galen Aaslen Chas Bemhardt Brian Doyon Site Visits : MEMBERS ABSENT Diane Golden Dick Cleveland 1:00 pm 1 . Innin residence - 1956 Gore Creek Drive2. Schroeder residence - 100 E. Meadow Drive, Units 335 & 337.3. Lionshead Commercial Core4. Weiss lots - 3834 & 3838 Bridge Road5. FrazierlDahl lots - 3816, 3826 & 3828 Bridge Road Driver: George KEX NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 Public Hearinq - Town Gouncil Ghambers 2:00 pm 1. A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 2. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, VailVillage West Filing #2. Applicant David InrinPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:5-0 DENIED 3. A request for a major amendment to Special Development District #6, to allow for the conversion of 2 residential units into 1, located at 100 E. Meadow Drive, Units 335 & 337/Lot O, Block 5D, VailVillage 1" Filing. Applicant: Patricia & Gerardo Schroeder, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: John Schofield VOTE:5-0 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL WITH ONE CONDITION: 1. The applicant shall submit a revised condominium map to reflect the approved amendment for review and approval by town staff by no later than June 25,2002. 4. A request for a worksession to discuss a minor subdivision proposal, located at 3834 & 3838 Bridge Road/ Lots 11 & 12, Bighorn Subdivision 2n0 Addition. Applicant: Gary Weiss, represented by Steve Riden, ArchitectPlanner: Ann Kjerulf WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 5. A request for a worksession to discuss a minor subdivision proposal, located at 3816, 3826, and 3E28 Bridge Road/ Lots 8, 9, & 10, Bighorn Subdivision 2no Addition. Applicant June Frazier.and Jeff Dahl, represented by Steve Riden, ArchitectPlanner: Ann Kjerulf . WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 6. A request for a worksession to discuss allowing ski storage as a permitted or conditional use on the first floor of a building in Lionshead Mixed Use 1 & Lionshead Mixed Use 2Zone Districts. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 7. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an athletic field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesU A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH FOUR CONDITIONS: 1. That a gate will be provided on the w/sw corner of the field2. That staff will consider and explore the possibility of a boulder wall to create a berm for the fence.3. That amplified sound will only be allowed as part of school activities.4. That the school is considered the primary user; the Town is secondary and the VRD is third and this shall be indicated in any agreement regarding the field. 8. A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond prooess as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant Town of VailPlannei: George Ruther RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO TOWN COUNCIL PER THE STAFF MEMO. 9. Approval of June 11,2001 minutes 10. lnformation Update The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspec'tion during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department ommrsston VJ.:: Planning and Environmental C ACTION FORM Department of Community Dwelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Red Sandstone Athletic Field PEC Number: PEC010020 Proiect Description: conditional use permit to construct athletk fieb. any other use requires amendment Pafticipants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 03/20/2001 Phone: o/o FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81557 License: APPUCANT TOWN OF VAIL 03l2Ol2OOL Phone:479-2337 o/o FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO Gregg Barrie 81657 License: ProjectAddrcss: Locadon: tegal Description: Lot Block 2 Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel l{umber: 210106302004 Comments: OJP for athleUc field BOARD/STAFF ACTION lrlotion By: John Schofield Action: APPROVED Seond By: Brian Doyon Vote: 5-0 Date of APproYalz 0612612001 Conditions: Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0004825 A gate will be provided on the w/sw corner of the field @nd: CON0004825 The staff will consider and explore the possibility of a boulder wall to create a berm for the fence Cond: CON0@{827 Amplified sound will only be allowed as part of school activities. Cond: CON000tl828 The school is considered the primary user, the Town is secondary and the VRD ls third. This shall be indicated in any agreement regarding the field' ,-t) Planner: nflison OcJ prc rJlo: $o.oo J/rK Tn. FRC!/: DATi: SUEJtrL: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April23, 2001 '/j 'fri,,tt1 t. 'u,.c {oM,l A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an athletic field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesV A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Depadment of Community Development. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Gregg BaniePlanner: Allison Ochs DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Tle Town of Vail, Vail Recreation District, and Red Sandstone Elementary School are r=quesling a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the construction of an athletic field lc:ated adjacent to the elementary school on a portion of Tract C. The athletic field is s zed and shaped to allow for the minimum sized U7lU8 soccer field, which is generally i':endeo for 7 and 8 year old players. The field is approximately 30 yards by 50 yards. F:r information, an official soccer field is a minimum of 50 yards by 100 yards. ire parcel is zoned Outdoor Recreation. "Public parks and active public outdoor r:creation areas and uses, excluding buildings" are a conditional use in the Outdoor F:crealion zone district. According to the applicant, the athletic field is situated on the v,estern end of the site due to steeper slopes on the eastern end. The applicant's letter c'intent. along with a reduction of the site plan, has been attached for reference. BACKGROUND Tne athletic field is proposed to be located on a portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. In 1395, as part of the Comprehensive Open Lands Plan rezonings, Tract C was divided irro multiple parcels. Portions of Tract C were then zoned Natural Area Preservation District. The portion of the property to include the athletic field is zoned Outdoor F,ecrealion. Currently there are no improvements on the property. ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BOARDS ?tannino and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating this conditional use permit application for: 1 . Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, lransportation il. ilt. facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automolive and pedeslrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streels and parking areas. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. 7. Conformance with development standards of zone district Desion Review Board: The Design Review Board is responsible for evaluating the Design Review application for: 'l . Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings2. Fitting buildings into landscape 3. Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography4. Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation 5. Adequate provision for snow storage on-sile 6. Acceptability of building materials and colors 7. Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms 8. Provision of landscape and drainage 9. Provision of fencing, walls. and accessory structures 10. Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances 11. Location and design of satellite dishes 12. Provision of outdoor lighting 13. The design of parks STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Developmenl Departmenl recommends approval of the conditional use permit for an athletic field, subject to the following lindings: 1. That the proposed location of lhe use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Outdoor Recreation Zone District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. Should the Planning and Environmental ,Commission choose to approve the request, staff recommends the following condilion: 1. That the Design Review Board review the request with respect to landscaping and siting and for compliance with the Design Guidelines as found in Title 14. e 4. 5. tv. V.REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town of Vail lvlunicipal Code. The proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use permil in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Chapter 16. For the Planning and Environmental Commission's reference, the conditional use permit purpose statement indicates that: ln order to provide the ftexibility necessary to achieve the obiectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in ceftain districts subiect to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, condi1onfl uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this titte and with respect to their effects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibitity and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or propefties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. A. Consideration of Faclors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development obiectives ol the Town. Section 12-88-1 defines the purpose of the Outdoor Recreation zone district: The outdoor Recreation District is intended to preserve undeveloped or open space lands from intensive development while permitting outdoor recreational activities that provide opportunities for active and passive recreation areas, facilities and uses. staff believes that the proposed athletic field furthers the purpose of the Outdoor Recreation zone district. ln addition, staff believes that the proposal complies with the development objectives of the Town of Vail, as these obiectives are stated in the Land Use Plan: 1.1.1. Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial, and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. r 1.1.2. The quality of the environment including air, water, and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. 2. 2.7 The Town of Vail should improve the existing park and open space lands while continuing to purchase open soace. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan designates this property as Open Space. In addition, it identifies the entire tract as Tract 37- Potato Patch: An irregular shaped area above Red Sandstone Elementary School was dedicated to the Town as open space. This area has a variety of high and medium environmental constraints as well as some areas with no identifiable development constraints. There are no apparent deed restrictions for use of the propefty, however, the site is relatively difficult to access and seems most appropriately left in open space. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The proposed athletic field will provide additional recreational uses for the elementary school and community. The primary intent of the athletic field is to provide for turf area for the students of Red Sandstone Elementary. The Vail Recreation District will use the field for overflow for their soccer needs, but as the field is only 30 yards by 50 yards, the Vail Recreation District will primarily be using the new soccer field at Donovan Park for their needs. Effect upon traffic with particular relerence to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that the proposed athletic field will not have a negative effect on the above referenced criteria. Currently, there are 25 designated parking spaces plus 2 ADA accessible spaces at Red Sandstone Elementary. Additional parking can be accommodated on the access drive, allowing for approximately 71 spaces total. Overflow parking can be accommodated al the Sandstone Tot Lot, if necessary. The Planning and Environmental Commission sets the parking requirement for recreational facilities. Staff has identified parking requirements for other communities with regards to athletic fields. These requiremenls vary from 20 spaces per field to 1 space per 5,000 sq. ft. of land area. The athletic field is approximately 13,500 sq. ft. with additional turf area adjacent to the school. Because the field is primarily for the use of the school, staff does not believe that additional parking should be required. Other uses of the field will not occur while school is in session, specifically evenings, weekends, and summer, leaving the school parking available. Effect upon the character of the area in which lhe proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 3. 4. B. staff has concerns regarding the amount of site disturbance on lhe hillside. The current design of the athletic field allows for regrading and vejetation otthe hillside, as opposed to more visible retaining walli which "would benecessary should the field be sited elsewhere. However, staff alsorecognizes the needs of lhe school and believes that with revegetation, thecharacter of the area will not be negatively affected. The chain-li-nk fence willbe green to minimize visibility and will also be screened with additionallandscaping. There is no lighting proposed in conjunction with the athleticfield. staff believes that this use is compatible wlth adjacent uses, whichinclude residential uses and the school. Findinqs The Planning and Environmental commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed rocation of the use is in accord with thepurposes of the cond.itional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed rocation of the use and the condirions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimentalto the public. hearth, safety, or werfare or materialry injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use wourd compry with each of the appricabreprovisions of the conditional use permit section of the'zonino code. -lIi I ts \ Department of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-179-2166 www. ci.vail. co. us April 19.2001 Red Sandstone Elementary School Proposed Athletic Field The Torvn of Vail, in conjunction with the Eagle Counry School District and the Vail Recrearion District. is proposing the construction of an athletic field on Town of Vail properr,v adjacent to the Red Sandstone Elementary School. The propenl is Tract C. Potato Patch Filing. and is divided into four zoning parcels. two of uhich are Outdoor Recreation. and trvo of *hich are Natural Area Presen,ation District. The proposed fleld rvould be constructed entirely on a parcel zoned Outdoor Recreation. The largest pan of the athletic field has been sized to accommodate a soccer field for rhe 7 ro 8 r'ear old age group. and is situated on the westem end of the site due to steeper slopes on the eastent end. Horvever. because this area is approximately 400 feet from the school. a 65' X 100' open area is proposed berueen the school and the larger part of the field. This rvould allon'students to plav on a turf area durine the l5 minute "recess". while the longer Phr sical Education classes can take the time to rvalk out to the larger pan ofthe field for organized activities. Currently the students plav on a 200' long asphalt areajust outside the school. The total amount ofturfarea proposed fbr this project is .9 acres. The fields have been desisned so that no retainine walls will be required. however. there will be sizeable cut and tlll slopes that s ill require revegetation. All disturbed slopes will be planted uith native species that currenth exist on site. A plant inventory will be pertbrmed prior to construction b1 a regional plant biologist rvho rvill specifo the plants to be used. In addition. he rvill specify erosion control measures and establishment procedures. The intent is that in 3 to 5 years, the disturbed slopes will match existing vegetation as closely as possible. No additional parking is proposed for this project. Currently the school has 25 designated spaces plus 2 ADA compliant spaces. Additionally. during larger school events. the access road up to the school is used for parking. That will accommodate approximatelv 44 additional vehicles. While the field is considered an expansion ofschool facilities, it rvill not require addirional teachers or staff. nor will it generate additional parking demand. AIso. because the school will use the field during the school day. and the Recreation District will use the field outside ofschool hours, events requiring parking for both school and field use should not conflict. Finally. a 6' high brown colored chain link fence is proposed along the dorvnhill side of the entire turf area. The purpose of the fence is to limit the number of balls that might roll down towards the road. The school district requires chain link as opposed to solid fence for supervision purposes. $RECYCLED PAPER to JofuNw- qin"\ wilo wfu,6wd, ^ tunnrn aWWo rattiil4Uuoir'to ln*4;Yl dorn'l W,twrt\,uul wAn n uil"( frlA Vorl alnr6 rsl a[t{w nit {r, wjqil CW W dua'l qa w) tr* o*w ft,n M dw h A,r,v^t lww,, t*t n*W h ,6'A W dt,gr" YMry \rlnnq Vlr, - fr,nuftl oLpa hilh^r I[-*/it-^ P[v,nhuA 6nVaf , h$fi^S Qr^ vn'r tluty,rotw Jwr hru'* qw,^Me n"Wil il'a'l Yt<v1 $dLWw" - W+^ uo & t"^l tvr{htov r$ffit^:.#9m Vutt- v-rA, wA kn'h o" UW- ( p)utwr ,hy1r:,Wfl''' Ltk lr/nnq"trrtrr Wc!{hs fu trfu wia ztallor , ,i fzhrnrq N4tn Wlt hnf+\He rneu/ ti,ll'lt trM lcLq Noorni* ,'YP k ,a\,vao unn;;,il,'* )Y^?ffi',,-Itt +'i" lo,ttcr qdt fhnW +'W)t' &w&c'' laA'nt CW - inanldrho,r \o r"alL 1wnnl.. 1r-,r,r ft"+{t \ \'tVl^lwgv d;fl-*' Tv'u lou'r lt'[ PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Gommunity Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERSPRESENT MEMBERSABSENT I o=r,o* REVTEW B.ARD ourrJ Wednesday, May 16,2001 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLICWELCOME Andy Blumetti &{r.o,^^. 2:00 pm Clark Brittain BillPierce Hans Woldrich Chades S. Acevedo SITE VISITS 1 . Dauphinais Residence - 1936 W. Gore Creek Drive 2. Sun Vail Condos - 655 N. Frontage Road 3. Summers Lodge Condos - 123 Willow Place 4. All Seasons Condos - 434 Gore Creek Drive 5. colden Peak - 458 Vail Valley Drive Driver: Allison PUBLIG HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS :00 pm 1. Edelweiss Condos - Final review of proposed roofing material. Brent 103 Willow Place, Edelweiss Condominiums/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Mllage 1s Filing. Applicant: Edelweiss Condo Association, represented by Nedbo Construction MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 4-0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 6, 2OOI Summers Lodge Condos - Final review of proposed roofing material. 123 Willow Place/Lot 5, Block 6, Vail Village 1'Filing. Applicant: Summers Lodge Condo Assoc., represented by Rick Halterman MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 6, 2OO1 3. Sun Vail Condos - Final review of proposed repaint with color change. Bill 655 N. Frontage Rd./ Lot 9, Block 2, Vail Potato PatchApplicant Sun Vail Homeowne/s Association, represented by Kent l(ohlow MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Cherlie Acevedo VOTE: $O(Woldrich recused) CONSENT APPROVED WITH ONE CONDITION: 1. Approved in accordance with the submitted paint chip samples, not the paini sample applied to the building. Bitl 4. All Seasons Condos - Final review of proposed rooling materials and repaint. Bill 434 Gore Creek Drive/Lot B, Block 3, Vail Village 5h Filing.Applicant AllSeasonsCondominiumAssociation MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:40 APPROVED V\NTH ONE CONDITION 1. Approved in accordance with the submitled tar and gravel roof and brown metal fascia sample. The red trim color is approved in accordance with the submiiled paint chip semple. 5. Mentlik residence - Final review of new singl+'family residence Ann 2437 Garmisch Drive/Lot 12, Block H, Vail das Schone Filing 2 Applicant: Wlliam L. Mentlik, represented by John G. Mertin MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: 1. That the garage shown on the south elevation be faced with stone up to the deck rails; 2. That the driveway entrance be reduced to 24 feet at the edge of Garmisch Drive; 3. That a revocable right-of-way permit be required for the landscaping, driveway, concrete pan, and snow storage to be located in the Town right-of-way and 4. That stamped engineering drawings be required for retaining walls between 4 and 6 feet tall. 6. Lazier residencE - Final review of a new single family residence and EHU. Bill 1290 Westhaven Circle I Lot26, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant Buddy & Kera Lazier, represented by William Reslock MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. No outside comer material changes are allowed. 2. Add 10 aspen trees, 6 to 8 feet in height, in the area between the house and driveway. 7. Petrus residence - Final review of new single family rcsidence with EHU. Bill E4 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 28, Block 7, Vail Mllage 1" Filing. Applicant: Petrus Management, represented by JMP Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Ham Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 (Acevedo recused) CONSENT APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. Resolve retaining wall height issues with staff; 2. Meet all Public Worls Department requirements; 3. ln lieu of low level plantings, provide 10 spruce trees, 8 to 12 feet in height, in the front of the site with the intent of screening the view of vehicles parking in the driveway. ,lo,ua review of proposed addition O 458 E. VailValley Drive/Tracl F, Block 3, VailMllage 5h Filing Applicanl: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Patrick Flim CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 9. Daupinais residence - Conceptual review of new single'family & Type I EHU. Allison 1936 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 10. Red Sandstone Athletic Field - Final review of proposed athletic field. Allison 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesUA portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Gregg Banie MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED 11. Vail Valley Medical Center - Final review of proposed Phase I additions. George 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Mllage 2no Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Braun Associates MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 3-0 (Woldrich gone) TABLED UNTIL JUNE 6, 2OO1 Staff Approvals Vail Glo Lodge - Replace fiberglass swimming pool with smaller fiberglass pool. Ann 701 W. Lionshead Circle / Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead Filing 3. Applicant: Maximum Comfort Pool and Spa Fleischer residence - Changes to approved deck design. 1765 West Gore Creek Drive, East Unit / Lot 7 Vail Village West 2no. Applicant Chad Fleischer Manart residence - Front entry change, new deck railings, new garage door. Ann 2945 Manns Ranch Rd / Lot 4-8, Block 1 , Vail Village 13'n Filing. Applicant Frank C. Manart Tyler residence - Addition of bay window. Allison 433 Gore Creek Dr. / Lot 7 Vail Trails East. Applicant Tim & Nanry Tyler Hormel residence - Addition of patio arca, 2 hot tubs, additional landscaping. Allison 1527 Vail Valley Dr. / Lot 10, Block 3, VailValley Id Filing. Applicant Geo. A. Hormel & CO La Bottega - Addition of operable windows. Allison 100 E Meadow Dr. / Vail Mllage Plaza Condominiums. Applicant: Jamm LTD. Vail Chamber of Commerce - Temporary directional signage for Mllage and Lionshead. Russ 241 E. Meadow Dr/ VailVillage and Lionshead. Applicant Town of Vail Brendess Building - lnstaffatt air conditionin! unit. 2077 N. Frontage Rd. / Lot 39, Buffer Creek Subdivision. Applicant Dental Center of Vail, PC Allison \r1/hite residence - Addition of split rail fence. Allison 1833 Lionsridge Loop I Lot 4, Block 3, Lion's Ridge Subdivision. Applipant Kennelh L. & Kathryn White tsillingsley residence - Address monument. Allison 1170 Ptarmigan Rd. / Lot 3, Block 7, Vail Mllage Filing 7. Applicant: Lucy C. Billingsley Timber Falls Condos - Installation of bay window on unit #4(X. Ann 4496 E. Meadow Dr. / Timber Falls Condominiums Applicant Carolyn Brown Dikeou residence - Change in dormer. Allison 352 Beaver Dam Rd. / Lot 5, Block 3, VailMllage Filing 3. Applicant: Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz, Architects The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project plannels office, located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notitication. Please call 47.9- 2356,Telephone for ihe Hearing lmpaired, for informalion 4 PAGE I/5 P.O. Box 357 Vail" CO 81657 : (970)476-2251 , . :',-: F]\)( (970) 47ffi732TTrT-E DEPT. m. cuAi/rNI€E CorrPairt 'Date: To: Fax#: Frm: 3 -)t? -01 : Time: qlq-Phone#: Message, ''': . !rAll-26-A1 18:15 FROI|TLAND ryLE GUARANTEEFRolr'LAND ULE G!rD. rs7oT4534 PAGE 2/E GicagoT:rdeI@eCoopary ALTA 'COMMITMENT Om0rdcNo. Wn$ cd-Ref.:' : : SciefuleA hryertyA&ts TBACTC.VAILPOTAIOPATCH. . . ."' ? *ls--?; "'t-l. Efcdeeh -Jl-"ry{++Jeta5:fi)P.M. 2. htctto bclsod, dfrqd M . InboaimBintter Prqoedlrslrc+ TOBBDETERIIINED 3. Ite .d.ri or ilclcst bfhs luil dcsqibed or rcferred to in ttfs Comn*smeil r''tt covGrEd hrb b: ARcSiEDle 4- Ttleto 6e"c.+'a ilcrrst werpd hEth b.t &e cFcdirc rbte hercof vesaeib: TOS'N OF VAIL ACOI'RADO MI,'MCIPAL CORPORATTON llAE'-2E-o t 1O,15 FRO}IrLAND TI LE U rD: rs7o4Ts34 PAGE 3/S llAR-2Ci-o t tO. 1E; FRoll:LAND PAGE 4/3GUARANTEE..",'.'rD' rs?ous34 'AL?A COMMITMENT . ScledbB-Scaioo2 Crcedm) ftpnofV wgofOesto ba tned will ouin eregdons to'thefollowbg uolcss tbw arc drye6 of to tb dadm of tbe Qrqos-yi: t, Rigbts or "lti-. of pardes io posseqion Dor $o!rD by tbc Fbtic r€cods- Z. Eamem, 66 eleims qf 999g6, Dt shov/o by thc lt'blic tEcO(Is. 3. DisccpaDcie$ con;q il mary lirt <, stqt4ge ia arca eocroaclmems, and any fus cftich a coge$ sorvqr and iryecriooof thcpreobsvmll$$ted.EticL are m &ma by tcpublic Foords. 4. Any ti€o, or rigftr o a lico, frd scJccs, labs or -or.'iot &cr€bforc o[ |rrrcafu filri$od, iryoec6 by law adu$oflntt ecfblforccorils, j .i 5. Hec|s, Deos encmhaoccs, adrtrsc c,I'irls or orhcr mattrs, if any, crcarc4 6rst apOcariog in tbc poblic rtcor& or atraclil8 $bscqucottofrccftcdrcdrclEatilbrirpcioro&cdarctbc progoscaiusreAacqstEsoflecordfor rabe fu cm u imercs cmorqagc eefcq covepdby rhis Comimeu. 6- Taxes u ryecial wss sfiich are Dot shorra as cdsdlg ticos by the gublic recordso &e Ttca$rer's offce. 7. r iens fu tryeiil vaocr aod gcmer fuges, if any.. 8. Ia additio, the octq's Ddicy wilt bc sufjjcc o 6c mofigage, if auy, noted io Se.dm f of Sdoahlc B hereof- 9. RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO D$RACT A}ID REMOVE IIIS ORE TIIEREFROM SHOTTI.D THE SA!4E BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR NTERSECT TIIE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN I'NNED STATES PATET{.T R,ECORDED MAY @, 1904, IN BOOK € AT PAGE 503 AIiIE Ni UNT.IED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY IJ, I93d. IN BOOK I23ATPAGE6IZ. i :i ... 10. RIGIIT OF trIAY FOR DMCHES OR CAI$AIS'CONSIRUCTED BY TITE AuIIIoRITT oF THE ITMTED STATES AS RESERVED IN I'NTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED }TAY (2, 1904, IN B(X)K 'ft, AT PA@ 56 AND RECORDED n LY 15, 1939, rN BOOK lZ3 Af pA@ 6t7- 1I. RESIRISIWE COVEbIA}MS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR RN'ERTER Q.AUSE. BI.ITOMITTINGAI.IYCO\GNAI.IT ORRESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COI-oR. RELIGTON. SEK.HANDTCAP.FA},IILtrALSTATI'S''ORNATTONALORIGINUNLESSAI{D ONLYTOfiE . ...:: E(TEI{TTIIAT SAID COVENANT (A) rS E(EMPT UNDER CHAPIER42, SEgnON 3fi7 OE TIIE UNIIED Sf,Af,ES CODE OR (E) REI-{rES TO IIAIiIDICAP BUT DOES NOT h&d€rllo. vnrg3 tz- l.lAR-2Ei-Or 10' l6 FROII ' LAND t ...': . -' ' ;.l GUARANTEE a" TITLE U rD,ls?o4cls34 PAGE 6/5 LAI{D TITLE GUA1ENTEE CO 108 S. Frontage Road West, #203 P.O- Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 (e70) 476-225r FA)( (9?0) 4764732TIrrE DEPT- 'Date: To: Fan #: From: MPA\IY:O m GUABANTET, COMPAI.TT Message: ot/l 35ttd tlNHl!nO J SIZ:91 t O-gz-:fitn o i,l , ' ;.,t - :l I Z- rhr lacllltiri lnrtellaa -fi -'ll:' abrqvi-dorcriDed srid',"ar rhall ba in"t;;i;; i:ji;sllltiq, * operatec eo at tso sornri c nax rncn t*c l,,q':ifi G1i -i?-!F.;ylg-jlt f."ltl; uil: # :i*$i,i;"ii;?i:-k li ilj *:; **i " ;;bi ;- i' t he sarn' cong t :i;:;-:#;.*ill.ilr:"::,i:ti:'1,:' - - -i:;iliillll;l' tl-"?.' ll" "'ll..'ti;ii-.J iii""c [t'"""" bv G'an cor - : io:r o :,,. l',.liil.?H'l' e:;::-.:l iliiil!;i::F=iil !ll!l;I'"' :i:"t:tl=::, ;;;' i; -*;;i*!.-"imi:+iiit#"":"ffr!S""'* :.,Lr i i{: i r.:, d.- :.,rc'.\r:'r,.. ;;;;'J:#i'; " t oi=.e o1f :"e sha l l be tit'fJ'!:r:li :rJ ::1: : 1:f i r'i: :-:'i ',.""'. r: i: :r ''rt:: : ""ii: r. ! ifiacl'r: t-h'i:'!1,1,*r, ^,, ' :)!::'1'v''i'/'iii" '''^i*(ff .tq,ot fuff@ it8i. , ': ' r i !r.\.\T (r i? : i'ni:. ns s(1(.:iir.trl:s , ll{c'. i'2|o:+ticr ceaFof aE io:r :' ' ::'lirii: 'Ir" i ")i:ri'- Y i'r-'r:.\t: i. i: - F:t - /-r-r-t:d* t--- b4for'^ 5! Lra; I ?l:,.. :.:t:l.T '-- -.. {- .?zgrl:[; a:@ so ?iaccd ' desctibed in-.ere3 i -.,'lG!ea:tct Recorder Johnnette I. I EHAr VAIL AssocrArEs' - lll: * i " !:1";ii:o:ifi;e"""" ffi ;: *i - '': :ri::T:.h{il,ffi ::u;,"" i-*iiir**:;i:ii::,'lJl:!l.i: ::; n::ffi iiiiiii:i*:ll:3i$.$l,ilEn:ilHt'"lif i:il;'- :ilil'ii':i""iiii+?:"i;r*i;Ugtin;'.iii',ii;;l-;iiinrc,, o S.ale oi Colorado, a:ra i!$tt'ffi it*fl*ffi $:;:];;, gry_DEED KNovI AL:\, M3.r- tsY rAESE PnESiNTS I .\ccei)ga:rce cf :his grict:lc;l L cons:iiu;s'iiii: og=eot"rt a:id so'ss:l: he:iRdt:anctlca and . a-!?u:i:i - rosether-wirl *l-::!":;"::ti; Hi,::li"'Jiili.iiii:n, -:1:-.''i=;:'.ii";;io lEtoasins' o:-in ::3ii =i::':;: +i:Ei:ii,l:.*:;:i'l- :ilt ::::i:iTi,nil" li Il:ii!:*.'r"iil3' iisll;i;:li.i::":t.?: ;i!t;;:::= : ;i ;;l:iit,rl" ""C gtoiits -t:\::eol; arru 4' - -"- - ' G:-a;1io3, eighor tn:eresi, clalii a:1c ":T""?-"!1!=l';"Eil 3i.;l:ul'ioiiii i""r3=";" iil lioif -5a :'sa i'n:! - ::lli'j i'";- ;; . ! : ^::: i.":, I i',;: i* J:.ill "".i" lI,' - i p i., r c" na' "c,''it"3.=tY- ir'ze:e=t ' rdiih ihe ro P,rvE Ali! ro 49tg '!:-::1..1::l:i:l=li;::-:'=auove ba :s$"""t':":":":: = !;:1,;i!:, ::* i ;::li: : -'' :"'"above Da;9qrr --so;i a"C assig:is lo:Cy,::,€:9:rtccs, :hc1r succos G=antL:' j'"s hc!:s' Succeslors' "a:t(:'/c: ':5'sigir5' shall no: e:ecE :lot prtl!-tii !ii't'"tctt= bui:ci;r'; ' Seruc-.ut' i:nD:cve e:rt, f cncc o" j';"-;;'thc'r5ove-ect::;I;.". t"l ?"Ti;i' ;Si';:;i;;; sharl no-' bc liablc.io: "1c:r:e !r-v a.i.1nt'res: s:r'1i i t,s fc l IcH5 : r. i? such time qnd.in :h"..!-:::'l:..:i.'-::;":;;;ll'"?i 3ii'i.' il"fu!!ei;1! l. t l::l:'::..,': ;' l;o:3;i.;;''he:'el:1 sna:i -- :-i-j-:-iec, i ai...l:, !.ci.o:.: '-rr ii thc ea*cncilt $!l:lJ': : - -... . -.. ".ti.e-"ig:t ihe gc:vie::t erl'1tr1' ,;'. .l t l. i I I'i'l .l 'I\:.l I I I \* $'i Nr 5\ \\l__ .\\. \ .\ t. $Arlti '$.-).8{ ,\T 'g.r;ils'WT.iitardizzst' '-YX&C7.?''-:Tetact t t"- ---' \.__-, ,TOT E ! 'I I I I t . E:!1:DiT ";.: t O. rot tl? e\<-n'JY\; - ,_jj . (4\r--gzt;-'-'a€v-...^,-?/.i!-.8!2ry 2 r'",e it /Porefa PA-|1H ::: trr( E r a-crt-tgnt r?t4) .'ctrnMrItrTnB!!1fEFilFRiIQFo^fm/Er1 _* Thir eerccnelc'Ptddrs Encruchcot (tte ".1erc@if,) *r#ttL 2@ b tGtu,EGa and arnoog ec Towo dVdl, a Cdondo lttuiicipd Conorato (fu "To{aa Kcvitr H. Burte ad l&da W MB (Bnftdi).Nocte S.tkobsas and k slccc$or* Tfficc oftb lfuE S. Elescar Living Trus rmi!:r Agrccolm dted Odobcr 7/, 199t as fim dnc to tine aCI€odd, of tic Township af Ro6., Colny of'Kalaoaao 'sod Stde of lt'fdfu!il (€knbp3'), ErrnP.Ioha13sg ard lftarko lril. tohaffin fJoben$n") (aod collecrively $f€n€d 16r as tbe "Ouners') 8nd Fffio hcl ortb Coadoniniun lssocldloo' Ilc-, a.Colorstlo Noryrofir Corporaioa (thc "AssochtioaJ. B. TbO*lcoltl0co*aerrof$EcltrinPoog.firlsftiilout$ . 1. &dre-sanreffEriDiBdttdt3T'":' 2. Elrxrbgls-S€cerchcdErhibbCflJaitlF} 3. Johusro - Sce ancnea Atffiit D fttai tF). ' C. Coodorniniun Uais 3, 4 asd 5, Fffi Pach Ctrb Cdomisiuns as dstciibcd oo E:dribrfs B, C aad D ue dAiacd oo i:*mit n rnd iarlneil as Unie 3, 4 md 5. (Individudly tts "llaifccolleciwlytb'Udts"). ..-,. i r; D. Tte Asociaioo isrbeCodomioiuqAismidionrs dcfio€d h tbe Condoniuilut Dodasnior br Pdb Prch Chrb Ccoaoomqqr+ rccrded ltfrdh 13,.1979. in Book iEL a p.F-tle, ; R."rpd* No. IEIF, h tb Esl& Cq1dy O.d, -q Rccordrr's 365cc' c ttr. srf,. bes-ba ".;rdcd U sedcocouA ;po 1;6c 19 d@ (tF'Dadudgo'I od-cmols tf. *o" "t tt* r3 a.encO'io U Occtrrtioo, inchdttg tflc conon dcmgt3 shrr oa j - ';'- ".i rBdft& A E. uaits 3, 4 sd 5 q|rr€db cscroGrh oo tlre Totro lh'r 8s !€t fttth m E*tibit A (fu"Ersoodococs') F. Sbilc !o fi3 t€rCIs hc@t th orrca ud tb3 Arsociaio defig rlE th3 coclortocc oetinnc3, 4 rad 5, rrf,cy ernca$ onc' b tlsc'ad to rcnsh" G. !fubjcCto ttotcor bs:o{ tcTom slull dh*thcEmufubtotilia rmmruuffimilffilril]|||||l7o,l[E tZlrUn Itil 2! lar FIJ* L af lL A .U.taa g J.tQ a a.to Erllr Q0 ?:'V-t1)F o . ': lb Tonn hecby gnsF to th Owffis aod tb lso*Uoc tp-dgE to -q PrPq use ed r€coduct , if ncisruy, tbo irup'rowoeols (u &clrrt+cairL itcrccs rc dcSocd d ;'frrt h er iXOiraruf rf-ittet,,tOa, uros rrt ilrmr$ te Tgut! bod in tb locdios $oqmmErhtitA. Tbeeocfudrnqrt tigbgrsdcdbyrhis Agrecnqtt lhll be slidly liniEtto rldddy frrOtbrigbtooir!. ififo,-15gg!d'f.*t !i4 if rccsnfy, Oc ifibrstcoloE locldh il;fr;adfu .n.3; Ol tc i6cfit dto Oq,n6! rad Astoddoq th& flrycaivc occ+ lc@; -d bt*i"th#tdv' thc ?aniccfl ud GiDrhca raivaic.ry$lv lcccrTy ia t" o.r-ore"'of 1tr.-;frF;rt--_,ildattt1o[ ty ric-ettcr:adl', tu Ardlioo sad:r tts A8ftffi aod/or tbc Ddluioo" i i.r:j- : d'j_ r '- . i eccegtaca of ths woodrrc dSb sy- -O-ttr; *ett "-ci'mc Onrr'l rg@ d smrdgfollowr: ,, ':,.. , r .,;''-!''r tl':''':L lunw 1,,,:,.',,, ",,, t :,1:t. ; B*,dM'H,'ilff gHSS'#d/H #^ffit #trSt H-W #H ilffit;iif;tht Als"dd* th.[ bcs 8[ dslr of tols c,itb rtspcc lhgtlo O*ur rriUc G en*lsrioo lgr€c rbr, Ftq'16 -tr*"-m gtuy'!ry1qton nccdins r htildlng pc11e dorTos,tr {pfioat tiii atd ryccidEnioo strll be ruhnittcdto rid gfrgtGd bdr Town err"rrnt O O iipti*|ii tam' fEgirldio's or ordiaaaesgwtrniogth iaprowocms O) Ouncr's ottttraoilri rrPqir,'Ese td rccrctnrdm of rlt infwm sh.tt bc s,oodfthcd'il e rasqlble 6'met io rs to nrioinrize inseaooe nilh tho eafuithc #tc ertU" ri tsd ot*'!cd by thc Tmn a$ocnt to ttr fo"rt tnC (c) Tb irytrrn:rrrS.I be aUntrimE F+ rnd ryd iaef,tlcbsc nor cminift qtithlhdr ;lmd us., thc Ddtrstiin sd thir Aetriocd' lcl to tbc ttnll of prngr$ S irnof, *eirycvrocal ontd by drc rcrycsirc il,*r .did;-;in or ouimnl Ly rln A11*ni-q1 n'ithh tf fom UU tbii -i;frt th FoDdry- of rtf-t *c;tl"" owdr srd tsrbrc F: q51tnfr on -*"r-r";.* $c T6il!-d4-"d rh. fuo,lro.trtr loflrcd 6:rno' thdl b. tffirc ty tb O",t-tddru rraUoir, I rpptc$h u !d fu$ in ttr. Dccl''11ur z ncurion hfr 6rcd rh iqrormrsn rd-b morcb::ciillr-ry OO tc-itUiEGcfr-raaadi AsoCitm t ral prrSsty hncns h b 1butr lti h ',WH'ffiHS$HIry illlll 9. Nol",hns. Ncitbcrthomcrutbc rbdl cattq:rfrcpmtoy nechodc'+ tDdahhlsl's orderlieos b snac,b b cbe {dlstlbTownlrld in o@cim wfth the wst !o bc pcrfrrucd by Osse rsl/u.tbe Asxrddm under frir Agr€cod. In tic ev€dthd ry ncctaaic's lho is fld rgdn* the Tonm [,ur, Omcr rgrce . b dfligsotly carsc slch len t0 bc r€l€ald in tbc,pblic r:cords dtbrr by payn€ot b tbe lim 6, if *r&licn b in diryutq by providinga bod c otba oumy €sf.yalcmt prrlultbthe prwiidorcof Secion3&22.13l ed 132, C"R.S.' as aoesdd 8sd iseftc a$ednooftle l[eo- Inth arcrt tht $.S dasc b nc ohrind q rlch dlprtr is mt nsohnd uitin UP dtF fi@ ths flEg of s li€s on tlc Towa ro",t, &i e de&rft uader paragnph l0 shell tave ocqrred. Frrtrer, Omcr md/ctbc Associdim chrll indcmiifi eoat tdd Sc Twn iltd trc Tom I:d hrrnlcc ftooary los+ coetorlirbility rdrring outof rinrurcd in cwcclim wiftacylim. Eocrorfucd tlall b" ecagf4h 2, rbor, cthc.juisddiodrcba 12- Cotrticrpfits- nis agrcpeC.may be c*colcd in aly nrnbcr of coudcrpads, y or a[ of rviich my coqil sigler€s dless thu all6s psdics, od all of ufiiah sbll be cosfrucd togdr as h[ a rtrUb in*mtid td $all bdtitidiag on ttr portbs as tha4! uieftrily €il€eftd on m uigindly """*U ry, 13. Mscdla ns. Sell be beld tD bc iflYdid b or pctirc ttcred, d''lt (b) llo ocndoeo4 aluaion, nodificalioa of q additi,in to thb Agrecoed rbrtl bc rdid r btodiry ualcs gprcrscd in wrniq atd signcd by the pudcs o be bond 6c!6y Erd r€cordd htic Cleds aEd Rpcordeds ofFce Es8b Ccmty, Colonda (c) Tte capdos d€aEh srioa arc add€d 8s r ot8lcr donwni'encc only d-frll bc csdderod ofno &a in th coalruaim<frry gvvqion ofdris $ramcnt (d) If aoy pcty h.Gto 3h.ll bcia3 uy oit c rcion rgrinrt ndh.r fE rdicf deUnasv q ctcnvir., uirilg d! of rtil AetM, tbc prcvrrling psty shll htr ud 4 o ETHTBI!! A FRI G (ASIICEED 'O AlD I{ADE ?A8I OF TGRIGIET! *,c.'frIpmtrgffiuc rucnolctilErs .mw f,"+{' zooo.t EE $E9Hs*J':isFrswE$&;* " brhCbr --Y-r- a rl-lrrt !lrrlll tatlLF*i4{-tfr I III I O 'D O - Strl 3-3.3t j* rg 39 Fg EE FE I /.2 ( I I r$tnrl aF'el I rt-Cl:t-llHlt "EF,#H$HzuSn I S c cc-?*Azrtt p*"a- 7u= A parcel of land being a porlion of Tract C, Block 2, Vail/Porato Palch, Town of Vail, Eagle Counry,colorado, as recorded in Book 233, at page 529, Eagle county records, being more pairicularly '' described as follows: Beginning at a poinl on the northedy line of said Tracl C, said point being also the southeasterly mosl cornsr of Lot 2, Block 1, said Vail/Potato Palch; thence along the ntrtherly line of said Trict C N 72"43'1 9" w, 141 .35 feer; rhence s 00'03's0' w, 208.71 feer; ihence N 99"66'1 0. w, 208.71 feet: thence N 00"03'50' E, 38.71 feet; rhence N 88"23'92'w, 162.16 feer; rhence s 00"01 '1 o' E, 274.58 feel; lhen-ce departing the northerly line of said Tracl C S 46"16'?2'E, 53.76 feer to a poinion.lhesouther|y|inaofsaidTractC;thencea|ongthesoutheffiffi81"45';4"E, 362.77 teel|' thence S 18"19'59" E, 203.94 fesl to a point on the norrherly line ol Inrersrare Highway 70;lhence along said southerly and northerly line 226.08 feet along the irc of a curvs to the iight ' having a radius ol 3990.00 leet, a central angle of 03r14'47'and a long chord which bears N71"27'48'E,226.05 feet; th,ence departing said northerly line and comlnuing along said southe1y line of Traa C N 1 1'17'22' W, 413.0S feet; thence departing said southerly line - N 41 "57'29' W, 134.03 feet to the Point of Beginning. Parcel 46. Parcsl C A parcel of land being a portionof Tract C, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch, Town of Vail, Eagle County, colorado, as recorded in Book 233, at Page 629, Eagle County records, being more particularly '' described as follows: Beginning al a poinl on the northerly line of said rracl c; thence along said northerly line s 89-58'50" w, 335.55 teer; lhence s 62"34'50" w,z1.g2 fe€t; thence N s9"02'22; w, 0.17 feer; thence N 89"56'1 0" W ,347 .74 feet to a point on the westerly line of said Tract C; thence along the west€dy line of said rract c s 00"03'50" w, 141 .90 fsel; thence s 89"s6'10" E, 313.00 feer: thsnce s 53"25'10" E, 115.00 feet; thence s 00"03'50" w,71.74 feel; thence departing rhe westerly line of said Tracl C N 78'38'12' E, 93.42 feet to a point on the sourherly line of said Tract C; lhence along the soulherly line of said Tracr C N 05"30'01 . W, 215.61 feet: thence N 81 "45'44" E,314.22 feer; thence depaning rhe sor.rtherly line of said rract c N 46"16'22'w, 53.76 feel to lhs Point of Beginning. Parcel 46 - D A parce.l of land being a poriion of Trait C, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, as recorded in Book 233, at Page 629, Eagle County records, being more particularly - described as tollows: Beginning al the southw€st€dy most corner of said Tract C, said point being also on the northerly line of_lnterstate Highway 70; thence along said northsrly line and the sor.rtherly line of said Traci C N 59"38'1 l' E, 31 1.52 feet; thence N 60'08'35" E, 40.91 feet; thence departing said northerly line and conlinuing along said south€dy line N 05"30'01" w, 21s.61 feer; thence departing said southerly line s 78"38'12' w, 93.42 i6et to a point on the westerly line of said Traa c; thence along said westerly line s 00"03'50' w,7't .74 feer; rhence s 59"38'20' w,2u,.19 feer; lhence S 00"03'50' W, 190.00 f€€r ro rhe Poinr of Beginning. TO Grcgg Brrric Project landscary Archtlecr o DcpL of Public llorks / TrarEpottdlon Ofn31,: 971479_2337 Fs:970479-2166 1309 Elkhom Drivc Mobile: 9?G39G32E6 Vail, Colorado 81657 gbarric@ci.vail.co.us Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April25, 2001 Gregg Barrie Public Works Department RE: Red Sandstone Soccer Field Dear Gregg: According to Section 12-12-3 Exempt Projects, an Environmental lmpact Report can be waived by the adminislrator for: A project which, on the basis of a preliminary environmental assessment covering each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2 of this Chapter is found to have an insignificant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmental assessment and the finding on environmental impact shall be made by the Administrator. The Department of Community Development finds that because the proposed use will have minimal environmental impacts, and because the site will be significantly revegetated and returned to its natural state, the Environmental lmpact Report requirement is waived. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to conlact me aI970-479-2369. Sincerely, llhtuz Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail €Po*uo"o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 Sorjth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teL 970.479.2L99 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us ProjectName: RedSandstone DRBNumber: DRB010049 Proiect Descrlption: Construct a soccer field Pafticipants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 03/20/2001 Phone: o/o FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT TOWN OF VAIL 031201200I Phone:479-2337 o/o FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO Gregg Barrie 81657 License: Prciect Addr€ss: Location: Legal Descrlption: Lot: Block 2 Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number: 210106302004 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Bill Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Charles Acevedo VoE: 4-0 Dateof Approvalz OSlLTlZOOt GondiUons: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written aonsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: SO.OO fu$tanteluhru O Arr* - rluqnlr-l&tvyrn* Uuyltwnan trdttfufV\*fi" wurrld [iv' jn no ilrruv irq6" drtotrrq ffi qalYblrrrt',,7- wrv'lub d %mt a* '( l'n*rvoAmn* *ii ft. ItM ,int* v*'dmq WuA ( rlnu' wnd f,ao 0hrrbu-d*afhq I, n*aA ir.hrro'Wru 0t ,tn,q* 4 afrr:aiil,A fubroiln,*,rkw,t W!d:l^( dfr W * l,ft.wotl wtlt'fr',l,co Coft"l h q,'ftf v lfur wd ttr" nt*t/ wfttlowa ri[t;- "'tr1'vyy owt 'oly lb Xomo '? nt '4 /ruq'"vp6ona 4ttl'hp wK* I 'r / [lrnt'Ww /lr,* *ilto t^i& *o"J -lv'nili' PsqrWrttt*'-:,Hul$:i Y"Ys;*r^'i'r*,, / rffi$itw'Vrftolr,'til*,r $\ ^artAt' l,ni'n hw'E rI 4lm" / {l,nu' nlttw w ,,'Y ffi;iinttJ-'vfi,'ti,,qro,r' u* '.'w'v,.s / 0"'k,y 1* flrrnr{i, - $ur o&^ fi'r' drua'i tn*'rt,iltto * W v\ - F-{,*g oi+ h W 4,n0il oL", / l.fiIF;K- ffiriYr,#'^fi+" N *^ / ^'XXf ,1;;Htdilqtt Lnw 0tn{4roar ulyatu / "";;A;;rnr,"tt' n*nq,p rr ed"-t d-, ulr" tiy1 aa i -lt[T4,,hJ )8$ {"n {'wl''t"*(^ lfrrt'unnb l'nc'-hl\r,r 'lo dqlw,lio wt{n mr+h {ilttr' a cERTrF,.or?u, ow^rE'sHtP AltD o|},ro'on Best copy Available iJt:,; rLL,'::; f Y:!Jl .-r e...--'.I.. T'rA: i^i.- -F rqE '.r,.FpStC.rlED FEpSOxS pFFEpS H€r'€IX TO tr{9 rOLL(-rrtNG D€ScFlSE) Llf]L,5 a5 TtC '-LatTFn Lallos'I A pani cF tHa acLrr!4rE5t lr-rAprep r:F :acrlcfr 6. Towtr<'rIo s 54u"H, Raflr.E B4 yFsT oF lH€:lxiH PRINctFAL tlEq!DlAN. Ccuftry cF f ar,LF. 'TAtf cF eoLcFtAoc. fiopg pAa?TlclJLARLy o€ScRIaFD as FOLLOxS r 8€Gtrt tNG AT THE .t.{St i'rAerSo C^Q^rEF C- cr-CTION 6. i'9rlSHIP 5 cr'rUlH. P^NGE €4 I'ESt OF THE Srxr'i oRtllCrPAL l.laa tCIAr.t. ta/:Lq ^.r-Jt]ty, ^oLOr'ADO. a,EIrrc rfr€ rel''- PnIllT 0F FFnlflllll{C,r Tr.rLr;cE 5 08'34't1" E A Lt:rAtic9 j, ?1.:6,7? FIETt ra!:rrcF I n'07'12'F A DtSlalrcF oF l7oq.56 FgFI TC A PCIIJT O}J A CUFV' OF T-AE :JT:QTHFNII PICHl-CF.L'AY LtNE OF IIITEPSTATE IITGHTAY 7Ot TrrlNCS ALO G :AIC ljC.rr"r',> I 'r , I i - ri !- .- I ; A Y A l,llSTAftCi: Of- t595.65.rilr C THE ^RC OF A CURVS I6 TqE L€Fr. S11:i C'JFVE ..1AVlfi. A .A('liJ:' .t' 3oqO.AO F:Er. a CF'rtpAL ANa-L€ OF 22'54r{8", A U A CTTCRO :r, Artr'l.r 5 72'3,-':17" W A L'1;TArrCE CF 1.,85.15 ctFTt T'rr'r.tcF S 60'nA''t5n Ir A t, ItraftcE irE:ol|.cr ri.ETl T,.t,ii:.. (a.iB'lt'' ll A t.I5t,r.xcF lr., :r t I . s .' F i E T I Ti,Ft,,aF l'l n.Cl'io" l- ^ a tc.TAf Iati .:; i i;;'r,,r^t y!-rj.; 't :,o'?n'-^,r. ^ aliTrrjcr: -c ???, !o.i;:Tr Tr.FrtCF !r 4'4it5Ctr i a cI5iA|;CE fii l4l,4n rrtr | :rla.rrcE .,-f i6rtnn lr A [.i"]''cF nr l i:,,r]^' -rF.t i,,-].,-r ; a,o1^':') ' ,, /. -t -:r:-.jt. i:r til,^- .i.a | '.-E|]CE fl Oo.l'Sa" !i ,\ .!'t.lrrai. i- 14t.,lt -9Ef t T,iLi..i:.,,J"..-.|'"l':ic,I:-]j.'.i.|.1,n|.}i.'.:TtT.,.|j:i,-3.]..: ,l? FFETr :'r; rir-r ri 62'14'5a" f a Ol5TArtl.. Otr 7l.nA FrETr THaNCE tr Sa"<8'5O, l- a DtSTAtj(t: l,,f J16,5 ) f-r:t :..i.t.ci: ': o._l'lt" A c:. rifrcE ._- r- -.7i'.:i: ErtT r -,: ...^. I ;r.o..,'14" 'r r OIStANCE cF le A.47 €taT r THEf,lcF r: !4't7'so" E A oIstANcE oF n't.o6 FFriT r Tlr€Hcs i,l 44'a4'5tn ! A C'!.TAf,Ca -. .rd.r.S r.Ft, tL,- CE.l f.i.'r7rs^n F a ntcyAr.JCF ar t06.97 F€€Tl lHEr.rcE ll gr.'05'1c" ',; A O!:.'^'.iaf Lr- l64.lr,r rEFT I r-HrHCf 't Bf 'sO.lo" 1,A C.' STATiCE OF 42A.30 eFFTr THENCE i/ O'45r4O' r; A tt jTANaF rli ,;l,73 FaFTt TlrF CF ij 8o'(6'16' ri A OtsTAftCE CF ll7.C0 FEETT :HF-r;Ci.: li C'o-J':)" r: A !-)lSTA,.lai CF l,'.1r.46 FFEI TO I|{f rPL./E PC!'l; C- 8EGlNtlIt,l6. CnNTAIfJ!tlc 83,66 ACEeS, !lC{'t Oa L€:3r Ar} ::,ijF jeCr l11 l,E FnLL:l}',tr.r" tXCfr'f lOIJSr IxaEPTICl'.1 I I iCCE55 ;?l.,HT-CF-liav .lvarr Ta r>rF ljf lIIt:aj StAT.S I i-|}-..r ':F?vt.F, A STRIp OF L. Al".lf Cilfiral lit(, i,A5 ^(l:t!:), 1..c ,rra i-F:,.i | .': -9f T lrr y, lr?i, rYIt r:r'1 irri-- 1. qa|:i .ft EACH SIOE oF fHE CEfrTgnLIlle LY:\C i^r THi: :iCPlH llALF aF triE rOi,;lr.'/=5T irJAarEf' Or :FCT !r:nJ 6, TnTN.sHIP 5 :,r:1'.JTtlr PAr.iGf Bl, l'f..,1 iF f ,rF :ttir D,:IrjCIi'.1! frFP'.IAr, '.uf rTy atr rAaLa, !,TAT- otr CCLOaADo. ,fLtt,= pl\i,t'l:: rL!r'l*\. - t:-,,arJ; nFt A-: clL_1,'tf r - .lF.lftIl^i- /. I ^ F{1t|]T a sAtc cri TrnL!Nr r'r!rr*NcE -fE ll€S-f .t.,Ai:;Ea CCr-ljtq :. .-af ICt: a. .f ,^r, I la'-:,r.8', r A at..T^f iCF OF l !5q.lr FFFTr rrr€NCE 1-. B6'5C,1,1" f I UIgtltiaE OF 514,6' ';r[T Ta i pr]tNT OF tAitGaNCyt IHEftCt fq.Jl FEET dLONG THE ARC OF A C.JPV€ TO TqE EJ'.!IT. SAiI-\ CIjOVF HAVII]' A PADItJS DF 86.5I trEFT TNC' A cENrtiAL AllGLE oF a6'oz'03"r THE}rcE:6c'4Bt1r" E r DISTAt{cE oF 8s.14 r:EET To A potNT oF TAIJGENCYI T}TLNCE 97,25 FEET ALONG THE APC [}F A CURVC To THF: LEFT. SAtD CURvF HAVINC A PACIUS OF 3O.OO FEET ANO A CENTRAL ANGLE Otr 185.44.O5., I IH€NCF I] 66'32I12I' !1 A OISiANCS OF 76.3? FEET TO A FOITIT OF TANCEIICYI THFhCE ?9.q6 FEFT ALOIJG THI ARC OF A CUFVE TO TH€ LFFT, SAIC CUxvL HAvirrc A FAOIl.JS uF 135d.52 Fi.-Ei At'rD A CENTTRAL ANC.La' aF O4'14'26r't THFfiCl il 70'46'38 'r/ A DISTTNCE QF 26A, O0 FFETs TdENCE l' 7t'50'54" f' A DISTAfTCE OF 244.92 FEE'I I rr-iENCE ii or'rs'sq" ii A DISTANcE oF 26o.0? FEETr THEI]CC i.i 4!'44'Oo" '.,i A DTSTAHCE oF llt.4O tsEETI THFNCE iI ]5.16.5?'. :J A DIST^^|cE oF 15I.?6 FEET Ic A pcINT oN THF i.IESI 9oUIJoARY oF :,r:cTtoN 6, w,tEr.rcg rHE iiEST ?uARrER CceilEa cF SccrIoN 6 aEARs l; e'ar'50" F A DtSTANcE oF LxcePTIgf.r 2r PRIVATE pRcpEety. /. trART oF THe ScrjTrw{.sr luearEp otr 5Fcrtn| €. lowrJsHIF 5 50urrr, RANGe 8o llEsT oF TH€ SlxrH p'r:r.rctp^L !ERllIAt.l. aouflTy 1F fA^L-, '-TATE o- a1,.Lor-AoD, MORe PARTICLTLIiTLY DESCFITJE3 A5 F'CLL'J!r5r 1i 6lr.1frlf .a AT rrE iirsr ir^RTER a.rr r[.r OF !f CT I Of'i 6. THENCT : i3'35't5" E A DIsraricE cF I6.rl.oi t:FF-r ra 'Isa rnuF r,nItiT -1;- rr {:c. Ir*Jifrcr triFNc[ 5s9"96'to" E A D!sTAr.:cE cF 2t3.71 FeETr THEfraI S. o'o:'50" 1';, ots]Ar:.,E 3F 2LB.7l FftsTr TriENcE il 8g'so'to" ll a orsTA cE oF 2cB.7l FEFrr T.rEfrcF :l o'ca'5o" f A arISTAf.rcE oF aoe.7t FEET TO IHE TRUE POINf CF !-rf:G I tjN t l'/G , CONTAlllllic l,1c aCRES. ',t,tF Op LFS5. THnt VAIL ASsocIATEs, lllc.. CERTtFIES THAT lT Is ".,.f: Trrrrr !\.,'r.F {'r c aLL o< Trre pLAt'tED LANos sut:iEcT To EASEt.tErrs ArJtj R!c. ri-:-lF-..!^y iF 1-ca'.r'.. 'rHAT VatL AssoclATES. INc,, ay rHEsE PRESENTS Do€s HEREBY LAy ouT. ?LAT AND suBDtvID€iHE PLATTED LANos lrrTar srjcll ,_oTs As aRE sHcwN oN rHIs PLAT uNoER tHE NAM€ aNo sTyLE oF'VAIL /PntATC PAT. il THAT VAiL ASSOCiATES. 1,,C., :rtF: !"rt';)!:;rY .-^'CArF ?O 'rpa 'l'arrr Ot: \,/AIr- F^Q lHf USE Or: i'1. r!UFLIC ALL ROAOS. SIRELTS. a l-'r1lLil r, :3URT:i A:lt\ \",\!.Kflav5 Srlljltlll F-rlFrlN' SUnJ€CT TO S'Cir EASt:rtENTS Alrf, Rt/-,rrTS-OF-kAy a\.'6t? ..,rt:lS CF SUCrr i.,'r.DSr STnqrTS, CIRCLCS A-llD t|iALKwAYS A5 AFE pRE5ENTLY VESTEO OF ReCOnt CIi SHCWi.r Oil rHlS r'L^T. Tr-reT VAIu AS'j;C:AT:3. IrrC., .rEtL-3y ;Fa:!aA:a3 TO ir-1!: 'f ia!,'i a'F .'':L FIr? tHF USE CF TllC piriLlC Trr vAF!OU: -r't l!iT'r EASfl.rF|t:s gFi,-r'rrri ar,: T"i5 trLAr- l--R TrE olr,:r,- -<i': DF C'rrlS'TRLJCT!.rl; r.a!.irFr.i.,.laE AfIJ REccNSrpuctIcrr oF stwEeacE, wATFii I GAs, ELECTnIC,IELEP!{ONE TRANSMISSiC)N raclLi'l rES. aNf -i,'- { 'tr-F:/,9lON T,IAT VAIL ASsoc!ATEs. iric., DE6Lari: ANc Ar:r:EEs ;BAT lr]E 'i-arrFC I Arrrs sF LL PF Sui:if Cr rC Tf.: Pii:rqC"i," ',:vllfjAtiI< :sj ..'.:i. .'il^L,, . "a.'..: 'arr'-" ail li:i-r r'AaLf 1^CUrlf Y, :tLCiA-'1, A5 RECCaOCD Ifr !ilCf..... " r.ae _ (-rF .r|rf piC.::3!i aF Tf rF CLERK Aftn ;ieCapaqn .F F a.-t F a.,tNrt/. anr nnann ',;!rtrH 11L,. r'Jar-!rf-rFAlFD 'iFFf lll FY DFFFI+I- NCF, -.tt N, rr/A/n# vJ til /) ^i7 -L- - - -[lX- - - f,nVnl- --J -)tril/f] . - - -I - - -^r^-^.-=.-ll -,1 - --ilL -'Ae JaTtL(" t U Eq-:.-ti''-ffi- o l -X;" -'rtr&-c- iri - . -. :J.-L - Wl--*@F' Try D l-FE_tr,:ertr; -^ptffi 1 I IO \ Fa-llS Che4 9 -a2 .$-fl.o- a o o oo Tp Wh.cm ;' #j"p"# u# "L"Fffitt+, *hu L r,uqr^-t o.. soecer "l'L.ld, 'Affi- Y+"hid u'o ' (Y-Ltt 'os'l''o'l ^ d"t ,!';'fi;^t,';rufu Wr wo/lzt. " -L b"f evert4 an( T: ,,;;^'" ,y.^i 4" v:r rt^'u c an d:o , f"o 'r--' o er 3 o* +Wfrrl. --n i,n;t't -,- n'L lAt; -iln'{'4--rtmzhzt ---ril t1 F. ,,),O-artfutu r- \--r\t - - - I4 ffiVifte, ,zg ieir ii *i i-t" )t I n ! IW:, or oo ap'z,nr3lcol fu^r?*- "p1A,I,1R?f 4,,o'*,*A+fIAIalnerctu. OIrrs"L firdl ar>e QLntunq I (l ./-\A t /') t/) A*,r/- :*"a1-,*^ "rd f:?#n . -ry:on # ryt^on4d [,h" tl nozzifi IU f.WunyeilP'" on =po4je4np/ni v u ' Oru n*nffifi -9 n^n-{re DhDuId p,rfd ,,,o k'cupe Gun &t*,Jo cno,,d.,eA. C rwrL frrlJ- r"ttld- W 6<cr.r, u,'e' .,&penen 'tA* 1o e^^+'"p^rp, L#e npd r,.o1)t/L.rr.cL hy,f** *n**Ttr *4./r.*t ofiz ruza D-n ta kcotne. ElJPnryonZ €,ozr) tltorTW?R.'(,-, Jfrc.rt\^uo.- *nd JfruU'W ,frttr<- nrurR.n .tnc: **tt;rl sn J'?"2 hcLF"u e'.t'rl tlnfrsoL W ry,m h*e*"D r,D a *7 "Wryo,rr,c{J ^qrp" / fr#pf€rlrD u ' Olnnounln^ nJou. -&rn r>ez- JA-l *rnlfi1 J]",JA utrrxn kpdou:>,:[}t"g rpon'/ a".?^/. k "{R -t';ir ,U ntl*.y&1 ( t "F,PtWa }(:W<JL A qarrrt"*-L 46 cyndz> , C* A"^rW (It.'.&.\q)aoo\oo oo -Q,*ttt, "Uir^ Rv Cjonn- _td! - -Ar*JTJI i {l.cr-Ly *fr.% Wru -.o."LcI n-{ -{$e- ..-ha,c\ Jrtoo, r.0,- -C}rfn-, oo - u4uuio \q )aOOloo -xc""k-r.qd -.\l{.^ JbQ' .jrrct. =rniN, --X.S +k\r\6 \A1r\, t-efn-bx,, -Ard!*\ .$" *rLa- JaA^^t .snr -ri. n \' !s u _eao\M ImHT- *-1.r,. o-,I^^k oo oo R T l/,, Apr,rL\\,U1( UXralLil-dtyfv ft V,ab, Ha* roru fir6 rtp,oa,sM 1^,\V*JJ"*U ^rt* /a-, qx,@J> i"l6,; C.ritdA),o.9-"-")**q* ,!tn"J-\-^rp h"rd^"g, *HW l'nr.b-f t1* Jnrr.^)6 b<s^- "ltY\cl1fq ti# eyw 4,@ /YlJt)A.u\- ,oA#)cb" A[\cr ,bOC,AilAe, : )Gt-capw r.D<r;I.,o-rtk JJ* J\wr,r"s., ',-ot),ar* # )1LL4*-o 5,h# rh ,,qrU)'4 fl^* J(eaa.rl rd., C -!r^"AU \n rre ,0,/1!-, ^\ffi,,!"tuilJ.^rhrrw t;oL ,,o.x-a- -tt^fu-{W lI- /tu), fr6 ,cx' .c.e-. Vz ,eA) # ,qw A* -erTnJt)>. (/Ww )\,9 -Arrr, ,pW d*ry -o(trL {fr,;Irf- Ww, J )r,oJL ; ,a/(\ffi"o{) 4!,0J>4J. t3,JJ""t /a ANL A)^a^lA J"^-" -& @4"1^Lq A ^uo"tl^,(LM,WA" fWadaw oo o{u4eo1y61oot 0bre }a4rLL\- ,@+ 'Lta4lt ?'r,.- /ar.ay/el-.- Q-, &-q heje ,&4-@-e-L V*4 tA A.e nda- lfuh, J"a--rtu lTz-s-rz y"Lu-L Ji.Uilrrf,a b"e14 %a,q +a+*,< ,b1.,r2,t, e,fne-h*-U_4 .?"/@ald d4o- )^rrrr" h,>..k AFoco tu fhf d*il rW Ah -paa\d)v._z^ 4H -?^/z- a4/@rr/4r1-t h\a/ue fu # t-n ta i $,Ml- a/.t"'J--4 4",bh " U/1e. h4+ /L"A-r- /.iz*- ; /..r,,- +,4 ,*d ,t"r*.u- fu^tnl, i I -Q-.1+*,.<l-g- a., I- -J I ; I I I '4'ne/?1-'\4 ll*ryAa" g/hz-zu, I oo oo Lllx,Q)urrou r-+-tq- \ Doo, Tg' "& U"it, n "tr" W ,^)or/l bt *^dl,.u,* \^r€ tU pd- b;"^ute 4y... pW WL|:4itffib ana( 4L'arj^A^@L, n futJrL rcart [4-l4 4"* ry fln,,g" ,lth" #or/,lr// i,"ML &t u^*L ,c,n-e. "il^r, "fnhfu," oaz '90t\zt:' );tq. cr IJN fio -il^l- *fl^ u,,& ,/, ,e^,arh{ kht-lt/. ,k^rl- f@ /,-crrr ( ,4 W )r&^^{ l4buq )u/crzb-r -u,r*e^/ ,(, fu d'r??L u*L ,*rfr, p "^^-rrd ^i€ on l,-,,**Jffi *r< g d{^S.,tbJf Itr.r{- Ata ;h J-I'r-- 4 "&lut. t ld" Lr<- vcar^ ry Irao1+1cil,'sil, ,^'.1h lfu *, ,pt&,J!^g .r,r" *L\L ?1t^^r', lJJdt H,w g/.o\\ W ar.- l.or,'rc w\Jcr-l-.r- ryr,o\^{. b 4 *nt. ,-4fhoUt Iwhtihy )4fu $^IqUvE u^d- v 4 u+e W u{ /u'rgL oA o, )*#tJL fJ,ar(nsfu4^t t0 t",orrnt ruo<x"r. a* d;rt il"et, "ran'), w "n$. k **J- 4*qnorl^ 31,^a**U-' 7Jhh OO "tt 23/ 2oo\ tga -L<-rr:p-/^ .-a) r=-eJ)a_ ',1!<o--0J- 4--- c.,,\ , i €t-n-a* 4 *-tl ---Dg-*--, --,<---r-^e-- In f*WU ->,-G2)<.- 4 4-=-e-t4-\- -A'.)<r-.9__ *<-<-a-n--aL --* -*-Aj', -*-..s<- -<--<-r-QL gdaX fl-gl- &lJ.x= O-& €zzJ,s_t\_/A/z/Y'T1 oo oo ,Ayu8,23,2oo r !filJo -l t-)z€a-b,ono , ,, 6 re- ,tpo.auro jo $n"o,,rAa, L/-6Lu C.,oLrL m Wo,-y^,L*o'J* % o.-. .A.O{,fpn e^rynOtt<"o, " 'Je*-,n^d-, {14* ja t-r1n/za, ,in *A-v lfp!*/ a4d y..< e-azyt f!*-Wr,4 , fl^tt* " *r-r: ,4"" ,^"r" -# f aIL j/n ogL, <-a_ /*fL' f^ 2g-,;;d,U c,e e/rd+"! a- ki/(4 ,, -<9* ut"-!-l ha, $"^taz-t-c t/ /-^,AteC "4e0f f t 1. I I OO OO o*nL( /? aOO/ OnonJglry -tt- a^t/(/t- r4"I/ h.MtrL -rtq/rL.'Uo ;t"f, trr"* -can, A,bd ilre truil /n-&trh*ffi ffi -Urt'r*errr.r8 ;^t, J-ot ^r[.L lftt , rLe*n'",\a-. J,Lr{ r,",r^UL )JbL .-cr- A,o<,cttt /1_ilcL. OO oo@ 1,)-oot /ou'/rm^{w uf\nr crwal /Pr{JuJ, \IW a-/r1'o\' LAL 9rh T*^ *\ aft^^^rd- ,**"."ru i'fr-to-'t'4-, /)"- 4/.-. d'v< t^^- CI\ /\raoaur- o ("i,1^.JA^*:.^11 k" #,ry, 41r-". J\s- t^r^ln 'Yrnn<- ;*1, JA ,t-,lA k A.rA; nlJ,r-" ,#, ri& *""il' /o. [.^^,a,,qol,b pr@,@t Iri&tr,_,,&* 4rA* h-rt- 't/nio, )"+ ,t;^^tJ, k 1P% 'wh" + Tn, CL eo-r\{at'n"'J, 1*" V*J" )\t$^d",*lt f'?.r:J*V'.-4- oo oo A"?Llq* Z<n-la- pe-%r,rr- cr- th;^ tlry''Lrgzool AM"rr?b 'uL J^tW -nacrtc-*t -ili,,"11lf -il^Dufd- A^tx. rynno 'lvt^a.-N"r-a-i,W fiuo- "ruaW71/L JD(V- I 7E- meeuL (L 7h4L fa d^f ,ldona.L t,-Qt<-url"t'ls- -,uJt 41U/a!1# Jr*t""/il"t ^ -truolt_ |e&-o':r. n0/^- -!,coa,-tl*A Jc-tL, oT,-q.f- //fu_h t'-!nvcen-. nE ahr fngtL vno"-!- tua>n- -d,elflarf "4a*fu* -ln-- -,tr)<- w/U-X"tL.-teu- i/niru 40- du' rruttzz4.. A!4b-.1,<eAt4-t---flu- t\a&,itu .1"-l!4 -Lt4- ta- W 7n "4r+ .-lr?ftn4 |J"xfr a,lr" arb ywrk- :W dr4- /hr/fu" i ' ryllL- a-r-t-L , n"V rvN4,z4--,--uA W,l -A,Afl-- ;1 "/oet"7- *.z"ot^l,qL /ot-u*lr,I L UzruueueoLqaA7lrnnlL -Ifulbr.r6, I ap-,/ eoffitaooO Fuo {^o* 1 /rr/ u "ffi i/ /d 4/rrr// /tzffi- -U/<, r/)r1/ *l- ,rit ";/ fu n//u" ,:fr# /r?L flo"lht., Uu u 47 4-/+ ,4h////o'4 furff*rffi# -/ri// /2- eAh,*- +t / /n/b*/ri// /z- 'Ahr,rn- .tt / /fr/a -@.tda/ it/- "'L z4rzz 4"6'"'r/"- 4,tzt -l],W 4.* 4zu?/L'-fr2hlilnL /n .//* /'dl //,,,'4,,1/* 4./'r/" !/* -/,;Art 4M/,| -.r.r't/p, rtl. -/,./, L/ LH -Utzrz,4/4o //L 4L /r/ W A44zU; uL /- -r,/*,,,?rh, / i/'q; -u'9 /- a/qtq/,u(h,/ Z -' h,Y4 "be -a' /*r{ )4fu /, 4/oru, -/pth// - Ch, dl ,ur4i./",/ 1€r/["2 - do, ,//, *"4hr{t ilrrL ksL }w, b 4*htt*p-- 'tlJe ilr+I/, JW 'Jyf- 4/, ;U* /6r!/L Jn/, t? -fu$ qfu-.rrot t,"/, j/* ol-W /o OO oo aa @,il|,lLrza ol 'A-n,orr fr6u)n o1'1IrlL/ ', L?/rw yti'vw fr. il/l&tVoqfwo- fwaott)-. 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',Q!J-NI L hidL M'r&, -pa4',r M oav& Q'otrgL rfln flrL }a+rtq 4!442, Q'-Qt>o- r;eC6virt ',h-arln !/)1pugh "u;uz M,'Ufzn"!pd- )Fr-zfupea4'Wr /wL dodfr aP-t ,&fr'0r7e-ha/hdLa/nd- O!-et, X^t grh /hrdy"fl^D, zJ< oLonft, go tu *hz n)p7f/> ^Adf' mut>h" ) ]'voaa oJ19- il+L fu)t hpa.b,ozv>*r&y ,yo1/, >ho->t%t q,n <ot"t> ftnphry/f t- ,Ma-fi)flnt, I I I I I O ow)3)ocl Lr"'! 4-t..D&(e-tL, W-ADl&,n]l oo O( /.--./-Fp^n"#u yt 4 W,, Af4-l zD,zool ,L /Tna/nuy/ rzpa>n> -n-');ffi'fufu%2* P ret- funM, yO flw N rzpa>qn b [rDD rrz,ot"d*n2r, *f\^"X- - ^t;^*rt lYndte- t Drzro 1,* .fi.-n'-, mvhffi*^ 4 6t^"prt,r+ )r"rt- A.ttti",'vI TVt,^In'flXu ns-.>,or) )> /j*/ )bd. /"A,"b k, rynd1a 4o!"rD!4^f b '6tZ{, cl-t1 >-n&t qua.>> t'l^-",l ABry/ rswvzwt, "!- ^'obr,ri{ 0AA ,A^rn*na, ry 1 L*X /.4t^ W /o-A,; ^-,W f^^n-r't W ef a/r-,z( Aflurpl- nhotuZjg.h,Ul* n^# ',?"^*',.D /l^^/, i>re f,o.Nfuf !n>kd&*te a/n/d.r (pu/L W. l2qgrrL *tj-G n^ae.{. Wrv*|il n>'? ,(,-,I To o- r.t *f!o)e- av\o )e,DZ >svuz 4 t-!.e l>la>=,".b 't1*/ W r-,\lzaL a. G. M v+Y\ ar"e(uz, GCv- 14;,yd oo r -. /) /'v7.a>> |rl-(!p(-,, aWl'l,7oo1o rrrq+14ry>--z' ),o-pde-z<Lo24, -PiA" -,-v - / /)L, )te- Jca/7L*!A/d. -a/r/.tf) .A/nou/ -r/ A"At-b /*&r"t it* /fu- bh*r'Y"7/,f*oQ*e^ww ,#z -r -v'Wjr*Ht-r),/"^ ry ho'rr-q%*-g,o#-'rh YJL Jil-oil-Ldz, /rr ^1'c+P- -n, fu -A | *L-)*-n,. I'l Ot : I I :. I I I I I-l It\ i I tt-\-',| o ?*xd" er^r- RprX 73,7@( n^rO"r- '& ?J;i!,., M -ruaL -o- ir@l"L 0ffa{r"!- -ux- lrllan -o* /dk ,## 16 fu:Lry:F, 4 ryy-^%,aiffiffi,ffiwMdtWrt l7ouulhA/tre- 18 -p4t1- "oU "l4'at, 'y-tfiT'Lp)i) tJL amJdnrf T6 /r{x#f/ lw ,,(,tru<-,tuttt",-, 16 -ue- w* t-0, /-^,zl"L Aaj, *,c ^o-Lnt r, ,rrnni^/)n- /-^,zl"L # ld P^rf, ppor/^,r^Jo?rdlr\f 9!L -0, -cn..rn^/-\- W oI^- ;Apl-r"1*,6tutu> qnfu,{^^ hhr- fr6 il^Q, rurrrL: fwv ano- ^o1Aan nr,aacr A, Ll-*him-t 4, lt tA -,**; d&,cfu2-, nt M^.erLin,,l- +*grbIo afude/nf .., " 7)-r{ W^r* po.Lnd e1g"Oi tg -nraezz tffipn; --j*/n-- ------T Oa -Mfu;,t-J :_Era/ Dear Mayor Kury There are three things that I could think otwhy we could ase a soccor fuld in our school yardThe first reason is thot we could have more room to run and ploy.The second rcason is that it could teach us how to play soccor. The last rcason is that we could plant more flowers and trees in the spr@ timelThat is why I think we could use a soecor field in oar Yoty'rp Frien| Delicia Chavez o oo '-7.-: -*;Z ,-UZ :a;T,:iH ttn#h -l ))+''- ,akT fDrT- I -t Ifi.a*p, --fr:-Ezffielz- -Usoz-e ),muzl.m'=n* - -)v--* - Fiffi ft1t: an - t) tUt; -n-n*-,h.-nffirt-v#h* -;tl'{fr) -nJfnrf-lrL- TH n.rumytr;-Arn lt,l I t--n.ek:'cln Io altolot t +"1 o' )ovc-s^- W ;/rL uTrL -lrchCIu'{ - dL urnr-t fiq+ln4/ t>'cxrsr- utith tw/ W i,A/rr{ ;//.t g<r-t W u,t,fu -,,.. +,brf )occuu drrrd- W a- W*? fid 4mrrnfrA ,l,lpn-,.J- hk- /r\*L ;d"4, efht a!ffinJ ,/"** t/L balao-traJ, el;-.LccLrr1, f,enat, ,fpopLe- u,^''e ftUE" =j)---{lL _ dJ*rn4' ffi \c isl \ \F 'a tr I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I i I I I J J I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I .t r, "oo o {D (4 E\) @ €\{t ci fir-lti srlLll:ll'-r:-lt,-r{ \rvl viri ; 'r-1 t-1i, I-J Ir' !-i I'ri - (\ \;r\1 \J rT -.\ * na U\'/ \..= Sz \___ I t I 1 t I I I'I I I I 1 1'J I I I I I I I I I I ,l ,l _l I I I I I I I I t I I 'l I I i I 'I ,I .l ,l I ,l ,l I tl I I I .l I I I ,l 'l I I r I' I' '| '1. 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I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I I .t I I I I J J lr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ll I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I ; I I I I Uo rt o o ---As A r tlrlnn/ ^f R"{ #ryLstcngI Wart fg.,t(,('tl_g4 whq I utant ov S Qccgf f'J'pld.,'lhe [eSone T, need" fh< , Soccer teW" bec$05 tulhf, We ,R,iLg plaul on, is samePt,Vu q€f Qe rf bep'dtt5 ,Vlle f1 h# f 0L I I @nt;W*;?iY :ii^h, ?'(,#ff 8{,, why Ne worfif a Socc<r ttel$ o fr"rn,l Ali feere1 I L sp lu H l,) { lql Ujgrn s ll t-),-\|.:-JlII,1 t 'I I 'l I' ll I I .t. I I I ! I,] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'I I I I I I,I I I I I I I I I I I I L I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I t. 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Iirtr/ ,r i<lL', lYr 2-t l*l 9" t;tri iDrf'\ rl-t I iQtFI F5.i iRr3j ll lripl rltl ',/)i+ Y1ilti bt e_.j lf"'l-l i It -ql ru; r-f t 'l I {el-r;t+l llolz;il t+lFIrDl tl ini f.(\ r'rrv Il5r NI RIt-r\ |1-1 IA Or ,lf:r I 'Q' tPiI)'i&-l {lilf.i Tu b.tr" \-\lril 14 \*J tin, i'l [Dr | -'t lJr l?i,lnili w,'li llti l>r fstill Irjllrl/l Lr lPr iai lc{-,l; ro tt p Rlr\ li r)L l' I I I I I I I I -l.l--tt arl I o \i. 7r )t I I I I I I I I I .'J *. ' ' ili'.,i i i; i?at, Tlr .,I i il. r. 'P.F -r &. ; ffi1d:H' ?;! *Its r. .t '& ' ,,' il:#. l$t 1A:t \,t ;,-, F# rl o-f 9 z oo o oo | 'll -ol UI .r fl oo oo oo T ^-. - +--. I'!ri i rt-)t -Ot . rfri ft AS o 4--ta- 61 c tt"o 1ho P't cl s+u dLn+R.J bQ' rvtu,clt btlil+ b'r tfly A socc o '-' {'e{J nee J othe I f + v0(.i1 ld f [/ [\, \le C4 t wayS +lne o-$ -sforrp(,,f KIOV r+ ui,t rsa0J,S+OflAtI voulJ L;V<Q *o Ie llYOr./ VhV :r Wan+ A ScCc€f Fiell SChOQlJ r wuhr b?cd [lse w(, {iP.tl YouYx\ovt s c4 t{O vowJ nO+ h aUe +o so bo + +14 {fl, Jil'lc;fe lY.,'Jof/Y ) ts 11o,f'* bg 5'^$€, i r__ __=r__q w,'{l iz Cortre<'{-rJ- at,'ll June 4. 2001 Town of Vail Department of Public Works/Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Subject: Mr. Gregg Barrie Project Landscape Architect Geologic Evaluation Proposed Red Sandstone Elementary Athletic Field Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3356 This letter presents the results of our geologic evaluation for the proposed Red Sandstone Elementary Athletic Field in Vail, Colorado. We were told that an athletic field and turf area are to be built on property adjacent to the west of the Red Sandstone Elementary School. Plans are to build a cut and fill balance pad approximately 500 feet long by up to approximately 120 feet wide in plan dimension. The long dimension of the athletic field will be in an east-west direction perpendicular to the fall line of the natural slopes at the site. Maximum excavation depths will be approximately 10 feet deep. Our evaluation was to define geologic conditions, identify any geologic hazards and discuss mitigation concepts for any potential geologic hazards identified. Our report is based on a review of available geologic maps and published literature, an evaluation of aerial photographs, site observations and ourexperience. We are currently performing a barrow investigation and slope stability analysis to develop design level geotechnical recommendations and construction criteria for the plannedathleticfield. Thefollowingparagraphsprovideadescriptionofgeneral site conditions, the geologic setting at the site, our evaluation of geologic hazards and mitigation concepts. Site Gonditions The site is located north of l-70 in Vail, Golorado. Gore Greek is beyond l-70 tothesouth. TheexistingSunVail Condominiumsareadjacenttoandbelowthesite to the southwest. The Red Sandstone Elementary School is adjacent to the east. A pedestrian bridge across l-70 and a park area are to the southeast of the site. To the CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234oENTER DRTVE I GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, COLORADO 81601 r (97O) 945-2809 north, residences are on a benched surface approximately 50 vertical feet above the site. The site can be visualized as a benched area that slopes down to the south atgrades measured and visually estimated at 15 to 25 percent. Ground surfaces above the bench slope up to the north at steep grades in excess of 60 percent. Ground surfaces below the west approximately 112 ol the bench drop down the slopes excavated for the Sun Vail Condominiums at grades measured at up to approximately 70 percent. Ground surfaces below the east approximately 112 oi the bench drop down to the park area at grades measured and visually estimated at 25 to 35 percent. An abandoned irrigation ditch approximately 4 feet wide and 2 feet deep trends down to the southeast below the southeast side of the bench. Vegetation consists of grasses, weeds and sage brush. Aspen trees, willows and other hydrophilic brush are on the steep slopes above the site to the north. Photographs of the site are shown in Appendix A. Geologic Settinq The site is located in an area of folded and faulted Paleozoic aged sedimentary strata between the Gore Range to the northeast and the Sawatch Range to the southwest. Regional geologic mapping indicates the site is underlain by bedrock consisting of the Pennsylvanian aged Minturn Formation. Bedrock orientation strikes generally east-west, parallel to Gore Creek and dips down to the north. Surface deposits a the site consist of Quaternary aged glacial drift. Field observations at, and in the vicinity of the site confirm the geologic mapping. The site is a glacial drift terrace. The steep slopes above the site to the north appear to be the sides of a second glacial drift terrace above. The glacial drift consists of silty to clayey gravels with cobbles and boulders up to approximately 6 feet in diameter. Glacial drift is a heterogeneous unit with pockets of more permeable and more granular materials intermixed and interlayered with less permeable, more clayey materials. Numerous springs and seeps are at the base of and on the slopes to the northwest of the site. Geoloqic Hazards We did not identify any potential geologic hazards that would prevent development of the property for the planned athletic field. Three concerns related to geologic conditions were identified that need to be considered. First, the steep slopes along the north edge and to the north of the site are potentially unstable; second, an area of saturation as evidenced by springs and surface water was observed on the slopes at the northwest part of the site; and third, the slopes below the site that were excavated to construct the Sun Vail Condominiums are very steep and placing fill at the top of these slopes will increase the driving force and tend to reduce existing hillside stability. TOWN OF VAIL RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC FIELO CTUT JOB NO. GS.3356 Glacial drift deposits appear similar to slope failure deposits and are difficult to differentiate. The glacial drift slopes above the site to the north may have moved in the geologic past (on the order of 10,000 years ago). Field observations do not indicate that recent slope movements have occurred. ln our opinion, the site is comparatively stable and the potential for slope stability hazards is low. In our opinion, excavations at the site that do not intersect a 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) line extending down and away from the toe of the steep slopes (see Figure 1) can be accomplished without retainage. We understand excavations are to be into the steep slopes and will intersect the 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) line discussed above. lt appears the excavation may need to be retained. We are currently performing a detailed slope stability analysis to judge the necessity of slope stability mitigation and develop mitigation recommendations for retainage. The numerous springs at the northwest part of the site indicate the slopes in this area are likely saturated. Surface and subsurface drainage will be needed. Removal of ground water via subsurface drains such as an interceptor drain along the base of the cut slopes for the athletic field and horizontal drains extending back into the slopes will reduce hydrostatic pressures and increase slope stability. We envision a network of drains excavated into the slopes and a collector drain excavated along the based of the cut face. The drains can consist of slotted 4-inch diameter PVG pipe embedded in a free draining gravel such as washed 3/4-inch diameter concrete aggregate. The drain pipes would be 4 to 5 feet below the existing ground surface. The drain pipes that extend back into the slopes would need to extend up the slopes a distance equal to approximately 2 times the height of the excavation and be placed on an approximately 6 to 8 feet horizontal spacing. The collector pipe would need to be approximately 10 to 12 inches in diameter' In addition, we suggest a drainage swale approximately 2 feet deep and 6 to 8 feet wide along the base of the cut face for the athletic field. The trend of the swale should slope at a sufficient gradient to prevent surface water from ponding. The third concern is related to the existing cut slopes below the proposed athletic field. Our field observations indicate that a maximum grade of approximately 60 percent for dry slopes appears to be stable for the soil conditions at and on property adjacent to this site. Gut slopes below the site are up to approximately 70 percent and show evidence of raveling. We believe that adding weight to the top of these slopes will reduce the stabitity of the cut slopes. In our opinion, fill should not be placed closer to the top of the steep slopes that where a 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) line extending up from the toe of the excavated slopes intersect the existing ground surface above (See Figure 2) unless the existing cut slopes are laid back to a stable configuration, retained, or otherwise reinforced. Mitigation may involve reinforcement of the existing cut slopes with mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) cells or some type of retainage such as soil nails. Our geotechnical investigation will address fill placement above the steep cut slopes to ensure a fill embankment can be safely constructed. We believe the property can be developed using geotechnicaland construction practices normally employed in mountainous regions in the locale of the property. TOWN OF VAIL RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC FIELD CTUT JOB NO. GS.3356 We appreclate the opportunity to work with you on this proiect. lf you have questions, please call. Very truly yours, Wilson L. "Liv" TOWN OF VAIL RED SA DSTONE ELEI'ENTARY ATHLENC HELD GTUT JO8 NO. GS3356 4 (t" ,rrr MAY AFFEcr rou* ,*orf, PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 11, 2001, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance from Section 12-6D6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: David IminPlanner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D5 of the Town Code, to allow for the resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47, Vail Vilfage West Filing No. 2, re-creating Lots 46 &47,located at 1916 & J936 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais, representing Richard StraussPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an athletic field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesU A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Town of Vail Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for lhe consolidation of 2 units wilhin the CC2 Zone District, located at 126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Planner: Henry Anthony lttleson, represented by K.H. Webb Architects. Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a seasonal struciure within the Lionshead Mixed Use l Zone District, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3d Filing and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant VailManiottPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Seclion 12-6D9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of an addition to a single-family residence, located at 1 1 15 Homsilver Circle / Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village th Filing. Applicant: Carol Collins, represented by Anis West Architects, PCPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the conection of enors in the platting of Tract J, Vail Village First Filing, located at Vail Interfaith Chapel, 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone distric{s in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A review of a staff decision regarding a request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, to allow for the expansion of the Wreck Room Reslaurant and Passport Club, located at 498 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village 5'n Filing. Applicant: Golden Peak Ski BasePlanner: Ann Kjerulf The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 25, 2001 in the Vail Trail. Smooth Feed SheetsrM Sonnenalp ProPerties Inc. 20 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 Dolores M. Swatik QPR Trust Donald S. & Dolores M. Swatik Trustees 25 Grace Avenue Sutton, MA 01590 North Star - Vail LLC C/O Ted ShiPman 9145 E. Kenyon Avenue, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80237 Linda Hutson 950 N. Michigan#27Q2 Chicago, lL 60611 Jeff Snyder Aspen Tree Condo. Association PO Box 1527 Vail, CO 81657 Potato Patch Club Condo Association lnc. C/O Vail Home Rentals 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 397 Vail, CO 81657 Christie jean & Karl, Jr. Hochtl Revocable Trust 890 Red Sandstone Circle Vail, CO 81657 Paul G. Corcoran 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 Donna J. Arnett 893 E. Red Sandstone Circle Vail. CO 81657 Paul A. & Janet M. Testwuide 898 Red Sandstone Circle Vail. CO 81657 Joseph J. Hanlon 225 Wall Street Vail, CO 81657 Dale K. Eggleston - Robert T. Harrison 4506 SPruce WaY 15 Vail, CO 81657 Use template for 5160@ Laura J. Gentry - James W' Holley 100 East Meadow Drive #2 Vail, CO 81657 Potato Patch Group LLC PO Box 745 Houston. TX 77001 Charles R. & Barbara J. Ragan 744 Sandy Lane Vail, CO 81657 Tamaca, Corp Calle 3 11 Garden Hills Estates Guaynabo, PR 00966 Thomas C., Jr. Farnsworth C/O Farnsworth Investment Co. 5335 DistriPlex Farms Drive Memphis, TN 38141 Toni S. HiPPeli Jerome V. Nickerson 2551 East KentuckY Avenue Denver, CO 80209 l7S o.r=nvt Address Labels Laser 5160@ Charles T. & Carol B. Goolsbee David & Marcia A. Knuepfer Herbert A. & Nicloe J. Wertheim 1450 Moraine Drive 765 North Park Blvd. 191 Leucadendra Drive Vail, CO 81657 clen Ellyn, lL 60137 Coral Gables, FL 33156 Crossroads Realty Ltd. Richard E. & Martha Griffith Dean Michael R. & Deborah Dawson Potato Patch TH Condo Association Trust :l:":='.': c' rJs'r,r ar r.rJqw-vr I Attn: Valerig Stanton ii,:i$"r"t8 Ks 66086 g:i i"3 sandstone circre po Box 12e2 Vail, CO 81657 Smooth Feed Sheets?M Town of Vail C/O Finance Dept. 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Paul A. & Janet M. Testwuide 898 Sandstone Drive Vail, CO 81657 Josef Staufer 100 E. Meadow Drive #31 Vail. CO 81657 Daniel R. Bouvier PO Box2254 Vail. CO 81658 Use template for 5160@ Anthony G. & Teressa G. Peny 2517 Shelburne Road Shelbume, VT 05482 Traudl J. & Wolfgang C. Berndt 1 Procter and Gamble Plaza Cincinnati. OH 45202 Edwin K. Hunter Trustee - Russell C. John H. DavieChambers 37e6 parian Ridse Road NW [i ?"fti#h Drive Atlanta, GA 30327 @nverwo Address Labels Laser 5160@ OG ffEM MAy AFFE.T "ou* ,*ot* PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 14,2001, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for an addition to the Vail Valley Medical Center, located at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2"' Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Braun AssociatesPlanner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Title 14 (Development Standards), Vail Town Code, to allow for snow storage and parking within.the public right-of-way, located a12437 Garmisch Drive / Lot 12, Block H, Vail das Schone 2" Filing. Applicant William H. Mentlik, represented by John Martin, AIAPlanner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to lhe issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Section 12-6DG (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant David lrwinPlanner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a worksession to discuss a new special development district, to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Racquet Club, located at 4695 Vail Racquet Club DriveA/ail Racquet Club Condominiums, Bighorn 5'n Addition. Applicant: Planner: Racquet Club Owners Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects. Brent Wilson A request for a final review of a proposed special development distrist, to allow for the construction of a new conference facility/hoteh and a final review of a conditional use permit, lo allow for Type lll employee housing units and fractional fee club units, located at 13 Vail Road/ Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 2. Applicant: Doramar Hotels, represented by the Daymer Corporation . Planner: Brent Wilson,l- - request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a soccer field, located F \10 N. Frontage Rd. West/ A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs \/\ ,v, ', tolo'fi.'N\ A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of phase I of Donovan Park improvements, generally located southeast of the intersection of Matterhom Circle and the South Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for the review-of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner George Ruther A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-10 of the Town Code, to allow for a reduction in the landscaping and.site development requirements, located at 383 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: A2Z Holdings, LLCPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D-5 of the Town Code to allow for the resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47, Vail Viffage West Filing No. 2, re-creating Lots 46 & 47,located at 1916 & 1936 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais, representing Richard StraussPlanner: Allison Ochs The applications and informalion about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular. office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Departmenl. Pfease call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon fequest with 24-hour notification. Please cr,ll 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published April 27,2001 in the Vail Trail. Dale Bubey 635 N. Frontage Road., West #1 Vail, CO 81657 Sun Vail Condo. Association JeffSnyder PO Box 1527 Vail, CO 81657 Aspen Tree Condo. Association Charles T. & Carol B. Goolsbee 1450 Moraine Drive Vail" CO 81657 Richard E. & Martha Griffith Dean Trust PO Box 970 Tonganoxie,KS 66086 Colorado Department of Transportation Potato Patch Club Condo Assoclafion Inc.222 South 6o Street Room 317 C/O Vail Home,Rentals Grand Junction, CO 81501 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 397 Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Owen l,eonard, Regional Director Holy Cross R.anger District PO Box 1g0 Town of vail Minturn, co E1645 c/o Flnsnce DePL 75 S. Frontage Road Attn: Kalvin Wettstein, Dishdct Range" Vd CO 81657 Sonnenalp Propertles Inc. 20 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 Dolores M. Swatik QPR Trust Donald S. & Dolores M. Swatik Trustees 25 Grace Avenue Sutton, MA 01590 North Star-Vail LLC c/o Ted shtpman Paul A' & Janet M' Testwuide et4s E. Kenyon Avenue, sutre 100 i:ffeH'$n6:i*"I)enYer, CO 80237 Linda Ilutson Chrlsde jean & Karl, Jr. Eochtl g50 N. Mchigan#2102 Revocable Trust chicago,rl 60611 S9ORedSandstoneclrcle Vail, CO 81657 Paul G. Corcoran Michael R & Deborah Dawson 201 Gore Creek Drlve 891 Red Sandstone Circle Vail, CO 81657 Vail' CO 8f657 Donna J. Arnett Daniel R- Bouvier 893 E. Red Sandstone Circle POBox2254 Vall, CO 81657 Vail CO 81658 paut A. & Janet 1t{. Testwuide Laura J' Gentry-James W: Holley g9g Red sandstone circle 100 East Meadow Drive #2 Vail, co 81657 - vail' co 81657 Dale K. Eggleston - Robert T. Harrlson Charles R & Barbara J. Ragan 4506 SpruceWay 15 744 Sandylane Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657 Joseph J. Eanlon 225 Wall Street VaiL CO 81657 Josef Staufer 100 E. Meadow Drive #31 Vril, CO 81657 Potato Patch Group LLC PO Box 745 Houston, TX 77001 Tamaca, Corp Calle 3 11 Garden Hills Estates Guaynabo,PR 00966 David & Marcia A- Knuepfer Thomas C.' Jr' Farnsworth 765 North park Btvd. c/o Farnsworth rnvestment co' Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 5335 Distriplex Farms Drive Memphis, TN 38141 Toni s' Hrppeli Traudl J. & wolfgang c. BerndtJerome v' Nlckerson I procter and Gamble plaza 2551 East Kentucky Avenue Denver,co 80209 Cincinnad'oE 45202 Anthony G. & Teressa G. Perry 2517 Shelburne Road ShelburngYT 05482 Herbert d & Nicloe J. IVertheim 191 Leucadendra Drlve Coral Gables, F'L 33156 Crossroads Realty Ltd. Potato Patch TH Condo Association PO Box 1292 VaiI, CO 81657 Attn: Valerle Stanton Edwin K. Ilunter Trustee-Russell C. Chambers 3796 Parlan Ridge Road IIIW Atlanta, GA 30327 John H. Davie 776Potato Patch Drive VaUCO 816s7 l. rrEM MAY AFFE.T "or* ,*o;D PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 23, 2OO1, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance from Section 12-7H-1O of the Vail Town Code, to allow for a proposed addition in the rear setback, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1. Vail Lionshead id Filing. Applicant Lions Square Condo AssociationPlannen Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a proposed special development district, to allow for the construction of a new conference facility/hotel; and a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for Type lll employee housing units and fractional fee club units, located at 13 Vail Road/ Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 2. Applicant: Doramar Hotels, represented by the Daymer CorporationPlanner: Brent \Mlson A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of a soccer field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesV A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full legal description is !/available at the Department of Community Development. llt I Applicant: Town of Vail' Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a worksession to discuss a new Special Development Distrist, to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Racquei Club, located at 4695 Vail Racquet Club Drive/Vail Racquet Club Condominiums. Applicant: Racquet Club Owners Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects.Planner: Brent Wilson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Communily Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the siie visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Deparlment. Please call 47$2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 47$ 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Deparlment Published April6, 2001 in the Vail Daily. Deputment of Public Works & Tlansportation ti09 Elklnrn Drive Yail, Colorado 61657 nEclc,,ED 'APAr Yail,Colorado 81657 Rl-cm Iavestnent Co. , Lflt Z f8r1 E. Fanlaud PO Bo! 4261 ValJ., CO 8f658 Vail l|anrg€rent Gqany 143 E. lieadnr Drlve Sulte 395 YaLl,, CO 8f657 Attn: Iarybeth laller Betty Grffey 742 Sandy Lrne Itnit A VaiI.,, CO 81657 & nr"rcr-eo ann Yail, Colorado 81657 $-u"r"uoruo TCIWN OFYAILIY Depmtment of Pablic Works & Tlotsportation Ii09 Ellhorn Drive Yail,'Colorado 81657 Bobert T. EarrLson 4506 SPruce flaY f15 YaIl' CO 81657 1309 Elk:horn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657- AECVCLEI' PAPER 1309 Ell:horn Drive Yail, Colorado 81657 $orrr*"^r" I/ail. Colorado 81657 t, u"tcrto o""* TuNhFrtMY Joeef Staufer lfil E lieadw llrive f3lVeilJ CO 81657 CharlLea R E Barbara J. Bagan Truatee 744 Sandy La-e Vafl\ CO 8L657 liargaret E. fanton 736 B Sandy Laue ValJ-, GO 81557 loger S. pensle TfustZ Peosle Corp. l3/ilXl Ortcr llrfue BestID,etrolr) uI 40239-4OOr Depotnent of Public Works & Tratrport ion 1309 Ellhorn Drive Yail, Colorado 61657 $*r*o,,.ro Deponnat of Public Wofts & Ilawpotaion 1309 Elklnrn bive Yail, Colorado 81657 $urrruoruo Dqotment of Public Wub & Tlansportdion 1309 Etrkhorn Drive Yail, Colorado 81657 I{Lol I 8o1d1ngs Co Z SarL X. Eoknd PO I'r 4261 Yal1. cO 81658 Gleon E. Oatrmsll. 4505 Spnr:,e ycy tr5 YaalJ Co 81657 TOWT'IOFVAIL $ nn"rctno r^nn .*-ffi \<uwrfvf fJ;-rr LrtE rt<rt trg JL(ltt <|L 1tJ-1LJo APPLICATION FOR P1ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmentat Commission. For specific information, see the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/orthe Design Review Board. A. TYPEOFAPPUCATION:tr Bed and BreaHastd Conditional Use Permittr Major or tr Minor Subdivisiontl' Rezoningtr Sign VarianceU Special Development Districttr Major or tr Minor Amendment to SDD Employee Housing Unit (Iype: _) Major or tr Minor Exterior Alteration (VailVillage) Major or Minor Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) Variance Zoning Code Amendment Amendment to an Approved Development Plan tr tr tr tr D tr B.DESCRIPION OFTHE REQUEST: ?-€e-Le.t * (c,.,6;rt,-H ->t- Pi4^^,T j? .'.-5 j-tL--; A' SDa L ii'a Fl E-.,Ct .1N LA-JD au,.z.t--,-.,r Z.*zA ,+S On|-O",.2 /?z. Za4t-/e,.) -Tz+cr 4 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: BLOCK:_ FILING: PHYSICALADDRESS: 4 Z-3t 4 /4-',->tu* 2o tt;.,;- c. D. E. E PARCEL #: ZONING: ?u-D;", r 2c. ,c-< ,+r/ t .r Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for pa?cel #) NAMEOFOWNER(S): -Jat."t ar Vp,tc s) STGNATURE(S):G. H. PHONE: 477 - Ziao NAMEOFAPPLICANT: G MAIUNGADDRESS: /3aq Ecrcior- D,z VAI&, Cd 8165, PHONE:q?1 ^ 2331 FEE: See submital rquiremenE for apprcpriate fre PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATTON, ALL SUBMITTAT REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAI|, COLORADO E1657. RECDfri,.,? 20 2001D{4r" / -{r,/q Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2L38 APPLICATIO]I FOR. DESIG]I REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Revieu/ approval prior to submitting for a building permit, For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted unUl all the required informafion is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Deign Review Board apprwal Wires one year after final approval unless a bullding permit lr lcorcd and onstnttilon is firbd. DESCRIffiON OFTHE REQUEST: 772 E+- tL.t.-.-t.rJ ,'))1lZ,L7 /r*.) ./Ar.t .t4.Ll C.,r'./77 .9H..:L D,372tei tz;t.zc4 Llt.t 2 (c'- 5 iZu.-7- I .4.,^//r,2- .:./24,n -gp( -a/-2-.;tE2,,3 c2 )^/ 7H1. </ry -Tr+'r C B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:- ng1'16i t'L,'>+zz' 2"*2.-J PHYSICALADDRESS: 6 35 '{c'Zn Fz"-;->.' 2a t-z<; PARCEL #:(Contact Eagle Co, Assessors Office at 970-328-86,10 for parel #) ZONING:O:.'Th c,.'.2, fur.z e -t+zrt c, D. E. F. G. NAME OF OWNER(S):7),-.- .,.e L/+rc H. owrr ER(s) SIG]TATURE(S) : NAME OF APPUCANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS: l,/+rt, ('. 8ia9 )PnOnE: q7!/:2j:2 TYPE OF REVIEVI/ AND FEE: tr llew Consfrtclion - $2(Xl Construction of a new building.tr Addition -$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building.il l{lnor Alteration - l2O Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBIIIT THIS APPLICATIOI{, AII. SUBilITTAI REQUIREHEI{TS AtlD THE FEE TO THE DEPARTIIIEIfT OF COlllrUl{ITY DEVELOPIIEI|T' 75 SOUTH FROilTAGE ROAD, VAII.' COLORADO 81657. RECDMAR2O2OOl ,rT Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Env ir o nment al I mp ac t As s e s s ment June 6th, 2001 Prepared By DESIGNWORKSHOP Vail, Colorado For Town of Vail Public Worlcs Department Note: All project Etotltdtve data prwided to Detign Worlnhop by the Town of Yail Public Wor*s Depttnent Project Description The Town of Vail, in conjunction with the Eagle County School District and the Vail Recreation District, is proposing the construction of an athletic field on Town ofVail property adjacent to the Red Sandstone Elementary School. This project will be funded jointly by the Town of Vail and the Eagle County School District. The Town of Vail plans to complete this project by the end of September 2001 . The site is currently undeveloped and consists of a mostly sage meadow with various other shrubs, grasses, and perennials intermixed. The athletic field, in its completed state, will consist of approximately '9 acres of turf area. This area will be inigated by an automatic inigation system. The total disturbed area is 1.6 acres. The disturbance will consist ofbalanced cut and fill grading, and when complete, all areas will be revegetated. The Town of Vail will hire a company specializing in site revegetation projects to manage the site revegetation. The revegetation process will include a plant inventory of on-site plant materials prior to construction. After grading and installation of irrigation system, the revegetation contractor will provide and install all plants for the revegetation. The plan intends to not only use a large variety ofplant species, but the sizes ofplants will vary as well so the site will not be entirely uniform in appearance when first planted. Plant sizes will vary from seed up to 6' serviceberry plants as well as a number of aspens. A preliminary list of plant species is attached. The revegetation contractor will provide the Town with an erosion control specification as well as an inigation specification as this type of revegetation will have special irrigation requirements. The intent is that in 4 to 5 years the disturbed slopes will match existing vegetation as closely as possible. The largest part of the athletic field will accommodate a soccer field for the 7 to 8 year old age group and is situated on the westem end ofthe site due to steeper slopes on the eastern end. Currently the students play on a 200' long asphalt area just outside the school, as well as on a small playground and on a gravel area situated more than 400 ft from the school. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental lmpact Assessment - June 6, 2001 Paee 2 of 6 III. T,oningCompliance The site of the proposed field is Tract C, Potato Patch Filing, and is divided into four zoning parcels, two of which are Outdoor Recreation and two of which are Natural Area Preservation District. The proposed field would be constructed entirely on a parcel zoned Outdoor Recreation, a parcel ofland 5.24 acres in size. There is no proposal to change the current zoning. III. DevelopmentStatistics l. Total site area: 2. Total undisturbed site area: 3. Total site disturbed area: 4. Total soccer/turfarea: 5.24 acres 3.64 acres 1.6 acres .9 acres 5. Total native grasses revegetation area: .7 acres IV. Park Design Guideline Compliance l. Site preservation: All non-turf disturbed areas will be revegetated to match the existing natural gftIsses and vegetation. 2. Impervious coverage: There will be no impervious coverage on the site. 3. Activity areas/separation and integration;There a.re two separate areas of the athletic field. The smaller one closest to the school is designed for the l5 minute recess period to allow children to access it quickly. It is smaller due to site grading limitations. The larger area is designed for organized activities and is sized for the U7AJ8 soccer field. While farther from the school, it will be used for the longer Physical Education classes. 4. Ziews: Views into the site from roads will not be significantly altered due to revegetation and tJre location of the larger field. From Sun Vail Condos, located just south ofthe project, the proposed freld will be higher than the roof of the building so the changes to views there will be minimal due to the revegetation and the addition oftaller landscape species along the south edge of the field. 5. Energt conservation: Not applicable. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental lmpact Assessment - June 6, 2001 Paee 3 of6 6. Landscape accent. Landscape accent is provided through revegetation, taller landscape trees along the project's south edge, and the extension ofan existing aspen grove through the site. 7. Accessibility: All areas will meet ADA grade requirements. 8. Appropriateness/compatibililyi Anelementary school should have a turf area large enough for organized activities. An open field in a neighborhood setting is also appropriate. 9. Flexibility: The finished project will be highly flexible in use, especially given that no buildings or structures are proposed. 10. Continuity: As described above, the site revegetation will match the existing landscape, and no other building materials are to be used except for fencing. The project will utilize a standard 8' brown chain link recreation fence. | | . Maintenance. Project long-term maintenance will include only mowing, monitoring of the natural revegetation, and occasional maintenance to the irrigation system. l. Impact Assessment Existing site condilions: The site is composed of native plant materials, typically undisturbed with the exception of multiple utility line cuts and an old irrigation ditch. The upper portion of site is very steep and covered with aspens and serviceberry. Portions of this area have been delineated as wetlands and will not be disturbed. There is an area at southeast corner of site that sustains a grove of willows, however, these are the only wetland species and this area has been determined to NOT be a wetland area, however, this area also will remain undisturbed. 1 00 yr floodplain: There are no floodplain hazards within the project site. Wetland impacfs: As indicated in item l, there have been wetlands delineated on the site however, there will be no wetland impacts. However, if it is determined that there are potentially affected riparian areas on the site, the Town of Vail will follow requirements set forth by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Avalanche/rockfall/debris Jlow: Refer to attached geotech report. IV. 2. aJ. 4. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental Impact Assessment - June 6,2001 Paee 4 of6 5.Erosion. All grading and earthwork during construction shall be performed according to relevant jurisdiction requirements, and all necessary construction erosion control measures shall be taken. All disturbed soils on the site shall be revegetated and stabilized to prevent any long-term erosion. No slopes in excess of 2:1 shall be constructed on the site. Additional measures as specified by the project revegetation specialists may be taken. Air pollution: There will be no air pollution generated by the project. Noise pollution: Any temporary construction noise shall be performed according to Town of Vail requirements and limitations. It is not anticipated that any of the proposed permanent uses will create noise pollution impacting the sunounding neighborhood. The only noise will be from children during school hours several times a day. There may be soccer practices during evenings but no organized games. Lights: There will be no lighting on the project. Parking: No additional parking will be required because this is a school facility and no additional stallpositions will be required. The school currently has 25 designated spaces plus 2 ADA compliant spaces. Additionally, during larger school events, the access road up to the school is used for parking and will accmmodate approximately 44 additional vehicles. Because the school will use the field during the school day and the Recreation District will use the field outside ofschool hours, events requiring parking for both school and field use will not conflict. 10. Visual: No retaining walls will be required in this design. Revegetated slopes will be the most notable impact immediately following construction. A brown chain link fence installed on south side of the field will be seen from Sun Vail condos, but aspen groups and the dark color will mitigate its visual impact. ll. Trffic impacts: The new field is an addition to existing school facilities. It will not require additional school staffand therefore will not increase parking requirements. In addition, it will not increase traffic during school hours. The Vail Recreation District will use the field after school hours as a practice facility. That use may increase traffrc slightly on the site ofthe school but not necessarily on the Frontage Roads. Cunently, parents may pick up children after school to take them to soccer practice elsewhere. Having the field at the school site will simply defer the pick-up traffic to a later time, therefore decreasing traffic during school pick-up times. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental Impact Assessment - June 6, 2001 Pase 5 of6 6. 7. 8. 9. 12. Site accesE: The field will be accessed by existing roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. An existing dirt path will be relocated to provide access from the pedestrian overpass area. 13. Drainage impacts: Seasonal flows from the uphill wetland areas will be caught on the north side of the field and drained to the east into existing swales. This creates an opportunity for actually increasing the total amount of wetland on the site by planting wetland species in the new swale. There is no anticipated increase in net runoffdue to the absence of impervious surfaces. 14. Infrastructure impacts: The only new utility required for this project is a water line tap for the irrigation system. A water line currently runs through the site providing easy access for this tap. The planting design seeks to mitigate the long-term water requirements of the project through the use of native plant species for all revegetation areas. Inigated turf will be limited to the sports field. Red Sandstone Elementary School Athletic Field Environmental Impact Assessment - June 6, 2001 Page 6 of6 o April 23,2001 Greg Barrie 'llown of Vail 1309 tilkhom Dr. \:ail, C0 81657 Re: Exhibit A, Rscomrncnded Native Specics for the Vail Soccer 3 iekl Expalusion Project As pcr your request today, wi: lrave compilect a list of native plarrt marerials that tecornmcnded for use rvithin the Town of Vail Soccer Field Hxpunsio:r Prujcct, Sclejttflir:,!l_+qlp ittr ghrhrum' .. . Agastache wndJirliu ,l n Elqw:hier alndalit Antexnaria pztttjblia .(tpr egia cotwie.a . . Aquilegia Jbnnom .4 r c ttt s t t t p hyl o s .uv tt- n r is i .;lrtenbfu tridenft a Aster glauc<ttles ' frulseinrhlzn s(gitktta . Eeula glundulasa . Bttuiu ut:cidtntdlts Itttttuu un oi'ha.Iatts Bromut mw$inalar .(ampanala ro t*nillfo lila Ceasaihis vah$inus Ctalqgtar riurdarr E p.i hb i u at a n gw t ifu | ium . . [irittgtrh n jflrnatii ' ' . F;riogottntn.wnbellanm Agr-23.-Ol l l :214,/\ a ' *..!'' tn |{ative F,]ants P. 03 fleru'fireg: : (iq$rns.!r."lYgl}p Rtrcky Morrutoin maplu lrorseinint '."'flroun&m $grv lcicbqrfy rQsy possytoc$ Colorado bhrc'columbinc wc$tsm colurbbine bcarheny&innikinnick mountain big sage blus ister arowlsrf b&lssmroot nog olrcn westefi riucr birch noddiry bronte mountain brome harcbcll . cno$;bush ccrnultus rit'er hrwthorn lircweed iarncs's buckwheut sulft $-fl ow€red buckwheat . 3?80Sitt Mcsr'Road . Riflc,CO &650 Phorn (9?o) 6?.5-ORCTW t4?69) . Fan (97Oj 6at:FARM (32?6) E"msil nadve@asprninfo.com r Wah Pagc www,irmnativcplarrtt.c<rm err-!?:o 4sA RockUt" Native p]ants $s.t-e$lSe$c.!pS- F' es tuc a .i &t i mant at a, l:estnru thur":betii Fragtriu ve,sca A iranium vlstvtsissrnrrz Geum macrophyllurq Iteleniwn hoopesii Hetemrhica villosa Ipomnpsis aggrcgaru ' Kocleria uistokt 'Lupintu argenteus Mcthania repew *htmrda lbtulosu Paseopyron smithii . Pustanon <trttonii f e n { li2 nl o n, €ru) ft 4{-f 1., rus Pe&lpnro strietus . . Penstemonu'hippleants Pentapfiylloide"t llori laruIa {Patentilla ltuticosa) Phtrcoiia iericw Phlcun alpimm l'hvtot:aryas n on(tgJ$us Frcea engelmannil . . Finus nristata I'll,ri.as fie$lls l'aa tbndlenaiw Pop us tremtloides Potentilla gradlis ' t\vnu:t virginiana Itarrhi.r tride t ttq' . Qrcrcus gawlielii Rhus trik bata' Ribes wreum ' Rihds terwm Ro:ta fllodsii eew-N-{Ee Rrrlcy Mounuin fescuc Thurber's fescuc Rocky Mormtain strowhcrry sticky geraniurn . largo-lcrfavens .. . oronge snmaewscd hriry goldcu asur. scarlct gitia prairie jwngrars 'rilverlupine mahoniardesea holty bccbalro l|ostern whealgrass Iirecrar*er purrtemon dnd-$ided penstcnron Itocky Muuntzin pcnstemon Whipplc's penslemon shrubby cinquefoil purple fringe rlpine timol&y mountain o,incbsrk Englemann qi'nrce briederr:one pinc limber pine multongruss qutkirg sspcn slcnder cinqucfoil chirkccherry urtelope bincrbrush (ianrbcl's oak throclcaf subgc goldcn cunarit rr'ax,lgqu$w curra*t Wood's rose (rage 2) P-04 A?l.-zF-Ot lt:zrsA RockUt" Natlve p-tants Sflxf__Iglltq-sfy"e-i$ps9s ji$ Prgiesl'[esqgmendod_t_b&r (pege 3) -$*-l*ng0c-Ncme Rubus purvtJlora Senu:io trtangulans Shuphwlht cauadtutit Solidago ctwtle.nsis Sor4tux sc'opatina SImp h oricarpos orco ph i fus l'halicfiam Jendleri I'icia auerieana Wl,ethia anqieti<:aalis P-()5 S.ipi$ns4-Natrp, thimblcberry gmundsel ru$et buffalobe.r'ry Cauada goldcrrod mourtain ash nrountein saowberry Fcndlet's nrcadolerue Amcrican vckh woolly mulcscax Please note that lhis is only a list of n conrmended $pecies fcr the proJtxl. l'inal planr size. planting.nrrnrbrr, and placernent hae yet to bo finalized for this material. I3ecause our pricing is volume baserJ, rve will formalize our quomtion a$ soon as wo determine what thc {inal planting nulnberu will be for rhe project. Thanlc again ftrr this opportunity- Please give us a call at 970.625.4769 if there are any quustions or comynents concerning the pmvided information. JOHN W. DUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALA JR. INGA HAAGENSON CAUSEY OF COUNSEI: JERRY W. HAN NAH Law OFFTCES Dur'rN & Aaplaxar-p. P.C. ORAfION WesrSTAe BaNK BUTLDTNG roa Sourx FRoNTAGE Roao WEsr Su rrE goo Varl, Couonaoo arGsT-5097 June 7, 2001 TELEPHONE:(970) 476-0300 FACSIMILE: (97 0r 476-4765 highcountrylaw.com +mail vaillaw@vail.nEt CERTIFIEO !EGA! A55Is'ANTS KAREN M. DUN N, CLAS JANTCE K. SCOFTELO, CLAS Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO 81657 Re: Request for Conditional Use Permit for soccer field on Podion Tract C. Vail Potato Patch Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: We have been asked to represent Joe and Anne Staufer and the Sun Vail Condominium Association in connection with the Town's application for a special use permit for a soccer field adjacent to Red Sandstone Elementary School. My clients for obvious reasons would prefer that the special use permit not be granted. However, they recognize that their desires may have to yield to the perceived need for the soccer field and therefore have asked that I communicate to you the conditions they wish to see in any permit, if it is granted. The conditions requested by Staufers and Sun Vail are as follows: l. Use of the soccer field be only by elementary school students under the supervision of school district employees. 2. T\e permit be effective only so long as an elementary school is at the Red Sandstone location. permitted. 3. No other use, including without limitation ice skating and parking, be 4. No amplified or broadcast sound, whether music or spoken, be permitted. 5. No outdoor lighting be permitted. 6. No structures be permitted. The Commission's consideration of this request will be appreciated. Yours very truly, DLINN & ABPLANALP, P.C. Iitl tLl,t) t,w"=* W. Dunn jwd:ipse cc. Mr. Staufer Sun Vail Condominium Association E 3961 Springhill Avenue Mobile, Alabama 36608-5730 334-343-9400 FAX 334-343-4972 I P.O. Box 28306 Atlanta, Georgia 30358 770-396-7069 FAX770-396-7732 ! P.O. Box 43087 Birmingham, Alabama 35243 205-967-7888 FAX 205-967-3155 D 3601 45th Street Metairie, Louisiana 70001 504-831-9lA4 FAX 504-831-9493 May 11,2001 TOWN OF VAIL- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. Frcntage Road Vail, CO 81657 Fax: 970-479-2452 ATTN: Allison Ochs, Planning Liaison Officer Dear Ms. Ochs. As a homeowner at Sun Vail Condominiums, I am greatly disrurbed by the prospects of a soccer field being built to the west of Red Stone Elementary, behind Sun Vail's A and B buildings. Although I am an owner in building D, I feel that this building progr€rm will impact the value of all of our properties in a negative fashion. I am at the property at Ieast 20 days annually, and intend to retire in the Vail valley. Actions as these greatly concern me as a homeowner and future resident. This area has been a "green" area since I have been visiting the Vale valley and I believe it is a necessary part of the overall concept of Colorado and Vail. I would encourage the planning commission to review alternate selections closer to areas that are currently being used as recreational areas for children. Sun Vail Condominiums Sinceref ro Il a/rrv E. Key Ir$fir Unit 11-D urs, May 9, 2001 TO; TOWN OF VAIL PLANNER ALLISON OCHS FROI\4 CHARLES R AND BARBARARAGAN 744 SANDYLANE WE UNDERSTAND TIIERE IS A PROPOSAL TOBULD A SOCCERFIELD INTHE AREAruST SOUTI{ OF OUR HOME. WE STRONGLY OBJECT OF CONVERTING A PEACEFUL, QUIET AREA oF LAND, wHIcH Is cuRRl.ITLy, FILLED wrITI wILDFLowERs AND WONDERFUL WILD LIFE, TO A NOISEY SOCCER FIELD. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE WILD LIFE? WI{YWERE WE NOT INFORMED OF THE ZOING CHANGES FORTI{IS PIECE OF LAND? TI{IS PROPOSED FIELD woULD RENDER OIjR DECK UNUSEABLE; TTTE NOISE LEVEL IS CIJRRSNTLY SUBSTANCIAL ENOUGH WTIII I-70, SO TO ADD TO THAT NOISE LEVEL WE FEEL rS QLIIE UNREASONABLE VAIL ENCOIJRAGES LOCAL PEOPLE TO STAY IN VAIL, TTIEN MAKES TI{E SURROUNDINGS IMPOSSIBLE. WI{AT IS WRONG WITH SOME BEAUTIFTJL OPEN SPACE IN THE CITY OF VAIL? tA44/' To Town of Vail planners; From Len Levitan: President Board of Sun Vail Condominium Association I am writing to express our opposition to the building ofa soccer field directly north of the SunVail Condominiums. Currently this area consists of natural vegetation and wildflowers on a hillside. Replacing it would require excavation of a large area of slope replacing it with a flat field. Some sort of fence would be built facing the adjacent condominiums. The level of the field would be the same as the 3'o floor of our buildinss. All this would impact negatively on SunVail in multiple ways: 1) The view from the rear windows would be obscured, and replaced by a fence which could be an eyesore. 2)Noise: Kids would be using this field moming, noon, after school, and evenings and it is likely that the school would use it for recess play and physical education classes- this use which would be hard to control would dramatically increase noise in our residential area. 3)Trespassing: People likely would cross SunVail property to access the field 4)Potential for other development: lighting and bleachers might be added in the future exacerbating negative impact on the adjacent buildings. 5) Water drainage might be a problem. In summary , 60 home owners in our complex and several home owners to the north and above the proposed soccer field would be adversely effected. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT L.ots, Lrft 3K tS! ( NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address: 551 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location.......: RED SANDSTONEELEM ParcelNo....: 210106302013 Project No . : EAGLE COUMTY SCHOOL DrST RE 0g/OL/2OO3 PO BOX 740 E;AGIJE CO 81631 I-,icense: CoNTRACTOR COLORADO MTt[ HOME PROPERTIES0S/OL/2O03 p]rone: (970) 926-L556 PO Box 2759 Edwarde, Co 4t632 IJicense: 266-A APPLICANT COI,ORADO MTN HOME PROPERTTES0S/0L/2OO3 phone; (970) 926-L555 PO Box 2759 Edwards, Co a7-632 License:266-A Desciption: GRADING FOR TEMP FACILITIES (PLAYGRD) Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Type V Non-Rated # ofGas Applianccs: 0 VN 't,l Valuation: $15.000.00 Fir€place Information: Restricted: Add Sq Ft 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Building-> Plan Check-> lnvestigstion> will calt-> $2sl. 2s $153.31 $0.00 s3. Oo s0. 00 $0. 0o $0. 0o $0. 00 $417 .55 s417 . s5 $0.00 s417 . s6 $417 . s6 s0.00 Restuarant Plan R€view-> DRB Fee--------> Recreation Fe€-------> Clean-up Deposit------> TOTAL FEES--> Total Calculated Fees-> Additionsl Fe€s-> Total Permit Fee--> Paym€nts----------> BALANCE DUE---_-> Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{EMI 08/01"/2003 irRM Action: Ttem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT o8/o8/2oo3 ao Action: ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{EMT Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS o8/o8/20o3 rs Action: AP RSG Permit #: B03-0203 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08/01/2003 Issued...: 08/19/2003 Expires. . .: 02115/2004 Pb.one; FEE SUMMARY **l{l*itta+l*+****+****'t*'}+:r*at**'ll*'l*ll+:1.:lr+'l*,},r*a*:}:}'*:}**:t** AP ll**allllaail!l|llltlll:tltta+llralltttl,lalilla**larrtttttiftttataatttlrrttttttlitlatatalltrartftttatta+*tratttttt+rtttta See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. SIGNATI,]REOFO AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE2 +*{.'**:},|t:|:t:}**'}tl**'t't***'t*:t*,}t|*'tt**'t*****'ttl*****'t't't'}**'}'+***tt*'t'tt!t**'}+{!'}*:}*,t*'t*|*'til!t***'t'}*!t*++{t't****** CONDMONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0203 as of 08-19-2003 Status: ISSUED *****'|+'}'*'3'}*!t'}'l'|t'}!t*l+**'}:l!t|'t***t}{'t**'|1*'t*'f***t*:|*'t!t***'}'t't**+*,}'t'}'}|t!t'}:t**'}+t|}{!'* PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: 08/01/2003 Applicant COLORADO MTN HOME PROPERTIES, LLC Issued: 08/19D003(970)926-1556 ToExpire: 02115D004 Job Address: 551 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: RED SANDSTONE ELEM ParcelNo: 210106302013 Desoiption: GRADING FOR TEMP FACILITIES (PLAYGRD) Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENTAPPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AI.[Y WORKCAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO cHEcK FOR coDE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0006043 Letter of Credit required for inigation and sod. Cond: CON0006044 The fencing must be the same fencing used at Red Sandstone Elem. tl APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSTGNED fllr 19 Project #: _Buitdins peJmit*l- e70+z$'2 !4e (ini peliionpi-- NG PERM ICATION for electrical, plumbing, mectranical, etc.!*f INFORMATION 'f4q-stn coMpLETE VALUATTqNS FOR BUILD|NG PERM IT Labor & BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $orHER:9ilFe PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL:$TorAL:S ,44# tf,aaa For Parcel # Contact Assessors Otfce FaisF-l# _21e|_e.u 3ola.j -JJ J-UeC fl. 'oo *t "t CiL -T-,[>/ar/ E,; | ; / ns Job Address:'"-"-"'--'551 N. Fr>,-,l.te Qo-o! subdivision: !h:l ?rl^{o ?ol"hLegal Description Lot: g-!,Block:L Filing: owners Naget. k*1ur d!^,tr ,|"ff' D B* TLIO 6^k Phone: ArchitecVDeslgnirBf n Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone Detailed descriot --Na ion of work:."on"--'=, o ,G%, =p_. *rrrqrrw wgsr--5t :cha\ 1t.!*tayrr$R1 i lr,rw rvfs. azvvWorkClass: New(y) Addition( ) Remodet ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (,4) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No (r0 Type of Bldg.: single-famity ( ) Twojamily ( ) Mutti-famity ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ge No. of Existing Dwelling U^,t.ll this buitding: ,)No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: fi-t/ Nfrype of Fireplac Wooolpettet ( ) Wgod Burning ( ) Nrh fotrype of Fireplac d/Pellet ( ) wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Rtarm exist- Yes()--M'I Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: yesl J--Toll *******************#.*ffi************FOR OFFICE USE ONly**+***r***r.************rrr***s*** Other D WailWata\cdev\FORMSV>ERMTTS\BLOGpERM. DOC 07n6r2002 Frpm: ARC 97G94&5599 To: Alison Ochs Dat.: 0r8r03 Timc: 0:52:00 A[l Page 2 of 3 Architectural Resourcs Consultants, Inc. ,Ll0 Attpllroe As. gutt'r Zm. lalldr. GO l0tot - (3Ol) aa:i,{!tO. Frr Fftla.l3.ll0t Gregg Barrie Project Landscape Architect Town of Vail 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Red Sandatone Elementary School - New Playground lrrigation Letter of Credit Stipulations Dear Greg, Per our conversation on August 4, 2003 attached please find a letter from lhe financial institution of Colorado Mountain Home Properties, LLC. requesting specific content and format for a Lefter of Credit. Please review the stipulations below: P Contractor will be responsible to maintain the irrigation of the area considered the athletic field and the surrounding vegetation. i'' Contractor must repair any damage that occurs to the irrigation system within 24 hours of incident. ) Contractor must repair any damage to existing fencing and path leading to the soccer field within five (5) business daye. P Contractor must grant access to all Town of Vail and Vail Reoreation District employees to the site for regularly scheduled maintenance. As such, ToV and Vail Recreation District will be named as additionally insured, ) Contractor acknowledges the Vail Recreation District will be using the soccerfield and access to lhe field will be maintained at alltimes. Greg, please review these stipulations and let me know if these are acceptable. Let me thank you in advance for your prompt atlention to this matter. Please feel free to contac{ me with any questbns or oomments that you may have.DA Dan Dirksen F om: ARC 97G9rtS-5599 To: Allson Och3 Drtc: 8/8rlr3 limc: 0:52:00 A[,Pagc 1 of 3 To: Allison Ochs Company:Town of Vall Fax Number :479-2452 Architectural Resource Consultants, Inc. P.O. Eox 3133 ! \/all, Cc' a165E r (97O) 949-61('(' . F.r (97O) ${9-55'99 From:ARC Company: ARC Fax Number : 97G949-5599 Subject : 0331 - Letter of Credit Memo Pages including cover page: 3 Date:8/E/03 Tlme:8:51:56 AM MESSAGE AL l-i s on, Attached please find the letter of creldt memo ou.l-lnlng the stlpulatlons that have been agrccd upon with crcgg Barrj-c. Pl ea.se 1et me know what the cost of the permi t is so that we may pick that up toclay- Than k s ljan ljirksen WnFax PRO Co\rsr Pa96 From: ARC 97G94$5599 To: Affson Ochs Datc: 61803 Tlm!: A:52:q, A[,1 + T-t{t P-001/001 F tll Pagc 3 of 3 l0F0!-!00! ll:lr FrrfrlA i ?lofl L BAlll EtStE HMesa Nadonsl BanksIq''KEnUBECT(Or[ESaEAN|(.COM2II EAST CtrAMIIE AVENUD FAXCO\IER SHEET DOIEIASf,XO?DI ISEVINBXIAECIC PtI(liGt IIATET AIEIET l, 2dll g urBrf,r g For tllrrw trtlrllrGolm|T oilIllliG?LY a Go|l|tmrttl lt r. Kopc! fbrl rou for wur requgt to irrr:c e 30 dry tfO,OOo SRD&y Inwoc$le Lgw of OEdn for rlc Torn d Vril i rill dihd to irnrc prr lirtcr if o"Ai Uy.qnnr"t L1,?Cf,,3. Ttc Lcncr of Ordit ficc is 296, or tibOll0 If tbc To*u of v$l Eqrdrls r specific creor or fomr [c rfE I.ctIF of Hir plcare brr: tlmofir or c-rrnrl ir ro ay rtt:dm. TLraL fos. T'ldr icridh ory cod coddrtdrl md/or pdrd4sd lafooedoo. lf pu rr: not lt: icdcd ccili:t (trbr ccciwd tb ficrldb h crc) desa rdf &r rcdcr@ly ed dcrmy eb Lcrdlr bldiug r[ cotlLr rld rucbcra. Aof rlleu6o&cd coflyb& diftlsuE a dirdutlol of tb urarbl b drb Gccinlh ir raicdy 6rblld;c Contideffial *tnn Review Action r|" TOWN OF VAIL Category Number - {,rfrT Proiect Name: Building Name: owner, Addres "^napnon", 4'y4 -rtlfry'a 1t-,/hf 4 {?(- hOtO I ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Zone District ProjectStreetAaaress' f{/ A/. far"$J'e 2,{ Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: Innnroval fl Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner t.vl.d.7fLal,l DESIGN t RBYIEW BOARD It'$trAPPIJICATTON - TOT{N DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:!t*t****trr* *t**a*****r. A. B. TYPE OF REVTEW: New ConstructionAddition ($50.00) ($200.00) uinor Alr.erarion ($20.00) ConcepLual Review (90) c. D. ADDRESS: I,EGAIJ DESCRIPTION: Subdivision l,O t.Block If properLy is described bydescript.ion, pIelase provideLo this applicaE.ion. a meeLs and boundson a separate sheet. legaI and attach E. ZONING: F. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT: Address: H. REPRESENTATIVE: + NAME qF OhINER(S) : "V);i"n ffdress: APPLTCATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED ITITHOutr' OWNER'S SrGlrArURA I. Condominium Approvat if applicabte. .t.DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are t,o be paid aE the NAME OF Mailing APPIJICANT'S Address: FEE SCHEDUL'E: VAIJUATION O ,1 4r .r n n ^rr|P t, 9 ^I.,, UUU$ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000$ 50, 001 - g 150, 000 $150,001 - $ s00,000 9500, 001 - 91, 000, 000g Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIAW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ T'![I,ESS A BUTLDING PERITTIT ISIS STARTED. hone 1-1b DbSO the accuraEe FEE- iD zu-uu $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 ss00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAIJ ISSUED AliID CONSTRUCTION k;cl DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,l are t,cLime of subnitcat.of.Lhe DRB applilation.LJ.me or submt_ttal.of Lhe DRB applipation. Later, whenapplying for a building permic,-plbase identify the accvaluaLion of rhe proposar. The iown of vait witt adjust, thefee according to the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. ,,"",",", , rnnroul "*h*r^q hHr Ela&f@ 41b Ob& rr. "*"-o"ror*C orrr*o, IIT. A prg-appLication.meeting with a member of Ehe planningstaff is encouraged to determine if any addicionaiapplication informaE,ion is needed. IE is the applicant'sresponsibil-ity to make an appointment, with the staff todet,ermine if there are additionaL subnittal reguirements.Please not,e thac a COMPL,ETE application will. sLreamline thereview process for your project. ' In_addition ,t.o meeting .submitt.al_ requirements, Lheapplicant must stake and t.ape the projecL siLe toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed musL be taped. AlLsite Eapings and staking must be completed plior to theDRB siLe visiE. The applicant must, ensure Lhat stakingdone during the hrinter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUIIJDINGS normally reguirestwo separate meetings of the oesign Review goardi.a conceptual review and a final review. Applieants who fail to appear before Llre Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting dat.e and who have nocasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBagenda unLil such lime as the item has beenrepublished. The following items may, aE Ehe discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by Lhe CommuniLvDevelopment Department sLaff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore Lhe DRB may noL be reguired): a. vtindows, skylighcs and similar exterioJ changeswhich do noL alter the exisLing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addirions noE visible from any oEher lotor public space. At the time such a pioposal is' submitted, applicanrs must include lett,eis fromadjacent property owners and/or from the agent. foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationsEaeing ehe associarion approves of the addiLion. If a properLy is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow aval"anche, rockfall, ftood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc. ), a hazard st.udy must be subrnit,ted andLhe oerner must sign an affidavit recogrnizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buildinq permit.Applicants are encouraged to check wit.h a-rtwn prannerprior to DRB application to det.ermine the relationshipof E.he properLy to a1l mapped hazards. For a1l residential construction: a. CIearIy indicat.e on Lhe floor plans the insideface of Lhe ex.terior sErucLural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate wit,h a dashed line on the site pLan afour foot distance from the exterior facl of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If PEF approves t.he applicaLion with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beaddressed prior to the applicat,ion- lor a buildinqpermit. A. B. c. D. F G. NAI'{E OF PROTTECT: L6GAI, DESCRIPTION: I.IOT- BIJOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: The foLlowing informaLion is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING IrIATERIILTS: Roof Siding Other waI1 MaLerials Fascia soffiLs Windows window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails !'1ues Flashings ChimneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining walls ExEerior lJighEing Other reguired for submittal approval can be given: MATERIAJ, to the Design COLOROF 4';4;'45 h\ nr 14 Designer: Phone:B.I,A}.TDSCAFING: NAME Of ''I 4-' -4'/2. t, van Arl^f: -q *Indicat,e caliper for deciduous trees ' Minimum' calioer for deciduous irees is 2 i?ches.. IndicaLe heighL for conif erous t,r trees is 5 feet.**IndicaLe size of proposed shrubs. 5 oallon. Square Footaqe lr lr rYPE oR METHoD or ly'/rtO EROSION CONTROL LAIIDSCAPE L,IGHTTNG: rf excerior lishEins i:-p1o!?139:,Please ;il;:;;-"iii"i-.i-ti*u,.,t." and roiations on a separace ,r^--: s.. rral.r e i..ir,,ra . f rom the liqhtinq plani'#il.fi; ;il;:- ;e";i;;;-;ie1 ilfcq?. 1l9*^:1.:^':gl::"nii"Jil"EpilE"u"rii-;;e-;';;iae- utre l:isl:^P::: ?'1,1:' "l:::iin;t-n;i;;;#;t;;;;-.;;;;t;^'yil:*"-area and a cuc sheet inE'-ii6tri-iiiiure. ( section 18 . s4 ' 0s0 't) orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reLainine Yu1-11: -:::"::'-:T11Ti::il;il, T;:;"";'ii3!"'"'i!"i ;;:-;;;l:l :: l::n:::"?' " ::;::l'lg*:ii : : "ffi i.d'ilili.i"Ii'"'"i i r"*i;hG lhe - f ron E^:::?.1"T " i :l?l'"""*i;iri"'t'Jigit";i iiri!-"ir"*i,"'" on Lhe properLv is 5' of of D. pIJAlrr *t"hr EgL.anisaLNalge "o.fro*t ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES ATqD SHRUBS GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION /(emtup (yUIu,aA+S- q4&r,sfubuloL 6fuk4 SUBDIVISION .'OB NAIIE IJOT FIIJING Thei locat,ion and availability of nt,ilit,ies; whether!r,u+ lines or proposed lines, must be approved andfollowing ut,ilities for the accompanying-lite plan. ADDRESS U. S. west, ComhunicaEions' 1-800-922-L981 458-5860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 - 5781 Gary HalI HoLy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 - s892 Ted Husky/Michael lJaverty HeriLage Cablevision T.v.. 949 - 5530 Steve Hiatt upper Eagle Valley water& SanibaLion DistricL * 416 -7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: Aqthorized Sianature they be mainverified by the 'DaLe - 4 L..1/ frM"a*-r-/f^f5 d^/?-9{ 1.This form is Eolocation. Thispreparing yourinsLallations. ri fy shouldutility {- YA 1( service availability and be used in conjuncLion withpLan and scheduling 2. 3. 6. * Please bringobtaining Upperflow needs musL 5. For any new conFEruction proposal, Lhe applicantmust provide a tomptet,ed utifity verificllion form. If a utility company has concerns with the proposedconst.rucL.ion, the utiliLy representaLive should notdirectly on Lhe utility veriiication form Lhat, thereis a problem which needs Eo be resolved. The Lssueshould Ehen be spelled ouE in det,ail in an atLachedletter Lo Lhe Town of VaiL. Hovrever, please keep inmind that it is Lhe responsibiliry ot tfre utiLitycompany Lo resolve identified problems. If the utility verification form has signat,ures fromeach of the utiLity companies, and no comments aremade direcLly on the form, the Town will presumeLhat t.here are no problems and that, the development,can proceed. These verificaLions do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility bo obt,ain a street cut permitfrom the Town of Vait, DepartmenB of public Worksand Lo obtain utiliEv locations before diqqino inany public right-of-way or easement, in the Town of .. ,,-Va.i.l. . A street cut permit must be obtained separaEely. Installation of service lines are at the expense andresponsibility of the property oymer. a siLe plan, floor p1an, and elevations whenEagle valley water & Sanitation signatures. Firebe addressed. nrc' ul! *-.=____-___. o To: MIKE McGEE @oDD opprruH=iMEF: PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: Comments: Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: Firo Dcpt.: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Relurn to RA}IDT STCUDE!. Town Planner BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAI-: //h;^ &--+e',-, r A/7- 64u, /14'"4,\ E Sqf '/ru /orv' 9"4,'* /* t d"'/e /-/+< Af 7 * .^"f ensinoerit{j, lyU( (/r,,4*'rtf Reviewed by: -llrn' t. r*rforrrnaOatc: Inar.nqs e<nc crorl trconcn o(\ wrs b€fio(€ \ts teuo*A'. INTER:DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEAHING Dalc: Date: *r{::- /^-"L I ||' ,{n ,/- : 4\lv ,' / r-Z Ydr=tt-- )- "" \5tt\e rar(\P r( Vtra ranod i: to \oe bullt - L - tb (tt6vtNnoq \\e S\rc *""C \b.:llt - I ..* C.v r er,<( - lrq lty\t'it-, I n r-anr\a\ o<e-Z )W rE y'wrae ."or?f 9oc c-o<s - rrt ttrrtih InterrdeA ose?. Distributed to the Fire Departmenl, public Works, and Landscaping on TO: MIKE McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPtrt\,tHFlMEF: RAIIDI STCUDEI{ Town Planner Relurn to PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED:/ DATE OF PUBLIC H COMMENTS NEEDED By: tll0 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: INTE R:DEPARTM ENTAL R EVIEW Datc: Datc: 4a*--Date: f1r' .4-r'O , O$V*vz-za-J rM/v*td' ot^z4; ,- Landscaping: Enginoering: Reviewed by: Commenls: Reviewed by: Comments: Firc Dept.: Reviewed by: Commcnls: 25' Dislribuled to the Fire Departmcnr, public works, and Landsc uring on {/ j . Ir--lf(br" f- Ft t-rSn"t -o JN FOilH-c*{ axi<Hd ( uJ =o dt -zo |- IIJv uJ F ,-r ,Ol =o\>Fl =€ lJ. ^Ll\J ii>o oZ tZI t-{ uJ i-F\Jzo ts =E lrJ o- od H =z''r Y ozeE =Zz?? n =Y 'vu_ u_ ta\ d*a'! a t = =Eidd= nt]n ts = UJ LLo llt z fo2 F tr JFtri -.h= d[!>o-OL9o<urxo:>fiFJ) t! F oc o o o ot o zo FofEFozoo o IJJ uJl! = = UJo- 6o)bL *Y) zH Ff FI Fr ttl E E zHE H Fl H zlolHIrrl Irl lAIrrlzl-l HIFJI F.. I IJJF z I,It, tzl , .hl l--., H',< a,16rltiZItrVr leE'l^zl,= <' FU'z o (,zz Q) t: (! .Y, 3g{s9EFa F.9R€ EE H 9EfcX e6!:Ec-o> ET;E:gP:; >=:.9GF E s= 5 E E-sl*.9 o ciEoi.r '- O OEq-F!!seo(5 o-- SE; e oiE-or :€:€ E;(!; o1' ! x::;69lFeE!i: -- c P(u0-:c:o(/) a' qr i.9 8EE5gglE ;TF';*;E9E o -cEgx A?;40t4l;^ mE 'ffi -ffi {ffiz w:N5\ E$rg*\p tN;\S i E -Qt iSt as+ 5 sll 0 3l+ dt+ an(n(n .if, |rl C\ 4 F =tltrl z 5 E o =uJ5 uJ z 6 UJ tn UJ uJrI- = uJ ) F F zoJ to =>E _r.,) 3 tr-t * =d)N Fz E H lI1z Fl ET _l FJFl tr1 C) Y o BZztL F o- 9< : f, ::ltr I 6f,66 Ez>-ooir9](JzXu-<oq i!i-cElfxuJaXz'. 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NAI'{E: DATE: iXLI: I ELECTRICAI, :1-,fi TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPA}ICY DATE: LANDSCAPING DUEI DATE: \\ --"1T.:- - - Project Application /tt's tu ,\ 3Jz-ot 14,D^t "/-"/ r/ Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and 'e-7-' Owner. Address and Phone: ,lL^ Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by:Lat'( seconded av, Dtl Y t''-n'-;'y' APPROVALq- dI DISAPPROVAL -t--1 C ,( =#,;/^./fi on, 3/zorl q/ E statt Approval AlrcHoRtr.sY$Ems \,';r,",;i.1;; .\',t ittl '. Itt,t,rllt iti,ti .,tir f ,l tt' I i;, :,t i j,r, ! t r,1 y,1,i.,,,,,,i i,,i,t',' I li t i.' iti,tL, ji ,,t.t, il iitiilltltl iii)t,:.,, t)( 1 ;,,t l,ti,ijt,.l i(t i,t,i.,. [,t.titt 1,,t,',il J;,),\;i i,!, .:,,) j, ),1 1 r.., 1 t 1, 1,,, 1, i r, y ; ), t i. ; f i,:l;,1 t11l ;,1 it 11 ;1 i 1 s. ' ;, ;i,rt il.il r,,'i,. I.ii, !.\.i iI i,.'"i iI .t ili,i ) l l,tt,l'u,rltt' ,tti. .\ ; i l,',, [ ) j., i :,,, i t,i' t t' t r,l.\! | i 1.4. t l t ; I 't;;l\ :,i,l.-l!,.r;,j:i; ti;;t, .\,t,/ i: li,:i i t lli.ttl.\ i it,i i t t i dl,t i l11. High qnality nwue u,nn' t deterirtraw li ke traditioml raurialt. Fnn nndat ltorder:, la lou,ering geoslnthetit reiffirced walls, Awhor Diannnd taka straryth and darability n nut, htightt, YOU C,Ail'T BEAT THE sYslEffl. 02276lANC Buyline 6935 ilOnl AND TONE PRO;ESSIO]IAIS ARE DISGOYIRII{O AIIItPottAllt DlllEnEtGE t]{ REtAtNll{c wa1t3. The patented ANCHOR DIAMOND Pinless Systemc offers all the adlantages of traditional reainingwalls - butwith avery imponant difference. An integral rear [p is molded into every segrnental unit. The lip automatically guides each new course - ensuring proper alignment and a precise s€t-back. Best ofall, therc's no need for mortar or pins. That means easy installation and long last- ing performance - in every conceivable design configuration. With inside and outside curves, 90" corners and terTnces. In heights ranging from one foot - to geosynthetic rein- forced walls of mor€ than 30 feet. And there's more. ANCHOR DIAMOND units are non- polluting. They never need maintenance. And the warm earthtones and natural, rock face textures combine to accent the landscape - not dominate it. Details? Read on. From design freedom, to ease of installation. to enduring beauty and performance, you'll discover you simply can't beat the ANCHORDIAMOND system. BUITI OlI SOUND ENGII{EERII{G PRI]{CIP]E3. The ANCHOR DIAMOND system is based on proven engineering principles developed for gra.vity walls. height of the retaining wall acts to resist the loads The impose d on the structure by the retained soil. In cases where the weight of the wall does not prolide sufficient resistance against soil forces, the use of geos.vnthetic soil reinforcement stabilizes theANCHOR DIAMOND wall wstem to virtually anY height. Even with geosynthetics, therr's no need for mechanical attachments or mortar because of ANCHOR DIAMOND'S int€rlocking rear lip. In short, as a gf3'vily structural element, the ANCHOR DIAuMOND segmental unit is ready to provide a form for construction, to ensur€ pefmanent erosion control - and to serve as an aesthetic alternative to comparatively short-lived traditional materials. UilgUNRlsSED DEsIGl{ FNEEDOM. Straigbt and Beoeled Splits mxke it eas,v to construct cunes. 90o comers and teffaces. All ANCHOR DItu\IOND units can be used in the construction of inside and outside corners and convex and concave curv€s (adhesives, such as S&10 Prl'er Bond, should be used on exposed partial units). Step Units (Optional) crnbe nte- grated into any ANCHOR DLAMOND wall design to add greater function, The step lnir...r,., a 12 inch tread with a six -inch rise. If ANCHOR DIAMOND step units are not immediately available, both the ANCHOR DIAMOND beveled and straight units may be used as shown. In this cas€, the rcar lips should be remol'e d before steps afe installed. Cap UniK canbe wed by the desigrer to achieve a more finished look. The use and location of the ANCHOR DIA- MOND cap unit is a matter of preference. Adhesives, such as SF10 Paver Bond, should be used to secure caps - and units should be rotated to achiel-e wall application. Caps can dso be cut to fit sp€cial applications. REI]ITORGED A]ID ilOil.NHilFORCED REtAtNIItO WA1t3. The use of geogrids or geotextiles is typically not required for ANCHOR DIA- MOND walls up to four feet high, For walls ol'er four feet, geoslnthetics are required through an engineering plan. In addition, special design considerations - such as wall geometry soil, water, sur- charge loadings. wall embedment and performance - may requil€ the us€ of geosynthetics. Geosyntbetic Corlcepts. With the use of certain geogrids or geotextiles ANCHOR DIAMOND can be designed to attain virtually any height. Georynthetics must meet certain cri- teria. Primarilli they must ha!'e proven performance and must show that the tensioned membrane supports a combina- tion planar and normal compressilr load. The propeities or design elements are tensile modulus and tensile strength. Please refer to the ANCHOR DIAMOND design manual for geogrid or geotextile placement examples under varying conditions (slopes, soils and sur- charges). Factors of safety used in the manual are 2.0 for overturning, 2.0 for bearing fai-lure and 1.5 for sliding. All data in the ANCI/OR DIAMOND design manu- n tt Q{ ,-..('r- trbn*"i 5\-l "- AFE rl is preliminary and fbr estimating pur- poses only. Actu project conditions will vln' lnd final design must be per- formed by a registerecl engincer Anchor Vhll Systems lus conducted a se ries of tests on Amoco. Mimfi and Stfltrsystems geosynthetics. All of these pfoducts are approved b_v Anchor Whll Systems for use with the ANCHOR DIAMOND V/all Systcm. lYhter Pmjects. ANCHOR DIAI{OND cln be used in rvrter proiects. Consider- ations which must be addressed in the design include vekrity of water impacl ing the stnlcture, r.rpid draw dou'n effect and ice floul To date. succcssfitl ANCHOR DIAMOND water project designs hal'e used a combination of geosvnthetics for re inforcement and filtmtion - as well as "riprap' phced in front of the wrll to protect the footing and "|ift" any ice . All water pro ject designs should be performed by a registered engineer DtartloilD stEP DIAIIOI{D GAP lNS.fAltAtlOltl GUIDEIINES SIEP l: P1AN YOUR ANCHOR DNMOND WAII. Before beginning excaration and construction. document site conditions and prepare a lalmt plan for l'our AN(IHOR DIrl\lOND w'all. Be sure to consicler topography drainage p;rtterns, soil conditions and bcel building codes. T'hc excavation sl.uu,rld take into account thc amount of wall buried and the width nccessary to accommodrte grrnuhr fill or geosvnthetic system. If you have imy quesdons conccrn- ing the constmction of your AI\'OHOR I)IAN'IOND n'all, contact ],our AN(IHOR I)IAN{OND rvall svstenr representative or a qualified engineer prior to excawtion. SIEP 2: PREPARE ilE SUBBASE. A solid foundation is esscntial to ensure a well built, long li$ting ANCHOR DLANIOND rall. Bxcavatc a trench approxinrately 1.1 inches wide and deep enough to accommodate the m<lunt of buricd lllock rcquiretl. plus a minimum of six inches of well-clraining compacted granular fill. . For walls under four feet high, bury one course of ANCHOR DLA,MOND block. . Fur walls over fbur fect high, consult yourANCHOR I)L{MOND wall system rcpresentatiye or a qualified e nginee r for the amount to burl'. SIEP 3: ll{STAlt THI BASE GOURSE. Phce the first layer 0fANCHOR DLfuIIOND on the prepared foundation. Position cach unit and, using r carpentef s lel'el, lel'el t'rom sidc to side and front to back. Use a string line to veriff straightness. For easicst installation, begin construction at the lowrst horizontal point of the wall. SIEP 4: lNSrAlL THE BAGKFI1L Backfill with a clean, 3/4-inch minus crushed stonc or natural agppegate fill directlv bchind the wall &12 inches, in slr inch lavers. Organic top soil and clay ry?e soil is not recon nended as fill, Fill the voids berween the ANCHOR DI,{\IO\D units. When compacting, be carefi.rl not to compact directly on the 02276lANC Buyline 6935 ANCHOR DI,AMOND units. NOTE: It is l'ery important to backfill each course as it is installed. Because of the precngineered offset, the wall may have a tendency to tip backwards if not supported by backfilling each course. SIEP 5: INSlAlt ADDITIONA] COURIES. Position the second course of ANCHOR DIAMOND units on the preceding layer - straddling mo lower units, and staggering the vertical foints. No mortar or interlocking pins are required - simply stack the ANCHOR D1AMOND units. The built-in lip automaticalll' establishes the required setback. Repeat steps4and5until the ANCHOR DLAI\{OND nall is the desired height. Step and cap units may be used as an option in your proiect. Contact your local AI\ICHOR DIAMOND distributor for arailabiliry When installing walls mor€ than four feet high, or walls with a surcharge or sloped backfill, consult a qualified engi- neer for information concerning the bactflling procedure and proper geosynthetic reinforLement. NOTE: he AIICHOR DILAOND Vall Slstem can e :ceed u'all belghts greater than tcn feet. Profession! elgfueering nust be consi.lered lor proper deslqn and relnforcer ent placenent o .tll u^lk ereqter than Iour Ieet h beight. PRODUCf llllottalloll sPECtflGlllolls G'ENERAL INFORJTIAIION l^nmnro<<,r,a <rronnth 1Cn0---'psl rln Absorotion role 7 O%nox. Moterio composition High quolity z9ro slump concreE DNAMOND BMIID UN]I D mens ons 6xl6'x12"* l" 5.24 x 4C.64 x 30.48 cml Weloht 130 kg) Coveroge ^ (0 062 q/ml 5et bock (2 85 cm) DIAMOI{D SNAGIIT UNIT Dimensions 68 lbs. - . 062sq fi t t/8 6'x17.25'xl2'- Weight {32 ks) Coveroge (0 C66 sq/m) Set Bock ll5.24 x 43.81 x 30 48 cnl 72bs.** Aaa "^ E t t/B (2.85 cml DIAMOND CAP UNIT IOPflOMq D mensions 3 xlZ25'x10"- 17 62x43.81 x25 4 cnlWeight 32 lbs -. {14.5 kgl DtA {OND SIEP UNII IOPIIOMU Dimensions 6"xl6xl2"* 115.24 x 40.64 x 30.48 cm) 85 lbs *- M,onufocfurer s slondord colors incluoe. our o'e nol mi'ed 'o. q oy ond 'o-. Addi'iono colors vory by reoibr. Cusbn colors ore ovo loble by ipeiiol order on y. *Dimersicr: no,,rcn, by +i li15' i+,/ 15 mml "Yrslg1tr " o " lig\ / b/ elo" 5oe: i hor ' rrcy vofy or clonge ii"'f oJl ro'ae Weight {38 5 kgl coroRs SANDS/GRAVEI DESIGN TYPICAI.5 I.:GEND OTES tr-l of,uIJfu I ;:Tiis,? iti.',fi,rflff' l -*-, nlPrcar 3E6tall{SURCHARG: = 25O PSF Itttlrtttlrtttlttlllrltlll PARI r OEl{Ettl l.Ol SUMMARY A. Section includes 1. Concrete unit retaining wall systems B. Related Sections 1. Section 02200 - Earthwork 1.02 FEFERENCES A. American Society of Testing and Materials 1. ASTM C90-90; Hollow Load Bearing Masonry Units 2 ASTM C666-90; Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing 3. ASTM D69B-91; Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Efiort 4. ASTM Dl557-91 ; Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Usino Modified Effort 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with section 01300: 1 . Manufactureis literature: Materials descriDtion and installation instructions. 2. Shop drawings: Retaining wall system design including wall heights, "tiebacks' and drainage provisions. 3. Samples a. Furnish 1 (one) unit in the color and face pattern specified if requested by the Architect. lf approved, unit mav be used in the finished work. b. 12 inches square or larger piece of geosynthetic reinforcing as specfle0. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver and handle materials in such manner as to prevent damage. store above ground on wood pallets or 9Ecflt62276: trrAtlililo wArl spEcrFrctl{ blocking. Bemove damaged or otherwise unsuitable material, when so determined, from the site. 1. Faces of the concrete units shall be free of chips, cracks and stains. 1.05 EKIRAMATERIALS A. Furnish Owner with 3 reolacement units identical to those installed on the Project. PAII2 PNODUGIS 2.01 MATERIALS A. High strength, dense concrete units, freeze thaw resistant with rear alignment flange providing 1 1i8" setback from plane with each course, "DIAM0ND retaining wall units' as manufactured by_ 1. Concrete wall units shall meet requirements ofASTM C90-90 except compressive strength shall be a minimum of 3,000 psi and the maximum water absorption shall be limited to 7.0 oercent. 2. The concrete shall have adequate freeze thaw resistance in accordance with ASTM C666-90 for a minimum of 50 cycles. 3. Color as selected by architect from manufacturer's standard selections. 4. Face oattern: Solit face B Geosynthetic fabric reinforcing. Polyester woven fiber geotextile or; polyethylene expanded sheet geogrid for use as soil reinforcement C. Base: Compacted granular fill as shown on the construction drawings. D. Refer to section 02200 for bacHill materials. PART 3 EIEGI'Iloil 3 01 EXAMINATION A. Examine the areas and conditions under which retaining wall is to be erected and notify the Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely comDletion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been c0rlecteq. 3 02 PREPARATION A. In the absence of compacted fill or undisturbed soil, place a 6 inch layer of crushed rock base over the subgrade prior to setting the first course of concrete unit retaining wall. 3.03 ERECTION A. Erect units in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and as soecified herein. B. Lay each course with the lips of the units placed against the back of the preceding course. Pull units foruard as far as possible. Backfill and compact soil behind the units in maximum 6 inch lifts. Repeat procedure to the top of the wall. 1 . Compact backfill {each lift) with a mechanical compactor to _percent of standard Proctor, determined in accordance with ASTM D698-91, or_ percent of modified Proctor, determine in accordance with ASTM D1557-91. C. Install geosynthetic fabric reinforcing 'tie-backs" in accordance with retainrno wall manufacturer's engineering design Coordinate installation with backf illing operations. 3 04 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Beplace units damaged during erection with new units. B. Remove debris caused bv this construction and Ieave adiacent paved areas broom clean.- tuttt ul @ I 993 Anchor Woll Syslems, Inc. r U.S. Potent No. 5,062,610 . ?'DIAMOND€" ond "The Pinless System@" ore lhe reoislered kodemorks of Anchor Woll Svstenis, Inc. . DIAMOND'brond blocks ore monufoctured under license from Anthor Woll Svstemi. Inc. . See ICBO ES Evoluotion Repbrt No. 4952 jor ollowoble volues ond/or conditions of use concerninq moteriol presented iri this ilocument o Mirofi is o regislered tr6demork of Nicolon Corp._o Amoco is o registered trodemork of AmocdOil Compony ..S&10 Pover Bond is o regis- tered ridemork of Surebond, Inc. . StrotbGrid is o regisfered todemork of Shotosystems . Desigri typcols by Heid Engineenng Anchor Woll Sysiems, Inc., 8309 Brooklyn Blvd., Brooklyn Pork, MN 55445-1-80A473-4452 RED SANDSTONE FLEMENTARY SCHOOL