HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0388 structural plans approved� DESIGN CRlTERfA: 186 FOREST RD. ADDITlON JOB #: 1208-14 Roof Live Load (Snow) -------------------------------- 80 psf Roaf Qeod Load ------------------------------------ 15 psf Fioor Liue �oad ------------------------------------- 40 psf Floor Dead �aad ------------------------------------ 15 psf Deck �ive Load ------------------------------------- SQ psf Deck Dea�i �aad ------------------------------------ 15 psf Wind (3 Second Gust} -------------------------------- 9Q mph (Exp. B) Se'ssmic Design Category ------------------------------- EXEMPT IBC/IRC Edition ------------------------------------ 2QQ9 SPECIAL INSPECT{ONS; a. No special structural inspectic�ns are required. Periodic observations of construction by the structurcal engineer are not considered to be special inspections. FOUNDATION DESIGN: a Design of individual and continuous footings is based on an assumed maximum allowable bearing pressure of 9500 psf (dead laad plus full live laad). b. Foundation and retaining wails have been designed using crn assumed lateral pressur� of 55 pcf. c. �oafiings shal! be plc�e�d on the natural undisturbed soi1, ar compactad structural fill per the rect�mmendations of the geotechnical engineer, below frost depth. d. Provide continuous f�undation drains around the perimeter of all basement walCs and at the base of retaining waEls. Contact geotechnical engineer for details. e. A representative af the geotechnical engineer shail verify soils conditions and types during excavatian. Because geotechnical informatian was nat avai(ab{e at the time of preparatian of the canstruction documents, we have used assumed values based on similpr sites in the area. Constructian of the foundation may not proceed without verifying these vaiues. Report any discrepancies from d�sign assumptions to structuraf engineer for re-evaluation of faundation design. f. Backfill around and above structural buttresses and retaining walls sholl be campactian-tested per the recommendations af the geotechnical engin�er. g. Do not backfill against retaining wr�lis untii supporting elements (such as floor frar-ning) are in place and securely anchored, or adequate shoring is installed. Concurrent backfilling of each side of a free-standing retaining wrall to final grades as indicated on plan or section is required uniess temporary sharing is installed. h. Verify type of fil( with soils engineer and structuraC engineer prior to backfilling. REINFORCED CQNCRETE: a. Concrete design is based on the "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Cancrete" (ACI 318) as adopted by Ghapter 19 of the 20Q9 IBC. b. Struetural concrete shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength af 30d0 psi. e. Concrete shall be proportioned using Type I-II sulfate-resistant cement. Adm+xtures cantaining chlori�ie salts shall not be used. d. Caid weather concreting procedures shall be provided as recommencied in the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice. e. Anchor bolts far beam and �alumn bearing plate� shall be placed with setting terrtpla#es. f. Expansion bolts shc�ll lae located at a minimum of 6 bolt diameters from concrete edge and spaced at a minimum of 10 balt diameters unless noted atherwise. g. Anchar bolts for waad sill plates shall be placed at 4'-0" maximum spacing with one anchor boft at 12" frorn each end or corner and a minimum of twa anchor bolts per piece. h. Concrste coverage far reinfarcing steel: 1. Concrete cast against and permanently expased to eorth: 3" 2. Concrete expased to earth or weather: A. �5 bar and smaller � 1 f2„ B. �� through �18 bar 2" 3. Concrete not expased to weather or in eontact with ground: A. S{abs> w�alls, joists �#11 bar cand smalfer) 3/4„ B. Seams, calumns 1 1 f2" R�INF'ORCING STEEL• a. Detailing+ fabricatian and placement of reinforcing steel shail be in accordan�e with the ACI Manuol of Concrete Practice. b. Except where otherwise n�ted on the drawings, reinforcing bars shali canform to ASTM Specification A615 and shali be grade 60 except ties, field bent bars where permitted by note on plon, or bars ta be �Nelded, which shall be grcrde fi-d. � c. At splices, lap bars 44 diameters. Do not weld or use mechanical splicing devices unless specifi�ally a�proved by engineer, d. Epoxy adhesive far reinforcing dowels shalf be "Fliiti" or "Simpson" ar approved equivalent adhesive s�stems. Minimum emb�dm�nts, if not specifically indicated on the drawings, shalf be according to the manufacturer's specifications. e. Metric bar size canversion table: METRIC �1 Q #13 �16 #19 #22 #25 #29 #32 #36 1NCH-PQUND �3 #4 #5 #6 #7 �8 �#9 #10 �11 STRUCTURAL WOOQ FRAMING: a. Excepfi where noted otherwise, all 2" nomina! lumber, except studs, shall be Qouglas Fir-�arch #2 and better, and a(I salid timber beams and posts 3" nominal and wider shali be Douglas Fir-Larch #2. b. Studs shail be Stud grade and bett�r Qoug{as Fir-L.arch or Hem Fir. c. Buiit-up posts shall consist of Daugias Fir-Larch ar Nam Fir �2 or better 2x4 or 2x6 studs per p{an and shall b� nailed together with 2 raws ofi 16d nails C� 6" on center along each stud. d. Built-up beams consisting of multiple 2x members shall be nailad tagether with twa raws of 16d nails spaced at 12" on center, or wi#h two rows of 1 f2" diameter thru-bolts spaced at 24" on center. e. Top and bottom plates shall be Dougfas Fir-Larch or Fiem Fir �2 and better. Plates piaced directly an concrete walls or sl�bs shall be pressure-treated Hem Fir #2. f. �edgers attached ta concrete wt�►Is shall be treated Nem Fir �2, or if LVL material is used, shall have a continuous waterproof inembrane between the cancrete and the woad. g. Beneath solid or built-up eolumns noted c�n plans, blacking af area equivalent to calumn crbove shall be provided within floar jaist spaces and in wall spaces below. Qoor or window trimmers cansisting of a single stud do not require special blocking in the joist space. h. Except as nated otherwise, minimum nailing shall be provided as spe�ified �n the "Fastening Scheduie" on the dt-awings (�Ot�9 IBC Tab9� 2344.9.1). i. Solts used for wood framing connections shall be installed with standard wcrshers and nuts. j, Uniess nofied atherwise, steel connectors such as thase manufactured by the Simpson Company shall be used to join rafters, joists or beams to other beams at flush-framed conditions. llse crll specified nails. Cannector conditians not oth�rwise noted shall utilize Type U or T}�e HU hcrngers of a size �peeifically designed far the member supported, as shown in the manufactur�r's published tables. Contact structural engineer fQr details as required. k. Wood nailer plc�tes installed on st�el beams or concrete walls for top-flange hangers shall be ripped ta match the width of the wall ar beam flan�e. iVailer plates supporting top f{ange hangers from ane side anly shall be installed flush with the face af wall or beam flange at the hanger lacations. (. Manufactured joists shall be from an approued manufacturer and shall be equivalent in load carrying capacity and deflectian criteria to BGI 6504 series joists in the depths and spacings indicated on plan. Pravide blocking, bracing, web stiffeners and other accessories as required fay the manufacturer. OSB rims shall conform ta ANSI/APA PRR 410-2010 for Engineered Waod Rim Material and shall be a minimum of 1Ys" wide Grade B. m. Laminatec� ueneer lumber {L.VL) shall hav� #he follawing minimum properfies: 1. Fiexural stress _______________�_____------ 260Q psi 2. Modulus af elasticity ----------------------- 1,900.000 psi 3. Tension par�llel to grain --------------------- 1850 psi , 4, Cornpressiar► parallel to grain ----------------- 2310 psi 5. Compression perpendicular to grain (parallel ta glue Eine) 750 psi 6. Horizontal shear ------------------------- 285 psi 7. Connectian of multiple-member beams; A. Top-faaded beams i} For members 12" deep or less, nai{ each member to the next with � rows af 16d nails at 12" o.�. ii) For rrrembers greater than 12" deep, naii each member to the next with 3 raws of 16d nails at 12" o.c. B. Side-loaded beams i) For twa ar three memb�r beams, nail each member ta the next with 3 rows of 16d nails at 12" o.c. ii) For four member beams, boit thraugh with 2 raws of Yz}}'� ��Et� at 12" o.c. iii) �or members consisting of more than four members, contact structural engineer. p. All lumber u�ecf in construction shnil have a maximum moisture content of 19%. q. lJnless made of treated or naturally decay-resistant waod, all deck beams and joists (including glue-lams) wider than 1�" shall be sealed and flashed at the top surface per architect. r. Drive pins specified on plan shall be pawder c�ctuated fasteners by R�mset, Pawers, Hiiti, ar approved equivalent. Fastener and load size shall be determined according to manufacturers recommendations for materials being attached. s. Framing Notes: 1. Exterior walis: A. All exteriar walis are 2x6 studs Co7 16" a,c. ta a maximum height of 12'-6"> 2x6 studs C�? 12" o.c. to a maximum height of 14'-6", and (2}-2x6 studs � 16" to a maximum height of 17'-4" unless otherwise noted. Wcalls tailer than 17'-4" shall be framed with manufactured larninated studs. Contact engineer for spacing requirements, if not indicated on plan. Cap with a double tar� pEate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other� �artiiions. If over!ap is not possible> strap top plates with metal strap ties (Simpson Si292 or equivalent). B. Floor or roaf framing members must be aligned ta b�ar wsihin 5 inches af ?�he studs beneath. C. Provide 7f16" thick APA rated sheathing (plywood or OSB) ratecf 32ji6, exposure 1, at exterior foce of exterior walls. Block al) horizontal joints and nail panels witi� 8d nails spaced at 6" along panel edges and at 12" alang intermediate supports. D. Provide {3)-2x10 headers over a11 door and window openings, with one 2x6 trirnmer and one �x6 king stud each end, unless otherwise indicat�d. E. At beam bearing locations in stud wails, provide multiple-stud posts equal to width of bearing member unless nated otherwise. 2. interior Load Bearing Walls: A. Floor or raof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5 inches of �he studs beneath. B. Provide {2)-2x1Q headers over a11 apenings in wall, wit{� one 2x4 �r 2x6 trimm�r and ane 2x4 or 2x6 king stud each end, unless noted atherwise. C. At bearn bearing locations in stud wolls, provide multipfe-stud posts equai io �vidih af bearing member unless noted otherwise. 3. Flaor Canstructian: A. Pravide 3f4" thick APA rated Sturdifloar rated at 24" o.c., tangue a€�d r�roave, exposure 1. Glue and nail panels to all supports with 8d naiis spaced ai 6" c�lor�g panel edges and at 12" aiong intermediate suppc�rts. Instcrll sh�athing with long dimension perpendicular to joists and end joints staggered. S. Provide solid blocking between floar joists at all bearing lo�ations. Slocking mci�ria! shail match the floor joist mpterial. 4. Roof Construction: A. Pravide 5/8" thick APA plywoad sheathing rated 40f20, exposure 1. Instali sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to rafters or trusses and end joints staggered. Nail with 8d nails spaced at 6" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. B. Plywood sheathing shall be applied continuously over the primary roof inernbers (rafters or trusses) below averframed areas to provide adeguate iateral stability. C. Provide wind/seismic anchors at supports for all roaf joists and trussed rafters. See nailing schedule. D. Pravide sofid blocking between raof rafters, trusses and iookouts at a{I bearing locotions. Blocking material shall match r�fter, truss chard, ar lookout material. 5, Wind Bracing: A. Walls over 4- feet long which are sheathed with gypsum wallboard an both faces trnd are indicoted os shear walls on plan have been designed to resist wind farces in accordance with Tabie 23Q6.7 of tha 2009 iBG. B. At shear walls, screw 1/2" gypsu►-n waliboard ta all studs and to tap and bottom plates with �8 x 1 1/8" drywall screws at 7" maximum spacing. C. Exteriar plywood ar C?SS wali sheathing is required unless specifically deleted by engineer. STRUGTURAL GLUED LAMINATED TIMBER: a. Materials, manufacturer and quality control shali be in canformance with AITC Prod�ct Standard PS 66-82, "Struetural Glued Laminated Timber". b. Laminated member� shall be fabricated using Douglas Fir with the foilowina co�nbin�t'sc�n symbols: 1. 24F-V4 Simple-span beams 2. 24F-V8 Continuous or cantilever beams 3. 3 Columns c. Ail mernbers shall be Architectural Appearance Grade> unless ir�dicated oiherwis� by tF�e architect. d. Protect members from damage or exposure to moisture prior ta and during constructiQn. e. Adnesive shail meet the requirements far wet canditians of service. fi. Portians of glued-{aminated timbers that are expflsed to weather and not protected by a raof or similar covering shall be pressure treated or be manufactured from naturally decay resistant woad. STRUCTURAL STEEL: a. Structural steel shall be detailed, fabricated and erected in accordance with the most current editions of AISC 5pecifications and Cade of Standc�rd Practice. b. Structural steel W shapes shall be ASTM A992 Other rolled shapes, including plates and angles shall be ASTM A36. Round ar rectangular HSS shapes shall be ASTM A500 grade B. c. All bolts used in steel framing shall conform to ASTM Specification A325. Anchor bolts and bolts used in t'rmber connections may be ASTM A307. Balt sizes shall be 3/�"k unless noted otherwise. d. Typical framed bearn connections shall cansist of pairs of Y4" angles using the maximum number of 3�4r�� bolts cdlled for in Table 10-1 or combination bolts and welds in Tabie 10-� of the AISC Manual (Thirteenth Edition). e. Expansion bolts shali be wedge type "Hilti" ar "Rc�wl" or "Simpsan", or approved equiva{ent wi�h the foNawing minimum ernbedments: 1. 72r�� -_-__�--__ 2�/2�r . � ,r ,> 2. /s � ----------- 3 3. 3/a�"� ----------- �.>, f. All welding shall be done by an AWS qualified welder. g, C7elay painting within 3" of field wefds until welds are completed. h. Where corrosive soil conditions exist, steel angles fihat are used to suppart exterior st4ne veneer shall be gaivanized and shall be attached io the foundatian with galvanized or stainless steel expansion anchors. i. All grout beneath column base plates and steel beams at bearing shail be non-shrink, non-metallic type grout. Grout shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: a. Structural erection and bracing: The structural drawings illustrafie fhe complete� struccure with all elements in their final positions, properly support�d and b� aced. Tne cdnfira�rc�r, ir� the prcaper sequence, shall provide shoring and bracing as may be required during cQS�sfruc�ion ta achieve the final completed structure. Cantact structurc€I engineer for carasultafion (not in contract} as required. b. Dimensians: Check all dimensions against architectural drawings prior to canstruction. Da not scale drawings. c. Construction practices: General contractor is responsible for means, methcads, techniques, sequences and procedures for canstruction of this project. Notify structurol engineer af omissions or conflicts between the working drawings and existing conditians. Coordinate requirements for mechanicalfelectrical/p{umbing penetratians through structural elements with structural engineer. Jobsite safety is the sole respansibility of the cantractor. All methads used for canstructian shall be in accordance with the latest editians of the IBCfIRC. d. Details not spacifically shown on the drawings shali be construc#ed in a manner similar to the details that are shown for like conditions. These items shc�ll be brought to the attentian of the structural engineer as saan as passible for op�roval. Approval shaii be obtained prior ta installation. e. AI! waterpraofing and flashing is the respons�bility of the architect and contractor. f. It is the responsibility of the contractor to contact the structural engineer at the appropricrte time to perform site observation visits. Observcation visits ta �he jobs'ste by the engineer are for determination o# general eonformance with the canstruction documents and shal! not be construed os inspection, g. Thaugh every effort is made to provide a complste and clear set of constructian dacuments, discrepancies or omissions may occur. Release of these drawings anticipates cooperation and continued communication between the contractor, architect and engineer to provide the best passible structure. These drawings have been prepared for the use of a qualified cantractar experienced in the construction techniques and systems depicted. h. Existing structures; Contractor shafl be responsible for verifying dimensiar�s, elevations, fram'rng, foundation and anything else that may affect the work shown on the drawings. Underpinning, shoring and bracing of existing structures shaN be the responsibility of th�e contractor. 2aQ9 IBC FASTENiNG SGHEDULE* *TNIS IS A PARTIAL SCHEDULE. SEE BC TABLE 2304.9.1 FOR FULL SCHEDULE GONNECTION FASTENING °� b 1. Joist to sili or girder 3- 8d common toenail 3- 3" x 4.131 " n a i I 3- 3" 14 goge staple 2. Bridging ta jcaist 2- 8d cammon toenail each end 2-3"xQ.131"nail 2- 3° 14 gage stapie �. St�ie plote to jois� or biocking 16d at 16" o.c. typical faee naii 3" x 0.331" nail at 8'" o.c. 3" 14 goge staple at 12" o.c. Sole plate to joist or blocking c�t braced �,��E p���� 3- 16d per 16" braced wali paneis (4}-3" x 0.131" nail per 16" {4)-3" 14 gage staple per 16" 7. Tap plot� to stud 2- 16d common end nail 3-3"x0.131"naii 3- 3" 14 gage staple 8. Stud to SOIE plate 4- 8d common taenail 4-3"x0.131"nail 3- 3" 14 gage stapie 2- 16d comrnon end ntiii 3-3"x0.131"nail � 3- 3" 14 gage staple �'. a�nu�ie Studs 16d at 24" o.c. face nail 3" x C?.131'� nail c�t 8" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 8" o.c. 10. Douh}e tnp pfates 18d at 16" o.c. typical foce nail 3" x 0.131" nail at 12" o.c. 3" 74 gage staple at 12" o.c. Double top piates 8- 16d cammon Icap spfice 12-3"x0.131"noil 12 - 3" 14 gage staple typical face nail 11. Bioeking betwesn joist or raf�ers 3- 8d common toenail to top plate 3- 3" x 0.131" nail 3- 3" 14 gage staple i2. Rim joist to top plate Sd at 6" (152mm) o.c. toenail 3" x 0.931" naii ot B" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 6" o.c. 13. Top plates, Saps and intersections 2- 16d common face nail 3-3"x0.131"nail 3- 3" 14 gage stapie 14. Continuous header, two pieces 16d common 16° ac. alang edge 16. Continuaus �reader ta stud 4-$d comman taenail 19. Rafter to piate 3- 8d common toenail {See 5ection 2308.10.1, Table 2308.14.1) �- 3" x Q.137" nail 3- 3" 14 gage stapEe 23. Built-up corner studs 16d common �4" o,�, 3" x 0.131" nail 16" o.c. 3" 14 gage stapie 16° a.c. 29. Jo3st to band joist 3- 16d common face nail 5- 3" x 0.131" nail L S- 3" 14 gage stop(e �• <. �o�r�s: Far S(. 1 inch = 25.4r7m. 2 3%8" x 0.113" nails and 3" x 0.131" nails are standord 8d and 10d �un naiis. �. �,ommon or bex nai;s ore permitted ter ba used except �vhere otherwise stated. b. Stc�pleS shaN hc�ve a minimum erawn width of 7j96 inch. A.B: A.F.�=. A.F.G. ADJ. ANC�i. APP �QX. ARCH. gD. Bl�DG. BLKG. BM. Bt�T. B.O. W. BRG. CANT. C.J. CMU I�GIVI. CLG. � GLR. COL. COi`�C. CONN. CaNT. CO�ST. C.P. C. W. ���. ��T �i;�C. ;� 3� ��;f�. D��G. EA. E.J. �l�EV. ���. �e�u��. EQE�I V. �X�TG. {E} �XP. EXT. F.D. FDTN. FLR. FRMG. F"TG. GA. GALV. GEN. G.L. GYP, HDR. HORlZ, NSS H T. iNT. lN V. JST. K AgE���`�iA�l�� �I�T � ANCHOR BOLT ABC}VE �INIS�-iLD �LOOR ABOVE F9NiSHED GRADE ADJUSTABLE ANCNOR APPROXIMATELY ARCHITECT BOARQ BUILDING B�C?CKING BEAM BOTTOM BaTTOM OF WAL� BEARING CANTILEVER CONTRC}L JOINT CONC�;ETE MASONRY UIVIT CEMENT CEI�ING CENTERLINE CLEARANCE COLUMN CONCRETE CONNECTION CONTINUOUS CONS7RUCTIC?N CRIPPLE POST CR#r PLE t�JAL� Df�UB�.E L/ L t f"5 i l.. DIAGO{�A� DGIVE�. �RA�A�IN� E�,C�-f EXE',��f�l0#� �flit�T �LE�OATEQi�i �������� �c�u��r����r EQUlV�iL��lT EXISTING EXISTING EXP�NSION EXTERIdR FLOOR DRAIN FOUNDATION FLOOR FRAMING FOOTING GAUGE GALVANIZEfl GENERA�. GLUE-LAP� GYPSUM jGYPCRETE HEADER HORIZONTAL Ht��.�OW STEEL SECTION NEIGNT INiERiOR � INVERTED JQIST KING STUQ LAM. LLH LLV LdNGIT. �TWT. �VL �SL MAX. MECH. MAT'L MANUF. M(N. (N) NOM. N. W. O.C. OPNG. OSB � Pl_YWD. PKT. R.O. RAD. REF. REINF. REQ'D RET. REV. R.S. �l���tJ. SECT. SH7. SIM. S.d.P. SPEC. SQ. STD. STL. STRUCT. T&B T&G T.O. T.O. C. T.O.F. T.O. L. T.O.M. T.O. W. THRU TRAN5V TRTD. 7S TYP. U.N.O. VERT. V. I. F. W. �. W.P. W. W. F. WD. W/ W/0 LAMINATED LONG LEG H�RIZO�ITAL LONG LEG VERTICAL LOh�GITUDINAL LIGHTWEIGHT LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER LAMINATEQ STRANQ RIM MATERIAL MAXIMUM ME�HANICAL MATERfAL MANUFACTURER MINIMUM NEW NOMINAL NORMAL. WEIGHT ON CENiER OPENfNG ORIENTED STRANd BOARC} PLATE PLYWQOD POCKET ROUGH OPENING RADIUS REFERENCE REINFORCE f REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED RETAiNING REVISION ROtJGH SAWN SCHEDULE SECTION SNEET 5EMILAR STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANEL SPECIFICATION SQUARE STANDARD STEE� STRUCTURAL TOP & BOTTQM TOEJGUE 8c GRQaVE TOP OF TOP OF CONCRETE TOP OF FOOTING TOP OF LEDGE TOP OF MASONRY TOP OF WA�L THROUGH TRANSVERSE TREATcD TUBE STEEL COLUMN TYPICAL UN�ESS NOTED OTHERWISE VERTICAL VERIFY IN FIELD WIDE FLAtVGE WATERPROOF WELQEQ WIRE FABRIC WOOD WI TH WITHOUT X Q � �- r- �"���� �� ���� ����������� � � ���� ������� �� ��� ����. " �"""""'�"�`._ _ ���,,�, ���� �� � � ,�-�.�� ����: .�..aw.�A��.����..� ��� .�..�� � TYPICAL PLUMBINGjMECHANiCA� HEAC7ER PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF aNE KING S�UD, OR AS SPECIFIED Q� PLAN ' • �• ���•• • � • I-JOIST OR LV� HEADER TO MATCH DEPTH QF' FLOOR JOISTS SCA�E: 3/4„ = 1,-0>, SEE FRAMING PLANS FOR HEADER SIZE PdSTS SP�ClFIED t�N PI.AN iNDICATE TRIMMERS ONLY AND DO NC7T INC�UDE KING STUDS cr-�ai �. � f�>° _. �,-n„ � � i-- Q � J � 0 � � � � " �.�Qt� ��G;�Y� �` �aacem�,� � �>°°� '����1�,�r����'� 7 Q ,�o�' t� � � � � � � e� ° ,° �t-�-.e��m mY & 8 � � � � ��. ��W�� i �i r',%_ � �r ±� � �, ;t', I i r� rn r' � � 'n rn � � � .� ¢ � � `�' ,-. .-. � -p a ;-. � �� � �?f c3� _ �t � �� .� � N � .� � � � N � h � � � d` 00 -� o 0 � m � � J � a: > � , � � � G � � � � �l' �� _' i, � , � �� ►� designed by drawn k�y _ checked by ISSU�Ci _ �► � � � � � r� �� � � � � �� � �.�/ T. r�i r � � � w PERMIT 8�23/12 REVISED 9/25/12 sheet � 4�� � �i ; �i � l�7 � t f'� i ��; ��� �� � �_ 1 � �� ���t � �` �j � �-�'" 1 I-JC?IST BLKG. PANELS O " 24" 1N FIRST JOIST SPACE W/ (5)-8d NAILS INTO EA. PANEL, TYP. 1Y�" I.TWT. CONC., TYP�� 96'-3 V.I.F. T.O. PLYWD. JOISTS PER P�AN --�� �RAWLSPACE (E} CONC. ----�-�` �- � ° �I STEM WALL a � /� (IA f f�f�����/�'v . . v U � I ��,��i��i�titii�i'�� � � �� � ,�,�i,,�rfyi� �,�y�r`�,�I � �� � � .i��e ° � � \ I I l SHEATHING PER PLAN- ,�,.2„Qix10" A.B.'s C�} 48» O.C. IN CC1NT. RIPPED, TREATED R ,� 95'-O�la (V.I.F.) �" T. o. w. �� � �r�) coNC. srEMwa�.� PER P�At� DWL.'s PER PLAt� -�'l FORM VQID ----�. Y�." sT����, R �. EA. SIDE (2)_Y2>,Qix4" LAGS � _ _.�__ _ T.O.W. = 95'-O�fa (V,I.F.) T. 0. F. = 9 2' - 0�4t ( V. I. F `"`�--.._�� �„ .{z) �ows oF #� �w�s.X � 2"� EPDXiED INTO 3/4"�x4„ HOLES fl 12" O.C., TYP, � 5 Q S2 � I �,> o � 3=---� QWL. (N) CONC. WALLS TO (E) W� �5 DWLS. x 24" 'EPDXIED INTO 3!a"�x4" ,NOLES C� 12" O.C.> TYP. � ,��>, SHEA7NING PER PLAN Y2���x10" A.B.'s Q 48" Q.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 � SCA�E: 3/4„ = 1,-0,> � I-JQIST BLKG. PANELS 4 24" IN FIRST JOIST SPACE W/ (5)-8d NA1L.S INTO EA. PANEL, TYP. /--1Yz" LTWT, CONC., TYP. _____ ______ �._ ____ g�'-3 V.i,F. ,�, � _.. e �..-�� T.Q. PLYWD,'�� `�--JOISTS PER PLAN CRAWLSPACE � i � �_ P i � ��) ca�c. s�r�Mwa�� iT 'G` � �' ����/\�����J�,��f`rr P I���,����,,����✓ p �\yl\��!'�./ %'\��,' .y� . � p'��: Q (} ( D I ° � SCALE: �%4" = 1'-0„ .. .� ! :__� S7EEL BEAM P�R PLAN STUQ PACK PER P�AN �� �1LE: 3�4,� _ � .'Q„ DWL. (N) GONC. WALI�S TO I I { E) W/ #5 D WLS. x 24" ( I EPDXIED 1NT0 3j�.,,Qix4" I � NQL.ES C� 12" 4.C., TYP. � � _.._ ___________..___��._! j � �________o,_._.�____—�-� ,____ E) STEMWA�� ' & FC3C}TING f P I �'i � � � � s2 I i � -:� .O.W. = 98'-3 (V,I.F.) I ( (E} STEMWAL� � T. . v�fi:r��Y:fiF✓. j'\... �& F00 `�I N G T.Q.F. = 92'-03/�� (V.{.F.} ( i � ° �, I 1 c} �� � I ( �v � � � 1 � � � � 5'-p„ � �' , � - ♦ � �� 1 S2 16>_0„ V.1.F, z � 0 � - ' �II�� �1 � � � 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ " PLYWD. OR OSB S EATH{NG Y2>,�x Q" A.B.'s C� 48" O.C: IN CO . TREATED 2x6 � '-3 (V.I.F.) T. W. SEE DETAIL 1/S2 FOR REINF. � _ {2)-#5 DWLS x � C�? CONC. P(ER � �» ,, � � M i• Ci : �� . . . . �., . .� • ►` ! � ' {3)-�5 DW�.'s x 24" EPDXI INTO 3/4"�x4" HOLES �LSO (2) 1N FTG. , ,�._..f.. PLAN NQRTN SCALE. 1_f 4 „ � �,��„ PLAN NOTES 1. ELEVATlONS OF CQNCRETE FQUNQATION ELEMENTS INDIGATEQ ON PLAN THUS: T.O.W.=TOP OF CONCRETE WA�.L T,O.L.=TdP OF LEDGE B.O.W.=BOTTOM OF WALL 2. C4NTACT ENGINEER IF OVEREXCAVATION IS REQUIRED. 3. POSTS FRQM ABQVE ARE INDiCATED.� � D a p � 6 � D 4� p� q Q � Y2"�x� o" a. B.'s c� �-�" a. c, rc� CQNT. TREATED 2x6 i� _ �. �_ __.� � 96'-3 V.i.F. _ � r.c�. ��Yw�. � � � � .�. r �,,� . . . . , BOT. OF WA�L SEYOND �-- (5)-�5's x 4'-0 � EA. WAY. � r, 4 . ° E_�• SCA�E: �f�" - 1'-(}�: SNEATHiNG PER PLAN ��.���� , { ! _' 3 i -^�-�---� l ��� � �� I i % - �-a-- -4---. � � 1 f c.� � ..,___ � �-�-- -- ff _ � � �� � , ; �' � � � �E � �- -- __ � � �� -t .c '� -' �___. ____ � � 1 I ,,�._._ � _ � � � �,. � �. _____ ____._ ` � _... _.. _._ — -�- ,. -- '� �. _�___ ______ °—" __._.) � _ — �-.�------ = ; � �—�I E ____ ____ � _l_�_ _._._. — — — — = � — — � � �I i � �. _.__ � ___._ � ___._ ____ � � `° I� 11 .� � .�,.. ...� ._.._ � � .� � ____. - li II � .� � j � — ____ :.,�-���-�.--� _ � j ` : � _ � _�___�_ _._ �_. _�..a. ..�._.. ______ �.. . _ �w. _. .�m n. . �.. . --;._..a. _a. i ._ . . . ! � 1 97'-6 {v.I.F.) ___ _____:�-= _- --- s -c ..� __._--__ __.__. .-I ? __ ___-_ �:.C}- _PLY�tVL�� _ mt. _: `� .._ >_,;� � I , �2 ; .____. .�.... _.__ _�_l ._ __� ___-__ . _ _. _ � ::: __ r -. -� ;---ST�F' T.Q. ` � i` PLYt�N�. � � � ; � �.___. ___v__ .___-.� _.__ _ _ �,. w __ .._ _ _ _� _ _ _ __ .��_ i _ __.�..�: ��.� �._ �� __ �_ __ �_ � . _ _ �,_ _; _. . __ : _���..�� i�AFTERS PER PLAN NANG�R PER P�AN 2x6 CR(PP�E WA�� 5/8"�sx6" LAGS C� 16" O.C. {E} 5j`s`x24 G.L.. TC) �E ('t L "°° Ll ..1 � i.1 �X� ' hn�N � f �i ��' �-131�.x11 �/s LVL LEDGER W f j�r (1 }_5/�"QsxS" EXP. ANGH. �`��� t� 16" O.C., STAGGERED i �� � � ,,-SiMPSON IUS2,37 j11.88 ���i V+1/ 10dx1i'2 IlVTO � . � �EDGER, TYP. �AII� F��C)OR F��A�I�C� P��� ����E: 1 PLAN NOTES 1. POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATlNG FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABQV�} ARE INDICATED: NON—CONTINUOUS PQSTS FROM AB4VE OR CRIPPI,.E POSTS AftE INDICATED: � 2. A�L P�STS ARE LABELED AT THE TOP. 3. F�QOR SHEATNWG IS 3l4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURDIFLOOR, �XP.1, SPAN RATING 24 C7.C. � y i' 5Y$x48 G. L, WALL SHEATHING PER PLAN n n r-rrnc^ nrn ni n �i HANGER RER PLAN �> _ 1'-p,> � — � _ _ � � I �� � I I I �� ��� g„ ��� � ��� � \ I��;I 1 I �I � ���� � '�� � � � � � � °'� � '` � � �. ._._ - �. .� I I �uRa FoR caN�v. 1 I ( � � � I � I I I I � ( I � ��� � ( _� ���J LI � � �—� I � i I I _ L_._ .L� � 2x6 STUDS PER GEN. NOTES (SEE S1) W/ Y2" PLYWQ. 4R � OSB SHEATHING Y2„Q�x10" A.B.'s � 48" Q.C. IN COiJT. TREATED 2x6 � --� ,�, 98'-3 {V.I.F.) ��` T. p. by, #4 x 4'-0't Q 16" Q. C. {4)—#4 C� 16" d.C, HORIZ. 1;�' I Y2>'Qix10" A.B.'s � 48" O.C. IN CONT. RIPPED, TREATED �' HANGER PER PLAN 117/�„ I—JOISTS PER PLAN LEDGER PER PLAN MOISTURE BARRIER BEHIND LEDGER BY OTHERS k} ` � i��ll {�) �Y�sx84 G.L. Y' -.� l�—� — � -- � I � i 'T� �T I '� �-��...� �� � � ( � � I � ►I� ��----_...`-i , �, i i i I °� -� � �� I _ �� L�Y�X� � � �.�. _ I /'�/'��''^/�*�/�, �lORTH � �! '�../ 1 � � ! ? � Y / I �� �./ � � ! 1 � � � t"� l� � , I `i' r i ^ � x � � r r PLAN N4TES FOR NEW FRAMING: 1. NEW POSTS BE�OW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL CR ABOVE} ARE INDICATED: �:���� ���� ���� EXISTING POSTS BELOW (ORiGINAT{NG �'ROM 7HIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INQICA7ED:8 ����� � �'���� �� SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOIN ARE INDCCATED;� �$��� �¢���� �� 2. ALI. PO5TS ARE L.ABELED AT THE TOP. ����ry � � 3. NEW ROOF SNEATNING IS 5/$" APA RATED SHEATHING, EXP.1, SPAN RATING 40/20. �Y� �� � 4. NEW ROOF BEAMS> EXCEPT HEADERS, ARE FLU5H FRAMED UN�ESS NOTED A� (DROPPED). ����M R�� u��,�. 5. G1�!� INDICATES ROOF �VERFRAME. OVERFRAME WITN RAFTERS TO MATCH SPACING UF RO��' BEL,OW, WITH 2x4 CRIPPLE POSTS TO RAF7ER flR TRUSS BELt1W SPAGED 48" Q,C. MAX ALONG EAGH OVERFRAME MEMBER. i ING C NS RU Tl I I - —}, NEW CONSTRUCTI4N IS INDlCATED THUS ( ).