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PRJ09-0390 B09-0212
NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES .� TON'NOFVAII ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B09-0212 Job Address: 1557 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location......: UNIT 46, GOLF COURSE TOWNHOMES Parcel No....: 210109104072 su��u�r F,�«�3��A�� �oe.F C�du��. OWNER KATZ, MICHAEL & VALERIE 08/26/2009 9560 JOURNEYS END RD ��wN�OA'�ES CORALGABLES FL 33158 APPLICANT JEFF LUTZ BUILDERS 08/26/2009 Phone: 970-390-6363 P O Box1660 Eagle CO 81631 License: 302-B CONTRACTOR JEFF LUTZ BUILDERS 08/26/2009 Phone: 970-390-6363 P O Box 1660 Eagle CO 81631 License: 302-B Description: INTERIOR REMODEL Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction:VB Project #: Status . . : Applied . . : Issued . .. : Expires . ..: PRJ09-0390 ISSUED OS/26/2009 09/10/2009 03/09/2010 Valuation: $18,750.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 .>..,»�,,.,.,..>.........�.....�....�,......� ..............................��... FEE SUMMARY ..... Building Permit Fee------> $307.25 Will Cal Fee---------------------> $4.00 Plan Check--------------------> $199.71 Use Tax Fee---------------------> $175.00 Add'� Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-------------> $685.96 Additional Fees-----------------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $685.96 Payments-------------------------------> $685.96 Total Calculated Fees--------> $685.96 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00 .......................,..........................................................,......,....>..,.....,�..>..�«�..�,,..,..................,...........................,,.............�..> DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in futl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. R STS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8: A - 4:0 M. . �� G a r f O er or Contractor ate . f Print Name bld_alt_construction_perm it_041908 ***************************************************************************+**************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **************************************************************+*+*************************** Statement Number: R090001173 Amount: $685.96 09/10/200910:20 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 4127 JEFF LUTZ BUILDERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B09-0212 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-091-0407-2 Site Address: 1557 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: UNIT 46, GOLF COURSE TOWNHOMES Total Fees: $685.96 This Payment: $685.96 Total ALL Pmts: $685.96 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 307.25 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 199.71 UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4% 175.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- r � A - �, x. ��- ��- 4.� � �� �- . - ' .~�� ��.�� ' � ; � ¢ � ; � � =� , �=° � ,�= ;� � , . �. �, .w���� . - '� � k, . ,� ,� ,� � � q Department,of Communi#y Developmentm� �,°s ,� 7�5 South Frontage Rci�d s� � ���g � ���� Va�l, Calorad4�8�fi5�'�`.' � V � '� � E � M � ��el � 9�� ,479 �1���; �� � � . ' °� _.� , ' � r �� � � . � � Fc��-,; 9}1,����� 24�� a. � �� �. , �° : � � . a � � ��.�, . �� � � � �, �11/e1� �vWi�t ;l'ali�0i!` cr},#� � �" - .... � nPl/PIt1�tlflYlGnf'���i'iitai'wt� l.".``rir.ie�riiia�+�"rw ..�. �` �. ��..:'-'�.� BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc. _...�___ __. ,..___ ._�_.�_. _..._�._ _._....._ ..._�._..__ Project Street Address Office Use: I�n ,�� ��� O .We.�S�4z � S� Z rr �."(' f�� ' Project #: � ��,c.� (Number) (Street) (Suite #j ; DRB #: Building/Complex Name: _ � �L (,.p�,��� : Building Permit #: �� 'rQ Z� � _ _ ___ ___ �.__ _� _. w......._ .. ._,_._, �-.-----. Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Contractor Information: Company: .� �FF l�cJ'iZ, (3v r �.0 S L� C. - ' t S A.l�� Company Address: (�(�AY �`6��4G1.� �e y° Detailed Description of Work: _� " � City: �.�G.,�,� State: �_Zip: g!6 3/ f/�,LlQ -� (.�C.,,,�,� Q.,�„� Contact Name: �� ��jZZ. ����,,M l� �iZ.V.���{-/�, �_ ( s�F/ � N3� Contact Phone: �pQ �90 - 3 61 �� 328 -� bZ.Z ��� I-�QvJ� l�i���f f- (� i�/�'i"T�/2 /Yif-�it�- £ (use adddional sheet if necessary) E-Mail ___ Town nf Vail F Work Ciass: n No.: ,?jp"Z � � � € New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel (� Repair ( ) Other ( ) � Property Information Parcel #: �Z �;� j Q c(. p'7 � (For parcel #, contact EagTe Grounty Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) Work Type Interior � Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Building: �'�x�H 1SV���mY�r�y �� Single-Family ( .) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family (X) �� Commercial ( ) Other ( ) _...._ Tenant Name: _ ' -+-�_ �i4'N� � Does a Fire Alarm Exist? Yes (X) No O Owner Name /V14r1�lt.,g �y►� � kl-p-�.1. ICy}-fZ. � Monitored Alarm? Yes () No J�, r.w,,,„w,,, M,w.. �,.a „�u.. ,.,a.��,�� t Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Yes O No (,�, Valuations (Labor & Material)) Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total: , � �bpc! aD $ �70 <3 0 '� $ 3.S�e _...-.- � z� � � � �6� �- � � � �'� � #& Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances _ Gas Log Wood/Pellet Wood Burning X # 8� Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Log Wood/Pellet Wood Burning �N�, Date Received: D � � � � �/J f'� v f.� AUG � 4 ��09 � F VAIl. 8-Jun-09 08/21/2009 12:48 3032869994 DS CONSULTING INC PAGE 01/13 �,Q� -G2 I Z� ,Asbestos Inspection and Sampling Report ,1557 Golf Terrace Road Urtit #46, Vtarl, Colorado 8165f3 Presented to: Jeff Lutz ]ef�' �.utz Bui�ders 1116 i3ruce Cz�eek Road Eagle, CO 8163�, Performed by: [�C�C�O�rI� � D �u� 2 4 zoog � �'��iU� �� `���� .�__,.,r� Mr. Nate Skanner �, A ��`��r� �� '�'�i� DS Consulting, inc. �� �� t ; t _. c.9 � � �,J;1 .:��.�.:� .. , ...� � . . 3247 S Indiana St . �.akewoad, GO 80228 Pro�ect Aetpils: pSC Project #: 1483 Canducted: August Z0, 2009 DS Consulting, Inc. Uz�uxiatched Czede,n��ia�s. Su�ezio� Kesults. 68/21/2009 12:48 3032869094 DS CONSULTING INC PAGE 02/13 EXECUT�VE SUMMARY On August 20, 2409, Mr. Nate Skanner af DS Consulting, Inc. (DSC) per�o�-z�raed a�x�rz�xted i�.spectid� and ashestos sampling at 2557 Golf Terrace Road Unit #46, Vai�, Co�orado, in order to identify potentially hazardous friable and nan-friable asbestos-co�tainx�ag z�n,atezaals (ACM) within a�ortion of the above- referenced, single family residertce where renovation activitt�es are p�anzted. Mz'. S�ciz�ztez� pe�r�o��ned asbestos bulk-sampling of dryw�ll (su�'facaz�g �tzatex�al� �z� a total a� six (6) Iocations wit�xz� t�txe zxaaste�r bath.roo�z, uppex Ieve1 bathroom, main level bathroom, and lower �evea batlxxoarn o� tkte residence (see ,�ppe�d�ix A for sar►�pae �ocatic��s). A�1 six (6) bulk-sam�les were analyzed: by Resezvoxrs Environmental, Inc. (NVLAP #101896) with all six (6? l�boratoay xesul.ts be��g ctoa�,detect for ACM (see Appendix C for lab�ratory resu,lts). Z 68/21/2009 12:48 3032869094 D5 CONSULTING INC PAGE 03/13 PRaJ�CT QVERVIEW I. Introduction A limited ins�ection and bu�k-sampli�g �'ox,ACM was con,ducted at 1557 Golf Terrace Road, Unit #�k6, Vax�, Colorado by Mr. Skinner on August 20, 2p09 at tkz� request of �z�. Jeff I,.utz with jeff Lutz �uilders. Mr. Ski�aner �s a Go�orado State Cert��xed �ux�d�ng �nspector and has EPA Accredita.tioz� #�.bZ27 (seeAppend�x B�or certrfrcate). The pu�pose nf tl�e iz�spectaon was to identify, sam�le, and assess �otentia,�ly k�azaxdous �ciable a�d non-friable ACM from within the master bath�-vom, uppex aevel baChrdom, main level bathzoo�m and lower levet bathroom. ��. Structu�al Design 'Z'he structure is a multi-stary, single family residence. [I1. Sa�on;p��ag and A,�,alytical Procedures The ins�ection, assessment and sampl�z�g wez�e co�.ducced by an EPA and AHERA accredited Buaadin�g Ins�ector quatified by ex�erience, educatiazz az�d t�rai�ni�g in the recogni�ion of �otez�tial ,A�CM and appraved bulk-sam�ling techniques. The asbestos bu.tk-sampling was conducted on suspect A,CM wi�t� a �imited x►umber of bulk-sam�les being eoliected within� the r�side�ace. Tt�e inspection, assessment and sam�ling wez�e per�oXZn�ed xn accordance with Environmezatal ��-otec�io� ,f�,ge�cy/,A�k��;R.A recommended procedures. These proceduxes call �'or the visual inspection of the area o� Con�cern� a�d th.e co��ectioz� and analysis of re�resentative bu��-sazz�p�es of suspect material. Some zni�nor dest�ructxve sanapaiz�g was conducted. Walls, coluzx�z�s a�d pez�z�etet� pi�e chases were not broken into iza oxdez� to lacate a�d quantzfy suspect ACM, tt should be noted rhaz additio�,a] ACM might be �ocated in these and other inaccessible areas. Random bulk-samples, ze��rese�atative o�' tk�e suspect asbestos-cantaining bua�di.�g znate��als (ACBM) of each homogeneous area (HA), were collected acco�ding to the guidelines �ublished as Environmental Protectiot� Agency (EPA) Final Rule: Title II o�'tt�e To�zc Substances Control Act (TSC,A,), ZS USC, Sections Zb4�1 rhrough 2654 and in compliance with 40 CFR, �'az-k 763. Re�resentative sampling is based oa� t,�e �o�lowir�g c�titer�ia: 1. The distributian af the suspect z�aate��a� thxoughout the HA. 2. The suspect mat�rial's �hysical characterasUics az�d application. 3. Random saz�ap��zRg patterns detez�zr�ined for each HA. Suspect materials sampled and analy;ted s�vu�d be considered to be rep�resez�tat�ve af materials in each HA if: �., Tt�ey ext�.ibit similar physic�! characCeristics; a�d 2. The app��cation o� the sampled material can be corre�ated to the application of un-sam�led mater�a�. 08/21/2009 12:48 3032869094 DS CONSULTI�G INC PAGE 04/13 Bulk�samples collected were analyzed utilia�ng the Ek',A,`s Method for the Ueterminati�n o,�Asb�stos �n Bulk ,Sulldin,g Mat.�ri� (EPA 600/R/216, July, 1.993� az�d the McCrone Researc}� Ir�stitute's �'he Asbes�os Partrcle Atlas as methods refer'ences. Analysis of the bulk-sana�les was �e�orrraed o�. the "date reported," as l�sted az� the buJk-sample analysis report. IV. Notes on �tepoxt �ormat Suspect z�n,ate�ia,�s alake i�► ap�earance and ap�plicatiora were saampled as HAs. Sus�ect materials were divided into t��ee �aass��icataans: 1. Surfac�zag matez�ial: s�rayed or troweled orito structu�a� bui�da�g member. 2. ThermaI Systetaa Imsulat�az� (TSI): az�y type of �i�e, boiler, taza�, oz� duct iz�sulation. 3. Miscellaneous; othe�r suspect matez�ials, �oor tile, sheet vinyl/linoleu�m, cex��zag ti�es, izasulation, and �iz�isk�iz�g materials. Con,dit�on assessm�n�.s were performed by the accz�edxted i�,spectox at the time of inspectio�. Cozzditio� assesscz�e�nts axe list�d in the following section. Ratangs o:F "good," "damaged," and "signi�icantly damaged" are meant to indicate the ove�aa� co�dation of the material. A material in "gaad" condttion, has no visible d�mage or deteriorat�on, or shawing anly very lim�ted damage or deterioratioz�. A material in "damaged" condition has tkxe fo��ovv�iz�g characteristics: +'�'.h,e sur�ace as crumbling, blistered, water-stained, gouged, a�ta,az'ced or otherwise abraded ove� �ess th�ar� oz�e-ten.th. o,f the sur�ace i� the damage is evezaly dzstr�buted (one-c�uarter if the damage is localized). Accu�au�at�on of powder, dust or debris similar iz� appeaxance ta the sus�ect m.ater�a� oz� su�aces bemeat� the �nnatexial c�r► be used as confirmatory evider�ce. A materia� �n "sigz�i�ica�tly damag�e�i" coz�dition has one or more af the follor�va!r�g chaxacterist�cs: •�'he surface is crumbling or bliste�red ave� at �east oz�e-tenth vf the surface if t�,e dazxaage is eveniy distributed (oz�e-�ua�rte� �;f t�e dazz�age is iocalized). � One-tenth (one-c�uarter, if localxzed) o� the mdterial is hanging fronn t�e su�ace, deteriorated, oz- showing adhesive fatlure. ■ Water stains, �ouges, Ox ��.XS aCe over at least bne-ten.th of the sur�ace i�' the damage is evenly distxabuted (ot�e-quarter if th,e damage is localized). Accumulation of �owder, dust ox debrzs sim�ilar in ap�earance to the suspect material on surfaces be�eath tk�e material can be used as canf3rmatoxy ev�de�ce. 4 08/21/2009 12:Q8 3032869094 DS COMSULTING INC PAGE 05/13 Respo�,se-act�on xecoz�aznez�dat�ans for asbestos cac�tai�aizzg �4.s az�e lzsted xz� t�e sectao� Va�. �iecazz�znie�ndataa�ts �cz�ay be for rnare than one HA, if materxa�s az-e ali�e. Recva�z�rn�e�r�dat�o�s az�e extk�ex "general" or "immediate." An immediate recommendation indicates an imminent hazard exists and s�ou�d be add�-essed as soon as possible. A generaI recomnne�.dation indicates z�o �zz►z�aa�ae�at haxard e�asts a�d �o fi��rt�ex abateznent activities are required for removal o�the zz�ateriaa. V. lnspertor Com�anents No ACM was identi�ed during tk�e bu�k-sac�zp�ing co�ducted at 1557 Gol� �'errace �taad, Uz�,it #�C, Vaa�, Co�o�ado. A totat �f six (6) bulk-sazn�les wer+e collected frozxi drywall from. the master bathroom, u��er jevel bathroom, main level bathrootn and �owex 1eve� bat�xoo�, o��tl�e above-re�ez�ez�ced �reszdence. ,A,ll siu� {6) bulk-sam�les tested non�-detect �oX asbestos. Vl. .E�omoge�eous �'ea Desc�tapdvns T�Ze fol�owing section contains sam�led HA descri�tions and sam�le locations. Percent-asbestos content �oz� eac� san�apae ��adxcated can vary depending on sample locations, homogeneity of the materials, and type ot application. The following samples were collected from the master bathroom, upper level bathroom, main level bathroom, and lower level bathroom at 1557 Gotf Terrace Road, Unik #46, Vail, ColQrado, r�n August 20, 2009. The c�uanrities are a��roximations and are subject to field verification: ,_.:::,�:� � : �.�• ,^�� -.�,. /,.� , �/ .�. - � �;� , , <. •. ,:�ii:%:;`.L-. 'gr.� v,��., '�:d== �;��'�� :�S L•ir� t�p, :'K ;' .i .: ::i;!" y :•�.i' � "T �S'•' ..t�":y�' :ti.'�. .�: „ %E. �,ti't�V,S;�..Y�' ' .� ' ,-�' n•,;„ .?�'`' <: :+y: �,,� ' s..:� •.:+i•'•49Z: < < ^ ��� "'�F:..R:�.th: •'(F)!p 'Sy'• Y •`%?.9.;:+;'�•'Y�.•'l.r� �f',�d. �T'MY. /f��;�. '.I: - � .ic.�.N.,' ��.1. '�}•� �'l.i� ,�i..3_Ny.� .�.A]'�' p, .:r . �.. .�� yyi � y...�:�.�'4�4.'.._�.�.•'�• �N }' �r"�"...� 'S. '.Vrn ✓'��R,.,'.;�'�:,.• '%i::��`� 'xd'"' '�t.j,�� n �C!''�,7`..�?�'t:�.. .x.s_-,!p".,�iS:��> y1. ; �.����s'• ';�,�, 1�� �'. iVS,.•� `,�.1"" . �\,\7������ ✓1. ..S . . �'y.`,"'.�. "'� � ���' 1,1'• ��' �����:.L .:.l�.�Y,• {:: i i /(��'� � :.. . . . � • ���]j 7� . . . ��. :S .. • �.r. +, � r... .. . P��.;...��!.,,.e:`3'N;�.k.,:�,,. ;'�� . ;..r. r. .,r.!;r, -�,.s�_,. „�v �.f:�r..�: �'i3'.cLr'- l«.. .4�;�y":��•, 1,�., .a^..,>3�^��� Y ;�e�S1' '�'.: �' .Y . �; ..;{�I•.iy,�u. ,,.J�',4': .�],• Sarrrple #: DW1-1 Sample #: DW1-2 Sample Description: .Dxywa�.! Sample Descriptio�a: A�rywa�. Sc�mple ,Locatio�: Lowex �,eve� �attaroom Sample �Location: Ma��a �,eve� �arhroozz� Material Classification: SurfaGin�g �atexxa,� ,Il�ateria�i Glaessifrccttio�: Sux�acing Mate�Aal �ater�Q�f Q�ea►�ttty: +�-ZUO�tz Materaul Quant�ty: +/ZOOftz ,A�ateriat Cor�dicion: Good Material Condltion: Good Physical Description (layers); W�ite Co�mpouz�d Pttysicul Descriptia�a (layers): W�ite coampau�ad w/ w white aiz�t; �xz�� dx a�� Qk� w�,xte an�au�t�-co�oxed axz�t; iN�ate d all Asbestos Con�ertt (Iayers): No�n-detect; Non-detect Asbestos Contenr (layers): Non-detect; Non-detect ,Recomm�endarions; GENER� - See Secaon VI� ,Recomnxendatio►�s: GENF� - See Section VII 08/21/2009 12:4$ 3032869094 DS COMSULTING INC PAGE 86/13 tit.,r..r.,.t•:Jc'.?,'rr, Y4 =t .sh':.•'''',2,<;�.:..:#t � G;_�<:. �.a.7;;r.: • w.:�'�•. •_v�;' -•a x �y • 'x-P.. �:.a � '' S( a i:di%''� �'.�'� �d= � i � �:� rc. � fA;:.;: !��"i., ,� . ' .�1,:. ;:t?,•�`.li"���ig??.'�:; .�;.:;�:, :,,^k. ,;-:- �. c<.`,'''ar•.� .ny:'•s�'':�. ,.,�'• 'r �,t�.- �t:," 1""r ;,:. ���Y�i�i;,"iw:� 'rt��i3 � :i- � y � . ?�s�,+ :,= .. �• � �'rtiii.�'S . �'3.. t� �.)»id _ RJf�"..�'�b: ...., 4�� r �' j. ; � " �J"i ��f::ti�`�.,4 w���� �. '�` , � ��i�l�ii � `� 1�.4�,C 1.: .9� k �!.� �� V�l•, 4� f y�`� 'r3 ,T��� �� 1>` " ��7� {l..r �rx�.t��?:7�' .'...r�:: ..w' !=�4"���i:i%'6r:?. .d .� '�' �x.�i .'•, `Y:,.2�, � ?i�i',r.:_�!: . 4*.i� •i�i: , f,. . fAp �'4 . J+� Sample #: DW1-3 Sample #�: DWZ-1 Sumple Aescriptior�; prywa�l Sample pescriptia►z: �rywatl Sam ple Location: Main Level Bathroom Sample �ocQtion: Up�er Level Bathroom Materiat Classifrcat�on: �u�rfacing Material Macerial Ctassifica,tion: Suz�ac�t�g Material Mrtteria! Quantity� +/-200ftz Mater�at Qua►ntity� +/-250ftz Material CondittoR: Good Material Condition: Good Fhysica! Description (layers): White compound w/ physica! DescripGior� (layers): O�F w�ite paint w/ off-v�hite/multi-colored paint; White drywall White com�ound; White �aint w/white compound; W}aite d all Asbestos ConcenC (!c►yers): Noz�-detect; Na�-dete�t Asbestos Cantent (layers): Non-detect; Nan-detect; Non-detect Recommendatio�ns: ��j, - See Section VIl Recommendations: �F,$� - See Section VII ::ja . �.r ,. �??�''. .,e �•r;'S:: ":h::r'i" 1;i" "-;:1`k'ir?'i. +u?" ��'d:l'" ::>+4'.., ;:r.:, f �?;,'�` ;titi'r� ;sp�.�;,rrMn ,.�'.. ':�t;�. �, . � , . . �... :-`�'^s'y i�.�. •�.i, ,^1'a.�i•. ',k'�:� th... ;�,3: .,Ml���`ra�-'•..e`�r:.;�.. �4v i.rv 55�� "^� � F �:, i `C'.�:'._6 r.p:-,;T ' �,�3; �} ;( •,JS: ..4,.... �.1 . ,.c._. f,V;.tz;�i';Yzl�' ."1i�Y,".� Tw �, H . '1};f,° u� `1'�'',.'-.=" • <'�i:` :�.: .Z.2�.�;(�.if1j�' rrt �` '" ` �'.k�' . , �,�^,'' � ' �,;..(�7t. :j:�'c4`''.. ,., � _ .'ksi�' '¢� i#4 '':`��,�,. .,4'�:�41 'i�"�.4f. ^"�.. " �.a; ��r,���r�#�7tisMA�'��."f� �? x7 s'.� ti ''� �t��'��c�i .,, : ... . ; ..>. •.si�.;r�:::';. , ,.• .�: .. �1! ^ :. ... . �.. •:. a ,.. ... � s.� �.. � .< ;;; � � , ' ��-i.^r. ..� �'t. .. .� .,�� a.� : S�„( : . c. �+,�>,i3.i ��i•I '"�Ftys�� � . ^. � ., • � r . ^ • � :_�.. _� ... +. � .. . : . .,.. .. ........ , .: , , . . eH . . " .:x � ... '" N .to 'r �fii�; i• -f14S� b.��. �: ,,..�.(� ; . y . Sample #: DWZ-2 Sample #: DW2-3 Sampte Descriptiart: Drywall Sample pescriptior�: Drywall Sample,Locatzon: Master Bathroom Sample Location�: Mastez� �athroo�zz Material Classifrcation: Surfacing Material Materiol Cfassification: Surfacing Material Materiul Quant�ty; +/-250�tz ,M�terial Q�cantity: +�,250ftz f►�aterial Co►rdit�on: Good Material Conditron: Gvod Phys�cul Descriptlon (�ayers); Of� w�ite paa�t w/ �hysiea� ,Description (�ayers): Tan drywall w/ off w�ifie mul�-co�o�red aznt; Pink d all white mul�i-coao�ed ai�ts ,Asbestos Co�tent (Iayers): Non-detect; Noz�-detect Asbestos Content (layers): Non-detect Recommendations: GEN L- See Sectiaza 1/�� ,Recomrr�endatror�s: GENE�tAL - See Sect�ion V1� @@/21/2009 12:48 3032869094 DS CONSULTING INC PAGE 07/13 VI1. Recaaoame�dations GENERAL: The latzoratorq resuats of t}�e potential ACN� saz�pled at 1557 Goif Terrace Road, Unit #46, Vail, Colorado, indicate that all six (6) bulk-sam�les were repoz-ted as nor��detect for asbestos. Therefore, no professianal abatemenc activities are recom�nne►aded to xent�ove tl�e above-referenced material. 7 08J21/2009 12:48 3032869994 DS CONSULTING INC PAGE 08/13 Upper Level Bxthroom APPENDIX A S,A��P�.E LOCATIONS DW2-1 8 Dw�-3 � Main Level OBathroom DWl-2 N�astex Bathraom 08/21/2009 12:48 3032869094 DS CONSULTING INC PAGE 09/13 APPENDIX B CERT���G,A�'��QN _ . .��;• - ' :.; ..� ����,, �,V T :�^ �'� r��c �� f � ��� �� �.�'�� ��� � Y � �•�� �e.`" 1�7� w _ %,�����'�. ��!•.���� ��' ..:� � .� •. . .. � . , . . �. �: � ' . 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P.O. # Project Description: RES NA RES 178323•1 1 �83 1557 Golf Terrace Road, Vai181657 Reservoirs Environmental, Inc, is an analytical Iaboratory �ccredited for the analysis of fndustri�l Hygiene end Ernironmental matrices by tfie National Volantary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Lab COde 101$96-0 for TraRSmission Elecbron Microscopy (TEM) and PoEarized Light Mlcroscopy (PI.M) analysis and the American lndustrial Hygiene Assaciatian (AIHAj, Lab i0 101533 - Accreditation Gerdficate #480 for Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) analysis, This laboratnry is currently proficient in both Proficiency Testing and PAT programs respectively. Reservoits Environmental, Inc, has analyzed the following semples for asbestas content as pe� your request. The analysis has been completed in generai accordance with the appropriete methodology as stated in the attached analysis tat�le. The results have been subrrotted to your office. RES 778323-1 is the job number assigned to this study. 7his report is considered highly confldential and the sole praperty of the customer. RSServoirs Environmental, Inc. wil! not discuss any part of this study with personnel other than those of the client. The resufts described in tt�is report only apply to t�te samples anatyzed. This report must nat be used to ciaim endorsemenl of products or analyti�al resuHs by NVLAP or any agenry of the U.S. Governme�rt. This report shall not be reproduced exo�pt in fUll, without written approval from Reserooirs �nvironmeMal, Inc_ samples wiil be disposed of after sixty days unless longer storage is r�quested. If you have any questions about this report, please feel free to ca1130�9B4-9986. SincetelY, ..� „;Y;.,---' �-'�,--x�`�-�� ..�--� ���� � ,�. ,� � _'_ Jeanne Spencer Or� President � l��.,��'�.--.r'. Analyst(s)' _ Paul D. l.oScalzo Wenlang Liu Peul F, Knappe Rich Wegrzyn Michael Scates P: 303-964-1986 F: 303-477-4275 5$01 l�ogan Street, Suite 700 Derner, CO 80216 Pape 1 of Z 1-866,RES1-ENY www.reilab.com Z J h Z W Z � � Z W � � � w N W � 08/21/2809 12:57 3032869094 DS CDNSULTING INC PAGE 12/13 N O N a� � � 0 � s � 0 U � a � � d co i! � e 0 a v » c � � W m � � � d � � � � � 0 � � � R O� vf °� � w4 °o � C 01 N � N N � �" � � y � N � N e- O t% ;� 7 7 U�� � � v►� o� �o��daNa 0 na a � �4S> ~ ZO � E � ����-o � N Z - 0 � � � � C � ` o a L� W.� a� � c c c N � � � �� m N W t0 � w �UUUOdtiO �� G� O o�0 O E�0 p � � O 0�0 b � � � C T r- r- � � � O O���„e O O O O O p O O O O O o � C tV CV � 1V �- � � ` c � � O � p�c 0 0 G O o n G o O G O a Z Z � a Z Z Z Z� �' 2 Z 7 � E w W e a ,E � � a� °� ° $ �n w c� n► rn c� o�i ° � OQ O � � Y $ � � Q .' � c � � �lD N � � � ~ O � a � � E � �+, c°� � d � � � � � o � � , .E� '�. 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BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 190-E CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 190-E 09/30/2009 09/30/2009 Phone:970-748-9780 09/30/2009 Phone:970-748-9780 Status . . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 09/30/2009 Issued . . . 09/30/2009 Expires . .: 03/29/2010 Desciption: INTERIOR REMODEL Valuation: $3,000.00 Square feet: 1500 *�.��,.��*.�«��.�.*�„�*,.�**..�*�,,..*,,,�**���*.���.���**.,�*,.�**.,,,. FEE SUMMARY *��**.��**„�**„***.��***�*****.*.,,**.�*.*��**.�**..,,��*,,,,***„�*.,,..,,.�*** Electrical Permit Fee---------> $57.50 Total Calculated Fees--> $61.50 Investigation Fee--------------> $0.00 Additional Fees----------> $0.00 Will Call Fee--------------------> $4.00 Use Tax Fee-------------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $61.50 Total Calculated Fees-------> $61.50 Payments-----------------> $61.50 BALANCE DUE----------> $0.00 .�*,,,,.�*.��*,���*..***�,,,�..,,�,,,,�„**�„***..*x.,�**..,**���**,��*«„���.*.��...,��.,,��....�*.,,�**.**..�**�.�.,,,*�.�**.,,.**,�.***.�**.,,**„�.,.�,�„�**..*..�.**.,,�**.�**.,,,**,,. APPROVALS Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/30/2009 JLE Action: AP ���..��,,.��.�...��..,,��.,,�*.w.,.�.,,,�**.,,.*,�.��*..�„*.�*�„�.,����„�„�„��*�,,.�.,.��,,,,...�„**.���,,.,,,.����,.�**�..�*,,,�**,,,,**,«„**.�.,*.,,***���.,���*...,,.*..,.�...*,..��w CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ,,.,�„����„�..�.�..,,�.w�,,,,�,,.,....,,��,��...,�...�.�.,..��.������.,,,....��....�..,,,.�.,,��..�*,��„���„�.��,,.,.,,.,�..,,,,*�,,..,,.,,,,«�*...,�,��„�,,..,.��,.��*„«„�*,,.�„�,,,..,,,��,.w�.,,� DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MAD TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:QO,AM - 4 PM. � /� re of Owner or Contractor Name elec_prm_041908 f 9��d/�� Date ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***************************************************+**************************************** Statement Number: R090001339 Amount: $61.50 09/30/200902:47 PM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB ---------------------------------------------------Notation---16182 DOUBLE Q ---------- Permit No: E09-0217 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-091-0407-2 Site Address: 1557 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: UNIT 46, GOLF COURSE TOWNHOMES Total Fees: $61.50 This Payment: $61.50 Total ALL Pmts: $61.50 Balance: $0.00 *********************+********************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- EP 00100003111100 WC 00100003112800 Description Current Pmts ------------------------- ------------ ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 57.50 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------- 69130/2009 09:40 979-748-9780 DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC PAGE 92 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Project Street Addross: �� � . � I r Pa C� `� (P (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: d � _ .. . .. . . . . .. . . . �'��utn .k1�! M¢..5 � Contr�ctor I farmation: , Company_ � 71�u �e � �, E�„�� C•► � Company Add�ess: El� �, 0�4 � - City:, �Dw�-n.�5 5tate:��_Zp: Contact Name: Cuntad Cell: �„j„�S� � 7 E-Mail Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.; `� X � Contractnr Slgn ro (�equired) Properry Info atfo� Parcel #: 1 �<</ �� �� O�� (For parcel iF, contact Eagla Couniy Assessors O�ce at 970-32B-B640 or vi9it www-eaglecouly, us/patie) Tenant Name: Owner Name: M 1 C' I� �o l��_��, Z __ COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAG� FOR AREA �F WORK AND VALUA- TION OF WORK (lebor 8 Materlal) Amount of SQ Ft.: �� � Q Electrical S: � ?�1.�.�— . � � � o��� us�: P�o;e� #: �J 0 —4 3R 0 Building Permit #: 4�Q� � O 2( 2 Electrlcal Permii #: � � � � Lot #: Block # Sut�division: Detailed Descripticn of Woric: � IA,�� /� L�*'�S + A/.�.. J ���v� � �t�`1�, l/KQ,S � (use additional 9haot if necessary) Wot9c Clsse: New ( ) Addition ( ) Ramodel� Repair ( ) Olher ( ) , Type of Bullding: � Single-Famiiy ( ) Duplex ( ( ) Resteuranl( ) omer ( j Multl-Family"�Q Commercial ) . Date Recelved: ,� . _..__ �_k._...___,_�.___... D �C�l��`��/[� �`=P � G �009 TOWN OF ��AIL- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ., TOWNOFYAII, ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p.970.479.2139 f.970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149 PLUMBING PERMIT AMF Job Address: 1557 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location.....: UNIT 46, GOLF COURSE TOWNHOMES Parcel No...: 210109104072 OWNER KATZ, MICHAEL & VALERIE 09/16/2009 9560 JOURNEYS END RD CORALGABLES FL 33158 APPLICANT LOWDERMILK PLUMBING & HEATIN 09/16/2009 Phone: (970) 328-4405 PO BOX 230 WOLCOTT CO 81655 License: 320-P CONTRACTOR LOWDERMILK PLUMBING & HEATIN 09/16/2009 Phone: (970) 328-4405 PO BOX 230 WOLCOTT CO 81655 License: 320-P Desciption: PLUMBING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Valuation: $10,000.00 Permit #: Project #: Status . . . : Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires . .: P09-0128 PRJ09-0390 ISSUED 09/16/2009 09/18/2009 03/17/2010 «.....�...��.....«.,..�.�.......�*���.,�«�...�*.�**..y.,...��.�**��,..w..«......* FEE SUMMARY *...<.....���**....,�.�....�.*.<.�<..���**.<.<.�......�**...�......��*�*�.,�,�,�<,�..���� Plumbing Permit Fee---> $150.00 Will Call------------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> Plan Check----------------> $37.50 Use Tax Fee------------> $191.50 $0.00 Additional Fees------------> $0.00 Investigation--------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--> $191.50 Total Calculated Fees--> $191.50 Payments-------------------> $191.50 BALANCE DUE-----------> $0.00 ..�,...*.�.���.�....<..,���.�.<......�,.,.�...,���.�**+,�........��*�*<�..,.«,�.....*��*�.....���.#�.�«��.�*.�......*..��..,.........,+*...,�».��.��**�*,�..:.����..�.�......�������*��..«�.,.����� APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/16/2009 JLE Action: AP ....,�.x...........,,.....< .............�.>......,,....,,�......�..�.....................,�<,.....,,xx�xx.............«.....�....,,«�............�.....�..<x>...........,...>..�...��...,�.. CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ��.�.�w>...�����,..�.�..�....��.....,....����..��...�.......��......,...�.�...��..,�.�....�...,.�....<...<,�.....�...��......��.............»w.....:.��..,�......��..����.��....���..�.�...,... DECLARATIONS i hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUEST FOR INS ECTION SHA DE TWEN OUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( AM - 4 %` /1 _ Signature of Print Name plmbpermti_041908 r or Contractor � � � -�� Date ************************************************************�******************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ********************************+*****+**************+***+******************************�*** Statement Number: R090001254 Amount: $191.50 09/18/200903:26 PM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 2908- LOWDERMILK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: P09-0128 Type: PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-091-0407-2 Site Address: 1557 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: UNIT 46, GOLF COURSE TOWNHOMES Total Fees: $191.50 This Payment: $191.50 Total ALL Pmts: $191.50 Balance: $0.00 ********************************************+************************************+*********� ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 37.50 PP 00100003111100 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 150.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- � .� ��.� ; t � � z � .w�� �. � �,.. � �.�� ��w � �, �� � : �� � � � .` .� i �°rv � __���� ut ' q Department, of Community Developmenfi; ' � � : � � = 75 South Frontage Roaci � `�Y ; �� `�, Va�l, ,Col.arac�o 81�657� � : , _ �� �Tel � 9�0`=A�79 2'�2�:r � � � � `•s r �, = ���C 9�"0 :.�%9 2�''�2 'a ��,1 �����- � ` � We:b vvw�r if��lg��' c'�€r� : � � �.� � . � I�PVPIL1t1i1Ptl� RJ11fYdiwd �i��r�ir�`e#Tr. �. PLUMBING PERMIT a,.'�_.. �'*". Project Street Address Office Use: o� S � 7 c5 (i�✓c�3��"i - ,� � `��v Project #: �2�J�' � �1 'L7 ' � p (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: Coo�r� �puz�c. �,,,i,�l✓�.r,Q Building Permit #: � (� � (� Z- �� Plumbing Permit #: �Q 9` Q� Z� �M.,��.__.�� � ����...,���,�..,..�„ _.,....ary _.�.,,..,..�.�y� �,,�,..�.,..�.�. Contractor Information: Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Company: � �,(% �=�!'j2 l l�G �� �7 Company Address: ��� 6� �30 � Detailed Description of Work: �t,,p�J�.tC rl 4� I c�.2e City: �l,C.Co� State:� Zip:�llov�s �� f �"l/L �L. 'M�QS i�j�� "` Contact Name: r, � v(�l� �.,;.� I'�L'YL..� � L,k ��,��,r�5�ki2 eyyil.�, Contact Phone: � � �, 02� 1 a � �oC�"�. ��o c,.J��'��c �; � �i� E-Mail �'`� � �!A � L��,v�1 � lL �C!�,�,��. � � (use additional sheet if necessary) �'YZ £ ,..�.�.�...�.��.,..,�..� .�,,....,�,..... ,,...._ .. .,q.�.......�,m... ,�...,.�.�,.,,, ,�,,.,,�,,, ..�.�..._,...,.,,,..,�, �� 3 Z V work Class: Town pf iVa�}Co�n�-�tor I�gis�ation Np�' ���� Contracttir Signature (required) Prope�ty Information Parcel #: v�l �l �q lC� � D 7L {For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) Tenant Name: �� � Z Owner Name: � Complete Valuation for Plumbing Permit: Plumbing $: � � U i� C� D ���<<s� Addition ( ) Remodel � Repair ( ) Other ( ) Type of Building.,,� ,,.r �_.,,...,,�.,....r��e� .,�,x�_ .,_.,�..�,..� Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family � Commercial ( } Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) Date Received: D ���o�� sEP � 5 200� � TOwN �-'� _ OF Vq�L 29-May-09 m —d U5-11-1U1U Inspection Request Reporting ` Page 1 4:15 pm Vail, G_O=Gitv Of Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Inspection Area: JRM Site Address: 1557 SUNBURST DR VAIL UNIT 46, GOLF COURSE TOWNHOMES A/P/D Information Activity: B09-0212 Type: A-BUILD Sub Type: ATH Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: VB Insp Area: JRM Owner: KATZ, MICHAEL & VALERIE Contractor: JEFF LUTZ BUILDERS Phone: 970-390-6363 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL Requested Inspection(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: Comments: Code # 415 Jeff 390-6363 Assigned To: JMONDRAGON Action: Time Exp: �-�..� �L,o V � . 5����I Requested Time: 08:00 AM Phone: Entered By: MHAEBERLE K � Inspection Historv Item: 30 BLDG-Framing *" Approved "` 10/06/09 Inspector: cg Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comment: 1 FIRESTOP AT DROPPED CEILNG AT INSULATION VOIDS 2� COMPLETE NAILER FOR DUROCK. NAIL PLATE OVER WASTE PIPIING 4" DRAIN 3 NAIL PLATE AT SHOWER SUPPLY LINE 10/07/09 Inspector: cg Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 50 BLDG-Insulation ** Approved "` 10/07/09 Inspector: cg Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail ** Approved "* 10/08/09 Inspector: cg Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 70 BLDG-Misc. Item: 90 BLDG-Final ___ l�_---,-°�_.�- _. ✓"'s: --J � f- � / _ (`� � � -�- REPT131 Run Id: 11397 ��.n�� � 05-18-2010 ��� ���? �� Inspection Request Reporting Page 12 7:58 am Vail,�0 _ Citv Of _ Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Inspection Area: SH Site Address: 1557 SUNBURST DR VAIL UNIT 46, GOLF COURSE TOWNHOMES A/P/D Information Activity: E09-0217 Type: B-ELEC Sub Type: ASFR Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: SH Owner: KATZ, MICHAEL & VALERIE Contractor: DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC Phone: 970-748-9780 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL Requested Inspection(s) Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requested Time: 08:00 AM Requestor: DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC Phone: Comments: FINAL TRIM - UNIT 46/ RUSS 401-5027 Assigned To: MDENNEY Entered By: SBELLM K Action: Time Exp: Comment: aS—sem oom exhaust fan is no opera ing properly. Re-inspection required after fan has been repl d. _ �� Inspection Historv Item: 110 ELEC-Service Item: 120 ELEC-Rough ** Approved "` 10/01/09 Inspector: MDENNEY Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 130 ELEC-Conduit Item: 140 ELEC-Misc. Item: 190 ELEC-Final 05/13/10 Inspector: mdenney Action: DN DENIED Comment: Basement bathroom exhaust fan is not operating properly. Re-inspection required after fan has been replaced. REPT131 Run Id: 11409 � M�. � t�a(t�: ������....�. ��;�r..� -. _ .LI � li �� �it', � .� --r-�^ - . . ' . n - �+'.^ . �f i:4 t Y� %� �'-�= •�.e:i i,1 ti,.; : ;-- ' ��� if . s ( ' �'�.'t~j %� i 1° _„k _ iJ1`°J-�''�'�� c',..�f-�3G �'.�— , �,� ` ,_� „ :.- � --i __ J�yr LLr� t?JUr►..�� �S .tN.C:.._G_d�iTR�C'�� _ -i/�/aa _. __ . _ _ ..�� � �`b�!'��s 'v � � i 3� {t�Ys' _. T! ,�jj��' -!� • . �I _ �� � .-- �rr' - a 7 �,p� -G2�Z j 1 � � -- ��.._.--� - .. ;.� _- - -���,L� = e� , - i �: a., ; - .';� �,, ,�, � �;� � � �� . i i � � ! 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