HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0234 plans. � � •.� • • • �� 1 � p '� . w . • �'`•� 1 �' '� . . � � f � . ' • �� `� . �� �` . . � ' . � � • •;�'• � ' r e • . r . �... : ��. . � . • � � • . � � „'�. � , t � ' • • � �` . f � M « � . 20'-p�� . . � . . � � . i . . � . . � . . � . . � f . � � � . . - �. � -� I 4 r ti.. , j �.` . � '�s * � � ~ ! /`� . , `�. , ` � '��.. • � f "r�.�, • ,"+i. � � ' • , . � j E � « • • � � ! i f . • • � � ; 1 . . �. �.. t � !• 1 . • 1 i . � � . . . f i �. � ' � . � * O � . �^ ' j � . . . � • � • �` ` � . . �`"''•. , . • '�'`i . , '�.', � � ~•.�� 1 : � \\ � `r► , � � � , ~ � � # ! �, � M ` � �. � � � « . � � � '�``�,� , .� � . .� �� . • •� . . • '~ �� � . .� '`�. ' . • . ,�► �+�� ��� ., �`r' � . '�"•. ''', • . .� ``�i '`"'• , « „� .� �� •+� � f SITE PLAN �.. ih6" =1'-0" � • � � _ , �..�-• r � - .• s�s ' r i ' . � - • - . .- �► � - • - . � � - ,� -. .• _ --�-� . -� • • � - �r i • . � i r � w �r ' r � w • . - . r - - - - _ 9.842 S.F. i 3,091 S.F'. t O.OS2 S.F. .� ~ •. . � ��� B C� "�" � � �� �� f DG PI..AN tRU� NORTN NORT�4 � - � � s � M � . : I. ALL WORK SNALL CDNFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS. ALL WORK 5{-iALL BE 1N CONFORI`1ANCE W1TN TNE GUIDELIN�S AND C4DE5 ADOPTED BY TNE TaWN OF VAIL � EAGLE COl1NTY. 2. EACN TRADE CO�lTRACTOR SNALL VISfT T4�E 51TE AND B�CC�1"lE KNOWLEDGEABLE OF C�NDITiDNS TI-IEREIN. EACN SNALL INVESTIGATE, VERIFY, AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REQUIR�MENTS OF TNE PROJECT AND SNALL NOTIFY TNE ARGNlTECT OF ANY CONDITIONS REQUIRING INFOR('1AT14N BEFdRE PROCE�DING WITN TNE WORK. TAKE �PEGiAL NUTE TNAT E�EGTRICAL AND M�GNAi�IGAL D�VICES PLLii"1BING FIXTURES AND R�GISTERS AR� 5P�CI�ICALLY LnGAT�D. LOGATlON OF FRAi"IING I'1EMBERS ('1UST B� COORDINATED WITN TN�SE ELEI"i�NTs TD A55UR� EXACT PLACEI"iENT. 3. ANY UTILITY SNUT-OFFS AS REQUlRED BY TNE COi�TRAGTOR FQR COI"fPLE�I"IDN OF 7NE WORK, SUCN A5 ELEGTR{CAL, GAS, WATER, S�WER, ETG, 1"fUST B� SCNEDULED WITN TNE APPROPRIAT� UTIL11'Y COf'1PANI�S PRIOR TO COI'11'1ENCING WORK. q. DRAWINGS ARF TO SE 155U�D TD T!-�E SUBGQNTRACTORS BY �i'NE CDi�TRACTOR IN COMPLETE 5E�5 50 TNAT TI-�E EXTENT AND C04RDINATION OF WORK 15 1"1ADE P05�IBLE. �. D�TAILS SNOWN ARE INT�NDED 70 SE INDICATIVE OF T1-IE PROFML�S AND TYPE OF DETAILING REQUIRED F`OR TNE WORK. DETA1�5 N07 SNOWN ARE 51f`11LAR iN CNARAGT�R TD TNC75� DE�AILEp. 6. WNERE SPEGIFIC DIl"fFN510N, DETAILS, AND DE5lGI� INTENT CANNOT B� DETERMiNED, NOTIFY TNE ARCNiT�CT IN WRITING BEFOR� PROCE�DING WITh ANY WORK iN QUESTION. 7. pIMENSlONS S�-IALL GC?VERN. DO NOT S�ALE DRAWI�lGS. TNE C4�lTRACTOR SNALL �lOTIFY TNE ARCNIT�CT IN WRITING DF ANY DlSCREPANCiES, Ol"115510i�S, AND/OR CONFLICTS B��DRE PRC7GE�DiNG WITN TI�E WDRK. 8. ALL DIMEN510NS SNALL BE VERIFIED O�! T{�E SITE BEFORE PRQCEEDING Wl�i�l TNE WORK. NOTIFY T�IE ARCNITECT IN WRITIi�G �F ANY D15CR�PANC1�5. q. UNLESS NOT�D OTNERWiS�, ALL WALLS AND PARTITIONS ARE DIP'IENSIO�IED TO TNE FAC� OF TNE 5TUD5 SUPPORTING 7NE WALL. 10. UNL�55 N4TED OTNERWISE, AL� FASTENERS AND �ASTENING DEVICES ARE TO SE CONCEALED It� ALL FINISNED SPACES. II. ALL D15511"11LAR I"fETALS SNALL BE EFFECTIVEL.Y f5C1LATEI7 �ROM EACN OTN�R T� AVOiI7 GALVANlG ACTIONS. !2. ALL EX`�ER14R �ER�DUS f"fETAL WORK LOGATED ON EXTERIOR OR IN NON-CONDI`I`iC?N�D INTERIOR SPACES SNALL BE �IOT-D{PPED GALVANIZED (EXGEPT FQR OR�lAi'1�NTAL 1"IE�AL(5)). 13. TNE ENGINEER'S SEL�CT#ON O� f"IATERIALS AND DETAILS DOES NOT RELIEVE T�4E CO(�TRACTUR FROM VERIFYING WITN TNE MATERiAL SUPPLIERS TNAT TNE PROPOSED MAYERIALS Ai2E CORR�GT AND PROPER r=OR TNE INTEND�D APPLI�ATION AND USE. f�. AL� MATERIALS AND EQUIPM�NT iNA�I' IS INCORPORATEI? INTO Tl-fE WORK SNALL BE NEW AND O� �"NE BE57 QUALITY SPECIFiED. ALL WC7RK PERFQRMED SNA�L 8� DUNE !N A WORKI"tANLIKE: i"fANNER �NLY BY PER50�lS SKILLED IN TNE TYP� OF WORK TO BE P�RFORMED, AND IN AGCORDA�ICE WITI-I ALL APPLiGABLE CDDED AND QRDIf�ANG£5. 15. AT ALL Tii"1E5, TNE PREMl5E5 SNA�L BE KEPT GLEAN FRO!'1 TI-I� ACCU!'1ULATION OF WAST� ('1AT�RIALS AND DEBRIS, AND UPON CQMPLETION aF TNE WORI� S�IALL REMQV� ALL WAST� MAYERIALS AND RUSBlSN, At�D L�AVE TNE WORK IN A BROOI"i CL�AN CONDITIdN. UNDER NO CIRGUI"ISTA3�(CES 15 �OOD T4 BE �EF i OEJT IN TNE OPEN UNL�SS IT i5 PR.t�PERLY WRAPPED AND SiORED W A SUITABLE CONTA3NER. UNFINISNED FOOD �NALL SE TNROWN OUT I�! A G�NTAII�ER WITN A TIGNT �ITTING COVER AND R�MQVED FRbM TNE 51TE AT LEAST ONCE P�R WEEK. 16. ALL CUTTING AND PATCNING REQUIRED DIR�CTLY OF INDIR�CTLY BY iN� SCOP� QF WORK PORTRAYED IN TNE CONSTRUCTIDN QOG�MENTS SNALL BE INCLUDED IN iNE GONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL. ALL SURFAGES AR� YO BE RETURNED TO TNEIR PRE-GON5�1�'RUCTlON APP�ARANG�S. W#��R� �XiSTING MATERIALS CANNQT L3E FOUND OR PROPER�.Y MATGN�D TNE ARCNITECT !S TO BE RlOTlFIED PRIOR TO COi'11"IENCEM�NT 4F TNE Wd12K. 17. ALL AFFECTED PARTY WALLS ARE BE RESTOR�D TO I'1EET CURR�NT BUILDING COD�S FOR �IR� RE5ISTIV� SEPARATION. ANY EXfSTIi�G CONSTRUCTION D15COVERED TO BE INADEQiJATE IN TNIS REGARI? 15 TO BE REGONSTRUCTEB A5 REQUIRED 'f"O ME�T DR EXCEED AI�L CURRENI" BUILDING C�p� REQUIR�1"(ENTS. S{i'11LARLY TNE FIRESEPARATON BETWEEN TN� CxARAGE AND RESID�NCE 15 TO BE CONSTRUCTED TO f''IEET OR �XCEED ALL REQUIRED BUILDING CODES. �I-i"E WORK I. Al�L EXISTING TOPOC�RAPNY, UNDERGRC�UND UTfLITIES, STRUG�"URES, ANp ASSOCIAT�I� FACILII'lE5 SNOWI� ON TN� I?RAWINGS NAVE BEEN DRAWN �ROI"1 AVAILABLE RECORI7 DRAWINC�. TNEREFORE, TNEIR LOGATIOt�S AND ELEVATIQNS 1'1U5T BE CONSIDEf��D APPROXII`1ATE ONLY, iNER� !"IAY BE OTNER FACILITIES, TNE �XIST�NCE O� WNICN I'1AY NOT BE PRESENT�Y KNC7WN. COI�TRAGTOR 15 TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES AI�D FAGILITiES AND 15 TQ N4TIFY TN� ARCNIT�CT OF ANY L?ISCR�PANCIES PRIOR TO STARTING TNE WORK. 3. GONSTRUCTI�N 4PERATIQ�lS SNALL BE COt�DUCTED IN SUGN A WAY AS TO PREVENT TRACKING OF 1"1UD C1R SOI � ONTO PUB�IC TNOROUGN�ARES. AT �"N� END �� �AGI� L?AY TN� GONTRAC�"OR SNALL CLEAN UP ALL MUD OR SOIL WNICN NAS BEEN TRAGKED ONTO PUBLIG 5T12�ETS. �4. TNE GONTRACTC7R SNALL FIELD CF{�CK ALL DIMENSIQiJS AND ELEVATIONS AND VERIFY T�-IE LOGATION AND EL�VATION OF �XISTING UT{LITY LI�IES AND STRUCTURE� TC7 BE CDNNECT�D TO TI-IE WORK. DiSCREPANGlES SNALL BE R�PORT�D Tc� TNE AR�N�T�CT IMr��DIATELY. 5. ALL SEnIMENT SNALL B� PREVEt�TED FR01"f ENTERfNG ANY EXISTING STQRM DRAINAG� SYSTEi"f. TNE GONTRAGTOR SNALL BE 50LELY RESPONSIBLE FOR REMQVING SEDIi'I�N�" AND DEBR15 �RaM EXfS�"!NG AND NEWLY GONSTRUCTED STORC'1 SEWERS, PIPES, DRAfNAG� STRUCTURES PRlOR °i"Q FINAL COMPL�TION. SEALANT� I. ALL SEALANT JOlNTS SNALL a� SlZED SUGN 7NAT TN�Y WILL I3E W{T�IIN T+�E f"1AXIMUM/MINIMUI"i 51Z� IN TNEIR INSTALLED POS(TIDN AS REC4M1'1ENDED BY TNE MANUFAGTURER. 2. DEPTN OF SEALANT JC�INT 5�-�IALL NOT �XCEED i/2 TNE WiDTN �F TNE JQINT. 3. ALL SEALANT JOINTS SNALL MAINTAIN CONTACT WiTN TNE ADJC7INING PARTS WiT�-IIN ALLQWABLE DIMEt�SIONEt7 G�IANGES !N TN� T�#E JQiivT SIZE. ALL SEALANT JC�INTS SNALL ("IAlNTAIN DURABILlTY AND INT�GRITY UNDER ALL Si'EGIFIED GONDCTlONS AND Gt?NDITIONS OF TN� LOCALITY WNER� TNE PROJECT 15 LOGAT�D. �4. ALL SEALANT JOINTS SNALL BE INSTALL.ED WITN TNE APPROPR�AT� JOlNT �IL.�.�R. 5. PROVIDE CU5T01"I COLOR FOR SEALANT �7�P05ED TO VI�W FR01"! TN� ('1ANUFACTIJRER'S FULL RANGE OF SELEGTIONS, AS SEL.ECTED �Y TNE ARCNITECT. �. TI-IE S�ALANT MANUFAGTURER SNALL VERiFY TNAT Al.L S�ALANTS US�D FOR T�-IE EXTERiOR WALL ARE CORRECT FOR TI-I� APPLICATION SNOWN AND WILL BE COMPATIBL� WITN EACN OTN�R BE�ORE, DURING AND AFTER CURING. INSULATlO�1 AND VAF'C?R BARRI�R. 1, TNERI"iAL WALL IN�ULATION OF R21 i5 U�iFAC�IJ BL.OWN IN FIBERGLASS SATT INSU�ATlON. IN ADDITI�N TO ALL FRA1"(E PERIMETER WALLS: ALL WALLS BET1�lEEf� NABiTABLE SPAGE AND UNNEATFD CRAWL SPACES OR ATTiCS ARE �"O BE It�SULATED. 2. FlB�RGL.ASS T�IERI"1AL WALL INSULATION SNALL �E NELD IN PLACE l�iiTN FIB�RGLA55 STRAPPI�iG A� REQ`D. 3, WALL VAPOR BARRI�R SNA�L BE G�LOTEX "i'fEMBRANE". TAPE AT ALL DISRUPTiC7�l5 IN TNE MEMBRANE. (IE= WINDOWS AND DOORS). FOLD INTO BACK BOXES AND �1"APE TO �DRi"f CONTiNUDUS S�AL. PR4VIL?E AND INSTALL SEALED ELECTRICAL BC?XE5 AND OUTLETS TO MINiI"ifZE VAPOR PE�ETRATION AND ENERGY LOSS INT� TNE EXTERfOR WALL CAVlTY. �. TNERMAL ROOF INSULATION S�IALL BE 2 LAYERS (STACGERED BDTN lrJAYS) R-50 POLYiSQ WITN VENTED NAILlNG BASE, 5. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CEL.OTEX "MEl"18RANE" ABOVE 2X t?ECKING � �ir r '� � � r 11 AFF Above Finished Floor ALUI"{ Aluminum ALT Alternate ANCN Anchor APPROX Approx+mate ARGN Architecture AUX Auxiliary BD Board BLKG �ilQCking BC'1 Be�am Bor Bottam B1eG Bearing BSMT �3asement BUR Built Up Roof GAP Capacity CJ Cantrai Jaint GfL Centerline GLG Ceiling CL45 Clo�et CLR Ciear(ance) G�'lU Concrete ria�onry Unit GOL Galur-nn CC7NC Concrete CONT Cantinuaus CT Ceramic Tile CTR Counter CU Gubic DEG Degree D!A Diameter Dif'! Dimensian D15P Disposal Di� Do�.un DTL Detail DWG Drau�ing EA �aeh £J �xpansion Joint EL�G Electric(al ) �NCL Enclose(sure) EQ Eq�al EQU I P EG?U I P �XT Exterior FD Floar Drain �DN Foundation FIN Finish FIX Fixture �LASN. F'kashing FI;.R Flaor FT Foot (Feet� C-rA Gauge GALV Gatvanized GL Glass GYP Gypsum NB Noss Bib HDWR Nardi.uare i�i� �-iO��dU1 �E;�p� NORIZ Norizantat NT Neight NTR Neater ID Inside Diameter Ih�" Inche� INGL Include(d} INSUL ir�sulation INT Interior JT Joint KiT Kitchen �A�'I Laminate LAV Lavatary LIN Linear LIQ Liq�id LT Light MA5 Masonry 1"IATL MAX M EGN 1`1ED MIN M 15C MTL ��� NC7r1 NTS ac OD OPP PERF PL PLYWD PaL. PTD PT PVC QT QTi RAI7 RCP RD RE: PECPT RE�R R�INF R�Q'D RE51L R�V RM RO ��� 5C �c��� 5NT 51-ITNG 5!f'1 5Q �J�'J STD STL. ��ra� STRUGT �YI"1 TB TEL. 1�EMP T�G TSTAT TNK 1'�-ILD T.(?., T/ T.P.�-I, TV TYP UN�IN UON V�NT VERT Wf �� WD W/O WP WT WWF YD Material I"laximum Mechanical Medium I�iinimum C'1iscellaneous Metal Not In Gantract �(ominal Nat To 5cale On Center{s) Outside Diameter Dppasite }��i"�Ot"Qt��C�,� Plate P I }/U100C� Pat ished Painted Paint Polyvinyl Chloride G?uarry Tile Quaniity Radius Reflected Geiling Plcan Roaf I�rr�in, Road Re�erence Receptacle Ref rigerator Reinfarce(d)r i�n9� Reqy�ired Resitient Reuisian(s), Revised Room Raugh C�pening s��,�t�ry �olid Care ���,����� Sheet 5heathing Similar 5c�are rJ�QIYl��55 rJt@61 5tandard 5tee1 5torage Structurat Symmetricai Ta�uel Bar Telephone Tempered Tarrgue � Groove Thermastat Thick Threshold Top Of Toilet Paper {-lolder Tetevision Typical Unfinished Un�ess Otheri.uise Noted Venti lation Vertica! With Waier Closet Waad With Qut Waterproof ing Weight Wetded Wire �abric Yard ��T����� �������. -I I I i I I I.= I I 1 �A�T+� O O � P�RVIOUS FIL,L _� j,,i j j1 / f/j/� / ���r���r����fi � i � STONE MA�DNRY A A `�� ' S�"RUC'iURA� COf�CR�T� -c- :.,.��.:;:.. ���'�.`.� CONCREi� MA�ONRY UNIT � ����� BAi`�' IN�ULA`CION � P � 5"iE�LfM��'AL Aa NOTE17 1 � A4.01 BUILDING 5�C'ilQf� l�E�ERENGE i � A6.01 .._._r' D�TAIt. REFEC2�N�E -�� 1��-'� 1� �'- �� V T n `� i(lOr-O�--- N�IGN�' 12�F�R�I�C� �1 R�UI�IOhJ 1�E��REN�� � GRfD �UBBI�� � •�i � � IN7�RIOR ��.�VA'T1C�N RE��fi��NC� � DODR �'AG - i�r FfNi�N WOt?D •�re -: SLOCKING e • :i�•r RIGI1� IN�ULATIQN i,r!,���,9�;n��„r,�,ttii�,;,�ir�nriE;,� �A��'�'� 1 A3.01 �LEVA�'i0N R�F�RENCE 1 � A6.01 t��t�lL R�F�R�NG� t) I a4.a 1 �ECTION REF�R�NGE ,� •�* , W1A WAI.� `iYi'� R�F�R�NGE � WII�I��W TAG w�. =-T-=�rr�.� MAi'ERiAG SR�AiC MICHAEL HAZARD ASSOCiA'i'E8 ca�xioFrr c 20� 2 : � � � - -_a.��`�, �, . � r�-"t �i, �y��� ¢�a ��+' , , �. `'� �. �`,t'� � � T t' I d � F. � Y �? Y � ,;���`�o � �.� � � s �S t � .�°4, `�tr�` � i a. ;` � �� �� � .� 4� ° �. s�� �� �� �s '�` � �� �- � �" � �� =;�'"� &��''F`# � �.ka';� J�r ';� ,�, � ��,�, �'•, � g . �,p � � �,'��� � _ � � �,�,� .d�. , ����� � ���Q�� � t °�.� , ;v� >. ._._ �=', � DA'T�: tVA: �X � ,�:� `� � ���.. '�_._. �.. ��� ��v�s�axs �� 1 .�1 � I..,OP�� R�l`�IC)VATIC�i�i FRO,l�GT NO. 1 t44 i • ' .. _ .= . .- . . - .. : . . . - � , � . , » .. � � � �� � � �� .� � . �r ti� �����, � � ` • +� �� !.� • � � ` • E � _ _ . . � • ! • . • . • - - . • ! • i•.. . r., . � JUNE S i, �012 aux� a, �o s z ��vcsw MARCH f!T, 20 S Q DREI i � i�V��l 1\✓ �IT� PL��,I�,i • vH��T NUMBER � � � � � ���__._ ��� I I ( I �� ( a�.0 � , � � .� � us ; � � � � \ �I�I D�MISING WAL.L aa�v� �v,�.F} , ,- J ; ,� � , � , � r � t � � � •: c � « : �; i�ii _ r� __ _ __ �� �� co i» «i� � II li _ UII cn+v- (I II I � i I II II _ II li '� O 1111 = ; li q '— ill3 _ _ _ _ _ {t II (11l ` _ _ _ — ���1 iiii� 4�-i�" � 4'-q�" 4 1`��' ° = �n �V.I.F.} � 1i_Oa � 1�_�n �i �� „c, ���� � _� __ �� �� � � Ull _ ALI�I � %% �T��� 1/4' = 9` -ii° 1 1 �ti � A4.0 . , FLE�TED CEILING � � � � � � � � � � � � � , i i �-------r I �A � WCOD BATT�N PRrVACY aGREEN DA�NED L.IN� �F FLCX)R A80V� �IEW 5'CE�L. COl.UMNS DASF{ED LINE DF GNA�E FOR HBQ �XI�AUS�" FLU� LiNE QF �/�N�iILLAT�I? FRY R��L.�7 i�RIP SGR��L l�ASN�D �INE OF l�IGNT COF�ERS N�W �T�EL COLUMNa �'TAINLE58 �TE�� EXNAUST NOOD � SLACK IRON ��? �X+�AUSi F1.UE LIN� OP aOFFIT � 2ND � , � . .- . � � • �- i� • ! � ��- � �_ — r��w %" �Y� n.w. aY�� Y° ,_�u �_��� �i' i�EN5GLA�S �I��ATNING G ��_p° �5n � BA. NEW CO�F�RS _ � _—_ _ u►�n��5�n� o� r��w �oi�-r� (v.i.�.) 8.0. NEWlOLD �OFFlT �. —,�_. � MATGI� EX(5TG SO�FIT V.{.�'.) ,_��.___._.���._^.��_��_.__v�_�� �__._^�_�� p�MC�LISN EXI5i1NG I SOFF11' FINf�N; I R�-INSULA�'� �� � LEVEL EL.ECTRIGAL �, i ,t.:� )TE EXNASt 1T� - VERIFY G � LOGA�'ION riNG DawNl�iG�l-rs �� R�Mav�v . �� I r r a . , a1M� � PLAN NORiN � � �4�_�n�� ��_F�� uni n �� � m _� 0 i � � .� e � — — — — _. w. � � — _ �. __,. .4..,. � _._. .� ._. ,._ ._._ I f � � ��.�� �I I � � .. . . . �. ► � . . , DASNED LINE OF RODF ov�R�aN� �?Aa4�I�D l.lNE OF N�W SNAD� �TRUC�'URE A�UVE N�W 5�"EEL RAIGING N�W 9LID(NG GLASS � � �o �� � ���� �.� �. �� �� � -. .- 9Xi� EXPU��D SMf.�'?iN SAWN JOi5TS �X6 iZ�F DECK N�W ROOF FAGA NEW aTUGC4 SOFFit � VENTED FRY REGLEi t3R1P MOLI?ING 1 NR. FIRE RAtED �I�A�� FOR BBQ EXNAUS�' �LUE . t• . /" 0 , '�t' N�W �1"ANDiNG �EAM �oo� UAaN�D LiNE C�F Ek1'`R WALL 6ELOW DASNEp LII�ES 0� }'ARAPET BELOW BL.AGK IRON 88Q EXNAUS'T �'LUE �������. � ���� �i� ���7{'i I %':G.,�vfYt� ��IV���� �pi� X �� (tiL!\.f� AJ/y4-4.�t1J I t � I i�� I �4 I {t�� "' VERIFY LCJAC� �Ai'ACE1"Y W/ Si•RUCi". ��� NnRi� �'�OPC)SEI�► RC)C)F' PLAiU 1/4" =1'-tr' . :. �" "' ; ''. . �. g� �u� or��vwuc�arrTO a� �.r�v�:n � t�bM� ��b t�ror v�itoysi3aw...ad c+�n A � �a r.a...ra �a aa� B LF� fio�iM► d.ij�11{II� G p�} kx.arKlMOw� YVM 800n� (8t� F� M ��Nfi �M M4t1Ni�D 110�Ffif F�XTEMiE (� E�daru�t IlAoior �f3Fp wtMn t+e�d.) ��' ,�'GFI � O� (tNipi�t l� Pi�s AF'�jC {iroc�xi Fault b�hwn�MoP �s ne� � �t�d Fbar �1�iiat 4Q s�a�.d a� � �� $ $r, �► � t�� � 3�YVagr � �4 �+� ��f������y��� IYM� � t�. MICHA�1. HAZARD ASSOCIAT68 COPYRt6HT fl 2012 / d �¢ "fp��� � `O h � � � ,f�q d Y � y N j I� y y 4�. � �, . d � 4. � � \��e t � ��� � �� �� �����T4��� � ���A � ���� ��� �t�r. � "` ; z +',,�°; � � ,;� �� �� � ��. <{ °�`;� � �� �'"��+� �� °4�� � �a� �� t�t �;� �`� �� �;� ,. � 'e��� nF �° ��`� �. �`���� ��.,� �, �� , � ��'� ° e�'` �; , � �, �� �� �� � ���� �� �. � � �y. ✓ s � �.��:w. ,.., _w -;,.�° , 8L-"AI. DAT�: NO: ���►��»N� � � ,. � . � -. . . . -- . • a • � • ► - . .- .. _ � r� � 1 ♦ - � . � . , _ .. ,. , � . s �'�I � �ii 1�� R I • � : � ! • : • � � " � � � ,. _ _ • _ • � • . • � • � • i • • . ••.. . r:, . F .�ux� i t . �o � x ,ruM� a. xo z � R�v��w r�wX 6, �O i � w�*�r�. y e. so � s FEBRUAFtY 2�i. 20 i 2 DRB FL,04R PLAN� ���,�cT�a cEi�a�� P�s EC..EEG"TRICAL. FL,tJOR FLANS . SHEET NUMBER 0 1 CJti1�? 3.0 1/4" = 1'-p" � 1/ � � 1 1 �_■_ _J � 1/4" = 1 ELEVATI N�W 5�'UCCO CI.AD C{�IMNEY FOR ��Q EXl�AUST FLUE NEW M�"L. FACIA �XIS'iING WALL GAP �"0 BE DEMQ�.IS�I�D �'.0. PLYWD. R04F DECK $304 -6 1/2 V.I . � �� EXIS�'ING REAR WALL AND WENDOW5 �"0 HE DEMDLiSF�ED , �i�.0. �XIS�'. P�YWR. SUBFLR. Y 82°4 -11 V.I.F, EXISTiNG MAIN LEVEI. WQLL. 70 REMAIN/NQ G�#ANG� i.0, EXISi". PLYWD. SUBFLOOR 8285 -4 1/�'� V.I.F. �iA. EX1S1"'G CONC. �LAS 827b -D V.I.F, 8.C7. 2X DECKING Q NORi'4� WALI� &310-1i'�!6 ABDYE 5UBFLi2.-V.I.F.) IN�1'ALL N�W WALL CAP � COUN`�ERP�ASNING A7 NEW INTERSECTION W/ NEW WA1.LS NEW FRY REGLET GONTROL �oir�rs `C.O, PLYWD, ROOP DECK 8304 -6 i/2"—�.f.F.� NEW �7UCG0 CLADpING W/ GONTROL JOIN7S i0 MATGN EXISiiNG OVER %su GF DENSGLA�5 'FIREGUARD' - �'YP. Ai' NOR1'I� � 50UiN WALL5 NEW �TE�L RAILING t.C�. EXIS�'. PLYWD. 5U6FLR. 82q4 -11 V.I.F.) N�W StL, COLUMN5 WOOD LA�'1"fGE PRiVAGY SCREEN �i.0. EXIST. PLYWD. 5UBFL04R 8285 4 1%�"� V.I.�. � �� i ❑ ( ( ( � � � ' � � � i��W MT�,. FAGIA NEW �X12 EXPOSEC� SMOOiN SAWN �iAINEt7 W4Dp JC�ISTS NEW 2X6 ��'AIN�D WOOD 5UN SGR��N M�MBE�Z� Wl FLASN'C GAP� TD hiA"CCN �XI�1`'G. �'.0. EXI�iING PLYWD. t240F DEGK � -�6 mi�2 V.I.�'.�____ N�W PA"�IQ C�DORS � ��A��i�Y WINDOWS t/r � NEU�1 5Tl.. RAILING� NEW 5�"UCCO CLADpING W/ �RY REGL�T CON�'ROL J41NT� �'.� 0:_(�_X15�'. i'LYWI7. 5UBFLR. S2q4 -11 V.I.P.j ��w ��r�.. coc.ur��vs W04I� LA7TICE PRiVACY SGREEN �".0. EX15'i. PLYWD. SU6F�.00R a2a �f�4 V.{.�— _,�;�T�.�_C7. �XIST'G GQNG�SLAB Y8276 -0 V.I.�'� I_ C!► ' � ' � � t .- � �. � a � � � � �_.. NEW S�"UGCO CLAD CNIMN�Y �OR SSQ EXNAU57 �LU� N�W StANDING S�AM M�i"Al� R44F NEW RdO� �ACIA NEW EXP4S�p 3X12 STAiN�D WDOD J0157S N�W �RY R�GL�T C4NtRQL �EW���OEJN�'ER�LASNED ROOFING '�0 EX1'EN1� 'tD �'OP OF PARAP��' ��.0. PL.YWD. ROOF DEClC �1`8�04 -� 6 1/2T��.1.�.) l.� �► :.- �... � � E�..��,��ric��`w t��W 5'iUCCIJ CLAD C�#IMNEY F'OR SBQ �XHAUS�` FLU� N�W }�00�' FACiA NEW �Xi'QSEU �XI2 �i"Ai1��D WOt�D ,JOfST� N�W FRY R�Gl.��' CONTROL JDINTS REi'Ali2 � R�PLAG� WALI. CAP FLASNING Aa REQ'D 1�EW 2X6 �iA{NED W40i� �UN 9CREEN MEMH�RS W/ �LAaN`G GAP� `f0 MA�'CN EXl�7'G. ��w �ow��� coa�r�� �-r���. RAILINGS � 5UN BGRE�N �u�'�'�i�rt� __��r.v. �xis-r. ��.�wn. sv���.�. -i���i.F. W�OD LA1"�'1G� PRiVACY 5CR�EN �EYOND . _ �i.C}. EXIS�". F'L'fWD. SUBFLOOR 828 �4 Sl�4"�� V.I .�. _.,`°'____ I ' • " [ • - •' ' f • '� "�`. °,>:. >z'"� .. �... � � t '?"� �'°��, �� � �� ��`3 �,�$� ��! �� �� � .,�, ��� ��� � ���,�«"�� � " � � ��"�'° � 'l ��� �� � « ""�" � �x� �� �' �`'���`� � t; �, ' �fi, ���� � ���, �� � ``�������� ���,�����,�'>� �_.� ,. � . ,. ,. �.� �W� : � s�w�, ta��r�: r�o: - . ■ � • . � � � 1 � - • • . . - .. _ .: . . - . .- .. : . . . - s � M � . - • i � � . � t; {i:.3 ■�`I � �-.; :, Yi. � � �;� � � � !� l:l. �� . ,��� �. �. ���i� ����� �� �".��� _ _. • � :•• •.;. • �� +f•��• _ _ .._ • � * . • . • - � . • � . �r•.. . r:, . .rux� y Y xo�� .ruH� g aa t z REYIEW MARGH 16. 2012 MARCH 7. �2012 FEBFtUARY 2�. 2Q 9 2 DRB �XI�`I"INC ! PRtaF'taS�D �i.E1lATIONS � S H� E T N U M H E� t- 7 - �� �► = � c� ls:�.'1 � =S'C WALL �ST WALL ����,-��� � LR. da. �ua��,�. �1 �WALL S 4.0 )1 112" =1'-0" :� _ � �WAL� �ECTI�N rili'yZ7ii��ii WALL �ECTICJN 1 1J2' � 1'-0" �. � . � GA. GALV. 1" 7ALL X 12�° STANDING �AM MEiAL ROOFING W/ KYNAR 500 N. TO MA�'C4� EXI�T'G. M�'L. FLASNING STALL VAPRCI SFiIELD '"SLOPE�NIEL[3" �DERLAYMENT U�ING FAaTENER5 AhID �AT RE515TANT AD�#�SIVE �"APE P�R �GR'S RECOMMENpA1'IONa 'STALL 2 LAYERS 4" POLYISO RIG(D ,SULATION W! VEN'CILLA7ED NAILING ;1RFAC�; STA�GER ALL JOINT� 1E�1BRAIN" VAPOR RE1'ARD�R 6Y ER1'APNi"EED OR EQUAL K T�G �TRUCTURAL D�CK'G.: RE.: i'RUC�'. X12 NO.i D.F. �EAMS � 24"' O.C. - RE.: �'iRUC7. _�� ��'.0. �t�G. PL Q WE�T V�A�.L _ � Y 8310 -T 11'� V.l.F�. s GYP. D.W. OV�1� "MEMaRAiN" VAPOR �tARDER �Y CERT�IN�`�ED OR EQUAI. i'L. �M. - R�.. 5Ti2UCT., fN�l"AL�. 'RAY APPLIED FUBEi2�LA�S IN5ULA�'IDN " DEFLEGTiON CAVIiY W/ LOW KPANSIQh! FOAM INSUL. LUMINlUM GI�At} W00� AWNING WINDOWS NEAD DRIP �LASNING 2X6 #1 D.F. �"fAlhi�[� TRELLI� W/ .2�4 GA. CAL,V. 91�T. MTL. CAPS ALUMiNUM CL.AI� Wl1�D AWNING WINpOW5 5E�' Ai'OP SN��i` Mi'L. DAM OVER AI�NESIVE WA"i"Ei�PR00F M�MBRANE 'I"IED IN�'0 �UILDING WRAi' �EAM - R�.: S"TRUC'i. Y" D��LEGTlDN CAVITY W/ I.OW EXPAN5IDN FOAM INSUI�. ALUMINUM G�Ap WOOD SLIDING PATiO DOORS � I�EAD DRIP FLASNING � , �� . i 1/2' � 1'-0" .AD WOOD AWNING PATid 4�'OP S�#�ET MiL. DAM IV� WAi`�RPROOF M�MBRANE JILDING WRAP �__�_1 . 4V�R y" GP DENS�LAS� � �. � �.�.��� � VEN�'ED DRIi' SCREED R�VEAL. MpLDING qA5�-!ER LIN� 0� R �Ai'ED pOWNI.�'�. STRUCTURAL CAVI' �.�� cov� t���►�t � 2X T+�G Si'RUG7URAL DEGK'G.� RE.: STRUC1'. 24 CA. GALV. i" TALL X I�" �TANDING SEAM �1��'AL ROOFING Wl KYNAR 500 �IN. TO MATCN EXI�T'G. M�"L. FLASNING IN��'ALL YAPRO aNi�Lp "S�OPESNIELD° UNp�RLAYMENI' �1SING FA�7ENER5 ANt7 NEAT R�SISTANT ADN��{VE 1'APE PER MFGR'S RECOMM�NDA�`IDNS INSTALL � LAYER� 4" POLYISD RIGID IN�ULA710N Wl VEN�'iLLA�'ED NAILfNG �YRFAC�; 9TA��R ALL JOIN�'S �X SMOOT� SAWN #I D.F. F'ACIA W! IN�"�RMi�"�'ANl' BLOCK'G AND INSEC�' SCRE�N FOR �4-IEATNING V�NI'ILLA�"IQN �XI2 N0.1 p.F. BEAMS � 2�" D.C. - RE.: St'12UCT. WC?. H�AM - RE.� �T`RUG7. 3 GOAi C�MEN71�'14U� �TUCCO OVER GALV. �XPANDEt? WIR� L.A�"�IE OVER 'd' PAPER OV�R "VA�'RO�I�LD +�Su QVE12 2�' 5��a-r+�i�� (5i�' �� n�r����.a�� 'FIR�GUARp' � NORTN � St7UTN WALL�) REPAIRlREFLAG� �XI51'IN� ROOFING AND 9N�'. Mtl., WALL CAPS A5 REQ'D; TERMINA'�E 5`iUCCO AT BIWAL.I. CAi' INSTAL� 3 ROW� LT.WT. PREGAST CONGi2�TE RC�OF �ALLA5�' NEW WD. �EAMS PER 51"RUC`i, REIN�1'A�'E 1NSUl�AtION � V.B. AS R�Q'g. , � MICHAEL, HAZARD A880GIATEf CdPYR1(iHT o.�,�x.� � � h .. ...�. r;, °'- -,�, � �°��: ° . 3 h � �"�' � �� ,: ,r � t � � � ��y �,� ��� � ,, r� � � F �",'�"��� ' � '�!,,,,'a� �� � ��� �1: ��,�.�� �. � �-���� � '� � � L: , '4 }+' , � '�� �� �- �� ��� �,� >; ,� �:k,���� ���g, �;�, �����.�� �1 � � • � f . �°�� � �> _ > . ��. , ::�:��-��- F3EAL DATE: fi20: r;�--��r-�r:�;�� TH� I.�C,�P�� R�I�IO�IATIC��i p�aascT No. t ia,� . . -- . • c � c • � r - � • t' •• _ . • � � i . � . � w w � , • � - f X_) � Yk , �� , ' � r �. �v �� ���Y� 4 � �, v ��� � � �� �� '� � � : � I• r =i •.: • �� •�•�� _ _ . . _ . , • . . . . • - . - • . ••.. , r., . JUTIE ! 1 2012 MARCH t!%, 20 i 2 MXRCH 7, 2012 F�BRUARY 28. 2072 Rl2B BUIL.DING 8e WALL, SECTI+C�NS i ,: � a : :� - { � � DESIGN CftITERIA: LOPEZ RENOVATiQN JOB �: 1204-23 Raof Live Load (Snow) -------------------------------- 80 psf Raof Dead Load ------------------------------------ 15 psf Floor Live Load ------------------------------------- 40 psf Floor Dead Load ------------------------------------ 20 psf Wind {3 Secand Gust) -------------------------------- 9Q mph (Exp. B) Seismic Qesign Category ------------------------------- EXEMPT IBC%IRC Editian ------------------------------------ 2009 SPECIA� INSPECTI4NS: a. No special structural inspections are required. Periadic c�bservations of construction by the structural engineer are nat considered to be special inspectians. �, FOUNDAfiION DESIGN: � � a. Design of individual �nd continuous footings is based on a maximum allowable bearing p�ssure� a# 2,500 psf {dead laad pius full live load). � b. Footings shall be plaeed on the natural undisturbed soil, or compacted structural fill pe��t�Se recammendations of the geotechnical engineer, below frost depth. �� c. This foundation has been designed according to the design recommendatians set forth i geotechnical report 112 071A by HP Geotech. The cantractor shall failow the construction .� requirements from this same report. d, A representative of the geotechnical engineer shall verify sails conditions and types during excavation. Report any discrepancies from original findings ta structural engineer for re-evaluation of foundatic�n design. e. Verify type of fill with sai(s engineer pnd structural engineer prior to backfilling. REINF�RCED CONCRETE: a. Concrete design is based an the "Building Code Requirements far Reinfarced Concrete" (ACI 318) as adopted by Chapter 19 of the 2Q09 [BC. b. Structural concrete shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3040 psi. c. Concrete shall be propdrtioned using Type I-f( sulfate-resistant cement. Admixtures containing chloride salts shalf not be used. d. Cold weather concrating procedures shall be prouidad as recommended in the ACI Manual of Goncrete Practice. e. Anchor bolts for beam and column bearing plates shall be placed with setting tempfates. f. Expansion bolts shall be laccated rat a minimum af 6 bolt diameters fram cancrete edge and spaced at a minimum of 10 bolt diameters uniess noted otherwise. g. Concrete caverage for reinforcing steei: 1. Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth: 3" 2. Concrete exposed to earth or weather. A. #5 bar and smaller 1 1/2" B. �#6 thraugl� #18 bar 2" 3. Concrete not exposed to weather ar in cantact with qround: A. Slabs, rvalls, joists {#11 bar and smaller) 3/4" B. Beams, columns 1 1 f 2" REiNFORCING STEE�: a. Detailing, fabrication and placement af reinforcing steel shall be in aecordance with the ACI Manual of Concrete Practi�e. b. Except where otherwise noted on the drawings, reinforcing bars shall confarm �o ASTM Specification A615 c�nd shail be grade 60 except tie�, field bent bars where permitted by nate on plan, ar bars to be welded, which shall be grade 40. c. At spfices, lap bar� 44 diameters. Do not weld or use mechaniccrl splicing devices uniess specificafly approved by enginaer. d. Extend reinforcing steei a minimum of 2'-6" through ca►d joints. tJnless specifically located an pic�n or details, c�ordinate cold joint locatians with engineer. e. Welded wire fabric shall conform ta ASTM Specificatian A-1$5. Lap weided wire fabric a minimum of one full mesh plus two inches. �aps shall be wired tagether. f. Epoxy adhesive for reinfarcir�c� dawels shail be "Hilti" ar "Simpson" or approved equivalent adhesive systems. Minimum embedments, if not specifically indicated on the drawings, shaN be according ta the manufacturer's specifications. g. Metric bar size conversion table: METRlC #10 #13 �16 �19 #22 �25 #29 #32 #36 INCH-POUND #3 #4 #5 #6 #? #8 �9 #10 #11 STRUCTURAL WOOD FRAMING: a. Except where noted otherwise, all 2" naminal lumber, except studs, shall be Douglas Fir-Larch #2 and better, and all solid exposed timber beams and posts 3" nominal and wider shall be srr►ooth sawn Douglas F�ir-�.areh �1. b. Studs shall be Stud grade and better pouglas �ir-Larch or Hem Fir. c. Buift-up posts shall consist of Dougias Fir-Larch or Nem Fir #2 or better 2x4 or 2x6 studs per plan and shall be nailed together with 2 rows o# 16d nails C� 6t' on center along each stud. d. Buift-up beams ccansist'rng of rrrultiple 2x member� shall be naiied together with two rows af 16d nails spaced at 12" on center, ar with two rows af 1/2" diameter thru-bolts spaced at 24" an center. e. Top and bottom plates shall be Dauglas Fir-Larch or Hem Fir #2 and better. Piates placed directfy on concrete walis ar slabs shall be pressure-treated Hem Fir �2. f. Beneath solid or built-up columns nated on plc�ns, blocking of area equivalent to calumn above shall be provided within floar joist spaCes and in wall spaces below. aoar or windaw trimmers consisting af a single stud do not require special blacking in tne joist space. g. Except �s nated otherwise, minimum nailing sha31 be prauided as specified in the "Fastening Schedule" on the drawings (2009 IBC Table 2304.9.1}. h. Bolts used for wood framing connections shall be install�d with standard washers and nuts. i. Unless noted atherwise, steel connectors such as thase manufactured by the Simpson Company shall be u�ed to join rafiters, joists or beams to other beams at ffush-framed contlitions. Use a11 specified nails. Connector conditians not otherwise noted shall utilize 7ype U ar Type NU hangers of a size specificalty designed far the member supported, as shown in the manufacturer's published tables. Contact structural engineer far details as required. j. Woad nailer p(ates installed an st�el beams or concrefie walls for top-flange hangers shc�il be ripped to match the width of the wc�ll or beam flange. Nailer pEates supporting top f{ange hangers from one side only shall be installed flush with the face af wal{ or beam flange a# the hQnger lacations. k. Manufactured joists shal{ be frar� an approved manufacturer and shall be equivalent in load carrying eapacity and deflection criterip ta BCI 6000 series joists in the depths and spacings indicated an plan. Pravide blocking, brc�cing, web stiffeners and ather accessories as required by the manufacturer. OSB rims shal{ conform ta ANSI f APA PRR 410-2010 for Engin�ered Waod Rim Material and shc�ll be a rninimum af 1Ys" wide Grade B. I. Laminated veneer lumber (I.VL} shall haue the faklowing minimum properties: 1. Flex�trai stress ___________________________ �600 psi �. Modulus of elasticifiy ----------------------- 1,900,000 psi 3. Tension parailel to grain --------------------- 185t7 psi 4. Compression parallel to grain ----------------- �314 psi 5. Compression perpendicular to grain (parallel to giue line} 750 psi 6. Horizontai shear _________________________ �g5 psi 7. Connection of multipl�-member beams: A. Top-ioaded beams i} Far members 12t' deep or less, nail each member to the next with 2 rows af 16d nails at 12" o.c. ii) F"or members greater thc�n 12" deep, nail each member ta the next with 3 rows of 16d nails at 12" o.c. B. Side-ioc�ded beams i) For twn or thrae member beams, nail each member to the next with 3 rows of 16d nails at 12" o.c. ii) For four merrrber beams, boit through wifih 2 rows af Y2"� bolts at 12" a.c. iii� Far memb�rs cansisting of mor� than four members, cantact structural engineer. p. All lumber used in constructican shal{ have a maximum moisture content of 19%. q. Uniess made of treated or naturally decay-resistant wood, alf deck bec�ms and joists (including glue-lams) wider than 1�" shail be sealed and flashed at the tap surface per architect. r. Driue pins specified on plan shall be powder actuated fasteners by Ramsat, Powers, Hiiti, or approved equivalent. Fastener and lo�d size shall be determir�ed accarding to manufacturers re�ammendations for materials being attached. s. Framing Notes: 1. Ext�rior walls: A. All exterior wai[s are 2x6 studs Q 16" a.c. to a maximum height of 12'-6", 2xG studs C� 12" o.c. ta a maximum height of 14'-6", �and (2)-2x6 studs @ 16" to a maximum height of 17'-4" unless atherwise noted. Walls taller than 17'-4" shall be framed with manufactured laminatsd studs. Contact engineer far spacing requirements, if not indicated on plan. Cap with a double top plate instailed to provide overlapping at corners and ot intersections with other partitions. If overlap is nat passible, strap top plates with metal strap ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). B. Gable-end walls shall be bailoon-framed to the bottom of rafters or end-wal! trusses unless approved by engineer. G Floor or roof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5 inches of the studs beneath. D, Provide 7/16" thick APA rated sheathing (plywood or OSB} rated 32/16, exposure 1, at exterior face of exteriar walls. Block pll horizontal joints and naii panels with 8d nails spaced at 6" alang panel edges and at 12" aiong intermediate supports. E. Provide {3}-2x30 headers over al! doar and windaw apenings> with one 2x6 trimmer and one 2x6 king stud each end, unless otherwise indicated. F. At beam becrring lacations in stud walls, provide multipie-stud posts equal to width of bearing member unless noted otherwise. 2. Interior Load Bearing Walls: A. Interior load bearing walls are 2x4 or 2x6 studs {as indicated on plan) C� 16" o.e. with 1/2" gypsum wallboard both sides unless noted otherwise. Cap with a double �.S top plate installed ta provide overlapping ot corners and at intersections with other partitians. If averlap is nat passible, strap t�p plt�tes with meta0 strap ties ,�- (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). B. Flaor ar roof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5 inches of the studs beneath. C. Provide (2}-2x10 headers over a!I apenings in wall, with Qne 2x4 or 2x6 trimmer and one 2x4 or 2x6 king stud each end, unless noted otherw'sse. �t D. At beam bearing locations in stud walls, provide muitiple-stud posts equal to width of bearing member unless noted otherwise. 3. Floor Construction: A. Provide 3f4" thick APA rated Sturdifloor rated at 24" a.c.> tongue and groove, exposure 1. Glue and nai! pane{s to all supports with 8d nails spaced at 6" alang panel edges and at 12" a{ong intermediate supports. lnstal( sheathing with long dimensian perpendicular to joists and end joints staggered. B, Pravide solid blocking between floor joists at all bearing locations. Blocking material shall match the floor joist material. 4. Roof Gonstruction: A. Prauide 5f8" thick APA piywoad sheathing rated 40f20, exposure 1. lnstall sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to rafters or trusses and end joints staggered. Nail with 8d nails spaced at 6" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. B. Plywood sheathing shall be appiied continuously over the primary roaf inembers (rafters or trusses) below overframed areas to pravide adequate lateral stability, C. Provide windfseismic anchors at supparts for all roof joists and trussed rafters. See nailing scnedule. D. Pravide solid bloeking between roof rafters, trusses and lookouts ai ali bearing locations. Blacking material sholl match rafter, truss chard, or laokout mr�terial. E, 2x Tongue and groove per arch. to be D.F. �2 or bett�r. 5. Wind Bracing: A. Walls over 4 feet lang which are sheathed with gypsum+ wallboarci on both �aces �nd are indicc�ted as shear walls on plan have been desigr�ed to resist wind forc�s in accordance with Table 23Q6.7 of the 2C}Q9 IBC. B. At shear walls, screw 1/2" gypsum wallboard to all studs and to top and bottam p(ates with #8 x 1 1 f 8" drywail screws at 7" maximum spacing. C. Exterior plywood or OSB wall sheathing is required unless specifically d�leteci by engineer. STRUCTURAL STEEL: a. Structural steel shall be detailed, fabricated and erected in accordance with the mast current editions of AISC Specifications and Code of Standard Practice. b. Structural steeM W shapes shal! be ASTM A992. Other rolled shapes, including plates and angles shall be ASTM A36. Round ar rectangular HSS shapes shall be ASTM A500 grade B. c. RII bolts used in steel framing shall confarrn to ASTM Specificatian A325. Anchor bolts c�nd balts used in timber connections may be ASTM A3Q7. Bolt sizes shall be 3/�"� unless noted otherwise. d. Typical framed beam connections shal! consist of pairs of Y4" angles using the maximum number of 3/4"b bolts calied for in Table 14-1 or cambinatian balts and welds in Tab(e 10-2 of the AISC Manual {Thirteenth Edition}. e. Expansian bolts shail be wedge type "Hilti" or "Rawf" or "Simpson", ar approved equiva9ent with the following minimum embedments: � . y2�:� ---------- 2Y2„ 5�>, ------ » 2. g � ----- ,.�' 3. 3/a��x� ----------- q.>. f, Epoxy anchors called for on the drav�ings shall be "Epcon" or "Rawl" or "Simpson" or appraved equivalent anchor systems. Minimum embedments, if not specifically indicoted on the drawings, shall be according to the r�anufacturer's specifieafiions. g. All welding shaii be done by an AWS qualified welder. h. Delay painting within 3" of field weids until welds are completed. i. Where corrosive soil conditians exist, steel ang{es that are used to support exterior stone veneer shall be galvanized and sha{I €�e attached to the faundation with galvanized or stainless steel expansion anchors. j. Ali grout beneath column base plate� and steel beams at bec�ring shall be non-shrink, non-metallic type grout. Grout shall have a minimum campressive strength of 250� psi. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: a. Structura) erection and bracing: Th� structural drawings illustrate the compieted sfiructure with all elements in their final positians, praperiy supparted and braced. The contractor, in the proper sequence, shali provide sFtoring and bracing as may be required during construction to achieve the final completed structure. Cantact structurai engineer for consuftatian (noi in cantract) c�s required. b. Shop drawings: Submit shap and er+�ction drawings far structural steel, misceilaneous steel, steel j4ists and girders, steel deck, rnt�sonry reinfarcing steel, wood trusses, manufactured wood joists and glue-iam beams to engineer far review prior ta fabric�tion. This revievs is for general complic�nce with the intent oi` the structural desiqn. The architect andfar contrc�ctor are responsible for checking quantities, dimensians and coordination with ath�r trades. c. Dimensions: Check all dimensians at�ainst architectural drawings prior to canstr�ction. Do not scale drawings. d. Construction practices: General contractor is responsible far means, methods> techniques, sequences and procedures far constrractian of this project. Notify structural engineer of omissions or canflicts between the working drawings and existing conditions. Coordinate requirements far mechanical/electricaifplumbing penetrations through structural eCernents with structural engineer. Jobsite safety i� the sole responsibility of the contractar. All methods used for construction shall be in accordance with the latest editions of the {BC/#RC. e. Details not speeifically shown on the drawings shali be canstructed in a manner similar to the details that are shown for like conditions. These items shall be brought ta the attentian of the structural engineer as soon as possible for approval. Approvcal shail be obtained prior to installation. f. All waterpraofing and flashing is the responsibility of the architect and cantractor. g. it is the respansibility of #he contractar ta contact the structural engineer qt the appropriate time to perform site observc�tian visits. Observation visits to the jabsite by the engineer are for determination of genera! conform�rnce with the construction documents c�nd shall not be construed as inspection. h. Though every effort is made to provide a complete and elear set of construction documents, discrepancies or omissions may occur•. Release of these drawings anticipates cooperation and eontinued communication between the contractor, architect and engineer to provide the best passible structure. These drawings have been prepared for the use af a qualified contractor experienced in the constructian techriques and systems depicted. i. Existing structures: Contractor shall be responsible far verifying dimensians, elevations, framing, foundation and anything els�: that may affect the work shown on the drawings. Underpinning, shoring and bracing of existing structures shall be the respansibility of the eantrvctor. 2009 fBC FASTENING SCHEDULE* *THIS IS � PARZlAL SCHEDULE. SEE IBC TAS�E 2304.9.1 FOR FULL SCHEDULE COit1NECTION FASTENING a, b 1. Joist to sill or girder 3- 8d common toenail 3-3"x0.131"nail 3- 3" 14 gage stople 2. Sridging to joist 2- 8d comman toenail each end 2 - J'� X d.�J��n (iQl� 2- 3" 14 gage staple 6. Sole plate to joist ar blockis�g 16d at 16" o.c. typical face nail 3" x Q.131" nail at 8" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 12" a.c. Sole pla�e to jaist or blocking ot braced wall panel 3- 16d per 16'� braced wall panels {4)-3" x 0.131" noil per 16" (4)-3" 14 gage staple per 16" 7. Top plate to stud 2- 16d common end nail 3-3"x0.131"nnil 3- 3" 14 gage stapie 8. S#ud to sole plote 4- 8d common toenoil 4-3"x0.131"nail 3- 3" 14 gage staple 2- 16d comman end nail �J - ��� X �.1 �J� � f101) 3- 3" 14 gcge staple 9. Doubfe Studs 16d at 24° o.c. face naii 3" x 0.131" nail at 8" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 8" o.c. 10. Double top piates 16d at 16" o.c. typicaC face nail 3" x 0.131 " n a i i a t 12" o. c. 3" 14 gage staple at 12" o.c. Qoub#e tap plates 8- 16d common lap splice 12 - 3" x 6.131 " n o i I 72 - 3" 14 gage stapie typica! foce nail 11. Blocking between joist or raf4ers 3- 8d common toenail ta top piate 3- 3" x 0.131" nail 3- 3" 14 gage staple 32. Rim Jaist ta top piQte 8d at 6" (152mm) o.c. toenoil 3" x 0.131" nai� at 6" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 6" a.c. 13. iop plates, Inps and intersectiflns 2- 16d common face nail 3-3"x0.131"nail 3- 3" 14 gcage staple 14. Continuaus header, twa pieces 16d common 16" o.c. along edge 16. Continuous heoder to stud 4- 8d common toenaii 19. Rafter to plate 3- Sd common toenaii (5ee Section 2348.1Q.1, Tabie 2308.14.1) 3- 3 x 0.131 nail 3- 3" 14 gage staple 23. Suilt-up corner studs 16d common 24" o.c. 3" x 0.131" naii 16" a.c. 3" 14 gage staple 16° o.c. 29. Joist to band joist 3- 16d common faee naii 5-3"x0.131"nail 5- 3" 14 gage staple r�o�s: �or SI: 1 inch = 25.4mm. 2 3/8" x 0.113" naiis and 3" x 0.13i" nails are standard 8d cnd 10d Gun nails. a. Gommon or box nails are permifted to be used except where otherwiss stated. b. Staples shali have a minimum cro�rn w+cith of 7j16 inch. A.B. A. F. F. A.F.G. ADJ. ANCH. APPROX. ARCH. BD. BLDG. BLKG. BM. BQT. B.O. W. BRG. CANT. C.J. CMU CEM. CLG. CLR. COL. CONC. CONN. CONT. CQ�JST. C.P. C. W. DBL. DET. DIAG. DWL. D WG. EA. E.J. E�EV. ENG. EQUIP. ��uiv. EXSTG. iE) EXP. EXT. �. D. FD TN . FL.R, FR M G. FTG. GA. GALV. GEN. G.L. GYP. HDR. HoR�z. N5S N T. INT. INV. JST. K ,����_ � � ANCHOR BOLT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ABOVE FINISHED GRADE ADJUSTABI.E ANCHOR APPROXIMATELY ARCHITECT BOARD BUILDING BLOCKING BEAM BOTTOM BOTTOM �F WALL BEARING CANTfLEVER CONTROL JQINT CONCRETE MASQNRY UNIT CEMENT CEILING CENTERLINE CLEARANCE CO�UMN CONGRETE CONNECTION C4NTiNUOUS CONSTRUCTION CRIPP�E POST CRIPPLE WALL QOUB�E DETAIL DIAG4NAL DOWEL DRAWING EACH EXPANSION JOINT ELEVATI4N ENGINEER EQUIPMENT EQUIVA�ENT EXlSTING EXISTING EXPANSION EXTERIOR FLOOR DRAIN FOUNDATION F'L40R FRAMING FOOTING GAUGE GALVANIZED GENERAI. GLUE-LAM GYPSUM/GYPGRETE HEADER HORIZONTAL HOLLOW STEEI. SECTION HEIGHT INTERIOR 1NVERTED JOIS7 KING STUD �AM. L�H LLV LO�JGIT. LTWT. �VL LS� MAX. MECH. MAT'L MANUF. MIN. (N} NOM. N. W. O.C. OPNG. O�B R PLYWD. PKT. R.O. RAD. REF. REINF. REQ`D RET. REV. R.S. SCHED. SEC7. SHT. SIM. S.I.P. SPEC. SQ. STQ. STL. STRUCT. TBcB T&G T.O, T.O. C. T.O.F. T. Q. L. T.O.M. T.O. W. THRU TRANSV TRTD. T� TYP. U.N.a. VERT. V.I.F. W.F. W.P. W. W. F. WD. W W/0 LAMINATED LONG LEG HORIZONTAL LONG LEG VERTICAL �ONGiTUDINAL �IGHTWEIGHT LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER �AMINATED STRAND RIM MATERIAL MAXIMUM MECHANICAL MATERIAL MANUFACTURER MINIMUM NEW NOMINAL NORMAL WEIGHT ON CENTER aPENING ORIEN7ED S7RAND BOARD P�ATE P{�YWOQQ POCKET ROUGH OPENING RADIU� REFERENCE REINFORCE jREINFORCEMENT REQUIRED RETA{NING REVISi�N ROUGN SAWf� SCHEDULE SECTION SHEET SIMILAR STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANEL SPECIFICATION SQUARE STANDARQ STEEL STRUCTURAL TOP 8c BOTTOM TdNGUE 8c GROOVE TOP OF TC?P OF CONCRETE TOP OF FC7Q71NG TOP 4F LEDGE T4P aF MASONRY TOP OF WALL THRQUGH TRANSVERSE TREATED 7UBE STEEL COLUMN TYPICAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE VERTICAL VERIFY IN FIELD WIDE F�.ANGE WATERPROOF WELDED WIRE FABRIC WOOD WI TN WITHOUT ALL LUMBER GONNECTORS IN dIRECT C4N7ACT WITH PRESSURE-TREATED �UMBER SHAL� HAVE A SIMPSON ZMAX OR HDG FINISH AND SHA�L BE ATTACHED WITH FASTENERS THAT ARE GALVANIZED PER ASTM A153. CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ALTERNATE USE Of BARRI�R MEMBRANES. CONNECTION SCMEDULE TOP FACE JOIST �A SIMPSON H5 - (4}-8d (4}-8d B{� SIMPSON HUC48 - (10)-16d (4}-10d � SIMPSON iUS2.37/11.88 -' (10}-10d ° D� SIMPSO�! HU612 - (22}-16d (8)-16d Q SIMPSON HUC412 - (16)-10dx1.5 (6)-10d FQ SIMPSON A34 ° {4)-8dx1.5 (4)-8dx1.5 (�G SIMPSON MST27 (30}-16d x � � � F--= � � _i m 0 TYPICA� PLUMBINGjMECHANICAL HEA�ER PROVIDE A MINIMUM � OF ONE KING STUD, OR AS SPECIFIED QN PLAN TYPICRL WIND4W/Dt�OR HEADER I-JQCST OR LVL HEAQER T4 MATCH DEPTH OF FLQOR JQISTS SCALE: 3f�-" = 1,_C?„ .. . � �. �� . POSTS SPEGIFIED aN PLAN INDICATE TRIMMERS QNLY AND DO NOT INCLUC7E KING STUDS SCALE: 3f4" = 1'-p,> ���p�e���j�,i° �q`�,e. � ���, � �`.��` �� �• . ��; ��Q a n : 34��1 � a � .-�a � - ,.. �"W Q�;: •,sp e��$�,��, `���0�+�1.���� � i� r� r h � � � � � a7 .� � � U � °' � z �O � `cs ° � � p ... Z � �� Q � � � J � � � � �� z a v � � �� r� �, � � �� � � O� � m � � �� �n �i > � � � � �� � ` ^�J� � � i � � l .1 � � � (�,} �--� �"'� � � � � � � � � � �-�d �i ^ � � . �{ � � � � � � � � � � � � � ������ J�� i 1 ����� � �� �� ���� designed by � drawn by �� 0 checked by TDH ISSU�{� PRC�GRESS 05/3a112 P�o�RESS a��o�/�� PERMCT 06 f 12./12 sheet �aB #� �a4-� 23 �� �_ ; �. � ,. rv;� � _. 4 �� A,. ��~; �t �#h� �f ii . � � .; � 10' _ 8�2,> EQ. � EQ��.. � _ w � �o � ► m O� �� E7 y � _� O0� � J _ � � L I� 3'-��, � � W n � Ia � c� • �� � � G ��Q . �� �1 ti Q, ���2-- �� i � �€ � �� �� SCALE: 1 /4„ — 1,--Q„ P�AN NOTES 1. FOOTING ELEVAI'IONS ARE BASED ON FlNDiNG ADEQUATE SOiL BEARING CQNDITIONS AT TNA7 DEPTH. CONTACT ENGINEER IF aVEREXCAVATION IS REQUIRED. 2. STEEL CC?LUMNS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: � 3, D4 NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 4. VERI�Y ALL �IMENSIONS IN FIELD NORTH 2x T&G PER A( RAKE WA�L � �- - ��� � . • . WA�L 13/4x11 �/s LVL Q (E) R40F ;ST THREE RAFTERS SCR�E; 1 /4„ — 1,—Q„ PLAN NOTES FOR NEW FRAMING: 1. NEW P�STS BELOW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABC?VE) ARE INDICATED: 2. ALL POSTS ARE LABELED AT THE TOP. 3. NEW RC}OF BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS> ARE FLUSH FRAMED UNLESS NQTED AS (DROPPED). 4. ALL NEW ROOF RAFTERS ARE: 3x12's C� 24", TYPIGAL, UNLESS NQTED OTHERWfSE. 5. EXISTING CONSTRUGTlON IS INDICATED THUS {------), NEW COt�STRUCTION IS INDICATED THUS ( �� G S3 �_.� ��.����.��.(4}-1�/ax1 QI i> I� �r ( � � M � 3/4X�I ��Ig LEDGER W/ �� (4)—�EDGERLQK � � SCREWS lNTO STUDS `� . . .► 0 � � � � ' �F�( ' S3 � ( J� I � +6 � � . _.__ � � I_ � � E) i3)� ;I; �I I� � ___� ii •�� � � x \ � i � :.• • � t�►�7' �►'i 0 � 8" �VL �������� CC� TYP. , r .._1 � �h X \ M i ,-. � ... } � :oQ x � M i � � � 3 S3 I � � ? J � �� � � � � � NORTH ) � C : z, I �,,-- 2x4 s{7 16 Q. C. �t, �( ( 2x4 �EDGER W/ (1}—LEDGERLQK CJ 16" c , a.c. (�a. s�ru�) ��.�_�. _�.__.�_.. �� �� I�.�.� � I C 8x11.5 Y2 L L RIP E w D WN TO 9" �— �—�— �� I �(DF�4PPED) � ( �-�,, � j ..._ � „ „� �-� � , � () 18 JOISTS C� 24 O.C.��� I � I CONTACT ENGR. !F' WALL DQES N4T STACK ON FOUNDATION F�R AM I N G P �AN �CALE. ���-„ _�,_�,s P�AN NOTES FC7R NEW FRAMING: 1. NEW POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATING FRQM THIS LEVEL QR ABOVE) ARE INDICATEQ: EXISTING POSTS BE�OW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED: B NON-�ONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: � 2. ALL POSTS ARE LABE�ED AT THE TaP. 3. NEW FLOOR SHEATHING (S 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURDIFLOOR, EXP.1, SPAN RATIN� 24 4.C. 4. "�" INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE - REF. S1 FOR SCHEDULE. 5. ALL NEW FLQOR JOISTS ARE 117/$" BCI 600Q 1.8 @ 16" O.C., TYPICA�, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 6. EXISTING CONSTRUCTION IS INDICATED THUS (------}, NEW CQNSTRUCTION IS INDiGATED TNUS ( } �. � !►' � '� � a.`�'��'p �s � �i't `��`�` ���,Q; � ��ty,�,� ��,� �� � � �„ ,�. � . � � � � � �4 � ��" ° a Qr w �"qQ a�<a, p ���.; `��'�QN�1.�.``�C� ���°� ,: ,�- l � h O�'3 � � � � � � � � .� � � � � rn Z -� � ° � �� H �, � Q Z � �� `� '� � � J � � � � � � U � CQ N � f� � � ¢ � oa �� xp � m� �.� t7 `J � Cl: "> � � � � � �f f � + h� � � i � � � \ � � `!i � � � � � /�. � � j +,ry '�16I \� ( ( � `/ i � � � � ^ � � ■ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ������ J�� �. 2 ���it � ��i �� ���� � designed by _ drawn by JM 0 checked by TDH issued PRQGRESS 05 3a 12 PRQGRESS Q6/Q5%12 PERMIT (?6/12j12 ShB�� 0 ��� �� �a�-- �� ,;. � � +Y fi) � �� �,�� �� � '..�{t.�� �: �.. � � f, T1 � � 1 0 � � ; � t B �V,, �t� ,p ,-,. .., " ,,,..,, TYP. (N) BEAM PER PLAN �} EA. SIDE �� �� � 1 (N) SHEATHING PER PLAN (N) JOISTS PER --� P�AN \ �jC TYP ��-- {�) Ri�i BOARD ,— {E) SHEATHING % /` /� / f-- (E} 18" JOlSTS , ,. / ; � � /� i �-(E) BLKG_ � -=,% �=f _v _ � -�`_� —_ -----��--� � -m �-- -- �-- — -- - _ _ �. _ P �� i= �I;i{ !i �{� �EA. SI£�E �{ i�ii (PACK 011T �:; snn�ru �� vtntn 1 �E Q � �4�—T 3/4>,x18" LVL SCALE: �, _ 1'—p>, ? �: y4��X�JY4 }X��-7 3`¢��X r� ii � i�r�ni �-r D �4"x (2)-5/$"�x8" LAGS BEAM PER PLA�!— Y4" GUSSET PLATE EA.----� SIDE Wj3/6" �ILLET WELD ALL—AROUND I.3�I,1��J�CZ:7I,1�1 KNIFE �: y4>,X�,,..,,� � � �> � � � 8 fq." . �: Ya"x3"x0'-3, TOP & BOTTOM, EA. SIDE 3/�."� THRU-84LTS, TYP. � � � r ■ � 1Ya" BENT PLATE SCALE: >, � 1 `-0,� z � a �- ;H. FOR T10N5 C� BC?TT(?M 4�_s�$�,� ANCH. �QLTS 2"b CONC. PIER � z)—#� �w�.s X = � � � � �„ EE SCHED, FOR REINF. SCALE: �/�» - 1>_p>, �,Q{� �i��'j �Qti���gfi��k v"j'° ��0.,�` � f-#�/4tf,�� �°3� ,�� ��� « � w � �' ��� 6� Q = ; "° � �''` e o � �� � E�,.. � �� $a ,,�.!; �4� � ���\�`..,� � a pt�a t R�. � �' �,��. : . ,� r� �� � �� � � � � N �� � � rn z ^� _ -� � � � � ._. ~ � �Q � � a� � �L J � � � � �� o� v �' °� N �y t`, � � � � � -� Q O � � � � � Q J � o_ > � � � � � � � * � � � � � � � � Q.> � � � � � � � � � � � � ^ � � . r..� � � � � � � � � � � e"-� � � ������ JU1� � 1. ���� � �� �� ��t� designed by T drawn by �1M 0 checked by TDH issued PROGRESS Q5 30 j12 P�oc��ss a�/a�/�2 PERMiT U6/12 12 sheet 0 J�B #12�4- 23 �` r� �;� �_<;