HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ07-0233 B09-0071 Tree Report, S ' �� � �-(� ` r�C��c� � �, w �'�t d ��,I- �� Tree Repor•t Site Address Ramshorn Lodg;e 416 Vail Valley D��ive Vail, Colorado 81657 Prepared For Ramshorn H.O.��. Prepared On January 2, 2008 Prepared By ',� �c���M� c� APR 2 8 2009 Towrv oF vAiL �� � ��t� '�. , �,. r � �� Kurt Kincel ISA Certified Arborist 26430 Alpine Design and Horticultu�ral Services P.O. Bog 2992 Avon, Co. S 1620 Scope To provide an Arborist report including a Tree Schedule: and Tree Protection Guidelines for submission as part of a development application. Info�ation PrQ�!ided Tree remo�al plan L-101 Limits Method: Individual inspection of ail trees was made from the gro�:znd and ir�volved inspect�on of the external features only. No invasive, diagnostic or laboratory testing was �arrieci out_ Identification: The identification of these txees was based on broad features visible at the time of inspection. It was not based oa full t�onomical identific:ation or comparison against a herbarium specimen. Wherever possible the seleetiog af Genus and probable species is provided. Plans: Parties other than Alpine Desigu and Hortieultuial Servi�,--es Inc. determined. the loeation of the trees marked on the plans. Referring to the survey by Alpine Design and Horticuttuiai Serviees Ine. tives not �onstihrte confirmati;on of the accuracy of the survey. This report does not consider the trees that are not includied on the plan. Any additional dra.wings, de�ails ar redesign that im�aet the abi�ity to do so may negate the conclusions made in this report. Observations See Tree Schedule attached as appendix 1. These trees, tess than 40 year� old, were pianted vn the site appro�mately 30 years ago. Some trees, because of their species were probably not grown in a Nursery but collected from native area.�. Discussion The de�elopment req�ires the removal of many fit�ees. Most of these trees were plan�ed too close to the building or oth,er trees to live out their expected life span in a healthy or aesthetic way. In many eases canopies are ruhbing the e�terior of the building causing harm to not only the tree but the building as well. Transplanting of any oft�e ix�es on this $ite would be �er� cost pmhibitive and suceess would be margia�at at best. l���nmmpn�aiinns r�rior to commenCing any wark on t1�e site, the firees that aze to be reta�ined shau.id be isolated fram #he site using temporary fencin�. pnming o����g ����d-also be done prior to development. Natural ground level must be maintainec} within the area under the canogy of the trees. Trenching for services, stockPi�in� of materiais, wash out of ec�ttipmeat and pari�ing m�st not take place under the eanopy of the trees. A 4" sleeve and Iow flow irrigation should be installed tc� the trees Q� �e North of the existing Parking �ot to imprave watering- All irees to remai� should be }xand irrigated unfii� an auto�natic system can be utili�ed. A�l trees ta remain should be spraYed to P�'� F� � disease. All trees to remain should �e �ertilized at least once per s,eason. Pn�ning of any rem��n;ng trees shae�id be dane by a certi#ied arborist_ Tree protec#ion must form a part of the site induction proress. All contractors must be made aware of t�e tr�ees #hat are to be retained and the prc►hibi#ed. aetivities. CoaaEle�sa�aa ���e ProPos� tr'ees to remove, none of �vhieh would re:�pond wefl to transpla�ting. The heaith of the trees to remai.n is generall,p good and sh,�utd be pro�cted �d maintained ta continue health and ir�igor. Any new plantings shouid be care#u�ly }�lanued and executed with health and longevity being t�e mai� goals. Pravide #�hat #�e abo�e x�eo�mendativns are i.mplement.�d #here is no reason ta believe that the proposed works will affect the health of even the relatively insignificant trees adjaeent #a t�e site. sho�ld you nequ� aax3y f�u�.er i�forn�ation, do no� hesitat�� to �all for assistanee. Kurt Kincel ISA certifiecl Arbo�st 26430 � � z � � .k 0 a � a� � � 0 .� � N�r �'i '.d � � 0 � U N i�, � .� � O N � .... � N .t; � � «t � � N .—, 'Cy � � � � N .�—� .fl .� .� � � � �H CQ � � .� � 0 � .� � � 0 -� � � 0 � U u� .� v � .� � � � � � � .� O � � � ✓� c� �. � N bA vi � � .-.. � O � �i +�-� �-�+ s-� � � N � � +-�+ U � O '� � sr � V] •~ � 'r'' O U �z� � ��� �� � � ,� �., ,� � �� �, o � � o � .Zi +'�- '��' � ��� �� �� o°`;� � o ���� � a .� � I � � � � � �b c7r.�a°C� � � U w 0 a � a� 0 � O � x 0 � � � �3 � � � � U 4-� 0 � � � bA � 0 on � > 0 � N � i � � � � H a� � z � ^ U � � � �" ,� '''' 'C3 � � � � x � � � �, aa x � Q t ' > 0 CO � �h � N N � '� Q �')� � � I v � U � I ` N �- �.' � � U O � � o o � V > > > � > > c � � E�� � E�a°�ia�i �� oo .a � � ���� �� a��ia��i .Qma� � � a�rn.�s � N �� � ... �. p .'- C � y...r �N mm ...,�� � � v=a 3�3 �,� c c � c c °�a-avva -o � � �� .,_,�=a. � a� a� a� a� a�� ��� anv�zs�v� �a� va ��-o o��� �>>>>>o- ma�a�a�ma�a�c�� y o 0 0 0 0 � o � O Y Y > > > > > > o c°�i > > > � _° > ,� .a .� � E E� E�„ ���•-•� o 0 0 0 0 o.r m o 0 0�$ o�, o 0 da�a�a�a� E�����a�n � L L L �. 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Se3-vices P. t�. Box 2�92 Avon, CO 81620 -- I.0 P�-e Co�st�c�ion I_ 1 Pxior io the oomme��aeng of cons[t�rctiv� #�te consuI •. a r+�port ot�lini.rig the folIo�g: � Ar�oz�st wil� issu� I.2 Tbe �+ees th.�t �a.ve b�en p�o#eC#�d, #.�e a��aini�nan�e a,ctivit��s (if aa�y) for eac� t� t�hat have aYneac�Y bee�. per�a:rnmed, that the pro�ect�ve fencing has been i�sta�iled in a�car+da�oe wit�i �he .A�rist�'s z�;� I.3 A sta#em�t that tbe physieai p�tm crf �e f.rees has � 1.4 A� trees #o be re�o�ed are.�o be mar]�ed u�t�i. a e �°�ned. � �ingl �rhrte �ie�e oif se�rveyoxs t�e n�ar�� R�M4'V� with rnark�d an#� pE:r�anent rnarker_ N� f�ee shatl be so co�cil ca� has beea� gi�,�.. . 1.5 �ior to �m4val one af i�a.e fc�Ilo w�ng w�11C �onfam. �he t�e is ta be �,mQVed . b� n�g �e �e wi#� a sitig�e or�a.nge t�r y��aw pieoe a� s�rveyors tape- This shc�uld be doae b� one of �.e folIowing Pe.rso,ns, Su�rveyor, Laac�cap� 2.A �'r�eQ �`�##ecfion � � ar Pr�ect Mana�er es. 2. t `I'h� �es ar� #v be � �°��d �Y a�' �igh j'ence to �e c,on�i�u�d w�t�n I UO Yards of arny co�an a�, - . l�cvc�t Zaae as '� a�. �° iut�Iude as mt�ch of the P�,�y ,.-.. pa.��ie_ 2-21�� p��axy I2naf �n+es o� �a ad-ac� �he bo�x 1 Pm�P��s fe,acu�g w� s�rp at c�a�ry 7ines. 2_3 Praivis�ions w�l� be .made io f.�ese �rotectioz� ��aes f�- pedes#riia� access �n�t . �-�! Maintenx���e �ct���� Y 3_� 1 '�`he,fQllo��virxg �i.�ce '� activities w�i t�e req�i�r�c1. faz this site: �� — by h�d �r a� ;arig��arn s��rs�. , �� - p�ming cxown cl�ning„ P�g far fa�ne�an aud shape -Ti�ee �nem.oval 3.02 Tin�ing= Ibiaut#ena��e acii�ities a.�e to be at t�i�e cvmmence�aent of the �n�D�° �s bY �ed �rbc�c�s an�i � � �� � �e ��- Kurt Kincel ISA c�rtified A�bO�st 2�43Q �