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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC120047 applicant's requestLIONSHEAD  CENTRE    VIEW  CORRIDOR  ENCROACHMENT Submitted  to  the  Town  of  Vail: December  6,  2012 Table  of  Contents A.    Introduction  3 B.    Details  on  Proposed  Addition  4 C.    Background  on  View  Corridors  4 D.    Criteria  for  Review  6 E.    Adjacent  Property  Owners  10 F.    DRB  Action  Form  13 2 A.    Introduction Lionshead  Centre  is  located  at  520  E.  Lionshead  Circle.    The  owners  of  3  residential  units  within   Lionshead  Centre  -­‐  Jorge  Esteve  (Unit  308),  Javier  Barrios  (Unit  208),  and  Lucila  DeLaLama  (Unit   309)  -­‐  are  proposing  additions  to  their  dwellings.    It  is  a  total  of  859  sq.  ft.  of  GRFA  located  over  the   existing  footprint  of  Lionshead  Centre.    Following  a  conceptual  review  on  November  7,  the  DRB   application  for  the  proposal  was  approved  on  December  5  with  a  condition  that,  “This  design  review   approval  is  contingent  upon  the  applicant  obtaining  Town  of  Vail  approval  of  the  associated  view   corridor  encroachment/amendment  application.”     A  survey  of  the  view  corridor  was  conducted  and  indicates  that  the  addition  will  encroach  into  View   Corridor  #8  approximately  2  ft.  for  the  roof  and  1.16  ft.  for  the  wall  of  the  building.    The  survey  of   this  encroachment  is  provided  below,  along  with  a  photo  rendering  of  the  view  corridor  impact.    In   these  images,  the  red  indicates  the  existing  view  corridor,  while  the  yellow  indicates  the  area  of   encroachment. As  indicated  in  the  survey  above,  the  view  corridor  does  not  run  parallel  with  the  existing  building   and  as  a  result,  there  is  a  slight  encroachment  into  the  corridor  where  the  proposed  addition  is  an   extension  of  the  plane  of  the  existing  wall.    However,  as  it  is  the  intent  of  this  view  corridor  to   3 preserve  the  view  of  the  gondola  lift  line,  the  proposed  encroachment  maintains  the  integrity  of   the  view  corridor. B.    Details  on  Proposed  Addition Units  208,  308,  and  309  are  proposed  to  be  expanded  by  a  total  of  859  sq.  ft.      The  following  table   provides  a  square  footage  analysis  of  the  increase  in  sq.  ft.  to  each  unit: Unit Additional  GRFA Description Unit  208 344  sq.  ft.Bedroom  and  bathroom  addition Unit  308 344  sq.  ft.Bedroom  and  bathroom  addition Unit  309 115  sq.  ft.Addition  to  existing  bedroom As  indicated,  the  additional  GRFA  to  each  unit  is  minimal  and  was  designed  to  match  similar   additions  that  have  occurred  over  the  years.    A  proposed  model  of  the  addition  is  provided  below,   indicating  the  existing  conditions  and  the  proposed  addition: Existing  Conditions Proposed  Addition C.    Background  on  View  Corridors On    May  20,  1997,  recognizing  the  importance  of  visual  connections,  the  Town  Council  approved  the   use  of  the  existing  Town  of  Vail  view  corridor  ordinance  to  designate  the  first  protected  public  view   corridors  in  Lionshead.    In  order  to  qualify  for  protection  under  the  Town’s  ordinance,  a  view   corridor  was  required  to  meet  the  following  criteria: 1.Is  the  view  corridor  critical  to  the  identity,  civic  pride,  and  sense  of  place  in  Lionshead?     2.Is  the  view  seen  from  a  widely  used,  publicly  accessible  viewpoint.     3.Is  the  view  threatened?    Is  there  a  possibility  that  development  on  nearby  property   would  block  the  view? The  Lionshead  Redevelopment  Master  Plan  identifies  this  view  corridor  as  View  Corridor  Two,  and   states  the  following: 4  View  Corridor  Two This  view  corridor  (see  figure  4-­‐2)  is  seen  from  the  pedestrian  plaza  at  the  east  end  of  the  Lifthouse   Lodge,  looking  south  directly  up  the  gondola  lift  line.  This  view  fulfills  the  following  criteria: a.It  fosters  civic  pride  and  is  central  to  the  identity  of  Lionshead.   b.It  is  taken  from  a  commonly  used,  publicly  accessible  viewpoint. The  mountain  view  from  this  point  is  currently  very  broad,  crossing  much  of  the  Vail  Associates   core  site.  As  part  of  the  redevelopment  of  the  Vail  Associates  core  site  this  view  corridor  should   become  narrower  and  more  focused  on  the  new  gondola  terminal.  Given  the  current  lack  of  a   defining  architectural  edge,  the  dimensions  of  this  corridor  should  roughly  correspond  to  the   suggested  view  boundaries  outlined  in  figure  4-­‐2. Prior  to  the  redevelopment  of  the  Core  Site  into  Arrabelle  at  Vail  Square,  this  view  corridor  was   surveyed  and  adopted  in  2002.    Following  the  construction  of  the  Arrabelle,  the  view  corridor  was   amended  to  reflect  the  new  building,  and  was  surveyed  and  adopted  in  2008  as  View  Point  #8.    The   photo  of  View  Point  #8  is  provided  below: 5 D.    Criteria  for  Review Section  12-­‐22-­‐6:  Encroachments  into  Existing  View  Corridors,  provides  the  review  criteria  for  an   encroachment.    It  states  the  following: Criteria  For  Encroachment:  No  encroachment  into  an  existing  view  corridor  shall  be  permitted   unless  the  applicant  demonstrates  by  clear  and  convincing  evidence  that  the  encroachment  meets   all  of  the  following  criteria: 1.That  the  literal  enforcement  of  section  12-­‐22-­‐3  of  this  chapter  would  preclude  a  reasonable   development  of  a  proposed  structure  on  the  applicant's  land. Applicant  Response:    The  view  corridor  disproportionately  affects  the  owners  of  208,  308,   and  309.    These  units  are  located  on  the  far  west  of  Lionshead  Centre  and  are  the  only  units   which  are  affected  by  the  view  corridor.    While  other  units  have  had  opportunity  for   expansion,  these  are  limited  by  the  view  corridor  to  do  similar  enclosures.      Due  to  the   configuration  of  Lionshead  Centre,  the  proposed  additions  are  in  the  only  location  available   to  the  owners  of  these  units.    By  not  allowing  this  encroachment,  the  owners  are  precluded   from  reasonable  development  of  their  units. 6 2.That  the  development  of  the  structure  proposed  by  the  applicant  would  not  be  such  as  to   defeat  the  purposes  of  this  chapter. Applicant  Response:    Section  12-­‐22-­‐1  of  the  Vail  Town  Code  provides  the  purposes  of  the  View   Corridor  chapter.    These  purposes  are  as  follows: 12-­‐22-­‐1:  PURPOSE: The  town  believes  that  preserving  certain  vistas  is  in  the  interest  of  the  town's  residents   and  guests.  Specifically,  the  town  believes  that: C.The  protection  and  perpetuation  of  certain  mountain  views  and  other  significant   views  from  various  pedestrian  public  ways  within  the  town  will  foster  civic  pride  and   is  in  the  public  interest  of  the  town. D.It  is  desirable  to  designate,  preserve  and  perpetuate  certain  views  for  the  enjoyment   and  environmental  enrichment  for  the  residents  and  guests  of  the  town. E.The  preservation  of  such  views  will  strengthen  and  preserve  the  town's  unique   environmental  heritage  and  attributes. F.The  preservation  of  such  views  will  enhance  the  aesthetic  and  economic  vitality  and   values  of  the  town. G.The  preservation  of  such  views  is  intended  to  promote  design  which  is  compatible   with  the  surrounding  natural  and  built  environment,  and  is  intended  to  provide  for   natural  light  to  buildings  and  in  public  spaces  in  the  vicinity  of  the  view  corridors. H.The  preservation  of  such  views  will  include  certain  focal  points  such  as  the  Clock   Tower  and  Rucksack  Tower,  which  serve  as  prominent  landmarks  within  Vail  village   and  contribute  to  the  community's  unique  sense  of  place.   Because  the  encroachment  is  minimal  (at  only  2  ft.  for  the  roof  and  1.16  ft.  for  the  building)   the  integrity  of  the  view  corridor  is  maintained.    The  view  corridor  is  intended  to  protect  the   view  of  the  gondola  lift  line  as  it  runs  up  Vail  Mountain  and  there  is  no  effect  to  this  view,   which  is  an  important  focal  point  in  Lionshead.    Because  the  request  is  for  an  encroachment   only,  as  opposed  to  an  amendment,  to  the  view  corridor,  if  Lionshead  Centre  were  ever   demolished,  the  existing  view  corridor  boundaries  would  need  to  be  maintained  with  any   new  construction.    As  a  result,  the  proposal  does  not  defeat  the  purposes  of  Chapter  22:   View  Corridors. 3.That  the  development  proposed  by  the  applicant  would  not  be  detrimental  to  the  enjoyment   of  public  pedestrian  areas,  public  ways,  public  spaces,  or  public  views. Applicant  Response:    The  proposed  encroachment  would  be  imperceptible  to  the  public   from  any  public  pedestrian  areas,  public  ways,  public  spaces  or  public  views.    The  proposed   addition  matches  the  existing  wall  of  Lionshead  Centre  and  any  attempt  to  jog  the  building   would  create  an  architectural  error  which  would  be  more  noticeable  to  the  public.     4.That  the  development  proposed  by  the  applicant  complies  with  applicable  elements  of  the   Vail  land  use  plan,  town  policies,  urban  design  guide  plans,  and  other  adapted  master  plans. 7 Applicant  Response:    The  Lionshead  Redevelopment  Master  Plan  provides  the  guidance  for   the  adoption  of  view  corridors  in  Lionshead.    The  Master  Plan  provides  the  following: 4.4  Public  View  Corridors On  May  20,  1997,  recognizing  the  importance  of  visual  connections,  the  Vail  Town  Council   approved  the  use  of  the  existing  Town  of  Vail  view  corridor  ordinance  to  designate  the  first   protected  public  view  corridors  in  Lionshead.  In  order  to  qualify  for  protection  under  the   Town’s  ordinance,  a  view  corridor  must  meet  the  following  criteria: a.Is  the  view  critical  to  the  identity,  civic  pride,  and  sense  of  place  of  Lionshead?  A  nice   view  is  not  sufficient. b.Is  the  view  seen  from  a  widely  used,  publicly  accessible  viewpoint?  Views  from   private  property  cannot  be  recognized  or  protected  by  this  ordinance. c.Is  the  view  threatened?  Is  there  a  possibility  that  development  on  nearby  property   would  block  the  view? It  is  critical  to  note  that  the  following  recommended  public  view  corridors  will  create  a   development  constraint  that  will  work  with  all  other  applicable  development  and   regulatory  guidelines  and  standards.  The  suggested  location  and  outline  of  any  view   corridor  is  not  intended  to  create  a  “build-­‐to”  line  for  a  vertical  architectural  edge  that   would  not  be  allowed  under  other  applicable  guidelines  and  standards.  According  to  these   criteria  and  following  an  intensive  public  input  process,  protection  of  the  following  public   view  corridors  is  recommended  (see  Map  O): The  Lionshead  Redevelopment  Master  Plan  then  provides  recommendation  for  the  adoption   of  two  view  corridors  which  were  to  be  adopted  immediately,  while  the  remaining  three   view  corridors  (plus  an  additional  three  in  Ever  Vail)  were  to  be  adopted  after  development   occurred  on  key  sites.    Lionshead  View  Corridor  #2,  the  view  corridor  in  question  with  this   application,  was  one  recommended  for  immediate  adoption.    The  Lionshead   Redevelopment  Master  Plan  states:  View  Corridor  Two This  view  corridor  (see  figure  4-­‐2)  is  seen  from  the  pedestrian  plaza  at  the  east  end  of  the   Lifthouse  Lodge,  looking  south  directly  up  the  gondola  lift  line.  This  view  fulfills  the   following  criteria: a.It  fosters  civic  pride  and  is   central  to  the  identity  of   Lionshead.   b.It  is  taken  from  a  commonly   used,  publicly  accessible   viewpoint. The  mountain  view  from  this  point  is   currently  very  broad,  crossing  much  of   the  Vail  Associates  core  site.  As  part  of   the  redevelopment  of  the  Vail   Associates  core  site  this  view  corridor   should  become  narrower  and  more   focused  on  the  new  gondola  terminal.   8 Given  the  current  lack  of  a  defining  architectural  edge,  the  dimensions  of  this  corridor   should  roughly  correspond  to  the  suggested  view  boundaries  outlined  in  figure  4-­‐2. As  indicated  in  the  general  photo  for  View  Corridor  2,  the  existing  Lionshead  Centre  building   was  established  as  the  general  eastern  boundary  of  the  view  corridor.    However,  as  clearly   stated  in  the  section  above:  “The  suggested  location  and  outline  of  any  view  corridor  is  not   intended  to  create  a  “build-­‐to”  line  for  a  vertical  architectural  edge  that  would  not  be  allowed   under  other  applicable  guidelines  and  standards.”    It  was  not  the  intention  that  that  the  view   corridors  limit  the  ability  of  individual  property  owners  to  improve  their  properties.    Instead,   it  is  clearly  the  intention  that  the  architecture  is  meant  to  frame  the  view  to  be  protected.    In   this  case,  the  view  is  of  the  gondola  lift  line.    Furthermore,  the  Master  Plan  also  recommends   that  this  view  be  much  narrower  than  the  adopted  view  corridor.    As  indicated  in  the  photos   below,  the  original  recommendation  for  this  view  corridor  actually  bisected  the  ski  run,   where  as  the  adopted  view  corridor  is  much  further  west,  into  the  tree  line.     View  Point  #8,  adopted  2008 LHMP  Recommended  View  Corridor  #2 The  proposed  encroachment  complies  with  the  recommendations  as  provided  in  the   Lionshead  Redevelopment  Master  Plan. 5.That  the  proposed  structure  will  not  diminish  the  integrity  or  quality  nor  compromise  the   original  purpose  of  the  preserved  view. Applicant  Response:    The  original  purpose  of  this  view  corridor  was  stated  in  the  Lionshead   Redevelopment  Master  Plan  when  adopted  in  1998  and  further  refined  with  the  adoption  of   it  as  View  Point  #8.    The  purpose,  as  stated  in  Chapter  22:  View  Corridors  of  this  view  is:     To  protect  the  views  of  Vail  Mountain  from  the  core  of  Lionshead.     As  indicated  in  the  analysis  provided  in  this  submittal,  this  view  is  not  affected  by  the   proposed  encroachment  and  the  integrity  of  this  view  is  maintained.     9 E.    Adjacent  Property  Owners   TOWN  OF  VAIL FINANCE  DEPT 75  S  FRONTAGE  RD  W   VAIL,  CO  81657-­‐5043 VANTAGE  POINT-­‐VAIL  INTERVAL  OWNERS  ASSOC ALPENGLOW  PROPERTY  MGMT PO  BOX  178   AVON,  CO  81620 VANTAGE  POINT-­‐VAIL  INTERVAL  OWNERS  ASSOCIATION,  INC. Gary  A.  Lebo PO  BOX  178 AVON,  CO  81620 VANTAGE  POINT-­‐VAIL  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION,  INC. MICHAEL  D'ANCI,  SR 508  E  LIONSHEAD  CIR,   VAIL,  CO  81657 FIRST  WESTWIND  AT  VAIL  CONDOMINIUMS  ASSOCIATION,  INC. Steve  MacDonald C/O  Vail  Management  Company,   PO  Box  6130,   Avon,  CO  81620 VAIL  CORP THE  FIXED  ASSETS  DEPARTMENT 390  INTERLOCKEN  CRESCENT  STE  1000   BROOMFIELD,  CO  80021 LANDMARK-­‐VAIL  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION,  INC. GEOFFREY  WRIGHT 610  W  LIONSHEAD  CR,   VAIL,  CO  81657 HUGHES  LAND  HOLDING  TRUST 28  ANACAPA  ST  STE  D   SANTA  BARBARA,  CA  93101 MONTANEROS  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION,  INC. Laurie  Jeanes 641  W  LIONSHEAD  CIR,   VAIL,  CO  81657 LION  SQUARE  NORTH  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION,  INC. Bill  Anderson 660  WEST  LIONSHEAD  PLACE 10 VAIL,  CO  81657 LION  SQUARE  PHASE  II  &  III  CONDO  ASSOC  INC  -­‐  ETAL 660  W  LIONSHEAD  PL   VAIL,  CO  81657-­‐5212 VAIL  CORP THE  FIXED  ASSETS  DEPARTMENT 390  INTERLOCKEN  CRESCENT  STE  1000   BROOMFIELD,  CO  80021 VAIL  CORP SAMANTHA  JONES 390  INTERLOCKEN  CRESCENT  STE  1000   BROOMFIELD,  CO  80021 VAIL  21  PARKING  GARAGE  NO.  1  LLC  -­‐  VAIL  21  PARKING  GARAGE  NO.  2  LLC 610  W  LIONSHEAD  CIR  STE  100   VAIL,  CO  81657 LAZIER  LIONSHEAD  LLC 386  HANSON  RANCH  RD   VAIL,  CO  81657 THE  LIFT  HOUSE  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION,  INC. DOUGLAS  WALKER 555  E  LIONSHEAD  CIR,   VAIL,  CO  81657 LIONSHEAD  ARCADE  BUILDING  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION,  INC. KIT  C.  WILLIAMS P  O  BOX  3622,   VAIL  ,  CO  81658 Arrabelle  at  Vail  Square  Residential  Condominium  Association,  Inc. Mark  Payne 675  Lionshead  Place,   Denver,  CO  81657 ARRABELLE  AT  VAIL  SQUARE  LLC VAIL  RESORTS  MANAGEMENT  CO 390  INTERLOCKEN  CRESCENT  STE  1000   BROOMFIELD  ,  CO  80021 VAIL  LIONSHEAD  CENTRE  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION David  A  Zippie,  CPA P.O.  BOX  4627,   AVON,  CO  81620 VAIL  21  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION,  INC. Destination  Resort  Mgt,  Inc, 610  W  LIONSHEAD  CIR 11 VAIL,  CO  81657 TREETOPS  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION Vicki  L.  Brown 450  E.  Lionshead  Circle,   Vail,  CO  81657 VAIL  LIONSHEAD  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION JEFF  BAILEY 380  E.  LIONSHEAD  CIR,   VAIL,  CO  81657 LODGE  AT  LIONSHEAD  III  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION JEFF  BAILEY 380  E  LIONSHEAD  CR,   VAIL,  CO  81657 LION  SQUARE  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION,  INC. WILLIAM  ANDERSON 660  W.  LIONSHEAD  PLACE VAIL,  CO  81657 LION  SQUARE  PHASE  II  AND  III  CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION,  INC. WILLIAM  ANDERSON 660  W  LIONSHEAD  PL VAIL,  CO  81657 12 F.    DRB  Action  Form 13