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ADM120013 Approved plat With Corrections 121012
� � D �7PL� � PLA�' � , - B I � � :8 :� � I � � ������ ���� � � � ����� .A � � � � I � � I� � � ���� ��, � I � �� 'T � �U� � �F � �. I I�, C � �T �T � {� �' � A� I�� , �'T .��` � � F � +� �� R,A. I�+� I �' � � �UPft�iE DRIVE `� �, � su��E�r s�� �f�y�, � `� K�wl �1��e� �f D �d�C�esents�hat�Robert E h�r�uscheit be`rn sole owner in fes sim le and Calorada Business ur`veyot'"s I;ettif�Cat� q�, Y p 9 P ._._, Bank as mor�gagee af a1f ihat re�l property situa#ed in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado desc�ifaed as follows: i , do herelay certify th�t 1 ann a Profe�sional Land Surueyar licensed under the laws of #h� �tate of Col�rado, that thi� Bighorr� Subdivisian, l�ot 7, per ihe plat th�r�r�f recorded Decernber 3, 1962 under Fteceptia�n No. 96766 in the of�ce pCat is true, correct and compl�te as laicl c�ut, platted, dedicat�d �td �howrr her�ar�� #h�t such pl�t was m�d� frQm an t�WD USE SUMMARY of ihe Eag(e County Cierk and R�rder, c�GCUt'c'�'�$ SUCVB� Uf S�ICI �}Ct7(�8t'��f �.3y t118 c�tl{� �1t1CI@C t'�i�/ SU��1'V3SiOTt c1C1CI COC�'�C�I}+` S�iC?{NS �I78 IOC��IQt7 �I�CI CIItTiBiiSi0tl5 C}f it�e lots, ea$ements and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon th� grour�d in ct�rrxpl�ar�e with �ARC��. ��E�. usE �oo��ss applicabie regulatior�� governing the subctivision of #and. �or �� o.4o5s �c. r�uQ��x aai�� t�u�at�� t��tiv� containing 0,8485 acres mt�re or less; have by the�e pre$ents laid ou#, plat�ed anti sub�iivid� the same into lot� and LQi' 7B 0.4403 AG. DUPLEX 40i7B LUPIRIE QFiIVE blocks as shown on this final plat und�r the name and style of Bighort� Subdivision, /# RG'S11�iV1�t011 0� LQf �', � fl.sas� Ac. subdivision in #he Town of Vail, Gounty taf E�gle ; artd dc�es heretiy accept th� respansibility far the ct�mpletion of In Witness Whereof, I hau� set my hand anct seal fhis day ofi , A.D., 2t3 . reguired improvements ; and does h�reby tledicate and set apart aIl af the public roads and vther public SCALE. 1H = 1 �t3t�' Y .t � i l � 1. �� ivl.�i" impravements and places as s�awn �n the accampanying plat t� the tase of the pubiic forever; and daes her�by dedic�t� those partians of sai� reai praperty which are indicatec� as easement an the accompanying plat as ,amuel H. Ecker easements for the }aurpose shown herenn; �nd does hereby grant the right to instail and maintain necessary P,�RT OF SEC1��3N # 1 & 12, TOWNSHIP � 5(�u11-i, RAN�E 8C� vv�ST, 6th P.t4t, s#ructures to th� �ntity responsible #or providing the services forwhich the easemerits are estabfished. Colorado �'.L.S. Na. 3C�091 EXECUTED #his day of A.G. , 20 � ,/'� ` °`,� � • � _ ' .,,�,,,.— EDGE OF CREEK t7wner: Address: �45'1 Three Meadows LAne `��, • . Robert E. Truscheit Eaerc�reen, CC18(k3,39 . .,,� GENERAI. NC?TES: �CO ' . ���*..�, ~ - �,,,,\.1T � STATE C3� � 7 } DAi"Et?FSUR1t�Y. JNUVEM8ER, 20i2. �'`�.. 'C` ,� ��� 2) BEAt�tNi�aS BA$E[1 UPflN TH� �INE Gt�NNEt;'TlNG THE MQNUMENTS Ft7tJND MARKING THE SC7UTN�ASTERLY & SOt1THV4tESTERLY FQUND #�LAIN i�o. 5 REBA�t �� � ��,-,, � �,���.�'M � (RECEPTION No. 9�?66} CC�UNTY OF } CORNERS t)F !(aT A, AM�NDED AI.AT. A R��UBDIViSION QF �C?T 1 , BLOGit 1 , BIGHURh! �UBDIVISION F1RST' ADDiTIQN, o x APPARENT W17NE5S GORNER ��"' _ �' �.� 'e' � «,� • , {RECEPTIt�t,l N�o. 2�0723277j FOUND A hto. 5 RE�iAR 1NlTH R 1 2 A1.liM1NUl41 GAP P.L.S. No. 27598. SAIt� BEARING BE1NG N51 3048"4Y ' ,,,� '� � j'�,� �� � The foregoing Certificate of bedication and Uwr�ership was acknowledged krefare me #his day of �� MONUMENTATION AS lNDIGA'fED HEREC�U. . A. D. a 2a , by Robert E. Trusche�t. . . ��"'�`S`y'�� f� �� � HERE� St�IE Pt7RPC1SE C3F TM38 PGAT I5 TC3 SUBDiV[DE LC}T 7, ei�HC��rv susn�v�s�exa, To c��r� �.ors �� �va� �$ As �na�ic�,r�o � �►� .Q� ��j � � My Gommission expires: `�:��� '�+j � ��� • � ,ip� 0 5) THE BOUNC}AF?Y DIMENSIONS. EASEMENT� AnID E�lGMTS C?F WAY SHC?WN HEFtEC?N ARE PER THE RE�t7RC► PLAT �C?R THE SUB,fEC7 rj� .''�t� � WI�CI@SS Y1'i}f �l�Cid �CiCI Q�f(G(�I SL'c"1I. PRC?PERTY AND TITLE SEARCH PE�fiORMEO BY IJl1VCX T1T�E GUA�iAtVTEE CC�Mt�ANY, {)f�DER No. Vl'F,S903424�, C1Al`ED AUGUST 9> 20i2 /�J �*J - � +�n AF 5:00 P.M., . ��� � � J � 6} hif}TIGE: ACGURI�INCa TO �Ct�?Lt�RADC3 4AW YC?U MUSrt' C(�AMENCE AtJY LEGAI. AGTION BASED 19P�7R1 ANY t}E�"EGT IN THI� SElRV�Y � *9 . "� z I�1Qtat'}t �"tlbltC V Y R �'^"' � WtTHIN THR�E YEARS +�FTER YC}U F1RST t�ISCC?VER SUGH DEFEGT. fN NC1 EVENT, MAY ANY ACTIO�t BASEt3 UPflN ANY l�EFECT 1N 'fHtS � � ' , �1►� ��� (,� � � SURVEY BE COMMEN�Et7 M4RE THAN TEN Y�ARS FR{�M 17°!E DATE C}F C�FtT1�i�A1'!{7N SHtJWN H�REqN. � .�, I �``� . s�'3s'oo"w ,,� �+�„ '."y`�� �,`�►, C,,,l � � �o� zQr�ar�� �u��c�s�s r�� � ���c��.s c���T�� sv �r��s �u�r��uis�on� A�� �rc� g� r�car�� as c�ra� �r�T�-rv� �,...{� � �i ° +� �rocE �� c�r�u �,,� �.s� �� �r� t?����,�a �-� t��`� � � � � /� � � ��. � "� � ' . �'�,'r '� s} r�� ���c�r.s s�t�wn� ����arv a�� su�,��cr xa ��s�r�rc-r�v� cc�v��vrs ��r,.�o�� ��c�e�� �o, �ss�, �rv � � �za. �r �a�� I ••.,�� � � r��i'.�.,r�1r;��� �,,"" ��� ''C�,� � MOTtC���GB: �olarado Business Bank Add1'855: 408 AND AS AMENDEt} IN tN�uTRUMEi�[T RECC7RDEG AP�tlt. �> 1868 !N BC1QK 1?5 AT PAGE 3�, At�1C1 AS AMEPIC►ED W INSTRUMENT (��c��no�v �v�. 2�ss� s� �tc,F'�t� � ,,. ,� ti` �' ,-�,� °�,x ��`' ,cc`` �J �,..�..a RECC}FtDED MAY 3. 1963 tN Bt}C�K i75 AT PACaE 81 . 1 `� 'Q, � �j t� � G��p..��`� �,,,� �Y- 9} THE 100 Y�AR F�OC}DPL!!tN LINE AS SHOWN H�REC}N iS BASED ON `fHE TOWN OF VAtL At�t1P'CED FEMA �-ZC?C3DPLAiN STUDY C}R THL �y� f '� �<' '�„1 �EST AVAtLABLE Ft,C�Q13!'LAIN �A�'A AS APPRbVEC� BY THE TG}Wt�l C3F VAIL FCf�UC}PLAIN ,�lO(U11h�ISTRATt�i. F{`}R FUTURE RE�EFt��E, (,�, "� � i4� � � � . �..r s Tt#I� : TNE 100 YEAR FLf}C?[}PO.AttV LICVE SHA�L BE YERlFIED F{}Fi �f�NS1Si"ENCY WITH THE GURRENTLl' Ai}OPTED VERSION C)F 'f!°!E FEMA • �'� � '�' �f.'"� �` � p0 �Lt?ODPLA#N Sl'UDY. #t/� /J� � '�� � � �� {Y � j�. // ^�. ca UTILI7Y EASEMEN7 10j LC?TS 7A ANC� 7B AftE SUBJECT T{7 A PARTY WALL A�REEMENI' REGORDE� AT RECEPTIC>ri] iVo. �� ` � � � '�► 10{� YEAR FLQOD PLA{N � �� {��C.�No. 9&766} S7ATE t�F � SS �,� 0�� � � t� � �'�z't�s" w {s�� t�t��: s} � CC�Ut�TY C�F } 1 � y ��. �������c�s �c� ���c��� r�acun��r�s :a�� �-a r�� ��a�. �sra� R�ca��s ca� -r�e ��.���c ,ar�� ��cc�����"S t3FFIGE C}F } EAfaLE C{7UI�17�Y� �CC}!.C?I�1�DU. �, �,�,�"�' � � �.�7' - '�► �'* Th� #oregaing Certificate �f �etlieation and C7wnership �nras acknowledgeti before me this day of � � � (� � � +� � � �h � � �'''' A, D . , 20 . by as af � •�►+'� � � ` �' �oUND �o. 5 REB�R Colorado Business Bank. . .'":�,�;,�,'C� ,�,� ,��� � � � °" r�n �m � � �„ aLU�a�rau� c�� � � � � � � �`° ,,�bt ��,,, � �, � � �, � P.L.S. Na. 5933 My Cammission expire� : g � , ,�„*.,� � � /f ApPAREN7 Wl7N�SS C4RNER � � �" t N 04'17'S4" � j� �� " l Witness my hand and off"rcial seal. �l '�� ��,, s.��' � t'�`� Admin�strator C+�rtifica#e / t3UiLiNE f�F DUFLEX � l �� F'OUNDATtC3�1 �� t�r �-� �y���ry p��l�� This fin�l plat i� hereby �pproved by the Town of V�ii Administratt�r #his day crf . a.d. � ,. , � S 55'�4 tKi �x ���"a��� `� 2U�,. .r. ,J� "�°` � � ATTE�T: SpUi7•fEASTEf�l.Y 8c S4UTHWESTERC.Y , " 1/' '17 E N 3 00 ? � CORNERS QF l�C?T A� AMENt?ED PI.AT, f �,25' A RE�UBDlViSlC71V 4F LQ7 1 , �I.00K 1 > BiGHURi� �U�DtVlSION FiRST �Dt�ITi4N, /�`� Tawn �lerk Administrator t) �REGEP�It3N Na. 2t�0723277} � Town of Vail, Colorado Town af Vail, �olorada FOUND }� tV�. 5 REBAR � N 5�5'42'S3" W � �+. WITN A 1 �" A�UMINUM CAP j� Q.66' `�� `�' .,"1 �.�,�. ��. ����� �LC� T � A c����� �� ��������� �. �.��� ����� � � ��-'�'� � � � �� c� �o� �� ��o�'��T� � � � ,c�.���� itle Cet�ificate � FC3C��.OW i GENTER /J t... t� � C7F PAR WAL� � r/ � � '` �ertific�te o# Taxe� P�id � �'`� � ,, / �e, � L�nd Title Guarantee Company daes hereby ce�tify that the Ti#1e tt� all �ands shown upon this plat have been . . . ,��+ '`'•1 ��c-,,� � examin��f and is vested in Robert E. Truscheit, iha# title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, I , the unders�gnecl, �i� hereby cert�fy that tha ent�re amc►�r►t of taxes and �ssessments du� and �ayable 1'�r �+�' S�T No. � REBAR \ % '� �' except as follows: upan all parce{s of real estat� d��cribed c�n this pfat are paid in full a�s c�f �' '�7�`�„ w�-n-t a � �" Ai.uFAl�vuM C�� �`,.�' �► � � Dated this day o# A.t3., 20 . �t�� �.�.. s. r��. �o��1 �',�,` � OO ,�� � �, � wj Treasurer of Eagle Caunty .� .�"3 ����!`! '� � l ����� �# '�,�' ��4cp°`' �r,,,� ��� ��►�us = s��.�� �.��.. � „,� �..C�T �� ��' �..� T � ��t�� tn�� ��� �� , �,.�., ��. : � t�.�-�os ,�c��s � ` AR+� �t�TH -=- 'I 1 �. 51 (RECEPTiON No. 96766) "�"/���;�:� �' :: ��.�. �� �8 Agent signature Address: 6101A1�st �ionshead Circle, #2t}0 �� ��� = .� .� �.�,�i� /�,►�` Vail, CC� 81657 BEARtNG = N51 `3t�'4$"W `��,� �t�ent name Cterk and Record�er's G�rtifi�ate � � � � This i�iat was fiied for re��rd in th� C7�c� c�f the �ler1� and Recc�rder at €�'ckack , on this ��'� j,�� tlay of , 2C► , and i� duEy rectard�d at Recept�on hlt�. �' � - �� � ��► �'r ,��, � , C1erk ancE F�ecord�r � � � � _ �� � .. � �, _.. ,� GR.APHIC � CALE ��� �����v � � �� �� � �'� � sET No. 5 REeAR � o ,0 2o aa so � � � �I �''�'�'�'� � �� �.�.� # � �, uv�-r� � � �r. a�.u�a�►vu� c�a� ' � P.�.S. No. 3oU91 �,��tlsrer �� rr,ar� � f,,�.2?,,�2�'I1,� ��,�� � , � <„ w��;�� � .,, IN FEET �`����� ����;�����r. �? � �� #� � } : �, � � �x4� t ;���s�., �� �#��� ; >. 3�.. � 1 inch = 2� f�. ., � ����� ��`�����3� * ��x �9�; ��-��� c�cr�m sr� �'� r,�raa�avc ,vrz: 11-6�'&'re�ub � ,vo,: � �-"&'"6' ssxrr�a` � r� �