HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120591 application Project Name:CARNIE DECKS DRB Number: DRB120591 Project Description: REPLACE TWO DECKS Participants: OWNER CARNIE LIVING TRUST 12/14/2012 2920 MANNS RANCH RD VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT CARNIE LIVING TRUST 12/14/2012 Phone: 970-476-5140 2920 MANNS RANCH RD VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR ROBERT'S SPECIALTIES INC 12/14/2012 Phone: 970-477-1324 RALPH ROBERTS 371 NOTTINGHAM ROAD 1-D AVON CO 81620 License: C000003548 Project Address:4314 STREAMSIDE CIR W VAILLocation: Legal Description:Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN 4TH ADDITION Parcel Number:2101-122-1300-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 12/24/2012 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 � :<< ,.: �{��� �� �.�1� r, � � � � � I! V � DEC 1 �-2012 , � � _ i.� ' ' � CF^'1'\ I I I! �� Department of Cammunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator Application��ori5esign Review Changes to Approved Plans General Information: This application is for all changes to approved plans prior to Certificate of Occupancy. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Commu- nity development Department. Design Review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences. Submittal Requirements: 1. Three (3) copies of all pertinent approved plans with illustrated, labeled changes 2. Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter, if applicable. Fee: $20 Single Family Description of the Request: _ � � _ �, �• Duplex __ -� , , , Is� ��'`_�, Multi-Family Commercial Physical Address: r—!- ' ! '—' --7--� ,.,-��_� ,;,, -' L' ;1�' - (n�� =-, - � ,., Parcel Number: -� :-- ,-�,�' ��� �� ��� ��:'�(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: �� ��.,- r l t ^ N � +`�`� Mailing Address: ��� r, �_ �� �, � � "� ,-, _� r.j � � Er .- J�/} �' ;. ��_;. � l. : ; ;� �;' �� �� 1(r � � _ � Pnone: ''�� iC� � '-1 � - ��' Owner's Signature: � � � ��'� � �� � �' �� � � � - i � -� ., Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: �� �;� �. �� �,-` �_-�i � �,-- ���, � Mailing Address: ' � � ' - � � � , a, f , �:.�r �' C,C �"' �" �� Phone: � i: `�'l`, � `� , ` / �'.`."' _,1 E-Mail: ! r� �� � ��' _/.QG �' `� � F�axr� i l� �/�_S �" /�E � � For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Exp. Date: Auth # Check #��-.!=� Fee Paid: fy �c";� Received From: z--� "�� r-%''-, '��r;'";�,�-{- ��°" Meeting Date: ��I$I 12i DRB No.: �-g � Planner: � q Project No: � �\ � � � � � � Zoning: Land Use: Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fiashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other • j�-��..:_> " PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material � � � /� Y V '�U� � i � ... � ��v�� ( t , � `.. : Color �� , ,i .'�Y� �LV Iji I. y . L � , , _ ., r , _ � � ' -,� 1 � — � �� � , / � ��' l��y� l" 1 ' � � r�� rf.%l < < ' � "L i , �� UL'� � � � C` i � Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. i: � � � - . � :.aA:�W. . � 4-�E,#'if;JC),�; E t-E - t'�.Wi..r�k.�. ?����1 i�.Lt-�i�,i�{.�,� ���(t;E'.T' � � , � d � � �iacic Cat•i�i� ?�?� M�n's Rancl� Road Vail, C�lor�cic� 81657 11.'��- fik 1":ellFlh��Y�t)l�k�l�liilt 11�I1,.e �i `i. E Il�ub' E 1 1 7°f �cktb ti 1�t'!�f �, _ l�i i�rldl��) i?ilFl.�i i�•.'1-: t ^t -�:� t t�� ��;:ii �.... u-,, �;�-1� � � r., ,�n,;,st ! , �•,'% � F ._;.5c��'z:v�:i.. ���.���„�; ,,, ,,���,,,-,. .., Job No. 112 4()4A Subject: Observation of Hancl Du� Pit, Pro�s�ci Deck Adtiitic�n, Existin�; R�sidenc;e, �31� Streainside Gircle West, VaiL Colo�-acic� Dear Mr. Carnie: As rec�uested; a r•epresentativc; of Hepworth-Pawlalc Geotechnical observed the hand dug pit at t11e subject site on October 29, 2012 to �valuate the soils expc�sed for foundation sup�ort. 't'ile findings of our observatior�s and rec�mnlendations for tl�e foundation de�i�n aa�e presented in this report. Tl�e services were performed in accordance with our ���reement for professional engineerizlg sei-vices to you dated Uctober ?9, 2012. Th� deck will be attaciled to the soutl� sici� of residencc and replace an existittg dec(s. It is plannecl to found the decic on isolated iooti��g pads. We �ssume retatively ligl�t #���undation lt�ac�ial�;s fpr the deck. The re�idz�icc� lla� a gai-den lev�l b�senlent (about S to 6 feet dee�) ancl assu�n�d founc{ation backfill in the at-ea of the �roposed d�ck. At the time of ouc site visit, oue }�it {�'it 1) had been �iug Co a depth of dbout 3'/� feet in the area of the de;cl: addition. 'Che pit was l�cated aboiit 6 feet south of the middle of the south sid�; c�f thc resicienc�;. T'lte soils exl3oscd iii tl�e pit, IzeL<�w abot�it 2 f��t of in�n- pla�EC1 till, coi�sisteci of r�lativ�ly dei�se, silty to slightly silty sandy geavcl �c�ith cobl�les that extei�cicd d�wn tc� tl�e pit de��th of 3%z fe4k. "t�Iie results of � graclation analysis perti�rnled on a sample of nat�.iral eoai•se �t-a«ulat� srails (n�inus 3 ineh fraction) obtained fi-on1 tkle pit a��e presente�i �n Figure l. No f•ee c�rat�r w�s enepu��t�red in the �it ��id the soils wc�°e sli« t1y inc�ist. �`���sici�rin� the cc�nciitions ex�ose�l in the �it anc� th� na�urc of th� ��rc�posed re�nstructiot�, s}3�read ti�ot�t�� �acis placcci �n the undisturbe�i n�ttat�al cflar•se �a•��xulai- �oi(s ciesibned foi� �it-� allc?w��t�1e be�ri�lg p�•�ssure of 2,500 psf ear� U� usc�l fc�r su�E�oi�t of the c]e�k acic(itic�u. il�ere coulc3 t�� s���le dii��'erential :�et�len�e:��t witl� re�pect t�� the �?;i5tir�� sh•uettu•e ���l�ich whoulci l�� ��t��id�x-�d iza tl�e ��sign. Fc�otin�;s sh��id k�e a���inii��ui�l ��icitl� oi'? f��t ���r th� toc�tin� pads. �Il till, tops�il �iid loos�; disturl�ec� so�la ii� th� fo�tii�� areas should be rr�����vc� anc� tlae bearin� le�rel exte�ld�e1 d��u�l to th� und��tu�•�i�cl cc,��r-s� �r��►1ul�r tlat�u•al �oil�. This could req«u•e s��bexca�ration below d�;si�n be�rin� elevation in som� a�•e�s. , ;ni'rkri *i%i �� i - f i ! � + t..i�(�?i�it�� �"�.�i't11r�4 l �t�-�?_� 4-`�'}(',� � �.la'�'e.t'�`1��i2�e �'���-����• ; ��>� Jack Carni� (�ctober 31, 2012 F�a�e 2 'The b��ri�� s�ils shr�ut� be p��at�e.t�d ��;�inst fra�t �ric� cc�ncr�e s�uiuld nat h� plac�d c�n fi•AZ�n �c�il�. Th� faatings should be �r�vi�ed with ac3equat� scsil c�ver �bov� t}�eit• }i�a�•in� �levations for �rc�st pr�pt��tip�n, ���kfill c��th� fpt�Yit�� par�s can c�n��ist afthe c�t�� 51�� �p1�S' �xcluding t�psc�il �nd gversi�e.d re��ks, ec�na��ct�d to ax le��� 9��/n df standa�rci Pr��tar density at a mt�i�t�r� c.�n���t n��r ��timurr� (�S�'/� i� slab �rcas). Th� baek#ill shc�ul� t��ve th� �urfa�e �racled tA pr�vent �nda.n� withit� �t 1�ast l� �e�c c��th� �uildi�n� ��d �'ootira� areas. �h� recc�rnrnenda�tic�n� submitt�d ira this lett�r ar� ba�ed c�1� c�ur ot�serv�ti�r� c��ti�� g�ils �x��sed wichin chc pit �xcav�t�on �t th� iQCatian ��d tq tk�e ci�th indicat�d, and c�� not in�lud� subsurface �x�1o�•atiQn with�?� t�e laad�d c��pth �f f�unsiatic�n infilt►er�ce: 1'his ��uciy is bascci nra th� a�su��ap�tipn, th�t soil� b�n�atl� t}�e c��ath �x�lored kt�v� �u�l o� betker suppc�tt than thc�se ex�osed. Tn ard�r tp r�veal the nature anci �xt�� Q�vari�tions i►� the subsu�'faee c<�ndifiiai�s b�1ow thc exc:av�tiort, �i�•illiai� w��uld k�e r�quir�d. It is �ssibl� the dat� obtained by suhsut-fac� ex��lot-atic��a cc�uld c.hange t}ie r�co�ni��endations cc�ntained u1 thifi l�ttet-. W� should c�bser•ve the footui� pads excavatic�ns at ti�e time of �;onstruction. If you have any qu�sti�i�s oi• need tiarther assistance, ��lease call our oftice. Sit�cerely, HE�'W�RTH �gWL�1K G�C�TFCHNI�'A�,, tNC. '� � � �'11t11f1��j��`# 'I �,'�i��� " � i+j�r 1� c� � ��;���� _.:- ��v�d A. Y����, � � . �� �� �,�'�„ • 1(-�_�� D�Y�ksw '.+_ "_''•.� `� �ttachme��t Fi�;ur� 1. �+('�Nlifilr►�'�`�st Re�ults c:c: Ralp�i Roh�rt� (TR��berf.2(f0=�� comcast:�let) Struc�ur�l T��si�c� Scalutic�n� � Tyl�r �l���ich C�d�fyler(�a century�tei.net) �t�b Nc�, 11? 4tlAA . _ Y � .. ...._.� �� �� - �. �. ....... _.� �� _...� �. ..�_ �� ,..-._ ..�_�_,�.--- �� ��w ��� ���� � � � �.��r���� �� �� ���� �� �� ��� � � G�Ci'1 GRADATION TEST RESU�TS EPWORT1�f�P WlAK OTEC NICAL *********************************************+*++******************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ********************************+***********�********+*********************************+**** Statement Number: R120001997 Amount: $20.00 12/14/201211:42 AM Payment Method: Check Init: CG Notation: ck#5026 Roberts Specialties Inc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB120591 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2101-122-1300-1 Site Address: 4314 STREAMSIDE CIR W VAIL Location: Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 *****+********+****************�******************************************++**************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 ROBERTS SPECIALTIES INC. az—soai,mo 5 0 2 6 THERESA OR RALPH ROBERTS 371 NO'I'1TNGHAM RD. 1D � AVON, CO 81620 PH. 970-477-1324 U=41 �—� ' i;= -'- 'I / •J YAY 7"O __, � � � � j • _ � � , . . t IHEORDHRC?F.. � /� '"�``,„ . � ' _--- — -- -- — ---- ����,-� lf-�� / .,t 8 �.;; o��:e, � , Do��aas � ����I��� (gW g�b3qqq �m _ � ��/ / ,, . _� ,� �e»_� MeNio - / ��./�!!" _ _ %` — ; -- — --�— , � — — --. .. - _ : , _._ __. _ -- -- __ ___�---- �:L07005047i:3535536235�i' S026 �. ���-� .�.