HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 BLOCK 2 LOT 7 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel; 970.48.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Pruiect Name: RIMSKI ALTEMTION DRB Number: DRB040173 Project Description: REPAIR PATIO SETTLEMENT Participants: OWNER RIMSKI INC 05/022004 Phone: 28OO SAND HILL RD 2OO MENLO PARK cA 94025 License: APPUCANT MILLIGAN, JOHN 05107120W Phone: 970-390-0549 416 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL co 81657 License: Prciect Address: 394 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 394 BEAVER DAM ROAD Legal DescdpUon: Lok 7 Block: 2 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 3 Parcel Number: 210107113016 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofAPProval: 051LI12004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this p$ect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completon. Planner: :oe SuUrerO ons Jqaia: g2o.oo EIIII Department of Community Development ffi TssouthFronbgeRoad,Vail,Colorado 81G57 IOl4nlWlffilP ter: e70'47e'213e..f#,,?3;oJt''ou' rew General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot: -7 Block: I Subdivision: lhf 6, Physicaf Address: 4ail BaNen T\ nrn Parc€t No.: 2lOp7ile ^'r (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) rowN oF-yall Name(s) of Owner(s):VAL Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:,l-r-)6e// ' Type of Review and Fee: n Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Ef Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) D Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Plus $1.00 per square total sign area. For construction of a new bu For an addition where souare commercial building (includes 250 $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $20 No Fee JJVIS such as,For minor changes to buildings and site reroofing, painting, window additions,landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. 3::fi 'f:?t'-Topransarreadv"ffihi'!{ry.T]'7agm$e REC'D MAY -J 2oo4 For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.:- By: Appllication Date: Z -{-o? DR Planner: Page 1 of l3/ttl17/03 Mailing Address: 4 Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting other -f1a,6 A:ucnne & lbSftt\tE Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L3lLIltTlO3 tr Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areau Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINTPROFOSATS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is requircd; o C-olor chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color numbe(s)D Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the locaUon of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The folloruing is an o<ample: Page 5 of L3lIUt7l03 Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax:. 970.479.2452 nppri*nt,5pr+Ht Mru.-rf.*r*r phone Number : e1O'Offi TOI4'NM Project Address: submittat /ee /.a,t r- 7oq5- z23L o Stamped suwey of property . o Landscape plano civif/site plans 5UAU71 nt a f-iue Report (section B) Survev Requirements: f *€ o Surueyor's wet stamp and signature o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debriso Date of survey flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)o Nofth arrow o Watercourse setback (if applicable)o Proper scale (1"=10'or L"=ZO") o Treeso Legal description o Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility,o Basis of bearings / Benchmark pedestrian, etc...)o Spot Elevations o Topography o Labeled right of way and propefi lines; tr Utility locations including bearings, distances and curve o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of information, asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown o Lot Size for a minimum of 250'in either direction o Buildabb Area (o<cludes red hazard from property. avalanche, slopes greater than 409o, and floodplain) Site Plan Requirementsr I. Access (check all) o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. o Unheated r Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) o Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (300/o of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated) n All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):- o Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 U. Construction Site (check all)o Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. o I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction, tr I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 o'f L3lLLlL7l03 web: www.ci.vail.co.us *This chxlrlist must be submitted prior to Public Worlcs review of a proposed development, owners/project nane:Zrm5oi ?arro fH*i( UI. Drainage (check all that apply)a The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.o (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)a 4 Foot C.oncrete Pan o 8 Foot Concrete Pano Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.o Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan.o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) IV. Erosion Crntrol (Check all that apply)o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped,D Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply) o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain. D 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limib or as requested by Town Engineer) o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)o The project lies within a Geologi{Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)s A Hazard Report has been provided o The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard arm. VIL Grading (check all that apply) o Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. o All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1grade. o All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped detaib are provided within plans. o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIIL Parking (check all)o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. D(. Retaining Walls (check all that apply) a All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. D All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction. D No retaining walls are required for this project. X, Sight Distance (check all that apply) o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. oPropersightdistancehasnotbeenattained.Exp|anationwhy:- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Work Review. Pase 12 of L3ltLlLTO3 Applicants Signature I | - l=ll/::t"-'--i----/| ,"Etl ih:47 I .l I v .es.{i W@'1r,-l'l*,:W@#r{Fiffi,p -- -. 1 -t(\--/t - r i*-. .xJ'Ar2!d.' .?l I IL I-'l J:l\ 5 /.i" :.)---4.i,'l .\ o:. t_J - =6 \ cv ! it qo lio @ o (J O) ( rtc C o c k o(oo .i- (o cto) co z O @rr) I +.+o,@ooFT\ @@ Ll ) ri rto, N1 8/ adz fl Ofr(ooffi /8r l.'-, l :?lFi 0: e tr)l.l fO|r) @ =2._ OI =bRtoON -l o;jo z:f @ -lc!f\r @ztz3o I @ o -L- c\N cri C\lo z oN(\ I @ o o ,'ry 0. @ r+s:9}F -l>>>Q =lE zz6 -rlE ) ) =lE z= gE -f tr) .d- FO+*c)t Tichetblc:f00t$f,93)lcqu;aec:9LORQ:RgtlTINEilpd'rtcOf: *acpany : P.(EEFI! IICDOIILI,D tl/O Hrp rb' : trfoet lddr: Sgt BEf,t'En dAH RII County : EA,gtf Stesa: CC Pbe*: tallr l;€jls lan - : Ttrp: 055 Rng: {tlOS Sctrt: 06** trr,g:0$t ftrg: f'tofl l:et:o?l{E Sorh Lorc . : GRIBS: 0S$0AGlt86i* ':" O':SOOO$OZXE : LOC AROUI|D 'F!tE HOry 4;fe qilntE H/ P,/L fr{t IHCLI'DE 'ItlE EACK FROPER{'}' i:!mc il{F LsFir Rl5 enouttD 'IllE VaULT Ec0( r}f,eEls OFEII* Eizp. Rtcerk*: D./C F:oerits : f,CNIR ETIC'IV D}TE : 041L9/Oq '!IlE: 0?:00 lll A(TE}]DED ilOE: l{ Tran:ri:g ran lltc : lrigrnel Cri: Detl; : ',+atb te Bcg!.a Seic: ttr: rgrncd D:sc : ot,,/L{{?.00l| o.t/ L\/ 2rrg4 a4fL6t2001 0 r,/1$1e00{ Trens&ir: iett Ti.tlc : OrrEiaeJ. CaIl Ti.rc: Sortc to Eegin Tirc: lsrigred Tisc : 03:I8 pc 08: li p,n 11:59 p 0?: {5 :s :---- ----- lcr:tees : ilSt$l XItttlgil{ hlt Cotti. : Flx lfurbcr I Euail : MILLIGilt{tWi[l!.COl l{seh T5rpo : Piilil,tT'}XEiE3 lone f,cr : P.OIiERS UCDOIALD IUO Bsplo=ive : No lluragion: tdditianel llurbgrr: gt{$avt HeEL03 Pcilttgr Fe!fitoe Ql$rul3 vl|rle]. Ehonc: 19?0) 4?6-56116 Phclnc: Itlob i 1c ; R.O-'rf .: l{o Legrl Givcn: Nc l4ca? fiatc : naleb Brte: I:r Fro jrnt: $O v ) qD II : I htcaht:g tlcnbcr Codi;------ a.lictt!tfclacuni=ationersc*t \t **,t * ** 'l * +1* ***'t i. '* ** * * * * *:l * * f *!i:t ****{.,f *** r. * ***{. '1. * * ** * * {. t}* l. * * * ** * * * ** *,1. {r * *,t *'* ** * ** * * *,} 't ** {. '1. 't ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **:l * **:i'* ** * *r. *rf {. * tt * 't*** * * * f*** *** *,t '}*** 't'}**ir * {. * *** * 'r * *** * * * ** {. * 'i ** {.{. 'r * *:t:1.**i i. 'l.r.,t t rt l. * *'} {. 'r '* ** statement Number: R04oo05781 Amount: $20.00 05/07 /2OO4O4:38 PM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: *9279l,JoHN oR DIANE MIIJIJIGA}iI Permit No: DRB040173 T14re: DRB-Minor AIt, sFR,/DuP Parcel No: 210107113015 Site Mdress: 394 BBAVER DAlt RD VAIL Location: 394 BEiAVBR DAlil ROAD Totaf Fees: 520.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total JIIJIJ Prnts: $20. O0 Balance: 50.00 f* * *,1. * f 'l * *:t,t* ** 't,t 'i ** * * *** * ** *** * * ** * * * ** *'t l. ***:r * * * ** * *,I *** {.,1. 't ** 'r:r * ****,* ** * * * **,r *'r ** *,t 'i ** * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIET/,j FEES 20.00 I fflillA ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE #: 899-0029 StaEus. . Applied. Issued. . Erqlires. r*ttt*r*r*tttt***.rrrtrr.rr.tt rirrrrrrar**r* FBB souMlRy !rr1r+rli******r *.**.**.*,1.*ari"...,..,.:Sll.illl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i........1:ill:i3"......**ili,?T;;:;;;;;;;;;;:...----.--..;1i.". ITEM: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTT,IENI DCrrT: BUILDING DiViSiON:o3/L9/L999 JRM AcEion: AppR APPROVED .tRtfIlellti .05400_PI4NNING DEPARTIVIENI Dept: PLANNING Division:93,/L9/L29_9_JBU ecrioni AFFR N/AIlqmi .05690_EIR3 DEPAR1Jr,IEI{T '_ Dept: FIRE Division:o3/r9/L999 irRM Acri_on: APPR N/AIt,E.M: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKS DEPT: PIJB WORK DiViSiON:03/L9/L999 iIRM Action: APPR WILL cET ROW-PERMIT *,rri*+rtrr*r**t*ttaai.rr**t*,1** ia*rrr*r*r++arrrr*******rarr*rirr**r*irrt,lrrr*trtt***rr*rr***r**rr*+r** See Page 2 of t,his Document. for any condiE,ions Ehat may apply tso tshis permits. DECIJARATIONS r hcr.by .cknotladg. lhrt r havc rcad !h16 rplrllcac.lon, flllcd ou! ln full th6 lnformaclon rGquircd, coolrlrtad an accurats. plo! ISST'ED 03 /L9 /t99903/Le/L999 09 / Ls/L999 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGB ROADvArL, co 91657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT COr{TRA TOR OWNER DEPARTIvIENI OF COMMTTNITY DEIIELOPMEMf NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT 200, MENIJO PARK CA 940ii15 TOV/Comm. Dev.Description: ilob Address: Locat.i-on. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: BECK & ASSOCIATES, P O BOX 4030, VArL BECK & ASSOCIATES, P O BOX 4030, VArL RIMSKI INC 28OO SAND HII,I., RD 394 BBAVER DAI{ RD 394 BEAVER DAM RD 2101- 071-13 -015 PR'J99-0047 INC co 81_5s8 INC co 8r.658 Phonez 970-949-1800 Phone: 970-949-l_800 *of 9food/Pal lec: Occupancy: R3 TIT)e Construction: v N valuation: 426,305 ei-rcplacc fnfornat.lon: R.gt.rlct.cd: y Single FamiLy nesioen€BProved I Type V Non-Raeed Add Sq Ft r *of GaB Appllances: amount date *of oa6 1,096: Bullding-----> PLah cb€ck- - -> Invcatlgaelon> Will Call----> 2, 049 . 00 1,331.20 .oo 3.00 RrdtuarEnl Plan RevieY- -> DR8 Fc.-------- Cl.rn-UD D.Po!lC- - - - - -- - > R6c:iealion Fca----- -----> .oo Totel calculaEcd Fc6s- - - > Addll'lonal Fe€s--------- > Total PcnriE Faa--------> Paym$nrs- -- - -- - - .o0 200. oo 4,062,20 .oo 4, O92.20 4,OEz.20500.00 pl.n, .nd 6tats6 cha! all lhe lnfonafion plovlded a. requi!6d ls corr€ct, I to corply yith all Toen ordinahcoE .nd stacc 1ar6, and to bu11d Ehl6 codc6, dcsign ravl,en a;4rrovcd, Uniforfr nuildlng code and other ordlnences of REQUESTS FOR INSDECIIONS IIITALL BE I,IADE TI EMY.FOUR HOI'Rg IN ADiJTNCE BY g.nd Cl.an-ttp Doposie To: BECI( AND AgSOe and plot plan and €ubdivl Elon CE FROU g!00 Ag 5100 PM t FOR HII'I'E].F AND OHNSR Page 2 ****************************************************** dr************************* CONDITIONSPermit. #: 899-0029 as of 03/22/99 Status---: ISSIIED ****************************************************** i************************* Permit fipe: ADD/A.LT sFR BUrLD PBRMTT Appl-ied--: 03/L9/L999 ApplicanL---: BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC Issued---: O3/L9/I999 970-949-1800 To E:q:iret O9/t5/I999 ilob Address: 394 BEAVER DAM RD LOCAIiON---Z 394 BEAVER DAM RD Parcel No-- : 2101-071-13-016 Description: REDO AJ-,I, IN FIJOOR HEAT,DEMO FLOORS AtiID INSTAI,L NEW ***** * *** *** !t * ***** * ***** * ******* * * *** COndiEiOng **** lr*** * ** *** * ** ** *** *** * * * * * 1. FIBLD INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODB COMPLIAIICE' 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI,I. BEDROOMS ]IND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.5.1 0F TtrE 1997 ttBC. *****************************************************t:********** TOV|N OF VAUJ, COIJORADO Statemnt,***************************************************** t,,**********Statemnt, Number: REC-0497 AmounE.:4 , 082 .20 03 /:l':2 / 99 1,4 : 44Init,: iIRMPayment Method: CK Notati.on: 737 Permit No: 899-0029 T149er A-BUTLD ADD/ALT StrR BUILD pEParcel No: 2101-071-13-01GSiTC AddrESS: 394 BBAVBR DAI,I RDI,OCAIiON: 394 BEAVER DAI4 RD This Palment, Balance: .00**********!t******************************************{********** Tot.al Fees:4,O82.20 Total ALL Pmts: 4 ,082 .20 4, O82 .2O Account Code Descript,ionBP OO1OOOO311110O BUII-,DING PERIIIT FEESDR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEESPF 00100003112300 pr_,AI{ CHECK FEBS Anount 2,O48.OO 200.00 1,331_.20 s00 .00 3 .00 AD D2-DEPO8 CIJE,ANT'P DEPOSITSwc 00100003112800 wrLL CALL rNspEerroN FEE ,I{ozOD.oo:E f.ozo;t,o q EIE oo oo o li:.: ll2^EUHr.l.le8 A|TOA o H &N =I 5U do El # 5 FI o !al'lIH oo dH xlo aaEa o!qor6lo o G; U!r EIo E! o rct!ldU aF1a! (, AFI BB !lI&4 EIF t{ lr AB E8 A F,H ?EHI ao E FFHZ!49 89&( & FI a n PH A x 6 lr EC-U4q|ZE EEtrEo (:'EH X6B 6' o U E Fi H o qc A B EE t{ o !tA J t: crlI} 8tr9E(O4E!rc'EarotqEo , DEICTOPMBT.IT ON iIOBSITE AT AJ.,I, TIMES Permit #: M99-0016 SLATUS...: ISSIIED ApPlied..: 03/08/L999 r-s-sued. . . I 03 /22/L999 Expires..z 09/L8/L999 MENLO PARK CA 94025 Descript,ion: valuation: 30' 000 ' 00 REPLACE 2 ENTRAN R3-DO SNOWMELT AIirD RADIAIiIT FLOOR Flralrlaco rnfom.tLon: ReEtsllcced: Y *of c's APpliancet: *of (|ai r'ogt r *of, tlood/P'11'c: FEE SUUMARY *r*e*l*tra*rtitr**i'tltl**t*r**t*ftft*t**trtrtlt*lr**it*ti*tr achanLcal--_> 600'00 Rescuar*rt Plan Reviev_-> 'oo Tot;al calcullcsd FcGt-_-> 7s3'00 Plqn Chock---> 150.00 DRB Fee--------- rnvslLlgaglon> 'oo TorAJ' FEES----- ?s3'oo Tol:al P'rulL Fec--------> 753'00 wirl cr'----> 3.oo illl$*';:-:---------'-------', "':13 ia.rt**te**..'jrtl'ti.'i'|,|'''lr'**t''tl..itrt*.ti* ILem: .05100 BUIIJDING-DEP,4R1'IIIENr Dept:: BUILDING Division: giZai,[?es;"$#-;;;tfih1sfi i::1 t::*ou'o Dept:: FrRB Division: 6i7':j t76g6",rhfi'- ---ACEion; APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, i. mm-*fi* fi'nffj ' $#FHlti"Bhffi ftllildEEm:sfitoEexptstlffiEffi Hi:i'e.ffi ;,ffi ft ;p:l"iffi l^pg:tgm*Hulffi Htriust:ff*H*iiil{H"'lx:L; -, mx-+i*Skilsffill- ';HcH#[trfi:t']|E #Ht:'i s]ry"ffi ETBEET TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONfAGE ROAD vArrJ, co 81557 970-479-2L!8 OWNBR DEPARN{EI.IT OF COMMT'NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT IvIttST BE POSfED MECHANICAL PERMIT JOb AddTESg. . . Z 394 BE,AVER DAM RD Location... ... : 394 BEAVER DAlt! RD Parcel No...,. : 2101-071-13-016 Projectr Number: PRiI99-0047 APPI,ICANT CONCEPT MECTIAIiIICAI." INC , AVoN, co 81520 CONTRACTOR CONCBPT MECHANICAI,, INC , AVON, co 81620 Phone: 970-949-0200 Phone z 970-949-0200 RIMSKI INC 28oO SAI{D HItt R.D 200, ***************************************************:t:l*************************** SEatemnt* * * * *** * ****** **** * !r *** *** * ** ** *** *** ******* ********* r.**********Statemnt Nurnber: REC_0497 Amounr,. 753.00 o3/l:2/gg 14:45Payment Mer,hod: CK r.f"Ciiio", 737 Init: .fRM pertl|.it. No: M99-0016 Tlpe: B_MECH MEcHANIcArt, pERMrrPareel No: 21,0L_O7I_L3 _'Oi5site Addrees: 394 BEAvEn oar.l-noI.OCATiON: 394 BEAVER DAM RD This Payment ToEal Fees: 753 .00 Total ALL pmt.s:753 .00 753.00 * * ******** ******* *** * * *** **************::-lil::i--***** * ** **;99.-Account Code DescripEion AmountMp 00100003111300 MECHAIIiCAL PERMTT FEES 500.00pF 001_00003112300 pLaN ennci rees 150.00we 00100003112800 WILL CArrrJ rNspEclroN FEB 3. OO DECLARATIONS flll.d ouc ln ful1 lhr lnf 1! correcE. I rqr.a atructur! of -t orrullcir 8.qqir.d, coottl'fod rn 'ccurrg' Plol to cdply riEh thc lnforu'cton rnd ploc Phn' cg thc Toirr'! EonlnE .nd lubdlvigion crblc Etlcrclo. 2t.ra OR AT oOR OF ICB FROti! 0!00 }ll 5:0o Pt'l f hcraby rcknorlldgr tshat I hrvc r..d Ehi! aPPll,crLlon, phn, rnd !crc. tshats all bh. lnfoquLlon prowid.d a! Eo co!tr !.y rlfh .I1 totn ordLnmoG6 .nd .tlg. 1.t., rnd to cod!6, d.s19!r r.vi.t qpProv.d, ttnifolE Sultdlng cod. and REQITBST9 FOR rl{ggB(rlond aHA.LIJ BE SAI)B mBltTr-FOUR llOIrRa rN SIONATURE O8 OTIIIER OR COIITIACIOR FOR HIMABLF.AND OIdI{8R ontacc Eagrc councy Assesrrcrs ar" I 970-328-8640 for Parcel ir. TOhIN OF VAIL CONS?RUCTfOM RFEL l:M PERMTT APPr{trcATroN FoRM( oxrt':ALl\A4 PER.\IIT I' APPLICATION I'fUST BE FILLED OUT'COMPLETELY OR TT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ob Name: rrk c).ass: [ ]-Ner., tY*r"H{t"kPi^UL,. aa,e,,;.ondl [ ]-Repair [ ]-other I rmber of Dwelling Units, I rmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas i*** * *J.****)t* *** ** t rl*rt***** ****** rrLDrNG $qlrh06h ,UMBTNG: $M E cFrAN r cA r-,, l4gOb66' Dh Dh Number of Accornmodation Units: cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet * ***** ***********tr********** **)k** TOTAL: EI,ECTRICAL: $ :*:t Jr :t*:l Jt * * ** ** * * * * {' rneral Contractof: ldress: t-. ectrical Contractor: dress: urnbing Contractor: dress: dress: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * tf FOR ILDING PERMI? FEE: UMBING PERMIT FEE: CHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ECTRTCAI, FEE: HER TYPE OF FEE: B FEE: Address: Address: Appliances VALUATIONS CTOR INF Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: rTown of Vail pl'rone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Eot OFFfCE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * J. * * * * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I.{ECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREArION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT; TOTAL PERMIT FEES; BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: fkr??-e47* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERMIT fNFoRMATIgy * * * * * y'* i * * i * r* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * X-e,,,irait'ts I j-Plurnbing g ]-E1ectrical {-Uecnanibal [ ]-other Job A<ldre "", 4 egal Description: r,ot ?a:.oc,x 7 !,rners Name: rchirecr: UIB -aneral Description: nnents: VALUATION EAN I]P DEP,OSIT REFI]M TO: tll,1.\ lnwn n llfll 75 soulh tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: To review ordinance No. 6 inVail Building Department toooperation on this matter. edged olf lce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMI,RINITy DEyELOPMENT I4ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soiI, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, i.ncluding trash dumpsters, portable toirets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewaik, alley or public _qI?:" or any portion theieof. The right,-"i-;;t on aII Town ofvart streets and.roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be striltty enforcEd by the Town of Vair. IYP}r:-wo5ks Department- pers6ns found vi6tating this ordi.u.".wrrr be glven a 24 hour written notice to re,move said materiar.rn the event the person so notified does not comply with th;--notice within the 24 hour tinre specified, tne-puh.ic worksDepartrnent wirl remove said mateiiat at tn" "xf.nse of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance. str'aff not beapplrcable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street, or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. full, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. tnank you for your on/to Pro ect (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 3outh tronlage road vrll, color!do 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII"II FRAI,II If this gergr_lt.1equires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer''s..(.Publ ic lilorks) reyiew and approval ,'a p)anning'oepariment review or Health Department review, and'a review by the EuilbingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review may take as l6ngas three weeks. All commercial ('large or small ) and all mu'l ti-fam'ily permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnts. Residentia'land.smal l projects- shoul d take a I esser amount of time. However, ifresidentia'l or smal1er projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments. with regard. to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wi'l I be made by this departnrent to expedite thispermi.t as. s.oon as possible. of llce of communlly devolopmerrt ti meI, th. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure andframe, Wr X=Y\WW- PrOJ€Ct Name Communi ty Development Oepartnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMOBANDUM ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMII'' DEPARTMENT IS BEOUIRED Job Nam Date: Please a ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easernenls or public propefi? ls any utility work needed? fs the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing dnveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecting the right olway, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, public property to be used parking or fencing? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-218. I have read and answer th { 1) 2) YES NO Vn\ \,f K.,, 4) 5) o/ 7) 8) F easements or for staging, B. lf no lo 8A, is a.parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? qu Jbb Name Conlracto Signalure I t-, REFT131 TNWN OF VAILI COLORRDO F,REE 4 g9/t6/1999 07!58 REOUES.T5 - rNSF,iCrr'r wonx SHEETS FOR: 9/16/1999 AREA: CD ,==============-==========================================*======3:======g======== ActivityIBgg-otr?9g/t6/l?Type:A-BUILDStatus:ISSUEDConstrrASFR Addressl 394 BEAVER DAM RD Loeation: 394 BERUER DAM RD Farcel ; P1O1-O71-13-016 Occ: FLOORE AND INSTALL NEI^I Fhone: 978-949-tgq6 Fhone: Fhone:97O-949-16O€r Use: V N Deseniption: RED0 ALL IN FLOOR appr bfif,Bt i RltrExt ?REocInrEs' Contr^aetor: BECK & RSSOCIRTES, HEAT, DEMB INC INC Inspect i on Reqr-test Inf ornat i on. . . . Request or; Chuck Coe Re'q Ti me I Ol : OO Conment s I Kev inItens requested to be Inspeeted...ga54gr BLDG-Final - Inspection History,.... Itemr OO5lUt driveway grade finat @7/13/99 Inspector.: LS Item : qtufi|A BLDG-Foot ings,/Stee1It em: A@6eA BLDG-Foundat ion./SteelIteml 005€0 PLAN-ILC Site trlan Item r A0laStZt BLDG-Framingrteml AAtZt4tZt * * Not On FiIe * * Iten : rZ ZrZrFUr BLDG-IneuIat ion Item I OIAA6A BLDti-Sheetrock Nai IItenl AAABTZ| * * Not 0n FiI€ * * Item: flVAIA BLDtr-Mise, I t em ; dolzrgA BLDG-F i na I Item : rZtESStZr BLD6-Tenp. CltrItem: 6@344 BLDB-FinaL C/A Act i on : AF'F R AF'F ROVED Fhone;Fifield on site Aet i on Comment s Ti me Exp I tr'I 'fr{ I REFT1SI t0HN 0F URILr CtlLflRAD0 Og,/16/1999 07r58 REGUE$TS - INSFECTN HORR SHEETS FOR: 9/16/1999 , Activity: M99-OOI6 9/1e-/t9 Type: B-HECH Addresst 394 BERUER DAM RD Loeationr 394 BEAVER DAM RD Parcel r Et0tl-071-13-Cr16 trA6E 5AREA: trD iile====!i.=-E-==========!:i=E====g===== ==============s=!Et!=====3 ==-===gE====t==:3==:!=3==Status: I55UED Constrt ASFR Occ l Use r REF.LNCE S ENTRAN RE-DO SNOI^IMELT AND RADIANT FLOT]R CONCEFT MECHANICALT INC Fhone: 97O-949-tlEOODescriptionl Appl icant : Own er. r .Cont ract or l RIM$KI INC CONCEPT MECHANICAL. INC Fhone: Fhone: 97O-949-O€O0 fnspeet i on Request. Requestor: Chuck Req Ti ne: tZtl : OOItems requested to oo394 MECH-Final Infornation. . . .. Coe Eo mm ent s I Hevinbe Inspected... Fhone IFifield : L Act i Eonm ent g Tine Exp Inspect ion Hi stony. . . . . flo"04 HECH-Rouqh AQ?E5 FI RE-SF.RINHLER ROUGH OOE/+O trLMB-Eas triping 6$31€t MECH-Heat ing @3/0l1/9i Inspectorr 6RG Aetionr FA I^,IRSBO, ALL BUT MAIN...Notes: IN-FLI}OR HEAT RND DECKS SNOW FIELT. EITHER WORKING FRESSU OR 45 trSI AIR TEST I,JAs ON. ALL COMF'LETE & APPROUED EXCEP MAIN (GRADE) LEVEL. 03/18/99 Inspeetor: GRG| Action: FtA MAIN FLOOR/GARAGE,., Notes: MAIN FLOdR & GARAGE, UNDER I^IORKING F,RESSURE. STILL HAS OUTDOT]R SNOI.I MELT F.ORTION REMAINING TO BL DOMPLETED & IN6trEETED. Itenr Iten rItenrIt em r . OAlU?./99 Inspecton: JRM flction: trA Notes: TESTTHOT TUB AREA 07/ee/99 Inspeetor: 6RG Action: AtrFtR Iteor OA3e0 MECH-Exhaust Hoods Iten r C|O33O tvlEcH-Sr.rpply Air I t em : qt0340 fttECH-ltli sc. Iten l OO39O ltltCH-Final Itenr 00538 FIRE-FINAL C/0 AtrPR F.HRSE 136A AIR DRIUET^JAY, 74 psl TEST. J!.t L -. I oo E . -, LEGALDESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: 'fJ"*;:ffi :,'*,i,Yi3;";1,1, tnsloetot X DESCRI OF STRUC OR s)l o RlcHf-oF-wAY: n"ffi i:: : ;ff :]ff ,ffi:,xT' * appurlenance in the project area (to scale or climensioneil) ano sectionli) as well as elevalions(if applicable). Does slnrclure presenlly exisl? agrees as follows: Proposed dare for commenc"m@ In consideration of the issuance of a revocabre perrnit for rhe Thal the stftlcltlre herein aullrorizerl on a revocable permit basis is restriclejl-excltrsivelylo the land above described. That the permil is limited specifically lo llre type of struclure clescribed in lhis applicarion. That lhe applicant shall notify the Project Planner and Town Engineer, or their ctLrlyaullrorized agent, rwenly-forrr hours in advance of lhe lime for coimencemenl ofconsfu'ucrion, in order that pfoper inspecrion may be macre by rhe Town. Tlte applicant agrees to inclemnify ancl lrold harnrless lhe Town of Vail, ils officers,employees and agenls from and againsl all liabilily, clainrs and demancli on acco'nl ofinjtrry. los.s or damage, incruding without rimitation craims arising from bocriry injury,personar injtrry, sickness, disease, dearh, properry ross or oamige, or any other ross ofany kind whalsoever, which arise out of oi are in any manner connecred wrrh appracanlsaclivilies pursrranr to tlris permit, if such inlury, ross, or damage is caused in whore or inpan riy, or is claimed ro be caused in whore or in part by, thelct, omission, error,professional error, mislake, negligence or other fauil ofiire appllcani, rrls conrracror orsubconlraclor or any officer,. employee or represenlalive of the appticant, his conlraclor orhis subconlraclor. The appricani agrees to invesligare, handre riiponJio, and to providedefense for and defend against, any such riabirily, craims, or demands ar the soreexpense of lhe applicanl. The applicanl also agiees lo bear all other expenses relatinglherelo, including courl cosls anrl-altorney's fee-s, whelher or not any such liability, claims,or demands alleged are grounclless, false, or frauclulenl. Applicanl €grees lo procure anrl mainlain, al iis own cosl, a policy or policies of instrrancesufficienl lo enstlre againsl .all liabilily claims, clernancls and olher obligalions assumed bylhe applicant prrrsuant lo tlris paragrbph 4. Applicanls further agree lo release the Town of Vail, its officers, agenls ancr employeesfrom any and all liabilily, claims, clemands, or aclions or causes of aclions whalsoeverarisino.ort of any damage,.loss or_injury to ilre appricanr or ro tne appiicant,s properrycatsed by lhe Town of Vair, irs officers, agenls and emptoyees whiie enlagea inmaintenance or snow removal aclivilies oi any other aciiviiies whatsoev6r on Town of t/,tol Fence Wall Landscaping Other ,ovisod 5/2{/93 APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY - .THIS FORM CANNOT BE REDUCED (Please type or print) OWNER OF PROPERTY NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS DATE Corner lol 1. L 4. abovd indicaled, /r'/q,, ip6tllnr ttlllll lllil llillil il ililt illt ilil1 lil ilil lil |||l 8959?6 03/13/1999 0rrt3p 32 Sr;; Fritlrt ct 2 R 11.00 D 0.00 1{ 0.00 Erele C0 5. oo oo Vail property, slreels, sidewalks, or righls-of-way. / That lhe permit may be revoked whenever il is delermined lhat the encroachrnenr, obslruclion, or olher stnrclure conslilules a nuisance, deslroys or inrpairs ltre rrse of the righl-oFway by lhe public, conslitules a lraffic hazard, or lhe properly upon wl.rich the encroachrnenl, obslruclion. or slruclure exisls is required for use by the public; or il may be revoked at any lime for any reason deemed sufficienl by the Town of Vail. Thal the applicant will remove, al his expense, lhe encroachmenl, obslruclion, or slruclure within ten days after receiving nolice of any revocalion of said permit. Thal lhe applicanl agrees to maintain any lanclscaping associaled wilh the encroachmenl on lhe righl-oFway. That in lhe evenl said removal of tlre encroachmenl, obslrr.rclion. or slructure is not accomplislred within ten clays, llre Town is hereby authorized lo remove same ancl have lhe right lo make an assessment against tlre property and collecl the costs or removal inlhe same manner as general laxes are collecled. That lhe applicanl has read and underslancls alt of lhe terms and conditions sel forth inlhis applicalion. 6. 7. B. 9. 10.Special condilions: Signalure of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVED: Projecl Planner Lllllil illlr illtlt tll lilill ilil l]il| ilt ililt il] |lll693976 6/13/t939 0l:13P 32 Sre Flrhr2 oJ 2 R 11.00 D O.OO N 0.00 Eegtr C0 Date I oz F =t Lgo- o\ o\ F F N C') a UJ IIJu-F = uJ t t{lu#"'i$ qrccx], *r.t o\ rr'l 4 E Hz H.A Fl z t *'e Olr1 g = E] <Qag,tr< =}4(9..t OHJ t-l 6 lu F FLz =o (,zz ,t. NN Nl.* lNln Nls\ lE$ ttu lf\ l;tNl3\lz\oN lr!IJ. t!{: t> o l- q: l*€t5.9 ti;-e lE \16€.rls $K$gN\e" HNii.5.'"\EYp\ $C+ = \-\ ll '- i-: N\\>:6 J \lpzS ls' < (It (D- EI laa tEJ?' ?IY34P',a\fft E9 cil+iil+6 l'lt3 ul+ E $t+ -o o (! c'- oN -v, 't- o o o) o (! o q, = o o3 -.: - oo-(!'=O(o6=!EEK 5ffr EEHts'3 E E EP e:5:Ig:;- cPG BE' E EA =:E;E tJ 3estq! c.=- (6 o-(! 0- sEE (,'! o.Egc-(ECE6:eP b o (g: EFE a-C.6O- - -_c6rO! EEE-ei;;6>, .Y=E3i;8 h6e9Eo>6EE!oct) -o6 tt1 aa (n 6F.@c{r\ra)\f CN o ral \o € q F = uJ zo 5 to - I z J F IJJ IJJ z6 = c 2 otll = UJ uJ z F tu LU =g UJ z UJo F6oo- UJ z uJJ X F uJol U) UJ UJtr. ts =dul(L J F F z =l(D J -F UJ u, (, z.6 =J 9z I UJ +l -.,1 - i NOrM]v^ F u.z t Fl Es r-1 zHv) =u.lz Y =zzu- tr ^ 6zI5 :9E9 OE aaEz>-ooonezXlr.<oq illJ -cxi.Xz iN(, N N >E FT D&Hu) zHF(a H }< ctl Fl E tLl zo F ) q ti o- E IU4 f- CO - o- L]JE z E z tr t/JF XFi!< 3 UJz trz:lzOo F -.uJo< =.6Pr6o<z Fz, <52z-.:F fioBtrOI u,/l cc UJz =F F z F laz ---] -l 3 :I o = I -li-l l .l :l5l JI<l F-l zl zl .. >l UJoI! IIJzot Eut(L zI =o I ;l-i I I ^]=lu,ro o\rnN -ir.x z @ l-ll"lolsld l'(')l.'.!l-og I I /<i1\JI V! -l Fla zH v)z FlA O LO lt- O UIl- U) @o-zo FI uJY lud) ,__{rn <'\.- o\-+l FF{ cc .it IJJ C{ o- b3l 6 6l()l.zltHlg u,rbkzo t z4 oY F =-< *coo E =z-:) 'if =P g R_rXtrr r-rIXJI IL l J..i5t-/ \.,/ = =ridil= tr =(r lu o- l!ot! z )oI Ec JFUl-h> d t.rJ>(!O|!9o x> ;F =LL ul @ oF q' Eclo o o, .:c E Eot) o ts =E UJo-zIFo EFazoo tltltl lall('1 |6tl Itrd It(Jl:<< |JJIco,r IrHlt>ltllF.] | l3*l tzF-i9; Ez HU' frl H M chEH4 x!<BIXExts i'j =z -') Fr Fl zz E rr Ir.l E E-\i z p. E tll \ao\ uJ o = I i o. H =o a E 4 |:l.4Fl B = tr Fth I \o\o\oe{ uJ 6 .J H z & z aJ) =C) ts H CA U) € v tll FA =E tr Ir\ oz ci lU cr J ll-oz 3 Io\$or uJ ulF o ujI ioz3oF z ci uJ = lt z3 F e oz olu J l!oz3o e. z IJJ z3oF qJ J ut E t,lJz =o F ul ET E --.-r O<F(l()uJ<z& t, zo JE<oC)F =<)FJ ;F-zilo E >Y =#-JZ O JIYfio =Fz<) =#Yz =g E ir =LIY uz<Oa !?.9H IxIIXIIF<IrxJr}4r'4J \- o DATE: FEB. 4. 1991 LEGAL: LOT ADDRESS: 394 BEAVE OWNER: ARCHITECT: WALKER BLOCK DAM RD. RIMSKI MOODY ARCHITECTS FILING PHONE # PHONE # 415 885-0800 ffiPRoPosEDUSE: P/s IS THE LOT STOPE OVER 30%YES/NO NO OWED ON SITE 2.0 NO.:.OF.GARAG 2.0 0.0 TOTAL,GRFA WITH ALL INCREASES 0,0 ALLOWED ::SlTE.COVERAG E.0.0 SITE!COjfERAGE USED 0.0 SITE COVERAGE HEMAINING 0.0 0.0 TOTAL GRFA USED ON SITE 4,839.0 GRFA REMAINING ON SITE (4,839.0) (15.0)(80.0)12.0 0.0 s0.0 0.0 UNIT ONE BASEMENTSQ,FT.0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,:SQ.FT 2,172.0 615.0 227.0 88.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2ND,FLC 2,550.0 0.0 87.0 0.0 o.0 0.0 0.0 3RD.888.0 0.0 136.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .;iFiF;lpigil CRE )IT TOTALS USED 1,088.0 CREDIT TOTALS ,,., '.600.0 .:'.,0.0 : 0.0 rA(lE 250.?),0.0 (1s.0)(s0.0)'12.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 co..l!!!|$!{$$iri,;.1 .': .:. :.: 1;. ;i .;. I GRFA USED 4,522.0 NG (4,522.01 UNIT TWO :0 !A BASEMENT SQ.FT,,,, ,:,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1ST, FLOOR SQ.FT.:0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2ND.FLOOR SQ.FT;:0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SQ.Fl f-1?rl 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LOFT FLOOR SQ,FT;....0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i.U:, ,,flli USED 0.0 CREDIT TOTALS , ,,,0.0 ADDED GRFA(IE 250?)0.0 (1 5.0)(80.0)12.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 (4,522.0)€ot4il{flrtssi:,r,i,,, i,.i...i GRFA USED..317.0 GRFA REMAIN NG (4,83e.0) o Town of VaiI Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado aL657(303) 479-2L38 Plan review based on the L988 Uniform Building Code Project Numbers 259L Address: 394 BEAVER DAU RD Occupancy: R3 rMl-Type of Const: V-N Portions of the material contained in this Uniform Building code ( 1988 edition) with conference of Building officials Name: RIMSKI RESIDENCE Date: March 21, 1991- Contractor:Architect: WALKER & MOODY Engineer: TOFT & HDE NEVERS Plans Exarniner: DAN STANEK program are reproduced from thepernission of International # SHEET IDENTTFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED A-8 STUCCO Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided with exterior metat lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are reguired to be adequately flashed(not with just screed rnetal). A lath inspection is reguired prior stuccoapplication. A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. l-205. (c) In bathroons with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation systen connected directly to the outside sha1l be provided. Bathnns which contain only a water closet or Iav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBc l-205(c). crasrl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openings shall have a net area of not less than 1 sq. ft. for each 1-50 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBC 251-5(c)6. cross connection control devices shall be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC l-003. fn buildings of unusually tight construction (aII new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shaLl be obtained from the outside. Such cornbustion air openings sha11 be as per IIMC Ch. 5. **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ******** ******** ******** ******** 10 ******** 11 ******** Page 2 A chinney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBC t706. This involves lining the inside of suctr chase trith 5/8rr Type X sheetrock and fire-taping joints. Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove installation shall be installed in a room or space having a volume at least L2 tirnes the volurne of the furnace. A boiler unit will require a space l-6 tines larger than the boiler. uMc 504 (b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of systern, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. AIso, the maximum water closet flush usage is lirnited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per flush. At eaves and valleys an adeguate underlayrnent shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid moppedto sheathing and between layers or a corunercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281 . Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado aL657(303) 479-2r3A PIan analysis based onthe L988 Unifonn Building Code Project Number: 259L AddrESS" 394 BEAVER DAM RD Occupancy: R3,M1- Type of Const: V-N Name: RIMSKI RESIDENCE Date: February 5, L99l- contractor:Architect: WALKER & MOODYEngineer: TOFT & HDE NEVERS Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a cornpletelisting of all possible code requirernents in the l-988 UBC. It is a guide toselected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( l-988 edition) with perrnission of International Conference of Building Officials DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Property lineEAST Property line SOUTH Property line WEST Property line AREA INCREASE 34.0 Feet 45.O Feet 35.O Feet l-6. O Feet FIRE PROTECTION 34.0 Feet 45.O Feet 35.O Feet L6.0 Feet AREA I/IIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 Master Bedroom3 Master Bath Room3 Sitting Room3 Landing3 Caretaker Bedroom3 Caretaker Bathroom3 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FIOOR2 Bedroom #l-2 Bedroon #22 Bedroom *32 Bath room #1.2 Bath room #22 Fanily roon2 Kitchen2 Dining roorn2 Living room2 Air Lock2 Tower Living Room2 Halls, closets, etc. L86 L45 229 225 268 74 L57 1,284 L79 160 1,44 63 64 L77 246 284 5l_0 97 32A 363 18.60 0. 00 22.90 0. 00 26.80 0. 00 o. oo L7.90 l_6.00 14 .40 0. 00 0. 00 1,7.70 24 .60 28 .40 51. OO 0. 00 32.40 0. 00 9.30 7 .25 1L. 45 t l_. 25 13.40 3.70 o. oo 8.95 8. 00 7 .20 3.15 3.20 8 .85 12.30 L4.20 25.50 4 .85 l_6.40 0. oo Yes No No No Yes No No Yes YeS Yes No No No No No No No No No l- t_ I t_ .L 1 2 1 L l_ I l_ t_ L 1 1 1 t_ l_ TOTAL FOR FIPORl- GarageL Rec Room1 Bedroour #5L Bath room *5l- Mech. RoomL Bedroom #4l- Bath roorn #4l- Foyer1 Powder RoomL Laundry roomL Halls, closets, TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL FOOTNOTES: 26L564L 0.00336 33.60L66 t-6.6069 0.0079 0. O0 L73 l_7.30 44 0.00 22L 0.0029 0.0047 0.00etc. 36L 0.O0 2L66 6065 0. 00 l-6.80 8.30 3 .45 0.00 8. 65 2.20 11. 05 L.50 2.35 0. 00 Page 2 1 l- No l- No 1 Yes l- No l- No 1 Yes LNo 1No LNo LNo LNo l_ 2 1-) EGRESS - An operable windohr or door that opens directly to the exterioris reguired frorn this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. L2O4.L) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2) The mininum clear width is 20 inches3) The mininun clear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches2) The nurnber of exits is based on Tab1e 33-A (Dwellings)3) A mechanical ventilation systern may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c)5) The requj-rements for 2 exits fron the 3rd floor is based onSec. 3303.(a) exc. 3. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feel- 6 inches. Kitchens, ha1ls, bathrooms and toilet cornpartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceilingis sloping, then the minimurn height is required in anLy L/2 of the area. --Sec. L2O7. (a') Every dwelling unit shall have at least one roon which has not less than l-20 sguare feet of floor area. other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in anydinension. -- Sec. 1207. (c) GI,AZING REQUIREI{ENTS :L) A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are reguired to besafety glazed regardless of the height above the floor. -- 5406(d) 5. Page 3 SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. l-2L0.(a) 4. The smoke detector is required to be wired to the building's power source. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. l-21-0. (a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is requiredin the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. --Sec. L2L0. (a) 4 FIREPI,ACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPI,ACE:L) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c, 3) The nininun clearance to combustible naterial is from the fireplace, snoke chamber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. combustible material maynot be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustiblewithin l-2 inches may not project rnore than L/8 inch for each l- inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h)4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches ttrick, and supported by nonconbustible naterial. The hearth size must be at least:If opening size is: Front extension Side extension Less than 6 sq.ft. l-5 inches 8 inches6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches 12 inches -- sec. 3707.(k) & (1) 5) Chinney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Bethreen the garage and the residence, rnaterials approved for l-hr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solid core door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306. (b) The maximun rise of a step is 8 inches and the rnininum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.#l- Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306.(j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height =36 inches, maxinum opening size - 6 inches. -- sec. L7LL. exc L Ttre rninimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be protected as reguiredfor l-hr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS: 1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The ninirnun size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than l square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be L/3OO if at least 508 of the reguired ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of theattic. The upper ventilators nust be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :l-) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exteriorwalls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each l-50 square feet of area in crawl space. openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be Located as cLose to corners as practical . -- Sec. 251-5. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to l-08 of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding official approves. 2') Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical eguipment is locatedin the crawl space. -- Sec. 25L6.(c) 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the ninimum clearance betr^reen exposed earth andfloor joist is LB inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders isis L2 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAIJ REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy THTS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VATL ARE LIMITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTI'RAL FL,OOR eEILTNG HEIGHT OF 5" BE EARTH FIOOR ONLY, BE VENTTLATED AS PER UBC 251_6(C)6 WrTH MTNTMUM ACCESS AS PER UBC 25L6(C)2 AND lt{AXIMItM ACCESS OF 9 SQ. FT. ANY BUILDING SITE WITH A SLOPE OF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALL REQUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOIL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAIJ DESIGN. EXCAVATION BELOW SI,ABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMTTTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. ADDRESS NI'MBERS SHALL BE POSTED PI,AINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET. For ML occupancy SI,oPE GARAGE FI,OOR TO ALI,OW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FIOOR DR,AIN WITH WITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GARAGE FIOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGTE VALIJY WATER & SANITATION DTSTRICT. IN GARAGES WITH LIVING AREA ABOVE, THE WALLS OF THE GARAGE WHICH ARE BEARING THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BE PROTECTED I{ITH ONE HOI'R FIRE RESTSTM CONSTRUCTTON. UBC 503(B). lEHHS"ffi, Marctr 18, 199L Dan Stanek Town of Vail Department of Community Developnent 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8L657 RE: @Rimski ProjectProject Number: 259L Dan: Attached are revised drawings for the mechanical room in the lllacDonnell Residence. We have also included our volume calculation to insure the nechanical roon is in confornance to the mechanical code. I will contact you urodilied rnechanical assi/s!.ance in solving Iater this afternoon to verify that the room is acceptable. Thank you for yourthis problen. si President Beck and Associates, fnc. AJB/di cc: Ned Gwathney Sandy Walker eIY,/ GEfrEAnl corrrFrcroFs P"O. BOX 4030 VA'L, COLORArc 816fi 1303) v*taN M49 Dnnn" // Fot,r/'ettrc ,QtnJE; ?r4o'/ 3-/g- 9/l:lEtlffilffi|Ii'i I I I ANt' Il!i':qct^r''''!t( r: r-o- lto)t 4?1/lvrlL ccl 4tlr{l-., E 1r.".4 l:'.rlt llln.tn^tr /,V6/rtnne nrr 5eo., 5C; /.^-.--| /9?'t (/vlL, Iil i- r ^ t -/6 /. Lf //r = /oB r prn2 31.€ E"rL I {' = 't4q.'r //3 /4u,s lt,'l tl, \]1-\\ $^\' i*t iq*i+$ ,1 +tl $r J"' \ /f" \.t \ $ ..\ q Ni\ \ ^$ \ tt * tU \) \ V\ l!'*t\\{ r\ ,'\\'," Il s{ -t-- (\I\l\ IQS\ St I $t \ \c| { $ss r) ,l {l i.,: 1i :i :. il :,i ,: rl \/it ?- !il|Iq'4r/) : --!'l| $n tN>JF ': :: i - r() i) tt4t1Fr!'rrl't -I FfA o !! Lq..E r vt lluE { \ N -t\ .\llr Atu V) N t.- N t. s \ YI Ta :\ i) tr.l A $ * -l.:r{$ rs s Nr \-.<. I' i$i oz tr =tItl.L -t a UJ UJt! 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IDD4, lnttn TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJECTs 75 iouth tronlage roed rEil. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 oltlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAII TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCII 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to lj.tter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, a1ley or publicpl1ce or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all_ Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vailng!]ic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-sai.d material .In the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puLtLc WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain - copy. ttranf you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledoed bv: (i.e. contractor, owner) and acknowledged by: El!z3o ulIFoz l5 luJe lE c. t* o lu' (! tyE 13 \\ lz o \t- "\\ /J-x.\tw \! (f, h\\l;,ar\\\o FNs ;N c Us ?1*=$o )J)rY' -i '6 oE U;(D Eo '.9 ! a u, '- o N -ul 3ot- q) .= ooo(' o oJ .(t 9 -i- c) ID'.iC' '= q) .'lJF-g6E -o(g,2n.Yo6;ocF.:6FJc c:i-60 =7rFd i= cPd'- o, -c 8Et.'-; i6Eo €qsr! c.Y- (5oo o-oi-,sE O tov (>Ego-(gcE:;(, oo:- c.9Oo;eiE -c(qL (s0- v *-cog-O)cr"co c= 933 zl O LO|-- -J Cf H F-](n z H az '-l oz ==E[! t!l z iF LzlzOatruJ<(Jo< >fi>trRrUo E (L uJ z E o z tr f [4 F'(J ct) F{ z tLtE tq E (\I (\l >E ulra -2 zo F.LulY L!@ ,--r /.'\ ol r+t FFr cC \"[! c\| (L *zl(J<l>"lX4l lzlr Hl .. >loL!o UJ UJ o\ln(\ l-l 'C"tt i.,? rl'. \ i.: I .J '..'' 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POWER FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT g SUPPLY AIR tr D FIT{AL O FINAL O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIREf(neenoveo CORRECTIONS: ]rl NsPBcrroN's c'ITPLETED Tbe lteoe belor necd to be couplete before gLvtng a perult a fl.na1 C of O. Please check off ln the box provlded. FINAT PLT'}IBING DATE: FINAL UECEANICAI DATE: FINAI, BUIU)ING EAST SIDE: IIEST SIDE: DATE: TEUPORART C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCT'PA}TCY DATE3 LAIIDSCAPING DI'E DATE: FILE NAIIE: I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, 'b - N-\ ,o, CALLER TUES X-(d- READY FOR LOCATION: -1 PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER OTINGS / STEEL (r\,\ tr D D tr tr tr tr FOUNDATI FRAMING ON / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. poltien MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS ' O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL T tr APPROVED coRRfcfloNp: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, 4 */ * 7/ rNSPEcroR DATE \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON rui9..@ CALLER ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER OOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL E D ft B" tr FRAMING ROOFI& SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECIIONS: INSPECTOR nr'ftsrop k.\*^^\l , O\.\\\\N INSPEC TION. REQUEST )WN OF) VAIL CALLER TUES PMREADY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: PERMIT NUM BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL B FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr tr tr tr O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr APPROVED DISAPPROVED tThETNSPECTTON REQUTRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ) - ''/ /INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES W THUR LOCATION: PMAM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr o tr tr tr - UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: ffitrt. PowER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr tr FINAL t APPROVED ':" O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: {t INSPECTOR - -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr o E ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o tr FINAL NAIL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 4+tb o .L -INSPECTION REQUEST JECT OWN O JOB NAME r.-C r( - CAL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBE BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL L/) PLUMBTN_._-_E_-_ OUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGFJ,/.WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PtPtttC INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Krppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR /tto INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JoB NAME ,ad o* {r, ') s/ CALLER BUILDING: t , .. r / ,ltfruufll uS FoorNGS / srEEL - AO FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER'" PLYWOOD NAILING E] INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr ROTJGH tr CONDUIT tr PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WArERtr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB rl r-l tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - t--1 O FINAL tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o_ D' tr FINAL CHANICAL: O FINAL ! neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nFs''"" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT i - r- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TUES " ;;) T\. t-. _.---l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER #.or*oo'I'D FRAMING ON / STEET r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr o tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL -7 D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr o o D tr HEATING tr tr o tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL $-4eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED INSPECTOR '* {l-rc t PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL,o/ti CALLER TUES WED THUR 4 E.APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION i STEEL O FRAMING tr o n ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION trsHEErRocK NAIL -V bA.'--=-#/o E FINAL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E fiOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL INSPECTOR '" r5D ]tPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILJECT JOB NAME rNs w,aL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: RPOFER 2 THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING n rNsuurroru tr POOL / H, TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER .tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL T(APPRovEDCORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR BEH OF PFOJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '{w ----_ rfr) ""READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: THUR FFI 7\aeeaoveo;O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER U FOUNDATION / STEE- ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR ,or, 5-z s * .?,t rNSpEcroR "' \ts I PERMIT NUMBEF OF PI]OJECT oo.rS--S5-\ JoB NAME I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TUE wED t*r* (1*,-)PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER OOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATI FRAMING ON / STEEL ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL $neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4-2/-2 INSPECTOR 5"; INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMB R OF PROJECT / to,NAME l INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL K-),,.-- O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEI4 - \ - h^ ,l,t7tt.i,t {rnnr',rrruc =/'U o .,_ FOOF & SHEER tr tr o tr o tr ROUGH / WATER EI PTYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING D INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr O FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: D HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr tr FINAL INSPECTORDATE t INSPECTIONTOWN OF \,f '\14r.:'' REQUEST VAIL NAME CALLER MON TUES WED AM .6)wREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND poucH / D.w.v. Foucn / wArER ({ 4 z'-D FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEERu pLYWooD NATLTNG D GAS P-lPrNG tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK ,1 D POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr o 'tprruaL I tr D FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORREC t , tt It' i ome U'lLl *7tr rNSPEcroR nift$oc .,_ K -U INSPECTIONj TOWN oF REQUEST VAIL 47s-o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON |, CALLER TUES wED @@ tr DISAPPR€fiIED.-**R" 'tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED[ ** ,': BUILDING:a*+ .Pt-uMuNG:l , tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERFRAMING D D tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D"_ 'Pi -,I rl FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR r-l - O FINAL D tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: i. oarc (e -Zl -1 I rNSPEcroR ' jr3 0 \,.tri\SKi il CALLER 6(l INSPECTJ OJECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC B REQUEST TO F VAI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTTNGST ' STEEL _ {.roJ#HKl srEEL D UNDERGROUND D tr tr tr n n FRAMING O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH I-WRTER ROOF & SHE PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr FINAL ELE trl LJF tr( E O HEATINGTEMP. POWER ROUGH il-' tr'txsnusr HooDS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ?' *: oo'r. (.- z ^ '- % rNSPEcroR PriFsxop )-., |,,, l_1/"7 (O PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 4y'aeeaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED COBRECTIONS: oo-. ({ -z { 2, , . rN,EPEcroR nffissop ---T <I f'11 'r,' -F: : - rNstnoN REQUEST VAILTOWN DATE 6'1o 'r, JoB NAME CALLER PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL o trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: p/noucx tr HEATING+/tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT PPLY AIR FINAL APPROVED6 lnRecrtotr' tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED co oor, /'2 6 ' f/ rNsPEcroR ]|;.-|-!.-_r-.Ja-- VTsa INSPECTION, TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ome (a -,4 q -JOB NAME r t+i.Q)r CALLER TUEg- WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 32'/ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. .FRAI\4ING tr ROUGH / WATER D GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr IEMP. POWER ,Nd-' r- -' 'tr'ROUGH - tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, 7 -/ -7/ rNsPEcroR pr?isop INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM@ PERMIT N PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING PLYWOOD NAILING nsffrffoa{ ..-- tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D ROUGH 1 O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR . tr FINAL KPPnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED "' #su *t SPE ON REQUEST PERMIT N DATE / [Ilelq, ) READY roR lruSpEcfrott: LOCATION: @{6.AM@ PROJECT OF BUILDING:PLUMBING: D tr FOOTU{GS / STEEL O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H, TU8 trISHEETROCK NAIL tr I tr FINAL 'D FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING 4oucH D EXHAUST HOObS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED -i, /t tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR niGsgop PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 7-t/ 4t JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI I INSPECTION REOUEST -----@"" O REINSPECTION REQUIRED 47s:o WED FRI tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED TOWN OF BUILDING: D FOOTINGS a FoNNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH i WATER ON / STEEL _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK trPO tr El O FINAL C FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: O HEATING a tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR EFI tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES WED THUR AM @'READY FOR INSP CTION: LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEERt pLvwooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D-S}I€ETROCK NAIL D FIiiIAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS oot{Bt+FF-SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 7-.,'-{ - /rDATE tl INSPECTOR nffisno" 4ts o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 7-t /-7t JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t,, /i L <-_)/ READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES -)/'t WED UR FRITH '(! y'/' J PM BUILDING: PLUMBING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING )#,cas PIPING /,o f eT / ' D o POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL ,E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER .. MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROtilGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIBED 7-/f-2/INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTIO tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr B tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL -tr FINAL DAIE 7- /A - 7 rNSPEcroR PROJECT t INSPECTIONTOWN OFIT NUMBER OFPERM DATE \\* REQUEST VAIL SS L\ INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR JOB NAME MON AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: {r f. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - \,/ ,/'1 l- -r FxHeernocK NatL.{--?- {ta y' IEY O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o E FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E tr CONDUIT '.tr SUPPLY AIR :'tr tr FINAL O FINAL 5$ neenoVeo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ov--+ ) 1)| | ,--./ - PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:q PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED NUMBER OF INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL n, g!_ @ BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL, PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr D tr D D tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL El FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ff.€nnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -1 t/-DAIE / - IY. 7/ INSPECTOR o PEt /4i. -. \ PERMIT fuUMBER OF PROJECT -') t '-) /-'' 'DATE /.//.-// JOBNAME INS READY FOR LOCATION: { tti CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES BI o tr D D tr u EI ILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION. *9 tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: D o tr tr TEMP. POWER .'O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: OTDISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION REQUIRED h!frsxop ,/+aI l-REOUEST DATE OF PROJECT t?JOB NAME INSPECTION:MoN ,rrUES @1*r*FRI TOWN OF CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH i WATERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING D INSULATION POOL / H. TUB Y tr a SHEETROCK tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTiICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING F ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL H.orr*ou=o CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT * INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL /tso DATE /-ts-fl-rc,NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED ')'^ o ------<@ili, , r-.:/) k l + fueehovio* CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVED D FIEINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. PO MECHANICAL: - O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR Dt JOB NAME :r -- PERMIT NUMB DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSPE TION: CALLER TUES THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W,V. tr ROUGH i WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING AS PIPING D INSULATiON tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o E FINAL tr FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,' ,#j rF, INSPECTION PERMIT NUMB DATE READY fOR INSPECTION: ;-.L9CATION: JOB \({AME Mory-€ TOWN .OF REQUEST VAIL h AM fi"-"r \------z UMBING: rr tr UNDERGROUND # ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr.INSULATION .tr POOL /}+i TUB ,EI SHEETROCK tr tr tr o FINAL ELECTRIGALI - -{CHANICAL:?-E HEATINGtrTEMP.. ROUGI-I POWER EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL ROVED D DISAPPROVED .tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: Dl;E ,h'g*7 rNSPEcroR JO INSPECTION TOWN REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBE OF o DATE NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON IUtrJ LOCATION: nta-/e.f THUR FRI 0'c PM ROJ 1t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr INSULATION tr SHEETFOCK ELECTRICAL, \'. i,MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER '.tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS ' tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr {tr tr FINAL tr FINAL F(1tt*ou=o CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc /g - /U - 4/ rNSPEcroR nrffis'rop o NAIVE CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES TL"I 17>o INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUESTvArIPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE /O';2 g/ JoB READY FOR LOCATION: PMAMFRIUR co CT BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr tr tr tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYIVOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB FINAL ROCK NAIL ELECTRIG{L: tr 'TEMF. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS o tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR - D FINAL O FINAL APPROVED ihnecrrorus, tr DISAPPROVED :EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc r/4 -/7'7 rNSPEcroR piFsrop {' -" *-e"..., I. ',&, - PERMIT NUMBER OF P OJECT INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE \JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr o o o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr D D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o/\- d drrunl FINAL APPROVED4--7 )RRECTIONS: z- tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR lrf .rl 4lsc PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT // 1/ L//DATE //'-''rt JOBNAME I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .- i'- l,) CALLER ,{d s ,b-otsRppRoveoD APPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING:{ tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING RPUGH CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR CORRECTIONS: 1.."^r= ,iA* rNSPEcroR 7,,.,--.+., t'f .. A tz/ 7SO INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR FRI rt#rz-READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .< BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL ED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED OK E REINSPECTION REQUIRED ':r 1,.L4 -/-72 L'tP- ,/rle,it INSPECTOR }4 JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAIL tr RFTNSPECTTON REQUTRED INSPECTIO CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED PERMIT NUMBER'OF BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATEFI D FOOTINGS / STEEL -n FOUNDATION / STEEL r n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL RRECTIONS: ,^,, //y'// ,NSPEcroR nlFs,* .' TOFT I DE IIEVERS STRUCTURAL EfIG IItEERS sAi FRAilCISCo. CAL|F. (a ro SJBJECT Jo 'to.?9bl sH. o I etNO. t of-W-- av(4E_o^rE t- t9-q I /( lcrn of Vdl Coflmufi lhllopmrflt Plen {pprorad tr Ornled tr Sulb tr tr H06flh u tr fhr tr tr ,Tt Vatfdity ot porntt S€c. g0g (c) 19 U.8.0. fhe bsuanco or granting of a permlt 0r appfunl of plans md spec;lical;ons shali nfl 0e r:on$trup.d to bC a p€rmlt for, or an tpproval 0[, anv /i0i,i.ii i cl ary 0! lh? Dh]vlsions of thB cod! 0r 0f any cther clr.iri'iie Di i'ie ii!ri.' 1i ;:;';;; iilg iSt|.nef Ol a perFnit basdii rlllrt [ !;ii '';i:t?iil'i..". i :::']{ othar data $ftl n0l prBvQnl lhi,l l::,;:ij,,:,,).r:!:r: ,,'il:., roquirlng lft. c0rrsclioo 0f 0r[0fs r Jdrij p{ar.,. iyur;ri(airgfis end dilr drta. " OATE: -Srn u cTuRA L CAlcuL A Tro Ns FOR ,Qtpszr €/u/oOEL 9 4 9e,,Even DaP ,?oA p l/'ttt ,, Can /ealo APPR.OVE D TO NO VAIL CUA€Aao futrclr"EZl*{t /{Lnt {6 OrOg.ntcr RlMst<l ULI tI- | 4k o fLoorLt. ?/f n5 g yg 1=t<ton_ ZN\Z e- lb Ctzl t'l t/6, .t,'ro.&l-s'.- no. 7 a-JA-. ,, lttcL oer,ll-tg4b =- /,3 42J. r) -_ ,,3 - l, I 1,thn-ffi- ru(- 37. { 2,a 3.3 4i Pr TOFT T DE IIEVERS STRUCTURA L E IIG IIIEERS sAt FRAlrcr$c0, clLtF. ( t n<aa-. rlGt 2. 3 //0'Z FsT,L hZ /a pvt pMnn*,t 2-.k cl e4 b / GtuO /h/sL .L D ELI( 5 3't caML a/. t' PVD/J+rtz etb ffT W/r1.L 2 xoetb y'rua-u ry t/." /- o 7/r- Srvc c.o t(.UL fti re c- t,7 2,tr /r{ J A,POr7 'J A 17 lc >7- %gtt Z oFsb 14?ao -1 ' 1 I I I ?s- k-^G tuN **2d' sr*43vrr,1 0s4r,c !'.. I'tl lllr I t. I--) I I I I I l. r--ll+ I ,o --;fr-t:-rI" 'T#o/,,-r*-,lo"- IJ tlrlr jtr^',- €{, I *:S= : il\ dqt 7zo| 1il+tI' lrI y+ -'- i:-tt5't- Ir 'o - t-: tl rl| - --- .;-t'rj rtt lt 'Jl u-l_.tt". I rl Tl I il 'l Ir rl ,I lo73rtr--E=....- -l I ! I tl 4;rve{6 t -' ', 6* gvrr,5'!, f3- ,rrf;r?l i------.=F-:-,, -, - - 'J' a{ :{{r-.- -.- I ; I I { I r.. I I 2gvcl'b-'' crrP*t *e et lA A, turluTl (9 1l ll h1lll ,, @[i l : : I I I t -::-=.- ---E+-:--f ; ^:#&i I I I -t)ll r | +r''eru J. Ijlt-'- -t - -=7--=--: t -- -rl rlil drPhl4 I I I It I 67 t6ttw? r i ---F--U lre'--tLo " TOFT & DE T{EVERS ST RUCTURA L E IIG IIIEERS sAlt FRAilCTSC0, CALtF. tt,?i I f?z R,,,, , ,C ,u^o.7q bl *.- "o. . ft dS-h- "r@onre l-15-{l ,s+t lil fl"1 n-lo^L, lrf' - i, /r'' f'D /'3: l(,i '-t iY t2e((-' 3'3tMnuL- A,{ o 9J8 . | ' I<.(/t/ l- r lv..) /u' "' /| ,t 'i 'pyZ t( !./2 Ary 3+ --D .,0 t- l-x+,.sr!t,.r,!,ut, | , I ?,,", n .t=o t1- u=;:rf+ a.n l,,l,I ,,rrt L'r-t ut b l, I/t'trtuv a.E ft r x (, rf= tot w(j J I cr7crrt/Q ?.3 q 2h3 P2t* S > 11,7, l. A ' 7l,z{ ?y.tze /O'( ,.,t^ , 'l'3 P>i h)--,/0rx 1,33: ,137"/t-r= ?L31cot22'oa : 23'l Ziut0NcAtuTlLl-v,FL=,217't/'.r7 '/6€H4S 2,0 crytvr M = ,21?,x t/_ = l,?t' tL/ //t r 5 o O..3__ | ,.<nlb€tr1 l7{R'z = .136 xtaif-+,247'x+xt1,6L(?r*?,3o )' LL - Eq f s T1 x = t.,;,/,tzy --- J,bV -,rr'= )!it''' 7 L aaU'f e 'T- ! = 1,77 x 3 S r.1 : l'J,l L. X lZl, Z4"1 : "4 * k,=7 7o'f (-t^ l+ TOFT & DE }IEVERS STRUCT URAL EItG IlIEERS sAi FRAtrclsco. cAUF. JoaNo.jqbl sH.- no. 5 or 56-- ,, 2/.-1.-oAT€ l- | q-'t I ( R nF p y s-rl- +tnt a S rQ"04tl':!-f!- ^ ^ rL/Vy'1z,r2t7\ \,vi 2 ,yLeU(fut- h)z>,Ort L t.j3 ----, O A'7/f toRs = '|LLQ"i*4 ,02'o4)x t? Lro= ,7 oq ' rc- frtr- .o7?0rf -.o4- Urol,f+ c41v !, 6LE:*iE-t/.'- fr-,? * 17 x I,l = (t' 'E { l? x l'lo = = ,0q7 i)If P"T 22 ,( bT- b *z'o ,,s-t,lI'l /rF l,{ 1? ,5- t1,s- t4'b titS 6zT' 2,7 -l I7 n**- tL- f :'o"l','- 'fflff Yl--l-,on;1tr, :.L)-^--------------i' 2 e \>etb -/ L lft\u l-I Yw*I I t?-l,r6-. '%szz,(,o =tL 61 6'/e-rtvuJg C-o,!/. vy-- lN JYlito {L'' , I/,( z,Zrezz6 = lNfv'L|2ft DL. =- Wt --,DlS { l, 33 :-,Oz7ff+ Al-, -- ,?LZ x I, j3 = ,OZq tV l0fih =',oLaxf* f.ozqxFx |z- rttr= -,ziq.'' .^-rL d. r<, -_ ,olu, * 'rf . --.-, l0C'- Cp'.. -L L:ct > ArtF/ :', D!4( p. ,( n Qx 2$ 2 AJ -- , P7E / 133 ),-- tt<'\ :- LL-l : ''O5ov+lt=4, ,?Q1 --, - ... ( .. /./ I7Y n--'vv , P{0 =^-, ? W !: G'oQ K/r, z''a-::fl /,. '.', ['1 r -j' (I 0'; 'lr',e J.- /,' 2ltz -- -,tcotL/^J /'!-'''' -- 2_tlLS-.. +,yzox+xl4,t..!zcr- tr/ J,'o o",,"s t',osTx /,LZy !tj,33=,t., Olve t0,(QA -- ,02L (?A or= '2 5 7h c /r-.o v I wv-vu rvr9 d : -- , O zd'/'i ) td t.= ,0 z.i tVl /(,5Rk ?', 0'zo ^ E.*4 - , lLq (:; rt 5 iX,', 2q 5 ''' e-;yi -11,; 7./ , ?+(. - ,a7; t ', ltg- z trt/3'^'''rv fr. n", )'; Gt',7'?:l-'< ?'\- TOFT & DE I{EVERS SIRUCTURA L EItGIlIEERS sAil FRAilCtSC0. CAL|F. | ,rJ'r lA).'- ,/0G K ( l1/z= .ltb r rth = lsq '' ( p t,r7'" V= to4t- l,f0t-1,(0 z .t,{) A "c J-, t,f ?-' 1 -7---:-:-4-- t 77,1 f t'l\,tt,^ .. 41rc'2?:3?^. ftor- -J?tX --z'32'23'z-e- -t3,rY -la,t? -a+,1 o4'l ,tD 1(?f GLftb*tC|us$^(t, t-. + 4' n =- utr-^'(tb,;1,+) =7?!.r c't,'t?i f,:Ii'fi* -fi1_: 6 t: I t1 o t(_ vv- o'?a t'o{ ,')f,,r;l,r1 (,?7 OO ont cr /( l//J6 Fl K h r-' Fr+zn u//.r t.V3 =,)4lt'/Fr t.z3 z- ,7. y7 tft /- = l, lg,Trr ? l'74,t rEaH ta Rn =' ,ltlx ,-o/t ,z*)x w, t-> ) tO R 1g =, I,t r x t o/r-,t+,^'nL_= gi 6 trt prl 0 ve'(L Artrc 5/,,,c{ (A) | '-, tobK(,73t:!, oE ltba 5y..- = 2,9,ta ":L' 7,J :- 27Bq z?,rtl-+-Lls'l------ rz,?t I tz.z{ Iptwemry c 24.- / Joa No. c /u ( sH,- no, 6 a-5-6- ,, %Arrell-t?5D ,s-g L b J+ t,t1'c o gJBJ (rmSKl (a TOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCTURAL EilGIIIEERS sAil FRAilCTSC0, CALtF. <4 t I Jo8 NO.-u-l-SH. no. ? a-Z-a- gu-@-oaft \-tt-i0 h,l,5b '7,/ vrl,'-lt ECI ckut ^f ,,tAY V--t1,?z h,a= ;Tb y f*-ryrV^,rfl )V -- tL:t{: !,> - l,rg < z.* l^ t:, ', t o, L + , lzcr* -:,,' Bt - t3 l Rv = l,u7y tD+ ta,F*z-tztl'7 ,r,r7 ? -GY b x potr L -- l!,' /1 ? t,ot, {;-; Jo,zt'- g VAA| Mg A n (-r\. fL f.C'\-D I q r-a r ,a A = tt:4- : -27,q4 o/',< 5,t4= 30,2i n "a ', t 2-> L3/+^ hu 22.9/z 2,g,,. Vco,,' = t.'tru1+Jff) = 4,0 t''L, l;Jr,#H7 .---.--f 1 = =4 * "+*'-- , oQ(/'.. ;4 VtiX,2:.,' '. .Z ..,., v,\, "J p,attwV{( Y ,p^u eA: tJr,*(f-.q* t+: = t.ru{.!tt'- \\ l-. i- z 9Y ) tv -,,-.'a- \*.i[o = =r, , ,]!!;;,; =- ,tr,Lvt"'jT:rtY ,-i1 ,r1,j,:*a,Lz;,*,i %- ou(rL tgAuau( O L,R, w=. tobx 14,7{=.lobx t$ -- u = l,'h 13:f Rp = Lst, v ry:: ,-t,6 2 t,,t ,/'* n. = l,'tt Y-,T-fl-^,, At.tl'-tz -/,+=rn,b" S = C'Z* n,;-=1zL,rl- '' A = o,?{ } 10,7, =71, Lt :6 il TOFT & DE NEVERS STRUCTURAL EIIG I1{EERS sAlr FRAIID{sC0. CArrF. WrtT sr o{ 7 t? r rg W --,lhhr< I 4,07 -.,oXtrx + x oocttc, //|rtlSlLI lz.0{''' a-5G-- at%oarell'19€D lh.t tsz 5/.L3 /' I 3 25b,lb ,(_ =8.?3/o.or- tt'4t.3{" A,-.- ,l = t?,5 - r+ = la,13 s > 5:l51JJ x,qO ---- 2.27t'5 4zs,tl' sH, _ ( = t,lo' Y '8,1O/=- =5Ltj- rJ?*t,J 2- ,rt,5 ttoPf i t e e d 1 i:'r1 tA /z,tt-4p 5,tz{x./l.U_ =C,. G\ \ ..tTft( GL 5h x S t.JA F t:-D oiJ 1 a tv e Ov 6n f446 Cq r R e r7t-t*7 CANT M . ?b lsbx 4,/z-- - l/, t t / 09,i -- 52.?3/2l1 x I z Ar,rl -- A 2,5,t?5r-ll,fl/n:,1 /,9 7y j '* /,/ | '' 2-,.,! : . \.. | -) SWrv c+rtt, t6(W.- Lu= /,5+ t7fl- ltl . /, r0 x +:>f7- F-. 14,06 .V = 1,50.(+-t,.t,3rr) = q,+t''or)l ,l;Tf,>,Ar1 .7*ffisa=5? t:/c7,) 5 *1 ,- !l_q_tzl-"- .. /SO _' Y '-- .l . ,-- ,lt/A r<_ /6fr.,) = t.6bx -be-,nKfr/- ?pbtL Kn = l,fb xf,zfti x p,{)= ,L- ?0.?5''1 hpCiL x tt) =- t 2.Ci 6"1 = R pnV =lz.17-l,e?x,/.7O : A ..1 -4 //,0 r -2 1n- 7't 3 oo s.n.recr K I M6 [C /.trlno.3%J-sn.TOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCTURA L EItG IlIEERS h)--,t0dX lZ.tA ! l,7oh_ fu : l,ZY t?g, I.7ry 7o,"tx C't?'f/4,5 ftA ? t0, Ci 'L ::afu naQ,5 ?^71/ /6.i )'/r '7ft- (+ = l.bt x t*t*/ ,,/zx lt-'5 t?5 X> t0,(/3/t,gTz 7,70 |il , l 0,CZ x, ?,? o/.- : F3,? t rz-/ S r.1 V = /t.0 - t zNx (+,2;+ t,ta) = ?'?3 '' A,1 -- =/, , aAilT, Ee-ail Ar atocr{ vt/71.3{ /7 V A ry =- /t +#rra -> ,*zLf tx f\ = /7,/-Qt-/? '? //5-,a 5 '/.ts k /1,; ''//u lF A .7/.>f = /L7, / 54= 2O l,SV fi= ?275i o SJSJ (a TOFT & OE IIEVERS STRUCTURAL EIIGIfIEERS sAlr FRAilCTSC0. CAUF.R oqp pRAMlu tr 1nno.316l sH.- no. l0 or-Za- av-K.E9-oa1s l-rj-9f ({ouP fL09 l? kuctlotL ?x4e lG Yort V/tl\rD UfLtf-'T' DL = 5 F6F ,wrND = ,.FXt7x 1,6= 2\,tr f# O V |STL lffi)c4g { Q t'Q(e€s kf cw t> o F- 6t-DC7 ,?t xt7:< 3'of,s = ff y"Y{- g d, T)tt NAIL lN p()t,, a uT 6 F ,01.t ix l.?{L2a1,33:.6b t4) : ( oo s:yTz - .o +tr) x,f , z3 ?- -, Ds4,./+t_s =_ ffi x\z fY/rch:1- - / /l,t,1 t?r((t,lf-,D =-'>1,\pc#- __,W --(rur-n V= -, oz tt)X l,B3 =-,ozYJ 5 t*l 24" o,L' oo ""r..r fL I llrl 5 f( ITOFT & DE ]{EVERS STRUCIURA L EIIGIIIEERS sAlt FRltrctsc0, cAL|F. lrtxpdL r sAve 'e r wAa- srA +!-{t 2,t, zv1 scnno.-fu-sH.- no. ll orl!-- "yr% oers hs-qt .{ lv,5z-f (, -_ 2-.?t i - P- = 'vo3tc +tl (l tT, .t.vr(. t+ x,,.,) *,r{.v t- 2sv t t 9R+=l,rtf' \ / i 4.t1 q (\'- 2ffi lt r + + n ) t,7 4, 8x3+ zt 03+ 3Jtn5) 'v \ ,r / \ ,tBs= +,r)'^ +--t.to'' , -.|X ? /,) l/t i 3,5-3 k t,s - ,3 o,b1 = +.7Alrll bKaO ,/'-'y : g.s s- , G- .: 2,? 3 tL *,- ?- 2 , 4+ = tv.; o' I .a' ,ot5_2'' tcl A -- f".25 0 /<- 2,07 R h ='t x t, bv+X3S x 7 /2rr = 2.rbt- l-lu-Apsn-r {A/r W6T w 'Cx ro nf //se br'/ A=l/,zs o' , ctt((t-+ A( U' ,ltt /bcT-rtrt/c1 = -2't3+'? ='1,3?'L AF.-^ = n'V3 (-10"/ t ,r* = )'5 ' /ir o SIJBJ ta TOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCTURAL EItG IITEERS sAil FRAtrClSC0. CALtF. 6,10 a jz"J Er',?9 F1"-- t,t ?1a6' ,lo (.r bo**, +:-d.{ J5o'-vpriJr ---) t1\1 f=717 V1 A' s7'29 U S' l-r.1t ljzCLX,.) _g?.13 ?.?5(.5 -ffi- 'l rf l^to _ 5'd,_,I ) Hffir''' tr3 f'' t= {v= 5; ,5s-) ,aaz ok (r< B-.u 5ou Ca".-..ti- -ht/$O l/p*& O. TO 4x lZ .r.(. 4^rD V+to Uti.,* 0** [o P.,tt'. 9.( Jf 2rrta'$ ,.,t!+n --i4 cr"o'u v'r\'tt [-J-:I_.-T-T &' i t! I I \ ) r I \ I L \ 15.L fY \> 115n Do.w Pl"lr t/'l- 6.\0 {:teor----t*lqf t Irt"I a.tt -\ 11 4,^b Fua c _ t^rsLX] 1L - ll ,1\ - t4as\-' 1.5 ffi *'l . lQr5 , llt Qr< V k az oF 9.f. , 'O€ttt - '=,r, l----6-----;:----r1\'!t{zn I ono 5 l.t tf,' U.i{c.- Lo.,.r 5r'f( I(-. t.s ffi Gi = 67-<5 ;. liiit - t4zz - t4io o*o. 'hbt sx. Rr to. lZ or 5b at-l@-o,qre FlS4t .( 13 -,035 ##6 f+rsr'{+>l lrz:' ,lt' l3-r5 V lb&5 r "r1 z tt'l l613 2z.rz *l k'l7,tsq 'l,r .-L] o- c..t. LoJ"l (r.- <.- t-i\c.c. l?50 o ,a TOFT & DE NEVERS STRUCIURAL EilGIlIEERS sAil FRAiTCrSC0, CALtF. l'{ro.nf-fur0o rryI w_ - T.ve l' I^.," . !,.- \.\ v 1.1 261 i'cf +,q6'. {,; Vrr ?,67Q+-r51.7.q4 ^ ?'{4 (c)t'z')*u= q{ - 7A+: 1,5 fr= IIL ,. "1:: I {= +=r-"L-$:'- q.615 -o_, r.e H: i*. 7'ror-, A=?t.25 I { 5' tra.t I I= 51s.au z0+ 7+ 'l.5ob k" . b., '110 Re .-*. 3,L - G"- co*\'.\rve' {,. I3# , .qlq", t.-' r-s [*] ffi ' <'r rt' 0"--w tt- lqoo | 9n0 '/n^., $.. .ar, rwt+ l-!:-+ d" l.ozk J 4#E- r.zz 69o1t.iz.1= 35a = l5*t' or<3 F-d r'? (': srnrecr ElfAgK I 16a no. 916 I 5H.--EL f?nn€ Fro-,., no. 13 a-5h.- et-}(trO-OArE l-15-q( tr" A' tr.s[-..-t-l r-S S= 4.f rS J: Lgst I ,t,t'l 31"' fft1i f :r'', '[rrQ a R-qj k' A=Al.t ;l5wn6,i=q;, 6'l* 9aoo.1g ! ' sk" F ng 9-( 6,1" f'1 V{*'41" .3" E Lv.,t- €., = ff '5tr+,<.15atAr! > ") ffl-t t.?6 , t15 lt,' L.r,s#'Eo o'. TOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCTURAL EfIG IIIEERS s^i FRtfictsco. cAuF. /oo EJSJ Ecr Rln{5\(l l' ho.l:o-t t, l]t' c-. r-oraf +l.ov{loo)'lbzr JoBf{o.361-sH. R3 ro. lt u-9-A- st_@-olre l-t9/'ll n{R ,l:fr 3t3r (t)' lzgzt F<t\.hn- o€ ?-rt2- r61(?r)C6) '{29tu \,, vt'g *flh L^1s I 2'-o' 9-f. +. Wi tvt ,o -- r I 6?t C6" ' -Tf,'= 16?' 71'9,t' ,(. T?t tzr 6lr (" 9r' 1l (rr' lst r n[*o' 4tre r 4'-e" 9-t 1to4' t4{ TOFT & DE }IEVERS STRUCTURAL EIIGIIIEERS sAlr FRAiCTSC0, CALtF. W = ,10C. X l,3E ,l+l 2x ,0_t1_ : p2=aQ frtr LL ' Bo to6 t=- l,4+ I ft'" (.x wlftt'!-g N0 atLMHAilq fL=' IVIX5_=- ,705 - ,sa/'L ,ll'( |#:,0t5.,| ' z\2 /;. Ut t ,7 h3''4t rQ.< w V--,Gqe ps - t:C = SotK *".7,= 7^ +E-'-513 ,'i3Gr,fi {Az1 4 = ,t43* (rq,'*+, zt)z LrL= ,81" TrL( g:tzUx tt .aza-til f,c7',?r = ?,23 '' *;, -. '?- , losr t.4l '= +4,8fry -- ,qo3'x Srot & r)lUx t('i- != r.ro, n,,,- t;-''Jl;{rr,.,; 2-t i--z?:l- orL --'L'''%- = k;_r. rzr? ltlrotl7? Ar. L -- , t-l* 3^,t=!:{=- t- ,07 " =+L',tEo.? -775*Ttv. /,, A, _ | lLL/rAttTL ul/iAL ErD6{E€A74 544__!E_ P= t,22', trxno.3?(o / sa Ns. 15 = a-5J" "r.%.or,re l-t\-'ll /Co '' ..-. 2- a 1,7f[?e '- 't,l- t ^ i'7 - ,o{x1V{,- (x - , ba7 tL ;l?z.ttrvout f '(47 D1iig'v{ Ltye Lorto^0N C(t;'ft H ^,tJL? (rU,Scmt) n h'n '- , o7 o f_t ,ou3 = .tOC l'(/ f lo (\gt, l'+ l t r= 7r-r,t-lL t< 4 x rZ kb= l'tq P 1v la J I t tt ', 0 /.- f2. "( tlJ.,(icl'e0/ /4'- g zbx o.t/+ z // )zil V -- 82s77. 2 4, lZ'' 1t:, -- r!.siuli: ' -' 50, Q lrc 5/r ? (=__r2l!,,I r.'o Joe No. ?46 | *.- no. t0 *-9-I-_ x%( oorc l-15<'1 TOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCTURAL E'IGII{EERS Igl -----J -,l62xtxt0 /./Z 4 a,e- srJ€- 2l /zF P 3:_^' ?;: rAr FRAilCISCO, CALTF. ,^ o v,rt a-rn t ^/6 ot)r t2 tc,'c.atu A.^YJ9o,,t ,;rL dffi T w .M--L- D L h)t -, % *, ug =, t1 z'7en e ouv-r,tttyr'q (rJz a ,?7T|,SS =- ,l trO ",kt u 6nce+e+tr,/ :EX;-r--.=-- - 7- rza/ ewc NAr') t0Qi v,'7.x t,Z5 l.r/,ruo upli( f tt; 2 - ,L1t7,,." = ,2?Lt*/t re #/cr"fi,t/ l4z- = -,C sS/t,2 3 =,1-1L'7/, € 0u mtt4 "R+ = %(tou-tZn,rtL>y^tE -,zzzx-f (? 6 = - a,z(o ;t i +h,-= -- ,rr^ \ R e = 7r(,,rL, *)- ,,2->r'* -, 2,, *'t/ to.s 0 lL - a-tc l( , Jvl) ,6L3x* x lz,! r'9 / t" t- =,063.$ \-- U f t-t r= 1- U5( L5nrA1AtrvlL M'- tqzv.g z ,25F" eb. @5= n?,*-t 4lt/ _ t4t !0d/- r'.''-2 ')v-'-)1-tC,{fr AS A + ?,\ =50 '7r t o I , -. lL --- OUT NIC-.GL-il. E- S.W, COft ptrIL I: gLvrl =,?44/t,tC> ,lt?'','y'',- I h,tt = , l7 0/ 1tr3 '- , I tl7 ',ii+ W t,t, O f i,{I U t -='',2 ?-f,t,Og 5 -,223'7t l,t)z = '.soch,Ee " -,3t3 t'//r loS14 = 'L'l,tst, 6J7r:' ,tq 7rt W?,) - ,??et t Qh 2 ' t.qt '- I -"'."' € 41"t'r- A "' f'ti ' rot rc = 'G(, ,nr,:;?/) - , tt7 xjl -lzzt t , f(t ? -.t09'_- u44- l Arhe- / A[r R A F f v-rL o R\?G€ 9L = DL= ,O ?a ] 6PkN-- l?.5 ' lltl'tr) = ' 12 c fl = &fx.(2r,0733- '"*) t o^ft, !' '7r2 t(% v 'oz4 - orc) - -' t q < -,tl'? ,ffi{fr - ,a23''/t'+- 19772-{-t ('// t TOFT T DE TIEVERS STRUCI URA L ETIGIIIEERS Joo No. ?q( | sH._ no. 17 a-2f,- sAll FRAficlsc0. CALIF. Qlaf:' ffU-ru WfO * & oare l-t5-1t ft.ttnr ovErL.tiArt65 Ar Fwps atr 6arvDrlJG h)vv -- . o?4 ''/ / +- 1v P* = ,oza*, t/ ) f<6 --,ozo A t+ - , Qh -' ' lQ h'- tib - ,D?y /c' ? nf pa? /t t ( ft^rL. H t Ek nrrraYl-tr {Ls levrvfi6+tG7\ tzata3t f z 'Yx 17 x ".tUt- tobe V t,31 = , oszl7fi- Af eva r-rs i,?y. t".x 3,02 ltpt& [Uz = tot I K t,iz" =,05-*-''/* tO(? * 2-, o b-D * --rh -, 05a)L V> t2- Rh= -,5'o4t- 1e ft- 6 z-, osb , ;;/Z | , oE-Tx-i/z Re= *,?6t1 /< fr, ttr. ,r',!' = /; ,e i - tfgri ,7--, !7 V t' lC,{tt;'- .C'2.o. -0,9r' . rttr = ,295'-/2tlJ Ae , ,\to x 2,t,{ -, a. 5i- =: , / {5'' Iyt1i ,-,Fua1 5 \ f,t:,t' I L,; rtA / -,o5pr r7,?7 ?, D1-. + y +x R^ lI,SRB 1: -,os-o x D,17*l ,7sgy Rg- -,31.0& (? t, tl.) oyl,{ r -- ,/.r.} ,25i - ,bti _L*7- {l^ tt,{ t(_-, VtS u5{ ( o TSFT3DEtfEvERg -*rr., Rlttl5/.| - to,xo.i3hJ-sH.- STRUCTURAL EflclltEERS no. 13 = or 5L-- sAil FRAilcrsco. c^lfF. rtlrlF PrZ+rt4 r A/ra-, g, %Lorre l-ts-qt /fuv D e72 0 /sTZ /-,R, fr(APt*cs o pErJ r MQ (taF ,/0O( & ? ,ttt''/P, cyttrlff w/+r1--,0144 lL z JJ_6 ^. ., t,w o-'7fi- 6nMl -- b,b ' _ n ttln -- /,atb K 6,i1, E- ftf ' / L r((= /.otLx(Z.r-,t{) 2,t,7 3'q= JIH^ = 5-'.7 S=az.Z ftra= 2 x C',!L +-,/7,47 "" 4rrz A<-z.z-{| '?- ,05 WlMD L0kD ON P0r/bLr fcers *T rtrrPlltrIL,//f O€ Ct*tfttU*i W -- ,t x 1,2 ^17 : lL." /"P !,(/= .Olb3x ll =,tVO?/ft- L : 7 ' fz =,l@ K7/- ---- ,b3'L 2- Ab; 6 F 11 ,,BoY12 -- l,;fi-/ 'r>nvz ? '1t<-o(L- /( --z-'t o ?; -'' l:#i** t , e7t t" ' 2 {- lf,h p e-rt- O u ETL Wd7 D t3 oX 5 PA+V j -e (.tt =, t oG K t.t-----, lot''/rr (= ,qo[K lr)- 7 1,3{'' R o4&lo #3?61 ,, n-t?eo ( L v)diB!e Y v* ; I \ ! -t P|'1SH't/Ptt- s3z+fq fh:,* N"-F=. /E'L'l''o" oo TOFT & DE i{EVERS s'n"c' t'( | ft1a [Cl STRUCTURAL EIIGIIIEERS sAil FRlilCrSC0, CAUF. Posr Loxo< s<-.- B | .Yq = 6,LtL L llL --Rptt|UC"T ,nr)1 3 =-,017/. JrnNI.3?O I sH.- no.7Q a-5b ", %,L oare lltg€o (/tl4 Y/)' Ia U B sartl S&N fu tuwrL r|e<-<au7. I P.b,z'' 3 6l f -- tq,l 1r1 --' j.s9 --:eSZ- , o1o r'zo/z-f ftzsxr.* r/,t,x 7,f 1- t?,{ 5.r. 1 = G L B c-azrl 2oQ6-= ,0?o* Q-l,6zr* z.r-r''1o7.3r* p.tx- to I t,6*.t2,{ Rp* /2,+3 /'- t/' URa K6 /0,>Z t/.' sV/= tz,q+ t/ t= hri =- /o,5o { lO - , o?P;1 /!r;fr#--:2,t3?/ r t9, rtl.{ '-7 L Lr .14 * .- -' - J\/ = 12'93 -,aq*.-.2 = /t'0f'' Areq = ? r 'l',0!! -'L'- ,lr€ iQ ttttl= L4r, ,070 r _r]-7:2=--x l,C +,Szs-X,3 = l,i7 '',//-r.t ''t 3A'',, --' ''h ?0,.-, C / U':.tt'.t19 rzcVDt 3?f;7 ci{ :- S't'o tl a''r tr f o':1 c t<- f S = '5: z;ut-2fo-: t6?53 ,0Lfx p o'ri e, b rltr-'i'irJG 1e-6t'g ---:Zet*b-_ --- 3 tO /( , h25t f,'75/'/u'<<- LoAD BY A'/AI /F Ltlt= 1lttt/., lc cTlLV.tay. ,t/^-t4_ , // o X L364 t3.t = /,? O r- /o, -- 2-j,otO /, ? o = 720. a- i#, i,{= 5' + t <'''t orE losr oi Sn( or- Ctnj TOFT & DE }IEVERS STRUCTURAL EfIGIIIEERS J.'no,37/ / sH.- *o. Ll "_5.b__st r24' oare tf-99o ,/ 1,rQ'" sAlt FRAilCtSC0. CALIF.3e9- -FL us H O rnot t B erw lh B/L t trnlca /'ar74 Pr = 4Xll,b7 t',ofr z 2,1?* 14 l lt)2.= , o /O 7,.t t.o tl.cg .13I,V bix t'1 Rx= l5,5QG = RB =- x= u> 5'1 r{l^ = /fr,/ =G/,r/ _,L 0 t [y, 1uf .-?2.- L,g 0 t' -7_ -'7'r-':_EfY S- r zlxT z- -19-,5 ' /3 Fz- -- t 0t L Y tsft *,ST'J xt x l/,{l- Ztfu7,f 'l.o{'' , l.n Vo* = 7'7s '/, ts v z 772- =- tt, oL '' t, t;fit'tf r 77'/ t n -- VBt =: 4,0f-,0 = !,A;'- ZJI{n=4!:94-:; - '0J21(rt d'l 9t --, og1 r/" b fl -- 'tq0 tflr' v."v t ''''v'I'' 1i;"0":;::'"i='''ilti g'rj- Tt- 7,{ph =- ,0(,0.;,, r-,t?0",[:#'ro)l:t= tzt //€r l,{Rar=., o cc ^ rZ -, /257 " l/.- ) R6r^*', /tr7'7r,,1t ) a. tl,tk I rRo ^,i'^, o t3 x z,;/. -,/q0 * 17- ) rt6^vu = -tts?'7,tots /) -u --,110 , ,+2=- . l.5Z,.t'' 2s-tz {6 = t'{L" t'>--:"4E{ 'to',._Z;fv=,tqo r't = ,i7'- {1 =-u/or#roz,trl '1rt ,.fn-;p1a f!.r,6 rA-rA wt =, tt T.^. 2, t y t F/c * fl = , tF/ t'ti,.fo = !: ;;,1;,-'"U:i,;l'1.ftn'*+,:i= ,rr,'', R = ,ll-_t x t2,iV-- =,€c,t'trv-llb.*try---,lTSiL' )1'H tv,ei-trr- 4atq-'aE= /.e%,se : ,3o3 A/Lt= 7f? =-,<fz> t)'tV +tA7 -''K : ;,To? h,'frTt.it"''' ;: : -ril'l';,f,/;1=,3'ifE*''i'"- S, OAuouY Jot515 etL 'zaz,ols'/u=Ll=trw rl,a3 >,01tr4LF ;ftritvt v€'rL p t- :, rr{.lni ='.:{1fi- 77, /,7t 517 r-2v17 gt= ',t3'7+ 7t- =,tt,O'krt/ octS , /L oocnJlcr rllrfr.gl( | vlLD FL P/t-A44tuG 'fAP gQ ,rA Flal4 e- 5, yY R, Dt -- t,ut,/r,tc . fA rffi1u&A .oto )< l0 a fl.t/268- n r/l :. a, + t- lzl7ft o > t,gLS t ,)t* +7.+u t0,7f,4"=)zt7rt-tAZ\' ,L SFyD.r(,M= ltots x r>.t+r)"t x't-r-I\e:L ,-Il4:7"t0 TOFT T DE i{EVERS STRUCTURAL EIIGIiEERS 9n-uur = ,q lo'2,. nano.3?bl sH.- ^o. 77 a-5b-- sv-@-oeTE tl499J r!.7.9 39. ,Olf1c1. I uD /Lr= l,0a; x h y ? t2,?7 - I,oi./J- - ll,zf '' - ))-.. 4tr/xr/gxzl r,,{ S-.--, =-.-a!i32J-LL'-1't74 A=}r!Q:-D,t 7v" 0t4 >r-ftL rz EA'A-." 2, T ' t t1'b V^ ' ILS '\--ffi1? *(-: za'"/_ u1fusr.6,)-Eaffio= -pt --os7'"/+' 3-l Z CtuT Ja(srs N .5'D r / ,t'-.tq\ Dt :,orjt,/,/,_ ' --a r\-.' / ;; ' 'oLLv/r ''R,!= ,060r-,-tf ,nox*x l* f-f Rt. = I'ZY t4-/ t>A* -? . oc.cK,8 - ,,,s, E- '' ,Io,- 12 ,r&^7 (|e t ,35V k^ -'o$q '- or- tLAb -- ,O tZ r-,U-- , lq or * 8,i R^ DL outY - 7'tLAi -',r'tzx tV,7 .or-7x *x t+ )Zk'- ,3/ " TOFT & DE ilEVERS STRUCTURAL E ItG IlIEERS "r % o^trJLrllz- 2-7XrL A: 53.7L l/h4 zt - ?- / 1'.-- .tc"*o.-fu1-sH.- \a ( sAil, FjAt{c tsc0, cALlF.3J,l*;-*, rrtkt-caV,Y N. SIPE- Jatt1146'{e+-{ q'-O 'tiAa-CaV Y( ,'l DL? 93U-'' Itr<- - fL= tl Z(1(.0> tl+3 ll 1,3 3 = ,l?O -^/r1 -- ,1q.3 yzi47r = t, y s '- s\ -- L77*: I z zr tt,,,( 38bt7ft.rn lh F-rL J artr, @. f f*tA 0 (rurlc a--.05Dr.0-7 = ,2bv- /"^^*,olo ^ tQ t tf,r-'-rn tt,o ,^ tz, o c*rv7, w -.- . , * 3). f+,t.,' Jl>*= ,7,tu'rL ' q,?S'-'1; / zR e =, | '+it,:-i s',)n*=+r' 1?l'i"ro =,t,, ; 17 ft6 = rtv+ t ,z;/2 -,2-zlx +t-1 ', n 6 = , Lf '' ,4 --- ,-) r? * +2_ -- f.q z '''y --,7r1-o x j A 7,7LtL A.1 3A-d 5 .1 - A -: 5 7V,t (t L-,H/ D / t./ 4 : tL(^ = ,o'11 v *,?roy tlh+J4:;;:':('-:ff(tt '; Ll,b5 r. ' A 2i, av,tritlr-, L -u'tA re_ L0A.D = ,0,j2./. 3r, 1,73 = I,L:/(* t,l ''/o' -; ,220"/-.TL ,'t *o 7r- 5'5 't7 / :'/pi4 /,oi17R- - .o Ac- y T\2 ) ,zar< Ov 2-,777t d./' r (.i /2 .z zt--tz- /,0{r- ry'--t* rbraile Srerrt ooo'tl tz,v<; -'.'olvv /iA r-l7p;vq,3't-,z07xAfx tl'o{, (+: t').?'' /z,?tLb = ,t z* y trl{7-F 1,0>'y i:5) ,zLzxt*/- i Zn> , c3 lL fl4 =' y'3 x ?,3 -' o arJ Y +'{7=- I !'3q': t V= l,7q-,zO = l,+1't sro, - -f,?:i:Z,t t 'Tut, 2 -7x )2 to: 'i;7,h.4 --7J-e-'6qr 4.25'--S p F o EJEJECT,TOFT & DE ]IEVERS STRUCTURAL EIIGIIIEERS sAlr FRAr{C tSC0. CAL|F. ( = ,lob RI M9 KI Vr<o Ft- pramruG .loo ro.-31!-sx no. 2* u_9.L- ,r-u.e'r-oorE i-l5a- v ETL Uk( W tttodr-|..,) * l,a3 = '?ox4xl? Y1:'iryA P(lX''oCCY Kl ? ,17 -Lez. + t': IJ l,Uh'tL l0 el+n-nUL, OtJ l-Up f-L J7rSb(4r 'wr'r* --,ol)^ foyl33 = ,2zl rt+ t ,Lrtc+y E - ,=:[T-/'1^t' Jorlr A'r €DGtt- ov= APN'1 R =,-?l+,11t> I'bt )W ''v ? 7.- W*r- ,'t3et'+' se( 'tnTT,,trft, (|rn \tr-n- fiA( v/ilr)7i",.J SParv { ( fu.--,3))- >,2a''//uI t.93 h)t-- %"t 'zs'7r'P (ts'i- P =- ,7s{5;i =1,01 ,1 ll ,zsY- t3z = '32 ' | ---"----zt-vfc'u'L:5 P=!,s3 h--1F-- 4a gf ioa Pst-(r.'=t4" l.or"'' H+-.:' = ,bq 1 r< 5 | ft-o tt4 e'! L,l! t919 ''- ,t4 a :- l,!|L= V 0e- lr0T At eilD o A --,7?t q l Y2 'J3tz -L M -'' ,13yi!-. f) r') A-r = ,'l ) = j,c3'- = 2, lq t(- t,1 |= (''rt C,s-z)a-'- [zt7 *x tz .n ^r-":: t 'rL=--:,iLl v rt +tl L --tl r o. o .7j'7rr t,' :ik- zv b TOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCT URA L EIIG IlIEERS oo#tect /( /011,K I sAl FRAnclsco, cALtF. i /z r )= L Fn, fr-lA /l/G( 7Vw ElL C *// n r--oal lL .frsF5 e | / 7 .losNo. 3tt6t sH.- no. 75 a-l-- By_%_Da1q l-15- 1l p7 = ,tn t'/f s rL =, no t7ff f,f(?r; ,obz *r-.re + ,rqoK 4,x tlr?f R6 ? l,Zg'' 0L=.0 13 7L=,007 l,zf 'lfraP€-n- o v6/L ? oCI tL 5, 5 | D€ &Aj:i P -- 1.t>'' wl Ll/z- =, O17 X1 :,tt-t''(f+, (l = 4,t2* rftl{Lf ,Q7Lx ?,5-/z ltl --. ,q(Ly ,:* + f,rzx 2 + I 5r.7 = 7.00 l- %b' , l?7 x 1 :' /?.2{ t'/ I 6 L 5/a y- /t A ? 7c,ve( AEN,tJr,rtn'r2 5= /77,qt 7 +fufr,r, 2 ?L': c* l,oQq A - z, rLe!+!l-_r)-?z/,6 reT fffl:D r{L O ot €-rL D1Dfl* ^/ s (DF 6/44J 5,t' u =,qkz ,7/r- /t/ --- ,Qozy >:;2 = 3 cr-: (\ =,? r, -- * s!rj-, 2 2,[, r'c 5 .*1 L1 = 'ar '^tk ui=,Lj = Z,,b-'z .a r{ bt t /\, t_ ,l l/T) s =37,& ( 4nU TOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCTURAL EIIG IlIEERS sAil FRAlrCrSCo. CAL|F. W lNtD,{) t42 hrtl , Itlrr$ /2Al= \ rL t^ Fr FRM tMb tano. 71bl sH.- no. L6 a-5L- sv_%.oeft t-r;ql 6Pw {,zfla_ (stz) 0t7x lO ,t0 jx t,2Y/,b3 2(7 ?,2lo '7y'- + k) t t 1-? f) t-fu,.,v. /,/J_,27r ,--1Ctt'> tl --ltt- tl22,f z'- =uz P l,zts + ,ot7 N3 \)^ t = .0u'- Q *, ,?t0 x t;{/2.+,w5x2'7{x3fr+'t'{/t A h--- l'1 Y tL- R Ib -- ,Ltol 5,5/z + ,J "t xzts*fr,t t/z- R 6 a l,lq /- w'. ? ,17 '' ''/ x = ''Tut = 2'v I n -- l,?t / z.V r/z- e- 2,5'' / l/ = l,?Y -.CzSr 24 5,1 =- +* : 23,o A"1 : t/r* t'36 217o' ilar 0ra ft{-'rrtL 0x0 A =3a'2f S =+2,23 towe.,r(? rf , Q = t,vq/r, r=, ,- taE't/,' iaLO l-l_- GtA?€)4--- . ,r,,' "'/ ' c"4 u,lJr( ,0 t3 x 7x7{= l,tl- wA'w r00elt2y,t,i> ,fa = ,k " ,07O trt,t > ,L"{rn, 26'l tlxcxg'GF //.67,,< 27,y /gu, ,frn{f:!Z} 2t, 7fflpe-L ou rT?- Frrtrru act (' CImo ez-tte oPnb S IN0Po,,r l.zx t'Z - 5,5a*'-. ' A'5 t(?l'-- tJ c-'7 /' / r ' |.,32 , ;,43,:,lY- tz.q-< +' +tu' 0 /L- /7,? /' 3t' o/<- ,2-tQ7r't E rnse /TOFT & DE TIEVERS ITRUCTURAL EIIGIIIEERS sAil FRAilCtSC0. CAL|F. finq?qLt sH'- no. 7-7 a-ZJ.- at %boorr l-15-1r H gA v{rL Ov{rL zND n-, 0/87/ tM6 rit7W, /*U0rti/61 &4t0on- I t4 th Db-/- AT flJ9t> 4) =, I oo x I L?{ = 1,3 5'7f f-(l = l.3tx. Vz: 2,7 ''';-- t,arx 47; -- 21 t-t s.1 -- 4tt:- 27 V = 2 r-t -(t.'es',at) -- 2,0L A..l -- 7-^#=3tL tl€Ao6n- *r i1-P ?D 1P*N 1.; t l<-4 fu, -,Ps-?\ 12,7b- 7,Ct/ //r- t-ib- ) ,OoAXlz =. l,qzt''/7Mz'' "vJ P a =(L| - 'tf *,{Ro --- o,lcl v r .+ + l,tz'v t,1*t 27 r l,zgt-r //' /L (ta q,5 /?o t o,of r a;t/r-+ L4z-v l,?s{ i.c?g -y 2'7y 2lg ftE = €'.0 q '( 'r.oo t(t = 2,?7 y-1.t t -. ,0! ,' tr?7- = 5,7 b- '' ' Y =,. 5',0q - 2-00 r, 07 - 3.7 '' A rc"| /-L- ,lo >/2.'- , tr, { 2,2 x t?_ --_{oz / (7'- Or 6 s -- cZ{L A - *Lz-S t' a zt/yO z8of, 5'b # sgt, ,,-,"*o I ^atq 6,(l z'Yr''Q a' ln .ll'v (e:" i\o ,,' t I ll I ,4r'v -l-+ -ri 2Gb\H1 t lvn ,6rBt Y.aot5l'it,ia a ol rl I rf_ -_ _tjT- @: .:1 .rdv ,r9.1 , ,.,:iil u, I 1- tr\i; 'lr -- v/f_r;;' i '^9rl --3-!? i {: ---S=--?-9-7*t.,- --t 0.: \i N'' .1 - att, TiillirlI rL Y5 ;.;L.i; I I rtol tir t r.'- z6t t bt) -t -l! _glL T I i I I i ln- t Jf I N 2Bt --, N T!ti' -;atL_ za4Pnog fttttN? l/A"r/4"-*>trl BnsE<- lau TOFT & DE T{EVERS STRUCTURAL EIIG II{EERS sAl FRAlcrsco, cALlF. 2-v 9 ?u- 7rL*n tlJ L- AL!EL"-Krlt?re-e ,/ _,.-._ --,, o EJ8 R,rrta t ( 'O = i.2'e x r-> _= l,gZ3r,or 1L{ - 1. ,0i7 x /."t--,/L -7-,l?ota,zs-/,.L. .m"o.1?hl *.- no. 7'l a-Eb-- sv r)+C/-- o^rEll-lggD '+ ;;;;'r;"' ; ;;n-^n, h tar/,2 ;' Yah rn s v^r,l /tt-?.lg? r t.a.? -/,tqnt7-,=LuE, 113 x trTJ - /,t qo''/ue DL LL. TLtdOc>.Or+3 1* ,of1 t' llflh=,17ox tL,);/r-ft* = /.t3/- ft,r(la -* ,tQo ,;,,2- ,6s? .nl ' RR -* l,lut< /,h) LkNr' 6 tn DETL '' ld= 7''i4,2.= t,t,OF/vp- TL lrl = l,(oy * .= lz.g,'' Sr"7 = !z,-f,ttL- = ll tr, It v A"a =7W"= L3,Z ,A < /2A ts pz$ i?4 F{ ,!,r--'+ g;= t,(OtTf Dr,t{' 5 = lZl,L h =C3,2{ ry- / L<-- u;ffi:";v?i,t1-!4\{i1;r}uadQ |t:.'io,'( o' c3,1rff:)';o\,",: ,/\ t r)gY =' ?A''ttr. Jor'-t a' &,t[<1 -- ,0 (,zy-,, ;!.-'] ,t.tli 4,2; /, /g,(2; 12,, f?n -- /lJ = fd --7,0 b7f tZ,y', - ,37 U /- T-,c l3x t?,f /z ''-'? r,2 { i:tii;( \ rL ,oG7 r-f4 A tz,{ l,3a L g,37 // 6l -, C,Gl7,iK o = /(t t 0t Rs ,L 2' t70 7.r- t/ = ,Oc: tl (a ta --bJ -_--10 r 5T ICyy-,)d-+o€ l.'t*"' Q v ct' 1t- Dr t=r+ Dt,= ,0'-' .Tu .t DL TaOl pt=. P -- 1,77'- r-,0,0x t?/BS= l,SZ'- TL ltqz l. 7L= 1,t((A --,b'ia f6* lil,nyaie"s+l#xp,3 ,r Yk ,,"'' {,+ 'fi;:B /+s+l#xp,3 , !'f,,r"" , #:-ftA - l,O t 11,1q .DE v'v ' -','r]q n ,, -_- A//,fK6 ,- ,ob7u lZ,3yf,tf - ,st r,,t -,05?y 4 x 2.7 I RA = ,2t tL /l,i(6 =,01?t( t4gxs'35- /,{z+,tr -,1?0xyxz,t ) rtA r-,Zzta ?ytLr\trgTQ.--tb (v" iL llrl -- ,l?0x *x2.? + I,|Zt.,N = 3.3q " ' , l'at\'vL \ L , zffi ; l,z7 tcsl < l,t;k'u ( V--,lf0rz.V=,77ZtL tr-'' I-'. .-?1 ?-- =- ,0e4 r''--'t t /l'[ -- 72 / ,r, E " ,l,.r s TOFT & DE ]IEVERS STRUCTURAL EIIG II{EERS sAil FRAflCttc0. CIUF. 2J 4 \q* e,.Y f, tt W,/ I -3(c t= t p€t tL f = t,{L - l,?-A -- , 24- -oYrn, Llnlcrc( 'nno.3?h/sH.-no. 70. *-5b--?af' FtafL wZ^'-tl tlth su%oar:ll-19€D l- lt. I (' tli ALD",C Dtr 1/00n APr-t'rrJC2 , ':-L, t / 2'i /1,5'/,.,=>t u€ = 70:,;,1,37 o "Y 'l4oxJyzt -| ?,0?x,'1 2 f.0 /..< ? ''c'-+: r> ll,((?h ' ,o(e7 ",$ 4-,t4ox*xt4,3f ,7f x\.2,3 Rl, ' l'b+ f,r Pll ft P f /,/ th Rn l, Ltl -'z * x 8,, n = l' 3K ,,?'l /L - =DL-a_r r -5_ A/,o/" R0 | 7L= ,AO 7 20/ I JoBNO.o / (/ | SH._ ), o50x ?,; , , l7i = , O52 ,<l' tE :. 0b7,,00a:,; - i?w,,//,-- TL e-,8 4'of dir( e 0lv t'ttt 1-'o= 7 / ?,'f-ui ':L' ' 'L%t ,r-r- etr,r, !,tt .{t r.r-ts rL ^,ot\.n,j;,0b1 t3,t1.'- I m-;;;-._ti,,1o,,_|(,,,9L,?;?+.-'..'--PI..-or5-L_PJ. 1et5 _+ 1r /,o?8 I l),fKn =,'14{vt27},S,es-ffiy4yL./-13,t[,,,2' t#);- - -9rr'. l1a t -,Jg7 rn',i -,70't' 'ir^ "g 3- + ot /t,5/tn =, o4ix tz,3)t5.35 - r 110.x 9 r zq' - rl,rhx,Y l? a- -- - ft4-J n k =- ,l?o K +v z,? + 13,10 y ,V = -/2.L{'' ,*, f (tu{ ,otair., -- /2 01 x t>/ - /0+':7 -- 3.3 i.7r' ','{-t G,-'t,rl) -a l,L? io<f ?r.t > to3a,f Ev,) :J.1t,\/ : 3.q'' )-,7 1' a' -7-Z*---- -- ,r'f 2'('- I 0 lL Nu,()f(t11 o(<--rr--r2 -l- , ,r,r; TOFT & DE iIEVERS STRUCTURA L E'TGIIIEERS sAlr FRAilCtSC0. CALIF. -t lJ e- - FtE tl tgc*."fl uNnez 6rL pl O+a x 1,33 - ,e V a D39 * j lc''10 t.3j = , J33 (/U\ = tt-t tz:n- no. 71- -a-5b.- et ,%orre ll-19-9D 7r-'!i! ,,--., J,,1 FL w 2rr ol Pnl ,,ao (rt- Az- '' -Z 'NZ_ ,or1 Ktj6x tf, : r (,5 n4 =, tty i>/ t,r, v r rlt,w rq,x tt,7f / fta = L,zz t'= :,1 :\r;:;r,n:,fof '20+ x-'2.5 -{* ,9'zt-- Ra = b,o f'tL v'' 5,?? Y? ('o{-,goz = r-,ri 7.b- -L L,zy f 'vl t-v, ? 2xt> N0 L , z 0t '7/+ V -- C,"? - ,z x+,"Y,bl?'r | = ,/ ? Y x -- 4or-,.rrtr'; = ,.o?' rh -- d,o tx t,o3 -,a3vrdaz-,zl*y /n -- 22,2 | t'rV, e€"7 -- 2z:!,{J1- = +Vt%,'t- l,7y- - (rf\J = 3z- / -J ;i;* : ,0q t '' | ' ets 1:r.>r \ /t, x ti'' U "--.033tl.i3i,gl5+oz'r, 1o.': i rii,Z =,tq 0 u |,l1a oo c.r'tect /(/m S/< |TOFT & DE IIEVERS STRUCTURAL ETGI'IEERS s^t FRAilCISC0. CALtF...zbs tuno.3?/. / sH.- no. 32 a-91-- w 4?14ere l-15-Qt ( t6atg:7> Jorsf NL3b7/r,72 , ,)ic-7f*,'fl t,b? 7 , 07 32-47<t> = ,r0h l),{R 6 = 4e = tt,{ {lb lt.5 Q a /11 -- 5-c, //ruDc7/- fr lL r'-'"'/ W,frf Vtf,-/{,>tt u | /,1 frr, . ly3 rL7 = te[{ ,237 'oq5 ' o z-i ttaS' ,f-o { ----:-- "--"1 T ,a!1Dt' I.vt tu ,/ rt- 7 Dt- -,6 S-.(l a'tl / L,J- 3 9r1 |-zx'L 'l a _.2--,x /'\__ a ?< ta tlJ ft {R\=.'24 rv tT,fr+ -, ? 0t44'x rs, ?-f (2'p > L,KZ rL rcdft6 --',74{Y tf';Z- '2-?txtxzviftc= 2'2?'(- t; = 2'z%q{= 7,?5' M -- 2,2-? x7'7{/> : t(O 5.1 ? ?'t'Lx '7 = 732-/ -,l'Yi TaLoJ '" c-** ll = ,f ts- x,/1-.2 E ?,7 / /4 \/=,Qct5tx g 2,qt: t= 3/ / 7r^ J- , /Qt' ."-t / -.u+i a t(*- /-t . /.s--/ ?.2 { ' V 2 6 \L- ,72-s-y*-,--ct.-yl,={ = 2.7;tt 2Bb Hrr,,prlL J1(',T I/4ND€rL An- ft 2.,.,'u w r7.-.,, vLl I L- V y\ r/ ,rrtv' 2.t z , 37 0,4,aJ : , L\ 3tV +- -,!{h -,or)z i*+ tC4'? r.iZ * t0L'/ Tq:'.;nt' W*n (: ,ot,r"07,a0q L+,0 l't //,f_: o!-L'?t''""'',,i77r_ ,3 I 6 '1'o?o _L,3lLx l2.y +-,qLt/9 y,l(/.A,/ 2_ 6 ,3V'.- '--,3t 0tr /L,3x fr3t-.21(x4x7,vt =-'03O x )2,3 | s,i5 -,f/5- y ,l xLV,,?os-yVr2.? = //.t//'/. U-t1--L)-?- = t4. f q-/ n t-s " '4/,Q* rta '= rtro = /rr 'L - l,13 /< ?.?-j ta 3-zrQ o SJSJECT fL r tn s /c / - o^o3 ?L /-"^. (a TOFT & DE }IEVERS STRUCTURIL E]tGlIIEERS sAi FRAilCtSC0. CALIF. -/HJ /zt-a ( = ,0Q no. 3z al6- sr_%_oArE l-r5-.ll t$(r B'' l,tglry- 4-l zr3 Slaal frJ ,trvrl i t. -'j'^' =4z />'? ,Lt3"/r,i t Dti 0_:'--- ,373 ,! l7- z2 r'-Z,L'l '' z f = ,,ofex l9'S x a ?- S,yt- ,- lO, ,!, ,',(e,.t,nhL ?xk - ,7( 7 ''tt * 1--- s,;3' (" =!P = !,?6 ltl a? . 'Y €.u,/ t r ?r lo-E-- 7.3o t*rhLl. rLll'|t )u,.-- f ftA t fr6 ' ,3F3x l7-)-j,?3 =5?l'' v ln CT t7-t34 ,* o 6,7 I / a 6,7t ,, !'Lvit) l'Y't ut%i*r' l.75'r-l t( te 'L ';5751<7/t- a oo en'ecr K/h15 K I AilD FL trrLA41 t^/4 0ub'rL 4 6-rLA Ug DAan-s zo j, o+6'tr rt tazr@J3) I r/ ,t 2.2 0',F11#r' P1 = Qtt)= j. bL\ t,ttt-Yu.z'f Aa= t.3>'/t.e? = l,otftrs hl f = Q,ts) /'ofr,rt-- /'ZZ Pz-= /6b0t' FeTn -_,0*st. tiltf/_ =, (rJ,, / F Blt -t lu -.?-..trFat^ z l,23xtl'l'7 xOgl,l = i.<2' v'tt BO - ,JJe 2,LC x tT+it ( o tt t :ozq+y 7. t "_t.otxt@X.to5Y = ,tQ /f, bb x 10.07 x t t Ibl t tT,tf 3,02 x r o.C? r*torl; = l.t_y_ | 2 '?-z Fatlcb = l,z3 < ta-,cTx , ot zZ = /,1 t Z,z h *1 f1'J apnZ-.aw? )= I t, f,tt.otr rooT-x ro24 l = Z,o? /S,Cbx /0.h7 x,o?bL = lSzz 3.LZ x t1'b?x,t+52 = 5,C I 3?'31la- FEtrl cp = l,,tiy j-.4=x .,,r, ='T{iz,zc^I;Sr-,boyo= ,tq' 3,cz*3.2r)<,0?ll = l,oZ {Pgil tg o Brz =, th*1Z,o,u-> =, o |-f 2,LLx l.t'7< +sAf/s,tt r31l f ( /,2Xr 4yvtzlo,eT > 3,q? trJ,lLx e/ta,Lz = t.OtBt{({ f (,02 /11,s,1 t l,t t? 4, = ,,o i.-xjx ?, tz/to,(r7 1 ,7C x 3.C7 x 5,t?F/t a ct |,zg xP7=",o,o, i.bZr 7.c'7/to,u1 t i, cb * i- /r o.c, =- ,Z 6X "1,51 f= , qzz = t-,IoU =--5-.,.sJ-L J//, = /t,Co7 xrl - l.t'Xt/JZ ,? II.DL i ,zL' ,tt t/,Q _ t0, b7 --@ffi------@ffi nano.,1?12 / sH.- no. "* or--9!--- w-Zrfu-Da1s l-15{t ;7+DL aCr' TOFT & DE NEVERS STRUCTURA L EIIG IIIEERS sAil FRAilCtSC0. CALtF. JZ=E., A,=.O2t*,e fz- Ift6o rryM CO 14 l r04u ^ ,L+ -r2,zL -gl,3t ,','&'f, - 1,L0 -/ l,t{ -,0t -4b.f2 -/ q,LQ 12601 -+?ttb 2,+q +Ja,tl b,q+ '2o,33 -20,3tr 3&,'[i 1?1.=.,u l,n ,z+\16.t,t tt,?qllt,rt )iTui'" l-t,l t *t.? t lt -t, to + t,7o lltl,rL-tt,lotlt q"l17.v7 t, oltt. ,, \ ,,i# "'i!r{ +o ! l':try, = 1*1 ?:,':,1ff':-^:7 ;;< a (e 2p,r,r, fr--:_jZ - /' oL ftnvL- .1u.,/ :x,1 >3y,?7,Z-tr t3'l',2.7 t 51- Y',1+ ,oh 't\0*'54t< 1,"8 ,37 ,7f lt, 4 o1 dt?Hl c D Q "c l'z/x,-'sV-/r" ,,rf = t,li7- 1,0, ^1-b7)L l,zry'{,t = 1,O.7., J,tL x'9-t,/z,z-s "= t c' Ia Re = 2,2t,y,5i t.ret/j.rt = ]llrir,rr ,i?,- lJr :'r:,r/:;P 74#+fi,4# tti -- t,t,;'l - 20,23, o1^ tvv!*hof fi-i.LL *- Lo,!'t .t 2'? o ?r: ." : ; ,, . -_ _= .,,n*,?O trt I Df ?z f n'- VL' r'J 'ipatt 6 h t)N\tttrv ll's' lu t2 = 30t'' o lt- C +.SZ tny -' tJ, tQ?x j- t,ot til = ",?Z 4.0 TOFT & DE NEVERS STRUCT URA L E IIGItIE€RS sAlr FRAilCTSC0, CALTF. "Bq y-- r tt h = (,17 ,l = oo En.recr Klh 5K I AND FL PEtrU Iru (' LhE#h g : ry8 fT I €,^hW €,{"&L t,vz .I9 K ^ ,oz = ,t,2b1. z= ?'tL 3 =t4+48= ,31-'13,, lf ra No. Zg 6 | sH._ ns. 37 a-yh-_ av-KEo oare l-t5-{l /U . 38,*3 t< l tL R=3L 15 l.o('- ,31' tJ * t,ok tL -rT2.rlY-' 'a-/n [,,,, ,-.[ oY( c .3'r 'l Qx 9 ( t'"J- !-= sL'T =,s-st r'-al h 7,r (.e-,="t,!SJ,?)_ =,t ip .,s [r]\ ,tot(aLl--0/' - l(r-D O tJ (c- gMwPL-kr{ frLi z if(rfEwb-rL5 a EL" oe A'-t 0m F U l) )tatufr1 A €44 tl,6 C-:Za { pz tL -...--,'= /+-l rl b$ = lr-f s,y,s,z;= ),3y- L ma7 lp=Lxt,a+1 T='2/> /ro nn"-. C rrL fiegXrtG tl 4,+z W7 hl7= (2l2) > l,oU/1n \,(2t)ri"* = l.Lil|v+- W'-Q,ozr,17) = t,tq t,vE Pt = l,/,trtl%- = !'rt", ll'VS o 43r' -zo't' C**r ili = 1.00 ^'|,'i/z '- 1Y,95 Ftu 64 lJ?. y +-5-/S =3ol +*tLx1,5x ,0't ls _i,3",_ FaU Bc V,tLx /t,r J X , 1737.-_7Of /'o74. lTr3- x ,o7sz =1,502,7f .,t ff,r€*X,o+?tr =_!f,_66U,tz ,,-/1 'L'f,) [\bc: 2.?f x 1:01 f l,oLx Co X Ror-^ lt'3t- 1,5 R 6= t,oLx -f Z * )99.x (, i x {2, = /o,i T c> l^ 9r.,= 23.0i r.* € ll?, I {t l,i Ar.t +Qr.t:-1,.0.-111135- : ?0.13' ?----, t c, s- 4,f +z,q>-io,t> t4,VS -2o,55--r t?,+7 44,15 2r.o3 21.3 4,+z-wl l,oL'o(tt-2.tS Yr', ,v 7s7 l,0o ''/lt 4,17 '19 TOFT & DE T{EVERS STRUCTURAL EIIG IIIEERS sAlr FRAl{CtSC0. CALtF. 7,0 o + t,4Lx q,so +2 3.03 tcnno. atbl sH.- no. 3L a-5:L-. et %SoArE l-15-11 23.C3 z <( e,rC :z/,tr,'/r?- (2B t? w, (J t)r,r(,rr> l.tC'7r, Q.tas \%/r.os ' l'o?Wq Yh!,-,ot.itto: ,t7 2,8 r VA ?,rt4ll' t t' 3v tllI rL l?,o 3 ,r'rr 4l 7-25+ q,lzv { - 22'34 A-- ,q3, = f U = to.17x GL L"r,ylt3lz A=?t,t3t "!r,t-, + 2J63+'5/L B* = &an= Cy g J3'!3-- =6f t62s t, t4 v *:,ft+ l'JLt,3c ?,rs* I o5r lr,,rz? <,h29 o /L o gJ&JTOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCTURAL EIIGIfIEERS sAil FRAilCTSC0, CALtF. ( l,/"B'tlab lL 2b lb fu,= ,o{D wz= lr,tg = K ? L/ +,ooox 1- +* ntr. t o *no.J?o/,,.::fu:fu rtsrne- Ta 3 B fLet=srt- Tp Z 6 f , ?Bt= /,0{'L t1/.o{' 5 (- 3 J2= ,3f,8+,.12-€= ,n34r,. -rffi r7y,,Tfif ,05Vk2 =;tsT ft rn _-tll{- *,., 173 /{+- ,ffi /6,f 411 fth ? s'lo'' /0,{ Rs 2> ,l?br'tf ,Tf r3,fx5,zf7,yzgt?xtL+/,Fxaf Ba ? 4,tlC vr= 1'su '/' x (Y,ra-t"o;Iezc G- E oz <7 A /4 = / ,/ 0v ci --, * z ftVit, -'' 22,q 3 t' / f,r.1 =' i'::"?:i' t;- : /57' 2 /zt,t,y '- f'z-x tz trol' V ' 5,,0!o'!.':m/'- A.*t =2!-k - 4'f.t; 2 (''''n,,'''zrri =,+tot/* #t;'a lL bL-- 07 t-t-' 2 inyYf ,9737a' 3Af 9 r.-' ( TOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCTURAL EiGI'tEERt s^lt FRAilCTSC0, CAL|F. 2 g Itt- --'- < P,*Qot) Pz = (3s L) r) +ruf /=trrdr,.- Frz, '//(: 23X rc tt,ai t ? e.. z- t,7 ' L /7,t 5'L o EJ3 wt: l,c)ztGlr) 1,2?/t b,3 c ,L0'' ua.ilr,riTx & 3 ''3,1'n/\ - 'O3-l,gofuz = (= .r z) t.4/,,i3 = ,q 0'/ g,c?R g = t,?0v / x /.t7 +,?tf 3.bGv 2.{ + t7x, 17 + z?'flv+'L3 (7 e = l7l2't- t,u7 lt + 2 t,"o *-gZ t,Q0x3.00X C,t e+ 8,7x V * z31x t.ES K t = ?7, >{ t h'rt- ,._-/L '7t'o3ly z lQ,?ty ,1.33 - 1,3 x 4,v3/z_ S.n,| _ __;€. __ fir$,ag!p fasr Gr'- fL/'- 8"7-rL(tJq ' = Q!!:- ,TG-f P""tf --, tL " zli-' ' o,, ""/ t s hl{^ -- .ne no. ?4[ t sH.- xe. j7 or_J_G_ et-!€9-ol.rrr f-t5-'lt ?;t F ni tL- -tLl7'2?J' o ET (o TOFT & DE IIEYERS STRUCTURAL EilGIIIEERS s^t FRlilctsc0. clLrF. lrlno.3!J-sH.- rc. 3nl or_l.!__ ev@.ons l-t'i-( (- 2 B lL spAA P, i ft,(7ats = ua fz* (e er) - 1b4 ,3 4) =.os-oi- a .='2J3= feut,nv* l-Y .2 7 JZ 6rn 2(t'3 r' TL t. /. DL,30-g //+ -,eoo ,tto,Vt (,ozr) , tqL ,lqT -,?ff 7t, -,o*q.tr{' ,pattffi'//p -r z? !7t* lofil 4 = t,05*y lf,r,f/-t 7/.gx /,07t fi4, Lz.0f /0o? LB = l,or tfiitZ t 24fi t ) trr: ldq [, DN FL*i/6 tjBarn4il4.j fr n : ZC.S ,L LEt6tH 0F 6aja1y6 = fx /,f- 75" B+/" - k, Pa t0,('? | ?4,7+ t' 6,q !''t;A --a- x--4 r W A )LZof X t{,1 t '' t"v- 3f frrt=? o *- 1,as^-,fu=71,tg 6,{rK t2,1r 7.)z '?- 5 7.72 ^,| /o"7- l+fr = 'i/91222 = t,tg 126.L -t.-tLt , I l.-+ l^ = t'I r'r. ar'z 2? t'6' o ,- 4xE Pasz GF n=0m-- t ?_ f6 t- =-,012 (7) )p = ?7'9 ? -= tS-* 6.b-t7, { ze3-l:_t ,Ei,zr,+rL r4? 7) 3?=--' 2qo t 7 3- <./ 21,3 tL A I 0'Cr1 L2,aclL F,4b 3ti It,L( n' = /4J t'S x c'> bq.n;- /r/.|t- *7T'/ 2 t-l Jk-* o ;+ tl TOFT & DE IIEVERS STRUCTURA L E IIG II{EERS sAil-FRAt{C ISC 0. CALtF.'tt'l. fu. frlxntl/cz Tlu FrL TLiDrL /6 r14 , 2,,", o,o, o, Q rc / lsB Ne. i16l sH.- xq. tO or_l!__ "r-%.oorE l-15-ql ( 6( 1rt-tO HLr* lrt) = ,053;< /O = ,fiVD'V* ll4 /rs'1 zxrz5 N =EA, L.z-/3t.cY R = ,> v ,q,Z : '/.t) '' frta,,i,\UJIJ+-= = 'L7E o'/ Bz)-t" ,r2--' 't/ / 5At O ,Y,2'5 o /< C+.1/TlL/t/b-t/L t J f+t n- o PNC" 4eoice- ka o .lL CAtlT, fif^Lc0u( Ar sfArrL af HL 9nLco uY vpt,E 6rH4 h) -- , l*ar L -- | Zt[r' t,t: = , zt8, rTzf, /Z'",rc-9"00\{j := 127lJ, ''cANTr 4 €4+l 7 :,'n{V, r:,'i'i' ( rt-l 1 ..(h -- - ,t e _'.,t p, ,,0 5T /q '*ttL. -- ,ott'rf,fr{,o7jxgx4.? +,tst:,rTcl-,tr1tq,zi ,, a ta y [,]: -_' ],71 tL (r|l, ot',t fie = ,poOr{,fp+,ol;y3x *i+,zflg|?,Ig/_ E,b{ RO . !,Sq rc- Y= 2t * ?''2== = ,009''$' arc Hl'/I - /Z-r -1, f ll,7g j.s1xl,{ - ,75'.1;'Z';\,r a,oY'L ,osv, I,{ t to?f tarr 2 tz tTF 6f 4,gq t c- ?tL 1,06 /t' uPqFT- o sth f o $. ,7t 'fr Ptr' _ fL ?,5'2?t L Oo 4 o(9b ll-e-eo ( tagct l- -l t D,l F-- , btt'n nt 't f:4,. ',-'& 'llu-'r 1-" -: ,-= Il l-=. ,^ - llrPqae oNoAAffi-rrffiN TVnu @----+N /8"=t Lo' €ruStc.t TOFT & OE I{EYERS TTRUCIURAL EiGIIIEERS stft FRAilcrsc0. cALtF. .rarc.L36l-sx. rc. 1? a-__9( "r-%,r^rs f-15-91 v N9r:fL rYlt f4J/0 ET! 6k+ ,t 0l/ rl.{-tC\ I f t/?- 1' l,UZ '- L,af '.-t4 5,1 ( ', ---.._..-----.=.3 7.*7', " (tn f= 20220 7 l3,'yet n, 6y --'1[ tt',v 1.07, t1 l:0 "t? tLb fr6 UND1L ftsr Suffonrtv/ 1bf2bv A.9 D ,l .5 3=t I.t l"'2.\_ j.09- fU;'Kt ='l ' *5 \cnt y'q * J z, Ln 2,zT TOFT & DE TIEVERS STRUCTURA L E 1IG IITEERS sAlt FRAI{Clsc0. cAL]F. Uuot<tY b--4tLft* trl= 9 ra t nrt/ N( ?uo 1>v ;'#^*,'Fort7 3 : s-, rZr--z- z|'/v fln f- , lot x t2.7t = ZnD ,0s0y. tz,{ ?- lomt , ,ooLt !?y L?ND ,ofl xl'53;Prnr ,n0 F tt = ,o. no. itl6l sH.- no. tZ u.-2h- * @sa.,E l-19-11 .32-{.o.rL - |.%?,[{t S/n€7a A?f PY tut-t f-T+ t,35 t Lcl,lr ,07 ,ll 't 2-B t /,1/2 23L:.qz 2'3 1 a'5 3n l'4 lrttM, fosr e-.co^N6tL oF g77l(L t t1/- S t p{ I t= Lolt-rL t DoA- /-ND FL ,O'>Y 2\tf f*rtr ro0(z r tf ttI ''7 hrr 4*: W 1t r,tt o r'' /2-tt,l t- , 10 0 X atuD f+ .0>Vx(m\ ' ,n0 y I0'd-=7E- ?Nv 7L t pEP )< I>y 3a rb t3 l,t0tL . hLl (/ L,z b rL 5a l- '-Y 'sqtl ,7; ,ll ,7b lt,oL f,2-A,5;d SatI rr4 f--r-7^ '1.( ? ,el ,utD(i StDF 0F A*tul-af VuDVL r05l2X l9 "' ' 70 ltnr ,oo OK ?x z_ -: , | | A6rnrwul ,Cqlaf 6 .= ,0{,Yt /'-/n zurD- LHNDtLl r3x Y t' lar I ?t>y E b,7 > ?_r_E 7,? Z l6'tr = 3,lL'sT S7 3 o s'1 -- L.52,3- Ttosr @ oos*r..t K\MSUTOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCTURAL EfiGIITEERS sAt{ FRAilCISC0, CALtF.FDNl JoB No. ?q6l sH.- no. 4* a-SL st-%Z-oere l-t9-qt TL -1,1? 3 '2*.l,LA ,70 'of YTG, e w6r st otl (o r= (.1r) t.)o/r.z t Dt- goVfL ,DBo x t L^t\)f+ (zr r).a, ft/t,tg ETf, WtrTL , Ol7 x lV b' louc, co(LtL . w= 0N N, Sr 0t (n r ,0v2K lDa, 7 3tub yi. (2 r t) 3'o)/t.t= Flr, hh1,L ,017 X t,€(t",CluC, ( 0rvb t't/> ry ?- 1,3' ftG otJ F, fipt7 3.AZ- :2't /,at s*7 t --GLlt-.p ,_ g,, ,t0 2,2 6,lr,0s 3,2, ItlT' FtG t)uDe-lL rtEp,t\tdG u//t4- ,W,t-ul>{4 lok x- l*.v: nt-b FL 'otvx' 0'73 ? MD Fi. ,0 5-2 )< lO Penr,,tobx 2-, I 7f/\> l> L- c-Fr..u/tt4-' ,0t7I I t'| Lt b " ct{cr{LL'L- .ttr9 f ?.f W= 14 5 t,r,t/ ?,) ,+ (?ry t 0,?{ 5- St ,-/tr 0r 8/La 5= l, ,+- = r3Z = ,f2 .t tl5 l'gr '/-r-74' / T sa t'-a" atr or l=r9 tg.b 3 ,L 7 gs tq ?B.zs ? to,zt a.z 7 Sa a'- { '/ J l,7J l'0a,27 ,7f lru (:e r) ^14T- ? UNDEYi- P/sr T()FT & DE IIEVERS $RUCTURAL EiGIIIEERS sAlr FRlilCrSCo. CALTF. T/- ,n*o.3?/, / *.- *o. *5 a-Sb u 44 - oore l4q9D €- ( ft+zF g ? 3a o Fu 2NDPT-. / +,27 o 5,b/ /427 I t,27 /?,?(_ rfaBe 72P 7L zND FL , %gy- b.33 /,o? 6z o3 7,& 3 t,sA o t3.+ | l3.Ll I /€,o? ?an FL zBZ 2-6 { 2.o?t\ 4, l3 ''b, t5 'L -@ (LOV F ATLD ? MD /?Jt)f* 'RD ? Nt) rg' 6tr o9 ,"LuN /, l3 zo b 63 | 1.q3 / rt?3 2 l,1Z /+-?3 | 1.?s /q.73 a /'o 7gr? O t f ao /a:r 2ga 213+ /.2 x 6,5.r 7,s-'--- t/.?r O l?,2? 7 ''tot/, 2s '' o,L 2 C,G7 t SJBJ R,*rr, 'O ",no.sz[ / s,,.TOFT & DE iIEVERS STRUCTURAL EIIGIlIEERI s^x FRAilCISCo. CAL|F.CAtUm il l-oA,p 5 rc. *A- a=fA_ ;@.-t"rrJllyeo f?oD F- 3 rLP LNO 6 r t2.7q. 76 Z x6 r /e7r-l,t? TL = / 2,77 z'+ b //, z7 O 2 / 2,7? 2(t,YZ 2[,9-L Kne6r 7rL P +Np bfLo* f,? J BZ /2.7? ?,57 4,O{ 22,38 27,o I 7 Ror 3RD .3tz 367 ?.ND 6r 7Bb- ,Cy 3 )r 7,3 J 2+,7f ,C{ tt' /,6-O ,03 21t,7{ 27,t3 2 4zp '3ru D ef 36s- ?./Y 4,2.i Z, bV //,q 3 2 ( TOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCIURAL EIIGIIIEERS sAi FRAilCtSC0. CAL|F. 2r*, ',*r,., e n*o.??L/r, Ot ,m tt L0* Fa.. RaaF B t 32D FL its r e-u p Ft- ,o. 1-7 "-5b- "r-@-.-o^t.Jl=!99D.t //,y (TL //-v / 2.7? e 2t,r7 2 q,.Sq Root= A 1 3/LP 7L TND n- /{,?-(. o a /{2L /u2c /f,2 6 /nr= 3LD 2wo 6 l*z f.?3rz FL JBI t-- / ,0bvA r.BBx /a,6L /o;? 4- ? ,53 tab h z/,bo 22,13 @ r&n r 13//5."L /{, zb /3 fU/r7= B I afte pu 38 J / /.9 /' ?, lh //,y 20,? L. TOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCIURA L EIIG IlIEERS sAlr FRAilCtSC0. CAL|F.Jso\...,tei Ft, r ,, St- Flrr rco r.ro.3il-sH.- no. 4f a-l!- rv_@_oor, l-r9<l (' fso\-\ce Ft, l-d'to a. j'€nR {t" I"T E--:t{=c' f--tl-tr*-l- P,-.u;*- Str"- -'!'- Vv. 36k - 1,6"r(Z,s)Q,6>- 24,q' Q Y,. .85 (t)t* C4)(zo'l(E)o loaf' >zs- 5 Le..' Vr. * (3> z.s(t-s). 4* frV, -- .75 <a) 1ffi/1oao (r6)(t); Z+.5'>1u 4 ?,5.,r)(r) . 76" Jv\1*rrt Ar",.,- '- (rr;(r.) c.oo."frr" 1,, 4- *4 F, wnv hr. ?.5 (l.s) (t)(s)c.5) '- 6^' A *.o, -- "+*rt ' .l-7 ,17> 't1 7'- 4' f t ,) SQfz uuJw Gonl. 9te* s_t|" T\tt l-.ll1z" tffi?l>+.t zr;r" J.gqr.5;(r.re1" ' Ar*.,-' (rz) ( ?D)(, $o\X) : .605 ;-l = (tz) (3b) C.Oo tA) . .-?7 i*. hr= ?'5 tr,6)(!,-) C :>(ti) - 2.s (r-!) ( B)r 4 31" 9ue-. Vr' i.Cr.sl> as(r.61 . 2.jv Ok Fo -c. t T', Z- I + FA wAY f t+ o a.zt"Jt - M, . 2.5(r.!)(ii)(2.:r>(+) . i.1"' 2.t As,., = 4Jh . .ll ,91 >.tr f+t o 4"1 A= .za' P= tlr, - ,oozg Q.' 4.]-l As' .57 p = ffir' ,oozt <.= 4-32 As,n-- f*..,r. .a1 T", tt-*a FA wAv' q.3z'' p. jF"- . .()z-j at.- 4'1r i:, ,1? >,-21 ogu o TOFT T DE I{EVERS STRUCTURAL EIIGIlIEERS sAt FRAltCrSC0. CtuF. tiJ-l_J 1,9 c'. b) (1.1* 4 +q.r +'-o" $v.Ftr- .rco r,o.l9&l-sH.- uo. 4 a-5L- av--KED-oa,ft l-19-'?l (' 3l t" S 1". Ftr. /.ltr iIe",. fo f Arq*_-.Ctr.)(4q)co0'r). .1[ Te, 5- F + tj.f:rr" he. ?.scr.s>(i*r(r.rr1(g;.l a-J-r-..|.l.l ' 11 - la,1 -,A:v,r (-.},) . ,-L1 ,72',3q Ar- .,|tr f*tr 1"1 a?la.rt"' p. <t,. .OO3l q..4.al > l?k y' = *.rr= .*.', qr= 4.13 9t"c".- Vu= i v.' t!.*. 11 hr= &.=t.13 > .-t I ii c+> z5 (r.s) . 11.i3- .t5 Cu> rRlma (ar)ct) - 77' 6-*+ r As, l.lXi"' C{t}tr"1 2.5 (Lr)ct)c+>(t€> ' a+,5'' *#i."t ' '-? | pSt' t-l--l_l--: l' ?'5 (l'l) As,-r.-- ((L) ((DC,oo fi) ' l.otL' TOFT & DE iIEVERS STRUCTURAL EilGIIIEERS sAil FRAilCTSC0. CAUF. Rsr aM/L. oosrrr", /(( n 5 /4 / 7,! *( 4tc=ZszD?st $,7 = borst 1,6,s 119. ?zf &l s6. Ns. 90= a-5.L_ ,r-%-oa15 l-15 rtr ( troN. Eq(/tv, ftutg P(nsuw ,fo p,o,{, f= A//o^t Qeeart4 lrzasns Z LAEF, Otr F/Ztcjt oil = wT, 0F o*crFruu e lo0 ?6F I L O'1 sulzcl{ Arz6F iTAU i "lrr=,05D*V> + ,OSOI?Lcz [1 : 6,o7, + 2,oz+- = ID"COUC, WyLL )=A,ZS'| l{lq = ?,1 x l,'l = 17,71 Pl f = lLf ,8,21- = ,oct 3-?5? ,lztatt= L-)i?=#= 2oZ,{ / -,oo+'O I As - .ootlpx 1zxg,:'-t:' +O or m --,ls>iuf- +, oizaf& t l e o " u--,*uo\fr.= ?.r,. 0f tl = t,z3 + 2.s- = lr-.tTt-/ fr c-,: ,tfrr G,t3 Yr 6 ,, Yl) , FS = 'ffi -- lltl A f€rv1 ,rcf x ? 1, 1 z-C 3,17- 3 t7a^cLr.LL,voffijq l.+z{ 4 , ?tT t2=,*y.--- -FV" 9L'fL \\\ $. x= Jr Tf.rin,,, v u.Ar. [..r.€;l\:, Mr= 1.7 (.1 xl,LS x{ r af ; l-2" 6[.b f, : to.zs', T", A.. = ?'t' '>'rr' 4'*l('c-"ts: = ' 17 .7At. .Z p' 6;o.u.r' .(016' q-=+,+a ! = 8,|,-' x,1- a tz' .z >.tx ( TOFT I OE NEVERS STRUCTURTL IIIGIlIEERS sAlt FRAilCtSC0. CALIF. /? er llrtw lrT r--.'^N rEAr gUtA/Doq .n"o.3LlJ-*r.- ao. 5l c-S-h-_ ar-l/€p-oa16 l-t5-'11 7TG ,t{7 xL,73 6TUwl ,lLf*q n frlrru.tr, ct-,lorW hf4olrr LNO l4Jyl+u, | ?,,O ft. 3 rct r'LS ftin r> VXj.a I 5. ot 7,18,rr l' lj lo,q I /.s-o' Fs =#: = t,fL /,COla'oF w,q{1,16 I,L? V,14 ,YT A3,t7 +,+q 5oz t'+7a.0e x= {r= al^5.? a /r-?t't0-€3 =3,? o3-Qorz : l,rh /< j fo AJAJECTTOFT I DE I{EVERS SIRUCIURAT EIIGItIEERSsAiFR^frcrsco,c^Lrf. FDN tuno. a1h sH.- ns. 97 a_5.L_ rv_lLoar€ t-r5_.ll ( gVgG 9L 0N ?Er-T\oN 0 ? vxu-. u3e1-rr1) V*( r^./ | ^/ D 0u) Rne ,tDFL =.o/0X7i/.-t,13 = ,+? Chwr,Da-K -- , O r13 x *4 ef7...stg * 2.t3 tA.\t wh/L z tol9 x I X \4' g l,AY7?7=,*zrYh- Bffi, WrNooq) . te-/.0t0kf : tOfi'7ut= 4uo 7L , toto ^ 7 i -rJ)-1 2 ,"/, IZU ',/wP I oo stJBJEcr R i'^.1< i ( TOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCTURAL EIIGIiEERS sAt FRAilCTSC0. CALtF. Ite.u Rrv. R.e(. w.n a Mc.L.-.-r .ros No. ]9 6l sH.- no. 5z d-51_ av KFD o116 l-tq-lt 1.1+ P = &' 'oozfq.- +.jl fs'r.rr' . zo MA' .05 f c,,rr* .os+CL'?)r T', 14 D l?" ( j-. I,o) 4= An l1 f,l['" A,' ." Ar"t = H-' .os +- .os * -- 5,A7 5tc* . tzs cr) Ftr .r5 (t.t3) B..re,1 .l qtrat't Tar G, . | (l) (rr P' aslao' .oot1 +*?to:' .osB 7,11- tx5 5.aL ,2 itr. i.43 .8?5 ,1tS 1.1 ,z W.j,L 1.# x 7.+Z a+L i.t) I Mn Hnr x7 1,6 | >t,5 = l.rl P' Z *' t,1z t<sr - r.5 vsr f4. = .tcz1q71(r)Ct.'?). 7.a3 T", r Ic l?'' Ct" [o) J= t0" ;!r'"' As. .ti3 A (..- 0r< rTT:l w = F_+| +'-o" I ,osC6)..iu"' f," Br'*r., *f o 0k. TOFT & DE I{EVERS STRUCTURA L EIIG IIIEERS sAil FRAiCISC0. cALtF. xo. 5! aJl- "r-W.oore l-15-'?t ( ( €slsMre z/na v?7tKogtu tf "212 )"rr*, n, t *, o , O 166 xe. 3{6 | s. L &r€iuA I- V = 7o )<,t4nW 2 , oLb W z- = 3/r {. l> IK= | cS ? ,tY (?Olt=j Du --,\zeKtz3*cyq = tp/\ gtvt)/) E*T, Wtft'LS , Ol7 x,f* *l y Z- = '7rr ,0 !? r( ,l x 55-r ?-- = ?-0trt€zL,?t-. ,7lQxzuX*l : ll nETZtfmr t000\lq-{XV = 7 Iroutrvt- (*af,,@0Y lzz A t,r =, lll EzL D€Ltc'S ,lqa x- 4-Y Yf : ( cpnuv\ ,011y2?,7\ll z I 4-0+ 2Nt)vL vc -- ,oto\i{xfl,i 2s E,< r, .//l lit = tolT x 7.?5 x, t4 z a, 3'a- Q€L.r<5 t0i3r,ly_tgZ = /f l9nnl . rt?,t';t. -- tooL x r7-L * 9,{ : 5-z- \lctal g';ttrvt =,00(/ t/'2rs',r q,2{ = a l/7 kl;'"tr,f-f v/f',L ,DtS v +.2t x 6 9 ,{ =t 3- iI Q1L l/ 1/ abl+N,o?-Q = ?,lL'* L 3l+ Wrrrp G Ov v tL p5 ( oo TgFT s DE l{EvERS crdJEr" A ! ll 8 L l tano. 34Lt sH.- srRucruRAl EnGfrfEERs ns. 55 a_5_6_ sAi FRArfcrsco, cALtF. L k're-m,A L- et 4.14 oa:rc l-tS-7r w , u D L- 0A D= | urT t ttu/ €xTErL / O.L Pcut> 61e4779r116 kN D t NTEYLTI4 Gf4d4 ilnn /6Mb{- W W tl,tD t' i'? t? Ezts r yyr lvD t-o1-D tf zat> e t 'tf =' 13,3 * 4ft ,,= [-= l33+ t'-- E-r- ,lt3'/+f , Lawv G.r=, " /- r- Z*)r/.t = 4o tlaeut't *d e. G 4" 6, C ,?l/o'7= f.-tn qf F L W AtL e, \/ =- t,tt /L /zE- lrulv h,/hrcgpY -Tr?ttL, /.nt7',', 3,,,//liL', 2l,3XL:: ,fO 2t,3 x oTrL = ' *btx g.{t- 3 11 y-t o (L It/1'blq7 n_ V7 A, vL 9 l + ou)r,_a , 07? '/ ,-- Bt?Lk tl te o tl = C,o? '7 .tr t <. tc./,/ l3"r-- : ' 4 bV 7L Ft/""fwP Tele- J 6F,lr,g( | = ?-t.so - tl,o(, - G,oq : I o,t{tL !-Lt?- ? ,4 BZ'7,c r_71.f !=- /r, /*/,_ ?c c 3 Gr; ,,li/l//tl Lo,SotL 0au \ t2,._ YP,g{ /^t fV C2 I-n. = ,+3?x t,{ = 3.117 t L" p6r t( rZ- E/- Er]D o lQ ,l ( o gJB JEC r ' ,rlct_ | o TOFT t DE IIEVERS STRUCTURAL EIIGIlIEERS slt FRtilctsco, cAUF. lND trt- Wkt't-Si \/= ^r -- -E!!-lll LP flr7sr Pu wtra-+\ V = FY Y(L:A A4r._h', t Nl rt:'C /, w tYL4 -lf = 'n*o. 74Ll sH._ rc. 9A aJ.h- au_@_oxg |,ti qr 7f-- ,3qL,5 sfr Y of 0E_ O Y tus'oe. vt/ rr, h a? il tL ? ,( /6.4L 0 lL to i I Nst|ifl'vttvl L A rT-tuA > urtuz{ Ft7, P\UJ)./) t L, t I lc- 1 lvr€r'we GwQ : ,loq,'1r,: l/7"a*g 2f -z-*{ s /. F.ll0t Z = rL/l;nfac ?/e tr " 4 F,7L2'r/u r t q 'ZfO r- w. wAr.L,Wt,;t4 T = 7.Zl tc-'- 1r__ + 2 ,v>r'2, b*= f, wA4/L,V-.tQ,sty E, . -= ,2.L0 re -g/-- 2ffi : , oq S ,7, o 0rA = ,jrto 23 u r=- x 4,{;' g , \Q rl,sT - 7,2y - zc? :* ?.2 Y- 'cq,1Y = , YLSt-/r' r- frar,wg yole s G E ,97D +,0 ; tt' F-,,T -r-|l=------ '" rf .ol Project Application //-6.v $ - 3?,uvtthrzt 12/mdkJ Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:/t:,-c-fn 42,J ,tany',z '. ilt:ql-/47 Legal Description: Com ments: Design Review Board //-6 7/ Motion by: Seconded fu. b-b ou hl ,{crrrrqr*zo.\J APPBOVA L D ISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plan ner E statt Approval .-.t H October 30, 1-99L Ms. Jill Kannerer Senior Planner Town of Vail Cornmunity Developrnent 75 South Frontage Rd. West Vail , co 8L657 Re: Rinski Residence Permit * 4750 Steps to Beaver Darn Road Dear Jill, Attached are two copies of the landscape plan, architectural layout for the steps and basic section of the steps for your review. we are awaiting cut sheets fron Walker & Moody in San Francisco for the 1ight fixture. Upon receipt of this item they will be fonrarded to you for review. We would like to proceed with construction of the steps as soon as possible. ff, in your review, you reguire additional informati-on or have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, /I..try-{ ( cL-=/ Steve Hogoboom Superintendent/Proj ect I'lanager Beck and Associates, Inc. sHlkh Enclosures cc: Ned Gwathney 'rr'i- ,f 75c t toY?o&/ Zca'l"iz- to- zr-4/ tr a,n/ €lVo (,"t+^r-tu Ttt t,tclu%^ - -1?-: ll Q.e 7"'r to Te- l2'l It-HeZITtL --/ortzruJe Jloptf u/io/aratlo'BuP sa.ru/gl*oa Eocre or ASFr+,+tr Beaae-r14 fuw"'$4, plue mtw l" nasuE . t,l'h' 4'7 lor'/sct/r')'' ' , ,rd tf,:^"h r,:,::':l:,,:fl uz,t"t '111 . ,1 lu/w't' /t'tf n.: " .'!::ii'ni:'ry ,)-,,,,bfl%ityt ri r1"u . ar'r fur / r/t a t "ffo .r"'rl/i/r ' ''\----. '"'' O ' I ll I c-l I I (:l: fi, 4 T d \(,, ._ ,, ,, /l_.,., ', r, --l t'1-'-o i {vr ',,--Z----- b vt :, )s t-"-.b I,r 1rt: L'P \ t l.\| ..1,- .\. ---iJ \ ,\ :l rli\ ,i 'i i .1 /I rI \1. lro.oilclFrl I .rl<' ' r{! ,.:lE 16 F.. lo Itd, I(/Jl Itl rl y.lr Er Ht tt Er_, tz =16 t9 3lE r=316 rQ Hr= lgti ,7 NS\ :FilE$ E:9E 15o- (!.Y' tr!;lIs€ l=s q:;E ll €ieiil; ig:*g \lE iEigilE a;g:€XfrE;.9 i igg€EX(,."oOiio F RO E;E:g - o;9; .c:o(/)E E't;.E € ; ri;; HfiE:A EEg;g =>(r i r.r.r zIF^(J= rYU'O1>!?onz(!< ;oi-o 'i (\i z u- i; =EE E .()& TIJ Y < rrl(r E-{ttz =r{(, H tJ)3F{ v frf B rrl& trr EEl rJ) Fl B IHlc) lfl'H I =F H*f,-og o B rt ,-(r I I ;l oz F =E LlJo- :4 t/.4 tJv ;o ! K) -.! O 1'tc. zJ 7 aVJ luIF lgo F IIJY uJ d) Ft !qoHE*"1tiHol\., q Ingur 23 z rr !l Zt-< coo =2.JOtL r.! F =E lrJ o-zoF C) EFazo C) L uj o-t!o uJ z loL F(r 9 JF- t-> IL IIJ>(LOu-9o5 l.rJ5(L:>IJ L.utJ) IJJ ID F co E cLo[' {, .:gt o(, !u J zG = LIJ '/<' 5/] Etd r'<Ll< J =_r o uJ =! g FIFIH>l FlH (' z: n I J 6 I ._l F J dttl oErtl HvaEH ui z (D ") zH H& rJ7EHfi uJ =z uJ o = I tr(J ts E 4 tzFI B ttr H.h AF \o 6l lh UJ oo = I Oo- u) H z fr z U) tr >t Fq fr =E tr € I e.ln ozl uJl ccl J olz =l9l r\ F- @ I Or\lo\ H H t4|lrd U) z =tr 14 Icn .i z uJ = ILo z3 F C{|-\ @ Io\.$o\ ul EF (9zH tqE;lFl o.i <3 H F =tr A I.ir '-{ ciz uJ cc J u-oz3I f\.v .if (?) I \fcl\ lu lllF rdt z ts .n =g rl ql iol zl]lI \o\o F{ @ Ior\T tt E =E o =.J(tl ut =<l>l rLl zl 3l 9l ulJ uJF E UJz = F C) UJF.r <F r.! <zE .1 Zo <o(JF;s Yr-v) '- IO E(,ozt- |r,< =EJZo-O O <x :IF7<)z<+c i,z =g Eirg \JZ I J<Oa?.-'; r'\ XT q6{D t PERM DATE NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL ' . )ti:tt ,t a REQUEST CALLER tues WED THUR PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: MON?v.,( BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D BOUGH / WATER tr tr D tr tr i/9, n FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB o D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR tSiFs'op -7 i...:' m{tu {a.n///hp7eo September 16, 1991 Ms. .lill Kammerer, Planner #1 Town of VaiI Connunity Developnent 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Rimski Remodel Revokable Right of Way Permit Boulder Retainage, Landscaping and Stair within TOV Rightof Way Dear JilI: Enclosed please find all we understand 1s necessary for the Contractor to boulder retain the drive per Design Review Board'plans for the MacDonnells. If we need more, don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, ARI.IOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, p. C.@Edward M. GwathmeyJ AIA EMG/ad Enclosures rtb : bl76/a* t- \1 ff|n_"J4//onr*, o rrrS ltilettlEan ils Hve rant lfi'lE 09r bagswnl 6noEN 4 \# %s- aq $TI s1 $ E u $ E \I 5 6 g $ g f; H r ri' .l . 'l- ('?ir o)=i;c.J6qv, 4. z o_ zOFz LdFIJ (Jz Eu o- M 1 =UJtr o_. ljl /\zL!na tJJ E- J_ll,!zZ cl O a,( A9/44/91 14232 Er:rBEaL I. llAi'DrllltlElL a'lrrorrrr, ar, o, ,no n n.nf.rhn.y/ FF.!L '' ff,lvtsxrr roI'rppg/. A?PtICAtrloN FoR RIVOCIBI'E A ETNU TURE ON A (Pteesc tlPe or Prlnt) D^MW owNER or p'os'Rry FcEdEr Y,rqpou*nr, ..--- .. NTIITE OF IPPIJ€A}TT }DDRESS ,LOoP ITEGN. DB0CIR:ETION oF FRoPER!ff ![o !E cEnVlDt cornef lot Inslde }ot DESCRIPIrON or SERUeilInD OR rtrEH(S) rffrc RIGttt'OF-l{AYt fuitvp@ IE artrl /d"z/StuPtt ,o raraaf P.E4 ? ' 0l/ta Fengr --- r Irall . PIt{tAf, t andrcaplntt-I-oth'r --t-$airw F-ffi tirrr,. alirwrlkr''niilfotee, anY othrr cff,sctrd (fo-lcalr' er- dfunenrionrd) and p. tnr :3- gI€cK 7 = = EuBDrvrdtoN - iia ilEsuaE-yr attssh doicrlPtlon on Attach plana ahowlnE encroasn'E€nr curbr, !.ntakro, hYdranta, niterst apDurtcnangg ln the Proiect arca rittlon(r) aa ucrl ar er.vatlonl ;0r-iryt' (tl apFltcabre). l. 2. 3. Do€a Etructur. pt€eently et{lst? -bto ' ' ., ' Propond d.tr tor Groun€nooDrnt of conrtructfon -fu In qoneideratlon of the ireuaficl of a rcvocable-P?lflrlt for tbo Btruature abovd riirilioll-ieiiit"nt rgreer ar tollstrer Ehlt the Etructurc heretn ruthorlrd on a rovocabh patalt besiE ir riltrl"tEi'Iiliiirli.iv to-trrr land abovc dcrcrlbrd' rhar th. p.'nrit i!'rif,iili-iel'ctiioally to the t'pc of etructurc aesorrpla-tn-trtf= ipptlcatlon' Ehar the apprrcaiE*rf,"ri"iodEl trrr i"*" MrnE.r' _or hla dulv suthorlzcd iErnt, t-{rnty'fo11,11uii r" uavanoe^ 6r. thr tlna for somtnernent oi oonitruotlon' ln ordrr that propor il;i;;i;n-'"Y br uado bY tho Tgyn' tl';l[i ] I l# "*i:*'i'.13":fi f ii"ll""i:]i ::lill$fl;"ii+alt liabtllty, "rrrnE'end arnanas-Jn aicount of lnJurt', Lcle or darasr, rn"ruiiii-*iii4r_1'liidcron olalnr arlelns tron bodlly lnjur1, plilEnir-rnjurr'- jicxttira' dlacaer' dctth' pEgperty }or. or-ii"oge , oi any etrttr loia of any ktnd whatsoavrr, wnrtrh eriit'out o!-o-T ete ln lny uanncr i3,1iq:liitF:i'ilqi jiltill;E{i'i"',i--rri$=*'" li:t,t'i';$'uii"i;*;lini"ii:q1t Bi:iii:l;lii:#I'x' oontEaotot sr -.rtconiiactor ol. any e!f,lcrrt enployce'or rsp3eeontttlve #-#;-;;irleant' irls ccntractsr or hls tubcontractor. The appitcant-rgr'eii to inurltigate' handlt reepond ro, fnd i;-F;-o-vlei a.rs"il-Ioi-""a. defeia rsatnrt' anv- ruch rtaurrrii,';i;i;;'-or-crnenda rt the sors exltcn3c o!-the apptlcani"'rii-iilpir""ni-ii"i-egrcet to' bear arl other rxpensEs l;oil"s-tlrirerc, iici"al"g.c99f! cortc and artorney,s rees, itliilir--di ryt riy-ii"[ itaurlllv, clalur' or dlcnanclr rrreiri'iil-it""nliiiei" felrl' or triudurcnt' 4. Jil, f n"'nono, fl^rg1 PIR}fIT trO ERESI OB I{AIHTAIN PtlsLfC tIGHT-oF-l{tY n+ EEI\tlA aAl'l/,iloiltt F,12sJl/ai/ t, rrparat. - r'r'i" " F,{#i"i#it'""" 6. 7. 8. 'o'o"of5 P.05/84 -'a 5. Applicant aSr-ge? to Procur" lt' rnalntain' at its oitn cost' a' :i l' ii JL??i' :i::#' :liiieii*iffi i'* ;;'a *:" ":s*: e' ii-tiE-"pprilant-p"tlu""t to thls Patagraph 4' Appllcants further agree-to l€lease tlre Sown of Vaif its officers, tg.r,.t-i"i-tiprov"ee 116 ani -ina' alr -licbillty'claius, deuands, oi-"iti"tti o" caue"E -of actions wha+-eoever arleing ouE of .t"i-a-tig*, - ro=-"-"if":"w I" *-"-tppricant or to the apprrcant's pToPe+r e""="-{.pi'*:-I::" of vatl' ltE of,fic"tt, oEEi[t-oi"a i'tp16yees vhil-e engaged' ln rnaintenance or "io*-tEiw"r-icti"itles or any other acttvltles wuats;li"t ttt'iostt ot vail proPerty' streetg' eidesaU€, or rLghts-of-waY-' Tbat the Pernlt'iiii-ll-t6"i'rtea nhenever lt is deternined that the "r,"=ottffiLt;; ;l;iTtJtlon' or other etructure conEtitut"" " ,rtt";;a, deetroye-oi lnpatrt tlq'uge of tbe risht-ot-vav bv U" p.$ri:t lllltitulei a trafflc hazard' or the property.opo,' vrricrr the encroichuent' obstruction' or Btructure exlEEE le reqrrlrea^ ror'iil uy ittl Pubric; or lt uav be revoked Jt-""1-Eitt-io= attl-ieiion delueci sufflcient by ttre Toun of Vail' fhat the apptttani-will reaove'-at bie exPil?t''th' encroachnent, ofsirrt;ti"il-"t itnrctur* sithln ten days after receivlng-,,olfce of any revocation of said pernlt' that the appricani-;;;t;; fo'naintain anv landscaplng i'iEi"iii"a-iitr, -lrre-Encioactnent on the rlght-of -wav . That in tne eveni'I"rd-""r"val of the encrgachment' obstruction, ot"itt""iuie ie not acconplished wlthin ten daya, tlre Torn rl-iEiliv-aiit'"iized to-reDove eame and have the right to nail i"-iii,"iitent against the pro-pertv and correct trr* .o=ll ; ;;;;i- tn ttre aalne nanner as senerar o 10. lhat the aPPllcant has read ina-""ttAfti-ons set forth in taxes are collected' speclal conditions: and underetands all of the tetms thls aPPlicatlon. /1/t-7V"*-l=--signature of ProPe*Y Ouner Date iii"t;r;i ownersirip, both el'gnatures) forc1 t*tt*rlr'tt--' tL ..2-/1 -.1 | rector of ,@ Date TOTAL P.95,/44 UTILITY IOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION 4pD iIOB NAT'{E 'ere") BI.oCK 2 FILING ADDREss S9/ fu,n hm fd. The locatl-on of utilitles, wnetner they be main trunk lines orproposed lines, must be approved and verified by the followingutiLities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-92 2-L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service conpany / ,,i949-5781 ir{.' Gary HaIl Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Huskyr/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-553 0 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Has1ee ':"-{'':2'*", . , +-., NOTE! These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqing in any public right-of-way or easernent in the Town of Vail. A building perrnit is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. L-' This forn is to verifylocation. This should,preparing your utilityinstallations. * Please bring a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. / c/- rz -Q I =1"-Z* >il,^"-A 7- // - 7,/ service availability and be used in conjunction withplan and scheduling t.M.130 >-<1 .- -;t , a -Dril (; -.,YE^lEi 388E o{q MOUNTAIN CABLE LOCATION BELL AGREEMENT EXCHANGE ,//z/LOG NO.,'-r -{4 }. -t ,/', -. ./ .z tDATE //. ,/ . /LOCATORS NAME COMMITMENTTIME TIME DISPATCHED TIME COMPLETED - PHONE NO.?7?- /2-'o a ADDRESS -;?'/ Es4 ,ez( .4 -{.. r z(-z' LOCATING ADDRESS FOR: NAMEoFGoMPANY Location to be sketched or described in space below. Indicat€ paint or stakes and number thereof. (l\., INDICATE NORTH tuo Cy'ryZC 7r r. G/.d G --/z'i-L II'PORTAIIT 18' 3lth6l sld€ ot the stake, palnt mart or flag ls considersd a con€cl locatlon. Dlg to your vertlc.! depth 18" olther sldo ol the alake, palnl mark or flag and exposo lhe cable by hand belore crossing lhe cable or dlgglng baslde it. Party Requesting Locate RefusesTo Sign tl I Party Requ€sting Locate Not Avaitabte I agree that the sketch or description above underground facilities as requested. PERSON REQUESTING LOCATION tt uPPER EAGLE vlrrev co*ilr.o WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAD . vAlL. cOLoRADo 81657 i303) 476-7480 WATER AND/OR SEWER LINE TOCATION 3.30 TIME COMPLETED: LOCATORS NAUE! COM}IITMEM TIME: SUBDIVISION:BLOCK: DATE:q'*lt^q t FILING: ADDRESS: IOCATINO ADDRET|S: jqq FoR (nane of conpany), Sto.r- -3*oL *. Assoe- PHONE NO:q\q-\soo IOCATION to be sketched or described in space below. Indicate paint or stakes and nunber thereof. | \., I\Y/ Indicate North Co,il''] )eYui c< II{PORTANT: M il(}T @T{NBCT WATER OR SEWER SERVICE UNLESS TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID, UNDER PENALTY OF FINE. Nane upper Bagle valley consolidated sanitation District (uEvcsD) will attenPt to locate water and/or serrer service lines as a natter of convenience only. UEVCSD does not t'guarantee" the locations designated, nor ehall UEVCSD be held responsible for erroneous locations and the consequences thereof. r.l z-. A\\ parrrcrparrxc E rlirrrcrt - aRRowHEAo METRo warER . AvoN MErRo warER . BEAvER cREEK MEIRo warER . BERRY cREEK MErRo / CLEAN \ lll warER . EAGLE-VA'L MEIRO WATEn . EDWAROS WATER . LAXE CREEK MEAOOu,S WATER . UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION . t ^'a @I' TI VALLEY CONSOUDATED WATER ' VAIL WATER ANO SANITATION /* i -+"St,+Pn Party requesting locate: Party locating for UEVCSD: Naneq\^ =J -/J - t 3€ Heritage Cablevision P.O. Box 439 0140 Metcalf Road Avon, Colorado 81620 (3O3) 949-5s30 REQUESTED BY: DATE: TIME: LINE LOCATION REQUEST HERITAGE CABLEVISION t6..* t l\seoc, PHONE gqE-/6oc) LOCATION SCIIEDULED q^.*"- TrME: r<--'z rz-- ASSTGNED To: LocArroN 39 c/ =F . o.rn* ---> >J COMPLETED BY:DNIE| 7- / 7 -, / It is Heri.tage Cablevislonr s responsibllity to locate lts cable televisl-on under ground facillties within eighEeen inches horizonEall-y fron the exterlor sidesof the faclllties upon request accourding to SECTION I Tltle 9, Colorado Revised SEatues L973' as anended. Ileritage Cablevlslon does not guarantee the depth of its undergound facllitles. If a cable is damaged or cut the contractor may be responslble for a pedestal to pedeetal replacement. ALL EXCAVATION WITHIN 18" of UTILITIES SHALL BE DONE By HAND. A11 locates are valid, for 148,frours only after locatlon.nt fl^ t\ (..1, rntin=tnt p i/_z WHO IS DIGGING: /o:t{ NA},IE DATE ,\ lu OLI NE LOCATION REQUESTc AssocrATroN, rNc. REQUESTED BY: DATE: TII{E: ") t r't{HO IS DIGGINGz ,tJ," r .l .t 6t<--".2-&-, PTTONE IOCATION NOTES OR DIAGRAU RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT It is the Associationrs responsibility to locate its PRIMARYelectric underground facilities within eighteen incheshorizontally from the exterior sides of the facilities uponrequest according to SECTION I. Title 9, Colorado Revised StatuesL973, as amended. The Association does not own, install nornaintain SECONDARY electric underground facilities. Said SECONDARY electric underground facilities are the property andresponsibility of the property oerner. As a matter ofconvenience, the Association will at,teurpt to locate the property ownerrs SECONDARY electric underground facilities upon request. However, the Association will not guarantee such locations of theproperty onnerrs SECONDARY electric underground facilities, noJwill the Association assume liability or responsibility foTinjuries, damages or associated costs which m6y result from aninaccurate location of the property owner I s SECONDARY electric underground facilities. If this request is for the Association to locate secondaryelectric underground facilities, the undersignedr by making thisrequest, does hereby assume all responsibility for injury or damage arising out of the Iine location and specifically agreesto hold the Association harmless against all claims, demands,suits, or liability for injury or damage arising out of the linelocation. //ll .r 4v1#,1/t '/i{t.t.'- r' try nade Date (Rev. LL/851 . 6:y,:i::"::lY:,t GAS AND ETECTRIG TOCATION 1991091000130OOO1 t'lAP REF r TII'lE r 1O r 45 AH TIHE r O9 r 1? AH TIMEr O9r09 AM TIME t OP r 15 AH OP r 0l'lRD?7 OP r 0l4RD?7 CITY: VAII- or;- AnnRH$$*** 45120 3 L0r C O SKETCH ircrEr Nor oo142$63 PsEo N0r SENII TOr PSCAV0O1 SEQ NOr APP0INTi'iENT DA'I'E t 09/t2/9I TRANSI'IIT DATE r O?/10,291. ORIGINAL CAL.L 0ATE r O9/7O/9I }'IARK BY 0ATE r 09/L2/9I $TATE r CO C0UNTY r EAGI-E AO0RESS r 394 STREET r BEAVER DAH R0 NEAREST INTERSECTING STREETI TUNSHPT 59 R RNOr 8OU $ SECT-QTRr 06TUNSHP: R RNGI S SECT-QTRI TYPE OF UORKr NEU HOl.lE L.OCATION OF' UORK I I.OC FRONT P./I.***I'IFJET IN F'RONT REI'IARKS r *rt.}ACCES3 OPEN*** COI'IPANY r BECK ANO A$S0C C{INTACT NAME r STEVE l-1060n00H ALT , C0NTAC'I r UORK 0tlNE FORr MACOONELL A0tIITI0NAL l'lfiMllERS r PECAVGOl USIJUSTl3 UE$GASO? PH0NET (3O3)949-18OO EXT. t EXP, r N BEFORE YOU DIG REOUIRES TWO BUSIiIESS DAYS TVOTICE STATE LAW CRS 1973, 9-1.5-101 {SENATE BILL N0. 172-1981) requires EVERYONE planning io dig in or near a PUBLIC ROAD, STBEET, ALLEY, RIGHT-0F-WAY, or UTILITY EASEMENT to notifythe utility ownenol your intent TWo BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YoU DIG - CALL l-8O-92-l$rorinMotroDsnver534-8'O approxrmate DIG VERY CAREFULLY . How Marked: ! Stakes .^-'.-'. 18I'{CHES HORIZONTALTY FROM THE EXTERIOR SIDES OF THE FACITITIES IS ne stal(es, r PROTECT ! eaint r oaint marks denote the Locator's best € UNDERGROUND UTILITY, CABLES, ! rhgs f] Nyton Whiskers timated location of underground utility facilities. PIPES, WIRES, AND OTHER EOUIPMENT, :--l -' SIDERED A CO AREA OR DIVISION/ ?on| /, ,,, / COMMITMENT JIME TIME ABSIYED/0"COMPLETED / Y'lTIME I This sketch [s aooroximate. The or oaint marks denote the Locator's best estimated location of underqround utilitv facilities. r' COMMENTS" : LOCATOR'S NAME Signature of person contacted WHITE. FORM {C) 410- 22 - 5912 DATE 4*rl 17z YELLOW - CUSTOMER PINK - LOCATOR ! " r;"..'',.'',..:. t' R.irnSt* DESIGN RT\,ltElY BOARD AGENDA ituLr 17, 1991 3:00 P.M. RE\rrsED 7/L7lgL SITE \rISIIS 1:30 p.n. ,fr 1 tst12., v4/./ /4i/af 3e 7/7/? / 1 .llrraham - 87{ Spnrce Court2 Oberlobr - 2656 Davos frall3 Bailey - 193 Boaver Dan Roadtl Rinski - 39{ Beaver DaD Road? Lodge lorer - 200 Vail Road8 Sonnenalp - 20 Vail Road9 Gasthof Gransbamer - 23L Goae Cr€ek Drive10 Eubcap - 1'13 Meadow Drive11 Super Star Studios - 263 East Gore Creek DriveL2 Schofield - 1{{8 Vail Valley Drive13 Moore Rcsidesce - 42L4 Colunbine 9lay,,4 tliadstrean Coadog. - 4295 Coh:nbiae Drive15 Fried - 512{ Grous€ Lane AGENDA 1 Sonnenalp - Major Renovation to Hotel AK 20 vail Road/Part of Lots K & L, Block 5-8, VaiI Village 1st MOTION: George LarnbVOTE: 4-0 SECOND: Sherry Dorltard Prelininary approval given to the structure withcondj-tions. Landscaping will be presented Later forfinal approval . Willow Bridge Replacement of existing structure MM tocated on willow Bridge Road, between the village Center Condoniniums and the Sitzmark Lodqe. MOTION: George LambVOTE: 4-0 Approved as modified. SECOND: Sheny Dorward 3.Kravis - Outdoor Lighting Plan 424 Forest Road/Lot 4, BLock 1, MOTION:SECOND: VaiI Villaqe 3rd VOTE: AK TABI.ED TO AI'GUST 7IE MEETING. 15. Rlmski Renodel - Modification to approved site plan . JKto allow construction of a hot tub in the side setback. 394 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 7, Block 2, vail vitlage 3rd illiis$; Georse Lanb sEcoND: chuck crisr VOTE: 3-0-1 Consent approved. Ned Gwathmey abstained. 15. Lodge Tower - Repaint windows, doors and balcony BR railings. 200 Vail Road/Lot- A, Block 5-C, Vail Village 1stMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABI.ED TO AUGUST 7TB MEETING. 17 . Windstream Condos. - Replace Roof BR 4295 Colunbine Drive/Windstream Condominiums MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABI,ED TO AUGSST 7TS MEETING. 18. Moore Residence - Reroof 4214 Colurnbine Way./Lot 6, Bighorn Terrace MOTION: George Lanb SECOND: Chuck Crist VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 19. Vail Glo Lodge - Bollards BR ?01 west Lionshead Circle/lot 1, Block 2, YaiL Lionshead 3rdMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: IABI,.ED TO AUGUST 7TE MEETING. 20. Timber Creek - Addition of Garage SM 2883 Kinnickinnick Road/Lot 8' Block 4, fntermountainMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TEBI.ED TO AI'GUST ?TE UEETI}TG. 2I . Trope Residence - Modification to approved site plan JKto allow changes to driveway and adjacent landscaping. 1115 Hornsilver Circle/Lot 7, Bfock 1, Vail Village 8th MOTION:SECOND;VOTE: TAAI.ED TO IUGT'SI ?IE IIEETING. 22. TV8 - Air Conditioning System JK 6?5 Lionshead Place/Sunbird Lodge MOTION: Georqe Lamb SECOND: Chuck Crist VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Ned Gwathmey Pat Herrington Chuck Crist (PEC) Sherry Dorward George Lanb STAFF APPROVALS: Meyer/Byrne Residence - Cbanges to approved plan.Lot 23, Block 7, Vail Village lst, Hutchinson Primary/Secondary Residence - Revise interior spaces of secondary unit. Revise window on north elevation.Lot 1, vail village 1st Gotthelf's/My Jeweller - New awning with signage on existing frame. East. Gore Creek Drive/Lodge Pronenade Kramer Residence - New Deck on Unit *3 933 Red Sandstone Road,/Cottonwood Park Condo./Unplatted Booth Creek Roadway - Retaining walls located on Bald Mtn. Road and Katsos Ranch Road- Project Application n^," Va/q /Z 4?/ . ,.J 'I t Aytzurr/ 2/a,Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Conlact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: tot 7 , eloc*2 Filing ^/,.o"u f/3 Com menls: Design Review Board Motion by:€ca L;r,,6 Seconded by: D ISAPPROVALA PPROVAL Summary: 7)t))"i-!t\gJ Town Planner E Statt Approval o JU L 08t991 iluly 8 , l99L ME. JiIl Kammerer, planner *lTorn of Vail Connunity Developnent75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re: Rimski Remodellloditication to Approved Site plan Dear ilill: Pureuant to our diacuseion today regarding the MacDonnelr hottub, please find the rmprovement Location certificate with theproposed 10' dianeter tub and surrounding paving ghown. A1l ofthis work is at grade, 1.e., none is structured. We areproposlng the actual hot tub is 9,from the property line or 6,into the 15' side yard. The tub ie out of the back eetback. Neils L,unceford ie preparing randscape plans and r will bringrtheir proposal for screening the neighbor to the weet to thehearing- r trust we can deal with thie at the next DRB neeting,which is 15 rluly. Thank you for your con€rideration. Sincerely, IrDlGWA /PRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. EMG/ad Enclosure copy to:Robert MacDonnell Steve Hogaboon, Beck & Associatee .Jr a APPLICATION OATE: ," .,. ffi,f"ffi=ffi Rry mT ilrl,j dis ':.-'#tT DRBAPPLICATI0N / - .':L'i.E TION Is SUBIIITTED**'+' ' ':::fr; ***r*THIs AppLICATI0N HILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INF0RI4ATI0N ls )ubrlrtrLU^^-' -:,*{ I.PRE-APPLIcATI0N.MEETING:..,...,....... A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member'is strongly suggested to :::'ii' . determine if ariy additional intor*atiJn";r';;";:--Nc application-will be accented -:i#' unress.it is compl.ete (must rlclyle;ii iil;-;"qui".a.ui'ttre zoning administrdior)- '.::ru?f It is the appiicinr,s responsibilit''ii 'irilJ-.it-ippointnlnt with the staff to find - -': out about add.itionat submittal requirements-. Please noti'init i CoMPLETE applica- : ';';{g tion will streamline the approval pro..ii-ior.your.proieit by decreasing the number .:.-.-. of conditions of approval that tn" oii-tiv'ilii,riutl' ALL cbnditions of approval rnust -l$iOi-iOnditiOnS Of apprOval that the gRB may Sti.p,late' ALL sulrurLrrJfrJ r'r qvv'vvsr 'ruJb.-?tr-r [e ieiofvea befo.re'i ouitaing permit.is issued' - : A. pRgJEcT DEscRrpTIgN. R$€K 'FEh{Dpa/ -' A(D\E tl-aT T'B '.'€#E B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal DescriPtion Lot 4 Block_-L Firins VV 3 Zonins ?h c.NAI4E OF APPLICANT: Address tei ephone. D. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESEI{TATIVE: Addres s E. NAt'tE 0F terephone tXhJ{1 OWNERS: F. DRB FEE: VALUATION Signature Address tel ePhone The fee wi'|1 be Paid at the time a bui'lding perm'it is requested' FEE $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ so.oo $100 .00. $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO.THE DRB: 1. In addjtion to meeting submittal requirerndnts, the-applicant must stake the site to indicate p*p""iy"ii;;;"';;;-;"iidins .o.n"rs'. Trees that will be removed shou.l d a.lso be marked. This worr ruri'u.-.orpleted before the DRB visits the . si te. 2. The review process for'NEl^l BUILDINGS will normally involve tt'ro separate meetings of the gesign niui.n'boutl,-io-pfun on at least tlvo meet'ings for their.apProval' 3. People who fail to appear before the t)esign Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who friu.'iol'ailea for i postionement will be required to be republ i shed. $ o-$ 1o'ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.5o,ool - $ iso'ooo $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 \ 4. b. Building additions that are not viewed wnicn niue had letters submitted from ihe addition; and/or approval from the assoc'iation. 5- You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies "t".i--urittt a Town Planner before proceeding' Ionqer have to be presented-to.the.Og:i:n Review Board' be iresented to the iiiits'nfiiniitiiioi for approval: andsimi.larexteriorchangesthatdonotalterthe the bui'ldin9; and from anY other lot or Publit :!1!:' adioining property owners approvrng-il;; i6"', oi' manager of a condominium l The fol'towing items no They, however' have to a. llindows, skylights existing Plane of t .r.j '. r.' '?:!A ', t.ar.F- . r :.':.ll ,..? ,a! ""t"i€ "j on your ProPertY. You shouid IT OWNER'S ADJACENT TO VAJI VTI .AGF' 3RI} FTLTNG: Lot 3, Block 4 . Mr. Peter Hitchcock Berkshire Farms Mentor, OH 44060 Lot 3, Block 2 - Ms. Doris Vickers ,X 2800 South University, #79 Denver, CO 80210 Lots 4 & 6, Block 2 - Mr. Alfred Uihlein c/o First Wisconsin P.O. Box 2054 t o Lot 8, Block 2 - Company Milwaukee, WI 5320L .Y 374 B D R Limted Partnership u' P.O. Box 577 Harris Plains Road Litchfield, CT 06759 / Trust Bsj\ rrNtt*,,\ \\. Ns\- $u:wr: Sr.. U-\q-\D' \\ \il\.\ \r-\\qb .am C)ozo -n-z G, 1!f- )-.t'oTtlt-lzl6)t t<io orCa U',c(D <l'ct I EI r-4if-nlF e:,r-z,oG)tZ-a tn ,L-tm BiBol =T =m n October 12, 1 990 Colorcdo Plannlng Departnent To.Whom lt May Concern: I am Jcn MacDonnell and Ito act as my representatl Plannlng Commlsglon. Slncerely, Yal I J l,{acDonne | | Ner Place Road lsborough, CA. 94010 am authorlzlng,Ronb'ld J. BYrne ve in matters-comlng before the lh^"'.-b-**"-!L 121-Ht I 1. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Design Review Board of the Town oiVail will hold a public hearing on January 16, 1990 at 3:oO p.m.in the Town of Vail Municipal Buildingr. Consideration of: A request for an additional 250 square feet of cross Residential Floor Area for the Prinary Unit and an additional 25O sguare feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Secondary Uni! of the Rinski/MacDonnell residence located at 394 Beaver Dam Road. Lot 7, Block 2, YaiI Village 3rd. Applicant: Rimski, fnc. and Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Jan MacDonnell The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning adrrinistratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL CO!,llilUNITY DEVELOPIIENT Published in the Vail Trail on Decernber 21, 1990. oo oo WALKER & MOODY ARCHITECTS 2666 HYDE STREET . SAN FRANCISCC CA 94109 . 415 885 O8OO March 15, 1991 To Whom i+ Town of Vai May Concer n : I , Co lorado Enc lofor D sca I wew requ plans prevlously submitted are more accurate forll exceed allowed max i mums, enough to satisfy the =X,tl Kqwwv't-'t- sed are xerox cop i es of the es i gn Rev i ew. These pr ints ng off. Shou ld the area still pull the North wall back remenf. S i ncer C. Wa I ker Project: R IMSK IVail, C0 JCltll/k I 15,cr 75 south frontage road vall, colorado 81 657 (3031 479-21q) FAX PHOI(E TRANSMATAL SIIEET TO:ftz CO}TPAITY NNTE: FA)( PNONE NUI.IBER: FROIiT: DATE: 'do No. oF pAcEs ru oocurnrftrr-ffi)NcrnDrxc co\ruR srrEer): RxsPoNsE REQuIRED?, Yf' "* ""r r.rrra fr*/ Tor{N oF varr. ra:( puotrE NIDIBER: 3o3-479-zlsz 4/dd- rydg /4e 543/ ".7,::: f:#'W'-'J , ./,t tn hz ba3/a.rhath"yb6. // lhe lead-hntr" . .., r,i;;ffi;;"i "ii"i; ?ts,/d r:oo le atti/tz /#--n -QQ.FA . /o,44ryrct 1//?4/d & zuzaagr //e4Jz e// m( abhil gri{d$--a? ep.FA . i/o. d* a7&- /.tsard tdc dzizasred, I ) .rtotl" ^' r';7Jfrfu ''e/ha cazzrz* t4etd 3'o and ca.ztre/ -o,xcia 6 !o" th ,r€Jft 6n a'T/ ahat Tar+o'LSraek' Urf rr.gt,r/o4 ea.zzaa/ preet/ 87 "r/" ,*'- €Edcer 7/nt/4/' bdc December 17, 1990 Ms. Jill Kammerer, Planner #1 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, CO 81657 Re: Rimski Remodel Dear JilL: Enclosed find three sets of site plan, plans, elevations, and sections of the Rimskl Renodel and a DRB application. AIso enclosed is an applieation for two 250rs. I have included a highlighted set showing my rough areacafculations which I wish to recap. Note we are assuming the 1990 version for determining Gross Residential Floor Area. Existing Site Area Allowable GRFA Assuming we can add: Storage Mechanical 20 ,091 4,259 250 250 400 100 square sguareto be to be feet feet approved approved Balance of area 5,259 sguare feet Ivly takeoff of the plans December 14, 1990, show approximately 5260 sguare feet; i.e. we are within the allowable. Further, I believethe height is acceptable. The issues brought up in an earlier DRB submittal have been addressed and we wiII bring color boards to the hearing. Pursuant to my letter to you 14 December, we understand the 250's advertisement dictates we wil-l be on the 15 January meeting for thetwo 250's and also the DRB deliberations. Ms. Jill Kammerer -2-December 17,'1990 The $200 for the 250 applicatlons submltted in October by Bob Boymer should be applied for these current applications. If not orlf you need additional information, donrt hesitate to call. Slncerely, oLD/GWATHI{EYIPRATT ARCHTTECTS, p. C. Ir1. Gwathmey, EltG/ad Enclosures copy to: Robert Sandy MacDonnell tfalker o December 14, 1990 Ms. Jill Kammerer, Planner #1 Town of Vail Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 Re: Rinski Remodel Dear JiIl: Pursuant to our discussions the past several days regarding the Rinski Renodel, we wlsh to submit nehr plans 17 December for DRB consideration. These plans requj.re two "250's" which we will apply for on the 17th. We understand the advertising tirne is a month and the hearing for the 250's wil1, therefore, be 16 .fanuary 1991 . Our target date for aLl DRB approvals is the 16 January 1991 meeting. We intend to comply wtth GRFA conditions of 1990 and hope you wllllet us know if our assumptions on area are not correct. If apreapplication conference and,/or conceptual- are encouragted, we arecertainly available. Thank you for your patience and assistance in this applicationprocess. Sincerely, OLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P. C. Edward M. Gwathney, EMG/ad copy to: Robert MacDonnell Sandy Walker, Walker & Moody Architects, AIA N^MF OF PROJECT: ftCnL-oe scnI PTI oN : ;iiEFI'+nn'3f ',* The followlng Board before A. BUILDING LIST OF MATERIALS Fcr,r.iadV- o lnformatlon ls requlred for submltta'l a ilnal aPProval can be flven: b\fr by the applicant to the Design Revjew r3or.FD AT V@1ti-e. COLOR MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Sl di ng Other I'lal 'l Materi al s Fascl a Sof f 'lts t'li ndows }lindow Trim Doors Door Trlm Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl as hi ngs ChlmneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther FN\4t0 T? r-lcY'rt t?'auf' B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanlcal Name Common Name Quani tY Dci-WJ^N c deci duci ous trees. I ndi cate hei ght for coni fers ' lo,ror) Si ze* rl B'- 12! li,e,t_ffir*-ADFIJ *Indicate ca]iPer for ---T'zi-n-ie- !sY ,'o**g "".is,, , TWO STORY WOOD FRAME alvEn DAM ROAD l5o.oo' ( 50') o tt.67"oo'oo"e. _oT 6 67.73 LOT 4 82.68 Notice: Accordlng to colorado law, you nust coln)nence any legal actjon basetldefect in this certificate within three years after you first dtscoyer suchevent, may any action based upon any tlefect jn this certificate be connenceclyears from the date of certification shown her.eou. 91 lU (rl oo o_oq m ol !o(,| $_ =t\) (,|l ooq o 9 = N P ol$ LOT 8 scALE! r":30' upon any defect. In no tnore than ten , 394 Beaver Dan Road Vail, Colorado TEGAL DESCRIPTIONLot 7, Block 2, Vail village-Third Filing, Town of vail, county of Eagle, state ofColorado, according to the plat recordecl ltarch 25, 1963 as receptlon number 9?2OO of theEagIe County records. IMPROVE},IENT LOCATION CERTIFICATEI hereby certify that this improvement location certificate was prepared for Ronald J.Byrne, that it is not a land survey plat or implovenent survey plat, and that it is not tobe relied upoh for the establishnent of fence, building, or other future inprovenent lines I further certify that the inprovemqnts on the above described parcel on this date, Aprll20, 1990, except utility connections, are entirely within the bounrlarics of the parcel ,except as shown, that there are no encroachmetrts upon the descrlbed premises byimprovements on any adjoining prenrises, except as ind.icated, and that there is no apparentevidence of any easement crossitrg or burrlening .rny part of saicl parcel, except as noted. liote: There was no final title policy availab!c for this certlficate so there may beeasements. or rights-of-way of record other than what is shown on this certificate, Ttriscertificate is based on title comnitnent nunber V15125 prepared b-v Land Title GuaranteeCompany, dated April 06, 1990'. N4F N{acKorvrr strlvc)'irrg & Enginccring, Inc. P. O. Box 3?3 r 409 Brooks Lanc . till' . Colo.8163t r (l0l) 328.7208 /2o ohn L. MacKown, P. E. so/o28 /720 fht-Iii P.L.S 12566 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Design Review Board of the Town of' VaiI will hoLd a public hearing on Novenber 7' 1990 at 3:oo p.rn. i.n the Tonn of Vail Municlpal Bullding. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Wittenyer residence located at 338 Rockledge Road. Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: li[r. and Mrs. John and Nancy l{ittenyer 2. A reguest for an additional 25o square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Prinary unit and an additional 25o square feet of Gross Residentlal Floor Area for the Secondary Unit of the Rinski residence, 394 Beaver Dam Road. Lot 7, Block 2, Vail village 3rd. Applicant: RJ-nski, Inc. 3. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the schofield residence located at 1448 Vail- Valley Drive. Lot 18, Block 3, Vail vaLley lst. Applicant: ltr. and Mrs. John and Barbara Schofleld The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning adrninistratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL CO!.TMUNITY DEVEI'PMENT Published in the Valt Trail on October 19, 1990. DATE: FEB.4, 1991 It LEGAL: LOT ADDRESS:394 BEAVE DAM RD. a BLOCK FILING OWNER:RIMSKI PHONE # ARCHITECT: WALKER MOODY ARCHITECTS PHONE # 415 885-0800ffiPRoPosEDUSE: P/s NO NO::OF,UNITS AI-LOWED ON SITE 2.0 NO..OF GARAGE SPACES 2.0 GRFA ALLOWED ON.SITE 0.0 TOTAL"GHFA Wlf H.'A[L'INCREASES :,r ::: ::::r r: , : , ,0.0 0,0 SITE COVEHAGE.USED...0.0 0.0 0.0 TOTAL GRFA USED ON SITE . :4,839.0 GRFA REMAINING ON SITE ; :.'6,839;0) (1s.0)(80.0)12.0 0.0 50.0 I UNIT oNE .BASEMENT:SQ^FT.0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 1sT 2,172.0 615.0 227.0 88.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2ND. FLOOR SQ.FT.2,s50.0 0.0 87.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 888.0 0.0 136.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 'LOFT FLOOR SQ:FT.0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o I o.o I 0.0 | 0.0 .IIL---IEEEoiI litr'tiiiiiEa0'.rX.,1',,1:::i:r:,i0i0:l iiiii:i::iiii;0l0ii:,li:ii:itiiiii 10:i l ,:[$.'l:iAEilri:,:#i iHl'tkltjrti:ii:i:i['tli lr,l :i .iii'iiii:;i'i,s;tt1,I CREDIT TOTALS USED :,:l:1088;0 CREDIT TOTALS :::: ::. ':: ::'600,0 0.0 (1s.0)(s0.0)12.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 .il,i,ii !.f :ir 4,522.0 GRFA REMAINING (4,522.01 +iil UNIT TWO 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1ST,:FLOOR SO.FT.0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2ND:, FLOOR SQ.Ff. : :0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3RD; FLOOR SQ;FT.317.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0l fffi i:iiriiili 0l OT 0. ii:i0l nFi; 0; cu. )0.0 s;0 2:in cREprT Torfls ADDED GRFA(IE .,:,,,:,,t:,0.0 0.0 CREDIT TOTALS )',: 0.0 0.0 GRFA ALLOWED GRFA USED :." GRFA€EIVIAIT'II.IG 4,s22.01 317.0 4339'0) ,tEN.fSli,ii i i,i,Iii.i i Dg.::r t;:i), Gct,/aTrrnt ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R PilS ZONE DISTRICTS DArE: J' /'9/ LEGAL DESCRI ON: ADDRESS: J ,'.ar,/U) OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Tc,rAL A-'rt ii,t . ?elu.;..: -, lYt 1r( Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Ileights Parking carage Credit Drive: Environment,al/Ha zards : Block 2 FilinS Wil y'1/,g.'t*, ",/a. 3 ,1,,';,/s.D PHONE (4/5 /s('a, (4. PIIONE 2 - ?€OsAllowed ,-rra), Proposed Total 3?.75 gVa;d,' -y /r/:/,'t. i:t,*t/ Existing '4/h 4-/5) (tn,.,tyr: <}5.ar1t25T 201 151 L5| (30) (50) 4oE ,.L'.' /L- / ,: l:I _ 4i',/4 3aao /O /E frtria r ttt ti\{,.-/1//A 3, /6. Reqrd (300) (6oo) (e00) Permitted Slope ( L2oo) 8?Actual Slope Date approved by To$tn Engineer: L) Flood Plain 2) Percent slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow Does this How much500 request involve aof the allor.red 250sq. ft. 4) Wetlands 250 Addition?Addition is us 10 with this request? '5 4 ./t./, t?t DESIGN REVIET{ BOARD AGENDA JANUARY 16, 1991 3 3 00 P.l-f . REVT8ED L/L5/9L SITE VISITS 1:00 P.M. 1 1. Spraddle Creek Subdivlsion - Design KP Guidelines. 100 N. Frontage Road/Parcel B uoTIoN: George Lanb sEcoND: Sherry Dornard VOTE; 5-O TABLED TO FEBRUARY 6TH }IEETING. 5 2. Vail Actlvities/Ihe Adventure Company BRStorefront. 675 Lionshead Place/sunbird Lodge MoTIoN: George Ianb SECoND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-O Log store front with btue on door and window trin. 5 3. Breeze Ski Rentals Frontages BR 684 t{. Lionshead Cir.,/Montaneros Building I,IOTION: George Lanb - Denial of 2 frontages. sEcoND: Jin Shearer VOTE: 5-0 ft was detennined that the business fronted on only one rnajor pedestrian way. 7 4. Stevenson - 25o Addition sM 275 Beaver Darn Rd/Lot 40, Block 7, Vail Village lst UOTION: George Lanb SEcoNDs Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-O Consent. 2 5. Aasland Residence - Additlon & Color Change SU '2527 Arosa Drive/Lot 3, Block D, VaiI Das Schone #1IIIOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED TO FEBRUARY 6TH I'IEETING. 6. AK7. 8. llerdrich - New Prinaryr/Secondary Residence Su 2OOB Sunburst Drive/Int 18' Vail Village 3rd t{oTIoN: George IaDb SECOND! Pat Herrington VoTE: 5-O Approved. Stephenrs Park - Review of proposed park design to be constructed in sunmer of 1991. 25OO Block of South Frontage Road West. UOTION:SECoNDS TABIJD TO JANUARY 3OTH UEETING. Adler - Addition 2602 Cortina Ln. Ridge. I,IOTION: George VOTE! 5-O JK (west l{alf)/Lot 1, Block B, Vail Ianb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: consent. Approval subject to GRFA check. 9. Rlneki Resldence - Deno/rebuLld uith tuo 250 JK additlons. 394 Beaver Dan Road,/Lot 7, Block 2, VaiI village 3rd. IIOTION: George Lanb VOTE: 4-O SECOND: Jim Shearer Ned Gwathmey represented the applicant on this iten and therefore abstained fron voting. l{otion to approve subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant nust use great care and sensitivity in-redeveloplng the site to insure the survival of the two large evergreens which flank the driveway near the residence. The DRB suggests the applicant consult ttitb a landscape archlteCt/nursery person/tree expert for suggestions on how this can be accornplished. 2. Applicant give consideration to ninirnizing the inpact redevelopnent of the site will have on the existing willows and aspens located along the western edge of the site. 3. Any plant rnaterial removed during constru-ction snouta be transplanted wherever possible or replaced. 4. Any waltfitays to be installed Iocated more then 4r-orr fron the face of the structure nust be pproved by the DRB. 10. Charliers T-Shlrt - Lighting BR 641 t{. Lionshead Circler/Montaneros Building UoTIoN: George L'anb sEcoND: Jim shearer voTE: 5-0 3 florescent llghts under awning to be directed downward - not to fight awning, 2 spot lites, elininate sall lites. uEugERs PBEES!: Sherry Dorward Ned Gwathrney George Lamb Pat HerringtonJin Shearer (PEc) UE![EE$-rABSENI!: STAFF APPROVAI^S: vail Point Grading, I-pt 27. L894 Lions Ridge Loop 770 Potato Patch trash dunpster enclosure. construct dumpster and enclose, transplant 2 aspen, remove third trash container. Vait Gateway Plaza - Modificatlon of flue cap screens, see drawings dated L2/28/9O by Arnold, Guathney' Pratt. I,ot N, Block 5-D, VaiI Village 1st vail cateway Plaza - Site nodifications. Lot N, Block 5-D, VaiI Village lst f, .,"' . ,:.lel rNTER-pEPARTMENTAL REVTEW -vric K 479-)/fi DATE SUBMITTED: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: "bnoftaV fehid - Yoa 4 25o' .4p7ttc<*)ro Date:l- tG -9o 4 F 6a.* A.t''.1 F.lrb B.^V t-- atr t t( €vc6T4S M, ez r-S 7a.r pRorEcr: &rrru- Dno Relfut/A/ /. //.9/DATE oF PUBr,rc HEARTNG /'/6 '9/ coMMENTs NEEDED By: .AglP- hi ti' qa//z ,/a* tt4*tqh/*\J BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: fote ,J€q 7r-r/a2,4// 4€ \tl'4t7 ituacomments: r) 1?"czt? l ,,L'>7a'lta> -a 1a./r5, Q >A<q 5(ve 6-4eaAS l)tr /+rtsy?a^t t!,,^.r>F4rr!=> lTztusT Be z" r* A 4 i +J /^t,E, a) DAru*u{W^.-r- g-E *'..ur7 sr.+,vD1zot(z t\=y'.^'tt h 4 "A+so- co*aro-) 5\r/.o ?na> €ca-f) Qtlt4,eb a4 B<,.,,-cr- D+,r fu'ao t4t.Tr'Jo;|ps"-r,sica FArvl rIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:Date: Connents: POLICE DEPARTI,IENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by; Comnents: Date: Date: January 7, 1991 Ms. JilI Karunerer, Planner #1 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vai1, Co 81657 Re: Rimski Remodel - Demolition Permi-t Dear JiII: The owners of 394 Beaver Dam Road wish to demolish the existing structure in anticipation of starting construction in Spring of 1991 . DRB application has been made and is the "Ri-mski Remodel ." In the event a building permit has not been issued by 15 August 1991 the owners warrant the site wilf be returned to natural grades and revegetated wj-th wildflower mix. Please let me know if you need more from Bob Boymer in order to obtain the demolitj-on permit. Sincerely, /ewatHMsv/pRATT ARcHrrEcrs, P. c. ard M.Ghra , AIA EMG,/ad Enclosures copy to: Bob MacDonneLl Sandy Walker -Walker Moody APPLICATI0N DATE: [T P& lqg D DATE OF DRB |'IEETII{G: DRB APPLICATION BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI'IITTED*****+***THIS APPLICATION I'IILL NOT . PRT-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatlon meetlng wlth-a pl?Tllng staff member ls strongly suggested to determine.rf any aoiii.ioiar rnforinatron"it-ri..a.a. -No appricatio-n wiil be accepted untess tt is compleie (must lryly{g afr iieti-rtq'itta Uy'ttre zoning admlnistrator)' Ir is the appticanti! iJip;nsiuritty to iiil-oi't-ippointrnlnt with the staff to flnd out about addlgonal .submlttal requiremenii. Fleise note.that a C0MPLETE applica- tjon wtll streamlfn. l[l'-ippioval'proceii-i6r yoyr proigg! bv decreaslng the number of condrtions of approvar that the^ons miv'ilr"puiit!. -ALL c-onditions of approvar must be resolved before 5'uuitOtng permlt ls lisued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address aq+ E6\4n FN4 fuAIO - 11 ' Filing W 3Legal Descrlpt'lon Lot 'l Block s' Zonlng C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Sp l,tp AddreSs trRAg)UsLt tel ephone +15'A-13V5W D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: t Address E. NAME OF lQoo Sl gnature Address F. DRB FEE: tel ephone The fee wlll be pald at qa,tvl VALUATION the tlme a building FEE '$ lo.oo $ 25.00 $ 5o.oo $100.00 $200.00 $3oo. o0 permit is requested. $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 5o,ooo $.50,001 - $ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ .500,000 $5oo,oo1 - $l,ooo,ooo$ Over $1,000'000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO T]IE DRB: 1. ln addltlon to meetlng submlttal requlrements, the-apPlicant must stake the site to indicate p.op"riy"if;;; ili-btii,jing-coineis. Trbbs that will be removed should also be marked. This work tril"U..otpleted before the DRB visits the site. WvU!- 59. 2. The revlew process for NEl,l BUILDINGS wlll normally involve tt'to separate meetlngs ii-tn" O"ifbn,ndviiw-bo.il,-i6-piin-on at least tio meetinss for thelr.approval ' 3. People who fall tO appear before the Design Review Eoard at thelr scheduled meeting and who fiiv.'hoi asked for i poitpon.tent wlll be required to be republ i shed. tel ephone ) DRB IPPITICAIION APPLICATION RECETVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: FDocr 01 pgo DATE *****THIS APPLICATION WII-,L NOT IS SUBUITTED***** r. PRI-APPLICATION I,TEETING: without orynerrs Slgnature. A. PRO.'EqT DESCRIIIDION8 BE ACCEPTED UNTIL AIJ, INFORMATION A pre-appllcation neetlnE wlth a strongly suggested to detetnineinforaatlon Ls needed. No apol . It ls the aPPll.cantrs anpo:lntnent with the staPPolntnent with the staff to flnd oqt about additlonal subulttal requlrenents. Please note that a COMPLETE applLcatlon wlll streanline the approval process for your proJect by decreasing the.nunber of conditlons of approval that the DRB uay etlpulate. ALL conditions of approval rnust be resolved before a building permlt is lesued. lppltcatlon will not be processed D. E. G. EEE 91O.OOI2s.00I so.oo 9100.00 9200. Oo 93oo.0o L' ^n' qV plannlng staff nenber iE lf any addltlonal ({| cV+ Vxaf .,-r tuvr"ta, l*n\rrfi F r' B. I.OCAIION OF PROPOSALs Address zqe r,egal Description I& P+ Block Subdlvislon|,i!{,'W]r#'g33 Zoning C. NAI'IE OF APPL,ICANT: l.tailing Address: V\h , .n Gt t-5? Phone 41t' - l'1*+ NAI.|E OF APPLICAIITTS REPRESENTATI\IE: 4^D A/eE Malllng Addteesz 2-&{ E3<r>z4f s(]- ^rlr|,1H-t / z> A-t r ^{T glsyp ^4 t- -t4 Z,+ V) E.NAI.IE OF OI{NERS: sroNrIuRE (8) r Uaillng Address: Phone Condoninl.um Approval if aPPlicable. DRB FEE:nernlt ls pald for. VALUATTON s o-$ 1o,ooo sl., 000, 0oo $1, 000, 000I Over .^'t II.IUPORTN{T NOTICE REGARDING AIN SUBI.IISSIONS TO THE DRBS A. In addltlon to neetlng subnlttal requlrernente, the appllcant uust etake the slte to lndlcate property lLnes and bulldl.ng corners. Trees that wlll be reuovednust aleo be narked. Thls work uuet be conpleted before the DRB visits the slte. B. The review procesa for NEll BUILDINGS uill normally involve two separate ueetlngs of the Deslgn Revlew Board, so the appllcant ehould plan on at least two neetlngs for a final approval. c. Appllcante uho fall to appear before the Deslgn Revlew Board at their scheduled neetLng and who have not aekedfor a postponelent slll be required to be republlshed. D. At the dlscretlon of the zoninE adnl.nlgtrator, thefollowing ltens uay not have to be preeented to the Deslgn RevLew Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Plannlng Departnent for approval: a. Windows, skyllghte and s1nllar exterl.or changesthat do not alter the exlstlng plane of thebuilding; and b. Bullding additlons that are not viewed fron any other- lot or publlc aPace' vhl.ch have had letters subnttted fron adJolnlng property own'ere approving the additlon; and,/or approval fron the agent for,or Danager of a condonlnium assocl.atlon. E. You nay be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall' debris flow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a Town : Planner before ProceedinE. I. UATERIAI, TO B8 SUBMITTED NEW CONSTRUCTION A. Jh#="plee of a topocrraohLc nap and s{te rlan at a- scale of tn = 20r or larger, of the elte containing the following: .l'-\( r.l Llcensed surrreyorra stanp.\-/r j) contour Lnter:rrale of not nore than 2 | unless the \ ,/ parcel consl,sts of 6 acrea or Dore, ln whJ.ch caEe, 5r contour intenrale nay be accepted. (/g.\ Exlstlng treee or groups of trees havlng trunks \ / with dianeters of 4rr or Dore one foot above grade. i'\(e. i Rock outcroppings and other signifJ'cant natural \..,,--,/ features (large boulders, Lnternittent etreams, etc. ) . (s.j Avalanche areas, centerll.ne of etream or creek, creek or strearn setback, 1.00-year flood plain and ,. slopes of 4o* or nore, if appll'cable. 6. Tles to existing benchnark, elther USGS landnark or sewer invert. 7. Iocations of the following: a. Proposed surface dralnaEe on and off site, showing size and tlpe of culverts, trrales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utlllties to lnclude existlng sources and proposed sernrice lines frorn sources to the stnrcture. Utllities to include: Cable Tv Sewer Gas Telephone t{ater Electric c. Property llnes showing distances and bearlngs and a basls of bearing d. Proposed drlveways with percent slope and spot elevations \' e. , All easenents (Title report uust also lnclude existlng easement locatLons) 8. Exl.sting and flnlshed grades. 9. All exlsting and proposed luprovenents lncludlng structures, -landscaped areas, servlce areas, etorage areas' walks, drivewayg, off-etreetparklig, loading areag, retalnlng walls (vLth spot itevati6ns of top and botton of walls), and other slte lnProveDents. 10. Elevatlons of too of roof ridses (WJ-th, exlsFlng. ) to deternlne @ All rldge-llnes should be lndicated on the -lte plan. Elevatlons for roof rldges shall also be lnaicated on the slte plan wlti corresponding finished and exlEtlng grade elevations. No p6rtion of the roof ehall exceed 33 feet. B. z Landscape Plan (ltr - 20r or larger) -/conLes regulred 1. Show the locatlon of 4tr dlarneter or larger trees, other ehn$e and native plants that are on the slte and the locatlon and deslgn of proposed landscape areaa wlth the varl.etles and eizes of plant Daterlals lndicated. 2. Conplete the attached landscape materlals list. 3. Deelgnate all trees to be saved and all those to be reroorred. As nuch of the above lnforaatlon aB possJ'ble ehould be Lndl.cated on the elte plan, ao that the lnter-relatlonof the varl.oua cornponents is clear. The landscape plan should be eeparate. The exietinE topographlc and tor largerlr,.{contee 1. Uust lnclude scaled floor plans and all elevations as they w111 apPear on eonpletlon- Elevations nust show both exlsting and finlshed grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be rrred-linedrr to show how the GRFA was calculated. 3. subnlt one set of reduced (8 L/2n x 11rr) floor plans, elevations and eite plan for I'ncluslon I'n ienos'to Planning Connlesl'on and Town Councll . 4. Exterior surfaclng materLalg and colore shall be epecified and subnltted for review on the uiterlale tlst (attached). color chJ.ps, sldlng sanples etc., sliould be preaented at the Deslgn Revl,ew Board neetl'ng. Zone check llet (attached) -DuBt be conpleted lf proJect ffifdFil€-rarniry, Prluary/secondary or nuPlex. NOTE: II. vegetatlonal characterletlcB Day be ghown on a aeparate nap. -r( ll"trgrf::rl:p :r:!,:ll+l!:f 9:p:"9,::r*yr's location of eerrrl.ce and avallablllty (see attached). Prellninarv tltle report to acconpany all submittals' to insure property ownershlp and glkS.geself.,g on E. property. Architectural Plans (L/4tt - lr reguired. r. G.The Zonlng Adntnletrator and/or D-RB nay requlre tlre eubulssloi of addltlonal plane, drawl'ngs, ip..irf"ttlon-, sanples and other naterLala (lncludlng a:nodell lf deined necessary-to detennl'ne whether a troJect'wlll conply rlth tl'eslgrn Guldellnes. photos or eketches that clearly lndicate what is proposed lna tfre locatl.on (alte plan) of the proposal uay be "iitni[t.a-in ffeu'of thl noie foroal requlremente.glvel. iforr", as long aa they grovlde all lnportant specifLcatl.ons i"i-ti.-pr-poiaf tnclird-ing colore and naterlale to be ueed. LIST OF I,TATERIAI,S NA}IE OF PRO.'8CT: LEGAL DESCRISTTON:1,orl- BlocK v ?t7,1 €*€n, SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: h 4 DESCRIPTION Ttre followlng lnforuatlon Ls Review Eoard before a flnal A. BUILDING UATERIAI,S: Roof Siding Other WalI ltaterials Fascia Soffits Windows l{indow Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. I.ANDSCAPING: NANC reguired for eubnittal to the Deslgn approval can be given: TYPE OF I.TATERIAI, COIPR ={b r r [6zF -bt-Y-ggg.<*:cnz"of Designer! Phone: PI.AIIT I{ATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Nane Common Name ouantl-tv Size* EXISTTNG TREES TO BE REMOVED *rndicate caliper for declduous trees. uinlpur! carttr?! for aEliiau""= ii"l-s-is-z-i".r,JJ. Indicate. heigtr! for-coniferous ---. ur"rr"a rr"rg". r-r ""rf--- GFi:\r Botanl.cal Narne CaUnteLNCnIg ouantlty EfZg! J1 PI-.A!TT I'TATERIAIJS ! PROPOSED SHRUBS EXTSTING SITRUBS TO BE REI{OVED e^n _{gx,- 4 s..'\',- *IndLcate elze of proposed ghrube. IitLnLnun eLze of ehnrbs Ls 5 qallon. Type Scruare Footacre GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR I.IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. oTHER IAIDSCAPE FEAnRES (retalnlng walls., fences, syrgn$g pools, etc.l---it-a"e specify. fnai-ate helghts of relalnlng ;;ii;: -uiiirur-helght-ot slUs slthln tlre front setback is 3 feet. Uaxl.u,n height of walle elsewhere on the Propertyls 6 feet. F ZONE sFR, R, R P/S CHECK FOR ZONE DISTRICTS Brock :Z etLLns U J 3?D PHONE Allowed Exlstlng Proposed TotaI 3t /6. Regrd '-. ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I.,OT SIZE Height Total GRFA Prlnary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscaping Jo/ col Credits: carage (e0o) (1200) t?-V(so)@D ilA' 50 ttA(25) (50) /v/4 storase (roo@l- 3/2 Drlve: Permitted Slope 8t Actual slope .U4 a'yz p Approved by Town Engineer: Environnental/Hazards : Avalanche (3oo) (5oo) 4// f' 4 '/ "'et.r'ld(:/'' Date: Flood Plain t Slope Geologic Hazards a) snow Avalanche b) Rockfal.l c) Debris FIow 4) Mechanlcal Airlock 'U.4 6,€€6 4ac L 1) 2l 3) (30) (33) 47 ./2r?54t?6- --"" W (30) (so) 4c t t'2' /v.A- Fence/Retaining Wall Heights Parking I{etlands lr ADEOUATE AVAILABTLITY A}ID UTILITY I'CATION VERIFTCATION SUBDIVISION The location and avallabltity of utllltles, whether they-be rytntrunk llnes or proposed llne!, Duat be approved and-verlfied by the followtng utltitles for the acconpanying eite plan. JOB IPT ADDRESS U.S. l{est Coronunl.cations 1-800-922-1987 468-6850 or 949-4530 Publlc Senrice coDpany 949-5781cary HalI Holy Cross ELectric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky,/ltichael LavertY Herltage Cablevision T.v. 949-5539 Gary .tohnson '-fi-u?- t'','l'r t- upper Eagle Valley l{ater & Sanitation District * 476-7480 Fred Haslee Authorized Sicmature Date i\^*^(f' \*a$ $"^4.c- NOTE:These verificatLons do not relieve the his responsibillty to obtain a _s!rg-e! rlght-of-way or easenent in the Tortn of vail . A. A street cut pennft nust be obtalned separately. I please brlnE a slte plan, floor plan, and- elevations when oliifning uppSr E;;i; tiiriv water-& sinltatlon slgnatures- FLre flow needs uust be addressed. contractor of cut pernit fron Works and to lfor any publlc llhls fo:m Le to verifYlocatlon. thls should preparl.ng your utllitY installatlons. senrice avallabilitY and be used in conJunction wl'th plan and schedullng o a?zrz-r,/ rttz- ' Z*,g/ a*taa^a.aJ'L/a <.0-4/*! :-*:?-*--' &c*rrcd; J t TJE "e/€L n m 3 !spr"e,-ea / -aga -Q-- Alnll. ta -/o:oll- : .? *W,--*tt-&tynt/.,edccd- 93e !**.- h/ns - th n.sk// ,.: i lsful- W*_ka-H* 3.?s/ dra/L a,&--Aazzt-I?ta{ zXtu,UJ FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA C'-rrorroN FoR ADDrTroro,- u*ro I lfti pt unt'( /t glunr/r,g PRE.APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-app'lication conference with a member of the p'lanning staff is strong'ly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which addjtional GRFA can be added to a site. It shou'ld be understood that this ordjnance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for gp to 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. App'lications for additions under this section wi'l'l not be accepted unless they are complete. This inc'ludes a'll information required on this form as we1l as Design Review Board submittal requirsnents. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ffrr OcI 1 6,9g0 Date of App'l icatio Date of DRB Meetin B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description: Zone 0istrict lot-le;ock_Z -Filing t/ l/ 3FP E. ** C. NME OF APPLICAI{T: Address D. NA}4E OF 'S REPRESENTATIVE: Addres hone NME 0F Ol.lNER(S): Signature(s) Address phone F. Filing Fee of $'100.00 is required at tinre of submitta'l The fo1 lowing information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shall be required with this submitta'l: l. Verification that the unit has received a fina'l certificate of occupancy. 2. Names and mailing addresses of adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same 'lot. This information is avai'lable from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium association approval (if applicab'le). 4. Existing floor plan of structure. 1\.\ o -)> G. Your proposa'l wil'l be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. *fvt /r/a, nile,"u;) a la/trw rd-fu {- clre*uzz As ---r', /o . /5-70 ,dcka, o €f*l /4/r-" - ).: i', ")n- bq %* Oct. 16 'Wr !4t33 AWA RLPII€ BAI'[<,EAGLE rEL 343-328-72t8,P. 1 3 Uacfowu Surrreylng & Dnglneeriug Erglc, CO 81631 ' (303) 328'?20E TO:' ,FROM: R'O. Bor 1584 ' 205 B.Chrmbcm Avr'. l{r. 8ob Boyn6r Ron Byrne & A8toc' ?ax * 176-674'l ilacKown SurveYlng & Englneerlng llerbert A, Rltschard Job No. g0/oge - Area Certiflcatlon Octobor 16, 1990 sheet 1 of 1 RE: t DATE: The areaplat of said 1903, cnd as BnElneerlng CertificEtlon of Area of Lot. ?, Block z, of Vall Village Fillnc No' 3' as eb-own on the subdlvrBion upp"ouui-by EaCf; Gounty connlsalonere on March 25' ghown on the topogrlpil"r"-ilp-o".po"ud by Mac(osn $urveylng and oi[eu uav 16, 1ss0 1sj9991, 8q' ft' or 0'4612 Aaree' f /, =&i /qor e 6E "qm:: ttcrbert A. THIS IS THE ANSURE TO THEC'. no t'rt:Jabr' - FFl, Pkq //ax€-fr-t3 HZ Ld/e// tlvlz AQ/ P */ngl Gae.ru-r lcco-u,eD o - Poae? Sffi rrL cz. A- / cA,ry/*t I $2, 521.00 $5o. oo $20. O0 $20. o0- $z,7LL.OO please refer to V15125-2. 1. 2. 13, 1990 at 8:OO A.U. proposed Insured: $1, 325, 0OO. O0 3. ALTAQoI'TMITMENT SCHEDULE A - Charges - ALrTA Owner PolicyAIta Lender PolJ-cy Tax Certif. Endrsmt # 1O0.OO- - TOTAT - With your renl,ttance Effectlve Date:April Policies to be issued, and rrALTAtt Orilnersrs policy Form 8-1970 (Amended 10-12-20) Proposed Insured: RIttsKI, rNc., A CO'6RADO CORPORATToN trALTArr Loan Policy(1970 Revision|$993,7so. oo Proposed In6ured: I'NITED BAIIK OF DEIWER, N.A. The estate or Lnterest in the land described or referred to inthis CormLtnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: JAI'lEs H. w. JAcKs' MART,A s. JAcKs, JAlr{Es s. KELLEY AND wDrrHJACKS KELI.,EY t. The land referred to ln this Coilnitnent is d.escribedfollows: Application No. vL5L25-2 as IAGE ALToo"oltMrr!,rENT SCHEDUIJE A Appllcation No. vL5L25-2 I,oT 7, BLCK 2, VAIL VITIAGE-THIRD FIIJING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED prAr THBREOF, COttNTy OF EAGIJE, STATE OF COTTRADO. PAGE 2 ALroO"oMMrrMENr SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) The following are the requirements to be 1. Pajrment to or for the account of thethe full consideration for the estateinsured. Application No. V15L25-2 conplied with: grantors or mortgagors ofor interest to be 2. 3. Proper instrunent(s) creating the estate or interest to bei-nsured must be executed and dury fited for recoid, to-wit: RELEASE oF DEED gl-Tryqr DATED Aprlr 23, Ls7s, FROM JAMES H. w. JAcKs,{1!!1 s' JACKS' JAMES s. KELLEY aNoJuorrH JAcKs KEr-,LEy ro rHE puBLrc TRUSTEE oF EAGLE couNTY FoR THE usE oF A & D ENTERpRrsEs, rNc., A cor.,,oRADocoRPoRATroN To sEcuRE THE sltl.t oF g4or-,r-5o.oo aeconnnp May L6. Lg7g, rN BooK285 AT PAGE 542. NorE: TNSTALLMENT NorE rN coNNEcrroN wrrH sArD DEED oF TRUsr REcoRDED JUNE8, L983 rN BOOK 361. AT PAGE 1_7O. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSTGNED TO GENE E. GOLDSWORTH AND DONALD L. SMITHrN ASSTGNMENT RECORDED septernber 24, 19g0, rN BooK 309 AT PAGE g75. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN GOLDEN INASSTGNMENT RECoRDED september 24, 1980, rN BooK 309 AT PAGE 876. MoDIFICATIoN' REARRANGEMENT AND ExTENsIoN AGREEMENT IN coNNEcTroN wrTH SAIDDEED oF TRUsr wAs RECORDED June 12, Lgg9, rN BooK 507 AT PAGE 967. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO DONALD L. SMITH IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDEDJune 08, l_993, IN BOOK 351_ AT PAGE l_ZL. sArD DEED oF TRUST WAS ASSTGNED TO A & D ENTERPRTSES, rNc. rN ASSTGNuENTRECORDED Septernber OJ_, L993, IN BOOK 367 AT PAGE 163. SATD DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSTGNED TO BANK OF APPLEWOOD IN ASSTGNMENT RECORDEDSeptember 09, l_993, IN BOOK 3G7 AT PAGE g22. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO A & D ENTERPRISES TN ASSIGNMENT RECORDEDoctober 17, 1993, IN BooK 370 AT PAGE G93 \'rr''rtrr sArD DEED OF TRUST I{AS ASSTGNED TO FrRST TNTERSTATE BANK OF GOLDEN, N.A. rNASSIGNMENT RECORDED May 29, l_986, IN BOOK 442 AT pAcE 589. PAGE ALToO"oMuTTMENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Reguirenents) Application No. VL5L25-2 4. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 5. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT RIMSKI, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION IS AN ENTITY CAPABLE OF ACQUIRING TITLE TO SUB.TECT PROPERTY. 6. WARRANTY DEED FR,OII! JAIIIES H. W. JACKS, IIILRI,A S. JACKS, JAMES S. KELLEY AND JUDITH JACKS KELLEY TO RIMSKI , INC., A COIORADO CORPORATTON CONVEYTNG SUANECT PROPERTY. 7, DEED OF TRUST FROM RrMSKr, rNc., A coLoRADO CORPORATTON TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR THE USE OF UNTTED BANK OF DENVER, N.A. TOsEcuRE THE SItl! OF 9993,750. 00. PAGE 4 ALT"O"oMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Application No. Vt51,25-2 Tbe_poricy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the same are disposed of to the sati-sfaction ofthe Company3 l-- standard Exceptions l- through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessnents not yet due or payable and specialassessments not yet certified to the ireasurerrs otfice. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR ISDE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORETHEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR TNTERSECT THE PREMTSESAS RESERVED IN UNfTED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 04, Lg23t IN BOOK 93AT PAGE 98. ]-0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BYUNITED STATES AS RESERVED TN UNITED STATES PATENT1923, rN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 1.1-. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE,BUB oMrrrrNc.REsrRrcrroNs, rF ANV, BASED oN RACE, coLoR, RELrcroN, oRNATIONAL ORIGIN' AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED March 25, 1963, INBOOK 174 AT PAGE 5?5. ].2. UTILTTY EASEMENT FIVE FEET IN WTDTH AIONG THE SOUTHERLY I-,oT LINE OF SUB]ECTPROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VATL VIIJI'AGE-THIRD FILING. r1'3' EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THERECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE- THIRD FILING. ITEI'IS L, 2 , AND 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTTONS WrLL BE DEIETED FRoM THEowNERS POLTCY TrrLE POLTCY uPoN RECErpr oF A SATTSFACTORY SURVEY. rrEM #4wrLL BE DELETED UPON RECETPT OF A SATTSFACTORY rJrEN AFFTDAVTT. rrEM #5 WrLLBE DEI,ETED TF THE COMPANY RECORDS THE ITEMS REQUIRED UNDER SCHEDULE B-]-HERE-IN. ITEIq #6 AND 7 WTLL BE AMENDED To REFI,EcT THE TAx STATUS AT THETrl'IE oF PoLrcY. rrEM #8 wrLL BE DELETED upoN REcErpr oF sATrsFAcroRyEVIDENCE THAT NO I{ATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE OWING. THE AUTHORITY OF THE RECORDED September 04, PAGE ALToO"oM!rrrMENr SCHEDUI,E B-2 (Exceptions)Application No. VL5L25-2 NOTES SAID SURVEY MUST SET OUT THE EASEMENTS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE B-2 HEREIN. PLEASE PROVIDE IJAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY WITH THE NAME OT THE SURVEYING COMPANY A}TD WE WILL SEND COPIES OF THE NECESSARY DOCT'MENTS. FORMlOO WILL BE ISSUED BASED UPON THE COMPANY'S REVIEW OF TIIE SURVEY AS SET rORTH ABOVE. PAGE lnwn 75 south frontago road vril, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 4792139 ollice of community development James S. KeIJ.ey L25L4 Old Oakes Houston, Texas '17O24 Dear Mr. Kelley: Per our telephone conversation yesterday, please find enclosedan application for additional GRFA, as wetl as the applicablesection of the Townrs Zoning Code (Chapter tg.Z1). Our records do not indicate the existing GRFA for your property(Lot 7, Block 2, Vail Village 3rd rilini). The maxirnun-arlowable GRFA can be calculated using tne attached procedure,section L8.13.08O - Density Control for the prinary/3econdaryResidential Zone District. If you should have any further guestions, please feel free tocontact this office. Sincerely, April 26, L989 Mike MoLlica Town Planner MM: IT Enclosures 3 cc: file ll;k t't&/.-: oz E =E IJJ o- co o(Y) cc IJ': oo LO an LIJ uJlJ- F = UJ o- IJJF f- Fttz =o z z 't t I I I II 1 rl q PI-1 -1f,:'r l.,l I4:tlJ:t! 1rLuio lll .F-lL2.8ocl.ez o><oacec< z F O t (io olr) r.o O) oo oGI c)o O(\I oo oor-l u: o(\ <f4 ( a ! zo() o 3 i I F $ lrl==Ettlcoz =fc) t!I() z) J o E o uJ tr z .D =f (Jz (J LU = UJ UJ z tr uJ UJ oE d) =u.l5 UJ z a UJ Fa uJ z UJ.J() a t,lJ t,lJqt =E UJ Fo ('zoJ fo J dF C) IJJ tr z = o- J 9z olll = J NOtivn'tv^ F +Jo +).l' cct(r. 9€z. z u-<, ;; =E*-FF0 fre5{ :E5g E'-Fofi '-r (\ O z tr f Fu- o ul F ooo o(Y) E- ulE J z Eoo >< z F uJ a =UJz ||tl)rllllF =92==e=F g5 F6-iEr"Pe3E dEEE8fiE:i<(DE@22Ik||lltr ttl ? * ,? = < EHF2 ?=d er<gFfr.A.gr= 955o (,o-z<) z F J az uJ t E F I.IJ_T- ut uJ o 3 z e \\\ \, ,ir' H F FI i o oa UJ = t! z. JsO uJo-o !Jz- it'- z, (!, IE, u.,l F J -J*<u-Xlo JF= tu I''o,\' olz. oz Fo uJ-toe. o- o@I(\l(\l Irr) co E CIoo o1' .:c: E Eo C' ts =Elrl o-zIF C)DEFazo() I.IJF o .Jz z(,=ze c0o>zlf dP ;E=-r --i t!6il> F =E, uJo- u-o uJo- F ntn tr! irl ill ,qi oT'o (ue atlov, .U-) 3 g, o\z uJ =z ,rt =z tn <ntllE = .L F =g aa uJ ?- vt(u .t-, .tt (Jo v, 6d &,Ic,co Etr U'tl, E Io F =tr an uJ oo J =tr ao UJ = =tr ooIut .J- = E tr uJEoo = I TL F (J uJ.zl='o F C)[!trT --.r O<Fff? + =tr t-lrJ= -l<5 1do <o(JF H#t 2?;o =#)zEO *6YF =2:.Y YZ =g t- gJ-n \JZ J<oan3H EEt] Permit No. i 'i'l^")'r l{. I hmrmVAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL ISSUED UNTIL TAEFEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Ltc. No. Lrc. No.EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:Waler NUMBER OF UNITS ' 3'A ! Amount Date Paid Finance Director Bldg. Dept. -white; - waterand Sanitation - Green:- public Works - Canary;- Contractor - pink: - Accounting - Goldenrod Date Billed LOCATION ANO LEGAL RtstDUrTt,lL ll flJl t sadll T/,P FTE c1,t-cr,[J\II(Il Plf/5lU,L PW' OECK -TZ /<o s A"lul€ oF t|:€ o'.::En 'grn[ET ADC'IESS -tor 'FiLlllc DILLIIE 'OD]ESS l. 2, AFAqnElrs ,'llD SDrtR StRvtce oWniE' Bnsnt 8 ToIET(orE mr-r rnm) BfiRA SII'I1(S FU.L gATH (s.g,.en oA Trt!, BI\SIN, TOILFT) Gtttt.:-u or cre) RlI. EAT}S RQSS rlTrrsi DISB{ASER i,auonres PiISO€llTlsr noon tro ruoor 5?D flocR PASA3|T .lsr rlmr Iro nrcr 1.9) .E 3.q) TM 1t Ix l.m =" ?'OC t 3i gnsoarr f6's (Llvtllc.ws, .. r rn]sr ruat 84)-io0's, oF;lcE5, x r.w ?o nooa srilDlos) JRD FLM1 ta . vlarar-Erra Y 7 \tl =.rr KITc€Ns x 2.50 j= - )ffD FLOOR DISIilAS]B'S xl.m =---: t .LrIlDRtEs. x .50 i' $ER h}SIEiJ 6. . tcc HAciunEs x ' ,6 -= 7,.sAtNAsx.25 8. ' tiATB cocurs & ^-}AIER FOU{TAIIIS X ,L> = - - -- 9. ' s1{t}?.rt!$ PoorJ x 5.Q = --- i 1'lur- CLTTSID: ylAlER X l.W l. 2, 3, 'q. 5. x x x x x-.50 '= cr.rrsrDE ?TATER x l.fl) = TurA. POINIS ITO/\RD OF DtnCCTO{rsvAtS urry..r .'dr rA'rlTAflnrl n?'imt|.f 3, OO s \,'r/ ':ffi-//P .1'. r(x.m{nlc TIE co}?Lgrtcrl oF cctlslRLfilo'{ oF lt-L s]titrTLngs, nE DlSTntcT SMLL itf(f0i.{ A firTSiC-rl- i:t;,'ECrlCt 0F ALL fr{AllsSS i0 Dtliiltllre Il€ l:ut'tR oF Foll:TS io'ne Gsess._l rccuur;:,j To Tp: r.iiti3 i..:D Si".,-i T,:.) FIE.,'.'iO Fv\IE scr:'Jil!, ,\5 rririikii-lr,;lunE Drs;nrcT Strt! r.,-.I:E '!'ly rruuir;'1:;rrs !:[ctss,i:iY lN n€ o;t16t::/'L irF:'iii'paio. "'iris r;r:rcciror siil-r- AL:D D[rcilr;:c n6 DUrLDtr.r;, o.'r€n's r{,\lER rl I,J--Slt{J{It/,tL }i,\in P, s0,in Tii' t[€ ClJ,{-tlil lGl Plfislc/,L---- Pt { cjLcX lt:€ o.i:iR /<ns f,",l!'t,c Ac J | )iL f- |A'DNESS 'F il-llrGr.oT itccK BIIJ I16 A'TRESS L.- \ x5.ffi =x 5,[Q =x 1.W j. 2, 3i Il'- 5, 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. F,\S5'EI{Tlcr cr.rrq S sllt t To ILET. X 1'50 = - 2i; ;ffii - --...-.--* (sr: t'l-r peno ' .- .)€ xD rlccR EflRA sIlrKS x ,15 = -- tAsa3ff r-u-LBAIH' / u =- ='. ?,OO]sr rL<iir[o riccr xD Ro:.l pASa-.J.tT RcCI/s (LlYlt:c pm"s, r.y.tiE1',r'-e EEDlcc's, oF;lcf 3, X l.W = ^ Sl;r.,DlOS,AD FLoc? :}RD FLcqq -------:-;KITC'ars x 2.50 j= =-.-----_ DISr;lA-Sl-aS X1.m =---------:- L}IADRIES X .50 ;. - (PER hAShUi/ -l lcf FAclIllES x' '6 = x,E= .a= ApAqn€t{Ts l.m t.m SqLNAS rnrn cccr-ns 8 }IATER FOU{TAIIIS s{t}i4l lrc PoJLS JAOtzl OJTS I D:, YATB $rttrl,'u't oF c\El FILL EA}{S ROSS x x l. 2. 3.KITf,}€N DISFT.IASI-€R i.ar-ronlEs rlt x' .9q. 5,(nJTSIIE HATER xl.ffi= T TA. l0.m llrSPE rfu;z_sffi--///do .r'. rcu-6{tltc T}E CO}?LFrtcrt oF cGlsTRLgTr$l oF At-L snETLnEs' nE DlsTRlcT sFJ\ll i,ilfo,ii; riirsrcri-irr;,'Ecric.r-rii nLr- fr.arrsss ;o D[Tii-rlti: Tl'3 t:uLrIR 0F PolllTs 10 nE ^59ESS5) ACCUr.rl;:rj io TP='ri;'rr;":o sz'"(i Tt'') F!g' '"':D FIIE Sllirilf' '\5 iYliibdr]-".,u"n':'ois;rllcr-iritli r:,'.ti ;'v truujI;;irls r:rcrss'\:iY lN n€ c;rl6l;vr. rr\p ttE PAID. nrls r;l:?IcTIO;SiU"r-:- lu-:^: D[lti;ll;;e nI uull--Dlls o"lER-s lo\IE;l nflt-?l'9l1!"TS I rAt r''t nr trlr rrr ,/? ,./(j,'':r I Q27- :,7c5 rNsC?cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER LOCATION: 34+ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr drwat tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING U ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED )RRECTIONS: DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TNSPfCTTON: CALLER TUES THUR FRI NAME INSPftTION REoUEsT TOWN OF VAIL ffir r" BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION E[SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr_tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR DATE b-q, b o JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL POOL i H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL /4eenoveo €oRREefiOfifr tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION BEQUIRED /op;e (o-- /'t/ -- *,') tNSpEcroR rNsC?cnoN REeuEsr DATE . JOB NAME THUR FBI AM PM -,' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND { noucn / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL i H, TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED ORRECTIONS: r] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , t t7".' DATE [- T \. L! rNSPEcroR $s, o, R\\X 9$58i;E; iE;e] H!EH I'i3E| ()<O<()HzJ atEF 3l f;;; :PI :E;i| 3irI c <.' + F E !,1 bt v> <v Br{cr(<n s voltlI z A z trO'r ll't]:F - LIJ-o4(J uJ Gul o C)zt ulozg E oFz uJ Elllv, ul 9F al l! IE IEooJ uJ CE FoJ J t-oF ts EHz 'k E tr z(, a gt E .EooJt!J F F t Er uto oz I oJ -l o = lrel -,-G't- G A l|rE ltlFJ 3ujz F 2) oulJul E ouloEo TL luF 3 zo F I -l 4 t! ulF o ,e. Yt (9!a [.N UJF a2o9vtot<6 ato 0 ()z D(Jt ci GI \ : = zo l-o: GFo2oo ILo tu4 F; I ., l': , hf -i.- : r'i '.-. N ss J ,l ,' s 9-= *. J { z rJ <'? ^J .: --- | t- q a ui cv i \i :- o \at F r-t{$i =' -tsc .'i' \ \: c-) f ?r .,\*^- .T .: S ..t F.f\.F(J-\\ .F..J ")]" .1 9,-si\,hru Fv, - 7w:;U -tJ 't'r €; a3. ta t .) .h :..J i \t^ .;t F -:- .\ ttF { lql el rnlcl i-tqlJl 3l c-q \\JI '-:as ^'o o\t- .n a, .2 /f DESIGN DATE OF llEETII{G: I.IEI.!BERS PRES EI'IT : RIV I Eli F c----- 'r-t/ SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION VOTE: sEcoNDED ut Zh.a-4r<-. t\ APPROVED: SUI'l|'lARY: -''t/aot Pzrz''e7 ti-- DISAPPROVED: t I /t) Rlt ocT 15J9t't Town of Vail nl,filcflucAl PERIIIIT 'rucT i a>t , ..... n e. s i. te ^ c.9. -................... N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 61 $............-............... g....,/. 0.o.0.,...a.o s...... &.Q-.,...e..q-. s..........f-:.2 .?.Dat6 12.. ** r.....2.*... .... Date THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON .IOB SITE DURING COI{STRUCTION 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOIICE REQI,|NED FOR TNSPECIIONS Date of epprcation.4.9.t.. /y-........rs....7..{.......... APPROVALS Ottlclrl tia a. a, iaaatlt a0, alrvra ttllll I N s P E rlo ** jtJ lt.il3= t JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECE!VED AM PM CALLER I.J oTHER IJ PARTIAT. FRI,,,TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMMON COMMENTS: El-r+rnoveo [Lueoru rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: CORRECTIONS r', .. ! E orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE rNsPEcGru nEBUEsT TOWN OF VAIL E orxen MON COMMENTS: FHITUE E pnnnnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM El'nppRovED ! orsneeRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr M I BUILDING P RMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of- ., r *r-!,{5.d!!-' -f-^r -, ' i ' aces onl|. t , 1. BCQYT Fru MAIL ADDiESS ZIP CON IRAC TOi MAI L AODRESS LICENS' NO. OESIONER licENSE l{ o, ENGINEE MAIL ADDRESS PHONE L I C Er,l3E I'lO. MAIL ADOIESS 'iAXCH USE OF 6UILOING 8 CIAS OI WOrK: EITW D ADDITION tr ALTERATION D REPAIR ! MOVE I REMOVE Describe work: 10 Change ol use from Change of use to n 1l Valuation of work: $ , ^ ^.s,^. 7 PERMIT FEE /f3, "' Occupancy tGioup L SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. otStorl€s f- APPBOVEO FOR ISSUANCE BY f;i.il.r r.,,. ?OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, H€ATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDlN Ol-f{DT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT SICIfr'URE OF CONTRAC'tOi OR AUTHOII SOIL REPORT WHEN PBOPERLY THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR cK. M.O.r"br - TEMP. FILECANARY - AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT il ,@5 PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Applicant to complete numbered spaes only. Jurisdiction of ,d []see errecxao sxrerl I DE9Ci. MAIL ADDiESS zIP MAIL ADOiES3 PxO{ E AFCHITECT Oi OE3ICN'i MAIL ADOiES3 PHON E LIEEI{SE '{O, MAIL AODi EsS PHONE LIqENSE NO, USE OF AUILDIIIG 8 crass of work: EIHew tr A00lTl01'l tr ALTERATI0N D REPAIR 9 Oescribework P I Typ. of Fixtur. or lt m WATER CLOSET (TOILET} LAVATORY (WASH AASIN' KITCHEN SINK & OISP. p43/LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHE WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM, MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL 8E COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING F FLooR--srNK oR dnArN : .,i. SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING E TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. 427' "-o WHITE - INSPECTO R CANARY _ AUOIT PINK _ APPLICANT GOLD€NROD _ TEMP. F ILE O O ////J-U4 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION En Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. tlser rrrecneo sx e:ry I oE3Cr. MAIL ADOi EsS PNONE LIC ENSE NO.,l AhCNIT€CI OR OESICNER LICENSE NO. EI{GINEER MAI L DDi EsS PHONE rL aoDiE s5 EiANCH USE OF EIJ I!O IN 6 Class of work:(new tr AoDrfl0N tr ALTERATION N REPAIR Type ol Fuelr Oit D Nat. Ga! PERMIT Nat. Gas [I t-Pc. E SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Relrioeration Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaoe Ea. Forced Air Svslems-B.T.U. M €a. Gravitv Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor F urnaces-8.T.U. M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. M Unil Heaters-B.T.U. MNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHOFIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO 8E TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Ventilation Fan PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PNOPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS PERMIT VALIDACK, M.O, CASH WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANARY - AUDIT PIN K _ APPLICANT GOLDE N ROD - TEMP. FILE lo lo "of w. cLrNE ASS..TATES . ..NSULTANT= ,1uly 26, A972 Board of Adjustment 'rown or vaLLVail, Colorado Re: Pa:rking Crowley Residence Gentlemen: As you can see frorn the enclosed plot, the front of this lot facing Beaver Dan Road is extrenefy steep and thereby makingit rnost difficuLt to pank th:ree cars up on the lot without considenable excavation and cutting of trees. We therefore request that you allow us to park three cars off Beaver Dam Road as shown on the sketch. Since this has been done withseveral other houses in this area we fee]- that is a reason- able request. fon you:r consideration. CIW OF {ORTHOLENN Off ice oi Jding DirectorR$lClns Encl: a/s ^ INSPECTION REQUEST t / ou"........7^.'.'-:/.?..:-....7^..?-'..'...'.....-..-Itemolcon8tructton...-ftLk# Coltractor Bul|atlng E Excavatlon D Fgundatlon E6lrcrrrtng fl Flnal Ioapectlon r!lctll Go{ Daxvct tro22r watl coverlBg Electrlcal Furnace El Sheetrock O Brlck Tles O Panellng E Rough D Flntsh E Rough n Flnal A.M. .M.lnspector w. uJ_lne p. o. Box 1795. ASPEN. COLOTAOO 41611 (sosr 9e5-34s4 TOlllN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT SUPPLEMENT IAI Sect i on 304 (b) The lnspectionin f ull by theoff by and posted consp icuous IBuitding Department. DoBuilding lnspector. shall be licensed with the Town of Vai prio any work STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The forego i ng strorn to befothis 2o My Commiss ion Exp I ( SEAL ) Contractor ss affldavit and declaration was duly subscrlbed and re me, a Notary Pubf ic, by c)^2,uL'-t1 , 4"1'^2 U;, day of ?-'-''- , 19 ,t . ., /2- - .1PRoJEcr (,//"a/4)C-c a A (e-1;/zre 6 The slgnatures below certify that the followlng excerpts from the 1970 Unlform Bui lding Code, as amended and adopled by the Town of Vai l, Colorado, have been read, understood and will be adhered to: Section 302 (a) Approved plans shall nof be changed, modified, or altered without wriften authorlzstion from the Bui lding 0fflclal Sectlon 502 (c) The authorlty to violate Ord inance and shallafter requiring the issuance of a bui I any provisions ofnot p revent the Bui correct ion of same . LDING SHALL BE USED OR OCCUPIED EITHER UNT I L THE BU I LD ING OFF IC I AL HAS I SSUED AS PROV IDED FOR HERE IN. any s ign ( temporary or Permanent)shall be approved by the Town of Vai I card shall be read, fill€d ouf y in the waterproof holder furnlshed not cover up any work not signad Section 506 (a) (d) NO BUI PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARI LY A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY Ofd inance l5 ( 1967) Before may be used S I gn Rev iew Ord i nance 2 or posted, it Comm I ttee ( l97l) General Contractor an d i ng permit does not g i ve this code, or any other lding 0fficial from there- subcontracfors to the -rtart of 2 Y,trr,/^-'.- /. B.'.-4) D rtrtlI, ut uvluts4uJv COT'NTY OF EAGI.E SS.DECLARAIION OF LAI{D ALLOCATION , being fir:st duly swonn uPon oath statements ane tnue and cornect acconding to rny best knowledge, infonnation and belief, to wit: 1. That this statenent ie nade in conjunction with the filingof an application fon a building pennit to the Town of Vail and to cornply with the nequinements of Anticle VII , Section 3, Ondinance Nunber: ? (Senies of 1969) Zoning Ondinance fon the Town of Vail ae anended by Ordinance Nurnber 8 (Series of 1970) and Ordinance Nunben 15(Series of 1970). 2, The descniption of the building site for tle pnopoaed building is as fol.Iowsz /.+z' 7- z(24 -L r 5re/2 F<,<-tde( Descniption tnay be attachftf on Funveyoirs nap lnay be used to 6hott descniption) . a'O square feett s{f,aEe-feet and the pnoposed addition conlains equane feeti the total building zonrngEquane feet is 14-7 a Or<iinance as am6tAa-- , ) ) r, depose 3. The proposed building site and the existing building contains contains __-rFr ag clellneo in the afonesaid rf. The pnoposed building and/or exieting building_and addition as it relates to the building site anea, comply to the Floor Anea Ratio fon the zoning which applies to the building slte, as defined in the afoneeaid Zoning Ordinance ae anended. STATE OF COUNTY OT COLORADO )) SS.EAGLE ) foregoing affidavit and declaration was duly subEcribed andThetobefore me, a NotanyJ o day of q^--^-t-9SrOnnthi s My Cornmiscion Expire" *L?' /:_, qJL. (SeaI) {.€<<,.5Aae c.t84 r:l I o4 ,J-;j 2,4, sL.-- :L.-' 4L) *+."cr.- z'?.a4 cA- w[-"ft Ls t -k il'-,r'.--,G, 1&ho,-<,t - ftf Ye*-+ @ fucr o,€- S.o---- ' & o 6 @ 1 g I 0 ,/ 7 6 k.r^ [a-u-^-t ^ .b*-- 4 Gr f."4 ry.,^^'fu/f*n""*;,' fAf fn^ JA-,-.:-, zZ&b-."/ /r*4..a Fz.---a- fl:--.-l ?*(? /"-.*Z-^a ,n-l-.A. *"-*,*#4U+'* !'-ZtnTto.i a'.-**-9 94 e-a I -c,.,-.t - 44 f..^44,-- /r:-J ^/--#-^# *='fe- tL. & !r*- **-a -€--- .'-,:,o, l-e-U p.*t- , w;wffiffi*wffi, l?t s,9. *t &.J- "L"e^', ' (* "r) r i i i' Yi\';;: ' 155 t'o - :"/ | !. --- -'.':" Y 0s T n /u' I 1.4 t 'trO+ -i zts oo' oo. (l#"a*-t"i-$i-r€:;;ffi ,ffi :--ffi {#;t#ffi.j;r'; kjy i' "-$ ; !r,l-"ffiX .;{ffi'' ;*L r*'i , .,' -'- )>;{.ii.$\ t. 'i '. ;,/. * i.i,l,A *.:,{./*'.' t ,*nu'-<;==-___-lllcr ]---1,- -,. 2:i1(^ l\:5 Tpnn .r F .':l : . , r,lg._ A=- ,-''r'-{ 4 -).--- 5.,," -l3rvlq 4>r'- \y'ztr 1- lN tPEc TroN r<EauErT t//DATE /ii( ri;', ' .74 ,)oa Na.vrE Ti*= K€cu-rrzerz-Ah4 pF4 Crr-uere- Gu,rrrqe D FoolNc- tr Fouua+1oru ! Fravrrnc- d(pt*^* En 6,r<p^u Localtorrt: C o.re ra Req. Eq,r.r c7 -tr fv+e1r<orx D VeHeer< tr Koor E IZ=1,o. Loc,+1roxr : ?rujrac,lrtf n Rouet+ ! /ya*ortrc KFr*o.. n E Zar<7r>.t LocaTrorl: vtrc MecHar*rcA.I- I Veu1,ua1rot,.r ! Hea.1,.rc- D Hooas EVar<1,an- Localtors: ! oluer< MoN TUE E ?ar<1,at. Locaaronr E,ea.rZ V FoR,_ J_xt +f7s<_ r oN \VEV @- ) Frr 4,r,o o"@ nUOMMENT6:I 'l trA 7?Rove?{o,to??r?ove? lrrrr Nl?s ey 5oc tCo".a.poNt LL\r..rr)F,.J ,/g AJ.L^rr11- 1,,,-., € 5or*r. Gt,rr, .,o /,t,. t?^,L.(hS. 17,,.,,.-. , -/ G,*,,. | ?,2,7., T,=\ frc>r\ 5:,,',L, G, I ty< p".a:,: /?rwr- LrL,-.,r tf, /_,, ,-.r, ,_t i:J ., ,.* ," ,s 7 i u 27; , , €n A l)L-,r, r ,u G-t R,t, ,- f,VAT€ ilwrc 29, 1972 : nobctt W. Cllr. AJax Conttnrctlon CapanyP'O. Eor 1795 Aapen, Colondo 81611 SubJeotr Crorlcy RceLdcncc Dear Bobr Plane for tho aboce orrbJect Job havc been checLodl ln accordance sltbthe provLrlonc eot forth ln tha unlfon Bulldlng Codc (1970 cdLtlont.volumer I and 11 and the 1970 unlform plumblng iode as anendcd andedopted by the Tarn of VaLl. Thc ucc sonc la ne-rldgn9lall the occupancy Group la l; type of c.on-rtruotlon lr v. tha forlolng itar lrrari be c6rrcotia i,i rcvlecdplanr or addetdunr l. Forr.prrllaC rplq?t-ara requl.rcd. Subnlt a revkcd plot plan _ ^ehowing throc addltlonal pirking rpacG. a nlnLnrur 91r 19 iocat-od lerl ln such a nann.r that Lbcy niy Lack or tura around eo ar tocntcr thr publ!.c roed head firet. 2. Thcre apparra to be no footLng for wood colrunr locatcd Ln areadcrlgnat-d rttorager of fLrgt-floor. 3. Thc follorlng relnforcLng for horlow Daronrr ir nlnLmun unlaercalculatLonr ara eubnrltted by a reglttcred engineerr Eo orrc 15 horkontal at l8r on centerb. One 15 vcrtleal at 32. on eentcr {. Shos ralnforoLng for full helght of ftreplace.flreplacc shall contora to ecctlon 320{ (g}. 5. Area derl.gnatcd rttorager on flrst floor plan eha1l ncver beured for elecplng purporcs and door to garage ahall be L 3/1.aolld eore wLth autmatic door cloaer. 5. Aroa dealgmatcd rltorlge, on fl.rrt tloor planrhh ,1 fndicate that \ , -_-*!F.n!.\ 6.flrr gang. ttlt .brll br o$lppGd Ylth fla.dr lowlrld or rar.an.d olr.nlngr or rhrll be ncohrnlorlly tt ntllrtd to thr outid.. ftro oiufagr tball be aot larr thm 60 rquerc l.noher pcr err and rbeil br-loaatcd vlthln 6r of tho floor. 7. chl.crclr .prsGr lor f,Lttplrec and nrcban!.eel roo arc rtraft- oacloeuitr- rad thcntor- rhall bc onr hour flre rctlrtant onetructlon 1n roaordanoc rt'th Scttloa 1706 (a) ' 8, ell foundrtlon plrtcr and or rrood colunnr olr conor.tc Or llltstlt thtll br f,ouodrtloa oadrtl ncrood or P$rttu!. treatod. 9. Bnthroo rallr thrll ooalon vl'th Scotloa 2517 (h). lleo Anshor boltr ehrll ba hb.dldldt ln aonorct. a nlnlrnrn ol 7'.---- 16a13 t;rft Uo i ntntnun ol tro anshor boltr pcr plrte" rttlr . on bolt locatad vtthta l2r of, ceah ond of thr plato. 11. Stud wrlt. rna floor Jolttr rhell bc ln aooordrnoo rlth Scctlo 2!18 (l) vhen-cbtatalng PIPG o! aay kt'nd. 12. Opcn lloc eppllanocr rhell be a ninlnrrn of l8r rbovo floor o cqrsrctc ii rtacl fowrdatlonr ln thc nchanLcal rofl. lt. Subtslt rovleed plaa eboulng adcqutr cubuation air and vcnt!.latlon for thc nechanlcal roon' I{. slnoo lbh(lro ar3 Do rlrer dlrgrmr ln thc lrctrttectural dravtngrl all plunbtng lnry.€tlonr ulll bc aadc ln thc flcldl ln-accordencc rlth thc urLtoru Plunblng Code. xour buLtdllng pcrnlt yLll bs ltauod on a coadLtlonal b$lr, conrcctlon oi ihceo ltar ehrll bc rcturacd ar toon at porllble to rvoltl delryt end nlcutr6crrtandlngl. If thh offlco can bc ol furthcr astlrtrncel ploarc oontlct ul. Yourt trrrlyr $otoil oF vlrL Ed Strrrblo BslldlDg offlclal EIrtry -- oz E =g, lrJo- o oo \o an UJ LUu- == IIJI ! o'\ol € F1 F) vt4z ts CN z ! retq tll,l ,1 @ r>{ '-] p .=<4 P* YH =b4 I uJ F FIz (,2z at, uJF z z I .5 7z l! l!o =CEott' o Fo zoo o r!z =od |! IJJ6z;tEvlulFI<F4oYZat< oo('ro.+( X OFOri -i- o cqr'i (!.:,.= 6; 9? ct gEE; S EEgEE e 9:: .e :!iiE: PE FE !E:iE 5E EEi g"; E"g CSEiei fEEEE E;Egg H:-'E3dESeis ' g't; €€ H aH;:E ; iegigE \)orl {€ -.1 o)ln(\ o c.{t\.v &- E = uJo, z 4 @ x LIJ ()z 9 F r!J uJ z6 o- J 9z oll, gJ lu 2 tr UJ IIJ .o =uJt UJ z 6 UJ F ocllJ z llJJ F ulol tt uJ uJ Ll- E =t UJc J FoF z J o F UJJul z ao = L az utE s NOIIVN']VA Il< tv) I IrdIts I t-t J= ovi< 66 EA C) c-rat; :qJv OFL&<Hs(n2V rrJ )<(9\J (a N z2o9q5 F90661>E9lr<oa CUFO d (\i =>E € ts zo l { cc o uJo- o llJ J z E x,< z E IJJ 3 z E E I q, =z, 9z fioBtrOI I U'bzlz tr o.o O X X * Fl i z tr!) J z :< (E tl'UJ zl& il;-| zl .. >-lo UJ uJ UJzot EE uJ z E llt = (! 2 F oz uJo- rtloIE i uJ J tl r--r-o A \rrEIOUO E{H v)z({2 A} Oro\ (f) ts FJ b FI DaXtlt z zH ltF o ulF U)oo-zo Fo- IJJY ln to oF tr Glljc Ito o. .lr'(J I utFoz cq H (tz ll- ) co F. F J H Ho H t4u)EHM tiri =z dl -) UJ =2 IJJ oo J = o- =t ll- Iueo = o- o an Ht(H C".l) q 14L) rd Frl :e fI":-1 o olutli <l>l tLl OI zl =loFI @ I .if uiJulF =tr z d UJE J t!Iz3 o1F r tr =tr oz oulG t!oz3 01F 4 Fl H& Ft t EHx =Eu- FE I\oF\N .i z ci IJJ G J ltoz;oF FOcn ro Io\so\ ui uJ' Etuz = F C) uJ =- d. -rO<FEQ IJJ <zG. -o (J F F UJJ t.lt Y ; =z t 2P =Q=fd6() *5!:F =2+E Y,2 =g F.6 =+(rOz o.O <c) P, 3'lo FE3HEHio z-fi :E He == HE iFx l !!trJFIIJJ -Ib=l J 4 Fl ..,i69 xl li=E ;l af.ie El -ils?a .l dd=-.1 --xi uurlj uJ ror)-n ts =E lrJLz9F(JfEFazoo -I - ) 1|p- 'r 1: -6-\] O iii 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 (" of tlce ol communlly developmen-t rn summary,.ordinance No. 6 states that, it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, aeliisor naterial , including trash duropsteri, porlabJ.e toilets andworkroen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewairl iri"v or publicp1?9" or any porrion theieof. rne righi:;l-;;y on a1t Town ofVail streets and.lga_ds is approximateiy s it. Lff pavernent.This ordinance wirL be strillry enforcid, by the rown of vailPublic works Department. pers6ns found vi-otating this orairur".Iill- be given a 24 hour written notice to-remov" said materiar.rn the event the person so notif ied d,oes n-i conpry witn -d;-- - notice within the 24 hour tirne specifie-,--ine-puuri.c worksDepartment wir-r remove said nateiiat at tn"--."p."se of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance "nlf:. not beappricable to construction, maintenance or r.paii lroj--ts orany street or alley or any utilities in the-ritrrt-i_wly Bo review ordinance No. 6 in furl , prease stop by the Town ofVaiL Buirding Department to obtain a copy. riani< you roi--yoircooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: /-44---\- TO: FROM: DATE: SUEJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIIJ TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/Col,g,ruNITy DEVELOPITENT l.fARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE <1>(v7'{?-<-<--PositionTReISEI6iffi!to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) lrJoz Lrle cr)lrl OE JJ Hzzooog d,oIL o- ct zo F O utv, o. cn $s Y,o lrlo IJJ l,rJ Eozoo o UJ lrJ voot o utro =a(t lrl,.oxvz F trto'-trilr!-o('z or x.IJJ . (r:6 .- E z lrJo o lrl oo EOEf 9aoII =9 (tJ =|rlFzfo f\I x. IJJ o C) ooo 9 <:oF:) 1s I I(ii .,-- -3 t lrl an o. ooo. ll,lF I =N H? : H NBEEflt .He 8fi8,r"; IHaBEH"EgEfi:, frsX$sBH=iH:HH: f;EsEaqfiquH;38 c a; agH;flg B:IH 6BaE:,df;E6e3nr ;:HH;3H3g1*#A nEFBdEEHB*I3HI IE;;; EH=; H EH;H E HEgI:SInFBEHHHHBtHHBntgeHBH*s* fis"sElEHEdH fiHHH.FHol FrPrrtrtultri EeE;Hrd;aHgEeE EgtsHsg:HEBuHH; HEH$EEIIHifiH$l HiHH;HEEfiXIEfiE o o n| E rO E 6 UJ x. rt1r ri Yo IJJo u,zo v,o lr {O x (o J t o tr(9 ulut tt tt(n IrJ = tt I *-J q v, .! ooc c,oIIto(, : =x = t. <o. cn zou, x.lrl' o- otF ozfot. o Ffo J oz o :)J o. ot z J o- o. cn F. vz O61 ZJE'PiEotr2.trtF-trH;t'a! --r =* E --, F tlJ? n| - '--t lrJI =tr e )Zo t t lrJ o'o 9 o f \ E lrJ = =vtn llJ =g UJ o C) o :o :l \ -- -\ o d. zoo g _J c,oz I UJ UJ v, tto UJ = tt z d,D lrJ e, C'g o vo IJJo IJJzo aao lt I I \I I ozGoo tu2o v,(9 lr { l_ o.th .! oo o. EolI. oo =D =xc =