HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT CONDOS SIGNAGE LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community De\tdoprnent 75 South Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax'. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Prc,t€ct Name: Golden Peak Lodge DRB Number: DR8010213 ProJ*t Dccriptlon: New joint directory sign Partlcipantr: OWNER VAIL CORPORATION THE 022312001 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT Segerberg Mayhew Architects 071231200I Phone: 476-4433 Thomas W. MaYhew 1000 S Frontage Rd West #300 Vail, CO 81657 Ucense: ProJectAddreos: 458 VAILVALLEY DRVAIL Location: north entrance t.egel Dccrlption: L.d: Block Subdivision: Golden Peak Condominiuns Perrcl Numbcr: 210108109004 Commentsl Will replace existing joint directory BOARD/SIAFF ACnON Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR S*ond By:Vote: Date of APProval= 071261200L Gondltlons: Cond: I (pLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0fl)4907 Toc font to match o<isting signs on Golden Peak' Cond: CON0flH908 An electrical permit will be required prior to lighting installation' Cond: CON00ffi909 Existing joint directory shall be removed from the property. Planncr: Ann Kjerulf DRB Fee Paid: $58'00 ."ir,letwqe, J-': - 4,' are available from the Department of Community Development. NAME oF BUSTNESS: fiouoel ?a*t tooe u B. BUILDING NAME And ADDRESS: C. PHYSICALADDRESS: - D. LEGALADDRESS: Lot - Block: - rrling:Eot-o6A?eeK GpvS @ PARCEL# ebng?F?:iF (contact Easte Co. Assessors ffice ate70-32B-8640 fcr parcei #) ZONING: g I oq00q G\q,|\|AME OF OWNER(S):YTIL. MAIUNG ADDRESS: N ownenlsy srGNATURE( NAME OF APPUCANT: MAIuNG ADDR ess: Pa 5.F?onttqzio, N, r* aU - VuLrco glb{I PHoNE: TYPE OF SIGN (see next page for definitions): * a D Free standing - RE?,,riE[AF+|( Wail Sign 3 3 Sign Awning Other, specify: I K. L. M. Hansins sien (?Rowtu 't4AT6 RE/|t*4 Exrsl1A4) NUMBER OF SIGNS PROPOSED: NUMBER OF SiGNS EOSTING: siGN MEsSAGE: 9€E P*awts1-ELEO I SIGN AND LETTERING DIMENSIONS FOR EACH PROPOSED SIGN (Attach a schematic on 8.5" x 11" paper): SIGN LOCAION (Attach a srte pian and an elevation drawing or a photograph cieady indicating the P. a. l(. proposed rocation of sisn(s11:gee elrz ?[,nl i ?ilrto4el?fl9 MATERIALS AND COLORS OF SIGN (Attach samples): DESCRIBE SIGN FEE: $20.00, plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area DRB fees are to be paid at $e time of suominar _*ffActtcp +9g,oo PLE.ASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO T*IE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMET{T, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROA4 VAil.' COLORADO 81657. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS: I Complete Application. tr A slte plan showing the exaci location where the sign is to be located. O Eievation drawings or phqtos fqoy'ng q.q?csed loctran of the sign or awning. . Color-ed sqaled (1/4"=1') drawing, inclucing.specific,iettering and dimensions and a photo, if'5 .. ;-^ available. Sample of proposed materials.n ! L. 3. 4. Drawings showing how and where sign or awning will attach t0 rhe S.{or1o and how the awning wiil be constructed. n Condominium Associalon ot Landlord aoDroval - attach a letter. " , i !,. srGN CATEGO.BIES: 1. Fre€stindihb -A single, og muli-facdd sign affxed io a supportingf structure, or imbedded in and extending from the ground and detached from.the building. '" ;-2- Awnino or Hanoino -Any sign attached to a building and extending in whole or in part more than 9" beyond the building line. 3. Wall - A sign attached to, painted on, or erected against the wall of a building or structure with the expcseC face'of the sign. in a plane paratlel to 99 fuS. of the.wall]and not protecting more than 9" from the fuce of the wall. 4. Displav Box - A freestanding or wall sign edclosed in glass..for the express purpose of displaying menus, current enterfainment or real estate listings. 5. Joint directory sion - A freestanding, hanging or wall sign, that lists all the lenants within a multF tenant building 6. Subdivision entrance sion - A sign to identify a major subdivision, a concjominium complo<, or group of apartment buildings having at least 100 linear feet of frontage along a vehicular or pedestrian way in any RC, LDMF, MDMF, HDMF, or SDD zone district. SUGGESTIONS: 1 Copies of the Sign Code are available from tie Department of Community Development. you mav w'Sfi.to checkthe Ccde to vErify th€ rype bnd srze bf sigri you are ailowed. Be specific. Vagueness in.the description of design, size, construction may delay the approval of your sign, Measure the frontage of your business to detennine the size (area) of the sign you are allowed. Lighting for awnings may spotlight only the sign lettering on the awning. Lighting may not shine into pedestrian or vehicular ways. All individual business signs will be reviewed by the Department of Community Development. New sign programs or amencjments to sign programs will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. TO SEGERBERG, MAYHEW & ASSOCIATEh ARCHITECTS . P.C. . A.l.A. It 1000 South Frontage Road West - #300 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (9701 476.4433 FAX (970) 476-4608t! I owA .F \t*tU LtrTTER @F ftANSNflilTTAL ! Samples the {ollowing items: E Specifications WE ARE SENDING YOU lfuttached tr Shop drawings ! I Copy of letter n ! Prints Change order Under seoarate cover via ! Plans D DATE alaol"t I'ou"o elo1g ATTENTTON <-)Juav Kr RE: 6otor)-14*-x Lo ocE- Rzd-*aeue+\( q4i *porrc *fiox COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION Co nile(eoAo,l, M P Ltc*T r o A c*rcR tuk +r8,oo ltrp-PL*A (=o*+a-\ leren.a.rte F ) cots + FL*,J ( 8t/zl<tt b (a16qo9 o( Ex.teTtAq ltlrJ.pqtf L wl F*oposr-e\- ty|.r'ef4t*l-C fo H*{c* 'lExts{'a ,F ocK dH,L,9 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval I For your use (1s reouested tr u tr ! Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections I Resubmit - copies for approval ! Submit - cooies for distribution D Return - corrected prints ! For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS lf enclosures ar€ not as noted, kindly notify us at once. GOTDEN tODG[ ---- 458 '|'AII VAll^[Y Dnm ?, LIRI$PURRISTAMI{T_+ sxnnsnYms b I YilJTPilNilG 3"H. t____l L SIDEVIEW FRONT VIEW - CONCEALED DOWN LIGHTING BEHIND BLACK METAL TRIM LACK LETTERING, SANDSTONE TYP. UFF SLAB ONCEALED DOWN LIGHTING BEHIND BLACK METAL TRIM BLACK SIGNAGE 3'' TH. SANDSTONE CAP, BUFF TO MATCH EXISTING NOM. TELLURIDE STONE VENEER TO MATCH EXISTING (RE: PHOTOS) EXIST'G LANDSCAPING TO BE MAINTAINED \l (RE: PHoroS) -PROPOSEDFOUNDATION OUTLINE 3'' TH. SANDSTONE CAP TELLURIDE GOLD STONE VENEER BELOW FOUNDATION OUTLINE BELOW -fcomrN + ANDSTONE PLAN VIEW PROPOSED REPLACEMENT FOR EXISTING ENTRY SIGN NOTE: ALL ROCK WORK & MASONRY MATERIAL STYLE T0 MATCH EXISTING ROCK WALLS. LOCATION OF REPLACEMENT SIGN TO BE SAME AS EXISTING. COORDINATE HEIGHT OF STONE BASE W/ LANDSCAPING TO MAINTAIN VISIBILITY Ilu L-_- GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY DIRECTORY AND SIGNAGE VAIL. COLORADO Segerberg Mayhew r GOTDTN P TODGEt--- 458 YllL Ylll,ff DruV[ 2' IJUU$PUNNAIilNAilT_,F smnsmuffli b I YAtxxPrxnilG 3"H. SIDEVIEW FRONT VIEW -fcornrn + ONCEALED DOWN LIGHTING EEHIND BLACK METAL TRIM BLACK LETTERING, FF SANDSTONE ONCEALED DOWN LIGHTING BEHIND BLACK METAL TRIM BLACK SIGNAGE 3" TH. SANDSTONE CAP, BUFF TO MATCH EXISTING '' TH. NOM. TELLURIDE GOLD STONE VENEER TO MATCH EXISTING (RE: PHOTOS) EXIST'G LANDSCAPING TO BE MAINTAINEDrL\l (RE: PHoros) \pnoposro FOUNDATION OUTLINE 3" TH.SANDSTONE CAP URIDE GOLD STONE VENEER BELOW FOUNDATION OUTLINE BELOW DSTONE PLAN VITW PROPOSED REPLACEMENT FOR EXISTING ENTRY SIGN NOTE: ALL ROCK WORK & MASONRY MATERIAL STYLE TO MATCH EXISTING ROCK WALLS. LOCATION OF REPLACEMENT SIGN TO BE SAME AS EXISTING. COORDINATE HEIGHT OF STONE SRST W,/ LANDSCAPING TO MAINTAIN VISIBILITY Iru GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY DIRECTORY AND SIGNAGE VAIL, COLORADO Segerberg Mayhew * **|ll'*tttlt**tt*l*t**tt+**f****|lf***f*'lt*'t*t***1*tf:t*ff+***t*f*+***'t*'t**'t*+'t*'|i*++****'f**'i*+* TowN oF VAIL, coLoMDo ststcm€orI'i{"trt*** l***l *'t***i:ri****'l* rt't*t * *'t t,t*** +*'}'t't *f t tr*i+t* 't' rt *t*+ it t*dr*{.*t*'t*i* rr irtrt t*'rtirrt*+**gtaternent Nurnber 3 ROO0O01114 Amount: g5S.O0 O7/23/2OOL}3:51 pll Payilrent Method: Check Init : ,.fAR Notati-on: L24L6 Permi! No: DRB01O213 Type: DRB - Sigm Application Parcel No: 210108109004 Site AddreEe: 450 I/AIIJ \rALIAy DR \rAIIr Irocat,ion: Total Fees: $58.00I'hi€ Pal nent: $5S.00 Total ALrL prnt.g: $50 .00 Balance: $0.00tllttltttl**i|l***fta**t**'t*++t**'r'r*{r*r:t't*t*'}**'tlt'*+*'r'l*****'}***+****l**:t*t**{r*+r*+*ti*+*ft** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI{ FEES sP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES 19.50 38 .50 t \o D esign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Larkspur Restaurant and Bar LLC Project Description: Wall Signs Owner, Address and Phone: Larkspur Restaurant and Bar LLC - Salamunovich / Vail Resorts, 458 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, CO 18657 ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: Larkspur Restaurant and Bar LLC - Salamunovich / Vail Resorts,458 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, CO 18657 Project Street Address: 458 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Tract F, Vail Village 5th Filing Parcel Nurnber:Building Name: Golden Peak Ski Base Comments: Approved as subrnitted. Approval is for two wall signs to replace previously-approved '6Bella Riva" signs. Font size/style to match existing per Golden Peak Sign Program. Sign #l replaces Sign E/Sheet GR 1.7 at 10.125 square feet. Sign #2 replaces Sign D/Sheet GRI.20 at 9 square feet. Total sign area will not exceed 20 square feet. ttSign area" does not include supporting structure. This approval includes the lighting as submitted. Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Action: StaffApproval Conditions: Font size and style will match existing signs per Golden Peak Sign Program. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: Septenber 30, 1999 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $39.00 (pendil SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS: n Conrplctc Application. E- A sitc plan shorving thc cxact location tvhcrc thc sigrr is to bc locatcd.g - Elcvation drar,vings or ptg!g,: shorving proposcd location of thc sign or awning. @EI t:.) Colorcd scalcd ( l/4"= I ') drarving. including spccific lcttcring and dintcnsions and a Bbglo. if availablc. Sanrplc of proposcd nratcrials. Drawings shorving horv and rvhcrc sign or arvning rvill attach to thc building and horv thc awning rvill bc constructcd. f.,t': {- ru,.-, tr lrr.lrrr,, , \.:,' t ',-u,y1r. r7 Condorrriniunr Association or Landlord approval - attach a lcttcr. SIGN CATEGORIES: l. Frccstanding -A single or rrruli-lhced sign affixed to a supporting structurc, or inrbedded in and cxtcnding lionr thc ground and detachcd tionr thc building. -2. Awning or Hansins -Any sign attachcd to a building and cxtending in wholc or in part nrorc than 9" bcyolrd ttrL--.. building linc. - . ,, 3i Wall - A sigr attachcd to, paintcd on. or crcctcd against thc wall of a buildifrg or structurc with thc cxposcil lircc of thc sign in a plarrc parallcl to thc facc ofthc rvatl and not projccting ntorc than 9" 1'ronr thc l'ircc of thc wall. 4. Display Box - A frccstanding or rvall sign cncloscd in glass for thc cxprcss purposc ofdisplaying lrcnus. currcnt cntcrtainntcnt or rcol qstiltc listings. 5. Joint dircctory sign - A frccstanding, lranging or rvall sign that lists all thc tcnants rvithin a nrulti-tcnant building. 6' $ubdivision cntrancc sign - A sign to idcntity a major subdivision. a condominiunr conrplcx. or group of apartnrcnt buildings having at lqust | 00 lincar lbet of iiontirgc along a vchicular or pcdcstrian way iu any R(), LDMF. MDMF. HDMF. or SDD zonc disrricr- SUGGESTIONS: l. Copics of thc Sign Codc arc availablc fronr the Dcpartnrcnt of Conrnrurrity Dcvclopnrcnt. You nray wish to chcck tlrc Codc to vcrifu thc typc and sizc ofsign you arc allowcd. 2. Bc spccilic' Vaguencss in the dcscription of design, size, construction nray dclay thc approval ofyour sigrr. 3. Mcasurc thc frontage of your busincss to detemrinc thc size (arca) of thc sigr you arc allowed. 4. Lighting for awnings nray spotlight only the sign lcttcring on the awning. Lighting nny not shinc into pcdcstrian or vehicular ways. 5. All individual brtsitrcss signs will be reviewcd by thc Departrncnt of Conununity Developrncnt. Ncw sign programs or an'rcndnlents to sign programs will be rcviewed by thc Design Revierv Board. li: cvcryone'/lbnns/si grls/signapp,S t 3 ]ucstion.s? Call thc Planning Dcsk SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION This application is lbr any sign thnt is locatcd withirl thc Torvn of Vail. Spccitic rcquircrncnt.s arc availablc fro nr thc Dcpartnrcnt of Conrnrurrity Dcvclopnrott. Building nanrc and pl111c1 r,t' :..tt .' /c/'i, -/-', T?l#N qrvlilI A. B. C.Nanrc of orvncr: ',r { Mailing addrcss: D. E. G. H. Signature ofowner: Nantc of pcrsou subnritting: ' ,, ; ( If dill'crcnt than owncr) Addrcss: F.Type ofsign (sce back for definitions): !),r/t it,. E .. Frrc standing Gl- Wall sign tr Othcr, spccity: D Hanging sigun Awning Sign nrcssa Sizc ofsign and sizc of lcttcring for cach sign proposcd: I ' Lcngth of btrsincss frontagc: Hciglrt of sign abovc grirdc: Ntrnrbcr ofsigns proposcd: .-. Nunrbcr and sizc of cxisting signs: Location ofcach sign (aitach a.sitc plan and an clcvation drawiug or a photograph clcarly indicating thc proposcd location): ,:'",'r, tl lt't \ i.lq '' (At d'" ,. -,, t.,.,.'-''7 .1.- K, L. Matcrials and colom of sign (attach sanlplcs):M. ,t N. f' , i i,.,11 Dcscribe lighting of sigr (cxisting or proposcd): FEE: $20.00. PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF S|CN AREA. IfrlIrrrrIIIlIrlfr DT'aa'i N! \} l\t\ t- I :$I \-0 \l- c \rr ) J -So(y l_l$r$ -x6-Fiov?r ltr{) lr- Eg iE c 'I oo '6 0 N9IS3O NO Nrts lJd e92al 66-}Z-423L6 u T Ftt F! E Ft FI rF iL =o l- a. G U |a lu o EffiIEffi f Suggested Applicatlons. DOWNLTGHIiNG: A small inconspicuous downlighting fixture for under eavet small trees; gazebo't BBQ'S. LAMPS! Refer to Lamp Chart on page 9l for additionallamps. FlN|SH OPTIOI{S: Polyester Powder<oat, refer to page l9 for additional finish colors. SIEM! -sHORT SteeTCopper Fixture identkal except 2'shorter stem, making fixtule 6'overall. LAMPS: Singl+Contact Bayonet Lamp - LO-93 (12.3W) MATERIAI-: Phosphatized steel. Also available in solid copper' FlNlSH: Polyester Powder{oat - Exclusive lGYear Warranty. !ENS: N/A SOCKET: Non<orroding polycarbonate, MOUNTII{G: Wall-mount - built-in base plate; two screws' l"El{S(speciD color) NS-ML -R -B,€,-A,-C Double-strengrth glass Includes rubber gasket. @ Suggested Appllcatlons. DOWNLIGHilNGT A small inconspicuous downlighting fixture for under eavet small trees; gazebob 8BQ'5. ( I l'\ YtLc(\;{€D EffiNffiffi LMIPS: SingleContact Bayonet Lamp - LO-93 (12.3W) MATERTAL: Phosphatized steel. Also available in solid copper. FINISH: Polyester PowderCoat - Exclusive 1GYear Warranty. LENS: Clear double-strength glass SOCKET: Non-corroding polycarbonate. MOUI{TING:Wall-mount - built-in base plate; two screws.I @ LAMPS: Refer to Lamp Chart on page 9l for additional lamps. FlNlSH OPIIOIIS: Polyester Powder-Coat refer to page 19 for addition- alflnish colors. sTEM3 -SHORT Steel/Copper Firture identical e)(cept 2'shojter stem, making tixture 6'overall. or FI FL E ITtr E E E FT FF =o l-q. q \J ta l{ o LENS:(specO color) N}LO -R,-Brc,-A-C III ,, Double-nrength glass with retainer ring ol Design Review Action Form TOW}[ OFVAIL ProjectName: VA Signs - Golden Peak hoject Description: I information sign with trail maps for Vail Associates - amendment to Sign Program for Golden Peak Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Associates, PO Box 7, Vail CO 81658 @rian McCartney) Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Proj ect Street Address :458 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: ParcelNumber: Comments: BuildingName: GoldenPeak Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 12-3-97 Board / Staff Action Action: ApprovalMotionby: Seconded by: Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Bill Pierce Ted Hingst F:\EVERYONE\DR3\APPROVAL9IVASIGM "D03 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: M4.00 Agenda last revised 12103/97 8am DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, December 3, 1997 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / lrO LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT SITE VISITS Vail Associates - 600 Lionshead Mall Vail Associates - Golden Peak, 458 Vail Valley Drive Manor Vail - 595 Vail Valley Drive Driver:George 2:00 pm 2:15 pm 't. 2. 3. PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Vail Associates - Public information signs and directories. 600 Lionshead Mall/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 3:00 pm Dominic Dominic Dominic George 2. 3. 4. Vail Associates - Public information signs 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village 5th Filing Applicant: Vail Associates, lnc., represented by Brian McOartney MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: McKeeta - New single-family residence. 1808 Alpine Drive/Lot 14, VailVillage West Applicant: Gordon McKeeta MOTION:SECOND: Filing #1. VOTE: Manor Vail - Lodge addilion. 595 E. VailValley Drive/Loi B, Block 1, VailVillage First. Applicant: Manor Vail Lodge, represented by Roberl "Buff'Arnold. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Staff Aoprovals Sonnenalp Shop - Sign and awning request. George Willow Bridge Road/parls of Lots | & K, Block $E, Vail Village First. Applicant: Johannes Faessler Findell residence - Front entry and bedroom addition. George 1944 SunbursVLol2l, Vail Valley Third Filing. Applicant: GregoryRegister,ArchistructureOne Gasthof Gramshammer Hotel - Addilion to west side. George 231 Easl Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 5-8, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Pepi Gramshammer The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request wilh 24 hour notification. Please call 4792114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. 16.21 tD,9?04?s,2452 Qu*ion"f Call thc Plmning Dcsk 21479-2128 PAGE I/2 A. B. c. D. D- F. SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION T6is application is forany sigr that is locarcd within tc Tovn ofVail. SJrccifrc rcquircatlcnLs arc availablc ftom thc Dcpartmmt of CoDlnrunity Dwclopmcnt. ,t a I Namc of Busincss: uat ' 4 5 tocixt Ls - Building namc and f d..-. P.--k- B",se Arq Namcofowocn --f6o Mailing U,:.G Signeture ofowner:o4o Narye of person $r;aw G ha. Cov-t (lf {iffcrcnt rhan owncr) Addrcss: Typc ofsign (se back for dcfinitions): , A-F eesanding I tr Wall signtr Oher,ryccific Hangingsign Avrniry tr tr 5o cn a'leS din<ch,G. H. t. t. IC L. Siet M. Siz.cofsignandsircoflcttcringforc*hsigproposea: g'8" H 15 9' {"t - Lcngtb of bu-dncss ftontagc: tt /4 Hcightofsigrabwcgradc: 8-8" Numbcr of signs proposed: I Numbcr aod siz.c of eristiog sign s: h I A Location ofcach sign (attach a sitc plan gnd an cleation drawing or a phoqograph clcarly indicating thc proposcd location):,,-.lIteo/ Matcrialsandcolorsofsigr(attactrsamptesl: va^cF*l - colohs btc.tk- { colov fo Describe lighting o'fsign (adsting or proposed): o.FEE: S20.@, PLUS S!.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA.2o+40= 60'o0 LIFT TOW .$"2' tIIT SHACK BEN PIN AND CAP T|ON =82 ,rr, ,r-r-, PRoPoSED SToRM SEWERSULL vvnE LLEXTENTION SEE SHEET C10 x 8209.1', --_ - Y 1ffi4.9'tr 8209.3', i > ct CJo, ct-= u): $ s-s!'if,.i* f iI i 3S it'ii i*q.r1dt $ iEii-{iT tt { ${!it'!*S$ $ilSiS's EF*ss tRiY,ii* q3:$S sdsi&t\ F o$F lq il$6li I[$ldto' @ t: 'liotitr |ur Hl$ @ I Ii i rll lll57aNtr JOL)i lxh3 $-i{N g dz $lv'$ tc{0 d ond iir' tItrIirFj^$!0gdI (IlF* KCHUp* *Zit' S,ri i r'\siin ul 6E ! | o d:{r tr$ (fi ili {,fpid? Hif HH e$$ $tifit$$ tHH 3l $$5 -id$ 6Htfi $3H di fN r$fi otf o c0 ifr rr)xtu -bgo FE'z(' CNluct r ..9 wlz (,g (fr t t ;tsJUgo 06tZ ,U} {>F llt tu tInl lxo PHn -F=N{6F\-!&ifr{r tx tu -.1r.o* {F() v U.{(!d orr 1d\n$; $<t.IP -'{lll t\lx:FU t0 ul.'trl d,It 602*tI ^u, -.1t 6diFUtr U B us Xur Hirili $f;r ftfi* \+5 9"P I I II 'i l.'. b 6) I I9l l l.l I $l| 6lul 8l 9ls I *l; rdl8 { @g , ; €0 ,n V o t Fl.OFg-0vir :f+*r| ct-a:r Gu,zz 5o. ul CI .€'.9 O".'ll "J'?iffil;1{ oe ve r o p m e n r I Vail, CO 81657 Name:Receipt No._ oa"- LLL--Z-t-tAddress: Proiect; Account No.--f-- 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps zA $5.00 001 0000 3141112 U41Jgm lClld11gclqe CB $s.00 001 0000 314 't1't2 Uniform Plumbino Code CB $39.00 00100003141112 Uniform Mechanical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 314 'l 1 1 2 National Electrical Code CB $37.00 001 00003141112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 3141211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 11 11 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 0000 314 11 11 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Fees/Re-l nspeclions PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee (940/per hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Oll Hours Inspection Fees OH 00100003123000 Contractors License Fees CL 00 t 0000 31 2 4000 Sign Application Fee SP $20.00 LILI.bD 001 0000 31 2 4000 Additional Sign Application Fee SP 001 0000 3112200 Design Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)DB 001 0000 315 3000 Bujldi4g Investigation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovemenl Agreemenl Deposit D2 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License lee (TOVI RL 001 0000 230 2000 S_pec-. Assess,- Restau rant Feg to Co. Dept. Rev.SA '001 0000201 1000 IqIq!19 @ 4:5"/o (State) - Tax payable TP '001 0000 310 1 100 Taxabfe @ 4.0% (Town) - Retail Sales Tax T7 Other/Misc. -MS 00r 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 31 1 2500 Addilional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 so. tt.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Exlerior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Developmenl District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Developmenl Dislrict - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development Dislrict - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendmenls PV $250.00 Re-Zoninq PV $200.00 Other -MS TOTAL:4f0D Comments: Feceived byr,p(4Cash - MoneY order #Gheck #6/7 ?,-- oI 7i I i I I ffi"%,'ffill',.$,T; r,1ffihrnt fmrhrt ft;*'':_,ffiffffi"*" ri'f,Hfl"':t ffi#,#'k,L", *,ffiffi" T ffis & €u.H Ffl( stfl lblE. razrr,- -- --ffi &E#r, rbrrert6trIrffi-. faLt___!, ,srErEU ,f{.[ llfl( tu, mr nr mE'I! GOLDEN PEAK LODGE SIGN PROGRAM JULY 17,1996 SIGN I.I CHILDREN'S CENTERFREESTANDING SIGN Proposed: 13.69 sq. ft. sign to identi$ Children's Center Allowed: Based upon frontage of 105 feet, maximum sign is 20 sq. ft. (l sq. ft. per 5 lineal feet of frontage). 2 signs allowed can replace one freestanding sign with one wall sip SIGN 1.2 GOLDEN PEAKLODGE JOINT DIRECTORY SIGN Proposed: Two 13.6 sq. ft. signs to identifu uses within the lodge Each tenant listed is less than I sq. ft. "Golden Peak Lodge" is less than I sq. ft. Allowed: I sq. ft. psr tenant, rnax. of 25 sq. ft. Number:2 *. SIGN 1.3 RETAIL ANDRENTAL WALL SIGN Proposed: Two 4.3 sq. ft. signs, total = 8,6 Allowed: 2 signs allowed, based upon two frontages Frontage is insufficient, so maximum size is 3 sq. ft. per sign. Name of business, not nature of business must be on sigrr. SIGN I.4 SKI SCHOOL WALL SIGN Proposed: Two 2.7 sq. ft. sign, total = 5.4Allowed: 2 signs, totaling 14 sq.ft, based upon 70'of frontage SIGN I.5 LIFT TICKETS WALL SIGN Proposed: One3.2 sq. ft, sign Allowed: I sign. 9.6 sq.ft., based up frontage of 48'. f srcxs r.6 & t.t2 coLDEN IEAK LoDGE BUTLDTNc rDENTrFrcATroN srcNs Proposed: Two signs, one 15.4 sq. ft. and one 9 sq. ft.Allowed: One sip allowed per building maximum size is 20 sq. ft. SIGN I.7 I4ERGRILL WALL SIGN Proposed: I sign, 8.4 sq. ft. Allowed: 2 signs, 20 sq. ft. maximum based on a frontage of I 14 feet SIGN I.8 WRECKROOM WALL SIGN Proposed: I sign, 3.2 sq. ft. Allowed: I sign, 12 sq. ft,, based on a frontage of 60 feet ak srcN 1.10 RESTROOMS ANDLOCKERS WALL SrcN Proposed: I sigu, 5.6 sq. ft. Allowed: I sign,3 sq. ft., based on insuffieient frontage XrvW. 4yv? mtMT+ fu redwtnvua DY tu vA,rlM)cL 6rud@l'rto tnrnilW hrrfur A:W M/. f srclts l.ll, L13 AltD l.t4 TRAFFIc coNTRoL srcNs Propo sed: 9 signs,2.25 sq. ft. Allowed: Number subject to DRB, size is I sq. ft. per sign SIGN I,I5 CONDOMINITJM ENTRANCE SIGN Proposed: I sign" 5 sq. ft. Allowed: I sign, 2 sq. ft. for "no parking", 3 for residential name plate (.5 square feet per unit) SIGN I.16 PASSPORT CLUBHOUSE PARKING Proposed: I sign, 13 sq.ft. Allowed: I sign,20 sq.ft. SIGN I.I7 PASSPORT CLUBHOUSE, MEMBERS ONLY Proposed: I sign"l sq.ft. Allowed: I sign, 4.4 sq.ft. based upon 22 feet of frontage SIGN I.I8 TICKET PRICES SIGN Proposed: I sip,20 sq.ft. Vail Inc.Associates, May 24,1996 Mr. Jim Curnutte Senior Plarurer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: GOLDENPEAKBASEFACILITY AMENDED EXTERIOR SIGN PROGRAM RJQUEST FOR CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD REVIEW Dear Jim: As we have recently discussed, our exterior signage consultants have revised their sign program in response to the comments which were made by the staff and Design Review Board. The sign locations and content are essentially unchanged. It is our intentionthat the size of each sign will be consistent with the Town of Vail ordinances. We are requesting a conceptual review by the Design Review Board at the June 5,1996 meeting to receive comments regarding the revised images and format as depicted in the enclosed booklet. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require additional information. cc: David Corbin Rick Caudel at/ne.t and operato$ of Vail, Beaver Geek Retort and Arrcwhead Mountain r\ { ,/)\\ ,r v/ llLl$illtili vr tt 'nrvfrarrfr gptv.doc --==-_=L=TECHSfGNfS. "- = ==-=== = lk-rl-ri-ril VA\L D AVON D ASPEN [] GLENWOOD 'PRINGS 'N:rffr::::s.... V.1 . COBl658 9/0 Notttnqt).int kd q/0925 t9t/ 970 949 4565 Sute S 2 i.jtenwood SDnnosLAX 94. 467C 4von t.() E:\. ) 'a 545 bogr Jack D PO Box 7. Vail. Colorado. 81658. Dhone 303 476 560,| Olign Review Action Folr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number r-1L-4- t\- 1t" Project Name: Building Name:(..-.>\Acv\ PeaW ,!; *x'u- Proiect Description:€lY\7O,r o.v vt +t\e,, .lev ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block Project Street Address: Subdivision(zone District2E>R- Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: ,\stttnnnt*"' fl Approval fl Disapproval Conditions:Qer DRB Fee Pre-paid rcvisod l219/93 AppLrcATroN DATE o4. to.QL ( P lease NA}48 OF NAME OF ADDRESS Print or Type) PROJECT PERSON SUBMITTING . srcu/ewurxc lppr,rcnrroH A)EOEIDPNEDT PHoNE q1q,+565 Co Ot6ffi NAME OF OWNER ADDREss -T? rcK CAor>?.o'B,ox 7 /Ntt, co rb5 SIGNATIIRB OF OWNER PHoNE 41q' 3142 LOCATION OF PRoJEC"T (address\ rl/4 Lot Block Filinq DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT THE FOLLOWING ]NFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DEScRrprroN oF THE srcH/ewurnc (FREE srANDrNG, WALL, PROJECTING, ETC)/ INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. a8",6o"* 72" srft sla:p ((Aqoor :' popsev) srcN oR AWNTNc MATERTAL l/2"t{D? Bonau, UrD{a- c/"AD c. srzE oF oVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO 16", bo"- 3"rleADru6 - No loee B. D.HEIGHT OT SIGN ABOVE GRADE DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING 6- q' MAx, oR PROPOSED)tJOr.rE V?o'%t€D oe-TaP(ne,r.>f 6lcrl) F' G. 1 A LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (TT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL -- N1A ii*,; il\ke! ""3r$l* o$o:'?ff*FOOT OF SI DATE Site Plan ELevations showing exact. location of sign awning on the building Phot,ographs showing proposed LocationColored scale drawinq Sample of proposed niterials ,Photograph of sign if available #Ny-'@--' Si Adminis or RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc.2. Be specific. vagueness-on design,'siz.l-constru"tion rnay- delay the approval of your signi3. Measure frontage of buiiness. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATIONSUBMITTAL. rf this apprication requires a separate review by any J.ocaJ.,State or Federal agency other than the Town of viif, theapplicati-on fee sharr be increased.by szoolool 'ixa*pr." of suchr9rigr., may include, but are not rimiteo t"i-c"rJrado Departmentof Highway Access permits, Army Corps of nngineui" +Oq, etc. The appli-cant sharr be responsibre for.paying any publishing feeswhich are in excess of 50t of rhe appfitatio; i;;. rf, ar rhe:pt1]:::t's. reguesr, any.mafter is posrponed for hearj-ng, "uui:_r,gthe matter to be- re-pubJ.ished, then, thl entire fee for such re-publication shaLl be paid Uy i.he applicant. Apprications deemed by the comrnunity Deveropment Department tohave significant design, r.and use. oi other issues wLi.n *uy r,irr.a significanr irnpact on the comrnuniry. ruy-t.tuii! r"vi"" ti - - consurtants other that town staff. 3nouio a'ael"rrnination bemade by the town staff that, an outside "onsuriani is needed toreview. any applig?:+"n, Cornrnunity oevelopment-;;t hire an outsideconsurtant, it shall estimat.e ch6 ano.,'E-of rnone| necesser), r_opay him or her and this amounb shalr le torward"i t" the Town bythe appricanr ar rhe rime he fires rris appii-"ii"n-"iiii-tnJ"" "t comrnunity Deveropment Department. upon i6npretion of the reviewgf tle appricatid! uy thL consurtan., any of the funds forwardedby the appricant for payment of the lonsurtani- wrricir have notbeen paid to the consurlant sharr be ret,urnua to irr" applicant.Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwardeduy :1" applicant _stratt _be paid to the r"r" uy-trre applicantwithin 30 days of notificalion by the Town. TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitt,ed, the folJ.owinginformation is reguired: - 'I 5. A completed sign/awning application (attached). A site plan showing the exact 1ocation where the srgnis to be located. A, photograph if possible and building elevation showrngthe location of the proposed sign. A scaled drawing which detaj_Ls the design of the sign,as foL]ows: 5. (a) Colored exactly as sign will be.(b) A li-st of materials t6 be used in sign (meral_,wood, canvas, paint, etc. )(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. If an-awning is proposed, submit drawinqs showinogxggtly how and where rhe awning is att,ici,"J-io-'ir,"building and how the awning is io be constru"i"O.-- Description of lighting that wiII be used inconjunction with the sign or awnj-ng.. .If proposing an :::]:9, _.I._i?l.ing. is nor -at towed ro snrne chroush rheencrre awnlng which caLls undue att,ention to tliebusiness. Liqhrin_q_T3y sporlighr only the u"iuif "rgnlettering on ih" awnlns. v 1$t tv s$ .l,o' '*iHE b::11 1.4'l L.' (U --c ^' l-J C \J3K F E EltF bn €u9.q E g 4.,r ru (J 'I {oEH5 P EF(^ 2'= .= -drE<= PE E5 g dJ .! boBJ -- J ' =&;"E 3= *t EYL- l- \1,, rt, s g 3 s * fi 5 ig g trfr Ffi s E t=: g E i : * E EE'ro.gggs U 5 sH> a 5 < > = .- =;tr€-9: buSF;F,F"E;5s i E g E s E€ - r r:, =: 'g \- OO [.tn Q 11 - FsE=i3;:r5-u < I Lu ur X o €=o - ii = - E--= ai .= g E € EE ''_'iJE-O-(o"!\_ -.6 rg cD ctl F Los FTII (u L'(ua Lolar tt (u EI I -E (usI-lIra bo FI .E FI (ua C) E#EF EEgE €#gF € HE€'F€ ss EC=E.= r/t .= (g riJ /-r = :F-lgj= o Eo- \J )l ^,E9b=.- o L, -d E:8 f, EHFE fl$Eg cilEsttl.E eE EEE E E P;Eg=EE E 5 xlO.E r-r r-P - E€g; E E pe E H'8 E EsE FEo-noo!1 rn'- E pEE=H :,/\N*.1 sII s ./ .!, W "/ilftsn ,,,'J( l4/ffi (,Ftnz(9 _- )<<= o ):i>-a6 <tL ") -.--.q-= 2/-)tr ulo 5') 4 { q-', a.)o )aFOt20 (D ;--;- ;u1I I II d I I IiI i llllll I I I:i'l I I I a fr> | _-,- Itog I I It ,/{E 1r'l l//til x3 61 lj ! I I I TIII :iiitrtl ll rf tl ltI l.a q h iq irl) ,' $ I2r..H3 6 \o-:<\o \ 2\Y IJ(I) I I (r lr t..i -.r'( ( -i il I tl ,'![ ,' lllt Ittl t, I LL F() fr. 6 9r 3iI i IIIdol If! I I If a I I I II I \, ',?3? I-c6 i Ei3(dt (\ o a o ( tt Town olVall v Department ol Gommunlty Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Receipt No o*"-/Z-J. Please make checks payable 1o the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code f Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Building Code CB $il.00 00100003141112 Uniform Plumbing Code CB $39.00 001 0000 3141112 Unilorm Mechanical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Fire Gode CB $36.00 001 0000 3141112 National Electrical Code CB $37.00 001 00003141112 Olher Code Books CB 001 0000 3141211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 00100003141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.2s 00100003'141111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Fees/Re-lnspeclions PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 0000 31 5 2000 Olf Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 00003123000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Application Fee SP $20.00 001 00003124000 Addilional Sign Applicalion Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200 Design Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR 00100003153000 Buildinq Investigalion Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovement Agreement Deposit D2 001 0000 31 2 't000 Restaurant License lee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Reslaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxabfe @ 4.5% (State) - Tax payable TP '001 0000 3101100 Taxabfe @4.O% (Town)- Retail SalesTax r7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2s00 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2s00 Additional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permil PV $200.00 z (Yat 00100003112500 Exterior Alteralion - Less than 100 sq. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 so. tt.PV $s00.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development Dislrict - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development Dislrict - Major Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 Olher -MS TOTAL:111),4 Commenls: /- t"- ''" itltatCeC-hr n (fr.ztL ftd(an4 ./ lurrxs Received Or, ,(DCash_ Money Order#Check # t !.^ .''; hntorl nS0tlDT ftrc*l f!9-r l?/lf/9 Cl Remiptt nr38r hount Trndoe{ PnY T0llf ffiR tf Fnsnor( lf 0nILueL c0 0r6itfrlPlSlll9r Fon [flFr ttLYfltr tr urtL Jn |337. Im of lcilrrr usliiai neurPr rrr O€tt lS0.iil[ Fl llffit IilIEr l3/il/9 0l ffilPIt tl38f 6133 |ett3t tEs$gTItil Ec |trTflfE FTE fiY I etrflPrTITI ID ntff ql.El pEfl( HnsE qnf,fl- ItEt l?/t3/1t? 16137:ll I0rf,. of,t[ tt o( ffiXI lEtrTE' El.!ET.I nt luf fln llu mEl! TOIIN OFVAIL Ofice of the Tbwn Anorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 1 07/F ax 970-4 79 -2 I 5 7 December 2,1997 Mr. David Corbin Vail Associates, Inc. Post Office Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Letter of Credit to Provide Security for the Golden peak Improvements Dear David: I am writing to follow-up on your description and cost to complete the Golden Peak ski base facility. This work was last described in a letter from you to me at which time the cost of completion was approximately $ I .7 million. This led to the issuing of an Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 9 I 93 12 in the.amount of $2,199,739 with Nationsbank of Texas. N.A. In October, 1997, we received a request to decrease the amount to a new aggregate total of $200,000. That request has not been executed by the Town as we are waiting for an estimate of the work to be completed which would be consistent with or justify that reduction. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. Sincerely,.' TOWN OF VAIL ,/' /-(, ,/,//a">GW R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attomey RTIWaw xc: Rick McCutcheon . Greg Hall / Mike Mollica V t^l^, ,?l^'-ft {g rr"r"rro r^rr* ;.I S*o*rrD-::'r a s ss? FIL E COPY 6. A request for a variance from section 16.20.010 (signs Permitted), to allow for two uuitoing iOentiri..iion iignJ inO to arnw ro_r an inirelse in the size of traflic control signs' tocated at eofOenieaf"SXi Base,458 VailValley Drive/Trast F, Vail Village Sth Filing and Tract B, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant: VailAssociates'lnc. Planner: Lauren Waterton Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes June 9, 1997 Lauren waterton gave an overview of the request and said that staff was recommending approvat. She said mis wis iniqul, "J ii t"i tn. onf' iii Uase facility in the Town and that it met all the criteria. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add' Joe Macy, representing the applicant, had nothing to add Greg Moffet asked if lhere was any public comment' Diane Miiligan, the manager of the Ramshorn, said the Ramshorn will be looking "t l9y19:{":l of signage w1h rhe z .ig;ri $;;ffi idi nb lisnting.ue allowed' a: tI:I were setting s0 mucn impacr from rhe tighting ;;;riil nJifOing. -Sle a6feJlt there was going to be any intention of tighting, that I belrought back before the PEC' Tom Neyens, owner of ski valet in Lionshead, asked if this signage was only directional for Gold Peak and not for events. Greg Moffet said that there was no commercial signage included in this application' John Schofield said there would be directional for commercial, but not a part of this application' Joe Macy said this application was lor 2 building identification signs and any signage llrellY-^ there had o""n "pprou"il'i; ffi rtraiconOitdning this approvatwas not necessary' because any lighting would have to be approved anyway. John schofield, Greg Amsden, Galen Aasland and Ann Bishop had no comments. Diane Golden said bigger signs were needed on both sides' Greg Moffet said he had no problem with anything that would improve the tratfic and that this application met the criteria' Ann Bishop made a motion for approval, in accordance with the slaff memo. Diane Golden seconded the motion- The motion passed bY a vote of 6-0. Greg Moffet said that because the sign was approved as non-lit, the applicant would have to come back if it changes. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes June 9, 1997 TOWN OFVAIL D epartme nt of Community D evelopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8 FAX 970-479-2452 June 10. 1997 Joe Macy Vail Associates, Inc. PO Box 7 Vail. CO 81658 BE:Golden Peak Ski Base Sign Variances Dear Joe: The Planning and Environmental Commission, at its June 9, 1997 rneeting, approved the request for a sign vaiiance at Golden Peak. The variance approved allows for two building identification signs and traffic control signs to be 2.25 square feet. f f you have any questions, please leel free to contact me al479-2454. Sincerely, lawwl^Wkbr.- Lauren Waterlon Town Planner {P'""'oto""r TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 9, 1997 A request lor a variance from Section 16'20'010 (Signs Permitted)' to. ., - "loniroii*o building identification signs and to allow for an increase in the iire oilne traffic coitrot signl, to.at"l at Gotden Peak ski Base, 458 Vail i;;ii"y D;i";ni"iiF, v"irvllase Sth Fitins and rract B, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc" Planner: Lauren Waterton t. The DESCRIPTION OF THE FEOUEST ant is requestinq a variance lrom Section 16'20'010,.t0 all.o.w [9r two iY:j-:::::=:::j':=:'P--- r- ' lare fobt is perniitt@ Peak ski Base' Ine2.25 square feet (one sql ^r,_ ---!,^ ^r,^ ^. l,.r^ r..,,ir/ian {anir Valley Drive and the€econd ston on tne souln sloe, IaL;rrrg vrrdrrD e clrrv r.- |orabui|dingidentificatio@heno-rth|acingsigni'E9]P#r":*+e souare feet. The soutn tacffiiffipp99991-t9 be 18 square fsret' The signs would,be . 'iiffffiiv=ioffirne wair d-nrre nuitding (see altached drawing).constructed o The applicant is also proposing nine traffic control siqns on this site to direct and caution auto tr"tlicipeO"ririlns ariO fircVciilg- control signs permilted is subiect to Oeiign'reuie,". g"Sh C!S!f!!-E"-l!dtyrd!4!y-mqg$gq-qnaple and will be l malrmlg iElI feet in height (se II. BACKGROUND In July 1996, the Desion Review Board apProved q [/?ste,r Sign- Plgg]ran lor the Golden Peak Ski b'"-r.*] niriidsl , or the program.must be amended to include n"*'or Oift"t"ni "ign"g". During the ig96-g7 ski season, none of the. p"r*a*.i signage tor the Ski Base hid nien erect|d on the site. However, it is the applicant's intentto put alt mi p"tran"ni Sgnig" on the site during the s.ummer and tall' The signs for which the variances tt. i.qrtt-tJO, i'iipproveO by the P-EC, will become a part ot the approved sign program. upon review of section 16.36.050, criteria and Findings, ol the Town of Vail Municipal code' the Cbmmunity Development Department recommqnds approval of the requested sign variances' in" t""ott"ndatibn for approval is.based on the following faetors' ilr.CRITERfA AND FINDINGS A htdariq A. Consideration of factors: 1.There are special circumstances or cond applying.to the lard' Ouitdings,@ structures or other matters on-aju""it fots or wiitrin the adjacent right-of-way, which would su'bstantially restrict the effectiveness ol the sign in question:. provided, however, that such special circumstances or conditions are lniqr" to the particular business or enterprise to which the applicant desires to draw attention, and do not apply generally to all business or enterprises. Bu ild i ng ld e ntif icati o n S ig n s : Staff believes that special circum y !91[!-b!9i-!e59-q1-d th is site, which do n to all businesses. This building has three the ski sl res to nave om stopei.' The applicant has requesled signs on both the north and the south sides ol the building. 9lC!l-p9!!9ygs that bv onlv providi.nq gne q!qn,. as allowed bv the code' it would be limiting "nqlryr . sign, as it coubtnly bts-een ftoq ory side.- -S,tatt,99liev9s that' qinge ! -cflTe iS the only ski base laciliW vYttntn.lne" lown olJat!' tr ts urttque attu tI|""" otne r OGnesses ano the reloJg'@ molelharlone 5i cle of th eE u iltli n glFh-t'tv nn r i ate - Tratfic Control Signs: Staft has identilied other signs around Town thatggnlrol traffic-luqh gS 'nAfarK.jTsns, andTa-Iound that rnost of these typgs-ojres of sions do not Most are generally 2 sq. ft. q3'1.,,r1,,,_:,:Y:t:-,r,r__-.vr.ji'l:E' ifSfp-"li"yGifl"t the pp-posed s-igns are appropilately sizgd for thg inlormallon provloeo ano a sntatter stzeu stu.' """"'v ""; unrElEable] a distance. Staff is proposing to modify the Sign Code-to -AfoW-1"rg.-iAIIig controt signs, h6wever, that change is not a part ol this requesl and will be reviewed in the near future. 2.That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in PrivY to the apPlicant. Bu itding lde ntif ic ation S ig n s : the site and , the of use and circumstances are not necessarily ue to tfre use and location ot tne title. Traffic Control Sigtls: theAltt U ryqu9l99qti-ol-rnah9$glggul! site. Therefore, the uniqu-e- q- creaGilOy the aPPlicant' but un Traffic Control Signs: Statf believes that the maximum 1 sq' tt' requirement folta!j999!J'ol sions mav Oe too sm t ffi thatthiinecessary in order to have readable signs. 3. That granting of the variance will be in general harmony with.the purpJre of this title, and will not be materially detrimental to the pttion" residing orworking in the vicinity, to adjacent property' to ihe neighborhood, or to the public wellare in general' Bu ildi ng ldentificatio n S ig ns : Staff believes the S.r3llilS-gllbCjyaiarcejs in ha0nonywith the purpose oiin" cnapter 16.i0 ome-Tovvn of Vail Municipal code' ,The.,sto.1; are ;;;6r;d; opposite sides of the buildins'. Txgv!i149!be-vlclued 5im[rtaneorsrviro*anr.ro,c,ation,.:9I91 j:Y-!:*:IL':s^1,:il*s , due to itq. ldenii|icatisrctsn on two sidit,ri@ harmonv wirhlhe purpose otlhis title. Stalf believes that the granting of the variance is in harmony with the.. . . ^^-i.in rha cizo nf thp rraffie conlrol sions will aidpripJt" ot rnis titte. lncre+ing tle sizg of I in the readability of these m dcllilie-nfal fo thd persons residing or working in the area' 4.The variance applied lor does not depart from the provisions ol this title any more ihan is required to ldentify the applicant's business use. Building ldentification Signs : The variance requesting does not depart any more than necessary' to identify the applibant's business. While the applicant is requesting an addilional sign, each buildin g i-der'!'!93tio!will be on thebrryttg,:!!_glEe1lo-rl v'all-v"n ey"Dri*, "no tt@ai n'.. A bu ildi n g sides of B. ioe nmicnfon si gfi s eflo@ppl icant i s proposing one iign at 16 square feet and the second sign at 18 square ieei' stdff believes thal the "pF li..^nt i" ttq"esun$the minirnum @ Tratfic Control Signs: These sions do not identily the _aJplicanl].s business. They are intended to nrotiAEffirmafion reoardirro niilino and oedestrian crossings and stall believes upon reviewing other signs located around Town, that the request is apprdpriate. lf the PEC considers these signs appropriately sirbO, statt wbulb propose to modify the sign code to allow lor these signs to exceed 1 sq. ft. before oranting a variance: 1. That special circumstances or conditions apply to the land, bu.ilding, topography, vegetation, sign struclures or other matters on adiacent lots or wirfrin ttie iignt-bt-way, which would subslantially restrict the etfectiveness of the sign. 2. That such special circumslances were not crealed by the applicant' 3. That granting the variance will be in general harmony with the purpose ol this tiile anO-witt not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of chapter 16.20 more than is required to identify lhe applicant's business use' STAFF RECOMMENDATIONtv. 1. 2. 3. 4. Thatspecia|circumstancesorconditionsapplylothebui|ding'suse,|ocationand i;p;g;;pht "t rhe site, wrricn suOstantialty ;dsirict the effectiveness of ihe sign. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant' but are unique to the site and use. That granring the variance will be in general h.armony with the purpose of tnis tiiie anO-witt not be d;trimental l; the public health, safety or welfare' or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity' That the variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of Ch;biJ te.zo mor6 ihan is required to idenrify the applicant's business- l:\averyonelecVnemos\gPeak.609 (Ord.s(1993)$ ll.) Iluilding irlcn tificnt ion signs. A. l)urposc, to idcntify thc nantc of a brrilding; B, Sizc, no grcatcr than twcllty sqtlarc fcct; C. I Icight, rvall-rnoLrntcd building idcntificatiort sigtts: No part of thc sign slrall cxtcnd abovc trvcrtty-fivc fcct ftonr cxisting gradc or thc platc linc of ir [ruilding, rvhicltcvcl is lcss; l'i'ccstandi rrg buildi ng idcntifi cation sigrs: No part of thc sign shall cxtcnd abovc cight fcct fronr cxistirrg gradc; D. Nutubcr, onc signi E. I-ocation, cithcr rvall-tttotrntcd or frccstanding, strbjcct to dcsigr rcvicrv; F. I)csign, subjcct to tlcsign rcvicrv; C. Spcclal provisions: l. n frccstanding building idcntification sign shall bc govcrncd by thc provisions irr this scction fol frccstanding sign for s inglc-bttsincss ttsc. 2. A rvall-nroultcd buikling idcntification sigrr ihall bc govcrncd by thc provisions in this scction for wall sigr for singlc-bttsincss ttsc. t{t2&.O15 Dnily spccinl boards' l)aily spccial boartls shall bc pcrnrittcd undcr thc follorving: A. Purltosc-to display thc dirily spccials for a givcn rcstattrant catirrg or drinking cstablishntcnt. t]. Sizc-no grcalcr tlran thrcc four (4) squarc fcct. C. Ilcight-no piut of tlrc daily spccial board shall cxtcnd abovc six fcct frottr cxisting gradc. D, Nurtttrcr shall bc as follorvs: t. Olc rlaily spccial board pcr cating or drinking cstablishrncnt rcsftntr.ttrt shall bc pcrntittcd. l-lorvcvcr, if a busincss has two consunrcr cntranccs on distinct, scparatc pcdcstrian ways, n sccond daily spccial boar(l shall bc allorvcd. D. l-ooatiorr, aflixctl to approvcd display box or attachcd to thc fi'ollt facatlc of thc cstablishntcnt, lH)csi gn-grccrrcx-b lilt{cctnl lcho:tr*rvi ttrwoodcnbordcc FG. I.ighting, nonc. Cl{. l-andscaping-no additional landscaping shall bc rcquircd in addition to landscaping prcviously lcqLrircd for display boxcs. (ord. 39(1988) $ l.) *6'-?0-.0?0 D ispl'.tY lt ox cs' Display boxcs shall trc rcgulatctl by thc following: A. Purpose, to display cuncnt ntcnus, cuncnt rcal cstatc listings or currcnt cntertainment; .: tl. Sizc, no grcatcr tharr fivc square fcct; C. Hcight, no part oFthc display box shall cxtcnd abovc six fcct fi'om existing gradc; D. Numbcr shall bc as follows: l. Perntittcd, onc display sign; Z. Conditional, if a busincss has hvo consumcr entrturccs on distinct, separate pedestdan ways, a proposal for a second display box will may be approved.'afthffi{hcdcsign , rcvicw-bo.drd. Thc proposal slrall conform to the other provisions of this section; E. Location, subjcct to appronalofthc dasign rcview board; F. Dcsign, glass-cncloscd display box, subject to t@oAfc design review board; - Il6 ccrtificatcof occspancy frcrmit is issucd. Thc sign shall bc pcrrnittcd fora pcriocl not to cxcccd of onc Ycarl' Z. Tlrc infor.nrntion pcrrllittctl on tcnlporary sitc tlcvcloprrrcnt signs for conttncrcial tlcvclopnrcrrt.s or'rllultiplc fanrily dcvcloprrrcnts of four (4) units or nlorc is linritcd to projcct narrrc, projcct atldrcss, tlrc display of pcinrits, rcal cstatc ilgcllts, colltractors, arr:h itccts,antl rlcvclopcrs, anrl sitc rlcpictiorr/rcn rlcring. Thc arca of tlrcsign o.*isn trscd for display-ofthc infornration othcr than thc projcct narrrc arrrl adclrcss is linlitcd to 50 pcrccnt of thc total arca of thc cach sigrr. 'lhc iufoniration pcrnrittcd on othcr rcsidcntial tcnrporary sitc dcvclopntcnt sig's (singlc fanrily, pri nrary/sccond ary. tluplcx antl thrcc firntily typc dcvclopnlcnt) is. linritctl to projcct riarirc, projcct adclrcs.s, tlrc display ofpcrnrits, antl sitc dcpiction/rendcring' (Ord. l4(1 982) $ ltl, f, g (parr): Old. l 3(1 976) $ 3 (part): Ord 9(1973) $ 14(1 5) ) +Gjlo-. t?0 'l-r'rr fl'i c-con trol signs f'ol plivatc propcl'ty' Traffip-corrtrol signs for privatc pfopcrty shall bc rcgrrlatcd as follorvs: Purposc, to rclicvc vchicttlar anti pctlcstriart trallic congcstion and prontotc thc safc iurd cxpcdictrt florv and parking of trafllc on privatc propcrty; Sizc. All vcliculirr traftlc r:onirol sigris slrall not cxccctl onc sqtlarc foot cxccpt for nrulti-prrrposc signs rvhich slrall not cxcccd foLtr scprarc fcct arr{ cxccpt for privatc parking signs rvhich shall not cxcccd trvo squarc fcct. All pcdcstrian tralllc control signs shall not cxcccd onc squarc foot, cxccpt nrulti-purposc signs, which shall rrot cxccctl foul sqLtarc fcct, subjcct to trppowff dcsiglt rcvicw bolnd. llcight, no part ol'tlrc sigrr shall cxtcrl(l abovc six lbct lionr cxisting gradc; Nurrttrcr, sutljccl to apprmttl-of dcsigrt tcviciv bolrrd: [.ocation sliill bc subjcct to tlctcrminctl-by rlcsign rcvic\v bolrd, rvithtlcttcroi'approval frortt thc to'wn crtgittccr lbr any sign placcrl adjlrccrrt to a ptrblic strcct or way; Dcsign, subjcct to approvaffihc dcsign rcvicrv bolrrd; I-ighting, irrrlircct, aHhcdrs'crctionr:fthc strbjcct to dcsign rcvicrv bomd; Laudscaping. atlhnliscrsti,on-of strbjcot to dcsigrr rcvicrv bomd; Spcciiil provisions shilll bc as follows: t. vay bc cithcr frcc-standiug or rvall-nrouutcd, rvith sanrc sizc rcquircnlcnts, Z. Nolndiviclual sign rvill bc approvcd unlcss it conforms to an ovcrall sign progranl for thc cntirc sitc, subnrittcd by thc applicant. 3, No sign shall contairr any advcrtising, but ruay idcntify thc owrrcr by natnc, B, D. l:. G, ll. I, (Ortl. 3(r(1983) $$ l-2: Orcl. l4 (1932) $ lg (part): Ortt. 9 (1973) $ l4(16)') t#OJ*0 Wall signs-Arcadc' thc design revicw b,o.ard; Dcsign, subject to ttrc-appronat-o+tlc design rcvierv board; Lighting, indirect or pan-channcled; 26 Wall signs, arcadc shall bc rcgrrlatcd as follows: lurposi to idcntify a busincss or organization fronting on an arcadc rvithin a building having public acccss; Size, onc sign with a trraxinlutn area of thrcc squarc fcct; Hcight, to the top ofthc signs shall bc no higher than cight fcet abovc existing gradc;. Nuibcr, onc pei blsincss front on an arcade, as detcrmined by the administrator, subjcct to rwicrr bythc dcsign rcvicw bonrd; L-ocation, pirallcl to thc extcrior wall ofthc btrsiness front on an a,rcade, subject to{hc-approvarM B. C. D. E. F. G. . fl- | | igEsiEi!, ll liiiiigiigi;!l,iii c5 E C5 -:ff "a-f,=.IUI:i9,:o-ga5 E o .94 : : -E = , i.'-i,') t" -ill.-..:.-.:EE:F , "rE-E: ;E, g - EcE ;tFA i;siiiig€EcgfisEsflii EE lr ,) .Er o E l, '' ' .t' \,)t-> ,-.rt1:;:;;llJi,'r-i EE EE' EF EE EE EE jll\s l.): $it tr'l I'rt{i I tdi],l i:, l EEE . t;. -r^l f,." qsl iaF - - q --zv, I ..:'i> R a = -= r: =:== - c =!: = Go o; .=' - tAaStt z vt d b, Y - tll.o.2-cuJ:i3,!o-,t(5-t I I I "l5l g - ll r;ii'itiiiii,! ,t F. -r !1 I I I I I .t-91. vt- -B l; (ro, ! a= .l FE3tE o :: a EEF E ;EEEg EEEig I I I l $I ?:IA>>.=!.EaE3CI' =ta&:. EEz,E ! (9 - . tlt "c z.quJ -i-t.:o-J(5ii''i;iiiit'*l,uir I I I rli 6 r? ! aFs:i o :c !FS FEEi93 6 <| ._ tr ;FEaee5 ^r - lll 6 io FE' ET - -uJ z,, .J rr,.Pcl-2J.co-,ta5 ltt. ll sl: ll il- 8t sl i s i*gliu iii; iiiiiffe E $ ^jN A'l Es flf: Fs, "eEi !g $gs s5$ gi; I EII @ $l "l - ll ri. it ti. at :l 2 $ a iiigiE' !ii: :iiiifia ! oo 5FEet(5 >( ,ur 2-guJ":cl-8J,*O-,9(5 ,o at t- .9A ul N F.t trvl -E * EEs 'a r ;E: EEgE$gl$gne I II -l 5t:3lr :l! 6 igls:siEull_l iri; iiiiaiis $1, sr,r t. =?-rEE * .i ;$EE 5 E x .uJ "c =,.IUJv!cl -€J.:o- Jl a:t h il N \n I I -1" El, --l*613 \y I I I .l 5li5lr Et9f lu @ iisessat E.EIei :!9i! U t.\ o h4tu&,btuf ou{tiO CaI the Planning Staffat 479-2138 t4uac^t GF.NERAI, II{FORMATION fmr "ppti."tlon is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environrnental Commission' For specific information see the submittaliequirements for the particular approval that is requestcd" The @plication can not be accepted until all required,information is submitted. The projec-t may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Rwiew Board. A. TYPE OFAPPLICATION: U Additional GRFA (250) tr BedandBrealfast tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision E, Rezoning )F slgr Variance/tr vriancetr ZoningCodeAmadment B. DESCRIPTION OF TTIE REQI.JEST: tr Amendrne,lrt to an Approved Dwelopment Plan tr Employee Housing Unit (TyPc: ) tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) tr SpecialDwelopmentDistricttr Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD : l(\419 {fw o ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S):)tL irtLtl';U-' MAILINGADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATIJRE(S): NAME OF REPRESENTA MAILINGADDRESS: '/) 1C-. PHONE:4^tq-31+s FEE . SEE TI{E SI.]BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SIJBMITTAL REQIJIREMENTS AND THE F'EE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' o APPLICATION FOR PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL TOV{N0FVAtt c. D, E, F. G. o, /r/X' '/ VAIL, COLORADO u657. 4-4n'l Application Dalrr. O[>1.1 f PEC Mecting Rcvird 6/95 7 o o ( q GV,ot SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ASIGN V o ARIANCE D D This application is required for any project seeking a variance ftom any section ofthe Town ofVail Sigrr Codc' I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-applicahon *nro.r* r"itrt a planning staffmember is strongly encouraged' No application can be accepted unless it is complete. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appoinEnent with tbe staff to determine additional submittal requrem€tlts' II. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS FEE: $200.00. The fee must be paid at the time of submital' Stamped. addressed envelopes and a list ofthe names and mailing addresses ofall proPerfy owners adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and across steets. The applicant is reiponsible for correct nam.r -A r"iting iddresses. This informanon is available ftom the Eagle County Assessor's offtce. Condominium association approval (if applicable). The Administrator may determine that additional material is necessary for review of the application. Two (2) cooies of the following: A.$Acyie O A statement of the precise nahre of thc variance requested- the regulation involved- and the -' Grist6-t; practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives ofthis @Q- o , o itle that would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified reeulation. A site plan showing all existing and proposed feanrcs on the site. and on adjoining sites if neccsary, pertinent to the variance requested. including site boundaries. required setbacks. buildingiocations and heighs. topography and physical features. exising sigrr locations, proposed sigrr locations and any other related data. g V E} V Nett ea^{eTrz. Elwations orphotos showing the proposed location of the sign. A1fA'cttc D t\xt.? sflEErs tAAe 43.qr$lqG >Ar4a As(srto/ql Colored scaled (1/4"=l') drawing. includ!1g specific lettering and dimensions' axo co/to lQlo 'lxlN ov V *cc v'(ztFs Qla *rr ^J Description and sample of proposed materials. Drawing showing how and where the sign or awning will anach to the building. M. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR TI{IS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. rV. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission me€ts on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete upptirutlon form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be accepted by Oe Community Development Deparfinent by the appropriate submittal date. which is a minimum of four (4) weekspriorto the datsoithe PEC public heaing. Incomplete applications (as determined by the planning staff) will not be accepted- Pagcl of2 )t @ l' -; .;- -:-' NonhwoodsCondominiumAssociation Mrs.ElizabethJohnson PO Box l2il c/o{r. Ken Brown Vail, CO B 1657 Baer, Marks and Upham LLP 805 Third Avenue Pinos del None Condominiurn New York, NY 10022 Association PO Box 69 Sr. Alejandro Diaz Barroso Vill, CO 81657 actention: Euscaquio Conina Conina ReeitY Ski Club Vail 516 Vesr Lionsherd Mrll #lOi 596 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81557 Vril, CO 81657 ' Mr. Hariey G. Higbie, jr. Unircd Strres Forest Service 1600 Broadway PO Box l9o Suite 14oo Minturn, CO 81645 Denvcr, CO so2o2 All Seesons Condominium Assocircion 414 Gore Creek Drive V:ril, CO 81657 Manor Vril Lodge 595 Easr Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Ramshorn Condominium Associacion al6 Vail Velley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Tivoli Lodge acrention: Bob Lazier 186 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 8 i657 Mr. E.B. Chester 195 Mill Creek Cirlce Vail, CO 81657 Ms. Leslie Klement PO Box 842 Avon, CO 81620 1., ,r,l=u MAY AFFE'T vouR PRoPrrrO PUBLIC NOTICE NOTTCE lS HEREBY GTVEN that the Planning and Environmental^commission of the Town ol Vail will hotd a public hearing in accordance'niitn S"ciion18.66.060 ot the Municipal code of the Town of Vail on .lrne g,lg9-2, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of VailMunicipal Building' In consideration of: A request lor a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of the Alpine Garclen Education Center, tocateO "t eZO Vait V'alley Driveffract A' Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation Pianner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Section 18.13.060 (Front Selback) and for a residential addition uritizing rhe 250 oriin-"nii io attow tor rn"-ionitiuciion of a doimer addition, located at 2943 Belllloiler Drive/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain' Applicant: Frank Bannister, represented by RKD Planner: Tammie Williamson A request lor an interior addition, utilizin_g the 250 Ordinance, toallow for an additional bedroom' tocatbO at 680 W. Lionshead Place/Lot 5, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Phylis Darnell' represented by Rob Levine' Planner: Dirk Mason A request lor a worksession to discuss a zoning code amendment, to allow lor outdoor. commercial sxi sroiloe, asa conditionat use and to allow for commercial ski storage (indoors) in all building levels, located in the CGI and CGll Zone Districts' Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. represented by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for an interior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an additional bedroom' locatbd at 680 W. iionsnead Place, the Antlers/Lot 3, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Larry Schwimmen, represented by Rob Levine' Planner: Dirk Mason +$"f ffi irl',r'lnhs,"':nft iffi *Ff'',Tl'ffJfl 'T#:fr lnTfr ;13#t'i:,'fr:i"c'r'leoa'lase ' Applicant: Vail Associates, lnc.' represented by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Waterton A request lor a variance from Section 16.20.010 (Signs. Permitted), to allow for two building identi1ca1on signs ind to allow for an increase iritn! size of traffic control signs, located. at., r Gotden peak Sli Aiii aSB Viit Vaitey Driveflract F, Vail Village Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail $)littase 7th Filing. { Rppticant' Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Jack Hunn Planner: Lauren Waterton A request lor an interior add!!ig1, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for a study, located at 1975 Placid Drive/Lot 15 Vail Village West Filing #1' Applicant: James Donaldson, represented by Gore Range construction Planner: Dirk Mason O hack varianc" (s""; 18'28'070)' 1o {lowA request for a worksession to discuss a front se {or a deck expansion "t,jiIl.ioJii, roiaieO at 143 East Meadow'Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Aoplicant: Haagen Daz, represented by Bill Pierce Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor a minor subdivision and varianc,es from lot size (seclion 18.27.050)' landscaping (Secrion 18.27.100) "no b"i1ing tSection 18.27.110) requirements-for the First Bank in West Vlii rJi"i.O "tZ2Z'1 N. rrontage'noad/Tract C, Vail Das Schone Filing #1' Aoolicant: First Bank ol Vail, represented by Joseph Miller Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A reouest for a minor subdivision to modify the^platted building envelope tor Lot 9, spraddle d;;l( 6;it a at tzzs Spraddle Creek/Lot 9, Spraddle Creek' Aoolicant: Dr. and Mrs. Singh, represented by Gordon Pierce Pianner: Tammie Williamson A request for a review of the Environmental lmpact R-eport, to allow f.or a.new single{amily irl'illbdai"o aist t t atick Bear Lane/Lot t, -Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision' Applicant: Rolle Kjesbo Pidnner: Tammie Williamson A request for a conditional use permit to allow lor a brew-pub qnd.1 regqgst for a variance from Section 18.26.040.r, ro i[Lieq,iiiemenithat no ntore than 45"/oot the dnnualp-rqqu9!91be,sold lor off-site consumption anO i variance to the requirement for507" ( Section 18'26'150).of .the plr1ing to oe tocatbO oniite, focateO at 600 Lionbhead Mall (Gondola Building)/Lot 4' Block 1' Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Aooticant: Vail Associates, Inc.' represented by David Thorpe Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor a condilional use permit.lo allow for a seasonal structure to be erected lor the pJrpore of selling seasonaf plant products, located a|2154 S. Frontage Road/(Conoco)' generally located at: THAT PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SECTION 11. TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 WEST or rHe 6rH p.M., Ea'olicour.rrv, ColoRRoo, wHtcH BEGINS AT 4 qo_lllr oN THE sourH' iesrEnlv RtcHT-di-wAi Lrr.te oi TNTERSTATE HIcHWAY No.70, wHlcH PoINT oF BEGINNING LrES s86"r4'22"w e brb'iaNCEbr rzoo.eq FEET AND N4B"0o's7"E A DlsrANcE oF 380.04 FEET oF int sE coRNER oF seiO SECTION i 1, THENoE ALoNG sAlD BIGHT-oF-WAY N44'01'05'E A DrsrANcE or rgo.-ri ri.,'iieNcr sqs"be'ss"r A DtsrANcE oF 229.s0 FEET, THENoE,N8s"36'13"w A otsrnl.rcE or zs7.s+ FEEi To rHE porNT oF BEGtNNtNG. TRAcr CoNTAINING 0.s00 Ac. Aoolicant: Jane MackPianner: Tammie Williamson A request for a finat review to establish a Special Development Disqjgt #35, the Austria Haus' id.i6O ii iqiZastMeadow Drive/Part of Tract C, Vail Village 1st Filing. App|icant: Sonnena|p Properties, |nc. represented by Gordon Pierce Pianrrer: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals.are available for public inspection during regular office hours in ih;p;i;-pl;.er's otfice 6""tJ"tri'" fbt"n of Vail Communhy Development Dspartment, T5 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request wilh 24 hour notilication. Please call 479'2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Communitv Development Departmenl Published illay 23, 1997 in the Vail Trail. \ o -rs|rtt-{ gF tJF r l- lliscellareous Csh [l:-tr':r-?7 ffi+l it3: t? -_.- -- --'* --. .- l;':eipt * :i4+:E 'i:ir,::,:ui-r1. ,l+ l-ii S 1.:14f,Uii I.i'.i I L HSSrlri I FTE5. I t'l[' t.lFlft I Fli lr:E E!rir,:-,r-,ri'i t. i,,I.rid*t-*'l .r ?BB.EF I tenr P'=id rj t uE181841f,f,!t:lU'J I-:r-,,gt-l,Je rE t l".rriled :r' -I-HFhll< voLl 'i',:,-ri. c.arfri*r FIEF;THF| Flnoun t psid 1[rB. 6E1 ff, ulfj Li i