HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 TRACT G TED KINDEL PARK LEGALV; U o*C\ s \-J X \d K;d"! P^a t( \ UJF U)oo-zo Fo- IJJY IIJo oF tsE ..tcc o\ttJ o\ C r'. b -:l) r-,,1 o9lt{l HFJoEzo '--:> z 6 o-- rXr Lld I =lslrl <-r bt =u.r I !(Ll=rl a E =fr uJ o. t!oz foLoF I G trFul ooF ol!JJ tudl F c{' Eooo BE .E 5 E Eo(, 'io =l ., la- ol>Ef=E -ct-o-E ts =E, lrJo.z9F C)fE 6zo() oz E =G,ulo- il.if .$r 1'1 ?l C.ll c.l It, | , ^l -lt; I le!*'F ;1j=s if fiefi tE J4 ,{.f 14I 14 H 40tpt oulF z oz J @ .O aHe=5() l^ EEB$T$; giEIi{E ;gffig ag*Fo 9;s.eeFE;si fEis! ;EEEg:3f 3d(!0'-:--c= o o E c.e ?.3 €.:+F!= c -EAlor_ E !AEE sfis; t ist,ai E€;;8 :o€\ 3 5 ='5'; >.= lg EBYH5E{53zHl trAdHl E\otq frHs:qr'1 = Bt3uJai) E SIB zl .. >l IJJ t! llJzot uJ J z Eo e. (L t! J z Eoo zo gt UJF € ,.i68 =d-76 =;EENET =<coo =z lI rJ- rXn t-}< t l "l&l<l orI -lF{l 14l zl x Hl oz = co F J rI1 zH M H UJ z -) E 'lr'l 9zBo 1ru =4 q F-tz 1 "1 I r{qqoI = c\ I F.{ i o- r\ 6 ; F Ea v, A l tr t$ z 'tq FI Fl 14 1E I\o F(\ J ull 5 i1>l lt-ol zl BI 0lFI R \ss (\ I F-.if uJ ulF H F-l B z tr fr] I z luE J t!oz =I .ir Io\\to\ ui uJ F rrl F 1 >1cl r'lI =II I$ cn ciz (9 ul(E J ttoz =oF cnF IF\N ui IJ,JF =tr z uJE J t!oz =IF =tr ct o UJ 5 tt z3 F ulJt! F' ulz =o () uJ EI <F IJJ <zEUJF(rz )E<oOF :.<NEYF-zfro() 2F s3 =F-.6 (J dx ::F =2i(r fr= =u :+o =FEOz O <O sg :YW,fu " ApplrcArroN r'rusr BE FTLTJED our coMpLErELy oR dfllit"gnpfi gS1|f,pf;prnovv,ru, utV, UC,f L [ ] -Building g.zf-nrunuing [ lf-Electricat [ ] -Mechanical 1'z(-otner L*q",pwr4/e, '-Job Name: /da>.tob Addre =", mr/l r^-t | .4n 'u E^.,2fri.t'd Legal Description: Lot BIock Filing susprvrsroN: --Owners Nane: -( -o.V. DrBara l;1'l"rlqrt$ TOWN OF VArL CONSTRUCTTdI'I '- PERUTT APPLICATTON FoRM j DATE:JUL 2 Architect z 1.t2,) O. General Description:I Work Class: l4-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Add [ ]'-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units: itional Nunber of Accommodation Units: Address:Phone Number: Address: Address: Ph. Ph. ^ Ipnber and rype of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas r.ogs wood/pAuet_Yrk********************************* VALUATTONS *** * ********* * * * *****************tlur"or*":$ t'o{uWrcAl:$vooo.,* . 4Bb-rELrrr'lBrNczW !,riaHANiatii t.-.-- rail;; ftv/l**************************'t CONrRACTOR INFORTTATION ****** *** ********* ***** ****t Y:l:=1-contractor. ,?:4+i4 4&p{.k rown of Vail Res.. No._Address: /-a ,3-, f phone Nurnber: 4>t,a- Electrical Contractor: fuc^. ft.-ftc-Town of Vail Reg. NO. Plumbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT TEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FE8: PLU}IBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES3 FOR BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTJRE: CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFIINI) 75 south frontage road v8ll, colorado El657 (3o3) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ofllcc ot communlty deuclop|trcnl BUILDING PERI'|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI'IE If this penTit requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparfinent Approval,Engineerrs (Public l,lorks) reyiew and approvat,' a ptannini'O"pr"t .nt-review or Health Department review, aniJ'a review ry itre duiiitnn- - Department, the estirnated time for a total review ir"v Lle is t6ng '-as three weeks.. f]l cgrrngrgial (large or small) and ail mu]ti-family permits wirlnave to toilovl the above mentioned maximum requ.iremLnis. Residentialgl9=:rull projects-should take a lesser amount of tjme. However, ifresroenrlat or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned 9gll"Pg1t:,with regard. to necessary rev.iew, these proje.ir'-*Vatso take the three week period. Every.attempt will be made by this department to exped'ite thispermit as soon as possible. - I, the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time 5*"lrutS No.LdA +D .-M-lf,erutr Coo+ Li c-s-i\:l' 75 soulh trontage road Y€il, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC !{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I.IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAT STORAGE rn sunmary, ord.inance No. G states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track. or deposit any soil , rJJi, sand, debrisor naterial, incruding trash ituurpster3, p"ii"ui" toirets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl =ia"r"ir., -;ii;y or publicpI?9" or any portion theieof. The right-";_fit-;n aL] Town ofVail streets and,5gags is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be striliiy -enrorcla uy trre-iown of VailPubric works Department. pers6ns found vi6ratinq this ord.inancewiLl- be griven a 24 hour written ""[i""-ti-;;;;;'=aid rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified does not cornpiy with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne rp"Jiii.a,-'ii.-il[iic wortsDepartment wirr remove said nateliat at ir," -""i""se ot personnotified. The provisions or trris ordinance shall not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,.irri"r,u'ce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the-r'ittl-"_ruy. To.review ordinance No. 6 in futr, please stop by the Town ofY:iJ B"ilding Department ro obtain a copy. rnanlc you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. edged onlRe at p to Pro ect (i.e. contractor, owner)r lrwn 75 $ulh l]ontrgc ro.d Yr[, colondo 81657 (3{B) 47}2138 (30:t) 4792139 ollice ot communlty developmenl NOTTCE TO CONTRjACTORS/O!{NER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, Lg9L, the Town of.vail Buirding oeparthent- hasdeveloped the following procedures Lo ensure that new -construction sites have adequately estabtished proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of VaiI roads or streets. The town of vail Public ltorks Department will be reguired toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vail roads orstreets and tbe installation of temporary or.p€rmanent culverts ataccess points f,rom the road or street on to tle construction site.such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporaryerectrical or any other inspection. please call 4-1 9-2IGo tarequest an inspection from the public works Department. Arrow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also' the Town of vail public works Department will be approvingarr final drainage and culvert installation with resulting roadpacching as necessary. such approval nust be obtained prlor toFjnal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. TOW\IOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I i9 FAX 303-479-24s2 D e partme nt of Com m uniry Deve lopment IIfFORI.|ATIOIT f,EEDED IIITEII APPf,ITI|G FOR A I{ECHAXTCAI. PERII|IT 1. 2. HEAT LOSS CAICULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAI{N rN TO SCALE, WrTH PHYSTCAL Dn'{ENSTONS _ AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND LocATroN oF coMBusrroN ArR Ducrs, FLuEs, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED ]N MECHANTCAL ROOM. 3. 4. FAITURE TO PROVIDE THTS ITFORIIATIOIT WII,t DEI.AT IOUR PERIIII . TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAII, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTIIE JUl'1$g{15 MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'FuBLrc wAy pERMtr, rs REou'RET0! e0slrsuwl' -Z*lZa++*Jt Pleaseaansfer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit': 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ol way, easements or public propety? ls any utility work needed? YES NO X 3) 4) X ls rhe driveway beins repaved? ( r4Xfr!**ro;) 5) ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or Xpublic property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction lnspector, at 479-21*. I have read and answered 7e t'r-/ x K x Job Name Contractor/s questions. How it relates to Building permit: 1)Fill out the our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoolication. lf yes was answered t9 ?ny of the above questions then a "public way permit" isrequired. You can pick up an application at either community Development,located at 75 s. Frontage Road or plolic works, located at 13og vailvalley Drive. Notice sign ofis for utility. companies. All utilities must lield verify (locate)respeclive utilities prior to signing application. some utitity comfanies ,eqlire ,ito a 48 hour notice to schedule i 6iate). A construction tratfic contror pran must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.This plan will show locations of all tratfic dontrot devices (signs, cones, etc.) andthe work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensiois (fength,width-& depth or rri*t. niJ;;;il;;n on the trafiic conrrorpran or a siteplan for the job. Submit completed application to lhe Public Work's otfice for review. tf required,locates will be scheduied for the rown ofvair glectricians ano lirigation crew. Thelocates are rake prace in the moming, but may require up to 4g hours to perform. The Public work's con$ruction Inspector will review the apprication and approveor disapprovs the permit. you wiil be contacted as to the siiiuJino any changesthat may be needed. Most permits are reteased within 48 hours of being received,but please allow up to one week to process. As soon as permit is processed, 3 copy wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentallowing the "Building_ permit' to ue ,it'eased. please do not confuse the ,public way Permit" with a'-Buirding permit" ro oo wo* on a proj"a,ir"'it""rr. Note: 'The above process ls for work In a rlght-of-way only. "Public way permrt's are vafrd onrv untir November 15th. 'A new Public Way permit ls required each year. .--nnt> 4) 2l 3) s) 6) 7) t INSP TION:/i MON !.. ,:" i tINSF-ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . 479-2138'7r-,iy7Y';:t.,/i' ' i,i';t' M </ READY FOR LOCATION: PEHMIT NU B tr tr o tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: -rV tr TEMP. PpWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB tr(. tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED 27/1.O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: /- ,' ? -l/1 / 4r' J/YDATE INSPECTOR , ',2 tJ '-;. i | ' PERMIT NU,MBFR OF PROJECT I i, ti ltt+/DATE I .' '' I I I7 JOB NAME'I I INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAIL ,.11)1"' CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES ,.WeD,l THUR ,) ! i " /',\,(.,( ,\./' t FRI )/,r)LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEH r-r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ,i, r.,-lt i( O FINAL avED /,^- ?tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: z i,r4e DATE INSPECTOR I INSP-ECTION REQUEST : TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES PEHMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON '(.. WED THUR FRI /'l ,/ n/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEI- tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLvwooD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr U tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING B ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B FINAL O FINAL ''&f APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOB *I INSPECTION REQUEST a t I PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE bzLl 3 JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON TOWN OF VAIL 79-2198 ,') | ,tt'/ READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER l- rt / TUE$ WED THUR FRI EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB {Lt tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL xf APPROVED ,: CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rK ,ar I'r- CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL I ,l 479-2138 JoB NAME ':1",'/ /,",, 'rr, /' 'i;/,.{ rNs I I !lfi?3 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LocATfoN: ...,.,-., 'fl 6o-{ i /'/o,,,... (r,n,,,.,/ r(ot. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGFOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL T] FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr u TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .?i )l ,1-7 O Design Review nctifiForm TOWN OF VAIL Category Number tt Proiect Name: LA\^00( a Date Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Board / Statt Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval y' Staff Approval Conditions: -d (\'oJ-eQ\ $'\\l.\r ru\\ -ck.r K*\.^ ?,h Town Planner / t'tto"t", r-/ rr1{! DRBFeer,".o",o No\ \tt'li.oblo\. , TOWN OF VAIL 7J Soutb Fronttge Road Vail, Colorado 816J7 t0t-47 9-2 1 t 8 / FAX t0t -47 9 -21 66 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Department of Pahlic Works/Transportation MEMORANDUM Kristan Pritz, Community Development Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works June 17, 1994 Changes to Ted Kindel Park Design Kristan, attached are two copies of the revised Ted Kindel plan which include the omission of the raised planting bed along Gore Creek Drive. I spoke with Mike Arnet regarding the change and he agreed that it would be satisfactory. Mike's only comment was to mound the bed slightly in the center to keep it from appearing to flat. This requirement is noted on the plan. The planting scheme will remain as per the original plan. Construction is scheduled to begin in mid-July of this year and will continue until about the first week in September. Please call me if you have any questions. <nEI tr d7'l .og ogbJx 6fJ #Bg IlrJ tr () z. z a d.ro o .L :<!lIt(rF 'rrr 10,-;.lr!+ E 6 c zI tr2trl(-) z. !Jt- fi61t:* esE ?E: BH; E=3(xoa > =<l- lVLrox-k-xts< SP =f LrJI (D o LrJ O F(A 3q 2E x< -HPr 11 ."2 *- Fr9:F EP9Ef8 0 E.UrrJzlrJ -r <JFfl J9 6*v-Eo=9i<trv.E",fl,'ir# $" Qt?sy iv z. atr <s,.!66mo -2.OTJF*P \,'JIit () o *-ts+O6 o.5 ab 6E@Vr -ro Sq -1I #R 'k IB t! E LJ(-) z. a I o- xPtg LrJ tr z. (J z V' =lrl -(JF l! )-, s o 1 I lrJc 2 Ex L^l FJt- <=lt:* 2*F ?5:dEH..] -ioo tr'ran 2 "E= g 2H LD6 )<!dt FA*p =$ CEt! 3 (D c!trlYO{6 JJ<!l-? 9Etr^q>= d< =.2()'1l--1z -2tF" 9:E 699 818 ol- E.lrllrJzlrj Igu J9 H= =2o-9=< lrlu.E lJtqsv oF (! :a !2 @ fraatr =odH(n o-2.ouJ Ee \'r z () (L_p*- O 5.; O:K H5 Ql t/f Yo 1=tol9lE 1lt' ",E"ir#r?* J0 teA E ltflEN T --. r'toflAitlrtliil.ttt 3rAfiDtcA?4.Arcrrrtctt : Drn: ;' NUrfeen Or erCEC 0oCudhg oor/or *e.tl: P.L/5 o Fax Covcr Sheet @ r ta20 |l^(t o8ivtr., c0 FEP tl 7 ',93 A7:59 ]^IENK &IATES P.2/5 cmrdhdtion unt[ srte improvefoents prd'pccd foiitlq {jafil M4 G&k courq and oonccpturl desip discrssiors tvith adj ASSOC o o lt50crll{Nrrtr,ariDscAl Atcr{rr!cr r.Ar.3et,,ta 30],?95.077 Mlll cfocr / Tcd jxonoat rrrr T6ct( Oecdrtpton F€bruary 17,1Sg I Following is a desciption of work proposad for tle dcigD of Tcd ltundall PuL and Mill Clcck bcat€d b€tween Hansel Rarc[ Rosd aad Oorc rClcet Drivc iu tbc T$vn of Vril. Tbc uork geoer4lly incldes conceptual park desigA r'4 hjdraulig channcl lgsiga- for MiX Cte€h dadgn potential linkagcs benveen the park and buildiirp' Specific tasb of thp conccptual dcriga phsc inclqrdc: Project Startup o Opedtcvisit r Coordinatbu witb utilitiee omprufos. r Prcparation of topographic and sitg inproveoent bre drawiup ftom information Drovidcd bv the'foua of Vail {TOV).provillal by the'fowa of Vail (TOV). o Anelpehyrlnulics and c}anncl stgbtlityof MiIl Crcelc o Ra'ictil of a$€mbled basc aad bydraulic infor,batioa with TOV safi. ' Confirm sitc nap bue information; briefly inhrvicrrr adjaccnt land ovners to i[tro duce the proFct. acd discuss positrle linkagee o the parl and crrct 'I i il. I r Btimate Fobablc coastnrctioa cooh forcao\alternatirc. r Hold one mcctiag witb tbe TOV slafr fo[ovirig tbe public rnecting !o idcnti$ ao ao ccptablc fioelderignplea, ' I r Btimate Fobablc coastnrctioa cooh forcao\alternatirc. r Hold one mcctiag witb tbe TOV slafr fo[ovirig tbe public rnecting !o idcnti$ ao ao ccptablc fioelderignplea, i nal0oncopt Plan i. Prepere final illustrative sitc master plao fiol thc parL . Modify cxfuting sitc sketches preparcd iD tbc prodow pbasc to re0cct final sitc con-ccpb. i r Mcct with adjacent propcrty owEcrr along Bridge Street to klentis construction r€- latcd isues and coordinafion of imp'rovcmcnp r Pregrre final cstitnate of probrbh conctructido co*tr. Design Altemallvos; Doeign WofuFop tioa in a davlour rrorbhop bcludioi TOV and Sher copts would bc prceatcd ar ftc cad of tbe day to adjaccnt lan ryDorward Rougboon- d ounen forcomracnL FEB 17 '93 A7:59 t^tEM &IATESRSSOC o P.3/5 . Coordinatc with thc 'lUV stat'in ono mecting o fOVdesign rsrriew bolrd menring. o coordination wi& utilitics compauies b integrara urilities ioo proposed park improre". ttrcots. Coffitruction Documonts o DctaiM construcrinn documeof will bc prepgrod [or: ' Up t.o four ccck drop structwes. ' Replaccmcnt of uPstreEn and donortrcsm culvert herdwalts and/or facing of orirtinghcadwalls with arcilitectural stonc br ccrn&lr" ' ififfi":mm:Xffi,T.f,gg drawios including drop structure der.aib, 'Prcpuationofqlgr!^olqrairyandtaloutpransho*ring.overrotgradingrocatiouand forur of cbanncr drop stru-cnrrelFdc.ririar ir"ot, a".rrTrie.iriiiinlio"emenrs . . Site plaltint and irrigation ptanr. ' Rcvision of park cgge at Hanssa Raoc,b Road, including rhe dcsign of an eatry markcridentiging thc part- ' Dcsign of onc l0 to 12 foot bngpcdcstrian bridga ' Ty?icd detoile for ptoalhg; pe&rtrim brldte! iwk pra*mcnt, headivaus, rod parketrtrymrrkcn. . Tec,[uloal speciEcatioos fort[e abovc imprcncoentc,. PreDrration of an individuel 4Ol pcrmit, iacluding rnordination urith rhe Corpr ofEnfnccrs. ' ftnrdinntion with edjaeeot e.rqparty otracni ro iatcgrate part improvarrcss int{, 3E-g-{pfry$p. tris 'roiksrbpe assuncr oc, ripiF"*r'"rranji'*il be medc oupriuarc prop€rty for crructuref &oruing U*ago Strccl ' Prqprr{gl-qf tcchnical cpccificatio_ns, aad preparation of a projr:ct nanual whi:hhsludcs TOV staadard codracr coodittbns ' hovicion of reproducible mylar drawing for reproducrion and bHding try Tov- Not Included: . ' Deiail€d lopogaphy ad€quatc for l{EG2,anal56it; locatioa of earisting sire utilitics"r Bcderign or rclocrtion of uuderground utilities crorsing the sire. o Derign of elaborrle rcatlng oroas, and othcr,oitc improvcncors, wlrish will tc &s lgad-)ac a part of t[c improvcme-nrs mmplcaed by thc a_Oliceni pro[it;;;r:'r G€or€cbnrcar inverEgatioas, which we assdmc it thb time to bc unnecesary. . FEB 1Z ',93 A8:S@ r^rENK &,:I 'L,,i 't] . AsEc o IATES .P.4/5 Wenk Arsoclateg Pebruary 17, 1993 suBs To| At TA8K r FpE DESCRTPTIOII ?ED KEND}LIJ PANK Conccptupl Deolgn 'I:l .'lI hourly ratcs ,,i STARAUP I -------:. lPrcplrc baae drawlng Hydraulic analyoiscoordination w,/ Toun Slte vlait/coord. u/ utllitiee'*, AdJaccnt owner lntcrview, Trtvel, i,.iSubtotal I 'I .i C1oNCEPT DEVE'JOPUENT -------.-.J--, t.llorksbopi Rcfiae altprnaf-i.vea (2) Skctcber/sacbions (2iEydraullf dcrlga Publlc nbctingDrellalnify Cose Esg:lnatc Coordinatl.on vl Toen/8IJO|lfavrl' ; :l subtotrt ! 'I ' :. : I 'il FIUAT. CoryCEPr PLAN ---------- PrGparc: illurtrativc planllluctratlvs Eketch Aaiaceut i oencr neetingrcogt ts8t+natG ,/ Phasing Coordlnatlon r/ town/Fl"O/Uttl. DRE ruettngTrcvcl {} trlpe) PRIN PU PI-A ADM85 50 3s 25 I 4 I 1 4 4 EII 2 2 2 1I I I 12 2 2t 5 e 6 22L0 2 8 L2 505{80 580np r35 680 3{0 680 3, O20 s60 Dorrerd Ir 6,*0 9,10 465 1r 690 270 {10 370 740 16 80rIo t120 FLO 6, 515 24 1r 910 2L0 300 100 lr o20 u0 400 L2 6 t0 Subtotal j I .l {, 110 P.5/5 coN ON DOCI'MEITTS Gradlqg/laylu!plau { E 24ehannQl profile/typ, uectlonl Z 4Plantqngpla! Z 4 t6Irrlg{tiou plan 2 /u.c.ed,s.hcadwalls Z 6 8 Englneering, hydriullc cnglnJers PcdrutJrJ.anbrldge Z 4 1dlrnica[ dEtailE-(2 Bhts) t6 24Ttgl: ppec . /proj .loaauar' 4 20 E 1o4 {grrAi! 2 , L2 L2 4coorcllhation wl subconsultantf 6 6Coord.i vl TgV;;;;;ii ii ;;iP. ) I 13 1 , Isubtotbt I TOE'ArJ ine nslruetE I I.l'I I:i :], I i,I i Il9 - {euJar_t Gorman, struciural englneers *:-i - t_ip"l confraniea, inlgrrion de-tgn 3476 I'LO 450 ACI 600 N&G 400 N&C 1r 590 3r846 930 550 1, 350 1,330 1,640 1r 5{0 1,290 510 860 7{0 10, r 66 $29,811 --vv a. ,/\ -a <. ra e2 f-'t r n.#-< \nr[L TO: FROM: DATE: FE: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development February 9, 1993 Mill Creek Court Building and Ted Kindel Park Landscape Master Plans The following memo summarizes some of the issues that were raised during the discussion between the Community Development Department, Public Works, and representatives of the Mill Creek Court Homeowners Association regarding the coordination of two landscape design projects. One of these projects is a landscape master plan for the Mill Creek Court Building and is being proposed by the Mill Creek Court Homeowners Association; the other project is the landscape master plan for Ted Kindel Park, directly adjacent and to the west ol the Mill Creek Court Building. We would like to discuss the following issues at the February 9, 1993 Town Council work session: 1. Allowing Funds Appropriated For 1994 To Be Used In 1993: TheTownCouncil hasappropriated$21 ,000forl993forthedesignofTedKindel Park. In addition, $84,120 has been appropriated for 1994 for construction of the park. The Mill Creek Court Homeowners Association has presented to the town a schematic landscape design plan for the area surrounding their building and has requested that the town consider coordinating the two aforementioned projects. The Mill Creek Court landscape project is being pursued for 1993 construction, and a request has been made to design and construct Ted Kindel Park in 1993 instead of 1994. This will require the Town Council to authorize the funds allocated for 1994 construction of the project to be used in 1993. 2. Cost Sharlng Optlons For The Two Projects: The Homeowners Association has asked if the town may be interested in cost sharing for their project. The staff has asked the association to prepare a budget indicating anticipated costs for the different elements of the plan. ltems where cost sharing may be appropriate include walkways, planters, benches, and drainage located on Town of Vail land. 3. Permlts/Easements Required For lmprovements On TOV Land: The applicant would like the town to grant a 30 to 40 year lease to allow for private improvements (such as planters, landscaping, stairways, and sidewalks) that would encroach on the TOV land that surrounds the Mill Creek Court Building. These improvemenls are proposed to be paid for and maintained by the applicant. After discussing the encroachment issue with various town departments, Community Development recommends that a revocable right-of-way permit be used as opposed to a long-term lease agreement. The reason for this recommendation is because the Public Works Department has expressed the need to maintain the right to access this area should they ever need to do so. Public Works has also expressed that if a long term lease is granted by the town to the Homeowners Association for this land, they would want an 'escape clause" written into the lease that would allow them the same access to the area that revocable right-of-way permit would. Town Council Mill Creek CourUTed Kindel Park Page 2 It should be noted that Public Works has also expressed concern regarding the proposed drop-off area to the east of the Mill Creek Court Building. The town and Vail Associales both have opinions as to who owns this land. The Streetscape Plan calls for a sidewalk on the east side of the Mill Creek Court Building. This is considered important given the fact that pedestrians mix with cars and trucks in this steep "Mill Creek Chute.' Some stairs will be necessary to accommodate a sidewalk. The town is also considering a plan to build an underground parking/loading facility in this area which would have a park on top of the structured parking. Ownership and the final design concept for this site will need to be resolved before proceeding with this part of the proposal. At this time, it is the staff's understanding that the applicant is not planning to proceed with this portion of the project during the summer ol 1993. 4. Slgnage and Dlrectorles: With regard to signage and directories, a variance would be required to place signs for the Mill Creek Court Building off of the building property. Community Development feels that signs for the businesses located within the Mill Creek Court Building should not compromise the entrances to the public area (i.e. Ted Kindel Park). This item will require more discussion between the staff and the designer. In summary, Community Development statf believes that both projects provide a great opportunity to improve the appearance of the Village, the Mill Creek Court Building, and the stream tract. far (^,.,Oz1rft", /,// 6* / {oo, /ft,, r4/ E k oo tu mLfu-o-t1lsM {u_a_ - /4t( 4rrrtu,/ - /r2"4( lr/z , ---> o tul_}_j,fu 4<1 fuEr,4) 44tE-'w 4,# 1 azcfuf,^fuy4)-j/u, au-/, ,r-A <at &/2tS fit^- frt- n/txrT *toz.. t @, "L, "rr.r4 /t^t :1-r=- (. ".f z-- sar, z/22 qL/ o @ tt /^4- tvr< ,/,X/,., t rr rl fj 'b , Abt?. fuft,tt- t74c /-hut- lr" /,o./ ,^ tk",Q'-/s E; -6c;-m' PJN i,l ll ?-v,')h Crrzl^-o I ltr I I I i t: il Fax,Cdrver $heet P. !/5 Irto(tarat tlANNatS IrANol6 ra AlcHrrtcrJ Toi Fax #: FRoM; NUMSER OF FAGES (incb.ting oovcr .hcor): , r rlO ttrtt ltrt!t . ptNvtt, (0 t0?0?t r.7?5.ttno30t.trt 07r, OeGh{AL To FoLLo,u r L!, u.r . yJJ l.); u> r{LtrK & SuLrH tLS Follrru'ing is a dcscription of lorlr-ploposcd forrhc dcsigu of Tcd Kendalt park aud MiI creek locet dbctwecnHansen R'anch Road ana aorc creet priuo'ioit" io;ffiil The work gencrafty includcsconcepual part dcslgrt, and hydraullc cnannct_cecip ib; Mlii'b;;.;C'io,gr mordinarion witbsitcinprgvcments proposcd fo1-thc a-djacent * Sf"I*d;.t ;;;;uar darign <fiscursiom wirh.adiaccut owtrcrr in thc Rcd uon Irin uad trri AdiD B;ttG;;:"rillo*a on Bridge strecr. Thc, goal'of the proiect is to prepare . coorupt*t pran that *tfi i#il;oparoriou or i"tuiJfuig,drawinxp for park improvcnents, ana "o'rcptu.l;rCililft;t""*r* between the park and' buildings which cunently front on Bridge sdt. si.ciaclnfsii,r* *i"prrar design phase includc: ProJect Startup Prcparation of-topoEaphic and site improvemeut base drewings from informatioo pror"idcdby thcTorvn of VilifO11.--- ---- ""r- Anelzo hy&outic.s aod chauocl stabiliry of Mill Creck.r Rcview of esscnbtcd base and hydraulic iaformation with TOV .sraff.' o Oontirm sitc arap base i$grmation; briefly intcreiew adjacent laad ownen to intmduc€ ahcproject, aad discsse possibte linkagcs i" Gi porr aott r:rc!r---- ---- ' r Onc site visit. Gonceptual Dssign Altematives; Design Workshop 6dbd,'f;*;ffffi3ffi:3:fjii:;X3#hop. rwoarternativeptrnswi,;;;;;;;.0';d;.;-' r Dovelop two stotches end/or cross'ictione to iuu$tratc the concepts. Hydraulic a'd'hydrorogic studies wil be <xrmprcted io*ure srrLutyil;dil;#.apacity. . i Esrioate probabre construction costs for cach altcrnative. Final Concept plan o f1spilg r,''nt illustrativc sitc master plao tor thc pukI lrdodis existing site sketches prcparcd in thc ptcvio's phuse o renect linal site conccph. | - ,,fli' Hf#ff'.';triitfff*lffiersaloogBridgestrcetoidcntifrcorprucrl"rn reraredissrrcs ,\kl,M I r,Preparcfinalesdmateofprobablecoactruc,,oor-o.{&l}ffi ww 'tJfrtt \ faKi- e Coordinarcwith rheToVstaff inoncmccdng. ) Vi" , . - . .. t, OIS$/* ' AJJ *^ ,' )\ ,,nlr..Jn y{ffi /@ li,ll}{a( '/ ttr* ) ,^T( g,,l,l,h,l7 [,^u,4;\ ,-10, f Li"_ u fdler+h'*l "nJ"*^d aut' ) E# "\rt''^ .- t)L.tf +t- n",' .".^^ Mi,1( ld(iPUi u t) t'i6(t - v A.,. ,'t, Y''rdP't( Ted tftndeil park Tasf( DoscrlpUon F€brusry d, lgAB tLP u4 'ei 1):s> htLnK &flurHtEs TAS5 & FlE DESCRIPTION TED KENDALIJ YAII,KConceptual Design ...: hourly ratea STARTUP Pr€parer- baee . drawingHydraulS.c analyeieCoordinption w7 fownSite vibit* Adlacent owner intervleuTrave] ,r : SubtotaI. .l 4 '' Vlorkehop !3tfn-e ilternartvec (2) -slcetchei/eecrions ( 2 jHydraulic deol.qnPublic dreetinq-Prelistiqary CSet EctsimateCoordindtion w,/ Town/FLOTravol Eubtotot TINAL CCINCEP! Pr,AN-------''1-- Pr€pare lillustrative olan: rllustrqElve ghetch: Adjacentl owner rneetincecoet Eedinate / phaiif,o Coordinqtlon w / rowa/rio. travel subtotal :TOTAI FEF ESTIMATE I 4 I 2 z 2 PM.50 PLA 35 ADI,T 25 P.?/S I .; I[tenk A6sociateiFebruary 4, Lggi I IsuBs TOTeri, : t:I. I' I I 2 2 , t,,4 : .{ I 12 ,2 2 4 6 E 4 5 2 2 4 60sl 580i 135i 3401 340! --_-::: itl 2 t6EOi, i L2 4 4 I I I t: I I I {80 8LO 420 Dorward 1680 FIO 1r 500 940 465 1, 690 270 4r0 3?0 740 t2 6 6,375 1120 1,910FL,o 210 300 100 270 200 ------J, 2.ggo L2 | 045', ======= I i . PREL'MINARY scoF. oF woRK; MlLt cREEr( ritpRovEMEt{Ts v rL, coloRAoo . , Yhle documcnl ptesetrls ul{t scope of work tor FLo Engineering Inc's iFLci eifoflii asscciated wirh rheprcparatioil of e conceptuat plan for im.provenrents to tvtir creir wirnin he'Tow" ;iv;il. -*; ;il;;' orc! Dn: Milf crce* lo be consideter,l stbns at tianson furch o;';;-;n,t'"-*t.no" downsrrealn to Gore' creek Drive The total di513n6s 's appro*ir"ateii zco', The concepuat design wllt address rrvt) ,11?in' gorls t) enflanc€ ihe aesll,etics of tre Orannei and 2) create stahle ct;annei bed and banls ThG :::::ll9-.1|lgn., of channer enharlcements wirt 6e coordinsred wir,h proposc-l tandscapingrnprwemtnls on adiacenl Fropef,ies. There would likelr bo benstrts to aolacent properties on both sidesof the channet, conioquenily ptrblic invof'renreni 'slrortd be an inrportarrt Fart of rhe conc-pt.Jal d€,srgnpnase. . ThrOr€trout the procesS, FLe wiil vrork closety witlr Wen.( and Assocratej (Wenk) The leatn of WenK' : 3?$jJr: ha$ worked tosether in the pasi. most recently on ih€ deeign of rho ere(,hcnridgc Riyci weu. ' This tesk includes tn€ lnlt'al cgordtnet/on work requir6l to start the FroJgct Work tc t e perforrrEd in thistaSk includes a coofdinarian mc'cting rvrth the 'iown End wcnt(, a :[e vlstr, coordrnat,on with the :ul6lors on topographic and crogs'secuonal date needs, and possibiy contsct witt.t adiacent landowners . Ot lhcir repre:enlolivcc. .. Tr:lr 2 - Ocvotoo Exitting CgaGltrlqns lrrtqnre_tion FLo will uev€luP the Intorrnauotl (nat descnbes lhc existing cond[ions at tne pfojecr 3rlo tnfot nnlonlo bo cornpileJ wrll l)4 a topograFhi€ map and crogs gectrons basccl an su,rygyed in{ormation provided :b.v othcrs (survey infornrsrion wrrr bc providect to FLo ac eirher in Ascrr pllni fiiE e1 ;rr an eurocAolocA' dtawing),-e hydrautic afialysts oI the ex,sting ccndilionS using the gurveyed crcss sectons and the Arfflycarps ot engtnecrs fi8C.2 nrodet, a cornpa;60n of the curre;t and Fefr,iA nlappeo frooO pfain coiiOl,"*,'and en assessment 0f thc impect ftood plain con&tbr,s rnay h€ve on rhe iirectio" ir tr" proporjprgcct Trst 3 . Erlsrlno Channet .Stablflty , . I.|q_:f :L?lT-*,ll^. 4utrent stab'lity ol the chtrrrnel uriliriDg the Inforrnation deveioped rn Task 2. Theanalysls will addtess lhe channet benks. channel bcrJ, aod pclenrial pfoDle,tli ascocirtcd with the , gulverls st the ups,(eanl and downstream end ol the ploiect. ' tLB t44 ',yJ 15:klb l^lb.rtK &tssuLtHtLs v P.4/5 llsl l - G.onc.rotual Oeriqn FLO wili a€sist in developing a. conceptual dcsrgn for the proposed channet improvemenrs FLo,sf€FF.lnsihilitias w'll inc,ude llood ptoin iosoes, c;d onEineciing ar,r.l gvonroiphlc aSpeCtS Ol Channelstabilizahon tneasirr€e. ln perfonriing Ihis work, rlo vilr pertoim aniiec-z'nyorgut6 anaiysis otthe PrTored coilceptuol dcsig.n Devcloi^*,rt oi rne'pG v/iil be a tesm etton lead by wenk rvith input fromFt O: ttre Town of Vail aatt pr.blic invotvemcol. Thcirrghout. the projecl FLC will coordinate witn thg Town, adiacent lendo*r:ers, a,to the geaerel pubtic.In dolefminlng coordinatiorr requircrnsr.llg, FLe tlas at3urjlcd there wrlt be lwo addttionat formal worksessiong-or rnsetings in'rolving lhe project tearn. the lown and ni prori" rtrur" r*r,ng are In additionto thc idrtial coordirt8lien wgrk in fagr t, ar .: JJ L-,' Ut h[_t tt\ ot .]ULIH I L.fI LTJ 3.{ 3o ,9- f I :'P.5/5 r' - etz p't,flr'A^y cosr ESltrreTE; rr'rr cR'sk t[pR'vEME.tT$ v^[,r cotoRAOO lr, | lAlon Ii-s- :'4 r30.001 otllEn olREcrcogTs Mr&rago . 3 roundt/h, to Virt, 2.tO m!. @ 3.27lma,. itlirccfiangosr. iu rorrl €$rilefeo Cosr coflCeFru;L oEgtOH .00 |--F st/tL/es o..I JOs 4?6 755s OALPtNE rNrL P.0l rt \qs alplne Internatlonal MEMORANDUM To: Tlm Devtin' Town of Vail Mark Mathcws' Slifcr Managorncnt Todd Opponhoinrer, Town of Vail Krilten kie' Town of Vail Sidney $chulte Gwadrmcy Pratt Schultz Architccs Rod Slifer, Slifer Smith & hnfipton Inc. From: Shcrry Dcwad Re: Mill Crcsk Courl Buildlng Landscape Msster Plan: lssues fon Discusslon January ll, 1993 Friday, fanuary 15, 199? 9:30 a.rn. Small Oonferpnco Room' Town of Vail Agendr Iandscapc Master Plrn Apprcval Discussion on obtaining Town of Vail approval of master plan as a whots (not just thc corntyard). Who must approve thc plan @BC, Councit Sdrcdule for hearings. ftst Sharlng wlth Town of Vait - possibilitics Permits/Easements Rcquired for improvcmoils qr Town of Vail land Signege, Ilirpctoriee Arc variances needed? Mlll Creck Park Dedgn Ooordlnation Sidcwalks, planting, lnlgatlon, drainagc, lnstallation schcdulc. Can anything be dons in &o park this sumnpr (accost sidawalke' carthwort)? l-oadtng Zoncs for Mill Crcek Goud puilrtlng &,n'l I tft6t Q'- /2-'\ 7ra1zl DBB i {^ ra" f''7'4' 7,/ hl* n-(D FAX PITONE TRANSMITTAI. SHEET TUTN OFVAIL fo: 75 routh frontlgc rold vall, colo?rdo 81 657 ttI0-4Loo Jtitf tl/rntztn COI,IPATIY NAI{E:Vtttatr/ {;1t4A '41 . FAX PHONE NUMBERS //7.67r FROMs # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENTS (NOT INCI,UDTNG COVER SHEET):Z- RESPONSE REQUIRED? sENr BY! Tb Exr. # 77' TOWN OF VAIL FAX PHONE NUMBER3 (303) 479-2157 TOWN OF VAII, REGUIJAR PHONE NUMBER3 (303) 479-2100 t/rFp - &slt, 4* r/r lrrp ldq ,/t,rr hp i tlnuaE fi Esvan. - /a?a //zq(Unrf ' lPetrr' Vt-45fr Due f" /rleill/ et QBlq{ FAX PHONE NTIMBER: 2?€.656/ 4 D^r'-,tFRoM: /ta I4Y4t/ rl DArE s ?/qrL rrME: # oF PAGES rN DOCTMENTS (NOT TNCLUDING COVER SHEET): RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY:Exr. # 268 TOWN OF VAIL TAX PHONE NTIMBER: TOWN OF VAIL REGUI,AR PHONE NIIMBER: Fr". - ftetg ftzt //t illet !/to lava tlto ,4 dlrutte fa SaYrEy fl6 '*% TOWN OFYAIL 75 routh tronttgc rord v.ll, color.do 81657 FAX PBONE TRANSMITTAI, SEEET ,o, fitc llltlt? COI{PATqY NAI{E: t A4ttF- lstunfts TOWI,{OFVATL 75 aouth ttontlg. told v!ll, color.do 81657 Ab"t{ FAX PHONE TRANSMTSTAI, SHEET ,,.t- /lFLW a 3.e- coMPAr.rY NAIIE: /to L FAx PHoNE NUMBER: (74''76,6A FROM: . PIWN/ DAIE: +/q lqZ rrME: ?: ? a '*r . # or PAGES IN DOCUMENTS (NOT INCT,UDTNG COVER SHEET):z RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY: TD NXT. #2r38 TOIIN OF VAIt FAX PHONE NIIMBER: TOVIN OF VAIL REGUIJIR PHONE NIIMBER: It€ - ftess€ ?€ ,7€ / d*'a /F7& l/aa fuc ko ,f aAtua fo FxtY' ft*"E floaa ' /1, oao P -/57o T FF &t EI!l E li €6 Et{(, 3o E (A c o tl B € ro g c b0 h I *E st,. {\ Ho\ :*{I rq 1i !!r ii: i:; E a.' I fsf Iut l-Gi3oE()fr? "' jFE s5EJ>P >i la t lct jljii; i.; ' it !!itIII ECe EEI ll.it E|:EErtilEt!!,a-! et glE t": :;ii!l!:{:iEi:liiE 4-t3:8 e5!! rd 8 E i6 d3 ll,* /rsP /tBt' | |'AUne QpEn' qqqL ' faz k) Eau'az- "Ete-Rtt" OePs tt fuo krtp ltan r /l*,"1 -rt,l ttt,f 7 ' 9lrtttnE €u&rrt&1&trr t'h/n^ Drfrl, - F,rW,/ d/uo ' [r?rUtfc lFfptf. ro €q. y/r. lo ydAeltF iFfr*tkw7 fafr; 7aZ 7a 81 4t€? av 5i€. ' 76r frr. *78 /S2por€tcttf' ' ?rttgS. klrs . Eetcles ' /sra;aptq (lerreor t 7 o*) , Qttprtlrn / ,#trrrzrnn . €ttc tlg, /rrp/. 4€adt frs-' ' Fsruo$cP C,tr/?4czaat 4s7 : ' /r-r",s )q' Pa l/s. fuP: /5O AA t64tale fl4// t D'ttzlt (<o'e-*): "Aor')^ frr,.,# - hfu*/a" (rnoroouq a."4 ilor &cc(ctrf A*f { r4(rar l3.tea (Z.t a-rrytrcr) t 62, //a oo - oo *//" ftQa... v5 - (466 - I o /M' ., P-Hla7v Eenr/nr/ = 'z ucl€s , *"ndryrcrr2.?r, ltEo /tn n fttm,:- \/ " ( hten ,fiP foe Dr* €71rtr7T Ea& /ad ct/. f/- [Yaua/N ?afa "nf ^ >k /4 9rc eif /nPEovfiqnrs /nvf s k*e//ts U1l?s haosaatl6Tao) l)gy4atraL r fu?/zz4Vtv q/€a { /r*/ r,o/. ,rot ) Za/ y ? lt /.uo/ Cn/ "\ oo oeign Review Action Fdrn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: o"," I / lblQtl Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: L€gal Description: Lot - Block- Subdivision Zone District Proiect Street Address: Comments: Board / Statt Action Motion by: Seconded by: dnncroval n Disapproval fl StafiApproval vot"' f O Conditions: DRB Fee er"-p"ia N, $\- 75 Sottb Froatagc Road Vail, Colorado 816J7 10t -479-21 t 8/ FAX t0t -47 9 -2 r 66 Dcputment of Pvblic WorkslTransportstion March 3, 1994 Michael Claffey U.S. Arny Corp of Engineers 402 Rood Avenue Room 142 Grand Junction, CO 81501 Dear Mike: Included in this correspondence are plans for streanbank stabilization and park inpiovements for the Town of vail's rrTed Kindel Parkrr located on west l{ill Creek in. Vail. I{e had discussed this project last fall and at that tine you indicated the work would be included under a General Bank Stabilization Permit, #GPO37, from the Corp of Engineers. Following is the specific information regarding the project._ It. is anticipated that the work will begin as soon-as site and water level londitions will permit. The [i11 Creek diversion controlled by Vail Associates, on Vail Mountain will probably be utilized to c6ntrol the flows in West Mill Creek during construction of the proposed improvernents. ProPerty o[!or Town of Vail, A Colorado tilunicipal Corporation 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO AL657 ProJect uaDagsr Todd oppenheimer Park Superintendent/Landscape Architect Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVaiI, CO 81657 (303) 479-2L6L I€gal Deacrl.ptiol Tract c, Block 5-A, VaiI Village Fifth Filing, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. A copy of the Vail Village Fifth Filing subdivision plat wLth Tractc highlighted is included. AdJaoent Property ourlers See attached list of Adjacent Property Owners. ProJect Deaarlptl.on There are four aspects of this project which can be described in the following manner. 1. Regrading of the banks and protection against further erosion through the placenent of boulders and geotextiles. A tlpical. cross section for strean bank stabilization is included. 2. Construction of three boulder drop structures with excavated cobble placed upstrearo to reduce the strean gradient frorn theexisting 5* to 28. Drop Structures are shown on the included plan and profile sheets. 3. Revegetation of the strearnbank areas with native seed and nativeplantings such as l{illow, Twinberry and Bog Birch. Plantings are shown on the included plan sheets. 4. Construction of Park inprovenents including grrading, concreteunit paver walkways, dry stack boulder and masonry retaining walls, subsurface i-rrigation system, and landscape plantings. Park improvements are shown on the included plan sheets. ProJoct Datr 1. Length of Project = 195 2. l,laterial QuantitiesExcavation - soil Excavation - cobblesTotal Excavation feet. 83 cubic yards 91 cubic vards 174 cubic yards Fill cobbles 3O cubic yardsFill bed course naterial 36 cubic vards Excess naterial 108 cubic yards Imported boulders 205 cubic yards Bed course daterial (36 cy) will be inported if excavated materialis not suitable for use. Excess flll quantity witl increase to 144cy.' Excess material will become the property of the contractor andwitl be disposed of off-site. I believe this is a conplete subnittal.If you do need additional informatl.on, please call me as soon as possible so that I may respond. If you do find everything satisfactory I would appreciate a letter of approval . Again, please do not hesitate to call me at (303) 479-2L6L if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, @Aq4'-,*l;,,*', Todd oppenheiner Town of Vail cc Alan czenkusch Colorado Division of Wildlife 473 ltountain Laurel- Aspen, CO 81511 Mike DunganMuller Engineering Co. 550 s. vladsworth BIvd.Suite 5OO Lakewood, CO 80226 UPE Prooertv Ownershrp Report 03/03/1994 r ' :: =: :: =: =: = = =::: =::: : = :: - . owner Name And naoreslf unit Numb"l o. Jrero"n:::::=:=:=:===:::=:=:=::=:==:=:===:::=:=:=:::::=:=:===::==:=::=:===:::=::::;:==: losenquist. Rlchard N. RUCKSACK CONDO' lrown. Jeffrev - Selbv. Charles UNIT c-f t78O South Bellairo Street. Sulte I - )envar. CO 40222 Price: $O Date: losanquist, Rrchard N. RUCKSACK CONDO' 3rown. Jeffrev - Selbv. Charles UNIT C-2 l78O South Betlalre Street' Suite I - Denver. CO AO222 Price: $O Date: Rosanquist. Richard N. RUCKSACK coNDo' 3rown. Jeffrev - Selbv. Charles UNIT C-3 l78O South Betlarre Street- Suite 1 - Denv6r. CO AO222 Price: $O Date: 3uffev. Bettv 742 Sandv Ln Unit A vail. co a1657 RUCKSACK CONDO. UNIT R-I Briclqe St Price: $139.7OO Date: 06-02-1993 WD F'lul.latlv. Neil G. & Diane L. Box 535O5 Bel1evue. tJA 94o15-3505 RUCKSACK CONDO, UNIT R-2 Bridqe St Price: $O Date: :=:=:=:=::==:=:=:===:=:====:=:::::=::::=::=::=:=::::::::=::::=::::=-- Total Own€rship Listings: 5 Total Value of all Sales: $139.7OO . owner Name And Addres; -- ;;;;-il;;". o. L-q.t/Bl'ock ==::=::=:==:======:::======f======:==:=:::::==:====:=f=====:=:===:======::::Nourse. Robert E . t'| . & Aaq r€ F. T. RED LION INN CONDO. 1417 Inclian Creek Dr 3o4 Bridse St Fort hlorth. TX 76LO7 Price: $2.55O.OOO Date: 06-30-1993 WD Landmark Commercial Development Com RED LION INN CONDo, UNIT C-l t78O S Bellaire ste 106 3o4 BridEe st Denver. CO AO222 Price: $O Date::------------ Landmark commercial Devel0pment Com RED LION INN CONDO. UNIT C-2 1780 S Eellaire Ste 106 3O4 Eridse St Denv€r. CO 80222 Price: IEO Date: Landmart( Commercial Development Com RED LION INN CONDO. UNIT C-3 l78O S Bellaire Ste 106 3o4 Bridse St Denver. CO AO222 Price: $O Date: Landmark Commerctal Development Com RgD LION INN CONDO. UNIT C-4 1780 S 8ellaire Ste 1O5 5O4 8rldge St Denv€r. CO 802?2 Price: $O Date: Land,nart{ commercial Development com RED LION INN coNDO. UNIT C-5 1780 S Eellaire Ste 1o5 3o4 Bridge st D€nv€r. CO AO222 Prlce: $O Data: Landmark Commercial Development Com RED LION fNN coNDO. UNIT C-6 17AO S Bellaire Ste 106 3O4 Bridge St DenvEr. CO AO222 Pricer $O Date: Landmark Commercial Development Com RED LION INN CONDO. UNIT C-7 17aO S Bellaire Ste 106 3O4 Eridqe St Denver. CO 80222 Price: l$o Date: vencura. Ltd. F/RIA Reta S€rv.. Cor RED LION INN CONDo' UNIT R-l 1OO Park Ave 3O4 Ericlge St ( New York. NY lOOl7 Price: $O Date: - 'L992 WD V6ncura. Ltct. FlKlAl Reta Serv.. Co RED LION INN CONDO. UNIT R-2 lOO Park Ave 3O4 Eridge st New York. NY 1OO17 Price: $O Date: ' -L992 WD Total ownership Listings: 10 Totat Value of all Sales: $2.55O.oOO Owner Name And Address Unrt Number or Lot/Bloct< r=:=€:==i=:::=::===::==::::::i=:====::==:=:==::==::======-=::=====:=::==:===:::ItrLL .REE-':fl:llk*3R;'led Rocks' rnc' t uNrr 1ol cc JOz E Gore Creek Dr l"ir. co 41657 Price: so Date: ilifor. Rodnev E. & Elizabeth W.I,IILL CREEK COURT CONDO. UNIT TO4 COMMERCIAL UNIT Z5O Bridge St /ail. CO 41657 Price: $275'OOO Date: 06-28-1990 WD )eluca. Robert & Barbara },IILL CREEK COURT CONDO. UNIT 1O5 COMHERCIAL UNIT 3ox 1471 Viif . co 41658 Prtce: $28o 'ooo Date: l2-2L-L993 tr'lD Parman. Jerrv [-1ILL CREEK COURT CONDO' lfard. Wavne n- - UNIT 1O8A COMI'IERCIAL UNIT 3O2 Gore Creek Dr tOBb Vail. CO 41657 Prtce: $f4O'OOO Date: L2-2L'1993 WD Sl if €r . Rodnev E - & El izabeth l'l 'F1ILL CREEK COURT CONDO. UNIT 1O8B COMMERICAL UNIT 25O Bridge St VaiI. CO 81657 Pr:'ce: $160'000 Date: 02-14-1989 WD FuIIer. JOhN E. T.IILL CREEK COURT CONDO. siiaucn.Albert I. - cohen. Robert L UNIT rlo coMMERcIAL UNIT 1515 Arapaho€ St. Ste 1600 D6nver. co 80202 Price: $o Date: calvi.n. Robert t.J.MILL CREEK COURT CONDO. UNIT 2O1 13OS E Algonquin Rcl 2o2 t'lill creek Ct schaumburg. IL 60196 Price: S29O.OOO Date: 09-06-1989 WD Galvin. Robert tl-MILL CREEK COURT CONDO. UNIT 2O2 f3O3 E. Algonquin Rd. 2O2 l'trll Creek ct ScnaumOurS. IL 60196 Price: $29O'OOO DatE: 09-06-1949 WD Br€qa. charle$ F. & Bettv hl . I'IILL CREEK COURT CONDO. i Ai"S" & Winters UNIT 2O3 POo182O i uniieo Bank ctr 2?22 L7ci0 Lincoln 205 t"ti,ll creek ct D"nrr"r. CO aO2O3 Prrce: IBO Date: Hoflcr. Gunther J- & Cecile N.FIILL CREEK COURT CONDO. UNIT 206 COMMERCIAL UNIT 3O2 Hanson Ranch Rd Vail. CO 41657 Price: IBO Date: B. B. & C. Partnership |'IILL CREEK coURT CoNDo' * CuOMO. B TT UNIT 2O8 COMHERCIAL UNIT Box 1895 VaiI. CO 81658 Price: tBO Dafe: 8rown. Jo Ann F-I.IILL CREEK COURT CONDO. UNIT 3OT Maln St 3O2 I'llll Creet( Ci Sii"XO.iOse. t'lA OL?62 Price: $O Date: Page: 2 ,=, =::::::=::::=3::=M!3ii=a===== ====Y:::=::::::;*ln_i:::== ==== =::::: = =:= fones. Richard D. MILL CREEK I rrustee UNIT sos Poo65l7 i.o94 crvstar Lako Rd 3o5 llill Creet< Ct )olleqa Park. GA 30349 Prlce: l3o Date: 'tilson. Vj.rginla R.. Trust Dated I.IILL CREEK COURT CONDO' ttLs.taL UNIT 3O4 rboi uest Littleton Boul€vard 304 Mill creek ct -iitr"ton. co 80120 Pr)'ce: lso DaLe: MILL CREEK COURT CONDO. UNIT 306. 507 & 508 308 S306.307.508 Milr ck ct $O Date: - 'L992 WD 'lorton. bJilliam I- 12 Woodsid€ Rd )eer Park Greenwich- CT 06830 Prem. Konalcl A. & Phvllrs 4806 Sunnvside Rd 'linnaapolrs. l'lN 33424 Davis. Ross E. & Brigrt Ann 22O S c]ermont Denver. CO AO222 Prrce: IIIILL CREEK COURT CONDO. UNIT 401 Poo1870 4O1 MilI Creek Ct Prrce::SO Date; I.IILL CREEK COURT CONDO. UNIT 4O2 4O2 MiIl Creek Ct Price: $O DatE: Brandess. Leo untts 406-408 Northbrook. IL 31OO Dundee Road 60062 NILL CREEK COURT CONDO. UNIT 4O3 405 hill creek ct Prrce: ISO Date: O7-L2-I99O OCD ::===:=:=:=:==:===:=:==:=::::::=::=:=::==::=::::==:=::==:::==:::=:=:::::===::=:: Total Ownership Listings:1A Total Value of aII Sales: S1-435.0OO :=====:=-- --------i' .ow6er Name And Address ^ Unit Number or L,r&/BIock ==':===::=====:::===========]===:::==:=:==::=:===:=::f:=:==:===::==:==:=::==Slifer. RodNeV E. VAIL VILLAGE FIL. I ELOCK 5 LOT 8 23O Bridse St Brrdse St VaiI. CO 81657 Price: $O Date! corsuch. Ltd. - Mcbride. John P. VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 1 ELOCKSLOTC.E 263 E Gore Creek Dr 263 e. Gore Creek Dr. Vail. CO 81657 Price: $O Date: casthof Gramshammer. Inc. VAIL VILLAGE FIL. I BLOCK 5-8 LOT A PART OF 231 East Gore Creek 231 Gore Creek Dr. Eastvai,I. co 81657 Price: $O Dater 10-50-1990 PRD GASthOf GTAMShAMMET. INC. VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 1 Rosenquist. c.H. - Switzer. P.S. ELOcK 5-B LoT A PT oF 251 East Gore Creek 23L E Gore Creek VaiI. CO 81557 Price: lDO Date: - -1990 WD HilIiS Of SNOWMASS. INC. VAIL VILLAGE FIL. T BLOCK 5-8 LOT C & D SIAILY 4 FT. 17O E Gore creek Dr 227 Bridge st Vail. CO 81657 Price: $O Date: 286 Bri.dqe Street. Inc, 7Ol Southeast 6th Ave. D61rav Beach. FL 33485 VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 1 BLOCK 5A LOT A & 8 2A6 Err.dEe St.Price: $6.925.oOO Date: 01-12-1989 WD Stork. Otto VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 1 BLOCK 5A LOT C & D PT OF 2605 Davos Trail 2AA BridEe St. Varl. CO 81557 Price: $O Date: Tawn Of VaiI * Finance Department VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 1 BLOCK 58 LOT B 75 S Front,aqe Rd ?34 Gore Creek Dr Vail. CO 81657 Price: $O Date: VaiI Associates. INC. VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 5 Box 7 BLocK 2 Lor D-' Vai.I. CO 81658 Price: $O Date: LaziGr. Robert T. & D1 NE J. VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 5 BLOCK 2 LOT E Box 627Vail. CO a1658 Pri.ce: l3O Date: Vai} AsSociAtES. INC. VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 5 BLOCK 5 LOT 18 PART OF Box 7VaII. CO a1658 Price: l$O Date: Vail Associatos. INC. VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 5 Box 7 BLOCK 5A LOT J PART OF ValI. CO 81658 PricE: $O Date: page: 2 , Owt'er Name Ancl Address ^ Unit Number or LqltlBlock::::=::=====:=:::==:==:=====!===::===:==:====:=:::::::|}::==::=:=::::::::===: VIIIa VaIhAIIA ASSOC.. INC. _ VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 5 356 E Hanson Ranch RdVaiI. CO 81657 BLOCK 5A LOT J PART OF 364 Gore Creek Dr. Price:$O Date: Flargaret HilI Marrtal Trust. The VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 5 sooo rhanksgivrnq Tower BLocK 5A Lor K Price: $O Date: O1-O2-199O PRDDallas. TX 752or Vail ASSociAtEs. INC. VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 5 Box 7 BLocK 5A Lor P-3 Varl. CO 81658 Price: $O Date: ---.a---,---Total Ownershrp Listinqs: 15 Total Value of all Sales: $6.925.Ooo TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM Todd Oppenheimer Kristan PriE February 17,1gg4 Ted Kindel Park, Design Review Board comments at their February 16' 1994 meeting. The DRB gave final approval to Ted Kindel Park at the above referenced meeting. The conditions of approval that go along with the project included: 1. The view point directly across from the A&D BuiHing should be redesigned to allow for handicap aciess. The Design Review Board wanted to allow for some type of an opportunity for people in wheelchairs to get close to the creek area. Z. The two ash trees adjacent to the northwest corner of building 3 for lMilk Creek Court should be removed. A new planter with a rock seat wall should be built with low shrubs and perennials. The reason for this change was that the Design Review Board was concerned about the trees blocking visibility of the signs from Gore Greek Drive. The motion was made by Bob Borne and seconded by Sally Brainerd. The motion passed 5-0. You did a great job on this project. I appreciate the lairness of the application and telt that the review wen]t very well at the D6sign Review Board. I also appreciate you changing the concrete steps to sandstone. I think this will look a lot nicer. Please note that the Design Review Board did express concern about the number of construction projects occuntng in the Village area and their impacts on summer business. This is also a concern to Comhunity Development and I hope that we can work wilh Public Works and Suzanne to ensure that ihings go smoothly for the Town this summer' Once again, thanks again for your attention to all these details. Larry Grafel Greg Hall oo-teJ k ^ntl Pa.LW rr1t9 qtA-+ilryr n^il, r'tilq ,- hi\\ C,er,L 42 West Mcadou Driae Vail, Colorailo 8i,617 t0t-479-22t0 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Vail Fire Department +****nfiEMORANDUM$ Todd Oppenheimer Dick Duran 13{S February i5, f994 Ted Kindel Park improvements ++*+*****+* ++++ /t. ) 4,xi,, t.no 4,Prre&{e! i-i?^ hrur44r t \r ;AV-<l \vrr\. /,i)(Y\ Thank you for sharing tire plan for the Ted Kindel Park improvements. After allowing our personnel to review them, we would like to recommend that Hanson Ranch Road not be narrowed. We feel that giving up any more operational space in thai area would have a great impact to our service delivery in the event of a fire in that area. Additionally, we question the concept of eliminating illegal parking spaces by adding landscaping. Again, thanks for allowing us to review the plan. Kristin Pritz, Community Development John Gulick, Assistant Chief Mike McGee, Fire Marshal o ITIE]IIORANDUMF'e Fll-t cgPtf Kristan PriE February 9, 1994 Summary of DRT comments on Ted Kindel Park A survey, title rsport and utility verificaton form will be needed, Todd said he would get these lor KP. Curb and gutter work will be dark brown concrete. The detail on the curb and gutter work will be reviewed at Mayor's Park. After the revierr, stafl will determine if the Mayo/s Park detail or the detiail on the Ted Kindel plan should be used for the Park. A Stream Bank Stabilization Permit and Nationwide Permit will be obtained from the Army Corps of Engineers. The concrete steps were listed as a concern particularly down towards ths creek. Todd will look into the use of sandstone. The stone walls will match the Christiania walls on the south side of the park. The stone walls will match the A and D Building on the north side of thE park. Everything else was okayed by Public Works, Fire, and Police. These groups were represented by Mike McGee, Ken Hughey, Greg Halland Todd Oppenheimer. Greg Hall Todd Oppenheimer TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: xc: 3. 4. 6. Representing old Republic National Title Insurance Company THANK YOU FOR YOI'R ORDER April 22, 1993 our Order No.: V20948 BLyER/OWNER: TOWN Or. VAIL, A COI,oRADO I'IUNTCfPAL CORPORATION SELLBR: ADDRESS: 245(DELMR IN PUBLIC WORKS BUTLDTNG ON THE VAIL TO EAST VAIL) Copies: 0Attn: TODD OPPENHET!,TER RCfETCNCE: PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY AU Ptt COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO FOR TITLE QUESTIONS CALL KAREN FLETCHER 3O3 476-225L rOR CI,OSING QUESTIONS CALL === tutttilttttunsr OLD REPUBLIC Commi Natlonal Tltle Insurance Company t To Insure lssued troughthe Otfice ot: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 S. Frontage Road W Suite 203 P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 (30s) 476-2251 / FA)( (303) 4764534 o tmen LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY fIDDLERS GREEN 5400 S. FiddleB Green Circle, #103 Englewood, CO 80111 7714339 I FAJ,7714526 HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Denver, CO 80231 750-4223 / FAX 369-6133 JEFFERSON 710 Kipling, #202 Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 I FAX 238-2956 NORITH 9101 Harlan, #l0O Wbstminster, CO 80030 427-9?53 / FAX 430- t 572 SOUTHWEST 3509 5. wadsworth, #l 15 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 / FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 5. Yoremite, f255 Denver. CO 80237 694-2837 I FAX 8/.3-04p'2 BOUTDER 2425 Canyon Blvd., #230 Boulder. CO 80301 444-4101 / FAX 786-8423 CASTIE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6353 / FAX 588-0143 COTORADO SPRINGS '| 02 5. Tejon, f100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (719) 634-4821 / Direct 595-4113 tAX (719) 63+3190 DlttoN P. O. Box 4288 154 Dillon Mall, 5uite 5 Dillon. cO 80435 (303) 262-1883 / FAx (303) 252-0390 GLENWOOD SPRINGS 817 Colorado Avenue, Suite 203 P. O. Box 2102 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 (303) 945-2510 / FAX (303) 945-4784 PARKER 10841 5. Parker Rd.. #1 10 Parker CO 80134 841-4900 / FAX (303) 841-1012 VAIL 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Suite 203 P O. Box 357 vail, CO 81558 (303) 475-2251 / FAX (303) 476-4534 AGENT9 BRECKEITRIDGE P. O. 8ox 2280 200 North Ridge Breckenridge, CO E0424 453-2255/FAX 453-6014 DURANGO l2t I Main Avenue Durangq CO 81301 (303) 247-5860 / FAx (303) 247-9089 ffiu HOME OFFICE 3033 East Fint Ave.,Suite 500 Denver, CO 80206 P. O. 8ox 5440 Denver. CO 80217 32r-r880 I FAX 322-7603 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. AraDaho€ Road Englewood, CO 8011 I ARVADA 5440 Ward Road, #200 Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 / FAX 423-1365 DRY CREEK 25 W. Dry Creek Circle f390 Littleton, CO 80120 794-5307 / FAX 794-5802 EAST 3300 S. Parker Rd., #105 Aurora. CO 80014 751-4336 I tAJ< 745-2669 ENGI.EWOOD 6041 5o. Syracus€ way, Suite 100 Englewood, CO 8011 1 770-9595 / FAX 290-9040 r\ ALr-t coMM SCHEDUIJE E - charges - ALTA owner Policy fnfo Binder --TOTAL-- ****WITH YOUR RE!{ITTANCE NT Our Order No. V20948 For Information only s1s5. OO s1ss. oo PLEASE REFER TO OT'R ORDER NO. V20948.**** I A 3. 4. 5. 1. Effective Date: April \4, L993 at 8:oo A.l.l. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed fnsured: TALTAT Ohrnerts Policy 1987 Revision (Anended 1990) Proposed Insured: TOtfN OF VArL, A COTORADO MUNTCTPAL CORPORATTON The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis commitrnent and covered herein is: A Fee Simple Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: TOWN OF VAIL, A COLORADO I{UNICIPAL CORPORATION The land referred to in this Comrnitrnent is described as follows: TRACT G, BLOCK 5.4, VAIL VILLAGE, THE RECORDED PI,AT THEREOF, COT,INTY FIFTH FILING, ACCORDING TO OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. \,tU PAGE SCHEDULE 8.1 (Reguirernents) Our order No. V20948 The following are the requirements to be conplied with: 1. Pa)ment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrurnent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured nust be executed and duly filed for record' to-wit: THIS COMUITI,TENT IS FOR INFORI.IATION ONLY, AND NO POLTCY WILL BE ISSUED PI'RSUANT HERETO. === THE COI'NTY CLERX AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETT'RN . ADDRESSES ON DOCI,I.IENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! AL$a cor,!nrq;'nENr PAGE 2 ArrO couu SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) UENT our order No. v20948 The policy or policies to be issued wiII contain excep!i"!: to the foll6wing-unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessnents not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. g. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IPDE TO EXTRA T AND REI'IOVE HIS ORE THEREFROT,T SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI'TISES As RESERVED IN I,NTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED MaY 20, 1905' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 511. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 20, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 511. 11. RESTRIeTM COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CL,AUSE, BIIf OMITTING RESTRICTfONS, IF ANY, BASBD ON RACE' COLOR, RELIGION' oR NATioNAL oRrcrN, As CoNTATNED rN TNSTRWENT RECoRDED November 05, 1965, IN BOOK 187 AT PAGE 353 AND AS AI.iENDED IN INSTRWENT RECORDED AUGUST 30' 1971 rN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 491, AND AS AI.{ENDED IN TNSTRIJ}.IENT RECORDED March 03, L977,IN BOOK 253 AT PAGE 48 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRWENT RECORDED August 27, L984, IN BOOK 393 AT PAGE 492, WHICH CoVENANTS CONTAIN SPECIFIC RESTRTCTIONS AS TO SUBJECI PROPERTY. EASEI,IENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VTLLAGE, FIFTH FILING. A PERPETUAL EASEMENT OVER AND ACROSS SUBJECT PROPERTY AS GRANTED TO OTTIE KUEHN ALSO KNOWN AS OTTO L. KUEHN, IN pEED-RE€ORDED-AUGUSE-IO"--.1967-JIL-BOOK 2:.1_AI__PAGE,22 .AND AGREEI{EIII-.LN-.CONNECTION .WITH SAID EASEMENI-.RECORD.fqD aucus.T-10'. 1957 IN BOOK-"?"11*.4T. PAGE 26. RIGHT oF I{AY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO THE II{OUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COI,IPANY IN TNSTRUI4ENT SECORDED--OCTOBER ^LI,.L9'14.-IN' BOOK^ 236*,AT -P,AGE ?24. t2. * PAGE Ar$)coM"'QnENr Co SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V20948 CoNDITIONS, PROVISIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND COVENANTS AS CONIAINED IN DEDICATIOII..RECORDED..DECEIIBER 8,,.197t IN BOOK 222 NI PAGE 516. CONVEYANCE OF EE.SEUEUT'TS,.BqDXE&'8. SLIFER AIID ELIZABESE.SLIFER IN LNSSB-q!_{E{I .RFCg3PBD lrtAv.?3, 1ee0 IN BOoK 52e AT P}cE eJ3. PAGE 4 LAND "fo R A N t "b c o M P'A N A) B) c) DTSCLOSURE STATEI.IENT Required by Senate BilI 91-14 The subject real property rnay be located in a special taxingdistrict. A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction rnay be obtained fron the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. The information regarding special districts and the boundariesof such districts nay be obtained fron the Board of County Comnissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Required by Senate BilI 92-143 A)A Certificate of Taxes shall be obtained from Treasurer's authorized Due listing each taxing jurisdiction the County Treasurer or the County agent. l-" r r . fl.^il I Pl+^. *, I pl"^,+ l'; l- ,. *, 6>r*),i, Ft..-.-tl i 'l a-!> o I i nru,, f..r^ +{*- ,AL+J 1 +; 1 r +{=- 1(=,^l,l * o pl.--Y UJ* \^. J +l",--uL ,I :ft |o'', {^+ u] bna +T"^ . l".l"a a,nA I ,c"*4'l ,^o I f-l"t I b- +{.,\ ,t-r^s-; , lin" f U-. fua,,n,*;^ 1 i.r ,\f l\ ,r.,.r f,, i 1 ,i*.r,t- =-^ s ' + ++,-' ot^. ,i,*.yo' ","|**tr , - lrl ,,*",^,t"t, f.^* .t+--,* Lr +L ' ?-A \lid.l*- *--- f. , I lil t, iill -ill , !'*- a.-/\ o"^ J ' L[ 4.r ,T*,tr.-1 ,f l'r7+n'J .l'L ,E + ofurr ; 'jt ?t4rur/\-.. ii$"=--fr l" ei*n-^* | +L^ pa #f , p^,.,r!:} D"t, pk -,r,-< t+ ?*- [j.,* i I\il)o lli I it t, t; II, ! l'l I .l LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The fo]lowing information is Review Board before a finat A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES for submittal to the Design can be given: MATERIAL COLOR required approval TYPE OF Greenhouses T - B. EXISTING TREES TO BE P€MOVED 1( ,,eLo lb{.JrJ 6art\tD' c,at-o'lz- Narne of Designer: Phone I t-+1 "t- zlbl Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* Rcal Parr.r OfttS @ 3 12' ?,'fizeAqLo"f>et AspEr-t Soeg,At AGU\PLa|A F. P .r?AasHACL E, ufrr ls+l ' 11 2'l 2 lol #7 z'/z' ). aor,rr,rr,rut\ @gUlgsUVr#- -J_. EE.TULL GLADULoSA C. Lt'tc r E)c-tt ll e oac PQ.LIG coTu*il(f,K4 +rl Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footage ll rl rl GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE CR METHOD OE LL'I6G EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LfGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show E.he number of fixtures and locations on a separateIighting p1an. fdentify each fixture from the lighting planon the list below and provide the wattagie, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. I |extYl\t s Vtl-CA 6L FtKTt-^AfL - N |<-,-.J v tr4A Gr- Cr(-Z@ KS OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of ret.ainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet.. Maximum height of wa11s elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. ST{U.fr-D f(o.,/-Li> ft*- e-rt'T 4tt\Ltt'L.\ (,L'AL{ <Att-f t) t Dr(< ?eA,€NrLt\L '.,.tr-F-.DVATTLfUTtCS -gJ\-f5 cUraoOF\J lAar.rspoafr.EA 6.r(.<-rJS-t'2d_ P.AtL-r{ a S , BVu|f -<>A€€\Jn cos.:r(Houl-c eoSS eL-Ec:TLtc," 8rn.\l3 fu pr,rL\ lnri\\t*l'L G,tt 9tcr3 W - VfLtt Gq T:o l-,lt'E f<4 EXrSar'..f <- 5-t.4 t{ - Pt?-,?'S h@6,1*L 6f UrW Vi\\c'2t LttHi, oo:PLANT MATERIAL-S: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* \ PROPCSED SHRUBS -{tK{#FI-}i€-SllRttBS SHE*EI{OVE} *fndicate size5 qallon. fglrr4rzA luvoL. 11p\^.tg€^p4z{ ll I ?flu\ll^S Gt-<<art tr), S^NDc/^lE€l{ 1 ?\qtt ctto6^^/\ gQutrr cavc4e,r.'ff t f t- e\e(A e\Y t L PrI!t>, doOilEilfPr^( =L <AL\K \&{LOYA.(4 B.SZf,ta tr-trCZrrr,^.) l.\ Z^qX ?4b@- P,Arpfrc ,^rrco,^r l* of proposed shrubs. Tvpe r'ea r'-rBor--: Qoc,f { iZrl7Arqrw t- t--A,<r( H6T VAtZrfS h$ Nffi 'I I I\f tu I irl ,; : .0t.Y t-\r- ld rlFuill I II ll r\l :llll,0i.'-v/ {dtl/t r\ ES;:ll ! I '\: u=,:l , l, i,i il I i rll ii 111 'I .1. : I,i ,i I I .l t' o ulJ il il st ,1 $a {q$LZ $ J n1 o .l i il .: I () ';.) o J 0l JFU ) N F- ut (Ln0t,d:osrdJA 4 \)Itl- r- ' 1o :[-a t,o- b'e :l t;- c { o ,f, 0 t{l ll i-q i5 ) --'l( i '2tiJrJSs!r i A -t) 1 o _3 Jj' h )t-{ {j.o c lc J o- { \5 'Ti'\lY :',.{ ...\ \N ' ir\J l1\ oI {n U"MI ?*L? Dtl Cdtt\lt'o"A FILE COPY ORDINANCE NO.6 SERTES OF 1993 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 12. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS oF THE itUNtCtpAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF VA|L, BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 12.16. REVOCABLE RIGHT OF WAY PERMITS, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Vail (the "Town') believes it will benefit the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Town of Vail to regulate the placement of structures such as buildings, landscaping, and fences on public property such as street right-ot- ways and sidewalks to assure public access to and safe use of the Town's property. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado: l. Title 12 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail is hereby amended by the addition of Chapter 12.16 to read as follows: CHAPTER 12.16 - REVOCABLE RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT Section 12.16.010 - Revocable Riqht of Wav Permit Required A. No person shall erect or maintain any building, structure, stand, cart, fence, barrier, post, hedge or other obstruction or encroachment under or upon any street, alley, sidewalk or other public property without first obtaining a permit from the Community Development Department under this Section. B. An applicant for a right-of-way permit shall: 1. File a written application on forms furnished by the Community Development Department that include the following: the date, the name of the applicant, the location of the proposed encroachment or obstruction, the type of encroachment or obstruction, and such other information as the Community Development Department may deem necessary. 2. File a site plan showing the location ol he encroachment and how it relates to the public right-otway and where relevant a survey may be required. 3. File evidence of adequate public liability insurance naming the Town as an additional insured. Minor landscaping encroachments, such as landscaping between the property line and the edge of asphalt on the right of way may be excluded from this requirement. 4. Pay a fee in the amount of $_Nong_. lf an applicant's encroachment is subject to the terms of Paragraph D hereof, an additional fee of $_lJg.!g_ shall be required. C. Before issuing a right of way permit under this Section, the Community Development Department shall consult with relevant Town departments which may include the Fire, Police, Public Works Departments, and all public utilities to determine whether the permit meets all the requirements of this Code and other ordinances of the Town. The Community Development Department shall issue each permit upon a finding that in view of the location or area proposed to be used and the type of encroachment or obstruction proposed to be canied on, the proposed encroachment or obstruction does not constitute a traffic hazard or destroy or impair the use of the right of way or land by the public or serves a purpose that can not otherwise be accomplished and is a temporary obstruction of the right of way. D. For any encroachment, obstruction, or other structure which is (a) recommended by the Town of Vail Streetscape Plan, (b) the Town of Vail Village Master Plan, or (c) the Lionshead Urlran Design Guide Plan, or other plans which are a part of the Town's comprehensive plan, the following process shall be utilized for the termination of any revocable right of way permit for such improvement. 1. Prior to installation, the improvement shall be presented to the Town Council at a work session or regular Town Council meeting. The Town Council shall establish an amortization schedule providing for specific payments to the permittee upon the termination by the Town of the permit. In determining the maximum length of time for the amortization scheduled, the Town Council shall use the public interest as a guideline. However, in no event shall the amortization schedule extend for a period greater than eight (8) years. The amortization schedule shall be based on the hard costs of the improvement. Permittee may make application to include the design ancUor labor costs in the amortization schedule. The cosB and maintenance agreement shall be set after a review of the Town Council. 2. Should the Town terminate any revocable right of way permit for any improvement set torth in this Paragraph D, the Town shall pay the permittee the funds provided therefore in the amortization schedule for the year in which the improvement is terminated. 3. In the event the improvement is destroyed or eliminated for any reason or any cause other than the Town of Vail's revocation of the permit, the Town shall not be liable for any damages or payment to the permittee. Additionally, the permittee agrees that the improvement will be returned to the condition that was in existence pursuant to the permit prior to its destruction or elimination at the expense of the permittee. ll. Section 12.16.020 - Revocation of Permits A. A permit may be revoked whenever the Town Manager determines that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisan@, destroys and impairs the use of the right of way by the public, constitutes a tratfic hazard, or the property on which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sutficient by the Town of Vail. The permittee will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure within such period of time as specified by the Town Manager, not to exceed sixty (60) days. B. lf a person is notified under sub-section A of this Section and fails to comply with the order to remove the encroachment or obstruction, the Town Manager may cause the encroachment or obstruction to be removed and charge the cost thereof, plus up to fifteen percent (15%) of such cost for administration to the person so notified. lf any person fails or refuses to pay when due any charge imposed under this Section, the Town Manager may, in addition to taking other collection remedies, certify due any unpaid charges, including interest, to the Eagle County Treasurer to be levied against the person's property for collection by the County in the same manner as delinquent general taxes upon such property are collected. lll. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. lV. The Town Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety, and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. V. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the etfective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedings €ls commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Vl. All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 20th day of July, 1993, and a public hearing shall be held on this Ordinance on the 3rd day of August, 1993, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor ATTEST: Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 3rd day of August, 1993. Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor ATTEST: Holly L. McOutcheon, Town Clerk C:\OR093-6 o fP .-? lv? t !r;,[fturr AN ORDINANCE AMENDING NTLE 12. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS OF THE MUNIGIPAL coDE OF THE TOWN OF VAIL' BY THE ADDMON OF C}IAPTER 12.16. REVOCABLE RTGHT OF WAY PERMITS' AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. illnn - wol;', 1" alf)t (Tr tt n4 fuv''l - ':' WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Vail (the 'Town") believes it will benefit the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Town of Vail to regulate the placement of structures such as buildings, landscaping, and fences on public property such as street right-of- ways and sidewalks to assure public access to and safe use of the Town's property. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado: t. Title 12 of the Municipal Code of the Town ot Vail is hereby amended by the addition of Chapter 12.16 to read as follows: CHAPTER 12.16 - REVOCABLE RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT Section 12.16.010 - Revocable Rioht of Wav Permit Required A. No person shall erect or maintain any building, slructure, stand, cart, fence, barrier, post, hedge or other obstruction or encroachment under or upon any street, alley' sidewalk or other public property without first obtaining a permit from the Communi$ Development Department under this Section. B. An applicant for a right-of-way permit shall: 1. File a written application on forms turnished by the Community Development Department that include the following: the date' the name of the applicant, the location of the proposed encroachment or obstruction, the type of encroachment or obstruction' and such ofier information as the Community Development Department may deem necessary. 2. File a site plan showing the location ol fte encroachment and how it relates to the public right-of-way and where relevant a survey may be required. 3. Flle evldence ot adequate publlc llablllty Insurance namlng the ORDINANCE NO.6 SERTES OF 1993 .P r,nA{1 N$,\,1'* l(v'yx.Town as an addltlonal Ingurcd. Mlnor landscaplng ? V,N Ny \" encnoachments, such as landscaplng betyueen the prcperty llne and the edge of asphalt on the rlght ot way may be excluded frcm thls rcqulrement. 4. Pay a lee in the amount of $ Nong__. lf an applicant,s encroachment is subjecl to the brms of paragraph D hereof, an additional be of $___l!gng_ shatt be required. C. Before issuing a right of way permit under tiris Section, the Community Development Department shall consult with rele\rant Town departments which may include the Fire, Police, Public Works Departments, and all public utilities to determine whether the permit meets all the requirements of this Code and other ordinances of tre Town. The Community Development Departnent shall issue each p€rmit upon a finding hat in view of the location or area proposed to be used and the type of encroachmsnt or obstruction proposed to be canied on, the proposed encroachment or obstruction does not constitute a traffic hazard or destroy or impair the use of the right of way or land by the public or serves a purpose that can not othenlr6e be accomplished and is a temporary obstruction of the right of way. D. For any encroachment, obstruclion, or other structure which is (a) recommended by the Town of Vail Streetscape Plan, (b) the Town of Vail Village Master Plan, or (c) the Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan, or other plans which are a part of the Town's comprehensive plan, the tollowing prooess shall be utilized for the termination of any revocable right ot way permit for such improvement. ' '. .l'H urrtt/ I 1. Prior to installation, the improvement shall be presented to the Town Council at a work session or regular Town Council meeting. The Town Council shall establish an amortization schedule providing for spec$fic payments to the permittee upon he termination by the Town of the permit. In determining the maximum length of time for the amortization scheduled, the Town Council shall use the public interest as a guideline. However, in no event shall the amortization schedule €xtend lor a period greater than €lgh! (A1te3 The amortization schedule shall be based on the hard costs of the improvement. Permlttee may make appllcailon to lnclude the deslgn and/or labor co3t3 In the amorilzdlonPschedule.The co\shall/be set after a review of the Town ,^n( rr,rb/t"-.',"A' aTrttlz*^-f 2. Council. Should fie Town terminate any revocable right of way permit lor any improvement set forth in this Paragraph D, the Town shall pay the permittee the tunds provided therefore in the amortization schedule for the year in which the improvement is brminated. In the event the lmprovement ls destroyed or ellmlnated for any teason or any cause other than the Town of Vall's rcvocatlon of the permlt, the Town shall not be llable for any damages or payment to the permlttee. Addlilonally, the permlttee agrees that the lmprovement wlll be returned to the condltlon that wes In exlstence puFuant to the permlt prlor to 3. lts destructlon or ellmlnatlon at the expense of the permlttee. ll. Sectlon 12.16.020 - Revocation of permits A. A permit may be revoked whenever the Town Manager determines that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destoys and impairs the use of the right of way by the public, constitutes a tratfic hazard, or the property on which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. The permittee wilt remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure within sat/ v,,r/ y 6>tfir./.1, //, B.lf a person is notified under sub-section A of this Section and fails to comply with the order to remove the encroachment or obstruction, the Town Manager may cause the encroachment or obstruction to be removed and charge the cost thereot, plus up to fifteen percent (15%) of such cost for adminisfafion to the person so notified. lf any person fails or refuses to pay when due any charge imposed under this Section, the Town Manager may, in addition to taking other collection remedies, certify due any unpaid charges, including interest, to the Eagle Gounty Treasurer to be levied against the person's property for collection by the County in the same_manner as delinquent general taxes upon such property are collected. lll. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not atfect the validity ol the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and B.rZ"^ /J . r/ {ui ( J,"'lt:*- t .,,....J -T;.7 t^n ;lu*y, *i* ;:'..,,,. ^:,,,"-j {,firq,"t P(r *t' /r''Jtr'- j^*, l*n 7 each part, section, subsection, senten@, clause or phrase thereot, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. lV. The Town Council hereby finds, determines, and declares ttat this ordinance is necessary and proper lor the health, safety, and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants lhereof. V. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occuned prior to he etfective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Vl. All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parb thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinancg, or part thereof, lheretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this _ day of this Ordinance on the _ day of of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. ATTEST: Town Glerk 1993, and a public headng shall be held on 1993, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this day of 1993. Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor ATTEST: Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk ,9 ,'* Eantl /l/,^ - 7//r,, /^// _ Frb /-D , 6,1*, ) 'k4J'fl^r 1. \ File a written application on forms furnished by the Community Development Department that include the following: the date, the name ol the applicant, the location of the proposed encroachment or obstruction, the type of encroachment or obstruction, and such other information as the Community Development Department may deem necessary. File a site plan showing the location of the encroachment and how it relates to the public right-of-way and where relevant a survey may be required. With the exception of minor landscaping encroachments, file evidence of adequate public liability insurance naming the Town as 2. 3. FYr, lur +lwlq3 ORDINANCE NO.6 SER|ES OF 1993 AN ORDINANCE AiIENDING TITLE 12 - STREETT! AND SIDEWALKS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, BY THE ADDMON OF CHAPTER 12.16. REVOCABLE RIGHT OF WAY PERMITS, AND SETNNG FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town ot Vail (the 'Town') believes it will benefit the health, salety, and welfare of the citizens of the Town of Vail to regulate the placement of structures such as buildings, landscaping, and fences on public property such as street right-oF ways and sidewalks to assure public access to and safe use of the Town's property. NOW, THEBEFORE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado: l. Title 12 of the Municipal Code of the Tovn of Vail is hereby amended by the addition of Chapter 12.16 to read as follows: CHAPTER 12.16 - REVOCABLE HIGHT OF WAY PERMIT Section 12.16.010 - Revocable Rioht of Wav Permit Required A. No person shall erect or maintain any building, structure, stand, cart, fence, barrier, post, hedge or other obstruction or encroachment under or upon any street, alley, sidewalk or other public property without first obtaining a permit from the Community Development Department under lhis Section. B. An applicant for a right-of-way permit shall: an addltlonal Insured. Pay a fee in the amounl ol $J, 000 . ff an applicant's encroachmsnt is subjeci to the brms of Paragraph D hereof, an additlonal fee ol $shall be requlred. C. Before issuing a r[ht of way permit under his Section, ffre Community Development Department shall consult with relevant Town deparfnenb which may include fie Flre, Police, Public Works Departnents, and all public utilities to detemlne whefrer the permlt meets all th€ requirsmsnts of this Code and other ordinances of the Town. The Communlty Developmgnt Deparlment shall lssue each permlt upon a flndlng that In vlew ol tho locatlon or area proposed to be used and the type of encroachment or obstruction proposed to be carried on, the proposed encroachment or obstruction does not constltute a traffic hazard or destroy or impair the use of the right of way or land by the public or serves a purpose that can not oheruise be accomplished and is a temporary obstruction of the right of way. D. For any encroachment, obstruction, or other structure which is (a) recommended by the Town of Vail Streetscape Plan, (b) the Town of Vail Village Master Plan, or (c) the Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan, or other plans which are a part of the Town's comprehensive plan, the following process shall be utilized for the termination of any revocable right of way permit for such improvement. 1. Prior to installation, the improvement shall be presented to the Town Council at a work session or regular Town Council meeting. The Town Council shall establish an amortization schedule providing for specific paymenls to the permittee upon the terminatlon by the Town of the permit. ln determining the maximum length of lime for the amodization scheduled, the Town Council shall use the public interest as a guideline. However, in no event shall ha amortization schedule extend for a period greater than eight (8) years. The amortization schedule shall be based on the hard costs of the improvement, and shall not take Into consideralion design or labor costs. The costs shall be set after a review by the Town Council. 2. Should the Town terminate any revocable right of way permlt for any improvement sel forth in this Paragraph C, the Town shall pay 4. the permittee the funds provided therefore in the amortization schedule for the year in which the improvement is termlnated. Should the improvement be destroyed or eliminated for any reason other than the Town of Vail's revocation of the permit, the Town shall not be liable for any payment to the permittee. ll. Section 12.16.020 - Revocation of permits A' A permit may be revoked whenever the Town Manager determines that the encroachment, obstruction, or other sfucture constitutes a nuisance, destroys and impairs the use of lhe right of way by the public, constitutes a tratfic hazard, or the property on which the encroachment, obstruclion, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time lor any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. The permittee will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure within ten (10) days after receiving notice of revocalion of the permit. B. lf a person is notified under sub-section a of this Section and fails to comply with the order to remove the encroachment or obstruction, the Town Manager may cause the encroachment or obstruction to be removed and charge the cost thereof, plus up to fifteen percent (15%) of such cosl for administration to the person so notified. lf any person fails or refuses to pay when due any charge imposed under this Section, the Town Manager may, in addition to taking other collection remedies, certify due any unpaid charges, including interest, to the Eagle County Treasurer to be levied against the person's property for collection by the County in the same manner as delinquent general taxes upon such propefi are collected. lll. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions ol this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. lV. The Town Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety, and welfare ot the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. V. The repeal or the repeal and reenaclment ol any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this ordinance shall not atfect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any othsr actlon or proceedings as commenced under or by vktue of the provision rBpealed or repealed and resnacted. The repeal of any provislon hereby shall not revlve any provislon or any ordlnance previousty repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Vl. All bylaws, oldsrs, resolutions, and ordlnances, or parts thereof, Inconsistent herewith are repealed to he extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolutlon, or ordinance, or part thereof, hgretofore rspealed. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this _ day ol this Ordinanc€ on the _ day of of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. ATTEST: Town Clerk ATTEST: 1993, and a puHic hearlng shall be held on 1993, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Ctrambers Margarst A. Osterfoss, Mayor READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this _ day of 1993. Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Glerk TO: FROM: DATE: SU&JECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department March 17, 1993 Discussion concerning Town of Vail revocable R.O.W. permit process 100% refund 85% refund 707" retund 50% refund 40o/" retund 30% refund 20T" retund 10% refund 07" refund The attached minutes from the Mill Creek CourUTed Kindel Park meeting dated March 1, 1993 explain the discussion that occurred regarding revocable right-of-way (R.O.W.) permits in general and also specific t0 this project. It was decided that an ordinance would be drafted by he town attorney to specifically address the revocable R.O.W. process for the Town of Vail. Included in this ordinance will be language that discusses @ types of revocable R.O.W. permits: 1.) Standard Revocable R.O.W. Permlts - to allow for "traditional" encroachments on Town land (i.e. minor streetscape improvements such as planters, pavers, seating, lighting, etc.; residential landscaping, lighting, etc.);and 2.) Speclal Revocable R.O.W. Permlts - to allow (and encourage) public/private projects that implement major improvemenb recommended in the . Streetscape Plan and the Urban Design Guide Plan. An amortization schedule to compensate property owners that have received a special revocable R.O.W. permit has been suggested as follows: Year 1: Year 2; Year 3: Year 4: Year 5: Year 6: Year 7: Year 8: Year 9: These types of permits are intended to address specific publidprivate projects, and will involve language and conditions unique to each project, such as maintenance agreements and liability. Therefore, we would like to discuss this item with the Town Council at the March 23, 1993 work session. In addition, an ordinance addressing revocable right-of-way permits will be written by the town attorney and presented to Town Council for lirst and second reading on April 6 and April 20, 1993. xc: Larry Grafel Larry Eskwith Greg Hall t' MILL CREEK COURT/TED KINDEL PARK MEETING MINUTES MARCH 1,1993 TO: Meeting Attendees, Town Council FROM: Community Development Departmeni DATE: March 12, 1993 oEAF[, **-+ .n-,-=_-----Jty1'Ae:. Revocable right-of-way permit for Mill CieEkltourt improvements ) \ .-_.__-_ -- .<-,---"={,.-.. PRESENT: Jim Gibson, Town Council Jim Shearer, Town Council Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Grafel, Public Works Director Kristan Pritz, Community Development Director Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike Brake, Public Works Tim Devlin, Community Development Rod Slifer, Mill Creek Court Homeowner's Association Mark Matthews, Slifer Management Jim Lamont, East Village Homeowners Association The meeting began with a discussion regarding the revocable right-of-way permit that nill be required to do many of the improvements on Town of Vail land in the area surrounding the Mill Creek Court Building. The Mill Creek Court Homeowners Association has developed a landscape design plan for the courtyard area of their buibing to improve both the aesthetics and drainage conditions that cunently exist. The landscape plan also calls for several improvements to be done on Town land, including sidewalks, benches, and landscaping. In order to construct these private improvements on Town land, it is necessary to issue the homeowners association a revocable right-of-way permit. In the past, these permits have traditionally been agreements between the Town and the private property owners that allow for improvements to be made on Town land, with the understanding that the Town reserves the right to remove the improvement if it is necessary to do so (i.e. widen streets, access utilities, etc.). A suggestion was made by Jim Gibson to look at setting up an amortization schedule for the specific revokable right-oFway permit needed for the Mill Creek Court project. Jim pointed out that the proposed improvements are consistent with the Town's Master Streetscape Plan, and would be mutually beneficialfor both the Mill Creek Gourt Homeowners and the Town of Vail. Jim also suggested that the Town should consider this type of "partnership" between the f'llll Crxk CourVT€d Klnd.l P|]k l||rch l, i eO3 {' public and private to encourage investment and reinvestment throughout the CCI (and possibly CCll) areas of town. The amortization schedule that was proposed by Jim Gibson was as follows: Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Year 4: Year 5: Year 6: Year 7: Year 8: Year 9: 100% refund 85% refund 70% refund 50% refund 40% refund 30% refund 2O/" retund 10% refund 0"/o refund The meeting continued with a discussion about the road widths surrounding the Mill Creek Court Building in the area that the revocable right-oFway permit would be issued - Hanson Ranch Road and Gore Creek Drive. (The 'Mill Creek Chute' on the east side of the building will be discussed at a later date due to a complexity of issues). Greg Hall and Larry Grafel concurred that the existing street widths were significant and the Town had no foreseeable plans to widen the right-of-way in this area and probably would not have to access the areas in question. (Jim Lamont noted that the Mill Creek Court situation was similar to Lionshead Mall in that bonds for the improvements there were financed over a ten year period.) The discussion then focused on some of the specific language that should be made part of the revocable right-of-way permit. Induded were that the Mill Creek Court Homeowners Association should fund the construction and maintenance of the improvements in perpetuity. Hon Phillips suggested that perhaps a maintenance agreemenl for Ted Kindel Park directly adjacent to the Mill Creek Court Building could be made as a'trade" for amortizing the revokable R.O.W. permit. Maintenance of the public park (i.e. snow removal, landscape watering and weeding, etc.) would be the responsibility of the homeowners association. (This suggestion was discussed, but a final determination was not reached on whether or not to include it in the revokable R.O.W. permit. lt will therefore require further discussion.) Liability for the areas of the improvements were also discussed, and it was agreed that the homeowners association should be liable in perpetuig since they are responsible for construc{ion and maintenance improvements. The meeting then focused on the scheduling of the Mill Creek Court p@ect and the Ted Kindel Park project. ldeally, the two projects would be constructed concurrently to minimize disruption to the area. However, the Mill Creek Court project will most likely proceed this spring and summer after DRB approval is granted and the revocable R.O.W. permit is issued. On the Mill Creek Court property, subsurface drainage is likely (heated) and will be put in place to link up with the drainage system that will be put in place at Ted Kindel Park. Todd Oppenheimer explained that construction of Ted Kindel Park will most likely nol occur until Xl[ C'|rk Courl/T.d Klrd.l Prt Ua.ch l,1993 \1 Fall 1993 at the eadiest because there are hydrologic issues that need to be addressed specifically regarding Mill Creek that may involve the Army Corps of Engineers and FIMA. Also, utilities presently in the creek need to be identified and addressed. As the meeting concluded, it was decided that a draft of the revocable right-of-way permit would be written and presented to Town Council for discussion by the Town Attorney and the Office of Community Development on March 23, 1993. lil Cr..I CourYY.d Kd.l Pr Irtfi l, lee3 75 Soatb Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0 t -47 9 -2 1 ) I / 47 9 -21 1 9 Department of Cornmanity Dcaelopmcnt January 28, 1993 Alpine Intemational 500 East Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Sherry Dorward VIA FACSIMILE Re: Mill Creek Court Building and Ted Kendall Park Landscape Master Plans Dear Sherry: We have researched the issues and questions that were raised at our meeting on January lsth regarding both the Mill Creek Court Building and Ted Kendall Park Landscape Master Plans. I hope that the following information is useful in providing answers to some of thesc questions. Mill Creek Court Building Landscape Master Plan: The review process for the Mill Creek Court Building property will require Design Review Board (DRB) approval only, and we can perhaps schedule a conceptual review of the project at the February 17,1993 meeting and a final for the March 3, 1993 meeting, assuming all the submittal requirements are met. An agreement with Town Council conceming the encroachments on TOV righrof-way will also be necessary. This approach assumes that the east end of the project is not addressed at this time. Ted Kendall Park Landscape Master Plan: It has also been determined that a RFP will not be required to retain a consultant(s) for the redesign of Ted Kendall Park. We are hoping to retain the services of Wenk Associates to design the park and engineer any stream work that might be necessary. We met with Bill Wenk yesterday (January 27) to discuss the project with him, and he indicated that hc would like very much to work on the project. He will be getting back to us soon regarding the terms of the contract between Wenk Associates and the town. The Landscape Master Plan for Ted Kenderll Park will require DRB, PEC, and Town Council approval. The first step will be to discuss the general approach to the project with thc Council. At this meeting we can address your request for an agreement on the encroachments. We would like to schedule this item for their February 9th aftemoon work session. We would also like to schedule this item for a joint work session with the PEC and thc DRB to hear their comments on the plan once the Town has a concept for Ted Kendall Park. We would appreciate it if both you and Mr. Slifer would be at the February 9th Council meeting to talk about both projects and answer any questions ttrat ttre Council may have. Mill Creek Park and Ted Kendall Park Design Coordination: The staff feels that it is important to ccnrdinate and construct these two projects concurrently if possible, and we will request that thc Town Council appropriate rhe 1994 project funds ($84,120) for construction in 1993. $21,000 has been appropriated for 1993, and is to bc allocated for the design of the projcct. Page Two January 28,1993 Dorward Cost Sharing with Town of Vail: Please inform us of the estimated budget to complete the Mill Creek Court portion of the project, as well as the area that this is anticipated to include. This will help us to determine the possibility of cost sharing the two projects between Mill Creek Court and the Town. Permits/Easements Required for Improvements on TOV Land: After discussing the encroachment issue with various town deparEnents, we recommend that a revocable right-of-way permit be used as opposed to a long-term lease agreement. Loading Zones for Mill Creek Court Building: It should be noted that Public Works has expressed concem regarding the proposed dropoff area to the east of the Mll Creek Court Building. The town and Vail Associates both have opinions as to who owns this land. As you know, the Streetscape Plan calls for a sidewalk on the east side of the Mill Creek Court Building. This is considered important given the fact that pedestrians mix with can and trucks in this steep "Mill Creek Chute." We understand that some stairs will be necessary to accommodate a sidewalk. We also are considering a plan to build an underground parking/loading facility in this area which would have a park on top of the structurcd parking. Ownenhip and the final design concept for this site would need to be resolved before proceeding with this pan ofthe proposal. Signage and Directories: With regard to signage and directories, a variance would tre required to place signs for the Mill Creek Court Building off of the property for the building. Our initial reaction to the proposed location for the signs is that they should be more intemal to the property, and that "Ted Kendall Park" signs should be used to identify the entrances to the public area. As you know, a sign variance requires DRB review and Town Council final decision. We can discuss further what is allowed by the Sign Code in tenns of size, number, height, lighting, etc. once it is determined what types of signs you wish to erect (i.e. wall signs, free-standing, joint directory, othen). We believe that the project provides a great opponunity to improve the appearance of the Village, the Mill Creek Court Building, and the stream tract. Please let me know if I can answer any questions you may have at 479-2138. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regarfls, ./,642 ill Timothy N. Devlin Town Planner cc: Rod Slifer, Slifer, Smith and Frampron, Inc. Mark Matthews, Slifer Management Sidney Schultz, Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects Bill Wenk, Wenk Associates Ron Phillips, Town of Vail Kristan Pritz. Town of Vail Larry Grafel, Town of Vail Todd Oppenheimer, Town of Vail Greg Hall, Town of Vail ,"4< MILL CREEK COURT SIGNAGE PROGRAM The intent of the signage progran is to encourage a conprehensive approach to the design; size, number, shape, color and placenent of all signs pertaining to the Mi11 Creek Court Building. The following are gui-delines and are not intended to restrict thepossibility of innovative, unique approaches to signage. LOCATION OF SIGNS: Signs to be located as shown on signage program drawings Hanging signs to be fron iron brackets of sane or sinilardesign. Al-1 brackets to be mounted at sane height. Wall nounted signs to have concealed hardware or screlt holes fi11ed and palnted. SIZE OF SIGN: Signs to be either square (maxinun sLze 2'-2" x 2t-2tt) othorizontal (naxi.nun size 5'-0" x 1'-0"). 0ther sizes may be consj-dered by the Board, but in no case tnay an individual business' sign be larger than five square feet. DESIGN OF SIGN:Typically signs should be constructed of wood lrith dark background to match the buildingts trim and white lettering. Si.gns must also conform to Tit1e 16 o.f the Town of Vai-1's Zoning Code regarding signs. It is the responsibllity of the. tenant to maintain their signage. APPROVAL PROCESS: Each business is to submit to the M111 Creek Court Condoninium Association a proposal for their sign. Following Association approval the sign rnust be submitted tothe Town of Vail for approvaL by the Design Review Board. BUILDING DIRECTORIES: Proposed. locations of building directories, subject to approvaL by the Town of Va1l , are shown on the signage program drauings. It is the responsibility of the Association to naintain these directories and to keep theinformation current. o 28 December, L992 MILL CREEK COURT BUILDING CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONclo tft. Mark MatheysSlifer Managenent Co. 143 E. Meadow Dr.Vai1, C0 81657 Dear Mark: Attached are schematic drawings for Landscape/hardscape i.mpr.ovements at the Mil1 Creek Court Building as well as asignage progran for that project. Generally speaking, our concept for these improvements was to clean up the ttjunblett that currently exists with planters, stepsand signage. The main emphasis is on the courtyard area, sincethis area is privately owned and would not require cooperation onthe part of the Town of Vail. A11 other areas are on Town ownedproperty or rights-of-way. As we discussed at the September Association neet j-ng, a loading zone has been shown at the south-east corner of the property.Again, this area is almost totally off of the Mi1l Creek Courtproperty and would be subject to negotiatlons with the Town. Based on the survey information provided by Johnson,Kunkel &Associates, we are looking at raising the elevation of new pavingup to the leve1 of the retail floors, thus elininating the existing stoops and naking the shops more ttbarrier-f reett. Thisis of particular inportance for increasing the slope in thecourtyard where the major drainage problens exist. If you have any questions regarding thegive me a call and I vil1 try to answer Sincerely, Sidney Schultz plans please feel free to them. It- a' a li,..- August 24, L992 Kristan PrLtz Town of Vail Conmunity Development 75 S. Frontage Rd.vail, co 8L657 f,Mul' k{r /k'r*'1r ,12,/*/^/ , Dear Kristair: To fol-low up on previous conversati::rns attd ccrrespu..:rieoce we wouid like the Towl of Vai .!- to address tha issue of the iowns sidewalks a;:d planters which irnmediat*:iy surrcund the I'Ii11 Creek CourtBuilding. Our prirnary coq,c_g the sidewal.ks have deteriorated to the poin ee.L a poie.nt accidenE flrnaintainsocl-atlon has ctr I r crqllgl-v maantaJ-neo tnese areas Tn-€Ee past but the situation is sulh that these sidewalks andplanters need to be replaced. Sj-nce these are on Town property it should be the Towns responsibility to replace as well as rnaintain. Therefore, the Board of the Mill Creek Court Condoniniurn Association presents this proposal . 1. t The Town r>f rJai.I .vjJ-i. "u-epiace the sidewalks around Mi1l Creek Court Builciing and upgrade the planters wlth stonework to match other TOV planters in the area. fnaddition, the Town wilL rnaiutai.n these areas includj-nq snow renova] and th.e pi "irrtJ r.i1 and weeding ol: t:her flowerbeds and plarrLers. If the Tor.rn does not find the f i.rst al.ternative acceptable, the Board j-s asking ltre Town deed,lver to the Association the lano in quest:-r>n lor prcper care and maj.ntenance by 'i:he Association. Thrs sol-ution would also -!...,-. ..- .-..i-r--,-.vJ.l-i1.L tlP cu:y giIL L'*.Jelh'rsrrL. rvr.Lr..LEll!.). Creek Court Condominium Association looks forward to this issue and hearing back from you shortly. C rndcni ri i u.irr Assoc.ia E i ctr The Mil-1 resolving 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 360, Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: (303)476-1063_ Telefax: (303) 476-2523 TLlf I J r t't LAl.lollT o to: I(rLrtan FrLtz I}ort ,lLu tJanont Datr: ifunr 21 , 199a REi Eatt vLl]-age ltoDecnrn€rs AesoolatLon Pleaae adviee Lf the attash€d trdraftn oopy le not anncsuratr rumary of or.rr nogt reoent dlecuegi,on regarlll,ng thel(1ll cri.Ir Atplhe Gardon llrojedt. algoEg2?5€t56 P-Oz o tn o Bob Galvln.filfi! Lamonttast Villaqe Hqmcswncr3 AsaoolationRE! Etetqs-Report.'nne 22 t 1992 (DR.efT)Paq. Z LAI'IOHT 2. lll1l creek Alplne carden: 913A362?5e56 P. 93 ^ fn rcsponsc to our request to 4o\re toryrardl glth theiDprov6nent of the ltill Creek Streqn frase]T havc bceninlormod, by Xrletan PrLtt that lt ie not frtfesibJ-c to move oDtbe pEoJcct aurfng tlrl-e ca,netriuctlon season. str6 €xlrre$ed lnterest ln novlng for:tlard on the Clesignooncepts fsr the MiU creek lnprovernente. Towarrda tlrls end ahc hq! agreed to otrair a ueeting \ilith the Tswn DanclacapeArchltect'and mysel-f to dLscuss the d,esirecl improvements, J I }I LA],IOHT o To: Krl-stan }}rltE Itonr JLn Lanont Datc: Jrrna 16, 19gz REr East viLlqEe l{@eownqBs eeeoql,ationUlll cre€I(-A].pJ.ne ctrdcn - Ag pcr oun dlscugglon, it ie my under€tandinq that inohEle:t to Do\rE forya=d thc ooncapt oF a ilill Creek-AlplneGarden. th€ anonlmoue dsnor needl to be preientea wliL aconceptual pJ.an/doign_ for the garden iiroS_uding estinqtedconatructl'on and on-golng uaintinance coet6. . Ttre-degl.gn concept and eatlmated costs could be tll3 ne:at LtgP;up .fron the back:of-an-envetope Etage of evaluation.lqr E.ure,4as been nade avaiLable to sork wittr the Tormrs Etaff!g^f?9ll{tatr setting y_our conccptn onto paper- so-that tneIlroJect do€s not lnterfere witb the ctaffTs-suDmer workload. 2?5956 One proapectLve idea tlrat hae baan advanssd fgr the a 13s38 o P. A2 fi garden's Centra!- thene ls to use the airrine LanctgEiosaa a naturql saulptux.al elemenr enpnaal?ffi-EolOer-terture,as a naturai saullltulal element enphaafil---nq cofor.l9&, atrd divergity inteqrated rlth the nofiion anO-lgEI, and dinurgitv interrratett fllwetFr. A quc,lltatlve corfrrrar:lno.t mot,ion and soundl ofgCt+. A qualltatlve co'f,parj.lron wouLd lre therraEEr. a qFrq'l l.t'att_ve c('nparlson wouLd lre the prmerradegi:,tg-?l:"9-tl:^"::_t:11,egg?. of . rhe. Lolee ar tail pro4lerty.fre rlrn{te 5r tne proteet w5ura-lJ tne-i6m-;wn;e-p-orti;;-eithe ull1 fteetc Strean-tract between Eangon Ranob nbad anaGore Creek Drirrs - The donor has a history of naklnq uajor coniributlonc tothe coromlnity: _ r trave been-advl-sed t6 noie thie projectfo.rwqrd aa_quiolc1y- as pousJ-b1e becauae the donor.-e efit:lrsiasnwrII wtn6 clu6 tt, ttre private and Dergonal nature of thcclrsrnstances assoclated with th€-donorte Lnterest in thiespecLfl-c site. It ig assufted that the proiect utll becousictGnt and coupatlble nlth the Town"s puffic inprovementobJectlvee f,or the- general nelghborhoott. Therc is a ctrong poesibility after ta3-king uJ,rh,retrrrescntatiwes of thE ValI AtpinE Garcl"n ttrat fhev $ay beinterest3d in provid,ing tecfrn!.Ca1 aeeistance to trri pr6ject, CostB for tecfrnlcal. servLces, utllitier, flood/eroeionqantro]-, etc- shou]-d. lre incl-uctee in the pror6sal to'thidsrqr. .It is aBsuned that the pro]ect r6ufh be constructerlby a.priwate contractsr acsordiirs fo th.e Toun'sapeci.ficatigna. Site work on th6 project would have toscrnDattce tbie oonstruct ion seaaon. LHI'IOHT @l s275A56 P-g2 t7o€l 57a,lsoo ROBEF'T W. 6ALVIN ISC'S EAEf AI.6O}rQUIN R{TAD gCHAUMBURO. lLLrHOrS Golgarlolstt Juno 10, 1992 Mr. Krl*an Prlrz Dlrcctor of Commrnlty DevelopmontTorl of Vail 75 Sourh Froqtatc Road $rest Valt, Coloredo 8t657 Doar lvf,r. Prltu: I havo becq infotncd thu thcro uay bo intcre* on ths part of tho Town of Vatl to work wlth thc Ea* Viltago Homcowuerr Areociation Io tccompliih lalGcape lm- prcvcnoDts to tho Mlll Creck ilrcalr trsct. Blll Morton of the Homcowncru Argoclatlont, Eoard of Dlroctore hir rcccivcd affirua- tlon that thcrc is privda grant money rvallrblc to ffrnd lmprovcmcntt to ths strcamtrlgr. Tlrc grant would bc for thc purposr of constnrcthg sn alpitra grrdon aloog the Mill .Crcee $rccn tract bctrycen Hancon Rauch Road rnd Gora Crcck Driye It b thc irtclltt of tbo llomcowncrr Arrociatiol to cncouragc tlo constfilcdon of &is plqJlct durbg tho prroscnt Eearon. It is our dc.slrs ro worh wlth yoursetf, tho Towa of Vall Enginccr, ird Laldrcrpc. Architcct to doteruinc the derlp -rspccts of the project, oncs tlc spaclflc coars rssdclatcd wlth tho projecr aro dctermined, thc Homcownorc Association can coaflrn md cxpcdltc trant sourccs. Ite Homcowuor Asroclatlon lookr fqrward to working wilh thc Town of VaiI on thisptojcct. Plcarc let ul lnow how wc might assist you ln tDis cfforL I 1'l o 38= otr\ r , \ 'tf^\/ ) Y fiffla*ioJ*f'-('-$.J ) ft r,nLl,r-Q f4 cLL^'^'{Pcld'l'\il u* Slng;rclyr 4// .t ./t/hil bl^l; Robcrt W. Gilvin Prcsidcnt, East Vlllrge Ilomoownorg Association cc: Vdl Towu Oouncif.'Jitn Lafiont (7O8) 576-53OO ROBERT W. GALVIN 3O3 EAST ALGONQU IN ROAD ScHAUMBURG. TLLTNOIS 60r96-lo6s June 10. 1992 Ms. Kristan Pritz Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Pritz: I have been informed that there may be interest on tlre part of the Town of Vail to work with the East Village Homeowners Association to accomplish landscape im- provements to the Mill Creek stream tracl. Bill Morton of the Homeowners Association's. Board of Directors has received affirma- tion that there is private grant money available to fund improvements to the stream tract. The grant would be for the purpose of constructing an alpine garden along the Mill Creek stream tract between Hanson Ranch Road and Gore Creek Drive. It is the interest of the Homeowners Association to encourage the construction of this project during the present season. It is our desire to work with yourself, the Town of Vail Engineer, and Landscape Architect to determine the design aspects of the project. Once the specific costs associated with the project are determined, the Homeowners Association can confirm and expedite grant sources. The Homeowners Association looks forward to working with the Town of Vail on this project. Please let us know how we might assist you in this effort. O [fcr.;;r,y i6EsZ Sin rely, Robert W. President, East Village Homeowners Association RWG:kh cc: Vail Town Council Jim Lamont o:cEtvEDJUil'5p92 ( 708r 576-5300 ROBERT W. GALVIN I3O3 EAST ALGONOUIN ROAO scHAUMBURG. rLLrNOti 60t96-tO65 June 10, 1992 Ms. Kristan Pritz Director of Community Developmeot Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado E1657 Dear Ms. Priu: I have been infomred that there may be intcrcst on the part of the Town of Vail to work with the East Village Homeowners Association to accomplish landscape im- provemeots to the Mill Crcck stream tract. Bill Morton of the Homeownen Association's, Board of Directors has received affirma- tion that there is priyatc grant money availablc to fund improvements to thc stream tract. The grant would bc for the purpose of constructing ao alpine garden along the Mill Creek strqem tract bctween Hanson Ranch Road and Gore Creek Drive. It is the intercst of thc Homcowners Association to encouragc the construction of this prdect during the present season. It is our desire to work with yourself, the Town of Vail Engineer, and Landscape Architect to determine the design aspects of the project. Once the specific costs associated with thc project are determined, the Homeowners Association can confirm and expedite grant sources. The Homeowners Association looks forward to working with the Town of Vail on this project. Plcase let us know how we might assist you in this effort. Prcsident, East Yillage Homeowners Association RWG:kh cc: Vail Town Council Jim Lamont