HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5A LOT K GALATYN LODGE FKA GARDEN OF THE GODS 1980-1989 LEGALT'ea r; Project Application Project Name: Project Description:oOi contact person and rno"" 47(f - O9)-2 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board APPROVAL '/* ,, lE - r'/. O /- \+o lul Summary:YELt"ottJ ccuo,.2- {4> /'AEpt1 u)t t-+- -1 r C 1+/-.1-. t 'N,fdtr 4r.rF4 '7" tett 70 lf St L F RESvbh tJ- t,) r t )) 6a.f '( 4 _ y f U4u./ t< t\l /2. '' d\) 64c J:- , tt- BAL-c-o/) Y -' tr,1 3rt'r**)v.aL.- ;)t: 6ttz' tb r/ )'4i- Statf Approval f/ uT' I s ,S 74*t6) r 2'L"U/:''4a 4 Ll, ,,t .;'l,1i,lr Lit fi ii -t ,iLt ! aiIi t f o lili 75 south lrontage road vail. colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 i:rne l7, .l983 lnne Nolan Garden of the Gods Club P.0. 8ox 2994 Ya il , C0 8]658 Re: Garden of the Gods Dear Anne: 0n June .l5, 1983, the Design Revjew tsoard denied the Garden of the Gods repaint as subrnitted. The Board however, did approve an alternative color scheme, with Ala l4ode being exterior sto co1or, GR-7 Green on the'interior wall, and ET-B Brown for the trim. Sincerely, /1 /f 7-v'^- Jlm 5ayre Town Planner JS/uu Garbe n of tlreC'obs Cfub "VilP.O. Bo- 2994.Vcit. Color',ado A1€lS? dt,;ut* 7, lq'*' 3 To *l*fa*rn eL ltili. I 1 t te- .3n^r'r&" fi;u..*J" i'. :, , U.,' ..i ,. .. II s.r, r-{ ja I .."n. *p; I I ? It.*'.. i { i. 'J.tt d t,'' /'. t I I ,. :' r 1 t i f" { {.i. / €*e,*r" t+' {3.+tt,t., ,# tlcr.' ; , 6"it' ','-?ij- \ 1! !' ' / I t, ;)trr1g,-[r,t'r l'1',+Lat''.r^ F r il r ' .\ t"- i- r e I' tr..i{il .r'' llI /. | ' iV : I I \ {.; rr"r. r d, r.. o Jl','. JlLru g..q{,U 3525 LuuL Co""k 91,1. fi gCA 9"ll,.'. Leor^ 75219 February I, I983 Mr. Jim Sayre Town of Vail 75 South Fr:ontage Road Vail; Colorado 81657 Dear Ur. Sayre, In regard to your letter of January 28' 1983' please be advised that I am surprlsed that you rtere not presented the plan dated 10-5-82. The bids were so high on the orlginal plan EhaE the wal1 and terrace had Eo be omltted. We will definitely be planting the shrubs and the six-foot spruce (I hope co get an elght or t.en) as soon as sprlng pernits. Since I do not have thls origlnal plan' would ic be posslble for you Eo leave a coPy showing the exact location wi.th Mrs. Anne Nolan at the Garden of the Gods Club? Ihls will prevent any further errors. We will be looking forward to your inspcction on July I, 1983. S incerely, IOIH: kl cc: Mrs. Anne Nolan Garden of the Gods Club Vail, Colorado o 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 28, 1983 l,largaret H il i 3525 Turtle Creek Blvd. #13-BCD Dal las, Texas 75219 Dear Mrs. Hill: In the second week of January, 1983 Mr. Frank Payne of Beck & Associates gave me a revised'landscpaing plan for the Garden of the Gods. This is the first time I reca'll seeing this plan; the Design Review Board had approved a more elaborate plan with a wa1l, a relocated spruce and an iron gate. The drawing that l''lr. Payne gave me, dated LO/5/82, is now staff approved with two conditions: that the "shrubs" onthis plan be specified and that one,six foot spruce tree be planted in the approximate location as the one that is shown in the original Design Review Board approval . This will help screen the pool aiea from the street. A Iancscaping inspection will be scheduled for July 1, 1983. have any problems in p1 anting this tree, please contact me. Si ncerel y, ,k"v4v- Town Planner J5:df If you Profect Applicatlon ()/' Proiect Name: Pro,ect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 3l*. .-il[*t 9. .q{il h / 3525 IutL Co*k gl,l" B gCD glv\/ Aolb, guas 75219 ,' *g*bn 2r Gra 5' February I, 1983 Mr. Jln Sayre Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co1-orado 81657 Dear Mr. Sayre, In regard to your letter of January 28' 1983, please be advl-sed that I arn surprlsed that you were not presented the plan dated 10-5-82. The bids nere so high on the original pl-an that the wall and terrace had to be omitted. We w111 definltely be plantlng the shrubs and the slx-f,oot spruce (I hope to get an eight or ten) as soon as spring perml-ts. SLnce I do not have thJ.s orlglnal plan, would i.t be posslble for you to leave a copy showing the exact locatl-on with Mrs. Anne Nolan at the Garden of the Gods Club? This w111 prevent any further errors. lle w111 be looking forward to your inspectlon on July 1, 1983. S incerely, MHH:ki cc: Mrs. Anne Nolan Garden of the Gods Club VaLl, Colorado 11111 I lrun u UftI 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 28, 1983 Hargaret Hill 3525 Turtle Creek B'lvd. #13-BCD Da'f 'l as, Texas 752I.9 Dear Mrs. Hill: In the second week of January, 1983 Mr, Frank Payne of Beck & Associates gave me a revjsed landscpaing plan for the Garden of the Gods. This is the first time I recal'l seeing this plan; the Besign Review Board had approved a more elaborate pl an with a wall, a relocated spruce and an iron gate. The drawing that Mr. Payne gave me, dated 10/5/82, is now staff approved with tlo conditions: that the "shrubs" 9pthis plan be specified and that one,six foot spruce tree be planted in the approximate location as the one that is shown in the origina'l Design Revierv Board approval . This will help screen the poo) area from the street. A lancscaping inspection will be scheduled for July 1, 1983. If you have any problems in planting this tree, pl ease contact me. Si ncerely, ,h"&7-'"-' Town Planner JS:df l-- >J 75 soulh frontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 14, '1983 Mr. Jack Lambert 2800 Thanksgiving Tower Dal1as, Texas 75201 Re: Garden of the Gods agreement Dear l'lr. Lambert: P'lease find enclosed the employee housing agreement as amended. Sorry about the confusion and delay in its execution. Hope we can now get this fina'l ized. Thanks for your cooperatjon. Sincerely, APP: bpr Encl . cc: Beck and Assocjates ;. -';ffi;'"/'il Senior Planner 4. PEC -4- 9/13/42 Rcnuest f or exterior al tciaiion an(l tir'Jdif ica Lion in CC I I I) istrict f or shcrp _.rjnsqfrjl-qrr.q j.i9-tr-5-P'..Lt]9lD-fit..rr.:tl"ftt-i!-Ll-.!",ti A-'ipiTAnt:Jtwii sheridarr Jim Sayre revievred the meeting of July 26 when the app] icant first appeared with the request, lle explained that sorne of the objections at that nteet'ing. had been meti--the elevatjon of the cornplete building was now presented and there has now some variation in the facade. A1 len Tafoya, of the Ruoff-Wentlorth Architects office, presented the net't drawings and explaihed that Performance Ski was adding only 2BZ square feet. He added that he felt that enclosing the area behind Bart and Yeti's with a gate \^ras an asset, for the gate wouTd hide many items and trash that were stored there, Trout objected to the tightness of the corner space, and the inability to sec the buildings beyond the court Vie'l e moved and l,lorgan seconded to approve the request as presented in the ncmo dated 9/7/82. The vote was 4-l (Trout agdinst) in favor. The motion passed. Jint Sayre reminded Tafoya of the parking fee that t'tould be assesed the addition of square footage at Performance Ski 5.Request for a setback variance in order to const woul d encroac eet 'into a reou side se ack a pp l 'rcan ert Peter Jarnr showed the site plan. Frank Payne of Beck and Associates, contractor for the appl icant, showed dravlings and photographs of the proposed area' tle explained that there t'tas already an existing deck over the area proposed to be'a greenhouse, but that the greenhorrse would extend a little beyond the deck. He added that the building was substantially belovt in GRFA, and that the new addition would have little impact on adjoining property ovlners. Donovan felt that there was no hardship demonstrated and Viele agreed. Morgan moved and Trout secondcd to approve the request for a setback variance and cited the reason that there are except'ions or extraordinary circurnstancesor conditions applicable to the site of the variance'that do pot appiy generally to other properties in the same zone. The vote bJas 3 jn favor, 1 against (Donovan).and Corcoran abstained. Ryan pointed out that other buildings lveren't enjoying the sarlte privilege of Uuiiding in setbacks. Corcoran felt that perhaps there should be broader crjteria to determ'ine a variance from hardship. 6. Request for amendrnent to the municipal code to disallotv the review of an a txtfi ca ffi; n dTTenl]l n q a n-d- E n v iio rr nren ta I C orrrirt i s s i on Tf*tl-e-appt-iciTl'on-is lu-bitanTfiTIy s-irrli-iar-fo-qr'. 11eu-isrye-d *ifh-in -tF-u pI"f:of: j/eq l-:-*Tpith-' c.d n il- -rown oi-Va il Peter Jarnar explained that there had been a number of instances where an applicant had re-app1 ied for sorne type of approval rr'ith the sarrre appl icatjon that had previously been denied. I'iorgan felt that perhaps one year was too lottg a tinle franre, that they were dealing with rigir'cs--the public had a right to re-app1y. Jannr said that the leqal staff had revicr,red the amendutent. a-qreenhouse tha October ll, 1982 To: Jim Sayer Town of Vail Planning & Zoning Staff Vai l , Colorado J im: In regards to your concern about the minor infringements of the Garden of the Gods Club sidewalk over the Vi]la Valhalla property lines at the north-east corner of our lot, I wou'ld like to assure you that the Villa Valhalla Condominium Association is not concerned about this minor infringement. Basically these infringements have existed for some time and they present nodifficulties to the owners of the Villa Va'lhalla Condominiums. Therefore, as President of the Villa Valhalla Condominium Association, I give my approval for the sidewalk and cribbing in- fringements as detailed by T'im Clark on October sth, '1 982, on the improvement survey by Eagle Val 'l ey Engineering and Surveying, Inc. dated August 23rd, .|982. Si ncerel y , arry Craddock Pres i dentVilla VaIhal16 Con dominium Association oo a\* \%* *a P f -t-$+$ v!l -I s-t-- * T g -t_ no-{. -f. dT A \ E- {\ x d-I .c rU --JJil T \-F C!/r ttl[ .-O 0 PbP-< o fv 'atb (\ d\a --{-$+ r. t't$l T $ * T g J_ n o L.rt)T \ \J E_ -l- r\r )(il) Liitil+t st J]J I __J JIJ fl-l- |dr t\ T {T { l-u t ,9 ./s I Ill -{ $sbor .-<fl 3 d Jo €nF -@'- il I o- AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated tn.'& a"y of 0**, +-, 1982, by and between rhe TowN oF vArL, U COLORADO, hereinafter referred to ae ,'VaLLr,' and A. G. HILL, hereinafter referred to as "Hill." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, HilI is the owner of the property described as: Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Villagerrifth Filing, County of EaglelState of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the 'rsubject propertyri and, $IIIEREAS, Vail has requested that certain restrictions regarding enployee units be placed on the Subject Property. NOt{, THEREFORE, for Ten Dollara ($10.00, and other good and valuable considerationr the sufflclency of whlch is hereby acknowledgedr the parties hereto agree as follows: r. The accommodation unit known ae unrtf ,nffiffi* the dwelling unit located in the gouthwegt corner of the zh'/a-""+./.'4 rze orfiQ{no",. reetr ":3f q the improvements located on the Subject property t--t't* (collectively referred to as the I'Employee UnItB'), ahall not be sol ., transferred, or conveyed separately from the other improvements located on the Subject prop,erty. 2. The Employee Unlts ehall not be leaged or rented for any period of ress than thtr W (KN:f"i andr if it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Ciff, GLlman, Eagle-Vail and Avon, and their surrounding areas. A full-time enployee Le a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. II I 3. The restrlctions contained hereln ehall remain ln effect until September L, 2002 unless earller terninated -fooxtpvan' A^tDf+l€ Pbffirv aD{F;€'by mutual consent of the igrte.- 4. Hill, or his heirs or aeaigns, mayr ct-+l'e diaa:efiqr, move such Employee Units to other locations on (syaafe"n) the Subject Property as long as such new employee unlts are4\rwa,Jz I 'substantially the_ t^i{#iFVu." "tle .old employee vni:cst#aL*al t' 77., "P/ r/d"/# affi,c/*"^ /) TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Attest 3 STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) By The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1982, by _,and _, - ,of theffiotonao6-fa-'ifriliTlcTp5T-c offi d onbehalf of said corporation. My conunission expires:Notary Public AddresE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE "Hil1" f -n r+rsA. G. HTLI was acknorlcdged before. L982, by A. c. HILL. ss. The foregoinq instrument ne this a-OP day of \u^-^, l_ My comurission expires : \- *ffiffiTtr" 2, s: 74; 442/J4 a uxntd -nzafg u-4-%:FH#z d --{ttz'zz / /m A-' ,!LJ PRESENT t{i1l Trout Diana Donovan Oan Corcoran 0uane Piper Jim Viele l ater: Jim Morga.n ABSENT s?6TFEdwards lhn Corcoran, chaitman, PLANN ING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COI.Ti,IISSION Septeder '13, 1982 STAIF. PRESENJ Dlck Ryan Peter Patten Peter Jarar ilim Sayre Betsy Rosolack c0ulrgrt REP Ron Todd called the nceting to order at 3:00 pm. l Approval of minutes of meeting of August 2-3-' 1982. Donovan moved and Piper seconded to approve the minutes of August 23. Vote was 5'0' I ication exterior alteration and rndification in CCI District to encl ose a a third floor conqomln um at cyrano's.cants:a Dan Corcoran explained that five letters had been rece'ived from adjoining property ohners in opposition to the proiect. Peter Patten gave sone background on the Cyrano's building and reviewed the memo. Jim Qolombo,architectfor the project made the board familiar with various com- ponents of ihe request. He adiled that making the Cyrano's building higher . nnde the building come'closer to the height of the Gold Peak House, He stated that the app'licait was interested in keeping as much transparency as possible along Seibert Circle a.nd Hanson Ranch Road. He showed with transparencjes how the bu'ilding would look when the glass-roof and ual'l s wer€ in plice. The windows and roof were to work electronicall.y'-and could be taken off'completely in the surdner. He explained that the third floor was set back to retain t}e two story feel ing of the building. Colottbo po'inted. out that only 1 /? of 1 window on thL east side of the Gold Peak House was blocked by Cyrano's proposal , and that there are 4 or 5 other windows on the same wall that were already blocked. Corcoran read a letter'from Rlck Halterrann, lhnaging agent from Arthur Bishop and Company, ranager fon the Mill Crebk Court Building,'stat'in{i that as long as the ordinairces of the Town bf Vai'l were adhered to, tne llill Creek Court Building Association did not have any object ion to the proposal . -2- el13l82PECo U Jack curtin, representing himself and Mrs, cort'landt Hill spoke and nnntioned ;trat;'inii'ti.t itir.'*Ete 2 residences-on the second floor which were changed to the restauranr aiii lini-oi thi reasons given uas that.residences did not wi"i"in'ltrat space, " cu"iin-poinieo-out thit Gyranoi..El not finished landscaping' inh"tt.t-iirs-iliii piri.Jd oi-ine-easi stde. le added that there rns a sreat- . possibjliw that tn.'iiJoing'tuitis ano.rooii would become frozen shut and would remain shut ontne souin'aecti. He asked why a model hadn't-been required to. be shown in the propoiat, Curtin iiso malirtained that until the view corridor review was made, there should be no.r"taiittcni of existing vier'is. He felt that it was djfficuit-to f,ia" the fact ihat there was-a 3rd floor., that-the-- building as it was ni*-iouta-Ue charmint if it r.re.cleaned up, that a 3rd floor uoutd block 4 or 5 niiiioo*i'ir'rli iii ana-ventiiatea hallravs in the Go'ld Peak ' House. Curtin tef t'iirii.itrere-wouiO Ue incieased tnaffic ,because of tnore people ln the larger "estarilni iia iaOiiionat ptopie in the condominium, especiallv if thb condo were rented out. He added lftii it wou1-d- shade the stream considerably' iu"iln,i-iiit iemar[i-*"re-itrat the app'licint should F asked to finish what [[L:i'ii.i"'iti"t"a ueiore being grantei' further appronls' Kit cowperthwaite, representing Jack llhitehead, owner of the Red Lion condominium, said that it was ltr.-Wtriienead;s presence and icts, after purchasing the.condo' that disso'lved a law suit between Mrs. iitt anA tn6 fqr of Vai'|. He added tfat'Mr. l,lhitehead rtooi-to-ioii +O-SO% of his view d-Vajl Mountain with the addition of a 3rd.6;i;; -CoupertriwaiiJ iiaa iection 18.24.05sA3 qf the code and fett that jt was not being complied with. Viele felt that more information was needed. Piper ftlt that the view corridor should be pursued more, that the previous-items lnatma been approved^shou'ld 66-iirpiitia uerore-griniins_iuitherappro-va'ls. He q't that leaving Cvrano's at two stories atfowiO-eii.it"nt relief of spaggs.. Pher was concerned that tfre-aici enctosures";; ;i;iliJ t"ansparent--90% trasparent as u{as presented' lhnovan felt that the al]ey seemed to be a glgsh-a'tlr that there ms'a definite i;;;;i iigfrt to tfre-eoiO--peik House,__that there unsanoral obliqation on the p"rt it 'cv"iano's noi i-o';d'd;h" aia hoor, because uf Hast documented action of frr.-pirfs, and thai-wiitr togging up,.theri would be J{tle transparency-to,the ;i,irbild-,ieiri, tt'it"ii" iiii"iEncb'in the heishtsor0vrano's and the Gold Peak House was interestiigr,inJi'no'pioiect of Cyraio's to date. had been completed,, and that the street ii.ioir"" nitn-tn. 3rd iloor was oerwhelming.. -She added that a larger restauran; ;;;i$a more deliveries, espec;allx., of perishables. Corcoran agreed with Jack Curtin in that the preserrbftiOn by'the applicant was lacking .compared with other appl icants. columbo pointed out that even with the 3rd story ?.li4i-that there was still ;-iil;t aiiterence -i" -'tieighi-between lv1ang' :. "n9 Fg'td_Peak House' that tnire would be *ore'iciiuiiy generated-in Seibert cidb and Hanson Ranch Road' gtit-tii"-ippticant-wiJiq'udi..i-io all 5 conditions" ardradded that there had ievdr-ue"ii'i right to-pririi"-uiewi. He added'thai itras.hard to=see.the view unless oni weie-in-the-Cfoil Tover area. He explained thatt{le windows would not frost up-Ueiause they wouid be of l " or l|" ThLrmopane, .adthe.heat from the inside sfioula-miit-inv sn6w.on-tfii iop-imni'oiatety.' Coiu*osaid that-a mode'l would -- "-';i:.-i&. ' Pt3- e113l82 i i I \ r I 3 I;l? t:rJ be no problem to make, but that it should have been brought up when the applicant appl ied for the approval Jim l,lorgan arrived. Patten, replying to some of Curtin's remarks, stqleq tfra! lfre staff did not state that there would not be any impacts. He added that the enclosed decks rould add to the activii, ln tfre corb arei. ihere had been complications concerning finishirlq the area to the east of the building, but that there was nofl an agreement that it must be finished by 0ctober l. . . ' Rvan stated that the request must be dealt with under the current criteria' iit'ioi"i?6ui"ii"-iio|;';;;i vjouia-travi io ue compteted bv June I ' 1983' CorcoranmovedandDonovansecondedtodenytherequest,.Corcoranstatingthat that he.did not t""f-i[ii'-t[ii-present.iid'r *u-i ii'aetaired as others in ccI, and that he did not r""i i"i"a-iiool ionao wii uppiopriate ]! lhat area when the verv strong argurnent nur'ri"i'irtii-it aian't"i6"['itreh ttre conversion was'made on the 2nd floor.'I th'ink inii"-i-i"ias alone i"" ti"ong enough for nV motion' and I reirerate the items il;ildi;'iiitin; -rr'e-voie wis 3-2-(Trout & Piper) to deny with Morgan abstaining. view corridor review hadn't been.finishgd, qnd Ryan answered *is'nol ioniiOent wi'ttr ttre procedure' that it would not He iAaeo that this nas one oh the subiects to be discussed on Tuesday, SePtenber 21. 3. Request for variances for G8F4 gll;etbacks in order to construct an additionrJ' iii't".t Patten explained that the request has been revised since the 'last meeting'.in that the i"equest now-was for'onlytheairlock on the west side and to expand the front deck to the south' .lim trhnning, representing the applicants, showed site plans. Discussion followed concerning snow removal and storage. lrlorgan moved and Viele seconded to approve the variance request for the setback for-the airlock as wel] as the setbatk for the front deck. The vote was 3-3 with morgan, Viele and Trout in favor, and Donovan, Corcoran and Piper voting against. The motion did not Pass. Donovan moved and Piper seconded to approve the variance request for the airlock on'ly as per the stafi recormendation. The vote was 6-0 in favor. The applicant waireminOea inat he had. 10 days in which to appeal the decision to Town Council. Piper and Patten left at this point, Curtin asked whY the that the legal staff stand up legallY. at the Joint meeting C -4--9/13/82aPEC o 4- Reouest for exterior alteration and modification in CCII District for shop eridan Jim Sayre revibwed the meeting of July 26 when the app'licant first appeared with the request. He explained that some of the obiections at that meeting , had been med--the elevation of the complete build'ing t*ts now presented and there was now some variation in the facade. Allen Tafoya, of the Ruoff-Wentworth Architects office, presented the new drawings and explaiired that Performance Skj was adding only 282 square feet. He added that he felt that enclosing the area behind Bart and Yeti's with a gate was an asset, for the gate would hide many items and trash that were stored there.. Trout objected to the tightness of the corner space, and the inabi'lity to see the buildings beyond the court. Viele moved and lrlorgan seconded to approve the request as presented in the memo dated 9/7/82. The vote was 4-l (Troirt against) in favor. The motion passed. Jim Sryre reminded Tafoya of the parking fee that would be assesed the addition of square footage at Performance Ski. 5. Reouest for a setback variance in order to construct a greenhouse that would of Ehe GodF elub. Peter Jamar shored the site plan. Frank Payne of Bebk and Associates, contractor for the applicant, showed drawings and photographs of the proposed area. He otplained that there was already an existing deck over the area proposed to be a greenhouse, but that the greenhouse would extend a little beyond the.deck. He added that the building was substantially be'low in GRFA, and that the new additlon would have little impact on adjoining property owners. Donovan felt that there was no hardship dernnstrated and Viele agreed. llorgan moved and Trout seconded to approve the request for a setback variance and cited the reason that there are exceptipns or extraordinary circumstancesor conditions applicable to the site of the variance'that do not appiy generally to other propdrtles 'ih the same zone. The vote was 3 in favor, I against (Donovan) and Corcoran abstained. Ryan pointed out that other buildings weren't enjoying the same privilege of buildlng in setbacks. Corcoran felt that perhaps there should be broader criteria to detennine a variance from hardship. 6. Request for arendment to the municipal code to disa'l low the review of an aDDlication bv Desiqn Review Board and Planninq and Environmental Comm'ission -.'It Ene ajpllcation is suDstantlal ly s]m] lar to one revreweo wlf,nln fne prev'rous year. Applicant: Town of vail Peter Jamar explained that there had been a nurber of instances where an applicant lnd re-applied for some type of approval with the samr application that had previously been denied. Morgan felt that perhaps one year was too long a time frame, that they were dealing with rights--the public had a right to re-apply. Jarnr said that the 'legal staff had reviewed the amendment. I PEc -5-or 3/s2 Trcut had the same rcaction the Morgan had concerning the time elenent and suggestedper!1Rs 2 or 3 months. Jannr pointed out that th'is amendment did not prevent apgl;icants from appealing. Ryan added that this amendment was the resirlt ofdirection from Council. l'lorgan felt that it was overkill. Viele felt that therewere.getting to be too many regulations. Donovan generally was in favor of the amendment. _She pointed out that the Covered Bridgi building was another example when.the applicant asked to table his request until the nexl meeting wfien one'of the absent board members would be there, Corcoran added tlrat another exanple was the pool bubble for the Lodge at vail. viele answered that that was the ' right of the appl icant. i{organ-moved and Viele seconded not to recomnend the zoning amendment to Town ' counci'|. The vote was 3-2 (corcoran and Donovan against) in favor of not recorrnending the amendment to the Town Council. - 6, Request ToF-oilE for annndrpnts the municir olsDla or ven code to revise submittal I ations canE:own of va until Septerber 27, The written on ways to the next neeting. to ou C Peter-Jamar explained that the Arterial Business District was not included, buttnat it may be at a later date. He added that the crbssed out items were not needed in the amendment because vending siands were not allowed, kiosks werecovered-i1 thg sign ordinance, and accEssory outdoor dining teriaces were coveredoy-c-ond,itional uses. Awning and windbreaks were addressed in the Urtan Desiqnel!9".Plans; The question ias raised as to penarties imposed upon zoning ioieviolations, and Ron Todd refemed to Section'1g.6G.025. Ryin explained that this amendment would cut doh'n the time it would take toget apprqval,, It becomes a staff situation. Viele asked about the time e]ement.and Jamar replied that there was not time involved, rather a'location question, and the permit was issued to the lessee with the 'property owner's apprbval. The discussion which followed concerned whether or not it was a good idea tohave a new ordinance, whether it was costly'to ask for an improvemnt survey,(it-was decided that most buildings have iirproverent surveyr), wrteirrer-itre-i6nncould rcrely include this information in buiiness licenses. Jamar suggested that perhaps-the regulations could be included as a part of.anapplication for a business'license 6r license renewal Ryan suggested tabling this item for further study. Viele moved and Trout seconded to table the requestvote was 4.0 in favor (l,lorgan had left). Corcoran asked the merbers to look at the menp Dick had speed up the meetings and rnke additional suggestions attle suggested meeting a half hour early to diiiuss this. Corcoran felt that attendance was important at each nrceting and staying untilthe meeting was over was also importint. ..+ Ryan reminded the members of the joint neeting on Tuesday, septenbCr 2l andBetsy asked which menbers courd go to the Nl.,cdOc meetr:rrg-on Oct 15 & 16. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00. a PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Septerber .|3, 1982 2:00 pm Site visits 3:00 pm Publ ic Hearing 'l . Approva'l of minutes of neeting of August 23. 2. Application for exterior alteration and modification in CCI Distrlct to enclose two decks and add a third floor condominium at Cyrano's building. Appl icants: Bud and Grcta parks 3. Request for variances for GRFA and setbacks in order to construct an addition on lot 9, Bighorn Terrace. Applicants::, John and Debbie 0dum 4. Request for an arpndment to the municipal code to disallow the review of qq aPp'lication by Design Review Board and Planning and Environrrcntal Conrnissionif the application is substantial]y similar to oni reviewed within theprevious year. Applicant: Town of Vait 5. Request for_exterior alteration and modlfication in CCII Distriict for shopotpansion along Lion's pride Court on the first floor.Applicant: Steve Sheridan 6. Request.for anendments to the mun'icipal code to revisErsubmjttal'.reguTationsfor outdoor display and outdoor vending. Applicant: Town of Vail - . 7. Request. for setback variance in order to construct a greenhouse that would encroach'10 feet into a required side setback at Gardin of the Gods Club.Appllcant: Mrs. Albert c.'Hill Published in the Vail Trail Septerber 10, I9g2 ts@cR AND ASSOCIATES INC PO Bcx l4l3 V:il Cobrodo 81658 (303)827-5%0 September 10, 1982 To: Planning & Environmental CommissionFm: Frank PayneRe: Garden of the Gods - Setback Variance Gentl emen: In regards to the recommended denial of the Garden of the Gods variance request, I would'l ike to make one more point before a decision is rendered. The proposed greenhouse falls directly under an existing balcony. It is not as though a separate structure is being added to the building as'indicated by the drawing supplied to you by the Community Development staff. To illustrate ny point more clearly I would'like to present the included photographs and architectural drawings. Yours Frank Payne Beck & Associates, Inc. fplkm Encl osures truly, Desgrrers/Buirders. Corstruction Mor@ers o IGI'IORANDIJM T0: P'lanning and Environrental Cormission FR01'l: Oepartment of Cormun'ity Development DATE: September 3, 1982 SUBTIECT: Request for setback variance in order to construct a greenhouse that urculd encroach l0 feet into a required side setback at Garden of the Gods Club. Applicant: Mrs. Albert G. Hil DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant wishes to construct a greenhouse of approxirately 160 square feet adJacent to the northwest portion of the Garden of the Gods club. The proposed addition would encroach l0 feet into a required 20 foot side setback. (See site plan.) The Garden of the Gods Club is located in the P6lic Accormodation Zone District. The applicant believes that the variance is "justified in light sf the fact that other adjacent buildings currently are using space that violates the setback'limitations far more than our minor variance would allow." (See attached 'letter. ) CRITERIA AND FINDINGS ew of Criteria and F'indin ion 18.62.060 of the Municipal Code n vqliance based upon ng factors: Consideration of Factors Thq rglationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential usesqlllstructures in the vicinity. - Jh'e proposed greenhouse addition would be located approxirntely 30 feet away from the nearest structure on the Villa Valhal la site to the west of Garden of the Gods Club and ten feet from the comron property line between the twobulldings. 'The Villa Valhalla would be the only building affected by the addition. The men ree to which relief from the strict or I iteral a sDecrfled requla on 1S necessa acnt eve amonq s'ites n the vicln rant of s rlv interpretation enforce- un ltorTnc nd nd g a 0ne-of.the development objectives of the Town is to prevent the overcrowdingof land with structures. One of the tools to carry but this objective is the minimm setback requirement imposed within each zone district. All new development or additions which'have been cbnstructed since the adoption of the zoning code' O" of Gods -2- s/3/Bz in 1973 have had to comply with the setback requirerents or be granted a variance based on exceptions or circumstances which would nake it difficult to construct improvements upon the "bui'ldablel portion of the lot. The zoning code states that structures which were constructed prior to the adoptionof the zoning code that do not conform to setback requirements may be enlarged provided that the enlargerent fully conforms with setbacks. Garden of the Gods Club build'ing was constructed in the .|960's and does encroach into several setbacks on the north, south, and west portions of the property. The factthat the buildilg alrea.{y encroaches into these setbacks.and that _other structures within the Town are nonconforming in terms of setbacks js not sufficient neason t0 grant a variance. It should be pointed out that the distance between the east side of the building and the propbrty line varies frcm 80 feetto 30 fedt. The eff of the sted variance on and air distribution of acil ities No impact. Such otl'ler fqgtors and criteria as the cormission deems applicable to the proposed variance, FINDINGS The Plannlng and Environnental Commission shall make the following findings That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classifiedin the same district. That the granting of the variance wi'l'l not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materia'l 'ly injurious to properties or improvements in. the vicinity. 'That the variance is warranted for one or mone of the following reasons: The strlct or 'litera'l interpretation and enforcerent of the specified regulationmuld result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inion- sistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appl jcable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict or I iteral interpretation and enforrement of the specified fgulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by tne ownersof other properties in the sane district. ,,o. ,fous) -.,- zt tr')L STAFF RECOilEMATTONS: The Departnent of Connrnity Development staff recdmends denial of the reqnested setba€k variance. The granting of the variance uould constitute a jrrant of special privilege becaise there are no extraordinary circumstances or-condjtion! applicable to the site which uould iustify the need to encroach. into the setback. ;,, o AND ASSOCIATES, INC PC Bcx l4l3 Wil Cobrodo 81658 (3O3)B2i-57v) (t GK August 16, 1982 Town of Vail Frank Payne Planning & Environmental Commission Proposed greenhouse addition, Garden Elock 5-A, Vail Village 5th Filing Gentelmen: 0n behalf of Mrs. Albert G. Hill, we are requesting a variance to zoning regulation 18.64.050A, regarding enlargement of existing non- conforming buildings and their required set-backs. The proposed greenhouse addition on the west side of the building would encroach on the required set-back line approximately ten feet as indicated on the site plan. [e are asking for a variance that would a'l low this encroachment based on the following factors: . A. The living space provided by the addition is similar to the use of other adjacent buildings within the vicinity B. The minor variance being requested grants no special-privilege.It seems that in the interest of achieving comPatibility and unifomity of treatment, the variance would be iustified inlight of the fact that other adiacent buildings currently are using space that violates the set-back 'limitations fii more than our minor variance would allow. Therefore, because we fee'l that the strict or literal inteiFietation and enforcement of regulation 18.64.050A would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same disirict. We hope that you will see fit to grant the required variance. Sincerely, ? Frank Payne Beck & Associates, Inc. fplkm To: Fm: Re:of the Gods C'lub, Lot K, Desgnes/Burlden. CorstrLlctton N/orag€Ys (o o ' :fr '.tai: r"' '.:9 '.rr l,r.tlr,n C.;tltl..(.,,r p.rt,.r.d l,r. ._- t'rr lr lr r,,i .r ira. rrrl rh.rl lt lr [,] tr' r'.r atll.d sFrn rr rrattaa autoat ltr.r,vt'i-,'t lto?!., nrai ,rn lha .rb.rv. dc\. I !1,..1 t!.r..t[ ,to ahlr ..r..tt rtllltty cLtntr.,it ,.\,.r. cnt(!alv cpl Jr rlhrYtr, tlraa ahrr. rrt r|.D arrctoach- trrrnE t!r orr .tat rdl,,rnlt't frcalrc.r .l- rtF.ta.nt avldatrla or rttn .'t .r||t rasr!-lla .acal, .r.aP( aa no3- ' \A -R Daanla l;rtaoaaa C.'lot.do L.S. t't: t 6-Zs:b DRtve (40') @RE . FACJ 2t4 / '/ // \\ \ ',f l' i/ )' CREEI< .2-'e'cO '(aora.-) Fo.Jt< ar7aeY37retJ€7a'/'<e I. APPLICItTION This procedure is required The application will not be FORI'{ FOlt 1i VARI.l,lrlCl'l for any project reguesti-ng a Variance. accepte<l until all information is submitted. A. B. NA}IE OF APPLICANT Mrs- Albprt G- HilI ADDRESS 3s25 Trutle Creek Blvd. #.|3-BCb. Dallas. Texas PHoNE (2.|4)528-1888 75219 NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Beck & Assocjates. In ADDRESS Box .l4.l3. Vail, Co. lmNE 827-5960 c.AUTHORI PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE !l*{,[A ADDRESS 3525 Turtle Creek Blvd. #l 3-BCD, Da'l las, Texas HoNE(2.|4) 528-1888 LOCATION OF PROPOSAI, ADDRESS 365 Gore Creek Road /52t9 D. 0.,'/dl , {''\t* u' ol'r. LEGAL DESCRIPTfON lot block 5-A ri'.i 'l .i n n V. V. 5th FEE. $I00.00 plus an amount equal to the thcl current first-c1ass rate for each property owner to be notified hereunder. A fist of the names of owners of all property adjacent to subject Property and their addresses. Vorlaufer Villa Vahalla postage the Lots '14-I8, V. V. 5th Fi 1 i ng Vorlaufer Condominium Association Tom Faxon - President Box 6.12 Vail, Co. 81658 r--/) I tnnL. ' o ) L 6'Lre-,- l)o5 l3-., L z 1 Lot J, Block 5-A, V.V.sth Filing Villa Vahalla Condominium Association J. Barry Craddock - Presjdent 300 Garden of the Gods Road Colorado Spri ngs, Co. 80907 -42, ^17 *,/''- Jr'-:^.Appti-catio" I. APPLICATION FORM FOR A VARII.T{CT: This procedure is required for any project requesting a Variance. The application will not. be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Mrs- Aln..t e - f i'l 'l ADDRESS 3525 Trutle Creek Blvd. #13-Bcb. Dallas. Texas PHONE (214)528-1888 75219 B. NAME OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE Beck & Associates, Inc. ADDRESS Box 1413. Vail. Co. IIONE c.AUTHORI PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS 3525 Turtle Creek Blvd. #13-BCD, Da11as, Texas puess( 214) 5zB-1888 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 365 Gore Creek Road 827-5960 D. E. r.r('!T - LEGAI DESCRIPTfON lot block 5-A Filing V'V'5th FEE. $r00.00 plus an amount equal to the then current first-class postagerate for each property owner to be notified hereunder. A l-ist of the names of owners of all property adjacent to thesubject property and their addresses. Vorlaufer Villa Vahalla Lots l4-18, V.V.5th F'il ing Vorlaufer Condominium Associati on Tom Faxon - President Box 612 Vai1, Co. 81658 Lot J, Block 5-A, V.V.5th Filing Vil la Vahalla Condominium Association J. Barry Craddock - President 300 Garden of the Gods Road Colorado Springs, Co. 80907 -T,oJl - B.U L..z.i.* B-r 627 t)*:\, C-. S lCds B ts@ck AND ASSCCIATES, INC August .|6, 1982 To: Fm: Re: PO Bcx l4l3 Veil. Coiorodo 81658 (3O3)827-s%O Town of Vajl P1 anning & Environmental Commission Frank Payne Proposed greenhouse addition, Garden of the Gods Club, Lot K' Block 5-A, Vail Village 5th Filing Gentel men: 0n behalf of Mrs. Albert G. Hil1, we are requesting a variance to zoning regulation 18.64.050A, regarding en1 argement of existing non- conforming buildings and their required set-backs. The proposed greenhouse addition on the west side of the building would encroach on the required set-back line approximate'ly ten feet as indicated on the site p1 an. lie are asking for a variance that would allow this encroachment. based on the following factors: A. The'l iving space provided by the addition is similar to the use of other adjacent buildings within the vic'inity. B. The minor variance being requested grants no specia'l privilege.It seems that in the interest of achieving compatibility and unifonnity of treatment, the variance would be iustified inlight of the fact that other adjacent buildings currently are using space that violates the set-back limitations far more than our minor variance would allow. Therefore, because we feel that the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of regulation 18.64.050A would deprive the applicant of privileges enioyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. l,le hope that you will see fit to grant the required variance. Sincerely, Frank Payne Beck & Associates, Inc. fplkm Desgrreru/Builders . CorstruCion lVorrogers ts@Gk To: Fm: Re: AND ASSOCIATES, INC PO. Box l4l3 Vcit Cdo'odo 81658 (303)827-5950 August 16, 1982 Town of Vail Plannjng & Environmental Commission Frank Payne Proposed greenhouse addition, Garden of the Gods Club, Lot K, Block 5-A, Vail Village 5th Filing Gen tel men : 0n behalf of Mrs. Albert G. Hil'|, we are requesting a variance to zoning regulation .|8.64.0504, regarding en'largement of ex'i sting non- conforming buildings and their requ'i red set-backs. The proposed greenhouse add'i tjon on the west side of the building would encroach on the required set-back line approximately ten feet as indicated on the site p'l an. l,le are asking for a variance that would allow this encroachment based on the fol'l owing factors: A. The living space provided by the addition is similar to the use of other adjacent buildings within the vicinity. B. The minor variance being requested grants no special privilege. It seems that in the interest of achieving compatibility and uniformity of treatment, the variance would be justified in light of the fact that other adjacent bui'ldings currently are using space that violates the set-back limitations far more than our minor variance would allow. Therefore, because we feel that the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of regulation .|8.64.0504 wou'ld deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. We hope that you will see fit to grant the required variance. Sincerely, Frank Payne Beck & Associates, Inc. fplkm Desgneryelilders. Conslruclion Morngers AND ASSCCIATES INC PO. Bcx l4l3 Vcit Cdorodo 81658 (3o3)e7-5e5o August .|6, .|982 To: Fm: Re: Town of Vail Planning & Env'i ronmental Commission Frank Payne Proposed greenhouse addition, Garden of the Gods Club, Lot K, Block 5-A, Vail Village 5th Filing Gentel men: 0n behalf of Mrs. Albert G. Hjll, we are requesting a variance to zoning regulation .|8.64.050A, regarding en1 argement of existing non- conforming buildings and their required set-backs. The proposed greenhouse addition on the west side of the buildjng wou'ld encroach on the required set-back line approximately ten feet as indicated on the site pl an. l,le are asking for a variance that would allow this encroachment. based on the following factors: A. The living space provided by the addition is similar to the use of other adjacent buildings within the vicinity. B. The minor variance being requested grants no special privilege.It seems that in the interest of achieving compatibjlity and uniformity of treatment, the variance would be iustified in light of the fact that other adiacent buildings currently are using space that violates the set-back limitat'ions far more than our minor variance would al'l ow. Therefore, because we feel that the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of regulation .|8.64.050A would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. We hope that you will see fit to grant the required variance. Si ncere'ly, Frank Payne Beck & Associates, Inc. fplkm Desgrrers/fu ilders . Corstruction lvloragers O ero|""t Application Garden of the GodsProject Name: Dale September 7,1982 Proiect Description: Contact Person and owner. Actdress and phone: l,lrs. Al bert G. Hi'l 'l . Box 'l 677, Co] orado Spri ngs . Col orado 80901 (303) 636-3766 Architect, Address and Phone:Tim C]ark, Box 14'l3, Vail , Co. 8.|658 (303) 827-5s60 (303) 827-se60 legal Description: Lot K , gtock 5-A , ritlng Vail Vil]aqe 5th , zone -!:4:- comments: New window to be of same color and manufacturer as origina'l Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Date: Town Planner '{"*uApproval O Rro|""t Application Garden of the Gods pr1" September 7..|982 Name:Project Proiect Contact Descriplion: Person and Phone (303) 827-5960 Owner, Address and Phone: (303) 636-3766 Architect, Address and Phone:Tim Clark, Box 1413, Vai'l , Co.81658 (303) 827-5e60 .Legal Description:Lot K Brock 5-A , ririns Vail Villaqe 5th , zone P.A. window to be of same color and manufacturer as originalcomments: New Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Dale: Town Planner ,tD'(\" Approvar E==:==--:- ? LJ ,\\,-ey;C,...,. vi'.. : ttli; t --- lL__1, ,' cii'^ ,.lCb- ? r\t\f-,., G?;*d.a:: 1/ (o' ,/t' v8a t'H'o. i c,t ( Frcli:'e AND ASSCCIAES iNC PC Box l4l3 V:i, Coorodo 81658 (3O3)82l-596C August 17, 1982 To: Town of VailAttn: Jim SayerFm: Frank PayneRe: Garden of the Gods Club Remodel J im: Attached are the revised plans for the Garden of the Gods CIub showing the proposed greenhouse addition fa1 ling with'i n the required set-back lines. Please note that the proposed changes to the east elevationof the building (double doors, patio, privacy walls and landscaping) have been el iminated. Also attached is one page of plans show'ing the alternate greenhouse which encroaches on the set-back. As we discussed on Monday, August l6th, we would like DRB approvai Wednesday, August 18th, on the set of plans which show the greenhouse wjth-jn the set-back limits. hle would also like, per your suggestjon, DRB con- ceptual approval on the alternate plan which would allow us to receive finalstaff design approval subject to receiving a variance from the planning commission on September l3th, .|982. Yours truly, -Frank Payn e ociates, Inc. . l.iargaret H i1 1 Beck & Ass Enc I osurecc: lllrs fplkm Designes/Burldes. Co^srucf on N,'loncgers El evati on West North GARDEN OF THE GODS REMODEL (PROPOSED EXTERIOR CHANGES) Descri ption of Exterior Changes .,-,/- Add new greenhouse area. (Detailing and color of frame- work to match exjsting entrance greenhouse foyer on east e1 evati on. ) Add one (l) set of double flush doors for access to trasharea. (Doors to be painted color of existing stucco.) Add new concrete patio area. / Add new stone walls on two sides of new patio (stone walls to match existing walls at swimming pool). Add new Robert Leper designed railing and gate at poo'l side of new patio. Add new rock veneer to existing stucco walls at jacuzzi area. (Rockwork to match existing walls at swimming pool Move existing stainvell door at greenhouse to south side of stai rwel I . /Detail wall overhang to match adjacent wall. (Stucco to v match exist'ing in texture and co1 or). Install new door and sjdelight with beveled glass to match existing windows. (Door to be color of existing stucco). Change existing f1 at and sloped roof situation into single sloping roof line. Add skylight to new roof area. (Skylight frame-work to be dark anodized aluminum to match existing windows). L,' g^rXu\7 t/ .) Garden of the Gods Remodel Proposed Exterior Changes El eva ti on East Page 2 in p1 ace of t/ window frames. ) Description of Exterior Changes - Add new double doors with full glass lights existing windows. (Doors to match existing - Add new concrete patio ur.u. ? -Jl- - Add new masonry and stucco privacy walls.(Col or and texture to match existing.) - Add new landscap'ing adjacent to patio as indicated on site / p1 an. - Add new indjrect accent 'l ighting at entry. I Date Project Application August 3, 'l 982 Project.,Name:Garden of the Gods Reirrodel Convert exisling rest,iurant to Aparblent, ;nnv:!'t existing storage rc:m to cnnl oyee ki ichi:n.Projeci Description: Contact Person and pnone Ssck li lt:sociatns. Inc. 8i7-5908 Owner, Addressand phone: l,'rs- A1f'rtrf C- ti il'l , 8nx 'i677, [nlor,rilo Sprin[rE- Cn]orado 80901 Architect, Address and Phone: Tin C14fli., ll, r'X 111? Vai'l , a{'lof:dO i,.:7-646fl Legal Description: Lot K. , Btock 5'.{ , Fiting V.V' 5th zone P.A. commenls: Refe r io attached 'l jst for sun::nry rrf extcrior charrges. Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded o^t"'ll.tq. 't,/./ oy: DISAPPROVAL C)- O Summary: t*:,tl,f F}L"J Otkltz F,i L 4ta,0 "--l . "../E statt Approval box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4765613 department of community development August 23, 1982 Tim Clark Box 1413 Vai'l , Col orado 81657 RE: DRB Submittal of 8-18-82 Dear Tim: 0n August 18, 1982, the Design Review Board approved the exterior alterations to the Garden of the Gods. The full length greenhouse addjtion on the west received conceptual approval pending Pl anning Commission approval of the required setback variance. If the Pl anning Conrnission dobs approve the setback variance you should submit p1 ans for the greenhouse to the Staff. Sj ncerely, 1/'i"<"-- *--z_-Sayre ' \ Town P'lanner JS:df 6ne*1 str (F=s iM- |*Lh/r,46 p*z-nn: . in ,,4^qw ! +spfr bl/,* 'l84e/4= 7//aar.4zt { k/n-,-/I / /.* d,7w ltro I7t4 f'fL. ' *l*i'- il/- - lr-- Z,t;^^"+ ^.i..,,l,W,+r[f ,*,;/.l./.*:t"^t1 t",*-J-- <-T- r l. I, I 12,{11 S exrsf^. GRtrft---'---J- X'6'l'+ "f-; o a.T.4 G AR,D P. O. Box 1677 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80901 (303) 632-5541 August 7, l98l ames R.Kane Manage r Dear |4embe r s and Friends: We are considering a new plan of operat ion for the Garden ofthe Gods Club at Vail. As members of the Garden of the GodsClub or as former guests of our Club at Vail, your react ionand express ion of possible interest in the pian underconsiderat ion would be very helpful to us. 0n October l, 1981 , the Garden of the Gods Club at Vail willbegin accept ing l0 year advance reservations for each individualsuite at Vail, These guaranteed reservat ions will be forspecific /-day weeks and the prices will vary depending onthe suite and the week selected. Costs will-be tased ipontodayr s rates and will be f ixed for the ten year period. The only additional and variable charges wili be utility andhousekeeping assessments. Financing will be available oncerta in weeks . We bel ieve there are several advantages to this plan. Fromour standpoint, we will be able to accurately forecast ourrevenue and will be able to commit the capital required torefurbish the lodge and to maintain it at its expected levelof excel lence. The guest wil I have the guaranteed use of someof the most prestigious accommodat ions in Vail for the nextten years at todayts costs. Please return the enclosed informat ion sheet with your commentsat your conven ience. Very truly yours, u r(ar^e-- Gene ra I Enc . MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMEb{TAL COM}IISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMETIT/JAI4ES A. RUBIN DATE: 9/4/80 RE: zone change reguest for Garden of the Gods club from public Accommodation (PA) to High Density Multi-Family (HDI4F) DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: The- reguest is to convert the Garden of the'Gods cl-ub from a privatecl-ub to a condominiurn project. As part of this request, B Aclonrnoda-tion units would be converted into 4 Dvrelling (condominiun) unitsand the small restaurant facility and two employee sleep:i-ng areason the first floor woulcl be convert-ed in'i:o anotirer Condclrniiriunr Unit.'Tno other employee sJ"eeping areas on the first floor are jntencledto remain in that use. The history of this matter is that in JuJ.y of 1976, the pJ-anning commission and the Torur council approved a conclj.tionaf use Requestto convert the Valhalla Lodge into a Private Club. Tha only c*ondit.icriof this approval was th.at the smarl resta.urant facility be I-imitedto a seating capacity of 80 people. STATISTICS A.Number of Units l. 2. 3.q 6!r' Existing 16 Accommodation Lrnits4 Ernployee sleepingl roomsI Penthouse Uni-t Sroposed g dwelJ-ing units -+-einB+eyee--s.leepin g rooms-F1 L penthouse unit 12 dwelling uniLs GRFA I. Existing 12,87! square feet 2" Propgsed L3r292'square feet 3. Alleweq 1.3r208 "q.r.re feet r i! h trC iJdrj r I larT ct) E tJ .\ .\ .\ B. 'r'iFl Garden of the God.s - 9/4/80 - page tvtoMemoo DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS The Depaitment of Community Development recommends approvaL of this reguest with the conclition that 84 square feet of GRFA be removed, either from an Employee Sleeping Area, or from one of the Dwelling Units, so that the requested changes would cornpletely comply with the High Density Multj--Iamily DisLrict requirements. This request is in fact a Do\^n Zoning in that the Public Accommodations Zone District has a higher denisty factor (.80) than lliglt Density Multi-Fami-ly (.60). This request-. r'rould not be considered spot zonr,ng, because there is abouL an equal amount of HDMF and PA in that area. HDMF properties include the Row llouses, Vorlaufe.rf All St-'asons, Vail Trails East and West, and the Texas Townhouses. PA properties include the Rams=Horn, Tivoli, arrd the Christianja. The Villa" although zoned PA, is Condominium use and should be zoned HDMF. The::e is one remaining question, which j-s whether or not the Garden of the Gods Club shoulcl be considered a l.,odge. If it is determined. to be a Lodge, when it would have to conply with Ordinitnce I'Ic. 24' Series of 1980, which retricts Lhe number of days that air o\.Iner can use his unit, and requires the Lodge to p:-'ovicle the sante senrices that it presentl.y pr:ovides. Our ::ecomme-nciation is that since it isa Private C1ub, open to membelrs onJ-y, and not open to the generalpublic vra}king off of the street, that it would not be considered a Lodge. 'rftr l;1.',1,i l;;..(:i.lij Garden ftt'e Gods Cl ub Remodel O , ,l ltlrl.: l.; il 5.. i;lr, rl .-5:A I Ij.ijjt ' V.V.5th.. i1., ot; ),I'(;il.r.i .-. .cgnygfs.ion -g.f__tqltaurant to apartment. BEST -;+' COPY.*truABLE 'Jlrt' fr, l!'. rri,i irrf'orrr:rt iotr i:; lii-rltrd lrL illr' !l l: j.trlr I ;t1l1ll'ov;r I Existing & t'lew A. lilill,l,liii; !'l^'fl;lllALS Roof Siding Oth cr l'Jal I l"lat cr i al s l'ry-_g{_:.l, L t j,_',!!_l_ Cedar Shingles lt:r;rt iy'r'11 f.'<lr' :;rrlrr,,tt.t:lI lr)' 1lr<: itP|lir':rrtl to tllo l)c:; ilir: ll.r'vjr.'..' (::)!r lr(' 1; i V trrt : (,o itlr Fascia Soffits l{indorrs l\tindow I'rin Doors Door l'rint Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flashi.rtgs Chinneys Trash Encl osures Gtccirhorts es Other' None Stucco Light Beige & Tan l.lood Light Beige l^lood Light Beige Gl ass Clear Anodi zed A]umi num Dark Brown Woqd w/glassl ights Dark Brown or Beige l,Jood Dark Brown or Beige tJood Dark Brown Metal Light Beige l4etal L'ight Beige Stucco Light Beige Stucco Light Beige Anodized Aluminum Dark Brown B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : Existing & New PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Common Name Aspen Aspen Aspen Blue Spruce Bl ue Spruce Bl ue Spruce Fir --ium--Per--- Yel 'low Fl oweri ng----mhes----- Quanti ty 35 z -Tr-t5 Si ze l5' 25' l0' 25' t0 t0 12' 6'2 20' SIiRUBS Junipers(new)4' ,, 6lra)i riifl c0v[.R5 sa,n roorA.: SOD l,li scel I aneous wi I d and domesti c fl owers. All areas besides flower gardens, SQUARE FS6TAGE patios, drainage swales etc. are currently in sod. SQUARE FOOTAGESEED TYPE TYPE OF IRRIGATION Hose & Sprinkler TYPE 0R METH0D Miscellaneous rock-lined drainage swales OF EROSION CONTROL c. 0,n""/[Ii3rtJlfl" r"utu."s (retaining wails, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. - l,li scel I aneous f 'l ower beds. - I',lative stone retaining wal1s. - Swinrning pool and patio. - Sp'lit rail fences. - Flower boxes. - Assorted rocks and bou'l ders. --!rtEo tfztlrz?1*1 6:F-60/25 -@- c{'a' F/o* 3u" 'l Z'" /' /o // ,/afl- ee* ?4 my' * .9a{azn<- (LLar-t, ffi /7,) z'not = fiofr ex, " /3 6sL 'trr+ E€v{ 3?7/ /r3 Z-aII /ss/. { 7s7/. 77ts /3tL3Z rr/ = .-Sd{a-c x Z{d u. '- /Z d.a 4Z*r"/ /7 d. u. z Z/ A.u.3 a/h,rr/'@ = za /.u,k ar /o/.u.3/ -+ / /,u.Tda, . / lrrt"- d.a a//-*P atd 3?7/rtffi42/4. do . =/ -" - " -' IF- Vrss{13s/,( 787t, / $'aa2 /,4/f b,12, /z.n' 623,(c%.f g-zb 3qU s70 3qQ fuc*{o4.{ / / .7?.al .77 .7( / / 1zo fuaar- e .?7 7lfGz{js7,{ // ( .77 .n ?r+ afs a7? ,77 .8/ I I ,7./g ftarL 2,0.7 fuu GARDEN OF THE GODS CLUB SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES l. Convert existing service area jnto washer-dryer and mud room. 2. Change existing commercia'l kitchen (106) area into smaller kitchen and large fu'll bath. 3. Convert existing dining room (102) into living room with added greenhouse area and patio. 4. Convert existing dining room #2 into master bedroom area with new french doors and patio. 5. Convert exjstjng mens and ladies restrooms ('126 & .|27) into one large bath. 6. Enclose te'lephone equipment. 7. Relocate 'laundry chute and doors at lobby area. 8. Instal'l small kjtchen in storage room (113) and add door for access to studio (109). GARDEN OF THE GODS CLUB ZONING EVALUATION Points to be made: z. Cument zoning for the property is Publjc Accommodation District. The project is essentially be'ing operated as a lodge which is a pennittiO use under the current zoning ordinance. (.|8.22.010) 3. Accessory eating establishments are also a pevm'i tted use within the Pub'lic Accommodation District. (18. 22.020) 4. Although an eating establishment is be'ing converted to dwelling space, both uses are permitted uses within the district. Therefore, it seems that no variance or special consideration is necessary. 5. In addition to the above'logic the proposed proiect also meets all of the follovling requirements of a 'lodge: A. That it have more GRFA devoted to accornmodation units than it has devoted to dwe'lling units "and in which all such unjts are operated under a single management providing the occupants thereof of customary hotel services and facilities". ('18.04.210) B. That it shall "not exceed twenty-five dwelling units per acre of buildable site area". ('18.22.090) C. That it shall not cover more than fifty-five percent of the total site area. ('18-22.'130) D. That it shall have adequate parking as per the Parking Re- quirement Schedule ('18.52..|00). If anything the proposed changes reduce the number of required parking spaces. GARDEN OF THE GODS CLUB (Lot K, Block 5-A, Zoned: Public V.V. sth Filing) Accommodation GRFA Analysis Lot area Allowable GRFA Exi sting GRFA Proposed GRFA Site Coverage Analysis Allowable site coverage Existing site coverage Proposed site coverage Unit Density Analysis Al lowable dwell ing units Exi sti ng dwe'l I i ng uni ts Proposed dwelling units Parkjng Analysis Actual parking spaces Exi sting required spaces Proposed required spaces 22,004 sq. ft. 17,603 sq. ft. I3,340 sq. ft. 15,229 sq. ft. - 12,102 sq. ft.- 5,736 sq. ft.- 5,781 sq. ft. .505 ao.es) 80% of 1ot area) 4285 sq. ft. dwe'l I ing ) 9055 sq. ft. accomnodation) 6962 sq. ft. dwelling) 8267 sq. ft. accormodation) -26-26-24 12.62 (.505 acres l'l't't.5 (15 at building, 55% of 22,004) x 25 units/acre) I I across street) GARDEN OF THE GODS CLUB GRFA ANALYSIS LEVEL EXISTING PROPOSED ALLOI.IED Accom. Units I 980 sq. ft. 192 sq. ft. Under definition of a2 375r sq. ft. 3751 sq. ft. 1flFfl""[t:;:l;1tl],1!"3 4324 sq. ft. 4324 sq. ft. must exceed the GRFA 4 _0_ -0_ of dwelling units. Sub Total 9055 sq. ft. 8267 sq. ft. Dwel'ling units I -0- 2677 sq. ft. 17,503 sQ; ft. -,., based on 80# of 22'004 ' -v- -u- sq. ft. lot size.3 -0- -0- 4 4285 sq. ft. 4285 sq. ft. Sub Total 4285 sq. ft. 6962 sq. ft. Total l3r3!9 9q. ft. 15,229 sq. ft. GARDEN OF THE GODS CLUB UNIT DENSITY ANALYSIS A. Proposed Proposed accom. units = 17 = 8.5 dwelling units per (18.04.030) Proposed dwelling units = J = 3.0 dwelling units Total = l'l .5 dwe11 ing unj ts B. Existing Existing accom. units = 20 = 10.0 dwelling units (18.04.030) Existing dwelling units = 'l =_]rg dwelling units Tota'l = ll.0 dwe]ling units C. Al I owab'l e Al'lowable units per acre = 25 x .505 acres = 12.62 a GARDEN OF THE GODS CLUB PARKING ANALYSIS A.Proposed 3 dwelling units w/6962 sq. ft. l7 accom. units w/8267 sq. ft. B. Exisiting I dwelling unit w/4285 sq. ft. 20 accom. units 3/9055 sq. ft. Restuarant w/517 sq. ft. + l5 AvailaFle Spaces Total spaces available (15 at building & ll across 3 x .5 space'Per dwe'l 'l ing 69.62 x .1 space Per 100 sq. ft. 17 x .4 space per accom. unit 82,67x .l space Per 100 sq. ft. Total required spaces = 1.5 .= 7.0 = 6.8 = 8.267 = 24.0 ,r.!t) I x .5 space per dwelling unit 42.85x .l space Per 100 sq. ft. 20x .4 space per unit 90.55x .l space Per 100 sq. ft. 34.47 occupancy load * l0 Total required spaces = .$ = 4.28 = 8.0 = 9.055 = 3.45 = 26.0 c. 26.0 \.J r..--r- I \)f-:_-l dtt _tr!=*(i .,1:$.f-> I t Hfl* $iris tI 0-' ----r-.-. I_t{ j Ii Il I II --*r-*---j I j I @r a \ dP Vt*== ---t----- o0 l\.r o$ :)\ss /\ AMENDMENT AppI-icatlon Date'r Publlcatlon Date Publlc Hearing Date TO TOWN OII VAIL APPLICATION FOR ZONING DISTRICT ?o (REZON ING ) Name of Applicant Name of Owner lf Cor4 different fron Applicant A. € Httt. Matling Address Te I-ephone Le ga1- DescrLption: - L6S tot K , Bloik {4, Flling Vu;t/ s-r( If Proper t.y is Unplatted, submlt metes & bounds descriptio.n as exhib it ) Appltcation is hereby made for an Amenclment to the Zonlng Dlstrict Described as folLows: atur/ of Appy'icant fi'l APPLICATION WILL NOT'BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOIJING: 1. Iiearing Fee - $100 + $f.40 for EACH addressed envelope. 2. A LIST OF TIIE OWNERS OF Tt{E PROPERTIES within 300 f eet in a Single-Farnil' Res jdential ; Two-Faurily Residential ; or Two-Family Prirnary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to t,he subject proPerty in a1l- other Zone Districts 3. Maps and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator. 4. A description of the precise nature of the proposed change and an explanation of why it is being proposed. r. ,\ \F)#"--'n \-Lr I\,IEMBERS PRESBNT pnuurr0aND EN'TR.NMENTAL .o*rrrlo Minutes of September 8, 1980 I'leeting STAFF PRESENT Gaynor l,liller John Perkins Gerry White Dan Corcoran Ed Drager Roger Tilkemeier Jim lilorgan the'meeting was called to order by Gerry White. 1. Approval of . Roger Tilkemeier corrected the minutes saying that he had abstained in the vote on the Lionshead Gondola building, making the vote on that 6-0, with one abstention. Roger also felt that he had voted in favor of item * 6, a setback varianie for Lot 34, Block 1, Vail l'leadows Subdivision, Filing 1. That vote would then be 6-1 in favor of denial . ,fOhn Perkins seconded--the motion for adjrournment for that meeting. EdDragermqzedthese minutes be approved subject to the,above changesr Roger gilkemeier seconded, the vote was ?-0 in favor of approval 2. Approval of minutes of September 2, 1980 meeting- Dan Corcoran moved these minutes be approved, Ed Drager seconded, and the vote for approval was 6-0. Gerry Vlhite abstained. 3.Villaqe Center Buildin Tract C, Block 58, Vail Villa e 1s! Filin .Tim Rubin Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL MEMBER PRESBNT - Ron Todd Density Control Variance and an Exterior a 2,900 square foot commercial space and Modification to a 1, 10 0 sciuare constructfoot manager's apartment addition. Jim Rubin presented the staff memorandum stating that this item had been postponed until the second floor was redesigned. He felt that perhaps it ltroufa be postponed another 30 days to permit a look at the bus and walkways. Discussion followed suggesting two concepts: The inclusion of a second story with a smalLer foot print, or a one story with a larger foot print. Some felt that it may be better not to discuss this now, since they would have to go back in ab aays to see what Jeff Winstcin of Gage Davis Associates had planned. Gerry White felt that in all fairness to the applicant, he was entitled to find out the commission members' reaction to the Plan. -PEC Minutes - 9-8-AO nJ Z Fred Hibberd said he'd like to hear the comments on either of the twoproposals, and commented that the 2 story was actualLy L-I/2 stories.He added that, for the record, they might want to wait to see where thebus route would come in. ,Jim Rubin stated. that the Urban Design Guide PIan used one story as a guide.Discussion of height. followed, and Fred felt that there was an inaccuracyin the urban Design Guide Pran outline of Building D. He repeated theidea that they wait until the bus route was known. John Perkins added that there would be high vehicular traffic on thiscorner, and that might influence their decision :, Conments from the rnembers: Jim Morgan: I feel that the original presentation was a better transitionin roof line. Ed Drager: rf the guide lines suggest one story, r feel we shourd staywith the guide lines. If the applicant wants something larger. I feel heshould say why it should be Iarger. Dan Corcoran: I prefer the first presentation without the top floor and.with a larger .open area 'John Perl<ins: I favor the first presentation, but f 'm not srrre if I favorit without the 2nd floor or not. I can'approve of it vertically, but withoutknowledge of bus routes, etc, we don't have all the pieces to m-aie a decision Gaynor: I agree with Jirn and John, the orignal plan is the mostaesthetic and can be worked out. r can't commit to a decision, but thestepping down of the roof seems less stark. Roger Tilkemeier: I prefer the first to the second plan.abrupt. We should wait to see where the bus routes come. Gerry: r feel that the originat urban Design pran with a story added toit is my choice. Until we know what is needld for busses and wilkw-ys,we cantt make a decision. Fred Hibberd requested that the item be tabled until the october 13meeting. John Perkins moved that the item be tabled until October 13 at the requestof the applicant,. Roger Tilkemeier seconded.. The vote was unanimous. Z-0in favor of tabling. 4. Cyrano's, application for an Exterior Alterat,ion and ModificaLion toallow an addition onto the existing Gondola Ski Sho buildinq. Jim Rubin presented the staff memorandum and the staff recommendationwith the three conditions as stated in the memo. Jemy Greven of Cyranotsshowed plans and elevations. Jim Rubin stated thab, it was nonconfoimingin that it covers more of the site than presently allowed. He ad.ded thatthe site coverage requirement c,an be-supirceAea lf the chanqe isa positive one. He added that the stafi feels trrit-ttre-p;ti; ifr ttre tracfis a positive contribution since it is on the south, and that the area It is not as P'nC r,runites - 9-8-80 nC , for which it is ProPosed is not parking spaces were discussed, and Jerry was rerninded that more spaces may be required (the Payment for them). The Northwest corner of the building was felt to be an eyesore and that Mr. Colombo must address this part or tne design. Members were unhappy with the visibility of the trash dump and the parking sPace' Gaynor Miller moved that the commission approved the addition of 120 "qi,.r. feet rrrith the staff recommendations included. Roger seconded tliis, and the vote was 7-0 in favor ofthe application' E Vail villaqe Inn, Unit 128, Conditionat use Per:mit to alIow lhis unit turY 2I ReaI Estate Co' Jim Rubj-n presented the staff memo and.explained that the staff recommended denial because of the 50 parking sPace deliciency existinSt now and because to approve could add to the congestion in an already congested area. Discussion includeit the fact that the 3rd phase would bring the parking "pi.u" into confot*u.rr"., but that it was unclear when or if the 3rd phase would be built. The applicant, van Ewing stated that this office would not generate any additional auto traffic, and Lhat parking was- provided for this unit now. He added that his employees would park in the parking structure. Mention was made of Mike Palmerts office and that it was not to generate auto traffic, but that I or 2 cars daily were ticketed there' Motion to deny for the reasons outlined by the staff was'made by Dan Corcoran, seconded by Jim Morgan. Vote was unanirnous, 7-O' 6. Garden of the 6,ods C1ub, zone change request from Public Accommodation (HDMF) ' Jim Rubin presented this and mentioned that there. had been changes since the memohadlbeen wriLten. Onb sleepingunit'woufdberemoved & made into a managler's apartment. AIl changeJ wouta be interior with the possible exception of a couPle of windows. Gordon Pierce, ardhitect for the project, stated that there would be fewer people, fewer cars, no restaurantl aia ttrat each unit would contain extremely smatl kitchens. The owner was requesting the change because financially the private lodge rvould not work out. Roger T. mentioned that a lodge was favorable in the cornnercial core' .nd romp-red the situation in Lionshead where Lhere are few todges in the core, and that condo owners tend to stay in more. The building is in a key Location. The feeting of some of the members was that it could be changed to a public lodge. Gordon pierce stated that this was not in Lionshead, but in an area where there is already a good mix of diffcrent uses. This was a small private club rnade into i few apartments. He felt that. lhe commission wasn't con- sistent, that this was down zoning, and felt that iL was a good move on the Townrs part. now very aesthetic. PEC Minutes - 9-8-80 - paqe 4o Gerry felt that the need for accommodation units was important in a resort.that. the number of accommodation units was what made a i-esort work.Ed Drage:: felt that if they were changed to condo units, the accommodationunits would be lost forevei. Dan pointed out that there was a differencein down-zoning and change of use. More discussion of the effect of removinqaccommodation units not being good for the town. ilohn Perkins did.rot -----' agree with the others. He fe1t, that this was a special reguest thatdid not quite fit as p.A. units as they are presently used] ue fel_tthat if it were changed to condominiums, the nurnber of people wou1d belessened who wourd have an impact. He also fert that the iown has nooption to gain public accommodations. gerry white disagreed, ancl mentioned that he had had 4 peopre come tohis lodge from the Garden of the Gods requesting lodging alconunodations.Others suqsested that it be chanqed from-the prLvate-club to public lodgingto keep tir6 use coniistent-*iiir'Li,e zone aistrict. Gordon wanted to know how the Town coulcl object to down zoning, and theanswer seemed to be that it was the use thal was object,ed to, not thedown zoning. and that these units would not serve tfie pubric. Roger Tilkemeier moved to recommend to the Town Council that the zoningchange of the Garden of the Gods from Public Accommod.ation to nigh oensityMulti-family be denied because lodging units are vital to the well being - of a resort community. Dan corcoran seconded this. The vote was 6-lwith John Perkins voting against denial Gerry told the applicant 1tra! this wourd be brought to the councilon september 16. Ed Drager moved. that the staff send a memo to thecouncil explaining the commissionrs position, Roger seconded this, andthe vote was 6-1, John perkins agaiust. tt. idea. - Gordon requested a copy of these mitrutes. More discussion of the item followed.. Gerry felt that to grant thechange would set a dangerous precedent, Ant hotel courd be convertedto a privaLe c1ub, and then converted into iondominiums Ron Todd felt that Gordon did have a point with regard to inconsj-stenciesin Town actions. He felt that if tfreie had been real concern that thi.scould happen, the time to show it would, have been at the time that theapplicant asked to be a private club. ,f,ohn moved to adjourn and Dan seconded. Unanimous vote.adjourned ab 4:45 p.m.The meeting o TO:TOWN COT]NCIL FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/JTM RUBIN DATE: Septeinlcer I0' 1980 RE:planning and EnvironmentaL Commission R.Ecolunendations on Garden of the Gods Rezoning Reguest. The Planning anil- Environmental Commission by a 6-1 vote (John Perkins opposed) re;ommended denial of the Garden of the Gods Rezoning Request frcm PubLic Accommodations (PA) to lligh Density Multi-I'arnily (HD{F) . Their vote reflected very strong feelings that the Public Acconmodations zone should not be dirniiished inil that-Lodge rooms were a vital part of the Vail community. They furthermore stated that the Garden of.the Gods previous chan-ge of u-se to a private cl:rb should have no bearing on this iequest. ttteir recornmendation was that the Gardens of the Gods Cfub' if anything, be converted. back into a Hotel./Lodge use' ,fohn Perkins felt that it wasnrt presently'being used as a lodqe' so that.the requested change would not be rernoving existing lodge units' tu Qa WfrL)U\W ,A-t(^/ n5 T.q'/ > Q"'lL- aae-a.W*- 0"'L I q16 U:t-dr^'A A< Pr*-4 fr.I?r-a (0'.+ D6<!4 4 grzs 5 Il a.^fz"f- ry'l,a-Jt h.4 \r1*',u.+a, 16 oz--a.av+1r 4j/re, frtr"-"n 7.1 al I ^T4TLG7*- | 7 TLa^ lR?& .+..Lo d/-4fu1 | / 1bg -'T\l 3r'txI ttrL'{ ,4-.*^ %*fu"a* a,4 16 /l,s11 l4?L/x (J-T x 7s-s V t6k /(-J-5= lq? 8-; l3a 5-?s Y 1Ll aI L.+ 7+'* 7\ro(> lq.t Y4x L*J,o i*ilasA //ut&- 7-"s= 7.)f= 7I A 'J-}r\n-rx tt : f5f.O>o I 81 a S7. >s I @-t. -> 96 I.2s 5ro 13, b'"a / -j= w^l pr,allN rOaND EN'rR'Nr{TJNTAL "o*r* ,oo Minutes of September 8, 1980 Meeting MBMBERS PRESENT Gaynor Miller John Perkins Gerry White Dan Corcoran Ed Drager Roger Tilkemeier Jim Morgan STAFF PRESENT Jim Rubin Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL I{EMBER PRESENT Ron Todd The meeting was calIed to order by Gerry White. 1. Approval of minutes of August 25, 1980. Roger Tilkemeier corrected the minutes saying thatin the vote on the Lionshead Gondola buildj-ng, making6-0, with one abstention. he had abstainedthe vote on bhat Roger also felt that he had voted in favor of item # 6, a setbackvariance for Lot 34, Block 1, Vail Meadows Subdivision, Filing 1.That vote would then be 6-I in favor of denial . John Perkinr: seconded .the motion for adjournment for that meeting. EdDragermozedthese minutes be approved subject to the above changes,Roger Tilkemeier seconded, the vote was 7-0 in favor of approval' 2. Approval of minutes of September 2, t9B0 meeting. Dan corcoran moved these minutes be approved., Bd Drager seconded.,and +-he vote for approval was 6-0. Gerrv White abstained 3.Villaqe Center Buildin Tract c, Block 58, vail Vi11as_g__rE!_IgincDensity Control Variance and an Exteri.or Modification to constructa 21900 square foot commercj_al space and a 11100 square foot manager'sapartment addition. Jim Rubin presented the staff memorandum stating that this item had been- postponed until the second. floor was redesigned. He fe1t, that perhapsit should be postponed another 30 days to permit a look at the bui andwalkways. Discussion followed suggesting two concepts: The inclusion of a secondstory with a smaller foot print, or a one story with a rarger foot print. Some felt that it may be bet.ter not to discuss this now, sj-nce they wouldhave to go back in 30 days to see what Jeff Winston of Gage Davis Assocj-ateshad planied. Gerry White felt that in all fairness to the applicant, he was entitled.to find out the corunission members' react-ion to the pJ.an. :::.::::::"-,:;:-::,:"E: to hear rhe comments orQ*her of rhe rwo proposals, and commented that the 2 story was actuaLly 7'l/2 stories if. .aa"a that, for the record, they might want to wait to see where the bus route would come in. .Tim Rubin stated that, the urban Desigrn Guide Plan used one story as a guide. Discussion of height followed, and Fred felt that there was an inaccuracy in the Urban nesi6n Guide PIan outline of Building D. He repeated the idea that they wai-t until the bus route was known' ,John Perkins added that there would be high vehicular traffic on this corner, and that might influence their decisj-on Comments from the members : lTim Morgan: I f eel that the original presentation was a better transiti-on in roof line. Ed Drager: If the guide lines suggest one story, I feel we should stay with tfre guide 1inei. If the appiicant v/ants something larger, I feel he should say why it should be larger. Dan Corcoran: I prefer the first presentation without the top floor and with a larger oPen area. John Perkins: I favor the first presentation, but I'm not sure if I favor it without the 2nd floor or not. I can approve of it vertically. but without k;;I;a;;-of bus routes, etc, we don't have alt the pieces to make a decj-sion Gaynor: I agree with Jim and John, the orignal plan is the most aesthetic and can be worked out. I can't commit to a decision, but the stepping down of the roof seems less stark. Roger Tilkemeier: I prefer the first to the second plan. It is not as abrupt. We should wait to see where the bus routes come' Gerry: I feel that the original urban Design Plan with a story added to it i; my choice. Until we lnow what is needed for busses and walkways' we cantt make a decision. Fred Hibberd requested that the item be tabled untj-l the october 13 meeting. ,John Perkins moved that the item be tabfed until October 13 at the request of the applicant. Roger Tilkemeier seconded. The vote vras unanimous, 7-0 in favor of tabling. 4. Cyranots, application for an Exterior Alteration allow an addition onto the existing Gondofa Ftci'--Ettpf Jim Rubin presented the staff memorandum and the Ftaff recommendation with the three conditions as stated in the memo. Jerry Greven of-Cyrano's showed plans and elevations. .Ij-m Rubin stated that it was nonconforming in that it covers rnore of the site than presently allowed. He added that the site coverage requirement can be superceded if th-e change is ..a positive one. - ge aldded that the stiri feels that the patfo in the back is a positive contribution since it is on the south, and that the area and Modification to buildinc. F4 p'rc for Munites - 9-8-80 illte 3 which it is Parking spac.es may be required proposed is not noll very aesthetic. were di.scussed, and ,ferry was reminded that more spaces (the payment for them). The Northwest corner of the building was felt to be an eyesore and that Mr. Colombo must address this part of the design. l4embers were unhappy .with the visibility of the trash dump and the parking space. Gaynor Mifler moved that the commission approved the addition of I2O square feet with the staff recommendations included. Roger seconded this, and the vote was 7-0 in favor ofthe application. 5.Vail Villa e Inn Unit 128 Conditional Use Permit to allow this unit to be used as a real estate photo gallery for Century Real Estate Co. Jim Rubin presented the staff memo and explained that the staff recommended denial because of the 50 parking space deficiency existing now. and because to approve could add to the congestion in an already congested area. Discussion included the fact that the 3rd phase would bring the parking spaces into conformance, but that it was unclear when or if the 3rd phase would be built. The applicant, Van Ewing stated that this office would not generate any additional auto traffic, and that parking was provided for thj-s unit now. He adcled that his employees woul-d park in the parking structure. Mention was made of Mike Palmer's office and that it was not to generate auto traffic, but that I or 2 cars daily were ticketed there. Motion to deny for the reasons outlined by the staff was nade by Dan Corcoran, seconded by Jim Morgan. Vote was unanimous, 7-0. 6. Garden of the Gods Cfub, zone cha Jim Rubin presented this and mentioned that there had been chanqes sincethe memohad.been written. onb sleepingunif wouldberemoved a madd intoa managerrs apartment. A11 changes would be interior with the possible exception of a couple of windows. Gordon Pierce, architect for. the project, stated that there would be fewer people, fewer cars, no restaurant, and that each unit would contain extremely small kitchens. The owner was reguesting the change because financially the private lodge would not work out. Roger T. mentioned that a lod.ge was favorable in the commercial core' and compared the situation in Lionshead where there are few lodges in the core, and that condo owners tend to stay in more. The building is in a keylocation. The feeling of some of the members was'that it could be changedto a public lodge. Gordon Pierce stated that this was not in Lionshead. but in an area where there is already a good mix of different uses. This was a small private club made into a few apartments. He felt that the commission wasnrt con-sistent, that this was down zoning, and felt that it was a good move on the Town's part. PEC l"linutes - 9-8-80 - page 4 vGerry felt that the need for accommodation units was important in a resort.that the number of accommodation units was what mad.e a resort work.Ed Drager felt that if they were changed to condo units, the accommodationi units would. be lost forever. Dan pointed out that. there was a dj-fferencein down zoning and change of use. More discussion of the effect of removingaccommodation units not being good for the town. John Perkins did notagree with the others. He felt that this was a special request thatdid not quite fit as P.A. units as they are presently used. Ile feltLhat if it were changed to condominiums, the number of people would belessened who would have an impact. tle also felt that the Town has nooption to gain public accommodations. Gerry White disagreed, and mentioned that he had had 4 people come tohis lodge from the Garden of the Gods requesting lod.ging accomrnodations.Others suggested that it bb changed from the private club to public lodgingco Keep Lhe use consistent with the zone district. Gordon wanted to know how the Town could object to dovin zoning, and theanswer seemed to be that it was the use that was objected to, not the down zoning. and that these units would not serve th.e pu-blic. Roger Ti-l.kemeier moved to recomrnend to the Town CounciL that the zoningchange of the Garden of the Gods from Public Accormnoclation t'o uigh oeniitytrIulti-faniily be denied because lodging units are vital to the well bei-ngof a resort cornmunity. Dan Corcoran seconded this. The vote was 6-1r'rith .lohn Perkins voLing against denial . Gerry told the applicant glag this would be brought to the Councj-I.. on Septenber 16. Ed Drager moved. that the staff send a memo to .theCouncil explaj-ning the commission's position, Roger seconded this, and' the vdte was 6-1, John perkins against the idea. Gor:don requested a copy of these minutes. More discussion of the item followed. Gerry felt that to grant the change would set a dangerous p::ecedent. Any hotel could be convertedto a private club, and then converted into condominiums. Ron Todd felt that Gordon did have a point with regard to inconsistenciesin Town acLions. He felt that if there had been real concern that thiscould happen, the tj-me to show it would have been at the time that theapplicant asked to.be a private club. ,John moved to adjourn and Dan seconded.. Unanimous vote. The meetingadjourned at 4:45 p.m. '.llF lt PT'BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that A.G. HilI of the HiIl DeveloPment Company has applied for Rezoning of the Garden of the Gods Club located on Lot K, Block 5A, Vait Village 5th Filing from Public Ac- conmodation (PA) to High Density Multi-Family (HDMF) Application has been made in accordance with Section 18.56.I10 of the Vail Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.56.050 of the Municipal Code on September 8, 1980 at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Conunission. Said Hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. The application and information relating to the proposed change is available in th'e zoning Administrator's office during regular busniess hours for review or inspection by the public. Jim Rubin Zoning Administrator TOVIN OF VAIL DEPARTI'{ENT OF CO},lMttNITy DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail- Trail, August 22, L980. TO: TOWN COUNCTT' FROM: DEPARTMBNT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/JIM RUBIN DATE: Septenlcer 10, J-980 RE: Revisions and corrections to Garden of the Gods Club rezoning memorandum Several mistakes were made in the Memorandum'to the Planning and Environ- mental Commission dated Septernber 4, 1980 on the Garden of the Gods Cluc Rezoning Request. There were also some revisions to the orj-ginal plans' which adclress some of the concerns stated in the Department's Recommeni3t:cn. These changes were all discussed at the Pu-blic Hearing before the Planning and Environmental Commission. In the first paragraphs under Description of Request, the 8 Accommodation Units should be changed to 12 and the 4 Dwelling Units should be changed to 6. Also in the first paragraph, the last sentence should be changed to stat,e that one of the two other employee units would. be remo'/ed with the other one being converted into a Managerts Apartment. In the Statistics sect,ion, under Number of Units Existing, the 16 Acconno- dation Units should be changed to 12. Under the Proposed' the B dwelJ"i:rg units shoutd be changed to 7 and the 2 Employee Sleeping rooms should be changed to t Manager's Apartment. Under the GRFA, the Proposed should be changed to read 13,110 square feet. This would put the GRFA under what is allowed in the HDMF Zone District, so that the reguest v/ould completely comply with the HDMF District requirements. t PT]BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that A.G. HilI of the Hill Development Company has applied for Rezoning of the Garden of the Gods CIub located on Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Village 5th Fil-ing from Public Ac- commodation (PA) to High Density Mu1ti-Family (HDMF). Application has been made in accordance with Section 18.66.110 of the Vail Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on September 8, 1980 at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission. Said Hearing will be held in the VaiI tilunicipal Building. The application and information relating is available in th'e Zoning Administrator's busniess hours for review or inspection by to the proposed change office during regular the lic. Jim Rubin Zoning Administrator TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT gust 22, 1980.,-^ / 6 I u tSr r A f- P^ ,;ffi' /2'l \ / /2,1a. rt f d.c L.tt --tS n - /: .. o( \/ Or / G t, I tz /' ,1 ,z , /' C.".J, /r"ttc,v -' Pu F"x rrb.s' /Jt#t:E-' 7^/*,/1.I cr Published in the VaiI Trail,.At) t3di 76,ui.v /r? rt("/ <l/r/ruo/, Loal+{Lts )uf:e z t ,//\/ t//a\/ | tt -.t t e.,/rr ChYt s f( ^ /7 t r-'' f;::ffTu&,- ":' Qr c ud,4 u,9) p v f3, x '-7 {t' L----- "-l-c, : Fcbruary 17, 1976 !,1r. Tim Garton Box 705Yafl, Colondo Rc: Valhallr Lodge Dear Tln: As we.dlscuscad, the permltted uses In the publlc Accomnodailonc :91,! I.n whlch the Vathaila ts located, Include loogii (a;ii;;;'-Deloyt) and a naxlnum of 2ar acccssory restaurant, 6ar dnd retallu3es. Lodse - A bulldlngoccupancy prlnarl lyor fanl I les, eltherIn whlch the grorstlon unlts exceedg dwel I I ng unl ts , onda glngle managementhotel servlces and 0r group of rssoclated bulldlngs deslgned foras the tenporary lodglng place of lnllvtdurls I n acconmodatl on unl ts or dwel I I ng unl ts ,rerfdantlal floor rrea dGvoted to icconrnoia-the gross resfdentlrl floor area devoted toIn whlch all such unlts are operated under _p19y!dtnE the occuprnts thereof curtomaryfacllftles. Pll!!llq ulll:.lny room or.9!oup of roosrs tn a nrulil-fanflyDultdrng wtt! dttchen frcllltles deslgned for or used as r iwel-llng by one faartly qr rn lndepeqdent frousekeeplng-unit irrictr'uiy!lq!gd" one rttached-accommoaitton unii-no'iilgii ttran one-thtrd(l/3) of thc totrl floor trai;- - 4ccglnmgfatlqn |Jnlt - Any room or group of roonc wlthout kltchenfrcttt!tgs dcstgnad for or adapted to occupancy by guests andaccess{ble fron common corrldors, rrlks, oi. baic6irlis wlthout.parslng through another rccommodsilon unlt or dwelting unii. - Elther.lype of unlt nry be condomlnlunrlzed wlthout belng subJactto subdlvlslon or zonlng-regulatlons so long ar the tougr-iiii-of management and oparrt{on-renlln. Slncerely, DTPARTIIIENT OF COI.IIIU}I I TY DEYELOPIIE}IT 0lana S. Toughf I I , Zonl ng Adml nl strator I DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION DATE OF MEETING: NAME:{;!:t tt ADDRESS (MAILING) NAME OF PROJECT: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: FILING PLAN #: t /rt NEVIEI.l BOARD September 15, IflT o DES b.l 1t Drrnf flJ.L.ll rrLr\r^ 4 Lou Parker BiLl BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro a IGN DATE OT I{EI,IBERS , TIl TTT}Il:. DD nqt?llT . 5ll,rrv!.! . . AgIION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION: Garden ABSTENTION: APPROVED:I DISAPPROVLD: SUI'lIlAnY: A e DESIGN REVIEW BOAND APPLICATION NAME: P u, ttl ADDRESS (MAILING). NAME OT PROJECT: DESCRIPTION OI' PROJECT : , BLOCK_, FTLTNG DATE OF MEETING: PI,AN #: tr.a DESIGN REVIEI'I BOARD DATE ON TIEETING ' ?. '1 . 27. }IEII{BERS PRESENT:Bill Ruoff Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro ACTION S.'JBJECT: VCfIE: APPROVtrD: DISAPPROVED: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: SUlrlllARY: Eiii'fi'nxti-ol' tlrc Uo:tld DESIGN REVIEIY BOARD APPLICATION It DArE oF MEETTNG , ilk /;'* // / ? 7',/ ADDRESS (MATLTNG)_-?e?? NAME OF PROJECT: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: LOT_, BLOCK_,IILING /tlf-/ .,,1PLAN #: t DDSIGN nEvIEi\' Bo[!q DATE O[ IIEETING: ITEMBERS PRESENT: September 1, 1977 Bill Ruoff Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro SIBJECT:Garden of the GodS---- n AGAINST:VOTE: TOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: -r ABSTINTION: SUlrllt{ARY: oz t =G, uJo oorn oo <\l oo !-{ oc)o (r) o IJJ uJ lJ-t =E uJo. ffi+Y,lvf u I I I I $ I sl_\ N-R INs\ib s I l_ t?ro I I I IFt< rF|.tz t= lotz,zlq I oo ah 4t^'=in-ul o. 2v 21lo 3*€+,o9 =lz+tOur o,o 6 !(6 V'+, rdI c)td (F E€) a6 c,l- 0)c)lJ- ()q, UJz =o ulIF oz l!) IJJo =I l- Fzoo o E u,lz =o t!o o o) q) E -9-o(t .9 CL CLo c!o F o o()o o 6 o O o, E @ E o =c -io o o ! .9 () o)'6 o sio oo oa'5 o! o ! (E o! 'E oN o) ct E () o, q, E'= .o 6 <t) =(5 (, (! o E o 4,,oo (il € 3 F (u z 3 9o(6C 6(! E.E6^6 cFcti o'-aP oi, E5a;(J>(!a EE;U6€EarEEoo,o(u +,o E oo .9ao.: oo o6 o)p .9 E E fg E co 6 E o (D .; o oI .9 aE o, 0) C' =(! -c oo)E o);o .Yo(6 o{) o rn o? 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UI'('oC' (u .p (F o (l,!l-(o ii =z F ,ll {lI| ol zl 3l 9lFI I I I I I .lol ..1 ol Lul 1l <l>l u-lolzt ..: =I :Ol urFI F >Y;();s !zu-o uJ tsI <FCO IJJ <zE IJJ F(42oo Jt<o(JF l.<i, E --2 oFO Fz (J z -Ol,lj *Eo2.EEE' o o (Dc q) (s =o- $ 3o t-- o 0)(Jc (6 .Y',tt "6 tl ]Jc_$no,^ o) Eo .:o Y-(l,o: ;.o _tt -c_ >6qN ;()o a q).: :J(t q.) a(u d)p c (o o o) '5 cr c) (: '; (\: E .E 0) == ;:l Eg i aulFoz oz oJ ld){ od o.zzlo J Sl il- F g: F. v)z = ) G{! o!:) c) ( UJ LUl! t: tr LIJ i::z. t! .Jd =r uJ z zi:<Soar<oo- t!o!u ;> >(Joz(Jf, F i--: r'rJ< E?g=a' 5rq.>gtlorrroo-z o om g LU a o Do\ lri O F ft cr oEo @ hl ;,.{(, "4\" 2 f tr o o C] II I- tlr'l Fz l z J Bo t o .L: z tll LUu- =.s LU o- F F oJ :lo z .D :) z I(J uJ = NOtlvnlv zIl- 5az -.1 'f 1ll $l {l q \lol Jl trlsl q ; o3 z t: cr tllo ct:,ul LIJ ^=\q ru* <C\ \-J z ^6 (ro (Jz o-fo o (\l '\\) z i: f, (ts F z ; tl,) ?t E CL E a E Oo th ;F z E Lf- = v, 4 -tH;5il.ul I I I i I I ol (9t ull 5t 3l LLIol ;l 5ol ur Fl l- zl.loluil it =l<l>l XI zl 3tpl I I I I I I cilzl olrul :l al>lluol zl 3l FI z:itr ul;: -J(, UJJ =1(Jl url 1l =l4I>l LLIol gl olFI o t ir L!-Lo.:|'- r- K <FdOtjt <zx.TUFAzo() .(OOF :-< t]J= -oJro o: z. t- :<z(r (I /-\ c) E F() c( l--z () .{ i.t I ltl :.; 0 0 o'l 14 ! 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''l l-- - ' Jl..r| ! l'- -\. i/ I-- DATE READY FOR LOCATION: rNs CTION REQUEST /ll TOWN OF VAIL a.' ./'J l .-.r (.----CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES JOB NAME THUR FRI AM PM ',i .) tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS t] SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,"Ji"'oN REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES THUR FRI AIi| LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING tr tr E] tr FOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER TTIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E tr FINAL tr FINAL ,,'(-ot"touto, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 4 ,*#"rlbr.r REouESr ^ -/il 'oW o'?l-o''"'J^ DATE ? t1-i n READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ,.-.-'<*:-\. '{y51)THUR FRIWED .1-=..AM (.. PM )\r--_-/ BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL k,icrif/tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr rifer tr FINAL ..t- 4TAPPROVED ' coRREcrloNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'N#CTION REQUEST OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPEGTION:'MON CALLER TUES)WED I' THURREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR tr a urf(u tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORREGTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR * INSPE CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 7'27 -t L-JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MoN af@ WED THUR FRI ----@,, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER;{rnnrtrrruo tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL -N FINAI tr APPROVED /-{orcnppaoveo 4,fiss1vsPEcr o N F Eeu I R ED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR '*rt"toN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WEDI THUR\-../.FRI PMAM tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH/WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED I] REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,ru#"rroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES iru^ t FRIWED PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING 1-l ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n ..fi.1-,, ; c-, r.r tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n, tr SUPPLY AIR n n,{Kot tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE REOUEST VAIL DATE BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATf ON: ) i: :' ' j' | " / CALLER TUES WED ; FRITHUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL EI ROUGH / D.W.V. o'iroucH / wATERC] FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION C] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNourT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL CPAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,"#"'oN..7 TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,' /l ,!li, r:1' t.. 'CALLER ' ;.1'I ( ruES ,fiCo; rHUR ,1,' /' ilrrill '' ,i L,'JOB NAME MON BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - O _tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL /APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DlgAiPRbvED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED :. DATE lo"77*rr.Grqff*ry ,pF ro{f-' d,.-r1gi t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL wED @ FRI ----@ PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MqN CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERd rnnurruo tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB r'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT (suenrv atn tr-_O'K tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oerc //-Z 6 - P-- rNSPEcroR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN,OF VAIL /^/, L,toeDATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR CALLER TUES AM FMftt- BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING ATNSULATTON tr SHEETROCK E- tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR n osK tr FINAL '{fupaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /, CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,*#"toN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL IL: I CALLER/'': '-i' TUES'| '. ili.i' iitt / DATE .'-|., ,JOB NAME il I READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI i,-, 'PM' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATEB ON / STEEL tr rl F ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAI L_ tr tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRI CAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR / INSPECTION 1, i[7\* o' o REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR JOB NAME MON .n ,4c(t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION i STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR Y rrrunl tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t PErNs CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUB FRI /O,?rt rffi-> / pu BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr r'1 FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB E FW{-tr FINAL F/APlRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO INSPECTOR DATE ,*#"rroN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI AMWED.READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDAT tr FRAMING ION / STEEL n 199.f^&^s-H.EFn...- tr cAS prprNc - " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - r--- EI FINAL tr FINAL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -nn tr FINAL tr FINAL tr,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOB oz F =EllJo- oo r.r)t\st atul IIJu- F =t IJJo- -11e 9A Td 1l !( $t\\\ \( t 1 J ll !l!l \tnrco lHi15t l* I I I IIrl t,g !p -> lE a' 'ro -v i=; u,lF o Eo e Iz = (,z in lrJFoz 2 =o .6 o = tulz3 ulI F z c; c) 0, I -o(! .9 CLclo 'oF (Dc O/tuooc G Eo og o C' 0tEoo ol .s = c0 o =cl dq) ooo G; ,(D E -i- o c iEt9 E.E R€*tgs -.= (! F - J_.: Oe 6E:0c-o>'c g sE = gi; c96FIoSo iEi F Et gE E!sect (g ct- SE; e oFEors€e€ E6:n EEEg_cL;o 6 0'-.is; @ o? -E ,- E't€! : gi.E rfi5i9rE o -eEg: - o (6: coo @ F{ @ F =ctl,c =oJ -ot!I(Jz o- J EFoulJul z @ =DJo- = C) uJ = UJul z tr gJ G()qJ E oa. oo =g u, 2(, U'qJo F al,oo- UJoc =2 uJJ() x F UJol .tl IJJullt ts =c UJ o- J<rFoF oz J o J 9c L)llJJ UJ ('z .D E J J Iz Eo uJ = NO|lvntA .,lullol L1 :1?1(ol o1 =l 5a't qJ E (l, o)!- v G, ;t! zo Fo- E() uJ J E uJz IJ,J : rtr>t) ra:4)E;: zzoo F^alt3A =t/, oz>.89u-< \J=H6-8 .i .,i c, .6 .u +J(o =oc +) = lt'+,a c zIF fJ l! cc ci to gJ rf)r\.ir @ E o- ll,tG z9Eoo z 9 F E UJFJ i uJz. q, trzlz tr o : oo at)F2 =Jllt = oulo J LIJc oz Flt =F I UJ ul J) UJzYII JJ =F u, oo = ir IEt I2tl-l =,) 'rl_l o F at) cil! uJ uJz ts u,lo J z E I zF U) ID \ ul cft I I t1tltltllollzllcj|I utl l5lt<llilt:la3lEoltq Fl ;l 1l ?l>I ?lolFI z oultr J lt z3oF lltl l;llil IH <\,f\f.-r.o I l--(\l P()o u.t (U o ao IJJ L+) L)(u UJ I a! (t c.) +J (F !L .u i'i =zo -) it' uJ =z ro = 2? E3fFd6 C) (EoF E.Fzo(J L-Etr =o2 ) I F() uJ -Jut E -rO<Fd()uJ<zq IIJ Fa6 o u,lF o uJ tsocloazo Fo-ulY UJo oF b Eut o- l!o o-oo UJFoz z .rPze c0o =z=r=dP dfi =fi=B;H tr ut bEqE<3A;eE9tl ir sg F EE: >o-i 8u9 !utE XO-f x>t q- €= UJdl oF -I - E =E,lrlo-zIF(JfEF, zo(J !!tr !Er l$I c6 l_ i ti=bJr FY;-\ #igi at)t! UJ t4. F = o- t!L =c<trl Fo nct66 ci a, E-Oq)()= Fqt O.O(/|eto. ;3 lF.:(' e! : Ol )ol. (rl iEo q) o E iu o() ct) F J D ? t. J D ) t u;fl:OE58"; 3$gD c (). : 6';i=t' r )€ | i; ,.i ;=( -'eI'E sl.-.: <>F: Q.N ( 9'c Ev l=oo::Fo s'e E -*o 69-oo-ctc E! q,o66c o a'rt()- =.!O) aoJ:3(D ,ctc ;c€ !J .'s- u.e9 op 9a-rr (E "-3(Dq')';(!q) rJ rCD rC o l t Q' o qt 3o q) a- Ou-;: jgot>ttruE 1.9 or_ oi !?o :r-= e:qr- r i' .PF.>=g.! 5 3.1 al! - \E Q.'r-Ea E6:;sj -Cr -- €i 19 cL- : o-:Eolr- c 0 c!E'.Orco:O()t=.! ri= r: (, c)4r =(/,sE''i o:i5'' 5s ioo iOC(-nt-o -:Qrc'(;:;€J I d:EE =(us5c.a r- Itt!g) ssc\- -a,o(! =!l!'t:c9, 5 c'1o,9 : !1 $-esl:!icc\ 9Es E!s +.- t a*'E; a=E :#Fses l t-; :(5i.a€i6sa9ar--- l(!c. 3'5:() >\':(!= i E e*i B8;6e5eocQrc 8Fl lE'IEt:tg IE f*tsil:st ccls;135 I o(EI CLr.EFgr! Ee GI ;t/|g)D .gt- -4.(E 0. O a): flgi;8,o (!i €sisRa \JE.cl or:g c\Gotrq -oc l2Itlo; I lr u.lt:i ar \J FI<l-2a,9:1' ><xxxxxxxxxxxxIL G "l5lvl6l E o I \ .o z ;acd6F0a9c Y(,vz6f t!Jo- (,>()FO;a$ -,I<l 2l 2l u, UJzYo F l2 F J z Ie[< tslc I I It: l< oltrl ol :il t>lot-I< l!r',5l<l I -l3il uJ tlztl -. >lo rlJ rutuz a,F u.l J z ouJ(L r!ao o l!o oIY IE t!o o =F r! ?/ tu z -t J<oo.nt! uJ -rO or N xo I r/l q., L T' =tr:(J+J NF\F\to IF\c! @ E/r. 'rt[< >ado(J -J J(f 5P T<oF1!=da :F 5-#d5o GJO<Ftro uJ < UJFgtzo() Fouj ?o oF?oi.o C) Fo Fzo C) Izr() u.l = =oJdr- lF Ll.J -O OcL.l'(Jc Ct 'F OZr- O.a:-. O- C +,JO_ .OFr.trq-clr-,. .- 1l' cl:.F ur O_Ovr:nXt!(Jc(u O.FO!n=(U LJJ (, tE +)o<Lot! !F Irrl o. -o_ | =E'.E 5 |(,)OOu I>-'' CJ F I =sBE I =,:'.,, IO .+. g) |J'Loc ,J<u .F JO+J t, =.:<fu-+J.}J.d Ll(Uotd ='- -F {F-$Jl ro N .o s- F olt .(' =ct = Je J "38o-ES-rOi =5ilCOUJ> ts GIIF'o--. bH .E<zta<:Z#.G' oFX c'-!r dt- rftlH=fd=El&tl(Eol i u.rl =J^ | J;Au XJ.JYJ L 'oJ0, Cfl )z Lo <l-Jl Dtrtr I : € t>< >< >.xx >< tr8D t NSPPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE , JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: MON LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr rl GAS PIPING B INSULATION O SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL o u FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING T] ROUGH B E tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR ci rrruer O FINAL E APPROVED I tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,t. tffit DATE INSPECTOR oz ts =tul o- 2 {' a l,LlIul! tr =t uJo- ,/-/ ''/ '-- / / ),, -t ,l , / /..','/-;': v ,1/ sll .) l!.u trt!o z 6 utF F Fcz o zz oltlFoz oz 6J dl .O oz za) -:- o c l+ot:6.Y, ||! r ;€;E I; EEg:i TIF € gE,g ia lE ir*$i .lE ;E;iE " lE= EtsF€ \:,f iEg";Ee€ lg? o!Pov(EPoeo € E ='giP6,! 6 6iio F lioi Ei 6 p :iEi; E=c)(aE e*it€ ;ri;e Efi E: A iEgg i \J ,:\) N N Mt (^\ lvtvj I N IN )c\\ \s\ Istt r- r) N .Jc)) rr) F\ rot'\ CJ E E,llJo-(,zo = -C)Iu oz) J F ut tr ('z = oz gJ = UJtuu-z tr utE tr,lt .0 3g uJ z 9, uJ o o- uJ z ul x F IJJof, tn UJ UJ lJ- ts =t uJ o- J FoF z J co J I F(J uJ) IJ,J z J C)z UJ = NOtrvntv^ I I I=l>E.L -rrotai r.r,r .t R=@<vfi =r& 15zzt4-O OOU F^AZq 5 >*EE"Pz >- (,itu89 ?b{ +e-I tsaq trd(\t0 z E {l! o uJ F E UJ z Eoo x z tr UJ =UJz tltltltl trz z L- Ulkoo< =FR'rUo<z aFz,. 9='iF tro}EOI ullJ oulzY iF z F -(tz J ?3 F uJ o B JI tr z zl .. >l IJ llJ llJulz = I! z E z Fa J [[]I l"lol<lf lo l;,>oP (:) a*r ut tr U)oo?zo Fo- uJY uJo oF E GLU.)O,--l t! c"o-> -.: Oa,oi -..'i Hur:^Fr!,zo z ?,t =Z*.oo =z (L LL ..i5 =F==oi=uJXdil= = uJo. o ut z o U) o cEo- JFtu-h= dr!>o-Ol!9o \ l.lJ x>Er-l lJl d) o co Ecloo Bt .E t E EoIJ i\o =lrlcoDEf=E =t:o -! ts =E 1lI o-z9F()fEFv, =o() NDF .lol =.1olurltrl JI alilol zl =lolFI ?l(,l IJJIEl Jl al>l rrlol zl 3l 9lFI dl 5 itol zl 3l 9l I I I I I cil =.1oll|ll 5l <l>l tLlol Zl ,,t3l -.r-ol t!FI F 5 1J ca +, q- r,:-(o C5 ii =z o nt E (f (Y-)(, I (.:-) F\ I I flttlol zl =lPI +,() +t L (,ozf- =#)z o z =I uJ = o t;\ =b2 Iu T d. E <F r.! <zEUJF(42 9tv F LIJJ J<(Ja?.3E '6 a!tr! rnJLctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAILr,.' JOB NAME MON i r ''' i INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FBI :,,/, ii a! AM pMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr n ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK rl POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL g FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIEGHANIGAL: tr tr tr n HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr-FINAL ,E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR {:))f,-t,,):J uJFo d)oazo Fo- IJJY llJo F tr CEl|| o.) ^6.. ol o a@ Ooo=t-guJbkzo z,"oz\cDo =z dP ix *r=-: i\ J- B d'=il ts acul o- IL IuJEO9zE<ctl€ue9 IJEae.Etr =>: IJJ :-5 E=(,l;E =EE EbI \urE XO-E X>6=Fe-!'-iIri uJ d) oF --- ts =Elrl o-zIF(J EFozoo ntE oz ts =g. IJJ o- :E Fgg Hx: e: ees;E (E0'-:-!; o U, tr 6Ei g€ EFigE I I=l>El,- -rolNiureld =oold # B9ZZu->o oo(gtr ^ 62- E p =EEZ7) gg fl= 6oF3 3E-8 itn F.NO Jl<ltrl zl zl .. >lo IJJo uJ uJz tr Eul o- J z E =c) tnEo(.5 a, +) (tso cc,El-.t'(5 il =zo -) Io- (d ts o +,q) =L.p v,co(J oth c,!.oJ =tr I I I I .lol =.1olull 5l al>l rLlq zl 3lolFI I Iol ..1 olull 5t il zl 3lolFI cil IJJI .El -Jl <l>l a|.lol zl 3tolFI I I I .l OIzl ol :lil 3e I ILl' I IUIul cl 3= trOOZF =<ZE fF dzo o EFz F C) uJ E- -rO<FlrOuJ<ztr LTJ F.42oo (.b =F=o () Dn! oz E =G, lLj& I $ 0I $. I^ (n UJ UJlt L =ul @uj F z z J € z z (r UJz] u,lI z rt ujo 2r II Fz ac UJz 3 ul(E fF o c, () (! \. \o):E. o o cnc ==(D E o'- l o o 3't o (5 I o N ,> EFl c'l ; o :J ttt .9c := !; 3(u c(u oc o 3 t- (u 3 E o o a lfc c '- E ; -c 3 E o io :ti ;o.-o :sEiha.: c)cr'- (to(u€o(D =Eg'5 cP ?rd6'=It(E '!:o(gar '-o (g c)6 (6C -a60 gO \J, (l'E:;3odt i< --o'-(gD >9.oo)(D; L=9Er-o -(, p 9 t\ vl { Y] ry a I \ \I e\U a 0 Cr \ U \ \ \ (^ ( lr9 c( L = uJo- z ! o Y(Jlu oz d -9G () qJ uJ oz6 = J 9z UJ = u.lulu.z 9 F ul(r uJE =g u.l z tr.t F6oo- llJo o-lz uJ o x F uJ U' u) UJt!u-F ul.L J FoF z o (o 9E Fou, ul o = o- 9z UJ = \ NOr].VntVA i i ( $ ( \ I -' oB Z|,J,-ooAz>9 G() UJo UJz UJ(, ol =>E -I z =i. aL FY661>(-' (J<)z(r-< v= o- !.4 FO.ini z tr cc lu t- c lr,l e. z Eoo Tz 9 F IJJ 3 uJz lltltltl tszlzOa E IJJ<oo< =PHt!5o<z tz .. 24"iFdo3trOI uJ| If I Ijt I<t I?t I"ll -ll et \ot I Ft It>f-FrrJt Io-L I>t I'll ll,ll o 3 zl .- >loulo lll UJz (nF (r llJ o- J z E o zz F T Ol I q <t I ait 5 | i 2t 3 | ;oo cc t--f+ -t -) UJt- U) o-' zo F(L uJY UJct oF L =(r uJ(L u-o (L oo I HurirF z .n9>_i(Do =z a.,g ifi |ra:i(Ji = tll ;dd= DND L tr :.v!E:E<afaulG2BgE' iI cd -!E ;t5 h=o dtr: >.L:ot!E 909 5 tr.tEXIf x>o=F !D _':'lt ,.= ut F F lb = l:E. l-uJ r- o-zIFo3El-cn'z,o.ors \ v/ilE= 'Y1J3 = i I I z tr c$ $ \n $ $ * \i r; =z (D I I t_t.!lo- I I ) fr B{J EO I I OI =.1(9l u.tlcrl il>l u-lolzl 3lolFI olzl cilull 14 J :lolFI ll td i:lEol(!I FI I I I I I'l bizl utl 1l at>l rLlol zl3olH I I I I I I cil z.l uJlEIJl <l>l u-lolzl ..:3t 5Ol uJFI F UJF'r G --r O<F uJ<ZG|.UF(42o J d. F LU)z C) z 'r (J tl-J = = Oz J<()(, ?.3o' nnD Proiect Application Project Name: Project Description; Contact P€rson and Phone / t/"FS€ Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Desc.iption: Lot Block Filing Zone -Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPHOVAL L ,:::164ilO t'( :-';q() To S ,, ., ,;1,.r. ci2 E =E IJJo- oo (f) <\l otr) r-l buc :J-o() r'' kl{ ,{ U' uJ UJ lJ- E =Elu o- - )|e - al q"St b \t-,te j*?fS I I I ss ei I /'{ ls T\v Nt I l_ ,Ft<to I I l. Ite. tbz IE l2 @ulF z o2 =)o .6 oz t!J IUo i tot! toFo Fz o c .9 E.glcE ii -c 8fi eG;o'64't o.€o-oc;B 3F EE cD-CO ot-c o !tcE q,Eoo ct!c =o E o =l d c, o CL CLr! 3 .9 o o 6 oo 6ooo (! € o =oF a! E '= -o cL ot.,.9-p.E6 CO6(J'E|! 9orFL 96.s:ooE.s -Ct'ip .:.5o.oEoo€oEotr -Go- Qt lt:'6'g o EE5Esb-oc.9 .- rtEEE'. EFcL'- <t,(ro€o =€.j';cP'- o. -iCo.9 E(!otr 'FOcc eeEi o(E sF Eg -(BE6oroLc O(Eie-c6 -E60 oglr, (E ot:8o6CetF60>gllo9a OEr-o -o oo (Ost oo rosf E =EqJ o- z6J :f,o I tu z. Jo- otFo UJ tr (,z ao =:)Jo. 9z out = tuu, z 9F luE C) u.lg, ao =uJt UJ G,z 6uto Eatoo.ur o- z UJJo x F UJ <tt (n IJJ UJ,t!(F. t UJo J El- oz -J J I F uJ uJ oz (ot J J = C) uJ = \ {s NO[Vn'lVA .ll\l I5,- | s ivl =fDNl JEa9IZ Z tLFo o o> 5; =;E., O c(lz>o89 ^$*b{ :<Eg g r(\l(, zo F J E c, ui F oo(f)(\I uJ a J z Eo z 9F e, UJF 3 UJz tltl) | l F = .^2_=7 = FBgIE =gE58ed?<aoofrlltl||rl.^ v,t -- !a.5 = E99 3=d.g[=gE oo()-z zIF 5.ttz UJ ? F u.l o ii IJJJ uJ 3 J uJzx s2IF (D Id. uJc q=b il9 L -c o?zo Fo- IJJY uJo oF F =G IJJ 0. t!o HHzo z o9z4dto =z=))dg ;Ei dd= tr Eulo- tl- EE2ZE<ol€EB9EL EEt>E dEE FE = >o-i 8bE irE ;E6. ulolI'E IIJ dt oF I-- F =^Elrl o-zIFo3EFazo() : tfc =.1ol IIJI :l <l>l :l PI d ql 5l |rIol zl 3tolFI (5 =It o-c <uo!ct U''(to(5 (u .tJ r,l-o (l,g L nt ii =z c) =.1ol ootno (o .Yo(l) =tr =.1ol IJJI 5l al>l I I I I I el cilurlEl JI <l>l t!lol =l sol utFI F OOz, l- =f--"6 O G, <F(r()r!<zFLII F(42o(J J EF(-) ulJ UJ z I L! t-E ir =*Eo2 !!! FS-.rl \+ fO I tr' tE 3; U'!u LUl! E =G UJ o- qt EgEE .;{,-i .c 8X aE6s'64't o-E6ttc aEsF FEg; C.too,NO ffi PE E€oo3o6cD o.S =t, !E aoE,b'-= ol =rJ.6 9.eg tt o.tr6 "3stg EE 'ri: g O?: G '=g,(,' g8E cogt.9; 3E9cc.= ag €sE :eEc96'- ot ESE E E-E500 E*fl*Er" cEi E6:geE g E-6 EEF- o,.urrC6 0'-!= oe-E gEi S Ilo H{E -b; e lo -o. oEEE50cD -o6 o UJl!t! ts =|r uJ o- Fot- ;Eo;ttozo a- EIuloJ E.lllz uJ =E -|'tur$ EN z9a93=90 o z ct = -.., = z trc) 2 o lllo- F z2=EEf8 FFg8a.zof lr. .g3 EgI =d: EHOUJO0()lz z9F Ee =8OE(,crid tq s-l-2L =24 =id{ =qo(, zIF Jf(hz I I I .lol e uJl 5l <l>l !l 3lolFI ctz ci uJE J a ltoz3oP I I I >l CEl Jl >l bl =l sC,l lrlHF t n 5 g I,Ir,rUiG t: t:{ !I I o 4 uJc ct ou,G ! t!o zl 3lolFI t).a/}.l) u; =zoo c -rO<FGOLu<zg.t!FL,Zoc) JC<oC)F =oif;FazEoc) E 2P s33Fd8 q) oF t Fzo z T I.IJ = J<c)og.3H NJFl "{o(3 o =E =GluG -'o Fo-ulY u, oF F =TE IJJtl- !uF o I uJFoz z oPze 60 =zde J EEi AHE =Eul o-tto EgE<c)€ua9tra E5ttr:Jr-E H=c,rr{rYo dtr: =oE 8t9 lurE XO-E HTa -.1!r UJEoF EI -a:-D F EElrl+zIF(JfEF0zoo trtrD ?at t tr!n 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlly development October 6, L987 Mr. Jay Peterson Box 3l-49VaiI, Colorado 8L658 Re: Garden of the cods Special Development District pECSubnittal Dear Jay: The staff reviewed the subnittal for the Garden of the Godsproject. The folJ.owing inforrnation should be subrnitted byOctober 21st to our office: l-. Documentation of the parking arrangement for the spacesthat are located to the east of VaiI Valley Drive. 2. A survey for the property. 3. Existing floor plans and elevations 4. A height analysis please feel free to call me.to review this project at 4 - wG - l^Jc. ,.n .,r.1 o.r.r urrtr*ce Q. \U. If you have any further questions,At this tine, the staff is planningthe PEC rneeting on November 9th. Sincerely, 4(*f^hh-\*g. q...\.-.- e- \\]Sl"' S\u.!l'Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br I1u.Jr/,r ;.-,<i:- ::i'nr33*6": ;r.:l'.*lts:.x* ,^r\r.\ ,^re o.^rc \Lr L,.* 0.-|\e r-c*c.scA GFFA.- !.*k P.r^"" i:: 3;vFrco <a!,lZ;rii3. :<9 <li:w ll!lr<F1<: -i:"? < :. : z FIFF<{,Fl,. z I I l_ ,Ft<t6 I I I I I, IFt<(e,rFto2 t=lo tz J Eulzuro Y =Zv- 6z;o to J++L] 1 I I I o =t- =G uJo- oz F IJJ-)o I zoz ,rPzeoo =zd9 ,"iE =E==oi-u1 E6il= tr =t IJJ o- lto uJc F co EILoEg 'E =E E 8 f\o =) |,t=5>Ef=E =8:o -E E =Elrl o-zoFo EF(nzoo DNE UJF 6 |l tltltlll lmltcltal<l>t llo.l <lEt >l I I I I I I I -l uJlclolol<lJI <l >l I I I I lolorl-lxlol6l IIA U)|u4 ol<l J E ! U'go(J c,taol- ,ttJ Ec II .o =(-) artEo(5 o) +, q-o o !|!(5 ui =z -) tr6 =+EFFo2 z T O IIJ = oozts- =fJZrr- o J =FOulJ F uJ = E -.r O<FEC) r,u <ztt!F ( r,l z '6 at € t ntrn rNsilhiroN \ REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MoN @ WED THUR FRI ____@ PM BUILDING:PLUMBlNG: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER E tr tr tr n FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB f r^^t --------.O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: LJ D tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH E o n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR "FK O FINAL \PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE /2-?*-'? rNsPEcro DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME @ WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr n FRAMING tr tr tr n ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB d ,,*o.tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr B CONDUIT o tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ,4 O FINAL .4 ,'-furtsnepRovEDtr APPROVED TION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: .rrtl' l'3 DArE //- /A - f/ rNSpEcroR DATE t JOB NAME rINSPECTION,' TOWN OFn /1 | \.'',' ll /1 /: 4 P , */t -t/ -4.- REOUESf VAIL -----q)INSPECTION: CALLER MoN (fuEF WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION E GAS PIPING E POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr tr tr tr BOUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr} SUPPLY AIR tr NAL N FINAL tr SHEET E FINAL ' (,y|'aeeaoveo .. CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED INSPECTOR : F: F 5cz j B 2 t- F z 7 3 F -t Ft :r; <r: x^i,;:< t^ rL 7.= -xFF :<U|,2. c><c z zz o Fqz o z I I I I I t!J I I I I I I 1., to It!-rx tvt(5tzr6 r5 (n UJ uJ L =G LIJ = d z o ) 0c z; l o- 9z I E uJ z tr o B !g z 6 uJ -ano uJ (L 2 uJ o tn uJulu- F = u.l .J F - z o F uJJ o o =l cD E UJ tlJ z = NO[VntvA UJ F t- o z E F =: uJ z () o, ..,J $l S RI <t tsI H rl-l .rJ Iel Y -ZZr!- tr ^ 6z9 A tod o 6F @o(tsz>-ooo!?QzXr!<oq { i6 s i-.)-t!dN(, - :r .Yt zo : G ao- UJx z ;-o z tr r! r.tl F ? 2Z <EAe6 f -EE!',P,> s;68o==Jr!PSEPdgSi"2 COEro2: a?zaGaz3 l rU$,:9zd; J<=+crgEE g5: ooorzQ Fz z tr oo () O zo* .Jf <hz z - F o q4.3'R)t-X lLl oz E =ul z F tI,'1og. (L UJF o aOz.{ I(i ItJ, i z j I :< .J co F (o )v x ,,)<\,! \s s ,b eR\I 6 ui:.( in (.) \]A.o1\l AI ; $l ?,1n,* 9 d\ aj\ u ll .Jct T. o- \)\.\J t:cir goa o- t:(-) R\I ?q $ s.< c(ii \^ 'tI E o c'o q F:t- :L o- { s I (! cr.oo nF I o- ,_:g a c) cl a Io t-:(:: cco I(! :-al i.o c) -:.t f:o L: tr LLIz tIJt: :c O o:. E. <FO:(Jur< 7- tx LU l_-'-o t) -J C:<oI (JF I :< l-,, r-)t-* ;_ilv \J E zt-;i(J )*-:< (J <;qtr e1 ct ,' tr. (,i J '.. Ci U z z(,9 4ZcoO =z O- t! z;. J\J @Ur E q) :> o r-L 3dt:> CL .U F H TJ,JLzo FO F-az, O L) nL,l t-jr L! _slL:_ -e' o'c: -- * +n"** t/rtv, EYf gtt^t& c*)ca4'lE 7 ,y' \ t)tao who will be invjted-to bid on the project. Davjd Kanally commented that the fifteenpercent cap may exclude some of the competition. A vote was taken and the rtionpassed unanimously 7-0. The next item was 0rdinance No. 40, series of 19g7, first reading, regarding arequest to rezone the Garden of the Gods_Il.ttb from public accommoiatjin zoning to aspecialdeveiopmentMlewas.biauvMayorJohnston.tristan Pritz stated what changes would be made to the Garden of the Gods Club, the neasonswhy a special deveiopment district was being requested, and why staff recorrenAeaapproval contingent upon three condjt.ions: . 1. The app'l jcant shal'l provide written, 1ega1 documentation of the Garden ofthe Gods'right to use the parking spaces on ihe last side of the vait vitiey-oriu"on a parcel called P-2. Staff must have written documentation as we] 'l as anattached map to scale showing the area of the P-2 parcel whjch is attocatea to theGarden of the Gods. This agreement must also be approved by the other members ofthe P-2 Condominium Association. This document must be submitted and approved bythe staff before the project proceeds to second reading of the ordinance'. 2. The applicant must submit a revised employee housing agreement with afloor plan that clearly indicates the location, iypL of unit,-and square footage ofthe employee housing units. This information musl be submitted and approvea ti ttreowner and Town of Vail before second read.i ng of the ordjnance. . 3. The applicant shall submit a written statement agreeing to restrict perthe Subdjvis'i on Rental Restriction, Section L7.26.075, 6 lock-ofi accommodationunits, 10 free-standing accommodation units and one dwelling unit as indjcated onthe PEC plans. This wri tten agreement shall be submitted and approved by staffbefore the second reading of the SDD ordjnance. she noted changes in the ianguage on page 3, Item 5 Density. she also stated the PEC-recommended approval 4-0, wjth one abstentjon. Jay Peierson, representing theapplicant, gave additjonal expianation as to what the ipplicant was trying to do andthe upgrades that would be made. After he answered queriions from Councii, KentRose made a motion to approve the ordinance with the wording changes, ana goraon Pierce seconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed 6-0, with piul Johnstonabstaining. The seventh order of business was the Amphitheatre lease agreement between the Townof Vail and Vail Valley Foundation. T-ar-ry-fs6iil-stated ihat at the Work Sess.ionearlier that day, some language had been changed and a paragraph 28 had been added.John Slevjn stated he would like a shorter leise period or levelop a review.yit.tfor the lease term. Tom Steinberg stated his concerns about the term of the leaseand how one sided the agreement was. He suggested language change to have a way outno matter if it costs the_Town. Brad Quayle agreed ttrit itre Towi was giving it awayand they better be sure of what they're gLtting and they must have an is.api valve.During this time Hermann Staufer stepped out for a momeit. John Slevin made amotion to table the agreement until the next Evening Meeting, and Eric Affeldtseconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed 6:0. Under Cjtjzen Participation, Mayor Paul Johnston stated he had enjoyed working willeveryone. Dan Corcoran comnented he had enjoyed working with Pauj lnd HermannStaufer, too. under-the Town Manager's Report, Ron phillips stated there would be anorganizationa'l meeting of the Council at the next Work Session Tuesday, November 24,2:00 p.m. He then stated it had been a real privilege working with Plul and Hermann over the last few years, and congratulated Gail, Keni, Tom and Merv on thejrelection. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Respectful 1y submi tted,