HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 TRACT D APOLLO PARK INTERVAL DRB-PEC CORRESPONDENCE-1 LEGALrlTa//o Hpqht€k,el NB-PEc A-a//o 7ubt 'l n?/rr#.t_ Design Review Board ACTION FON,H Department of Communit? Development 75 South F ontage Road. vaal. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 vreb: rvww.vailg{xu.com Project Name! APOLLO PARK HOTTUB Project Description: Installation of temporary hot tub (already installed at time of inspection). No screening required due to temporary nature - see letter in file dated 11.13.06. Hot tub currently placed at north side of property near parking lot. Participants: OWNER APOLLO PARK AT VAIL HOA IUO3I2OO6 8547 E AMPAHOE RD PMB J542 GREENWOOD VILLAGE co 80112-1436 APPUCANT APOLLOPARKATVAILHOA 1110312006 8547 E AMPAHOE RD PMB J542 GREENWOOD VILLAGE co 80112-1436 ProjectAddressz 442 S FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Location: APOLLO PARK HOT TUB Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: APOLLO PARI(INTERVAL Parcel Number: 2101-082-4602-8 Comments: see conditions and letterll.13.06 DRB Number: DR8060509 Motion By: Second By: Voter Conditionsr BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: APPROVED Date of ApProval: 11/13/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of' Ordinance 26, Series 2fi)6 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April t5,2007, this Odinance shall not apply to such development applications. Cond: CON0008548 Applicant shall ensure that hot tub is removed or relocated by June 30, 2007, or by the time that an alternative fixture is provided by surrounding ds/elopment, whichever occurs first, Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel. 970.479.2128 fax]. 970.479.2452 web: www.railgw.com General Information: All projects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submiltal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcYal. Location of the Proposal: Lot:-Block:- Subdivision:EAsre-eP PaKttol-t aF 'TBAtT l) Physical Address: parcet No.: a( 6 t 6 tt VC 02 I (Contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:D/hF Name(s) of Owner(s): Description of the Request: P*r-t<, \Jnc,€oao 24 l4D a Da) P 4) tc6 Pcss ta * I?Zt-t Mailing Address: r.- 4 L) Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:1_llt'€ >- 9/6s7 Phone: Mailing Address:VA/L cD Fax:E-mail Address: Fea a-z-hG€ Type of Review and Fee: B Signs E Conceptual Review fl New ConstructionD Addition ffDnorAtterationv1 m u hi -fa m i lylcom merci a | ) E Minor Alteration (single-family/d uplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, , re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, eic. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by. Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)Ji,fi ^; Z*u,rtu rz V lo E Ptusi Dx at-7_' n a.joint-o$4ercf property located at provide this letter as written approval of the plans aarca ll f O > / O L which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Additionally, please chetk the statement below which is most applicable to you: W_ I underctand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the Rview process to ensure compliance with the Town! appllcable codes and regulations. Yc t--- W"lt "rt) D I request that all modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of the review process, be brought to my attention by the applbant for additbnal approval before undergoing fufther review by the Town. (Inilial here) TOWNOFVAIL, COI-ORADO St.at.ement. Number: R060001887 Amount: S250.OO LL/03/2OO6f0:37 AM Statement Init: JS Notation: 1231I'JOHN C Payment Method: Check ZAHNER Permie No3 DR8050509 Parcel No: 2I0],-082-4602-I Site Address: 442 S FRONTAGE I.,ocat,ion: APOI.,LO PARK HOT This Pavment.: DRB-Minor Alt, Comn/Mu1ti VAII., -.ttiv. RD WEST TT]B $2s0.00 Totsal Fees: Total ALL Pmts :' Balance: 50.00 +*1.***********+*f*****+************************:1.**+***{.******************ff*'}*************** s250.00 $250.00 Current Pmt.s 250.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 0010 00 03 LL2200 DescriDt. ion DESIGN REVIEW FEES 'i ry neysl'acKyartl Owner's Manual KB33{ DX, KB332DA, KB34ODA Model Name: i Serlal Number: i The s€f;rat numD€lr ls on a sbn !€thrditheaccespnel. i Vhlte down Jor futurc relbrpnce .;\_ .' CAUTION! Read all precautions and instructions in this manual before using this equipment. Gustomer Service (87718s7-7493 Keys Backyard, LP 2901 W Kingsley Rd Garland, TX 75041 www'keysbackyard.com Access Panel urq ae LtK€ R €D * T::. ll.P-.A6 ExuPr FDe :TExturce', qK Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us coPY November 13,2006 Mr. John C.Zahner, Vice President Aoollo Park Condominiums 442 South Frontage Road East Building A, Office Vail, CO 81657 Re: Apollo Park Hot Tub Installation DRB06-0509 Dear John, Thank you for submitting an application for design review of the installation of a hot tub at the Apollo Park Condominiums. I have reviewed the application and visited the site, at which time I noticed that the hot tub has already been installed. lt is the Town's policy to require landscaping screening as a condition of approval of most hot tub installations. However, following our conversation, I understand that this is to be temporary in nature and wilf be relocated or removed completely by June 30, 2OO7, or by the time that the adjacent developer/development has provided access to a swimming facility, whichever occurs sooner. Therefore, Staff will allow the continuance of the hot tub in its current location until then, based on that condition. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I have attached the form of approval for your records. Here's to a pleasant winter season! Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure flle {g*"uo"^"o ofttln|TY tE'lEtrnEtl 4rrtt,VorP Design Review Board ' 'n F la#'& ACTION FORIbI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Eoad. Vail, Colorado 81657 teh970.479.2139 fa:(:970.479.2452 web: www.vai lgov.rom Project Name: APOLLO PARK SIGN Project Desctiption: Pafticipants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8060505 New Apollo Park sign to replace existing green and white sign north of new @nstruction site, All specifics on file, OWNER APOLLOPARKATVAILHOA LLIO3I2OO6 8547 E AMPAHOE RD PMB J542 GREENWOOD VILI-AGE co 80112-1436 APPUCANT APOLLOPARKATVAILHOA IUO3I2OO6 8547 E AMPAHOE RD PMB J542 GREENWOOD VILLAGE co 80112-1436 ,I42 S FRONIAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: APOTIO PARK lot Block: Subdivision: APOLLO PARIVINTERVAL 2101-082-4602-8 lighting to be downlighting Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approvah LUL3I?006 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this pQect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications, Cond: CON0008546 Existing Apollo Park sign to be removed simultaneously with the construction and erection of new Apollo Park sign, Cond: CON0008547 The applicant shall ensurc that solar lighting will remain permanent "down" lphting. Planner: Elisabe$r Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $58.00 TOI4/T'M Application for Design Review Department of Commun'tty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail'co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. -Plegse refir t6 tre submittat requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannoi Ue accepted untii all required information is riieived by the Community Development Depatment' The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. 'ni"iign r.ii"* approyal lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approva!. Description of the Request:LACE I biJ nrarp-rc tN b-UY72'41'tC:E YO uTt ?LE DN tT 61.tTt 4 ft uEX e3) ?r *f I Location of the ProPosal:Lot:-Block;- Zonins: ffb/t tr Name(s) of Owner(s): bf N 6t o 6\. ovl oq K Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone! Fax:E-mail Address: Tvpe of Review and Fee: EI Signs B Crnceptual Review tr New Construction tr Addition E Minor Alteration (m ulti-family/commercial) O Minor Alteration (single-family/duPlex) tr Changes to APProved Plans Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area.lst s"(ru)(qn No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commerclal building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such at reroofing, pain-ting, window additions, landscaping, fences ancl retaining walls, etc' For min6r changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, iui*nng, painiting, window addfions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc' $20 For revisions io plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Feetr Separaton Request TOI4'I'ffi I, (print JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER description provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Page2 of 4111106103 r0r4iNm SIGN APPUCATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Speciflc requirements are available from the Deparhrcnt of Community Development. I. SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Name of Business: #"DLL/ ?AB-|Z B. Building name and physical addressi C. Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. D. Type of sign (check all that apply): -J-u9 Free$anorng 5rgn DWall Sign DHanging / Projecting Sign nDisplay Box DDaily Special Board [Joint Directory Sign trSubdivision Entrance Sign N/auilding Identification D Mural tr Window Sign tr Sign Program D Gas Filled/Fiber Optic tr Temporary Sign tr Other E. Lr. H. I. J. K. L. Number of signs proposed:Number of signs existing: Sign message:pltnlPlal NA|(E Sign and lettering dimensions for each proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic drawing @ V4' - t1: tLl'fu " (Leri-c&ii b' 2" x ,>o"rl'i') 'l '< 6oJe 1' Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation d_rgwing or qphotograph clearly indicating the proposed focation of sign(s)): a.frl.r,{t*4 Materials and colors of sign (attach samples)t 5ANDB|-A4STLD l+DU Sign lighting plan:soL& Lot^t V?LT truaoD Length of business frontage: Height of sign(s) from grade: n Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. ''/ , r,u Include height above grade, lumens output luminous area. 8 , ,D Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. ff,^(x{),1'/"i M. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. Pase 3 of 4/ll/06/03 N. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/plannino/drblmeetings/default.htm Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in 'fitle 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Desiqn Review Board Meetino Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Page 4 of 4111106103 . -^1rolqto-r(ecllotl\o.-'r a.. c -'.).,:o'"i;1\e xl;=l,iirrt1,'ri" "" o.e3i.'- i91t' ' ttla- y'.rrz6l'u-' wr*t(* L,4'k I'M II I rb7' &{. aaaote/ Acee trs e'> aillwt- //Y/J/t'u- 6 5olar l"rte) + l,1k't rnl LET. ,,1:'vl> 54a>Et*s'rtP SI FN '#'::,:::t t'i ,x1 w ,/xL" porl /Lnrn^ // rc. a( rr/ Orrtno'^t' v1,7", 1'o' ' / ll -|-7aE.r {*t-*.l \\\\'\ $"1-l \ $\ \*i\\r ht1',\ eI -s--1 \t.I,l l'\ , II II I z-o F _<O--O-ttD -_If\ iElt<l-o_ =;o:)/J ,1,4-g )o_)< L-o o_ ,z oOZzCO ti I Jdgl o OJ ll t.y J .)- (,_)Z, >-{s .o-A LttCEI rl,5t < {sl Ikrtrtflrel.r!u tclbo IIII I I \\q g r.9'0tt at I T x ?i.|I Ii is tt I I l.oo( Yttill =soZ "rf -t-p I fIEI t J, Demand is high for this unusual but very popular set of three solar spot lights which are ideal for spot lighting, highlighting, footlighting or uplighting. All plastic construction with adjustable tilt for accurate positioning and aiming. Supplied complete with a remote, compact sized, square shaped solar panel and battery bank. This remote solar panel is a great idea because it can actually be located up to 20' away from the spot lights. It also means that the spot lights can be positioned in full or part shade (under a tree canopy, shrubbery or even inside a building) with the solar panel located in an area where lt can r€ceive dirdt sunshine to obtain a charge. Each of the three spot lights are fitted with THREE super bright LED bulbs which emit a white colored light outPut. Perfect for uplighting your bvorite small trees, shrubs and other garden features or spot light ornamenG. The solar spotlights can also be used for small signs and house number lighting or directed towards steps, paths or other dark areas nearby. Each spot light and the solar Panel are supplied with ground spikes and wall brackets therefore allowing a variety of different installation options. Creates a soft, but not intense, white directional 9low. Several fixtures may be required for lighting larger areag gr for more detail. Can be used to uplight or wash smaller sections of exterior walls too. Not suitable for illuminating flag poles or any distance lighting. Best positioned within a few feet of area or subject to be illuminated. If you require a fixture capable of providing a brighter llght output then consider our some of our spotlights and floodlights which can be found in our 'Floodlights & Sign Lights' category or our 'Flag Pole Lights' category. 2 year limited warranty with the manufacturer, Pleas€ note, if this product is out of stock at our warehouse then your order may be delayed by up to 14 business days before it is processed and shipped. Color of fixture is black. Color of light outDut is r,vhite. 't*'!'f ,i *****++*++*********+**+*11*****++*+**+**+++***** **{.*+++*{.{.d.******{.*+ + * + * * ** * ** * * * * * {. + + * TOWNOFVAIL. COIORADO Statement **+*ti'i****t***++********++*+i+i****++**++*+++'i++******'t ,it*****{.*+**f*******+++***********'t*+ st.atement Number: R050001875 Amount: $58.00 L7/03/200608:41 AM Payment Method: Check ZAHNER Init: ,fS Notation: 1230/arOIrN Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : L.,ocation: This Payment : ACCOUNT TTEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003LL2200 sP 00100003 L24000 DR8060505 TIG)e: 2LOL- 082 - 4602 - I 442 S ERONTAGE RD WEST APOLLO PARK $s8. oo DescriDtion DRB - Sigr Application \TATI., Tota1 Fees: Total ALIJ PmCs : Balance: $s8.00 $s8. oo $0.00 * * * * +*** ** * * ** * ****r.** * {. ************** * * t {.:1. *:1. {.,1.,1. * + * * * * * **:}*** *****'f,i**1.* *1.'1. *1.,1.*** {. {. ****1. ** * * Current Pmts DESTGN RSVIEW FEES SIGN FEES 50.00 8 .00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 lel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: Apollo Park Condominiums DRB Number: DRB0301B3 Project Description: Addition, dormers, and windows for 3rd level units Participants: OWNER MICHONSKI, DAVID M. &LINDA 0512912003 Phone: 212-327-120Qx207 l WIDGEON WY GREENMCH CT 06830 License: APPUCANT Steven James Riden AIA O5l29l2OO3 Phone: 9494121 POB 3238 Vail, CO Sriden@vail.net 81658 License: ProjectAddress= 4425FRONTAGERDWESTVAIL LocaUon: Apollo Park # 3018 z+42 S Frontage Rd E Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: APOLLO PARIVINTERVAL VV 6+' +6* > Parcel I{umber: 2101082,16035 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Viele Action: APPROVED Second By: Woldrich Vote: 3-0 Date of Approvalt 0812012003 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-CN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. @nd: CON0006086 The proposal shall comply with all adopted building and fire codes. Cond: CON0006087 The applicant shall remove and/or repair the existing trash and storage sheds to comply with the Town of Vail development standards. Cond: CON0006088 The proposal shall be a master plan for future improvements to buildings A and C of -,I -the Apollo Park Condominiums. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Physical Addressr Parce|No.:ffi(ContactEagleco.Assessorat970-328.864oforparce|no') Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition / Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request TOI4A'M To-t D $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landxaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the NoF"" DttignReviewBoard' RECEIVE0 2003 ul,4,t Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: Name(s) of Owner(s): For Office Use Only:i*piu,-PSa- ' orccuno.: ll02 ey: It.g I I 22 03 OQ! 2?p P.l t: Tn'c| D IflY-;P-:ga3 TS'SO I STEI.E.I JA€ RIDEN AIA d $c lldlucrE P.01 Application tor Design Rovbw &Bt[tlct{ ot Co|munilY t|tclglctt fS sorln nsooe fed' \d, Cffi 8f657 d: 97tl479.2llE htj Ito.tf9.2at rr!b: u rt dEilca.t! G ral ldoflirtlotll AI rDi16 |rrntl|rg Ccdgn rulru mE t:a,,r rpprott l FPf .to {nmadni l- utlrgi'mlt 'gpd@tlon Plxs' ;;-6tt'fiiE ldilcr.;ts tDr or trttqiL; TP,,ic rhr b 'qrsd ^tt 'pdtcae'r to' D'dgn Rr"rar cria- tr a*a.rri.r r.cr.l rtr-driit r ri.ittrc tr ttr -cot-unr t'.tfgongi ry|qnc|l... lt€Ld ,ne" -eti nrU to tc ai,rcn "a Uv tti-.roii if..a rndJor thc Ptrmhi .rd E |lioftalral Cormr$o.'"its;';;;;;;0.;-{;;;al ; r"riht D{tt{. . L- n ctrtn do'r d Ftot 'ltrth..c trrt o, t||. atnlnL tmtlon ot thc FtrFqI: PntCc.l lddt!|8: P.rcal 1lo.l rbd|?tl Itldlt€ ad.lrrdt oturcr(t) aifi.En(r)! r.|lwtd{rcr! !-m.ll ldilrs TYD. C lia{lau rtd t .r 6 SJeit tr CCr..Srl ltati.t O ||aicodrudtltr ^.*titid u;rcnurtn't (dtrdttsf lttllt/co.nEd.I, tr |th. Allrdin(*tgFfxrnt/dd.4 tr clr|'Er'lO lDqoct fr.nr O 5.px6tl lcqri 190 BBrtl.oo,.r!c!!albddM ggDa|ta' rb Fd t650 hrcdrsuctbr of r ru hrldilt f tlnCchld alm Fa an rr*bo wttatG t4trrr ftdga b ldticd l! d1Y t€tdtfrrsl 0r' cotnclid h,dre (hd0&t 250 r|llixE a i''sil co{rvcteul'} atsat fd niE dt|!E!s to Lr.,Et a.ld sir knlllrG|tatlB' cdr !t, lt|c.atq, g!i..tf, er,lltovr rditiDtr, FSaPhg. lttEci 'mr(dnl|tg rdt d. l,l0 lcntiOrqG.oUfarti|us-ftrsr(wtn*rit5'edr6. .--raoar.tc, 9.db.€, *nlor rA*on* llrdrctd|r!, tsrEr ll,|6 nl|itfre rda trs $f0 d--;'1b.5 -b dJrt *EdY rFrold bt arti'|9 sti of th' O.sitrr i6,lar Eod' TO FI' TOT* F.91 l'rt; ghk:- g$(IYlgon: (Contad Eagb Co' A3r€r6of .t 97F328{5/n tot p.trC no.) tla|n otfDeli.aie :*:" t^Anne Nelson Accountrne O APOLLO PARK AT VAIL H O M EOW N E RS' ASSOCI AT IO N 8547 E, Arapahoc Roe,d *J542' Grecnwood Village, CO 80tt2-t436 30349A-603E - 303-690-65tt FAX Ivlay 21, 2001 Mr. Steven I. Riden / Steven James Ridcn AIA 5l Eagle Road, Suite zl4 Avon, CO SteZO Dear Steve: Thank you for sending the *etchss of planned modiftcations to coudo Unit 30lB at Apollo Park at Vail. board mcmbers baw rcviewcd thcplans and bavc no objec.titms es long as atl Town of Vail rcquiremertc arc rct, This approvel is given subject to tbo agreeraeot that all erterior matcrials and colors will match tin existing materials and coJors exactly, and ttat the rcnovationa will not be allowcd to look like aa i'Edd oa" ix'!atcH'. The Bosrd arrthorizes you to proceed with the Town of Vail prornss' Plmse keop us informd of any'chaages rnadc to the plang and ofthp constnrctioq rchedule. $incercly, PHONE N0. : 3tZ3 698 6511 fuinc L. Nelson, Executive DirectorItv.w.9 Apollo Park at Vail Homeonroors' Associatioa O ay. 2? 2643 1B:43fi'1 P1 " .\\t 4\q' ^0ul TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FtW 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us ilLt c0P 35FT .iH ^Av^fl.A8r.E I June 6, 2003 Steven James Riden PO Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Michonski/Apollo Park - Exterior Alterations zt42 South Frontage Road/Tract D, Vail Village 5th Filing Dear Steve, Town Staff has preliminarily examined the design review application for the proposed exterior alterations to the Michonski residence and the Apollo Park Condominiums, Building B, located at 442 South Frontage Road. Based upon this initial examination, the Department of Community Development has determined that the application is incomplete and can not be reviewed by the Town of Vail until all required items have been submitted. The following additional items and information must be submitted: l. Stamped topographic survey 2. Site plan (including roof plan) 3. Cross-section drawings If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4-/44-h.-.Lz- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail {g*o"o*ruo S,EP_LA-2A@3 14:55 - STEUEN JRMES RIDEN FIRo P.At TOTFL P.A1 APOI,LO PARI{ A'I' VAII, IIOMEOWNEI{.S' ASS() CIA'IION Ailz &. ARAFAIIOE ITOAD #'.TS(|P GREITN.WO()D VTT,I-AGIE" CO 8OI IP.I4I.SG 30'3'G9O-803S - 3OS-610o-G5t1 IIAX Seputrb€r 10,2003 [,t. StqruoRidatr Stweo James Rirlen A,LA Architcct P. O-863238 Vail" CO El65E Dear Stwc: Thenk you for scodiag a corpy ofthe Torn of Vail Design Revier Boatd cpprowl foma for the additim srd tnoAiSiatiors to Dorid & LindaMichonski's t'rn't at Apollo Park' The ltrourcorvnet's Association ic o6ty bt Buildiags A A B, and that b all tbet wc csn sPt8k !0. BuildinF c & D uo a pqn of thc Apolto Lodgp, ard qrc bave oo dltttrity qv€( rrythhg ftd happens with rhose building& Ahboug! tbcf€ are m plaus a, ttis time to claagg rhe cnbcr udts on ttird floor of '.B" A"nCinL tlt g*td otrbtccors agrecs thst the lfichonski's ptons rvould be uscd es ar irnegrul pan of aoy futr.tre plsns and proposels. Pl€a6G fc€l fico to call if pu sbould hlve any qucstioas. Shcrrslv,Lqt^ XreI-Ndson a I TOI^AI OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2738 DE'ARTMENT oF coMMUNITy DEVEL''MENT u.*\\)'[o'1" $ NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICALPERMT Permit #: E03-0155 job Address: 1142 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: Apollo Park - mechanical room Applied . . : 09/09/2003 Parcel No...: 270108245001, Issued. . : 09/25/2003 Project No : Qp,SCZ tlLLT Expires . .: 03/23/2004 OTIINER BIITTERWICK EIIT IJTD 09 / 09 / 2OO3 PhONC : C,/O APoI-,Lo PARK AT VAIIJ 8547 E ARAPAHOE RD J542 GREENWOOD VILIJAGE CO 807.L2-1.435 I-,icenge: COI{TRACTOR A-Phase Electric, LLC 09/09/2003 Phone: 970-845-0188 PO Box 1-564 Avon, Co 0749 Deer Blvd. #3 Avon, Co 8162 0 I-,icense : 313 -E APPIJICAIIT A-Phase Electric, IrIrC O9/O9/2OO3 Phone: 970-845-0188 PO Box 1554 Avon, Co 0749 Deer Blvd. #3 Avon, Co 8L620 License: 313 -E Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT - installing electdcal for mechaniical room(mechanical renovation, centralize mechanical equipment) Not doing the mechanical work just electrical Valuation: $5,@0.00 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees--> 5111- 00 \.[" ?-- \' Elech'ical--> 5108.00 s0. 00 $0.00 $3 .00 DRB Fee--> Investigation-> will ca[-> TOTALFEES-> S111.00 Additional Fees-->$0.00 Total pemrit Fee-._-> 5111.00 Paymenb-> $111.00 BALANCE DUE.-._>$0.00 Approvals:IEem: 05000 ELECTRfCAL, DEPARTMEMT o9/24/2oo3 df Action: AP Item: 05500 I'IRE DEPARTMEN| CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: 1-2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAI{CE' .*..;.*...*:. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoninl and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47%2749 ORAT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI a \ mwvwuilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: h,flhW, iatu4Ac , L,t-(/ Town of Vail Req. No.:ffi6 otz Contact and Phone #t: 6/f6 olbb + V1o 7731- E-Mail Address: Copfragfor Siglaturp: , \[,U rt-^' LZa: coMpLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: for Parcel #Contact Assessots Office at 97O'328-864O or visit Parcer # 71 O@bz+{,@l - .2(o/o0> L rob Name: Aroun hr'{atw Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:subdivision:ffrL&) ?Mt lt.l.1l% t Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: CvNtL+uW MguAt,rvAt, gB,lpxq(NI Work Class: New ( )Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) - WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )oo"r in EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist:Yes( )No( )Does am3prinkler SYstem Exist:Yes (No( ) 4lq z4sz | - n), ,a r.,nA,.s/v -7Y -1{'''\u5 g ,a J.rr - {y( ***********************tr***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********************'r*********,.****tr Other Fees:568 neceived: DRB Fees:Aaepted By: \WAil\dAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM. DOC 0' 2612002 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO3-0I64 EOs.o{ 55 Job Address: 442 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Apollo Park mechanical room Applied . . : 09/09/2003 Parcel No...: 210108246001 lssued . . : 1010712003 Project No : -?'R3c j - ojc( 1 Expires . .: 04/04/2004 owNER BU:TTERWTCK Eli|:r LTD O9/09/2OO3 Phone: C/O APOLLO PARK AT VAIL 8547 E ARAPAHOE RD ,J542 GREENWOOD VII-,I,AGE CO 8O1.L2-1.436 License: CoNTRACTOR MEADOW MOITrfIATN PLUMBTNG/HI'O9/09/2OO3 Phone: P.O. BOX 4554 VAIL, CO 8155 8 License: 241,-Yl APPLTCANT MEADOW MOITNTATN Pr-,I'MBrNG/H809/09/2003 Phone,: 970-479-298L P.O. BOX 4564 VAIL, CO 81658 License: Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT - boiler replacement building A & B Valuation: $90,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: # ofGas Appliances: 0 f ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 * * 'r * 't:* ** ** * *:r,t:l * t Mechanical-> 91,soo.oo R€stuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $2,253.00 Plan Check--> $450. oo DRB Fe€-----------> So. oo Additional l'ees----------> $0 - 00 Investigation-> $0. o0 TOTAL FEES------------> $2,253.00 Total Permit Fee------> $2,253.00 will call---> 53.00 Payments----------------> 92,253 - 00 BALANCE DUE-----> SO. OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/26/2003 ccD Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 (BLDG. ) : FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR Is REQUIRED PER sEC. 701 oF THE 1997 uMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1_997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI-,DQ. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACI'URES INSTRUCTTONS AND TO CHAPTER ]-O OF THE ]-997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS AppLrrANcEs SIIALL BE vElfrED AccoRDrNG To crrAprER 8 AlrD srrALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMEIilT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1-997 UMC AND CIAPTER 3 OF THE ].997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIALL, BE MOIINTED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS I,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRjAINAGE OF MECI{ANTCAI-, ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIIJERS SHAI-',I, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRATN PER SEC. 1.022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION l-004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. +:i * t * + + l*:t * t +* *:t t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2I49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PIvl, SIGNATURE OF O ER ONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF I rWilC 75 S. FronbgoRd. Vall, Gobndo 8165? 2q+h ryu!|dG llGdrntcrl Imm ]ilut driln b ab b trclrde9-, llcdrrnlcrl Rm Ofrgilnrd7 UnUrdlrllr du* sro. ana bffin . ^ .-r ,< t t n U(/ ,Hro,YcntrdGrl.trrsbcendLocluor nlj i\ L -l )lV a 7 l&,JnGalcltrnr IL|UV ) \-/ V OglpmcOt/$GGSLGG i- ,rvr-'.& Buildirn Pcrrnft#: Fermit will not be a6egEd rrvl0rout $e ftlbwllg: coirptETE VArllAIrcX FOR ilECHAIUCIL pERmr Eqorf Habrlals) Jo,b Nare: fi po itc, ' f, cf JobAddrcss: */e 5. F,v'zfuo RC &"/- subdivbrn: ATelto /ad Uh nefl, Fnutc: t175- Sffil Detalled . * R-o la.ce- K,, rt.rs Ri^.r lJ r^qs 4/ R - wor|(Clas: trbr( ) Addnm( ) Atgatiqrr)g Repaf ( ) OO,er( Y Ttpcof Bd$ *ocamy( ) DrrFr{ : urliffiycA c,r,,,,edt( ) n sinm,*( ) otcr( ) flo. drorrmdatba thfrs h thb brdldhg: xg[fvDedFlrelbesEdsdnq: G'RAplances( I@l-@s( ) wod/Htst( ) lybod&rnho( ) t{o/Iype of -- Efrtb a onl'esin *******Y*t|l**:t +:| *||:irtrtrt**t**|}:irl* |l:t:t,irt:; ;,ryw -t 11-2&2003 7:08 am In$pcctlon fl equest Reportlng vaJL- co - Towlt oF PweT Rcqu€sbd |rrspect Orte: lnspec'don Arer: Sit0 Address: AiFD Inlbrmatl,on Acthdty: 1F3",O164 T}?c, ST ECHCondTlp€: Occupancy OtYiror: BUTTERI,UICK ENT LTD A,D'Scaot: MEADOW iTUNTA,N PLUr/G{NGtlEATl}.lG Phofl€: 97$4rs2981 - CC*ffacTOr: MEAMW MO{,MIAN PLUT,EING/HEATIT.IG Dlsctlptron. Qomrc$i ETEUENT - bolhI lop&qrmer{ buiHlng A & B Cor -rwlorrt: Rod€d lo GIog Ecnclda - LCAi,0SBELL Frfday, ibuember 28, ?O03 GD 4I2 S FROiITAGE RO WFST VAL Apolb Pa|* mecirtnlcd room sdrr: }SSUED lncp Arer: CID R€ou€cbd lrcoacfon{sl Itemr 390 IIECH+lnd MECF}E da|rl tlmdr MECFI.stTpptrAF MECTFME.' MECHfkpI Itom: 3?t)[.rn: 33()lbmr }{O [em: 3$f r--.*yl,-yo- L, t,./it",/ l ;.//'.n!/ ,//'1 ., niL,v1 .-"1 { " - C t^r'11l-tb'('i2 /" Requested Tlme: 06;00 At' Fhona: 97G4792981 Enlar€d By: DGOI-DEN K REPT13].Run fd: 1451 ,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: Apollo Park Spa DRB Number: DRB020131 Project Descrip6on: New in-ground spa to replace above ground spa Participants: OWNER OGILBY, T. CHARLES - NEWTON,05/06/2002 Phone: FINZEL, KARL - ETAL BOX 15635 COLOMDO SPRINGS CO 80935 License: APPUCANT Rocky Mountain Pool & Spa 05/06/2002 Phone: 7L9-574-L6t3 ClaYton 1726 Sanderson Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80915 License: Project Address: Location: Apollo Park Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: VAIL VII|-AGE FILING 5 Parcel Number: 210108227005 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofAPProval: O5lO7l2OO2 Conditions; Cond: B (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Planner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO IOI{'A'M Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2t39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenes within one year of the approval. Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:r l,l /#",, Description of the Request: Physical Address: Parcer No.: 2lO t 08Lfi OOg (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):?ot n0[ Mailing Address:(A, {t qzfi Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: g Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial ) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request X tr tr tr K{ $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 F€r construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additionl landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Fff 8ff '" .td'31+turcheck Nor :Q!!_ By: Application DEte:_ DRPlanner: prt rto JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL TETTER T0l4,4V I, (print name a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this lefter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure complia Town's applicable codes and regulations. A-vb-o{ (Signature (Date) Page 2 of r2l0Ll07l02 TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements, Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableo Site and Grading Plan, if applicable*o Landscape Plan, if applicable*o Photos or drawings which clearly convey existing conditions* tr Photos or drawings which cleady convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)* s Exterior color and material samples and speifications,a Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable . o Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). Topographic survey:D Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyorD Date of surveya North arrow and graphic bar scalen Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20')o Legal description and physical addressD Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain)o Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert, This information must be clearly stated on the surveyo Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) ofa foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.tr Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information, o Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title repoft. List any easement restrictions. o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt along the street frontage of the property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot,o Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalso Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.' tr Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.),o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche/ wetlands, floodplain, soils) Page 3 of LZl02l07lO2 o Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback)o Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utillty sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer GasTelephone Water Electrico Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. Site and Grading Planl B Scale of I"=20'or largerc Property and setback lines D Existing and proposed easementsD Existing and proposed grades D Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls, Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. a Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the propefi line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline ofthe driveway to accurately reflect grade, o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uohill direction.o Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.D Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. r Location of landscaped areas. D Location of limits of disturbance fencingo Location of all required parking spaces tr Snow storage areas.o Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 5'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan:o Scale of 1" = 20' or larger o Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. tr Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. o Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.o Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. o The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Page 4 of I2/O2|O7/02 tr Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan: o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture, II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: u Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of 12102/07/02 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls . Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L2lOZl07l02 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :..Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal." Tvpe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, btc.) '. Page 7 of L2l02lO7lO2 UTILITY TOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U*ir-i*7 Na+l Ft e-a*tor't of $toraAO (- l-W-qZZ-tqgl7 t-oea+e- It cye + * Zzb33j_ Co4-oled aq aF AP.L?,e, z@2- Cgntact: Jason Sharp (*rrrHrGH PREssuRE GAs 970.262.4077 (tet) ' Contact: Brian Sulzer - lltow cRoss ELECTRICAssoc.- 970.9+9.5892 (tel) a EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION ) .- 6-> NO+if ; €d b/ tucx-,A,v{-^J. ?eti 5F 970.949.4566 (fax) 970.262.4038 (fax) @ntact: Kit Bogaft 970,476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Cgntact: Fred Haslee J/ AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (tux) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. I{OTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed, 2. lf a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail, However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. UtilV locations must be obtained before diogino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained separatelv, Page 8 of l2ll2l0ilO2 '&'EEI"szo.se+.oz:e 1tel1 970,384.0257 (fax) o NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Pre-apolication Meetinq A. pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identify any critical issues pertaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application. In many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 970.479.2L28 or jled_rig!ez@e!.,vA!L,co.Ut Time Requirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Depaftment prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http:/ici.vail.co.us/commdev/planning/drb/meetings/default.htm For a new residential development the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in liitle 12, (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Reouirements for orooerties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific Aeological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area/ the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Reouired Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2, Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3, Graphic bar scale.4. North arrow. 5. Itle block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer,'address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9, Sheet labels and numbers, 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. Page 9 of L2102107102 Desion Review Board Meetinq Resuirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners, All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing, Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished, If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with ceftain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewd by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 50o/o of the application fee, If, at the applicanfs request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by eltemal consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an elternal consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Departnent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review comDletion. Page 10 ot 12/02107/02 Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist D€partment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us *This chuklist must be submitN prior to Public Wortcs review of a popo*d developmenL Owners/Project Name: o Landscape plan o 'IlUe Repoft (Section B) B Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) o Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) o Trees o Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) o Topographyo Utility locations o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. TOI4A'M Project Addpss: <PA ee6 Phone Number: 'l l9 -574-llol3 7 t9 '' b41-L3n Applicant: Submittalo StampeO survey of property o Civi/Site plans Suruev Requirements: o Surveyor's wet stamp and signatureo Date of surueyo Nofth arrowo Proper scale (1"=10' or L"=20')a Legal descriptiono Basis of bearings / Benchmarko Spot Elevationso Labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Lot Sizeo Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: I. Access (check all)o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. o Unheated a Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) o Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (300/o of driveway area if unheated; I0o/o of driveway area if heated)o All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (notthe average grade):- o Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 II. Construction Site (check all)tr Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. B I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.o I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 of r2/02/O7lO2 *tGSz o+$, &)l IIL Drainage (check all that apply)o The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.o (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)a 4 Foot Concrete Pan o 8 Foot Concrete Pano Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.o CulverG have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan.o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) ry. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre,o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.tr Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site pran. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain. o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)o The project lies within a GeologidEnvironmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)o A Hazard Repoft has been provided o The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (check all that apply)o Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. o All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade. o All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all)o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)o All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans a All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction,o No retaining walls are required for this project. X, Sight Distance (check all that apply)o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. oPropersightdistancehasnotbeenattained'Explanationwhy:- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Works Review,,-. Page 12 of L2l02lO7lO2 Applicants Sig o **'lt+***+*******+*!3*a*tf+****f'}++***l++*+**l**{|*++**f+++***+a*'}+++{ttt*+******a*****+**a***+* TOWNOFVAIL, COITORADO Stat€m€nt ** i * '** | * 't* * * *** | ** t}* **'i + **l' * * t +f ** **r***'t t** * t*+i * * * f+*'i** ** * t I f** | * tl****tf'tff*'l***a t **+**l' statenent lluriber: R000002302 Anounts: $250.00 05/06/2o02o4:32 Pl( Palmenc Method: Check Init: iIAR Notation: 1010 Darrell Carr Permit No: DRBO2O131 Tlrt)e: DRB-Minor AlE,Coilm/mrlti Parcel No: 2LOLOS227005 Site Addrese: L,ocation: Apollo Park Total Fees: 9250.00 Thia Palm€ne: $250.00 Togal ALL Pmts: $250.00 *+if *+*r+++***.***+r*'|**f *r'r*+++**f +****rf rf **r**.********r*r?l*ii***r.****.*i$ir;::.--- ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI^J FEES 250.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Gommunity Development 75 Souft Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 Jax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Apollo Park Reroof DRB Number: DR8030092 Project Description: @mmon Element - Re-rmf Bldgs C&D and replace skylights same for same Participants: OWNER OGILBY, T. CHARLES - NEWTON,04/072003 Phone: FINZEI- KARL - ET AL BOX 15635 COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80935 License: APPUCANT Darryl Carr O4l07l2OO3 Phone: 475-5881 POB2L57 Vail, CO Apollopk@vail.net 81658 License: PrclectAddress: Location: ,142 S Frontage Rd East/ Apollo Park legal Description: loh Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 5 Parcel Number: 210108227005 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Viele Action: APPROVED Second By: Rodgers Vote: 5-0 Date of Approval= O4ll7l2003 Conditions: C.ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Buildirq personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: CON0005795 The color approved is "drifurvood." Cond: CON0005796 The posb which support the knee brace must be continued on multiple levels to the ground so as to provide visual consistency. Cond: CON0005797 the asphalt shingles shall weigh no les than 300 pound per roofing square foot' Planner: Allison Ochs DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, April 16, 2003 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION , LUNCH . Community Devetopment Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Brittain BillPierce Hans Woldrich Margaret Rogers David Viele srIE v|s|Ts1. Behrendt residence - 4778 Meadow Drive2. Vail Mountain School- 3160 Katsos Ranch Road3. French residence-2935Manns Ranch Road4. Cook residenca- 1012 Eagtes Nest Circle5. Vail Trails East - 433 Gore Creek Drive6. Apollo Park - 442 S Frontage Rd East7. Middle Creek - 't 160 N. Frontage Rd.8. Brandt residence - 170'l E. Buffehr Creek Road9. Mezzaluna - 660 W. Lionshead placE Driver:Wanen l2:00 pm 1:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING. TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS VailMountain School DRB03-0061 Russ Final review of changes to the exterior fagade 31 60 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot'1, Vail Mountain School SubdivisionApplicant Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun Associates MOTION: BillPierce SECOND:Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That the gazebo have the same roofing material as the school.2. That the third modular use the darker shade of green that is used on one of the two existing modulars.3. That the architectural elevations be modified and approved by staff, as indicated on the submitted olans. 3:00 pm 1. 2.Whiterock LLC DRB03-0036 Bitl Final review of a proposed exterior alteration 1249 Westhaven Circle/Lot 35, Glen Lyon SubdivisionApplicant White Rock LLC, represented by Tab Associates, Inc. MorloN: clark Brittain SECOND: Margaret Rogers VorE:4-1 (pierce opposed) APPROVED Brandt residence DRB03-0090 Warren Conceptual review of new single-family home with a Type il EHU 17O'l E. Buffehr Creek Road/A part of Tract A, Lions Ridge 2d filingApplicant Scott and Claudine Brandt, represented by Cotile Graybeatyaw CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE Cook residence DRB03{034 Wanen Final review of proposed neu, stucco wall and fence 1012 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 2, Block 6, VailVillage Zh fimg Applicant Sam Cook, represented by Fritrlen Pierce Architec,ts MorloN: Margaret Rogers SECoND: David Viele VorE:4-0 (pierce recused) APPROVED DRTVEWAY ENTRY t POOL PAVERS AND STUCCO WALL WITH I CONDITION: 1. That the applicant show details on the stucco walland that it be submitted to stafi for approval with the spanning shown to protec.t the trees and other landscape and that any disturbed or destroyed landscape be replaced. MOTION: Margaret Rogers SECOND: Hans Wotdrich VOTE: 3-1 DENIED-WOOD FENCE Vail Trails East Condominiums DRB0$0040 Final review of proposed nerv roof 433 Gore Creek Drive/Block 4, Vail Mllage 1a FilingApplicant VailTrailsEastCondominiums MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 7,2OO3 Mezzaluna Restiaurant DRB03-0052 Matt Final review of proposed deck expansion 660 W. Lionshead Place/Lot 1, VailLionshead ldAdditionApplicant Deryk Cave, represented by Michael Hazard Associates MOTION: Margaret Rogers SECOND: David Viele VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED 3. 4. (Pierce recused, Viele opposed) 6. 7. Behrendt Residence DRB0$0085 Wanen Final review of new addition and exterior alterations 4778 Meadow Drive/Lot 2, Block 7, Bighorn Sh AdditionApplicant Mr. and Mrs. Behrendt, represented by Environmentalsystems Design MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 54 TABLED UNTTL MAY 7,2003 8. French residence DRB03-0066 Wanen Final review of proposed tree removal 2935 Manns Ranch Road/Lot 3, Block 1, VailVillage 13h FilingApplicant Mattie L. French MOTION:BillPierce SECOND:MargaretRogers VOTE:54 TABLED UNTIL MAY 7, 2OO3 9. Apollo Park DRB03{092 Ailison Final review of proposed re-roof Apollo Park, 442 S. Frontrage Rd. EasWailMllage Sm FilingApplicant DarrellCan MOTION: David Viele SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: S-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the shingles be the "driftwood" color.2. That the posts shall be continued on multiple levels to the ground so as to provide visual consistency. 10. Vail Mountain Maniott Resort DRB034074 Matt Final review of proposed tent (associated w/ special events permit) 715 W. Lionshead Circle / ManiottApplicant Chip Nelson MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: David Viele VOTE: $0 APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That the walkway ftom the hotel to the tent be in good repair and designed well.2. Thatthere be no outdoor, unsighily storage. '11. Four Seasons Resort DRB03{031 Allison Conceptual review ofproposed new hotel 28 S. Frontage Rd. and 13 Vail Road/Lots 9A& 9C, VailVillage 2d Filing.Applicant Nicollet lsland Development Company Inc. CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE '12. Middle Creek DR8024060 Ailison Final review of proposed emptoyee housing development & private educational institution 160 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 1, Middle Creek SubdivisionApplicant Vail Local Housing Authority MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-1 (Viele opposed) APPROVED WITH THE FII{DING THAT THE PROPOSAL MEETS THE DESIGN GUIDELINES AS PROVIDED IN TITLE 14 OF THE VAIL TOYUN CODE AND YNTH THE FOLLOWING 8 CONDITIONS: 1. That prior to submittal of a building p€rmit, the applicant shall retum to the Design Review Board for final review and approval of the proposed landscaping anO griOing plan. 2. That prior to qu-bmlttalof q building permit, the applicant shall rctum to the Design Review Board for final rEview and approval of the Early Leaning Center, with spicific modifications to the northeast comer of the proposed building.3. That prior to 1u_bmlttatof a building permit, the appticant shali retum to the Design Review Board for final review and approval of the stucco and roof colors. ln addition, the applicant shall provide mock-ups of 6 different samples colors of lhe tan and 4 different color samples of the tena cotta. These shall be located on site prior to the Design Review Board site visit. 4. That prior to 9u-bm!tta[of I building permit, the applicant shall retum to the Design Review Board for final review and approval of the proposed window frame, specifically providing the color samples of "almond" and fuhite".5. That prior to submittal of a building permit, the applicant shall revise the plans to eliminate the wood sirling on Building A. 6. That prior to submittal of a building permit, the applicant shall revise the plans to continue the stone on the A building tower element to the fascia.7. That prior to qu-bmittalof q building permit, the applicant shall retum to the Design Review Board for final reyiew and approval of the north fagade of Building B. Spacifically, the Design Review Board would tike to see additional retief to this fagade. 8. That prior to submittal of a building permit, the applicant shatl add a shutter to the window on Building C adjacent to the plaza. StaffAoorovals Inmar lnt. Corp DRB03{059 Allison Enclose two decks and add ons ded( 600 VailValley Drive, Unit P€/NorthwoodsApplicant Inmar Int. Corp. Dikeou residence DRB02-0056 Ailison 1_y_e?r extengion of approval for 250 addition, interior.conversions and new garage 352 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 5, Btock 3, Vail Viilage 3d FilangApplicant Panayes J. Dikeou Hillside Corp DRB03-0048 Dormer addition and 61 sq. ft. addition and deck 600 Vail Valley Drive, Unit A-1S/Northwoods Applicant: Hillside Corp. Madero residence DRB03-0033 lnterior conversion Liftside Condos, 1234 Westhaven Drive, Unit B5?Cascade VillageApplicant MiguelMadero Allison o Sweet BasilDRB03-0083 Wanen Replace windows 193 Gore Creek Drive/Block 58, VailVillage 1* Filing Applicant Charles Rosenquist Glazov residence DRB03-0075 Matt Interior conversion 454 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 5, Block 2, VailVillage 3d fiting Applicant Burton & Adrienne Glazov Vail Golfcourse Townhomes DRB03-0067 Matt Stone veneer, garage light fixtures and bronze entry numbers 1620 Sunburst Drive/Sunburst 3d Filing Applicant VailGolfcourseTownhomeAssociation Klein residence DRB03-0088 Wanen 250 addition Coldstream Gondos, 1476 Westhaven Drive, Unit 26/Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant Donald Childress Hyblresidence DRB03-0060 Maft Interior conversion 2055 S Frontage Rd WesUCasa delSol Condominiums Applicant William J. Hybl Bolin residence DRB03-0101 JudY Re-roof 1017 Rarmigan Road/Lot 1, Block 5, VailVillage fl fifng Applicant Robert L. Bolin Mills residence DRB03-0086 Allison Addition of two windows and interior GRFA Lodge at Lionshead, 380 E. Lionshead Circle, Unit 340/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1d Filing Applicant Stewart C. Mills Topp residence DRB0$0097 Allison Interior Conversion 1350 Sandstone Drive, #3/Eiger Chalets Applicant Karl& Natalia Topp WD Condominiums DRB03-0091 Bill New window 1527 Yail Valley Drive/Lot 10, Block 3, VailMllage atn Filing Applicant Geo A. Hormel & Co. J. Phillips DRB03-0057 Allison New sign 333 Bridge StreeULot C, Block 2, VailVillage 1d Filing Applicant David Phillips Spur Ranch DRB03-0080 Matt New sign 286 Bridge StreeULot A&B, Block 5A, Vail Mllage l"rFiling Applicant Dave Kidd Smead residenco DRB03-0100 Matt Landscape improvements 395 Millbreet CirctelLot 19, Block 1, VailVillage ld Filing Applicant H.J Smead Winfield residence DRB03-0082 Wanen Replace window with door 2635 Larkspur Lane/Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Intermountain Applicant Craig & Kathleen Winfield Hrbacek residence DRB03-0096 Wanen lnterior conversion Antlers 680 W. Lionshead Place, Unit 409/Lot 3, Vail Lionshead Filing 3 Applicant Michael & Karen Hrbacek Swartwout residence DRB030'106 Allison Re-roof 2616 Davos Trail/Lot 1, Block E, Vail das Schone 1j Filing Applicant Art Swartwout Williams residence DR8030107 Wanen Re-roof 302 MillCreek Chcle/Lot 7, Block 1, VailVillage 1r Filing Applicant W. Grant Williams I The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the proiec{ planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon requsst with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Headng lmpaired, for information. O rt'tk:tf o 0t*!;i!.7.", ,*m ^':: ffiil6ffffi** ii- fi;:;': /;: .' ; web: www'ci'vail'co'us \/ ^14 , 5{va.fr "/nGenerat rnformauon: @ tenl {ach r.All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitsing a building permit apliicauon. nelse-4,tg t'allrtig' 5ltj"?gt.i*1}1,:Tt'.:1lf-19',d'dp"'t;rt#'tp,o'aLu,itlJliqrefteo.--ni'.ppri"auon ror Desisn Reviewr\ D ^. _t-g1ol be accepted unui arirequireo iirli.f,iu'Lli'ii ffir# ilid;'4ffi;tff5,:lffHl;To!,f.tX,T*li:@ pa*,rk project mav also need to o" teviewggatlglgq! 6inol anolor the planntng and Envircnmentat commission. SLrlafesDesign rcview approyal lapsqr-Ufflecs a+lttdFlt-elmlt ls lssued .nd frrncfir|,+inn ,.,tFrFt].r.,\.. r.,i]ur- / t e;;l;;;W;;im;WffiWrmrt rs rssued and constuction @mme.nes *r^n (dn -:^gr) ac-e slvli'te;: s"^<7r& /5, r'y 'rrCpn Location of the proposal: Lot_Block_ Subdlvision: Physical Address:42 S' 6.un4oez 2J Co Name of Appllcant: Mailing Address:4i{'7 (o $50 PIs $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $q50 For constudion of a new buildlng or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addiUon where square footage is added to any resldential or commercial.bullding (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions).+zru for minor dtanges to buiHings and site improvemenls, such as,re1ryfing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retainlng walls, etc.$20 For mlnor changes to buildings and slte improvemenE, such as,rerooffng, painting, window addiUons, landscaplng, fencei and retaining walls, etc.$20 For.rsrisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the No Fu. Dttign Review Board' R [: ::', [ 0 t- dtS a;l rliclc Parcef No': 2to t O8 ?ll oos (contaakeb co. Assessor at 970-328-8tr0 for parcet no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) ci,€ Type of Revlew and Fee:tr Signs Q C.onceptual Review tr New ConsbuctionD Addition Ef Minor Alterauon (rn ulti-family/cornmercial) tr Minor Alteraflon (single-farnily/duplex) tr Changes to Approved plans D Separa0on Request IrJiJ3 FEli'1 : Arrne Ne I son Account i ng -'t i'l : nnna NG ! son e gco|-l,'t I n9 PHONE N0. : 383 69A 6511 pHB..E r,io. Flpr. r+pr, i36pr, 4i .ruUJ 4,4 /!o^ J,+^ u'16 61 2AE3 E5:34F1''1 Fl ly..t,,%'tt5" o': 363 696 6511 :i,r ,t < lotiff PROPTnTY OWI{Ei wRrfr!il lPPROvlr LETlln i0[t\l, s. 'rnrirns)t, ."',*,r,o*fudlril!fu*.,. no,ol ropcrtr locogd |t ttdd'ctdht$U d€lc|l$bn)co I th{' Ftl\xCr thk hft:r es r*riFcn rpFroval ol w?tfit,hd ft{tu;l ftt .?o0?.'. '--hnEhhlve lccrrrubrn|Ecdt6theToriJna'vatico,TrfiuntvDrwroprncrrtotornmqll?o|the9rgpQ$odirnpl0|t'E|ltc|1t3 !t L,re sddFcss nota4 €Evc, t urdsgtund ttr6t the SrqgeJto ltTtCrQY€FQnt! lncbdctr, u J r.Nrl DO a 1 n .$ar unoar6trnc thrt 1r1ilrof n,6rtaficrdat€ rnry !e $ad€ lo s€ nnt dg tllrl 6o{l,ra of $E tlvlluJ ptc0l. to erl3$! cD.cp[|rrcE $'ltf lhe Tom'r lgnllclulr E6daf End rugdldons' ,tl -.ilhlPz(DE)'l t 4- g-,qQ _ bpuu" fu*t ft*rto< #+t*rtnf'P'r Pctt 3 of i2l0?0?02 (ba+c\ APOLLO PARK LODGE ROOF REPLACEM ENT PROJ ECT 442 S. Frontage Road East Vail, Colorado UIREM ENTSCONSTRUCTION RE APOIIO PARK I,ODGE ROOF REPIACT:T,fNNT CONSTRUCI'ION DDTAIIS Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Iuc. I.AND SI'FVEYDIC I'IPPINC CIVIL ENCINEERINC SIAUCTI'RIL EIGINTETINC EAGI.T PH: 97O-328-656E FA"\: 52E-1055 P,O. Bor aoe l2a5 cnornb..! Ara, t2(X)Eotl., Colo.odo 8ldt1 SCOPE OFWORK: 1. Work includ€s tho following: A. Slructural r€inlorcomsnl of oxisitng canlilev€r roof b€ams along the norlh side ol building C and building D. Building C r€quires thr€e (3) beams lo b€ r€intorc€d. Building D requires five (5) boams lo b€ roinlorcod. B. Removal and disposal of th€ existing roofing system including ballasl, buill-up rooing and insulatbn. C. Insp€clion ol ths tongu€ and groove wood rool d€ck and subs€quent repair as r€quir€d. D. Installalion of new roof system. E. Replacemsnl ot eave tascia boards as required. F. Painling new mgmbers lo rnatcfi existing. GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA & REQUIREMENTS: 1. Foot Replacement Design is based on th€ 1997 €diiion ol the Unilorm &rilding Code (uBc). 2. Design Live Loads are as lollows: a. Existing Roof D€ad Load: - 5 ply fell and g|avel 6.0 pst - 2' Rigid insulation 1 .5 p6{ - 2x T&G deddng 6.0 osJ Total =13.5 ost b. Proms€d Rool D€ad Load: - Shingles 3.0 pg{ - lce & Waler shiold 0.5 trst - 1r2'Plnnood 2.0 psf - ? Rigid insulaton 1.5 psl - a( T&G decking 6.0 psf Total=13.0 psl b. Root Snow load = 80 psf, 4:12 pitch min. =100 ps{, 3:12 ;t[*l c. Wrd load bas€d on 80 mph wind speed, Exposure C. 3. Contractor shalltake care lo keep €xisting longue and groove wood roof d€ck p.otecl€d and dry during roofing replacemenl operafnn. 4. Contractor shall €nsurE th6 safgty of employess, subconfadors and public in accotdance with OSHA reo uir€m€nls. 3. Contractor shall nott Engineer upon removal ol existing fool systom (buill-up moling and insulalion) tor insp€ction ol wood deck prior io installing n€w roof sysFm. STRUCTUML UPGRADE: 1. Timb€r Kn€€-brac€s shall be construdod with Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 or b€tler. 2. Fascia Boards shall bo roplac€d as n€€dod wifi Doughs Fir-Lardr or Hem Fir No. 2 or b€n€r. 3. tag Scr€ws shall be installed inb a pilot hol€ with a diam€tsr of 60 % of lhe bolt shank diameter. 4. Bolts us€d lor wood framing conn€clions shall b€ inslall€d wilh standard washors and nuts. 5. Albmale conn€clion methods shall b€ r€\riew€d and approved by lhe Engineer. ROOFING SYSTEM: I . New roof syslem shall consist st th€ following elements: A. Two inch thick dos€d{ell polyisGyanurale toam insJlation board lac€d with 1/2'CDX plyl ood fully adhear€d to the upp€r lace ol insulalion board and lastened to T&G docking yvith screws siz€d and spac€d as requirod b'y manufactur€r lor class 4 rool systom. B. Four mil fibkn€ss bitulhan€ applied o\r€r the plywood deck throughout anlirs root surfaco. C. Orens-Coming Weathecuard HP Shingles with Truloc granule Reiention T€chnology manutadur€d ard installed in acmrdanco with h€ manufac'turer's rgqukem€nts lo obtain a class 4 raling with .O year limited wanaflly. 2. Providg biluthang llashing at all roof curbs, wnls, and windows. 3. Hedaco existing A4 sky light curbs with 2xO wood lramed qirbs s€cur€d to T&G dock. ROOF REPIACEItrENT CONSTRUCTION DBTAIIS Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, hrc. I^'ND ST'RVEIINC IIPPING CIVIL N|GINIIA|NG STTUCTUR^I, ETGINTIM C EAGT-E PH: 970-J28-636E FA\: J28- 1036 P.O, Oor aog 1286 Ctlomb.r| ru.- ,2OO Eogl., Colorodo E15:tl Buildin c North Roof Buildin D North Roof Johnsou, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. r.rl.D SI'XIYITIIIC IIAPPIMI CML ENGINEI$NG STBSCN'IIL INGINMIN(I APOUO PANK U)DGE ROOF REPIACEXENT CONSIRUCTION DEf,AIIS .J SEET nAn ar slaPPtaaLt EACIE PH: 970-528-6:t88 FAC 328-1035 P.O. gor .toe 12AA Chdm!.J| 4,.., t2(EEogl., Cobrldo 6l !,ltl .rrctcD ar, ll&( ,IE xt: EAOSIJ, 7tr o,,rE o1/o7/a, 2x6 T&G d eckin g lnsoect for woter domoge 6x12 Roof Beom Beyond to Remoin Existing Roofing to be removed: grovel bollost built-up bituminous roofing 1" Fesco Insulotion Boord 1" lso lnsulotion Boord Metol Eove Trlm to be reploced Gutter, remove, store ond reploce of ter roof reolo cem en t Foscio Boord Inspect for domoge ond reoloce os reou ired EXISTING ROOF SECTION Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. talrD glrDvtxmc rlPPDtG ctnl arcD|lmlrc gltucrunl|. E{c|lrErxc ROOF REPIACEUENT CONSITUCTION DETAII,SI EACI..E PH: 970-528-6368 FA(: 328-tct5 P.o. 8ox 4o{t l2El Chornb.r. 4y.., l20oEogl., ColorEdo Clc:tl GNAPHIC SCAI,Efodfl (tr|mBr) l lDcb - ttL Proposed Roofing: Owens Corninq Weoth er- Gcu rd HP Shingles Biteuthone ice ond wotersheild (throughout) 2 inch thick "lso-boord" with 1/2" fully odheored CDX plywood on upper foce Metol fove Trim Gu tter Sound Foscio Boord ZxG T&G decking 6x12 Roof Beom Beyond to be reinforced PROPOSED ROOF SECTION co o BOOF RDPIITCEI{ENT CONSTRUCTION DETAIIS Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. I4IID fl'n|YDflITC ITFPI}|G CIVIL IIICINIEMNO gIRUCAURIL INCII{IETXC EAC|.r Ptl: 970-528-8:t68 FAX: 528- lo:ts P.o. Box aoe l28c chdnbrt A,.., t2oo EogL, Colorldo tlEitl GRAPHIC SCAI,Er'odr't (orrEf,)1lrcb- I tt Existing f,ng rvott centered below roofAeom Controctor to confirm min.2 studs ot exterlor woll (6) 3/4" thru-bolts, countersink. See connection detoil for spocing New 6x12 Roof Beom to Remoin New 6x6 with 2x6 side DF No. 2 Knee-Broce side members eoch 6x4 DF No. 2 Post. Attoched to existing studs (2 min.) with (2) 3/4" log screws every 12" o.c. ROOF REINFORCEMENT Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. ltND guaTl! Nc rl.PPNc clvtr Etcl]tttRt{c stxucn nll. ElclNllmxc APOITO PARK U)DCE ROOF REPII\CEI{ENT CONSTRUCTION DETAILSI -6 SEET ntrJ Dn .9(&R,AA l GRAPHIC SCAIJ?9!?t EAC| r PH: 970-32E-656E FAx: 52E-1035 P.o. Bor 409 | 260 Chodb..t AY1, ,zn Edglc, ColoEdo 01631 6rEcD en hgl( ,pe ra. EAA,TJZ 7tr o,1r* O(/O7/A'(D{FEr) 1/2 tach - 1 ltaut*.to a: RO6-DE|A|LS '-/o t"-) (6) 3/+" Th ru - Bolts 3/4" Log Screw (B) 3/+" Thru-bolts 3/4" Log Screw (2) 3/+" Log Screws @ 12" o.c.SECTION KNEE.BRACE CONNECTION z*2" \- 6X6 2X6 b. *-:tc{ N ----+- APOIIO PANK IODCE ROOF REPI,ACEIIENT CONSTRUCTION DETAIIS Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. LllID SURVE]TD|G II,PPII{C CIVIL EIG|}|MI C SITUCTUn|L ll|GINlEflNG EACLE PH: 970-32E-6368 FA)(: 328-1035 P.O. Box 1og 1266 Cl|orlb.'| ,kt., ,20o Eoql., Colo.odo 8l ltit l r odl 2 (DrrEl) I trch' 1lL lmpact resistance: a hit with homeowners. Avoiloble in o polette of six populor color blends, WeatherGuard HP shingles not only deliver greot looks cnd peoce of mind, they: . Are beautiful and built to stay that way . Meet the highest standards for impact resistance (UL 2218 Class 4) . Are part of a complete severe weather system which includes WeotherGuord HP Hip & Ridge shingles . May qualify homeowners for a premium discount from many insurance companies' When the name Owens Corning goes on it, you can be sure the best technology goes into it. The overoge person doesn't think of shingles os being high-tech produas. Fortunately for the roofing industry, we ot Owens Corning don't think in overoge terms.We'ye provided WeatherGuard HP shingles ond Hip & Ridge with: . TruLoc Granule Retention Technology . 130-MPH Wind Resistance Limited Warranty when installed with WeotherGuord H P . l;',:::;:;1il::::" _:", ffi. | O-Year Algae Resistance Limited Warrantyt . 4O-Year Limited Producr V 'Homeowners should check with their insurance company to see if they qualify. tsee actual warranty for compl€te details, limitations and requirem€nts. WEATHERGUARD" HP Jrrtor- GranuleRetention Technology We're taking the market by storm. A superior product olone doesn't ensure success in the morket. To help creote demand, we're lounching on oll-out effort to educote insuronce comDonies ond consumers olike obout this teruifrc new roofing innovotion from Owens Corning.These m orketing initiotiv es i ncl u de : . Contracror in-home selling tools designed to educate consumers and close the sale faster . Customizable consumer advertising and promotional materials that you can use during storm season . Encouragement of premium discounts to consumers by insurance companies For more information, call l-800-GEaPINK or visit www.owenscorning.com. Algae resistant granutes TruLoc'" Granule Retention Technology Glass mat Spun-bound, impact-resistant webbing Back dust 'l'llllrltt. ,tll:r,, ,l:ir. ,::lll , !a'. : t:. ,rlilli .:iia:, .,:|ili: ..,:.'' ,,::i : .,,1,1. ..,. ,,,,1., ,il . iil :li,, ,.,,i. .',lrr:r- ,,,:rl: ,r,i:rrr' :l llt:, 'litlr. lltii. ll, :t,.rttl.:r,1:lil, ,,,,,1,..,',,,, .r.,1:l rrill:' t1'edhe6o.rf F P ortcnl F622t tt5 .rnd t6 Q6 3A9 ffi wEgTHItcuARD'HP sHtNGLEs lilfgytTlgt1! tg1 uypfc- with J ruLoc.' Gronule Retention Technology OWENS C0Rt'|It'|G: I HOIt|ER NATURE: O WeotherGuord HP shingles score best-in-class performance. lntroducing Owens Corning WeatherGuard HP shing/es with Potented Truloc Gronule Retention Technology. Feoturing o UL 221 I Closs 4 roting and I 30-MPH wind resistoncei these shingles meet the growing demond flor severe weother protection. Consumers will be osking your controctors ond builders obout the superior beneftts of WeatherGuard HP shingles yeor-round, ond will hove porticulor interest during storm seosons. WeatherGuard HP shing/es feoture: . A patented composite construction with special adhesive that helps retain the protective granules during periods of severe weather . Spun-bound, impact-resistant webbing at the shingle base to achieve su perior performance . Tru-Bondu' sealant for maximum holding power during high winds The technical breakthrough your roofing contractors have been waiting for. ln oddition to their best-in-closs performonce roting, WeatherGuard HP shing/es ore eosy to hondle and instoll. Unlike other UL 2218+oted shing/es, WeatherGuard HP shingles: . Are not SBS modified-the result is minimal granule loss due to foot traffic during hoc weather a pp lication s . Are easier to apply in high temperature conditions; they will not fuse together in the bundle or on the rooftop 'Requires installation ol Weothercuord HP Hip & Ridge shinSles. See actual warranty for comPlete details, lim tations and reauirements. roof color on house is Estote 6rcy.,--:..'-\3 toqN h ,il,*n Review Action notnl TOWN OF VAIL Pefl6lr, Parccl Nurnbc r, 3Lt" \ - 68'l' qbr Ol3 Prc.l.jcct Namc: Buildinq Natnc: Proicct DcscriPtion: Owncr. Addrcss and Phonc: - F. g'na, cJ' tnl ts Arch itcctl\ppljgq3,l Addrcss and Phonc: l-cgal Dcscription: Lor Block- Subdivision Projcct Strcct Ad<lrcs s:\\L € . FnnLf* I?'^^J tle*-- c'orl,^r,,t, AJk z,t'oo-tl A1D* o{ s'"Vcole'a3e-' Board / Motion by:Votc: Sccondcd by: n Approval Disapproval Staff Approval ff Action []onditions: -I'own?lari ,u", 8(zzlq?DRB Fce Pre-Paid *AA'oo Qucstions? Catt OtanningStaff at 479'2128 APPI,ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIBW APPROVAL A. DESCRIPTION OF TI.IE REQUEST:eo^Eril^q I|AF ST;tlilt ttLE N& iN (.t/t oF ffa fqgQ--tu)-l't GI]NERAL INFORMATION This application is for arry frojcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicr.v approval prior kr subntitting for a btriiJing pcrl'it. For spccific inforntation' scc thc submittal rcquircnrcrrts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. r'hc ap.-plicatiotr catrnot bc acccptcd trntil all thc rcqtrircd intiu.nrationissubntittctl.'t'hcprojcctntayalsonccdtobcrcvicivcdbythcTorvnCotrncil antVor thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conrmission. Dcsign RcviNv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aflcr linal approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issuctl antt construclion is startctl' TOI'//NOFVAIL levL - oolL I-OCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT:- BLOCK:- Flt-lNC:wA6 rt [t. C I). Ii. PIIYSICAL ADDRESS:'l- So' NAMI] OF OWNER(S): MAII-INC ADD owNER(S) SIGNAI'UnD(S): IcK eNTs EottS rlLttrr)Q,ol'JKrvacnoN co ci. ll. _ ('n Adrlition - $so Vrr'lt*"KJ o *,nnrAtrcration- $20I UL Conslnrctiort of :t tlcw btrildiltg. lncludcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or colnrncrcial building. lncludcs ntinor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcntcnt's' such as' . rcrooling. painting. windorv additions' larrdscaping. fcnccs and rctaining rvalls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc timc of subnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building permit, plcase idcntify thc accurate valuation of thc projcct. ThcTown of Vail will adjust thc fcc according to thc project valuation' PLEA5E 5TJBMIT THI5 APPLICATION, AI,L SUBNiITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DBVEI,OPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vArL, COLORADO 81657. .I'YPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 I]UILDING MATERIALS: Qt n" no.trn.oo * ,"*, , * o TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:+ HWntrL stfintau' l'?euN nrL lLLsAwN UAr|L tr 14qqr_* Lft@c^l bL'ttlrc soL.t[ &ow4- Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trint Doors Door Trirtt Fland or Dcck ltails Flucs Flashings Chituucys 'I'rash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Wal Is Extcrior Lighting*+ Othcr * pleasc spccify thc manufacturcr's color, number and attach a small color chip +* All cxterior lighting nrust mect thc Town's Lighting ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed' plcasc indicate the number of fixh5cs and looations on a scparate lighting plan. ldcntify cach fixturc type and provide ih" h"ight uboue grade, lumcns output, lutrrinous arca. arrd attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixturcs' a TTMeuqte Wat,rr,t CeArt+ Updated 6/97 O@ Botanical Nantc ll Conrnron Namc Ouantity Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO I]E REMOVED: CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL *Minintunr rcquircmcnts lirr landsoaping: dcciduous trcc.s - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Typc Sqtrarc Footagc oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rctaining walls, fcnccs, swinrming pools, ctc.) Plcase spccis. Indicatc top and bottonr clcvations of rctaining walls. i4a*inru-m hcight of walls within thc front setback is 3 fcct. Maximurn height of walls clscwhcrc on the propcrty is 6 fcct. Updated 6/97 This fonn is to vcrily scrvicc availability and locarion for ncw cotrstnrction and shoukl bc uscd in conjunction with prcparirrg your Utility plan and schcduling irlstallations. Thc location and availability of utilitics"rvhcthcr thcy bc nrain tnrnk linqs or proposcd litrcs, ntttst bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc foltowing utilitias for thc accontpanying sitc Plan. t,rlOv locartox vEntPIclT tox Authorizcd SiSnaturc Datc U.S. Wcst Conrnlun ications | -800-922- | 987 468-6tt60 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc ConrPanY 949-5 78 I Cary l-{all l-loly Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-51192 Tcd Husky/John BoYd T"C.l. 919-5 530 Floyd Salazar linglc Rivcr Watcr & Sirnitation District i 476-7480 Frcd l'laslcc * plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvations rvhcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc vallcy watcr & Sanitation signaturcs. Firc flow lrccds nrust bc addrcsscd' NOTES: l. lfthc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs front caclt of thc utility contpanics, and no conrrncnts arc madc dircctly orr thc iornr, thc Town will prcstrntc that thcrc arc no problcnls and thc dcvcloprncnt can Procccd. Z. Ifa utility company has conccrns with thc proposcd conskuction, thc utility rcprcscntativc sltall notc dircctly on thc utility vcrification fonri that thcrc is a problcm which nccds to bc rcsolvcd' Thc issuc shoulO ttren bc dctailod in an attachcd lcttcr to thc Town of Vail. Howcvcr, plca"sc kccp in nrind that it is thc rcsponsibility of (hc utility company and the applicant to rcsolvc idcntificd problcrns. Thqsc verifications do not rclicvc thc contractor ofthc rcsponsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from thc Dcpartment of Public works at thc Town of vail. utility locations must bc obtaincd bcforc digging in any public righrof-way or casctnent within thc Town of Vail' A 3. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENqE Updated 6/97 A prc-application con f'crcrrcc ,i'iih Torun of Vail staff is rcquirc<t. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss thc rnand;rtory prc-application rrtccting has bccn conrplctcd. lt is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to schcdulc this il. ilt. tv. rncctirrg lry calling 970-479-2 I 2ti' TIME REOUtREMtlNTS Thc Dcsign l{cvicrv lJonrtl nlccts orr thc lst and 3rd Wcdnasd:rys of cach nronth' A conlplclc application frrln and]ll accornpittiyittg ntatcrial nlust bc acccptcd by thc Cornllturrity Dcvclopntcnt Dcpartnlcnt a nrinirlrunr of thrcc and a half (l l/2) wccks prior to thc datc of thc DRIS public hcaring' REVIEW CI{ITERIN your proposal rvill bc rcvicwcd for corlpliancc rvith thc Dcsign Guidclincs as sct forth in Scction I 8' 54 of thc Municipal Cotlc. lf a propcrty is locatcd in a nrappcd ltazard arc.it (i.c. snorv avalanchc' rockfall, floodplain' dcbris florv, wctlaitd, ctc), a haz;rrd study nrust bc subrDittccl and thc orvncr nrtrst sign an affidavit rccognizing thc hitzrrd rcport prior to thc issuarrcc ofa building pcrmit. Applicallts arc cncouragcd to clicck wlth t5c planning staif prior to submittal of a DRB application to dctcrnri.c thc rclationship ofthc propcrty to all nlappcd hazartls. Basic Plan Shcct [:ornrat. lror all strrvcys, sitc plans. Iiurdscapc plans and othcr sitc inlprovctrrcnts plarrs. all tll'thc litllorving ttlusl bc shorvn' l. l'lan shcct sizc nrust tlc 24"x 36". Ijor lalgc projccts, llrrgcr plirn sizc rttay bc allowcd' 2. Scalc. '[hc rDirrinurnr scalc is l"=20'. All plans nrtrst bcat thc sarttcscalc 3. (irtrphic hrtr scirlc 4. North an'orv. -5. 'l'itlc block. prtlicct rratrtc' projcct atldrcss and lcgal tlcscription' 6. Indication of plan prcparcr. addrcss and phonc nutltbcr' 7. I);rlcs of oligirlal plarl prcparation arrd all rcvisiott datcs' tt. Vicirrity rnap or localion trtap at a scalc of l"=1.000'or largcr' 9. Shcct labcls ttttd trltlttbcrs. l0 . A bortlcr rvith a tttininrurn lcft sidc nrargin of l'5"' I l. Nantcs ofall adjaccnt roadways' 12. Plarr lcgcrrtl. For ncrv constnrction and ndditions, thc applicant nrust stakc and tapc thc projcct sitc to indicatc propcrty liucs. proposcd buildings and buiLding corncrs. All trccs to bc rcmovcd nlust bc tapcd. Thc uppii.-, nrust cnsurc that staking donc during thc wintcr is not buricd by snow. Ail sitc tapings anrl staking must bc comptctcd prior to thc day of thc DRB mccting' Applicants who fail to appcar bcforc thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board on thcir schcdulcd mceting date arrd *'ho havc not askcd in advance that discussion on thcir itcm bc postponcd, will have their itcms rcnrovcd front thc DRIS agcnda until such timc as thc itcnr has bccn rcpublished. lf thc DRB approvcs thc application with conrlitions or modifications, all conditions of approval must bc rcsolvcd Plpr to thc issuancc of a building perrnit' B. C. D. E, Updatcd 6/97 S'I'N ITF APPROVAL Thc Aclninis(rator rnay rcvicrv alld approvc Dcsign Rcvicrv applications' approvc with ccrtain nrodifications' dcny thc applicatiorr, or ruayrclcr thc applicationlo thc Dcsigi Rcvicrv l-loard lbr dccision' All staff approvals arc sub.icct to final approval by ttrc DRII. 'l'hc follorving typcs of Dcsign Rcvicrv ltpplications lttay bc staff aPProvcd: A. Any applicatiorr lbr nn atlditiorr to au cxistirrg builtling that is consistcnt rvith thc architcctural dcsigt, nratcrials itnd colors of thc buildirlg. and approval has bccn rcccivccl by art atrthorizcd trtcrrtbcr ofa condottliniunr associatiotr' i l' applicablc: B. Any application to rnottify art cxisting builtling that docs not sigrriticantly changc thc cxisting plarrcs of thc building and is gcrrcr lly consistcnt with thc alchitcotural dcsign. nlatcrials and colors ofthc builtling. including. but not lilllitcd to cxtcrior brrilding firlish nratcrials (c'g ston$vork' siding' roof nratcrials. pitint or stairl.), cxtcrior liglrting. canopics trr lrlvnirlgs' fctrccs,.antctrnas' satcllitc dishcs' rvindows, skylights, ,iOing, n,inor.o]nnrc-rcial f'acadc irllprovctttcnts, iurrt other sinrilar nrodifications; (:. Any applicatiorr lbr sitc inrprovctl'lcnts or lllodillcations incltrding' btrt not Iinritcd to' drivcway ntodillcations, sitc grading. sitc rvalls, Lcnroval or nrodifications to cxisting landscapirrg, installation of acccssory stntcttlrcs or rccrcatiotral tacilitics ADDITIONNL RI]VIEW AND FI]I]S n. ll'this applicutiort rcquircs a scpilratc rcvicrv by arry local. stiltc or Fcdclill agcncy othcr thart thc '['orvn ol'Vail, thc aPplication I'cc shall bc incrc scd by $200.0{). [ixanrplcs of suclt rcvicw' ttray includc, but arc not linritctl lo: Clololitdo Dcpartttrcttt of ttightuny Acccss Pcrnrits, Arlny Corps. of Enginccrs 404, ctc. B. 1'hc appticant shall bc rcsponsiblc fbr paying any publishing fccs rvhiclr arc in cxccss of'50'% ofthc application fbc. ll.at thc appliciurt's rcqucst. any nritttcr is postporrctl lbr hcirring. causingthc nlattcr to bc rc-publishccl, thcrr thc cntirc l'cc for suoh rc-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant' C. Applications dcclncd by thc CorDnttrrrity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartnrcnt to hirvc dcsign' land trsc or othcr issucs rvhicl r1r1y havc a sigrrificiurt irrrpact on tlic conrnrunity trlay rcquirc rcvicrv by consrtltants in adtlition to Town stall. Should a dctclrninatiou bc nradc by th c Town staff that an outsidc consultant is nccdcd, thc Corrrnrunity Dcvcloplncnt Dcpartrncnt rrtay hirc thc constrltant. 'thc Dcpartntcnt shall cstilnatc thc alrount of nroncy ncccssary to pay thc consultant and this antotrrtt shall bc tbrwardcd to thc'Iown by thc applicaut at thc tinrc oi filing-on application, Expcnscs incuncd by thc Torvn in. . cxccss of thc anroi nt tb*ur,lctl by thc application siall bc paid to thc'l-owrr by thc applicant within 30 days ofnotification by thc l'orvn. .Any cxccss funds rvill bc rcttrncd to thc applicant upon rcvicw comPlction. vt. Updated 6/97 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 9't 0-4't 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMIT Pernit #: Job Address L,ocation... Parcel- No. .Project No. 897 -007 2 Status. . . AppIied..Issued... Expires. . I S SUED o4 /22 /7se1 o4 /22 /rse7 ot /03 / LeeB 442 S FRONTAGE RD{MI APOLLO PARK BUILDING A '2LOI-082-46-O13 * PRJ9 7 -010 4 Fireptace Infornation: Restr i cted:flof Gas Apptiances:fof Gas Logs:#0t tfood/Pal. Let: ***********s***ft********************f,t************* FEE SU l,lARy **#*****ff**********ff***ff***********************t****** APPLICANT O'HAIJLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MINTURN, CO 81645 CONTRACTOR O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MINTURN, CO 81645 OWNER BUTTERWICK ENTERPRISES LTD * HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, ATTN: NELSON ANNE L Description: REBUILD FOUNDATION WALLS,ADD ACCESSIBLE RAMP Occupancy: R1 Multi-Fanily Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: Val-uation: 2131 000 Add Sq Ft: Phone: 303827-9600 Phone: 303827-9600 PO BOX 1, EVERGREEN ,00 Additional, Fees---------> .00 Bui Ldi ng-----> Ptan check---> Investigat ion> UiLt caL l,----> 1,'t92.N Tl4.EO .@ 3.00 Restuarant Ptan RevieH--> .00 Total Calcutated Fees---> ?,469.ffi DRB Fee-------- Recreation FeF---------> Ctean-Up Deposit--------> .00 500.00 *#**************r******.i**************I3]lhffil;;;;;;;;;i****i;lii;ff*******li*'llli-ll[;;;;;;;**i************ill*** Itqm: -05100_BqILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04 /22 /;997 CHARLTE Aaaion : --EpFn cHenr_,IE DAviSItem:'.05400,PLANNING DEpARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:o4/22/re97 CHARLTE AA-iont--AFFn pnn DrRK MA56N- ----'-'- Item:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ___, Dept: FrRE Dj_vision:04/22/1997 CHARLIE action: APPR N/AI!eBi'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS Depr: pUB WORK Division:04/22/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A *************#****f,t***ff******t***'t,r***f**i*********************************f,*******t***ffi**************t*********************** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appty to this permj-t. DECLARATIONS r. hereby .acknowtedge that r have read this appl,ication, fitted out in ful,l, the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptot Pl'an, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to conrpl,y with tie infornation and ptot pl.an,to -compty lrith atL Tolrn ordinances,and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure accord'ing to the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev apProved, Un'iforrn Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Town a[pticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOT.IS SHALL BE IIADE TTIEI{TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI1 8:OO AI'I 5:OO PI,I TotaI Permit Fee-------->2,169.AO 2 ,469 .EO Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: 0'HALLoRAN CONSTRUCTION SIGNATURE OF O}'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER ******************************************************************************** CONDIT]ONS Permit, #: 897-0072 as of 08/11,/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Typer ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Applied: O4/22/L997Applicant: O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO Issuedz 04/22/1997303827-9600 To Expire t OL/03/I998 Job Address: Location: APOLLO PARK BUILDING AParcel No: 2101-082-46-0I-3 Description: REBUILD FOUNDATION WALLS,ADD ACCESSIBLE RAMP Conditions:1. FrELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. A MECHANICAL PERMIT IS REQ'D FOR ANY SNOVJMELT SYSTEM INTENDE D TO BE INSTALLED - b^, T/ fl'-,u a &\rc73,fu d'U "r/r.rx drc '1r e-: { h /.^ h C-/'^/,2 \""-;' ,-tl* lr. r'l ifi:fii lrq ,lrq I ) \ \-> \5r \ ,s *-\ sv \ !\ **l .]i TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Bui Ld i ng-----> P [an Check---> Invest igat i on> Ui LL Cal. L----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT eno/elr rlr MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL BUILD PERMIT Permit *: 896-0342 TIMES I S SUED L0 /3r / ree 6 tr/o4/Lse6 05 /03 / teeT APPLICANT O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756/ MTNTURN, CO 81645 CONTRACTOR O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MTNTURN, CO 81645 OWNER BUTTERWICK ENTERPRISES LTD * HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, ATTN: NELSON ANNE Description: REMEDIAL REPAIRS TO FOUNDATION Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: Valuation: 5,000 Add Sq Ft: Job Address Location. . . Parcel No. . Project No. 95.00 Restuarant P[an Revi ew--> 442 S FRONTAGE RD WEST APOLLO PARK BLDG A 2ror-082-4 6-013 Status . . . Applied.. fssued... Expires. . .00 Total Catcutated Fees--->.00 Addi t iona L Fees--------->.00 Total Permit Fee-------->100.00 Payment s Phone: 303827-9600 Phone: 303827-9600 L PO BOX 1, EVERGREEN F i reptace Information: Restricted:dof Gas Appt i ances:dol Gas Logs:,0f t ood/Pa L tet : *****t************i**************************************** FEE SUl.lllARy *****t**************************************************i* 6'1 .75 DRB F 259 .75 .00 ?59 -75> 259.75 .00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> ***************************************lllll*iiii;;;;;;;;;;;iiii**********ii?;li-***lillIll-lYi;;;;;;;iiiii*i***********i?l*** I99{ri ,991q0_BqILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:I1/O4/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVISItbm:'O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DepT: PLANNING Division:Ir/o4/1996 CHARLTE A-eion: AFFR pen LAURENItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:tr!/04/\22F^CSABI-,IE Ecaionf AppR N/Art'em:'ossqo_PuBl-,rc woRKS Dept: puB woRK Division:17/04/L996 CHARLTE acLion: AppR N/A *******************************************t*t********t************i********************i***********i***************************** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditj-ons that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read.this spptication/ fi(Led out in ful.L the infofmation required/ compteted anptan/ and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comp[y with tire iniormation accurate ptot and ptot p Lan, subdiv'isionto compl'y with atl' Town ordinances and state !ars, and to buitd thjs structure according io-thqTown,s zoning andcodes, design review approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the To'dn appLi REQUEsrs FoR rNsPEcrloNs SHALL BE I4ADE TI'IENTY-FouR HouRs rN ADvANcE By TELEpHoNE AT E FR0t1 8:00 Al.l Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: OTHALLORAN CONSTRUCTION FOR HITISELF AND OTJNER ******d.*'.l(*********************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0342 as of 1L/14/96 Status: ISSUED *******************************************!k************************************ Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO 303827-9600 APOLLO PARK BLDG A 2101-082-46-013 Job Address LocationParcel No Description REMEDIAL REPAIRS TO FOUNDATION Conditi-ons: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. STRUCTURAL ENG OF RECORD MUST PROVIDE A FIELD INSPECTION REPORT OF WORK PERFORMED PRIOR TO A FINAL INSPECTION BEING DONE BY THE TOWN OF VAIL Applied: I0/3I/1996 Issued:. II/Oa/\996 To Expirez 05/03/1997 TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT rVon rr s O t l- L|- "h,-\eV NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Permit *z 896-0342 ************rr*****ir*ffi*ffff****t**ffi***ff**ffi*****ff** FEE SUlltlARY ***tffi*****ff***ffi*ft***ffi**ffi**ffi#**ffi APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REMEDIAL REPAIRS TO FOUNDATION Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: FirepLace Information: Restricted: 5, 000 fof cas AppIiances: Restuarant P[an Review--> Recreation Fee----------> CLean-Up Deposit--------> Job Addressz 442 S FRONTAGE RD WESTLocaIion...: APOLLO PARK BLDG A Parcel No.. : 2101-082-46-013Proiect No.: O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MTNTURN, CO 81645 O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MINTURN, CO 81645 BUTTERWICK ENTERPRISES LTD I HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, ATTN: NELSON ANNE L Phone: 303827-9600 Phone: 303827-9600 PO BOX 1, EVERGREEN fof Uood/Pal, Let: TotaI catculated Fees--->?59.75 Tota L Permit Fee--------> Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs: .00 Status. . .Applied.. Issued.. . ExpJ-res . . APPROVED 1o/3r/Lee6 rr/04/tee6 0s /03 /1ee7 ?59.75 .00 259 .75 Bui tdi ng-----> Pl.an check--> Investigat i on> l.li l. L caL t---> 95-00 61.75 DRB -00 AdditionaL Fees---------> .00 .00 3.00 .00 100.00 TOTAL FEES-----BALANCE DUE----t"t***ffi ff *ffi '|Jr**ffi *#.ffi ff ffi ffi ****S#***#*ffi *ff ffi *ffi **ff **Sffi *ff ffi ***ff ffi ff ********ft * ITe.m: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:II/04/7996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIqE{ri'.qt1q0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:1-L/04/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR PER LAURENIge{ri"glqgo FrRE DEPARTYENT Depr: FIRE Division:II/O4/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A199!;"91990 PUBLTC WORKS " Depr: puB WORK Division:II/O4/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A *****tr****lt't***rffi***|t***ffi**********ffi*ffi***ffit***#*****S***********************ir***ir******ffi**************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknol, (edge that I have read this apptication, fiLted out in futi the information required, compteted an accurate plot Pl'an, and state that att the 'intofmation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y with the .iniormation and pl,ot pl,an,to comPty lrith al.l' Tolrn ordinances and state tavs, and to buiLd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTI0NS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR H0URS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPH0NE AI 479-2138 0R AT OUR OFFICE FR0l1 E:00 Ail 5:OO pl'l Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: 0'HALLoRAN CONSTRUCTION SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI,INER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #f 896-0342 ae of 17/04/96 status: APPRoVED *********************************************************rk********************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT applied: I0/3L/L996Applicant: O'HAIJLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO Is6ued: IL/04/L996 303827-9600 To Expirez 05/03/L997 Job Address:Location: APOLLO PARK BLDG AParcel No: 2101-082-46-OL3 Description: REMEDIAL REPAIRS TO FOUNDATION Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. STRUCTURAL ENG OF RECORD MUST PROVIDE A FIELD INSPECTION REPORT OF WORK PERFORMED PRIOR TO A FINAL INSPECTION BEING DONE BY THE TOWN OF VAII, vul t.;LrI!l.rl.lI;'II;tJI' 9l( I'l llAI N9'I' IJ!t; ACtrEgIEDIT,liI****************************** PERMIT fNFORI,IATJON ***************lf*r'**********[*r- ----- --'-----'---" 'r.'l; Zl-Building [ ]-Prunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechani-cat t'l-o€her f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * *F-g€J"R{ffi ,n,r".*.r"r Eenera r co,t,".ii : I. ;,.ffifff.".' "fi:,ffi "t'*-*' Job Addre==, -!!! .>' hooart('r2, w[ €$,t \)Xf- rifing I suBprvrsroN, Vh TOTAIJ: t <-crrY'r- oN ******* * ************* ****** Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Job Name: kfru-o PrtP( Legal Description: Lot 1V*t;? t> Block Owners Name: _W lR&Lipt\tfriNrl.t Address: tl,j"t-, S.r-_rtatt.w.t {^ 2rfrEn. !lt" oc:11 Architect I cN0ltJ?t44r.:a 0e.rtad WWE Address:Ph. General Descripti.onz ftap.rq-n [+,Mt'tu/wa fzflh,tLs nrydlA."n rvrt Xtncrlyztw eNetntl+---.----1-Lwork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionar M-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: ^ {pnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ woodr/pellet_v.... It*'t******************************* vALuATfoNs ********************************* iurr,prne , * So'm- sr,EcrRrcar_,: $ orHER: $ - pLrrr,rBrNc: T- r,recg*Iil;; i -- ;"ffi;; i.6- N:ffi:3:,contr?ito,r: oJlffffi Jor"n**o ^ :::i^":..y:11 R"s.^Ig. It t t0 Phone Number: - qn -ffi Electrical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. .Plunbing Contractor: Addreirss:Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. * ***** ** ***** * ** * ****** ********* BUTLDING PERUIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAI. FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: OFFfCE USE *** ** ******* * *f.**************** BUILDTNG PIAN C}IECK FEE: PLIIMBrNG PIAN CHECK FEE:}IECHANICAIJ PI'AN CHECK FEE: RECRIATION FEE: CI.EAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: FOR BUILDTNG: STGNATURE3 ZONTNG: STGNATT]RE: CLEAII TIP DEPOSIT f,ENtND Q({KL,Dft.{,r l Covffifvutr:tr{1 75 roulh lront.ge rord eail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT3 ottlce of communlly devclopmcnl ALL CONTRLCTORS CIIRRENILYL REGISTERED IIITII THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMITNITY DEVELOPIIENT IIARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & UAIERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinanee No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ani-r"iL,-rJ"i<, sand, debrisor naterial, i":t:gll9 trash tunpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehictes.upon any street', =ie;;"il;;ii;y or publicplace or anv porti-on ttrei"oil- irre riglrt-of-way on ar] Town ofVail streets ina-roads is approximatety 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wirr be ;t"i;ii;'-enforced by the Town of vailPubric works DeDartment. --p"r=lns found viaratin; this ordinancewitt be siven a-24 bour ,ria;;;';"Ii""-to^;;;;;'r"id rnareriar_.In the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within tr5_,za nour tiroe-=p""iiiil,"il";;;ric r{orksDepartment wilt remove said mateii"t -at the expense of personnotified' The nrovisions-or-trrls orainance sharr not beappricable to c-onstructj-on, nuirrl"rrurrce or repair projects ofany street or atrey or any utiiities i; G.-;ijii_"_r"y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in futl., please stop by the Town of:3:i"::il3i"g"Tf;if*:lt.::""iiii" a copv. rirani< vou ror your (i.e. contractor, osrner) 75 roulh lrontrge ro.d u!ll, colorudo 8165z (3o3't 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 otflca of oommunlty devclopmcnl BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permi.t requjres a Town of Vafl Fire Departnent Approval ,Engineer's (pubrii r.rorks) "evien .nJ'upp"ouur, a pranning Departmentreview or Health Departnint review,-ani .-review uy lhe"EuilaingDepartment, the estimated time rJr'a-totat "e"i"r-il"v'iail'as tongas three weeks. All commercia'l ('large or smailr) and a'r'r mu]ti-family permits wiilhave to folrow itre iuove mentioneJ-miximum reguirements. Residentiarand.small projects shourd take a reiit"'amouni of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to'necessiry-review, these projects mayalso take the three-weef peiioa. Every atternpt wilr be pge bv this department to expedite thispenni't as soon as possible. - " Y'rrEv'eL e' l:-i!. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeT rame . Commun j ty Deve'l ooment Department. l MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 3) 4) 5) 6) NO DA, t -t\ Y ><' X 1) 2) YES !f19u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the public Work's ofiice or atC9.11u1ity Development. lf you have any questions ptease call Chartie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspector, at 479-215f..' I have read and answered allthe n twto {r*a lol>>l t$ Please answer lhe followihg questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls difierent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfeaing the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a'Bevocable Right CI Way Permit" required? A. ls the right ol way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lt no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? 7) 8) Name h*. Contdcto Signature ^p ct (( PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino permit apotication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 VailVailey Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction tratfic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expire on Oct. 1Sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the tratfic control plan or a iite plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's otfice for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g houls to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction lnspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above-process is.for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November iSth.'A new Public way permit is required each year if work is not complete. colpryey 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2t 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Deparnnent of Comnuniry Deve lopment TTfFORMAIIOf, trEEDED T'HEf, APPLIING FOR A I,IECIIAITCNL PERr.trT HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FTOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSTONS AND BtU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE !{HETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT W]LL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAILI,RE IO PROVIDE f,HIS IXFONUAIIOII I{II.IJ DELTI TouR PERIIIII . 1. z. 3. 4. lnwn |lfll 75 routh trontlge road vdl. color.do 8165t (3@) 47$2138 (3Gr) 4?+2139 otlice of communlty developmenl NOTTCE To coNTRAcToRs/oITNER BUILDERS Effective ,June 20, L99L, the Town of Vai] Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adeguately established proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vaj_1 roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public works Depart&ent will be required toinspect and approve draiaage adjacent to Towa of Vail roads orstreets and tbe installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from tbe road or street on to the construction site.such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vai-1 Building Department for foot.ings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspect.ion. pl-ease caLl 479-2160 torequest an inspection from t.he public works Department. Allow arninimum of 24 hour notice. A1so, the Town of vail pubric works Department wirr be approvingall final- drainage and culvert installation with resulting roaopacching as necessary. such approval must be obtained prior toFj.naL Certificate of Occupancy issuance. r_;-t. l,:r ENGTNEERING DESIGNWORKS, INC' 30965 Mofi't Are;re P'O 60 775^7zi S:eJrnbogl S?f rn65 Co'cra'jo80J; ; i33-r) 8;t {391 (30'1) 9li 1823 FiX (303) 879'49')lQctober 23, 1996 AnoIlo Park at vail R-ttn: Ann lieison PO Boli 1497 Evergreeni CO 80439 Reference: Fai)-!ng foundation walli at Buil-ding A' Apoilo Parlc. (EDvr job #e622e ) Subjt-'ct: TerxPorary Iri*-lgation for abcve :eferetlced foundation waf-[ Dear Ann / This letter j-s provideci in conjunction t"ith attached sketches .o pto"ii;-;;;F;;"tv i''itisttior-r. "f '!l: forces causirrs the founiliiJit-'il"ir-i*ir"i6 at ttre !'test starr of srrildiig A, Apol}o park. -rte rec,rnli,*tJ-an* followi-ng plan of action: The er_j_sr*inq1 tu.rre steer supports <et tha fairinq -west stair waII sttouirl be tJaiii"a tt'-ihot" o" tit" attached drawing (pg 3i to provide "d;i;i;;;t support'-in* 5/1!:..-"hick steel plate shculd' nt li[-Lo-^at"h- the shapes shown and fieid welder}. the exrsii;g-;";;trts should not be renoved for any reason during tne-pioce's! - parti."L"r at't--enticn shouici be paici to the safely';;-;tt pqi:.: rrsins this area' we iecommend the arei 'imnedialely surrounaing tfie st-eel "lrppottt be closed to pulclic usage' Theconcreteslabbubtingcli.recttyagainstthetopofthefaili.ng "on.t*tJ*lii--"iould be ietn5vea' The soils below the slab shctrld tntn Ue excavated-at*" to the ]evef of the tower slab on rrr"^'Iinii siaE "r inu-i"iring wa1l. cribbing should be instaiiuo-ii*t"*err lhe riifi"g ':oicret" wall and the consrut. t.il-ttiot" the excli;;i;fi' A below frost depih trench d.rain st oirc--i"*lx"avatea-iio""o this point along the i:uilding to tne weit ana then to tle souttr uniit it can be cayrishtea on tnl*;;;;*=;;;;; ;i";;: rhis trench drain should inLercept-^"y "Li'"urface iiJ*"-it"m the east and in its westwara run ;iii"i; ;;-i! " a"pltt as to be part of the penn.lncn'b sorutioi--i"-n* inrpremenild n"xt year' The Lxcavariorr at, rbe failing warr siiJura--u" Iined-_on all sides exposed to frost d;h;-;i less tiii" +2" with 2" ricid insuratr-on and th-en granurar tree*irii"i"g. !1ir-" ef,ould be introduceatoriiltfreexcavati;;'-irtesti:-rrs'shouldbeIightry "o*p"ttii-";i; enouqn .to--pttt'*t't settl'ino and loss of surrac* o=u'ilql'.iia-'i"iia tu""Ien;; 1*tO'2il-rrsid insulatiorr. tiril*Ii"*"'^Iit""rJ-u* qradli sufficlellrv to carrlz ;;;i;;* arai n.gE $il .1"#;"";'?;f,i'ifflOpVd on'fhe gradecl suriace along the failing ccncrete .raJJ anC thetirtrer ';aII innecli-ately to *-he east. This iiner shoulde:rtend at l.east olit lo the existing slalr walkrvay (and acrossthe trench drain). 'Ihis liner is intende.d nove water fallingfrom the rc.of away frorn t-he btrilding. pl.ace ?t' rigicllnsulation and ther:,5-12r'of pea gravei.s over the liner. Theinsulatiorr nay terminate :ver the trench drain. ( Some sortof lemporary gutter and heat tape rnay also help elinrinate some of this water. ) Please refer to page 4 of thj-s reportfor a site diagram. Snov renoval- shouid linit snow accunulation to 3rtor less inthe area surrollnding the faiJ-ing foundation r^ralI, and all ErDow reErowed from walke shoul.d be cleared to the parking lotside, not the sirie nearest the buildinqr. any heav| equifnentshould avoid wheel loadiig the miti.gated area and we recollmerrd orrly the lightest snow removal equiphent/ Euch asa sno , b.lower, be i-n this vicinity/ with manual- la}orclearing the area rvi,ghin 6, of the stair*,elI. It is alsoimperative that the parking Lot be c.l-earecl to the north end (away from buildrng). The parking lot is gracied properly todirect runoff around the ea6t end of bhe buildinq if the snow rnelt- can travel urrobs.!--rucred t-lrrough the esistingdrainage swale. Sorne effort r,rrlL be reqrrj-red to keep the d::ainage swale clear and flowing. We are herein (arrd j,n our pernanent desigin) attemptingnitigation of a retai.ning foundation waIJ failure inpl:ogress and we cannot warrarrty the overall structuralsysten, Tire-'se mitigatj-ons herein are intended as lemporaryfor the winter of 1996-L997 only and ehcuLC not ber:ongidereC a6lpr:opriate for arry J.onger period of time. we arein a.greement that the movernent of the wall at the west stairis due ntainly to the freezing and ttrawing of excessivemoisture in this area, as well as increased. lateral soil.pressures causcd by the Eaturat-ton o-i the soj-l-s beiugretained by tire wall in gue.stion, We feel that '-irne is :. criticaL nosr thet i:hs freez:lng ...reaLher hae returneC andrnitigatjon should be instal.led irunediately. 1'henk you for your attention to these details - Pleage do nothesitate to call \,rith anv crue6ti.ons. Sincerely.,,a;\ /t 6*.----'-*" L,'- a[PV Craig B. Frithsen for Engineering Desigrrrworids, fnc, reviewed by Steve Lewis, P.E. E;.;-' c.vr.9 875 -EE"ExtfF. - c/,E h,, F =E,*Eat =l---l:J0-.:6 '. q) . v-' a dl?-t-- -! \),- *'Eii.u F Oq)". ,r q! l*'\ .l-tc'Irrl | *--"''-- I I I I I a P*? fi oE F=6= " gn vtx .r-_ r. bd € H-g'=E 7;= =E E.O) I- v, ltt It.E ",F #gs .'*+3-eo- E:b I ;;*g$ to i.. .' q) oec,-o l?) I i I Ii<--,f LI u) 5 U' V' et '; j ll.Jfic-:'ifr 9i5i EE 'r3ti .gi .a*9t i.g -E vo gi = <t1 *.r!!'il i\li!!ll -jil| 1ll 6r i: E; ;!-l ll.! iiid :lr E : ll; ll' = llt '5,1r I I II Its !i; ;t !Et !r'!E {@ .9s 4: e= rgE EEr :a ? P! 5 !\- .ac! -:=tl'E!+rr'-.i f#HEEPqEE=v E '€ et E : '1:rrr 3l tr:rirJ ,==f,,Iil]]L-':'! l.lr:r:-t=ti '-'l =r.{rH..ii,or; REF,T 131 TUt^rN 0F VAIL, COLORADO F.RGE 1 AREAI CFAL/aE/ct7 O6:51 REOUESTS FSR INSF'ECTION WORK SHEETS FORI I/ A/97 E= = ====== === = == ======= == 5:: igi== at=====r================= = == =:!: = === == = ======== ======E=Activity:496*o348'' t/ A/57 Type: A-MF Addr*ess: 448 S FRONTRGE. RD".WEEI Location: AF0LLO FARR BLDG A Far ceI : i:1Ol-tZtBg-46-Ut13 Descr'iption: REMEDIRL REtrRIRS TO FOUNDRTION Applieant: 0r HALLDRAN CONSTRUCTION C0 Owner": BUTTERI,JICK ENTERFRISES LTD /. Contt*actonr O' HAL-LORAN CUNSTRUCTION C0 Statr-rs: ISSUED []onstr': AMF Occ l F,hone: 3t2t3837-96OO Phone: trh on e : 3O3887*96OO Use: V 1-HR Inspect i on Reqrrest Inf ormat i on. . . . . Requestor': BUD 0tHALLORAN Req Time: 0t8:tZtEt ComrentEl REINF. Iterns requested to be Inspected... AATABO BLDGFFinaI Lr * Inspect i on History.,... Itemr 00510 driveway grade final Item: EIAO I O BLDG-Footings./Steel ,. Item: OrZrqu:lrzr BLDG-Foundation/$tpel Item: lzlffS*A F,LAN-ILC Site F,lan It.em : CttagrSo BLDG-Fram i ng Itemz Q@Q4IA * * Not On File * * Item: 00OSA BLDG-Insulation Item:. OOer6O BLDG-Sheetrock Nai l Item: OAgrBtZr * * Not On File * * Iteml Q?t07n BLDG-Misc. Item : rZUtOgf! BLD6-FinaI Item: AO5SIA BLDG*Temp. C/A It em : 0e1531 .-F.I RE-TEMF,. C/O Item: Aer53e PW-TEIYIF,. tr/O Item: ?ro533 trLAN-TEMF. tr/A Item: 00537 trLAN-FINAL C/A Item: OO538 FIRE-FINAL C/O Item: 014539 FId-FINAL C/0 Item: EA34Q BLDG-Final C/A METAL. Act i on BRACES BUIL ING A Eomment s Jime Exp Fhone: BE7*96t1ff EPO(.LO PARK 6T UA o It Horneowners' Associqtion PO. BoI 1497 r Evergreen. Cotorodo 8M39 (303) 670.r710 October 29,1*6 TownofVail Building Departmem '36-10-30 F TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Deportment of Community Development July 6, 1995 (faxed) Mr. John V. Amato 800 Washington Street, No. 301 Denver, CO 80203 RE: Apollo Park, Tract D, VailVillage 5th Filing Dear Mr. Amato: This letter is intended to respond to your letter to Andy Knudtsen, regarding possible redevelopment opportunities which may exist at Apollo Park, Tract D, Vail Village Sth Filing. The Apollo Park property is currently zoned High Density Multiple Family (HDMF), which allows for a total density not to exceed 25 dwelling units (DU's) per buildable acre. Assuming 1 12,602 sq. tt. (2.585 acres) ol buildable site area (subject io confirmation by a registered land surveyor) the propery is allowed 04.6, or 64 DU's by zoning. Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) in the HDMF Zone District is calculated at 60% cf the buildable site area, or in this case 67,561 sq.ft. lt appears from the numbers you have provided thal there is excess GRFA available 1o be used on the property. For your information, however, staff conlirms existing GRFA by requiring "as-built" drawings of the buildings, certified (stamped) by an architect that they are accurate, and by conducting a site visit, and walk-through to the subject property and buildings. Although your letter states that the portion of Tract D which encompasses buildings A and B is t.07 airei (46,700 sq. ft.) and the portion of Tract D which encompasses buildings C and D is 1.53 acres (65,902 sq. ft.) our records indicate otherwise. Our records show a lot division as follows: Buildings A&B Buildings C&D Total = 1.2925 ac. = 56,301 sq. ft. = 1.2925 ac. = ge.gOt sq. ft. = 2.585 ac. = 112,602 sq. ft. I am sure that you have documentation to show that the property has been legally subdivided in a manner different than described above so I will continue to use your numbers for the purpose of responding to your letter. {p *'"*"o "u"* Mr. John Amato Page 2 Based on the information you have provided, as well as the assumption that Tract D has been subdivided for ownership purposes only and is still considered to be one parcel of land for the purposes of determining the zoning development standards, it would appear that if Buildings C & D are razed, 24 dwelling units and 39,541 sq ft. ol GRFA could be built in their place. This is subject to the Town Attorney's opinion of the status of the "illegal units" in the basement of Buildings C & D. Since the minimum parking requirement for a DU varies depending on its' size, it is not possible to confirm your figure of 50 parking spaces at this time. You are correct, however that 75% of the required parking on the property must be hidden lrom public view. With regard to your assumption that if the Building C & D portion of Tract D were rezoned to the Public Accomodation (PA) Zone District, please find the lollowing information: Allowable GRFA Allowable density = 52,721 sq. ft. = 1 .5129 x 25 = 37.8 or 37 DU's Allowable bar/restaurant = 5,272 sq. tt. Parking requirement = variable per TOV parking standards (max. 1 space per accomodation unit) With regard to the proposed rezoning of the Building C & D portion of Tract D, from HDMF to the PA zone district, staff is generally in favor of the idea. A rezoning to the PA Zone District, which is intended to provide short-terrn lodging facilities for Vails' guests, would serve to carry out a number of the goals identified in the Vail Land Use Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan. We are concerned, however, with the posibility that such a rezoning would cause the property on which Buildings A & B are located to become even more "nonconforming" than it currently is. Staff would need more information in order to fully assess the effect of rezoning the Building C & D portion of the property to lhe P.A. Zone District. The term "lock-off" has generally been used to describe the accomodation unit(s) which may be attached to a dwelling unit. Since 'Lodges' are the only permitted uses in the PA Zone District, there are certain limitations regarding the use of lock-offs. Please see lhe following definitions, which are taken directly from the Town's zoning code: Lodoe 'Lodge means a building or group of associated buildings designed for occupancy primarily as the temporary lodging place of individuals or families either in accomodation units or dwelling units, in which the gross residential lloor area devoted to accomodation units exceeds the gross residential floor area devoted lo dwelling units, and in which all such units are operated under a single management providing the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. Mr. John Amato Page 3 Dwellinq Unil "Dwelling unit means any room or group of rooms in a two'family or multiple-family building with kitchen facitities designed for or used by one family as an independent houselieeping unit. A dwelling unit in a multiple-tamily building may include one attached accomodation unit no larger than one-third of the total floor area of the dwelling." Accomodation Unit "Accomodation unit means any room or group ol rooms without kitchen facilities designed for or adapted to occupancy by guests and accessable from common corridors, walks, or balconies without passing through another accomodation unit o_r dwelling unit. Each accomodation unit shatl be counted as one.half of a unit for the purposes ol calculating allowable units per acre." Based on the above definitions, as well as the information you have provided, it appears that Apollo park could have 74 accomodation units on the property. .You could also have two lock- off units attached to each proposed dwelling unit, however the density would be calculated at 1.5 DU's each. The oueratt dnfR ratio for the project would still need to comply with the above Lodge definition. I hope the above information adaquately addresses the questions raised in your letter' however if additional information is necessary, or if I can be of any turther assistance to you regarding Apollo Park, please call me at (970) 179-2138' Sincerely, P;c*ffi Jim Curnutte Senior Planner Mike Mollica File cc: OBtr I<,1,\l "rttY\ ,fLdfvr'., -i.l.r\ J o. ' d John V. Amato 800 Washington Street, No. 301 Denver, Colorado 80203 303/837-1150 Tract Ar()a Allowable (1)units (2.6 x 2slAllowable: .(1)GRFA litz,aoz x'Required (l)Parking - TotalRequired (',Parking' - CoveredExisting GRFA/units:Buiiding ABuilding B Subtotal Bui..ding cBuilding Dt;ubtotal TOTAI, 67 ,56L 130 98 22 Ic' 4oA\?2) 49 89 (e1) ( r.34 ) JUtt,. rav couiirur'r ,, 2.6 Lrz,602 June 9, L995 Mr. Andrew Knudtsen, Senior planner Town of Vail Office of Conmunity Developrnent75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81"657 RE: Tract D, Vail Village fifth Filing Dear Andy: Pur$uant to your request, and to the best of my knowledge, thefollowing is the inforrnaiion concerning Tract D: Square Units/Acres Feet Spaces 6s' b-+.6) (.75 x 13o) L5 ,477t2 ,543 28 ,020 15 | 477 1,2.543 2A , O20 56,0{0 Reguired (1)Total Parking for Existing Units j-7g Required \''Covered Parking for Existing Units L34Total Existing Parking for Existing Units 87Total Existing covered parking for Existing Units -O-Available,/ (Excess/Deficiency) - ExistinS v;. current Zoning:Unil:s e4)cRFl\ LL , szi,Totarl Parking Cov()red Parking (1)Under C:urrent HDMF Zoning Tfie portion of Tract D which enconpasses Buildings A and B(arready rrcondoniniumizedrr) is 1.07 AcreJwith 46,700 sguare feet.The portion of Tract D which enconpasses Buildings c and D is j..53Acres or 65t902 square feet. rt is our understanding that !1r. Andrels Knudtsen,Senior Planner Town of Vail June 9, L995 Page 2 (assuuring the entire 2.6A is buildable site area) if we were toraze Buildings c and D we could build under current HDMF zonins 1)a naximum of 25 units (based on 2.6 Acres tines 25 units per Acrefor a total allowable of 65 units, of which there are already 40 inBuildings A and B); 2l those 25 units can encompass only 3g,S4Lsquare feet of GRFA (based on 112,602 sguare feet of buildabre sitearea tines .6 for a total GRFA of 67;56l square feet, of which28,O2O are already in Buildings A and B); 3) the 25 units and39t54L square feet of GRFA lrourd remain the rnaximun rcI! if we wereto subdivide Tract D into two 1ots, r.rith Buildings -{ and B on aL.07 Acre lot and C and D on the other 1.53 Acre lot; and 4) the 25new units wourd require 5o parking spaces of which 38 would bereguired to be covered. plejse confirm or correct ourunderstanding concerning the 25 units, the 39r54L square feet of GRFA and the 50 and 38 parking spaces. ft is our further understanding that if the Building C and Dportion of rract D were rezoned pubtic Accommodations r-) theallowable GRFA would be 52,72L square feet (65,gO2 x .8 = 52t7ZL);2) the allowable public accommodation units would be 3g (L.53A x 2sunits per acre = 38) r 3) 5,272 sqaare feet of the GRFA iould be ina bar and restaurant (L0* of 521221 square feet)i and 4) 39 parkingspaces would be required (L space per unit maximum) of which 2iwould be reguired to be covered. Either as HDMF or pA, one off-street loading berth would be reguired. please confirm or correctour understanding concerning the pA units, GRFA and parking.Please also advise us what the position of Tov staff wourd 5econcerning the rezoning of the euitdings c and D portion of rractD to PA. We have a further question concerning rlock-offsr in the pAaoning. we have noted a number of propertles in Vair that are pAhaving a living roorn and rnurtiple Eedioom/bathroorn combinations,some or alr of which can be rocked off and rented separately ashotel rooms consisting of only a bedroom and bath. How are thesecounted as number of units so long as they all cl-uster around theriving room and are accessible frorn the ri-ving room? rs the whorecruster considered one pA unit, or is each possible individuaLbedroom and bath considered one pA unit? we look forward to your early reply. please call me collectwith any questions. JVA: ab Tract AreaAllowable (])units (2.6 x 25)Allowable -(1)cRFA li:-z,eoz x'Required (])rarking - TotalRequired (t)parking - coveredExisting cRFA/Units: Bui}ding ABuilding B SubtotalBuilding CBuilding o Subtotal TOTAI. John V. Amato 800 Washington Street, No. 301 Denver, Colorado 80203 303/837-11s0 June 9, 1995 .6) (.75 x 130) llr. Andrew Knudtsen, Senior planner Town of VailOffice of Conaunity Developnent75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado AL657 RE! Tract D, Vail Village Fifth Filing Dear Andy: Pursuant to your request, and to the best of ury knowledge, thefollowing is the lnrormation concerning Tract D: Square Units/Acres Feet Spaces 2.6 LLz,602 67,56L 65 130 98 L5 .4'17 22t2.543 1828.020 40L5,477 27L2.543 2224.020 4955,0'10 89 Reguired (l)Total Parking for Existing Units l_7gReguired (',Covered Parking for Existing Units L34Total Existing Parking for Existj,ng Units 87Total Existing Covered parking for Existing Units -o-Available/ (Excess/Deficiency) - Existing v;. Current Zoning:units Q4)GRFA L],,521,Total Parking Covered Parking (l)Under current HDMF Zoning The portion of Tract D which enconpasses Buildings A and B(already_ rrcondoniniumizedrt) is 1.07 AcreJ with 46,700 square feet.The portion of Tract D which encompasses Buildings c and o is 1.53Acres or 65,9o2 square feet. rt is our uriderstanding that ffi r0\l -c0t\l\{\f\,DE\'D[r ( e1) ( r.34 ) Mr. Andrew Knudtsen, Senior Planner Town of VailJune 9, l-995 Page 2 (assuming the entire 2.GA is buildable site area) if we were toraze Buildings C and D we could build under current HDMF zoning l)a maximum af 25 units (based on 2.6 Acres tines 25 units per Acrefor a total allowable of G5 units, of which there are already 40 inBuildings A and B); 2l those 25 units can encompass only 39rb41square feet of GRFA (based on i-L2,602 square feet of buildable sitearea tines .6 for a total GRFA of 67,56L square feet, of which28,O2O are already in Buildings A and B); 3) the 25 units and39r54L sqluare feet of GRFA hrould remain ttre maximum even if we wereto subdivide Tract D into two lots, with Buildings A and B on a1.O7 Acre lot and C and D on the other L.53 Acre lot; and 4) the 25new units would require 50 parking spaces of which 39 would bereguired to be covered. please confirm or correct ourunderstanding concerning the 25 units, the 39,541_ square feet of GRFA and the 50 and 38 parking spaces. ft is our further understanding that if the Building C and Dportion of Tract D were rezoned public Accommodationi l_) theallowable GRFA would be 52,221 square feet (65,902 x .B = S2;72L)i2) the allowable public accommodation units would be 39 (l_.53A x 25units per acre = 38) t 3) 5,272 square feet of the GRFA <iould be ina bar and restaurant (LOt of S2,72L square feet) i and 4) 38 parkingspaces would be required (1 space per unit maximurn) of which 29would be required to be covered. Either as HDMF or pA, one off-street loading berth would be reguired. please confirn or correctour understanding concerning the pA units, GRFA and parking.PLease also advise us what the position of Tov staff would 6econcerning the rezoning of the Buildings c and D portion of rractD to PA. We have a further question concerning rlock-offsrr in the pAaoning. we have noted a nurnber of properties in Vail that are pAhaving a living room and rnurtiple bedioom/bathroom combinations,some or all of which can be locked off and rented separately ashotel rooms consisting of only a bedroom and bath. Hord are thesecounted as number of units so long as they alI cluster around theliving roon and are accessibre froh the riving room? rs the wholecluster considered one pA unit, or is each possible individualbedroorn and bath considered one pA unit? We look forward to your early reply. please call me collectwith any questions. Sincerely, JVA:ab jva\Letters\knudtsen. ltr John V. Amato 232 \AL YLLAGE 1ST. PAFT OF TRACT 8 HOUSE PA. t-^-- \ A'P'r iw \5 r- TRACT D a APOLLO PAFK 442 AIL VIL L GE wREN N6 5oo VAILVILLA I laaa I sKt cL vA CH|LotE\S I l -'l VAILsxr CENTER saS VAIL VILLAGE 7Ih. FILING CHILORE:!S PARX tl UNPLATTED EAGLE COUNTY -t I h;_ __., tst SODfu rlz)a_0G. WHITE tl DDNs "tii7 nttt ryyy,w/trt/)tfiGQl//tj-.b.-<tr.rJ ^.1o ^v 6t/ SDO. 2 Ft[ t Department of Communiry Deve lopment fioP y TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-U3q479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 RE: July 6, 1995 (faxed) Mr. John V. Amato 800 Washington Street, No. 301 Denver, CO 80203 Apollo Park, Tract D, VailVillage Sth Filing Dear Mr. Amato: This letter is intended to respond to your letter to Andy Knudtsen, regarding possible redevelopment opportunities which may exist at Apollo Park, Tract D, Vail Village Sth Filing. The Apollo Park property is currently zoned High Density Multiple Family (HDMF), which allows for a totaf density not to exceed 25 dwelling units (DU's) per buildable acre. Assuming 112,602 sq. ft. (2.585 acres) of buildable site area (subject io confirmation by a registered land surveyor) the propery is allowed 04.6, or 64 DU's by zoning. Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) in the HDMF Zone District is calculated at 60% cf the buildable site area, or in this case 67,561 sq.ft. lt appears from the numbers you have provided that there is excess GRFA available to be used on the property. For your information, however, staff confirms existing GRFA by requiring "as-built" drawings of the buildings, certified (stamped) by an architect that they are accurate, and by conducting a site visit, and walk-through to the subject property and buildings. Although your letter states that the portion of Tract D which encompasses buildings A and B is 1.07 acres (46,700 sq. ft.)and the portion of Tract D which encompasses buildings C and D is 1.53 acres (65,902 sq. ft.) our records indicate otherwise. Our records show a lot division as follows: Buildings A&B Buildings C&D Total = 1.2925 ac. = 56,301 sq. ft. = 1.2925 ac. = 56.301 sq. ft. = 2.585 ac. = 1 12,602 sq. ft. I am sure that you have documentation to show that the property has been legally subdivided in a manner different than described above so I will continue to use your numbers for the purpose of responciing to your letter. {S rtrrotrrur* Mr. John Amato Page 2 Based on the information you have provided, as well as the assumption that Tract D has been subdivided for ownership purposes only and is still considered to be one parcel of land for the purposes of determining the zoning developmenl standards, it would appear that if BuiHings C & D are razed,24 dwelling units and 39,541 sq ft. of GRFA could be built in their place. This is subject to the Town Attorney's opinion of the status of the "illegal units" in the basement of Buildings C & D. Since the minimum parking requirement for a DU varies depending on its' size, it is not possible to confirm your ligure of 50 parking spaces at this time. You are correct, however lhal75% of the required parking on the property must be hidden from public view. With regard to your assumption that if the Building C & D portion of Tract D were rezoned to the Public Accomodation (PA) Zone District, please find the following information: Allowable GRFA Allowable density = 52,721 sq. tt. = 1 .5129 x 25 = 37.8 or 37 DU's Allowable bar/reslaurant = 5,272 sq. ft. Parking requirement = variable per TOV parking standards (max. 1 space per accomodation unit) With regard to the proposed rezoning of the Building C & D portion ol Tract D, from HDMF to the PA lone district, staff is generally in favor ol the idea. A rezoning to the PA Zone District, which is intended to provide short-terrn lodging facilities for Vails'guests, would serve to carry out a number ol the goals identified in the Vail Land Use Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan. We are concerned, however, with the posibility that such a rezoning would cause lhe property on which Buildings A & B are located to become even more "nonconlorming" than it burientiy is. Staff would need more information in order to fully assess the effect of rezoning the Building C & D portion of the property to the P.A. Zone District' The term "lock-off" has generally been used to describe the accomodation unit(s) which may be attached to a dwelling unit. Since "Lodges" are the only permitted uses in the PA Zone District, there are certain limitations regarding the use of lock-otfs. Please see the following definitions, which are taken directly from the Town's zoning code: Lodoe "Lodge means a building or group of associated buildings designed for occupancy primarily as the temporary lodging place of individuals or families either in accomodation units or dwelling units, in which the gross residential floor area devoted to accomodation units exceeds the gross residential floor area devoted to dwelling units, and in which all such units are operated under a single management providing the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. o Mr. John Amato Page 3 Dwellino Unit "Dwelling unit means any room or group of rooms in a two-family or multiple-family builcting with kitchen facilities designed for or used by one family as an independent houselieeping unit. A dwelling unit in a multipl+family building may include one attached acComodation unit no larger than one-third of the total floor area of the dwelling.' Accomodation Unit "Accomodation unit means any room or group of rooms without kitchen facilities designed lor or adapted to occupancy by guests and accessable from cgmmgn conidors, walks, or babonies wiihout passing through another accomodation unit or dr,rrelling unit. Each accomodation unit shall be counted as on+half of a unit tor the purposes ot calculating allowable units per acre." Based on the above definitions, as well as the information you have provided, it appears that Apollo Park could have 74 accomodation units on the property. YoY could also have two lock- oif units attached to each proposed dwelling unit, however the density would be calculated at 1.5 DU's each. The overatt dnfR ratio for the proiect would still need to comply with the above Lodge delinition. I hope the above information adaguately addresses the queslions raised in your letter' however if additional information is necessary, or if I can be of any lurther assistance to you regarding Apollo Park, please call me at (970) 479-2138. Sincerely, P;c*ffi Jim Curnutte Senior Planner Mike Mollica File TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description:ipa,g.1-41r-[)-i, r-- ArchitecVGontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Project Street Address: t{l Zone District Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: [] Approval n Disapproval 'pGiatt npprouat I Conditions: T :-:-*:------ :' ,t- i-'-- * I.l ,/f Lac-41-roN l\Po'-uo -Pnn< A1 Varu F*P'"1 Ae=o c rRTr6N t; 5e,a S*igr AofZ (nir- ) (oFe HouJ - 86:TT s6Lr-ra-noN tl6.+{+--a'-o"_|-l.a_ I-rT _l.rtto(' l;lltl-i .lv-fi 7a*'poL-r-o P,.re._*- fu {a1l. Ae3Oc.rrtFbrl Rqop o $wD STonCcr='qigsa Qre, 4a1g1s6,E t^E rI z NP {:r-oaR. t9* tprt*4 "A'' 5Ec-TroN A-A . -Pee?obE-D ZE'd FITIgI,FT (F,a ? otA) scc.ual ?j. r'-ci f*,ooo* * 9S6AJSEEAI HdUUS IUNSIS ,*:--!** **] 1 t- tEsr COPY" Aven-Eelg i Sfar.r,ie ClaseT F'*.ei.JC o$t [7r ot-c"4e- Ae-,=+ iTSp. *---3'- a" --------*----.--* +-. l. n'.-.,* A-t Ex-r s;\ e--*.i --11 ! [, r)rur_ LJ lv-*264-A 'il|l rf eO3 A | €s r{.6\rE F\tf \r.+rr : TFrtT} Lr* I Z-rro'x-s-d \.|(b.lrld'r=i ' : C.-cq= 6r.E ^}r- E6ce- {. .!F, =TAL.E t- =.OYl.r-G At\ sa€rr A !aofl.. , \!"[rr.rt 6.rJ {.'?aaaut ,il lll ll Illi L!tI I I IllT-' I oR- /' 5io' Ar<a,<or a So A-.-+_ {Jraoeca1s D $ao e..o.,6* Ag..ea Re. aeels,Fr 6 e' $4ENT - Z,tp 'flueeq "A" - t5urr'-or*r6, - Aeor,*uo "Paq-14* - VatL-. C() i*- e-a'J.e*- Sceuc, | 3/g"'l'-o" .z 6{'2''..- EE : TT itrET-Tta-rrt:ll.llr.l'I tsT'fTsJrT l:l.L 3oELtrtJ!0! HdtrE! -rHllll5 l,lDtl F n Lr ia t i l F rt " ' t rL. .;q.,'LLii-ic' 't o Best copy Available -tr / ,/ ''/ ,('"/.. ", * ..r''f'i 1,)' -,, \ '.- i ;i'';i ,: ..J .' \/ .. .t a :,,'t/ i. i 4,(-t ' i'J v' 'i l? ,,l. rll-i N 49.58.OO-€ 30. \ , | | | , ra l" . Y I '_. L. /r. ,.:r i:._ i:' i F: Fz ttj: L' FlF -o\N \R 9 (.1 o? *ois PFIASE 1 0.721 Ac. iri:As,i{ rI .o.";u)- )h. ." SCALE 1':30- O FND PINO SET PINgurtotruc A' ooEsNOT ENCROACH ON30' EASEMEN T BUILDING CORNER go-26...- ON PROPERTY LINE i , ',fILLInl.l E. ARf IFIELD, BEING A REGISTEIIED LAI{D SURVEYOR IN TIIE STnTE OF COLOiADO, DO IIEREDY CEI{TIFY Tl i,T n SUIVEY lir1S }9rDE BY llE AttD. U::Dtil ::Y 9'\:9E:VISIO:i OF r'. PI,P.T OF TtiACT D, vi'IL VILLiGD, FIfTri FILiliG :C:::: Cl V;.:L, COU::TY OI EirCLE, Sr.iTE CF cOLci.,i\DO, ;.liD FcUliD ?!!i FCUI-Dir?ioN iO D: LCC;,T;D i'S SiiOliri Oii iiils PLAT. Tl:E LCCiTIOII .\.I:D DII'l!!\:iIOi;S Cl i.!L !UILDI::GS, Il.lPnOVEl.:lti:TS , FAgDl.iEIlTS t'ND RIGIITS OF lfirY IN E\'LDEIICE O3. Ii::Oi;:: TC !lE frlrlD EirCRO;.CIiilE::!S DY On Oli Ti;E Pii!i'IISES irRE ACCUIiATILY Si:O'i;I: TC ?!:E DEST OF I.iY KI:o'.'JLEDGE tinD BELIEF. I II /it(P ry l!IoI (\l oz FESURARY2q 1972 .... J \. a-...-.<:,f" _..t. -J. 9ll . l''!!,rrr. c:r(ct.'r\llD UUf ,r. fi .A .R ERROR INVALIN COl.Ii.IAND cG? /AR B 12.3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 1 67 81 I 10325.189?45 10364,473L37 10234 , 05?418 L0232.2!i03?4 10?r6,7964?4 10117.',l03270 10025.887847 10000.000000 12 13 14 15 16 1005?,99?990 103?5 . 189945 10J64. 4 73137 10?48 , 5tt 1??4 t0?24,?3:t374 10?07.?t2I77 LO177 ,6116073 10145.31??45 1011? ,496731 10059.9???90 AREA= 27r?6 REC'!113'.r C 1f993 o 10000. o00000 32i, L900 '' t25,3?.Q0r' 110.4500 v 35.5300 r- 35.54O0 '' 133 . 46oO - L37.QOOor' 145'.7777" ?65. 1900 ' 125.3200 ''- 115.95O0" 33.0000 " 17.5000 " 30.5000 - 33.0000' 30.5000 " 128 . 47?0 o cG?AR.B1?345678 AREA 8F:ARII.IGS 10000.000000 N 0- 2- 0.O 1,, I !tF' AREA= 999?,810813 ?880. 806891 9877,?76136 98t2, 492223 ?844 . 301825 9754'858899 9856.539378 10000. oooo00 t7 9999,965093 ?999.-81081? ?880 , 806891 ?877 ,835175 ?898. 6237 64 ?904,937399 ??08,864639 9902 . 331459 9S86,100365 9?9?,965093 .i:14 SQ.FT.= N 71-43-55.0 I 1-28- 7.O s 87- 4-53.0 s 2-55- 7,0 s 42- 4-53.0 s 47-55- 7.0 s 79-46-15.3 N 0- 3- 0.0 N 71-43-55.0 s 1-2S- 7 .0 s 40-30-53.0 s ?1- s-53.0 s 7-?3-53. O s 11-?5- 7. O s 3?- ?- 7,O s 6:l-?4-43.1 t'f tl tf E u, E E? o 56301.47? SO.FT.= ffi$* ir c6?172311 t7 3 11 1? 13 14 15 l6 L7 c6?E0 END OF TOTAI. c6? L0 LO J08 PA6ES J J08 FIGURE AREA alo Icol! 2 td t, L E. e tl rJ F 1 OF OUTPUT 11.r c0|tPt-ETEI) FRINTEN TO DATEI COORDINATE AREA 1 ERRORS ? ERROR INVALID COI,IMAND c6? L7 a rRIC'Di':.' , | | t eelAPOLLO PARK AT VAIL Homeowners' Association P.O. BOX 1497 EVERGREEN, COLORADO 80439 (303) 670.17r0 November 1, 1993 Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Co 8165? Dear Sirs: The Apollo Park at Vail Condominium Association again requests a building permit for a minor alteration to the second floor of Building A. l|e propose to convert two storage closets into a room that will be used as a check-in/out area for our owners. The entire cost of this project will not exceed S3,000.00. !{e plan to remove an interior wall currently in place, which is for dividing purposes only and is not weight bearing. The exterior appearance of the building would not be affected from the road. We would install a 3 X 3 sliding, thermopane window in each end of the space. The trim would be painted the same color as the cedar exterior. Also, a 5 foot, sliding, thermopane door would be installed to replace the solid wood door now in place. Electricity and heating are already in the room. We need to explain to you that the managers of Apollo Lodge in "C" and "D" Buitdings have formerly issued keys to our owners of "A" and "8" Buildings. This is no longer the case, and our Association wants a convenient area to greet guests and to check them in and out. There will not be any more people coming and going than before, they will just go to "A" Building rather than "c". Enclosed you will find a survey of "A" and "B" Buildings and the parking lot and common area. AIso enclosed is a small picture of the complex, a sketch showing the exterior of the building and the position of the window and a sketch of the proposed changes. The sliding door would be accessible from the existing walkway on the second floor. If you have any questions, please 1710. I{e look forward to hearing Sincerel y, '4rnQ,,..*x t(r)}6ne L. Nelson Executive Director Apollo Park at VaiI feel free to contact ne at 570- of your approval . a @: A. DESCRIPTION-:Dotco /),A, rEvised 9l4l9L cl"&'tr" o_o DRB IPPLTCAIION - TOI{N OE V]\IL, COT.oRjADO REcErvED. R'it; ""', I 1 199,1DATE APPLICATION DATE OF DRB MEETING: t*it*tt*tl IEIS IPPLICATION WTI.I. NOII BT ACCEPTED UNIIL lI.L REQI'IRED INFORIIATION IS SUEUITTED*r******t*.g*y I. T*o t),-sa ocot-.-Cz-a.E-c€-St.,,l 1;)rsa h..p T- Sc,Dr,o6 €uS!. Addition ($50.00). Conceptual Review ($0) C. ADDRESS2 tlgA S. FpopraCx /2oAb, latc,CO D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot - Block tzAcr D Subdivision Vntu VtctAGt FrtrNaf B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)X uinor Alteration (920.00) If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application.A zoNrNG KtstVrlT/4-E! G. LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing fot area. NAI4E OF APPLICANT:LLo 0o Mailing ess: must provide a current H. T J. K. NAME OF APPLTCANT'F REPRESENTATT\tI , +t,Ae Llecs"a/ Mailino Address : P O 4o, lq q) flr?c Pt{ il OrtMailing gddress: Po Ao, 19?). €.teZcreet'tt. e8ov2? NAME OF *SIGNATURE(S): Maj-Iing Address: LA rt,oa oL,, ( o Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe t,lne of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a buiJ.ding permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adjust t,he fee according to the table belovt, to ensure the correct fee is paid.e E'EE ,$HEppLE: VALUAT]ONI 0-$ 10,000$ 10,001 - $ 50,000 . s 50,001 - $ 150,000 91501001 - S 500,000 s500r 001 - s1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 t\r\tr FEE s 20.00I 50 .00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500. 00 daplb, r DESIGN RE|VIEW BOARD APPROV]II.. EXPIRES ONE YE:AR AI"TER TINAIJ APPRO\ruJ T'NLESS A BUTLDING PERMIT IS ISSI'ED AND CONSTRUCSTON IS SIARIED. **NO APPI,ICATION WII.I. BE PROCESSED 9IITBOUT OgfNER' S SIGTnTI'RE 1_.. I a ,|..., II. A pre-application meeting with a nember of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todeternine if there are additional submittal requirements.Prease note that a coMpLETE application will strearnline theapproval process for your project. ITI. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING Al,L SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site.visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestrdo separate neetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The fol]owing items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ConmunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addit,ion proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or managier of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. enow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow, Bet1and, etc) r a hazard study nust be submitted and the olyner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building perrnit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a To.ldn planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For alI resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the fl-oor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuildi.ng; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ornodifications, all conditions of approval nust beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. Apollo Park - Tract D Legend Parcel Bound *.1i- w ) s'rl '\USE OF THIS MAP SHOULD BE FOR GENERAL AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY EAGLE COUNry DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN tr\ / / Owner Name/Address OGILBY, T. CHARLES - NEWTON, MERRILL R.- FINZEL, KARL - ET AL BOX 15635 coLoRADO SPRTNGS CO 80935 SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLK:- LOT:- DESG: TRAGT D PART OF SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLK:- LOT:- DESC: APOLLO PARK BLDG C & D BK.O27O PG.O217 BK-0440 QCD 04-23-86 BK-0463 PG-0284 QCD 05-0E-87 BK-051s PG-0813 QCD 10-05-89 BK-0660 PG.0526 QCD 01-06-95 BK-0693 PG-0062 QCD 04-23-96 Business Name Ll rract I Tax Sale [ ] sr"t" a"o i condo I Spc Asmt l- Control L 5:__l | -r I cancel srR Owner Name/Address District OGILBY, T. CHARLES. NEWTON, PETER M., MARTIN J. & DINAH-ETAL C/O APPOLLO PARK 8''7 E ARAPAHOE RD J542 GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO 80112-1436 Location Zip 657 03 01 el Number -082-27-006 Location City AIL /'c ./tl C N*cr. Uqtry 7oD'+7 (Qoe - T#n,es /r^, p4iT* y't\' [fl,il'iA &( ') p 3 gt- 3c l7- (rrun"'i /v"1-1) Q tet ?t"S- 3'/ o I 'n"'t / n'U,p tul iUu" fl Uptr t SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 DESC: TRACT D PART OF BLDG A & B SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 DESC: GROUND LEASE FOR AF'OLLO PARK BK.O274 PG-069}LEASE BK.O275 PG-0596 wD 09-{4-28 BK-0440 pc-d402 ecD 04-23-86 BK-0463 pG-02a4 QCD 05-08-87 BK-051s pc-0813 QCD 10-05-89 BK{660 pc.0526 QCD 01-06-95 BK-{t693 pc-0062 QCD 04-23-95 R657942 QCD 03-23-98 901,940 71,790 -.l-l!f"!iPf] Tract I Condo .Flqe.L Sales fi misc lr9!9s!.{I1...:x c-A!!4A (4I Value L-J Personal (Prt I D esign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Apollo Park Hot Tub Project Description: Request to install new hot tub in the existing pool deck area Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: John Blazofsky, General Manager, P.O. Box 2157,Ya1l Colorado 81658 476-5881 Project StreetAddress: 442 South Frontage Road East Legal Description: Parcel Number: 21010824601 4 Comments: Project#: Building Name: Apollo Park Condominiums Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved per plans submitted Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 111299 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved DRB Fee Pre-Paid:pay at bldg permit i ':r .r.)$ |I ir ! irtrJfl ';'{_rr./. Lt ii) l't * l) Fi r ,' - L; Fl P 'i _.,'.,;1.it { I,J ..{- 11-/'._/' I l-l , :-] 'i' ';J .r . r, .PAI, i:I,u i i.,;! .tPPL,{c..1,1'!{.rrr, 1i,i51 }.iri.:ilr-. }i i}.i:" ii,,1,\, .\l-Ptif-i\'..,,l- .. ;i' ! tr: i\,{,{_II[bi i .'.'.-" tl.r 1t,:,i;, "::'.1'.i;.'.,:,.),1r --', ".. .: .1 .:, ;,,. , -,,.,.,:, ,i, i,o '- . .i', -;:t-:. , :,1.'i,-r.r, 'I.c-l,lut'.:.liittiii:illt\vi1ii|1;1151;,,r;.:;lir.l.T.i'l.r'l'ji;-l;.li-.i.irli|']i]}|,' '.1*j1;j.lir.Di:srgltIll:iirr'r[l'litJ"i,!,Fi|t.,v.rl:i1li;l..l:.t];Jf".i,.'j",:i.jil:i|:]":r.-i;il: 4.*ry ?all-.d.tU- rla.a,4, - ,. i.l {l(1{:' =' ,,,.':r ./t ; \;;rRr.i:i' ?qZ-J., (knT46,e ..1.: v;i: Y tl\r./ il-L: 'r';''\ lTl-\r,ti$/i * $?0{ 11 l:o !;rt,-\t).I !;ri 1i-i L)r: I4t(- t,l,::riX ur:ii;: r i,f t rr';.v !uiirji;:.::. ir,;:iri{(:5 31r'.r ;ri'1.;1, '1 .vr.:': :: '..:r.,111-'- li . -li: //nttna// rVcurd-d/ fti:,(:ix"::,2 /. ?-b3t"-?5a3 P*J{l',i,iu:/zt" {r8 - erv) lll.:l r, aj butldjn.*. ';i{l !:f :.r';.;,i. :'}iiri!i- .':11 -,,i'":r.',, l".,l.i fr'"t,,-'rl,t,,i :'i:,, i'r:tofirrl it;u-.1';1". .a'i;1.y,,,r,.1.1. j,..,ii.i:,, Lrj., .r: r i. r. alls. et;. rli"i ."i. ii li.l : 1i:!'"it r ...,r'.\tl-'r 1.. -';r ,' l'l' r..tIi,.r Lit) ilJ r,'ll'. Best coPY Available - Pri4ted by Mike Mollica 5/0 9:37am From:Torcarf/ Llurral-rt, ulke litoL].Lca,conn€1Lysubl €cts t Al'o]'l,o Park Loclgls 3ua alr ===No,rE=====--=========5 / O6 / 9 5==9 : 3 3 am== we have leclsv€d an offer of aetb]'ernent on aII Loauea frotn John Durtrt on betta]. f of hls cll€rrts ApoLLo. Thare are reweral LEeln! chac w1ll require DRB approvaL and tsh6 resoluElon of bulldl.ng codc l.sgusg. I tshlnk lc atoul.d be moaE effectlve lf we cauld hawe thoae lsauea !€ro]-ved prior to coDcll apl'rova]. of tshe se tcl-qttanc. I ltould aPttt€ciate ctr€ opportunl.t'y tso dl.gcuaa tsh€ae laEuea ab rrou r ea.rtl.eac conven1ence- Thanks (--.-- \Kt Y* sfr ltr ' ' t -'l,a+'z- n( '*"r fl2 ,hJ'Jn A-/4 ;\ ./- *r-1.044 -5' 4 V '*r7*t /F/I,/G' -t , .' ) ^r'Tt 7 't'-' ftt L'*eJ *fL ra @ "-g/' Q n'*l "^ 'u4 ' '7 Ft *'-r g"//'5 c-a' e-/"*(^ 4 .* h,*->( @trt A r*4 N: A^a, 7/e^z ry c"/t< arraLi*z 7 W *, .)'-A ;l ./< %,Fh*tuT Page: 1 JOHN W. OUNN ARTHUR A, ABPLANALP. JR. ALLEN C. CHRIST€NSEN OIANE L, HERMAN CAROL E, OAVI S 5ES TELEPHON€: t97c|) zl76-o300 TELECOP!ER: 19701 476-4765 KAREN II. OUNN CEF'IFIEO LEGAL ASSIST NT nec0Eo rr,"-LAw OFFrcEs DUNN, ABPLANALP & CHRISTENSEN, P.C. VAIL BAN K BU ILoING su trE 300 I 08 SoUTH FRoNTAGE RoAo WEST VA rL, CoLoRAoo 81657 May 4, 1995 SPECIAL COUTISEL: JERRY W. HANNAH R. Thomas Moorhead Town of Vail 78 South Frontage Roadvail co 81557 Re! Apollo Park Lodge Dear Tom: This letter w111 respond to Mlke Molllca's memorandumto you dated May 3, L995, whj.ch we dlscussed during our meeting on May 4. This letter also will constitute an offer of settlement of all issues betlreen the Town and the owners of Apollo Park Lodge, Buildings C and D. References herej.n are to the paragraphs of that memorandum. 1. Apollo Park is prepared to restrict the three employee units in Building C and the four employee units in Buildlng D to use for employee houslng so long as the existlng bulldlngs remain standing, such restrlctlon to terminate upon approval by the Town of a building permit for demolition of the existing buildings. The precise wording of the restriction agreement would have to be approved by us as a condition to the compromise outlined in this letter. At a mlnimum the owners of Apollo Park would be permitted to rent the units longterm to their own employees or other employees residing in Eag1e County. 2. The laundry facility located in the basement of Bullding C would be permitted to remain. 3. The employee.unit in Building C which encroaches onto Tract A would be permitted to remaln. 4. A portion of the Lower deck, south of Building C, would be removed so as to reduce the extent of the encroachment of the deck by approxi.mately seven feet. The selection of seven feet as the measurement is based uPon an inspection of the deck after our meeting. The upper deck would be permitted to renain. 5. The roof over the deck would be permitted to 6. The retaining walJ.s located on Tract A will be remain. removed to the extent that they do not provide structural supportto Building C or maintain slope integrity. Our guess is thatt,hree out of four of the walls can be removed. 7 . We will start over again nith respect to the r"roodenstorage shed. It is understood that thls proposal, if it is acceptable to you and to the staff, wlll be submitted to thecouncil for their consideration. I assume you will inform me of the time of the meeting at which that happens. Yours very truly, ABPLANALP & CHRISTENSEN,P.C. Dunn jwd: ipse cc. Mr. Newton MEMORANDUM TO: R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attorney FROM: Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Planning DATE: May3,1995 SUBJECT: Apollo Park Lodge/Tract D, VailVillage 5th Filing Upon review of the lmprovement Location certificate prepared by Intermountain Engineering, dated February 18, 1994, and after completion of a site visit on May 1, 1995, I have concluded that the following violations exist on the Apollo Park site: 1. There are lour employee dwelling units located in the basement ol Building D, and three employee dwelling units located in the basement of Building C. 2. The laundry facility located in the basement of Building C has been expanded and appears to encroach approximately 7.0 feet onto Tract A. 3. One of the Building C employee dwelling units mentioned in ltem #1 above, appears to encroach approximately 2.5 feet onto Tract A. 4. Portions of the lower and upper wooden deck, south of Building C, encroach 4.5 feet to 16.5 feet onto Tract A. 5. The roof which was added over the outdoor deck and stairs, south of Building C, encroaches approxirnately 2.0 feet to 6.5 feet onto Tract A. 6. There are numerous retaining walls located upon Tract A, south of Building C. These retaining walls encroach approximately 4.0 feet to 16.5 feet onto the open space tract. 7, The wooden rtoi.g. shed, which was previously located south of Building C on Tract A, has been relocated lo the northeast side of the property adjacenl to the Frontage Road. lt appears that this storage shed is located within the 20-foot front setback area, and it should also be noted that Design Review Board (DRB) approval was not requested, nor was it granted, for the relocation of the shed. xc: Susan Connelly JAH N W. DUNN ARTH U R A. AB PLANALP, JF, ALLE N C, CHRISTENSEN DIANE L- HERMAN ROHN K. ROE!AINS TELEPHON E: (go3) 476-O3OO TELECOPIER: t3o3r 476-4765 'Rrc'tl ltrAR O regd LAw OFFTCES DUNN, ABPLANALP & CHRISTENSEN, P.C. A PROFE5SIONAL CORPORATION VAIL NATIONAL BAN K BUILDING Su rTE 3OO I 08 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST vArL. CoLORADO 81657 SPECIAL COUNSEL: JERRY W. HAN NAH March 23, L994 Mike Mollica, Senior Planner Department of Community Development Town of ValI 78 South Frontage Road WestVatl CO 81657 Re: Apollo Park Lodge, Buildings C and D Dear Mike: The purpose of this letter is to provide the response of the o$rners of Apollo Park Lodge, Bulldings C and D, to the requirements imposed by the Vail Town Council at their meeting on Maich 8, 1994. Those regulrements, to be accomplished by July I' L994, were that: 1) The dwelllng units on the lower floor of Buildlng C be restored to their prevlous use or be restricted to use as employee housing; and 2 ) That all- encroachments on Tract A, owned by the Town and restricted to open space, be removed except so far as necessary to provlde structural support for Building C, such necesslty of structural support to be identified no later than May 1 , L994. It is not cl.ear to me on what basis the first requirement r"ras made. No one seems to recall just when the basement unlts were converted to dwelling units, and lt does appear to be the case that no record existE of pennlssion being obtalned from or refused by the Town. rn any event, we believe that those units have been used for dwelling purposes for manyyears. Also, when a fire occurred in April of 1993, the units were rewlred to code pursuant to an electrical permit. An lnspectlon was conducted at that tlme by the Vall Fire Department, and no objection was made to the use of the units for dwelling purposes. You have been advlsed that approximatety $50,000 was spent by Apollo Park ln 1993 to cause the units to conform to code. That being the case, it ls our posltion that the Tostn is estopped to claim any nonconformance of the units with the Tovrn'sordinances. Certainly estoppel is available as a defense against enforcement of the Town's ordinances in those circumstances. City & County of Denver v. Stackhouse, 135 CoIo. 289, 310 P.2d 296 (1957). It further is our position that enforcement of the Town's ordinances would not be permitted under any conceivable statute of limitations. Vle also believe that any claim of the Town to remove the encroachments on Tract A would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations. Notwithstanding earlier law to the contrary, Colorado municipalities are now subJect to statutes of llmitatlon. City of Colorado Sprinqs v. Timberlane Assocs., 824 P.2d 776 (CoIo. I992r. We believe that the applicable statute of limitation is 538-41.-101, C.R.S., the eighteen year statute. we recognize that section 101(2) provides that such limitation is not appllcable against municipalltles. However' we belleve that the fuII text of 101(2) reflects an intent that the statute is inappllcable to municipalities only when it is used to establish an o!'rnership interest and not when it is used to bar a claim to recover possesslon. In other words, we acknowledge that Apollo could not make a claim to tltle to the property based upon adverse possession against the Town, but we believe that the Town may not, after 22 years, compel removal of the encroachment. If we are misreading 538-41-101, we nevertheless firnly belleve that the Town nay not compel removal of a slxteen and one-half foot encroachment into open space which has been in existence for 22 years and which does not impede public access' partlcularly when the encroachment existed at the time of the Town's acquisition of Tract A. First, if it is the position of the Town that the encroachment violates open space building restrictions, any clalm based upon that position is barred by the one-year statute of llmitations contained in 538-41-119, C.R.S. Styers v. l.{ara, 63L P.2d 1138 (Colo. App. 1981). It is also the 1aw in Colorado that encroachments will not be ordered to be removed under inequitable circumstances and tf.bt the defenses of waiver and laches are readily avallable. Golden Press, Inc. v. Rylands, 124 CoIo. I22, 235 P.2d 592 (1951). It is also the law that equitable considerations will similarly be taken into account in the enforcement of zoning ordinances. Harqreaves v. Skrbina, 662 P.2d 1078 (Colo. 1983). Those cases seem particutarly appllcable where removal of the encroachment and enforcement of the open space zoning would deprive my clients of access to the basement units. we therefore betieve that, elther on the basls of the statute of llmltations or on the basls of equitable considerations, the encroachment will be allowed to remain so long as the present building is standing. The storage shed red-tagged on September 17, 1993, wiII be removed and relocated no later than July I, L994. The roof above the deck and stairs will be left in place inasmuch as it does not Lncrease the degree of encroachment and is Ln place for safety reasons. The requirements lmposed by the council otherwlse w111 not be complled wlth for the reasons glven. Anyeffort by the Town to enforce the council's requirements will be treated as a taklng without compensation. Any effort at enforcement wLthout court process wlll be treated as a vlolation of the Fourth Amendment. We do not regard the actlon of the council on March I to have been quasi-judicial in nature inasmuch as there rrtas no applicatlon of statutory crlterla after public notlce and hearing and no record, the review of whlch would be an adequate remedy. Snyder v. City of Lakewood, 189 CoIo. 42L,542 P.2d 371 (1975). Please advise me at once if the Town is not in agreement and bell-eves that it ls incumbent upon Apollo Park to seek Judlclalrelief by April 7. Absent advice to that effect, we shall await further action on the Town's part. Yours very truly' DUNN, ABPLANALP & CHRISTENSEN,P.C. Vl. Dunn JIIID: ipse cc. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Nehrtonogilby Morehead Perkins , , ^ ^.:':'^ - w?85802 I..-| ?BbBoz fl)-,lI t",.Dreo. ilradethis davor ,re'4. | ,*stZ- ,ffiLrl,lE\, vu j o"r*."n VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., a ColoradoU t between vArL AssocrArEs, rNc., a colorad. L;:$. ,,". [\It^tfr- il ofthe ;;;;";;;i;;,,;-' -;";r" ands,i,,eof I lrurusll:-rr1'&ftl?'* lYlpoojl .r*'. ---'---curr,tror Eagle and stlte of I EAGLT' ul r' nLL'ut\L'c" ni.!il"" ii cororado'orii'.i'.i'i'i;1,'a colorado I 'lur tI g so All 'B'l l?traft ,fu\, Tnrs Dneo. ilradethis dayor ,re84 . | ,*Sj*_ !qb!e | *.:l\ ., IColorado, of the first part, and I II r.. t? O ." lll lllrl 1{' lrflt municipal corporation | "' NDtY :. ' u'hose legal lrldre ss is 75 South Frontage Road West n ,21\U' l I I ,rt X?,*' t"i[i: Stosz andsrareor i 'Y{ of the Countl' of EaSle and state of Colorado, ofthe second part. W lTN ESSETII. That the said partU of the first part. forand in consirk,ration of thesumof Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration ($10.00) -V$Y|./BF' to t he said party of the first part i n hand paid by t he said parV of t lre second pa rt. t he recei pt w hereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged. hao remised, released, sold, convcyed and QUIT Cl,AIl\{ED, and b1'these presents do a" remise, release, sell, con\.ey and QtIIT CLAIill unto the said part y ofthe second part, its heirs, successors and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, clainr and denrand ,,r'hich the said party of the first part ir3 in and to the following described lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, to wit: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a oart hereof. no exchange of money - no documentary fee AMMlnnN{${,*hilNt$tl TO HAVE Ai{D TO HOLD the same, together rvith rill and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thc,rerrnto appertsining, and all the estate, rigltt, t itle, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said part y of the first part, either in law or equitl', to the onlr- proper use, benefit and behoof of the said part] of the second part, its lreirs and assigns forer.er. lN WITNESS WHERDOF.The sairl prrt y of the firsl. part has her.eunto set its lrand and seal the day and I'ear first above \rritten. tsEALl SEA LI STATE OF COLORADO, I I I Countl' of Eagle The foregoing in str u men t \,!'as acknow 1e 84,by' Robert W. parker Christina Wriqht Itfycommissione\rr-es (g - a4 I II J led t"" - ' t ,.'*L'ged before me this I q -' day of Ja-lr^4-Sr. Vice President and Assistant Secretary . 19 77. \l'rtness nry hanrl anrl offrcial seal. ':. Address, '?-O. V*_0 , aelrAn la8ll'58 Datc: EegJ.c County Stet,c Doo. Foo Signed, Sealed and Delileled in the Presence of Attest: No.933. QtitT CLAIM DBfD.- Bradford Publishint. t! t6J Wcsi 44rh Avcnoc. CotdGr. Cotorado 8040 t- ttOJ) !78-0644 - 8.t0 Exhiblt A Tract I, r eco rded Record e Tract J, recorded Record er, in the off Va i1lLlonsHead in the office of the 4A'- u /11tlll-{tt),tl L Lot 20A, Block 7, Vall Village First Filing, according to the map thereof recorded i.n the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, conlaining 0.479 acres, more or less. Parcel 4 (Sandstone Tot Lot and surrounding area.) Tract C, Vail/Potato Patch, according to the nap thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, conEaining 18.841 acres, more or 1ess. Parcel 5 (Booth Creek Tennis Courts - Manns Ranch Road) LoE 11, Block l, Vail Village Thirteenth Filing, according to Ehe map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk anci Recorder, conEaining 3.064 acres, more or less. Pqqcel 6 (LionsHead Mall) That portion of Tract C, Vail/LionsHead First Filing, according to the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follows: Beginning at the northr^rest corner of said Tract C; thence, along the north line of said Tract C, 25.29 f.eet along the arc of a 3650.00foot radius curve to the righE, having a^cenEral angle of 0"23'49"(calculated) and a chord that bears N 76"38'56" E 25.29 feex; thence, along the easE line of said TracE C, S^04o35t 58" E 236.44 feet; Ehence, deparEing said east line, S 85"24'02" \J 25.00 fegt, to the wes!line of saj.d Tract C; thence, along saj-d west line, N 04"35 t58" w 232.59feet, to the poinE of beginning, contaj.niag 5862 square feet or 0.L346 acles, more or less. Parcel 7 (LionsHead Stream Tract) A11 of Tract B, Vail,/LionsHead, First Filing, according to the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle CounEy, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, EXCEPT that portion described as follows: Beginning at a point on Ehe northerly line of said Tract B, said point also being the northeast corner of Tract D, said Vail/LionsHead First Filing; thence the folloqing four courses along the norlherly line of said Tracr B; (I) S 28"12'50" W 128.90 feec; (2) S 64"06'05" (Attached to and forrolng pa4t of Qult Claim Deed between Vail Associates, Inc. and Town of Vail aatea VU4l 14 , 1984.) Parcel I TU"f L e map rhereof . Clerk and1e hing 0. 127 acres,more or 1ess. .-----\ ta , t{/4-tP4L conEalpr**{E acres,nore or less. according to th Clerk and Parcel 2 Parcel 3 A-l }l 401.79 feet; (3) S O4o35t5g', E 7.50 feer; (4) s^3go3g,00" w 77.gg feet; thence, departing said northerly line, S 04"35r58" E 73.88 feeL, Eo the southerly line of said Tract B; chence the following six courses along said southerly line: (1) N 46"22t30" E 2lI .67feet; (2) N 83:35'00" E 59.50 feet; (3) s 78:13130" E 158.00 feet; (4) N 54"34'i00" E 89.00 feet; (5) N 11"02'30" E 153.50 feec;(6) N 17"10'30" E 100.50 feer; thence, departing said southerly 11ne, N 70-45?17" W 34.95 feet, to the point of beginning, containing 54300 square feet of 1.25 acres, more or less. Parcel 8 (LionsHead Stream Trac t ) A11 of Tract B, Vail/LionsHead Second Filing, according to the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, EXCEPT that portion described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Tracl B; thence the following four courses along the southerly line of said Tract B;^(l) N 63"24 r00" E 245.00 feet;^(2) N 82"24t0O" E 148.00 feet; (3) N 54"34r00" E 72.00 feet; (4) N 11"34r00" E 252.00 feet; thence, departing said southerly 1ine, N 47"32' 30" Int 45.18 feet, to the northerly line of said Tract B; thence the follovring six courses along said northerly line; (1) S 17"10t30" w 100.50 feer;^(2) s 11"02130" w 153.50 feet;^(3) S 54"34'00" W 99.00feetl (4) N 78"13130" I.l 158.00 feet; (5) s 83"35'00" w 59.50 feet; (6) S 46"22t30"-W 141.60 feet, to the northrrrest corner of said Tract B; thence S O4o35t58tt E 78.27 feet, along the west line of said Tract B, to the poinE of beginning, containing 43050 square feet or 0.988 acres, more or 1ess. Parcel 9 (LionsHead Stream Tract) A11 of Tract B, Vail/LionsHead Thi.rd Filing according to the rnap thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, EXCEPT that portion described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Tract B; Ehence S 46022130" W 70.06 feet, along the northerly line of said Tract B1 thence, departing said northerly line, S 04:351 58" E 104.76 feeE, to the southerly line of said Tract B; thence N 69023r40" E 56.62 feet, along^said southerly 1ine, Eo the souEheast corner of said Tract B; thence N 04"35t 58" W L33.27 feet., along the east line of said Tract B, to the point of beginning, conEaining 6478 square feet or 0.1487 acres, more or less. Parcel l0 (Gore Creek Stream Tract south of Apollo Park) Tract A, Vail Village Fifth Filing, according to the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing 2.7 actes, more or 1ess. Parcel l1 (Middle Creek Stream Tract, east of Dobson Ice Arena and Town of Vail Library) TracE A, Vail Village Second Filing, according to the amended map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing 0.326 acres, more or less. Parcel 12 (Open Space bet$/een Bald Mountain Road and Interstate 70) Tract A, Vail Village Thirteenth Filing, according to the map t.hereof recorded 1n the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing L3.072 acres, more or less. A-2 Parcel t3 (Vai.i 'illl.age St;ean Tract) A tract of land coqrlsed of a part of tract I, part of Tract c, and partof lat b' Blocl. 5-Br Vall Vlllage Flrat FlllnBr accordlng to the uap ihereof recorded under l,eceptlon No. 96382 ln the offlce of the Eagle Counti, Colorado,Clerk and Recorder (Clerkra Recorde), deecribed ae followe: Beglnnlng st the northrrest corner of eald Lot b, thence along the westerlyllne of sald Lot b, s26"41r00r'l| 21.00 feet; thence along the nortberly rlneof a parcel deecrlbed ln Book l9l at Page 381 of the Clerkre Records b63.l9tOO"E 86.58 feet; theuce coatlnutng s63o19r00"E 25.00 feet to the easterry rlght-of-ray rlne of Brldge street; thence along sald rlne N26"4Ir0o'E 23.02 ieetto the Dorthnest corner of a parcel descrlbed ln Book 304 at page 946 oftbe clerkts Records, thence the follolllng trro coursea arong the boundaryof eald parcel: (l) s63"19r00r'E 59.00 feet; (2) sllo33r34"E 3g.44 feei to theeasterly llue of I,ot a, Block 5, Vail Village Flrst Ftltng; thence alongeald llne sl3ol5r00"E. 13.58 feet to the southeaat corner of sald Lot a;thence S13"l5r00rtB 23.38 feet to the southeast corner of Lot b, Block 5,vall vtllage Flrst Flllng; thence s82o23roo"E 11.57 feet; thence so4"3lrl6"w75.72 f,eet to the southeast corDer of Lot e, Block 5r vail vtllage FirstFlllng, uhlch ls on the northerly right-of-way line of Gore creek Drlve as shorm on the plat for vall village Fifth Fillng recorded under ReceptlonNo. 102538 of the clerkrs Recorde; thence tbe followlng tuo couraes alongsald lloe: (l) 6.2r feet al.ong the arc of e curve to the rLgbt having a radlue of 325.89 feet, a central angre of 0loo5r3or', and a chord shicb bears s80"39f38"8 6.21 feet; (2> 26.32 feer aloug the arc of a curve to the rlgbt havlng a radius of 65.80 feet;. a central angle of Zlosst0lu, and a chord ntrlcb bears 568"39r22'tE 26.14 feet, to the southwest corner of A Resubdivlsionof Block 5 and a part of Gore Creek Drlve accordlng to the plat thereof record- ed under Receptlon No. 96927 Ln the clerkte Records; thence the followlngfour courses aloug the sesterly, northerly, and easterly boundary of saldparcel: (l) N09"45rOOuE 102.00 feet; (2) S7O"59|OO"E 99.50 feet; (3) s80"15r00r'E 247.00 feet; (4) so9.45rOO'T ll0.8l feet (S09"lZ'.lgrrl{ itb.Ogfeet calculateal) to the northerly rtght-of-way of Gore creek Drlve; thencetbe follosing 3 courses aloog sald linel (l) Ng4"o6r54'E 64.36 feet; (2) N58o37r00"E 44.73 feet; (3) 8.s4 feet along the arc of a curve ro the rlghthav{'g a radlus of L74.98 feet, a central angle of 02"53137" and a chord ntrlch bears s88o2lr43r'E 8.84 feet (carculated curve data); to the southeastcorner of Lot 14,rBlock 5, Vail Village Flrst.Flllng; tbence Nog"oor46,'w106.5f feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 14; thence aloog the northerlylLne of Lots 14,15,16,L7,18 Block 5, vail vlllage Flret Filr.ng as descrlbedon rhe plat for vall Vlllage Flfth Flling N64.4t'14,,8 136-.53 ieet to thinortbeast corner of said Lot 18, sht ch ls oD the nesterly right-of-way llneof Gore creek Road as shom on the plat for vail vi11age, Flfth Flliag; thence the follordng four courses along sald rlght-of-way llne: (l) z./rsfeet along the arc of a curve to the left havfng a radius of g56.39 feet;a central angle of 00"09150", and a chord whl-ch bears Nll"27r2o'\l 2.45 teet;(2) 37.54 aloag the arc of a curve to the left havlng a radius of 70.00 feei,a central angle of 30043146", and a chord which bears N26054rog"hl 37.0g feet;(3) N42'l6r0l'w 79.37 feet; (4) 34.12 feet along the arc of a curve to therlght bavlng a radl.us of 130.00 feet; a central angle of 15"02125", and a chord nhich bears N34"44r49'T 34.03 feet to the southeast corner of the VailAthletic Club parcel; thence the following three courses along the southerlyline of said parcel: (1) s62'52IOO"W 66.79 feet; (2) N7g"04rog"I.r 2oo.0o feer and along the southerly llne of a parcel recorded ln Book l9l at Page 139 Records; thence the following four couraes along the southerly and westerly boundary of sald parcel; (l) N87'42roo"}J 1oo.oo feet; (2) so2"lgro0''}J l5.bofeet; (3) N87o42r00'rtJ 100.00 feet; (4) No2olgroo"E rl5.oo feet ro the south-erly line of East lleadow Drive; thence the followlng three courses alongsaid llne: s88o24'14'r{ 26,35 feer; (2) llo.52 feet along rhe arc of a Iurvetb the rlght havlng a radlus of 243.01 feer,.a central angle of 26o03'31,' and a chord which bears N74"52r40'T 109.57 feet; (3) 9.99 feet along thearc of a curve to the left having a radius of g5.00 feet, a central angleof 06o44100", 8nd a chord which bears N65"12t55t'W 9.98 feet to the oortheastcorner of the sonrienalp parcel as descrlbed l-n Book 297 at page 565 ln theclerkrs Records; thence the folrowlng flve courses alorrg the easterly and ln the Clerk's Records; (3) N45'13t53"W 39.70 tothe llountaln Eaus parcel as descrlbed in Book 219 tbe soucheast corner ofat Page 363 ln the Glerkre A-3 Eoutherly boundary gf _?49 parcel: (li Sl4'52r05r'w 28.35 feet; (2) Sli"36r56,,E75.95 feet; (3) N64"42r56"w 32.00 ieer; (4) sgg.17ro4'rw 117.00 feer; (5)s85"17r04"w tl5.o0 feet-to rhe eaoterly rr". of the vrirage center parcelas descrlbed l-n Book 226 at page 624 rn tue clerkrs Recoris; thence rhefollowing r'oo courses along tht easterry boundary of sald viri"g.-i.ii!r, : (l) s08'57r37r'E 14.68 feer; (2) s7lo53'bo"w 7.40'feet to-ti. sootteaat cornerof Lot k, Slock 5-8,_vai1 village Frrst Flllng; thence along the easterryllne of Tract I. Vall V111ag", Flr"t Fillng Sji"3O'36"e 93.46 teet (S32o2Or41,rE94.38 feet calculated) to the north llne oi Lot a, Block i_s, V"1t Vlllage,Flrst Flllngi thence the followllB tro coursea arong sald north rine: (l)N66"18r00"E 109.00 feet; (2) s77'llro0',8 6g.74 f.eet to the polnt of begionlng,containlng 3.61 acres, nore or less. A-4 sialffiisls E EgT:a iE ::;fiEri*:lJgffii* {-,gool-o CL cr) cf) CL E =rq o+t ooorF Lo =oa ffifis*t i; et** #*i EE gIEE: ig:?ie lEtrtgi#?iii? HE 3; gg + iz< >x ,Eai*ie sHj;gE: E Egi;EiEi 9636:.o o.F:-EO6'; E>8i;9--- i {>". -,r 9toX E=c .eu9 EE 6 <'s E =^6;NE6c=E>Z o o.9Pe E) H'F sY,tYq:vx!r' -+ E::.YF E=rJ i**itgrufffi*ffi* ali:ifiE#*gEg ffiE*ifi IE o(Ua.Htroo-c()E p(d 6J/) EE P36)O +E(U0o-- eao-c EE c =oT' ool-5 *.o5l-*to o+tg (E = III (E OO,Lf),;e*@irnj F.l tJoj o i,? , z<Tn'*- C"r*'! \r/*-\*.^-1 /"r or7 dJ 6fli3 O B.e".h-;t & 4 /*-4 .^ /ft^^- 7 -* /"-1# or.^&,/f e R"^.* * f"^ i trvl"/ /-f- c,,,*;u .6 t,'</c-ot',.- .* -* Zr"*'' /'r.*rA, @ R--- ,< /*,*( ,.L/ (^ '4 ""*AY/ ? R( **- ? - ";z/ *-^t---."-r/r,7,1 ,>.4. 6) aZ /*,4 ,^r+ / &, a,r>KB. C0 Nn u.h-;8 i /.-A *- ry. C, 7^ 5' Zi l}--. - Wa-4 - K"^,."< * rl2rrVA d*/ - buz ca-.- r.,oa,*)l I ,.r,t ^r-;4' ,; V,*-ht*-44- 4 Tfad'-A/2 ? -/*, K/e"-O -+ M"* .,*-- D* h /'/.;r*/ .A ,& Tdl 7 €i> @oo /tt-Lr,'1 /'-/ r fu aQ-/ | /ar-J 7 . /z4i^'4 Tr*t .k @ ,, Ate aa^-*-* 7 I2rd - oo__ 6. za4/4"-i - /'W p "*-d 157 z*-^a /^ ^^te1 -- dl a*c,//rvok: j-4 nft;ft ?4 7; _ l.to-td_a//t^' -,r-,. **./-""-* /*H S"/7 | | /?r'( , ggg$trli'?'0 S $94 Ivlarch 6, L994 Dear Vall Town Corrncll Mernbers : After slttlnc throrrqh several Town Corrncll work sesslons re- eardlng the fate of Apollo's seven enplovee unlts, f wottld llke to offer several observatlons and some constrrrctlve sr:cgestlons tohelp al1ev1ate the dlscorrraglnc and seenlnqlv hopeless sltuatlon vott flnd- yorrrselves ln regardlnc enplovee horrslnq. ltry hope lnwrltlnq thls letter 1s that yorr w111 not vent thls frustratlon on Apo1lo Park. f have sensed from yotrr dlserlsslons that vortr hoped for resr:lt of the Apo11o Park work sesslon meetlnqs wlll be a 'sgrllt ln whlch the ?own calns seven dedlcated lonq tern horrslnq rrnlts ttnder Ord- lnance llo. 91992 Serles Sec. l-8,57,020. I obJect to thls approaoh for these reasons: The Town, and f nust also ad, the Water Dlstrlct Board of whlch f an a rnenber, have hlstorlcallv held out no lncentlves for rrnlts to stav as lonq tern horrslnc. tsrrt tnstead, have -caught" owners of 1llecal- conver- slons throrrch orrt the va11ey anrl elther made the owners renove the unlts r pav rrnpald tap fees and user fees, or rnade the lecal con- verslon of these r:nlts a very expenslve and lmposslble econornlcsoIut1on. Even the brrlldlnq and nalntalnlnc of new unlts lacks any lncentlvesfor the owners. Conslder the opposlte approach. fn rnrrch of the countrv towns slve out l-ucratlve packares f or new lnrlrrstr y to locate ln thelr connunltv. Thls approach mrrst be adopted by the Town of Va11 to not only attract new employee horrslnc brrt to keep the alre.sdY slrrnlflcant amorrnt of horrslnq ft'on belnc lost to converslon. The Town and the Eorrslnc Authorltv rlrst act as a facllltator of con- verslons of exlstlnq houslng to dedleated enplovee rrnlts. Thls ean-not be d.one ln an arena 1n whlch the attltude 1s venc(ence or hostll- ltv as f am wltnesslns from vorrr tsoard. Yottr attltude mrrst chanqe to an attltude of "what e F ortr Board d.o to help owners keep these unlts as ernplovee houslnc - what doyoll need fron rrs". There are a mrrltltrrde of lncentlves vorr can of f er people to pr.rt thelr rrnlts 1n the enplovee horrs 1nc poo1. -{bralnstormlnq conmlttee eould present vou wlth srrch a 1lst severalpa(es 1onc. Jrrst to name a few of rnv favorltes : 1. A sk1 pass, 2. Tap fee rebates, water and sewer fee walvers, 3. Beal estatetax walvers (If these rrnlts are r:nd.er the controL of the Houslnc Authorlty) However, r wouLd not stop here. rn order to evenlv share thls brrrd.en throughout the town you l4lIST make everYone plav a F?'t' Onlv 1n thls way can yorr flght the argrrment -not 1n ny back vard'. To do thls I wou1d propose the followlnrr 1. A tax 11en placed on evet.y propertv ln town for a portlon of lts sqlrare footace vaLue (sav L0f,) to be plaeed ln. a pool for the- . ,Uuifalne of enployee unlts. The valtte of the ta-x l1en would be the cutrent-btrlld.1nc prlce per sqlrare foot tlnes IO% of the propertv square footage. 2. fn fleu of the tax l1enr an owner could al-so choose to convert ].0,4 of h1s property squa::e footage to dedlcated employee rrnlts. If h1s rrnlt(s) were rnore than 10* of h1s reqrrlred sqr:are footage, the Town pool worrld -brrv- the addltlonal sqr)are footaqe. If the rrnj't(s) we::e smaller than I0% of the requlred propelty sqrtare footace' the tax l1en on the propertv wortld cover tlre balance to I0% of the re- qrrlred. sqrrare f oota.c(e value. If an owne? so1d. h1s hottse, the new ownet: could elther choose to keep the dedlcated rrnlt and Tecelve the lncentlves, or: pay the 10{ tax l1en to the Town, Or 1f an owner's need.s chanqed. and he needed tl"e space back, he could pav the tax 11en and rebate the lncentlves that he was qlven. fn order to slve lneentlves for owners to keep rtnlts as lorrs term horrslng or to convert to lonc term, the above sttctested Ilst of lncentlves worrld he prtt Ln place to et corrrage owne's to convert 1-- stead of uslnr( the 1len pr 9y1s1on. The lneentlves to convert wottld be funded from the tax l1en pool , and hopefrtllv, thls pool wottldqenerate enough frrnds f or the l-rorrs lns Authorlt'r to brr1Id sma11 c}rsters of new rrnlts thlorrchor:t the cornmr:n1tv. By keepln< these unlt cltrsters small thev worrld. not lmpact an ar^ea too heavllv. IIslnq the above proposal the seven proposed Apollo Park ttnlts would be 11r.28/ of Apollo Park's ava11able rrnlts, anqt abotlt 10% of 1ts total sqr.rar:e f ootace. Llkew1se, I worrld conslder convertlnc the two ]onq term rrnlts 1n mv hone to the dedlcated Lonc tern pool. Ard also 1t cor:ld 6s aTqrted for ne to dedlcate the balance of tl"e elqht long term unlts I arrt beclnnlnrr to brr11d thls strnmer ln fnter- norrntaln. Thls proposal takes the btrrden off the shoulders of the Town goveTnment and. spreads lt eqrrallv to all who beneflt fron otlr valley and 1ts rapldlv escaiati.n.c real estate values. ft also w111 keep olr work force wlthln otlr town to qlve lt ldentlty and dlverslty and wlthln easy comrmrtlnq dlstance to the work place. Thls shottld creatly decrease tt'e frttrtre needs f or mass translt and I-70 conqestlon and po}rt1on, The naqnltude of the lncreased nrtnber of unlts (posslblv as lnanv as 1000) shorrld. help Lo keep the prlce of the rrnlts wlthln an affordable ranqe. Please flnd thls as constrrrctlve and r hope l"e1pfrrl 1n allev- 1at1n( what need. not be a dlfflcrrlt so}rtlon to the sltrtatlon we flnd orrrselves 1n at Apollo Pqrk. Slncere lv, ,/rlz(- lyd' \ Chrrck Cq1lbv 1:00 P.M. Mayor Ostertoss VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 8,1994 1:00 P.M. lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA L TOV 15 Year Employee Recognition: * Rr lnk Allen l:10 P.M. Mike Mollica John Peftins John Dunn 2.Discussion re: The Apollo Paft Lodge (C and D Buildings). Tracl D, Vaif Village 'lh Filingt4/.2 Soulh Frontage Road. Appticant: Apollo Paft Lodge, represented by John Perkins and John Dunn. Aclion Requesled ot Council: Conlinue disq.rssions with the applicanl regarding TOV's position on the improvements construcled upon TOV owned slream tra61 (more specifically Tract A). Provide the applicant with direction as lo whether or not TOV would enlertain enlering into an easement agreement wilh them, to allow certain inprovernenls lo remain on TOV owned property. Backoround Rationale: Please see the memorandum trom the Communily Developmenl Department to Council dated March g. 1994, included in your packet. 1:55 P.M. .Mike Mollica Mark Matthews Discussion re: 'A requesl by the management agency tor the Concert Hall Plaza Building for penriission to proceed through lhe planning process, to submit an application request for a variance, which would allow an off-she building directory sign. The property is located at 616 West Lionshead Circlel/ail Lionshead 4th Filing. Applicant Mark Matthews, Sliter Management Company. Aclion Requested of Council: Approve/deny the applicant's request to proceed through the planning process. Fackoround Ralionale: Because the Concert Hall plaza Buildingis not located directly on Lionshead Mail, the property management company believes thal, in order to improve the exposure of lhe businesses in this building, a new directory sign should be located at the bottom of the steps at lhe mall level. This property is owned by TOV. Should Council approve the applicanl's request to proceed lhrough ihe planning process, a sign variance applicalion willthen be heard by both the DRB and Council. Update re: Status ol the Ore House Awning Agreement. Fackground Rationale: Council asked tor an update on how long they had lo request changes lo or rernoval ot lhe awning. Slaff. Beconmendalion: Schedule this item for review by Council al a Work Session in order to determine if the awning should be modified, removed, or allowed lo rernain. DRB Repon. pv l*t+ *-t/o'e|r 2:10 P.M. Randy Stouder 2-.25 P.M. Jim Curnutte 4. 5. ffinrr*4 ncl S a-- - - UAe:1-o (Request form @g[ be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdavs.) IiEETING DATE: March 8. 1994 (Prepare a separale Agenda Request for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) w= D o WILL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? B NO. V YES. Soecifics:I\ WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL EOUIPMENT? NO. wlLL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? NO. YES. ll yes, is the material also for public distribution? Ives. O No. Work Session Site Visit Evening Meeting TIM E N EEDED:35_min u!99. TIME NEEDED: TIME NEEDED: }(o YES. Specifics: o X ITEM/TOPIC: Discussion:The Apollo Park Lodge (C and D Buildings). Tract D, Vail Village 5th Filingl442 South Frontage Road. Applicant:Apollo Park Lodge, represented by John Perkins and John Dunn ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNGIL: Continue discussions with the applicant regarding the Town of Vail's position on the improvements constructed upon Town of Vail owned stream tract (more specifically Tract A). Provide the applicant with direction as to whether or not the Town would entertain entering into an easement agreement with them, to allow certain improvements to remain on Town of Vail owned property. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Please see the memorandum from the Community Development Department to the Town Council, dated March 8, 1994 included in your packet. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. Mike Mollica, Community Development lr t'' 2. t. 74 ; G'>/ur IiF N"-( ^- ^La%j *f / fu h-fi T/-)r""^ - tJz /'*>(/ /'-r ,2" 'fl /;/ .;-&.-cg .& /-z< \,,r " l,5.4a'r"^-- hr* t: I' l 'l i: zd ^ tYa,n' (r- /t%r"/I vfte: i' t.; ii 'l: l:rlr : It l:50 P.M.. rolike Mollica o4.Discussion re: TOV's posiliorl] 16s Apofio Park Lodge's improvements @nstrucled upolilDv owned stream tract. (The Apolh Park Lodge (C and D Buildings). Tract D, Vait Viilage 5th Filing. Applicanl: Apollo Paft Lodge, represented by John Peftins and John Dunn. Action Requested of CounciL Continue disanssions with the applicant regarding TOV'8 posilion on lhe improvements constructed upon TOV owned stream trac{ (more specifically Tract A). Provide the applicant with dir€ction as to whether or not TOV would eilenain €ntedng inlo an easernenl agr€emenl with them, to allow cenain irp]overnents to remain on TOV owned propeny. Backoround Rationale: Please see the memorandum lrom lhe CDD lo Council dated February t, t994, included in this packet. ,/ r'l'14 . t t,./5Ct"'^ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development February 1, 1994 Apollo Park Lodge (C and D Buildings)/Tract D, Vail Village Sth Filingl442 South Frontage Road Applicant Apollo Park Lodge, represented by John Perkins and John Dunn Description of the Request The Apollo Park Lodge representiatives are requesting that the Town Council enter into an easement agreement with the Lodge, in order to allow certain improvements currently constucted upon Town of Vail owned stream tract (more specifically Tract A), to remain in place. The Town-owned stream tract is zoned Agricultural and Open Space. Backoround and Historv Upon detailed review of the permanent planning files located in the Department of Community Development, the staff has prepared the following chronology: .On February 10,1972, a setback variance was approved for the Apollo Park Lodge. This setback variance allowed the Apollo Park Lodge to construct Building C up to the south property line. The variance was approved with two conditions: 1) that the rear (south) property line be staked by a registered surveyor' 2) that no portion of the building overhang onto the adjacent property- .On June 8, 1972, the Town of Vail Board of Zoning, Appeals and Examiners held a preliminary hearing at the request of Apollo Park Lodge in order to "convert existing basement space to laundry rooms and recreation rooms". No action was taken at this preliminary hearing. .On Jufy 13,1972, the Town of Vail Board of Zoning, Appeals and Examiners denied Apollo Park's request to convert the basement spaces as stated above. However, the Board did state that they would allow "one recreation room in each basement and two restrooms and one kitchenette". ilt. .On March 1,1974, the Town of Vail Planning Commission denied Apollo Park's request lo "convert several recreation rooms to office space". .During November of 1983, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approved a setback variance for a lobby addition to the Apollo Park Lodge. This addition was to consist of approximalely 550 square feet of floor area, and was approved to be located immediately at the west end of Building C. The staff's 1983 memo to the Planning Commission indicated that the area to be converted to a lobby addition was currently used as on open deck. Additionally, the statf also indicated in the 1983 memo that "the setback variances would range from three to ten feet from the south property line". .On September 17, 1993, the Town of Vail Building Department issued a Red Tag (stop work order) when they became aware of the construction of a storage shed on the south side of Building C. .On November 1, 1993, the Town of Vail Building Departnent issued a second Red Tag to the Apollo Park Lodge, due to the construclion of a roof over an existing outdoor deck and stairs, also located along the south side of the property adjacent to Building C. .On January 1 1, 1994, the Vail Town Council conducted a site visit to review the improvements consructed without a buiHing permit, on the south side of Building C. lt was during this site visit that the Town became aware of the conversion of a portion ol the existing basement space into three employee dwelling units. lt was also noted that the Apollo Park Lodge laundry facility had been expanded over the years and also encroaches upon Town ol Vail owned stream tract. The staff could find no records, or any indication of any Town of Vail approval, for the conversion of the basement space into employee housing units, or for the expansion of the laundry facility. Discussion The planning staff has researched this issue and has concluded that the improvements that were constructed without building permits were constructed upon Town of Vail owned stream tract (more specifically Tract A). Until an improvement survey is completed, it is ditficult to determine the exact extent of the encroachments. However, the following improvements are estimated to encroach in the following manner: .Roof overhang 3'.Deck 17' .Storage shed 16' -Laundry room 7' The applicant has proposed to relocate the storage shed to another location on the property (that would be within the setbacks) and has also agreed to modify the shed so that it would meet the DRB requirements for materials. DRB approval is necessary for all the exterior improvements. The applicant would like to enter into an easement agreement with the Town of Vail in oder to maintain the expanded laundry facility, existing deck and roof structure over the exterior stairs on the south side of Building C. Should the Town Council be agreeable to enter into an easement agreement with the Apollo Park Lodge' the applicant would provide the necessary information (i.e. improvement location certificate) to proceed with the process, lV. lssues 1. There are currently four employee dwelling units located in the basement of Building D and three employee drrvelling uniF located in the basement of Building C. Will the Town Council require that these seven existing employee dwelling units be permanently deed restricted? 2. ls the Town Council agreeable to entering into an easement agreement to allow for the existing improvements to remain upon Town of Vail owned stream tract? 3. lf an easement agreement is acceptable to Council, should the expanded laundry fadlity be included in this easement agreement? Should a portion of the existing outdoor deck be required to be removed prior to the approval of the easement agreement? MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Mike Mollica Gary Murrain January 27,1994 Apollo Park Inspections This memo is in regards to the file search done by Dan Stanek and myself on the Apollo Park files as well as the original building permit plans. The result of the file search is as follows: The Building Department did not locate or find any records or plans for the work done on the south side of building C and D that encroaches on Town of Vail property. These encroachments include a deck and roof cover over the stairs on the south side of the building. Also, a visual inspection of the building was done approximately a month ago and it was noted that a portion of the laundry room has been extended out to the south of the buildings and it also appears to be encroaching on Town of Vail property. This laundry room is an enclosed structure and used as part of the laundry room. Also, I'd like to note that during the visual inspection it appears that the construction performed there is very marginal and will probably have to be altered or removed in order to be rebuilt if the easement is granted. In looking through the old plans, there is evidence that plans were submitted for an office/lobby addition as well as a deck addition to the west end of the building. Although looking through the files I did not find a permit that was issued lor these areas, but I recall inspecting areas of at least the deck extension approximately eight to ten years ago. Although we cannot find the permit, I believe there was a permit on that deck. lf you need any further information or clarification than this, please let me know and I will do further research il needed. Thank you. Please address all replies to: POST O FFICE BOX 871 vAtL, coLoRADo 81557 TEL.303:476-5881tr%,t F/L7 June 12, L972 llr. 'Ierry }linger Torrn I1a na ge r Torn of V;il Va5-1-, Colorado Dear Te rr)' , l)uring the IIarch rnee Ling of tb.e V.;risnce Board the ijoard granted -dpo1Lo park at Vr-i.1 ttre rl1'1ht tc abut b;,ri1din6;il to tire tr::ct land rvi0h no set-l>ack re<;ui.rec. .1t that tiore :r proiuise ',r'.{s nri de by ;\poI1o Perk tbat anr' <Janrage to saic.i tract 1;,nd r.'ou1d be reptrireci and Lh"r t Lhe Land would be restored to iUS n.r turi{1 condi- tion. Please let this leiter ;rssure yorr that every possi.ble pre- caution is bein,3 tirlien to prot--ct Lhe tract larrd and tl-ret we rvi11 restore any dai:ia:ge that uiriy occirr ;is a result of corrstrlction. tsuilding nurlb+r ttrree h;s been excavaLed end no fill has gono over the err:b;;.r]knierrt rsiLh rtre exception of ;- fer,l rocks wtrich will be rnade part of Ltie sLre;.m bank. 'fhe are:,, rvhere solrle ercess fill rr'ent c.lorrrrt the banh a ncl colllreci tr,,o trJes occilrs ot1 our 1;. nd und ryil1 be rernecl ied j,n sevcr;1 <jriys r.,iren b!(cl(f ilL occurs. At that time, as \{e cjid last ye;rr, we rv111 bcgin our i)and work in these area s . The.r\po110 P*rli group h;r s and Ho j.ntend that A1:oI1o Irark 'irte rvilL bo ..ciIling to take essar), to prove Lo the torgn our advise. .. reputation for fine landsciiping at V"ril r*iL1 be tro excepti.orr. any further precrutions nec- flood faith in th j-s r.1 tter. Please Sj.ncerely yo urs t Chuck O5ilby Bd 5trouble 'f olr'n Trr s tee -tIi_,ol lo P;^rk s partners ':'" Jr'lk{Porfr fr" ,r{l*{1, (in,l,ut I c..: :\_ o 'u\ ,r,1,"o**o*po "&:: *,W\ -"W - j, $\ J' ",-x j-,j,;t' 14, f\f \l\ \.2o r0\€ It Bltr,*pK, M :. \ \t\l\iti \./'i/< %' \ J lc '.-.'.i., r',r* \$\g \" \ ,uit ;?; */Y >/ N}oS^- oo l./( ?-t =fu4 - Al.eG /J 4..22<2 13,*#V^ > Tvtz /"./ ' F-:u .r,1.,r"- .;-. C-T o.r ' E-4---*-aQ a.fL--t", F Af-/ 7/ /773. D4 2 N- aa)+v 4.4-{ -/A^-4/ /W7 C 3 -f?" ,a4;-A ;( ' -fu ea,aa-. ' I alu< rt4 J^-4&,-<1/, ;-6*4 7 Tc,--5.- &-, fu 3 ,"2-;.€ /r" r,4Q ,e- atra--t -p 7 7",^t , WJ%- ) /,^* -@.-< -fu " zaiA ,*"*r-fr--/7 - ft ur^eott".-'1+."2 i *ug f A I ; .& . /-,e-( /+.2. , - $Yoron T+ .& ^.2-2,,.-.< -eklV , /*i r fun,a - t"/fr^.)t "fu 4u"-.1- jr,'X.{ ,^-/ tu7i/ '-th ' ' - 4.i/d -.; /??o - 72 . S/,e^^- @ -,A ^-0^,-c-i:,1 ^r r/"rA fude-@-+J-.a / / Vo-Lz 5-o fo.,..t. - U*4 J,-z/ L /t l ^!4fu.W t74t4( S h.ttil,2 'tt uni\:- pRV a-Rc tmt.\- )il-t\o/ ^- fuMm'l\a.1 - )o{4apQ!-lata[ ot<rfr.(,1 t?1'aAd, b tl"K '^db \th" L WU . o'nq arr Aorw crlnuafu 1o €Utl $/xU?Dlo \os^\ roan^Jrsa Weh^,t\r\ rvpo^^dci \,qrp/- \or0l 4a\ Udjr*rty *J )Ot- wa"k/ft *rtteIX. uo\d- Tt V o+\'0" vrn6 WMd')D5 /'-\,/,/-\\ qJ unif ({] g/$6$d t^-'f"h 6,fur \ri"J.'-'llu-x--'ffi4f. Fo hoo@/,4 Ckr,.L oangld -lt rnoh- {ant 1\,fl-,b -V M/rL t'^N-tepl lo M,m,+ #c'"$ P^^^ rat t.i,* \**dy.odrn, -rF O foK *CIo} $ dD v"wrh o o +^ "o.>'o"). <Qoa. 6yo . "te b,>. <2.o. a>o ****^ +;"% ot"'r.u *o. (* di"? o.. nb+ a+a't *o.""oo ?\h *H#* *zl1"l"' [\\t *""--1!-"x:tA,; I $, 9*_o?o. %o, \?ll\ \ t\Rht 9'', ""7{&, oo \\Eq \ \ ""'i!y4'0 t llt u \\ t "lO 4.>.\\*/;el '. 'b''r-_#:-.2 | \ I _Jl. (p .' I tt ' .' I I t .\ Li o\ \\ "s, l\)vltt/'-\ -.\\s v\ [\ \\" \ o l- ilo I \ \ \F\z-\ \')\>-or \*, -.rt- A\a t-'(r-Oloro t@ I a-. \r.re \'ilO\,Rrh\l .u.' . .-, t'.TFt-\,{t-tt \\)r 1RSr"ot\ ttri \ u: a I +- on"Qo"o,, * / N"Q"s: VAIL TOWN COUNCIL ruFSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1994 2:00 P.M. lN TOV COUNCIL CIIAIIBERS 2:(x) P.M. Mike Mollica 2:30 P.M. Mike Mollica 2:45 P.M. Kristan Prilz 2:55 P.M. Jim Cumutte 1. EXPANDED AGENDA Sile Vislt np npollo Palk Lodg€ (C and D Br.rildings). Tract D, Vilhge 5th Falirlq I 42 Soulh Frcnilage Road. Applicant: Apolb Paft Lodge, rcplesented by John Pefiins and John Dunn. Action Requested ol Council: Review sile lor discussion regarding TOV's position on the improver€nts constructed upon TOV oi,ned slroam Inct (nbre specilkHlly Tract A). Backoround Ralionale: On Seplember l?, 1993, th€ TOV Building Depattment is8ued a red tag (stop word order) when they became aware oJ the construslion ol a storaqe shed on the soulh skte ol the pDperty. On Nov€mber l, 1993, the Building Deparlment issued a s€oord r€d tag to lhe Apollo Park Lodge, due to the conslruction ol a roof over an existirB olrtdoor deck, also located on the south sHe of the proporty. The planning statl has researched this issue and has conduded thal the improvements which were construct€d wilhout hrilding permits rvere construcled upon TOV owned slream tract (more specitically Tract A). This propeily is zoned Agriculturaland Open Space. The ipplicant is now proposing to relocate the storage shed to another location on the property lhat wouH be within the zoning selbacks and has also agreed lo tnodify the shed so that it would meet the DRB requirements for matedals. The applicant would like to enter inlo an easement agreement with TOV in order to mainlain the exisiling deck and root structure over the exterbr stairs on the south side of the hrilding. Should Courrcil be agreeable lo entering into an oasement agreemenl with the Apollo Paft Lodge, the applicanl has agreed to provide the necessary informalion (i.e. lrprovernent location cettificate) to proc€ed wilh the process. Discussion t"' 1ip Rpollo Paft L@e construction on TOV land. Aciion Fe,quested of CounciL Discuss th€ applicaril's qJnent proposal as detailed in agenda item l.lo. 1 above. Prcvide the applbanl with direclion as to whether or nol TOV would entertain entering inlo an easement agreement wilh them to allow certain imprcvements to remain on TOV otvned propeny. Staff Rocommendation: Slaff recommends that Courrcil approve a grant ol easemenl for only the loof overhang and walkway thal is cunentv loceled on Tmct A. Staff would re@mmend that the applicarn remove approximately 6 teet of the existir€ outdoor deck. A sile plan will be provued al the site visit. PEC Repon. 2. 3. 4, DRB Repod. 3:00 P.M. Deberah Ramsey Pam Brandmeyer 5. Discussion Re: Courtesy phone at Vail Transportation Center lnfonnation Boolh. Aclign Requested ot Council: Prcvitle direction lo WTCB regading an equitable rBthod for selectirE panicipating lodges. Backorouncl Ralionale: Public informalion signs, to be locat€d "inside" the Village Transporlal'ron Center, have been approved by Community D€velopment. These sQns will contain a lisling ol panicipating lodges in the community. Advice regarding the process lor selection of lodges is requesled. 3:15 P.M. 6. Diso.rss'ron Be: May 5, 194, election for Vail Recreation Dislrict Rob Robinson ryRD) transter ot Mill Levy. Aclion Reouesled of Council: Th€ VRD is seeking Gouncil's endorsemenl of this mill l€vy transfer. 3:30 P.M.7. Infonnation Updale. 8. Council Repods. 9. Other. 10. Executive Session: Legal Matlers. 11. Adjoumment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: aooooao THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 1/18194, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY,1/18/94, BEGINNING AT 7:30 P.M.lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY,1l25l94, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M.lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. aooooao o LA\^r' DUNN, ABPLANALP OFFICES & cHRISTENSEN, Ri|,.''i] JAN.6 P.C. JOH N W, OUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALP, JR. ALLE N C. CHRISTENSEN DIANE L. HERMAN ROHN K. ROBBINS VAIL NATIONAL BANK BU ILDING Su ITE 3OO 108 SOUTH FFONTAGE ROAD WEST vArL. coLoRADo g 1657 January 6, L994 SPECTAL COUNSEL: JERRY \/v. HANNAH f9'l T€ LEPH ON E: (3O3) 476-O3OO TELECOPIER: (3O3) 476-4755 Mike Mollica, Senior Planner Town of VaiI DePt. of Community DeveloPment 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81557 Re: APollo Park Lodge Dear Mike: Thank you for taking your and Tom Morehead's time to meet witi me yesterday regarding the above matter' My ctients are not willing to remove any portion of the deck claimed by you to be an encroachment on To\^tn Property. As we discusied, the deck has been there over twenty years, and there does not seem to be any compelling reason for its alteration- However, my clients are willing to remove the temporary storage stiucture and will do so' With respect to itre dick and-roof structure covering the stairway, we will pursue the pi""."t of obtaining permis"igl^?" requested i" ,foitt !1. Perkiis' letter dated necember 2, L993' While lire are uncertain whether those improvements constitute an encroachment, we wish to cooperate with the Town in order to correct a hazardous condition on the stairs' Yours verY trulY' DUNN, ABPLANAIP & CHRISTENSEN, P.C. -l/\+rl r , LI \rt t, !VVt/r/\'- Joh;l w. Dunn L kern cc: Mr. Newton ,-'' \ TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST (Request form musl be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdavs.) MEETING DATE:Tuesday. Januarv 11, 1994 (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) ,F.. )(. o Work Session Site Visit Evening Meeting TIME NEEDED: 15 minutes TIME NEEDED:_30 minCles TIME NEEDED: wl B X LL THERE BE A PBESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? NO. YES. Specifics: WILL THEBE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? NO. YES. ll yes, is the material also for public distribution? )4ves. O No. ITEMffOPIC: A site visit and further discussion on the Apollo Park Lodge (C and D Buildings) issue regarding the Town's position on the improvements constructed upon Town of Vail owned stream tract (more specifically Tract A). The property is located on Tract D, Vail Village Sth Filingl44? South Frontage Road. WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REOUIRE ANY SPECIAL EQUIPMENT? \.-vl r rr\t\v. A YES. Specifics:_ fl )E( Applicant: Planner: Apollo Park Lodge, represented by John Perkins and John Dunn Mike Mollica ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Review site improvements and provide the applicants with direction as to whether or not the Town would entertain enlering into an easement agreement with the applicants to allow certain improvements to remain on Town of Vail owned property. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On September 17,'1993, theTown of Vail Building Department issued ared tag (stopwork order) when they became aware of the construction of a storage shed on the south side of the property. On NovembeG 1 , 1993, the Building Department issued a second red tag to the Apollo Park Lodge, due to the construction of a roof over an existing outdoor deck, also located on the south side of the property. The planning stafl has researched this issue and has concluded that the improvements which were constructed without building permits were constructed upon Town of Vail owned slream tract (more specifically Tract A). This property is zoned Agricultural and Open Space. ta.\ The applicant is now proposing to relocate the storage shed to another location on the properly that would be within the zoning setbacks and has also agreed to modify the shed so that it would meet the DRB requirements for materials. The applicant would like to enter into an easement agreement with the Town of Vail in order to maintain the existing deck and rool structure over the exterior stairs on the south side of the building. Should the Town Council be agreeable to entering into an easement agreement with the Apollo Park Lodge, the applicant has agreed to provide the necessary information (i.e. improvement location certificate) to proceed with the process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff is recommending that the Town Council approve a grant of easement for only the rool overhang and walkway lhat is currently located on Tract A. The staff would recommend, however, lhat the applicant remove approximately 6 feet of the existing outdoor deck. A site plan will be provided at the site visit. llt/- /frt /rc-a--t Mike Mollica, Community Development 1l \So =*\ %- t\ byo. 'o-o% e"o' bt,i. ***-, ' %"* %*r-.i^\ n-e)iJi o..r, 74*;r{" d'h- "*"*,ir'"+a,; ,-T\$'i 'os{onpoon "'q^ *\\ehr g,-. "o*od ??, o .,H, 3 t' uv O \\ \ \*= \'=-e:,U ;\'-..<r-O\o.l(D \' I b. \(IJ'a\*l. rf) cr, I ;7 Y* .u:i.., '.-.'4.. t', \ IIms^' s)x .Q, :-a 7 \-'. \--s\a i-\ tr\r)\- t 7,r- \.y . z,-5.>&; *vi €a VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBEB 21, 19gt 1:00 P.M.lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS t EXPANDED AGENDA l.1:@ P.M. Tom Moofiead Dan Corcoran Mel Preusser 2:00 P.M. Kristin Pritz Gary Murrain John Perkins 2. Discussion Re: Eagle Counily Recrealion Authority: Residenlial Compon€nt. Action R€ouest€d of Council: Provide direction to the Eagle County Recreation Aithority represenlalives. Backoround Rationale: The Eagle County Rocreation Authority is willing lo enlarge acreage lorthe residential componenl on sketch plan so that plan will suppolt 198 units pulsuanl to the density lirtts in placs and, since the sketch plan will b€ submined wilh the 198 units in the resitential componenl, rerno\re sub-paragraph 7.3 from the Lstt€r of lntent with lhe Eagle County School District. Stalf Recommendation: Consider ar|d advise. A rcqu€st by lhe Apollo Pad( LqdSe (C and D Buildinos) to proceed through the plannir€ process. The property is located on Tract D, VailVillage sth Filing/442 South Frontage Road. Applicant: Apollo Park Lodgs represerted by John Perkins. Aclion Requested of CounciL Approve/deny the applicanil's requesl to proceed through the planning prccess. Backoround Rationale: On Seplember 17,1993,lhe Town of Vail Building Depanmert issued a red tag (slopwork order) whenthey became aware of lhe construction of a slorage shed on the soulh side ot the prcpefty. on Noverber l, 1993, lhe Building Deparlment issued a second red tag to the Apollo Park Lodge, due lo the oonstruction of a rool over an oxisting ouldoor decK also located on the south side ol the property. The planning slafl has researched lhb issue and has concluded lhat the improvements which were construcled wilhout hiilding permits were @nstructed upon Tovn ol Vail owned stream tract (rnorc specilically Tract A). This poperty is zoned Agrirrltural and Open Space. In order to allow these improvements to remain on Town of Vail orrned prop€rty, Tovrn Council musl firsl approve the applicanl's request to proceed lhrough lhe planning process. The planning prooess in this situation would involve the rezoningot lhd portion of the property errcumbered by these improvements, dJe to the lact lhat the Agricultural ard Open Space zone distrid does nol allow tor thes6 types ol uses. Setback variarrces would also be necessary, and DRB approval would be required subsequ€nt to the rezoning. Stafl Recommendation: The statf recommendalion is for denial of the applicant's request to proceed through lhe plannirE process. We do not believe it would be appropriale to rezone a small portion ol the Town's slream lract for private use. We are also conc€m€d thal the applicanl construcled the projects without first obtaining a building pemlt. PEC Report. DRB Repon. nmwl Yird t rr .{ 1'r,r&d T1-u 2:24 P.M. 2:30 P.M. Jim Cumutte 3. 4. 2:35 P.M. Shery Me[o 3:05 P.M. Andy Krudtsen 3:35 P.M. 5.Disc|$sion Ro: Proposed Odlnarre No. 13, Serbs of 1993, an odinanc€ amending Par4raphs 16.32.030(F) and 16.32.040(A) ot the Municlpal Code ol the Town of Vall, to povid€ for th€ termination ot any non-cotilorming sbn live years alter the eft€ctive dal€ cil any amendmenil tro th€ Sign Code Ordinance, arxd settang lodh d€taib in regard thersto. Backorcund Rationale: ThiB odinancs addresEes the arnortizdlon of dgns as rrlated b tprrconlorming neoq gas f illed, and fi ber optic slgns. In Juno, 1993, Courrcil consHered and apprcved an odinarce which furthordadfied TOV'S procodjrs hr reriiewing neon, gas filled, ard fiber optic signs. At that llme, slefl sl8o propos€d amendmonts b the existing armdlzalion sectlon ol lhe Slgn Code. While this ordlnancs dld rct o8tablbh arptttsalion, lt added wodlng whir*r would allow stdt b apply lhb soclion b neorL gas filb4 and tber odb signs tor entorcomenl glnoses. Whil€ TO\/s Sign Code has incUded an atnodtsation clause since 193, l b statt'B linding that lt has not boen enforcad. lt b staff's linding thd amorlization ol signs ls mt neoossary and nould recommend U|at lt be deleted. Please find codes of the min tes lrom ths Argust 7, 193, Courcil Reguhr Evening Mo€tmS when lhe slgn code amsndmant was apprwed and hs amonEailbn isgte was dlsorsed. Staff Recommendalion: Delete the ailDnization rgguirement in the sign code. Action Reqlesled ol Councit Dlrecf siatf. Discussion Re Parking Pay-lrrLieu Prcgram. Action Roouested ot CourEih Pt€sent ideas or conoBms rcgading th€ pafting pay-lrFlieu ppgram. Update Re: l-loliday Traffic Managemont Plan. Aclion Reouesled of Courrih Commont. Backoround Falionale: Through the year, Vail has experlerrced*grid lod' al the Vail interchang|es. This update wilt prcvlde aclion to b€ taksn this year lo r€duce tratllc problems. Inlonnalion t pdate. Councll Roports. Other. Executiv€ Session: L6gal MatteF and Negotiations. Adpummonl. 6. 3:25 P.M. 1. Ken Hughey Lary Grafel Greg Hall Mke Rose t. 9. 10. ll. t2. NOTE UP@MING IIEETING STARTTITES BELOW: ooooooo THE NETT VAIL TOWN OOt'ilCIL FEGULAR WORK SESSION wtLL BE ON TUESDAY,1/4M,@tN TOV COUI{C|L CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN @I'NCIL REGULAR EI'ENING ilEEnNG wtLL BE ON TUESDAY, t/4/g,|,@tN TOV OOUNCTL CHAilBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN OOUI{CIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONw|LLBEoNTuEsDAY'1/11/94,@|NTovcoUNc|LcHAti|BERs. C:\AO€ND^.WSE aoaoaoo Jonn M. Pokinr, Atdriacrs, hE. P.o. tux 2(w, A utn w94{r932 o vonr@ December 2,1993 Mike Mollica, Senior Planner Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development Town of Vail, Colorado 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Improvements on Town of Vail Sheam Tract "A" Land South of the Apollo Park Lodge Mike, This letter shall serve as an official request to the Town of Vail Council for per- mission to proceed through the planning commission Process, seeking approval of minor improvements to the Apollo Park Lodge that encroach on Town of Vail Gore Creek Stream Tract "A". Improvements are a deck and roof structure that cover an exterior stair (Pre- existing) that affords access to renovated employee housing units, and a temPorary storage structure installed on a pre-existing exterior deck. All improvements either project or bear on Town of Vail Sheam Tract "A". Please notify me as soon as possible as to a date and time that I might present these improvements to the Town Council. Call me if you have further questions or need further information regarding this request. Thank you. Bill Miller, General Manager Merrill Newbon, Primary Owner M. Perkins TOV RED TAG'S ,4 DATE ISSUED. .r'. ,/7-7 7 OATE RELEASED: PROJECT N/$lE: LO CATI ON/ADDRESS : COI.ITMCTOR: REAS OI{/ COMME]IITS : oZao INSPECTOR: DATE IssuED | //* /'- 9> DATE RELEASED: LOCATI ON/ADDRESS : CONTMCTOR: REAS OII/ COMMENTS : Filed By: ot Nprb1,rL- 0t. n, t$ a {r;" co,rorud tbt^t fo'uqt '\oIhrL.* d obdd' u 46^-urond' -r-.t ,n${t \'kf"( + rob*'\At{' \ W1\ f.ffiI;' *Y.t*'\-l ffiM* Qt+t\'{i, t l*^'h oa pr<ibb-*^^*f"! f'^\ PffiS,rc; hywtbnoFA '@ ?,|ry,4l Or"rri""a glqlgt DRB APPLICATION - TOWN.OF VAII., DATE APPLICATTON RECBIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLICATION WII,I NOT BE ACCEPTEDI'NrIT AIL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED********** A.DBSCRIPTION': :R[C]D 3ti, .7 -19n I. COLORADO 6Etq,z'), Igq I rr TYPE OF REVIEW: New Constrdction Addirion ($50.00) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision Knx Alterat.ion($200.00) IIIJ L Conceptual Review ($20 .00) ($0) T R'l nnlr If property is described bydescription, please provideattach t,o this applicat.ion. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet, and F.LOT ARBA: If required, applicantstamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESBNTATIVE:Mailing Address: NAMB OF OWNERS: SIGNITURE (S) :MaiLing Address: Phone Phone FEB $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 s200.00 $400.00 PROCESSED WITIIOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE 1 K. Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Liter, whenapplying for a building perrniU, please identify tireaccurate valuat.ion of the proposal . The Town of VaiLwill adjust. the fee according to the table below, to nensure the correct fee is paid. tA FEE PArli: S 20' oe I VtlnFEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 1o,o0o$10r00r-$ 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150r001".- $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000,000$ Over $Lr 000,000 :t DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAT,. EXPIRES ONE YEAR ATTER TINAI. APPROVAT UNLESS A ,BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED A}ID CONSTRUCrION IS STARTED. *'tNO APPLICATIoN ''ILL BE NAME OF APPLICANT:MaiJing A-ddresq: Phone II. PRE-APPLTCATTON MEETTNG: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planninglstaff is sLrongly encouraged to deterrnine if any additionatapplication inforrnation is needed. It is the applicant.rsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todeternine if there are additsional submitt,al requirements. Please note. that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project,. rII. TMPORTANT NOTTCE REGARDTN9 ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting subnit,tal requirement.s, t,heapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking nust be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS nornally requires tv.ro separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconcept,ual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their itern bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket unt,il such time as t.he item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at t.he discretion of t.hezoning administrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearinqbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposats not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is subrnitted, applicants must incl_ud.e]et,ters from adjacent. propert.y owners and./or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent, condominiun association stating the associationapproves of the addition. E. If a property is locat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood p1ain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submit.t.ed and theovrner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged t,o check with a-Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. E. For alL residential construction: a. Clearly indicat.e on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walLs of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves ttre application wit,h conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresoLved prior to Town issuance of a building permit LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: I.EGAI, DESCRIPTION: LOT STREEI ADDRESS: BLOCK SUBDIVISION DESCRTPTTON OF PROJECT: The following information j-s Review Board before a final_ A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Ot.her WaIl Materials Fascia Sof f 1t.s 9{indows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RaiLs FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT I4ATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES required for submittal- to the Designapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR pspprur ,s/t , 5 mwt dtck Botanical Name Conmon Name Ouantitv Size*f,&ru D. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fordeciduous trees is 2 inches. rndicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet.. Designer: Phone: PLANT UETNNTI: PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name , Ouantitv Size* o Common Name EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qaIlon, GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Sguare Footaqe C. LAIIDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and l_ocations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the light.ing planon the list below and provide the wattage, height-above - grade and type of light proposed. OTHER IANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) P1ease specify. Indicate heights of retainingwaIl"s. Maximum height of waLl"s wit.hin t.he front setback ii3 feet. Maximum height of waLls elsewhere on tbe propertyis 6 feet. D. v UTTLITY LOCATION VERIFTCATTON SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The rocat.ion and availabirity of utirities, whether they be main!p"\ ]1""9 or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilit.ies for the accompanling site plan. U.S. West Communications L-800-922-3.987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-57 81 Gary HaII HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. 94 9-58 92 Ted Husky,/Michael Laverty Herit.age Cablevision T.V. YII Y-DJJU Steve Hiatt. Upper Eagle VaIIey Wat,er & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee Authorized Siqnature Date/uo ur/ufl+ p@Naplo frz aoom*/ NOTE:This form is to verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your uLility plan and schedutinginsta.Llations . For any new construction proposal, the applicant.must provide a completed utility verification form. 3. If a utility company has concerns with theproposed construction, the utility representativeshould not directly on the ut.ility verificationform that there is a problem which nee<is to beresolved. The issue should then be spelJ_ed out indetail in an attached lett.er to Lhe Town of Vail .However, please keep in mind that it is theresponsibility of the utility company to resolveident.ified problems. 4. If the utility verification form has signaturesfrom each of the ut.ilit.y companies, and no comment,s are made directly on the form, the Townwill presume that there are no problems and thatthe development. can proceed, 5. These verifications do not relieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit from the Town of Vail, Department of public Works and to obtain util.itv locations beforediqqinq in any public right-of-way or easemenL inthe Town of VaiI. A buildinq permit is not astreet cut permit. A street cut permit must beobtained separately. * Please bring a sit.e plan, floor plan, and elevations whenobtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitat.ion signaLures. Fire fLow needs must be addressed. DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ZONE CHECK FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Lot _ Block Filing a SFR l ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Allowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed Total Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaII Heights Parking carage Credit. Dri-ve: +425= +425= 20, 15' 1.5, (30) (s0) / 3'/6' Reqrd View Corridor Encroachment: Yes Environmental,/Hazards: 1) 2) 3) (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope 88 Actua1 Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: No 11'' Geologic Hazardsa) Snow AvaLancheb) Rockfallc) Debris FIow4) Wetlands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) Does t,hls request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the artowed 250 Addition is useE-]ilffi-Eis request? **Not.e: Under Sections 18 .12 .090 (B) and 18 .1 3.080 (B) of the MunicipalCode, .Lots zoned Two Family and Prirnary,/Secondary which are Less tiran15r000.s9. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelring unit. Thecommunity Development Departnent may grant. an exception t5 ttrisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth undersections L8.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal code inctudingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fuLl-time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. Flood Plain Percent Slope 10 e APOLLO PARK EASEMENT L0 /23/ 9L A search was made by Community Development Department to determine whether this easement agreement had been finalized and recorded. No record was found of discussion by the Council, nor any mention was made on Councif agendas. The County Clerk and Recorder has no record of recording it. Betsy R. { -.. GRANT OF EASEMENT WITNESSETH, that the Town of Vail, a municipalcorporation, Grantor, for a good and valuable consideration does by these presents grant, bargain, se11 and convey andconfirm to HeLma H. Newton, Karl H. Finzel, Alicia Finzel and T. Charles Ogilby, Grantees, their successors andassigns, an easement over and across the property described on Exhibit "ArI attached hereto and incorporated herein. The above and foregoing grant of easement is madeto the Grantees for the purpose of pernitting an encroach- ment of improvements on the property of the Grantees ontothe property of the Grantor. Grantees agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Grantor, its agents, servants and employees of and from any and all liability, claims, 1iens, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever including court costs andattorneyrs fees arising out of or related to any loss,costs, damage or injury including death, of any person or damage to property of any kind arising out of the exectuionhereof and the encroachment of the improvements. Grantors further shall, at their own cost and expense, maintain in fuII force and effect during the termhereof comprehensive general liability insurance in an amount of $400,000 per occurrence, including the fotlowingcoverages: contractual, broad form property damage, andpersonal injury. To have and to hold the same for so long as thesaid improvements encroaching thereon are in existence, butif said improvements should be destroyed or removed, thenall right, title and interest conveyed hereby sha11 revertto the Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Vail have affixed day of ATTEST: Town Clerk the Mayor and Town Clerk oftheir hands and seals the , 1989. TOWN OF VAIL Mayor By: Mer STATE OF COI'NTY OF COLORADO EAGLE Subscribed ss. and sworn to before me this day of , J.989, by and , as Mayor and Town Clerk,respectively, of the Town of Vail. My Commission expires: Witness mv hand and official seal. Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me R. this au-q day , by MERRILL Witness my hand and official seal. NEWTON as Attorney-in-Fact for HELMA H. NEWTON. My Commission expires:fu STATE COI,'NTY me this FINZEL. OF COLORADO or& The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before Jo/r-day l>rzr-,L'*'l , bY KARL H. My Commission expir "", tt/lz/lowitness my hand ind offfi U/&zx-dr--<- Notary STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE me this FINZEL. STATE OF COLORADO COT]NTY OF EAGLE me this CHARLES ss. The foregoing instrum t \das,acknowledged before .* / day , by ALICIA My Commission expires:witness mv hand and of ss. The -f-oregoing instrument was,actnowledged before6rh.dav January, 1990 OGILBY. My Conmission expires' 12-5-93 Witness my hand and official seal . Notary Heether c N121489 Mc Alpine , by T. ,(l' January 9, 1990 !9q"1 deacription of encroachments on Tract A, vair virlage FifthFiline by Building ,'C,' , Apollo park at Vail, p[ase IICondominiums, Towrr of Vail_, Eagle County, Colorado. Peginning at the southeaeterly corne. of part of rract D, vairvlllage Bifth Fiting, platted as Apolro parir at vail, pnaee fi,thence s- 42'04"53" l,,l- into llract A dietance of ?.oo te"iithence N. 47'55'07" w. paralJ-el to the aorrthweeterry tot line oiTract D a distance of 25.AO feet; thenee S. 42,04,58,,W. adigtanee of 11-00 feet; thence N. 4T"bb'o'/" w- a dietance of68-00 feet; thence N. 4z'o4'bg" u. a rlietance of 12.20 feot;thence N- 47"55'07" w. a distance of 45.00 feet; thence N.42"04'53" E. to the eaid aouthweeterly lot line of rract D adlatance of 5.80 feet; thence S. 47"58'OT', E. along saideouthwesterly lot rine a distance of 1Bg.()0 feet to the point ofbe8lnnlng, containing 1.,66r) square feet or o-039 acree more or less. f,xh'l'tt h' o s\*: \ \I' s?--e\:e\-ll t\tffi;:f\ -\ $\',i "% 4 \l I g3t \.R\bZN w3 \\ \E \,; qr "tr,* .9 VAIL TOWN COUNCIL I{ORK SESSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1989 2:00 P'm' REViSED AGENDA 1. F'i nancial and Compensation 0rientation and Presentation of the Five Year Buclget ?. Request to Place a Temporary Development Sign on the Vail GatewaY Proiect 3. Request to Proceed through the Planninq Process in 0rder to Amend a conotttoilt'ii'e-F"tmit'^a Parklng vari ance'' and a variance to the'li:;";;;t;;l- to',p"u"'"^i"ipotutv l"lkllg Lot at iun vair condominii'i io, the.Val,lill:i"ltl';il,i'l:ii.;n'ot' i";t;"i, v"it villase Znd Filins (' Medical Center) 4. Planning and Environmental Commission Report 5. Design Review Board Report 6. lnformation UPdate 7. Other 8. Executive Session - Land Negotiations 8:00 P.m.Joint Executive-session with e".s'l:.9?illv n""ii-r"-" Council' at the Avon Munictpat Negoti ati ons Commi ssi oners .and Building - Land 4:30 4:40 7. L 0ther Executive Session - Land Negotiations Joint Executive Town Council - Bui l di ng Session with Eagle Land Negotiations - CountY Commissioners and Avon H"i,i-it Avon MuniciPal8:00 P.m. Uo t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Town Council Cornrnunity Development Departnent December 12, 1989 Apollo Park Easement I. THE REQUEST The Apollo Park at VaiI is .reguesting tlat the conmunity., -.Devel6prnent Department approve a condorninium plat for buildings C and D. In order for the Departrnent to approve the condomlnlum plat, staff felt that it wal appropriate to address the fact that i portion of building C encroaches on Town of Vail land. Tract A, located to the south of Apollo Park, extends from Ford Park to the vrest along Gore Creek. Please see attached site plan and photos of the encroachment. II. BACKGROUND ON THE REQUEST In February of Lg72, minutes from the Board of Zonlng Appeals and Examiners State thai: Rpollo Park Phase II \,ras approved.for a-zero sltfacX adjacent to Trlct A. From the minutes it is difficult to deterrnine ii tfr" building that was allowed to encroach up to the ;il4;;at rine was actuariv.building c'- ToyeYert bv rookins at 'Ctr.irirrg-, for-ap"ffo park,-it appeais that building C is the structure thal'received tne selLack variance. The variance was approved with the condition that the property fil:.be staked by a registerea r"t""Voi. in. nrinuiea staie i'The-building rnay be built on the property iirr", but no portion rnay overhang the adjacent propertY'rl There is no nention in the file of any approval for the encroachment on Tract A. It appears tnat- the land was originally owned by vail Associates when tile variance was approved. Now that the land is owned by the Town of VaiI, staff believes that an easementwitrt--anvc.onditionsdeenednecessarybytlgTown.Council shouLd U" .e;""e't;-;t Apol:.o-piif "t vail befoie the condominium plat is signed. JOHN W. OUNN PETER COSGRIFF ARTHUR A. ABPIANALB JR. ALLEN C, CHRISTENSEN TIMOTHY H. BERRY TAMFA B. NOTTINGHAM LAw OFF|cEs Cose nrrr, Dunru & Aepraruelp A FARTNERSIIIP INCLUDING A PFOFESSIOiIAL CORPOFA'ION VArL NATToNAL Belx BuruotNc SurrE 3Oo P O. Box 2299 VArL, CoLoRAoo 81658 TELEPHoNE: (3O 3't 476'7532 TELEcoPf ER: (3O31 476-47 65 January 11, 1990 IN LEADVILLE! CosGRIFe DUNN & BERRY P. O. lOX ll LEADVTLLET COLORAOo 6Oa6l (7ttr a6c-lacs Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 Re: Apollo Park Dear Kristan: f enclose copy of a grant of easement executed by the owners of Apollo Park Lodge with a new description prepared by Intermountain. When the grant has been approved by the council, wiJ-l provide the original document for signature. Yours very truly, DI'NN & ABPLANALP Dunn iIWD: kem Enc. cc: Mr. NewtonMr. FinzelMr. Ogilby THE PROFESSIONAL IS OUNN & ABPLANALA P.C. IN VAIL. January 9, 1990 !9F"1 deacriptlon of encroachmente on Tract A, vail virla6e FifthFi.[ine by Building ',C" , Apo11o park .i Vai]., piiaae IICondominiuma, Town of Vail-, Eagle County, Oolorado. leglnning at the eoutheasLerly corner of pa.rt of Tract D, Vailvillage Fifth Filing, platted ae Aporro parf at vail, prrase ii,thence s. 42"04'53" w- L'to 'rract A dietance of ?.oo re"i,thence N. 47o55'o'1" w. para1J.e1 to the aouthweeterly rot line oiTract D a dietance of Z\.OO feet; thence S. 42.A4-53,. W. adistance of 11.00 feet; thancre N- 47"S,s'a'l" w. a dietance of68-00 feet; thence N. 42"04'59" E. a. dietance of Lz.zo feet;thence N. 47o55'07" W. a clistanee of 45.O0 feet; thence N.42'04"53" E. to the saicJ eouthweeter.ly lot rine of rract D adlsfance of 5.80 feet; therrce S. 4,7.bb,O,1,,8. along saidsouthwegter'ly lot line a distance of 1o8.oo feet to the point ofbeglnnlng, contalning 1,66t) square feet or o-0BB acree more or fess. 4 ', :i [.*h,L'/ t ffi" g \ \ \*= \-= ?$x *\1 \ "i:4ref \ N.. bYDts^- .Q, \ l\ :l\, GRANT OF EASEMENT WfTNESSETH, that the Town of Vail, a municipal corporation, Grantor, for a good and valuable consideration does by these presents grant, bargain, se1l and convey and confirm to tlel-ma H. Newton, Karl H. Finzel' Alicia Finzel and T. Charles Ogilby, Grantees, their successors and assigns, an easement over and across the property described on Exhibit "Ar" attached hereto and incorporated herein. The above and foregoing grant of easement is made to the Grantees for the purpose of permitting an encroach- ment of improvements on the property of the Grantees onto the property of the Grantor. Grantees agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Grantor, its agents, servants and employees of and from any and all liability, claims. 1iens, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever including court costs and attorney's fees arising out of or related to any 1oss, costs, damaqe or injury including death, of any person or damage to property of any kind arising out of the exectuion hereof and the encroachment of the improvements. Grantors further shall, at their own cost and expense, maintain in full force and effect during the term hereof comprehensive g,eneral liability insurance in an amount of $400r000 per occurrence, including the following coverages: contractual, broad form property damage, and personal injury. To have and to hold the same for so long as the said improvements encroaching thereon are in existence, but if said i-mprovements should be destroyed or removed, then all right, title and interest conveyed hereby shall revert to the Grantor. IN WITNESS the Town of Vail have day of ATTEST: WHEREOF, the Mayor and Town Clerk of affixed their hands and seals the , 1989. TOWN OF VAIL Mayor By: Town Clerk GRANTEES: STATE OF COUNTY OIi' COLORADO EAGLE Subscribed ss. respectively, of the Town of Vail. and sworn to before me this day of , 1989, by , as Mayor and Town Clerkt My Cornmission expires :_- Witness mv hand and official sea1. STATE OF COLORADO COIJNTY OF EAGLE me R.NEWTON thi s ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before day , by MERRILLat-tl^ daY@, as Attorney-in-Fact for HELMA H. NEWTON. My Commission expires: t r ,/e /a < Witness my hand and official seal. STATE COUNTY me this FINZEL. me this EHARLES OF COLORADO or k-P*t The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before Jafi*day , by KARL H. U/hrcr-<- Notary STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE me this FINZEL. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing instrum was,acknowledged before .R r/ daY , by ALICIA My Commission expires: Witness my hand and of ss. The -foregoing inst.rument was-acknowledged before 6 rh.6GTffi day January, 1990 My Commission exPires: 12:5-93 ' bY T. Witness my hand and official sea1. .= -Ierr E=. =.!Vr c N r Q, -^-Notary Public \Heather Mc Alplne N121489 I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: TovJn council Connunity Development Departnent Decenber 12, L989 Apollo Park Easenent I.THE REQUEST The Apollo Park at Vail is requesting tlat the-Cornmunity- Devel-opment Department approve a condominiun plat for buildings c and D. In order for the bepartnent to approve the condominium plat, staff felt that it wai appropriate to ldgr9:= the fact that'i foitio.r of building C encroalhes on Town of Vail land. Tract A, located to the south of Apol1o Park, extends from Ford Park to the west along Gore Creek. Piease see attached Eite plan and photos of the encroachment. BACKGROUND ON THE REQUEST InFebruaryofLg.T2,minutesfromtheBoard'ofZoningAppealsand Examiners state that apollo Park Phase II vJas approved for a zero seiUacX adjacent to Trict A. From the minutes it is dlfflcult to determine if the building that was allowed to encroach up to the piopl.tv line was ;t;;iiy buildinq c' However' by looking at drawings ror apoifo-p"if.,'it appeais that buildinq C is the structure that received ihe setLack vari.ance. The variance was approved with the condition that the property- line be staked by a registered surveyor. The minute6-stale i'The-building rnay be built on the property line, but no portion rnay overhang the adjacent property. rr There is no rnention in the file of any approval for the encroachment on Tract A. It appear. tttat- the land was originally owned by vail e=tociut.s when tire variance was approved-' . Now that the land is ownea-Uy-in. iown of VaiI , staff believes that an easement with any "'orraitiots deened-t'""t"=uty by the Town Council should be agreed to by Apotlo puir- "t vail bLfore the condoninium plat is signed. II. (ov-6aEG flFa,& PUELIC HEARING PPOJECT: DATE SUSI'IITTEO: CCI"II.iENTS IIEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCR,IPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Cor,ments: POLICE DEPARTI4ENTrrr---j- ' v''JJ$,1 tp' FIRE DEPI.RTMENT Reviewed by: Date_ Revier,red by: Comnents: Reviewed.by: Co:-..:uentS: Date 'r:-(. .ij; Date '{ p \Nfidl >Ide }a) / I NTEP..OEPARTI'IENTAL REV I El.l PUELIC }IORKS P.eviened by: Conr,ents: DATE i 0 /16/89 A. APPLICATION FOR APPLICANT APO LLO PARK A,T VA 7L , PH AS E 1 1NAME OF MAILiNG ADDRESS P.0. 3JX# 2t57, V,\LL, C0L0M00 PHoNE 47 6-5881 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S MILING ADDRESS P. REPRESENTATIVE I,'ITER.-;,IOJJ IA IX EJ GI'I EER1I G 0. B0 x# 97 8,AVJ.'t, CpL0M00 81620 PHONE 949-5072 c.PROPERTY Ol.lNER (pr-int or type)ERRIL L SIGNATURE /1/z s r EWT),t I ,''14,VA GI'J G GE.l. '/,\:)PHoNE 47 6-5881 NAME OF Ol.lNER 'S MAILING D. ADDRESS c0. 81 6 58 LoCATI0N OF PROPOSAL PART 0F TP..4.3K O, vAIL VILLAGE, LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION clp& o6rya FEE $100.00 ian--1-ilsfsJ-- MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED 'l . Three (3) copies, two of which must F'IFTI.I F IL 1:,1 G F IL ING staff review to assure that thereal'l commonly owned areas. of the Subdivision Regulations. be mylars of a site map fo] lowinq the1,2,3,4,6,7,9,9,10,1.|, l3 and l4 of E. F. requirements of Section'l 7..| 6.1 30(C)the Subdivision Regulations. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEl,l CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17.22 FILING AND RECORDING The condominium or townhouse plat shall a'l so include floor plans, e'l evationsand cross-sections as necessaiy to accuritety aetermini-inalvicuir -ai"-ipiles and/or other ownershjps and if-the project wis bui'tt iuusiintiaiiv in.;;;;--as .the approved p1ans. A copy of the condominium documents forare maintenance provisions inc'l uded for G. H. The zoning administrator shall be the finai signature required on the plat sothat the Department of Community Development witt Ue respontible for plorotiurecording the approved plat with the Ealle county clerr-ind Recorder.r -"7-r'' -1 tary E. lfleller EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER P.O. Box 479 Eaglq Colorado 81631 PARCEL NO. : 21O1-O64-o7-OtO SCHEDULE NO.: 000A690 TYPE OF PROPERTY : REAL TAX DISTRICT: O1O3 DATE tl lo7 /89 +.- TAX DUE INTEREST OTHER DUE PAYT.IENT TOTAL DUE STATEI.IENT OF ACCOT'I{T 1988 TAX DUE IN 1989 9,4,877.28 o. oo o. oo -a4, a77.28 o. oo FIRST FEDERAL SAVINES OF ARKANSAS 4O1 WEST CAPITOL LITTLE ROCK, AR 7AEO1 ti :' ttt i !; i i.+--l,i ir'-! r r-l I i '1 ill.rnrlr_li: i. il. ', .1: l I -'! ' i!*i t{ r"l i ' \ Mary E. lfalker EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Golorado 81631 PARCEL NO. : 210l-064-07-010 SCHEDULE Ml.: 000A690 TYPE OF PROPERTY : REAL TAX DIETRIGT: O1O3 DATE : llliTlAq TAX DUE INTEREST OTHER DUE PAYI'IENT TOTAL DUE STATE]'TENT OF ACCTX'NT 1988 TAX DUE IN 1?99 5,4,A77. eA o. oo o. oo -34,877.28 o. oo '. f. "^. - . i - r r, i*l 4o1 tlEsr cAPIToL l il" i \ 1."'1.' fl.Lal 7, }i-'iltt, I i LrrrLE RocK, AR Tzaol t^i-1. r,\br,\1\r,'{1U.r-- 1,,'vL, 'J () A FIRST FEDERAL SAVINOS OF ARKANSAE +-5 J|-a --- ,i r- e-- Best copy Available P.O.lOX C7aoe10 lo?t t a{oH^}a FoaoavoN. coLo. alcao (SOs) e.a-lo7a flInter-Mountain ,:$'S;B: 1]\E gtneeringrta.'*"*E;:l!gT::: rtl'lrrc, 62 Of )rol WE ARE FORWARDING-TO YOU: ffierewi+n ! rgtimates @frints n Copy of Lefter | | Pra\ni\catc fl Spec i f icat ions | | Lnange uroe r For Rev i ew Approved as f] Under Separate Cover Via I Repor+s I Survey D THES E ARE w TRANS14ITTED: r Your Use r Ap p rova I Dtrtru and Comment Submitted As Requested PLEASE NOTE: NO. COPIES DRAh'ING NO.LAST DATET DESCR I PT ION ?- $7s 872135 ?/z/ar Co..rmor,,**n,/VrqP O/ Vau" P,szZ 47 /'?,L , P//P1E Z-Ba af 7Es(T D,M lrtor- Iorrtrlr Et3ltcrlr3 rrr. .---/"-' PER /EA V/6i@ La kewood a_ lD)F , 'irfl ii' ,iili" lt:t:5:-,, ;. i '"t.r,, ,,-" " ft-=-q -Nntt:ffi ru\{tti The Vail Village Project Amcdcan AmedcanRegources RogourcesGroup, Equltyhc. Corporatlon (P,;"Tll,l"f;LTa p,".ia"nt (rPD 2\- (t tgt tzt-tser FAX (719) 635-1701 ,/ zt6 North Weber Srro€t gJib 21# ,t lo* Colorado Springs, CO 8O0Og I VAIL VILLAGE PROTECT Many of Vail's repeat visitors come from great distances. . -the East and West Coasts of the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Europe, the Far East, Australia, and all of the Latin American countries. They demand quality, not only in skiing and skiier services but also in lodging. And, they can afford it. . .or they would go elsewhere instead of con- tinuing to return to Vail. Because many of Vail's guests spend only a couple of weeks a ye:rr in Colorado/ prop- erty ownership - while appealing - does not necessarily make economic sense. In August, 7994for example, only 15 two-and three'bedroom condominium properties were listed for sale in Vail Vrllage and Lionshead at a price of less than $750,000, according to the Vail Board of Realtor's Multiple Listi^g Service. The majority of these properties need totd remodelling or substantial renovation, certainly an impractical option for a prospective buyer residing several thousand miles away. However, there does appear to be a solution to the demand for more affordable, high qualit;r resort real estate in the core areas. The solution is Interval Ownership, also known as Timesharing. . .a viable, reputable, and rapidly-developing industry. The ready acceptance and volume of sales at the high-end timeshare properties of St. james Place in Beaver Creek and Marriotf s Streamside Resort in West Vail indicate that a comparable development in Vail Village should meet with strong buyer demand. Timesharing is a hassle-free ownership option allowing for the purchase of only the amount of time a buy- er will use year-after-year, while also encouraging repeat summer and off-season visits. The proposed Vail Village Proiect will be of a quality comparable to St. James Place in Beaver Creek. A 75,000 square foot building will contain twenty-eight two-bedroom con- dominiums (approdmately'1,?30 square feet each, with a lockoffbedroom) and fourteen three'bedroom condominiruns on two levels (approximately 1,500 square feet each, with a lockoff bedroom). The common area will contain a lobby lounge, an all-purpose li- brary/meeting room, spa and athletic dub, indoor/outdoor pool, administrative offices, accomodations for on-site maintenance and housekeeping operations, storage, and struc- tured underground parking. The single building will rephce the two Apollo Park Lodge buildings located on the west half of Tlact D, and will be adjacent to the edsting Apollo Park and \Atrerr time- share properties. The construction of a high-end lodging facility in this location should significantly enhance the inage of the East Frontage Road Sub-Area and will be com- patible with the neighboring Tyrolean Condominums. Apark-like setting is planned for the undeveloped land extending from the proposed pool and patio to the Village Sheamwalk. A landscape buffer wiU be constructed be- tween the I'roject and the Frontage Road. The Master Plan states that. . ."Large :ueas of surface parking within the sub-area pro- vide the opportunity for additonal residential infill development. . .this sub-area could provide addif'onal density within close proximity to the Village Core." We believe this proposal to embody the spirit of Vail's Master Plan. I I I I I I I I I I It I fhe East Frontage Road Sub-Area is conprised share residential development. This sub-area i"".=" is directly off of the Frontaqe Road, inpact on other areas of the village. of condoniniuro and tirne is unique in that its causing little vehicular Large areas of surface parkinq within the sub-area provid" t!? onoortunitv for additional residenti"f ittfill development' Given proper ac3enElon io-al"ign consiaeiiiiott", this sub-area could provide additional densrty withii close proxinity to the Village core. - At the oi.""ttt time, the'sub-area is seiarated from the Village core-by Gore E;;;kl- i;i;'rrrb-ur.u has a pedestiian connection with the Village and ioia parf via the Vitlage strearnwalk. A sidewalk aLong th9 Frontage Road should be .onriirr"€ed to inprove pedestrian safety and further connect the village parfing strutture to Ford Park' The area between buildings and Gor; cieek mlst be inproved to enhance natural environrnent. I I l l l I s9-l- .ParkiDq Lgt- rnfill ReslcrenErar rnrrrfJG existing parking. Height of building to iinit"a so as to not inPede view corridors frorn the frontage road (and Interstate 70) to the Village and VaiI Mountain. Mass of buildings to step back from the Frontage Road to prevent sun,/shade inPacts on the road' Satisfying plrking denand on site will necessitate structured parking' A substantial landscape buffer shall be provided between any ner'/ development and Lhe Frontage Road without jeopardizing future frontage road irnprovements' Special emphas j's on L2 | 2.3 , 2'6 , 3 ' 1' 3.4, 5.4, 6.1. 59 surface be EAST FRONTAGE ROAD SUB-AREA S\I\\\ Ss:>- -\ {.' oo tt{o +Jo o15 rtaane1ooOrCA '.1otr!ooo.!tr+J orUOgoq,! o oor! 6 +Jl{..,t O o o t,o(J '-{ t! lr|P(!{ 9. .Ooo Fi 9()r! +J Ctx..ico1J(totrha a .ori tu 5.-e +,ut ul 6'0Jo! lr q{ ttoo€lro c troor!o! ..1 ot'' Fl Or.-t lr . E r! 0,5+) +J.rr 0, tr ru3lrOOtrlt r+.t oO O EE+J c+Jt! 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F,.x;l&atuz<D H4 Er 91 (a E{ 2p tn FIHuFr{z Iz40Fl.(& trl &4r'lI '<lH !aloDxl4 (aHt=ot xzlEl trlHloatd (n Al Fl F{4lF1 OH>>|rt{A2Fr.{4>91 @ z{ I I :::--:>rwlaaala?a ,o ^clra GXtBtlNo PAFK(N6 "' ilo w:tFlx @ = s cl o I ; i I I I I I I I I I{ \:-. tr41 ^,'ie", - ,o,rod,tleu.n.t- , ''-] . \-.. \-.. \-\ 1 t--, ao-xalc il li ll 1ittr ll$ ltliltil iiil ir ill: ill!i I tc"lli,ll r\l I I I I I ri ... |\lc|f l t .i'.'*t::;'J::i'+T :,.- 3.: ix:L?;t Poo!. +i:.r."raAe.Lrtr.l<'' a< trrC.). rtrlurr tae -7_ tl tl I lt ,'1,'tro,ro ,t / / llx srl \\-.. 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CO 80250 PROJECT S.UMMARY LOT AREA:- BUILDINGS il il BUILD INGS TOTAL: E rBr:= ErDr= ALLOWABLE GRFA BUILDINGS IAI g IBI GRFA REPLACEHENT FACIL ITY ZON ING DENS ITY ALLOl.'ED 2.6 ACRES x 25 UNITS/Acre BUILDINGS IAI 6 IBI ,REPLACEHENT FACILITY EXISTING DENSITY TMCT IDI - EXISTING UNITS BUILDINGS IAI E IBI REPLACEI,IENT FAC I L ITY The VALL VILLAGE PROJECT P : No. of Units - proposed t{o.. ef Uni ts - al lor+ed VARIANCE NEEDED - ZONING PROPOSED GRFA GRFA . BUILDINGS IC E IDI VARIANCE NEEDED - GRFA SITE COVERAGE ALLOI.JED 55,302 sq.ft. x 5f/. NO VARIANCE ANTICI PATED rAl rcl 56.302TtTToz 67,560 - 28,070 397F6 ======= 56,300 sq. ft.r sq.ft.j sq, ft . sq, tt. sq. ft. sq, ft. 2.6 ACRES = 65 UNITS - TRACT 3DI ALLOWABLE = - ,h0 uNlrs= EUNtrs ALLoU,ED = 89 uNlrs =-40 rt = ffi ExlsrlNc 30,966 sq.ft. ?hF,TSEVEN UNITS LESS THAN EXISTING IN BUILDINGS REqL ESTATE DEVELOPMEM CONSULTANT. ARCH]TECruRE . PI-,ANNING . PROJECT MANAGEMENT -frca./groriara/-{"atlzco ITS. ADDITIO 55p0o-sq. f t. 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I a -T11 l+2 EcrH At'Drrrof itoT rffivtztqc^ v bta F,Jcs. g 3:-n 13b-fl^ Ac>DlTl(lF\ k.€6V1 ErN< V Ar-l [/TJC(< THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval /<"t your use E A3 requested D Approved as submitted D Approved as noted D Returned for corrections D Resubmit-copies for approval D Submit-copies for distribution D Return-corrected prints E For review and comment B E FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN REMARKS FOnM 240-2 - Avdleb|. horn @ Tovlt.d, Ma..t Ol 469 t, chctotuaat rr! nol .r nolcd, kindryt notitlt ua at onc.- I F+rx- f3r-cc 'Al .pl Gl' ,A evl^sirl,OF,6 u-Alf --ZYPE: !e,A,+.:_--ou- ArA}nry F | +ai'D tq.oa +-- 614 -\\?6ElrF_ ttylv_ | +IxF FLOof' tr.tlEtlttz u^rrI'€8'? o c'--Ce5:'fLdoF al€(l+).Fr)D oNlar 3ne flodL a 6ro,rrrEtrroE ON,7l a^. _\q*--#*, ' - 13' D 169___ 5,)ooQ BA<€t?Elrr tsFlFrct 63",-Ttt,;- P.Poo ***_et:D- 9N|I5 +, -- --Gr+a"+4 l+\ro Fte- , rrrEiPpe or.rr'g qtl 3Lw 731 l8 6I ,nraooe, Vt*- 1 G?3 ?2) L , -faT*l . . _ le l\,71+T_ -A-*+tst--4\J--3qe -lbLo + a lA'+-'B' = ?E oZ+e oMUq rg &*"vr&w-IJPFT t",cf( + v Ml?:F r-- UNTrS - Lo!4 6l.r:r- /",4J too,+ 4sE-* Qoof llrte Ara+E 77ee*o+ (-,ar&F- A. 1H9*P'.ru qlep )$,oQt --4g'4!**-t--r! +,?aQ. fu.-?+tw* @ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Ff!-[ $gFy MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development March 8, 1994 fuollo Park Lodge (C and D Buildings)/Tract D, Vail Village 5th Filingl442 South Frontage Road. fuplicant: Apollo Park Lodge, represented by John Perkins and John Dunn I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Apollo Park Lodge representatives are requesting that the Town Council enter into an easement agreement with the Lodge, in order to allow certain improvements currently constructed upon Town of Vail owned stream tract (more specifically Tract A), to remain in place. The Town-owned stream tract is zoned Agricultural and Open Space. II. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY Upon detailed review of the permanent planning files located in the Department of Community Development, the staff has prepared the following chronology: .On February 10, 1972, a setback variance was approved for the Apollo Park Lodge- This setback variance allowed the Apollo Park Lodge to construct Building C up to the south property line. The variance was approved with two conditions: 1) that the rear (south) property line be staked by a registered surveyor' 2) that no portion of the building overhang onto the adjacent property' .On June 8, 1972, the Town of Vail Board of Zoning, Appeals and Examiners held a preliminary hearing at the request of Apollo Park Lodge in order to "convert existing basement space to laundry rooms and recreation rooms". No action was taken at this preliminary hearing. .On July 13, 1972, the Town of Vail Board of Zoning, Appeals and Examiners denied Apollo Park's request to convert the basement spaces as stated above' However, the Board did state that they would allow "one recrealion room in each basement and two restrooms and one kitchenette". .on March 1,1974, the Town of Vail Planning commission denied Apollo Park's request to "convert several recreation rooms to office space". .During November of 1983, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approved a setback variance for a lobby addition to the Apollo Park Lodge. This addition was to consist of approximately 550 square feet of lloor area, and was approved to be located immediately at the west end of Building C. The staff's 1983 memo to the Planning Commission indicated that the area to be converted to a lobby add1ion was currenlly used as an open deck. Additionally, the staff also indicated that "the setback variances would range lrom three to ten feet from the south property line"' .on september 17, 1993, the Town ol Vail Building Department issued a Red Tag (stop work order) when they became aware of the construction of a storage shed on the south side ol Building C. .On November 1, 1993, the Town of Vail Building Department issued a second Red Tag to the Apollo Park Lodge, due to the construction of a roof over an existing outdoor deck and stairs, also located along the south side of the property adjacent to Building C. .On January 1 1, 1994, the Vail Town Council conducted a site visit to review the improvements constructed without a building permit, on the south side of Building C. lt was during this site visit that the Town became aware of the conversion of a portion ol the existing basement space into three employee dwelling units. lt was also noted that the Apollo Park Lodge laundry facility had been expanded over the years and also encroaches upon Town of Vail owned stream tract. The staff could find no records, or any indication of any Town of Vail approval, for the conversion of the basement space into employee housing units, for the expansion of the laundry facility, lor the construction of the wood deck, for the construction of the storage shed, or for the construction ol the overhang. ilt. prscusstoN The planning staff has researched this issue and has concluded that the improvements that were constructed without building permits were constructed upon Town of Vail owned stream tract (more specifically Tract A). An updated improvement survey (lnter-Mountain Engineering, l.L.C. - February 18, 1994) has been provided to the Town (see attached), and the following improvements encroach onto Town property: lmprovement Encroachment .Overhang: 2.0 - 6.5' .Lower wood deck: 4.5 - 16.5' .Upper wood deck: 4.5' .Storage shed: 16.5' .Laundry room: 7.0' .Retaining walls: 4.0 - 16.5' .Dwelling unit: 2.5' The applicant has proposed to relocate the storage shed to another location on the property (that would be within the setbacks) and has also agreed to modify the shed so that it would meel the DRB requirements for materials. DRB approval is necessary for all the exterior improvements. The applicant would like to enter into an easement agreement with the Town of Vail in order to maintain the expanded laundry facility, expanded dwelling unit, wood decks and roof structure over the exterior stairs on the south side of Building C. The applicant has proposed to restrict (not permanently) the four existing dwelling units in the basement level of Building D, as "employee dwelling units". The applicant has not indicated the length of time the employee units would be restricted for. The applicant would prefer to maintain the three basement dwelling units in Building C as shortterm rental units. rv. rssuEs 1. There are currently four employee dwelling units located in the basement of Building D and three employee dwelling units located in the basement of Building C. Will the Town Council require that these seven existing employee dwelling units be permanently deed restricted? 2. ls the Town Council agreeable to entering into an easement agreement to allow for the existing improvements to remain upon Town of Vail owned stream tract? 3. lf an easement agreement is acceptable to Gouncil, should the area of the expanded laundry lacility and expanded dwelling unit be included in this easement agreement? Should a portion of the existing retaining walls and/or outdoor decks be required to be removed prior to the approval of the easement agreement? l.:i:" , v'.' ,. ui I ti, !': ' t:.: l;l i:' i1r, i,.: . :.' ,'j ii'; i'rl ''i:.' .. ,' i, i,l :j': ' i., i. i,Ir i: t: i'; t I i.' : ] '!. .:r i'.. ,] t! It_,t: i ::: I i:- o i$$ii$i rt:t!t ir ii:: 3i;l3iii:rii lliiii lilt;r;tri r{ -,,1'.. ,lt' 8l I i'-t I I .t \l \ \ \I l IB,l *Rsl ,l t*_ rr-:::-,= |, rii rl; lii:' ril latii; rt'X *ii'{ t,!;'til i'i_t"'' i ii! r, r \.\ slhl ''-'^'n'i ''-' \\' \br \ { !-- ,"' i !l /:1 i;\ I a, 'i Tilsi F, v /l il i '':,t\ \ \ \ \ l\ii l:I if it I APPd-O PARK AT UAL ASSOC'ANAI box loo vail, colorado 8t657 3O3.476.5613 Apollo Park at Vail The Town of Vail Sign R'eview Board Sign Application -\Apo11o Pai* at Vail Location: 20 feet frorn S. Frontage Road, facing east,/west, 2-sided, free standlng Lighting: outside spotlights in ground February 19, 1973 The Town of vail sign Review Board is happy to inform you that your sign applicati6n, as discussed with Keith Caroselli at our ineeting"on 'f''ebruary fitfr, has been approved with the following conditions: (1) the letters "APV" should be deleted fron the sign; (2) the sign shal1 be no higher than 8 feet from ground level; and (3) approval on the exact location is being withheld uirtif we are shown a land plan of that area, at which tine we will also specify the landscaping requirenents. Thank you for subrnitting your plans and drawings for our review. TOWN OF VAIL SIG].I REVIEI{ BOARDU r,./r ^r, ^ . -/- -$2241{eJUL{.O-ztl'flJr'.tu Sara Garton Diana Donovan Morgan Douglas Jack ]tlillsDavid Cole /nmmcc: Keith Caroselli TO: FROM: RE: DATE: f,ltc, tlAtt' PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT RevJ-ewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: .\ v INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW f^', fltKt n frF COMMENTS NEEDED "", ?I\.IAUlr BRIEF DESCRIPTTON OF THE PROPOSAL: 'lwo 5tfflr-/ft 0/tl fu'7lilltA (o'vr al ttctl Peafmfv) 6r0f, o{ fte /4mnts. Date Date DaLE Date )ft",'fr* P2v/'r/ ,l/pt,,, Gtt,oo1a1x14,14 DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING "//1/4? f/)ult fft P^' f ii t'i,"nt'!/ >-- Pollo Park Lodge P; O. 8ox ll5? r Veit, Cotoredo Etci58 tntaph66lg; (3OJ) 4?at.Sfflt I ilune l9r19gl. .41 x have regueeted that Mrs, Liza Sessler work on my behal.fwlth the fown of Vatl regardtng the lnatallatton of thecatalllte dlches. trlza Sessler le the General Manager ofApollo park and ln that capacity has eubnltted an appllcatlonfor catelllte dlsh lnstallatlon. She ha8 also roguested onmy bchalf,, a reeluest for a varlance for the proposed dtshette. Slncerelyl ItM- Neyton c€neral partner ft?tu;z Mdrrtll Managlng ffiIAPr--L--J 500 S. Frontage Rd. E. Vail. 8'l 557 Vail Trails East 433 E. Gore Creek Dr. c/o Crossroads Realty Vail. 81658 vail Trails west y' 433 E. Gore Creek Dr. c/o Crossroads Realty Vail. 81658 Tyrolean rnn ,/ 400 E. Meadow Dr. P.O. Box 3390 Vail. 81 658 Texas Townhomes / 400 E. Meadow Dr. VaiI. 81 657 Manor Vail f 595 Vail Valley Dr. Vail. 81657 \*N rrN- "st-\ \t,"'r\\*-\ s'n. \t:-r-q-\\ \\\N. -.-\c, o\l \ssgr\r1 t*\Lr:\\-R r\r\ \OP",'[b,,\\N. eApollo Pork Lodge P. O. Box 2157 . Vatl, Colorado 81658 Telephone: (303) 476-5881 List of all adjacent properties, as requested on F. of the Application For A Variance. YThe wren Association t/' PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GI\EN that the Planning Staff will_ be reviewing aDesign Review Board application on .fuly 15, L992 in the Town ofVaiI Municipal Building. 1. A request for a Satellite dish antenna at the Louthanresidence located at 4965 llest Juniper Lane. Lot 8,Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant:Robert B. and Ann Louthan. 2. A reguest for two Satellite dish antennae, one at Apollo Park Lodge located aE 442 S. Frontage Road East, Track D,Vail Village 5th Filing; and on at the Wren Condominiunslocated at 500 S. Frontage Road East, Parcel 1: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 West ofthe Sixth Principal Merj.dian, County of Eagle, State ofColoradoi thence S.00 degrees 01.'05"E. and al.ong the Westline of said Northeast one-quarter 583.82 feet to a pointof intersection with the Southerly right-of-way line ofInterstate Highway 70 and the true point of beginning; thence continuing along the aforesaid course 34'1 .62 feet; thence N.89 degrees 58'541'E., 189.81 feet,'thence N.00 degrees 01'05"W., and along a llne paralled to the Westline of said Northeast one-quart.er 284.59 feet to a point of intersection with Southerly right-of-way; thence N.71 degrees 38'54"w. and along said Southerly right-of-way 200.00 feet to the true point of beginning. Applicant:Liza Sessler c/o Apollo Park Lodge and The Wren Condominiuns. The applications and infornation about the proposals are availablein the zoning administrator's office during regular office hoursfor public inspection TOWN OF VAIL COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on June 24, 1992. o'4 pollo Park Lodge P. O. Box 2157 t Varl, Colorado 81658 Telephone: (303) 476-5881 In response to item II. on Application For A Variance. I met with Mr. Knudtsen on April 30t1992 and discussed all preliminaries that are reguired. u4 pollo Park Lodge E ffirlIIIAPIr- L.-J P. O. Box 2157 . Yarl, Colorado 81658 Telephone: (303) 476-5881 In response to item III. A. on Application For A Variance. We are reguesting to be considered 1n using the area between the Wren Condominiums and Apo11o Park. It is a non- traversed area but we are not currently zoned to use that area. It j.s a utility area, but we feel that we can incorporate the satellite dishes and the proposed foliage and enhance the beauty as well as serve our guests and owners with better reception of television channels and lower monthly costs. Vie are cureently using Heritage Cable- vision. I have attached copies of our regular montly bills from them. I'm sure you can all relate to the high costs of cablevision. Thank you for your consideration, 'A/,b^ il1,l4o, Liza Sessler olnK EA.LE 'ALLEY co,|L,ootro 3**'f*o WATER AND. SANITATION DISTRICTS 8{5 FOREST ROAD . VAIL COLORADO 81657 t303) 175 7480 I{ATER AND/OR SEtiER LINE LOCATION DATE:a,/7-7e a*LOCATORS NAME: ,?./U, y'A .'-,-,^0. ,/ / / COMMITMENT TTIIE. 6//6/9-4J';3_A TIME COMPLETED: SUBDMSION: --- LOT: BLOCK:FI LI NG: ADDRESST 4-rz */t,,fri 'Zr.,,Jo., t!"f i ,/: -t// L0CATING FOR (nane of conpany) t < Xi,.-- / ADDRESS: ,5,r' s rS1 *U< ,:: ( o _pHONE No: 41 6' .JAS r or described in space below. Indicate paint or stakesLoCAtIoN to and nunber be sketched thereof. Indicate North .4=- ?1. --__--i1 *--=-----u | - *-i I wt't I I I I IMPORTANT: D0 NOI CONNECT I.IATER OR SEI{ER SERVICE UNLESS TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID, UNI}ER PENAITY OF FINE. Party reguesting l ocate: J /) - e.Party locating for UEVCSDT .-.i(---t* '-rL/ Name Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District (UEVCSD) will attempt to locate water and,/or sewer service lines as a natter of convenience only. UEVCSD does not "guarantee" the locations designated, nor shall UEVCSD be held responsible for erroneous Iocations and the consequences thereof. i A tl' painct"atrrac E rgrl|crS - aRRowHEflo MErRo warER . AvoN MErRo warER . BEAVER CREEX METRo warER . B€RRY cREEx "grro ft O\ wArER ' EAGLE'a'LME*towarERv';T::TJil:il#::Til,1?H"ff:'i;1i,fi"*"LEvaLLEys^N'!ra.oN ' u ',- @ LINE LOCATION REQUEST PutK ZINC.(^44\rHOLY/ROSS iEIECTRTC ASSOCTATTON, ,/ i /,/^ '{i/ ,,-/< .,i{W*/ -ffi2 /',". o-a,-..,n-REQUESTED BY DATE: TIT{E: WHO IS DIGGING: IOCATION /S'2 2-.PHONE PHONE -i /0 5Et S OR DIAGRAI.I n-f- ?4-ryo5 LOCATION COMPLETED BY:DATE:TIME! , \ RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT It is the Associationrs responsibility to locat.e its PRIIrIARYelectric underground facilities within eighteen incheshori zontally frorn the exterior sides of the facilities uponrequest accord.ing to SECTION I. Title 9, Colorado Revised Statues L973 | as amended. The Associat,ion does not own, install normaintain SECONDARY electric underground facilities. Said SECONDARY electric underground facilities are the property andresponsibility of the property owner. As a matter ofconvenience, the Association will atteurpt to locate the property ownerrs SECONDARY electric underground facilities upon request.'Ilowever, the Association will not guarantee such locations of the .property ownerrs SECONDARY electric underground facilities, nor ,rwill the Association assume Iiability or responsibility forr injuries, d.amages or associated costs which may result from aninaccurate location of the property owner I s SECONDARY electricunderground facilities. If this request is for the Association to locate secondaryelectric underground facilities, the undersigned, by making thisrequest, does hereby assume all responsibility for injury or damage arising out of the Iine location and specifically agreesto hold the Association harmless against all claims, dernands,suits, or liability for injury gr damage arising ouL of the lineIocation. ,,,,ry'r.r, Date (Rev. LL/85) pink dots 3{l Heritage Cablevision P.O. Box.$39 0lzl0 Mctceif Road Avon, Colorado 81620 (303) 949-5530 LINE LOCATION REQUEST BERITAGE CABLEVISION REQUESTED DATE: TIME: WHO IS DIGGING: LOCATION I'CATION SCHEDULED DATE: TTMF. ASSIGNED TO: OR DIAGRAM ,ll- I ,,i /'-,' 1"., /' I i1 COMPLETED BY:0 /1 ,4 ,'*, It ls HeriEage Cablevislont s responsibllity Lo Iocate its cable televlsion underground iaclllctes nithln eighteen inches horlzoncally froo the exterlor sidesof the facillties upon request accourding ro SECTION I Title 9' Colorado Revlsed Statues 1973' as anended. Heritage cablevlslon does not guarantee Ehe dePch of ics undergound facilltles. If a cable is daoaged or cuE the contractor may be responsible for a pedesral ro pedestal replicernent. ALL EXCAVATION WITHIN 18" of UTILITIES SHALL BE DONE BY HAND. AII locaces are yalid for 48 hours only afcer locaEion' 1 UAI T, olrcr 3668 o€2)vel)t'r72. MOUNTAIN CABLE LOCATION BELL AGREEMENT ' /,1 ,,EXCHANGE c/ -tt /l-LOG NO.?7r77 LocAToRs NAME -i 1/t'i COMMITMENT TIME TIME DISPATCHED ADDBESS 4^iZ- 3. Fr-4-c E-dzz DATE TIME COMPLETED LocATTNG FoR: HrueorcoMpANy j /lo4 ?/Zt ADDRESS PHoNE No.4/7t- g t-7:/ Locatlon to be sketched or descrlb€d in space below. Indlcate paint or stakes and number thereof. {l INDICATE NORTH t@abirr IMPORTANT 18" olthor sldo ot ih€ stako, palnl mark or flag le consldered a conect locallon. Dlg to youryerllcal depth 18" ellher slde of the stake, palnl mark or flag and expose the cable by hand before crosslng the cable or dlgglng beslde lt. Party Requesting Locate RefusesTo Sign tr Party Requestlng Locate Not Available O I agree fhat the sketch or descrtpilon location of underground facilities as requested. PERSON REOUE$TING: LOCATIOH *:.?.|j::3,1:,i" GAS AND ETECTRIC LOCATION SKETCH 343670 PSAVCiJ. OQOOA 06/1$/9? 11.!00 Ati 000?7?L4 rICK€T N0: OOo?7914 P$C0 N0r 199ro,i150038? ORIGINAL CA[.|.. tATEr O6/LA/92 TIMtiI tOI5Z A I'PoI NTMENT 0ArEr TIME; AMtrM REQUESTED FoR 0ATEt 06/1.7/92 TIMEr lttOO $TA'rE ! C0 CoUNTY I EAG|-EADDRT 442 SIREET: tsR0NTAEE Rt S NEAR INTEnSECT0N(S) I 6RI tls: O5$OBOU06** i il TYPE 0F UORKr SATHLITE Dt$H L0CATI0N r LOC E.zEN0 0F t-OT ** 'I :l C0HI,ANY I APPoLO PA RKCALLEn I LMA AL.I OONT r 00NE FOR I APP0L0 PARK REHA ll K li r l'lE l''l BE:R €i : PSAUGl 1 I UfiUtJ 13 t UEStiS? EEFORE YOU DIG BEOUIRES TWO BUSI ESS DAYS NOTICE NOR|"IAI- $RII) MAP RE T:C I AM 0Pr RHF, AM Fl ris No] I OEi r CITY I VAIL I ACCES$ 0tlEN .*.1 O48 ME:ET ! N l.-EGAL. r EXP , I N PHONr: | (303)476-5881 EXT, : I STAT€ tAW CRS 1973,9-1 tl0l ISENATE EtLL NO. 172-1981, t6qui'€! €VEnYONE planning o dig in or noar r PUBLIC nOAD, STREgT. ALLEY, RIGHT.OF-WAY, o. UTtLITY EASEMENTTo notiryrhs uriliryown6r! of yourint6rrTwO EUS|NESS DAYS BEFO|iE yod DtG'- CAu, t -@.&t. ttt6rh Mn; D.nvjrfil4.d'|b-Tiiili I ttail fu P*^'''i/**,"tf"?'.y- This sketch is ipproximate. The stakos, or paint marks denoto tho Locator's best estimated location of underground utitity facillties. DIG VERY CAREFULLY - PROTECT UNDERGROUND UTILITY, CABLES, PIPES, WIRES, AND OTHER EOUIPMENT. How l\4arked: ! Sutes ! faint fl Fbgs E Nyton whiskers LOCATOR'S NAME Signature of psrson WHIT€ . GAS OISTAISUTION YEL|-OW . CUS]OM€R PINK . LOCATOF TOWN OF VAII", DEPARTI1T]NT OF CO]\I]VILINITY DEVELOP}IENT SALES ACTION FOR}{ ,t,,,rtlr50Z-I A}IE 0l 0000 .1 1540 ZO\]NG,{\ ]) .A D D R ESS I,f ,{.PS 0l 0000 42,115 UM}:OR\{ BLqLDiNC CODE 0l 0000 .12,1i 5 UMFOR},I PLUi\fBIIG CODE 01 c1000,42,1t5 I ul..lrorult .rrrr H,tr\rc.\L co I ) Ii OI 00c,0 {?4 r5 | u\IFoR.\{ FtR; Colri: 0l 000042.115 | NAnoN..\[.ILECTiUCAI-CODll 0l 0000 .12.: l5 O]]'IER CODE iJOOKS 0l co00.115{s I nlUe i,nr..-'is oryLAIrs) 0l 0c00-12r l2 | xrlox (tcPtE.s l s'ruDnis 01 0000.42-r7! i PF.N,\Ll-1 FI:LS/ RE-IN.Si-.SCllO)iS 0l 0tC0 1r-,l-'2 | irL.A..Y R:--VIEW Ri:'CI1i:CK F .11 [S'10 PEi{ tlR.] 0l 0000.1232: I ot,r I;OuRs DisP[clloN FELS 0l 0000J1412 |coNf i.'...\ (iro R S l-J(.L\sLS FF,I-^S I I 01 0000 c1.{13 I slGN ..\PPLIC.\',I'iON Fi:l: ol o00t {.1.1i:i 1..\DDIt'toNAl. stcN,\c!- i::i:. [s1.00 t)E.R.5Q.]ir.l 'li 00C0 12440 l'/TC ,\R'f PROIECI DO\A'|]ON 0 r 0aii0 r t 33l iPRij I)/-,D DI.-51r.;:'i RLVli:W BOARD F i:g 0l cool 4 l 3.r() or oall.lr)ir i1.) l(pr.r'trl I)l:Vl:lf)p\{F\.I'I)l(1-:?l('I' t,.iFWl' r' -- --L-- *--| 5iJC4fi; 0] 0000 4t-1t0 lSPt-.iilr\L DEVH-OP\Jtl\r-I'Dl:).1-Rl. f-ll\._114i198- {\1LIp 0l 0000,rr 310 rsPi:cl.,\r- Di:Yl:_LQll1.!E[l l?,li]3!!i"i_ll:tlN.!)d ,t rlill? 0l 0000 .11l.l0 1 51-;ll l")l',/l5loi{ ir:o.uc 0l 0000.113i0 lZol,rlr..tj COt)lt ,i.\1ll* Dl\{ i,r'l iS s ?J 0.c0 I{E . ZONI\(J st,10.00 Appl icatiofate DRB MEETING DATE IAIhA Ch-\,}4 - vvl APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA I. Procedures for_applying-for a satellite dish antenna are outlined in0rdinance #9 of 19g5. Details of these procedures are availabri-tromthe Department of.cormunity Development.- nppticants are encouraged tocontact-the Department of Conrnunity Developirlnt for additionai iiiormitionconcerning submitted requests, review criteria, and the approval pi;;;;;:- A. NAME 0F APPLICANT lParto PAp< zpS ADDREss .y'A J/5-7 /(z s- /oJ PHONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION B. NAI4E OF APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVES sso c /----> ADDRESS ' 6,y Jf7,7 //+tz- t/6ff pHoNE q/?do?-? /r-a ttt t / Cb NME 0F 0t.lNER(S) SIGNATURE ,/)'JrBl't-. /Ucu-, a *l D. Ljst of names and addresses of al'l property adjacent to the subjectproperty including property behind and accross streets and their mailing addresses. The applicant is responsible for correct mailing addresses. Th" degJ ftstac ' l4e. u" 3;-8ffi"" 'Rv E' t'fl\l*r- f^&' Esr a-etoe '-' a1frrr/"*'o, !o","Q r.l 0,4-1,+/,/*ZaP.q .vr. ' / W:-t %g /o-.-< la /z/,-' ,;5' /l V.1\/ft 1r- -lfzAtrs IP€, f W I ArLs LD€' r /o^z Flof? 1\,f;.1 ,-,,o \M , uTn^, roou,{o^e.s a/,"T".WA-". Vv ,7,/fo-*:u ztvt/'f--'%%{( 'F,od,rrytE;' De - zz** AS OUTL INED - I I,I, g#ftdiF ff, --!6i) flN'I F I CAT ION OF ADJACENT P RO PE RTYolrNERS rs REQUTRED pruOn ro'nevii! Qi_airi-nppijciirbns ey THE DEsrcNREVIEl,l BOARD....FOR^]HII REAIOH,.99f9qf! Ni;bLiiNiiOIrS MUST BE SUBMITTEDT0 THE DEPARTMENT or cowturltii'oEvrlopr"rEni ai'onii-bnlon ro THE scHEDULEDDESIGN REVIEI,I BOARD MEETING. 75 roulh ttontage road Yall. colorado 8'1657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 To: Satell ite Djsh Applicants From: Oepartment of Comrnunity DevlopmentRe: Review Criteria and Approval Process oltlce ol communlly developm€nt The review process for any application for the instaltatlon of a satellite dish antenna begins with a staff review by the Department of Community Development. Compliance with the foildwing requirements is necessary before any application is fon,rarded to the Design Revievl Board: 1. Qgmplete application cons'isting of the following: _ A Conrpl eted sate'l I ite dish appl ication forrn andl\,b) Cnmnlpted Dpqion Revipw Rnard annlication sate] I ite dish appl ication form andffraF!.ii 7 >b ) Completed Design Review Board appl ication - \::---:--; '"c) Site plan showing proposed location of the sate'l lite]b ) Completed Design Review Board appl ication\c ) Site olan showino orooosed Iocation of th dish antenna Description of the satel'litg*dish antenna (i.e. size?tal design, material s, etc. )+<t) Color sample (if applicable) Landscape plan (if appl icable) An improvement location certificate and/or a preliminary tit'le reporth') Elevations, perspectives,or renderings if deemed applicab'le by the staff of the Connnunity Development Department 2. No nore than one (1) satellite dish antenna shall be al'lowed. on any lot as delineated on the official Town of Vai'l zon] ng map. @g @ '3. The maximum height allowed for any satellite dish antenna, when measured from the toD of the satellite dish antenna down to existing or finished grade, whicheveris rnre restrictive, shal'l not exceed 15 feet. \q.The maximum size of any satellite dish antenna jnstal'l ed for use by a single residence or business shall be limited to 9 feet in diameter. Satellite dish antennas serving multi-family dwellings shall be limited to a maximum of 12 feet in diameter. ty''llr /,u/"- ^ lfu fr''//,' '{aa rbnt :::'H::,3i'fJt"'*' ;il:'t**r terr a3 llo advertising, logos or identification shalI be a1 lowed on any satellite dish antenna. Satellite dish antennas shall comoly with the existing setback reouirements of the zone district in which ffrisT6r I i 6--.-.---._ the existing structure. that variances may be granted to any provisions outljned and in Section 1S.58.320 D of Crdinance 9, 19g5. 3.'The use of appropri'ateco]ors shall be required to provide for a more sensitive installation when integrat'ing a satel'lite dish antenna onto a site or structure. Co]or selection for a satel'lite dish antenna should be made with respect to specjfic characteristics on a site or structure. Unpainted surfaces and sate'llite dish antennas with reflective surfaces shal'l not be alIowed. 4. Locations of satellite dish antennas shall be made so as to ensure that the satellite dish antenna is screened \ from view from any public right-of-uay or adjacent property to the highest degree possible. In addition to effective site planning, screening a satellite dish antenna may be accomplished through the use of 'l andscaping materials, fencing, existing structures, sub,-grade placements or other means that both screen the satel'l ite dish antenna and do not appear unnatural on the site. '.vJ. (@ \./ It should be noted above (ilurnbers 2-7) 7. Due to the specia] aesthetic importance of the core areasI of the Town, exterior instal Iations of satel'l ite dish antennas Nlh 'tn Cormercia'l Core areas I and II sha'll be permitted only'- if screened by some type of enclosing structure. Said structures required to enc'lose a satelIite dish antenna in these areas shalI comply with a'l1 applicab'le zoning regulations and sha'l 'l be architecturally compatible with AppI'icat'ions in compl iance with these requirements sha'l I be fon,rarded to the Design Review 8oard. Guidelines utiljzed in this review are as fo'l I ows : 1. A'l I wiring and cable related to a satellite dish antenna shal'l be installed unerground. ..^ Aolavlrl _> (E) The use of mesh antennas is hi-ohly encouraged because ofrrva'-''-"' -'\/ their ability to be rpre sensitively integrated on a '. -- site or structure. :ilil:3,31'1.l:311 .,'li;.'iil13! *i ter Satellite dish antennas on or attached to ex.isting structuresshall be permitted provided the sate'llite djsh anlennais architectural ly integrated into the structure. Effectjve use of color shall be required to ensure compatibility between the sateliite dish antenna and exjsting structure. The use of a mesh rnterial shall be strongly encouraged when attempting to integrate a satellite dish antenna onto an existing structure. Landscaping or other site jmprovements intended to screen asatellite dish antenna proposed on any application shall be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit toinstall a satellite dish antenna. A letter of credit equalto l25i( of the costs of insta'l ling landscap'ing or site improvements rny be submitted to the Town of Vajl if seasonal weather conditions prohibit the installation of landscapingor site improvements. Al 1 improvements required by the Design Review Board for the purpose of reducing the visibility of satellite dish antennas shal'l remain in place so long as the satellite dish antennas remain in place unless permission to alteror remove said improvements is obtained from the Design Review Board. Al'l satellite dish antennas and all improvements required by the Design Review Board to reduce the visibilityof satel'l ite dish antennas shall be adequately maintained and repaired and shall not be alloved to become dilapitated ii *tl into a state of disrepair. Upon final approval'.from the Design Review Board, applicants must obtain a building permit prior to the installation of any satel'l ite dish antenna. 5. 7 7. revired 914/9L i DRB APPLICAIION * TOTIN OF \IAII., DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: tllrlttttt* COIPRADO TBIS EFPI.TC,ATION VIII,L IIOT BE ACCEPTED T'NTIL ALL REOUTRED IITFORT|ATION IS SI'BI.IITTED*tttt***** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: For L1owo ?aBR TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) "'Addition ($50.00)ConceptuaL Review (S0) ADDRESS:atp?atR P o.Box aL57{L S LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOI Block subdivisi on ( eacR D {ui \ V, llaae btu F i - i tl r-- If property is described by a meets and bounds lega1 descript.ion, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. zoNrNG z ilit u Den+itv ffluu{r 'f flmtvy D. F. G. ,r>taqe-HEzt67 LOT AREA: Tf required, applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. aLLatrhed ,r) NAME OF APPLICANT: ,4-Pouto YarV, l^odoeMqiling Address l ^t(Vo.r-t , C0. gr(r4i E Phone 4-/b - 5*8l H.NAME oF AppLrcANT's REpRESENTATTvE; Lta4 Sessler .'', ^^ O - J. Phone 47b - SQQI et<r +oq NAME OF OWNERS: vAit Dhnne 41/- - < Qa / % Condominium Approval, if applicable. DoT CIFPLtCa.ELe DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . the Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. r_,. j- . / FEE PAID: $ "r; . '- ' FEE SCHEDULE: t a- .;, - VALUATION$ o - s 1o,o0o $ 10,001 - s 50,000 $ 50,001 - I 150,000 $150,001 - s 500,000 $500,001 - 91,000,000$ Over 91, 000, 000 FEE s 20.00s 50.00 s100.00 9200.00 s400.00 ss00.00 * DESIGN RET'IETT BOARD IPPRO\IAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR IT'IER FINAI.. APPROVAIJ T'NI'ESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATTON I{ILL BE PROCESSED WITEOI'T ONNER' S SIGNAIII'RE .n*srcNATlrrr lsl: vLu* .,t-!-tt-d-Lz.+ a/o (poqo PapkMailing Aaat"t rr. PRE-APPLr.orrt*"ErrNG: A pre-application rneeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to deternine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It 1s the applicant,sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements. Pl-ease note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeti-ng submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site to doneindicate property lines, building Iines and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB sj.te visit. The applicant mus! ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate neetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a finaL approval . Applicants shoul-d plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval ' N th C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meet.ing date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, wiII have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such tine as the item has been ,,/ republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required) : a. Wi-ndows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding,'and N/+ b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includel-etters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or managier of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow aval-anche, rockfall, flood p1ain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study nust be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buj-lding permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior to DRB application to determi.ne the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For aII residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the buj-1ding,' andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding waIIs or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, aII conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. i IV. NEw coNsTRUObN A. Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev, stamped bva licensed survevor, at a scale of 1n = 20t or larger, on which the followinq information is provided: L . Lot area. 2. Two foot contour interval.s unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5t contour intervals may be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4" or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturaffeatures (1arge boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfal1, etc.)rcenterl,ine of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of 408 or more, if applicable. 6, Ties to existing benchnark, either USGS fandmarkor sewer invert. This information should beclearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point. This is particularly important for height measurements. See Policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys, 1. Locations of the following: a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service Lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer GasTelephone Water Electric c. Show all utility meter Locations, including any pedestals to be l-ocated on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocablepermits from the Town of Vail are required for improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing must be shown. e. A11 easements (Title report must also include existing easement locations) 8. Existi-ng and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the Iot, 25 feet out from the side property lines. B. Site PIan 1. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spotelevations must be shown. 2. AIl existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining waI]s (with top and bottom of wa11 spot elevations), and other exi.sting site inprovements. c. and proposed qrades shown underneath) . Theseel-evations and grades must be provided in orderfor the staff to determine building height. A1lridge Lines should be indicated on the site pJ_an.El-evations for roof ridges shall also be indicatedon the site plan with corresponding finished andexisting grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8t unless approvedby the Town Engineer. Landscape PIan (!" = lQt or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following information must be provided on theIandscape plan. The location of existing 4"diameter or larger trees, the location, size,spacing and type (common and latin name) of allexisting and proposed plant material . All treesto be saved and to be removed must also beindj.cat.ed. The plan nust also differentiat.e between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the att.ached landscape materials list. 3. The location and type of existing and proposedwatering systens to be enployed in caring forplant materiaL following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour 1ines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above information as possible onto the siteplan. Siqn off from each utilitv companv verifying thelocation of utility service and availability (see attached) . A prel-iminarv title report must accompany allsubmittaLs, to insure property ownership and locationof all easements on property. Archi-tectural Plans (I/9tt = It or larger, !/4,, ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies reguj-red. 1. Scafed floor plans and all elevations of theproposed deveLopment. Elevations must show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans rnust be "red*Iined" to show how the gross residentj-al- fLoor area (GRFA) was calcul-ated. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8-L/2" x LL"l for incl-usion in PEC and/or Town Council memos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing rnaterials and materj.at colorsshall be specified on the attached material-s list.This materials list must be completed andsubmitted as a part of DRB application. Colorchips, siding samples etc., should be presented tothe Design Review Board meeting. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if projectj-s l-ocated within the Single-Family, Primary,/Secondaryor Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent structures. NOTE: G. H. -,. !--,- r,-----rr-.<.!rr91*!+r!1,f, r. rhe zonlg Administrator and/or onl"y require the submission of additional plans, drawings,specifications, samples and other naterials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether aproject will comply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formalrequirements set forth above, provided aI1 importantspecifications for the proposal including colors andmaterials to be used are submitted. VI . ADDITIONS - RBSIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with aII specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans I/8" = I' or larger (1 /4" - I' is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specifications for all materials and color sanples onmaterials list (attached) . At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utilityIocation verification form. H. A si-te inprovement survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary title reportr to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists all easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule aframing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitted. The folJ-owi-ng information must be provided on the ILC: A. Building location (s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. C. A11 utility service line as-builts, showing type ofmaterial used, and size and exact focation of lines, D. Drainage as-buiLts. E. Basis of bearinq to tie to section corner. tr AI I hr.rrrarf l----,-1 oii" ut" to be either found or set andstated on improvement survey. G. A11 easements. H. Building floor elevations and aII roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge Lines. vrrr.coNcEPTUAL p+N REVTEW A. Submittal reguirements: The owner or authorized agentof any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Departrnent of Community Development. The conceptual review isintended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compat.ibility of their proposal with the Town, sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications more complex than single- famj-1y and two-fanily residences. However, developersof single-family and two-family projects shall not beexcluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. Complete applications must be submitted 1-0 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shall be submitted for a conceptuaL review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimumscale of one inch equals twenty feet,. 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposedstructure or st ructures i 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of t.he zone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage ealculations, number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed Onn application form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application forconceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shall review the submitted materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate reguirements ofthe zoni-ng code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requJ.rements, theproject shaLl be forwarded Lo the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not general.ly in compliance wi.th zoning code requirements, theapplication and submittal materials shalL be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whythe Community Development Department staff has foundthe project not to be j-n compliance with zoning coderequirements. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptualreview application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or his representative shall be present at the DRB hearing. LIST OF MATERIALS NAI'{E OF PROJECT:A?ou'o ?"* LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS. 1|-A 3. ITZO DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Anttr-tna+ SUBDIVISION Vo.ir The following information is Review Board before a final required for submittal approval can be given: to the Design A. BUILDING I,IATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors uoo I'rl_m Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* ?runus e6to na ?urzple le ipfum 3 4 / Pr'^nt a Li+l,una _{ NO[JI I T 1o/ EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. Pi nus l"0r.r-oo ffiuno QoBytus 3uice,^, PLANT MATERTC Botanicaf Name Co**onQl" Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 qalIon. Tvpe Sguare Footaqe GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of Iight proposed. r{oilL ?ftoPoieD D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal]s, fences, swinmingpooIs, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwal1s. Maximum height. of walls withj-n the front setback is3 feeL. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. (^ I o*\+L,ot^ XLncu btL'leen 'lhe kno lJroDLtZ:t Y 5Fe3 I Qr"r* LocArroN **r"r.orl I t] ^ nSUBDIvISION /-t l'ouuo l'oRk ,I JoB NAME Snlclltto dt<*,^,. Lor Gack D BLOCK FTLTNG g*4. Va.1 \4liaqa ADDRESs 11A S. Fleon-t a6e reo.6 \Ai/ 8/b57 The location and availability of utilities, whet.her they be mainlrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Comrnunications t-800-922-L98'7 458-5860 or 949-4530 Publj-c Service Cornpany949-5181 goo Gary Ha]1 qaJ^ tqET Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 94 9-s I92 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle ValIey Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-1480 Fred Haslee NOTE:I' il2 * Please bringobtaining Upperflow needs must \a.a.,wnte .5 m jfA u TlckeTt s281q Rt.N {onr, Ticxe/ qlg/4 N[cland Kts=ina)ef Q ana ,leFf FlamtLTaN lDaryl lhil \urzvLe v/,7 t4a '/,t /qe '/,, /qa b/, ,'- /qa Ut ,- /a.-.,I c(lD'.ZO dvn. 4/ q This form is to verify service availability andl-ocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing a utility plan and schedulinginstall-ations. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utillty verification form. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shoufd note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. If the issue is relatively complicated,it should be spelled out in detail in an attachedletter to the Town of Vai]. However, please keepin mind that it is the responsibility of theutility company and owner to resolve identified problems. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume Lhat there are no problems and that the development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit fron the Town of Vai1, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. a site plan, floor p]an, and elevations when Eagle VaIley water & Sanitation signatures. Fire be addressed. DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE D]STRICTS Block _ Filing , ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONE Allowed Existinq Proposed Total (30 ) (33) ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscapj.ng Retaini-ng Wall Heights Parking Garage Credj-t Drlve: ?, /A' Reqrd (300) (500) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope 8t Actual- Slope +425= +425= 20, 15' 15, (30) (s0) Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes No Envi ronment a1lHaz ards :1) Flood PLain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow AvaLancheb) Rockfall c) Debris Flow4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file): Does this resuest involve a 250 Addition? How much of the aLLowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria seL forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fuII- time employees of the Upper Eagle valley. 10 C,{.TI :::.:: :: or!: .00 | !?q0:00 t ____ s?00.00 I 5500.00 s l 500.00 i - sr,QQ.!pJ_, - s200.00 | ----_-[- i s250.00 s250.00 5200.00 0l 0000{l-1,1() IZOMh'C (_OI)t rL\lF-\ DM L\.fS 0l 0000.11330 lRE.7-{)i\rD\i(l il ---;ffi;-;-;;;;;--* -- Flfscellaneous CaEh _-_1ll:*':__ ___--__ _ _ll:::1'_ __ F:ec*ipt * t:19eEi8i Flr':sun t * IIF'OLLLI F.FRIi:.'.PE:E F.F{I[. [.F:E Hnr':unt tendpred : set. LlEl Iteo paid Rnrount paid Erl8r:rnE4l3f,lE8B 58. EH lih.=nqe ret.urned l tl. BEr THF}{T< t/f}L, t'our *ashier JEI.INIFER o No\oN i4 r,O-aVrn'{ Jt | |<Og\tlC)\OS||'l -Y?Tc, ro yt ctFtoc)(tF v, iaqt EEoltz (J I INo\ I|.t C' ICI C'C' Ft!o. (J r!5(, -ctcr-Er{E2:-E5Eo!lvl t! ffi ffi ffi ffi =o l! sD(9H Flrl E rlll!<E(J ffi ffi E.ff Afiz,c, UFggFt=<t<t>5 l-Cct-vr|lt lJ ct Flv,F<ct{ | <fEFiE9<5t/, > rQ tl trt zoF{o uJoJN=EN<6>(JtF (DuN(.'<Xr/tFO<c,E'93IUO<rt -C.Yro o':YN gNR RveIINq NO.<ot1.10. )<l."'EE4J|/''LJC,.-lC'CC'H t*dds ffi =c, o\Fr ta(f, \tF' G' l! ctJN,q ro (Jor0 arttu \?(9C'<xc,FCtHnZe,cluJC'> -G< GT3:I Iq qqqqq q 8;;F"B; ut an.! FIroa ru F.| trt m.! trtctatrl -or'l ru trt Fi =EI F{F E4co.J vt frc EItl t- EIcg EC'lr Ng\ or C'i4 z,D =e,E ct 5 CI X."HfP r! ru tftr5H . ilffiE g 3EE=#f; 3 =3 r't trl NItt olf4g\ C'gtl. crctooirlr,r)rt \o \o \o \o tltl tal F{ Ft F{ r{Ft C! Ct Ct Ct ;;;;;Ct Cl Fl Ct r{-tFCtCt.{GOFI Best Copy Available F /tor- /* *t,rt prrt /7p,rnnor,r A I)b A,/ / /(,/,{r,t4-/,rh'(z n*k) ^' /rp*tf fii/n"f a,t , a /hr/ Elr,"/4) - t6, / fr;l \ I )'^ ) ppB /a"*,*/ aarnphg/ '' w /ltc V/3 n//'",/A" 5r, /a, ';./ &*' Zsa o4/r"- 916? @r/aln/* # frq /44 (nu ) /fr,bfi 4" /f a) o /*ru,. /lo*As, 5st d*r Vt* 3 €nrturz Dnt/ ft/,/,2F8 flaa-- PEL ,h/" I al ' //tuf<s: W re t ht^h ,f--o t;.q."1 ' gl'd* nqw*rU { 7r;4 /;lu v -'., //a4o '&el *r*48 Dtrtl /rurzfu,l o rfrfr" o {,//4;/'4 {g,{/*n -6fu1 4/' B'qa.7zo -.rr. t ,. t / / ,, f" +, //, Wnfii ( -@:,ryF,*,t , '/tt/'4a2v*teh" @t4 erfu4f; dnr@ t,6a e$s/ - -- -f /,4ait"///*,* ,l ,y'* l,,qt/ -TD . /*r{* Eful W - o 6/,/u"fu,*,q 'fr,fo /,16t/# ,(ei, ils Frc ,/ or{,//,/r*j,'ro*4^t /;: z4g g Mf'6' , d' 4,/. 4/' "l.s/r*,/ y." ,,tfrg /4"L trlaa \(r ,Aq Q**/ r.*4 au,7tz{-' 6ee'"/ i/h) 12"{'L /6'5ffi1 d/ll, t ,ta{*.-/ t4*,,*/ fr'/b' frr*f Lfi, "; Yafirll {^/ */ l/* ah WOODS, KINNEY 8 BREITHAUPT, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW BOETTCHER BUILOING OTC 84oo EAsr PRENTTCE AVENUE, surrE 249f ll'n ,J U t.i 6 I lm GREENWOOD VILLAGE, COLORAOO AOIII-2gFT - TELEPHONE (303) 793-3339 ALAN WOOOS STEVENS P. KINNEY, tr RICHARO W. BREITHAUPT BARBAF'A R. WOOOS FAX (303) 220- tAA9._-//--\---June 26, L992 Mr. Tim Dev1in Office of Comrnunity Development Town of vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: .Ioinder in Satellite Dish Variance Dear Mr. Devlin: Enclosed please find the original Joinder In Application For A variance Fil.ed by Apollo Park Lodge and a copy of a letter which I fa:red to Liza Sessler today. Please call me when you have looked them over. Sfncerely, ,'/'WV Aran woods Aw: d9 Enclosures 315IC ,\.r,ri. -., .- 91992 iIOIITDER IH APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE FTLED BY APOLLO PARX LODGE The Wren Association on behalf of The Wren Condominiums, 500 South Frontage Roacl East, vaiI, Colorado 81657, hereby joins in the application For A Variance filed by Apo11o Park Lodge to place two satettite dish antennas between epollo Park and The wren, to be used jointly by Apollo Park and The wren to provide satellite television to the units in both properties. The Wren has 51 dwelting units which will be served by the satellite television. we understand that Apollo Park has a total of 82 dwelling units which will be served. By combining the two properties into one satellite signal reception which will serve over 100 dwelling units, lrlorld Cinema, Inc., Houston Texas, will offer rates which would not be available if The Wren and Apollo Park were to pursue the satellite hook-up separately. I will be pleased to appear in support of the application and will be happy to answer any questions prior to or at the hearing before the Design Review Board. Dated June 26, L992. The Wren Association Jn Woods, Presiilent 84OO E. Prentice Avenue, Suite Englewood, Colorado 80111 Telephone: 303-793-3339 240 30990 WOODs. KINNEY g BREITHAUPT. P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW BOETTCHER BUILOING OTC a4OO EASI PRENITCE avENU€, sulfE arlo GREENW@O VrLLAGE. COLORAOO 60lll-2914ALAN WOOOS !;TEVENS P. KINNEY. II RICHARO W. BR€ITHAUPT AARBARA R. WOOOS \5-.1 . '' 4glw YELEPHONE (303) 793-3339 FAX (303) aeo- 1889 June 25, 1992 Mrs. Liza Sessler Apollo Park Lodge 442 S. Frontage Road, EastVail, Colorado 81557 Re: ,Ioinder in Satellite Dish Variance Dear Liza: I am encLosing the Joindler in the application that Apollo Park filed with conrnunity Development, which I read to y6n oner the phone. I understand that you wi1l.be filing the ioinder with dornmunity Development today. I tried to reach Tim Devlin but have not yet talked to him.. Please advise me of his conments after you give him a copy of our Joinder in your application. I plan to be at the freliinq to support the application aud our .7oinder. We should talk before tlen. If you have any questions, Please call' A$l: dg Enclosurexc Tim Devlin Bob Gass 316 0C erely, Jul+26-1992 tAt?B htIlDS Kll.{hEf & BREITI{RI'pT TO fftroJUN 26tggz L4tr6?w P'w -----. ) ' -----'--- --zt''- *- FRO4 ifi,rmg, ru EIIIED H'ffifitr'lH"-* Ih€ Ttres lf lg:13!l:*.:: R3:et[.:[,t$3rl]'tolor-?g? - --- ll$*ir#i**Hthf; {r'i:iH'iii#:i#'ffi fr 'jlmil- DroDertlar. rb6 wren hue. 61 d$€11.tH"::*:.-t*t H:Lr:illlii:ll ili,fi;:lillyiiiili"rlt#l'#;liillisrii*"li;"r'i:r*iiE-ttr.-properties-ili_:,??:-",i:?i-- trorld ctog6e, rsc. r Eouston [:i"iHi,eii;.1'9"9:'*ltEslie ;;i r"-;ii*iut ri rue wren andl Aeollo'i"ii-ilt6-to p"rJ'il [[e saterute book-uP segafst€ly' . I wlII be PlEasett-t!- lnrear irr suplrort of tbe ll, l t" il:'i"llr" J' * 13? "olB'"'":: : ;l"l*' iit "::n: I o as P r i o r t o Datedl JuaE 26r 1992' Jt-hl-6'1992 L4227 .TNT1q KTI$EY & BREITT{A'FT Fl{Jl wu"-Y ''- 244 L476ffi P'at Ih€ tfrBu 16e6sllttoa ru$-26-1992 14.28 FRSI TEODS KII{€Y & BREITFHJP'r T0 L4?6?% P,@2 240 conaorstuill:, *i8t tiiif;:i:li!1fil Rililfi:i !' ]!:i:'to to' uoo -'-- ft iil'llffi $'lfr tlifi iHq:irjl'j,:ft F:;f ifr fr ''$*i'-Eho wrtn to Provide gatellltc tt' DroDarticc. rb€ tfretr hac - 61 d*elllg.:ti:i.-ti:t l;ll*i,*lj:jrbe qarelite ;i|g;l'ilti, $irh-;tti ue se*edr--ii coebiutns tot.l of 82 Clw ii*1*ii*ii+[li*:ii$$in-tf il:hffil"ll'"":!l$'"" geParatelY' r wj.rr be_preaseg_!-"- l3p:H":l :l3oli:,liol3"p"io, to 3r l lt*;8"3?t "Et ll'!? "ol'#olE' il- ;;; r er n6 a r c' 'Dated Juae 26' f992' JOIMER IU NI;ED H"ftr#i.H'iff'o** .:': J$F26r1992 L4rZ7 EhE wreu Assool',atloD FR[f'l U@DS KII'bEY & #lThF{'FT TO $16ffi P'st J[N-26F1994 L4'8 UIIIDS KII.}Ef & BREIT}H-FT TO L416?9€6 P.@ 240 FRCf'l JOIMEB IT fltiED trfffi'%trStr"'* co uaonrsr[13,"131 t3i!i]i!lii:!i ffitn][=!!' ][liTt" lo r ad o 81557, betebv roinr ls thc epericlliir-ioi'e'v111"""o ti1e6 bv tBsll38$r#il!";rifr :,*q;,i::aliii;it:f^"ffi ii:,F;fr F" rhc ttrrEu ,o p=i"iEl 'iiEEiriit belerrlelou to tb€ ' " Dropestlag. rbe wren hus. 61 .rss11.tffi.$*iJti:t l;lltyfrlllfi:i EtE.i":;'il'e*lgiliiti:il'hxti be eEw,,d' - -ir co@iains $fr5ll51;:lllffi $ilt:$tiil"*il4*#ll*:i'-i'*'"" seParately' r wur be Breaseit-tg- ilt:i'#l :l3t&i:,tt.l3'r'ior to #' I t" *l;i;?t#' l}l? "nlnot"tpi; r ii- iE" r ed ro a r o' 'DAt€dl iluaE 26', L992; ----=;"' ..1....--.----..-.-. .r, ;i. Jtsl-26, 1# t$tt? FRg'l UMD6 KII'$EY A EREITHilJPT Ehe WEea Assoclattoa KLB3 wees-, -:---fietue, SUlte8{00 E. Preatecg-!- c^it.l *tk*:* -eil::;g:-3: I l' M?6ffi P'st 1.4?6?9e,6 P. Ae JUN-25-1992 L4|28 FROM t^lOUDS Klt{'lEY & BREITHRUPT 'rcrrDTl$Hlffit%trf ,lJH'* The Wren Associatlg+-91 bebalf of, The'Yfrel condomiuiums, 50d $;ii-rioataee t6ii-s""t' -v311i -coloraoo Br6s7, herebr, :oi*I-ii-tni eprii"lli6o-ioi.r. va1i1"ca tiled bv iBs i tB Bilr :3t'i'i";iiii: tff ;:F:i;i :t"tu'#"$3ii: H:r: h the wren to pto"idE ''ilEiritt ter#iEio" -io- the units ia both gropertieg. rbe rrren has-51 elwell-ins ulits *Ficl Ii}} b" served bv rhe Eare'llre teieiiiiii",,r,r*[EFiq^il*in"3; ""lihllin" ii:. t#E;l:,::rila:i-ilH#i!?fitl lieiiift"pii"i-ilrilh . - llll.:";i!,"i?!"f :;hi'.il!1":$iii'[1iti;:'tifi]ii"lii*="" tril;-and ePollo Park $tere to Purl separatelY. r wilr be pleas-etl to- appear in $upPort of tbe l?, ll"ll:"f, ":lt# *,:?""'t'#"!i:;f[s iF":::a:ions pc i o r t o Dated JsaE 26r L992' tgkn*i -i:l::lgl-ll I l' 30990 ': JUN-26-1992 TA"N FROI'I !FODs KII'hIEY & BREITHRUPT The wEen a5ssslqttoo LAag?gffi P ',aL I Tim, Here's a list of things to check in order to get going on the satellite dish variance and conditional use. For file:1) copy section of code regulating satellite dishes (sup. regs.) 2) copi section of code listing design standards for sat. dishes Read:1) Cond. use criteria2l Variance criteria Analyze:L) site plans 2l elevations 3) make specific notes as to the way the proposal does or does not meet TOV standards Compare your conclusions as to the requests needed with the requests made by the applicant. Evaluate the requests against the PEC criteria/ similar memo. Get a zone check and review it for all other zoning issues. Check files upstairs, for any outstanding issues. revis€d 914/9L o frc I ? .l ffil'D,jiiil 1 b €gaApplication Datq PEC MEETING DATE IPPIJICTIION FOR T \NRIA}ICE I. This procedure is required for any project reguesting a- -variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME oF wpt tcl*$ LPovuo PatJ< Lodqc ADDRESs ? o . %or atq-l e,l--ges q 47b5861 A, NAr.rE oF AppLIcAltT, s REpRESENTATIVE fylAttksd5 dnd t(s€a.xaVs ADDRESS ? o.B oy- a6b7 YorL AVoSy El C. NAME OF f*"*,t, owNER(s) (type or printl fr')eeraicl Nel|Jror.J SIGNATURE (S) v.D 6w A6',7 ,fi;1 s,ou q q a L. Frc ovrt 0,4e Vd b,'{0,1 t gtb57 pnons - PROPOSAL:LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FILING ADDRESS n LOCAT]ON OF BLOCK_ r.,or-fuf,o lla58ADDRESS FEE ftZSO.OO THE FEE I{UST BE DEPARTMENT WILL F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS' and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES . AILA,EIICd II. A pre-application conference with a planning.staff member is strongLy- suggested to determine if any additional intorialion-Is needed. No application will be accepted unfess it is complete (must include alt items reguired by the zoning adminlstrator) . It is the applicant's responsibifity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about aaaitiona] submitlal reguirements . ollacl'rcd III. PLEASE NOTE TTTAT A COMPI,EIE APPLICATION WILL STP€AI'ILINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS TON VOUN PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT IHE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. At.I., coNDITIoNsoFAPPRoVALMUSTBECoMPLIEDWIIHBEFoREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR(4)COPIESOFTHEFOLLOWINGMUSTBESIIBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCEREQUESTEDAI{DT}tEREGULATIoNINVoLVED.TttE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS ' 6t{ae0,rd 1. The relationship of the reguested variance to otherexisting-orpotentialusesandstructuresintbe vicinity. , /, 1 , ^-./ ri t t, rt)lJJLlfe * 4' fi " s" lllr / /'" /htL'.-- PAID BEFORE THE COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. 2' I?:.t'i:.::,::i:i,::'::l *::.*;:':;'"o' specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sitls in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege' 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation' traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your request conplies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least 1" = 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existing improirements, including grades and elevations. Other eliments wnibn nust be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, Iandscaped areas and uLility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least L" - 20' showing existing and ProPosed buildings. Al1 preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dirnensions, general appearance, scafe and use of all buildings and spaces existing and ProPosed on the site. A prelirninary title report to verify ownership and easements. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval from the association in support of the project must aUe received by a duly authorized agent for said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of the apitication as determined by the zoning administrator' For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator' REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month- A complete application form and aII accompanying material-(as d'eicribed above) must be submitted a minimum of four tai *eeft prior to the date of the PEC public hearing' tio'incompllte applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) wilf be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date ' AII pEc approved variances shatl lapse if const_ruction is not coffienced within one year of the date of ipprova:, and diligently pursued to completion' If this application requires a separate review-by any Iocal, State or Federal agency other than tbe Town of VaiI, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. nxlmples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc' The applicant shall be responsible for payinq aly puUfii'fring fees which are in excess of 50* of the ippfication fee. If, at the.applicant's requestr anY *ittet is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-publisned, then, the entire fee for such re- publicltion shatl be paid by the applicant. ,1 't B. c. D. E. F. fV. TIME A. B. A.v. B. a ? I c.lnntr.ltns deemed by the Cornrnuni! Development Department to have significant designr land use or other issues which nay have a significant irnpact on the conmunity nay require review by consultants othel that town staff. Should a determination be nade by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Cornnunity Development may hire an outside consultantr it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to Pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Conmunity- Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for paynent of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. 75 South Frontage Rotd Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0t -479-2 1 t I / 47 9 -21 t9 Department of Commuity D eoelopmcnt June 29, 1992 Ms. Liza Sessler Apollo Park Lodge P.O. Box 2157 Vail, Colorado 81658 \. fl{ i'i' RE: APPLICAflON FOF SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAE FOR APOLLO PARK LODGE AND THE WREN CONDOMINIUMS. TRACT D VAIL VILLAGE FIFTH FILING Dear Ms. Sessler: This letter serves as a follow-up to our June 26 conversation regarding your application for two satellite dish antennae to be located at Apollo Park Lodge and the Wren Condominiums. As we discussed, the staff of the Department of Community Development feels that the two antennae would be better located at the north end of the respective properties. The reason for this is because the proposed location at the south end of the properties would interfere with the views from Vail's Sfream Walk. By moving the dishes to the north side of the properties, they could be etfectively screened by landscaping and/or fencing. We would be happy to work with you and Matthews & Associates Landscape Architects to find the best solution and location for the two dishes. The Department of Gommunity Development also requires that a Utility Encroachment Agreement and a Title Report (Schedules A & B) be obtained by you and submitted to our department in order to proceed with this application. Since this matter will be before the Planning & Environmental Commission (PEC) on7l13l92 and the Design Review Board (DRB) on 7l'15192, please have this information to us no later than Monday 716192. We have received the elevation showing the proposed satellite dish height and the letter from the Wren Condominiums stating that you have he authority to act on heir behalf for the purpose of obtaining a satellite dish. We have also received a letter from Mr. Menill Newton of Apollo Park Lodge that gives you he legal authority to be his representative in this matter. I look forward to working with you on this project and hope that you will not hesitate to contact me at 479-2138 if I can answer questions that you may have. -X:7,.4) y' '/l6lfr?E //, La4, Timothy Devlin Town Planner Kristen PriE, Director of Community Development .rF 3'/,L % "% ryf*if^ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that fie Plannlng and Environmental Commlssion of he Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accodancE with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on August 10, 1992, at 2:00 p.m. In the To$rn of Vail Municlpal Building. Consideration of: 1.A request for a work session lor a PEC determination of the parklng requirement for the proposed Booth Falls Par 3 Golfcourse, located on Tract A, Vail Vlllage 13lh Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for a work session for a conditional uss permit for an addition to ths Munic$pal Building to house the Vail Police Department, located at 75 Soulh Frontage Road West (at the east end of the existing Municipal Building), and as legally described below: A part of the Southeast 1/4 ot Section 6, Townshlp 5 South, Range 80 West ol the Sixth Principal Meridian, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Section 6, thence Norh 00 degrees 28 minutes 16 seconds West and along the East line of said Southeast 1/4 of said Section 6 72.75 he East line of said Southeast 1/4 of said Section 6 72.75 teet to a point, said polnt belng 1 10.00 feet nodheasterly lrom the southerly rlght-of-way line of U.S. Hlghway No. 6 as measured at dght angles thereto; thencs Norlh 79 degrees 46 minutes 11 seconds West and along a line parallel to said southerly right-of-way line 145.50 feet to The True Point of Beginning; hence North 16 degrees 08 minutes 47 seconds East 78.00 feet; thence Norlh 68 degrees 08 minutes 35 ssconds West 428.70 feet; fience North 66 degrees 01 minutes 29 seconds West 152.57 feet; hence South 27 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds West 192.66 feet; thence South 52 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds East 36.32 feet lo a point, said point belng 110.00 leet northeast from said South rlght-of-way llne of U.S. Highway No. 6 as measured at right angles thereto; thence Soulh 79 degrees 46 minutes 11 seconds East and along a line parallel to said South right of way line 585.56 leet to The True Point of Beginning. Except hat portion conveyed to he Board of County Commissionerc of Eagle County, and the Deparfnent of Highways, State of Colorado by rule and order recorded January 5, 1971 in Book 219 at Page 441. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for front and side setback variances In order to construct an additlon at 898, -t 1 - . Red Sandstone Circle/Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village 9th Filing. n"{9ttilApplicant: Pauland JanetTestwuide \ n4 ,, { " I \}" Planner: Tim Devlin \ . ,t\ "\ "- ^0,/\ 'il2"t1 xWy @I \ a fltl-il\\\ W\Yil" 4. A request for a conditional use permit to allow an addition, bmporary trailers, and a satellite dish to he Vail Valley Medlcal Center and a request for a varianca from he standards ol Section 18.58.320 to allor two satellite dishes for the VVMC, located at 181 West Meadow Ddve/lob E & F, VallMllage 2nd Flllng. Applicanl VailValley MedicalCenler, rcpresented by Dan FeeneyPlanner: Shelly Mello 5. A request for an amendment to an approved development plan to allow the shlfting of the building envelopes at The Valley, Phase lV/1700 Block of Buffehr Creek Road. Applicant: Ed Zneimer Planner: Andy Knudtsen 6. A request for a major amendment lo SDD #4 Cascade Village to amend the development plan for the Watertord parcel located a| 1275 Westhaven Drive and as legally described as: Thal part of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4, Secllon 12, Torrnship 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the soulherly rlght-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 70 whence an iron pin with a plastic cap marking he center of said Seclion 12 bears S 33o10'19'W 14/.7.03 feet; lhence along said southly right-oFway line two courses 1) N 52"50'29'E 229.66 feet 2) N 74"38'17'E 160.70 feet; thence depaning said southerly dght-oFway llne N 88o45'57' E 138.93 feet; thence S 40o45'14'W 94.32 feet; thence S 18o 1836'W 54.08 feet; thence S 01o21'36'W 205.02 feet; thence S 12"0736'W 11025 feet;thence S 2828'36'W 164.48 feef thence N 40 017'04'W 211.16 feet; thence N 49"42'56'E 97.80 feet thence N 37'09'31'W 95.59 feet; thence S 52o50'29' W 55.10 teefi hencs 69.48 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the lett having a radius of 65.00 feet, a central angle of 61"14'42'and a chord that bears N 58o 55'53'W 66.22 teet; thence N 37.09'31. W 118.50 feet To The True Point of Beginning, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Applicant MECM Enterprises represonted by Eustaquio CortinaPlanner: Shelly Mello 7. Appeal of stiaff interpretation of Section 18.58.300 - Seback lrom watercourse ol the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Appellant Bob Kandell Planner: 8. A request for a variance to Section 18.58.320 to allow for satellite dish antennas to be located at The Wren and Apollo Park Condomlniums. Tract D, Vail Village 5th Filingl442 and 500 Frontage Road East. Applicant: Wren and Apollo Condomlnium AssoclationsPlanner: Tim Devlin 9. A request to modify the landscaping plan associated with the previously approved exbrior alteration proposal for the Sliler Building, 230 Bfitge Street/Part of Lob B and C, Lot 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant Rod and Beth SlifsrPlanner: Tim Dwlin The appllcations and information about the proposals are avallable for public review In the Communitf Development Depadment office. Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent Published ln he VailTrailon July 24, 1992. {'*") w.S^r'*'.'#ntqi/^b The Wren Association 500 S Frontage Road E Vail, CO 81657 VailTrails East c/o Crossroads Realty 43{l E Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81658 VailTrails West cy'o Crossroads Realty 433 E Gore Creek Drive Vail, GO 81658 Tyrolean lnn 400 E Meadow Drive P.O. Box 3390 Vail, CO 81658 Texas Townhomes 400 East Meadow Drivs Vail, CO 81657 Manor Vail 595 VailValley Drive Vail, CO 81657 311 Vail c Hitl Street 81657 Thomas PGA Tour Pontre Verdal 32082 Carolyn Maryland 893 Red Sandstone Vail, CO 81657 Michael& Debra Dawson c/o MJ & Ruth Heling 819 Red Sandstone Circla Vail, CO 81657 Paul Corcoran 819 Red Sandstone Circle Vail, CO 81557 Karl& Kristie Hochtl 890 Red Sandstone Circle Vail, CO 81657 Linda Hutson & Robert Cummings 38 East Elm Chicago, ll 6061 Erich 896 Hed Vail, CO West Parlaray Sirichai P.O Box 1371 Vail, CO 81658 Srate of Highways 4201 East Ave Denver, GQ 80222. Vail Leo Plaza -Palmer Dev Co 2 lris Ave, Suite A , co 80302 Oil Co (Aftirn Standatd) P.O. Box 3428 Oakbrook, lL 60522 DAB Investments (Holiday Inn) Property Assoc. Co P.O. Box 1743i1 ElPaso, TX 79917 Vail National Bank 08 S Frontage Road West , co 81657 V lalley MedicalCenter 181 657 Vail, 201E Rochester, lleadow Drive, #200 81657 Vail Inc Street Y 14604 Paul Myers Scorpio Condo 4919 Hampden Bethesda, MD 00 ,co Condo Assoc 80401 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 30, 1992 A request for a variance to locate two satellite dish antennae (one on each property) at the Apollo Park Lodge and Wren Condominiums within the existing utility easement and 20 loot setback. Tract D, Vail Village Sth Filing/t|42 and 500 Frontage Road East. Applicant: Planner: Apollo Park Lodge and Wren Condominium Associations Tim Devlin I. BACKGROUND On June 15, 1992, Apollo Park Lodge submitted to the 1,:b Developmenl Department an application for two satellite dish antennae on behalf of Apollo flark Lodge and the Wren Condominium Associations. Their initial proposal was to locate tfle antennae on the southern portions of the respective properties, one on each side of the noTth-south property line that separates the two developments and within the required 20 setbacks. A site visit by Community Development staff revealed that both satellite dishes would be visible from Vail's Stream Wdk and would diminish from the experience of the walk's users. lt was suggested by staff that a better location for the dishes would be at the north of the properties; specilically, at the northeast comer of Apollo Park's parking lot and at the northwest corner of the Wren's property west of the driveaway ramp into Both dishes could be etfectively screened from view by use of appropriate landscaping and/or fencing. This information was relayed to Apollo Park Lodge and Mathews and Associates- Landscape Architecture, Planning, and Reclamation. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED REQUEST Apollo Park Lodge and the Wren Condominiums have filed a joint application to locate a / satellite dish antenna on each of their respective properties within the required 20 toot s,rc setback. These dishes will enable the guests and owners to receive better reception of television channels and will lower monthly cable television cosb. The proposed dishes are 10 feet in diameter, and would be free-standing structures not exceeding 12 feet in height. The dishes will be enclosed within a fence and will be screened by landscaping. A variance has been requested since the proposed satellite dishes do not meet all of the standards of the zoning code, regarding satellite dishes. The specific variance request includes: . Section 18.58.320(D)6. To allow the satellite dishes to be built within the 20 tool setbacks from the front property lines and the common side property line. ilt. zoNrNG rne/],MA[AlN[MnAAAAsection of the zoning code which is applicable with this request involves- criteria in the Supplemental Regulations, providing the standards for satellite dish installations. Zone District: High Density Multi-Family Lot Area: Supplemental Regulation Stiandards Code Proposed Proposed Requirement (Apollo Park) (Wren) Number: 1 dish per lot 1 dish 1 dish Max. Dish Height 15 feet 10-12 feet 10-12 feet Max. Size of Dish: 12 feet 10 feet 10 feet(o;e*.ttr) Setbacks Front: 20 feet West Side: 20 feet East Side: 20 feet Rear: 20 feet 'variancs required. feet / leet' feet feet feet feet feet' feet IV. VARIANCE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail MunicipalCode, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relatlonshlp of the rcquested varlanoe to other exlstlng or potentfaf uses and structures In the vlclnlty. 7$ncirV o,4 Statf believes the character of the area, as discussed under fhe conditional use criteria, will not be significantly changed. Staff believes the/landscaping will B. effectively screen the satellite dishes. 2. The degree to whlch rellef from the strlct and llteral Interpretatlon and enforcement of a speclfled regulatlon ls necessary to achleve compatlblllty and unlformlty ol treatment among sltes In the vlclnlty or to attaln the oblectlves of thls tltle wlthout grant of speclal Prfvllege' s"< s'-/o'ct The specific variation trom the code which is requested isfr,.blqrdt '7^ r1 ' ---' X #o attow the satellite dishes to be placed in the120 foot front and side \ setbacks. 3. The eftect of the requested varlance on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of populatlon, transportatlon and traftlc facllltles, publlc facllltles and utllltles, and publlc safety. i ; , / tlr{, fulin", au p1aps,/ a,,'l fau tv rt"'* a fu tpu(< /""4(y'"Lop ' - t.trll The Planninq and EnvironmentalCommission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The slrict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 3 V. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the variance based on the criteria discussed above. Conceming the variance, staff believes the findings are met as follows: 1. The technical requirements of satellite dish antennae are such tfrat their n-eeds are unique from other satellite users, and because of he unique nature, there is r , no grant of special privilege; 2. The variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare; and 3. The variance is warranted, as a strict interpretation of the code would result in a' practical difficulty for t[e applicant. Based on these findings, stafl recommends approval of this variance with the condition that the applicant provide adequate visual screening through the use of landscaping and fencing. Please note thafunder Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code, the approvals shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligenUy pursued to completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two years. 7 (tnd,'f*J,,* { Ct-f dct:...2il< V/ /h<-'6TJ< \/r/^ A,**/' -bilw E4ot' h)/,-a dA-*.^ A-7-^l 4J < =.|.-,. € {"v ,^ t; *<- 6t-- +Lp -- ar'/_, d-( lce ,< U ^rj.-(.'.nia'.2 Fz_ _2,.n- cA .'' h A//.1 At"zAr T-0"-^, a'-' d-n "-7o,-,-J t {/.-lJ/dr tJ',"(Z /s, /r/4 *_lZ.r-*/ A-. /r/,) Tru. s /,",=- d--"* 1 /f.J. fu" /r-'{ 4"7- 4"-- ft"-1. A-{----,/ 4*. r,fi2-.6 ,(- ut;// 41/''*/ 'Afrtl" 4\ &/t,.J? (-ft 1.u-" 7 f//b' n't-o- ? /..-' / co--/ ? to / /;/"0'/t'r'*ft- PGR- &4,-rlu/ % *-tV' c'*"/5 d ^-.,r*" kJ: *2 u..- J ? n"{ -zdJ.-l ? z. E-Q- 3 nrt., f{ {z- -=sh t<-.^;/s a'/<' z-a.taa-zt^---/ / -Pe;, ^#?l-!:""Af P'tu '"4''^ " Ant *7 ,l/rrr, /t( rh- ."" L 't-</t-z'tt ) c\ ' 4trtz< fL '* n ^1( ^n c*r'' L"'- t'^nar c a.*r4 f^1 ra .,,14 ,a5Jrli,llr\ r't\i.l-o Jv$fr'} rl 'loal aJpn leurlxordde espdtuoc 11;m eds eql6ulpnpu! seele uouttlloc eql 's {dBre$ pup 'stttoot Jslcol s,ugtllon pug s,ugtu 'eunes 'LtlooJ LuPals 'ulooJ eslc1ecxe 'pzncelJoopno 'Tzncel Joopu! ';ood.tooplnoT.toopu! uE lo slslsuoc eds eql .sa;1ddnspt.e..'oUrd|nbero;e0eloF:sl|Elsec@lesnoL| Jol salilllcel pue .sac!#o e^llprlslulqrpE 'stolE1ote z (6u;1red punolErepun) lqcueq ,r,b,*.]rhuoole0Btotius:ueqc1;16u;re1ec:Jeqec!ru@u/u,|ooJ aureoTurool 11r[rerq1| esn-lllnu e :Isep luoll pug e6unol fqqol :edg :SJIIIN:IIIV 'slloflueu e6ueqcxe puolletxelu! eLll lo euo q6nolql {uedotd rtaql 6u!6ueqcxo sreu^,\o to1 suopdo Fuol1ppe pue lelueJ puP esn e1s-uo lo; Altltqxep Unulxeu ep;notd llyti sltll 'suo;1e:n$yuoc uloo1peq g to 'ttloo.tpeq Z 'uloo1peq I ,eilns laloq lo suol$o eql$ullBslc 'eInS relspyl llo-lcolE e1eq ll!/t unlultllopuoc tlcp3 's,vts!A ulPlunOJ l llen pue edojs ;1s poprulsqoun e eq lll,u\ unlululopueJ ften3 'lsen6 loTpue Joumo eql .ro; ecue;redxe uollece^ eerl-ftroal '[Ulenb q6lq e ep;notd ot peddlnbe pue peqslurnl [11n1 eq llrn unluluropuoc rjcp3 'ecBds lBlluaplsel lo lae] erenbs ooo'99 fleleulxotdde lo lslol e rol 'leel stenbs OOg'l [lelpul;xodde lo sunluluiopuoc uloolpsq'g tl pup lsel etenbsgg7.1A1e1eru;xotddelosuln!u!t|'lopuoctllooJpeq.z8z:W 'lueudolenep s!rll lol enp^ peppe luec;1u61s e s; pe[o.r6 e0ett111 lp1 eql p uo]tecol snoe6eluenpe eql 'sedols lls etll Oulpngcq'sa!I^!lcB ESJE ol snq elunqs aql eIEl ro 'seg;nc!g|p Eu;ryed pue clgp.tl Ouuelunocus 'eAUp lsnu sJeumo osoql elole1eql 'pgeqsuo!'l tlloll sellul 9'Z puB eJoc e6ell;1 llEA eql ulorl solltu 9'e sl uosaH uoupyI eql lo uollsJol eul 'sqluout leluuns 6upnp f|p;cedsa 'e6e11;1 llEn sB ecuelqure ro 6ugu;p 'Oulddoqs.ro; peldecce Ilep;,u sE useq 1ef lou seq leelC le^psg 'a6eg111 llEA ul uollpcol ropedns puB [tllenb elqeredu.roc lo sleefi\ tErualu! lo solBs pelEolclluE sql uoseH eplsueeJls s,uouEll puP IesJc Ja^ea€ u! ocBld seulBr 1s gql lo sesseccns elBs eql 'souelu9AUOC isen6 pue Jeun o uo eq lln s;seqdu.t3 'sedols lls aql pue relueC e6el1;1 eql lo ecuelslp 6u;41em ulqllrn e6e1;11 l1e1 ut palecot ft1;cel eds pue fuedord unlultuopuoc ereqseull ftnxngV :ISIT([OE|i|TIF|I tlEn lsen sereqseu!l /t/rrA ,ffiTYff eTzr2df Project Application Date ?.21,?3 Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Staff Approval ,y'' FRON :PHONE NO. :PET APOLTO PARK AT VAII Homeownet$' Association P.O. BOX 1497 EVERGREEN. COTORADO rO43S {30s) 570 l7l0 S€pbember Zr, L993 l-,1r , Mi ke t-lol l !ca Tottn of Vail 75 South Frontaga RoadVaiI, CO 81657 VIA FAXI 479_2452 Dear Hike: In ranportse to oLir telenhone eonvereetion earlier thie wook,I can teII /ou tha" ure have dEcided on the "Hcaf-h*r Fl*nt"r" roof lns color. in t,hE Timbeyline Ultra roof i ng mnf,eri.al approvod bv the Town of Vni t . At a Foarcl meeting Iest night, we I ookacl at other lioh+-inoalternatives- f am faxinE e eopy af t.he fi rtr-rre chagen tasee if it maats wlth your epprnvr I ., tJe are Ieaning tor.lard r.tsi nr-ll the Comnact FLrioranr:ant f i xtr-rrqe {,rith the 38 wattbulbs. The f iyf.rrr* is h.lack yjith the "Olaeo' portion han€inEc{oun A* f erpletined an the lclephon*r, we Ero trying Loprnrride hettar Iightino than the nayrolr dor.in-Iighto tshat orc ,rr-rrre ntly in ;:lactr . t.JiCh the old f jxtqrroo, if onc light -gooear.rt it crcxtee a very cfar k epoL in thc walkwar,. lJo feel thatthis tyFe of f ixturc would al lou the light t,o =prcad ,:r.rt tpcover o largor aroa. Pleaee call mo aE e7e-L71o with your aemmcrrta. Thank you 'Ega.i n for yor-t' coneidorat ion of our pro jccts , 5i nocrcl y , NeIson FREN :PHONE NO. :P@2 i iF ::r i.l iJ l4.l'1-F f,t i,l'j ti j.;r i F t.t.,.i:_ , t:j l-r l UECri;, 1'.,iri ,. OEG,&asl nf.' !6 u.,r:iig id 113 rl, , . i iii,:-r Pr'lg:t,;r? 1;,.. tr4t:rt:ur'y' Va1',r', in()iifl e$(i.I1i {_.:0fnp''i[:i F1 ,'' 1,.,.;r ,i t,!(ll: r.i . . !Sl{}: OAPF'.:'.1A'j ; .1, ," Fe6iCeiti.,j dt.J lr.;t, . i,1. . . yr.1: 1t '. " -, '.' rnolt1(tIt :.rftturt/ t:,):ri:r.ir i'l ' 'r'i:' 'i.iprcd vrrr' ., ', il0oi,rgrriili;;.rr',r lr 1:i'r lJ)Lt oirY' lit"r r'r HIU ulrh: .tt.j hou:r\, di. .. . ii,"r.rl.,.. I...r nti:-.1r | ^ r,n hl l'.}J Inisl'€J irl i\d/5:\,ri .. ,.'.;. Ftt:r...-- f.a riirFf,d wlth ,J,,tjvr . .., , ,."*1.,'1""i. tAicklv rr'lrll$Ovef taefsg{' ntr'i'J jor 4(\, i:l ij\il, l -r (lt:,. ,i , .\l J',i1. .ririDped rr.lh rafip Cf,ar il:l. ,' ;,i" ir..,";., .:.,.',,..'i'::v.. f::'j::]t"''tdrsccnl) Rrl-r' ir)rtil'€!, ; t. .:,r...i,:t,.^ ii ..,r'ri,,i., ...,r i9.J!rtlJ'i: i , i,.:, ;l;i'; f. ,.r , ,:) jj--r.,,t ,: ..i l(}| ttralr,xr nr:r, ,{. ', Best copy Available FRON :FHONE I.IO. :P62 APOttO PARK AT VAIL Homeowngrs' Assoclation fiEE'D SEP iJ P,O, BOX 1497 EVERGREEN. COLORADO 80439 (903) F70.1710 Soptember 3, 1993 Town of vail 75 South Frontage Roadvail, co 81657 Dear Sirs: Apollo Park Condominium Associetion would Iike to do eome exteriorprojects yet this fall. tle would request aFproval of the projeobe outlined below, as well as a building pcrmil: A. The firet project is to reroof our two buildings, The roofing company chosen is Mills Roofing out of Lakewood. l{e have ehosen a fiberglass, dimeneional shingle that will beapplied over the existing roof oace the gravel is removed. Samples and cpecifications will be Eupplied by uille Roofing, B, l,le also FIan to replace the worn exterior steps with new ones. The materials will be the same. The expected cost ie $9, ooo . e. we would lihe to repair the cement r+alhways thet ar€ breakins uF in front of the buildinEe. Thie would lnvolve breaking out the old cement and grouring new. llhe cxpected cost of this project is S2.000. D. lil e algo plen to replace the exterior lighL fixturcs by the doors and wqlkwaya of the condoe. A Picture of the fixture is attached. mhrr- wruLd, rct hr additi^nel llghte, JuEt Ehe .rePlaeemcnt sf tl-e-e no$t in ltlqrla, Tha f i*turE: ug€-l-+eft)aet f llhe aost of the llghtlng proJect Hill be approxlmately $2,500. rf you havc any gueationc, or rcquire additional information about tha abovc rcguesta, pleaae feel free to contact me at 670-1?10. Sineerely,n /f)/l ./ -ry// /- L..-. A lkL*r* Arfne L. Nelson Executive Direotorepollo Park at Vlll AD PHoNE f.lrl. :PEA DRB aSpLICAErUii _ rgwx rJhIL,COLORADO rEvissd 9/4197 IREI! stP I 1995 t DATE J!!3T] t_ l[sIS .A.PBLIC.I Q3:TIIi AILL F.E{)!ir ,.:'r' i !{F0Fi"'J' ,.rnrr .F t ltE f1 r ri -.F f, illt']' , r. '' . " q***t**l / ' llIL! NOf BE ACCU$ -,- TNI'ORMnETOH rS SllEl{rrf.di} P tt****t N\ \Ns $1rt t"i , ri,r'|, '"ruetion ($200.00) {-},titlot Alteration \' "'"0) lot area 'LICANT' 5 REPITESEI.ITJ+-. ess: ; : irr'r€ __e.az- 0921 !'{r!::l(-i: .!l GHJ.. ir!'S {S} : ,-: :'r,clcrninlpn ApFro.''al if appllcable. Di-u i{ll;r li.s feesl as shown above, are Lo b€ }: ;r}d * the t:i-me of submLttal of DRB application' Latetr q.r€lr applyLng for a building permLt, pleaee ldentify tne accuf;ace valuation of the proFosal. the Town of ValIwrlt adjuet t,he f'; , accordlng to the table below, to ensure the correer fee is paid' gf\ 4[rEE PA.ID: S 64(J I FEE SCHEDUi VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10, 00L - $ 50,000.$50,001 -$ 15o,ooo $150,00r - I s00,000 $500,001 - $lr ooo, oooI . Over $11000,000 * DESIGN RETruEfl EOERD T!)PROI,IAII EI{PIRES ONE YEI|II AI'TEB FTN||I' APPRO\rAIJ TJIII.'ESS A BUII'DING PER!{IT IS ISSITED E}TD CONSfRUCIIOH Ig EBARTED. **No .ePPlrcaEIoN lfllL EE PFOCESSED nlrBour owNER' s slcllAaunE ,i(- (u \J l. 4 o(uAE ffiP $100.00 $200 .00 $,t00.00 $500.00 il, , t,o, W 'Ze44b {i.nceFLr.ra3 Re'.'.iew {$0) lf fi ;*e-i-g€.&'rAft .r.nfA**.ilrc-iJ..-'.i.{-)- iiaF'.IPTIoN: Lot Block .fr*-, . :,r ;,:" -!1i-rt- / tr-t-:4GL*.1[-i1ga S* . :. r.'1.1 i::f is described by a meef $ i nrj briunril ' i '.:r'r r Fl6ase provide bJ't & €e;5',:''*?te sheol "i:rrs aFplication. .!i't.E,tr-.:^trr 4t- r requireC,' .ivey show:ng applicanr r,Ltst ' !'F:-lt Fha:re PLEASE I'{AKE CHECKS S.TL€S ACTION FORtr{ FRONTAGE ROAD TOWN OF VAIL D E PA RT i\{ E.\.. T O F C O lvl ;vllii.l ITY D EVEL O P }t EN T' DATE ZCNT\O tu\D ADDRlss !'lAPs0t 00004t5{0 0t c$30424t5 UNf.t:O R-\ { B UILDL\-C C O D E U M FO R.\,t P L UYA E\-'C C OD E0t 0000{2415 UM FOR.\.I IfECH,I}'ICAL CODE0l 0000 42.r r 5 0t cto00 J2{ t5 UNITOR,\{ Fru CODE 0l ooo0{2115 | N.TIoNALTLECTRJCALCODE OTIIER CODE BOOKS0t 0000 {24t5 BLUE PRDIIS OI0t 0000.1t543 0l 0001r2112 | >:ERox coPEs / s'iuDEs (n r< PENA I,TY FEES / R :.I.,..-.SPECT]ONS0l 00c{ 12371 ot 0090.1t332 i pL,r"vREvig'vRE.cllEcKFEE ts.(oFERHn. 0l 0000 4232x OFF HOURS DiSPECTION FEEJ CONTL\ CTORS LICL\SES FEES0t 0000.{1{12 0l 0000{t330 .01 0000 4 t1t 3 SICN APPLICATION FEE 0l 0000 4 t{ l3 ADDITIONA'. SIGNAGE ';E I5I.OO;'gR SO.IT. !.TC ART PROJECT DONANON 0000 .{ t 33l P^]D DESICN REVINV SOARD FEE BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI 01 0000 4237r rNvEsrrGATroN rEE (BUTLDING) I rorAl ouE, AD--: 0t 0000{330 TNONAL USE PER\ 0l cscr0 41330 0r 00c0{r330 EXTERIOR ALTER..\T]ON IIiORETHAV ICO SO.F| 0r 0000 .113 0t 0000d1:t30 SPECL^L DEVELOPI\ 0l 00014 t 310 0l CO00.11330 IZONIn-'G * 2k * .r. * # TohfH 0F --'r-tFl r l- /, ;,ligeli.areouE Cash i lir [r:.:; l!.i i;.'. i.'.,Ll.r1. ;+ l::':r:i:iB tlli::,:: O i.ri-r l. {* l'!i 1..1.. {r, ,+.:i-lr-tl::: i.li:i ..i.F.:E: i:'E::[ i l:i,.t|.:r r l. :.*'fiiJii t-':,rj : I teirr paid ::.i.{,1rjr, .'i , ,-,':,.i : THlftlli ;llF!. fiE! Flrrrount. paid l::irl" fnJ 13. AB r/|fu Tlmpf4*lryE' ITLTRA Fiberglass Class A fuphalt Roof Shingles Ncrvest addtttrn tcr our Timberline Sene s line. 40-ycar Limitcd Warnnty. Sultr heavvrvcrght lanlnatecl shinqle lor durabrlrty . &rlt[:1. -irr:l dr..rnrLr. drmcr:r,'nr] afll.Lran,i. Best qualrtv, tough. hherglass construction. Highcst protcctron against irrc rnd wind clamage - rated Chss A fronr Undcnvnters L-aboratones. Avrrhble in the I rnost populrr TrmberLure Se nes colors Crures r.r,ith Fungus (iuardrM protection in selectcd hrgh humiditl . hot climatcs. i,; .1, ? limhrline larninated heavyweight shingla... With this kind of touglr, durable roof over your head you get more thanjust peace of mind. You know tlat your house jus looks beuer. That there s something about the dramatic sbadow lines that enlunces the entire house. Some may wonder ifyoute actually roofedwith real woodslukes. And, with Timberline's 3O-year Limited Wanrnty, it's nice to know you've also enhanced the wlue of your home. Bccatsc of thc prfuction ytoccss, rtc qpcource oJ tlu shlagb may try fron tlu phon. lleax chcch the yrofucl i.r taur frea bclorc pwxhashg. a Project Application o^," y''2/- 77 Projecl Name: Projecl Descriplion: -----= Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: 'Trzec r Dotio#,r-s 1 U a/ ,/.j, ,/ tT zon" /D//FLegal Descri Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by; APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Stafl Approval Date: lli --*-*-=*-- ---t T|^l'//N OFVAIL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcvicw approval' Anyproject rcquiring dcsign rcvierv rnust rcocivc Dcsign Rcvicw approual prior to sibmitting for a buiiding pcrnrit, For specific infornratiorr' scc thc submittal rcquircnrcnts*for thc particular approval that is requcstcd. thc appiication cannot bc acccptcd until all.thc rcqtrircd infornration is subnrittcd. fnc piolcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environmcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Revicrv Boartl approval cxpircs oncycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. Qtrcstions? Call ttfanning Staff at 4'79-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN RBVIEW APPROVAL MAILINC ADDRESS:nL.oo+1Vkl.-,rn ltto*t E. F. c. O}VNER(S) SIGNATURB(S): NAME OF APPLICANT:oup Cubo. 4{s - MAILINC ADDRESS:I-O: lLlqt PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building. tr Artrlition - $50 llcludcs any addition whcrc squarc footage is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conrnrcrcial building. E Conccptual Revicw - A. B. C. D. pHy5T6ALADDRESS: 4tlb 5, WM. pD , iWt' (o XLu(n LZONING: Wfi? NAMEoFowNER(s): *foua prc,( 4\rae . IWL"tdQ A ,fuitItWVW Atfe(fitt't*S tvld.L (tYIttq-l frrtlinor Altcration -$20 Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc intprovcrlcnts, such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fcnces and rctaining walls, ctc. $0 For any application whcrc the applicant wishes to meet with Dcsigrr Review Board to dctcrmine whether or not the project gcnerally conrplics with thc dcsign guidclincs. Thc DRB does not vote on conccphral rcvicws' DRB fccs are to be paid at thc timc of submittal, Later, whcn applying for a building pcrmit, please idcntify thc accuratc valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: PHONE: VAIL,COLORADO 81657. Updated l/97 - BUILDING MATERIALS: Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flrres Flashings Chinrncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouscs Rctaining Wdls Extcrior Lighting** Other LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: ?ttt wU L'N { r,mmo wnra COLOR:* Roof Siding ,'- othcr Wall Matcrials (t * * Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip lt ?+* 12{ rt -StUCrc On fl,luhtt& ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed' please indicate the number offixhres and locations on a separate lighting plan, Identify each fixhfe type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixh-res. O PrlL,wr*{ srrrue 91,1 fllu$p4 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Namc CommonNamc Ouantity Size+ PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS:* Fo-*$nu-A ts * lrr a$$utlqw Wurnq{,2 BE REMOVED: EXISTING TREES TO *Minimunr requirements for landscaping:dcciduous trecs - 2 inch caliPcr coniferous trces - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squarc FootagcType GROLTND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fenccs, swimming pools, etc.) Please speciff' Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This forrn is to vcrifo scrvice availability and location for ncw constnrction :urd shoukl bc uscd in colljunction rvith prcparing your utility plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and availability ofutilitics, rvhcthcr tltcy bc rnain tnrnk linrls or proposcd lincs, nrust bc approvcd atd vcrificd by thc follorvirrg utilitics for thc acconrpanying sitc plan. Authorizcd Signrhrrc Datc U.S. Wcst Conrnrun ications 1-800-922-1987 468-6U60 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc Cgrlrpany 949-5781 Cary Hall l.loly Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C.r. 949-5510 Floyd Salaz;u Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-74tt0 Frcd Haslcc * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sauitation signalurcs. Firc florv uccds Inust bc addrcsscd, NOTES: l. Ifthc utility vcrilication fornt has signaturcs lionr cach of thc utility conrpanics, and no colltlllcnts arc tttadc dircctly on thc fomr, thc Town will prcsunrc that therc arc no problcnrs and thc devcloplncnt can procccd. 2' Ifa utility contpany has conccnrs with tho propo$ed coustnrction, thc utility rcprcscntativc shall notc dircctly on thc utilify v*ification fbrnr that thcrc is a problcnt rvhich iccds to bc rcsolvcd. The issuc should then bc dctailcd in an attachcd lcttcr to thc Town of Vail. Howcvcr, plcase kccp in nrind that it is thc rcsponsibility ofthc utility company and the applicant to rcsolve idcntified problenrs. 3.These veritications do ttot rclievc thc coutractor of thc responsibility to obtain a public Way Pcnrrit fronl thc Dcpartment of public Works at the Townof Vail. Utilit), Iocations must bepbtaincd beforc digging in any public right-of-way or eascnrent within the Town of vail. A II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application confercncc with a planning staff mcmber is strongly cncouragcd. No application can be o.""pt"'d'*1.*, it is complete. It is ihe applicant's responsibility to nrakc an appointment with the staff to dctcrmine additional subnrittal requircments' TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Design Rcview Board meets on the lst and 3rd wednesdays of each month. A complctc application form and-all accompanying rnatcrial must be accepted by the Comrnunity Dwelopment Dcpartment a minirnum of thrce and a half (3 l/2) weeks prior tb thc date of the DRB public hearing' with the exception of conceptual reviews. REVIEW CRITERIA your prolbsal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Section l8'54 of the Municipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. Ifa propcrfy is locatcd in a fnapped hazard area (i,e. snow avatanche, rockfall, floodplain, debris flow. wctland, etc)' a hazard study must bc submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit rccognizing the hazard rcport prior to thc issuance of a building permit' Applicants are cncouraged to check with thc ptannini staiTprior to submittal of a DRB application to detcrmine the relationship ofthc property to all mappcd hazards' B. Basic Plan Shcct Format. For all srweys, sitc plans, landscapc plans and othcr sitc improvcmcnts plans, all of the following must be shown' l. plan sheet size must bc 24"x36". For large projccts, largcr plan sizc may bc allowcd. 2. Scalc. Thc nrinimum scalc is l"=20'. All plans must bc at thc satnc scalc. 3. Graphic bar scalc' 4. North arrow. 5. Title block, projcct namc. projcct address and legal description' 6. Indication ofplan prcparcr, addrcss and phone numbcr' 7 . Dates of original plan preparation and all revision datcs' 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scalc of l"=1,000'or largcr' 9. Shect labcls and numbcrs. l0 . A bordcr with a minimum lcft side margin of l '5"' I l Names ofall adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building comers. All trees to be removed must be taped. Thc applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting' D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such timc as the item has been republished. E. If the DRB approves the application with conrlitions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved pugl to the issuancc of a building permit' ' II I, IV. STAFF APPROVAL Thc Adrninistrator may rcview and approve Dcsign Rcvicw applications, approvc rvith ccrtain nrodifications' dcny thc application, or may rofcr th; applicationlo thc Dcsign Rcview Board for decision' All staff applouals arc subjcct to final approval Oy tn. nne. Thc following types of Dcsign Rcvicw applications tnay bc staff approvcd: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistcnt with the architectural desigt, nraterials and cotors ofthe building, and approval hasbcen received by an authorizrd membcr ofa condominium association, if applicable; B. Any application to modify an existing building that does not sigrrificantly changc the existing planes of the building and is generally consiitcnt with thc architcctural design, nraterials and colors ofthe building, including, bit not limited to extcrior building finish matcrials (e'g. stonework, siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), cxtcrior lighting, canopics or awnings, fenccs,_antennas, satellite dishes, *thdo*s, *t ytigt t., siding, minor co=ntnto.iul facadc intprovements, and other similar modifications; C. Any application for sitc improvements or modifications including, but not lirnited to, driveway modifications, site grading, sitc walls, rcmoval or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of accessory structures or rccreational facilitics' ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEE$ A. lf this application requircs a scparatc rcvicw by iury local, state or Fcdcral agcncy other than the Town of Vail, thc application fcc shall bc incrcascd by $200.00. Examplcs of such rcvicw, may includc, but arc notlirnitcdto: Colorado Dcpartrrrcnt of Highway Acccss Pcrmits, Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. ctc. B. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing fccs which arc in cxccss of50% ofthe apptication fce. If, at thc applicant's rcqucst, any mattcr is postponcd for hcaring, causing the mafter to ic re-published, thcn thc cntire fec for such re-publication shall bc paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by thc Community Dcvelopmcnt Dcpaftmcnt to havc dcsigr, land use or other isiues rvhich nray havc a significant intpact on the comn'twrity may rcquirc revicw by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination bc madc bythcTown staff that an outside consultant is needed, thc Cornmr.urity Dcvelopment Dcpartment may hire thc consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money neccssary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to thc Town by thc applicant at ihc tinc oi Rting on upplication. Expcnses incurred by the Town in . excess of the amognt forwarded by the appliCation-s-hall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days ofnotification by the Town. Any exccss frrnds will be rehrrned to the applicant upon rcview comPletion. vt. Project Application -L-' I 'ii /l oate C/td/4L'/t' I Iu,tF^ Fpts. C,vnOwner, Addre$ and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal D*cription: Lot 4L 5 fPrt tr Pp- rQCT D Block . r.^" ilDy't F t''llt.Cohrf;ents: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL fu* a*/ /Town Planner// ""r" ?//t//fr ft r,"u Approval DRB IPPLICATTON - IONN OF VtrIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB UEETING: ***ii****t TSIS IPPLICATIOII WII.L }IOT BE ICCEPrED UI|EII. TLL REQUIRED INTORUATION IS SSBI{IITED T t*****ttt* A. DESCDTPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) Y uirro. Alteration ' Conceptual Review ($20.00) ($0 ) c. D. ADDRESS: LEGAI, DESCRIPTION: Subdivision Lot Block If property is described bydescription, please provide at.tach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E F.LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICA}IT:Mailing Address: applicant must provide a current H.NA}{E OF Mailing APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone I.NAME OF OIIINERS: srGNAruRE (S) :Mailing Address: ' ttt7 CeK. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above' are to be paid at flia*;,'-the tlne of submittal of DRB application. Later, when NLLzrapplying for a buiJ.ding permit, please identify the t/' accurate valuation of the proposal . Ttre Town of Vail nr-!.will adjust the fee according to the table below, t_o f7' .,wrrr aqJu$L LIle ree a(:(.JL)rLurrg Lc} Lrre LaI)J-e !9r9w7 to |' ,tlensure the correct fee is paid. t 'lo 4,ll-l'l FEE pArD s P/L{ l4L- I/t '- FEE SCHEDULE:' 'r/Ft'-z ' $ NTut"olo, ooo s lBloo f::"i.:,,*$1o,oo1 -$ 5o;ooo $so.oo ifurow'*'I 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $100.00 I $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $200.00 - L/ f?l^' I $5001001 - $1'0001000 $400.00 0"t<' t /,z1l.Lv$ Over $1,000, 000 $500.00 /;U. a:_ * DEsrGll RErxrEn B.ARD eppRo\rar. ExprREs oNE 'EAR aFTER FrNAr, qf/4/q/' APPRO\IAL I'NI.ESS A BSII.DING PERMIT IS ISSI'ED AIID CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. *INO EPPLIqATION WII.I, BE PROCESSED WITEOUT OWNER' S SIG}IATI'RE 1 ]]. PRE-APPLICATIOCETING: A p!e-?pplication neeting with a menber of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to deternine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamLine theapproval process for your proJect. ]II. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ATL ST'BMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building ll.nes and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter Ls not burj.ed by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally reguirestyro separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata nininum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before tfte Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item tras beenrepublished. D. The foll-owing items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Conrnunity DeveJ-opment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. lilindows, skytights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants nust includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fronthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addj.tion. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. enow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and theolrner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building perrnit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Tordn plannerprior to DRB application to deternine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. f. For all regidentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding,' andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building pernit. rv.IA.Three c6-pies of a recent topoqraphic survev. stamped bva liggnsed, survevor, at a ger,on which the following information is provided: 1. Lot area. 2. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcelconsists of 6 acres or more, in which tase, 5,contour intervals may be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4tr or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturaLfeatures (large boulders, intermittent streams,etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, reguired creek orstream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of40t or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS Landmarkor sevrer invert. This information should beclearly stated on the survey so that a1lmeasurements are based on the same starting point.This is particularly important for height - measurement,s. See policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. 1. Locations of the follo.wing:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact Location of existing utility sourcesand proposed service J_ines from their sourceto the structure. Utilit.ies to include:Cable TV Telephone Sewer Gas Water Electric c. Show all utility meter locations, includingany pedestals to be l_ocated on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocablepermits fron the Town of Vail are reguiredfor improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing must be shown. e. AII easenents (Title report must also includeexisting easement locat,ions) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and aminimum of one spot elevation on either side ofthe Iot, 25 feet out fron the side property lines. Slte Plan 1. I.ocatlons of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. percent slope and spocelevations must be shown. 2. AII existing improvements including structures,Iandscaped areas, service areas, storage at:eas,walks, driveways, off-street parking, loadingareas, retaining walls (with top and bottom ofwaIl spot elevationsf, and other existing siteimprovements. B. 3. prevlons of top of roof riaqelwith existl and proposed qrades shown underneath). Theseelevations and grades must be provided in orderfor the staff to determine bullding height. Allridge lines should be indicated on the site plan. Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished andexisting grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8t unless approvedby the Town Engineer. C. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following information must be provided on the landscape plan. The location of existing 4n diameter or larger trees, the location, size, spacing and tlpe (common and latin name) of allexisting and proposed plant material . Atl treesto be saved and to be removed must also belndicated. The plan nust also differentiate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscape materials list. 3. The location and tlpe of existing and proposed watering systens to be empJ.oyed in caring forplant material folJ.owing its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. NOTE: fn order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above information as possible onto the sitepIan. D. Siqn off from each utilitv conpanv verifying theIocation of utility service and availability (see attached) . E. A preliminarv title report must accompany allsubnittals, to insure property ownersbip and locationof alf easenents on property. F. Architectural Plans (L/8tt = Lt or larger, L/4" Ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and all elevations of the proposed development. Elevations must show bothexisting and finj-shed grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8-l/2" x t]-"l for inclusion in PEC and/or Town Council memos may be reguested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colorsshall be specified on the attached materials list. This materials list must be completed and Bubmitted as a part of DRB application. Colorchlps, siding samples etc., should be presented tothe Design Revieet Board meeting. G. Zone check List (attached) must be completed if projectis focated within the Single-Family, Primary/Secondaryor Duplex zone districts. H. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent structures. I. Tbe zorG Administ.rator and/or onfray reguire the. submissYon of additional plans, dr-Tingst specifications, samples and other rnaterials (includinE a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether aproject will comply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILD]NGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redeveloprnent proposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth above, provided all important specifications for the proposal including coLors andmaterials to be used are submitted. VI. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAI A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/8n = L' or larger(L/4" = Lt is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevat.ions of proposed addition. E. Photos of the exisLing structure. F. Specifications fof all materials and color samples on materials List (attached). At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may al-so be required to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attactred utility l-ocation verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A prelirninary title report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists all easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Departnent will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improv€nent LocationCertificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: A. Building location (s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensjons to the nearest tenth of a foot. C. All utllity service line as-builtsr showing type ofmaterial used, and size and exact location of 1ines. D. Dralnage as-builts. E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on improvement survey. G. AIl easements. H. Building ffoor elevations and all roof ridge elevbtionswith exlstlng and proposed grades shown under the ridge lines. of any project reguir VIII. The owner oluano.ized agentdesign approval as prescribed B. by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development. The conceptual review Ls intended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal wlth the Town, s Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications more complex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developersof single-family and two-family projects shaLl not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. Conplete applications must be submitted 10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following lnformation shall be subrnitted for a conceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and l-andscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch eguals twenty feett 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structuresi 3. Sufficient information to shohr the proposal compJ.ies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e. GRAA, site coverage calculations, nurnber of parking spaces, etc.), 4. Completed DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Conmunity Development shall review the subnitted materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview, If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, theapplication and submittal materials shal] be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whythe Community Development Department staff has foundthe project not to be in conpliance with zoning codereguirements. Once a conplete application has beenrecelved, the DRB shaLl review the submitted conceptual revl.ew application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote onconceptual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shafl be present at the DRB hearing. ilauu or PRoJEcr: LEGAI DESCRIPTION: LOT STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: 'r/6J IVISION The folLowing information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING T{ATERIAIS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits gfindows lrlindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other reguired approval TYPE OF for submittaL can be given: I''ATERIAT to the Design COLOR l( B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Nane Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht, for coniferous trees is 5 feet. PLANT MATERIAT,I Botanical Name Ouant,itv Size* a PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE P€MOVED *Indicate size5 qaflon.of proposed shrubs. .3JE' Minimum size of shrubs is Souare Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LAI{DSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please sholr the number of fixtures and locations on a separateIighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpoofs, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwafls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 5 feet. D. Srt.rrv Locarrolr venrrrcat! SUBDIVISION .tOB NAI'IE LOT BLOCK FlLING ADDRESS The Location and avaiLability of utilities, whether they be maintrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Ete U.S. west Communications L-800-922-L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 PubLic Service Company 949-s?81 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.v. 94 9-ss30 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water & sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee This forn is to verifyIocation. This shouldpreparing your utilityinstallations. service availability and be used in conjunction lrithplan and scheduling NOTE: l. . For any nevr construction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. If a utility conpany has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative should not directly on the utility verification form that there is a problen which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out in detaiL i.n an attached letter to the Town of vail . However, please keep in nind that it is theresponsibifity of the utility company to resolveidentified problems. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no conments are made directly on the form, the Townwill presume that there are no problems and thatthe development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street cutpernit from the Town of Vai1, Department of Public Works and to obtain utifitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-etay or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not astreet cut permit. A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. * Please bring a site p1an, ffoor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanitation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. 2. 3. 4. 5. ZONE CHECK ,l *, * "r3olo"E DrsrRrcrrO I DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block - Filing ADDRESS: O$INER PHONE PHONEARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE AIlowed Existinq Proposed Total Height ToTa]. GRFA Primary GRFA (30) (33) + M.= Secondarv GRFA + 425 = Setbacks Front 20'Sides 15'Rear 15' water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping (30) (s0) Retaining wall Heights 3' /6' Parking carage Credit Drive: _Regrd (300) (500) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope 8* Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes NO 'r')'> Environmental/Hazards: 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) RockfalIc) Debris Flow4) wetlands PrevLoue conditions of approval (check property file)-! Does thla request involve a 250 Addition? How nuch of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary./Secondary which are less than 151000 sg. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Conmunity Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-tern rental unit for fuII- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 10 a * * * * * * * * ', TBt rH 0F Lrtrl I l- l{iscel laneous Csh [r8-:i-ir': 12:25:18 E:F':Ei,Ft. $ le|itl1i Fic'::*urrl +I l:F: #..1118 i-tLFIl.lE F H It.]T:t l lrj l:., r:usTfi l'1 F I l'lI sHEs\PRE PB |IF]E FEE l-it1ar.-rTrt t,en,ia r*d 1 lg. 66 I rern paid Hfioun? Paid IiirilqrF-141:.::i8[ier ?8.6S i:h..!n,J* r-i"' t u rned ,r iJ, EtEl THTqH}{ VOIJ r,r,lur ,:a=hi er JEI{H I FEF: a 75 south lrontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce ot communlly development August 1-7, L9a7 Mr. David Hoar General ManagerApollo Park 442 South Frontage Road EastVaiI, Colorado 8l-G57 RE: Recreationar Path connection Between Ford park and theViIIage Dear David, r thought r should write you a letter to explain why the Townstaff has not contacted you to forlow up on the RecieationalPath located behind the Wren and Apollo park projects. TheTown staff has been directed to do an overalL recreational pathstudy for the community. This project will inventory a1Iexisting patls and determine the cost and priorities of futurepath connections. .rt is proposed that thi! project will beginthis fa1l. For this reason,-the staff has decided to hold offon proceeding with any negotiations on the western portion ofthe Ford Park path. If y"g_have any questions about this project please feel freeto call rne at 476-7000 ext. Li-L. rhanx you for your interestand participation in our previous discussions of the project. Sincerely,)).t 0 t Ttntanrf'T+Kristan Pritz Town Planner KPldkd TO: FROM: DATE: SUBEJCT: Ron Phillips Kristan Pritz November 6, 1986 Wren bike path negotiations j I l I l i lJ II I l I I ! I I : I l I i I I talked with Edie Hudson from The Wren and David Hoar from Apo'l lo Park to try to set up a meeting concerning the bike path behind their two properties- Edie Hudson will be out of town for several weeks in November. Alan l{oods also has a trial coming up in November. Edie suggested that we try to meet in early December. Davjd Hoar was available any time as'l ong as reasonable notice is given for the meeting. Also, Peter and Pat wanted to help out with organizing the meetings. 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce ot communlty development May 7, 1986 Ms. Edie Hudson The Wren Condominium Association 500 South Frontage Road EastVail, Colorado 8]657 Re: Mediation between The Wren and Apollo Park Dear Edie: 0n April 28, '1986 our office received a letter from Melvin Wolf who is a board member of The lJren Condominium Association. He stated that The tltren acceoted our invitation to provide a staff person to act as a mediator between The Wren and the Apollo Park bujlding in order to develop a walkway through eachparty's property. I wanted to let you know that I am very willing to work with both The l,lren and Apollo Park groups to try to resolve the walkway issue. Please let me know when you wish to set up a meeting between the two groups and I will be happy to assist in organizing the agenda for the meeting. I did try to call you several times, but had djfficulty getting through, as you were jnvolved with meetings. If you need to call me and tel'l me any moredetails, please give me a ring at 476-7000, ext lll. I hope we wiI'l succeedin resolving each partyrs concerns. Si ncerel y, K'+* ?.\.' Kri stan Pri tz Town Planner KP: br PEO|/28/83 -s- uild a multi-use s ce at was a revised request and that thesetback variance requested ranqedfor the project, showed site oTanselevations and sections. i'iance 'i n order to4.uest for a setback v pl rcan Dick Ryan explained that this had been reduced, and that thefeet. John Perkins, architect and proposed construction, and requested area from 3 to l0with existing The voteffort_qroy"d u!d Ruptg.tl_:..ond.d to upp.ou.d th. ..qr.st u, p..r.nt.d.was unanimously approved 5. A feouest- for a frnnl qofhrr[, rrrvni rnna ih ^-r^- +^ ^^-^r.-..-- ^ .- Tom-Braun explained the request explaining that the staff recommended denialexplaining-that the zone did not ailow foi the development oi-i p"iriwlr".onau"vunit on a lot under .l5,000 square feet without certain conditions beini';;i; ;;d'this application did n6t meet those-ionJitions. Tim-Clark, architect for the project stated that in that subdivjsion, 75% of thebuildings were non-conforming, ana inii-on1y i"t" o-r ti"-ioii-r.r" yet to be developed.lli1l.l4iller, applicant, gave"[he boaid tett6rs-of app"ovii-ana su-ppori, ina-point.aout that he could build ihe same amount of GRFA wiih'a singie ramiiv n.ir".- iii"r.showed floor p1ans, but did not have any etevations to shoi what wa! ueing proposea. l'!9lsgl wondered why one.of the stipulations for granting a variance of this kindwas that it must benefit the visuhl appearance 6t ilre iite wtren there was a hard-ship and when the Town wourd beneiit u!'naving an employee rentar unit. After morefor a front discussion, Morqan moved and Rapson seconded to approve the requestsetback var The meeting adjourned at 5:30 om. A request for a front setback varia4ce in order to construct a residenceiiirm* , O PEc lt/14/83 -4- pointed out that the structures were improved or enhanced which upgraded thebuildings. Piper read into the minutes letters of approval of the project from adiacent property owners. Many of the staff felt that within Bighorn Terraceitself, this was not a special privilege. Pierce suggested that instead of a second floor additjon Mr. Houston consider adding on somewhere else. P'iper said that he sti11 agreed with the genera'l Town policies of trying to holdto certain GRFA and did not feel this was adequate hardship. Rapson moved and Viele seconded to approve the request.---i--i-----=-;----.with Piper against for the above reasons. The vote was 5 in favor 6.uest for a setback variance in order to build a ti-use s ace wl rear setback of zero feet at Apol'lo Lodge. Appl iq Apol 1o est, John Perkins, architect for the project, explained /he floor plan of the requestedaddition. David Ford, manager of Apollo ltest stated that people oT tne req did not use the space in its present form of a deck, and that the space was needed for a small meeting room, restrooms and storage of skis. Perkins pointed out that the addition would not crowd the other buildinqs. The staff responded with the feelinq thatother solut'ions should be explorei and that there si.rould not be any encroichment onto the creek especiaily with the steep bank. Trout moved and Pierce 7.uest to amend the Vail Mun i ci al Code concernin Section .l8.29.020 to include automotive r air ces an araqes as rmitted uses in Arterial sr ness ulstrlct: a ni nq automotrepair services and qarages. App icant: Bob Vol iter Jim Sayre gave the background of the formation of the Arterial Busjness Distict and pointed out that one purpose of this area being changed to ABD was to upgradethat portion of Vail from the Vail Associates' service yard to the Glen Lyon officebuilding because it was considered a major entry way for both Lionshead lnd Cascadevillage' but the uses requested will enhance thi appiarance of the town, norfit with the other permitted uses which are jntended to be genera'l ly accessoryto the office use. He added that iwo-leiturs of adjacent pioperty bwners reqirestingdenial were received. Dick Ryan added that this ione wai ohe oi ttre most discussed and was under scrutiny for over a year with ample tirne for people to object tothe provisions. He then read from- the djstrict "al'l oermitted ...uses..sha't Ibe operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permitted'loading areas and such activities as may be specificaliy authorized to be unenc'l osed bya.conditional use permit." He also pbinteo oufthe danger of having peopie pai'ktheir cars there short term and then'walking along that road which iould be' dangerous. Voliter stated that what he wanted to do was to take cars that were illegallyparked in areas where he snowplowed and put them in his lot. He said they w-ouldnot be iunk cars' and that he was willing to make this a conditional use iorsix months. He added that he felt that Morgan's construction site looked worse.. 'l :15 pm 2:00 pm ,l PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION November 28, 1983 Site Visits Publ ic Hearing Approval of minutes of November 14. A request for a rezoning on the Getty 0i1 site (parcel inrnediately west of Pitkin Creek Park Condomiums in Bighorn) from Low Density Multi-Family (LDMF) to Arterial Business District in order tobuild a restaurant. Applicant: Brooks Investment Request to.amend Special Development District 6 (Vail Village Inn)to rezone the Amoco site from Heavy service.to priblic Accorffiodation and include the site into the SDD6, to amend the zoninq code toincrease the acreage, eliminate distance between buildings, amendthe height section, amend the plan, increase the gross residentialfloor area, to increase the gross residential floor area and change the mix of accommodation units and condominium units, to reques! an exception to the parking and not have permanent parking for charter buses and to request a conditional use to permit meeting rooms and convention facilities. AppIica4t: Piccidilly Square, Inc. A request for a setback variance in order to build a multi-use spaceat Apollo Lodge. Appl icant: Apol lo I,lest, Inc. front setback variance Vi I I age West Fi I i ng No. 2. 3. 5.A request for a on Lot 26, Vail in order to construct a residence2. Applicant: Will Miller MEMORANDUM T0: P'l anning and Environmental Cornmission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 2.l, .1983 SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration for a setback variance to constructa new lobby area and lounge at Apollo Lodge.Applicant: Apol1o West, Inc. REQUEST This is a revised request to add a new iobby, and lounge to assi.st in the reg.i s-tration process. The area would also jnclude new restrooms and-itoiag6-sbiie. The entire addition of approximately 550 square feet would be added t6 tnl westend of the present office in Building c. currently the area is an open deck. The requested setback variance rangei from three tb ten feet from the south property t'lne. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The rel ationshi of the uested variance to other existin otential uses There has been no variance of thjs nature in the immediate vicinity. The requesthas been modified to have a deck of approximately ten feet next to the southproperty 1ine. Retaining part of the deck is deiinitely a positive aspect ofthe revised proposai. The de to which relieJ from the strict or 'l iteral i nte retation and spec ified regulatr'on is nEEEssariE qL eve c at'i ty and un eatment among sjtes in the viclnit or to attain ectives o th istttte without grant of special pFr'viGG- f ormi t There are constraints that restrict the ability to add a new lobby and loungeto adequately serve guests of Apollo park Lodgl. A 30 foot easement crossesthe northern part of the proposal . If the eaiement were not there, they couldlocate the proposed addition away from the south property line and probibly meetthe rear setback requirement of 20 feet. The modifieo pian provides for up to tenfeet. of setback plus a deck along the south property lihe. ltr"'iear."o's-l-"e-- '' of the adition seems to work weli on the sitb aira piovide for a comfortable outsidearea. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, satety. No impact by this proposal. and structures the vicinity. Apol lo wesf -z- 11/21/8s Such other factors and criteria as the commissjon deems appljcable to the proposed varl ance . FI ND I NGS The Plannjng and Environmental Commission shall make the foj'l orvinq findings before grantinq a variance: That the granting of the varjance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsjstent with the limitations on other properties c'l assified in the same district. That the grantlng of the vgriance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in thevicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 'The strict or'l iteral interpretatjon and enforcement of the specified regulation would result'in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances oq conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply general1y to other properties in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretatjon and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propertiesin the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community. Deve'lopment Department recommends approval of the variance request.We consider the revised proposal which a'llows for'the a..i ls the minimum n.ii.i-sary to provide.for a.good functional lobby and lounge area. Because or tlre---need for the lobby and lounge area at the [roposea-l,iiaiion'and because of theeasement constraints, there are exceptions'apblicable io ir,e site of the variincethat do not apply general'ry to other'propertibs ln ttre-iame zone. l2: 30 2:00 P1 anning and Env'ironmental Commission November .|4, 1983 Site Inspections Publ ic Hearing Approval of minutes of 0ctober 24, ig83 A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct commercialstorage units in the lower level of the Concert Hall plaza. Applicant: Eagle Valiey Investments, Inc. A request to amend the official zoning map of the town in accordancewith Sections'18.66..l00 - .l8.66..l60 to rezone Tract F, Vail Village5th Filing and Tract B, Vail Viliage 7th F.iiing from Agriculture and Open Space to Ski Base,/Recreation d.i strict and to impoie Skj gase/Recrea- tion District and to impose ski Base/Recreation District zoning on anadjacent 35 acre unplatted parcel recently annexed to the Town.Applicant: Vail Assocjates, Inc. A request for an exterior alteration of less than 100 square feet inorcler to add an addition of 99.5 square feet to the outside stairwayof the Gondola Building to be used as a radio headset rental outlet.Applicant: Vail Associates/Stephens Communicatjon A request for a side setback variance and for a variance to increasegross residential floor area in order to add an addition to Unit #ll,Bighorn Terrace. Applicants: John S. and Margaret G. Houston (6.)A.request for a setback variance in order to build a multi-use spacet--z with rear setback of 0 feet at Apollo Lodge. Applicant: Apo11o west Inc. A request to amend the vail Municipal code concerning l) section .l9.29.020 to include automotive repair services and garages as-permitted usesin Arterial Business District; and z) to ado a-sectioh .l9.04.007 defining automotive repair services and garages. Appljcant: Bob Voliter pm pm 2. t,'li thdrawn 4. 5. 7. MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 9, .l983 SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration for a setback varjance to construct a multi-use space at Apollo Lodge.Applicant: Apol 1o West, Inc. REQUEST The applicant is requesting to add a multi-purpose space of 500 square feetto the west end of the present office located at the west end of Building C. The space would be used as a lobby and lounge space to ease the registraiionprocess. Along Gore Creek the setback would be zero feet from the propertyline. Currently most of the proposed addition is a wood deck. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS l.The relationshjp of the requested variance to other exjsting or potentjal uses and structures in the vicinitv. There has not been a variance request in the general area for this typeof use to be added to a lodge. The staff questions the size of the proposed adition for use only as a lobby and lounge. If reduced in size, a zero setback would not be needed, and part of the deck could be retained for people to sit and view Golden Peak and Vail Villaqe. 2. . Thq deqree to _which rel jef from the strict or literal jnIg1p4!g!l_q!_ ang enfo=ice Oi t i tvan{ unltormi!y of trealment among s'ites in the vicinity, or to attain theobjectives of this title withffi piJvilegE The applicant has stated that there is a problem because of a 30 foot easementacross the north part of the proposal . If the easement were not there,they could locate the proposeit aUOition away from the south property line. Other properties have s'imilar constraints in planning and develbping theirproperty. The staff considers that the request would be a grant of specialpriy]lege because the size of the proposal cou'ld be reduced and the goal couldstill be achieved. 3. The effect of the reguested variance on light and ajr, distributiqn ofpop,ffic-FaFeT.v.- No impact by this proposal. Apollo tO -r- 11/s/83 Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems a licable to the osed ance . FI ND INGS Ill9,,l]l!njng at]d enui"onm"ntal Commission shall make the following findings beforegrantjnq a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special priv.i legeinconsistent with the ljmitations on other properties clissified jn the same district. That.the grantlng of the variance will not be detrimental to the publjc health,safety, or wel'fare' or materially injurious to properties or imprbvements in ttrevicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the fol1ow.i ng reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulationwgf]d result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical irardship inionsistentwith the objectives of this title. - There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable tothe s'ite of the variance that do not apply generally to other propeiiies in thesame zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcementwould deprive. the applicant of privileges enjoyed byin the same district. of the specified regulation the owners of other properties sT4Er_8Eqqu{E!!au_qt Il".!:Ttllity,Development Department recommends denia'l of the variance request.l|e teel that there are other solutions where a zero setback from the prooertvl ine. a-1ong Gore creek woutd not be needed. itriJ wouia -ionsiii;ft;ii;;i;i' special piivilege. \ John M, Fefiins/Achitect, AiA/Vol nun lGrt. 100 Lions Ridge Loop/P.O.B.2Qoil, Colo. 81658/303- 47ffi515 8 November 1983 Dick RyanDirector of Community Development Town of Vail South Frontage Road l,fest Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Apollo Park Easement Variance Request Dear Diek; I have compiled the following area calculations from the original architectural site plan for Apollo Park at Vail 'prelared by Associated Architects of Colorado Springst dated 4/5/]-972. The areas are as follows: Total site square footage L24r117 s'f' Parking area (477") B1dg. footprints (13%) Landscape (4OY,) esitate to c re1y, 58,674 s.f. 16r039 s.f. 49,4O4 s.f . The areas helct in common are but a smal1 increment of the total building areas as all units are accessed by open stairwells and balconi5s. The proposed additional 950 s'f' of multi-purpose "pt." should havl a-minimal if anY effect on existing common rie" o" any of the site coverage figures above' any quesl ons reguarding this proposal , please do ank you.If you have M. Per ins ow F*"2 Yy'ab'67>% CoHFps) ry2,4+ {ryL Qac/*L4\E- @NOSc1lo/gs 4s&>srs: /+L)+/-y,-s!) .rs?T af uaf +NOUYU C /4t42 6gca-4*4p4F A4 fi,eoryUrflwfzfy - LEITry?2.- fuE/-4t4. fr4P*"4,&ArL) John M. Ferkins/Architect, AtAy'Voirf nesort, 1000 Lions Ridge Loop/Pa(/)Ndl, Colo. 81658/303- 47&515 t/r/ Dear Peter; As we discussed last week, Aporlo park is desirous of adding a multi-purpose space to the west end of the present office located at thewest end of Building c. This space witt ue primariry used ""-rontvand lounge space to- ease the reiistration process into and out of thelodge. r believe the functi-on 5t tne sp..6 to be an accessory use tothe lodge operation, and allowable und.er current zonj.ng. Buildings A and B (easterly two buildings) are controlled by Butter-wick-Enterprises, and are ihe only individ.uarly owned buildings.Buildings c and D are owned and controlled by Apo1lo park Lodge. r am in the process of preparing the documentation we discussed lastweek. Please discuss the i'acce.so"y use" with your fel1o* "trit-pe"_sonnel and 1et me know if you agree with thi.s assessment. b, 10 October 1983 Mr. Peter Patton, planner Department of Community DevelopmentTown of VailVail, Colorado 81649 Re: Addition to Apollo park The new building will block views from thehowever Buitding D is owned by Apollo parkers. ,rnf*' o/,tT, *k'ft;f; K Iower level of Building Drand not by individual own- Sincerely, M. Perkins I. APPLICATION This procedure is required The application will not be i\-{1.1 FORM FOR A VARIANCE for any project requesting a. Variance. accepted until all information is subnitted. Apprication oate lo:tober !- A.NAl.lE OE APPIJICAI{T Acol.io t-.Iest. lnc. ADDRESS P.0. Eox 15635. co:!- HoNE-103-536-2523 B.NAI\tE OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATM John M. ?erJci.ns. Archiieci . ADD$SS p.0. Box 2b6. vai.l. HONE 475-3515 c.J,TAME 0F type o rint) Anol-l-q Westr Inc. Mr. Da','j.d Hoar:. Gene:a.l- Manaqe:: SIGNATURE ADDRBSS_fuQ,-gqx 15635, Colorado Spr:i.nes, C0 80935 303-6-?6-?52-3 LOCATION OF PROPOSAI. ADDRESS 442 S- Frontaqe Road East D. LEGAL DESCRIPTToN lot I".t ''BJ-o.r Filing FEE. $100.00 Va'-L ViLlaqe 5th ,ii l i.nc 'iE. F.A lLgt of the namessubject property and . :. of owners of all property adjacent to their mail ing addresses. pl p.o.a.z?Nol, coro. 81 6s8/3os- 47 .;ss1 s october 17, 1983 l4r. Peter Patten, Plarnrer Departrnent of Conmunity Develop'ment Tcwn of Vail Vai1, Colorado 81&8 RE: Addition to Apo11o Park Dear Peter: Please accept this attached application for a variance request to Zoning Ordinance # 18.20.0ffi . Ttris variance will enable the Apo1lo Lodge to add a desirElEtlfrEh--needed nnrlti-use space. I believe that the combination of the angle of the Upper Eagle Valley Easement and its intersectiqr with the south property line create a hard- ship that makes this building inpossible to build without the requested variance. The 20'-0" easement affectively eliminates any building site. Ttre 20' easement if required for the proposed addition would create a rectangular space, cut off frorn the remainder of the developrnent (Existing Building t'C" has been constructed on Lhe property line.) I firther feel that there is more than enough land (owned by Vail Associates) between the property line and C'ore Creek to ensure a feeling of openess and relief. Therefore, I respectfully request that a variance be granted to allow ttre rear setback to go frorn 20t-0rr to 0t{". Please do not hesitate to call me should you require further information or data. John M. JMP:skp Perkins ADJACENI PROPERTY CI,INERS Butterwick Enterprises ln61 {1 .> 10125 West 6th Ave. ' t r -1 Iakewood, C0 80215 The Wren 500 S. Frontage Road (o,'lVail, CO 81657 Artention: Mr. Sharp Tyrolean Inn 7" Brandess Cadnnrs Real Estate 281 Bridge Street Vail , C0 81657 Attention: l,tarta Vail Associates P.O. Box 7Vai1, CO 81658 Colorado State Higlrway Department 4201 E. Arkansas - Denver, @ ffi222 See attached copies of individual orners narnes and addressesin the Tyrolean Inn and Wren buildings. L,/A,-r,/rt/t/) ['or - J^ DA:E: (:.1,':!+./8f EOle cr:rur'irY Crll.lf,OMlliIUM AsCesoR CDDS: '!;-.3 CtfTiDOI'l INIUM: TYRL]LEAI'''I CI]NDBS ==-=== = ='- =:-'-1="=": =============== === ======t--=============== oool E,:iiEt.uLE'O10157 DI:iTRlCT: 103 BIRSliE-L- PF;PEF:TIEf fi. V. CJ |. lE LF:i'lFl l CURACAI. Ni;THEFLAI'.lf'9 At'.{TiLl-ES STATE: (iC, ZIF CCDS: OOOOO UNIT 3 Er. o32D Pe o4?1 TAX ITiI"i:9: LLL? T?L7 OOOA S,IIHEC'ULE: O1O153 DISTRICT:103 BLUEGR,fVE FRDFERTIES N. V. E3 PIETERT,IP.II CURACA'], NETHEELANDS ANTILLES STATE: t:,Q Z iP CODE: OOCOO UNIT 1 Ef' 0320 PG Osa6 TAX lTErl=: 1112 t2L7 OOO3 9CHEGULE: O1r]15e DISTRICT: 103 EXECUC.]I.1 9Y9TEI'15 CORPORAT I ON ATTI'{: i'lFr. GERALD R- h|AGNER 7718 tTSDEHCLLOI' AUST I N STATE: T'tt ZIP CODE: 7A73L UNIT 4 e'l. 032l] PG o9gr- TAX ITFI{S: 1112 L2L7 OOO4 SI]HE 'ULE: O1O16A DISTRiCT: tO3 GORE V;ILLEY RESTAURANT ASSOCIATES' INC. BOX 33+C. VAIL STATE: Ctr ZIP CODE: e165e UNIT 9 Bli. {}319 PO o14t TAX IT-l'iS ?_LL? 22L7 OOOS S(:HEBULE: O1Ot54 DISTRICT: r03 KENI{IN,"Ttrl{, JCHN R- T34O LAI,IiRADA STREET LAGUNA STATE: CA ZtP CADE: ?a651 UNIT 2 gt/. 0319 ?Q o47l TAX ITE|'{S: tLt? I2L7 PAGE:\,LISTING l 3 3 c o tt @ o o @ a o t o o e o tO r lu {r ..'O= coufrrY coi.{aomINiuM orlesoR DATE a:.:2,:/e=PAGE: ) ) ) D D D o o o g a LISTING COOF: :);E3 COI*.lDDr'1lf,.lItJt1: TYFDLEAT'J CDf''iDOS ====== -=:==:'::'_.:.'===-':'=---==:_=====;-========-================================: 0006 t{:HEIULE: AlOl'-Z DISTRICT: 103 L &. I DE!=LtPf4EfiT BOX 33e3 VAIL STATE: CO Z IP COC,E: 8165e UI.JIT 7 Elt 0319 PG 0139 TAX I TEl15: tt72 l2L7 OOOT SCHEaULE: 91O153 DISTRICT: 103 LOVE, BARTDIi ' JOAN 36 SBU'i-rl THFODP STREET CH I CAG'] STATE: :L ZItr CODE: 6ObO7 UNIT E Bl' 0:319 Pe O9!4 TAX ITEI.;:., TL7? L2T7 OOOA S(:HEEULE: O1O1F-l DISTRICT:103 PINKAEO, JAI{ES I.', TY. ELLEN V. BOX e6.t'.:7 LAKENO'f L' STATE: CA ZIP CBDE: ece26 UNIT b 8|4' 0324 Pe o4s7 TAX ITEl"lg L712 L2L7 OOO9 ST]HEDULE: 01O159 DISTRICT: 103 TYROL CDRP. LTD. HARBOUR H*UgE, FRANT STREET, CRAND TURK TURKS ;, CAICOS ISL. BRITISH I^JEST INDIES STATE: eO ZIP CDDE: OGOOO UNIT 5 BK 0319 PG 0469 BK 0349 PG 0170 TAX ITErin-: tt12 7217e g e e a o e e DATE: O'Zi?aie3 E?"LE c0uNry ^tEssoR PACECONDOHIT,IIUM LIgTING a CBDE: r}221 CrlNDOt{INIUt"f : l.,lREN ( THE }tg == === = ,_ OOOl S€HEI,ULE: OtOEOl DISTRICT: tO3E AMARAL, A'.BERT E, '.q LYI.JI.'.IE H, 5OO SDr"r-iH FftOT.JTAGE ROAD EAST, t,rREN t1AVAILg srATE: ca ZIp cooE: EL6:zUNIT 1TA BLDE B Er:' 033' PO OA39Et TAX ITEhS: ?11? ZZL7 OOOa 9CHEDULE: At!7qg DIETRTCT: tOg@ COLORA|., I,{ATTONAL BANK OF DENVER 7. MAI-Cf.{E, THDI{AS BOX 5168@ DENVER STATE: CD ZIp CODE: e3?tz - UNIT 1T1 BLDE BO Bi/. cEeB pe olea Bt/,. 0325 Pc 0275TAX ITEf,ig: ZIL? ??L7c OOO3 s{:HEBULE: O1O7AE DISTRICT: I03 _ FARNHA|"i, l{0Et1A}t e. & DONNA D.C 1elo1 DAr, LEAF DRrvE LOS ALAPIITOS _ STATE: CA ZIp CODE: 9O7?Ae uNrT 4oJ BLDG A Br. o?E7 PC 0732TAX ITtrt{e-,: tIL? t?traOOO4 SCHEBULE: ALOS47 DISTRICT: 103FRANCIg, RICHARD A. tr HELEN D.a I,REN eRDeERTTES, INc. z AccEss vArLBOX 1577 VA IL a srATE: cD Zrp caDE: 8165sUNIT 1O4 BLBE A Bfi. o25E Pe 0207O TAX ITEtlE LtL? t?17 OOOS SCHEBULE: 7LAT?4 DISTRICT: l03I TNVERSIO|.IE9 ATALAYA C. A. APARTAOO OEL E9TE *616TA CARACUS 1O6C', VENEZUELA|| STATE: OO ZIp CODE: OOoooUNIT 4CE BLDG A BK 0252 PG OO3tO TAX ITEr,lg: LtIe tZtT o o ft *-!, aJ - DATtr'1j)/?1f83 s .O',CCrUf'lTY A s?E s s o R PAGE: CONDOM I IJ I UI,I L I 5T I NG CDDE: I)??1 CtrI']DOI,IINIUM: T.'REN ( THE ) a OOO' 9CHEDULE: ALO7?Z DISTRICT: 103 S LAUBAC*, JoHt'i L. tz suZAl'iNE c. 1337 GATEI,.'AY CEI.{TER P ITTSPi,,F:GH S srATE: PA ZrP cgDE: Iseaa UNIT 3,,]E BLDG A Bn 02tZ PG 056 1 S rAX ITET4E: 111? 1217 OOOT S(:HEBULE: 010751 DISTRICT: 103 S LIvIf'JGsrrli{, RoEERT E. - PATTON ']IL COHFAI.JYz cAr.,.rA.3.4'9 DF VAiL LTD. . BOX 190S s vAiL STAir: {1tr Z IP CODE: 81658 UNIT 11O BLOC A O tsK ot4s PG os14 ail- o:59 PG 0534 TAX ITEl"l9: 111? L2l7oOOOA SCHEBULE: O7O79e DISTRICT: 1O3 f'IAGASF'-VY, 9. 9. JAN0S 2g B- JANOS C ApARTAr,o zl VALEI...{ICA., VENZL'ELA STATE: OCt ZIP CODE: OOOOO O UNIT 4iii BLDG A ef. oe45 PG 0589 TAX IIEHS: 11L? l2r7oOOO9 SCHELIJLE: OLO777 DISTRICT:1O3 HCANEAR, J']I{}J S. & MARY F. O Box 6orf FREER STATE: TX ZIP CDDE: 78357 C uNrT 3rl4 BLDc A Er,, 025e PG 0644 TAX ITEI'IS: 717? 12L7cOOlO ECHEDULE: OT0543 DISTRICT: 103 HiTCHELL, HARGARET N.(9 BOX 111 MONTGDI,IERY. STATE: TX ZIP CODE: 77356 O UNIT 1o3 BLDe A BK 0245 PG 0062 BK 0245 PC 0719e BK osst Po oeol TAX ITEt{5: ltt? L?L7 3 o ogS IS oE:GI..E CDUI,iTY A CDI.JDONII.iIUT'1 LCI DATa t):./?4./E3 OR d PAC OO11 F-rli.tEL,ULE: ALA7qZ DISTft ICT: 103MDOFE. PI1 iLL IP K. T.1 ESTHER h.5755 t(rlnTH ':STH FLACE PHOEI.'JI:: STATE: AZ ZIP CDDE: ESOIr- Ul'J I T 4,14 BLBG A BE O:f41 Pc 0379TAX JTeflS: tII? t?tl OO12 SCHEBULE: 0lA776 DISTRICT: tO?PAULY, HEi'JRY R. APASTADD BE coh]REo 19.4 CARACA;, VEI'JEZUELA 1O1O9TATE: 'j(i ZIp CDDE: OCOOOUNIT 3{}.f ELBT] A 3K Of49 Pe 0540TAX ITEttS: LIt2 leLT OO13 9I:HEC,ULE: 010797 DISTR ICT: 1Oa PETERSATJ. -(AI1E9 E. BOX 74; HOUSTDI.{ STATE: T)t Z Ip CBDE: tTOOt UN I T 4,i:-BLDG A Bpi O:34e pe O97STAX ITEt!9: LII? I?L7 OO1+ gCHEfiULE: OIO7E7 DISTRICT: t03 flur.^ir47O€ SiAERDi]K C}]URT OKLAHCYA CITY STATE: Bri Z Ip CCIDE: 73142 L'NI T 4,j?BLDG Agfi 0331 Pe O58eTAX ITErig: tLt? tZtT OO15 STIHEBULE: OlLl7e5 DISTRICT: tOBSLAC CDIJ$ULTANTS, INC. 7. ELEH-F: DDLANYI APARTADA 60085 CARACA; TO4, VENEZUELA STATE: OC ZIp CODE: OOOOOUNIT 4D1 BLDC A Bli. 0245 pG OSa3 TAX iTEt{g: LILZ I?17 OOL6 9CHEBULE: o|o79I DISTRICT: 103TARFF. JACQUES ALEXAT.JDRE APARTA'B 1 94-CARMEL I TASCARACAS, LOLO, VEI{EZUELA STATE: QO ZIP CODE: OAOOOUNIT 4ij5 BLDO A ESS TIN e o s @ (t-1 @ @ @ @ o e o o 3 o e o o BK 0250 PG 0340 DATE: i: -l-1. r+/'gir- E AOL E c o CONDOMI CODE: ;.IIZ3 CONDDMII'JIUH: WREI'{ (THE) =====:: = - - t--=-r = = ==='==:: --============-====== -=========='=============--========' TAX ITail: Ll7? L?t7 OO17 gCI{EE'ULT: C'1CEO3 DISTRICT:103 vAIL ciJi-.F, Il.JC. DENVEE UI'JIOfIJ gTATIOI''I' SUITE 3O2 DENVER STATE: (:L.i Z IP CODE: AO2O2 UNIT 114 ELDQ B Ell' O34O PG 0363 TAX ITEI19: 2117 2217 OO18 Et:HEI'ULE: 01OEO4 DISTR ICT: 103 VAIL Gfi:DuP, 1l'.JC. DENVEfr i,ltti IDf',1 STATION, SUITE 30? DENVEF STATE: {l}l ZIP rIODE: 8O2Oe UNIT 115 BLDC D Bh. O34rl PG O3A5 TAX ITEf"iE: 2tL2 27L7 OO19 gCHEOTJLE: O1O7B4 DISTRICT:1O3 W. R. .1 I.i. L. BERLINGHOF ASSOCIATES 23 1(] FAiFI.'AY RDAD HUNT I N:;.3CN VALLEY STATE: PA ZIP CODE: 19006 gSOR I NG AS LI UI'{TY I.{IUM a ST PAGE: I ' $ !lg B o e C o e e c 0 o o o o UNIT 31O BLBG A gK o:fl6 PG OETe TAX ITEl"lE: 1112 1?17 OO2O 5CHFf,.ULE: O1O75? DISTRICT:103 I^IIELDP,]L:{. I. .JAN & I,JANDA CALLE 3&IIJ AI{DRES 85-121 OUINTA ,'KOTKI .. VALEI.IC IA, VENEZUELA 5. A. STATE: GIi Z IP CODE: OOOOO UNiT 2t]1 BLDG A BK O!44 PG oo19 TAX I TElr9: LIt? L?L7 OO21 9CHEBULE: OLO77? DISTRICT: 103 WOLF, MELVIN & ELAINE A5?O EAST I'lA}'tgFIELD AVE['{UE DENVER STATE: CO ZIP CODE: AA237 UNIT 21O ELDG Agv, 0249 Pc oSEE TAX iTEl{g: ltl? I?17 @ ) " .oOtE cour'rrY otOssoR DATF: l=^tliif,) )' coNDomIllIUH LISTING CADE: )2::-> CDNDOI"I il'JiUf'l: t^,REfJ (THE) )==============================-_===__========================= OA2? EI. I-iEBiJL.E: OT0433 DISTRICT:103 ) WREiI * i(J1 LTD. PARTNERgHIP z t^laEr'i a-::D(l IATI|--lfi 5OO gDIJiii FRBf'JTAGE ROAD EAST ) vArL STATE: CD ZIP CODE: 81657 UNIT 1D1 BLDO A ) an ozha PG oE17 TAX iTEt15: LLL2 |ALT D ooa3 grll-iEDULE: o10434 DISTRIcT:103 T.'REN * 1C: LTD. PARTNERgHIP Z TJREI'i AS9OC IATIDI{ D 5oo sti-irH FaDNTA'IE R0AD EAsr VAIL STATE: CD ZIP CODE: Elh37 D UNIT li'r BLDe A B!; OasO PG'0191 TAX ITEI.i-q: TLL? 1?77t- OO24 gcHECULE: O1O54e DISTRiCT: 103 I.IREN * 1C5 LTD. PARTNERSHIP I 5oo s8r-trH FRol{TAcE R0AD EAsr VAIL STATE: r:O Z iP CODE: 81657 D UNIT 1.ls BLBG A 0l{ 0250 PG OleS TAX lTEl'tS: 1112 1e17 o OO2A 9I:HEL"ULE: O10549 DISTRICT: LO? I^IRSII * 7Oh LTD. PARTNERSHIP e ftoG r f,tr:-hluF?-En5?- VAIL - STAIE: CO ZIP CODE: At657 C uNrr too BLBG A Bl4 02s4 PG 0475 TAX ITEfi€: tlt2 I?L7 C OAzb SCHEBULE: Ol0729 DISTRICT: 103 HREII fr 107 LTD. PARTNERgHIP O 7. IIREN ASsDcIATIEN 5OO SOUTH FROIJTAGE ROAD EAST VA IL a srATE: co ZtP coDE: 81637 UNIT 1O7 BLOG A BK Og50 PC O1e5 o TAx ITEhS: llr2 l?r7 o o \I DAI"E: 1,1:/';= j,'8j D ea?LE cour"{rY AslssoR C OtiDOI4 I N I UI'{ L I ST I NE PAGE: CODE: 'j::1 C|NODI{!fiIUH: tJFel{ (THE) - z=====--=..=====--=- 9==-=="i=======-===========-=======:=============="==:'====- OO?7 ::Ci{EE'UL.E: O1C74S DISTRICT: 103 I t{RE!'i * loe LTD. PARTNERSHiP Z l^lREfi *SgtC IATIDI'I 5OO SOUTH FACF{TAGE ROAD EAST 3 VAIL ETATE: t:ii Z IP CODE: 41657 UNI T 1'}E SLDG A B Br; o:5o Pe 0194 TAX ITEI'IE: 1t 1? 1217 I ooag gTIHEDULE: o1o749 DISTRICT:1o3 I.IREN * iR? LTD. PARTI\iERSHIP 7. VAII_ IIANAGEMENT COMPANY O 5oo saiJTH FRilNTAeE RflAD EAsr VAiL STATE: {lD Z IP CDDE: €}1657 @ UNIT 1il+ BLD0 A Bil' OtsO Pe 0194 TAX I TEI'IE : 1l t? 1"-17eOOEg SI:HEPIJLE: 010753 DISTR ICT: 103 WREN * =C? LTD. @ 7. TJREN AESDcIATIaN 5OO gi]iJTF. FRCNTAGE ROAD EAST VAIL A 9TATE: cD ZIF coDE: 8L637 UNIT Ti]3 BLDG A El' 0350 Po o1B2 e TAX ITEI45: 111? 1?17 OO3O E(:HEDULE: O10754 D tSTR ICT: 103 A wREN * ?c'3 LTD. PARTNERSHIP 7. WREN AESDCIATION 5OO SDiJTH FRONTACE ROAD EAST O VAIL STATE: t:B Z IP CDDE: e1657 UNIT 2'i3 BLDG A e Bn oaso Pc 0314 TAX ITEt'{g: 7112 12L7 C OO31 SCHEBIJLE: 010756 DISTR ICT: 1O3 I.IREN * 2'J4 LTD. PARTNERSHIP , 7. t^tREl'.{ ASSDCIATIBN O 5oo sDUTH FRoI'{TAGE RaAD EAsr VAIL STATE: C& ZIP CBDE: 8L657 O uNrT arl4 BLDe A BK 0290 PC 0194 Bf' 0254 Pe 0110 I TAX ITEfl5: LLr? L2L7 o couf.l TY Asl:s.soR. Or.PAGE: C OI] DOI4 I I'I I U I'1 L I S I' I NG CODE: 'l':?5 CDNDOHINIUPf: [^'REN (TF{E)s =:======= =======--": ==--===== =:==============g OO32 9{:HEIUL€., C1L.757 DISTRII]T: 103 8 ttnEr'i * zt)3 Lrt. PARTIIERE'HIP 7. WRSN a::Di iAl IDri 5OO 9D:j''-i: FF:Chil'AGE ROAD EAgT S vAIL 9TATE: JJ-I Z IF CODE: 8T657 UNIT 2'.= PLDG A I Er: cl-:s PG 0194 TAX iTEII:.. lTL? L?17 @ oo3.: :cHEI'uLE: o1o79a DISTRIcT:103 WREN # :,;5 LTD. PARTNER9HIP 7. WREN i=S0i:iATIDl'J @ 50o 5D:-'Tr'1 FFDI'.[]-AGE RDAD EAST VAIL STATE: .l17 Z iP l]DD;: ELh57 @ UNIT z'-r! BLnG A Ga 01:11 Pe O1F3 ts2. O:a-'l PG OOVI] O TAx ITi;1s: LIL? l2r7 OO3TT S,I]HEOULE: O1O7'F DISTR ICT: 1O3 (9 t Rgf{ {+ ic9 LTD. PARTNaREHIP 7. I"JRET\ AE9Dt] IATIOI'i 5OO SC:-,|:F: FRANTAGE RCAD EAST o vArL STATE: CA ZIP CI]DE: 81657 UNIT 2.]E BLDG A e.1.1,1.1.1-.1 TAX IT:r"ii: 1112 1?17 O oo35 r-rli{[f,{-r[E: o1o771 DiSTRICT:103 I^IREN * .:{i9 LTB. PARTI.(ERSHIP_ .A I^JREI{ AES-DC IATIDI'i O 5oo 5r:ji-rrH FF:cl'irA(;E RUAD EAST VAIL STATE: {:D Z IP CBDE: 81657 e UNIT E,-r"- ELDB A Ei/.. o:50 PG 0179 TAX I T-t{g : 7172 7?L7 a OO3t gCHE?ULE: OIOEOT DISTRICT: 1O3 I^IREN * 211 LTD. PARTNERSHIP 3 7. wREN ASSDcIATIoN 5OO SO|JTH FROI,iTAGE ROAD EAgT VAIL A srATE: co ZIP coDE: aL637 UI.JIT ?i 1 BLDG B e'/. O2r,7 pO O3t6 O rAx lT-l'ie-: 1lt2 17-17 o 99BR ITIG Ui.,I TY A5 I..IIUM LI .t rt\ tg I @ s A & s. @ 3 @ @ @ o @ o @ o g o @ uEiL.t{I o ST PAGE:a eOr E CDI'JDO CEDE: :i::5 COf'ilDrl IfiIiJl4: t^JREN (Tl-E) - =:' ===t:===== === === -=== ==============: ======== OO37 5riH5D{-rLa: QLOE:TE DISTRICT: LO? I.JREI] S ']1T ,.TTi. FARTI.JEEC-HIP z |"jRLri F,!;ic i Ai i Dt'{ 5OO 5tir:; F-F:'ltJTAia ROAD EAST VA IL STATE: C'l Z iP CL-iDE: 81657 UNIT 2:: DLDG B Z?. C?r-'7 FG O3O1 TAX I TEf19: 1112 L217 OO3B SI]HEBULE: t}lOBC9 DISTRICT: 103 I^JREI.,I *i E1.3 LTD. PARTNERSHIP 7. t^rREN ig.c'Dr: IAT ION SOD SD:JTI{ Fii:Dt'.iTAGq ROAD EA9T VAIL STAI-E: r:t ZIP CODE: 8L657 UI.JIT T1_)- BLD{} B _?! 'j':45 PG C609 TAX I Tii':l: 1112 12i7 OO39 9{:iiED|JLE: O1OE13 DISTRiCT: l03 t.JREI''{ *:i,I LTD. PARTNERSHIP Z WREI'i .q'gDC IATiCN 5OO St]i]iH FftDI.{TAG' ROAD EAST VA IL STATE: {l}l ZIP CODtr: eL637 UNIT E14 BLD* B Di{. o25\3 Pe 0194 E?i. C?F;4 PG O1C'4 TAX ITifi5: 1Ll2 l?17 oo4o 9t:i{EgtJLE: o1oE14 DiSTRICT:103 t^tREl.{ # :i5 LTD. PARTNERSHIP Z I^'RET{ A.:gDC IATION 5OO SDi-rTH FSOf"lTArlE ROAD EAST VA IL STATE: CD ZIP CODE: AL657 UNIT T15 ELDG B Pli o?50 P$ 0194 8r.. O2A4 PG O1G2 TAX I TEI'i5: LLlT L2r7 OO41 gT]HEDULE: O1Oe15 DISTRICT: lOg WREN * 21T- LTD. PARTNERSHIP 7. hIREN A-CgOC I AT I ON 5OO SOIJTH FRtrI'JTACE ROAD EAgT VAIL STATE: Crl Z IP C0DE: AL637 UNIT E1A BLBC B E't. o2&7 PO 0305 TAX I TEr"i.9: LL t? L2L7 !, B. @ e s s e @ o e e e e G @ c o a o o e ,fr. c{r urilY as}eeoR PAGE: OL-\42 :1lHF-:'l-rLF: G1OS17 DISTRICT: l03 WREI{ *:17 LTD. PAETII{ERgHIP 7. UieEti +r:ilC IATIOI'j 5OO 9D,-rTF: FFICr'iTA{li ROAn EAST VAIL $TATE: 1:ll Z iF CODE: P-1657 UI.,I I T ?17 8LDG B Dr,. $?h7 PC 0307 TAX I Tff'15: lll? t?77 AO43 ETIHEDULE: AtO773 DISTRICT:103 I.JREhI *:fGi LTD. PARTI{ERSHIP Z LIREN 9.=$tC I AT IDf'j 5OO SD,ITH FFlrlriTAGE ROAD EAET VA IL STATE: Cil ZIF CDDE: Elh37 UNIT 3.ri ELDG. A D',i. 'J!47 PG O43? 9r-.. 10257 PG 0416 TAX ITEllt:: 711? L?17 OO44 S(:HEC,ULE: OlO774 DISTR ICT: 103 I^JREI'{ * :L1" LTD. PARTNEII$HiP z t,JREti A:it(lIATIOI'] 5OO gD:J-aH FF:DI'JTAGS RtrAD EAST VAIL STATE: CD Z IF CBDE: AI'557 UNI T 3:if BLDG. A El,' o:47 Pe O4as av. o!=7 P+ 0419 TAX ITfrii: lIl? t?r7 OO45 S.CHESI-ILE: A|A77E DISTRICT:103 I4REI.{ * :{i5 LTD. FARTNERS|{iP 7. t^JREfi gE90(: I AT I Df'j 5OO sIJ:JTH FRCi.]TAGE ROAD EAgT VAIL' STATE: CL-1 Z IP CDDE: Ate37 UNIT 3ii5 BLDG. A Di/. o?53 PG 0296 TAX I TEllt: Lt1? L2L7 0046 SCHEDIJLE: OTO77? DISTRICT: 103 I^,REN * 3L16 LTD. PARTNERSHIP Z WREI..{ AESDC i AT I ON 5OO SBUTH FRCI..JTAGE ROAD EAgT VAiL STATE: CD ZIP CBDE: EL6.57 UNIT 3']& BLDC A EK 0256 PG 056? TAX ITEHg.. LLT2 I2T7 o t- T CDDE: t-:t.;1 cLttli'DtaIIJIUM: '.JRE|..J (THE) ======--= ==a='=='= =- "= === ========= oo47 9i;-EiJt-:-- 01(1781 DiSTRICT: t03 t"lREt'l * tt]'7 LTD. PARTfiEFgHIP 7. LlnEri A: :'ti ! AT I Cl'J jOO g,l .'-'i, F^-:rlr'jTAGE RCAD EAST VA iL STATE: Ctl Z IP CCDE: Alb37 Uf,lIT 9il7 BL.IG A gt. A233 PG 0294 TAX i TEf-ii LIL2 LZ|T OO4a 9':HEC'(-ILE: G1O7E3 DISTRICT:103 WREi.,I * .:!:.+ LTD, PARTNERSHIP 7. I^IREI.{ A:iC. I AT i DN ioo g4,,,:-l FF.ct'irAeg ROAD EAsr VAIL STATE: I]I] Z iP CODE: 81637 Et' Ar:E Pe O3t5 TAX I T'I1;. L TI? L?17 oo49 :.:r:l-igll-rLE: o1os1a DISTR icT: 103 I^|RE|',I {* -A1i LTD. PARTNEFSHIP 7. WRE|J ,4::-rlc I AT I -nN SOO Sn,;tl-; FtiDfiTAOE ROAD EAST VAIL 9TATE: Cr-l ZIF CODE: 81657 ?f, 0359 PC OOro TAX iTEhS'. 1117 L2r7 OO5* SrlHE['rit-E: O1OEa1 DISTRICT:103 WREI.{ C 31:' LTD' PARTNERSHIP i4 t^JREt'J A;E;lC I AT i Df{ SETO ST]:JTH FF:':I'jTACS R'!A-1 EA9T VAIL STATE: CA ZIF CDDE: eLa57 Br. 0?59 PG OO12 TAX ITE|",5: LIL? 1217 OO51 SCHEDIJLE: OlOEE? DIgTRICT: T03 I.JREN * 3T3 LTD. PARTI'iERSHIP 7. WREr\'l AggOCIATION SOO gC'.iTX FRONTAGE ROAD EAgT VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: e1657 EACLE CO coNDol'.ll 990R ING UIJTY A55 NIUfi LI9 PAGE: h I tNiT f --'- --D t G @ @ o 0 o o e o o o ELB{] F. ut'lIT 31 i BLDE B UNIT 3T:BLDG B l|l.JIT 31 i et n1: Fl B',/' (}259 Pe oo14 TAX ITEt'19: t|L" L2L7 B. R ET @ s I I o a o o o o c o o DATS: r:r: / ;l+/'8-l = Ol = c o CONDDl'II AslssoR LISTING UT{TY NIUN PAOE: COBE: c a o a I OO3? if,rlEtt LE: QIOE;t3 DiSTR ICT: 103 hIREt.J {+:1{ LTD. PARTNERgHIP 7. I^IREN A;:rrlC IATIDN 5OO SCiJTH FRDI''ITAI]:- ROAD EAgT VA IL STATE: CE ZIP CDDE: A1657 UI']IT 314 BLDI} B 9i,, O?Stl PG tj194 TAX ITEt'iS: 111? 1317 OO53 -C.CHERiJLE: OlCE?4 DISTR ICT: 103 I^IRETJ # ;15 LTD. PARTNERSHIP Z LIREI'l AE9rl{: IATICI'; 5OO g}:|li-I.iH FRSI.JTAG€ ROAD EAET VAIL STATE: (:r-1 Z IP COOE: 81t'57 UNIT 315 BLDG B Et- O25? Pe cio 15 TAX IT;i'l;: LlL2 L277 OO54 S.CHEiULE: C1Oee5 DISTRICT: t03 I"IREN * 51,5 LTD, PARTNERSHIP Z I^JREN A.:.SACIATIDN 5OO SDUTH FEOT..iTAGE ROAD EAST VAIL STATE: CA ZIP CODE: AlL57 UNIT 31,5 BLDG E Er. o??4 Pe 0453 TAX ITEHS 111? l2l7 OO55 SCHEDULE: O10793 DISTRICT: 103 t^lREfil * r+O7 LTD. PARTNERST{IP 7. WREN A9EOCIATIOII{ 5OO 9fliJI-H FROFJTACE ROAD EAST VAIL srATE: cl--i z IF coDE: a1637 UNIT 4D7 BLDG A BK 0254 PG O53 1 TAX ITEI"IE: lLl? 17L7 OO55 SCHEDULE: OIOE?7 DISTRICT: 103 T.IREI{ * 411 LTD. PARTNERSHIP Z I^IREN ASSDCIATION 5OO SOUTH FRSIITAGE ROAD EAST VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 8t657 UNIT 411 BLDG B EK 0250 PG 0193 TAX ITEtlg: 1L12 1217 3 DAiE: i'J r' ?-l;;i o oo EAGLE COUNTY ASSESSOR CONDOHINIUM LIgTINC PAGE: CODE: ,l i!5 CCr,:Drlrl INIull: WRE!'1 ( THE )D =====-- ==:_-:: = ======= ============ == ================== =========== OO57 :::-t[ir-iLF: ?iOE28 DIgTRICT: 1O3 B t^tREr{ * 4:.2 ,*TD PiRTI'IERSHIP Z I^'RE[.,i A:S'C I AT I,]N 5OO 5*._'t!-. F;tf,{TAGE RtAD EAgTe vA.rL STATE: f-D Z iP CODE: 41657 UNIT 4i: BLBC B C lr i:,a5rl PQ 0774 TAX lTEr,;: LIL? t?17 A oc5t 5cHEDTJLE: ota3?9 DISjTRICT:103 Ii::EI.J * I:i3 i_TC.. PARTNERSHIP 7: 'rlFEil l:;,]a i AT I On, O soo giiiiii-. FR'lf'.lrAL1E R0AD EAsr VAIL STATE: t:D Z IP CODE: AIb37O ur.{Ir 4r.: BLnc B gFl Cis'l PG o31t TAX I TEf'1:.: 1l 12 7?17cOO39 SCHEr'ULE: Ct1Oe31 DISTR ICT: 103 I^JFEN * 4i4 LTD, FARTI..{ERSHIP I z h,REf{ AsgucIATIafi 5OO SDiJTH FF']I.ITAGS ROAD EAST VAIL E STATE: CI] Z iP CDDE: 81657 UNIT 4T4 BLDb. P 0K Oe55 Po O5E'l e tsfi oa-<Ir Pc 0571 TAX ITEng'. l112 1?t7 O oo.5o scHEBUL-E: o1oe3z DIsTRICT:1og IIREN * tliS LTD. PARTT'JER9HIP 7. t^lRil^i lE stc I AT I Dfi O ---3r-nJ'g'nul'i{ rt{Lrr\ { }r("'t' K{.t}ru tflSl VA IL STATE: CD ZiP CODE: e7&37 O UNIT 413 BLtrc B D7, O::4& PG O43B BF;. Oa54 PC Oe26 O rAX ITEt{s: LLIZ l?r7 0061 SiHEDULE: O1Oe33 DISTRICT: 103 C NREN * 416 LTD. PARTNERSHTP 7. I^.IREN ASSOCIATION 5OO 9CUTH FROI{TAGE ROAD EAg]' . VAIL STATE: CO ZIP C0DE: 41657 UNIT 416 ELDG B O BR a?d7 PG 0318 TAX ITEHS llLZ 121'/ o \t .. . D^it t:!i.:1;,!€Ji' t ,^Ot. cct-trirY AelssoF C f, I'.i O OI'1 I N I UI'I L I S T I NG PAGE: oc,e.: 5{: i'iEi'uL-E - At\EAt D ! STR I C T: lo2 D I.,JFEi{ A::I]C IATEF- 7. tiREl''i :,iioc IAT Iiffl 5OO gOiJTH FSDI'JTAGE ROAD EAgT D vAIL STATE: CD ZIP CODE: AL657 UNIT 11& ELEG D D Et/i or1:l Pc o5e5 TAX iTEMg: ?II? ?_217 D ot'1&3 scHEI'ILE: o10759 DISTRICT:103 t"JREN FRDFFRTIES.' II{C. 7. i.rREt'i &99D{l iATIel'i I 5oo gri'il'H FFrliiTprr,-;' R|:AB EAST VA iL STATE: CL-i Z IP CtiDE: ELb57 O UNIT ?ri7 Pt-Dc A 811- O2-='+ PG Oe:a TAX ITLr'i5: 171? 7217I0064 SCHEGULE: OlOeOe DISTRICT: 103 I^IREN PRDFERTIE9, INC. O 7. AI'{ARAL, LYNt'iE- 5OO SDiJiH FRONTAEE RI-iAD EAsT, *113 VAIL O srATE: crl Z IP coDE: atl37 UTIJiT 11? ELDG.B TAX I r-l'i:: 21 1? 2217 o- 0065 SCHEC'ULE: O1O7eP DISTRiCT: l03 YOUNE, ELVA I. o Box e3f VA IL STATE: {:lf Z IP CODE: 81658 C UNIT 4,i4 BLDG A B'/- 0?46 PG 0295 B$. 0260 Pc oo23 C av, a?Lt PG o95o TAX-ITEI{9: 1113 tZtT o c o a o