HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 TRACT D APOLLO PARK INTERVAL DRB-PEC CORRESPONDENCE-2 LEGALProject Appllcation t Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Motion by:lfuPn g^r, W €Ee,?2 93 DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: f -'rJ 4;m \,- -, Summary: E statt Approval 75 3oulh fronlage road vall, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 olllce of communlly devclopmrnl $eptemben 9, 1983 4pql'!o Park At Vail Lodge 442 South Frontage Road - EastVail, Colorado Gent'lemen, 0n September 7, 1983, the Desr'qn Review Board Apol lo Park Lodge awning as s:ubmttted. Sincerely, approved the .%c+ Jfm Sayre ' Design Review Board ' Town of Vail Vai'1, Co]orado JS/rme ALTA COMMITMENT. 1870 Bsv, r.trr 'rL/ <,- . SCHEDULEA -. t. EffectiveDate: 0ctober 20' l97B at 8:00 Al4t2, Pollcy or Policles to bc ircusd and proposed isrucd: OWNER'S POLICY cHEc4-"rtrtuoutf oiloll*N.ht,P,l,oulJ"..I,rtEcrJ-"rtrlE cuAttD" owNERT oNB t-.elrA' owNER's poLrcy 0 $ " ts6u!:t)'fl{lloucH 11{u otrFIcE 0F cofr vALLEy nrLE 80x 367 vAtL, coloBADo 81067 PHONE: 47S226t AC-go3 ASplicrtion Ps. GV 7752 Proposed lnoured: LOAN POLICY 'ALTA" LOAN POLICY l9?0 Rov. ICY Form D-1970-(-Amondcd lOl7.?0)lor7.?0) | 200,000.00 Propoced lnoured: CENTML BANK 0F C0L0RAD0 SPRINGS Ths sstats of intercrt In ths land tlescribod or refened to in trus commitmonl and covered herein ir: A FEETitls to tlrs est'te or intorost covsred horein ir at ths effcctrvo driiff."f;;dA;;'---- See Attached Ths land rsferrsd to in this Cornrnitmont is deccribed as followc: See Attached SCHEDULE 8.1 Reguirelrontr Tho following aro tho requiremenls to bo complicd with:l. Psymeot to or tbr the account of tho gantors or mortgagoro oftho full conaideratlon for the estate or Interost to be insursd.2, Propcr inslrulttcnt(s) crcating ths ostalc or inlersst to be insurcd must bo sxeculcrl nnd duly filsd for record, to-wit: 3. !ee! 9f Trust fr.om lqRL FINZEL, ALICIA I._FINZEL,-ilERRiLL R. NE!.IT0N, HELMA H. NEWToN ANDT. cHARLES ocrLBy.to the pubtic Trustee^of'ed9i9 c;liiti-ioi uie"uiii'or-c'iiiriur'oiirr["0'i"-C0L0RAD0 SPRINGS t0 securt the.sum of 9200,000.00.--":" SCHEDULE 8.2 Tl-,r-poliryorpolicrr:stt b0 lssuuil r,;ill eir:rjrr ,r, ,,,,,lliiuqt'lll,,, i hs.rrlr,rsa'r,rar,.:tlryuscduftothesarisfaction of thc Conrpany:l. Staldrrd Exccplions I througlr 5 printcd on rcvcrsc sidc hcrcof. 3. 4. 5. 6, Taxss and $scsstllctits not yct rlu; o' paylblc and spccial asscssments not yet certificd lo the Trcasurcr's officg. 7 ' Any unpaid laxc$ or a$sessntcnts agalnst said lanrl, (Trearurer's cerlificato of taxes duc has bsen or4ered), _8. Licns lor unpaid walcr and scwcr chargcs, ifany.9, Utility easement over the l,lesteily_.|0 feet as shown on the plat. An encroachment ofthe.improvenEnts situated on said land onto the easement re'femed 6 ab;ie ov.5o ieetat its nnxlmum poJnt of encroachrnnt. 10. A non-excluslve-easenrcnt and rlght gf lay ove-r, across, through and under Trac.l D, VaiJ' yll]ag..' Fifth-Fllin91 granted to the Town of iail as ion:LatnEd iii-rniiruruenl rscorrtedSepterber B, 1971 in Book Z2l at page 607. 1.|. Easement granted to GAS FACILITIES, INC., In Instrument recorcled March g, 1969 Jn Book214 at Page 729. 12, Restrictive Covenants, as contained in lnstrument recorded Novenrber.lS, 1965 ln llook.|87 at Page 353. GU 7752 Page Two Schedule A 4,KARL FINZEI, as t0 an undlvlded l/6 interest, ALICIA I. FINZEL, as to'lnteres.t, MERRILL R. NEI.JTON , as to an undivided l/6 jnterest,-Hft-Nn- undivlded l/6 interest and T. OHARLES 0GILBY, as tb an unatviaea-ilj Connnn. an undivlded l/6 H. NEI.ITON, as to aninterest, Tenants ln ., 5. A.parce'l of 'land in Eagle.County,.Colorado.descrlbed as Tract-D ln Vall Vll.lagd, FifthFllins,.an amende{-subdiyls'lon ind a re.subutvtiion-or-iaiti-6r-v.il'viitig.i, Ftrst Flltnqas filed 1n the offlce of the c'lerk and Recorder or eagie county, coiirioil't.i.l,inai""ocerta'i.n.pgrcet of_land_as.per the_Highway Condemnafion-sult, iii,f t-Aiiiin'riro. .t45d";id recorded rJanuary 5,197f ih Book 2'19-at Fage 441 ln.the'oifici oi cieri-inJ-neiorler',-eagteCounty, Colorado. suBJEcT to easement.ald f:ights of wqy.of record,or i! existence and use on the date hereof.Particularly subJect to the risht ofthe_Town of vaii iii ili;fil1 ; plltt riiioiiJ-p'.ii,iiirg J,lgI9:s and egress.fron' to and between Tract B, vail village, ririt'Fiiing'ana tire'ori u.iltllglway No.6, sald rcad tq be_elther'ln lts prdsent locatl0n across the Sou[hweii-Coiner'-'of rract D or at the iequest or ieiiie ln'soml other ioiation iitiiiaiiorv-io the Town of va.i Schedule B-2 Continued Note: Items l and 2 of schedule p-2 are hereby deleted from the MortgageersPollcv. Item 3 will be deleted from th6 final Mortgigi;is Friiii-ipinreceipt of a^satisfactopy survey. Item 4 wi'11 be aEt6tea from ile-?inatilQrrgagee's t,0licy uppn receipt of a satisfactory affldavlt. Item 5' ryill be deJetqO lf Jnq campany rgcordl the lnstrlments-riqiirei-6n ints Qoqunltment under_schedule B-r. Item'B wlll not appear on'tne-Norlgi;ii,sPo'llcy lf ppssib'le. The charge for Form'ioo'.iriaoFieilents ts $to.dd.'-- - UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION Va.i1 Villase JOB NNE Aoo11o park Addi-L Tract DLOT BLOCK FILING Va.i1 Village Sth Filine ADDRESS 442 South FrontaEe The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines, nnrst be approved and verifi.ed by the followi.ng acconpanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature lines or proposed utilities for the Date Mountain Bell 1-634-3778 |Jestern Slope Harry Moyes \-1b8- 2cab Publ ic Service Gary Ha11 le=" 13 /3-2-7JGasqYF ru.. Company Holy Cross Electric Ted Husky/M'i chael Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Assoc. Laverty Upper Eagle Val1ey Water and Sanitat'ion Discrict David Krenek frtoA/' / tL-t-tr, /22:-& For new const /2.1- 09 please fill out atracneo sneer, b=28 NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibili.ty to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vai1. .A' building Pernit is not a strceet cut pernit. A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. This forrn is to verify service availabli.ty and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. -P;* 4 s,fe-,e/,2.*-r, ,i b*.r'r ry f **_- 'V'/"-.rh;': r*;d' A' 4 itr au'&"'z'-r- u,$/a,-D. lri :.(.1:Ii'I 'J'ltc foll.,vin[ inforrnrrt iorri ,, l'c(lnif(r(l f.or :;ulrr:, it,tlrI by t htrllottrd bc'lr)r'r.: il ,:inll it,l)[)t..Jvill c:rrr bc 1;ivcrr: 'l;_111 of' 1.1:r t-r.. r' ial Gravel bu1lt up . .4 0o-0- _ q4 . . EL_ Ap.D r r IglL .QI. L.QBBY- _A.ND LortN-c-E_.S_qgpE ro TIIE EXISTING LODGE. \. l',t,ll.l,iiir; l.t'l'lili,tALS Roof Siding . Othcr 'lfa11 l'lutcrials Fascia Soffits Windovrs Ittindow I'rin Doors Door 'l'ri.n Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashi.ngs Chi.nneys Trash Errclosures 'Grcerthorrses .Other irppl icrrnl I o thc Dos.i 1Ir liryj.r..,u !:.1-l-"_: Dark Match existing off-whlte 2x12 and 2x6 cedar - Stained_to match existing tained to match existing Painted Painted to match e;rlstlng wood Stained ta1 Painted Metal Painted Stucco Match existing off-white N/A N/A N/A - Penel one Pcrki ns 476_3515 Botanical Name Conrnon Name Si ze Pi eea Prrngens Galacia Co*-8lrc_Slruce 3 6_, -8_' B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Rema i n i n s s tr ac e b e 1 o.:U__e x.i. sli ng_de-c k t_g_be_-ggl dde d . SHRUBS ALTA COMMITMENT. 1970 tlov, r-'lrv 'irt"/ :'t" o SCHEDULE A l. Effective Date: October 20 ' l97B at I :00 Al'|'2, Policy or Policies to bc lssued and proposed issucd: OWNER'S POLICY cH EcKI-"rlrLE c UARD" "?il|lm'slo"tcYoNE I ..ALrA. owNnn,s poltgX,[**,l;?l.gO $ Proposed lnsursd: LOAN POLICY "ALTA" LOAN POUCY 1970 Rsv.$ 200,000.00 Propoced lnsured: CENTML BANK 0F C0L0RAD0 SPRINGS The estate of interest In the land describo{ o, ,ufurrri to in this commitm€nt and covered Titlo to the ertatc or interest covsred heroin ig rt ths effoctivo dsts hereof vostsd in: herein h: A FEE See Attached Ths land referred to in this Cornmitmsnt is delcribod as follows: See Attached SCHEDULE F.l Regu'ucmonh Tho following rre tho requiromentr to bo complicd with:l. Payrncnt to or for the account of llte grantors or mortgagon of the futl conslderation for thc estate or Interest to be insurcd,2. Propcr inrtruttrcnt(s) croltirtg tltc cslats or intercsl to bo insurcd nruEl be cxocutcd and {uly filcd for record, towitl 3. DCCd Of TTUST fTO.M,KARI FINZTL, ALICIA I..FINZEL, MERRILL R. NEI.,TON, HELMA H, NEtntTON ANDT' CHARLES oGILBY to the Publli TiustCg of E!9G-c6uiiti-ioi'tiii"uii'oi'ciiliriinL BANK 0F00L0MD0 spRIt{Gs to securc the sum of-$zoo,Oo6,oovv.rry SCHEDULE 8.2 Thc policy or poljcies to be issued will conlain.*..ptiont*tTPtiii"tu"*", unlcrs rhe same,are disposcd of to thc sarisfactionof thc Conrpany:l, Standurd Exccptions I througlr 5 printcd o[ rcvcrse side liercof,6. Taxcs and assossnlcnts not ycl duc or payablc and special assessments not yct certificd to the Treasurer's officg,7. Aily unpaid taxes or ssse$snlcnts ogainst said land, (Trcarurer's cerrificate of laxss duc has bcen orrlered), _8. .!,,11! {or unpaid watcr and sewsr chargcs, if any.9. uti'lity easement over the westei'ly_'lo.feet as shown on the plat. An encroachrpnt ofthe.irprovements s'ltuated on said-land onto ine'eiiienijnt re'feired 6;b;;; by.30.t'eetat its maximum polnt of encroachnBnt. 10. A non-excluslve-easenrcnt and right of lay ove-r-, across, through and under.llact D, Vailvi'llage' Fifth-Flllngr granted [o the rown ii {aii ii-iontalned in lnstrurlc,ru recordedSepteuber B, 1971 ln Book Z2l at pago 607. '|1. figqemgn! granted to GAS FACILITIES, INC.,ln.lnstrutnent recorded March 3, 1969 in Book214 at Page 729. 12. Restrictive Covenants, as contained in lnstrument r,ecorclecl Noverr6er'lb,'lgUj.in llook187 at Page 353. - IS8UIID 1't{tt0Ucu't'ilE otrIIcE ()n cofr vALLEy nrLE BOX 357 VAIL, COLORADO 8IOE7 PHONEr 47Sz25l AC.303 A[plicotionNo. GV 7752 J. 4. 5. 'GU 7752 Page Two Schedule A 4, 5. KARL FINZEL, as to an..undlvided l/6 interest, ALICIA I. FINZEL,..as to an undivltled l/6interest' MERRILL R. NEWToN ' is to in-$o!vioto-iib'intirirtr tiELMA H. NEWT0N, as ro an lirdj,;|1.t l/6 interest and T. cnnniEs'oeirsi,-ii 6-a;"fiuiri;.;-iii i'rtiiriiii','Tenants rn i A.parcel of 'land in Eag'le.County, Colorad.o,,described-as Tract D in Vail Vi,l.lage, FifthFt'l.tng, an amended subjivlsion-iriu-i'reiuoaiviiion-rr'p.ril.,ir-vii'1'Viitiil,"Firrt Filtnsas filed ln the office i,l ttre cl;ik-a;a-Ceco"air-or-iu5i!'iounty, cotorado, tess,thatcertain parcel of land_as.per the'tttshway-coniI*iiiin'irf i, cf vi l Acilon No. 1450 andffiit:or:il|lfl.u' leTl iir Book zts'it-"Pase'44i"'i;';il.'iiii.. oi cii'i-ini-necoruer, rag,re suBJEcT to easement alg lJghts of wqr.of record-o.r !! existence.and use on the date hereof.Particutarly subject to tne rigrrt 6i"tfie_rown 9r-iraii i;'ilinfitl; plqfG rljiaruv provtdinsl.tsress and esress f;"0m, to and oetwein-Ti;;l i; ir;ii ,iiri'is.,-iirit"Fiiing'iri'the old u.s,trrshway No. 6;'satd rpad to be elinei=in'iiJ-pririri'filiiiin across the Southwest corneror Tract o or a! the request or idiiie'in son'i other locition sailsfactory to the T.own of vai Schedu'le B-2 Continued Note: Items I and 2 of schedure B-2 are hereby dereted from the Mortgagee,sPolrcv. rtem 3 wilr be aejeteo'irom ini ii;;i-l,r-r;6asee,s po.ricy uponreceipt of a_:gli:.fl91orv iurvey. _-itJj,i-+'".i'ii il' jEietea from the fina.lMcrtsasee'! Po]tcy upqn i.eceipi"qf i-iltiriiiiorv liiioavit. rtem Fwi'l'l be deleted if The Cprnpani records tne fniir-uments required on thisCpnmitrpnt under Schedute b-t. 'item,g r;iit ii6i'ipp.i. on the.Mortsasee,sPoltcv if ppssibre. -r[d-c[sis. i;i r'ri'ioo"E,ioii5Ir.nt, rs $r0.00. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION Vail Villase JOB NAVE Tract DLOT BLOCK FILING Vail Villaee Sth Filins ADDRESS 442 South FrontaEe The location of utilities, lines, nust be approved and acconpanying site plan. whether they be main trunk verified by the following Authorized Signature lines or proposed utilities for the Date Mountai n Bel I l -634-3778 tlestern S'l ope Harry Moyes \-1b6- zr.xb Publ ic Service Gary Hal I Gasqi,F Wl, Company ?tr,l . Holy Cross Electric Ted Husky/Michael Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Assoc. Laverty Upper Eagl e Val I ey I'later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek le."-r3 /3-2'73 uztry /u.e2 /z-2-F lL- t- tr> NOTE: these verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut Pernit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public l{orks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A building pernit is not a stTeet cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. this for:rn is to veri.fy service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * 4 s/e-,e/'*'"r./; b-'r'r 4f % 2./r-.2,.;..^> r*;rz L .4"U ff autE'-uz -/ * For new const please fill out attached sheet. ,/Qa&r. 'l'ltc follnlrillI inl'orrurt iott i'; r'c(lrt ifc(l J.or' ::rrlrr:,it.t:rl by tlrc ir|Il ir':nt to thc Dcsillr ll,rvi.r.:',vllo:rrd bt'l olr: :l l:i.11u l ;rPprov:r l c:rrr lrc ,livcn: i: l'. .: i l.t(;\!, i,. ,;i'j.(.i l i'l l' i. ltljll,!riiiri l4A1'l:RlAt,S Bcroli Siding . , Othcr l'ial,l l"latcrial s Fascia Soffits Windovrs l{indovr Trim Doors Door 'l'rin Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashj ngs Chirmeys Trash Dnclosures Grecnhous es 0ther B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS PARK LODGE ADDITION PARCEF-D . VArL yIll,AgE srH FrLrt .!r::g-g t--l:!, L t I i"!{L Grave1 built up !1,_l_qr Dark Match existing off-white 2l<12 and 2x6 cedar Stain€d_to match -g:$lgtlng Stain to match existlng r Paint ar Painted to match existlng Redwood 2x6 Stained MetaI Painted Met a1 Painted Stucco Match exlsting off-whlte. N/A N/A N/A - Penelope Perkins 476-35L5 Botanical Name Cormon Name Si ze TREES Pi cea PrrnEpns Galacia Co. RlUe Spruce 3 6'-g' BenainiUe_.EBace be lo.:U_ex rsLtlg_dgck @be sodded. SHRUBS 75 soulh trontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 . MEMOMNDUM June 2'l , 1983 T0: John Perkins FROM: Dick Ryan SUBJECT: Conference facility at Apol'lo Park Today the staff 'looked over your proposal for a smal'l the west end of the office. We had three concerns: l. Views from the time share units to the mountain.first and possibly the second f'loor units in the conference space at It seems that the bu'ilding to the north would be impacted. 2. The zoning code wou'l d have to be amended to permit conference space. 3. }Jhere would people sit with the removal of the deck? I agree a sma'l 'l confenece room is probably desirable, and you must respondto these concerns. o Project Appllcatlon Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: JOH A PF 2-k' ' \S L€gal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Motionby: ffi,-- v+'--.r'1-t,'+ Seconded by: Date DISAPPROVAL 4 Ghief Building Official box lfl} vail. colorado 81667 1303) 476.s613 September 20, 1982 Dave Hoar Apollo Park at Vail 442 S. Frontage Rd. East Vai'l , Co]orado 81657 Dear Dave: 0n September 15, 1982 the Apollo Park. The maximum Si ncerely, .-7 t' hztz<t z*-///s- { 7<---.,r9_}ta-v/ tJf m Sayfe Town Planner JS:df department of community dwelopment RE: DRB Submittal of 9-15-82 Design Review Board height must be 5'. approved the fence at ---d httn box 1fl| ' vail, colorado 81657 (303! 4765613 August 23, l98Z David Hoar, General Manager Apo'llo Park !_odge at Vail 442 Frontage Rd. East Vail, Colorado 81657 o 'f-*7*- department of community development RE: DRB Submitta'l of 8-18-82 Dear David: 0n August 18, 1982, the Design Review Board denied your application to allow the ex'isting fence which separates the Wren from Apollo Park to remain. The application did not meet section 18.54.070, paragraph H of the Vai'l Municipa'l Code. This fence must be taken down by September 3, 1982. The Board wiI'l we'l come applications for a1 ternative designs. 5i ncerely, Jim Sayre Town P] anner JS:df Apolloilrr. ^{e.ioaseP.O. Box 2157 Vail, Colorado 81658 Telephone: (303) 476-5881 August 9th, 1982 To whom it may concerni r. =, representative of HoIy Cross Electric company, have inspected the location of the fence on the East boundary of the Apollo Park property, and the location of said fence does not, in any way interfere with our utility easement, or our working on our line in any rray . Ted Husky Holy cross Electric J APOLLO PARK FENCE Fflday July 30, 1982 Jim Sayre issued a stop work order at approximately I :00 p.m.. Mr. David Hoar, manage! of Apollo Park Lodge--Apollo Park West was the person in charge of the project. Sayre told Mr. Hoar at that timethat the fence did not have DRB approval nor did it meet height limitations; . he to'ld lt{r. Hoar to send the fence crew home. Mr. Hoar indicated to Mr. Sayre that he would not send his crews home. SorBwhat later, at about 2:15 p.m. the sarn day, Mr. Sayre re-v'isited the site and found that work was continuing on the fence. At 3:30 pm the same day, Mr. Sayre and Peter Patten, Senior P'lanner for the Torn, revisited the site and spoke with Mr. Hoar. Mr. Patten very clearly and specifically explained that work must be stopped or that a surmons into court would be issued which carried a fine, etc. He also discussed the varioussubmittal requirements for Design Review Board (DRB) as wel'l as timing for appearing before the DRB. Mr. Hoar agreed at this time to te1l the workers ito stop. Saturday, July 3l Peter Patten received a ca1 I at 9:15 am frqn a private complainant that work on the fence was continuing and that the stop work order had been removed. Patten contacted the Vail Police Department, Mr. Tom Sheely, around 10:30 am that morning and instructed him to prepare a sunmons to be issued. As Mr. Patten drove by the site at around l1:20 am, the work was continuing on the fence. At about l'l:45 am, Mr. Patten and Mr. Sheelv wrote out a summons to be issued shortly thereafter. Mr. Sheely issued the lurunons around 2:00 pm that afternoon. l{r. Sayre visited the site at about 5:30 pm on Saturday and noticed that work continued on the fence. Monday, August 2 Mr. Patten wds instructed by Larry Eskwith, Town of Vail attor.ney, to issue summonses for:iSunday, Aug. 1, and Monday Aug 2, as the fp:ice was standing inviolation of the zoning code. Mr. Patten was to1; t';; Mr. Eskwith that, legally, these could be issued every day as'long as ti,e fence stands, until such time of.DRB approval . Two more sufimones wer;. r5:u€d on this day, one for Sunday and one for. Monday. aboveThe wit Apollo Park Fence, Cfinued Tuesday, August 3 l.lr. l{erri'l'l Newton cal'led Mr. Patten and apologized for their actions and said they nould work with the Torn on complying with regulations. Mr. Patten informed Mr.-Newton that the fence could stand until it was either approved or disapProved by DRB. 0n Tuesday morning Mr. Hoar came to the Tovrn offices to talk to l,lr. Sayre about IRB submittal requ'irements; Mr. Hoar was very cooperative. lrlr. Patten decided on Tuesday, August 3, to curtail any more surmonses for the time being. present the facts as we' the undersigned' have 'l Proiect Name: APOLLO P'\RK LOD'GE '1.'1 V' IL Proi€ct Descripl;61' APOLi'O I'}'RX BEDlCil Contact Person and pnone DAVID fiOF.R { GENEIRAL }'{,F.}iAGER ) 476-58al Owner. Addr€ss and Phone: MR. ML*RRr t.r ' NEIdTtOti p n RrlYl 1 56 ? q Architect, Address and Phone: r"rn unw'np rr"u''rlr'r r' 476-5881 EXT ' 1\4 Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: '*ir" Design Review Board APPROVAL O - t/ Z,_ AeStfil rtoU < E statt Approval IIARREN E. PTIIFM. 5836E.ltha; pL. Denver, Colo 80237 (r;0t) EA-Wz August 10, 1982 Desigzr and Revierr Board City of VaiI Vall, Colorado RE: tr'ence betreen Appollo Condominluns and W'ren Buildlng GerntLernenI I an an wner of trro Tinedhare reeks at the lillren ln VaiI and an also an honorary nenber of the lTren Association Board of Directors. I ilas in VaiL Last w6ek ard ras horrified to observ€ the a{rocious fence being erected W the prcperLy orners gf the Appollo Condoniniuns directly to the Iiriest of the lllirern property. Jn fact the fence ls dtrectLy on the property line separat i.ng thetro conpl€cc€s ard, then turns and goes llfest al-ong the hjghray. The fence Looks li.lce a horse corraL. It js too ta113 it is total-ly out of keeping rith the design and arctritecture of ttre T{ren Buil-ding and aLso the Appoalo buildings; and also out of keeprng w:ith the desj-gnand architecture of the ViILage of VaiI. It is a homlble J-ookirg fence! And I cantt erphasi-re that enough. In vtsiting ;rour office lastneek I Learned. that a rrstop constnrctionrr order had been issued and a fine levied for failfurg to get a permit and failing to oHain appromJ. of the Design sd Review Board. I should say a possible ftne; pendirrg a court hearilg. As an owner I arn requeatS.ng that you dernand the fencet be removed and if any fence is to be erected lt be done so with a fence ln keeping rrlth the t5rpe of dark brorn painted board fences that ar€ on our parking garage and along our west property line. I hope a nenr fence doesnlt have to be erected if re can negotiate an agreenent betreen the orvners of the trro properties. The ltlr.en Board is working on thls. o APOLLO PARK FENCE Ffiday July 30, 1982 Jim Sayre issued a stop work order at approximately I :00 p.m.. Mr. David Hoar, manager of Apollo Park Lodge--Apo1 lo Park West was the person in charge of the project. Sayre told Mr. Hoar at that timethat the fence did not have DRB approval nor did it meet height limitations; he told Mr. Hoar to send the fence crew home. Mr. Hoar indicated to Mr. Sayrethat he would not send his crews home. Somewhat later, at about 2:15 p.m. the same day, Mr. sayre re-visited the site and found that work was continuing on the fence. At 3:30 pm the same day, Mr. Sayre and Peter Patten, Senior Planner for the To,vn, revisited the site and spoke with Mr. Hoar. Mr. Patten very clearly and specifically explained that work must be stopped or that a sulrmons into court would be issued which carried a fine, etc. He a]so discussed the varioussubmittal requirements for Design Review Board (DRB) as wel 1 as timing for appearing before the DRB. Mr. Hoar agreed at this time to tell the workersto stop. Saturday, Ju]y 3l Peter Patten received a ca'l'l at 9:'15 am from a private complainant that work on the fence was continuing and that the stop work order hid been removed.Patten contacted the Vail Police Department, Mr. Tom Sheely, around 10:30 amthat morning and instructed him to prepare a surmons to be issued. As Mr.Patten drove by the site at around'l l:20 am, the work was continuing on the fence. At about 11:45 am, Mr. Patten and Mr. shee'l v wrote out a summons to be issuedshortly thereafter. Mr. Sheely issued the -summons around 2:00 pm f,hat afternoon. Mr. sayre visited the site at about 5:30 pm on saturday and noticed that work continued on the fence. Monday, August 2 Mr. Patten was instructed by Lamy Eskwith, Town of Vail attorney, to issue summonses for iSunday, Aug. 1, and Monday Aug 2, as the fence was standing invio'lation of the zoni.ng code. Mr. Patten was told by Mr. Eskwith that, iegally,these could be issued every day as long as the fence-stands, until such tifre of.DRB approval .. Two more suflmones were issued on this day, one for Sunday and one for Monday. Apollo Part fenctontinued Tuesday, August 3 Mr. llerrill Newton called Mr. Patten and apologized for their actions and said they would work with the Town on complying with regulations. Mr. Patten informedItlr. Newton that the fence could stand until it was either approved or disapproved by DRB. 0n Tuesday morning Mr. Hoar came to the Town offices to talk to Mr. Sayre about DRB submittal requirements; Mr. Hoar was very cooperative. Patten decided on Tuesday, August 3, to curtail any more surmonses for time being. above s !^espresent the facts as we, the undersigned, have ed: Mr. the The wit \ lnwn n 75 soulh lronlage rd, vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ufll department of community development January 13, 1982 T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FROM: Peter Jamar, Sign Administrator RE: Sign Application Requirements [l|hen appfications for signs are submitted, the fo1 'lowing information is required: 1. Site plan showing exact location where the sign is to be located. 2. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located. 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the fo'llowing) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself if made (c) photograph 'if sign is made Fee: A $20.00 applicat.ion fee will be required at time of application. t, SIGN APPLICAT]ON PROCEDURE At the time an app'licant applies for a sign app'lication procedure should app]y: 1. Applicant is to be given a sign appfication to fill '2. llhen applicant submits his aPplication the fol'lowjng must be included before applicat'ion can be accepted: a completely fi11ed out application site p'l an showing exact location a drawing or photograph showing 'location if sign to be i nstal I ed on a bui'ldi ng exact design of the s'ign 1. sca'le drawing or rendering 2. or the sign itself 3. or a photograph of the signall of these iubmitta'ls must be co'lored as s'ign will show the fo'llowirng out. i nformat'ion (a) (b) (c) is (d) 3. Application of $20.00 is to be collected at the tjme of appl i cati on 4. Upon receipt of complete app'l'ication a fi1e is to be set-up prior to submiital oT-+pTTcation to sign administrator., Al'l ipplication material is to be put on the right side of the fo'lder. Ii'photograph or drawing is submitted, they are to be put on the left side of the folder. The DRB app'lication is to be xeroxed and included in the fo'lder. If the sign is approved by DRB,the signed approval slip is to be put on the top oi'ttre application matirjal in the fi]e. This approval is to include a statement that this appljcation is approved per materia'ls submitted on application number Applications wi'll be numbered. If sign is'disapproved, the DRB-Form is to be very specific as to why app'lication is being denied. 5. Filing - After application is comp'leted, the file is-to be fi'led in a-"Sigms" section of our filing system jn the front office. :' App'l i ca ti ont Number Fee Paid SIGN APPLICATION D. Conrnents Ce-.,as *--tal+r;a r/ +a 1e a,s.4, I'IATERIALS SUBMiTTED WITH APPLI CATION 1. Site P'lan2. Drawings showing exact location c. Size of SiSn fi ,4)a ./q/eriag or s,gtt *'Je- oalo (,od€r ,tf *l;-s /;-e, 3. Photographs showing proposed location4- Actual siqn5. Col ored sca'l e drawi nq6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submitta'l Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT- our" z,4r/rs. Name of Project Name of .Person Submitting Location of Project Description of Project Co ruot ?o.c-41ooer ooer The following information is required for submitta'l by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be g'iven. Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Material I d/c oUe( /ror+ o//;-. J<"t a.ree .J;y'L .srna// reargue oa S)/<-,€ffratee B. Descriptionof Sign eaouaS hc../ nn ocser fro.na Llo rk- ffi I \ m cq \0 'f, 3 Lc,,, t, /.2''& I.- l0 ,t"rip" I| --1*... I I I I IT' .-t gll' .?10,, r1-ftexrl' U:'"' ( toNJ s/.p' vISg.4PPE9 o^r. /3qffin Project Name: Proiect Oescription: Owner Address and Phone: r , .') -- Architect Address and Phone: 724' 'l'' , ' '-L 4tx <-<' ' i -// t7 Lesaf Descriptio n. to, *)1ra1e.@6- zone' /Zt/y',€ Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: df4trF APPRovAL 1.- DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Off icial gtg"tfals rteatins Itlotion by Byron ltlilliarmon Seconded by Ron Todd TOPIC -- variance request for minirnum heighth clearance in loft area @\O-,USIOII -- that a variance be granted to the olrners of A & B units, rnore specifically Butterwick, at Apo11o Park to reduce rnininn-un headrom frorn 7' to approximately 6'6" average. The variance is granted rvith several stipulations: (1) This ls a one-tine variance and is not to be construed as setting a precedence for future sirnilar condltions; (2) the building will be reclassified a,s a type 3-1 hr. building and aI1 code regulations lcrovn at this tirne for this type of construction will be adhered to with the exception that elevators will not be nandated in this project. In addition, the owner agreas to extend the wet standpipe to the loft area and install hose cabinets, install 5/8 rock on all areas of construct ion, provide a second means of egress frcrn the third floor, and reclassify the loft area as a ne\{ story. Thark you. Jim Viele Director, Board of Appeals box 100 rail, olorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Septenber L6, LgTg department of community dwelopment Dennis l{ateski Rrttenrick ftrterprises Ltd. 10125 West 6th Ave. Iakorcod, Oolorado 80215 Dear Dennis: Or August 28, !g7g, the Board of Appeals ganted you a variance w'iththe stipulation that a r"evisry of past nEetings and hearings concemingApollo Park wculd be rqsearched for pertinent data concerning the useof your loft areas. After researching this material, it has beccne necessary for the Board of Appeals to rescind this variance. There a^re several rea,sons for this decision, and the Board of Appeals vpul_d be happy to place the ratter on our agenda for discussion with you at ournext regular rneeting utrich will be held T\resday, Septenber LL, tg7g,at 1O:OO a.m., in the Torn of Vail offices. Please feet free to call rpon the Building Department and ask Steve Pattenson for the pertinent background infornation at any tire. Ihank you. Jares L. Chairznn, Viele Boa:d of Appeals lI!r-IiI!-lqlq iiOtICE IS IIIRI,BY GIVB{ that the Board of Appeals of the Torin of Vail, rvi11 hold a Publjc Ilearing on tbe 11th day of Septenber, 7979, lO:00 a.m., irt tlre llunicipal Building, Vail, Oolorado to consjder the continuation of varj.ance request by Brtterwick Enterprises Ltd.!approval of loft il'sa ccnpliance for additional baths. In arldition, an appeal to charge the detennjnation by the Building Official that property located at Tlact C, C,edar Point Toiinhou.ses, filing no. 1, Oounty of Eagle Cololado rvhich is entirely within lot 4, Heather of Vail Sub- division, County of Eagle Colorado, is unsafe and nmst be denplished in accordance rvi.th 1976 Unifonn C,ode for the Abaternent of Dangerous hrildings uhich rr'as adopted by the Torvn of Vail . TOIfN OF VAIL DTBARI}jH\TI OF CO,I}'IUNJTY DEVEI-OI^{n\IT ,-l // --;-'-.;],(-.=._ r-:):d;_:-:___ j.-/ /z- /*n Steve Patterson Building Official Published in the VaiL Tlrail Septenl:er 7, L979 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 department of community development Septenber 4, 7979 Dennis Mateski Butterwick hrterprises Ltd. 10125 l{est 6th Ave. Ial<anood, Oolorado 80215 Dear Dennis: Or August 28, 7979, the Board of Appeals granted you a varjance with the stipulation that a revien' of past meetings and hearings concernj,ng Apollo Park would be researched for pertinent data concerning your loft area.s. After resealching this rmte-.rial, i-t has becone necessary for the Board of Appeals to reverse its decision and deny your variance request. Ttrere are several reasonsifor this decision and either myself or the Brilding Department would be happy to go over these reasons at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to call upon the Building Departrnent and ask Steve Patterson for this infonration at any ti-ne. Steve rlould prrcbably be easier to catch during the day than any of the other board nsribers. Thank you. Sincerely, Jim Viele trflotion by Jim Viele Seccnded by Byron Williarson Oonclusion of August 28, LWg Board of Appeals rneeting. 1. Ttrat a vaJiance be alIored for the 6 units in question located at Apo1lo Park. Ttre vari-ance rore specifically will be to al1ovv a decrease ln lninimun ceiling heigth frcrn an average of 7' to an average of 6'. In addition to the varlance, there will be several stipulaticns. Ihe fi-rst stlpulation will be to build a wal1 across the loft area south of the skylight. Ttre wa1l sha11 be continuous and solid with no openings, e><cept for an access into storage area to be no larger than 8 sq. ft. Wall is to be build in line with south end of skylight and then a:round skylieht to keep existing venting and lighting requirenents erposed. This agreanent is a variance for a one-tine special consideration only.It in no rvay affects future decisions for similar situations by the Boarril of Appeals or any govenring authority. It is further recognized that if pertinent infortation regarding this particular case is found to be relevant and my cause the Board to arend their decision or eonqrlete revoke the variance, the c'\rtrer recqgnizes these conditions and priwileges and fu1ly accepts thsn as part of his granted variance. the final floor plan approval will be for sink, shcffer, and lavatory units to be installed on stai:niell wa11 and a,ssurances of adequate floor loads be provided and adhered to. Thank you. Jim Viele Director, Board of Appeals lmn z) 3) 4) 5) Sincerely,; -z*--z-^fr:'-z-' Capt. Michael McGee Vail Flre Departnent box roo r vail, colorado 8r657 . 303.47G-56r3 Audust 22r1979 Steve Patterson Torn of Vail Chief Bullding Official Dear Sir: The poeition of the Val-l Fire Departnent on the lssue of ]athroone ln attic of Apollo Park is as followe: t ) It nay beconoe a problen as far as egresa in the event of an energency. We reconnend GFI clrcuits in the bathroons. Locks on the bathroon doors should be such that entry ie possible fron the outside in the event rascue is neccesary. Snoke detectors should be placed at the top of the stairwell. In the event that soneone should need help for any reasont it would be dlfflcult for any one to hear a cal-1 for he1-p fron the bathroon. nrtenrvlr Fnbrprbes L.H.o Colorado H 10125 West 6th Avenue (6th & Kipling), Lakewood,80215 ! (303) 232-8330 August 20, 1979 Town of Vail Department of Conrnunity Development Attn: Mr Steve Patterson, Building 0fficial 'l 37 S . Frontage Rd , !,les t Vail C0 81657 Gentl emen : Through this letter, sJe are requesting a meeting with the Vail Board-of Review as soon as possible to discuss and resolve an issue of code 'interpretation and possible re1 ief from same. tlame of Company Filing Appeal: Butterwick Enterprises, Ltd. '10.|25 llest 6th Ave' Suite 200 Lakewood C0 80215 (303)232-8330Attn: Dennis Mateski I:ITEREST IN CASE: 0wner and re-developer of the subject project- SUBJECT PROPERTY: Apollo Park @ Vail, Building "E" ADDRESS: 442 South Frontage Road, East Vail, Colorado ISSUE T0 BE RES0LVED: The Owner wishes to take an existing space, which was granted a C.0. as a loft space by this Board, and convert it into a 3/4 bath to serve the rest of the loft spaces. At present, the Building 0fficial cannot grant us a permit to do this due to the existjng headroom conditions (See Section) rlrhich violates Section .|307(a) of the UBC, if it is considered as a room by itse'lf. The space presently is legal habitable space, all we wish to do is chalge its function. It should also be pointed out that there presently exists a ship's ladder frorn the landing as one of the two present entries. I'le jntend to eliminate this unsafe condition. REQUESTED,RELIEF: l{e vrish the Board to d'irect the Building official to issue a permit allowing construction of a bath area in the existing loft, based upon the des'i gn submitted, which calls for opening up the existing partition between the tv.to loft areas at tbase 5O%'to rreet Section tS05(a) of the IJBC so that the two loft areas may be considered as one room to meet Section 'l 307(a) as far as cejljnq heights for sloped ceilings. Il'Jl,?',Xiln'o Paqe 2 Havi ng r.ral ked i n the space, r're fecl safet.y problem I'r'i th using this as a woul d r.iel come a f i e1 d inspecti on of members of the Board to better get a The Building Official presently hasfor the space. there is no health or bath area. In fact, lle the nroposeC space by feel for the situation. copies of tlo oroposals vpfv t.ulf Ypurs, ' ' '{ . " /'\r rt"t' - Denn'is l4ates ki If you desire any further infornration, please feel free to call DM/PM cc: Bruce Sutterui ck Jim llarti n lnttn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 department of community development TO:BOARD OF APPEALS Upon review of proposed conversion of loft area into a new full bath and * 1oft, we, the building department, have come up with the following concerns for disapproval: 1. Ceiling heighth does not meet min. requirements (Sec. L4O7-a U.B.C. ) 2. Ventilation concern due to ceilingheighth (Sec. 14O5-a U.B.C.) Possiblesafety factor 3. Our interpretation of Sec, 1305-a paragraph 4 is for light and vent. only. For the reasons listed above we feel thatthe request in question for conversion to a full bath would most definitely have asafety concern for all inhibitants. Steve Patterson, Building Official t Best copy Available fimployee Hcu'qiri$ (]olries 'flo Vail In coolei:itiort $ilh I'ci{rr Sei- b€rt alld Bob i\oit cI Vail .& ssoet- ates Inc. a;rr.i Dick iiiriiLrl' of Sit- {er anll Cr;. plaits lrrc b.jng ffuri' izctl for' ".{pollo Park at Veil". A group of combincd Coiorado Spring\ anrl i'ail htrsirr.':ip'tn havt' anlr,,rtnctrl plans for bc{tvccn 6c a:ral 125 apirltlncnt uttits to be btrilt over a Pcrird oI scvclal vcars on ihc {hrri:' actc sitc iltt' inediately behirtd tLc "illtte Cow" restaurant. lhc dc'.'elopine ni, norv on tlrc drarving b,rrlrl, is h.'ing de- siqned iu ii "chisie::" alr ll.gcmclli" bv J. li. (:loilti{r artrl \''iili;'rrr Ijace of Asscli:llcC Al c':itctl"s in Colcrado Sgri:gs. Er'cL "clttstr:r'" w!ll }r ci,tl];risetl oi trielve itldi zirlital :rir:rt"-i.,lrrlt rtnit-q nliri gr(;lrp- pr''. l,-' 111i1i:] : iln illlLtr' 'r-'l' rili' s11ltitit: a)r.t .. jt".r' o{ ilr,-' \'.'.1 -\lr,'rr,- taj'r ancl ','iilrt{c. Iarcll trnii', itr,v- inq atr otr'Lti.;lc btlcor'y .rnd tln- trirrce, s ill bt' d;,'cor:ttirL r)t'signL'ti :r',tl furttishr';i and r', ill ltllc r';atil; of tltc liiir-ii1 anrt:tliiit's ill tl rat'c that Vail {r!}lrrroi'ees ciit: I:'rfol'd- All rp:rt 1tr,r:rts lill l-'e :rrlrll:'hlr: {or si}t;lr' }.,r'rl'.);1s, c(!ltl)1e5, illl(l cortpLcs r'..iii chilti:,rn oti ;l Ion3 tcftn lcl,t;rl )-rtsi'l r)lll]'. .\'t ll(r lilrlc Corriirrrcd .- F'aqc lli tiO f Alf !' ;":1: '.:1i V:f !.L;i{!:lilA'1t ^ii. r :l bY tr' i' $ l , l TT :':.. "::1 *, .,i i fi 0r rlr'lr !r' qs " rratl- 1.;.'"**u.uf,,.,. \ -1,-1.,:-:"-.: rr,'' : ::' r;iltJ;H'il?1,#::",llil.il t\ u ,j, lV '*- ' : 't..,*: "*lti"1l;:'i'fl'"".ui'.'1ili,;1,, Ii; ,',....,'',o:: ". . : ,;:,.;;':"' .l :lllllt.tlll."#.';.; ' , +, . ., ;,-t'g:, ,,"l"ll","iiljli:'il:f: I li'i;; !.|i :., i:or".,o,;r 'r.^... , ,.r-. ..,... r",: t,.1,. , , .jl:,j:,,;lii;'^ii"",'iii;;,': I . , tF' ^,1st;) ,) ,{.1':' 4 i . ii* , iiiii;},l,f "'ii.,,illi"ii, . I "'rru,, arro"iul", iop ntan Peter \c'.sei':rrt (si"n''iirrfl and ;'rri' lSii^rt1;$i?i! il;i:rl; *, ,.,. i ', ., ,' ',!t , ,t..' ;""'::i;H"A;;il"";;;;i "i'v"li".etnplove.c rrousine,,Proiect li{e1;;:;i;';ii:'1t;i;i' ''-'r r^ Ijr|rlirn lh" "cc nllcad' n't:ue' lj --'- -" -' ;:' 'io 'rr""."iiiiru a Lc 6ert,.rner io f irrilizc ihc- "sc nhcad" ni':ue' lil*i.-'i,,,.t-iJi=rratctr, l,;"il ;'v"ii;;*+ii't torgu. s.9alt r;11.i-e-c-t .!.::3i*,ti..,,:, tJou.nrl (i\tidwcst is:.rtmenl I'n :'",' ' ,,,:., -'"::",,-;-::-.:i;..'-^. c:"^* te{t. i!4.rri,: lJournrt ( l\'!lcwesl li:.r{ soive nous I rr9, .F /oprtrt: s..er ):,1'.:"'.i-:'l--; t.--:^"*'t)oirver.l ltcn Post and \\'ichjt.r 'sorYe nousrrts Free'!'":J -' ';h;; ti t' D' Jet:nings' Denver) itcn- ,,ost and wlchjll r'Newlon and Chuck Crgilby. (Phqto t'y L' u' J\:r:r|llre'' vsr tcon. l{ater & Satt Rand' Vote On ljaaket 7,'ci' Tttt::;,, Jtuz. 2 Tire \f:rtt'r ft l:ianitaiion I)ir;triet Bourd i\Icmb^r's :rnd the I'ot'n Ad- lri;ristr-aticn a!'c urllirtg every llirlible vr-r1er to go 1o 1l)c polls 'llrcstla.r, .Intr,: 2' to vtllo clr tllc $t.zso,oiro llord I-q:iuc {or lvater utid Seiver T l'o411'llent li)ilriiiisi('n ;rn,l $2j0,0,10 i';:,rrc foI llrc 1tt:r- cl;.tst oI ;rl! 'i{'li;ll L:,r'Lilcr' l''irc TIrrck aird coitsjt'tict.iou oI a i{erv l i,'c Sratioi.t. I,:.ct sh".ets i:(it,ccrnil]t: tircse is- srius are av:iii:rble et ihr: Tori'n cil'ice and anj'tne *l:o tFaY not ru ntielstand tf,. siii)ulatlxn:r (ovcr- ,.i ilt liris b.r:"'l iss,t" s!r'rtri'l picli 'rii r.orrir,s envr.:i:ti.j iltc tnalters fur' a cc,titliiclt lllicfi:rg. l'r'ho lriaY Vote AlrJ(.nc $ir'\ r'rflls trf tlltrtse t;,,',,a . ,1\.tt, t ;rl ;rt' !ltl;"1'r:J lirto- i'','.it lrr tl '' \'r.!l \','rt 'r i'tr:l Sani' t;,J.ion tnri \'..i1 l'irc i'f'rl{'clloli iil',t,.ii.,tt srrl'jcci io tlctrrlal rd vrl- u,,,tt, in*r.,t. :rttll sllo is <1r'raiifirtl 1r, roto rt !rt'rtt'tll elt'ctioirs i!) tlre ilrui" oi Coirrtii'io. (\1)tl lt('(-(l !)ot 1,r a rcsitlcrtl oI ihe tlisti'iri)' .\a, ali.' t !t,t lrrs b.'cit ;' Icsi' rir.,ri I li:c tl,. lricts f{'r ::'} (-ia!'s ,,i",,'.fin:: illc i iilctir,'tt lnil '''h'r is i,lr:,ii,i.,J trr ,,',. :ri {1(':,.ri,l {'li'r- 1i,,' 5 itt ihr r'i 'ic t'f Col'rr:ttlo ,\'i'ri t" i,l l','l lla ;l lr' :!':t!i'i l' "l.ha t!lcctidrr v,,ill hr ir!.1,J arl 'i'''cs i 'y, Ju,," 'J, l9]ll, {' urrr l0:Cil l r,,. t.' 3:tii 1."r. :rl llr''l l'rri'cc 'lirlictr it liir' i,'itl (:i'1'ik Court Lluiiij!,t3. ;: iill lic;:l'in!{ ,;, .,i i flt! rl.vrrrls " aratlY l-: i : iI IiFJNHR WAY ft the Colorado i'rc.r also appear in the It,':, Rocl:y l\iountain Ncr,. Springs (i az et te"-'.1'r'1,' Cervi's Journal. Iirom iuno Sili th", : 6th sp,rt annotrr'lc*l::1 : " the Vait Strntnret' V.rr.,' I,he {ollo'* ing radic .' IiLZ and KOA, .ll,'r,r Colcrado Sprjngs; 5.' ' Jtirrr:tiotr; t lUt). l'ir:. IiGl,N, Glettrvootl 'sl, L ,; Thr: pri;;n oiiona'l cl t: runs {fom n01Y 1i111;,11 I' wcok in Ari:Just 'tiil ''"'and hoPc{ullY $lll irltfii I al virjiurs to thc i;ir: l\[cCal], rvith the l:,ll Agcncl', BltrYIcs. Allt l" vis, litr.tt carefr'llll , markcts 1o cot'eL :ir t' liming o{ ihc ads ii.' a I'cils. .F. r! Ir i-.r ,.1, f', i:iJ l- l.f. l' i-1""' "' For Gclf nnd Tr n"' ' Rale iiiluclui r G*;nrlola $cir AIr anr^ortnccnrcitl i' sociator: s,tlt.cs lirili {;, . rv!ll bc in oPel'ttrt:rr '- Srttrrlrv. llaY :t{' ;':"'. rrill br' {r'ortt 9:00 rt tr' Dailv sttlll tl l{'l' [irrrrrioilt and ('lt;i ir : n1.;uili,lin $'ill lt.' :': JutLr :f0, 1!,70. !:;il'i;i[: o Best copy Available A Grorl Summer Playground Frr. r.l n"cvr!^rrl,^v!, !!l lT.'l:L^ Q*,... vt rf llrflltU Llqr& r.srr6TJnrrcinlr .?7 .tUOIneS rt} Vair will designatetl long terrn rcntal units be converted to "short telm" rcntals. Constructicn plans are being fin- alized and the general contrretor and nariner, Arion HtrLchik, of Iluhciik anil Davis Conlracting in ColoraCo Springs will bcgin con' struction of the first Plasc as soon as all dctails are rvorl:ed ortt. Prcsently a constructioll com- meDceruent datc has tlot been set, horvcvcr, the dcvelopels arc striv- ing.to bleak ground at tlle eat'liest poisible limc. Hopelully sonre rtnits Unlcss all intclested pcl'r::oIrs art) hcnrd lronr on ol plior to thtr Junc lrrth ntcc'.ing Yril rvili iir.li,in havc I sht'tt:riic of housing in thc ncxt sevct'al Ycars. 'I'hc lnccting at thc Lod qe, bc- sicles lraving rcfr-('sllnlcllts, will rrrovidc dt'al it;gs, rent schedulcs, irlot,osctl lcrt:o :trrlngenlnttls' ttnil iizcs rrrtl rrll pcrtirtent ittortulltiott lor intclcstt'd ctttploycls atld les- itlc nt s. All cnlpll)! ct's antl cttrplol'ccs ill'e ut'ilc(l lo :tittnrl. I-ci's stlpl)orl lhis projt:ct in Junc as \tcll its I) t't'c tn bc r. ht et tr'l li p tt i-islrirl.rl I ri r:c t t s t hteltir (,]l'irrt'trt/ t(X) lifclilrttr lesitL:nt llslrirtli Ii- ca.irrr,r. lttrl lti,l riis;rlrlr'il 1t,'rs'ril tcnant Govcrnor, has cleatcd vairancy rriticli Strang fecls he wr:ll-sLritetl to fill. Siate l"egislator ian be erecli:d Prior to thc opening of the 11170 ski scason. Vail's long arvaitcd ern;ilcyec housing is stron to be a faci. Parttrcrs in "APollo Park at Vail" Karl Finzcl, I\{erlill Newton' Arion l{ubchik, and Chuck OgilbY are inviting all Vail employets and cnrnlovecs to a nlcctilrg on .Junc l0 at'thc I{,{lgc at Vail at cilher 10:00 a.ln. or 3:00 P'm. to discuss the Arrollo I'ark project. It is the intent-of this group lo liuild onlv Ior tlc cmployees and ctnplo5'ors oJ Vail anti tlie strrroundilg vicin- itr', So to dctelminc tho exact numbcr ol nri!ts to bq con::trtrctecl in tlte filst phase . entpk:yt'r's and crrrnlovces \ri.hing tlnils nrust lel lhii giout, know lircil'{(,trl ucc(ls' is Announess lror ljichael Strang, Carhonilaie tanchcr, has antrounced his canrli- dacv for elcction as RcPulrlican l,erislator for llre 61st Lcgisla- tiva District, comprisirtg the couir- tics of Eacrle, Garfield, Rio Blan- co, and Pitkin. Tlle recent an- norrncement b1' the incttnrbcnt' Re- publican John Vanderhoof of GIcn- ivood Springs that hc rvill seck clc()tion as Colorado's ncxt I'ieu' "l'Iike" Strrurg is 40 Yeafs old, antl lras bccn irr r.)tc ranchinS ancl invcstmcnt business most of his Ufc. A third.ccncl'ation Colofadan, lrc was raiscd on a mountain ranch. IIe is :l gl'rduatc of I'tincc' ton Universily, antl dirl graduate striclies at tlre Univclsiti' of Gene- va, Srvitzellairtl. IIc is ntrrt'icd to tlrc former Iiathlccn Sltelly, and thcl havc four yorrng c)rildren- Ir'lic!rael, Jr'., S: trvins S('t)tL and Laurie. ?: and Bri(igct' 3 I Stranq is (lltitit rttln of tlrr: Ct-rlo' lr',r,lo GrcunC 1\'atet Cotrt trrissirrn, lto xhich hc $'ari appointctl b1' Gov- iclnol John l.,oY,' i l90{. IIo is a l rnlrnl.t,r. or rt11 co]9i.1i1!.. 9i'li'"rrron's .Associaiion. scrvills on its I'Lrblic Lands Colnn)ittcc. llc is also a mcnlbrr of thc Cololado jrillm lilrl'ci!tl. thc Anielican Le- llirrrr, and the liolary Clrrb ol Glen' 'ji.:t t .i -i il j i J II $:, j Fr! F., ,r b- ''it Irtay 31, 1970 Here are a few of ihc v ecl clc.an up around.th' - and he rcPJrts ih'rt ' {Jp-frrade . j t I EXatrv Crcss }iiec. Vail 0peratiqur From Page I gram by I{oly Cross th:lt \1ill .'inrprovcd arnd crPlndoo ' scr'!ice to Vail and tltc Itttr; ' arart. No mot'c 'rOlrt:l gcs't f()r\"i.' Tar'l,rr G a lr l-rlin, tlo\l \:r!.r cI attd I'ublic ]irl:rtr': ' roctor lor I.ht: Cotttl:rtn] u'lro lilt's in Clcn\\ood Sl'i:1: aDnouncctl thl t l)is corlli" ()Ilclt tl l)tlrnlani'ttt ofit"t triill .C-rct'li Cour'1 tltrlirii:r' soacr) \"'ill bc a\.li{:rblt l' bcfolo ,lr:l"v lst. Irt :tdriitiorr tn a 1,,!l t"'' Ilrly Lltors llits sil:ttt<l ,''.thc first cllriloill:'rs, \\ilrl Iicllnrart's lt('r.' :ll.ll{l1lf :'i sctr,ir:r: tltic)t sltc cilll:r ri' 'r:,\{!! 'l'iri : ,..r'iii'r, is tt ' P 5 .-' "g September 5, L97A IJlr. Mayor l'lembers of the Vail Town Council City ManaEer City At[orney Dear Sirs and l4adam: we are doing this Building B until inconsistent with Lime intervals at BILB/LJ erprises, Ltd. purchased Buildings A ancl for $2,350,000 on August 31, l97B- The a ground lcasc l-he samc daY" D land The warranty deed and ground lcase plus condominium declarat-ions, condominium map and interval ovrnership cleclarations are filed fcl record in the clerl< and Rccorcler!s office of Eagle countv t'.nier reception numbers attachc<l hcr:cto for yOur reference. Tlle Ar't:cleS of lncorporation for Apo110 Pal:l( at vail Association, a nc'n-p:cl'it co:poration, are filed with thc Sccretary of the Sta-te of Cclorado" The Board of DirecLcrs of Apollo ParJ< at VaiI Associai:icn irar,'e elected sfficers ancl adopl-cc1 1>y-1ar'rs- In our opinion ancl the opinion of counscl, we have thc right at this i:inre and ilr the futurc to bcgin sclling time.shai:e in';erval.s in lcoth 3uildings A and 3 at Apo1lo Park at Vail"flIn an effe:t to assist the Town r,.zith its crnpl-oycc housing prcblen, v;e aE:€e not io remodel Builcling R or markcL same as time intervals untii -"he end ci ihe 7g7!-7g slli season; an(l wj-l1 coniinue to offe:: it, untit such time, for long-term employee housing" 'i t-h thc. sncr--i f ic unclerstanding that this use of tire end of the ].97B*79 ski season, vrill not be our intent to rcmoclel and market Building B as the end of such sl<i season. submitted, rwick ectfull * t^'. d,a99 ;,vvrbL'&,*u; 6 /L!t"HAa;,u-eg Abr"A' Q' +t-^€ ;VLuelrr. I APOLLO PARK AT VAIL Ground Lease - Merrill R. Newton et aI ancl Butterwick nnterprrses' Lt' Executed B/3L/78 Secorded - Eaglc CountY Reception No. I7l099 Book 2'74 - Page 693 r,,Jarranty Deecl - Merrilr R. Ncwton et ar and Butterwick Bnterprises, Ltcl' Executed t3/ J L/ t u Recorded - Eagle CountY R.eceotion No. 17lL00 Sook 274 - Page 694 Condominium Declarations - By Butterwick Enterprises' Ltd' Executed B/3L/78 Recorded - trag1e CountY Recept ion I{o . L71IO2 Book 274 - Page 696 Condominium MaP (Prepared by nichards Enginecring) Recorded - Eagle Countlz Reception 1{o. 171-103 Book 274 - Page 697 Interval ownership Declarations - By Butterwick Enterprises, Ltd. Executed B/3L/7a Recorded - Eagle CountY Reception ldo. L] LLO4 Book 274 - Page 698 Apollo Park at Vail -72,t1-trr.. 7AJ,uy6 r4at-"'/'s 7<'?7a< -aAd,/ or V'qz- l/r?rc, Ao'o'*>*-be./4, B. cr"a 0'< -77'? '77"2< U?oz/ U) BA -WA ZA'ttn/6 --fiW- Ksts 72y' /Oz-"'1e 'tzr'/ @attc7,,.r'f7 YJ t 7*At7^ P""'/4<^ uJc ,4<e rlrra-D'a'q"J "JQ -j-o /?LOva FoOo K'c'v'-z"c'J Vo,t< / 4'-'r"' P.O. Box 2157 Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: (303) 476-5881 5--z-"7 Aons.=n.lD h.tZo 6)<ary'A.r/de 4*a /vxo// 4/+ 7b< --7O,-.til *nor*r- O/-< 7Q,eet C.e ;-z C,>-t ,/-7a y't-o*^o )/4'4+ I 1/ lt 4 .-/v- Ll z' a 7- -7-tta. $ztreaz -7 ' *P./<k --774'/kj Fo< 4'c e-77'a,lk (--P-,tcA Or"7 DtrSICN REVIliil/ BOARD DA?rr or MEETTNG, ryil t4t , tqr7 .r-.ret rlEI,tBERs PRESBNT ' KK) \+ SUBJECT: VOTE: FOR: ACTIOI{ TAI(IN BY BOARD: Morro*, Pdl\otr rJ t ,t SECONDED BY. YJ\''\"\C.IJ . --t AGAiNST: AI3STIINTION: APPROVID: DISAPPROVED: SUlrllrlARY:6\66\,rr3 r,iL>trrr 11\).\YU DATE OT MUETING: T{EMBNIIS PRESENT: SUBJBCT: ACTION TAiiiJJ{ BY BOARD: MOTION: Yn VOTE: FOR: APPROVED: nfcn nnvrrw nonnn -N?r,l t4 ,sll. o",rrilio tt \bktr - ?oa (cncta:twul SECONDED BY: AGAINST: d/t<, ABSTENTlON: DISAPPROVTD: SUlilltlARY: .,r l (.,\ct,'Je-( VJt"tt riiitrl R. l-..^7'^,..^ tl\ icLilr9l b t*V)\>t!"" u'd\ \t\rcr- -j+nd'< ttigirJ\c!'r €()1\r' PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT Mr' Chuck Olgiby' representing theApolloParkProject,isrequestingavariancefromsection6.506 Building Bulk Contro], and a variance from the provisions of Article 14 of Ordinance No' 8, Series of 1973 in relation to theundergroundparkingrequirementinordertorelocatetheexisting PoorBichardsBuildingonTractD,VallVillageFifthFiling. Application has been made in accordance with the provisions set forth ln Article 19 of the Zoning Ordinance' A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 21'5oO of the Zoning Ordinance on May 5, J.977 at 3:OO PM before the TownofVailPlanningCommission.Saidhearingwillbeheldin the Vail MuniciPal Building' TOWN OF VAIL '70ruo'- rmer ished in the Vail Trail April 15, 1977 $ l a:t I I aI APPL ICAT I ON FOR VAR I ANCE And/Or CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 0rdfnance No. 8 (Series ot |,973) Application out. 4-/Z-77 Publication Hearlns Da t" fu,+Z { lQl? nearins Fee Final Decislon date tor Town Councll (App l icant)(Address) A ,.1 | ,t (<*.t fPcsrro fro* (*' LJ.+,t ot 442 . .Jt'', f'<on>-'ga<' -o t/n,.,-', / >dd /(?csrt-,, phone /zb- 3OiCS[, (CitY) do hereby req ues t pe rm iss ion -fo appea r be fo re the Vail Plann Comm i ss i on to req uest the fo | | ow i ng : u<1;tance rrom Artic t. b , secti .^(r- !C0 ) Zon ing Change f rom---to- L,--S-71ark i ng Va r iance_ StrE ing 0, !/D ) Conditional Use Permit to allow in zone. For the fo I low ing described property z Lot/ tract Filing Number , ato.k SWF,, Clearly state p u rpose and intent of th is application - tO ,+S,Z fc,< 1,/.c.< , *.t q {r r-vt'1 /n.ct n-Cz t,<utn V t 1r,) AS Ofr'c&(t> 70 Fz-9rtz'"'26 r C*<<r2, 4, 80 Fn 2 What do vou f ee I is the bas is f or hardsh ip i n th ,t'tutr-t' AlUr , ('r9c,f7.=t,o.0s/ t4< Signature of APP n t { - R i t r rts , .Jq-. -7N< tSc;r ..-z ,./6 t-'"tcut-:t He ut 7a 8c .1/2 4 T7elo> ;- t^l t)P frr-ottzt Pnl</', .-.=-> /, vJr^,70 -Tt( lrt< r.. ,.-rn,. - i :. -r', ,-. - ii: .. r.. .,, l) z a < \ )./' )/ -- -\;iE;;::Er:; ;iifg ilqS:I.g.-;!E;s,Es.Pil.!5 l;i5i:ilii;iligl; ;i*'E !;;Ai;:;:;lE:EIs:'El i :i gi i;:trsg5;E+E < a ;[:gi;l!i*;;;;;l: 3 i *;iii;;E::El:EiiE;3 ooII {doa?G. 0Itrs Ela.J 4L Nrr..l'l q,cr a3>rt-9l 1-.a E!!t $, :{<Iq at, <)t IF E T g fLxat cto,fr tr E .8. j;dadhI ;E --€ qJl F\plb-tal3.o E€.E€E5.o5E:'iofte q) <D IFirl c> ci I I I I I IJI o ! r! a 4) ll'} o) B r-lt-lcl): I I t^lJI JI-.)l aJl kl I I 7 <D cl 3it 6) <t € ; ,i.: I f*- |t-l r_'l /.i 1 I I yrl IJIJI ui VI I I tt t q,a a ' .o B o F F I F ESEesES^3 E | 3siF;E:E; ;-i 3;.n tEEr iE B | :gtI€€::; | :Esr:E:bE I ; f;fiEsa;.H .s'! s-9r;-3.2>5 !r a FF;EE:i:E 4 i s.q;sii.;;: E 5 E*;5:[E;; ! * :l;€E:E;g ' F o ilEl;!j.!, E E E+==EEEFF€ E B I;F;:rEe-i: t 6 iEntE{;Ei i € ':EEsi5EE3 5 J :E.-ZEE8:a€ 3 o -EitEtii;i? E i ; ; i?:;c rt; c I l*.,8>+3eadt: g ': ieisiSEsi !; E- 60E$-oc€t a o lsE::E;ii; A E agEE H;E gE I I g z F< () b1 fr i<'IJ : ()rr r.r EiEZ tr;O@O (l) ' at f,! oo ;lE;:E:E;;; ;€Etg #3Eii;Ei;i!t!E;e:iiri :E3s E :;i:E;qE;Eii;i;5i gfrt i :iiti;iE;li€i;iFi -' i ;usi;gsii:iiifll 3 t l;l;is:i:iEl:EEiEi f ool4*t0 zt oItrllE'EfrritTFJ& \ *,q \<5 C'Ocitl-l-tPt b $J Esa,tC'.E xt !E .:tsan aT T E'a or o '9) n ::ji r\*Ya4l bl t6 "-€sJl FSI3l ;.9 Eqf;€€gcod6!c)#E Ef;u2 .a rlrl 3 Ai I I I IJI r-lt*l i ll/,lJl I -,tl-rl A,I kl I I E ' ! q) o i3 q 9;tcl .c c€ S€>c 9l = l-'i; t-l =9!,rA o< I I I IJIJI ui 9l I II€ i o I I I I I E !) aoA ' F G' o I a h o ,a E ;*i*i;E: I iria;:aE : ;:E3i F EE g :Is: fiI; ?;i:l;*! E4=EEEEFS€ E 3*rtEgi=g E ii; ;E 'ti+ t ; i"a3;E i*; B*-g;+€soaE:i=i€iEPc; 6 eiai?ilEE; t & F it F] F ,l F q,t b q) E 'd I I II I Ivt _ql -_v+ I 2l;l z F Fl F.. N1r\l I F? kl : oFr .-r F sR-aO A 2 \ L I { -ToN") l/r+nt I w' Apollo dKE /F,,-/ef Park at Vail l),'.,4^ € /rc'<e<-,l-rzt 6u,.o,aq' *rrc,a' Fe , /n*.o /'n* Lorrs oF $+,- C-o*. Duo B,n, At /e< oo< Cou't os,+7/0n (*n-'6 ou< &t* b*si floor* Pto* ftQcces Ttr lNsvst-< 4'\/ Arca'*az< 8l?u6+> F No Lesr ;- s Ee'r- td E'+cH aF w? A'a4( l-xrs 6 B, C, ato b $ulcat^/cl5' -7p< lotacs> E4€ Or lpa $27uq*z dett/t*(z t)ttc Ba nlo /*+*'n TevA) rt laT 4dz Qo-re.e4. Aoasr<uo7ton V*7s. otr 7#t Bar,-q Uttv,&.< s-/a4/o /d6 7bg> TIAS oua Lo.>OdtTS / il O7or-.rnn-< -TkZ Tt4^)Or t/n r- Qcq'*+Trd>tS ' I Harlk Vou Fo<Tau< Oeo-ztgA7/a>, nda UilOe<-s-/q/./a kr9i O>1 7S ficrfC< ' aeez€cf t P.O. Box 2157 Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: (303) 476-5881 LOet FcoQ. COo*-ea$1 C},vs7<ocTt*1 lo L+o<F4o4 -TtQ hJ< Ntcc -Tpnu -Ti*< t-) ffqd bO Ne A<e fldtA b) tI'^' €nlo Ot< L-JFb eercA O,,7 Decenber 4, L976 Town of Vall Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Slrs: I an ln receipt of your billing for PERMIT II O2IO, APOLLO PARK AT VAIL, Why are you bi1L1ng us for thls? We put ln the pooJ- at Apollo Park, $5.00 for STREET CUT ocr. 12, L976. and have not been is done at Apollo fron you as per Ln your town since June 26. We have no obllgation for any work that Park by you. We would l-lke our $100.00 deposit back the Special Pernlt agreement. Your6 truLy, af.'a""1 .Llm^l Louella T. tr'1at1and Secretary-Treasurer Flalland Ct;lo^ Pool;, lr'".B"* 14 C"pll" ft""[, Colo. 8OlO4 (3O3) 688-5465 -. i"a ty I0tTlt 0F t'Att STREEI CUT PERMIT 1. Locatio Work) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (Excavating Contractor's Name, Addressr dDd License No.) Work is for (circle one) water sewer depthTrench width length Lineal feet of saw cutting at _ per foot Square feet of pavement Equipment needed to be at Der s cruare foot supplied by ToV gas elec teLe. CATv Pe rrni t fee TOTAL COST 9. A11 material must be on the job site before the job is started. 10. Anything in the street right-of-way must have compaction lifts of one foot, the last eighteen inches wil. 1 be road base. Signature below indicates review and utility location. aiL water and Sanitation District (476-5613 ext 23 ighorn water District (e27-5274) A,core valley water District (e2?-5274't ppgr Eagle Valley sanitation District (827-527q') - N"\yPublic service Compahy (e27-57eL] [ii5.]western slope Gas conpany (Si]verthorn 468-252 11" t\lo 6r !t'\ L2. 13. ,rrfrountain BeI1 Telephone Company (476=24 4 ail Cable TV (4?6-53771 fVaif Fire Protection Dj.strict (476-56L3 ext 223) oly Cross Electric Company (476-5274) I certify that I have rea as amended and will abide Police and Fire Departmen Special Condi tions d all requirements of Ordinance l'lo. 7 (Series 197 by same, and that all utilities and the Vail ts have been noti fied as required. I) (Cont ra tor's -gnature) Bill to: Approved Inspe ctio z.s,Tn/e, En'f I4, K"dd&N.sr\€- ?ct oLl-ept. n fr-emarks SKETCH PLAN OF WORK BELOW show streets with names, buildings, and location of cut tTse Dash Lines For Cut t $c"\0 $'i{ hnn*;,8**r*.Jn r&r'\i t" ." i? $'\r I ffi*', it'r") YELLOV'I-WHITE-Public Work s PTNK-Contracto no DESIGN t DATE OF ITTSETING: ME}IBERS PRESENT: ACTION TAKDN BY BOA MOTION: VOTE: FOR: REVIEi'I B94RD ' SECONDED BY:r AGAINST: (tf)nf) /f ;' ',/) ABSTUNTION: APPROVIID:t -'' DI SAPPROVUD: SUiINlAIIY: -,.i::-:-: :: ;-*, ;T- Tfi i-lT;ii d f t fr 6' i* fi k1\tI td {i 'h !t r, i.a.. -',La. I i.S, ':,\