HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 TRACT J VAIL INTERFAITH CHAPEL BOOK 1 LEGALSPEC]FICATIOI'IS FOR VAiL INTFRFAITH CHAPEL ADDITIOII VAIL, COLORADO PIERCE, BRINER & FITZHUGH SCOTT, INC. ARCH ITECTURE/ PLANN I iIG P. 0. BCX 2299 VAIL, COLORADO BI 657 PROJTCT NO. I5B3 Apri I 16, 1916 1583 TC- I TC_ I B-2 BF- 1 GC- 7 GR-2 zil -t 221-2 261-2 330- 3 343-2 420-3 50.|-2 610-4 650-l 715-t 7 21-1 730-2 760- I 790-2 800-2 871-l 872-1 880-l 910-2 911-2 916-2 925-1 951-?. 965- I 968-2 990-3 100.|-l'1140-r '1540- 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE CONTENTS DIVISION 1, APPLIES TO ALL CONTRACTORS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS BID FORM GENERAL CONDITIONS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DIVISIOi{S 2 THROUGH I2, GENEML CONSTRUCTION I^JORK- ZZt SITEWORK261 BITUMINOUS PAVING330 CONCRETE AND REINFORCIIIG343 PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE420 MASONRY5OI METALS 6.|0 650 7.|5 721 730 760 790 800 871 872 880 910 9il 916 925 95.l 965 968 990 100] 't 140 DIVISION 15 MECHAN I CAL .I 540 PLUMB I NG DIVISION I6 ELECTRI CAL .1610 MATERIALS AND METHODS1685 HEATING CARPENTRY AND MILLI.IORK LAMINATED TIMBER DAMPPROOF I NG BUILDING INSULATION SHINGLE ROOFING AND ROOF INSULATIOII FLASHING AND SHEETMETAL SEALANTS DOORS AND I^IINDOIIS FINISH HARDI,IARE I,IEATHERSTRI PP I NG GLAZ I NG LATH PLASTER STUCCO hIORK DRYl^lALL ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS RESILIENT FLOORING CARPETS PAI NTI NG SPECIALTI ES APPL IANCES l6l0-s 1685-l t t $lE,g ;€€ii; €E ii r$i: ig Ei fi$er;t v o o o a giggBlgagl*'Bi' E-1*glgil gg1lieEg iEElE*e;lgig*EElsiiggEiiiiliE gi€$gaglggglggq:ia[Fli;*$-rE iqiu*eae*Euiie':$ggHrB**,sHs€i 'irl*+$[ieeai$a$*1lig6$g;ll*ic* ggEiElEgFEiiEliiligsEliniEEiig gEgggiBiiiEigi$ilFliiFiEii,gE l5B3 I. INDEX -T.-tndex2. Division of the Work3. Proposal4. Contract Docunpnts5. Examination of Premises Site Documents, etc. 2. DIVISION OF I^IORK INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS B-'l 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Explanat'ion of Addendum Rejection of Bids Contractor' s Insurance Fire & Extended Cover Insurance Starting and ComPletion No. 2-]4 - 3. PROPOSALI. --SEaTT-5e filed with the Architect not later thanB. Sha'll not be accepted on any other form than the Division Division Division Di vi si on 0n File: Copies of Plans prospective Bidders at the General Construction Plumb'i ng & Sewage Heati ng Electric Light & Power I'lork Condi ti ons and Speci f i cat'i ons w'i I I offi ce of: b'i d closing date on proPosal . Proposal forrn attached to these be on file for examination bY all 5A 5B6- No. No. No. Or.Speci fi cati ons. Sia will be based on materi al and equipment called for in the plans and specifications. Any substitution of materials and/or equipment specified will be listed on a separate sheet giving the addit'ion or deduction to the specified bid. CONTMCT DOCUI4ENTS See GC-], Item 3, General 4. t{. B. Pierce, Briner & Fitzhugh Scott, Inc. Archi tecture/P1 anni ng P. 0. Box 2299 Vail , Colorado 81657 EXAMINATION OF PREMISES, SITE, DOCUMENTS, ETC. refully examine the ex it-l ng premfses and site to l4eans of approach to Actual conditions. the existing premises and acouaint himself with: site. handling and removal of materjals I 2 B. c. Facilities for delivering, storjng, placing and and equipment. the complete executjon of a'll4. Any and all difficulties that may be encountered in work in accord with the Contract Documents. Note: The bidder if awarded the Contract, will not be allowed any extra compensation [f-reasol of any matter or thing concerning-wh-i-El-Tuch bidder might have fully informed himself prior to the bidding. No plea of ignorance of conditions that exist, or of any other relevant matter con- cerhing the work to be performed in the execution of the work will be accepted as an excuse for any failure br omission on the part of the Contractor to fu1 fill every detail of all the requirements of the Contract Documents governing the work. EXPLANATION AND ADDENDUM6. ffita.inedatthetimeofexaminatjenofp1ans.andspecificatjons'existjng premises or site shall not be construed as in any way amending the Contract Documents . Only such copections or addenda as are issued jn writing to all prospective bidders shal I become a part of the Contract. a IITECT i ng 'i nformal i ti es , and interest of the 0wner. reserves and has the right of awarding any bid, all as re.iect anv or a'l 1 bids, of waiv- mav deem to be for the best toit REJECTION OF BIDS The 0l{llER an B. 1583 8. CONTRACTOR'S iNSURANCEA. Contractor shall not commence vrork until he has obtained,jnsurance required under these Arti cl es .: As required by Federal Compensation: Take out and maintain durinq l---.-.i-i---. |-----l. Workmen's Compensation Insurance. C. 2. In strict comDl iance with State Laws as D.Publ ic Liabi lity and Property Damacje: Take B-2 at his own expense, all and State Lavrs as amended the life of the Contract: amended to date. out and maintain during the l ife of the any Sub-contractor performing work covered shall advance as quickly as condit'i ons and constructjon schedule showing a starting Divisions and parts of Divjsions and the Contract, for the protection of himself and by the Contract from claim for:l. Damages for personal injury, 'i ncluding accidental death.2. Property damages which may arise from operations of the Contract whether such operation by himself or by any Sub-contractor or anyone employed directly or indirectly by either of thenr.3. The Contractor to idernnify and save the 0l.,lNER and the ARCHITECT harmless from any and all claims, demands, suits, actjons, proceedings, 1oss, costs and damages of every kind and description which may be brought or made against the aforementioned.a. Limits of Liabilitv:.=--i--i_----: ----Public t-iability - ((Bodily Injury) Each Person Each Accident - ($loo,ooo. oo)- ($3oo,ooo.oo) b. Property Damage: Any Accident Agg reg at e Dama A. l,lork shall start as soon as possible, and good workmanship wili permit. B. Each contractor will submit with his bid a date and a completion date for each of the Mechani cal Branches. E. F Bodily Injury and Death - ($.l00,000.00) Each Person - ($300,000.00) Property Danage: - ($.|00,000.00) Certificate of Insurance: Submitted in duplicate to the Architect by the Underlvriter: In the event of Pol i cy Cancel I ati on: l. Immediately upon executjon of Contract;2. Bearing title.and location of property or job covered;3. Stating policy numbers, date of expiration, terms, lirnits, and type of coverage. T.-Fornon-pe@yotherreaSon,Underwrjtermustjmmediatelynot.ify the ARCTIITECT in writinq. 9. FIRE AND EXTENDED COVTRAGE INSURANCI coverage insurance as required.B. Contractor may at his option take out such additionai insurance to protect his ovtn i nteres t. IO. STARTING AND COMPLETION 1583 BF-1 PROPOSAL Do be not add any conditions, clauses or qualifyjng statements to this proposal or it may dec'l ared irregular and not acceptable. Having carefully examined P'lan l'lo.and Specifications No.for: VAIL INTERFAITH CHAPEL ADDITION VAIL, COLORADO Name of Contractor as drawn and specified do sum of: ress propose to do all work of Division I through 16 for the total including all Division l (hlri te i n t'lords ) Submit a complete list signing the Contract of Sub-Contractors Documents. G ,rr-ro*TMCToRS: through 16, before DATE: Company: Signed By: BID CLOSING DATE: Hav ll.1976 - t uayJ 2:00 o.m. ( nme, 1583 GC- I GENEML CONDITIONS I. INDEX_-T-. tndex2. Defi ni tions3. Contract Documents4. Change 0rders5. Permits & Tap Fees6. Codes and Ordinances7. Shop Drawings and Manufacturer's Literature Payments Payments Perfonnance Bond Temporary Utilities Special Clause Ba mi cades Safety Measures and Accident Preventi on 2, DEFINITIONSf. ThJ-rr,e Term-Tt^lNER" means: B. The Term 'ARCHITECT" means: 14. Cooperati on and Comel ati on of l'lork I 5. R'i ght on EntrY16. Measurements17. Supervi sion 18. Laying Out 19. Hoj sting, Staging and RunwaY 20. Drawingi and Specifications on the Work 21. Imesponsible Suits 22. Samples23. Repairs to Fjnish Work 24. Cleaning UP 25. Guarantee Vail Rel ig ious Foundation Va iI Colorado Pierce, Brjner & Fitzhugh Scott' Inc. Archi tecture/P1 anni ng P. 0. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 8. q 10.lt. 12. 13. 3. CONTRACT DOCUMENTSffiiffintract Documents include the Instruction to Bidders General Cond'i tions of . the Contract, Drawings, specifications ' Proposal , Contract Agreement'.' Z. The General Conditiofrs-of'the Contract, for the Construction of Bu'i ldings' Standard Form of the American Institute of Architects, Articles l-44 jnclusive' are a part oi th.s. Specifications and will form a part of each and every Contract Pertaining to the work. 3. Copies of the Geneial Conditions of the Contract are on file at the office of the ARCHITECT. General Requirements: Mention hereafter of article, operat'i on or method requires fficoniiaciorforthevarjousbranchesoftheworkshal.|provide iuch article bf quaiity noted in the quant'ity requjred, sha11 perform each operation and use each method prbscribed all in accordance with conditions Stated' ano lne Contractor shalI provide therefore all materials, labor, tools, equipment.and trans- portation, as necbssary to complete the work as ihown on the 9]"u*lng.t:-1nd here'inafter ipecified-or both, untltt spt.ificatly exempted by a note on the drawings, or in these specifications. Co-Relation:i:ffi-ntract Documents are complementary and what is called one sha'l I be as bind'ing as if called for by g-1-l-. Z. Should-the Contraci Documents-disagree, the better quality or greater quantity of materials shall be furnished and labor performed. 3. The intention of the Contract Documents is to inc'lude all materials and the per- fonnance of a'l 'l libor necessary for the proper execution and completion of the work as stipu1 ated in the Contract. B. c. 't583 4. cc-2 CHANGE ORDERSA. Any changes to be made after a Contract has been executed vrill be authorized only by means of Change Orders as follows:'1. The Contractor shall submit to the ARCHITECT charges or credits for the rvork and the approved change shall be determjned by one or more of the following methods:a. Uni t bid prices previously approved;b. An agreed lump sum with supporting cost breakdown;c. The actual cost of: (l ) Labor, 'incl uding foreman;(2) Materials entering permanently jnto the work;(3) The ownership or rental cost of construction p1 ant and equipment duri ng the time of use on the extra work; Power and consumable supplies for the operation of power equipment; Insurance; Social Security and old age and unemployment contri butions; To the cost under (3) there shall be added a fixed fee to be agreed upon but not to exceed fifteen percent (.l5t6) of the actual cost of the work. The fee sha'l I be conrpensation to cover the cost of supervis'ion, overhead, bond, profit and any other general expense.d. In cases involving cost-p1 us work, the Contractor shall keep and present in such form as directed, a correct amount of the cost together with such sup- porting vouchers as rnay be required.e. General Contractors on sub-contractors work shall not exceed 10%. Issued by the ARCIIITECT. Duly signed by the OI^JNER, Contractor and ARCIIITECT. Tabulating all changes, and showing additions or deductions to orjginal Contract pri ce. After being signed a1 I change orders become part of the Contract and t'rill 'i ncrease or decrease the Contract in the amount of said change. Changes made without authorizati.on by Change 0rder WILL l.l0T be recognized as amending Contract. 5.PERI4ITS AND TAP FEES The bu'ilding pennit shall Plumbing and Heating and before starting hjs work, the work, furnish to the a utho ri ty . (4) (s) (6) (7) 2. e 4. 5. A A.be secured and paid for by the General Contractor. Tap fees' Electrical Permits to be obtained and pa'i d for by Contractorall according to'1oca1 and state codes. Upon completion of ARCHITECT a certificate of inspection approved by the 1oca1 6. CODES AND ORDINANCES @l973,UnjformPlurnb.ingCodel973,Uniforml'1echanicalCode]973' National Electric Code l97l , and all local laws and ordinances are hereby made part of each contract as they may apply to each division of work. B.1 All sites shall be surveyed by a registered professional land surve.vor to'i dentify property lines. Survey by 0wner.2. At the time of initial pour of footings, all property line angles shalI be iden- t'ified by lath stakes vijth two red strearners attached thereon. Stakes shall be driven into the ground sufficiently to elininate easy removal.3. Setback to be checked wjth the ARC|IITECT before starting excavation. c.&!-qi n_g_t'1. Fences shall be substantially built and not above grade. Fences shall extend the entire end shall be returned to the buildinq line.2, l^Jhere construction site adjoins a green belt area, fencing may foot mininum height and shall be erected along total adioining less than six (6') feet in height'length of the bui'lding site and each be of four (4') property line of green be1 t area.3. 0penings in such fences shall be protected by doors, or gates which are norma'l ly kept closed. fe. l5B3 GC- 3 4, Fences may be either solid or wire of not less than 14 gauge with maximum opening of 3" horizontal 1y and vertically.5. Fences adjacent to green belt area may be constructed of "snow fence" material , supported not less than ten (.|0') feet on center.D. Green Belt Area:T. TIA Sreen-Eelt area shall not be used for any purpose nor distributed in any manner wjthout written permission of the Town Engineer.2. Accidental accumulatjon of trash and debris in green belt areas shall be rentoved dai ly.E. Hard Hats: T. lTi--construction projects designated as "Hard Hat Areas" shall be so posted at all entrances to site.2. A'l 1 personnel on the designated site shall wear hard hats at all times. F. Initial Construction: ffifoot.ings,thefol1owin9personne.|shallbeonthesite:'l . Special inspector who shall inspect all rejnforcing material and forms.2. Agent of Materials Testing Service who shall collect concrete samp'l es. and perform sl ump tests.3. Town Building Inspector who shal 1 inspect for required setbacks and proper type and placement of required fencing. Construction 0ffice:mtiljzedasconstructionofficesshallbeneatiltappearance.2. Each construction offjce shall be so designated by a sign. 3. No construction offjce shall be connected to the sanitary sewer. Compliance to the requirements set forth therein are binding upon each and every Con- tractor as they may apply to his particular branch of the work. H. 7. SHOP DRAI.IIIIGS AND MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURET:-Tn 1 copy.B. ARCHITECT or Engineer shal'l approve or correct and return 1 sepia to Contractor' C. Contractor shall make any corrections"i f required and resubmit 1 sepia and I copy' The corrected sepia wi'll be stanrped by the ARCHITECT or Engineer and returned to the Contractor. The Contractor will have prints matje from the stamped sepia for distir-. bution to the job site. One print of all sepias with Engineers stamp wjll be sent to the ARCHITECT by the Contractor prior to fabrication.D. The ARCHITECT'S of Engineer's approva'l of such dravrings or schedules shall not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility from devjations from drawings or specifications' un1 ess he has in wni t'i ng ca1 led the ARCHITECT'S attention to such devjat'i ons at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for errors of any sort in shop drawings or schedules..E. The ARCHiTECT'S approval does not cover the correctness of measurements or dimens'ions and is applicable to design on1y.F. The Contractor bears the full respons'ibility of correct measurements, space requlrements' and final dimensions of his completed work.G. Submit all manufacturer's liberature as called for. 8. PAYMENTS A.-Th-eTffiER upon certificate by the ARCHITECT will grant the Contractor an estimate of the amount 11 ready earned, r-eserving ten p:rcent (10%) thereof subject to the fo'l lowing requi rements .l. Contractor must submjt to the ARCHITECT an application for each partial est'imate on or about the fjrst day of the month for work completed and materials furnished of estimate less ten percent (10%)' ARCHIfECT, upon receipt of estimate, lvill check said estimate, and if acceptable' will issue a certificate to the 0l'lllER for payment. The 0tiNER or ARCHITECT reserves the right to revise the estjmate of the Contractor to the amount it or he may deem a iustifjable payrnent. The 0t,lNER will make check payable to the Contractor and send check and cert'i ficate to the Contractor. The Cohtractor shall sign certifjcate and return to Ol'll'lER. ?. 1 4. .|583 5. Final payment constituting the ten percent (.l0%) aavi aft6r final acceptance and approval of the 0lilNER and ARCHITECT. 6. iein Wuivers shall be furnished for each branch 4. 5. GC-4 withheld wi'll be made thjrtY (30) work under the Contract' bY the of the work.before final PaYment is made. 7. Acceptance of any part of the work does not constitute fina] acceptance nor does it rbl'ieve the Contractor of responsibiljty' 9. PERFORMANCE BOND llot requl red' 10.TEMPORARY UTILI-TIES one for each floor of the addition' o''%supp.ljedfromtheexistjnge1ectr.ica1pane1.Temporary Power can in."owrleh iiii puv the cost of power.consumed' +ffi ;i::["];i i;'.t;;:tii-ir'lir "],'ni 'r'"iii *"i 'i ls', r lTp:: lil :iTi l3l,?$i]?T:"'lne tlecf,rrc.rr LOITLT-duLUr )rrqr | 'u'r"'",i'iriii iiE,it io'enaule the ARCHITECT,srequired for temporary 1ighting.and powe L-.:-- r^6^i'"i".i.ntitiu"-tb .nelt ait woil as it is b:ilg-dol:; i';il;;il;ii';; ;d;;;" io r,unot. portab'le toois ' and table.saws' ifl:';.lilil:,?", i!f;ili!'oi'irliiliii.fi"!v,i"i,',ili;li"llg,ii xtu""s shar I not be used i i ffiffi;y ii;;i;i;; *iino,i p"*isiion or the ARcHITEcT' F. A. B. llatchman: Each Contractor wil'l be held responsible.for loss or jniury to persons or property where hi.,t..f,-ii involveO una tniii provide such watchman and take such other precaut.ionary measures as he may deem necessary to protect his own jnterest' l. The OI'INER wil I not provide a l^'atchman' Temporarv Toilet: T--BAfoie any work is started on proiect; 2. By General Contractor; 3. In apProved location; 4. For use by a1 'l workmen on premlses; d: F;t (ii .ios.t ;i itil approved bv 'loca1 Health Department; -6. 0f requj red s.i ," uni'witi.r'waterti-gni'."0r,-vent ana door properly screened from vi ew;7. f""p'toifet in clean sanitary condition at all times; 8. Properly supply with toilet paper;. g. l4aintained OV Coniricior for'Oiviii on #2, General Construction Work; iO. O*n.t's existing facilities will not be used' hJater - Construction PurPoses: ffi hose bibs may be used z. Each contractor shall provide rris own-iose or piping from the hose bibs' Fire Protection: The General Contractor"tf,iii p"oiiie ind maintain in operating i;iiiariiuffit-ne .onttrrliion, one 11ui-pouna cb, rire Extinguisher for the apartment f D. f!ry+s[tf##a; heat 'is requjred for constructiol pyll':::^::l'i:"1*"?:]tlH? "" portions of the bui'tding ur. p,op.ri;-;;;i;;;a,' th'e General contractor shal l provide such heat at hii ov{n expense'b;'';;;;;-;r.bottllte heatins units spec'i- fical.ly designed for this purpose, ina" in perfect.o.peratinq conditjon. Z. Fuet for the portable heating units'il;; il p.ouloba Pv.llg Gelerq!-9gltlactor' 3. Substantial .rosri"t-*iii-Ue-piovided to the bxist'ing buildjng to conserve 4. fiill;tlil: liilrfH;ti3 ilHlil':l:loseu ana the heatins.svstem is compl.ete, it sharr be operated by the Heatjng contractii,'iir'.t"it'"-oya:ioitemperature drops below qs aig""", '-li,,q"il!ei;*t,i*i*u:;jHi;A*ftEfi ;:.t3.l;fi;,;.kolillTHE Fi-i3ip.*m:-$se+g"i?l:l.ii;'.ll$'; iv-tn. oirnLn. r,.i'+.;";;[;;ting ure buiriins heating system will be prov.ided uv it."6r,'liil.t tieating system wil'l not be operated without controls- 5.Afterthepermanentheating.system]lo.perating,alltemporaryheatingequ.ipment and Tem -L-rr L^ -^-a,azt hv fh^qo whn installed it. !.1 ij :t t 5B3 il. GC- 5 SPECIAL CLAUSE Contractor for all Divisions shall check, cross check drawings and specifjcatjons ofall mechanical and general trades.l To inform themse'l ves of work interrelated wjth thejr particular Djvision of the work.2. To establish pipe and duct runs, etc., jn order to avoid interference.3. To provide the requirements of chases, sleeves, ducts, gri11es, etc.4. To avoid extras relative to motor requirements, motor wjrjng, pipe and fittings, equipment and/or accessories.5. Contractors shal 1 provide all necessary labor, material , equjpment, etc., es-sentially required to complete their work whether or not specifically shown and/or specified. BARRICADES AND PROTECTION Provi de and l{aintain :ffirricadesofsufficjentstrengthandheightto the general public or damage to adjoining property and grounds, ments of the 0ccupational Safety and Health Admjnjstration.2. 0penings made in the existing building for the addition will be A. 12. A. prevent injury to per the require- proper'ly shored and enclosed daily. Proper shoring and bracing to prevent earth from caving or washing into excavations. Plank covering over walks, curbs, drives, etc., and boxing around corners or building walls to prevent damage by trucking or otheruise. protect workers or public from injury. prior to delivery.3. Protect material s. Removal of Barricades and Protection:l,'lhen need of protection has ended or at the 13. SAFETY MEASURIS AND ACCIDENT PREVENTIONPrecautionihalffiesforprotectionofperSonS(including employees) and property. The safety provisions of applicable laws, building and con- struction codes shall be observed. l4achinery, equipment, and all hazards shall be guarded or e1iminated in accordance with safety provisions of the l'1anua1 of Accident Prevention in Construction, published by the Associated General Contractors of America, to the extent that such provisions are in contravention of applicable 1aw. These construction documents, and the joint and several phases of construction hereby contemplated, are to be governed, at all times, by applicable provisions of the Federal Law(s), including but not limited to, the latest i; rendments of the follorving. llilliams-Steiger 0ccupational Safety and Health Ac,. of .l970. Public Law 9l-596. Part l91 0-0ccupational Safety and Health Standards, Chapter XVII of Title 29, Code of Federa'l Regulations. Part l4lB-Safety and Hea'lth Regulations for Construction, Chapter XIII of Title 29, Code of Federai Regulations. COOPEMTION ATID CORRELATION OF I,IORK Contractors shal I :T. P-ian-TEej-r work, cooperate with the other Coqtractors, ARCHITECT and the 0l'lNER, to facilitate completion of the work without unnecessary de1ay.2. Give necessary instructions, jnformation, etc., tg ARCHITECT and other Contractors regarding their work without unnecessary delay.3. See that materials are delivered as needed.4. Employ sufficient number of men at all times to carry on work in such manner to avoid unnecessary del ays to other trades. The cost of any additional cutting, changes or addjtional work by reason of failure or neglect of any Contractor to abjde by requirements set forth above must be paid for by the Contractor involved in accordance with the ARCHITECT'S instructions. J. 4. B. c. 5. Repair any damage. Storage and Placing of Materi al and Equipment: =--_-----F--i._--=i--_---__--'Fl. Pile neatly and compact'ly and barricade to2. Make arrangements for storage of materjal B. r D. E. 14. n a l5B3 cc-6 C. The Contractor shall at all times enforce str.i ct discipljne and good order among his employees, and sha11 not employ on the work any unfit persons or anyone not skjlled in the work assigned to him. 15. RIGHT ON ENTRYffiisrepresentativesreServetherighttoenterthepropertyorsiteon which the work herein contracted for is to be constructed or instalied, by such agent or agents as they may e1 ect for the purpose of construction ori f installing such. col I iteral work is t-he 0tll.lER may des'ire. Such col I ateral work wi I I be constructed or instal'l ed wjth as little hindrance or interference as poss'i b1 e, and the Contractors hereby agree not to interfere wjth or prevent the performance of such collateral work authorizeO Uy the 0tll,lER or to claim any extra compensation or damages by delay or hindrance which may be caused by such Lonstruction or installatjon of such collateral work. I6. MEASUREI,IENTSA. TfiTractor snall take measurenBnts at the building before proceeding with the fabni ca- tion or instalIation of any work. In case of discrepancies, notify the ARCHITECT deci sion before proceeding. immediately, in writjng, and await his fc.Contractor is solely responsjble for the accuracy of such measurements taken and the laying out of the work. defects in his work due to measurements takenD. Contractor shall make good any errors or or fajlure to report discrepancies. 17. SUPERVISION A'. TA;I-eontractor shall give his personal and shall have at all times a competent .I8. LAYING OUT f|D. attention and/or supervision to the proiect foreman on the work to act as his representative. I;-TFe-Ionfractor for GENEML CQNSTRUCTIQN work shall lay out the work in the various Contractors, and assume full responsibiiity for the proper the work to facilitate the completion of the work w'i thin the des'i gnated I9. HOISTING, STAGING AND RUNNAYS Each prime Contractor sha I . Provj de al l equi pment 2. Provide and maintain of his work. ll: and do all hoistjng of hjs materials, etc. proper stag'ing or siaffolding for the erection and completion cooperation with coordination of time I imi t. and as a that in the any fa'i l ure A. 3. Arrange for runways.4. Contractors shall-cooperate w'i th each other as to the use of such equipment, hoists, stag'ing, scaffolding, etc. , as they may provide. S. Rt ine-iompletion oi'tfre work, or it airy time the ARCHITECT may direct, each Con- tractor shall remove a1l apparatus, staging, or other equipment requ'i red during building operations, from the premises. 6. In the event any Contractor taits to do so jnrmediate'ly upon notification' the ARCHITECT may hive the work executed at the respect'i ve Contractor's expense. 20. DRAIIINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ON THE I.ilORK represen$Tlve' marked to include all Addendums and Change 0rders. 2.IRRESPONSIBLE SUITS Fs a;ondiiion precedent to the performance of the vrork described herein' . consideration therefore' al1 parties to the performance of this work agree event any one of them institutes a sujt against any other party-because of or a] leged failure to perforrn, error, omiisjon or negligence. If such suit'i s not 1583 GC-7 successfully prosecuted, or if it is disnrissed, or if verdjct is rendered for any defendant or defendarits, the party institutinq the sujt hereby agrees to pay any and all costs of defense, including attorney s' fees, expert witnesses' fees, and other expenses of defense which nray be needfui, jmmediately fo1 lowing djsmissal of the case or inurediately upon verdict being rendered in behalf of any defendant. 22. SAI'IPLES4". The tontractor sha'l I furnish for approval all sanples as directed. l. The work shall be in accordance with the approved samples. 23. RE PAI RS TO F I N I SH I,IO RKT@tor and Sub-Contractor:l: Make good and pay for glass breakage, patching, repairs to a'l I other finished work damaged during construction operations, in exist'i ng building and new ad- di ti ons. 24. CLEANiNG UPT. --EacF-TonTractor shall be responsible to keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materjal or rubbish caused by his employees or work. B. All construction debris shall be stored jn one general location and removed from the si te weekly.C. Trash shall not be allowed to become scattered throughout the construction site or adjacent property. D. At the coinptbtioir of their work, all contractors shall rernove all rubbish from and about the building, including all h'i s tools, scaffolding and surplus materials and shall leave his work clean and ready for use. In case of dispute' the 0WllER may .remove the rubbish and charge the cost to the vani ous Contractors, as the ARCHITECT may determine to be iust. 25. GUARANTEE A:-EacF-eonTractor must :l. Bear full respons'i bility for all work done under of any Sub-Contractors. h i s Di vi s'i on i ncl udi ng that 2. l4ake good, repair or replace at his ot^ln expense' as workmanship, material , equipment or appurtenances 'tear, or to improper use or care, which may develop issuance of the final certificate by the ARCHITECT. may be necessarY' anY defective not due to ordjnarY wear and within one (l) year after I. INDIX -T. -t ndex2. General Requi rements3. Scope of the t^lork4. General Provisions5. General Supervision & LaYout 6. Protecti on .l583 bK- | GENERAL REQUIREI'1ENTS 7 . Punpi ngB. Repai rs to Other Fi ni shed t'lork 9. Rubbish Removal.|0. Special Note to Contractor for General Constructi on I I . Guarantee12. Operating and Majntenance Instructions 2. GENERAL REQUIRTI'IENTSffiughl1oftheseGeneralRequirementsareapp1jcabletoall Divisions of these Speiifications, and all Contractors must abjde wjth the require- npnts set forth herein. 3. SCOPE OF THE UORKffirofarticle,operation'ormethodrequiresthattheContractor shall provide such artjcle of quality noted and in the quantity required,.shall perform each operatjon and use each method prescribed all in accordance vlith the bonclitjons stated. The Contractor shall prov'i de therefore all materjals, labor, tools, equipment and transportation, as necessary to complete Lhe.work as shown on the drawings, and hereinafter specifiecl or both, unless specifically exempteci in writing by the ARCHiTECT or his representative. GENEML PROVISIONS All work subject to: Jl--GeneraT Condi ti ons2. Supervision General Condition.3. Speci fi cati ons .4. Proposal .5. Contract Agreement.6. Addendurn.7. Change 0rders' _Cgl1gc.!_Uq!11S:: See GC-l, 3 InToffratibno[c@:T. OUtain at site, including: a. Conditions affecting this Branch of the l'lork. b. Accessi bi1 i ty.c. Storage Space. D.r 5. GINERAL SUPERVISION AND LAYOUT----=- - ---------- -i-i-- lhe uenera I Lontractor snall -A. !-g.Le-ry1.!-q!-:T. Bearlhe ful'l resPonsibilitY coordination of oPerations to Document requi rements. for all work required under this Contract including faci litate completion in accordance with the Contract 2. Provide capable Supervis'i on for the entire life of the Contract, as required. 4-i (Appl ies to Contract, Surety and Sub-Contractors): as p repared for these Speci fi cati ons. Temporarv Util ities: See General Conditions. Sa$Tt-j,lEsriret;nA Accident Prevention: See General Conditions. B. Lavinq 0ut:i]jf*trition to the requirenents set forth in the GENERAL C0NDITI0NS provide all stakes; make prov'i siori to preserve building line stakes, bench nurks or datum point. 6. PROTICTIONIl-St*ug" *d Placj.ng of Mat.f@, T. -fi]e nea protect vrorkdrs or publ ic frorn injury' 2. Protect matenials frotn danrage as required- l sB3 7. PUMPINGA. -T7oyid6, operate and majntain pumps and other equ.i pmentfree of water. B. REPAIRS TO OTHER FINISHED I.IORK l. Gl ass breakage.2. Pl aster patchi ng.3. Repairs to all other finished work and existjng work 9. RUBBISH REI4OVAL @RcHITEcTduringprogressofworkandatcomp1etion,1. All rubbish, protection, dirt, debrjs, tools, egujpment and unused mater.i als.2. From build'ing and site.3. Leave building and premises in clean, orderly cond.i tion. IO. SPECIAL NOTE TO CONTRACTOR FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTIONler a raoes nave complete eir vrork, the General GR-2 requi red to keep bui 1di ng caused by this installat'ion. Contractor shall check and the work as required and debri s , etc. , and the bui 1di ng see to it that the shal I be GUARANTEE that each Contractor building and premises cleaned and ready for has completed his part of are free of all rubbish, occupancy. 1t A.Each Divisjon under the General Contractor hereby guarantees all work for one year.i naccordance with the requirements of the General Condjtions. 12,qPESATING AND MAINTENANCE I NSTRUCTIONSEachContractor@TECTwithasetofthefollowingcovering 9ycrl..l.!9m of equipment furnished or erected by the Contractor for preientation tothe OWNER to final payment.1. Catalog data or literature.2, Manufacturer' s operati ng instructi ons. ?. Printed operating instructions for installed systems.4. Manufacturer's maintenance instruction. Note model number on literature.R. 't583 211-l SECTION 211 - DEMOLITION I. SCOPEI. -TequTrements of Djvision 1 apply to this Section.B. l,lork incl uded: I--TEope2. General3. Protect ion4. Demolition 2. GENERAL------:-Pl"oviile labor, nnterials, and equipment to remove all work marked to be removed on the Pl ans , or cal I ed for j n the Spec i fi cati ons.- Visit site to veri fy condjtions. Accept premises as found. 3. PROTECTIONA. Trov{te, erect and maintain all fences, planking, brac'i ng, lights, barricades, warning signs, and guards as necessary or required.B. Maintain and protect services and utjlities that must remain in operation. 4. DEMOLITION A. --TTT-?emoFshed materjals except as specifically mentioned to the contrary in the Specifications or Plans shall be removed from the Site.8. Demolition to include, but not limjted to: Concrete, masonry, footings, walls, roof and roofing, partitions, ceilings, drywall, acoustic tile, flooring' carpets, ductwork, conduit and wiring, light fixtures, plumbing pipe and fixtures.C. Sub-contractors for the vani ous trades vrill remove their work to be renoved for other trades, patch existing work meeting new work, and replace wori. removed for other trades. D. Demolition or cutt'ing of work shal l be executed in order'ly and careful manner with due consideration for public and adjacent property. Constantly sprinkle rubbish and debris to 1ay dust.'E. l4asonry shall be demolished in small sections, and bracing and shores shall be used where necessary to avoid coliapse of structure.F. Where removal of work affects the work of other trades, partjcularly the Mason, Concrete or Roofing Contractor, work shall be removed when directed and in cooperation with those trades affected. 1583 sEcTIoN 221 - StTt HORK I. SCOPE A. ---Requlrements of Divjsion 1 apply to vrork under this Section.B. l,lork of th'is Section wjl l be done by 0liltER. .C. Work i ncl uded:1. Tcope2. Cl eari ng3. Dewateri ng4. Area Drai nage5. Dra in Ti leD. Work not included: (. (. | - | 6. Excavation & Rough Grading 7 . Backfi 11 ing 8. Roadwork and l.lal ks 9. Landscapi ng.l0. Uti l i ti es l. Sub-beds and fjnish grading for earth contact slabs.2. Trenching, excavati0n, and backfilling in c0nnection w'i th work, Pl umbi ng vrork, or other work i nstal I ed by l'lechan ical 2. CLEARING [---e]-ear area wi thi n I imr'ts to be covered r.r'i th bui 1 di ngs, wal ks , material from the site. Electric work, Heating Contractors. dri ves. Remove cleared 3. DEWATERI NG A. -Prom?e, operate and maintajn pumps, well points and other equipment necessary to drain and keep a1l excavations and trenches free of water under any and all circum- stances. 4. AREA DMINAGEL TnstaT unierslab drajnage and perimeter drainage as called for on the p1ans. 5. DRAIN TILE A. --TolveTIIene, perforated, corrugated drajnage tube and fittings or equal , 50-foot lengths or less as manufactured by l,lisconsjn Tubing Co., Otnro, l,Jisconsin, 54963. B. Install as shown <.rn the drawings around exterior walls of building and under slab. 6. EXCAVATIIiG AND ROUGH GRADING Remove al I objectr'onabl e materi al s. Excavate whatever materi als encountered as required to p1 ace withjn finish elevations shown for all footing, walls, ground s1abs, etc., as required to comp'l ete the project' Extend excavations outside of footjngs, walls, etc., far enough to permit proper inspection and placing Level off the bottom of footjng trenches, remove ail loose sojl and wet doln to receive concrete vrork. If freezing vleather is inrmjnent or exjsts, DRY TAl"'lP. In no case shall footjngs be p1 acei on disturbed or filled earth; iF poor soil con- ditions are encountered, notify ARCHiTECT and await h'i s decjsjon before placing any concrele. D. E. G. Fill and grade as required to bring surface levels elevatjon designated within the areas as shown on Surpl us Materi al : Al I excess excavated nrateri al tt-TargAlTo,re| to be removed fronr the prenti ses. 7. BACKFILLINGA. ExldlnF-sTde of foundati on wal I s, erc.l. Remove caved in earth, wood or other debris between walls2. Do not backfill until ARCHiTECT has inspected and approved drain tile, damp proofing and other below grade work.3. No backfilf ing is to be done against exterior walls until in place, or adequately braced. to establjshed finished grade the plot plan and elevations. not suitable for grading such and excavati ons. footi ngs , foundati ons , supported bY f1 oors B. No backfill ing to be done against exterior walls unti1 supported . or adequateiy braced.C. Backfill in lifts and compact to avoid settlement. by f1 oors in place, 1583 8. ROADWORK AND WALKS 221-2 A. Grade to within 6 inches of elevations shown on site p'lan.B, Place 4 inches of coarse gravel .C, Top with road bed base gravel , in preparation for concrete or ashpalt as called. for in other parts of these Specifications. 9. LANDSCAPING t',---E-otlilmi .I O. UTIL ITIESF. -Noi]Tjf-t Uti lity Companies in writing prior to excavation and have.all uti'lity lines located at the job site. Fill out Vajl Village required form and turn in toBuilding Department. o t 5B3 SECTION 26I - BITUMINOUS PAVING 'I . SC0PE A.---REquTrements of Divjsion 1 appiy to the work of this Sectjon. B. I'lork i ncl uded: T. -Tcope -2. General3. Preparation of Subgrade4. Installation5. Rolling6. Seal Coat7. CuringC. Work of 0ther Sections: Excavation. See Section 221 . 2. GENERAL A. --Tor[ consists of new driveB. Do not work during freezingC. If work cannot be completed and parking. r^reather or on wet or frozen subgrade or because of ueather, then vlearing coarse base coarse. Bring to correct grade, 261-1 s ub- base. wi l l be pl aced c1ean, prime beforewhen directed. Fill ruts of applyjng weari ng coarse. 3. PREPARAT]ON OF SUBGRADTA. Check subgrade as to soundness, outljne and contour. Prepare be paved by scraping down bumps and irregulani ties to obtain area, soft or spongy spots, where displacernent in subgrade is of rollers shall be removed and replaced with gravel . Remove si te. subgrade for areas to smooth, even bed. Any nrore than Lr,' in front cleared material from 4. INSTALLATION Al---B1TuminousToncrete: Placing of materials shall be done on'ly when surface is dry and atmosphere temperature js above 40 degrees F. B. Compact base coarse.C. 0n base coarse apply asphalt prinrer at rate of ra ga1 . per sq. yd. minimum. Surfaces sha11 be dry.D. 0ver primer place surface coarse. Mix temperature - between 225 degrees and 350 degrees F. Spread mixture mechanica11y insofar as possible. lland spread wjth hot rakes of suitable design, vrhere necessary to produce level surface. E. Finjsh of weari ng coarse uniform in texture and appearance' 5. ROLL I NG I;---Tompaction shall be done with minimum 8 ton scraping and sprinkling devices which shall pneumat'i c ti red rol I er.B. Roll and reroll each coarse until agqregate and does not creep ahead of roller and until grade and crown. Begin roiling of pavement without undue displacement or hair cracking. inaccessible to rollers. ro l I er. Rol I er vrhee ls shal'l have be ful 1y operative. Compact stone with and b'i tumjnous concrete is well keyed surface is firm, even and true to l'i ne' as sooi'l after spreading as is poss'i b1e Use mechanical tampers in location 6. SEAL COAT [--SeeT-coet shall be coal-tar pitch cmulsion conforming to Federa'l Specification R-P-00355 and applied in accordance vrith manufacturer's spec'i fications. B. Pavement shall 'be cured and cleaned as recommended by manufacturer of seal coat. If water flushing is used for cleaning, pavement shall be allowed to dry before seal i ng.C. Apply 6ne coat of seal at rate of not less than one gallon of undiluted emulsion per lbb iq. ft. for each coat. Application shall be free of pinholes, voids and skips. Seal coat shall contain sand as required by manufacturer' t 5B3 261-2 7. CURINGI'. --No-tel'jcular traffjc of any kjnd shall be permitted on pavement until it has cooled and hardened; and in no case for at least 6 hours.B. Allow seal coat to cure at least 24 hours under good drying conditions before openingit to regular traffic. 1583 330- I SECTION 330 - CONCRTTE AND REINFORCEMENT I. SCOPE Il---REq[Trements of Djvjsion I apply toB. Work included:T-Spe-2. Sub-beds and Backfillinq3. Materi al s4. Concrete5. Concrete Testing6. Footings 2. SUB-BEDS AND BACKFILLING Below Slabs on Grade:ffiesoil.2. Backfill to underside of slab with back-run gravel , or road base gravel , thoroughly compacted. Backfi I I : T]_TnErior side of foundation walls.2. Place all backfill in 6" layers or lifts and compact each 1ayer. 3. Carry all backfill to sub-bed elevation.4. Cover entjre sub-bed below slabs with "VIS QUEEN" six rnil thickness. Allow six-inch 1ap with top 1ap in direction in which concrete'i s spread, and turn up 3" at wal].5, Protect against puncture until and whiJe floor slab is poured in p'lace. 3. MATERIALS n-CeffinT: --Type I or Type IS Portland used jnterchangeably. For ajr-entrained concrete, TypeTA may be used or the cements specified above may be used with an air-entraining admixture. Use air-entrained concrete only for exterior work as walks, etc. Air entrained concrete shall contain a 4% to 7% air by volume.-8. Water: Fresh, cl ean , free from di rt, oi 1 , sewerage or al kal i es. work under this Section. 7 . Sl abs and Pi ers8. Sta'i rs , Steps, and Pl atforms9. Reinforcing Steel 'l 0. Concrete Finishesll. Construction Joints A. B. c.Aggregates: T. -eoncrete aggregate shal:l meet requirements of ASTM C-33. Fine aggregate shall consjst of natural washed sand and coarse aggregate shall be crushed, washed, and graded stone or gravel , 3/4" maximum.2. Prjor to starting construction, the General Contractor shall furnish tests to the ARCHITECT g'i ving the source, sjeve ana'lysis and specific gravity of both the fine and coarse aggregate in each class of concrete required. No change in. source of materials shall be made without prior notification of the ARCHITECT. D. Foqr10i1 shall be non-staining, parafin base oil, manufactured for the pllpose. E. EETTi-Ti'serts and Anchors: Eicept as otherwise shown or specified install all sleeves' ffiee-hiveanchors,inserts,woodblock,grounds'bolts,nuts, washers, and tjes of every description to be cast into concrete. F. Expansion Joint Filler (Expansion Felt): ffi,exiruded,resilienttypeexpansionmaterialconformin9to ASTM D-944, generally %" thick.G. Curjnq Compound:- Curing compound shall be West's Concrete F'l oor Treatment, or equal . SuEmiTToF-5ffiva1 . Compound to be compatible with hardner, adhesives, etc. H. Hard F] oor Arbas: Liquid'hardener on ali concrete slabs and topping. Submit type I'tidener-Io ];tiffiITECT for approval . 4, CONCRETEI. -IeaAylfx Plant to be approved by ARCHITECT.B. l,lix iesign 3000 P.S.I. tbmpress'ive strength in 28 days, five inches.maximum slump. Six test cy1 inders to be made when pouring footings to test mix design. C. To be cured by keeping wet with water for seven (7) days or by use of concrete cure . approved by the ARCHITECT. I 583 J jtt- I D. No admixtures to be used vli thout written pcrnrission of the ARCHITICT. l4aster Builders Pozzoljth w'i 11 be approved on request.E. Poured during freezing temperatures will be protected as outljned jn Recomrnended Practice for Winter Corrcrete (ACI-604-56).F. Forms:T. ntl concrete r,r'i ll be poured in forms or block.2'To_E'c'n_shovln,p1umbandstraightandsufficient1y tight to prevent leakage.3. Brace and shore to prevent displacement. 5. CONCRETE TESTING reiing,preparingofspecinensandtestingshallbeperformedbyan independent laboratory. The laboratory shall be employed and paid by the OllllER.B. Six compression cylinders rv'i ll be taken for every 50 yards or 1ess. Slump tests will be taken frorn every batch delivered. Air content to be taken for every 150 yards or I ess.C. Any testing required because of failure to meet Specifjcation requirements shall be paid for by the General Contractor. The test reports shall be sent to the 0i,lliER, the ARCHITECT, the Contractor, and the Building Inspection Department. 6. FOOT I NGS I.-To-IE-Tormed to dimens ions shoyrn on Plan.B. To be minimurn of four feet (4'-0") belorv grade.C. Not to be placed on surface soi I or backfill.D. Form footinqs. 7. SLABS AIiD PIERS ffiel and to thicl<ness shown.B. Verify locations of al l construction joints with ARCHITECT.C. Provide and place perimeteri nsulation where shov/n and install filler at al1 expansionjoints. D. Toppi ng sl abs to L.,e stone concrete. B. STAI RS , STEPS , PLATFORMS 1. Thoroughly compact sub-grade or fill for platforms and steps as specified under Site O u. ',i3io;,li.ii;.ff:ltriliTlls cement as speciried ror exterior work.C. Provide proper anchorage in inclined runs to maintain step forms in p1ace. 9. REINFORCING STITL @securely tied before pouring concrete.B. Sizes as shor^,n on Drawings. See General Notes on Structural Drawing.C. In footings, slabs on ground, topping slabs, dowels, stairs and block.D. i,lelding reinforcing bars not pernlitted except vrhere specifically indicated. I'lhere required, protect exposed bars intended for bonding from corrosion by adequate coveri ng.E. Notify ARCHITECT 24 hours before pouri ng concrete to allow tjme for inspection of reinforcing.F. Support reinforcing at proper intervals and distances frorn forms by means of: l. tlelded wire bar spacers or chairs.2. All rods securely wi red w'i th l,lo. 16 gage annealed wire at all intersections with rejnforcement and temperature rods, spacers or chairs.3. Lappi ng: 30 dianeters.G. l,{ire fabri c where shown and as follows:l. Size as called for on dral'i nqs.2. Extendjng within two inches (2") of all edges of slab or sectjon.3. Do not extend fabric across expansion joints. 4. Lap adjacent sheets a minimun of one mesh.' 5. Take care not to pierce vapor barrier. 1583 330-3 H. Submit Shop Drawings of al'l reinforcing for approval per the General Condit'ions. IO. CONCRETE FINISHESffi T. -Ei[]ng surface to be machine floated.' 2. F'loor slabs for apartments to be floated and steel troweled.B. Stair Treads: T. TTeeTTFowel finish and broomed with carborendum particles. II. CONSTRUCTION JOINTSffipouredincheckerboardpatternwithnopourdimensionexceeding I,000 square feet.B. Allow at least a 24 hour elapse before pouring adjacent panels.C. At Contractor's option construction joints may be saw cut. t 583 343- I SECTION 343 . PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE I. SCOPE I-.--Teq[Irements of Division I apply to work under this Section.8. llork i nc I uded :Tf-S-cope 7 . Fa bri cat j on2. General 8. Tol erances3. Qualifications 9. Finishes4. Submittals .|0. 0penings and Inserts5. Product Handl ing I I . Testi ng6. t'laterials 12. Installation 2. GENERAL I.--Tmerlcan Concrete Institute (ACI) building code requirements for reinforced coricrete ACI 31 8 = made by reference part of section.B. American Weld'ing Society (AtrtS) recommended practices for welding reinforcjng steel , metal inserts and connections in reinforced concrete construction'AllS Dl 2..| = made by reference part of sectjon. 3. QUALIFICATIONS A:--FanuTactr/rer- .Member Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI).B. Erector...Qualified and experienced in this type work.C. hlel ders. . . At'rls Code qual i fi ed.D. Acceptable llanufacturers...l. Prestressed Concrete of Colorado2, Rocky l4ountain Prestress3. Fl ati ron Prestress4, Southern Colorado Prestress5. Mountain Modular Mfg., Inc. 4. SUBMITTALS T. -TFop-Drawings...Required. See Djvision l.B. Calculations...to be submitted wjth shop drawings.C. Samples...Required for special finjshes. 5. PRODUCT HANDLINGffiintransportingunitstos.ite.Handleandstoreunitsjnsuchmanner to prevent excessjve stresses, spa11ing, chipping and undesirable crack'ing.B. Lift units by means of suitable1ift rings or lifting devjces at points provided by manufacturer and indicated on shop drawings.C. Damaged unjts are subject to rejection. 6. MATERIALSn. laEe}fiTr...ACI 318 and AISC Manual of Steel Constructjon conforming to ASTM specifica- ti ons.B. Concrete Strength.,.Release strength as jndicated or in approved design calculations,. 28 day strength 5000 psi in compression. 7. FABRICATIONI-. -TEsisn-;ACI ste.B. Prestress Force..,Tensjoning and releasing of stressing strand by s'i ngle or multiple strand procedures.C. Design Loads...Live and dead loads as indjcated. Members = support design loads. B. 10. I 583 343-? B. TOLERANCES E.--TEnAeid-Tolerances...Length = + 3/4 jn. or + l/B in. per 10 feet., whichever isgreater. Cross section = + 3/8 in. for less than 24 in. Flange thickness = + % in., for thin sections. lnchors and inserts posit'i on - + I in. of center line location indicated. Sweep = ! in. or'l /8 in. per 10 foot Tength, whicheveri sgreater. Maximum of'l in. gap between 2 adjacent members due to sweep. End squareness =, in. maximum. Blockouts = I jn. of center line location indicated. Camber deviation from design - + 3/.|6 in. per 10 feet length. Camber djfferentjal between adjacent members after installation = 2 in. per 10 feet length,3/4 in. maxi mum. 9. FINISHESA. -SGnd-anl Underside...Cast against approved forms us jng good industry practice in c1 eaning forms, design of concrete mix, piacing, and curing to produce smooth finish. Small surface holes caused by air bubbles, normal form joint marks, minor chips and spal 1s permitted. Major imperfect'i ons, honeycomb, or structural defects - not acceptabl e. Standard Top...Result of vibratjng screed and hand finjshjng at projections. Normal color variations, minor indentatjon due to requ'i red covering, minor chips and spal'l spermitted. Major imperfectjons, honeycomb, or structural defects = not acceptable. Exposed Vertical Ends.. .Sacked fjnish wi th strands recessed. Patch'i ng.,.Minor patching acceptable providing structural adequacy and appearance not impaired. OPENINGS AI.ID INSERTS Cast 0penings 6 in. or larger as indicated. Cast inserts and weld p1 ates for structural connect'i ons integrally into members as i ndi cated. Cast other openings, inserts and fittings specifically indicated on structural drawings. Correct locations and dimensjons for openings supplied by appropriate trades before fabricat'ion and ind'icated on shop drawings. 0ther openings, inserts and fittings located, furnished and insta1 led under other sections after erection. Drilling and Shooting of Members...0n1y after approval contact with prestressing steel . Repair of resulting or shooting. I I . TESTIN6[. -TEnpllns and Testi ng. . .Accordi ng ARCHITECT'S approval. 12. INSTALLATION Ff---FopeFTy angn and level as required by approved shop drawings. Variatjons between adjacent members = reasonably leveled out by jackjng, loadinll , or other feasible method recommended by manufacturer and acceptab'l e to ARCHITECT.B. Set and securely anchor members in place as indicated. Level and weld members into' place and to adjacent members, as indicated by use of integral 1y cast bars. Remove lifting loops flush with surface where topping not applied. Bend over loops where topping applied.C. Repair rpmbers damaged during shipping or erection if appearance not impaired. Replace unacceptable members. A. B. c. _0. E.of ARCHITECT providing no spal'ling - by those drilling to manufacturer's standard procedure subiect to t 5B3 420-1 SECTION 420 - MASOIIRY I. SCOPE Al-nequirements of D j vi si on I app ly to the work of thi s Sect j on .B. Work included:1 Scope?. General l.lotes3. Materi al s 2. GENERAL NOTESA. The work included under this Sect'i on covers everything necessary for or incidental to executjng and completing a'l 1 masonry and related work.B. Do all patching and fitting of work in this Section as required to accomnodate vrork ofall other trades. Do all patching around outlet boxes, piping, ductlork, steel vtork, etc., in a first class manner,C. Contact mechanical trades contractorspartitions in various areas are to be properly built in. l . P rovi de open i ngs i n pa rti t io ns for required by other trades and point furni sh requi red I i ntel s.2. Veri fy sjze of openings and recesses where equipment is to be bujlt in with the contractor who is providing the equipment. Set access panels furnished by others.3. Cooperate rvith other trades during jnstallatjon of sheet metal flashings, door bucks, louvers, access paneis, anchors, inserts, sleeves, and closures and other items required to be built into masonry.D. Uniform Building Code Chapter 24 l'lasonry by Reference is made part of this Section. 3. MATERiALS A. -Toncrete Block: (Lightweight Aggregate Throughout ASTI4 C33l) T:--Sizes as shown or required such as corner, header, jarnb, header, jojst block,- etc., and l/2 courses.?. All walls shall comply with ASTM C90 for load bearjng concrete masonry units.3. Thoroughly cured.4. Standard run, modular sizes, with unchipped, unbroken edges. Concrete Brick: I--TompTyils with ASTM C55.2. To match block in color and texture. l4ason's Sand: A'l I Mason's sand shall conform to the requirements of Tl44:54--Tggregate for Masonry Mortar. " 4. l'.lorknnnshi p 5. Protecti on6. Cl eani ng before starting partitions and advise them t'then built so that their work can be completed anci sheet metal ducts, grilles, and other openings up joints betrveen masonry and metal rvork, and fe. c D. F ASTl,l Speci f i cati on of ASTM[e_Ig!r.y__qg!gl!: All masonry cement shall conform to Specifjcati on C9l -54T "Portl and-Cement-Base-l4asonry Water: Clean, free of oi1, grease or other foreign components. Mortar:l. Mortan will be as specified in ASTM C370-64T.2. 0n1y Types M and S mortars will be permittecl . Reinforcinq:1 DuraWall every other coarse. Standard weight. No. 9 gage side and cross rods. 2. Reinforcing bars = ASTI4 A6.15, A6.16, A61 7, Grade 40, AB2, or A36 as applicable. Sizes as indicated.3, t4inimum reinforcing of #5 Bar Vertical every 4r-0" grouted. H. Grout: Tl-Trout...one part Portland Cement and 2-l; to 6 parts damp'l oose sand. Up to one- tenth part of lime may be added. Add sufficjent water to provide proper consistency wjthout segregation, for pouring, pumping or troleling.2. Minimum compressive strength. '.2,000 PSI in 28 days' the requi rements Cement. " substances detrimental to mortar 1583 I. Li ntel s -T. -5ee Structural Drawings for Ljntel Schedule. 4?0-2 4. T,IORKMNSH IP n:---6eneraT:T.- t<eep masonry units clean. Do not 1ay wet block.2. Lay a'l I units in full mortar bed, with full head joints soljd, vertical jojnts shoved tight. Strjke joints in all exposed block.3. Slush and completely fill al1 joints wjth mortar before next course is laid.4. Lay in straight level courses avojdjng cutting or splitting of courses horizontally.5. Parge exterior block below grade.6. Carry up all work p1 umb and true.7. llhere masonry wails meet, provide soljd masonry bond. See Structural Drawings for bond to existing masonry.8. Allow mechanical contractors to complete work in vralls and provide required chases.9. Any rebuilding of masonry required because of poor workmanship, inadequate pro- tection, or negligence in reporting irnproper work of others for correction before proceedjng, wjll be at thjs Contractor's expense.10. Install access panels provided by l'lechanical Contractorsll. Retempering of mortar will not be ailorved, where requi red. c. Fl ash ings :1 Provide reglets in masonry2. See details on Drawings. for fl ash ino vrhere shown. Reinforcing:l. Install in horizontal joints of masonry walls and partitions. Install in first and second bed joints 8 in. apart irnmediately above lintels and below sills at openings and at l6 in. o.c. vertically elsewhere. Extend reinforcement in 2nd bedjoint above or below openings 2'-0" beyond jambs. Other reinforcement - continuous. Lap side rods 6 in. at splices. Use prefabricated corner and tee sections at corners and i ntersect ions. Refer to drawings for principa1 horizontal and vertical reinforcing. Unless other- wise indjcated, also provide typical horizontal reinforcing in first through course above and below openings, extended not less than 30 in. beyond opening on each side. Provide typical vertical reinforcing immed'i ately on each side of openings, at free standing ends of walls, and each side of control joints, extended full height from floor to floor (or roof) . Install continuous, accuratety positioned and secured against displacernent front location indicated. 1n splicing vertical reinforcement, or attach'i ng to dovrels, place bars in contact and wire where necessary, hold vert'i cal re'inforcement firmly in place by means of frames or other suitable devices. Hori zontal reinforcement may be placed as work progresses. edges of masonry unit adiacent to grout spaces space. Keep mortar droppings out of grout so]id1y filled with mortar. All blocks shall Grout al1 masonry top courses under plates. Drop vertical reinforcing into position after completion of b'lock laying and pri or to grouting. In double-wythe construction, build vertjcal grout barriers or dams of solid masonry across grout space not more than twenty-five feet apart. Barriers continuous enti.re height of wall.4. Cleanouts - provide cleanouts by leaving out every unr't which cotrtains vertical reinforcing in bottom course on one tier of wall. During work, use high pressure jet stream of water to remove mortar from grout space. Seal cleanout after inspec- tion and before grouting.5. Do not pump grout unless masonry work has been allowed to set minimum of three days in hot weather or fjve days in cold damp weather. Deliver grout mix in transit mix trucks. Add water. so that slump is near maximun wjthout segregation. furypgrout from mixer into grout space as rapidiy as pract'i cal and discard'i f not in 2. J. D.Groutj ng:l. I'ilortar in bed joints back % in. from or bevel back and upward from grout space. Head and bed joints shall be be shoved at 'l east L in. into p1 ace. 2. J. t 5B3 420-3 place within 1-l hours after water is first added to batch. Place grout in continuous pour in lifts of approximately 4 feet. Consol idate by vibrating or puddling during placing. Complete grouting of any section of wall to topof wall in one day. 5. PROTECTIONAf-lops ofwalls shall be covered at the end of each days work and in bad weather.B. Protect walls frorn rnortar, drippings.C. t^lhen the dai1y mean temperature falls below 40 degrees F. new masonry is to be protected.l. Ai; temperature 40-32 pegrees F. - heat mixing water or aggregate to minimum 70" F. and maximum 160" F. protect masonry from rajn or snow for ?4 hours.2, Air temperature 32;25 Degrees F. - heat mixing water and aggregate to minimum 70" F. and maxjmum 160" F. Completely cover masonry for 24 hours. Majntain mortar temperature on boards above freezing.3. Air'temperature 25;20 Degrees F. - heat mixing water and aggregate to minimum 700 F. and maxjmum .l60" F. provide heat sourc6s on both sides of fiasonry constructjon. Provide wind breaks for wind velocity in excess of 15 l'lPH. Cover masonry completely wjth insulating blankets for 24 hours. l''laintajn mortar temperature on boards abovefreezing: Use salamanders or other sources of heat on both sides of walls under constructi on.4. Ai; temperature below l0 degrees F. = heat mixing water and aggregate to 70" F. apd maximum i60" F. Provide enclosures and heat to ma'iptain air above 32" F. Temperature of masonry units shall be minimum 30" F. when 6. CLEANING A. ---nean, point and wash down exposed masonry surfaces.B. Remove excess rnrtar as work progresses and before jt hardens.C. Clean as units are being set and again on completion.D. l'1ake a final wash down of al I exposed masonrv surfaces. mr nl mum tempe rature laid. 1583 50]-1 SECTIOi'I 501 - I1FTALS I. SCOPEA. -Requirements of Di vj si onB. l,lork r'ncl uded: 1-----i;" " "_--._JvwyL2. General llotes3. Fi el d l"leas urements4. Shop Drawi ngs 2. GENEML NOTES 1 apply to work under th.i s Section. The work included under this Section covers everything necessary for or jncidental to executing and completing all steel and related work sho!,rn or required on the dravrings. Perform all work in accordance with applicable Building Code and "Specificatjon for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings" of the American Institute of Steel Construction Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildinqs ano Bri dges.C. Provide all structural steel inserts, anchor bolts, bracing, hangers, shims, boits, connections and rods to complete all structural timber work as shown on the drawings and specified herein.D. Cooperate t'r'i th Mason and Concrete Contractor in setting plates, bolts, etc.E. Furnish concrete mason and carpenter contractors anchor bolts, inserts, bearing plates, connection plates and other incidental jtenrs of structura'l steel required to be built into concrete or masonry and base plavrtes and templates for installation. Be responsible for their correct location and elevat'i on. 3. FIELD MEASURTMENTS 5. Materi al s6. Stora ge 7 . Fabri cati on8. Painting A. B. A.Take measurements in field to verify or supplement dimensions architectural drarvings, and assume responsibil ity for fit of Approval required before using gas-cutting torch in field for errors. SHOP DRANINGSA. Submit cornplete Shop and Erectjon Drawings for all structural steel work.B. Except as otherlise shown on dralings, structural steel details shall confornr to standard practice as illustrated jn "Structural Shop Draftjng" text book of the AISC. Detail and specify all Shop and Field l,lelding. All welders to be Al'lS Building Codequalified. 5. MATERIALStr-TlinTstr as shovrn on drarvings.B. Structura'l Steel ASTI{ A36 unless specified otherwise.C. Fjller metals for welding ASTI4 A233, E60 or E70 serjes.D. Bolts to be ASTltl A-307.E. Handrails as shown on drawings. 6. STOMGEtr--Ttore steel to keep free of ground. Provide adequate waterproof coverings jn wet weather. 7. FABRICATION A.-Ta6rlceTe- structural steel i n accordance wi th the current edi tion of Speci f jcati ons and Code of Standard Practice adopted by the American Institute of Steel Construction and local and State Codes. Execute work in accordance with approved shop drawings. l^lelding and equipment shall conform to the Anrerican t^lelding Society's Code for l,/eiding in Bujlding Construction, latest edition, subject to State Laws and Ordinances. Unless otherwise shorvn, all welds shall be continuous. Fabricators and welders shall be l'i censed operators. liorkmanship nrust be first class. shown on structural or new work to work in place. correcting fabricating 4. r D. 502-2'1583 E. F. G. Provi de al'l necessa connection stiffene hlall bearing beams the unit bearing on shall have anchors Metal surfaces...cl and finished to sha Shearing and punchi we] ds on exposed su Connections (See stH. ry stee'l bearing pl ates for reactions o rs and gussets whether called for on pl shall have bearing plates or steel gril masonry to less than .|40 1bs. per sq. ds shovn. ean and free mill scale, flake rust and pe and size, with sharp lines and angle ng - clean true ljnes and surfaces. Fu rfaces ructural drawings). All other structural stee'l shall be shop-primed wjth high Painting of steel rai'l'ings by Section 990. structural timbers and ns or not. ages as requi red to reduce nch. Wall bearing beams rust pi tti ng , we] I formed and smooth surfaces. nish flush and smooth hall not be painted, but uality Rust-0'leum 7085 Gray. ll ri ; s 8. PAINTING A'l-T[ruE[ural steel encased in concrete such as anchor bolts shall be thoroughly cleaned. B. c. l5B3 SECTION 6IO - CARPENTRY AND MILLNOP.K 6't0-1 Secti on. ltood Treatments Rough Carpentry, Blocking & Furring 14i 'l l work Finish Hardvrare Finish CarpentrY Laminated Plastic I. SCOPE A'I-nEquirements of Divisjon I apply toB. Index: T. -scope2. Temporary Enclosures3. Temporary Stai rs4. Scaffol d ing5. Measurements6. Materials 2. TEMPORARYENCLOSURES D. Take measurements for cabinets,E. In case of discrepancies, notify proceedi ng. b. Supply keys to ARCHITECT. All windows - and other exterjor openings notafTf reproof cloth or other approved materialb. Make suitable provisions for air passage, n. --nntr=I-Tle_pennanent stair is installed, erect a 4. SCAFFOLDINGI. TrotiAe necessary scaffotding for al1 carpenter 5. MEASUREI{ENTSA.-l6fein compTete data at building fitt'i ng jnterior woodwork. ^^^^.:f.:^,15PeL | | rtrU. proper drying out terrrporary stai rvray between fl oors. work and grant use to other trades. and additjons before fabricating, assembling or laying out of work. with-vrork adioinjng uninstalled trim and other millwork after drywall is completed. ARCHITECT in writing and await his decision before matched, random lengths. least one support and end joints thi s 7. B. q .|0, il. ta, A. During entjre course of construction:l. AII exterior door openinqs:a. Instal I substantial 1y hinged doors with locks. othervli se to permjt 3. of buildjng.3. All removed walls'i n existjng building exposed to outsjde. TEMPORARY STAIRS t. o B. Be responsible for accuracy of measurements and C. Consult with other Contraclors before proceeding work of other trades. F. Installation of materials will constitute acceptance by the Contractor of surfaces and conditions. 6. MATERIALS Il--TeneraT: Must be of best merchantable quality of type and grade here'i nafter spec'i fied. B. Era1flnll,qlbgl: Required for general rough carpentry work. T. -LllFtTraming -'Douglas Fii, Hemlock Fjr, Standard and Better, S4S, Kjln drjed. c. 2, Joists and planks - Douglas Fir, Hemlock Fir, Construction Grade, Kiln dried- l,lood Truss: Jl--[oug[s Fi r, Industrial Grade or bette:^ wjth min jmum bending stress of 1450#/sq. ft. 2. Members to be size shovrn.3. Furnish all wood to wood connections, bolts, nuts and spacers. D. Roof Deck and Cei I i ng :ffik laminated decking.2. 3 x 6 double T & G, ioints small as possible end 3. Inland red cedar, decorative grade. 4. Lajd in random lengths, each plant to bear on at apart.in adjacent courses are a minimutl 0f 2'-0"5. End joints in the same general ljne shall courses6. For roof furring insulation and sheathing by at least two intervening 7 30. be separated see Section 1583 F tr. 610-2 Fasci a: T:-2,- x 6', rough Exterior Door and Fir, Standard or '/i ndow Tri m: bette r. p1ans. and doors as shown on p1ans. l. Rough cedar l" x as shown. See2. To be placed around new windows Parquet Floor: H. l. Bruce Oak l4osaic, 12 x l2 blocks , 5/16"thick, or equal2. Submit samples to Architect for approval3. To be laid on Sacristy floor.4. InstalI in Bruce LP Adhesive. Sub Floor:T. T78r-cD Intenior grade plywood.2. Face grain to run across joist. 3. Stagger joints. 4. Glue to all joists and glue plywood edges with adhesive.5. Stagger joints. 6. Use BD comrnon shanked cement coated nails,6" o.c. at all bearings. T Underl avment:l. Sacristy and 2nd floor apartment,a. 5/8" plywood under'l ayment.b. Glue to existing floor and nail with 8D cement coated najls'Glue edges of underlayment.J. Closet Rods:T. Rl. - z Extension Closet Rods.2. Lengths as required, center support on long lengths.K. Ornamental Perforated Sheets: @ in apartment seats.2. Submit samples for ARCHITECT'S approval. 7. l,lOOD TREATMENT @1ockplates,furring,grounds'comingindirectcontactorbeingat- tached to masonry or structural steel given a plant or iob sjte 3 rninute dip meihod wood preservatives contajning 55% chlorjnated plrenois of a type that fulfills llational l.loodwork llanufacturers Association Specifications "l,ll,ll1A" l4inimum Standard for l'later Repellent Preservatives for Millwork. Preservatives containing chromated zinc, chloride suprinal , creosote and/or copper naphanate not permitted. B. ROUGH CARPENTRY, BLOCKING AND FURRING A.General:ffianderectallwoodframing,furringandbrjdging' blocking, centering and otheli tems of carpentry.l. Do cutting and carpentry work for building-jn work of other trades. 2. Brace, plumb and tbve'l all members and secure with sufficient nails, spikes, bolts' required to insure rigidity.B. Joi sts:l. l; i ndi cated on drawi ngs.2. Double around all openings, sta'irways, and under ali unsupported partitions over six (6'-0") feet,C. Studs: Dou6-le at all openings. D.Cross Bracinq:l. 0n all joists every 8 feet of span.2. l" x 3" with two nails each end cross brace. 3. Maintain clearance frorn bottom of joists. 4. Provide between joists at all supports. E.Rouqh Hardware:l Furnish required naiIs, wood members. joist hangers, plates, bolts as required for fastening 1583 610-3 9. MILLI^IORK A. -ToFElncl uded:l:--ITT-dlerior and interior woodwork exposed to vjew in the finished building.2. A1 1 exposed wood, but items of other materials are not included, unless othervrise speci fied.B. Fabrication: 1.--7t per detail drawings and as specified.2. Submit shop drawings per general conditions for approval prior to fabricat'ion. C. Delivery:1. To site ready for installation by Carpenter Contractor.2. Do not deliver millwork untjl building has thoroughly dried out.3. l'lillwork must be dry when delivered and protected from dampness.D. Door Frames (Exterior): l. 1-3/4' rabbeted, Ponderosa Pjne.?. D and Better.E. Door Frames (Interior)l Ponderosa Pine, C Select or better.2. Re-use removed frames where possible or supply new frames to match existing. 3. All existing frames that remain not to be removed.F. Trim, Base, Casings and Stops:r casing sjzes as shovrn and base I x 4.2. Install new Ponderosa Pine, C Select 1 x 4 casings on all doors and windows. G. Ca bj nets , Co unters :T. To-5e-TurnEF-ed per plans and bui lt per approved shop drarvings.2. l^Joods to be C Select Pine and better or clear Birch.H. Closet Shel ves:I-TougE TTr Plywood BB Grade Sanded.2. Edge strip all exposed edges with wood to match trjm, g'l ued in place and sanded smooth.3. Furnish required brackets for shelves. 10. FINISH HARDNARE . T. -T-heck hardware and trimmings immediately upon delivery at the building. 2. Be responsible for safe-keeping before instal lation.3. To jnclude locks, hinges, closers, cabinet, hardlare and miscellaneous.B. Installation: T. -TareTmTy i nstal I a'l I hardware.2. Neatly fit butts, face plates, strikes and other parts whjch are let into work. 3. Mortise for locks to be cut no longer than absolutely necessary.. 4. Start screws in ho1 es of proper diameter to insure engagement of threads. C. Adjustment: T]-TA]GT all latches, bolts, fasts and other moving parts to operate freely. 2. After painter has completed his work,test all locks, latches and fasts and oil to insure correct operation.3. Turn keys over to 0lrlNER with identifying label for location of door. I1 . FINISH CARPENTRYffi:T. -Re66At Sutts into edges of wood side jarnbs. ?. Fit and hang all doors.3. Allow l/.l6" clearance uniformly at sides and top, and l-k" clearance at bottom. 4. Rabbet butts into edges of doors.5. Fit and install all items furnished under finish hardlare.6. After doors are fjtted and hung take them off so painter nray finish al1 edges' tops and bottoms.7. Re-hang doors after painter and carpet layer have conpleted their work. l5B3 610-4 B. Cabinet and Counters: ffiinstallallcabinetandcounterworkasprev.ious.|yspecified.C. }Jindows and liindow Frames:ffior.D. Shelving: FiEarxi--install all supporting cleats, hook strips, shelving and poles for all closets, etc. 12. LAMINATED PLASTICffiy tops where shownB. Color as selected, Formica or equal , submit samples.C. Four jnch high back with scribed top edge.D. To cover al1 exposed edges, counter top to over'l ap front edge' '1583 SECTION 650 - LAMINATED TIMBER I. SCOPEA. Requirements of Division i apply to this Section.B. Index:i__.._r. 5c0pe2. l4aterial s3. Shop Drawings C. llork incl uded: T. --ATflTructural lami nated members.2. All necessary hardware.3. Erection of laminated materials. 650- 1 4. Hardware5. Finish and Protective Cover6. Unloadjng, Storage and Erection 2. MATERIALSA. GenenaT:- To-Ee fabricated in accordance r,rith manufacturing.requirements of "Conrnercial Standard for Structural Glued Lamjnated Timbers and Inspection Manual ," AITC 200-61 .- Principle members shall be marked with AITC Quality mark and accompanied with an AITC Certificate of Conformance.B. Lumber::Tm Industrial Grade;- Douglas Fir cross chain sawn on all exposed surfaces or S4S as shown on plans- Grades for required working stress.C. Adhesi ve::EseTn Glue for al'l interior timbers.- A Resourcinal Waterproof Glue for all timbers or parts of timbers and truss that project or extend outside of the building. 3. SHOP DRAWINGSI'. To Te-suEmlEed as per the requirements of the General Conditions. 4. HARDNAREF-Furnlsh_all necessary wood to wood connections, shoes, clip angles or saddles, not' embedded in masonry or concrete. 5. FINISH AND PROTECTIVE COVER manufacturingp1antwithaclearpenetratingsealer.B. Members to be individually wrapped and al 1 joints taped prior to shipment. 6. UNLOADING, STORAGE AND ERECTION e vlith the manufacturers recommendations.B. Work to be performed by tra'i ned mechanics in appropri ate trades and to be done in workmanlike manner.C. Temporary bracing to be instal led jn accordance with good construction procedures and removed after roof deck is applied. t 5B3 715-r SECTIOiI 715 - DAMPPROOFING 1. SCOPE Il---trquTrements of Divjsion 1 apply to workB. t'Jork included: T. -Tcope - 4.2. General 5.3. Preparation of Surfaces 6. 2. GENERAL Af--Danrprrroof outsi de of al I foundati on vral I s which encloses excavated spaces, from 2" 3. PREPAMTION OF SURFACESA. Excavating Contractor t^riII remove cave-ins , foreign matter, rubbish, approximate'ly 6" beiovr top of footing. Before dampproofing is applied this Contractor shall rernove fins and fill wire holes and cracks w'i th nortar and caulk with piastic cerent anchors and otheri tems penetrating dampproofing. Clean surfaces of grease, dust, oil or other materia'l . Dry surface, using blow torch assure dry surface where dry surfaces are required by tnanufacturer's Cooperate with Excavating Contractor so dampproofing is not exposed of time before backfilling is placed. DAMPPROOFING B. under this Section. Dampp roo fed Instal I ati on Cl eani ng and underground walls wjth below grade to 6" below toP fi'l I on one side, of footing. debris, to point loose material , around pipe, loose dirt, as necessary to product used. for any length F. or below. , Inc. l. 4. A. B. Aptit no-Tempproofing during wet weather or when temperature is 40 degrees Dampproofing may be any one of the following fiber reinforced systems: l. Hydrocide 700 Mastic as manufactured by Sonneborn Bujlding Products Co. 2. Tiemco Manufacturi ng Co.'s Tremco 250 Reinforced Foundation Coating. 3. Hydro-Coating, Inc,'s Hydro-Fiber Coatings.4. Tock Brothers, Inc. 's RIl,l l'larjne l'lasting Coating. C. Coatings shall have ppime coat app'l ied if recommended by manufacturer. 5. INSTALLATIONA. TTTer waTTs trave been cleaned and continuous unbroken fi'lm free from or dilution. Finish film shall be patched, dampproofing material shall be applied in pin holes and skip marks. Apply without thinning irnjform in color and thickness throughout. Terminate 2" below finish grade. B. Application shall be made by Contractor experienced in application-of such.materials. Db' work i n strj ct accordance wi th manufacturer' s speci fi cati ons. Do not al I ow back- filljng for 3 days after applying final coat or dampproofing materi al on.exterior wal'l . C. Apply ioating wiih trowel oi !priy as recommended by manufacturer. Coat'i ngs shall be abbtiea miniium l/.|6" thick. if material is spray, finish with light trowel'ing or other smooth'i ng method. 6. CLEANINGAlTle-tn adjoining surfaces which have been soi ted with dampproofing materials. 1583 721-1 SECTIOII 72I - BUILDIIIG IIISULATION l. sc0PE A. --REquTrements of Division I apply to vrork under this Sectjon.B. Work incl uded: ll--Scope2. Material s3. Instal I ation ?, }4ATERIALS A. --T;GiI or_-Bl ock l^lal I s :l.--Iifift-onJlaTf inch thick Styrofoam SM jnsulation as manufactured by AMSPEC, Inc.2. Bonding adhesive Styrofoam l'lastic #7 or #1.l as djstributed by Arnspec, Inc.B. Exterior Stud lrlalls: l.-Tlb-erglas-R:19, Friction Fit Batts as manufactured by 0wens Corning or equal .2, Vapor barrier to be 4 mjl. polyethylene fjlm fastened on warm side of room.C. Perimeter Insulation: @Amspec, Inc.2. One inch th'ickness3. 2'-0" wide,8'-0" long size.D. Roof Insulati on: T:--5ee-SeaTInn 730 Shingle Roofing and Roof Insulation.E. Sill Sealer Insulation: @ulationasnanufacturedby0wensCorningorequal2. See Section 6.10, 7b. 3. INSTALLATION A. --Txteiior E-lock Insulation:ffiizontalpositionc1oselybuttedandwithverticaljoints staggered.2. Apply mastic in spots or rjbbons.B. Exterior Stud lJal I s : T. --FuiF-TTo-pface between studs.2. l4ake sure alI end splices are tight without voids.3. Insulate from top of block to undersjde of floor between all joints. 4. Insulate to underside of floor above.5. Pack all voids around windol and door frames solid.6. Insulate behind all electric boxes and both sides of conduit.7. Carefully fit and pack around all ducts, etc., that pass through wa11.8. Apply vapor barrier over insulation on interior side of studs lapping all studs and plates mjnimum wjdth of studs.9. Carefully staple to studs, plates, window and door frames to avoid openingsC. Perimeter Insul ati on: @ndertheslab,inwardadistanceof2'-0,.fromthefoundationwal].2. Vertical , lay against outside of foundation wall on all new walls from first floor to grade except cayity wall, before backfilling.D. Sill Sealer Insulation:TlToTe-Eia unaer all exterior wall p'l ates that are set on concrete or block. t 5B3 730- I SECTION 730 - SHIitGt=E RO0FING AND R00F INSULATION I. SCOPE[. --Tequtrements of Djvision 1 apply toB. Index:l. Scope2. Surface3. Insulation4. Fumi ng5. Sheathi ng2. SURFACEA. -IooT area will be 3 x 6 T&GB. Commencing of vrork by this 3. INSULATIONI. Two onelrrch l ayers of Owens-Corn ing ri gid fi berg'l as roof i nsul ation.B. 2'x 4' sheets lajd jn two layers with joints staggered.C. I x 4 wood najlers spaced 4'-0" between insulation boards in top layer at ri ght angle to the s1ope.D. Each sheet to be laid tight against adjoining sheet or nailers. 4. FURRINGA. -TelTZ-x 2's at 16'inches on center parallel to the slope of the roof, fastening tothelx4woodnailers. 5. SHEATHING f--DougG-s Fi r Plryood, Standard CD-X grade , 5/B inch thick.B. Face grain across furri ng.C. Cover sheathing with 30 lb. felt. 5. MATERIALS A:---SFinqTesf1, Red cedar, No. t handsplit2. Size 24" x 3/4 to 114r,, 16'3. Fi re retardant. Nai I s: T.-Rust-resi stant, hot-dipped2. Minimum size of 6D, longer this Section. 6. Materi al s 7 . Appl icati on8. Counter Flashing9. Guarantee Decki ng. Contractor indicates his acceptance of the surfaces. and resawn shakes. or .l8" length may be used for starter coarse. zinc or al uminum.for ridges. and 6" vertica'l 1y. walIs and 4" over valley metal oB. D. E. I Roofinq Felts:l. 30# asphalt base sheet to be app'l ied over sheathing.2. 30# felt, 36" wide for starter coarse, lS" wide between shakes. Metal Shinqles:[-Trot]6Tent angle 26 gage minjmum galvanized base flashing shingles each, 1eg 4" minimum, length 24" for all roofs abutting walls. Metal Valleys:l. Minimum 26 gage, ga1 vanized metal .2. Minimum 20" wide and center crimped. 6. APPLICATION Il---Gneral1__To be in strict accordance with the Red Cedar Shingle and Handsplit Shake EurearJ.B. Base Sheet: T. -Tay .Fa-ral I el to eaves.2. Lap Z-Lr" horizontal 1y3. l'lai I on 6" centers.4. Extend 6" up verticai 1583 C. Shakes: 730-2 l. Lay a 36" wjde 30 lb. felt over the sheathing at the eave line.2. Double the beginning or starter coarse.3. Apply 18" w'ide strip of 30 lb. felt 20" above butt of shake, each coarse.4. Place shakes k" to 3/8" apart.5. Offset joints on alternate layers.6. Butts hori zontal , natural i rregul ar offsets.7. Extend shakes minjmum of !r" over facia boards at sides and eaves.D. Hips and Rjdges:L Apply .l2" wide, 30 lb. felt over ridge.2. Prefabricated shake units may be used.3. Bevel alternate shakes.4. See Section 760 for Venta-ridqe. E.Val I eys:l. Apply 20" wide 302. Apply metal valIey3. Lay shakes with 5" I b. fel t over sheathi ng. sheet 10" each side of va1 1ey. exposure each side of val1ey. F.Metal Shinqles:1. To 6elnitalled as each coarse is applied on a sloping roof that abutts a vertical fe.wall. llails: Il-Two nail s per shake.2. Do not drive heads into shakes.3. Nails to penetrate sheating. 8. FLASHING E. -CeneraT: T. -T-..l . metal2. Lead flue Venta- Ri dge:B. l^lal I Fl ashi nq: l. Allow minimum opening of 1"2. Najl Venta Ridge in place on to be furnished by Section 760 Flashing and sheetmetal covers to be furnished by Section .l500 Plurnbing. between ridge beam and sheathjng and shingles. top of shingles wi th weather baffle in p1ace. 1-. Tn.staTi--rneta l shi ngl es and counter f I ash al I metal shi ngl es at bl ock wi th stucco wal I s.2. Counter flashing to be jnstalled in cut reglet minimum of 8" above top of shingles and held in piace by lead and cauiked.3. To overlap metal shingles mjnimum of 2". 9. GUAMI{TEE: Upon comp'letion of the work, and as a condition of its acceptance,del iver to the ARCFIITTECT a written guarantee signed by the installer guaranteeing that the installed roof will remain'i ntact and free from leaks for a period of at least two years following the date of installation. 1s83 760- I SECTION 760 - FLASHING AND SHEETMETAL 1. SCOPE I.--Te,qriirements of Division I apply to work under this Section. B. Work included: T. -fope- 2. Material3. Fl ashi ng 2. MATERIAL T.--TEleTTI'all be 26 gage galvanized iron, painted both sides before erecting. B. Caulking Compound shal'l be Dap Gun Grade Caulking or equal. C. Fasteners to be galvanized. 3. FLASHING I'.--TlFVenEb: T. -T[FfrTsh and insta]l Venta-Ridge where-shown.B. Roofs: Tl-Provide bent shingles, leg 4" minimum, length 24".2. Furnish val'ley flashing, minimum 20" wide and center crimped.3. Provide metal flashing at roof to be used with shingles.4. Provide roof water diverters where shown on plans. C. Counter flashing: 1.-TroviiiA and--insta'lI where shown, minimum of 8" above sh'in91es.2. Set in cut reglet at top, held in place with lead and caulked.D. Gutter: T. -Ernish as shown on plans.?. To be flashed up under shingles minimum of 6 inches. A. B. 1583 790- I SECTION 790 - SEALANTS I SCOPE Requirements of Division 1 apply to thjs work. Work included:l. -Scope 2. General3. Material s4. Appl i cat ion 2. GENERAL A.-See-Drawi ngs fori tems requi ri ng caul k i ng. Compl etely seal around f rames and si l l s of curtajn wall, doors, louvers and other openings jn exterior walls and joints or spaces noted on Drawings to be caulked or pointed with mastic. Caulking not specified in other Sections shall be performed under this Section. Provide additional sub- caulking as required. All work requiring caulking shalI recejve sealants as specified herejnafter. Apply sealant in jnterior where called for or required between unlike materials. When used on roof, sub-caulking and sealants shall be compatible vrith roofing products and shall be so certified. Except for sealants at windows and metal frames, materials rvhich retain a high odor for an extended peri od such as acrylic based sealants may not be used on interior.B. Deliver, store and handle material so as to prevent includion of foreign materials' damage of material or breakage. Packaged materjals shall be delivered and stored in original packages until ready for use. Packages or materi a1 s showing evidence of damage shall be rejected.C. Allow minimum 28-day curing period for concrete, grouts or mortars prior to caulking. 3. MAIERIALS[--Tealanls shall be non-sta'i ning and non-tack type. Unless otherwise specifically ca'l led 6i, sealants shall be of soft type with hiqh elimination properties and shal'l be so designated on 'l abel by manufacturer. Follor.r manufacturer's direct'i ons for type re- quired at joint. Use non-sag at vertical surfaces.l. Use one part acrylic base, solvent release compounds meeting Federal Specification TTS-00-230 such as Tremco's Mono, G1 idden's Maccolastic, Pecora's Unicrylic and !J. R. Grace Daraseal A. I'to siljcones, butyls, oil-based compounds, or hypalons ou.are desi red. Primers shall be colorless primers made by manufacturer of caulking compound and shall 5e specifically designed as prime coating for compound furnished. Cleaners: Cleaning fluid shall be l'lethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), l'1ethy1 Isobutyl Ketone lfr'IfS)-or sjmilar iolvent material which will not etch or mar metal fjnjshes and shall be product of national 1y recognized manufacturer.D. luP-Caulking Materjal: Extruded polyethylene foam at least N" larger than width of J01nt.E. Color: Color selection will be made by ARCHITECT. 4. APPLICATIONE. -TolnG-and-spaces to be caulked shall be clean and free from dust and foreign matter. B. No caulking shall be done on damp, wet or;rosty surfaces. Caulking shal 1 only be done at temperatures recommended by mnaufacturer of sealant used.C. In general sub-caulking material shall fil'l space tightly from 3/8" back of fact to stop at back or bottom of joint. 3/8" space shall remain for cauiking. D. Metal surfaces treated with methacrylate lacquer, biturnjnous paint or other protective coat'i ngs shall be thoroughly cleaned wi th cleaner.E. Prime all surfaces prior to application of sealant. Apply primer in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed recomirendations and jnstructions. l'lhere danger exists of primer staining adjacent surfaces, joints shall be masked prior to application of primer, sealant or both. .Masking tape shalI not be removed untjl ioint has been . looled and before initial cure of thb sealant has taken place. Work stained due to failure to exercise proper masking precautions will not be accepted. 't583 790-2 F. Depth of sealant sha'tl be equal to wjdth of sealant up to 3/8" deep with minimum depth of k". Joints overr 3,/8" shall be 1/2 as deep as width. Balance may be sub-caulking materials. If joints are not of depth stated then this Contractor shall rake out joints to depth required.G. Remove excess caulking and leave surface neat, srnooth and clean. H. Caulked joints on f'lush surfaces shall be neatly pointed and finished with beading tool. Remove excess material. Finish in internal corners shall be pointed with covi ng tool . 1583 1. SCOPE Al--IequTrements of Divisjon I B. l^lork included: I--Scope2. General3. Shop Drawings 4 . l,loo d Doo rs 2. GENERAL SECTION BOO - DOORS & WINDOI1S apply to work of this Sectjon. 5. l,lood lli ndows6. 0perable Partitions7. Sjde Coiling Closures 800- I sawn ti ght fj tti ng face. A. FFonilie everything required for or jncjdental to fabrication, transportation and protect'i on.B. installation will be by the suppfier or arranged for by the General Contractor. c. Sjzes, thickness, model numbers, all as shown on schedules on the Plans. D. See Sectjon 880, Glazing. 3. SHOP DRAWINGS A. --Subm]-t to ARCHITECT for approval accord'ing to the General Conditions. B. Shal 1 show location, identifying number, details of head, iamb and sill' and rough opening size to the ARCHITECT tor approval prior to fabrication. Verify dimensjons in field where required. 4. l,lOOD DOORS Il--Panel-Dooig'similar to Lone Star tlo. M-]053. Fir, Hemlock or equal . Sizes as shovrn. , factory 91 azed l" tempered 91ass, similar to Lone Star No' 'l 501 size as shown on p1ans. Hemlock, Fjr or equal- T. Tour raised panels 2. 1-3/4" thickness,B. Glass Panel:t. 5JngT6-gl ass panel 2. 1-3/4" thickness,C. Veneered:Tl-l-J/8" thick solid core Birch veneer door with 3/4" rough shiplap cedar, glued and nailed vertically to the exterior 2. Sizes as shown on the dravrings. D. Louvered:Tl-llJft" thick two panel ventilated louver door. Panel heights to match heights of raised panel doors.2. Hemlock, Fir or equal .3. Louvered multi-fol'd door between multi-purpose room and kitchen to be complete with track and head trim to cover track' 5. ll00D r.llNDolls A'. ---GeneraT: T. To-U. as manufactured by Anderson or approved equa'l and fixed mill made with Anderson oPerable sash. 2. lllindows to'be primed or treated wjth woodlife and left natural . B. Caserents and Flexivent:ffi those shown on drawings. 2. Completely assembled with a'l 1 operating hardlare. 3. Woo'a trim standard Anderson sub-sill, jamb extens'ions, mullion covers,. stools to be furnished where shown on wjndow detiils. Exterior trim by General Contractor. 4. All units furnished single factory glazed with removable double glaz'i ng pane'l . 5. Furnish head flashing.6. A1 1 operating sash to be furnished with screens. 1583 800- 2 Fixed and Mill Made:T. TTzes as sTrown on drawinqs.2. Completely assembled and'wjth3. Wood trjm cornpiete as shown on4. AlI units to be factory glazed doubl e gl azi ng panel morti sed Furnish head flashinq. Furnish screens for operable portion of Nave windows. 6.OPERABLE PARTITIONS As manufactured and specified by Hough Manufacturjng Company, Hufcor l'lodel 85.|0, or approved as equal by the ARCHITECT. Furnish with full height tackable base and tack surface. Submit samples to ARCHITECTfor approval of color. To be instailed by an authorized representatiVe of Hough llanufacturing Conpany. To be guaranteed by the manufacturer for a period of 2 years against defects in material and workmanshjp. SIDE COILING CLOSURE hardlare for operab'le portion of fixed vtindows. the drawi ngs. wjth standard double strength glass with removable into interior side of frame or be double qlazed. 6. A. B. L. D. 7. oo'Manufactured and furnished by the Cookson Company, distributed by Intermountain Specialty Equipment Company,390l S. Kalanath, Englewood, Colorado 80] .l0, Phone Number 76]-3305. The General Contractor will make all arrangements with thjs subcontractor for pre- paration of openings, setting guides, unloading and handl ing equipment and installing complete with al I electrjcal connections for a conrplete instal latjon. Curtain: Tl_To be steel , constructed of Cookson No. 4 ga1 van j zed steel sl ate.2. Finish to be factory prime coat of white paint. Finish coat by painting contractorto match existinq walls.D. Coi'l Box: Sha] I be a stee'l frame enclosure containing the operating mechanism, the supporT-in9 disk and a drum around whjch the curtain vrill coii. The-facing shal1 be as detailed and be done by the General Contractor. Upper Track: Shall be of extruded aluminum with provisjon for take-up bolts to com-pensate for a maximum deflectjon of 3,/4".F. Floor Track: Shall be furnished as detailed with cleanout boxes to the General Con- TracToF-tEo shall set same in a plumb and level condition. R oc.0peration-: Thjs manufacturer shall select the most suitable drive mechanjsm to meet the design requirements. It shal 1 be positive in action with motivation by Electric Motor, Type SC-3, with provisions for hand crank operation in case of poler failure. Provide gear-motor, controller, limit switch and pushbutton station. Electrjcal Contractor shall.furnish disconnect switch and all conduit wire and wirinq. 1583 871-l SECTION B7I - FINISH HARDI,JARE t. sc0PE F-TEquirements of Divjsjon I apply to work of this Section. B. Work included:I. Scope2. Al lowanceC. Work of Other Sections: Instal'lation of hardware by Sectjon 6.10. 2. ALLOI,IANCE I'. -TffisFFerdware wil'l be bid at a 'later date. B. An allowance of $.|,500 is established for the furnishing of finish hardware for the base bid and shall be included in the contract. Existing hardware will be re-used. C. Difference between actual cost of finish hardware and allowance will be adjusted' either as an addition to or deduction from the amount of General Contract. Adiustment will be made at tine hardware bid is accepted or at substantial completj on. D. Finish hardware includes thresholds, door mutes, kjckplates, door closers' cabinet hardware such as 'latches, locks, pu1 ls and miscel'laneous required hardware. Furnish weatherstrjppjng for all exterior doors. E. Submit compibte-hardware schedule for ARCHITECT'S approval. Hardware wj'll not be ordered until schedule has been approved by the ARCHITECT and OltNER. New locks and latch sets to match existing Shlage hardware. A. B. 1583 872-1 SECTION 872 - WEATHERSTRIPPING SCOPE Requi rements of Division I apply to work under this Section. t,lork included:r. scope2, General3. lleatherstri ppi ng Materi al s and App'l i cat'ion. 2. GENERALf. -TeeTnawings for doors requiring weatherstripp'ing. 3. WEATHERSTRIPPING MATERIALS AND APPLICATION ded architectural bronze with closed cell sponge neoprene. Units to be mounted on door frame iambs and heads. B. Provide stripping Pemko 315BN in architectural bronze with neoprene. c' Drill doors and frames and mount weatherstripping with round head' wood screws' D. l.teatherstrips shall be so designed as to maintain weatherproof and waterproof seal and shall bb of durable construction not liable to damage or derangement. Strips sha'l I provide continuous seal against air, dust or moisture penetration at iambs' heads, sil'l s and thresholds.E. Insta'l I weatherstri pping on all exterior doors. '1583 SECTION 8BO - GLAZING l. sc0PE A:---Fequirements of Division I apply to work under this Sectjon.B. l,lork i ncl uded: 880- I I--$ope2, General3. Materi al s 4. Cutting and Glazing5. Cl eani ng6. Breakage oB. 2. GENERAL A:---GTE.iIng shall consist of providing and jnstalling all glazing work for windows and doors to be delivered pre-91 azed. See Section 800, Doors and llindows.B. If glass type is not shown %" polished plate glass shall be provided. 3. MATERIALSA. TillGting and sealants shall be new products of P.P.G. or 1.0.F. or equa1. Types as shown on drawings or called for in Section 800. 4, CUTTING AND GLAZING @cjf.ied,a11g1azingsha.|1bepreparedandinstalledinaccordancewith the Glazing l,lanual latest issue prepared by the Flat Glass Jobbers Assocjation.B. Set glass so that it does not become load bearing and does not contact other materials except in glazing rabbet. Set giass without spring'i ng. See that rabbets are clean, dry and primed. Tool compound smooth and clean in line wjth stops. Keep compound offof adjacent surfaces and materjals. Clean and remove excess compound droppings.C. Provjde setting blocks and shims and do all work in conformance wjth rnanufacturer'sprinted recommendati ons. 5. CLEANING Al---Tfflnie of fjnal cleaning of bujlding, clean glazing compound droppings from windowsills, wal'l s, floors and other finjshed work.B. Rennve all labels. Clean both sides of qlass. 6. BREAKAGE Replace cracked, broken or imperfect glass. General contractor shall be responsible for breakage due to faulty setting and he shall have glass rep'l aced at his own expense. In general , glass which is merely cracked wjll be cons'idered due to faulty setting and shall be replaced at General Contractor's expense. Glass broken by other Contractors will be replaced at their expense.c. -i rsa:910-l SECTION 9IO - LATH I. SCOPEA. Requirements of Division 1 apply to B . Llo rk i ncl uded : 1.-Scope2, General3. Muteri al s 2. GENERAL A:--TrotiAe aIl materia'l s necessary for or incidental to executing and completing lathing, and metal furrings for plaster.B. Where lathjng and acoustjcal work come in contact with each other, vrork wjth Acoustical Contractor in erection of channels and furrinq. Tie to acoustical work to provide continuous structural systen. lJhere rernodeling or patching is required provide work under this section as required for type of construction. See drawings for areas. V'isjt site to verify conditions. l,,lhere work is required in existing areas remove exjsting work as required for ap-plication of new work. work under this Section. 4. Hangers and Inserts5. Lath Appl icaLions D. 3. MATERIALS Al--- l4a ii-Rliners : Pai nted I -L"B. FurrJnq Tlannels: Painted col d or hot rol I ed channel s. 3/4" hot or cold rolled steel D. C. Hanqers and lrli re:l. Hangers: Galvanized annealed wire - 9 gage.2. t^Ji re for Tyi ng: Gal vani zed anneal ed wi re - 16 gage. Metal Lath: Fabricate lath from copper bearing steel and shall be given coat of rust ffi[iSrTTng pai nt after fabrj cati on.' I . Cei l inq Lath:a. 3/4" channel supports spaced .I9" o.c. maximum - Use 3.4 lb.2. t,lal I Lath:al-Spports 16" o.c. maximum - Use 3.4 lb. furri ng. Accessories: Fabricate metal accessories from sTeeT-sFeet. Accessories shall have perforated flat expanded lath. not iighter than 26 or expanded flanges flat rib lath. Also use for gage ga1 vanized not less than E. 2-%" each sjde.l. Corner Beads: Galvanized, similar lo Milcor No. |.2. FetaTTFlm:- 24 gage gal vanized sheet steel s imilar to Milcor No. 60.3. eornerlteq: 2.5 lb. itat expanded metal lath bent at right ang'les to form 3" legs on-eacl-iTde. HANGERS AND INSERTS Contractor will be hangers, inserts or or l athing. LATH APPLICATIONS Suspension System: Space 1-N" channels 4'-0" maximum at ri ght angles to supports wherever possible and 3" from parailel wall, unless othenvise shown on drawings.l. Bring bottom face of channels to true, straight and level plane. Splice channels at supports.2. Unless shown otheruise space cross furring channels l9" o.c. where max'imum span is 3'-6"; l6" o.c. where maximum span js 4'-0"; at right angles to runner channels' and saddle-tie securely with 2 strands of I'lo. 16 wire or fasten with No, 9 painted wi re cl j ps. A.held responsible for proper installation of hangers and shal 1 provide other devices required for proper attachment of channels' furring c. '| 583 910-2 B. Furring: Provjde furring around pipes, ducts and vents,-1ight fixtures and other rnetal-furring shown, of strap, angle, channel and metal lath constr"uction as required to secure profi'les jndjcated. l,'lhere plaster occurs at drops in ceiling and is adiacent to acoustical work, furri ng channels and lath for p'l aster shall be provided under this. Section.l. Unless otheruise shown, metal furring shall consist of 3/4'r furring channels spaced as requ'i red for type of lath used.2. Where channel fuming is adjacent to construction, fastenings may be by nails, clips, wire ties or other approved fastenings spaced not over 3'-0" o.c.3. Channels, angles, accessories, fasteners required for furring and shap'i ng for p] aster wa1 I drops, etc., shall be provided under this contract. Metal Lath: Apply wjth long dimensions of sheet across supports with ioints staggered.. [-ecLrre lath to metal supports and to adjacent lath with l8 gage galvanized annealed tie wjre or 12 gage galvanized or painted spring stee'l clips.2, Secure sheets to steel supports, with r,rire ties at intervals not exceeding 6" long supports, with tie aiways placed where sides of sheet lap supports. Tie rib lath at each rib.3. For tied-on work, also place tie on side'l aps ha'l fway between support. l'lhere supports are widely placed provide addjtional side tjes so that intervals betweeq- tibi and attachmeni to suppbrts does not exceed 9-%". a4. Lap flat expanded lath L" at sides and one inch at ends, Lap ribbed lath at sidef by nesting ribs or selvage end at ends one inch.5. Lap lath over chases and recesses and wherever joints of two unlike materials occur, 6" on each side.6. Make and stagger end joints over supports or lace together between supports with tie wi re.'7. Start expanded rnetal lath carry on to buttjng wal1 used, butt rib lath into angl es. one support away from corner and bend into corner and to avoid joint at iuncture of wall. If ribbed lath is corners and apply cornerite over abutting lath in such 8. In addition to metal 'l ath on studs, mesh lath diagonally at each corner.9. Place metal lath so that lower sheetD. Accessories: Secure accessories at ends """"'i-----------:--- - . !galvanized staples, galvanized tie wires as grounds.4. Secure cornerites at full surfaces along both edges interior angles wherever between unli ke materials, omitted where metal lath reinforce openings by placing l2 x 24 diamond Tie with No. 8 wire. laps over upper. and not more than 12" o.c., staggered' with or concrete nails. Shim out, level or p1 umb' provide neat miters.i. Corner beads sha'|1 be placed full height and'length of vertical and horizontal external corners of p1 astered surfaces.2. Provide grounds, screeds, casing beads or edges and stops in'l ocations where finished plaster work abutts, ii same general p1 ane or at right angles, dissjmilarly finished surfaces, and trim materials except where especia'l ly designed to receive plaster, and other locations shown in details.3. Metal trjm shall have joints fit tjght and neatly mitered. Set and secure same he'i ght or length of internal corners of p'l astered at not over 6'i intervals. Install corner lath on lath is used on one or both sides of angles and corners such as concrete and masonry. Corner lath may be from one surface is continued around angle at least 4". l5B3 1,I SCOPE 911-1 A. B. Requ irements of Division I l,lork incl uded:.i-.-----.--=--r. 5cope2. General3. Cutting and Patching4. Plastering l4ateri al s SECTION 9II . PLASTER apply to work under this Sectjon. 5. Mixing of Plaster6. Applicatjon of Plaster7. Fjnishing Coats8. Cleaninq B. c. 2. GENERALA. Tn-Ts Tection covers everything necessary for or incidenta'l to executing and comp'l eting plastering work. Plaster shall be true, plumb, solid]y bonded iob. Cover or other'wise protect wood' glass, tile and finished work of other trades during p'l astering operations. Prov'ide and maintain waterproof protect'ion at source of water, under mixing boxes and gaging barrels. Be responsible for damage occasioned by mixing, handling' aPPlicatioll, scaffolding, storing of plaster materjals. ! Prov'i de and maintain waterproof protection at source of water, under mixing boxes and- gaging barrels. Be responsible for damage occasioned by mixing, handling' applications' scaffolding, storing of plaster materials. l4ainta'in minimum temperatures of 50 degrees F. in spaces to be platered. Protect p'l aster frorn freezing and too rapid drying. After p1 aster has set hard, provide free circulation of air. Oc. n E. Where p'l aster and acoustical work cor,rc in contact with each other, cooperate with Acousti cal Contractor.F. l,tew plaster shall match existing where patching and remodeling occurs or is required adjacent to existing plaster. Patch as required by construction. Preparation required to apply p1 aster to ex'i sting surfaces shall be this Contractor's responsibility. 3. CUTTING AND PATCHINGA. Point up and patch p'lastering and finish recessed light fixtures, pipes, ducts and work neatly around outlet boxes, switches' other openings. In remodeled areas patch I e. ffi"i:t:ii:fins plaster requires patchins, match existins work in texture uno ,rnrrn.Ov Joints shall be flush and smooth. Use of sandpaper prohibited. New lath shall be ap- p1 ied as required.C. Cut out and rernve plaster as Plaster shall be rennved from 4. PLASTERINGMATERIALSffijobjnsealedcontajnersbearingbrandnameandnameofmanufacturer Material shall be standard products of llational Gypsum Co., E.D. Coddington Manufacturing Company, U.S. Gypsurn Company, or l,lestern Mineral Products Company, of fresh stock, free from damp set. Keep dry until ready for use.B. Gypsum Plaster: Conform to ASTM C28 and Federal Specification SS:P-402. Type as speci fied hereinafter.C. Glging Plaster: Comply with requirements of ASTI4 C28 for calcined gypsum for finishing coat.D. Gypsum Neat Plaster: Calcined gypsum,.fibered or unfjberedi conform to Federal ffi02 Type tl (iibered). E. Lime: Pressure hydrated lime shall conform to requirements of ASTM 206' Type S. No s5a-king required for pressure hydrated 1ime. F. 'Sand: Clean, sharp, washed, natural sand free from soluble sa1ts and organic matter. SanI'shall comply i"rittr RSfm C35 and when dry shall pass No. 4 sieve. Sand in finish coat shall be fine white silica sand. In Portland cement plasler on'ly such fines shall pass No. 50 sieve as to produce suitable workability.G. l^lllery Suitable for drinking. required. Coat cracks and ioints with bonding agent. site by thjs Contractor. 7 1583 5. 911-2 I".IIXING OF PLASTER A.fneial: Do not use or retemper materjals which have partial 1y set; nor use cafeO or lumpy material . Proportion materials as hereinafter specified, with such variations being permitted as will, under prevailing cond'i tion, improve B. l-. of work. Mix as required by manufacturer and type of plaster used. Mix no more for scratch and brown or base coats than can be used wjthin 2 hours, no more for finish than can be used in 30 minutes. Scratch and Brown Coats: Scratch coat on metal lath shall be gypsum wood fiber plaster ffiorm'ixofonepartgypsumneatfiberedp.lasterand2parts sand by weight.l. First coat on masonry surfaces, brown coat on 3 coat work, shall be mix of one part sand by vreight, or mix of one part gypsum neat plaster and 3 parts sand by we'i ght. (gypsum sand plaster). Finish Coats:T. Xjx- sand float finish and smooth finish in proport'i on of one part fibered plaster and not more than 2 parts sand by weight' 2. Gaging plaster may be added to finish coats; approximately 2 hands APPLICATION OF PLASTER frozen, only qual i ty gypsum neat un- ful1 per batch. D. 6. A. R Use care tn O free from dust, oil, laitance, efflorescence. secure proper spreading and adhsion of due to rvall irregularities, or cracking of plaster. to wjthin l/8" of finished Plaster on Masonry Surfaces: Apply base or first coat wjth sufficient materlal anc -ffinmisoi'ryandtocoverwellandthendoublebackwithsanU mix to bri ng p'l asier out to grounds, strajghten to true surfaces with rod and darby. Plaster on Metal Lath: Apply scratch coat with sufficjent materials and pressure to @dtocoverwell,andthenscratchtorou9hsurfaces'App1ybrown coat after scratch coat has set firm and hard, bring out to grounds and straighten to true surface with rod and darby. 7. FINISHING COATS @efinishesasshownondravlingsandasspec.ified.Atexistin9'match existing work. T.--finisfr;nq coats shal'l be of unjform l/8" thickness even and free from all sljck spots, c6lor blotches, trowel marks and other defects.2, Where plaster finishes flush with metal trim, provide smalI V-ioint to finish coat of p'l aster at this point. B. Apply sbnd float finish over thoroughly set base co-at which is nearly, bu-i- not quite ffiltoevensuifateandthenfloatwithwood,carpetorcorkfloat as-requii^ed to produce texture and color of sample selected. If base coat was dried out spray with water, but do not soak, before applying finish coat' 8. CLEANING tr-Te{nove ptaster spatterings from exposed work as concrete block, door frames' sash' glass, floors, woodwork,"heating units, piping, etc. C1 ean plaster from beads, screeds, expansion joints and other trjm.B. Exbrcise necessary precaution to prevent damage to adjoinjng surfaces and other fin'ished work during erectioh and dismantling of scaffolding equipment. surface and 'l eave rough to receive finish coats. Apply plaster uniformly, smooth and even, without sags and waves and with all corners ahh anltes plumb and true. Leave base or brown coat rough ready to receive finish coat. Plastei on i4asolry Surfqces: Apply base or first coat wjth sufficient material and General: Apply plaster in accordance with applying plaster coats so as not to spatter manufacturer' s i nstructions on exposed surfaces. Clean surfaces which are to receive plaster Moisten masonry and undercoats of plaster to plaster when appl ied.C. Before applying p'l aster, see that grounds, furring, screeds,corner beads, rnetal edges, corner lath, metal trjm, are secured in place. D. Plaster shall be 3 coat work on rnetal lath and minimum masonry shall be 2 coat work, minjmum !-." thick. of 3/4" thick. Plaster on E. F. 'u. H. I. Where it is necessary to bui'ld up heavy thickness of plaster build up with additiona'l coats as required to avoid checking Apply no coat heavier than L" thick. Apply brown coat in true planes and screed jn both directions D^^1;h ^.-i. ^f h.ri'l;linn .1r",:nr:.1 nv' rlafan*o/ hrr ctreh v'omnrrr'l nn rlolninn l5B3 SECTION 916 - STUCCO t.lORK I. SCOPE tr--nequTrements of Division I apply to work of this Section.B. llork'i ncluded: 916-r l.-Tcope2. Materi al s3. Preparati ons4. Stucco Mix Proport'ions 5. Mi xi ng6. Thi ckness7. Application8. Curi ng B. 2. MTERIALS..-TFe cementitious materials shall comply with the current ASTI'1 Specifications for these material s; Portland Cement --------Cl 50 Speci a1 Fi ni shi ng Hydrated Lime----C206 Aggregates shall consjst of clean, fine, granular material cornposed of natural sandprepared from stone or blast furance f1 ag or other inert materials havjng similarcharacteristics. Aggregates shal I be free from harmful amounts of loam, -sjlt, soluble salts and vegetable matter. l{ater should be clean and fit to drink. Gypsum sheati ng:- !2" thi ck;- lt ft. wide square edge,8 feet or longer lengths;- llater resistant. oB: n E. trt. E. Metal lath. 3.4 lb. painted self furring diarnond mesh lath.F. USG Control Joint No. .I00 or equal . Casing bead where called for on the p1ans.G. Color to be used to match existing buiiding. 3. PREPARATION tr--AITTEaIIn--g, hanger, fasteners, trim or other fixed supports shown on plans sha11be in place prior to the application of any stucco.B. Surfaces to be stuccoed shall be inspected by the Contractor and any unsatisfactory conditjons reported and co-rected prior to application of stucco.C. Dust, dirt or loose particles, shall be removed from concrete rnasonry surfaces priorto application of stucco. Masonry surfaces shall be uniformly mojstened before application of stucco. Stucco shall not be applied to surfaces which contain frostIn cold weather prtvisions shall be made to keep the stucco at a temperature of 50 degrees F. or above during applicat'i on, and for a period of at least 48 hours thereafter. 4. STUCCO I,1IX PROPORTIOIISn. TTT-coaTtlTralTconslTt of I volume Portland Cement and between 3 and 5 vo1 umes damp, loose aggregate to which may be added not to exceed % volume for hydrated lime. (Note: Some Portland cements prepared for use in stucco conta'in the proper amount of plasticiz- ing nateriai ground in with the cement by the manufacturer at the mill. Where sucn cements are used it is unnecessary to add a plasticizing admixture on the job. Where white colored finish is required, whjte portland cement and light colored aggregates should be usr:d in finish coat. )B. When lime is added as a dry hydrate, jt shall confom to the requirements for specialfinishing hydrated iime prescribed in ASTM Specifjcations C206 (See II (l)).C. Factory-mixed finish coat Portland cement stucco shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer' s recommendat i ons. 1583 916-2 5. MIXING I.-t-ealEi-or lumpy material shall not be used.B. Dry ingredients shall be thoroughly mixed to a unjform color. l,later shall then be added and the mixing continued until the mixture is in a uniformly plastic conditionof good pl astering consistency. l,lhen necessary, p'l asticity shal I be restored by reworking mix wjthout further addjtion of water.C. Eatches shall be accurately measured and proportioned so that each is exactly alike. 6. THICKNESS Al---TTTlTucco shall be composed of two (2) coats of p'laster.B. Thickness total on masonry block equa'l s 12".C. Thickness total on metal studs equals 3/4".D. Permanent grounds, screeds or corner beads shall not be used. 7. APPLICATION A. -TFtfy TonAi-ng agent on all block to be stuccoed.B. Apply gypsum sheathing vertically on studs with fasteners through siding into studs.C. Apply metal lath over sheathing with long dimension across supports, ends lapped 1 inch and staggered in adjacent courses. Side lap %". Fasten vlith 1-%" galvanized nai I s.D. Install control joints and casing bead where indicated on drawings. Back with 9" wide, l5 lb. felt. Fasten to lath 6" o.c. and break lath behjnd joints. E. All stucco shall be applied in accordance wjth the manufacturer's recommendatjons, over masonry or metal lath.F. App'ly brown coat and straighten to a surface with rod and darby, and leave rough, ready to receive the finish coat.G. Apply finish coat of piaster no sooner than 24 hours after application of brown coat.H. Texture shall be as selected by ARCHITECT from samples furnished by Contractor.J. Prepare samples for color for A|ICHITECT'S approva'l . B. CURING Al---TaEI coat of plaster shall be kept in a moist condition for a period of 48 hours fo'l lowing appl i cation. 1583 SECTION 925 - DRYI,IALL l. scoPE Il---FE!'[Trements of Division 1 app'ly to work of thjs Section.B. Work included: ]l--Tcope2. l'laterial s3. Instal lation 2. MATERIALS F:---EneraT: Al I materi al s shal I be del i vered to the job, 925- I marked with the manufacturer's the elements and used in strictIabel , and accordance stored in a pl ace protected from exposure to with the manufacturer's directions. B.Gypsum l'lallboard: Consisting of a core of processed gypsum rock sandwiched between two sheets of heavy tough paper; fire coded X drywalI with tapered edge and lengths 8'-0" to 14'-0". U.S. Gypsum Gold Bond or equal. t^later resistant wallboard to be laid behind a'l I ceramic tjle over 4 mil Vis-queen Apt. bath and shower floor, !.r" th'ickness gypsum wallboard on masonry block where shown on the drawjngs; 5/B" and !i" thickness as showq on the drawings. (J Furring Channels: USG metal furrjng channels. Fasteners: l-k" cement or rosin coated drywall nails. USG Type S screws. Adhesive: Amspec Styrofoam brand Mastic #l'1. Accesso ri es:- Corner bead to be galvanized meta'l .- Casing trim to be galvanized metal .- Perf-a-type joint systern and joint compound shall be used. 3. INSTALLATION To be done by skilled rechanics in this field. See Room Finish. Gypsum llalIboard:l. Ceilings applied fjrst, then walls.Z. Shall be applied horizontally with long finished edges at right angles to framing.3. Metal furring channels attached to cejling joist 24" o.c. I'lallboard screw fastened 12" o.c. in field and 8r' o.c. at ends. 3: Slo,iitlli.rif'llroEoil3nli5"3;0, shar occur over studs or blockins O 6. Nails or screws shal'l be driven from the center out both ways and shall be driven home with the heads slightly below the surface of the wallboard, in a dimple.7. Care shall be taken not to break the face of the paper.B. All cuts and scribes to be done in a workmanlike manner.9. Adhesive applicat'ion over rigid installation or second layer of wallboard per manufacturer' s directions. Accessories: T. -Erner Uead to be used on all outside cornerb, nai]ed to framing through wallboard and concealed with joint compound.2. Casing trim, to be used where wallboard abutts other materia] and is not covered.3. Concealed with joint compound.D. Jo'int Compound and Taoe: ffimixedorpreparedjojntcompoundandappliedintwoorthree coats as required to fill all joints, depressions and patches.2. A'll joints to be sanded smooth.3. Perforated tape to be used in all jo'i nts, corners and butts.4. Allow sufficient drying time for each coat,E. Texture:TlTo-be selected by ARCHITECT, prepare samples.2. Bid to include "Gold Bond" white super spray applied orange peel finish.3. ARCHITECT to check before texture is applied. c. n E. F. A. B. c. t 5B3 951-t SECTION 95I . ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS I. SCOPE E.---RequTrements of Division 1 apply to work under this Section.B. I'lork Incl uded: T--Scope2. General3. Shop drawings and samp'les4. Material s5. Instal I at ion6. Repl acement Un'i ts 2. GENEML NOTES A.Examine drawings. Determirre'location of recessed fixtures'frame out with channels for support of fixtures as directed by Electrical Contractor. Determine location of gri 11es , access panel s, ducts , frame openi ngs of proper si ze.B. Sheet metal ducts, piping, conduit work, will be done in advance of acoustical work. Provide required hangers, furi ng channels, supports, cljps, fastenings, cement, trim and accessories. No hangers shall go through ducts. C. Tile will be suspended on a concealed grid suspension system. D. Install work in strict accordance r^lith manufacturer's specifications and as specified herein. Receive, store and protect materi als in dry area until used. llhere other materials and acoustjcal work come in contact with each other, cooperate wjth other contractors on erection of channels and furring. 3. SHOP DRAI'INGS AND SAMPLES r approval . Submit shop of suspension system. 4. MATERIALSn-TiTe: drawings or manufacturer's I jterature Tl-U.S. Gypsum, Johns-Manville, or equal fissured, vinyl faced, white finish 3/4" x 12" x 24" size.2. Flame resistance Federa'l Specifications SS-S-llBa of 25.B. Suspension system:1. Main runners l-%" carying channel . "'. 3i3iiol"il.::i';il:o"i;f; i3; and corored tack marker where required. 4. Hangers,'#9 gage galvanized annealed wire. Submit type of fasteners if used in concrete slabs.5. lllal I channel , whi te. 5. INSTALLATION [.---CeneraTlncoustjcal Contractor will be held responsib]e for installation of hangers and-sml 1 provide hangers, inserts or other devices required for proper attachment of suspension system. Refer to heating and ventilating drawings; provide adequate support for ceilinqs below larqe ducts. E. B. Suspension S.ystem:T. Suspend main runners from structural nembers or slab 4'-0" o.c. with hanger wires. Set cross tee's as required for ceil ing pattern. Install tile in pattern as sholn on projected ceiling straight in alignrnent with exposed surfaces flush and Provide metal channel or angle at iunction of cei'l ing 2. 3. above spaced at a maximum of p1an. Joints shall be tight, level. wjth walls, columns and other4. vertjcal surfaces for supsension system.5. Cut and fjt units neatly and tightly around openings, permanent equipment and construction. Do spec'ia1 framing necessary to accornmodate ducts above ceif ings and to recei ve fi xtures , access panel s and gri 1l es. 1583 6. 7. 951-2 Frame and fur around-ducts as required. Frame for drop ceilings.Seal joints around electric_outlets, ducts, pipes eitehding'thioughtreatment, with elastic caulking compound. Remove defective or damaged units and replace with perfect units.with enamel or paint will be al'lowed on bamaged t.i1b. 8. acousti cal No touch-up 0wner so that 6. REPLACEMENT UNITSffimanufacturer,sstandardcarton.Furnishtwoboxestoafter expiration of guarantee Owner may replace damaged units. '1583 965- I I. SCOPEA. Requirements of Divisjon 1 applyB. llork i ncl uded:T. -GeneraT-Requi rements2. Material3. Instal I ati on4. Sampl es5. Sub-floor Preparation6. Cl ean ing 2. I'IATERIAL n._Tinors: I . Fl i ntkote, Kenti le, or equal .2. Size .|2" x .|2" x l/8"3. Vinyl asbestosB. Adhesi ve: T. -Isp6altic base floor adhesive2. Cove base adhesive Stain and Adhesive Rennver: r. l. As recommended Base:T. v'inyl coved 4"2. Type that can Edgi ng: SECTION 965 - RESILIENT FLOORING to work of this Section. c. D. E. by the tjle nnnufacturer hi gh. be heated to form 'i nside and outside corners. doors when flooring ends.1. Supply at all 3. INSTALLATIONf. Tioors: OB. T. 3f'al1 be smoothed with latex and sanded when necessary.2. Scribe accurately to all trim, walls, etc.3. See Room Designation for areas to be covered on Plans.4. Let asphaltic adhesi ve set before laying ti1e. Base: T._scribe and cut accurately.2. Heat and bend inside and outSide corners. 4. SAI4PL ES Al---EEEre ordering any materia] submit samp'les.l. As per general conditions.2. Quality, type as specified.3. Material furnished to match samp'les.4. Color to be selected by ARCHITECT. 5. SUB-FLOORING PREPARATION @ sub-floor before starting his work. t. Notjfy ARCHITECT in writ'ing of any defects in sub-floor. 2, Starting of work shall mean acceptance of the under floor work by Contractor for this branch of the work. 6. CLEANING n. -lfien resilient flooring has sufficient'ly seated, clean in accordance with manufacturer's recommndati ons. Underl ayment:l. Latex 1583 968- I SECTION 968 - CARPETS I. SCOPE Requirements of Division I apply to work under this Section. l.lork i ncl uded: I:-Tcope - 5. Materi a] s2. General 6. Instal I ati on3. Samples 7. Cleaning4. Measurements 2. GENERAL A. --Trovi-de all work and services required for carpeting including carpet, carpet cushion, adhesive, seam cement, edge strips, carpet attachment and accessories necessary for complete instal lati on.B. Carpet Contractor shall inspect surfaces before starting work and shal 1 notify General Contractor and ARCHITECT of any defects in surfaces which would prevent him from com- pleting his work. 3. SAMPLES O I..-Tubnf-t samples for se]ection by OWNER. 4. MEASUREMEI{TS Al---DlmEnslons shown on drawings are approximate. Check all dimensions, other conditions at project site. Contractor shall be responsible for fjtting of carpet in all areas des i gna ted. 5. MATERIALSA. In;Tinwance of $.|2.00 per square yard wi'll be made to furnish and install carpet. 6. INSTALLATION A. B. F. --Tstei--l carpets in accordance with carpet manufacturer's of floor as required for installation of carpet shall be Pattern match shall line up.B. Fill all cracks in surfaces with filler. E. F. recornnendati ons . C1 eani ng done under this contract. D. Provide tackless strips for unexposed edges at perimeters and other locations as may be required. Tackless strip shall be butt jointed maximum spacing of 3/B" and shall fo] low to perimeter of areas to be carpeted, spaced minjmum of'4", maximum 3/8'! fron walls, thresho'l ds, etc. Strip shall be adhered to the floor and najled. Use Nap-Lok or equivalent in all doorways and other areas where flush finishes are required or edge of carpet is exposed. Pad shal'l be installed under all floor carpeting. Pads sha'll butt firmly against a1 1 tackless stripping. All seams and perinreter shal 1 be adhered to floor. Minimum width of adhesive shall be 6". Double faced tape may be used. Seams that occur at doorways shall be located at center line of doors. All seams shall be hand sewn with double waxed'l inen or cotton Thread No. lB and taped. Tape shall be cemented to back of carpeting on both sides of the seam. Tape and seam shall be sand bagged until cement is thoroughly bonded. The carpet pile d'i rection shall be con- sistent'ly la:'d in the same direction. Seams may be fastened by heat tape method or heat band seared system in lieu of sewing of seams. Seal raw edges and cutouts with cement. Carpeting in runs exceeding 6'-0" and over pads shal'l be power stretched; runs of cariet eiceeding 25'-0" snat't Ue pole-stretched the entire length of the carpeting. If necessary, aieas requiring polb stretching will be held taut by concrete_nails through the-carpet. After cirfet is attached to tackless stripping all nails shall be removed. Fjnished installation shall be free of scraps, carpet ripples and puckers' and all seams tight and free from snags. G. H. I f,UJ 968-2 7. CLEANING A:--TArpeteA areas shall be cleaned and vacuumed. Remove all spots, smears of adhesive and seam cement.B. All usable pieces of carpet left over after inatallation is completed shall be bundled and turned over to the 0l,ll,lER. '1583 l.SCOPE 990-l A. B. Re(ulrenrents of Division I app'ly to work under this Section. t,|ork i nc] uded: T. --Ge ne raT-neq ui rements2. Samples3. Protection4. Examination of Surfaces5. Storage of Materials SECTIOI{ 990 - PAIIITING 6. Material s 7 . l,lorkmansh'i p B. Exterior9. Interior10. Patching and Touching Up C. Work included: ll. Traffic l4arkingf--m;ffng and/or finishing of all exterior and interior surfaces as hereinafter speci fi ed.?. See Room Finish Designations and Door and Frame Schedule on Plans. 2. SAMPLES A. -Temples of all work are required to match color selected.B. Approved sample kept at job for comparison. 3. PROTECTION [---ToveFwlTI'drop cloths or canvas all material and surfaces adioining or below work in progress, incl uding floor.B. l,lrap exposed hardware with cloth, remove and carefu'l 1y clean after painting is completed. C. Keep all conta'iners covered when not in use. . D. Remove empty containers, paper, oily rags, etc., from the building daily before men' leave the job. E. Painter will be he'l d responsible for damage to other finished work' and will be required to make the necessary repairs or adjustment to the satisfaction of the ARCHITECT. Special Note: Take extra precautions to protect factory finished unjts. 4. EXAMINATION OF SURFACES @ all surfaces to be finished.l. Report ('in wrjting) to Architect any unsatisfactory conditions.. 2. Starting of work wilt Ue considered as acceptance of surfaces as being satisfactory. 3. Contractor's work rernved and replaced to correct surface defects due to procedure on unsuitable surfaces will be at Contractor's expense. 5. STORAGE OF MATERIALS ffitoringandhandl.ingofjnflammablematerialstoavoidfirehazard.l. If practicable, store outside of building.2. If hot feasjble to store pa'i nt away from bujlding, store equipment and materia'l s in room provided and keep locked.3. Empty coirtainers used on'job to have lebels cancelled and be clearly marked as to contents.4. Renpve wiping iloths, oil, or greasy waste and rags dai1y, before'leaving work. 6. MTERIALSElTt manuE'ctured by Pratt and Lambert, Inc., Esser, DeVoe Reynolds., or equal . B. Prepared finishes to be used as specified unless approved in writing by the ARCHITECT. C. Thihning of material shall be done only when recomnended by the manufacturer and with the product recornmended by the manufacturer. 7. t.loRKMANSHIPf. --TreDaraTlon of Surfaces: @odandsandsmoothunderallenamelbeforeapp1yin9.paint.'2. Remove'a1l grease, dirt, loose rust, scale, etc., from metal beforq app_lying paint' 3. Any work imrnediately primed by others must be. reported to ARCHITECT before proceed- i ng.4. Uaitr att metallic surfaces where solder fluids were used,'with benzol , before pai nti ng. A. 'I 6R? t< 990-2 Aool'i cati on:l]*l.ltterfils evenly spread, smoothly flor,red on and brushed out w'i thout runs' sags' defective brushing or clogging of lines and angies' 2. Sand undercoating-on all woodwork before applying Znd coat' 3. Finish coat on all woodwork will be brushed' 4. See that all surfaces are dry, c1ean, smooth and free from dust before applying finish.5. Dirt, grease, and mortar will be removed by responsible party' 6. Do not apply finishing coats in dusty rooms. f. inultu. iit- sup wood ind knots before priming pa'inted surface' B. After prirning tout js dry, putty a1l know hoies and other surface blemishes and smooth over with a PuttY knife. 9. Color putty for stained work to match stain'.10. Oo no butside work in extremely cold, frosty, fogg.v or damp weather. _^ll. Painting in winter weather to -be done only wnen ienrperature js above 50 degrees F' 12. pajnts and f.i n.i shing materjals to be free from skins, lumps or other foreign matter and enamels well stirred duri ng application'js absolutely dry before applying next coat' drv at least 48 hours bet'ebh coats; interior vrork at least when used. 'l 3. Keep pi gments , f iI I ers.|4. See that Preceding coat.l5. Allow exterior work to 24 hours. l.leather condjtjons may require longer drying time' B. EXTERIORA. _XEET: T. One coat ga1 vanjzed metal primer' 2. One coat house Paint.B. I'lood, Pa'i nted: Tl-0-n-eloEt_house pai nt exteri cr pri mer' 2. One coat house Paint.C. l,lood Stained, Rough and tinishgd: ffiSTE-fn. l-one coat before erecting) I NTER I OR See Room Fi ni sh ) : Drywal I : Two coats Latex tlat. Metal : TI-Tne coat Vitralite Enamel 2, One coat Vitralite Enamel Rouqh l,lood, Stained: ffiStain. Fi ni shed l^lood, Stai ned: 16. o A. OB.Undercoati ng. EggshelI . D. r E 'l . Fi I I al1 oPen grai necl wood. 2. One coat Tbnetic l'lood Stain' (P & L) 3. One coat Pale Trim Varnish Gloss. 4. One coat Pale Trim Varnish Satin. 5. Cabinets to be Pre-finished. I'lood, Pa inte'1 : T. -T'ne coat-Interi or Trim Primer. 2. One coat Vitral'i te Enamel Undercoating. 3. One coat Vi tral ite Enamel Eggshel I . l'lasonry and Concrete Painted: 2. One coat Latex. FlTi=TT open grained wood. IO. PATCHiNG AND TOUCIIING UP njshed,paintedandenamelworkafterothertradeshaVe completed their work, leaving work in perfect condition' l. Patching anO"igrifring up"not due tb carelessness of other workmen (such as piiining above tile) to be done without expense to the SWNER. 1583 990-3 II. TRAFFIC I'IARKING. @e.|ines'arroWsorotherdeviceswhereshownontheP.|ans.B. App'ly by machine nBthod.C. Lines shall be 4 inches wide un]ess shown otherwise, and sharp and clean with no. over-spray or ragged ends.D, Finished work shal'l present a uniform appearance. o t 001 -1 SECTION IOt)I - SPECiALTIES 1583 SECTION II4O - APPLIA!{CES I. SCOPE n. --TequTrements of Djvision I apply toB. Work incl uded: T. -Tcope -2. General3. Refrigerator, Apartment4, Refrigerator, Chapel 2. GENEML- TTems in this Division to be furnished Contrdctor' s Contract ;- Plumber to include all connections and- Electrician to include all connections- Provide instructions for 0l,lNER. 3. REFRIGERATOR, APARTMENT work under this Section. 5. Range, Apartment6. Range, Chapel7. Trash Compactor, Chapel8. Guarantee '1140-t ffi and installed complete under the General 'instal lat jons;, and instal I ati ons ; w'ide x 61" high.AlIow 4" minimumTBF l4DR, white, c i rcul at i on. 29" 4. space over top for air REFRIGERATOR, CHAPEL- General Electric, Model TBF IBDR, white,30ta'r wide x 66 " high. 5.RANGE, APARTMENT- General Electric, Model J356R, 30" wide, white.- 208v, with attached 3-prong pigtail. RANGE, CHAPEL6. 7. - General Electric Model J767,- 208v, with attached 3-prong TRASH COI"IPACTOR, CHAPEL 30" wide, white. p'igtai 1 . - General Electric, l4odel GCG650, white. 8. GUARANTEE----TFe-Eeneral Contractor with his Plumbing and Electrical Contractor and the App'l iance Dealer will operate and check all appljances to be su:^e they are in satjsfactory operating condition. The General Contractor will subnit all necessary records to the Appliance Dealer to guarantee al 1 required parts and labor for one year. l qn?I 540- I SECT]ON I54O - PLUI,IBING 1. SCOPE [:----Requirenents of Divjsion I apply to work of th'i s Section.B. General: T. _ATI space requirements are to be verified and coordinated with other trades.2. Al 1 piping jn finished areas of the building shall be concealed except where otherwise noted on the drawings;3. It is intended that all iabor or materials, which is usually furnished as a part of any equipment or materials, and which is necessary for the best operation shall be furnished in this Contract;4. All work will be done in a neat, workmanljke manner;5. A1 1 equipment wilI be installed in accordance with manufacturerrs recommendationsi 6. This Contractor shall furnish and instali a complete systenl connected to the existing systems from teh specified fixtures:a. Sanitary Drainageb. Domestic Cold Waterc. Hot Water Distri butiond. Natural Gas.7. All rvork shall be furnished and jnstalled in accordance with the rules and req- ulations of the Unjform Plumbing Code, 1973 Edition.8. This contractor wjll remove all fjxtures and piping as required and shown, re- route, cap, alI piping as required to install nel fixtures as shov/n. C. Work incl uded:I-c"^ "^vvvHs2. Materi al s3. Test i ng4. Fi xtures5. Domestic Water _2. MATERIALS ----TTT materials shall be new, of the United States, unless be of domestic nanufacture 7. Sevters8. Access Panel s9. Appl i ances.|0. Cl ean Up I I . Guarantee of best quality specified, and to specifical ly noted otherlise. 3. TESTING --i::=-^ 1- tts5L dl- Test al drain and r^raste lines with Hydrostatic test; gas piping under 30 PSIG air pressure; Test all domestic water servjce ljnes under .l00 PSIG hydrostatic pressure; The ARCHITECT or his representative shall be notified 24 hours in advance of tests being started. Al'l tests must be done to the satisfaction of the ARCHITECT'S rep- resentatjve and local authorities having iurisdiction before covering; - l,lritten copies of the tests will be made, dated, signed by representatives of the Contractor and ARCIIITECT;- All Hydrostatic tests to be held for a mjnimunt of trrro (2) pressure. Ai r tests to be hel d for a min imum of tr^ro (2) press ure ;- All instruments and equipment r'equ'i red for testing shal 1 Contracto r. hours w'i thout I oss of hours without loss of be furnished by this 4. FI XTURES - Tfill-Tontractor shall furnish and jnstall all fixtures and rough in according to the fol lowi ng fixture schedul e:- A'l I fixtures and accessories shall be bolted securely to walls and floors in ac- cordance \^Jith manufacturer's roughing-in and setting requirements;- All exposed pipe shall be brass chrome finish, furnished with chrome cover plates or excutcheons where they project from walls and floors;- Stop valves shall be fuinished and jnstalled at all fjxtures and rough-in locatjons; L-l L-? L-3 l sB3 1540-2 - All pipe projecting from walls or floors to be securely fastened;- Submit 3 copies of manufacturer's brochure on all fixtures showing picture, Model No., and make, to ARCHITECT for approval before startjng job. - Fixtures S-2, SH-], SS-l to be connected to existing sewer by breaking out . concrete floor and making connection from new location.- Fixture S-3 waste and water to be connected to pipjng from existing sink to be removed in c'loset north of existino Chancel . FIXTURE SCHEDULE:B-ii::=Miffij Fiberglas corporation Sjze 54, one piece Tub 4'-6-3/8" long or equa1. Color wjte, with pip-up drain, Delex by Delta single control metal blade handle bath mixing valve with push button diverter and spout, l4odel 1635 except with Speakman 52252 shower head with thumb turn operated volume control , shower arm and escutcheon, and wall f1 anged chrome plated shower rod. Kohler Brookline K-2201 viteous china lavatory with Delex by De]ta two handle lavatory faucets with blade handles, 4" centers, Model 2520 with pop up assembly, 3,/8" angle supplies with stops, l-%" cast brass trap with cleanout. Relocate existing lavatory water and waste. Exjstjng to rema'i n. b,C-l Kohler Wellworth K-35lZEPA closet complete.WC-? Existing to remain.llC-3 Existing to remain. sH- I Fibersheen Model 3636-220 combination fiberglas shower stall with tempered hammered frosted glass hinged door. Beige coior, with Delex by Delta single control metal blade handle mixing valve, l{odel .l60.l, with Speaknran 52252 shower head with thumb turn operated volume control , shower arm and escutcheon. Elkay Lustertone Model STLR 4322-L double compartment sink with Chicago Faucet concealed deck sink fitting No. 989, No 19, 9-1r" sw'i ng spout with No E-3 soft f]o and No. 369 Handles, LK-99 Strainer in left compartment, GE Model GFC45] garbage disposal in right compartment'-l-L5" cast brass "P" trap wjth cleanout plug' disposer tee,.l-L" cont'inuous waste as required, 3/8" angle supplies with stops. Provide separate plugged waste for future dishwasher. Elkay Lustertone Sacrariums (Piscinas) Sacristy sink l4odel l{0. ES ACR 3322-1, complete with faucet drajn fjttingsr traps 3/8" angle suppljes with stops. Right sink with drain to sewer. Left sink drain to gravel catch basjn near buj'l ding. F1 at fiberg'l as single compartnent laundry tray L-l with wall bracket, strajner l-!'," tailpiece, l-%" cast brass P trap with cleanout, Kohler fittings K-8958' 3/8" angle suppl i es wi th stops. s-2 U-l Existing to remain. l.lH-l Move existing where shoraln in Jan'itors Closet and reconnect.l.lH-z Exist'i ng to remain. l{ake new connections to S-3 sink in Sacristy.l,lH-3 Day and l.light, Jetglas Z, Model i05-l , 48,000 BTU input gas water heater, 35.3 gallons per hour recovery at .|00', vent pipe size 3" (connect to existing furnace breaching), L" gas inlet pipe, 3,/4" hot and cold water p'i pe. For new apartment. 5. DOMESTIC I'fATERA. Val ves::lJJ-v61ves to be tagged with meta'l numbered chart;- Gage va'lves - Nibco 722;- Globe valves - tlibco 725;- Interior sillcock - Nibco 70;- Outside hose bibs to be Woodford freezeless head with bent nozzle to have se'l f-draining Nozzle Adaptor/Vacuum Breaker. tags and their functjon described on a s-3 ss-l wa1 I hydrants, shutoff inside Model 8 series, flat faced buildjng, with Safeguard .|583 a 1540-3 at the top of each riser; Pi pi nq::-Type L copper above ground; - Type K copPer below ground; - Fjttjngs standard copper slveat type; - Size as required bY code; Provide Am. Tube, Hammertrol , 504 serjes Shock Suppressors Ream al'l piping prior to svreat'ing fitting; Hanqers::-TTl-liot water pipe and drain a hole 3/4" larger than the thick Ultra Foam, "Rubbatex"- All cold water PiPe will be - Hangers to be American Tube G'li de Cl i ps , Fi g. 604. lines passing through any other material will pass-through pipe used and be insulated from that material with 3/8" or C-C flexible tubjng insulation; fastened securely at a mjnjmum of 5'-0" o'c'; and controls Inso-Line Strap Hanger Fjg. 602 and Inso-Line c. 6. GAS----l-Tbove grade ASA Schedule 40 black steel - Below grade ASA Schedule 40 black steel wrapped;- Val ves , l'lj I I er Fall s tested to wi thstand - To new water heater in existjnS; furnace IO. CLEAN UP----:Ta-ATrected by ARCH ITECT duri ng - All rubbish, Protection, dirt, - From buj l di ng and si te; - Leave building and Prernises'i n pipe, screwed or welded; bibe welded ioints only and public service 100 pounds Pressure. room for Apartment. 7. SEI.IERS--- -=GsE iron pipe and f ittings below concrete slabs - poured lead ioints; Standard strbngth vitrifi6a.tay pipe and fittings below ground with rubber ring joints or pour6d asphalt joints ai bur viilage requirements. Connect nel sewer frorn Apartment to existing set^ler, from building. - Soil and vent stacks to be copper and pasi through a hole 3/4" larger than the pipe, or cast irtn no hub PiPe.- See fixtures.- Branch vents to be copper, or cast iron no hub pipe' 8. ACCESS BOXTS AND PANELS.=ffiiffi.veral1equ.ipmentbu.i.ltintowallssuchasvalVeS,etc.A.|l shall be of a size suitable for the serivce ihtended; - Bonderized steel;- Ceilings - Bonderi zed stee'l ;- Floor - with C.P. non-skjd toP. 9. APPLIANCES- --T6rT-eontractor to check Appliances of Branch No. l; - This Contractor will nrake iil necessary connections and operate each appliance to assure himself that it is in proper working order' progress of work and at completion; abUris, tools, equipment and unused materials; clean, orderly condjtion I I . GUARANTEE-'jhT;tfinfractor sha11 guarantee all workmanship and material , and replace any defects found, without cost to the OIJNER, for orre (l)year after fina] accpetance is made by the 0l,lNER. t 5B3 1610-l SECTION I61O - MATERIALS AND METI]ODS I. SCOPE A.---RequTrements of Division 1 apply to work of this Sectjon.B. Work included: Tf--Scope - 12. Ljghting Fixtures2, Examinatjon of Site and Contract .l3. EquipmentDocuments .l4. Tel ephones3. Permits and Inspection Fees .l5. Temporary Electric Service4. Standards and Codes .|6. Ci rcuits5. Sequence of t^lork, l,lorkmanshi p 17 . Appl i ances and Supervision lB. Exit and Emergency Lights6. Sleeves,0penings, Cutting and .l9. Exhaust FansPatching 20. Television System7. Storage of l4aterials 2l . Sound System8. Building Service 22, Tests9. Electrical Panels 23. Cleaning.l0. l,liring 24. Guarantee I I . Swi tches an d Receptacl es C. General:T. Th-e mention hereinafter of article, operation, naterial , equipment or method requires that the Conlractor shal 1 provide such article of qualjty noted, in the quantity required, shall perform each operation, and use such method, naterial or equipnrent prescribed, al1 in complete accordance with the conditions stated; and the Contractor shall provide therefore all labor, materials, tools, equipment. and transportation as is necessar.y to complete the project in con- formity with the p1ans, the specification and other Contract Documents.2. In general , this work includes everything essential for a cornplete eiectrical system, in operating order, as shown or implied in the plans and Specificat'i ons. 2, EXAMINATION OF SITE AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS.A.-It@y-T6-e0ilT|rT,ARC|'|ITECT,thattheBjdder'beforesub- mitting his bid, has exanjned all drawings, specjfjcations and all other data or instructjons pertaining to the work, includjng those of other trades, and has care- ful 1y examined the existjng building to acquaint hirnself with:l. Existing Conditions;2. l4eans of approach to the job site;3. Facjl ities for de1 ivery, stori ng, placjng, handling and removal of materjals and equipment;4. Any and all djfficulties and restrictjons that may be encountered jn the com- plete execution of all work in accordance with the Contract Documents.5. The successful bidder will not be allowed any extra compensation by reason of any matter or thing concerning rvhich such bjdder might have fu1 1y infornted himself prior to the bid opening.6. All materials rernoved will be removed from the site unless reusable. 3. PIRI'IITS AND INSPECTION FEESffi:l. Give to the proper authorities al1 requisite notices related to the project. 2. 0btain al'l offic'ia1 permits and l icenses requit'ed.3. Pay all fees incident thereto.4. Deliver, upon completion of the work, on request and wjthout cost to the 0f'lNER, al l requisite certificates of inspection and approval .5. Notify electrical inspector for inspect'ion. 4. STANDARDS AND CODES Tfie complEe sysTenr shall conrp'ly wjth the .|975 edition of the f{ational Electrical Code. The power supply will be 120-203U, lP 60-Cycle. 5. SEQUF--!CE 0F l,l0RK,. l^19[tKllANSllIP AND.STJPERVIS]0N A. This Contractor shall or6er materjtlt;nA-nqGpment, make installations and jn general coordinate his work vrith that of the General Contractor' l. He shall obtain at job site exact locatjon of all materials and equipment to be. jnstalled including, but not limited to: - Servi.u uquip*"ni, including;roint of termination of local electric utility lines; - Location ond'rorting of coniuii, includirrg panel cabinets, outlet boxes, pull c boxes , access Panel s , etc. ;- Lighting fixtures and other electrical equipment' Z. He shall obta.i n ui job site exact locations oi equiontent of other trades and its effect upon instaljition of naterjals and equipment to be1nstalled by this Contractot'.3. He shall cooperate with all other Contractors so arranging his work as not to interfere with the tqork of other Contractors 4. He shall give n"i"ttu.y instructions, information, etc., to all other Contractors regarding their work.5. He"shall"ernploy a sufficient nurnber of men at all times to carry on the work in accordance witn iire plans and Specifications and irr such manner as to avoid un- necessary delaYs to other trades. 6. The cost of any additional cutting, change or additional work by reason or neglect of this Contractor to abide by reiuire*eits set forth herejn shall be paid for by this Contractor.All work shall be first class, done by skilled mechanics qualified and competent to perform the best grade of workmanship' ihe Contractor shill provide a competent superintendent or foreman at the iob site' responsible for directing the vrork. 6. SLEEVES, 0P[NING, CUTTING & PATCIUNGiiffis''-hd"IaearanCethr.oughwalls,floors'ce.i]ingsand:partitions, to bb made in aclvance of construction of such parts of the building and the entire work to be carried out without superfluous cutting, t 583 t6t0-2 8. BUILDING SERVICE ffirgroundserVjceof4-||4/0a1uninumtrrirewithRHW phase 120/208 volt. B. bervjce will be from Electric Company transformer to netl panels.in a. Meter by Electpi c Company. Th1 s Contractor to make all connections 7. STORAGE OF MATERIALS This Contractor-lhaTl provjde for proper storage of all his materi als and assume complete r.rponriUititV for all losses due to iny cause. A1 1 storage shall be wjthjn the contract ljmit lines of the bui'l ding site, Before arranging for storage' this Contractor shall consult with the General Contractor and other Sub-contractors to make certa.i n iuch storage will not interfere w'i th access to the building during construction. All equjpmeit and materjals must be stored out of the elements' B. Electric ComPanY suPPlY. D. Existing rneter io bb'rlmoved. Existing e1 ectric panel to be fed from new panel ' and new panil fpr apartntent to be fed fron new panels. 9. ELECTRIC PANELS ffimult.ibreakdrQD1oadcenter,sing1ephase,3wire' capacity necessary to supply cjrcuits requi red (including electric at least 6 extra circuits for future use. Install new multjbreaker QD load center, sing]e phase, 3 wire, .|00 existing boiler room for new apartment. Install nevl cisconnect switch at meter for nel panels and existing A1 1 panels to be grounded Per code. Mark all circuits jn new and existing panels. u, insulation, single build.ing. to meter and 200 ampere main heat) by Code Plus ampere capac i t.Y i n panel s.a D. E. c. lt. 1583 'l6l 0- 3 A.TEA-Eeeffi;TTontractor shall furnish and install all lighting fixtures and equipment IO. t,lIRINGIl-llTwire from the panels to the point of usage sha1l be pulled through metalic raceways or thjn wall conduit. All condujt to be concealed if possible. B. All fixed electri cal equipment inCluding swjtch boxes, lighting fixtures and receptacles shall be grounded to the panel . l,liring shall be of proper size for equipment served per code. SIIITCHES AND RECTPTACLES- As shown per plan; - Switches to bb qujet type, brown with brown plates, ivory wjth S.S. plates and white pl ates ;- Receptacles to be grounding type, color same as slitches; - Stainless steel plates in baths, lavatories, exercise room; 'Brown painted steel p1 ates on wood, ivory steel p'l ates on dryrvall; - All exterior receptacles to be waterproof type with self-closing covers. LIGHTING FIXTURES12. B. c. as shown on the fixture schedule and as required for all outlets ind'icated on the draw'i ngs. All fixtures shall bear the Undervriters' Laboratory seal _of approval . Submit-list of fixtures including cata'l og cuts and dimensional data for wri tten ap- proval of the Archjtect prior to-purchas6 for all substituted fixtures. Fixture wiring shall be in accordance with N.E.C. requirernents. All fixtures shall be securely supported and all outlet boxes sha1 I be securely anchored. Except where fixtures carry tibel ot U.L. approval for mounting directly to ceifing' density of 20 lbs/cu. ft. provide lL" spacer between ceiling and fluorescent fjxture. Fixtures exposed to weathei^ and cold temperature shall be weatherproof and of_low temperature type suitable for operation at conditjons encountered. Finish all supports required including structural members 'i f needed. Al i fl uorescent l imphol ders shal l be whi te phenol ic compound, posi tj ve_lPlit'.q acti on type. Fluorescent fjxtures shall be equippbd with high porver factor, ETL/CBM approved Class "P" bal'l asts as manufactured by the General Electric Co., Jefferson, Advance or equal . All ballasts shall be so equipped that nujsance outages gg9-to ambient tempera- tdres will not occur. Fixture manufacturer shail accept responsibility for proper ap- p1 icat'ion of Class "P" ballasts.D. All fixtures shall be so manufactured that all metallic parts wi'll be continuously grounded. E. Fecessed Fixtures: Provjde a separate junction box and wire to fixture in flexible conduit with Type AF wire unless U.L. approved prewired fixtureS af€:uSed. 0penings cut in ceiling-?or recessed fjxtures sniit Ue completely concealed after fixture trim is installed.- Furnish and jnstall all plaster ri ngs where required. Coordjnate all installation of recessed fjxtures with teiling insialler. All recessed fixture instal- lations shall conform to N.E.C. requirements and local code stipulations.. F. Lamps: Lamps of the size and type as indicated on the fixture schedule shall be fur- nished and installed in each fixiure. Verify thatsjze of lamp will fit and properly operate in indicated fixture. Lamps sha'l I be G.E., Westinghouse, Sylvania or ITT. .I3. EQUIPMENT --:TnlTTontractor to provide all outlets and make all connections to insure proper operation of equipment furnished under All Branches: A. Unlbss other speij fied, all motors and controls shall be furnished, set in place.and wired in accordance with the following schedule: (E.C. is Electrical Contractor). Item Furni s hed Set l'li redFurn i s hed Set l.li red Equipment motors 0thers 0thers l5B3 Item 1610-4 Furni shed Set l,li red Motor controllers, manual or magnetic starters, reduced voltage starters, etc., and heatersfor respectjve motors. Disconnect switches, fused or unfused, H.P. B B 0thers E. C. E. C. E. C. or main fused switch, of panelboard where called a E. C. E. C. FT rated switches thermal overload svlitches, €tc. Push button stations, pilot lights, mu1 tispeed E.C.switches, time clocks, controi transforners, control panels, etc. Thermostats, immersion, thermostats, trans- 0thersformers, control relays, float controls, etc.,that are integral or directly attached parts of mechanical system. Motor valves, damper sclenoid valves, E.p. 0thers I and P.E. switches, etc. B. Furnace:(See Section 1560).- Supply small amp fuse at furnace for transformer and- Thermostat wire and control wire to the boiler shallresistive insulation;- Supply djsconnect switch for furnace and cjrculatorsC. Humj dj fj er: (See Section I 540) .D. Exhaust Fans: (See Section .l560). E. Srra, lsee Section 1100)F. Washer: (See Section 11Ob)G. @ (See Section t100)' I4. TELEPHONES- Provi de !e" on boxes.- Provide where telephones are shown on p1ans. .I5. TEMPORARY ELECTRIC SERVICE Existing power -n-6e-usEd. This Contractor to provicie temporary lighting where requi red. Cost of power by 0WNER. C I RCUITS- As required by Code.- Each of the principle new rooms to be served by at least two circuits.- Dryer, furnace, heating contro'l s, sauna, humidifier to be on separate circuit. 17. APPLIANCES - Thls-eontractor to check Djvis'ion l'100 Appliances of- This Contractor will make all necessary connections assure himself that it is in proper working order;- Do al 1 wiring and furnish and install all boxes and- Furnish necessary Pigtails for appliances. IB. EXIT AND EMERGENCY LIGHTS Furnish and install separate main breakerof poles indicated, and emergency lighting conduit from telephone equipment locatjon to box. Provide blank plates 0thers E. C. 0thers E. C. gas val ve; be of high temperature separate from panel. Divis ion 2; and operate such appliance to panels as required; size and number for on drawings. B. 16 r sB3 1610-5 Emergency panelboard shall be comp'l ete with size and number of circujts indicated, feeders, wiring and conduit runs to all exit and emergency lights. Feed breaker or switch from supply ahead of main sw'i tch. Entire system must be separate and distant from all other systems. Paint main breakei" or switch and panelboard red and stencil . "Emergency" on front of cover, 19. EXHAUST FAN AND RANGE HOOD nontheplans,ApartmentKitchenandBath,newKitchen in existing buil ding.B. Thjs Contractor to furnish and have'i nstalled 9a1 vanized ductwork as shown, with exhaust caps. 20, TELEVISION SYSTEMJurnlsh a 374lnch conduit from a wall box where shown on the drawings to the outside of the building for future television connection.- Install blank cover on box. 21. SOUND SYSTEM ----:-Frotl?eTlbor boxes and wall boxes for microphone'i nput and speaker p1 ug in connected with 3/4 inch conduit as shown on plans. 22. TESTS A. -ln completion of the work, and 'in the presence of the ARCHITECT or his representative:l. Conduct such tests as are necessary or required to demonstrate.the absence of short circuits and grounds.2. Demonstrate proper operation of al1 lighting fixtures.3. Make such changes as directed to make installat'ion comply with the p'l ans and Speci fi cati ons .4, Repair or replace all faulty work or equipment as djrecteC by the ARCHITECT. 23. CLEANINGrl-lpon completion of the work and during progress of work, as directed by the ARCHITECT: l. Remove al 1 tocls, debris, etc. , result'i ng from the wrok.2. Wash and wipe clean al'l fighting fixtures and lamps which may have become sojled during the installation.3. Repair or clean all finjshed surfaces which may have become damaged or soiled due to this instal lation. 24. GUARANTEE eontiactor hereby guarantees for one (l)year the work of this Division in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions. 1583 SECTION I685 - ELECTRIC HEATING l. scoPE fi---Tequnrements of Division IB. l'lork i ncl uded: T. -Sope. 2. General .3. Heating Units. 2. GENERAL apply to work under this Section. F. -EmpTATe e'lectric heating system to be furnished and i nstal'l ed as 't685-l shown on the plans and henein specified by the Electrical Contractor.B. Provide all tontractorl , relays, disconnects, terminal boxes, etc., for insta'llation of equipment. Provide thermostats and required contractors to operate new Sunday School Room and new Chapel on a single thermostat as shown.C. Power supply to be furnished complete by Electrical Contractor. 3. HEATING UNITS fi:-TurnEfi-tnaTnstall per Electric B. Baseboard to be complete with all Heating Unit Schedule as shown on the plans. c. splice plates, etc., installed as E.lements to be free from expansion overheat protection and necessary necessary heating e] ements' brackets recorunended by the manufacturer. noises and shall not Produce hum. contractors and relays required for , and enclosures' Provi de al'l operat'ion . ulF z z z t I == z ). 1?t;I:tn s< "J1 i':a! <-? rFl!l{ x^!: tz - <t^r2l :: < ttFF 3 "i*1!:'::- l<wa9a: <3i t<' U) uJ LIJ LL F lrJ aul lrJ F E(r tlJ F i =E uJ z (D = z uJ F6 uJ l 2 o UJ c F t-t/) o 2 E L]J F = l- z g o(Jzz sEAH6 fi;!,P ';EEE iPA3 E oZ F(,<hzd n*i E?F 3z-.'oE iEH>9L;oLIOO = o <l\l I c =z z tr o = Ezl(,z =UJ-o z F)laz .4 l-ro.P(,q, oo I .E; a^ .tt {Jvltr -Eo =ZztLo ootr ^ 6zX r >YFYut.J(! oir9.<)zX i-L <o1 iuJ ;igx EaXz -NO zo F l o- uJG J z Eoo z tr IJJ J 3luz - tr O coo = HIol 1l <l:l tlED I II'ri I =l I ll I "''1 |--1 | I..1 |(ul I+l (,ld till;lol olEOIt<l =l JlGl <ltr|=l uJt 6lol 1l =l<l =l zIt! (ucl |rJ (J .EP (oq-!o.+Jg t-< .6 UJ z I I I l_ld I I .,l <nlr!l(rI ol <ll>-<tr =O tltlll3ll.tlti| !r,I uJltcltol l<l>t -Jflg;& FEir i-b2 F EFz (J z I LU za =<ZE )zaO O <Fft(J o-L!< | =r 5 -- er o C) e. F(J f-z J F F LIJJ [! Fou, EI t! oz E = ljJ Jz,O(J2P =(d.^ \J (t) =< - =z-iFs [glt8 ,"<3 =r36;= L LU r.l- UJ cq) E o o o F E () o E =E IJJ o-zo F() EFazo() 6Efrn O) rc.c c) oz ul-l (L Iol@Itlst(\JI ]I(ol I I uJ o revised 9lllgL DaLe of Application pFr'n JUN F 1qg2Date of PEC Meetifrg tug r3, rrte IPPLICITION TOR COIIDITIOT{AL USE PERITIT I.This procedure conditionaL use The applicatj.on submitted. A. NA},IE OF AP B.NAME OF APPLI ADDRESS SENTATIVE D oWNER (S)(print or type) SI (s is required for any project required to obtain apermit. will not be accepted until all information is HONE NA},IE OF o$NER(S) ADDRES rr LOCATION OF PROP ADDRESS FEE $2OO. OO PAID /7)4L-- CR # //v Bv THE FEE @! BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A }ist of the names of owners of all property adjacent tothe subject property INCLUDING PRoPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. IT. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if any additional information isneeded. No application wiIl be accepted unfess it comptete (rnustinclude all items required by the zoning administrator). It isthe appllcant's responsibllit.y to make an appointment wlth thestaff to find out about additional submittaL requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI.L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following information must. be submitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposedto make the use compatible with other properties in thevicinity. The description must afso address: a. Rel.ationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. LocK_Frlrnc 7R&r_)_ NA},IE OF b.Effect of the use on Iight and air, distribuLionof populaLj.on, transportation facilitiestutilities, schools, parks and recreationfacilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particu).ar reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenj.ence, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use j.s to be locaEed, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. A site plan at a scale of at least Iu = 20t showing proposed development of the site, including topography, building locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open spacer landscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. .Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. A tltle report to verJ-fy ownership and easements. If the building is condominiumized' a letter from the condominium association in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. Any additional maLerial necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. ** For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. I ,l 3. " .4. q IV. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4Lh Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. All PEC approved conditional use permits shall lapse if constructi-on is not connenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use fb-r which the app;oval- is granted is not conmenced within one year. If this application requires a separate revie! by.any local, state or Flderal agency other than the Town of vail, the application fee sniff Le increased by $200.00. Examples of sutn review, may include, but are not linited to: CoLorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying aly publishing rees iir:.ch are in excess oi sot of the application fee' rf, at the applicantts requestr dnY matter is postponed for hearing,-tausing the matter to be re-published, -then, the entire-fee for tuch re-publication shall be paid by the applicant,. A. B. A.V. B. I c.ooo-tr""aio? o""."d by the Community C.toor"nt Deparrmenrto have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community nay requirereview by consultants other that town staff. Should adetermlnatlon be made by.the town staff that an outsldeconsultant is needed to review any application, Community Development nay hire an outside consultant, it shallestimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her andthis amount shal.I be forwarded to the Tov,rn by the applicantat the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review ofthe application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultantwhich have not been paid to the consultant shaLl be returnedto the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excessof the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid tothe Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification bythe Town. VAIL /BEAVER CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH ot P.O, Box2296 Voil, Colorodo 81658 (303) 47617s9 THE INTERFAITH CHAPELS OF VAIL AND BEAVER CREEK Ms. Kristin Pritz 75 S. Frontage Rd. llestVail, Colorado 81658 Dear tils. Pritz: We at VaiI/Beaver Creek Baptist Church are in the process of beginning a weekday preschool ministry to be housed in theVail Interfaith Chapel . We would like for the town to considergranting a conditional use permit to operate the preschool in the chapel . The program is design for 12-15 four year olds on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and 12-15 threeyear olds on fuesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.n. The program is a part of our non-profit status as the Vail,/Eeaver Creek Baptist Church, Inc. We would like thebusiness Iicense to be relative to our non-profit status. The program is stated to begin September L, L992. Thanks for your attention regarding this program ofministry. 'Zo,-.( Aft 0f Sf-< h;K< R;r.Ks ^ TA ^.1.{* a,' 6'1'?2 - A '*// 4J-i'4 * cttP VU'* 6-*-. Our snowfloke is mode by lhe Cross of Christ ond the symbol of his Disciples, IndMiduolly we ore nothlng, colleclively we blonket lhe world wilh His love, 'Though your sins be os scorlet they sholl be os white os snow." o w0JUN -11 Wet"g'g* ?1l/z"cc t4k e- o[Q.u plecloru* {p* 3&ita ,m.J go"tf t 31ei#(++ Qauoo- /e.y'c-c- si* f4a*4 /eye/. Project Name: Project Application l -"t<l,/utv! t -' oate Jr*nr#. 1992 Contact Person and p66ng Benny Clafk, 476-175Q or q4q-1764 ". owner, Address "rid Phon", VAi I Rel iqiorrs Foundation 19 Vail R6ad Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio6 l-s1 TfaC-t ,J Vai / fi'//q.q<- Block -, riting /s! fi'n,/qrt.a//taE, zone llil 2Pzn slx?c4'- Com ments: for children. An outside play area is very inportant but presently the area is not protected from Gore Creek. The fenced play area will secure small children and provide a nice play area for guestrs children while visiting in the chapel area. proiecr Descjnr;on. &hr{2ddll fence eniloslng approximately 1500 square feet for an outside' pray area. Design Review Board Gat /a,,, b \., L tE //1,a.11a1.- \JU lL4 | Jt /'l7 L DISAPPROVAL(c,,,Yri(9 3-o Summary: y'hn /aet /zo;,t /00 tn2fil) t /j y'/.'//a/r'4 frrltst, DlB '4 27 uuZ //r,ol.'az,,tl &by' anh/ /t,: na E statt Approval ft':t vl t-tli A.t (-.F (- {J rfiIf tl T't o VAIL /BEAVER CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH ot THE INTERFAITH CHAPELS OF VAIL AND BEAVER CREEK P.Q, Box2296 Voll, Colorodo 81658 (303) 476-1759 To: Design Review Board From: VaiI Religious FoundationVail Baptist Church The following is a request coming from the Vail ReligiougFoundation's meeting l.[ay 11 , 1992. Benny Clark was ask to pursue the town's approval of a fencedplay area to be constructed on the property to the rear of theInterfaith Chapel . The play area will be approximately 50 feetbehind the building and consisting of 1500 square feet of play area. w//^ F/od V/ah ? Our snowfloke ls mode by the Cross of Christ ond lhe syrnbol of his Dlsclples. IndMduolly we qre nothlng, collectively we blonkel the world wilh Hls love, "lhowh your sins be os scorlel they sholl be os wtrlle os snow." ]$=-.,-=- p=- SPRADDLE CNEEK x69.5 a 5-5 OFrvE Atr =..=l-,=.--\-..-_---...\'-----..\ r'11 Elgue'-ciiutr '' ' -- + | =ZN ! a Ii i:TD $m rErmm tE sEP t\l?f,3 lc " 7-b :l g7:i, iii:tr.,rrcn \rAl l, 'A$tjocl A1'lis. INC, , a co]'poriltitln duly o1.ganized alrrl cxisl irrg ultctcr itrtcl by vi1.ttrc of 1-hc Latr's or tltc statc uf Colorer]ocrftlie|-irstpart'arrdTI-|EV^Il",REI,IGIotJSI-|0UNDATIoN'INc., 1 10l1-llrof it cotpol:atiOn c1u1y organize:ti iind cxi.sting under and by virtue oI l lrc: ]ar,rs of l]rc state of cololado of the secotld part; l.JI'l.Ill1s,5I'fl1, that tlrc saicl parlty of . the f i.rst part' for and j.n cotrsi(l(:rlttion qrf thc sun of 'Il1N DOLLARS ancl other good :rnd valu- able con-sidcratiorr t(i the said party of the first part itr hand paid by the saicl party of the second part' t'he reccipt' rvlrereof is hereby confe::setl:rncl ackr1rr.i1.Crlged, haS rcnrisecl , rCleascd, So1d, conveyed- and quit cJ-ainecl , :tncl by these presents tlocs remj-se, releaset se11' convey and cluit claim' unto the saicl paity of the second'part' its successors lrnd assi.gns foretrer, a1J. the right, title ,' interest r. c.l.ain ancl dcnnnct r,rhich the said party of the f irst 'part has in and to tlrc f olloi.iirrg dcscribe cl parcel of land .si.tuate, lying and being jn tlrc County of liagle atrcl SLatc of Coloraclo, to tr'it: A part of Tract J, Vail Villagc I'irst Filing' Town.of VaiL, County of Eag1e, State of Colotodo' rnore parti- culaitY desir j.bed as follotrts: lleginniug at the Northeast corner of said Tract J' ar.so ueiiis-; ;;i';-;;t-i[;-Hest right-of-rv3]' of vail Road , soi.3 point being thc true pili'nt . of., beginning; tltcnce uioni-;ii; N"iii, boundarv q! :"i9 Tract J' N"i;"t7i69""19 a distance of 296'27 {eet; thence :i ii";i | 30', l.{ a distancu oi ig. is f ""t i '}he'ce S 29o59'00"' i t"aittlr,.e'.oi i io. o'r rcei; thence s 84o07 I 00" ij a a clistance of 219'96 feei-i6 a point-on--the West riqirt- of -rvay oi-voit lload; ttrerice- atohg l3i:1 lgtt right-of -way on trte roiio;it;-i*o tjl"Iott"ioiT 1) N 00o23'00" ltt a <Iistance of 39.83 feet to a point orl a curve; 2) a dis- tatlce of- 62.88 feet along tht alc of a,curve to the right, tniJ'iutuo hfiYilg"" radirrs 9f 191'59 feet' a ccDtral'liiiirl-ii-0b'o0t;31ii an<1 a chorrl be:rriDg N 040.56 t q6" i{ a ,Jistancc of 62 ' 82 f cet to the true point ol. l:.:giirnii.,g, ioutui.'.i.r.13 .7?(-. ns.r:s, inol'e or 1ess. .|R0\'IDljD,ll0tfl]\.'llR,^NDON.rltuCONDITI0Nthattlreabove descrillcd pr.opcl'ty slra 1l bc usetl f cir tlrc crecl'ion attd naj ntenance thereon ol'r btrilding usecl p.rinarily for cl'rurch arrd rcligious pur- 'oses, thc restrictiorrs Scrcin exprcsserl particularly prohibiting aDy (:orxnler.cial u:ic of thc larttls cxccpt ntinor inCjtlCntal USeS SUCh as tlte l)laccncnt oI vending InilChi.llcs t:ltcrcon as lr convelriencC and Ircr:orrrrrit)tllr1.io1 to occltl)c1c)' trtr{er tIc 1-'crrni.t'tlctl ttscs; nnd t, FURTITER PROVIUED, AND ON TIIE FURTHDR CONDITIoN that no building shall, be erected, placed' or altered on thc prcmises until thc construction ptrans and specifications and a plan showing the location of the structure have been approved by the Architecturar ControL Cornnittee acting with respect to inprovements made in the subdivision known as Vail village First Filing' as to quafity of worknanship and materials, as to harnony of structural design with cxistlng strtlctures and as to height and location with respect.to topography and finish grade elevation TOllAvEANDToHOLDthesanertogetherwithallandsingular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywlse thereunto appcrtai.ning, and all the est'3te' right' title' interest and clairn whatever of the said party of the first patt, either i'n Law or equity, to the onl'y proper use, benefit and behoof of the saidpartyofthesecondpart'itssuccessorsandassignsforever' PROVIDED that if the said prenises or any Part thereof shalL be usedinviolationoftheconditionsandrestrictionshereinex. pressed, the i.nterest in said premises or paft therepf subject to such vioLation shal'l terrninate and be of no further force and ' effect, and the first party sha1l be entitled to bring an aqtion in a proper court with jurisdiction over the prenises for the re- covery of possession of the prenises and to be awarded in such actionthefeesinpletit.letothepremisesorsuchpartthereof. It is-expressly provided that a breach of the foregoing conditions or any re-entry by reason of such breach shal'l not.defeat or render invalid the lien of any nortgage or deed of trust nade in good ' faith and for value as to the said premises or any part thereof' but such conditions shal1 be binding upon and effective against any owner of said premises whose title is acquired by foreclosure' -2- { I, eas , the s eal r othervi ired. SS I.JIIEREO hand and to any breach occurring after said party the day and VAIL ASSOCIATES, rNC, of the first part has year first above .'4, By /.. Ro'l5er t Secretary STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE and INC. ) ) ) ss. IThe foregoing instrunent was acknowledged before ne this , 1973, by Robert H. Nott, Vice president?A.t day of , a Colorado corporation. My notarial connlssion e.xpires: WITNESS ny hand ind official sea1. otary -3- '$ tcers salc o e is so acqu IN I{ITNE unto set its ,b..Y9r.4,;';, hl:t : :'.' :!,i:<r.h'r-!*.iafu4!;P.'?-f,.gdB E. -^t'{f,!.!'b:.F!-'Y. r..., ..--2 z .trfiE ift{r|t .! ?€'ll{lt^*ltlu.i GJ,E:4t ..."" .t FtiitAs ?")*.., o s I c ,t ff, t rus titl hcrc wrj"t ..$s'it';': i sie 7'--,({1,.., k4ry: o DRB APPLTCETION - TO9IN OF \IAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: | "errise d, gl4lgL COIORADO iltc'I] .lrJ il -_,-r'rs Apprrc^r#il,;1liior BE AccEprEDT'NIIL AI.,L REQUTRED TNFORMATTON IS SUBMTTTEDl*t*t**tt*I. PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPT]ON: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) X t'linor Alteration Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTfON: Lot Trar.r .r Block ($20.00) ($0) D, H. E.ZONING: Subdivision Vai1, Town If property is described.by a meets and bounds legaldescriptionr.please provid6 on a separate sheet andattach to this application. LOT AREA: ff reguired, applicantstamped survey showing l_ot area. NAME OF APPLICANT: Mailing Address: NAME OF Mailing I.NAME OF OWNERS:Vail Reli ous Foundation *STGNATURE (S) :Mailing Acidresdl vri 1 , co Rl Aq? phone Condonir:ium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid acthe time of submirta] of DRB appticarion. r;i;;, whenapplying for a building permitl please i-aentiiy-ineaccurate valuation of the proposal . The fown if vailwill adjust the fee according to the tabte below, to must provide a curent Previouslv suhnitted, 47€.,=t"759 APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATTVE: Benny claTkAcdress: 19 Vail Rqad vair, COffi Phone 476-1759 J. |. ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000910,001 -$ 50,000$ 50r 001 - $ 1501 000 $150,001 - s 500,000 s500,001 - $1,000,000I Over S1, C00, OOO * DESTGN REVIEI{ BOARD APPROVAI. EXPTRES APPROVA! UNIJESS A BUII.DING PERMIT IS STARTED. **NO APPI.TCATTON WILL BE rf ns- ,414.@_ FEE $ 20.00s s0.0c s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 ss00.00 ONE YE,AR AFTER FTNAI, ISSUED A}TD CONSTRUCTION IS PROCESSED WITEOUT O9INER'S SIGNATURE I Vail Phone o DRB APPLIC.AIION - TOIfN OF \IAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: Q =.rri". d g/A/sL coIps,ADO rers eppr.rc"rfii;;Tiior ", AccEprEDI'NTIL AI.L REQUIRED TNFORIT{ATION IS SUBT,TITTED**********]. PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION: FI TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construct ion Addj-t.ion (S50.00) ($200.00) x lainor Alrerarion ($20. O0) Conceptual Review ($0) D. TUUKT, D > : LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: Lot TrF..f- .T Block Subdivision vail, Town a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and If property is described bydescription, please providiattach t.o this application. ZONING: Chapel LOT AREA: ff required, applicantsramped survey showing lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: NAME OF OWNERS:ai1 Reti ous Forurdat ion TSTGNATIIRE (S) :Mailing Acidre# v.il, rrn AlAq? phone Condomir:ium ApprovaL if applicable. NAME OF APPLTCANT,S REPRESENTATIVE: Bennv elaTkMailing Acdress: L9 Vail noad Vail, COffi Phone 476-t'159 DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submirlal of DRB applicarion. L;ia;, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify ineaccurate valuation of the proposal . The fown of Vailwill adjust the fee according- to the tabLe below, toensure t.he correct fee is paid. **NO APPLTCATION I{ILL BE PROCESSED WTTHOUT OWNER'S SIGNAIT'RE 1 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000$ 10,001 - S 50,000g 50,001 - $ 150,000 s150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over 51, C00,000 * DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI. EXPTRES APPROVAI T'NLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS STARTED. must provide a current Previouslv submitUed . H. I, T 476_115q FEE PAID: S 2O.OO FEE $ 20.00s 50.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 OHS YEAR AI.TER TTNAL TSSUED AIID CONSTRUCTTON IS DRB o APPLICATTON r'rs App,.rc"rfi;;;;iior ", AccEprEDUNTIL AIL REQUIRED INTORMATION IS SuBrrtrTTED****i*****]. PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION: O ""rri". d g/4/sl - TOWN OF \rArL, coIoRADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition ($50.00) ($200.00) x uinor Alteration (S2O.0O) Conceptual Review ($0) D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTf ON: Lot rnar.r .r Block must provide a current Previously subnitted. NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: FEE SCHEDULE T VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000s 10,001 - $ 50, o0o$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - s 500,000 s500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1, C00, 000 * DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRES APPROVAIJ UNI'ESS A BUILDING PER!{IT TS STARTED. J. Condomir:ium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittar of DRB application. Llter, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify tireaccurate valuation of the proposal . The fown of VaiLwill adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. Phone 476-1759 L' I, FEEs 20,00< q.n nn $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 ss00.00 ONE YE.AR ATTER TI}IAT TSSSED AIID CONSTRUCTION IS Subdivision Vail-, Towrr If property is described by a meets and bounds legaIdescriptionr.please provid6 on a separate sheet andattach to this application. u. F ZONING: Chapel LOT AREA: If required, applicantstamped survey showing tol area. NAME OFMailing Phone 476-Ii59 NA},IE OF OhINERS:ous Foundation *STGNATURE (S) :Mailing Acidres6l lra i I , fYl 8.1 667 Phone d?6_1 75q FEE PAID: S 2O.OO APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE: Benny claTkAcdress: L9 Vail Road Vaif, COffi **NO IPPLTCATTON WILL BE PROCESSED I{ITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE o DRB APPLICATION - IOWN OF VA L, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLICAIION WILL NOT BET'NTIL ALL REQUIRED IIIFORIi{ATIONt********* O r"rri" ed. 9/a/9L COIORADO ACCEPTEDIS SUBMTTTED I. A.DESCRTPTION: R TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: D.LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: LoI Trar.f- .T B].ock F. G.NAME OF APPLICANT: ZONING: Vail Reliqious Foundation LOT AREA: If required, applicantsLampect survey showing lot area. ($200.00) x Minor Atterarion (520.00) Conceptual- Review ($0) must provide a current Previouslv suhrnitted, Phone 476-L759 I. NAME OF APPLTCANT,S REPRESENTATIVE: Benny claTkMailing Address: 19 Vait Road Vai1, COffi NAME OF OWNERS:VaiI Relicrious Foundation *SIGNATURE(S):il;Mailing Acidres6: vei 1 , cr.t R] 6R7 (/ Phone 4?6_.1 "5o Condominium Approval if applj.cable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo be paid atthe time of submittat of DRB application. L;i;;, whenapplying for a building pernitl please identify-iheaccurate valuation of the proposal . The fown 6f Vailwill adjust the fee according- to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. J. R Subdivision Vail, Town If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provid6 on a separate sheet andattach to this application. Mailing Address: Benny Clark TEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000$ 10,001 - $ 50,000s 50,001 - $ 150,000 s150,001 - s 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000I Over $1, C00,000 * DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAIJ UNLESS A BUTLDTNG PERMIT IS STARIED. **NO APPTJTCATION WTLL BE PROCESSED WITBOI'T OT{NER' S SIGNATURE 1 FEE PAID: S 2O.OO FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.0c $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 s500.00 ONE YE,AR AFTER TTNAI. TSSUED AI{D CONSIRUCTION IS Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description; Architecl, Address and Phone: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description:5f fr^cf {Block ta2. l-Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ut Staff Approval '------__----- Br./. of; c/^1t/ , ,gBd*4 lnc>hnt nolrL4 l,/ 5&rj.r r)r'Jn tTlt 7r,c.f <-Y bt/ I Uaf.U5 /, 4*,.'u-'L - uo^ | C/4 8"4 t +.as n llr,uy Ea,_-yRF 7/r7ft t Or..ri"" d 6/L8/gL DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO DAIE APPLrcArroN REcErvED, ffi JUL 1?1991' m;ilw.I. PRI A. / ..Vl,,*t n ESCRIPTION:V^,1 cA J n ua 3,,) I^ B.TYPE OF REVIEII: ^[^crrr/<- d re*-lt'( ,1 $r'I1 ,"-*) OL Pt\cArt ,". l*) \./Nevr Construction ($200.00) )( Minor Afteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00) Conceptual Review (S0) ADDRESS:11 U",( r?J. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1,69{Vo.* T. subdivision U U ITTF If property is described by a meets and bounds lega1 description, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT: BLock applicant must provide a current 1ot area A-;*; . FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 s200.00 $400 .00 $500.00 WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATI'RE H. Mailing Address: Phone Phone NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE(S): Mailing Address: Phone J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. ,( o ^ E- FEE PAID: $ AU ,FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION I 0-$ 10,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $ 50, oo1 - $ 150, ooo s150,001 - $ 5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,0001 000 *NO APPIICATION WILL BE PROCESSED )' LL,l, k 6'l d cl.oaf ,f { c t/oo+-b 0/ l-IL,L MEMBERS OF THE VAIL RELIGIOUS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS EACH OF YOU WILL FIND UNDER THIS NOTE THE TWO ALTERNATIVE BENCHES WHICH SEEM TO BE AVAILABLE FOR INSTALLATION ON THE CHURCH GROUNDS. PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR INPUT TO EITHER REV. HOLMAN 1827-5547 ) OR RICH BROWN (949-4186) REGARDING YOUR PREFERENCE REGADING LOCATION AND BENCII , SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY SUCH PREFERENCE. I WILL BE AVAILABLE UNTIL NOON, THE 17th OF(orrrcE) oR 949-4813 (RESTDENCE) CONFIDENTIAL PRICE LIST Thls prlce sheet ls speciflcally deslgned for builders, developers, and contraclors. Plices shown are approximatley 40% off standdrd retail prices. Orders ol less lhan $1,000 are subiecl lo a 10% up charge. Orders over $10,00O.0O recelve an additlonal 5% discdunt o,l th€ pdce sheel. Orders of less lhan $1,500.00; tull paym€nt ls required wilh order. Orders over $1,500.00; 50% deposit ls required with order, balanc€ due at tims ol shipment. ll batance of oider ls shipped COD, balance due and all COD charges are payable by certified chock or cashiers check only. All shipmenls are lreighl collect unless prior arrangemenls for pre-paid freighl (added to lolal invoice amounl) are specified belorehand. Altow 3 to 4 weeks lor dellvery, Standard colors aro black, charcoal (medlum grey), llght grey, architectural brown (dark), medium green, verde green (dark), whit€, or lan. All globes are U.V. stabilized while plastic. Aco]n globes are avallable al exlra cost In a Lexan polycaibonate lrosled (glass look) finish. Lexan is virlually unbreakable and very heai r€sislanl when used with H.l.D. ballasls. Please glve us a call lf we may be of furlher assislance in any way. Mel Northey C AND COMMERCIAL E PARK BENCHES use park are made with h€avy duty slats and /:"rods. (vlrtually Ind€slruclabl€) 4',- 9219 s',- 9239 6', - $2s9 #504oPCS 4', - $199 s',- $219 6',- $239 Mel-Nor 303 Gulf Bank . Houston, Texas 77037 (7| 3),145-3485 . 1-80G828-0302 FAX: (713) 44*7456CUSTOM STOP SIGN POSTS AVAILABLE I l.ra CUSTOM STBEET SIGN POSTS AVAILABLE q 1q.l I I I I I t, I II ! t.l o '.----rr-.E r.J*iirdai t-!tc vnl/.rlLnf,l,l::r'.-! | , '.,-!i rJ Ati'lt ,;,: !trr- Vlsa/MC/A mex acceptecl 'Tfre I]encluntu.k Refinerf errouglr for tlre ilrlerior llut rfe- sigrred to take tlre weirtlrer, tlrese firrely co n st ructed rno rt i se-a n cl- t e rro rr retf woocl garden benches are halrdcrafterl at our sholl <-rrr Rt. I irr Nortlr;;orl, Mairrt,. lvle;r- surenlellts: 60" L x 23" \,V x J4" I l. T'<r order, call zo7-33{J-5046 or serrcl check or rnoney orrler for g565 (inclucles shipping and handling in Nerv Englarrcl). Maine residents please adcl5,,/u saies tax. 'Ilre ffcnclrnrtu.k RFD 2, Box 11 1 Lincolnvilfe, Me. O4849 I]nc TD b@k rc$A St"rl u 1 PROJECT:6;dnwolu' LJe D., vu.r-/- t T] -1-/. 6"Je-r,*JL fn A t-" b.x-- ^d i- no ), {1 .!. Ja.c\rr.;"s ,e l*rs. f T:'t, [;{'.- pl^ k" tmh ( *-- dzstl^ @- ,'-l^*ir' ,-::^,yk woul) pr,b"t t1 hr: p,,;-#i' )TtO3"d\r:, 1 f\ t . t - I'('^ +^' V*- I Z- lu r). fr- lk,--. 4, '*^7 t"+tor/'' q's c1 C I vv 1rv'-"'r* . 4.: y on c- c,,^- 524._ L. L a_^t/o*. , FIRE DEPARTMENT I Wq- cl,n $'e vr,q-td,. *o qef q sr&u:a0tl'- *ttt ,'tWu . t don 't ha^,"e A Stt'rvuty silstr ra*:Ail oat": 4z/-comnentB: I b,7 J ,,f)/'-- L * ^rN-\ -. 1 {'n'bu.I + . P11;i^ r r"? Y* t/t ldrn'trt DATE SUBI.TITTEDs COMITIENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Reviewed by: Conments: RECF'EATION DEPARTI,TENT Revlewed by: CommentEs reviEed 3/LL/9L DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING RevLewed by: Date: conments: u'uLn *Lt (< \l ,tl f Du.i' tril'12't'"- P')d pr,t r I '"* 5ltr ( Date; INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Date: ''( I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: o- i:rac tt.hal tl. DRB APPLICATION - TOUIN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED :DATE OF DRB MEETING: t*tttttlt* TTIS APPLICAIION INTLL NOI BE ACCEPTEDI'NTIL ILL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBI,TITTEDtt**t*tt*t reviced 4/26191 coroRADo lii ;i ,:,i;1 i :t ll)$l r/,c.,^rl.l" i/"*,1 c.^vb t thrl*"- tr B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition Minor Alteratlon Conc ual Revlew c. D. E. F. G. ADDRESS:A,I CA^ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block attach to t NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: is described 6yplease provideis application. V",l a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and must provide a current RESENTATIVE:H. I.NAME OF OWNERS: NAME OFMailing APPLICANT' S Address: ,t. K. TSIGNATT'RE (S) :Maitlng Address: Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB anplLcation. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000$10,001 -s 50,000 $501001 -s 150,000 $150r001 - $ _ 500r000 9500, 001 - $1, 000, 000I Over $1r 000,000 TPPIICAIION WIIJIJ BE PROCESSED FEE PAID: S 30 FEE I 20.00s 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 s400.00 ss00 .00 IIITEOT'I OIINER' S SIGNATUru n subdivisi "" V \/ TT e- ff property description, ZONING:J+**!, +o LOT AREA: If required, appllcantstamped survey showing Iot area. I T Project Application * 4,11 7l Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesa I Descri pr io n*"-tf Y-i*-i\, t, o "r Com ments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: E stati Approval *t{* -t -'^ & 1dc" DATE c,u{ 1 1 1991 DRB IPDLICAIION APPLICATION RECEMDt DATE OF DRl. }'IEETINGI rrrrrrlrHlS APPLICATION lfILIr NOT AE ACCEPTED UNTII, AtL INFORI{ATION IS suBuITTEDrr*r* r. PRE-APPIJCATION UEETINGS A pre-appllcatlon reetlng ulth a plannlng etaf,f 4enber leetrongly suggested to determlne if, any addltlonal .Inforrnatlon ls needed. No apollcatlon ulll be accepted the zonlng admln1atratorl . It 13 tn€ apprrsanE'Eiesponslblftty to uike an appolntnent wlth the staff to flnd out. about addltlonal subtllttal requlrenente. PleaEe note It ls the appllcantre out- about addltlonal subtllttal regulrenente. PleaEe note A.PROJECT DESCRIPIIONI u.<^ cc "l-"'d " r/ hnl),; '-'J+ b .!./l ata^A that a CoHPLETE appllcatlon vlll itreamllne the approval proceas ior your proJect by decreaslng the_number of condltlons of approval that the DRB uay atlpulate. ALIJ condltlons of ap-proval rouEt be resolved before a bulldlngpernlt ls lssued. lppftcatl.on wl.ll not be proceesed nlthout Ornerrs Slgnature. B.IOCATION Addrese Legal Deacrlptlon l,ot - Block Subdlvlelon C. D. NA}IE OF APPI,ICNITS VeJ R.l wndfrtoh Halllng Addreegc )1. Co qftE Phone OF PROFOSAI,T- - 11 U",l\?*J. ffit,^6*t>,-NN{E OF Halllng E. NN.IE OF OWNERS! APPI,ICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE: Addresg: Pbone ,*, *arsnnruRE (s, r B*- ltalllng Addreeel YAI&ATJISN oo1 001er o, o, o, Ov 9rs 9so $ o, oo0 50o r 0oo $1, OoO, 0oo $lr 0oor ooo 9200.00 $300.00 , ?u?-Ll/6c "-r*.t"*t ^ttt.val lf appllcable. U U6'J Co Phone o. oo 100. oo l0,oo1 - 4 ^k //t(14(L\ II. IUPORTNIT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBllISgIONtt TO THE DRB| '.il A. fn addltlon to neetlng eubntttal requlrenente, the appllcant nust atake the el.ce \:e lndlcate propertytlnes andl bulldlng corners. Troes that ulll be reuoved uuet alao be uarked. Thle uork ruet ba conpleted before the DRB vlslts the glte. B. The revlew process for NElf BUfLDINGS vlll norually .. involve two- eeparate rneetlnge of the Deslgn Revlew:Eoardr eo the appllcant ehould plan on at leaet two :neetlngs for a flnal approval. C. Appllcants who fall to appear bcfore the Dealgn Revlew Eoird at thelr cchedulcd ueetlnE and who havc not aekedtor a p6stponenbnt dlll be rcqulred to be rrpubliched. D. At the dlocretion of the zonlng adnlnletrator, the fotrlowlng Ltema ltay not have to be preeented to the Deslgn Rev.lcw Board. They, however, have to be presintedl to the Plannlng Departnent for approval: !. lflndows, akyllghta ancl slullar cxterlor changeB that do not-alter the cxlrtlng planc ol tbebulldlngt and b. Bulldlng addltlone that are not vlewed tron any other tot or publlc Epace, uhlch have had lettersgubrnltted frorn adJolnl'ng property owners approvlng the addltlonl and/or approval from the agent for, or Danager of'a condonlnlun assoclation. E. You tlay be requlred to conduct Natural Hazard Studles on your propeity (1..e. enow avalancher- rockfall, debrle floi.l, ttetlandBr-etc). .Iou should check nlth a Town Planner before Proceedlng. .l 1 I. }IATERIAIJ TO D8 SUBI'TITTED NEW CONSTRUS TON A. Jh#=onlee ol a tooooraphLc rnao and alte olan at aBcale of ln r 2Or or larger, of the elte contalnlng thefollowlng: 1. . Ll.ceneed eurrreyorra Btatop 2. Contour intenrale of not lors than 2r unleea theparcel consietg of 6 acreB or Dore, Ln rhlch caBe,5r contour Lntenrale tay be accepted. Exlstlng treeg or groupB of trees havlng tnrnkswlth dlanetere of 4r or Dor€ one foot above grade. {. Rock outcroppl.nge and other elgnlflaant naturalfeatures (large bouldere, tnterulttent streams,etc.l . 5. Avalanche areae, centerline of gtrean or crcek,creek or etrean eatback, 1.00-year flood plaln and elopes of 4Ot or more, lf appltcable. 6. Tles to exlstlng benchnark, elther UsGs landmarkor Eelter Lnvert. 7. LocatLons of the following: !,o Proposed surface dralnage on and oft elte, showlng eize and type of culverte, analeBr etc. b. Exact locatlone of all utlll'{:les to lnclude exletLng aourceB and propoeed eerstlce ltnee from sourcee to the etructure. Utllltlee to lnclude: Cable T\l Telephone co Property llneg and a baslg of d. Proposed drlvewaye ulth percent elope and spot elevatl,ons All eaeenente (Tltle report muet also lnclude e)clatl,ng gaeenent locattons) 3. Sewer Gasl{ater Electrlc ehowlng dlstances and bearings bearlng 3r 8. 9. fxlstlng and tlnlehad grades. All exl.:tlng and proposed lnproveuentg Lncludlng stnrctures, landscaped areas, senlce lraast storage areaB, ualkr, drlveways, off-atreetparklfrg, loading areis, retalntng uatla iwlth^ EPot Ltevatl6ns ot top and iotton of ualls), and otlrerslte lnprovenente. 10. Elevatlons of too of roof rldqee fwlth-exleltno- €o deteralne ffi A11 rldge rlnes should be lndicated on the ilte ptan. Elevatlons for roof rldges ehall also be lndtcated on the-alte plan witf, correspondlng flnlehed and exl'etl'ng-gradeclevatlons. No p6rtlon of the roof ghall oxceed 33 feet. B.Landscare Plan (ln r 20t zor larger, -7 1. thow the locatlon of 4rr dlameter orother ahrubE and natlve plants tbatBlte and tlre locatlon and deslgn of landacape areas ulth the varlatlesplant laterlalB lndicated. copleB requlred larger trees,are on theproposed and slzes of .2. 3. CoDpleta the attached landscape uaterl.ale liat. Deelgnate aII treee to be saved and aII thoee tobe renoved. NOTE3 As tluch of the abova lnfornatlon aa poealble should belndlcated on the alta plan, so that the lnter-relatlonpf the varloue cornponentp le clear. The landecape planshould be eeparate. The exLstlng topographlo andvegetatlonal characterletlcs Day be shown on a eeparate DAP. c. D. Elcnature frorn each utLlltv companv verlfylng locatlonof servlce and:avallablllty (see attached). Prellmlnarv tltle report to acconpany all subnlttals,to lnsure property ownerehlp and all easernente onproperty. It/4n t lt requlred. all elevatlons Elevatl.ons grades. E. Ior larger!r,.{c,oplea 1. Hust lnclude acaled floor plans and as they wlll appear on conpletlon.uust shon both exlstlng and flnlstred 2. ona get ol lloor planB muet be .rred-lln€drr to 6hort how the GRFA waB calculated. 3. Eubnlt one Bet of reduced (8 l/2rt x llrt) floorplans, elevatlons and slte plan for lncluslon ln DeDoB to Plannlng Connlsslon and Town Councll . 4. Exterlor eurfaclng materiale and colore shall be Epealfled and gubnltted.for revl.ew on thenaterlale llst (attachedl . color chlps, sldlng Banplea etc., Ehould be presented at the Deslgn Revl,ew Eoard toeetlng. F. Zone eheck llet (attached) nuat be conpleted if proJect le zoned alngle-Famlly, Prluary,/Eecondary or Duplex. c. The Zonlng Adnlnlatrator and/or DRB Day regulre the eubulsslon of addltlonal plane, drawlngs,Bpeclflcitlons, sltrplee and other naterl.als (lncludlng a-nodel) lt deeued neceBgar]t to detetmlne uhether a proJect- wlll conpll' wltn Deslgn Gu!'dellnes. II. I-IINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERTOR OF BUILDINGS. Photog or sketchea that clearly lndlcate what le propoeed and the locat.lon (elte Plan) of the proposal uray be eubnltted ln lleu of the nore fortoal regulrenents given above, ae long as.they provlda all lnportant EpecLfl.catlonstor tire propo-al .lncludlng colors and naterlala to be uaed. ' -.v III. ADDITTONS - RESIDENTIAL oR COMIiERCTAL A. Orlglnal floor plans ulth all Epeclflcatl.ons shown.a(2LB. Fo Eeta-of propoeed floor planE lL/4" - 1r or larger)-for additloni. - C. ll\ro coplee of a rite plan showlng exletlng and proposedconstructlon. Indlcate roof rldge clavatlons n-itli' exlstlng and proposed graae- Etro,in unaerneath. D. Elevatl,ons of proposed addltt.on. E. Photog of exleting structur€. F. Speclflcatlonr for all uaterl.als and color Eanples onnaterl.ala llst (attached). At the regueat, of the Zonlng Adnlniatrator you nay alao berequl,red to eubnltr G. A statenent fron each utlllty verlfylngBetillce nnd avallablllty. 8Ce attachedlocatlon verlflcatlon forn. H. A et.te Lnprovencnt sunrey, rtarnped by regleteredprofeselonal sunreyor. f. A prellnlnary tltle report, verlfylng ownershlp of' property andl llets.of easenents. IV. FINAL STTE PIAN After a bulldlng perult hae been Laeued, and utren theproJect is under:way, the followlng wlII be requlred before any- buildlng recelveB a frarnlng Lnspectlon from the Buildlng Departnent: Tvo coples of a certlfled inprovernent sunrey ehowing: locatlon of,uttltty A. gulldlng locatlone ulth tlee to property cornerE, t'.€. dletarrceg and angles. Eulldlng dlnenglons to the nearegt tanth of a foot. AII utlltty eenrlce llnes, ag-bulltg, ehowlng-Elze of Ilnee, typL of Daterlal uaed, tnd exact locatlons. Dralnage as-bulltg. Bael.a of bearlng to tle to sectLon corner. All property plne are to be elther found or eet and atated oD ltpr A11 eaaenents. Bulldlng tloor rlevatlong and all roof rldga alcvatlonsulth'cxletlng and Droposed grades Bhown underneath. EONCEPruAL DEETGN REVIEI{ 1. subrnlttal retmlrements: Thq owner or authorlzed agent @g design approvar as prescribei by thle chapter uay eubnlt plans for conceptual r€vlewbt the Deslgn RevlEw Board to the Departnent of c6nrnunlty Dtvelopuent. The pur2oee -of a conceptual revlew ghall br to glve the appll.cant a baalc underetandlng wlth ieepect to-Lhe dealgn concept and the conpatlblltty of a propoeal wtth the Deelgn Guidellnee containea wlirrtir thls chapter. Thls B. C; D. E. F. G. B. v. 2. procedure lg reconmended nainly for those appllcatlons oe a htgber tnpact than slngle-farnlly and two-famlly regldencee although proJects of that nature shall not be excluded frorn the opportunlty to requeet a conceptual deslgn revlew. tlhe foltonlng lnfornatlon shall be lubnltted for a conceptual revlewi l. A conceptual glte and landscape plan at a ulnhnungcale of one lnch eguala twenty feett b. Conceptual elevatlons and exterlor rnaterlals and a ' degeriptlon of the charaster ol the proposed gtnrcture or 3truotureBt c. Eufflclent lnforuratlon to ehow that the propoeal complles ul.th the development etandardg of the zoni dlstrlct ln whlch the proJect I'g to b9 Iocated (L.e. GRFA, elte coverage calculatlons, nunber of Parklng BPacea, atc.)t d. Coupletedt aPPllcatlon formt s. Planntng and Envlronroantal Connlsgl'on and or Toun councll-aPProval lf requlrcd. Procedure: Upon recefnt of- an-appllcatlon-for ;;;|ctpEual aeitqn-revllw, the Dellrtnent of connunlty O."ri-"pr"nt "ttaif revlew-the eubnltted naterlale for ;;;;;;i-;"tpiiint" wrth the approprlate resulrements of Ene-zJnfng tode. If the proposal ls ln baglc ""rnpffi""6 wtth the zonlng- code regulrernente, the ;;;i;;i ;t "ii l. fonardei to the Dns for conceptual ;;;i;;; -ii-[rre appllcatlon le not generallv ln "orpft"tce wlth zbnlng code requlrenentsr the ;;;ii;;aion and suurnlttal uateilals shall be returned t'o'ttre apptlcant vlth a wrltten explanatlon of the oipirtt.itt of cornrnunlty Developmentrs flndlngs' rn! onn ahall revleu tire applltatlon and supportlng niterlaf that has been subrnltted for a conceplual ;;ni;; lh erder to determlne vhether or not the proJect oenerallv complles wlth the deelgn guldellnes. No vote 5f tfre ois wlrf be regulred unless reguested by the ippifcant. The- propeity-9ln3r or hls repreaentatLve "ilirf be presenf at the DRB hearlng. o LIST OF I,IATERIAI.S NN.!E oF PRoJEcrs lA'l DESCRISTION! IrT_ BIOCK EUBDIVISION ADDRESS! DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTS /, nl,;o ac4t' ra n1 ./nn ,4 t,,1. ndo-n an a a+ *h<- A. IJCAIT ATREET EUILDING UATERIAIS: Root sldlng Other lNall l{aterlals Faecl.a Sofflte wl.ndows lllndow Trfun Doore Door Trirn lland or Deck RaLls Flues Flashlngs Chlnneys Trash EnelosureE Greenhouses other IAIIDSCAPINGI Nane of COIDR ka trat" B. PI.aITT I{ATERIALSs EClg.D.ilgg,LNCDe PROPOSED TREES a Conmon Name ouantltv Elze* - - EXISTING ITREES TO BE REUOVED .rlndlcate callper for - Cd* sL4ltg reea. declduous trees. l{lnlmum callo?r for nches. fndlcate helght for conlf3rous ''o o Conmon Narne ouantltv E.,laelPINNT UATERIAI,SI 1, . -. .. PtoPoSED SHRUBS ir{ '.1 :. ;', . EXISTTNG ETTRUBS TO DE REI,IOVED f'.1 :.I '.i ,' .;:,..' ?ii ','ii. i, . ." rlndlcats size of DropoBsA thnrbg.' ' -... -..--.__5 qalIon. Spe gcnrlre Footaqe GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR UETHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, c. oTllER IANDSCAPE FEATURES (retalnlng walla, fences, ewlnnlngpools, etc.l Please specify. Indlcate helghts of retalnlngwalls. Maxlmuro helght of rralle wlthln the tront eetback te3 febt. llaxluum helght of walle else$thgre on the property ls 6 feet. a.'.!o , ZONE CHECK FORgFR, n, R P/8 ZoNE DISrRrqrs PlT9! - ADDRESSSl*:3k3:.cRrprroNr rpt _ Btock _ Flltns O}INER ARCHITECT PHONE PHONEZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I.OT SIZE llelght Total GRFA Prl.lary GRFA 'secondarl7 GRFA Allowed Exlatlno proooeed lrotal (30) (331 201 15 1 151 ' (30) (50) Setbacks: Front Sldee Rear l{ater Course Site Coverage Landscaping Fence/Retalnlng l{al1 Helghts 3t/61 Parkl.nE Credl.ter carage -Reqrd (300) (600)_ (e00) (12o0) llechanl.caf (5o) (1oo) Alrlock (25) (50) Storage (200) ({00) Drl.ve: Permltted Slope Bt Actual Elope Approved by Town Englneer: Date'r Envlronnentalr/Hararde r Avalanche 1! Flood Plaln 2) t slope 3) GeoloEl.c ttazarde a) Snow Avalanche b) RoclclaLl c) Dsbrla Flow l) tfatlanda A Professional Corporalion !rt .. -_l 143 East Meadow Drive Crossroads al Varl Vail, Colorado 81657 303r476-5105 MoTUeRARCH trECTs FTROPOSAL FOR CONDITIONAL UsE F'ERMIT Vai 1 Irrte!"faith ChaPel Tract J, Vail ViIlaqe lst FiIing F.ROJECT DESCRIF.TION The praporat is fc'r- a revi sic'rr tu the existirrltr Cc'rrdit i c'nal Upe FFrroit fr"'r the Vai I Interfaith Cha;:el' l-r'act 'J! Vai I Vi l lage lst Fi t irrg' The 5lr*c'pc':.ecl charrge ig tc' pr'c'vir3e a 4it square foot seconOiry entrance vest ibr'rIe arrcl ;r handicap- accessi bl e rarnp to the vest i b r-r I e' Siteccveragewor-rldt.El'[c,lir|unchanged,arl(JflL-'c'}-ar.eawf.lltld i ncr^ease by 4c} sq ttare f eet , The nerw ertc 1 c.5efJ gpaccs i :; t c. retrrain p}.imariIy within the existing rouf Iine' Hc'u'evel't a part iorr of the eave I irre rnltgt be raiserJ appr'axirrrately 3-l /;: feet tc: provide adeqr-rate h etad ''c'urrrr in the vest i b'-lIel' RELATI0N$HITANDIMF'RCToFTt{EF.RGJEC.roNl}JElnuJNf]F'VjlIL The purpr:se of the addit ic'r' is tc' hring the br-ri lclirrg up to gtantlard cc,de corrrpl iarrce f c'r harrdicap aecelss' arrd tc' better' al low g i rrrrl I t aner'us usel c'f trr'rt h chap*:ls' l'hea exterrc'r alterat i.',,t- -tt' the c.r'iginal Cc,rrrJi t i c'rral tjgr: Freal'ro t ar-'€: ntinorl the bulk c.f the bui ldirtg is tc' y'etrl<airr "zit't r:erl Iy r.tnchanqed, No charrges will be rnade to br'ri lding sc+tbacks' freri ghtt c.l' site e$ve!^age' trarl<ing t'equiretnents sherl1 rentain r'rncharrge(J' (Accorclins 'i;'*';l;;" ie' 5d:;l'; ;; Vai I Zc'nirrs urcl irrarrcesn I spac:e iE reqr-rired fc'r each B *eats' base:d c'n sc'at i rtg capacity ar brti lding crrrLlparrtry 5tarrd'-tr-d!il-.::t t c'trevelr xs; rr'tc'r'e restt'ict ive. '6erat ing cap;rciiy ig nc't beirrq irrcreaeerdn '-rnd br"tildingnccltpancyisr,c,tbeirr"gincr.easerJ,.rJtte'tc.|'JtiC.€tle. S3(rE(a): "flc:cessc,ry Lls.? "t*l*' it'' i*r' t:rdinari l)r ar^e+ used *r'iIy by ptrr$c'n* *ht' t'"*i'py tlre t0a i rr areaas: c'f c'r':c: I t [:]!-t rrcy 5ha I I trf+ providedwithexitga:ithc'r-tqhtheyarecc'lrfiler{:elyc'ccttpieadr br.rt their c'ccuPant lc.ad neei nc't tre incl ttrJIlcJ irr ccrrrrptttirrg the tc'taI O""ttp"t"y Loacj c'f the br-ri ldirrq' o MorurnAncnrEcrs LIST T]F ADJACENT trROtrERTY OWNER5 Vail Interfaith trhaPel Traet Jr Vail Village lst Filirrg Firstbank of Vail attnl Kevin Maedonald 17 Vail Road Vai lq C0 41657 B. F. Condominium Asgociat i ';rrrc/o Kevin MaeDonald Vailn C(} 61657 Vai t Fire Department . Tc'wn c,f Vail Sonnenal P Hotel attn! Johannee Faegsler €O Vai I Road Vail' CO 41657 . japourCX leduqf, $r il $-t \,X l I -l I ,J $ d( $ F 'L ll. lc \nf \I It \ \i + ,i:r{ \$OI+\lItr6lts{!fss.F*lv+ [)s ('\s d+ \s tbf\Az:IS''i :r rdI. $ N l {f f:s\N' ;tt+ f \. d. 4$I7 I o, t_ ffiffi ffis\ ff$ fiq II l--ll il)lEo _s*i tee -=olSNl t $$i lLj lepoue u tedp qf, rfl!urrel.ul llun _t -I -{, tr$ ttlDrtn $-> _T \ t tt\ fq T. o :toItr s J $i =l + {r t-q l-.v!_\}r-l !t l- o'I J f, iln P.l ,{$ Ri $$ $)og gY h$ _S fiI rt- 0 ulI !-$ \Ji da -{*fi T \ l- I{r4l\L_rlil ---rl-k $-- uI I -lcJl si+l'l-f A -+- tl $d Ist-sr rl.. *-: > s C)-t o ql!Plralul l!uA lapotuau laduqf ) L- 4 lql.ll3;1T t ,',-} j o+ Jr-(\f$ $?t$t: $5d. fr $T b-I I I I I I I i I \ \'--+ $ I i I l +\:sl I \ I ) t s a c\ ri F\ l'--r:| '--'ls-lrtrt\tu- 5 T4 _--_: w st, t I o $ _t t\ $o \i+l \-i\ e$$,n$N] o1 *=l\sz $t> ts(-t J.J {a, J\):ts I * *Jto |! EI EoLIF 3:o .I Date Date of of Application 3- 2{ PEC ileeti n APPLICATION FOR CONDITIOI{AL USE PERI4IT I. Th1s procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditiona'l use pennit. The application wi'll not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NME OF APPLICANT B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESSM Vr,,l 0o 8l6rb Pnonejll 'tLhb ' c.NAIIE 0F OhJNER(S) (Print or tvpe ) or,rNER(s)' SIGNATURE(S) ^DDREss ne( t5'l ) v/lil co 8lbs'J PHoNE 4 ?tt'l s5 z . rluno-VV :Lr ,llraat J ADDRESS FiE $'100 THE FEE MUST ACCEPT YOUR D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL: LOT BLOCK PAID cK# BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COI4MUNITY DEVELOPMENT I'IILL PROPOSAL. E. F. A list of the names of ov{ners of a'l'l propglly adj.acent to the subi.ect property INCLUDING PRoPERTV-BEnrlo AnO ACRoSS lrnlcfs' and-thelr-maillng-addril!9!: THE AppLrcANT lrrii g-E RElpoNirsis ron-coRREct orNERs At{D c0RREcr ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE }IITH A PLANNING STAFF I/IEI'IBER IS STROIqLY SUGGESTED T0 DETERMTNe rr-[ni-liboiiionnl rNFoRr4AiioN ts NEEDED.__N0 APPLIcAII9I! !.lLL- BE AccEprED uNLES'i'rr-ii'ioiii;reiE ii,iijii'iiictlo.r-A![ rrems REQUTRED BY._THE_ZoNIr{G IDilrNiiiRAion'j.--ir-is-ixiann-iqnrlt;i-iEiionsIP!lII-Io..]',lAKE 4N-APPoINTT'IENT IIITH THE srAFF To'iIND oiii hbo[i.Aooirtotlnl susmtnnl REQUIT(Er'rtliTS' PLEASE NOTE THAT A C0I]IPLEIE APPLICATIoN iIILL STREAMLINE THE APPRoVAL-PRoCESS FoR yguR pno.rrci [viEiEeEir;ib'iii'NUffiEii-oF conotlig1s or APPR9yAL T!t4J -T!E pEc r,rAy srrpuLATE. ALL coNDITroNs iiF'[Fpnovnl uusr BE cotlPLtED I',ITH BEF0RE A BUILDING PERMIT IS Is'sI]ED. (0vER) Conditiona'l Use Perm}z- III. Four (4) copies of the following infonnation: A. A description of the precise.nature of the proposed use and its ooeratinq characteristics and measures proposed to make the use ibmpatibie with other properties in the v'icinity' The description must a'lso address: l. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives . of the Town. E. F 2. Effect Of the use on 1ight and air, distribution of population, t"inipo"t.tion faci'litiEs, uti'lities, schoo'|s,. parks and recreation iitiiiiiti, ano oiher pubiic facj'lities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion' iutomotive and pedestrian safety-and convenience, traffic f1ow ini-controt, acbess, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and Parking area. 4. Effect upon the character of the area ln which tlte proposed use-ii ib Ue tocated, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in re1ation to surrounding uses. A site plan at a sca'le of at 'least 1" = 20' showing proposed development of the iite, including topograPhy, bui'ld'ing locations' park'ing i".iiic ciiiulation, iseabti oben sPace, landscaped areas and uti'lities and drainage features. Prel im'inary building e'levations and f'loor p'lans' A tit'le rePort to verify ownership and easements. If the buildjng is condominiumized, a letter from the condomjnium issociation in-support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. Anv additiona] material necessary for the review of the application as-determined by the zoning admjnistrator. * For interior modification, an improvement survey and site plan may be omitted bY the aPPiicant. B. c. D. IV. Time Requirements The p'lanning and Environmenta'l Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th ltlondays oi-each mon[h. A complete application fonn and all accompanying material ias-described above) must be subm-i.tted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the iiie-of ttre pEC Pubiic Hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoninq administrator) wi'l'l be accepted by the planning staff before ol after the-designated submitta'l date. PUBIJC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN that the Planning and Environmental Connission of the Town of ValI will hold a public hearing in accordance with Sectl-on 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of VaiI on April 22, L99L at 3:00 p.n. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a setback variance, MacCornick Residence, Eexas Townhouses 68, Lot 58, vail vitlage Fourth Filing,/ 483 core Creek Drive.Applicant: Alexander MacCo:mick 2. A reguest for a conditional use per:rnit 1to expand an existing entry and site coverage variance, VaiI Interfaith Chapel, Tract ir, vail Village First Filing/l9 vail Road.Applicant: vail Religious Foundation 3. A reguest for a setback variance, VaiI Potato Patch Tolrnhomes Partnership Townhome K, Part of Lot 5, Block 2, vail- Potato Patchr/ 770 N. Potato Patctr Drive.Applicant: Potato Patch Townhones Partnership 4. A request to amend the Zoning Code, adding a section to Ldentify all approved view corridors and to set forth details with regard thereto.Applicant: Town of Vall All itens tabled from the April 8, 1991 PEC neeting agenda. The applications and infornation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Comnunity Developnent Department office. Town of Vail Cornmunity Developnent Departnent PubLished in the vall Trail on April 5, 1991. q41/ ap t .> fil:tffi"3?rilil $iH3lnxlti.". G4iffi""ffii:1"'valI, co 81557 Kevln l{aoDonaldB.F. CondonlnLun Assoc. 17 Vail RoadVail, Clo 81657 Vall, CO 81657 qbr'1fu3& sh'^-llrcl*^l ,t/4/t /W- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON AT *:MECI1ANICAL PERMIT JOBgITE Pennit ALL TI!{ES Itrg5-O2L4 Job Addreaa...:Location... ...: Parcel No.....:Project Number: 19 VAIL RD VAIL INTERFAITH CHAPEL 2101-0 71-09-0 01 Status...: APPROVED Applied..: LL/30/L995 reeued...: LL/30/L995 Expiree..t 05/28/L996 Phone: 30324250L4 Phone: 30324250L4 co 81657 Oo-,.\ O..(l^X. .A Uc;\ C-Q.X{'^I t 5r 738.00 #of Hood/Pr t tet: FEE suilnitRY Total, crtcutatcd Fcca-> 153.m Additionlt Frcs-----> .00 Tot![ P.riit Fc.--_-_> 153.0 Paymnts_-__ BALA CE DUE------> APPLICANT STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND .tnNCTrON 81501 CONTRACTOR STONE SHEET}IENTAL MECHANICAT 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JLNCTTON 81501OWNER VAIL RELIGIOUS FOI'NDATION INC t REV DON SIMONTON, 19 VAIL ROAD, VArL Description: REPLACE FOUR BOILERS Fi Pcphcc lnforDtion: Rcstri ctcd:,of G.s Apptirncca: Valuation: #of Grs Logc: l{echrni cat*-> PLan chcck--> Inv$tigation>9itt catt--> 120.m :t0.00 .00 3.00 DRB F TOTAL .m .m 153.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi $F--> .q) 153. m BUILDING DEPARTMENTDAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO C}IECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE.2. COI4BUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 I'}{C.3. INSTAI,TATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CITAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 I'MC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TER}IINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 I'I4C.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5Os AND703 OF THE 1991 UMC;6. BOIIJERS SHALI.', BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI.,,OORING. *****************************************************************************:t** DECLAR,ATIONS I hapcby lcknoytcdgc th.t I havG r.rd thi3 lppticltion, fil,Lcd out in ful,l, the inform.tion Fcquircd, coptetad.n accurrtc p[ot p[an, and 3tatc that al,t thc inforrtion providcd as requi red is correct. I lgrce to co[pl,y uith thc inforntion and ptot ptrn, to colpl,y uith !Ll, foLrn ordinrnccs rnd statc [!us, lnd to build this structurc according to the Torrn I I zoni r|g and subdivision codr3, dcsign rcvian apgnovcd, lJniforr Bui|ding Code and othrn ordinanccs of the Toen app[iclbtr thercto. RECI'ESTS FOR II{SPECTIqIS SHALL BE TIADE TUENTY-FOUR TIoIJRS IN ADVAI{CE BY T€LEPI{OI{E AI 479-2138 OR AT OI,R OFFICE FROII 8:OO AII 5:fl) PI'I Ite.m: .05100LL/30/Legs 5/('/on fu(c 0ff1ce J? oer* jl"Jg-f5 , APPLICATION MUST BE FIIJLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I.IAY NOT BE ACCEPTED Xr**************************** PERMIT fNFORI.IATfON *********:t****************i*r,l-[ ]-Butrding t l-plunbing I J-Electrical ff-uecnantbal [ ]-other Job Name: I,'At v lt+nsu;&rr+ Alry& .rob Addre "=, 19 l/A)l- 1?g An TOWN OF VAIT CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM Address: PER}IIT # Ph. Legal oescription: rot_[ --,"LH:_ Trr-rffi ,* "#LL'J#fiW[o,tnlo*,r,, lr. ' Xff.l", -7 ,h._ Architect: at 970--328:8640 for Parcel #. edcEr. #i 3t a to"lo 700I General Description: Work Classs [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t l-Additl_onal Nulber of Druell.ing Units: #*"r and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ,t* ** * *** ** * * * * *** * * ** * * * * ** * * ** * * * VALUATTONS EI.,,ECTRTCAL: $ Nunber of Acconnodation Units: Gas Logs Woodr/Pel1et **** * *************** **** ** * ****** OTHER: $ g-,[XJ-Repair [ ]-otherI TOTAL: T!,tECHNlfCAf,, $.ffiE- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ******** * * *** * *** ** Electrl.cal Contractor: Address: MecEani Contractor: Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number:Address:o **rb*****************************FOR OFFTCE USE ***** *** **************** ******* .Pltmbing Contractor: Aqclress: ao5-a4u1 BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLIruBING PERI.IIT FEE: I.iECEANICAL PERI'IIT FEEs ELBCTRICAT FE8: OTHER TYPE OF EEEs DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AN CITECK FE8: PDII{BfNG PLAN CHECK FEEs ITTECHN{TCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE3 RECREATION FTE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT3 BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: C'LTTrl UP DEPOSIT REEUf,D TO: Grourc Creck Center- 23798 Highway 24 Unit B.l3 MINTURN, COTORADO 8I645(€O3) 827-5724 Far (303) 827.4255 ?:'tlH8'Ti'3..bi|$^tI_lv ,o. / o, CALOULATEO 8Y ,o,, // - A8- F CHECKEO BY DATE / tmnlU l l||rSItGl tbar @rrE.Grr U.Orlt hhrt{IltufffIl$Ztaeo rtl t r;ilPr TOTN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 January 7, 1997 Ned Gwathmey Gwathmcy Pratt Architccts, P'C. 1000 South Frontagc Rd., West Vail. CO 81657 Departrnent of Comrnunity Development RE: Vail Intcrfaith Chapcl building addition, locatcd at l9 Vail Road/Tract J, Btock 7, Vail Villagc lst Filirrg Dcar Mr. Gwathmey: Thc Community Development Dcpartmcnt has rcviewed thc revised plans for the above rcfcrcnced project. Thc layout of the building addition is finc bascd on commcnts made by the pEC at thc workscssion on this itcm. However, thcre arc issucs raiscd at thc PEC meeting and in thc Junc lg,1996 corrcspondcncc which necd to bc addressed prior to thc final rcvicw ofthis proposal by thc PEC. Thc following is a list of issucs to bc addresscd: General comment.t: l. Plcasc providc an updatcd preliminary titlc rcport with schcdulcs A & B. 2. Pleasc providc a calculation of thc land arca owncd by thc Vail Intcrfaith Chapcl. Thc currcnt survcy docs not providc an indication ofthe lot arca. 3 . The PEC requestcd that the building footprints of adjaccnt properties be placcd on the site plan. You may want to providc a sitc plan at a smaller scalc to show this entirc sitc including Vail Road and adjacent propertics. 4. Thc FEMA flood insurance study for this lot shows that the 100 yr. flood elevation for the east end ofthis site (first +/- 60'from VailRoad) at 8,140'- 8,l39" The contours in this arca ofthe site arc unclcar as shown on thc survey and it appcars that the existing Chapel' is within the 100 yr. flood plain. If this is the case, mitigation should be provided to protect this structure from flood. Please show any proposed mitigation on the site plan, if applicablc. Also, indicate the finished floor elevation forthe existing struchrre. Please contact Terri Partch at 479-2169 if you have questions regarding this issue. Page I of3 {gun uoruo Parking/Snotv storage: l. Please delineate all existing parking found on-site. Indicate parking space dimensions and drivc aisle wi{ths. Show atl proposed and existing handicap accessible parking spaces on the site. Handicap accessible parking is required for the new addition. 2. How will surface parking spaces l0 and I I bc accessed? Provide sufficient detail to show how this is accomplished' 3. Surfacc parking spaces arc rcquircd to bc 19' in dcpth. The spaces shown on the plan are l8'in depth. Scction 18.52.080 (D) states that "aislcs of adcquate width for convenient and casy access to cach parking spacc shall be provided..." The standard bcing uscd by staff for drivc aisle width with 90 dcgrce parkin g is 24' in width (as well as in the parking structurc). Thc site plan shows 22' in width. Thc ramp is finc at 22' wide' 4. Adcquatc snow storage nccds to bc provided on this site. Thc standard or rulc of thumb, which thc PEC has bccn utilizing, is 25% of the pavcd arca must bc provided as snow storagc. Snow storage should not conflict with substantial or scnsitive landscaping and should not occur within thc strcam tract or adjacent to the stream. If you arc proposing somc other mcthod of rcmoving snow, please providc written or graphic information detailing how this will be accomplished. Will the parking access ramp be heated? If so, please makc an indication on the site plan. Thc minimum head height for the subsurface parking is 7'. Plcase indicate the head height proposcd on the sitc plan. 7. In the parking structure, the area to the east ofparking spaces 8 and l7 needs to be increased to 5' in width to allow adequate area for backing out of these spaces, Landscaping and g'ading plans: B u il din g p I ans /el eva ! io ns : t. 2. J. Plcase providc a calculation ofthc floor arca in thc cxisting Chapel. provide an indication ofthc proposed finished floor elevation and the elevation ofall roof ridgcs, as wcll as the cuPola. Please provide the finished floor elcvation ofthc existing Chapel. 1 2. J. Please indicate the proposed limit of disturbance on the site plan. Please provide a landscape plan which also addresses any wetland restoration/mitigation. Please provide a grading plan (with existing and proposed contours) which details all proposed grading. Please also provide a profile of all retaining walls proposed. 5. 6. Page 2 of3 (,. 4. Please provide a drainage plan which details how drainage is handled from the surface parking area, subsurface parking area, and around the building. If drainage flows int'o the creek, an oil and sdiment separator should be provided' S. Provide spot elevations on walkways and flow lines in ordcr to detcrmine proper drainpge. DRB subm itlal inform atian : l. Please provide an exterior lighting plan for the entirc site. Provide cut sheets for all proposed light fixtures and show conformance of the lighting fixtures with the Town's lighting regulations. 2. Please provide color samples of all proposed finishes on the structure. This item is not currently scheduled for a specific PEC meeting. Once all of these issues have been addresscd, this item will be scheduled for a PEC mecting. If you have any questions, or wish to discuss any of the items that have been brouglt forward in the review of this plan, please do not hesitate to call me at479'2148. Sincerely, A&^A^Jk Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner o Page 3 of3 t aontrle hr.,. &?r lrvsuRANcE CoTPANY or [|I|INNEfmie 3 OFFICE SOTA r Stodr Con?rny of Minncrpolir, Mlnlptr ENDORSEfiTENT To be attached to and become a part of S&gttflXX Cor,mi tr.cnt Company of Minnesota. 20 4821 ab i{o. GV-3838 of Title Insurance Item 2, Schedule A ls asended to read: "ALTA'. L0A'1 POLICY ]970 Rev. $75,000.00 Item 3, Schedule B-l is ar,rended to read: Authorizcd Ofliccr or Agent 3. Deed of Trust frorn THE VAIL RELIGI0US FoUilDATI0ti, A C0L0M00 I|S{-PR0FIT C0RP0RATIOrii to ttre Publlc Trustee of Eagle County for the use of THE 8rt\iK 0F VAIL to secore the sun of I75,0u0.00- f rrr-e I r.r s u nar.rce I o n ear.rv or [fl r r.r n EsorA Countcrsigrcd: VAIL RELIGICUS FOUIIDATIOII 11lA/76 The total liability of the Company under said policy and any endorsement thereto shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the face amount of said policy and costs which the Company is obligated under the Conditions and Stipulations thereof to pay. This endonement, when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent, is made a part of said policy as of the policy date thereof and is zubject to the Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage therein contained, except as modified by the provisions hereof. xffi",,,,4 0 SccretarY coun,.oiroJ| t. Policy P"1. llotndcr 17, 1,976 .. 2. Nrmc of lnsurcd: TTG BAilT OF VAIL lleed of Tnrst datcd ibvo$er 5, 1976 frcn THE VAIL Goryoratlor, tothe hbllc Tnrstee of Eagle Cor,mtysrr of t75,0m.00, rccor{cd lfover$er 16, 1976, fn TrM UoRTBAqE z1B FoR z | 3I PolicV Jrlo. Amount$ 75.dt0.m , Authorizcd Offlctr os Atlsr - CIV.d Strrc Fllr No. C{ 3838 SCHEDULE A 3. The estate or intercst in the lrnd dcscribcd in this Schcdulc and yhich is cncumbcrcd by thc innrnd motlgagc ir: A FEE SII,|PTE. 4. The cstate or intcrest refened to hcrcin is at Drtc of policy v6ted ln: lHE YAII RELICIflTS Fn !OATI0|{, r Colorado lton-proflt Corporatlon 5. The mortgage, hcrein refcncd to a! thc iosurcd mortgagc, and the arrignmcnts thercof, if any, are dcscribcd ar foltows: &00 A.ll. RELIGI0US FiltNDATt0ll, a Golorado lbn-pro'. for the use of TllE BAIIK 0F YAIL to secure Eook 250 at Page tl8. 6. Thc land rcfcncd to in this policy is rituated in Elgle County,Colorado rnd is described as follows: A part of Tract,l, VAII VILUIGE lllST FILIT{G, Toryn of Yail, Gomty of Eagle, State of ColoraclErc partlcularly descrlbed as follors:,g*&' $Slnnlng at the llortheast corner of sald Tract J, also belng a polnt on the Xest rlght-of-we5f Vall Road, sald-polnt befng the tm polnt of beglnnlng; ihenie llong the ibrth boundary c safd Tract J, N 75927'09" lf, a dlstance of 296.27 feet; thence S 13P57'30' lf, ! dlstance of 19.18 feet; tience S 29s59'00o E, a dlstance of 156.64 feet: Urence S 84o07r0on E, a dlstance 219.96 feet to a polnt on-tte lhst r'lght-ofty of YalI Road; thence rlong sald ltlgttrlght-of my on the^follorfng ho (2) courses: 1) l{ 00023'00" tl, a dfstance of 39.83 feet to a pofnt o a surve; 2) a dlstance of 62.88 feet along t[e acc of a curre to Ute rlght, lald cuwe havln-c radlus of 414.59 fcet, a ccntral angle of 09007151" and a chor{ bearlng !l 04056'56" tf, a dlstof 62.t2 feet to the tnre polnt of begfnilng. 4-This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. 5. 6. 7. 8. o flf, TRTGACS FORT ZI|I CTIRB Fih No.GV 38:t8 Poficv f{o. B 92428 SCHEDULE B.I This policy doer not in'u'. lgli.t locs or damage by reason of the following: t. Rights or claims of particr in poscsion not shown by thc pubtc records. 2. Eascmcnts, or claimr of cucmcntq not shown by thc public records. 3. Discrepancies, conllbts i! bound.ry liner, shortage in arcl, cncorachmcnts, and any facts which a corrcct survey and inspcction of tho prcmiscr would dirctorc and which arc not shown by the public records. 4. Any licn, or right to a licn, for scrviccs, labor, or mrtcrial therctoforc or hereafter fumishcd, imposcd by law and not shown by thc public rccords. Taxes and assessmnts not Jret due or payable. Restrictlve Covenants, whlch do not contaln a forfelture or reyetter clause, as containedInstrurnent recotded August 10, lgGZ, In Book 174 at page 179. utll{ty easerEnts as sh(mr on the plat of VAIL VILLAGE, FIRsr FILMG. Reservatlons contalned ln Deed, r€corded September !4, lg7g, ln Book Z3l at page 94, copytached. SCHEDULE B _ II ln addition to the matters set forth in Part I of this Schedule, the title to the estate or interest in the tand described or referred to in Schcdule A is subject to the following matters, if any be shown, but the Company insures that the lien or charge of the insured mortgage upon said estate or intcrest is prior to such ma ers. 4. None Al.iliill):.iHii'f To P ROTIICT I VE COVi:il'l.itilTS OF VATL VILT,AGE, }'IRST PII,]NG EAGLE COUIi'JY, coloilADo ;;il,;i , a Colorado Corporation l.and (hereinafter referredis the to as A part VaiI, I I'JHEREAS , Vail Associates , Inc. or.tner of the follorling described SubjecL Lancl) : of Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village, Firstiifing, Torvn of Eagle County, CoJ-orado described as: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of said Tract J, said Corner bcing on the l{esterly Right-of-I'lay line of Vail Road and said, Corner also being tlle South- easterly Corner of Lot G, VaiI Village, Second filingr Amended; thence S Oo23' E 102.00 feet to the trueft point of beginning; LhenceiLN 84"07' W 215.00 feet;-tlrence N 29659"h-is6 .42 feet to the Dasterly line of TracL B, Yail/Lionsllead, Second Filirrg; thence along said East.erly line and NorLherly litre of said Tract B on the fol-lorving four courscs: /{(I1 s 13o,57'30" w 57.72 fectr 6(2) s 26o48t32" E 87.70 feetr'u(3, s 59o 27t06" E 98.01 feet; and (4)t1s 8Io19'44" E 187.60 feet more-or less to the EasLerly line of said Tract t; thence'tv-o;i:'00" w 38.36 feei al.ong said Easterly\ l.ine; thencenN 84"07 ' w I0,62 feet to the t::ue point ---./ of beginning, conLaining 12'839.61 square feet or . 0 .2948 acres more or less. l{tlEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc., hereinafter sornetimes referred to as Or.rner, has placed certait't restrictions on the use of the Tracts, Blocks and LoLs of the Vail Village First Filing for the benefit of the or.rnerr dnd its respecLive grantees, -successors and assigns, said restrictions being filed of record in the Eagle.County, Colorado records at book nunber I74 and at page number 179. t'ttlIJRuAS, Orvner desires to place cerLain additional restricLions on the use of the Subject Land for the benefit of the Or,rner and its respective grantees, sLlccessors and assigns, in order to frrrther establish-and maintain the characLer ancl value of real estate in the vicinity of Lhe Tor'rn of VaiI . NO!{ THEFEFORE, in consicleration of the premises, VaiI Associates, Inc., for itself and its gralrtees, successors and assigns, does hereby impose, establish, publish, acknovrledge, declare and agree with, to and for the benefit of all Persons who may hereafter purchase or lease and from time to time so own or hold the Subject Land ii vaif Village, First Filingr that it ovrns and holds all of the Subject Land in Vail Village, Pirst l'iling, subject to the following restrictions, covenantsr &nd * \. | , o conclitj.ons, al.1 of ryhi.c'h sh.rll bc ciccmccl l-o rtttr vrj.Lh thc l.rtrd and to inure to the benefit of and bc bindirlg uPon Llle o'".'ucr, its resl:eclive grartLecs, successors atrcl assigns: 1) I,AND USII 1.1 No nse of thc Subject Land shall conflict with or violate ar)y provisi6n of the "ProtecLive'Covenants of Vail viffalel First t'iling, Eagle 9gtlrty, Colorado" as recorded ii iook I74 at pige I79 of'the records of the Clerk and Recorcler of Elgle County, Colorado; I.2 The SubjecL Land shall be used, held and maintained in good orclel and condition by the Tovrn of Vail (su6ject to existing or recorded easements and rights . of r.liy) to be landscapcd and used as picnic areas uPon which The Torvn of Vaii may construct and maintain, and remove, as it sees fit, plcnic tables and benchesr.park benches, fireplaces and Larbecue pits, trash containers, self-contained chemical toilet structures, and other improventents required for park purposes or by governmen- ta1 health regulations. . 1.3 The Subject Land also may be used as a site for a rratqral stlting rink r*'hic5 nray be constructed, operated, maitrLained, and repaired by tl're Torvn of Vail or any- oihot politicat suldivi"ion of the state having jurisd- iction over the area during winter periods, so long as such skating rink arrd tfre activities involved in its construction, 5per:ation, maintenance, and repair shalI no! damage or alter the natural condition of the veget- ation and surface of the Subject Land. 1.4 Improvenrents necestoty, desiral>le or convenient . for the construction, operition, and maintenance of utility services to adjlcent or other nearby lands nay be conltructed and naintained through or under the Subject L,and; provided that said improvements shall not cause 'perminettt disrtrption or alteration to the srrrface of the Subject Land. I.5 No part of the Subject Land shall be used for camping or overnight stays by any Person or Persons'Nor-shall there be permi{:tecl rvithin or upon the Subject Land any iniormal or organized public or private'gat}rer.ing or any other act by any Person or persons, .which in ttre juclgment of Owner, and the lppropriate officiats of the Torvn of Vail nay deface, afterr'destroy or damage the landscaping, vegetation or aestheLic value of itre Subject Land or litter its surface. I I tI .. o I . 6 Iixccp L for Lrces , shrtlbs , gr:ass , and intprovcd r.rall;r.rays, and decorative items consisLent r'lith the use of thc Sut>ject Lartd as a picnic area and skating arca, tro strttcLLlros, ej.ther tenporary or Permallcnt,nor any bther improvements shall be constructed or pernritLed to remaitr on the Subject Land. 1.? No vehicular traffic or parking of any kind'or nature shall be permitLed upon, across'or through the Subject Land. 2l AI\IENDITIENT The conditions, resLrictions, stipulations, agree- ments and covenants contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, tertninated or antetrded except by written consent of both VaiI Associates, Inc. and the Tor,rn of Vail to be filed of rei.ord in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle Couqty, Colorado' ExecuLed .nr" 5[ * uu, o, -A3#,/#- , 1e71. ll ALtest: By:_0oa&it, secr STATE OF COLORADO :/,11 Vail Associates, Inc., a Colorado CorporaLion. By: Ric L. PeLerson, Pres ent. )) ss. ) 3eA" fr. of day of Peterson as President VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. WITNESi my han My Commission .? COUNTY OF La-.,h---T-The foregoing instrume t rvas acknor.rledged before ne this , r97 / , by Richard and Larry E. Irlright as Assistant SecretarY d and expires :3- !|UtElltt '-rijr f'r ,sEP,t7'!lli t'')-b rrf rs Drr:D. re rhi:. -24. auy "f ...A4t?-tr- (1) 197I, i,'trectr VAll. 455(lClAiriS, liiC., n coll,or.!lt"rr 'lrrlv oti'rni:r'rl \J rnd cristing undcr end bt virtrtc of ths lsv!' t'f 'h(j St'rtc 'f ColortJo of ..he f irsr part, anrl Tttfi VAlt. Rlit.lGlOllS l'OU)-tl.\T t I rN , llic. ' r non-proti t corporstlon drrty orgrnizcd anrl cristing unJcr rnd by vlrtuc of lhc llu3 o( thc Sl.'rtc of Color'ado of tlrc :(cor,.l p:rtl; IlTXeSSETll. th!t thc saiit party of thc iilsi F:t!, fnr rnrl ln consi,dcrrtjon of tho su! of '!.'\ DOLLiRS snrl otlrcr gooJ 'rnd velu 'eblc cons!dcrotion to thc srirt l.rrtf of tlre firs? PJrt in hlnJ ntid by rhc ariit Fartf of th( sccond Plrt' thc rcccip? ulrcreof is hercbl' confesred and rcLnovlcdgcd' has rcriscri' rclcascd' sold, confcycd and qutt ctllocd, ;rnd by thcsc Prcscnts tloc:' rcnisc, rclcasc, sell' convcy rnd qult ilrru, unto the sJi(l Prrty of thc st'rond.prrt ' ils 3ucccstort and assijns fortver, all thc right' titlc, intclcst'. clalr tnd rtc nd rhtch thc ssld party o[ tltc first pirt h s in:rnd to th. follovlng descrtbed parccl, of l;ri.l .;ituiic, l;'inX nn'! h"inc ln tbc CJunty of Esgle anC Strtc of Colorad.r, to r'it' h+'.,:il$ffi: e ir lL i. t rue point of bcBinningi .rry o f sa id Tract J,, tbcago rloDt thc Nort' "' ll 75:27100" I r dirttr. Y - l3-.-distrncc of 296.27 teeti thcnce " t 'a', ...rt i;o3i,i6., ; ; ;i;;;;;; ;: ti,il-tt:.i:3lgT::,.t,11n'n'uo",".-i .-aiitii.. oi lio.ol fcct; thcnc&'rs 8{oo7'00" L i! . Jl;i!".j !l:ll.gf r.;r to a point on tlrc licst ri::ht' '; .:;': , fitii""i-ii-lslil-i".i-io-i point on a curvc;142) a dis' '-,,: il :': trncc of 61.3E fcct rlont. tht rrc of a-curYc.to-thc . :''';".' ttrbt. trld curvc htrvlng-i radius of 591 st fect a. :'-'; "" tttht. lrld curvc hlYlnB I raolus or J'{ r" rr!' . '.,;..' .: critril lorlo of t19o0?'-51" lnd ! chord b 'rrinc i\ : :ir ^1''....t- J - r1--.----- a-.,.r r^ r|r^ trtl. ". ;.,1;';;-1" oaoiata0--; r rl!r1u1c9 :f 91:81-!::t ::-:.h:.tl::"t'"i"'er .-..t_ r.,F .u. Je Jv- .:i, j i .-. of bcjll.ltn3, contrlnlnS .726 !crcs, 4orc or lcss' .1. f;.. .:l ?tovltr8lt. KtxEvER, Axu oN TltE CONDITIO;!" thrl thc :rttov4 '--?:l ,) 1.. dircrff!!.f.rct ttt rhll b€ u3.d for thc crcction rnd ralnttirrnce of r D.tlldflg ured ptlrrrll', for church rnd rcl lSiou:. pur A prrt of Tr.ct J, Vail yilltrBc First Filirrg, Torrr of Vt'it, t:or,rr,:y of Eigtc, State ,rf CoIorado, oorc prrt i- .-,L\culfrly dercribcd rs rolloYs: 4 - LIY ' loElnllaf rt :he Xorthcrlt corncr of caid Tract J' if i point ou thc Hctt right'of'ray of Vuil ld Dolnt bcin|! thc true point ol bc8!nnln8;alto oorn8 | Pornt ou fnc iic lord, rrld polnt bcin! thc t thcaca rloDr thc North bound ' ':. r rii;i:i.:a ol ::9.9a tf?. to e point on tlrc ltcst rr::'l'' '' of'rlv of Vltl Rold: thcncc along sai..l li'isi ritnt'ol -$J)' '. o! tbi follovint tro (f) courscr'rfl) N 00"15'00" ri ir'; l;': , a.iti."ci "i li.ir rcei io a point oit a curvc;14?l r dis- -,,: ;,.. :: t-.ne. of 61.3E fcGt rlone tht rrc of a curYc to thc a, I: l'lll( | lll.ra lrrovrDnD. AltD oN Trrrt t'URTrtln co.\-DrrroN rh.r nobuit .,B shall bc crcctcd, plrccd, or tttcrcd on thc prcnirc, untitthc consrructlon plsns r:rd :pcclficationt rnd I plrn ,hoylng tlclocrtlon of thc atructurr. tr.r vu bec.n opproved b, thc Architccturstcontrol corrlttcc octing yith ,cspcct to IrprovcrcDtr radc li thcsubdivisioo inoya as V!it Vilt.gc First Flllng, rs to qurljty ofrorl.renship rnd |l:rtcrlrls, ar to hlrrony of structural deri3n rlthGrirtlnS structures rnd rs to hci3hr tnd locrtion rlth rcspcct to topo8r.phl end finl:h jrldc clcvarion. TO I|AVE ANf, TL IIOLD thc a.rc, to8cthcr ytth:lt and rln3ulorthc :ppurtcnonser otr.l pr zilcgcr thcrcunto betonting or ln tnyri:c rhcrcunto rppertaining, and all thc cstrtc, right. titlc, intcrer! lnd cllin yhttcvcr of thc s.id perty of thc first part, ciiher lnler or cqulty. to thc only propcr urG. bancflt rnd Dchooi of thcrerd pelty of thc sarord plrt. lt3 ,uccesrorr and rsrlgn, foravcr, PtsOVttlED rh!r tf tha srld prcriscr or !n, par! rhcr?of shr!l bc r,srd In vl.]lrrion of the ccnditton! 3nd restrlcticng hercin cr- Prcsscd, thc intercst ln rrid prclises or pr:t thcreof subrcct to 3uch violation shalt taralnatc rnd tc or. no furthcr forc" rnd cffcct. end ttrc flrtt prrty rh.tl bc entitlcd to brint an :ctlon in a Propcr court yith Juritdiction oyc? thc prcliscs for tire rc- covcry of potsct!ion of thc jrcaisc5 arrJ tr be rrerderl in rush rctlo|| the fee shptc tltl. to the prcDiscs or such f.rt thcrcof. It i5'crprcrsty provrdcd thrt . brcrch of thc forcaoin3 conditionr or anf rc.cntrf b) rcrson of such brcrch shalt not defcrt or rcnder invrlid the ticn of any aortgagc or dccd of trujt Didc in good frith:nd for v.luc 13 to the slid prctrisc, or eny ptrt thrrcof. bul guch (onJitlons shrll bc btarling upon onr.l cffectirc agrinst ,n). ovncr of rlid prcniscs rhosc titlc is acquircd bf forcclosure, l:-.f -.]:.,^.i..f'j I tn|3tcc't trla ot otharrlro !! to rnt brsrch occutttDS rftot iltto It ro rcqulrrd. tt| IITNESS ltlER.lOF. tht 3'td perty of thc fltrt Pttt hrt latc||nto rot lt! Lrnd rnJ roal thc dot enrt tcrt flttt rbovo Y IL ASSOCIATES, lxc. t.' notrttrl corl33lott c:Plrcr: ft?XESS ry hend .od offlcl.l terl' st TE oF co|.or u, )) rr. oolrxrt oF t GLE ) Itc foro3olnS lnstrurant rer rclaovlcd3cd bcforo !' thl3 nn. ,A tarr or -S.reArL' 1971, by Robcrt H' xottr Ylcc Prcrldcnt rad Frcderlcl s. ot$ lr Atrlttrot sccrctrrt of vAlL AsSoclATEs' tlic., e Colorldo cor?orrtlo!. SecrrtrrT l*- . i:i:-!'r . :'-:''.146i,: - " "'1' -1- I t .: ''O ''-.. .. ,1. .. IThe'undersJ.gned, the I,AIL RELIGIOUS l'OUmATION, A Colorado Nonprofll Corporation, Vall, Colorado 81657 (herelnofter r:eferred to oa "Grantor"), record owner of .certaln real property descrlbed lrereln, on Uetrait of lteelf, lts succeegore and'adstgns, for valuable conslderaclnn, recelpt of whlch ls he.reby acknowledged, II. o.'Box. iZia,'darr, colorado 81657, ltr;.srrcceesore otr asel8ns (herelnafter iiferica to ag "crantea"), hereln ffrnftla, I Dore partlcularly descrlbed as: nsee attrched Exhltrtt A, lncorporated hdreln by refercnce.r' The grant !s nade on the followlng c.onrtltlons: 1. Grantor has leveled and surfaced a portlon of the above- des.:rlbed realty 1o order to bulld a drlveway rrrrd parkLng area Lhoreon I(herelnafter Jolntly referred.to aB'tlre rtparklrrg oreat'). Grantor agrccg to laudscape tha parl'.Lng arca a! lesst to the r:rl.nirnun stand.trds of tlrc., Toua of Vatl, cranlce agrees to pay Grantor tlre suo ot S/!il-O!!t:t7't8 Grantortg cotta Ln lesellngr'surfacing and landscaping the parkt'ng area and for thlg Grant of Easenent. Qrantee nay, at |t$ oPtlon, c'xpand tlrc parklng are. to the ftrll exten! of the above-dt:scrlbed renlty tn llke manner. If Grantee does orpand the Parklng arr:a, then Grinteer 8t Lts ,solc cost, (a) shnll J.andncape tho neu parklug nrca ln a tlxnnrr consi:;lrnE, w.ltlr th,r larrCscaplng t.lten present, and (b) sha!-l cotrstrtrcc o(:,rrluate drainage factlltlcs Lo ntnlnlze sllt anrl mud rrrnoff dtrectly l.ttto Cr.rrc Creek, due tO the ex;rirrston. Strch expanslon slr;t tt nl.So l11r [r;rI t of t.lrtr parklng area. 2. If GranBee elects to expand t.he parklng urca, ',t elrall br: responslble for oll dr:tatle of the consErtr(:t. t(rrr, lnr:lurt ln1, obtninln3 nccessary bulldtng pc:n!.t,s and coroplying wlth nJ,pl lr:able lc're . Gran!rre shatl hold Grantor lrir:dese for any nechantc.re llens or oth3r llsbllltl':r lncurred due to exparruton of the parklng arrta. a-t. J. . Grantor and Cranf ee shall. cach h..rve the nont.x<: Lus lve rl.8ht to use all of rl.e parklng sp&ccs Irr tltc pfr(l., l.1li {ll.(,;r; lr11w..v,.r, durlng t.hoge rrour$.wrran crnntcc ,lg opcn for bugl^.!:,, crurrrr.r: r;rra[1 have.the excruslve rrghr to use arl of t'e pirrkirrg sracas t'the partr.rn6 area, excepE that flve parkrng sp.ce9 tocatcct n(:iiresc trre vntl rntcrfat[h chapel shalr be desrgnrted a.d rcserved for r:xcrrrgivr: use'f clcrgy. 'Grancee ehall have the excrus.r.ve rrght to conirol access to arl of sald . parklng apaces durlng arl tlmes provlded that such rlght s;trar.r nori.I'nterfere wlth rise of the parkr.ng area by Gra.tor dur'ng lrours wrren Grantee does nol h . ave the excluglve rlght to use the parkl.ng {rrea as provlded abbve. : ' q. Ourlng'tfre auratton of thls easenerrc, Grancee, at ' ' Grantcers sore expense, ulll contrn,rously undcrhke to keep arl 0f. . -i the parklng area crear of snow and r.n good repar,r.. Grantee wrll use:.,.. ,! "n.ff non be llable for fallure to have sald parktng area creared tf Grantee has e*ercrsed due dlrigerrce ln attenptlng to eoploy recognized snow reoovar Fethods. 5. Gr8ntor €g[ees to lrrdeonlfy Grancce and hold Cr.rntee fron and agalnst all clalmb asserled by Grantorrs agents or due to use of the Farklng area. 6. Grantee agreelr to in{eronlfy and lroltl harnless (;rantor frora and agalngt arr clarns isserted by rts agents or r.nvrtces due Lo use of the parklng area. 7' Thls easenrenl ahall. contlnue so long as Grarrtcc ,:r,rr4uc[s a connerclal ba.klng buslnese ac 17 Vall Road, iratl, color:rrro. tf rlrrs casL:Dent so terminates, then tlre parkrng area srral l becolle t r," ,,or.o proPcrty of CranLorr 1t9 r;u<:ccsgora or asuLgns, nrrd no frtrLtrcr rlghCs or obllgaclons shall arr se due t.o trrts easernent irn.r th.! cov(:n;rrrt.s lrerctn. 8' Gra'tce nay asslgrr tts rrghts and obrJ.gactons rrrrrr,.rr thls ei:;(::rene to Its succcsrro. by merger or assrgnmL'n' (rr co a holr!t ng con ?:rny of r,.lrlch lt ts s. nf f lllrrtc, subsldt.ary or nerobrrr. harmlc.ss invl t e es I ,JTASHIGNT T0 cRArE oF EAs'BrEln rlou rBE Varr. n-etlcrous FON|D.{TIotI TO TE SANK OT VAIL ...: '.'.:. Beglnnlng ac ch* Northeascerly corner of sairt Tracc Jr.'hich is .rlso rhe Souche."c.riy corneE. of Lor Cr-l."ia"aH:?:f.Sheer f o.f J e-f Vatl Vttlage, Secood Erfioal-r.rhlch ls atso on rhe Uesr Rlghc-oi_w"y llne nf v"iiRoad; rheace N 15"27,90,, tJ "nd olong ihe Northe"iy-ffn".of satd TracG J and :rlcng the Southerly lioer,; oe ioi-Cand Loc ll, of sairl .trendld llap of Sheec L of 2 of VatIvi I lage, second FtIlrrg, i dtsiance ot z:,giiii ;";; ;;'.nangli poinc tn rhe-sourherly line of sald. i".-n;-,iI"""s l3;s7'30" r,r tt.9g reec to'";-;;si; poinr; .chence s 26"4s'32" 1E 16._5t feer:' rhence-'i-isuii;06,,-i-iii.ggfeetl rhence t 79000'00'; E 45.00 feer; rherree r it;-ooioo,' ,?t:93 fcec; chencc H Tgooo'oo,j-E.ri.oo feer; rhences i5"?i'00" E rll.90 feec cb ";"i;; on a curve, saidpoint al-so berng oq the Easc llne of sald Tracc J shtchls rhe lte.st Rtg'c-of-ijay llne of V.if-n"oar-.,,""1;-"'"along thc arc of sald "i,rrr. to rhe rtghc and nlong said-E;rst linc and along s;rid lJesc Ri6hc_oF_,.lny line 2d.a;-feec, the radius of said curve Uiing fft.59 fner, theccncral angle of sald curve belng ifOt,tt,, an,t cielr)ng chor., of s.eid crrrve bears N-Olo5lr5O,, h, ZO.Ai feecro the p:.ill,9f beginning, concalning- ti-,tai.t;';;";;"feer or 0,1853 aqresr qore or less. .- r s..vs'E . (r Prlnied by Dorninic Mauriel lo From: Dominic Mauriello Greg HalI, Mike Mcgee, Terri Partch Subject: fwd: vail chapel 02/97 !2:23Pm ===NOTE==== t/02/97=1,L:12am== Just a reminder, I need cornments back on Vail- Chapel . Terri, r looked at the FEMA maPs amended in 1985. These maps show the ffood elevation varying frorn 8139' at vail Road to 8135 ' at the Itest end of this property. The detineation on the survey appears to be accurate to me as it varies from these same elevations. The area of concern is where the new building is being located. The existing buililing is not part of the proposal . Thanks, Dom Fwd=by : =Terri =Part cl'L==I / 02 / 97 = 1 2 : 0 7pm== Fwd to: Dominic Mauriello, Terri Partch Dominic, have you ever recieved a titfe report? Greg just rasied another issue of whether they' re even on their own property. Greg thinks that part of the existing buildinq and potential-ly, part of the new structure are on Tor^tn properEy. As far as the flood plain is concerned don'E you think in the interesE ofpublic safty that we shoufd require icknowledgement of the flood plain hazzard, as well as mitigation? Fwd=by: =Domini c=Mau r i -- - -==- - Fwd to: Greg Hall, Terri Partch BCC: susan ConnellY They will be submitting an updated title report. Yes, a portion of this Property is owned by the Town. TheY went to council and obtained permission to proceed through the Process. If approved we wilt be giving them easement, You guys mj-ght want to read the counci] and PEC agendas and memos. This will help wich the confusion factor' That way you guys witl al-vtays know what is going on and what we are recornnending to tshe decision making bodies. Maybe we could forward our agenda packets to you for PEC and Anne could get you the Council stuff? Page: 1 Prlnted by Dorninic Mauriello 12 r 23pm gfe Bhould gafk about lt at DR As far as the floodptaln hazard gloea' r believe th€y have accurately alepicted tt on the slte Plan. rf You dlsagree, let me knorv horr the applicant thould oroceed andl r will leE them know ' r iae Just givlng vou mY oPinion. Thankg, Dom Page: 2 zfe _-C;{ ^ _ _/..{rr 6@Q *a - ", (ll 6j'-1u 'Y)-- ' - I qoi6 ,@. 'V -//// r/ aq id 2 I rn ! T- '', j\:t- l to I $ l !l .J lt H 6 a 0 ," t tla o o, 10 li fi t) )o/.+ ' S/..o,'t, ll il !o,\)o o o rs ,.8eR:9 It'l F $ $/ $ Qr .h !r) ,s -\_) ()- s *\ \ ratit B: Au t; r! $r E'i::i./ !i' -1[ r- 7- //i /ts Iii $, F// 7t)r$) l&i,*,'r /$, 'iJ i.R ttl'Q(^ r-- :l ?ii\)o QQO ti ci ci - /B 0 o-qt-4s-9@ Sry N o) t.. |\n) o .o .(4 o vA {1s i c. v) l\ ti ',1 ,.E fl" i;itr: 7 titr!Q il irrI ,@',rrj:. ./.// q, ! ^:iiiari .J .l Y \ \t I "{ J {\ t'J \siv (r, :- ..J on-v tlo q' a : 'i t' -....- l:-, /t3r I i I v \,r{\N \\lJ-* '-'t i )1{{iJ{,{q't\ sI\ tr) HlrEt II.il Ia/'rl ir r! It! ii!:!::t'..t:t: t!Xtr i:dil ri'4"1"t.':it:1. 16.:! " rrtt,"a s illltll i o I E 8i ,', ! - -diqge'r s: ,'t g Ilrl ITJ I Iil Idr r/ rh 't - ,, '- ;' r'! '.., 1- Fr :, ,lit''i .]! :.i r,1 ).tl ,i t-:,4_ -i\ -- /J / ,r'/ / oq/ / .+/iti;ii tl a.) l:l i.., '".:^i',# irrJ b0$s-, \.,8 )- -J--so1\ cf, {, : :1 l a,r ;i i t4 dr, .l J \= \ \ d, .J-t\ E nll I i.rr] dl *;' ortt '' . /o q- n fr N 'Ett t l, - tt,, / liiii'r CI / -L J II tLl ._ .t- g 'o fil 6 ,,e, a) .I o @li .,..1.,g-91o {n (D r 'r*/ A'i;-/ rh'\zo c;1 .li ilt',,j,^ a, \ Jt\ i:J \ 1 \lJ s,{ $ \ d\-r.N \, J { il J\ t.l \ I f ${i ]N \. t s\d J' il \\") ) { l-l'\q \J(J )^cr\ \,'' lll Re: December 18, 1996 Mr. Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Vail Interfaith Chapel Proposed Modifications Dear Dominic: Enclosed find the survey information requested by Elevations and Section which reflect the setbacks I would hope this information will get us closer to you need more information don't hesitate to call. D,R.B. please let me know. Thanks for your patience in these matters. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. Enclosure Staff in the Work Session: Site Plan which seemed acceptable to P.E.C.. Final on the Conditional Use Permit. lf Further, if it is time to proceed with t4 \) i o'o o" (t) a \{') iir ilni!r:t.iiil;;ilil ooydo'toc '1 r vA 9N | 01 rne M3N -lSdvHc Fll tvJa=IN I 1 tvA @E]TE //v\ =€ YI I r!zl z: ll 'r *1, .-l- b: gl:lt tl- s; $l:;d o /., o .K-' T =l ';dl $l: ;* u.rl . .P-1, 1: il- *e Ul;gi @iltr8 : th|ffi-l I ll ' ir '.*', I 'r ;r:id - 'j*1q I 'l ! ;i:!-i i;i lffx I iii \F ilel \ .i Illl I 'HLi Ilil nffi I --_r__- oov?lo1oc 'l l vn 9N I O'l I n8 MJN ]=dvHc t-i l_ | vJa31N | "t I vA oov!o100 ' -l tvn 9N I C'r I n€ M:rN 'lSdvFtc H1 tvjat=IN I "t tvn @ilTE '9 =l.url9 I'i el::; q|;[i II o o @ @E]TB o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMOFANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department November 11, 1996 A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit for a proposed addition to the Vail Interfaith Chapel,located at 19 Vail Road/Tract J, Block 7' Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation' represented by Ned Gwathmey Planner: Dominic Mauriello I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST This site is zoned General Use (GU) which allows churches and related facilities subject to reuie* inO approval of a conditionai use permit. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a new building on the premis_u? Th9 proposed two-Story ltiucture will house clergy offices and consultation areas. All of the existing surface.parking. . ipa.er will remain subs-tdntially as lhey are today and 17 - 20 additional spaces will be provided i,i a g"tag" beneath the propoied strubture. Th6 applicant has provided lwo schemes for site planilngine area; Scheme;'A" and Scheme "B." Scheme "A" impacts the site more so than 'Scnemd "B" (see attached plans). The existing Chapel will also be modified internally by restoring lower level meeti;g areas, tlpdating building systems (such as the lighting system), enlargirig windows lor more natural light, compliance with ADA requirements, and other modifications. The proposed slructure will be constructed on an area ol the lot behind the existing Chapel and appd"rd to comply with the 50'Gore Creek centerline setback and the 100-year tloodplain' as currently mapped. Adjacent to the Chapel property is a portion of the Town owned stream tract. The stream tract is deiJicated lor open spaie, iecr6ation and access to the Gore Creek. The Chapel's original and current proposil inclirde improvements on the Town's stream tract. The Chapel obtained permission from the Town Council on August 6, 1996 to proceed through lhe review process' ho*"u"r, the Council did not give wholesale approval of the encroachments on Town of Vail pioprrty. Additionally, the Co-uncil directed stdti to minimize the Chapel's impacts on the Town's itrd"m ira.t. Under i:roposed scheme "8," approximately 1,400 sq. ft. of the Chapel site improvements will occur on the stream tract. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The development standards for the GU district are determined by the PEc. The PEC must determine what development standards are needed on a site specific basis' The proposed standards are as presented on the site plan and building plans for the site. III. FEVIEW CRTTERTA FOR THIS BEOUEST The code criteria for review of such a request are provided.for Yqyl information' Since this is a worksession, staft has not addressed the specific criteria. In addition to the conditional use .rir"rii, ruf nas inctuded the purpose statement from the zoning code, as we believe this will help the PEC in its evaluation of the request' The Vail Interfaith chapel is located in the General Use (GU) zone district. According to section t AS6.Ot O of the zonini; code, the purpose of the GU district is: "to provide sites lor public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prJi.rio.o by other zoning bistribts, ado tor which development standards especially prescribed for each partic;lar development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 18.02.020 and to provide lor the public welfare. The Cerierat Use bistrict is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in.the District are approprialely located and designed t6'meet tne nebOs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses' and, in cases of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air' open sDaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitled types of uses." A church shall be permitted in the GU zone district subiect to the isst'ance of a conditional use p"irit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter '18.60. For the PEC's reference, the conditional use permil purpose statement indicates that: ,,in order to provide lhe flexibility necessary to achieve the oblectives ol this title, specified uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because bt their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respectio th6ir affects on surrounding properties. The.review process prescribed in this chdoter is intended lo assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications lor conditional use permit shall be denied." The conditional use permit consideration of factors are as follows: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. 2. The etlect of the use on light and air, distribution ot population' transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities' and other public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control' access' maneuverability, and removal of snow trom the street and parking areas. 4. Eflect upon the character of lhe area in which the proposed use.is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The conditional use permit findings are as follows: The Planning and Environmental commission shall make the lollowing tindings before granting a conditional use Permit: .|.Thattheproposed|ocationoftheuseisinaccordancewiththepurposes oftheconoitiona|usepermitSectiono|thezoningcodeandthepurposes of the district in which the site is located' 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be'opbrated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, salety, or wellare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3.Thattheproposedusewou|dcomp|ywitheachoftheapplicab|e provisions oi the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. ISSUES FOR DISCUSSION 1. Stream setbacklTown Owned Stream Tract 6-n SeptemUer 18, 1996, Town staff (Dominic Mauriello and RuSsell Forrest) met with Ned -C*atnhey on the Chapel site to discuss the issue of construction and other impacts to.the.Town of Vail's siream tract. At that meeling, it was agreed by the stafl and Ned that a 30' setback from th" ttte". bank would be appropriate in order io reduce the impact to sensitive wetland vegetation, provide lor adequate access to the Town's slream tract by the public, and still allow i#Ch;fua iome flexibitity with site planning by utilizing portions of the Town's stream tract for development. Currently the code requires a 50' setback from the centerline ol Gore Creek lor all development iOl"i""fto the creek.'The proposed development appears to meet tl9 59' stream setback' However, the difterence with tnis development is that the Town owns the intervening property aO-ii"ent io the creek and the Town's intended use of this property, which is consistent with the ioi'ing on the land, is for open space, recreation, and access to the creek. The Town of Vail Open"f-anOs Plan identilied this ipecific parcel as environmentally sensitive and valuable for stieam access. Therelore, the imposition of a greater setback (by the Town, on the Town'S own prop"rtyl in this case, is iniended io preserue the use ol the stream tract and at the same time 'attow 1ie Chapel some flexibility with site design on Town of Vail property. The applicant, with Scheme "B," has done a good job of meeting the 30' setback from the edge of the'sfream bank. However, a portion of th; driveway into the proposed subsurface parking. ire" en"roa"hes into this setback. Scheme "A" encroaches turther into the stream tract and has substantial impacts to wetland vegetation and use of the stream tract. The setback, developed OV stitt and tfie applicant's repreientative, to address the specific constraints on this site' was intended as a guibbtine and nol a strict standard. Staff believes the proposed scheme "8" p*r*""" tn. intenOed use of the stream tract. Scheme "A," in the staff's opinio^1f-i91o391?.,t, ioo far into the stream tract, thereby reducing its quality as an open space/recreational amenlry. As a point ol information, the Eagle River.watershed Plan, which was adopted by the Town c;;.;il, calts lor a 30' setback lr-om the high water mark along the Gore creek. 2. SurveY lnformation T-n" ,rru"y pti,viously submitted for lhe project delineates the 1oO-year floodplain based on a isiirirJi."rh"-Fu6ri. woir.r o"p"ttm6nthas indicated that more recent FEMA studies have O."n poi6rred, and thereiore thd most recent floodplain information should be utilized for delineating this inlormation'on tiiJtrtu"y. Also, the'survey delineates the 50' stream centerline ;;ib;"k i;r Gore Creek on tn. iorin"rn portion o-f the lot. However, the stream curves to the norfn "Oii""nt to the "r"it OornO"ty of this site. .The 50' setback line must be indicated on this ;;;il;;irh" .r,u*y. Stariiileqriiing that this information be provided prior to final review of ihe conditional use bY the PEC' 3. Parking There are 20 elisting surface parking spaces. The applicant is currently working on two ,.i.-"r", t"ip"it ingi scnerd "n" *='rr ioo zo covered parking spaces to..the site. Scheme "8"' *niJn t"r."r itt ot tnl Oeveiopment out of the 30' stream setback area, will reduce the surface p"i1ing to 18 parking rpa"ei and provide 17 covered parking spaces, fo.r.a net increase of 15 Grki;g spa"es. lf w:e dalculate th'e parking lor.the new building as an olfice building' looro*ltnatety 7 parking spaces woutd be iequired, Statf believes the proposed parking is il;;;;i;;;..o*rod'rti, lhe existing Chapel and the new building. There is a parking easement recorded on the property foi ioint use by the neighboring.bank' The easement altows ine UanX access to this pari(ing duiing normal business hours. Statf believes that this is a beneficial arrangement as the hours of operation of these uses do not conflict' Staff believes the parking area and landscape areas should terminated with curbing to prevent vehicular access to landscape areas and the stream lract' 4. StreamMetland Vegetation The area to the west of the dxisting parking area has been disturbed over the years by cars. . o"rt inq too close to the stream anO birectty upon the stream tract. Staff recommends that this 5i"" 0"" restored with wetland vegetation and the parking area be developed in such a way as to prevent vehicular access to this unpaved area. 5. Limits of Disturbance The limits of site disturbance have not been indicated on the site plan. Statf believes the afpti."nt should provide an indication of the limits ol site disturbance, giving special -. consideration to areas with wetland vegetation. Additionally, the plan should accurately reflect ine existing areas of wetland vegetation. NotiJication to the Army Corps of Engineers.will be. i"qrir"O fo"r wetland impacts. Siaff believes that the applicant should. indicate the limits of site disiurbance on the site plan (and have the site staked accordingly) prior to tinal review by the PEC. 6. Solid Waste DisPosal ine ptan should addresi the location of the dumpster for this site and how it will be enclosed. Staff recommends a dumpster enclosure with four sides and a roof, per the design guidelines. 7. LandscaPed Areas i-ne proposaf te<irces the amount of landscaped area on-site. There is no specific. landscaping crite;ia ior the GU zone district, however, the PEC has the discretion to set a standard on this site. A landscape plan has not been provided. Staff believes this issue should be reviewed by both the PEC and the Design Review Board' 8. Architectural ComPatibilitY Architectural plans and ei"ijtions fbr the proposed structure have not been provided for this *orfreirion.' The previoui aicnitecturat ftafis suUmitted were believed by staff to be architecturatty comparibt;iih th;;iiautb Chapel and surrounding buildings' The siting of the orooosed structure oenind ine existing Chiapel io"J notcn"nge_th-e view from the public right-of- [iii"iO tn","toiJOoer not detracr fr6m tn6 prominence of the Chapel. 9. SnowStorage The plan does not address how snow will be stored on the site' staff believes the final plans for iiiii.""r"p*!nisnoufC aCOiesJ sno* storage. Snow storage should nol occur in environmentally sensitive areas of the site. 10. Drainage niLqr"t" Oi"i"-"ge facilities should be provided to prevent oil and sedime-nt from entering Gore Creek. Staff believes tnJfinii pfans for tnis devel6pment should address storm water drainage' V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Since this is a worksession to discuss the proposed conditional use permit for.the.Vail lnterfaith Cnapel, st"tt*itt not be providini a iormat staff recommendation at this time' Stalf wiil, nowever, provide a stad recomriendation at the time of linal PEC review' | :\everyon€F€cvnsmos\chaPel.n I 1 G al J* .- Sthe-,P<)'b" ;t o U ' 9no^t g *-ora5'e- - ^zfn/ "hu(''* 5V ' uLQDZ >-h-*Z ca.\ce/nJ' irr, c-,1Vrro{c ^7*la ba'A #3ft '{" s}Ye''"^ CLaee\ - Onccvra,7o- 5n >ut/ fle /* ' Ge-,et ?p.a+ F1u.f 5 olon f-rcrj fu'sJett loro.f; "* r/tlq-Lorh-,--, 5t, lJ;, tta'i-Xl- relwL/. 1,k'llro^- k,b{ an'll ellz'* ei|<'' G"l*^ -5c4+.-'-'f 6" uh 9r.t^'4",L" l-,. -fa.e- izwaf slzor 1/ Ae- *$naruJ ,"titL lle54,6+"^-^- \ \ ) $ { -8ltx\ \\i\ IJ o $ q) I TJ i{ (J \ \I ,\,}-t t -$ qs ,ql \'\4\: * \ s \rl i cf -{_T { b \) 4z,rorg fo4a--"b': , 1-ti Qry1-t melf 6h-ou/"t be' (h/Lo€C- ftr1;11rr, ,1r.'lsii r' (\u,tt I.nnLls I,lttt * l',rrcel 5l: Ihrccl I I 1 !:' IIiglr priority: TOV acquilc lrtrrl thc U.S. lrorcst Scrvicc (l.OA P.rrccl). lligh prioritv for- trail co|lltrlc- tioti.rtttl Prr)tL.ctioll of op1';1 SPncrl tnri lorv priority for cttrpktyc.c liotrsiltg. l{l.,1T futrLls p6t t6 Lre'usr'rl if frt t rr re lrses irrclur-lr. ltousirrg. IIIICOMMhNDATIONS FOIt TOWN- OIryNID PARCELS r|ltcrc nrL'srrvcr.ll Pnrcdls of l,rrrtl ctrrrcrrtly in Tou,'n I- rrtr'ticrsltip tltat h,ryc [recrt irrcltrrlerl irr tIis sttrtly' lrcc(u-rso the'y ltaVc tltu pr)tctlti,r l tr) ltieet some' ol thc rrr'crls itlr'rrtifictl as yr.r rt of this pl.rrr. Thr'se parccls ir rc I Lr cle : \/ai| (irrnnrorrs. North lirontagc lio.rrl Wt'st l:rrtPl1r1,gg housirrg is a highly aPprrrPri,rtc trsc for tlris sitr,', along n,ith c()nlntL'rci,rIlntl pr,rlrlic us('llcil- itics, as nct,dL'rl. 'l ltis trsc rvill lrr'lp rneet rrc-cris iclcn- tili('(l b)'tlrc Vail llotrsing Authority. lJcc,rtrsc tlris is n()t .rt1 "()l)('ll s[].lcc (rr l)nrks" Usc, IiliT-f hrrrtls $,ill n(,1 [)L'usell trr tlcvckrp tltis l.rntl. ?J:l-L-,ugDiltr]:rrn,i Ilris lot is a brrilrlalrlt'ltrrrnc sitr z()ncd [l irnary,/scc- orrri,rry. With tlic salc of this Pr()l)crty, tlrc'[orr,'rr ('()ul(l usc tltc Prp('1.1.d* ton'artl tlrr rrltcrr latrtls l.rto- rir'.trtt itlcrttifictl irr this l)l.ln (('()ntbinc lvith Iil:l-l' Itrrrtls to f trrtlrcr aclricvc tlrc o1.rg11 sp.rcc go,tls). n titlc clrcck nu.rst ()ccur t() cnsrtre th,lt pr()tcctivc ('()\'cnrnt\ ti tr rrot Prcclutlc ti c'r,cloPrtre'nt orr thc sitc. 2-l(r7. 2'185. 2.177. arrd 2.187 (larniisli I)rivc ['lrt'sc f0r,r r lots arc locatcti ad jacclrt to tlrc Towtl M,rrragcr's housc in Wcst Vail. Tlicrc is thc Potcrrtial Ior a st:r.rll plrr;[6t p;11[i associated !\,it5 cmploy6e hotrsirrg ol1 this property rvltich wotrld l-relp meet the p.rrk nccds of this neighborhood anrl hclp addre.ss ;ornc of the community's housing tleeds. A trailhead .rccessirlg the North Trail is also possible at this loca- l ion. 2ararcl I'ck ['hc Torvn of Vail has an approved Master Plan for )onovau Park that includes a number of active recre- rtion program elements. Comments from the public Irrring the course of this project suggest that tl.te fown shoultl revisit that Master Plan to ensure that he program developed in1985 is relevant to today's tlccds. Tract A. Vail Villagc l3tir l;ilinil Itcct ntly, a pnr 3 g()li coursc lt,rs brrcrr proposctl for thc. sitt. 'l'hc sitt'h.rs agrPro.rinl,ltcly .9 acrc,s oI lvcf - lantls orr tht'sitt. Thc U.S. Arn.n,Corps of llngir.ree-rs h;rs not apprlil'ctl a Sectiort.lt).I prr,lmf1 for thiipro- pos.rl. lI the Vlit) doe's not rccr,ivc a favorablc votc ()f thc l)r'oplc pursualtt to St,rtc' 0f Coloraclo Larv by I)L'c.'rrlbL.r 1, 199{ and then rtccivc a scction 40-l pcr- mit antl ftrrrtling approval b), [)r,ccrrlbor 1. t g95, it is this plarr's rocont mctrr1,rt ion that tlrt,propcrty retnairl as natur,rl opL'Il sp.tct: br,catrst of tlre rr,otl.rrrds orr thc slto. lJ npla tod M()untnin li,ll Sit. A1'rprlry;n,n1";" h.rlf of tlris pnrpcrtl,(7.71 acrcs) is i tttctrtlcti i<rr a ff ortjable housi rrg ; rrcl tlrc rc'nra ilr1or. oI tlrc sitc ivill rt.nr,ritr in ol.rcrr 5P.11.11. Ilt,rry ('rrck. litl rr,,r rrls'l'ltis P11r1-rs'11y is a krgical localiorr for sornc of thc r('c re.r t i()n.l l ncttr,ls itlc.nti[iod irr [rrrtlt this study antltllt'lt,tglt Cotr11ly alti Agort rccrciti()1 strrtlicS. Tlre joirtt ttsc of tltis 1rr1rpg11y t() 11('ct thc 1L,CjS Of A !vid1, r l)()pul.rti()n (irrcltrcling Vail rr,,sitlcnts) is arr appropli, .ito and ctrst cifcctivc \\',1),t() t)tcrt rccl.onti()ll nccds. n this sitc. Jrnpr6l's'..'l,s and ad(.litions to thc trailsystem inIand arourrd Vail are ar.r intetral part of tlie Open Larrtls Plan. There arc numerous opportunities for intcrpretive edLrcation along these trails. The pro_ posed trail system is somew'hat similar to traii svs_ tcrns found in the Alps rvhere interconnected tr;il allow hikers to move around and to mountain vil- lages. l-()V lirrccl a(ljnccnt t() VailCharrcl Tlrc nortlr barrk of thc Gore Creck adjacent to tlrc Vj Chapcl p1p1'ir.1cs an cxccllcnt strentrl acccss arca antl Itas bc.cn idcrrtificd.ls a strc.ltr accoss arcil. Also. this art'a is tit'sirah['f()r an irrforut,rl tlkc-out locatiorr ftrr kayakcrs. An atitiitiorral bt,rrch or picnic t.rble lvorrltl bc ticsirablc at this loc.rtion. ta APP!? iUt,{.i',-.,. ; c i:35 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION November 11, 1996 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Greg Moflet Susan Connelly Greg Amsden Mike Mollica Henry Pratt George Ruther Galen Aasland Dominic Mauriello John Schofield Dirk Mason Gene Uselton Tammie Williamson Diane Golden Tom Moorhead Judy Rodriguez Public Hearing 2:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Greg Moffet at 2:10 p.m. 1. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located at 4193 Spruce Way/Lot 12, Block 9, Bighorn 3rd Addition. Applicant: Steven PetersPlanner: Dirk Mason Dirk Mason gave an overview of the request and slated that stafl recommended approval with the 3 conditions listed in the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Larry Benway, with lsom & Associates representing the applicant, had nothing to add. John Schofield questioned the staff as to the reasoning lor the 2nd condition. Dirk Mason said the EHU was required to have an enclosed space, if it were to be constructed new. Larry Benway wanted to deed restrict the carport, not the garage. Dirk Mason stated that the applicant agreeing to deed restrict the carport was on page 1 of the staff memo. Gene Uselton had the same concerns as John Schofield. Greg Amsden had no commenls. Galen Aasland saw no reason to deed restrict for parking. Planning and Ihvironmsnta I Commission Minutes November ll.1996 1 Diane Golden asked how the third unit would be attached to the existing structure? Larry Benway explained on the west end to the south towards the road. Diane Golden asked if the existing unit had an inside entry into the garage? Larry Benway said, yes. Diane Golden said the garage should not be deed restricted, but it was ok lo deed restrict the carport. Henry Pratt asked if the carport was left open, would the applicant need to deed restrict it? Dirk Mason said. no. Tom Moorhead stated that it could be deed restricted, or made a condition of approval, if the Commission lelt it was necessary. Henry Pratt questioned that if it is not heated or enclosed, why then the restriction? He also felt it was important that the garage not be tied to the EHU. Greg Moflet was in agreement with Henry and Diane and stated that the applicant shouldn't be penalized when putting in an EHU. Henry Pratt made a motion for approval and that condition no. 2 be changed to read, "That either the one-car garage or carport be appropriately deed restricted for exclusive use by the occupant of the EHU." Diane Golden seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow tor a Type ll employee housing unit, located aI2642 Kinnickinnick CourULot 5, Block 2, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Sue DuganPlanner: George Ruther Greg Amsden recused himself, as he was an adjacent property owner of the applicant. George Ruther gave an overview of the request. Greg Moffet asked for any applicant or public comment. Galen Aasland thought the request consistent and fine. Diane Golden had no comment. Henry Pratt had no comment. Planning and Environmental Commissron Minutes November ll, 1996 John Schofield had no comment. Gene Uselton asked if the agreement had to be signed or was not necessary? Tom Moorhead stated that the PEC would act independently of any agreemenls reached. Greg Moftet had no additional comments. Gene Uselton made a motion in accordance with the staff memo. John Scholield seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0-1. 3. A request for a minor amendment to SDD # 5 and a conditional use permit to allow for the addition of conference space, located at 1 100 N. Frontage RoadiSDD #5, Simba Run Building. Applicant: Simba Run Condominium Assoc., represented by Lynn Fritzlen Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the request. He mentioned that this item was tabled at the last meeting, in order for the applicant to redesign the skylights. Dominic mentioned that the skylights were redesigned and reduced in size. Greg Moflet asked if the applicant had anything t0 add. Mike Schult, with Fritzlen, Pierce & Briner representing the applicant, had nothing to add' There was no public comment, John Schofield asked staff if they were confident with lhe restriping plan and also if there were any guidelines lor this restriping? Dominic Mauriello said that statf was confident with the applicant's ability to obtain the parking space. He stated that the Code allows 25/" of parking spaces to be compact space' Gene Uselton asked the applicant since there were Wyo options, which one would the applicant prefer. Mike Schult wanted the ability to keep both options. Dominic Mauriello stated that the lront drive is a dedicated fire lane and parking spaces couldn't remain out front. Galen Aasland would like not to see parking in front and wanted the wording stronger regarding the storage space being converted back to parking. Diane Golden had no comments. Planning and Enviromnehtal Commisston Minutes November ll. 1996 Henry Pratt would like to see the parking structule restriped and no parking in the front' He wanted to encourage m" iinri io ioot< ai me skylights anO tnat they be kepl more in line with the slope ot the existing greenhouse over the pool' Greg Amsden had no commenls. Greg Moflet cornmended the applicant, stating that he liked the solution of the skylights' Reflecting the consensu., ni irio wanieo no-p.arking in Jront. Greg was in agreem.ent w1h Galen' that he too wanted very proniOitive language,irnn regarO to the storage space not being converted back into Parking. Galen Aasland made a motion for approval in accordance with the staff memo including the three *nOiiionJ, He added to itrr tirst reidmmendation that in addition to returning storage back to ;;;ilil6;;";, tn"ippri.ant file a letter with the Town that thevwould not be able to convert Ino"" ip,ices bick to'siorag; *ith"rt written aythorization from the Town. Galen also included in the motion to encourageine ORA to look at the skylights, the restriping and not to allow any parking in the front. Henry Pratt seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. 4. A request for a front setback variance to allow for a garage^addition and a wall height variance to allowlor an approximate I'tall wall, located at 3235 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing. App|icant: Nancy and Wi||iam current, represented by Saundra Spaeh Planner: Dirk Mason Dirk Mason gave an overview of the request and stated that staff was recommending approval with two conditions. Greg Molfet asked if the applicant or the public had any comments' Saundra Spaeh, representing the applicant, had nothing to add There was no Public comment. Galen Aasland had no comment' Diane Golden had no comment. Henry Pratt asked what the color of the stucco finish was' Saundra Spaeh explained the same cotor as the existing color on the house, or the color of dead aspen trees. Planning and Env ironnontal Commisslon Minutes November I l, 1996 Henry Pratt said he didn't want such a light color stucco, because it would. stand out more than a darker color. He encouraged the DRB ib toot< at this color and material closely' because stucc.o I noi " fong-term materiiiind within 4-5 years the stucco would deteriorate' He encouraged the applicant to look at alternatives. John Schofield agreed with Henry's comments' Gene Uselton had no problem with the application' Greg Amsden had no comments. Greg Moffet stated that this was not a grant of special privilege and he had no problems with this request. Henry Pratt made a motion in accordance with the staff memo, with the addition of a lhird condition that the DRB look closely at the color and material' John Schofield seconded the motion' It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. S. A request for a major SDD amendment to allow lor a modilication to Savoy Villas, of SDD #5, ldcated at 1230 Lionsridge Loop/Savoy Villas, Phase ll and lll. The site is generally located east of Timber Ridg6 Aparimenls, west of Simba Run, north of the North Frontage Road and south ;f Lidnsridge Loop. A full legal description is available in the Community Development Department. Applicant: BWAB, Inc., represented by Chris Klein Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the staff memo and explained.the changes from the last 1me the pEC saw ihis proposal. He noted the 7 previous conditions (of Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1995), with the addition of 3 additional proposed conditions. Greg Molfet asked il the applicant had anything to add' Chris Klein, representing the applicant, had nothing to add. Galen Aasland had a problem with the layout of the living room and dining room, stating they were marginal at best. He said that the riorth elevation needed life. He liked the condition for raige treei on trat side, but thought the elevalions on that side needing improveme-nt...He stated ttrditne layout of the units neede-d a Federal Fair Housing Guidelines review, specifically regarding access to the units. Diane Golden would like to see rnore landscaping, but stated lhat it was great to have employee housing. Planning and Environmental Comrnission Minutes November 11, 1996 Henry pratt agreed with Galen's commenls and said that it didn't meet code wilh the amount of windows. He atso *anteoio iee a better layout lor the three-bedroom EHU. Henry mentioned inii SiJ" *e *ere giving tne applicant addiiional GRFA, he would like to see another shot at lhe ffi;"- asked ir we courd rerer rhe ravout to starr, t FILE C0PY Henry Pran said, yes or to the DRB. Henry saw no family spaces in the EHU unit. John Scholield had no comments- Gene Uselton deferred to Henry's and Galen's expertise' Greg Amsden agreed with Henry and Galen- Greg Moffet agreed with Henry and suggested moving the walls for a better layout' Galen Aasland made a motion in accordance with the staff memo incorporating an add.itional . condition that we instruct the applicant to meet with the Town staff to revise the floor plan and to improve the north elevation of Building #5. Henry Pratt seconded the motion. Greg Moffet asked if the Type lll was a for-sale unit? Dominic Mauriello said, Yes' Chris Klein stated that the whole building was for rent. Greg Moffet stated that it sold, it would be pursuant to deed restrictions. Dominic Mauriello said there would be restrictions on the renlals as well. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. 6. A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit for a proposed addition to thd Vait Chapet, located at 19 Vail RoadffractJ, Block 7, VailVillage lst Filing. Applicant: Vall Religious Foundation, represented by Ned Gwathmey Planner: Dominic Mauriello Henry Pratt recused himself from review of this item. Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of this request. He stated there were two parking schemes, w1h a net increasebf 15 parking spaces in one case and 20 spaces in the other. Dominicwent over the discussion issue's. He atdo clarified the issue of the survey information being outdated and needed to be made current with the 50' stream centerline delineated. He explained that parking Scheme B added 15 spaces to the site and Scheme A added 20 spaces to_ the site' .He. baid that the stream and weilahd vegetation would need to be mitigated, as it would be disturbed Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes November I I' 1996 by parking and snow $orage- Preventingvehicular access to that area needed to be addressed' He wanted the applicant to-giu" an indicition ol the limits of disturbance. Dominic said the "ppfffiii*iu going witn " siiti"O Or*piter, rather than another enclosure' He mentioned that iiidie woutd bda reduction otiinOscaping on the site, with this application. He said that the irinltectrre was compatible with the neigibornood. A concern of staff was thal there was no adequate area for sn6r sioiage on the s'ite. lf stored on the west end, oil mixed in with the snow would end up in the streim. Also, Dominic stated drainage.would.need to^be addressed, so there would be no direct outtatt (rntitt"t"d) into the creek. He stated that the Council had directed staff to alfow tnJVii Chapel to proceed through the review process, but that stalf ;il;16irt 6 r"Or"e the improvembnts oir Town of Vailproperty. In order to-implement that. directive and to preserve the intended use of this land, itafi recommends a 30' setback on the Town owned parcel to allow adequate access to the stream' Greg Moffet asked il the applicant had anything to add. Ned Gwathmey, representing the applicant said that history stated that VA thought they gave this pircet to ine r6undation. tn"e iitte'n_eport said that there was { Portion of the property oy.ne.d.Py lfre fo*n. He stated that Mr.-Loper, Rick Halderman and Villa Cbrtina all met and stated that if in"r" r money, that they would lii<e io snowmelt this area. He stated that it would be helpful with regards to snbw storagA. Ned said the applicant would come back with a snow removal pi6gri.. He too fett iimandatory to melithe snow or move it out. He asked for a blessing to move forward with this request. Greg Moffet asked for any public comment' There was none. Galen Aasland said of the two schemes, he prefers the B Scheme' as the A Scheme was too ctose to the river. Galen encouraged the applicant to come back with a way to address the itie"rn area being a reflective arel that wouid be associated with a Chapel setting' Diane Golden said she liked Scheme B and she was sorry to see the Children's area go away. Ned Gwathmey said there was a security problem with the old area. The Children's area will be moveO over closer to the chapel and wili have the same square footage as the previous area' Diane Golden supported this application, but she too was worried about snow storage' John Scholield thought to keep it to a maximum on the west side. He said that a Town goal.for the stream tract wou]d be an access path to encourage people to use it. He too encouraged snowmelt. John Scholield liked the Project. Gene Uselton asked the cost of the snow melt system. Ned Gwathmey said $6.50 per sq. ft. and with 1,000 sq. ft., it was not that'Oig ot a number' Greg Amsden would like to see the location of Villa Gortina's building on the site plan for refeience. He asked staff to explain the parking on Scheme B' Planning and Environmental Commission Minules November I l. 1996 Dominic Mauriello explained lhat there would still be parking in front with 17 sub-surface parking spaces in Scheme B. Greg Amsden asked if parking would be adjacent to the building' Galen Aasland asked if an elevator needed to be installed' Ned Gwathmey said, no, as all the offices were on the main level' Greg Amsden said he liked Scheme B over Scheme A' Greg Moffet wanted to see a landscape plan and mentioned that Scheme B was the better of the tr,r,o"orooosals. He had no proUt"m witn ine proposed encroachment by a few feet into the 30' ;;}[';;;;: He aixeo t ted it tne applicant iould capture waste heat from the surrounding buildings, in other words, capture exhaust air. Ned Gwathmey said he would take these recommendations to heart and that he appreciated the PEC's time. 7. A request tor a worksession to discuss amending Se91io.1 18.22.030, Conditional Uses, ot tnd Vait MunicipalCode to add'Time-Share Estate Units, Fractional Fee Units and Time-Share Licerise Units," as conditional uses in the Public Accommodation Zone District. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther Greg Motfet noted that items 7 and 8 were very different issues and that the PEC would discuss each item separately. George Ruther gave an overview of the request. He mentioned that at the last meeting, 10 disculsion itemi were identified with specific concerns of staff. George said that stalf was now in the process of researching new legislation that regulated time-share units and staff would report their findings back to ine pgC at a future date. He mentioned that new discussion issues were generated at the october 28' 1996 meeting. Greg Motfet asked, since this was such a broad draft, which issue took precedence? George Ruther explained that the PEC would need to make findings in each case. Tom Moorhead stated that each case would be fact-specific, not bound by prior decisions. He also said that each application would have factual differences that would lead to different results. George Ruther explained the illustrated renderings and explained the reason for outlying. time- snarel. George s'aiO ne would like to see time-share filling in for year-round occupancy in the Town. He went on to say that if time-share increased occupancy, then the eflects of increased traffic and noise would need to be looked at. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes November I I, 1996 Greg Motfet stated that, before we go to the commission, be mindlul that we are going to keep locused. Gordon Pierce, representing Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. stated that the time-share subject was a t"i OinV and he clarified thal what he was representing was a hybrid' Greg Moffet reminded Gordon that we were not discussing the Sonnenalp item, just time-shares' Randy Burgess, Sales Director for the Deer Valley Club, stated lor the record that he had no uesteif inteiest in mis apptication. He explained tlrat his experience provided the ability to answer questions about maintenance and occupancy of time-shares Greg Motfet asked for any public concerns, as it related to the conditional use factors' Paul Tracey, Owner and Operator of Kidsports, has worked in the Valley for the last 18 years' *ii conceined with oil fieli effects and inflationary effects with this proposal. He stated that he moveO here from Aspen where this type of propos'al broughl abou.t escalation in costs of tulryining. Paulsaw "Aspen" beginning to'ociur here' He stated that the type of people that . ti.dsnati"ns brought in whs not ln tne Oist interest of our community, at least not in the core of ine Wf age.-He sajd that he didn't want to see kitchens and high-end brown-baggers' .He thoughtile needed to attract shoppers who use our restaurants. He thought everybody had a.. iigflt"fo maXe money, but the PEC;s job was to w.atch out for the best interests of lhe community' Lirgei"tiifers srcn is fnebap, Uelin to come in and replace the small retail, as happened in Aspen. Town becomes a high-end mall' Greg Moflet reminded everyone that we are talking about adding time-share to conditional uses' Fred Hibbard, a neighbor in the Village Center Building, stated that it was important to redevelop properties. Tnere lias a way to do tiis, however, what was being proposed was not the way to bo inir. He thought il you hid a building that was primarily time-share.and it should get sold out' you would lose w-nat r,riere being billed is hotel rooms. Hd sugges.ted insuring that there would 6e ownership maintained in the-project for the duration of the building. He also thought a strong -nough inteiest would run the h6tei as a hotel. A manager wouldn't have the same interest. Jim Lamont, representing the East Village Homeowner's Association (EVHA ), asked George il we were to assume that ihe PA Zone District was totally built-out? George Ruther stated with the exception of Lot J. Jim Lamont asked George again if it was all built out? George Ruther stated that you could not convert an AU to a time-share, but that you c-ould conv;rt an AU to a DU andthen a DU to a time-share. However, George said that a DU is a use by right and you would have to go through a conditional use process. Greg Moffet stated that there would be a CUP review' Planning and Environmental Commission . Minutes November l l, 1996 Jim Lamont, from page 12 of the memo, concluded that there would be no reason to mix time- inare wifn an AU.' He asXed if we were trying to arrive at some sort of percentage. He said that n"lnt"tpt"r.O it to mean there was no need to have that ratio' George Ruther responded that this would be on a case-by-case basis' George mentioned that. this was discussed "t tn"l"ii r"eting. He said based ufon the discussions, it was determined every sile should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis' Greg Moffet stated that we haven't made up our minds yet' Jim Lamont said there were a couple of concerns. He said that when introduced into a standard zone district, it becomes more political, than factual, when entering into a conditional use. Jim said that he hasn't seen how the currenl bed-base operates. -He then went on to say that no wnere OiO he see it coming through in staff reports, what our future needs were. He said there ,oufO Oe eflects on noiseltatfic,-etc. He said tnat ilrne-share should be a use enjoyed by all in. ine ione Oisiricts that have similar uses and therefore, it would be very difficult to draw a line. He iiitiJiO that to rely on conditional use was erroneous. He said a comfort factor was still not tneie.-As taias th6 EVHA, the preference would be to establish a PA slash 1' 2, etc" with ipeJfi. slandards on a step-by-'step basis, not a case-by-case basis. He said that we didn't uiant to create a flooded open market. Randy Burgess said that for the past ten years, he has directed successful fractional ownerships. It is irirportint to note a differenc'e ol true iime-sharing vs. what is being proposed to the Austria Haus. Greg Moffet reminded everyone that what we were talking about were general issues. Randy Burgess stated fractional ownership allowed people to afford.ownership. Hewent on to. sjy ttiat it d'iOnt do a city any good to have second homeowners with vacant second homes. He said tnat fractional ownershi-p provides better occupancy and for highly seasonal resorts, it was uneconomical to have hotel rooms. Greg Motfet asked if the Deer Valley Club was entirely fractional? Randy Burgess said yes, that it gave the best bed-base that a resort could require. He said that maint'enande was a froblem in the pure time-share, where owners were buying by the week and who primarily purchised for the exchange value. He went on to say that fractional ownership was h second'home, where owners took pride of ownership. The owners want maintenance fees high enough to keep the level of service that they.originally bought into it for. He pointed out that th; Oeer Villey Club continued to remain new looking, with the types of buyers such who could easily afford a second home. Greg Moffet asked if he was suggesting that we only permit high-end as it relates to conditional use? Randy Burgess said if you looked at the demographic profile of Vail, itwas similar to Deer Valley' prote|sionit people wtio took pride in ownership. He again stated that the motive for buying was not to trade away. Planning and Environmental Comrrussion Minutes November I I, 1996 1_0 Greg Moffet asked for public comment if we did permit fractional ownerships in the PA' John scholield said that staff has taken a broad stroke and wanted staff to be more specific' As ; q;;;ri* i; nanOy, ne wouiO rile to know resale values with the different issues' as well as information on tne property uifuJs. He also wanted to know the eflects managers had and how to address that down the road. Greg Moffet asked if the Deer Valley club was fractional from the ground up? Randy Burgess said yes, however the issue. of resale was a point of exlreme differential. He said that time-share was not i pietty pictrte, as it sold at a discount from what wqq paid' He said that iiadfionif ,se prouiOeO a drotit, dince it was a real estate product. He :tal9d that fractional fee ownersnip foll6wed a parittet course to the real estate vaiue of a community' However, he. did. , mention that when tne corrrniiy ieal estate is down, fractional fee ownership. h.olds steady' He said that it was a very practical s6lution to have more Feople own property in Vail' He said that management could be passed to a management lodging company In vall' John schofield asked the time frame resale in Deer Valley was based on? Randy Burgess said withing the last couple of years. Henry Pratt asked if the Deer Valley Club had a front desk open 7 days a week? Randy Burgess said, Yes. Jim Lamont inquired about the Deer Valley Club amenities packages? Randy Burgess mentioned the ski slope in Deer Valley, one ol the nicest health clubs' a restaurant, a game room, ski lockers and a bar' Jim Lamont asked if it had any meeting rooms? Randy Burgess said one room was equipped with 80 seats. Jim Lamont asked if the units had lock-off functions? Randy Burgess said there were no lock offs, as this property was not intended for investment purposes. Jim Lamont asked if Randy was lamiliar with a mixed AU? Randy Burgess said it was open to the public and therefore, not a linancial burden should the restaurant 6e based out. He thought, conceptually, it was a great lit' Jim Lamont asked if Randy saw a mutual exclusion? Randy Burgess said, no. Gene Uselton asked if other restaurants benefitted from the Deer Valley Club? Planning and Environmental Comrnission Minutes November I l. 1996 11 o Randy Burgess said, yes, as only about two nights per week are owners eating in-house' Greg Moflet asked il it was more like a country club' Randy Burgess stated it was more ol a lifestyle, with country club arnenities' He said that o*neis t"eie reselling to upgraOe to a new fiactional fee unit next door that was under construction and he noted'tfrat no one was reselling due to dissatisfaction' Gene Uselton asked Gordon Pierce what was being proposed? Gordon Pierce said fractional fee units' Gene Uselton then asked staff why time-share needed to be included? George Ruther said this was a much bigger issu-e, than iust the.Sonnenalp' However, he did say tniiii*"J"n option to remoue the time--ihare, if it was ihe desire of the applicant and the PEC' Gene Uselton thought fractional fee units sounded like higher-end units. Randy Burgess explained that there was legal language that needed clarification. He said very igw ai"ter "naO regirtations regarding fractional fee, however, they had reg-ulations pertaining to the definition of tifte-shares. ie saiO that time-shares were prohibited in Deer Valley. He said ,nidire either condominiums or time-shares. Fractional fees are under the time-share ;;g;t"t6";. Randy went on to say that the Deer.Valley Club was registered technically with the Stite as a time-shire property and he suggested that we may need to include that language. Gene Uselton asked if the Deer Valley club had a 7 day right-of-refusal? Randy Burgess said there was a 5 day righFof-refusal' Jim Lamont asked Randy the depth ol competition lor the Deer Valley club? Randy Burgess stated that the Marriott time-share in Park City was the most successful in the worfO] ffe iiO say that there were no other fractional properties in Deer Valley, however, they were catching on like wild fire. Jim Lamont asked if there had not been any studies on the depth of the market? Randy Burgess said the public did not understand the fractional concept; only time.-share and home ownjrship. He saad fractional did not compete with time-share, but rather with condominiums ind condominium sales were up 14/"lrom last year. Greg Amsden asked staff about the Zoning Gode verbiage regarding it being changed in order to try a-nd maintain existing AU units. He asked why we were so concerned with time-shares. Greg Motfet stated that we could change it to that. Greg Amsden stated the main goal was to keep. an AU in the building. and that we shouldn't bg6late whether it was time-sliare, or lractional fee. He said the real estate market sets the plrnning and Environmental Commission Minutes Noverrber ll, 1996 t2 value and the pA had a higher property tax bracket. He said that this would not effect the Village Center, which was residential. Galen Aasland was willing to consider this, because it allowed for the redevelopment of the. OuliOing. bafen would lik6 it published in the newspaper and.would like. community input. He iaiO njras concerned with hdjacent property owners tax values. He then said it would be up to the applicant to show us why this should be changed. Diane Golden said this sounded like second home-ownership, which she does not like' Randy Burgess menlioned that most people who have second homes only use them 4-6 weeks ort of tne y-ear and the more expensive the property, the less likely they would be to rent it out' These second homeowners woirld not teet ionitortible putting it into a rental pool.. He said fractional fee works, because typical people use it 5-7 weeks a year. lt is a second nome' DUI lt doesn't sit vacant, making it a v6ry O6siriOte product. There is no rental pool to make it justifiable. Diane Golden asked how it would increase activity during the shoulder season? Randy Burgess said owners find it easier to go on vacation when they are without skis and they realizb hovi nice it is not lo have to haul equ'ipment. He said they enjoy vacationing in the summer and half of Deer Valley members iiv'e on the east coast. Randy said the Vail Chamber of Commerce statistics show visitors to Vail are primarily from the front range, so therelore, , usage would be in the off-season. He stated that Deer Valley is used 30% in June and 65% in July. Diane Golden said she was thinking more in terms of October and May. Henry Pratt said time-share was a vehicle that would allow properties in the PA district to impr6ve the Vail experience, so Henry saw time-share as an appropriate use in the PA district. Hd said though, we were here to prevent everyone from turning it into time-share. He felt the staff's broad -brush was applicabl6, but we nedded very specific rules lor interval ownership. He said management would be a critical issue, as well as the front desk and amenities package. Henry said-evaluation should be on a case-by-case basis. He said lock-otfs should be encouraged, but not required. He said that it was imperative that there be no loss of AU's. He went onlo say that we were now laced with undersized hotel rooms, so mayb.e there would be no net loss of-AU's. He thought the reality was thal all the properties in the Village Cgrq wer.e- sold to higher-end people, wFo would sample the restaurants and use kitchens only for breakfast and lunch-. tte stat'eO that in terrns of criteiia, we needed the broad criteria to then sit down and nail specifics. Greg Motfet thought time-share was used as a tool for property ownership. However, he said thatjf we permittdd this use in the PA district, we have to have insurance that hotel units would be built. He said he didnl want to see us put a conditional use, as that would affect the underlying zone district. He said that it was a financial tool. Greg would like to talk sale price, . constructi-on price, and land price on a square foot basis. He thought it a viable use and likes the broad brush, but it needed td be tightenei down. Greg was neutral regarding lock-offs, but he. did say he liked that idea, He saidlt makes sense to see lractional ownership tied to a manned front desk. He asked how much fractional ownership in a lodge building would be reasonable Planning and Environnental Commission Minutes November I l. 1996 13 and appropriafe. He said it would it be a firehose of owners with cash and he said if rezoned to Fn wii winted, the bar would need to be set fairly high' Greg Amsden questioned if we were allowed to discuss the economics? Tom Moorhead stated the appropriateness was ok, but in the broad sense. Jim Lamont said he thought it curious how many potential du's could be brought into the time- share vs. the AU's. Greg Amsden said if lock-offs set the percentage, they are atiributable to AU's. Jim Lamont asked the percentage of occupancy in an AU' Greg Amsden stated that Fallridge has lock-offs, but they are not rented as hotel rooms. Gordon pierce said the owner has first right to their lock off, but it then would go into the hotel pool. Mike Mollica asked what the percentage was of the lock-off being rented out? Gordon pierce said the St. James is rented out frequently, and we could find out that information and bring it back to the Board. Greg Amsden stated that lock-offs should be required period, and the Board would need that infoimation regarding the St. James lock-off percentage being rented out. g. A request for a worksession to discuss establishing a Special Development District . oveilby to the Austria Haus, located at242Easl Meadow Drive/ on part ot Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc', represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the request. Cynthia Thornberg, representing the applicant, passed out a handout on the Pillow night and tax reuenue analysis ihoriing a conservative estimate of 67"/" occupancy rate. She explained that the numbers were derived by talking to some of the local brokers regarding the commercial. space profile. She explained the accommodation unit profile and the tax revenue generated to . give sdme idea of the benefit to the Town of Vail' Gordon Fierce explained the other benefits to the Town, such as creating something along the river bank which the Town didn't have now. He said they would be doing away with the surface parkinq and the alley would be improved. He explained the financial and physical upgrades to lne puifi"tty. He ex'plained the proposed front entry and how it looked nice as pegple came_ down tne bteis from the parking structure. He said vehicles could turnaround in front of the building. Gordon stated in tdrms oiloading, the western corner was the only location that made sense, as Plaming and Environmental Commission Minutes November I l, 1996 l4 o there was no way to load into the basement because of lack ot room. He said that the property OiOn;t permit underground loading. He went on to say that heated surfaces stay much.cleaner ini Oo away with t6e shade and"shadow problems ahd tnat all the surfaces would be heated as mLV *"* iil tiont ot tne Bavaria Haus. Gbrdon felt that he had taken a step in the right.direction. He said regarding the implementation of the Streetscape Master Plan, this proposal had.'. actommoOited tie peOeitrian far better than whai's there now. He said the proposal added a sidewalk to encourage people to walk into the commercial area and was a vast improvement to tn. diirting conOiriois.' Thb street could be moved further to the north and add a sidewalk or other landicaping between the building and the street. Gordon said that the height was^ cdmpaiiOie rtifr ihe neighbors and wai lower than both the Mountain Haus and Village Center. 6,orion said the massin'g was less and much like the original Vailbu.ildings. He said with Jeff Winston working on the iiverbank, it would be a lovely placg 1o sit. He.said he was not opposed io a OriOge, Out"OiOn't think it would be necessary withthe all the opposition that existed. He *ent on io'say that the building footprint was smaller than what we could have had' Gordon stated that th6re was a great b-reak in linkage between the Village Genter and Bridge Street and. iniilnir was a vast impiovement. He said-that the employee housing would be accommodated and that the encroachments in the setbacks were less in some areas' George Ruther stated that an Environmental Assessment would be required' not an Environmental Report. Jim Lamont asked lor the distinction between the two. George Ruther stated the level of detail. Russ Forrest said an EnvirOnmental Assessment was a scoping dOCument t0 assess. Jim Lamont said that based on the findings, a report could be required later on. Gordon Pierce said there were beautiful trees that just happened to be there randomly' He said the main thing was to create a wonderlul park between the Mountain Haus and the bridge' wnere it's lus[ ho-hum right now. He said that the possible relocation of East Meadow Drive had pros and ions and that he would like to wait for Jeff Winston to go over that issue. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. Fred Hibbard of the Village Center had concerns with direct access from the Covered Bridge to the Village Center. ne silO the logical transition was to have the Village Center sidewalk continue. Gordon Pierce explained that lhere was a 5'sidewalk in the plan. Fred Hibbard stated that there was no hardship case and what was being asked for was quite-a bit more than what was allowed. He asked th6 PEC to stick with the PA zoning and Just modify it. He said it should be increased on a percentage basis in order to let the projec!proceed' .He stated that the applicants were doing away with ihe setbacks and it was their problem to satisfy . ine setOac1s, n61me PEC's problei. He felt it should be more than 1:4' but maybe not as much as 20' and the 50' stream setback should be maintained for integrity purposes. He said that what we finally arrive at, we want to be happy with. He said that we don't need to shrink down to 7% Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes November l l. 1996 15 o landscaping iust for tax revenues. Fred said he didn't think an sDD was a goo! idea and felt we i"o"fO gii il iess trouOte ls i fottn, rather than having an open seaso.n on setbacks, ;;e;A;i"g, eic. rreO advised the PEC to be carefulwith what was given away' Pierre McDaniel, President of the condos to the west of lhis development, was not opposed to ifie ieOe"efopment of tne nustiii Haus. He said that he went to Jim Lamont's meeting' He ;;;;i;;;ijffisins thacJm;ercialCore 2ZoninsOrdinance, when we.thousht itwas about in" i.Juu.fopre"nt 6t tne Austria Haus' He was also opposed to the fast.track of these j"""rop"ri-, iJ tn"y n"u" .iii.O tnat they would start cbnstruction in April of 1997. He advised the Commissioners the neeO to sfo* down in order to deline what time-share means to Vail viff"gl. HJiiiO tnat it woufO create a lol of changes in the Village. Fred said Village Center was oooosed to the size anO density ol this project and that it should be scaled back. He said that irfi,'"ir.,-,ivirrlb"-c*i"t1i"nop6tnt, this'project needed adequate parking, underground trash.' anJ otitrJeirreight detiveriei- Hi: said tnit there was a problem with the streambank stability and that encroaching onto it would require having it stabilized, as well as the lloodplain needing to Oe consiOered. Fied said that we didn't need a fourth bridge and that we oppose the rir"i**"fX, because it would infringe upon the reason we come to Vail. Jim Lamont, of the EVHA, opposed the SDD because ol the grant ol special privilege' .Jim. said tn"t ror" research intormation was needed on where all the PA's were located, the unit mixes and rn"i *aJtne Oevetopment potential remaining. He said that he got nervous when big hunks ;i gril; are ripe for developmbnt. He thought th-e aggregate siz.e was as big as the CC2. in Lio'nshead and inat we were trying to aim this more as a surgical in Lionshead. A PA slash io*"tning was what we're in f6vo-r ot. He said that if you start jamming more and more parking on tnis sli"e, you will drive more people down the hill and so you need to think of pay-in-.lieu.. Jim mentioneO inat noO Slifer stateil thit tne number ol hotel rooms should not be reduced. He woutd tike to see more definition of the support facilities for lhe hotel operation. He said there needed to be more common area. He thought we were looking at a hybrid, not pure interval "*""irf,lp. He felt that 360 degrees of commercial was driving the project. The relationship between the stream and the nutltOing keeps coming up. Jim thought it was going. to be real tough io ant*er',why don't we get it and they do?" He said lhat development standards had been required by ev'erybody else. He felt the amount of GRFA , when you take out the common area' sltrs nlgir. Heinoulfrt 151% over would cause all the other PA properties to be given the. same. H6 said that w-e are not turning a fire hose of money lose and asked George if the Urban Design Guidelines aPPlied? Mike Mollica stated not for the PA districl, but for commercial core 1 and 2. Jim Lamont stated the traffic llow had to be a critical factor. He asked if they wanted to have tranic iignt up to the front door and that people would go wherever there was no glte and even. where tfere was a gate. Jim suggested elevators that take goods off the truck to the basement as it was done in C6tO peaX. Hdiaid storage should go into the building and downstairs. He felt more time could be spent on the front ol the building. Jim felt that.the delivery proposed was a bit overdone. Jim thdn asked Russ if the 50'stream setback was in the Zoning Code' Russ Forrest said, Yes. Jim Lamont said to put a new bridge in would be tricky, as it would have to go way up in order to go over the floodPlain. Greg Moffet agreed and said not to mention the ADA requirements for the bridge. Planning and Environmettal Comtrusson Minutes November ll,1996 15 Jim Lamont said he understood the 360 degree commercial, but he said it wouldn't work. He i"iO tnat employee nousing should be required. Jim said the Vail Village property owners think. G stteets.ipe improvem6nls were due ihem' but to require the.improvements was not correcl in his juOgement. Jim said the grades at the intersection of the chute and Vail Valley Drive are'^bi'".iJqiit. io trrn traffic arou-nd and that we needed a cul-de-sac, redo the grades and tralfic control giates. There was a possibility of total limited access in that area. Gordon Pierce asked for the rationale if we don't go for the SDD' Greg Moffet said it would require a hardship. Gordon Pierce said we needed to go that route with this type of product' Randy Burgess said the Deer Valley Club laces the same concern with parking. He offered the ruggdrtion?nauing a fleet of vans to pick qp guests, since this proiect's location wouldn't ne[6ssitate having i car. Randy stated the Deer Valley Club provid_ed shuttle service and Oocrrent"O it. H-e stated that they had to do a nightly car count at 2a.m. every night for the past tr1rro winter seasons and the results were that very fevri people had a car, He said that one way to mitigit" the parking concerns was to olfer shuttl6 service in the winter, however, in the sumhertime, guesfs needed a car, since activities were in outlying areas' Mike Mollica stated that the sDD overlay can, in fact, pay into the parking fund and this option was available if we pursue the SDD, Mike stated that'7d spaces were required on-site, or the applicant would need to pay-in-lieu. pierre McDaniel thought that the pay-in-lieu provided money to the Town ol Vail, rather than provide extra parking spaces. Galen Aasland said he thought this to be a good quality project and that the model was inieiesting and provided a g-ooO scale. He f6tt tnai the-SDO was appropriate, rather than asking for varian-ces. Galen felt thlt it was too tall and lound no compelling reason for any.variances. He felt that it shouldn't compound problems as the Mountain Haus has. He stated that the flat roof doesn't fit in the core oi the Viilage and was way too visible and couldn't support the.h€ight variance. Galen said that the projeciwas too close io the Village Center on the west and felt the applicant did not need the varianies to the extent that they were asking. He was not in support o[ butting trees. Also, Galen felt that cutting off the pedestrian access needs to be worked on. He telt tfrat watking from Slifer Square to thl stream was a good idea. H9 did say that the.south side had no reasoi for a variance and a restaurant on the south side might solve ihe problem.. Galen didn't think the project needed to push out that way. He felt the need for a front desk. He wanted to see further bevelopment of er"irployee housing and if the applicant can't demonstrate other properties having emplbyee housini, then the amount of GRFA requested needed to be reducbd.' Galen felt that the Tbwn could work with the applicant regarding the entrance. Diane Golden said the trash needs to be less obtrusive. She said the location of the main enfrance bothered her. Diane was concerned about loss of the large trees. She liked the look of the commercial area and stated that it would enhance the street and give people something to do from the Crossroads area to Slifer Square. She was also intrigued about lhe bridge. Henry pratt stated 1 51% of GRFA and 8,000 sq. ft. of commercial was excessive' He felt the SOO'was appropriate present, since this projecipresented some challenges and the SDD was Planning and Environmental Conmission Minutes November I l, 1996 L7 the best way to solve rhem. He stated that density should be dedicated to lock-otfs' Henry had a iiii Gir-" *iirtthe serbackson the stream and thsexisting trees should be honored on the side' ;Hili,,h;i'iil";;;td;;;eio'setoacr< on rhe streerside in order ro ger rhe commercial as close to the sidewalk as possiote. Henry felt lhal7"/" landscaping was too little. He thought we il;JJ commercial in fown on rfre streimside, where it was sunny. He.agreed with Jim that . lhere should be hotet srpfotion the streamside to get people on that side. He felt the front entry was ok and that the garage entrance was for homeowners' Greg Moffet said if someone was staying at the Austria Haus, he thought they were taken over from the SonnenalP bY golf cart. Gordon Pierce suggested having a control al the TOV gate for vans' Henry Pratt said the main point was to eliminate the lost tourist down the Crossroads Chute' He lniologed piving. He tdn tne delivery was overdone, as it would be clean since there were no iestauriii rp"cesl Henry said tne trasir should be under the building and to reduce the space O"""t.J to l".Oing. He t6tt tne building could be closer to the street with a sidewalk and that a sidewalk was needed on both sides of-the street. He stated a sidewalk was more important than f"nOr"iping to create a "Vitt"ge Centef'experience. Henry said that Slifer Square needed - . incredibie iirprovement and hi lelt that Goidon would do that incredible improvement. l-le fql . ine FEC naC'grappled with the ethics ol employee housing, but it's 10 eve.ry employer's benefit to toot atter theii em'ptoyeei, whether housing be on-site or off. He did not like the proposed.Go.re C;;k ft;t;aOe'srjting inat ne was not.in lavor of the bridge, as it would have to be too high and thit such a short cuito the shopping loop would cut some retailers out of the loop. The Atntetic CtuU to Ford park loop snoun Oe recreated here. The creek is a direct tie back to nature in the middle of Town and is dn asset that should be taken advantage of. Henry felt the trees *ri. rignifi."nt and disagreed that they were planted without thought. He stated that the side setback-s on the east end would deal with the trees. He lelt on the west end, how the commercial tlow was maintained was important. George Ruther stated that 30% landscaping was required.. He said that east of the Jacuzzi was C*r6O and this was the only true green space using sod, as everything else was hardscape making uP20/". Gordon pierce stated the applicant was trying to create a win-win situation and that was the reasoning behind the SDD.' ile stated the first idea was to bring an alley between the Village Center and tne project, thus, not requiring setbacks. John Schofield stated that all of us needed to encourage quality, but he felt that this proposal was too much. He felt work was needed on the Gore Creek side and the PEC would be more lenient on the landscaping, if the stream was worked on. He encouraged staff and the applicant to utitize the right-ot-way [o everyone's advantage. He thought Slifer Square was lacking and needed work. Gene Uselton, regarding the mass, asked about any view corridors' George Ruther said the view corridor was to the east. Gene Uselton asked if the building height was within what was allowed and if the Sonnenalp had employee housing to cover this application's requirements' Planning and Environmenlal Commission Minutes November I l. 1996 18 Gordon Pierce said the Sonnenalp owned units off-site for employees. He said that Johannes had 160 units. Greg Moffet asked Gordon if Johannes was the developer' Gordon Pierce said, no, that he would have to transfer that' Gene Uselton said the Town would be able to develop more parking spaces with the fees and asked how many units were needed to finance the project' Cynthia Thornberg said that they didn't have the right ratio ol club units to hotel units at this time and smaller mem6erships would have less to spread around' Gene Uselton thought il the issue was financing, then you must have the numbers. cynthia Thornberg said the ratio was moving and that the lender looked at all of the cash flows' Gene Uselton asked, on what assumptions regarding the sales lax revenues, are new revenues tor the Town? Cynthia Thornberg made no assumptions, but stated it was additional revenue and not pulling iui"y or displacin! other sales, nor are we assuming additional room nights' Gene Uselton thought the front entrance should have a roundabout in order to have cars drive up. Greg Amsden said the percentage of lock-offs, as they e,qyate to the AU's, should be 3:1 . He wanieO the original gZ maintaine? that are in existencb right now. . He ag.reed with the tanOscaping isEue and also to work with the Town regarding Meadow.Drive. He wants the elimination-ot encroachments on the stream. He felt the entry within the building would better ierve peopte going to the Village. He stated that the trash and loading were complex issues and fne riin dOleitiuJsnould be td appease the neighbors and remain out of site. Greg had . concerns a6out the encroachmenti on the west and south. He too was not in favor of a bridge. H; ild no problem with the height of building because of the small parapet wall. Rather than on- siG pirXind, he fett ok with the iay-in-lieu an-d qq applicant c.ould provide van transporlation. He said the need for employee housing should be left for the staff to pursue. Greg Moffet said the SDD was a great concept, and it was clearly the mechanism and not even an iisue. Greg asked who was going to own the retail spaces. Mark Thornberg said we didn't have an answer to that question. Greg Molfet said if GRFA is 150%, then 30% retail was too much. He felt a restaurant could be on tie creekside. He didn't see it working to get people back to that side of the creek. He asked about the new or increased sales tax revenue' Cynthia Thornberg stated with the expected 10,000 sq. ft. of commercial, they had taken a conservative average. Greg Moffet said this was not incremental gains for property tax' Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes Novembcr I l, 1996 L9 Cynthia Thornberg said the additional guests were an estimate' Greg Moffet thought the public.benefit trade-off gave only some net benefit with some transfer t", inJiJ" prai1cat ritt"r, this was not really going to benefit lfe t9y-l financially. Greg was i"uing "h"rd time finding the public benelit in order to say ok to the 50% ' Cynthia Thornberg said the number ol pillow.nights were a huge improvement and with 4 times a6 many units, there was incremental public benefit' Greg Moffet asked if they were net new, or coming flom tfrg Landmark or somewhere else and re-JoriOni quantify an increase in business. GregLrated the front enfy and didn't think we should drag any more autos closer to the Covered Bridge. He gave the example ol congested iraific in fro"nt oi the Mountain Haus. He felt a drop-off underground integrated entrance, as they Oo i^ C"iitotnia. Creg didn't think this project would generate a lot of cars, hence, he was not iOuerre io pay-in-lieul He didn't want any more cars down the Crossroads Chute. Greg said. ff,lt tnii was d good $art. He felt any right-otway, not used for.buses, should be heated and ;;;ilil;p;de. Greg said a sidewalk was a real good thing. He said the developer would f,gea to give'emptoyee'units, as the mayor was on this issue and the Councilwould demand ;pl"t; housing.'Greg agreed with Henry regarding the.setbacks and he said that nobody croisds the creetiline. Fte iiOn't want a nridge, but was ok with the hardscape' He felt.if the lanoiiapr *"s mitigated off-site, that was ok, He was however looking for same size pine trees for mitigation. He igreed with Henry regarding the Slifer Square improvements. Gordon pierce said we didn't really need to touch the trees, we just thought we could do a better job. Greg Moffet said the 50'setback needed to be maintained. George Ruther stated, regarding the sidewalk into the 50' setback, that 5' encroachment for the sidevialk was allowed. He also stated that part of the sidewalk improvements were off-site and on TOV property. Gordon Pierce said a 20'setback needed a consensus. Greg Amsden said you could have an encroachment, but not that much. Gordon pierce said we could turn the building. He said however, that staff thought commercial on 4 sides of the building was good. Greg Moffet stated there was no agreement regarding commercial on four sides of the building. Gordon Pierce said another tack could be lo access trash between the buildings in an alley, however, a big truck would have to back out. Jim Lamont said there was a way to solve that problem. Gordon Pierce said Jim's idea was stupid' Jim Lamont said in terms of the zoning issues, what we're talking about are mixed uses including the time-share use in a base zone disirict that would change the development standards. He Planning and Envirorunental Commrsston Minutes November I I, 1996 20 said that when it came employee housing, we needed a fixed standard in order to remove the conlusion on how ."ny u,iitsine applicaiit would be required to come up with' He said that we wanted to see this done totally right. 9. A request for a worksession to review the existing Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) regulations and to discuss alternatives. Applicant: Town of Vail Pianner: Russell Forrest / Tom Braun Russ Forrest stated that the purpose of the worksession was to narrow down the number of aliernatives that are reviewing ahd tnat we would be coming back to the PEC in January and so he was looking for a recommendation. Russ Forrest explained the slides they would show to the PEC were tools to control bulk and mass. Tom Braun stated that people were maximizing bulk and mass limitations. He said that how you viewed a home affecteil th6 look of the mass. -He stated that if a building was off- set, it brought down the bulk and mass- Using slides, he showed different examples of homes and how their bulk and mass was perceived. 1om said that site coverage, building height, design guidelines and lot sizes all detdrmine the size and shape of the structure. He stated that they looked at seven ditterent communities for comparisori and that about 1/2 have some form of control ol GRFA. He said that Breckenridge uied lot coverage with landscaping for control, while Whistler had more site coverage, but lowbr building height to require more long ary slF_ag out, however' there were five alternitives reviewed in the baCkground paper. He asked if GRFA was an "it".tiu" way to control mass and bulk. He gave an example ol a shortcoming ol GRFA when you have vautteO ceilings. He also stated that the time required to administer the system.was intensive. There was a fair amount ot concern trom the public regarding the applicant's time.. Tom said these facts were based on a meeting that was'held for the public, in which 45 people giu" input. The public, at the second meeting, stated we were forcing people-down valley' 6ec"rsb they wei'en't able to build what they wanted here. He explained that if height was ;GA, thdn we would need to adjust all tire variables. He said it would be a dis-incentive for EHU's if homeowners had to give up and use their own home space. Russ Forrest asked for questions on the alternatives. Tom Braun stated that they were trying to narrow the list a little bit and would like a consensus on what we're doing. John Schofield was in favor of #3, to eliminate GRFA, but with a control system to alleviate the Ooi proOf"r. He said that too many lawyers have made too much money on the GRFA issue. ffe iiO he had a problem with som'eonetelling me what I could do within the walls of my house and furthermore, the market would not accept big ugly boxes as houses. Gene Uselton asked what the problem was with the trophy homes. Gene Uselton lavored alternative # 3, as #2 was a bad idea. Greg Amsden was in favor of # 3, and to increase DRB review standards that apply to the desi-gn. He felt that the DRB would need to be statfed with at least two architects. Planning and linvironmental Conunission Minutes November I l, 1996 2L Galen Aasland thought GRFA controlled bulk and mass. He said thal most sites are at 20% site coverage, but site coverage is 257" in Glen Lyon. He liked the idea of a graduated living_ area. HL iai,j'tnat converting bisement space was dangerous, as windows wo.u.ld not be required and *itn i tir", no one cor-ild get out. GAlen asked if we were creating something that.would be uniaie. Fie felr that GRF-A did have an effect on not allowing height restrictions. He encouraged keeping GRFA and exploring the concept of volumetric controls' Diane Golden didn't teet it was appropriate lor the Town to tell people what they. could.do-' she felt rhat alternative # 2had good'points and alternative # 3 had some merits. Diane felt that setbacks and height restrictions iould control size and parking could control the number of bedrooms. She favored all 3. Henry pratt agreed with Galen regarding GRFA mass and bulk controls. He felt the floor area ratio ihould rdmain. He said that alternative #2 and #4 should remain, but only on existing structures as an interim Step. With # 3, Henry felt you would need to look at what would encourage creativity. He suggested weighted points as they do in Brecke_nridge, i.e., 1,000 pts- tor ever/incn. He thought tnat rHu's were going into trophy homes and that locals wanted their space lor their kids. Jim Lamont stated that you had to know what you were looking to create, before you break up . the regulations. He said that when GRFA was sel up, it.was.to have.d-esigners be creative and retainipen space. He said that it has worked, but needs to be simplified so that it could be understbod. ile asked if you really wanted to jump and did you know where you.were iumping to when you are standing on tnis precipice? He said that il this was a skeleton a1! ygu took out the Oones, the skeleton w-ould get iimpy looking. He said that if you fool around with this too much you,ve jumped over the edge. He said he didn't want to fool around with the stability that we have. Galen Aasland stated with only a site coverage requirement, there would not be any incentives for EHU's. Diane Golden thought we didn't give people enough credit in this Town. Greg Moffet stated that the existing system encouraged people to violate the law, as well as enc6uraging unsale violations. He said that alternative #1 encouraged people to leave.Town. He fett it was entirely appropriate for people to build big homes in appropriate neighborhoods. Greg said that alternative #3 scared the heck out of him, since it would require someone to. . Oevdtop a rigorous, but subjective design guideline. Greg liked #2 and #4 and agreed with Henry on owier-occupied housing. He said that if we permit conversion space, we will spend a lot of time on defining what a demo/rebuild is. Greg said he would like to keep locals here, but not open the floodgate. Russ Forrest summarized some of the suggestions. He said that keeping GRFA, but with some tweaking was an alternative, He said to keep the basic system, but look again at the valllted areas. -l-le summarized keeping alternatives # 2 and #4 as a package and alternative #3 by expanding the tools for design review controls. Greg Amsden mentioned $150,000 was the cost for a typical lot and with that gice.tag, the ^ ownbr would use an architect. He stated that when a home is overbuilt, it was hard to sell. Greg thought that people would not overbuild in a small neighborhood' Planning and Environmenial Commission Minules November I l, 1995 22 Russ Forrest said we could look at Aspen, as an example, to control vaulted areas. Henry Pratt asked if Aspen had a point system and if there was a way to quantify in stone. He saw #2 and #4 as a component for tweaking. Jim Lamont mentioned that the library meeting was a creative learning session lor such a dry issue and that there was a lot of truth in that kind of dry topic. 10. A request for a minor subdivision to relocate the common ploperty line between Lots 7 and 8, located at 666 and 696 Forest Road/Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Neil and Nancy AustrianPlanner: Lauren Waterton TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 25, 1996 Greg Amsden made a motion to table item 10. Diane Golden seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote ot 7-0. lllllllllll11. Information Update: There was none. 12. Approval of october 28, 1999 minutes Greg Amsden made a motion to table the October 28, 1996 minutes. The motion was seconded by Henry Pratt, It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. Greg Amsden made a motion lo adjourn the meeting. it was seconded by Henry Pratt. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m. Planning and Environmental Commission Minules November I l. 1996 23 Printed by Donrlnic Mauriello 9 /96 1r 56prn From: Domlnlc ltaurielloTo: Rusgell Forreat Subject: fwd: vail Chapel ===NOTE===============AO / 29 /96==g : 49arn= CC: l{ike Mollica, su8an connelly Henry Pratt wanted to know what thejugtlflcatlon waa for our treatment of Ltre valr chapel slte with regard to atrea$ setback (frdn top of bank). I told hlrn that the dlffernce with the vail Chapel Project is that it is adjacent to the Strean Tract which i8 owned by the Town. The setback we e8tabllghed there wa6 to acheive twogoala. Firat to protsecL the sLream tract and ensure Lhat it rernains natural and al.lows for adequale public accegg and uEe, and secondly 8o that there vras sone flexibility for the Chape] to uge Town of vail property. He lraa drawing a comparison with the Red Sandstoae project ghat only has a setback from ehe centerli.ne of the atream. FYI F\ftl=by : =Mike=Mot I ica==to / 29 / 9 6 ==I : 0 lprn= Fud to: Dominic lhuriello PIeaBe place a the valL chapel copy of this E-Mail in permanent. file. Pagel 1 CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM Date: 9'18-96Place: ChapelAddition SitePresent Russell Forrest, Environmental Policy Planner - TOV Dominic Mauriella, Town Planner - TOV Danny Swertfeger, GPA Ned Gwethmey, GPA Re: Chapel Addiffon Site Constraints The Architecis had staked out the building as it was submittecUdiscussed with the Council. Russell was consulted to evaluate any wetlands and Riparian Right considerations. Russell suggested that a 30 feet setback from the stream bank was being discussed as a reasonable minimum. A willow wtrich could be in the revised footprint could be relocated, or rryetland issues mitigated with a comprehensive landscape program. Based on the above, the architects will: 1. Get the bank located on a survey.2. Redesign to achieve a 30 foot setback.3. Resubmit for the P.E.C. Work Session. The foregoing constitutes my understanding of matters discussed and decisions reached. lf the interpretation of other varies, please inform us in writing. Sincerely, THIJ|EY'PRATT P.C. Edward M. Gwathmey, J EMG/lm Enclosures copy to: Robert Fawcett AIA ?t'.'rq Proposed 21 Feet 25'+ ridge ? 45o/o 48 7? Gunent Zoning General Use Distric'l: Ghert Of Exlrtno t Proooced Develooment Standards: Cunent zoning Lot Area Setbacks Building Height Density Control Landscaping Parking Sprces Existino 21 Feet 32'+ ridge ? 55% 26 Generaluse 44,907.06 sq.ft. 1.031 Acres -^- ?OO a({l on 7e/ 10 September 1996 Mr. Dominic Ltlauriella,qlCP, Town Plsnner Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road, West Vail. CO 81657 Re: Vail Interfaith Chapel Addition - Approval Process Dear Dominic: I have been asked to proceed with the process for the Chapel Addition. My understanding is we have received approval from the Town Council to proceed, knowing there are encroachments on Town Land. We had a work session with the P.E.C. on the Conditional Use Permit. We have had a session with Rick Halterman the Properly Manager and Mr. Loper the President of the Homeowners Association of the Villa Cortina, who made recommendations and asked to be kept up to date on the process We may need to meet on the site with Russell Forrest to see if there are any wetlands affected. Could you help us to outline the next steps? Please call after you have had a chance to revieWconsider. Sincerely, P.C. Copy to: Andy Knudsen T.O.V Robert Fawcett Ag€oda last nviscd 7trU96 gacu_ PI-ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, JulY 8' 1996 AGENDA Proiect Orientation / Lunch 'Community Development DePartment Site Visits 12:fl) pm 1:00 pm 2:00 p.m. 1. 2. 3. Driver: Messenbaugh - 970 FairuaY Court Vail Chapel - 19 Vail Road Lodge ai Lionshead - 380 East Lionshead Circle Qeorge Publlc Hearlng - Town Council Chambers 1. A request for a setback variance to allow for a snowmelt boiler to encroach 5'5 feet into a ,siOey'irO ieoicr, tocated at 2049 Sunburst DriveiLot 1, Vail Valley 4th Filing' Applicant:LandonandMaryHilliard,representedbyLarryEskwith Planner: George Ruher Z. A request for a worksession lo discuss parking and retaining wall heioht variances to allow for the construction of a new parking area at tn" lEOl" "if-i919frea0, Phise lll, located at 380 East Lionshead Circleilot6, Bloak 2, Vail Lionshead, 2nd Filing' Applicant: Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Ric Fields Planner: Dominic Mauriello O. A request for front and side setback variances to allow for a residential addition to the Mesdenbaugh tetlOen.., located at 970 Fairway CourVLot 5, Vail Village 1Oth Filing' Applicant: Robert and Hildegard Messenbaugh, represented by Mike Guida Planner: George Ruther Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Ned Gwathmey Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor a conceptual discussion ot Lionshead redevelopment' Applicant: Vail Associates, represented by Dave Corbin Planner: Susan Connelly 5. The following is presented as a suggesf- ed setback that each jurisdiction within the watershed could adopt. Each juris- diction, if it chooses to adopt this buffer concept and recommended width, would need to consider how existing land uses that lall within the. riparian, flood or buffer zone would best be treated. Suggested River and Live Stream Buffer Standard: Locate all structures, grading, paving and land disturbance out- side of the riparian zone or 100 year floodplain of live rivers, streams or lakes, or 75 feet* measured horizontally from the high water, whichever is greater. In certain circumstances, a greater setback may be required to protect the riparian zone, floodplain or waterway. All vegetation shall be left undis- turbed in its natural state within the described protection zones. Permitted vegetative disturbance includes environmentally appropri- ate noxious weed control and enhancement of the area with appropriate riparian zone plantings (willows, cottonwoods, etc.). Approved trails, recreation access sites, bridges, fences, irrigation and diversion structures, flood control and erosion devices may be con- structed within the required setback if there will be little or no distur- bance or disturbance can be miti- gated. Underground utilities may be located in such protected areas upon approval (conditional, special, etc.) provided there is no alternative location for such utilities, there will be minimal or no disturbance and other pertinent approvals are obtained (e.g. Corps of Engineers). *Possible variations or additions to the abover Adopt 6 setback of 75 feer adjacent to the Eagle River and 50 feet adjacent to tributary streams. Riparian and flood- plain widths would apply as the setback if greater than either the 75 feet or 50 feet distance. A more substantial setback should be considered for relatively dense or inten- sive land uses, such as apartment com- plexes, mobile home parks, commercial buildings and industrial uses, which may warrant an increased setback to buffer the more intensive water quality, access traffic, and view character impacts that may be associated with those uses. The exact setback would need to be based on an analysis of the site and develop- ment proposal. The above basic setback definition states that the distance is measured horizontal- ly but each jurisdiction will want to eval- uate if that is appropriate or special lan- guage needs to be developed to address steep banks. At minimum, protection of the riparian zone, 100 year floodplain boundary or 50 feet from the high water mark (a set- back required currently by two local jurisdictions), whichever is greater, should be reouired in order to create consistent reiource protection through- out the corridor. Irrigation ditches could, if desired, be incorporated into this suggested stan- dard as well in that many irrigation ditches feature established riparian veg- etation (e.g. cottonwood trees). t m7z The Nparian Zone: Riparian* O deJined 7s tle lqn.k and adjacent vegetation inflienced Dy me nrgn warcr nble. plant grpes associatedwith riparian zone include but-are not liiitea tocottonwoods, willows, alders, aspens, and chokech.erry. The presence o, obsrncc of thesepnn? do_es n9t always indicate a ripaian com_munig. past land use practices may have d,egmded the vegetation to the poiit ihere itaoes.not appear to have ripaian characteristics but.because of the high water tabte in rni irroa cnange n the land use can quickly restore the :!,?i!n communig. conversety, opi iiiior-rcnsac ptants may not indicate a true ipariancommunitsr. For this reason on_site anilvsis isneeded to hetp make this aeterminatiiiii) agencies available to make these inspectioniinclude Cotorado Division of Witdttfe, iitiiitResources Conservation seivice, iorp, iJ - Engjnegrs, Eagle Coung Environmentai*ealtn and other town or couhy stafiwin ojprifiiatetraining tf disagreement aboit ripariii b6und_anes occurs, on-site studies should be prepared y i ! :r!* r,fo a nalysis by expert,ou oJs.iii,aelrutron of iparian was comprehensively compiled from CDOW Natural Resourcf C22servation Seruice, IJSFS and US Army Corpsof Engineers defnitions of riparian rinl --" 5. LocATE coilnrreI.E LAND UsEsAD'ACENT TO RTVERS AND STREAMS- Land uses such as moderate intensitv commercial, public services (e.g. treit_menr.plants, town parks), tow 6 nigfrdensity housing may be compatibte"with rne nver and creeks as adjacent land uses within the boundaries of a town orcommunity center (Wolcott, Edwards. etc). Low to moderate density residential development, open space and recre_atlonal uses may be appropriate bothwltnrn a town, community center or inthe unincorporated area outside of thetowns. High intensity or heavy service commercial, large parking lot! andInousrrral (except properly mitigated gravel resource pits) uses are not con_sldered land uses compatible with therivers and streams primarily because ofvrsual character, water quality and ripar_ ian, area .impacts. Each tocal iurirai.ii*will need to refine what type of land - uses.are most appropriate adjacent torne nver or creeks where developableland exists. ( C c e c c e g F C c e E P F F Figure 2. Shrubs and grass Tfees Shrubs.- Riparian Ecosystem Cross Section Sgdges and rushes-_>Emergents\. ---=:--,: Water 74 m o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. DESCRIPnON OFTHE REQI'EST This site is zoned General Use (GU) which allows churches and related facilities subiect to a ;ffiili;H ule permit. fne apitica'nt is requesting a conditional.use permit to allow the ioiiitrrcrion oi i new building rin the premiies. TFe proposed single. story structure will house cfergi offices and consultatioi areas.' All of the existihg budace parking spaces will remain and ig s-daceJtniil Oe proviOeO ln a girage beneath the proposed strilcture--._The existing Chapel will afso-tp toOitied internally by re-storiig lower level rieeting areas, updating building sl':te-qs- itucn as rhe lighring syst6;i, enrirgd'g windows for mordnatural light, compliance with ADA requirements, and other modifications. The proposed structure will be constructed on an area of the lot behind the existing chape^l and r"iiiclrm|rfy *itn tne SO'stream centerline setback and will not be constructed wlthin the 100-year ifooOptiin. A conditional use permit was issued for the existing playground in the same area piJfis* for the new structurb and therelore will be removeO oi reiocatea when this structure is constructed. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The development stiandards for the GU district are determined by the PEC. The PEC must Oetermine rirhat development standards are needed on a site specific basis. The proposed standards are as presented on the site plan and building plans for the site. il. rssuEs FoR DlscussloN Pafttng fne priposaf wifl add 18 parking spaoes to the site. lf we calculate $e p.arking for-fie new 6iiircflig-as a. otriie ouiioing, z -paiting spaces would be required. Staff believesthe proposed parkinl'is adequate to accoimmbdate iheexisting chapel and.the new building. There.is-a F;id easembni recorded on the property for uie by the neighboring bank for the existing pi*ing. ihe easement attows tne banf a6cess to this parking during normal business hours. Staf $tieves that this is a beneficial arrangement as tie nouis of operation of these uses do not FIIE COPY I'EMORANDUITI Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 8, 1996 A request for a worksesslon to discuss a conditional u1e permit for.aproposed addition to the Vail tntertiitn Cnapel, located at 19 Vail Road/Tract J, Block 7' Vail Village 1st Flling. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Ned Gwathmey Planner: Dominic Mauriello f :bveryonebechiomcbhaPel.ruS conflict. Lilrdscrlped Aru,aiil il;p-dt reduces the amount of landscaped^area on site. There is no specific l1l1t:?n'lg criteiia ior the GU zone district, however, the PEC has the discretion to set a stanoaro on mrs ;ii;. A ianiiJcap! pran nai-noioeln pruioea. Staff believes this issue should be reviewed by both the PEC and the Design Review Board. Arch ftectunl ComPatibll ltY Siitt Oetieves the pioposed structure is architecturally compatible with the existing chapel and. tnJ orfrer Uuifdingd in the ;tei. fne siting of the proposed itruct-ure behind the existing chapel iioli not cninge-the vieurfrom the publid right-oi-wiy and therefore does not detract from the prominence of the chapel. IV. REVIEW GRITERIA FOR THIS REOUEST The code criteria for review of such a request are provided for your information. Since this is a worksession, staff has not addressed thd specific briteria. In addition to the conditional use criteria, statf has included the purpose statiment from the zoning code, as we believe this will hetp the PEC in its evaluation of the request. The Vail Interfaith Ghapel is located in the General Use (GU) zone district. According to Section 18.36.010 of the zoning code, the purpose of the GU district is: .to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot Oe appropriatd[ regulated by the development standards prescriOeO Uy 6mer zoning ii'sfibts, ariO tor which d-evelopment stiandards especially brescriOeO fdr each partic;hr development proposal or project are necessary !9 achrs.ve ihe purposes prescribed in Section 1'A.OZ.O2O ind to provide for the public.welfare. -The eederdt Use bistrict is htended to ensure that publicbuiEings and grounds and c€rtain . types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and des0ned tii meet the nebds of resid6nts and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses' and, in cases of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, alr' open spaces, and other amenities applopriate to the permitted types of uses"' A church shall be permitted in the GU zone district subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordaice with the provisions of Chapter 18.60. For the PEC'S reference, the conditional use permit purpose statement indicates that: 'in order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of thistitle, speciff€d uses are pdrmitted in certain d6trics subj6ct to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because bt meir unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located proierly with respect to tre purposes of this title and witfl reipectio th6ir affeas on suirouhOing pro'perties. Th'e review process prescribed in this chdpter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conbitional uses and surrounding iroperties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various OisLicis may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to in-sure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in dc'cordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised' to achieve these objectives, applicatioris f6r conditional use permit shall be denied." f :bverlone\pecVnemosbhaPel.TOB The conditional use permit consideration ol factors are as follows: 1. Relationship and impact ol the use on the development objectives of the Town. 2.Theetfectoftheuseon|ightandair,distributionofpopulation' transportation facilities, utitities, schools, parks and recreation facilities' and oher Public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and ionvenience, traffic flow and control, a@ess, maneuverability, ano removal of snow from the street and parking areas' 4. Effect upon the charactel of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. granting a conditional use Permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes ol the conctitional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located' 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would beopbrated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That fte proposed use would comply with each of the applicable. provision-s oi the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. V. STAFF RECOTIiIENDATION Since this is a worksession to discuss the proposed conditional use permit for the Vail Interfaith chapel, statt will not be providing a formal staff recommendation at this time' Stafl will, hodever, provide a staff recommendation at the time of final PEC review. The conditional use permit findings are as follows: The planning and Environmental Commission shall make the lollowing findings belore f :\everyo.l€\pecvnemo6bhep€|.708 @ @trru '-l--1t-rt r\ t-rL- rtr l--l f-rL7 J z r- (n P n W @ilTtr ovod lIVA i:r:r;ii:d: iitli 'ii:ii Il ! II I IIi <q*.BB I =l<leJtbIl't'(ll: 8li dl$ :;:t. . : !311Qii: eie$tI ri ! s t IF ^vr" -uU (t) a' o Qo i. l;R:"' Bgll-r <q*.88 lll i (, 0 (n a rt ?o.J\', {i(} \\ ! I I I: :! i I t 9 o a- ,.,v (r- \ ./,/\ ,r'-\z' \.,v\ 1-ltrD\il i ( '_flD ,,..' i--1--:--ll./ . .i ______J \Lj li-.;;-irjll--&--''rlfi ffi 't1H @ VAI L INTEPFAITI.{ CI]APEL NEW BU I LD ING DES IGN DEVELOPMENT oErq@ o ( o !t s/4< 9 \ -/'\. ) \ .,/ \/ \- $ )g RE- ii H; I I I Il:\ \ \r. - __t I i*lt*l tBt lsl II tN3ndol3A3C N9 | S30 9NlOl Ine M3N '1=dvt-rc HI tvJa=tN | 1 rvn a@ilTtr F#rD FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 June 19, 1996 {6 c*atnmer Gwathmey Pratt Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Rd., West Vail. CO 81657 De partment of Communiry Development RE: Vail Interfaith Chapel building addition, located at l9 Vail Road/Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village I st Filing Dear Mr. Gwatlmey: I have reviewed the application for a conditional use pcrmit to construct an additional building on the Vail Interfaith Chapel site. I understand that you are requesting a worksession to discuss the proposed devclopment. Staffhas idcntified numcrous issues which need to bc addrcssed prior to the final review of the conditional use pcrmit. Howevcr, thcrc are a few items which staffbelicvcs need to be addressed prior to the worksession, These are clcarly indicated within the list bclow: l. The written correspondence on this project indicatcs underground parking is being provided. However, the plan shows no such parking. Please revise the plan to clcarly show the layout ofthe proposed parking and access to this parking area. This should be accomplished prior to the worksession meeting, as it is a rclevant issue to be discussed with regard to the proposed addition. 2, Prior to final review of tbe conditional use permit, provide an updated preliminary title report with schedules A & B. The report that was submitted is 20 years otd and we need a current report. 3. It appears that this structure is being consfiucted on land covered by a parking easement to FintBank of Vail. Either this easement must be modified to allow this stucture to be constucted, or an agre€ment must be reached between the church and 0re bank and evidence of such agreement provided to the Town prior to final review ofthis conditional use permit. 4. Please provide a calculation of the land area owned by the Vail Interfaith Chapel (stamped by a surveyor). This is needed prior to the final review ofthe conditional use permit. The current survey does not provide an indication ofthe lot area. $ rn""uo ruu 5, Pleaseprovide a calculation of the floor area in the existing building, as well as the , J v proposed addition. This is ne cdcd prior to final rcview of thc conditional use permit. 6. providc an indication ofthe proposed finishcd floor elcvation and thc clevation ofall roof ridge s. as well as the cupola. This is nccded prior to final revicw of thc conditional usc pcrmit. ',. Provide a revised sun'ey delineating thc floodplain based on more QlJrrcnt FEMA studies. as wcll as delineate the centerline and bank of Gorc Creck. For more information rcgarding this issue, contact Teni Martinez at Public Works at 479-2169. 8. Please delineatc all cxisting and proposcd parking spaces. Indicatc parking spacc dimcnsions and drivc aisle widths. Show all proposed and existing handicap accessiblc parking spaces on the sitc. This is necdcd for thc final revicw of the conditional use permit. 9. As part of your Dcsign Review Board (DRB) submittal for this project, please provide an exterior lighting plan for thc entire site. Provide cut shcets for all proposcd light fixtures and show confonnance of thc lighting fixturcs with the Town's lighting regulations. 10. Aspartof thcDRB application forthisprojcct,pleascprovidecolorsamplesof all proposed finishcs on the structure. I l. As part of the DRB application for this projecl please provide a grading plan with proposed and existing contours. Provide an indication of how drainagc is accomplished around the structurc. 12. As part of the DRB application for this projcct. please provide a landscape plan showing all existing and proposed vegctation on the sitc. A worksession on this conditional use permit bas bccn scheduled for Monday, July 8, 1996. Plcase provide a revised plan shorving the proposed parking by July I , 1996, in order to remain on this schedule. lf you have any questions, or u'ish to discuss any of the items that have been brought forward in the conccplual revicw of this plan. plcasc do not hcsitatc to call me at 479-2148, Sinccrely. I ;,99 l'\^,-tz Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner DFlWir June 10. 1996 Ms. Lauren E. Waterton, Planning Liaison Officer Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81657 Re: VaillnterfaithChapel Proposed Modifications to Existing and Addition Dear Lauren: Following our Pre-Application Conferenoe on the above project ( see memo 6-10-96 ), we wish to apply to the PEC for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the proposed modifications and addition. Enclosed find: Application for Conditional Use Permit filled out and signed. 4 copies of the descriptive materials required. 4 Site Plans, Floor Plans and Elevations of proposed. Existing Site Plan/Survey by Intermountain Engineering. Title Report wtrich is in the process of being updated. Check for $200 application fee. We hope this meets the application requirements, allowing us to appear for a work session with the PEC. Don't hesitate to call if you need more information. Sincerely, THMEY/PRA EMG/Im ARCHTTECTS, P.C. Endosures Vail Interfalth Ghapel Proposed Modiltcations to Existing and Addition 1.Description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible with the properties in the vicinity. After input by committees representing all of the members and the clergy of the respective faiths using the Vail Interfaith Chapel, a fund raising etfort will be initiated to upgrade and up-date the existing chapel building. In an effort to make the existing lower level meeting spaoes more usable, the idea has evolved to remove the existing clergy offices from there and add an office and counseling facility per the enclosed plans. Twenty-two parking spaces can be added under the new offices. The new building will be as low and inconspio.rous as possible. Roof forms, building materials and details will match the existing chapel. Landscaping up-grades will be part of the proposal. The plans are being developed to maintain the campus/residential quality of the site and compatibility with the neighboring properties. The First Bank is aware of these plans and feel that the operation and interaction of parking for the chapel on the weekends and for the bank during the uork week will continue to be the operating policy. Relationship and impact on development objectives of the town. There was considerable support for the clergy offices to be moved down valley, but the continued presence of spiritual counselors and proper facilities was concluded desirable and necessary in the vicinity of the chapel. lt certainly seems consistent with the development objectives of the town to at least maintain the level of service that exists. The addition of parking spaoes should be positive. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools parks and recreation facilities and other public facilities and public facilities needs. As the uses are already there, the impacts of housing them in a new facility should be minimum. 2. 3. Valllntcfelth Ghepcl Pegc 2 4. Effect upon faffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedeatrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, eccass, maneuverability, and rcmoval of snowfrom the sbeets and parking area. None. 5. Effect upon the cfiaracter of the ar6a in which the proposed use is to be located, induding the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to sunounding uses. None. 7:30 P.M. 1. 7:35 P.M. 2. 7:40 P.M. 3. 8:10 P.M. 4. Christine Anderson 8:20 P.M. 5. Tom Moorhead Dominic Mauriello Russell Forest Ned Gwathmey Jim Wear 8:50 P.M. 6. Tom Moorhead Ron Braden Brian Hall Steve Miller Fred Lutz VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 6,1996 7:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Consent Agenda:A. Approval of the Minutes for the meetings of July 2 and 16, 1 996. Legislative Update by Jack Taylor and Dave Wattenberg. Resolution No. 14, Series of 1996, a resolution designating additional signers on an imprest checking account for Library deposit transactions for the Town of Vail with Annie Murray and Marie Steffin as signers on that account, permitted by the Charter of the Town, its ordinances, and the statutes of the State of Colorado. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL:Adopt Resotution No. 14, Series of 1996. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Due to night and weekend shifts, additional signers are requested. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resotution No. 14, Series of 1996. A request br authority to proceed through the application process for the expansion of the Vail lnterfaith Chapel which could potentially encroach uion Town of Vailonned property. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: The Vail Interfaith Chapel has appeared before the Planning and Environmental Commission at a conceptual level with preliminary design plans for an expansion to their existing facility. The preliminary design shows an encroachment of the expansion onto Town of Vail owned stream tract. lt has also been determined that the Vail Interfaith Chapel as it presently exists also encroaches into that same Town of .Vail owned property. This request is merely for approval to go through the process and does not involve an evaluation of the design or any other considerations at this time. The Planning and Environmental Commission will properly review this application and will take into consideration al appropriate impacts such as wetlands and design issues. ln the event there would ultimately be approval for a design that encroached upon Town of Vail owned property, that encroachment would be permitted through an agreement between the Town and the Interfaith Chapel. Regardless of the outcome of their approval process and effort to go forward with an expansion, it will be necessary to enter into an encroachment agreement for that portion of the Vail Interfaith Chapel which presenily encroaches upon Town of Vail owned land STAFF RECOMMENDATION:Approve request to proceed with application for expansion. TCI update including infrastructure build out, continued support for Channel 5 and continuation of FM service. BACKGROUND RATIONALE:1. System Rebuild. The Town of Vail and TCI entered into the present Franchise Agreement on January 5, 1995. The agreement provides for a rebuild which shall utilize a "fiber optics to the service area' design. This EVENING MEETING 9:50 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 7. 8. rebuild is to be completed within 36 months of the effective date of the Franchise Agreement. Informally, at the time of negotiations, representations were made that the rebuild would in fact occur within oneyear of executing the Franchise Agreement. we have recenfly received conespondence that indicates the construction has begun. (see attached) We have not received however, a design of the complete system. As of August 5th, twenty months have expired since the enGring of theagreement. with construction unable to go fonrard in the winter. it is important for TCI to update council as to the likelihood of concluding the rebuild within the agreed upon time frame. 2. continuation of support forchannel 5. The Town council has previously commifted to continue its support for channel 5 to the extent of two percent of its five percent franchise fee. (see attached) This is a commitment to be reviewed regularly by Town council as there is no provision for such funding in the Franchise Agreement. Discussions have arisen conceming TCI's commitment to continue to fund Channel 5. 3. continuation of FM service. There has previously been a commitment by TCI to continue to offer FM service within the Town of Vail. (See attached) This service is critical for the continuation of FM service to be received within this franchise area. The present General Manager has expressed the possibility of discontinuing the FM service. This statement of intention is contrary to the previously expressed commitment by TCl. The purpose of this agenda item is to provide council with information and an update as to the present status of the operation by TCI within the Town of Vail. There is no specific action being requested of council at this time. Town Manage/s Report. Adjournment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL nMEs ARE AppR"i'Tl= iT irr.crro orANcE) . THE NEXTVAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULARWORK SESSTON wlLL BE oN TUESDAY,8r13196, BEGINN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL GHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 8/20,96, BEGINNING AT 2:OO P.M. IN Tov coUNcIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXTVATL TOVW,| COUNCTL REGULAR EVENTNG MEETING wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 8/20t96, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:30 p.M. tN Tov couNctl CHAMBERS. il|||l Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please call 47g-2ag2voice or479-2356 TDD for information. C:\AGENOATCE TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: os METIIORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission community Development Department November 11, 1996 A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit for a proposed add1ion to the Vait lnterraitn CnapeL-located at 19 Vail Roadffract J, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Ned Gwathmey Planner: Dominic Mauriello I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST This site is zoned General use (GU) which allows churches and related facilities subject to ieuL* inO approvat of a "onOtibniirie pertit. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to atto,ai tne construction of a new buiHing on the premises. The proposed two-story iriuct,te will house ctergy |itices and consultati6n areas. All of the existing surface.parking. . ilgg5 wiri iemain suo#niiarrv is rhey are today and 17 - 20 additional spaces will be provided if," gar"ge beneath m" ptopoieo sttuctute. fh6 leRlicant.lS: otoulgtt-two schemes for site ;6;i"giht;relisct'etiielA" and Scheme "B.' Sbheme "A" impacts th.e site more so lhan 5Jnem6,,A; (see ittacneO ptans). The existing Chapel will also.be modified internally by restoring lowbr bvel meeting areas, updating Suilding syttgT? (such as the lighting system)' bnfiigin"g;ndows for more-natural'liiht, compliance witn ADA requilements, and other modifications. The proposed structure will be constructed on an area ol the lot behind the existing Ghapel and appi"rd to compty with the 50'Gore Creek centerline setback and the 1OO-year floodplain' as currently mapped. Adjacent to the Chapel property is a portion of the Town owned stream tract. The stream tract is deiicated for open dpaie, iecr6ation'and access to the Gore Greek. The Chapel's original and cuireniproposit inctirOe improvements on the Town's stream tract. The Chapel obtained peimisllonTrom the Town Council on August 6, 1996 to proceed through the review prgqgs.?' fio,neuer, tne Gouncil did not give wholesile approval of ihe encroachments on Town of Vail piopeni. Additionaly, ttre Co"uncil directed stifi to minimize the Chapel's impacts on the Town's bfdam iract. Under iroposed scheme "B," approximately 1 ,400 sq. ft. of the Chapel site improvements will occur on the stream tract. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The development standards for the GU district are determined UV tfp feQ The PEC must determine rirhat development standards are needed on a site specific basis. The proposed standards are as presented on the site plan and building plans for the site. III. REVIEW CR]TERIA FOR THIS REOUEST The code criteria for review ol such a request are provided for your informaiion' Since this is a worksession, statf has not adOresseO thd specific 'criteria. In addition to the conditional use iriteiiJ, Jtir nas incruOeJtne puipoJe statbtent from the zoning code, as we believe this will help the PEG in iF evaluation of the request. The Vail lnterfaith Chapel is located in the General Use (GU).zone district' According to Section 1 8.36.010 of the zonin! code, the purpose of the GU district is: "to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cinnot be appropriatdty regulated by the development standards ptes"riolooy otner roningaihribts, ario toi which d-evelopment standards especially irescribed t6r eacn farticitar development proposal or pigiecl are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 1'8.02,020 ind to pr6vide for the public fI11":J^l_" Cerierdt Use District is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and cenaln types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and oesEneo t6'meet tne nebOs of resid6nts and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in cases of buildings and other structures, lo ensure adequate light, air' open spaces, and other ameiities appropriate to the permitted types of uses." A church shall be permitted in the GU zone district subject to the is$lance of a conditional use pettit in iccorOarice with the provisions of Chapter 1 8.60. For the PEC's reference, the bonditional use permit purpose statement indicates that: ,,in order to provide the ilexibility necessary to achieve the obiectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain di'stricts subj6ct to the granting of a conditional use permit. Becluse bt tneir unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located proierly with respect to the purposes of this title and with ieipectio tn6ir affects on sui'rouirding pro'perties. The.review process prescribed in this cndpter is intended to assure compatibitity and harmonious development between conbitional uses and surrounding iroperties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various Oislricis may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to in-sure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in icbordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised' to achieve these objectives, applications fdr conditional use permit shall be denied." The conditional use permit consideration of factors are as follows: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development obiectives of the Town. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population'- transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities' and other public facilities needs. 3. Efiect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control' access' maneuverability, anc removal ol snow from the street and parking areas. 4. Elfect upon the character of the area in which the proposed -T:.i:jo b" foiateO, inctuding the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The conditional use permit findings are as lollows: The Planning and Environmental commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use Permit: l.Thattheproposedlocationo|theuseisinaccordancewiththepurposes or tne conoitional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located' Z. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it rorio oe op'erated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, satdty, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or imProvements in the vicinitY- 3.Thattheproposedusewou|dcomp|ywitheachoftheapp|icab|e. prouision's oi the conditional use peimit section of the zoning code' rv. rssuEs FoR DlscussloN 1. Strsm sethck/Town Owred Stream Tract On S"pierGi lA, t SSe, iotn staff (Dominic Mauriello and Russell Forrest) met with Ned -C*itni eV on the'Chapel site to discuss the issue of construction and other impacts to.the.Town oiViift siream tract. At traimeeting, it was agreed by the staff and Ned that a 30' setback from the streat bank would be appropriaie in order io reduie the impact to sensitive wetland "egeraiiot, piovide for aJeqlhe access to the Town's stream tract by the public, and still allow th,;eilp;iSomefiexiOlity riritn Ste planning by utilizing portions of the Town's stream tract for development. Currently the code requires a 50' setback from the centerline of Gore Creek for all development iq"."ni6 tne CreeX.'The proposed development appears to meet t!9 59'stream setback' ior"euer, the difference witir tris developmeht is thai ihe Town owns the intervening proPgrty aOjiCent io the creek and the Town's intbnded use of this property, which is consistent with the ;hilg onlne tanO, is for open space, recreation, and access to the creek' The Town of Vail Open-rinOi ntin iientited this ipeciiic parcel as environmentally sen$ive and valuable for Jtieam access. Therefore, the imposition of a greater setback (by the Town, on the Town's own prop"rtyl in this case, is iniended io preserve tFe use of the stream tract and at the same time 'atto'w tfie Chapel some flexibility with site design on Town ol Vail property' The applicant, with Scheme "B," has done a good job ol meeting the 30' setback trom the edge of rhe'dtream bank. However, a portion of th; driv'eway into the proposed subsurface parking. area encroaches into this setback. Scheme "A'encroaches further into the stream tract and has substantial impacts to *etanO uegetation and use of the stream tract. The setback, developed Uisiatt inO tie applicant's repreJentative, to address the specific constraints on this site' was iritenOeO as a guibbtine and nbt a strict standard, Staff believes the proposed scheme "B" pr"sJ*eJtn" intended use of the stream tract. Scheme "A," in the staff's 9Pili"_l ^._1?1"391?f.ioo far into the stream tract, thereby reducing its quality as an open space/recreational amenny. As a point of information, the Eagle River.watershed Plan, which was adopted by the Town Coun'cif, calls for a 30' setback fr-om the high water mark along the Gore Creek' 2. Survey Intormation i-ne srruei pr'eviously.rOtitt"O for the proiect delineates the 16g-year ttoo-d4{n based on a iijiS .irJ'.-fn" pu6fic WoirJOepartm6nt nas indicated that more recent FEMA studies have 6il drr#reO, anO thereiore thd most recent floodplain information should be utilized lor O"fini"iing this information on tne srtuey. Also, the'survey delineates the.50' stream centerline iJiOacj. foi Gore Creek on tne torin"rn portion of the lot. However, the stream curves to the noitn ioiacent to the *"ii'oornoiiv ot ttis site. .The 50' setback line must be indicated on this po'{io" .iitn" survey. Staft is iequiiing that this information be provided prior to final review of ihe conditional use bY the PEC. 3. Parking i'nere are 20 e-xisting surface parking spaces. The applicant is currently working on two icnern"Jfoipariingi Scnemd'n'witr iOO ZO covered parking spaces to.-the site. Scheme'B'" which takes all ol the Oeueiofrent out ot tne 30' strearir setback area, will reduce the surface Jailing io f A parking spacei and provide 1 7- covered parking spaces, fo.r.a net increase of 15 f,likilfi spactjs. tf vie 6alcutate thb parking for.the new building as an office building, ffir"ff;Gltl parking ipices woutd ne iequired. Staff believes the proposed parking is "i6q"it" io i"comroOaiiitne existing Cnapbt and the new building' There is a parking eiidr"nt r""orded on tne propeny foiioint'use by the neighboring bank. The easement allows tne OanX access to this parkind du'ring normal business hours. Staff believes that this is a beneficial arrangement-as ttrelours 6f operation of these uses do not conflict' Stafl believes the parking area and landscape areas should terminated with curbing to prevent vehicular access to landscape areas and the stream tract. 4. StreamMetland Vegetation The area to the west of the jxisting parking area has been disturbed over the years by cars. . ilrkirg t"o close to the stieam ani birect! upon the stream tract. Staff recommends that this irea U'e restored with wetland vegetation and'the parking area be developed in such a way as to prevent vehicular access to this unpaved area' 5. Limits ol Disturhnce The limits of site disturbance have not been indicated on the site plan. Staff believes the appticanf snould provide an indication of the limits of site disturbance, giving special .. consideration to areas with wetland vegetation. Additionally, the plan should accurately reJlect fie "iiiting areas of wetland vegetato;. Notification to the Army Corps of Engineers.willbe. iequireO for wetland impacts. Siaft believes that the applicant should. indicate the limits of site Oisiurbance on the s1e plan (and have the site staked accordingly) prior to final review by the PEC. 6. Sotid Waste DisPosal ine ptan should addresitne location of the dumpster for this site and how it will be enclosed. Staff recommends a dumpster enclosure with four sides and a roof, per the design guidelines. 7. I-andscaPed Arus ihe proposal re<iuces the amount of landscaped area on-site. There is no specific. landscaping criteiia ior the GU .one Oisirict, however, the PEC has the discretion to set a standard on this ;ii;. A tinOscape pan nii noi Oeen provided. Staff believes this issue should be reviewed by both the PEC and the Design Review Board. 8. Architectunl ComPatibilitY Architectural plans and elevations fbr the proposed structure have not been provided for this *orfseiiion.' The previoul irchitectural ilads submitted were believed by statf to be architecturally compatible;ith th;;iistinb Chapeiand surrounding buildings' The siting 9!llt , orooosed structure oenino tne Jrisiing cfrapel ioes not change_th-e view from the public right-oF [r"'lii"o1n"*toie ooes not detract from the prominence of the chapel. 9. SnowStorage i'ne pfan-Ooes not iOOress how snow will be stored on the site. Statf believes the final plans for tnir ,I"r.fop*"nt shou6;ddress snow storage. Snow storage should not occur in environmentally sensitive areas of the site. 10. Dninage nObqu"t" Oiiin""ge facilities should be provided to prevent oil and sediment from entering Gore d;dk- St"ff betieves tnJtinit ptans fdr this devel6pment should address storm water drainage' V. STAFFRECOMMENDATION Since this is a worksession to discuss the proposed conditional use permit for the Vail lnterfaith Chapel, statt*itt not be providini a iormat staff recomme.ndation at this time' Staff will, nowever, frovide a staff recomriendation at the time of final PEC review' f l€v€ryon€V€c\rnemGbhapel.nl 1 Cotnprt'lttnsiuc Oycn Lands Plon 't i ,/'* Parcel 51: Parcel H / | I Iigh priority: TOV acquire from the U.S. Forest Scn,ice (LOA parcel). Iligh priority for- trail connec- tion and protection of open spacc and low priority for employee housing. RETT funds not to be used if future uses include housirrg. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TOWN- OWNED PARCELS fhere are several parcels of land currently in TownI ownership that have been included in this studv becausc'they have the potential to meet some of th; needs identified as part of this plan. These parcels include: Vail Commons. North Frontage Road West Employee housing is a highly appropriate use for this site, along with commercial and public use facil- ities, as ne.c't'lcd. This use will help mcet needs idcn- tified by the Vail llor.rsing Authority. Because this is not an "open spacc or parks" use, IIETT funcls r+,ill not bL'usod to develop this lant'|. 274 Bcavcr Dam lload This lot is a buildablc home site zorred primary/scc, ontlary. With thc'sale of this propcrty, the Town could usc the proceeds toward the opcrr lands pro- gram idcntificd in this plan (combine with RETT furrtls to furthcr achieve the opc'n space goals). A titlc chcck must occur to ensllre that protective covenarrts do not preclude development on the site. 2497. 2485. 2477. and 2487 Garmish Driv e These four lots are located adjace nt to the Town Manager's house in West Vail. There is the potential for a small pocket pai.k associated with employee housing on this property which would help meet the park needs of this neighborhood and help address some of the community's housing needs. A trailhead accessing the North Trail is also possible at this loca- tion. Donovan Park The Town of Vail has an approved Master plan for Donovan Park that includes a number of active recre- ation program elements. Comments from the public during the course of this project suggest that the Town should revisit that Master Plan to ensure that the program developed in1985 is relevant to today's nccds. Tract A. Vail Village 13th Filing Recently, a par 3 golf course has been proposed for the site. The site has approximate'ly .9 acres of wet- lands on the site. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has not approved a Section 40{ permit for this pro- posal. If the VRD does not receive a favorable vote of the people pursuant to State of Colorado Law by December 7, 1994 and theu receive a section 404 per- mit and funding approval by December f , t995, it is this plan's recommendation that the property remain as natural open space because of the wetlands on thc slte. Unplatccl Mountain llell Site Apprcrximatcly half of this propefty(7 .77 acres) is intended for affordable housins and thc remainder of the site will rcmain in open ipacc. Ilerry Creek. Edwartls This propcrty is a logical location for some of thc recreational nceds idcr-rtified in both this study and the llaglc County and Avon rccrcation studies. The ioint use of this proPcrty to mL.et thc nceds of a wiclcr population (includirrg Vail rcsitlcnts) is an appropri- ate and cost vc way to mcct rccreation necds. this site. Jmprovements and additions to the trail system in Iand around Vail are an integral part of the Open Lands P.lan. There are numerous opportunities for interpretive education along these trails. The pro- posed trail system is somewhat similar to trail sys- tems found in the Alps where interconnected trail allow hikers to move around and to mountain vil- lages. TOV Parcel atljaccrrt to VailChapel The north bank of the Gore Creek adiacent to the Va' Chapel provitles an excellent stream access area and has been iderrtified as a stream access area. Also. this area is desirable for an informal take-out location for kayakers. An additional bench or picnic table woulcl be desirable at this location. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEGT: IIEI'ORANDUil Planning and Environmental Cornmission Gommunity Development Department July 8, 1996 A request for a worksesslon to disoJss a conditional use perltit for.a-proposed addidon b the Vail Interfaith Chapel, located at 19 Vail Road/Tract J, Block 7' Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Ned Gwahmey Planner: Dominic Mauriello I. DESCRIPnON OFTHE REOUEST This site is zoned General Use (GU) which allovtrs churches and related facilitiessublect b a conOiUonat use permit. The apdlicaht is requesting a conditional use permit to allor the construction of i new building6n the premiSes. The proposed single story sffiucture wlll house ifergi omces and consultiatioi areas.' All ol the existing burface parking l?aces wlll remain and iA #aces witl be provided in a garage beneath the pro=posed structure..The existing Chapelwill atso'be modified internally by reEtoring lower levelmeeting areas, updating building syltqqs- (such as the lightng sys6mi, enlarging windows for rnorsnatural light, compliance with ADA requirements, and other modifications. The proposed structure will be constructed on an area of the lot behind the existing chape^l and will iomply with the 50' stream centerline setback and will not be constructed Yvlthin the lfi)'year floodplain. A condltional use permit was issued for the existing playground in the sams aroa propised for the new structurb and therefore will be removed or relocated when this structure is constructed. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The devetopment standards for the GU district are determined by the PEc. The PEC must determine rirhat development standards are needed on a site specific basis. The proposed standards are as presented on the site plan and building plans for the site. ilt. rssuEs FoR DrscussloN tur*lng to d T-t The proposal will idd 18 parking spaces to the site. lf we calculate the parking for the new building'as an office building, Z pa*ing spaces would be required. Staff believes$e proposed pafting is adequate to accohmodate the existing chapel and the ngw building. _There is.a barking easembnt recorded on the property lor use by frre neighboring bank for the existing pafting. The easement allows ttre banf acoess to this parking during normal buslness hours. Statt Oelleves that fiis is a beneficial anangement as the hours of operation of hese uses do not ft\€verfmobecvtiemoebhed.T0S : I conflicl. LmdsaPedAtpaifi^frAieOJcer the amount of lanrlscaped^area on site. There is no specific.landscaping ciitlfiJdor ttre GU zone district, however, firePEC has the discretion to set a standard on this ;ii;: A iinOscape plan hai noibeen provided. Staff believes this issue should be reviewed by both the PEC and the Design Review Board. Arch lactu al ComPatlbil ttY Staft betieves the pioposed-structure is architecturalty compatible wiF lfe existing chapel and. the other builOingd in the area. The siting of the proposed structlrre behind the existing chapel does not change-tne view from the publiC right-ol-way and therebre does not detract from the prominence of the chapel. IV. REVIEWCRITERIAFORT}IFREOUEST The code criteria for review of such a request are provided for your information. Since this is a worksession, staff has not addressed the specific criteria. In addition to the conditional use criteria, staff has included the purpose statement from the zoning code, as we believe this will help the PEC in its evaluation of the request' The Vail lnterfaith Chapelis located in the General Use (GU) zone district. According to Section 18.36.010 of the zoning code, the purpose of he GU district is: .to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special chdracteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed by olher zoning districts, and lor which development standards especially irescribed fdr each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve ihe purposes prescribed in Section 18.02.020 and to provide for the public welfare. The General use Disrid is htended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in cases of buildings and other slructures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permined $pes of uses." A church shall be permitted in the GU zone district subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordan@ with the provisions of Chapter 18.60. For the PEC'S reference, the conditional use permit putpose statement indicates that: "in order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives ol this tltle, speclfled uses are permitted in certain districF subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. decause of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to f|eir atfects on surrounding properties. The review process presoibed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in tre various disfists may be permitted subiect to such condiuons and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure thal the localion and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development obiectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these obiectives, applications for conditional use permit shallbe denied." t:Ev€n oneF€cvnemosbhapel.ToE The conditional use permit consideration of lactors are as follows: 1. Relationship and impact ol the use on the development obiectives of the Town. 2. The etfect of the use on light and air, distribution of population' transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities' and other public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flou and control' access' maneuverability, ano removal of snow from the street and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character ol the area in which the proposed use is to be located, inctuding the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The conditional use permit findings are as follows: The Planning and Envkonmental Commission shallmake the lollowing findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location ot the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be'operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public healfi, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section ol the zoning code. V. STAFF RECOIIMENDATION Since this is a worksession to discuss ttre proposed conditional use permit for the Vail lnterfaith Chapel, statf will not be providing a formal staff recommendation at this time. Staff will, however, provide a stafl recommendation at the time of final PEC review. | :WeryoneF€c\memoebhap€l.709 13A30 N9 tS30 9N I 01 I ne rGtN ]=dvFtc Hl tvJaSINt 1 tVn @ilrt]u -'1 l-rl r\ L-''L' fr. L-1 -i-z I (itl / ra.xi z | .-lt- a a a) n @ @ntrItr ovod 7tv, ili! iitli lliii <a*.88 I zl.<le dli $ti tll ll.,lirI;i$" 0l s t x ^v d (!) a F n g ? ! o .J'f, n J .J \ \] s I b o;Irriiloil,iP^B9r:-. 4t..,$! ! l I I: ! t I U i t 3 l"- .'Q I { \a of, $- qn rN3ndo'13430 N9l seo eNlol InE M3N 'l3dVFlC Hr lVJASrN | '1 M @hTE s I I * .-"---- -^ /\,z' \ .-'-"- $#l B +$$ii iHgHI { \ -^,, )./ \/ oo \ \-' I t-' iRltsl lErt_t ,/"-r- ,/ u ,/ ElFi I if--:-:- I e,,ffi ll t="on" n'or*r", ",',Ff--l|ffi|ilItr oo June 10, 1996 Ms. Lauren E. Waterton, Planning Liaison Officer Department of Community Development Tovrn of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81657 Re: VaillnterfaithChapel Proposed Modifications to Existing and Addition Dear Lauren: Following our Pre-Application Conference on the above project ( see memo 6-10-96 ), we Wsh to apply to the PEC for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the proposed modifications and addition. Enclosed find: Application for Conditional Use Permit filled out and signed. 4 copies of the descriptive materials required. 4 Site Plans, Floor Plans and Elevations of proposed. Existing Site PlarVSurvey by Intermountain Engineering. Title Report which is in the process of being updated. Check for $200 application fee. We hope this meets the application requirements, allowing us to appear for a work session with the PEC. Don't hesitate to call if you need more information. Sincerely, Edward M. Gwathmey EMG/IM P.C. Enclosures Vail Interfaith Chapel Proposed Modifications to Existing and Addition 1.Description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible with the properties in the vicinity. After input by committees representing all of the members and the clergy of the respeclive faiths using the Vail Interfaith Chapel, a fund raising etfort will be initiated to upgrade and up-date the existing chapel building. In an effort to make the existing lower level meeting spaces more usable, the idea has evolved to remove the existing clergy otfices from there and add an office and counseling facili$ per the enclosed plans. Twenty-two parking spaces can be added under the new offices. The new building will be as low and inconspicuous as possible. Roof forms, building materials and details will match the existing chapel. Landscaping up-grades will be part of the proposal. The plans are being developed to maintain the campus/residential quality of the site and compatibility with the neighboring properties. The First Bank is aware of these plans and feel that the operation and interaction of parking for the chapel on the r,veekends and for the bank during the work week will continue to be the operating policy. Relationship and impact on development objectives of the town. There was considerable support for the clergy offices to be moved down valley, but the continued presence of spiritual counselors and proper facilities was concluded desirable and necessary in the vicinity of the chapel. lt certainly seems consistent with the development objectives of the town to at least maintain the level of service that exists. The addition of parking spaces should be positive. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools parks and recreation facilities and other public facilities and public facilities needs. As the uses ar€ already there, the impacts of housing them in a new facility should be minimum. 2. 3. Vell Inblfallfi Chapcl Pego 2 4. Effec{ upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and corwenienco, taffic flow and contol, acoess, maneuverability, and rcmovd of snowfrom the sfe€ts and parking area. None. 5. Effec't upon the cfiarac{er of the area in whictr the proposed use is to be locatsd, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to sunounding utos. None. CONFERENCE I'EMORANDUM Date: Place: June 4, 1996 Community Development Offices - TOV Present Lauren E. Waterton, Planning Liaison Officer Dirk Mason, Planner Rodney Slifer Ned Gwathmey Re: Vaillnterfaith Chapel Proposed Modifications to Existing and Additions Ned and Rodney familiarized the planners with the plans wfrich are the culmination of months of input from clergy and committees to update the chapel and its property. EXISTING CHAPEL Discussion followed describing interior modifications to the existing chapel which do not effect the seating/occupancy but including: Restoring lorrrrer level meeting spaces by removing the existing clergy offices that have been built in recently. Updating some building systems such as lighting. Interior design character changes such as introduction of stucco on walls and increasing windows for light and views. Compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act requirements. Meeting State Day Care Center provisions. lmproving areas such as existing kitchen. PROPOSED ADDITIONS The proposal is to add a single story building adjacent to the existing parking lot on the r,vest for clergy otfices and consultation. Gonfercnce Memorandum 4 June 1996 Page2 PARKING ADDITIONS The plan is to maintain all of the existing parking, and add 22 spaces at a lower level under the new office facility. LANDSCAPING A comprehensive Landscaping Plan will be developed and consideration will be given to the addition of a Columbarium, which is a memorial garden for the cremated remains of an undetermined number of members. This facility is planned to be part of landscape paving and walls and individual recognition will be understated. ZONING The Zoning of the property is General Use (GU) District and as such development standards shall be prescribed by the Planning Commission. Lauren suggested proceeding with the hearing process and provided the necessary Application Form. SCHEDULE The next submittal date for July hearings is Monday 10 June, 1996, and Ned will try to fulfill requirements and submit . The foregoing constitutes my understanding of matters discussed and decisions reacfred. lf the interpretation of other varies, please inform us in writing. EMG Copies to: Rodney Slifer Lauren E. Waterton Dirk Mason rcvired lO/5/92 APPLICtrTION TOR I. This procedure is reguiredconditionaL use permit. The application will not besubmitted.accepted until alt information is A. NAI.{E OF APPLICANT Vail Religious Foundation &rdor^rnent Oqnnittee ADDRESS p-o. Box 2549 Date of application Dare of pEc MeetFf,g Irf' coNDrTroNlL usE PE&IJI for any project B. c. Avon, @ 81 620 PHoNF: 949-'t 932 NAt'lE OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATM Ned G.athrn.y ADDRESS 1000 South F\^ontacre Rd-, WestVai|- OO 81 ast "HONI: 476-1 147 NAME OF OIiNER(S) (print or type) Vail Reliqious For:ndation . onNER (S) STGNAILRE (S) ADDRESS P.o. Box 2549 PHoNESJg3,Z_ D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:TRACTLEGAL:T J ADDRESS E. FEE $200.00 PArD-SzqQrlL_ CK # THE FEE MI'ST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT--oF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of allproperty adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING pROpERTy BEHTND AND AcRoss srREETs, and. a list of names and mairingaddTesses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPoNSIBLE FoR coRREcT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: See Mernc 6_1 0_96 A pre-apprication conference with a pranning staff nember isstrongly suggested to determine if any additional information isneeded. No application wil-L be accepted unless it complete (mustinclude arl items reguired by the zoning administrator). rt isthe appricant's responsibirity to make an appointment r.rith thestaff to find out about addit.ional submittal requirements. ITI. ,PLEASE NOTE THAT A COUPLErE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAT COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI.L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUSTBE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. BY Four (4) copies of the following information musL besubmitted: &tclosed 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed useand its operating characteristics and measures proposedto make the use compatible with other properties in thevicinity. The description must also address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. BrocK_l_FrrrNG_l-__ 2. b. -$fect of the use on light 4,pd air, distribution Q,iii*3;'31;"1i3:T:;13'il :::i:::i:;'facilities, and other public facilities and pubticfacilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference tocongestion, autonot.ive and pedestrian safety andconvenience, traffic flow and control, access,maneuverability, and removal of snow from thestreets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which theproposed use is to be located, including the scaleand bulk of the proposed use in relation tosurrounding uses. A sj-te plan at a scale of at least L" = Z0' showlngproposed development of the site, including topogriphy,building Locations, parking, traffic circutatl6n,useable open space, Iandscaped areas and utilities anddrainage features. Erclosed Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. Erclosed A title report to verify ownership and easements. ErclosedIf the building is condominiumized, a letter from thecondominium association in support. of the proposal mustbe submitted to staff. Not Applicable Any additional material necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoning administrator. 3. 4. 5. 6. For interior modifications, an improvement surveyand site plan may be waived by the zoningadministrator. REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2ndand 4t.h Mondays of each month. A complete application formand all accompanying rnaterial (as described btove) must besubmitted a ninimum of four (4') weeks prior to the date ofthe PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (asdetermined by the zoning adninistrator) will be accepted bythe planning staff before or after the designated sutnittatdate. All PEC approved conditionaL use permits sball lapse ifconstruction is not commenced wi.thin one year of Lhe dat.e ofapproval and diligentJ_y pursued to conpletion, or if the usefor which the approval is granted is not comrnenced withinone year. If this application reguires a sep.arate review by any }ocal,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vailr-theapplication fee shall be increased by 5200.00. ExampJ.es ofsuch review, may include, but are not limited to: ColoradoDepartnent of High!^ray Access permits, Army Corps ofEngineers 404, etc. The applicant shal1 be responsibJ.e for paying any publishingfees which are in excess of 50t of the application- fee . ft;at the applicant., s reguest, any natter is postponed forhearing, causing the matter to be re-pubtished, then, theentire fee for such re-publication snltt be paid Uy ttreapplicant. ** IV. TIME A. B. A.v. B. c.Appr.rcaE.e qeemeq Dy Ene communrtyf.r"roprent Departnentto have slpnificant design, land useEr other issues which may. have a significant. impact on the community may reguirereview by consultants other that t.otdn staf f . - Sfrouf O adeternination be made by the town staff that an outsideconsuLtant is needed to review any applicatl.on, CommunityDevelopment may hire an outside consultant, it shallestimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her andthis amount shatl be forwarded to the Town Uy tne applicantat the tine he files his applicatlon with the ConrmunltyDevelopment Department. Upon completion of the review ofthe application by the consultant, any of the fundsforwarded by the applicant for paynenl of the consultantwhich have not been paid to the consult,int shall be returnedto the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excessof the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be pai.d tothe Town by the applicant within 30 days of notlfitatton bythe Town. tr The Vail Interfaith Chapel t996 How The Chapel Works The Vail Interfaith Chapel isthe only religious facility in the town of Vail. Currently six congregations use the chapel on a regular basis. They include Catholics, Baptists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Jews and Lutherans. (Other groups are invited and may join at any time). All of the present groups continue to grow and for some services, there is standing room only. Each week there are twelve regular worship sewices not including several weddings and an occasional memorial or funeral service. Religious education classes are also scheduled by each congregation as time and space allows. In addition to this, there are twelve AA and Al Anon meetings in the chapel each week. Special community programs are also offered throughout the year. The Chapel is unique in all the world (as far as we know) in that it is owned by a foundation and congregations contribute in accordance with their usage ofthe chapel. We enjoy a unique cooperative arrangement which allows us to make the most of our physical facilities. In any other community, this much activity would require six separate buildings. The Vail Interfaith Chapel is truly the spiritual center of our community. What the Chapel Needs Now The chapel was built in 1965. An additional north annex was added in 1985 but few other improvements have been made in these thirty years. The restrooms (one toilet for women) and the kitchen area are inadequate for the heavy usage the building receives. Offices are over crowded with two and sometimes tkee staffpeople working in a space designed for one. There is no room for private counseling. A larger meeting room for programs and education space is needed as well as counseling rooms. Parking is a serious problem for worshipers during services and staffduring the week. Improvements in the chapel will offer better lighting and a better experience for all worshipers and better access for the handicap. Renovations and an additional office building are needed as we continue our service to the Vail communitv into the next century. JAXts n" vlAl HCHATDD. TTAVqg GATOLI. DA1IE l8llr A. Rols DATE: TO: EBODII: TEI,TECOPY # I CONFIRII #: OPERATOR: Vear & Tnvcrs A nofrtnoM&cqPon^noN AT!O!8$bATI.AV IHB qltl LYON UJIT,DD|C. SlrTl 2oO l0@ souTlt ProIl|rAcE toAD vllfl vAtt cotol^m trSr7 ELECOPIER TRANSMITTAI, July 11, 1995 Tom Moorehead illm l{ear 479^2L57 (9701 476-7646 tharrnan TE gr{ortrB 0r!! rrara.. FACTS!M[,8p{'.rrrrr l0e are Eondl-ng you a t0 pag€ Eeleeopy (lncluding uhia coverpaSg). If 1lou do noE receive all of the pagee, or incounter anydlfflcultlea with thie trananieFlon, please call our off,iac at(970) 476-7646 irmediauely. thaulc you. Requlred Action: edditional ConmenEc:BBr lttrshrd r8c eopler ol r De&LcetLm lgreom,t aad lloulllrtVatl vtllag. Prot.otlvr Covranats.rlll glve you r. call t@orror bodtrcum. llhralsr, toI rraaa !}.i tr aaa l| 'l a l}alttt i a al}a,litllott|lftrtaattttoittttrattaaaaataaaattttattitaatttllaiti}}itaaaaaaaltataa ttar lllS Egtliil It IIr!DE GI ton flc uat Ot lllt IDIVIDBL m Ellrr !O EICA Il 18 lDDnt8SEND nf Ci*TtIr rftf,|lAlrc rrrr r0 mjm&l([D, eottlDstll& lrD rE|'r }xot Drrclacrru m.tDtl,IClLt ltf,. lf tha !.rd.r of thfu fftaga lr aot thr intand.d reclplcnt or lb: .qtloy.a oargr4t rrqrEtBlbl. fot al :tfr|t+!t tlr [...r9. to th. LnE]*Lal r.clphrE, yorr ri. rrarsdf *rtMcd EbBE rry dfuaulmtl.or, allrtalbsEl.e or cqrylDf ol thh cdur|'l€rBlm le strlctly IrFilDt tcc. Ityou hrvr tlc.lrnd chir coEalcrlls 1! .rror, Dlaax noClly ua i[adlat ly by r-lsr]boo(aollaotl , rll r.lurr tb! oslEinrl rEr||gr to ur rC tbr rlsrrc eddrcr vtr ab.-o.a. fottdlattdca. . Ehl|li you. ol/l'scvd stlL glb 0L6 sua^vuJ lt uvs$ /. l:91 (nHrt 96. ll -.lnf a,o(t F(tt IIJa 0l/z acvd ellL gLb 0L6 ll:gl (nHr) 96,Il'.Inf $l/e aoYJ STIL gLV OL6 sus^vuJ ?6l E1 (nHr) 96.ll .Inf 'r.: .: -l '.*{l o l/v 'scYd glll qLV 0L6 suSAYUr t 0z:El (nHr) 96, lI lnf 0l /9 'Epvd elta 9Lv 016 SUAAYUI ?ze'EI (nHr) 96. tI 'rnr 0 L/9 'scvd sr tL 9Lv 0L6 susrlvur ? uys.[. ta:91 ltrHJ.l 96 , I ] '.rnf ;i,ii{;. -:.l': ; 0l/L'saYa.gllL 9L, 016 sutl\vur ? uvgr,r 3Z: El lruJ'L'' 96 , I I ''rnf a , "-".3 '?l3}*i3uH$n"'" OFt VAfL, VIIJLAGE, !'IRST FII'ING EAGIIE COUNTY, COI,ORADO tt'f1tt Trrfq , a Coloradlo Cofporationland (herelnafter referredis to I{f,EREAS, Vaii aseociates, rnc.the. owner of the folloving describedas Subject Lancl) r I p?rt of,Tract ir, Block ?, Vall Village, Flrst Filing, Tovrn ofVail, EaEle County, Coloraito described-ai: 'ionmencing at the Northeast corher of sa!.d Tract Or. alid $grner being on the Westerly Rlght-of-Hay ltniof, vall Roadl and said Corner aleo beins the S-outtr-easterly Corner of lot G, Vail ViUagei Second pilLng, tmended,. thence S 0"23' E 102.00 feei to the true,p-oint of begirinlngl thence N 84002! tf 215.00 f;;i,.'thence N 29.59' W-156,42 feet to the Easterly lini ofTract s,.Valt/llonsHead, Second rt15'ngi then6s .iongcaid Easterly line andl Northerly line-of, said lract -,. B on the followinE four oourseei (l) s 19057130! Il57.72 fe€ti (21 s 26048'32" E 87.70 feeti (3) s 59.' 27106" F 98.01 f,eeti andl (l) S 8lol9;q4n'g- t8?.60feet rnore or less to the Easterly line of said TiactJt thence N 0o23t00rr w 38.36 feet alonq saftl Easterlv\lLnei thence N 84002' If 10.62 feet to €tre true poiat' \--/-of-beginning, containl.ng 12r839.61 square feet ir . 0,2948 acreg more or less. WHEREAS, Vail Assoclatesr fnc.l hereJ.nafter eoneti.resref,e'rred to ag or"ner, has placed cirtain'r"sirrctiotr" ott the uge Iof thc Tracts, Blooke and i,otE of the Vail villaqe Firgt Filincrror tle uenetit-or tr'.-bion";;-"id iI; ;;;.;;i;;';r;;!J";-"--' *'' succeasors and aselgnsr said restrl-ctLons-being titea of ieeordI'n the Eagre.county, coloradlo recordg at booh irunber l?{ and atpagc nunrber 179. - t{flEREAS, Owner desireg to place certain addltlonalrestrl'ctiona on the use of, the subJect r,and for the benef,it oftlre onner andl lts rcgpective grantees, successors andl assigrns, ta-ln order to frrrther eitabtish-and maintain the aharacter iridlvalue o.f real eatato in the vlctnlty of the Tovrn of Vail. NoIf ?HEREE'ORE, in consialeration of the prenJ.ses, VallAasoclates, Ing., for itsell and ite grantees, guiceseore'and assigne, does hereby impoae, establish, publiih, acknowledge,deolare _and, ag_rec w-J.thr-to and for the-bEnefLt 6r att persSnirho nay hereafter purchase or leage and from tine to tire go own 91._!ofa-tJre-Subject tandl iri vatl vlrtag!, FLrst.Filingl that ttorng and holds all of the. subject Land-in ValI vl1lag6, firatFLll-ng, aubject to the foilowing restrictlon", coGrriois, and t : I f-. IF' ,;,I-rof0 L/9 'sovd etrL glv 0L6 sus^vuJ :t uvsrl 4Z,g I (nHtl 96 , l l }. condrtlons, all of which shall be deenred to run with the land andto inure to the benefit of andl be bindltng upqn the -ovher, iis _- - respeetive grantees, $uccessorg and assiinai t. ,I t 'ti 1l LAIID USE sus^vuJ T gvgf,t l.l No ure of the Subjeet Land ahall conflict withor vLolate any provlslon of the lprotective'eovenints of VaiI Village, rfrgt Filingl Eagle Countyr Coloradotras recorcted ln Book ,L74 at page lZ9 of the recordE ofthe Clerk and Recorder of figie Cgunty, Coforadlo;- L.2 f'ha Subject Land shall be used, held and rnaintainedln good order and qonditlon by the Town of VaiI(subject to exl.sting or recoried easements and riqhtso.t.w-ayl to_be lanasc?ped andl used as plcnlc areis-uponwhloh ,Ihe Town of VaLl may construct lnd naintain, and.renove, as lt seee fit, p-icnlc tables and benchec, parkben?r's6, fireplaces and Larbec.e pits, tiaitr c.oniiii"r",self-contalned chemlcal tollet si-ructuresr and other Itptourylts required f,or park purposea otr ly governmen-lal health regulations. I.3 The Subject Eand also may be ueed as a slte fora natural skatlng rink whlch may be cons.tructed, operated,maJ.ntainedf _anq repaired-by the Town of, Vail or'"rry 9th9r politleal subdlvisio-n of the state havtrig fGisa-l,ction over the area during rlnter per:lods, so-l6ngas srrch skatlng rink and tie actlvitiee lnvolved iri ttsconstruction, operation, maintenance, and repair ghallnot dlamage or_alter the natural condition of-the veget-atton aud surface of the Subject Land. l.l -Ilprovernents necsssary, aesirable or convenlent l for thE construction, operltionr and naintenance ofutility.servLcee to adJicent or other nJirli-fantli-rnayb€'eonEtructed and rnaintained through or under theSubJect Landr provlded that aald infrovements shallnot_cauee -pe_rnranent dlsruptLon or alteration to thegurfaoe of the Subject f,and. 1.5 _No part of the glrbject l,anit shall be used forganping-or overnlght stays by any person or persone.Nor shall there be permitted--wttiin or upon iheSubJect Land any tntormal or organizea p-ubllc orprivate ga!,l.rering oI aly other ict by aiy person orper6or{t7 which Ln the Judgrnent of ownerr-aird theapproprlate offlcials 6f ihe Town of vail nay ilefaceealter, lfeslrof or danage the. lanileeaplngr ve-getatl.onor aegUretic value of the SubJect f,aira'5i ltEter Ltagurface. I I t i ! h.: I I 'lllf0l/6'acvd gllL 9L9 0L6 gziEt (nHJ! 95, t:i.- , ' '. r I . :. :- i':, l-t I.6- Except f,or trees, shrubs, grass, and improvedwalkways, and decorative itemi eonsiiteni ,iu, if,.- uae of the Subjeet Land as a picrrlc area and shatingaIea, no. structures, eiurer temporary or permanent,nor any other inprovernents shall be constiucted orpernitted to remaln on the SubJect !and. 1.7 No vehicular trafficnature shall be perrnitted SubJect Iand. 2I AUENDMENT or parking of any kLnd'or uPon, acroE€ or through the Bhe- conilltions, restrictione, stipulatlonse itgE€G-tnents and covenants contained. herein shall'noE bewaived, abandondil, terminated or amended ex".pt U"written consent of both Vail Associates, frrc.-arri'the Town of vail to be filed of rei.ord in tt" oifi".of the Clerk and Recorder of Eag1e Executerl this of , 1971. Attest:VaiI Associates, fnc.1 aColorado Corporation. (,f ay; Ri STATE OF COI,ORADO COUNTY The 6 foregoing .Lns Peterson as president andl Larry VAIL ASSOCTATES, INC. TYITNESS ny hanil and offlcial Uy Cowolssion erpires: )* {-.frt*-_l ss. vtas aokaowletlged before ne thLs of , 191/ , by nlchard D. of Wrlght as Asslstant Secretary : I I ! I .l 0l /01 'zcvd =3- eeal . srtL 9L? 0L6 sgsn wI T uvslt 6Z'31 lnHJ.l 96, || \VAIL PUBLI| U0RKS ,. ID:363479^taa JRN 02'97 13:58 Nc.005 P.01 e6ii'r ntril Oft Communitv Dcvelopm€nt PlEn Routlng Form Routcd To:Grcg llall. Public Works Terri Partch, Public Workr Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Miks McGe€. Fire Rctum To:l)ominic F. Moulicllo, Ctmmunity Dcvclo,pmcnl Dalc Routcrl:t2/19/96 RgtumBy: (-@ Projcot Nome:Vail C:hapcl . sqrrditiono,l rlsc for ncw building Projcot Addrcrn:l9 Vnil Roed hrcjcct Lcgnl: Projcct Dcsoriptkh:Thin iytcm hu$ h{$n to two wo!* scssions and mccts all ofthc prcviouc cornmcrts. .- -Approved Denicd (citc detailed reasous) Approved with conditions L Ik Wffi $ffi qf ffi f i'.$iffi HMffi E&1ffi it&ffiffi SHi.B*,ffi Wi$*fr sffi ffi $ffi $*K* Snt o ,rr.,(.r. li ,lrni n n* | .'\.(.i-\.^ vlr ,s*,t ,&Vo2r d.a|l-6r{ afdlri\d \dr\AtY,\d .(,l|9 'r, I u r \., ,J L., a$dl).,&14|o.!..1!rrrr ,,g(r.t, ata ldn(t oaitrfya ldr U ..ti.?-.r.r\J|r\e, hherr,,frt ld /rtl,rr&{l?rl rr.\r!'ftriz! fedltrt! rttrolcto rs-:rnir:d ut ?rol.s,o rtr rzrtur...o Tsn Q"rr-rr-- krrrnrnaor$rqi, $.,frrod ott,in clc{1.*t,,,\41 G gi*..e3n ,^ 8i,",*f{,fff3t* #bc lhs .a.v'trir-r, ,lfucluc, 4I 11 lr2'fd Pvia Trh' L.h.a<- . llll'l'l 6i 16,r O(l'rg trn o.r af aaan ll4 | t't ,'t I A ( teatirts .'arttiorP- {u.ns lD ac} o.,F') If r. ltodc c4.^fo.,rs l?xr.hn* I progli4) 'za.{.+ 6^tt," ho dzt flr,r,t bc, de,,rqt€d 0A ,l'rtql - iri,' rrxr\ 1..r. .,ar+' 4ilSiJHtll?'ffr r* 4tcvs)8dur|arl4(rA-) tTpt;rgrtd tugn mi.llrtuln d 5l botrrc.ter $€'\.FJr \d 6(tr(\(\ .oldl /rrd }}r! \rrll tn at\od r.6r.t .ttt o( $xn q,ond -trafiif,) Wrrch diuin dtuint to? gr*rtut ro.-+ - a,$A\A \t t\a)c o hrW ,r s"np.dr? ;Itt Cb r,lr't n5 a\ r,,..i \\4g And tc\ (roft.ihA orelr fta,, r.rrrnn (cu.trr) tO c.tqjr Rr gog<r dralneeP - Datc rcccivcd: Rovicwod hy:DNte revicwed: e65rFDfifr.t|, Communlly ffi","lm}$lr,i;;; d#;ieigrcr' Publio works Mikc McGce, Fire ---=-- $e PtEvlous gorrrmcnl$' DcroriFion: VRIL PUELIC IJORKS ID:3034792166 JRN 02'97 13:22 N0.003 P.02 Ilcvelopment Plrn Routlng + APProvcd Tern R'rttl,-- t dyoctv,'?i*-9 Datc rtccivcd: Datc rcvicwed: V o'i Ll^pe I I\ Ql le(r' /L 1.,\Oc, ",^ivrr L. tlzlr t 8197 ZONE 43 8212 LIMIT OFDETAIf ED sTuDY e Cleek LIMIT OF DETAIL E D STUDY .t Footb/idge WILLOW A R IDGEBOADZONE A1 .o"llli,".t$lrt"fo.og# HANSON FIANCH ROAD ZONE 8178 ZONE 8184 zorue Ar l)ts' I 00-Y coN I OO.YE CONT\ cur zl37' ZONE g1 1 \*,(, ZONE A] LIMIT O OETAILEO S I a. rc oo Community Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Worksffit#ae Retum To:Dominic F. Mauriello, Community Development Date Routed:6/t2/96 Retum By:6/19/96 ProjectName:Vail Interfaith Chapel - Conceptual Review Project Address:19 VailRoad Project Legal:Tract J, Blk. 7, Wl Project Description:Interior remodel, new building, and underground parking. Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) " Approved with conditions Qo/cQ-. c4-nt z--r Datereceived: 5',' ?" 7/ Date reviewed: 6' ' 3 '7 # Date: Place: Present: CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM June 4, 1996 Community Development Offices - TOV Lauren E. Waterton, Planning Liaison Officer Dirk Mason, Planner Rodney Slifer Ned Gwathmey Vail Interfaith Chapel Proposed Modifications to Existing and Additions Re: Ned and Rodney familiarized the planners with the plans which are the culmination of months of input from clergy and committees to update the chapel and its property. EXISTING CHAPEL Discussion follovred describing interior modifications to the eisting chapel wtricfr do not effect the seating/oco.rpancy but including: Restoring lov'rer level meeting spaces by removing the existing clergy offices that have been built in recently. Updating some building systems such as lighting. Interior design characler changes such as introduction of stucco on walls and increasing windows for light and views. Compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act requirements. Meeting State Day Care Center provisions. lmproving areas such as existing kitchen. PROPOSED ADDITIONS The proposal is to add a single story building adjacent to the existing parking lot on thE r,vest for clergy offices and consultration. o . GonfiErcnce Memorandum; 4 June 1996 . Page2 PARKING ADDITIONS f.' The plan is to maintain all of the existing parking, and add 22 spaces at a lower level under the : new office facility. ; LANDSCAPING '': A comprehensive Landscaping Plan will be developed and consideration will be given to the addition of a Columbarium, which is a memorial garden for the cremated remains of an undetermined number of members. This facility is planned to b6 part of landscape paving and walls and individual recognition will be understated. ZONING ' The Zoning of the property is General Use (GU) Distric{ and as such development standards ' shall be presoibed by the Planning Commission. Lauren suggested proceeding with the hearing process and provided the necessary Application Form. SCHEDULE The next submittral date forJuly hearings is Monday 10 June, 1996, and Ned willtry to fulfill requirements and submit. The foregoing constitutes my understanding of matters discussed and decisions reactred. lf the interpretation of other varies, please inform us in writing. EMG Copies to: Rodney Stifer Lauren E. Waterton Dirk Mason o unity o tingCommDevelopment Plan Rou Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Hall. Public Works ,fl[['[.rvir Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Dominic F. Mauriellq Community Development - Conceptual Review 19 Vail Road Tract J, Blk, 7, Wl Description:Interior remodel, new building, and underground parking. /r tctocx-\rapN \c- \e.iG.\ bq a,(tqrad 5*sur\E\oc. lYrcCrr\UeQeQ t}e cctev 6 u,e\d6 *c {rccdrrtoro. U? {\-€,F€d€r^6Q ro oloy 11-p.-{6 [tccd grotc. ' os tfBl b\osJe ry.rc' r€, (egn t dalo ' tlun'ry /-\sd(ou\Ybrra aq,*az\ r| b4r'Ac.'c\ \dt , 'ixff\c\c\ \aY aLt-,\ r.rp{L{loi\ ? edrd o(0'B q', ca.Ilg.*)ed o@.tg.qto r€h)r-csr] o@.tq .c{V? r L, VlOrVrtw".'' .fr3 t.:i CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM Date: June4, 1996 Place: Communig Development Offices - TOV Present Lauren E. Waterton, Planning Liaison Officer Dirk Mason, Planner Rodney Slifer Ned Gwathmey Re: Vail lnterfaith Chapel Proposed Modifications to Existing and Additions Ned and Rodney familiarized the planners with the plans wfrich are the culmination of months of input from clergy and committees to update the chapel and its properly. EXISTING CHAPEL Discussion followed describing interior modifications to the existing cfrapel wfrictr do not effect the seating/occupancy but including: Restoring lower level meeting spaces by removing the existing clergy offices that have been built in recenfly. Updating some building systems such as lighting. Interior design characler changes such as introduction of stucco on walls and increasing windows for light and views. Compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act requirements, Meeting State Day Care Center provisions. lmproving areas such as existing kitchen. PROPOSED ADDITIONS The proposal is to add a single story building adjacent to the existing parking lot on the west for clergy offices and consultation. Conference Memorandum 4 June 1996' Page2 PARKING ADDITIONS The plan is to maintain all of the existing parking, and add 22 spaces at a lower level under the r' new office facility. LANDSCAPING A comprehensive Landscaping Plan will be developed and consideration will be given to the addition of a Columbarium, wfrich is a memorial garden for the cremated remains of an undetermined number of members. This facilig is planned to be part of landscape paving and walls and individual recognition will be understated. ZONING The Zoning of the property is General Use (GU) Districf and as such development standards shall be prescribed by the Planning Commission. Lauren suggested proceeding with the hearing process and provided the necessary Application Form. SCHEDULE The neX submittral date for July hearings is Monday 10 June, 1996, and Ned will try to fulfill requirements and submit. The foregoing constitutes my understanding of matters discussed and decisions reached. lf the interpretation of other varies, please inform us in writing. EMG Copies to: Rodney Slifer Lauren E. Waterton Dirk Mason I-