HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 TRACT J VAIL INTERFAITH CHAPEL BOOK 3 LEGALW/,//ffi. r)tt( '.h..,",.a4 ,1 ,fTOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 5 a May 12,2000 Mark Donaldson Tom Owens Box 5300 Avon, CO 81620 RE: VailChapel Plans Dear Mark and Tom: In review of the latest revised landscape plan, the Community Development Department has the following outstanding concerns regarding the Vail Chapel. The following must be addressed: 1. The boulder walldetail must be detailed showing a maximum height of 4' or it will have to be stamped by a P.E.2. The silt fence must be entirely out ol the flood plain.3. The mechanical equipment on lhe south side of the new addition needs additional screening. Additional trees and/or shrubs will suffice for this purpose.4. The proposed encroachment into the stream tract has been discussed with Council. The preference was that the parking remain out of the stream tract. Should you choose to pursue the encroachment, a formal encroachment process will be needed. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2369, Sincerelv.iln '/X,' #U/nw- Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail {Pu*"""o"u Date AUti r " 1999 Chief Building Official Deparfrnent of Community Development Town of Vail One [] Set Progress Prints [Review Set] dated 7/22/99 - Al.l through A1.5 One [] Copy Architect's Record Report datedT/26/99 - three [3] pages. J.L. Viele Constuction R. Randall Vosbeck, FAIA Dear Gary, Tharik you for meeting with Tom Owens and myself on July 26, 1999 to review building code issues for the remodel of the Vail Chapel. I am including a copy of our handwritten notes from the meeting and a set of referenced prints for your hles. Please do not hesitate to call me ifyou have any questions upon your review ofthe notes. isfopheN. Green, AIA Project Manager Victor Mark Donaldson Architects t O()48 E BEAvER CREEK BLvDnaHanflVgC surrE 207 Box 5300 August 10, 1999 Mr.Gary Goodell Avoil, C0 81620 970.949.5200 vmd@voil.net FAxrgq9.5205 Vail, Colorado 81657 R Enclosures: Cc: Lt.08109901.9816.doc OO48 E B EAvE R CREEK BLVD SurrE 207 Box 5t00 Avo N. C0 81620 970r949.5200 vmd@voil.net Frx.949.5205 ARCHITECT'S RECORD REPORT JOB # thv tr TELEPHONE COTWERSATION tr MEMO TO FILE DAIE: t. PARTICIPANTS; SUBJECT: fugf uu trr''ltart A MEETING MINUTES 'TIME: 7''\tr?fu1 R 3 . Na^l 4qhvrrt\L-( 1T Wfr | I UU- l@v,2.),2 (t") l?| N bNs O 6/w. r = oca%r vw o" 4vw INFORMATION REQUIRED: CC:REPORT BY: This Architect's Record Repon represents the recorder's recollection of events discussed. decisions reached. items to verit_v. or inlirrmatkrn required, lf yrrur recrrlleclir)n is olher than noted above. please advise immediately upon receipl. oasr | "f ? 0048 E B EAv ER CREEK BLVD SurrE 207 Box 5J00 AvoN, C0 81620 970.949.5200 vmd@voil.net Frx.949.5205 ! TELEPHONE CONVERSATION DAirEt 1'fud'fr ARCHITECTOS RECORD REPORT PRoJECT YkL lhJw-ftit]d Ctl*Mr- JOB #4ae tr MEMO TO FILE lueerrxc MTNUTES H TrMEt 9'.14.w|. Pa*taw* erf gSa"l- lat6f tuvt. Yht . &tluEr2. nrhj rp,b- It a-. lt 4-. a tu-nr aa vutt ttw 2o-vt4 W tBr ll4./.+. INFORMATION REQUIRED: CC:REPORT BY elta6 aleaA This Architect's Record Repon represents the recorder's recollection of events discussed. decisions reached. irems to verifv. or intirrrnation required. lf vour recolleclion is other than noted ubove. please advise immediately upon receipr.p,,rrc Z "rV ()O 48 E BEAVE R CREEK BLVD SurrE 207 Box 5t00 Avor,r, C0 81620 970.949.5200 vmd@voil.net Frx.949.5205 ARCHITECT'S RECORD REPORT PROJECT: JOB #4hu tr TELEPHONE CONVERSATION DltrE 1b'% tr MEMOTO FILE {vrEenxcMrNUTES TIME: 31l6Pnn pARrrcrpANrs, apvt fut-fuworrnw)t maarE"tscrtwi I ctluc w.t ft@ SUBJECT fuFT M %|IAJ K lv lvna Fa6 \ w*.< Ahlu,w - INFORMATION REQUTRED: CC: This Architect's Record Repon rcpresenls the recorder's recollection of events discussed. decisions reached. items to verity. or inlbrmaiion required. ff your recollecrion is orher than noted above. please advise immediarely upon receipt. pnsc 3 ol 7 '+ .t SOILS AND F'OUNDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED VAIL CHAPEL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 19 VAIL ROAD VAIL, COLORADO Koechlein Consulting Engineers, lnc. Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Atameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . lakewood, CO 80iUl8-284S SILVERTHORNE (303) 989-1223 (970) 949-6009 (e7o) 46&6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-e223 FAX (970) 468-6e39 FAX / *o"t""rN coNsu',rrNc "^"ron?Rs. rNc. C O NS ULTI N G c E O TE CH NI CAL AN D ItI Are ru,e tS f f,t e W n n nS SOILS AND FOI.INDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED VAIL CHAPEL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 19 VAIL ROAD VAIL, COLORADO Prepared for: Ned Gwathmey Gwathmey Pratt Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 \^ 4J"l Job No.98-176 July 9, 1998 DENVER: 12361 llcs Alameda Prhuy., Suite 135, Laketwod, CO 8022t (30J) gEg-IZ2S AVON: P.O. Box 1794, Awn, CO E1620-1794 (970) 949-6009 S ILYERTHORN E : (9 70) 468-69 J J TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE EXECI..ITIVE SUMMARY SITE CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INVESTIGATION SUBSUMACE CONDITIONS RADON E)(CAVATIONS GROUND WATER FOUNDATION FLOOR SLABS FOI,NDATION DRAINAGE LATERAL WALL LOADS SUPJACEDRAINAGE IRRIGATION COMPACTED FILL LIMITATIONS VICINITY MAP LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS LOGS OF HGLORATORY TESTPITS LEGEND OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS GRADATION TESTRESULTS TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DRAIN DETAIL * ur) ro * a Lrr N G EN'I NE E Rs, I Nc Co nE ulti n t Geotcchnical Englnecrs I I ., 3'3 4 4 ) 6 6 8 8 9 ll ll t2 13 Fig. I Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4 Fig.5 Fig.6 Fig.7 \ SCOPE This report presents the results of a soils and foundation investigation for the proposed vail chapel adrninistration building to be located at 19 vail Road, vail, colorado. The approxirnate site location is shown on tbe Vicinity Map, Fig. l. The purpose ofthis investigation was to evaluate the subsurface conditions at the site and to provide geotechnical recommendations for the proposed addition. This report includes descriptions of subsurface soil and ground water conditions found in the exploratory test pits, recommended foundation systems, allowable bearing capacity, and recommended design and construction criteria. This report was prepared from data developed during our field investigation, laboratory testing and our experience with similar projects and subsurface conditions in the area. The recommendations presented in this report are based on a commercial building being constructed on the site. We should be contacted to review our recommendations when the final plans and location for the structure have been developed. A summary of our findings and conclusions is presented below. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY * o u rr)* ro n s u Lrr N G E N G r ^, E E Rs, r N c. Con sultin g G eotechn ical Engineers l. The subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory test pits were similar. The subsurface conditions consisted of 3.0 to 3.5 feet of fill underlain by a silty, sandy gravel rvith cobbles and boulders to the i ^.t. 5. 6. KOECIILEIN COn*S ULTI NG ENGI NEERS, INC. Consulting G e ote chn ical Engin eers maximum depth explored of 7.0 feet. Refusal on cobbles and boulders was encountered in exploratory test pit TP-1 at a dcpth of 5.0 feet. 2. At the tirne of this investigation, no free ground water was encountered in the exploratory test pits. 3. The administration building may be constructed with a spread footing foundation system supported by the sandy gravel. Refer to the FOTJNDATION section of this repofi for rnore details. In our opinion, the sandy gravel will safely support slab-on-grade floors. Refer to the FLOOR SLABS section of this report for more details. Open cuts and excavations require precautions as outlined in this report in order to maintain the stability of slopes and sides of excavations. lf a basement is constructed, we understand that the floor slab elevation will be approximately ll.0 feet above the FEMA flood level of Gore Creek. Provided that the basement floor slab elevation is I1.0 feet above the FEMA flood level, we believe that ground water will not be encountered during the construction of a basernent. Because cobbles and boulders were encountered in the exploratory test pits, we believe that heary duty construction equiprnent will be necessary to courplete the required excavations. Drainage around the structure should be designed and constructed to provide for rapid removal of surface runoff and avoid concentration of water adjacent to foundation walls. 9. The potential for radon gas is a conccm in the area. Building design should include ventilation systems for below grade areas such as crawl spaces and basements. 7. 8. SITE CONDITIONS The proposed administration building will be located at 19 Vail Colorado. The site is bordered by Gore Creek along the south side of Road, the site. Vail, An *o or), * ron, uLrI NG ENGI N EERS, I N c. Consulting Geotechnical Engincers existing two-story, stucco exterior building is located on the east side of the site. A play and picnic area is located in the area of the proposed adrninistration building. The site slopes down towards the south at an approximate grade of 10 percent. Overall drainage of the site is down towards the south. Vegetation on the site consists of grass, trees, and shrubs. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We understand that a single-story administration building will be constructed on the site. At the time of our investigation, it is unknown wheiher a crawlspace or a basement will be constructed for the administration building. We anticipate that the administration building will be of cast-in-place concrete and wood frame construction with a stucco exterior. If a basement is constructed, we anticipate excavations of up to 8.0 feet may be required while excavations of up to 4.0 feet may be required if a crawlspace is constructed. Maxirnum colurnn and wall loads were assumed to be those normally associated with light commercial structures. INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions were investigated at this site on June 23, 1998, by excavating two exploratory test pits with a small trackhoe at the locations shown on the Locations of Exploratory Test Pits, Fig. 2. A field engineer from our office was on the KO ECT{f,EIN CO A'S ULTI NG EIiGI NEERS, I NC. Co n s ul tin g G e o tech n ical E ngincers site to observe the excavation of the exploratory test pits and to visually classifu and document the subsurface soil and ground water conditions. Descriptions of the subsurface soils observed in the exploratory test pits are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Test Pits, Fig. 3 and on the Legend of Exploratory Test pits, Fig. 4. Representative soil samples were tested in our laboratory to detennine the natural moisture content and gradation propefiies. The results of the laboratory tests are presented on the Logs of Exploratory Test Pits, Fig. 3 and on the Gradation Test Results, Fig. 5. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory test pits were similar. The subsurface conditions consisted of 3.0 to 3.5 feet of fill underlain by a dry to very moist, dense, silty, sandy gravel with cobbles and boulders to the rnaximum depth explored of 7.0 feet. Refusal on cobbles and boulders was encountered in exploratory test pit TP-l at a depth of 5.0 feet. At the tirne of this investigation, no free ground water was encountered in exploratory test pits. RADON In recent years, radon gas has become a concem. Radon gas is a colorless, *orr,r)* ro* ,LTING ENGINEERS, INc. Consultitrg Gcotcchnical Engineers odorless gas that is produced by the decay of rninerals in soil and rock. The potential for radon gas in the subsurface strata of rnountain terrain is likely. Since excavations for a lower level in the administration building is possible, we suggest that the building be designed with ventilation for below grade areas. EXCAVATIONS If a basement is constructed, we anticipate that excavations up to 8.0 feet could be required for construction of the administration building. Because cobbles and boulders were encouDtered in both exploratory test pits, we believe that heavy duty construction equipment will be necessary to complete the required excavations. Care needs to be exercised during construction so that the excavation slopes remain stable. The sandy, gravel encountered in the exploratory test pits, classifies as Type B soils in accordance with OSHA regulations. OSHA regulations should be followed in all excavations and cuts. Up to 3.5 feet of fill was found in the exploratory test pits. All filI beneath the proposed construction should be removed and replaced rvith properly moisture conditioned and compacted fill. Topsoil or organic soil may be used in landscape areas. Backfill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section ofthis report. oorrlDr* ro* u LrI NG EN,INEERS, INC. Co nsulting Geotechnical Engiueers GROUND WATER At the time of our investigation, ground water was not encountered in the exploratory test pits to the uraximum depth explored of 7.0 feet. We understand that if a basernent is constructed, the basement floor slab elevation will be approximately I 1.0 feet above the FEMA flood level of Gore Creek. Provided that the basement floor slab elevation is I 1.0 feet above the FEMA flood level, we believe that ground water will not be encountered during the conskuction of a basement. If a basenrent is constructed, we recommend that a foundation drain be installed as recolnmended in the FOTINDATIOI DRAINAGE section of this report. FOUNDATION Based on the subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory test pits, we believe that a basernent could be constructed for the proposed administration building. The subsurface conditions at the proposed footing elevation consists ofthe sandy, gravel with cobbles and boulders. In our opinion, the sandy gravel safely support a spread footing foundation system for the proposed administration building. We recommend that the spread footing foundation system be designed and constructed to meet the following criteria: 1. Footings should be supported by the undisturbed sandy gravel or compacted fill. Soils loosened by machine excavation should be cleaued xoncnl: coNs Lr Lrr NG E,TGTNEERS. rNC. Con s u Itin g Ge ot echnical En gine ers J. 4. 5. 1T. 8. from the excavation or compacted prior to placing concrete for the footincs. 2. We recommend wall and column footings be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of4,000 psf. The base of the exterior footings should be established at a rninimum depth below the exterior ground surface, as required by the local building code. We believe that the depth for frost protection in the local building code in this area is 3.5 feet. Column footings should have a minimum dirnension of 24 inches square and continuous wall footings should have a minirnurn width of l6 inches. Footing widths may be greater to accommodate structural design loads. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced to sDan local anomalies in the soil. 6. Pockets or layers of soft or loose soils rnay be found in the bottom of the completed footing excavations. These materials should be removed to expose the undisturbed natural soils. The foundations should be constructed on the natural soils, rock or cornpacted fill. The foundation materials contain cobbles and boulders. Rernoval of the cobbles and boulders may result in depressions and rough bottoms in the excavation. The resulting depressions can be backfilled with cornpacted backfill or lean concrete. Backfill should be placed and compacted as recomrnended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. Fill should be placed and compacted as outlined in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. We recommend that a representative of our office observe and test the placement and cornpaction of structural fill used in foundation construction. It has been our experience that without engineering quality control, poor construction techniques and habits occur which result in poor foundation performance. We recommend that a representative of our office observe the compteted foundation excavation. Variations from the conditions described in this report which were not indicated by our test pits can occur. The 9. KO ECH LEI A' CONS U LTI NG E NC I N EE RS, I N C. Consultin g Gcoleclrnical Engin eers representative can observe the excavation to evaluate the exposed subsurface conditions. FLOOR SLABS The material at the proposed floor slab elevations consisted of fill underlain by a sandy gravel. In our opinion, the sandy gravel will safely support slab-on-grade floors with lorv risk of rnovement. We recornmend the following precautions for the construction of slab-on-grade floors. l. Floor slabs should be placed on the natural sandy gravel or approved compacted fill. Pockets of loose soils should be removed and replaced with an approved compacted fill. Fill should be placed and compacted as recommended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report' Z. Frequent control joints should be provided in all slabs to reduce problems associated with shdnkage of the concrete. 3. Any construction area should be stripped of all vegetation, topsoil and existing fi|I, scarified, and compacted. Fill may be required to establish - the grade for slab-on-grade floors after removing the topsoil, or in excavations beneath slab-on-grade areas. Fill should be placed and compacted as recornmended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. Placement and compaction of fill beneath slabs should be observed and tested by a representative ofour office' 4. A 4-inch thick layer of free draining gravel should be placed beneath the slab to act as a moisture break and to ptovide a leveling course' FOUNDATION DRATNAGE Surface water, especially that originating from snow-melt, tends to flow through xorclt x coxsIJLrING ENGIN EERS, INC. Co nsulli n g G eo techn ical Engin eers relatively permeable backfill typically found adjacent to foundations. The water that flows through the fill collects on the surface of relatively impenneable soils occurring at the foundation elevation. Both this surface water and possible ground water can cause wet or moist below grade conditions after construction. Since we anticipate that below grade areas may be constructed for the adrninistration building, we recommend the installation of a drain along the below grade foundation walls. The drain should consist ofa 4-inch diarneter perforated pipe encased in free draining gravel and a manufactured wall drain. The drain should be sloped so that water flou,s to a sump where the water can be rernoved by pumping, or to a positive gravity outlet. Recommended details for a typical foundation wall drain are presented in the Typical Wall Drain Detail, Fig. 6. LATERAL WALL LOADS We anticipate that walls may be constructed which will require lateral earth pressures for design. Lateral earth pressures depend on the type of backfrll and the height and type of wa!|. Walls which are free to rotate sufficiently to mobilize the strength of the backfrll should be designed to resist the "active" earth pressure condition. Walls which are restrained should be designed to resist the "at rest" earth pressure condition. Basement walls are typically restrained. Co tt su lti tt g Ccotecltnical Engineers For design, an equivalent fluid weiglrt of 35 pcf should be used for the "active" eafth pressure condition and an equivalent fluid weight of 50 pcf should be used for the "at rest" earth pressure. The fluid weights are for a horizontal backfill condition. A "passive" equivalent fluid weight of 300 pcf can be used to resist the wall loads where the soils will always remain in place at the toe of the wall. The equivalent fluid weights do not include allowances for surcharge loads due to hydrostatic pressures or live loads. A coefficient of friction of 0.4 can be used at tlre bottom of the footine to resist the wall loads. Backfill placed behind or adjacent to foundation and retaining walls should be placed and compacted as recornmended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. Placement and compaction of the fill should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. To reduce the possibility of developing hydrostatic prcssures behind retaining walls, a drain should be constructed adjacent to the wall. The drain may consist of a manufactured drain system and gravel. The gravel should have a maximum size of 1.5 inches and have a maximum of 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. Washed concrete aggregate will be satisfactory for the gravel used for the drain. The manufactured drain should extend from the bottom of the retaining wall to within 2 feet of subgrade elevation. The water can be drained by a perforated pipe with collection of the water at t0 *ott,* ron,alrrNc ENGrNEERS, rNc Co tt s ul tin g G cotec h n i cal E ngineers the bottorn of the wall leading to a positive gravity outlet. A typical detail for a retaining wall drain is presented in the Typical Earth Retaining Wall Detail, Fig. 7. SURFACE DRAINAGE Reducing the wetting of structural soils and the potential of developing hydrostatic pressure behind below grade walls can be achieved by carefully planned and rnaintained surface drainage. We recommend the following precautions be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the structure is completed. l. Wetting or drying of the open foundation during excavation should be minimized during construction. 2. All surface water should be directed away from the top and sides of the excavation during construction. 3. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the structure should be sloped to drain away fiom the building in all directions. We recommend a slope of at least 12 inches in the first l0 feet. 4. Backfill, especially around foundation walls, should be placed and compacted as recomlnended in the COMPACTED FILL section of this report. IRRIGATION Sprinkler systems installed next to foundation walls, porches or slabs-on-grade could cause moist or wet basement conditions or consolidation of backfill beneath these areas. This can result in settling of porches, slabs-on-grade, exterior steps and/or sidewalks. We recommend the following precautions be followed: ll *o ur), n ro Ns u L,ING ENGI NEER', INc. Consulting Geotcchnical Engineers l.Do not install a sprinkler system next to foundation walls, porches or slabs-on- grade. The sprinicler system should be at least 10 feet away from the proposed administration building. Sprinkler heads should be pointed away from the structure or in a manner that does not allow the spray to come within l0 feet of the building' The landscape around the sprinkler systern should be sloped so that no ponding occurs at the sPrinkler heads. lf shrubs or flowers are planted next to the structure, these plants should be hand watered. 5. Control valve boxes, for automatic sprinkler systems, should be periodically checked for leaks and flooding. COMPACTED FILL Fill may consist of on-site sandy, gravel free of organics and deleterious material or approved imported granular fill. No cobbles or boulders larger than 1 foot should be placed in fill areas. Fill areas should be stripped of all vegetation, topsoil and existing fill, scarified, and then compacted. Topsoil and organic soils rnay be used in landscape areas. Fill should be placed in thin loose lifts, moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content, and compacted to the recommended compaction shown in the following table. Recommended compaction varies for the given use of the fill' 2. 4. t2 K0ECE'EIN Co AIS ULT! NG En-G INEERS, I NC Consulting Geotechnical Eugineers We recornmend that a reDresentative frorn our office observe and test the placement and compaction of structural fill. Fill placed below foundations or slab-on- grade floors is considered structural. It has been our experience that without engineering quality control, poor construction techniques and habits occur which result in poor foundation and slab performance. LIMITATIONS Although the exploratory test pits were located to obtain a reasonably accurate determination of subsurface conditions, variations in the subsurface conditions are always possible. Any variations that exist beneath the site generally become evident during excavation for the structure. A representative of our office should observe the completed excavations to confirm that the soils are as indicated by the exploratory test pits and to veriS our foundation and floor slab recomrnendations. The placement and compaction of fil1, as well as installation offoundations, should also be observed and tested. The design Use of Fill Recornmended Cornpaction Percentage of the Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-698) Percentage of the Modified Proctor Maximurn Dry Density (ASTM D-lss7) Below Structure Foundations 98 95 Below Slab-On-Grade Floors 95 90 Backfi ll (Non-Structural)90 90 l3 fr,OEoETEIN coNSaLTING ENGINEERS,i,Nc Con s ult in g Geotechnicol Engin ecrs criteria and subsurface data presented in this report are valid for 3 years from the date of this report. We appreciate the opportunity to Fovide this service. If we can be of further assistance in discussing the contents ofthis report or in analyses ofthe proposed structure from a soils and foundation viewpoint, please call. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. sv 9-fa{ Scott B. Myers, Engineer 4ht*1J (dJ,;- William H. Koechlein, P.E., President Reviewed by _ (4 copies sent) l4 o -' -- aervao,tlrnoro \ \ rvrhsare zo \\___ Slgggrmn,.t SITE VAIL VILLAGE SUBDTVISION FIG. I JOB NO.98-176 VICINIW MAP r{oT To scAtE TP-I I LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS -.-. aoca ^\ cb^- - ..-'tu'\-. $ A NOT TtI SCALE \ \\\ I : ? : tI t F a I t TP-A a JOB ilO. 9&t76 { FIG.2 EXISTING BUILDING F-uJ ullt'z Fo.Iuf:oi I i JOB trto. 98.176 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS l*, APP.EL,8139 ,*,O APP.EL.8138 WC=3 -200=11 0- WC=8 -200 = 13 10- t5- 20- lc - 30- 2E- 40- Im! :E 2.n mm{ frc.3 a- LEGEND: TOPSOIL FILL, Old topsoil. Organics, Asphalt, Gravel, Sandy, Moist,Loose to medium dense. Brown, Black. T REFUSAL. Indicates practical refusal with this trackhoe. m BULK SAMPLE. Obtained from trackhoe cuttings.u ffi 3:AY:8.:fB?l%,t'iltfl:' Sandv' sittv' Drvto verv moist' Notes: 1. Exploratory test pits were excavated on June 23, lggg using asmall trackhoe. 2. No free ground water was encountsred at the time of excavating. 3. The.Test Pit Logs are subject to the explanations, limitations, andconclusions as contained in this repon.' 4. Laboratory Test Results: WC - lndicates natural moisture (%l -200 - Indicates percent passing the No. 200 sieve (yol 5. fpproximate elevations.are based on the topographic plan provided byGwathmey & Pran Architects. JOB NO. 98-176 LEGEND OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS FIG. 4 o K o ENG Sample of Source OECHLEIN CONSULTING INEERS CRAVEL, Sandy, Silty cRAvEL TP-l Sample No.Elev./Depth 4.0 fcet % To % % ; SILT&CLAY II PLASTICIW INDEX SAND 17 LIOUD LIMIT % SAND 2I % LIQUID LIMIT Sample ot Source CRAVEL, Sandy, Silty ElevJDepth 5.0 feet GRAVEL SILT & CLAY 13 PLASTICITY INDEX Y, % % TP-2 Sample No. 100 90 80 0 '10 20 30 80 90 100 llr'l'''1,'r,'iil DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM 50 60 70 80 90 t0o DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MM Job No.98-176 GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIG.5 BACK FILL fo 4E 1----=\_--- a\ RgIS*f'r1o*"J^"JfJL',-t"== i\ RECOMUENDATIoNs) , *'' -'' B , , , a , , ,t a FILTER FABRIC GRAVEL 12' o PERFORATED PIPE PLASTIC CLA 2' l1 ELOW GRADE WALL UANUFACTUREO WALL DRAI'II SHEETING 12- MlN. ... NOTES: 1. DRAII{ SHOULD AE AT LEAST 12 II{CHES BELOYY TOP OF FOOTING AT THE HIGHEST PO]NT' AXO IILOPE DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAV]TY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE IYATER, CAN AE REUOVEO AY PUMPIIIG. 2. THE ORAIN SHOULD BE LAIO ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 INCH AND 1//I INCHt DBOP PER FOOT OF DRAII{. '.r 3. GRAVEL SPECTFICATIONS: WASHED 1 1/2 ]NCH TO NO. 4 GRAVEL IVTTH LESS THANr PASStlrc TH€ ilO. 200 stEvE. \ FIG.6JOB NO.98-176 TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL CLAYEY BACKF]LL to 1l __--. COr|PACTED AACKFILL (SEE REPORT FOR BACXFf,-L RECOMIIEXDATIONS' GRAVEL FILTER FABRIC I ilAilUFACTURED WALL DRATN PERFORATED PIPE ll t t. P I h T i. f; r lr- NOTES: 1. DRAIN SHOULD AE SLOPEO OOWI{WARD TO A POSTTIVE GRAVITY OUTLET OR TO ASUMP WHERE WATER CAN 8E REMOVED BY PUIIPING. 2. THE ORAO{ SHOULD EE LAIO ON A SLOPE RANGING EETWEEN I/8 |r{CH AI{O1r.r NCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRA|N. 3' GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: WASHEO I 1/2 ll{CH TO NO. /t cRAvEL rvrTH LESS THAN3* PASSr{c THE ilO.200 slEvE. JOB NO.98-176 TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL FIG.7 l TOV{N OF VAII, 75 S. FROTiITAGE ROAD vArr_,, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Euilding-----> Plan cheek---> InwcatiEatiott> will call- -- -> DEPARTMEN:T OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMEIVT V V;\Zn& iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit, #: B00-0024 NOtrE: TIIIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/AIT COMM BUITD PERI,IT APPLICAI{T .f .L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION L000 S FROIiITAGE RD W, #202, VAII-, CO 81557 CONTRACTOR'J.L. VTETE CONSTRUCIION Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Projectr No.: 19 VAII, RD 1-9 VAIL RD 2LOt-07L-09 - 001 PRJ99 - 0041 sEatus...: IssuED App1ied..: 03/L5/2O00Issued...: 05/L7/2000 E:<pires . ., LL/L3/2000 Phone z 970-476-3082 Phone z 970-476-3082 OWNER 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD W, #202, VAIL VAIL RETIGIOUS FOI]NDATION INCt REV DON SrMOt{:rON, 19 VATL ROAD, Description: RSNOVATION OF EXISTING CHAPEL occupancy: A3 A3 I}pe ConstrucEion: T:4)e Occupancy: co 81"657 vArr, co 81557 Clean-up approved am()unt +{0,' Valuation:785, 000 Fir.plac. rnformalion: Rcstrictscdl *of oaa APPlienc6s: ,f*rrrrrr***r.lrt***t*t***i**ttt*tttt*ttttttttl*itt****t*tt* FEE sItul4ARY add sa ffi1s *Of 6aE IJogE:wood/Ps11.t ! rt i* * r * *r 'r * * !r * * * t r * * i * t:.rt * t* i, * * * t t* t tr tt * 'rt * rt t tJ t !r'a * a t * t -oo Totsa1 ca]culatcd Fecs---> 6,S95.0o 4oo. OO Additsional Fees---------> -00 .OO Totaf Pcroits Pee--------> 5,995.00 750. oo PayEcncs-- -_ _-_ ..'.'"'.';;;..;;;;;;;;;;*';;;;".'."'.'i;rrrrTff';;;;;;;';;;;"'*'.";::". O3l15l2OOO JRM ACT,iON: NOTE PLANS TO GARY-o1'/21'/266d xetlrv Aaaiot' NotE Srr'/FD srRucrs/MEcH To GG 04'/2872000 GGOODELL, Action: APPRi€am;'68460-FiIfrfrffro DEPEiirr'{E-nT- Dept: PLANNING Division: 6al16l2000 JRt4 Actsion: NorE Pr,ANs ro BRENT 6g71672000 Jnu AcE,ion: NorE RERoITTED To DoMINrg-- 61721'/2000 I(ATHY .A,CI,iON: NOTE STAIT'IPED ARCIIS TO DOM 04'/26/2000 DOMINIC Actsion: APPRitam" o5e oo-Fins-DspARfl,lEvi ---- Dept: FrRE Division: o3/L6/2O00 iIRM Actsion: NOTE PLANS TO EIRE647047266o KAfirY Act.ion: NorE FrRE PRotr/DET To McGEE O4'/2L'/20o0 MIKE M AcEion: APPR appvdirhm;'o55oo--Dtlsrfc womS-- Dept: PI1B woRK Division:oin6l2000 Jrut Actsion: APPR PLANS To LEoNARD OS7157ZOOO URM AcE,ion: NOTE PI,AIiIS ROUTED NOT APPR 04'/28/2OOO GGOODELL Act,ion: eArIC ; ;' ;.;. ;. ;;; ;;";;;;; ;;;;;;;. ;;;;;' ;:' ;;;;.;;; . DECI,ARATIONS I harcby ackaovlodge that I hawc rs.d thj,r -trplicaLion, fillod ou€ in lull eh€ inforoation required, co$Pl6tsed an .ccuratc Plob 3.48o.00 RcgLuarart Plan Revictt_ - > 2.262.OO DRB Fee-------- .0o Rccreagion Fee----------> 3.oo c16rn-OpDeEo6its--------> TOV/Comm. Dev. Deposit f-<-- Refund plan, and etate that alr the inf orna"t"nQ"ru.u a6 required iE corlect. r agree tso lt" "rrn the infor[ation Uo corqrly r,'ich all Totrn ordinance6 and Etate 1ae6, and tso build tshis structure aceording tso Ehe To!.n'g zoning and codc6, dc€lign r6\ri6tr apptoved, Ultiforn Building Codc and oEher ordinances of the totn appl-icable tsherelo. and plot Pla., Eubdivlsion REerrEsrs FoR rrspEcrroNs 'sm!L ge uADa rwEr$Ty-FouR HouRs rN ADvANCE By rELBeHoNE or-gs-ztzg@ry ouB-ojerrcn pRo g:0O Al,t S:O0 g€nd cLcan-I4) Dclto6it To: J.L.VrELE cONsT ****:r**:t************************************************************************ PermiE #: B00-0024 * ** *** * * * * * * ******* *** ********** * ** ** ** **** ** * * **** * *** * **** t * *** *** * * * * * **** * * * CONDITIONS as of 05/t7/00 Status: ISSIIED Applied: 03/L6/2000 Issued: 05/L7/2000 To Expiret LL/L3/2000 PCTMiE T)4PC: ADD/AIT COMM BUILD PERMT ApplicanC: iI .L. VrELE CONSTRUCTION 970-475-3082 Job Address: Location: 19 vArL RD Parcel No: 2101--071-09-001 VAII., VILLAGE FILING : Descriptsion: RBNOVATION OF EXISTING CHAPEL Conditions:1. FIRE DEPART!{ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. 3. SHAKES MUST BE FIRE-RETARDAI.IT-TREATED & ROOF ASSEMBLY MUST MEET UBC REoUTREMEITTS FOR A CT,ASS "C1' ASSEMBLY. I,ABELS FROM SHAKE BI]NDtES CERTTFYING CI-'ASS NgN AREAT'TIEIiI1T MUST BE AVAII.ABLE FOR INSPECTOR TO VERIFY ON SITE. 4. ELEVATOR PERMIT REQUIRED FROM NWCCOG EI.,EVATOR INSPECTION PROGRAM. 5. PLEASE HAVE SUB-COI TRACTORS OBTAIN SEPARATE PERMITS FOR AI.ARM, EI,EETRICAL, FIRE SPRINKLERS, MECHANIEA]-, & PI,IJMBING AS APPLICABLE. 6. PLEASE COORDINATE WITH ITIE F'IRE DEPT. ON SHOP DRAWINGS, INSPECTIONS, ETC. FOR ALARM & FIRE SPRINKT,ER ITIORK. COtiITAef MIKE MCGEE OR MIKE VAUGIAN AT 479-2L35. 'il;#1,'',5",:,1nl:llil;J'tlf ,' vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 uerrel@F TRANsnfl[TTAt (970) 476-3082 DArE 3/ts/* l"'* zozV ATTENTION "'Uac latt&,Fttt rd cht@ Penbltnoa/ (6yQ4s4t1 fl O€tt5Lo"*toOf ?tS*l or /rltu IAttached Under seoarate cover via tr tr E Plans TO WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Prints E Change order n Samples the following items: E Specificationstr Shop drawings n Copy of letter coPrEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION I a lB/*Etzaoasa Mtotr t#?u anzoat v ilztla BBan< Boh;t^v /er +AfZa rA:u'+z /.4tb - 94'(ftr4 67fuxszlaU Pa,l,rtS t, l7cft.lr$ote fr4PS ,t 6(aJt/o+L ft+a>s -l( THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: K For approval I For vour use ! As requested n For review and ! FOR BIDS DUE commenr REMARKS n U n ! Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! Resubmit -copies for approval ! Submit - cooies lor distribution n Return - corrected prints 19 - ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US 74€ Fut**tza,o. //& 4etatd L6 5tFMaun64) .+r 7z16 be @-EL euct 6a) u€ (ex-l ?AU&-. fu*tcl.>o73 COPY TO It enclosures are not as noled, kindly notlly us at onc.e' THlz+Y- tdS SIGNED: o TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AP o PLIC INFORMATION MUST BE COIIIPLETE OR TEI, APPLICATION WILL BE REIECIET' ATION FORM Contad the Ea@e CoW Assassoc Ofra at 970-326-E640 for Pareel * Pucet# 2lot- 07t- O.r-oot Dare: Tltsloo Permit# JobNane: V*t tpten+,7H CH4EL t€.@u4lrd lobAddrcss:tct U4tc @ au'nrnglQ ,o'," V.{. Jt subdivision PRrqq 'oo v( Legal Descri6ioc In Plumbing( ) 1- 'r,J Block t El€ctical ( )Mechanical ( )Othcr( ) owrr;isvare: V+L 26uC toos fo4. Address:17 Y4a Folo w* qa-ac/o w ?Q-52@ Descripio of Job:kmaotloo F Alosrfi 4#6L Wort Class: New ( ) Nrmbcr of Dwclling Units: Nurnber and TyF of Firgplaces: Gas Appliances BUII,DING: $78sw Alteration |()Additional QQ Repair( ) Numb€r of Accommodatiotr Udts: GasLogs Other( ) Wood/Pcllet PLUMBING $ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTIIER $ TOTAL S Town of Vait Rcgistrrion No. Plumbins Contnctor: Torm of Vail Regisrcion No. Mcchrnicrl Cotrtnctor: Town of Vail Registation No. Phone# '7ft-)Oo<- Address: Phone # Address: Phooe # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIG}.IATURE: .r^* u, orr*r, ^rrun ro, T.,L. Ot&--€ @tnt2d c r7aat, r,e_. Gcuerer contrector T.t . WeU Carrya et!*t**, /w S,&1)'744:@,U,t{'^b I ,/a57 TovmofVailRegiruatronxo. /ffi'A Electric4 Contrrctor: 17(-7oez o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acloowlcdged by: .t ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLY REGISTERED WTnI THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PTJBLIC WORKS AND COMMUMTYDEVELOPEMENT TANUARY I, 1999 CONS1RUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 92-10: DIFOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYS PROFTRTTED A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to zubsection C ftereoi it is unlav/fuI for any person to lit€r, track or deposit, or calse to be littered, trackd or depositd san4 gravel, rocks, rnr4 dirt snoq icg or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof, B. Noticq Abatement The Director of Public Works rnay notifr and require any person wb violates or caurcs another to violate the provision of zubsection A hereof, or who bas in the Director's employment a person who violates or caus€s another to violare &e same' t4 r€move such xn4 gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice or any ottrer dcbris or rnaterial within tweffy four (2a) houn after receip of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event tie person so ndified does nd comply with the notice within the period of time herein specifie4 the Director of Public Worla, or other auftoriz"d aSent, mny cal$e any such sand gravel rocls, mu4 dirt, snow, ice, debris or any othsr md€rial to be removed from any stneet or alley atthe opeose of the notified. C. Exceptioas: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: I . Withh thc immcdiate area of any oonstruction, maintenance or repair project of any street or all€y or of any water main, sewer main, elecricity line, gas line, telephone line or rmy appurtpnance ttrereto; 2. Ts deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or .depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal providgd in subsection B above, any person who violatcs or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Torrn for said violations, and upon being found guiltyofaviolafionhereunderbepunishedas providedin Section l4-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlalvftl for any p€non to fail or refirse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Worla as provided in subsection B hereof, and any zuch person sball, in addition to payment of the oryense of removal incuned by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereoi upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punisbable as provided in Section l4-l of dhis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) ,flr/^4ctufrr"- Coofuoz'J fMevWPosition or Relationship to Ptoject: Ito^". Vlt5f o (ie. contractor on owner) ,IVWN OFVAIL Dcpartnant of Comnuity Dcvelopment 75 Sowh fiontagc Road VaiL Cobrudo E1657 970479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 BUILI'ING PERIIIIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME Ifthis perrrit requires a Toqm of Vail Fire Depaftneut App.oval' Engineer's (hrblic Wotls) review and apprwal, a Planning D€paftnent rEview of Health Departm€tf rpvi€w, and a review by the Building Departn€nfi, the estimated tim€ for a total rwiew may take as lcng as tbr€€ (3) weeks. All commercial (largc or snall) and all multi-ftmily permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremens. R€sidsntial and small projects should take a lesser asrqrnt of time. Howwer, if resid€fitiat or unaller projects imPact thc various above medioned departurents with regard to necessary rqriew, these projccts may atso take the three (3) week p€riod. Every altempt will be made by ttis d€pa$nent to expedite this permit as soon as possible' I, the undenigne4 qnderstand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also rmderstand tbat if the permit is nd picked up by the orpiration date,'tbat I must still pay the Plan check Fee and that if I ftil to do so it roay affect future permits tbat I apply for' Ag€edtoby: PrcjectNane: It T.rorA. Sl6la ii Wort Sbeet was turnei imo fre Community DweloPtnentDept tp*,uo roB NAME: vfru rtt9fr+ttl* ctw& M/'{+tot) laDArE: ?ltS l* PLEASE A}TSWER THE FOLLOWING QTJESTIONNAIRE REGARDING THE NEED FOR A .PUBLIC WAY PERMT': l. 2. J. 4. 5. 6.Is any drainage wo{}ing done tbat affects the Rigbt'of-Way, eirsenents, or public property? YES_ NO_A_ Is a?svocable Right-of-Way Pernit" reSuired? YES Nox- TO: FROM: DATE: RE: . MENIORANDUM AIJ, CONTRAC'TORS TOWN OF VAIL PIJBLIC WORKS IANUARY I,1999 WITEN A ?UBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQTJIRED k this anew rcsid€occ? YES NOx_ Is demolition work bcing perforned tbat reqries the use of the Right-of-Way, casem€nts c public poperty? YES- NO-|S.- Isuyutilityworkneedcd? YES Is tbc drivcnray being rc,Paved? Is a diffcreot access needed to the site other rhtn the e)dsting driveway? YES NOX._ A. Is the Rightd-w.g/, eascments or public poperty to be used for saging, parking or fencing? YES NO A B. II' NO to EA is-a par*ing *aging or fencing plan requircd by Community Dweloprnent? No x- - No-x- 7. 8. NO_ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a ?ublic Way Permit" mst be obtained. 'Public Way Perurit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofrce or at Conmmity DerrelopmenL If yor have ary questions ptease call Leonard Sandoval from Public Wo*s at 479'219E. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. g.t-.Ueg canA2az9c_yl Cotrhactor SigDaturE CompanyName oo Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Vail Interfaith Chapel hoject Description: Building modifications to existing chdpel building and revised parking and landscaping Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Interfaith Chape. ArchitecUConact, Address and Phone: Mark Donaldson, PO Box 5300, Avon, CO 81620 Project Street Address: 19 Vail Road Legal Description: Tract J, Block T,YailVillage ld Filing Parcel Nrunber: Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Pierce Seconded by: Cahill Vote:5-0 Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date:3/l/00 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved 1. That the parking lot issues be worked out with staff.2. That the two windows on the new angled wall and the window on the elevator shaft be changed to match the main chapel building. DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 DEPARII4ENT OF COMMT'NITT DEVBLOPIT{EI.ITTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2L39 APPI.'ICAIIT CONTRAqTOR OWNER NCIIB: fiIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/AI.,L BUDG. iIOb AddTESE: 19 VAIIJ RD Locatsion...: 19 vArL RD Parcel No.. : 2101-071-09-001 Project No. : PRiI99-0041 co ON JOBSITE AT AJ,L TIMES Permit #: D00-0011 SEaEus...: ISSIIED Applied..: 03/\L/2O0O ri-sued. . ., 03/3t/2o0oExpires..: 09/27/2000 iI.IJ. VIETJE CONSTRUqTION 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD W, #202, VA]t., iI .IJ. VIEIJB CONSTRUCIION 1000 s FRol[rAGE R.D W, #202, VArt VAIL, REIJIGIOUS FOITNDATION INC co Phone: 81557 Phone: 8L657 970-476-3082 970-476-3082 DescripEion: DBMO IN LIBU OF BLDG PERMIT OccupancY:q/pe ConsEructsion: Type Occupancy: 92 amount Not in Lablet date 5,000 Add Sq Ft: 92 A3 *of O.. Applirnc66:*Of Ors Logl:*Of, Wood/P.ll.t: Item: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTI,IEI\TT -Dqp!-:-,8-gILDING Division: g i If, 1 / a g g g ;tctstril;"E5 i3fti,,ffi 6i i"_"i:y:_ :EE;fl , gil*,n, *n D iv i s i on : 9iz;,i1/3g88;-$ffi;;;tfiHg$i *Fn o1 wrrrr DoMr$[! ,r*, Division: 9l{Ai/egg8o*BffiIr" wttk}o", APP| N/.1 Depr: pnB woRK Division: 0lltL/2o00 KATIIY Action:-APPB Nrartbm: 05700 Etvt/rRot.rt'{HNtEI-'HEAi-,rH "'." Dept: HEALTH Division: t RE\r DoN srMoNroN, 1e vArL RoAD, uolbtt/c6.fr7n. oev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved .P l6D,- I'r4re Ihz_ Valuation: Pl,r.pl.cc hfomrgion: R..grlct.d: rrlttttti****tt+t***tt'rrrrrtif FBE SUMUARY tr*trr*rrrr*rttrtit*rrttittitrt Buildlng-----> ,5.00 R..turrant Plen R'vlGtt--> 'oo Tot'l calculatscd F'c6---> 259'75 Pl.n check---> 51.7s DRE F..-------- 'o0 Addirionrt Pce!---------> '0o hwc.ligabion> .00 R.cttacion Fr.----------> 'oo Tocal PrftLt Fc'--------> 299'75 witl c.ll----> !.oo cl.rn-ttlt Dcpo6ic--------> loo'oo PayltrantsF-------- 259'7s TOTAL FEES----- 299'75 BnL NcB DUE---- '0o rrrr'rrittra.riiatlJatatiiirttitatiittl'r'rrtitrtta ita'riatttirttt DepL: CLERK Division: tattrrltlt.ftr,t*r at!' r r ' r 't 'r tt t tt r see Page 2 of this DocumenL for any condiEions thau may apply Eo this permit' DECLARATIONg t h.r.by rcknorl.dg. tshr! r hrv. !.sd Ehle rppllc.cion, fill.d our ln full gh. lnforution rrquircd, cotq)l'Lcd an rccurrct Ploc Flln, .nd Etatc lhac ill !h. inforortLon provLded aE r.quLred L. corr.ct. r .gree !o coEr,ly xlth tsh' lnforortlon 'nd plots phn' Eo co[E ly xlEh .].t Torn ordln|mc.r and.!ata f.rr, .nd tso butld chj,. .lructsur. according Eo tsh' To n't zonlng rna subdlvl'lon cod... d.rtgm r.vt.r .pprov6d, Unl,forn Bullding Coa. .nd otsh.r ordinanccs of Ehr lloun rppliclblc Ch'rcto' RBeuEETs aoR r[spBcrro!{a sHAt L Br t{aDB TtfENry-FouR HouRs rN AD\'ANCE By rBLsPHoxE AT /t?9-2139 oR Aa ouR oPFrcB PRotl 8:00 AJ'l 5:00 Plt *********************:r************************************t*************!t******* CONDITIONS Permlt #: D00-0011 a6 of 03/3L/oo status: ISSUED *!r*****:l******************tr****************************:l************************ Send Cl6rn-UP D.po.le To: J.L. VIEIE ilob Address: L,ocatsion: Parce1 No: PermiE $pe: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Rpplicant: il.t. vrELE CONSTRUSTToN 970-476-3082 APPIled: 03/3L/2OOOiisued' 03/3L/2000 To E:qrirez 09/27/2000 19 VAIL RD 2LO]--07L- 09 -001 DescripEion: DBMO IN LIEU OF BLDG PERMIT Conditsions: l_.IS PERMIT GOOD FICA IS E, FIREVDEPARTMBIiII AT- 47 9 -225O . FIRE DEPARITI{ENT APPROVAI-, 1S REQUIRED BEFORE A}IY WORK CAIiI BE STARTED IF TI{ERE IS A FIRE AI.ARM OR SPRINKI,ER SYSTEM EXIST- ING IN TIIE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION. THIS WILL PREVENT FAIJSE AI.ARMS. FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE RSQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPLIAI{CE. tffi ARlItfENr Nr 479-22 2. AppucArrorrL n- r, AccEprED rF *connffi:Irru$.& \ ^_^ ,?Hlglo,Lffi,,J Dsno TWfiUV& 75 S. Frontege Rd. Vall, Cobndo 81657 rre required for dectricel, plumbing, mechenicet*tc.t fw?arcef# Ztot-s71: :ob *ame!- vA', t"m;f-ffi-Jobprcss: /q U&u 4o,tO resarDescdption I Ld: J- | Bbcr. 7 | rime, Vlt. j{ lsuoo,rrrion, ownetsftlame:y411 fu@q /+tc po4a Phone:126-6Oto arcnF+to#P Phonet qqE-EZoo \fr:awzoa nta.ryu-Mdrw:gay rgql lLbn CE,Phone: qW-?i%g Detailed descri@n d work /ttt&Z& @nott non WorkCJas: New( ) Mdiuon( ) renrodet(L$pirt I oemo$(_ Other( ) Does an EHU edstatthb location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Tvpcofgdg.:slngle-famllv()Two-faoriv()Mutu-famfly()commedat ()Resraurart()otrer0( No. of Accommodation Units in thb building: N,o/Tvoe of Fircplaces Edstinq: Gas Apdiane ( ) Gas Loss ( ) w@d/Pdht ( ) Wood Bumino ( No/TvoeofFireolacesProoosed:GasAppliances( ) GasLoss( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBuminoftOTAl.tOWED) Does a Firc Alarm EdsB Yes 9d 1{o ( OOMPLETE VALUATIO]IS FOR, BUILDI]IG PERI'IIT (lAbOr &, T{AIETIAIS) BUITDING: gy fOU. s ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAT: $TOTAL: $ REFI.JND CLEANI.JP DEPOSIT TO: OIITRACTOR IIIFORMArIOil lasl€tE Ce14;T - tdc Rrct*t *l.6tg 4Yjo?z tattt*a*a*altttlttl*a***ttt*tt**t F:/a€rlonc/tbrffi/udepcrm A6t6".(r @- iFt. QeE +1WIEPP//4C*.r*i.FOR OFFICE USE Ol{LYr*rr * I *** **r...t*ri*r.. **r..r*r*. i.rr L2/ Zo/ $U 1.i9: ztt u9,u t4l u0 r Boo-oe{var"\nffi- 4trE r 20E o NlrL:C0c NVCCOG Elevator Irupection Program Mc: To: Frw: /3-/J-aa GA,/Z{ Gd06tt faulart VAtz nu*Kiliat tubie*t: P,oiecrl'tarc VA/t /t/EPFAir{ C(a.?ft tr ElcnrtorPlanRcvicw $n"rmtt"* udlnryeclm Inccion /f VA,L fuAA V&/L cL f,/af,7 /vaoaG r{yDlZ*atrc frstArceZ D Thc planr have beon rwiewcd ud frud to codbrm to all applicSh Al'lSI f 7.l and UBC codcs. K fm a6nto/cd*d|tFat 6c above locstion was inrpccted aod testcd on /3 -t2-oa urr: tr TENIPORARY Ccrtificatehasb€qt iscucd- il-fntlAf nmcalm Ccrtificac hs bc€n is$cd./- Cmeds: sienuq fl"^l C,/q" PerrritNurr$g EloaorType \cip\planftrsp..rm Jrrl&{ t*ltn |'lArltl.& a3..t FrcUlCt0t nffi mlrlfd*-,__o Monroe A Newtrltenfefrtlo b- I'lrihi,.-*.-a**H.':il!l| ^ L_J__i_L-".-!_- Boo _ooav 9t00l9tt6 I-r$ f_G/U F{|! * r4ru r.h#qiffib <Jt PB- . I<r- n* (o.zj.o-a $.leU rtTltO Commu onity Development Plan Rou Form Approved -X-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions oting Routed To:Greg Hall, Tom Kassmel or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Return To:Allison Date Routed:5/10/00 Return By:5/11/00 Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: hoject Description: Vail Interfaith Chapel This is the final set of parking layout and landscaping plans for the project approved last year. The changes are in front ofthe Building. Boulder wall detail must be detailed showing a maximum height of 4' or it will have to be stamped. Silt fence should be completely out of Floodplain. Date received: 4-26-00 Reviewed by: Tom Kassmel Date reviewe d,: 4-26-00 F:\EVERYOITT\DRIP\ROUTING\98ROUT\.G\PLr'BLICWO\1 MASTER.FRIT,I Corruty Development Plan Rou Irrng Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Tom Kassmel or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Retum To:Dominic Date Routed:4t26t00 Reflrn By:4/26/00 hojectName: Project Address: hoject Legal: Project Description: Vail Interfaith Chapel This is the final set ofparking layout and landscaping plans for the project approved last year. The changes are in front ofthe Building. Approved -X-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions The 100 year floodplain has not been modified. It is my opinion that according to the most recent FEMA Floodplain maps (1985), that the floodplain line that is shown should be modified. Please modify or submit a signed, stamped letter stating that it is in the correct location. The updated site plan should be resubmitted along with the Landscape plan. All pertinent infonnation is not shown on the Landscape plan. Please indicate the limits of new curb and gutter. Note at driveway entrances should note that pavers will meet new/existing back ofcurb not a valley pan. Concrete curb transition to inlet should have a minimun of a 6" wide concrete curb cut behind the inlet. Large tree on the south side between the two parking areas should be moved back or replaced with a low shrub to allow it to remain as a snow storage area. Tree at southern most point on the south entrance island should be moved out of the line of sight for adequate sight distance. Limits of disturbance and soil erosion control fence should be moved to the south at the eastem end to allow for construction of the boulder wall. Please note on plans that heated drive will have separate zones within the Town of Vail's right of way. Date received: 4-26-00 Reviewed bv: Tom Kassmel Date reviewed: 4-26-00 Fr\EVERYONE\DRIP\ROUTING\98ROUING\PIJBLICWO\lMASIERJRM $:i{rt;, Department of Cotnmunity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 April26, 2000 Tom Owens Mark Donaldson PO Box 5300 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Vail Chapel Plans Dear Mark: In review of the latest revised landscape plan, the Public Works department has outstanding concerns that were discussed previously. The following must be addressed: L The 100 year floodplain has not been modified. It is Tom Kassmel's opinion that according to the most recent FEMA Floodplain nraps (1985), that the floodplain line that is showu should be modified. Please modifu or submit a signed, stamped letter stating that it is in the correct location. The updated site plan should be resubmitted along with the Landscape plan. All pertinent informafion is not shown on the Landscape plan. Please indicate the limits of new curb and gutter. Note at driveway entrances should note that pavers will meet nedexisting back of curb not a valley pan. Concrete curb transition to inlet should have a minimum of a 6" wide concrete crub cut behind the inlet. Large tee on the south side between the two parking areas should be moved back or replaced with a low shrub to allow it to remain as a snow storage area. Tree at southem most point on the south entrance island should be moved out of the line of sight for adequate sight distance Limits of disturbance and soil erosion control fence should be moved to the south at the eastern end to allow for constuction of the boulder wall. ) 3. 4. 5. 6. {p "'n"uo" 'uo . 'o 8. Please note on plans that heated drive will have separate zones within the Toum of Vail's right of way. If you have any questions, please call Tom Kassmel at 479-2169. Chief of Planning c: Tom Kassmel, Project Engineer -"' --' ^ -\r t TOWI,IOFVAIL Department of Comnunity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Apil22,1999 Mark Donaldson, AIA Victor Mark Donaldson Architects PO Box 5300 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Vail Interfaith Chapel, Track J, Block 7, Vail Village l$, 19 Vail Road Dear Mark: The plans submitted for the remodel and addition were approved conceptually by the Desigrr Review Board @RB) on April 21 st. The approval included the site plan as submitted with the condition that Public Works concerns be addressed. However, prior to fural approval, the plans will need to include new desigrr elevations and drawinls of the facade change that is proposed for the inside corner (northeast comer) of the building. The plans should be submitted by May 4h for the May 5m DRB meeting Please feel free to contact me at 970-479-2140 ifyou have any questions.W Senior Planner {gu"otto" ro DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINALAGENDA Wednesday, April 21, 1999 3d)0 P.M. PUBLIC IIEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Departrnent Clark Brittain BillPierce Melissa Greenauer SITEVTSITS iIEMBERS ABSENT Hans Woldrich 1. Vail Interfaith Chapel - 19 Vail Road2. Marriott - 715 W. Lionshead Circld3. Grand Traverse - 1800 Lionsridge Loop4. PlaEl-232 E. Meadow Drive FfLt c0Py 12:00 pm 2d)0 pm MEIIBERS PRESENT PUBUC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Swearing in of new DRB member Melissa Greenauer and reappointed DRB member Bill Pierce Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk. 2. Election of 1999 Ghair-Glark Brittrain 1999 Vice.Chair- Bill Pierce 3. The Marriot (Lionshead) - Conceptual review of a major elderior alteration George and construction of a new interval ownership club. 715 W. Lionshead Circle / Marriot Mark. Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Corporation, represented by East-West Parlners and Gwathmey-Pratt CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Henkes residence -Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence. Allison 2824 Snowberry Drive I Lol 17, Block g, Intermountain. Applicant: Andrew Henkes, represented by Steven James Riden CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 5. Timber Falls Condominiums - Construction of a new condominium building. 4469 Meadow Drive / Lot 19. Timber Falls Condominiums. Applicant: Bluffs at Timber Falls, LLC Dominic MOTION: BillPierce CONSENT APPROVED SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 3-0 1,:i* ' :, tl:1 .l " ''t '4 - 6. Platz'l Bar - Outdoor dining area. - George 232 E. Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C, Block 5D, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant: Johannes Faessler MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE:3{ GONSENTAPPROVED 7 . Grand Traverse Lot 16 - Conceptual review of a new single-family residence. George 1 800 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 16, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision. Applicant: Dauphinais-Moseley Construction CONCEPTUAL.NO VOTE 8. Westhaven Club & Lodge - Final review of a proposed new Fractional Fee Club George and employee housing prolect. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby RobinsonMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL IIAY 5, 1999 9. Vail Interfaith Chapel- Remodel/addition at existing facility. Jetf 19 Vail Hoad / Lot J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architects CONGEPTUAL- NO VOTE 10. Waterhouse residence - New garage Jeff 285 Forest Roacl/Lot 20, BlockT, Vail Village 1s. Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven Riden MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE:3-0 TABLED UNTIL MAV 5, 1999 11. Shaper residence - Review of a new garage Jeff 2645 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13"'. Applicant: Steve Shaper MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE:3-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 5, 1999 12. Golden Peak Ski Base - Construction of a skier tunnel. Jetf 458 Vail Valley Drive / Tract B, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant: VailAssociates MOTION: BillPierce SECOND:Melissa Greenauer VOTE:3-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 5, 1999 Staff Aporovals . Slifer Smith & Frampton Vail Associates Real Estate -Awning sign. Brent 143 E. Meadow Drive/Crossroads East, Applicant: SSFVARE Rojas residence - Eave/overhang erctension. 100 East Meadow Drive, Unit f331A/ail Village Inn Plaza. Applicant: Alejandro Rojas Malott residence - Window addition. 770 Potato Patch #5 /ail Potato Patch. Applicant: Perry & Gail Malott Perry residence - Additional 15 sq. ft. to existing residence. 758 Potato Patch/Lot 5, Block 2, Potato Patch. Applicant: Tony and Teri Perry Precourt - Interior conversion. 328 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 1s. Applicant: Jay and Molly Precourt Roost Lodge - Dumpster enclosure. 1793 N. Frontage Road WesVLots 10-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Rodney Cotton Scorpio Condominiums - Revised landscape plan. 131 S. Frontage Road WesULot D-l, VailVillage 2* Filing. Applicant ScorpioCondominiumAssociation Fricker residence - Bay window and room addition. Allison 1370 Sandstone Drive #9/Lot G3, Lions Ridge 2no. Applicant: Helmut Fricker Pownell residence-Deck addition to dormer on west side. Jeff 267 Rockledge RoacUParcel C, Resub of lots 14-1 7, Block 7, Vail Village 1$. Applicant: Dick & Mary Pownell Webb residence * Interior conversion. Brent 1881 Lionsridge Loop #40lLot 1 , Block 3, Lions Ridge #3.Applicant John Webb Reeman/Randall residence - Exterior deck expansion. Brent 2865 Snowberry Drive/Lot 2, Block g, Vail Intermountain. Applicant Clive Reeman & Louise Randall The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project plannefs office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. S(;n language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Brent Brent Allison Allison Dominic Dominic April 19, 1999 Department of Community Development Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 OO48 E B EAV ER CREEK BLvD Surre 207 Box 5300 AvoN, C0 81620 970.949.5200 vmd@voil.net FAx.9q9'5205 Re:DRB Submittal Vail Interfaith Chapel Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village 1" Filing 19 Vail Road The attached revised site plan is provided in response to your March 22, 1999 Letter in review of the Design Review Application for the above project. Responses to your March 2, 1999 letter are enumerated below in sequence to rhe reference letter. Item #1: The parking lot is designed and has been revised to provide functional parking. Item #2: A significant portion of the existing landscaping is remaining along Vail Road. Item #3: Grading has been indicated along the walkway between the Church and the new Ministry Center. Item #4: There are no new colors or materials proposed for this project [Please refer to our original application at which it was indicated exterior colors and materials will match the existing building.l I believe this package is a complete response to the comments from the Design Review Board on April 7, 1999, your letter dated March 9, 1999 and in accordance with Town of Vail requirements. Please confirm the inclusion of this proposed project on the April 21, 1999 Design Review Board hearing agenda. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at the phone number noted on this letterhead. Project Manager Enclosures: Three [3] Sets Revised Site PIan R Ltr04l90l.98l6.doc Filf coPYT0Wl:{ 0FVAIL Department of Cotnmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 April9, 1999 Mark Donaldson, AIA Victor Mark Donaldson Architects PO Box 5300 Avon, CO 81620 Re:Vail lnterfaith Chapel, Track J, Block 7, Vail Village l"', 19 Vail Road Dear Mark: The plans submitted for the remodel and addition were reviewed conceptually by the Desigrr Review Board (DRB) on April 7'h. The following items need to be addressed l0 days prior to the final review by the DRB. The proposal is currently scheduled for final review on April 21 . The next DRB meeting is scheduled for May 5'n. Copies of the new plans need to be submitted for review. The plans need to address the comments of the March 22'd letter as well as the comments from the DRB, which follow. A landscape plan should be submitted indicating existing vegetation, and what the proposed vegetation will be. The trees on the north side should be preservgd as much as possible, even if it mean sacrificing parking spaces. All new windows need to match the existing window sfyle, including the large west facing windows. Plans for the addition need to be submitted. Finally, please bring samples of colors and materials for any exterior changes to the building. Please feel free to contact me at970-479-2140 ifyou have any questions.W Senior Planner {gon"uoruo FILE COPYTOWT,IOFVAIL Department of Commwity Development 75 South honnge Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 March22, 1999 Victor Mark Donaldson Architects PO Box 5300 AvonCO 81620 Re: Vail Interfaith Chapel, Track J, Block 7, Vail Village 1", 19 Vail Road To Whom It May Concern: The plans submitted for the remodel and addition have been reviewed by the Desigrr Review Team. The following items need to be addressed l0 days prior to the final review by the Design Review Board (DRB). The proposal is currently scheduled for frnal review on April 21, although a conceptual review on April 7 may occur if you'd like. The parking lot that fronts Vail Road needs to be re-designed so that the parking spaces are functional. The spaces as proposed would not allow easy vehicle access. Landscaping needs to remain along Vail Road. This would eliminate the two eastern parking spaces. Grading needs to be shown for the walkway to the nodhwest of the church. Finally, please bring samples of colors and materials for any exterior changes to the building. Please feel free to contact me at 970-479-2140 ifyou have any questiong. Sincerely, Senior Planner €p**o DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, March 1, 2000 3:00 P.M. MEETING RESULTS PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department IIEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSiENT Clark Brittain BillPierce Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Doug Cahill (PEC) S]TE VISITS1. Darby Vail ll-3847 Lupine Drive2. Myhren - 760 Potato Patch3. GLOB - 1000 S. Frontage Rd. West4. lllig - 706 West Forest Rd.6. VAC - 352 E. Meadow Drive Driver:Allison 0{g ,r- ^. " 11:30 am 1:30 pm PUBUC HEARING. TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Gillette residence - Final review of a new single family residence. 2780 Kinnickinnick #1 1i Lot 11, Innsbruck Meadows. Applicant: Brian Gillette MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND:Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 5-0 1. That the lighting on the property shall comply with the Town Code.2. That utility meters shall be enclosed or screened from public view. 3. That a revocable right-of-way permit shall be obtained prior to building permit Due to improvements including the proposed landscaping and sprinkler System upon existing easements.4. That the materials, construction details, and colors shall match the other buildings In the lnnsbruck Meadows development utilizing approved color scheme #1. 5. That the chimney shall be battered to the same degree as others in the lnnsbruck Meadows development. 2.BannerAy'olbracht residence - Final review of addition and exterior modifications. 2930 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 1 , Block 3, Vail Village 1 l'h Filing. Applicant: John Perkins MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Doug Cahill APPROVED WITH 5 CONDITIONS: 3:00 pm Ann Brent VOTE: 4-1 (Pierce opposed) 1. The deck stairs at the south elevation will be placed at alternating angles in order to break up the "mirror image" appearance. 2. The windows on the north elevation will be mulled into one contiguous unit.3. The roof shingle color will be '\ileathered wood." 4. Please provide spot elevations for the proposed new parking areas on the site plan. 5. Please show the limits of disturbance fence and erosion control extended all the way around the site. 3. lllig residence - Conceptual review of extended eltry and trash enclosure. Allison 706 W. Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6'" Filing. Applicant: cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Vail Chapel- Final review of revised parking, landscaping and building Dominic improvements. 1 9 Vail Road/Portion of Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Vail Intertaith ChaPel MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:5-0 1. That the parking lot issues be worked out with statf.2. Thai the two windows on the new angled wall and the window on the elevator shaft be changed to match the main chapel building. 5. MckibbenMalker residence - Final review of a residential remodel. Brenl 5095 Main Gore Drive/Lot 28, Vail Meadows #1. Applicant: The McKibben family, represented by RKD TABLED UNTIL MARCH 13, 2OOO 6. Darby Vail ll- Final review of Primary/Second.ary residence. Allison 3847 Lupine Drive / Lot 7, Block 1 , Bighorn 1"'. Applicant: Jim Loftus et.al., represented by The Mulhern Group Ltd. MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WTTH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. A permit from the Army Corps of Engineers must be submitted at building permit 2. A mitigation plan for the large trees at the northwest corner of the lot must be submitted at building permit. 3. Approximately 50 sq. ft. of GRFA must be removed. 7. Myhren residence - DRB determination of staff interpretation of dormer Allison additions with regard to interior conversions. 760 Potato PatchiLot 5, Block 1, vail Potato Patch Filing 1. Applicant BillJoseph MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa GreenauerVOTE: 5-0 DENIED. STAFF INTERPRETATION UPHELD 8. Antlers - Final review of exterior building materials. George 680 W. Lionshead Pl./ Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVineMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL MARCH 13, 2OOO 9. Vail Athletic Club - Gonceptual review for redevelopment. George 352 East Meadow Drive/A part of Tract 3, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Applicant: VML, L.L.C., represented by Tom Braun TABLED UITITIL MARCH 13, 2OOO 10. Glen Lyon Office Building - Proposed major amendment to Special Development District #4 George 1000 S. Frontage Road West, (Cascade Village/ Lot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects TABLED UNTIL MARCH 13,2OOO 11. Vail Plaza Hotel- Final review. George 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N, & O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Waldir Prado, Daymer Corporation TABLED UNTIL MARCH 15.2OOO Statf Aoorovals Deevy residence - Addition and remodel, Ann 736 Forest Roacl/Lot 11, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n Filing. Applicant: Brian and Caryn Deevy Gillette residence - Addition and window modifications. Allison 1315 Spraddle Creek Road/Lot 12, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: George Gillette Austria Haus - Underground parking garage ventilation. Ann 242 E. Meadow Creeli Drive/Part of-Tiad e , Block 5D, Vail Village 1$ Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Resort Jordon residence - Addition and exterior renovations. Ann 483 Beaver Dam RoadiLot 1, Block 2, Vail Village 6'h Filing. Applicant: John Jordon Statf Denials Fleming residence - New deck. Ann 5032A Snowshoe Lane/Lot 22,Yail Meadows Filing #1. Applicant: Joe and Barbara Fleming The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notitication. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, lor information. Cotrr?nity Development Plan Ro outin g Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Tom Kassmel or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Retum To:Dominic Date Routed:2/3t00 Return By:2/9/00 hojectName: Project Address: hoject Legal: Project Description: Vail Interfaith Chapel This is the final set ofparking layout and landscaping plans for the project approved last year. The ch4nges are in front ofthe Building. Approved -X-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Please provide updated 100 year floodplain. (1985 revision) Provide top and bottom of wall elevations; a PE stamped design detail will be required to be submitted if wall height is greater than four feet. New sidewalk pavers should match back of existing four-foot valley pans. Curb transitions should be moved back so they do not interfere with vehicle turning radii. Paver sidewalk should maintain a minimumwidth of six feet. All grading within the floodplain will require PEC approval, and a floodplain study of post construction impacts must be submitted. (see TOV Development Standards Handbook pg 19) A limits of consffuction fence and proper soil erosion control should be shown on the site plan. All heated areas within the Town of Vail ROW must be on a separate heat zone. Parking space dimensions should be shown as 9'x 19' Date received:2-3-00 Reviewed bv: Tom Kassmel Date reviewed:2-7-00 F:\EVERYONRDRIP\ROUTI{G\98ROUING\PUBLICWO\l MASTER.FRM o fttt coPr Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorad.o 81657 970-479-213 8 FAX 970-479-2452 February 11, 2000 Mark Donaldson PO Box 5300 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Vail Chapel Plans Dear Mark: The Community Development Deparftnent has reviewed the plans submitted for the Vail Chapel. The following corunents must be addressed before being reviewed by the DRB. The project is curently scheduled for the February 16, 2000 DRB meeting, however do to the number of comments which need to be addressed I recommend that you proceed on February 16 as a conceptual review. Please address the following: / 7. Please provide an updated survey with the 100 year flood plain indicated (1985 revision). All improvements should be located outside of the flood plain. Please should flood plain line on site plan. ' 2. Provide top and bottom elevations for all retaining walls. All walls in excess of 4' in height must be stamped by an engineer. 3. New sidewalk pavers should match the back of existing 4' valley pans. Please note otr ptan. '/ 4. Curb tansitions should be moved back so that they do not interfere with vehicle turning radii. 5. The paver sidewalk must maintain a width of at least 6'. t' $. A limits of disturbance/construction fence and proper soil erosion control must be shown on the site plan. /'7 . All heated areas within the TOV right-of-way must be placed on a separate zone. Please {g *nouo ror", note on plan. 8. Parking space dimensions are 9' x 19' unless utilizing compact spaces (up to25Vo of total spaces on-site) which can be 8'x 16'. 9. A portion of the proposed parking spaces encroach into the Town owned stream tract parcel. This encroachment needs to be eliminated. The parking can continue to encroach into the righrof-way. Your desired parking could be accomplished by reducing the size of the planter area and moving the drive aisle to the north or by utilizing compact parking spaces. Please corect the plan accordingly. 10. The parking as shown meets code only if designated as one way traffic. Please indicate a tafiic florv arrow on the site plan. 11. The proposed sip location encroaches on the TOV right-of-way. Signs must be located completely within the boundary of the Chapel propefty. Please move sign to the appropriate location. 12. Clearly indicate which Eees are being removed and those being saved. You should attempt to save any mature trees to the south of the parking lot. 13. Pleaseindicateareasforsnowstorage. Ifdrivewayisheated,anareaequaltol0%ofthe pavement area must be provided. If you have any questions, please call me at479-2148. Chief of Planning c: Tom Kassmel, Project Engineer REVsED 5/6A9 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINALAGENDA Wednesday, May 5, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE l\ l1dXl pm 2:00 pm PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH _ TOWN COUNC1I ChAMaETS MEMBERS PRESEI,IT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce (left at 5:00 p.m.) Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Tom Weber (PEC) SITE VISITS 1. Vail lnterfaith Chapel - 19 Vail Road2. Waterhouse - 285 Forest Road3. Adams -765 West Forest Road4. Dobson lce Arena - 321 E. Lionshead Circle5. Scalise - 2567 Arosa Drive6. Lot 25 - 1854 Glacier Ct.7. Wiley- 1538 Spring Hill Lane8. Valleau - 4839 Meadow DriveL Shaper - 2645 Bald Mountain Road 1 0. Lot 4. Gore Creek Sub. - 51 66 Black Gore Drive 1'l . Kinzelberg - Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates George MEMBERS ABSENT PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. The Marriott (Lionshead) - Conceplual review of a major exterior alteration and conslruction of a new interval ownership club. 715 W. Lionshead Circle / Marriott Mark. Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Corporation, represented by East-West Partners and Gwathmey-Pratt CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 2. Lionsquare North - New awning. 660 West Lionshead Circleilot 8. Vail Lionshead 1"t. Applicant: LionsquareNorthCondoAssociation MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 3:00 pm George Domrnrc CONSENT APPROVED - Subject to final staff review. o REVTSED 5/6/99 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Adam residence - Conceptual review of a proposed remodel. 765 West Forest Roacl/Lot g, Atock 2, Vail Villhge 6th. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Henkes residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. 2824 Snowberry Drive I Lot 17, Block 9, Intermountain. Applicant: Andrew Henkes MOTION: BillPierce CONSENT APPROVED SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 Wiley residence - Conceptual review for a new primary residence and Type ll employee housing unit. 1538 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: WileyFamilyPartnership CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Valleau Residence - Conceptual review ol a remodel/addition to an existing residence. 4839 Meadow Drive/Lot 17, Block5, Bighorn Fifth. Applicant: Bob & Kathy Valleau MOTION: BillPierce CONSENT APPFOVED SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE; 5-0 Allison Allison Allison Jeff Jeffq Applicant: Dennis Scalise CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Waterhouse residence - New garage 285 Forest Road/Lot 20, Block 7, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven Riden CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE Shaper residence - Review of a new garage. 2645 BaB Mountain RoacuLot 10, Block z,-vait Vittage t 3b. Applicant: Steve Shaper TABLED UNTIL MAY 19,1999 Vail Interlalth Chapel - Remodeliaddition at existing facility. Jeff 19 Vail Road / Lot J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architects MQTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 Brent Scalise Residence - Conceptual review of a new primaryisecondary residence. 2567 Arosa Dr./Lot 9. Block E, Vail Das Schone 1"' 10. TABLED UNTIL MAY 19, 1999 o REVISED 5i5/9911. Kinzelberg residence - Conceptual review. Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Harvey Kinzelberg, represented by Hans Berglund CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 12. Grand Traverse Lot 16 - Final review of a new single-family residence. George 1800 Lionsri@e Loop / Lot 16, Dauphinais-Moseley SuMivision.Applicant: Dauphinais-Moseley Construction MOTION: Melissa Greenauer SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED PER RE\'ISED PLANS 13. Lot 25, Glacier Ct. - Conceptual review of a proposed new primary/secondary residence. George 1854 Glacier Ct./Lot 25, Block 2, Lionsridge #3.Applicant Pat Dauphinais CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 14. Westhaven Club & Lodge - Final review of a proposed new Fractional Fee Club George and employee housing project. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiumsi Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby Robinson MOTION: BillPierce CONSENT APPROVED SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 Jeff 15. Dobson lce Arena - Conceptual review locker roomiloading dock expansion. 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, VailLionshead 2no Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Odell Architects George Brent Brent CO].ICEPTUAL-NO VOTE 16. Lot 4, Gore Creek Subdivision.- Conceptual review of a new primaryisecondary residence.George 5166 Black Gore Drive/Lot 4, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Greg Amsden CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Stafl Aporovals Brooktree Gondominiums - Stainrayilanding replacement. 980 Vail View Drive/A portion of Block B, Lions Bidge Filing 1. Applicant: BrooktreeTownhomesHOA Burillo residence / Nilrthwind development - Revised landscape plan. 365 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 16, Block 1, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant: Northwind Development Rizk residence - Bedroom/dining room addition. 740 Sandy Lane/Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch Filing #2. Applicant: Oscar Rizk Brent o REVISED 5/6/99 Axelrod residence - Exterior repaint. 2578 Arosa Drive/Lot 1, Block C, Vail das Schone #1. Applicant: Art Axelrod Ketcham residence - Changes to driveway. 4t]01 Glen Falls Lane/Lot 1, Forest Glen. Applicant: Linda Ketcham Berndt residence - Site plan changes. 756 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch. Applicant: Wolfgang Berndt MacLean residence - Interior conversion ol crawl space. 1330 Sandstone Drive, Overlook, Unit #121G-4, Vail Lionsridge. Applicant: John MacLean Walzer residence - Addion of stone veneer to deck rail and chimney. 333 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 41 , Block 7, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: George Schaeffer Construction Co. Timber Falls Building #18 - North side deck e)dension. 4459 Timberfalls Ct. #1 Sffimberfalls Gondominiums, Applicant: Timber Falls Phase lX Association George Allison Allison George George Brent The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the proiect planner's otfice, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. o 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D epartment o;f Community Development May 6, 1999 Mark Donaldson, AIA Victor Mark Donaldson Architects PO Box 5300 Avon,CO 81620 Re: Vail Interfaith Chapel, Track J, Block 7, Vail Village 1", 19 Vail Road Dear Mark: The plans submitted for the rernodel and addition were reviewed again by the Desigr Review Team on May 5'h. The Public Works Deparfinent stated that a grading plan is required prior to fural approval of the site plan, and thus prior to any site work. Also, just a reminder that the elevations of the proposed addition to the interior comer of the chapel still need to be reviewed by the Design Review Board. The plans should be submitted on the Friday before the desired DRB meeting. Because I have accepted a position with the Town of Breckemidge, another planner will be assigned to this project. You may contact Dominic Mauriello, Chief Planner, 970-479-2148 regarding the new plarurer. Please feel free to contact me through May l4s at970479-2140 if you have any questions. m,+k Senior Planner tp *u*uo TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE R.OAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: l-9 VAIIJ RD Locatsion...: 19 VAII-, RD, VA.IL Parcel No.. : 2101-071-09-001Project No. : PRJ99-0041 BROTIIERS EI.,E TRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 2973, EVERGREEN, CO 80439 BROT1IERS EI.,ECTRIC, INC. StaEus...: ISSIIED INTERFAIApplied. . : 04/ 07 /2000Issued...: 05/L5/2000 Expires- - : LL/1,L/2000 Plrone:. 303-624-6]-a7 Phone: 303 -624-6LI7 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OlrlNER BUSINESS p.o. Box 2973, EVERGREEN, CO 80439 VAIL RETTGTOUS FOI'NDATION lNC T REV DON SIMOIi(TON, ]-9 VAII-, ROAD, VAIL CO 81657 VAIL INTBRFAITH CIIAPEL DescripLion: REMODEL EXTSTING 1ST AND LOWER FLOORS Valuation:30, 000 . 00 FEE SI]UI,IARY ElectricaL - - -> DRB F6€ Inve6tsigatsion> wlll call----> TOTAI. F'E8S- --> Total calculated Fce6-- - > Aaditsi.onal Fo€s--- - - - -- -> TotsaL PeflriC Fe€---_--_-> 540 .00 - oo . oo 3.OO 543 .00 543.00 .00 543 .00 Paym€nLs------- 543. o0 BAI,ANCA DUE---- .OO ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRIEAL DEPARTWIENT DCPT: BUITDING DiViSiON:O4/L7/2000 KATITy Action: NOTE ROtITED TO LEO04'/20'/2000 KATITY Action: APPR REVTEWED/APPR BY I-,Eo IEemi'.Q56q0 FIRE DEPARI14EIi[r Dept,: FIRE Division:04/L7/2000 KATIIY Action: APPR N/A COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEEIIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLI.ANCE. r*trr*rrrt*rr*rr *i**rt*t*itt**** DECTARATIONS I hcreby actanoslcdge thats I have read lhis application, filled out in full the informaEj,on required, cdP1ctsed an accuratse PLot p1an, and sEat.e tshat. all tshc inforhation providcd as rcquircd i6 corrects. I agree go conFLy r{ith lhc infotuacion and ploL Plan, to cooply nith all To$n ordinaDces aDd sEace latr€, and to build t'hi6 structure accoldinE tso ghe fot'n'6 zoning and aubdivigion cod€6, doEign rewiew approvcd, Unifom Building code attd och€r ordlnancoe of tshe Torrn applicable ghereto. o DEPARTI,IEI.IT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT ,]OBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES Permit #: E00-0048 REQT ESTS FOR TNSPESTTONS 8HA],L BE UADB TI{EItT{-FOUR HOTTRS rN AD\nNCE Bv 04/03/O0 l8:09 FAI 870 179{84/42/2A08 €8:36 9?g-92€643€ BROS ELECIR ] C BRC}THEFs 'LEC'T TTTLL TIOT BE ACCIP?ED IF ITGOHPLETE OR t.,ilSrctlED Froloct *_: _E?.lQ$- oc*t I Grt 9JIGE 62o APPIJCA?TOIIsMWWUTLLy 75 $. Frornrc Rd.Yo|l Cdor5o tlcst lulldlrro Drfmlt r: Clrctdcel Farnlt *rcto<7t-#(lnr6rrronr) rowil of vArr ElFsultcAr pEFHrr App[rcATloil at 6| * Y*' Itfr n n l.cfn trl tfi$tet-!y*'o'/? vArc no" tsgd D€scflpuon Lot:llock: 7 Fillng: I sobdfv{stun: UnL bnlitA5,f . Vr.te Ytdodsffiffi Y: f?e- 3o71Ewnee,'e-Lec F Phone: ?98-?SaODetaihdEa'-'iDl5ffi F.enoda I o-a' _Q+s'c.l i nj I s{+ /zwrC F)ooas wo*qTr: nev'rtt rCnront I e€n,odcii* Rspsfr_( ) r€nppoi,Er( ) oo'cr( )WorkTtF: lnttrbr( ) Edlrtor(_) Ebtr i I]l.dBos., sind*h,nryt I puph*t I iluqFr$yi No. of En*iflg DuFll'trg Unbin$rbfuthttlg: /l,lo. of Ac@mmod8uon Unlb h $b buildlng: I Is d1lr pcfntt for. hot aib D(rs r Ftt€At.nn g.ttt! Y.s(x t{o( j ooes i Flt€ Sgtnldrr Svsem g(|3t Yrs ( ) No ( ) COftIPLEIE 3Q. fE:T FOr ilnt lUtLoC drd vAtUAnOilB Fon AtL Ott|ERt (Lfrr r H$srlrto) co0rTi^cTot tiFonHATIotr AIitrIT'NT OF SQ FT tN STRUCIIfrg; os"888 - 4 ne * t* * ri* 'il*r.i+tit;f,+**...*itrrtt.tl ttl*rtFOi, OF rcl U3C OtllY**r*r *** t**rrr r*.*trr ******** +*t*frre ,|\PP ROV ED TOWN Ctr Vr::'li-"APR 0't 2000 F:/c!!ryond/icnn{&m 04/03i00 18:09 64182/2e8A E3;35 FAr 870 1791 @tz PAGE 03 Underground servlc$ hl\€ !o be fn conar[ (P\rq fro|Yt tfis ?ansllonvrerb the electtt€ fi€Gtr, ftetn dtseonlett switch €nd to H. fl|tt dc(fflcel dlsoiDtldon drcutt bruker ptncl. The mEin disaonnact $,vi!ch strall br toated next to the rneter on tlle exterlor wtll of tfie Jtructure saslly acccssible. All unthrground sondulls arc regu|rld tD bo Inspected Dtfior. bac*-fitttry the trsnd!.ln mult'famig dwclllng unltsr ao ehctlcal wlrln! or ftcder cables sfratt pafo ftronr one unlt b anotfier. f.rynmqnwdls ard space3 sre acccpted. NM C;ahe (Romex) b not.lloucd ln o{rtmcrclal buildtngs or rtructurca €xccedlng $rcf (3) storics. No use of dumlnum wlr€ smallcr tlren size #B will be pcrmitted wtth ul€ Town oi vail. Tqltrx oF vrr|- E$cTRtqAtF pFRHlT cr,tpEuxll All hstallauons of o(Erlor hot tubs or spa's rcgulru I Dng +prcn,El trm planntng. This appltcetlon r,r,lll not be acrepffi vylthout a copf of tfie DRB approval fbrm attached (if applicabte). If thir permlt ls for instatlaUon of an prterbr hot fub or 6pa on a new elsrated plaform or d€d( over 30" above grade, you mugt also obtah E buildlng permlb If thlr permit is for irutallstlsr of an exbrior hot tub or spa on any $<lrting deck or d€\ratst plat{bntr, a structrral engineer must rcvicw thc odsting condluon and veriry that ft will support $e add€d cDncenlrated toad- Plss pr}dde a copy of $e s0uctrrral enElneerg wet starnped htter or drawlng with this appllcatlm, If this i3 a remodel in a multi-famlly bulldlng wlth a horneowners assoclation, a letter of permisslon from the assoclatlcn ls required, a If thls permt is for a cornmercial space, twg (2) sets of stamped drawlngs are requrcd. If you hauc any quesffonc regedlng ttt€ NDovG Inlormauon or |taye addluonal qrtesc|ons, plrrcr contret tlrs town of Veil EletHc|l Intpcctur at9tG4?9-Zt*L Thc impccbr can tr rcachrd on Turedryl Thundry erd Frldw mornlngr bGtwGGn drc lrourr of 8am and 9am. You rhry rlro ha\re 5 volcG mdl .nd thG Ingpccbr will crll tou bffk. Am$&ncnt to tdr. 1999 t{.E.C "own ol Veil ffilnr,rcc tel.6. Oreriead sewlcs afe nd alloured |n tfie ?otm of Vall.!t o cl El t-l tr i ftfr€ r€ad ar*rd und TOI{N OF VAII 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPIJICANT CONTRAqTOR OWNER DEPARTIT,IENT OF NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLIJMBING PERMTT ilob Address: 19 VAIL RDLocation...: 19 VAIL RDParcel No.. : 2101-071-09-001 Project, No. : PRJ99-0041 IJI'NSFORD BROS. MECIIA}.TICAL 2481 COMMERCE BL1/D., GR,AIiID JIINCTION, CO LIJNSFORD BROS. MECHAI\T]CAIJ 2481 COMMERCE BLVD., GRAI{D ,JITNCTION, CO VAIL RELIGIOUS FOI'NDATION INCI REV DON SIMONTON, 19 VAIL ROAD, VAIL ValuaEion: Phone: 970-242-5790 81505 Phone: 970-242-5790 8150s eo 81657 21, 730 . 00 TotaL Calculated Fccs---> {15.50 Additional. Pec€---- --- --> Total Pcritrit Pee--------> PavmenEg------- COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMEIIT .IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P00-0049 Stsatus. . AppIied. fssued. . E:<pires. ISSI'ED os/3L/2000 06 / oL/2000 1,1,/28 /2000 DescripLion: NEW PLITMBING FOR REMODEL rtr*rtarr.a*rr FEE suuMARY Pluribing- - -- -> Plan chcck- - - > Inve6clgatsion> will call----> Rcatuarant Plan R€vier- -> 10TA! FEEg----- 330 .00 92.50 .00 3.O0 .00 415 .50 .00 {15.50 ,,,,*.,,,*.,THT.?T;;;;;;;.;;;;;;,..,,..,..,,;::..- It,CM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARII'IENT DEPts: BUII,DTNG DiViSiON:05/31/2000 iIRM Action: APPR APPROVED .tRlfItsb.m:"Q56Q0 FIRE DEPARTIIENT Depr: FIRE Division:05/3112000 iIRM Action: APPR N,/A r'att t i t tJ * il ttt rl a tt + a t + a * t CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. t**rr*,r**itrrrr r*rrttrt**t*ttrr*r.r*****rrr**rrt*+**r*r*******att*a***tt*a*rt*tttttt.ltattt*rlattit*ia', DEELARATIONS I hercb'y acknovlodg€ bh.t I hav. r..d this application, fillGd outs in full tshe inforDalion rcguired, coupl.lqd an accurrt. plot pJ.an, and alatc th.t all tshc infomrtsion providld aa roquircd i. corrects. I rErcc to conply tich bhc lnforo.bion and plot plrn, to conply rrith all Toirn otdinancer rnd Etate 1ats, and to build thiE 6gructur6 according to Ch€ Tonn'6 zoning .nd subdivirlon codcs, dc6ign rcvicw approvcd, unifonn Buil.ding cod6 and othcr ordinancca of thc To$n appliccblc thcreto. REQIJESTA POR INSPBqIIONS sHAI.I, BB I'IADE T1{EIITY.FOUR HOT'RS IN rIDV}.IICB BY TELBPHONE AT 479-213A OR AT OT,R OFFTCE PRO}| 8:OO AI' 5:OO PI,----7'-'./-7tz SIOIS,TURE/'P CO!f!RAqIOR FOR HIHSEI]F AIiTD OHI{ER 6712512AOA 15:B1 976-242-7634 L|NSFmD iECHANICA- PAGE A2 - 1!: .J"-' :- - :' --:-;---^:^-'";; .,7eio-trci lra!19*o=r-l:::.:V-: - .,.. -^,,G ' z i et 9o-flt-1610 tor lrEsrr r. r'rrr G)F vlllr @NSllEDClrrqn -.^-H:i-ttE&d',-t;J ---i --' ._- EBIE! rBrr.icrryrory rpnr PPSfl. -AA+\l nre: slrrlrnr ^?tP_R?! \, \/t l-edl'cr$g t\-ltsJo{' t I'-lrec'taterl tru'urctinf-cnf .t l:P: "* ""t rV*rob rddrar" .Ln f,{a', i -T\J ' r rn.rF r! r?rrrn , - 1l#;oogg, l?gtlcNgld tGrga E ErrrlD og:t qrtr|eElEr,t oR -cl tttr No'a EG rE )I[rt1agt.r.r.rrm..*mmr.arr.r plt4gt ElOIlq1AldI t*. ltt*...lt..t...**tff fi rrt ^ ^ -\./- -- - -v- -- ^L-:-^.--r , t---L-- aE Erq'rz,O-Og.at, Igf !-arsl. F. .'!vtr.! v5 r.r.,3. r,v.!rt.-r.rb,- -w! .\-d-aa ^-'i;?-Erlcg, ls. : .- E4tE! rPplrcl8tr9ry FoFt t{:)'1"1. (Il+\ (h r-Err e.*rrpttgJtfft- ora rrr "-.,Vq,JjAelrelltcst:r()r\ -PF. {1b;ttr aorerel ucr*iytiotr: f,otk Glrl|; t I-Utr [ ]-fftcrrti'on t t-rddf rrubcr o! ur:itlirry Un!,trs ,jA trq:r of rccoodation Dnitc: l1aDer rd qD. of Ptreplarles: Gas tlpllanccs- Gas I'ogr- ItooC,/Fellet- Dfir*r***r**$*'*rt*r.rri.it*.r*r* VAfmlt:fotrlt *r.t*tl.t.ttr.raat *lt...ttltffir tl-! ffiilE; i.ffi ffiEt;iw ffi;'w tt BTDBuG; ?- - r-r-E-E rnorrcu,=t:EE (.....*.*rrff.t..!Et*8....* StRAclKtR ltl!ot|l4tlloEssaf contsrcBllra %t-r--'l[*n of vail. e.gr- llo-- rrcrElE:ws{. ***ta aalrltaarttaaal.!|atittr lddrcrrc IOOO b. Fron{a"qc Pd- u-zs{-.- Pbone l|@ess EitecCrl.crf contacEoE: - N / f\ ^ 8ottB of Vail RGg- Io. - ,.,'A@rCsar Phonc lftlrb€t: -ff f t!t**taataalFtt**t***ta *r iar*r fOB OfEfCE llSG .fi*rrtrt*l**t*****t*.**t**tt..lt Pf|[biDE .lddre3s: +" tfcc$raieaflddrer: lgrrtuc PEwt lle:ftnnurc PEmrr sEE; tFqmrrlcfL DEMI llDsErlcrRlcl& rEt: O:TSER TITEE O]r IEES DRB EIE: h. h. XrI!,DIX6.PIiN CEqtr gEEi PT,UXEIIItr PIA]II CECT TEA: IGCEI}IICAI, EII}f CECK EEE: .I!CREIfIO!I ESE: CI.ETil{'D DEFOSIT: BOllAL PEnUfF EEBS: m"ofi#,. #sruj Ibca ot vail iegr- 1lo.'l2.J-[n?bonc tnlbers .-Ee- <E U':(IDDTC: SIGII|fIINE: ZOMDIG: 8TGf,II{IRE:C@ctct3 rf uJom.rn 976-242-76346712512666 .l' i.'t'. ..:, U,N€FtRD PAtr O3iECHANIC,\I- o 4-. tf rsor ffiF rrd *ctrrFt|57lal 479-Zll8 oc ar9-2l39 cFCOHIIId.ldoF-d lDc lrot: DIIE' gglirEcr: Il& CQrlareruli cutREttlul. I!Ets:t@ raE IEllns ot YA:t&' ![gnx ot vrII pgB8rc rc,/coDlmrs:rl rltExpnEt|T IDBCE 16, lg88 cors:moqgril prREorc s ttl:tERtlD gmtltrE ra ruuarl'! -ordiarlce tto. 6 statcs tbst lt ts rrDrarfirl tor rtyDcrton b? Iftter, trck oa d.Dosit rny soil, rocts; ,ttr6;-d.81"ot letraiel' iacluding tEa.b itrryc;tcrs, EoEtrbr. iotr.d ud--rcEbao ve.ielrs gDdr. ltrt, rtmed cidGnrik; -"ff.|l -*-FblG- p-+9" 9r rTry pofri-on trrirot. r[c-;i9ba:;t*.y-;" rlt TorD otv!!1 tBrtrts r&d.roads rI ?pprairatriy S tt_ 6fi-p.oo*t..t!i:-cqrr!!a. viu, be striifiv crios"ia-ry abi rs.rD ot var.:thbri= Boslc oqgartor*. Frr-arr iinoc-vi3rrti'ry-rar- onti,laDc. =+L br irirlrrlr etar hour Eirr"" n*lce to sovr rata lataLrl.rr EBC 3r4Enlt Eba lrclloD -o aoti,t:edl dorr Dot, cGrFry uitb tb:astier vtthil tt,'- ?. uonr trre-:eccrriea,--tb.-ffiis ro*r--urpa-rr- rirl. rosvr sa!d ratrii.i _?t tlt-Ersp or-tGsonS*if*: E ps.ovirrons of tns "rtin ncc Srtnor lerrE rrc.Dr"e @ cosrscFBgtiou., raiatauanct or rrapaLr gno5rctr ot.ry rt8tit or eIlqr oa a3U? stitigies in tUc rifUti+ry, lfo.Fgtcu o-rrii.lenar-no. 6'fu tqll, pleese EGop Dr tb€ gorrtr ofIft !$+aing oeparaenr to €bEfir a coFI,. Ttar* you toa youscoopcr-ation cr tD,i-s arrEqr. (Tfu.cont:nctol, waef)? elnlo> TOWN OF VAIT, 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD vArL, co aL657 970-479-2L18 DEPARTttEttr OF COMMttNInf DEVBL'OPMBNT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECIIANICAL PERMIT ON iIOBSTTE AT ALIJ TIMES Permlts #: M00-0083 ilob Address. . . : 19 VAIL RD Locatlon......: 19 VAIL RD, VAIL Parcel No. .. .. : 2101-071-09-001 ProjecE Nrlmber: PRrT99-0041 APPI,IEAIM CONTNAqTOR O9INER BUSINESS Description: StaEus.. ': ISSI'ED rruEnrArrs clrAppLied . .. 07 /2s /.2000Ieeued...z O7/25/2000 ExPires . .. 0l/2L/2ool II'NSFORD BROS. MECIIAIIICA1 PhONC: 2481 COMMERCE BTJVD, GRAI|ID iltNcrroN co 81505 LI'NSFORD BROS. MECIIANICAT PhONE: 2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAT'ID iTI'NqfION CO 81505 VAII., RELIGIOUS FOI'IIDATION INC * REV DON STMOIITON, 19 VArL ROAD, VArL co 81557 VAII, IIITERFAITII CIIAPEL 5 BAfiI FAI{S/RET.OC DUSNTORK,DIFFUSBRS,A.DD Valuation: COM AIR tlr.plac.R..lrlcts.d: Y *of Ga6 lpplL.nc€E:*of G.e Logs: 9"10-242-5790 970-242-5790 L3,727 .00 *of tfood/P.ll.t: '|'tt..''l.t{tilil*'!.'t|.l'ii*tl'|'|t|ltt.tt..|.t*i*t*.l*t'ltttli*tl*F8Esl,l|t.tARI*1**a***ttt'rttt*llttt,{tt.f*i.i$.ch.nicrt---> zco'oo R6'tu'ran! Pltn RevicL--> 'oO Total ctlcul'!'d !"'---> 3s3'0o Plan Ch.ck---> 7O.OO IIRB F..-------- Inw..cigrglosrt .OO TOIAL FEBS----- lli1l crll----> 3.oo Pr!'u!ntt------- 353'oo BAIlAllCr DItt- - - - lri.rr*aa*a.at,rtt attattttrt*'|tatatttttttr'rti'r.' "'r* It ttt ti ** ti 'tl|ttr i"t* tt}t* t rEem: 05100 BuTLDTNG DBP.ARII'IBNT -Dept:-'EgrLDrNG Divislon: 6i7 is t z'o60 - R[rFy- --' -tEEl-ori] EDFR appnovro PER- Kvr/iIR _ rEem: 05500 FrRE DEPARIUBIm - Sapdi'Frns Divieion: 61/16/2600-KATIIY Action: APPR N/A COIIDITION OF APPROVAL +I8R"f;TIoI8 Ho'IHBB'EER 5g"Stf 59*'fiBoT'tflEftETffi ' N 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TION10 8 OF TIIE 1 TO HEATING7 OF THE 19 MUST SHAI-,L BE ] LISTED FOR ROOI{ PRIOR DRAINAGE OF SUPPI,Y BOIT,1022 0F lIIE Y Vfrltl CHAPTEB.-a AND SUPPLY BOIT,ER LO22 0F lIIE 1 AI{Y EXTBRIOR R.EQUIRB DRB A TING ON AIIAI.,YSIS *********r**************************************************************t******* DECLARATIONS I h.!.!tr rcbrorla€a Ch.g t ha.tr. r.td thlr riDll,c.tiolr, flll.d ouc ln full th. lnfolu.glqr rlquir.d' ooqtl'g'a 'n lqcut'c' PloG plrn. lrd.t'a!. cl|.c .ll gha lnfosr.ttor proridr<t rr r.quhcd l. cof.ct. t rgn r go qoqly rlCh gha ltfosrrclon rtd Ploc Ple' Eo cqtly rieh ru roln ordlnrnc.a od rcicr lNa, rnd to build ihl' rlrucEut rccoratu€ io ch. lton'r rolnt ltd 'ubdlvl'ldr ood.a, d.rlg6 nvlor qryrornd. t nlfon BulldlrE CodG ltrd olhrr ordlmrrol. of Ch. lorln .Pplloablt !h'r'Co' RregErf,lt Fm rriDterrors lHAt & Br toDr .Irflrtrr-rotn HooRa rn tqrlt|cE Br- TsrtpHoNE At r?9-213e oR.f,T ocn otttca !Ro!' l:0o lI Btoo rl srot|ltmt o! orm on col|rEf,c|loa lon nfl€llt lsD orNln JAN-28-99 t6.tl FROII 3 TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. I D,9"o4"32452 FAGE l/? tri'ontaci Eagie couaty assc$sors Office ! v '-J/ i *i 9?ir:3{s55+O i"t'parcar f . TOI{N OF VnrL.CONSgRUerrOr PERurr #-- eaictrl f r' PERUI1 APPIJq3TT9N F9RM fnOO-eOBa) --- DArE;-=7W "n. APST.ICAIION ITI'gI 8E F?".".FD OqI COTOI.ITET,Y OR IT I'IAY NO4I BE ACCEEIED I.*****.********t*!tt***t*:l*.r*. PEIUEB INFORUATfOfi t***:1.*****t**************jr* ^ \., \./-t l-Brrild.turg f,\-P1urb^rlrE t 1'-E]-ectrteal. 9\-uecbani-caf [ ]-otber lou tlane:Va,(h r,egar Descriptl-o*1ff Bloct<_ Eiling Arshitect;ibn cenelal. Deseription: Elock_ Fi,J,in9 SuBDIvIsIoNi , i,-i-.S aaar"r=, t-r Vr,-, I RA v%]\ ' pr..,{ljr-tt-,3,c Work Class: [ ]-lIew [ ]-Afteration Nunber of Dflel.linE Onits: Fl/A l{ fHIMBING: Ti6E uEccrrrcer,rlW E*!r*rr*:r***********.r**!rtr*.** QN:f,RAc:IoR DrFoal8\tlroEeneraf contractor: T L. Vidl,r C ' 'n<.{- . Address: Electrical Contragtor: Aild,ress: eluubing Con'E::act9r: LUn h.Address: l-* Heclunical Contractor : Address: **rr:r ***********atit**************FOR Town of, VaiJ' Reg. Ng, Phone Nlrnber: Reg..,NO.lla-€p-jj2:-ff!iti-To*Tl of vai]' Phone Nutber: Town of VaiI Pbone Nreber: BT'IIDING PERMIE EEE: PIXTTBING 9ER}TIB EEEs }TECEANICAIJ PERI,EI EEE: EI.EqIRTCAI, ESEs OIEER rCPE OT EEE: DRB EEE: OEntCE USE ******* ******* ** **** *****t***t* EITTIJDING PI.AN CEECK EEE: PTIUBING PIAI{ CEECX J:EE3 UECNNICEI, PIiII CEECK EEB: .RECRE|LTIOII EEE: C!EAN-9P DEPOSXT: EO:DAI, PERIfIT ESES: BOTI.DING; SIGITAfORE; ZONING: SIGIIAEURE: Address:Ph, r{1b- tt.{? r and T1?c of Firepl.aces: cas Appliances eas IcArs_ Ifood/Pelle! ********t **:r****** s** ****,*rt****!r *vautaqtolls a***********S****r**********tffi * EtECIRfclr.: $OIEER: TC'|[}I..3 *!r*** !r*******lr****S*****^* Eowa of, Vail Reg. XO. Pb,one Ntnbcr: JUL 2 6 2000 lnttn 80: EROU: DATE: SUBJIECT; TE acs& tnatqa tld ra[ ccbrrdo A$7 (3o3) 479-2138 oc 479-2L39 ofllcr ol connu|nlty dc0dopG||d AIIL COTIIRAqIORS CURRENTWI, REGIISIERED NNIE EFETOII}I OF \TAIL TOnN OF \rAIL psBrJc woRRs/coluulfilgy DgvstopusNrT !4RCS 16, 1988 CONSIRUqtrION PARKI}'G & IIAXERLA:L qloRAGE ra suroarl', -Hiaance No. 6 states tbat it is wrraurur tor an),Irersoa to trittcrS !5ack or deposit any soi:., rJck, sand; aeUJi"or uateriar' iDcruding trash duupsteri, portauit loileti ata---worloea vebicles. gpon.3nr streei siaewait<, -"Il"y or prrbric-pJlg" or aqlr po=--ioa tbeieof. Tle rigbt:Ji-6-on arr. Tonn ofvaii. st.::cets arrd.roads 5-s a-;rproxilateiy S ft- 3t= paveDent.Tbis-ordi'ance wirr be striii.ii-entorcia ly tbe-rown of vail{!}ic works Departuent. pcrsitrs fonnd vi6ra€i-ng this oralinaDce :111. be givca atz4 bour wsitten notice to-=.ro.r" said uateriar.rn tbe event tb,e pcrson so notified, does n;i-;"rpit-ri6E;-'notice witb-in tuJ zr bour ti-ue-speciti-c,--tb"-pubLic worksDeparbeR-' wilr. rcuove saia uat!li"r-;i-tf;6;e or p",isonnoiified- Tbe provisidns or tuL ord,inance sbarr. Dot bcapplicabJ.e to c6nstnrction, uaint.tance or =.!ai^r projccts ofary strcct or alley or any utirities in tue-iigbt-idy: __ -- To revicw ord,i-uance No. 6 i-n fu1l, please stop by tbe towa ofI11l Builcling Departrent to obtain a copy. TLattk yo. for yourcooperation on this ugtt.rr. Cs-'rrsi.tl (i.e-contractgr, offTler)r o owledged by: t*ibrrtaci Eagie Couaty asscssors Office \-' v -z/ id as 9zO-328-S540 for Percel *. TOtfU oF VAIL CONSIRUGITON {eensu. f:- pERIcrT }PprJcATrgN FoRl,II nere:5/t:#D , APPTJCATIoN t{Itgl BE FILLED OUt coMPLtrEI/l oR IT !{AY NO? BE ACCtPIED Ir.!.lr.r.tt..t.t.******.t*tt**** ItEntlIE D{FORI{ATfON :r.*r*i**.**:}*t**t*******r*i**n \/ \^/-t l-Bnilding gN-rruPinr t l'-Electrtca} g,\:-ueebanibar [ ]-other gou uane:Va,lu.Q,+n- rob A dre-=. \q, Vfr^'. \ RA( ' r\o' c€r.egal oescriptiYn, -iJE JAN-26-99 16: ll FRODI 3 TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.tD.9704"92452 PAGE I/7 PERWT # Orraers Names Arcbitegt:Address: ceneral Description: r and l!1pc of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ eas Ipgs_ t{oodlPellet_. ******************s****r********* valltAtlrolls r***********9*t****************** X'ILDD{G: I TTE(IIRTCAL: I Work Class: I l-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]larp.tr V**""?O-^rrd^( of Acconlroalo:r Units: -A#A C,rlEER,: TO8AI,: oN ************.*:r*********t** Town of, vai:|. ReE. NO. Phone Nunbcr: h Town of Vail Phone lilr:mber: Towa of Vail Plrone Nu[be3: Reg. NO Req. t{o. |3?.- Q -i-i,2:-*'-E ffi ffi :f Lffi ',tH.*i,:,#k'.-,#=tsIi-11."$,,Xili,"EdC#$ FOB oFFrcE usE ************************fi*r*** NEIJDING PI..AII CEECK gEE: PU'}TBING PIAN CEECT FEE3UECNNICAI, PIAN CFECK EEE: .SECREAIIOI{ EEE: CLE:AN-UP DEPOSIT: EOIAL PER}fXf EEES3 BOTLDING: SIGNATORE; ZONING: SIGI{AIPI]RE: uEcEANrcAIr, ]refi- Address: Electrieal Crcntragtor: -Address: . PIUlbinE : Lun.Address: L'- ****:t*****i**:l****************** BT'II.DII{C PEB!qI EEE: PEU}AING PER}fIT EEE: IECEANICAIJ PERIIIT EEE: EIECTRIC,IIJ EgE: OTEER TSPE OF rEEs DRB EEE: Co@entss' luun 30: EROU: DATEs srrEarEer: ?' tor,t|t tr,od!g. !!.d Elt color.do tlE57 (3oq 479-2138 or 479-2139 ot0oc ol F!|tnunltl rts.|dopEtr{ II,L CONf,RTqIORS C!RR]EIflCL,YI, RBGISIERED If,tEE EFETOIIN OF VAIL BOnN OF rI[I! psBIJC WORrS/CplOtrtNIEy DEVSLOpUBIT laRcE 15, 1988 CONSTRSEtrIO!{ PARE}IG & UATERTAIJ SIORAGE rn sumarl', -H,inance No. G states tbat it is unrawful for atr:,person to tritter, track or deposl,t any sofr, rJJic, sand, aeuri"or uaterial, including trasb iunpsteri, portapie ioi:.eG .nt:worJoen ve!,icres. upon-any street-, siaewait<l Eiiy or p'blic-p1lg" or ary portion tbeieof. r[" ;ie,ba:;;;;-;" atl rosn ofVai.I strcets and.Igags is a.Srproxi"uately 5 ft- olt paveDent.qb^i9-or€i-nanoe wirr be striiiiilnrorcla uy tu"-iorn of vail4Pli-c tlorlss DePar*aent. icrsStts found violating this orctiranceyil+- be given atz4 bour -rriiili ""ti""-ti-iil#=said uatcriar,rn tb,c errent tbe Srcrson so notifled does ,,"ic"ipii "i6;il*'notice witbi^n tbe 2{ bour ti-rae-rp".iii"o,-6"-ffi1ic WorksDepart'ent wilr renove.saicl :nateliar it-tuJ'ericnse of pcrsonnotified- Ebe provi=ions-"t-trrG-riaii";; tffi not beapplicable to c6nstnrcLion, Eaint*r"nge or repair projccts ofany strect or alley or arry utilities ilr ttre rigfr€_a*ray. To =eviq ordi-uance No- 6 in fur,l , please stop by the Towrr ofI:il^nilcri.'g Departnent ro obrain a copv. TLani you ror yourcgopeyatj.on on tLis uatter, sitionT@(i.e-colrtragtgr, o$rer) gfinowledged by: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARII{EIiIT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOtrE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTBD ON SPRINKLER PERIIIT iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMBS PermiE #: F00-0023 ilob Address...:Irocatsion......: Parcel No.....: Projects Number: 19 VAIL RD 19 VAIL RD (VAIL CHAPEIJ) 2LOL-07L- 09-001 PRiI99 -0041 Status...: APPLIBD Applied. .z 09/25/2OOO fssued. . . : E:<pires. . : Phone: co 80451 Phone: co 80461 vArt co 81557 Valuation: APPLICANT COI,ITRAqTOR OI{NER Descriptsi.on: FIRE SPRINT,ER SYSTEM Firaplac. Infonrtl,on: RoaCricl.dl llof e.. Appli.nc..: PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION 711 HARRISON, IINI.T B, ITEADVIIJIJE, PHOENIX FIRE PROTE TION 711 HARRISON, I]NIT B, LE,JADVILLE,VAII RBI.IGIOUS FOT'NDATION INCI REV DON SIMONTON, 19 VAIL ROAD, #of (les Logs: 719-486 -0188 719-485 -0188 25, 698.00 *of tlood/P.Il.b: l4schrnlcrl---> 520.00 PI.n Ch.ck---> 130. O0 .o0 3,00 PBB gUI'tr.IA.RY Inv.sclgiclon> will c.ll----> Rc6luarang Plan RsvLau--> .00 DRB P..-------- .oo T€TXAIJ FBEA.---- Toual Crlculrlld f...---> Addl,glon l P...---------> Totsal Pcluit !..--------> Pald.ne6------- BAIANCE DUA.-.- 653 . O0 .00 653 .00 653 .00 .00 tttt''i*t*'t.rtttt.tl|,l|'|ttlt'*t..tt|'i**rt''.tl*t*r**ttt'.f*t't.,*it'*i'tj|.t,*ttrtr.r'it'ttttt'*j|*.'*l'''*t't.,*.t.||t'ii''j'ii ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARII'IENT DEPL: BUII,DING DTV1SiON:IEema 05600 FIRE DEPARIII{EIiIT DebE: FIRE Division:09/25/2000 JRM Action: NOTE PLAITS TO FrRE COI{DITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *********************:l!t*!t:t*!t**********************************************!t!t**** DECI,ARATIONS f hrrablr aclstorl.dg! ghrc I hrv. rG.d thi. applicrtion, fitlcd out ln full th. lnforuation rcquircd, coElrl.cad rn rccurrcc ploc pl.n, rrld .c.t. ch.ts .Il !h. lnfon lion provldsd r! rcqulrcd i. corrrc!. I igrcs Eo cooply rilh th! lnforutsion rnd PIot plan, to coEply rith tll Tovn ordlnrncrs .nd .tr!. Irrs, and to bulld chi! .tructur. rccgrding to ch. Totn'. tonlng rnd lubdl,vlalon cod.s, d.rlgD r.vi.r .pp!ov.d, tnifolD Building cod. .trd otsh.r ordlnurc.. of chc ToIn tsh.rato REQUEST9 FOR INSPECIIONS BIIALL BB UADB T!|E!|TI-FOUR llOIrRS IN ADInNCE BY TBIJBPHONE .AT 47 SIONATURB OF O}INER OR CONTRAETOR FOR HIIiI9EI,F AND OI{NER 2. OR Al oItR oFFICE tROf,l a:00 $l 5:o0 PM APPLICATION WILL NOT B[ r(:CEPIED IF INCI]HPLETE OR UNSiIGNED Ptolcct #: Bulldlng lrormit #: M€dlanical P€rmlt #: 97A- 47 t-zl4g (lnspections) tE S. FrortaSe Rd. Vail, Colorado E1657 Permitwill rro.t be accept:ed witrout the follortng: .l Prw-rdetfectranicrrl Roomlayxrtdra$nttoa€aletoInclude: ^n ->i ffiTffiHt"tg,#m,.";;"" AOU-c FtuqVentand'catuncslleendtrre$9 -, O VFluq Vent And rcaa Unc Slize snd HdtLo.3calsl lqulprnrnt Cut/Sps Shdlt3 Pn o for . rproviiElliF-vc) Aflf- f s/-Oy-rV/' lob r*ame: uo.i\ anL4;.lth e!.^,4.[J']bAddn$': lq \)c-i\ o*-J ll€Bl Dcscription [ lot ll etoct: [ filing:SuMMsion: ffi Nan'e: lfa<ltlress:Phonc; Trgfieer: -' l! nddrcss: It Plrcne: Pc"l.Jto,. \.J",^ WorkClass: New( ) Addtor'( ) {ggq.f,j{ Resnir( )_ Other( ) BoilcrLocaton: Iftcdot( ) Ext€rlor( ) Other( )tlces an EHU exist at Urls bcatho: Yes ( ) l'lp ( ) No. of Extsting Uilellhe Unibs ln thls building:llo, of A(rommodatiofi Unlts In thb bulldlng: No/rypeofFircplacesPropo€ed:GasApplhnces( )GasLogst: ) wood/Pellet( ) WoodBrmlng(NOTAI-LOWED) EiInEFAffirseTA:\Ef'YcaaI No( COIIPLETE VALUATION FOIi MECHAT{ICAL Plill,MrT (tabor & Msterials) MECHANICAL: $ f,S ("1t.OO cofrrR crioR INIoRHAIAOfl )rrr**,F**f * !f{.++ | +x* *,}* r****Y:F*** * *+ir** * ****rgg****td(x F:/c|Y.'tottc/fixnr/mcdtpcmt REC'DSEP 182000 TOIIN OF VAII., 75 S. FROTiITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 DRB P.. .Oo DEPARTIT{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVBLOPMENT NO'IB: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON AI,AXII{ PERMIT ilob Address: 19 VAIL RDLocat.ion...: 19 VAIIJ RD Parcel No.. : 2101-071-09-001 Project. No. : PIUJ99-0041 APPLICATTT VAIL EIJECTRONICS, I.'TD. P.O. BOX 460, MrNntRN, CO 81545 coNrR.AqroR vArL EtEcrRoNrcs, LTD. P.O. BOX 450, MTNTURN, CO 81645OI{NER VAIL PJLTGIOUS FOI'I{DATION INCI REV DON SIMOIITON, 19 VAIIJ ROAD, VAII' iIOBSITE AT AI.I, TIMES Permit #: A00-0031 Stsatus...: ISSUED Applied. . z o9/28/2000 Issued. .. z 09/29/2000 E:qrires . . z 03/28/2OOL Phone : 970-827 -9L20 Phone: 970-827-9L20 co 81557 Description: IIPGRADE EXISTING FIRE ALARM FOR CHAPBL ValuaEion:15,245 . 00 PBE gtD.flrARY EI.ctrlc.I-- -> Invc!tigrCion> wlll crll----> lOlAl, FBEE---> Toc.l crlculrl.d F...- - - > Addltional P...---------> Totsrl, Pcr8it' F.c--------> P$m.n!r- -- - -- - BAIANCB DUE.... 283.00 291.00 .o0 291 .00 391 .00 . oo .00 3.O0 291 .00 + a a rrra ra rr rit!rttt t ttt'rttt *tra t a tttta ttr t t t tt r rrrr.r * r r *rt t t t rr*rirl,tl ITEM: O6OOO EI,E TRICAI, DEPARIIVIBI{T DEPE: BUII.,DINGITem: 05600 FIRB DBPARTITIBNT DebT: EIRE09/29/2000 iINOLEN Acr,ion: APPR PER M.V. ON 9/29/OO.LC Divieion:Division: COIIDITION OF APPROVAI, l,rr* ar r r r!rr.a t r.trra tatr tr i a r r t tr trt r att att a r r.r 'rrrr lrt trrra a tr r rr.r rr*ar *trtat !tt*ta tttitaa t t.rtttitil attttttl a a r.t+ ttt!r DECI,ARJATIONS I hcrrl'y rcknorl.€c ch.t I h.vr r.rd tshl! .pPllcrllon, flll.d ouc llt full th. infon eion rcqulrcd' cdltl.C.d ln rccurrco plo! pl|n, .nd .tsrtc tsh.ts rll ch. infonaclon provldcd r! r.quLr.d i. corrcc!. I .grcc to codlrly !,ith tha lnfonatl,on .nd Plot pl.n, Co couply xtth all Torn ordinrtcc! and rt.t. 1lI., rnd to bultd thk .tructur. eccording co th. totn'. zonlng .nd cubdLvlaion codB., d..Lgn r€vl.u .pprov.d, UnlforE Bul,ldlng cod. .nd och.r ordln.ncc. of tsh€ toyn .ppllc.blc tshusco. RBOT'EST9 FOR INSPBEIION9 $N&IJ BE ADE TIIEIITT-FOI'R HOI'RS IN TD\' ICB BY TBIJBPHOIIB AT {79-2138 OR AT OIrn OIIICE FRo|I gr00 lll g:00 APPUCETIO]I WILL I{OT BE ACCEPTED IF IT{COIIPI..ETE OR UT{SIGT{ED Project #: Building Permit #: Alarm Permit#: 97 O- 47 9 - 2135 (I nspectionr) & . application2* page of this information. Fire Alarnr shop are at time of submittal and must include infonnation listed on the Vail, form. Application will not be accepted withoutthis NVNWYAL AwsOllTeat9TO-,or visit # Parcel # (Required if no bldg.,Permit # is provided above) robName: (t,l T,lntfo,lL (k^rol rob Address: ft Ul,/ Tl, t/,t t l, cuvbfl Legal Description I LoH I Block ll Filing:SuMivbion: Owners Name: I Address:Phone: Engineer: I Address:Phone: Detailed l-ocadon of work (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) Detailed desCription gFrflork: ru4QKNt L;h- fllL/'rw {u( WorkChss: Neur() Mdition( ) Renrodel( ) Repair( ) ReBo-ft( ) O6rer( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-famif( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Ofier( ) No. of E:<isting Dwelling Units in this building:No. sf Accommodation Units in thb building: Does a Fire Ahrm Fxisil Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler Sptem Exisil Yes ( ) No ( ) CO}IPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARITI PERTT'IIT (tAbOr & MAICTiAIS) Fire Alarm: $ CONTRACTORIMORMATION and Phone #'s: 6ivqtt q?o-Ez1-9fl r**lr***lr*r*r*r****.i*.r*.*r*r**rr*r*rFOR OFFICE USE ONLYr*.**ri******.**r*.r**t.***.*trrt.*tr F:/arer,pnqturms/alrmp€m o 'm I0t44\i0tyAILr Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAII Project l,lame: Vail Chapel Public Information Sign DRB Number: DR8000069 Project Descrifion: Freestanding display box Participants: OWNER VAIIJ REIJIGIOUS FOT'I{DATION IN11/30/2OOO PhONC: * REV. DON SIMONTON 19 'IIAIIJ RD \rallr co 81557 L,icenee : APPL,ICANT VICTOR ilARK DONALDSON ARCHIT11/ 30 l2OOO phone: 949-5200 Po Box 5300 Avon, Co 81520 Irj.cense: ProjectAddress: 19VAILRDVAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot Block SuMivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING I Parcel Number: 210107109001 Comments: Indirect light source approval require BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: APPROVED Second By: Vote: Date of Approval2 l2/1U2000 Conditions: Cond: 8 No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/orthe Design Review Board. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $25.00 arc at€lbble fiom fie Departnent of Community Darelopment A" B. c. D. E, F. G. MME OF BUSINESS: TJII.DITG MIYIE and ADDRES: P|-IYSEAIADDnESS; l'l \/*rL-QnaD IVKT + ITI IEGALADDRESSJT# J- Bbdc .7 FIIIng: owNER(S)SrGM H.I|AMEOFAPPLEANT; IfiILINGADDRSS: PHONE: tr o Slgn Awning Odrer, speclfy: J. K L M. N. o. NUMBR, OF SICiNS PROPOSE: I NUMBER OF SIGf\ls EIGSTING: SEN MSSAGE: SIGN AND LEITERING DIMENSIONS FOR EACH PROFOSED SIGN (Auach a schemauc on 8,5" x 11': 21 l4n" I FTwrxth " (VN-n< ='1,t' , Dtz,€crl:@! = l" -'/zu HEGTHToFS!GN(S)ABoVEGMDE: 6 pr. Slcl'l IOCATION (A[ach a siF plan and an elevaton dnwing or a phobgraph clearty pppoeed locathn d Sn(s)): PARCE-# 2 tO I Ol I O1 ffil:onracr Eagte Co. Assessors Office at 970-3284640 tur parcet #) ZONIIG: MII4EOF OWNER($: IIAIUIG PHoNE: {la -aan A44'rza -SrP"* TYPE OF SIGN (see neft page tur definitbns):Y Fr€estandbg -4's7ta-1 boxo wallsigntr Hanging Srgn ENGNT OF EJSINESS FRONTAGE: P, a. R MATERIALS AtrlD Co|llRS OF SIGN (Atbdr samptes)r . DeSCRIBE sEN treHIINGt, lxtDt v.ecr fr-tokfuewT toec FEE: $20.00 plrs f 1.00 per sguar€ frot of bbt sign area DRB rees aG b be mH at fte lre of submithl PTEASESUBMITTHISAPPUCATIOI{,AIISUBITIITTALREQUIREUEIFS _ .m, e f\ ?nfn AlilD TtlE FEE TO Tl{E DEPARTttEitT OF COtrtlttUt{ITY DETIIOilIIIF. f I ED NU\ o v ""-- 75 souTlt FROIITAGE ROAD, VAItr @t ORADO tL667,D -'- - -ssq 6Eo a<ps, =E= Fzut UJc) 5 dfis tbE -oyct>o.r5o -(Ljs3s ====E-I5<J: Gt <JEEd--fr9 ar, < = TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEVI' STAFF APPROVAL 6s rzlnfe o I =l I =,1ol -lt-l <,1>lrr|l.-llrl|l =ls6; . elt dlq :2136looEEF $ e t 5 5 x A Eilox fox a I E a SrIH o 5 Ht \$\\\\\\\\\N\ =lsla-l Ht$ -l-Ql' =F Flilo il to E "s hootttt'o"*'ll lttl l t l l l l l l l l f f l l l l l lt4"\ Qr T0Wt:{ 0F VAIL Depotment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Rood Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co,us December 4, 2000 tuc Fields Fieldscape, Inc. P.O. Box 1871 Avon, Colorado 81620 Fax: 970-845-7003 Re: Tree Removal Violation at the Vail Interfaith ChapeVTract J, Block 7, Vail Village l$ Dear Ric, I am quite disappointed to discover that the landscape plan as discussed with you and others for the Vail Interfaith Chapel has been ignored. It haq come to my attention, that after all the urgent on-site meetitrgs and pressing deadlines, one ofthe large evergreen trees along Vail Road was removed without any approvals from the town" I am even more disappointed as I am cerbin that everyone involved is and was aware that Design Review Board approval was required in order to remove the large mature tree. Upon receipt of this letter please contact me immediately so that we may schedule a meeting to discuss a resolution. I can be reached by telephone at 479-2145. Until this issue is resolved I will not approve any further inspections on the project. Sincerely, fJry?,,*l-,t George Ruther, AICP ChiefofPlenning Town of Vail {g*nnuoruo -,.ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community De\relopment 75 South Fontage Road, vail, Cohado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tay.; 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Proroct t{!me: Vail Chapel - Bldg ldentification Sign DRB l{umber: DRB010@0 Prui€ct Dcccription: Freestanding Sign at entrance Particlpanto: OWNER VAIL REUGIOUS FOUNDATION INO4/19/2001 PhONC: o/o REV. DON SIMONTON 19 VAIL RD vArLco 81657 License: APPUCANT FRED MCLOOTA 04lt9l20f'L Phone: 926-9'149 P.O. Bor 2574 210 Edwards Village Blvd. B-1ff) Edwards, CO 81632 License: C000001144 ProJect Addrcrr: 19 VAIL RD VAIL locaUon: legal Deccription: lofi Block: Subdivieion: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 Percelilumbsr: 210107109001 Gommcnte: Landscaping apprwd 5l4lL BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motbn By: Bill Pierce Aclfon: APPROVED Seond By: Charles Acvedo Vde: 5-0 Dateof APPrcval: 05/03/2$1 CondlUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staffand/orthe Design Review Board. Cond: CON00fi589 Sign location requires a minimum of 24 s.f. hndscaping to include a combination of aspen trees and conlfes behind the sign. Entry2 0E,10412001 By: AK Actionr APPR Cond: CON0004690 Electrical permit rcquired for installation of lighting. Planner: Ann Kjerulf DRB Fe Paid: lrl0.00 63/24/L995 22124 FIELECAPE PAGE g2o {' "l I rl I !'€or[ LcI\ qd E9Ftf dr gE F (ttFE' Fft E. u[i,sBlE ''[n o Vail Interfaith- Chapel Entty Slgn - Lrndscape Plen u.y.. rol -> IedBrlJ qilBJrolul IIBA I Rn€?-rt\->o+ra*I,occr-oS d a,ei I fl F F f flEdsddaddgdi{ [ ?: : I a'.-11la-,nrrl'D'r,- TrT'[ lo?If, ?ltilrntf'0 - ffi!il,f"fsil o:o6l Ir iTFrt B $! F !e ill;ggisiFE giIis .t E!rrfilr:t!'t\ Fi!€EI x E(, 'rt 9 eo t ht;(t 8_f B'g$s$ElssFgr lit,{* E$ill si tz.itz 966'lllzlEa,ulor.u,3dto€0-r3IJEg :lgVd st, g oo E t, E g v, g E E 6 E $ a, M E # .I Questions? Call thc Planning Dcsk ^t 479-2128 SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION A. B. c. This application is for any sign that is located within thc Town of Vail. Spccific requircmcnts arc available frorn the Department of Community Developmcnt. Nanre of Busin "rr, l/a; / -T^, Te r Fn i T/ e Lp r / Building nanre rrdaddress: /? t/r4 r / 4a4 ' Name of owner:Phone: t. K. L. I TOI'//N OT VAIL D. E. Mailing address: Hanging sign Awning tr tr G. H. Signature of owner: Name of person submitting:Phonc: 736' ? lV2 (lf different than owner) Address: F. Type ofsign (see back for definitions): ff Free standingtr Wall sigrtr Other, speci$: Signmessgc: l/At /T,- Sizc ofsign and size of for cach sign proposcd: .73 Lengthofbusinessfrontage: /J' Hcightofsignabovegrade: 4' 6 " Nurnbcr of signs proposed:Number and sizc of existing sigrs: Location ofeach sign (attach a site plan and an clcvation drawing or a photograph clcarly indicating thc proposcd location): M.Materials and colors of sigr (attach samples): N.Describe lighting ofsign (existing or proposed): o. P. Busincss license and/or sales tax license vcrification is REeUIRED prior to planning review: Sales Tax Administrator's signature (Sally Lorton 479-2125\: FEE: $20.00, PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SrcN AREA. ?Wol -o(11 EP at cD40 $ 6l t-l =- $_o st;ult Rld .?t $ 6l q Hl+ Fl'-zl Pt{rrls t?,1 }ZuAAAEnflv !a ?\es3r <\b \JJuf (^go2a I +- t4our<, $t$-ir ul ..lI \N \A, e 'lD "FU+LN .fr*9iF+(\.I\) 4. sS P5 -{,-\,. $.Yl= F\s zI{\ 6K5\\s\\ U,l \s ,ll. [_ t H, =J;t $*?s +io-Q-g6 hr \ /-Hrf*f*\l*d#FJrr& ffi F]Etsu 4; oF<a Fit4 J 9 Vp z 9 \n o rDOFg,4$T ?ttrT, ceohK 9+A{<€9 oN ?tiweoo S+l€Nrtd.nv6 2v4's Fr+T 2746 fhc-4A - FANf VLXf- "9G* ['ffFF9i 9t'td4 G€Htrlt ' ...b't WE 6FtWO2Ioue loe ox) 51vc,@ olt Ulqr ?L1wp99 ,' FtsINT WdTT€ Z*bs @ lb" o.C. :7-" HgTAr Cth'ilugL KeU6tsL -ftt$f VL+a- 9T044 D. bWCT€ WALL - @hIN TD F€o5TwJe g: oN bwTue6 f)Ec, c&VvtT b $FW Ub+#9 .---.: :' : L:-// i tl 9f c,tronl cF glrav tol VA|L 1s1!(ffr rTH 4t€LL +hclor .. L O Vail Watef \lain _: *) ,l Roa: {o{3 a-alAUI'I ..e"{9 (L) d x !C) v(J 7a r +! rL U,.IJJN//- t-=- - 7n\\- -- IrIt I'. ttttl. ll. III ll ap -.o dY.9 E =>9:AC OF(J ; -9 g9 .rO OUU- .= a\EY I( .,'Y t I I t I Is-1.'. I I._ Ialo-0, I h:PE *t,#.3 ?I U: I9UF539 .q .tr -Q =Fo& \'---(l .\z I I \ -1 \ I a rrrr a a t- 'tl 'lr- '' -L 'tI r Ill +* I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 11, 2001 A request lor a minor subdivision, to allow for lhe correction of errors in the platting of Tract J, Vail Village First Filing, located at Vail Interfaith Chapel, 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicanl: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson il. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND OF THE REQUEST In 1998, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) granted a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion and remodeling of Vail lnterfaith Chapel. A portion of the chapel's existing improvements were located on Town of Vail properly (Parcel A). Pursuant to the PEC^/ail Town Council's approval, the town is granting encroachment easements for lhe chapel due to errors in the original platting of Tract J. The purpose of this minor subdivision application is to plat (and 1o legally formalize) the easements lor the chapel's encroachment onto Parcel A. The subject property is zoned General Use. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the criteria outlined in Section lll of this memorandum, the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the request for a minor subdivision, subject to the following findings: 'l . That the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of the Subdivision Regulations, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmenlal Commission deems applicable. 2. That the application is appropriate in regard lo Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolulions and other applicable documents, environmenlal integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, and effects on the aesthetics of the Town. The Community Developmenl Department also recommends the following condition of approval: 1. That the applicant records the approved and signed plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office by no later than June 11 ,2002. MINOR SUBDIVISION CRITERIA A basic premise of subdivision regulations is that the minimum standards for the creation of a new lot(s) must be met. This subdivision will be reviewed under Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, of the Town of Vail Code. A The first set of criteria to be considered by the Plannang and Environmental Commission for a Minor Subdivision application is: Lot Area: There are no minimum lot size requiremenls in the General Use Zone District. Additionally, lhe applicant is not proposing to alter lhe size of the existing parcel(s). Fronlaqe: There is no minimum frontage requirement in the General Use Zone District. Dimension: There are no minimum dimension requirements in the General Use Zone District. Addilionally, the applicant is not proposing to alter the size of the existing parcel(s). Staff Response.'Statf believes that the proposed suMivision meets the minimum lot standards as specified by the General Use Zone District. B. The second set of criteria to be considered with a Minor Subdivision application, as outlined in the subdivision regulations, is: The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in ampliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. Due consideration shallbe given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subsection 13-3-3C. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and nnsider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relaling to subdivision control, de nsities proposed, regulations, ordi nances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integr$ and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town. The Specific Purpose ot the Subdivision Regulataons is as lollows: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development proposals will be evaluated, and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. Statf Besponse; Staff has reviewed the minor suMivision for compliance with the applicable evaluation crileria. Upon the completion ol our review, the staff finds that the proposed subdivision complies with all subdivision review criteria. 2. To provide lor the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adiacent land. Staff Response.'Under the provisions of the General Use zoning, land development applications for the property must go through the conditional use permitting process. The purpose of this process is to ensure that development proposals are "localed properly wilh respect to. ..their effects on surrounding properties." The standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations, coupled with the land use controls established in the Town's Zoning Ordinance, are intended to avoid or mitigate any polential conllict with development on adjacent land. 3. To protecl and consenre the value of land throughout the Municipality and the value ol buildings and improvements on the land. Statt Response.'Statf does not believe that the proposed subdivision will have any negative impacts on lhe value of land in the Town of Vail. 4. To ensure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with Town development obiectives. Statt Response.'The purpose of the proposed minor subdivision is to record and formalize the improvements conslrucled under the approved General Use development plan for the chapel. Statf has verified the location of the improvements and encroachments into public property are in accord with the PEC and Town Council approval. Therefore, staff finds that the proposed minor subdivision is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances. 5. To gulde public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreallon, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have suflicient capacity to serve the proposed subdivislon. Staff Response: This goal of the Subdivision Regulations is intended to ensure adequate public facilities are provided concurrenl with land suMivision. The property is served by sanitary sewer, waler, electric and gas. Pursuanl to the Town of Vail Carrying Capacity Study, staff believes sufficient capacity exists at this location to lacilitate the suMivision request. 6. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures. StaffBesponse; The proposed minor subdivision plat has been prepared in accordance with the standards prescribed in the Town of Vail SuMivision Regulations. 7. To prcvenl the pollutlon ol air, streams and ponds, to assurB adequacy ol dnlnrye fecllltlo!, to sateguard the water table and to encouragp the wbe usa and tmnagcmcnt of natural resources throughout the Town In ordcr to pl€servo tho Inlogrity, stablllty and beauty of the communlty and lhc vrhre of the land. S:trff Rcgfplnrp; The related conditional use permit application for the chapel involved a floodplain r€pon and the use of best management practices for seiJimert and eroeion oonlrol. Staff bglieves the minor subdivision request complies wth the abovedescrlbed criteria. Quc1!s? Call thc Planning Staffat 4?9-2138 APPLICATION FOR PI,ANNINC AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct reguiring approval by thr Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information. see the submittal requiremcnts for thc particulat approual that is rcqucstcd, Thc application can not bc acccpted until all rcquired information is submittcd. The p.oject may also need to bc rcvicwcd Ly thc Town Council andlor thc Dcsign Rwicw Board i Ib Amcndmcnt to an Approved Dcvclopmcnt Ptantr Employcc Housing Unit (fypc: ) i tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (VailVillage) tr Major or tr Minor CCil ExtcriorAltcration (Lionshead) Special Dcvelopmcnt District Major or 0 Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD B.DESCRTPTION OF TrrE REQTJEST:to correct errora A: TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) El Bcdand Brcakfast tr Conditional Usc Pcrrnittr Major or E Minor Subdivisiontr Rczoning tr Sign Variancc ;B Variancc tr Zoning Code Arncndrnent tr tr T|vlN0rtrAn of Tract J. V FLrst FLlLng SubdLvieLon c.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT_Ig9cE_ALOCK_ Z __FtLtNc vaLl vtUage trirst ADDRESS; vall Road _BUILDING NAME: Vail Chapel D. ZONING: E.NAME OF OWNER(S):Torn of Yall MAILINGAD PHONE: 479-2145 c. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OFREPRESENTA MAILINGADDRESS: H.FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THISAPPLICATION,ALL STJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AI\[D THE F"EE iO TTTN DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, PHONE:_ Rovi$d 5f96 WLat(W+ coLoRADO 81657. Adiacent Prooertv Owners - Vail Chaoel Resubdivision 1) Sonnenalp Properties 501 N. Frontage Road West Apartment #35 Vail, CO 81657 2) Vail Religious Foundation C/o Reverend Don Simonton 19 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 3) Bishop Park Condominium Association C/o Phillips & Associates, lnc. PO Box 1403 Vail, CO 81658 4) Toja Realty / Villa Cortina Association C/o Vail Realty & Rental Management 302 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 5) First Bank of Vail C/o First Bank Holding Company PO Box 150097 Lakewood, CO 80215 !rbf irI{t s F.r-< -ll ,,3iH vl4-11 .lrl) | [' ru 5a'a1 t{t b I;j R lirl YJ /*IX { fil $ 5 CL (U =oooL.T'E I !I (E 3 8 a ffi Nlr\tEi \\ 3e ! V1'., ." [lF'l i, \a '1.--.\ 5g \,___al UJo,{4-t o i' 5 dJ E] o -u- 22 JE i g ii e99i aq-tJ w-l O ,r,. rrEM MAY AFFEcr ror* ,*t=*r, PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 11,2001, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a variance from Section 12-6DO (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: David InrinPlanner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D5 of the Town Code, to allow for the resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47, Yail Village West Filing No. 2, re-creating Lots 46 & 47,located at 1916 & :1936 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais, representing Richard StraussPlannen Allison Ochs A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 1 1, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an athletic field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesU A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full meles & bounds legal description is available al the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, io allow for the consolidation of 2 units within the CC2 Zone District, located at 126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot K, Block 58, Vail Village 1d Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Henry Anthony lttleson, represented by K.H. Webb Architects. Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead 3' Filing and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant: Vail ManiottPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Section 12-6D'9 (Site Coverage), construction of an addition to a single-family residence, located Block 1, Vail Village 8th Filing. Vail Town Code, to allow for the at 1115 Homsilver Circle / Lot 8, Garol Collins, represented by Arris West Architects, BillGibson '#,11, )y' ?7i/ PC A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the correction of errors in the platting of Tract J, \tfil Village First Filing, located at Vail Interfaith Chapel, 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7, Vail 4ffllage First Filing. J' Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wlson A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject lo the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A review of a staff decision regarding a request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, lo allow for the expansion of the Wreck Room Restaurant and Passport Club, located at 498 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village sth Filing. Applicanl: Golden Peak Ski BasePlanner: Ann Kjerulf The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the projest planne/s office, localed at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for informalion. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 25, 2001 in the Vail Trail. R'R-\' R. HANDALL VOSBECK FAIA Archiloclural Consrltant T|GA Polato Padt Dr. \All, Cohra(b 81657 Phono: (970) /96.205.1 Fax; (970) 47&2054 rl WWtt^qr.6n"7L /of n' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: VAIL INTERFAITH CHAPEL DRB Number: DR8050274 Project Description: New directory sign to match eD(isting "Vail Interfalth Chapel" sign in style/colors. This sign approved as a "public information sign", for use according to Title 11-7-3 and therefore not. bounded by a size regulation, ParticipanB: owNER VAIL REUGIOUS FOUNDATION IN05/15/2005 19 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT BROWN-WOUNCONSTRUCEON 06/16/2005 Phone: 970-949-4186 P.O. BOX 701 VAIL co 81658 License: 100-A CONTMCTOR BROWN-WOUN CONSTRUCION 06/16/2005 Phone: 970-949-4186 P.O. BOX 701 VAIL co 81658 License: 100-A ProjectAddress: 19 VAIL RD VAIL Location: VAIL INTERFAITH CHAPEL Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: VAILULLAGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 2101-071-09ffi-1 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: APPROVED Seond By: Vote3 DateofApprovall 0612812005 Conditionsr Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date rl of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and ls dillgenUy pursued toarard completion. @nd: CON0007266 UghEng sources shall be concealed within the sign and shall not be seen from any angle of the exterior of the new directory sign. EntrV 0512817005 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: 165.00 IOI4INM General Information: All projecG requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submit[al requiremenb for the particulai approval that is requesied. nn aiilication ior Design Reviewcannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Develbpment Departrnent. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and c6nstruction commences withinone year of the approval. Description of the Request: Physical Address: Parcet No,: )lo Sign Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2739 faxi 970.47 9.2452 web: www.vailgov,com s.'l T^1..+..+q C 9 t/"i( R (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:GU Location of the Proposal: ')tot o7t oq ut o TJ6toq o $ -c U,r. /nr,)J Name(s) of Owner(s):i?.(u, fi un)^t,ur.^ Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: 1>. I 'i"> N t c'lt D fo rr' n- 6 B tesS Fax: q1? - 66t/7 Phone: E-mail Address: Phone: 1t/?'fua Name of Applicant: Type of Review and Feel I Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) E Chanqes to ApDroved Plans(- D Sepiration Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee I0l,f,Nm SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General lnformatipn This application ls for any sign that ls located within the Town of Vail. Specific requiremenE are available from the Department of Communlty Developrnent. I. SUBII{ITTAL REQUIREMENTS A.Name of Business:hi(R. f,,ri. f-onJ^tto.,. Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and Joint owner, if applicable. Type of sign (check all that apply): .S Freesta nding Sign QWall Sign FHanging / ProJecting Sign ODisplay Box trDally Speclal Board QJoint Dkectory Sign QSubdivision Enbance Slgn Number of slgns Number^of signs Sign Sign and letterlng dimensions for each th" = l)i /4."f\ OL4 lNG D. LerEth of business frontage: Height of sign(s) from grade: tr Building Identificatlon tr Mural tr Window Sign tr Sign Program tr Gas Hlled/Fiber Optic tr Temporary Sign tr Other t'3 s1^c. F. G, H, I. 1 K. Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elFvation drawinq or a photggrap,h clearly indicajlng thg _, proposed locaUon of slgn(s)); RtO lazt+ -Q', ucttn SSn / 9<e pt&n# 4 Materfals and colors of sisn t"*rnulr,olt lc'u/* tb'{*'t)":t l,'*rN'"6d'"74 7'V';;;;,;,; " " ;:";ri*L;;ffi 's.. r,d,*.x M. N. E Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.E Indude height above grade, lumens ouFut, luminous area. E Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. DrawirEs showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and hov'/ the awnlr€ will be constructed. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submissbn of addltional plans, drawlngs, spedflcations, samdes and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with D6lgn Guidelines or lf the intent of the proposal is not clearly Indlcated. ;6"1. .}-< I have raad and understand the above listed submittal requirements: - p-:""tn".u, l/a.'( Rs ('s,r... fud,. Dr;lu Contractor Date Signed - Q)a/' I TOI4'NM JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name), a joint owner of property located at (address/legal descripUon) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Depaftment for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above, I understand that the proposed improvemenB include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations, (Signature) :. (Date) Page2 of 4104128104 N. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wde Web at http://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/olanning/drb/meetinqs/default.htm Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in lltle 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Desiqn Review Board Meetino Requirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be laped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applionts who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditons of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit, Staff Approvat The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Page 4 of 4/04128/04 ,ffit"')t$^/*/ NVNoFv-rffil! HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonesl Direci,or, (970)479-213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB -_ PEC : . : 2. Wasyourinitial contactwithourstafiimrnediate_slow_or i ,.,..... , .., . no one available ? : : 1 r":r" r:r; : :1 ' 3. lf you were required to waif how long was it before you were helped?_ 4. Was your.project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this yourfirsttime to fle a DRB app PEC app- 6. Please rate the performance of the staffperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowled ge; responsiveness, availabiliiy) 7. Overall efiectiveness oithe FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service .Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime to compleie this survey. We are committed b improMng our service. i{ lEIt_t l TOWN OF VAIL . OES'-'"!l:.iVIEW sr" ,- , '; .)'AL ?farf of Jl -lA^,* I pt4: lbh^,*'A e t8-5rt7-38I0 C*l tlvLt7 Nul Lrt D-) fl "***4-"7'"'il, AJ- owrtt-@,-7f4* r^*llcr ,N fifu S'It , 1(-ls leE CDROItf f 9AVIN6 VAIL C}TA,ftU RR{CIDEY 96I-I un 5q+E]'E z Conf i rmat I on Report -Memory Send Page l)ate I T ire L in6 I E-na | | llach Ine lD 001 Jun-29-05 07:35an 9701792452 Tom 0F vAtL c(lfltfrllTY DEVEL(lPIClIT Job nurber Date To llumbor of pages Start t i16 End t ine Pag6s sEnt Status Job number : 708 708 Jun-29 0l:3{anr E99196817 003 Jun-29 07:34am Jun-29 07:35ar 003 OK !*** sEND SUCCESSFUL 'r** 75 Soutla Fro.aEaac Ro.dv!.11, CO 816579'ro4?9-2'.34 Co)NIIN,IGTI T:TY DE\'EI-OP1\1E'I{T FAJ< IEFTA.IYSNATTITAI- SI-EET TOr RtchBrdw-r . . 'COIVC. D/{I:E: # oF P ,rcltsl rFr xtrocl.rn/| EN'r (NOT nYCLI.'TDD\aG co\/E.R. slrEE:r)- IFatt5P,oFIsE REQLtfRtD" SENT BT' TOTtal\r O.F \/AIIr Col\rll\/fftNTTy ItE\ZDLiO?ntIt'l\rr FA'E # .I'o.g.r\g oF vAIjL C€'Ivf\dr:IF{rTY xtE\ZEI-roP1\rIE$iIT TEI-EPEIo!|E tt SPECI.AI. (C OIVIN/IENTS .Al:fI' F'O'TES: oo loi6^ t)eu 9'r't'ttt^g'''*J'* $-t 4a ,tvr< f6tI .L o(ftttrY (El/EttrtEtt Design Revieut Board ACTION FOR]II Department of Communit! Development 75 South Frontaqe Roadn Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 fax297O.479,2432 web: www.vailgo%com Project Name: Prcject Description: Project Address: legal Description: Parcel Number: @mments: Pafticlpants: owNER VArL REUGIOUS FOUNDATION IN06/16/200s 19 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPLICAI,fT BROWN-WOUN CONSTRUCION 06/16/2005 Phone: 970-949-4L86 P.O. BOX 701 VAIL co 81658 License: 100-A CONTRACTOR BROWN-WOUN CONSTRUCION 06/16/2005 Phone: 970-9494186 P.O. BOX 701 VAIL co 816s8 License: 100-A 19 VAIL RD VAIL Locaton: VAIL INTERFAITH CHAPEL VAIL INTERFAITH CHAPEL DRB Number: DRB050274 New dircctory sign to match existing "Vail Intefaith Chapel" sign in style/colors. This sign approved as a "public information sign", for use acording to Trtle 11-7-3 and therefore not bounded by a size regulation. loH Block Subdlvision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 1 2101-071-0900-1 see conditions Actlon: APPROVED Date of Approval: Cohd: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Toan of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apprwal. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced (' Motion By: Second By: Vob: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Planncn and is dlllgenUy punued toward ornpletion. Cond: CON0007266 Lbhting sources shall be concealed within the siTn and shall not be seen fiom any angle of the exterlor of the new directory sign. Entry: 06/28/2005 By! ee Action: AP Elisab€th Eckel DRB Fee Paid: f65.00 AtrR-? -eA@. A4 LA FRO'I:BRoHN l^l0LIN CONSTRUC 91A9/+96A47 \ rO.479e45?P:1 ,@. BROWN.WOLIN CONSTRUCTION, INC. or*rr^,. .on?ltiffio*t 383fr il ** ruLrANr-*""?",TB'"fl L'1Hffi U9fiH.,,!j.ijrRuc'oN llnftell -4o'. iZtv-"IFt\ lful "t7l -aaia- B*r to*"4DBB +r-.1 (h**'rt) ri ryJ c1 v '/ \ frV" I- s1*. ), *^s,r,* { ,n DeB h'*-l (n'*wS (ta tt'r'^' '/'lt sh{n + ' ,, -g b* ^4rtut; t^ '"1ftn<','-4, {i**f** fitrd'V-* ;,b,/' o(,i ? *{# trrd r ta A oJJ4' W'**) '-- 8n{ | (^)z *.J)J'L{' /" *f+fu fl f /* "It "k fr,'i*' , ,y'il^ by, AR-?4-?AA? Ag:tA FRoMrBR0l^lN l^loLIN CONSTRUS 97?9496s41 fO:419?45?O.) "ffi, BROWN.WOLIN CONSTRUCTION, INC. -- -eL{E1g*ff$?nuBSB}*osuLTANr,,' E lfraii *t""""uffiffi[ffi#1:iH+.*o'* fr^slulqp--il-a*^ t.oa Zr.*!/ 4,.rD%e?q-'ztf,1r; A*++Q:btu& M4z. lr 7 r/*tl /fth L rJ.,t, *:.'ylu'sy6# * ,' Ft*,5/re* F* > /*iD .A t7 ti"il+t"*J, ^t504t" aat6 .t;1L"tt*"+fh '/&Z s 37 _3 z'd s9S'-g16-oag e9be6Lv.oL ' u9ysag uO srrs Lbag6VGAL6 3nUlSN(D Nr-]UM NMot€:l,lodl al.aa as/ae-be-tldvE:d colxrrrY tElE!(nf,Ht Design Review Board ACTIOT{ FORI{ Department of Conmunity Dsyelopment 75 South FrontaEe Roadn Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tzxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%com Project Nam€: TOV-ERWSD TREE REMOVAL Project Descrlption: DRBNumber: DRB06O468 Request to rernove a tree overhanging the Gore Creek to allow for the installation of a new water lirc. Participants: OWNER TOWN OFVAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 816s7 t0l02J2oo6 APPUCAI.IT EAGTE RMR WATER & SANITAI10|0A20O6 Phone: 970-476-7,180 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL co 81657 License: 362-8 ProJectAddrcss: 19VAILRDVAIL locadon: GORECREEKANDVAILROAD tegaf Descrlfion: Lou%toac Subdlvlsion: vAILVILLAGE rru*eft Qr*., Cn-.*-e) Parrcel l{umber: 2101{71-09fi)-2 CommenB: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTTOT{ Mouon By: Second By: Vote: GondlUons: Cond:8 Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Appmval: 10/03/2005 (PLAN): No dtanges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rsriew committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB apprwal does not onstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprcval shall not become valirJ for 20 days follorring the date of approval. Cond:202 Approral of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprcryal, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is dilQently pursued toward compleUon. Planner: Warren Gmpbell DRB Fee Paid: 120.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requestd. An apdication for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The poject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permlt is issued and construction commences wlthin one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Removal of a tree overhanging Gore Creek and adjacent to Vail Rd. and the Vail Chapel Location of the Proposal: Lot: J Block Tract B Subdivision: Vail Lionshead, Second Filing Physical Address: South of 19 Vail Rd. Parcel No.: None (Contact Eagle Co. Assesgor at 970-328-86.10 for parcel no.) zonins: NAP z- tdtOT | -oq6g ? Name(s) of Owner(s): Town of Vail Mailing Address: 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 Phone: (970) 479-2128 Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant Eagle River Water & Sanitation Mailing Address: 846 Forest Rd., Vail, CO 81657 E-mail Address: mgolembiewski@erwsd,org Tlpe of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Concepfual Review D New Consfouctiontr Addition D Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) r,4 A\Minor Alteration I Isingle-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request a). U n) wo D o,c 6- @ Contact: Marty Golembiewski Phone: (970) 477-5447 Far (970) 476-4089 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, windorv additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallq etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Fgfff*zISU .n**n,o . qot / g,v, u*uno o.t"' f (- I - Ob DRB No. F:U5wsD\,leng\ConstErE\Proiectsvail Rd. Tree\drb_minor_alt_Vail Rd. - Tr€e.doc Page I of 13 rLl23lzOOs HY DROSPHERE Resource Consultants August 17,2006 MarW Golembiewski Eagle River Water & Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Removal of large leaning tree located adjacent to the Vail Road bridge Dear Marty: On July 13,2006, we met with Nina Landes, Peak Land Consultants, Inc., and conducted a site visit at the area immediately west of the Vail Road bridge over Gore Creek in Vail. The primary purpose of this meeting was to inspect conditions at the proposed location where a new water line is to be installed across Gore Creek. During our meeting, we identified several approaches to installation of the new water main which will be further evaluated to address engineering, construction and environmental issues. One issue of immediate concern at this site is the large spruce tree on the north bank of Gore Creek that is leaning sharply to the southeast over Gore Creek. (See attached photograph.) Our observations indicate that this tree is not stable and appears to be at substantial risk of falling. The tree is about 24 inches in diameter at the base and is rooted in the slope of the streambank a few feet above the edge of the water. At higher water levels, the base of the tree would be at least partially submerged. The curvature of the tree trunk indicates that the leaning angle ofthe tree has been increasing gradually over time as the tree has grown larger and heavier. It appears to me that the soil conditions around the root ball are not sufficientlv stable to effectively anchor a tree of this size. These observations indicate that this tree could be at eminent risk of falling across the river. The hee is substantially taller than the width of Gore Creek, so if it does fall, it will completely bridge the stream, which would be hazardous to pedestrians in the area as well as boaters and fishermen. Other factors that could exacerbate this risk include possible blow down in high winds, snow load, and excavation in the area near the tree during installation of the pipeline. Policy Analysis . Engineering . Environmental Assessment . Informational Systems 1002 Walnut, Suite P.O. Box 445 . 200 . Boulder, Colorado Socorro, New Mexico 87801 (303) 443-7839 . Fax (303) 442-06r6 835-2556 . TeleFax (505) 835-2609 80302 U.S.A. u.s.A.. (s05) It{arty Golembiewski Based on these observations, I recommend prcemptive removal ofthis trce as the most practical means of avoiding the public safety risk and the disturbance that would otherwise occrn when the hee falls. Please feel tEe to call ifyou have any questions. Sincerely, Hydrosphere Resourpe C,onsultants, Inc. or, fu-frt** RobertM. Weaver August 17,20M Page 2 lly&osphere Resowce Consultants, Inc. Martv Golembiewski August 17,2006 Page 3 >itt _, t "t Leaning tree located adjacent to the Vail Road bridge over Gore Creek in Vail Hvdrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc. [+l il is!t !q 'lIr ii TM,{O NtOr GVOU TM 0NISSOUC NM Ugrvr, XggUC SUOC rfirii F: F{ HEa ,Ll dL >\ =J a*i ^l I ftF dbt Z;*, ccl?l Fgf;q-l HH @ A\ -ilK{ ad[$ o-"\'*--t'Afu2 )&/v{ arVA Av/ Pz 6a: /zo \/ /<2. I>El EoUJtr =()=fi 8Ha<)o(LoE(L J a oN tl [lJ Oa -r-- -----' ?r' tnz !+t <F=FUJE. trQtrl FE(9 E. lrJ trJ () z.Fax lrJ oz!!o 65-=u-E r!F..(nu=, EJOg' '2. E=.-u zE HS Heig 2EFn =t-d V;/ta4 lol' .ng L c6,i,tJr,ITY tEtELOFtfr W Design Review Board ACTION FOR]4 Department of Communlty Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tat; 97O,479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Prcject Name: VRF SATEUTE DISH Project Description: Pardcipants: OWNER ProJectAdd6ss: Legal Descrlptlon: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8060491 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTERATION TO INSTALL A FOUR FOOT DIAMETER SATEUTE DISH AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE CHURCH PARKING LOT. THE DISH WILL BE APPRO)CMATELY 6 FEET IN HEIGHT. VAIL REUGIOUS FOUNDATTON rN10/20/2006 19 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT VAIL REUGIOUS FOUNDATION IN1O/20/2006 19 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 19 VAIL RD VAIL Locatlon: VAIL INTERFAITH CHAPEL PARKING LOT LoG Block: Subdlvlslon: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 1 2101-071-0900-1 See C.onditions Motion By: Second By: Votu: Condltlonsr BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 11/0V2006 Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stafr and/or the appropriate renriew commitree(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. C,ond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordlnane 26, Serles 20(16 shall be subject to the pendlng emdoyee houslrq reguhtlons In whaterrer form they arc finally adopted; pnrylded, howater, that lf the Tovn fialls b adopt the pendlng employee houslng rcgulations by Aprll 15,2@7, thls Odlnane shail rpt apply to snch dwelop,ment appllcations. Planner: Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Pald: S20.0O Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 E: 970.479.2L28 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.w ilgor,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a bultding permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenE for the partiorlar approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all rcquired information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be revialed by the Torvn Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapsec unless a building permit is issued and construction comnrences within one year of the approval. -. DescripUon of the Request:€ LocaUon of the Block: - Subdivision: .-- Physical Address: 7 Parcel No.:Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: {)T'gt 0(r o c- aes ?ld ( Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Name of Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review O New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) K Minor Rlteratlon lsingl+family/d uplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request < tr-ftz/e- V tL (o '/, $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-rcofing, painting, window additions, landraping, fences and -/,---r-\ retaining walls, etc.( $20 \For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,\---lre-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee GlobeCast Site Survey Form GlobeCast Call Number: Customer: Address: Customer Site Coordinator Contact: Customer Property Management Contact: Phone: Personnel present during the survey: Satellite Technician: Dateofsurveyt l0 l3/&Tirne of survey t lbril* WAyplr{.^ Comments: l. PERMITS & TJMON ISSI'ES what permits are required for installation of the satellite Earth station? !|ilo permits are required ( fZoning permit required ( ) Building permit required ( ) Other 4. 2. J. If a permit is required, what documentation/infonnation is required? tf a nnnit is required, does the site contact desire to proceed with the installation without obtaining thepermit?;(yes ( ) no Ifyes, does the customer understand thg risks and take the responsibility for installation ofthe Earth Station without a required permit?{es ( ) no 5.ff"#fr ffffffff' r--. "Te documentation required for rhe permit? ( ) ves g{dq what 6.Estimated time to secure pernri(s): 7. 8. What are the city bldg permit and zoning approval costs? l. 2. J. 4. T'NION ISSI]ES Will the local union require involvement in the installation? Oyes }(no Ifyes, in what area(s) do they require involvement? ( ) elecfical ( ) mechanical (dish installation) ( ) general labor What is the cost of the union involvemont? M/A Comments: AIYTENNA LOCATION l. 2. Describe the recommended antenna location.oc PALt(.ttuc /-"7 What type of mount do you recommend for this installation? ( ) Non-penefrating roof mount () - Penetatingroofmount _b|/ Ground/r r\ rr/^r -^,,-*( )* Wall mount ( ) Other: If roof mounted, describe roof composition:J. 4.Did the landlord approve the site!(es ( ) no; why ).Are other approvals required?Xno ( ) yes; what other approvals are required? 6.provide clear look angle of enaire domestic *" "ou"."g"?$es ( ) no; explain: 7. 8. Is antenna location free from future obstructions. inc 7ltat577t &ar 6@jWE Is site free from future construction? pf"r 1 ) no; explain: foliage! ( );explarn7re,-. U^/TOF 5 9.will location permit ease of future antenna maintenancer;fifs ( ) no; describe probrems l0 Will structural reinforcement be necessary? {* O yes; describe:.t, \ I l. Are structural blueprints available?fio ( ) yes: where can a set of roof prints be obtained?: How many floors are in the building?lEtq Euwa ltoern,12. c+{po Q.r&m,v 13.If ground mounted, is site currently;free from the fotlowing: Telephone lines ffyes ( ) no Electric lines Gas lines .(yes ( ) no Sprinkler pipes Water lines ldyes ( ) no Cement pad Sewer lines ldyes ( ) no Drainage pipes Underground boxes '.${:es ( ) no Underground tanks Drain frelds (lfu,es ( ) no Other, _ &;, ffi:: O ves ( )no Ono Ono )no )no )no 14. 15. If ground mounted, will utility tines and pipes need to be located prior to installation ( ) yefl{6'o ) wHS/.ow. Glottp J/tLt tE F?ltzart % E*a&ra 17.Describe any problems that could delay the installation: If ground mounted, what are the soil conditions? ffiormal compaction , ryblem, ( ) Water drainage probleT, ( ) Otheq de'scribe: tlWlAt A 16., Oleyelsite Ifground qgunqed,will a ( ) fence, ( ) landscaping,be necessarx)(fes ( ) no; 18.Cornments: CABLE/CABLING REQI]IREMENTS Given the following form below, describe in detail the cable run, including; lengths of cable, t5rye of cable, conduit requirements, etc. Please use path numbers that coordinate with the path numbers on the site plan. ROU-TING FROM ANTENNA SITE TO SATELLITE EQUIPMENT. ROUTINGFROM SATELLITEEQUIPMENT TO MATV HEADEND OR ANY SMALL DISTRIBUTION REQI.]IRED BY SITE. Path_# From I Antenna To Length Conduit Teflon Req'd? Req'd? HEADEND xl fn(N)CY)N) Will IFL line amplifiers be required?fyes ( )no Will RF line amplifiers be required? i I )esxlno 1. Does elechonics site meet the Adequate space Good ventilation Clean location Secure location Easy Access following ONg". ( Iires ( Iii-ves ( I{t-ves ( &rves ( criteria? ) no, why? ) no, why? ) no, why? ) no, why? ) no, why? J.will th-ep be a telephone line near equipment? ( ; yes !q/no, if^no, how far is the nearest telephone?lWl 4frtll6tf Whatisttrepnone nurrAir:. .Y/A ' Is AC power at equipment location?{yes ( ) no). 6. ELECIRONICS LOCATION Satellite IRD Will there be an Ethernet/l.Ietwork .AF Ju.tt SfLtfta\ 74uulfu 'hs ApP ts Fc at'tfut ,2 m/rrg T (#T CAots F C[lusL- - #t:tttar,ll lAW 6)il4'v{ C?cot .zfau{ . ^,fr2-WTtttr iiru&utUrttTtartt fr Ailf&kd raarui pE@Ew ffi/O^r#2^ SITEI}IAGRAM Draw a sirylc ovcrtoad viow of antcnna looation and cable routing to electnonics/lvlATV sptem/misc. wall taps. Indicato magnetic north. Indicds tho cable nrn patt numbor on each oable run, as wrur indicarcd on pego 6 of the sun'ey form. (Attach any sib plans povided by site contact.) SITE SURVEYDISCLAIMER As a representative of . located in , I acknowledge that , acting on behalfof GlobeCasg performed an on-sire snrvey at the above mentioned ,*UrO ", lA/ /3rO/: The site suwey was explained to me and my questions were answered to my satisfaction. Globdast will not be held liable for costs associated with any change in the original site survey specifications, including antenna./€quipment placemen! and cable rurL without prior to installaiion notification. St, CD^II'V7 r^*g Mf nllLtzaarb S/6t arf Customer Satellite Technicians Name Site Representative Date le Dai:GlobeCast Representative PEOTOGRAPE DOCI]MENTATION Please take photos of tho requartod locations. If a photo of a location requested was not talceno pleaso indicaie the reason. Additional photos may be taken ifyou feel they will enhance the survey. l. Antenna Location Looking True South2. Looking TowardEastEnd of Orbital ARC3. Looking Toward West End of Orbital ARC :4. Antenna Location From 100' to 300' (Use Obstacle to Indicate Location) ;5. Cable Run _ Antenna to Building (Entry into Building)6. Intemal Cable Run Qfpossible)7. Electonics Location F F ;H 3:t- \i. €- 1-- I -+-' "-t'q !t $l -S*r\ :- \:- l1 - \ ::-.-- , ....- \.- -. I I \ s N \ s .t ot&*rn.,, *;az- \'I I ?q' 6)7q8 # f ,f*,* Ll-l--b-E> PRODELIN" A TrlPolnt Glolral Company Prodelin Corporation is the world's largest manufacturer of Rx/Tx VSAT antennas. We have the broadest product line in the industry including Receive Only, Rx/Tx and Rural Telephony antenna systems. Prodelin offers nineteen antenna sizes,4Tcm to 4.5M. Prodelin is the leader in obtaining gpe certifications and approvals for Intelsat, AsiaSat and Eutelsat. Prodelin antennas provide the best quality in the market due to the sophisticated, precision SMC compression molding process technology. Prodelin provides the best value antenna solution to the market with competitive prices, the highest quality products and superb engineering support. Prodelin is lS0 registered, KEMA # 70022.01. Prodelin - The Martet Luder in VSAT Antennas. Eisi-Yters Ssios '1111 Key Features . Precision Compression Molded Offset Reflector . Installation time reduced with improved mount design ' Compact packaging for low shipping costs . Low visual impact . Various mounling options available Feed and elevalion align- ment indicators qtr 4l+ gack Vie$/ Sed6 1130 =PRODELIN-ts A Tnfurnr GEolr cornp.ny 1700 NE Cable 0rive . Ccnovsr, NC 4613 USA Tel (&8) 46f4111 . Fa: (828)4660S0 nrtw.FodChcctt @ CWW 2W Pndah,a Infrh( Gbbal ConPatY Alsodd Ilr frodeh hp b a M< ot Ttlkttil GWal.w2-fi6@2m)