HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT B HOLIDAY HOUSE AKA 9 VAIL ROAD 1970-1979 LEGALt{7a- /lry v oo Bopf t Kopf llectrical Ingineeilng Utility and Industial Electrical S5tstems JuIy 11, Ilerb Paddock, Field InspectorBuilding Department Torsn of VailVail , Colorado Dear Herb, I have inspected the electrical system in the Holidayfnn Condominium Building on July 1O, 7979. fitis inspection of the electrical system in the water da- maged areas of the building revealed no abnormalitiesin the systenr s operation. A physical inspection of variousoutletso lights and switches revealed no evidence ofarcing. It is my opinion that the electrical system is safe. We have not done a complete review of the original design and installation of the system as this presumably was doneduring the original design and construction period. tr\,4 clemonr M, Kopf %(/\ 941 County Rord 129 o Glsnwood Springs, Colorado 81601 C. M. Kopf, Sr. o (3031 - 945-5576 7979 DIi$IGN III]ViUi'] BOAND DATE OT MIIETING: IIBIIBDBS PRBSENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD; MOTION: r VOTE: FOR: APPIIOVID: I DISAPPIIOVIiD: -- SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: SU[1[1ARY: /-f d) t t /n , , r,.r. c* Apl(:> cil.ll 81to .a tiVd L rT{-r< (s^rscrrf,Je - \r ,;tjD-.6F<1', t-R>lsr fonou ('a q\rA<' Toe O.-^.: F-J€/<- "PAcrZcr - )v'rZr.JStcr", oc SPu,i '.1 Pot- -73_ ga -su^rF< 11' - tr4 ftllte ft-r.Jce- - /lSt i" C ery.,enA (aS,@ O< 2,rt-,'.26.rC d -l Pea?uttot"(* 1lruS'on o t'- F?-lc'€ j { IA A\ -l I I I ,u, 0t\ Town of Vail EI..ECTRICAL PERIVIIT rcrNarne..ril./'lr//"*r---=.'&l"z-:./a!l3....-{--.k.-. $--.4.-----------. Electrical Contractor tz4 rwricarn....r##* fu-. /. G*"** APPROVALS /:?-* THIS FORilI 13 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURI]TG CONSTRUGTTO]I 2{ HOTJRSI ADVANCE NONCE REQUTRED FOR TNSPECTIONS Date of N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 216 $.........-.................. $... -8.a4.. g)........ $.......*.Q-'. &-.. ".... t..... gt:.&-...... Datr Received ,".f,.re.-fan c rtsE a. F. r!roraL 00.,0al.|vrl r!043t uusPEcloru TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florxen I pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: FRITUE AM PM ! nppRovED D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ! or snpp RovE D fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR oz t Ettt o- I l_ .Ft<td I, IFl<E IFtaz l= t2.z I I I i I l*t lo I I I rcl lCltL.tot(,tz 'o rCo ulF z z E-\rr -c-r <- .(t- a uJ uJtL t- =Et! o D( l4ci oo Oo F o(,i oN o oo o 8 oo o Y cr: e.{N 99:E<i:i:;-ko.,ui() a < ,. i. z F =1..u2tIr.-ir;;-;iu_il:!:j < o z-d ^zzA);i<;5t F F Cou<o<(JtdzY iiEiE:<|J!3g:3lFr.<O> -(,<oi'i,i!g<rs < J:J t F E uJ(L oz o l CD o LUI() z Jo- J 9EF(J uJ --)tu oz co -)o- J =I t].l r!qJ z F {tlE IJJG oE ocl 3 LU;u.l zo6 TJJo 6 o-L!o ?z. uJ.J aJ) LU LU TLt = uJz ) f(D J tF UJJ UJ z co J(L J 2 () t! | ryelgl 'lvA :< =zzvoootr ^ 6zq 5 =erP of,66 A_z',(J{o o n'<) z Xrr!<3i 3:g X rlia=z aN(, GI >(E -I =LU =d) l 3l <l{ z tr J Ft! o o-:f o LU o- F oooG E-ctuE \J z Eoo 2 tr ax. uJF) ; uJz trtttl S I I I llar?sz: ge F5-2--yrP,35{4EE EB6E:9<coEoz)tllrlllql S | | |tl<t | | I ? 9- oi== l tHF99zdo J<=+Ee.*r=955OO()rz.() z tr Jl(t'tz t!l a d. F _f UJ LU o B J aa I(YJ LU UJ lrL(L F Fa o 2 E UJ 3 = uJF z J (J ul lJlz :<o T.F x l-g t1 s rA d UJ aJ =<t!x30 JF* LJJ I -rs Rl"+l--\l I oz F(Jtt--)otL I tltlol AI I 1!F o z J tr Y (n F J tj \ ? <) il t UJ z U\ul rJon--f I LO =E uJ G.oo a I trO s s i5\fl\ =oa tr I Itq)tn lot1 l<t>c L! a r.tlEoo Etr attEoo =g, tr ttl oo =E LIJE o a I(L a LrJz =o (Jt!LIo EJO<F UJ<Z. E. a\ z-o() JE 5P-():< '. ,(Yf Uf (J. E(,ozt- =<fZt JZo-Oo *5YF 43 P,2 =g Eorrh =b= (J <oqH Jzoz r^ o zect)oEzllJO(L u- J ^i6 =ne -! --: l,!6il> coEoo c, qr .Zclr-F=ctYo iiioI or!+roC rrr0r;c>tF CLq'E EtJn F lb = tiE, IJlrJ r- ILzIFof &,Fazo(J AIB \ 1; /'Il=\31-I=.=: = D(ET I I oz t =t UJ 0o atrj TJ.Ju- b =E u.l I I I I I l!! lo I I I I I I I t(J tF t(5 t=roti tco Foz z z $-C'- \r\ 2' ",n !- M l{.- u'- <;;;i: - -kir'?Z, !::!ii6:!tii ocE;q!e i 5 iiSE: j u.J ?63=g + iisi!. j 9i?::E N'q Siii {d<'J I l=t: t: t,t: t': llt rl:)t - .t : /l i )l :-IF rl ;tl -.l t ! I o$ h C b< !a N o9 b. ooI c.J (t) 8o og oo axq) c6c{ l., .t-t<ro loa IFt<ErFlaz t=lo lotz ,2 : F 1 x = E LT.J z o-) (I) :< LU (J z J cF -) t_u oz co Jo- J 9z I tu = u.J uJ z tr u,E ul oE o =L!; LUEz 6 o 6oL uJo o- ?z LIJ O a LU UJtr.t =E LIJ FoF oz o c) J e. UJ J UJ z co )(L J Iz (J uJ oz NOIIVNlVA u,F o F ul--)o E,(L ; =ZZtr-3 ^ 32Eq 5 = 9;E 9 o f,P 9(Jtr.3E2 HT5 { o'rrH8 E+Fo?, F< (\l O >(r -I zo E J o o- uJo- F ff X E c IJJE lrlltlS | | | llesrtrrlZzz 3 $: F6-zE"F33{iEEEPSiFA3BAko2<(DEd)Z)rlltlltq\ | | | ? t -= = l rH$2 H=da-.,f < = + EE*""= 355o(,()rza) z. F Jlaz LU I,IJ I at LTJ LIJ o o = (r --)o og o(rv: -uJ o- F o 2 t L!'F 3 a uj z)so UJ o-o J z E o z tr E LtJl-_) 3 u.lz zY iF0\9 a & LTJ F 2 F<(!X3o JF= u, *,s \ Jzoz.-o\J :-z.emo>z JO(L TL .^i3\,,, v =7 E'<oh- -r -': t!6d> c .1' E EL9 0, 6'T' ': a, =>ErYoiii(J; ^tr g1 t>-tF.o CLo h =E. lJ.l o-zoFo:fEF @zo C) |!J-tn =et (' = IL I J co -t 5 \ T 3 <J tti - --) tl. z (/, uJE o ) a I tr =E tr oo = I o- F I ,s I s QJ F- td U' LIJEoo) (! tr oo = Io- ts g uJ oo E G IJJEoo (r !L TJJEoo ? I o- F uJz = TU trI E d. <FE(J u-, <zE I.JJ F(nZo() <oOF F=t() E(,ozl-;o =#)zo-6o *oYFz()st Y,z =g Eo!-G. irgE bu (J J<o(4 U>tir LU --.r O EAta{I 1-?.:-.-- INSPCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .479 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ( ,-' TUES WED r'Hun BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION - N GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB f-l 11 G}-FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - n r-l tr FINAL tr FINAL ID-AFPFOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,.r 1103 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT ED.UNTIL T NAME OF JOB ).HAVE EEEN PAIO INr/ t/ #+.] LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION/-tate(r GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOF Oat€ Bllfed Dat€ paid 7 - -/ - Lrc. No. Lrc. No. Lrc. No. *f * cK vf?5 U"b zo'3 /O Finance Director Bldg. Dopf. -Whila;-WhlsrandSanilation - Grsen;- Public Works - Canary;- Contractor - Plnk; - Accounilng - Goldenrod C Hettey Ke mooe r_ sfzEoFrAp:water !j .lr f .s2*22--&r'S-Zr- Maergig- NUMBEB oF uNfrs ,3 e e> ,ffi=o^o"^ ? ?d ffi r--fl- =-:ilE:1!r;,-ixr.J*;Fr!i'..]}]r. .t'F- DATE READY FOR LOCATION: !t JOB NAME MON CALLER INsTTIoN REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .?-\ rTues ) wED THUR FRI ,9 PM i t, INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB B FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ':) os r. i' \,INSPECTOR \.L-\r''-'.-, \\ .-.=. - ,r-----A r- lr -) I th' p'rni'ry/v'rl laot GI Jz z.-o\;:-ze d)o =z=rfJO CL tr J oc)zF.ohJw = LlJJJ(DuJ tro E CI -9o o =l 'E 3r-g'-E=etr;o-6 lJ- J./O5pE>rF |o R I * oz F() UJ-)oEo- PI c\tlFll.l I |llF o ts =E,lrl o-zo FODEFazoo a!tr oz E =E LlJ o- ol-\ iB<k\, t6 I I I t. I I rc) rtr lb ,z ,'$3!= rr-EiF-*3"3 <:9;irl'<9:iH"6-Dc!,re _es?!g '-<oz6^zz^):9<E5lFkOoa<u<oaz: !dEiiF=e:gIi"<co>-U)<oi-r!a0=<tr<t-1 ; !.r =ZZrLo ooF ^ 6zq 5 >ed.9 0f, aocZt()oonQzXrL<oq icJ-&lLXLU-Xz HN(9 clt HI HI .|Jl al z d-oo 2'au)<\g(oul 3 trg uJ<OtEoz z T IJJ = I nl EI Hl (,z =ll- o FoJ r-lIxxtt;l r-l s c)q I >iI.r{ r-lI uJ =zI uJ =z u) u,t F =tr a ul oo = o- =o x (|) tr iill 6 F{ XI o UJ Ja = lltN Ta I (! E tr U) UN uJl <l J <l bl .r-l H A sl .r{q E tr I N XI ooqJ E J =tr ult o J =tr a uJEoo a = T F t UJz =o F IJJ =To E^ <F .Afr? Tzt tll F(BZo <oOF i# e =co J Io:t.)x iFr 23 <N9tr =2+c iz =g t Eir trJ+tFF-o2<do !1.53 EN +'ttFrylF!4q!":l|Fr.tttFlr{'oo Profecl Appllcation , ., ProiEct Namo: Proioct Dsscription: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Doscription: Lot Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Second€d by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL rlo tfiart/Y.il Chi€f Bullding Official .?, timothy michoel boyle / structurol engine,w 949-5420 / posl office dro,rrer f-100 20 eogle rood / ovon. colorodo 81620 Juty 31, t979 The Cheney Conpany Attr Sepp Cheney P. 0. Box 1094 Vail, Coloredo 8t557 Dear Seppr This letter is in reference to unit 43' the willian T' Bowden unit, at the Holiday House in VaiI' Colorado. I have reviewed the structural floor systen of the sand and studied the proposed construction you intend to do ln the unit, and I do not see any problerns with ctrtting three holes up to nine lnches in dianeter through the existing floor sleb. Three such holes will not destroy the structural integrety of the slab nor will they decrease the allowable canying capa- city of the systen. ff you have any further questions, feel free to call ne. Timothy M. Boyle Sincerely yours' TIrts/dn OO timothy michoel boyle / structurol engine,er 9A9-542O / posi otfice drcnver f-'100 20 eogle rood I ovon, colorodo 81620 July J1, 1979 The Cheney Conpany Attr Sepp Cheney P. 0. Box 1094 Vail, Colorado 8165? Dear Seppr lhle letter is in reference to Unit 43, the William T. Bourden unit, at the Holiday Houee in Vail , Colorado. I have reviewed the double 'T' roof systen of the sane and studied the proposed skylights you intend to install, and I do not see any probleras with cutting two holes Z, x 4, through the 'T's top flange ln the area of the joint between two adjacent double 'T's. In essence, }'ou will be removing a cantilevered area' which will not affect the strength of the overall systern. The critlcal point is that the stens of the ,T's are not disturbed, as this would greatly weaken the systen. If you have any further questions, feel free to call me. Sincerely Timothy M. Boyle P. E. yours,f,.$ie;i{} $:{o\sr€o;:.q'E-ae- 'o'..?\tri 149 6s i-t frt--.$S TMBr/dn rl I oz F =Euj(L os\ $ .\\ q tJ s (./ \\ a U.Ju,tt- b =t. UJ(L rrl t\.\ tiE \; I I tt tii* qcE \:tE al,t o doF t F an =2 z zo uJ z zz AJ i-'51:Ti}T;-J3'3lipEE;;!ii 3?:;: ?A7 ?':XFFCta:63.9 Eisii33eiBlF"<co> -U|<C:rtuar<E<}J :C F F z $ s ^1n \ \ \ U d.+ E GtutL z o J 5(o :l() It Q J(L ; F UJ UJ (,z 9z IOtrl = uJlrlitzI lrl t! oc oio 3uJttuE I l! F -tno lrlo o-? u) LU UJ TL b =U J FoF oz J 5 J 9E F.o Jtu z6 =J 9z I(J T'J = NO|lVnrVA I t! ;3otJ = >.i lr- 21o>FK E\ffixolj fi$url >o. _=(r) i u.r ,9 ='oN z.z99F^an:r=d9o <noZs-c) (J(JzrL<o o-' ,., f,g8 FOjni z.IF F!l-o (L o (, LU {--t ..9 (r a(L ttl z Eoo 1 z tr LUFJ ! LUz J||lF = 2- 26 35 *j-vtod6^i=Etne9E{iEE E8fiE:9< tr)(rcdz>Illlt F(tE t a=3 i rH$2 e=d nj<EEEf;st6H5:o(,()rz<) z9 P JfU'z LUf J F lr.t- (J lrJ) u,l o ' tr.ltu o- F FI i tt 3 a ;;tuFoz J o IU U>u,lr, :< =F ttl F af,J -JH5b didul olz. t! o ! = 9z Io UJ G Fz (,z ) J oF(J9(r F(J tU .9, --r O<Fco[!<zt|rlF<rz F() UJbIoq (rI n\. \ ei !t'l\it *\- u; =z c)c) J<(J3E Jz.o z.gP coOzz):)JOo- rL EDD "3$6Ei aHF Nnn q)q CLo c, q, 13 .! f, r-'E= C^.o;i();i orl-t'OC rrroiE;rF(q 'ol oz. F I,IJ-)o TL I ol \ t-L, F- o v: , ) t (,z !u-.YoFo cFz UJI F.o oF() (r t-z I I I I I IU\ rq. CI CIq -talE I I I nltulGIol al -1al= G F{ z Fo t 2 trlF F. z e I- t JJ Ft J o F lrl 1 2 F e I Ll a|ll>:c<F LlFtul 1z:< ^zz=XFo<<9 6*3ie9 e toot |vt olz. oz E =e uJd Irl ' oz FI u.,-)oeo- I F{ I @ u,F o )z z \J-zz coo =z dP .-i5 =F,= - li'i (J -!-UJ6il= DtrN E =e[!.L u-o LlJo- F co E CLoo oE .E f E E 8 o co E ao-o! F =E lrJ o-z9F()fEFazo() ltt!ID l-t-.-l- aul I.IJu- F IJ.Jo- at UJFoz z au, uJII = I,IJ(L J F F = tu oz J5 E o =_tu uJ z 6 UJo 6 uJo z IJJJ NOtl.vnlVA uJuru- o- F ; .a Eul 3 vt uJF z oulcv, -' = z F u.l e. uJz UJ >04 --(oE u.t (t =cON zz99F^aq5cP o66z. >-Oo<) z.l!<o* HQ-3 .ioi E UJ z E z F uJF =IJJz 2Z sEaH6 tr-25y',n>S;[-E P3=0438E"9coEd)Z= q9.z = -trt u, Y== i EHF9 ?z-d o J<=+Ee9rE955ooorz<) a/,!zlz tr o ==()(J zI J az '}{l;t .31 EI (tz J Ll- I I _lJo F J r{ .9 Hg F:fr E f; htt.r.ldI ui =7C-) l,! z au] = (L .-=tl t! LU =o b 0) 0) G.tr <t).!) UJ o Ja = (! E q f{ +JI F{ 6z = tr IJ,JEoo J =t t! oa uJ o Ja tr a uJ Etr U''a uJEo a o- E UJ )=o F()ul (r *tF H E}* "6s <o(JF F?qi-L!r diLr{.Ir{ uJ-T)() e2? =#fFd3 C) ix(Jts =2Y,Z =g ot-E^ tJ = rJ Z. J<c)an3H trtrn l"l.JF O6IJ^o:JZF< dcl ,z OT2=<; FC(,r.t ilr) 9F(r. 3j .j< gE<t >t<FrF :F iF ttFortCOr.: z;<1^2.i9:€Fu<<u;3 ;::4 =<o!:i -F o tl I I 1,, t3 I I co,- c( FIz o (, 2o I I a\- | (\r 'l I rtr), '-ltuN"i:s I I I I I I l- t{t(J IE t3,zlo t-,] r(I) trl Foz(,zzo I I I I tI I I I d.oc ) -(1 :<(J (J J s? F(J alj .{ cF(J (!l (J ; .) N O|lVn'lVA lltu,rr-c F tj.Loi v, cttlF .B J a oz = otlj oozl l- (5g *, ,=A i i 3 f =4Y+HHg.qEgEX ()0(,(JT.zo anF u.tJoF c;z. t't'I I ('z =e.bgvtoFI !; o {:,coXf,ftssiOvtFtr., u,IDCC6 II I IaaEztz 9F oo ==o(J'() cao- u,l oa J E o u,l ?c( trt uJ z9F Ft! ct o- o(t(t 9F UJFJ :- u,rz an rru () c).( .tut Ltttt- L 2Gt|'l(L \J a Svf o a o- o =o =) oz F r: uJ F o LIJ (L f 2.{ UJ (J oe, o(D ; G I LL'o F {:(J Lj-'c J 9z () u., s (\I l\I ='>G, frp :'co z9 X);o rnoz>-oaJQZr!<oc'r'r l)d()>QFO -go Zv-oo6z>9 covl o J e. zu,(, ulto cr.( :li:I r.L ): u ulo Cr c) :. ;J z.oz(,9z7 c00>zf,:lJO O- t! (,z :Jr. Fo) J ,rl', i$t o:o|- .( {? (V(,O'.4 t--- a I .(r -rO-(. l- t:t ( ) -t (rl.(O(-) t-; ,r\ \ lf - ..,t.. t- -. atUu,u- L =Etlj J FoF !oD c a,c o.Ia, iu lC .:c?t-F_:r;hiRii (L o tr--oc ,..ot X't: >.t: r- E- .$ :[I I lrl a t irlt: t INSftTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: MON .-TUES WED 'THUR FRI BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB F-FrNAt tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE .,1 / i ' tNSpEcroR L.r.. 4 (u1'+INSftTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED ? ,.'on.) PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL U FINAL B. APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR (o o,u) tl'if CD (t)oo('E uJo 56oo o2S16 ^ofioEH3anz 6:G.uJcEU''-8 oOE=IIJ 22E6(9fr-- ,July l'l , 1979 Holiday Inn'13 Vail Road Vall, C0 81657 ATTN: Kirk Vamzow, Manager RE: Structural investigation of roof damage Dear Slr: Pursuant to your request I the Holiday Inn at Vail. by excessive wlnd gusts on have investigated the roof damage atI understand that the damage was caused Frlday, July 6, 1979. 2sFJX a88c; For the purpose of my investigatlon I reviewed the plans prepared by the architect .Joseph E. Macmillan and the structural engineer' Ib rJorgensen, both of Denver. These plans we prepared In 1972.I also made an lnspection of damaged roof areas on July 10, 1979. The roof is composed of prestressed concrete "tvtin tee" members supported by a column and beam system. A "cold" roof has been constructed on top of the twin tee members. The cold roof consJsts of 2" x 2" and 2" x 4" furrlng strlps nailed to the concrete and covered vrith plywood and shake shlngles. Apparently the wind 'llfted the plywood/shake shingle roof covering, pulllng the nails out of the concrete and foldlng a sectlon of the cold roof over a flue housing. The flue houslng collapsed apparent'ly due to the welght of the rooflng materla'ls and the wjnd. I inspected the concrete twln tees and the welds which connect the tees together and the welds whlch connect the tees to the co'lumn and beam supports. It is my oplnlon that there has been no damage to the twln tee roof system nor to the column and beam supPorts. There ls no visible dlstress or displacement of the main concrete structural roof components. .\e z LlJ o-z = r.lJ8? (,uJZYG5fl6zcr =(\200u, o6 EooJlll Hol iday Inn July ll,1979 Page Two It ls the opin{on of the undersigned that the wind damage ls related only to the cold roof coverlng and that the roof is not in danger of col lapse. It ls recommended that a professlona'l engineer observe any remedlal repairs to assure that the work ls in conformance with the intent of the original plans and specifications. Please contact me lf you have questlons in this matter. R6Rectful LV, l&f,IL.,L Roger HockingP.E.&1.S. RH/j lw \ ,s'r$!*;at't';"e.?p "i 10049 !' iS:.:" .- ^ ..e,ri9r+:#ttiuo$ oi JN L3,,76 !,I}IEREAS, Fi'rst Party is the fee o{$er 9f.cer!:1n,::ii..!1r.€ttv rocatea in Elgre cou;ty, colorldo' vhich is Tl"- tp""t .-,i., .r;"-.i|*! in Erhibit r aiiicfrea hereto' ehich real.proPer;J";;t; ,r'i.r' i' bore sPecr f .i-.,,r,€ttv Iocated in E!9Ie Countv' (;olortoo ;'t i;' ;:.:;;iJ- li"ar'iult r aiiictrea.r'ereto:-::t::,::i:r3'::::l: I :' Lli'iiiffi"^'i";t;;.; -;i;r'l iigr -'"?"i.:"-::?:":?':"^..;1i f:}.:i;iT:"iX"'fri!' 1-.,;-::l*.:":*-:'X:'H:J*";"iii:i.:;:ii'::l"t:: fr.Li:-;Ji p;;*;!t-"*::-9i..'i.15,,3'.1*.n!"*j;i;:l#"H:;:;io^i"I;; lfr -s["i!-"i' c"t::::?^:',:]i':,,:: ;i::S:li$'T';:i'"lii"ii-ilia-' liq.*:.::1,":.uill.iS6,i':Ifi ?:":H"::JT; ;$;";":":!;*:'; -!n::'::i1ji"lfi 'l3l "'re'r' recolqeq i"i;;;;; atrd tn; cotd<'inin. x'Pthe recordE of Eagle county,:'i; .::- "^ -^e d;..'ibcd in srid Decl.tationt;;";iJ-;; ina-ailctibcd Ln s'ia Dect't'tiont rEERErs. First Party h.3 @oslructed. t*::::3:'fl,-t'fi ' ri'ilt.' *-i"ii-tt"'o-o "l=l!: :P-:*"::i::R:3T:I"15 il'iH"#-Hii'ffoffii'-iJi:n-:: =:-:::- HrlNESSRfET . .. t.r tgrt. atrd I addl Sook |nd arrd cl- rtl lDe a"tat rU.a in s€ct r< s iderat l( tc seaoff elerenta;ffilH illilii.iii' *iiu;':'4 :"-*.*-:*T::,*:.:H::;ifl ' :iS"T; i H";ililj.lfi" t";fri"le.'9": *, *"3i lX l*';.'*' - ::: i:?::":t':"'$::.tr ;fi;';P""'' "'lg*-:l$il }b;: ;.;i;;i;;';.;' ri-itr'- i" sara-;; ibii A' b'tclo't t'clca ; ard rilbea to Purcb.se th' c-Go- 'I!-HfiEREAS ' Second PtltY rllEt to Pgr(jrE* lxq . !F xre:rrs and other er.eDnts "o""i'it"liq FI!- "1.9:tTTlT^5:..|,o;uit iltfti" .rid cond..in:(ElA and to lease the sePnrate 'ir 6P'c-' llltt slsrrn r'^q-L( un, r No. IA and the undivr.r.<r-i. ziili l"t9'?t! .11. -:l."*":^if l un I t No' LA iii-iJttacr"tt- unit {rd to holdoropertv constituting Frt ot IliS-iJi'ailiii,--unii i,',11'"t ;-tht-i"t- ot 3'id Dccr'r'tior rnd oi irris coaaoi.nirtr coalveya.Dcc rd L"" Nor, TEEREPoRE. in coo'ldlntiotr ?l :r: Ht-i:-3:.i"tiii.t i! tlrc c.Fr Glcnt'purcha3e Price for t.ta P€tc€ntloc lDt'r"tt lD LrE sDr = )116 ^;h-r .!4ni! oi tald Cod<|intu. t'nit ' tD.Ii;';fi-"i^;; "trt"i "r...""t" oi t'td codai'trl -t'nlt'. tD' prr ilit-"i $r"-i"". b.reiD !c!l.rv.d Cot t'b' r':r'trd "t::t:-=l-*'H:;: ff ;#;";:;;;;Td;";-;;; "d qrc.-'* Dcrcro """i.ii"a, tire pattier her.to 'grtc at lotld': l. Da3crtPtion of ProP'ttr ]at'd '!d Cov'y'd ' A. Firtt Pltty rgrc'6 to t"le rna det-herGblt I'rL and aJt* unto sec;ld-Prtty, a||d ttt' s'coDd P'rtt rcc€Pta ind learcr f r@ tho ritst P;ty tha follqtDg r"l Prop'rty located in Ergl€ Cor.raty, Colorado: l,a.tchol'd lt tita i'he reDartta rir splcc utrit rltiln condoti nrrt ;;.-il:-u; rt- ulrio.y Bo$rG, 'nd 'n undieid€d i-iirzi i"ti.""t ih rnd to th. oth'r rc'l ProF ;;;;'ir"i;d"d rithin the d.scrlPtion tct forth r. Ittrtuit A attached lreteto, 'ccording to ttre t"" aii"i""t r6cordcd in Booh 229 !t Prqe 916- ';:";;ai;" ro. 125?9lt of tlt rocordt or Easrc county, color.do, and subieqt to tbe terts ',,..'.nir.t s, conditions, ealencnta' restrigtront'':1. , I :ti1:-i.,ns, ard cblrqations set for!h in r :.r,,4i:., .ri'i, : ir,!{tfir. 1fir.T'!.$ w!u!*p.Gr$sf \/..oy' * "trrs coNDorrxrutl colI!'EYALcE tND L!:ASF ^t9".:l]:, ttn o"" r :ecedber, 19?5, bv aoa *t'"!n viiu tt' l' 90''-:,I::::8t"iiii-* ', ,;;;;*i;;";;"iier'referred to aE First Partv' ano >rrA' ; na itANs J. liICmER as lo'.nt t"i""lt ttd not as tenants in ccmltlon ' i.l- ..tt". rcferred to aa second Palty: that ccrtai! CoDdainru!! Dcclar'tron 'Lt€d.iGi ii. -iii I' recorded in Book 22e ' 't -P4'e""ii'ri.""iit i' No' r2s792) of thc records of iiil] c-rlii, colorado' rnd rn the condorin- t,ri coorr"Y"trc and l2'tc ' b. First Party bcreby sells al)a convcys to ttE seclrd P.rty ti. foltoring: C93--E!!!ls ah. 2.25a2r iDter.st in tbe coDn er*lli .- -l;;ii-;i t'h othcr ereents Yfirch constrtutc fit-ii i"ttacriniu onit l.o' lA' fire golid'y fi;:-.;;;i;s to tr'e rlp thcreof rec-oro'd-' iiilr-izi-ii iaee e!5 (ftePtion-rto' 'r257er);; G-.";& of E gle @ontv ' colort<lo' -tlroi tli""t to tJr' tcrrt' covco'nts' conditronsl ;t=;ts, i".tti"tiott" ' utes' Iirrtttrou' ;ffiiGlt-ii;;-ttt rotu' in that c€rt,.in con- dciliu_Occluet'ion d'tcd JurE 27' 1973' rc_ ffi-i"- E-l 22t, 't Pr9' 935 (teccPtio!.Eo' ii'siiir -Jt u. reorltr of-Brgre cd'atv' colo- iiii, -lJ- tt tt' cod"ilir- coavctfrDc! 'd LalL. tb lotar€atr dctcrlb'd - l! tJ|' torcaoi4 3ub'-P"'qr'Pi' A ..Ld';d.th; tt tl @artitut' the @ffiDitt uDrs' 2.taraaltlat ! A. rltb r.{Et tD t!. lttl !t:q"ttv-:::=:Y:}: '""""1'.J'Li5;ti.I*-9r! !-'*L =533:: g1:i3":;H:fi.T: ff#"ii'irili3fr-11ir eroerrtv =34.:f":"i: i-.S:ffL;;:-;'c'. dr1=: ::.=-='il3:1":":-x111;ga**;L*"T=f $"if #FEntlr of stid SGFd Putt.ierty drf l F.c..bf tEnta ot a'ra r-.. -.."' tiJi" iiLd riinout ilttrt'r-tpld .nd eDJ.ty th. lnt'r"t l- ,---lii! i-sii;i'p...t or 'q' otD'r lrrtE q Frto't' """ "i;Ji:".::ff"r.r"EriF+{qEl+frfE--- iE: u' rttrt P'rtt ct'rlr'part of aaid caadc-inirr- oail ,- .!-Er .:i:'j:.=1"" :fr5.'i;;:';;; llr!-"3:5a?31ffi"f:i=H.::il; i; ;; ioii-e.*' -.'a.'::1gt:l :i'"ii* ard and tbrt Pi'rat:5 ;5:.:ii:'J;:::.i"r^"!-ii{:.:t. -l ::*:: ill,lF' i*"h,l*fr xrl**'m*;H il'f 'lFIf.ffff;:ffi";il;-"f;;""", i* g::"::'*::i:#;Liffi-:T:i:;:;il"";";H-;"i1ry *:: ::.::::'*i"::i'ordc-iniur [recr.r.rron ,"' ';;;;;i e.9i. cotroty, Color.&,Bdk 22t, rt P.g.9!5 of tnc and tbrt Pirst P.rtv t'rr "tiitti-t"a f"l::ti'll:: :: *il: :f".!F,:"il';f !!It-i.Iiv'-i ii-n: q: *1 -:=*"1: il'lt*.le..oE3 to En *wrE --'" i"i-i.iii"iiy cr..iring or ro cl.itall rDd avcrY glrtoD ot Fl.(- ini .mri or- aiY Part th'r'of' 3. t?rr. The tcrn ot th' l"s' of tl|. r"I proFrty h'rcitr rescrib.d iEErl cancc o^ *;:t-i'-iris' 1"0- cim1l1ie throush DecentEr tr. 2o2a- ^a t* tJiiitii't"tt' - if th' -oPliont Provi'l'd rn section 2t heteof lrrve not-ica-ii'rcttad' scc:gtrd P'tty' ln <'on- sideration of the .r- ot "to o5iiiti-riio'ooi Prid by-rir't P'rtv to second Plrty' cov6o"tt tJ-isi"tt to rcconr'tf to ?lr't Prrty the undivided p€rcctrtrg' t"t'Jttii- ii th' ccn -I"'ntt rnd th' :;;";";:;i-;;#rtv, eod riti-pnrcerbrv d'listr to Pirrt Putv $ssesalon 6f the lG.sahold "t'tc' .- =g' ffi:liil''sii'j.I'ffii,, # ri! di'|'td -"'-r -g-l ::--::'r:Sr;H';ffi**'ffii'#-ffi} i"E $:^ {-=:i*r.CH; *"5- fr fi itrEiSff ffi ir j: m*-1'**rdirrrtd ool' rat'r -tltrc rc rDt d't'!rDE' r*g nous€ coDdailic Protcct ' -.:':-:==.j-"-it --.. .crlrt tb"'ff.trff=;#H:ffiHl*ffi atiorr. "." *1i".,ffi $#;ffi t fr EiSj :!::Lf - the AaFciali@, P.ttt"''po'tii-ti-t;G-ottt.t "-ooa"'!otrt -dDCr t to ;;.;;;u, -ir,uio *.:fri* *:f:1 *$,58't!f""''"3i:'J'ffii:i"ii'"il'll3;;1"-"ir' o''rc t!' ut' or' th' cood€!.inil! ProJcct' ,* .i; *ffi63##;"#tJ*-:'::*-l} tilfu:: rtrouqb hrs P.rttcrP'troo ll*tit -JJt"tton ' L"P 'll cl-n 'lc- D a l *'**ffiffi da]c 5v reason of tle DoD"oq llli"'t'p.iiv-"t anv Person ud'r htr' *** rnclu.iing tn€ l'd. trt'l ' I #* rr. use. !.c.fl TryJ:l|.?.:?:ix:.ff !fu- u I onty as Perllttod dr tn n ufi sh.ll b. ..d' i P'tt!" o".*'l;..i#*r..:fi r: l$.li#--*:Ifr 'Hls:' riiff#ftft$triffi .. :l-:il' :lH' H' :.1""i ll' i'THi:ii;;;1.::;.* ;"':i'iif- l.;' r,'H:.:'#"#Lilt*ilifr J.:?Tii',:f'"fr';:.'*' r reurred I'r clnD€ctlon ul and clo, Prel stl D any II\ tte sublect r, = i!:'Hli:F*'.tju " *; it*ii';'tg', *1r .*',iii i ; li +:*.*,1tll'$' ::i'lm,r*' ;il'*'ffit $' il' I: :i.:'T'."3'"3i3'!"vi"i"iiii-'""*t t i i i i* :lt*'U'q+r*$ i;.ir'*': *i*';ti*'ti" X il:*ii+:H#g-ii'fililillnp;:;ii""-F"f,*iii'*':il-.i;:*i,**,n*irl'.**:;**,'i.::*fu ":"':Fi;$:ll's: ;; -:t{*'itfrf l'"H:J.*a"i':: l:%}" .. ::":: :.;511",.".5"":";;:$-io rirst PartY ' #**.""ffi:i,xtt#tu*;it'fl=i+*ffi :r'$:'rinruil"" *.:klit*** "il:i s::i4:$':: i ":'"i1:on the ,'.]' ""u .r.",.r-'-li"ffillli'r$ ilti"(!) r.x andssPe:""1"!'.:T;;:il;iu unit ' dd '" ':F$f'ff*ttt"t$l}$g , 'r*$$*t*+*fr'.:$:sgffi ;lF dE r ibi- to tr T ?:'TT 3 lra. r tI tlldr'a*l*lrc , irqrr d-l *bStl,-rrd-tl6I tEt. tr* **u,x ;aum#F"J:i'::H*H*lrI"S'ff #i:Ii"' "niu rrd r lilc ratc ol rges foa rcnt' Pitst Prrtv rt'-::i.'t::h:: ilt.[1"'fjl3i"rritten r|otic-e of IttY del givelr to s!cotd Party ' ,tfr[ 0rt\' lntelest Eubject lo l\ereof . 5ii a?trd 3brll b "lercis'd !t d'IiE!.r-rg Eittt :..{j.t rr{! tblt f tt r\rst ".rti; &f ftt -tott 5ir-('' E- tbs rr -ric. ti{ tir.. i: t -tLt 3.ii ;-14"-t l ' t9'l or- t-F d't' of : ea:-r!i- o: tb. ;..$-. .. -J t.'"' -ij ft' Stta- 4t'c ttf to ;lt d cr; 1l qa 5'-;r1-59ao* "trr'-ta :D 'rl-otl:r d- r-ilr-. tlrrt dErs i..r' .:.=.J E s.'& c'-_>t oF !s'- or !t t* i,rra";tl.= .eti-4 !-! b}ai.t of r ;rcap of 6!-:' o( !t!t ! gtr€P 9f @! 'ctirt i "'t_'rr-dt of !b assocl'!':l'a_ ttb E-rtn !. FrGe fot tj| -iFr't' 'rr lF.@ qait 'd:,. sdrni- ;.";t-i ilenst tt t* otlrt rerr Facrtr tub- F-;;-.- [:rl .r'-ir 6.! -lt .qsi to tstt l2e) tir-- -I u of & df ttrta] Irt'!l' 't ii€ ti- s'id cltt!6 !s {rarci-d- la- IE,GU-- t- D &firiti6 3t-t at i! srid Cdi.!i- DEL''- tir * b bfi&t E !'rU 'GDII' to ':f ri-iL'r ..._ dHr- f- SrNF t a abt'Etis of at -i{rtElt a tb -ji-i -r:- ra.lt -. t r|!i,.t' t* fi- E t'U Et-t U *aL -.L.. etri-- lrqii'd bcu' C-Erqitt. fi. r i.q &r.3 tiri & LEi.ti6 d rtl ;i-a. a c> rcic- i!t!ra.' to b' sed -- tb ?!t-t rr.rt ; s..o r.-tr 6brt l b r.i r.d tt tt &'- - .qd't- i-,i *if * tdcr' i. -\.-f. bt' . E3iG. of &s .-+--iti- q'.st-i"fid or rcgl-stara -ri'f . tt & cts I io * r---ci*i.-. d dit .d .-.s .rt t!ti-..- tsra, ?ittt a-ttt'..&r.. d S'd hattt" dtr"tl - -.ft r efr silrea. 6 tli! 'Elt' l. lqtF oC .- qr rirt' tt'att E lt'- q- -Iltt b - t !.. -iE( ry it oC -f bt"t t 5d uq C -t trt urar cltrid - d ?itrt Eq'" ;-a.f ;+:+Gt 6c Ercr od coditt.r- lir* L-qr'r rirr ot q rrra q' gd !-tt lrlrf -t q.crt tD icj.qui- t- ra. Gtd E ditla. tb LG *'*t'- oa L- b -itd. E b rbd. -Ita ot titrt htf" ritE to &Lt . aora.iitE tr -t ocb E 'd t--f' f- -t grE! c ot = tr Pitr.t t rtf q.ft- turr r-(rir]i- ia.rd ia-rf E b c'=icidlt ir tlnEE'- -l.t lils_tr- ?- tL r.n 't c-. f-qa br:i| - olt ftE c'l it FfE t-d rfrll n d i.G t 6t '-'ll- c f-iii.-. e.i-qrLr d P&al t € .. :or-rl7 rd rc.fft idrria-it, f i.- c Gc itotrltr .d .r-i? -ld of lr-r. n+cctir blt'r, r sat ff. *i- ij|tr.lr! I ..rlr, ..dry -'c t> .-td trloc- C- & t -'?irtt Fttt' -.ll Et*.ll r.t i. i.irrt a to n.Il l- !- @- Ir IIl-i8 da. r- iEti.' E b L*..dr\- IrcrErtr 6. at d trt trttt t:,}{ dtt-- ti-r* ' i:ttf: tltl l- I- OO-, . ljlrltl P.8t-:iil' ., '4, n Fa;l- , -. I -.11,- |1l.L,i5a.81r3tP.rty3lottdryttr!ofvril.vail.color.do816S'. Address of second Plrttt ' v-Y*lt 3 IichLr. Pir3t P.rtY lclldldGt I, ... I 2t!9 corDcry chD nord Rocl' !'.r. drlo "ll5 Iftg Cbrcbl'tl rord LtlDdhrrt' drlo aalz' STA'E OF COII)RIDO crtY ltD cotDlfl oP DEIB fhe. forcsoile- i.nlta!.otr*- .f:Ddtf4-:t"G. -..*::1#aa Caaaal39,:l-rdrru.'il'-T IP.atEl ''''--'-rili90"t. n!' h.td rd officl'l t'rt" Ili ^cissioa arPtrc!: ', iii^tl' s ,lrs @ nh ;o S.cGd F.att Atu ldlrt' co{rx?Y oP Cu 1a lrcSt ,).r. , "nu,ro.J"r- i-*. !!.--t99g:l"rri bdc' r tllt &$ a"y "i'--taE/ | ,-rt?t' bt sorD \t lltrs' ritDesB .y h.rd .'d orricirl ...t. T, !r,:Hil* ny c.r-l..iod .rPit..: gF ffS trnCx IC llr: l*riL) .. isritd'br LA ,'c co{JrarY of C.,qc Ac.,<J\' ) ] aa. l The f orcqoi.q i[strr-nt r" 'ct!'rl''tqf,d btfor' D tUr lLA ,i.r, ol - ) C (. ' 1975' tD' llltrs J' IICIIIER' hrrness ;s). h.nd .,rd orrlci.l !c!1. tirtrt$Kil&* !tJ' codiissicn erPir€sr ExPiReS IIARCH l0 1077 l:j lijt -t0- glttlr! I lo @ a Dart o! th th fatE st c"{Errter ot S'ction ;.' i$liii'sE il r."e. so *3t of th sitti Prir.crPrr - -#ffir:;*trs#l*;r CaDcl-B .t tb rbrt'b"tt corEl ot 3'id SEeio! ?-r ;G-Gd.lt .!d .ro9 tb' Brst li'* of th' !'ortbrtt ";;..t ; ot 'stl scctio ?. l9'to fGGt to trE so'rtD :**T ;: ifl:."i.i:.il!F"f;L'5f.r4.f_iil; ;; iil 2tr-a. r-t to ' lDilt o th-rc't lrr ii'iili-:.ir. -..ra Frrt bl!:g th DrtlE tGilv cc1=-.; ;il !d i:-iia; d.=1a*:"..gr,Xffi1i3;tc I i.. .d .lq tb =-tharti..i t"-tr ictlxurv crl o' t'i' lorE r: *'ar -;l;-;;6-tr-r*t it too'lrrr' 'd rlot tb-ErciiJJ;ti rc r.-is-u';..F i."*Fr$i!l#.*q!rl'Et tE c ! ql' ifii:tr#F"l+sffi;;;-;-;qt to tu ilgtt or 5"r''3t' d rrq r*n*FgF H.'l*:.s.n t'i:i! :!l*ffi';;r;iry'lr,-t.lr qslt t-t c '''l cr'l" Er c Iata. I Irl i \,! I 't llL. December lB, 1973 Town of VailP. 0. Box 100Vail, Co lorado Gent lemen: This is to certify that Pinkard construction company will s upp ly adequate d ra i nage for the Holiday Ho use no tarer than June l, 1974. P INKARD CONSTRUCT ION CO[4PANY tr' /(a/') -/'t'*/$'v' W. H. Shaffer dt ry:l:,fH*.t edcinaNsaL ?A)$6 tlooD FtzE sntdlttEau'te svsraz'l. Fdn twos PeR N,F,Ba. C Gove putna utE' PbVtD€ /sNEyWeU- oe &PbEtz- CdlnAlJ yl2tN6 az-ost).a ttvaanaeo f L. /N 6A5 UNc 70 b&et tb cb,€ weN.sytTeM ls &,ntr'^7eD.. PpwDe New tr&,66 bh.s GEE^SG FILTCP 2s" x 16,' PeDW9E N6W FAZE 6es a20-c 6GaS€ F/LT6R. A€ ' E,\4gLf UBT,CONC, EEMove ExErt6.{alvc e, loar>s -.'8,'x28"utn ro ExU, toay'--.'- a! fuF' atJTc. Steut vECtFY LOC. ar stTC ra AVOTD CoN FUCTS t/J/ Ex,5n /36 arT15. i.,/N - /a/L ) coLo eaDo Eaxoe Hao' 5/lr p. Me-/ krvp6N lQocr t b ELL, W^LL EX|Sr. M.U,A, tsUCTU /b/ DTSrUEE NEv/ 32"x/6" ExlJ U€6DE,e ?o"x8' Dlcr u/r,ze o, INTEELOC? To SLlur'oFF CXIJ FAN UfuN CL6'IN6 lt I,tlNev! llooo *_. J ruvlp€ NEw6es aeo -2 FAzE 6E^SEF/L76 e ,\b7E. GEEAS€ F/Lr€E ASsEnELy sPeC',D. Faee. OR. NE SAN. Na7e,z Atc o)cr (40e1 NJD HoaaJotnr3 Stlntt EE UELDSDGEEASe 7t3t17, ;-J'''.-*-- FeowDe NEw Fae'e dEs 2o?o-2 ondtse FtLr&. PAAI68 AWWHED flE{ENDED 5c/\L€ru{ioft6 zt/.'t a. -dU* ZTNING I f r.l tloRKS NOTE: THIS SET OF APPROVED PLANS lS REQUIRED TO BE ON THE JOB AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. IDA "48/ulo --h-- -, F=)t/v-.:F; ti-, u: (:E:,;:"':i -).|ft,i' ture t4 ocr, ze caLo pa,t>o Pauae Haoo"slr. rta /vlp- A exTe,ND 28" xQ5" ex!, DuLr up ro Extt.FAN oN Eoop. Coo< 12 ptog -\ /o,3oo cFM @s/e" Se 3le, 475 pp^,t )oP Aff[zO./EP reNN, op /fta.teQ- Lt*/6 /IFleE DA/7?Pe P- /NreRLocE fo SIJUT-OFF EXAJ. FAN UfuN CI.OSING ,/+-d uwcez EoD to SrE.ucr Lne txstoE otrHooo w/ s/a'6Hf paEL ._ Wet r> ' SrtFreNez ?o GA, 5.S, FACE $tr)tE sPacE 226A SUr. mq, /" hltN|2Au VaL5/A" &7, Pocu EXT4NO uP T4JCUlT peF :CUR6 t *ttr-J (st //bv.cE /%NatS rc2A,E AAr C r tl € f.c,6t FtatgCS /:a"ra FLaaE /NNER FAC,€,/8 oo S(.mtr.l"/ GaEASE 7fu6L3 Sroes 6s lanp I ro"4l ou PPowpe (el t/6urs ?o* x2o' x2' VATOR ,EEOOE 6PEAS6 F/LTETA3S Elv,B Ly --- JECTlON T,tJ €U t/co P 28'x28''/864 Ducr b" x 32' /JetoeP E^€iASE ru s/8,, SUEEr R-cK(toao. uculryt.2 ,se,a,t€ / "= /J o" ^ f . -| - D It fat- t \.t I (r\ ,4 i lJottoaa rNN -)/ btL , coL oEAt2 o " EE MoD E L Z/|rlN PAAJ9E LlooQ " DA\E rQoof '/5 s/iEer NO' ne-1 Extl, F^NeEi th2 NE^DgZ oF F EboFJaET- Doru Joas - .CUEE, FLASN/N6 4l ccuNTEE, FL55t tNC. ?oae ,r- aWNEE' FeNce I lo PQovtn€ ARoorJ 17 F6^t 7:a: 5.a RE rhatN JoEr {a's*tr, Eoctl/" LltNeeAL l/'rooL 22 6A, S'JT, MET. 3,' A/E SFACEALl. Az,ou^to DtEr E:/.ISTA, EXIJ. DUCT 70 PEt4atAl ---- CrS P a)Ar7e. SFraLc Lod^ae lh, CooLtN&rae(eatFY EN57'G, CLG, EXU, FlrzE ly/t,tEzPe: Me-l cE 5- 20?o - 2 F/LfEe AsScttl8t-l F{--- _Z| \.," Il,,,\f ",4Jz'io;ot...- \ HEaPee oFF cLor3or/-1 slPes F/zE DArnPEe u5T ucr ue t Ecor .5catE ,/,/8 t 4 itO. l2tx t2+ ^/t L '---.::-/+ 6 rleneee- €oe CEtLtAtG ne-2 LINE INSIDE- OFHooo M 5/a' 5,tf.Qez AflFFENEE ---. 20 6a. SrAN LICS , Jf86L FAce l-- fuawaaU) lrcxr\ vAPaZ PCooF /N^|EC. FsaE /8 e, slJr nEraL Teoul tJ6F /bop 3!2" 5n)t tt 'CO/) 5E Cf/C,\/ /u,,,,," 166^,**7 .7ALe % "'/: o" PLUMBINGi/MEGHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL PHSNEJ)9-237- O OF BUILDING: oF woRK: Eltrtrew E aoornoru fl nennooel ! nEpnrn ESCRIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER 145- ?MECHANIGAL: NUMBER VALUATION E 2O,A 2<VALUATION $ REMARKS: LNt^]J 5(TNKL{R'REMARKS: PERM,T ,r/ f /t Oo \,M,,{' , \)dil' APPRovED E otsnppnovi -k ToTAL FEES: $ ?I f & errl-rae...*t I075 SO UIH YUXON SIREET rosr oFrf cE )ox 26227 tAxEwooD, c0 t0 tA Do 80226 TEIEPHONE:986.,4555 JAI{ES W. PINKAND GE'{ENAL IAI{AGER August 30, 1973 !1r. Jerry Aldrlch Chlef Buildlng Official Building Department Town of Vall P.0. Box 100 Vall, Colorado 8L657 n" 7-iiffi Tii;ey o nd oni n i um-Gff1Efofi"d-o Dear Jerry: Confirnlng our telephone conversatlon of this morning, theCertificate of Occupancy for the subJect building will be {ssued even though the ventilatlon nork in the Den of Apart-mnt 48 is not corylete. Ilowever, said ventlLation should be conpLeted as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation ln this matter. Very truly yours, PINKARD CONSTRUCTION CO. Rtt sEP 4 €?3 gv'/ Project Maoager BAR:bc cc: l.Ir. Paul Balley !4r . Max Madsen l,lr. Jaoe I I{. Pinkard !1r. rrAberrShaffer . Cornrnenciel 8. Industnial Building I;rNs"=.'JLt TOWN OFl \ JOB NAME FIEBUESiT VAIL oerc '- '1 PM CALLER E orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE D penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ElappRovED ! otseeeBovED E nerNsPEcr N UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ] DATE INSPECTOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLI)R CONIPITTSV GONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS OF UNDERWRITERS APPROVED FIRE PROTECTION y'a Oada Taaa T0 ror^rn of Vall Buiidlnq Deoartnent_ DAIE Vall^ Colo""Uo _ REF. rcla Cil8lrjEl PLACI a/o loa crl.rrrt I)ENVER. CoLoR^Do 8O2lO : Holidav House Vall. Colorado GEMLEI{EN: We are sendlng you slimT NO. Contractor I s Material & or,R JoB N0. 72-27L r orrowlng sneels :1 copies of the DESCRIPIION: Test Certificate Gulf Autonatic Sprinkler Comp anyPREPANED BY IIIESE ARE: )O( Belng subnltted. for approval. Revlsed cletalls belng subnltted. for final approval. Exa,nined. and returtted. for correction. For your ftles. Approvecl as noted. Approvect. PLEASE:Return 0 copi.es approved or vith changes noted thereon at your earllest convenlence . )(64ARI$, Please make an inspection of the above prooertv at vour earl-iest convenlence. COPIES TO:Reepectfully subnltted., GI'I,F AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER COMPAI.IY V La. Bv JtuL /b-tu-L)o' I!ALLAA HOUSTON /'L DEIIVER ;ltJap l-+,*,._+ S f, CONTRACTOR'S MATERIAL & TEST CERTIFICATE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS -WATER SPRAY SYSTEMS PART ''A'' GENERAT I,PON COMPLETION OF WORIq INI|PECTION A}ID TE8T6 SHOUID BE MADE BY CONIRACI@'S REPRESENTATIVE AND WITNESSED BY AN OWNER'S REPRESENTATWE. AI,L DEFECTS SEOULD BE CORTECTED AND SYSTEI' LEFT IN SERVICE BEFORE CONTRACf,OR'9 MEN FINALLY LEAVE TIIE JOB. A CEBTIFICATE SHOULD BE FILLED OUT AND SIGI{ED BY BOTH REPRESEMATIVES. COPIES SHOULD BE PREPARED FOR IMIPEC'TINC AUTEORITIES, OWNER AND C{)IT'XRACTOR. IT ul U}IDERSTOOD TIIE olI/NER's REPRESENTATTVE'g SIGNATURE IN NO WAY PREJUDICES ANY CLAIM AGAJNST CONTRASIOR FOR FAULTY MATERIAL, POOR WORXMAN8HIP OR FAILURE TO COMPLY WTTH INSPECTING AUTIORITY'S REQUIREMENTS OR LOCAI, ORDINANCES. 0-9-73 Eown of VatL BuiLtling Department ADDRESS Vail ' Colorado INSTALLATION COI{T'ORMI TO ACCEPTED PLANS EQUIPI'ENT USED I8 APPROVED IF NO, STATE DEVIATIOM IN6TRUCTED OF COMrROL VALVES AI{D CANE OF TI|l8 TGW EQUP ENT IF NO, E'@LAIN H.AS A COPS OF INSTNUCTION AND MAINTENANCE CHANT BEEN LEFT AT PLINT IF NO, EXPLAIN YEs n YEs n No fl noE FLUSHING: no{, t}e requhed rete untll mel|Le are clear as indicated by no collection of forelgn material in burlap bags at outlets Euch as hydrants and blolr-olfs. Flu6h at flou,s not l€33 then ?50 GPM for 6-irch pipe and smaller, 1000 GPM for 8-inch, 1500 CPM for lo-inch. 2000 GPM foa l2-lnch. Whe.e supply cannot produce stipulated flow rate, obtain maximunr available try uFlng prop€fly sized discharge devicac. ErDROSTATIC: Hydrostatic test should be made at not les6 than 200 PSI for two hours or 50 PSI above static pressule in ercess of 150 PSl. Dlfferenttal dry-pipe valve clappere should be left open during test to prevent damage. AII above grourd piping leekege Bhould be stopped. LEAKAGE: New pipe leid with rubb€r gasketed jolnts should, il the vrorkmanship is satisfactory, have no leakage at the lointa. Unaatisfactoi, amounta oI leakage usually reEult lrom twlated, pinched or cut gask€ts. Ho.rJever, some leakage might result llom Bmall amounis ol grlt or srrall ilnpsrfectiona. The amount of l€al€g€ at th€ jolnt8 should not exceed 2 quarta pel hour per 100 loints irrespectively oI pipe dlameter, The leakage ghould be dietributed ove! all jointa, If such leakage occurs at a lesr jointF the installation should be congldered unsatiafactory and neceEsary repaha ftade. New ptp6 laid wlth caulk€d lerd or lead-substitute jolnts should, if the $,orkmanshlp is eatisfactory, have llttle or no lealage at the joint8. Any joint hei'inS leqk4ge or more than a "slight d!ip" o! 'veeping'' shotld be repaired. Leakag€ should mt exceed I oz, (ltqutd meaBule) pe! hou! per lnch of pipe diamete! pe! jolnt. The leakage Ehould be di€trlbuted over all JoLnts. If such leekage occur€ almost €ntlrely at a fer, Joints, the Installatlon ahould b. conaldeled unaatlafectory and necesaaly repairs made. PNEUMATIC: Establi6h 40 PSI alr pre€sule and meaaure preaaure drop which sbould not exceed 11,/2 PSI In24hours. T€at preaaure tenle at rbrrtrel pater level ard air pfessure. and mea6ute air Dreasure dloD which should not exceed I l/2 PSI in 24 hours, PART "B'' _ UNDERGROUND PIPING !4ain Iodge sLip Notr JOINTS BACXED IN ACC@DA}{CE lloE SITH IF NO. EXPLAIN FLUSHING HYDROSTATIC LEAKAGE NEW UI{DERCROUND PIPING FLUSHED ACCPNDTNG TO NFiPA STANDARD BY (COMPANY) PUBIJC WATER E rANr oR RESERVoIR El rns puMp E nYD. BUTT. Cl oprx prre EI BY (COMPANY) riIFpA STANDARI)ves .E HOIJV WAA FLUSHINC FI,OW OBTAINED FnE PUI,F EPUBUC WATEE TANKoR RESERVoE D TEST DESCRIP- TION UNDER- GROUND PIPES AND JOINTS FLUSHING TESTS Rav, 7169 (R$rlntcd 1/72r. Y CONN, TO FI,ANGE & SPIGOT E oPEN PTPE E HYDROSTATIC TEST TEAKAGE TEST HYDRANTS coNRot vAtvEs R,EMARKS PARTS A & B SIGNATURES tocATtoN TESTS REQUIRED SPRINKI.ERS OR SPRAY NOZZtES PIPE AND FITTINGS ALARM VALVE oR Fr-ow INDICATOR DRY PIPE vAtvES DETUGE & PREACTION VALVES TESTING REMARKS PART PART "C" SIGNATURES TOrAr UOUNT OF LEIXAGE ITEASURED 0 c^r* NUMAER INSTALLED lilcne ATER CONTROL VALVES LEFT IF NO, STATE REAAON DATE LE FT IN SERVICE August L5, L973 GULF AT'IOI.{ATTC SPRTNKT,ER COMPA}.IY _ SPRINKTER & WATER SPRAY PIPING (FTLL out SEPATATE PA.RI -c. FoR EACH RIsER} I HYDROSTATIC TEST OF ATT 2 3 PNEUMATIC TEST OF ATL DRY PIPING EQUIPMENT OPERATION TESTS OF AI,T EQUIPMENT AI.AR M DEVICE MAXIMUM TII,E TO OPBRATE THNOUGE TE8T PIPE TIME TO TRIP TEROI,'GH TEST PIPE pNEuMArrc D rtrcrmc D tr DOES VAJ,VE OPERITE FROM THE MANUAL YES tl FOF TESTING DRY PIPTNC PMUMATICALLY TESTED EQUIPMENT OPERATE PROPERLY DATA LEFT IN SERVICE WTTE II,l, CINTROL VAIVEE er,LraC-Q*# '';:.:':::,.:::l :::T; @ JA ES W. PIT{KARD GENENAL AIIAGEi Angust L4, L973 Mr. Paul Bailey Fuleowider Manageoen! & Developuent Co.Sulte 2526 - Prudential plaza L0.50 Seventeenth Street Deover, Colorado 80202 ---_-=.-=Re: 7flollday Hous\Condonlnlum\f,-iT.rtror_* Dear Paul: Coofirulng our telephone conversatlon of this nornlng, theiteos llsted below repreaent the renaluing work to be ac- conpJ.lshed ln order to obcain an occupancy pernlt per theconversation between Gary Van Alrken aod the Val1 BuildingDepartnent Representatlve. 1. Clean-up of the slte. a. It lras your suggestLon that the renaLolog baro- wood be stored Ln the garage in lts origlnal leogtha Ln order to facilltate f,uture malntenance. 2. VentlLatioo nork in garage to be l00U cmplete. Door cut-off and fans ruonlng 24 hours a day to be Lo coupllanee with Becketi-Harmon solutions to I.C.B.O. ques tlons . DoubLe check Dena without exterlor ventilatlon agalnstI. C.B.O. solutions neutioned above. Scaffoldlng around exterlor to be torn donn. SprlokJ.er systeo ln garage? LAKEWOOD, COtOtADO 80226 IEtEPHONET 986.4555 Fit[ AUg 15 lozq 3. 4. 5. 6, . Cornrnencial 8r Industnial Building t - a.r a Auguet L4, L973 l{r. Paul BaiLey Fuleorider ltaoageoeot & Developnent Co. Page Trro 7. Provide fire ascape through use of rope ladderg or metal laddere ac balcooys facing Holtday lan (you prefer the uge of, a decoretl.ve metal ladder). a. Nuuber and dlmenslon dlscueeed equal 2 at 40r{trr,2 at 30r-0rr, 3 at 20r-,Orr. Thank you for your tlne aod att,enclon. Very truly youre, PINKAAD CONSIRUCTION CO. W^ffid ProJect llaoater BAR3rp -/cet ,yt{. Jerry Aldrtcb Mr. Gary Van Atrken Mr. Jaee I{. Ptnkard Mr. t,Abe,, shaffer elLrAe....# I075 SOUTH YUKON SIIE!T PO Sr OiFfCE aOX 26?27 August 2, L973 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Buildlng Official Tosn of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Iloliday House Condominium Vail, Colorado D,ear Jerry: tAKEWOOD, COIORADO 80226 TETEPHON E: 9 86-.1 555 RII AU8 ? IgR JATIES W. PII{KARD 681{ERAL IIiAXAGER Per our conversatlon this date, the following iterns oere discussed regarding compliance to Vail Building Codes: 1. At stair /12 of the subject project, t hour rated access panels are approved for providing accessibility to windons that are norv covered with sheet rock from lnslde the stairway. 2. The entry door into the Elevator Equipment Roon, shaLl be 1 hour rated. This shal1 be accompLished by constructing the door frane of 2rr x 6rr mon-com, firetardant treated lumber r4rith standard casing material at the outside, and instaLLing a 1| hour rated hollovr metal- door. Thank you for your attention to this G.tter. Very cruly yours, PINKARD CONSTRUCTION CO. Richard A. ZLegLer Assistant Project RAZ: bc cc: Mr. Bruce A. Reed Mr. "Abe " Shaffer Manager . Commepcial 8. Industnial Building rNsPE.f,ot TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM.PMFRI ! eeeRovED D uporu rue CORRECTIONS f]orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR er'Q*rae.*r.# | 075 SOUtlt YUroN SItEET POSr Of C E 'OX 26227 July 31, 1973 TAKEWOOD, CO TOTADO 80226 TELEPHONEI 9 86' 4555 RU AU6 1 1973 JAIIES W. PINKARD GEt{ENAL iIAXACER Mr. Burt Klusmann Jorgensen & Hendrickson, Inc. Suite 315 - Equitable Building 730 Seventeenth Stree r Denver, Colorado 80202 Re: Holiday House CondomlniumVail, Colorado Dear Burt: confirming our telephone conversation of this rnorning, holes to becut in Ehe foundation walLs of the subject project, as furtherdescribed beLow, nust be cut with a minimum of L2rt of concrete wal"Lrenainlng from the top of the hole to the top of the foundatlonwal1. 1. 32rr wide hole located on Line B with the east side of saidhole approximate ly 13 r-0rr east of Line 13; remalnder of holeto west. 2. 28" wide hole located on Line J with rhe east side of saidhole approximate ly 16r-6rr west of Line 17; renrainder of holeto rdest . The 12tt clearance stated above is a variance from previous correspon- dence regarding holes in foundation walls due to the particular con-ditions in the cases descrlbed above. Please sign and return the extra copy enclosed for your convenience. Thank you, again, for your Very truly yours,Approved JoRGENSEN & I{ENDRICKSON, INC. prompt attention to this maEter. Burc Klusmann PINKARD CONSTR Bruce A. Reed Project Manager BAR: bc cc: Ei. Jerry Mr. ItAbert By Aldr ich Shaffer . Cornrnencial 8.Industnial Building a irl l RLt JUL 3 0 1973 BECKETT-HARM o N ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSUi.TING ENGINE E R5 J{$r 2J, llJj i' 22OI W. 32ND AVENUE DENVER, COLORAOO 802I1 43 3-8141 tl04t BROAD"VAY BOLJl.DE R, COLORADO 80302 ,id9.330 2 '1 I i I Ptt*ero Coxgrnucr ro Co. |OJJ S. Yuror D€f.vfF, Colonepo U# Arrlt Burcr Rrro RE t Hot roav ltqust VAtt, Coloneoo Orri Elucr: ttr t t crr oF frf ra r xfotlrt r lolt ft[cE r v.u Rt,CAro r c rrrc .AftASf, vi.flTtG?gitltcrD rio.lf crr vr eel auoqtsr rxo rHE FoLLcvn{c cHAracEa !E,oul oStolxrt A ALy!tl of TxE ! rruAT lDr,t: l. 6[txr-orr 35" r $" F.A. LouyER on Cor. r-rxegAiloc Aro Drtci)||||f cr t[T€RLocx ylTH €.F.-1. rir r t()N foR ?l{f r.nof tN L|EU Of ?.RGtoclre E.F.-t to A po lt{r oN NoRrH !ra(.L oFLlmr 20 rlo 21, 2? rr. sA6r or- Cor_. Lrle Itortor pf rA$ It'Ot nBovE Flcon,' junn rexrll|.c. "i- " nr lrt.W. conxeR oF sourH gcu rlr caFAGt BcrvEet't Colux| . iJ tSct{AncE TnRsiJ6H r,/ALt v/tTx iS" ro riAr $oror !g Ar rop oF J' lr. lll ,:l_$-.1 $],?r."rfro t.rre ^neavA,, a1 ,Jnr$*.rr E.F.-l Loc^r rox (er cc *-lft, lJlTx Jb x 3b" Cxp^tso€o |tElAL o tAXor{O rrc6H Gfi tLLt ytTH rRAXt ovgR ofErr_lle. lf o?€ttrc l3 pnltENTLy tl, pLAcE., stz[, aFtLLc ro Fty op[ittNo. Pcfitlr*||r ro rGlf F}lQrf Got'lvERgAT,O|{ nrri ,,f,Fny. ALDI tcH, cUrtr gu tLrJ m6 0rrrc-trlr c lr? Er vr rl; E.F.-e HAy R€f,rA rN AT FLcrR lEvEr. ur trs FRTsENT LocAT rortrrlH oric'|Ator ifro atrltvAy pRovrorrc rr{! c.{;tr rrlr s.Ti rF :-gAcrxs ciirii io -'- ixc orreor r3 lgpAiATCO rROx THE FAra O tscxAfraf roRf toN or rfle AREA;Ar vtTH AtatTrTto|t. Prtlrc grtlorT! pionota! o* THts .{Axof A5 rrME r9 oF tHE tlrE cc. Tnern vou. SrlcEtGLv, / /&-*fr Grre Gtmc j GGrrn +" t el"Lree....# I o75 SOUTH VUrON SrrtEt rosT oFFtcE |or 26227 TAKEW O O D, COtOIADO 80226 TELEPHONE:986.,4555 JAllEg W. PINKARD GEIIEIAL TAiIAGER July 18, 1973 RU JUL T gNN Mr. Jerry L. Aldrich Chief Building Official Town of Vail Post Office Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Ilol iday llouse Condomlnium Vail, Colorado Dear Jerry: Regarding our conversations of this norning by telephone and rohen I rnet with you yesterday, rre hereby confirm the following concerning the referenced project: A11 exposed steel rrlr beams at balconies are to receiveI/2tt fire code sheet rqck 9r 5/8tr sheet rock, plus one layer of 5/8r' texture 1-1'l fJ.re retardant nood enclosure. Balcony rails will be frased with 2rr x 4tt or 2" x 6" fire retardant lumber, and the barnwood Ehat ls applied thereEo will be treated with Albi "FRLtt fire retardant chemical at the rate of one (1) gallon per 100 square feet of surface area prior to staining. Srnall Eube column sEiffeners will receive paint on1y. Please acknorrledge your approvaL of these requiremencs by signing in the place indicated beloqr and returning one copy to our office for file. Very truly yours, PINKARD CONSTRUC co. APPROVED: TOI^IN OF VAIL s neral Manager . Aldrich, Building Official . Commencial & Industnial Building I o Fr[ JUL18rg73 t -fit-o^1 +{o";' ----==--- -*-€+F***S.n B*- Pd;arrr) oo 2t/6Rouart' {frre}w/" (E^lnne Aosasrr@ -c-axwwfrU, I r flllYe€!,,tri@ zbuo,c, tZ$rr d tu Cau'acrn/Bto Corunrl(4'r4') daaTo&1@$14. WfrHnHIe Jtatun/e Ezclo -2x6 C-opr.3rc6 Cour.ZryI Catunil tt OR btr. 2 x 6 ( r*ve u u/+' goms ) Narcd @Cot.futcx,fl{ - J TnrcouYDrrarc CONSTRUCTION CO. 7zt-'za l-lot r wv Hou s<, l/,tr t, C orc. I'o ?irrha,\e . POSI OfFICE lOx 26227 rADO 80226 I075 SOUTh YUKON STTEET DEXVEI, CO rO JAMES W. PINKARD GENERAL IIANAGER T€LEPHoxE 986-4555 TO Toso of Vall P. 0. Bor 100 Vall, Colorado 81657 AIIENTIOI: l{r. Earyey Trqgl.a, Bulldtne InsDector REFERETICE: JOB SULIECI: WE ARE TMNSMITTING IAE FOLIOUIIIG: Rii JIJL ! 1973 No. of Coolee $fl"tr. dated ( I llraw{ no No -DescrlDtlon Preoared 8Y Oae June 29- 1973 Flre sbleld wall eround service entraDce to Eollday Ioo sllL be conetructed ln cmpJ-lanc wlth structural deelgn crlter1a aE APPROVED by Fred Hendrlckson. Jorcenaeo & HeodrLckeoa Plakard Constr. Co. () AS APIRO'ED ()roR Ff FoR()ron ()FOR REIIARKS: BY YOT'R APPROI'AL YOUR RECORDS YOUN FINTHER ACIION @RRECTIo}{ A!II} RESUBUITTAL Pleaae return_Approrred or Pleage return Prlots for YOUN IROFOSAL YOT'R IBOPOSAL ON REgISIotIS YOUR REQUSST () () *4() FOR FOR, PER corrected prlnta Flnal' of each Approval Fllee and Dl8trlbutlon erLrac-.*..-Jc.. t0z5 soutH YUKON SrtEtr POSr Of Ff cE aox 26227 T.AKEWOOD, COtOtADO 80226 TETEPHONE:986.,'555 JAMES W. PINKARD 6ENERAL I'AXAGER June 29, 1973 l{r. Fred Hendrlckson Jorgensen & llendrlckson, Inc.Sulte 315 - Equltable Butldlng 730 Seventeeath Street Denver, Colorado 80202 Re: tloliday llouse Condonlniun Va1l, Colorado Dear Fred: Coufirnlng our telephone conversatlon of June 22, 1973, and pur- 6uant to a request by the Town of Vall Building Departnent, we a€k that you revlew the itens dlscussed and, if all is in order, ei.gn your approval ln the space provlded. The fire ahieLd waLl around the servlce entrance to the Holiday Ion wlll be constructed ln conpliance with the followlog struc-tural des lgn criteria: L. Calssous punched through the existlng slab may be usedln lieu of a foundatLon llall and footing for lhe supportof the coocrete block wall. Sald calssons must neet thefollowing crit,erla.' a. Brt dianeter t. b. Located 4 t-Ott on center under wall.c. 3t-6tr deep. d. #4 rebar dowel of lap necessary to tle i.nto concrete block cell reinforcing. e. AJ.lor top of caisson excavation to ttsluff off tt to create capital head underneath exl,stlng slab. 2. Constructloo of 8tt concrece block nasoory va1J, shall neet tlre following crlterla.a. Heavy duty Durawal at 16tt on center. . Commencial 8. Industnial Building t-t June 29, 1973 Mr. Fred flendrLckgon Jorgeosel & Heodrtcksot, Inc. Page 1\ro b. f4 reinforclog bar at 4r-OI on center (vertLcal bar). c. Grout ftLl cells contatning relnforciag bar.d. Llntel wlll be Deceaaary at overhead door. Please slgn and return the e*tra copy encloeed for |our cotrvatr- Lence. ftranh you, very much, Very truly yours, for your tlue gnd attention to thLs atter. Approved: JORGENSEN 6 UENDRICKSON, INC.PINKARD . CONSXBUCTION CO. :tP cc; Mr. ur. Sruce A. Reedttabetr shaffer o ?b^ha\A fo75 souTlf YUkoN srrEEr. posr of ;tcE to\ 26227 DEN VEt, COrO rADO 80226 P. O. Bor 100 Vall. Colorado 81657 ATTENTIOI: Mr. Ilanrev lrarzig. Buildloc Inaoector REFER,ETCE! JOB t{A}lE: f,olldav f,ouee ColdoolnLun - Vel'l. Colorado SUB.IECI: ltene ln need of eoproval }TE ARE TRANSI-IITTING TIIE FOLIOI|ITG: jl..!L I g tgB JAMES W. PINKARD 6ENERAL MANAGER TELEPHoNE 986-4555 DAIE Juoe 27, 1923 No. of Coolee (dLtr. dated ( x) Drerlnq No-Deecrlotlon Preoared 8v 0ne llet811 - Balconv Rallincs for HolLdav llouse Joseoh E. Uaclllllao Ooe June 22. L973 Coaalructl,on details for erectlon of flre shleld - Hollday Inn Plnl,ard Conatr. Co. Ooe eee. 6lL4l73 l{811 @ Eristitrc f,olldav Inn Jogepb E. l{acMlllan ( ) ls APPROTED (x) 8oR()8OR ()FOR()roR REI{ARKS: BY YOUR APPROVAL YOUR RECORDS YOI'R FURTIIER ACTI,ON @RRBCTION AND RBSUBIT{ITTAL Pleaee return _Approned or Please return Prlnte for FOR YOUR PROFOSAL FOR YOI.,R IROPOSAL ON REI'ISIONS PER YOIJR REQUBST () () () () corrected prlnta Final Fll.ea of each Approval and Dlstrlbutlon "-:- P'r*Arae-*su"r*r-*Q=.. Rrr JuL 'f 8 rcoa | 075 SOUTH YU(ON SrrrCT lo sr otIf cE rox 26227 lAXEWOOD, COIORADO 80226 TEIEPHONET 986',aS55 JAMES W. PINI(ARD 6:XERAL TAIIAGER I I , .mlao To: ttAbe shaffer Date: Jure 22, L973 The following list of Construction detaiLs must be kept ln nind during the erection of the fire shield wall around the service entrance to the Holiday Inn. 1. Caissons .& 8rt diameter - 4 I -0tt on center 3 t -6tt deep /14 rebar dowel of Lap necessary to tie into concrete block cell re infor c ing. Allow top of caisson excavation to ttsluff offtt to create capital head underneath eKisting sLab. a. b. c. d. e. 2. 8r concrete bLock nasonry wall a. Heavy duty Durawal at 16tr on center b. /14 reinforcing bar at 4r-0 on center (vertical bar). c. Grout fill cel1s containing reinforcing bar. d. Lintel necessary at overhead door. 3. Double check dimensions on l,tacMi llan drawing for coor- dination vrith underside of existing roof. Thank you for your time and attention. Very truly yours , PINKARD CONSTRUCTION CO. Projecc Manager cc3 James 11. Pinkard Richard A. Ziegler . Cornmencial 6. lndustnial Building 2xco {"..lcJ wood : N ,*&'rQ (fvtr"'.led Q4't o,c, *ood) let nrnoJ srec ar ,l tn** \!- o" .) -ltf) !c\es n 1 S\o*b$ \\^,\ l9 Junc l97l Brucr A. Rrrd, €rq. ProJre? ilnnlgtr, Pl nhord Conttruetl on Conprny,F, 0. Box 16227L.hcrood, Colo. E0226 R€ r Hol I day Hourt Condonl n I un Vrl l, Coloredo Drar 8ruoo, Rrgrrdlng your lrttrr of 18 Junr 197t, I rlrh to nlkccla.r thr? rny occuprn€y thrt rould b. allorrd prlorto co.plrtlon of tht ttucco rould br llmltrd to prr-rooarl rho rrc taroclttrd rl?h tho proJrct. Thfr rocld br an unofllclrl occup.ncy lnd no crrtlflcr?rol occuprnoy rould be lrrued unill thc bulfdfng lr conp I ltrd, Vary truly yourt, TOHN OF VAIL \ N rravtr,Bulldlng Offfclrl rJ er"Lree.*..t | 075 SO UtH YUXON SrrEal PO Sl OF CE aOX 2622' TAKEWOOD, COLOtADO 80226 TEIEPHONET 9 86.4 555 JA]TIES W. PINXARD GEIIERAL I{AI{ACER June 18, 1973 Mr. Harvey A. Travis Building Inspector Tonrn of Vai 1 P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Re: IIo I iday House Condomloium Vail, Colorado Dear llarvey: Confirming our telephone conversation of this morning, it is your opinlon that, should we be placed under extreme pressure for occu- pancy of the subject project, we probably will be abLe to achieve occupancy lrlthout coryleting the insrallation of the stucco. Ilolr- ever, wherever stucco work continues to progress after occupancy, all areas involved with said work must be properly barricaded to insure prot,ection of occupants from any hazards involved. Please forward any corrections or additions to the above staterent wlthout deLay. Thank you for your prqpt attention to this matter. Very truly youra, PINIGRD CONSTRUCTION CO. Project ltanager BAR: tP cc: Mr. Janes I{. Pinkard 1"1r. rrAbetr Shaffer . Cornrnencial 8, Industniel Building frlz : lhl.lart fhz4o BOARD OF ZON I NG, APPEALS AND EXAM INERS MINUTES OF MEET ING J une | 4, 1973 The meeting was called fo order at 9z2O a,n, In the Town of Va i I Mun icipa I Bu i ld ing. The fo I low i ng members were present: Messrs. Hoyt' Notti ngham, V ie le, and Knox. A lso Present: Jerry Aldrich, Bullding 0fficial. The following guests were also. present: Messrs. Paul Bai ley and Gary vanAuken, trepresenting Hol iday House; Messrs. Dan Callahan and Rigomar Thurmer, rePresenting Vail Internationa | . New Business - None. 0ld Bus I ness - None. Other Business H0L IDAY H0USE: Pau I Ba i ley and Gary vanAuken requested that the Board of Appeals review an interpretatlon made by Jerry Aldrich of an amendment to the Uniform Bui lding Code. The former Building 0fficial, Ed Strublerapproved the use of wood veneer on the exferior wall surfaces of Hollday House as shown on the building plans. According to Mr. Aldrichfs interpretation, there is too much wood planned for this exterior surface. Mr. Bailey feels that the continuity and aesthetic value of the bullding will be ruined if stucco is required in the quantlty that Mr. Aldrich deems necessary. Possible hazards were discussed and determined not to be a factor in this case, but rather the Interpretation of the ruling. Mr. Bailey requested that they be allowed to proceed with the work since approval was already given by Mr. Struble. Mr. Vlele gave hls opinion that the wood surface be completed as reques- ted. Strub lers def in ition of a wa I I surf ace was uphe ld i n this instance, but it was. agreed that a def inltion of the word lwa | | | is needed for future interpretation purposes. VAIL INTERNATIONAL: Jerry Aldrich explained that Frasier and Gingery did not find the violation of 401 surface wood-veneer regulation in their plan check of the new Vail International complex. In this case, as in that of Holiday House, the question is one o,f the interpretation of a wall surface. lt appears that Frasier and Gingery interpreted the ordinance as the Board does. lt was stated that the rnaterials to be used are non-combustible. Mr. Thurmer said t. 1t. 1il. tv. v. :t .../2 Board of Zoning^-Appeals and Examiners Minutes of MeeQ June 14, 1973 -Page 2 o on of the Board that this wall surface tute a pub I ic hazard. APProva I was nternationa I to proceed as per thei r Service on c f,g, Inc. that the LionsHead Arch itectura I Control Committee recommended the ruse of woodt. Mr. Nottingham asked for a definition of rwall? for the Purpose of apply- ing veneer. Mr. Aldrich stated that the reasons for the restriction are fire hazard and differentlal movement. He has determined that the bui lding is safe and that non-combustib le wood is not required for the surface in question. D I scuss ion fo | | owed perta i n i ng to the amount of wood that should be allowed according to Vailts Amendment to the Bui lding Code, keeping fire and differential movement hazards in mind. The Board members fe lt that aesthetics should be considered along with safety. Mr. .Aldrich felt that his job was concerned with safety only. He was asked to write to the International Con- ference of Bu i ld i ng Off ic ia is ( lCBO) to ask about foreseeable problems if there were to be a change in the ru I ing on wood surface app I icati on. Mr. V ie le fee I s that the new Zoning Ordinance will make quite a difference In the regulations discussed here in regard to aesthetic standards. Mr. Aldrichrs proposal to change l105(C)2 was discussed and Mr. Viele was of the opinion that it I s I nadequate and wou ld not cover every poss ib i I ity. Various ways of handling the problem were discussed - lncluding determination of percentage of wall surface by perimeters, elevations, wall surfaces as defined by [4i.'Aldrich. He is strongly opposed to the massing of wood due to the haza rd of d i fferent ia I movement. He agreed to write to lCB0 to determine the possible hazards oi massing wood, with the geographical location of our communi ty in mind George Knox, Jr. suggested that if there is a need for the ieparation of wood surfaces, perhaps a brace or meta I support cou ld be used to e I irninate the hazard. The following contractorrs licenses were aPProved for 19732 It was the opin wou ld not consfgiven for Vail proposed plans. Mountain Roofing Fork I i ft Renta I Lane & Company H.S.M. CorporatTrlangle Electr Assoc iated Roof ../3 Board ot Mlnutes June l'4, Page 3 v1. DeMa rt John K AdJournment meetl ng was - As there was adjourned at l0 o no further busl 245. ness, the zoning}ppeals and Examinersof Meet I ng 1973 'i ..il Davld C. Collins R. W.'Mier Construction Co. Arvada Excavat i ng Co. , I nc. Eugene C. Laven Co le Construct i on J imts Drywal I Hughes Plumbing & Heafing Ma I ntenance Serv i ce Co. John Thomas Interiors Mustang Electric, Inc. R. E. Gordon, General Contractor Kendal I Electric CompanyA. B. C. Plumbing, Inc. Carr Plumbing & Heatingn Excavat lng e i nwachter Construction Eddle Mi ller Construction Rolland Fischer Respectfu I ly submitted, e^-1 e.Aoe--- JerFy L. Aldrich(Ex-Officlo) rJ I rNsi"=.io* TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL DATE ..JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E ornen MON TUE WED THUB FRI E pnnrrnl LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION AM PM flneeRovED E upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: E orseppRovED E nrrNSPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE er'Lrae.-..# I o75 SO UTH YUXON SrtEtl ?o sT ofrfcc aox 26227 lAK EWOO D, COtOIADO 80226 TETEPHONE' 9 86- r1 555 JAIES W. PIT{XARD GEr|ERAL IIAI{AGER r LF: Juae 5, 1973 J.r*, 7J ltr. Jerry Aldrlch Cbief &rlldiag Offtclal Tora of Vall P. O. Bor 100 Vall, Colorado 81657 le: Eoltday Eouee Goad@lnl.lrn Val,l, Colorado Ilear Jerry: Conflnlng your conversatlon rrlth rrAbert Shaffer, ProJect Super- lnteodent, yeeterday, acceaa panela at tubs bacLlog on lasoory rallg stll not be requlred. Accesg requl.red by Tonn of Vell nay be accopltshed tEglgh-c"f+g-of **t belos gald tube. Alt, tr. ,. ',: L\-i-&aok you for your tt.oe aod attentl,oD to tbi8 nattedJ Very trult:/oure, PI$XAII] OnSTBUCTION C0. ProJect BAI:tp cc: llr. nAberr Sheffer 7 . Commencial 8. Industnial Building I o75 SO UtH YUrON SlrEEt ?osr oirf c E sox 2622, tAK EW O OD, CO tO tADO 80226 TEIEPHONE:986-,4555 F..JAIIES W. PINKARD CE1{ERIL t{A}IAGER 9M] ProJect Uao8ger BAR|tp cc: I{r. Joea lJ. Plakardur. ttAber Shaffer !|r. DlcL Zl.egler Cornrnencial 8, Industnial Building 6 Ju*r 73 Juoa 4, 1973 llr. JerrT Aldrlch Cbl.ef 8ulldlug OfflcLal Tora of Yall P. O. Dc 100Vall, Colorado 81557 n r /6i6iEi-aonintun1.;rgrtrroffo- Dear Jerry: Goaflnl'lg our eouveraatloo of tble afteroool, the sood veaeer bebg applted to the exterl.or of the eubJect project occd not be f,ire treated as long ae the let area of eaid sood does aot exceed 402 of the total area of tbe rsll to sblch lt ta belagapplled. Satd nqll aree, Lo thl.a case, Ls that area exietlng betueen tro coner returoa wlth oo offeet rithia the dletance betveen aal.d tso cornera greater than 2r-On. Should furrlng be ueed la the appltcetloa of tbe eubJect yeneer, aald furriag ehall aot erceed ln noulnal tblekoeeg. lbaol you, aBaln, for your pr@pt attentlo,a to thle ratter. TerT truly youra, PIXKATD CONSrEtrgfIOX CO. ?rt'ea\A@& fO75 SOUrH YUfON SItEET ' POST OFfIC' tOX 26227 DtNvEt, coto rADO t0226 JAM ES W. PINKARD G€N€RAL II'I ANAGER TELEPHoNE 986-4555 Bulldlng DePartDent F, r-e: 2b MAR' 73AITEMION: REFERENCE: -v SUBJEGI: Bathrom Exhaust WE ARE TMIISI,1ITTITre fltE FOLDTIII{G: Transnlttal of Calculatione Bathro@ Exhaust Calculatlonach 2. L972 O AS APPRWED ()FoR(xl roR ()FOR ()FOR BY YOUR APPROI'AL YOIIR RECORDS YOUR TURTIIER ACTION CORRECTION AND RBSUBIIITTAL Please return APProred or Please return Prlnte for FOR YOT'R IRO9OSAL FOR I(n'R IROPOSAL ON RBI'ISIOIIS PER TOT'R BEQT'ES1 () () () () corrected Prlnte Floa1-Ttlee of eech Approv!I and Dlstrl'butlon RE}.IARKS: iRECEIVED MAR 2 2 A.M.Bgcxe : ;-Fap$oti A.5.ioc rarEs, lnc. ?ZOl We:ir l2:r.c Aver,ror. DENvE e, iololroo tba t i pyore : tt -lr:-8 ;t+ ; 'iRAlrsuI l't'AL S.t[r-, IOs P tr.rxlao CoNstnucr toH Co.DATL: RE; T r,i ; s O',-r+eq Mrncn 2l , 1973 7615 U. Mtsstsslppr AvEHue Dexven, Cor-oRroo hZZ6 Atrr: Bnuce REEo HoL tDAY Hou sE VA tL, CoLoRADo ' rrE HENTW 'TH 'iRANSI I T Sriop Dcnv r lrc s Tuc t r,ics _ SeectFrcATioNs __a Pnrxrs lrne a Y},18 FOLI.OW: NG;i. r.,l F OFMA "l l Ot I S FOR Ftv r E*, lPpnovlr^ & i Nr'ORMA f O\i F,les YOUR: RE l-uFN ro CotT I n. l'{rn. Re p. RcerrEsl FoR APPROVAL iO B,O scr COPY BATHROOM EXHAUST CALCULATIONS AS PER YOUR REQUEST. By GrNe GEnxr 7 a ft BECKETT.IIARMOII ASSOC., INC.PAGE.-9L.----_ I :Oa Ho. ---..---DENVER - EOULDER PROJECT ii"# . . ... .. i_. e.L,e e-.s rrrtOr**. 7655 WEST r tsstsslPPt AVENUE to sT oFFtcE 80)t 26227 JAIIES W. PINKARD CEI{ERAL ||A AGEN March 14, 1973 Mr. E. L. ttGenet' Gerke Beckett - Ilarmon Assoclatesr Inc. 2201 West 32nd Avenue Denver, Coloradg 80211_.._ Bef ttoliday llouse)Condoqriniun-*---ETr, toGiado Dear Gene : l.!r. Jerry Aldrich, Chief Building Offlcial for the Tom of Vall, has requested copies of the calculatlons used for the bath fan exhaust system. Please submit said calculatLons to our office as soon aa possible Thank you, in advance, for your proropt attention tothls n€tter. Very truly yours, PINIGRD CONSTRUCTION CO. I t-r r L(: ]'te Reed llanager @,,^O9./ Bruce A. ProJ ect BAR/ke cc : ./![r . !{r. Jerry Aldrich, Chief Buildlng officialrTown of VailI'Aberr Shaffer, Plnkard Coostruction Co. tAKEWOOD, COtOTADO 80226 fEfEPHONE:986.4555 '7zt . Commencial 8. Industnial Building o Pit he\A MrSStSStPPl DENVER, AVE NU E . PO5T OFFICE BOX 26227 cotoRADo 80226 JAiIES W. PINKARD GEI{ERAL A AGER TELE?Ho E 986-4555 To---lom--of '[atl DATE l{arch 13, 1973 7555 WEST Butlding Departoent P. O. Bsr 100 2. ?f,t" ,,.15\e) ,!"" Vail. Colorado 81657 ATTBIIION: ttr. Jern Aldrtch. CLief Butldlnc Offlctal REIERB{CE: SUBIECT: I'E ARE TRANSI{ITIING IEE FOLIOWIT{G: ( ) AS APPROI'ED ()roR(4 ron()FoR ()FoR REI{ARKS: BY YOUR APPROI'AL IOUR RECORDS IOI'R SURTHER ACf,ION CORRECf,ION AND RESUBUITTAL Pleaae return Approned or Please return Prints for YOUR PROPOSAL TOI'R PR.OPOSAL ON REI/ISIONS TOI'R REQUEST () () (xt () FOR FOR PER corrected prlnts Fioal of each Apprwal Flles and Dlstrlbutlon (x)Ltr. dated of Iteceober 28. L973 o CN SEN AND HENDNICTS , lNc. EON!U|-'INO ENOIN€€Fg o ON REC!!\/F.D JAI'I + A.!it. ?to ltvSrir3cr.tx a'rt€ ar otrrvfl. co|'oraoo aozo: ;tanuatg 2' 1973 t3|'CaXOLG llOll tt2.laat Itrt. Btuce A. Reed, PtoJect Manager Ptnkatd Corrs truction Comryng Post Office tux 26227 Lakettood r CoTotado 80226 Dear Erude s Re: Eoliilag House at VaiT Our Reference No. 7773 Pursuant to gout December 27, 7972, request, an inspection was made on Thutsdagt Deceribet 28' 7972. at the Eolidag House at vail. It was appatent the odd shaped sTabs were not ptecast in the right shape to fu77g cTose ptopetlg with the slopinq roof surf:ce-_._,1 suggested to Ab Shaffet, ,superintendent, to cJ,ose the gap witIlplryood, dtill assuring fireproofing. ftom tle btton side. -Ji:,;,rttrt^, f Sone of the intetnd.iate supprt of fJte uppet toof sLabs wete found b gLve a totsional reaction to the beams. ftie Superjn tendent agreed. and would cotrect the bad bearings bg ttansfetting tl:e Toad ditectlg to the centet Ilnes of the beans. Mt. Shaffer also g;ointed out the one area where ttle roof drains ditectlg into the balcong. A special solution shouJd be developed for this ptobTem. Vetg trulg gours , fFJ:bJ %Falk JotgensenIb C O,N S U L i I N G E N G I N E E R S C O U N C I L erLraaot"or-Sa. 7655 WESr t||rSStSStPPt AV:NUE POST OFFTCE aOX 26227 tAKEWOOD, COTOtADO 80226 TEIEPHONET 986-4 555 JAiIE.s W. PITIKARD GEI{ERIL TA ACER f. L,", J ts ti, ilarch 13, 1973 l{r. Jerry Aldrlctr Chlcf Erdldlag Offlctal Bulldlng Departrent Tora of Vall P. O. Box lfl) Val.l, Coloredo 81657 './..Be: (Hollday Eouse CondmLnfin "r,.@ Dear Jerty: Conftrriag our convereetion of yestetday lornlogr norrel Gertlflcate of Occupancy requl.reoeote for tbe eotlre butldtog 1111 be ral.ved 1o tbe caee of occupancy of oqe ePartreat unlt on1y. Pleaee advlee us l@edlately of any correctloaa you ntght lllce to ral,e to tbe sbove stat€o€ot. Thant, you for your attetrtloo to this Dettet. Very truly youra, PINKA$' COf,STRI'CTIOT CO. @^@./ Bruce A. Reed Project lianager BAR:tP cc: Joee Il. Plolerd, P{nkard Coaetnrctl@ Co.nlben sheffer, Ploterd constructior co. tgI Qcn$ . Commenciel 8.Industnial Building T.r'i Paae TtaE (g6Errzep I l?..r* 6- \./*..ru IN INEC TION REAUE'T Cn uuaiz- ',/ -.' ,l , - ll 'Jo= N.a.v= Ho* rPn/ tlc'ts { Gu,r^nrn C orrt re €ruMt'inlG-|lgcuall:cA\- FoolNe 'Req. P,a-J,nrc- Fouuzaltot t FFatiltrc- FlNau E At<j-r^u tr Snteyrrorx E Veneer< E Koor E! 6'=1,o. Loc.+1ror...r: ?ouet+ lTo*rpteE va. Frxra,u fl Veu1,..'q 'ot.: D L\ea.1xe D u?'ououtn LA'€ E QurmPcfs E7^u7t^t- Localrost'. U? ft RbcP - llr 1HKJ Pntr n f :!..D Locnltot',t : E Var<yra'- Loc,ATroF-J: ltt floar-rere E A<1,,+r-. Localronr F"arzv +-s-- ="+e;ll<:N-T:uE \vE? TUu( ' Fer IU OT ArW Cor.,r M€NT6: it' gATPRove? il I A(A+a??EovEV tr l&-t,\rrt?-€cy ' Lo""r.1oN' 3*-e ,( t,lAdL 7<t*-i* lNtrzg2161q. !!! r7e( 13..r* oe. lNfPecfloxt RE'auEtl- r! Daye'<r { ze Jo= Ti-= Kecu-rrzdsz-Av enn Na.xne, Co.Lgr"- Br,r^n n C orrra MEc!-ie,NrC;r.r- tr ! N fl FoolNc- Fouruaaltor.t FPaivllHc- F':tt,lau Req.lZqrr're U ZHeeTrocx n VENeET< tr Koor El Z=1'^,- Loc,<1ror..r: ! Venrlt,-.a1ront ! Healtrc- El Hooa+ D B?o.e7x- Localront: En A'<p^u Locntrotrt: ,"t' cd "'t ,tt?'.1 z1/t fl oocs p oauere I : Motrt Tue i' I E3 Ar<1'a.". Localro.r lZut-r=lttc- n Rouet+ U 2la.nzeter vac I Frruau E VarzTan Loc^\Tlo'{: f.Ne,rzgcTroN THUK Fer l-OtvlVeNlS: il fraer<ovl? Co""t 1oN9 Ot^tal2?r?ove?D{TEturrFscT t' '7^-. 3 '4-( 1' i a . 16..r* or \"/,c..ru .lNlPEcflors r<FauErT Paae ga VeE 73 a-cJog Na.vrE ll"run,ooS€ Ti-= REcEr.,EiP Qoo a,*,a)Ca.uuere- bo9 u T<.tRN€.R- 6u,r^n u MEeul,*rc'a.t- D Foolnlc- D Fouruza1oru [.FPaivtHc- ! Flxau t-t ?)!.Jl rA,r<TlAL : Loceltots : D oruere :l ir tl It i Morrt ii 'I Ii flVeu1,.,+1,ont fl Heoltrc- D Aoao+ n BTar<1,au Localros: IIIE E 441,,+". Localront Vea,rv +oe tsctroNrl- vE7 ' Fer /+oc o^ @ Corrr. Req. Ea1".rc- Sneey<o.x E 6,.1'o,. Loc.alror..r: 12"uvl*1ru+' 6?-..,u''*' U 2IANYP|PF \vQc .'tl Frsrau E VarzTar Loc,,aTtor{: 3J ifr, 1 nUOvtueNl+: ir TPRoveV ; o?ee??Eove?o lfetirtrrfscT Co""a.poN9 ii, I lN5r26C16re. oM&o ?ir^ha\A 7655 WIST A,tlSSlSStPPl AVENUE TAKEW O O D, COTORADO 80226 TEIEPHONE:986.,{555POST OFf f CE BOX 26227 JAMES W, PINKARD GENERAL lttAI{AGER February 20, L973 :l l,Ir. Jerry Aldrich Building 0fficla1. Toarn of Vail P.O. Box L00 Vall, CoLorado 81657 I , i' L5, L973, the subject excess of systen or Re: .fiti-liday HousJ'Tondorniniun - Vall, Colorado \;::-*_- Per our telephone conversation of February regardlng the south wing mechanical room at project, it was noted that a floor area in L500 square feet wouLd reguire a sprinkler fire rated roon division. Upon a second look at the mechanical room, I find that I had reported incorrect dimensions. T_bs,aatqal rnechanical room dimensions are 54r-0" x 22t-8"rQa!! jluare feet. .\-*__ Thls area Lese the stalr well of L11 squaie feet, leaves a net aquare foot area of 11113 square feet at south me- chanical room. Wlth this lnfornation in mind, we are proceeding with the deletion of the mechanlcal room divlslon partition n6t shown on the plans. Perineter partltions will be one hour rated. Please advise us, at your earliest possible convenience, of any comments you nuly have regarding said partition deletion. Thank you, in advance, for your attention to thls EErtter. Very truly yours, PINKARD CONSTRUCTION CO.Ia^\ | L-C,l.ru.r.l i r Bt'chard A.ZLe Assistant ProJect Manager RAZ: bc Bruce A. Reed Abe Schaffer . Cornrnencial 8, Industnial Building o trA. p'wu or Varu IN f PEC TION T<EAUE'T F,ua', T*= (66grrzea-Ail pFn D Fool^le tr FouuaaTroru n .FPaurrHatr Ftnau EI Arcrr^u Localtotlt : I nI.-OVEre Req.1&1".r.-+ U THEEJRocK tr VeHeEr< tr Koor E lZo1o. f_LOdATTON', l/uUM6lNG- .lJ }<.ova+ U Zla,Nzetrr t Frt.rar- E Var<1wn- vac Loc^\Tlor{: MEcuer.ltcA.L D Veor1,.,a1totl D !{e^1xc- D Hooa+ il E?o,r<ytan- Localrost'. ! oarrere COr."tnenl+: ON Tue \VEP El Ar<1'a,u. Localont Vearzv For<- 3-ri-+?eaatoN l, rlullrir.) ' Fer )' !'o AuEs ii l ATPgovEV D?ti\??Rove?nt7etvi?sz7 Co""t lorlg : iI. t; I V^-t 3 rEBP IM&e-,L,e 265 5 WEST A, SStSgtPPt AVENUE PO ST OFFTCE BOX 26227 tAKEWOOD, COTORADO 80226 TEIEPHONET 986-4555 JAIES W. PII{KARD GEXCNAL TA AGEi February 7, L973 F,La: 6 6g 73 Mr. Jerry ALdrich Building OfficlaL Torsn of ValL P.O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lodge South and Holiday House Condominiums - Vail., Colorado Dear Jerry: Per our te Lephone conversatlon of February 6, L973, regarding the proposed Vent-A-Ridge at the two subject projects, the Vent-A-Ridge shaLL be instaLled without the wlnd deflector strips on each side; thus elininatlng sniF-w build up that could possibty leak back into the roof cavity. If you have any further commenta regardlng the Vent-A-Rldge, pLease send at once. Thank you, ln advance, for your tlme and attention to Ehis natter. Very truly youra, Qe"*.,=o dU.PINIGRD CONSTRUCTION CO.,M/4 nlchard A. zLeeI( / Aseistant ProJect Manager RAZ:bc cc: ttarren Foster - Rogers Nagel Langhart, Inc. John Klaaseen - Pinkard Construction Co. Abe Shaffer - Pinkard Construction Co. Bruce Reed - Pinl..ard Construction Co. . Commencial & Industnial Building . erlree.*..r-*..L. 7655 W EST l tSStSStPPt AvENUE PO ST OFFTCE BOX 26227 BAZ3tp hcloeuree TAKEW O O D, COTORADO 80226 TELEPHONE:986-,{555 F",ic JA]IIES W, PINKARD GEIENAL flA AGER Jeonary 29, L973 l{r. Jery Aldrlch Bulldlng Offlctal Tonr of Val.l P. O. 8or 100Yetl, Colorado 81657 Re: Bollday Eouse aod Iodge South Cotdolnfirng VaLl, Colorado Dcer Jerry: Euclosed, pleaae ftod data gbeeta for the llura4lo lteolo Plreplaccc rtlch re are propoelng to lnrtall at the trogbove reotloaed prroJecte. At tour earlieet cowcniencc, pleaee rcply Btatl"lg ely coreDta that you llght bave. fraal, yer, ln advance,for your tfue and ettentlo! to thls Detts. Very tnrly youra, PINKAND CONSBUCIIOIf CO. Project ldanager tf t, jts I)Pi{-\dsb A 5 Pctt R,. t+ lsCIa 1-<,b IA R $** . Cornmenciel 8. Industnial Building . Ftt'* on Varu .IN'FECTION T<FAUE'T Paae J? ol 73 Joe Na.rwE 4t, paf " Ti-= Kecsrvde /13o N,Ga Ca.uue.r<. Goc F /l%m i fic s?lr*t< L€Rs Gu,ro,n o Covere LUMgING-MEeuanrcAt- D FcolNc- C Founraloru tr .FPapttHc= ! Ftunu at -)l-J t'.arcpau Locnlror..l : Req.1Z+-1rnrc-! E tr b ?ouee+ f1a*re,r, ,u* Frxrau fl Ve*1,t-"q,prr1 ! Healtrc- E Hooa+ D 1v*ey<orx rl D VeHeEr< ! Koor En lZ,=1,,o'. Loc,a1ror..r: n E Var<1tat Loc,qTtoF-l: ETar<1tan- Localros: t' I fl oaxee E fZ.<1,a,". Localor..l Veanzv FeE! =-N +?€<\toN \VEPTl.re THur Fer /%a o"@ ColrrveNl+: ffiaer<ove?DV$a?TEoveV otlerN{Psc7 Co""..1oNg i, li V^-. I lNsPeZ,T6|?- \_ elZ^rae....,,..t^L, 2655 WE$T MtSStSStPPt AvENUE PO ST OFttCE NOX 26227 TAKEW O OD, CO tO RAOO 80226 TETEPHONE: 9 8 6.,I 555 JAiIES W. PINKARD EE1lEBAL I{AXAGER January 18, 1973 t-t" , L.I t' ' I J, l{re. Dtana Toughlll Bulldlng Depertnelt Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 ValL, Colorado 8L657 ':.::l:::\' ollday House C'trd61nlun Dear Dlana: Conf lnr'g our telephone corveraatlon of thLe af ternoon, Jerry Aldrtch, VaIL Chlef Bulldlng Offtclal, Lustructed you to {foru us that the polyethylene coated steel foLl speclfled to be used Ln the I.C.B.O. Bcs€srch C@Lttee Recmerrdatlon Report lfo. 2638 wlal not be requlred to be ueed lD the roof coostructioa fur the subJect project. ltaak you, very nuch, for your proupt attention to qrr request. Very truly youra, ProJect Reed Maaager BAR3tp cc: l{r. Jamee W. Plokard, Plnkard Constructloa Co. r. ttAbett Shaffer, Plnkard Construction Co. Xr. RLchard ZlegLer, Ptnkard Corstructlon Co. A Pp r....r.,. i> ti,i* . Commencial 8.Industnial Building . [C,.7745 C.ngUTrzZt Lrnc. CIVIL TNGINEERING . PIJNNING . sURVEYS SUBD|VrS|ONS . WATER & SEWER 5Y5Tilt5 t .t?bfr^ Xcnncth E. Richords Box 643 Voil, Colorodo 81557 Phonc 476-5072 Donvcr 244-1521 January 18, 1973 Rcgistcrcd Profcsrionol Enginccrr Rcgi$crcd Lond Survcyors l-. t ,t-ez'/.1 llr. Jerry T. Al-drich Bul.J.dl.ng Inspector Town of Vall P. 0. Box 100 Val1, Colorado 81657 Re: Fleld,Ioepectton Eollday Houge'.at Va1l ----;---4*".-'" Plnkard Constructlon Co. Dear !lr. Aldrich: KER/pt cc: Fred E. Ilendrlckeon, Engr. Bruce A. Reed, ProJ ect Mgr. (Pinkard Constructlon Co. ) This Letter ls to certify that we lDapected the footinge, concrete, relnforcing steel, and masonry nolk for the Hollday Houee at Vall. The Coottactor I a trork waa EatLsfactory and all varlatione fron the Plane were cleared wlth the archLtect and structural englneer. You have coplee of our dally lnspectloo reports. The footlngs nere placed on vlrgln granular meterial-er and were dug deeper ln certaln areae lrhere ftll had prevlously been placed. I believe you also have coples of concrete test reports and are attare of the 1ow 28-day tests whlch were found. Bowever, later Swlss Hanmer teats and core teatB were made ln the queEtlonable areaa aud turned out satLsfactorily. Slncerely youra, RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC.M6Z,A Kenneth E. Rlcharde Regletered Profeselonal Englneer and Land Surveyor #2183 o o /us_7 * MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ril- Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. sf TOI{N OF VAIL, COLORADO Holiday House , Vail, Colorado 1!s e: e rrrcx e o sxt tr ). LaclL I ollci. ztP PxONa 2 v"il H. r. co (A partnership) of De 3 crpM. rNc.2065 S. Chero ITECT OI OESIONEi MA L ADORES S PNONE LtcENSE r{O, 4 Jo""ph E. MacMillan. Denver. Colorado MA IL AODR EsS PHONE LICEHS€ NO. MAIL AOOiESS IiANCH IJ SE OF BUILDINC 7 Mot" 1 8 CIASS Of WOrI: E NEIV I AOOITION O ALTERATION tr REPAIR Mechanical Sheet Meta 1 TypeofFuel: Oil D Nat.Gas 0 f-PC. D PERMIT FEES Type ol EquipmentSPECIAL CONOITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Flefrigeralion Units- H.P Ea. Boilers-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaqe Ea. Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. B.T.U. M Ea.APPLICATIO ACCEPTEO 8Y: Floor F urnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters- B.T.U. Unit Heaters-B.T.U. MNOTICE \ \ THrs pERMrr BEcoMEs NULL ANo voro rr wdal oR coNsrRuc- TroN AUTHORTZEO rS NOT COMMENCEO WrTH\r160 DAYS, OR rF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOEO OR ABXNDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WOHK IS COM. MENCEO. I HEREBV CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPNESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 12 /26 /72 r_r,\ oF.oNri^cror or^u\ioF.zEo ^"1_1 pFcs ,"^ Air Handlim Unit- C.F.M. WHEN PROPEFLY VALIDATED (tN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PE PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIOATION cK. M.O. CASH ill* WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANARY _ AUDIT PIN K _ APPLICANT GOLDEN ROD _ TEMP, FI LE P'rrtee\AM MtSStSStPPl DENVER, AVENUE . POST OTFICE BOX 26227 coLoRADO 80225 7655 WEST JATi.I ES W. PINKARD €EI{ERAL IIANAGER TELEPHor|E 985-4555 TO trono of Vall P. O. Box 100 Val.l, Colorado 81557 ATTEIITIC{: }tr. Jerry Aldrlch, Ghlef Bulldlng Offtclal REFEEE{CE: JOB ilAllE: Bollday Eouae Coodoluftn - VaLl, Colorado SU&IEGI! Archltectural Sprctflcatlora I{E ARE IT.ANSUITTING TTIE FOLU)TIIIG: January L2, L973 No. of Coolee ( )Ltr. dated bllrewlna N6-De scrlDtlon Preoared Bv I a-22 Archltectural Speclf lcatlons Joeeph E. ilaclllllan ( ) AS AP?ROTED ()roR(d FoR ()FOR ()POR ST YOUR APPRq'AL YOT'R RECORDS YOUR TUNTEER ACTION @RRECf,ION AND RESTNUITTAL Please return _Approrred or Please return Prlnte for YOT'R PROFOSAL YOI'R PROPOSAL ON REVISIONS TOtn REQUEST () () () () FOR FG, PER corrected prlnts of, each Flnal Appronal Flles and DlBtributlon REI,ARKS: Lffi T?R @ F TRANSnfl rrr,,ti! TO RICHARDS ENGINEERS,rNc. P. O. Box 643 vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 Vail 476-5O72 Denver 2441521 Pl,ftkArd Constrrrct{ on Co^ 7655 Weet llleeleetppl Aveoue Denver, CcloreCc 80225 Bulldlng Departoent Town of Val1, P.O. Box 100r Vall' Colorado GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU D ShoP drawings tr CoPY ot lettor E Under separate cover via O Plans E Samples tl Specifications tr the following items:fk Attached E Prints tr Change ordei THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS ChOCKEd E For approval ft For Your use tr As requeste{ E For review and commcnt- tr FOR BIOS DUE- b€lovr: tr Approved as submitted D . Approved as notcd tr Returned ior corroctions Resubmit-coPies for apProval Submit-coPies for distribution Return @rrected Printc tr tr '.tr l9:- O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER IOAN TO US . REMARKS @PY ' i SIGNF0:--fmortb-l^-ilchedl-J--- i lt |atfCo| rrO OOt lr qtl4 fitdlr icalt rr rt Cn|r' TO- RICHARDS E)iGINEERS, INC. Post Offlce Box 643 Val1 , Colorado 81657 47 6-507 2 CINCRETE. I{ASOIiRY AND REINFORCING STEEL REPORT Concrete Placeoen t Dete Ttre Weather Loc at lon Slunp Cyllndcro llaeonry laaDectio'n Drte fll.Teather Locat 1on Ber.rks /il,4 :ts i'I!,1 i( /* J.-l-.^q.) (?--r-^tr; A <.1 ,r,. l'.( <i-.t-t,-t>-', t.l'd l,/t,\, /> r'dl f* e'.t". / {7.k - /,/, ,-r-:- | :.V.c,-.,t2:, .'./(-- il>r /:/r C/cLrt.// !- /-az s'/.;s'*rflrtJ( 'fipf( tu-r"of qrcu.D-, hr?. Reloforclag Steel Drte lloc Locatlon Reurl,s 'L.i- ( L'." *'-" { O *r.r*os ENcrN!*:Rs, rNc. O Poat offlce Box 643 Val1, Colorado 81657 476-5072 Concrete Place8en t Locatlon I Sltry CyllndereD.te Ttlle Weather Locatlon Beoarks *J Drte Tts Werther ap^(/ta )' i drt ftt &7 lt r- ' "'F /{' E-'\/c(( jf,.-, r- ZXz,t -tt <t 4t sl c" A {c4 llrt--4 ztz/+2: za ) 4!t'7ru/y-.,-n (l 't. , - ,"/ .,. ).-,t-a,7:";-. a?-PrO . -',g4r, f .,/ {rt- >{.--.,,,.t Z a/.lfulY67-7/73"as'/' .9L.| 14,4 < A,-E--t"'",lz/g Z -'a-,//1,'Jrfte,rt./ *u1 ..- lb Slgoa-ture of InaPector er*ree....t.i 267655 WEtt ntsstsst??r AvTNUE POSI OttlcE ao\ 26227 tAKCWOOD, COtOIADO 8O2 IELEPHON€r 986.4555 JAIES tV. Pt |( nD Ga|{Er|t xl||l6lR Jauery 8, 1973 Joacph B. UacMlllan, Architect 1471 South Eolly Street Deavei, Colorado 80222 Be: I.C.B.O. Plar Chech No. 8741 RECEECK f,ollday Eouee Cond@lofirmVaIl, Colorado Dcar Joe: lte follostog llated stat€neuts represent aa effort o! our pert to acsurately record the troat aigol.flcant dlscuselon of the subJect I.C.B.O. Plau RBCEBCK durtng our Jamrary 5, L973 ueetlng rlth llr. Jerry Aldrleh end Mr. Iiarvey ltavle of the Vall &rtldlng Departneot. Iteu urobers uaed belos correspond to the nuubers ueed La tbe I.C.B.O. RDCBECK ald orlg{n-l Plan Check. "NoNSTSI,CTI'RAL G0'IMENTS I' : 1. Vatl Bulldtng Departaent approvea use of dormere, ro@a, ae shos! oa orlglral Archltectural Drardnge. 3. T\ro (2) tnch eoltd gypsrro partl.tlous are approved Departnent prwtded eeld partitiona bave loter-locklag at ltated bed- by Vall Bulldlag Jolat aaeeobly. 8. VeLl 8u11d{'g Departrent polnted out tbat Detall 4 on Mdenduu f2 drarlag Eust be underetood to be one houE constnrctlon. Styrofoarl atDet8tl 2 oo Addendun f2 lE approved, by tbe Vatl &rlldlag Departnetrt,for use ea ehonn. 10. luttdlng Departneat of Va1l haa approred the follorlog trro tcchnlques for aceonpllshtng the flreproqf{ng of the 8" core slabe ebove the garage area: l. Zonollte rEone-Koterr, or approved equal, rnay be ueed 1o thtck- oeaa ea Decelraery provlded aald lblouo-Koter' le uelntal.oed for 1lfeof bu{lding. b. One hotrr rated drynall nay be applled to bott@ of eubJect corealsbs. Suapeoded celllog Ls aot reccmeoded. . Comrnencial 8. Industnial Eluilding . ,. 'l Jrunry I, 1973 Jorpb l. liadltllen, Arcbltcct Pqc trn lil. Yetl lufldfng Dcpsatleot approvra cacluelve uae of nechsatctly.otllrtloo per Becl,ett-Eanqo Aeeocletes lettcr dated Dcccnbox 4, L972 Dcwldd rotlqla corrldor door uadercut equale 1rr. 16. It na polated crt ry Bulldlng Depsrtnent tbat I hour rall @st bc ulcd tt obJect bo{ler rooa. Constrilrctlon of nll la optloaal. 15. t.' d., a[d f 8rs apprwcd by Tom of Vatl per Lnfornatl@ cortatnedtl U.cfttllatr lettet of Deceober 5, L972. 15. 1, anbtltlc 2i Ystl Sulldflg Depertleot appEo'vea usc of 12 eqgare fGCt rt anbJect area. 15. 1, anbtltlc 3; lt rae potnted ort by tbe Vell &rfldtng lteprrtreot thet clorer! lust be tactaUcd st the aubJeet trBtr bbal doorg. 15. L. Va1l fulfdfug Dcpartleat hre epprwed uae of etcel clrculrrrtelrc ac flre crlts l.E llenr of rdndona. 25. Ihrc to thG f.ct that thc aubJect celllaga ara euepeodcd bclov a trc bosr reted cora albb, the Vall &rllding Depertocot hae approved the lor1ldGd cellr.g detatla ehorm on Addendun 7, Detall C. 26. Gcoerrel Coltractor urat aubnit ehop drartnga to Toru of Vel1 EutLdtng DCDaataeot. 28. Vell lulldtag D€paroert approed tecbniquee ar strted t! Delta Dry-nLl lcttcr deted lbveobet L, L972. . nsBtrcfitRAl, coofEiNTs"s Vatl Eutldl4 Depertneot conglderg all r-oLalog co@ents regardl.ng the stnctural tutegrity of the eubJect butldtng to be the total respooalbtltty of thc Struchral Engl.ueer. tlc have cncloeed a fot.n receotly denreloped by Jerry Aldrlch, Chtef Bulldlag Of,flclel of Vall, wtrlch uay help clarlft aoy guestlona you uay heve regarding our statc[e[ts ebove. Ttre lteo nrt[bere ln parentheaes correapold to the I.C,0.0. Plal Cbeck ltrnbers. a Junry 8, 1973 &ecph E. ltscltllbo, Arcbttec,t Prge lbee ltrot yon for your t|l. rd etteotloo. Vary tnrly yours, $t.PVa EoJact ldaoager lABstp Eneloanre scs ft€fDs Feldheoer, Joseph B. llacltlllan, Arehltect Frcd Eeodrtckeou, Jorgeaeeo & f,eodrlcksolr, Iac.rrGGoGI Gerke, Beckstt-Eeruon Asaociatea, Inc. CaPbDd D. Cox, Gerlead D. Gor & Assoclrtee r{c;rry Al.drl,ch, Towo of Vall "Abct Shaffer, Plnkard Couetructio! Co.Jora If. Plnkard, Plakard CoostructloB Co. Blcherd A. Zlegler, P&rkard Cqastrrrctloa Co. i ^lg)., I ,lli: II kci. Co**i '-:-'. - -. il;lcl l{,1 et G.^=*ti Plrrha,\AM MrSStSStPPl DTNVER, AVINUE . POST OFFICE 8OX 26227 coLoRADO 80226 7655 WEST JAIIES W. PINKARD GENERAL AI{AGER TELEPHo E 986-4555 /2-29-'72 ?.O.F,oX lOO VJ",Cc onto I <- ^rrorrrsr : c.TFnrp !/ AtD?i/C/ REFERENCE 3 JOB I{AI{E: tuu"n, TlR uttfia REvl Elo{ WE ARE TMNSUITIING TEE FOLIOWIIG: No. of Coolea ( )Ltr. dated(fDrastno No^DeecrLp tlon Preoared By 2,Artnn.rdo-&Errrsron-ToDFTffi Irt*.lltttnil/ ( ) AS APPROI'ED ( ).ron{lt roR()FoR ()FoR REI{ARKS: BY YOUR APPROVAL YOI'R RECORI}S YOUR TURTIIER ACf,ION CORRECTION AT{D RESUBI,IIfTAL Pleaee return -Approrred or Pleage return-prlnts for FOR YOUR PROPOSAL FOR YOUR PR.OPOSAL ON REVISIONS PER YOI'R REQUEST () () () () corrected prlntg Floal of each Appronal Flles and Dlstrlbutlon ---*'1 tj RECEIVED DtO t s A.M' 4HA3E- bE,HI|J JOSe r':{ i". :! ACf$tLl AHARCti!'Er iEtD}tAMER nnc$!TgcT ':tt:l'' ^ laZl tOtfIH :.1 i.!.i' l??tEtllEltvft, coi.:)4A)a ?g:23 1 [ l.F l'.iOtl F .'t-t - 7 !7 - 6196 \l? & isrss**-T ,ll i'l t,H E 'I Nt&ttI If-i t [--b nf }B{ B H --- t 1 s RECEIVED DEC 18 A.M,j--t e'-ral :FaR./,\raA '3 ,:i .-+ | -ii- tl A4 .stuoa@ -:fl.a\ O.a. :sEcT t a\l ' .. l't o lla'l .': ' xtraue\r ?abe. cA^r,tl..lgT; SaTg P .frtr- 15 A Revrst?Lt'To oeT, gA-4' -AoL rDAT L{a]st :114.1 t;; ' 'C,2L,AK,AI>/-' eea.lea{ tJa 1t-t2a tQ,t9-1? .:J ',r i. ,:r/ t -lfFlFFqlFl* E- @lfi| {Ef igE t*l |IF JOg;t':{ i:. ilACt$tLl ANARCIi!.'if iTI.DHAHER .':reCei!TECI AIAlHFlt{.q AS50C r.\.' , 1171 iOtf TH i,ii.!.? 57F3CrDEttvfr, coi{r4A)4 e3?2t 1 [ f.F t'"{ Oll i. ''1 3,'7tl -6196 tl Flr F v li l, [;t i?i o t 7655 WEST l tSStSStPPt AvENUE PO ST OF CE sOX 26227 lAKEWOOD, COl0RADO 80226 TET.EPHONE:986-,t555 JA ES W. PINKARD GE1{gNAL XAIIAGER Dcceuber 27, t972 l{r. Jerry Alilrlch Cttef Bulldtng Offtclal Bulld{ng DeBartreot Tom of Vall P. O. Bor 100 Val.l, Colorado 81657 Be: LC.D.0. Plaa Check Eoltday f,ouee CoadolllunYail, Colorado Dear Jerry: Ihrrtag Ey vlslt to Vell m Decenber 19, L972, I recelved, fron Dlana toughl.ll, a carbou copy of the I.C.B.O. Plao Check ftober 8741 RECEECK (dated Deceober L3, L972, for the eubJect proJect. lJe have fornarded eoplee of tbe RECEBCK to el1 partlea concerned. Ae you cao well fuagl,ne, re ere all anxlously araiting the oplnlon of the Toso of Vall stth regard to all prevlone lnforuatloo foreardcd to I.C.B.O. ard youraelf. Pleage Lnforu us, Eur aom aa poeelble, of any further correctloDs to the Contraet Ilocuoents that you feel nrat be acconpllehed Ln order for our efforts to be Ln coafornaoce vlth the requlreneots of tbe towo of Vall. fraok, yotr, ln edveace, for your cooperatLon 1o thls latter. Very truly youra, PIXXATD @XSIBUCTIOil CO. RKgW ProJect l{enager BARstp cc: Joaeph E. IacUl11ao, Archl.tect Fred Eendrl,ckeon, Jorgengeo & Eendrlcksoa, Inc. Gene Gerte, Bectett-ffarnoa Aasoclatea, IDc. Jsee ll. PLntard, Plnlard Constnrctlo! Co. "l\bet Shaffer, Pl.nkard Coastructloo Co. . Commencial & Industnial Building . O I t/ /z(7'4 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLlcATlol.i' A Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, t*{-a-+-ta { 1!re: errrcxeo sxe tr 1I OE3Cr, ZIP PXONE "^E*Plz PH.NE LICENSE XO. 3); ARCn I YEC T On O a3IGN ei MAI- ADORES S / PFiONE LIC€N5E NO. EIIOINEEi tL a0 DRES S PHONE M lL aDolEss BiaNcH tJ SE OF BUILOI G 8 Classof worK: EruEW f] ADDITION tr ALTERATION N REPAIR I Oescribe work::h,oa,o-. tr Type of Fuel: olt E Nat. Gas El t-PC. E PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnsoe Ea. Forced Air Svstems*8.T.U. M Ea. Gravity Sydems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. M Unit Heaters- B.T,U, MNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WQRK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITH\N'6O DAYS, OB IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ARANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WORK IS COM. MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNIN6 THISTYPE OF WORK WILL gE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Ventilation Fan Air Handlim Unit- C.F.M. TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPAC€) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT WHITE _ INSPECTO R CANABY _ AUDIT PIN K _ APPLICANT 7655 WEST ?lurhar.n e-.sttuctiorr- JAMES W. PII{KARD GEIIERAL IIA'{A6ER TELE?xo E 906.11555 lO TocD of Vall MtsstsstPPl DTNVER, AVE NUt . POST OFFICE gOX 26227 co Lo R ADO 80226 DATE Deceober L4. L972 P. O. Bor 100 Val.l, Colgrado 81657 ATIEFIIOI: l{r. Jerry Aldrlch, BulldLng Offtclal REFBEIGE: JOB lu|!lE: Holtday Eouee Coodolnfiun - Val.l, Colorado SUBIECT: concrete Tests T{E ARE TRANSUITIING TITE FOLIOWING: No. of Coolee ( ()Ltr. dated ) Draslnp No-Preoared Bv ice30 page Concrgte conpreselon teats - cyltndere f1-98 Materlale Test. Ser 4 page Oct.23. 197 I Swlss Hannter. results of teet on l0lL8l72 Materiale Test. Ser I page Nov. 7. 1972 Iretter recmendlng core teat on beam 28 Jorgeneen & Bendr lc 3 pager Dec. 5. 1972 QgEe test regults on bean 28 Haterlals 1est,. Ser ( ) AS APPRoI,ED ()ron(4 FoR()roR ()FOR REI{ARKS: BY YOUR APPROI/AL YOUR RECORDS YOI'R FURTHER ACTION CORRECTION AND RESUBUITTAL Pleaee return _Approved or Please return--prints for FOR YOT'R PROPOSAL FOR YOT'R PR,OPOSAL ON REI'ISIONS PER YOUR REQUEST () () () () corrected printE Flna I of each Approval Flles and Dlstrlbutlon Matenals Testing i tI I o Service P.O. Box l2l3 Boulder, Colo. 80302 825-5261 Locotion: Hclicla Y ilo'rse lVt,/Cu. Ft.: Concrotc Tcmp.: F A Moistvrc: Co lcium: Wcothcr: Timc Tcstcd: f '-l lrl Doy ?sl+ 2531 West 8th Ave. I|ATtRIALS REPORT {or Pinkarrl Job ].h or l. D. 53L-L Dotr Tcrtod: JUIY 10r 1972 Mix l.D.:Slump: Construction Denver, Colo. 80204 Ticlor I South Footing Yicld: 1) E Doy . Wotrr Trmp,: Toto I Yordr: Wolar Reducer: Wind: Tinr Botched: TEsr cYLTNDERS 5lr-1 3 DoY l. 2. 1 1. Averogo, REMARXS: Air: Air Tcnp.: Totol Wotrr: Air Entroining: Humid ity: Timc Ploccd: 1-3 l? 7 Doy 17'. O'\t -l t .l tiI t Boulder, Colo. 80302 825-5261 MATERIALS REPORT {or P!;1kard Coctmcflqt Job f{o. or l. D. 53L-L Dotc Tcstcd: V?bnz Mateiials Testing #ruice F,str' -*\ Air Tcmp. : Toto I Wotcr: Humidity: Timc P loccd: Wotcr Rcduccr: Air EntroininE: Colcium: Wcother: Time Tested: 3lI5 p.n. TEST CYLTNDERS 53L-10. Ll & 12 3 Doy - 197 Doy 1gl4 Doy le28 DoY tzBZ 2531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 P.O. Box l2l3 Wotcr Tcmp.: Totol Yords: W ind: Time Botched: I. 2. I 4. Avcrogc REMARKS: Tickct t Locotion; Hollday ltouec Conc rcte Temp. : F A Moisture: ls Testing itruice Plnkard Csrettructlon Air Tcnp.: Toto I Wotcr: Air Entroining: Humidity: Timr Ploccd: (16-16) 7 Doy L 1l+ZB lieler r Locotim: HoLl-daY Horse East Pbrtlon Sqrtbuall lrf Air: Wt/Cu.Fr.: Yirld, P.O. Box l2l3 Boufdcr, Colo.80302 825-5261 MATEIIALS REPOIT for Job No c l. D. 53I-I Dorr Tortrd: 8/Z/lZ llir l.D.: 6dc Slvmp: Pu[Dlfotrr Trnrp.-: Torcl Yordr: Uolrr Rrducrr: Wind: Tinr Borchrdr TEsr cYLlllDGlt 511-1 3 Doy l. 2. 3. 1. Averogr REl|Aif,S: 2531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Co|o.80204 $ Conc rctc Tcmp.: F A Moisturc: Co lc ium: lVcothcr: Timc Tcstcd: 3:30pn 14 Doy 28 Doy lo 1IIOLD 825 -5261 2531 West 8th Ave. Testing Strnice CqrEtnrcti-on Locorion: Hollday Hqrse So. FrIEI traIl- WrlCu.Ft.: Yicld: Concrclc Tcmp.: F A Moi rture : Colcium: Wcothcr: . Timc Tcstcd: lOi OO L5 l4 Doy le8 Denver, Colo. 80204 Tickrt lr Portl@ D'y I Hold ilATtmALS nEPOIT fior Plnkard Job r5 c l. D. 53I-1 Dotr Tr;tod: lUgff8ttl, 1t72 Mix l.D.: 5 sk Slunp: 2*" Punp nlx Woter Trng.: Toro J Yordr: Uotor Rrducrr: Uind: Tinr Borched: TES' CYLDTDIRS nL 3 DoY l. 2. 3. 4. Avrrogr f,EI{AITS: $ Air: Air Tcmp.: Toto I Wqrcr: Air Entroining: Hurnid iry: Tinc Ploccd: L3r 1&r and 10 D"y 2379 nnrtrlabTestinffi 2531 West 8th Ave. MATERTALS REpORT {or Pinkard &b No. or l. D. 53I-]. Doro Tcstcd: JulY 1Or IY72 Mix l.D.: Slump: lVolcr Tamp.: Torol Yords: Wotrr Rcduccr: Wind: Timc Eotchrd: TEsr cYLrlrDERs 531-1 3 DoY L 2. 3. 1. Avorogc REIIARXS: Air: ,dir Tcmp.: Toto I Wotcr: Air Entro in ing: Humid ity: Timc Ploccd: 1-? Ia) 7 Doy 1',7La Construet,i on ficler I Locotion: Holi.day House South Footing Denver, Colo. 80204 Y icld: i? E Doy )o28 P.O. Box l2l3 Boulder, Colo. 80302 825 -5261 $ WtlCu.Ft.: Concrefc Tcnrp.: F,A Moisturc: Cclcium: Wcothcr: Timc Tcstcd: 1,.i1 l4 Doy 24ol+ ill ;ffi P.O. Box l2l3 "roulder, Colo. 80302 2531 West 8th Ave. 825 -526r Denver, Co|o.80204 MATEmALS REPORT for Ptrrlrd oocgr!,atlct Job l.lo. or l. D. 53[-1 Dorc Tcrrcd: TttffT Locorion: f,olldry f,oulc oSnu8"d') Ti clet 'r Mix l.D.r SlumP: Air: Wotcr Tcmp.: Air TcmP': Totol Yords: TololWotqr: IYotcr Rcduccr: Air Entroining: Wind: HumiditY: Timc Botchcd: Timc P loccd: TEsr CYLTNDERS 'rl-trO, It & I2_ 3 Doy- - 197 DoY r. t787 2. 3. 4. Avcrogc REMARKS: WtlCu.Ft.: Yicld: Concrclc TcmP.: F A Moisturc: . Colcium: Wcolhcr: Time Tcstcd: 3f15 p.r. 19l4 Doy 2}Lg 1928 Doy ls Testing Sruice Elnlrr{ Osnctanrcttlm f,oltdry f,oqrc 2531 West 8fh Ave. 825-5261 Denver, C"b. 8A2O4 sQ gs" ^{ P- $s$" -{'\s" Locolion: X. llrll Llac iI Slump: f|Air: Air Tcmp.: Totq I Wotcr: Air Entroining: Humidily: Time P loccd: 5',,- 7r 8, &9 & 13 $7DoY ?2?5 Box l2l3 ldor, Colo.8ffim ilATgllALS f,EPORT for Job t{o. or t. O. 511-.1 Dotc Tartcd: 7f25fn Mix l.D.: Wotc: Trmp.: Totol Yordr: lVotcr Rcducrr: Wind: Timc Botchcd: TEST CYLIHDERS WrlCu.Fr.: Yicld: Concrcic Tcmp.: F A Moisturc: Colcium: Weothcr: Timc Tcstcd: Tickor * *ilh',' li3 Doy f9 14 Doy 2t&9 2C 28 Doy I t. 4. Avcrogc REMARKS: Matet r Testins slruice Air Tcmp. : Tofol Wotcr: P.O. Box l2l3 Boulder, Colo. 80302 825-5261 MATERIALS REPORf for Plrkcsd Coostmotlon Job l{o or t. O. 5ll-tr Hollday Hourc Dotc Tcrtcd: |ft5fn Locori6n: N. Wail. Llae tI Mix LD.: Slump: {} Air: WtlCu.Ft.: Yicld: Wotcr Tcmp,: Totol Yords: Wotcr Rcduccr: Air Entroining: Colcium: Wind:Humidity:Weolhcr: Timc Tcstcd:Timc Botchcd: Timc Ploccd: TEsr CYLTNDERS 53L- 7r 8r &9 & t.3 3 Doy l{l7 Doy 1@ 14 DoY 2@ A.!"f r. 2?25 .t, ? 4. Avcrogc REMARKS: 2531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 $ Tickcr p Concrctc Tcmp.: F A Moisture: gO. Box l2l3 ' uioulder, Colo. 80302 MATERIALS IEPORT for Job No. or l. O. Dorc Tctlcd: Mir l.D.: 6 sk Punp l'llx Wotcr Tcmp.: Toto I Yords: Wotcr Rcduccr: Wind: Tinc Botchcd: TEST CYLINDERS 3 Doy t. 2. 3. 4. Avcroge REIIARXS: Matef,ah Testing truice 2531 West 8th Ave. 825-5261 Denver, Colo.80204 Slump: 2*" Air: Vt/Cv.Ft.: Yicld: a' ,att* "$€ "*f Pl.nkard Constnrctiqr $" 531-L Tickcr r Arrgust L, Lnz Locorion: F3}*]ailJouse So. PortLon Air Tcmp.: Totol Wotcr: Air Entroin ing: Humidity: Time P loccd: 531 I3r I4' and 15 lOz ooy 2379 1@ll Doy 250l+ Concnte Tcmp.: F A Moisturc: Colcium: Wcothcr: Timc Tcstcd: 10:OO 1@? Doy ft,fiatfi .aU Testi$g S"ruice 2531 West 8th Ave 825-526r Denver, Co|o.80204 HATIRIAL! R€FORT for - Pllnkelrl Goslrucfilca Jcb t{lr c t.D. 53I-l Dorc Tarcd: Jdy f3, 17f2 Locotion: f. frolAtlo flrff Itir l.D.: Slunp: Air:llr/Cu.Ft.: Yicld: Ultra Trmp.: Ait Tonp.: Coacrclc Trnp': Tots t Yordr: Torol Votcr: F A lloirturc: Wotcr Rcducor: Air Entroining: Colcium: Wind:Humidity: . : Tirno Botchrd: Tino Ploccd: ' Timc Tcstcd:!3]Q TGST CYLTNDER5 5311 E, 5, & 6 . 3 Doy 1€9 Doy 14 DcY lGt DoY 1 Eald l. 2. 3. '1, Avcrogc RETIARKI: 3Y -r.\"f i .\,-'4\"t \'c-t, ^ r,,, rr)*\)\* Ticlrr r L574 25Ot+ mrt$iab restins truice P."O. Box l2l3 uouldcr, Colo.803g2 I|ATERIAL9 REPORT {or Job l{o or l. D. Dotc Tcrtrd: Mix LD.: 6 ak Slump' Ptup nlx lVotrr Tcmp,: Totol Yordr: Woirr Rcduccr: Wiad: Timc Botchcd: TEST CYLIilDENt 3 DoY L 2. 3. 4. Avorogc IEITARf,S: Plnkard 53L-L lwust Air Tcmp. : Totol Wotcr: Air En|roining: Humidiry: Timc Ploccd: 53L Jh, )5t 1@z ooy 1803 2531 West 8th Ave. 825 -5261 Denver, Colo. 8A204 i ) a Constnrctlon 1972 Locotion, HolldaY lVt,/Cu.Ft.: {.? .*)- \$ Jsr-' .I\.b Nt Ti.l.r p l{otrse S. E. Fda. UaLl Yicld: 10t Air: and 36 Concratc Tcmp.: F A Moirlurc: Co lc ium: Woothcr: Timc Tcstcd: 3:15 P.n. 14 Doy 1021 9or I Hold P.O. Box l2l3 $oulder, Colo. 80302 825 -5261 Denver, Colo. 80204 Ticlrt r House Beams on N. Brd Y ic ld: $ Air Tcmp. : Tolo I Wotcr: Air Entro ining: Humidity: Timc Ploccd: )7t 38t and 39 l@7 Doy 2683 Concretc Temp.: F A Moislurc: Co lc ium: Wco thcr: Timc Tcsrcd' lr:OO 14 Doy 1@ Doy I HoId Mateilrc Testing 2531 West 8th Ave. MATERIALS nEPORT {or Plnkard Construction Job l,lo. or l. D. 53L-L Dotc Tcstcd: August Ll+, Ly72 Locotion: Holiday Mix l.D.: 6| sk Slrrp, 3t" Air: Wt,/Cu.Ft.: PumP Wotcr Tcmp.: Tolol Yords: lVotcr Rcduccr: fVind: Timc Borchcd: TEST CYLTNDERS 53L 3 DoY l. 2. 3. 1. Avcrogc REMARKS: ls Testing 825-5261 , P-O Box l2l3" douldsr, C,olo.803U 2531 Wesl 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 8A2O4 .{P --f .,tos' N"H ?ERIALS IEPORT for Jeb No or l. D. S3l..rl Dotr Trrtrd: lftrtn PLEIrr{ Coctmstls Helldry Hotuc Locorion: t. llell Lt3. J Wr/Cv.Ft.: Yicld: Concretc Tcmp.: F A Moisiurc: Co lc ium: Wcolhcr: Timc Testcd: lc 14 Doy 2b69 Tickor s , il t-' .)o'''., L) t 4Y Mix LD.: lYotcr Tomp.: Totol Yordr: Wobr Reduccr: llind: Timo Borchcd: TEST CYTINOERS Slunp: fi| 5'r- 7, Air: Air Tcmp.: Totol -Wotcr: Air Entroining: Humidity: Tim" Ploccd:' 8r&t&13 47 D",t ?225 3 D"y l. 2. 3. 4. Avoroge REMAR(Sr 2AB )223 )o)7 3L)O rvrc8 ., 1.r1i" -.1r . ' fs Testing truice t2l3 , Colo. E0392 825 -5261 2531 West 8th Ave. ,,,_..t t Denver, Co|o.80204 d.a. t\' ilarEttAlt REPoRT for Plnkard Gmetmctlon t# - Job i5. or l. D. 531-I Tich I Dorc Trrtcd: Ar€ust lt ly72 Locotion: Hollday l-{g'use So. Portlo Ffdn. WalI Mir l.D.: 6 ek Slunp: 2t" Air: Wr,/Cu.Fr.: Yicld: Punp lltr lVotcr Trmp,: Air Tcmp.: Concrctc Tcmp.: Totol Yordr: Tofol Wotcr: F A Moi3lurr: Wolcr Roducrr: Air Enfroining: Colciun: Wind: Humidity: Wcothcr; Tirnr Botchcd: Timt Plocqd' Timc Tcsted: LOIOO TEsr cYL[{ott3 53]- 13r I4r and 15 3 Doy lifz ooi l@tl Doy lQB Dov \ 2379 25oU 3311 2. 3. 4. Avrroge RCIIARKS: * Ir.iirrYllF !:-t ':it ; . l ll " ls Testing Gtuice 2531 Wert 'I , ..i! .;..1,', .i" , .; Eth Avs., 825 -5261 Denver, Colo. 90204 -e""%plnkerd Consrructto.. **l t I Air: Air Tcmp. : Toto I Wotr: Air Entroining: Humidiry: Tirm Plocodi 531-r( 50-52)10 7 D"v 26L7 Locotion: HoJ,iday WtlCu.Ft.: Concrclc Tcmp.: ., F A Moisturc: Co lcium: Wcothcr: Timc Tcstcd: 14 Doy XATEfiA!9ltP0Rl for lob i5 or l. D. 531-1 Dorr Trrrrd: S/2i/?2 llir l.D.: 6| sl6lump, Punp Uorrr Trnp.: Toro I Yordr: Uoirr Rrdrcrr: tindr Tinr 8*clrrd: rEIT CYLIIIDERS 3 Doy l. 2. 3. 1. Aioroge IEITARXS; B?9 Floor CyIlnders liclor r House Yicld: 2@ 28 Doy SIab By Rlchards Englneering matliah resting $rvice J,O. Box l2l3 Sbulder, Cofo. 80392 825-5261 RECEIVED ..ri, llA.\{ ilATERIALS nEPORT {or Pinkard Constnrctlon Job No or l. D. 53L-L Ticlrr n DorcTcrrsd: August Lo, Lnz Locorion: Holiday Horse S. E..Fdn. Ua1l, Mix LD.: 6 sk Slurpr Air: WtlCu.Ft.: yicld: Punp nlx lYotcr Tcmg.: Air Tcmp.: Concratc Temp.: Totol Yordr: Tofol Wotcr: FA Moisturc: Wotcr Rrducrr: Air Entroining: Colcium: Wind: Hurnidity: Wcothcr: Timr Botchcd: Timc Ploccdi Tirnc Tcsrcd: 3:15 p.n. TEsr cYLtNDCns fiL 3\ 35t and 36 3 Doy 1@z ooy 14 Doy l@al oov I Hold )Lt+gr. 1go3 2. ? 4. Avcrogc REMARXS:. 2531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 8A2O4 . ,a!!tEl?tFt!y;r 'EE:E!E1tr:v...*.:. :\:.raa,:!$.n:s'-.ri:{1:...1:c:,.r I \' :: !i . : i'::-!'i "!!!!'Evtri :, at. l Total Yordr: Wotrr Roduccr: Wind: Timr Botcfird: TEST CYLINDCRS 3 Doy t. 2. 3. 1. Avcrogo REMARXS: Torol Scror: Air Entroining: Humidiry: Timc Plocod: )7t 38, andlez Doy 2683 F A Moisturo: Co lcium : lVcothsr: Timc Tcstad: 4!OO 14 Dcy 53L 39 IO28 Doy 5041 I Hold RECENED sEP t3 P.M, *O. Box l2l3 ,roulder, Colo. 80302 Wotcr Tcmp.: Toto I Yords: Wotcr Rcducer: W ind: Timc Botchcd: 2531 West 8th Ave. Tickcr p Locotion: Holiday House wriCv.Ft.: Y ield: rEsr cYLtNDERs 531-1(SO-SZ1 3 Doy 1@ 7 Doy t. 26l-7 2. 4. Avcroge REMARKS: 829 Floor SIab Cylinders By Richards Engineering Conc relc Tcmp. : F A Moisturc: Co lc ium: Weo ther: Time Testcd: 14 Doy 2@ 28 Doy 37ot+ )553 3629 Air Tcmp. : Toto I Wotcr: Air Entro in ing: Humidity: Time P loced: { a '' Mat#ab Testing Gruice i 825-5261 Denver, Colo. 80204 RFCF/TFD SEP 22 Pil. M TERIALS REPORT fo' Pinkard Construction Job No. or l. D. 53I-] Dorc Tesrcd: 8/22/72 Mix l.D.: 6$ sl6lu,np, I Air: Pump Matliab Testing Strice ', P.O. Box l2l3 r-, 2531 Wesl SthAve.#JliJii".fi. 803s2 l- 825-526t I Denver, coto. so204 MATERIALS REPORT for lu{iro o, r. O. fiLeL Dorc Tasrcd/ZS/ZZ Mir l.D.:Slump: ]i Wotcr Tcmp.: Toro I Yords: Wotcr Rcducrr: Wind: Timr Batchcd: TEST CYLIXDERS 3 DoY Air: Air Tcmp.: Toto I Wotcr: Air Entro in ing: Humidity: Timc Ploccdl 53L-L(6)-65) 7 D"V 825 -5261 RECEIVED SEP 2 6 A"M. Pl.nkard Construction Ticlrr r Locolion: HOLiday House Beans BS rCl+rBz7 rB28Wt/Cu.Ft.: Yicld: Concrctc Tcmp.: F A Moisturc: Colcium: lVcothqr: Time Testod: t. 2. I 4. ]@14 Doy 2@ A h,r 2306 2960 26]-9Avcrogc REITARXS: o s i. :" I Materials Testing erurce r{i , tir. Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days:3000 rEsr cYL|NDERS 531-1( 96-98) " Cylinder Dia. 1q 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 6 .015 ]-9)5 Average: REMARKS:Holiday House BY: MTS 2@ 28 Oay (uto -- - ----i' \:3: ?75L .4531 West 8th Ave. Lrenver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {o, Pin}ssr6 Job No or L D. 531']- Date Tested: yO/ZS/72 Mi x I. D. : 5*Sk Water Terp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. Slze: Ti rne Batched: 51 unp: 3" Ai r: Ai r Temp. : Total f,later: Max. Size Load Time Placed: 825 -s261 Constructi on C.Y.: 9:15 Al,i Tes ted Location: lsssnsnt FloorGridC&E20 Wt/Cu. Ft. : 14 Day Cylinder Dia 6,or2 6.0r7 Concrete Terp.: F A Moisture: I'leather: Time Tested: Also: &2r Yi el d: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 512 Ti cket # REFORT TO: Pinkard Constructi on I -_ t REcElvro O OCT e3 A.M. October 23, Lg72 MIS Job fi]-L Materials Testing Service DENVER - BOUIDER. DILION 253I WEST 8TH AVE.-DENVER, COLORADO 80204 fN DENVER CALL .... | /3o3/ 825-s26r o? s262 Pinkard Construction Co. P. 0. Box 26227 Denver, Colorado 80226 Attention: Bruce Reed Re: Swiss Hanmer results on Holiday House tested on LOh8h2. Dear Brtrce, fnclosed you will find the results of Swiss Harnner tests taken by nyself and itTinyr' fiiite of our office. It should be remembered that Swiss Hammer tests are just, an indicator and couLd be 20 percent higher or lourer. Thus, the answers should never be taken as the actual- figures, they only inci- cate a range of strengths. The answers are derived by taking ten successive readings in one or€dr Then the high and lor readings are discarded, and an average is taken for the remain- ing figures. This average is then converted to a strength reading in pounds per sguare inch. Bean #27 Readings: Average of Equivalent ^ ,t a^rjeanL jFtt Readings: Average of Equivalent South ',tlest Side .r a\ /rd ^.|19, 26, 28, 30, 30, eight: 3O PSI: 2800 Area 1 32, 32, 30, 24, 32. South l,rlest Side Area 2 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 3r, 32, 32, 30, 30. et_lilc: JI.o DqT. ?l qalr vr. J-L-/v -1- Beam #27 North East Side Area I Readings: 29t3]-t.36, 31, 36, 33, 32r 3t, 27, )2. Average of eightz 31.9 Equivalent PSI: 32OO Bea:n #28 Area I Readings: 28e 2?t 27t 30, )Oe 29t 30, )O, 30, 28, Average of eight: 29 Equivalent PSI: 2600 Beam #28 Area 2 Readings: 30, 29, 30r 30, )o1 Z7t 26, 30, 3ot 3L. Average of eight: 29.5 Equivalent Psi: 27OO Colunn Cl+ Readings: )o, 28, 30, 29, 3Qt )Ot 29t 29t 30, 3L, Average of eight: 29.6 Equivalent PSI: 2750 WalI Line 17 H to D Starting at 10 ft. north of H, areas 2O feet apart. Area 1 Readings: 32, 3L, 3l-, 3]-, 30, 32, 32, 33t 32, 32. Average of eight: 3L.6 Equivalent PSI: 3l-5O Area 2 Readings: 34, 3l+, )2, 3l+, )O, 3L, 26, 35, ))t 32, Average of eight:, 32.5 Equivalent PSI: 3400 -2- o Area 3 Beadings: 33, 3\ 32t 12t )l+t Average of elghtl 3L.3 Equlvalent PBI: 3100 We hope thesb rcadlnge w111 be ln eYaltratlng yorr, cmcretei corss fro these areats durlng We w111 have a corlng aparatus 3Q, 3O, 29t 29t 33. of sme assl.stance to yotr It is also posslble to remove the tlme period Lo/24 t,o IO/26. ln Vail at that td.me. RespectiveJ.y Subnltted L)*6 +W{;oA 0- John A. ll,atfleld, P. E. Serrrlcci Director l,lateriaLs Testing ServLce JAlt/kp AND HENDRICKOOQ rNc. al|rrE trt ccgt?art.l lut|-ott{o IELEtXONE |3Ot) Zaa-tl4l FEH:bj CONIIJ LTI N T' EN GI N EER!' itoy a 'SO t:VEN'GEN'H ITF€ET otNvtt, ct! t o RAEto tozo2 Novufut 7, L972 1' /'- .: \*.,.,- Re: HoLidag liouse at VaiJ Our Referren cc No. 7773 Plt*ard ConstrluctLon Coqang P. o. bx 262rr-- Ixrnvell, CoTotaito 80226 ettentioa i Az. Btuce a. Reed @ntl.ercn.. tfie have teceived the resu.l ts af the swiss }lanurer: tests that were nade on tle tirst fLot Deams numbe ts 27 and 28. As stateil in the Tetter fromdaterlals ?esting sewl.ce, dated actober'23, L972, sriss haazaer tests courdb 202 lrigl:et ot lower ttran the resuJ,ts given. TaLi,,g tt,€ lowest test of 26OO pai as given fot bean 28, we reduee tlrj s value bg 20A giving a compressive s tress of 2080 psi anit cheekeit tl:p desiga oi the bearE with the exjstjn g teinforcenent at the 2O8O psi strengrtlr. The beans ase adeqaate at this compressive strength utiTizing tI:€ fult al lov-able five \ad teduction bg Code. It. is notsl;.l to cotrelate harner tests rj tJl cote testing tor ang speeitic concrete job to vetifg the accutacg of tI:€ serrj ss harnnar tests. AJthough our design check shows the f or,yes t comptessive stress teduced bg 20* still meets the structura-l requirenents, we do reconwnd a cote test De nade to verifg the srjss hanuner testing. The location of the core &st slould he on ''€am 28, nidspan. haff wag between the tap and the bttom. ptojectinginto the side of the beam. Vetg truLg gours , / /,/.r . . r'-''. I a-.- ..,,. Fred E. Hendtickson ]:iJ,\SUL?l:.{l: :Nt r ^r t :: ::,: .;r.t U \ C rL International Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 (213) 699-0541 December 13, L972 OFFICER6 PRE9IDENT EUGENE B. PE9TER DIRECTOR OF COMM IJN IIY OEVELOPMENT FOMONA, CALIFORNIA FIFIST VICE.PRESIDENT NEIA,ELL POCK CHIEF !UILOING tNSPECTOR YAXIIIA. WAgHIiIOTON SECOND VICE-FRESIDENA JACK D. W}I ITE EUILOING CODE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY, MISgOURI TREAgURERVINCENT R. BUgH AUPERINTENDENT OF IUILOINO VERI{ON. CALI|ORNIA JUNIOR PAST PRESIDENT PERNY C. TYREE REGIOI!AL EU ILDINO OFFICTAL COLOiADO SPRtNGS, COLOFADO EXECUTIVE DIRECTORT. H. CARTER 5360 5. WORXI|AN MttL RD-WHI'IIER. qALIFORNIA UANAOING DIRECTOF JAMES E. BIHR 530(' s, woRK AN LtLL RD. ' WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA OIRECTOR6 GAYIiRD C. DOWD OIREqTOR OF INgFEg'ION9 KALAMAZOO, IIICHIgAN DONALD A. ERICKEON D I RECTQROEPAiTIfEN' OF INgPECTIONA lttNNEAFOL|6, t NnEao.fa BILL P. HORN CHIgF BUILDTNC INgPECTOR PIEBqE COUNTY TACOI,IA, WAAHINCTON ROAERT B. FELDNER 9UPERINIENDENT OF CENTRAL INSPECTION WICHITA. KAN6A9 CHARLES R. HTNKLEY CHIEF !UILOING INIPECTOR MOUNTAI|| VIEW. qALTFONNIA VICTOR L. TAUOHER BUILDING OFFICIALqOUNTY OP ALAIIEDA HAYI/!/AiD. CALIFORNIA VINCENT R. BUSH AUPERINTENDENT OF EUILDINO VERNON. CALIFORNIA DICK ?. JORDAN OIRECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMENI AUITIN, TEXAS FLQYD G. MCLELLAN, JR, DIRECTOR OF BUILOING ANO sAFETY COUNTY OF ORANGE SANTA ANA, CALIFOANIA OFFICEg OF AHE EXEqUTIVE DIiICTOF T. H. CARTER IfAI{AOtNO DIRECIOF JAMES E. BIHR TECHNICAL DIBECTOFD. R. WATgON Jerry Aldrich Building Official City of Vail- Post Office Box L00 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. ALdrich: PLao Check No. 8741 Holiday House RECHECK Revised data on the $ove project has been reviewed with re- ference to our letter of October L8, L972. Our cmrents below are Llsted in the same sequence. GENEML COIIMENTSi Complete revised pLans vere not resubmitted. Only several sheets and detal-ls along with a Letter indicatlng corrective measures uere provided. Coments wil-l reflect that conpli- ance ls indicated but we are unable to verify on the plans. NONSTRUCTIIRAL CCDTMENTS : 1. Coment renains. 2. Letter indicates Detail 2lL-2O is revised to shov conpli- ance . 3. DetaiL 5, Addendun 2 shouLd specify 2-inch partition to conrply lrith ltens 53 or 54 of Table No. 43-8. 4. L€tter indicates p lans norv conrp Ly. 5. Units specified are acceptabLe except smoke density test resuLts shou 500 ln Lieu of the maximum ICB0 standard of 450. 6. Safety requirements shouLd be specified on the pLans. -2- 7. Letter lndicates that adjacent building wall-s will cmply. 8. DetaiL 3 should show compliance with ltem 70. Detall 5 shouLd show conpliance wlth ltens 53 or 54 of Table No. 43-8. The 2-inch sound mFterial should be reviewed by you for acceptance for use ln a Type II building. 9, Cmment satisfied. Specifies Research Recormnendation 2638 on Addendum No. 7. The use of fire-retardant furring should be reviewed by you for accepEability in a Type II butLding. 10. C@ent remains. 1L. Letter of December 4 indicates compliance. Plans ate not veri- fied. 1,2. Addendr.rn No. 2 details should indicate item number of Table No. 43-8. The 1/2-inch gypsurn board should be Type X. Suspended ceiling details, Addendun No. 7 should use 5/8-inch Type X gypsuxo board and show spacing of supports at 16 inches for one- hour construct.ion, Tab l-e No. 47-G. 13. Cment remains. Where mecbanicaL ventilation is providedt windon area should equal one-tenth of the floor area of the room. Corridor doors are fire doors and shoul"d be tight fitting. This woul.d precLude the under cutting to a11or Passage of alr. L4. Cornrcnt remains. 15. (a) Should specify three-hour labeled assembLies. (b) Coment satisfied. l€tter indicates door swing revLsed. New plans not submitted. (c) Cotrment satlsfied. See Sheet A-6. (d) Cment remains. These doors should be tight f itting. Ex- hauet air shoul-d not be taken through door. (e) Letter indicates compllance. Plans not available. (f) C onment remalns. ShouLd indicate protectLve windows at bedroom 18. -3- (g) Letter iodicates courpllance. Plans not provlded. (h) L) and 2) Letter indicates compliance but should speclfy one and one-haLf-hour labeled assemblies ln lleu ofrBtt labeL. (f) 1) Corment satisfled. See Addendrn No. 7. 2) Cotrinent remalns. 3) Coment remalng. Should specify one and one-half- hour label-ed doors. 4> C@ent satlsfied. See Addendrn No. 7. (j) tetter of Nofuenber 28 indicates cornpliance. Plans not provlded. (k) Coffinent not appllcable. L6. tetter lndicates vents provided by change order. Plans not provided. 17 and 18. MechanicaL floor plans not provided but Addendum No. 1 lndlcates dry and wet standpipes will be instaLled per Code. 19. Cment satisfied. Addendum No. 5 indicates cmpliance. 20. Cmrent satisfled. See Derail LIA-4. 2L. Letter indicates conrp L lance. No plans provlded. 22. Coment satisfied. Supported at each slab. 23. Connnent satisfied. Detall for Palisade stone provided. 24. Coment sat.isfied. Detall for Logan spiral stainray provlded. Should be reviewed by you for cmpliance with local ordlnance. 25. Suspended ceiling detaiL should shd 5/8-inch Type X gypsum board and have supports at 16 inches maximrm to conply for one- hour construction. See Tabl"e No. 47-G. 26. Comnent rernains. -4- 27. Coment satisfied. Research See detall, Addendrmr No. 7. 28. Should specify Ltem nr.rmber of applicable on tbe plans. STRUCf,I'RAL C@IMENIS: Reconmendatlon No. 2638 specifieil. table in Chapter No. 43 that is 1. (a) (b) (c) Should state special inspection required on Sheet s-2. 2. Looks like the soll report submitted is for the existing three- story buiLdlng adjacent to the proposed structure. Acceptaaceof this report ls subject to your approval. 3, 4 and 5. Cmrents satisfied. 6. K for box system should be used equal to 1.33 in lieu of L.00. Table No. 23-8. Eorever, lateral forces dlstributed to shear elements should cornply wlth Section 23L4 (e) and (g). Snow Loads should be incLuded as dead 1oads. 7. Dyna span sLabs used as diaphragms lrithout topping shouLd have Lctgltudinal joints developed as specifled in Research Recmen- datlon No. 2382. Recmrendatton also requires 3/4-lnch diameter stude in lieu of l/Z-inch round studs shown in Detail 4lS-3. Note on Sheet S-2 slhouLd speclfy slabs to conply with Researcb Recommendation No. p382. I{ow are roof paneLs connected for diaphragm actlon? 8. Letter of November L4 indicates weights of equlpment in north and south boiler romr. This should be shown on the plans. 9. For your infornatlon. satlsfled.L0. C@ent 11. How is tees? L2. C@ent satisfied. 13. Detail L3lS-4 should cmp1y. one-hour construction provided at the roof structuraL Refer to Tabl.e No. 43, Iten 30 for one-hour construction. -5- L4. Note on Sheet S-2 should indlcate this. 15. Cross section of columns shouLd be provided showing ties. 16. Letter of August 1.5 lndlcates all vertlcaL steel should be shown as No, 4rs at 24 inches. PLans not provided. 17. Thls attachment should be a positive type. Detail on Sheet 1 ehould show thls. 18 and 19. Conr"rents eatisfied. 20. (a) This should be stated on Sheet S-2. (b) Note should be changed on Sheet S-2. (c) The soil report of August 4 frm Woodward-Clyde-scbnard and AssocLates should be referenced on Sheet S-2. 2L. Coment gatlsfied. 22,- C@ent satiefied. Calculations furnlshed. 23. Cment satisfled. Beans are now continuous. 24 and 25. Cormenta satisfied. 25. Cor|tnnent remalns. 27. (a) Cment satlsfled. Beam provided, Sheet S-7. (b) (c) (d) (e) (r) (g) (n) coments satisf ied. 28. Cormrent satisfied. Calculations provided. 29. C@ent remains. Should show on structural plans. 30. C@ent satlsfied. 31. Comnent satlsfied. Stair detail provided, 32 . C@ent. satisf led. Cores will- be cut in f ield. -6- A11 alata te betag held peniltrg recelpt of further lnstr:uctions fr@ Iou. If l.trstructl.one are not recel.ved, data wtl1 be returned ln 90 deya Ln coaforuaace wltb Sectlon 302 (b). Ple.aae feel free to contact ue lf there are any que8tlona. Yotrte very truly, IIIIERr{AT IONAL CO{FERENCE TJK:R.lM:hb ?b^ha\nM JAMES W. PINKARD GENERAL MAI{AGER TELEPHoNE 986-4555 TO Toro of Vall 7655 WtST MrsstsstPPl DENVER, AVTNUE , POST OFFICE BOX 26227 coto RAD O 80226 DATE Decenber 7,L972 P. O. Bor 100 Vatl, Cglorado 81657 ATTEMIC{: }lr. Jerry Aldrlch, llqfldtug Off tclal RBSER,EICE: JOB MllE: f,ollday touee Condqqrlnitro - Val.l, Colorado SUBIEGT: I.C.B.O. Plan Check i 874L I{E ARE TRATISUITIING TBE FOLIOI|II{G: No. of CoD{e3 ( )Ltr. dated( ) Drarlac No^De,Ecrlptlon Preoared Bv (SEE ATTACEED) O ES APPRd'ED ()FoRfi rm()ron()roB REMARKS: BY IOTN APPROI'AL IOTIR RECORDS YOUR TURTIIER ASTIOII @RRECf,IO}T AND RESUBITITTAL Please return_Approned or Pleaee return-prints for YOI'R PROFOSAL YOI'R IR,OPOSAL ON RBVISIONS YOUR REQUEST () () () () FOR Fm, PB corrected prlnts Ftnal of each Approral Fllee and Dtstrlbutlon $l MllE: Eollday Bouse Condolnlru - SiUAIECT: I.C.8.0. Plao Cbeck , 874LDAll: Deceobcr 7t L972 PtcE I'!fo 3 pagea f ca. Iea gt111111g$1. tO: ]tr. .lerry Alarf tlCG Phkssd Constructlor Co. - t of Vall Vall, Colorado hB. rgeD8en & Eendrlcksou treseed Coocrete of Colo Inc land D. Cox & -Haruoa tt-Earnou tt-EarEoE Lcs Inc. tressed Concrete Inc E. Mact{lllan Industrles Inc. Joe E. Hacltlllao Ifoodward-Clyde- Prestreesed Concrete Prestressed Concrete Becketc-Harnon Assocla Preetreesed Coocrete Inc. f*" L&2 L2l5l72 Archl.tectre atrawer to I.C.B.O. Pl.en Check LLl2e172 Structural Eoglneerte aaarrer to I.C.B.O. Plan Check tetter to Kent Roee - Re: ltasoory Reinf StEucturel Detal.ls 128172 lneerra insver to I.C.8.0. P t8 answer to I.C.B.o. VeDtl.latton Data Veotllatl.on Caiculatlone 17172 Unlt De8ctlptloB Unlt Descriptlo! & Test Da Unlt Fire Rat lLl72 Board Construction 12172 Addendun #1 lace Veneer Detall t2l7l72 414166 used for llol Core Slab Calculatl.one716172 LOl2172 Ttrln xTrt Calculations lL4l72 Mechaul.cal Rooo Ioad Calculatlons of9 2of9I ea.Prestreseed Concrete Slabg & ItTrrra of Colo. BAN$|ITIAL fO: Mr. Jerry Alda, t.BrlG F-lnkard Gonstauctloo CoF lowa of Vatl .|oB llAllE: Eollday Houge Coadmlnfun - Vall, Colorado SUBIECT: I.C.B.O. Plao Cbeck t 8741 DAIB: Dcccobcr 7, L972 PACI TEBEE o ARCHITEcTS A lAJG'AEPH E. MACMILL.AN fHELMA FELOHAMER - a1.o€ra?. I47t SOUTH HOLLY STREET DEN\/ER. COLORAOO 40222 TturHoNr aos - 767 -(,,404 Ileceober 5, LYn !|r. T. J. Koyautstrr Cblef Plan Check hgineen Internatlonal- Conference of &rildlng Offlolale 5350 South i{onk'nan tliLl Road lihlttler, CaLlfornla 90501 Dear lth. Koyautou: Ber tCB0 PIan Chack # 87/+t Eoltday House Condod.nlum Yallr Colorado l{e have revleued and acted upon the corqoents llsted !n yorrr letter to l.tr. Jarry Alalrlch of tbe City of Vall, dated October L8, Ly72. Our action Ls ae foilo'rst (Itero nuaberi reterrea to as per ICBO letten) 1. Dorners are shorm on tbose rooms ln questlon wlth ?l - 6l at glde nalls rlsing ln a 5 ln 12 pi.tcb to center of rooo provldlng a , hlgh cetllng. 2. Bulldlng paper shaLt be applled to tbe orterl.or rialle Ehosa lrl lletall 2/0.20. 3. Ssft rau detall of 2'' soLid gy?sun ls shovB oa Addendurn No. 2. rhE flreboxes and flues havE as yet not beeu selecteal by Plnkard ooastruetion co., the General Contractors. If these are labeled 2-hourr then all the holes ln the precast slabs arourd the flues utu be fllIed ultJr concrete. If these al|e not selectedr t'helr the flreplace partltions shall be constructed to accolp.Llsh ttre tyo-hour ratlng as regulred. lbe elevetor door 1s L V2 brt. Iabel.ed assenblieE as srrpplled by Dover Blevator Co. lbe protectlon for the trasb chute, duct sbaftsr pipe chas€r etc.t . ar€ shoua on Addendun No. 2 ae 2n solld gttPsun partltlons. 1. SeE above. The trash chute doors are hopper type I L/2 br. V. L.rlr labe1 per l{ilkinson speclflcations. ltre total chute ls con- stnrcted oi 18 ga. rnetal. tbe door at the discharge ls $pe A, nornally open, Laclined roJ.llng door nith fuslble 1lnk hold-open p4. Wilid.nson speclficatlons. Room and chute are botb sprlnlrlers6. 1S." A""k"tt & ilarnon Assoclates letter, dated Dec. 1, L972.) 5. & 6. $rppllers rrlll be subd.ttlng test data. (nrctosed) 7. A nasoary nall rdll be erected at the north and east sd.de of the serrlce entrance to the East lJing of the Hollday Inn. It n111 ex- tend to tbe botton of thE e<lsting roofe l.lr. T. J. Kgnautsu -page tuo-Decenber 5, LYlz 8. See Addendun #2. D'etall #4' of Add l(2 La a ons-hour vall. 9. Sce Addendun #'7, Detall a. lO. the tbree-horr separatlon 1s aou belng etudJ.ed. (a) All structgral supports are concrete valls or concrete solurnng End beang. tlalla are 1? thlck. Beans are L{ x 36'.' all block na1ls shoua are non-bear:hg. f.1. the euglneera nlll $rbnlt calsuJ.ations. L2. AIL coagtructlon ueets requLreroents Re. Add€ndrln 2 and Delte f5nall letten to }tr. Aldrleh, dated Novenber 1, 1972. 13. tlre l{schanlcal bglneere are studylng these and rdIL provlde roeahanlcal ventllation uhere required. l{e are of ttra oplnlon tbat Bedroom.3l Apt. 3-C is aatlsfactory; tlre balcoay ls open on 2 s!.deE and above 1n addltlon to frontal lpaoeo l.tr. llhe tvo bollen roolrs ara enclosed tdth onthour valls' Refer to Addodrrn #2. 15. (a) Ttrese have been cbanged to trAt label door & frane' (b) Door 10 on Sheet A-9 has been corrected to slrlng out' (a) See bardvare scbedule on Slreet A-6. (a) Solid core f 3rc thlek wood doots were approved. (e) tbE Contractor shall retrrrn ttre ends of all hendrails' (f) lbe nindows ln Bedroon, Apt. 1-B shall be wlre glass' (g) Ibe stalrs to lofts 1n- ApLs. 1-C & l-D are steel, or Doo-cog troodr (U) Stalrs are enclosed ln nasonry ualls. 1) Doors are nBtr label doors and ftanes. 2, Corridors shall have 2-hour ualls each side. (f) 1) Nen glpsun nal1 - see Addendur #?, Detail B-' Zi WE frivb dlscussed a variance nlth the tonn buildlng officlal. 3l Doors are tBn 1abe1 doors & franes. l.) Grrardrall has been replaced rdth soltd gl?sun partltlon' (t) EiectrlcaL Erglneer ls providlng requlred exlt-signs rdth directions shoua. See Garland D. Cox letter dated I'lov. 28, Lnz' (f) Dre to tbe fact that two (2) exlts froro the zubJect areas presently eld.st oa the drawlngs, no Eodlflcation nlLL be regulred. 15. lGclranlcal &rglnec hae provlded sane. fl . Mechanical &rglaec has prorldecl sane. see Acdendun No. one. 18. Mechanical Englneer has provlded saue. see Aditendun No. 0us. ,t o lbr I. J.. f,oyantsu .page three-Dccaober 5, LYT? "* 19. ^qrrdilg doore have safety glass. Uladoue shall have double glazlng; nlre glass ln Bedroon, Apt. l-8. See glass gcbedulE of slzes, types end tbiaknege attached. (See Arliterilun #5 - Revieedl Decenber f, f9?2) 20. 3C clear ls sbonn on ldtchen dranlnge to botton of cabinets nlth a netal veutllattng bood belon. See Detall 1 on A-4. 2X. AIL tubs adJoln a g1psurD board partitlon or plpe chase c 834 , avatlable fron the side uaIL. 22. l{e speculate tbat yqu are referrlng to e lld.t of helght nlthout cddLtlonal stnrctural support of the Etack. Res€arch recomeadatlon 114? ref,ca to steeL studs. We are trensf,erlrg stack load to tbe alabs ar ttre flue passes tbrough floor leve,la. 8. I detlll le enolos€d to sholr ooruectlons of veneer to uall. (Ail'ledr:n #7 -Detail "D"). 4. $op dranlags rdll be fornarded. 25. See Addeaduro f,71 Detall C. 26. l.Iernrfaatrrren ahoLl subrolt strop drarrtngs nblch ni.LL be fonprd6d. ?1. See Addodrrn #7r D€talL A. 28. Delta lettc eocLosed. lle hope t*rat thLs rwlev wltb 6ur anewers and plan changes wtll satlsfy the reqrdrenente of tbe ICBO. Very tnrl.y yourst '!*In € h*i\ji+- {P""Ptt E. }bc}'{lllaa JE{tv ia REcENrb DEC r - [.hft" Pinkard Constructlon P. o. BoIr.. 26?27 Lakewood, CoLorado 80226 Atbentlonl Re: Cores Dear Brucet You will find the to this lettert adequate strength because the first o Materials Testing DENYER . BOULDER . DII.ION 2531 IVEST 8TH AVE.- DENVER, COLORADO EO:lO'l fN DEI{VER CALL .-.- |/SOS1825-5261 or 5262 December 5t Lnz MTS Job lrlg. lJl_l Bruce Reed I' , ,.' on Beam # zq:_iidayj::i vai1,Colorado core data sheets on the above locati-on attached Both breaks indicate Lhat your concrete is of for the above project. Two cores were t,aken core seemed to cut like wood or clay - real easy. It would also be our suggestion that you contact tire City Building Inspecbor in vail about a research project inbo local colrcrrete p:"oblems. Cores Taken under direction of. the Breaks and Report by Service DirectorDillon LaboraLory Supervisor JAH/sn -..\is*it',-,& i'i* r1044..! : Ti:i::;ti't MatCials Testing $ruice DENVER Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock 253I WEST 8TH AVE.-DENVER, COLORADO 80204 fN DENVER CALL .... t/3o31825-5261 ot s262 51]-1Job No. Proj ect Holidav House - Vail Contractor pinkard Construetion Core No. 53L-A CORE TEST REPORT FORM Core Date Date Location Bean # 28 Core Removed tt/29/zz Core Tested lZll/ZZ Core Di.ameter i .7 5 Core Length_____6JA Core Bearing Area II. Ul]. ) ftlP Ratio L. | ) t correction (lStu 112-68) Core Load IIL.ZOO Inches. fnches. Square Inches 'tc. ( 1 Lbs. Core Raw Strength .S.I. Core Corrected StrengLh___3355 P.S.I. Required P.S.I. at 28 Days___;-9p-_ Remarks No reinforcinE Dresent MatCials Testing $rvice DENVER Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock 253I TIYEST 8TH AVE.-DENVER, COLORADO 80204 fN DENVER CALL ' ''' 't /3o3 / 825 - 5261 or 5262 Proiect ore No.;!!p_ CORE TEST RE?ORT FORM Core Date Date Location Bean il 28 Core Removed tt/2L/zz Core Tested tz/t/zz Job No. 5i1-1 Core Dianeter 1-75 Core Length 7.L25 Core Bearing Area 11. 01,5 H/n natio correction (lstu t+z-68) qq.azu i; Contractor Pinkard Constructim Inches. Inches. Square fnches Lbs. P.S o r. P.S.I. 1. 90 Core Load 5a-25O Core Raw Strength 116l*o Core Corrected Strength L62i Required P.S.I. at 28 Days..-L@- Renarks eoni cal form break v o RECEIVED BECKETT.HARMON ASSOCIATES, INC.DEC 4- A.[T CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2201 w. 32NO AVENUE DENVER. COLORADO 8O2tI 1338711 2(N9 BROAOWAY BOIJLDER, COLORADO 8G(l2 449.302 DscslrEea ), l97z Mn. T. J. Koynuarsu, CHTEF pr_rH Cnecx ENclNeEnllteaxrrtot.tlr CotrenENcE oF Buttorxc OrrrctALs i 5360 S. Wonxr4aN Mrrr- Roro VJnrrrren, CartroRtra gO5O1 RE: Hottolv Housr, Vlrr, Coronaoo GeHtueueN: Txg rottowrNG REpREsENTs ouR oroarrts oF trEMs ro BE coRREcrED, vERtFrEo OR CONF IRMED WITH REGARO TO THE I.C,B.O. PLAN CHECK FOR THE ABOVE REFER-ENcEo pRoJEcr. IrEM NUMBERs ARE REFERENcED To l.C.B.O. LETTER or OctoeEn18, 197?. treu #[: Sneer M-Z oF THE coNTRAcr pLANs pREsENTLy pRovlDEs FoR TRAsHcHurE FrRE spRtNKLER pRorEcrroN pER secrror,r 38OZ(a)-J or rne u.B.c. AH AOOITIONAL SPRINKLER HEAD WtLL BE PROVIDED IN THE BASEMENT TRASH ROOM TO COMPLY W ITH TH IS SECT ION. lrrr,r #ll: GaRace ExHAUsr vENTTLATToN HAs BEEN pRovrDED rN coMpLlANcEwtln srclroru 110! AND rs rNDrcArED oN rHE cor.rtnlcr MecnrN tclr Dnawlrucs. Copv or vENT tLAT toN cALcuLAT toNs ts ATTAcl.tED. lreu #13: cor'rue nrs REGARD rNG EAcH rNorvrouAL spAcE LtsrED By l.c.B.o. ARE AS FOLLOWS: SEg NTTICITED ROOM VENTILATION DATA SHEET FOR ADDTTIONAL VENTILATION REQUIRED FOR SPACE INDICATEO. 1. As tNorcATED oN THE RooM vENTTLATtoN DATA 'HEET, noous lA, 18, lK,?At 3A nro J0 ARE rN NEED oF ADorrroNAL vENTTLATToN AMouNTTNG To LEss rHnn )0 cFM. Txts wrLL BE MADE up By uNoERcurrrNG oooRs ro coRRtDoRs . AND THosE INTERCONNEcTtNG DooRs vrrHrN EAcH ApARTMENT AND l^ RtNG BATHROOM EXHAUST FANS SUCH THAT THEY WILL RUN CONTINUOUSLY. EACTI BATI{ EXHAUST FAN HAS 90 CTV CAPACITY WITH A REQUIREMENT OT 2J CFM EENrxc UN Iroau Bu ILo ING CoDE. ConR IooR VENT tLAT IoN vAs DETERM INED BY TOTAL COMPLEMENT OF TOILET EXHAUST FANS PER FLOOR OPERAT ITE IT JOcFM pEn ral. No r"ronE rnaru )01 oF THESE FANs sHouLo BE opERATTNG AT ANY ONE TIME SO THE ADOITIONAL VENTILATION NEEDEO WILL tsE AVAILABLE TO THE SPACES INDICATED. ROOUS IF INO 2D VENTILATION REQU IREMENTS ARE SATISFIED AT PRESENT, IN OUR OPINION, IS 8.17 CFM tS ALMO5T IM- POSSIBLE TO REGULATE SO FAR AS SPACE CONDITIONS ARE CONCERNED. t cFM) vtLL BE PRovloED FoR rorAl CONTINUOUS RUNN ING EXHAUST FAN CORRIDOR AND FOYER DOORS. 3. RooMs 2H rxo ZHL: AoolrloilAl vENTtLATtoN ro BE pRovloED By ADotr{c AN ADDTTIOilAL CONSTANT RuNNING ExHAusT FAN IN loFT ATTIc sPAcE AIIO U}|oERcUTT|NGcoRR|ooRANooTHERDooRsATEAcHLEvgL. It. Roors 2E lno 2EL: Exxrusr FAN tN Batn #? wlLL BE tNcREAsEo rN cApActry, FAil T'ILL BE YIRED TO RUN CONTINUOUS.I-Y ANO DOOR TO CORR IOOR T'ILL BE U OERCUT. ,. Roons 2G rHo ZGL: Srus rs FoR RooMS 2H rNo ZHL. 5. Rooxs 4A rt.to 4AL, I+c rno 4ct-r 4o ano l+DL ro BE p;ovloED utrH ADDtTtoNAL VENTILATIoN sililLAR To RooMs 2H lNo ZHL. // 7. Rooxs l+B arc 4BL AppEAR To HAVE ADEeuATE wrroov/ooon ro FLooR AREA RELATIONSHIP. It ts oun optNtoN trrr Seclror 1]OJ(l), pARAGRAeH I+ snour.o ra orratao"a, TO ALL APARTMENTS TdtTH LOFTS LISTEO, SINCE THE LOFT TS ENTIRELY OPEN TO THE LOVER FLOOR. lrrr.r #16: Elzvlroa SHAFT vENTtLATtoN HAs BEEN pRovtoEo FoR By cHANGE OROER. ?. Roou lD: Aootrtotlt. veHrturton (73 Floon eiels (lO rno lDL) av rooltc'e II{ KITCHEN cEITtNc AND UI{OERCUTTING lren #11 z Dav AND AS REQU I RED lrEu #18: Saue S lHcrnrLv, STANOP I PES HAVE BEEN ay AoosNouM #1 . CoMMENT As FoR ITEM PROV IDED ON ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRA}'INGS #11. BECKETT-HARMON C IATES,rNc, (r,/, E. L. ELG:en GEnre -2- v v 5 5 z. \F --\F2 LJ L N [2 \t \$ , a F-\l)$$L--o $ rf)o sflE- 1J E--c\l sJa b t\ sJt-sl $ \sS. \c\\Sr $sr $ \ q \r $ $ T q d-* q.lg- U- d\s, SrJ s d(\ Y\ssr b- tf) rnu\ \g{ \) \l'- C.J $ $s$ $$\-f 5a TNEl-{'s t '{s a {s I d a Y u) -{ !\- ri, -o Y + s Y ud -€ I ui $ r uf a -] 3# 'Fm .\\\\\ q rct q-st \a $,c-, \c- u\ \9\fl nf\\\.,\) u\ $Tf\ c.J \} \N o a$ & 5s irT \\ StJ \SJ $s \s \\t \$ \ +\e-{ \\d S\.1 \$\\ $ \ \ {s \ +$ h \$ \Cl \s-o \\tl$ a tr- \o sl $ cJ \S\I si\T -+qst\ t\ .d\t b\ N\\\\J {sJ \ lr-\ \) o- cJ \o F $ { \ { $ E \{\ S!s \L )l c.n oN (o bo {-\ I c.l +-t g{ Jb tJ rV \\ ST _)V q.J ,.tf, \sr t*t {v Js\r Irf $ J +trl + d+rt S\r r I I .t i I I I s 1 ,r iFor* .----- t,r I Qa^\ l\.1t ;-' --I : I { Nrt\ x: 4 CIJrJ\vr-t b _u C \,, u' r t,+4-/ i--- u It--F--,-''-,.,:l ln i It- .. I it'- I i I a z.t r-) i I |' P. ,[f I g I ... U *' ')t i) .la\ : I i t.r .{- i tt' t\' L ! Vcr\ii\"\,,-' M!:rt j' Ir\r ' {,9Ja ct'rv.l r o,Le " L..r ght}n - l: z8S,ooo i Li,- -l---, ---,-tle.tLrr.l*e."Jtr'T. Br,r/,^-,i lirc-^^ I lii , i l- --t- * ;r!.r!rr_+*qrr lpj-je_sr4n ._i__ __ _ ,i.ls r. q e _*_*j 1 l; ii : j i I I j r t{'""" or'{/'"'''!: I ; | : i iRF , I I i , I r_D I ll| :'r I rro-*i-1 nr i iL r ,ii =ai j -'l "r9o1.1 fo rtt-ltl"t l:, 4l1o,g,)J I if.tIl : ,,i I i 9.zs.ooaBl,tlU.;;FfBl4h".i:. \, I, i.: I<l I 1 i ) i.ai ii I i:ll I l-**--. , .i: .!1._.lrl j : I!l | : | ;rt ._ r i I,ll : ; i I : i ;; ,i : r I -:r' 41 | .11 1 I i I ;i ((r i ., rl: ialo'x I I I I vBc *\"^- I -^;--Jr) f,\" r .. ;;i . .r.t- -O-i trf,i:, :lr: a j. .l:,.0t. SEt : i ..,.-.,, ,..1.'1"".i"|ffi 3 t'i o€ : \S h,-t'n S\ocr - Noveobrr 30, 1972 Hr. Brucr ReedPlnkrrd Cons?ructlon CompanyP. o. Box ,6227Dlnyer, Colorado 80226 Dtar Erucc: Tlrlr lt to notl fy you thot the rrRequl remcntg lor Reln-forecd Hol lor Unlt Mrsonry and Concrete llallsn os publ lrhcdby thc Toyn of Ycll do not perfaln to nonbcarlng or non-ttrucfural ral lg. Tho dlrrctlver publlthed arc cxcsrpts fron fhc Unlform Bul ldlng Code for condcnsed guldrncc. Al I regulatlonrcontalncd fn tho Unlform Bul ldlng Codc, 1970 Edltlon,. rhat I govcrn on olI masonry or ioncrcfe vork. Yourr truly, TOf,N OF VAIL Jcrry L. Aldrlch Bul ldlng 0fflclal dt M(4o'o?b^h'\n 7 655 W EST r tSStSStPPr AVENUE PO ST OFFTCE BO\ 26227 tAKEWOOD, COTORADO 80226 IEtEPHONET 9 86-,{ 555 JAiIES W, PINIORD GE'ICRAL TA AGER Novenber 29, L972 Itlr. Jerry Alilrlch Bullttlng Offlclal Clty of Vall P.O. Bor I0O Va1I, Colonaao 8f557 Re: Eolttlay Horse Cordcelnlun - ValI, Coloraclo Dear Jerry: AE <llrected by the Archltect of the above nentloned proJect, we woultl llke yor to rerder us your oplalon of the below uentlonecl hanilrall naterlal for the eplral etalrs. Confllctlng rlth the epeclflcatlons, we are propoehg to fur-nlah hadrail naterlal ln the oature of: one (f) tnch cllaneter P.V.C. (plastlc plpe.) The P.V.C. hanilrall ne fee1, would glve uE a uuch nlcer looklng flnlehed procluct 1n that lt la the nost apt naterlal to folm t'he splral effect. Tbla naterlal, in the lntet€st of nalntenance, w111 never requlre ref,lnlshlng fro wear as lt 1s black, the eane as the stalrs. We also fXrd that thle naterlaL rtll be nore readlly atlaptable to the hardrall naterlal that v111 be used at the balconles to vhlcb the splral stalrs leacl. fhe above crents coupleil vltb of course, the eaee of lnstallatlon are our leaaonB for proposlng tbls neterial. Tbere nae aoue queetlon to the effect of uhether the P.V.C. roultl be strong cnoryh. Thls naterlal., as I nentlonetl before, 1e one (1) lnch I.D., wltb I/8 fnch walle. Support for the hardrall ls steel plpe at fouteen (fb) fncbes on centcr. After closely exanlnlng tbe naterlal ard the support, we feel- that thls shouLtl be more than aclequate eongtructlon to vlthstand lt's lntendeal uae, or even tbe effect of a large person falling agalnst 1t. . Commencial 8, Industniel. Building . w ccsrBffirol co./-/.24'6FA 'nloh"r{ A. Zkcg{tr .&tt'' llr. Jorry Atdrlcb rup2 tcnrr ccnt. oD tbG abovc vlll bc grcatJ.y al4ncctatcil. If ynrrorli l1ls to scc e trple of, tbe badrall, I rlLL rcd om to you !o tbet yor lry tcc lt'o strengtb. SruL yor, ln rivrco, f,or yorr ttn anil attontloa. Yrry tnrly your!, Arrlrtelt ProJcct tlenespr RAZ:bc dt'"'.:':l;!^5W {t;f \?'" o ToRGENsEN AND HENDRrcKrin, rNc. RECEIVED CO'.|EULTING ENtrINEERS sutrE 3r5 goutlagLE EulL0lNGl l€LEPHONE t3O3r 2 Z ?-16.t! DEC 1- A.M. t30 9EVE'llC€NtH SYFE€l oENVERT CC|LOFAOO 60 ZOZ Novenber 29, 7972 Re; HoJidag House at VaiJ. Our Reference No. L7l3 1 Pinkard Construction Compang P. O. Box 26227 Denver I Colorado 80226 Attention: Mr. Btuce A. Reed GentLenen: We have conpiTed a serjes of answets to the strucxutaf corurents subnitteil bg the ICBO plan checking authoritg. We have answeted each guestion in teference to the nunbez as submitted in their sttucturaT comnents beginning on Page 5 of their Letter of Octobet 18. 7972. rtem :7. (a) , (b) , (c). SpeciaT inspection was provided. Item 2. Pinkard Construction Compang to submit soiLs data xo Citg. Item 3. Masonrg waTf reinforcenent (#4 @ 24" o.c- vetticaT ) and conctete wa77 teinforcenent (#4 0 J8" o'c' vettical each face) net tequitenents of 2374 (k)-3. Items 4, 5, 6 and 9. CaJ.culations have been tre.de. Submitted ate ansh/exs Eo conatants 4, 5, 6 and 9. (See encTosed Sheets 7a thtough 3a). ) Zten 7. Beam calcuTations have been subnitted. Pinkard Construction Compang has copies of calcuTations for coted slab and twin teesfol!submlttaf.outdrawingsshowconnectionsotcoted sTabs to wa77s and beam to provide diaphtagn action' (see Sheet SB). Item 8. Pinkard construction compang to subnit, informat,ion from Mechanical Conttactot. Iten 70. bwels wete provided #4 @ 24" o.c. projecting from conctete fomdation walTs into reintotced nasonrg walls' Iten t7. Subnj t shop dtawings and caleulations from Prestressed Conctete of Colorado. CONSl.rL TIN\, EN OlNl I lll ('lrll'i(: rl rtem 72- submi t sheet I for detaiJs and caL cuJ-ati ons as requestedin Connent 4. Item J-3. Details 6 and 7, Sheet Addendum No. 2, show handraiJ that rreets the 20 pounds per Tineal foot Load. See Sheets 52, S3t 34 and 35 for steel coLunns at railing -ljnes. rtem 74. Plans show bottom of footing erevations which are rcre than 3' -6" beJ-ow finish grade. rtem L5- spiraL reinforced conctete coJ.unns not required. see colunnat coordinates C-22 on Sheet SL fot tgpical coLurwt reinforcing. rtem J.6. Drawing s8 shows detaiJ.s for reinforcernent in masonrg walts and Tetter dated August 75, J972, which was sent to Mx. Ket|t. Rose, Citg Engineer. (Copg of drawing and Letter attached.). rten 77. HorizontaL forces are transmitted, from concrete waJ.J to foot-ing bg frictional force. " Raked.,, kegwag was instaLJ.ed.. Item 78. CaTcul-at ions subnitted tor 824, 825 and B2G. (See encLosed Sheet 4a) . CaJ-culations su-bm. tted for Beam B-7. (See enclosed. Sheet 5a). (a) L970 Uniforn BuiTding Code was used as basis for design.(b) 65 psf was used in calcuSations.(c) Pinkatd Construction Conpang to suppTg soil repott. Built-up angTes were used. Continuous l>ond beam is Located at top of window openings and was used as weIJ as steef fintefs. (CaTcuJations submitted, See Sheet 7a). Iten ).9. Iten 20. Item 27. Iten 22, Bearns were redesigned and suppLied as continuous beants. Sheets 8A, 94 and 70A).' Iten 23. Sjnce .beams r,rrere used as continuous nembets, shear spJ,ices were made at point of counterflexute. (,See Shee ts 8a, 9a and J-Oa). Iten 24. Steel beans and ditrensions rro'rked " altetnate" on plans refers to nasontg waLl construction. (See note Sheet S2). See Sheet 58 for dexails,. Item 25. Sect,ion was to show beam connection. Item 26. Door Location chanqe does not cause structutaL probJem. Item 27. (a)Ridge bean was provided. See ,9&eet 57, revised JuJg 27. 7972. (Conttactot to submit copg). Typical cored sJab, beam consttuction provided. , (d) , (e) , (f) , and (h). Provided bg fabricator and approved bg Structutal Engineer. See shop drawing E5 bg Peco Stee-Z,. b) Precast concrete walTs wete not used. (See Sheet SB). Iten 28. CaLculations submitted. (See encTosed Sheet 6a). Item 29. Oprenings shawn on e-8. Bond beam TinteL span openings. Angle Tintels supplied. (Shee Sheet 71a). Item 30. CaLcuTations were checked and found xo be adequate for a cantilever. The sane teinforcement with a "d" of l" is adequate for the posi ti ve reinforcernent if joint is soLid at top of stair. See Section 3, Sheet 55. Item 31. Typical opening support. SuppTied bg Presttessed Conctete . of CoLorado. fSee Sheets 76. 77 and 78). Iten 32. Narber 4 bars at cantiJ.ever (Section I^1 , Sheex sB) xo be pLaced in fie7d. Holes to be cut in top sLab to faciLixate conctete pJ.acenents. Pinkatd Construction Compang must subnit data refetred to in the above comrEnts to compJ.ete the final subnittaT. (b) (c) Very ttuJg gows, / .'<:) / // ,/-*-i/2.-F( t,'fl2-^-"'d'-'L*' ---- Fzed E. Hendtickson FEH:bj Encls. '.lf o o l'l?' 2 PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ' EL WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT Applicant to complete Juridiction s,€ceE only. (J9EE AYTACHTIO sHEEt)I oE! ct. MAIL AODiES3 zIP PIIONE LICEI{SE NO. AiCHIIECT Oi DESICN ADDIES!| PHON E LICEHSE NO. MAI L AODiESS PHONE LICENSE NO. \J 5E OF AUILOING 8 CIASS OI WOrK: D NEW tr AOOITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR Typ. ot Firtrr. o? ltam WATER CLOSET (TOILET' LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & DISP. LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER URINALNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORKIOB CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN-6O OAYS, OB IF CONSTRUCTION OB WORK IS SUSPENDEO OF ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE P€RFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 3TGNAYURE OF COr{TRlCtOi OR AUTr{OilZ DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR _SINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK WATER PIPIIIS A T TOTAL FEE PLAN CI{ECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION M.O.CASH 1{'/ "-o WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANAFY - AUOIT PIN K - APPLICANT GOLOENBOD - TEMP. F ILE RIGHARDS ENG|NEEROTC. P. O. Box 64il vAtL, CoLoRADO 81657 Yail 4765O72 Dewer ?#1521 To Plnkard Constructlon Co. 7655 Weet Missieslppl Avenue Deover. Colorado 80226 _ Brr{'ldlng DeFartmenf - Tor.rn nf Vell Vail-, Colorado 81657 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU XN Attached I Under separate cover via ! Shop drawings D Prints LETTT OF TRANSNflITTAL DATE IJOA NO. November 2L. L972 | ATIENTION Tnsoection Reoort s- Holldav House the following items: D Plans tr Samples tr Specifications n Copy of letter fl Change order ! co PrEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION I Tnona^t-i n- pan^r+a - rtnl { ,t arr rra.'+ I/a{ 1 +}rrzr"o}r Nnrrarnlro r 1 ( 1O7t THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: n For approval n Approved as submitted n Resubmit-copies for approval lB For your use I Approved as noted tr Submit-copies lor distribution I As requested n Returned tor corrections ! Return -corrected prints f For review and comment L ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS : Copies of the results of concrete tests stil1 have no! been furnlshed to our office for revlew and flLes. COPY TO SIGNED: Kenneth E. Rlcharde rod 2llD- ii &rh.d tui-6 ni.. lt , lmu4 |br t, enclo3u.cs 5re nol as noted, kindly notily u3 al once. Rrcl{ARDS ENCINEERS, rNC. Post Offlce Bor 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 CONCRXTE. }TASOI{RY AITD REINFORCINC gIEEt REPONI t/ /. FOf: frt, t t,V Conerete Placcnent Retnforclns Stecl Date Tloe Locatlon t ||ELr - _-,ztQ Dete Tlrne lleather Locat 1on 8lq Cyllodcrr ',/ , /:t. ,dr ' i-t ,("f %T]. n- ?eef 2tt a..ta / I rc ot'/U 4 -.,>*.fan) Maeonrv Ineoectlon D!te Tlue tJeather Locat 10n l--.fkl /'t<'', a' /. L C7.a, k. 4,'J:/(lrt.'f d-/t ,1 ',l )-i 'rr a.ft a.^,T :7a ftLv Z-J t t .? ,/ f ,/ t. :u. r,'/n*ito),,v4 d. tf .^?/ . A.4-.ra4/n 1- r-o-1 -.F. c RICHARDS ENCINEERS, INC. Post Offlce 8ox 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 CONCR3TE. }IASONRY A}ID REIITPORCING STBEX. REPORI ar'I''t, Concrete Placeneot Date Tlne Teather Locatlon -Sfra-Artlrd.cl. 4:4:.I'a ).'-t Ork /d*/t: li (-/t"-/.,-7- -/ (/ f, ,// r,l ,4.t2 tz^n%r-lanf L ti#a; tr/tt /2:4t E.l 4*:J flnn -,*. oo,'rlrn-o-.J5 Te-,.-/o6! .-t*.n i" -nk ,6/u 7: /r r/n-.,/rt 44 f / fa.-k/ /-rJ ,lre,orl{tro,AI fo-- llaronrv Inaoectton Date Tloe l{eather Locatlon lflrks l.)/z-? >A:E t 'r ? n .1 - ''..,1 i | '.-4fr :r Lu.a^t dr* /o/*/2'?,d.,io 9*:zr .5 -' ,-2,,a-k /4/4 7.ad /tcy / /-. /-A v *r-l *t 44 t/, 5.-r)Je a.p /"/r,/ ?:oa /=arr a/- ... -t sP*,. e.!a,? P/,1 /J:tr F-; -5.,r/ u.// "r-.rrr/,*o 4 V/A, /f !t&.lg{r,1ft:r o. k- frtlAk Dete Ttne Locatlon Rer.rLs r,"/tt /z:aa {^-aK/tu,./l -7 rA (t .)'r? . rd/i ? /dz)J-rJ *-4'1-€ /- rerArt .,) ltaro - e-/t- Inapector -+ RICnARDS ElEilltrt8r lltc. Poet off&r lcr 643 Vall , Cclorrdc E1657 476-5072 le ec-n2fF Colcsata Placeuqot rc'. . t(,/'44 . 4:oJ ,l (\.\.-U-. L/ Sigoacut'e of Inrgcctor DrtC lt-og tlcather Locstloo 8lt4 Ctlirdrsl v la/tr'ff.ra dJr tuir*)2raui/ay' %r f:ao Ic/tu./u ale ck of 5t+. irutnT )ut 7s s la/L-J! .n r'<< , '.r.> - ly'' /t/ tLo zk t..*n r.t .-r //t'4 lclt)/ /z , <4:a t . ea.t-./e,t, a ( '*.^- .//-- .. eleck ;6 ,*/J / /d - 2'6 /8n/c tiv) A-, ) cb. ) usT 2 - J €/. .n-/. ty'. s ::I!:. 'e,rte r &r/, c/z<tl: l€f.ttf r4.tct 5-/O i b, ^lL. o."i,-,t g t &21'X'*u 2d.t- zt 7t 3 Maronry Iurpcctloo lcLnlorclar Stecl ,'J I,rtC ttu Locrtloo lnrrlr P/zr F:3d .rlq).,^t,< ? S. , 7-K t) /e A,K RICIIARDS PoBt Vall, BI{GITEERS, rNC. Offlcc ior 643 Colorrdo 81657 t+75-3072 @NCR TE. }IASONNY AND BEII{TOSCINC STEIL BBNIRT For: frecosf t Concretc Plsceoent Date Ttre }lctthcr Locatlon 8lup Cyltadcrr 2a. /'//"af - ,/")u 9r,/4rott)lp*,fr fu d-t Y- -'L:jtru* mTOj;r'fei'"( )-Pry:y'ra xtt I zt6ew i Whq,y.l 1'! /<t-fa.<a","ru9 7:n orng!fi ,l-+:T{2/ .'r A/a <, r*r.&h.i rzztz a--,L. - 2. 't-^ -.,4 .'@ zzt<,:-.-:.. <<. H (1 A-e, -zr*z'ft 7{nttwt lleeonry lorpcctloo D!tG rlD Teathcr Iocatlou &[st //t /-'Jd flit (4 €/ C,, rI f*.i le6.rt Tatsf*/led V 1-otJ <rr,'tt t\**lh- rt/rs *'or't:/4 v Ca//<l EH { l. /.- A.,-t, '*fu tI-r;r;a? tt/rr-t:7'f'2t r'/ ./ z,/ / try:g*,.7.F Relnforclar Stesl Drte IfDG Ipcatlon frcb /r/n-4fitFi i lrr>/*- V Me-,ao ?a^ha,\A 7 655 W EST MtSStSStPPt AVENUE PO ST OFFTCE AOX 26227 tAKEWOOD, COtOtADO 80226 TELEPHONE:986-4555 JAfiES W. PINKARD CEt{ERAL TIAI{AGER I{ovcaber 20'' 1972 Ur. Jerry Aldrtch Chtef Bulldrng Offlclal Bu{tding Depertr€rt Ton of Yall Port Offlcc Dor 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Rcs I.C.B.O. Plan Checl f,o. 8741 Eollday Eouee Coadollnlun Vall, Colorado Derr l{r. Aldrlch: lbc follortag ltcted stst€oanta represcnt al effcrt on our part to aceuratcly record tbe DoEt eignl.flcant dl.acueelon of the eubJect I.C.8.0. Plan Cbec} durtag your Novcnber 16, 1972 neettlg rtth ltr. Joo l{ec}llllan (Project Archltect) and Platsrd Conctructlon Co. (repreceatcd by Bruce A. Reed). Itec urnbere used belor correepordto the nnberg ured Ln the I.C.B.O. Plan Check. "tof,sn[clunAl, coo(mfTs" ! 1. Drarrhg acctlous ead clcvattors at dtaputed lofte and bcdrooe scre rsri*ed. ltr. ALdrtch Btstcd that a code vLolat{oa doee not acco to tnrly cxiet. 2. Appllcatlor of bulldlng pcper Le nost flnaactally fcaslblc cor- rcctly€ actl.oa to be taLco at the dlsputed sall detall. llr. Aldrlch tequestcd thrt I nrltten ltat€redt or drarlag be provldcd coafirrlag tbc 4ppHc.tlon of aal.d paper. 3. Sheft ralI detall ehgrn oa'Mdeaduu llo. 2[ drawlag ree approvcd by llr. Aldrtch. Pl,replacc shsfts vere diecueeed, and lt ras agreed that ualese the eteel flre boxca ald flucs are lebeled for 2 houre end thc bolca La tbc prccsrt rlabe grourd eald flueg are ftlled rltb cooctcte, f,Lrcplace partl.tloac rould have to accorpllch 2 bour ratl,lg rcquircd. Elevator door to ba furaighed per I.C.B.O. rcqulrercnt.ilr. uacll{llan euggeated that re elhlaatc aa raay ahaftc (chaseg) arporalblc. It t ie potlted out that, per ttAddcodrn No. 2tr draviag, forr LnesLettoa r11l qot be uscd lnelde prrtltLoos. ilr. Aldrlch statcd thlt he vtll eccept UE taUetca chute, llreplace, and door aeaeobll.co. . Cornrnencial 8. Industnial Building . Noveobcr 20, 1972 llr. Jerry Aldrtch 6:h!.ef Eutldrng 0fflclal tora of Yell Page tro 4. Chute eod chutc doora anrst be labeled. nro (2) hour rall to ba urod rt chute ehaft (chese). Tracb ro6 partitl.orr, crcept at chste abrft, to be ooe (1) hosr coostrqctton. Fuglble lla}, actuated f,lre door to be furnl.ehed at bottor of chute. Drawlnge do not preeeotly ladlceta e eprialler head at tbe bott@ of the chute. 5. e 6. Suppllcra nrgt eubolt raurfacturerfs tegt data. 7. It rae geoerally agreed that tbe beet solutl.m muld be to furtrll a laeoory rall at thc aortb,and eaet gl.dea of tbe roof over the loedtng area at thc aast cld of the Eollday In[. Sald laeonry ra1l rou,ld heve to qrtesd to tbe bott6 of the €ffutltrg roof. 8. It ras agatn potnted out that rrfoaned-irnlacen tnsulatlon ls lot to bc used per Addcodnr lfo. 2. l{r. Aldrtch approved the uee of styrofott at exterLor mlls per detall 2 Addendun Xo. 2 dravlag. Hr. l{adllllan rr8 requceted to revLrc dctetl 4 of Addeoduo ffo. 2 drarl.ag to ehor I hour gyptm board. 9. l{r. Aldrlch aetcd that a rcvigad roof detall be sutnlttcd. Seld detall to be 1n coafonsnce vlth Serter I.C.B.O. reconeodatlon and Yall apprwcd vcotllat!'on detalls (copy of R t L drarl.nga funished). 10. lbree honr rcprrrtl.ou to be acco'rpllshed ln accordance vith ftnrlly approved detel.le. Corec of concrete block wallg could bc flllcd or gtprrD board could bc appllcd to aald rallc. Doors nuobered '4t to bc A label. Obtata test data aod euboit sane for cored precest ileb fl.ra rat{ng. Bedcel,gn geraSe cel.llng as necassary to create conpoal.tc 3 hosr rethg st exl'stlng core alabs. Uncovered thlonocoattr sprry ray lgg bc uged. Suepended ngr"ld[ cclU.8 nay be eaae€r. 11. Mr. Aldrl.cb sould llke al.r ehaoge capeclty double chcclced ard ealculatloag eubdtted. L2. Delts Dryrrall letter to ltr. Aldrl.cb, deted Novenbex L, L972, properly aete forth thc requircd uge of gtpslr! board to accoopllsh neeecaery flre rettots. 13. Flodorre hrvtng already been lnetelled, lechaalcal veotllrtloar 8r requlred for acceeeary al.r chengea, S be lastalled for all floor rrea lo excege of 10 tloes tbe rlndo area. l{r. Aldrlch atatcd tbat ladroo 2 la Unlt 3C aeeale to be adequately veotlleted by patlo door ehorn. L4. Iretail drardngs ehorlng boiler separatl.on ralls to be subtitted. Nwerber 20, 1972!lr. Jerry Aldrtcb Chlef Bulldtng Offlctaltcn of Vall Page frrce 15. t&ltg": a. See ltq qrnbcr 10 above.b. Stet€nent fron Archltect eufflcl.eat.c. t{r. Aldrlch aslcd us to be ssre that no ttdead bolt" locla occur lo the bulld{ng.d. llr. Aldrlch statcd the door echcdule shorn on drarl.uge ad- cgultely statcs regrired flre retlnge.e. Eaodralls uust bc returled at eodg.t, Glaea et Ultt 18 urst be r\d.re glaran. llo chenge at UnLt lE Le tececsatT.g. ltr. Aldrtch apprwed uce of tt'o--co!tt rood ln llsr of rteGl.h. U.L. labeled doore eldflclent. ftro hour ralla at ltalr bott6qrlt to be furatahed. t. t{r. Aldrtc,h apprwed ure of 12 aquare feet of vhdm ln llcn of requtred 16. Subntt dctall ehwlng 2 honr rall scparattng St lr t2 froo r&dor prescqtly Ln ehaft. Posglble locrtlon of aald nall; et nest cide of exletlng chase bebl.nd slndor. J. Electrtcel EogLnccr to gubd.t lafonatlo .s lecded to srtLafy codc requlreDents. t. Due to ftct tbat tso (2) eslta fr6 the aubJect areirg paesGotlt cxl.et oo drarlnge, l{r. Aldrlch rtrted tbat ao lodlflcatto rotrld ba requl.rcd. 16. Subnlt copy of Cb''.gG Order ee proof of actloo havlng alrerdy tatoo place. 17. e 18. Subnl.t cogy of Addeodnu No. 1. 19. SuDol.t rcrvlced rlodor echedule ehostng rl.adw eod elldtrg door glrce rrerc ald related glase tblckaeee. 20. Dctall 1 llrawfug A-,4 lodlcatee eufflcl.€ot clearaace. 2L. l{r. Aldrlch stated that acceea panela Deed not be laetallcd ct gypsu board partltl.ons, but Euat bc betalled at coDcrete or coocrete block pertttlorr. 22. llr. Aldrlch rpcculrtes tbat I.C.B.O. le referrtug to ltrtt of hetght vtthout addttlm.l atructurel support rt 3tsck. Speculatloo ms nade aeccaaar;/ due to fect nReecarch l'econ@d8tloo 1143t' refera to eteel studr. Stack load traasfGr at upper floors could eolve probleo. 23. & 24. Subnit ehop drawlnga or furthcr detalls. 25. Suhl.t dctatl dravlag. Noverber 20, L972 ldr. Jerry Aldrtch Cblef lutldtng Offtclal Toyn of Vetl Pege Pour 26. Subdt dotall drrylag. Xr. Aldrlch stated that a 38n rtnlnuo ratllag belght ray be used rltbla the unlte. 27. I.C.!.O. Beaeareb Recoeodstloo 2638 vtll be used nhl,le det8l11!8 per lteo 9 above. 28. SEbnlt detall drarlng. "st8trcnnal cotltEl|ISrr : lhrbered Btst€rentr bclw are tters nblch llr. Aldrlch feals aecd furtbcr clarlflcatton. It rae asstnGd th8t dats subnltted for Ltsn nsnbcrs illttcd bclos v111 be suffl.eiert for I.C.B.O. aeeds. !E nore data Ls requtred by I.C.B.O., sucb anet be rsboltted. 13. Also rcfer to drarloge 52 e 53 for eteel co&me at ralll.ag llnee. 15. See coordiaetes C ald 22 oo sbcet 51 for typtcal eolm relnforclug. L7. rrBrkdtr keynay sas lBstalled. 21. Butlt-up anglea rerc ueed. Suhlt calculatlors. 22. & 23. Sutott calculetlone. 24. Algo refcr to ehect 58. 27. (c), (d), (e), (f), aod (b); Submlt detalls. (g) Rcfcr to gbeet 58. 29. SubDtt eteel drerlng? 30. Stal.r Ln place; cbcck connectloo detal.l at 1et floor elab. 31. Opeofng qrpport detatlg fror Stnrctural Englneer. Conclt: llr. Aldrtch laatructed uB to Bubrlt a conplcte ttpackage[ of all drta es revleed per thc noteg above dlrectly to I.C.B.O. tn Callforata. Copler of all date eubritted to CaltforoLa ehotrld be subnltted to Vail also. If yoc hrvc any corrsctlons or addltl.ons to the above etateo€nter plcrec a lwerbcr 20, 1972llr. Jcrry Aldrlch Chl.cf Eutldtng Offtctrl Iorq of Yall Pagc Plve fonrerd sac Ylthotrt dclay. ltell, you for your tlrs md attcotl@. tcepcctfully cutclttcd, lruec A. Beed ProJcct lhorgcr BAlstp ccs Joc Hrcltlllen (vlth eoclosuree) Fred Ecodrl,clron Goc Gerte Gerlend Cc (rftb coclosure!) "Aba" shrffet (r1th €oclo$res) Joea W. Pftrlerd ll.chrrd A. Zlegl.er l,lovernber 20, 1972 Mr. Bruqc Recd Plnkard Constructlon Company P. 0. Box 26227 Dcnvcr, Colorado 80226 S ub Ject : Ho | | dcy Houge t4eot I ng of Novembcr | 6 Plan Chcck from 1.C.8.0. Drar Brucc: Thr follorlng ts to conflrm our meeflng of Novcnber l6 and the corrcctlons that rllt be made on the Hotlday Houss: (ltem nunberl rcfcrcncod fo 1.C.8.0. lotter of October l8) l. Dormerr havo bccn oddrd to conforn to 7r6il ccl llng helght for fourth floor lofts of unlts 4AL ond 4DL cnd bedroomr ol un I ts 2EL cnd 5E. Sect lon 1507 ( a ) . 2. Bulldlng paper shall be applted to cxterlor ralls In con- formanct rlth Stctlon 1707 (a). 3. Subnlt rhaft tcll detall. Appllances rlll be aeceptcd lf fhey have U.L. approval. Efevator door rl ll bc I l/2 hr. rated. ,/4. Tragh chutet chal I be lablod and encloscd In a fro hour shaft. Trcsh roon tl ll be ono hour conctructlon and sprlnklerc rl I I bc provldcd of bottom of chutcs. Chutes to hove gravlty door ct botton. 5. Manufacturlng data to be furnlghod for ghorer stalls. 6. Sanc comment ar 5. 7, A block rall lhall be construcied ln front of kltchcn door on rosthcaet sldc of exlctlng bul ldlng to rneot requlrcnent for protccted open I ngs. 8. Styro-foam hcs been deletod from al I detal ls except cs foilorr. Foun on Dstal | | o.k. et shown. 5/8n shectrock wlll br provldcd on both sldeg of Defall 4. 9. Roof glon shall bo revlssd to meet l.C.B.O. Research Rcport cnd shcll br cg provlded by Baxter. 10. Teat data shal I bc furnlshed on railng for core-slab. Ylhen ratlng has bccn dctermlncd, plans vl ll be rovlled to provldo three hour separatlon.(a). Block valls or€ non-becrlng. I l. Plans Indlcatc adeguatc llghf and ventl latlon ln conforniancs rlth 1105. 12, Rcfer to Delfa Drywol I lottcr. Pl nksrd Constructlon Company Oovembc r 2Q, 1972 Page 2 3. Addltlonal ventl lotlon shall be Insfalled to meet requlremcnt.4. To be c lcrl f led.5. Exl fs: ( a ) Sha | | be nArr I sbe led door. ( b ) Has been correctod.(c) 0.K. ag lndlceted.(d) Shcll bo provlded wlth solld core door.(s) Handral ls vl ll return ot top end. ( f) Wlndorl to be wl re glass, bedroom I of unlf l-8.(g) Shal I be non-com studs.(h) No coRrment. ( | ) Sookcproof enclosure shall be provlded ( l) Hlndow wl ll be blocked off (fvo hour separatlon)(2) l2 square foot open arec has been approved.(5) 0ne-hour labelcd doors wlth closlng devlces wlll be provlded.(4) Chago hos been removed and guardrall ls not necded.(J) Exlt slgns shall bo provlded.(k) Exlt ts provlded by clrcular stalr.6, Chonge order has been rnade ohd ventllafton shallbc provldcd.7. Changed by addendum number l.g. n ft Ir rr 9. Glass thlckness to bc shovrn on addendum.20. Shoxn on plan, Detal I l, Shcei A-4. Zl , Access panels requlred only on non-accerslble walls.22. Chlmney trl ll be supported on floor.2t, Shop drarlngs. 24. r rl 2r. 'l26. rt rl 27. Specl f lcatlonr for f lre retardant roof Ing sha I I be I n accord- once rlth Rcgearch Recommcndatlon f2658 as provlded byBaxter.28. Shop drev I ngs . lf there ars further questlons pertalnlng to thls 1.C.8.0. plancheck, please feel free to contacf thls dopartment. Yours tru ly, TOWN OF VAIL Jerry L. Aldrlch 8ul ldlng Oftlclal dt cc: Joseph Macl4 lllen o B.'i Frvru oF IN f PCCTION Idoe Nar.ae I |wE t<EcEtrzeal-.-:-AM i'?iD Ca.uue.re- VA's r<EAuErT 6u,ro,^e D FoolNe D Founa+1on D ,FFAMIN6 D Flnrn u Etr Ar<pau LocalolJ: i, l L o\,/e re Req.lZq,xr(r- D 1t+eyco.x D VEHeEe D Koor E lZr<1o. Loc,alror'.r' 1Zun"'rgrNe ,El Rouet+ tr /yar*rrtrc .D Frxau tr R v+uT,o' LocaTroF.-t: / t ] .',,,e ! Venrlt.alto*t ! t-\ea.1Nc- D Hooas ClVar<1,,+r- Localrost: ! fl onrere ! li I i .t Motrt E ?nrr<1,at. l-6aarryroN Vs' eY For"- -T.-rl 1?e<\-!s.N_ Tue IVEV THU( Fer Atq T7n Conrtrr,ettrrs:il I il \arrRove?nV.rq??Rove?tr lfer NrfezT . !r! j i ; BECKETT.HARTAON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTlNG ENGINEERS NovsuaeR'1\, 197? Mn. Bnuce REEo Prrxlno Colstnucrroru Co. 1f15 W. M rss r ss r pp r Avenue DexveR, Colonnoo &ZZ6 REI Hourorv HousE Va t l, Cot-onloo Osaa Srn: PuasulttT To ouR TELEpT{oNE coNvERsATloN oF.NovEMBER 1\, 197?, THE FoLLor., I NG wE I GHT5 FoR MEcHArtr t cAL EQU IPMENT ARE TO BE ATTR IBUTEO TO EACH OF THE BOIL. ER ROOM9 IN THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT: , ,!| 2040 BfioAOrfAY BqTLDER. CffRADO 8&02 ain-3$2 220t s, 32NO AV€N|JE DE}WER, COLORADO 8O2II 1338741 Nonrn Borren Roou: 8.oOO ues. Sourn Borr-En Roou: tO,&O ues. PuEese NorE THAT THEsE ARE EST TMATED LoAos AND ARE TO BE USEO ONLY FOR DESIGN CONSTOERATIONS. S t ruceaetv, Q..m,#fl,/* ELG:an F o JAMES W. PINKARD GENERAL ItiANAGER TELEPHoNE 986-4555 TO Vall Bulldtng Departnent DATE Nwecber L4, L972 ?i^ha:o-M MrsstSstPPl DTNVER, AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 26227 coLoRADO 80226 7655 WEST P. O. Box 100 ATTENTION: llr. Jerry Aldrlch, Chlef Bulldlng Offl.ct"el RBFER,ENCE: JOB MXg: Eoltday 4g9ee Condolnluo - Vail, Colorado SU&JEGI: I.C.B.O. Plan Cbeck 18741 t{E ARE TRAIISUITTIIIC TIIE FOLIOilII{G: Vall. Colorado 81657 No. of Coolee ( ()Ltr. dsted )Drap{ nc No^DescrlD tlon Preoared Bv (SEE AITACUE)) ( ) AS APPROTED (r) ron(d FoR(d ron()FoR YOUR APPRO'AL YOUR RECORI'S YOUR FITRTUER ACTION q)RRECTION AND RESUBUITTAL YOIJR PROPOSAL YOT'R PR,OPOSAL ON REYISIONS IOUR RSQUBST BY ( ( ( ( ) FOR ) FOR ) PER Plea se return_Approrred or corrected prlnts of each Please return Prlnts for ____-_-_Floal Approval Fllee and Dlscrlbutlon RnARKS: Regardl.ag lten f8 of Jorgengeo and Eepdrlckeon, Inc.rg lctter of Aovclber 3, 1972, encloaed. (llccbenlcal Bqul.ment Welghtg) Mechanicel Eoglneer laforaa ug th.t tbe _d!glg! rclght feE the t{ortb Wlog Mcchanlcal Soou le 8,000 pouade and tbc deelgl llecbanlcal Rom Le 10.800 'nordt.r L4, Lg72l{r. Jerry Aldrtch Page I\rc Re: Hollday Eouee Coodonlnluu No. oF (x) L1?. DATE) C0PIBS (r) DRAIIIF lfo. DESCRIPIION PREPARD BY 1 l{ov. 3, L972 Structural corinent rebnttal to I.C.B.O. Plan Chect f8741 Jorgenaen E Eeadrlckeon 1 Aug. L5, L972 Letter to l(ent Rose - llaeonry Relaforclog Jorgerneen & Eendrlckeon 1 ea. 1A - 6A Deelga Galculatl,ona nith coplee of calculator tapee (Oct. 3L, L972, 1 ea. 11 Pages Sotl Report (Aprtl 4. Lg66, 1 ea. L - 7 Deelgn Calculatloae for Core Slaba 8 Pagee 1 S-7 Stnrctural - Boof Frol.ag Plan 1 S-8 Ml.ecellaneous Structural Detalle 1 ea. I - 8 Precaat Concrete Drarl.nge Deelgn Celculatlons (Sheete 10 - 15) for Ttrln Tre rlth detall sectloos aad Ladex hestressed Coac of Colo Jorgeoeeo t f,eadrlckeoa Woodrard -Clyde-Sherard & Aesocl.ates Preetreaacd Coac of Golo Jorgeneco & Eeodrl.c}son Jorgeoeea & Eendrlclcsoa Prcetreased Coac of Colo I ?r,had JAMES W. PINKARD GENERAL iIANAGER TELEPxoT{E 985-4555 TO lilrs. Diana S. Toughtll MtsstsstPPl DTNVER, AVENUT . POST OT CE BOX 25227 coLoRAD O 80226 DATE Noveober 8, L972 7655 WEST Torcn of Vall P^ O^ Rar 611 Vr{ l - Col orada 81657 ATTET{XICT: REFBEICE: llouse Condomlnluo - Vall, Colorado SUBIEGT:_@!qq Meter Bllltng }TE ARE TRANSI.{ITTING TIIE FOLIOIIING: Lon ( ) AS APPR.OTED ( ) ron'(d roR()roR ()FOB YOUR APPROI'AL YOT'R RECORDS YOUR TURTEEB ACTIOX @NRECTION AIID RESUBI.TIMAL YOIJR PROFOSAL Yq,R PROFOSAL ON REVISIONS YOIJR REQUBST BY ( ( ( ( ) BOR )Fm) PER Please return_Approned or corrected prlnts of each Pleage returo Prlnts for Flnal Approval Fllea and Dl.stribution REI{ARKS: We are returnl.ac the enclosed btlltnc ae the entlre Eetter hae beeo forrnrded to No. of, Cool,ee ( I )Ltr. dated I Drawlno No-Deacrlpclon Prepared By I LOl3rl72 Water lteter Bllllng Vall llater f, Sanlta .i @ gnod alal"r 44pf1+ lrl"4 // utz corttr*ula vAlt tiUATEntmttilr^?fdfg3rngf IBOX 631 PHONE 303476_5613 ;VAtL, COLORADO BlttFr\Ftl ,Ft\ArL, cc,LoRADO IrHE ,A sERVtcE eHARG€ ts.cALcuLATco Ar Nx orl rieUNPAIO BALANCE AS OF Tt{E 26TH OF EACH MONTH. iiHllHBrliliii:"il:,:' rHrs AMouNr Nox OuS ..J----lll--l-l i pLEAsE RET'RN rHrspoRrroN *,hGorffi i 'f ir) r. :. t.',, r.j, -. ,,:l r{ 00463 PLEASE OETACH HEFIE. K€EP THIS POFTT]ON FOF VOUF R€CORD9. ;'r1| 111y ;,1.,'. t'.r,', :f,i .'i'iti',y'l :,,-: ,-1 .,DA.l FLr.I natzz Gsrrrt lToS(*.)lLl Pp.cr-o+6zg Drnro,q P**1-..^-" Hn1 e€ 6F / f,J6x -or.r Gxrs rr6a,- G*u 7*,n;" { r-'rffl *pft*t1 s(fr{6 i G,re,o.*t6*sua E&fAu-be I Lft,src ,frs trnzet ,^t z4ace-tz-ft, / l-Ls / 1 ts llcrn++aco ^1,/ W f c- rrar*/l-lr-. fuss pc-,^Lr.^ 6F 6,uex, 6 Detra Dn1^*u- 1-cl;o D,+re. fl"u Dpcre Dnv War,r,, INC. 676 Bryant Street Dcruer, Colorado 80204 Ptone tElCl8Se 53\4295 A.M. RECHVED f'l0v g llovenrber Lt Lnz ldld.rdstration Center hrlldlry Department Tmn of Vail Vall, Colorado 8L657 Attention: l,lr. Jerry Aldrlch Dear l.[r. Aldrich: As per our telephone conversation October 3!, L'/?2 cr:cerreing fire ratln3s ard requirenents for the drynall worir to':e :cae at the new HoJJ.day House Condoninium being built by the *:ta- 3cestnrction Conparly, rqe wish to thank you for your help in v:;g :learly explainingyour code requirements. As a matter of conflrrnation, the itens that re di:c';:sed were; 1. Stnrctural beams and colwrurs to be 2-i:rs iire-rated wlth two lqyers of 5/8" gpe X gp board.2. Un:lt separation wal1s or party wa1-s --: !a ::-e-hour fire- rated, ulth one }ayer J/8,1 ffpe X g4p boani eaci.:':e cn steel studs.3. Shaft enclosures to be 2-hour fire-ra+.e: ',---.'r, 2,t solid gp parti.tions. lr. Conmon corridor wall-s to be one-hqur i1:-=a-,ed rith one Layec 5/8" Ilpe X grp boarri each side on s..ee--:--'::s.5. Partitions within unj-ts (excludire :c:-::: ralis and party dividing walls) lo be t/2', regular gp boaxi :-,.c:- s::: rn steel studs. The above ltems r,rill- be installed as per eoLe "-rc :'---:iacturer specifi- cations. Again, ',.re thank you for your proqot attenti:r.':- --::s :aiter. Very +,nt1" yours t DELTA D3Y ',,IAItr, nl0. -r1- -? L: z- /,/. t'- .:-r'. -' r-' . ,/. { 7;. :),/t 6 . I Ross T. Plovmsn RTP,/ee:r cc7'Pid-:lrC Conslnrc bicn Co. SEN CONB AND ULTIN 'tHENDRICKSO IN c.HECEIVEI) ll0v'6 al'4. ?to IfV:NTEGNTH srrtar oifivan, toLoiaDo aot o: Novenber 3, 1972 Holidag House @ VaiJ. Our Referen ce No. 171.3 B EN6INEERS turrG trt c'qut"arrE autLDtNo l3|-:tl.lglill lgqll at a.ttal ftel|rg Item 7. Item 8. Ptrl/r'ad Construction Conpang P.O. bx 26227 Denver, CoTorado 80226 ,lttention: Mt. Btuce A. Reed Gentlerent we have conpiTeQ a series of answers to the structural cotrnrF,ntssulmitted bg the rcw pTan checking authotitg. we have answeted eacttq'uestion in teference xo the number as subrdtted in thei r structural cronrEnts beginnlng on page 6 of their letter of October Lg, 1972. ftem I. (a) ' (b), (c). Special inspection was ptovided. rtem 2- Pinkard consttuction compang to subnit goiJ.s data to citg. ftem 3. Itasontg wa77 reinforcenent (#4 Q 24" o.c. vertical ) and concrete walL teinfotcenent (#4 @ lg" o.c. vertical each Rer 4, faee) net tequirerents of 2374 (k)-3. 5t 6 and 9. Calculations have been nade. Su.brni tted are anslrers to comrEj?ts 4, 5, 5 and 9. (See enclosed Sheet.sIa through 3a). Beam calculations have been suhnitted. pinkard Consttuction Conpang has copi es of calcuTations for cored slab and twintees for submittaT. Our drawings show connections of coted slaDs to wall.s and beam to provide diaphragn action. {See Sheet 58). Pinkard Construction Compang to submit infotrmtion from Meclnnical Contractot. Iten L0. Dowels wete provided #4 @ 24" o.e. projecting fron concrete foundation raa-lJs into reinforced masonrg wall.s. Item 77. Submi t shop Clrawings and calcuLations ftom Prestressed Concteteof CoTorado. C O N 6 U L? I N t'ENGIN€E couNctL 2. rten 72- .9uDmi t sheet I tor detaiLs and calculations as req'uestedln Connent 4. Iten 73. DetaiT 6 and 7, Sheet Addend.um No. 2, shows hand:ail that rreets the 20 pounds per Tineal foot Load. Xten 74. Plans show bottom of footing eLevations which ate nrlre than Item L5. Iten L6. Iten 77. Item 78. Iten 19.(See enclosed Item 2O. (a) 7970 Uniforn Building Code was used as basis fot design.(b) 65 psf was used in caLcujations.(c) Pinkard Construction Compang to suppTg soiT repor"t. rtem 27- Built-up angles were not used. continuous bond beam is Tocatedat top of window openinqs and was used as 7inte7. IXem 22. 8earls nere redesigned and suppTied as continuous beams. Iten 23. Sjnce beams were used as continuous rembers, sLeat splices wete nade at point of counterfJ.exure. Item 24. SteeJ, bearns and dimensions narked ,, aTtetnate,, on plans refets to nasonrg waLT construction. (See note Slzeet 52). Item 25. ^Section htas to show beam connection. Iten 25. Door Tocation change does not cause structutaT problem. Iten 27. (a) Ridge beam was provided. See Sfieet 57, revised JuIg 27,f972. (Contractor to s ubnit copg).(b) Tgpical cored slab, beam construction provided.(c), (d) , (e) , (t), and (h). Provided bg fabricatat ernd approved .bg StructuraT Engineer. @) Precast concrete walTs were not used. 3' -6" beTow finish grade. Spiral reinforced conctete colawts not tequited. Dtahting S8 shows detaiTs for reinforcenent in nasonrg walLs and -Zetter dated August f5, 7972 | which was sentto Mr. Kent Rose, Citg Engineer. (Copg of drawing andLetter attached) . Horizpntal forces are transmi tted from conctete wai l. tofooting bg ftictionaT torce. CaLculations subru tted for 824, 825 and 8,26. (See enclosed Sheet 4a) . CalcuTations subrni tted for Bean B-1 . Sieet 5a). Iten 28. I&n 29. Zten 30. 3. Calculations su.brutted. fsee enclosed Sheet 6a). OpenLngs shown on A-8. Bond beam Lintel sgnn openings. Calculations hrere checked and found to be adquate for a cantiJerer but reconll/FJ'd the bXtom teinforcetent to ba continuouE . Iten 3L. TgpicaT opeiing suppott. Supplied.bg Prestressed Conctete ot.CoTotado. Item 32. IVuanber 4 bats at cantiTever (SecXion W, Sheet S8),to be placeil in field. HoLes to be cut in top slab to facL litate concrete placenents. Pinkatil Consttuction Compang must su.bnj t data refetteil to in tl:c above @nd€nts to comE lete the final submjttaJ,. Verg truLg gouts , 4--, e,4**.(.=u- /--,'"-' F. E. Hendrickson FEE:dgl Encls. I Dmr,ta Dny WEr,r,, Inc. 676 Bnnnt Street Denver, Colorado 80204 Phone: ll*S3 534-tQ95 November L, tW2 Adnlrdstratl-on Center Buildtng Departnent Tma of ValI Vail, CoJ.orado 8L657 Attentlon: !{r. Jerqr Aldr{ch Dear lilr. Aldr{-chl As per our telephone conversation October 3L, tyl2 concerni.ng fire ratings and requirenents for the drywall work to be done at the ncw EC;Ii.C&y-.ganse-Condonlrlium belng built by the Plnkard ConEtmctlon Comparqr, we wLsh to thank you for yor help in very clearly explairdngyou code requirenents. As a natter of confi::netl-on, the items that we discussed worer 1. Stnrctural beans ard columrs to be 2-hour flre-rated rtth two laycrs ot 5/8" gpe X gry board.2. Urt1t separatlon wal1s or party walls to be one-hour flre- ratedr wlth one Lryet J/9tt $pe X gp board each side on steeL studg. 3. Shaft enclosures to be 2-hour fire-rated w.lth 2r solld gp partltions. 4. . Connon sorrador seI1s to be one-hour flre-rated wlth one Layer i/8't gpe X gp board each slde on steel- stude. 5. Partltions wlthln urdts (excluding corrldor walls and party divtdtng walJs) +,o be L/2', regular gp boatd each sLde on stecl- studs. The abow iteme w.ll-L be installed as per eode ard marnrfacturer specLfl- cations. Again, ue thank yor for your pronrpt attentlon ln thle matter. Very tnrly loumr DELTA DRY WALL, INC. ,4 ,lZ"7<---- ,rf ffi"vr**t Ross T. Plmnan RlF/een c cl.Ptnt<anE Construction Co. OctoarR 31 , 1972 TowH or Vr rr- Bu rto rHc DEpeRtMeNr P. O. Box 1@ Vn t l, Cotonaoo BECKETT.HARMON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINE ERS 22OI W.32ND AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80211 433.8741 8t657 Atrru t Mn. JEnnv Aron r cn RE r Hol r oly House CoHooM t N I uM, Va r u, Coronloo 1.C,8.0. Rrvret.l, Mscnaxrcar lreus GENTLEMEN: Pt-glsE NoTE THE foliowlNG oasERVAT toNs AND coMMENTs hrtTH REGARD To THE l.CrB.O.. PLAN cHEcK oF THE REFERENCED pRoJEcr, DATED ocroeen 18, 1912, As rHEy vouLD RE-LATE TO MECHAN ICAL CONSTRUCTIONS ,tAJ Nonsrnucrunrr corqyenrs. lreu #4 I t.l A FIRE DAMPER tNSTALLED AT THE END oF THE TRASH CHUTE wtLL, tN ALL LtKE-LlHooo, coLLEcr rRAsH ANo BE MORE oF A FrRE HAZARD THAN A pRorEcrrvE MEASURE. IT IS OUN OPINION THAT THERE IS NO NECESSITY tN PROVIDINGTHIS SINCE THE CHUTE IS PROVIDED WITH THE REQUIRED SPRINKLER HEADS FOR F IRE PROTECT ION. A.] IHE MECHANICAL CONTRACT ORAWINGS NOW REFLECT A FIRE SPRINKLER RISER IN-DICATING SPR II{KLER HEADS tN TXT Ciil- E AT THE TOP, AT EVERY OTHER FLOORAND IN THE TRASH ROOM. 2019 BROADWAY BOULDER, COLORADO 8ts02 449.3F,02 a) Nonsrnucrunrl Couuelrs. lrErq #1 .l I I.I MECHANICAL EXHAUST VENTILATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED AT FLOOR LEVEL IN EACHcARAGE. Sge coNtnlcr DRAwtNGs. c) Nonsrnucrunau Couuerurs, lre rq #l6r 1.) Etrvlton sHAFT vENTTLATToN rN THE AMouNT or J s.F. wAs pRovlDEo FoR By RECENT CHANCE ORDER TO COMPLY \,/ ITH THE REQUIREMENTS OT THE UHITORV Bu t r-o I no Coos. rT1 -.Rl!s rT D) Noxsrnucrum! Couurnrs. lrErqs #17 nNo #18: l.) WET ANrt oRy srANDp rpEs HAvE BEEN pRovrDED As REeu IRED av SecT ron 3$ or TxE Urv IFoRM ButLDlNc Coos nNo WERE sHov/N oN oRtcrNAL MECHANtcAL PLANSI S I Hce nut v, BECKFTT-||AFMoN ASSoC IATES, lNC. !.t fl ftx*nl /JI/t'l'L(ttt, E. L. t'GgNe'r GERKE ccst Bnuce Rero, PtNuno Coxstnucr tor.r Tnrlun FeloxruueR, Jgssrn MrcMrttrn, AncH trscr -2- ;i irl ' -. ! ---r--- i-:-ial, r___L..-..]_-rllrli;' ; ----_-l-- ,ll , ,- - -L--- i --,ll , r-.-- r-- | -.-ili i ' i i -j . : ,.1 -,. 1 I il-i l E-aF /aal arl t-ot i -f _' : lL : - i' _1- ',ll l.-..,.-r \ o .N\ < trl 7T Teec -- tnsu/.,f? I I a77s' / l,iiirr tlF laoh L ?a.d S, Aeh. J-s/.b' 4 a a/d, Pzt*f/rohs = 2oVa :;;l;6o7o'' ' i : : -: 'l -i'--l -l : J0RcllrsEil AHD HEN0RTCT(S0il, iltc. coNsurT,,vG ENcTNE€fls lUlTt llt t0UlT lIt lUlLolic . 730 stltllTltrllH.lllt€l ' olrrar, gor.0rr00 !0202 . 003) 222 tlal ,urrrr, /o?/eP4./ I o.a d. ",o,.*o -JJ L3--ort, a, Ea K <tD, at r-'. -t/-Q:,?l'7 2 ,rrr, /A- o' .-----.. - , riii-'ltli- i-i iiir-lU :1,rr,rililili-iilt:,s.,,*i. I ':l ,illliiiil i'lrtirrlil R oaf : 4 iali * l{ x"t ?'' = "8fp\o *M /t' . 45(! xuo tlxtQ= ro,1ao fhtrt, : ;a?q' x 83'r e!, .z t f,(raoa {pall=45(a,*no$.*44,)'*isao 4h pl, z Aa / It x4( ' 31$oao -t Ne//= ts6'd x za€) =//|rtc'o ,,'l Fll ? Le * 6-r *4r z 3c, aeo + tthtl =.tsfu.sxna) =/t\ zoo t-Raaf = i+ i Z^ ^ t€ E rqtoo turtt :4t(4 xas) z tt,7oo zrtti. t 66,A,4f .tt 6f a 401a6,o *)veltz 4s(88xgld :. zt22-r2oo ts F/r t (,4' xqf ,, I f " fo 6."ao*441t.,4r(a4x ila) , = aL td_', ,r ii jiIi-ffr,iii',I Ii-:li|.t|iiiil|l|1i:ii::jlji ',vlttz:kc w: ',2? x rfr|xiz78gz @,2/t . r ..- i ; . i;-:i:ii";i,'irirrr;;r!r I I I , iez"1('i i - i-l--i : Bor e 's /, *, B i 6q.)7,tig,'*.,(7 =,, ziaz*/p,'. on- 'saa, '' -tr-hl, Ptrcclt* I l . r i ; r '','-t,Allo,uaL/"i Shcat ar'cur.,l3/oakztt2{ a.k' t4 powc/s 6i L44o.€,, = /Ooa r.t.33: /33aluS"+ a-k- ,rt ^ .' ,r1 S heat' r'palrr , Shb *a Ne//@ F/aop'flo|x;l#f' lo'LK ,;l;i;ii.lillii,lili:iiri'i:'ri-i-ii:i1 .ri il tl il Pe/ / g3' = 76f4 x I = 6o7b*r/1 /33o o.l<- E-u/,, i j,ii i:| i .,1tr' ) , Da/O.L!' f ar ae ,R osl sAea! e h 'lLl4 e- p*zrti1 a f ? , N,s . S*ec / Bu.vn s e, Nc/ls:' : ve*ftLt-' ;- ; {u"- o n g &' Be'<t''= gta4q:{fia ,l B€Al^trtu1 r!tr€ sf ;.i:.,1 ry zu ofo t i E e. 13 */a4 Afl, /' t 1t1., (4tl 48L; 492.', 12.1 ib.', ,9 ,;?81 , lr" toRGEilSEil AllD HEll0RlcKs0ll, lllc. CONSUL''NG ENGIN€EFIS Sulra !lt toultrltl lUrtDli6 . tJo StYaltlttilx tlltll DtiYtr. C0l0n00 10202 . (3011 ll? lLl ,"rrrtkz#h?'/ /t ,,.,, "" -lJ./S - | o,,.., -13.!4-ato, at o^,, /.C:-3!'??.,rrr, -?A or ---- Iit Iit ;,t I ^fl : Ilp/ ; I I)ll', Iift c I'-t- I I I'_:--_ i 'f' )tir ,l-i2 I.l-- I I I I I I I I -,,t,-_, i I- | -- Il- I I-I " I I -.) j I-t-/i Ii I-t I I I I l I I I I I i ,rf4i.la i;it V'I DI lf stti't-i tlI--t-tlil-r'l I '5 Otiititiit-ilililiii.l!i -'i- --l -'il-fi tltl i"i-t.-*ri-tl-i llll'li l,tl;ttirlitir-.1ti .l 1itltlit arl I I I t.,v' I.t It l I--i I., L- I I.l- I i t-,\al I I I i-1" I':' I I. |,-. i I IL ... 1-, i ....1...-. i ll j It.- 'i I i ll ii ll,i i , 'j Iil i I I e.. i l .t-l t_- I'i--' I' -t'-1 Il1 l a Ca I 'r7', Ii-.1 I Ii' It -'r I i- I I't-.-. I I-l-"--- I I-t.- Il- Il. I I II I1'- I I i t i I I I I I II I I'I I I i l Ot I ik i il"l I i- -l Ir'-1i1r1 iiir ,l ldt'la 1 I .l I Il- I I i .fo .l ft f, r? /r 7, -.-. t-- - I t. t. I .-. - j- -- I I I I I t ,l.I I I I I t. .l I I '! i t-,a4 i J 1" )Ot -l I I-'l -_t I -l i ?! I L, i I-l I'-'l I r---1 tt G a )l I----l -"1 --l i,l : F1 /r-tt 'i _l l i2 x.1,3, .'----i .''-r,l,,lill'-f -i- |irl:ti tlaah, iiTOri i--i:--ilrl-il -i - i t_l-..ili i-n.. llt _i .ili-iliil ;liirliiiil lllliil1,ilii'l 7 &da 'Irl l/ a,o A f lj,) I I I /4,1. f: ,87te , ,t ,l '-r1- '-- I-L ?6, 1 f&oedl,il.irlrliiilllilirirlllllllirl.-ittlillitilllillrlriiiilliriiilriiliirllr: .; iiiitrliillili1'I k2/' 13 1l 7 .,t't I<'\ eaj : I i Mfr ,0n0EHsHt AN0 HEil0RlCKSoil, l[C. CONSUI''NG ENG'NEEFS tullt tl! aoulllStl g!llDllc . t30 ttv€irttir| Sllltf 0tnvti. c0L0tl00 !0?02 . tJ0Jl ?22llal ,urrrrt la /4/+ / ,ro,."o. JJ&-*orr.r,./l.fr-cto. aY -.--__ o^,, -12-zi/2-2 ,rrr, .i;4 o, -_- - / ,tl g "h l;-q-- -1 .-r -r-- Wr?? lxt{o,xl.4}.:: {*r3xlf,5xt.4 " 4s: 1 8x4€,r1.4' flzi,iillt,ry P=ulrlt z 33x7.{x 4,fa1.4:i, fafr. zfv8.9x 44 * t,4= : : i7'fr46ttJ6 tl'7 -' :ii,,rllliiliirlj f B-^ao-rt t lTv 3C3 I1,T,'=iillrlr-i; i..: : )?,.f c"l =, lUtz4 2 tri1-I : i i- i il, i-tllrliliiiif M *n ; 42. (+d,' ', ',t cD , i ; i i i: ' ,-i r/>.f = l./6 t1u, rriijl f =,OO/O x 1,33=:,2419 i As=.aolg xi /zx?4ri : i i I i z-aLs-Mo='81,84 : in! uc' /4= s{'8Qt7. f -- ,ac/ f x /.333 t,a tf,tui >6' a ;ao#lrrili 't-il-'oi i ), -: r" i1i ' / t.4l' E.1 tQ,; 1.2ffir' 'ii 411t'ia/ 1', ', .L>li 3 tLq h* ifl.rl-liiiiliilii; #''tr I , €3 Dn, .88 at , /4,a 74 o/ a4, rt' As - I I i I ! i o9, (x llx l4 | ,7c i'iti. 'i'T,o ,',' i1'iililiilii:rliiiiiiI i i i ir j I i-.jilLt_i-iir-i-iliii;iri-illiiliiiiiiliirl;lllli'i-iitr:iiiliiilliirilii-ii-iliiiiiiil-i-ii-i-liii-l-l.i-jiii;iji_,lii liii.liii-,iiiliiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiilli,:iiiiiiiilili;iiil a a b a0seaVt il tonitHsrH AN0 HEroRlcxsor. urc. CONSUI'IftG 6NG'NEEFS lUln lll t0ullrSU 8!lLoli6 . tlo Stvtil[llTlt STIltl 0€lrYtl. C0l0rr00 10202 . t:0lt l?2.llal ,u.rrr, I 0a..r.',- 2- 4rzf, 2 c ,ror.*o. --L2-/3-orr..t .6^&,-<to, aY o.,, /-nl:!-.!t'?,!-,,.,,f-fr, o, - / +.- -: ztzlzQ , 'o'.ooln i 20. oo - trZrft: , "f 5.00 -. ?,19.50.-'Utr't r(tfs ;22.70- fi L, ('Pr , : 2O.OO1i;';;'L fr'4^ / o'';ll''- /n* ?..5g ( /soLi ac 2uL/ /e' 2-.SoJ ,20.00- I i 2o.oo.- (p-* {/,,i-o.6f b,c,-E/'tl,o.'6I e T, L, *//,/, a a a a t a a a a a.a a., 2f.00 .l-. | 4 l.l4 .a o.o o a a a o a o a o a a a aga ll- "ij5. 20.00 5.0O 19.50 22.?O 20.99 2c5O 2.5O 2.5O 20'00 20.00 0.63 St*?AE . 0,6f -.r-.4.t a a a a.t a a a a.a a I ' ...: a I I a a a a .\r . a a a ',I 'i. It: i,l.r ,, , tr'!,i, :{' ,:, i t 't a .fuffi"o /Yorr^e^tt ii \l{t tl i! 1l I t! Y -=.=Cr1-.#.?!.K'29,-l ,Qo oo -f 4 #ieroo-+Lffi 0.OO /, r I 46655.0o { 4-')!o'^, 2o'oo .L {A*' i a a a O . a . . a . a ' o t t- I, le O'0O tfc*t//r:t -i| ,,8 24.. oo.X & ff -i" B.o.oLafft; 4 6.656 ' O 0 X' /4-* /4"'7 7; 23. oo .L f,''* D 7 -l . o . o . o . . . L . . ... t ilc I' 0.00. I . llt824'OO I8.00 ' 461555'00 20'00 aaotaaoaoaoaoaa { r. 0.00 0.00 0'00 a I o a a a,ra a a a a I o I l.' lt 'aolalaaaoaaa"' aaoaaaaaaaaaaa' lo 0.00 0'00 . -0.000 . 0 0, 47.48 A A A A A 4l- nt"nl Co t )je /4 flerrt,:-f tf e.fi'q -l,a t),/-.lr*^l 8'f.8 Jo 0.00 -l B. ? I -67 . 15 -85.86 4?.48 - O.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,b"*frtt- L,1I ,Yyr 6 I rl ..., aO.0O A Ir.fllf 8.?1.ft'ra'A L -B 5. ao 4'rf' t -- t16?.15 It II I b //)rfT t-t A ) A A A A.I t'1 I t I i i I I I.l ',t ') i t : I '| 4r A A A A A .A o AFICHITECTS ^.AJ'.EF'{ E. ",acMrL,-aN lA THEI.^'IA FEI.DHAMER - r'roa|^?3 latt tot t"t{ HoLLY tTRarT l)ttwEi, @Loet')o 90222 Ttl.arHoxr tot - 7!7-94e6 )g*e^ 2-1, t?tt l*^ t^.f b"lal-i ,0{.[r'"{ e^to ^d nlil l,o,bv too V*l rcl""l" 8tcs7 -f[ l*r^.. -t$.] o'.r ef*;E pwq'; at* l'lo'7, No' to t uo' ls r o,*-J,- t5+. M\1*T d* .,-.\r44 .r.-k *A$.,* "t* +' \e tYv"fn 0/"^ I ARCHITEcTS A lAJoSI:PH E- MacMlLLAN l-HELMA FELDHAMER - A.6ocr^TE 1471 SoUT}] HoLLY STREET DENVER, COLORADO 40222 TEI-EPHoNE: 3O3 - 757-6496 October 27, Lnz l4r. Jin Plnkard Pinkard Constructlon Co. P. O. Box 2622'7 Denver, Colorado 60226 Dear 1,1r. Pinkard: Re: ICBO Plan Check No. 8741 Holiday House Condordnium Vail, CoJ.orado We have revlewed the archltectural Crawings ln regard to all of thetrNonstructural Conmentdr of the ICBO letter of 0ctober 18, Inz, l-. The halls have dropoed celllngs of 7t-6r height, but the bedrooms as noted all exceed these minirn:rns. 2. Ttrls detail ls for a rd.nor area of wa1l adJacent to the balcony of Unit 3-8. the bullding paper can easily be added to our detalls. Our addendurn #2 changed the shaft wal1s to the approved 2t solid g1rp surn l.le are not using the f oan Lnsulatlon on the proJ ect. He rdlL instruct the contractor to provlde the 2-hour shaft wal1s at all openings between the floors. T?re elevator sub-contractor rill be instructed to furnish L l/2 hour labeled fire assenblies at each openlng. Trash room door opening wil1 be changed to a rAt label- door and frame. fhe chute sub-contrector wlI1 be inforrned of these require- rnents. Our Mechanical Engineer will review the sprlnkler heads shqrtl to conforro to these requi.remolts. The supplier of flberglas shower va1ls wlL1 furnlsh tho research approval as required. Glass and Glazing ln the tub and stal1 areas will be revLer.red to be sure we conform to this requirenent. ihe llortheast i{alL of the &isttng Bulldlng has no openings. ltre Southeast hhl1 of the Existlng Building has a delivery door to the restaurant of the Holiday. fhe only openings at thj.s level are the windows to our auto parklng level. fhese sashes could be wire glazed. fhe renatning openlngs are above the levels of this openlng and the projecting r+lng of the Hollday whlch ls Just two stories at thls area. i,le aLso exceed 3/*l in dlnrenslon frono the clstlng structure ln thxs area. The rulnlm:ro arounts of facing area should also be considered ln this area. perhaps the instaLlaf,ion of a nasonry baffle about tr. A 7. Lr. Jln Pinkard -page tilo-October 27, 1972 of travel. fnlly neetthe exlsting codes.(d) We have speclfled solld core wood doors. now? thls ls tho standard opentng usedln the Denver area. the Contractor eha1l return tbe ends of all handral.ls to the na}l. We propooe tho construction of the baffle between Unlt l-B and l--J encl the Dclt Doore be of 2-hour constructlon to a11qw tho l--B and 1-J Doors to renaln as speclfled. I?re bedrooro nindonof Unit 1-B and l-lt ehail. be treatetl wlth wlre gLase as requlred.Stalrs to loft at Unlts l-C and l-D shall be of steel construotion. Stalrways aro enclosed ln nasonry. Corldors to octenlor EhaLL have 2-hour valls each side.(f) AL1 doors are rBr label. l,/e have a nlndow openlng to the exterior at each smka vestl- bule which is sJ-tghtly stDaller than requlred. We request a varl.ance to contlnue using this eastr. Guardralls are lncluded at the openlng 1n the landingo(J) Our Electrlcal &rglneer will provlde the addltlonal Sclt flxtrrreEat the 90o bendso 8r to 10r out fron the door to the restaurant r.rour-d be a satrs-factory sclution as it rvould divert both a flre and the view. 8. see our addenda No. 2. l,Ie are not usirrg the styrofoan naterlal.,but standard approved gypsuxn board partitions. 9. lJe are following the Research Report for use of Koppers ehakeroofLng. The sleepers will also be treated J.unberr- as requlred. 10. The floor between the parklng lwel ancl the reslcentlal occupancy lsan 8!t cored slab. rt would ippear that additional flreproori:ng suchas cement plaster or a dropped celllng night be required to provldethe 3-hour separatlon_._ All bearing nalls-are solld concretel rz! sil-nirnrn thlcknees. Alr block are non-bearlng. rre cells wrir'uefLlled for the 3-hour rating required. Door-{, shall be rAt labeled. 11. ltre Mechanical and Electrlcar &rgineens have studied the code garagellght and ventllatlon. Thoy nl11 reviow thelr solutione. 12. A11- gypsun board on partlttons rstl1 be changed to 5/g UL flrecodEboard. l.Ie rslLl use the l/zr r'terLal only it furring along octenlon tlta sonry ualls. 13. orr Mechanlcal &rgineer shall revlev these roona vhere uechanical.ventilatlon is required. We are of the opinlon the Bedrooro J,unlt 3-c, is satlsfactory; as the porch is open to both sldes as werlas the top, in addltion to the frontal spacoo Ll+. The separation of the boilor roons rrill be provldod. L5. (") Change Door {. to rAr labeL door and fraue.(b) Swing Door 10 at flrst floor corrlclor out in directlon(c) A hardware schedule nt1l be furnlshed blr an A. H. C. to Wlll Vatl accept theseln all apartnent proJects (e) (f) (e) (h) Mr. JLn Pinkard -page threo- October 27, LE72 (k) These rooms should be changed to dens. l4r. Struble felt our deslgn uas satlsfactory uhen he flrst revlewed these roons. L6. The Mechantcal &rgineer has provided the elevator venting. lbese requirements rril1 be revlewed. 17. The Mechanical &rgineer has provided the dry standpipes. these requlrenents u111 be revLewed. 18. fhe Mechanical Enginoer has provided the wet standplpes. These re- quirements will be revieued. 19. i^ie will provldo safety glase in the slidlng doorg. Tlre sssh will recelve peL1-a double glazlng as standard wtth vlre glass nhere requlred. 20. the detalls show 3d above the rans€sr 2L. The Mechanlcal iDnglneor Lnforms us that those panels are not furnlshed any rnore ln typlcal apartroent projects. 22. The brand of flreplace and flue selected for use should fi:rnish data on their lnstallation to satlsfy thls requirenont. 23. ltie fireplace veneer rlill be light veight naterial ano can be grouted dlreclly to the 2-hour dry$all straft. ?lt. l"le will furnish a nanufrr ctur er s shop drardng of the stoel spiralstalrs to shou the constructlon, ra1ls, etc. 25. The suspended celllngs are gJpsun board on netal furrlng channels. 26. The strop drawlngs for the grlardralls at the balconles rrlll be fi.rrnlshed. 27. Tfre Koppers roof systen is betng provlded. 28. Steel colurons to be flre protected per Iten 25, Tab1e No. /*3-A. (3 layers ot 5F UL flrecode gTpsun board) We have covered each of the questlons 1a our ans$rers above. Soroe of the answors are directions to our &rglneers to conforn as required, oone are queg- tions on the crplnlous shom; and some are conflrmtlon of work shoilt as requlred. We w111 be happy to roeet vlth you to dlscuss these ltens further. Slncerely yours, t1..,rpi... e ..)Jl,'. )'u.Ic."-- Joseph E. !4acMilLan JEM:v .fr eom Bl Ben'srba I, r L 1 780 t M.al.clx//,{.2. . : : l. l- 1 . =/./6: .t= 6t:i ,ril,r tsED- 2.-nA \op ',r7#=#&' 'ku?/tG , i il liiri M *,/,/6r/SAz t r.':';il_:i: '-ltl =i G 7t .11 $ /=rli': ku z 4P/11g=1, g liir:ii .1P3.oo-175,/ , : , : j i_ii: L< = ,Oo7 7{ x lZt,-t I r . /4s sustplt ed 'I;:-l"l--'--t'-i-' :irlir i .-1 - | --i"- l----r - ,:ilil: -..:- --J ...1--i --i..- r---..-..!l,lrilllrI 'i- l- | f - i- r - tiiililil' i-:''-''-i'-:--il:,:l-.t- I t-.--r.--.-..i ...-..rlllittr'tl" i- 1---r --'" i -'-'rirr]'-ri-i--'i'i--^1it,)lLll tna 4x //.{ a-L//.tt tE4. en ,8lAl ilr ,4 /a,rli8o' ,,oio3 ,i i-..i.-ii!ri_:rl li ll I ,' i '' 3f e3.t .,,. 4.c i',-'-:.ir_1,-: I--i--t-I'- l- iii -: j t,.t -i l i_il'I.-1 -i l ii L =c2l i;lr,1 '6 Eu > a'l - rat =aa- D ,.! EI ,li ...,-l I,ti l- ,l -.i . .-.-- i : - .-- .- I j :\ t:'-"'l '.- : i : q ='t +,,+(CCt4o)= 7f,a+ f6o',;ii:i ii 4ts l,4x?fdtlTreb= L33f ,q8",:,1:l uz= /4 e(te +4o)s :Zilbt | 73 oi-= 20(47+4t) = c?ild*tsoa : 3O(fot o1 €lgao + oB l lfa to) = qgo ro '-il.;i ,i14o+gate l. i 1 I : I I i i )lr. , , .. ttE . :/,/xf,74*/.?y3o3z I *. t I,&ab .r;.1.:llirlr,i;:rii;ii P=,/{.4(tct qo\q6.4 zll.z+ &.8 tl.4Cqzlad d.q s 4! * {.f , ; : , ; 15'2+/2'9 I Po i /, (y t!.2 tt,zl t tz.st z t.2 +b.? i i , - i , ; r- I i :'ttlii:r I K17/0,5(/,4*t ) =,14.7 + lo.f , \/ \ = (zr.ztza?X4.a) = q.7 * aLf 4-Ll.a l4^f + q.o 38.7 +zq.o ft= 2xLl , 17,?R 6+l.D't.cz ii;i'ii tl 'I : JI I ttortcl Fr'lt <rrt, rw JoRGEilSEil Ailo HEil0RtCt(S0il, t[C. COJVSUTTING ENGT'VEEFS llrlL llt toullllt tllL0lrG . ,!0 3tvlllttilx.3lrtll 0tiYtt, coLorr0o !020? . {30!t 2?2.lul ,u.rr, A c.4zr, B/ EtJltt./- ,.o,.*o. /7/-?:-.-orr-r, -F- k 'cto. aY .-, lO-:42:77 ,rr, d-A o, -- - o o '1fuo,*,- G."/, ?"^-l'l :ii.it: r i -; : iDt:=t, i, f i itvzl'l /L:2?v.oY X.7o/ = .6/, k1', rtl,=i ,, 3il4ii:lrlDLi: , j . ',/y7pl 19.O0 000000000 -t010.50 O.69 1.00 l9'00 l9'00 0.80 | ' 14 aaaaaaaarrala 17.00 1.49 2. | | taoaaaaaaaaa, 8.00 1.49 2.25 aaaaataaaaao l|ataaQaaaaaa 6l *iz 67-u /'-fr -- i .r-t- ). in" ^rt = 3)i f- rirY o/( .THts ', tZl : 4o,! DZ= //l-Y. 066 a.gl =i tl, i4: ,// f x - oYx,.7J2 =.if i : iI : i)/--.; ; , ..,iiii;iil:iir ,, tu.1D2 : 'zZ X. otl l-trt : r lL: 7ZX - uV 1->)7:(, 7L .2 ,: /A,a'i Gn,o{*i W;rt. t 1,*'.44.: l, i ii-i i-j -I.'i L l__i_ i,i' 04',rtzr,7,,or.-,,,;l i-l i I,ii.iliiiii 7e,ar1r,l42 1, r4.", . ', Z- fx f,- f f 2, ' i,-l i=iY,(S //, P./;,{= s'z il, ; u';,' z i ;littiiii_iilo-i i I i i j i i- i , jiiriili:il u a/^.r,^., zi-,| (F E), "::iiliiiilil ani,),'iQ,..',. ; i i 4l.t BlJtrri ee! ,>'J,o6.'2iiiiiiiiiiilrillli_.! a4' f ifp,^,u: '' ' : i tL', r*ly\;|tf f"i,.1t - ,u i I l;i I i i i i r??7ons i i I i i i i i ,i I i: i .l t: il i-. I dJ I I i-i- i.--1.iiii\x/o,-f ii.ti-tz'l iililltil,'/i I: l,liIIriliill'l 'r'] Iiii;iir.rliiii!t/ /?,^ f^"tr ) t) .\+-€ JC lr jc , aa :. dQl, ! r .tvk /./{p 'I ' aat-vrL i o ll rl 1l ,.orrq f/o1,,nou 4u jrt c llt ftl '7^. /'/,'//o aaa a aa Jl tr ,.or.*o. /Z-Z--orr.., ..P!14--<xD, at o^,,//'11/l O.00 O.0O llO.00 1f.00 ' 0.0Q 0.00 -4O.31 -4O.13 /?or*^e-{t l'; i il; Sf,rc"i'..'^.At^o o.oo<r.i/t tt-\"- &/,t-t O.O0 +c €(n,V -61.36. -57 '36 /7,v, t/^*f5'09 lo. / 2 |tt-,* i It I I I !'!l . \ 0.00'. 0.00' O.0O 146.00 ; 19.00 faaaoaaaaaaaaa.. 3.!.0.00 0.00 146.O0-l?.OO ..! a a a a a a a a a o a a a a. 2.. -' 0'00 0.00 ll0.O0 - 8'0O It aoaaoaaaaoaaaa' $o .__ ---.a-t-I-u-. a-t o-a . " t' a a t a a a t a a a a I a t o' ,lr 0'00 0'' .0 0 0.00 i 0 r O0 I f'/1i>l-h.","- 49.!4 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A I I I It. I I I I I SOUTH I OFFICERS PRE9IDENY EUGENE B. PESTER DIRECTOR OF COMM UNITY DEVELOPMENT FOMONA, CALI FO6tNIA FIRST VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF EUILDINC INSPECTOR YAKll,lA, \/vAAHINGTON SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT JACK O. WHITE BU ILDING CODE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY. MISSOU Rt 'REAIIUiERVINCENT R. BUEH AUPERINTENDENT OF BIJILOING VERNON, CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PAST PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGTONAL BU ILDING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS. COLORADO EXECUTIVE DIRECTORT. H. CARTER 5360 5. WORKMAN MILL RO. WH ITTIER, CALIFORNIA MANAGING DTRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 5360 6. I.|ORXMA MILL RD. Jerry Aldrich Building Official City of Vail Post Office Box 100Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Mr. Aldrich: s)t' n+ 9r DIRECTORS GAYI.ORD C. DOWD DIRECTOR OF INgFECTIONA XALAMAZOO. MICHIOAN DONALD A. ERICKAON DIRECTOR DEPARTIIENT OF TNSPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIA, MINNEAOTA BILL P. HORN CH IEF BUILDING IN6PECTOF PIESCE COUNTY TACOIfA, WAAHING'ON ROEERT B. FELDNER SUPERINTENDENT OF CENTRAL INSPECTION WICHITA. KANsAS CHARLEe R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU ILDINC INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VtEW, CALIFORNTA VICTOR L. TAUGHER AUILDINC OFFICIAL COUNTY OF A|.AIfEDA flAYWAFIO. CAI.I FORNIA VINCENT R. BUAH SUPERINTENDENT OF BU ILOINO VERNON. CALIFARNIA DICK T. JORDA,N DI RECTOR EUILDING DEPARTMENI AUATIN. TEXAS FLOYD G. MGLELLAN, JR. DIRECTOR OF BUILDING ANO SAFETY COUNTY OF ORANGE SANTA ANA, CALIFORN IA International Conference of Building Officials 5360 ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 12131 699-0541 oq i\o".oo"'L8, L972 rfi(] a. Data for the ab ove project has been revlewed for conformancewith the Uniform Building Code and our cofiurents are as fol- Lows: GENERAL CO},IMENTS: The structural pl-ans are not complete s lnce the design calcu-lations for roof and floor members and subsequent stiucturaldetails are not provided. Also the building should be anatyzedfor resl.stance to !-ateral (wind) forces. The structuraL com-ments elaborate on this. NOI{STRUCTIRAL CCfrIMENTS : i.\t It appears thaE the prescribed ceiling height of 7 feet. 6 inches may not be provided over one-ha1f the area of bed-.:\*" rooms at the fourth floor lofts of units 4AL and 4DL, and bedroours of units 2EL, 3F'. Section 1307 (a). 52. Building paper should be applied to exterior walLs as speci-- fied in Sectlon L7A7 G). See Derail 2 - A-ZO. EXECU?tVE DtRICIORN H. qAiTER "ilil$"i:'!ffi"" pr.an check No. 8741 ".3:T:tbi,igEl""Project: Hol-lday House Address: Vatl VilLage Type of Construction: IT Occupancy Classification: H and F-L Fire Zone No. 3 Stories: Slx Floor Area: Apartment: 35r7OO Sq. Ft. Balcony: 3,029 Sq. Ft. Basement: 71600 Sq. Ft. Occupant Load: 192 Valuatlon: $1,200,000.00 L970 Unifor"rn Building Code Seismic Zone No. 1 / - "t-(-.' r? -z- EncLosures for floor openings should c ornp 1y with TabLe No. 17-A and Section 1706. Details should clearly indicate thls. type II building should have two-hour construction at openings between floors. Elevator doors should be one and one-half-hour labeled fire assenblles. Detalls shouLd show the construction of the t!to- hour shaft walls. fivo-hour protection specifled on Sheet A-22 for fireplaces, trash chute, duct shafts, pipe chases, etc., does not have an ICBo research recmunendation at this time. Trash room and garage level shoul-d have one and one-half-hour fire assembLies instal-led at the opening. The trash roour lra1ls and the chute enclosure na1Ls through the building to the roof should be two-hour construction with a1-1- openings into the chute being one and one-hal"f-hour fire assemblles. The chute extenslon bel.cnr the second fLoor should be minimum 1-8 gauge metal and fire blocked at the ceiling and provl.ded with a fire damper at the end of the chute. Room and chutes should be sprinklered as per Section 3802 (b)-7. Section 503 (c)-2. Shower stall walls should be flnished lrith a hard, nonabsorbent surface to a helght of 6 feet. Section 1711 (b). Flberglass or other prefabricated flnishes should be covered by a research rec- omeadation or compLete justlfying data under Sectlon L06 should be submitted if showers are installed. Doors and panels of shower and batbtub enclosure should cmply with Section 1711 (c to e). If elther wa11 of the existing buil-ding has openings opposLte the proposed bullding, the openings in the proposed building fac l-ng these salls should be protected. Section 504 (c) and Section 1e03 (b). Justlfying test data in conformance lrith Section 106 or an ICBO research reconmendatl.on is required for one-hour construction for walls shonn on DetaiLs 3, 4 and 5, Sheet A-3, also use of styro- foam at Details L, 3 and 5. llood over bullt-up roofing should not be used in 1}pe II construc- tion' Sectl.ons 3204 and 1805,since it is not a fire retardant rooflng. There are ICB0 research recormrendations for fire-retardant roofing available, such as Research Report No. 2463 for Koppers shake roofing. 55. ',6' o)7 ' L#n \e. -3- , *.i1p". Tbe F-1 parking level requires a three-bour noncmtbustlble i" ' occupancy separation between the parking area and the occu- pancy above. (a) Structural support for the three-hour fLoor should have equivalent flre-resistlve protection. Eight-lnch con- crete bLock waL1s, where used under this conditionr must cmply with Table No. 43-B or have all ceL1s grouted. Section 503 (d). (b) Enclosures for fLoor openings should be of two-hour con- struction. Openings in the enclosure walls should be pro- tected with labeled one and one-ha1f-hour fire assemblies or approved fire dampers. ,1 11. Light and ventilation shouLd conpLy with Section 1105. Mechani-'' cal exhaust ventilatlon at or near floor level is requlred in garages exceeding 5,000 square feet. . tU..!Z. An H Occupancy more than fito stories in height or having noreL-t than 31000 square feet above the first floor should be of one- hour fire-resistive construction throughout. Section 1302 (b). .--' ',' $3; The followlng roons should have vindow areas as specified in Sec- ':' - tion 1305 (a), one-half of whlch is opanable: Llvlng roms 18, 1A, 1D, 1K, 2A, 2P., 3A. Dens: 1F, 2D, 3D, 4BL. Loftz 2l{L, 2GLt zEL,4AL,4BL,4CL,4DL. Bedroorn 2, Unit 3C (porch roofed and varylng walL not 65 percent open on long side). .{14i.ti -- I A one-hour fire-reslstlve occupancy separation is required between a bolLer room or centraL heating plant and the rest of the buiLd- lng. Section 1312. 15. Exlts: ,., t.) Doors No. 4 should be three-hour labeled fire assemblles.{-' - Wa11e at these doors should be three-hour construction to separate F-l area frm H area, Table No. 5-B. rt,(b) Exlt doors should swlng ln the direction of egress. Section' 3303 (b). Appltes to door 10 at first fLoor corridor. r,,(c) ExLt doors should be openabLe from the inslde without the use' of a key, speciaL knowledge, or effort. Section 3303 (c). Note also that surface mounted flush or surface bolts are pro- hibited. Aut@atlc flush bol-ts are allowed on pairs of doors provided the door with the flush bolt has no koobs or surface mounted hardware and the unlatching of any leaf requlres only a single operation. f,i- (9) -4- Interior openlngs into corridors should be protected as set forth in Section 3304 (h). Twenty-minute ratlng for door assembl-ies requires compliance with a specific re- search recomrendation or a l-abel-ed f ire assembLy. The latter would resuLt in a 45-minute ratine since it is the minlmum presently l-abeled. HandraiLs should be returned at the ends. Section 3305 (i). Openings in exterior wal1s within 10 feet of exterior stair- ways should be protected with self-closirg three-fourths- hour fire-resistlve assemblies. Section 3305 (k). 0ccurs at bedroqn and f.iving roon, Unit 18 and at bedroon, Unit lH. NoncombustibLe one -hour construction should be provided for stairs serving loft areas at Units lC and 1D. Type II buil"ding. Section 1302 (b). Stairways shoul-d be enclosed as specified in Section 3308. '". (e) . (f) t.. (e) ' (h) 1) Doors except at smokeproof enclosure shoul-d be labeled one and one-ha1f-hour fire assemblies nith additlonal requirement of naximum 450oF ternperature rise above ambLent after 30 minutes of fire test. '-t2) Exit enclosures should lnclude two-hour construction for corridor on the ground floor extendlng to the exter ior. (i) The smokeproof enci.osure required ty Town of Vail ordinance should corply wlth Section 3309 (a) as foll-ows: .-, 1) On1-y exlt door openLng is permitted into two-hour stait encLosure. Section 3309 (a). ,, 2> Vestlbule should have 16-square foot open area to outside. 3) Doors to both vestlbuLe and stainray should be one-hour labeled fire assemblies wlth closing devices as speclfied in Section 3309 (b)-6. r 4> Guardrails should be shonn at opening in floor at mid- landings. ) -)- (j) Exlt signs should be provided in conformance with 3312 (b) (c). Dlrectlon signs should be shown ar 90 degree bend in corridor from stairs. (k) Every eLeeping rom belor the fourth fLoor should one openable window or exterior door conforming to 1304 for emergency exlt or rescue. This incLudes areas . Sec tion first have Sec tion loft aL6. Ventlng is required for el"evator shafts extendlng more than twostories. Section 1706 (d). The larger of 3-tlT percent of theshaft area or 3 square feet per eLevator should be provlded. \L7. Dry standpipea are required in buildings four or more storLes in' height. section 3803 (b), Standpipes also required during con-struction aa per Section 3806. 1'18. llet standpipes are required as specified in Section 3804. t19. Glass and glazing should compLy with Chapter 54. I}pe and rhlck- ness of glass should be specified. Door schedule should sholtsafety gLass for the slidlng doors. ';20. Ranges should bave a vertical clearance of 30 lnches above the cooking top to unprotected combustible naterial. Thls can be reduced to 24 inches lf the conrbustibl-e materLal is protectedwith nininum 1/4-inch asbestos millboard, No. 28 gauie sheetmetal or a meral" ventiLating hood. Secrion 190j. (a) - Uniform Mecbanical Code. 7zt. Fourteen- lnc1n by 22- Lnch bathtub access panel locatlons shouldbe sborrn on the plans. 522. Research Reconrnendation lL43 lirnits chinney height to 40 feet above flrebox lrithout speclal conetruction. {s23. Ilow is veneer at fireplace installations attached? A detail cornplying lrith Chapter 30 should be provlded. \24. Detalls of winding stairways should be provlded. Slnce Vail.' ordinance permits these to be installed we recomnend an inside handralL be instaLLed if there ls a space between coLrnn andthe tread. These stairs shouLd be noncmbustibLe for use in a type II building. -6- ' i 13'. Detalls of suspended celLing system should be shown on the pLans. See Sheet A17 - 18. . t.t2,6, DetalLs of guardrail at loft area should be shown. t.-27. Speclflcatlons for fire retardant roofing should be provided. " Section 3203 (e). There is an ICBO Research Recornmendation No. 2463 for Koppers Shake/Shingle roof that has a fire retardant rating. Sectlon 1906. , 24', Details showing how steel beams and columns will be protected for L " " two-hour fire-resistive construction as lndlcated on Sheet A-22 shoul"d be furnlshed to compLy with Table No, 43-A. STRUCTIIRAL CO}IMEMS: 1. Special J.nspection in conformance with Section 305 is required for the following work: ..'J (a) Structural concrete where the design is based on an ultimate\' compresslve strength ln excess of 21000 pounds per square r ; inch' (b) A11 weLdtng except shere done in the shop of an approved fabrlcator. \ n.(c) Prestressing work. ,.. ()2, The foundatlon investigatlon report mentioned in plans was not- lncLuded in data forwarded to us. It should be suburitted for review. t.,3. AlL rnas onry or concrete elements resisting seismic forces should. qualify as reLnforced elements. Section 2314 (k)-3. J'io^ A. Concrete shear walLs shouLd comply with Sectlor.s 2632 and 2617 (j). .Yl .t'' )' ,, 5. Precast concrete walls should comply with Sectlon 2622 (e). 1' 6. StructuraL calcuLations should be submltted to Justify the adequacy of the structuraL system in resisting seisrnic and wind l-oads, and supporttng dead and live 1oads. This incLudes foundations. lt. Justlfying calcuLations and details should be provided for floor system and roof system for both vertical loads and for diaphragrn ac t 10n. +. /,.) .9. / .,,0i ^,,, "t r, tlO. r, .i]Lr i']2. r, 13. ,' ' +4' Lf . r *'ft '15 ' -.16..q .: \rri' -t- The weights of the equlpment should be shown on the floor plan at the roours housing mechanicaL equiPment. Addttional- coments wiLL be provided arhen the roof system, floor system, m:ls onry or precast concrete shear lral1 plans and calcu- Lations along with the calculations for the horizontal forces actlng on the building are submitted. Anchorage of concrete and masonry wall-s should cornply with Sec- tion 2313. Details on stressing method and hardware along with justtfylng data are required on prestressed concrete vork. Thls daca shorlld be subnritted and approved prior to ordering of rnaterial. Note that all tendons should compLy vrith Section 4303 (c)-3' for flre- reslstLve purposes. Appltes for fLoor and roof system prestressed concrete. Details should be provided on roof and fLoor diaphragn connectlons that indieate how the shears are transferred to vertical shear- resisiing eLements. Connections should be justified with struc- tural calculations for conpLiance with aLlovable values. See Detail 1, Sheet S-2 foundatlon details S-1' Railings shoul-d be designed to withstand a 20-pound per foot hori- zontal force. Sectlon 2304. Applies at balcony areas. Plans should indicate that foundations extend belols the frost 1lne which is established bv the Town of VaiL as 3 feet 6 inches beLow finlshed grade. Enterlor c oh.rnn and colunns at nest wall shor'rn on Sheet S-1 should have cross section of typical c ol-r:mn shown to conpLy with Section 2608 (f). Elevations of exterior concrete or masonry wal1s should be pro- vided to show Location of reinforcement at openings and at colunns. Section 301 (d). Iyplcal formdation section should show extension of vertical steel lnto footlng for attachment for horizontal forces and end reactions due to forces acting on wall. -8- ^")\.\fr 918. Deslgn of beam No. 24 shoutd be cLarified. VerticaL loading appears 1ow. See Sheet 2 of beam calculations. ,l'!ob19. Beam deslgn of B-1 should be for 2l-foot span. See Sheec 1 ' of beam caLcuLations. ,/ 20. The f ollovlng cments are in regard to the general structural notes, Sheet S-2. (a) Deslgn criteria should refer to the 1970 Editton of the Uniform Building Code. (b) Roof snow load should indicate 55 pounds Per square foot ' ln lieu of 75 pounds per square foot. (c) Foundation note should refer to a speclftc soils report on fiLe with the Town of Vall. rj ,2L. Built-up angl-e beans at Line I{' Sheet S-3, have excesslve flex- t"" ural stresses. Members are nonc ornPac t and allowab1e stresses should conply vith Section 27OZ (b)-4. See calculation Sheet 1 for beams and l-intels. ^ i-\Ltl'e-22. Calculations show W8X35 at Line B, Sheet S-3, ln lieu of W8X3L -* r1o calculations furnished for continuous rnember, or cantllevered member as shown on Sheet 54. See Sheet 1 of floor beam calcula- tions. Also, W8X40 ln lieu of w8X35 at Line G on Sheet S-3 should be shown. 11-;f,3. DetaiLs of W8 splice shonn on Sheet S-4 does not relate to calcu- ' latlons provided. \t)'b24. lJbat is !18X24 alternate relate to between Line 3-4 on Line A? "'t"15. Detall 2, Sheet S-4, should show pour striP to relate to section shown on p1an. ': . 26. Door at nachine roc,m, Sheet S-5, should relate to archLtectural 1rj f='--' pLans. i,"!:' 27. The following detaiLs shouLd be provided. Section 301 (d). \G) At roof ridge connection assume roof member cantllever frorn W8 purlln. -9- \(.'' \(b) Sectlon at machine roqa, Sheet S-5. ,'.:.dc) Section at rldge at WBx31, Lines 3, 9, II, G and F. ,t:(d) Sections at 4-inch precast sLabs over roof beams at four gables. ''" (.) Details of connectlon of W8 to W8X4O, Line 9 at C. ,,t(f) DeraiL of W8 - 31 and }J8 - 31, Lines 7 and 5 atong L,ine B. , 1r- (g) Section at 7/S-4 should shov constructl.on at floors, top'r and bottom. 't.(h) Provide details of roof sections where attached to WE beams. Also floor cored slabs. ,1ir7rh28. CaLculations should be provlded for W8X40, Line C, Sheet S-5 at' l9-foot span at east end of bul1ding. Independent check shows excessive atresses. ,, ,,Y.?. Show opening ln westerly wa11 on Sheet S-5.'t. -'r.SO. Check steel required at cantilever end of stairnray shown on stresses. Also shon extension l-inits of top steel at {nterlor span. r {-r31. Wbat supports f l"oor slab at circuLar stair opening at Line 3, Sheet 5-6? \ ilt,' ...32. Note on plans vhere No. 4, 8-foot long bar w111 be installed.- Should be either placed in the shop or lnstalled in a verticalposition. Enctosed is involce No. A 9881 covering our pl-an check fee. Al-1 data ls being held pending receipt of further lnstructtons fromyou. If instructlons are not received, data wiLl be returned in 90days in conformance with Section 302 (b). o Pleaee feel free to c@tact ua TJK:R.ll.l:hb Eoclosure -10- lf there are any questl.ons. Yours very truly, ITITER}IATIONAL C CIFERBTCE 'rt tr.og NAMg; ,.!c>AY *iau5= O o'06 ----!---_JgL_, (Bro No. NO. lg<-|L ) PouR No. FIHAL INITIAL TENgION RELSA qg H OLOOY/N fNrTtAL cAHeri = 7/e" HOLOOV/HS ,/ L=e 2 N OTES :_-- PRE9TRES.3 =q+,2. k-t?5 .9TREHGTH - 3ieo O5l .!i--r_ FOR,CE /L,7G= o Ngted ! nitt i-l .M 'tlR - l,ttn€.'tt J. I r\rr-, qr=F. ----- frr'AND 5Tre,s.t6l-i-r-T}+E4U ELEVATI ON----l F'CIFt ,A',F'FR,CVAI- ' No Exceptions Taken fi hlai:a Co:-Faj;.ffi,, AGGRiGIi ?0r .s 't972 tclL .-- (aro No.@ STRzA1ED NO. leq'72- NO. J,ob gTRAI.{ D C ox, e 9'c.g, ",INITIAL TENgI ON--:i rrxru pREgTR=s.3 = t4t,3 Y|QS RELEAS= STREH .o-Tx = 33tD P5l,___- HOLDOWN FORC= /;a6= - O fNlTlAL CAHEER - ) eoue .Jrq. ttF /^. - . t-bk,' I f, I i',, I-'r I I 5l: :-"rJlVirj:,- n tnnr'l r-.^\ .- --ff\:\]nC\:r\ i.l HOLDOV/HS ./ L=e: NOTES: F.--. \r. -ba ,*,,"!3"ttri,r?"r=?y#tt"'.31,:o"10.:ln3:3*.G30, CONC?ETE OF COLO:TADIINC. DENVER. coloRAoo aoazr UoNE 433.630r ', iO -., F& o^r,/-{-4-z *. -' -;,,,,' : 02 2-*--- EUtsJECT ,rl {Y g:{c:;,1 i':j j i:A{LI::j sf';--q'.:q :' ' D,JE lU TJ: :LiSiIC ,'l:'l^ I. j .,c ST'i:SS' : ':' i .:, 'a'li:.| ?,Er,)I.r0 J)lfl3-i LI v -: Lli.l,'l LS= 22.)iL3=O' : LLI = .52 '. . TCP -t'|t .2t13 15 , -24=-9'? l92c Si: 3Xn ri= ?5. . .)t1= n Eii= i.l ii.,r Y.= 1)'.1 . 1t ,t- 'i'J'-1-|J lL7= -O LOA:)-Ilis,-r-t\'t1t 1- ?.'\,J:'JI I !rr.l I:'lI iI rL P,l:STii-sS D5A.D LCA] iE! j.i )u. Iir I r-I OL PNESTd;3S 1-r n 1f r:.i n!AJri SU;.! F [.r {.I- r x EST*!.S.i ;JLL ]:A1 L3A!] .;:J:r iP + nL FijLl- LIYi Lj,it: SU', rP +tll + LL -t7a 2'2; 5C -l t: 114 t3t Jt;) 527 :'2173 -731 | 443 t9?z -927t!)i -t 1.'z -?a4 ,/ogoey /)qe. l/mc u, 13 o^.,r/ob/z*._--.,.,.,,ttZ&_ TatJ k Get --.t.-r =n ', ,' ' , tEiL;CTIJ;r i)U: i.] ::r.i) lg{) ,-.i;-i',., ' . ".11,.i.!EH aI ;{:Lqd.3i'' .. . : -,: FACT3.I Fr.l.-i rilSfx!.3.i LiiSS qril Cl?Eii' , clqBi'{ {'.t' 3.:tfu-TIi:!,. . ',". DEFLECTIO,: llJ: fJ L1E{t Lrj,\l I' I : tET D:-FL:2T!J.rl FiJLL -lEAi LJAfI;'l -' ' ; ,D:FLECTIC.T DUi tt LIvt LEi.D t .1..."' ....,..........'...'......'. . ' :.. .. .I.I ., ( I-{Ci{ KIPS) ,,-244' Ba2 lr4 n,2y' u,ilF /1 = .Pec ,^ = .?Lq" y.6?6 Cto-, '... .REAU.I t=3 toTl F lr{ qL !"-{:: li{:5}= 9+6, l.J> F I.. nL Sf *;f',:i f;l= 5 nf 1PS I 4= SJ?' P{CVI )ED lt60 ,"o'":::try.t"'?.1?l'.Ttti.*i":":""":l"lH:'*.6por . a :e .tEcf :vC '.. I oo' n o C 0 DIST.4:ICE FitJ:I L=FT C.?IT.I;.A.L iEIiITT . I I c12 Ir ITI {L PH;S.TniS.i= l.l iKIPS n:t-E 4SE Su j.r:iI:{= 35Clr,S !i!1.:1 IS :-i".lr'! CC:iC'iEf: s.Jl;ro;ir (i-T.) tQ tcF. Qar/ttY€F ,4/ 4"a=ffi-.Fa y'/^: ftz'ta 4z= 2(o 6 7la( rhy. /.vxszJs:Lt^, E7x?f,* t7. ? /s7,3 la{ J6a a b= Kl' tqf s irlbnnnos rnurnrrrlilr.LtrTTt @F TRANsnflrrrAL TO P. O. Box €i4!t vArL, coLoRADO 81657 Va11476"fi72 Dclrvcr?/4-1521 Tqn of Vatl- OATE IJOB NO, sent. 25- 1972 | VZ-SS Bullding Department P.O. Box 100 ValJ-, Colorado 81657 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU xfx Attached ! ! Shop drawings n Prints n Copy of letter ! Change order Under separate cover ! Plans vta the following items: tr Samples D Specifications n coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION Tneoec.t{on ReDorte on Holidav Inn MdLtLon throush SeDtember 25. L97 2 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked For approval For your use As requested below: n Approved n Approved D Returned as submitted as noted for corrections I xfl tr ! tr ! Resubmit-copies tor approval n Submit -copies for distribution ! Retu rn -corrected prints For review and comment u FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Concrere Test ltesults stll1 have not been received by our offlce for revlett COPY TO SIGNED: Carol_ S. Richards It enctosuras ,.a nol es noted, kindly notify us at once. , Fm 20{-tr ttr.n adr6 !.r*.. ti.Ihrd, b. .l}. Hrrmrr Isaocctlon RICIIARDS Poet Vell, ENCINTERS, mC. Offtcc Eor 613 Colorrdo 8f657 476-5072 ooilCTATE. IIASONII AIID REINFORCINC SIEIX. lINonT rcr, J ,HAt @ocretc Plrcrmt Drt TlD.tlcethcr Ipcetlo!La.rtr r/r u, tr Ooo/,t ./c/ vn )---l €/a.kil7.'rr /, 't "/C, r(^ ///t.'ao ////' /'2f 7/tr //:a o A-/+ r/t /L'dl frt)r (..*. Br{ntorclu 8cca1 ?lo rJ o//.Iq, ?tta/: \-- a. ','// /€ O BT.EARD' Er{crxtEns, ,oc. I Port Offlcc Eor 643 Vall, Coloredo 81657 . 475-5072 rct, ,ka--/{a-,/&"qrT E. UASONNY AND IUFORCINC Sf,EIX. b, tr, .b / fa-t/ruc/.fr, Ur|oorv InrDcccloB j.f 1"'n !r/ lf t. ,t " // // ./t t Drt.lln Iocatiott ItrrLt o CICIICRETB. UASONTI AND REINIORCI}IG STEIL ruPORT./rrcr, /ft/z'4a,r RICEARDS ENCINEERS, ITC. Port Officc Bor 643 Vall, Coloredo 81657 476-5072 Cmcr.t3 Placcleot Drt.tr.B ttc.th.r Locatlon 81tr9 GTltadorr lleroarr Inrprcclon Drt.Ttr llceCher IocstloD hrLr z/r /?.'Jo Fo "? 2 ^ -! -f7 ,?- rec/.a.r? lrhlorclnt Stecl Drtc Tb.Locatloo lrlrr&,e l)t't,rs-'_--- RICHARDS ENGIIiTEERS, INC. IrY Poat offlce tor 643 Y Vall, Colorado 81657 476-s072 .CONCREEE. }TASONRY A}ID REIITFORCING STEEL EIFORT lor:Ho /,'rt'n, Rclaforclar Stecl Dste Tlre Locatlon trr.rtr -'--4taa f, i Coocrete Placcoent Dete Tt-r llaether Locatlon 8ltry cyltadorr ,/,7.r ffl t -/.Jv {ffr1tu.t ' Y\, t' : p ,/* .taks 7rt r<7 =aiaui,)n t.r,:'J,c, Stlu c/. f/.' tuo( o, dr ftrrlt %/5 r- 7e r_, rt i" r .' .n/ e,r' {r, c,t t), l/)f 4 11 - -,,v.a. 4y 'r-'t,< ?/;ar. - leipr t4 -t ?ee* Jtar../-f 1 r. 47r -t,o.l>4r ian) l{aronry Inepectlon D!tc Ttr.tleathcr Locatton lnrlr a.r,'/26 4.t a 1/',!t.tn"t. {- 'rr-l {-/a.* ?(-,/ Z: r'r Prrtf .J, k Q/", ,7 '(r ' ' C.ouluZ A'/( q 4t 7: lz ftLv Z-J * t,/f/ 4/4r)ln*S*;,,b..r'- d. tl' 'rh..,-?.dt F.t'r 1f.r7o* "'/ o-r =.F- c RICHARDS ENCINBERS, ITrc. Poet Offlce 8or 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 475-5072 f+c'r.rf Concrete Placcmeot Date TtnA Itcather Locatlon -Sfi*-Fd{rl^'r k./L 1:f1 Fa),?"! i/Ork u/s //: /f a/^-L 7--/ (/ t'//; tvPa y-!%lhf a ffi; tc/rt t2:4(A,l lz* 't a u/r z: /r 2/n'-,,/rt 44 f / -fiu-/1 F.tJ ,/re,,aslIb-..'r( fq l{aaonrv Insoectloo Date Tt!€lleather Locatlon ltrrlr tt/z ? rra En.f ?!-.-l - <'.J t4 \]a)rta-d.* h/*2'b C7-'--/o a-/e /a/4 7,at /tty/ -./,A'l/4 r-l tt 44- F/, S.szJ.e--d.k io/ro / Z:oa ./=a)r /r '" s- te-&fu at t0h /2:6 2)-5- r/ ut- // . --, u /,io 4-:{L 4.ft. U/2^,'1._Lf)k-tr o. k- gt/a-k / __- -l/-r'a Slguacure of IaePector l, t't ra1, ,' nTCHARDS EtrCCIIllIE! INC. Poet Offlo: lor 643 Vall , Coloredo EL6S7 476-5072 f'+ e " a-s f t- CoDcretc Placeren t 7/ eeiaJ coNcRET_E, MASONBY REIITIOBCING gTEEL DetG T1!.Ueather Locatlon 5lup Cyllndcrf /a/tr'A.oo atr*+o;:,::if:ffi tn*).n)7 raui 4!.y' "r/y {.'oo H-:LJu oQckof@ /r/r. s\ ' p,.r - ly', // tfutk tr-,*-^ ^ F.r r,,,'ht )ofa)/ tz , €tu6. - a}\-/et ? < t*r.o - //- - ,- -27/ie-s "Jp_ 'e.ftcr. le./, o/z<1: /{rd.tr ft.i( k f/(' _'' tlp, ^A.',.' 1,,*,/5/. (';1*;;*V eo*r,7'3 Maeonry Ingoectl.on Date Ttoe lfeather Locetloo lcsrle t"/ t /-ott ti;t -1 6a Lol Lbrtl')-/o 4.tr ,* Tur- ui/r f 7, Jc'1/z <tdI O. l<. /T DatG Tlne Locrtlon f.rrrtr to/rt F.]a sJ<+)r<^t,t ? S-, ,. f< (; ,k,o.K_ (-'\- \ ^t'sl-.. Lw Sl'goatufe of Inepcctor ls Testing CEruicel Box l2l3 Colo.80302 825 -5261 and 15 Leu ooy 25or Denver, Cdo.80204 Ticla I So. .Poatl,o 10:0O let Doy 3)Lt |r| TERIALS REPOIT for Job t5 or L D. Doto Tertod: llix l.D.: 6 8L Punp l{lx |lotlr Tonp.: Toto I Yordr: Uolcr Rrducrr: lf ind: Timr Borcficd: rEsr cYLt]aDtn5 3 DoY t. 2. 3, 4. Avorogo RtIIARKS: Ptnkard Cestructlon 53L-L Angust I, Inz Slump: 2il" Air: Air Tomp.: Toto I Wotcr: Air Entroining: Hurridiry: Timc P locod: 53L 13r l4r lOz ooy 2379 I 6L\vEDq- BEt'ao St , .A_ Qru oJ b. t:t I. Mat&iab Testing $tuice 825 -5261 2531 Wesr 8rh Ave. pr*anr cortrncrlc - {/e/^- / Ln2 A ir: Air Tcmp.: Totol Wotcr: Air Entroining: Humidity: Timr P loccd: l.r5r&6 l{7 DoY L57h Locotion: f. lhna.tfo HrLL Wt./Cu.Ft.:Yicld: Concrctc Tcmp.: F A Moisturc: Co lcium: Wcother: Time Tcstcd:!3!Q 14 Doy O Box l2l3 ufder, Cofo. 803@ MATERIALS REPORT for Job No. or l. D. 5If-4, Doto Tcctcd: Jd.y 18, Mir | .D.: Slump: lVotcr Tcmp.: Toto I Yordr: Wotcr Rcduccr: Wind: Timc Botchcd: TEST CYLTNDERS 5tr 3 Doy l. 2. ? 1. Avorogc REilARKS: Denver, Colo. 80204 Ticlrr I '1. Le8 Dov 1 f,cld 25Ol+'., T3*ro- r '* 6o\ q.,hi 1,1.1 825 -5261 0nrtnoClaMATERIALS REPOIT for Job l{o. or 1. D. 53S,.'f Dorc Tcrrcd: |p/n Locotion: HOlltry Eogo Ylt/Cu.Ft.: Y ic ld: Concrcfc Tcmp,: F A Mo isrurc: Co lc ium: Wcothcr: Timc Tcstcd:' 3f15 p.r. 1114 Doy 2?Lg Ticlrt I {i ) Mix l.D.: Wotcr Tcmi.: Totol Yords: Wotcr Rcducrr; Wind: Timc Botchrd; TEST CYLII{DERt Slump:Air: Air Tcmp.: Toto I Wotcr: Air Entro ining: Humidity: Timc Ploccd: 5tr.'IO' l1 & 12- 137 Doy L7u 3 Doy IOA Dov -'.-.{.r( 2799l. 2. 3. 1. Averogr REI{ARX5: ,i ft.%Re,/ Mattliah Testing Srrrice P.O. Box l2l3 MATEilALS REPOTT for Pinkard Job t{o. a L D. 53L-I Dotc Tcrtcd: JuIy lor 1972 Mix l.D.: Slump: Wo?cr Tcap.: Torol Yords: lVotcr Rcduccr: Wind: Tinr Botchcd: TEsr cYltlrDERs 53L-L 3 DoY l. 2. ? 1. Avorogr REI{ARI(S: Boulder, Colo. 80302 825-5261 Construction 2531 West 8th Avo. Ticl.r r Locorion: HoIiCay House South Footing Wt/Cu.Ft.: Yicld: Concrclc Tcmp.: F A Moisturc: Colcium: Wcothcr: Timc Tcstcd: Denver, Colo. 80204 1@ 28 Doy )o28 Ai r: Air Tcmp.: Totol Wotcr: ,Air Entroining: Hvmidity: Timc Ploccd: 1-? 111 7 Dqy 1',7 t. A 119 14 Doy 200f tl l2t3 lder, Colo. 80302 mATtRIALS REPORT for Job l{o. or l. D. 53I-} Dorr Tcrrrd: 8/Z/ZZ Mix l.D.: 5Sk Slump: Pu,np / Wotor Tcmp.i Totol Yordr: Wotcr Rrduccr: Wind: Timc Borchcd: TEsT cYLlxDERs 531-1 3 Doy t. 2. 3. 4.. Avorogc REITAII(S: Denver, Colo. W2O4 Y icld:WtlCu.Ft.: Concrcte Tcmp,: . F A Moisturc: Co lc iurn: Wcothcr: Timc Tcstcd: 3 :3Opn 14 Doy E Doy lo@ ilat&iab Testing Srtuice 825 -5261 2531 West 8th Plnkard Cmstructlon ryr Air: Air Tcmp.: Totol Wotcr: Air Entroining: Humid ity: Tinc Ploccd:' (16-r-8) 7 Doyn Lt+T8 Ticl* r Locotion; HolidaY House East Portlon Sorthuall O. Box l2l3 Denver, Cdo.80204 Ticlrr r h t I Mir l:D.: Wotcr Tcmp.: Tolol Yordr: Wotrr Rrduccr: Wind: {. ,,J Tinr Borchrd: TE3r cvL||{DER3 Concrctc Tcmp.: F A Moisturc: Co lc ium: l{cothcr: Timc Tcstcd: !! 14 Doy 2469 HoId L3 for 45 Days 3 DoY l. 2. ? L Avcrogr RETIAIf,S: 2a?', )223 30)7 )L30 ffi hb Testins clruice ldcr, Colo.803g2 825 -5261 ITATERIALS REFOIT lor ll*rr{ Job t{o. or t.'D. 53[..i1, Dote Trrtod: 7n5tn Air Tcrnp. : Totol Wotcr: Air Entroining: Humidity: ) Timc Ploccd: ltr- ?) 8, &' r 13 17 hv 2225 0odnctt6 f,a1ldry Bour Locotion: X. ltfll LtnC J Air: WtlCu.Ft.: Yicld: 2531 West 8th Avc. Slump: $ 'i: ?.k,rg ot O. Box l2l3 ldcr, Colo. 803U 825 -5261 lbfatdliSiar Testing 9rtuice 2531 Wesl 8th Ave. Denver, Co|o.80204 |IATERIALS TEPORT {or Job Na or l. D. Doto Tcrtod: Mir LD.: 6| sk Slmp' Punp lYotcr Trnp.: Toto I Yordr: Wotcr Roducrr: lVind: Tinr Botchcd: TEsr cYLtxDEns 53].: 3 Doy t. 2. 3. 1. Avcrogo REMARI(I: Ptnkard Cqrstrtrction 531-r Ar€ust L4, LYl2 Locorion: Holiday WtlCu. Ft.: Air Tcnp. : Totol Wotcr: Air Entro ining: Hunidity: Tinc Ploccd: ' 37t 38t and 39 107 Doy ?683 Ticlor I Horse Beams m t. Erd Y icld:3tn Air: Concrcto Tcmp.: F A Moisturc: Co lc ium: lVco th cr: Timc Tcstcd' 4!00 14 Doy 1@28 Doy I HoId 501+1 ""8 ila#iab resring Srrnice rBO. Box l2l3 Eoufder, Colo. 803@ l{ TEIIAL! REPORT for Job t{o. or l. D. Dotc Tcrbd: Mix l.D.: 6 ak Slu'p, Punp nlx lVotrr Tcrnp.: Totsl Yordr: lYotcr Rrducar: Wind: Timc Botched: TEST CYLINDTRS 3 DoY l. 2. 1 1. Avcrogc REMAIKT: Air Tcmp.: Totol Wotcr: Air Entroining: Humidily: Tinc Ploccdl 53L )b 35t and 36 lOz Doy r8o3 825-5261 2531 West Efh Ave. qryFl.ze ':;' ,t,a' Plnkard Constructlon 53L-L lugust l.O, Ln2 Locotior: Holiday Hotrse S. B. Air: Wt/Cu.Ft.: Yicld: Denver, Colo. 80204 Ticla r Fd$. We]'l. Concrctc Tcmp.: F A Moirruro: Co lc ium: Wcothcr: Timc Tcstcd: 3: 15 P.m. 14 Doy lO]8 Doy 3l+l+9 1 Hold . PREsllts€D coNcRErE oF coroRADllrNc., Sagr.FECos sUer o oENVER. coLoRAoo ao22l .JIoNE 433-630r // // Jo6 rf;L; froUOAY ,oo t-,, dZ ooi. 7 ' .,o" n... /f,? ?2 SUBJECT 6- /61 JZA'vo. 4 = /4/r hnC T€E fto,,r E€O tg gs.rt6a 6F€= e,?g- 2..fo: /.43- CHECKEO 8Y -OA'E _..- SHEET -OF ia f ft>? = 4t,?" P/a fr/ -/oP 4za - /?o +J 8o 8cT 420sr' b qi ut/dt1ti 2"s rt +/o2/ + 3(t ??r - ->--' +6Jic r 3o c c 7t, i)-37r.'e Qt-r(x 9G la. &e'o .,./.,2. bf '. ? t '- i,<' fftlSi Pz = /23 2a = /4/ -7. 4" - = ,JdO f,6t q ;-r. 0.fr /V"' , ?f.ao Xh?(/o.r,.- t.zr)J '/ tUtn ilon. /tartna - Poj. - .rrlt^= az.ft-.@I;';IilJ = rczT 6)= l-r.)fto = ,?f,Jooy2c?.?(ro-,t)J = 7J2.t ,'^-k Cll€CK ,/A*oqt"r6 //;' ov€72/.c = F# (to * ,")"(P -tu)'/ L .= iA* N€e. .i ,tnQ4"C a Je</ ,:* o,/c 4a' - r'l Jo' I to ' {76 )^-,t<./t/nv. t4r m l,=t, TtP {2t1r 9tt */ a>q J f,)l -/ SS" +f / /p,.G) - - s)c 7t (r) 0.rc. r II II I G o DRnAtulSSrCS. INC. Littleton, Colorado RE:Holiday HouseVail, Colorado FIIIIGLASS H^}|UFACTUilNG Septenber 8, L972 llr. Lyle Everson Steamboat Springs Plurnbing & Eeating 5660 So. Broadray 80I21 Condominiuml Inof be answer to your guestion regarding the letter from Bruce Reedthe Pinkard Construction company of August 3L, L972, pleaseidvised.of the following. Our tub and shower combination unit is comprised of comparablematerials as used by the company mentioned in Mr. Reedti letter.If our information is correct, the flame spread rating for the.othgr unit is 23.5. The foasr used on our unit also cirriesttre-eane flame spread rating of 25.0 or less, this fLame spreadrating is the best available urethane foan. thould you desire more technical information, please referr toour letter of september 7, ot feel free to conlact Michaer schranzof Fiberglassics or trlel smith of cook paint and varnish company. Dear Lyle: rJlvs/RJR/1s SLncerely, FTBERGLASSICS ,A,f*4R. iI. Rochdfort Sales Representative INC. IIOI VEST DARTMOUTH DENVER, COLORADO 80I IO (303) 76 r -4230 BENGLASSICSI INC, FIBERGLASS MANU FACTU RING September 7, L972 Everson Plunbing 6550 So. BroadwayLittleton, Colorado Attn: l{r. Lyle Everson Gentlemen: lltre tnb-shower units that we are proposing to supply to your firm for use in the Holiday House Condominium project will be backed with Cook G-300 polyurethane spxay foam. ltris G-300 formulation result's in a foam with a flame spreadrating of 25 or under as tested in accordance to ASTDIE-84 and Underwriter's Laboratory Test UL 723. This foam is furnished to provide thermal insulation around ttre tub portion, acoustical insulation around the wall sections and a certain amount of strength to the entire unit especiallyin the area bet\ireen the dam and the tub as this void is com-pletely filled with foan on our units, In addition, we are also using the Cook NPG-943 sanitary-waregel coat which is a new and more costly formulation but which results in a more durable finish and greater gloss and gloss retention. Sincerel-y FIBERGLASSICS, INC. .t,'/ /..//1 t' --i' .' ,., ...1 "" i R. J. Rochefort Sales Representative RJR/MVS/1s IIOI WEST DARTMOUTH DENVER, COLORADO SOIIO (303) 76 I -1230 ECH L DATA INFORN{ATION SHEET R@} "F@AM A PRODUCT OF COOK'S CREATIVE CHEMISTRY SU&IECT:LOW FLAME SPREAD SPRAY FOAM SYSTEM coRo-FoAM G-3q' The G-300. system is manufactured on a formula that produces spray foam having a flame spread of 25 or leis as tested by ASTM E-84. , The, syscem has been tested for flame spread at 1% inches and 3 inches over steel, cemenr- asbestos board and wood. G-300 has applicaiion properries and physical properties very similar to conventional spray foams. A green color has been incorporared in the "B" Component which imparts a distinctive green color to the spr-ayed foam, This coloration affords a rireans of determining that the foam is properly mixed and that ratio of components is correct. If the spray foam c-hanges color or aPPeTs streaked, the operator should chick immediately because ihi. indi."t.s imiroper mix or rauo. .. ESSENTIAL DATA "A" Component "B" Component Ratio Foam Initiation Time Through Spray Equipment Final Rise Time I acK rree I lme Core Density pcf Viscosity "A" Component 78oF. Viscosity "8" Component 78oF. oNiCA 977C-247 9774-300 50/50 by volume. This gives a weight ratio of 47 parts "A"/53 parts "B". 4 sec. 17 sec. 17 sec. 1.8-1.9 150-250 cps. 1200-1600 cps. iiiifril-JrrttrrL Feb. 23, 1971 Pagelof3Pages o C.onprcsiw Strcngth, pi lW Deflection K-factor -- Initid Closcd Ccll Contcat % Adhcsive Strength, psi Shcar Snength, psi Tcnsilc Sacngth, p'si Moisftra Vapor Trrnsmission Weter Abrmption 1lbe./n. ft'. cut surfacc immcrscd 48 hr. under 8 ft. heed) Dirncnriond Stability Volumc Chengc -200F. +160oF. Dry +200oF. Dr,' +250oF. Dry +1000F. & 100% RH +1580F. & 10@ RH 24 hours 7 deys 7 d"yt 7 d.fo 7 days 7 days 28.4 S. E. chrn o.3'-{1.6" 25 or hss Orrcr 500 0 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF G.3OO FOAIT,I t7 0.11 97 31 2l 39 2-3 pcrms 0.056 -o.3% +0.9% +2.4% +fi.ryo +r.6% +tL.3% APPLTCATION DIRECTIONS Proper pcrformance of the foam system and attainment of optimum firc propertics are &pcndeit uf on carefully follo'vlng application instructions. E-L tt t .t.tlssl'. a.)r, L, , I t ' Pagc 2 of 3 Pages . CIrESQUII|RE PI.ASTfC TIISTfN(}, rsc. 239OO HARPER AVENUE sT. cLAtR SHORES. MtCH. aOOSo TELEPITONE r3l3t 77t-rt22 Report Date: May 19, 19?2 Test Date: Ir{arch 2B-May 12, 1972 Report #7203-249 Perforrned for: Fiberglassics Inc. 1l0l West Dartnrouth Denver, Colorado 80110 Attention: Mr. L. Wavne Snider PURPOSE OF TEST: Perform testing to ANSI Z 124.1 to determine compliance of FRP tub unit to meet FHA requirements. DESCRIPTION OF UNIT: The unit for test u'as FRP tub with waII surround, manufactured glassics Inc. Overall dimensions 36" x 60t' x ?6". WORK PER FORMED: by Fiber- A. Workmanship and Finish l. Preparation - The unit rvas installed in a wood framed .test buck according ,., -i11',;lacrurers installation in- structions. The installai..o:i sinrulated condition of a permanent installation secu:'ed at each end. The unr' '"vas ,.vashed \..,rlh n :tandard liquid detergent and u'at, r solution, r'insed r..:th clear tap water and dried. 2. Suriace 'est - Tl)e surface oi the trnit u.as prepared for inspecl i(, r a-c spccified. The surfa, c .,\'as rletern" irrecl i,' '. r,ual in,spection tc) l)e free of c rrr, ks, blisters, chips a;.,.:, .surface porositr'. Several nrrri l dr:fects anrl prhl',,'r's ,ere detected. -ftre:,-' in',perfectrt); s \\'ere rvrttrin tlre spc..',: 'ation allowable de',' :ts. (irrrr|Q,tltta||tt I,LAFlTtc Tllljft NGlr tNc. Drain Fitting - WORK PERFORMED: (cont. ) 3. Sub-surface test -- Two areas each approxirnately 4 inches x 4 inches were conditioned for sub-surface inspection as specified. The areas were inspected visually. There were no visible voids below the surface of the gel-coat det- ected on the two areas inspected. Structural Integrity of the Complete Unit 1. Preparation - All the load testslf,'ere performed on complete full size units installed in the test buck and in accordance rvith the manufacturers instructions. ' A 50 pound load was applied to the drain Report Date: May 19, 19?2 Test Date: March 28-May 12, 1972 #7203-249 Page 2 .045" .001" 10 pounds u'as applied I)efl ect ions under ap- B. t fitting'connection by means of a 2 ft. Iever arrn extend- ing horizontally. Load was applied in three radical pos- itions, tu'o of which were l80p apart. Inspection of the floor surface after loads revealed no visible cracks. 3. Load on Rim and Bottom - Load of 300 pounds was ap- plied in accordance with the test rnethod on center of the bottonr and deflections measured. Load of 300 pounds was also applied in end of the bottom of the tub, at mid-point of the rim and near end of the rim to check for c rackina. Deflection measured u-ith 300# load Residual Det'lectron less than Load on Unsupported Area - Load of in accorclarrce rvith the test nrethod. plied loads u ere measured. Irliddle lrar:k 3" lrelow rim Bac!: - 8l/2" from right en<l - 1" below rim Back - 12 Ll2" from left end - 3" belorv rim End - Nl iLldlt: - betn'een rinr and l)ottom . o21t' .027" .0?4" . 015" GIIDTQUT EII|B Pl./\!{TlC Tt(r.fr NG, tN(:. WORK PERFORMED: (cont. ) . Area Impact - Impact loads of 10 pounds was applied in 'accordance with the test method.' Inspection of each area revealed no cracks in the gel- coat. Point Impact - 712 pound irnpact load applied in accord- ance with the test method. Frorn 36" height one location on the rirn and two locations on the bottom. From 24" height one on riJr, corner and two on bottom (one in corner). ftpection revealed no visible cracks in the gel-coat. C. Physical Characteristics t. Water Resistance - Four specimens were prepared for this test. One specimen was selected for a control sam- ple. The other three were installed on ports on the stain- less steel boiling water apparatus. 100 hour test was con- dueted in accordance with the test method. The specimens were rated for blister, color changes, change in fiber prominence, crack and loss of visible gloss rvith the following rating based on average of three observers: Report Date: 'May 19, l9?2 Test Date: March 28-May 12, #7203-249 Page 3 t972 5. 6. o. Specimen I Specimen 2 Specimen 3 Average all specinrens all r,trs€r'!'cFS I\'laximum average change for an3' one specimen - anv ()ne defect r,r.as 4 2ls 4 Ll3 4 Ll3 4.41 3 2. Water Absorption - Specimens were removed fronr the front, back and end of the tub L.relotv the rim. Samples u.ere machined to 1/3" thickness. Con<.litioning and tests were perforrned in accordance u'ith the test method. o o|IEeQUlauE PL/|HTIC TE$n NCl, | !y(-.. WORK PERFORMED:(cont. ) Test results deterrnined that the specirnens following percent of water in 24 hours. Specimen I Spe cirnen 2 Specimen 3 Report Date: May 19, l9?2 Test Date: March 28-May 12, 19?l #7203-249 Page 4 absorbed the 'l81o .17% . r5T, Color Fastness - Specimens lvere removed from the front, rqar, end and bottom of the tub below the rim. One sample was retained as a control sample. The other three were tested in aceordance with the test method. The specimens showed no appreciable change in color or surface texture. Stain Resistance - Specimens were r€moved from the end, rear and bottorn of the tub belorv the rim. Staining tests were performed in accordance with the test method. The ten reagents rl.ere applied for the specified time period. The specimens were subjected to cleansing tests.. The stain resistance rating, sum of all individual stain ratings, both covered and uncovered, totaled 50. Cleanability and Wear - Specinrens were obtained as spec- ified and subjected to test method required. The thqee test specimens passed the u.ear requirements of this test. (Gel coats not worn through after 10,000 scrub cycle s). The average loss of white lrght reflectance after standard dirt application and cleaning with liquid detergent was 1.5%. Further cleaning with the abrasive slurry was not necessary. RESULTS: The tub submitte(l bv Fiherglassics Inc. nret the acceptance criterion in every phase of perforn:arice requiren.ents specili e<l ix' -ANSI Z l':4.1, GIIIiSQUIERIi PI.-\S'fl(l'f iiSTIN(], Ir\.C. 3. 4. 5. jdg/mg E. F I BERGLASSICS INC. TlOI V. DARTilTOL'TH AVE, DENYER, COLORADO 8OT IO DETALT T{AI.I{G FLAilG€ $ \ N.\ t\ *. flct oFFP/x/r6rocffo.'ncr Fpllt/ilo alfil'lot/s r I.l T l+-i+-- 5t ,--...- .-lf '*" ''(6?o'^ W-.onN\*r> 5//0w lilclPc/fs Flcl0FfPtil/lr'6 ro e 0f aanar FIBDNGf,lSSICS IIOI V. DANTIt'TOATH DENVER, COLORADO 80tto AVE, (Fiberglass Reinforced Plagtic) BATHTUB COMBINATION rNc. SPECIFICATIONS FOR FRP SHOITER A}ID GLASS CONTENT:All units are manufactured with a minimun of 33-1,/3t to 35t fiberglasscontent appJ.ied in a multipte laninated process for maximum strength and controlled thickness. RESIN: Polyester Resin laminated fiberglass giving a flextural strength ex-ceeding 27,L5O psi € 1/8' thicknees with 30t glass laminate. REINFORCTNG:All units will be reinforced. with a ninimum of 1" ( + or - L/8" ) selfextinguishing rigid urethane foann in accordance with AsTl,t-method D 1692 with an insullation K factor of .I3. BOTTOI,i: The botton of all units will be reinforced with fiberglass ribs anda rigid urethane foan back-up. TENSILE STRENGTH:l,/S" thicknesg with 30t Gl"ass Laminate - rninimun of L2,000 psi. GEL COAT FINISH: The gel coat finish will be of bathroom quality containing isophtalicresins sprayed to finish dry with a minimurn rnil thickness of 15 to 20 and a cured barcal hhrdness rating of 20-85. F I BENGI/SSICS TNC. IIOI V. DARTil{OATH AI/E. DENrER, COLORADO totro RECOIIIIENDED INSTAI,IATION INSTRUCTIONS The five steps listed below should be followed to insure proPer installation in the nininum amount of time. 1. To install drain, apply putty to the lnside lip of the drain. After inserting the drain in the hole, put the rubber gasket and slip wagher over the threaded portion of the drain. Screer on the slip nut and tighten with a large pipe wrench. The riser from the "Pr tra8 should come to the floor level or sli ghfly above - rt is i rnnortant that thp "pn trao be riqidlv suDfrorted dLrect1y beneath the ri ser so that thera i s nn movement up or dolrtn. sl where the unit will be installed. Anv wood evel Eeat. If a forrn ldaa ua riser on a sl foundation,€FfiEElTround the form ghould be inepected for a ridge or hunp next to the form. Any irregularity should be chipped away. To insure a solidfloor at all timeg it is recomended that this unit be set in a wet mixof sand and mortar, a layer of clean Eand could also be used, this will eliminate any irregularities between the bottom of the unit and the floor. 3. After setting the unit in ttre recess, plurnb the walls with the Etudsat the door opening. Startlng at the bottom of the stall, nail throughthe flanges into the etuds. Nails should be spaced approximately 12"apart. If cortplete contact with the studs is desired, this can be accomplished by using 1' x 4" cleat stock and nailed to the studs and pushed out far enough to make firm contact. 4. Pour the caulk joint in-the drain, being.,sure the drain is forced down as far as possible on the riser. 5. Holes for shower head and valves must be located and dritled at job sice to correEpond with structural plunbing. 2. (nott,EFooroE.<aozF.u-lr.JJzaFlrlJlrj..;:iEtrii- 6->air! !H uu t 5 a Ittt'-: iFJoii dl.5t6!l'-:9 :r'FI;r8Irx6JJif,l 46 ,,O ;O | 'XVttl e/ -,8 'NtW.,I utvl.s Jo lH9ltH =l.olzlFl<t FlJl olo'ldrlFI<l!.- dheu trlUJIFl.Jrlll-r3Ellil"J|># EV!l 44-t =lolI rl-lxlFlr l1lxlcltl ZltalolEl r-t >li\iolYtol (/)l Fl I lrrlo-tcl<l(,I d<lrr'lJr (!l al FlEl olr, lFl6t JJl q<I FIFt q url uJlol zl'zl ol()l 0o t I t3.'e9:i13'6ot:lclol5t1l-lolol 'lolEI<tl-l oltrll url;l El sii "9 :dl'c i;E F lt: a .i o!3; U)lrJE.U.Jaoo@o ir.lJFz. O tCIitgd!rt:t =. E. F(n J g o_a tti.ot ror.ot tot E 'Got oo !>a6[- ti 3 t o 3 9 o ?_: air tr. 3 LtJ E. .FzloloFlo<lo >l =-l ,to-rl atJl I z aJ(t. (r Faz () EF LrlJ(D U) Ldl>r trl'Elu- =lolzr Fl <l r-l rlsl FI<l J J it !da ot,E b5 je :i ott(J'. ( i"gc; F; T'-iiirii5ncov. 1ii: .Ei33 i5 ti 5ll:" i Jt 9/ V o a FI :l El 2l <lJl o-l (9;o;J3 )<() Pa $ cl\s ! J ! Oc) =,c> ,:-) i*'-c-e 2::OC) a =.o- U'Iol flt trl:lzt 6la\l ol _t | |FI EI<tal>t5lullol ilt"l.I r-lTI (9l EI s i a-" 9rEj!;;:; :l c5o:-: r ii l-sEl!-(, III\l '1. I Ii" r5 ls 5:.2gi:t-.rcQc.,4laoo la8-'95d1i:r5l*'t3:q!ii:>lFlStFI FI<t otJltal trltFllq (/}ld6lfl'lyBl 1I4 0lsl Jl .. I lrjlq-ziJ<t JJl <lal -1 ,lNgii i-,8:lt3'.i W:, BtrEo!t rfo,o STat- Ei \!i siah!l TIil zlol Fl(Jl lrJI6l :A .- t; J trl bE Ig63 -ra It N6 =Eo F o. F oG lrl Go(, ElllF2utC' ; io ?: 9 Nlt{ldo 1-13if,t lv o F I BERGLASSICS INC. AVE. 'IO.I V. DARTMOLTH DENyER, COLORADO $.tt Io F I B E R G L A S S IN YOUR TI{ODERN BATHROOM? l. STAIN-RESISTAIiIT: Non-porous construction does not absorb water or soap ffi1ffi"foreignmatter.Acid-resistant.Soapandrdaterwi11. easily remove all common household staining. 2. CBIP-RESISTANT: Eliminates chipping or breakage during construction, @Ppingtoo1s.lloporcerainortiletorepair.Noshattering 3. . RUST-PROOF: Gel Coat finish holds beauty indefinitely. No seans forwater to collect in. 4. LEAK-PROOF: Because of the mechanically-sealed drain, the possibility offeaFinq-E virtually eliminated when properly installed. l{o seams forpotential leakE or breaks. 5. SEAI,ILESS CONSTRUCTION: No - mildew or dirt. No grout One-piece construction. 6. COLOR-PAST: Does not fade Retains beauty. 7. REDUCES INSTALLATION COSTS: One-piece construction cuts costly man-hours 8. STURDY CONSTRU9TION: Irregular pressure or stress will not crack unit., alue to settling or curing of structural menbers. 9. SAVES ON MAINTENANCE: No repair bills necessary. Trouble-free, sturdTconstruction eliminates costly, time-consuming repairs. seams, joints, cracks or crevices to collectto clean or replace. All rounded corners. out. No change in color because of aging. 10. 11. LIGTITWEIGHT: Saves on shipping costs. One man can easily install. MODERN DESIGN: Advanced design and engineering methods insure the f inr:.';t -.t----rF. -sEatIs avalIaDIe. L2. NON-CORROSfVE: Fiberqlass wilI not deteriorate or corrode. an e;"Tess Tife span. - 13. WARM TO THE TOUCH: No sweating or undue moisture collection. Has virtuall llo shockof entering h EoId shorder stall, even on coldest days. 14. EASY TO CLEAN: Wipes clean with sponge or damp cloth, using ordinary ffius-Ahotrf ,ffiergents or soap. No scouring reguired. 15. LARGE SELECTION: Choice of manv colors. -FOR DISIGI'I IITRSATILITIOIIU IASE OFAPPLIcATISN IcIrY PALISADTS STOIII Add beouty qnd distinction ot low cost with Polisodes Sione, monufoctured by Verso Tech Indusfries, Inc., Denver, Colorodo. Monuloctured in the heorf of stone country, Poli. sodes Stone hos been corefully selected ond cut to provide o nqturol look. Eose of instollotion ond versotility of texture L Ilil 8[E'tD/Eoy. 0/W & PET.2070 P.V.2. CRttM ErEr{0/Eo% qtvt t PEI.20% P.V. 5. Clt(tcotATt/t00% D/w & PET L STAIE GRrft{/80% 0/rV & PET.20% P.V. ond color combinolion moke if ideol for both new qnd remodel work. Polisodes Stone comes in the bosic colors shown below. Eoch color is ovoiloble in two textures, Petrified & Driftr,vood ond Polos Verdes. Stone con be ordered to specific blend of color ond fexture os desired. 4.8UFF/100% P.v. 3. m0wil/100% 0/w & PET 9. C0L0RA00 Rr0/80% P.v. 20%0tw &PET tttt Y Lr Jq, | | ILt-l II H Industries l, r I nrr t -r-- Phone (303) 73&2461 1035 South Huron St., oenver, Colorado 80223 6. StArE BtACr(/r00% Dlyj &PEr 7. Str0Kt/80% P.v..2070 D/W & PET 10. Rtl} ustD BRICK 1t. A008E.SIUMP ST(lilE 5. o fxrsTrir6 9uRf^ct TCTAL LATH (EXPANOEO) TORTAR SEII'I'{6 6ED PRECAST fACING ( ROCi(. lRtcr(, SLUMPSTONE I GROUT AFIER INSTALLAIION SETT]NG VENEER A tight scrofch coot opproximolely Yz" sholl be opplied lo force cement through oll openings in the metol loth, followed immediotely with on od- ditionol flool coot of opproximotely Yz" in which the slone sholl be opplied. The pieces of Polisodes Stone sholl be opplied, storfing ot the top ond corners of o ponel or section of woll, ond working the Polisodes Stone into ihe setfing bed sufficiently lo force the mortor out slightly ot the edges. The lorger pieces sholl be corefully spotted ot rondom for design ond color ond the smoller pieces ploced between to cover lhe woll with o hormonious rubble sfone potlern of Polisodes Stone. After Polisodes Stone hos been ploced on the su#oce, fhe ioinfs will be filled with the use of o groul bog. The some mix proportion will be used for ioints os is used for scrotch coot op- plicotion. After [oints hove become f irm to the touch they will be roked out with o blunt instru- menf ond brushed cleon. 7655 WEST A, SStSStPPT AVENUE tosT oFFtcE AoX 26227 IATEWOOD, COTOTAOO 80226 TEIEPHONE: J 86.15 55 JAI{ES W. PINKARD GEIIEIAL TAIIAGER Septeober 7, L972 Hr. l. J. Koyaoatsu Cblef Plan Cheek Eogl.neer IoternatioDal Conference of Bulldlog Offlctale 5360 Soutb Worknao U111 Road Ithlttler, Callfornla 90601 Re: I.C.8.O. Plan Check llunber 8741 Eollday.Eouee Condolnium, Vall, Colorado Dear llr. Koyaoatsu: Eoclosed pleaee flnd the structural deslgn calculatlonE for the subJect proJect as requested in your letter dated Augtrst 29, L972. Pleaae feel free to cootact ug directly tf you flnd your- self La need of auy further lnfotnatlon. Ttrank you for your tlne and attenttoo. Very truly yours, PINKARD CONSTRUCTION co. Q^c Bruce A. Reed ProJect Manager BAR3tp Enclosure cc:!lrs. Dlana Toughlll, Bulldlng Depertuentr Vall, Coloradoy' *rb oYs -C Zno, o ?o QuoB Gommencial E Industnial Building PRE55S5ED. lEor.PEcos fer . 't . HutDAy ffaa t{ coNcRE?E OF CC|.ORADIrNe oENVER. COLORAOO AO22r la Of*E 433.6301 "t/ /rvtFrtt-t Aerl ',/2l---.1- ?t ci{ ECKED eY J DA re -. sh a i'r .---Q = ,&a6E/nt gb?.t- ultl.eluf_:li. :_/tt/ru. E,l-lJtiY ( t=I'-FEE J'tt \tT I 2 a'4 < .6 o,t'I Trl.l s G FL'( F!:) Rr TA.lr)'.r '4)'l 5,rT FT A{tq_ - l l5ll. C0 C. (i(l /.r:3i. aS Cr f I - 5? ). :ii r. c(i - 5z5r -ial l:. CL1 - r.'. c( c. (,(l . LJAET{G6r'JllTIl.l I:----------- .. Dl-sR-4CF4NTS. r JIIIT, Dr sF-AcErNTI l.ztts?' .' 2 . Oo0ooo RITAlll{ . - Cr 02605. & 02?5? Cr 0060? o.0te19 - G 06253 -G OOt 9 '',''3.; 4" &00000.5 & 16?5? 6 GOOOOO . JII{T F'EACTI:I\IS CI!0-uDl{G AFR-IEt .rll{T LIAEgJ]I.IT FfI?CE .,I]\4NT A(IA.t -Goo -cl.co 6002 t5635 .-oCO Q.oOc. .. irrJ. \)r, I - trf l.rv L5 Lrl!,3 G00 &oo oooa 253.22 0 0o cL oo: 5 SOO -eOO Cb006 SJ. 43 -O 00 0. c0 : SEtrtElT Nt-F]FCiS SFC.'E.IT .S{F'.F LT .I]!iE.J] LT S{FAF F'II -t].CO -frtll', 4j.CO ? t(8, 35 t 1:i). cr, !3 55 l 3 - 23. ri5 - tL3,..4, I z-i. /:5 a l(9. q? 55)-). 3:: - z:,. 5?5 aa2. 57 5.S. lli :'Ii . ,.--: :' . {aDtl't-q ,F B-A-cUClTf .4CO .-SEgtNT LB|GH ""o, ""355ttJi? ., t ,4al/oA y 4ouro' S?YjJ T"t""t.t",:"4: I ".l H :' " 3 3.6 3 o r ,, /'7 oo,. w /ota /U ftas CHECKEO BY _-OATE-SH EEI -OF b,l. = l= .3t/ /o ltr 4ifr p tcr = ,ol ECF -- . fl .eCF nt (arr -@ /H/tr /cta %t lAtneuqz @ dF\pe+r- qur) a hlr h*o t3.ojk ,//: 70,:^-e- B a/- /6!a' tzt o" 2t?4 f :6' j,tt QL7. y'e6. n/rn Jo?.7 -t2.3 4/2*f E 61ou 337 r JbrtT lllon. //eY Por. a- tlCLol ..---_:\ qt,'lt ftu:te-, mP Aaf ,rh,". ot(Z.oi - /2ot (/E/4:'."t,?1 il tl ?? / 2? t2 ,3 ,( '22 ?,/ ? f! €. Bot 3s 8: 53; 77t lJ= A,€t I I I't- It-< l. It, c v 3e4 tD.t. .o4 -/,1' ,ttl Pos. rlon / 2C.2 Jl5 )oq.5 J6.2. s a^7. Pu. fl. yzc.7 44./ 3(7.t 7or + //8 3ct /7/ +3qe - /{o 7< w 13?/ +?7 1a3\ +//ic-s6 r./67{.s I t' Septcobcr ,, 1972 Mr. Brucs Recd Pl n'kard Constr.uctton ComPanY .7655 He rt M l ss l sr.l pp f Aven ucP. 0. Box 26227 Drnver, Colorado 80226 Drar Erucc: Wlth rcepcct to the bllltng you r€colved from Voll Water ond Scn I tat lon D I ctr I ct for the wefer nofsr chor I ng sn crreor3 chrrgc, p.lease dlsregard unfl I cuch tlne the nctor lr dcl lvcrcd to Your glie. Ilr havc had dlff lculty ftexptalnlngrr to the computor that tap frce and charger for rater mcters are not duc rhen thoy are bl lled. l{hen you hcve rccelved thc ncfor, please pay the $617.00 ond dcduct any servlce eharges rhlch the computar has addcd. lf you havc any pnoblems rll I get lt rtralghtcncd Youft-truly, TOI{N OF VA I L 0l ona S. Tough I I I Bul ldl ng Bcprrtment I,t. ,+,It on thls, pleacc let me knor and I out wlih the accountlng deparfmont. dt r@(w JAMES W, PINKAiI-J ,: € \J:i! L V A IJA3 EF I ELgPilctJE 96t)-455) ? uhe\^d CorrrttHcfior.- T0 Bulldtng Departrent - Town of Vail MlSSlSSlppi AVTNUE pOSI OFFICE BOX 25227 DEf'i vER cotcRADo 80226 DATE Septenber L, L972 7655 .,Vt5r P. O. Bus I00 ValI, Colorado ATTENTICN: Diana ToughlJ.l REFEREI{CE: suRjECT: weter rDeter WE ARE TRANSMITTING T'TIE FOLIOI.IITIG: No. of Cor i es ( ()ttr. dated ) Ilrasins No -_ Descrlptlon Prepared By I Aue. 31. 1972 I{ater BLlltqg fail l{ater & Sanit. 1 Aug. 9, 1972 Letter e plalning why water neter btlllng should not be patd by onner at thls tlne.llokard CoDst. Co. lst. O ES APPROVED ()ron Qrt rOR()ron ()FOR YOUR APPROI'AL YOUR RECORDS YOUR FURTHER ACIION CORRECTION AND RESUBUITTAL BY ( ( ( ( ) FOR YOIR PROPOSAL ) FOR YOUR PROPOSAL ON RETTISTONS ) PER YOIJR REQUEST Please return_Approrred or corrected prlnts of each Please return Prlnts for Flnal Approrr Flleg and water Meter has NOT been lled to ect . Bruce A. Reed, ProJ ect Maaager \ :*- t**** r*n,n.r*lnr.LtrTTfr OF TRANSMOTTAL the following items: i-J Samples ! Specifications TO P. O. Box 643 vAlL @LORAm 81657 v',ll 476.5072 lhnvcr 2tlt$1521 Plnkard Congtructlon Co. 7655 West MJ-ssisslppl Avenue -- Vall, Colorado 81657 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU EkAttached i- fJ Shop drawings [] Prints D Copy of letter D Change order Under separate cover fl Plans vta LI coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I Inepgc1le! &gports - llollda1-I3q-at V-ail August 7 - Auguat 30, 1972 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED D For aPProval ElrFor your use fl As requested D For review and comment O FOR BIDS OUE as checked below: D Approved f- Approved L-.J Returned as submitted as noted tor corrections 1i Resubmit-copies for approval t , Submit -cooies for distribution i .r Return - corrected prints ! -I9_-:J PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS CoFtan of rhe raetrlrr of eoncrete leEtg- stlll- have pot been fufnlEhed to arrr aff'lr.e for rerrlpl ^enrl f{las. COPY TO SIGNED: l, ancloauraa ata not t3 not.d, kindly notity Kenoeth E. Rlchards tlr t!- ri rlbahi. LF h .--lr. tatttF'.- RICHARDS ET{GINEERS, INC. Poet Offlce Box 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 @NCRETI. }IASONNS A}TD REINFORCING STEEL REPORT For: Concrete Placeocot Dete TtDc ltcather Locat 1on 8luop Gyllndcrr 1,.r4(3:70 Ir/y2.so'Jt 65a cF paay' 4rx afi)Nl,/O 7o/ cctalql 7 Eo </,/.'rl.,a*) \),,t4 1//*/1 7t c tE -9./ |+? ?h 3:l{E.+ST t*'4 t-c f,a'c,t,.- -raCV 7 n o< e F F(.t 1. n.* t,t .^ rt flt),r e 7 /v lLaonry Inrpectlon Drt.Tlr.tfeathcr Location Bcnrrkr lrlnforclar 8tee1 Drte tLD Locatlon trcrerkg a 4o47 /6-. Ja 2.k /.t /:q{,t L,1-.g ?: /{//a. / ldrt ltaT ouCL l,vrl .r u t t tr |r I ul t'tt I t";dJ ti'-t Btt sfqvo' ,^2>e*a p -r/a/eJ )f *ac ,( E,,aa ll -tr *ntL ' Ol, q ,e-,.t t ^)I h".lLe /'t2ao\'9 lef ttfrputl p.ssit7, &>a// "3.^t t ulerttlll lo r_c tc&t: ..jr (. Concrsta Placenent RICAARDS ENCINEERS, tNC. Post Offlce Eor 643 Vall , Colorado 8L657 476-5072 rhr*. @NCRETE. I.IASONRY A}ID REINFOBCING STEEL R8PO8T ,o', ito/V^ S. 1" u t e - DrtG TtEg Scetbsr Location 8lunp Gyllndctr llrronry InsDectlon Drts Itr Wc.thGr Locatloo Beurl,r Bolnforchr Stccl Drtr llD Locatlon RenarksQtAat ,crlo, 'c./frr\ lf,c nPultl, 4uocl / /:to /t - // 6-t z r)/s, re. /,'o,.,7 r usillc,ud ltll6antecl thczl +*7 #t lc..t.7o 7,-.q 3:3a S E uta, // + s€r lla tuu*'J' Eu/- Uc7 ceq.<, 4o O. k- t) toe tl. -< /,r&- / tvt e /o ra lo stc, F.?. t 4/ tai/ f2al9 gaaa 4t"- n Itlclr S.Ewolt + sa., Eu1 ,k/a tel f{. cc,/oar./P tPU n?, R-tt t &tz ')lo, lJe, J1 ", !u.t/ t -!t,tv to'- / ll /-tz-,o.tfuut Slgnature of lorPector RrcltARDs ENGrt{EERs, rNc. Poet Offlce Bor 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 COIICRETE. I.{ASONRY A}ID REINTORCING STEEL REPORT lor: @Dcrete Plscefi€ot Drte Tt^Ee tlcrther Locatlon Slunp Cyllndcrr lleeonrv lseoectlon D.t€Tllc llcather Locatlon lclerke lrlulorctnr Stccl ,J. RICNARDS Post Vatl , ENGINBEBS, INC. Offlce Bor 643 Colorado 81657 476-5072 ';'Jrfh ,I ;l I 1 I @NCRETE. IIASONRY Nlp REINToRCINC STEEX. REDORq For: Co[ctcte Placeognt Iletc Ttt!.Wa!thGr Locatlon Slwp Ctltodct. u, 4q1 4r-*4za ,Q;V9:=: :, . {:i *{",'} M *'' 7.'/'7 ?t-22 2.'Oa E:l'/-{' ,l 7: tf ...zcJ'efu 47 7,'sr //.? t-,zJ ?:oa do*,lc -7;;;:7a -'rc;).irf,'. ,.eo( a u L ua // ,'^'t,-.t;'t ('-.+t<-a-P oteaK <: t *7/ UO! : 'zfr - H, (,,un& r'hari,'./n.-arf .1a. W e ,Jt,/.o y z{,',"r'1f -S{ ery"4, lfuoorr Isrpcctton iot 21za4. Aq/s- {o, o tf ala 1' L,re<t ,L r.o ' /7 lc7,/' Zr's 'rQ"/J Qaa "t-a gag ,(,' /oq lelnlorclar Sccrl Dat tt'l Locetlon R.r.rl,f ct4. t fte ,/tl ktf I l:4r t; ,;l ,l j/;r ruttT tt4/ t(' -gr,,at ns . Elt-tuj1l7 r/),r4tt/"5' 0 .uz- ?^- p l: tr 5.tte-f t$otQ atXl dn 7 '9<'(), 'a( - 4ulA t: lf A -74 6/. /<. ,j \ BICNARDS PoBt Va1l, ENCINBERS, INC. Offlce Eox 643 Colorado E1657 476-5072 Coocrete Pleccleot DItC T!.De flcetbcr Locatlon Slntlp Gyllodcrr Ur.oorv lsepectlm Rclnforcing Stccl Drts TIDG Locetlon lsrerlrt S/.t- 14,t ll,1tlt 'th Ot -tf l.vr,7s;*t; i .r.f-tavs fizf t2v,", €Ai-!:!4 6*r-- j. t&rrt^ rfa 6. Jucr ,1 .+ t-.sl -ri;,-tjr<'. n' 0 pt *tC- t- 7pal -rltrt A,2 -.it-:l o T-zt q:tu ll t/Ar"l . ?',e?ie/ oP t)Latl tttl Ao t.bAJI.' .l ? ak, 'tuV '-rt C,.laet 4tRt&r' Iaepector RICHARDS ENGINBERg, INC. Poet Offlcc Eor 643 Vsll, Colorado 81657 476-5072 CII{CRETE. I.IASONRY AI{D REIXFORCING STEEL NBPORI t !t Itor: fta /' dInV Coocretc Plrccorot DrtC ItD llcathcr Locatlon Sltry Cyllndcre fus 1.7oaa Xzta+Lt/t/m./?/zz" 1.6 {Fno* 2'1 ,/ zc tr .i/,,,rmrt J 63"/ >hl*r / o"t 4/*'/ ful*t 475fl 3"/fue.j /4a Fzor" /ne2't,z/z' 3&" Drt llr lf.rtbcr Locatlotr Icrf,r . a.:, lrlnforclar Sccl \i.-RlCHARDS PoBt Vatl , lor: Brisforcl,ar Stccl t y'r<"ras/ ci.r"s --aENGTNEERS, rNC. Offl.ce Bor 643 Colorado 81657 476-5072 f -(^cfi"r Conc!6ta Placcoeat IletG Tr.u€tfcather Locatlon Sluup Cy1trd.8. U.roffiv Inrocc t lon D!tc TlEr lleather Locatlon Berarke /sf 1/.4ey'eLa''cJ .' J. - oue"y/l A.,k. Grcuf,4 International Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 August 29, 1972 OFFICERS PRE9IDENT PERRY C. TYREE REG IONAL BU II.D ING OFFICIAL COLORADO SFF]NGS, COLORADO FIFIST VICE-PRESIOENT EUGENE B. FESTER SUFERIN'TENDENT, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING ANO SAFETY POMONA, CAI-IFORN IA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU ILDI NG INSPECTOR YAKIMA, WASH INGION TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENI OF BU ILDING VERNON, CALIFORN IA JUN IOR PASI PRESIDENT TED E. OUKE BU ILO ING OFFICIAL BILLINGS MON'TANA EXECU'TIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 S, WORKMAN MII.L RD. WH ITTIER CAI- FORN IA MANAGING DIRECIOR JAMES E. BIHR 5360 S. WORXMAN MILL RO. WH ITTIER. CALIFORN IA DIRECT<)RS GAYLORD C. DOWO DIRECTOFI OF IN9PECIIONS KALAMAZOO, M ICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON D I FECfOR DEPARTMENA OF INSPECTIONS M INNEAPOLIs, M INNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF AU ILDING INSPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, WASH INGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR MOUNIAIN VIEW, CALIFORN IA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARD, CA!IFORN IA JACK D. r,vHITE EU II-DING COOE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY, M ISSOUR I VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENOENT OF BUILDTNG VERNON, CALI FORN IA DICK T. JORDAN D IR ECTOR BU ILD IN G OEPARTMENT AU9TIN,'TEXAs RAY J. NOKES BIJILOING OFFICIAL COUNfY OF SANTA BARBAFA SANTA BARBARA. CAL!FORN tA Plan Check No. 8741 Iloliday House T own of Vail Building Department Post Office Box 100 Vail., Colorado 81,657 Gent lemen: Thls ls to acknowledge recelpt of data on August 28for che above project which will be reviewed and our comments for'warded to you as soon as possible. How-ever, Lo properly review plans we wf11 need cal-cula-tions that justify the structural system in supportingvertical 1oads, and resisting wind and/ or seismic loads and the soil report. May we thank you for your inEerest in our services. Yours very truly, IMERNAT IONAL CONFERENCE TJK: hb cc! Plnkard Construction Company 1213) 699-0541 oFFtcEa ot tltE EXECUttVE OtRECTOR T. H. CARTER UANAqINC OIFECTOR JAMEB E. BI},IR TECHNIC L OIRECTAR D. R, WATSON BUILDING OFFICIALS ama t su Plan Check Englneer o Auguet 25, 1972 'a Mr. T. .J . KoyanatsuIntrrnatlonal Conforoncc of Bul ldlng Of f lclals !360 Eouth Workncn Ml | | Roadtthlitlcr, Cal lfornla 9060 Dcrr Hr. Koyanatsu: Enclored lr a copy of a lefter fron Plnkard Conrtructlon Company requestlng o!r orslgtanca In oxpodlflng tho plan chcck lor the Holldoy House In Val l. Due to a mlsunderstandlng the orchltect fal lod to rcodIn thc flnol uorklng drailngs for plan check. Thr but ldlng lr nor undcr conrtructlon under tho arsumptlonthat'a plcn check rcr In fhe pro€oss of balng done. o l{e rl I I 'apprrclate chcc|. .Thank you I t:r. Yourt t1uly, { .'I:. iol{N:.oF vA I L Tough I I I Drpa rtneni cc ! P[nkard your efforte to expcd I te th I s p I cn n advence for your cooporctlon. Df ana S. &ul ldlag dt ":; Constructlon Company ot?ir^h^\A . 76ss W ESI l,llSSlSSlPPt AvENUE POST OF CE gOX 26227 TAKEWOOD, COIOTADO 80226 TE!EPHONE:986-,4555 JAIIES W, PINKARD GEXERAL TA AGER August 24, L972 ilrs. Dlana S. Toughill VaiL Bulldlng Departnent P. O. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: ItoJ.lday House Condominlum Vall, Colorado Dear Dlana: Accornpanylng thls letter, pl-ease flnd one complete set of Contract Documents for the llollday Houee proJect. The Bet of doctnnents includes Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, and Electrlcal Drawings and Speclflcatlons, Addendae numbered L, 2, 4 and 5, and Archltectts letter dated August 7, L972. Ttrls cornplete set of drawings and speciflcatlons ls being suppl-ied to your offlce for your submittal to the I.C.B.O. office in Callfornl-a. Apparently there was a misunderetanding between the Project Archltect and the Vatl Butlding Department. Ihe ProJect Archl"tect was of the opinlon that the Vatl- Building Departrnent wouLd subnlt one of the pernlt sets of drawlngs to I.C.8.0. for revler". Due to the fact that the aforementLoned mlsunderstandlng hae taken place, we ask that you forward the drawings and speciflcatlons to the I.C.8.0. offlce along lrith a Vall Buildlng Department letter asklng for thelr prompt attentlon to the revierr of these documents. We hope that such a letter would have sone slgnificant effect on the speed wlth whlch they proceas the checklng. Please let us know lf there is anythlng further rre can do to be of assLstance 1n this matter. Thank you for your tftne and attentlon. Very truly yours, ?INKARDk* Prolect Manager ccr Joseph E. MacMl1lan, Archltect . Commencial 8. Industnial Building elrAra<3-*st -.u-I3. 7655 WESr r tsstsstP?t AYEN U E ?o sr oFf tcc aox 2 6227 ProJect ![anager BAR:tp cc: llaaa $yg3at, BuLlding Departmeat, Totrn Bl.chard A. PaLan, Palan I'Iasoary, Inc. Joha Klaassen, Plnkard Constructiou Co. tA(EWOOD, COtOIAOO 80226 IEI,EPHONET t86-4555 of vaIL / JAIES W. PII'IKARD earErr|. tAf{AcEn August 18, t972 Joseph E. llacMlllan, Alchttect 1471 South Hol1y Street Deuver, Colorado 80222 Att€ntiou: tfuslnra Feldhamer, Assoclate Archltect Re: Eollday Eouse Condoroirfin Val1, Colorado Dear lhe] rla : Gonffumlag thls afternooor s telephone conversatLon, ve rdlL delete the reference to 4 hour fire rated exterior bearlng calls under tt!'ranlngtt on Sheet A-22. It is further under- stood that the materlals indlcated on the draw'lngs aod otbenrl.se described in the specificatioo on Sheet A-22 ate adequate to meet the mlnlsrn fire requirements of the towa of Val.l. frank you for your assistanee tn thls matter. Veay truly yours, PINKARD CONSI?.UCTION CO.w 6r'u.D tF 21 t97?-1 Q,,"t). Cornmencial 8.Industnial Building M 7655 WtST MtSStSStPPl DENVER, JAMES W. PINKARD GEI{ERAL I\IAt{AGER TET.EPHoNE 986-4555 TO Vatl Bulldlng Department AVTNUE . POST OFFICE SOX 26227 coLoRADO 80226 DA'E August L8, L972 Box 100 VaI1, Colorado 81657 ATTEMIO{: Diana l^Iygant REFERENCE: JOB 114ilE: HoJ.iday llouse Condorninium - Vall, Colorado SUBJEGI: Architectrs revLsions rE ARE TRANSMITTI}IG IEE FOLIOI|IIG: Arch. ( ) AS APPROTED ()roR(9 roR()Pon ()FoB RETIARKS: YOI'R APPROI'AL YOUR RECORDS YOUR TINTHER ACTION @RRECTION AND RESUB}TI,fTAL Please return__Approved or Pleage retoro--prints for YOT'R PROPOSAL YOUR IR,OPOSAL ON REI/ISIONS YOTJR REQUEST () () () () FOR FOn PER corrected prlnts Flnal Fllee of each Apprwal and Dlstrlbutlon No. of Cooles (x)Ltr. dsted( ) Ilrau{nc No-Degcrlotlon Preoared Bv I Auc, L6. L972 ELectrlcal transforner and wlndow at E-l Joseph E. Maclllllan oO ARcHITEcTS A lAJOSEPH E. MAGMILI-AN THELMA FELDHAMER - a..ocra?r -D....,- &rt*t*t 14L !*..L; ( U- [L. L;"'J 4'"'*"1'*-* 'r'"- (/a^-l ' ,JL !'&'t'L LG {L- a^-^;!'-"* 6, ry: " I47T SOUTH HOLLV STREfi OENVER. COLORAOO 80222 TTLTPHON: 303 - r3Z-e496 ri*1 . tG t t7"l L U g/,,1 €,- o EN SU IIE 315 EQIJI'AELE EUILOINB aELEFHENE 13tJ3t 222.1fl47 we caLl-ed for reinfotcerent as fofLows: #4 rebars at 24" on centex; horizontaL - center. Second fToor to roof, verticaT #4 - extra heavy Dur-O-lla7 at 16" o.c. 24" for JORG SEN AND HENDRICKS tNc. C O N S U LT I N G E N B I N E E R S o ON, Re .' HoTidag House at vai 7 Our Reference No. 7773 Mr. Kent Rose, Citg Engineer Vail , Colorado Deaz Mr. Rose: In refetence to out telephone conversation todag, we axe forwatding the foTTowing infornation to verifg out agreement for the reinforcenent requite- rent s in the reinforced hollow unit rm.sonrg wal7s. As stated on out drawings, First to second fLoor, vertisaT extra heavg Dut-O-Wal at 8" on rebats at 48" o.c.; horizontal We agreed to change the verticaL bars #4 0 48 to vertical bars #4 @ from second fToor to roof. This change wiTL rr-et the mininun requirerrEnts reinforcetrent in conformance with the 7967 ltniform BuiTdinq Code. The vetticaT #4 bars at 24" o.c. provide 0.LO4% reinforcenent which is npre than 0.O7% as reguired bg Code for mininum area of reinforcenent in ei ther ditection. The total minimum reiforcement required for both horizontaT and verticai is 0.2%. Our hozizontaT reinforcerent of extra heavg Dur-O-Wa7 at 8" o.c. is 0.072%. In addition, we have 2 - #5 rebars continuous in a bond beam supporting each f7oor. This an:punts to 0.08% horizontaT reinforcenent. Our total area of teinforcement, therefore, equaTs 0.256% which is gteater than the minimum reinforcenent of O.2%. Above the second fLoor with the Dut-O-Wa7 pTaced at 76" o.c., ouz totaf horizontaT reinforcerent egua-l.s 0.776%. This, added to the vertical- reinforce- ment, eguaTs 0.21,6% which is greatet than the minimum requiterrEnt of 0.2%. We are recorwending to the Contractor to ptoceed with this walT reinforce- rrent increasing the vertical steeT from the second fToor to the roof providingi #4's at 24" o.c. Fredrick E. Hendrickson FEH:b j cc: Joseph E. Macltillan, Architect Pinkard Cons truction Co. 73O AEVENTEENTH ETFIEET oENr/ER, cOLORAOO AO2O2 August 15, l-972 REcl^ $ ?r*'o ote'lt S vrV C O N S U LT I N G E N G IN E E R 5 COUNCIL 7655 WEST MtSStsstPPr DENVTR, JAiIES W. PINKARD GENERAL II'IANAGEn TELEPHoT{E 985-,1555 TO Vatl Bulldlng Department AVENUE . POST OFFICE BOX 26227 coLoRADO 80226 DAIE August 15, L972 _V_qqll,Qolor4do 81657 ATTENTIOI: Dlaaa Wvqant REFERENCE: JOB MUE: Ilolldav House CondomLnium - Vail, Colorado SU&IEGI: Irr-qpectlon Reports I'E ARE TRANSMITTING TIIE FOLIOIIIIG: Inc. ( ) AS APPnOTED ()ron €D ron()FoR ()FOR RE}IARKS: BY YOUR APPROIAL TOIIR RECORDS TOI'R IURTtrER ACTION q)RRBCTION AND RESUBI{ITTAL Please return_ _Approned or Please return-prlnta for YOI.|R PROPOSAL TOT'R PR,OPOSAL ON REVISIONS YOUR REQUEST () () () () FOR FOR PER corrected prlnts FlnaI of each Approval F1les and Dlstrtbutlon 6EcE/ze\,4 d 'o1s7P Q"r{t No. of, Conlee ( ()Ltr. dated ) Drawlno No-D'escrlp tLon Preoared By 1 InspectLon Reports through August 4, L972 RLchards Engineers, P BY o'&MmEa 7655 WEST rAtSStSStPPt AvENUE POST O tFtCE SOX 26227 T.AKEWOOD, COI0tADO 80226 TEIEPHONE,986-4555 JAMES W. PIiIKARD OE ERAL I{AI{AGER August 9, t972 Butldlng Departnent Torm of Vall P. O. Box 100 Vall, Colorado 81657 AttentLon: Dlana lilygant Re! Hollday House CoodomlnlunVall, Colorado Dear Dlana: After thlnktng over our converaation regarding the computerlzed btlltng of the Vall llater & Sanitatlon Dlstrlct, I have decided it nlght be a good Ldea to glve you somethlng for your records and convenience. Regarding VaLl Water & SanitatLon Distrl-ct btlllng of account number N00463 dated 7l3Ll72, ve feel that our past records indicate the $637.00 stated le the charge for the water meter. Due to the fact that the vater meter hae not yet been supplied for the llollday llous e proJect, it le our poeltloa that satd billing should not be paid by the Orroer at thls tlne. In compllance wlth our conversation, please subnlt the ltrater neter bllllog after the lnetallation or aupply of said meter. Thank you for your cooperattoD ln this matter. Very truly yours, PINIGRD CONSTRUCTION CO. ProJect Manager BAR:tP cc: Paul Balley, FulenwLder Managenent & Developtoent ConPany @Etv+j 41 rezu ofJ ru8J V" . Commenciel 8. Industnial Building t655 WCSr rAtS st sst ? P I AVENUC lAr€wooD, cotoRADo 8o226 tEtE?HONE3 986.4555?o sI of f tcE 70x 26227 J XES W. P|I{KAROStrctt|' I^1116En Arrgust 9, L972 Bul.ldlug Departmeut Torn of Val1 P. O. Box 100 Va{l, Colorado 81657 Attentlou: Dlarlalfygant Re: EolLday House Condooinlum ValI, Colorado Dear Dlana: After thlnking over our conversation regarding the cornputerlzed bi1l1ng of the Vail l.Iater & Sanltation District, I have decided it uright be a good Ldea to give you sonethlng for your records and convenience. Regarding Vall- Itrater & Sanltaiion District bl11ing of account aurrb er It00463 dated 713L172, we feel that our past records indicate the $637.00 stated is the charge for the water neter. Due to the fact tbat the sater neter has aot yet been supplied for the Holiday House project, lt is our positioo that said billing should not be paid by the Ouner at thls tfutre. Iu conpliance vith our conversatlon, please subu.it the vater ueter billing after the installatl.on or supply of saLd rneter. Ttank you for your cooperation ln thls Eatter. Very truly yours, PINKARD CONSTRUCTION CO.gtftgcd Proj ect l.Ialager BAR:tP cc: Paul Batley, Fulenwlder ltanagenent & Developnent Conpany . Commencial & lndustnial Building +" E ,\. - d-b.-i.Lla,n*r*+Gnf, FLEASE DETACH H!EE. I a ':Auguct l9728, Mr. Eruor Rccd Pl nkord Conrfruct I on CompanyP. O. .or, 76227 Ocnvor, Colorado 80226 SubJrctr Hol Idry Houla Varlance App||catIon Doar Brucrr ttc htvc decldod thot rlncc your proJcctlon Into thrrtqulrrd rrtback lr !o mlnor, wo fl it not requlrt thatyou go through the varlancc pfocrsdura. a a -,' ,* ,, tt''? RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. P. O. Box 64i! vAil- coLoRADO 81657 lrlll 47t5O72 llcnwr 2tl&1521 TO Pinkard Conatruction Co. 7655 Wegt Mleslsslppl Avenue -Denver, Cq-l-qradl - -- - Mr. Ed Struble, Buildlng Inspector Torm of Vall, P.0. Box 100, Vall, Col-orado 815 GENTLEMEN: LETTER @F TRANSNNOTT'AL the folloring itcml: 1.. i Sampl€s tr Spocific.lions WE ARE SENDING YOU ** Attached l i-t Shop drawings [.-i Prints tJ Copy ol letter n Change order Under separate cover L Plans vla l_l DESCRIPTION Inspection Reports -_Hoflagt-El g!-y411 through Au8u8t 4. coPrEs DATE NO.-t THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: :tJt For approval :ttt For your use n As requested [-- For review and comment T FOR EIDS DUE l-l Approved I I Apprcved |] Returned as submitted as noted tor corrections ,, r Resubmit-copics for aPProval L-l Submit -copi.r lor distribution I] Return-corncted Prit*3 19. .--.- fl PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS revles and our fl1es. None has been recelved ae of thls date. mcnAnDs ENGINEERS, rNc. Poet Offlce Eor 643 Vall, bolorado 81557 476-5072 COTICRETE. HASONRI AilD REINFORCINC STEIL RIAORT J/ /^ t)lor, Concrete Pleeenent DrIC lt-ug lleathcr Loc,rtlon 8hry Cyllndcn ?"".1 4: so Fo ir '-(i,f/f; ; r %'i; z f{i f * 4 F'/*5 " lt /4.t a // ,r ,/( /,' , 79</./, 7n u'rl- ?nq { rac-F n,,t"-t ^i 4.k".? (rJ /:tf Fa.)r / tl ler i-, t,r, )o ,t,- //erl/." llrlonrr lnspcctton Datc Tbc 9cather lacatloa frlrrtt lrtoforclns Stecl Drte TtD.lpcetloo -rrr.lr ,.k &oo/f,:oa faut F^rf firVt,z/A/l 6. k Aua?I :ar)A'c A-r .L-l-4 w /-r n-k 4.,-3 //:?a 'r), /:'- a B-( B-> v f?-r alx. */l rta'(z4z-;r'P) brait.lr rcr.tferc P ./ot'r{ es 7dt'e*.< .v lonelelauf3 ' 4q1 /a:Jd R'z B-c .tP,-) ,1-9 ,. /-ts O.K-i-et77 l42 1+1r u*J oJl( f z,6at, j,7f, ,ft//ocll.'// ,1d4t Ct t- Bo^lBPblcll^i?il.1' Date App I i cat ion F i.l I, Paul T. Eat1ey from the. req u i rements of Sect i on request a variance of the Vai I Zoning street set back with a small APPEA R APPEALS ed BEFORE THE AND EXAM I NE RS . rep resen t i ng , respect fu | | y 4 VaiI H. I. Co. Ordlnance in order to projeqt into the triangle of space at bal-conies of apts. lK and 2H and part of basement wall - See attached Exhibit A. and/or Section as amended and adopted by the Town of Vai I of the Un i in order to Building Codefo rm In making a deteimination on zoning, the Board considers'only hardship; need for the proposed variance; compatlbility of the propos€d variance with the surrounding area; effect on future n€nt of the area and; health, safety, and the welfare of the I of the Torn. undue deve lop- nhab itants In Bui lding code variances, the Board may consider only suitabi liiy of a lfernate materi a ls and methods of construct ion and; reasonab le in- terpretations of the provisions of the Code. The administrative offlcial may challenge any variance goes beyond the scope of the powers of the Board. ft is understood thai a fee of $25.00 payable in advance and that a .fen (10) day posting period is required prior to a public hearing on the above reeuests. granted wh ich Please llst adjoining Gulf OiI Co., 1708 S. owners so they may be notified Denver, Colorado p rope rty Bellaire, Mountain States Telephone Co., 93I 14th Street, Denver, Colorado Ti.l0rdc.4-- n -tYJ) <( -l)) \ \){ql.<'x ., iljF f'-L.) dld0,{\J J - lll() f )l =ol o.'olz,l v\ #l *':) |-,. .?r 't ',t )1.'ts. -\ L'"{t v$ )Y+J- ,' 9\X -+ t ----:-ff'J-. tr sr l..A' \-sl'' \ \YrJfr.'r, \ Srn .'r 1l \2 .r$ $ '1..' --! ,.- \ rsgs3f .rcto Y .ttt 4, . :r t< ./ 3Eo \'tti ' ' . -.-.-At- - -' tra.' ."'../ ..1. - , ... -.<a ' I =r *sr \lrf --r^ l' =,FP ,"..t"+ -..-' io'\9/ J\:t /. il j f\,- t- ;r'-l M'l[u p r,j \-3---l JAMES W- PINKARD I EN EPAL }lANAGEq TE!!FHolE 986-45 55 T0 i'lr. MlsstSStPPl DENVTR, AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 25227 coLoRADO 80226 Ed Srruble DATE JuLy 24, L972 7655 wrST Val.L Bulldilg DeparEnent ?. i). Box lCC - VaiJ-, Colorado 81657 ATTENTION; IBF,ERENCI: JOB I{AHE: __gollday liiouse - Vai1, Colorado SU&I ECT I }tortgage Requirene4ts WE ARE TRANSUITTI}IC THE FOLIO}JIIIG: No. of CoDies 6ltLtr. dated( ) Draulno No-DelerjpgloE Prepared By I July 18, 1972 Frorn Fulenwlder llanagernent and Developrent Cc regarding MaJestlc Savings requlrements ( ) AS APPROVED ()ron ()FOR 6I ron()ron BY YOUR APPRCff|AL YOUR RECORDS YOUR FURTIIER ACTION CORREqTION AND RESUB}TITTAL ) FOR YOI,R PROFoSAL ) FG YOUR PROPOSAL ON RET'ISIONS ) PER YOUR REQI'BST ( ( ( ( Pleaee return_Approrred or corrected prints Please return Prlnte for Flnal Fllea REI{ARKS:_llease provlde us with the information requested by Item of each Apprwal. and Dlstrlbution ll2 and the second half of Itern #3. If I can be of assLstance, please contact me. Thank you. oJ ect ?r,^DdMa. 7 6t5 W EST ritSStsstP?t AvENUE tosT oF cE BOX 26227 IAKEWOOD, CO lO tA DO 80226 rErcPHoNEt g ea-r ssls JAMES W. PINKARDctlt:tal rl lcti July 19, 1972 l|r. Joseph Macltl{llan, Alchltect 1471 South llolly Street Deover, Colorado 80222 Re: Eoltday llouse Coodoniolum Vall, Colorado Dear Joe: Enclosed please find four coples of the varLaoce appllcatloa forms as eupglled by the town of Val1. The forns are enclosed for your use in obtalnlng the varlance as descrLbed ln lten No. 6 of our memo dated Jnne 21, L972, tegardlng our loeeting lrlth Mr. Ed Struble of the Vail Bulldlng Departreat. It ls our oplnlon that the obtalnLng of such varlance 1les wLthLn the realn of your responslbllltles. Please inforn us i'r"nedl.ately lf such ie oot the case. Ttank you, ln advance, for your pronpt acteDtloa to thle matter. Very truly youra, PINKARD CONS1BUCTION CO. ProJect Reed Manager BAR: tP cc: Mr. Ed Struble - Vall Bulldlng Department r' l{r. Paul Batley - Fulenwider Maaagenent & Developueot Cmpany -REc% {{tar.: Q"r{Y . Commencial E. Industnaal Building ffi FULENWIDER MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CO. PRUDENNAL PLAZA BUILDTNG l05O lTlh STREET . SUITE t{O. 2s26 DEIVER, COLORADO 80202 (3031 266-3071 July 18,1972 A. lrt. Jqmes W. Pinkord ,(fX' - PINKARD CONSTRUCTION COMPANYO?' ^$. 7655 West Mississippi Avenue ty- -$$tDenverrColorodo'do2zr : .l2v't/ \\* Deor Jim: I wrote to you on June 13, odvising you of certoin requiremenis imposed by lvloiestic Sovings, before they would disburse on the Voil construction loon. In oddition to lhose requiremenls, they ore osking for the following: (l) A detoiled cost breqkdown for the improvements, together with q lisf of the moior ruppliers of moteriols ond subconhoctors ond oll subcontroctor's bids in coniunction therewith. @) A certificote of oppropriote outhority evidencing the ovoilobilify of woter, sewer ond other utilities ond evidence thot the some ore ovoiloble to the property line of thc u$iect properfy. (3) A building permit issued by the proper Building Deportment outhorizing the con- struction of the I mprovemenh, together wiih sotisfocfory evidence thot the property hos becn opproved by the Zoning Deportment. (4) A Certificoie of lnsuronce evideicing generol public liobility ond property domoge, including outomobile liobility insuronce with limifs of not less thon $300,000 with respect to one person, ond $500,000with respect io eoch occuronce ond $50r000 properfy domoge noming fhe Lender os on insurer. The Certificote sholl provide for l0 doyrwritten notice to the Lender before moteriol olternotion or con cellotion of the policies. (5) A Certificqte of lqsuronce evidencing thot fhe subcontroctors hove obtoined employerts liobility insuronce ond workments compensotion insuronce, which will be rnoinioined by ihem during the entire construction period. -conrd - MANAGERS & DEVELOPERS OF: SHOPPING CENTERS . APARTMENTS . HOTELS . RESIDENTIALS &mes W. Pinkqrd July 18,1972 2- .'.. (6) A survey upon completion of the foundqtion, showing the locotion of the fourdotion within the property lines ond thot such foundotions hove been locqted in occordonce with the plot plon furnished for the development, free ond cleor of oll eosemenis of ony kind whohoever, ond evidencing thot sqid foundqtions ore in complionce with the building code of the County of Eogle. f/) A certificote to be furnished by ihe struclurol engineer within l0 doys from lhc pouring ond forming of the footings ond foundotions, evidencing thot the fbotings qnd foundqtions were constructed occording to requirements of the soil rcport ond the foundotions design. lct ne knovr, if you hove ony problems in complionce wiih these requesh. Sincerely, "fr,l.e%1 Foul T. Eoiley / PIB:me :fih RTGSARDS E!{GIXEB8, Itrc. Poct Oftlce lor 643 Vall , Coloredo 81657 476-5072 @lrclsrB. HAsoFrY x{D@ lor: CoocrGtG Plrccneot Drtr tls tlccthcr Loertloo tlq 7',7t1,1't:i.L /ob; J ,-ckq bf,i,l,3: lo /a.r1y ftss .t o,t! e-? 4."3 ilnA r.ld F-,r Ffo t. .r.<-r D f p.oa> oLL^, ,t/a rt'A Clr , //f,&,Z:?a Fn/v lTas *,)Jlp -rer f )tt t+"*1- x lz7&3:/?7-.tli Clau/r-t A,/a, t{ {+.- , ,.'a//? ?.' l{rroarr Iarorctlon Ealolorclar 8tcc1 Drt.r1r loc.tloo flrtr fr{loT'h l/;1(fte.r. aJ -(>,,4 -..,.N lt*tn t€btt a'ta Ga<:.tnJ,;. b sfu lhC Itctct, dt4t r*oe!'?' Dil 3:0t 13IiJy to-?a East -o // \Dotgft S4ttQ-tQt?torcdlt irf*IlA ar.tsi|o frceltlot Jt4L >..,o ;i','t l.l.! I RICUAnDS ETGINEEBS, It{C. Poet Ofllcc lor 643 Vall , Colorado 81657 475-5072 colrcRarE. lrAsoMRy AND BBrNporclpc gtEtl IIFOI - A./ , t/' /,totz /'A/t da{/ Coacrcta Pleccocot Uf|6ry Iurorctlon Drtc llr llcrthrr I-cstloa trrtr lrlalorclar Scerl Ilrt Tr.n H.rtb.r Ipcrtloa 8rA Q'ltdar tiIJy /0:ll FO r,9.uft,rpr'* {bt*, - G-nJ 9aa'( e 9i//. e<eay. /iat ui// - ^ -t 1 .-'.t t o {t- t.i sc-)t e- -'/ ' t|TL'L z;od fa tF Ex ca.ua.fiot a-2)'^ -/''.lbl *,?.i) t.) J .r'1 / |l JnlY 1:lt ti,i'r st u tr flo .+ wesf ft-or gt Drt.llr lpcrtlon Er l,D L 9:3a Lh.ll a.rtauJ Oorfl, t,at*)al aTanfi 4* O rtorAr!! llforrrrlr. rm, O Port Offlcc 8or 643 Vell , Colotedo 81657 476-5072 CONCNEf,E. HASONTY AND I!I[F('8CIXC gIBl[, llt ll rc', Hr/i la v *turrc :a Concret€ Pl^accoeot DrtC Tl.u I|crth.r Locetlon llq $lldcr ril,,lc'd Fo) v Eosfw ft.*tA. ,S-rt EcJ.l*lr8 fftJc /.7o h.1 7 3 2o*ts4 Oa]d tf rql zelEt tltt t 9fel,t M,/ us 1..y'r'ar., at2er (?t/n ,ob )t,Irlr Drt.llD Locrtton .lrrt />rtA 7: V(C.l.a,u f ou *tarlL e-l . F- -...Jart c,a/4i: y'Ua, tI- - atogf* f --/ --/h o't 4brr{eo/a,.k l(Tnl.t /O:6 Beqn stols ou'! re/.rt arout/lbrA a..t d-* EltErBur. 3T.r rIcnASDs Pott Vall, !!rcu{tEnE, llrc. Offlcc tor 643 Coloredo 81657 476-5072 ,or, &/,>l,/ - . @rrcRETE. ITASONRY AND n8illotcrtG CrEl& GoErGtG Plrcenen t lbrolry lgrorctlos lrLolorclar 8to1 La>t , t4a1ilk, e |{*l}O RT.HARD' EncrNEEr', rrrc. O Port O(flcc los 643 Va11 , Colorado Ef657 476-5072 GCNCnmE. lrASoNRy AltD lttNloncllc stEE lSpotl Codctot3 Placcleo t Huoory lanpcctloo Rrlaforclnr Scccl Drt.ltB l'c.th.r lpcrcloo sfA Ctlrdc. Tt lPs 7;(f Oa"r/r Aa>fL la//- /'un / - /^ru.*.r/a &'?ir?*, Jil,.4 ?:la F-: -^4. H u,ta-// - C,,rr),*, ae.c.il ;L"A W-a lul&t.'/s il.rnen ENT N+bL -fdunJ frr,l7 ?*4 -'77qct stC - 6 Ca_ck 1'/'1q [.hz lZoo tco),'lInlv 26 ta Ltt - d. P D.tC ttr Locatlor!letr {"|*t il.t(tedls {o B.^ n, r rr'^^t/y rurttrk/Dtocts iAFc tlltlot va//zt urta-* lett ?-oti( ftt*aq I ift v.-..,,k * jro lit - 3 lu/vZ / d,'lo C,-r/ uo//., lt *. 4L',. trct/ *ebentrv.b --. .a.-- al H, t 8lgrrcur. RICHAnDS llGIlllERrE, Ilf . Port Otflcc lor 643 Val1, Colorrdo 81657 476-5072 l II t I t @NCR TE. }TASONnI AUD l,l Coocrctc Plrcoeot Drt.tt!.f.rth.r l.ocacloo tlq Ctltuac. l|eroary Inepectloo Drt.ftr tlrrther LcrtloB frrrfr lrlalotclnr Scrrl Drt.Tln lpcrtlorr lratr tuIdt il:.r"5,, il, F^oi Fi-uJ lA//er-F^ .t' ^i 8l3nrturr of InrPeerc rI E I v{ ,)TICEARDS E!rcIlrEgR8, rIS. Poat Oft!,ce ls 643 Vall, Coloredo 8f657 476-5072 o @rcRsrB. lrAsoNRi AND REr$torcrrc al8!o ll$onr L/ /^ /lAot: Erbforclar Sterl { ElVZrZ, W.CtqtiO r, ,r,tf*t*t*'" 8lgn tur. of larPcctc Coacrotc llacocot Iht.Tls lfurthor Locetlon tlq Ctlldr. t"o./4':rt D, ir 'Y'fifi ;r %'/i ^rf{i f #t'tv" tt ldta t(// '/ /( rr , 7rq/.n/, 7n u'c te faq ( ra-c-F tor,n^i 4.k ? tJ /:tf Ft)r / r,l /er iot t't, )c ul- //ex" lirroorv llrpectloa Drt.Tl.u Locrtl@ f=tt k, r: Cooo/f,:oa {a u /1 F^ " f f'irU | ,z/A/ |n.k Aaq?I :ad t3-c A-J rl-4v-E-r 4."-3 //:?a o"r( et 7Ctta4 Cw'futeJ 4ect-J ' 6*tt /e:J0 /9-.2 A-c .r,-) t<-e - A-ls d)F€ae/r t42 tl-rr utuJo*ldtt.hn, I,t/trtJ];/r 2vil. fl51 f; PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of Applicant to complcte numbrd W@s only. (Ll3aa arracHro !HtErl ztr pNoNE 'HOIIE LICENSE NO. AiCHI'TCT OR OE!IGN L ADDtEg! PttONE Llc ar{aE No, VAIL ADDIISS PHOiIE L rc EItE 80. UIE OF IUI LOIII G 8 ctas of work: tr NEw tr AoolTloil tr ALTERATIoI{ D BEPAIR 9 Describe work: TyF o{ Firlut o? ll.or WATER CLOSET (TOI LETISPECIAL CONOITIONS: LAVATORV (WASH BASIN' KITCHEN SINK & DISP. WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOIO IF WOFK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOFK IS COM- MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BETRUEAND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANYING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. OR INKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR_SINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO, OUTLETS WATER PIPING E TREATING EQUIP. LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEII PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SP PERMcx. M.o. WLt ='--, WHITE - INSPECTOB CANARY - AUOIT PIN K - APPLICANT GOLDENROD _ TEMP. FILE W .,JA iV ES }, PINKART) G EN EitL MAI.iAG E q T€LE p Hc \E 986- 45 5 5 7655 \./EST Mt55t55tPPl DENVER, AVENUE . POsT OTFICE SOY, 26227 cotoRA Do 80226 ATTENTION: REFER$ICE: JGB NA}IE: suarucr, E{//.voal.s t.lE ARE TRANSMITTING TEE FOLIOllIlrtG: () AS APPROVED ( )-ron(|f Pos. ()FOR ()FOR BY YOUR APPRWAL YOUR RECORDS YOUR FURTHER ACTION CORRECTTON AND RESUBMIfiAL Please return__Apprwed or Please return Printe for FOR YOT]R PROPOSAL FM YOUR PROPOSAL ON REVISIONS PER YOI'R REQUEST () () () () corrected PrlntsFioal of each Approral Fllea and Dletrlbutlon RE!{ARKS: No. of CoD i es ( )l,tr. dated(l.fDrawlnp No-D,e8cr iD tion Prepared By2Ann-"-rt- 2 lr.ln. krvarls d C tam r tcATt a^S /4ncl4tturrt UASONRI AND N,EITTilCilC STEIL 6EcE/Zc\ #'n Q"Jt>t Cooclctr Plrcocot Drtc rls ttc.tbCr ILocetloo II 9ltq Ctltodc. t ,,. it ll cko b,TJ,7&)/erfly Ftss -t o,t! e ?2"3 lnL r: la P;'f F/a ,. o.u,.r rt f Ftq>.o/,".- ,L/a ta*dt //trt^A,Z: ?a rt.n/v4'latJ,,'ftas n-))J/r -cee *)ttt 3+" feaA 3:/C f^aly flzuJu tl/orf/, {+--- ,.'a//31' l|rrodrv lalpcctloo lor: Drto 11.r llcrthca Iocrttos flrlr T lrlaforc,lar Stcrl DrtC Tts lpcetloo frlrlr 1oT'h ll;q(Fte .r. a J S'o,., f/ - .',1 6olbtflltl!.r?sff -4.6,.J,J. h sf,u altl,T lf r-cl. deTs rXoet>ql DJ-L 3 :0a sQe4otl' 7{1@eAQl "+.'rrrr. 4JleaE llL 13tJv to-?o Fast -o.// \ D. ote!15 Orlu o A-clvtcret//t irfz.Ifup ltStAot.a ce d.t at 1.t-oltstla ftc? *|/ref. ,E c-'1',*!72miil:i"lf_ (--- ee** ire atiterizieth,I Sl8n tur. of larpector Sfeol !t' Ae C. N7'^tuth,t v-6 l4 - NICITARDS PoBt Vall r oEFGIIIEERS, rlr. Offtcc 8or 643 Coloredo 81657 176-5072 ooncnlEE. MASONRI Altp tBrNEolcrNc sf,lEL ltf(n3 *t, tfa /r"y'oy Coocrete Plrcaeot Drt.1t!.Tcrtbor Locetloa 8ltry Gyl&lerr BrJt /0:lf Fatt -C-ufl'u,er* {btt s-- 6. ' I 9a*t e 9i//. E<eau.-liat y1',// ^ - -r J ^ -.r - a rl+ t-.t J.r'.) ?z . ,/ lrTul,q z;od fa tr E x c a. ua.fiou a.-?.t,.^ -L'rrbt *'t Ij Llv 4. t\fAir st u il flo .r- wesf {xor S' lhroorv Inrscctlon Drtr llr lfcrtbcr Locrtloo frf,t nrrnforclsr gtcal Drt.Ttr Loc.tlort fnrkr ta,l-L ?:3a Jt/a.l/ o.-tunJ ilorf,.. fert)el-af caryfu a.* 7655 WEST Pb^h^\nM MlsslSslPPt AVTNUE . pOST Of FtCE 80\ 2 5227 DENVtR, COTORADO 80226 July 10, 1972 lfr. Paul Balley Fulenwlder lianagement & Deve loproent Co.No. 9 Equltable Bulldtng 730 Seventeenth Street Deover, Colorado 80202 Re: f,oltday Eouse Condminluoe D,ear Paul: Per our contrect agreement on referenced proJect, we aretraosoittlng herewlth Tap Fee Aasessment fron the Vatlllater & Sanitatlon Dlstrlct for your psynent. pa)rment must be recelved by thelr office before a connectioo canbe gcheduled. lrle would apprecl.ate your expedltlng thlspE)meot ae scheduling generally takes at least one week. Yery truly youra, PINKARD CONSTRUCTION CO. Bruce A. Reed ProJeet ldanager 8AR!PP Eoclosure cc! Dlans lfygant JAiIES W. PINKARD GENERAL AXAGER TELEPxol|E 986-4555 . Commencia! 8. Induetnial Building . Eettgu ),'6/7L a pnrsOsseD coNcRETE oF coro*oO,".. 58Ol PECOS STREET . DENVER. COLORAOO 8022t o PHONE 433-630t ro' rlrlE 4otoAY Housr ", &]' uo,JLkz*" *o. //?7.2 suaJEcr 8" CofteA- St48t Ir tr /ona - 4o prl ?A.En rto,, b. L / /'prl. CE'ltr"tc b, (, S pt{, .fe'c-, t ont 7R ooezrt rsft= 4?G,L: -7= 3636 ,X(, Ci = {' 03 "n'{ -- ?oz ,,'. /= aa j /o" b,t. ,rnu ,-lt?i/cr ),t, pprtl c€ttt.rc , /et E/c,F L/. . seo'/c,r : 4?.e d/atr ct{€cKEo BY - DAT E -..------ 5H E e, / o= J'-"' - $cor pr,' - A€-A4T7- 4r' = 27 ot oao 7r" tr d', o4 grou'feJ s/aA Ca = J?7,^. {t -- ?/6,;: tlonAe /tlea616 Jo( i^'k, /oo eto .frzc1''€s DP 8i7 3377','C -JaJ 7t,/// -/o? a7{ - }73 ?9/;^-/< J6 0. g ,^- /c / o 7y t\-k. c)tf Ly r-.r- o apt,. / //" ,eco'a !: .f -r F a= /.4/JotttooJ + /,?/-ara) = ./ ? lr- s/r" .rTzlttl : , /&? ,'., [a.at - .ru4/Vn' ,l('tar)(qoo.r) lrlorr.,u5 .frTeetrr (nu,tt-) lc.e pE€tnt€rt 7oP =ff- A# = $7 es? Eor ls= eJ1 + //,il'o(ai)) ?/o --- J37 +Jts '= +s?J 7t: C ,*rrurrD coNcRErE oF coLo*oo?r*a. 2Fv4€b ?/i/72- gAOl PECOS STREET o DENVER, COLORAOO aO22r . PHONE 433.5301 tr SU BJ ECT g " Caaev JAia cHEcKED BY - DATE -sH Eet J ot Ctfeez ,AAcEarc . rtomeur tfrce = ?rcfs"r* znqJ /.J tr /l"n = 4 /Sf /,,- K. Pannet Ptzsnzet fra*ra .l--\/ylee-- 7r c f_Utr .t _r:oJ : r'td' k4o = l2,xtlco -- ./se ?- %",JftA^lo. plotza)o .fna::n G e I ; 96( i^-t. r fieg'B 162 f? 6 i^- /1 /\/.2 LPe6l -- n/nlrL frr*p . /ozr rL-/c ToP + Jo( 'e'/? _+317 *t/6J + e)8 16Elp,, JC?i (r t) ,/(Jrdao pt,' /b)&,'--K c tor. teo,( +elE -3Je t /27 - 109 -+ /(, - e13 -&.5 S pt ,3/ 3" I ./7u , o23" . o3S og + , o(s *,aoo -b. ) UJ y*na. p/a . ras.t/aro 7./t'- a3.'ft''^)/s' t'lr.c /.t //re lrl = JSot/r,., @ D,t,.., +e92 S,'0,L,"toc;--t' J/tt . /oP +-)4Ypt; -3o3 4 337 /eF 8of +24lpsC + )91 -3>z +da(7t. /at,y(rn lot,a (z n/r' /4t.' / s fuu l,L, rtt t.c, /t FtuAc -a."f x /o' s afurtaz @ Ectei:t< Cana64 @ Q.€cnou dq ez /.9n L'ez 41... ::t t, ? I I, Irr(aro )(t: rt)'NrTIJ Fuct l, C. Tgre'- Cn,rs*- t/ beaecDoi APe: A b,(. SLA,, - pr'fr", ,A/q4 _ - 6 0zs.)(aa.sz)'(ya.t' *a.ar) l{1w)(u;f)').)1 yttt X 3c J3 rs(too)(:r.t t)\ e.2X/oe x36.7'" ac,t. :r+-------2.7X1ot ;J(?t ' Jufy:21, 1972 : ltlr. Bruco Rrcd Pl nkard-Coniiiuct lon CompanyP. 0. Box 26227 0onver,. Colorado 80226 SubJrct: Hol I day 0gar Bruce: Hougc Gondomlnlumr o o'' I . 'f n rcgly fo your mcno of July 20, 1972, thlt tettcr rl I t- lcrva ag c Crrtlflcctc of cpprOprlatc authorlty cvldenclngtho avallabl Ilfy of wrterrand 3rucr. Thcrs utl Iltfes oroovclltblc In tho sirect and shall br brought to fhe propcr:f,illne by a llccnrcd contractor at tho oxplnlo of the orner. Ulfh reforonco to ltrm 13, I am cncloslng a Buf fdlng Pcrnlf ,1157. As far as zonlng tsfhtg Oul ldlng lr In complfance rlth our-Zonl lf yoo,:nead further tnformaflonr pleasc frel Yourg tru ly, TotN ot vAt'L l(ont R. Rorc, P.E.Torn Engl ncor dr copy of our qoncernad, ng 0rdlnlnct. froe fo crl l. ,*rerrrD coNcRETE oF colo*oO,*.. Eer/t16D 2./t/zt 58Ol FECOS STREET o DENVER. COLORAOO aO22l . PHONE 433-630r SUBJECT R " OSTEN 'fT 4ET CHECKED BY -OATE -SHEET -OF AWO /r/0n u/tten€ .OteeA f,/.,*B 3u/2ptftrt ,tfuV-L e*lrin€c I Otrea ft48 tt'-o k Ec e.t) ' e4t,,) ftc = '' 7?o- y''ls.g. &!.r'1 = att (a)(ao,s - +) 4'/|c,r. (t::') = /ac(eo.t - 4) (+ /il 7, = )z (r.sil r' (r.rc) 4 = //'?2' filo.c. = /76,? r^-K, rrh,c. = ,'St, /,/L.c. , /(5.o Fn (J ?" v,//a( ,fim.I = 26 ? i^l 7'- /?d ? ,;( d = (f( ,;l SA = /?/c ,i,l /71,,(teq'a) = tq(asftf) * t.zQvr") s-t+" {ft,ano - ,'of ,- ,i1{'P{irJ = '",,, =,Q f..uar1:t/))(6,as-,:t I = do 3, a > z:c') Tae34e"4( J77 k; '43 e?a ,fmeter -- -f7S rh-k. al t, //u J,!l"vroe f-%" Jrqr4lc 6,tc. h.(. =trluc, -- frz ?Lt" r,har f,t*a. 4-- /?/;.-, A: )(oa,'*( Sg z 3(?,'^l & -- 3f3 ,11 Ee"q'a = /.(Qtt e) + tz(za,o) : {- ?/f " ,Jh*rta "tzoft- Wl = )5e.3 , j4 er9.3)d--ffi -),a2 \ | -- 4?s.7 ,',n-K. Ftruf.D 2/t/2r Ptt'2g .?/6 e6/ ,SC ,ar,lrrro SAOI PECOS STREET O coNcRETE oF coroRA0 ,*.. OENVE.R. COLORAOO aO22l r PHONE.433-6301 JoB rfrlE /o',oo suBJEcr 8" Cana ,fz r+tt - .HE.KED By - DA'E -.HEET-.F- Cofr€r) f,l*q f,apy'tnrJ ,f/trz- Cdn /,{e-L /rle,r, mna tso (r)(et. r-- +) G 7s.s(s,o?) d (s.r4 ///,6 i^./<' ?a.o ;^-k . t/= //'y Jet J6{ /oos/c.a J.t,W E'+ 'i.ls i J/).,t',^-2.lk "t/ 1," //" -- 4- 4- r- ,? L,3( (ss* s)(a.a r- " ,Irfta^o - o,K. ,,43 oo.r, alry't ,o"*o /f,z21 It ,*rfrrro ttOl PECOS STREET o //otnAy ,4outr coNcRErE oF coroRAo ,*a. OENVER. COLORAOO 8022t o PHONE 433-53Ot aevtr€o 7/6/7) lt 7zAntF€7e:D .fta T 1/79 f JOB TITLE 3!,iu s2la - a,q,'D 1T- - dld.x, - - - 3ts i^4 f,l -- ,??a E/n, .2?o */n ' "., &1 oor.4/ar/za- JoB^o /3??J Srz€Tt€f ?r;.76P I ar 78? t',' c 225 7't4So C 637 U/ a! f " .+\tF /.v firc 4'fc T / _f?a c(?y c 6 37 ,i-tt. -l ('7y" ,fTnano z.ttit ,- 4 r Cane Voror /4 fiSta /?/6 B,iftJ - G /:zu't!t . raf = 672,a i--/(. d,,t- liuAJECT 8" Qeeo Jlhtr &*a *ff l,L ,.r. ,3t? t /,tr. C, (, , ih '/9. ftff,qroq n/4f e:o" aF v0oftt 6F JLAB L6Al) 'Vltq'€l?ttn lCefvXv n t4OThce*r ftAE. b.t. ,.t. /, /. -i/7a Eeg'a = /, ?(aa il 8f O^nroten- ANALyft.t fiae. /st/ L! J?s .;t ,t lrJ tP'' m$D, ?>'f ! 3ot/,'^- /1 €fo ,'^-rt 2? i L.E /?7 t"-/<. + /.? (7n) = CHECKEO BY -OATE - SHEET , OF 4: O,, CAnr/t6ve-7? lloaenz.t: b,c, e,t, , Je? r/rn ,Al. ,gtoF/fr. Clqe.t ftrc tYfuca k^rs tkv'a. 4.= 6et.. /6 *ffio :- .8J 'Lt, -tl-{e /?" g -c. ..ftfr8t Vieze € Otnrta&- A{Atvfu SAttS daterw coNcRETE oF cotoRAf r"c. OENVER. COLORADO AO22l o PHONE 433-6301 Ea y,,e a iry0771 JO3 TITLE tr sus.rlcl ,iloztDAr Honta ",EJ o^,"6/y'zt ,orro.-@- CHECKEO BY -DATE-SHEET-OF | , . 8sf{/ r,;J4 a(. J - ,fibta*o .4"f C4'tT . 6u7-, ? - t/f " 17V**o Ho J- rl f y'ota.1 lteust 4on /6a/t/,grL-A o47 lCp aF qar Gt4tur r^. /- rl S A4X". /?a f*q'oTVat ,+r €Acl J/o€ J 7. t/ ;^-k 3o,7 ,'n-< t t{ SarTon 6F 7?/,r-a +ce hbrc-s e..'tr aF tAcr .,Ho -.,.fr&rrtc=f.s /,Rpt,, 7 J4 c '4r Ey il eHA{N€L -,,, J/(c.t.rs) = pts {QQ" -r)6!''\rt:'. = fre?6)'- ?t(./ -n,xfl,t @r, : loa.z ( z,rg) (a) c ( = la.l,f /4b,r, J.att -- +/ F, 7 ,:- rt. /r/0, t. IIIL,L, : /fo,J frr -flo" lreb€ ,r/*s 4 = Jro rx\ ?-- t?76 ,^( ft = S4( ,'^7 -f4 = d?J ,La ,*r,lrrrD coNcRErE oF corono0 ,*.. 53Ol PEGOS STREET o DENVER. COLORAOO AO22t r PHONE JoB rrrLE /otroit v /oarr ", t'7 oor. a /a z/zrro" *o. /t? ?s- suBJEcr I " C-orc e.-b Jz4Et cHEcKEo tsy _DArE_sHEEr oF ConotT?on t*rez{ 'c,)feq ,f/.48 ,fqpp|aft are€L e.tt,vrr€a. D,L, e!tr"(rtc) = /(a CoEq ,ft*a eEvr€b ?/c/tt 43 3-6 30 | I l Sr€EL' -7, P 3t? J 2t, J+4 ,ht+ter Pti8tr 3tzfr5 J/r' ).tflt< (ftee,a) ,,1 t 3/ " r-/ 6 '+ JTz4ap. lr, = azo[t- /?/o =,eftrr 7/3 rx-,(, (,-rr YO ,f Co o)( a, 1O Xf rl J \l,"o u ,-ftbrn IQ= ffi =.ta dlo " ZoLo" 6'%"'J'r,zt,ro o. K. )4o. o 7/z/, f i^:/. ?rrhe\nM MlSSlSSf PPt AVTNUE . pOST OFFTCE gOX 26227 DENVER, COLORADO 80225 7655 WEST JAMES W. PINI(ARD GENERAL IIAIIAGER TELEPHoTE 986-4555 June 23, L972 Mr. Ed StrubLe BuiLding Offlcal BuiLding Department Box 361 Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Electrlcal Construction In Vall-, Colorado Dear Ed: Gonfirnlng our teLephone conversation of June 22, L972t the folloring points were discussed and understandings reached: 1. If I'lr. Ed Hamer, State Electrical Inspector' apProvesr we !I:l'y use metal !.1.c tubing electricaL condult at corridorr party, and outside walLs and use Romex at lnterlor partltions of condominium units. 2. If Ronex ie used in any Portion of the condomlniun unlt, the eLectrical panel interior partitions of a rnrst be located in an interl,or partltlon. Please send any corrections or addltlons you rnay wish to make regarding the above etatetrents if you feel- we have incorrectly presented your position. Thank you for your time and attentlon. Very truly yours t PINKARD CONSf,RUCTION CO. S'11"A\rtl DeveLopment Coordinator BAR/PCP cc: l,fr. Ed DeVll-biss, R N L, Inc. l4r. Joe MacMiLlan, Architectl,fr. Garlarrd Cox' Electrical Engineer I,Ir. Jaoe s W. Pinkard, Pinkard Constructlon Co' . Commencial 8. Induetniel Building . 7655 W€ ST ?ir,eal\AM JAMES W. PINKARD GEIIEQAL IIANAGER TrL€PHoNE 986-4555 Juoe 23, L972 !lr. Tony Rossi Vail Water and Sanitation Department c/o guilding Depar Enenij P. O. Box 631 Vall , €olorado 81657 Re: Iloliday llouse Condominiums Vall, Colorado Dear l.fr. Rossi: Gonflrning your June 22, L972 decision regarding garage floor drains ae issued through Diana Wygant of the Building Department, the following: Garage floor drain waste line may be connected to creek culvert if all matter passing through said line passes through a t'sand and grease traprt before reaching the creek culvert. Trap design and manufacturer to be approved by you before installation. Thank you for your tine and attention. Very truLy yours, PINIORD CONSIRUCT co. Mf SSlSSrPPr AVENUE . pOST Orf tCr BOX 26227 DENVER, CO!ORADO 80226 Bruce A. Project BAR/pep "", y'*. Itr. t'lr. Ittr .!t. Reed llanager Ed Struble, Vail. Building Department Paul Bailey, Fulenwider l.danagemeo8 & Development Co. Joe ldacMillan, Archi Eec t !Fl Beckett, Beckett-Harmon Associates, Inc. Ja^mes W. Pinkard, Pinkard Conslruction Co. . Cornrneneial 8. Industnial Building . 7 655 WESr ?rr#.a;\AM JAfI{ES W. PINKARD GEHERAL I'ANAGER TELEPHoxE 986-4555 June 23, 1972 CORRECTION MEMO Re: Hollday House Condominirmrs' Vail, Colorado To All Parties Concerned: tlith regard to item 4. b. of the previously issued uremo regarding ny meeting vith Mr. Ed Struble on June 2L, L972' the four parking etalls described should be changed to read t'at the west end of the Itoliday Ir-" g "Holiday House'r. Please excuae the typographlcal error. Thank you, PINKARD CONSTRUCTION CO. Arr. CI.qrtd Bruie A Reed 'Project Manager BAR/pep "". y'w. Ed struble, VatL Building Department l,Ir. Paul Bailey, Fulernrider Co. l.lr. Joe MacMillan, Architect l,Ir. l4e I Beckett, Beckett-Harmon Associates, Inc. l[r. Ja.me s W. Pinkard, Pinkard Construction Co. Mlssf ssf PPr AVENUE . pOSr Off tCt 80X 26227 DtNVER, COtORA00 80226 . Commencial E Industniel Building . 7655 WtsT MtSStsstPPl Prr^he\AM JAMES W. PINKARD GEI{ERAL IIAXAGER TELEPHoNE 9E6-4555 June 21, 1972 MEETI}G WITIT MR. ED SIRI'BLE BUILDING DEPARTMEM VAIL, COLORADo Re: GeneraL Construction in Vall, Colorado 1. With regard to electrical conduit requirenents in Vail, Mr. Struble refered me to Ordinance No. 6 Serles of 197L and I quotet "Al{ESfN!! TO TllE !.968 NATIONAL ELECTRTCA.L CODE - ArticLe 348 Electrical Metallic ot stitution of the words, "Electrical metaLLic tubing shal1 be the mininun used for both exposed and concealed work in alL buildings except single family resldences.tr l{r. Struble indicated that he is willing to ttbendtl the ordinance to sorre extent. Ile stated that if the corridor walls, party walls, and outside walLs were built according to the code requlrements for the class of building, and if none of the aforementloned walle were punctured by electrical devlces, Romex could be used to Irire the interior partitions of each of the condomi-nium units. The Ronex can be initiated at each unitrs breaker paneL. l,Ir. StrubLe pointed out that all wiring at corridor, party, and outside valls wouLd have to be run in wire mold and the electrical devices would have to be surface mounted. If we elected to use such an approach, lA. Ed Hamer r State Electrical Inspector, wouLd have to approve same. (In keeping with l4r. Plnkardrs suggestion today, I lnteDd to ask l{r. Struble if it, is possible to use electrical conduit at the corridor, party, and outside walls and stlll be able to use Romex at the lnterior of each unit.) 2. A11 subcontractors working Respectfully subnitted, PINKARD CONSTRUCTION CO. in Vall must be li.censed tn Vall! kr,W Development Coordlnator BAR/pep ""ry'W. Ed Struble, Vail Bullding Departmenttlr. Sd DeVilbiss, R N L, Inc. llr. Joe MacMillan, Architect Mr. Garland Cox, Electrical Engineer !tr. James lJ. Plnkard, Plnkard Construction Co. lSSlPPf AVE NUt . pOST OFFtCt 80X 25227 DENVER,, COLORADO 80226 . CommeFcial 8. Industnial Building . 7655 WrST ?u^h*\eM MISSISSIPPI AVE NUE . POST OFFICE BOX 2 6227 DENVER, COLORADO 80225 Juoe 21, 1972 tlEETIt{c WIlg }lR. ED STnI,BLE BUIU)ING DEPARTI.{ENT VAIL, COU)RADO Ba: UgUdg{gSge Condoolnlung Val.l, Colorado 1. lfith regerd to f,olIday Inn llanagerra requeat to rctain lOr-Ortof acrvl.ce entrance roof, Mr. Struble statcd that th€ poltlonof the roof could be rctelned due to the fact that the 2or-Orl dlneorloo betueen bulldtnga ryould bc nalntriocd. 2. In keeplng wlth Ttrelna FeldhanertB suggestioo that the dralnageat the south property l{nc la belng caueed by rurface eater ac- cunulatlng on Hlghway 6, wc dLacueaed the pooslbtllty of the Steteof Colorado taking 86e corrective actlon. llr. Struble suggested that re contact nDocrt lralsher, State Hlghway llapartnent lll.atrlct Superintendent, ln Vall, Colorado. l{r. Struble rorld not ve[ture aa oplnlon ae to rtrether or not se rou1d neet rlth any succes3. 3. In dlccuarlon the status of the iaguance of the bulldlag pcrinl.t,lir. Struble indlcated that the contract docurhents were otlll belagrevlcved. lfo cerloue dlocrepaoclee heve beeo diacovered to date, 4. l{r. Struble etetcd the follorlog condltions need nore study cod ap- proprlate ectt on: a. ilore definltlve det811s regardlng plaoe for the eart entrence drLve are requlrcd. Coocretc curb and lsland deelgn ghould begubnltted to lNr. Pete Burtrett of tbe Butldlng llepartnetrt. lb. Strublc potnted out the fact that our drlvsnay y111 h.ve to ertcad to acat the strect et lts present pollt.b. Ihe four parklng st.lls ghonn to exiat at th. t'est eod of thc Holldry Houee oo our site plan do not extst! Present condlttonof the locatLon of sald ctalls ls a rather ateep enbankneot. $ould aald etells be regulred to oeet tbe parklng quota, Hr. Struble lndicated that a concrete stalrs teadlag to thc etells would bc neceasary. Rough tlnber and dlrt terreced staira exist preEently. ltre leet step to th€ preseot drtve- way le approrlnatc ly 30n. 5. l{htle llr. Struble took a telephone ca1l, lrh. Bob l{cNeill, Yall llechenlcrl loepector, steted that l{r. Tony Roael , Vall llater and Senltatloo lbpertent, would bave to be contactcd rlth tegard to remova I of easte aod water frm the garage floor dralag. l{r. llcf,etll reempbaaLzed the fact that tuch dralnage cannot be led lnto the saoltary aerer. lJtth luck, I'fr. Roeet 1111 rendcr an oplalon re-gardlog thls Detter tdorrry. JAM ES W. PINKARD GEI{ERAL MANAGER TELEPHoNE 986-4555 . Cornn.rer.cial 8. Induetniel Eluilding . lleetlng stth l{r. Ed Struble June 21, 1972 Page 2 6. It reg polnted out th.t a varlaoce ls eti1l requlred et the crrter!- ro.t portloo of tbc bulldlng. Although lt 1g allovable for the roof overbeng end aoderground constructton to encroach uPoE tbe rctbacl' a varl.ance Ia rcqulrcd to allos belcony overhang. Respcctfully eubolttcd, PIf,KARD Cfi$NtrCTIfi @. Sruce A. Reed ProJcct l{anager BAB:pp cc: l{r. Ed Strublc, Vatl Eutldlog Deprrtuenty'l{r. Prul B.llly, Puleowlder }lanrge*nt & Developnent Co. l&. Joe l{acl{lllen, Archltect l,tr. l|tl SeckGtt, Ecchett-Barnoo Asaocleteo, Inc. l{r. Jaree Il. Plnl,erd, Plnkard Gonstructioa Co. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Jurisdiction of. r/57 I o, ffistr ltrecxto lxt:rl owtrai 2 vqi l._tl . [ .Co.. Aallev.Partocrghlp MAtraDoirrs Fulenwlder-lht. & Dev. Co.730-17th Street. Denver 80202 266-307L Bor 27227. Denver 80225 986-4555 I tEct oi oEstGNai 80222 757-6495 !lcEtaSE N B-2984J ENCINEEi MAt L AO0tEltg tcaN!E No. er 8O2O2-222-L84L 3432 & 1755 (Rea U5E OF BU ILOI{ C 8 CIAS OI WOIK: E NEW tr AOOITIOiI tr ALTERATIOI{ D REPAIR D MOVE tr REMOVE a hocnriha wnrr. Flve atory (lncludlng parklng garage) Steel Colunns; Precast Concrete, Structural walls. ehaftg and floor avateua: drvsall interlor DartltloaE: atucco exterlor rrl th wood trh; shake and bullt-up roofing l0 Change of use from I 1 Valuation ol work: | 1 , 2gg, OOO . OO / /-Zc PLAN cHEcK ree (,/ (/3.P€RMfTFEE /32C."- SPECIAL CONDITIONSI Dlvltlon stze or aws.t/tNJJ (Totat) sq. Ft. ,i;',i.: E 6 $:c'so APPROVED FOR TSSUANCE 8Yl €z.s OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ABE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIF CONOITIONING, THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOEO OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I IEREEY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND €XAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PRovIsIoNs oF LAws AND oRoINANc€s GovERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDI NOT, THE OO GIVE AUTH(i OF ANY OTHE'lON OR THE r srctatrriE oF coNtF Ctoi oi AUrHgrtztD PLAN CHECK VALIDATION I *",ta - rNspEcro' WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED {IN THIS !| rf u,_AV fi. >o CANARY - AUDIT PE PINK - APPLICANT GOLDENROD - TEMP. FILE ?te+ o u,*r fu eozal2 ? 6/+/e 3 cv4ort ,,/ m+f ea/,-cL1 Hars.L,4 /L t'C)10. 76e 946>c-A @, /r€* <.rA. e.l 574 7e ,w*rc:q po c- c vL' (au.e, ?faa-rissaiu, Sl*y'e tu&. (otv*r r.44r-4aorl V /ro ,s*^/- 4.aa,- ^-n 7J-,4.r. h2 a 1; n o/,; ,, +o a(.tgei5 ft7 (ocrss. cF fde g/r.*n, f/-a,\6.vt cio.;r.r1*.': a a,<.ii*l e+s/ s./e.. ,lorZ 6/z<4 &ttu 7tcttr' tic lu6r2, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8tt - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Yail 17G5613 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927-3322 6 _6_72 :i+'?/7/r4r*,u (AatcE+a,- -Zt S?oua) Ae 46e e0t7e. f 79 &CuGa/f tseo {e r*j ltQ,tnlyqS /"e Ir-' t 4De €uArE tne4soats h ts T 8E Tetca-7A tOenabf SfeE*l 7#E C"Wfcoc| ittv t O F7t2ariot S tc-A Ttott/ Puenth'u lrte A 4.8 TOI,IN OF VAIL BUILOING PERMIT SUPPLEMENT IAt PROJ ECT The slgnatures below certify that the followlng excerpts fromthe 1970 Uniform Bui lding Code, as amended and adopted by the Town of Vall, Colorado, have been read, understood and wi ll be adhered to i Section 302 (a) Approved plans shall not be changed, modified,or altered without writfen authorizsfion from the Bui lding Officlal Section 302 (c) The issuance of a building permlt does not give authority fo violate any provisions of this code, or any otherOrdinance and shall not prevent the Buitding Official from fhere-after requ i rl ng the correcti on of same. le_ct_!on 304 (b) The Inspection card shal I be read, f i I led outlFuTi-;a posted consp i.cuous ly i n the waterproof ho I der f urn i shedby the Bul lding Departmpnt. 0o no.t cover up any work not signedoff by Bul ldi ng Inspector. Section 306 (a) (d) N0 BUIffiRARtLy A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY Ordlnance l5 ( 1967) Before The foregolng affl davlt and decl sworn to before me, a Notary Pub fh I s 6th day of June LDING SHALL BE USED OR OCCUPIED EITHER UI'IT I L THE BU I LD ING OFF IC I AL HAS I SSUED AS PROV IDED FOR HERE IN. any s i gn ( femporary or permanent) may be used or posted, it shall be approved by the Town of VailStgn Review Committee 0rdinance ? (197 1, General Contracfor and ALL subcontractors shal I be licensed with the Town of Val I prior to the start ofany work. STATE OF COLORADO ) IrlFEert ) SS couNTY 0F *6t€ ) a rat ionlic, by duly subscribed and & '19 My Commission ( SEAL ) on t rac FSr ttE LJT_ was Paul Notary Pub I ic Exp I res .y Cnmmiselon explrcg Mar' l0' I s / ' STATE OT COT'NTY OF COLORADO ) ) EAGT,E ) SS. DECLAMTION OF LA}.TD ALLOCATXON exietxisting building containsaddition contains le o?o r 63.120 orox. -sQ Ir Paul r. Balley, Bq4qer , being first duly sworn upon oath depose a statements ane true and connect acconding to tny best knowledge, infor:mation and belief, to wit: t. That this statement is rnade in conjunction with the fifingof an application for a building penmit to the Town of Vail and to comply with the reguinenents of A:rticle VII , Section 3, Ordinance Number 7 (Senies of 1959) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vail as amended by Ondinance Numben 8 (Series of 1970) and Ondinance Nunber 15(Senies of L970). 2. The descniption of the building site forn the pnopoeed building is as followe3 See surveyorrs map attached. = . =(Descniption lnay be atta be used to shott descniption). The proposed building site contains 132,800 Pro:r. sguare feett xieting- building confains,63. rzo oro*.Ea-iilElet and the 3. and the pnoposed S(GE-e feet; the total buildingin the aforesaid Zoning ) ) SS. ) COLORADO Sl Fl|ESr\ FA€{# Theto fonegoing befone me,Public, by Pau! Junc ({ry Comnrt$kn oogfls tirr' lor r97{ My Comniecion Expi:.ee (SeaI) lqua!.e feet is ro?-\qo as undLnance as amenoeo. rf. The pnoposed building and/on existing building and addition ae it nelates to the building site anea, comply to the Floon Arnea Ratio fon the zoning which appliee to the building oite, as definedin the afoneeaid zoning ondinance ^'im")+- Z- C" STATE OT COTJNTY OF and declaration ssrornthi e 6th day affidavit a Notalyof was duly gubEcnibed and T. Balley, Partner t Juao 2, 1972 AI}DENNil NO. OIE Holldt*y Eouaa at Yall, Coleado Arehlteotr Josopb & ilsd4lllarr A. I. A. U7l Santh Holly St. Deuvcr Ooleclo 8t2?2, A.fficrlc,r ualls to be rc4nfcnoad 8F rasmry bfock ln llsn of prcoaet ooncrcta. brtenlor ftnlsbeg to be Job appllod r.frlta st'.toco; barn rood !,n llcr of d.urlstcal sood (dark Uoul)l vood boans, ehuttrgs and Coooratlre paaole muntod o ostelor of blook' (Stnrohsal ard Archltactural Drartnga ara bed,ng revleod to etror t'heee cbangar.) Ccrtdc parti.tlone to bs 3 5/W - 25 eatgc D. l{, S. at 2I{ 0. 0. nltl t/ttt typc X SpsrD board on eaoh sldeo 2! eond attaar:atloa blankots t^astal.ldln fird aardty. Farty nalL partltlm to bare 2p uolDd ettonuatlou blqnkcts lnetalled ta dd oarlty ln llenr of foen at tasulatlcno All 2 hqrl rated shefts throrgh hrlldlqg to bs consttuoted sa ? soltd €iypan board partltlons to pr€rLde 2 bour ratlng. Foaued lnsuLstLo to b. delot€al t'broqbort hrlldrf8. Ood4.aaticn prdlnlsbeit abell aad h'rngsr bar as ualfaoturod bf A€et Gacal' Coqp.r anilc preflnlsbed uEtal atrelvfa aa aanufaot'ured by Eraada arc approvd ae egUAl. nllltfumtC bl-fold doots as uauufaatrrred l4f H & R Products aro approvcd ac eqtral. Drawlry l{-l,tf: Dcl€te E ttrc rcrlae n1a f,ro ood.natlo flrc aad domrtLo ocvtoc. 2. Dcloto 2f:2|r: f S(amaa ocnneotl'c. 3. 0old vqtc sc.trlso to hd'1d$8 to ba Slt l! 3bot8. fartng l{.2t I. Delcto 4n tr. rt6d,!g tn rlovator eq@mt ro@ aud ltno sborr ctoAfag to rrst ltanitpipe r:,!.rcr.2, Dalctc net atandplpc ln ltt presat looetl,o. 3. Flre sprfuklc rfsq dls€ran (traO Otc)la) Delett ratc flor detcctorrb) 0rt€nit ry cpr{rklet llar tron baEe of rlsc at grolnd tlo.a ooC,ltag ald omcct to dorartl,o rnts !6rv1ac ahead ol hrtlillng oold rntc &ut-off ralYc. 4. Cold ratc p[pt"ng rrsl.sed trtn oolrn ltao ttrF to ootrum ltne tO q aqlrrln ltne 25 to bt 2!. herd.rg !{-8r (gprol,tteUor) 1. El,rc pmtcgtloe) Dsletq sooood eot€oco of flrst patl4Fapbr ;i D.til iDualt fron d4r "t nde1nt ry;"" regrd,rcmt grd satace). B. C. D. Er Ft H. I. -2- I. Drawtng Y^-8, aontlnutedr c) Plp{ngr Delete rofarscas to unde':gror:nd plpe and flttJ.ngs.d) llose oablnets (uat s'"r*ndplpe s:{ston) 31. Change descdtptlm to i'::<', r Poltcn-;icl,:fsr iio. 220O roceeaed e0Eol ceblnet, tuc - r-;i;;lr, coistfl:.c';1o!r, t,'h!,^,o otranel lnterlort eielnlesE steel dcor p-.:.,i i:'Lm. Co'rpJ.eto r,.rlth Lf No. 15?t875 U. L. angle val're, lro. .i{l .- Z9r, ?}- ilsLiJ-o4 S" S. stord preeffire flre ectlngutstrsr', &:.rrj-.rrr.}r.t ii, bo lr. L. and F. M. apprwcd. fnolude lf hose and nc.',;:J.g e.s requ''l:r:..i b'; 6r:vet'nir{ ftre authcrltyr 2. Add tHose Cat'l.netf (',r'r, e trncl;,i.pe s]s';onr) for gro.rntl floc gqragcar $ans degcrtptlon as si1r-1'1. 6;aq14 L lo-br',;::-itoenau style tri doe (lreak glaB8 Coor, r:ith !.ca'x), ::"-'iiac: :,;;' ii:rir'.io Qeneeal - All Drawlngs: L. Dry Stardplpeot In addltlon to {r dry ftle standplpe shorn ln stalr llc. ?r prorlde f dry standplpes nttlr fire boee ralvse and rocf Dantfold as follquat a)- /.n ary stanapfpe la Southeast Corncr of st/:Lr rtlo. 3 (uortlr tff.ng) fron gromd flod ool1lng tbreugb roof. Flre hose valvee to b at 2nds 3rlil ana ettlo lsvo].e. l*rtgnd 4E ftplr€ fi'on bgso of r{,ec aotross ground fl.om et od.lt% i;o llorthuss+, co!t18 of 6arage'Drq dom o sal1 anrl octeni tbror.lgh ueJ.L +"c Flro Dryartnent 0onactloa.b) 4tr dty etandpipe ln Southssst, oos-aor of str.lr No. L (South ld'ngi fron grond floor cotLlng t'nro'.:gh roof. Ilre hoso valvee to be at Znd, 3nit, 4th floon, 4tir flocrr lof? and a?tlo lovEls. ffiaad 4.t plp{ng fron base of rLssr at 1ao'.urd f:}oor oei.:i.i.ug aorosB to nortb $alt of grorrnrl flod. iirop dc'irt on wall brt',re,x parklog sPacog No. 10 aatl lL as shosn m irrehlteoturel floor p1en. ffi@d trough uall to fl,rc depoltr..ont ccnneotlm" 2. :Cet standplpesrfu.t uet etandplpe ttLere proeently sao.rn oa drsvlngs and provtdo vet staadolpes vtttrr fire hos6 oabl-'lsts LocateC as fcllodsla) F iret flre atandpl,pe uith ftrE hoso aabLnet cer-,teted o corrtdc uall Soutl of stalr tlo. 3 (ua}1 oorrnoo to apertunat zti bathmon). Ooedlnate thlokenlrg of, $all rAth Goaral Csrtnaotcr Flre bosc oaUncts to be losatod at le0, Adr 3"4 floorl attlo and groulil floc 1weIs. In aitlo, provlde Pottert'floem flre hose oabhotr aa Aeolflgdr $thttoc etyie tf srfaoc mtrtod cn Soutb rsll of statr llo. ! (Requlrec stanttp$e offeot abcre Jril flc€or sorrtdc setllng) Grorrad rbe rto boEe oablnet to bc logated o xort[ uall o oo]na Itne rF at oolun ltnc 25r &gt€Bd 2!t wet rtandplpe frou baso of r{sc to n€atett po0at of ooll'rootl@ to the / doustla iaic -l'r at the glound floc od,llne' Prgrldc ralver as rqulrcil. Ertod $ ffre standplpc llne fron dometlo ooLd rater to I(lorEd floc ftre hoee ssb4,alt. D) -2lt u6t fir€ standpd,pe yltb ftrc boee osblrret ceateeil s alr duot of,pea tn oorrLttor iall at stal,t No. 4 (Soutb lJ1rg). Ertod trg0 standplpe W la ahrct 4ace fron gromd floc oe{.llag to-atu'o.-- Prog1ao'flri hoee cab4irets a! !sL, todr 3rd, 4thr 4tb floc loft, attLo and groqnd jloc lsvals. Ofis€t *aadpfpe above lst floc odlLng to rlge-ln 2nd floc duot aPaoc. Flrc hoee cablaet La attLo to be looatcd m alr ohase rell, gurface mr.ratedr Pottc-Soem No. 2200 rd.th Style t9 doc. (Foud lloc llre hose cablset to be loaatcd o garag?.lfde- of West ua1.tofelwatorJ.obbyatSouthendoftell'Srtod2'''vdt -9- stanctplpe frm beas of rlsor to neErect pollt of oonoEotd,m to d.nturn alf tloreatto cold ruatet ser|.oe at grornd floe odlSlgr Ertoit $ flre utendplpo ll:re fron dorCIstlc oold tnte:n to tbe ground fLom flre hoee caHrcet. 7. Cro.sg conpcotlq$ of hgatlr.rg sv$+eg qlollSt lbe follftlng proylslons shall be sado fct crosg connectlng hot mtc Euptly and refirrn plptne betuEa the liolth rtag and S;outh vltlg of tio hrtLdlng fon freeze-qp proteotienr dua to shul-dqtr of altbee bdlcr Conneot 2P UllS and H'CB llnes to 2''lA$S and UIE lJ'gos shon o Sorth LEDg attlo p3.at, dtawlng H-?r Hhlch swe rlssre 1-Sr 28t and 3S. XaetaLt lsolatlor gate valvo ls 4tr HI{s llnc lnoedlatdy dqrrastrcan of bot wato atrqulatfng putp ltnd ln 4n Hm t@dfat ly ahsad of conneotlqr to bollc. brDdld 2P Hl{S arid mA dom tbwgb attlc floc sat to 7' gdc rLec odtaost to traeh o$to. 8un plp&g docr cr mlI nat to gaa rlac ond offsot above oolrldoc cetllrg d {tb floor. htsal ?ft Elfst and 8lR trlpLrg above oelltng of oorrldort aoaost oe(ltpg of stora{on and closet for bedroon lto. 1 of f,Pt. 4D. Drop dom tn Nort'boast soraer of oioget and offeet lnto attlo 4acoof l{otrth l{trcg. Gornsot t MS and Hl'& to 2r i{tf$ and RfB Ffpllg eevlag rlsss ?-ltr 8-t{r and }C-fl. Prov{.ds f gato valw la fil{l} and 2lt-tlght eloot;g baiance oock ln 2f $Ur (crose oonnesttag) plplng at tbls pod.nt. Instal'l lsolatlrg gi-.to w-rlreo itorogtrsn ot pury and at IIIE Gonnsctlon to bofl€ sinllat to sou?h rlng. o o lxrrRNATroNll CoTFERENCE on ButLDtNo OFFtctAls nE$BRill tomrnEltE RCt0mmEn0Ril0n Report No 2382 December,7969 DINASPAI{ PRECAST CONCRETE HASTI\CS D Y:\I,L\1O LD CORPORATION P. O- BOX 609 HASTI:'iGS, \EBRASKA I. Intrqductionr At the request of Hasdng Dynamold Corpora- tioo, Hastrnss, Nebraska, the Research Commrttee has made an "ia,irinatio"-of the data subnritted in mnnection with tle use of Dynaspan Precait Concrete. II. Description: Gereral: The Dpaspan Prec st Concrete slabo are precast, pretensioned, hoilow core concrete slabs. havinq " O-, S-, iO- or l9:-inch depth, with a nominal 48-inch or 96-inch *iaih. fach S+oot wide slab unit has seven condauous longitudinal corer or voids of round or oval cross section. See Table No.- Il for cpresenurtive loid typ6 and sizes. The cores are located sym- uritric"Uy in the slab-to pro',ide various thicknesses <.rf concrete ivlr o. itnd.tnatth. The rinits are rnantfactured by continuously extud.ing -a high quality,. lol,slump regtrlar weight concrete,from a specially desiqrcd machine that depositl, vibrates and finishes the i[rU i"'* single operation while nrovinrl aionr a steel-crt-sting bed. Longitudinal presirrssing steel str.tnds Cre pretensioned on the betl. and -the slab extnrded around them in dre st.rndanl productirrn sys' !em. Ptovisions hirve been made rn the e.(truding equiPment to em' bad a 2-inch hr, 2-inch ;14, ;F l{ *elded rvire nresh' ?.r tnch clear of thu top of the slab {61 1l! shb thicknesses. The longlludinal sides of the slibs are tapered and keved to form e troush- e$€ct rritlr the adiacent slab to receive a portland c€ment grout fill alter erection. Thc shap-e of the ioint -iniorporates. a-longihrdinll groove which, 6lhd wi^th groug fro"rdq a vemcai shear tranricr iret*etr, ,.Jj.- cent slab6 Jhen srrbiected to conc€ntrated loads. The edges of the stab rnesh proiect ioto the Frout ioint approriDrately Ilr inches, and haue tiuee loncitudinal wires spaced approximately ll inch aoart each edge, t ri-inch by l:-inch i16'=16 welded wire sfrlice mesh,- i- inches wide. is l.rirl longitudinalh. in tle. qrotrl ioint in the_beltt pnor.to the qrott.pour' to pror tLlc lor relnror(rIs continuiw betrr een slah umts. The slab trrtrih and grout joint splicq- ntush are lapped I inclr at spl.r-^es. A *{ reinforcing b.rr is iistol.a i" the tcip of each lonritudinal grout ioint. and lnnded i.nto the peripbcra[- pourcd concrete key e.lements at panel ends. ihe slrhr are cured by .r suitable means. then cut to the required langth aod stored for shiPment' Ftcsts-essing Steel:. The prestressing stee{ is uncoated seven-rvire. sEess-relieved sb:ands, hom r+ inch to t:r inch in diarneter' 250 X C*d" or 270 K Crade, conformins to U B.C' Stan<hrd No. 26-8' ald iotended for use in pretensioned, bonrled prestressed construc' tioa. The strands are to be positioned in accordance with Section t626 (q) of the Code from ihe botom of-the slitb or as gorernetl by tequli'ed fire-resistive conttntction. ;rnrl loclted directly. rrnder dre web sections behveen the voids. A nlinilnulll ot totlr hottonl sh"trdt *" to be rrsetl per'{8-inch width,.:s cqu:rlly spirccci acro;s tie slab as-possible. Cinrber control strands are optionll, depend- ing upon the design. Grout Fi.ll: Cement for the grout fill is to be on an expitnsive type cempl)-ing \\'ith curre-nt Research Beport \o. 3107. anrl is ffi;d il -the piopo.tions o{ one p.rrt cement to two plrts nilhrral sarl, by lveight. with sutficient lvater :rdded to penrrit pourrrrg without-seerei,rtion. The grout is to nttain n lrlininlunr conlpleltsi\e stength oi ll;00 pounds p1r square inch irt 98^d.r1s. as determinetl by gllnch di.:s:etir !';' -1-rnch l,'nq 4rlinrlen ficl,l sarnnied. lllyrr- aiory crued, rvhen testetl in confornraoce with ASTltt C-192. Poured Concrete Fill: Periphc'ra-t concrete Lev eletncnts and toodt,iain"t sl.rb butt ioirrts irre rl.'srgrre<l to provt-tle a l-inch miriiuturtl rr,idth to derelop tore shtlrr kevs or. ol sulficient size to derelop lnchorag(s to srtpPoftin( frrlnring. .\ll k(ts or hrltt ioitrts "r* i*ir'tir.'a to h"avr l =i ieintorc'nq I'rtr continrtous in lhe top rrf tbe .i.i,r.nt. The cotrctete consist-s of rr peit-grlvel. regrtltr set(ltt concrete h:rvinq a ttrinitrttun rrltitrtlte cutltpressirt'strtrtqth ol i0{10 oorn.ls p.. srltr,rre inch at 1S tlavs. its <lcterntillerl itt accortiitnce ;th AST\I Desicnation C.3 L. Rciaforqinq Steel, Reinforcing stcel rrscd irr the slab joincw is &fomrerl, internl*ti.rte grl.le rctrriorcentetlt (onlotrnitlg to U'B C' -Tfigo:. Standard No. 26-7. The u-elded vrire mesh complies with U'B'C' Standards Nos. 24-15 and 2&11. Slab Design: The slab units are to be designed for each ia&- ulduai ptoJe-ci as to span. dimension!, loading, de0ectiln and shear. fha desim is to conform to Chapter 26 of the Uniform Suil,lins Cod" ior prestresred concrete, using Working Stress Desicn 'ancl Ultimflte- Strcngth Design. The concrete is to ha\ e a minimrrm rrltinrate mmpressi\e suength of 5000 pounds per square inch at 28 days, and is to have a minimum colnpresive strenqti o]-i;oO roundt per square inch at the time of strand release' The pi"in.tti,,g it"ef is to he pretensioned to 70-per c'ent of the stra:rd litl*"tt tensiio strength irior to- the extruding of the slabs' Tbe rultimate Sesural strength of the slabs is to l)e inv6tjgated accoro- inc tt S""tion ZO16 ( i i of the Code. The stess in the concrete due io"tii.i i"*ion at the time of strand rclease is to lre c-omputed on ii. !-t*i ii"Uo" of the slab with tie neutral a-tis at-the center of thi "iiJi. ini ilobs at" not provided rvith web- reinforcing -in the ribs between the voids' The effective web width may be taken as iitu o:iatl oF tttu .lab at the center of the voids,-less the sum of the core dirmeters. Any required openings in the Dynasp.an slabs are i;'6"-;;b:;;ii"i*d' bv io-puta'tions "es to the siab adequacv and i"btnitt"d to the Builiing Official for approval prior to cutting' The slabs are designed to be supqo*ed on 1li-inch- mioimum ."J-L"ringt, .Iepending upon thd loads involved, yth ooured s;a ;a p,ia'-graiet concreie ioins rsed to attach them to ttre peripheral construction. Lateral Design: The slabs may be desi qned as .lateral load diaphraem without the rrse o[ a topping slab wnen tne. touo(-rng conitruction is utilized. The 2-inch by !-inch ; 1{ '+ lil weloeo ;.;;;t installed in the slab top, is'developed across tle longi- tudinul slab ioints bv means of C L:r-inch by ri-inch ;I6'j=16 welded rrire splice mesh l.rid in the grout ioints. .{n xlternate utethod of c'onstnrcti(tn rrttllzes n cast-in-plirct c'on: "tJ" t"ppi"i e ,n"hes thi.k on tltc . rouqh' clean surfCce of 'heor".*i ilittt. Conrposite design is to be io accordance rvrtl Ch'rp' i.i io of tire Corle. See Tabli No. IIr for allorvable bond stresses be$veen lie tr4 o elements. The sides of tbe slabs ure attnched to tlre peripheral consFuction by il; ;;;a-p;";"a-in-pt"s" pea-gra'el mricreie.liel elemehb' of "im"i""l ri* t'o-permit .iinJoriins i-tu.l to act as diaphragm chords or to receive attschments from parailel or supporbng stee-l tramlng' ii;;;;t r.*:tttli inch ditnreter holes mav be corcd into the tr.sii"iir;t siiles of the slabs at key elem€nts lo act as shear Ly;, ;rth each shear kev relnforced with a g'1 reinlorcing ber ii' in"h*s long. The conirete from the key ele-ment is \ibrated ""a'*ti"*tJ ii fiow into the rlrilled holei and the - intercepted iinit tlniat. The grout strip. attirchments to supporting {raming,and key elernents are acco-mpli5hed .l)y. conventlon l geslgn. mcmocls ;;',t ia;'l,X;s in accord,rnce \lith the forces involt'e<I. Allo"r'able di:rphragrn design stresses are set forth in Table No II' The entis of thc regulrrr $out ioints between s.labc are developetl to th. k"l; "l.nt"trrs b"v lj {-rei nforcing. bar dorvels' e.stending { ieet nl;nirirttni intu the ioini rrnd provided rvith rr tlpical riqht anele bend etltivalcnt to a hook in tlre peripheral elenrents' Two nrethods are avrilable to.rrttflch the slllrs rt hen.su.gPorting .,..t iti"tiii[ nretrrb"'n or chortls. The first consists ot "he'rded' ;il,i t;; i;; a i-inch minimum le.ngth. a.n1t r, 3r -inch diirmeter, welcled to the str'el lrarrlilrg itn(l en)beddcd In thr.polrrc(l c'oncrerc key elentcn$ or l,1rtt jolnts. lhe stutls lrre cotlslderc(l -citpdrrle oI i*:irtin? u .he,,r l,t,rd equnl to 5600 porrntls apiece. irntl are to bc sp.rc.,li. rerlttirctl for the lorrds inrolrerl, wlth tl,nliniltrutll rplcing .,i lf rli.rr,,"ti'rs. \o inctelses are pernritttrl for drrration of lold' The secon<l nrethotl crrrtsists of flat steel plrtes''{ bv tt !.1 3-ei ln"it* i.-itr*' t",.,ns t't' n \-inch h" lrr--irtch long strrd bols' *"'n "ril.-*.i,t.il ro'the pl.,t.' top. The plates are ernl'edd'd in irt.'i,,iii.ui, p.iipttt'.l r'[ th'e sl'rl' 6y setti.e on thc. cllstinq be{l .t the retrtriretl srr.ruitt.I iln([ Ir'ittg cttcirsetl .ls thc slirDs 'lrc rtr'lnl:- i *tI'it"it. E,rcli pl,,tti is rvtltlctl il the field to the edgt's of the i"ppritrts tt*t irirnrinq bt t,te-.tns of :r tr bv..ili or,3r::-inch long irii. .1,'i,"",1i"g rrporr thi' ttrt.ttion ot the pl.rte Tlre,she-:rt pl'rte spir(iug rs not to c.{c€.'(t -lti inchts on cYtltcr irlonq strltt sldet' nor ?ageZ Report No.,2382 3'lcss than 2 per panel end- The shear plates are assigned an allow- ablc shear load as follows, (a) lVhen tJre &aphragrn chords are spaced 16 feet on center - 2750 pounds per Plate.(b) lrvhen the diaphragrn chords are spaced 5O feet or more on ceDter - l40O pounds per plate. (c) Flate values for irt.imediate chotd spacing: may be by interpolation. ( d ) No increases arc permitted for duration of load. Diaohraror sizes are not limited to a lenrth-width ratio provided tha d&ecti-on in the plane of the diaphragrir, as determinea by cal- culetiors, tests. or analogies drawn there{rom, does not exceed the oc.rmissible deflection of attached distribution or resisting elements.in aoy crre, ttre maximum allowable diaphragm sheai may not cxcced tlre limibng rnetlod of panel interconnechon or panel 3tess€s, whichaver govenls as set forth hetein, with no increase pcrmitted for duration of load. Firarcsistive Construcfion: A two-hour ffre-resistive tirne period is ansisred to S-inch. l0-inch and l2-inch thick slabs havins a 1?.i- inch cliear strand cover for Grade B stono aggtegate concrtte and L15.inch clear strand cover for Grade A stone aggregalqlq4qrete,16;6;iiani,i{om lhce shslt 6rdri6i=IElfE;'ot-E;-th;; i }{ inchcs.- Febricalor Approval: The approval of this method of construc- tion ir Dredicated uporr the approval of each fabricating plant by. a Certificate of Reristadon as an aDproved fabricator, issued by the Research Committee, or a fabricitor approved b]' the Building Official. An alternate method of lP.Proval may be, by continuora insoection of every aspect of the slab manufacture by a sperial iD' spector acceptabli to the Building Official having lurisdiction. III. Evidence Subnritted: Structual t+ts and descriptivb dats are submitted. Recommendat'on IV. Recommendation: That tlre Dynaspan Prccast Conclcto slabs are a satisfactory olternete typ€ of construction to that spcci' ffed io the Uniform Buildiag Code, provided: l. The units gre fsbricated ia the plant of al approved fabri' I cator or under continuo[3 inspection of ewry aspeot of the slab maaufacture by a spccial irugrector acccptable to ihe Building Oftcial. 2. The units are individuallv desigled for eacb job il eccord' ance with lhc reauir€ments of the Unilorm Building Codo for prcstressed concrcte using a \lbrking SEcss Design or .n Ultiriret" Seength Desiga method. See Tables l'ios. I end If for pmel sizes, end aUowable design stresscs. 3. All ohases ot tho Dyne.rpaa slab fabrieation rod instsllrtioo ars perfofi.ned under a special inspection in acordencc with t}ro requipments of the Code. Tr8t8 no, t-DilrAsPril PREcAst suBs-DtttrEilsrofls Ar{0 PR0PERnES' rDimdi.iorr .od FroPcrdd Usted rrc for r nohinrl {-foot widc iLb hsying a nct ridtb of 47ii inchcs, The lropcrqa src {or.t!o a.t-.'ortctit! 3.ction Ed d oo! Ircludc a.ay ello*-uccr for .by eoocrct. toppiog or equrvalcot arca for reilforcrag. The Dct wcigbt ir b&t.d otr t?gll|t wclgbt coEctatt. Tl8lt Il0. ll - Att0!f,lBlI 0IAPHRAGII DESlGtl STRESSES rtr0waSLl stRtssl(L!r. t!| Sq. ln.l Longitudinal grout ioint wi& lapped rvire mesh reinJorcement hesed o'r the norninal denth of loint .Thinnest precast section across the void based on the sunr of t}re concrete thickness above and below the center ol void 104 Shear over t}te area of shear plugs 88 Bond stress for a clt5t-in-p.hce concrete topping oq the rough c'leln surface o{ the precrst slabs3 40 rNo increi'€' lr.c pennitted {o. durnuotr of loed.rEremplo - ::9 p.s.i. X s-inuh depdt X t:l iu./It. = !78.1 pouo& pct lincnl fool Ior the 8-roch dceo slrb:.,Conlrctc topplr4 shall bavc .r ririoirnurn u.ltjJrrll. clEFllarivc sttsttd ol 3000 Dou$& pcr rqua!. ioch. 3l a !!tl lio ntt 0F vlro sltc P8ottllY tovllY0tol (ovlL v0lD) rnour0'v0t0t 10- (oYAt YOID) 12'(0vrI' t0r0) Net lveight in Pounds per Sq. Ft.4 54.4 Bt.3 o6 80 He'ght ( Inches )Void Width { Inches ) 4 5 o 474 47,L4h 4,1 9Y+ 4\$ Coa;crete lVsb Width Between Voids ( Inches )196 lYt I%LfE Summation of Concrete Web lVidths ( In. Min. )ll ii tzt6 1?1*r4$ Net Thickness of Slab Concrete ,tbove or Below Voids { Inches )I I l.,i t7s Slab Net Concrete .{rea ( Square Inches )169l 209 265 3ft| Slab lloment of Inertia ( Inchesa )728 1630 r802 52i9 liCutral Axis To Slab Top Location ( Inches ) To Slab Bottom 2.92 3.08 4.01 3.98 4.0I 3.99 D,UJ 8.03 5.97 Too of Slab Socdon Modulus ( Inchess ) Boltom of Stab "19lrJ I 406 410 49 452 fl3 649 876 884 Normal Location of €enEr Line of Prestressing Strands Above Slab Bottom ( Inches )Iti L%r14 lYr rv ) frca TELEPHO N E (3o3) ?9?-94so Re: The Holiday House Condoniniun Dear Sir: In accordance with instructions of Paul T. Bailey,I enclose for your infornation one copy of the proposed Condominiun Declaration for The Holiday House and onecopy of ttre proposed By-Laws for The Holiday lIouse Condoninium Association, Inc. It is understood thatthese documents are furnished to you for informationpurpoEes only and for the purpose of indicating to youthe intent of the appl.icant for the building permit todivide the subject property into units for condominium ownership. A basically sinilar document will be properly re-corded prior to the first conveyance of condominium units. RICHARD R. HELMIC|( FREDERIC K. CONOVER II DONALD H, BURI(HARDT WALTER I. AURAN RUSS W. BOND RICK G. DAVIS JOHN BLAIF MOORHEAD DAVID L. RICE HELMICK, CONOVER & BURKHARDT ATTORN EYS AT I-AW 7OO OENVER CLUB BUILOING DENVER, COLORADO aOeOe April 29, L972 Building Inspector Town of VailP. O. Box I00Vail, Colorado 81657 DHB/vs Enc.cc: !lr. PauL T. BaiLev Yours very truly, HELIT{ICK, CONOVER & BURKHARDT Byfudrk**z o Mtu nrn, $rrlrmt AND fritunrR, - Co*uftiog toginn"ro - 29Ol West 79th Avenue Denver, Colorado 8O2O4 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I her"eby centify that on March 9, 1972, a . ,pbint being the true C. 5. Mesrer E. /fl. Serolinl M. R, Meuret ;,FHONE 433.7321 "r.ur" *o. 4 1o 3-1-. -, 3lr0l72 *."1.r. ^,survey was made of : U"-'ri \"la A pa:rt of the Nontheast one-quanten of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Pnincipal Meridian and being a part of Lots A,B, and C of Amended Map of Sheet L of 2 of Vail Village Second Filing, County of Eagl.e, State of Colonado, mone panticula:rIy deser"ibed as follows: Commencing at the.Nontheast corner of said Section 7; thence SoutherJ-y and along the East line of the Northeast one-qua:rter of said Section 7,39.20 feet to the South night of way line of U. S. Highway No. 6; thenceon an_angle to the night of 100041 r47." and along said South right of way Iway line 25.44 feet to a point on the West line of Vaif Road, said pointbeing the No:rtheasterly corner of said Lot A; thence continuing along line 25.44 feet to a point on the West line of Vaif Road, iaid po Lg the No:rtheasterly cbrngr of said Lot A; thence continuing alongthe afonementioned line and afong the Nonther^ly line of said Lot A, ,.. 152.65 feet to a point on the Nonthwesterly connen of..rs.iid Lot A, said ;pbint being the tgue_pg;Lnt of beginning: thence on an-"angle to the left.brro0o41|[7''and@saidLotA,u0:00.feet;'thenc'or 1uu"4l'+7" and along the West line of said Lot A, 110.00 feetl. thence6n an.angl-e to the left of 73o53rl2,,, 156.13 feet to the West l_ine ofVail Road; thence on an.angle to the right'of 73053t12" and along said West l-ine 29.15 feet; thence on an angle to the night of 106006r48rr,156.13 feet to the West l1ne of.said Lot A; thence on an angle to theleft of 13401-7'11r'; 67.00 feet; thence on arr angle to the:right of90o00t00tt, 18.27 feet; thence on an angle to the left of 90o00t00"r 86.00feet; thence on an angle to the right of 102o13'17ir, 101.50 feet, more or1ess5-to the Nontherly line of West Meadow Drive; thence on an angle tothe night of 38013t30tr and along said Northerly line 264.42 feet fo a pointof cunve; thenee continuing along said Northerly.line and along a curveto the l-eft having a radius of 525.00 feet, a cLntral angle of06023tf2", an arc distance of 58.52 feet to the weste:rly line of lot c;thence on an angle to the:right of 84o48r35tt and along the Westerly line of'Lot C, 251.25 feet to the South right of way line of U. S. Highway,.No. 6; thence on.an angle to the night of 90"00t00ttand along said so_uth Tigi^tt of way line 300.00 feet, more or less, to the tnue point,of beginning; containihg 10Lr140.75 square feet, or 2.32 acnesr-mor"i!.'or"less; : ': and found the impnovements to be located with relation to the boundarylines of the above-described property. The location and dimensions ofaL1 buildingsr.improvements, easemenls on rights of way in evidence or3known to me and encroachments by or on the premises are as shown. rfunthe:: eentify that the attached plat aecurately shows the locationof^ improvements in relation to the property linei as repuesented above.Not to be usedfon fence const:ruction. egistered LanfzS gnvgyor "1.e'lLJo lxreRxlloxll Coxrenexce b, Br,rornu Orrrctrr-s 5O SOUTH LOS ROBL:t . atA4.t!tO ' tA3AgENA, CALIFORNIA hbnrrrT 18' 1972 f,oll.dey Bonn 0oadalolrr lBrl.rllr|lnr rlrrrfl Jomph !. lloltlllrnlrshltrct 1471 fouth f,ollt lttt .t DrtYtr, Golondo 80222 Darr llr, tlecllltlrnl tfr henr ncrtvrd your rrvlrd plrnr rnd yarr lrtGrr ol rrplrortl,on drtcd trbnrrrl le' 1972r lE tnrra to th. c@.Etr tn oui lrttrr to lls. ld ttnrblr, lutldtng Otttrctrl of Vrl,l, Golorrdo, dated ?rbnnry 2, Lg7?, Upoa rrvlrr of your rrvLrd plenr lt rpp..r. th.c thabrlc urrngrmat copltcr rttb Codr rrqulrcltf . tt|.cr thrt our sonrt coocrrnlng !h. upprr brlcocy r.tltIiG tro. 6 (h) uer lot sL.r to yan. t rrtrr y'ou lo t c- tlon ll05 (r), trcrptlo h. 3. I bop tbtr rtll clertf,l yout quarcts. I! yor hrvr rny furth.r qu.atl6r, plmn do lot bol- trca co cootrc t ut. Iourr vrry tnrlTt r*rEnf,tllctl. cw8rngl(r tunDrrc cllctr lt l. J. f,oytlettu Cbtrl llrn Ch..h lajll..r uI:hb csr ld 8trubl. O l-t €,P fcbnrry \4, Lrn Holldry Hotrac 0ondod,nlur Vall, 0alcedo PRE,N'iItrARI REYIHJ !tF. f. J. fqnrter Chl..f nlan Cbml &glnccIntclatlcrl Oqfcmoc of Btrll.ltag 0fftolalr 5t60 Sorrth ltckrn l*1111 BoritIhlttd,c, Ceflfo!'llr 90601 JEI{rv &or COr 1{r. El StfirbL Drr llr. f,qartnr lL rr. lu rcac(pt of yoc arcUU,ury rtrlcy of Febrary 2, LUn, addrcard toItr. f,d Stnrblcl Batl.dtag Offtald, Ya!.I, Colcador Emlord Lr mt rct of drrvlngr vblob laoopcatc a au*c of ohr'€u end rcrv1,clor. l{c bqc thtr rrllt. }r!,Dg oc barlo rrtlngrmt lato fnll oonfcnnor rdtb tho Unlfmu Bulldlng Oodr. f rdc to podllc ltena ln ycrr J.ctt*r Pagc 2, 6 (r) Ue bryo prcvldrd fuo ooqlylqg *ttr rt all rrrantac lrah.Pqr 21 6 (b) Ur brvr roloatd thc rtrlr loetlonr to pnorldt tbc 58 lcrt rcqrd'rrd. Pege 2r 5 (d) arr lttlr. bavc bcea rclgrd to prwlds illr.st aeccm to thr coctc{,c. fegr 2, 6 (c) l|o bryc drlJt.d rlr 66Oa olotstr belov stals rnoloasct. PaS. ,r 6 (t) ljr hrvr not romvrd thr olrqulrl rtrlrr, rr ur fmtr tbry art niltcanrtr to tbo dod,6n of tbr urltro In addltlol thr olrculs ttatrc arg not nsoerrr;r tothr cefcty Ef thr ooqaatr. Both tho uln and the lofl lcvdr opra dtrou,y to ra approrod ocmidce Gad tyo ltaLnrl.lr. lbc Vall cdlnanoc Io" 6 la for tbo oondltlotu uhlsh ttr olrorlrr ctatr lr tbr oaly aooom to t'bc lotrt apacr. Arotbc tbqght othlr dgbt be cooqtrbl,rt Cqrld yr not prwlde ary rtaln at erl brtrren thr lof,! enil t&c nll apartnut lwcl and lct thc oodod,nlur purohaccr edd thr otrcular rtalr bbrL? at a latc (btrt fege 3r 6 (h) $r do not undcrtaad niat 1r roqulred ty tlrla paragrapb. Hay nr brvtfrathf lnfcctlo q tbr requlrcmtr hcn.. tJt cqlld ulo a mo qo bdooy rrll,lf rrgnlrod. rll ltcrs ll yqr lrttc rot ryrolftoal{y unt"toucd rbcc vllt b. aopllcd rdtb. Slaoccly Jn@rt 9€l"rIt Joeqb E. urd{lllrn o o February 2, 1972 Mr. Joeeph E. MacMl llanl47l South Ho!ly Streoi Ocnver, Colorcdo 802?2 SubJ6ct: Hol lday.House Condomlnlums Dear t4r. MgcMlllan; In raference to your letter of January 28 regardlngiha c.If tlng f rom the loft aree g In the Holldiy Housc,thq Nxftr do not meet Code. When I tolked wlth you'aboui splral stalrs from the loft areas, you wl llrecll I fhat thc area of tho toft had to be lecs than 120 square fcet. lpe - other th I ng has come to my atfent I on I n, recheck I ngthe.prellmlnary plans after I recelved your leiter,gnd th6t lc the iccond and fourth floor loft aressenter lnto only one sxlt. lf you had a conformlngsfllr from the loft doun fo the next floor, thot wouJdglve you the requlrecl two exlts; however, In looklngot the thlrd floor pl6n, lf does not appcar that yourtwo exlts arc l/5 ol the prrfifieter aparf. Slnce you hove already sent prellmlnary plans fo l.C.B.O.I roul d suggeet you rralt untl I you hear f rom themto ssc rhot th"ey have to say cbout the ebove Yours tru I y, TO!{N OF VAIL Ed 9trub lc Bul ldlng Offlclal dr .|; f,p/* OFFICEA OF THE IXECUTIVE DIRECIOR T. H. CAN'ER "ili,?5"j'E:"T" TECI{NTCAL DlilqToi D. R. WATAONHollday House Conddllalums PRELIMIMRY REVIEIJ have been reviewed lndlcated as 98.75 the bullding is an lurrRNATIoNAL CoNFERENCE oF ButLDtNG Orrtclnls 50 SOUTH LOs ROBLES . 644-I3IO . PASADENA, CALI FORNIA 9IIOI February 2, L972 OFFICER3 PRE€IOENT PERRY C. TYREE FEGIONAL BUILDIN6 OFFICIAL COLORADO SPFINGA, COLORAOO FIFgT VICE.PRggIDENT EUGENE B. PEATER SUPERINTENDENT, DEPA' TMENT OF BUILDING ANO !}AFETY POMONA. CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE.PRE6IDENT NEWELL FOCK CIiIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA. W SHINGION TREAgURER VINCENT R. BUSH AUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDINO VERNON, CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PAST PFEAIOEI{T TED E. DUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL EILLINGS. iIONTANA EXECUTIVE OTFECTOR 7. H. CARTER 50 SOUTH LOA ROELE6 PAgADENA. CALIFORNIA IfANAGINC DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 50 60urH Loa Ro!!!:a PAgADENA. CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYI.ORD C. DOWD DIRECTOR OF It{EPEq'IONA KALAIIAZOO. IITCHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECIOR DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIOHS MINNEAPOLIS, I/IINNE6OTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF AU ILDINC INEPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOUA, l|,AsHINGION CHARLEA R. HINKLEY CHIEF BUILDI G INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW. CALIFORNIA VTCTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILDING OFFIqIAL COUNTY OF ALAT.tEOA HAYI||ARO. CALIFORNIA JACK D. lr'HITE BU ILDING CODE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY, MISSOUFI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF !UILOING VERNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN DI RECTOR BUILDTNG DEPARTMEN' AU6TIN. TEXAS RAY J. NOKEg EU ILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF 6ANTA BARBARA AANTA BAREARA, 6ALIFORNIA Ed Struble BuiLding Offtcial Box 100 Vall, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Strub Le: Prelininary plans for the above project and the following coMlents are made: GENEML CGIMENTS: 1. It is assumed thac a property llne feet ln length at the south end of interlor property f.ine. 2. It is assumed that the problem of separate ownershLp will be resolved to vour satisfactioo. NONSTRUCITIML COI'TMENTS : L. The basement parking garage is considered the first story. From the infortation shown we have estimsted that 340 feet of the perimeter is more than 6 feet fron grade to the fl.oor above whiLe L80 feet is less than 5 feet fron grade to floor above. 2. The loft LeveLs indicated on these plans in all cases exceed the allowab1e area for a mezzanine. Accordlngly' they wiLl be considered as additional stories. The north sectlon of thls buildlng ls then considered a four-story building and the south sectlon a six story bul1ding. A Nonprofil Servica Orgonizolion for lhe Moinlanonce ol the IJNIFORM BUIUING CODE qnd Rc/qlcd Ordrnqnces ad Ofrcring Specio/ Services lo z clive Closr A Mcnbers 5. 6. -2- 3. The approximate floor area of the entire buiLding ls 541000 square feet. Note that this incLudes the fLoor area of the basement which is L1,420 square feet. The a11osab1e area fora Type III one-hour buil-ding would be 26,933 square feet.AIso the maxLmrm story height for a Type III one-hour butldlngis four stories. The Type II building assumed by rhe architectfor this building wouLd be the minimun type of construction forcmpliance for floor area and story height c ons l-derations. 4. Eave overhang s and exterior balconies should comply with Sec-tion 17L0. They should be of nonc osrbus tib l-e construction forthis Type IT bulLdtng. structural elements in Type rr buildings shouLd be noncombustlbleconstruction. Wood beams and decking proposed by the architect, even though they are fire-retardant treated wouLd not compLy. Exits . (a) The north section of Ehis buildtng is provided wirh only one complying exit frorn the top 1eveL. Note that the toplevel is the fourth story of this building. Tn accordancewith Section 3302 (a) two cmplying exits are required. (b) The two exlts provided for the south section of this build-ing for che top three levels are not suf flclently separatedto compl-y with Section 3302 (c). A minimun separarion of 58 feet is required. pLans show a scaLed dlstance of 32feet. (c) Exlt enclosures shouLd have wa11s of two-hour fire-resLstiveconstruction. One of the enclosures should be a smoke-proofenclosure in accordance with Section 3309 and in accordancewith Ordinance No. 5 of the City of Vail. (d) Exit encl-osures shoul-d lnc lude a corridor on the ground fLoor extending to the exterior. Note that the enclosures shouLd be of the same fire-resistive construction as re-quired for the verticaL enclosure. Note that on Sheet A-3the stairway encLosures empty into corridors which do not comply as two-hour encLosures. (e) Usable space is not allowed under the stal.rs in stair enclo-sures. See for exampLe closets s hown for Units L-F, 1-8,1-J, etc., under the stairway in enclosures. t -3- (f) Circular stairs shown on Sheets A-3, A-5, 4-6 are notpermitted since they serve an area in excess of 120 square feet. Thls is in accordance with your Ordl.nance No. 6 and reLatLve to Section 3305 (a) of the Unifor:nrBuildlng Code. (g) The roof sLope should be indicated as a nininum 4:12 other- wise a stairway to the roof wil_L be requLred. Section 3305 (n). (h) Required windows in aparturentswith the longer side at Least ls raised on many of the units where so1ld balconv rails are should fronE on the balcony 65 percent open. A questlon shoran on Sheets A-7 and A-8 shonn. Wet standpipes are required in accordance wlth Ordinance No. 6. Dry standpipes are required in accordance with Section 3803. 9. rnterl.or batbs should be provided with mechanicaL ventil-ation toprovlde five air changes per hour. Fan capacity should be specl-fied. L0. Enclosures for floor openings should cmply with Table No. L7-A. Reference Ls made to trash chute and fLoor openings shown adJacentto cLoset in corridor on Sheets A-12, A-13, A-14, A-15 and 4-1.6. Please feel free co contact us if there are any questions. Yours very truLy, IMERNATIONAL C ONFERENCE TJK:hb cc: Josepb E. MacMillan 7. 8. J,c ) /:i - : 2,6'7c- t< 4t.€ ; ,,/ X frJ/.73-, /.Ult' 7 r' .yyt/..fo /a, 7/2.qJ .(tat*tr.), (03.7t') ,trrr c,{; (f1.ar) /A?.!o 73. 37 do2,7 JGr|, ao (v as'-n") /2(..O D -t_ g,ar,6, Qt CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR HOLIDAY HOUSE Condominium) GCIPV THE (A KNOII AI,I, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 9IHEREAS, Vail H. I. Co., a limited partnership, hereinafter called "Declarant", is the owner of the reaL property described on the attached E:<hibit "A" (which by this reference is made apart hereof) and the improvements constructed thereon, which together are sometirnes referred to hereinafter as the "project". WUEREAS, Declarant wishes to divide the project into twenty- eight (28) separate estates and, to provide for the condominium mnership of the project, and I|EEREAS, by the terms and provisions of this Condominium Declaration, the Declarant hereby submits said real property and ttre improvernents thereon to such condominium ovtnership and use, pursuant to the Colorado Condorninium ovrnership Act, NO$l TIIEREFORE, Declarant does hereby publish and declare that ttre tersrs, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, uses tlirnitations and obligations hereinafter set forth shall be deemedto run with the title to the real property described in E:<ttibit A and ttre improvements thereon and shall be a burden upon and a benefit to ttre Declarant, its successors an<i assigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property and irnprovements, their grantees, successors, heirs, executors, admin- istrators, devisees or assigns. 1. DEFINITIONS Unless ttre context expressly provides othenrise, the follow-ing tenrc shall always have the meanings hereinafter set forth: (a) "unit" [€ans an individual air space unit containedwithin the perirneter walls, floors, ceiling, windows and doors of a numbered unit in the building as shown on the Condominium MAP. (b) "Condominiun unit" means one individual air space unit, an undivided percentage interest in the general conmon elements appurtenant to such unit, the limiLed cornmon elements appurtenantto suctr unit and an undivided percentage leasehold interest inthe real property upon which the condominiurn building is constructed. (c) "Numbered unit" or "apartment unit" me€rns the dwelling area of a condominium unit as designated by nurnber on the Condo- ninium tlap. (d) "Owner-leEsee" or "olner" (used herein interchangeabLy) tlEans a person, firm, corporation, partnership, association orother legal entity, or any combination thereof, who has acquired an interest in one or more cond,ominium units under the terms ofa Condoutinium Conveyance and Lease in the form attached hereto as E:<hibit C, or a Condominium Conveyance and Assignl€nt of Leasein the form attached hereto as Exhibit D. (e) "Estate in ownership" when used with reference to a condominium unit shall mean an undivided percentage interest in the general cornmon elements appurtenant to such condomium unit, the interest in the linited comrnon elements appurten€rnt to such condominium unit, the finished surfaces of the interior structuralwalls within the condominium unit, and all fixtures, appliances and improvernents located therein which do not constitute struc-tural components of the condominium building. (f) "Leasehold estate" \dhen used with reference to a con- doninium unit means all of the air space within said condominiumunit and the undivided percentage interest in the real property(other than the 28 air space units) described in E:<hibit A whichIs appurtenant to such condorninium unit. (g) "Common elements" means and includes: 1. The foundations, columns, girders, beams,supports, bal-conies, patio decks, enclosed narkingareas, enclosed storage spaces not within numberedr:nits, lobbies, chimneys, corridors, perimeter and supporting walls, roof, stai:*rays, elevators, build-ing entrances and exits, yards, driveways, landscaping and other outdoor facilities and improvements; 2. The mechanical installations of the building . consisting of the equipment and materials rnaking upany central services such as po\^rer, Iight, 9ds, hot and cold water, and heating which exist for comrnon usei 3. Any tanks, pumps, motors, fans, compressors,ducts, and in general all apparatus and installationsof ttre building existing for common usei 4. Such enclosed air spaces in the building asare provided for community or cornmon use; and 5. All other parts of the building or other im-provel€nts necessary or convenient to its existence,maintenance and safety, or normally in cornmon use. (h) "General common elements" means alL of the comrnon ele-nents except linited common elements. (i) "Limited common elements" means those parts of the commonelements which are ei-ther limited to and reserved for ttre exclusiveuse of an ordner of a particular condominium unit or are limited toand reserved for the tonunon use of more than one but fehrer than alrof the condorninium unit ordners. (j) "Project" means all of the rights and interests in real-property and irprovements. (k) "Condorniniun suitding" or "building,, means the buildingwithin which the units are located. (1) "Connon expenses" means and includ.es expenses of adnini-stration, maintenance, repair or replacement of the connon ele-mentsi expenses declared conmon expenses by provisions of thisDeclaration and the By-tavrs of the essocialion; all sums lawfullyassessed against the condominium units and all expenses agreed,upon as conmon expenses by the condominium unit owners. (n) I'Association" means The Holiday House condominiun Asso-ciation, a Colorado corporation, not for profit, its successorsand assigns, the certificate of rncorporation and By-Laws of whichshall govern the administration of this condominium project, andthe nernbers of which shatl be atl of the owners of the condominiumunits. -2- (nl "Condominium map" or "map" means and includes an engin-eering survey of the real property locating thereon all of theimprovernents, the floor and elevation plans of the building, anyother drawing or diagrammatic plan deoicting a part of or all ofthe project. Each condominium unit shall be designated on such Map by number. (o) "Condominium Convevance and Lease" means and refers tothe specimen form attached hEreto as Exhibit C, and by this re-ference made a part hereof; "Condominium Conveyance and Assignmentof Lease" means and refers to the specimen form attached heretoas Exhibit D, and by this reference mad,e a part hereof. (p) "Ground rent" or "rent" shall mean and refer to therentar to be paid by the ovrner-lessee pursuant to the condoninium Conveyance and Lease. (g) "Real Protrerty" means the ground upon which the improve-ments are located, the surface thereof, and the earth beneath, andthe air above such surface. 2. CONDOMINIUI{ MAP The Condominium Map shall not be filed for record until thebuilding in which the condominium units are located has been sub-stantially completed so as to permit the location thereon of the condominium units both horizontally and vertically. The Map sharlbe prepared by a registered engineer and/or licensed architect andshall be filed for record prior to the first transfer and convey-ance of a condominium unit to an or^rner-lessee. The Map shall depictand show at least the following: (a) the legal description of ttreland and a survey thereof; (b) the location and dimensions of thebuilding both horizontally and vertically; (c) the thickness ofthe common wall-s between or separating the units; (d) the locationof any structural components oi suopoiting elements of the buildinglocated within a unit; (e) desiqnation of the limited. common ele-rnentsr (f) the unit designationi Uy number; (9) the dimensions ofthe units; and (h) the elevations of the unfinished floors andceil-ings as constructed. The Map shall contain the certificate ofa registered, professional engineer or licensed architect, or both,certifying the substantial accuracy of the lvlap and that the Mapwas prepared subseguent to substantial completion of the improve-ments.- rn interpreting the Map the existing ohysical boundariesof each separate unit as consttucted. shall- be- conclusively pre- Er:med to be its boundaries. Decrarant reserv_es the right-tb amendtlre Map, from time to tirne, to confoln same according !o the actualLocation of any of ttre constructed inprovements and io establish,vacate and relocate easements, access road easenents and off-siteareas. 3. DIVISION OF PROPERTY INTO CONDOMINIUM I'NITS llbe project is hereby divided into the following estates: (a) Twenty-eight (28) separate "estates in owner-ship" each consisting of an undivided percentage in-terest in the general conmon elements (as set iorth inEr*ribit B attached hereto), certain desiqnated limited common elements, ttre finished surfaces oi the interiorstructural walls within an apartment unit, all fixturesand appliances within an apaitment unit, and all otherl.mprovenents within .rn apartment unit which are notstructural components of the condominiurn building. (b) Ttrenty-eight (28) separate ', leasehold estates',eaclr appurtenant to the corresponding "estate in owner-ship" and each consisting of one ,,unit,, (as hereinabove defined) and an undivided percentage interest in thereal property (other than the 28 air space units) uponwhich the condominium buildinq is constructed. 4. LIMITED COMIVION ELE!4ENTS A portion of the cotnmon elements is reserved for the exclusive use of the individual o\dners of particular units, and such areasare referred to as "limited common elements". The limited common elements so reserved are the balconies as shown on the Map, enclosedstorage spaces outside of the units, and parking spaces. The bal- cony which is accessible frorn, associated with and which adjoins aunit shall, without further reference thereto, be used in connectionwith such unit to the exclusion of the use thereof by the otherfrtners of the common elenents, except by invitation, and the storage and parking spaces shall be designated. on the Map. No referencethereto need be made in any instrument of conveya,nce, encumbrance,or other instrunrent. 5. INSEPARABILITY OF A CONDOMINIUI{ I'NIT Each condominium unit shall be inseparable from all other con-doninium units, and may be assigned, transferred, conveyed, leased,subleased, devised or encumbered only as a condominium unit. 6. DESCRIPTION, TRAIISFER AIID CONVEYANCE OF A CONDOMINIUIIT UNIT (a) A contract for the sale of a condominium unit writtenprior to ttre filing for record of the Map and Declaration nrylegally describe it by its identifying unit number followed bythe words "The Holiday House", wittr further reference to the Map,Declaration and Condominium Convevance and Lease to be filed forrecord. (b) Sr:bsequent to the filing of the Map and Declaration, theinitial transfer and conveyance from Declarant to a purchaser of acondominium unit shall be accomplished by executi-on lnd deliveryof an instrument entitled "Cond,6minium r.,Ease and Conveyance,' (a-prototype of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C),'which instru-ment shall be recorded in the records of Eaqle County, Colorado. The Condominiun Conveyance and Lease shall identify the condoniniumunit by use of ttre following description: Description Unit No. _, The Holiday Houser' accordingto the uafl-E?reof fited for record and the Condominium Declaration for The Holiday House , at Page of the6ii-n ty, Col oiad6lFub j e ctto the terms, covenants, conditions, easements,restrictions, uses, limitations and obligationsset forth in said Condominium Declaration, andthe Condominiurn Conveyance and Lease. (The appropriate recording data shall be inserted in the Descriptionaccording to fact.) (c) A11 transfers of an osrnership interest in a condoniniumunit subsequent to the initial transfer by the Decrarant shall benade by an instrument entitled condominium conveyance and Assign-ment of Lease, a prototype of which instrument ii attached heretoas Exhibit B. The condominium unit so transferred may be describedLn the same manner as in subparagraph (b) above. recorded in Bookrecords of Eaqle -{- o (d) Every instrument of conveyance, mortgage, deed of trust,or other instrument affecting the title to a condominium unit whlch describes said condominiun unit in the manner set forth in subparagraph (b) above shall be deemed good and sufficient forall purposes to convey, transfer, encumber, or other:eirise affect notonly the Unj-t but also tlre General Common Elements, the Limited Comrnon Elements, and the leasehold estate appurtenant thereto. Each such description shall be construed to include a nonexclusive easement for ingress and egress and for use of the General Common Elements together with the right to use of the Linited Comrnon Elements. (e) If at any time during the existence of this condominiumproject, the fee estate and the leasehold estate in the real prop-erty appurtenant to a condominium unit or units should nerge by reason of purchase or other acquisition by a condominium unit owneror oqtners of the Declarant's fee interest in the real property apPurtenant to such condominium unit or units, subsequent transfersof ownership of such condominium unit or units shal-l be made bygeneral warranty deed, and the condominium unit so transferred maybe described in the manner set forth in subparagraph (b) above. 7. SEPARATE ASSESSME}iT A}JD TAXATION . NOTICE TO ASSESSOR Declarant shall give written notice to the assessor of the County of Eagle, Colorado, of tlre creation of condominiurn oerner-ship of this prooerty, as is provided by law, so that each unit and the undivided interest in ttre general cornmon elements appurt-enant thereto and an undivided leasehold interest in the real prop-erty upon which the condominium improvements are located shall be deemed a parcel for ttre purpose of separate assessment and taxa-tion. 8. OWNERSTIIP - TITI.E A condominium unit may be held and owned by more than one per- son as joint tenants or as tenants in common, or in any real prop-erty tenancy relationship recognized under the laws of ttre Stateof Colorado. 9. NON-PARTITIONABILITY The common elements shall be owned in common by all of the owners of the units and shall remain phlrsically undivided, and no oltrner sball- bring any action for partition or division of the corunonelements. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a lirnit-ation of the right of partition of a cond,ominium unit between theotners thereof, but such partition shall not affect any other con- dominium unit. The undiviaea interest in the real proierty shallIikewise remain appurtenant to each condominium unit and shallremain undivided whether held as a leasehold interest or as a feeinterest. 10. USE OF GENERAL AND LII'1rTED COMMON ELEMENTS Each owner shall be entitled to exclusive ownership and pos- seEsion of his unit. Each owner may use the general and linited conmon elements and the undivided leasehold estate in accordancewith the purpose for which they are intended, without hindering orencroaching upon the lawful rights of the other owners and subjectat all times to this condominium Declaration and the provision ofany other docunent referred to herein. -5- o 11.USE AND OCCUPANCY (a) Each condominiurn unit shall be used and occupied principallyfor residential purposes by the or,rrner, by the owner's familyr gruests,lnvitees, and tenants, and for rent,al lodging; subject, however, tothe provisions contained in paragraph 27 of this Declaratj-on. (b) Declarant and its employees, representatives, agents and contractors may rnaintain a business and sales office, construc-tion facilities and yards, model units and other facilities re-quired during the construction and sales period. L2. EASEMENTS FOR ENCROACIIMENTS If any portion of the conmon elements encroaches upon a unitot units, a valid easement for the encroachrnent and for the main-tenance of samer s9 long as it stands, shall and does exist. Ifany portion of a unit encroaches upon the common elements, or uponan adjoining unit or units, a valid easement for the encroachmentand for the rnaintenance of same, so long as it stands, shall and does exist. Such encroachrnents and easements shall not be con-sidered or determined to be encumbrances either on the conmonelements or the units 13. TERMINATION OF MECHANIC'S LIEIT RIGHTS A}iD INDEi'TIIIFICATIO}J Subseguent to the conpletion of the improvements described onttre Map, no labor perforrned or materials furnished and incorporatedin a unit with ttre consent or at the request of the unit ovrner orhis agent or his contractor or subcontractor shall be the basisfor filing of a lien against the condominium unit of any other unitowner not expressly consenting to or requesting $le same, or againstthe common elements. Each owner shall indemnify and hold harmlesseach of the other owners, lessors, and all mortgagees from andagainst all liability arising from the claim of-any lien againstthe condominium unit of any other or.rner or against the comrnon eIe-ments for construction perforned or for labor, materials, seivicesor other products incorporated in the owner's unit at such owner'srgguest. The provisions herein contained are subject to the rightsof ttre !4anaging Agent, if any there be, or Board 6f oirectors oi ttreAssociation as is set forth in paragraph 16. 14. (a) The administration of this condominiurn project shal_l begoverned by The Holiday House condorninium Association, a coloradocorporation not for profit. The Association shall be initiallygoverned by a Board of Directors as is provided in the By;Laws ofthe Association. The Association may delegate by writteir agreementany of its duties, poners and functions to-any person or fiim toact- as_ Managing Agent at an agreed compensation; provided, however,such delegation shalr not relieve the Association- of its responsi-biLity to the o!,rners. A portion of the common elements, inciudingimprovements thereon, tnry be used by either the Association or loitrthe Association and Managing Agent ls and for offices in connectionwith adrninistration and maniqernent. !b) During the period of development of the building and thetransfer and conveyancing of condominium units, and until-everycondominium unit is sold or usefully occupied by a lessee, or irntilDecenber I, 1975, whichever occurs sooner, the designation andelection of the Board of Directors of the Association may be exer-cised by Declarant at Declarantrs option. AD!{INISTRATIOI{ AND IANAGE}IENT THROUGII TIIE ASSOCIATTOIT -6- (c) An owner of a condominium unit, upon becoming an ovrner,shall be a member of the Association and sharl remain i member forthe period of his.ownership. The Association sharl have only oneclass of r.rembership. Members shalL be entitled to vote the ier-Oentage of the total vote equal to such member's percentage inter-est in the general comrnon elements. Each conclominiun unif shall beentitled to only one mernbership and the owners of said condominiumgnit, if there be more than one, shall hold and share the membership *l tt: .saT: plgportionate inrerests and by the same type of tenancyI'n which the title to the condoninium unit is held. (at) There shall be recorded from time to time a certificateof identitY and the addresses of the persons then comprising theBoard of Directors, together vrith the identity and address of trreltanaging Agent, if any there be. such certifLcate sharl be con-clusive evidence thereof in favor of any person relying thereon i? sooa faith regardless of time elapse-d iince date thereof. Thefirst such certificate shall be recorded on or before (e) The Association shall be responsible for the excrusiveEanagement and control of the conmon elements and all improvementsttrereon (includinq furnishings and equipment related theieto), and$"11 keep the same in good,. cr-ean, ittiactive and sanitarv con-dition, order and repair. The Association shall be respon'"iur.for ttre rnaintenangg ald,Tepair of exterior surfaces or lrre buildingand improvenents (including the balconies) Iocated on the p6G;ty,including, without limitation, the painting of the same as oftenasr_necessary, the recl-acement of trim and caulking, the rnaintenance 'r,'d repair of roofs, the maintenance and repair oi utititv rines,air condifiglins eguipment, and a1l other improvements or.materialslocated within or used in connection with the common elements. The@st of such management, operation, maintenance and repair shalI beborne as hereinafter provided. The Association shalr have the right to grant easementsfor utility purposes overr Etron, under or tirough iny portion ofthe comnpn elements, and is hereby irrevocably ippoiitla as attorney-in-fact for each ovrner for each purpose (f) The Association may obtain and pay for the.services of 3I p::"9n or persons necessary or desirable for the proper opera-cron of the project, whether such personnel are furnished, or em-p-loyed directly by the Association or by any person or entity lvithwhom or which it contracts. The Associltioir iray obtain and ir"y iorrgg.r and accounting services necessary or d,esiiable in connici,ionwith the operation or tne project or the enforcement of this Declar-ation. The Association rnay airange with others to furnish lighting,heating, water, trash collection, se$rer service and other cornionservices to each unit. The cost of such services shall be borneas hereinafter provided. (g) The Associati.on nay acquire and hold for the use and ben-efit of all of ttre oirners tairgibie and. intantiui" p.r"orr.l property 9nd nay dispose of the sarne by sale or otheniise, and the beneficiarinterest in any such prop"Tty shall be deemed to be owned by theowners in the s€rme proportion as their respective interests'in thecornrrKln elements. such interest shall not Le transferrable excepi-with the transfer of a condominium unit. A transfer of a condominiumtmit shall transfer to the transferee ownership of the transferor,sbeneficial interest in such property without iny-reterence thereto.Each orrner mav use such property in accord"t"e toith the purpo"" iorwhich it is iitended, riin"it-trinaering or encroaching upon thelawful rights of other orners. The trinsfer of title to a condo-mlnium unit under forecrosure shaLr ;nailr;-ttre purchaser to theLnterest in such personar property associated with a foreclosed con-dominium unit. (hl The Assocl-ation may make reasonable rules and regulationsgoverning the use of the units and of the common elements, whichfules and regulations shal1 be consistent with the rights and dutiesestablished in this DecLaration. The Association may suspend anyoltner's voting rights in the Association during any period or periods during which such olrner fails to comply with such rules and regu-lations, or with any other obJ.igations of such owner under thisDeclaration. The Association may also take judicial action against €rny orner to enforce compliance with such rules, regulations orother obligations or to obtain damages for noncompliance, all tottre extent permitted by law. (i) The Association sha1l levy and collect the assessment for comrnon expenses hereinafter provided for; and shall collect from each condominium unit ovrner the rnonthJ-y rental reguired to be paid under the terms of the Condominium Conveyance and Lease and shall-pronptly remit such rentals to the Declarant or its successors ininterest. (j) The Association maygiven to it expressly by thisright or privilege reasonably any right or privileoe qivento effectuate any such right exercise any other right or privilege Declaration or By-Laws, and every otherto be in-o1ied from the existence ofto it herein or reasonably necessaryor privileqe. 15. EASEMENTS (a) Each owner shall have the right to ingress and egressover, upon and across the common elements, and the real property upon which the improvements are located, necessary for access tohis unit and shall have the right to horizontal and lateral supportof his unit, and such rights shall be appurtenant to and pass withthe title to each condominiun unit. (b) The Association shall have a nonexclusive easement tonake such use of the conrmon eLements and of the real property uponwhich the said comnpn elements are located as may be necessary orappropriate to perform the duties and functions which it is obli-gated or pemitted to perform pulsuant to this Declaration. 16. RXSERVATIOIT FOR ACCESS - MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AI,]D EI"IERGENCIES (a) The owners shall have the irrevocable right, to be exer-cised by the Managing Agent or Board of Directors of the Association,to have access to each unit from tinre to time during reasonablehours as nay be necessary for ttre nraintenance, repair or replace-ment of any of ttre common elements therein or accessible tberefrom,or for making emergency repairs therein necessary to prevent damageto the conmon elements or to another unit or units. Damaqe to theinterior or any part of a unit or units resulting frorn th6 mainten-ance, repair, emergenqy repair or replacement of any of the cotnmonelements or as a result of emergency repairs with another unit atthe instance of the Association shall be a common expense of allo! the owners; provided, however, that if such damage is the resultof the misuse or negligence of a unit owner, then such unit o\.{nershall .be responsible and liable for all of such damage. Al1 dam-aged improvements shall be restored to substantially the s€rme con-dition of such improvements prior to darnage. (b) All rnaintenance, repairs and replacements as to ttre com-rcn elements, whether located inside or outside of units (unless necessitated by ttre negligence or misuse of a unit ovrner), shallbe the common expense of alL of the or,rners. -8- L7. OWNERSI MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR T'NIT An.ovrner shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, alteration and remodeling of the finished surfaces of the perimeter ralls, cei'lings and floors within the unit, the unit doors and windows, the fixtures, aopliances, and other irnprovernents making up the estate in orrrnership; and for the cleaning of the balcony appurtenant to his unit. The owner shall be deemed to own the rnaterials which make up such finished surfaces including but not linited to plaster, gypsum dry wall , paneling, wallpaper, paint, waIl and floor ti1e, and flooring, but not including the sub-flooring. lfhe owner shall not be deemed to c,vrn lines, pipes, wires, conduitsor systems (which for brevity are hereafter referred to as utilities) running through his unit which serve one or more other units except as a tenant in cornmon \,rith the other owners- Such utilities shallnot be d,isturbed or relocated by an owner without the written con- sent and aoproval of the Board of Directors. Such right to repair,alter and remodel shall- carry the obligation to replace any finish-ing or other materials removed with sinilar or other types or kindsof materials. An owner shall maintain and keep in repair the in-terior of his own urit, including the fixtures and personal prop-erty therein. AII fixtures and eouipment installed within the unit conunencing at a point where the utilities enter the unit shall be naintained. and kept in repair by the or.rner thereof. An or,'tner shall do no act nor any work that vrill irnpaj.r the structural soundnessor integrity of the building or inpair any easement or hereditarnent. 18. COI{PLIANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF GOVERI{ING DOCUMENTS Each owner shall cornplv strictlv with all of the provisions ofttris oeclaration, the Condoirinium co-nveyance and leasel the Articlesof Incorporation and By-Laws of the Association, and the decisions,rrrles and resolutions of the Association adopted pursuant thereto as the same nay be lawfully amended from time to time. Failure to comply with any of tlre same shall be grounds for an action to re- cover surns due and for damages or injunctive relief or both, main-tainable by the Managing Agent or Board of Directors in the nameof the Association on behalf of the owners or, in a proper case,by an aggrieved oerner. 19. REVOCATIO}T OR AIVIENDI"IENT TO DECLARATION llhis Declaration shall not be revoked unless all of ttre owners and all of the holders of any recorded first mortqage or first deedof trust covering or affecting any or all of the condominium units and the lessor of the real property unanimousJ-y consent and agreeto such revocation by instrument(s) duly recorded. This Declarationshall not be amended unless the owners representing an aggregate ovrnership interest of seventy percent (70S) or more, of the conunon elements and all of the holders of any recorded first mortgage orfirst deed of trust covering or affecting any or all condominiumunits and the lessor of the real property unanimously consent andagree to such arnendment b-'y instrument(s) duly recorded; provided, honever, that ttre percentage of the undivided interest in the conmon elements appurtenant to each unit, as expressed in thisDeclaration, shall have a permanent character and shall not bealtered without ttre consenl of all of the unit owners, and, thelessor of the real property and all of the holders of any recordedmortgjge or deed of trust expressed in an amended Declaration duly recotded. 20. ASSESSIqENT FOR COMMOII EXPENSES (a) All owners ments imposed by the comnon expenses. The shall be obligated Board of Directors assessments shall pay the estimated assess- the Association to meet the made pro rata according to OI be -9- to each oritnerrs percentage interest in and to the general common elements, except for hazard insurance premiums. Assessments forinsurance premiums shall be based upon that proportion of the total preniuns (s) ttrat the insurance carried on a condominium unit bearsto total coverage. The linited common elements shatl be maintained ag general cornmon elements, and owners having. exclusive use thereofshall not be subject to any special charges or assessments. Assess- ments for ttre esLimated common expenses,-including insurance, sha1l be due monthly in advance on the first day of each month. The Managing agenl or Board of Directors shali prepare and deliver, orrnail to each mrner a monthly statement for the estimated or actual expenses. At ttre option of the Board of Directors, such assessmentsfor ttre estirnated common expenses may be due and payable quarterJ-yin advance, on the first day of .ranuiry, Aprilr.fufy and 6ctober - of each year. Contribution for rnonthly assessments shall be pro-rated if the ovrnership of a condominium unit commences on a dayother than ttre first ilay of a month. (b) The assessments made for cornnon expenses shall be based upon the cash reguirements deemed to be such aggregate sum as the Board of Directors of the Association shall from time to time de-termine is to be paid by al.l of the condominiurn unit o\^rners, includ-ing DecJ-arant, to provide for the payment of all estimated expensesarising out of or connected with the maintenance and operation ofttre common elements, which sirm shalt include, but shall not belimited to, expenses of management; taxes and special assessments,until separately assessed; prerniums for fire insurance with ex- tended coverage and vandalism and malicious mischief with end.orse- ments attached issued in the amount of the maximum replacement valueof all of the condominium units (including all fixtures; interiorwalls and partitions; decorated and finished surfaces of perimeterwalls, fl.oors and ceilings; doors, windows and other elements orruaterials comprising a part of the units); casualty and pr:b1icliability and other insurance premiums, landscaping and care ofgrounds; lighting and heating, if any; repairs and renovations,trash collections, r^ragesi water chargesi legal and accounting fees; management fees, expenses and liabilities incurred by the Managing Agent or Board of Directors under or by reason of this Declaration;for any deficit remaining from a previous period; the creation ofa reasonable contingency or other reserve or surplus fund as wellas other costs and expenses relating to the common elements.' The omission or failure of the Board of Directors to fix'the assess-ment for any month or guarter shall not be deemed a waiver, modi-fication or a release of the owners from their obligation to pay. 2L. INSURANCE (a) Ttre Managing Agent, or if there is no Managing Agent, thenthe Board of Directors shaLl obtain and maintain at all times insuranceof the type and kind provided for hereinabove and including suchother tisks, of a similar or dissimil-ar nature, as are or shallhereafter customarily be covered with respect to other condorniniumbuildings, fixtures, eguipment and personal property, similar inconstruction, design and use issued by responsible insurance com-panies authorized to do business in the Stlte of Colorado. Theinsurance shall be carried in bLanket policy form naming theAssociation the insured, as attorney-in-fact (for all of the con-doniniun unit owners), which poricy or policies shall identify theinterest of each condominium unit owner-by unit nurnber, and wiichpoliey or poricies shal-l provide a standard, non-contributory mort-gagee clause in favor of each first mortgagee and that tne policycannot be cancelled or substantially nodified untir after trrirty-days written notice of cancerlation is first given to each owneiand each first mortgagee. said Managing agenl or Board of Directorsehall furnish to any first mortgagee upon request, a certified copyof such branket policy and ttre separate certificate identifying tfieLnterest of ttre mortgagor. All poJ.icies of insurance shalL-pr6videthat the insurance thereunder shall be invatidated or suspended only -10- o ln respect to the interest of any particular owner guilty of abreach of warranty, act, omissioirr-negligence or noi-comitiance ofany provision of such policy, including payment of the insurance gremium applicable to the ov,rner's interest, or who permits or failsto prevent the happening of any event, whether occurring before orafter a loss, which under the provisions of such policy wouldothervrise invalidate or suspend the entire policy, but the insuranceunder any such policy, as to the interests of all other insuredowners not gruilty of any such act or omission, shall not be in-validated or suspend.ed and shalr remain in fult force and effect.'Determination of maximum replacement value of all condominium units(for insurance purposes) snift be made annually by written appraisalobtained by the Association. (b) Each condominium ovrnerwriting of any improvements made Three Thousand Dollars. shall advise the Association into his unit costinc in excess of (c) The Managing Agent, or if there is no Managing Agent,then the Board of Directors shall also obtain and maintain, to theextent obtainable, public liability insurance in such limits as may from time to time be determined by the Association covering each unit o$rner, each member of the Board of Directors, the Man-aSigg Agent, if any, the lessor of the real property, and theresident manager, if any. Such public fiabilitv coverage shallalso cover cross liability claims of one insured against anotherand shall contain waivers of subrogation. (d) Each owner may obtain additional insurance at his own erq)ense for his own benefit provided that all sucir poricies shallcontain waivers of subrogation and provided, further, ttrat theliability of the carriers issuing the blanket insurance shall notbe affected or dirninished by reason of any sueh insurance carriedby any unit owner. A copy of any such policies shall be deliveredto the Association. (e) Insurance coverage on the furnishings and other items ofg9rs911f property belonqing to an owDer and casualty and publicliability insurance coverage within each inciividual- unit ihall uethe responsibility of the or^rner thereof 22. OWNERS' PERSO}JAT OBLIGATION FOR PAYI.TENT OF ASSESS].IENTS The arnount of ttre assessment shall be the personal and indiv-iduar debt of the owner of a condominium unit. llo owner may exempthimself from liability for the assessment by waiver of the -use or-enjoyment of the unit, any of the common elements or by abandon-ment of hi.s leasehoLd interest in the real- property. rn the eventof default in the payment of the aqsessment-, tire oirner shall beobligated to pay interest at the rate of ten percent per annum onttre amount of the assessment from due date thereof, together withall expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred togei;her withsuch late charges as provided by the By-Laws of the Association.suit to recover a money judgment for unpaid common expenses shallbe naintainable without forecrosing or waiving the lien securing s€une. 23. ASSESSII1ENT LIEN (a) All suns assessed but unpaid for the share of expenseschargeable to any condominium unit shall constitute a lien on suchr:nit superior to all other liens and encumbrances except: (f) Tax and special assessment liens on thecondominium unit, and -11- (2) Ali sums unpaid on a first mortgage orfirst deed of trust of record, including all unpaidobligatory swn:i as nay be provided by such encumbrance. ' '(3) Rent payaile under the terms of the Con- doninium Conveyance and Lease (b) To evidence such lien, the Board of Directors or the Managing Agent may, but shall not be required to, prepare a written notice of assessrnent lien setting forth the amount of such unpaid indebtedness, the name of the owner of the condorninium unit and a description of the condominium unit. Such notice shall be signed by one member of the Board of Directors or by one of the officersof the Association ox by the llanaging Agent and shall be recordedin the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle' Colorado. Such lien for the comnon expenses shall attach fron the date of ttre failure of payment of the assessment. Such lien may be enforced by the foreclosure of the defaulting ovrnerts c.ondominiumunit by the Association in like manner as a mortgage on real prop-erty. In any such proceedings the owner shall be required to pay ttre costs, expenses and attorney's fees incurred for filing thelien, and in the event of foreclosure proceeclings, the additionalcosts, all expenses and reasonable attorney's fees incurred butnot less than the amount rec.ommended by the Denver Bar Association according to the then current published and recommended fee sched- u1e for foreclosure proceedings through Court. The owner of the condominium unit being foreclosed shall be required to pay to the Association the monthly assessment for the condominium unit during the period of foreclosure, and the Association shall be entitledto a receiver to collect ttre same. The Association shall have the polver to bid in the cond.ominium unit at foreclosure or other legal sale and to acquire and hold, lease, mortgage, vote the votes appurtenant to, convey or otheryise deal with the same. (c) The amount of the common expenses assessed against each condominium unit shall also be a debt agaj.nst the owner thereof attlre time the assessment is made. Suit to recover a money jud.gnent for unpaid common expenses shall be maintainable without foreclos-ing or waS.ving the lien securing same. (d) Any encumbrancer holding a lien on a condominium unit nay pay, but shall not be required to pay, any unpaid assessments remaining unpaid for longer than twenty-five days after the sameare due; provided, however, that such encumbrancer shall- havefurnished to the Managing Agent or to ttre Board of oirectors noticeof such encumbrance. 24. LTABILITY FOR COT'IMOII EXPENSE I.JPON TRANSFER OF CONDOT{INIUI'I UNIT (a) Upon payment of a reasonable fee not to exceed $iventy-fiveDollars and upon the written request of any owner or any mortgageeor prospective mortgagee of a condominium unit, the Association, byits Managing Agent, or if ttrere is no Managing Agent, then by the Board of Directors, shall issue a written statement setting forththe amount of the unpaid cotnmon expenses, if any, wittr respect tothe subject unit, the amount of ttre current monthly assessment andttre date that such assessment becomes due, credit for advancedpalments or for prepaid items, including bqt not limited to insur- ance preniums and corunon expense assessments, if any, hrhich state-nent shall be conclusive upon the Association in favor of al.l per- sons r,rho rely,,f;jlqreon in,good faith. Unless such request for a statement of iirdebtedness shall be complied with within ten days,aIJ. unpaid cornmon expenses which becoml due prior to the date ofnaking such request shalL be subordinate to the lien of the person reguesting such statement. -L2- (b) The transferee of a condominium unit shall be jointly andseverally liable with the transferor for all unpaid assessments against the latter for his proportionate share of the common ex- penses up to the time of the conveyance, without prejudice to the transferee''s right to recover from the transferor the amounts paid by the transferee therefor; provided, however, that upon payment ofa reasonable fee not to exceed Twenty-five Dollars, and upon written reguestr ?Dy such prospective transferee shall be entitled to a state- nent from the Managing Agent or Board of Directors setting forth the amount of the unpaid assessments, if any, with respect to thesubject unit, the amount of the current monthly assessment, the date that such assessment becomes due, and credits for advanced payments or for prepaid items, including but not limited to pre-paid comrnon assessments, rents and insurance premiums, which state- ment shall be conclusive upon the Association. Unless such requestfor such a statement shalt be cornplied with within ten days of such request, then such requesting transferee shall not be liab1e for, norshall the unit conveyed be subject to a lien for any unpaid assess- ments against the subject unit. The provisions contained in this paragraph shall not apply to the initial transfers of the condo- ninium units by Declarant. 25. ASSESSIIENT FOR RESERVES (a) Common Assessment Reserve. The Association nay require an owner to d n three times the amount of the estimated monthly conrmon assessment which sum shall be held by the Association as a reserve to be used for paying the nucnthly common assessment. Such an advance payment sirall not relieve an o!{ner from making the regular monthly payment of the monthly connron assessment as the same comes due. The owner shall be entitled to acredit of any portion of the unused advance payment from his trans-feree upon termination of his cnrnership, and the new owner shall beobligated to establish and maintain such reserve immediately upon assuming ownership. (b) Rent Assessment Reserve. The Association may require each ortnerffiociation an amount up to one annual rent installment for his condominiun unit, which sum shall be held by the Association as a reserve to be used for paying thenonthly rent installment for the unit. Such advance"payment shalL not relieve an o\dner from making the regular monthly payment forrent as the same comes due. The owner shall be entitled to a creditfor any unused ad.vance rent payment upon termination of his owner-ship, and the nevr owner shall be obligated to establish and main-tain such reserve upon assuming ownership. The proportionate interest of each owner in any of +-he above reserve funds cannot, be withdrawn or separateLy assigned,but shall be deemed to have been transferred with the sale ofttre condominium unit even though not expressly mentioned or described in the contract or instrument of conveyance. 26. MORTGAGING A CO}TDO}TINIUI{ IJ}IIT - PRIORITY Any owner shall have the right from time to time to nortgageor encumber his condominium unit, including the appurtenant lease-hold interest, by deed of trust, mortqage or other security instru- ment; provided, however, the ovrner shal-l advise the Association, inwriting, of the existence of any such mortgage or deed of trust.A first mortgage shall be one which has first and paramount priority under applicable la$r. The owner of a condominium unit nay createjunior nortgages on the folloring conditions: (a) Any such junior rprtgagee shall al-ways be sub-ordinate to alL of the terms, conditions, covenants,restrictions, uses, limitations, obligations, lien for - 13- common expenses' and other obligations created by this Declaration, the Certificate of Incorporation' and the By-Laws of the Association, ancl the Condominium Convey- ance and Lease. (b) The mortgagee under any junior mortgage shal.l release, for the purpose of restoration of any improve- nents upon the rnortgaged premises, all of his right,tltle and interest in and to the proceeds under all insurance policies upon said premises which insurancepolicies were effected and placed upon the mortgaged premises by the Association. Such release shall be furnished forthwith by a junior mortgagee upon written request of the Board of Directors of the Associationor any first mortgagee. 27. FJGHT @ FIRST REFUSAL BY OWNERS (a) In the event €rny ovirner of a condoninium unit other than tlre Declarant wishes to sell or lease a condominium unit and shall have received a bona fide offer therefor from a prospective Pur-chaser or tenant, the rernaining condominium unit owners shall be given written notice thereof together with an executed or rnachine copy of such offer. Such notice and a copy of such offer shall be delivered to ttre Board of Directors who shall notify each of the onners of such notice and offer. The remaining owners r or any one or more of them, through the Board of Directors ' or a Person named by them, shall have the right to purchase or lease the subject condominiurn unit upon the same terms and conditions as set forth in the offer therefor; provided, hovirever, that written notice of such election to purchase or lease is given to the selling or leasing owner during the twenty-day (20) period irnmediately follow- ing the delivery to the Board of Directors of the notice of the bona fj.de of fer and a copy thereof , a matching d.own payment or deposit is paid to the selting or leasing o$tner, and provicled fur- ther, that the closing takes place within ten days thereafter or on the date provided in the original offer, whichever is 1ater. The unit owner first exercising such right shall have a superS.orright over any other unit o.rnei. (b) The right of first refusal herein providecl"shall not apply to leases, sub-leases or tenancies having a term of less than one hundred twenty days, but any such lease or tenancy shalJ. not be renewable nor extended except by compliance with the provisions herein (c) In ttre event any ovrner other than ttre Declarant shall- attenpt to sell or lease his condominium unit without affording to the other ovrners ttre right of first. refusal herein provided, such sale or lease shall be whollv null and void and shall confer notitle or interest whatsoever upon the intended purchaser. (d) The subleasing or subrenting of said cpndominium shall be subject to the same limitations as are applicable to the leasingor renting thereof. The liability of ttre owner under and by theprovisions qontained in this Declaration shall continue, notwith- standing the fact that he may have leased or rented said condo- ninium unit as provided herein. ^'+c!f'r (e) In no case shalL the right of first refusal reserved herein affect the right of an owner to subject his condominium unitto a bona fide trust deed, mortgage or other security instrurnent. (f) The failure of or refusal by the other orrrners to exercise the right to so purchase or lease shall not constitute or be deenedto be a waiver of such right to purchase or lease when an o$rner receives any subsequent bona fide offer from a prospective pur- chaser or tenant. -14- o (Sl The right of first refusal , as provided herein, shall ex- tend and run for the period of the lives of Paul T. Bailey and l{illis M. McFarlane, incorporators of Ttre Holiday House Condominium Association, and the survivor of them, plus twenty-one years. (h) Except as is otherwise provided in paragraph 28, and ex- cept upon a transfer of title to a Public Trustee or to a first nortgagee, each and every conveyance by an owner(s) of a condominiurnunit shall be, for all purposes, deemed to include and incorporatein suctr instrument an agreement that the grantee carry out theprovisions of the "right of first refusal" as provided in this paragraph. 28. EXEMPTION FROM RTGHT OF FTRST REFUSAT In the event of any default on the part of €my owner under any first mortgage which ehtitles the holder thereof to foreclose sane, any sale under such foreclosure, including-delivery of a con- veyance to the first mortgagee in lieu of such fo.reclosure, shall be made free and clear of the provisions of paragraph 27 ' and the purchaser (or transferee under such convelzance in lieu of foreclosure)of such condominium unit shall be thereupon and thereafter subjectto the provisions of this Declaration and the By-Laws of the Asso- ciation. If ttre purchaser following such foreclosure sale (or transferee under a convey€rnce given in lieu of such foreclosure)shall be the then holder of the first mortgage, or its nominee, the said holder or nominee may thereafter sell and convey the condominium unit free and clear of the provisions of paragraph 27, but its transferee shalL thereupon and thereafter be subject to all of the provisions hereof. 29. EXEMPTION FROM RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAT - OTIIER Ihe following transfers are also exempt from the provisions of paragraph 27: (a) The transfer by operation of law of a deceasedjoint tenantrs interest to the surviving joint tenant(s); (b) The transfer of a deceasedrs interest to a devisee by will or his heirs at law under intestacy laws; (c) The transfer of all or any part of a partner's Lnterest as a result of withdrawal , death or othentise, to ttre remaining partners carrying on the partnership business and/or to a person or persons becoming partnersi a trans-fer of all or part of a partner's or partnersr interests between one or more partners and,/or to persons becoming partners i (d) The transfer of all or any part of an owner's inter-est to a corporation; provided, however, that at least fiftypercent (508) of ttre stock of such corporation is thereafter owned and retained by that ohrner. (e) The transfer by gift provided, hovrever, that the crwner can establish to the satisfaction of the Associationthat the proposed transfer is not a sale or lease. Such persons, o$rners, transferees or donees acquiring aninterest shall be sulcject to all of ttre provisions of para- graph 27 except as is provided herein. -15- 30. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RIGTIT OF FIRST REFUSAL Upon written request of any prospective transferee, purchaser, tenant or an existing or prospective mortgagee of any condominiumltnit, the Managing Agent or Board of Directors of the Associationshall forthwith, or where tine is specified, at the end of the time, ls.sue a written and acknowledged certificate in recordable form,evidencing that: (a) With respect to a proposed lease or sale underparagraph 27, that proper notice was given by the sellingor leasing osrner and that the remaining owners did not electto exercise their optj.on to purchase or lease i (b) tlith respect to a conveyance or an assignment toa first mortgagee 6r its nominee in l-ieu of foreciosure,a conveyance or assignment frorn such first mortgagee orits norninee, pursuant to paragraph 28, that the convey- ance or assignment wab in fact given in lieu of foreclosure aDd not subject to the provisions of paragtaoh 2'7 i (c) with respect to anv contemolated transfer whichis not, in fact, a sale or 16ase, thit the transfer willnot be subject to the provisions of paragraph 27, and. such a certificate shall be conclusive evidence of thefacts contained therein. 31. ASSOCIATION AS ATTORIIEY-IN-FACT (a) This Declaration does hereby make mandatory the irrevocable appointment of an attorney-in-fact to deal with the property uponits destruction, repair or obsolescence. (b) The entire interest in and to any condominium unit isdeclared and expressly made subject to the terms and conditionshereof, and acceptance by any person or an instrument of conveyancefrom the Declarant or from any ovrner or assignor or transferor shallconstitute aptrointment of the attorney-in-fact herein provided. A11 of the qrners irrevocably constitute and anpoint The Holiday House Condorninium Association, a Colorado corporation, not forprofit, their true and lawful attorney in their D€un€1 place andstead for the purpose of dealing with the property upon its destruc-tion or obsolescence as is hereinafter provided. As attorney-in-fact, the Association, by its President and Secretary or Assistantsecretary, shall have full and complete authorization, right and povter to make, execute and deliver any contract, assignment, deedor any other instrument with respect to the interest of a condominiumunit owner which is necessary and appropriate to exercise the powersherein granted. Repair and reconstruction of the improvements as used in the succeeding subparagraphs means restoring the improvementsto substantially the same condition in which it existed prior tothe danage, with each unit and the general and limited cornmon elements having substantiatly the same vertical and horizontal bound-aries as before. The proceecls of anv insurance collected shall beavairabre to the Association for the purpose of repair, restorationor replacements unless the owners and all first mortgagees agreenot to rebuild in accordance with the provisions set forth herein-after. (c) In ttre event of damage or destruction due to fire or otherdisaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct theimprovements, shall be applied by the Association, as attorney-in-fact, to such reconstruction, and the improvements sha1l bepromptly repaired and reconstructed. Ttre Association shaLl havefull authority, right and power, as attorney-in-fact, to cause therepair and restoration of the improvements. -16- (d) If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruct the improvements, and if such damage is not more thanfifty percent of all of the condominium units, such damage or de- struction shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed by theAssociation, as att6rney-in-fatt, using the proceeds of insurance and the proceeds of an assessment to be made against all of the o\dners and their condominium units. Such deficiency assessmentEhall be a common expense and made pro rata according to each o$tnerrs percentage interest in the Lommon elements ana shall be due and payable within thirty days after written notice thereof. The Association shall have full authority, right and power, asattorney-in-fact, to cause the repair or restoration of the im- provements using all of the insurance proceeds for such purpose notwithstanding the failure of an ovrner to pay the assessment. The assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of each ovrner and a lien on his condorninium unit and may be enforced and col-lected as is provided in paragraph 23. In addition tbereto, theAssociation, as attorney-in-fact, shall have the absolute right and power to sell the condominium unit of €uxy owner refusing orfailing to pay such deficienry assessment within the time provided,, and if not so paid, the Association shall cause to be recorded anotice that the condominiurn unit of the delinquent owner shalL besold by the Association, as attorney-in-fact, pursuant to the pro-visions of this paragraph. .The delinquent owner shaLl be required,to pay to the Association the costs and expenses for filing thenotices, interest on the amount of the assessment and all reason- able attorney's fees and other costs of sale. The proceeds derivedftom the sale of such condominium unit shall be used and disbursedby the Association, as attorney-in-fact, in the following order: 1. For palment of taxes and special assessment.liens and customary expense of salei 2. For payment of the balance of ttre lien of anyfirst mortgaget 3. For paymentcosts, expenses and 4. For payment the order of and of unpaid conmon expenses and all fees incurred by the Association; of junior liens and encumbrancesto the extent of their priority;in and 5. Ttre balance remaining, if any, shall be paidto the condominium unit owner. (e) If more than fifty percent of alL of the condominium unitsare destroyed. or darnaged, and if the owners representing an aggre-gate olrnership interest of fifty-one percent, or more, of the gen-eral common elernents, do not voluntarily, within one hundred daysthereafter, make provisions for reconstruction, which plan must have the unanimous aoproval or consent of every first mortgagee, and the Association shall forthwith record a notice setting forth such fact or facts, and upon the recording of such notice by theAssociationrs President and Secretary or Assistant Secretary, theentire remaining premises shall be sold by the Association, pursuantto the provisions of this paragraph, as attorney-in-fact for allof the ovrners, free and clear of the provisions contained. in thisDeclaration, the Map and the By-Laws. The insurance settlement pro- ceeds shall be collected by the Association, and such proceeds shallbe divided by the Association according to each owner's percentageinterest in the general common elements, and such divided proceedsshall be paid into separate accounts, each such account represent-ing one of the condominium units. Each such account shall be inttre name of the Association, and shall be further identified bytrre condominiun unit designation and the name of the ovrner. From each separate account the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall -r7- forthwith use and disburse the total amount of each of such acc-ounts, without contribution from one account to another, toward the partial or full payment of the lien of any fi-rst mortgage against the con- dominium unit represented by such separate account. Thereafter' each such account shall be supplemented by the apportioned amount of the proceeds derived from the sale of the entire property. Such apportionrnent shall be based upon each condominium unit ownerts percentage interest in the general conmon elements. The total funds of each account shall be used and disbursed, without contribution from one account to another, by the Association, as attorney-in- fact, for the same purposes and in the same order as is provided in sulcparagraph (d) 1 through 5 of this paragraph. (f) If ttre owners representing an aggregate ownership inter- est of fifty-one percent, or more, of the conmon elements adopt aplan for reconstruction, which plan has the unaninous aPProval of all first mortgagees and the lessor of the real property, then aII of the o!,tners shall be bound by the terms and other provisions of suctr plan. Any assessment made in connection ttith such plan shall be a common expense and rnade pro-rata according to each o\^tnerts percentage interest in the general corunon elements and shall be due and payable as provided by the terms of such plan, but not sooner than ttrirty days after written notice thereof. The Associa- tion shall have ful.l authority, right and power, as attorney-in-fact,to cause ttre repair or resto?ation of inrprovements using all of the insurance proceeds for such purpose notwithstanding the failure of an oerner to pay the assessment. The assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of each ovtner and a lien on his condominium unit and may be enforced and collected as is provided in paragraph 23.In addition thereto, the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall have the absolute right and power to sell the condominium unit of any ovrner refusing or failing to pay such assessment withln the time provided, and if not so paid, the Association shall cause to be recorded a notice that ttre condominium unit of the delinquent oldner shall be sold by ttre Association. The delinguent ovtner shall be required to pay to the Association the costs and errpenses for filing the notices, interest at the rate of six percent per €rnnum on the anount of the assessnent and all reasonable attorneyts fees and other costs of sale. The proceeds derived from the sale of such condorninium unit shall be used and disbursed by the Associa- tion, as attorney-in-fact, for the sarne purposes and in the'sarne order as is provided in paragraph (d) 1 through 5 of'this paragraph. (S) The o!,tners representing an aggregate ownership interestof eighty percent, or more, of the general common elements may agree tbat the condominium units are obsolete and adopt a plan for the renewal and reconstruction, which plan must also have the unani- mous approvaL of the lessor of the real property and all first nortgagees of record at the tirne of the adoption of such plan. If a plan for the renewaL or reconstruction is adopted., notice of such plan shall be recorded, and the expense of renewal and reconstructionshall be payable by al1 of ttre owners as corunon expenses providedt holrlever, ttrat an oerner not a party to such a plan for renewal or reconstruction may give written notice to the Assoqiation withinfifteen (15) days after the date of adoption of such plan that suchunit shall be purchased by the Association for the fair market valuettrereof. The Association shall then have thirty days (thereafter) within which to cancel such plan. If such plan is not cancelled, the condominium unit of the requesting ovJner shall be purchased aceordingto the following procedures. If such oqrner and ttre Association c€rn agree on the fair narket value thereof, then such sale shall be consum- mated within thirty days ttrereafter. If the parties are unable to agree, ttre date when either party notifies ttre other that he or itls unable to agree with the other shall be the "Commencement date" from which all periods of tirne mentioned herein shall be measured.Within ten d,ays following the conmencement date, each party shall nominate in writing (and give notice of such nomination to the o -18- other party) an appraiser. If either party fail-s to make such a nomination, the appraiser nominated shall , within five days afterdefault by the other party, appoint, and associate with him another appraiser.. If the two designated or selected appraisers are unableto agree, they shalL appoint a third appraiser, if they can aglree on such person. If they are unable to agree upon such third ap-praiser, each appraiser previously appointed shall nominate two appraisers, and from the names of the four appraisers so nominated one shall be drawn by lot by any judge of any court of record in Colorado, and the name so drawn shaLl- be such arbitrator. The nom-inations from whom ttre third aopraiser is to be drawn by lot shall be submitted within ten days of the failure of the two appraisers to agree, which, in any event, shall not be later than twenty days following the appointment of the second appraiser. The decisionof ttre appraisers as to the fair rnarket va1ue, or in the case ofttreir disagreement, then such decision of the third appraiser, shall be final and binding. The expenses and. fees of such appraisersshall be borne equally by the Association and the o$rner. The saleshall be consummatecl within fifteen days thereafter, and the Asso-ciation, as attorney-in-fact, shall disburse such proceeds for the sane purposes and in the sarne order as is provided in subparagraph(d) I through 5 of this paragraph, except as nrodified herein. (h) The owners representing an aggregate ov/nership interestof eighty-five percent, or more. of the general conmon elementsnry agree that the condominium units are obsolete and that the same should be sold. Such plan (agreernent) must have ttre unanimous ap-proval of every first mortgragee and the lessor of the real property.In such instance, the Association shal1 forthwith record a noticesetting forth such fact or facts, and upon the recording of such notice by the Associationrs President and Secretary or AssistantSecretary, the improvements shall be sold by the rtrssociation, asattorney-in-fact for afl of the owners, free and clear of theprovisions contained in this Declaration, the I'Iap and the By-Laws. The sales proceeds shall be apportioned between the owners on thebasis of each ownerrs percentage interest in the common elements, and such apportioned proceeds shall be paid into separate accounts, each such account representing one condominiurn unit. Each such account shal1 be in the name of the Association, and shall befurther identified by the condominiur,r unit designation and ttre narneof the o$tner. From each separate account the Association, asattorney-in-fact, shall use and disburse the total amount of eachof such accounts, without contribution from one account to another,for the same purposes and in ttre same order as is provided in subparagraph (d) I ttrrough 5 of this paragraph (i) Nothinq contained in this paragraph 31 shall be inter-preted to mean that the ground rent shal-l be abated or that the leases of the real property interests are terminated. 32. REGISTRATION BY OWNER OF MAILI}IG ADDRESS Each ovrner shall resister his nailinq address with the Associa-tion, and except for mon[,hly statements aid other routine notices,all other notices or demands intended to be served upon an ownershall be sent by either registered or certified mail, postage pre-paid, addressed in the name of the owner at such registered address.AIl notices, demands or other notices intended to be served upon the Board of Directors gf ttre Association or the Association shallbe sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, to SIS an9e a nocr-ce o Clerk and Recorder, s cnangect ctuly recorded in Colorado. the office of the -r9- Eagle County, 33.DECLARANTIS RIGIIT TO ASSIGN be Any right or any interest reserved hereby to the Declarant may transfe.rred or assigned by ttre Declarant to any person or entity. 34. OBLIGATIONS OF OWNER TO CO}TTINUE A11 obligations of an ovrner under and by virtue of the provi- sions contained in ttris Declaration shall continue, notwithstandingthat he may have leased or rented said interest as provided herein,but the owner of a condominium unit shall have no obligation for expenses or other obligations accruing after he conveys his inter-est in such condominiurn unit, except as provided in Paragraoh 24of this Declaration, and by the provisions of the Condominium Con- veyance and Lease. 35. PERIOD OF CONDOI'IINIUM OV{I'IERSHTP The separate condominiurn estates created by the Declaration and the Map shall continue until- this Dectaration is revoked in ttre rnanner and as is provided in paragraph 19 of this Declarationor until terminated in the manner and as is provided in subpara- graphs (d) or (e) of paragraph 31 of this Declaration, or is terminated at the expiration of the lease terms. 36.ADDITTO}IS AI-,TEP.ATIONS AND I}'{PROVEI SAITS NERAT At'lD LII'IITED C I{ ELEI'1ETiT There shaLl be no additions, alterations or improvements of orto ttre general. and limited corunon elements requiring an expenditurein excess of Tr'ro Thousand Dollars in any one calendar year wittrout approval of the ovrners at a regular or special meeting of the members of the Association. Such limitation shall not be applicableto the replacement, repair, maintenance or obsolescence of any gen-eral or linited cornmon element. 37. GENERAL RESERVATIONS Declarant reserves the right to dedicate any access roads andstreets serving ttris condominium project for and to public use; toestablish additional easements, reservations, exceptions and ex-clusions consistent with ttre condonrinium ownership of the condo- ndnium project and for the best interests of the condominium unit owners and ttre Association. 38. GENERAL (a) As used herein, Declarant means Vail H. I. Co., a limitedpartnership, its successors and assj.gns. (b) If any of the provisions of this Declaration or any para- graph, sentence, clause, phrase or word, or the application ttrereofin any circumstance be invalidated., such invalidity shalJ. not affectthe validity of the remainder of this Declaration, and the applica-tion of any such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in any other circumstances shall not be affected thereby. (cl The provisions of this Declaration shall be in addition and supplemental to the Condominium Ovrnership Act of the State of Colorado, as arnended, and to all other provisions of law. -20- IIt I|TTNESS I{IIEREO!', Declarant, by its authorized offLcers hasduly exectrted this Declaration this day of , L972. (dl ,That whenever used herein, unless ttre context shall:other-wise pr,ovl.de, the singular number shall include the plural , theplural ttre singular, and the use of any gender shall include allgenders. IIAIL H. I. CO., a llmLtedpartnership General Partner STATE OF COIJORADO )) ss' CITT AND COUNTY OF DETWER ) 1te foregoing instrument entitled Condominiurn Declaratlon for The Eoliday House (A Condorninium) , vras acknowled.ged before ne thisday of , L972, byileenerai par6E:Tffijfir. r. co.l f,itness ny hand and official seal. Itr aoqrnission expires Notary Publl'c BV o , EXIIIBIT A CONDOMINTU:4 DECLARATTON FOR THE HOTIDAY IIOUSE(A Condominium) A part of the rlortheast one-crgarter of section 7, Township 5 south,Range 80 west of the si-xth princioal lteridian urr.l b.irrg u'p".l-"i'Lots A' B, and c of Amended Man of sheet L of 2 or v.ii viiiige--Second-Filing, County_of Eag1e, State of Colorado, more particu_Iarly described as follovrs: Commencing at the l,Tortheast corner of said Section 7; thence Southcrlyand^along tire East line of the i{ort,heast one-quarter of said Section7, 39-20 fcet ro,rire sourir 5i-oht or rvilr-li;; ;;*;. s. Higrrway rtro. 6ithence on an ancrlc-to-the rigiit of looo4ii+i,'-ir,a alonq 6aid'sJutrrright of way lirie 25.4'1 feet to a point on the gtest line of vail r{oad,:?id.point being the ilortheasterly corner of said Lot A; thence con_tinuing along the aforementioned iine ancl afong-the l{ortherlv lineof'saici r.,,ot A, 152.65 feet to rhe )rorti-rvresterlv .;;";;-;-"lia-il'l a,thence-on an angre to tire r.eft of 100041'47i and-along the lrlest lineof said Lot, A, 139.15 feet to the true point of Leg.innirs; thurr."-on an_angle to the l-eft of 73053,r2", 156.13 feet to the wbst rineof Vail Road; thence_on an angle ro the rigirt ot ZJ6S:ifZ;;-u"a-lio"Ssaid west line 202.15 feet; tfrence on an angle to the right of90000'00", 93-75 feet to tire Nortirerlv line of r'lest lleadovr Drive; Iti::.:-:"_?l_T?1" ro rhe risirr of 58o16':g"-inJ-alons said. uorrherlylrne ancr arong a curve to the ]eft having a radius of 175.00 feet,a central angle of 36000'15,,, an arc clisi.ance of rog.g7 feet to apoint-of tangent; thence along saici tang;;a-;";-"1ong saicr llortherly111._$.00 feet; rhence on an-ansre to lrre rifrrt "t iqiaao'-jo;;"--101.50 feet; tirence on,an angle io ttre Left oi f OZol:;h';, ei.00feet; thence on an angJ-e to i,he riqhi "i-go"oo'ool, re.27 feetithence on an angre to the left of gooooiooi,-az.co feet, more orless, to the trrle point of iregirr"ing, .""i"i"irrn-rU,347.31 sguarefeet or 0.65 acres, more or 16ss. CondoriniumUnit No. o EXHIBIT B Condoninium DecLaratlon ' for The Holiday House(a condominium) Llmlted Comnon Elements(Each Unit has a balcony inaddltion to the following)Storage Parking Undivided Perc€ntageIntereat in GeneraL o EXIIIBIT C TTIE HOLTDAY IIOUSE CONDOI{TNIUM CONVEYANCE AT,ID LEASE THIS CONDOI,TINIUM CONVEYAITCE AND LEASE made this partnership, hereinafter referred to as First Party, and , hereinafter referred to as Second Party: WITNESSETii: I|HEREAS, First Party is the olrner of certain real property located in Eagle County, Colorado, r,rhich is more srrecifically <les-cribed in Exhibit A attached irereto, which real property has beendivided into twenty-eight (28) seDarate lcasehold estates and pro-vision has been made for condominium ownership of said real pro5rerty under the terms of the Condominium O\.rnership Act of the State of Colorado by virtue of the recording of that certain CondominiumDeclaration dated , L972, recorded in JM CONVEYATICE AND LEASE made this day of , L972, by and between VAIL il. f . 67a lirnited of the records of Eagle County, Colorado,ffifreferred to and dcscribed in said Declaration; Book , at Page and tFcondominium WIIEREAS, First Party has constructed inorovements on said realproperty and intcnds to sell Concioniniun Units (exclusive of thereal property upon which the Condoninium Units are constructed) andto lease to the purchasers of said Condominium Units undivided per- centage interests in the real property described in said Exhibit Ahereto attached; and I{HEREAS, Second Party wishes to purchase Condorninium Unit i.tro. and to lease an undivided . interest in said real oro- Pertyandtoho1dsaidconffidthe1easeho1destateinthe real Propertlt rr'hich is appurtenant, to said Condominium Unit, sub-ject to the terms of said Declaration, and of this Con<lominiun Convey- ance and Lease. NOI{ THEREFORE in consj-deration of t}re payment of the purchaseprice of the Condominium Unit, the payment of the rent herein re- served, and the keeping and performance of the covenants and agree- ments herein containcd, the parties hereto aqree as follor'rs: l. Subject Premises. First Party agrees to.lease and does hereby lease and demise unto Second Party, and the Second Party accepts and leases fronn the First Party the follow-ing real property: The individual air space unit within CondominiumUnit No. and an undividedinterest iSTi'a to the real propffithe twenty-eight (28) seDarate air space units)described in nxhibit A attached hereto, subject tothe terms of that certain Condominium Declaration , 1972, recorded in Book of the records of Eagle Cou coloradffiich leasehold estate shall remain appurtenant to the Condominiurn Unit ed in sub-paragraplr B irereof . First Party hereby sells and conveys to the SecondParty Condominium Unit No. , The ltoliday llouse Condominium, accorcting to tiiE-'iieF thereof filecl for A. dated be des ntY, andcrib / B. 2. record and the Condominium Declaration for TheHoliday House, recordecl in Book _ , a! paqeof the records of Eaqle coffi Coloracio,Eiffict to the terms, covenants, conditions, case-. T?nts, restrictions, uses, limitations, and obliga_tions set forth in said Condominium Declaration indthis Condominium Conveyance and Lease. (The inter-ests described in tire foregoing suU-parajiupt " aand B together shall constitute ttre ;sufject premises',and the Second party shal1 be deemed to 6e the ownerof said Condominium Unit subject to the rights ofthe other o\4/ners in the con4ominium projeci, as definedin the Condominium Declaration but shali hold only aleasehold estate in the real property (including airspace) upon which the condominium prolect is con-structed. ) Warranties. A. I{ith respect to the real property interest hereinIeased and demised, First-paitfr hereby covenantsand warrants that it is trre owirer of alr of the reaiproperty described in Exhibit A attached irereto, andthat upon pa:/mcnt of the rent herein reserved and thekeeping of the covenants and agreements of said. secondParty, said Second party shall peaceably hold and. enjoythe interest herein reased vrithou', inteiference byFirst party or any other person or persons. B. With respect to said Condominiun Unit l{o.(exclusive of an.,r interest in the real prolEEfi-First partv covenants and r.rarrants trrat it- is trreowner of said Conclominiure Unit, that it has fullpo\der and authoritrr to grant and convey same, thatthe same is free and cr-ear of a1r liens and encurn-brances exceDt taxes and assessnents for L97 andthe provisions of the condominium Decraratioi-ForThe Holiday House as recorded in Book , dtPage _ of the records of Eagle Coui$ Colorad.o.and tFE-First party wirl *.ri.ii-und forever defencithe.quiet and peaceable possession of the said Con_dominiun unit to tire second. party, his jreirs ancr assigns,against, all and every person or persons lar.rfulllz cla:.m_ing or to clairn *re whote or any part thereof. __._^1._,TgT*. The terro of the lease of the real property herein cles_ ff l::;" "3:::J:T"3lle z 3l : ffi . l3-" ;"ilu"::*'*li,peaceabry deriver to First party possession of said real prop.riv. 4. Rent. (a) Second Party will pay to the First party (throughThe Holiday House condominium Associatibn) an annualrental (subject_to adjustment as hereinafter set forth),in the amount ofDollars, payable ments on the first day of each month, witrrout notice. (b) As of January L, LgTg and subsequently as of January Ievery five (5) years thereafter-durin| the term ofthis Lease, (hereinafter callecl "adjujtment dates"),the annual rental herein reserved. sfiall be subjectto-adjustment, t'o reflect increases in the ConsumerPrice rndex for urban wage Earners and clericar work-ers, U. S. City Average, AII Items, 1967 = 100, pub_lished by the Unit,ecl States Department of Labor,Bureau of Labor Statistics, or such similar Indexas may then be available, (hereinafter referred toas '!CPI"), sincc the co[unencement d.atc of the Lease. -2- The adjustcd annual rcntal rate for each succeeding five (5) year perioci from and after January I, 1978 shall i.re deternrined by rnulti-plying the amount of rent stated in sub-paragrapho ' (a) above by the CPf index number for January ofthe respective ycar and dividing the result bythe CPI index nurnber for the nronth of ,L97 . The rent so <leterminea snalla6iEliue- in EFfect until the next adjustrnent date. Theadjusted rental rate shall never be less than the amount stated in sub-paragraplr (a) hereof. Anyretroactive payments shall be included with the.monthly payrilent due for the month next followingthe delivery of .r.rritten notice of the amount of such adjusted annual rental togetner with the computation by which the same was determined. 5. Taxes and Assessnents. The Second part,y wiJ-l pay, or causetobepaiffimec1e1inguent,al1rea1propertytaxes and assessments of every description to which the real property here-in demised and the Ccndominium Unit are nor"r or may during the terin ofthis Lease be assessed or become liable ruhether assessed to FirstParty or to the Second Party. Such taxes and assessments for anyshort period at the conriencenent or termination of this Lease shallbe prorated on a daily basis. In the event that any such assessments rnay be paid in installments, the Seconcl Party shall be obligated topay only such instalLrnents as become due and payable during the termof'the Lease. 6. Association Assessments. Second Part,v will- pay before the s€rme become delinquent all assessments for his proportionate shareof the conmon expenses of The lloliday Housc Condominium project, andall charges of every description to which said Condominium Unit, or Second Party in respect thereofr fldy during the term of this Lease be assessed or beco:ne liable, whether nade by governmental authoritlz or any public or cofirmunity service company or by the Association pur- suant to the Declaration and the By-Lar.rs of the Association. 7. Improverflents Required by Law. Second Party will , by con-tributing his proportionate share of the expenses assessed by. theAssociation, participate rvith the other condominium owners to rnalce,build, raaintain and repair all fences, sewers, drains, curbs, roads, sider.ralks and parking areas which may be requirecl by lavr upon, oradjoining or in connection with or for the use of, lhe condominium proj ect. 8. Observance of Lar.rs. Second Party ryill at all tines during the term of this lease keep the unit, and by and through his parti- cipation in the Association, l<eep all other conmon elernents of theproject in a strictly clean and sanitary condition, and rvill observe and perform all larvs, ordinances, rules and regulations now or here-after made by any governnental authorit-rz and all By-Laws, rules,regulations, agreements, decisions and determinations duly made bythe Association applicable to the project or the use thereof, andall restrictions, covenants, conditions and provisions of the Decla-ration and any amendrnents thereof duly rnade affecting tire project, and will indcmnify First Party against all actions, suits, damagcs and clains by whornsoever brought or rnacle by reason of tire non-obser- vance or non-perfornance tltereof by Second party or any person under hfur. 9. Repair and i'laintenance. Second party will , at all timesc1uringth@athisov'nexpense,kecplrisunitinsubstantial repair and witl maint,ain the sarne in good order ancl con-dit,ion, and, by and througir tlrc Association, bear his proportionate sirare of tire costs and responsibility for kcepinq the general ancllimited corunon elerncnts in substanbial repair and in good or<ler andcondition, incJ.uding the land, trees, shrubs, and grass. -3- I0. Inspection. Second Partv will permit First Party and its agents, at. all reasonable times during thc term of this Lease, to enter his unit and examine the state of repair and eondition thereof, and wi1L, at his or,rn expense, repair and make good all defects in thesfrbject unit, and by and through the Association, bear his propor- tionate share of the cost and responsibility for repairing and making good all defects in the conmon elements of the condominium project herein reguired to be reoaired (of which, notice thereof shall begiven by First Party or its agents) within 30 days after the giving of such notice. 11. Use. Second Party will use the subject Condominium Unitherein con-eyed and the real property hereby leased only as permitted under the Condominium Declaration. L2. Insuxance. Second Party wil1, by and through the Associa-tion, bear-liis p@ortionate share of the cost and relponsiblityfor keeping all irnprovernents of the condominium project insureclagainst loss or damage by fire and other perils (extended coverage)in accordance with the terrns of saicl Condominium Delcaration. 13. lirst Party's Costs and Expenses. Second Party lvill pay toFirst eart s including reasonableattorneysr fees incurred by First Party in enforcing any of the cove-nants, in recovering possession of sai<i real oronerty, in collecting any delinguent rent, taxes and other charges nereunder payable by Second Partv, or in connection vrith anv litiqation (other than con- demnation proceedings) comrcenced by or against Second Party to whichFirst Party without any fault on its part shall be nade a party. 14. Indennitv. Second Partv will indemnif.r and hold FirstParty harmfF-alEinst all clai;rs-and demands for loss or d.arnage,including propertv <lamage, personal injury and rvrongful death,arising .out of or in connection r..rith the use or occupancv of the prernises or the subjcct Conoominium Unit or the condoninium project by SeconC Partv or an-v person clairning by, tirrough or uncler SecondParty, or anv accident or fire in said Condoniniunr Unit or anlt nuisance rrade or suffered therein, or any failure by Seeond Part.zto keep said Cond.oninium Unit in a safe condition, or any other 1,ia-bility rnthatsoever on account of said Condominium Unit for such lossor damage arising out of or in connectior: r.rith any cofiunon e].ements ofthe condominiurn project, and vrill reiml.urse First Party for its costs and expcnses including reasonable attornev's fees incurred in connec-tion with the ciefense of any sucir clains. 15. Liabilitv Insurance. Second Partlz rvill, at his proporj- tionate share of the expense, by and througir the Association, effect and maintain during the entire ternr of tl-ris Lease comprehensive qen- eral liabilit-rr insurance nritten in accordance with said CondorniniumDeclaration, covering all the unit o!.rners r.rith respect to the con- dominium project, in an insurance cor:rDanv autirorized to do businessin Colorado with rninimum limits of not less than $300,C00 for injuryto one person and 9500,000 for injurv to nore than one person in anyone accj-dent or occurrence and 950,000 for property damage, and fromtime to time upon receipt thereof cause to be deposited pronptly with Second Party current certificates of such insurance, without prcjudiceto the right of Second Party to maintain additional liability insur-ance. Such policy shall name First party as an additional insured. 16. Construction of ImDrovements. Second Partv will not indi-vidually o ion erect or ilace on the con- dominiurn project any building or structure including fences andwalls, nor mal<e any adclitions or structural alterations to, orexterior changes of, any conunon elernents of tlre condominium projcct, except and unless first aoproved in writing by Lessor, the Board ofDirectors of the Association and eaclr first mortgagee who is a bank, insurance company or other established lending institution. 17. Wasto and Unlawful Use. Second partv will not makc ors-u!fer,in@tlreAssociationrdDY!,'astcorunIaw-ful , irnproper or offcnsive us6 of saicl condominiurn ilnit or project. -4- o 18. Liens. Second Party will not cornmit or suffer any act or neglectT-trcrctry saicl premises or any imorovement thereon, or the estate of Second Party thercin, shall at any time during the tcrm of this Lease become subject to any attacirment, judgment, lien, charge or encumbrance whatsoever, other than permitted mortgages, and will indemnify and hold First Party harmless from all loss, cost and ex- pense with respect thereto. Second Party will indemnify and hold First Party harmless against all liens, charges and encumbrances and all expenses in connection therewith including attorneys ' fees, with respect to said premises, which may result from any act or neglect of First Party. 19. Assignment and Subletting. Second Party rnay without the consent of First Party sell, assign or sublet this Lease by instru- ment containing tile written undertaking of the purchaser, assignee or sublessee t'o perform all obligations of Second Party hereunder;provided., horvever, a true copy of such instrument shall be furnished to the First Party and firEt nortgagee, ancl provided, further, thatthe provisions of said Condominium Declaration relating to a sale, assignment or sublease are not breached. 20. Incidents of Condominium Or.rnersirip. Second Party shal-lat all tirn deemed to be the ovrner of the leasehoLd estate and the subject Condorrrinium Unit for all pur- poses of the Declaration and By-Lavrs of the Association and shall have all rights, privileges, duties and obligations of such an or./nerincluding vrithout lirnitation meinbership and vote in the Association;provided, however, tirat any vote or other action of Second Party with respect to amendment of the Declaration or any other matter as to which the Declaration requi-res the airproval or consent of First Party, shall be effective only upon such approval or consent in writing. ZL. Consent. to I',Iort.racre. Second Partv na..l from time to time withoutru@thisLeasebyr.ra1rofmortgageordeed of trust to any bank, insurance comDany or other established lendinginstitution as inortgagee, ancl the mort,gagee may enforce such mortgage and acquire title to the lcasehold. estate and tire subject CondoniniumUnit in anlz lar'rfuJ. rray, and pencling foreclosure of such nortgage maytalie possession of and rent saiC premises, anci upon foreclosurethereofr rldv sel1 and assign tire leaseirold estate and the subject Condominiun Unit by assignment or other instrunent containing thewritten undertal<ing of the assignee to perform all obligations of Second Party hercunder, provided that upon execution of any sucir assignrnent or nortgager a true copy thereof shall be delivered promptlyto First Party 22. Preservation of l.{ortSaFirst Part further consent, Iirst Party agrces as follous: A11 surns clue toFirst Party for rent slrall constitute a lien on the premises and onthe Condoni.nium Unit superior to all other liens including tire assessments for conmon expenses except for: (a) Tax and special assessment liens on the premises andsubject Condominium Unit, and (b) All sums unpaid on a first rnortgage or first deed oftrust of record to any bank, insurance company or otherestablishcd lending institution, including all obliga- tory sums as nray be provj-ded by such encunrbrance, and a default by Second Party in thc payment of rent hereunder or Second Party's failure to perform any of the covenants or agreerncntsherein stated which rcsults in a termination of the Lease, shall notaffect such first mortgageers encunrbrance. Furthcr, in the event of-a foreclosure by such a first mortgagee, the mortgagee shall not berequircd to pay the rent, provided in this Lease to be paid to FirstParly during the redernption period of the foreclosure ancl during the -5- period that, the mortgagee holds title to the lcasehold estate; pro- vided, however, that the person acquiring the leasehold estate and the' Condominium Unit appurtenant thereto from the mortgagee slrall be liable to perform all of the obligat,ions imposed on Second Party by this Lease. These protective provisions shall apply rvith egual force and protection in favor of the mortgagee in the cvent such mortgaltee acguires title to the leasehold interest and subject condominium Unit in lieu of a foreclosure. Any and all references to "mort-gagee" in Paragraphs 21 and 22 mean a first mortgagee who is a bank, insurance company or other establishecl lending institution, its successors, assigns or noninees. A11 other first mortgages (other than to a bank, insurance com- pany or other established lending institution) and all junior rnort- gages shall alwavs be subordinate to all of the terms, covenants and other provisions of this Lease and the lien of the First'Party as is provided in this Lease, including First Partyrs right to terminate the Lease. 23. Protection of Assiqnments and Subleases of Leasc. No assignment rovides for the payment of rent to the assignor or sublessor. All payrnents of rent by any person having an interest in this Lease shall be nade as is provided in this Lease. No assignment or sublease of t,his Lease shall be valid which provides for a payment or payments of rent made or to be made to the assignor or sublessor for an amount in excess of the stated lease paynents. The only rent to be paid by the Second Party and all persons subsecluently acquiring an interest in this Lease shall be tlre amount r.ririch is providcd for in this tease payable to First Party. Any assignor of Uris Lease shall be and shall renain liable for the fu1l payment of the rent reserved ancl the perfonnance of the covenants and agreenents nrade in this Lease by tlre Second Party in case the assignee shall fail so to c1o, and the assignee by accep- tance of the assignment agrees to nral.:e the parzrnents and perforrn all of the covenants and aqrecments in sairl Lease. 24. Condemnation. A. In case at antr tirnc or tirnes during said term the project or any part thereof shall be taken or condemned by any authority having the power of erninent dornain, then and in every suclr case, the estate and interest of'Second Party in the real property so taken or condemned shall at once cease and deterrline, and Second Party sirall not by reason of such tal:ing or condennation be entitled to any clain against First Party or others for compensation or inderanitlz for its leasehold inLerest, and all compcn- sation and danrages for or on account of the real property shall be payable io and be the sole property of the !'irst Party and all comDensation and damages for or on account of any Condorninir.r:ra Unit (e:rclusive of anlz real property inter- est appurtenant, thereto) shall be palzable to sucir bank or trust company authorized to do bu3iness in Colorado as the Board of Directors of tile Association slrall desig- nate as trustee for all condominium unit owners and mort- gagees according to the loss or <Iamage to their respective Condominium Units and appurtenant conunon interests and shall be userf pro:nptly Lry the Association to the extent necessary for restoring or replaci.ng such improvements on the renaining land accorciing to plans therefore first approved as provided in this Lease and the Declaration unless suclr restoration or replacement is impractical in the circurnstances; provided, however, that in case (a) only part of the project shall be so taken or condcmned thereby renderingthe remaining land and improvenrents -6- unsuitable for the multifamily residcn-tial purposcs of the project, and. theAssociation shall removo all rcmains ofbuiLdings and restore saicl land to goodrderly condition and even grade; (b) all or only part of Seeond partyrs Condo-rninium Unit shall be so taken oi condemnedthereby rendering any remaining oart thereofunsuitable for resiclential purnoses, and theAssociation shall remove all remains ofsuch ar:artrnent and restore the remaining common elements t.o good orderly condition. and by amendment of the Declaration causethe remaining part of the project to bereconstituted witilout said apartment; Second Party in eit,her case nay surrender this Lease andthereby be relieved of any further obligations hereundersubject to. the payiaent to First, party oi all rent thenaccrued and taxes hereunder payable for the full currentyear, and upon such surrender First partv and anv mort-gagee of this Lease sha11 be entitled to the rci,niiningsum of all compensation and darnages payable for or onaccount of said leasehold estate. B.uninsureci casualtg. rn case at any time cluring said terrnthe_builcling- of tire oroject shall l:e substant,ially d.amagedor destroyed by any casualty not herein required tb le in-sured against, and the Association sirall remove all remainsof_buildings and restore said 1and. to goocl orderly cond.itionand even grade, Second party mav surrender this Lbase and.thereby be relieved of any furtirer obriqations irereunder sub-ject to the payment to First party of ait rent then accrued.and taxes hereunder payable for the full current year. ".??. Dsfeagence Upon Default. This demise is made upon theconoltron tilat if.second party shall fail to oay saicl rent or anvpart thereof within 40 ci.alzs after tire same becones due, vrhether Lhesanne shall or shalr not have been 1ega1ly clemanded, or sha1l fail toobserve or perform faithfully any of the other covenancs or 4greernentsherein contained anc on the part of second party to be observecl andperformed, and if sucir default sha}l cont.inue for 35 'clays after writ-ten notice thereof is givan to second party or mailed to tris lastknown address, or if second party then owning this Lease fails to nake lld p"v his rnort,gage installment to any first mortgagee or breachesthe terns and provisions of anv such first nortgaglr-or sharr be--.come bankrupt incl faiL to perf6rm any of the coienants of second.Party hereunder or sharl abandon said premises, or if this Lease orany estate of interest of Second Part.I hereunder shall be sold und.erany attachnent or execution, First party may at once re-enter saiclprenises or any part thereof, and, upon or wit,hout such entrlr, at, itsoption, terminate this Lease, without service of notice or leqal pro-cess and without prejudice to any other remedy or right of ac[,ion-for arrears of rent or for any piececling or olher breach of cont,ract,and in case of such termination, seconcl partv,s interest in the realproperty and in the condominium unit and project sharl become and re- ryil_ the property of First party; g:rovided., iovrev"r, that no failureof the Association to perform any -ovenant of second party herein pro-vided to be performed by the association sl:all constitute- a aefau:.L - by-second Party hereunder so long as second party shall use his bestefforts to cause such covenants io be performed by the Association andshall pay his proportionate sharc of ai1 cxpense i,hereof within 30 claysafter the charges assessed by the Association in respect of saicl premises become.due_ and payable by second party. such termination may be madeeffective by recor<ling or filing an affidavit thereof by rirlt party. TiTr! Party shall be entitlecl to be reimbursed for any sumse:qlended by Lessor to cure any defaul-t of seconcl party toglttrer withinterest thereon at the rate of nine (9) pcrcent per annum ancl alike rate of interest shalL be payable on .ny orrlaragerr for rent. -7- 26. Option to Purcirasc. First Party hereby grants to SecondParty,hisffiandassig',sanoption-topurchasethereal property interest subject to tlris Lease, said option to be exer-cisable so-as to malie suclr purchase become effcctive on August l,1983. In tlre event said option is not exercised, Second Partyshallag8in have the option to purchase the real property interdst subjectto this Lease at Lhe termination of the term irereof. Said option shall be exercised by delivering written noticethereof to First Party not earlier than six (6) months nor laterthan three (3) months prior to August 1, 1983 or the date of ter-mination of the Lease, as the case nray be. Said options may beexercised only if the similar options granted to all other Condo-. minium Unit owners are exercised by such other owners, or by theAssociation acting in behalf of a group of or^rners, or by a groupof owners actj.ng independently of the Association. The purchase price for the real oroperty interest subject tothis tease shall be an amount equal to times the anount of the annual rental payable at EE'ilffiffi=option isexercised. 27. t4iscellaneous. (a) The definitions stated in said Condominium Declarationfor The ttolidal' liouse shall apolv to all sinilar terms used. irerein. (b) Damage to or destruction of any inprovernents on the demised prenises shall not terninate the Lease nor shallrent be abated, unless othenvise provided herein. (c) Each condominium unit orlrner and First Partlz shal1 registerhis nailing address witl-r the Association and all demandsor other noticcs intended to be served upon the First Party or Second Party shal-l be mail-ecl thereto until such address is changecl by a notice of adclress change nailed,by certifj-ed or registered mail, to the other and to the Association, and until such addresses are registered,First Partyts acld.ress and Second Party's address are as shown hereinbelow. (d) Acceptance of rent by First Party or i.ts agent sirall notbe deemed to be a waiver by it of any breacir b1z SecondParty of any covenant herein containeci or of First Party'sright of re-entry for breacir of condition. First Party'swaiver of any breacir by Secon<l Party shall not orierate toextinguisir the term, covenant or condition, the breach whereof has been waiveci, nor be deemed a waiver of First Party I s rigirt t,o declare a forfeiture for any other breach thereof. (e) Any approval or consen! by Lessor required by anyprovision hereof shaLt not be capriciously or un- reasonably witirhel<1. (f) The term "Second Party't herein or any pronoun used inplace thereof shall nrean and include the masculine or feminine, the singular or plural number and jointly and several-ly individuals, firns or corporations andthcir and each of their rcspective heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assS-gns, according to the: context thereof. (g) The term "First Party" shalt include all successors ininterest to VAIL i{. I. CO. -B- ,t IN I|ITNESS I{HEREOF, the Partles hereto have executed thesepresents the day and year first above written. Flrst Party: l' VAIL g.'I. CO., a limlted part- nership General Partner Addrees of First Party: Second Party: Address of Second Party: STATE OF COT'NTY OF SIATE OF cottNTv oP FLrst Party Acknowledgnent )) ss. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1g_, by as General Partner of Vail H. I. Co., a lirnited partnership. Wltness my hand and official seal. My comission expires: Notary Public Second Party Acknowledgment )) as. ) The f,oregoing instrunent was acknowledged before me thls day of ,19 ,by TfLtnesE my hand and official seal. My conmisslon expires: -9- Notary Public EXIIIBIT A A Part of the lrortheast one-quarter of s.ection 7, Township 5 south,Range 80 lvest of the sixtir Frincinal llericlian an<l being a^ part oiLots A' B, and c of Amended Man of sheet I of 2 of vaii viilagesecond Filing, county of Eagre, state of colorado, more parti6u-larly described as follovrs: Commencing at the i,lortheast corner of said Scction 7; thence Southcrlyand along tire East l-ine of the i,Iort.heast one-cfuarter of saicl Section7, 39.20 feet to.tire soutir right. of r.rav tine df u. s. Itiglrway I{o. 6;tfelge on an anglc to the rigiit of 100041-'47" and alonq iaid'sJutLright of way line 25.44 feet to a ooint on the l,test rine of vair noad,slid.point being the liortheasterly corner of said Lot A; thence.con-thuing along the aforementioncci rine ancl along the Northerly lineof'said Lot, A, 152.65 feet to the NoruI.rest,erlv cotrner of saicl Lot A;thence_on an angre to tile left of r00o4lr47,,anc1 along the ?Iest lineof said Lot A, 139.15 feet. to thc true rroint of Lectiniing; ttrenceon an.angle to tirc left of 73053'r2", ric.rs feet to tire west lineof.vail Road; tl:ence,on an angle to the rigirt of 73053112" and alongsaid west line 202.15 feet; thence on an aigle to the right, of90000'00", 93.75 feet to tire tJortirerlrr line of ltest i.tead6w Drive;thence qn 1n anqle to the riqirt of 59016139" ancl along sai<1 llortherlyline and_along a curve to the left having a raciius of-175.00 feet,a central angle of 36000'15". an arc clisiance of 109.97 feet to apoint-of tangent; thence along said tangent and along said Northerly !11e fI.00 feet; lhence on an angle to [,]re riqht ot iAto4O,30',,101.50 feet; tlrence on an angle io the left oi 102013,L7,,, S6'.00feet; thence on an anglc to the right of 90000r00", lB.2Z feet;thence on an angle to the left of 90000'00u, 67.c0 feet, more orless, to the true point of beginning; containing 29,347'.3L squarefeet or 0.65 acres, more or less. - BY-LAT{S GOPV OF THE HOLIDAY HOUSE CONDOI.III{IU}T ASSOCIATIOi'I T\tl^ ARUCLE I Offices The principal office of tlre Association shall- be in Vail, Colorado. The Board of Directors in its discretion rnay keep and maintain other offices within or without the State of Colo- rado wherever the business of the Association may require. ARTICLE II i'lemberships 1. I'temberships: Tirere shall be one rnembership in the Asso-ciation for eacliTAndominium Unit as clcfine<l in the Condorniniurn Declaration for tire I'Ioliclay llouse recorded in Book at. Page of the records of tire County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle 6un-ty, Colorado. Thc total number of rnembcrships issuecl sliall not exceed the number of Condominium Units. The o\,rner or ortners of a Condominiur,r Unit sirall irold anct sltare the menbership related to that Condornj-nium Unit in the same proportionate interests and by the same type of tenancy in which the title to the Condo- minium Unit is held. ltro person or entity other than an owner of a Condominiurn Unit nray be a nember of the Association. 2. Transfer of ilembership: A rnembershio in the Association and the sffi assets of the Association shall not be assigned, encumi..rered, or transferred in any manner except as an appurtenance to transfer of title to the Condonrinium Unit to rvirich the menrbersirip pertains; provided, irotrever, that the rights of membership rnay be assignecl to the hol<ier of a nortgage, deed of trust, or otirer security instrunent on a Condorninium Unit as further security for a loan secured by a lien on such Condo- minium unit. A transfer of rnenrbership shall occur automatically upon the transfer of title to the Condominium Unit to which the membership pertains, but the Association s]rall be entitled.totreat the person or persons in whose narne or names the mernber- ship is recorded on the books and records of the Association as the member for a1l purposes until suclr time as evidence of a t,rans- fer of title, satisfactory to tlle Association, has been submitted to the Secretary. A lransfer of r,rernbership shall not release the transferor from liabilitlr for obligations accrued incident to such rlembership prior to suclr transfer. In the event of dis- pute as to ovrnership of a Condominiun Unit and as to ownership of the membership appurtenant titereto, title to the CondoniniumUnit, as shor.rn in tire recorcis of the Count]r Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado shalL be determinative. 3. Voting Rights: I{here the vote of the members is required or permittcd by the statutes of tire State of Colorado or by thc Articles of fncorporation or these By-Lar.rs, tlre members shall have a vote equal to tlreir percentage interest in thc Conmon III-e- ments as set forth in Exhibit B to the Conclominium Declaration for The lloliday l.Iouse. I{here there are co-owners of a Condominium Unit (whether by joint tenancy, tenancy in comrnon, or otherwisc) each co-owner shall bc decmed Eo have a fractional portion of the vote for the mernbership appurtenant to Lhat Conclominium Unit pronortion.etc to his interest in thc titlc thcrcto; but anv onc of :jucl1 co-o'/tncrs prescnt or representccl l..r! proxf shall hre acccDtcd autonatieal-ly by the Association as the agcnt and attorncy-in-fact for other corowners not Present or represented by Proxy, for the purpose of casting the vote of that mcmbership. Voting by proxy shall be permitted. Proxies utust i"re cxecuted in writing i.,y the orrner or co-ol,tner or iris duly autliorizcd attorney-in-fact ancl must be filecl witir the Secretary before the a5rpointed tirne of each neeting. No proxy shall be vali<l aftcr eleven months fror.r the date of its execution unless otirer\'iisc providccl in tire proxy. Tire Associa- tion rnay suspend the voting rigirts of a nreliibcr for failure to comply with rulcs or regulatione of the Association or for failure to comply vritir anir otircr oLligations of tirc or'rners of a Condonrinium Unit under the Condor,riniun Declarat,ion for Tire lioliday House. 4. Votinq bv i,lail: The Board of Directors mav decicie tirat -----.=-.--!:-voting of-ffiffi3-Enall i.;e by nail with respect to any parti- cular election of directors or with rcspect to adoption of any proposed amenclment t'o thc hrticles of Incorporation or adoption of a proposed plan of irergcr, consolidation, or dissolution. In case of election of directors by mail, the existing Board of Directings sha11 advise tire Sccretarrr in vrriting of the names of proposed directors sufficient to constitute a full Board of Directors anci of a date at least 50 cLays after such advice is given by which all votes are to i:e received. Tire Secretary within 5 days after sucir advice is given shall give rvritlen notice of tirc number of clirectors to be elected and of the natnes of tire noni- nees to aII or''rners or co-ol-rners of each nrerabership. The notice shall state that ani/ such or'rner or co-ot\tner i aY uoninate an addi- tional candiciate or candidates r not to exceei tire number of direct- ors to be elected, by notice in writing to the Secrctary at tlre specified adciress of the principal office of the Association, to be received on or before a specified date 15 days from the date the notice is given by the Secretary. I{ithin 5 days after sucir specifiecl ciate the Secretarl' shall give vrritten notice to all owners or co-or.rners of a nembership, stating the nurnber of directors to be elected, stating the nanes of all persons nominated by the Board of Directors and by the nernbers on or before said specified oate, stating that each owner or co-oi.tner may cast a vote by mail and shall have a right to cumul-ate his votes by giving ond candidate as nany votes as the numi:er of directors multiolied by the number of votes or fractional votes vrhich lte has a riqht to cast shall equal , or by distributing such votes on ti-re same principle among any number of such can<i,iclates, and stating the date estabf ished by the Board of Directors by whicir such votes must be received by the Secretary at the acldress of the principal office of the Association, which shall be specified in tire notice. Votes re- ceived after that <iat,e shall not be effective. A11 Persons elected as Directors pursuant to such an election by mail by receipt of the number of votes required by applicable lav.' shall take office effective on the date specifie<1 in the notice for receipt of such votes. In the case of a vote by mail relating to any proposed amend- ment to the Articles of Incorporation or adopti.on of a proposed plan of merger, consolidation, or dissolution, the Secretary shall give trritten notice to all or{ners or co-ovrners of eacir membership rvhicir notice shall include a proposeci written resolu- tion setting forth a description of the proposed action, and shall state that such persons are entitled to vote by mail for or against such proposal ancl stating a date not less than 20 days after thc date suclr noticc shall have bcen given on or before which all votes must be receivcd and stating that they rnust be sent to the spe- cified address of the principal officc of thc Association. Votes received after that datc shal1 not be effeetive. Any such pro- posal shall be adopted if approvccl by the affirmative vote of not less than two-tirirds of the votcs cntitlecl to be cast on such qucs- tion. -2- Delivery of a vote in r.rriting to the prineinal office of the Association shaLl be equivalent to reeeint of a vote by mail at such addrcss for purpose of this Paragraoh 4. o $. Arinual ltcetinq: An annuaL rneetinq of the members for the purpose of voEffiq 6n such matters as pioperly may come before the meeting shal1 be held on the Tuesday before ilastcr Sunday of each year at a convenient location in Vail, Colorado, to be selected by the Board of Directors. Dircctors slrall bc elected at eacir such annual tnecting unless electeci by mail as iterein provided. 6. Special l,leetings: Special neetings of the members may be called at any tine by t1re PresiJent or by the Board of Direct- ors or by written request of t.en per cent or morc of the votes of the outstanding nre:nberships and sirall be lreld at a convenient loca- tion in Eagle County, Colorado, to bc selected by tire persons call- ing the rneeting. 7. llotices; I^iaiver: Notices of annual ancl special meetings oftherneffi!iveninl,.ritingandmuststatethep1ace. day and hour of t,ire rneeting ano, in case of a special nreeting, the purpose or purposes for whicir tire meet.ing is called. Such notices shalL be delivereci not less tiran ten nor nore than fifty daysbefore tire clate of the meeting. eitirer personally or by nail, by or at tlre ciirection of the President, or the Secretary, or the officers or persons calling the mceting, and shal1 be given to each ovrner or co-orvner of a membership entitled to vote at suchmeeting. If mailed, suclr notice, and any notice given pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Article II , sirall be deenlec1 to be cielivered wiren deposited in the United states mail addressed to such ol{ner or co-ovtner at his address as it appears on the records of the Association, with postage thereon prepaid. Written waiver of notice signed by t,he person or persons entitlecl to such notice, whcther before or aiter the time stated therein, shal1 be equivalent to the giving of such notice. 8. Quorurn; Vot,e Required; z\cljournnent: One-half of the votes, represented in person or by pro:<y, shall constitute a quorum at anlz meeting of rnembers. If a quorum exists, the action of a najority of thc votes present or represented by,proxy shall be the act of the nembers. If a quorum does not exist, a nrajority of the votes presen! in person or by proy{f rnay adjourn thc meeting from time to time r,ritirout furtirer notice other than announcementat the meeting. 9. Action of l,lernbers Without a ileetinq: Anv action required to be tak at i meeting of ttre members, rdy be taken witlrout a meeting if a consent in writing,setting forth the action so tal<en, shall be signed by all of tire oldners and co-or"rners of rnemberships entitled to vot,e with respectto .the subject rnatter thereof . 10. Conduct of l,leetings: Meetings of members shall be con- ducted in ffirts Rules of order. ARTICLE TII Board of Directors 1. Number: The Board. of Directors shall consist of five (5) members. Ee-numUer of <lirectors may be incrcase<l or decreasedby amendment of thesc By-La\^rs; provided, hor.rever, that the numberof directors shall not be reducecl to less tiran tlrrec, nor incrcased to more than nine; and, provided further, that no decrease in the number of directors by amendment of these By-Laws shall irave tireeffect of shortcning the term of any incumbent director. -3- 2. Qualification; Election; Tcrm: Directors need not bc members offfiTffi resiclents of the Stateof Colorado, and shall bc electcd by the membcrs of the Association at their annual mceting or by naiL as provicled herein. At each election for directors, each owner or co-or^/ner of a membershipentitled to vote shall have the right to cumulate his votes bygiving one candidate as many votes or fractional votes rvhictr he has a right to cast shall etrual, or by distributing such votes onthe same principle anong any number of such candidates. Directorsshall serve a terro of one. year and until their successors are duJ-yelected and qualified. 3. Removal; Resignqtion: l-t any meeting of menbers, thenotice offfi purpo.se, directors nay be renovedin the manner provideci in this. Paragra.?h. The entire Board ofDirectors or any lesser nun]-'er may be renoved, rvith or hrithout cause, by a vote of a rnajority of t,he rnembers thcn entitled tovote at an election of Cirectors. If less than tire entire boardis to be rernoved, no one of tire ciirectors mall be removed if thevotes of a sufficient nurd-.er of rner,rbers are cast against his removal , vrhich. if ttren cumulatively voteC at an election of theentire Board of Directors, would be sufficient to elect him. Any director nav resign by sui:mitting a r,.rritten notice to t,he Board stating the effective clate of his resignation, and accept- ance of the resiqnation shall- noL be necessarv to nal<e the re-signation effectlvc 4. Vacancies: An./ vacancy in the Board of Direetors and a4y direcilmiFTo be iilled bv reason of an increase in the nurnber of clirectors nav be filllc] blz an affirmative vote of amajority of the rernaining d.irectors though less Lilan a quorun of the Board. A dircctor selected co fil-l a vacancy on the Boatcl shall hold office for the unexpired tern of his prede- cessor in office. Any directorship to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of directors nav be filled by the Boardof Directors for a term of office continuing only until thenext election of directors. 5. i,Ieetinqs: Ti"rere shall be a reqular annual meetinq ofthe Boarci ,fiately follovring the annrial meeting of tire iem- bers of the Association, and the Board may establisir regular meetings to be held at such other places and at such other timesas it nay determine from tine to time. After the establishmentof the time and place for such regular meetings, no further noticethereof need be given. Special meetings of the Board rnay be called.by the President , et, upon written request delivered to the Secre-tary of the Association. by any two directors. 6. Notices.: [''raiver: Tlrree davs ' notice of special meet-ings shalffi"ffin E' each directoi ly the Secretirv. Such notice may be given orally, in person or by telephone, or in writinq, served on or rnailed or telegra::hed to each director. lleitherthe business to be transacted at, nor t,he purpose of, dtry regu-lar or special meeting of the Board of Directors need be speci-fied in the notice or waiver of such meeting. Written waiver of notice signed by a director whether beforeor after the time stated therein, shall be equivalent to the givingof such notice. Attendance of a director at any meeting shall con-stitute a waiver of notice of such meeting except when a directorattends a meeting for the express purpose of objectinq to thetransaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfullycal.led or convened. 7. Quroum; Vote RequiEe4; Adjournrnent: At any meeting ofthe Board trffiumb,er of clirectors act-ing and qualified, but in no event less than one-third of the number of directors fixed by these By-Laws, shall constitute aquonrm for the transaction of business. The act of a majorityof the directors present at a meetinq at which a quorum is presentshall be the act of the Board of Directors, except as otherwise -4- O specifically reguired by law, the Articles of Incorporation orthese By-Laws. If a guorum docs not cxist, a rnajority of thedirectors present may adjourn the meeting from tirne to time with-out further notice other than announcement at the meetinq. ' 8. Action of Dircctors without a i{eetincr: Anvqurrecl to Dc tal(en, or any action whicir rnay be taken,ing of the directors, may be taken without a meetingin writing, settinq forth the act,ion so taken, shal1by all of the directors entitled to vote with respectject rnatter thereof. action re-at a meet- if a consenl be signed to the sub- 9. Executive Comnittee of Board of Directors: The Boardof Directo f the clirect-ors in officer fildy designate and appoint, an Execulive Cornmitteeof the Board. Tire number of nembers of tlte Executive Cofiunitteeand the persons rvho shal1 be rnernbers thereof shal1 be det,ernined.by the Board, but the nunber of such mernbers shall not be lessthan two. Unless linited by resolution of the Board, the Execu-tive Comnittee shall have aid exercise a-ll thb authority of theBoard of Directors, except that such Committee shaLl not havethe authority of the Board of Directors in reference to amenciing,altering, or repealing the By-Laws; electing, appoint,ing or re-moving any rnembcr of suci: Cor,mittee or any officer or clircctorof the Association; atnenr1ing tl:e rlrticles of Incorporation; re-stating the Articles of Incorporation; aclopting a .llan of mergeror adopting a plan of consolilation v/ith anotirer aisociation;autirorizing the sa1e, lease, exchange or nrortgage of all or sub-stantially aII of ttre property and assets of thc Association;authorizing tire voluntary Cissolut,ion of the Association or re-voking procecdings therefor; adopting a plan for the clistributionof assets of tite Association; or ameniing, altering or repealingany resolution of the Board of Direct,ors r.rhicir by its terms pro-vides that it. shall not be amended, altereci or repealed by such Committee. All of tlre provisions in tirese By-Latrs vritir respectto notice of meetings of ciirectors, quorum at such meetings, vot-ing at sucir neetings and waivers of noticc of sucir :;ieetings shall be applicable to the meetings of the Executivc Committee. 10. Compensation: By resolution of the Board of Directors, any clirector rmay-E- paicl any one or more of the following: Iiis exPenses, if any, of attendance at meetings; a fixedEum for attend: ance at each r,reeting; or a stated salary as director. ilo such pay- ment shall preclude any director from serving t,lte Association in any other capacity and receiving compensation therefor. 11. Duties: It shall be the cluty of the Board of Directorsto perfonrffi-utigations and resDonsiU:.tities in-oosed upon theAssociation by the Condorninium Declaration for The Holiday l{ouserecorded in Book at Page of the records of EagleCounty, coloraclo.-TT provi;iofr-? said Declaration relitingto the Associatj-on are deened to be incorporated herein by thisreference to the same extent and effect as if fully set forthherein. ARTICLE IV Officers 1. General: The officers of the Association shall consistof a PresiGt-, one or more Vice presidents, a Secretary and aTreasurer, each of rvhom sha1l be appointeci by the Board of Dircct-ors to serve for terns not exceeding three years as prescribed bythe Board. The Board of Directors may appoint such other officers,agents, factors and employees as it may ctecm necessary or desirable.officers may be, but need not be, d,irectors or owners or co-ownersof memberships in the Association. Any person may hoLd two or moreoffices simultancously, except that t,he Prcsiclent and the secretaryshall not hold any other office. -5- o 2. President: The PresidenL shall lre the principal execu- tive officer=ffie Association ancl , subjcct to the control of the Board of Directors, shall dircctl supervise, coordinate and have general control over thc affairs of the Association, and shall have the powers generally attributable to the chief executive officer of an Associat,ion. The President shall preside at all meetings of the'members of the Association. 3. Vice Presidents: Vice Prcsidents may act in place of the PresiffiT ;in case-of his d,eath, absence, inability or failure to act, and shall perform such other duties and have such author- ity as is from time to time delegated by the Board of Directors or by the Presiclent. 4. Secretarv: The Secretarv shall be the custodian of the records affiT6€ seal of the Asiocation and shall affix the seal to all docurnents requiring tire sane; shal1 see t,hat all notices are duly given in accordance rvith the provisions of t,hese By-La\ts and as required by lar'r, and that the boo]<s, rePortsr drld other docu- ments and records of the Association are properly i.:ept and filed; shall J;,eep ninutes of the procecdings of thc nenl:ers, BoarC of Directors and Executive Corrnitte,e; shall }leep at the registered office of the Association a record of tl:e nanes and ad<lresses of the or.,/ners and co-ot,/ners entitlcC to vote; and, in general ,shall perform all- duties incident t,o the office of Secrctarlz and such otlrer duties as nal/, from tine to time, ite assigneC to hin by the Board of Directors or I:'y the President. The Board may appoint one or more Assistant Secretaries who ma]t act in place of the Secretary in case of his death, absence, inability of fail- ure to act. 5. Treasurer: T;re lreasurer shall have charge and custody of, and Ld-r-esponsible for, all funcls ancl securities of tire.Asso- ciation, shall deposit all funds in the name of the Association in such ciepositorics as shall be cesignated by the Board of Directors, shall keep correct and corlplete boolls and recorcls of account and records of financial transactions anci con<lition of the Associat.ion and shall subnrit suc-r reports trrereof as tire Board of DirecLors may, frol:r tine Lo tine, require; and, in general , sirall perform all the duties incident to tfue office of Treasurer, and such other duties as nay, frorn tine to tine, be assigned to him.by the Board of Directors or by the Presicrcnt. The Board nay appoint onc or more Assistant Treasurers who nlay act in p1-ace of the Treasurer in case of iris death, absence, inability or failure to act. 6. Rerooval of Officers: Any officer may be removed by tire - Boardorffiintheirbestjuclgnrenttirebestinter- ests of the Association will be served thereby. 7. Compensation: officers, agents, factors and employees sha11recffi-Easonal.lleconpenSationfortneirservicesas may be authorizecl or ratified by tire Boaxd of Directors. Appoint- ment of an officer, agent, factor or enrplolzee shalL not of itself create contractual rights to compensation for services performed as such officer, agent, factor or employee. ARTICLE V Contracts Conve ances Checlis ancl i"liscellaneous 1. Contracts: The Board of Directors maY authorize anyofficer oF-i'{'6frE-6f the Association to enter into anlr contractor execute and deliver any instrument in the name of the Associa- tion, cxcept as otherwise specifically required by the Articles of Incorporation or these By-taws. Encunbrances:Corporate property may be the Board of Dircctors orconveyed or cncumLere<l by -6- _ :.i'. . v such otirer person or persons to whom such authority may bc delegated by resolut,ion of tire Board. Conveyances or encumbrances sirall bc by instrument executed by the President or a Vicc President and by the Secretary or the Treasurer or an Assistant Secretary or Assis- tant Treasurer, or exequted by such other person or persons to v.thom such autbority may be delegated by the Board. 3. Checks: AII checks, drafts, notes and orders for the pay- ment of mo-n-frtrall be siqnecl by the Presiclent or a vice President or the Treasurer, or shall be signed blz such other officer of the Association as shall be <iuly authorized by resolution of the Board of Directors. 4. Fiscal Year: ?he fiscal vear of the Associati-on shall comnence tanuary-Is.f and encl on Delember 31st of each year. 5. Seal: The Board of Directors may adopt a corporate seal of such <iffin as it may deem appropriate. ARTICTE VI Indemnification of Directors and officers l. Indennification: The Association shall indernnify every director ;"rt offfier;Eiieir personal representatives and heirs, against all loss, costs an<l cxpenses, including counsel fees, rea- sonably incurred by him in connection vrith any action, suit or pro- ceeding to which ire may be nadc a partl/ by reason of his being or having been a direct,or or officer of the Association, except as to matters as to vhich ire shal1 be finally adjudgeC in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for gross neqliqence or villful misconduct. In the event of a settlement, inderirnification shal1 be provided only i.n connection with sucir mattcrs covered by the settlement as to rvhich the Association is advised by counsel that the person to be indennified tras not been guiltl.r of gross negli- gence or r';illful nisconduct in the performance of his Cut\: as such director or officer in relation to the natter involved. The foregoing rights shall not be exclusive of other rights to vrhicir such director or officer may be entitleci. A11 liabiLity, loss, damage, cost and expense i.ncurred or suffered by tbe Association by reason or arising out of or in connection with the forcgoing indemnification provisions sliall be ireated and irandlbci by tirc Association as corimon e:ipenses; provided. irolvever, tirat notiring in this Article Vf contained sirall be deeneci to obligate the Asso- ciation to indennnify any r,renJ>er or o$/ner of a Contlominium Unit whois or nas been a ciirector or officer of tho Association wit.h respect to any duties or obJ-igations assumecl or liabilit,ies incurred by him under and by virtue of the Condoninium Delcarations. 2. other: Contracts or other cor.rnritments rilade by the Board of Directffilo-r of f icers shal1 bc rnacie as agent for the unit orvners, and tirey shall irave no personal responsiblity on any such contractor conmitment (except as unit orrners), and tire liability of any unit orvner on any such contract, or commitrnent sirall be limited to such proportionate share of tire total liability thereof as the conrmon inlerest of each unit owner bears to the aggregate commoninterest of all of the unit owners, except that any losses incur- red by the Association because of its inability to collect such proportionat,e sharc of thc tot,al liability from a particular mem- ber shall be shared proportionately by thc other members. ARTICLE VII Abatement and Enjoinnrent of Violations by Unit Owners l. Abatcmcnt and Enjoinmcnt: The violation of any rule orregulatio@f Directors, or the brlach of any -7- By-Lavt, or the breach of any provision of thc Condominium Declara- tion, shall givc the Board of Direcbors tl)e right, in adclition to any other rights set forth thcrcin, (a) to enter the unit in which, or as to whlch, such violation or breach exists and to summarily abbte and remove, at the expense of the defaulting unit ovrner, any structure, thing or condition that may exist therein contrary to the intcnt and nreaning of the provisions thereof, and the Board of Directors shall not be deerned guilty in any lilanner of trespass or any other civil or legal violation; (b) to enjoin, abate or remedy by appropriate lega1 proceedings, either at law or in equity, the continuance of any breacir. ARTICLE VIII Anendment,s l. Articles of Incorporation: Amendments nay be made to the Artic le manner providld by law by vote of the roembership of the Association at any annual meeting or special nreeting of the inembership, provided that the notice of such rneeting states that such amendment is to be considered. Such amendments nay also be nrade pursuan! to voting by mail as herein provided. 2. By-Laws: These By-Laws may at any time and from time to time be anrerrcied, altered or repcaled by the Board of Dj-rectors, or by vote of the nrenbersh.ip of tire Association at any annual or special rneeting provided tirat tire notice of sucir neeting states that such amenclment, alteration or repeal is to be considered. 3. Limitation on Anendments: ltro amenclment of the Articles of rncorporation or of tj:cse Bjt-Lalvs shaIl be contrary sistent with any provision of tire Colorado Condomi-nium Act or of the Condominium Declaration for The Hollday red to above. Approved19 , by thees6dation. to or incon- Onnership House refer- and adopted this day of unoersigneci as tfrTitiar eoFof Directors of ti-re Together being all the initial Board of the members of of Directors. -8- ARCHITECTS AIAJO'EFH E. MACMIIJIN THELMA FELE'HAMCR - a..ocrar. l47l aotJrtH HorrY g?FfGr DENVER, COIe'RADO '0222TrLrpHoHf toa - aaa-a1aa Jaauarry 28, Lgn I|r, Eal $tnrbLe Brdfdfry Offtslal P 0 Bor 100 YalI, OoJ.cedo 8L657 SubJeat: HoU.dey llouse Condod.nuns Dear lb. Strubler Uitlr raf,ereaoe to the Laet paragraph of your letter of JanuarT 25, IgT2, lt naE ry nndenstandlag that the sp1ra1 stalr eould be used lf the uta stalr off the corrtdon naa avallable as an alternate neans of qltilrg. f bave uaed reguler stalrs to the loft areas of the tvo unlts at the Uqct end of the seconal floor. These Lofts do not bavE a oecond exit stalr avallable. I bave shorm splral stairE at all other loft sPaoes as eacb udt bss avallable an €urit to a corrldor and stalr. If, ve have Ede an error 1n Judgenent here I would 1lke to know as Eoon as poselble ag lt vlll en restudyLng n]'t..e3 tlre loft aPertrclts. Slnoerdly yours, }*?l. E.Wl"Jtrt^-09** Jd""pn 8. Maol{l.Ilau Iwy'v Mr. Josoph E. l'lacMl llan, A.l'.A. J47 l South Hotly Stroet D€nver, Colorado A0222 SubJect: Hollday House Condomlnlums Dear Mr. MaeMl llan: W-l th referonco to your letter of January 21, 1972, vewould llke to suggest that you use Type ll constructlonrf le.h rqdld al.l or the ioffe to be as large as you wlshslnc€ they routd,be consldercd ae another f loor !t ls my faallng fhat a varlance would not be !ranted L9" tF larler.l oft slze wlth Tyire ilt construitlon andtheref ore, I f -ir.ou ld be eas lcr to p tan to use Type | | . lwould also llkc to polnt out that thls large of o loftaroa may 'n'ef be ssr,ved by a sp lra I stal r. li you have ' further questlons, please feel free to call. Yours tru ly, TOWN O'F VA r r January.25, 1972 Ed Strub leSull.dlng Offlclal dw F. ARCHITECTS AIA THELMA FELOHAMER - a..ocrar. l47t eouTr.t HoLLY STREET DENVER. COLOFTAOO 80222 TELTFHONI 9Og . AE?.64CG Jannary 2L, lgn Itr. Eal Stnrble BulliBr€ Offlclal Vail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Hollday HoueE 0ondod.niung Dear l{r. StrubLe: &rsloEed le the cover lett6r t,ransd.tted wlth the gublect pla,ne rhlch I recently sent to the ICB0 ln Pasadena, Caltfornla. I have been dolng sor furtbut thlnk{ng on the approach to thls proJeo!. l,lould you thlnk it nould be better to call thls a $pe III, t hour btdlaEng and aek for a varLanoe to increase the uppen loft lwe1 to nore tbgn the t/3ta atee' lmediately belon? Ife are not oceeeding L/3rd of the total ov€rall bulldlng area. Ue are conslderlng tbe use of precast concrete exterlor naLL Panels toctured aod stalned to appear llke alpllne wood. l'tray I have your connents on thl.s thought as r€11 as hearlng fron tbe offlslals ln PaEadene? Slncerely youre, )f*t e'rY1"-W7e"- ,ldseph E. l{ael'ltllan Jwa/v ARCHITECTS A lAJOSEPH E. MACMILI-AN THELMA FELDH/dMER - As6ocl^TE '47I SOUTH HOLLY STREFT DENVER. COLOFTADO 80222 TELEPHoNE 3o3 - 75?-6496 January 1.5, LYlz International Conference of Building Officials 50 South Los Robles Pasadena, California 91101 Re: Iloltday House Condordniuns PLan attached with this letter Vail-, Colorado Dear Sirs: Mr. Ed Struble, Bulldlng 0ffic1a1, Vail, CoLorado has arggested that thls plan be sent to your offices for a revlew. l4r. Struble also suggested that thLs offLce should becoms an assoclate nember of the fnternatlonal Conference of Buildlng Officlals. My twenty-flve do11ar check 1s encLosed. If thls ls not the corrqct arnount please notify ne. The structure is of sr€11 enough slue to be entltled to $rpe II1, l Hour constructlon. Because of the choice of rnaterlals we prefer to be judged as a $pe II buil-a[r€. Tlpo If idll provlde a better fire lnsurance rating, and yi11 all.ow nore total otory h-e1ght. l.Ie thus enlarged our upper rnezzane floor level beyond the /3rd area l-1nd.tat1on. You i.r111 noto that al.though onJ-y one stalr well extends to each mezzanine area, each apartnent has an lnterlor stair for the second exit. We are considering the use of a precast concrete wal1 paneJ- stained and textured to appear like the alplne weathered wood. This rdl1 rermve rnrch wood frorn the face treatnent of tho exterior. lle have one problero area. We would liko to use non-con treated beams and declclng nsterial- for the roof structure. The town of Vall aad the or^rners prefer this type of archltectural treatrnent. Ag we are not uelng the fult story a13.or,nnce of Type II constructlon we feel- a variance ls warranted in thle area. l4ay we have your comrnents on this bulldlng so that ue may conplete our vorklng drawings as soon as possible. Sincerel.y yolrrs, \^C €.rh"-\,-0f".^- flseph E. Maclrrillan JEs/v Enclosure :tiSFl{Eitrrn*r"i.t61lF4Si]b]ir.:,i{A&{tr{tr13itlE:jlL&tt&St€!:.i*#;*t.]t(!&frtl*i!ffit&[El]tu O f,Q-}trorrr 6o.t S€ aRcHlTEcTs A lAJOSEPH E, MACMILLAN THELMA FELDHAMER . A..ocra?. '47I EOUTH HOlr.Y c'TREET oENVER, COLOFIAOO eO222 TE-IPHoNE 9o9 - 747-a4aa Dr".r^lt'r 1, ler/ hs d^.A rn.^, {4,*-"-y * T^m.N , Ot.s- At-' / U$r*&;^' d.A-a ^1-^ P ,rr-rrL <L ,*L''l F'"':.* 1-t^" 1 ry* clA ; + odo^ .nr --s t"J,C -r]+ ,<. yv./stt AMt o- {aarlr{r*^^AU^%4L a-4 \ -' A ,.w.\ nn n\,'s$t u, dA {)^ alilr^ 'Jtt.,* \ r,t'-t-o*."-roww S.,*;lt Ter th^ X+ E-'{"n*--n|/\'-oo.^^ \J lNrrRNATIoN,AL CoNFERENCE oF ButotNo OrFtctALs 50 SOUTH LOS ROB LES 684- 13IO PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 9IIOI l4ay 18, L971 OFFICER6 FREgIOENT TED E. DUKE au lLolr{6 0FFlclaL EILLtNGS, MONIANA FIRST VICE.FRESIOENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL EU ILDING OFFICIAL COLORAOO 5PRING3, COLOFADO SECONO VICE-FRESIDENT AND TFEASURER EUGEHE B. PEATER SUPERINTENDENT. DEPARTMENT OF 9UILDING AND gAFETY POMONA. CALIFORN IA JUNIOR PAST FRESIOE 'T WILLIAM G. VASVARY DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FI.',LLERTON. CALIFORNIA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOFI T, H. CARTER 50 SOUTH LO6 ROBLE6 FASADENA, CALIFORNIA MANAGIN6 D IRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR !o souTH Los FoaLEg PASAOENA, CAI-IFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD DIRECTOR OF INAPECTION9 KALAMAZOO, IiICHIEAT DONALD A. ERICKSON D I RECTOR DEPARTYENT OF IN6PECTION6 IIINNEAPOLIA. UINNESOTA NEWELL POCK CHIEF BUILOINO II{SPECTOR YAKIMA, WASHINGTON CHARLEB R. HTNKLEY CH IEF BUILDINC INSPECTOR MOIJNTAIN VIEW, CALIFOFNIA RUDOLPH J. KRAINTZ COUNAY BUILDING IN6PECTOR COUNTY OF CONTRA CQSTA MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE EUILDING COOE ENGINEER KAN6A5 CITY, III5AOUFI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERII{IENOEI{T OF EUILDING VERNON, CALIFORN IA DICK T. JORDAN DIRECIOR OF BUTLDII{G DEPAFIMENT AUSTIN. TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDINO OFFICIAL COUN]Y OF AANTA EARIARA sANTA IARBARA, CALIFORNIA ohn Nosse JN:hp Chief Pl-an Check Engineer A Nonprofit Service Oryonizotion lor lhe Moinlcnqnce of lho UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ond Rclqled Ordinonces ond Ofiuing Spcciol Serviccs fo Aclivc Closs A Mcmbers Ed Struble Buildlng Official Box 631 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Ed: In reference to }lr. Macl{iLLan's letter of April 13, 197L, and the pLans which you returned for our review again, please be advised of the following: L. Section 3302 (c) of the 1970 Uniforrn Building Code ap-plies to aLL areas lrhere at least two exits are required, 2. Section 3304 refers to corridors that connect two or more exits separated in c on for:nan ce with Section 3302(c). Exception to this is the dead end condition al- lowed in Section 3304 (f). 3. On1-y one exit can be considered frqn the lofts unless there are two stairs complying w'ith Section 3305 with separations conpLying with Section 3302 (c). 4. In reviewing the main floor p1an, we find that conpliance with Section 3308 (d) is required. This is not evident on p1ans. 5. l"tr. Lundrs l-etter of April 6 al-so expresses my thoughts on the exiting scheme. OFFICE O' iHE txEcuTtvE olSEcToi T. H. CAR?EN MANAGINO DIREqiOR JAME€ E. IIHR TECXNICAL OIiECIOR D. n. waTaox Plans are being returned under separate cover. free to contact us if there are any questions. Yours very truly, IMERNAT IONA], CONFERENCE BUILDING OFFICIA1S Please feet kll^-"- F May 7, 1971 l{r. oloerph E, HacHlllanltt?I South lto1ty Stnect Dcnvar, Colora(o' s0212 SubJoct: Hollday Houae Condomlnlum: You:o lcttrn of May 5 In dl.aouael,ng your propoecd dnlveway at thc maln entranoc to thc cubJect buildlng lrith the Town Manager, it has becn dcteminrdthat a var:iancc wlll not bc nequinad. Instcadn tha Town l.r hcm- by authonizlng you to conttruot this drlveway aa shosn on your pnell,nlnany plans on the bael.c that Lf and whan the Town la requtred to romovc sans, replaccment eo8t. wilL bc your rlrtponslbillty. At tho aame timer:lt haa comc to llght that Spnaddlc Cncat wttl havc to be dLvrntcd and oun Stnect Superintcndent, ilr. Petc Bur.nctt, neguLnce lnfornatlon as Eoon a8 poaeible on how you pJ,an to dothlr. A variancc .w111 not bcrinoo both arc within Building Code. rcquincd for panking or ba).aony grojectionc the Standarde n'cgulned by thc Unl,fofn it! ne dleouticd ln ou:r phonc convergatl.on, I wLll accrpt rny dcclsion sadd by Mr. Peta Tyncc of CoLonado Spr.ingt. Rrspcotfully, TOWN O,r VAIL Ed StrublcBuilding 0fficial dw do: lh., T. J, Hlngcn, Town Hanager ARGHITECTS A.lAJOSEPH E. MACMILIIN THELMA FELDHAMER - a..ocrarr 1471 EOUIH HOLLY STREET DENVER. COLORADO 80222 TELEPHoNE eos - 7aa-64ee w 5, L9TL lb. Eal Stnrhlc &rllcltng Offlalal Bc 6Il Tall, Coloratlo 8L657 Rer Vallancss reqrdred for Hollday Ian Conclod.atun lddlttoa Dear !b. Stnrbl-er lr agreed ove the telepbone today, you vtl-l post on property ald start the varLanoe appllcatlon ln prooeas fc tbe drtvorpy to the prqroscd uia cntrance. l{r. Paul Baltsy nlLL attqrd tbe boar'\al reetlng at tbe sebcduled 9:00 p. n tLrc on lbureday, Uay 13, 19rl1, ln yor offlce or at a nev Ioaatloa aa dlrccted, l,hy re bave a letta fron you statf,ns that, la your oplulone a varlanoe nill not be requlred for parklag and for balooay proJeotlons on the dravtnga as nor prepared ard on flle ln your offLce. Irle need these qucstlong ar: srs.d to tbst the arohlteatrrral' oontrol board Y111 gtve ul an afflrnttvs anns oa out regueat for cleslgn approaal ., On thl.r date, rre bave also nfl€d one aet of the &ravlngs to !ts. Tyree ln OoLorado SprLngs. I also e!- ologed oqrles of qr c@r€q)ondance. l{e hqle tbat be aaa roqlonal to tbls reguest fc lafcntlon qulte aoon. &art you for your belp tn thia utts. Si-nceely yourst W. €."yrn.--)hJ44- Ub""pn E. Haal'lllla! JDltv COr Paul Balley o MA Mr. Eal Struble Bulldlng Offlclal P. o. tsc 531, Vall, Oolorailo 8L657 Dear l{n. Stnrble: holosed la our rerlced sdte and parklng plan for the nEn oondod.ntur apartreat proJect proposed to be congtructod on thc Hollclay Motel land. tle have rEvised or parking alraagenant as dlsc;ussed nttJr yor at our recent neetlng. Uo.1d you please r4ota .or ai'rangemnt for solfornnoo to your zoalng reqtdrerent* A lLatlng ol a:re881 sunbce and d.zes ls shoraa on the plaa' It la ry nnderEtendlog tbat a varlance nilt be reqrllred for the ntn-entrance drlve and posslbl;r for the balcory proJectlons atolg the eaet propert'y llne. Slnce theEE Yaslanoes dIL b€ requlred before a hrtldling pcrd.t oan be I'eeued, qoufd ve use thlg stte plan ln con5inction rlth the prints you have- already receLved to mkl applLoatlon f,or thLs and ary othe varlancs rc- queets yoii reer dll bo regulred.. - rf yqrr vllL stpply ur- . -;i6 tb; propa foru and inforntlonr lte Y111 prooeed vlt'h tbe applloattoa. ,OSEPH E. ARCHITECT CMILLAil, A.I.A. RANDOLPH DUDLER, ASSOCIATE 1471 SOUTH HOLLY STREET DENVER, COLORADO AO222 TELEPHONE 757.6496 Apr1l 15, 1//1 Slncere\Y yourst )erfi e.Itll*lni,l-o* $aenb & l'lacl'Illlan JEM:v &c. .:::=___ lf. .Iack Lund'Intlfnati.onal Confcnenoe of, Building: 0fficialla -ir. o 50 .Scuth Lcr. Roblee Patadcna, Oal S,!rbj ..Holidry Houso Condonl.nl.un-\ oJOSEP!I E. A t( \- r'1 tttr\-l c lJ? t L t-A t{, A.l. A , ASSOCIATE LY STREET DO 80222 757-6496 RANDOLPH DUDLER 1471 SOUTH HOL DENVER, COLORA TELEPHONE ApriS- 13, L970 V,r. Ed Struble Building Officlal Box 631 Yal.J., Colorado 81657 Re; Plan Rerrier,r of April 6, ].yll, by I. c. B. O. Dear ],1r. Struble: lhe basic question we are atterpting to resolve is not, in actrrality, anst+erod by the above revievr. Section fiAZ (c) refers to roons and spaces, sucb as e school clessroom where od.ts should be spaced epert for safety. Section 330/r refers to erits, corrldors, otc. Section 330t, (e) norely e/s thst access shoui-d be 1n either direction froro the door. Secti.on 33Ot' 111 alIows a cer- taia arount of dead-end. I{o uention is $ado of spacing arrangoment regardirg perlne'ber. In a srnall apartneni buiLdingr i-u is posslbIe to bavo tr'ro ocits in a corrtdor as short as ten feet and siill neet aLl- code requirenents for Section 3304.. I believe the existlng armagexo,ant I have showx neets tbe code for tho corridor areas showno The scissor stairways, as we bave beon constructing then in the Deaver area, fu1ly ueei the requiremeot fot ttro steirs. Thero is a solidr.rated !;aLl betlreen the two ttights so that there is no air conneetton betlreen one end the other. There is no intenlockingr or chance for smoke in the one half to get into tho other half, e.:<cept ihrough the comidor frop ono door to the other. The loft sections shown, whlch are senred by a siryle stalr, in rea]lty, do all have tr,lo neans of egress. flr-ls is our soLution to the eraendnents to tbe code, l,,rhere it states that feO square feet is the rarirorro loft aree all-oLreble vhero an apartment has clrcular or sl::iprs ledd€r stsirs. l'le desire to increase our ioft areas for raore spacLous living aad have added the single stair to-an extra corrictor at, the lofi leveI. The choice is the one stair ln the sh'ort ioft puUffc corridor or go ilown to the lower apartDent leveL uhere a corrj-dor ulth tvro stalrs ls avallable. If ihose ite:ns are sleareal {Pr ue can Procoed, wlt'h our pleparatlon of the working dravrlngs. Sincerely yourst J6'tlv , l.hr.' ;,Jg.rph E. lfaoHlllan . 1r+?1 South HoIIyDcnvs, 96lorado SuDitrct: Holt{ry CondonlnLurns Dcrr l-{r. l{aotll,Llan : Enclorcd Le a oopy of ny "lifv fnon IntcrnationalGonlrnrnor of BuiJding Of,ficiah pcrtafunlng to yor- cont.n.no. of Building Of,ficiah pcrta{;nlng to yourplena nh''ah I dcnt to then fon thcl.r opLnion. ,'I hop.q thl,r hbr alanified thc. quostlona you nl,ght havchad regrndl,ng ftde Lntclrgretatione. '.' 1971 .i:l INTTRNATToNAL CoNFERENcE oF BullorNo OrFtctALs 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLES 644- t3tO - PASADENA. CALTFORN tA 9 Ol Apri 1- 6 , 197 1 OFFICERg PREAIOENT TED E. DUKE BU ILDING OFFICIAI EILLIN6S, flONi.rANA FIRST VICE-PSEEIOENI PERRY C. TYREE FEG IONAL BUILDING OFFICIAL COLORADO sPRtNG5. COLORADO 6ECONO VICE.PREgIDENT ANO TREAsURER EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERIXTENOEI{T. OEPARTIIEI{T OF BU'LDINC AND gAFETY POUONA. C LIFORNIA J UNIOR PASI FRE€IOENT WILLIAM G. VASVARY DIRECTOR OF PLAI{NING AIID IU ILDING FULLERTON. C LIFOSN IA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 50 AOUTH LO€ ROILES PASADEIIA, CALIFOFNIA MANA6ING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 50 SOUIH LOS ROELE6 PASADENA, CALI FOFN IA DIRECTORS GAYLORO C. DOWD OIEECTOR OF IN9PESTIONS KALAIt|AZOO, MICHIOAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOF DEPARTIIENT OF IN3FECTIONS IIINNEAPOLtS, MINNEAOTA NEWELL POCK CH IEF EUILDINO INSPECTOR YAKIMA. WASHINGTON CHARLEE R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU ILOING II{EPECTOF MOUNTAIN VIEltl/. CALIFORNI RUDOLPH J, KRAINTZ COUNTY EUILDING INAFECTOF COUNAY OF CONTRA COgTA MARfINEZ. CALIFOFN IA JACK D. WHITE !U ILDING CODE ENOINEER XANSAS CIYY, MIgSOURI VINCENI R. BUAH SUFERI NTENOENT OF BUILDING VERNON. CALIFORI{IA DICK T. JORDAN BUILOING OFFICIAL AU5TIN. TEXA6 RAY J. NOKEE BUILDTNO OFFICIAL COUNTY OF gANfA IAF'ARA 3ANTA IAFEARA, CALIFORT{IA A Nonyofit Scrvice Orgonizotion lor lhc Mointcnqnce of thq UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ond Rdlqlcd Ordinonces ond Ofrcrino Soaciol Serviccs lo Aclive Closs A Mcnbqs "?:";:"EflliT"" "^r"^o,#oo,"a"to"Ed Struble Buil-ding OfficiaL Box 63L Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Dear Ed: This letter is in reply to your conrm:nication of Aprl1 2, L97L. We have reviewed the pLans which accompanied your letter. Our conrments are as follows: 1. Section 3302 (c) provides that when two exits are re- quired, they be pl-aced a distance apart equal- to not less than one-fifth of the perineter of the area senred; further, that this dLstance must be measured in a straight Line between exits, The plans show scLssor stainrays serving the upper 1eve1s of one por- tion of the buiLding and a single staintay senring another section of the upper 1evels of the buiLding. Even though there are two entrances to the scissor staitway, the stairxvays thernselves are interlockedt and therefore must be considered as one exit. fite combined width of the scissor staimay may be used in computing the required exit width. For the other section of the btrilding, senred only by a single stairway, we wish to point out that the last paragraph of Section 3302 (a) requires that floors above the second story have not less than two exits. The apartments served by the single staintay wl1l not have access to tlro exits and therefore will not con- form to this provision of the Code. 2. Section 3308 (f) prohtbits enclosed usable space under stairvays within an exit enclosure. l7e feel- that the exit encl-osure may terminate at one leveL wlth approprl- ate fLre-resistive constrirction at its base. Then the l-evel beneath the enclosed stairway nay have a separate use. Ihe Section referenced above is intended to Pre- vent space within the exit encLosure ltself fron having a use. -2- 3. The trash ro@ on the grouad floor (parking 1evel) may opendlrectly lnto the parklng space provlded fire rated assem- bltea are inetalled o,n the openLngs. Slnee trash chutes nay not open dlrectLy to corridors or stair:ways, it Ls neces- ssry ln the upper levels ,to provlde the vestibule ae the archl- tect hae done. We sre retunriag your plans with thts letter. If we nay be of ftrr- ther eselstence, ple.rse let ue larolr. Yours vety tnrly, I}ITERIIATIOI{AL CONI'ERENCE OF BUILDING OFFIC]AU; Director of Educaticr, Pleld and Publlcattqre AJL:hp Encloeure *--::tt*vte oILAOE PrePared for Erie County in'restneat Csdtpany Attn: !Ir. Paul BaileY .Sulte 350 CaPitcl Life Bullding l-600 Sherma.n Denver, CcLo:ado r,aqw t'Jt( 3Ar{ Otg60|.aN 3A3 Cr"YoAxLAro OT'AH VOOOVA*D. CLYD E -SHE RARD AND ASSOCIATES CONSUTTING SOIL ENCINEERS AND CEOLOCISTS 2909 wESt !]EVE|{rt avENUA DENVER,COTORADO 80204 a,' ?ELePxoN E ?22'e'31 l't ^ I r1-t4 12IJ .ITI Ittv /14 | | /ntul SOIL AND FO{'NDATION IIIVESTIGATION PROPOSED HOLIDAY INN U. S. EIGSWAY 6 AND VAIL VIIJ'AGE ROAD vArL, COLORADO ,its Job No. ?52i-/'736 Apr1l 4, 7966 o TABLE OF EO{TEI{TS O SU}IIIART OF CONqT,I'S IONS MOPOSED BI'II,DING SITB CONDITIONS SI'BSOILS BUII,DING II]I'NDAIIONS EI,OOR SI,ABS SWIMMING POOL GROI'ND IfA?ER WSrIING O!' IVUNOATION SOiLS SUIT'ATE RESISTAM CN'TEMr I,I![ITATIONS FIGI'RE 1 - I,OCATION OF TEST EOLES.: FI@RE 2 - I,oGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PTTS TIGJRE 3 - SITELL-CONSOLIDATION TESf, RESI'LTS SPECITIC,STIONS FOB SI,ACEMN T OF COMPA TED FII' J PAGE 1 1 ,1 1 2 2 ii li ll il lit! tl il li ---------------- rooor^lo.eLto!.tFll^lo aro Altoo^tl! S@PE thls report tresents results of a soll ald.,fotradatloa lnvestlgetlon at the stte of the propoeed Eollday IEE to be constructed near va1l Road and U' S' Elghtlay 6' Yall Vll1age' Colorado. The stud'y vas rade to assLst ln tbe ileterrnlnatlon ' of tbe best types and depths of foradatlons and deslgn' crl- terla lor then. Factual data gatbered durLng out lnvestl- gBtlons ale st'*artzed on Flgures 1 and 2 attached' 0rrr oplnlous, based on the results of our tGvestlgatlons aud our exp,erlence ln tbe atea are strncarlzed belotl' SUIIMARY OF CoIICLUSIONS (1) Soft to nedluro stlff . clay,.orrerlles dense etuo.iTJia-"t -a"itn :'* -to water was found' In our opLnlon, the btrlldlng sbould be founded stlth spread footlags i'""t[!-ili"?ui-g"to"G, f"tow frost depth. Se natural scils vl1l grovlde adequate-support for ;;;;i;-liiatrv i""a"a interlor rloor srabs' TheeffectofthefluctuatLng-grorndEatertablesbo:Ld be eonsLdered in sil;i;;-;o6r-aesrgn and operatloa' PROITCSED BUII,DING As currently planeed, tbe bulldtng ts to be tbree storl.es bl'gb, 55 x 350 feet 1n plan dLnens!'on' shaped as sbc$D on Flgu;e 1. It ls to be non-iasenent sith a slab- on-grade flos at elevatloa 8152, as shown on Flgure 2' There wtLl be a svin=lng pool wltb tbe bottct'tr at approxi- nate elevatlon' 8tt'2. Maxilrurn wal1 and eolumn loads vere not knovn, at the tlne cf cr:r iavestlgatlcn' but sre assu:ne that tbere v111 be r.c un'rsual lc*ads fcr tbis type and belght constn:eti'on. SITE Cotq:rTio:(s ?he si-te 1s (2) (3) (4) sltuaied ln tbe flcod pla1n of Gore Creek li rooor^aD.clro!.lxlr^l9 AxD A$OCTAY:I ' I I It ."* I 5 1-2- nlth notratalns rlslng sbarply to the north and south. Tbe ground surface at the site slopes gently dwo to the sotrth and southsest to Gore Creek, approxlmately 200 teet away at ele- vatlon 8120t, dropplng 9J teet across the proposed bulldlag' tbe slte nas vacaut and weed eovered, and tbere was a snal1 dralnage ditch whlch florvs soutb across the east ead of the bulldlng. t:te telephone buildlng on the sortheast corner of the s1te, wbtch ls fotraded wlth spread footlngs on sand aad gtavel, was lnspected and fouad ln good condltlon' Other bulldingls ln ValL fgtraded on the sand aad grivel were reportedl la very good condltloa fra a solls aad foundatlon vlewpolBt. SUBSOILS Subsolls at.the slti: are relatlvely unlform. @neral1y, 1.5'to 3.5 feet of soft to medlun stiff elay topsotl overlles medlum dense to dense gravel contalning eobbles aud sraall botrlders up to about 18 lnches. No free water was found. BUII,DING FOI'I(DATIONS In our oplnlon, tbe roost deslrible foundatlon for tbe bglldlng qotrld be spread footlngs on the ned-um dense tb dense gravels, belov frost Cepth. Sucb footLngs should be deslgned for a naxinun soil pressuie of 5r0OO psf . Fo,rndatlon vralls for continuotrs footlngs sbould be nell retuforced, top and bctto:r. We suggest a.n emount of steel equlvalent to tl,at requlred f or a sf-:lpfy suppcrted s.van cf L5 feet. $'e understand that lecal practice bas been to place footlngs at dept!: 4tr Veet fcr frcst protectlon. FLCOR SLADS Tne ngtura.L sciLs are satlsfactory to support llgbtly rooor^tt,c!Yo!.!r!a^||o at D aatooA'!t -3- leded lnterl.or f100r slabs aad exterlor flat vork. !'111 placed beneath the floor slabs should be cqpacted to 907o denslty (ASTM D698-58T). A gulde speclf lcattou f or cmpactlon ls attached. ,!Te suggest that floor slabs be separated frcrn bearlng members aad noderately relnforced nltb relnforeement . carried tbrorgb tnterlor Jolnts. If floor slabs are to be heavlly loaded ln any area, or lf bearlng val1s are to be placed on tblckened floor slabs, ': alt of tbe exlstlng soft upper clay sharld be renoved and re- placed vltb f111 cercpacted to 90% denslty. lte elay rernoved .eguld be used'for gradltrg outslde the bullding area' SWIMMING POOL The svlnnlng pool should be f ouaded ln the ""t"' ""ooul': I'ri as the butldlng. Slnce there 1s a possiUfffty of a fluctuatlag reater table, as dlscussed under "GRCUND WATER", lt ls posstble that there could be scae bydrostatlc upllft otr tbe pool fioer.. Such upllft vrould not be a problen unless tbe pool were enpty. IYe suggest that a $ater level neasrxrenent :be taken durlng bi.gb rpater table conditloes to deterrclne wbetber sucb a problen extsts. ff there ls a problem, we suggest that elther (]) the pool be fltted nlth relief valves to reduce tbe bydrostatic' pressure or (2) tbat tbe pool aot be ernptled durlng hlgh nater table perlods. we aisune tbat yieldlng of the pool na1ls eannot be totrerated, and suggest that the vaLls be deslgned for a lateral earth pressure equivalent to 60 pcf, equlvalent fluld pressure. .Backfi.il arcr.:-C ibe pccl eal1s should be a eleae sancl and grave3. eerr;:acted ic ?C|o Cens!.ty (ASTM D59S-5ST). rOO0ir{t.Ct- r .)..lt!a^rrt r{D AIIOO^'ll Present.ground Fater eoaditlons are, ia our opinLoa, satlsfactory for eonstruetlon of the proposed bulldlng. Eon the strean florv ls Iov at thls tfuae of yeat, and tte streara ls close to the slte. Tte expeet that water levels, sllr rlse durlng naxlmum strea' f1on, generally durlng the nontb of June, and durlng sgrlng snor,r melt i . ITSTTING OF FOITNDATION SOILS :. i wettlng of foundatroa sotrs'trust be prevented durrng aad after constructloD. Methods of acecmpllsblng thts include ecapactlon of backftlr arotrnd tbe structure, usrng the nore clayey sol1s fronr requlred excavatroni provrslou of an ade- . s,tat.e grade fdrorapld run-off of surfaee vrater avay fron the bulldlng and dlscharge of roof dcvnspotrts and othel vater colleetlon systems velI beyond the rfuntts of the backfirl, ln addltlon to other usual precautr.ons vhrch may be r.nd,ieated, durlng tbe deslgn and construetl.n. rovlslon of pavenent adJacent to the strueture vould prgvlde excellent prctectlon agalnst wettlng of fcundat!.on solls, if properly sl0ped and malntalned. SI]LFATE RESIS?AIYT ESUE]n r,eboratory tesis perfo:med 1n the F?st on solls ln ,faiL v1llage have l.ndr.eated a rov srater soluble sulfate eontert. Accordlng to publtshec standards, no special cenent neec be used I'n fcunds.tion ci'crete expcsed to the solr. Te u:derstand that loeai prectiee has beea tc use Typs f cenrent. rco0rAaD.cLror.t!!tAt0 Irto AttooAtf t 'JIMITATIONSAlthotrgh test pits were spaced closely to 'obtalo 8 :". reasoaably aecurate f,oundatloa plcture'' varlatlons ln strb- soLls not lsdlcated by the test plts are always posslble' It tE advlsable that the conpleted excavatlon be lnspected by a cctlpetent.sotl euglneer to assure tbat the subsolls are as Lndlcated' by tbe test plts' Placenent and ccotpactloa' of fllL shorld be lnspected by a solI englneer' 'lTe v111 be I ' , happy to prorrlde such lnspectlons fo: yotl' l.f deslred' If, ue roay be of furtber servlce ln dlscusslng 'tbe con- tents of, tbls report or Ln analyses of structural features frm tbe soll and fo.rs'datton vlevrpolnt, please feel free to call on us. ve.ty GFT:s REY: STf (3 copies CC: llr. Pler San Robert Batchel.or, Archltect 3 Franelsco 11, Callfornia rooDrAto.clvo!.!H?iAlo ar9 Altlooal!! 'rd6 "l$ct-/(eGtsIe//E 4620 fu*,*"q f Te$ Prt b i ?lsT ,8 .[J, \ \ $'. I .- -\ r\_s / II I ! ! I! TEST PtT 2 2r t{ D!r D€E t j IIiI - Sttl llF lrrrn 5 ! I'I \ \ \ wOODWARD - CLYOE -ShgFliR3e A9SOCIATES Con:uillng Gnginoers O Gec'iogists Cenver, Coio/cdo :trq'f !.iol l:3lLOCIF.NON OT TEST HOLES i I llOLt0AY lllll ! u.Sd 'trorurr 5 r*o Vrtt Vl Ltlcs ior! I'. vlrlr Cotolroo i Ita0 CFb; f .r> l aT5 3EFrr o3 <o c.'g EnFo .jl: q> 6FJ? Y7, !' rt r! .. o e E!,l.tc (J:t !rB sq?o c-|,. r- aE .at - alt3B 'Z6ct !idQ -2 !.' 8F 8". 'J:t Clar arxza c: Lt a a.9 o .! ts!ai; F€JO tct al rrE.o3Eat: tt.o. ;3; .r ';l>cl.aC trt al rr|lGArJ ill.a ,t E!l- Ct A tt al ut ao a,|,J t I II ': r* 1oe .F '{lg; |rt-oa Eaa:! r^, = rdl 3 -J54 o>tGlrtrf t,',FJ' 't o(, dF:-alJ6,'-.2EE at qtI E, i.l>FJOt,.: (,>€< r'lt.E'.2a:) - i t.l :rl, ,,.:.. . t.3 ?*agit €.!!.r= Ird at HE t ?tD lt =e l =ll o GCr'r' o at, o :5r.l F ctJ a 4:t8E 3 ?z o >! <9 a9 a . trt (t a,Ell -:t o\o€IE 9tcFOZ .6e .61 *E|.):t . FCI ol -t8o Po- ELEYATI0II - F€ET ct I I I It ,'w Iqrl el l' EE'Yl. 1-- , a3 : -t cc I€ .F lco& w' s_<5 (Lar.-d 6(D (L' 6 ?sF.! tr, \a ACg trr, "! : niF;.o la a6o< 6s o@ o? .r r I ' ELEV^I|CN - fiEiT i I rl li il ii ii I ii li li ll il LI ii li 6 q, <n q:o c) (l: C) at(?q .'= :i NENNi* .os6E ac a ol rl ri o (o Tffijls"e:"+:i': 8'3 !ars l( clUJ 3 L t..'.- *l'6:a:;l Re\Kba) ati.' .o ". c - '. :, ffi| \ N o,..o. ,. O., . e', .o. . 'O .i I I I.l iarrori^ tn @c5 C5 o @ JcB rlc. 9rn - \716 7 SPI;CIPICA irOh PI,A(:El'lltIT Of CO'!'riP TTD FILL Orrut'r:l L The SotI troi the .tI].! Errgi rreer sl'.a I I lre Lha Orvne r ' s re present al lleop."ot icn. Thp Soil .Enxineor. shal.1 ip?I?l: (',| ie lr o (.t ve tt'l.I to Ittr iv rr { *tr g,i su COU- ;;;.:"i;i,";;; ,;;it';.r Dt' ptlci nr{ and. :'?*li:l i"l:..i11 :ll}}e 1i;:;ii ;":;tippi,,""i - nl t lr,' cornpl,.':f ed tL Ll a fiter having t trken icsts go Asstlrcf cclnpliattct..'*i {'!t tlttr specif ir:nt.ions ' j\!ateri:r ls So11 havlng factorY for f111. glcrr nd. Plat.:i n* Fill 100 percent flner than 6 tnches w111 be satls- Preiaration cf Natural Ground ---j-.--'- I The{)x(1ava.t(.,J:surla<:eulrdertheareatobefilledsl.'nl']'be sr:ar.'j.tiefd, nroj.steu<:d,if ttt"t:essary, ancl cornpaeted-i'n thc'manner sp+.ci fiet! trrel.ow f o1 tlre sulJs(,,'qttuni layers t't tif f ' Vegetat j'cri and ,-opsci I slraIl be r't,no't,ed bef oie !rt-'ginnlng 1l'epalatlon of t\atul'al |:ll :iII \o brrrsh, sod, lrczen lnnter.ial, cr ct-her pefJ.shable of un- suitnble rnaterial itratL be pLncecl itt ti't*. fitl.' Disti'ibuLiort ol ru:.rir.ria1 shull be sucit as t c avoid felrsels clj f f c'rtnF substant:i"':L1y ir.",o tt,.-. surrcunding' natc'I'ial. fire lttateriirls shall be del'iY.C{!'d tq. ti:e. f il I in sgch a lnaaner :ts to resuLi in :l welf anc! unif Ofrrly .':.cr:cj:ip;r'",ted f : IL - ":ri' li,:..'. Bcforc- ecupacting, ti:e i'ill'haterj.al shall lre sp'eaci in . it!rpl.oxinlaLel-v hlrizlt>nt:aL J.avers not gl'eate:' than 8 i nelrcs iltiek ' lioistu!'cl Contrci The nateri:rl. vlrile beinrT cclnpaeted. shall-ccrrtain tbr- (tpti- lrun tloj.sttrr.e f c,. c:oulpact i:rn <iistr j.Lruf.ed ttni forntLv lltr".rugltr>'.lt tl,r' 1aye.r.s. 't'ire (".)ltractcr'shali bc, reciui;'ec! to hdd nro{st Lt!'e l-o tittr glit'!€.1.j.1 1 i5 tlre excavaticn if , irr tlir' :rpini.cn of the- S<ti I ljttgin('r:'r' i. 1: is rrot possibi-r' to :rbt;t it:' p:'opt'r'. :lltd uni torgl ntoist'ure by a<lCrtr:l \rl il ?r' clr 't, lle f :.f I s'-t]'f ecf.',. f '.rrtna.r:t i on lr'hen tbe rnoisiu:'e ccnterrt, and corrCiliirtl cf ertch sp:'ead )-a;-r:' i-s se,,isfactor'.v-. i r- sila.l-i be coupa<.lte<i bi' irr:l lr.pp!'oved urethod ''c nx l-eitst 90 ',i ir.i t:raxi::rirrr cic,us,i-t.v- f'ol' jJecl(fil1 irround !!:e stt".rcLttr'<: 1r,-r il,iddrl'ii-:'loor slnl-.s. Ca:paitton tests w111 be perfortred c3 ti'p1caL fil1 naterlal.s s.ed density teris of the flIL n1Ll be t1:{e4.. Tho csapactlcn stendr.rd ic be.tltiitzeci tc deter:f,lne t!:e ::axinun ce:s1ty-lf AS?lf D598-58T, using 25 bL*,'s ef a 5'5-1b' h3n:er, c:cp:e.i 12 lncbes on 3 siiL teyers in a L/30 cublc foot r:oLd. t: 'j ,l ll :' il il :i l: ," ,iineErsEr iln n$nrcrson, sutTE gls EoutTABtE But[Dtto \ (gol) llf0. c a il 222-r$r IfIITG ENG'TIEERS DEilVER, C0L0RAD0 80202 E photostats, GE}iIfl,EMEN: We are aendtng O traclngs, as follows: (herevvtttr E under E epeclflcattons, separate cover, (Fints, El shop drawlngs No. CopleE / r Descrlptlon Drawing No. Made By Latest Date I hA*/Tgar-qty /t,Hzttz-ti /-+-t,bwv; \/ E Approved EApproved as corrected E Correct and re-submtt E Supersedes B tr tr Please send coples Sub-Contractor to: E coples have been E Owner tr Suppller tr other sent to: B Architect El Contractor As required SENT BY: Et Blueprlnter E Englneers' KRecelver's B Mall Messenger Messenger Very truly yours, IORG N AND HENDRICKSON, INC. .uoate Ll tt *, "/ 2, /al 2- J Apnil 2, 1971 l'|:n. ilaok Lund Intennational Conference of Building Officials 50 South Loa Roblee Paeadena, California 9tlOI SubJect: HolLday House Condominium Dean tlack: I an cncloeing a Bst of prelfuninary dnawinge fon the above-eubjectjob. I have told the architeet, l,ln. Hacl'lillan that hie exita would not meet the nequirementa of soction 3302 (c) which cal.lefor the exite to be not leea than 1/5 the penineten scrved.Hie intenpnetation was different and he didnrt want to take my wond fon Lt go I said I would be happy to send in a set of hLepr.eliminariea to get your interpretition (fon bettan publJ,e :ra-lations). In one place you will note he ie using a eciegon atair and he thinks he ie getting hie 1/5 penimeten by using a longconridon into one pax't of the eciegon etain, Tt you wiJ,l. eheokthe exit syetom out fon me, I would appneciate it. It agpeana to mc that thio bui).ding wiII be a mininum of a typc 3, one houn construetJ.on, ttrenefone yau cannot have any atorage under an encloeed etair^way. One last item l would like youn oplnionon ig the traeh roou on the gnound floon plan whieh opcne dinectlyinto a parking garage. Since thie hae to be epninklcred and on all the other floors whene it opens into a connidon, he haEa vestibule, rould nated doone and door cloeene on the onea onthc glround fLoor be pernissible on should it open into a vegtibule.aleo? FeeI fnee to red-line the dnawing any way you wich. I ara'encloalng a copy of Ordinance No. 6 (senies of 1971) which adogte thc 1970 Uniforrn Bullding Code as anrnded, fon youn file and uee whaneven we send plane Ln for check. It wae neally nice meeting you in peneon at the Seminan which Icnjoyed veny nuch. Rcepectfully TOWN OT VAIL Ed StnubleBuilding 0fficial dw o O l,tanrch' 19, 1971 l,ln. 'Joarph E. MacMl.Ilan 147I South Holly Dovcnp Colonado Subjrot: Holiday Condorniniuma Dcan Sin: trn our noetl,ng yeetenday negarding the abovc cubJcotonc.point wc fallsd to dieouEs naa thc pnoxinity of thc naw bulldlng to thr cxleting. I tni.cd ncaohl.ng you or'lb. BaIIcy at-thc,Holiday Inn, but to no avail . Notkno*lng_the dietance bstlreen the bul.ldinge, mry I bningthr follotring fnorn thq Unifonrn Bullding eodo to yourattcntion: Scotion 504 (b) and (c)'Table 1.7-A Section 2003 (b) oppontunity of nevlcvingyou and if I can bc ofheeitatc to caII . Ed StrublcBuildlng Official l{ay I thank you again fon thethr grclirninary dnawinge wlthfurthGr tenvice, pleaae donrt t' Recpeotfully, Tonil 0r VAIL dw lhtLSe ' February 3, I97l lb. .Ioceph llacMil,lan AIAItrTI South HoUy StneGt Denvcr, Colo; 80222 Gentl,cmen i In acoondanoc with a nequ€Bt receivcd f:lon l.lns. FcldhannEr, by phone thie datc, I ann oending unden saparate cov€r one copy of the Unifpon'Bullding Code L970 editlon fon $10.00; andoar copy of, thq Zoning Ondtnance for 03.00. l,lc would appreciate a check fon $13.50 whlch incl,udes portage, by retunn nail . Rcepectfully youne, TOHN OT VATL Ed Stn'uble Bulldlng Offiolat E9:psr