HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT B HOLIDAY HOUSE AKA 9 VAIL ROAD 1980-1999 LEGALoz E =e IJJo-.it €ExEE€ P'{ 9( o @ U' IJJulu- F = tJ.lI /rtroZ-zl t ut#!t ')i-.s cfl (f) I I<\ M z ts z 9J E tr zoJ f, IIJ F FI == zz ourF z zoJ o € =zo Gulz3 uJ F oz Oa'EF )p', EE 3E 06 rg Or 'Fi=z E] o oA -go(E =oqq A s o' ah ,Q) R(\cl Po o 6 o oo q) ! dl E =cf, Eo o .9 3eE(D sE8: -(E '6E'tq 6(! ;E Er- EE o.f,.Eo &E;xtrc 3EFO e6!5oo PF E€oo8o(l'O or .E:E 9dE-att ,:,,b Ef,E{-oy oP ";t/, .9 a6E j-o o;(!'=@o sbE 'EE H EsEc-o e:5 =gPd'S =c96 3Et E E-s500,;Eo eosFr c.Y- 6 cL(o o- sEEo€o.Efi: E6:EE Eoo= EE E -eC(6 O'-r; oP-E $€EsElo (E; ;6:6t uBte9Aa) eEg -ocl rn e.l @ rn FI |rl.ri o\rn C.l -1.1r.l E e UJ z 2 to x tu z Jo- J 9EFo uJ E z : Jo- ,, () 4J = UJ uJu-z tr gJ () LIJ o o.0 3g ul z 6 UJ F o UJ z luJc) ,-: -F F x*tt{ &>( z HH H ET CA z H o IIJ I,J.Jtl E =E uJo |-oF z J () F() tlJJgJ z J J () z BJ- NOtrvntv^ u IJ o F IJ F o E F =F Y 3 z trg Eoo uJ Eu,zt! >0a itrN =dlGl zzooF^.1,g5EP o U'o =>6Z!L<o,q ^ (J;oFOjni z tr { CEti o- oEo luIL E UJE z Eo zotr uJ 3 uJz trzlz 9Akoo< =HRtr6ci<z =z, 94'iF fio3EOI ull) a .i uJzY iF z F)laz th =3 F 3 a _.rl<l FI zl zl .. >lo uJ uJ UJzot llJ o-) z Eoo z Fa 6 ifll.lol< lt 9td il;:l:og I (f)(o r- $ o\ or Etrl tl1 uJF o luF u)ooaz F IJJY llJ c0 oF ts E u.l(L l!o o-oo I UJFoz z o9z-< d)o =z=r-d8 J ZF JC) = |.tl -tJcot! tr arru lt :!!6YE<ctl€8e9tt 5eF :JF =ul:-E b=o o-- E: >o-E 8b9 \utE XO-t x>t q- €= uJo F I -- E =E lrJo-zIF(JfE v,zo C) r}{ r--rtld Ll 2 H H zJtr dt F Fl rJ1 E u) !E H FJ ii =z -tt Iz Iul =4 E ul = ta) I F\$ io- Ftr] FlH =o =tr IJJ : I E trl Hz tsatlFz g. tr ci =.)o url : <l>l t! ol 21 3iolFI I \' F o\ I Fs Ir-1 FIr'l : F{ F] =Etr oz o uJE -J u-oz3 F u1 EF oA E] H F-l =g z. IJJ cc J l! z3o F =c oz our E t! z3oF =E z uJ J u,o z =F uJ UJF' I uJ =T LUz = F C) uJ ET E, -rO<F r!<zEUJF(aZoO )E<o(JF trs UF d8 G,2e s3fFd6o i5 =Fz<)z< =tri,z =g E l-E i'r =l- L-Oz<()fifl:o a FE DATE: Architect: Block_ Filing Address: Address:6;TlF- .^ d.( r;J, ,f Ph. 7 z/- o?s2 Ph. o *o* oF vArL coNsrRuerr"tfit PERI'irT APPLICATIoN FoRrrt {lll ffiYru}% . APPLrcArroN Musr BE FTLLED our coMpl.nrEr.,'y oR rr rffi[/x$$Mffi.06lftm$[; { vra 44 .t\tVrVUlWWl..l! f,**:"************************* PER!{rT rNFoRuAtJoN ***************************** [yJ-Building [ ]-Plunbtng [ ]-Electrical [ ]-tfechanicar I J-other Job Name:Job Address: Lesal oescripdi:h, Fn*_ owners Nane: Co^-.r4 UJu, General oescripti ona /.,0 /.,- ^n t - 2e4..tl ) awork crass: [ ]-New [;J-Alteration [ ]-Adcutionar t r-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Untts:Nunber of Acconmodation Units: ^ rypnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_ cas Logs_JL_ wooc/pelret_v ^********************************* vALUATToNs *** ** ******** ******************** BUU,DING: I .fooo t'ELEqrRrcAu t__5n!OTttER: IMECIIN{ICAL: $rOTAL:W * ** * ** * * * * * ** ** * ***** * * *** * @ ffH""$"kIL\11;*H" Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. No. , Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: /.-tt--E/-1,..- Plunbing contractor: Address:7.'^e Town of Vail/ Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE usE ******************************** * * * * * * * * ** * * ****** * * * * *** ****** BUTLDING PERI'IIT FEE: PLT'MBING PERMIE FEE: I.TECHANTCAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRTCAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: llechanical Contractor: Address: BUTLDTNG PINN CHECK FEE:PII'UBTNG PINN CITECK FEE: }IECIIANICJII, PIAN CIIECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERITIIT ,EEES: Bl-T BUTLDTNG! SIGNAIURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAITIRE: ******** WC"^-t"r Conmentss C^n.'...rl ? CI.EIN I'P DEPOSIT SEFUTD IIo! t/.; t 8/6c> MEMORANDUM ' TO: ALLCONTRACTOBSFROM: TOWN OF VA|L pUBLtC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAy 9,1994RE: WHEN A'pUBLtC WAy pERMtT',tS REOUTRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following quEstionnalre regarding the ne€d for a'public Way permit': YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? v 2', ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right / of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? >( 4) fs the driveway being repaved? X 5) ls diflerent a6ess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any dra[nage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public propeny? 7) ts a,Revocable Right Of Way permit, required? 8) A. ls the right of way, eas€ments or pubtic propeny to be used for staging, parking or fencing? . B. lf no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered y€s-to any of lhese questions, a "Public Way permlf must be obtained."Public war- Pe11!' applicationl miy be obtained d the public work,s oftice or arCommunity Developmeril. lf you have any questions ptease call Cha6e OJnii, if,e io*nof Vail Construction Inspectoi, d 47g-Z1irg I have read and answered allthe above questions. ' JobName contraffi 75 roulh fronlrg. .o.d vrll, colortdo E1657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otflcc ot eommunlty d.yrlopm.til BUILDiNG PERttIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAr,tE If this permit requires a Town of vai'r Fire Departnent Approvar,Ensineer''s (pubric nglfrl revie* .nJ ipp"orui,'i niiiiiin6'ilp.rt .ntreview or Health Departnint.review,-ani'a-review by the Buirdinglirtil*i'h"ll: "'.t*ted timi roi'.-totar ;;;il,-,ai"Lil'j, r6ns Al'l cormerciar fraroe or smail) and arr rnurti-famiry pemits wiilhave to fo'[ow dtre Suove ffiii6"il;iimum reguirements. Residentiarand small projects shourd tiie-J-ieiser"'amount of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projecls-impiii' il," various above mentioneddepartments with reoard' to-niiesiiiy-""ui"*, these projects mayalso take the three week perioA. Every attempt will be gle by this departnent to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - s.\pEv ' t's r'11 I, the frame.. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time 0.. /( Cormuni ty Development Department. lnwn 75 .outh lronttge rc.d vrll, coloredo 8165l (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: suB.TEer: xn su!'nary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to titter, track or a!p""ii^;t-";irl-"Jti, sand, debrisor nateriar, incruding_trash-tunpsters, portable to*ets andworknen vehicles. upon any streeti siaewaix, ;lf;y or publici:ii.=:I":lI ffi..'on tr,ei"o;:--;i" ;i;;r:;i;i-;" a' rown or Thii ;ni;;;":' ;iii:g: ::"i:8il.:l?::::.';t,!';9":1"*i,"'Public lvorks oeoarirnEnt. --p"Jlins round ,rii,r.iir'i this ordinancewirt be sriven a 24 hour r=i;i;;";"ii""-ti-;;;;""="id narerial.rn the event the person so notified.does not compry with thenotice within the 24 rrour trrne-rng"lti"d, the puLtic worksDeparrment wur t"""""-"iia-iltli"i-ii-inJ';6;=. or personnotified. The provisions-or-Iirl orainance shirt not beapplicable to cinstruction, -r.iii"r,"nge 9I repair projects ofany street or atley or any'"Iifii."= in the right-a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:31i"::iffi"3,Tf,i*m*"::""iiii" a copv. diani you ror your ottlc. of conmunlty dcyclopmonl ALL CONIRACTORS CURRETflTLYL REGISTERED WITII TIIEIOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VArL pUELrc woRKs/co!{MITNITy DEVEIOPIIENI IrlARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARroNG & UAIERTAL STORAGE and acknowledggd by: f E;E; L' '< ?4, (i.e. contractor, owner) Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME:'HOLIDAY HOUSE #16 DATE: 12-19-94 ADDRESS:9 VAIL RD CONTRACTOR: CARWESTVENT VAIL, COLORADO ARCIIITECT: NONE OCCTJPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTIONS REQLTTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of alt possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS FJQIIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. INTERIOR NON-BEARING PARTITIONS MAY BE OF WOOD CONSTRUCTION IF COVERED WITH 5/8 DRYWALL ON EACH SIDE. 3. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE AI.[Y STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. :lv$ d$$* *q "$'xNxcN+$ *$ 4$ Q ou$ si! *$$$ j*$ q.. ,D\U ti.r /a. 5 {q$-] -.- ii n el '*l '.ii 5'l; lgl$ii; *ri lSStS': 2""'r j-u;J i'*i J I 1'{ -l -rJ'>- Y,aJ-_+ gj v a'.\ ^q\t su FE Y o s $t \ --L r'.o .MIE Iln'llrfl.l.\IS t,\*. ---*4 \rrtu NI \l\Rl il \l Nl , 'ta zt s Ev \>-,I\iF. -ni: \- F t, n \;- .)l B l ili il(t/-flo/rr+ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL , ,,D lo('u/4q READY FOR INSPECTION , /'t y7*. . ruES., f|lU l/ Otl /./ ' U AM PM LOCATION:, ./tl,-t f,/0lltu/, BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr t'rrr.rar-K r,*o. ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D- tr SUPPLY AIR rl tr FINAL O FINAL al.A ffiffiovm tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ----@ CORRECTIONS: /./to^rE / // b7,/ ?'S rNsPEcroR 4- ( _/ ' l- 1 1 .,'INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL FRI i \, ! | rl PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON r, l TUES THUR lt,-' 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.ET FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL El FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR p1x4gl,,t[t-'tir, /, i1\tt:r, ,,, oF;NAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o = ts =E IIJo- u, IJJ uJu- F =E uJ QthbkLhl"--tfl )rya I I I I I IH lo J ? N -1 I I l- H5et va(,tz 41trt= F F12 z = zz at, uJFoz oz 64 .D .5 o z_ zo I ct E o)E .go(E .9 o6 c 'oF oll o ooo (g F q)g oo 6 c)Eoo o)c E fo =c Eo oeo,6 '.9 €, -i- o c6*8.9 B E€: .EeEE € 6P:0c-o> ef:E =gi;c96E -*-o)35== EEE: EEEF *; t-e sEieoi-o-olsfie€ E6:F EEEE - o..!a o 60'-E!;o(,, gE i! 9 6E5 lf;s;9E o -eEg: -o6.: tt) cn e.I ,v cl') E =c uJo- (9zo o :<ouj z Jo- IJJ.J UJ z6 Jo- J = uJE tu UJl!z9F lUEo UJE e o.o 3g uJez(,6 UJo F o gJ z u, o x ut.tt F-la rJ FlHB oIuujtl E =E UJ J FoF z J @ F UJJ uJ z = Iz -o uJ NOrM'lV A F U lr rz Yeo =ZZrt-o oo F-azq 5 =9E P OE tnocz->.()oo9ozx!L<oq ir,u :':CHtr-Xz dN(, N N z tr q o- o lrJo- F e urE z E P<Elr E uJ J 3 UJz 1l I I I trzlzOo F- ul<oo< =Pxrrdct<z <t>Fz, 9z do3trOI {ll J ao auzYorF z tr Jlaz J.J 3 F o 3 JI<l trl zl zl .. >l IJJ UJutz @tr t!c z Eo T I I l-ollftor|Jlo H.l:og z tr 6 z YE 2 & CD-$r F_ uJ ts ct) @oI zo Fo lrJY uJo oFls? =q!J t!o*>E(LEoFiOH Hr,o=zo !! b ulo. o ul(.)z foI FEItro- JFlr.t -h= du,>o-O|!9o\ l.lj ^dx>EF J tr ltl F co EClo G' .'! ,= t E Eo!, o -D - z rnvzkcoo =zff,JO CL Lr- (JOzE =uJJJd]uJ F =E UJo.zo F(Jf& 6zoO J =-r o IJJ =n 14rt PI oH (Jz Jtr Jcl F J trl rdc H Fr U) >.{ H ui =z m -) PrM EfiFI zH UJ E 2 Fl UJ = -(L |.\rn J F u = T F Fzts E F & FlH =tr Iql.ir ^ o uJ cc ltoz3I cr)\t\'.if, I F.ir ui uJ F g z o uJ ar) ? lroz; F =tr z C, UJtr J a ttoz =oF =tr o o uJ 5 t!oz3oF = oz ti l,u J IIo z3I ui JutF uJz = F Lu tsT C) <F(E()uJ<zEUJF(82 JE 5P E3 S?F1Zl-8 z 6 =) I i =zc (J z. () uJ x. Y, , E irg+et- t-Oz<c) $^$ -" *-rr--r|<JL-J F0t{0v 5.0 tgtl _ TOWN OF VAIIJ CONSTRUCTION PERMTT APPLICATION FORI.! DNEE. ///5a /?+ l'b Porrur PERUIT OUT COMPI,ETEI,Y OR IT }!AY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERIIIT f NFOR!,fATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Address: Address: ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FIIJI'ED ^f.E* * * ************* *** * ********* tt [.]-Buildlng [ ]-Plurnbtng t EI,ECIRICAL: I MECHANICAf,: $- ******* Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractori Address: l,lechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERI.IIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERIIIT FEE3 MECEANICAIJ PERI''IT FEE: EL,ECTRfCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEEzwilE/!/j-,OO DRB FEE: 75,& Gltoo IlL/lllztl /(-l l-l-t-'tt-t- ,-,-,-,- BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTTRE: Conrnents: J-Electrlcal [ ]-]fechanical t )-otherfufo( Job Nanet rob Addre ""t,/'? /tt/ /2./- Gil A.AaZ Legal Description: Iot Block_ Filing susprvrsroN: oryners Nane: l//i^l' Architect z {ftSae Frce/aic Generar Descripti"", frine Fo" *aS fire'/ /a"? workclass:[]-NewK]-Alteratlon[J-Additiona11611p"pa1r[l-other- Nurnber of Dwelling UnLts: &_ BUILDING: S Nuurber of Accommodatlon VnItsz 28 Gas Logs-{- Wood/Pellet ********************************* OTHER: STOTAL.@ INFORMATIOS{ *** ************** ********** nnnniltTd'rown of vair Req. No.E J- B iTll'?v8rtO?hone Numbert {Vln- 444 r Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: oFFICE USE **************************t**** BUTLDTNG PI,AI{ CHECK FEE: Z3.ao PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE: IIECTIN{ICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EN{-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: V43 T+, Al CI.EAN I'P I'EPOSIT TETUTD "l I Ill Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes , NAME: HOLIDAY HOUSE #18 DATE: 12-1-94 I ADDRESS:|9 VAIL RD CONTRACTOR: VAIL PROPERTY VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCT.JPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete tisting of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the cndes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted cndes or any ordinance of the Town of VaiI. l. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. I 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED pER SEC. l2l0 OF TrrE 1991 UBC. lornn *f Veii *'i[$:ir ;i": f ;;'!;;\''{,-/ : ! Ii*, 1=- Li1\-,j ; l i+]F F.l-r.- heotilotor GC361 Heat Circulating Gas Firetr:lncu r r t | * I I I I *d | | rrl | .,r,'), i Eil L.rii. ti ritirttc;il Syst.Jm tr.l ntaxi. r ,. r | -:.ri '.rr..:lrlrrl t.ry $triCrf..; tOO|I air,,rLr ;:j irii-:i-)i-)X laCk+t;.rrtd frealing it' -. . . i l:. ,., iLt,'tf./j l,-r ihit loerll, Standard Features ', ii. darrr:irr,,-l yello',v llanros f rc,ttj r ,iitlnli.rt f-ri,:::tei lcr:irrrelc'g';iIi 'r';. I r,,:t:t ',,.ritVr1t11pp1,-i1 i1f g3.-. ; , :, ir.-.i,-,i r,,p,l_,i,lt ftOitt lld.t-:}U i.,, r,,.;.,r,i ii{-i,l , i.rllqt;ittlr: i; .. , ,.1, ,.,.:111,,i,1,n;1;i-:1;i.,.;11 i.}r;i -. ., .t !,.-, j'rCli i.r ttil,./[, s : , iirit.:j!.ialV;iitrii,-.i irrr ' I ., rt,:1, l;,.:|1irC* Li;'L,11: jiijllCg. r-li;r' .Ir/"ll i'r :i.:r ,. i! tjir r |li;iiiii l , rr. i l i,irii;r; i,itul ii),al:r. ir;j,.e . ' '-i.1:.:.:rr:ll{ir 'ilti ;rrrd (ii(t\.,',r .,.,,,i;rii,,rl;i. . l i ri', fi'; r til ftt I ber:jtrlOtlt' ri.;r , lt lrl ,\ i i.,r|:ri:r:..; []tgAi l*ii r-l,ari'til:;:.jf ,i 1; , ,r ..,trr,,i-r)11 'j[ti/C r: ]rli.iJ-',,.1 r , r - i, t,,,' iJ '-'.C ( i35 l() b)f ;.: Uf .l 'r.;;; 1,,.. j';,:. ,lqi:lllalii)F ilirl_i ..i':,,r- :-ti, i -i. I,r:.;1.; r,,r),,t1')i iilttrl b i:i. t t,itn,. lri vr:t :t ltirll:trcl \'",(:i i i iiltl,v, i:l .t'r'i! ii3it.;,.J Aarii ii-:s1c-,ij lor Usti ,. l.l.: I A .-, :'.1 r._'a;, r;,::.: rt fffi I t; ID GAS ACCE SS L I, t t a l]iJtl!;ii''ri{ :i;ij:,-'i,j,";,ii.Sffiffiffi l t,| lii tti,a I ,'l.'t .''' tl .t i ,i' ii i 1."lt .t, ," :-\ | i ,:r . ,,- r'r \ | ".{';Tdwn'6flhll ,,r | ': l\ FF! .a. aiil k':=l'.. .'-. -.--.:i-. I;1f;:ru\D[//,ul,; [ ; :i\Jt tiFlf, uuf,,I.", I, i;r' , ':.' -' -i j q;* vvfrPile\'/ I : t . lBaFpq 9l-t+tor*.tcitirlr t ' i'"' I o {_. x INSPECTION REQUEST, .,,TOWN OF VAIL ( ' /r i1(,v\ 479-2138 INSPECTION: CALLER . MON TUES WEO "-:fl t.,( d '. !, irr- \- FRI "/t 7') Try'READY FOR LOCATION: ') PEFMIT NUMB JOB NAME ,,1 t, L EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. I] ROUGH / WATEBFrnnurruc n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr- tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT o_ tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL O FINAL 44PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,^r, tJ lq f'/'f rNSpEcroR (,.'-' , ) -r,' . '--r*-- PERMIT NUMBER OF PNOJECT DATE ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL "44 'o ll NAME CALLER TUE.9'READY FOR INSP LOCATION: ON /./ I!ED THUR BUILDING: )r<_.t-.... tr-FOOTII'I-GS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNOERGROUND Y_-/ttr ROUGH'/ D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERb rnnurNc ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING - tr POOL / H. TUBtr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEH ,MECHAM€AL:-, ,tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr- tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL O FINAL OVED l"rjtoltlouto., '', )fli:'*t'tEcrroN RE.UTRED ./) CORHECTIONS: INSPECTOBIJ7r/ o = ts-e,llJc. (n IJJ IJJlt E =E IJJo- %tlha\'('r .J- Ioo I@ xz ts z t!! o J odtl-o z J UJ e, FIz E zz in 0JFoz o ?o f @€ 02z giEg* $ \' Ln (f) c{ =r:;<968.l of or 3 E:.:iJ =uJo 2 oI Iout z o- J aFoulJ UJ z ao = E J 9z uJ = IIJ uJ z tr urc,ouJ oe oo =_l! uJ z 6 uJo F litoo- u,lo o.?2 llr x uJo Ff.-t Ff FlHB v, u,l! E =t UJo-J FoF (,z .o I G,F C)u, uJ oz, to = E oz UJ.iEEii l! llJatZ.;.;Eo PH<F 6eo<NOlrvnlvA F;E:3.l) =EF€E :$Eg5 igiii =l>tl -r')lEtr e I =.6Nl ; o =z2u-o ootr ^ 62; a = F"a O clr =^ 87r= 3;oq *-ig EEF.6tO zIF J lt tr ti c eo qJ G E ut z Eoo xX z F tr uJF =UJ2 tlol Itltl g>Fzlz9m?do< =HxrrX.i<z (t)!2.. 9z EO3tro- ^l-t u J) lllzY 2 tr) z vt J t F llt oo3 .D JI<l FI zl zl .. >l u! ut uJz .J' E ul o- J z E II "l>l!Jlol o =Fo 56 lf l"l-t9td l'., lHuF { I 4. -l Bo 2 ts ii =z co )- z H zIrlE uJ E z H.t) vc) o1I2 I .v c'\ d1 v, qJ Eqdg .J = c\ (J 6 H z ch Fo =tr aIuE = o- 6 z H E-r p tr.Az \J H Fl F.r Frl Ic{ e.l c7) l I ol z.l ol IJJI cEl JI al>l tl.l zl 3l FI Nrn\'.ir I\o F\' UJJ uJF tc .i z o UJE ltoz3oF .l ?H E Fl ..1 14 Ex 14,l F1 >l E ttl Il (Y1 z.l ol uJl cl <l>lt!qz =lotFI F-.ir F- Io\.d. o\ dJ IIJF =cu. oz (, IIJtr J ltoz3 F I o2 oul J \oz3 F uJJ uJF G, uJz = t-() ul EI C) g, <Fco1!<zE[!Ftrzo() GF uJJ.r,r Y : =)J oz 6 =DJo- t ?) ts 2f,) J 2r() IJJ = r ? I z) E _e. b = -t-o2 orc) =I {oftE'l ul E U) @o?zo Fo-l!Y l!o oF F E-tEo\UJ o\O '-'{E;l > _l l! ial xHl t?lg...,bEzo zIF oz l! ! J o EF uJJ r,lJ N\*5 , r0ft =t IJJ Iol g sl= E G uJo.t!o uJoz oI F I Jur F lljJo-:ooF o uJ J!tt u.l @ F E =e,lrlo-zo F(J :)EFU'zoo ---n! ozt =G,IuG ca o uJ uJ lJ-t =G, Lu(L folvtnt'YlrA_ .ir I C\ I C\ vtrlz H ah z I! trIIooz f llJF o c Iz = zz U'lrlF z z = .6 o =z E.u,z3o Itt Foz o c) c(! E 3l() o ! 6 oooo CD ! o E o =l oo o o ',q) E o;o.YOot do €! e3 6.9'aa ;o.€c.otr;E EF ET o)-.coCoOc)NO r"Fcc EEFol eF+.too PE E8oo 3o6cD o.S:E:i'5-6 |,|c,b El =o59q9-o- octc(!t' (,).O3>.0E co) ooo <t(D!,oa o an .o o E (0 o)c -i- o o?i d '=O(,) sbE Ef;g E=E "E fpc-o .e:5 :8P€ >=c96 3E- EE-s500 --: o E'eg=E o. .! o. sEE tteO- =*eE6:EE bO(5: EE E- o.,Y -aC(6 0'-.c; o - E-c $EE!6>o (6; E{ EBte9E qr c5g -o(U H B .J) trl tr{ F =t uJ z Y gJ z J o- F- ut uJ z =) J z ul = utu z tr uJ ()r! .D; uJt lrJ z 6 uJo rlJ o- z ltJ x F ulo tn uJ uJII = =Eulo- J FoF ozoJ @ J o EF IIJ) UJ z 6 = J = llJ: NOrM'rVA =(=< o:ziOFio E<ti(uloF trF (,F =>c cl =trJ.i=coN zz tr^6q5 =F90ano =>_6:l!<o* AYi5 dN I I ) n IIn I z E TE o cl uJ F z E6 z E FJ 3 UJz I tz:)z F o Fzl z -) 3o LIJo J ut tr oz 2_ FI trI uJf aa uJz =F uJ F z F Jlaz I -1 I-t ; =l<t:l E oo 3 I rl sl 2l zl .. >l uJ t! uJzoL IJJ J z Eoo I I I Ilcot{.r'1 duJl(/) dr'<:o-r! z Fo oz Y G I I t--:t f* uJ E U' @oazo F(L utY luo oF F-a =3E-r UJ o- l!NO*,>Ho-EAE(J (J IE HuJbkzo zl :l<l FI d z Jo F J r4 Ff aH z H ui =z dl , I z<iEJIz (.) zH Fq *l "J=4 IIJE = \o I\o 1..\t i F tr t! o =tr z oulE J l! z3oF =e l! ; z o uJE J l! z 3 F E u- ol IJJ J] t!oz3 01F .1 & l.-{h aHg =tr E I z oult J z3oF F\ I€\o\o ui ulF =tr oz o IU(E ltoz =F uJ ulF' rEt$'{ ulz =o F llJ ts f E -:o<FIrC)uJ<zE I.IJ FtqZ JE<o(JF trs()Eur,2 ^ioro ep =3fFd6 dF =3EE (rot-E ir |lJ+EFt-o2 .8 <()QNLrJ x-l z \J ;- =eoo =zlf lL t! o()zdoi: =:(I] u.J E =(r ulc ll- g,loz oL F CE 9 JFuJ-h= =tLul>aLO|!fro5utxo-x> uJJ IL uJ c0 oF co Eo -9o !'! .E 3 E Eo(J xE '=6>Ef=E -cl:o:tl E =E lrJo-zIF(J E,Fazoo D! u! O ftonrn t $9d dtl, Parnn E^* 'IIcp"f Dcscrlptlonl lot- Block_ rilfnS_ *titrr Naur: ( *' mr/ ' - -'Addreeer /sy'ft/.8"r:/rt/e,fu/-,,t/#.en. Itrchltrct: Addrc*: iT'vt Bfta/a Plft Eh.arcnlEtcE: Addrc6: Gerreral Dercrlptlonl t llnepatr t t-gtr,.r- ,.! I f I '!'i.;Nun}crottnre1IlngUnltEtNuuberofAccontrodatl.onttn|.ta!.'"i r}ruhur and ?tFe of FlreDlaces: cas AppllencatJ clas raEs.*- ltood,/pellct--v_l :fr*r+rir*r***t**********tll****r*i* VATIIA|[IONS *****l*********t****!t****ttitrl*e v !- .,. -i- ,..: ! i EmClIRfCALrt Of$Enrf '.,:'uecrfAlfrcAtr@ mier,: C.".....: ***r}**t+t**.******** CONTRLCTOR INF9RIIATION ***r*r********rr*rrrrtr*r*rcontrretor! rown of VaLI Reg. No.JF EenQrar L'onErrcEor ! __.r-_ !!own of vall RGg. No." :, . :. edagsasr ptiii.-n"iloir- -' . . IEleetrlcal Contractor: :iuri,orxcl nr.ncrnrcAL: l- ot$aRr | . , AddErrrt l*r *.**ii*******i*.i*r*i*i******* Fog ,t ' Town of vail Reg. NO..!-;-- Phone lfuabari orrrcE usE **** ****+**t**r **rrr*trttrt**r'*' BUTLDTNc Pran cttEcx FEE! ':: ';." fom of VaiI Reg. Pbone llumber: forn of vail Phonc llur&er! BI'TIJDIIO PSRITII FEB: . PunprNa ?Enlrrr iurr uEcqAtfIcAL PERUIE SEEs ELE9IRICAIJ lEEt OTIIER TIPE OF 'FBES PI.,I'MIING PIAII CIIECT TEES IIECIIAI{ICAIr PIiN CHECK FEEr ruCRIATION FEE: CIJEU{-uP DEPOSfTS BUfLDXNC! 5IGNATUREI ZONfNG! SXGNATTIRE: UP I'EO$IT BENND P.g2 ,-.t, heotilotri T7ofut nawhlirylaoa GC361 Heat Clrculating Gas Fireplace The GC36l gae fireplace ha€ e chen- neleci air distribuUon system to maxi- mjze heet oulput by guiding roorn air into the firebox jacket and heating it before it is returned to lhe room. Standard Features t Tall, dancing yellow flames from Heatilator Fleme Tochnology (HFrl. t Clean conveniRnnc of gRs. r High heat output from 28,000 Btu/hr input; 600/. operating efflciency.-r Channclcd air diatribution sys- tem for added hcat output,r Oilional retractory lining for mason ry ilreplace appearance,. 36' X 20 1t/ ro" gloee lront for greater visual impact.o Fiva oeramio fiber logs have charred appeahnce and glow like burning hardwood,r Unil is approved for bedroorn lnotallations.o A stainless eteel flex connector with o ohut off valvo ic placed for easy access to ensure hassle-1ree installalion end servicing.. Uees economical 5' B-'l Vcnt.r Ons-year limited warranty. o $ulety lislcd alrd lesled lor use ln the U.S.A. and Canada. ^8r€ao oo 'acrory tectlng ,\Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: CATAN GAS FIREPLACE ADDRESS: 13 VAIL RD VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR DATE: 12-2-94 CONTRACTOR: FRISCO FIREPLACE ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK 1. CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. CoMBUSTION ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDX CHAPTER 2I OF TI{E 199I UMC. GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION oF ANY EQLIPMENT pER SEC. 1206 OF THE 1991 UMC. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF TIIE 1991 UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF TIIE 1991 UMC. FrELD TNSPECTTON rS REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE PER SEC. 305 OF THE 199I UMC. WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED FIECTRICIAN. 3. 4. f. 6. TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado E1657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 February 20,1996 MrRubin Catan 3940 Hancock Street San Dicgo Ca.92ll0 RE: Building Perrnit Application # 6860 Department of Community Development SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL PlSb oqt - svo A review of the Town of Vail Building Division files indicates that there has been no recent activity withthe above listd building permit application. The l99l Uniform Building Code, Section 303 (d) , requires evidence of consffuction progress each 180 days to avoid expiration of a permit. As per Uniform Building Code Section 303 (d) , your permit has expired. If no response has been received within 20 days of the above datc, this file will be voided, and the file will be placed in the permanent file, with no furthcr inspections authorized or deposits returned. Charles E. Davis Building Inspector {7 rrrr"uoru", P r5b 031,5{0 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO II{SURANC€ COVERAGE PROVIOTO JIOT FOR INIERIIATIONAL MAIi i" *d; ;;-o"i" Der'"ereu ,p TOTAL Pc'slage and Fees @o o - oo ao E t!oA TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORM U /'L'? PERMfT #At@I I - t APPLICATION MUST BE FfLLED OIII COI.IPLETEIJY OR rT Ulty NOT BE ACCEpTEDUIt**** ** ********************** * PERMIT TNFORIfATION *****************************rl [ ]-Buildin v'bww+ l-Electrlcat [ ]-Mechanical I J-other EouSe "/f Job Address: ? //a;/ ,€d. DArEz ftua, ,I rfr/ REC,1 AUG 5 lgg4 Address: Job Name: Architect: Legal Description: Iot Block_ Filing Ormers Name:Vinterno- A:orp. - l/olldaa lao Ph. Address: B9,lo ltancock'6t. 6te+/ot Fn. /ZZ-,fast work crass: [ ]-New I l-Alteratlon pt-Additional I i-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling UnJ.ts: #*.t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances /f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** ****** * * * * * * * * * VAI;UATIONS Gas logs Wood/Pellet_ ********************************* BUfLDING: $ General Description: f4eD SHd.rr.Jc€ _ Number of Accounodation UnLts: P^LT'UBING: I Address: .4/b/ N. Fr>,tl:a: Electrical Contractor: Address: EI.ECIRICAL: $)A- ltEcHANrcAt: $- !!,Zo -gtbs? OIIIER: $ TOTAL:- *********** ****** * ******** *^ Town of vail Reg. No.322.h Phone Nunber: ./Z/a - r'r',ta- - Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Nuruber: Plunbing Contractor Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of VaiI Reg.No. /a3-P BUTLDTNG PERUIT FEE: PIJ,IIfBING PERMIT FEE: MECHN{ICAIJ PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: TYPE /:'"ry Phone Number: ?//a- r/74^ Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: ******************************** FOR oFFICE US8 ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CI{ECK FEE: PET'UBING PIAN CTIECK FEE: UECIiANTCAL PIAN CIIECK FEE: RECRIATION FEE: CLEAII-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAT PERMIT FEES: BUII,DING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTJRE: CI^EAI{ UP DEPOSIT REFUND VALUATION 1. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: CATAN SHOWER ADDRESS: 9 VAIL RD VAIL, COLORADO OCCLJPANCY: R-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR DATE: 8-8-94 CONTRACTOR:TLr CONST ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK 3. 4. CORRECTTONS REQLIIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted cudes. It is a guide to selected sections of the cudes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. INTERIOR NON-BEARING PARTITIONS MAY BE OF WOOD CONSTRUCTION IF COVERED WTIIT 5/8 DRYWALL ON EACH SIDE. FrELD TNSPECTTON rS REQUTRED TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE A}i[Y STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. sMoKE DETECTORS ARE REQIITRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC. 12IO OF TI{E 199I IJBC. 5. Town of Vail FFiilh 0OPY .p/r,/6,/^ f -G'?f N o o/? "W Lo4 tO .tr. vtl (t) | \ltl 'lE I I I I I I t,F4;i ?lastrai3 ztZ<ro F tsHa ttl z Fl o Eo.c -glt. .o CLo.(h .trE Fr o-c A.o' \g!I)().c'6 .g Eo E atco oooo o)c = CD E = j o o o.o.6 3o E co) anoE o c,tto() c .9o E.o o oc(! CD .5c\oN !,c 3 F oE CD Eoo()6 o o !, .12E I o o Ec G o;(! d:9E6s'=O0' g8E EEH .0 sEc-o =Ei c96'- o, -c 35t E E-e,FOO aE <r 6'- O.=oP EE iiE3 SEa o- cLE€e 861EE b E o-6 EFE -+. Cqt O'-5ae gsE '6>9 6 -o. IfiE9E o sEg -{.tG U' IJJ uJt! F =G uJ o- FoF z Hv)& z rlA aH .-co3 oz9 o.a 8 UJ E UJz uJo =>E -ro3uS =@N 2Zoo F^U':<5-cA 6 oo6bozrJ- <o*uJ t:ig;oi E curc ) z Eo XX zoF E uJF -t zl .. >l IJJ uJ IJJz aht: u.lo- J zo F 6 I ql al>lt!lol fl F- I r\\' lltit l=l sl el9l c'l'_l utl.i cEl--l Jl a3l F{ El(Jl oltzl EFI z oul J l!o2 =oF u, =zoo-) oLSt) =+E t-o2 G, -rO<FE()uJ<zE I.lJ F.nZo C) oz Io =Jo- oz E =G, UJ A. \o tsHv z o9ze c0o =z=lfdP z I C) uJ = oo =t3b51or! E =Glrlo.lto uJoz @LoF Eo. JFu,t -h='iGO- IIJ>o-O|!9o{ tr.lxo-:>LJFulJJ- rl uJooF -] - D! --En-- _ufi_lu I*oF-(o ut tsooo-zo Fo-ulY ul to oF F =G IJJo.trto -+l> oilo-\ !2 nl(t -'l| \olrlgur hFIz6 E =E lrJGzIF C) :)EF, zoo Cftt' FzL '?57 jt^' ; TOWN OF VAU, CONSERUCTTON PERI'{TT APPLICATION FORI,I DATE: , d.747 - t APPLTCATToN l.lusr BE Frr,r;ED our cor.rpr.,ErELy oR rtuifA*bmwitftf{,{ffifo'af f,***************************** PERI{IT INFOR}IAIIJON ***************************** t 1-ical [ ]-Mechanlcatr fy]-Other F.'.<-/ (o,- Job Name: Legal Description:Fili4g Olrners Nane: L:47 Address: ? Jo E /, "^r. 1--J C^P}r. lzr -qgs 7 Ph.Architect z tl/.,,-Address: ing t l-Er. #thnru ceneral Description: work class: [ ]-New D<l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelllng Units:Nunber of Accornmodation Units: Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Plunbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PraN qMI \\y*@PLWBTNG PI"AN CHECK FEE:MECHANTCAL PER}IIT FEE3 ELECTRICAL FEE: I'IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE3 RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:.-'..Cr4IL-----?, o- DRB FEE: BUILDING: STGNAIT'RE: ZONING: STGNATTIRE: oer-r(rf UED IIEPoSIT tEFIlt{It T0: lnttn 75 .outh ttonLrgE ro.d u.ll, color.do tlatl (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 otfle of colnmunlly druelopmorrl If this peryit l!9ui1eg a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer's. (.public {ltl.t review anJ app"ouai,'i ii.iiiini'b"p."t "ntreview or.Health Departmint review, ani'a_review by the BuirdingDepartment, the estinated tine tor'a iotat ;."i;;;"i'LII'as tongas three weelts. Al] comnercia'l flarqe or smal'l) and all multi-fanrily permits willhave to follow ttre iuove renii6n"J raximunr requirements. Residentialand-smal'l projects shou'rd tarie a resstr amount of tirne. However, ifresidential or smal'ler projecis iirpiii the various auove mintioneadepartments with reqard' to-necessary review,-ilii" p"ij""ili' *va'lso take the'three-weet perioO. Every attempt wil] be made by this departnent to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE 'nV /-..^Coz., -t ?z^ T io"-r Comnuni ty Developnrent Departnent. p.U_4 1o ProjEEt-Xarne 73 roulh frontegG rold rril, colorr.lo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 419-2L39 oftlcc of communlly dcy.lopm.nl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITB TtsETOIIN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL pUBtIC WORKS/COMIfl,NITY DEVEIOPIIENT I{ARCH 15, 1.988 CONSTRUqTION PARKTNG & UATERIAIJ STORAGE to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) rn suDnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyPerson to litter, track or deposi.a ;t-r;ir]-"i"r, sand, debrisor material , incruding trasrr Eunpsters, portabre toilets andworkmen vehicres. upon anv streetl-;ie;;"ik;-;ii;y or public-qr?:" or any porrion ttreieoi. --rir" right-oi-"ii-6n arr Town ofVail streets and.Tg"g= is alproxirnatety 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr. be striEiiv--enforced by the Town of vairPublic t{orks DeDartment. -i"i=6n] found vi;ratin; this ordlnancewitt- be siven a 24 hour ,"i;i;;";;i;1;-;;;;;"="id nateriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi- conpry with thenotice within the- 24 rrour tirne-=p""iiiil,";;.-ffiric.'worksDepartment wilr renorre said nartiiii-ii-in" E6Ii=e of personnotified. The provisions-ot-trril orainance shall not beapplicable to cinstruction, -riini"tt.rrce or repair projects ofany street or attey or any utilities il ;;"-;iiii_"_n "v. -T".:"yigy ord.inance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tolrn ofvail Buir'ding Department to obtain a copy. riranr you for yourcooperation on this natter. p MErrfoRANpuM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED t7? t :i f,-. eJ*y TO: FROM: DATE: RE: u,,1 y'o.-r. - / ( Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way permit': YES NO u.'1) ls this a new residence? 2') ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4l ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different aocess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easemenls, or public property? 7l ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right ol way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? ll you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's oflice or at Community Developmert. lf you have any questions ptease call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construdion Inspector, at 479-21*. I have read and answered allthe above questions. v/ t/ u/ t-/ t/ PUBUC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permil: 1) Fill out the our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoolication. lf yes was answered t9 3ny of the above questions then a'public Way permit' isrequired. yoy gan pick up an application at either community oe'veropmen;tocated at 7s s. Frontage Road or pubric works, rocatedat rgog Vaiivar66;;;: 2l Notice sign otfs for utility companies. All utitities must fie6. verify (locate)respective utirities pdorto signing application. some utirity companies;eql6;;to a 48 hour notice to schedute a locate). 3) A construction tratfic control ptan must-be prepale.d on a separate sheet of paper.This plan will show locations of all tratfic conirol cevices (signst cones, etc.) andthe work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) 4) Sketch of work being performed must bE submitted indlcating dimensions (lengnh,width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the tiimJ'bntrol pran oi a Eiie .plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Work's otfice for review. ll required,locates will be scheduled forthe Town of Vail Electrici"nr ano Inigation creil. rnirocates are take place in the moming, but may require upio 4g tr-ours ro periorrl 6) The Public wof s Construction Inspector will review the application and approveor disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the ilitus ano any "ilingeslhat may be needed. Most permits are released within +g nlurs or ueind receiv-eqbul please allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as perm.it.is process_ed, ? copy wiil be faxed to community Deveropment 3t1ow'!tg the 'Building Permit'to be rel-eased. Please oo not confuse the "publicway Permit" with a'Building permit'to do work on " proje"i site itself. Note: 'Ths above process ls lor work In a rfght_of.way only. 'Pub[c way permrt's are varfd onrv unilt November 15th. *A new publlc Way permlt ls requlred each year. t\Frl'l LUltir|.Jl- | l-llt I ir, "KRM coN$uLTANTs, lNc. P.o. Box 4572 vArL COLOnADO 81658 (3031 9'[9-9391 FAX 949-1577 TO; FIELD REPORT ft'7c>'fr( DATE: ARRfVE: I I DO p,l-l . DEPARTT- lr-ea p.M- WEATHEB: 4F sao, F. LIaAJ 4FIEA^ . elEc.Ltr ATTEI'IT|ON: 6t EN 4,, ld'op Town of Vail Ar YouR RgQUtsTt I oBgEPveD THE EXISTIN<{ 6?e'cTuBAL cduotTt0N6 AND 1t+e 6efqlNAL coNsTRUCTION p44'91"'tENTS FOR Tt||greoJa4.tToAgsaggT]l+eFE^glBlLlTYaFBeMoVlNqTHE tsf,lgr,u4 FlP6|.LA4E 'AND REFLAdIN4 lT hlTH A ',qA3 UNIT, lT AFpF!Ae6 T{AT -rHf, r.xl9TlN4 FleEFLA4g ls llot MAgoHeY Apa E lloT LoAD-BeAFlNq ) T{ePjeioqE*t lTs REMoVAL htoULD No" AFFEfT TRe sasp6,.7vgAL INTE4BITY oF THE. BUlLuHq', PLYAilE NoTtFY THlb oFFtcZ lF t DuelHq DEMaLtTlaH, CoN-DlTlol'lS AFP_ FOUND TO Be 6[p7p4|aY TO- MY lNlTlAL oggEBvATlO]rs' PROJECT: FICE COPY t3rg9 SIGNED: REVIC$/ED: OF COPY TO: { N ,1 { \.\ \ \r- _ _ ,t\r \ {,\ \ \ s N I t\ \ N I '\I \\ t\t tl F \ I EEIT::;:-: \ \ l' WY3,1'6 1.-v,ti'.,'y i'.it+fi.1 1 arl, 7e'1 /t t: f, / -,t )r'..v 1J >? 4 >'1t"4J . Ya!.t:.i'.,t Ct Pgfir-ii i,,..::: .-,r,-l ,,,) ;; U.l,:,.. / Tcrvn af Vait lf,s.T0PY rl tl:l ;r.. t0 $ t .q ,.\. *+q 6't Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: HOLIDAY HOUSE #16 DATE: G30-94 ADDRESS:9VAILRD CONTRACTOR: GLENWOOD VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCI.JPANCY: R-I ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ll-FR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQTIIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted crdes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinanc,e of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS FGQI,IIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. IN]SRIOR NON.BEARING PARTTTIONS MAY BE OF WOOD CONSTRUCTION IF COVERED WTIIT 5/8 DRYWALL ON EACH SIDE. 3. FIELD TNSPECTION ARE REQUTRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. AN INSPECTION WILL BE REQUIRED ON TIIE ROUGH AND GAS LINE FOR TIIE FIREPLACE CONVERSION. INS o PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME, MON CALLER TUES THUR 4f]lBEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: PE BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , /l: .INSPECTOR :r I '; ' r*-DATE TION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL oo* f'b4f JoB NAME 479-2138 PMREADY FOR INSPECT LOCATION: MON l)l/^J, BUILDING: B FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: CTION REQUIRED . I I ]evisea g/4/sL:,, DRB AppLrCs.TroN - IOWN.OF ,VAII,, Col,ogifp.g DATE AppLrcATroN RBcET'ED I HL|'D ltAR 0 7 If property is described, by a meet,s and bounds legaldesqription, please provide on a separate sheeU aiaattach to this application. ZONING : ACCOMMODATIONS LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a currentstamped survey showing lot, area. I. DATE OF DRB MEETING: r'rs Appr.,r**#iil]l1ior "" AccEprED ITNTIL, eJ.,I'l REQUXRED INr.ORlirATrON IS SUBMITTED********** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION-: REPAINT EXTERIoR oF THE HOLIDAY HOUSE B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Nevr Constnlction ($200.00) xx Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addirion ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot,AT B, C Block Subdivision GE zND FILING NAME OFMailing FEE SCHEDULE: .VALUATION0 - $ 10,000$ 10r 001 - $ 50,000. $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 s150,001_ - $ 500,000 $500, 001 - $1,000, o0o$ . Over $1.r 000r 000 * DESIGN RE\rIEW BO}RD APPROVATJ EXPIRES EPPROVAIJ UNTESS A .BUI]..DING PERMTT TS E. F. T v G. NAME oF APPLTCANT: HoLTDAY HousE coNDoMrNruM AssocrATroN Mailing Address: APPLICANT, S REPRESBNTATIVB :PTNNACLE RESORTSAddress:p.o. Box 2992, vArL,W Phone 827-5200 I. NAIV1E OF OWNBRS: *SIGNATURE(S):ffi Phone 479-7100 Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE| DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tine of submittal of DRB applicaLion. Lit,er, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify tireaccurate vaLuation of the proposal . The Town -of VaiIwill adjust t,he fee according- to the tabl_e lefow, toensure the correct fee is paid.rfu plfD: S ,.zO - FEEs 20.00 $ s0 .00 $100.00 $200 .00 s400.00 $s00.00 =# b3a ? €\\ -?7 lq +- ONE YEAR AFTER TINAIJ ISSUED l\}ID CONSTRUCTTON ISSTARTED. **NO APPLICAITON WILIi BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATI'RE t o roNII. PRE-APPLICAT MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is st,rongly encouraged to determine if any addit,ionalappJ"ication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appoint.ment with the staff todetermine if there are additionaL submittal requirements. Pl-ease not.e that a COMPLETE application wiLl streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDIN9 ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, Lheapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All t.rees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. Th. applicant must. ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval. Applicants shouLd plan on presenting their deveJ.opment proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval. Applicants who fail to appear before the Oesign ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting dat.e and who have nouasked in advance that discussion on t,heir item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such t.ime as the i_tem has beenrepublished. The following items nay, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ComrnunityDevelopment Department staff (i-e. a formal hearinobefore the DRB may noL be required) : a. Windows, skylj-ghts and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding,' and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother 1ot or public space. At t.he t.ime such aproposal is submit.ted, applicants must includeIet,ters from adjacent property owners and,/or fromLhe agent for or rnanager of any adjacentcondoninium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc)r a hazard study must be subnitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Tbwn plannerprior to DRB application to det.ermine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For all residentlal construction: Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andfndicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot dist.ance from the exterior face of thebuilding wa]1s or supporting columns. P e E. a. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, aLL conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. IV. A.Ttrree copies of a recent topoqraphic survey, stamped bva liggn.sed. suEvgvorr_ at a ger,on which the following informat.ion is provided: 1. Lot area. Two foot contour inlervals unless the parcelconsists of 6 acres or more, in which tase, Stcontour intervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4,, or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other sj.gnificant naluralfeat,ures (Iarge boulders, intermittenL st.reams/etc. ) . Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),cent.erline of st.ream or creek, required creek orstream setback, L00-year flood plain and slopes of40* or more, if applicabte. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmarkor sewer invert. this informat.ion should beclearly stated on the survey so that allmeasurements axe based on the same starting point.This is particularly important for height,neasurements. See policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. Locations of the followinq:a. Size and t.ype of drainage culvert.s, swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sourcesand proposed service lines from thej.r sourceto the structure. Utilities to incLude:Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water Gas EIect.ric Site PIan 1. Locations B. c. Show all utility meter 1ocations, includingany pedestals to be Locat.ed on site or in theright.-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocablepermits frorn the Town of VaiI are requiredfor improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - dist.ances and bearings and. abasis of bearing must be shown. e. ALI easements (Title report rnust. also includeexisting easenent locations) Existing and finished grades. Provide spot elevations of t.he street, and aminimum of one spot elevation on eit.her side ofthe lot, 25 feet out from the side property 1ines. of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off sit.e. b. Proposed driveways. percent slope and spoteLevations nust. be shown. A11 existing improvements including structures,Iandscaped areas, service areas, st.orage areas,walks, driveways, off-street parking, loadingareas, retaining walls (with top and bottom ofwall spot elevations), and other exist.ing siteimprovements. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 88 unless approvedby the Town Engineer. Landscape Plan (l-rr = 20r or larger) - 3 copies required 1. ?he following information must be provided on t.helandscape plan. The location of existing 4,'diameter or larger trees, the location, size,spacing and type (conmon and latin name) of aIIexist.ing and proposed plant naterial_. All treesto be saved and to be removed must also beindicated. The plan must also differentiate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscape materials tist. 3. The location and type of existing and proposedwatering systems to be employed in caring forplant material following its installat,ion. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the variousdevelopmen! proposal components, please incorporate asmuch of the above information as possible onto the siteplan. D.Siqn off flgrn each utitity companv verifying theIocation of utility attached) . servlce and availability (see E. A preliminary title report must accompany allsubmittals, to insure property ownership and locationof a1I easements on property. F. Architectural Plans (t/8" = !, or larger, L/4', Lspreferred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and all eLevations of theproposed development. Elevations must. show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be ,'red-tined" to showhow the gross residentia] fLoor area (GRFA) wascalculated. rtltions or top or roor rioql (witn existino and proposed qrades shown underneath). Theseelevat.ions and grades must be provided in orderfor the staff to deterrnine building height. AIIridge lines should be indicated on t.he site plan.Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicatedon the site plan witb corresponding finished andexisting grade elevations. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (g-L/2" x t!") for incLusion in pEC and,/or'To-wnCouncil memos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colorsshall be specified on the attached maLerials list.This materials list must be completed andsubmitted as a part of DRB application. Colorchips, siding samples etc.l should be presented tot.he Design Review Board meeting ?ong check list (attached) rnust be conpleted if projectis located within the Single-Family, eiirnary/SeconAiryor Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent structures. NOTE: c H. The Zoninfr,*tnr"rraror and,/or DRB C require t.hesubmission of additional p1ans, drawinls,specifica!1ons, samples and other mateiials (includinga model) if deened necessary to determine whether aproject will comply with Debign Guidelines. v. vr Photos or sket,ches which clearty convey the redevelopmentproposal and the location (site plan) of tne redevel-opmentproposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formalrequirements set forth above, provided all import.ant.specifications for the proposal including colbrs andmaterials to be used are subnitted. ADDITIONS - RESTDENTIAL OR COMMERCTAL A. Original floor plans with alL speciflcations shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans t/8" = Lt or larger(I/Att = l, is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. rndicate roof ridge erevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing st.ructure. F. specifications for aLr materiars and color samples onmaterj.als list (at.tached) . At the request of the zoning Ad.ministrat.or you may also berequired to submit: c. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservice and availability. See att.acnea uLilitylocat.ion verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by regist,eredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership ofpropert,y, which lists all easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN once a building permit, has been issued, and construction isunderway, and before the Buirding Department will schedule aframing inspection, two copies oi an- rmprovernent. LocationCert.ificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitted. The followinginformation must be provided on t.he ILC: Building location (s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. A. E'. h E' Lr. Building dinensions to t.he nearest tenth of All utility service ]ine as-builts, showingnaterial used, and size and exact locat.ion- Drainage as-builts. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. A1I property pins are to be either found orstated on improvement survey. AII easements. Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevationswith exlstlng and proposed grades shown under the ridgeLines. a foot. type ofof lines. set and t{ VIII.CONCEPTUAL DTGN REVIEW A. SubrnitLal requirements: The owner or authorized agent.of any project. requiring design approval as prescribedby this chapt.er may submit, plans for conceptual revj_ewby the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development. The conceptual revj_ew j-s intended to give the appJ.icant a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal with the Town, sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applicaLions more complex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developersof single-farnily and two-family projects shall not. beexcluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. Complete applications must be submitted10 days prior to a scheduled DRB rneeting. The following information shall be submitted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and Landscape plan at a minimumscale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual eLevations showing exterior materialsand a description of the character of t.he proposedst.ructure or sLructures,. 3. Sufficient information to show t.he proposal complies with the developnent standards of thezone district in which the project is t.o beLocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed DRB application form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application forconceptual design review, the Department of CornmunityDevelopment shall review the submitt.ed materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in bjsiccompliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualrevj-ew. If the applicat.ion is not. generally in-compliance wlth zoning code requirements, tleapplication and subnittal rnaterials shall be returned.to tbe applicant with a written explanation as to whythe Community Development Department staff has foundthe project. not to be in compliance with zoning cod.erequirements. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB shall review the submit.ted conceptualreview application and supporLing material in order todeternine whether or not the project generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote onconceptual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentat.ive shall be present at the DRB hearinq. - LIST OF'MATERIALS INTINGNAt'{E LEGAI, OF PROJECT: DESCRIPTION : LOS_ll BLOCK suBDrvrsroN E Vrtt 2NDFTLTNG STREET ADDRESS: 9 vArL Rp. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: vlrNDol{s, REMOVE SOME EXTERIOR, REMOVE EMBLEMS UNDER SHUTTERS. The following information isReview Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERTALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials for subrnit,t.al to can be given: MATERIAL required approval TYPE OF the Design COLOR E!.TqTINT: STrra.O REr\ MnnpF rlrro3 EIYTQ.FTNI: r{non BFIV r/toopE! rra 107 Fascia 1,p114 Sof f it,s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLAbIT I"IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES I:YTSTTNI: w.lnn pFN MOOPII 8r.121 EIFN ttlnnpF alFF-lrIIJl'nF ELTSTnTN(] Wr)nn REN MnnqE HCO? of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for trees.Indicate height, for coniferous PLANT MATERIJ: PROPOSED SHRUBS BotanicaL Narne Ouantitv Size*co**onQ*" EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS ann SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. TVpe Minimum size of shrubs is Sguare Footaqe c- IANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, preaseshow the number of fixt.ures and locat.ions on a separatelighting.pran- rdentify each fixture from the righting planon the list below and provide the wattage, height-abov6 - grade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUP€S (retaining wa}ls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainin!warls. Maximum height of walls within the front. setback ii3 feet. Maximum height. of watls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. D. SUBDIVISION JOB NAME uf,i,rrr-"o.orro" **..r.orroO T ^.n BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of ut.ilities, whether they be maint5un\ 11r"9 or proposed Iines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanling site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communications t-800-922-I987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Conpany 949-5781 Gary Hal1 Holy Cross Elect.ric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 St,eve Hiatt Upper Eagle valley Water & Sanitation oistrict * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:This form is to verify service availabilit,y and]ocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing.your utitity plan and schedulinginstallations. For any new construction proposal, the applicant.must provide a completed utility verificalionform. 3. If a utility company has concerns wittr theproposed construction, the utility representativeshould not directly on the utility verificationform that there is- a problem whicir needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out indetail in an at.tached letter to t.he t-own of vail.However, please keep in mind that it is theresponsibility of the utility company to resolveidentified problerns. 4. If the utility verification form has signaturesfrom each of the utilit.y companies, and nocomments are made directly on the forrn, t.he Townwill presume that there are no problems and thatthe development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not relieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit, from the Town of Vail, Department of public Works and to obtain utility locations beforediqqinq in an@or easement inthe Town of VaiI. A buitdinq permit is not astregt cut permit. A street cut permit must beobtained separately. * Pl-ease bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations whenobtaining upper Eagle varley water & sanitation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. o JT DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ZONE CHECK FORR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICT Block _ Filing a q ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT PIIONE PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE i.r,LOT SIZE AIlowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed TotaI Height ToTa]. GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks +425= +425= Front Sides Rear 20' r.5, 15' (30) (so)Water Course Setback SiLe Coverage Landscaping Retaining V{alI Heights Parking Garage Credit. Drive: 3'/6' Reqrd (3oo) (600) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope 8* Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes Environmental,/Hazards: 1) 2l 3)Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does thls request, invoLve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is useffi-Eis request? **Note: Under Sections 18.L2.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipalcode, lots zoned Two Famiry and primary/secondary which are ress t-han15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. Thecommunity Development Department. nay grant an exception t6 t.nisrestriction provided the applicant. meeUs Lhe criteria set forth undersections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal code includingpermanent.ly restricting the unit as a long-term rentll unit for full-time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. No 2 2'> Flood Plain Percent Slope wtrllt'm' Q'ry1!;# @ 4li&r, *"{r(^ ,,tt'^[;^r,-/ av5 ,^ar+j- {etf tr drry @q,rV/r @u-d M) *h6' ,tuJ* *N)/ $l p*,t^nla,- trlr#a'fur/t $ r)lef *y 7r4*ier { u'"/rs$. * I /&,c*fi 516'?e.( /"d"6,;M#r, %'$*o 'l:,|-J'xa( ,t! 7n:ln\dfr{dt' edseq _1'IAY-?-9tTUtl:0BPMPl}Il{AcLiREs0nTSYsTEMS|A}:1ic.3018?eo DINNACLE May& relu I tf RESOR,T SYSTEMS nandy Town of Vail. CornmunlSyDevdopmeut 75 S. Frontagc Rd. W Vsll, CO t1657 Dear Randyr Ihanl tou lbr calllng thle mornlng b r€nfill m of th D€dgn Rwtev Board rcheduled for tonorrow, I do plan to nttend and wttt bring r number of erhlbltr at that tinre. In our oondndng attcmptr to trdvc at a tolnflon thc sill ratrsfy bc dcdF rwlcw pnrcErr wG muld||lG b oEcr tne tolowtnS alu:nrtivcr b ttrc wlndow trtn lrruc: * fie smalhr wfidorr that arc nouned h_tbe bamwood crHor could be rhuthql In Ge greem oolor apprcved for thc tlm or tto edrtlry rhieldr could bc repdnttd to matcl oithcr &o now dark wood cotror or drc stucco. $Ic ore efill colcrrm.d abogt llrc condldon of thc il&ld vHd ere lour ln conrtrucilon rnd are deeimdng. . Ttelerlpr wlndotl rlddr orneo-ty !!e mac[tcd by dtuttlm and rhlcldc or jutt rhldds ard sf,e nduntsd h a stficm nrrfacr corrldbe trlmned with ruod painted to the tggruvul rxilur uf llrt biltttuod. We harrc cet up flcy€rrl nhdors on tic flont of Se bdlding io dcmonrtals 0tst athmetivcs. I'ou or t|e Boexl gt $cleomc to oorne by io bettrr visualize ilre Frqic't I wlll bc triEing plcfrueo and m lllustration to the meedrg tomotfow' please lct me know wtcn this appclns ou he agendaandabout whatfinrc I need to be prtreni Ihanl you loryour ooopcr:otion, Rnm^- Bruco Gilie For the Eolldry Houce Condorddum Arpdatom Pnnt oflice Box 2w2 L Vail, Co|orado 81658 a Toll Free (800) 888-0737 o Holiday House at Vail Exterior Color Chart Stucco and Balconies Benjamin Moore HC-93 +l Vertical Wood Surfaces Benjamin Moore HC-107 Soffit Benjamin Moore Off-white Accent Trim, Fascia Line Detail Benjamin Moore lJc-lzl Alternate Benjamin Moore HC-136 Il:r, ,iti l!-+l r: J:llHEl * ,\ tb. ,ffi lTrril iUL:lj FE Irrrr=lir-: lt llrl.lJ] r@ EH ilE EB at MEMORANDUM TO: Randy Town of Vail Planning r?olrDAY Houdq " Cmlominium Rentcls ruith cll the feeling of Homel' 521 fs, FR: Bruce Gillie Pinnacle Resorts The Holiday House RE: Holiday House Painting Date: 4ll4l94 In addressing the concerns of the Design Review Board regarding the Holiday House repaint- ing I would like to make the following proposals: 1) Window size and removal of the decorative plaques. The windows directly over the front door are indeed smaller than the other exterior windows. According to the original plans (see enclosed board) they were supposed to be the same size when the building was built 20 years ago. Our design firm feels that by painting the board above the windows a contrasting color that we adequately compensate for the loss of the plagues. However, in order to expedite the approval process the Holiday House is willing to leave this ornamentation in place and paint the outside edge to match the new wood paint color. This, however, is a temporary solution as these plaques are made of foam plastic and are deteriorating. The Holiday House proposes to return to the Board in the summer with a plan to modify these areas to the Board's satisfaction in conjunction with a remodel of the entry that is anticipated in the fall. We still propose to remove the plaques under the larger windows on the stucco surfaces and other places on the building. 2) Paint coverag€. The painting contractor has assured us that, with an appropriate primer, the new color on the balconies witl completely hide the existing dark brown. This is a requirement of his contract. I don't believe that there are any other issues that concerned the Board but we do wish to resolve any other problems that may exist. Please let me know of any further difficulties. I will be in Dallas promoting the American Airlines summer service all of next week. Rob LeVine of the Antlers has agreed to represent the Holiday House at the DRB hearing. I have told him that the meeting is scheduled for April 20 at 3:00 p.m. Please make sure that he receives a copy of the agenda and any changes to the schedule. His number is 476-?471. If you ha$ileilyS*ioils b\4dh&1tr#efftl66dn ptea$&f7febtQ0T-e000e gSWl $oliday House at Vail Painting Application Existing unornamented windows in the Holiday House and new TOV building PINNACLE RESON,T SY$TIMS EA CSIMILE TRANSIU$SION Dater SlA94 To: Randy Development Fax Numberz 419-2452 From: Bruce Gillie Holiday llouse at Vail Fax Number: (303)E27 -4003 This page plus I more Contents: Letter rel Deslgn review Message: Plcoec cgtl (303)S27-5200 if thls tnnenleeion is not entirely legible or does not tarumit corrtctly Posi Otfice Box 2992 l, Vail, Coloraclo 81658 ^t' Toll Fr€e (800) 888-0737 llAY- q-gi TUX l:ll? ll}{ PIN}{ACLE IESORT STSTEI|IS fAL }{0 3.03 S?7 400: , li oa Company: Ibrm of Vail Communtty <- - o =E =E UJo-c\ ( atul IJJt! E =E UJo- 0/h .ir ol I{ I-+ vlca H at) z tqJIF lo J otrt!oo2oJ UJF F eF2z (,zz o IJJFoz o =o 5 co{ ozz6 tlJ l,to i Golt oE o t,c G oooo o) .E =5o E o =f Eo o o.o,6 '.g E attoooo oc(s ;oF o-c o o) o o()oo E o o .9t =-o o ! 6 o '6 o G oItco o 0,Ic(5tr F G '-o {'n5i =soaEi+.EL9o(gC ?;6 EEs_6 FE cL.)l.,co'-a9 !)-f,<E=d3(r>I.';8 *o -o, oEEooto6 i() oo .9 E E tto't o cl t .gtct c) c oE c ttg io (! .9 CLo(! .9.s o6 E o 6E 6c o ct!Eo 3oc !()6 ll Eq) @ cfl !n(\ cr) E = UJ o =oJ o :<o uJ ()z JC J 9E o IJJ tr z .o = o- J 2 Io[, = w uJ z E r.lJ uJ o 3g !JEz 6 uJ Ett o- llJ z J x F ulatl F-r F-1 tlB ou,u,l! ts =t IJJo- J l-oF ozo =l ao J ()gFo UJ llJ oz I L z o UJ- NOtwnIVA l- F 2F z rftx9;E5 55"tr - 622 Pa =FE66 EXZ : (,jl l&89 Et'|r < ef!oq<Jc$'F fr*trq 6#rN('F E >E --trl3u(S =@N 2o F =J lt tr G oE(J utG F Xtl - uJ J z E zI F Eu,F 3ulz II Lz z9akoo<OJ =Hx rr-6o<z v) trz, 9= do}E UJl ooul2YIIt- z F J z J =iul ootr o = o Jl<l FI zl zl .. >loutoululz atL =acllJ J z E o =o 5o lI l;,; -l I Y1 -t I nl LO(o(o UJF a)oo?zo Fo-lllv l!o oF bE-rEO\ltl o\o=r lL1O -fl>-lErlofflr<lg u,tbkz6 z o9zz 60 =zDf dP EE= A;H tr ffo.ltoEE2ZE<cf€8E9Eir '9.EE l> =uii-E FE: =d; 8b9 \tnE XO-t x>t q- €; Ho t-- -D - ts =E lrJ o-zoF(JfEFazo C) !!t oz ti ulG J l! z =oF I ?tolutl .EJ JI <l FtEI T4v, >r H IE & F]an H 'ii=z d) :) C.lrn IF-N co FT M v) F] Fl Fl zzH Ar llt z rn o\ I .n. ll =l dol cclHl {lFl -{(Jt I Fl el 5t E| ql *l HE| t-F. i) =+E Fo2o C) E -.r O<FGO IJJ <zttrjFs3 o trntr TOhIN BF I ct l.lnz ldlil VRIL COH-DEV ID:303-479-2452 FEB 07'94 O,*rn or vtrrr co'srRltctr""O I :45 atllt No.001 P.01 PEruI'r ifu-ga rqb r{snsr W rob Addresr, 1 /o-r'o 1kl :.-. -... Logal teecf,lptlon! Lt_ DlocL-- ftffuig PER}ITT APP9ICATIOF TORM*wr4/I.7lqt FtrI..I.,,ED gI T COUPI,FIIEI,Y OR IT T{AY IIOi:I BE ICCEPTED ****t I* IF8UIT flffOIu[ATfON t t *f r* at***t * *ttr lt*f *t tf r..** lng t l-Alectrlcal [ ]-liechanLcrl I J-t]ther Addreag:Archltsctr O r\Generaf lleecrl.ptlon I ttork Classl I l-Nerrr [/l-Alteratlon 1 J-Addltlo$f,I C\oss +1p 6-1a*e-LI l-Repalr I l-othsr llurobsr of Dlrlltngr Unltet llurbet of ecsoffiidatlon UnltE: {}*' ##:: :::: ;.. ". :,l$jf 1: :: " ::;.::1]: : : ::; . irnlmruc; T- uncruricer,r l- trorAr"r @e"- I,rrr***rrr*******r*****+r..* GANIB,ACI9R I}fFOR!{ATION t**!t*t.ttt.*rf**fttt*.*ll.**rErneral contraotorr -V\-*r,eo.o*-f.-r,--Irr=r Tor.tn of vaLl Rcg' xo. f t{LE Addlreea: Sleetrlcal contractor! Fhone lfirrnbert Tosn of Vall Phone lfirrnberr Toun of Vall Fhone lfuhber! Rog. XO. Rcg. ilO. Town of VatI Rcg. lfo. Phone Nunber: lddreEBt PIr'tr0hing Address: cohtrsctor; tleelranlcal Gontrastor: AddreEsi ******* a** tt a I i*t* **ltir. **t*+t** EUTf,DINC PNilIT TEEI SIIIIEIITC Prl|IT TEBT I|ECtsINICAL PBRX.IIT DEE! EI,EdTRIQAIJ FEE' OT'TIES IYFE OF FEEC DRE FEE: oFPICm USE ,** * ***t* ** *t*****t ***t*l r rt+t.r' BTTII.DINC PI.AN CIIECK EEEr Z5g -PII,UBIIIG PIAN CEECI. FEE! UECHII{ICAIJ PI,Alf CXIEel( fEEt NECNEATIOI{ FEE; CIIAH-UF DEPOSITT :BOIT}IJ PENilIT FEEST 21 Fo8l-lt' brfld tax rransmtflsl lfrrro ffil 5: ryllt rJ oa-c-u& A-"- I ,'t)&ptwd /t-'dJ &,rs=d y'.u-o ,V g* *:, f@Qn,t ,t/ t("-, oD U/r/oq 71;"ssi^ IF l$-i I I 9(9,(\ A)E .F ( I .t -\ 4.. ti. lF I tta r! , .-\ rl.- 'f - "., =.^ :'/ '..rr ,* l.' February 23, 1994 Roofing Specification for Holiday House Condominiums Page 2 of 3 BASE BID: TEAR OFF/ MISCELLANEOUS: ll.Tear off existing shake roofing and remove all debris from the site. A temporary fully enclosed trash chute will be used to remove debris from the upper roof to the dump truck. Leave existing "cold roof intact. Leave existing snow fence intact. Remove (where possible) (and replace) siding in areas to receive new wallmembrane and flashings. Plath Construction will keep the jobsite as clean as possible and practical during the construction, and a thorough cleaning of Plath's work areas will be perf,crmed upon completion. Plath Construction willtake all reasonable precautions to protect the interior of the building from water and weather. However, Plath Construction shall not be held liable for any interior damage sustained from leaks caused by sudden, and, or, unforseen storms that occur during the tear off phase of this work. 2l Replace any plywood on the "cold roof that is damaged with dry or wet rot and is no longer providing a solid backing for the shakes and waterproofing membrane. This work, if necessary, will be charged at the rate of $ 2.25 per square foot to remove and replace with new non combustible plywood. This work will be done ater notiffing an owner or owne/s representative for their inspection and approval. No other "extra'work will be done without the written approvalfrom the owner or owne/s representative. 3l Plath Construction will provide all insurance and permits required by the Town of Vail Building Department. 1l Install "Jifu Seal" lce and Water Guard by Protecto Wrap over the entire pitched roof arsa, according to the manufacturer's specifications. Extend membrane up walls a minimum of 12' at roof to wall junctures. Use mastic as needed. 2l At all ridges, cut plywood out br a distance of 3" on either side of the ridge, to creato a 6" opening to improve the air flow for the ncold roof'. Install "cold roof ridge vent using ?x 4' on edge at 24' O.C. with l"x 4' counterbattens at 1O' O.C. Cover ridge vent openings with galvanized insect screen. 3l Install Class "B' #1 medium cedar shakes with laced 18"x 301b. felt each course. Use starter and hipand-ridge shingles as needed. 4l Install 26 gauge galvanized flashings as needed, including valley, step, peak, and endwall flashings. lnstall drip edge flashings at the main roof eaves and rakes and also at the ridge vsnt eaves and rakes. Cost br work as specified above:$61,121.00 1l Substitute Class "B', Heavy cedar shakes for the Class'B', #1 medium shakes. Add to base price:$ 5,70o.o0 y7 O 2l This building had high winds blow ofi a portion of the cold roof several years ago indicating that the cold roof may need additional fasteners. During the reroof is the only time this work can be done. lf the owner is interested, we can look into fiasteners that will secure the cold roof to the concrete roof deck. Please contact our office for pricing. "4,* tl I Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: HOLIDAY HOUSE RER@F DATE: 4-14-94 ADDRESS:9VAILRD CONTRACTOR: PLATHCONST VAIL, COLORADO ARCFIIIECT: NONE OCCUPANCY:R-I ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V.IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK C0RRECTTONS REQITTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all pocsible code requirenrents in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town ofVail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQIIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. CANNOT USE VAIL ROAD FOR ANY UNLOADING OF MATERTALS OR ANY STAGING OF ANY KIND. 3. FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. f -{: t ' Town of Vaif OFFf#;fr #flp ,"e*ctoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL OJECT 479-21 -f, (t 1i re 'r' .'-, (-- ,.iJOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC o ,1!.aua AM BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n ZNFINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING r] ROUGH tr tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL ffiesrcveo tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oo* a*f 9/ rNSPEcroR @o. o\ c @ E z uJF o f .'i uJFo @oazo Fc uJY UJdl oF tr E UJo. tJ-o coo I luFoz z .n :lze(Do>z .L LL .^i5\/ r-,/ =zEftoi- '-r -i uJ6ri= L uJ IL gJ z loo F I JFuJ-h= d lll>aLOr!9o =ur:>LJ I-t! J LU(I) co E CI -9c, (l'tt .E: E Eo(t AO eoDE =tr!l -F-:: ts =E lrJ o-z9FofEFazo(J aLlt] =lHI E-rl U{ Ev44 aFIH-1 ut l.u z z 6!fo .6 z I I l_ .Ft<ro I I I I I, rl,tet laz lE le It!IF IO I I I I I t_,, ,< IE t2r6 cn M z tsq) z .n uJt! lJ- = = UJ sul llltt uJ F z ltJ uJo2i l! E. Fzoo CEo F li z Fl q, o.t -9-o6 = Eat$olilii o o 0)o (E E LI!) (o c,Eoo o) E d) tr =l; o o 6 '.!P E -i- o cE-t.9 BE€: E.C RT EE E: "a 8E:6c-o> e$:E =gi;c96E -*=o)3 5;.; EEE; EE gE Elseo-o o-?sEisoi-o-orsfi:€ E6:F EEEg -o,Yo(!0-.!c= o o .tt O €.= €'E: -gglE 9da5 ;TF';*; E9Eqr -cEg: - o a!: (/, UJ UJ lJ- =E IJJ F F 3 uJ uJ z uJ I.i -lq HH fl CJ Ecl q >E __.r) iut& =(!|(\ Y =z zu- tr ^ 6zg 5 :9F9 OEuroe.z.,()o ar |4ezXr!<oq i!u-o-xfiaxz iNO lr-(r a c E IU z tr 6 z tr UJ i z ,. >| u,l uJ llJzo tr2 UJ(L 2 E o tzf,z K()o< =ft>E 9!L6o<z trz)(tz 3o oz E =c UJo I I Jl <lilol zl =lotFI I I I I ?lolull 5l al>l t!lol pl r r!l cl al>l t!lol zl 3loll-l (\ rn IF.c\ @ i Fj- F c,.rlolo{ "tXq lurl $l oalol <l -4 = rl 0l F(I c:l di<lzlzlHI l =l<l4 I co lll'oltrllo' It3lDI IYt I tl Xl c;lEl zl ral elFI trlrrll ,l =t el;t >l?l *lol vltzl =l =lEt oltrl Fl r.lJ =z -r gtr = l, z. E2?9?2E JF" d. zo z. -ro UJ = <F t.IJ <ZE <56 o J - F r.lJ J LIJ illdn TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCBION ""*il**lPlrcl.rroN roY ;'gJ {fr#b,iffi ACCEPTEDAPPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT }'lAY NOT BE * * ********** * * **** ** ********** PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** [ ]-nrrifairrg 1/efurnring 1v{-rlectrical [ ] -Mechanical [ ] -other Job Name: OTHER: f ToTAL! I Town of VaiJ- Reg. No. Phone Number: ffi:l""f"Xill,.?nlIF-H Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE * **** *** * * * ********************.z'. , tV' sBUILDING PIJ\N CHECK FEE: // - -ItUf IJIJIN\,' rl4tlf urr&r-I\ r ll.c,. -A!--PLItMBING Pr,AN CHECK FEE: E'O.\ MECHANICAL PI.,AN CHECK FEE: ,,RECREATION FEE: ay'J1 ctnl;tt-uP DEPosrr:\ToTAL PERMIT FEES: - Conments z Ft*-zl? rtf;?zcn"D Z.*Q'Pzg p*t (Mg&orzz4<-- Contractor: ************ ** * ****************! BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERIIIT FEE3 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF TEEs DRB FEE: l l nurr,otre : I ir rrt 1_!7_l_l-l ;3fiIftH*'t-l @roo Address:_ @?unl po ,n,< Legal Description: Lot - Block- - Filing - owners Name: P. Splqf '* Rl=loo--S Address , fu ht 2'?& va, L en.{/)'i}A Architect: SrDFE Address:pn&-?efu GeneraL Description:a work ctass: [ ]-New 1yJ-art"..tion [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accomnrodation Units: Nunber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances -cas Logs - Wood/Pellet ********************************** VALUATIONS ********************************* BUTLDTNG: *@*0a PLUMBING: ] Toe ELECTRICAL: MECHANTCAL: **** ***** * *** ** * * * * * * * * *^*r* * * qorylRAcToR Mechanical Address: General contractor: Address: _ Electrical contractor: Address:BOY. Plumbing C ntractor: Address: cLEAr{ IIP DEFosIt REFITND ro: CJOr'rS W yW' 75 routh frontage road Ydl. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 to: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlty devclopment ALL CONTR,ACTORS CIRRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TowN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMI NITY DE\rEIppIrtENT MARCII 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sumrnaryr.Ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash dunpsters, portable ioileti andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publ.ic PI?9e or any portion theieof. The right-of-way on aI1 Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavenent.This ordinance wiII be strillly enforcld, by the Toin of Vailry!|ic works Department. persons found violating this ordLnancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnaterl.ar.In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puLfic l{orksDepartment will remove said mateiial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snltt not bLappli-cable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fuIl, please stop by the To\.rn ofVail Building Department to obtain I copy. tlrank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledcred bv:acknowledged by: (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 louth front.ge rord utll, color.do 81557 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 oftlca ot communlty d.volopmant BUILDING PERI.'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this penllt requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engi neeq^ "s..(.Pybl ic works ) reyiew and approval,' a planni ng' oepartrnentreview or,Health Department review, and-a review by the 6uiliing Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as l6ngas thfee weeks;. A]l comnnerci al (l arge or sma'l I ) and al I mu'l ti -fami ly permi ts wi I Ihave tq follow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residentialand-small projects shou'l d take a 'l esser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects inpact the various above mention6d departments wrlth regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so tal(e the three week period. Every attempt wi.I1 be made by this departrnent to expedite thispennit as. sgon as possi.ble. !, the under5igned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. tL,0, Pi^oject Mme Corrnuni ty Development Department. $ rt1 .8 .( tvl \$ n.G(} L.I"Jc) Lr-Lr-o t..\ \9 |'rl '{\{ =:U UJ \r_ a- g o'g 3 € ao pl 3:(.1 I \l or.'.) cl) (-1)ta F<-)blo: P-ttr E:6 --l r|l) L-, I cr.\ . t ..-_g- '-i :l III Lo rEr IEt= CP =(D.rE =c) :r cf-39 Jq t\ \I. I I \ u,F f. {LS€-\N :$ ofc 3:s I s$.H f;EgH g -E;g E }P'i oo 2e-1';b -(.i a (,t:' 9: 1V .-t rt lLo INSPECTION ) t, ' il,{r , ( i, ii,l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT , ,TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oora I ,'' 1./ i ti.ioe Nrelte i READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER /TUE*. UtL WEP / THUR FRI AM ,', PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr D tr tr c UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D,W,V. ROUGH i WATERtr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI o tr tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR N FINAL /ppnoveo -f ,i tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,i, 1 ' :t ' (. q'q / , ', ! /e:,t . TOWN OF VAIL ./'i .: ..,' i ll .:) ( 7 *-'*.' PERMI DATE ' j'f BER O ECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSP,^ECTION: l-.1 !/L WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - D tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ,FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB - tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: 1t.tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE November 22, 1993 Tor^rn of Vall Communlty Development 75 gouth Frontage Road, WestVa1l, Colorado 81657 RE: Plumblng Permlt To Whom It May Concern: Velley Wlde Plunblng & Heatlng, Inc. has been asked to pLumb a nestbath 1n Hollday House Unlt *32. The ceneral Contractor 1s"Cablnets for You" wlth a Town of Vall llcense #4098. The plumber on the pernlt ls Beaver Creek Plumblng *M1 -p. The pernlt 1s f6498.Please swltch the permlt to read Valley Wlde plunblng & Heatlng,fnc. (fN31-P). We $r1I1 be plumblng thls Job. Thank you, futM^":MThomas S. D'f,goetlno, PresldentValley Wlde Plumblng & lleatlng, Inc. P.O. BOX 5080 r AVON, COLORADO 81620 r (3C|(l) 9491747 . FAX (3&t) W-71U eU ffi?abuc Wafl-$' ]l-t€r{J.{N y6c$MrW APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN' A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF.WAY "THIS FORM CANNOT BE REDUCED (Please type or print)Fence Wall K Landscaping other x -x- DATE laapcg rt, r qqr OWNER OF PROPERTY nolrpav uousn colqo NAME OF APPL]CANT HoLIDAY HoUSE col'IooIarltruffi hotbAhA}A(oqb B \o)14otoo HT'U IA l-{ 00 HAL$la\crc)H:r c)(oOq)\:? r*.Hot5'.A C) .sF h] * ADDRESS LEGAL DESCR]PTION OF PROPERW TO BE SERVED: LOT A.B.c BLOCK SUBDIVISION FILING 2 vV(lf necessary, attiach doscription on separate sheet). Comer lot Inside lot xx DESCRTPT|ON OF STRUCTURE OR |TEM(S) INTO R|GHT-OF_WAy: RoeK FAeEn pT,ANTER BUILT IN SUMMER, 1992 ANDJ)ROPERTY IDENTI- SIGNAGE, Atlach plans showing encroachment, property line, sidewalks, curus, intares, rrvorantq meters, manholes, any oher affected appurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned) and section(s) as weil as elevations (if appticabte). Does structure presently exist? yns Proposed date for oommen@ment of construction ln consideration of the issuance ol a revocable permit for the structure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described.2. That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application.3' That the applicant shall notify the Town Manger, or his duly authorized agent, twenty- four hours in advance ol the time for commencement of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town.4. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents from and against all liability, claims and demands on account of Injury, loss or damage, lncluding without limitation claims arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, diseass, death, properly loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with api ';tant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in wLiii ) or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission,eri, professional enor, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicanl his contractor or subcontractor or any otficer, employee or representative of the applicant, his contractor or his subconfactor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to provide delense lor and detend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all other expenses relating thereto, including court costs and atomey's fees, whether or not any such liability, claims, or demands alleged are groundless, talse, or fraudulent. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this paragraph 4. Applicants turther agrse to release the Town of Vail, its otficers, agents and employees from any and all liability, daims, demands, or actions or causes of actons whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to tre applicant or to the applicant's property oqYoFF. *RbOc}r Notb ooo o aoscr ci 9 VATL RD., VAIL 9. 10. 5. caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees while engaged in ) maintenan@ or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or righb-oFway. That the permit may be revoked whenev€r it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use ol the dght-of-way by the public, constitutes a tralfic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is reguired for use by the pubtic; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sutficient by the Town ol Vail. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structJre within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the sncroachment on the right-oFway. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within len days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have lhe right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in lhe same manner as general to(es are collec,ted. That the applicant has read and understiands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. Special conditions: nature of Property Orner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) AS AGENT FOR THE OWNER 504499 B-608 P-418 05/07,/93 15:47 PG2OF5 6. 7. 8. Date IIOLIDAY HOUSE AT VAIL Sign Variance AppHcation Site Plan iProperty Line Driveway Sign Location Rtc'DFEil i 5t99J Sign Location tion: EastAilest VAIL ROAD a4{ 1,- Prop Orie 504499 8-608 P-418 05/07/93 15:47 PG3OF5 --t./ . ., - LOT .4 STORY ,THE HOLIOAY SCLi f ; scaLE I : '; t;t'q' 'n'x2 \- 6!-iE'3'I l.r,rorr oti la t:lLtlus -{ t J6.OO'ti !;i 0O :o \' i. !.rrn I. i\a:.". I R.t'r' riJiortd!. .1., li4.aDy 4t!iilr 'urde. trY lu!,?rvlalon and It|provoa€nt!. cncroachlranta eoFr.a:! !o thc b.c! 0l try kn. lnfofl|.!ton lnltt'tlounl6in conrllIrlnirt raF fo. TllE l|o! 9..c 936. Rac.;ilon !lo. 135?!1 (].$t |n t€c0t0ci'3 cttIIFlCtlE! lhlr Pl.t nt tll.d to. trcod l|,| tif o'alocl i.. frf0Dr€srstrgg ) I I 3olo N ti it c? o J q !ool-' h9.- PG4 e. i, i-- i ! t: 504499 8-608 P-418 05/07/93 15:47 oF5 ,'.l. t **NOTE: ALL OF THESE LOCATIONS WERE DONE AND SIGNED DURING il CoNSTRUCTION IN MAY/JUNE, 1992 AND SHOULD BE ON WITH THE TOWN ATTACHED TO THAT BUILDING PERMIT.UTTIJITY IOCATION VERTFICATION SUBDMSION vArL VILAGE FTLING 2 LOTS A,B,C JOB NAl.tE HOLIDAY HOUSE PLANTER IpT A,B,C BI'CK FILING vv 2 ADDRESS 9 VAIL RD. The Locatron of utirities, whether they be nal,n trunk lines orprgp?s?d lines, must be approved and verlfied by the followingutilities for the accornpanying site p1an. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 0r 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary HaIJ. r .. ! i Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5s3 0 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut pennit frornthe Town of Vail, Departrnent of Pub1ic Works and toobtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. Abuildinq pernit is not a street cut oermit. A streetcut permit nust be obtained separately. This forn is to verify service availabillty andlocation. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedulinginstallations. * PleaEe bring a site plan when obtaining upper Eagle Valleyllater & Sanitation signatures. i I 5T44gg 8-609 P-418 05/0?/93 15:4? PG 5 oF 5 " 4b ?u'bui,,- I,rJa(E TlicN TD.^/N MnrNn z, I APPLlcATloll FoR REvocABLE PERMIT ro EREcr oR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT.OF.WAY 'THIS FORII CANNOT BE REDUCED (Please type or pdnt)Fence Wall Landscaping T- Other -J- DATE r',rapcH er, I qqr OWNER OF PROPERW Hor.rpev Housg coND NAME OF APPLICANT HoLIDAY ITouSe c ADDRESS LEGAL DEscntplor.r oF pnopeRw ro BE sERVED: LOT e.s.c BLOCK SUBDIVIS]ON JILTNG 2 w(lf necessary, attach descripllon on separate sheet). Comer lot Inside lot-xx __ 4,1,t.l ,.r{\ .ru'r\fcy *tly la <rtDOFA}A(o\b.w!l\OJta<)EAttl5b IAr-. 0o F3R\t! \i.r\Oqr E*H(rl.q..A C) :rF. FJF FI DESCRTPTTON OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S) |NTO R|GHT-OF_WAy: ROEI( FACEN PT.ANTFR BUITT IN SUMMER, 1992 AND PROPERTY IDENTI- SIGNAGE, Attach plans showing encroachment, property metsrs, manholes, any oher affected appurtsnance in tire project area (to scale or dimensloned) and section(s) as well as elevailons (if appticabte). Does structure presently exisl? vrs Proposed date lor @mmenoement of construcilon In conslderation ol the issuance of a revocable permlt for the structure above Indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the struclure herein authorlzsd on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to hs land above described.2. That the permit is limited specifically to ths type of slructure described in his application.3. That the applicant shallnotify the Town Manger, or his duly authorizsd agent, lwonty- four hours ln advance of the time for commencement of conslruction, In order that ' propgr Inspection may be made by the Town.4- The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents from and against all liability, claims and demands on account of InJury, loss or damage, Including without limitation claims arising lrom bodily InJury, personal injury, sickness, diseas€, death, property loss or damige, or any iltn6r lbss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are In any manner connected wlflapi :ant's activities pursuant to this permit, il suctr injury, loss, or damage ls caused inwl:i,;] or In part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, thC ac{, omlssion,er ' , prolessional enor, mistake, negligence or olher fault of ihe adpficanl hls @ntructor or subcontraclor or any officer, employee or representialivb of the appllcant, his contractor or his subcontractor. The appll'cant agreesto investigale, handie respond to, and to provide defense lor and defend against, any such liaHllty, claims, or demands at the sole sxpense of tre applicant. The appticant itso agrees tA bear ati ottler expenses relating thereto, lncluding courl costs ard attomey's iees, whether or not any such liability, claims, or demanG alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. Applicant agrees to procure and malnlain, at its own cost, a policy or poticies ol Insurance sufficienl to ensure against all llability claims, OemanAganO other obllgations assumsd by the applicant pursuant to this paragraph 4. ! 8ati F.o*8bOqrt tsorbtEs a oooc) CQ 5. caused by the Town of Vall, lts offfcers, agenb and employees whlle engaged In malntenance or snow removal acdvlffes or any other activites whatsoovsr on Town of Vail propsrty, sfEets, sldewalks, or righb-of-way. That the permlt may be revoked whenever lt ls determined that the oncroachmsnt, obstucUon. or olher struduro constltutes a nulsan@, destroys or lmpalrs the use of the dght-oFway by the public, constllutes a traflic hazad, or the proporty upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or sfucture axlsts ls required for use by the puUlc; or lt may be rerroked at any tlme for any reason deemsd sufficient by the Town of Vall. That th6 appllcant wlll remove, at hls expense, the encroachment, obstructon, or slructtre withln len days after recelving notice of any revocation of sald permlt. That the appllcant agrees to malntaln any landscaplng associated wltr the encroacfiment on the fuht-of-way. That In the svsnt sald removalof thg sncroacfiment, obstruction, or strucfiire ls not accompllshed wlthin ten days, the Town ls hereby authorlzed to remove same and have the right to make an assessmont agalrct the property and collec.t the costs or removal In the same manner as gensral ta(es are collectsd. That lhe applicant has read and understamls all of the terms and conditons set lortr In thls appllcatlon. Speclal condltlons: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. of Property Orner (lf lolnt o^rnerchip, both slgnalures) AS AGENT FOR THE OWNER e1 c? C)() 8.ZY1Z Date 5044gg 8-608 P-418 O5/O?,/93 15:47 PG2OF5 HOLIDAY IIOUSE AI VAIL Sip Variance Application Site Plan i-Property Line ai. Sign Location East/West YAIL ROAI) Sign Location 504499 B'608 P-418 05/07,/93 15:47 PG3OF5 L0'r ,IIE HOLIDAY HAJS,,E' i l:-l- , ,. ,i.,/.J I I firti iil rtl i ii irt' fr$D / *1'39,--. m;#"II sotft ,cllt:' sru-a t cr)o j s q!49.-gguB::LcgEg!r!E. Ittlr ?l.t r! tlld tor rr3-d It ti! o'.loct -!. '-- llq. t: l: :i';:,f;ffi,, \tt\a\)9o\ct mto-.l' ' lw :' r'i'rt ! 't d.'!1' 6't' 2 ','i 6:'25' j' : ) i,,.ptr lrtL n 4Ltw \ , 3c'oo':5" ,r5 oo t - i. U.trn l ii.:.i. t ite,n' !i)lo!!d1,. .Jo har+o9 c.rlift I undcr ry tulcrvialon .nd llrplovaraan!!. cncloacl4ntl .oraact !o iha t!a!t ot 3t l.lc tnlor'ftatlon lnttr_Xounl.in 4oado.lnl(r |.9 fo! fllB Hol P . 93a. &rccDtion Io. l$?t' 504499 8-608 P-418 05/07/93 15:47 PG4OF5 I **NOTE: ALL OF THESE LOCATIONS WERE DONE AND SIGNED DURINGcoNsTRucTToN IN MAY/JUNE, 1992 AND sHoULD BE oNWITH THE TOWN ATTACHED TO THAT BUILDING PERMIT. SUBDMSIqN VAIL VTLAGE FILTNG 2 LoTS ArBrc JOB NAI'iE HOLTDAY HOUSE PLANTER IOT ArErC TILING YV 2 ADDRESS 9 VAIL RD. The rocatLon of utllltles, whether they be nal.n trunk rl.nee orpr?p?ggd 1lnes, must be approved and v'eririea-uv-[rt" roiiowrngutlllties for the acconpairying site plan. Public Servlce 949-5781 Gary Hal,l : Conpany .:-. ! i U.S. West ConrmunLcations 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Authorized Sionature Date availablllty andin conJunctlon wlth scheduling ) ) HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Mlchael Laverty Heritage Cabl-evision T.V. 949-5s3 0 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitatl.on District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee c? €NorEs These veriflcatlons do not relieve the contrastor ofhis responsibillty to obtaLn a street cut permit fronrthe Town of Vail, Department of public Works and too9tain qtilltv locations before dLqolnq Ln any publlcright-of-$ray or easement in the Totfi of Valf.- itbuildinq,permit ls not a street cut oernit. A ltreetcut permit must be obtained separately. This forrn is to verify serrricelocation. Thl-s should be usedpreparing your utillty plan andinstallations. r_ PleaEe brlng a el.te plan when obtal.nlng Upper Eagle ValleyWater & Sanitation aignatures. 504499 8-608 P-418 05/07/93 75:47 PG5OF5 t^A I Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: lQr tb Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Com menls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Staff Approval ?t r :r)b.t ( +f/oOtSt\b \lAKiA(N Le weD@-gE R[C'OF[Li 151993 I.This procedure is reguired for any project reguesting a Variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is subnitted. NAME OF APPLICANT Hrrr.rnAv Horrsl: eoNnoMrNrrrM assoerarroN ADDRESS o \7Arr. Rn PHONE 47q-71OO NA}{E OI' APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATM RRrrcn crr.r.rEr pTNNACLE RESoRTi ADDRESS P.o. BOx 2992' VAIL pHONE 845-9430 c.NAI{E OF A. B. SIGNATURE ADDRESS 3*-"'tz-PHoNE 5h. z D.IPCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 9 VAIL RD, VAIL, CO LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN Lot L.B.(Block - Filing 2 E. FEE. $zoo.oo II. fwo (2) copies of the following information: A. A statement of the precise nature of the variance requested, the regulation involved, and the practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardshj.p inconsistent with the objectives of this title that would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation. B. A site plan showing aII existing and proposed features on the site, and on adjoining sites if necessary,pertinent to the variance reguested, including site boundaries, required setbacks, building locations and heights, topography and physical features, existing sign J.ocations, proposed sign tocations and any related data. C. Such additional materia1 as the zoning adninistrator nay prescribe or the appJ.icant rnay subnit pertinent to the application. D. Sign Application conPleted. III . Tlne Requirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the rnonth. An application with the necessary accornpanying naterial rnust be subrnitted 4 weeks prior to the date of Lhe-neeting to allow for publishing requirements' zltqc3 Am Cfffuication pags FEBRUARy_.1 5, .1 ee.3 cl'l APPLICATION 'uno;, aqx Fq uoTxecTtTxou to strep gg uTt{lT,'t luec11dde aq1 ,{q utloJ, aql ol pTed aq TTEr{s 1uec11dde aql Iq PaprenroJ lunoure aql Jo ssacxa uT uAoI aql ^q parrncuT sasuadxg 'luecTTddp at{l 01 paurnlar aq lTeqs luelTnsuoc aqX o? pled uaaq ?ou a^eq q3Tqr luelTnsuoc aql fo Xueru(ed :o; 1uecl1ddeaql ,{q papren:ot spunf aq1 Jo Fue 'luexTnsuoc aql Iq uolleclldde aq? lo llaT^ar aql Jo uollalduroc uodg 'luaurl:edao luauldoTarraq d11unu.ruro3 aq1 qlTA uo11ec11dde sTq safTt aq ouJTl aql 1e luecyldde aql ,{q urog, aq1 01 pap:e$roJ aq TTeqs aunoue sTql pue raq ro u1q ded o1 r(:essacau Iauour Jo lunoue aq? aleurTlsa TTeqs 1T 'lupxTnsuoc epTslno ue a:1q ,(eut luaudolaaaq ,(lTunururo3 aq1 'uoTlec11dde ,{ue r,ralnar 01 papaau sT lue?Tnsuocaptslno uE lEq? JIEXS ur.ro? aqx ,{q apEur aq uoTltuTutralap B PTnoqs 'ttEls uAo1 uer{l raqlo sluEltnsuoo ,{q na;nar a:1nbar Feu .(llununroc aq1 uo lcedruT 1uec131u61s p aleq i(eu qclqn sanssT :aqlo ro asn puel 'u61sap 1ueclg:1u61sa^pq ol fuau?:edaq Suaurdolarraq FllunuroC aqf, Iq paureap suo11ec11ddg '1uec11dde aqx ,{gpled aq Tfpqs uoTtEoTTqnd-a: qcns :oJ aaI arT?ua aqX ,ueql ,paqsllgnd-ar aq oX ralXElu aq1 6ulsnec '6u1:eaq :o; pauodlsod s1 ralXeu ,{ue ,lsanbar s,1uec11dde aq1 lE 'tt 'aet uoT?€c11dde ar{X to tOS to ssaoxa uT are r{cTrlri saa;l 6ulqsTTqnd ,(ue 6u1tred rof afqTsuodse:r aq TTeqs 1uec11dde aqg go sdro3 .{rurs ,s1lu:ad ssaccv Aeaqols to luaunrpa"o op?1Xr;3t:.T;31;ff? elou arE lnq ,apnTcul r(anr,AaTAar qcn8 Jo saldrexg .00.OOZS Iqpesnarcu; eq TTEr{s aay uoTlrcyldde aql ,TTeA to ur.ro& eql uErtl raqXo Icua6r- Trrepad:o alels ,fEcoT ,{ue,(q AaTAar ale:edae e sarynbar,uoylrclldde sTql fl . TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Lhl,l"t lb"'t'',I MEMORANDUM Community Development Staff\Larry Eskwith Shelly Mello February 24, 1993 The location of signs (business i.d., menu box, etc.) within areas that are permitted under revocable right-of-way permits or deck leases On February 23, 1993, I spoke with Larry Eskwith concerning a staff question. This question was in regards to the location of off-site signs. In this discussion, we reviewed a number of scenarios including that of the Holiday House. lt was Larry's response that if, in fact, a sign is located on a portion of land that is in the public right-of-way, but is under a licensing agreement such as a revocable right-of-way permit or a lease agreement, that the sign can be localed off-site without a sign variance. The following are the items that need to be considered in reviewing Signs of this type: 1. The portion of land where the sign is located must be ggouous to the property which the sign is being used for; 2. The property must be under some type of lease agreement, either revocable right-oFway or a deck lease; and 3. The property must be allowed to have a free standing sign. lf it is found that the request meets the conditions discussed above, then the application should be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department prior to the DRB approval of the sign. In the case where an applicant wishes to locate a sign off-site on a piece of land, not contiguous to the property, then a variance must be obtained to locate the sign off-site. An example of this would be the Chart House menu box. This menu box, while located near the property to which the business was located, was not contiguous to the premises ol fte building. lt was located on Town of Vail property and a separate lease agreement had to be completed in order to locate the sign. ciz ts =G, uJo- o \o (.n IJJ uJl! ts =El!o- e.l o\ ttl zzE FT F u Jd<rdoztrzb3otrrz=-\JZ = [lJIF UJF F eF = (' =z ut uJFoz oz 6J co .6 o =z Crutz3o u.l? oz t!J uJo E oIt o Eo.c g ll ag .(J CLo,q, cr'g or ato(, (il .E Robt o g 6 oooo o)c! fo c o =cl Eo g o.o.6 '.g E c .9oo g;oooo c .9 .t2 E.oJo tttr(! o lt€ \o\ c, o CD .gE o(, 6 Ef If at ,9E s l! o !,c 6 '(! q) 6 q, Ec G oo(,c6 Eo tr 'oF 6c =3 o' c(!a o o. oclg c .9 6 E o qtE Ez3 ct Eo o o Eo6 oEE'5E E8 c.12.9o =0,:r-F'5ps cL;s5oo =!tc.>-c9'- o. EE EErFo cg ee;q!Et SE 5* E6ooLC Odi;-c6 -E605E' arPlt 1! of =Eo6 t6(Eg >.9oo !r, o,(DEr,o -() B cn rrl Itl t-t B tl.l Ft u,/ zoJ I uJ-oz J F u,J uJ z to =J J 9z C) LU = UJ uJl!zoF uJc() uJ e, o co 3 uJ z 6u,o Eaao ulo o- z uJJ x F ulo atul IJJl! = =oa IJJ o- J FoF (,z 4 @ IEFottlJ UJ oz = ) z o uJ- NOtrvn'lvA I I I = ls,>E IF:;;lE fur.q1". =loNl EuOF = rrl2zu-ao oo 3 B =;3<t A E:5a 8:Pe o,-rii #iiB ZZrNgFt \f 4 rn(\| q F\ }(X (n N HHz zo F { u- CE c UJo- F \o E o- UJ J z E a Ezfz9a <Qo< =PR!rdo<z at2,. 9="iF .,-6 =tr ut J (o IJJzY-F z F l z I z 2 I ) 3 F uJ t! 3 tt) l_,rl<l|-l zl zl .. >l uJ UJ uJzot = UJ o- J zItr oz F!> Jo lil; lt;,; I& = tr uJ 3uJz tr{ F{ cl @9co3tr) = Nc'\o\ a z u.l E @.oo?zo Fo. UJY llJ @ oFt =Eut o- ll-o o-oo I ulFoz zo.A&ra !i zz. nloo < =z>-= o,dE )+,---- -XILJLlI J "dg =F3=ot-r -': t!6il= = Hl! 7l!6vE3o9262e9tt ir EE =>.=uJi-E b=o o-- E: >o-E 8bE io-'E ;taul €; Ho rm\J/E -D-- "lt IJJF o E =Elrt o-zo l-of E, 6zoo an H .A Ff Itlu) I HFl u; =zo -) 6 I H Ff E ltl =z FJH o\ (t) ll. o- FfH E =tr a II c = = tr ; z .'i u, J t!qz3o F =c o out J a u-qz3oF =tr *l I 3-t I J olutl 5l >l ttloz3IF {rc)ro\o I <.ir o\ I il =q lr oz o UJE J u-oz =oF G tr l ol =.1(' uJl 5l <l>l ttloz 3lolFI IJJJulF' UJz = Fo uJ =f E <FG()uJ<ZFLll F(rzoo J 9EF ul ul E, f, , J ozo = d r J ) 3E =39,= =g (r *ir =l--o2 O <o(4 at7rir lllJO nlD '{l } } I'{EX.{ORANDttM TO:FrLE FROM:CHUCK FEIJDMANN DATE: FBBUARY 22, 1995 SUBiIECT: EXPIRED PERMITS THIS FILE HAS BEEN CLOSED AIiID THE PERMIT VOIDED. ACCESS TO THIS PRoPERTY TIIRU REPEATED REQUESTS OF THE CoNTRACTOR HAVE FAILED. fNFORMATTON HAS COME TO THE APTENTION OF THE BUIITDING DEPARTI{EI{tr THAT GEORGE CARR A.K.A. CARR PIJUMBING & HEATING HAS IJEFI TOWN AND }IAS ABANDONED HIS BUSINESS lllF o coF EFU' =Io I I I I I I I I I I I I I uJEFoz lt rlo =I G P Eocl|t =o P H {,I!{e F.F zt (J o 0 os .cll6g ctc\! "Bi58NC' ,rE €€s9g-E PE E€ EoocD oE =ttgEis crOE= EJ EEsg Iroca!t' sr "g EE ID ooIttrooooaoc Eo 'oF € -ogi Es. Ea-cr9o!c6ortC E_9 -^G EEageE -oPo-Zz. E'o>o= EFpd<o EoEEo arto6 6.E9c' 5Eo69o:oIro9C.=65tr TE:o !ic;'6.oDFE=9€o.€ 5E =>-ctEEooEq-ogi Es" Ea-cr9o!c6ortCEO --G EEageE -oPo-Zz. E'o>o= FE;8 fieEoEEo.'o6 Eo 5cto co o E ot oE 3 C toto c.o 6() o, Clog E !G E o G.c 6s o CD1' -c 'oET|)o Ilo o tQ. urfi @A{"9 2 6e c.Yoo1>9(J92l!<ogHd;(J-o :tr o4 d uJl 5 ttq z 3iolH oz ciu, .E J Eoz-oF JE oz d lrJ =3lrlq A E oz otG Jflroz3o uJ =zoo z o UJ = zs9z'-<loo =z=tdP o(JzE 9b55 co IIJ SnE.ellJ4 t!o u,o- ts:GllJA|ro EgE5€aIP '9'EE =>EdEF:=;REYIRE6iq €; uJooF DN o =E-E H <\la i..D cttrlqa q UJ o t r,tJ tr @ @o zo Fo. UJY l,uo o E E UJ o- lto coo I UJ oz F lb -IUJ= t:g, lrlfJ l-g zIFo :)EFozoors\ ?,i llt=\z?= YI loun ?l routh tront go ro.d uall, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 oilc. of contnmlly drnlopmonl BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE If thrls p"rylt. requi-res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engi neel's..(.Pgb] ic works ) reyiew and approval,' a pl anni ng' oeparimentrevtew or.Health Department_review, anil'a review by the duitbinj - Department' the estimated tirne for a total review iray take as l6ngas three weelts. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits willhave tq follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnts. Residential and.sma'l 'l projects_should talte a'l esser amount of time. However, lfresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentionid departments. with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso taRe the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possi.b'le. I,, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Comnuni ty Development Departnent. .{ t I 75 roulh frontrgc nord r|ll, colofrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&IECT: offlcc ol conmunlly dcvclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RREICILYL REGISTERED IIITIT THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COUUUNITY DEVEIiPMENT I{ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !,iATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash dunpsterl , portable toiteti andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpf?9" or any portion theleof. The right-oi-way in all Town ofvair streets and.roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be striLlry enforcid by the Town of vailPyPlig works Department. persons found vi6tating this ordinanceltLrr be given a 24 hour written notice to renove sal-d naterial .rn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the- 24 hour tirne specified, the pulfic worksDepart:nent wiLl remove said nateiial at lhe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snitf not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rl_ght-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fuIl, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain i copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read .3nd acknowledged by: //("a-a @ (i.e. contractor, owner) , ,2-- 2'--'^ 's-.Date @ u\hllnnil,vfn,f,,t'l''Px tZiltnt'P"Yw W Ntrytt,obKo f{n a!-0W%fi-wj"eY#4 'H;;,,,jr utu 4,ryfriltt 2D <71ffi ?or,^f" vJw'tllv ')Wo(', Atfi'ry do/Yilt,{rul,.. lJ I'v) 11 aq'n"s, W\u"holuD %trw WtCobotu +t? *x HOLIDAY HOUSE am!rEB 1s$ei November trl992 Town of Vail Communlty Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 " Condmninium Rentdls with dll the feeling of Hotne!' :Z-T. fSt To Whom ltMay Concern: Ttre Hollday llouse Boad of lXrectors, at the Associadon Annual Meedng on July 31' 1992' approved the appHcadons of the followlng units to retrofit Oreir edsdng fireplaces wlth a natrral gas log set: Unlt 10 Parrislt Unit 12 OHver Unit 13 Welner Unit 17 McKnight Untt 19 Merlos Untt2s Watson Untt 34 McCutchen Such approval was recorded in the mlnutes of the meedng and the minutes were approved at the next dlrectors meeting held October tl,l992 Carr Plumbing and Heating was approved as the contractor followlng presentatftrn of proof of valid llabllity and worker's compensadon Insurance and a valld Town of Vail contractor's Hcense. In addifon, the Board issucd blanket approval for any other unlts wishing to accompllsh the same retrofit under the same condldons and stipulations. If you have any quesdom please contact me at E27.52I[. Pinnacle Resort Systems as agent for the Holiday House Coldominium Associadon 9 Vail Road r Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303-479-7100 . 80O-872-7221 C! o CN .t) uJ IJ.J LL = = uJ Q\hy, -J,) l.t B H & H& E F] H frr !!l FT a z F{ o A ts trl H Ft{ rI1r4z o uJF z oz = .6 z z l- FIz: ozz I Vrc)l Fl IoliR,qEl h>l;EIZ i.r r J 'r uJz 3vE |!t!oz.;,3 aEv <FZ r.to2o< o-(!'=o(a*io E8E E.2 n.3o 6EE9F'=: o:i1oc-og,rs =EEd'5 =cY* d.E '3 Ea =:E,rOO .i: ogeg tq: c.=- (E o- .s o- eEE @- o-Egp-(!Cx.a:OE: O (5: EEE teC(!0-c; q)! --co.9-g)iE.c E:E36>. r=E3;8 Bts9E-q)dEEi- o ct) .n cr) CN .ir r| 4 \o r.{.ir Ln C\\o{+ !n (\ F = z Co ) 2 o!J UJ IL z a UJ UJ LLt = LU F F o 3!!tt z(J 6 UJ t. 12 IHlult< lFclzl-IE lF(IBlrtl lz ItsItrlIHt<lo lFf t14w u) FfH FdxHFI D{X BIFI z FI t4& x =oz E() H c z U >t -Io =@N zz io- AXfE9 066z>- OZt!< (!Y-x jN I LLt o o L g J z Eo tr lrlF =Lrlz .. >lo ulo LU UJzoL (r llJ o- J z Eoo l E z (-) IF z F faz =z ttz "'i F do3trOI z Y dlullEl JI <l>ltrlol EI CAr\rn IN-Y(\J *l .ll =l ctl =.1 (51 uJl :l 3l rr-Iol zl 3l FI 14 =u)o Er(nv Ff =E tr I EIrlFl:l I I olzl ologlo,*l FrJl rn?t r>lc.l r,r-l$ol.\ =lFI q) E ?n FC k cn7p Fl tr I I I I I el EI rl<l>l tr-lolzl ,,t3t :ol ut FI F. It^ tvIFlAlF.stltaolo\F4lt!t-cFl IHI<l>l I'l I vN,uJl r-.1 qs -{><trE(J F1lcalFIo! FI<t HI iI =l4 an& FlH |r1 tJ) t't H ui =z z -)tr or e\l(r) I e.l c.)(t z E() .if F\ X ulEoo) = z EI zH zt4 & r.1 Ee tn rn\o I @c{ arl ?l(rl uJlclJI <l>lrrlol zl 3l PI Fl FiH 4 |4& E 5g. E2? =<z.t]Fd6 toF Fz (J z ? UJ = E lt =Ltf Oz E, <F uJ<Z&. t,U F(aZ (J -JE<o(JF t-< ;F =z F LU ='rJ<O<Jn lo oz t =t llJ z =e(Ilo =z Cu- ..i5zxzohr dd= F(ln r-r D4r L__l t -.1 tr tuc :9iE:E<Etloy2E"Je9rra =,r.FJF:r!:-5 b=.r dtr: >o- :OtJ-E oo9 \urE Xtl.t x>oi:.iFcL "io-t* IJ,J E--rxll ftFilx.--F rII I n.- lcu I A r/-''\-6OzoH az Fl B|F{ llJ Fa(Il .l) z F uJY UJo Fol ccIIJ F\o. r-r OE =zvo ,zlH E =E, lrJo-z9l-()f E,Fazo(J Hur 2E is. HqEl'rill1 i*1, HIE iEEgg iiiii c c c z zgo' 'o2-otrA(ztl c.E z (, I >G .'l 3r! E =EGl z2ootr^6:43v,o6b92ta<o*H6-t g cttlc 3 o =o J JJ I I :g o t I F Nh oz ts-c,gJB z :E!00,z5> rdBNtrD sg qH trt- trE |t Eo @o 2o o- uJI gJo o ts =G, UJg l!o o-oo I ul oz oz oJ =@ tr ts.g UJc o UJG IE H o EHt5gaIE '9.EE EiEi EE EEiqid Ho /G. t-^-1(-7ttE\ +/l ll- "z/rEa- s a- ";l -lYI l-l -lrlol UJ o ts =GlrlGzo -F(Jt -E 6zo C) luwn BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this perm'i.t requires a Town of Vai1 Fire Department Approval, Engineer''s (Pub1 ic tlorks) review and approva1 , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial ('large or small ) and all mu'lti-family permits wi'll have to fol'low the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and sma'l 1 projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smal'l er projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so take the threq week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. 75 louth trontrg. road r.ll. colo..do '1057(303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 ofllcr ol communlly dou.lopm.rl \\o\. tr.,,^.. \o\.or^^o Project Name t 1h Dat Communi ty Development Departrnent. \.- ?t .oulh fronl.g! rord r.ll. colo?rdo tl65t (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT: oftlc. of conmunlty drvrlopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLTI, REGISTERED WITII IITE TO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC I'ORKS,/CO!{MT'NITY DEVEIOPUENI MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & T{ATERIAI, STORAGE In sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, lncluding trash dunpsters, portable toilets and worknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publlc place or any portlon thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads J.s approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordinance will be strictty enforced by the Town of VailPublic glorks Departrnent. Persons found violating this ordlnancewill be Eiven a 24 hour written notice to remove eaid naterial .In the event the person so notified does not conply wlth thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specJ-fied, the l'ublic l{orks Departnent will remove said naterial at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, naintenance or repaJ.r proJects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by tlre Town ofVail Bullding Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this uatter. Read and acknowledged by: QgU-^-.^^- (i.e. contractor, ouner) JOB NAME:HOLIDAY HOUSE BOILERS ru0d9r CONTRACTIOR:MARKCII]URCHILL PERMIT#5t27 CONST. ZONE 6 ADDRESS:9 VAIL RD. NO.OFIJMTS 0 PLANNER BETSY NEW SQ,FT.0 TOTAL $9,000 PLANS CHECHER DAN PERIT/IT TYPE ALT ELECTRICAL $0 USE TYPE MF MECHANICAL $125,000 REC.FEERATE 0.00 PLT]MBING $4.000 il OF GAS APPLINCES 0 NESTRICTED NO f OF GAS FIREPI,/\CES 0 # oF wooD sTovE 0 BT]ILDING 135 PLAN CHECK 87.75 ELECTRICAL N/A REC.0 MECHANICAL 2500 DRB N/A PLIJMBING 60 CLEAN I.JP 100 PLI.MB.PLANFEE 15 OTHERFEE MECH.PLANFEE 625 3522.75 luhrn 0 r- INSPECTIONTOWN OF -.]\'\t. REQUEST VAIL t^tr\-\t JOB NAIV1E READY FOR LOCATION: SPECTION:TUES WED dn@ rnr CALLER B o tr o D tr 'tr T1 UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION .sHertnocx tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS - CONDUIT '\O SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORR€CTIONS: tr DISAPPROVE REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOFI S\\,:; {} PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo.,-. \N-\:\ JoB NAM INSPECTION \t. REQUEST TOWN OF CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: NSPECTION:MON TUES @ THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND fl ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER El FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING N INSULATION O SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB tr ELECTRICAL: U TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT i tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED o*, I tr/ /{r/ t/ rNSPEcroR arul rnsPEcrron's CoMPLETEI)!Z Tbe lteus belor need to be couplete before givtng a perult a flnal C of 0. Pleaee checl, off tn the box provided. FINAL PLUOINC a tr DATE:tl PINAL UECBANICAL DATE!l IXPROVEMEM SURVEI RESID. NA}TE' DATE: t_rlNAL ELECTI,ICAL DATE: tX TEMPORART C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE! I I IAIIDSCAPING DT'E DATE: FILE NA}{Es S\S\ N./ ,f -- =-2 7llf',fltPil * v \,r r€vised 6/L8/9L ffirBAUG1gllllir COLORADO I. DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: **tt****t* TTIIS APPLICAEION TfiI,L NOE BE ICCEPIED I'NTIL ALL REQUIRED TNFORIIATION IS SUAUTIIED *******!rt* @: A. DESCRIpTION: Ft_ttg !3pccosrzrang rN CddJtrrJC?zdd tolrn N€d bu.ea SYsr€m Ar tlouonv Ho'ttg TYPE OF REVIEW: Nevr Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20. 00) I Addition ($50.00)conceptual Review (90) C. ADDRESS:q vAr- Ao. B. E. F. D. LEGAL DESCRTPTToN: r,ot -Ll-',3- Block Subdivision If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application.nn zoNrNG : P*$sc f)uo rnmooenottS LOT AREA: If required, applicant must Provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT: Mailing Address: Phbne APPLICANT, S REPRESENTAT Address: NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) : Mailing Address: Phon Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of subnittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the a-cluiate vafuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table be1ow, to ensure the correct fee is Paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ o - $ 1o,ooo $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1' 000,000 APPLIEATION I{ILL BE PROCESSED NAME OF Mailing Phorie (ou J. 1< FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 s200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 I|ITIIOUT OI{NER' S SIGNATURE*NO TIT PRE-APPLTCAT.i{ MEETTNG : A pre-application meet.ing with a member of the planni.ng staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. rn addition to neeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. Al1 site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally reguires two separate neetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approvaL and a final approval . Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minj.mum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting dat,e and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from t'he DRB docket until such time as the iten has been republished. D. ?he foltowing items may' at the discretion of the zoning administratorr be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be reguired): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterj'or changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from any other lot or public space. At the time such a proposal is submitted, applicants rnust include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associatlon approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the j.ssuance of a building pernit. Apblicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to alf mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. CIearIy indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walLs of the building; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supPorting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, aII conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit 1i G. IV. NEW CONSTRUCGN Three copies of a recent topographic survev' stamped bv a licensed survevor, at a scale of 1" = 20t or larger, on which the following information is provided: c. Property lines - distances and bearings and a basis of beari-ng must be shown. d. A11 easements (Tit1e report nust also include existing easenent Locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street' and a minj.mum of one spot elevation on either side of the lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines' Site Plan 1. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site' b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spot elevations must be shown. 2. A11 existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas' wa1ks, driveways, off-street parking, Ioading areas, retaining waLls (with top and bottom.of wa11 spot elevafions), and other existing site imDrovements. I Lot area. Two foot conLour inLervafs unfess the parcel consists of 5 acres or more, in which case, 5f contour intervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diarneters of 4'r or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (Iarge boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ) . Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.)r centerline of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of 40t or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information should be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point. This is particularly irnportant for height measurements. See Policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. Locations of t.he following: a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc. must be shown. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service Lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: h Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water Electric elations qf top ot root rits fwitn existinqand proposed qrades shown underneath). Theseelevations and grades must be provided in orderfor the staff to determine building height. A1lridge lines should be indicated on the iite plan.Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicatedon the slte plan with corresponding finished andexisting grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades nay not exceed 8t unless approvedby the Town Engineer. Landscape Plan (!u = 2Or or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following information must be provided on thelandscape plan. The location of existing 4"diameter or larger trees, the location, iize,spacing and type (common and latin name) of allexisting and proposed plant material . Al.1 treesto be saved and to be removed must also beindicated. The plan must also differentiatebetween existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscape materials 1ist.. 3. The location and type of existing and proposedwatering systems to be employed in caring forplant material following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour Lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the variousdevelopment proposal components, please incorporate asmuch of the above information as possible ont,o the siteplan. D.Siqn off from eaeh utilitv companv verifying thelocation of utility service and availability (see attached) . A prelirninarv title report must accompany allsubmittals, to insure property ownership and locationof -e.Ll. easements on property. Architectural- Plans l!/8,,= !, or larger, 1"/4,'ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. ScaLed floor plans and all elevations of theproposed development. Elevations must show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be "red-l-ined,, to show how the gross residential fl-oor area (GRFA) wascalculated. Reductions of aLl eLevations and the site plan (8-L/2" x t]-") for inclusion in PEC and/or Town Counci.l- mernos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing rnaterials and material colorsshal1 be specified on the attached materials list.This materials list nust be completed andsubmitted as a part of DRB application. CoJ"orchips, siding samples etc., should be present.ed tothe Design Review Board meeting. Zone check list (attached) must be compl-eted if projectis located within the Sing1e-Family, Prirnary/Secondaryor Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent structures. NOTE: F H. r. rhe zon?g Administrator and/ot oJl"v require the submission of additional p1ans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether aproject will comply with Design Guidelines. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and the location (site pfan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submitted in fieu of the more formal requirements set fortb above, provided all inportantspecifications for the proposal including colors andmaterials to be used are submitted. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A.Original floor plans vrith aII specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans I/8" = L' or larger(l/4" = Lt is preferred) Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed constructj-on. Indicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. Elevations of proposed addition. Photos of the existing structure. Specifications for af1 materials and color samples on materials list (attached). At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utilitylocation verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report' to verify ownership ofproperty, which fists all- easements. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building pernit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department, will schedule a framing inspection' two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a regisLered professional engineer must be subrnitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: Building location(s) with ties to proPerty corners, i.e. distances and angles. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. A11 utility service fine as-buifts, showing type of materiat used, and size and exact location of lines Drainage as-builts. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. vr D. VII B. D. E. F.A11 property pins arestated on improvement A11 easements. Building floor elevationswith existing and proposed Lines. to be either found or set and survey. and all roof ridge elevations grades shown under the ridgeH. A.SUbmittal Tequireme+tg: The owner or authorized agent -of aly project requiring design approval as prescribedby this chapter may subrnit plans for concepti:al reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department ofConrnunity Developnent. The conceptual review isintended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compat.ibility of their proposal with the Town, sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedorimarily -for applications more complex than single-famlly and two-family residences. However, deveiopersof single-family and two-family projects siall not beexcluded from the opportunity Lo request a conceptualdesign review. Complete applications must be sutmitted10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meetJ.ng. The folLowing information shaIl be submicted for ;rconceptual review: 1. A conceptuaL site and landscape plan at a rninimumscafe of one inch equals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior materialsand a description of the character of the proposedstructure or structuresi 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies h'ith the development standards of thezone dj-strict in which the project is to belocaLed (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations,nunber of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application forconceptual design revj-ew, the Department of CommunityDevelopment shall review the submitted material_s forgeneral compliance with the appropriate reguirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basiccompliance with the zoning code reguirements, theproject shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, theapplication and submittal materials shall be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whythe Community Development Department staff has foundthe project not to be in compliance with zoning coderequirements. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB shall review the subnitted conceptualreview application and supporting material in order todetermine whether or not the project generally cornplieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote onconceptual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shall be present at the DRB hearing. B. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME oF pRoJEcr z HottaAv llc..,rta F ue F^tctostte€ LEGAL DESCRIPT]ON: LOT2r3 ETOCX suBDrvrsroN lV fi utat'Z STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:€u cuos crQ-€ A. The following information is Review Board before a final. BUILDING I4ATERIALS: Roof Si.ding Other Wal1 MateriaLs Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings /'r1^.i--^..^vrrllLrrrEyij Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT MATERTALS: PROPOSED TREES required for subnittal to the Designapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR-- tNIA *'nlr. r, lV lt+ Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size* B. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *fndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indi.cate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. Designer: Phone: I., PLANT MATERIES: BoIanical Name PROPOSED SHRUBS co**olv"*. Ouantitv Size* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate sj-ze of proposed shrubs. Minimun size of shrubs is5 qallon. Tvpe Sguare Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD D tili u TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimmingpoo1s, etc.) Pl.ease specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of waLls elsewhere on the propertyis 5 feet. UTILITY TOCATION VER]FICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the foLlowing utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-198? 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-5?81, Gary HaI1 Holy Cross ElecLric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-ss30 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Val1ey Water & Sanitation District * 4-16-7 480 Fred Hasfee NO?E: These verifications do not refieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqing in any public ;lght-of-way ox easement in the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availability and location. Tbis shouLd be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. o SFR DATE: LEGAI DESCRIPTION: LOt ZONE CHECK FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRI Block FiIing ocrs ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SrZE Allowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed Total Helght ToIAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks +g- + 425 Front Sides Rear 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) / water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining wal] Heights P ark ing Garage Credit Drive: 3'/6' view Corridor Encroachment: Yes Environmental/Hazards: l-) 2',) 3) Reqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200) Permitted Slope -!IL Actual SloPe Date approved by Town Engineer: No Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfallc) Debris Flow 4) wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check proPerty file) Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the aflowed 250 Addit.ion is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Prinary/Secondary which are less than l5r0b0 sq. ft. in area may nor construct a second dwelling unit. The community Development Departnent may grant an exception to _thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under sections 18.i2.090(B) ana rb-13-o8o(B) of the Municipal code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-tern rental unit for full- tirne employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 1n o w@t> FfZAtii;i'9;u-e+oVf- Ol+\\WptNtgj'TOfnA:rz*-rWtlliib r-_'---- s,r7f . c.l+- > MFw i a,A. e? u)rrJ-ct*ttrE uh t nrtllA.t-t2 unA|$TA lN mrhtr}lurn Cl.t1Atr${Ge6 .----.- 't? ol.g'r13ilY ?ut9 *<ffiEr al?P^'tf,tNQ, Cawtry. +k4'et{@Lou) Htt,.r?t\?.J> Wt\f ^PI pve^lr f, @rl-tf Ncr4i'?fr" 'r{*rF{ l\VCre C, .-r,."=.4 -1" ,-E--ri{-Trnv.*., 9j C..,3artl?u'' a t-"-- 1r,-", +ffi[J A t t V*€EDc'Ar :l-.-_-r -.-- -.t- 'diveae cs:' +f ro e*t ,,4 ouTalFtl FrttlE.r9(oN9 FLUE ENCL Vd 'l'o' . ..,...-*+"'rr{*lh4*sr{*{*i*fl -:ITu c{.a -v 4ffi 1-,r*') AffiE f-:-1t:-::+ ^ t-:ll-'n/\'l:rll:ll - t-- t,t_- -\LEJl;=li t--I muw / ?,A. oe ENr.t^crflr?E tth I nt rDAr-TZ2 tDlN!,lTA lN rmryrt$4um C].CzLgya66 1? @lt vFrirt ?w9 Wr e*pAmtlllg.(amar. +"(.4'er{a.ou) +.t)n:c/.p'.--_i, bF!''tblt?D /e+.ta *P I Bve;ri- ul@p&t-tnt?Au-q=oVp-tplefitarppt,Jig)'m t\A1?,lr wJ.;ni,iQ, r-_'--- QtcArXtf uo(d?fr? rF==r tF7= r :: (!| :-Q/:! '?...i.._!.-.-J Xi+.iL-+-r -----r ----- -,t !,ffirP /5-C'--tNrTltet,{,|b Cj an :rrrrti.H-' ,A C.ru".-a1, ,a t t^/*eEDo,Sr o('tglPer, IrtFnE;Ltg(oNg NGKffidR,E DET L 6r:Veao aF;- lrf'3 v*t FLUE .;rr..{\r,.1 "lr.ilff4r . |'d,t i:- --*-- -ai-d.-$.-t4*r*a Vd - l'o' T\'r:A3q.'T1;F?'aFr]7.- {rr Proiect Name:f+ /',.!-"^," lt '/"Project Application Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: PF t f/) F- a.-J rla.t-' Town Planner o^,", tfztlq /{.t"t Approval August 7rl99l The Town of Vail Building Department 75 S. Frontage Rd. VaiI, Co 81657 re: New Boiler System I LIDAY HOUSE a HO "ConilonifiumRe als rllith a'll the feehry sf Hone:' 3za f,vt trg0 AUG 1919gtr ToWhomlt May Concern: In the annual meeting of the Holiday House Homeowners Association held on July 13' 1991 the members of the association voted to approve the construction of a new boiler system for heat and domestic hot water for the Holiday House at Vail. The fotlowing contractors have been hired to perform the work according to plans presented to the association. Yoder Engineering Avon, CO Lunsford Brothers Mechanical, Inc. GrandJunc{ion, CO Please cooperate with thern in obtaining necessary applications and permits. Please contact me if you have questions or need further information. Pinnacle Resort Systemg Ltd on behalfof The Holiday House Condominium Association A Colorado Corporation 9 Vail Road . Vall, C.olorado 81657 . 3O3-479-7LOO . 8OO-872-7221. oz t =E UJ.L o U'' uJ UJ TL L =c UJ tffit aye eesvt c'\o\ o\ (9p M FH BHxXtit FfFI Ei HE lc'r,q lu'\ tu.t c-,1 IF ,* Ltr< ,Fl< F.l6E E>:oFi 2= jca = u.tF o l- FIz = zz BI z (9z = dl .6 z 2 Fl zH Hv FfFl F' x (J F]& :,t-r <lr{zl (.) rI1tt)l<l IIJ I HI F.'l z dA z FiBH u)z FH (-) H fqH u) LL tro r oIL o o z o Eo UJz3OE r! llloZ;3(rv <FZa 9.>.h< o o oo(!I E\c { o (5 = R 3 (U oO ==o E =l -;o o (! =.9 o) 8.96EET'c-(uU) ;(! EE(!a ..= ap'6' 6.X c!t€ P6 -Dt'- (o 15o't.s>5AN E-oac()'oos -o o- ol -.9-Ewo C()g3 9qr .E: o-o'E.o !.C 'l- p >'=O.! o+oooce(!,o -@ob:6 .:: o E o Fo E ; .--J -> CL Eoo o oo q) 6 E:E6'5E F6 c,9o-'F Y.9sF'=Xq;@cL'-oo,o :6 =o.j'; c9r'- o'Ecoo'=o(Eoc >o CC =y o(5 di(g €g-(!E6oo O(gi;-c(!-a(!0 oglr, (!E:E8o6 tc6E >.9tt q)9a e5 -(J 1/1 c7') @ o ElX c.l\o g E = IIJ oz .J :O uJ oz J o F r.u.J UJ z = ) . IIJ tJ,lu/ltz tr uJ uJ 6 o =UJt uJ z 6 IJJ F ul fz J x F uJof (n UJ uJtl. E =E UJo- F z !l J F ul oz = =I()u,: NOTMtVA z N F2 FIF 2 Fl J o = z tr.La {IJo J ]uz UJ =>E __(r, 3tn.S = ccl N zz99F^a XfAOo =9,no =^<)2r!< v= o-!{ FO.ini |rI(aFo H l-l r-] t:{ Hz & It{ zH VFl B t-l z tr f {r+ E c o uro- F o rn E IJJ G Rtg z Eo z tr E u.t BllJz lllll =zf,zQatruJ<oo<ol =gRtr5o<z <t) tr2 9= E('3dOI llll) a uJz 9IF f- 2 F 5oz ; J 3 lll --ll o IE:I iIlI ||ti c lj sl: -]' ' eli EaF t--f, a J</i.-l zl z .. >l UJoqJ llJzoF a.tu z Eoo z F I h H H cr)to O 44 ,?2 /I /b IIJ Fo @o-) zo F(L IJJY uJ dl F F *o_uJ orlJ- cht|- -lo.l>Nl xq\,, tlt<l'luJt- ll,l^Fvzo !!tr z ,ra 9 Z*.rDo =z o-- P it 1"F= dd= 6nn tr UJ o- ll- UJoz o2 F I o- JFLU-h= o- uJ>(LOu9o-r IJJxarx> utJ) lt uJ @ o co Ett -9o, !,at 'E t E EI ,AO =l+rla! ol-EbE -o.:o:E h =E,lrlo-zIFof, E,Fazoo I I I 'l(9l utlEI JI =l5l zl pl I I Iol =.1 Fl al>I u-lol il -,,Ol uJFI F =lol rr|I 1l <lilol zl 3l 9lFI llI t9 {Al-l(J<lF-ciollnoll.<Frlor.IHIF:Tr{ < | -1o-q>lalOl o't IHE It{4 |H'lA Aud Hiq H>gl. d<-42o I I I ol Kl crl HI EI>l FfH z lJ- J (J si ? uJ =z '-) I I I l" I Jq\ u4clcllqii =(J (r) (?| I\oNc'\ ,.l AI -1 |-l Iol =.1(5lt!l :l>l ttl a'rl;l FI ts.Az ttl o v4 tr F E z (J EirI+E Oz ) d. uJ) oF Fzo C) E2? =<=oafFd6 E <FEOl!< (42 FO uJtra 5 ?c 2o|) 6 6 =o E AEffiSEaei !lEEg iifi? Eq3 E9Ir(, 6g|r<ol Hgjcl ai el :9t= i tn ltr-r uJib zl ,. >lo UJ UJ- v,F =6llJ!, 2o Eoo ctz Ig H ," $ r':')C) :':: <-).zj r.rIE , z gE too =FE- OEurg tlo UJo- E H E EHga IE gE EU'EF:= Eg$; UJ .Do ts =Elrlo.zI bDE 6zo() trotr EEE (, =J j: 9! I 'ilol\T E J l-i IJ E I a ffiJ q g au .sl 3 6 E |l |lr ui IuF g ctIIG slro E tc E UJz =o () UJ () OE It 1 )G30.ta, >,E() -ur-<.t2g f.tZ{o/() JE69 EE UJO -e eF EEd6 3E =3EE EE6Eo()ega x)<'<x Ftrtr t3 rcuth frcnlrg. rcrd Y.il. colondo E1657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 80: EROM: DATE: SUB"IECT: oftlcr ol comnunlly drY.loFnanl AIL CONSRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED IIITII ITIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC TIORKS/COMMI'NITY DEIIEIOP}IENT IIARCE 16, 1988 CONSTRUCIION PARKING & UATERIAL STORAGE In sun:nary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to lltter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or roaterial , Lncluding trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordLnance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiI Publlc llorks Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be Eiven a 24 hour written notice to renove sald naterial .In the event tlre person so notified does not courply with the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public l{orks Department wiU renove said rnaterial at the expense of Personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair proJects of any street or alley or any utillties in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln tull, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departroent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. (1.e. contractor, owner) f.o OLIDAY HOUSE oH " Condotninium Rentals uith dl the feeling d Honz." lzT fs, August I, 1990 Holidey House at Val IProJect Descrlption Drlveway Islend Landscapllrg and Slgn Locatlon: Front entrance of Hol lday House, East boundary Description: Remove rlver rocks frorn front drlvewey lslend andbulld 2 ft. hlgh plenter box from poured concretealong wfth four footwfde sfdewslk and strcet gutter to Town of Vall Specs. Ftlled wfth topsoll andplanted wlth flowers In surmer npnths. l{oveexfstlng slgn from Northeast corn€r of propertyfnto thls fsland. Setback: None (exlstfng fsland ls partlally on Holfday Houscproperty and partlal ly on Val I Road rlght of way) l"later I a I s: Poured concrete faced wl th r I ver rock rn€lsonry Coflrnercla I topso I I Landscaplng: llultlcolor-ed petunleE €nd p€nsles (sufim€r rpnths) Contractors: Dark Horse Constructlon Estlmated Costr $1,500. 9 Vatl Road . Vall, Colorado 81657 . 3O3-479-7IOO . 8OO-872-722L i .'\ ,iiJNi,J '->ck Ic,: ol A, {- -'.'.\{F=s]L]. O (Dl.qc I4 .l.l s Eqrc 3 q g/ :3s I i t$J>? dQ.Q€ r-8EQ.S?:r (r \|. -l .; :\j 4 5 ).q 9J 4,rlr INSPECTION REQUESl TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB *or, //ohort* Ho-*-.- %,y'-/ CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WEO THUR FBI LOCATION: 8 UILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB IN G: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB n BOOF E SHEER" PLYWOOO NAITING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION O SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr oLI FINAL ELECTRICAI-: O TEMP, POWER MECHAN ICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIB O FINAL O FINAL tr OISAPPFIOVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIREAPFNOVEO COFRECTIONS:. I I oz F =e. UJo- NN tt UJ uJu- E =E lrJtl- lec€g*n dh ulqh o <D rn o\ E 14v HH B Fl r'1 HE luJ ^tFv<OlO\. (Y) co zFl.t) JIJ< ;-r QZ t|-P5v(,>ZA ^2=< !JF o e F EFIz ozz o UJ F z z j c0 q5 =z l5 I IJJ;to; t> 9 'lc= lloe\{l:€r .l.t:9< \t Yi yl! H-NIEh tI6\i./loo -T- l-F -116t JlrE "A= H J9H .= ,a.ll =,,,p(f ttt7.9rilt: NlsZ PAA"d : a?d,6#/ . E -n, #-9'=e?pd's/ E Eilo. lo orl.=l i=l C)l 6.963 !! (u(/)o9 3?qd !r L;!.:( :E F 66 f.-o, 3.=>5oNEOota3e2 Eb !o Eor -,.5-p(!6 co 339oE:.:o oEE.^ sE'Io o-.OEoo-oDoc#6o-o4, Pi o.o an c(! g, .E N -o 'F F o = oo (! o o .9E = .o D ui '(! oE6-E E8 c.2o_ EgF56g cE'- ttO(g59 =ig> c9'-o -CooEE.ElDg '-o o:.EYx;.:-oo i(!--= Eg HoOELC Oodc-c(u -EGO56.og9' (S EEo(l' iE6!>g.o(l)tD; \r, E5o -() rn6|cl (n |'rN Ft CN\o.if + = gJc z = co ! C) uJT z Jo- J 9 F gJ J uJ z6 d z I qJ = ul uJ z u.l llJ co =LU ut z uJo F llJo l z ttl o x F luof U' UJ uJ II h = uJ J F z 6J J E IJJ ul z6 = J ) oz u,lE NOrl' ]VA tx lzIH IElFr.:B Yln 3E|!XoLzFoxtrEAF EH ifltrtzzr!l{ =>E _I.i, i tr,t & =@or zz tr^6q5r9ovroz>-Oc)oz!J- <o* o- !.4i5 ;Gi llfrl tg l:d IrIA ld t; t;lc)tz lHIFtz IJlq,Bd z tr J q o t!o- F o o c{N E UJE z E o Nt4z tr e. uJFJ 3 UJz I tltl hzlz9c <Oo< 5HRtrUo<z Fz Oz -l-do3trOI il r-1 lil F toltoltdl l = tt r!zY iF Ud F z F J loz o 3o rl<l -l zl zl .. >lo uJ ttllrlz U)t- 2(r ul o- .J zo Eoo z tr d) F rlJr I I I II(rol1 ula ulo.rL>oF &, =F UJ (r &It HH IIJF <t) @o'a zo Fo- IJJY IIJ dl F F =(EO u,l o\o- o'\ TLo. o-.O(., ?e IguJbkzo z(,= =160 =z dP ifff 4 t \ = =;-4- i\ 4 dd= tr ut o- |l UJoz oo o Eo- JFul-h> dr!>o- 9o\ulxo-x>fiF JJ tr uJ d) F co Ecto o ott .E 3 E EoIJ AO =lr.l lD -Eir= Er! =f-at E =E. lrJ o-zoF(J E.F(nzoo tr!n I I I I .lol =.1'olutl 1l <l>l t!lol zl3otFI I I I I ol =.1(5l lul 5l al>l xl il =91 9rF'F I El JI <lilol fl ra v. H Fl rli =z -) I I o lol<log l-l F4 F-; 'r ld. 'l-{ lF.<F$>l-l I.t_u{sH< Ql > :ig5 F lu o = o CN I\oN CA *l J, l-1 |-l I I ?lolull crl JI al>l rLl :l3l FI (r ir =.!tl- i-b2 E(,Oz. t- ;# JZ r.r- o C) oF Fzo z. 7 ul = <F ur<ZE tl.r Ft,t z ) 9 F ulJ F ul =I(-)EtrTX ul o C)R 't--e, t { A(_: l4,lT ) ts =ElrlgzI bDE 6zoo = :Eaoo =F HEE trntr E-Eluc 15o UJc = G H 6 Egt5€vIE €EETEFE=EgEI$: lrl.0o $slE od !; EE g? Ea zl ,. >lo LIItu,zo EIG UJ 'L zo oo :q$t "l\,r.iP; zoisE2tr(, EgBE EE ctz -G H oz lt D o AJcI d?j E3; T Eo F h I F(\ u ul g ctrlq J 3 Elg E r{ lr a =lt c lc (E aY: <t (!,: (1': flil Jo IL IE e, UJz-o () UJ E :E()e E-rO<FC() Lrj <zF a.Z-o()JE eF 3Ed6 EE oE?ecb=o(J <c) EE -r<xx Ettrtr ?5 |outh tmnl.g. ro.d v.ll. color.do El657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 to: FROM: DATEs su&rEcf,: oltlcr ol comnunlty drvrlopnrnl AI.L CONTRACAORS CURNENTI,IL RIGISSERED WIIH TIIE TO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMI NITI DEVELOP!.IENI !,!ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKTNG & MATERIAI, STORAGE fn sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , Lncluding trash dunpsters, portable toilets and worknen vehicleE upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publlc place or any portion thereof. The rigbt-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordlnance wlll be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Departuent. Persons found violating this ordinancewiII be Eiven a 24 hour wrltten notlce to rernove said naterial .In tbe event the person so notifLed does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tiroe specified, the Public l{orks Departnent will renove said naterial at the e:qlense of Personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, uaintenance or repair proJects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVail Buil.ding Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperatlon on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) I August I, 1990 Hol lday House at Val I l.oJ..t Descrfptfon . Swirrni ng Pool r?ouDAYHouJi " Conhniniwn Rertals uith all the feeling of Hone!' 5zT fst Location: $outh side of existing condomf nlum bul ldlng. (Slteplan ettached) Oescrf ptionr Install swlrmlng pool, decklng and fence. Dimenslons: Pool- lZ' X 27, Enclosure (fence)- Z?, X 37, Setback: 2O' ,Frorn property I Ines East and South f'laterlels: Pool- Flbergless fn sand baseDeck- Concrete p€vers 5, around pool over 3€nd Redwood surrdeck on concrete footersFence- Cedar, naturalexterlor Landscaplngl Exfstlng Eurroundlng trees and bughesDlspleced trees (5 Asperr, 3 Evergreen, Z Fruft)to be replanted on South end Eest sfdeg ofpoo I enc I osure Contractorsr Pool- San Juan pools Deck 8 Fence- Oark Horse ConstructlonExcavatlon- Arosa Constructlon Est i mated tota I cost: iZ?,OOO. Torn of Vall Cmrrnr@ Dor,olopnont Phn Eullrl Hoalth ft. cpprnod {4Ltr silftF tr Drnledtrtrtrtr Vaildtty of Permlt S€c. 303 (c) 19 U.qA. The hBuance or granting of a psrmit ff approvEl ot plans and scecif.icalions shall not bs construsd to b€ a permlt for, or ao anproval 0f, any violation ol any ol the provislons of this c0ds 0r 0f an!,othsr ordinancs 0t the iurisdication, Ths issuonca ol "" lwrnit bas€d upon plans, specifications and othsr data shell nci provont th6 building offhial trom thsreatter rcquking t!. i4r:ection 0f 6rrors in said plan$, speciflcations and otl|f 9 Vatl Road . Yall, Colorado Stfrqil . 3O3-479-7]rOO . 8OO-872-722A a -\ \2\. sD\\ts \ T SET PW A.CAP - r ar c 2aatcf'vt ltt, \'\\ tt\ '?g'" - -ffiftrvnrtommuary --- "" OevetoPmmt : lryn tr i )rt\ ,,,u uEl9telr.rr$'r :. tt ?wr Bultd , . Hoalh " fFr ,nepsurd tr Aq lr12 " tr tr . {i::'r' s Wni*'1#*l#illdil$'wm* 6.^CONDOMINIUM BUILDING 1 .tt\ \ R1 Validlu of Psrmit Sec. 303 (c) 19 U'B.a' |fifututnr. or srantlng ol!,t9LTi riiiinirt not 6e construed ol, any violation o1 ?.ll ,9]. iffi,tl;;l'$rffiiil',li FI H N' 9: S\$ \\ €\ \q s 8g '37 '.00 " t{ gg: Ex st, n C."n6A 4, Sa,ttArrAs tte"r aftpngun€o refFs 6a ExPasto tece or Bee, ?'{,:!,,.#,-.n:! q 92 :,'ffi "^flrn6€ At' ^'a A L, inCoit t t- Ft iliCtS2 :31'vu ,..?l?p p$';r'p'gffii5fffi R tr p€luto tr gerroddv uBld \.)' \Vf] .t^) \ \ -_s \+ \n \Rs o ''1,,l,.ruhtll,3lg;" d 0 EI o AUG-ie=_9@ THU L 4 = A2 DARt< HORSE LTI}. 3-t /2' 4X4 TREATED POSTS 6'-8' O.C. Cor.rs? - 4-- ?x8 CAP 2X2 PICKETS F. B:A FENCE @ PAVERS SCALE l" = l' qppror€d Dcnlod Tho lssuance FFo tr tr SAUNA IUBE w/c0ncrete.\.\_.._\. -:\ Toun of Valt Commdu Dsvolopmcnt Ph Bullrl . Heatdrtr {ItalL BCt tr coWH{rK$'f,n 6 a permil basod upoBnms,Engdficaflons and 0th0r data shatl not pr0\r6nt lh€ buildlng otflc'lal trom tharsafter rqulrlng thc correctim of grrors in said plans, spccillcations and othc, u.l{al. r" rTE: -T I I I I ;o -- e*H.EE?.,H; ls,)i Eusr'ff F=F EHg | 9 E: es6!E aal *:E lF =A 3+Fi; sEi s:5 | . .- ei ;ggi: EH; EFE l-fi E =ZiE pt?:g ;gq :Es I A g n ) € aFrlel a Itl ". rt ^. tt.s tt ^! J Ftd =YJ 3 lrl I H org.z- Fc)H I o_JLL H-OO H(J AA<JH rr lL c| c o .crtr AF ZZ (JUU ZGO*H , =H39* zE9 ?-.'Z-'ii,n 3 (DFu, (, F:l--;; <oH<(, Hc]|trj <Fr-.. kr"uI Xqg!4J,P @Fo J(J-o jtii u*A/ul H-, J<+r.i 9tr<.r -9h'*+ "ji-i *5NF r < --i6t d rvin inlI goq tFni== 6tri Zao- =t-vt F(r(EHy ll-(rl]/) H-z iNc)<t Itr.'(l^v l,.r qt.e 1r Irr-e1t.v f.',t'."+ i'rr'1t'tr'1.' l-{ tr.v rr :_-j-;--: . l'1..:. tt raa ^f. --lnrtrpue suollcJltpods'$qd p!?s-l lil-$u'rrliuii riueiisur ur'rl lellulo 0' uiuT-eittp loqlo iue suo[ec!]lr0ds 'sue' -fit,iiii.i erll luollsrlpsunl eqt lo er 'rd;id;b t.l6lslr'ord arlt io [ue 1o u-c*-io-liir'lru,reo ? 8q ol ponllsuo3-aq iue trqd ib tenodoe ro lrulred P lo o 3"c fr 6t :l i)0[ lluj.lad t0 Auplle tr .."8 ",[{(rrrtu8ell' 9lln8 luou(hloA00 EZooL! Cf troo (JCt'-I ''|-)'.'.,- :l 'cl Yo I v\ rl .o 'l @ 1H coo :31'Y1' ' ''UlSf'il sJoJJg l0 tloll$rJ03 1ip[nq eu lue^erd lou d uodn PesPq lluleo ? u?ulp$ Jeqlo (ue lo.'to tpplr [ue 'lo l?^oJoox lou ll€qs su0llssllpsos uuuer0 .to muensE gtll 'cas A tr Poluq tr Poio'dd' rEtd utoltlrutunglr1P j I :l I I I o o-J {L a)a: ta H r-, lr -.4.9 - = 14 .a ' i I t-t u o : rat.5 rrHH]< HlJH$E- l_ 4X4 TREATED POSTS 6'-8' O.C. 2X6 REDWOOD DE - I,en3?. 3-t /2"o <.-- 2xB CAP P - U.3 2x2 PICKETS FENCE DECK SCALE l' = l' 2X8 DECK FRAMING CKING \ a$ fi Iom of UflAg0dtmmlU OevoloPnnat I \0 SAUNA IUBE Phn cl tr Bulld / ,Hultl dftf,joo Fln tr tr cptroFd 0cnlad trtr VatldltY ol Permit Sec 30li (c\19 U.A,z. ihs fssuancs or grarrting of a permit or.approval 9! thnl-ano 3oocifications shatl not 6e construed to bs a p€rmit -l0r' 0r an i-ooiovai of, any violation of any ot the provtsions 0l this c!00 ffiiil;ih;;'oioininCI ot th; iurisdichtion' Ths i$suancs ol ; rr]ei;ti bastd upon ptans, specifications and othsr dat'a shall noi orivent ttre tiuilrlinS oltlcial lrom thsrsaltor requiring.tlr'? ii"5ctim -oi irrors tn-saio plans. spociflcations and othl dlta." l' rTE: L-,0' w/concrete oa J !ts:-+ d1 /rlr(l<t<l.ll -dlvl.rf I p d- Itr I.L ;\9 hw--1-? -r<_ 1 N, '{)tv\$s{ ) rl: Y\\; -kK\\\Y € \\Pran* eProd{$q\J N,/0A thnred 'E {-7{___5 ) {; .L $ltt I I *t9 p \1 \A \$br F-b {-- Fh i; tr Valldlty ot permit Sec 303 (c) 19 tJ.B,2. ihs lssuancs 0r granting of a permit or approval of planstnd speclfications shall not be conslrued to be a permit for, oJas* approval 0f, any violation of any 0f the provlslons ot this-ttdo,' or ot any other'ordinanc€ ot ttrd jurisdichtion. The lsurnif, oF a permlt based upon plans, specifications and othor data shall not provont tfr building offlcial from thoroafter r.qulrlng thG c0rrcclim 0l crorc an said plans, spcciflcations end othc, data." rrATE: of Vall Commrllo Devslopmgnt Bulld , Hoalth afl1/3" ( {f\ t+ {NN \N\\) N ...\)S\- \-\\F \ \\t \ \N'$ ; ll v z Jo- (9z. ={dl! v(-) LUo \, sa \. \ANR q o \o @ co)<c\ o(!c =$(rl .= (')+,ooo. @ tr) c\I ,nllO Plj? SuOll?CU lql 0ut.tlnbel lellBeta ttsqs slep lotllo pus p dtuBnssl eql' e0o1 flql lo suolsl^ rn Jo 'J0l llllli90 e pue suaC lo teno tr poluto tr Peno$ttt ulNd r -lD PQ7<NutJ lJ.l 63o(:l lueudolo^00 luunuuoS lll^ lo unol l:aC I rl ii.;r..l;; .1 ic rillu?l-t!,l,i ;.rls'10J aq iou ;'s11t su0llPcll ,(ue lo uollelorn ,(ue '10 1e u! sloJlo l0 0ulpilnq aqt t 6! (r) eoE'css uuad lo Aitplte^ . a -uo=, .O- 3suoH xurrcr =* =Er BnJ- u*!-o '-.== o rf -o .) INSPECTION REQUESl TOWN OF VAIL4 r*a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE + f'97 JoB READY ,FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI 479-2138 BUILDING: O FOOT]NGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING ,.- ROOF & SHEEB " PLVWOoD NAUING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL/ H. TUB u D D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING B tr tr HOUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT T] SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL T] DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRE tr SHEETROCK NAIL FAOVED COHRECTIONS: tr Hazard arcas (avalanchc, rockfall, ctc.), ccnterlinc and cdge of strcam or crcek, rcquircd crcck or stream sctback, 1O0-ycar floodplain and slopes of 40%o or more, if applicablc. tr Size and typc of drainage culvcrts, swalcs, etc' tr Exact location of existing utility sources and scrvice lincs from their sourcc to the structure' Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewcr Gas Telephone Water Electric O Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way I ' adjacent to the site. O Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions' O Spot elevations at the edge ofasphalt, along the steet frontage ofthe properly at twenty-fivc foot intervals (25'), and a minimum ofone spot elevations on either side of the lot. Thrce (3) copies ofthe following: tr Sitc plan, at a scale of l"=20'or largcr, showing thc following information: tr Existing and proposed layout ofbuildings and othcr structurcs' O Location of landscaPcd areas. O All new retaining walls with spot clevations for top and bottom of wall. tr Location ofall rcquired parking' O Indicate roofridgc elcvations with cxisting and proposed gradcs shown undemeath. O Floor Plans, at a scalc of l/8" = I'orlarger(l/4" = I'is prefened), clearly indicating the proposed addition. tr Building Elevations, at a scalc of l/8"=l' or larger (l/4"=l' is preferred)' f,l If existing structure is proposed to be modified, show elevations ofexisting shucture. tr Building elevations must be shown, clearly indicating the new addition. Ifbuilding faces, existing or proposed, are at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces as well. Show all rooftop mechanical systems, ifapplicable. O If the intent of the proposal is not clearty indicte{ the Adminishator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. I 5 rNs#ctoN TOWN OF REQUEST PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: :PR itT/ RO 4t JECT AIL JOB NAME INSPECTION: tb Va,J Rl drnppnoveo CORRECTIONS:' tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:, tr TEMP- POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR INSPECTOR :r DATE nffis"o" r'3 ),./t--,/6 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBEB OF PROJECT z- f -fz- READY FOR LOCATIQN: ..il- INSPECTION:MON TUES THUR FRI@ AM tr tr D tr o tr tr ,FooTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W V, tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL XAppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ./ Foc-)ed / 8xtsr"$$$ -J-.,/Ptlcc / Pdd --"?\-. ct. i'iC. ---_ SLrx - Ag$a$, &.L BEST COPY AVAILABLE. -.^^1.-.tr-.!rq ,J4 '.ti < >Q niJ@o zc 4 o z t -c m r'c z o z. u ! P> N@= Bm= 6I ,< 'Tl m I{ t' II i.) I \o a.t') tr, Eo li -o mn =z t! rnxm -toz(- @I m 44(/"vf'/l/ rw 'p 7v)v. O l.\ CN F\a CHECK REOUEST PREPARED BY:Ktr^ 8,r".("-/DATE: q-/.-,/t, VENDORNAME:#o (,^ &.o-^ Jo,r--"- VENDOR NUMBER:1-u' r 1)'/ DESCRIPTIoN oF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPoSIT REFUND FoR BP # 4 5 9C NAME OF JoB: / | ,4.,-A-, =4,cu-o, 7)o o / ACCOLTNT NUMBER: 0t 0000 22d02 AMOUNTOFREFLINDT rtt OO,s o DATEAPPROVED: An .) APPROVAL S]CNATURE:JlJ,hU-- I V)"--*, c zc) tn == m = =-n mma .D c = = o rn zc m! I-t mIoz m tn{ @ (f zz =4 i -{o zo F (Dc 7ozozoI ma \o vl o --{ J r 1'm =l1mmul w+fi)a I ttttDAYHousf "Corfuminium Re aLs wath all the feehry af Holnr.r.!' :zT fdd August l, !9Sr0 Hol idey Hoilse at Vai IProJect Description Dr I veway Islanc! Landscaplng ond Sign Location: l-ront entrance of Hcrilr.t€y l.iouge, E*rst boundsry Descriptio;r; Remove river roi.ks f r,rrri front dr i,/ew€y is lancl andbuf lct 2 ft. hlglh pian.ter box frorn poured corrcretealong vrlth four foorwi de sidewaik end streeij, gutterto Town of Vall Spece. Filled wlth topsoll andplanted with f l owers ln sunmer nronths. |ioveexlstlng slgn From Nor.theast corner of propertyInto thls lsland. Setbacks None (existlng lsland ls partlaliy orr Holtday Housegrroperty end partlul ,|y on Vai I Road r. lght of way) Itlster f ais: Pc,dred Cr)nerete faceci wlth rf ver rock nrasonryCommerclal topsol I Landscar:',i;rgl llulticoloreC pet,lnlas anci pansles (sr.lnmer monEhs ) Contractcrs: Dark Horse Construci: ion Estfmeted Costr $1,500, i ,/ r' . }o3-4zy-zroo9 YatlRoad . Vall, Colorado 81657 . 8OO-872-7221 - -, . ,,-. \.l,s**.1 ^__\>" ": \Ei-"{' :r }tJt. l-- ;, -*.i!r il-'* I/aj\-,, IZ s,i o\lFi t(Tl .l <l s Pqlq 3 0 T €/ a4 49 :Js Q $;/ FIel<Iolr+, r ; {:'-'ir i;i|:it- illl-''H=+-i r il-' j1--r t-t i I . fi_i i-l l l-ri-r+-|,l-; i-+ i-'i ! t | ;rruJ I 1., i-;7 ,[. -i- -4,f;:)al , i-*"i- i t-t :i "il j I Ilr-flr,, \,,..;,\*.i,'-: \i-I'i i-l'\--' , r:I\i .- . \. ,: \ji, o \l v,{ 5 \t.g+>? cra.xaSepd Q.E Q.f-s ? ^\I .? -I! tr -:JF{ '-_ ;.-+ -t- ' "-t-' --.1 r ;. i. ':;'_ ----1 ' -' J_ _ ---1" ; '--i.' ---l-,, ,.j.i,:_i ,l .i_- :.: ,i -. - , .-,j. - ;- - ,-- .- ..( . : -;- I '1- ' : ; i -,i . - ,i Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Date: Town Planner E Statr Approval o K h/ 't / -fu*a-*-fui -+/o<=.Jb. --.*(-- 4 -.-'zn-*4-. ) /,uu- I Gary L. Scheimer, Pres Holiday HouEe Condoninium Assoc. *$ rus .., sos'' TO9'T{ OF VAIIJ PIJAT${ING & ET{VIRONMENTAL DEPT. vArr,, co. ATTN! BETSY rax#: 303 479 2157 TO WTIOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Board of Directors of the Holiday House wishes to install a boiler system ln the existing ftarage. The Board is aware that to do so reguires installing exterior stacks, protrudingr approximately3 feet from the building, that could shade windows and decke of some units. Your permission J.s requested to proeeed. J .l 1 . 'l .t o _Linsco / Private Ledger Fa.r Transnriftel Sheec6iO Southpoirlt(: Cr Srri(c ,loto 11do- Sprin{s. Coio r:r<toFa.\ # 7 I g -,-r.i _ g*tg.: io '99 98. 4g llccci vcr: l};r.t Nu ntbcr: I'oral pilgc Scnt: );i (() S(:rr,r: c I N rr rrr rr c r: 4.2 =g_Z_ -LJSZ?,'-I'l11, l.'rt.t (::is;l;lc: P.6l _____:_1 'u H l---$Et0fi1 ffii Hi i ) At_J6 ?.i ',:rra 'J!::; "Condoninirrrn R entols with o;ll the feeling $ Hme! 5zT fst GarY Scheimer Fresident HoIidaY House Condominium O\,,iners Association May 20, 1990 Members of the VaiI DRB, This letter ie to verify that our Association Board of, Directors did vote on the 21st of April to undertake (with your approva]-) . -the following improvementl to the goliday House located at 9 Vail Road: l. LandscaPing at the entrance 2. Ski/luggage storage 3' Swimming PooI4. New boiler system Mr. Bruce Gillie, of, Plnnaole Resort Systefis, will be acting ae our agent ln the conetructJ-on process. He will'be submltting materlals,requesting buitding permits and supervising the actual construction. Thank you for your conbideration of these matters Gary Scheimer, President o HO LIDAYHOU o SE P,02 Sincerely, 9 Vall Road . Vail, Colorado 91657 . 3O3-479-7IOO . gOO-872-7221 DRB IPPLICAITON DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED; DATE OF DRB UEETING: *****THIS APPIJICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTfL ALL, INFORUATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLTCATION UEETING: A pre-application neeting with a planning staff nenber isstrongly suggested to determine if any additionalinfornation is needed. No applicatlon wlll bg aecepted . rt is the applicantrsresponsibifity to nake an appolntment with the staff to fout about addltional subrnittal requJ.rements. Please note ind that a CO!{PLETE application will streanline the approvalprocess for your project by decreasing the number ofconditions of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval nust be resolved before a buildingpernit is issued. Application sill not be processed without Ormerrs Signature. A.PROJECI DESCRfPIION: Hollday House Condos. Install boller flue eas plpine from sarase area uD. tno feet above heieht of roof eve. Locatlon ls at rear of buildine on south wine. faclns B. Ibrc*rtbif 6F epA6$Selxterior f inish. Address Holidav Horrse 9 Vai I Road. Vall . Co. 81657 Legal Description I.ot ABc Block Yail vil.laee frtl48-2 Subdivision na Zoning Aaanrnrnn.l.af { arns c. D. NN,IE OF APPLICANT: Lolldav House Condominiun Assoclation Mailing Address:9 Vail Road Vail . Colo. 81657 Phone 303-479-7100 NAUE OF Mailing APPLTCANTf s REPRESENTATIvE: pinn".t" u*. &u'-t-QrI/ril,i Phone 479-7L00 8l:'.clL| tt E.NN,IE OF OWNERS: Holidey Holse Condo Ascoeial-Jnn EIOrn'lItRE (8! !Pl easa see ettrtched Ietter l{ailing Address:9 VaiI Road VaiI. Co. 81657 Phone F. Condoniniun Approval if applicable. c. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the'tine a bulldinct oermit is paid for. VALUATION $ o-$ l0,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $5O,OO1 -$ 15O,Ooo $150,001 - I 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1, ooo, ooo Address: 9 Vall Road Vail,Color do, 81657 EEE $ 1O.OO I25.00$ 50.00 sloo. oo $200. o0 $300. O0 Enclose wlth fi II. IMPORTN{T NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. fn addition to meeting subnittal requJ-rements, theapplicant nust stake the site to indicate propertylines and building corners. Trees that will be removed must also be marked. This work muEt be completed before the DRB visits the site. B. The revlew process for NEw BUILDINGS will norrrally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two meetings for a final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Revl-ew Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not askedfor a postponement will be requlred to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoning adninistrator, thefollowlng iterns may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions tbat are not viewed fron anyother lot or public space, which have had letterssubnitted fron adjoining property owners approvingthe addition; and/or approval from the agent for,or manager of a condoninium association. E. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debrisflow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. =El! Et[II tnII IIIT =I iLIr .t. 75 .outh trontagc ro.d Y.ll, coloi.do 81657 (303) r7r.2100 Uay 8, 1990 Mr. Bruce Gillie Pinnacle Resort Systems Box 2992Vail., Colorado 81658 Re: Improvements to Holiday House Dear Bruce3 In response to your letter of April 25, the following wiII be needed for each of your projects: 1. Ski Locker We will need a site plan, improvement survey, existing and proposed floor plans, existlng and proposed elevations, andthe existing arnount of common area. 2. Swinmincr PooI A site plan, landscape plan and iurprovenent surrrey. 3. Rebuilding of driveway and novinq of slgn A site plan, landscape plan and inprovement survey. All three itens nust go before the oesign Review Board. There maybe additional infornation needed. Honever, at this tine it isdifficult to determine lf any other subrnittal items are necessary. Please let us know if yog have further questions. Sincerely,.) | nlt./ . I t J'* lnfUnYrN}.Kristan Prltz Director Connunity Developnent Departnent INNACL R,ESOR,T SYSTEMS Ar I t_'xll !l Deve'l opment o E 3 I/tN .t"\S{"nq '.rj{,ii,)01\ul'fu\r {t1tt N'!/I.itL .Y o P April 25,.1990 Town of Vai I Planning and Community 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, C0 81657 Dear Kri sten: The Holiday House at Vail is anticipating several capital improvement projects that may requ'ire permits or approvalof the Town of Vail. I would'tike to get. your department'sopinion of what applications and fees na.y be necessary. 1.) Construct.ion of a ski locker" that would occupy the vacant space at the bottom of the east stairwe.ll and would add a one stor-y, 12 foot X 25" extension to the eastalcove of the bui lding. Estimated cost- $7500. 2.1 The addttion of a swimming pool on the south lawn adjacentto the existing hot tub. It would be an in-ground fiber-glass pool with an apron of brick pavers and a wooden sundeck surrounded b-y a fence to match the existing hottub fence. Estinated cost- $30,000. ) Rebuild the existing driveway'island in the front of the entrance with landsacape timber to a heiqht to matchthe front porch. The river rock would be removed andreplaces with soil and planted with flowers in the summer months. The existing sign at the northeast cornerof the propertv would be re'located into this is.land. l{or"k worrld be performed in-house using existing naterials and there is no estimate of cosl.- P'lease contacf me at 845-C430 tf you have any questions. Thank you f or -vour time. Pinnacle ResortsFor the Hol i da.y llouse Post Office Box 2992 a Vail, Colorado 81658 ^' Toll Free (800) BBB-0737 HOLIDAY HOUS o E "Condominiurn R ertals tl.Lrith o,ll tfu feelilg d Hona." 5zT fNt HOLIDAY HOUSE SWIMMING POOL DESIGI.I REVIEW BOARD REAPPL I CATION August I, 1990 The attached slte plan show the complete removal of theproposed Hol iday House swlmmlng poo I from any encroachmentinto the 20" Town of Vai I setback. This will involve conslder€ble extra exfrense to the Holfday House Condomi n i um Associatf on bec€use lt requlres mov fngthe exfstlng hot tub approxlrnately eight feet to the west. The removal of the pool and setback neg€tes the need fortherefore the Hol lday Housee lts flnal approval of B e The Hol lday House Condomlnl um Assocfatlon €ccomp€nylng deck frorn thea fence helght v€rlance end €sks the Deslgn Revlew Board tothe proJect at thlg tfme. 9 Vatl Road . Yall, Colorado 81657 . 3O3-479-7IOO . 800-872-7221 Or:;'..L a sik Pl*" €-l-40 ;*?<' (J) (J) \)()) aa t:l FOUN, Qd' REEAR .gT PN A,CAP! < ?41tP t'Yn I /,/ :-- '\\ '\ tr\ tt\ \.\ -') \.a' o (:i T' g stx CONDOMINIUM ,THE HOLIDAY gf HN A CAP L 5.243/8 (rYPl STORY ."J BUILDING -9.\ HOUSE, \ n Nru gr ts. sL\ . \*\tt\ a'6Dro s gg'37 'oo " l{ 98, 75% 'tication out. OApp PEC MEETING DATE I. APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The applicationwill not be accepted unti'l all information is submitted. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT H0LIDAY H0USE H014E0tlNERS ASS0CIATI0N ADDRESS 9 VAIL RD-- VAil - CO 81657 B. PHONE:Zg=:t_OO NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE PINNACLE RESORT SYSTEI'IS ADDRESS p.0. Box 299?. vArL. c0 81658 PHoNE 845*9430 c.NAI4E 0F ol,lNER(S) Siqnature(s ) (type or print)HOLIDAY HOUSE HOI,IEO}'I{ERS ASSOCIATION ADDRESS 9 VAIL RD. , VAIL. CO 81657 PHoNE479-7100 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL .: j . ADDRESS 9 VAIL RD. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FIL I NG , /l/ , ,lE. FEE $loo PAID lJlt c cK #_y f 7r_Faon Wt "G, A ".s THE FEE MUST BE PAID B/FORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I.IILL AccEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mait'ing addresses. THE APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE t^,ITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO:DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I.'ILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MKE AN APPOINTI'IENT. l,lITH THE |TAFF T0 FIND oUT ABoUT ADDITToNAL SUBMITTAL REqUTREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I.'ILL STREMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT gV OPCFMS]IFTHE NUMBER OF CONDITIoNs OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED t.lITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISS'IJED'. rlr. FOUR (4) c0PrEs 0F THE F0LL0WrNG MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEI'IENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT I'IUST ALSO ADDRESS: 'l . The rel ationship of the reguested variance to'other existing or potential. uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population' transportation, traffic faci'lities, uti'lities, and public safety' Var i a nce 4. How your request complies with Vail's Comprehensive Pll an. A topographic and/or lmprovement survey at a scale of at least l. -by a Colorado.'licensed surveyor including-locations of all existingments, including grades and elevations. 0ther e'lements which must- are_parking and-loading areas, ingress and egress, landscBped areasutif ity and drainage features. C. A s!!q plan at a scale of at'least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. D. All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensjOns, gglgp6l appearance, scale and use of a'l 'l buildings and spacesexisting and proposed.on the site. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements If the proposa'l is located in a multi-family development association, then written approval from the association projebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for G. Any additlonal material necessary for the review of the determined by the zoning administrator.- * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and slte p'lan may be waived by the zoning administrator. : ::IV. Time Requirments The P'lanning. and Environmental Cormission meets on the Znd and 4th l,londaysof each month. A complete application form and all accompanying materiai(as described above) must be submitted a minimum of 4 weei,s iridr to the date of tPEC-public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determin'ed by the zoningadministrator)_wil'l be accepted by the planning staff before dr itter the d6sig- nated submitta'l date. 20' stampt improve- be shown and E. F.which has a homeowne:in support of the said association. application as PINNACL o E R,ESOR,TJuly l6, 1990 Shel I ey Mel I o Town of Vai'l Commun j t.y Devel opment 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, C0 81657 SYSTEMS llt ! Dear ShelIey, Enclosed is an applicatjon for a variance,in the,constructionof the fence to surround the Holiday House swimming pool. I understand that'it cannot be scheduled for the P.E.C. untilAugust 13, I would like to proceed w'ith the construction of thepool prior to that date and have received permission from ourinsurance carrier to provide coverage with a three foot fencepending the approval of the variance. I wi I I pi ck up the appropri ate bu'i I di ng permi t appl i cati ons fronyour offi ce. If you have either mylars or good paper copies of the buildingplans for the Holiday House I would appreciate.the opportunity to havecopies made as my set of plans is pretty ragged and incomplete. Could.you please also return the floor plan from the first floorof the Holiday House that was subnitted with the originalapplication as it is my only copy. I would like to tell you how much I apprec,iate the help you havegiven me during this process. t{ithout your assistance none ofthese projects might have been finished before the turn of thecentury. _q$ Vail, Colorado 81658 A Toll Free (800) B8B-0737 e lE-?sg tPost Office Box 2992 HOLIDAYHOUSE " Condomllnh,tm Ratals wtth all the feeling $ Hornlw!' 3za fNt TOWN OF VAIL VARIANCE APPLICATION HOLTOAY HOUSE FENCE HEIGHT L I ST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OI.'NERS Town of Vai I 75 5. Frontege Rd. Vai l, CO 81657 The Hol lday InnD.A.B. InvestmentsP.O. Box 17433El Paso, TX 79917 Leo Palmer Falmer Developmente 2735 lrls Ave, Sulte ABoulder, CO Josef Stauffer The Vel I Vl I lege lnn 100 E. l,leadow Dr,Vall, CO 81657 Al.lOCO Ol I Company 600 S. Cherry, Sulte 9l I Denver, CO AO222 9 Vatl Road . Vall, Colorado 81657 o 3O3-479-7LOO . 800-872-7221 o HO LIDAYHOU o SE <Conda ninh,mt Rentds with all the feehng of Horle!' :ZT flv, TO}IN OF VA I L VARIANCE APPLICATION HOLIOAY HOUSE FENCE HEIGHT NATURE OF REQUESTED VARIANCE The Holiday House at Vail makes application to corrstruct a fence to be flve feet (5') in height to surround the proposed swlrvnt ng pool and deck area to be constructed on the South lawn of the complex. This proposal requires a variance from Town of VaiI zoning codes due to the fact that the fence will be partial ly bui lt in the 20' setbeck provlded by the applicable property zonlng (publ lc accormodat i ons ) . This zoning sets a mexlmlum fence helght of three feet (3'). The fence wlll Intrude approxlmetely five feet (5') lnto the setback area . Thls vertance ls requlred to provlde adaquate protectlon ofthe pool area for the publlc safety. Allstate Insurance' theliabll ity carrler for the Hol lday House requl res a ffve foot(5') mlnlmum fence helght ln order to prevent trespass bythe general publ lc and the resulting hazard of eccldent€l drownfng or InJury. The Holiday House has also proposed e four foot earth berm and extenslve landscape screenlng to deter access to the areabut the fence ls required to prevent smal I chl ldren fn the edJacent p€rk from obtalnlng €ccess. 9 Yail Road . Yall, Colorado 81657 . 3O3-479-71OO . 800-872-7221 InterMountain Insurance Services of Vail July 12, 1990 Mr. Bruce GlLlevPinnacle ManageientBox 2992vail, co 81658 ItE: Holiday House Swinrning pool Dear Bruce: I have discussed the fencinq of the swiurnincr pool withUnderwriters and they state - that it is an {ndlerwritinqrequj-rernent of the cohpany to fence swirnming pools with ifive_ (5) foot fence. also, they wiJ.1- not -iisure divingboards. If you have any further questions, please feel free tocontact me. Sincerely, Thomas A. DaviesPresident TAD/rtrs 303-476-3734 FAX305-476-5680 Vail National Bank Building, Suite 301 Box 669 Vail, Colorado 81658 o HO o ELIDAYHOUS "C.orfunhr/nnn Re als with all thz feehq $ Ho'mrJ' :br| fNt '; o \gg0 TOWN OF VAIL VARIANCE REQUEST HOLIDAY HOUSE FENCE HEIGHT REQUIRED MATERIAL APPL ICATION gnclosed $100.00 CHECK Enctosed LI9T OF ADJACENT PROPERTY O|^|NERS Enclosed WRITTEN STATEI.IENT OF NATURE OF VARIANCE Enclosed (4 coples) TOPOGRAPHIC OR IMPROVEMENT gURVEy ptannfns Dept. has SITE PLAN plannfnS Dept. has BUILDING ELEVATION5 N/A TITLE REPORT N/A HOTIEOWNERS LETTER OF APPROVAL planntns Dept. hes 9 Yatl Road . Vall, Colorado 81657 . 3o3-479-7l0o . 800-872-7221 Project Application Pro.iect Name: Project Descriplion: Contact Person and e,Gc &+-&L Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Dale DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL ummary:5o s1- D statt Approvat ll u /. I \ ft $r \ ..) s Htllq v v or|l T €r $<{ Q dr I AI $t 6,cl ,9h- vd 0 oa .ng & E 3 a\\) s q \ll- ?€ ct' a .4-l 5 qt..g =.7"d(a. h:fiaeQ $fg UJz&a llor, ofr'( )u"e rlr Vr+,, Exrat, ^a 5 rG,.J ila [,J** Axrs,nJa Qt.rta Ar Drtve- n v Va, 'f s.r+,l.zo fottDAYHou$ ' Cottdornini m Rmtals utth all tbe feling t{ Home" :UT TN3 Mav 24, 1990 Hol iclay House at Vai I ProJ ect tlescr i pt i on Dr i veway Island Landscapi ng ancJ Sign Location: Front entrance of Hol iday House, East boundary Descrlption: Remove river rocks from front dr i veway lsland andbuild up wlth three ancl four levels of landscaping timbers. Fi I lecj with topsoi I andplanted with flowers in summer months. Moveexlsting sign from Northeast corner of property into this island. Setback: None (existing lsland ls partial Iy on Holiday Houseproperty and partially on Vai1 Road right of way) Materials: 8" X 8" pressure treeted landscape timber Commercial topsoi I Landscaping: Multicolored petunias and pansies (summer months ) Contractors: None ( labor I n-house) Estimated Cost: $500. gvdlR@d . Vill,Colorado8l657 3O3479-7IOO AOO$72-7221 OscApE EY 'Y2. PL, (E aAJ Ln, Ellm tret 4,V\T rc€I ort&tt I fir f' 5 tf", rtl(, l",-ls sE Ln.' s r,tRv tOL 2frn S tr. An o -rv{Au' .rtNUsr.'' GULF OIL 9\o6.s C t{PIN & CAP4!te (Typ) ur to \t. {'*ixra.lr:'..i"t% c s f,*Yt'rS our Tre es tlxLtt LAdos. Ar( ltngE A D'* a s$ \' '$J 9: 9\(! 1$;, .5j)stx STORY rn rbI'THE HoLtDAy HotJSE, BUILDING 16oCONDOMINIUM <q SET PIN A CAP L.S. 243t8 (TYP.) \ )A o s 8g'97'oo"t{ 99.75 -- oz E =e. uJo- C! ra o CN oIn ral J (.t> uJ Luu- E =E uJc *ss* Nss \ gl Or @ M H B FJ E lyr (J IL z UJF G F EFLz = zz uJF z z ) c0 .6 ozz uIz B uJ z \\\ N l C\ ) J uJo =I lt E F() z o lr uJ F oH Ap z lslFl() E9Do) ssR3, a\$ ^4a\ /V.- S\AJ E &Nr"r:lI\ -- ,tll.I ,/\p{ 7x 'chJ \sg olg ENsxE{-c\Sts\ EC\;5 - gF E€oo 3o6 cl) s€-'=9d*goo 5'E 1cl EE6o5 ts-=ES F '3 4p.9 d6E d '=O|,,i'io -o(6coat.e; 369c -.= 6 oxoc-o'- ane:5-60 =EFd5= c9d 35t_'E >, _:EFsooi:o .g'r I F5 c.:- 6o-o o- sEg (aP o,Efie E6:EE EO6; EE E -eE60- - E-c d Qt- eEs-ei' '6>.9 (sa 7i$X6R u .3't s SrE o P5g -oG I k i.itl rno\F.it .il{ cn g F UJ z o l x oz d J o Fo atl u, z = UJ llJ z tr UJ ()t! o 3 IJJ u,i z -aul F ocut o- z UJJ(J x F uJol U'ulul LL E = uJd J F F z o!f co J EF IIJJ IJJ z6 o- J 2 !o uJt <: oH NO[VnlVA z IF rE :lEl t,e iz:H;t :H:< i€ ;c{ t-- ia;o;< YEo3Zzv- h o- 6zx f zYFE OE ttoEz>ooir92.ozXr!<9oq iur--R Z <Nc) N N =>0a l(Jlz IFt<t&lol()ItrlIA z El 1 cc o N 6L\ l \ort\ UJ F rr ro uttr z E rt |1z Ec uJ J 3 z L I I I I trzlzOo <oo< =*>ERrX.i<z aFz Qz -F do3frOI X X X X Fl F oz co oz YE uJo JI -l zl zl ,. >|o tuo IIJ uJzaF ut ) z Eoo u,tl zY iF z F Jlg)z I (.Llr f4 t-O Lc)-JO luFo @o-,zo FolltY IJJ c0 F t- EolJ.J o\O- o\ L-lo.l>.rlo-ladl r{lrl u.l :^FYX fFT-tftL}< L--r L_J z rn !lzz(Do =zl:) dP =f;*dd= 6En E ul o- u, z oIo ILo (L JFuJ-!i=:co- uJ =o-O|!9o - IJJx(Lx> J lt uJg) o o Ecto at 0, 'E 3 E Eo., F =E, lrJ o-z9F C)f E,Fazoo dl lJllc(l JI <l>lttlol zl;lolFI I I dl =,| uJl :l <l>l trl 5l g Ol uJFI F F\\f.+ I .+ o\ zH E Fl 14r{<Brd F{H B =tr co =H *lr t ffi 't: ; u.l =z -1 ci\o @ I \'o\ tl.lc Itsl rl(/ll,-{ |Zl -t IOl-' Iul Ic4tl $l el El sl tcl | (El.l -rlxl al Hl il L)t "ltzl:l 3lst 9ltr-t Fl c!\o\o I .{r ol ,l JI JI <l itol zl =l9lFI HEF tq lr] v, z d = tr o F- Fz z T uJ = E ir u.l !tY t-Oz f- z ) d. uJJ E2?;()=<-oa]Fd6 E <F0, c)ur<zEUJFt,'t zo ,J \ fr 6 I I I I-rt Nl N* \iE alu,z c, UJa oz lrr atTi E eo o GFzoo 5 E ,o o o o o tc6 o oo ctt .EI @ E o =cf d c) o CLo,6 'o q, g .9o,e:Ell til €r 8iclo.E'>\ .Eo:6 gl Co.olc t:\0\ d''6. ')o oE'o . Ctlc€ o() {Jqt g: It (, i.', :E i9 !lrllio tE)c ,.,UIria'a olc.: E1Cal xto!cl6,.giE]oj C.li'1ol!''ol E ]l o. E6't) oalc6. ct' o' -a tico c .9 .G E ot o ir it| :>,toiE:olo '9!oiE,o,G E .:e6r =ol 8El e,l. EEiEgicLii3r !81 =pt- >:c9'- c,t EE EE'-oiE;9.g; $E.a='5*' E6o!tb g, 9.1r-g 60 =cl $EEEE: E5>9€t EE anttlt! E.e,llJc o A.E)Y!' urt o6r.O 29F.a EPvtoZr,8gE<o*H6Et c o. 9JG J z Fo z c 9J fg g{ ll,II q F(J E o() ciz -e H z (99 =eloo =Ftrnn'=l J il=gE nnn E =Gu,o.ltolu()z Do 9,oF G9 E :l!FUI o,:oIJ Ffoo UJ J lll .D o -'\, tS roulh tront g. rord Y.ll, color.do El657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 lo3 FROM: DATE: su&rEst: oftlc. ol conmunlty dcvclopmrnl AIL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED TIITII TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/CO!{MIINITY DEIIEIJOP!,IENT UARCH 15, 1988 CONSIRUSTION PARKING & I'IATERTAL STORAGE fn sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toil.ets and worknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads J,s approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wilt be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPubllc lforks Departnent. Persons found violating thls ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notl.ce to rearove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not conply wlth thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public l{orksDepartnent rill renove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair proJects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln fuIl, please stop by tbe Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. lhank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: ,t'@owner) luwn 75 3oulh lrontag€ road ua[, coloEdo 81657 (3Gr) 4792138 (303) 4792139 office of communlty dcvelopment PIan Review Based on the 1988 Uniforn Codes PRO.'ECT NWBER: 8/2/90 ADDRESS: OCCI'PANCY: R-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: II-FR NA}T8: HI,RLBURT DATE: 8/e/9o CONTRACTOR: CHUCK BETCHER ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PI,ANS EXA}IINER: UICHAEL WHITAKER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CORREqTIONS REQI'IRED Water closet stool to be located in a clear space of not Iess than 3orr in width and have a clear sPace in front of the water closet of at least 24rr. UBC 511(a). Mechanicat ventilation to be provided for bathroom as per uBc 1205. AIl plurnbing work to be cornpleted as per 1.985 Uniforn Plumbing Code. All electrical work to be conpleted as Per 1987 National Electrical Code. A11 franing rnaterial for interior partitions to be non- conbustible or nonconbustible wood as per uBc 1705(b)2. August 2, 1990 Town of Val I Conrnunlty Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. Val l, CO 81657 To whom ft may concern! At the Hol lday House Condominium Assoeiation annual meeting on July 28, 1990r the membership gave condition€l approval to the owners of unlt l8 in the Hol iday House toproceed wfth the remodel fng of the condorninium. The approved work ineludes the addition of a bathroom and the removal of the fireplace. Chuck Betcher h€s be approved by the agsoclatlon to perform the remodel Ing. Please contact me if you need further inforrnation. s truly Pfnnacle lfe Management 'lo,,folul l|lntBrtT o OUTSIDE WALU fw,Ffu** o---{91* no* it ATER UATDHR Hrn@W IF PUt MiNIMUM graF TalLEr I srru tN EltH€€ w*Lt- 111'AT MAkES PuuntPtrl6 ilgraS1 wALL *r-tu Daae (cu \lNfa RaoM/ I ADP 6* CR ! -{ c ftr fl & ilT n ,? s- F P trq , fl ^)il$tt t' I s wg h Itt JJ 6 o ( I€€, uNDnR, wrt'loow BRlr.l6 aw 6" lsto Raatvt + REAJLAIE_AR-PTJEf DAAR K fi tlll ,*rrt"toN REeuEsr VAILPERM DATE . ,i* 1 READY ''FOR LOCATION: ER OF ROJECT JOB NAME NOF \\ CALLER cTro MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED INSPECTOR r-) sc \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo., u i t, JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: rN$PECTTON: 'r-. i' rnrsilcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ' \,\ CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr o tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED ECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr RE|NSPECT|Oru REQUrneo INSPECTOR *ffisrop l* rNsPEcrroNrs ..MPLETED Tbc ttcna bolou aeed to be cmplete before glvlng a pcrul.t e floal C of O. Pleaae check off la the box provlded. EII{AI UECIANICAL NIPROYEUEI{T SURVE|Y RESID. NAME: DATEs tr IEMPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: I.ANDSCAPIT{C DT'E DATE: FILE NAIIE: t a , De^lir- LTST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: HOLIDAY HOUSE ENTRY LAIIDSCAPING AI{D SIGNAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I,OT- BIOCK - SUBDIVISION VAIL VILLAGE STREET ADDRESS: 9 VAIL RD. DESCRIPTIoN oF PRoJECT: l"l0DIFY DRM[{AY ISLAND IN FRONT OI: EI{TRY BY BUILDING IT UP }IITH PRESSURE TREATED LANDSCAPE TI]4BERS PLAl{TING FLNERS ItI ENCLOSED FACE A1{D MOVING EXISTING SIGl{ II{TO SPACE. The following information is reguired for subnittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other WalI l{aterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other LANDSCAPE ENCL0SURE/ 8"x8" NATURAL TII4BER B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Oesigner: j$ Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES NONF EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minirnurn caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimun heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PI,ANT MATERIALS: Botanical Narne Conmon Nane Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS ]{OIIEE EXTSTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minirnum size of shrubs is 5 qallon. Type Scruare Footaqe GROUND COVERS PETUIIIAS & PATISIES J?ROX 2OO SQ. FT. soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROIJ C. OTHER I-,,ANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirnrning poo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walIs. Maximum height of waLfs within the front setback is 3 feet. Maxinum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. STEPPED DRMbTAY rSl Ailn Pl AilrFn LlIrl{ Fr 0r.rFpS l{AXItlu!{ HEIGHT 3 ' . sIGt{ FROM IIORT}IFASr cnRilFp nF eq0PEqTY ilovED IllT0 PI,ANT MATERTALS: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI.IOVED *Indicate size 5 qaLlon. Botanical N.arne il0nE: common Narne ouantitv Size* of proposed shrubs.Mininun size of shrubs is Tvpe Square Footaqe c. GROUND COVERS PETUNIAS & PAI{SIES APROX 2OO SQ. FT. soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROIJ OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimning pools, etc.) Please specify. fndicate heights of retaining irafts. Maxinum height of wl1ls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximun heighL of walls elsewhere on the proPerty is 5 feet. STEPPED DRMIIAY rSl Ailn Pl ailrFn rrrH Fl nuFPs llAXIllull HEJCHT 3 | . sIGN FRoll I{ORTHFAST coRilFR nF pP0PEqTY n0VED ItlTo elc'zn +k^ eurb t +tr lr 4.Ccor\,{,i da+C, o rrs.*rL *1 tI atLa-l *7 r(IY)a,rr;er corna-{ lo"o-{;on Jl.x os J-"* PROJECT: DATE susntTTto: (, . ) 3 /.4 D DATE OF PUELIC HEARING C0I"','.|ENTS I|EEDEO A'l: hS *f BRIEF DESCRIPTTON OF T}tE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC }IORKS Reviewed by: reLt t lo Curb 4- of* 6h., [l f,, +,^- 6c "uollc p.,4 'cn TfJ+'t ur,.,(k b.tr..n J,C.. . FIRE DEPI.RTI.IENT Reviewed by:Date Conments: Revievred by: Conlerrts: Cu"b L, W.-[LJL vof,qcas JL PL,*k' {" 4 w; Ltt^ POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Date i 'tl.r. . ij; RECil4TiqT DEPARTI{ENT Revle"red by: Co;;,ents: I HTEP..OSPTRTHENTAL REVI EW Date \l2 o. Uvlaz 4, -l J*d Js L4, \ rn h:= 4 5a Jod z rl a oE \t ur'l ; I$) L\ 'i -'t-i llt' ."li<] $ i,'i J|}ot! 2s itt1 df Ja_2 3 ql\x z,l ;z': \u \t'-t (r..1 .1 .. i.' i :i ii,:/ 'iv. _J.{ ll \j $i' a; J:1-l -tp\ u{|I( a'n:.:' t! r' ^r il "r Ilft t! {vJJ \i \$ '{} rt ;llr <l t$n.\t 'r \{ :l :l \l ! r '.'i -.1 .l 't .. :i .f l. .:- '.1 Fl\ '.i l\ .t, tilrlit.t\ i \., '.1 }- -i :1..i 'i ,l al.l' $ P.r_ ri ';>Ni'lLv $ J .ci.J lrl 7 v Z\ 1 :tt J 4 U F't.. IT 4j f|.1 '(IF' t. :tJ i,t' JI 'l: l!)-jca€Eit -€3*vl $'r (ri;tt 1,',\. i.!r n,i4'r \\\ r'\ i(\ :"il\)-'i I _! .-l ii' -t T:, ,r'.' !i .J 'i .. :.i r'l..,' a\. ) \\i \l'! tii n.,tisi$,t iF:,1 | rNa '{L\ '- I -'T-'' Proiect Descfiption: Contact Person and Phone Project Application (iq-, * 1 Project Nam6: a Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zon" ?ft Comments: Design Review Board Date Morion by: TO+ * , Seconded by: t -t1 V-o D ISAPPROVAL D statt Approval 8/25/eo Holiday House Storage Area Addition Lot Size: 28,347.31 sq. ft. (Taken fron plat map on record) Allowable GRFA: 22,677.4 sq. ft. (based on 8O* of lot size) Actual GRFA:Ground 01 83642 a5923 65514 4282s/Ifift 2e53TOTAL 30,652 sg. ft. Allowable Conmon Area: 4535 sq. ft. (Based on 208 Conmon Actual Conmon Area: Ground 1000 (does not1 12852 74L3 6334 402S/Loft 428TOTAL 4449 1990 addition 38 Area) include parking area) TOTAL 4527 Allowable Site Coverage: L5,591 sg. ft (Based on 55*)Actual Site Coverage L2ro9o 1990 addition 38TOTAL L2,LL8 f,.trDAYHousI "Condominium Renrals uitb a the f@ling of Home" lz} f ,r"ct May 24, 1990 Holidoy House at Vai IPro ject Descr i pt i c,n 5k i Locker ;.li^". t , t110 Location: East stairwel l, first f loor of existing condomini umbui ldinq. Description: Relocate door at bottom of east stairwel I andutilize exlsting space and proposed one storyextension of ftrst floor t" p.o"iJ" Jxr storagefor short term rentel guests, Existing Common Area: First Floor l9l5 sq.Total Bui lding 17633 0imensions: New construction_ 39 sg. ft. inaddition, Materials: Framing- construction grade pine.Exterior_ stucco painted to match Roor_ .*o":'ll:;:"";;:;iJ::. Contractor: oark Horse Constnuct i on Est i mated Cost: $75t10. ft.sq. ft. incl garage one story existing 9vatlRoad . Vall,ColoradoE1657 303479-7lOO AOOa72-722r iann LIST OF MATERTAIS NAME OF PROJECT: HOLIDAY HOUSE SKI LOCKER LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT_ BLOCK S U BD I V I S I ON VAII:I(ILLAGE-_ STREET ADDRESS: 9 VAIL RD.. VAIL .CO DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTs UTII I7F FXISTTIIG SPACF IIiINFR STATPLIIY to the Design AilD ADn 0NF ST0RY AnnlTT0il (2,r 12') To pFRMTT qkr srnPAcF FOR RFilTAI GIIFSTS. A. The following infornation is Review Board before a final BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaII MateriaLs Fascia soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Flues Flashings Chirnneys Rails Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other I,ANDSCAPING: Nane reguired for subnittal approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR CEDAR SHAKE ]{ATURAL sT rrn ! { TTF tt. pTilF qor Tn copF NATIIRAI PINE NATURAL of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Connon Name ouantity Size*PI.,ANT MATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'TOVED *Indicate catiper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliPer for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimun hqtqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PI,ANT MATERTALS: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI.TOVED *Indicate size 5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED IYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OT EROSION CONTROIJ Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* of proposed shrubs.Mininum size of shrubs is TYpe SquaTe Footaqe oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swinning pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maxinun height of wafls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maxinun height of wafls elsewhere on the proPerty is 6 feet. 2 <) Frt (ll qd t-o \fr 2o P4{4 q ql Jo j 1r'l r i : 'r \F.l' +ln':-<1 I I Il I I qrl IIFr.Ia d -1 I_-.-_t -r \"i=! , i\_u. i,=' \t rt--'T ll if ll fllll-0rp iiirL- r{ a E g J o $,,tt- .l $or. oAi }[o,.=r Ar Vn,, Sr, L,,.Lea lncxrtarJ o Y=-lu J s? FPc: usJ+ j 8 {j.l J*V 9l\:C t/4cc l:o 2f 3 ? :nsz- i d/j o u 4u J tt ( .14. tJ .(Et1rf, IrJ rtit:t;rd I Sl.ql -4 1-sl I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I t*{Ij:c:.t .)aI I cl 3l9. I rl Jt l-ll ti t!' $ \2 n J \) -) cd 4 C)o F r l'tr qu d f\\-l5 I / ( 2u) 9Yl TJ. e-d -i..t -vt -3-ot .\1 T I I It1llItI;lot;I's| :i | .*'l- rE__ - _q.;q-- --itr-- = 'f,: . i .J ctl J:[ cl--+d 13; . \.L. lz-1tI ji ljsl1:l+it+ 1.5 G-<(r 2 T( -6 !u a a €u sa IIo 4(rt ;cct!(.L9qt-+ qJo r.lacl\.-l 3 _€ V2\nasa\\1*dd4oF/-(- 2oJ +bnC ql ,t) a ri l6 lql r8l*t;rd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I S =4atr . A I.t I I * .+ , 4-s(r. 2 ? d'6 ! U o a €\l $o LIo <(rt u{<?Ld *i ..t -vr i-or -nsz- ', cooI J ? t-tri \Jooa .J 2 L rd1ll1 I,ll :--t :-:i I ht. ;$ rl5r '.! | E=.rF{.j d $ CI P v'l s eZe J.U . .+-.93j :rliqi,. i;al _1"^ .;l L'\'.jll,r*:dG'r'o-ort Y -:d9T: <rtoodcl3 >i cgy q L ? J\IrJ.L_=.54, ^,:1 ,i :s !,N?a . .; 'r.. \ I\\" \ i I t. I D INI t l!l 0. a $ ){ {.v.q t-I1l(tlt o dl qt { 0 J f- 'l1l:lit'l p I) a hf, \ .d \ : i , lr'',, li ... /-ti - : i), I --l '7 {{ t n4lj I-g rl rrF 0 ..,. p i" t II G rlJz!j JQ+ <lr?g2vl tl tol-l !l-i i, 0It: g j K*.o il, ,r7, t-'tt ---_l!!l o,' lli.-9. ----r L "5"t *- i"l,l.l;itFfrti Iririrlsl:lsl$l$l itittiri{slrli1 J2sjit rtr td {LJV -r- d E}:5 -ur ls tl, q 0 |l i '{ .- 11 -rl--fll\--! D INI!l$l -jJ e; '- +* ; 24J JGei tLisl d rr- =? E55l =f ($ ,:>F> o) 1 t a P INNAC o LE RESORT SYSTEMSJuly 2, 1989 Cormunity Development Department The Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, C0 81657 Re: The Holiday House at Vail Dear Sirs: Per the attached letter, Pinnacle Resort Systems will assume nanagenent of the Ho1 iday House at Vai'l on August 1, 1989. Up till this time both the Holiday Inn and the Holiday house have shared the address of 13 Vail. I would like to confirm a conversationrith you department in which re agreed to change the address of the . Holiday House to 9 Vail Rd. I will convey this infornation to the police and fire departments and the Vail post office. Thank you for your time. Bruce Gillie Pinnacle Resort Systems cc: Vail Police Department Vail Fire Department U.S. Post Office, Vail encl . Post office Box 2992 A Vail, Colorado 81658 r, Toll Free (800) 8BB-0737 I a HO LIDAYHOUSE 'C,ondomlntufl. Renrals uilb uA hc lcclttry oJ I lorttc' :bT fs, TO WHOI"IEVER IT T1AV CONCERN June 29, l9E9 Tha purposs 0f thls letterls to vertfg that the flrm of Plnnacle Resort Sgstems, represented bg flr. Bruce Gullie, have been selected as the monoglng ogent of the Holldag House Condomlniums at 9 Voll Rood, Vail, Colorado. We have empowered l1r. Eullle to oct 0n our behalf In the converslon of 0ll accounts, utlllties, books, and records to this new m8nogement orrangament. Should ang questions arise concerning thelr authorltg, pleose c0nt6ct me ct 7 | g-s48-o2ss, or l1r. James watson at 303-794-7434. r3vdlRoad . Veit, @lorado 81657 rot 4765631 3o3-573-go6Dcnverlinc blmEr, Presldent ol Y{ ag House Condomlnlum ers Assoclatlon oz ts =G UJo o (n o <Y) (n UJ UJ ].|- tr =t uJo- _!I:- _ -.8- "r o,lrTtg%%e I Io, l ( OOo\lc .l6 t!r,t 6 IF?rEItrE IrUzlHIFJ &l ul EI ? ,< ::ld lqEllr iblo,zt6 t= uJF I?EFIz = zz ,it5 l!Foz(,z 6Ilo€ ozz lrJut U' =I lt EoFo E.Fzoo o E uJz3odqul6z.--a (EvlulFI<F AoYZo< cL u) 'a 1) =t\f.l 6rHI z EI Ff j-oc6*6.9 3 EE:E Eg E:E ;ff:E IEFEEg;Er€ EiEig iEiiE +rn F-6t * tr EEqJL z clJ o Y uJIoz () EF tll)ul z ao =Jo- J =-() UJ = UJ uJl!z9F uJc uJ ao;ut uJEz -an uJo F 41, UJo o. z uJJ C) x F u,l U' U' IJJ lrJl! E =t uJo- J FoF z c)J @ d,F() uJJ uJ <5z ao = ) =Io uJ- Fl Ho NO|l'Vn']VA FI rI1Izlt-l I Fql<l "lzl IJ.] I rrl HIvl -l:l YrrC.. 3.- b; ESFrrgo fi,{ HitE0r H E >E --d)lut(t =coN zz99ho- IxrzEP o .tt O6d<)2L<o* CUFO -.i (\i u)tsfrlzHt (J E =H E lrr lrrl lotz l" z tr fJ u- cco o- ulo- o a uJc z E NXt{z9F g, u,l J =u,z II tlII a z z9nkoo< =ft>acxE6ci<z L2,. 9z -,1 1-do3tr u H tl l-"1lottqlItrl lll (l (t, ao zY i F z F J z oo 3 at) o F llJ uJ uJzo = uJ az E zl x z (t, ct oz Y o @ OO o\ c F t lu Eooo-zo Fo- uJY ulo oF E tr uJ o- llo o-oo I LllFoz uj ko z .r9ze coo =z dP EEi aHE E u.lo- IIo:HE>E<ql€8E9tr ir 'EE =>.= ur '- E FEE :FE 66 9 F-'ttr E XO-E X>t q- €; ul @ F --- E =e,lrl o-zoF()f E.Fazo C) !n! (,z J ll. J @ F uJ =z @o L-) zF] ts E F.] FfH UJ =2 a trl at) iE HFl I F-] H E =tr (t) cc - F6 Fr Fl zF a F :g lt flnlnN ^z ou,E tl-oz3o F \oc! o.lrn Io\.$ or |l u.F :g o o uJ : t!q 2 =oF tElt oz ciuttr J ttoz;o F =c tr ot =.1o UJ IE J bz Bq H =e oz ctuttr J t!oz =o F qr JutF G,Iuz3o F(J IJJtI E t -J O<FEOuJ<zg,UJFozo () Jg<oC)F FSqE -8 9F s3 =Ft'5() Iz to [U = t ? 2f, oFgi b2 () <()qfr-amtn llr I lr,Ivlt: o o o zoO lstzl3oi l!E .:. BEof lr,:T vzU'< tJ1t! t.l.L UJ t\ n fr (J (Jl! <l9tzt<tJ;t<E NOltYri.lY I I 5 \l \ tlx ,\ :",| I I ||r' to I I I I il l \).- N Do {\ uJ trod!o-zo q lrJ ut ro o F cEu, i;lr, oz o =4fE€ ozzo U' LU uJ () (J l"'l l:l 0i <l U'I =i I I I I I o UJ J F F(, 3; c C) x (J = o .. >loulou,qtz aa =ql 4 J zo do z 2o -o Q II I ar, (9: ..i> <! zIc3 =99o6blr=r<oq.*a>(,FO >< oz rUAE<>ou Ff n--l =E<a r|Jrtq =EE5 g i^S 954iu, o;= F'r- E)...9 =- q ==>E=!:fO= lr, =l;=i Hl EJI sI E=3 gl E.H E -I:<=-11 triu, -EIo I F E lrl -o l- C) :) Fazo CJ z,.o =<c302z :Jo J."i5YY= 5a> lt-tl|- |<lta* ll -il-llrJ I tol ll;1,ttcll'llIl-ll tl Ir: ll l!ell t;? tllrcllll !r,lllr-ll||Jtl it< lltl [ -llt-iltillr'!tl::n fl$/ *ll-l- 'll-j-isllll z ct uJl JIil>lt!lq zl 3lo| zq UJ -tl?lil :l =l H JI fl :l BIolFI z u, J <l>l r.tIol 3t tslu, E z -t <CJO '"',t! u,JO €E ils 96 il' I II I :pF() =s;iz (J o C' J 9 (J l{t UJ -.1 O<f- lr< oO [(Jlu,Il- l6 i< I --- 75 south |rontage ?oad vail. colorado 81557 l3o3l 479-2L38 or 479-2139 TO: FROI,I: DATE: eYii TF/'iF. ottlce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC r,roRKS/coMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT I4ARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sumrnary, ordinance No. 5 stat,es that it is urrlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debriscr material , including trash dunpster-, portable toilets and - ';orkrnen vehicres. upon any streetl sidewaik, arley or pubric el?:._:I any portion rheieof. rhe risnr_oi-;;t-;" atl rown ofvarr sEreets and.I9ags is approxir:rately 5 ft. off pavemenc.This ordinance wirr be striltry enforcld by ttre-iorn of vailPylli-c works Department- pers6ns found viStati'q this ordinanceltrrr I,e glven a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .rn the event the perso' so notified does r.ot -"o^piy with th-notice within the 24 hour time specifj.ed, the p"[f:. worksDepartrnent wilr remove said nateliat at trn" "xp."se of personnotified_. The provisions of this ordinance sUiff not beapprrcable to constructi.on, uraintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or- any utiLities in the right,_a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Position/Relationsnip to erffi?tvD{xel (i.e. contractor, owner) PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT\, _i\r \rDATE .:,_ - ).\ )\ JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ITUES WED' THUR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING T] POOL / H. TUB f1 t1 tr FTNAL MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E SUPPLY AIR - tr tr FINAL tr D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOO NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER UGH tr tr tr CONDUIT FINAL -TIAPPROVE} ,1, I" tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDr .' -/ CORRECTIONS. DATE ffisrce d; SPEIN CTION TOWN OFit , i''.'-, ,t REQUEST VAIL .\. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON WED CALLER TUES :Ail' PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND .s RoUGH / D.w.v. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL AMING ,? - ; tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL B HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: INSPECT @ F{r{ cvOO z (59ze coo =z=tlJc}(L t! *fi =E=E;E = EIuo-l!o:!{E>E<ctf€8E9Eka95EE drE h=o dfi: >dE 859 EurE =O-E ;'5, u| €; uJ.ooF m v/J= !: I! ts U)ooazo Fo-tuv llJo o E E uJ o-blI rol6ElO c.J ItrlguJ :^F\,z6 E =Et!o-zIF(J EFazo(J nntr i.t t oz E =e, uJo t\ r.a o T\ ro o ITJutt! F = uJ o- -.- s?/</L Sqhtr'-p-X7 tf) (\ F\ '- +r(6 CL o .|J t) rlrl!,ll| -1.,,',B EI=,:: (! -r" ..._l I F-lrll1tt I;t-I cx I Ft< i3 FlE lE -rElo .:' < t=*19li ,4 o UJr- z oz 6J 6 € =z o Eq) E Kc o Ec6 (,Eo El E 3o o =cf do o o.o.(! 3 .9 o co) tl,oo ooao() '6 Eo o o € coN -oc 'oF c) o o) 6 ooo(! E (J <t .2 -c ! Il o E 6 at 'o !r ,got:6'=9(D sbE 5:fr EgE .0 8E oi,iS :EEd's =c9c'- oc r.E t E E-s,FOO iEo E;E!!! i.Y- (! CL(! CI SE; at, r o-Ef;: E6: E E.bO(': EE E -+,C,6 0'-5ae gEE EE;.O(!=!EE3ie;5e9Eoe5g -o6 Ort) (olr) ro(\J @$t rc) l\ sr NJ F =t uJo. z J -()gl 2 o- J F tuJ uJ z 6 = 2 lJ,l u,ltll{tz tr uJ UJG oe oo;I uJ z 6qlo F al, R uJo o- 2 II,JJ x F uJo (t IJJult!t =& UJo- FoF z !f ao ) 9 FollJJ uJ oz =fr J 9 =E uJ: NO[Vn]VA oll C + c o d G'+) Jo(uE = o (l) (|J +J P -o (tJ -v, tn {J .d !(6 P 0.,L oI (+ x IE(u o z9F t! o- oG uJc oot\ Lr) c tllE J z E z9 F Eu,FJ =UJ2 IIII a)Ezlzoq) <oo< =Hvr!Uct<z a,)Fz, 9= d63trOI Iu J E qq IJJzYI F I tr J oz ili-l zl zl .. >lo ut uJ uJza tr Itr z Eoo x -- uto z o) Jo (o Ie. I 3 uJltrl zl 3lolFI olzl cil uJl 1l <l>lttlol zl 3lolFI I I I I I I .l ?lol IJJIGl JI <l>l|!lol il sOl ulFI F. 3lslFtl I olzl EI il>l t!l E| .tJa +r .d = l! zl oluI 5l ?l>lttlol zl 3lolFI $J (u ro oz Jtr J flI I 5 9-ood o v) .('! ..r ii =z -t (?)(o trt I(or\:to- ao - 6 $ T Tt cYD 1 I I J.4ul CId J =(r 9? =<=E d5 C) gt) =+Eo2 <FGC)uJ<ztUJFarzo =F C) u.tJ Lu Etn \ \ ,s il $l\l \ {-.rf' x.\0 \J..:.:.,__., P><E=!'><F= EIEriXdf =\t \'ir'i. N.1.rj i\$. ^:\I \ i\-' l'r'..).x\\O :'l! *36I,96i O6_(nPi 36,1- oi \o.! ;*€-F\r ;ll;,ro,EF i;-g ,:o RE,.E-::(rss\6PFO eb' g O.. o€c(g5e-3 3oll Ort o.S ;5,10 - IE r-E f. !:9\lo\i., df i\\ (, 9:' !€ -oo- o, o) EE€;c(),o(,:CI! or. :o,: g' ,t/rl iqrl ;- tiul .'r- t.4s oF po :c-3(aO;';(EQJ €;es: -cFEE '*E 69=Eca'- iE F' sPSl 9'-E icctri.aei ;Es iiEg! ' o|=.,rEc! 3 rs(, :\'=G= =!F;3ou6eFc\(D _E|Dc! 3FE ti:gE i- o, n|c)aOl :ctt;9E tC i: cr':\'c,tau ;tt.(r,iP' Fii\ Q.: (!jtrCr-EsscL6s -c=€('E s: 9'oEC !O 35!=-a! i.g''c ioi siI3i': 5sotocq?a (D.o.,l 3-i IEIEls I CCl€;! .u€I ar- t cL('lo.-i oF lta= -cQ' Eg9Ei F' GC _ a] ! o, dr o:8E:€3; e 3: €si :.E:&o:9do :FE ol|l oz oz o-J5 @ #s;ir I Illt' l_ le tg6 U' uJ UJrl.F E lu oo- UJ =z ut o o o CO Bll, UJ z ttl ql \l z9F l.r ()lr,e t- =l!o. z o @Nollvnlv^ llu o. o (, C'z 5(,(,o fi -s\€ zo F(J z () ou, F -i 3l "l Io =)zo F o =C'o I I atF2 o = ur =o il^ll- lle<lt4I!!llcltll^lt-llJll<ll otlFtl o-llo :ll z tr gJ F o o o _zxE o. (' =o .E F5o F.a >l I I ;ct \s- trtrtr zsPzE =zde J "36dFsJ()i5--U(l)r!= ts =GttF.B-.t|.lrtodFZt/,<rzPq,€ oF><c OlJ,l itsbrH=lE=EI&rl F3l 5-.1$lo--il 5-'l >d- coE.tto o oE c E Eo(r o q' E (' Q'E t_ 'o/a,(-o )zLo 5t l* \I O.t z Jlr. o =olu El*!llFl*ffiali; I I5 I gE il rg I E3E I u? il gE [ =F ; l r I -Q I if ! .'E ,EoD o OL IDAY HOUSf "Condomini*m Rentals uitb all the feeling of Home" 3i4T fNd June 26, 1985 Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage RoadVail, C0 81557 lto whm it may concern! The Board of Directors of the Holiday House CondminiunAssociation is giving permission to Plath Construction Co.to carry on roof repairs. Thank you. Sincerelyr,/4_z_. z Ruben Catan rBoard of Directors fitoJ-iday House Condoniniun Association RC:nea 13 Vail Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 303476-5631 3O3-573-9N6 Denver Line Nf'mexwtt II t it' t, i Ft. t- i t" t" I $""'t- \t,.\ -l t*. : .l+i ,\, '.<."Y '1 ,. ;;q v\ $vl f ( tJi .,1-: rl Jt Fi fo iid FN '1":t'rti;\lri,\ iit$ l',$r-t :'r'_+ { ; a I t i I tt I ! i\ $vl sttI \ Jt at- 5 F'd ijr' i,, o ) ltY o PECTION REQUEST OATE READY FOR LOCATION: OF PROJECT INSPECTION: lNs 't!ro. *or.f-t^TOWN OF VAIL rux--/ CALLER MON TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc €.2 z *€/ tNSPEcroR t I NSPECTION REQUESTPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAILI, JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON cAl:!ER TUES WED THUR FBI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/ WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION o rfl tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL b rtruRl O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr o tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL - 'b'nppnovEo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffir ah l.u oz =oJ cl od F FIz zz I =lrlcol <l tn, sl o. FI (n r.lJ IJ.Ju- ==E IJJ o- h6/ So o <tt/8\ s F \ o.c o cqt oE o o) ! o E o =l d 0) o o.o,(! =.o E .9(t or.! sio. oo' coj atD l .IrE-o, ah Erl @. o, '= OtNl .Al--l '\oF 0) o o) E o (J (lt o a o .9E I ,.cl o Itc(! at; o;i G.'=ol,*!u'xoc-o(E 5:fr EgE 6SEc-oef: :€Pcl '5 =c96 E sE_'E > EEr',FOO --: o E ae!q! i.Y- 6 cL (! o- eEE oP o-:*e E6:EP b o EE EE E -e tr(E o'- - --c E'fi €ggt- 9 6E EI E.it e9Eor e5g -()6 U'Iu uJtt E =E uJ o- J FoF F =uJo- z I 6 zl .. >l ul ul UJz !)F G, uJ z E l"J FI t;F EIH g;l: 5815ztoo(Ul6 tr olr) Esl€ fi.rl- SttH*t: u(Jl." 66F^tttq5EP o atoz>-ooQZ|r<oq F- C)-8 j a\i oo o r.r) C\Ie x a EIE J z Eoo I 3lull -.,ttlal>l t!lol zl3olt-l I I I rl slGl il>lttlol Pl Pr I-l(?)l -l ^l il 5l al>l t!lol fl o tnln o(.) o L+)() (lJ UJ tr I I I I IIol =.1ol tl =ltLlol zl =lolH c\l @s I(o|.\st t\ Fl -llst cdl!l co IOl r\ |=l-'l€t Iot .lsl el(,l ol EI HI.'- | Jl-l al,-t >l =l allzl =l 3l HPI u.JU) o- o Jo z J lJ- !.OJF< =lrlOo-t-l<..r,F EIa/, .f o JoT rii =z d) -) r-{ cr)(o LOt; N-s (-, dt ! € IUo&. (6 (r) r.{ o l-d ir =+E Fo2 2? E?>(ts d' zo F (tFzoo E Fz C) <FG()r,! <zF IIJ F o C) ctz F =d, llJo- - ? z .'r =Z*4oo =z (L lJ- aE3-r -': t!6il= DUtr tr uto- u-o 69E<c\fo gt) E!! .E* Pv, a E>'o EE = '>. =tn:-E E=6 dilE =1E U6!9 \urE XO-r x>t q-o=-rtr uJ @ F -] -EED C!O @ c)O iuF o l! tso c0o-: zo Fo- uJY UJ @ oF ts =Eulo l!o o-oo I IJJFoz E =E, lrJ o-zIF C) EFazo(J olsl il lfl ill tt UJo =I Golt GoFo .( Fzoo (E uJz3o LtrF z )orc) 'F:c ;g,o to) i€,o T'rc(E q, 1'oo ot -c: o E o f E.o o c\6 ! .9 o DC;.e;3 lE !(t^oii tt50.o!.:o t:: :E ,ai -ol : o. is' :oIN i-" lfci'3i'O':Friol5:lot .P: E.to(3((g( o.!5I6':3g rDIoi =!P-'=t.9 oS cECCa6: t;6t5.!E :€ D.,l :E)c)6 Dtoo,ol,c:otc rE ;otcr3to 'F;=r6tg iEi> :O. ,E'oo o:lc C' a,' -9'o. E:(E cl 6,Ei ei.sioi €.1 EJ E: 5':o_rE(o.oIo( oo1!:9!: t:96 'E;o:(, i.EiEiQ) :L.Jict:E =o)6ioo:E 3'>-,o'cl icr.9 rct iF'orc o, .6'6.€. 9,,6o' Erc-l(!< -l (!i o,,: o-EJo. dl :i(r:o; Fi Bi 0,:Eo ETo(oo E o, '5 go c .9 .gc o .5 o .s o.o'g c .9 6!.9: oio'rGiutiEr Ei@1tlo.€(-cl-( 6( dr((rdtti EiOoCt ;i6t>!tloo? !,r!c -G p v ( q t^ { s. oo v fD i luA .( ..] E Gt!c(,z ao -o UJ () z o- J o Fot! qt (,z 6 Jo- J - lrl: UJ UJtl.zo F UJ () UJ oG o @ 3|lJ uJez 6tu tao uJ z gJ a x F ulo an UJ UJ u_ F =E ITJ o- FoF z J J IG ogJ J UJ (,z (n =JG J Iz ou, NO[vn'lvA a) 0) g 5*B bu F,i frdodi{l g\rl UI 66Qs 9E969o8!rt <(oo.HB>()'FO z9 t<lct.El l"l 3l ; $ ci uJG t:IJt<lz :z <l EIFIJIol rlqJlzl JI<tl FIzl zl .. >l llJoul u,lzo ts UJ z 9 troo tttltltl I =z9oF lll<oo<OJ ="8QEoo<z oE2..f!:9: ..: F;63u-c)I =ulo oz YG G oz Fo @ .I H z(,9zea)o =z=>d8 Dn! E atulGltoEUE3€fr!. PeaE ''9'=cE =o.=.>E dtsE h> r:l -'\ oz Jtr "{ UJ =z -| JJ: \a $ \ e Hl f il \ \t \o\l l 'rl{l il sl FI j oluIl :lttlol el i F C) uJF o oa EJO<Fcc)ur<zE,t!F(rzo() gF 33DFd5() chgiTEoo <c)q8 :o >z \-o3 J EEi =ltJ;d,,d =rbr ''9'=cE =o.=.>E dFc F5o 14;; gE: Fb9 | u.rE Xo-E i-€-i HoF CI-E Urilnnt (Jo,J- llo4, - G-< ,14 G/g lLn,. - E/".-#r- ry-/ floy ol,n- E ut a R Hu".f 7vn /" /J -.a- ft /u^{ -st le.*(/, '4ace+f /" ,4 / 7,-t at; ll /n^l r'f . /nr;eJ t x aucre{e. 4// 't!.,.-./( )s ex;ry';y-/on/ry n1"^f t { /. -.1 ctnr .(/ ..*.^/e tv 1*.$.Xllla.;S",'u,n F\(e O(* +\' <*run Brr\\c Hea''-'n o \.rS' .^*.s' '\ ? :', 'tN nnPProved \}, n LJnico OAlE: 6h I z/er/ar ,Ll t* Iic,;itrlrF I I t aq.. I h\l F\ h \o N \ Ns\.o" rl/ot // - HEuDAY Hous? "Coadomhirm Rentalt witb all the leeling of Home"sfl rNd August 2, L984 To whom it may concern: Please be advised, by this letter, that the Board of Directors for the Hotiday House Condominium Associationie in agreenent to electrically heating the sldewalkin the Bouth yard adjacent to the Holiday House. David Beard, Director Holiday EouEe Condominium Association 13 Vail Road. Vail, Colorado8l657 303476-5631 303-573-9W6 Denver Line tn"y'2@an*o rely, , ,.) /)' !,r.x'-,/ O INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: ,,_:2 izy t)lJOB NAME MON CALLER TUES rHUR ,,31)WED AMREADY FOR LOCATION: OA1E /'/,'ii't,'ll BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATEF O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr / rrr.rnr-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR trF IFAL E FINAL ,Afps6vro tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , CORRECTIONS: i. DATE INSPECTOR tml OATE 'i JOBNAME rNs t'o TOWN 1''; N REOUEST OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL . tr ROUGH/D.W.V. tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffird ) r-'r FF ..< -l - -J1.\lr - lr3i \:t- .-: lc' ''! i1:_f-- t_il .tu . i.ti. : ?r o_pue_,r5e .r. ti'l'. ! -t I I t:.2{ {f .r.traAL) 't.l :{..T TCi: {*o irr< ar.toS-E t/\Arlr ln- f r(, -tt .C3 -e v t -t'="'I I ftrrnsrorsrc*FArrorlI J ' GRAND JUNCTION SALES OFFICEYo P.O. BOX 1963. GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 A/C 303/245-9402 LAVERL RANDALL t t1& BCnoe NX'tt- 4AxQr7* )'-'$ sLaeY€.. Ag#-gS @ lfr"s*. q ffiaurq --+r JOB NAME: LOCATION: SALESMAN: JOB # SHEET - OF BY DATE: - o bcyle engincering. inc, 143 e,. meodor dr. suite n-10 crossrmcls sl'opping center r,qil, colorodo 81657 n3/476-2170 li&ay 14, 1984 Ms. Stephanie Kennington JOY DESIGIIS 1340 La Mirada Laguna Beach, California 92651 SUBJECT: Holiday House, Unit #27 Dear Stephanie: We have exenl.ned the proposed window addition in the above-noted building. There is some roof load bearingorl the wall in which you are going to plaee the newwindow. For this reaaon a staeL f,eader must be addedover the opening. Our findings indicate that an L 6x6x3,/8" angle wilL besufficient. The vertical Leg of the steel angLe shoul-d be bolted to the existing masonry with 1,/2" diameter sl-eeve anchors at. 2' -0" o.c. and should have at least4" of bearing on the masonry at each end. SincereLy,Reviewed and Approved by: YLE ENGINEERING, INC. Andrery G. AGN/jac ffil"tI'"R in^toso5": foru,nS I Lt.sr_ _o_l rar€RlAts. .,1' ru',,no.,n', it/o (.r)E__l/ausr _/UrZ **? LI]CAl, DliSCl{tl''l'I0N I t,Ol'DI,OCK t; I l. ING t)l:SCIt l l''l'l0i'l OF PRO.rl jgl' The fol lor,ri.ng information is Board before a final approvaI A. BUILOIN(; MATIRIALS Aoof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows hlindow Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flash j.ngs Chirrureys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es Other rcqrtircd for submittal by thc applicant to thc Dcsign Rcviclrrcalr be given I Type of }laterial !p!qr fuuazs -fuT Trsuzer'D fuss J, nn..,n-o^t +r- _Slt utTa s - 6<e-t!,1 6fse* tb*oee. ! Avav3 o n^ t Cormon Name Quanti ty Si ze B. LANDJCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PIANT MTERIALS TREES Botanical .Name SHRUBS o 'l v SQUARE FOOTAGE I" s0D enouto c0vERs TYPE OF IRRIGATION SQUARE FOOTAGE SEED TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa1'ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. DAY HOUSE "Condomini*m Rentals with all tbe feeling of Home :zT fNt October 19, 1983 ,tim Sayre Deslgn Review Board foorn of Vail- 75 South Frontage RoadVail-, CO 81557 Dear ilim, Received your letter dated October 3, 1983. I believe we will be using someone J.ocally tofabricate the snow fence as specified by the Town of Vail on the south side of the building. We will present the design and installation tothe Building Department before the end of the month. Sin Yt ( tephen F.Weber Manager HoJ-iday House Ccindominiums Srl^l/hnl 13 Vail Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 303476-5631 303-573'906 Denver Line n ANm'xoprv ( lnttn 75 .oulh lrontrrge road r.ll, color.do 8t6S7 (303) {rE-7000 offlcr ol commdy d.u.lopm.nl 0ctober 13, 1983 ( Hol iday House 13 Vail Road Vai 'l , Co. 81657 Gentlercn: 0n.October 5, '1983, the-Design Review Board approved the Holiday HouseHot Tub wJth the condition that a snow ience be installed on the roof to !::t_:llt,Iron injurins tubbi.ns sueiti. The snour tence-aeiisn anurnsrat tarlon must be reviewed by the building department. Sincerely, Jim Sayre Design Revieru Board Town of Vall 75 South Frontage RoadVal], Co. 81657 JS/rme (- o Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board oare Cc-T =r ct-' DISAPPROVAL '_*-o summary: I Yr'DY Ef !t0 r* ,F{NC tr- cr / -€oc t'<-- ,'7C : 7-- 64'T-r-- ,sNt-tti .SLl?'- --J4'<*-*\.,/APPROVAL ) \--/ /rl- ; '\J- 6f ,(72:s,of ':L> f t/ aalt:ra' Town Planner E statt Approval *"&/7n:I'l{0,; t:C1 , D!i:iClt I l''f IOli : LO'l' tiscl{t l"t't (i:l ol: Pttojt:(;t' r.]t,0cK The fol lowing informat ion is lloard beforc a final approval A. BUILNIN(: MA'I'[RIAI,S Roof Siding Other l{al I Materials Fas c ia Soffits Windows l{indow Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flash j.ngs Chlnureys Trash Encl osures Greenhous es Other rcqrr i t'cd for sul)r'ti.!tal by curr be given: Type of Nhlgrial t.ltc appl i c:rnt to thc Dcs).gn Rcvicw Color B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Corrnon Name Quanti ty /r a tr-'X lLrtL>"u4 6'14 z' &.<' 9@#lrt/u"' rti-r'' ,"///"t tu'ln-lku'Si ze Pi fof" ft7"-tzMS*Zl1z/. /;*"^-rY*l n^t- /n, h.r*nL;/"t A!"J'ry-efsr"- SHRUBS t Project Appticatio" t o^r" 4/2 trh'; Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Description: tot 6 , g1o"v 14 / / 1/,,Fif ing "c. . - - .r , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by:/-/'JAr-\) Seconded by: (tr(,f,artat-/APPBOVAL )\::- ./''.-._.--../'f -,:>DISAPPROVAL summary: ,(NQvl ,<Ht€ r,-<)r-LaN, ,HoAi^ A t4 O.sc_A(, lL r1 '.,\ i- ,-i a." 7oc,.. I .tiT\ 7- t- gu E statt Approval &+e /',,, ?1,, t; t '' t'trc f<rl loi.'ittrl ittforrr:rt jon i:; ll1;ard llt l,rr,: a f in:rl :tpproval A. Bl,ll.l,li{(; I'IAI'[nlA.l,S Poof Siding ' Othcr l';all Materials Fascia Soffits l{indovts lfindow Trin Doors D-oor 'l'rin Hand or Dcck Flues Rails Flash ings Chirnneys Trash Etrcl osures Gtecnhotrs e s Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designeri Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name TREES t'('(rr i rr'(l for :;trlrtai t til I lr)' tlrc al1ll ic;rrtt c:r rr lrc ll iv cll : 1o thc l)cs jl:rr lit'v.i r.':,' -l,y_.Lg_gt_]1' L1 r-' r' ia I tl,.r I o r ue./4 sL. r S, {rn. Ue (.- Corrnon Name 6fs.le,4-t--^+-; Quanti ty Si ze ?!4' SHRUBS d)o k, t;//n f T: sQUAnt SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGESEED TYPi OF IRRIGATION TYPE TYPE OR METHOD OF E.ROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retainjng w.alls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) P'lease specify' Prolect Application l-ftds4-Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Gomments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ./lU* Fve /czl Ut-. Summary: ]^ zt- 9'\ E statt Approval box lfi) vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-5613 Februarry 7, IW department of community development Caroline llrrner ItroLre Rderts & Orcn 1700 Broaduay Suite 1800 Denver, @ 80290 Re: Holidav Inn\Jloliday Housel zoning and Srrbdivisio I.ot C & B, Vall Villaee Zrd Dear Caroline: Each of these lots is zoned Rrblic Acccnrncdation (PA). Acccrmrodationutits are defined a,s any rocrn or groqr of rocurs witbout kitchen faciLities designed for occr4rancy by guests and accessible frcrn cottnur cotridors, halls or balconies withcut passing through another unit. I assure that these buildings conforrn to those guidelines. If not it \{ould be cqrsidered apre<xistilg, ncr<onformi-ng use. It nay rerain unless, it is enlarged, reestablisbed after abandorurent or restord ajter sulcstantial destnrctio. The urits ray not be condominir.mized. Thene is not prcbleo vrith the current srbdivisim I trust tbis will ansrer yorr questicns. Please feel free to cotrtactre if you harre any questions. Sincer"elv.t i'(-\ ,- AfulLb,h,["1 Orarles A. bntey A I V, /'/'7t l"il NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES aoo/er,t MF BUrLD PERMTT Permit #: 895-0128TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Job Address: 303-479-2138/479-2139 Location. . . : FAX 303-479-2452 Parcel No. . 3 Project No.: D e parl tnent of Contntuniry Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . thr information required, compteted an I agree to comptY vith the info lrF{ccording to the Town's zon 9 VAIL RD ENTRY VIAY 2101-0 7 L-0 6-0 0 0 Development ISSUED 05/05 /rees o6 /05 /tee5t2/02 /tees APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR Description: HOLIDAY HOUSE ENTRY OccupancY: R1 Type Construction: v Type OccuPancY: Valuation: HOLIDAY HOUSE ASSOCATIO}{ 9 VArL RD, VAIL cO. 81657 HOLIDAY HOUSE ASSOCATION 9 VArL RD, VAIL co. 81657 HOLIDAY HOUSE CONDOMINIUM ASSOC. 9 VArL ROAD, VAIL, co 81657 Phone:479-7 100 Phone l 479-7t00 Phone z 970-479-7100 Add Sq Ft: L7 #cf Gas Logs:'I1 fof uood/Pat tet: Dept: BUILDING Division: DeDt: PLANNING DiViSiON: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: MuIti-FanilY 1-HR Type V l-Hour 5, 000 t*trtrr*t******f,ffitrffi*ffi*..ffirffirhffiffi FEE SU t4ARy tiffiJr**ffiir***i}*ffi****JnHr:H.lilrt,*J(****ffi***ffi** Bui Lding-----) 95.00 Restuarant Ptan Fevi ev--) .00 Total Ca[cuLated Fees---> 296'75 PLan Check---) 51.75 DRB Fee-------- Invcstigation> .oo Recreation Fee----------> 'l7.oo Totat Pernit Fec--------> 296'75 Iti l,l, cal,l,----> 3.OO C I'ean-Up DePosi t--------> 10O'OO Payments------------: 296'75 TOTAL FEEs----- ffi ffii #tikffi ffi*trHr#r*JrrrfrHr'rr******Mffi'trffi IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT6a7cisl1995 DAN Acti-on: APPR Tt,em:, O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENTos72z/7ggs RANDY Action: APPRItbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPAR'TMENToel05lrsss neN Action! APPRItbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKSoe/os/tsss nx Action: APPR tik rrr*,ur**i*lntt**trffilr*J(*******rtffilrdr*ffi(#crtirl,ffir****trr#d#*tt**ir*ti**ir*tffirffir*rfifiki(tffi*t'ttrffir**#('rfiffi* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit' OECLANATIONS t hereby acknovtedqe that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futl' ol,an. aird state th;t atl' the infornation Provided as reguired is correct' io compty uith lLL Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this struc codes,'dlsign reviev approved/ uniforl guil'ding code and other ordinances Fi replace Infornation: Restricted: N0 fof Gas App I iances: REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Scnd C tcaF-Up DePosit To: oHn appIicabI'e T 479-2138 0R AT accurate pLot and ptot P tan, subdi vi sion OF Ol,titER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF ANO OIINER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permj-t #: 895-0128 as of 06/06/95 status: ISSUED ******************************************************************tt************* permit rype: ADD/AL,T MF BUILD PERMTT epplied: 92/.95-/,1222appriciirt: HoLIDAY HoUsE AssocArloN Issued: 99/.01/.\222479-7LOO To ExPire z L2/02/t995 Job Address: LocAtiON: ENTRY WAY Parcel No: 2101-071-05-000 Description: HOLIDAY HOUSE ENTRY Conditions: 1. I.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE.2. ENTRYTIAY SIGN AND SPOTLIGHTS NEED TO BE RELOCATED. COORDINA PLANNER BEFORE PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF PROJECT. 3. no construction staging in the right-of-way. aI1 parking- and material storage to occur on-site in driveway or Parkinggarage below. 4. FIRE DEPARTI'TENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED TOI{N OF VATL CONSTR_ PERUTT APPLTCATION 7 I I p a. ., } PA?CEL 5, . ERI'IIT // r9!5 DATE: t APPLTCATIoN l{usr BE FTLLED our couPr.urmv bl{Ur-dlAttuifdttb#hbhpreoUX****** ** * * ************ ******* PERMIT fNFoR!,lATfON ************** ************ i**,l foxl-Duildlng [ ]-pluilbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-rtrechanical [ ]-other JOb Nafne: rrnr.rnav Hrrrrsn F:NTnv JOb Addfess: Legal Descriptiins legArBrc Block_ titi.n ,*o ,urorurrro",t owners Name: I{nr.rnav HorrsF: assocrAfifii[rpess: 9 vArL RD. ph.479-7100 Architect"! rsar.r.v RearNrlRrr Address: lO00 LToNSRTDGE Loop ph.476-922g General Description: work class3 [ ]-New fuf-Arteration t l-Addttionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-ottrer $*a \ Nunber of Dwelllng Unitsl. ZJ_Number of Accornnodation Units:27 BUTLDTNG: PLI'I{BTNG: Electrical Contractor:N/e ELECTRTCAL: $ MECIIANICAL: $ OTITER: $ ToTAL: ll, 000. ___^ ^ . .s \,a aiLt 4 \,allJ . fi* * ************* * * ** ******** CoNTRACTOR7 teneral Contracto33 HOLIDAY HOUSE tFEKF?/j CONTRACTOR INFORITIATION * * * ** ** ** * * * * * * * ** * * ***** **tvrJLpAY. trQUsE; VrFEY.t " t^ zB<n, Town of Vail Reg. NO&-I Phone Nurnber: 47g-7 1oo------ Address: Plunbing Address: co$tractor: N/A Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Mechanical qontractor:Address: ,"--avs,Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: ****************'t*************** FOR BUTLDTNG PERUTT FEE: PLUI.IBING PERilTT FEE: I'fECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: PLI'MBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I{ECHANICAL PIAN CIIECK FEES RECREATION FEE: 3fr1"F"#*'Vftr^CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: t@i_l_|ffi BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATIIRE: CI.EAN I'P DEPOSIT IEIIIXD IO: VALUATION \-, D{ TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REOUIRED 1) 2) Job Name: uor,rnav Housp nntnY Dale: MAY 5, 1995 Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way permit': YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property lo be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community NO Y t 3) 4) 5) 6)I I I 7) 8) Development? !f19u, answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" rnust be obtained.'Public Way_ Permit' applications may be obtained at the public Work's ofiicE or aiC9.11u1ltf Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the townof Vaif Construction Inspector, al479-2158, I have read and answered lhe above qu MAY 5, '|995 Job Name FOR THE HO f ?Bl#{"nourr .ouBilfit*rur't AssocrArroN t.t,o 75 routh |ronttgc rold u!ll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 offlcc of oonmunlty dcuclopmotl If this permit requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approva.l,Engineerts (Public lgl|1l review .nJ'ipp"orrt, a planning Departmentreview or Health Departmint.review, ani'a_review by the BuirdingDepartment, the estimated time tor'a-lotat ""uie*-fov"L[!'as rongas three weeks. Al] conmerciat ('rarge or sma'il) ano a'[ murti-famiry permits wiilhave to follow the ibove menti6niJ-maximum requirements. Residentia.land.small projects shourd take a resitr"amount of time. However, ifresidential or sma'[er.projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to-necessiri-""vitn,-ifi;; ;;;j;.ii' ruyalso take the three-week perioO. Every attempt will be T9e UV this department to expedite thispenni't as soon as possible. ' BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI, the frame. I. HOI,IDAY HOUSE ENTRY REMODELz- Comnuni ty Devel ognent Departnent. a luwn 75 routh frontage road Yrll, colo.rdo 8165z (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&T8CT: rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anvperson to litter, track or deposia ;t-";il;-";;;"!"ial-i"ii:i"or materiari incr'uding trasrr hunpsters, portable toilets andworlsnen vehictes.upon any streetl siaewaircl;ii;y or pubLicplace or anv portibn tn.i"oil--irre right;i-;;;-on arr Town ofVail streets ina.roaas -is-"ppr"*ir.tely 5 ft. oft pavernent.This ordinance wirr. be ;ari;Ii;'enforced by the Town of VailPublic works Departnrent. --F"i"6ns found, vi6ri€ing this ordinancewill be given a.-24 ho,rr writien-notice t"-""iJr" said materiar.fn the event the person so notified.does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour ti.me -pecified, the pubtic worksDepartment will remove said mateiiat at tr," -"*i"lrse of personnotified' The orovisions "r-[rti"-"raii.i"I ;ffiii not beapplicabte to c'onstruction, riirrt"rr.rrce or repair projects ofanv street or alrev or anv utirities--i; G"-;iiit-.-".v. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:::i"3:tl3i"3"Tf,iffi:li.::'.ouIii" a copv- rirank vou tor y-ur offlco ol communlty devalopmanl ALL CONTRACTORS CURREMILYL REGISTERED WTTE TIIETOWN OF VArL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC .r{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEIpPMENT !,!ARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAIJ STORAGE HOUSE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Project (i.e. contractor, owner) MANAGER, HOLIDAY ositionTneli-ffiT;f,Tp- tr Il a lnwn olffce ol communlty derclopment75 roulh honilge roid Yell, color.do 8'1657 (303) 4&213E (36) 47S213e NoTrcE To coNTRAcToRs,/oI{NER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, L991', the Town of vail Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adeguately estabrished proper drainage frorn buirdingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Toriln of vail Public works Departnent will be required toinspect and approve -d-rainage adjacent to Town of vail -roads or.streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess poiats from the road or street on to the construction site.such approval must be obtaineti prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of vail- Building Department for footings or t.emporaryelectri.cal or any other inspection. prease catr 4i9-2160 t;request an inspection from the public works Department. Arlow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of vail Public works Department will be approvingarl final drai-nage and culvert installation with resurtinq roaipacching as necessary. such approval must be obtained prior toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. o *i*r,,W,w* DEPARTIIENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT ADD/ALT MF MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AIJI TIMES BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 898-0290 Clean.up Deposit Refund L.(- TOV/Comm, Dev. Toltl calculat.d Fcc6---> Addlcionel F€e6---------> Tot.1 PclBit Fee----- ---> Paynentg-------- BALANCE DI'E-.. - t tl tt I ttt* t*t i *t**'rat*ti t*ir **J **!r**'l*tt+tttttttt****r*a****t***trt*tt t*J., ** * * ** r**** I ***tt** r at.}t**ir* | *+ttttt t t t*rra*t**'r J*ar+!rritt *lrrr See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEions L..;'- iira; ;!i11r to this permit DECI,IRATIONS I hcrcby acknorladgc that, I havc read thl! cpplicaEion, fi.llcd out in full chc informqlion requircd, colFlctcd an accurate plot p1an, and staEe th.! r1l tshc informalion provlded ae requircd i€| corrects. I a9re6 Eo y wiEh the Lnfonati and plots plan aubdivlaionto eomply with all Tor'n ordinanc66 end 6L.t6 1aw6, and to build Chlr| Egruclure acco codce, desi.gn rcvier approvcd, Uni forrn Buildlng codc and ochcr ordinance€ of thc REQUBSTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE UADE TI{EMY.FOI'R HOT'RS IN .ADVANCE BY TEI,EPHONB 8:00 AM 5r00 PM status...: ISSIJEDApplied..: 09/24/1998Issued...: LO/oL/t998 E>cpires. . : 03/30/L999 Phone: 9709494L86 Phone z 9709494186 THE RIDGE, CAMTERI'RG, VC AUSTRA .,.'uWr{ OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAI)'1, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIiIT CONTRA TOR O!{NER NOTE: 1TIIS PERMIT ilob Address: 9 VAIL RD LOCAt,iON...: 9 VATL RD I]NIT 48 Parcel- No. .: 21-01-071-06-O25Project No.: BROI{N-WOLTN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 701, VAIL CO 81658 BROI{N-WOLIN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 701, VArL CO 81658 DEAN GOSPER FAI4II,Y TRUST MONTREATIX INVESTMENTS PTY I-,T, L9 Description: INSTAI,L SKY I,IGHTS Occupancy: RL IIpe Construct.ion: II FR T:4)e Occupancy: Va1uaEion: Flrcpl.cc Inforn Lion: Rc6bricteil: Y Multi-FamiIy ApprOVCdType II Fire ResigFfrb.Unt Add 4n$P,10, 345 Rcatuannt PLan R€wiar.- - > DRB F.€-------- R.crcrtlon FG€----------> Cl6rn-Up Dcposig---- - -- -> TOTAIJ FEES.. - ' - *Of GaB Appl irnccs:#of GE6 l,ogd:#of Hood/Pall€L: FBE AI,'!firRY Bullding-----> Plan chcck- --> In\',:5t igation> will call----> 159.00 1,00 .75 . oo 3 .00 50.00 . oo 100.00 {0s.?5 -20. oo 388.75 .00 Item: 0510009/24/.L998 o9 /25 /t998Item: 0540009/24/t998Item:0560009/24/L998IEem:05500 09 /24 /L998 BUILDING DEPARTMBI{I Dept: BUITDING Division:i'RM ACt,iON: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIECIARIJIE ACI,iON: APPR CHAR],IE DAVIS PLANNING DEPARTMENf DepE,: PLANNING Division:iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPR PER BRENTFIRE DEPARTMENT DepE: FIRE Division:JRM Action: APPR N/A ,PIJBLIC WoRKS '. DepE: PIJB WORK Division:rfRM Action: APPR N/A appl i 9-2 Send clcan-Up Dcpollt To: BROt'lN -HOLIN CONgT OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTUSEI,F AND OI4NER ************************************************************************+******* COIIDITIONSPermit #: 898-0290 as of a,O/OL/98 Stsatsus: ISSUEDrk******************************************************************************* Permit Ilpe: ADD/ALT MF BUIIJD PERMITrit4rlicant : BROWN-WOIJIN CONSTRUCTfON 9709494L86 'Job Address: LOCAIION:. 9 VAIL RD I'NIT 48 Parce1 No: 2101-071-05-025 Applied: 09/24/L998Issued: LO/OL/L998 To E:qgire. 03/30/1999 Description: INSTAJ.,L SKY LIGIIrS Conditsions:1. FIELD INSPBqTIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAI{CE. 2. AIJII PENETR.,ATIONS IN VIALLS,CEIITINGS,AIiID FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITII A}I APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALIJ BEDROOMS AT.ID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF TIIE 1991 I'BC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS RSQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK EATI BE STARTED. tact Eagle County ac 970-328-8640 for PARCEL ll: ?,161 a-71 128-8640 for par-cel /l .- TOWN OF VAIL coNsTRUcTIoN2'16l a-71 06 oa1 piRMiT e-ppircerroN FSRM DATE: , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPI,ETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED It***************************** PERMIT TNFORI,IATION *****************************rl f!-Buitding t ]-plutnbing I J-Electrlcal [ ]-MechanibaL [ ]-other tt ,.Job Nane: fia lil y,,U"tl sal,** rob Addre "", T lLt Ytt'U1 tfisaffio m-*^ Llr*t Ll B L"*q 5ktt,"y'lt5 - , - tplt(|"{Y l'lQ4tL 14\00 ,,'}lt nu'-.. vwvr -l .DLegal Description: l1ot__6;.t Block Filinc A. e t r'rc.to Ph. ceneral Descriptj.on: r a -eh ql 9 l,{' i^c^"nj" cr, work cLass: [ ]-Ne]r fll-ett"t.tion I l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of DwellLng Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: PER}IIT /' Ph.Ovrners Nane: Architect: Address: Address: Plumbing Contractor: v\J, 4Address: Electrical- Contractor: Address: ******************************** FORBUILDTNG PERMTT FEE! PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMTT FEE: ETECTRICAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of ValI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: 176-AdT oFFrcE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITI TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES8 BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATIJRE: CI.BAN UP DEPOSIT RETUM) T0: T a,- -' - -' 1€ I S@$tb*rx,AAAtuAtuiaA lown of c @ ltopflt 4uoft( tNEau*auiI0eagntrftlt - rtNlir<{fl,;ter, _-_==f Ir Ull lrtl ii ll It ii futw NgTWT Neil).9Q --WrqN flw Wnntt rparf&t ru4r-r, It lltl tl aG#Aiunil-|fu ====--=.F;z=; I l<coat<a' l-- -----t- frs,MtakVM{lw{l%(dmu ail%, _w.wj4}r6?7 4_---: W----n k_____ la.E-0trvr *+l ZVffiI7iwpg Li€t n/-iot tl ll t,ll t..L -1 rtllilil 1l ll rl oo,t e,,.u.t .q.tr) \', ---L-'- -Tt- --1-J 1i-1 s\ en \ I I ;r lr't-t= I .t.t, . iu' tl tl__-r-- P/- os\l o1 -.D\s Ss$ *t_ JrQ9$'!. >< r5:([3rl 3c(iR, \s( t,f i 739 ) -J?OA1--\-f a9/6I/L998 E9:37 97047553S8 PINNACLE PAGE A2o '' 'tk RESORT 5V5To comm€nted that we need a ncw incentive to book new rcs€rvations as well as maintaining our repeat guest business. Capital hojects 1998 (sce aneched) The following were approved along with budgct to go atrcad with this year: cxterior walks and drivcs, pool deck repaus, siding repau, sofFtts painted concrrete, paint pool fencc, wood railing paigting, and to look into replacing garagp doors and to start name change signagc . Gwan Scalpello suggcsM that $3000.00 needs to be added to Capital Projects budget for namc changc. The board then rcviewcd *rc proposel submitted by Millar Elevator Service Company to inatall an emergency phone in ttle elevator. Ruben Catan $uggested purchasing a 90O megahertz cordless phonc for thc clcvator, given the $1800,00 proposal ftom Millar. Thc board then askcd Bruce to investigatc other alternatives before proceedfutg. Jim Oliver will look into replacing thc phone syatem which has limited capacity and lacks somo of the fcaturcs guests expect, such as data access and voice mail. Thc Board thcn reviewed applications for unit renovations. A request for installation of gas fireplace in unit l1 was approved. Requests by Dean Gosper, unit 4l and Dick and Gwen Scalpello, unit 31, for installation of gas fireplaces w€ls reviewed. The proposal from Colorado Comfon Products for installation of gas fireplaces in units 3 I and 41 calls for running a gas linc up thc exterior of the building. This is the most cost-efflective pro,posal for supplying ges to tho$e units as there is no continuous below. vh.?!*'--,. seconded.motion was passed. Owen Scalpello, owner of unit 31' A request by Dean Gosper for the installation of 2 skylights in unit 4l was rpvicwed' MOTION: Jim Oliver moved that the board give a conditional okay for thc skylight in unit 4l to be put in ba.red on a constructional engineer's approval, Rubcn Catan seconded the motion. Motion aPProved. by Glcn Wood for rcnovations in unit 24 if he were to purchase thet unit was {hE-rcquest includes installation of 4 skylights, reducing thc sizc of the fireplace, i the balcony and interior renovations' MOTION: Ruben Catan moved that the skylights based on tbc approval of a certified structural engineer; give conditional approval for fueplace reduetion provided therc is no impact to common systems, including the fuupl."r flue; deny the enlarging of thc sliding door bccause of its effect olr ths cxtenor struiture and appcarance of the building. Seconded. The motion was passcd. Gwen Scalpello will respond to Glen Wood by letter, Bruce Oillie will respond to Dcan Gospcr via E-mail. t. ? TOI{N OF VAII, 75 S. FROIMAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 9L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIIT colrrnAcroR owt{ER ilob Addresa...: 9 VAIIJ RD IJOCATiON. .... .: 9 VAII.' RD (HOLIDAY IIOUSE Parcel No..... I 3101-071-05-000 ProJect Nunber: iOA ROD HAIJL COI,IPAI'IY 255 WYANDqT ST, DEtiI\rER CO ROD IIALL COMPAIiIY 255 WyANDCTT ST, DEIIVER CO HOI.IDAY HOUSE ASSOCATION 9 VAIIJ RD, VAIL CO. 81657 Descriptlon: RUNNIT{GI TRITNK [-,INE FOR GAS COIIVERSION tr1,!.Fhc. Inlor rllont R.rtrlc!.dr Y *of grr ApPlhnc.r! i r r r r rr r r'ri a a atr t!t taaa t tt t i!tt 'a l.l.ch.nlcrl - -- t Plrn chrck- -- > lRv.rtlgrtslon> wlll crll- - - -t Baaturrurg Phn Ravlar-- > DRE 1..-------- TqTA.I. FEBg----- t0 .00 20.o0 .o0 3.00 IEem: 0510006/22/L998ItEm: ,0550006/22/1998 1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. FIEI,D INSPE TIONS ARE R CO4BUSTION AIR IS RBQUI INSTAI.,I,ATION MUST CONFO TO APPEIIDIX CIIAPTER 21 GAS APPIJIANCES SIIALL BB IIPPITY BOIIJERS SIIAL,L BE119 0F TIIE 1991 t,MC. *********************************t************************ [^o* 3 d4 DEPARTMBT{T OF COMMI'NITT NO[E: TIIIS PERIT{rT MUST BB POSTED ON MECHANICEIJ PERI4IT AIJIJ TIMBS M98-0105 SLatus.. 11, l3App1ied. IEsued. . E:<plres. 80223 80223 Valuatslon: *of Oa. tog.t BBB BUllld|RI tt..i t.'. '''. 'rww r .oo Tocrl Crl 303-777 -7700 303-777 -7700 479-7L00 4, 000 .00 *Of tfood,/Prllrr! .00 103 .00 103 .00 -103 . O0 .o0 .00 .00 Togrl Pq|!.nts.- BAIANCE rurLDrNGABEit*yffiR AppRovED rRffE' FIRE DEPARnII T{I, DepT:irnii-- ---ACiiona APPR N/A FI COIIDITION OF APPROVAI-, RED TO CITECK FOR CODB C! Den ssc. Goz oF TIIB 1991 TO-I-IANTIFACI'TJRES INSTRUCTI FIED IN TO CITAPTBR 9 OF TIIE 1991 UwrrH sEc.505MUST EAL PPED WITIT HEATING OR. FI,OOR DRAIN -I{ATERsBc. \\ou tr.It-t t,\\ ITE AT ISST'ED 06/22/t998 07 /0e/Le98 oL/os/L999 J|, |}.a a i atr, ttr at!, t ta lt 'r tt a t !| r, irt t t ING Division: Divi,eion: DECI,AR,,ATIONS ********************* ,t f h.ta&ry rolstcrl.dgr Ch.C I hr'. r.rd ghlr rDplicrtlon, flll.d qrb ln full thr lnfor rtlon rrgulrrd, o€qrlrt A rn .c.trt C. Dlot DlD, &rd r!.!. fhrf rll gh. lr|totrattdr grovl.LC r. r.qul!.d l,a corlrcC. i rgE.. to ooqrly tllh tb. lnlot'uelcr rnC Dlc! Plrrr, ta €q)ly rrllb rll fdn cadllr|E . .Dd r!r!. lrr., rt|d to hrtld thl.. .!true!ur. .o€osdlttt go thr !orD't tqdtrt r|. aubd|r1a16 ccd.r, a.rl$r r3vt.r *Drotra.l, lblfon autldltrt ccd. |nd cgh.r ordbnc.. of Bb. Tora.tDllcrbl. th.t !o. tt@ltE| lot rtleEfl tHllL ll tqDl tlfltlt-loUi BOlru lI lD\rlXC! BI llll m 11 Ottt OttlCI tl.ll }00 Il tloo fl (\.r rr(mrnr ot or[n or comr^crw ro' nrxal'r D orfllr \Gtf,',-c ...-!r,,-ff t*Conlait Bagle Councy AeBeaaora Offlce { at 97O-328-8640 for Parcel {. mWN OF VAIL CONSTRUdIION IPARCEL e z 4/nl-6'rl-25-&6 pERriIT ApprrCA,I.IoN FORI.!v Qairs: t6,tlr 4/ otrB: a, tq, clA APPLICAUON UUST BE TILLED OUT COMPI.HTEI.,Y OR IT I,IAY NOT BE ACCEPTED *****rt t****l *l**tl***r****** pERMIT f[pORUATfON rl l******r* ** ** ****** ***** i** PERI.IIT I I J-Butldtng [ ]-Plunbtng I J-Blectrlcal p{-Mechanlbal [ ]-other Job Nane:itob Address: Iegal Description: Iot BIock owners Nane: /hli 4. Addre6s:-q btt,?a*o t4r/pn.ffi-7/a_ Architect: General Oescrl-pt!-on: 0' Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteratlon l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of DweUl,ng Unl.ts:Nunlcer of AcconnodatLon Units: fnfer antl Type of Flreplaces: cas ,t****** ***** * ** t***** ******** r**** BUUDING: $ PIUMBING: * I *** * ***** *t ****************fleneral contractor: Appliances Gas Logs Wood/PeIlet VALUATIONS * *** * * * r* **** * * * * * * * * *. * *** * * ** * * g Address: Electrical Contractor! Address: nmCmtcel: I ttEcnAlrrcArJ:. ry;E coNtRAq{IoR INFORMATION *** Tortn Plrone OTHER: $ ToTAL: t_rpaa,@,_ Plunbing Address: Contractor: Mechanlcal AddreEs: Contractor: ******** BUILDING PER}IIT FEE: PLUI,IBING PER}IIT FEE3 I.TECHN{TCAIJ PERIIT FEE: EI.,ECTRICAL FEE! OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ,&"tkvair Res. No. 'PhDne Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. No. /54/4 Phone NuFber;'777 - 77nAtug/ ' ***r*t********1**********t***** PIII{ CHECK FEE: oFFrcE us8 BUII,DING PUJUBTNG PI,AI{ CHECK FEE: I,TECHA}IICAI. PIAI{ CHECK TEE! .RECREATION FEE: CI,E.AN.UP DEPOSIT: TOITAI, PARUIT FEESS BUTIDTNG: SIGNATURES ZONING3 SIGNATT]RE: coments: *t-l********rl** CLEAII I'P I'EPOSIT IIFIIXD I{I: TO'd 69[l-LLL EOE sa3npoJd aroJxtos oPtroLoJ d8O: ZO €'6-6T -une TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 o..ob(6. rVon nltr) /c;-7-1> $U'tt" DE'ARTMENT oF coMMuNrry DEVE"o"o**] / v'" rl NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PETMiI #: M97-0196 Job Addreg6...: 9 VAIL RD Status. . .Location : HOLIDAY HOUSE UNTS 15,23,33,43Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 10 /02 /Lee7 r0 /02 /Lee7 03 /3t /Lee8 Parcel No..... : 2l0l-07!-06-000Project Nunber: APPLICANT ROD HALL COMPANY phone: 303-777-7700255 WYANDOT ST, DENVER CO 80223 80111 CONTRACTOR ROD HALL COMPANY phone: 303-777-7700255 WYANDOT ST, DENVER CO 80223 80111OWNER HOLIDAY HOUSE ASSOCATION phone: 479-7 IOO9 vArL RD, VArL CO. 81657 Description: Valuation: 9,000.00F/P CONVERTONS fircPtace Informtion: Restrictcd: l{ fof Gas AppLiances: fof Gas Logs: 7 {ot Uood/pat(et: ***rrtffi***ffiffi****'i*ffi****,nt***t**********ffi*ff*** FEE SUII ARY ****i******t**ffi**************t******t*************** *t * l'fechrni ca [---> 1EO.q) Restuanant P[an Revi err--> .OO Total cal.cutated Fees---> ?ZB.OO Ptan Check---> 45.00 DRB tee--------Invcstigation, .00 ToTAL FEES----- lli tL Cal,l,---) 3.00 payments------- rnr*'*ffir*8r*'**i*l*ffi***f***n*i,r**ffi****ft*ffir***ffi********r*fi********illllll-llfi;;;;il**is*** IlsBi ,951q0_HV_II.,DING DEpARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:lo/02/lgg7 CHARLTE Acrion: APFR CHARLTE DAvisItem:' 05600_EIBE|_DEP4RTI.IENT Dept: FrRE Division:L0/o2/1997 CHARLTE Acaiont AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. DAMPERS MUST BE REMOVED AT TIME OF GAS PTPiUE-TIISFECIIOi''-- --- ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknow ledgc that I have read_this apptication, fitl,ed out in futL the infornation required, compteted rD accurate ptotpLan' and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy iith tire information and p1ot i:l,an,to conpty rrith al'l' To|{n ordi nances -and state [aws, and to buiLd this stfucture according io the Toyn,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design r.vicY aPprovcd, uniform Euil.ding Codc and other ordinances of the Torn afpticabl,e thrreto- REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E ]IADE TITEI{TY-FOUR I{OURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROIT 8:OO AN 5:OO P ACTOR FOR HIIISELF ANO *N'* !o6re vvurrt-, AoDEDDUI t'-\rl I t-cc tlF at 970-32-8-8.640 fgr !9rce1 /1. TOWN OF feencer t: &t}l- 01l - Ab- @ -pinurr VnA -.tt6t) vArL coNsrRucTloltlt APPITCATION FORM 1*Contait Eagie County l"""""orlfflce' DArE:g-rg//'?Z , APPLICATION MUST BE FIL,,LED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEpTED x********* ******** ********** ** PERMIT TNFORMATION * ******** * ** ************* ****rl [ ]-Butlding [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Electricat \-u""f,"nlbal [ ]-other PERI'IIT /I Job Nane: Legal Description: Lot Bl-ock Job Address: Filing susprvrsroNt Ph.owners Name:@ Address: Architect: General Description: worlc class:t l-Newqb4.-Atterat,ion [ ]-Additional t lln"puir t l-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Nrrmber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- eas LogsY Wood/pellet_v ,t********************************* VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ TOTAL: I INFORMATION ***** ********************** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: _ PLTTMBTNG: T-- MEcHANiail; i E******** ** * ********* ******* coNTRAqTOR'Eeneral Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: MechanicaL Contractor: Address: ************* ***** * * ** ** ** ****** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT TEE: ELECTRTCAI., FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FE8: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: , Tohrn of VaiI 'Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. OFFTCE USE BUILDTNG PLUMBTNG MECHANT Town of Vail Req. NO. /5O Phone Nurnber: .2,-l-7 -77--6' ***** * ******** * * *************** PI,AN CHECK PIAN RE twttl ttlt-t_t_r_t_t_ CLEAN- TOTAIJ BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comrnents: Address: CLEAT UP DEPOSIT REFT'ND TO: ION Iii 75 louth trontaEe road veil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TI|ETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\ELOPUENT I.fARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. G states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand., debrisor nateriar, incruding trash bunpster!, poii"ui" toirets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewaix, -;ii;y or pubJ.icpI?:" or any porrion theieof.--rt" right_oi_;;t-;n art Town ofVail streets and.Ip"g" is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance w1r| be. =t"ilirv-'lnforced by the Town of VairPubl-ic Works Department. i pers3ns found vi;fa{in; this ordinancewill- be given a 24 hour written--n"ti""-to-;;;;;;t""id nateriar..fn the event the person so notified.does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour.ti';-;;;;i;i;;,"ii""iiitric worksDepartrnent wilr remove said mateii.r it it"-'""p""se of personnotified- The provisions .t-ini=-"raii"""E ;f,5ii'not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,-irrt.r,u'ce or repair projects ofany streer or altey or any utitities i; ih"-;iifri_"_ruy. To review ordinance No- 6 in furr., prease stop by ttre Town ofY:ll P"ilding Departrnent to obtain a copy. rirani you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ,r luwn 75 3oulh |ronlsge road utll, colorado 8[657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 off lce of communlty dcvclopmelrl BUILDING PERtiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this peryrlt requi.res a Town of Vail fire Department Approval,EngineelLs. (Public ttfrl reyiew anJ app"ouat,'a piannini.b"part "ntreview or Hea't th Departm6nt. iev i ew, anl'i-""ui J ;i-;i;;";rii ai n9Department, the estinated time ror'a totat "eui""-il.v"iai!'as tongas three weel(s. Al'l commercial flarqe or sma'l'l) and all multi._family permits willhave to follow ttre ioove m"nii6n"J-rIiir* requirements. Residentia.land.small projects should take a leiier amound of time. However, ifresidenti'al or smailer.projects impaci the various auoue mlntioneadepa rtments wi th reoa rd to- necpssii^v-""u i "", -ilrii" i""j".[i' ruya1so take the three week peiiJU. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi.'t.as s.oon as possible. - : -- -'!rrv' eL e' I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timef rame. ,r .Cormuni ty Deve'l opment Department. .t TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need lor a "Public Way permit": ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefi? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? i ls differenl access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecling lhe right of way, easements, or public property? ls a .Revocable Fight CI Way Permit" i required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used fgr staging, parking or fencing? . B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? ll you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or al Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Construction Inspeclor, at 479-2158 read and answered allthe above questions. l lzt Date 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) ,f Job Name Contracto/s Signature PJI*, UI _S.F-8t;97 (J,4zrOP CofcJo CstrfQrt, PFodt|cts 5r,r 'J'rvr to5( or vAlL tllr.Dllc D:?arnt3lltt tollTf ?!olrrc3 t0rD Ytu.. cowrrDo !t6tt mrs l$ltEs rEtlrrBg qoN oclilr tru{!'E -',?' to rr€Erlt A c^3 Strtnct !o ltED l rEll 0 rll FtrrfLAcrr er Hautla',qv F'lo{'rFf : rlr!0ltctE to Grs t 03 or GAs tlBlntt A3 rE tFtEto To oilrltt lt!31 molutllxc |gcos|lE8s Dgsttt tllot. REPT 13I Lt/o4/97 O7:33 T0t^tN 0F VRIL, CoLORRDo REQUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FURtll/ 4/97 PRGE 8 AREAI ED fletivityr Address: Locat i on r Deseription: Appl icant; Owner: Contract on: M97-Cf196 Lt/ 4/97 Type: 9 VAIL RD HoLIDAY HOUSE UNTS t5re3t FIF. CONVERIT]NS ROD HALL COMF'ANY HT]LIDAY HOUSE ASSOCATIT]N ROD HRLL COMPANY =========E========!.E=|B!=a=========gB-MEtrH Status: ISSUED Conttrr AAtrT 33,43, 14r eg,3E Fhone; 3O3-777-776Q Fhone z 479-7IQW Fhone r J@3'777-77o,6 Inspect ion Requett Requestol.: FIARK - Req Tiner 08rOO Itens requested to OO39E MECH-Final Infornation. . . . . HOLIDAY HOUSE Fhone:476-53O0 Comnentsr RE INSFECT UNIT #33 be Inspected... Act i on Comments Tine Exp Inspection Histor"y. . ... Item: OO?o'n MECH-Rough L0/e9/97 Inspeetor': CD. Notes: UNITS 14' 15' Ae' e3,3P Iter: O@e4n FLMB-Gae Fiping LWleg/97 Inspeetonr CD Notes r UNITS 14, 15, eg,93,3eIten: 0O318 lvlEcH-Heat ingIterir 6O3eO hECH-Exhaust Hoods Iten: CIO33O MEGH-Supply Ait' Iten: OO340 MECH-Misc.'Itenr O039O MECH-Finall6/3t/97 Inspeetor: EG Act i on: APF'R | 33r 43 Act i on: AF'trR ,33,43 EA F,SI AIRTEST Action: AtrFR .exept r-rnit 33 RtrF'ROVED REPT 131 T0[JN OF VAIt_, ilOLORF|DO F.AGE 9 AREA: CDLO/31/97 q7:56 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FoRtIfr/3r/97 Activity; M97-O196 lAl31/97 Type: B-HEtrH Status: ISSUED Constr: AAF'T Adclress: 9 VAIL RD Locat i on: HOLIDAY HOTJSE UNTS 15r F:3, 33, F'ancel : ElOl -1471-06-AOA Deseniptiont F /F trONVERIONs Applicant: ROD HALL COMF'ANY Owner^: HULIDAY HOUSE ASSOCATIUN Contnactor: RUD HALL COMFANY Ir3, 14r:g! 3l Oce:Use ! : Firone t 3Q3-777-77QQ Fhone z 479-7 1@6 F,hone t 3V3-777'77Qtr I rr s peet i on Req ue st Reqr-re st or l MINDY Req Tinre: O8:OO Items r"equested to 04390 lrlECH-Final Infornation.... Conment s: UNITSbe Inspected,.. {-zzz-zzaa KHY AT M6RS Time Exp ,. -LO/?9/97 Inspeetot': ED i. Notes: UNITS l4r lSrggr!3t Iterl o,0?4A trLMB-Gas Fipinq , l6/eg/97 Inspeetor': f,D'NoteE: UNITS 14, 15, aE, e3,Iten: O€t316 MECH-Heating It em: AdJeO MECH-Exhaust Hood.,Itbm: 00334 hECH-Supply AirIt em l 00344 ilECH-ltti sc. Item: 016396 MECH-Final Action! AFFR 39, J3,43 Actron: AFFR 39,33,43 AF'F,ROUED EIA F'SI AIRTEST lloc,orH lJd..isl Ausust 27.1997 Mr. Bruce Gillie The Holiday House 9 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: BACKFLOWDEVICEREMOVAL Dear Mr. Gillie: As per our conversation and the Town of Vail's letter dated August 20, 1997, the District will allow the removal of the back-flow prevention device on the domestic water line. The rational for allowing the removal of this device is that the current plumbing codes of the Town of Vail do not require the installation of this device. Based on that code. the removal may occur. Ifyou have any questions or concerns please contact the District at476-7480. Sincerelv. \t"A[ g- \^{",L Fred S. Haslee Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Regulations Administrator fh\ls cc: Charlie Davis, Building Liaison Officer Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 F:\ I 5wsd\4eng\constrvw\082697.doc LL -z,-- Elcle Rtven -- Mren & SeuraroN DlsrRlcr -a-846 Forest Road. Vail. Colorado 81657 l97O\ 476-748A. FAX 1970) 476-4089 WATER, WASTEWATEa, OpeRarrolls & Mnruecer',relr SeRvrcEs N TOWN OFVAIL mffiEI = Lo >t"^ ,4)'"-',[) dbAr'fffi '^Jr fiL "Jln 4'nt AWituMr , _ D z) 4 ,,t-r-( ryW, {*hry x"r#z''r'i' or) i""ign Review Action lrt TOWN OF VAIL '{rfro n DareCategory Number Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: l/ ' | .. ,t( tt Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: tM"(l ZZO-OnT 4 Legal Description: Lot 6 Block- Subdivision^/- Project Street Address: Zone District Prt Comments: An 'n'("z.c 2* Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: {npprovar ! Disapproval ! Staff Approval vote: t/'O o.r*"^ilf Cqn$itio76: tuL#+ f,; {q( 6. t uJo/1r A ,'t/on", /' /f- ? f DRB Fee ,,"-o to {(A /4 ;AIi- I 1 -95 V/ED i0:5? tM .Ianuary 11' 1995 Xrndy $toudr Town of Vail ?5 S. trhontr3cBd. Yall, CO 81657 P INI{ACLi IES0RT SYSTE[15 tAi }i0 .itl3 8?iao HOLIDAYHOUSE 1|l01 P1 {Q;rdcvnfnigm Rcrrkdr wtth dl lhc fcell't tl Honw," ::lT f'SC Ylafax:479'USz Dear Rendyt you wanted to know tte ilirnerulsrc snd Czo of the comnron space thct would b€ added to fra c tohl encloaed alca would bcrpptud' I rnoy have to be ont of town on tre lStD for thc tcledstGd DRB ncering and wllt hrvc to cnul a reprmtrllve" It h G$Gntlal 6at you lnfonn my offrcc of the ldrcdrrle for lte bostt to lmpoctfic proFrty fltd of the rycnda tor tlrc moeting. It is pocrible that a rrember ol ths honeonn:dr arrodadon boord rnay rttmd. Ihrnl. you for YourcnoPcre,ton. SruceGlllle For thc Holldry llotttc Condortlnium Asrodaflon CA;.*t^ &x 8e1" faoo ;.+? t\,l.1i7t^f- h:,^)o A'" ')6:;l OAXt*-a'^ /rt' W; g a;ltfio,,G*"#W /t\.(lo!Jtn!Ig) . too-E72'7221 Eoffday Eoncc ln the mtry 2ddinof,./.-- Ihc rpprodmte E{gggfnr gns iEG{ 9 Vrlt f,oad ' Ya4 Col,orado 31657 h!-" qtl- P a-t touDAYnoGr " Con/'onb:rrum Rentals with all the feelins of Hon:r." :zT fst Dear Randy, Endosed please f,nd several sets ofplanr and surveys detailing the front entry renovadon of the Hollday House at Valt. We have also marked the limtts of the expansion In the exterlor of the buildlng and Intermountain engineerlng has marked both the setback and the property line. - You will nodce that extension no longer violates the sqlback. Please advise me if you need any fur0rer information prior to the meedng onJgryx{f., , tlft lq'l Condomlnlum Assodafron t December2T,1994 Randy Stouder Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, CO E1657 f'; l0t, t(qq fowcq{,c ,f ory*^s)^ | /eqrs truly, lForfthe Ho}t:'/l 9 Vail Road . Vall, Colorado 81657 . 303-479-7loo . 8OO-872-7221 o r -FIL T COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I s I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 December 13, 1994 Bruce Gillie Pinnacle Resorts P.O. Box 2992 Vail. CO 81658 RS/tt xc:File Departntent of Comntuniry Development Dsar Bruce, Since I have not heard from you in the last couple of weeks I am withdrawing your Design, Review Board application to modify the front entry ol the Holiday House (submitted November 14th, 19g4). Aswe discussed a cbuple of weeks ago, the information that I have in hand indicates a setback line that would be crossed by the proposed expansion of the entry way' As you know this would require Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a variance. Since you haven't been able to provide me with information from a surveyor disputing the location of the setback line, I have no recourse but to withdraw your application. lf you have any questions or would like to submit an alternate proposal, please feel free to call m6 anO schedule an appointment. The remodel of the patio and planter areas adjacent to the front entrance turned out extremely well and has definitely enhanced and enlivened the entryway to the Holiday House. Randy Stouder rsvit slq/gt DRB APPLTCATION - TOWN.OT VAII,, COIORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTITJ AI.L REQUIRED IN!'ORMATION IS SUB}.IITTED rul"t I rEsi I. ********** PROJECT INEORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION.: MODIFY FRONT ENTRY OF HOLIDAYHOUSE WTTH F:XTF:NNEN ERONT GT.ASS DQORS AND RIVER ROCK PLANTERS ON E?ICH .q TI-IE OF ENTRY B.TYPE OT'REVIEW: New Constrdction ($200.00)Minor AIt.erat,ion ($20 .00) x Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) C. . ADDRESS: D. I,BGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot. A,B,c Block Subdivision F If property is described bydescripLion, please provideattach to this application. zoNING. ACCOMMODATTONS a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and P.provide a current NAI4B OF APPTICANT; HOLIDAY HOUSE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONMailing Address:vArL, co 81657 LOT AREA: If required, st,amped survey showing applicant, must10! area. PROCESSED WITIIOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE -.-'. NAME OF APPLICANT, S REPRESBNTATIVE; PINNACLE RESORTSMailing Address: P.O. BOx 2992varr,, co gt osg ,I . K. NAME OF OWNERS *SIGNATURE(S): Mailing Addres Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of subrnittal of DRB application. L-ater, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of t,he proposal . The Town of VaiI /,-will adjust the fee according- to the table beLoh'/ to - / /n{5ensure the correct fee is paid . -n i)O ta Ua,-FEE PAID: S J)(/r- I II^ ,FEE scHEpuLE: l///u/q,/ VALUATToN FEE qt/ $ o - $ 10,ooo $ 20.00 14$101001 -$ 50,000 $50.00.$50,001 -$ 150,000 $100.00 $150,00r."- $ 500,000 $200.00 $5001 001 - $1,000,000 $400.00$ Over $1, 000, 000 $500 .00 It DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAT. EXPIRES oNE yEAR ATTER TINAT. APPROVAI UNLESS A.BUTLDING PERMIT rS TSSUED AI{D CONSTRSCTTON rS STARTED, **NO APPI.,ICATION WILL AE -- LIDAY HOUSE CO IUM ASSOCIATION o IT. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicat.ion meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to nake an appoint.ment with the staff to determine if there are additional subrnittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDINF ALL SUBMISSTONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submitt,al requirements, t,heapplicant must st.ake and tape t.he project site toindicate property 1ines, building lines and buildingcorners. AIl Lrees to be removed must be taped. Allsit.e tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during t.he wint.er is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . applicants shouLd plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled neeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at. Lhe discretion of thezoning administraLor, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylight.s and similar ext.eri_or changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal- is submit,ted, applicants must includeLet.ters frorn adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stat.ing the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is ]ocated in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood p1ain, debris flow,weLland, etc), a hazard study must, be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit. Applicant.s are encouraged to check with a Town planner prior to DRB application to deternine the relationshipof the property to aII mapped hazards. F. For all residentlal const.ruction: a, Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of Lhe exterior structural wa1ls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a. four foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding wal1s or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a buitding permit. -LTST OF MATERTALS NAME OF PROJECT:IIOLIDAY HOUSE ENTRY VERSION 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTIO* STREET ADDRESS: 9 VAIL RD. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: EXTEND FRoNT ENTRY DOoRs, INSTALL GALSS DOORS l\NN RTWER ROCK PLANTERS. The. following information is required for submittal to the DesignReview Board before a final appfoval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE oF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other WaII MaIerials RIVER RocK To MATCH PALNTER Fascia Sof f it.s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trastr Enclosures Greenhouses Other EXISTING GLASS, WOOD CLAD B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer:phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height fpr coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. n"*llo*rRrAr,s: PROPOSED SHRUBS )IBotanical Name Tommon Name Ouantitv Size* EXISIING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qa]lon.of proposed shrubs. TVpe c. Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) P1ease specify. Indicate heights of retainingwal1s. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 5 feet. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the 1ighting planon the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of J.ight proposed. D. Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that staff was recommending approval of the requested density and GFIFA variances per the staff memo with the two conditions conlained on Page 5 of the staff memorandum. A general discusslon ensued between staff and the PEC members whether to proceed with this item as the applicant had not yet arrived to the meeting. Bob Armour made a motion to table this item until such time as the applicant could be present at the meeting. Allison Lassoe seconded the motion and a 5-1 vote tabled this item, with Jeff Bowen opposing. Jeff Bowen was opposed to the labling of this item because he felt it was the applicant's responsibility lo be present for the meeting. A request for a sehack variance to allow for a revised, expanded entry on the east elevation of the Holiday House, located at 9 Vail Road/Lot B, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: HolidayHouseCondominiumAssociation Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen made a presentalion per the stalf memo. He stated that staff was recommending denial of the requested setback variance as it is staff's opinion that a physical hardship does not exist on the site and that the expansion could occur at other locations on the site. Bruce Gillie, representing the Holiday House Condominium Association, explained to the PEC lhe reasons they were proposing to expand the building in this area. The reasons centered on structural "givens" of the existing building. Specifically, they would not have to move any weight bearing walls. Bill Anderson agreed with staff's position that no physical hardship was present on this sile and stated that there were other locations on the site where the expansion could occur, Bob Armour, Jeff Bowen and Allison Lassoe had no further comments regarding this request. Dalton Williams stated that he agreed with Bill's comments. Kathy Langenwalter agreed with the staff's position and added that she felt there was space on the northeast side of the site where expansion could occur. Jeff Bowen made a motion to deny the requested setback variance per the stalf memo with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote denied lhe requested setback variance. Plsnning €nd Envkonmcntsl Commission Minuts€ No/embor 14, l9O4 lIt I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ilEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Communig Development Department November 14, 1994 A request for a setback variance to allow for a revised, expanded entry on the east elevation of the Holiday House, located at 9 Vail Road/Lot B, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Plannsr: Holiday House Condominium Association Andy Knudtsen I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED Bruce Gillie, representing the Holiday House Condominium Association, is proposing to add 63 square feet to ths sntrance of the Holiday House. A portion of the addition is located in the front setback and thus, a variance is required. The nerrrr floor area will accommodate a new storage area, an expanded entry, and a 14.4 square foot expansion to the front desk area. lt will be located beneath the existing roof line of the entry to the building. The existing entry area will be updated and the existing doors will be replaced with glass doors similar to the Vail Gateway Building. 10.5 square feet of the addition will be located within the 20 foot front setback tor the property. The required setback in this area is 20 feet and the proposed setback is 17 feet. The requested setback variance is for 3 feet. This fall, the Holiday House Gondominium Association proposed improvements to the entranco of the building which were approved by the Design Review Board (DRB). These improvements included resurfacing the entry courgard and installing a handicap accessible wheelchair ramp. These improvements are cunently under construction. it I il. zoNrNG STATTSTTCS Zoning: Site Area: Allowed by Zoninq Height: 4g Public Accommodation 28,347.31square feet GRFA:80o/o of site or 2.,677.8 sq. ft. Existinq 6s 30,652 sq. ft 19' 2' 23't16', 27 spacss in garago 36.80l" or 10,441 sq. ft. 43.0o/" ot 12,192.2 sq. ft. Proposed 12.5' no change 63 sq. ft. 17', 2', 2 t16', Total nla 30,652 sq. ft. 29.8!" or 6,576.1 sq. ft. Common Area: 35% of allowable GRFA 29.5o/" ot or 7,937.2 sq. ft. 6,513.1 sq. ft. SEtbacks: 'Front: 20' Rear: 20' Sides: 20' nla nla nla Parking: Landscape Area: 3F/" of site o. 8,504.2 sq. ft. Site Coverage: 55% of site or 15,591.0 sq. ft. Per Zoning Code standards None required tor nla storage, lobby, or ftont desk area. no change 36.80lo or 10,441 sq. ft. Nons, as expansion 43.0Vo or is focated owr 12,192.2 sq. ft. parking garage *Variance r6quested. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recomm€nds denial of the requested variance based on the following factors: A.@: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and slructures in the vicinlty. Staff believes that the proposal would not have significant impacts on the sunounding area. Staft believes that fte existing entrance is aesth€tically pleasing and that the proposed entrance loses some of the existing alpine qualities. Specifically, these qualities are fte large roof overhang and the exposed wood corbals. Staff believes these elements are fitting lor an alpine environment. The proposed addition would extend out to the edge ol the ( tl B. existing roof line. There would be no eave lines that extended beyond the walls of the neu, entran@. The corbals would be removed. The existing solid wood doors would be replaced with glass doors. Staff beliwes hat is reasonable for the applicant to update the appearance of the building and that some of the proposed elements may be acceptable. However, in general, staff believes that il the variance is approved, that tho architecture should be reurorked to retrain more of the alpine qualities that exist on-site today. Gonceming the 10.5 square leet of building that would be located in the front setback, staff recognizes that this will not have a detrimental impact on the surrounding properties. The magnitude of the encroachment is not ertensive and should not have significant negative impacts on the sunounding properties. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretatlon and enforcement of a specified regulatlon is nece$eary to achieve compatlblllty and unlformity of treatment among sltes in the vlclnity or to attaln the oblectlvss of this tltle without grant of special privitege. Staff beliwes that there is not a physical hardship on the property which would warrant the proposed setback encroachment. Statf believes that there is another location in the area that would accommodate this size addition to the front desk area that would not require a variance. In the past, staff has recognized the location of existing buildings as a physical hardship that can justify a setback encroachment. However, in this case, statf believes there aro other opportunities for the applicant to pursue which would allow him to expand the front desk, yet not encroach into the setback. 3. The effect ot the requsstod variance on light and alr, dlstrlbuuon ot populatlon, transportation and traffic taclllties, publlc tacilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes that there will be no negative impacts on any of the criteria lisled above. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos belore orantino a variance: 1. That the granting ol the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on olher properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted lor one or more of the following reasons: i .1 a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difliculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zons. c. The strict interpretation or enlorcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial as we believe the proposal does not meet all of the variance criteria. Though it meets Criteria 1 and 3, statf does not believe it meets Criteria 2. The second criteria pertains to hardship, and the statf believes that there are other locations in the vicinity of the expansion which could accommodate the request, yet not require a variance. lf the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) decides to approve the request, staff would recommend that the architecture be redesigned so that some of the existing alpine qualities are retained. Specifically these qualities include a deep roof overhang, exposed wood corlcals, and traditional alpine doors. c:b€cvn€mo€V|oliday.vat 4 I It LlJ i \_ "%-ob l .J wG'[#',,tl"ffi"[# : il-ffffi"*i.4ffi., ) - {t r----.t,. ,.E z + I "")-o ! q- ), - I If e i il t-l$ +t; d_l+!\ trFz. IlJ O LlJ AY )tilNlum I HOUS r, wrLLrAM ti. ARM!.rELD, BErNG-1 RE-GTSTERED LAI{D suRvEYOR-ry 'mn'i;l'ii srArE oF coLoRADo, Do Einssi cERTIFY rllAr r?lls ptlt ol-Tt€=!19!IlAL,l,i]i' HousE (A coiDoMrNru!4) wAs MADII SUtJsEQuDNll To suBsTAlmrafcoliPr-llM , i;;ll;,iiffiirrr eurl,orNc LocArroN AND T.HPRovEMENTS-.-qry-r- , l;'i ;, DESIGNATIOIIS, DII"IENSTONS AND DLEVATIONS, AND ACCURATELY DEPlqrs rls ,ji, LAyour, lcasuREuEl$s AND LocATrolls op ell trn rMPRolrEl'lEl{rs oF A PNr- il;l;l{ CEL OF I,A}ID BIiING A.PART OF THE TiORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION'L i'IIi TOWNSI{IP 5 SOUTH, RA};GE eo wEsT oF Ti{E SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIA}I l-o,. llr,i:i:-.'-.-.i--<BEI.IJ-GeegrToFLoTSA'.P,A]IDcoTAMII?IDMAPoFSHEETIoP2].oF|,l::.iii. yATL vrfi.eCn SECOND pfr,rtrC, coUl.ITY Op EAGLE, 5TATE OF COLORADO' ''l(OR! SURVEYOR,S CERTIFICATE *:.--.-ieii""irffiin reco,ru Frr,rrrc, coul.rry or ItAcLE, srATE oF coLoRADo. ,'l(oR! PARTICUT,ARLY DESCRItsED AS FOLLoWS' ,,,ii,' , V A 1 ! V .|-=rl!\Jlf r) rJ \- vrt v PARTICUT,ARLY DESCRItsED AS FOLLOWS: ,.ii i ' ',,l,'ii 'rr, ll : coMl,lENcrNG Ar rHE NoRriIEAsr coRNER oF SAID SEcrIoN r;-TIIN9I !9!IH-i'"tli.li ,' ERLY AND ALONG THE EAST LrNE O[' 1't{E NORTItr]AST OIIE-QUARTER OP SAIDl'', ''';l i SECTION ?, 3g.2O FEET TO THE SOUTII RIGIIT Or w4v r-,rln: or u' s' Hr$Itd.AY,,lri ' No. 5;'rHENcE oN AN engt9-to ;H-itg'ri,ol^l:9"^1t:,it:so,1l3o:.t^t i,i5*r"r'niffii-or.-iiAy LrlrE 25.44 FriEr ro A porNr oN rr{E wEsr I.,rNE^gIj_ t,iii vArL RoAD, sArD Portru BErNG riIE NORTHI:ASTERLY coRlrER,9l.,: *Lg;*i:i, 1 . THENCE CONT$.NJING ALONG TH}: AFOREI4ENTIOT'IED LINE AND ALONG "I]TIE }I9T{1'I8-iI , sRLy LrNE Ot sArD LoT A, L52.65 FEET TO Trlli NoRTHTIESTERLY CORI{EE_9Il-irll '/r? rr mn rnrr.,.r y l.-pq. nL' r ono al t 4?" AND ALqlfG l:ii IIEADOW DRIVD; Ti{r:NC[ OiI Ai,I AltcLI] TO TIIIT RIGIII Of' 5B'l'6' 39" AND ALOFF: sArD N6RTIIERLy Ln{E Al{D ALoNc A cuRvl.; To'r'rru LEFT HAVTNG A RADTIJS oF[]l - o nn I r q ' n*, ooF nrsraxcti oP 109-9? THENCE CONTINUTNG ALONG THI: AFORET4ENTI0NED LINE AND ALONG TrD NOBBTfI I sRLy LrNE ot sArD Lor A , Lsz.os nnii ro trrn NoRTHXEsTERLY coRl{E3-9ll-;'li] SAID LOT A; TTIENCE Oll etg ANGLI TO TIIE LEPT o!'IOO<I 4].' 4?" AtrlD etqcl;ill THE WEST LrNE OF SAID LOT A, I39.Is FEET rg Tl-ul:5uE POINT OF BEcniiiiiii NDiG;THDNcEo}JANAl.{GLEToTtEr.,un,roE?3o53.@;tiffilixsi irltu oT VAIL RoAD; Ttult{cc oN A}{ AI'JGLE To THE RIGFIT oP 73- r"i 53, l2,,AtrD ALoNc sAID wEsT LIt.tE 202.15 FIIET; rry1-L:oN AN AIIGLE TO l';il rril- Rrerr oF ecu 0c, o0,,, si..'ts rrui'ro'ttIE lloRrl{ERtY"lfl^:,t^ILsT,,^; .i"t6rtrifiJh6"ii6*[";H d;dilii*t]ro*uo LrNE AND ALoNG ruE rogrn,. I i'ii tf' poR.rrrgRly lrxu^ri.o6',-rniri;'ricrrcri o:l ArJ ANGLE To rl{ii RrGFr pr ral:"r i'il 46, 30,,, 101.5C I'u!l'i; TIIIINCE ot{ A:q Ar,lGLE TO TilE LEFT OF 102" 13t lJd.lr n6.oo FEET; rrruNcri oli al; axcr.n-'to'i4-lt"n1^oF 9oo oor oo", lB.2? PqEE rirHNCE oli Ari Alrcr,u'ro'rH!: r-Ert oi;itb oot ogl.,*ru I*T:-M9**-pl,-ItFif r75.oo FEur. A cEtirRAL ANGLTI oF' rod oo' r!l'.-Al-tlc DrsrANcE oF L09'Pi FrEr ro A pcrlir or.rANGEr.r'r; rr{Er.icE ALoNG saip'retqcI"Ir_lID*Al9N?.feID i ro rHD IRUE poilir or BEcrirNrl{c; coNrArNrN"A-91R,}Nuenr rnETlon 1, ro THD IRUE Poilir or BEGTIJNII{G; Co}ITAININGiRF-12.{ffiQuAru rEul.lu|( liji0.65 ACRES, UORE OR LESS. ./i.r)>-;,'.'t.D.r-7r)\ , ii'i:ri i RECORDER'S ,.1 .' cERT/F,t'}ArEOA ' 1.... fra ' WAS IIILED TOR RTCORTI IN TI{E OFT'ICE OF THE nfCOnprn OF EAGLE COUNTY, COLOPADO, et -3:oo4==*ON THE .9z couNnrflIIS PLAT nntqtFn ttJ' U C c (^ C o McGEE INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUEM COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:--Jl s v*-*-0,{ ... - q tJ"z,l*.. M,^- +t. -d s;Je Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: TO: MIKE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andv Knudtsen Town Planner Date: Date: Datc: t Landscaping: ATE OF PUBLIC HEAR Distributed to the Fire Department, pubric works, and Landscapins onJol._gJ_g4 . TO: MIKE o fs'gosr te pgl HALdMcGEE 1 GREG I t\\,. . TODD OPPENHEIMER Rclurn to Andv Knudtscn Town Planncr INTE R-DEPARTMENTAL REVI EW PROJECT:€x 4- DATE SUBMITTED:ATE OF PUI]LIC HEARI COMMENTS NEEDED BY: tal r"1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE pROpOSAL: .*,Jd s n* -_p[ -€.4,1_t l{'0; Ja N^.*1, ,^, (-L . .d s;Jq )o thp{ cr'A q'!orlot\(c rc ho io tto Sonoocg? ;""- cesirrrv) \l€ g\os,wrwo\5 o$t {rorrt Z ir r""ru* ft.l-'"^ $" neeA o reocoue /itil\ oe$.o.i oe'-..-rV/goursc wo'lgacni t ' Enginooring: Reviewed by: Tanrt Dalc: Commenls: Landscaping: Seviewed by:Dato: Commenls: rolrtrqA Firc Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Datc: Distributed to the Firo Departmcnl, pubric worrrs, and Landsc aping onJal] s.)_14 . IKE McG GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Relurn lo Anclv Knu4tscn Town Planncr /" INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:€-x ,.* DATE SUBM TE OF PUBLIC HEARI COMMENTS NEEDED BY: ttl tq BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROpOSAL: ^-Jd s ,..^- *_0,{ .€..,.- Landscaplng: Date: Dale:Reviewed by: Commenls:. Firo Dept.: Rwiewed by: 4 6ez< oate:/o'//'2 L/ commenls: ./L/o o a/c;t<.72o.J. .l : l{'0rJa H^A, ^ +L *.d s;Je Engineering: Rwiewed by: Comments: Distributcd to lhe Firo Departmont, public works, and Landsc aping on I a I I a I 44 . . EOLTDAY TNN 13 VAIL RD. : VAIL, CO 81 657 : VAIL VTLLAGE INN' 1OO E. MEADOI{ DR.vArL, co 91557 . ATTN: JOHATHAN STAUF'FER ,, 1ST BANK OF VAILr 17 VAIL RD.vArL, co 81657: ATTN: ROGER BEHLER VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 42 W. MEADOW DR.vArL, co 81557 ATTN: DICK DURAN VATL GATET{AY PLAZA OFFICE , 12 s. FROtllIAGE RD. - VtEgr' VAIL, CO 81657ATTN: LEO PALMER 1 SONNENALP HOTEL 20 VATL RD.. VAIL, CO 81657. ATTN: JOHANNES FEASSTER |ol a+,q + - o%Gcr-ffQ gti.r cLLr St\ THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 14, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request for a density, GRFA and parking variance to allow for the conversion of the Fulton lronworks Restaurant to a residence to be located at 1 136 Sandstone Drive, Units A- 1 09 and A-1 1 0/Homestake Condomin iums. Applicant Karen Bouchard Planner: Jim Curnutte 2. A request lor a conditional use permit to allow for a temporary Ghristmas lree lot to be located at the Texaco site,2313 North Frontage Road/Tract B, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant: SteveLincks/DickDilling Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a minor SDD amendment to the Golden Peak House to allow for minor changes to the previously approved plan for the proposed redevelopment located at 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A and B, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Craig Snowdon Planner: Mike Mollica/Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for an update for a major amendment to the Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a revision to the master plan to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesVArea D, Glen Lyon SDD. Applicanl: Calumet Federal Savings and Loan Associates of Chicago, represented by Pierce, Segerberg and AssociatesPlanner: Andy Knudtsen M A request for setback and common area variances to allow for a revised, expandedI v , \ entry on the east elevation of the Holiday House, located at 9 Vail Road/Lot B, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: HolidayHouseCondominiumAssociation Planner: Andy Knudtsen 6. A request to amend Section 18.57, Employee Housing, to sel forth requirements pertaining to Type Vl Employee Housing units and set forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen revi.aed to/51s2 O O nic'o oct s tss* Application Date PEc MEErrue oern \l/t4/94 APPLICITION FOR .n, \'ARIANCE I. This procedure is required for any project requesting avariance. The application will not be accepted unt.il allinfornation is submi.tted. A. NAME OF AppLTCANT HoLIDAY HoUSE CONDoMINIUM ASSOCIATTON ADDRESS 9 VAIL ROAD, VArL, CO 81657 B.NAII{E OF APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE PINNACLE RESORTS ADDRESS P.O. BOX 2992, VAIL, CO 81658 pHONE 827-5200 NA}4E OF ov[NER (S) ADDRESS OWNER(S) (type print )_!AS ABOVE SIGNATURE (S) n LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAI DESCRIpTTON:LO4,_E-re_ BLOCK_ F r L r NG-._VA rL_J:r L!AGE_2 ADDRESS 9 VAIL ROAD, VAIL FEE . $2s0. oo earo-Zr5C-c6 x (''58 | ey l ft+ THE FEE MUST BE PATD BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WTLL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners ofall property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a li_st of theirnames and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT V{ILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THEAPPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBEROF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAI COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPUI.ATE. ALI. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFGE ABUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The rel_ationship of the requested variance toother existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity. ASSOC. E. F. rr. A pre-application conference with a planning staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if anv additionalinformation is needed. No applicat.ioi will be acceptedunress it is complete (must incrude alr items required bythe zoning administ.rator) . It is the applicant, sresponsibiri-ty to make an appointment witn tne staff to find.out about additional submittal- resuirements. \ B. 2' It:?'i:.::"::i:i'::'::5 *l::;il':;'.o'specified regulation is necessary to achievecompatibility and unifornity of treatment anongsites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the varj-ance on light and air,distribution of population, transport.ation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your request complies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. A topographic and,/or improvement survey at a scaLe ofat least Lt = 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existing improvements, includi-ng grades and el-evations. Other eLements which must be shor'rn are parking and loadingareas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least \n = 20' showingexisting and proposed buildings. A11 preliminary building elevations and floor planssufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners, association, thenwrj-tten approval frorn the association in support of theproject must abe received by a duly authorized agentfor said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey andsite plan may be waived by the zoning administrat.or. D. E IV. TIME A. A.v. REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A completeapplication form and all accompanying mat.erial (asdescribed above) must be subnitted a minimum of four(4) weeks prior to the date of the pEC public hearing.No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoningadministrator) will be accepted by the planning staffbefore or after the designated submittal date. AII PEC approved variances shall lapse if constructionis not commenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligentLy pursued to completion. If t.hj-s-application. requires a separate review by anylocal, State or Federal agency other than the fown oiVai1, the application fee shall be inereasect brr5200.00. Examples of such review, may include] buc arenot limited to: Colorado DeparLment of Highway AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shal-l be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t of theapplication fee. If, at the applicantrs requestr dDymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication sha1l be paid by the applicant. / B. c.3:3ll:il";.t:T:o"?;":li "::l'H :t"I:i3'ffi :' ",other issues which may have a significant impact on the community nay reguire review by consultants other thattown staff. Should a determination be made by the townstaff that an outside consulLant is needed to reviewany application, Community Development may hire anoutside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shaflbe forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the timehe files his application with the Corununity DevelopmentDepartment. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by the consultant, any of the,fundsforwarded by the applicant for payment of theconsult,ant which have not been paid to the consultantshall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred'by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by theapplicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. fottDAY*tn"$ October 3,1994 Variance Request THE HOLIDAY HOUSE AT VAIL Expandon of CommonArea "Condominium Rentsls with all the feelins of Honrl' ' oel o31gg{ T[]\J .Ccll'llM. DE\J. DEPT, The Holtday House at Vall, as owned by the Hollday House Condominlum Associadon' wishes to expend the ftont entry of the bullding in order to provlde a nore attractive entrance' addl- dorul ofiice space ard guestsecurlty and convenlence through the addlffon of a small lockable luggage storage area The addidonal 56 square feet of common space may exceed that allowable by the Town of Vdl. Thls wtll have to be detcrmined by the ptanning staffin their measurcment of the building plans. A small pordon of the addldon does intrude into the current 20 foot setback. Thls intru' slon ls approdmately 1.5 feet under an exisdng overhang. Surveys and plans are aftached. firls addidon ln no way lnfrlnges on the netghborlng properdes and ls consFuctcd completely on top of the ftont porch area Orat comptied wlth the 15 foot setback that was In place when the Holiday House was origindly built Thls request requlres only a nrlnlmal reHef from the erdsfing common space and setback requlrements and ts in keeping wlth the varlances prevlously granted to the Gateway Bullding and the Vail Vlllage Inn P.U.D. wHdr allowed much more substandal encroadrmenb. fie prinrary purpose ln asHng for the variance ls to complete the redesign of Ote extcrlor entrance of the Holiday House. To thls point the Holtday House Condominium Associadon as erected a natural stone planter and been granted permisdon to bulld a series of stone planters and an entran@ ramp. This rededgn provides a mudr more attracdve and dramadc enfy on one of0re rn4for entrance roads to the Vail cone area. In addldon, the Hollday House was not de$grred to have adnrlnlstradve offlces on slte and this mtnimal addldon will provide a small private area for the front desk functiors. At the present dne computcr equipment and cash counfing fadlides are ln complete view of the publlc and are dlfficult to secure. The lack of adminlstradve anea ln the buildlng also fails to provlde secure storage for guest luggage when they arrlve early or wlsh to chec.k out late. Ihls addidon will indude a small lockable clooet across from the front desk for thls pul?ose. As far as can be determtned thls grant of this variance wiII have no elfect on light and air' dlsffbution of lnpulation, transportation, tralfic fadllties, utilldes or pubHc safety. Ihis addition complles wlth Vall's Compreherslve Plan by provldlng more attracfive and convenient fadlldes for transient guests and lmprovlng the stneebcape along a mqior entrance road. 9 vail Road . vall, Colorado 81557 . 3o3-479-7loo . 8oo-872-7227 oHO LIDAYHOU October 3,1994 " Condominium Rentcls rrith cll th e feeling of Hcmle :za fs, Varlance Request TIIE HOLIDAY HOUSEAT VAIL Expandonof CommonArca The Hollday House at Vail, as owned by the Hollday House Condominlum Assoclaffon, wtshes to expend the ftont entry of the bullding tn order to provide a more attractive entrance, addl- donal office spaoe and guest securlty and convenlence through the addldon of a small lockable luggage storage area The addidonal 56 square feet of common spaoe nay exceed that allowable by the Town of VaiL Thls will have to be deterndned by the plannlng staff in their measurement of the butlding plans. A small porffon of the addldon does Intrude into the current 20 foot setback. Thls tntru- don ls approximatcly 1.5 feet under an edsdng overhang. Surveys and plans are attached. Ihis addidon in no way lnfrlnges on the nelghboring properdes and is constructed completely on top of the front porch area that complled with the 15 foot setback that was ln place when the Hollday llouse was originally built This request requlres onty a minlmal rellef from the edsdng common space and setback requirements and is ln keeping with Orc variancec prevlously granted to the Gateway Building and the Vall Village Inn P.U.D. which allowed mudr more substandal encroachments. The prlmary purpose In asklng for the variance ls to complete the redeslgn of the exterior entrance of the HoHday House. To thls point the Holiday House Condomlnium Associadon as erected a natural stone planter and been granted permlssion to build a series ofstone planters and an entrane ramp. Thls rededgn provides a mudr morc attractive and drarnatic entry on one of the mqjor entrance roads to the Vail core area. In addldon, the Hollday House was not deslgned to have administrative ofrlces on slte and tltis mlnimat addition wlll provlde a small private area for the front desk functiors. At Ole prtsent dme computer equlpment and cash coundng fadlldes are in complete view of the public and are dilficult to secure. The lack of admlnistradve area in the building also falls to provide secune storage for guest luggage when they arrlve early or wish to check out late. This addidon will Include a small lockable closet across from the front desk for this purpose. As far as can be determtned this grant of this variance will have no effect on llght and alr' disb:ibution of populadon, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities or pubHc safety. Thls addidon cornplles with Vail's Cornpreheruive Plan by providlng more attracdve and convenlent fadlldes for trarslent guests and lmproving the streebcape along a m4ior entrance road. Ii l1' [|;,,t:ri' &.t ,' 9 Vail Road . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3o3-479-7loo . 8Oo-872-7221 oz t =G, IIJo- o xxx V U'uj uJtl- F =E tIJc "@ hl'ldtll+tLno vrl-ir \T cl\ I Ic{ M z H v uJ s9ltlt 0z J LIJ F c Iz = =z ollJFoz z ! dt .a zz G ll,lz3od Eludz;3HoluJFI<F2a9Zo< q € ( Js $ +l 5s ltJ LrJ U) =i c6 FH j-oc6*6.9 e H€:E Effi ig sE d< € E ='SF EetEg:-oi 3d(s0'-5-5A9./,E iEiiE rn o N\T .it .if A ta) 1 .4.L a ,--4 ,4 ? ) rn 1'1 c't == UJaoz. ) Y() uJ- z .J J 9 F r.lJJ UJ z ao J J C)z t(J gJ = IIJ IIJu-zotr uJ LrJ (D]g uJe.z 6 UJ F o. uJo f 2 uJ zH Xt( |<I{nP FlFl FlFl F an UJ uJt! ts =GgJ o- J Fo F =oJf,lo J d,FoulJ UJ z =Jo- J Iz Io IIJ. NO|lVn']VA tl IHIH' lB> G lol |l)l - lla=ur.ill= ro o 19 ;z 5E3*z :z u-v3 ^ ?2n Ep=Esz; fruir ;qig HFjni6A v, H z tr s-E o UJ F o-L!(r z E o t^. z E UJ tIIJz =zfz tr o Fzl z 3o a llJo o- uJ tr -iz F z I trI UJl = u) llJzY iF t! F zIF Jl z o = F F il -l =l zl .. >loul ullllz a!, = ul(L J z Eo 2 Fa H l*,* I4 l! (l (! r- UJ Eo @o.? zo F0. r.lJv IJJq! oF E-t>aff;"c ll.\qo1 o- f{ 6ElI s?l eEibkzo ItotzF-':9- Va+ f /Ne.l t(/jlFrlo / H cq. UJ =zo zB E trl U) >r H Fl =2 & FlH Or LIJ oo f'\ Io\ F-.$ I F\ \o @ FlH =o tr U1ulE = = I o- 6 : tr ts z z Fl '-l Ir\.+.f, .i z o uJ f l!oz; F C\ N IFc\ : l ?J;,-< an +.J o g =tr z "iUJ J z3 F ut ul F I {1{ YI3J vl =Etr z9 uJE \trlou2 3oF IJJ ulF z o UJ J l!oz3oF =tr z o uJ J a l! z3oF ltl l,tl F ( $ n UJz =o () Iutr & <F(r() r,! <zgltl FraZo <oOFr?AE,YF-z -8 t2?g3 d6 ix 13 =8 oEh =-(rOz o () U'' UJA J uJ J HX\B} FNEE ES== ' 9 ,dE z I?no € *Fl =s E3EI=fi5; Htr uJ @ oF III E =E lrJ o-zIF(J DEFazo() Oro* oF vArL coNsrRuerro 0EC t r994 Legal Oescription: f.ot_L BIock Piling ohrners Name: WutW rarry hp{qx^hqddress:ol VfrtL ,'1oA^p.". +11.1t@ Architect:N'qM Address:,.J.A"Ph. P.It VLttt@tr ceneral Description:WLfte larpfurrl )) CcirruTEtaTDPS Ifork Class: [ ]-New{-aft"ration [ ]-Additional Nuober of Dwelling Unlts: 3* Nunber [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Acconmodation Units: Town of Vail. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: $P1"" and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas Logs- wood/perret_ lr********************************* VALUATIONS ****it****************************':ty1*gy i t @,-- ELE.TRTGAL: *-efu orHER: $liruuBrNcz@at "i&oiiiil;;rf ;;ilff; W,u;:::i1#;:#ll..ijili;;,,9',*1"ro* ,NFoRuArroN :-:.1:.::********_* :**r:tr** Phsne Number: 'fl4- ffi XH::I::"I contractor: l.lorf /6S16100 I.o* o-{ Vail Req. No._Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. llechanical Contractor:Address:Reg. NO. * * * * **** * * * *** *** * * * * ** ** * * * * * * *FOR oFFICE USE *******************************BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PI,I'UBING PER}IIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERITTIT FEE:ELE TRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUI'IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I.IECHANICAL PIAT CTTECK TEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EJAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: o}{r)SYIH;il$,% ZONTNG: SIGNATT]RE: --*ZEE-' IrP DEPToSIT IEFUTD r0:?ffiru,:Wrfrt'* tnttn |lal ?5 .oulh tronhg. .o..t u.ll. color.do E1657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlcc ot communlty dcvolopmc[t BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requi,res g Towl of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer''s (pubric rrJorks) revrew anJ'ipp"o"at,'i iiiiiir'rJi'b.p."t "ntreview or Health Departnint-review,-"n5'a-review by the Buildinglirip!'J;.ll: .'.tr.ted tirni rJ"'a-totar "i"ii* fov"Li!'as rong All comrercial ('rarge or smar'r) and a'r'r mur ti-famiry permits wilrhave to follow the ibove il;iio#;ximum requirenents. Residentiarand small projects shou'rd take J-iesser'amount of time. However, ifresidential or smar'rer,prcjecis-impiit' il," various above mentioneddepartnents with reqa.rd' to-niiesiily-..ri.r, these projects maya'lso take the three-week period. Every.attempt wiil be nade by this deparunent to expedite thispermi.t as soon as possib] e. - rv L'\pEs' es t'r l-ll" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame - y,,Mi *t"n W+u ttq,+ tt to n rLlK-14 Cormuni ty Development Department. 75 routh fronllgr ro.d r!ll. color.do 81657 (303t 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: su&rEer: oftlcc ol conmunlty devclopmcnl AI,L CONTRACIORS CUiTRENTLYL REGISTERED WITB THETOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLTC woRKs/couMIrNITy DEVELOP}IENT l{ARcH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCITON PARKTNG & MATERIAL STOR,,AGE contractor, ordner) rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur. for anyperson to rirter, track or aeposii ;t-=;irl-"J"i, sand, debrisor naterial, inclu!i1S_11asfr-t""p=t.rs, portable toilets andworkmen vehicLes.upon any street', "ia.".ir];ii;y or pubtic$:ii"":I":lI ffi.r-on trrel"otl--ir," risht_of_way 6n att rown of Tr'r : ;;eiil;c ;;iii-"i: $,i:8il-:l?*:Iu'd.r;: *;n*:f*i, -' PubLic works Deoartnent. --p""lins touna .ri6fating this ordinancewirr be siven a 24 hour r=it;;;';"ii""-ti-;;;;;"'""id nateriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes-not-"iipry with thenotice within *:_i1 n""i-tiiJ-liecifiea, ure pulric worksDeparrnent wilr reDove said nare;iai-;i-inJ'IdJi=e of personnotified- rne oroviri""=-Jr-Iiil orainance shilt not beapplicable to cinstruction, -r"iii"rr"nge of repair projects ofany street or alley or any'uiifiir."" in the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tohrn of::ii"::ti3i"g,tf,if*:lt"::"d;i" a sopv. rirani you ror your o Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes ADDRESS: 9 VAIL RD CONTRACTOR: O'IIALLORAN CONST t IVAIL,COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONI o"cudnNcv, n-t ENGTNEER: N'NE I TYPE qF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK I II goRREcrIoNSREeurRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete tisting of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selec{ed sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted cudes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQIIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY. 3. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALL HALLWAYS AND BEDROOMS AS PER SEC 1210 OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTTTI AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. I , NAME: HOLIDAY HSE #14,18,19,22 DATE: 12-16-94 I ot-z oEC t 5 19s4 r'fililflf\ lrti .,.,r , iLt' l, nill1, l: 'l .A Vail,o li:,:L: fiouDAYHouSSl14lafrAt-rrr!,'L'tr-''cLrll\l/'\-/\)' -. . ,. - A-Aot | /t+ng{ "Cottdo-inium Rentah with all the feeling of Home;' f@v!t t t [\rt v'\r \ "v v A\ _-\^ -.-,..):zT fs, \ -cJ,€^rJ(t'tW, lata. " ,rArE' lZ -/6 ?/ ,r4 303-479-7rOOo ExtsnN6 I rF rd I I I I I I t ar f,{r L. ': I td\s 'g 9 Vall Road .Colorado et6SZ .. 8OO-872-7221 fiouDAY HouSb 'Condorninirm Rentsls with aIL the feeling of Hone." :za fsd ?zgts^AttTa/'- I Ra4nt ( Ww.lrwt.t B€t \oc&gnq.J : ltou D/q frous€ \ KrTcrt€l: /f;ND\)t+11ctJs U^rlT< t+ 2 ,#,n , * ,6 4+t1 (,At'PVe rylSnn,@ Pls,lAE 4 tlKrftr cAsrNErs (p* 066 e<lsnN& f-6r E(tsnN6 c/t6lNE15 \ c*tPrereioPS Ax3^J,MTJT€Z.T?PS NA'T\ Ptr{^l i Str Pa't S AfPurlrN L€5 SNK , NtsPosAt- *d €4CJf \,^ue h ?3@- -_-_- 29o-x 4 taNrrt P€a{qaffie #ro" * nfrrrocs ?tutuBl*4 AE qeaP*\€ 9 Vail Road . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3O3-479-7|OO c 8OO-872-7221oo lr_ -*O Oc) S-/,{7" .1, CAz Ff I IJJFoooazo ?o- IJJY ltlo 6o\ F GI zo 2H oF F =c uJ o- tto o-oo I UJFoz uJ o zA(J9 EzQ, s =3 3 dP - ?#:O F.r. =XC)atH !ED E E CE uJo- bEqE"5 €8B9?irb9cd => = llt :-E h=E :SE =FE 66 9 \ttlE XO-E 6r6.ul €; uJoo -II F =Elrlo-zoF(J :)Eta zo() !!t oz E =e, UJo- ed'/zz./ y'fta/ Fr [.u orX .l pl I ,"iHI Er-#rSvto FIEu2 ,o H6> u,lFI<FZn YZo< tt ulo: Eot! o cFzoo FE;eJ fESgFtl " l;l* i lllH- rOl rrl;9t:?5:lE-:a ": :C'IU: E EEIgO f,FI tr. -E r4l " E:IHr lrll rl f 3lB =!l tr 3El"o =>G -I z Fo- F9ano1>s?()9rz|r<oqHdtoFOjni H !.1HxtX,fXxlEx Ei v)H t-l zl .. >l uJ llJulzo tr IJJ J zo F ^ EIU'pI >r HFlo z_) tI- Jtrl F rJltlt-t 14.t)iJo H Flo ui =z o I trl(4 FII et{.i : =4 & FfH an uJ = F\ I\o io H F ()zH& FlzH zH =tr N M EE ztrl FC ultroo = c EIz P tsc) oz .; UJ I rLoz3 F H&ts l.l Ff FT H F H Fl g rtr IN .i 2 cillr J ttoz =F \o F\ INs c\t =Etr oz ol|lG J ttoz39 = ciz ci uJq <1 tt z3 o1F utJut F E uJz =o F ulF T &, E -rO<FEO|J.r<ztU.lF oo JE<oC)F E3 YF-zr E2? 33DFt6o dE =3EE F!*o =+Eo2 o J<()<, ?,:io t t ct)o, tr* on CD = crbEI' t Sl ) t! o uJ tstt, @o zo o- uJ- irJ TD o ts =trulA lto coo I uJ oz Er .Ettto EH EAIE;9 Eg=uEF:HE;E3igii IJ .Do /G I ( Ittt--I P .t f t- \4JE * B oz EtG H z oP =a@o =F. trtrtr =l r el=gi trtrD ts =Elrlo-zIl-() qJE u,zo C) anulullt ts-E UJA I I l.., rtro I I I I siifElS iii€LIg :EiEffiE iEii€sE !iEEs iEiiE '$J ;!a$ti - - ihl,$ i a 3E$|; F ! Eil{ I E Eqq zl .. >log,oul {,1zo E =GulA J zI Eoo ct2 oIJ TE o-3o a E J s sl t't U,t.*. s.R. [,]l u, =z @q ciz eiIJ4 3 0 2 E luttn 7t roullr frontrgt rord Ell, color.do t1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 offlcr of conmunlty dcrlopnorl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this peryIt.l!9uj;re9 a Town of Vai't Fire Departnent Approvat,Englneer's- (pylJ ig llopks) reyiew and approval,' a plannin!' Departmentreview or Health Departrnent review, ani'a review by the Euitbinf --- Department, the estirnated time for a tota'l review may take as l6ngas tliree weells. Al I corrnercial ('large or smal I ) and al I mu]ti -family perrni ts wi]lhave to fo]low the above mentioned maximum requiremlnts. Residentialand.small projects_shou'ld tal(e a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidentia'l or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments. with regard, to necessary review, these projects nrayalso taRe the three. week period. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermit as seon as possible. !, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. HOCttU/ Ha .stc- - EottE& FiUlslartE Project Name Corrnuni ty Devel opment Departrnent. \ luwn t5 aoulh Iront g. rlad nll, cclo'r.to tlGst (3031 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&IECT: Read and acknowledged by: fn sunnary, -Ordinance No. 6 states that lt is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrlsor naterial, J.ncluding trash dunpsters, portable toileti andsorkmen vehlcles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publl,c Pf?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVaj.l streets and.roads is approxiroately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordLnance wlll be stri-Lfy enforcEd by the Toin of VailPtlllic Works Departnent. Persons found viotatlng thls ordlnancewlll be given a 24 hour yritten notl-ce to renove-sald naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tl,ne specified, the pulf-tc WorksDepartnent wllI renove said naterial at tlre expense of personnotified. The provlsions of this ordinance stratt not bEappllcable to construetl.on, uaintenance or repair proJects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. olflcc ol conmunlly drvrlopmrnl AI,L CONTRAqIORS CT'RRE!f,ILIL REGISTERED WITH TBE IIOT{N OF VAIIJ TO!{N OF VAIIJ pUBtIC WORKS/COrI|MI,NITY DEI/EIpP!.IENT UARCH 16, 1988 CONSIRUqIION PARKING & UATERIAL STORAGE the Town ofyou for your To review Ordinance No. 6 ln fuLl, please stop byVail Bulldlng Departnent to obtain i copy. fhankcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) br INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAILPERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: \-\s-L\ JoB NAME TUES WED THUR AM PM t. CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D D tr o o ft UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ UNDERGROUND ROUGH,'D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr-- qfr*o, -------:-tr FINAL hppnoveo ,1/O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR oz F =g, u.lo- U" €U) !U UJu- tr =E UJ {ofru htE€e +YD o\o\ o\ 14 14 HH B Ff HE rch c'\ ra'lc{ <x Fl,dets F=oFl,n lrlzr4 6(/JJ F F g, I =o =z lrJFoz o =J co € o =z uJz3 uJt z l!JqJ @ = o Fz o llJz B lr- ft4t'l ,3 9l-l EI alrdlFll()l -o, .' EJ ()gi ?=--.-\Y-*u E-, H oa3\ F-. s{? -Fr EN =,.74w : -,'r Ito..:oYH CLOA(6p ie> rdtEdl 5s,3.= ->5oNEo o; f;Fsscl- -o o- o) -p66 cO €3 Ee EE .=i o -ra E.e EE'Eo o-oEoo-oE oc -6o-@to:3:'6 o o- 6 c .F E ; .; o. Eoo o q) E o)((t E '3E R6 c.2 'EX :r-F'5 .E8cr-'-oc)(559 =i;>c9 -CO.O 1o(Eoc +o CCo:'ay Ri-Y- O(! d(E'- -c Eg-(6 Et/lODLC OG 6c-c(q -E60 arg916 0)f;Eod tEcto >,E€9!r, o- OEr-o -o @\o .v rr)@ ar) tl o |nN rat tr = uJ z o Co ! z trF UJ z = o-- z uJ = X @ r!(l/ 14,z tr IIJ o UJE o(D 3 r.lJ;t! z 6 TIJo F LllJ o-lz TU) x qJ o uJ UJu- F = uJ o- J F F z = J e. uJ uJ (,z (o =- z uJ = NOUVnIVA e fr Fv tr ? It F v tr F r !zz!- tr ^ 6zI5 =9E P oE qroe.Zt-()oo.2<)zX l!<oq i!i-ei6gF9Ai(\to =>G. = lCl a\l I I { )l il I'!l it .tFlit vt lo it* il3 rl HlFfO il rd Itrl illIo z tr ) LL o- UJ(L F rrr .s LUE Rx zo Eoo z tr E llJ f-J =luz =zlzOo <oo< =HxrL6o<z F4* 9z -.1 T;o3trOI ut)JJ aautz =F F z F Jfoz o 3 Jl -l a) zl o uJoululz q) F uJc J z E o oz tr!) 6 l! F tuI lll lql I' l tuo-ILi-o I& ME HH cr)c)lr) O ,"4 -4, f174'/, 4q,1/ uJto c0o-'zo Fo IJJY UJo oF = frso- o\ o>c{o.ed l< uJl- 14,bkzo z,."9 Z_r< c00 =z CL LL ..i59V; =15< =t!X6 r-u- E tr gJ lto:t!E2E<cLlo92EurE9tt ir cd F itr- = tJJ :-E h=(, dtr: >o-I o r.r-E oo9 iutEX(t-r x>6HFct 'io-!n uto F --- F =g, UJo-zIF C):f E,Fazo() !!u dt uJlEl JI <lilol zl 3IolFI I I I I cil =.1olUI 1l al>l u.lol zl elH ;l CEI JI <l>l aolFI I I I Iolzl.lol Lrjl .El il rl.lol 5l g Ol urFI F o 1.. Ie\' o- FlH E ^l<l F1l FrlHI<l>l 'ltnqlu, CIdI = .t) U) tstcnDoE '.at{tlotrt LU z rrlv Ft Hvc) E I AHd u.i =z -) A"lfrl HI>l oz 6 .t vl Fel "l F J I ILld I I I Aul q cI{J E(J d olrul cEl Jl <l>l rr-l 9l 3l PI H rJ)z trl U) v tr 2? =Ed6o oF Fzo 2 I C)lu = (t i.9X F;o2 E F Fz J EF lJ-tJ -:o<FarQr!<ZEUJF(a Z.oO EtrI uI E 5 5 E t6 olql { TI "q dqv-1 3t 2I r !l .. >l CIItoln|ll-o =G H {z oo !JgB o T FxU 0ltl 2Eo IF 2o trIlo2 I 6 .=l !s:l EZ|!oo A EE!s EE : 6 -otr 3B E-I ot i o- -B H uJ o O I F. F CE I ) trtrtr HEE z cEroo =FE =euJAt!oulo. - IE H o-eEEEga TPgE EAEFE= EE EH UJ tDo jd j=l -1=.t>ol g 9E aJi' 1?: t E()ffi* q GTul GIJ >l lrIq E I l q Hq 3lrlo E Eulz-o .o UJ oc, +E ffia HE rdE zE 3Ed6 3E =3EE cgJa o<c)qj xr< '<xx ;-/ Ftrtr tS routh fronLg. t!|d r.al, colo..do E1657 (303) 479-21.38 ox 479-2L39 TO: FRO}T: DATE: SU&IEqTs offlcr of connunlu dmlopmrnl ALL CONIRAqTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I|IIII IIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC T{ORKS/COMI.TUNITY DEVEIPPUENT I{ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING E UATERIAL STORAGE In sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, traek or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordlnance w111 be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Publlc Works Department. Persons found violatl.ng this ordinancewllL be given a 24 hour sritten notlce to reroove said naterial .fn the cvent the person so notifl.ed does not conply with thenotice uithln the 24 hour tLne specified, the Public l{orks Departnent sill remove sald naterial at the e:rpense of personnotified. The provisLons of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln fuII, please stop by the Town olVaiI Building Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperatJ.on on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) 6fr'rcE otflce ol communlty d€udopment75 louth hontrge road vall. colorado 81657 (3dl) 47$2138 (309) 4&2139 1. 2. 3. CoRRECTTONS REQUTRED A11 exterior wall construction to be noncombustible or fire retardant treated wood framing, provided exposed outer sur- faces are nonconbustible. uBc 1903 (a) . Interior non-bearing partitions shall be constructed of non- conrbustible naterials or fire-retardant treated wood. A11 openings (door proposed to exterior) in exterior wallsof Tlpe ff-FR buildings shall be protected by a fire assenbly having a three/fourths hour fire-protection rating when they are less than 2O ft. frorn an adjacent property Iine or the center line of a public ltay. UBc 1903 (b) l{idth of proposed door required to match existing door being replaced. For proposed door to corridor: When corridor walls are required to be of one-hour fire-resistive construction, every door openlng shall be protected by a tight-fitting' smoke-sealed, self-closJ.ng asseubly having a fire protect- ion rating of not less than 20 ninutes. UBc 3305(h)1. ceiling joists for floor extension to be noncombustible. uBc 1901. 6. Roof coverings shall be not less than Class B as specifiedin Table #32-A. UBc 1906. Shakes to be fire-retardant. 4. 5. lmn PROJECT NWBER: 8/8/90 ADDRESS: 9 VAIL ROAD HOLIDAY HOUSE occltPAllcY: R-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: II-FR Plan Review Based onthe 1988 Unifom codes llo lhs'L,NAI'IE: HOLIDAY HOUSE SKI IPCKER DATE:8/9/90 CONTRACTOR: DARK HORSE CONST. ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: PI,ANS EXAI.IINER: MICHAEL ISIIITAKER fiouDAYHou$ 'Condonjnium R entals uith all che feeling oI Hon'r'." 3zT f;rt August I, 1990 Hol lday House at Vef I ProJect Oescription Ski Locker Loc€tion: East stalrwel I, first f loor of exlstlng condomf nlum bul ldfng. Oescription: Relocate door at bottom of east stalrwel I andutl I lze exlstlng sp€ce and proposed one storyextenslon of flrst floor to provlde skl storagefor short term rentel guests. Exlstfng Conrnon Arear Flrst Floor l9l5 sq. ft.Total Buf ldlns 17633 sq. ft. Incl garage Dfmenslons: New constructlon- 38 sq. ft. In one story add lt lon. Materlels: Framlng- constructlon grade plne. Exterlor- stucco palnted to mEtch exlstlng bul ldfng exterlor.Roof- cedar shake ghlngles. Contrectorl Dark Horse Constructlon EEtfrnated CoEtl 97500. 9 Vail Road . Vall, Colorado 81657 . JO3-479-7LOO . gOO-872-7221 1.\" tL d \,1 \ti I 4_s(r 2 1q '6! Uvo. a' .{ IIo4lrt to cgt(l- _sso -.t-{-.. _ s.__c_.:) :t. tI d 1 t 5 I Ii(c .i vt \. U ,noq ox -1 i- l' {dlr-J.(yd $F o! dI r q I 0 0.{ N J{ ) a:I I. I a .- J t- i, t,ptY X1 C' ,(l i .( '{ 0ll t .'1 ' A $ ,,,\q \1 t .-i {t2 r.J u,.l i:t i] .t:: ur JF- iIl'F:=:j F) s J o !'i ll \'] /sz3 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE t{ 22 JOB INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL 61A146 ,//2./ t,t)rty /t.l,,rztr'- g , Zc< l.c?4 CALLER ,...sa.MON IUES WED ) THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATEFI tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D Dtr NAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR *!iRsroP SS \R oulFo2 oz 6Jfo .a u, o EoF eF z:o I I .!aol Nl >l-lH lo I I I I I I l- stE srE 9rB-'2l.l16Orl oG o Ec6 oEoo CDc E o E o =gl !to o o,o,6 '.9 o -oc* 8.9 ;E: fipgEda BE6 *;5E!s96;o5o 5'r.= EE; €85-oo *E!Eiei -o- ot €:€666 E€l6tr5aB6rElo.- Ea9 .,' o--'.9 5E:3eE EEo:o-li ouiotrlg +' .Ecto - E$E t, '5 ET E o 6 E o ._c oc 5 .g fo Eg io 6 .c C\o,6 .9E ttoo o oE 6E o Ctrtt .c 'ocva(t llo oE an LlJu,tt E =E IIJo-J FoF xeo =IIozo Fo- E 8|l,lo J Eu,z uJ(, =>E __a'' ftr.S =tON z2ooio- 4XtF90oo1>E9l!<o**6E8.irri .. >l ulo UJutzot G uJ zo F 6o uJo- tt>oF I =Fxur uJ tt ooulzY i o uJo 5o.ul E H .J) H Ff !E tiri =z coo-) JH o\ a IJ,J G t z .A o F H UJ =2 oz d IIJE J lroz3oF oz ciulG j l!oz3oF oc.l cn.n IOl.$ o\ I _l ;l e.l Ftl EI sl -q ttl oz (, ulE J- tto 23oF I.l JIlzl Nd9 il i sl xt!lq pl il: zHFlE EH ts E u- (,z co =Jo- s5 =*Eo2 () oz E-c, llJo. z o92F<oo =z=Dt-,8 :H; ;Hg BtrN E:t uJo.lto Egt5€aIEa9'5[ F Lt t- = l,Ll -E 5fr! 3tE oot \urE XO-E FFsi HoF !!tr LO cu C\J-J C) Ll, 6 uJFo @oa zo Fo-t!Y ut .o oF F =Gut o-lro o-oo I ulFoz o\ @ e{ @ ts =OElrlo-zIF()3E azoo 'l ciz ts =Gu,o. I r F\ p q \,., 5 0\ t" Nts' a/, UJ UJ1! ts =E UJc I I s-l -gr nd fi(' =+-t I I I I M ffii T' cl lsi -15=tzElo =tzFtd =liot €Ils c.9oott g, q,!oo o a 6Eca IE UJz =o UJ oz ulv,I I cco GoF() cFzo() Go I' qt oItoo ctl .ss3trl E o =cf !tq, oqoat 3g o F; -tl 1EF 5o, E.= .>6o,r.lEo9ke ]iool tcc\- i -o -G\ 6t -EEp,6d c (,lgt I o. E3,o6 En, Ep:i'5',cLl!Eoro-(r! oci-6o-0r|,);]: 6g 6c EE!,F'l=g6 o,€ 6!=>E -o.!EooE(, or-Ec --goo EEfe9oruC-oc EE s'Ea€ -c,a9qt=iicE=i; c,6 !o,E o clco (' E oc oE o 6 o IUottco c6 A Ict qt 15 f(,() GIc .Etto o o. Eo(, Dq, t(t O) co o E o ;E =3 c to !,g co a0(, o CI .oIc, !t|!0)' o 6 C' oct)ltg 3oEJ(,0t' D0r' a,E Et rl\\ 8l n \) -l dlll U r H('z6IDo r()lr, oz (, EF C)g.l u, o =ro =D d {ct 2 o u.,I UJgJ =IF ulE(, u,,E oc oo a lrtEzo UJo 6Iulo GI UJJo x F u, at,J v,u, UJ\tr =E uJo. J FoF o =oJ a, EF(, u, UJ ('- .D I =G {I{-(, &lI NO|l'Vn'lv^ 5\i!lr.t 9\or\ frJo: ilA =u,., I(i99 t .'tSur N =oN 6 =zoo ta =fii EE.i{{< zIID CE c oE(, u, >l-l ?o-u,a 2 tr zI UJ, :]ut1z tl|l |t, 32Ps3?o/IPRE6ci<z anl-i '.,9:Jtrd63AclI qJ f d v, lr,1zx9 IIJ F zI 5 v)z arI lllllll'' ilPlll,' ;J;llilg oz X ? lrt Eo u D 0): z) Lu a uo ) i. EuL ) L)J I u )z zI ozDo .tr -J<l(J =;F< fic):juJtr> oz ,=\5 N FI =l 1r, Ial <r Ht 6*l 5Flm (, o o2UlEgc<a)€uloJF '9=BE= tl-aHEF'cEP5DOtr85- -l!E ll,'oo st ts =H lrlo.zo F(J El-azo(J #t* o = @ FoJ \ \ N \ \$ '\ ni =zoo-r $};= lr- l! q ct{ -l I E 6 id uj l!F oz ou, at J ll0z3ots (t F .{ I (r c ciz o uJ .EJ ttoz3(t H n h I u s uiJ UJF E UJz3o (J uJEE() G GJO<Fc()l!<zE I.U F(rz-o C' JG 6P;() =<iJrt3 -c) eF =(, =Fd5() dg =E ()= EE oGXg o2 o() J<c)nfrJO Fr$,.aq, trtrtr o v \ t':\ i. I ar' 1l 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce ol communlty developmenl AT-,L CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOTfI{ OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC I'IoRKs/coI{!ruNITY DEVELoPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrarrrfur for anyperson to litter, !1ack or deposit any ."if,-ro"i, sand, debrisor naterial , incruding trash i.urnpscers, portabre toilets andworkrnen vehicles. upon any streetl sia"wairl -;II;y or publicpl?:" or any portion rheieof. The rishr_"i_;;t-;n arl Town ofVail streets and.Igu-d= is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wir' be. striitry enforced by the Town of VailPublic works Department. pers6ns found vi6ra-ing this ordinanceyill. be given a 24 hour writren n"[iJ"-t"-;;;;;'."id nareria]_.rn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 2.r hour tirne =p""rii.a,"ti"-;ffiric worksDepartment wirr remove said mateii"i-ii-in"--""pJi=e of personnotified. The provisions of ttris ordinance shart not beapplicabre to c6nstruction,-rui'rt"r,utrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities i" iir"-iigti_"_r"y. To review Ordinance No. e in full, please stop by the To\.rn ofYiil B"l+ding Department to obrain a copy. ttranx you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ili knowledged to Project (i.e.owner) PERMIT NUMBER f TNSPECTTON REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oor, tllal JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING ;(noucn / wArER tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED onte t1,,"- 4]'-Crc> rNSPEcroR nF$c' o = ts =t UJo. o N G .D IJJ IIJttt =E uJc \N\bS @ @ Or cn Fttt zH g E H (9 lnJIF lo J trltooz 6J UJ ko F FI ==o =z o UJFoz = o .5 azzal C' Eo.c .9 .ct6 .9 o.A lqt Eo E o Qo()co .g Eo o $6 oEoo CD .sE o E o =cl do o clo,o '.9 E c .9ooE .A c,tto() c .9o EIl odc6 otcco -o 3oF oto\ ct) .s Eo o6 o of attp .g I:tt o !tc6 .A 36 d:EE6g'=ollr sbE EEg EgE =gE c96'- cl4 3Et EE-s.FOO .i: o E'= o.- o-,Ef i.!=5 CL(g CL sEE €Ee' P66 IE€ EFE_Ee -+. tr6 0'-5ag gEE ;6>O6= fi*E EEe -o6 o @ t/'lr\ra c{ g E-d UJ z -J @ !() uJ z Jo. J 9 FollJJ uJ oz a! E E oz uJ = UJ ur zo F llJEo UJG oc to;g llJ zI an UJo F v,oo-uro z uJ x F ul at,l F] tr{ vtc F Etsz an IJJull!t =Gu,cJ FoF ozoJ =o IGFot!Jul (9z co =DJG 9z IJJt ;RF F NOtJ.Vn]v ;Eo; ltoz9F e 8 UJo EqJzg,o =>E -f(')itr(S =coo| zzoo F^O33 =anoz>E9lr<o*H6E8;(\j lr l6 l*lx lu zo F J t! eo UJo- F E ot! e, z E ><q&z9 uJF 3lr,z llt!tltl !t) ==z9n<oo< =tUci<z E<F 9= -.,i .rdo3tror r|l = (E oo IJJzY9 F z F Jfoz J- F ut o = .D -Jl<l FI zl zl >lA uj I!Iuzo = u,lo. zILoo z F 4,, 5 @ il; t;,; co.$ ccc)(:) ut E(t,oo?zo Fo- uJY luo oF '-6trotrq o-. oc''t iH x(J 1n uJFoz E uto-ltoEE22E<Cll€fr;9 =t i!a9gE4,> E EEE :*E U59 itrE FiI EFo-i!tr ul @oF ffi\zrtr i- u, ko z ,rPzz coo =z o-- P J =EE b =Glrlo.zo F()fE 6zoo n!! 'a IfII az Jtr Jo F J =z o T uJ =z a ah IJJ J = E tr aa IIJll o : = o- E =lr ioi z1 ullcl J al>l t!ol z1 3l FI =tr z oul .E J t!oz3o =tr z dllt e, lroz =o F & ]Ct-lHo q FIts.A ztl ts at) B E tr oz o uJG J lroz;oF \o\or\ @ I\oo\c{ Id) <") u u F =tr oz ci uJE J lroz3oF UJJ IIJ F I c uJz 3o Fo uJ ET (Jt E -rO<FG()uJ<zf TJJ FtqZ C) JCE<o(JF HEYF-zlt3 g"g 3Ed6o dE =3g6 EoEtigi F'o2 oo d <->qH a !nE H 3eE 6 cc P,*gl Zq- o9 it-z 33t9 d;-F IT- J R' l! uJ:<=. ul Fd crJo z,r9 =4tr)o =z=)a'P J,.i6v !., _- ==?-;!.!=;oB;E F =u, o- tl.o UJ >lFI tr!- fr-f tso<=<Gg, !D&xbEfg F^. Sg=g i lrJ O:=F-F.c).., I !Er' E= d 8=5:6; E--169=\ 8Hq3<f-".iE - g.l r3 .*F** F E E,lrl a-zot-() :)EF CNzo() al, uJ UJlr b = u.lI (t, UJ uJIL = qJ J o F I i;$*e ljffff I a3€g;Irtis$ :€ 5is E:EfA gi3;E :€E sg ieE E; != o (,' E eg;:= Es;;s gEiiF lr o $s c a\J o o 3 UJ UJ z 6u, u,tl, z 9 uJg C)l! F o o z t! =>E art E gr .li =oGl AE EE=9o6!E<.o c, rHgFo|..; d rl EI =l .. >loulo UJ UJz at,F E lrtq J zo troo tu >o F gJ fJJ G t4 UJzXo F IE lo.luJc <1zl FI <l z ; !r,,F ^l IU6 o =x .E oz at, lllJ 3 F u, JJ FoJ ,l ()l I I rau.l ctq J E .lFIol uaulEIolclqJ <tE oz (, uJlEl JI <lilol zl3l UJ =z o-t g, JO<FIr() u., <zE TIJ F o() l-c,u, F ?o J C) F C) u..lJ UJ :P;o =s-rF-;Jz C) qb =*Eoz oF C) oa zo(, z --o l.|.t = J<c)au,3H o.F ts =G _HJf tr- zX_.|ou,lt '^lort Jlo'r It{lY-2=x x,x DDD i I tr I lnwn 75 south fronlage road Y.il. colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 doparlment of pu bl lc works/transportatlon T0r FROM: DATE: RE: In sumary, Ordlnance No. 6 states that lt ls unlawful for any person tolitter, track or deposit any soll, rock, sand, debris or material, lncludtngtrash duurpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publlc place or any portLon thereof. The rlght-of-way on all Town of Vall streets and roads ls approxinately 5 ft. off pavement. Thls ordlnance wiLl be strlctly enforced by the Town of Vall Public Works Deparcmert. Persons found violacing this ordinance will be glven 24-hour wriEten noElce to remove sal-d naterial. rn the event the person so notlfied does not conply wlth the notice wlthln the 24-hour tlme specifled, thePubllc works Departnent !1111 renove sal-d material at the expense of personnotlfled. The provlslons of thls ordlnance shall not be applicable toconstructlon, nalntenance or repalr projects of any street or al1ey or anyutilities ln the right-of-way. To revlew OrdLnance No. Departuent to obtaln a Read and Acknowledged by: Dat e 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Vail Buildingcopy. Thank you for your cooperation ln thLs matter. VAIL1989 MEMORANDIIM ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 ']\\x\ |,*t"toN TOWN OF REQUESTvAlL I NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ' , --)o...' MON T"f' .@O T:UR PM PERrf{ NuM\qttftsvt"t DATE ... -' 1.'.. \ - \. \._. JOB BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING B INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER .MfGHANTCAL: '.1q HEATING - tr ROUGH F EXHAUST O SUPPLY A tr HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr FINAL tr FINAL a"-\\q IOVED CTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPEcToR-> I I FI@l Orl*l co:k.-l lo H. I I Itc, F] IN,F 1...,4rSFl loetF 6le Et4 'xl z :Et=te I J T00E * NO[Vn]VA Jl<l -l zl zl .. >lo |Jto IJJt!zaF (r UJ o- tl tHl tq I rH IEE I:d I3t I EHdft?fid6AA 3'i Itra I EAEI Iol *-ll('? cDq I ctz ts =G uJI A t, v.) / /).) /, IJJ trodto? zo t-IL lrJY uJo oF F =tsqo_ r-r bdl> Frloloolo tsl Iral lrJbkzo DDD z ,n9 =<(Do =z (! t! ..i5 =F,=-! -: UJ6il= .-- )4r r-rLIXILJ tr =E llJ lt ut z loL F 9 JFul-h= duJ>c!Ou9orlu :>LJ I-utJJ uJ oF go E o !| Btt .E t E Eo(, f\O f=6-Et=t -6-o:! ts =E,lrl o-zoF(J E, azoo i I I =)tr J CD F ) qlz{f{ FI(,l Do }|4aH r.loE ii z d]o\ -'l J I I uJ =z th ut aroo =o tr ulEoo I =e tr z o IJJ j t! z3 F H H(J H F]q E ta =Etr I 14('l oz o llJlr oz3oF r.o rJ Io\v o1 ui uJF : tr o a lu j t! z3o ri I I Itlt1lolzlcilrul5l<l>lttt9H= =\JI!|F =Etr o uJ IE = lt z3 F ul UJ E UJz = ultT (ts E -.r O<F uJ<zE!uF o <oOF -< ^E;F-2..-orO zt-;(J =#JZLLO i5YF 33 g6 E. E- irg b<olrff=l a 2 I I l., t<ro I I I I z J uJu, ? 6 6bp; =lFg s se EH6|O, =lDN u,o- trlo .. >lo uJo uJruzot tu o- J zo F 6o |rI J [l2Y() d><s u1 o- =6Es uE^<tax I;-uIrlJO -F rc 5ff g F-:r LE=P =€5* F:+u b9Il ruEU-X (LE-; IcLLa rYg<fo L,.l .E =ulr3 *F** ^E... lr, o l- J.FHco +, =< tEE(' ElrJ F{ rtt4J-cct(5 0- xz< qJ JL(nFa H CtlEvC e. .3o E.oll-L r, Ll Ul -c'l O.o I H oglLd Tt 0.,ltrJ C;-lzoo_loEl q) rF th+, o,t/1 C\J tr., F-r 61J At\ ^:i\\ trJ ts!,oo?zo Fo.ulY IJJ @ o_F F CElu __ o._|r'o at1t-r Eoc5 r-z.v 3!oo)J+)J+)QOJu-J uJF o o-oo I ulFoz I I IJ d I IFo (,z Jtr I IN N IN \uJl =l<lzlol 7i I I Il+ lo I I ,At4ultrlctct l>E5l tltlll*I IJtv,IH te FI gE] [/,l' Jfl,J NJr qfl$ I I I I I el ,il H 3l :l fl ll ld llit I Jg,il I I I I .ilzl ol Hl il>l tLlol Pl r=tr {crqE UJz =oI F C) UJF -(JE t -.1 O<F(tsOt!<zE TIJ Fa6 C) Jt 3P =()t<bF--2'l gF ;o =E['6o SF =3g6 E,hPE+Eo2 o X, >< x >< ><: z oFz4oo =z o-- P EF3 B;E ntn Ei-E t zo F C)3 E,Fozo(J ><xX DEF -\t SPECTION TOWN OF !l| ,--1 / ./"./I I ,T.2 ,/ 4t ,.r' IN ' I' t {. al REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR AM PM ). z1 -gAPPROVED --1l.,t \ '/ ' f tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED L / ...' ., /,i //' I9_l!.,', ,, r/' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDU]T tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR oz F =c IJJo- )) ))) oq oo@ Oo ooo (o tt) llJIu TL ts =g, IJJ o- ul. I ;.*it bi" I U'lu z z oJ- o .5 o =z (E uJz3o UJ Foz 16>T'rodloF-{ rrao xo d! I .:ZLo =Eoo =v,E .U = lt uro = !c l! GoFo (EFzoo (Eo (E uJz =o It ultrIB zI U' cilEIolEI arlEI(tlel&l(Elc ll3'll ENE.\fgNl 6 Sl F\qe\lo Ec (U 0) o CDc! =o tb..=oc+, lt=(l,6Ea(uFE3rrqrc';o E(/t iEgg Efi eEE.= 6 -Ez.g6 E 6P:Ec-o> iEfE -*io! iEiF 5E;F g-; ge $Eie sEig E:E! -o.9(J-- c fG o'- .=-c;o(,r a' o E.9gEEs o I ]o E HaE Fg;ieEg: - o (!= ol oO =fr.o oO rJ)(7) oq rJ)(\l oo OO oro Nt\sr =c,gJ z J z UJ z Jo- o EF C) uJJ llJ z = o- J oz C)tu = |lJ UJt!zIF uJE C) UJe 3llJt UJEz a UJo o ul z uJ x F uJ atl (t IJ.J UJu-t, =Eul o- FoF oz J ao J o G uJJ uJ ozo =J J z uJE NOtrvntvA ;do3 u-oz tr Eo uJo E uJzt! =>e, --a'' = Lrl an =lO6l zzoo F^Axf=F9 066z>.Oo<)zu-<oq E!?i5 ;$i zo F (r o oE(' UJ F c c E o- uJ z E zIF e UJF =UJz I ln 2lz tr oo 1 a trzl z =J u,l3 oul tu tr oz F z I trI uJl atu2 :< iF 2 F .J (t)z o 3 a tltltit ItEt Itztl Illt--ltll= || --t | .. >l It3 -1to II IJJ Ilul Ilz lloIFl>I(Elullo-f+lz tF ila 6 la Ff < a z F.a JJ =F LIJ -fo F{c)(f uJ E u,oo-zo Fo- UJY uJ tn oF tr c IIJ o- trlo$ O- Nroo[ 1JDrlguJbkzo z .n9ze =z=rfJOo- lJ- =E? JHO B;H tr Etc UJo-ItoE9Es€uE9lrk go.- =>=uii-E h=o dfi; =o-i 8bE iuE ;Tau{€o= H F 'tf.- ts =Elrl o-zoFo JEF- zo C) ntn (uq o- .t':ct o.f (,z J 1r J Jto F J o5F +,o-r (utt =o (o! o- ui =z (Do-') (J atvl (u an =oE G'E f lu E z oti -orl O,f,l3l ort >F1oxP tJ1 bs gJ = c oQ G' ts r )) r =tr uJe J- T. Fo tl -lg Il4 F\ |Ll '-l Igl-ot I 9gl * cl sl s FI 1I T 'Fl =l r.o =l sl 5.Fl t|-l =l ol dflr IItt-I lrol :{S| .-1 |I Lr.}| Ollol sf| .{l or.il -] 5l el&(Jl ,;l tx:I FIHrl:l xI it rx 61 st&zl tLllollzldd:EFI } e lo olutE J l! z3oF Etr z uJ J It z 3oF =E =.1olll,lE J a1 l! z3o ulJltlF' E uJz = t-O IJJF- E <FE()[!<zeUJF.nZo() <o()F trs 6,'ilo 2?oll =d d. zo txoX =3gE Eor.5 =+EFt-o2 J<o(n c't 'i' UJ JO ta !t5 t 88tr .'l \J/g N=* NF 4= tulFI<F2,-,YZo< t!Jlt,o = Eo oz cD()() ni =G -!t ur& lo q; rco = z ,-r uJ z tr foz JJ i F !J o4Fo J UJ z (99zz trro =z o-- P J.^i6 =Ea -': 7r 4 iH=u b E uto, l!oEt|lEO2ZE<Ell6U'E .t,E91t irie'EE =>E JFE E=o o-- E; =o-^l Ou-E ooI \urEX'Lr x>P EFo-iIri uJ .0oF E -E L 'e) 0) ;o v t--oa --.-) E t Flr /a Ir t{ J$ NF- Jl!ii =z -t L rl $l $qqr -N\ N gs touJsEJfl95 tl ll. titattcI d3= oz o uJ 5 <l>J t!ol zl BIol I I I ,lzl g <lilol zl 3lotH \ ui t!F IJ d3* .l 1lol uJlGl sl RI Elr= E I,J,Jz =o Fo uJF ?o cJO<FGC) IIJ <zEIIJ F(nZo() 5PFOi<bg\2urO.-o 9F s3>Fd6() <=oF =3i,z =8 o =o .2 () J<()o9.3H e.4,.&*a"s I r <--\\3",^5-,". r\ ,l".tr, fittDAY *roudt "Condominiarm Rentals uitb all the t'eeling of Home" :ZT fb(t May 8, 1984 To whom it nay concern: Please be advisecl by this letter that the Board of Direc-torg for the Holiday House Condominium Association is in agreement to build a hot tub in the south yard adjacentto the .Holiday Houae. Sincerely, -. ,.r,ril) {' Janes WatEon, Holiday llouse President Condominiurn Assocaiton 13 Vail Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 303476-5631 303 -573-W6 Denver Line tnu/2qPn xopcrtt wstEctoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER f. READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUIIBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER o tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING I] GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - O _tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR lh. tinlrt/riil rNstctoN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL ain':i- DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED. THUR ,FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr o tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR ."-ffAPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED NSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: DATE ,"rt"toN[[F TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIWED AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: T] HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr, FIMAL tr FINAL ;6 ReeRoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ....').,. DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oorr2zs(A,lq4l JoB NAME l--.b ,o*1 Vb.-l;s V\"f Tfu CALLER TUES PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PrYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB ELEGTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oorr?'+ 4"laoll rNSPEcroR J ({ ('(>.)t*tq Project Application o"," F- / Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and fhure 6.//e, ( ao,l ton), ln,/ . (c) fur.r1 {74-trzta Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: 4/ A Legal Descriplion: Lot Zone - Comments: Design Review Board ' ,/hMotion by: \k-u it- ,,, ' secondedor, fa/ il' @ 4-D o^r" 7-/ DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: /I E-/-la El Statt Approval o HO "Condaninium Rell,tals with all the feeling S Home," 3zT fsd HOLIDAY HOUSE SWI I'IMI NG POOL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD REAPPLICATION August I, 1990 The attached slte pl€n show the complete removal of theproposed Hol lday House swlmming poo I from any encroachmentInto the 20" Town of Vail setb€ck. This will involve conslder€ble extra expense to the Hollday House Condomi n I um Assocf atf on because lt requf res mov fngthe existfng hot tub €pproxlmately efght feet to the west. The removal of the pool and setbsck negates the need fortherefore the Hol lday House LIDAYHOU o SE accomp€nylng deck from the€ fence helght v€rlance and aEkg the Desfgn Revlew Board tothe proJect et thls tlme. The Hol f dey House Condornf nf um Assocfatf on gVatlRoad . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303-479-7l00', . 800-872-7221 $*rr7' g-/ "ol .;.*ti,{.r 2 t V \ \ \ \ t\)E \ \ I ././' ./ .. {#T qi i, slu t{ 98,75s 89'37',00 Qi::,"hfra o n,Y hbusE Vort Lna o scn PE .1 \ /-zs-a o SET PIN A CAP! c ?a alP l?vn I ././ ./. {.i:'t' s \ -,44t f a/_ zt-_ru ;'; r{;":-8, c/.", s-. ., ./ ,.. r, .,^ .r/ i . . >fua+ BUILDIN6 ,E'*A (9 .otAf {-' ^ K:^,' :t *'$$:i'\'o ',f I -\- rOUttO 5'd' REEAR 6.e t- ..rc$ (D Eeffi!og9 -\ C9 ^) \ t\\€'R* ',i,i"'r' j (n t\s r.c! ) ) lt:;l tr"/;::m.\ , r - */-" '^ fq5t d,( k/&..' dXa-7 2l.z stx STORY $J N\ {!CONDOMINIUM r\ N Rl/H'J/,€\ \e .,*:kfu ;gr ./ Hc",rta rJr-J ;a6' i i 0opetP 10' I E x st t u 6 tR€Os 4. Sa.ttRrrAS rue"r orftXXgrrrr€o refFs oa .ExPas€a- ^FlcE oF B€pn FLAtnEO "?'{;tr#:nioei,o*P:[II'p'r1I'n rHE %s gg'37'00"t{98. 75 o I NTER.DEPARTI.IENTAL REVI El.l P?.OJECT: DATE SUSI.IITTEO: col"dtENTs nEEoED zyz F<yfl?_ URIEF DESCRIPTION OF I}IE PROPOSAL: PUELIC IIORKS Revlened by: Conrients: Po"are \' FInE oEP/'*+rEllt Reviewed by: 4bnaents: POLICE OEPARTI4ENT DATE OF PuBLtc HliliRLNi:WL Date 10 fr>xr4 -C(Logs s.CLrj-r or:( aF fr+fzttt-- -Tb 9 Oln-6-, A+,rO p+Zs- rJ*t 6xz.As-rr\1o\ F+e- f4N4'' : Reviened by: Comnerrts: t 't r. REC,::14Ti OlI DEPARTI.::NT '{Revle''red !y: Co;;,ents: Date LIDAYHOU o SE RETSJUNZt€90 "Condarinium Rertals sich all the f eeling d Home;' :ZT fS' .June 2l , 199(l Shelly Mello Town of Vai I 75 5. Frontaqe Rd. Vail, CO 8t657 Dear Shel ly, Thank you for your help and your pati ence in working with me on the proposecl Holiday House renovations. I apologize if I was less than pol ite in dealing with the Design Review Board last evening. ! know that y, )Lt anrl l(ri stan -rre simply acting in the best interests of tne town and i ant sorrv if I did or said anytlr i ng that may lrave offenl1eul you. I admit thal. I was ci l sturbe,,l by the reaction of the DRB' not what they had to say (or not say) but simply tl're way it was saicJ.. |4y moth*r Lrsed to tel I me tl-rat the tone of voice was nf'Le.4 rnrr'e I rrigor"taqL Ll-]an Llre q,fn LenL oi a qorf Yqr's.aL i on. I arn afraid that I lreard tlte ton','rather than the content at the meeting. I rt:i l l would rrot place the conversation in the catagory oF 'construct i ve criticism'. I would like to return the apPl ication to a positive position. I have enclosed a series of site plans show the minimum size pool avai lable with minimum size clecl< in each avai lable location. I have .rlso I isted the positives and negati ves of each site both from the positiorr of the Hol iday House and what I perceive to be tfre town's etance' I work better in an orderlY fashirrn. o HO I wou ld l i ke to reserve abottt an to exami ne the alternatives;. I anr accommodat ion that satisf ies both homeownerS. hour of' vour busy scheclul e try'i ng to reacfr an the town arrcl the I need to knc.rw the dprrl ic;,lt ion ar)cJ mceting schecjule for the near futur-e in order to lf l'oceed. Please cgll rire at 845-9430 w ith that i nformat i on.' ,rf 9 Vail Road . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3O3-479-7LOO . 8OO-a72V221 ln reference to the front entry lendscaplng, I am In theprocess of gatherlng bfds to your speciflcetlon. What I cantell you ls thet lf the expenee ls too great lt will remelnpl le of rocks, somethlng that nelther of us wents. Thank you agaln for your assistance and I hope to hear fromyou In the near future. truly ll For the encl. Hol fday House at Vai I / ,.:l- tttr Pr!>- tt. stx STORY r:9\6i ( tr L $)(D a ()) u) .N\.LD t) -( ttt-,' ilo*l C ( 014. 48 N CONDOMINIUM BUILDING s] ,THE HOLIDAY HOUSE'\t\ s gg'37'oo"tt 99.75 s \ 6. \\ \ Hr:l iday f|r:ruge pool Slte Alternetlve B, North,/South al ignment South slde of bul ldlng Reduced Pool slze ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES AdJacent to exlstlng Same slde as proposed park hot tub Protrudes l0 ft. into front M€xlmum sun exposure setback Reduces protruslon Into Protudes I ft. Into Southsetbacks from orfglnel setback Vf ew of mount€ln Under roof overhang, posslble safety conslderatlon (snow) PROPOSED MIT]GATIONS Four foot earthen berm south side of pool blockingundesirabl e effect on proposecl park. Planting of screening schrubs and trees on south and eastside. Reduc't ion of fence height to 5 ft. and conversion to openstyle from sol id ( Insurance company minimums). ad,<rQa" {€"" stx sToRY 1.#- N\' (\) 9:CONDOMINIUM BUILDING I 'THE HoLtDAy HousE' ( l.r*\ 6r\ 7 f,)(9 \{ta 6 ) (tl l\) {': c C 0 o $;7 s. n .) -) SET PIN A CAP L.s. 243t8 (TYP) >__,,1) 89'37',OO"t{ 99.75 \ \ a | - lrlr iT-- Hol lday House pool Sfte Alternetive A East/West el ignment South slde of bulldlng ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES AdJacent to exlstlng Same side es proposed park' hot tub Protrudes l5 ft. into front Maximum sun exposure set.back Vlew of mountaln Under roof overhang, posslble safety consideratlon (snow) El lmlnates protruslon Into South setback PROPOSED MITIGATIONS Four foot earthen berm south side of pool bloekingundeslrable effect on proposed park. Plantf ng of screenlng schrubs and trees on south and eastslde. Reductlon of fence helght to 5 ft. and converslon to openstyle from solid ( lnsurance comp€ny rnlnlmums). PROPOSED MITIGATIONS Four foot earthen berm south sicle of poo I blockingundesirable effect on proposecl perk- Planting c-.r f screening schrubs and trees on scruth and eastside. Reduction of fence height to 5 ft. and convers ion to openstyle frorn sol id ( Insurance company minimums). -{ (r'tbo"L (Ja'por-,tt *-{_ - '-'--'- - Gu: l ''t!S CAF' 9\ ( tJ '. oo\'(D t) {,'::i'"\A't- )g)C ( 0 ,,,' 1J ): i'o*J stx sToRY CONDOMINIUM BUILDING ,THE HOLIDAY HOI,JSE' 4 (s\.:\t\) 9: (D !r?', ' rlo( ,"\ b- LU$a KJ \ \ \fi s gg'37'OO"tt 99.75 Hol ldey House pool Site Alternatfve CEest,/l{est al lgnment South slde of but ldtng West slde of hot tub ADVANTAGES AdJecent to exlstlnghot tub Maxf mum sun exposure El lmlnetes front setbeckprot-rus f on Vf ew of mounta I n No parklng el lmfnated Further from maln bodyof proposed perk than orfginalproposal to property I Ine Under roof overhangr posslblesefety conslderatlon (snow) DI SADVANTAGES Same slde Protrudes setback Protrudes on South proposed park ft. lnto back es t? PROPOSEO MITIGATIONS Four foot earthen berm south side of pool blockingundesirable effec:t on proposed park. Planting of screening schrubs and trees on south and westsicle. Reduction of fence height to 5 ft. and conversion to openstyle from solid (lnsurance comFany minimums). stx CONDOMINIUM ,THE H)LIDAY €r" yt3a.^,r (*lb...(.- Gour^c{g 14. 48 .t9 \o )o\9\6\\ ( tr $P' /$ [dN\. ls 9: C C 0 STORY BUILDING HOIJSE,o 9?,, 5'"tt"'s \ \fi s gg'87 'oo "lt gg. 75 o Hol lday House pool Slte alternatlve D North,/South al I gnment North slde of bui ldlng ADVANTAGES D I SADVANTAGES El iml nateE exposure to No sun (especial ly in wlnter)proposed perk On-grade wlth lst floor unlts No protruslon Into west (probable owner objectlons) eetback Separate from exlstlng hot tub No parking el lmlnated Protrudes 16 ft. lnto north setback Possible obJectlons from Hol ldey Inn or Amoco Vlew restrlcted to parklng lot and beck of Hol lday lnn and Amoco stetlon Probable on-slte sol I contamlnatlon (see atteched) PROPOSED MITIGATIONS Four foot earthen berm east side of poo I blocking undes i rable effect on Va i I Rcl . Planting of screening schrutrs and trees on north and eastslde. Reduction of fence hei glrt to 5 ft. and conversion to openstyle from solid ( Insurance company minimums). e€Q".'; ..,14L . .-,t '"' ,,r..16\, .,,eA' -\i" O .s c.4t ,228 ( Lj ' 2/ occ* a o\ t\) 1 t\) 9: s9\ F C ( 0 tr' 4tK.$ SET HN A CAP L.S. 2438 (rYP.) 6 stx ,THE HOLIDAY rtt* 2q STORY BUILDING HOUSE, _,.,r.,tt4( f . , ."( gLu' .. ,/ - Eefba.ktJ6uuo4y 6u: 7 )t: (D ur l\)(0.i ,\e_,3oY{.\\lL\ (r\ CONDOMINIUM ( s gg'37 'oO " lt 99 . 75 Hol fday House pool Sfte elternetlve E East,/West al f gnment North slde of bufldlng ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Elimlnates exposure to No sun (especlally In wlnter)proposed perk On-grade wlth lst floor unlts(probebl e owner obJectlons) Separate frorn existlng hot tub Protrudes 6 ft. Into north setback El lmlnates I parkfng space Protudes 12 ft. Into northwest setback Posslbl e obJectlons from Hol lday Inn or Amoco Vfew restricted to parklng lot and back of Hol lday Inn end Amoco station Probable on-sfte sofl contamf natlon (see atteched) PROPOSED MITIGATIONS Four foot earthen berm north and east srde of pool brockfngundeslrable effect on Vall R,l . and alleyway. Plantlng of screenlng schrubs and trees on north €nd e€stslde. Reductlon of fence herght to 5 ft. end conversron to openstyle from Eoltd (Insurance company rnfnimums). Why Fiberglass? Strength Smooth Finish Low Maintenance Flexibility San Juan one-piece fiberglass poois are made in many sizes. Residential/Commercial The San Juan Story San Juan Pools manufactures the finest, most durable, most economical, and most practical swimming pools on the market today. San Juan Pools are one-piece, seamless fiberglass molded to our exclusive design, completely formed and manufactured in our Denver plant and brought 10 your site ready to be inslalled in the ground to your specifications. Average installation time is only four to five days. Figerglass has been proven to be the ideal material for swimming pools because of its many special qualities. 12 times the strength of concrete, 7 times the strength of steel. Our pools cafty a25 year limited warranty. The attractive interior surface is easy to keep clean. lt will not support algae or scum growth, and the swimmer is protected from abrasions. A fiberglass pool never needs refinishing. Compared to a concrete pool, up to 80% of chemical cosls and 9fl" of maintenance lime can be saved. Unlike vinyl liner type pools, fiberglass cannot rip, tear or rot away in the sun. A San Juan Pool can be installed in shifting or expansive soil conditions, areas of high ground water, solid rock or low winter temps. Our pools never need draining - skate on your pool in the winter!l! 8'x25' '12' x 27' 14' x 31' 14'x 31' 14' x 32' 14' x 32' 16' x 34' 17' \ 45' 17' x 45' 44" 3',- s' 3',- s', s',- 9' \t- b 3',- 8', 3',- g', 3',- s', 3',- 10' Swim lane Rectangle Kidney Kidney Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Reclangle San Juan manufactures a complete line of whirlpool SPAS, in many different shapes and sizes. FBou Sh'!a,o LL, PP.0JECT: I laVl D.(TE SUSI.IITTEO: CCI'.'4ENTS IfEEDED g\z R,\frQ SRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: POLICE OEPARTI.IENT Revier,red by: Comler,ts: 0ate 'q. r. .ij; REEi!4]'iOr{ DEPARTI.::NT Revieired by: Co;.-"ents: Date 75 south irontage rcad Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479.2105 ottlce of town manager Mr. Ned Gwathmey, Chairman 'Iown of Vail Members of the 75 S. Frontaqe Rd.Vail, CO B1657 Design Review Board June 18, I99Q RE: Proposed Holiday House Site Inprovements Dear Ned and Board Members, Asr an adjacent property owner, the Town of Vail would like to express their concern with the location of the Holiday Housets proposed swimming pool area. As proposed, the pool and fencing wortld be located within 5r of the south and 8r of the east property 1jne. Under the current Public Accommodation zoning, the property tras 20 foot setback requirements frorn all property 1ines, however, under The Town of VaiI Municipal Code, Section l-8.58.020. (A): rrRecreational anenities ma1'be exempted by the Design Review Iloard if it determines that their location is not detrimental environmentally and or aesthetically.rt The proposed pool and fence would encroach l-5 | into the side setback and 12r into the front setback requirenent. The Town feelsthat the proposal would be a detriment to the aesthetj-c qualitiesof this highly visible area. In addition, we feel that the propose-d pool and fence are too close to both Vail Rd. and the Ski Museum site. The Torrn is planning to remove the Ski Museum building frorn the site and create a pocket park in this area. At this time there are no designs for the park, but we are very concerned with the irnpact that the fencing and pool could possibly have on the proposed park. The Toltn staff does not oppose the establishrnent of a swirnming pool on this site, however we feel that the applicants should pursue other possibte siting, size and orientation options that wouldlirnit the amount of encroachrnent into the setback reguirements.Further, hre nould like to encourage the applicant to investigate landscaping and other screening that would create more privacy for the pool area and separation from the proposed pocket park. Thank you for considering our viewpoint. If you have any furtherguestions, please contact SheIIy l,{ello in our Dept. of Connunity Development at 479-2L38. Thank you, Rondall V. Phillips Town ltanager xc: filevail Town Council o l: I / l {d J.y.1'. 'odAt' "t'' ,rnlG , aF''.:'r,' , + ?/4./ > \\ 'c,\ <) G!J: I ! tt! S CAP ;t- ptL s caP-i ; .:3t8 (TYP) ( uuI\. a't\ "1\c-:., ( .r{P\ u- ., c C 0 D' + STORY BUILOING HOIJSE, 14.48 SIX 1 s\) \. 'at)t 9: --\ mln-lf-itrtCONDOMINIUM ,THE HOLIDAY (D \r' ...,(gv-.-s S€T flN A CAP L.S. 243t8 (TYP) s 89'37'OO'lt 99.75 6 $n.e l" - l,D' oo ?- ( 0u:tt"t4'17 LIDAY HOT]S "Conrktminium Rentals uitb .tll tbe fevling of Home" 5za fs. Nav 24, 1990 l{o I iday House at Vai lProject Description Swimmi ng Poo I l-c-rcat ic-.rn: S-iouth side c'rf existirrg conclominir,rnr building, (5ite p I an ettaclred ) Description: lnstal I swimming pooI,decking and fence, Dinrensions: Pool - l6' X 32'Enclosure (fence)- 26' X 43' Setback: 5' from property lines East and South Materials: Pool- Fiberglass in sand base Deck- Concrete pavers 5' around pool over sand Redwood sundeck on concrete footers Fence- Pine stained dark brown to match building exter i or Landscaping: Existing surroundi ng trees and bushes Displaced trees (5 Aspen, 3 Evergreen, 2 Fruit)to bre replonted on Nortl'r ancl West sides ofproperty Corrtr'actors : Poo l - Sen Juan Poo l s Deck & Fence- Dark Horse ConstructionExcavation- Graef Construct ion Estimateci total cost: $35,000. oHO o E 9 Vatl Road . Vail. Colorado 81657 3O3479-7!OO AOOS72-7221 o lstrI tr-\\ ,.Fl NN rJ:! SqT t-:cE tU:aejv- *e a=Y\<tts]jd:s jj_J NAME OF PROJECT: HOt TDAY LIST OF MATERTALS HOIISF SL,TMMTNA POOI LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I,oT STREET ADDRESS: 9 VAIL BIOCK SUBDIVISION vAII VII I AGF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:INSTALLATION OF A SI{IMMING POOL OII THE SOUTH LA!IN AREA OF THE HOLIDAY HOUSE COI{DOMINIUI.'IS. RD. The following information is Revi.ew Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Dnnf siding Otber WalI MateriaLs Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Other B. I"ANDSCAPING ! Nane for submittal to the Design can be given: MATERIAL COLOR required approval TYPE OF N/A FENCE/PINE DK BROI.IN Sl.|IMMI NG POOL/ F I EERGLASS BLUE DECKING/ REDl.lOOD & BRICK PAVERS of Designer: t{0NE Phone: PL,ANT MATERIAIS: Botanical Narne PRoPoSED TREES N0TE: EXISTII,lG Cornrnon Nane ouantitv Size* TREFS l'lI LL BE ilOVED l,lI LL BE MOVED TO LA}I1{ BORDERII{G POOL. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLAI{TED. ASPFN SPRIICF APPLF 5 6 " TRUI{K ? 734 FT. ? 5rl *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimurn caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimurn heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PI,ANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name NONE Comu,qD__[aIC ouantitv Si ze* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED __-ilo+t€-- *fndicate size 5 qa]lon. of proposed shrubs.Mininun size of shrubs is Tvpe Scruare Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD EXISTING SOD TO BE USED TO REPARE ANY DAI,IAGE TO LAI.IN CAUSED BY COI{STRUCTION. SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION EXISTING SPRINKLER SYSTEM TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEAI'URES (retaining walls, fences, swirnming pooJ.s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining waIIs. Maxirnurn height of waffs within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximurn height of wal1s elsewhere on the Propertyis 6 feet. OVER SAI.ID. 5UN DE6K T9 BE TREATEB REBI{OOE: FENCE SURR0llilnrNG Pnnl rn RF 6 Fr. PIqF STAINED T0 HnTeH BUILDING ExTFRToR - (sFF FYTTING trENCE AR0UND H0T TUB) lI[' 5-6 FT. APR0N AR0UNp P00L T o OLIDAYHOUSE o H "Condominiam Rentals utrb a tlx f@ling of Horne" l4T fNt 6ary Scheimer President Holiday House Condominium 0wners Associatlon llay 20, 1990 llembers of the Vall DRB. This letter ls lo verify that our^ Association Board of Directors did vole on the 21st of Aprll to undertake (wilh your^ appr'oval) the following impnovements to the Hollday House located at 9 Vail Road: I Landscaping at the entrance 2 Ski/luggage storage 3 Swimming pool f1r. Bruce 6illie, of Pinnacle Resort Systems, willbe acttng as our agent in the construction process. He will he subrnitting matenials requesting bullding permits and supervising the actual construction Thank you for your consldenatlon of these matters Slncer hermer,President gvatlR@d . Vall,ColoradoEl65T 3O3479-7IOO 'd0o,A72-7221 ffitDRB APPI.,ICATION DATE APPLICATTON RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATTON IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLTCATION MUETTNC: A pre-application rneeting with a planning staff rnember isstrongly suggested to detennine if anl' additionalinformation is needed. No ar:pl.ication wi]1 be accell!C<:!unless it is complete (rnust include al.1 items reguir-ed_!2?the zoninq adninistrator). It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to findout about additional submittal reguirements. P1ease notethat a COMPLETE application wilt strearnline the approvalprocess for your proj ect by decreasing the number ofconditions of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALLconditj.ons of approval must be resolved before a buildingpermit is issued. Application will not be processedwithout Owner's Signature. A. PRoJECT DESCRTPTIoN: H0LIDAY H0USE IMPR0VEMENTS I. Sr.rMltIr{G P00L 2. SKI LOCKER 3';rEiltRY lIAIIDSCAPIl{G AND SIGN B.LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: 9 VAIL RD. D. Lega1 Description Lot BIock Subdivision VAIL VILLAGE Zoning NA],!E OF APPLICANT:HOLIDAY HOSE CONDOI.,IINIUM ASSOCIATION Mailing Address:9 VArL RD.. VAIL. C0 81657 Phone 47971O0 NAME OF Mail ing APPLICANT I S Address: P.0 BOX 2992 VAIL c0 81658 REPRESENTATIVE: PINNACLE RESORTS Phone 845-9430 {'r,,; 34 '', (-/4-,F: I t.' E. NAME oF owNERS: H0LIDAY H0USE C0NDOMINIUI"I ASS0CIATI0N STGNATURE (8) : Mailing Address: 9 VAIL RD.VAIL c0 81657 Phone 479-7IOO Condorniniun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: The fbe wiLl be paid at the tirne a buildingperrnit is paid for. F. VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,ooo$1o,0oL-$ 50,ooo $ 50, oot- - $ 150, ooo sL50,001 - s 500,000 $500, 00L - st-, 000, 000 $ Over $l-, 000, 000 FEE $ 10. 00 I 25.00 $ 5o. oo sr.00.00 s200.00 $300.00 (0vER) IT. IUPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI'IISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. fn addition to rneeting submittal reguirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property fines and building corners. Trees that will be removed must also be rnarked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS wil). nonnalJ-y involve two separate neetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two neetings for a final approval. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Revj.ew Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. At the discretion of the zoning administrator, the following iterns may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the buildingi and b. Building additions that are not viewed fron any other lot or public space, which have had letterssubnitted frorn adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval frorn the agent for, or manager of a condoninium association. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Tol^tn Planner before proceedj.ng. B. c. D. E. INNACL &t," t lrrr,,-' _ ],JJU R,ESOR,T SYSTEMS llay 24, 1990 Va i I Des i gn Rev i ew BoarcJ c/o Town of Va i I L--L,mmun i ty P I arnrr i nlJ Oepartment75 Ii . F rontage Rcl , Vail, CO 81657 Dear Design Review Board Memtrers: Attact'led for your consideration are three projected inprovements to the Hol iday House at Vail. L Swlmrnlng pool 2. Entry landscaping 3. 5kl locker Appropriate appl ications and site plans are included in thls illLrrniFpJlr:rn filDng wlth photo: c,f tlre exlstlng sltes, renclerings of the proposed finished projects and proJect clescr i pt i ons . o P o E The Board of Dlrectors and the general membershi p of the Hcrl iday House Condomin ium Association have approved theseprojects ancj the I etter of author iz;'rt ion from the president of the assoclation ls enclosed, Please give these projects your earl iest possible consideration and notify my office at 845-9430 if you need any additional materials. Pinnac-le Resort Systems For the Holiday House Condominium Associat.ion s tru I ruce Gi I I ie Posl Office Box 2992 a Vail, Colorado 81658 r' Toll Free (800) 8BB-0737 Lt,Jon rh,? Ar Va, S-,, wt M tNG Poo- LoaArzoN o Horroa Y lh.,,.t *r Vn tr- Surrnnmtd6 Qoo L Loc*na I o o *o"ro*, l*-..r Ar \/n,,- S^,^ m(dG l.a ln*'r'to to l\ I.-i \ lni.' ---ti-. .. l:-' ' \;".i _ _arr.\rh ULA -r?13i G?E ANDARD.: COLORADO DEPARTMENT OT' HEALTH Dlvtslon of Eoglneerlag and Sanlcatloc 4210 East l1th Aveoue, Denver, Colorado Col.oiado Ocgartoent of llealtb Dlvlslon of EnglrsGrlrg & Banltatlon l+ato faet lttb Aveue Demrer, colorado 8o2a0 Txlt8: Regulatlons and standards gorrerning awLmlng pools, swlnnlng areas. PttRPOsE: Pronldeg for controlrlng auhtssLon of prans and qrecif,lcattons, eanl,tatLon of awLmrtng areas, connectlon wlth potabte nater.ond procedure for eecurlne cqrltance w!,tb these reguJati.ons. AIJTHORIII: 66-22-L.... lol SwLmlng Areas 66-f-? (tl+) Santtary Stanatarats ADQPIED! Septeuber L9t L/13 SECTIO{ I Deflnltlons I:1 L:2 I:3 1:4 . I:5 I:5 1:Tl:g SECTION II Subnlsslon SECTION III Design CriterLa IABIA OT COlfrEIfIS Natural Batbing Places "Natural Swimdng Areatl Swlmlng Pool &rbltc SwJoning Pool Seni-PubLtc Swiuming PooI Prlvate Resl.dential Sw!.rualng Pool Person Swtrunbg Areas of Plans and Speclftcatlons PAGEI TI II 1I I 3:t 322 3:3 3:l+ 3t, 3:6 3zT 3:8 3t9 3:to 3:11 3:12 3:13 3:14 3:15 3:r5 3zV 3:18 3:r9 3:20 3:21. SECIION IV Safety and Shape, Deslgn, Slopes Deck Areas Overflow Gutters Sklurere Inlete llaindrains Steps, Ladders and Diving Towers Hose Connections Srrction Cleaner Recirculatlon Systen and Appurtenances Dislnf,eetant and ChemicaL Feeders Sand Fllters Dlatomaceous Earth Filters llake-up Water Facllltles and Cross ConnectlonsPiplng Systero Equipnent Rom tfShtlnS and Electrical Requirements Dresslng Roonrs ToLLets Shovrer Facilities Swlnner Load Sanitary Regulations Chlorlnatlon Equlpment Equlpnent and Personnel Awlnntng Pool Water Supp1y Water Testfutg Equlprnent 2 J J ? 3 l+ It lt 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 A B 9to 10 4:r l+22 il:e Corrttned sEcTrca nt IABIA 0r cwrEtls l+:5 l+:6 PIGE 10 10 11 1Itl Lt t1 L2 t2 t2 t2 t2 t2 t2 REEIREIOES: 5f.22-L.r..... U) ${t@!.ng Areas'66-t-Z (il) saettar! standard.g APIB{DD( Please flnd a copy of tbe neuest for Revrw F'oru "r ero of roese@. AddltioDal copies are anallable at thls Offi-ce, Iocal nealth ltpar:lmelrts andpossibfy tuaa] $lfldtng Departuents. Safety and Santtara RcguJat|ons Bacterlcldal anil Cbculcal lrcatcrt 'tlatcr $nllty Stardards for Ifatural SwloJ-ng ftgaslr:7 CbenLcal Qualttyb:8 Surbiillty grallty l+:9 Srtnfng PooI Qreratlonl+:10 Heattng ar.il Ventllatlon h:LL Bathcr Cont:ollr:t2 tlaste Dirpoaal l+:13 Etebt of Entry l+:Ik Dlseaee control l+:I5 Waall-ne Pools l+:1.6 trlacil.ltleg te be keirt clean InJurctlve Rcllef Sutualr ?losur€ Sanltarlr ReguJ-atlons For ltre Control Of trtineral Batb, Therapeutle Poo18, lillneral Batb Houses, hrbIlc Eatbs enil Slnalar Facllltlea. SECTIO{ I DBI'INITIONS: The followlng definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcenent of thls Regutatlon. The wortl "shall" as used herein incli-cates a nand.etory requirenent. IfI Nqturgl Bathlne Place: meaas ar5r natural pond, river or lake and any bodyof water created by excavatlon or Lupotrndnent which is without bathl.ng place lnprorrenents. Lz2 "Natural Swlmlru Area" neans a portion of a natural- or Luilo:-nded body of @nated pofoion is derrotecl to swir@l-ng, recreativebathing or wadlng. Appurtenances used lrr connectlon with the natural swlin- mlng area shall also be lnc1uded. 1:3 swlqllg f-oor neans a bod.y of water, other than a natural swi.ruring area, naintainecl excbslve\r for swi-mlng, recreative bathlng, or wading, andlncludes apprrrbenances used ln connectloa wlth the swi-ming pool. 1:4 Pub]lc Swtmlng Pool Dealrs a swtrmlrg pool usua$r open to arryr nenber of thepublic. L:5 s-enl-Rrbltc swLmlne Poor: neans ar5r pool whlch is neither a publlc swin- llng poorr nor prlvate swloning pool, 1nc1ud1ng by way of exampre and notin ljmltatlon hotel pools, notel poo1s, and ccuntry club pools. 1:6 PTivale-Rgsldentlal- swLming poor: means arSr sw{nnJng pool, which is con-structed ln connection with or appurtenant to a single fanily dwelling, condomlniun or apartnent house, and which ls used solery by the personinalntaining thelr residence wlthin such dwelling, condminiun or apartnent house and the guests of such persons. L27 Person neans person, fLrn, partnership, associ.ation, corporation, co4lar5r,gwerruental agency, clrrb, or organizatLon of arSr kind. 1:8 9Fi@ne Area neant a desfunated body of water of such .vo}rme and depththat one o! more persons can swi.n in it, and which is used for tbe p,rrposeof swi.mingr recreatlve batblng, or wadilg and includes natural- swt''-ingareas and swlmlng poo1s. SECTIOI{ II SubniFsion of P1ane and Specifications: *+ AE reast thlrBy (3o) days prior to the constnrction, extension, enJ-arging, remodeU5g,or notlLfLcation of a public or semi pubJ.lc swirnning pooS-, the itans ana iiecifl-cations corylete with plpir:g Iatrrout, and nechanicat ipecifications shall Le sub-nltted for review and recomnendatl.ons to the Colorad.o Department of Health by theolrner of the *Lmnlng pool. lhe Coloraclo Dqlartrnent of Hea1th nay d,irect thatsu9!-n]ans and qlectficatlons be subnitted to the nuricipallty or other poLiticalsubclivisl'on in wtrich the sw{runlng area Ls or may be localed rather than to thedepartuent of health. This section does not prohibit any m,rnicipality from re-Sufin€ that the plans aLso be subnitted to the propet autfrority of the nqnici-pality. Such publlc and seni-public pool facillties shall be built so as to conforrn tothese design standards. The owner or his agent shalJ- notiry the Health Authority rx 5€€ (,€dresT Fr,e. ct{re*.r foRna *-aoo oF Tn€sE ReGULATrollS. at the tLne of beginntng and coql3-etion of the pool to perait adequate inspec- tl.on of the pool and related equipnent. fhe pool shalJ. not be placed, in operationuntil aIL facllitles necessarlr for coqlliance with the regulrements of theee reguJatlotrs are lnstalLed and operable. DESIGI{ CRITERIA: --85:iffi-seni-publtc pools hereafter built in Colorado shnll g6nfsrn to these t'{l.nlnu Desl€n Criteria. e(istfug publlc and seni public pooJs shall be equipped. wlth autonatic chlorlnators by no later than ltlay L5, L974. 3:1 Shape. DesLgn. Sl@es: The swim{tg pool shall be designed, and constnrctecl so that efflcient and safe control of, the swirming pool and bathers can be aeccqrlLsbed and so tbat the reclrcrrLatLon of water in the swi"*lng poot isnot lupeded. The slope of tbe bottm of any portion of the swirfilrtbg pool having a water deptb of less than flve feet shal.l- not be more tban one footirr 12 feet and said slope shall be unifotm. In portions at the break wherethe shal.lors end goes trto the deElt eDd of the pool, the sl-ope shall not ex- eeecl I foot ln 3 feet. Walls of a swi.mlng pool shall be either (a) vertl-cal for water <lepths of at least slx feet; or (U) verbical for a alistanceof three feet below the water level belolr whicb the waIJ. nalr be cu:nred tothe bottm. Safety ledges more than 4" wlde are norb pendttecl in any portion of the swim- rning pool desfuned, for tltving. l{hen prwiiled, such ledges shall slope towardthe pool. The main dral.tr outlet of the swlnmlng pool shal]- be plai-n\y vist-ble and located at the deepest portlon of the pool. Tlre depth of the water at the deepest polnt, shallowest point, the ! footdeptbr antl at the breah betneen the $halloer end and the cleep end slra1.l becos;licuous\r narked on the ileck of the poor a!d. on the verttcal warrs ofthe pooI. Depth nerkers shal-l be in nrnerals of four Lnches mfutimnn beight and a color contrastLng wlth backgrorrnd. The dlnensLons of the sltl@ing pooL ln ttre d.iving area shall confom to thefollowlng tabl-e: Height of Board l4eters o.o--I.o 2.O z. J---5. v 3.1--5.0 Milinrlm Water Denth At End of Boaril and l,Linirmn Pool Wtdth At End of Board and 20 ft. 20 ft. 30 ft. 30 fb. 12 t Belroncl 9 fc. ro.75 rt. Lr.75 fr. 12.7' ft. At least 15 feet free ancl unobstnrcted head rosm sharl be prwid.ecl aborredivlng boards. Horizodar separatlon of 1o feet sharr be provided betweendlvirg boartls and sldle.wa]-ls exeept this natrr be reduced to 8 feet fo! sur-face boards less than f neter. rhe miainm d.epth of water irr the swi-uningpool shalL be three feet except for special puqlrose swiruntng poors, or foirestrlcted or recessed areas lthLch are d.esigned prirnarlly for the use of sna1lchildren. such areas when included ds part of the swiruing poot sharl beseparated fron the swiauring pocl prqler by means of a safety fence or buoyattached to the side warls. wading faclrities for chirdren, plqrslcarly separated fron the swimri.ng pool, are preferrcd.. -2- $eparate vadlng pool areas may be served by the swLming pool recireulation systera but shal-J- have turnorrer rates of at least once every two hours. 3r2 Deck Areas: meEEckE aIL srJmtng pools shal1 have a ninimr.rn of five (5) feet of unob- stntcted deck wld.th neasured fYom the pool efue of the cc'pirg. The deck area shall be i.u4renrious and easi\r cleanable anrl entire\r surround the swirmlng pool. The deck arifshould have a slq,e of not less than one-fourttr (f,) tnch per foot dlrected away fton the sw!@jxg poolrs edge unless an overfl-on gutter ls prortded,. The ileck area shalL have a non-slip finish. When deck drains are prwicled they should be so located that the deck drainwlll Eenrlce not more tban four hunclred (400) square feet of the deck area. fbey shalI be locatetl not nore than twenty (ZO) feet on centers. 3:3 Oyerfl-on Gutters: The qverflqtr gutter, when prorlded, shall extend arou.nd the entj.re perLneter of the swlmlng poo1, excetrrt at steps or recesseC ladders. fhe orrerflow gut- ter shall be lwe1 wtthin 0.2 inch for pools r4r to (l+O' x 85') feet and 0.3 inch on larger jnstal-latlons. This gutter shalL be capable of continuousJy renoving ,qo ot more of the recirculated water for return to the filter. AAL overflow gutters shal.l be connected. to the reclrculation systen throWh a proper\r desfuned surge tank. The gutter, drains, and return piping to the surge tank shall be deslgned to remorre rapid\y overflow water cawed by recirculation displacenent, wave actlon or other causes produced tlan the nanlmun pool- bathing Ioad.. Where large gutters are used, they shall be de- signed to prevent entrance or entrapnent of bathersr atsrs or 3-egs. The overfloer outlets sha1l be prorrided with outlet pipes which shall in ar5r case be at least two inches ln dia"rreter. Ihe qutLet fittlngs shal-L be spacecl not to exceed 15 ft. anal shall- have a cLear opening ln the grating al least equal- to fj tines the cross-sectLonal area of the outlet pipe. 3:l+ SkLurgrs: AIL sklmers wtren prorided shall corply ln alJ. respects with the stanclarclsof the Natlonal Sanitatlon Foundation. At Least one sklmming d.evice sball be provided for each l0O square feet of water surface area or fractLon thereof, with a ninirnr:m of two skinmers. $[inrnlsg devices shall be built into the pool wa1l. The skLnner weir shal-l be autqratlcalIy ad.justable antl shall qrerate f]eelywittr eontinuous actLon to variations in water level orrer a range of at least four lnches. An easi\r removable and cleanable basket or screen through which alL orrer- flon water ntrst pass shalJ- be pro\rided to trap trash and tiebris. Each ski.rurer shalL be prorrided with a derrice to prevent ajr-l-ock in the suc-tlon line. The eqrrall-zer pipe shall prwLde an adequate amourt of water for purp suctlon should the water of the swirnning pool drop beloru the weir level, provlded that, if any other d.evice, surge tank, or arrangement is used, a su.fficient anoturb of water fo? DLrm suction sha]-l be assured. 325 J4lels: Where the distance across the shallow portion of the swimming pooJ- is more than 15 feet, rnrltiple lnlets shall be provialed, so spaced that each intet wiLL serve a linear distance of not more than L5 feet. Such inlets sha)-l bb placecl at 15 feet intenrals aroturd the entire perimeter. ALL tr0ets shalL be designed to have adjustable orifices or shall be indi- vldual-\r valved. ALL lnLets shall d,ischarge at a depth of at least tvrelve (J2) ilches below -3- the swfumtng pool orrerflolr level. l,lhere water flom the pubric water system is addect to the pool, cross-connec-tlons between the pubric water systen and tbe pcol water sharl be prevented,by atldlng water to the surge tank by means of an air-break connection or ad-nitting water to.the pool by means of fLLL spout with an air-Bap preferab\r locatect under a iou divlng boarit. Floor thlets shouJd be placed at 15 foot interrrals and the distance from ln-lets to waLL shall not exceetl lJ feet. 325 ALL swi.ontng pools shall be prwided wlttr a naintlrain at the deepest pointto pe:mlt the pool to be coraplete\r anil easi\r erptied. l,traindrains shall be covered by a prolrer grattng which is mechanicar\r se- cured. l,lain drain openlngs of the grating in the floor of the pool shalr be atleast four tines the area of discharge plpe.fg spimrnJng pools with deep water at or near one end, nultiple d.rains shallbe prorided where the widttt of the pool is more than JO feet. In such cases,drains shal1 be spaced not nore than Jo feet apart, nor more than r! feetfrm slde wa]-].s. No direct connections fron dlrain outlets to sewers sha1l be pennitted wj.th-out an approrred aLr break. 327 Steps. Ladclers and Diving Touers: Steps or lacltlers shall- be prwided. at the shal-low enal of the swinurlng poo1-,if the vertLcal cllstanee frqr the bottorn of the pool to the d.eck or wa-:tr isover two feet. Recessed steps or l-adders shall- be provided at the 4eep por-tion of the swimning pocJ-, and, tf the poor is over 30 feet wide, such-siepuor ladders shall be installetl on each sicle. Lactders shal1 also be so loca-ted that divers ilo not need to turn back in order to reach tb,er:n.steps Lead5-ng into the swfuuning poor shall be of non-slip design, have anlnimun tread wiclth of 12 Lnches and a nra:rimrm hefuht of lo inchis. Swi-ming pool ladders shaLl be corroslon-resistant and shall be egull4led.with non-sIlp treads. There shall be a clearance of not more trrari flire in-ches nor less than three lnches between any laclder and the poo]- wa1l. Ifsteps are lnserted in the walls or tf stqrho3-es are provided, they shall beof such design that they ruay be cleaned readily ancl sha1l be-arranged todrain into the pcol to prwent the accumul-ation of dirt thereon. SteoholesshaLl have a mininum treacl of five inches an{l a rna:<imum width of Il+ iictres.where stepholes or Ladders are prwided within the slcirming poo]., thereshall be a handraiJ- at the top of both sid.es thereof, extenalng 6ver the copingor edge of the deck. A rninlmrn of one handrail shall- be required at thesteps leading from the shallow end.srqports, platfoms, and steps for dlving boards shal-r be of substantialconstruction and of sufflclent structural- strength to carry the maxirm:m anti-clpated loads safely. Steps shal-l be of corrosion-"esista;t naterial, andof non-slip desfun. Handrails shalJ. be prwidecl at al-l- steps ancl. lad.4ersleading to diving boards nore than one meter above the water. pl-atforns anctdiving boards whlch are over one neter high shall be protected with guardraiJ.lngs. 3:8 Hose Corurections:Effiie=ffiE'er of hose connections for cleaning the d.eck areas shar r beprorided to enable aIL parts of the swinning pool area to be reached. withcasiJlr nanipulatect hose length. Water pressure shall be of sufficient amounts to provide effective cleani_ng. l,'lai-ndralns: -4- vo 329 Suctlon Cleaner: Equlpment shall be prwided to remolre sediment, sludge and other accpmulationsfton the bO,ttOm of the splnrrntrg poOI. the swlmtng pool shall be prorrlded wLth an apprwect suction cleaner.Ihere sha-ll be euf,ftclent suction and capacity to remove all. nolual accumu-Iatlong'fron tbe swi-ming pooJ. bottm. Vacuum pipes sball be at least one and one-half (f$) fncnes ln dla4reter ancl vacuum hosee shalL have a cllaneter of at least one-and one-hal;t (IB) hcfres. 3!10 : The recirculatlon system shal.I consGT of prrrrFing equipnent, hair and lintbasket, and fllters, together with all- necessary plpe eonnections to the in-Iets and outlets of the swi.runtng pool and means for backwashing of filters.As an integral part of the reclrculation systen, equlpment shall be proridedfor disinfectlng the water and ad.ding ar\y necessary chemical_s. The entire systen and alL of lts corqronent parts shat-l- be capable of produc-tng an eight (8) hour turnorrer of the swirnming pool against the maxjmum head,ln the reclrculation system. If the pumtrr or suction piping ls located aborretbe overflon leveL of the pool, the punp shall be self-prirning.fhe ptry or puqps shall- be capable of supplying the required recirculationtate of flon at the naximrn dlrnanic heacl attained in operation. The hair and l1nt basket shall be installed on the suclion sLde of the pump.lbe hair and llnt basket shalL have the folloning design features:a. Water shall pass through the basket frorn the tnside to the outside.b. lhe basket shall be constructed of non-corrosive material.lhe wldth or dianeter of the basket openings shalr not be nore thanone-elghth (r/B) inctr. Ihe area of the basket openings shal1 be at least ten ti_nes the areaof the lnlet pipe to the basket. A renorrabre basket with perforated openings shaLl be prwided unlesssufficient cause can be shown for us ing some other ttripe. J:LL Dl.slnfectant and Ch!:lnlgal Feeders:All cheulcar reea.is-srr@y tu arl respects wlth the stand,ard.s of theNatLonal Sanltatlon Fotuldatlon covering such equiprnent. Feeders shall be of c. .t e. sturdy constnrctlon and uateriaLs whlch witt witirstand lrear, corrosion, orattack by dlsinfectant solutions. Feed.ers shaLl have a graduated and clear-\r narked. ctosage adjusturent to proride flows frcm f\.r11 cipaciry ro 25% of suchcapaclty. The devlce shall be capable of contLrnrous d.elivery wrtnin L4" otthe closage at antrr settlng and sharl- be capable of srpprying dosages at therates needed to proride residuals required by reguLalioirs ana stindard.s.The feeder shall incorpcrate failure proof features so the disinfectant can-not feed dlreetly into the swfunming poor, water supp\y systern, or the swim-ning poo). enclosure under antrr type of failure of tha Lquipment or its main-tenance. the feeder shal1 be capabJ-e of supp\rlng at least the ninlmum equivarent ofone pound of chlorine per eight hours for each lorooo gallons of swimningpool egpacity under contlitiong of operation to be anti-ipated at the profosealnstallation. wben the dlsinfectant ls introduced at the suction side of the pr:rql, a cte-vlce or u.ethod shal-l- be prorrided to prwent air lock of the pur,p or recircu-latlon system. 3z]-2 Sanil Filters: {Ll 13a filters, pressure type, (rapid or high rate filters) sharl comp].yln all respects with the standards oi tire National Sanitation Fowrdationcsrrerlng such fllters. sand fllters shalr have a fil-ter rate according to their design at the time -r- of maxiurn heaat loss wlth sufficlent area to neet the deslgn rate of flow required by the prescrlbed turnover. Rapld sancl fll-ters shal1 be designed for a fl.lter rate not to exceed 3-5 gaL.fmln./sq. ft.. High rate sand fil- ters can be designed to operate at a f1lter flotr rate 'of LJ-ZQ gBnr/sq. fb.. The undlerdrai! systen shall be of conrcslon resistant an<l endrrring materlal, so tlesfuned and of such Eaterial tbat tlre orlfices or other openings wiLI malntain approxi.uate\r constant aree. It shall be designetl to prwlde wen coLlectlon or tllstrlbutlo!, of the flovr durins ftltratlon and baclrwashtug. Ihe fllter systen shalJ- be providetl wl.th a rate of flow indicator, and a rethod of alr release of the fllter. A backuash sight glass on the waste discharge llne sball be 1rrcluded. 3:13 Dlatonaceous Earth 9l terll: ALl diatmaceous earth fllters, whether of the vacuun or plessure type, shaLl corply ln all respects wtth the stanilatds of the Natlonal Sanitation Forurcta-tion covering such fllters. Rate of Flltration: The desjgn rate of fLltration shall nct be greater than 2 pn/sq. ft. or that spectfted by tbe Nationat Sanitation Foundatlon for the specJ.flc filter in uae. Where boEy feed is proviateal, the ttevice shall be accurate (fOfi) ana dslren- dable. lbe filter and aIL eoryonent parts sball be of such naterials, design' and constnrctlon to wlthstand normal corrtinuous use without signi.ficant defor- natlon, d.eterioratlon, corrosion, or weer which cqtrld atlversely effect flt-ter operatlon. The filter shall be so d.esigned and. constnr.cted, to preclude the lntroductlon of fllter-aid irtto the pool. Ilp f!-lter plant shall be prwided wlth such pressure, vacuum, or coqlourd gauges as are reqrlred to indicate the condltion of the filter" AlL fllters shall- be equipped for cl-eanlng. Prorrlsion shafl be rnade for coql)-ete and. rapidly draintng the fllter. A rate of fl-ow indicator sha1l be prorltled on the recirculation system. 3:1ll l4ake-up Water Facilltles and Cross Coryrections: No plpe t\unishing water from a publlc water sr4ryl\r for the neke-r4r water shall be plrysica{y connected to the recirculation system regardless of valve arrangements. The na^ke-r4r water J.lne d.lscharging dtrectly to the sulmingpool, surge tank, or baJancing tank shall have its point of clischarge at least six inches abqre the overflow lerrel. Al-1 other accessories to the recirculatlon system, such as chenical solution feeders and water fed chlorlnators shall be protected against back siphonageinto the water supply system. 3:f5 Piping Systen: The piping system sball be so tlesigned. to reduce fYictlon losses to a ni"nirmu. Fl-at€ed Joints or unions shal-l be lnserbetl at irrbervals to pe:nrit any part of the systen to be taken alown for cl.eanhg or repairs. The piping system of tbepool shall be painted dlstlnguishlng colors to d.ete:ml-ne filter water, raw water, waste water, vacuun lines, and heating lines. The color code paint- tng shall be: Filtered Water---- ---------green Raw Water --yellow Waste Water --black Heating Lines -------------red Vacuum Lines --blue A flow diagram of the entire system with operating instructions shal-J- bepenranent\r posted in cLose proxi.nlty to the filtering equipnrent. -6- 3:16 lllechanlcal Roon: The room for nechanical apparatus sha]I be sc located cannot be entered directly from shower rooms or frcn or constructed that it swinning pool area by unauthor lzed persons. The recirculatlon equipnent shalL be ccnvenient\r Located for instrlection andsenriclrg. Tbe floor shall have the dralns. a mlnlnum slorpe of one-fourth (]-) incir per foot, towarti The dralns fron the nechanical apparatus roorn shall not dlscharge to a seweror drain whlch may surcharge, Mlscellaneous equipment and appurtenancesshall not be storecl in the mechanlcal apparatuJ roon. 3:17 l,lghti{u glectrlgal Reouirernents:Arr slrlunulg pools constructed wlth undenrater J.ighting shall have not lessthan 0.5 watts per square foot of swi-mming pool water srrrface area. AI1 irt-cloor pools ancl all outdoor pools qrerated at night shall have artificiallfuhting sufflcient to pe:mlt a 5-inch btack diik on a white fierd to bevlslble in the deepest part of the poor. such rights shalr be spaced toproviale ilhninatlon so that all portions of the pooJ-, lncluding ttle botton,nalr be.readlly seen without glare. Area lighting shaif provid.e at leastu.o waEts per square fcot of deck area. rf such right is used for nightswi-mingr area .an$ swi.nuring pool llghting cornbined -ha11 prwide at leastten foot-candles of tllunjlation per square foot of pool irea. Ground faultinterrupters shall be prwided. for all- lights and elictrical outlets of thesylrudng poor complex, includlng dressing rooms and roechanicar roons.AlL electrical wlring shall conforrn with the Curent Nationat Electrical-code of the Natlonal Undenriters Laboratory cr equivalent.No orrerhead electrical rviring shaal pass wtifrin lCj feet of the swSrnning pool encl_osure. 3:LB Dressing Rooms: ?he dressj'ng roons shall be l-ocated aciJacent to the locker or checkroon andsho$ters. The layout of the bath house for the exclus lve use of swlmmers shall' be such that the bathers on leavlng the dresslng room sha11 pass the toil-etsand showerg enroute to the swfunning pool. Dresslng rooms r toilet facillties and shower rooms are required. for al1 pooJ.sexcept those prwiderl in connection with lcdging facilities where the po6t isnot avaiLable to the public not occupying such iacili.ties. Fl-oors of tollet and shower rooms shi11 have a rnininr.rn slope of one-fourth($) incn per slope per foot to the drails.Floors of toil-et and shower rooms sha1l be of smooth non-sliD flnish andshal1 be 5mpewious to moisture Hose bibs of three-foq:lhs (3/l+) inch mi:rimum size and ser:ved by not lessthan three-fourths (:/4) inctr'pipe sharl be prwid.ed to enabre the entiretoilet and shower roorn to be conveniently flusheil by hose.fhe nateriar used for wal-ls, partitions, and f\:rniture shau- be such thatit can be easily cleaned and will not Ue darnaged by frequent hosi.ng, wettigrg,or disilfection. Bath houses or dressing rooms to be usecl sirmrltaneousJ-y by both sexes shallbe divided into two parts separated by a tight par+,ition; each part shal1 bedesigned for men or women. The entrances and eiits shal-} be screened tobreak li-rre of sight. 3:f9 Toilets: Toilet facilities shall be prwicled for each sex.Flush water closets wlth eJ-ongated bowls and qlen front seats, and urinal-sshaLl- be prwided and shal1 be kept clean and. property maintained. The raticof water cl'osets shall be one (f) closet and one (1) urina:- for each sixty (60) -7- rnen and. one (L) water closet for each forty (l+O) wonen exlrected at the ti-neof na:<inun Ioad. A11 flxtures shalL be properly protected against back si-pbonage. Partitionsr waIls, and ceiJ-ings shall- be ccnstructed of naterialnot adversely affected by steaar, water, or a disinfectant. To1let roons sharl be ventilated so that no odor rnrl.sance may exist. 3:20 Shqwer Facilities: SEarate shower facllities shaLl be prwid.ed for nen and women and ttten prwlcled fol the exclusive use of swLurers shall be so l-oca-ted. thet bathers must pass from the shower room d,Lrectly into the swi-mingpool .area. The ninjmun nunber of shqters prwided shaLl be in propottion ofone (f) to each forty (4o) bathers expected. at the time of naxirnrut-toad. The ceilings and wall-s of the shower rocm or area shall be constructed. ofsnooth, fupervious, easi\r creanabLe naterial, not adversely affected bysteam or water. The ftocrs of tbe sholrcr room or area shalI be construtted. ofnon-slip, irqtenrious, easily cleanable rneterial, not adversely affected. by steano or water. Sholrers shall be srpplied with water at a teqperature of at least 9Oo F. ata ninimum rate of three (3) galJons of water per shower per ninute. thermo-stattc ten;lering, or nixing valves shall be installed i-f necessary to preventscalding of bathels. Where shower booths are provitlert ln the llonents shower room, the booth par-tltions shall be cf a rnaterial whlch wif.t not be clamaged by:shcwer watei and shall have a rninimrrn clearance of six (5) inches abwe the fl-oor. Showerrooms shall be provided with at least six (6) foot candles of light upon allsurfaces sc that a1-1 parts are visible for easy cleaning. 3a2L Swi.rmrer Load: I,la:(:ri1un grvinmer lcading shalr be dete:rnined by the forlowing standards:a. Diving area: A ma.xlmum of 2 persons perrnitteil for tbe area withina 10 fcot radXus of arqr d.tving board or platfom.b. Swi.mmLng area: One person for each 24 square feet of poo1. Thiszone is that part of the pool deeper than Ji feet.c. Non-swLmting area: 1O square f,eet of pooJ- requ!.red for each personin that part of the pool less than 3l} feet aeep. 3222 EVery swi.ming pool in a non-restricted public place shall be fenced ln sucha nanner as to prevent access tc the pool except through controlled. entrances. sEcSIoN w safety and sanitary stand.ards: The requirements of this section apply toal-l. public and seni-public swj-uning pocls in Cclorado. 4:l- Chlorination Equipment: A}1 swi.nnring pcols shal1 be prwided. with autonaticneaus of adding a d.isinfectant to the swirnrning pool water.a. Hglsir€: ,A separate house or room at or above ground leve1 nust be pro-vldecl exclusive\ for chlorination purtrloses. The d.oor shoutd. have J1 footsquare rone-lightr window to atLow observation of cond.itions in the roomprior to entering.b. Fxhaust Ventil-atlon: Sufflcient ventil-ation nust be provided to allow@nge in the chlorination room every two minutes. Theexhaust duct must be located withirr 6 inches of the flocr level. A lou-. vered fresh air lntake must be provided to serve as a make-up air supplywhen the exhaust fan is operating. This intake should Ue located nearceiling Lenel. The exhaust fan should be wirecl to automatical\r activatevrhen the light switch is turned to the "oN" position or by a prlssure -8- type swi."r, t."a in the door to the chlori"?o" room which willactivate the exhaust fan automatical ly. t cons isting of ammonia water andc. d. Leakage Test Ki t: A leakage test ki sponge swab should be provided. Bespiratorv Protection Equipment: At least one Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus-30 minutes capacity-rneeting the requi rements of the NationalInsiitute for 0ccupational Safety and Health (NlOSH) must be provided and hung in a conspicuous place outside the chlorination room. See Des.Stds. Potable Water for added details, Section 4. Abstract available on request. e.Safety Erackets: l,/he re gas chlorination bottles are used, safety brac- kets must be provided to hold the bottles securely upright, both on the scales and in storage areas.f. The chlorinator shall be a solution-feed type, capable of deliveringchlorine at its maximum rate without releasing chlorine gas to the atmosphere. S. The chlorinators shall be designed to prevent the backflow of waterinto the chlorine solution container. l,lhen a hypochlorite solution is used, it shall be fed through hypochlorinator equipment, such equipnent shalI also provide the following additional features: a. Feed shal I be positive undEr all condi tions of pressure in the cir-culating system, and without artificial constriction. of the pump suction line whether this line is under vacuum or pressure head.b. Regulation shall be provided to insure constant feed with varying supply of back pressure. c. Positive features to prevent back-flow from recirculation system tothe solution container, and provision for reducing to a minimum theentry into swinrning pool of free calcium released from calcium hypochlorite. d. Provision to prevent siphoning of hypochlorite solution when the reci rculation pump and hypochlorinator are both turned off. (This appl ies to above swinming pool level instal lations only.) 4:2 Equipment and Personnel: a. Construction of all equiprent, appl iances, and the operation of thepool shall be such as to reduce to a minimum the danger of drovlning and injury to the bathers.b. Every public swimming pool lifeguard shall be competently trained and shall be in complete charge of bathing facilities and withauthority to enforce al I rules of safety. Lifeguards shall becurrently certified as senior lifesaving or l/.5.1. by the American Red Cross or the y.l{.C.A.. In any event, at least one lifeguard shall be on duty when any public swimmi ng pool having a surface area in excess of 2000 square feet is in use-The number of lifeguards or attendants on duty shall be such as to provide reasonable general supervision of the activities of all oersons in the swimming pool area. A minimum of one (1) I ifeguard per fifty (SO) personsin the swimming pool (water) shall be reouired.c. A first aid kit, together with pool hooks, ropes, backboard buoysor other life saving devices shall be part of the pool equipmentat all publ ic and semi publ ic swimming pools,d. A guard line separating the shal low portion from the deep portionof the swimming pool shall be provided at the five (5) foot depthbreak or less at all public and semi public swimming pools.' e. Springboards, diving platforms, and f loats at all puUlic and semipublic swinming pools shall be covered with non-sIip material and shal I be rigidly anchored with sufficient bracing to insurestabi I i ty under the heaviest load. -9- o f. Safety regulations shall be posted at wery public and senLpubllc swi.noning pooI. S. No person shall be pemltted by the olflrcr or operator of a senLpubllc pool to snlm ln said pool, ruOess another person who is able to swlm ls Brenent wlthln the lonetllate pool area. h. .If Ii^feguard serrrLce at a seui publtc pool does not confo:m to sectlon l+.a (U) as requlredl for publlc pools, a slgn shall be posted at tbe pool clear\r statlng the uanner in which such senrLce falls to con- forn to l+.e (u). i. Boisterous, rogh play, or lltrmlrg shalJ. not be pemitted ln the swimlng pool, on tbe valk area, in dressing rooorri, ln shower roons,or irr totlet roons at any pubJ-ic or semi-publlc swl-mring pool. J. Bottles, crockery, glassware, or otber hazardous objects shal.l- not be peraltted tn the swlrmting pool or on the deck area at any publlc or senilublic swiroLng pool. l+:3 $riming Pool Water Srprphr: Ilre water supply senring tbe swlmtng pool, pltublng fi:rtures, dri.nktng fountal.ns, lavatories and showers shall be in compllance wLth the nLnimrn sanltartrr stanclartls for tlrinhtng water as set forth by the Colorado Depart- ment of Health. The water supp\y shalI be cleliveretl at a sufficient rate to enable the swlm- ning pool to be operatecl satisfactori\y. Itrere shal*l be no closs-coruectlon between the dmestLc water suppJy andthe swfuming pool recirculation ptping. I+:4 Water Testing Equipnent: E\rery swinrnlng pool shall be prorided wlth a test-kit for the following cleterrnlnations: A test-ktt for the clete:minlng of l\ydrogen ion concentration lrr the pH range of sj:r ard efuht-tenths (5.8) to etght and. tno-tenths (8.2). A test-kit for the deternlnatlon of disinfectant residuals !n cunent use il the range of zero (o) to tvo (Z.O) ppn. A test-kit for the detemjration of alkalinlty as neasured, by the rnethyl orange test. A test-kit for the detentlnation for the cyanuric acid concentration lf such cheml-cals are being used as a chlorine stabilizer. o l+25 Bactericid.al and Chemical Treatment: BacteriaL Quality:a. The bacterial quality of the water wed. in any swinmtng poo3- shallnot have a col-ifom d.ensity excegding one (t) per hunclrecl nlLLilitersat arqr t5.me, nor shal.). it contaln argr other organisms in quantittes harmflrl to tran. fhe water she]l be in cwpliance with the ninirmrn drinklng water sanita4r standarcls as set forth by the colorado Departnent of nealth (latest rwi-sion thereof). All saupl-es collected, wlll be exanined in accordance wLththe procedures outLLned in the latest ectrltion of Stanilard t4ethods for the ExamLnation of Water and. Wastewater. Uqter Quality Standard.s for Natural SwLlrtine Areas: Natural swi:orning aieaFsho@ possible to the standardsestablished for swimnirg poo1s. lfaters showing a col-iforrn index between Jo and loo per ]oo m1 are considered.fYee of detrinental sewage porLution but waters showing a coliform jldex greater than 5oo per 1oo ml are considered suspicious vith indl-cation ofpollution. The local health detrlartrnents shalL have the authority to close natqraL swim- ming areas under the standards as set forth by each local heatth clepartnent. l+:5 -10- \27 Cheralcal Qualttv: Publtc and sen5.1ub11c pools stralJ. be continuous\r dtsinfected by a cheni-cal w?tlch luparts an easi\r rneasured, free avallable residual effect whichcorplles ln aI.L respects wlth the Stand,ards of the Natlona1 Science Founda-tlon csrrerlng zuch Chenicals.a. I{henever chlorlne, calchlnr fupochlorite, or other chlorlne conlrounds,wlthort the use of a@onia, are used for swiming pooJ- ttlslnfectlon,the free chlorine residual ln the water at al]. tines when the swi.n- nlng pool ts ln use shall not be Less than O.l+ ppm.b. Wbenever chlorlne or chLorlne comeollnds are used wLth amonia the amount of aval}able or excess chlora,nine shall not be less than tryo(a) mn.c. ALL stri-@lng pool water shal]. be disinfecteil by chlorination or other neens or nethods of equal eff5.cacy ln the kllllng or reuo\ral of orga- nlsns capable of causlng lnfectLon. The dlslnfectant r:sed and con- centration requlred here5n, shalL not be dangerous to public health, create obJectionable pl4r.slological effects, or S.nrpart toxic proper- tLes to the water.d. Dlsinfection shall be conducted by autornatic means.e. Chenlcals used for algae control shal_l be apprwed by the health' authority.f. The alkaltntty of the water shall be in the range of BO-l2qrpm, as neasured by the net\rl orange test. lhe alkalinity can be increaEed by the addltlon of socliun carbonate. 4:8 Turbidlty Quallty: lhe water shal-l have sufficient clarlty at all tirnes so that a black d5.sc,slx iaches in dianeter, Ls readtly visible when placed on a white field atthe deepest point of the *rinuring pool. Faih.rre to meet this requlrenentshall constltute grouncts for Lmrediate closlng of the poo1. 4:9 Swtmins PooI Operatlon: @ eactr publie and senl-pnbric poor sharr keep a daqy record. of infomation regardlng operation including dlsinfectant reilduals,pHr naintenance procedr:res, reclrcuation, together with other data as rnaybe requi.red on forms furnished. by the Department. Monthly alkalinity teitresults rnrst be available. The punps, filter, clisinfectant and chernicalfeed,ers, ard related appurtenances sha1l be kept in operation at all tLnesthe swi.mning pool is in use antl for such addltional plrlods as need,ed tokeep the pool water clear and. or of the required bacierial gual.tty. Recir-cuJation equipnent shall prwtde a turnqver of pool water oi 8 frarrs or l-ess.A rate of flovr neter or lndLcator shalJ- be proriaed. I+:10 $egFtne and Ventjlation: Bath houses, <tres s ing room.i, shserer loouls, and toilet rooms shall- be proper-1y ventllated. Venttlation of incloor swiruming pools sha].l be so desiineithat bathers will not be subJecteci to drafts.All heattng units sha1l be isol-ated cr protected from contact by bathers tc Prerrent injuries. The bath house terqleratures shall be maintainetl at a ccnstant comfor.,abLetenrperature at alL tlrne. The temperature in a swimning pool shalI not beartiflcially heated. to a temperature exceeaing 84o f. 4:11 Bather Control:--=-ffi;thers, before entering the swimrning pool, shall be required totake a cl-eanslng shower bath in the nude, using wa:n water and soapand rinsing off all soap before entering the swirnrning pool. -1r- o b. Perscns having arqr conslderable area of exposed cuts, shall not use the slimming pool c. Spitting, spcuting of water, or blowing the nose pool shal1 be strlctly prohibited. al. If towels, batbing suits, corobs, brushes, and all other such articles.are firrnished by the swinnlng pool nanagenent, they shall be cleanat the tine of lssue to the patron anct shall have been cleaned. andsterilizecl in a manner acceptable to the Health Authorlty.e. The swimnlng load shall not be permltted to exceed the design linrita-tion as cleterminecl in J:21. 4:12 Waste DlEposal: The sewer systen shaIl be adequate to serye the facil-ity, incl-uding bath- house, locker room, and related accomodations. There shalL be no direct physical connection between the sewer system and arly drain frcrn the s$rinynir€ pool- or recirculation system. Any swirmringpool or gutter draln or werflon fron the recirculatlon system when tlischargedto the sewer system, sto:m drain or other approved natural dra Lnage course shall- connect through a suitable alr break so as to preclude possibility of backflow of sewage or waste lnto the swlnnlng pool ptping systen. The sanJ.tary sewer servilg the swloning pool and au:<lliary facillties shall discharge to the publlc sewer systen wherever possible. Whdre no such sewerls avaiLable, the methoal of d,isposal shall be in accord.ance with the require- ments of the Departnoent. 4:13 Right of Entry: AlL swfuming pLaces shall be open to the liealth Authority at aLL reasonable sub-epidermal tissues, . in the swimning times for the purpose of colleeting water sarqtles and/or inspeetions. 4:14 Disease Control: Etf fiffi;Tffi a dlsease in connnunciable forlr shalL not be the sw5-uuning pool. 4:15 Wacting Poots: AJ-l- separate wacllng pools shall be designecl and constnrcted every respect with those applicabLe standards of a swinuning A fence or cther bamler shall surround the wading pool. peraltted. to use Inlets and outlets shall be adequate, for nai-ntaining a copJ-ete recir- culation of the nading pool water every two hours. Separate wading pooLs can be hand chlcrj-nated. 4:15 Facilities to be kept clean: ArL shower rocms, clressing rooms, e quipnent rooms and appurtenant factlitiesshal} be kept crean at aLl tjmes. Daily hosing down of all facillties, withproper flocr drains, may be necessary. Frequent dislnfection of the areasnay be required. Injwrctive ReLief: The qleration of a swtnrning area in violation of these regulati.ons nay berestral.ned by the director of the colorado Departurent of Hearth, by arly city,county, city ancl county, or district health offlcer, or by any of theirauthorized agents ln an acticn brought in a court of competent jurisdictionpursuant to the Colorado rules of civil r.rr ooedrrrc Suunary Closure : Ir/hen a bathing area is in such conclition as to pose an imninent threat to theheaLth of the public, the departnent nay order the bathing area to be cl-osed -L2- to conp\r in poo1. teqrorar[y *o *"118 as tbe condittons "t otrrlt bto coqrt!.arcerlf! nlrntnrn. rc$rtrcrcnts. Tfrfs actlon nay be taken by lssulng aa order la urltl4 under tbc prwlslons of Sectlon 66-I-7 (l+), or Sectlon (;6,-Z-6 (Z), CotoraAo Rcnlsed Statutes, p5J. -13- $.25 o S/UIDAXE REGULXfiOTIS EoB IE CI'IIIROL OF I{ItrEMr MfiS. ESAPtrUIIC pooLs- torERAL EAIE EOUSES. pgELIC BAItg AfD SBIII4A FACILIrIES lntbotl,tyl grctto 66-1,-7 (14), Colorado Brvtgrd Scaartr! 1963.. CO! TADo SIttE DEPANAAIT OP PI'BIJC EEALIA 4210 Er.c 116 AvsogrDtwrr; Colorado rE Frbuc !1g! gsqgr{E{ag sater for tqratot of tle bodT oa provcdlgg e bot ?rPoa rslrlro'qs,g tor rhalrorvrs rffacc sh.?l eoqly rrltb cbr follotrlag nqukutr rten rgptteeblr: A- rrtra: tlr uat* 1l such lrhr rbrll h urlqtelard .frrr of dlserrr o88arfuEr' 1rd ihrtr bc provrdod qadrr oar of tbr follovrng coadlBloar: (r, &r rrcrr rh-rl br grrrtfr,rd by rcc{rcurrtioa chsoqh f!lt; .r,t nrct . arcr .r co psort"d. e cor4hcr rxela3p o! nt.r.\rrE7 .ighc (g) botrtl or brr od r rrr{aro trm chrorlar rrgldurl o! rt Lart ErraaEF f1n bgndrrdcu (0.25) prrr! p.r d,ltloa sh8l1 be Edar-.riod, or (2) thr brt! glrtr li.urcd crclultvely by oar p.alsa rttrr rdhlcb tbr br'& rhrll be dr:lsrd, tbr nrtle acnrbbrd *d {15{rrecttd. eld t!eu, ntlllcd; os (3) Er brth rrGrr rbrtl fu rrah.gjd by !lor-&:ougb o! nquacd Yttrt ro .3 to provldr e coqlrtr chalgr of retar 1g oat (t)- bour or tl th. b|'la hg r elprclcy of trs rhn 1000 gallour3 or lq tuo (2) or lrrr l,f th. buin hu e crp.slr, of wcr l0()O gslt@s b 'r1 losc8rccg thc beth rrd,ag sharl bc of clernebrcr. t4rrrc.ous coatcttrcCl'oa rnd she.Ll be tapt elcal. lasg bours . -z- 8. Sgllg!:.: tollcr fac{Llrlag ghsll be provlded, sogarara for arch sex, nnlcra lslllv{durr facllltlas ara provlded for each batb ualt. tAe tollec roous o.d fl:turce shsll bq of clcaaable coastnrctloa -"d shrl1 bc kepc clEaa. €. !!gg9Ig: Shwcr fac,{l1t1er sball br prowtdad, scperarc lor g3ah sa-, ualeg tadlvfdral fac{LLtlrc ars psovtd.{ for ceeb bacb rs1t. thr shclrr rccaa sb:ll bc o! clEea:ble coE tilctloa, frea of crac!r.! aad crevlges .!d sh.rl br kapt, claen. Sacb parsoa shall bc requlrad co tekc a shorer berh r1tb soap prJ,or to G,EertEg tbs bach 'deter. D. Scgttar and Dregslns Facllltles: 'ylhsra rcst{ng trc,ol! , dresslag rooa:, ar rscllalag fac{llcles are prowlded, they shelJ, be kepc clean. Floors, 'ral1a asd cslila,gr rhal1 'oE of good coasrructlotr aad bc kept la good repaLr. E. FaGar Supplv: Potable drluktag trecEr shall be supplled co rhe praeiscs rad 'lbaE uct tla etaod.sdt of the State Dap.:it!.B! of Pubitc Ecalth for .racer rrppJ.I'ed to ttt publlc. .?. serrare Dlsoosall .tbe se?ege shep be dlsposed of 1s accordance ?rlcb tbc lsy Ead staldards of thc stata Deparr"..ag of publlc Eealch. c. Aopurteuanrceg: All appurtraarc,ar to tbc bath fa.{llty ghr.ll bc o! elsearbla coartnrcclos aad ah:ll bc kcpt clcal. lbe rftactlvr deta of tbece ragnratloal, lf adopted, wliJ. ba lortpfl.rc (45) davs froo a,ad afsar thc datc of adopqlos herainafrgr seg forth. Adoptcd JaauerT 9, 1967 o RL$JEST FOl reVlt|| IJF H.AI' AI.O SPECIFICATIONS FIJIi sytI"tMIING Fo(L A{D,/(n ilTH t-OusE (SPA, etc.) R): Colorado llepartnpnt of llealth t{ater tlelity Control Divlslm 42J:O E. IIUI Averue lbnver, Colorado 8fJt22O FRotl: q)U{TY Permit # dldg. Phone # Address City & State Street Joosite: f€rE Addless Street City/County I. It is requested that the followiry ptanst, specificatiom, informatlm be reviaed by yout Department: ljst of DooJrpntrs attached: reports and design 2. delovr is a brief description of the lnprovements proposed: 5. Tfp rater is to be obtalred frorn the follorirg sotces 4. tutable 54)pry: 5. 6. 7. t'take{ts Srpply: Source: Is potable water slpply chlorinated: f€re, Address and Phone lUilrer of Deslgn Ergineers: Potable: Design Calculatims Attaclrqd Yes JS (required) lbte: PIils arE Specifications must be coaplete rn every detail. 5ketcnes will ruc be acceptab.Ie for review. Please use separate request for eacn a) S,rirming PooIo) r{acling PooI Page I of 5 *See Adclitional Sfeets for Details c) Spa RE*J*T Fm REVTEH ,f FLi AfD sFEcrFrcATr'r,rs F.R SIII,IMIIS FOO. AP/OR tsATH FUSF' (SPA, EtC. ilater Supplv: (How is faeility to be filted?) o ) Filter Backwash To: Fil.ter(s): Sard rhthracite Other pressurecravilt!]g-nate- stano-6ffiF ltunber of filters - rffirea, Each j-$ilii6..'TilMake&t'bdel# :-- Total Arry .{uloyer_tlale_-_rror.rs___tsacFasnnate_.,1uRlUaIatEe lail( t.at'to,-i f .r_ Hair & Lint tbr --''iicarion Tfermcrneter ---uocations rnftuentcaffifduent- f'6-4 Fill spout ( lfaste Dlsmsal Deck Drains m: Ortter Drairs to:Skirmers to:-___--------lrn ArRGttPffi shaPe- Overall Lenr.rth vtioth F*: ffinim"m oepur.-Tra;; EE-_ 5q'ffieoot capacita]' Ga]lons Pi,aced Concretel€taI 0ther PooI llrains to: shapq Ded<: itaterlal: Flnlsh: width 3 slope: Pool Fercerl:YES or l{J l-lelght:l€teriaJ.: l€ke & t'trdel # l-brsepower of n l{ake & lbdel #Location: Ground Fault Circuit Intenupter is provided in rBchanical roorn(Requfueo by Regulatims) fyfinoT TYPe-- Mrrnber ttrKe d lr]oet _(one per 5ff) sq. ft. of area,minimum 2 units) rnruuenE Gauge Effluent Gauoecircurationeuffi;--=-ffi Pool C1eanino Svstem - type-l-l]w tJperated **1"L, engireer and pool equipnent suppller must complete this form and subnitwith the prans and specifications. prbise swply make, model rumber and purnpcurr/es, gtc. as necessary to deflne exactry what is to be instarled.A slq:llfied (one llne) diagram is requireb showing Location of aLl control vatves,plpe-slzes ancl operatlrB instructlons for mounting in the r€cfranical rbon at thefinal inspectim. Page 2 of 3 GeneraL Pool Infonmtiont, Pool Corstnrtion: Sklrmers REqJEST FOR REVIEW sm & swD{ltDtG ruo- - qlunA[xJ DRAIINGS & ILPT rr tfALTH, SFECIFICATIOIIS o n.Q.c.r.). DATA, ONTII{JEI) 1|5-4 l-upq , Capacity ft;It r,tin Locacion of tn3ecffi#Shall 0onfornr Wztatest lorine Systans:*rRosns Mal(e{Jp Alr Louvre_ ** Pover Exnar.ster (CFU) r.take/ilcdel:r*Self-Contained tsreathing Apparatus-Make/r'lr&l rr ** Location." * SiEiv"ci*Slritch Location Uther Dlsinf Contrcls:Type: r*ake & l'tdel: pH & Chlorire l'€ke !bdel:BTU/I-R.IrpuE: It s) NirberDivirp Eoard(s) FFignt Locati.on Llfe *i pacino -----------Efn uelow rtaE6: Dressing lioflts. Toiiet: & Showersll(nrs: Ancr-s[p s|Jlteces (yes or no)llalls: [ashable with frce (yes or no) (yes or no)Tollets, urinals Corprete $alk to & Lavoratories for both sexes or no) Pool (yes or m) (Signature of uesigner) Recomended Appmval srgnacure arxl tltle f'or Local Health Departmnt or County Sanitarian LegaJ.ry recognJ'zecl signature ano titJ.efor tfe owner of the facility Recofinendeo Disaoopval l-leater: l{iscellanecus Oeck Drairs: Page I of ) O'lA 6/82 Ilul*k 6itoFrl Ii (Ul +rlol I ol tr!'t5tb {,tr ='ti>lot.<dl o rdl z&.= xl6u't F{ IF J5 9r 5l tr1olol I I r;= slH ":lE^,2(dlo tl- ujo =? Gotl. croFo GFzoo Eo E IIJz3o tto X FE +r . r/)lr.+lJ +.1 \o.r{ (, Fr(D tr€ oOA CQdAlt. r{tFet )d(d! r-{ - .rl(.)OE c CD'Bs EE ,io 8* a166.9'64.;o E6.otra;oF FC .g; EFN(l' -34 EE cb!5 6O PE E€oo8oGoD o.9:E 3d6EoO Eg e3 ECtc6c' sr -9 60 tt: gE6g'=Oo gEE EEg E8E ggE c96'- o.G EE; E E-c,FOO iEo.9; eF€ii=3SE; sEi E6: tE* ,EFE_agr+, C6 0'- 5 a.g gEE EE;o ct= fi*E i'E e!, cLoEEE&ocD -()6 lr lr FIq{ .-{dc) r-{...{ B x F ulof v> uJl!tf, E =c UJC J FoF -eo =ltozo Fo- E 8lllo E u.| =|tlo T >g -Id)ItrI =@a\l zz99!: o- '2 =E =oo1>E9l! <(ol ^tdE8..ni lt 4 o, e G o. uJE z Eo 3z9 F e u.lFJ FoJ lolotil-l "l$l c.rot @P1l r FrInl #l Io'l I atilgF 9gdH>q:.>g5 3l IPo tr f{ Fl =c t! oz ci UJlt -N Iu.]q2 3l otFI cil :|>l t.|-l 3 oo (! FI J E uJz uJo (9z @ = o- F!*o +EFt-o2 o -t oz E =G uJo- z o9zeoo =<de 5fii !! tr: IE uJcltoEE2ZE<CLf€a;9EA '9.EE =>E dEE FEE =oE E89 lutE iit q- o-i!E ut @oF tr!! 'l tllF o UJF @ @o1zo Fo- IIJY uJlo oF EE-*Ed H9+. >No.O'iob. IH utFoz E =e,lrl o-zoFof OE 6zoo f"B\ztr - f,ilu. 4-4F TOI{N OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLTCATTON, FORM DATEz tt,?-f,.Qul . Jr :lf-.t; ;ifR.;... - pEFn O r-r\ -Jif i 7 ':.t t_ r tu.Jl Job Name: lfoUFN fmu€ W0W Job Address: Owners Name: Architect: General Description:wpha Work Class: [ ]-New f-eft.tation t ]-Additt Number of Dwelling UnJ.ts: 1 \l ktv (o*^ r,egal Descriptior,, r,ot,rZi3 Btock - rtttl$t"+uffi ?tNNrtt-tr| N.MTS Address 3 7 vAtc 20. lhL,to Inil tl0't.sl-tAd€-t@P pn.84- S@ ^ lprnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas r.ogs_ wood/pellet_vfi!********************************* VALUATTONS ******** * * *** ************** * * ****- Fur"or*", +W tSPw Er,ECrRrcAL: $ orHER: r PLUMBTNG: $ ' MECHANTCAI: $- TorAr.: W-PLUMBTNG: $ . MECHANTCAL:f - ToTAI,:I@ {fr**********************.*.**** CoNTBACTOR INFORUATION ***************************f Eenerar contractorz //l4n*+,ttrJt (atsr- Co. Town of vail Reg. No._Address: f v19h ,lhpvtqttW phone Number: -<{,--t-',27, Electrical Contractor: U A Aqqress: - PJ.umbing Address: Contractor: N.k ******************************** FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: JTAaA PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: - ELECTRTCAL FEE: Al"h Mectranical Contractor: Address: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: @ P}i.y1t'1L21 p+*oN tuues [ ]-Repair [']-other Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CIIECK FEE3 DRB FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FnBzu.,luCrt@ CLEAN.UP DEPOSTT:.1 TOTAL PERI.{IT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION il4t^' lown 75 loulh trontrge road Yrll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 olflcc ol communlty dcvclopmcnt BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI.IE If this peryit, !9eui1e9 a Town of Vait Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (.Publ ic tJorks) review and approvat,' a piinnini'oepa"tment f:]:L::.H.11!h-?:purtment review, and'a_ review uv irre Euiiitnguepartment' the estimated time for a total review iray tate as 'l6ng as three weelts. f]1 "y:ryial (large or smail) and ail murti-famiry permits willnave to toilow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnis. Residential il9.,:T1ll projects.shoutd take a lesser amount of time. However, itres'loentrat or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned l9l:"lTglt.with resard. to necessary review, tteie p"oj"cIr' ruyars0 take the three week period. Every attempt will be nade by this departnent to expedite thispermit as soon as possibie. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. #r^^-fb^"/-( Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. 75 loulh lrontage rord rtil, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: rROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce of cotnmunlty devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLI(L REGISTERED WITH TITETOI{N OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNIIY DEVEIpPMENT UaRCII 16, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKING & IIIATERIAL STOR.AGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , ro-i, sand, debrisor nateriar, including trash irunpster-s, po=iuui" toirets andworkrnen vehicres.upon any streetl =ia"""ixl-;Ii;y or public -q1?:. or any portion theieof . ihe risht;i;;;-;n arl Town ofVaj.l streets and,Igag= is approxinately S ft. off pavement.Ttrl:. ordinance wirr be =triEiiv--entorcia uy trre iown of vailPubLic glorks Departrnent. pers3ns found vi6tating this ordinancewill. be given a 24 hour written n"ii""-t"-;;;;;:"".id nateriar.In the event the person so notified does ""i ""rpiy with thenotice within the 24 hour time -lecified, tr,"-p"[iic worksDepartment wirr renove said nateii.i-ii-tn"--""i!i"e of personnotified. The provisions "r-titi= ordinance sharr not beapplicable to c-onstruction, urainienance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in it"-il9ilL-"_*"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in furr, prease stop by the Tohrn ofYlil B"ilding Departnent to obrain a copy. rrranl you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. owledged ositionT@ /' 1 -17 -?F / (i.e. contractor, owner) .b TO: FROM: DATE: FE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED llowing questionnaire regardlng the need fora'PublicWay Permit': YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2l ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propedy? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls difierent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the dghl ol way, easements, or public property? 7l ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? 8) A. fs the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit'must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Works ofiice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construc'tion Inspec.tor, at 479-218. I have read and answered allthe above questions. rbqo tloqS(Ot+anamtrt [onsr Co, Dateo NO X )< K 2( Y >< X >( Contracto o q.2L-q/'/ Job Name /s Signature J How it relates to Building Permit: 1)ermit a lieation. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) lf yes was answered tg 3ny of the above questions then a'public way permit. isrequired. You can pick r.rp an application at either community oevetopment,located at 75 s. Frontagg Road or pubric works, rocated at 1go9 Vail vailey oriue. Notice sign offs for utility. companies. All utilities must fietd verify (tocate) lespe,gtiye utitities prior to signing apptication. some utitity companies ,equire uito a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate). A construction tratfic control pfan must _be prepale! on a separate sheet of paper.This plan wilf show locations of alltratfic coniroldevices lsigns, cones, etd.) andthe work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) skelch of work bging performed must be submiiled indicating dimensions (length,width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic Antrot plan oi a iiteplan for the job. submit co_mpfeted application to the public work's otfice for review. lf required,locates will be scheduled forthe Town of Vait Etectrici"nr ano tirig;ion crew. Thelocates are take place in the moming, but may require up to 4g tiorrc to perform. The Public work's construction Inspector wifl review the application and approveor disapprove the permit. you wiil be contacted as to the siiituJano anv cfinJesthat may be needed. Most permits are released within 4g rroun oi ueinj receiv!0,but please allow up to one week to process. A.s soon as pe_rmitis process_ed, 3 copy wilrbe faxed to community Developmentallowing th.e_"Building permif to be rel'eased. please do not conirse the "publicway Permit'with a'Building permit'to do work on " prolrci iite itsetf. Nole: *The above process ls for work In a rlght ot-way only. *Publlc Way Permlt's are valld onlv unill November iSth. *A new Pubtlc Way Permit is requlred each year. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: HOLIDAY HOUSE FGMODEL DATE: 9-30-94 ADDRESS:9 VAIL RD CONTRACTOR: O'HALLORAN VAIL, CIOLORADO ARCHITECT: RKD OCCI,JPANCY: R.l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK C0RRECTIONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended 3o be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the cudes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pnovisions of the adopted cudes or any ordinance of the Town of VaiI. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS PGQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIJIRED TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 3. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQI]IRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CIIANGES BEFORE A FTNAL INSPECTION IS APPROVSD BY TOV. Town of Vall 0FFlflf; 00pY --INSFECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL (tLl JoB NAME , i ii 479-2138'it ,^1 1'i ,, i i:i.}-L- F PFOJECT CALLER iU. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI WED Ll I AM iPM 'r\./, -THUR FRI\.- M ]E /) R BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEI- tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNoulr tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED ..S nerruseecloN REeUTRED DATE INSPECTOR - l{ti I i'l.rL tc l'1 - o SPEIN a, CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILIIC 14 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOO.TINGSl!- tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL o tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D /rrrunr l-nrrl?ott li'r i O i t1tl., Er FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tl tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL t'l OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oZ ts-t UJo.o.t (t) uJtlj]I- E =Eulo- ^blq I T! i"= JOtlr .{ Iq I a- s6 PqE = lJ-Ho *,2 €ect= uJF ? FI ==o zz oulFoz oz 6 ld! .6 ozz ltJulo =T Gol! .EoFo GFzo() Eo G uJz3od |! lll6z;t lulFI<F LZo< o Eoc q, .o a0 .9 cto,6 51 r-c o \'-c\:\os?\-rrl \\r!CIFI ENR\Ne\ o <t (E oooo o'c E ro E o =c oo ooclo '.9 E j-oc E * t.er EE€: EgE: E EP:Oc-o> s;:EEE!pc9oiIo€o iEi F EE gE c.;Eg 3E; e €Eig EEEE -o.Yo--.c!(!o'-E 4= O g' sEi; *EgE 3E$E N ,V .// o\ N E =uJq-(,zo -,/ 3 UJ oz Jo. O uJ uJ z () z I UJ UJ UJ z tr qJ E uJ G. o |D 'tlJ uJEzo UJ oo- UJ z ul o x F u,lo F-1n FlFlHF 6 uJ UJl'l-t =c UJo-) FoF 0z Ifo J 9 Fo uJJ UT oz t Jo- C)z I(, uJ = NO|IVnt^ U F U F v F F F I tr ; G.o;ltoz tro- E 8 uJo E uJz uJ =>E --('l =uJan =oN zz io.7xrzE9 0 ato1>9(Jozr!<oqHFt5 -a $i z9 F J {l! E o- o ul . - UJ J z Eoo F!<z9 k uJF =UJz a Ezlz9a<oo< =Hxrr <z F 2.. 9z do36OI ut JJ oo IJJzY iF 2 9 J oz 3 ; FxllJ l! 3 q) o l --.1 lII Fi a Jl<ltrl z_l zl .. >l ul uJ UJzo'tr llJo- J z E o z tro Jo I t;,; I& E HH 6(o @(o ul Eoooazo t-o- UJx ulo oF E-tEs o- l! -rlo-liill 8Elr<[ HPioEzo z oPzeoo =z=lfdP dfi ?"E-f a;3 E = UJo- t!oEE2ZE<ql€8B9!i! '9=EE dtsE FE? :oE 8b9 ittrEX'Lt x>t q- €= UJ @ F E =0clrlo-zoFc)f E,a, zoo n!tr I olltltrl ;l fl I I I cilzl lrrl I -l >l ltlol fle lu =z coo -l r\ I F\ \f o- H |j FlH rd UJ =z dl :|>l lLl I ".1TIcil YI el cil "'l *l EI He,H Ff z =g z f uJ o *f) =+tOz E -.r O<FGO ITJ <zEUJFozo C) oF(J dFzoo oz6 = d !ED i;i ' I' l;. I rOWN OF VATIJ CONSTRUCTIONi PERMIT_APPLSCATroN FORI{ 6.:,... riln rDATE: l/r.,/e + AUU i i - al APPLTCATToN r.rusr BE FrLr,ED our coMpr,ETELy oR tdffi"Lrgffr,lpE,_A,fg{flpD f,***************************** PER!{IT TNFORMATION ***************************** [ ]-Building [ ]-Plurnbing l/l-Etectrical [ ]-]rechanicar [ ]-other Job lfane: HO \ I ) q/ HO,/ rf coulofJob Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Fifirg susprvrsroN, Address:P}..y?1J / o o Ph.Architect:Address:Pzrttcrr, i E7a-tr-Ft General Descriptionz Dct rt L illtLl Te itlltctr ,viL. t{ork Class: [yl-New [ ]-Alteration I J-Additional [ ]-Repair I l-other Number of Dwelllng Units:Nunber of Accomrnodation UnLts: l)mber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Cas eppliances {* * * * * * : ** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** ** * VALUATTONS BUTLDING3 S ELECTRICAT,z I lL o tO Address: Electrical Contractor:( r .v r E u a cl Address:r-? Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********** ********* * * *********** FOR Gas Logs_ wood/Pellet ********************************* OTHER: $ TOTAL: I *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: NO./r3€cffiReq.ltc BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFICE USE *** * * * ********* * ** * ************ BUTLDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLI'IIIBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI-, BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATT'RE: CT.BAN I'P I'EPOSIT REtrI'ilII TOS luwn 75 3outh tronllge .o!d Yrll, coloredo E1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 olflcc ol communlty day.lopmcttt BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this peryit. 19qui1eg a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approva.t,Engineel'.s (.public uorks) reyiew and approvai,'i ii"iiiini'bepa"t*ent f:]::-::.H"ll!h ?:?r"tm6nt review, and'a_review by the BuildinsueparEmenr' ffe estinated time for a total review iray take as l6ngas three weel(s. f]] cgrrngrgial (large or sma'il) and ail murti-famiry permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requireminli. "nesidential :ll.:T:l]-p"gi"!E.shoutd take a lesser amount of time. However, irresroen!lar or smarler projects impact the various above mentioniddepartments with reoard to-necessary review, the;; pilj;.[i'*valso take the three-week period Every.attempt wrlll be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as sgon as possible. - I, the f-rame.. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time ln*t*d re*"*- Agreeo to by. llovt k Cavde..t Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. 75 rculh ttonlagc road Y!ll, color.do 81657 (30:t) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 oftlice of conrnunlty devclopmcnl TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENILYL REGISTERED TIITII TEETOWN OF VAIL TOIIN OF VArL PUBLIC IIORKS/COMMI'NITY DEVEIOP!,IEM! I,IARCII t 6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIATJ STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soifr-roci, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash lurnpster3, portaure ioiie* ;;e---workrnen vehicles. upon-any streetl =ia"waircl-;ri;y or publicpl?g" or any portion rheieof. rhe righr:;l;;;-;n all rown ofVail streets and.Igags is approiinately 5 ft. off pavement.Thlg ordinance wirr. be. stri;lrt -eneorcia by the-rown of vailPubric lforks DeDartment. persins found vi6ratine this ordinancewilr_ be siven a- zc rr""i-'.i;l;;";;i;;1;-;;;;;;"="id rnareriar.In the event the person so notified_does not cornply with thenotice within the- 24 rrour tine-=p""iii"a,"ii.-iiliic wortcsDepartment wirr rernove said nate;i;i-;i-ih;';d;;e or personnotified. The provisions ot [tis ord.inance sharr not beapplicabre to c-onstruction, riiri"r"nce or repair projects ofany street ,or al1ey or any utilities in irre-iltni_"_r".y. To-review Ordinance No. 6 in full,Vail BuiLding Department to obtaincooperation on this rnatter. please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your Read and acknowledged by:Yn^ /'* Y_ a v t'w, tlF t+ (2o* f 6Ll, tF ( i. e. contractor, ohrner)r lmn 75 roulh lronlrge ro.d Yill, colondo 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3(xl) 47S2139 olfice ol community developmenl NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OT{NER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of Vail Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adequately established proper drainage fron buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. Tbe Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads orstreets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Tolrrn of Vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. please caff 479-2160 torequest an inspection from the public Works Department. AIIow a mi-nimum of 24 hour notice. AIso, the Town of Vail public Works Department will be approvingal-I final drainage and culvert installation with resulting roadpacching as necessary. Such approval- must be obtained prior toFjnal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. / TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MET'ORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name:tlot Dal'€: e /t YES 1) 2l ls this a nsw residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the dght of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different aocess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easem€nts, or public property? 3) 4l s) 6) 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit, required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to b€ used for staging, parking or fencing? . B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? .{-y9u- a19wer9d y"s to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Publlc Work's office or at C9-ryry1ttV Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Insp€ctor, at 479-218. I have read and answered allthe above questions. ,'til PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE --,_ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 I JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEU tr FRAMING r.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL \"e-neenoveo _'//, \ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Category Number C"ign Review Action tt TOWN OF VAIL Date E'2/'#4- Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchiiecVContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description tot /t41 zone District O Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staf Action uorionuy, h{^I ilr&uo K vote: seconded ort Bol hrt^t-*, ffnpprovat ! Disapproval n Staft Approval o er/ .frP nf,rfu,{ Conditions: f JA^ Weltut, '/ z" v l"" /n), Town Planner oa"' 7' 2l-11 DRBFee p,,.p id liq| // t 6t //'i a d @ @ @ -/;v-*" ZYon,.,/*4>f w4ilry A ",,qtffiUry'hiJu 11-s)/,,r, ! 6-r un) ,Qou ,y' -,-@:-U--" , n 7 in* Qh//, -' @ ;/'u^{'4, ?'*'r}s;4t e\zx',/at^t5 ln f('-.n q.l] h g #,- ann^^),aX/*rt; uJan, .n, ,.ho.( Fp^" -fu n ffi6r"u:^ .,), A fiwrry^fu ^T 'wtI fr t D@4il?( ,a 5 ?o{i,?- dlrA>^r t 4"k Xut^r>r' /n 4,&/ -6{"1r(4 lb \-#Y%rwktss \ lo?ta Wtrfry (n-t^ /;". ,19'yts' n) i A,,JPS't' (^t' pk o r tul,\ ; *'v"$ --- -r'M1 (nz 16,* , ''/r',2lf6T e"r,r.#._r f(^ (,t^' :ew/w"^' ilt^e*kr W'flnP--"^AluQ *,{ +4q (!(6 n /ty 1. L ttNo'' I /< A1( :/tn-(Fw ^ l^kA/ f,K NYIT\\tL \ o 0fl". ^^^.,,Mo/ *I-\\ ^in ('&\u'*(* /* W' ^dtd Woyf il"'"'fu )d;tk; Ir*4r';-yy(ffi\ \r(* rt)& dvuututrgtrag. -"8/, /),,- '\ ,t "(*>*U, { i,, -ytdul^rg' grirf'. X'/-/,)^r/G August l1,lYn Randy Stouder Town of Vall Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 'af i" =iil!ttiX "i I finttDAY Hou$b " Condmninhrm Rentals utith all the feeling of Honle." - 5ZT fNfi',r,- " ,-../' -r- I Dear Randy, In response to your letter of August 10: 1) On the dte plan- '.rt. ,\'. t. Jl- *t lt A. I have attadted a smsll site plan and survey showing the current conditions and a modlfied site plan of the new addition. B. The handicap ramp is shown on the new site plan. C. The landscaping is indicated on the site plan. No existing landscaping will be disturbed. D. The site plan ls detailed and the slate tiles were indicated on the plan you have. 2) I left the Town of Vail plans In your office. They are accurate with the exception of the sH locker that ls noted on Shelly Mello's memo that is attached to the plans. 3) The front elevation on the site plan has been modified and a side elevation has been added. 4) The windows and doors will be custom built to match the rendering. The doors will be fabricated in Denver and win be glass with wood frame to match Ore existing butlding. The windows will be fabricated on site and witl be wood ftame with duel pane gtass panels. 5) The photos of the existing entry are attached. 6) The site lmprovement survey is not required per our conversation and the buildable area and total lot area are noted on Shelly Mello's merno which accompanied the building plans you have. According to Shelly's memo we may not have adequate common space available to ext€nd the entry as proposed. Could you verify her figures and advise me of your opinion. If we need to apply for a variance we would like to do so immediately and, ln the meantime, we would like to get the planter and slate tile for the deck approved so we can proceed with that phase. Yours truly, The Holiday Ilouse Condomlnium Assodadon Bruce Gillie 9 Vall Road . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3O3-479-7[OO . 800-872-7221 A-ot,/ 15 A,tt aY .A 1/ |Ht( pla,^^ trRiriiT=@ffi=-- r it'tinu Au6rsfml TOV.COlI/ll,,l.CIEV, DEPI IA-&- /\i./rQ- o-,v! ,A*l*k* fu 6 f>tr,+ o-\e- "-#reJ- l/l<- rwey [-*"- pfu J f) ^ t,. ^,i ^aA ,tttA o /).^ut D /6N F4w</a OA! n& "+ lzD-S-z oe \ &-,^&!-n' )J-f ,^r).^. fldt ^Lt-ra uo? lAUUBld urvtol rapnols {pueH 'Iplacu!S 'qplep osaql ol uo[ueup rno{.ro; slueLll 'luaurdoleneg firunuuog uro.rl lsenber e {;a;eu sl il 'tce[o.td eql uo ueuJelgnbel e lou sl sll.l1 'peceldet s; ;pan Ougu;elel Jor.llo oql lBLll otxll otues oql lP llg^ sltll ecedo.t ol llun oql lo lsu^ o otll tlll,l Ilo/ul ol ued ino,( uo sldureDe ^ue elepeJdde plno^ | 'lpdel ;o elels tood E u! pup peuot-fup I;ercnes st llBrur slrll 'uelsls lle^ Duluplet lsoutuJolsa^ poJoll-ofrlq oql passncslp osp aM . 'onssr srql o^losoJ ol oru lpo oseold 'uolllppp aql uo pesn aq plno^ leql pUolBuJ 6up;s penodde ue qcleut ol osnoq erll uo Fulpls bullslxe eq1 ecelde.r ol oq plno^ uopdo teqlouy 'pootir{1d 6u;eq lnoqpn 6u;p;s Dullslxo aql lo lool or.ll qqeu 'qqgssod se {;asop sE lll/'^ 1eql uosol.ls oq plnoqs Outpts to adr{1 penordcle up 'snql 'u/'^of ol.ll utqlu\ letJoleu Eulpllnq penoldde uP lou s! 111.-1 'mou1 no{ sV 'aousplser Dulslxe aql qepur plno,r uorlppe eq1 uo pecegd aq ol pualeu Eulpls eql leql pelels osnoq aril ol uol1ppp or.ll rol uopeclpde oqi 't I t-f sl ilun eq1 uo 6u;qs 6ugls1xe eq1 'eils-uo possncsp ern sy '{ep;.tl lspl ocuapFet uueuOo.ty oLll lB our qlrn 6ulgeeu Jot slueql :a^als Jeeo trggtrg 63'a16e3 6 xog 'o'd ulosl o ols t66t '9t lsnbny .i,il t7ilU rry"M ^d)w-u L0'r Rtcr FEB 1 51995 /.#' i I 3olo %;;f,,. \ \ e e'" "( d..., ry, .!c i-,, --.-= .';' SCAlr; SCALE ' i Ihlt t )eJr6 ! 6e'oa' J6'' ? N 6t'26'3/'l j cuort ofL tn ttaolus\ , 36.00'!5. '/5.0A t f>l. grrdn I liei.Y. . Iree'r" eolorrdo. do h6r.bY ...lalY undcr .v suPctvlllon and ![p.ov..oni! 'corract !o tha b.!t ot !v lno' info.!la!Ion Inttr-llount!In .ondonlnlunl ,naD fo! TllB HOL Paa. 936' R.ccDllon No. t23?9 ! '\ STORY wLDtNo 'TIE IfrLIDAY HA.EE, { s CrE r'lo REcnEn's Ctfflrlcfitl Thlr Pl.i tat tllad for Ecord l. thc o'clocl -i..- !oot---, P.9!- t",t\: ./'- \, r ^ 0 '--'v' .-\ -i DING ai-:. p) v"P\t\) 4 't i, '{i r\aqot { P ?a d o 2 a- ,ll { UI 8sF-- o H r-qa:R* rn Ns N a9\(s )\o\?-\q ',\ (n\A rn' (r\'z- o \?) 'i I AtJ|il ,, ),Jea r " !.! lt..,vr,ti,t, u./, UipT, t{o 9\ otc(. - 2r." ( 8/25/eO Holiday House Storage Area Addition Lot Size: 28,347.31 sq. ft. (Taken fron plat map on record) Allowable GRFA: 22,677.8 sq. ft. (based on 80* of lot size) Actual GRFA: Ground 01 83642 85923 65614 4282s,/Loft 2853TOTAL 30,652 sq. Allowable Site Coverage: Actual Site Coverage 1990 addltion TOTAL X, latk -t,$ob\e L5,591 sq. ft (Based on 55t) 12, O8O 38 12, 118 rt. 0t[/ Allowable Conmon Area: 4535 sq. ft. (Based on 20* Connon Area) Actual common Area: Ground looo (does not i.nclude parking area) 1 12852 74L3 6334 4025/Loft 428TOTAL 4489 1990 addition 38TOTAL 4527 Sr/PYrfl t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 1 39 FAX 303-479-2452 August 10, 1994 Department of Community Development Mr. Bruce Gilley 9 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Bruce: Thank you for your letter of August 1, 1994 which accompanied the application to remodel the entrance way at the Holiday House. I have completed a preliminary review of your application and need the following information in order to analyze your request and prepare for the Design Fleview Board (DRB) meeting which is currently scheduled for September 7, 1994. 1. Site Plan: A. Show existing conditions, including current location of the enlr;rway, patio area and adjacent rock walls in relation to property lines. Show the proposed changes and configuration to the entryway and the location ol the new planter. B. Please provide details on lhe location, dimensions and slope of the proposed handicapped ramp. C. Indicate the location of existing landscaping materials in the vicinity of the proposed improvements. D. Draw the site plan with as much detail as possible including notes describing the renovation, i.e. add a note showing where the slate tiles are proposed. 2. Floor Plans - Floor plans documenting the existing conditions within the hotel, clearly designating accommodation units from common areas. Please check your existing floor plans to ensure that they adequately reflect the existing conditions at the hotel. Existing floor plans should show underground parking levels and clearly indicate the number of parking spaces that are provided on- site. 3. Elevations - The rendering you supplied me with does not malch the front elevations shown on the plans. Please modify the front elevation and provide a typical side elevation for the proposed addition. Mr. Gilley August 10, 1994 Page Two 4. Please complete the materials list, especially with regard to windows, window trim, doors and door trim. Examples in the lorm of pictures or manufacturer's brochures would be very helPful. 5. A couple of photos of the existing conditions at the entryway would be helpful. I still have some photos from the previous application to repaint, but do not have any photos of the entryway area. 6. Please provide a site improvement survey, stamped by a registered surveyor. This survey should show the buildable area and total lot area. please submit the requested information as soon as possible. As mentioned above, I have scheduled the applicalion for review by the DRB on Septembet 7,'1994. Keeping this date depends upon a timely submitlal of the requested information. I would request that you supply the information no later than three weeks prior to the DRB hearing. Thank you for your timd ind attention to these details. Please call me at 479-2138 if you arry questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, ?ilt,fr=4 Randy Stbuder Town Planner August lrlD4 Randy Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO E1657 o OLIDAY HOUSE o H " Condaninium Rentals toith cll the feeling of Home." 3zT fs,A|]O ' iOv. Dear Randy, Please find attached an appllcation for desigr reyiew of the proposed entry modification to the Holiday House. The elements of the renov4(on are: 1) New rock wall and planter to the existing driveway planter and replace the wooden fence. 2) New slate tile surface on th d steps to replace the outdoor carpet. 3) Extend the front entry to th ne of the current overhang and provide a rnore attactive entry with river rock, stucco did larger wlndows. 4) Add a hardicap ramp to bring the entrance of the building into compliance with fte Americans with Disabilities Act Overall it will provide a rnuch more attractive frontage onto Vail Road and will continue to enhance Ore outside appearanoe of the building as the new paint and roof did earlier this sunmer. Please contact me atSfil-5200if your need any additional materials and to let me know the reacfion of the staff and the DRB. Please advise me of the meedng schedule so that I can make arrangements to attend. Thank you for your cooperafion. Association 9 Vail Road . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3o3-479-7'l.oo c 8oo-872-7221 rovissd .grlfll-l.._,=-(=* -: ",' I 'i tg. r. r'rs optrI glTff i#"T ilr BE AccEprr"j 0V . Uf r..., rl, Jc,V, lJ-EPl uNrrrr Art RE9UTRED rNr.oRMAtroN rs sus${rrbEp********** PRO.JBCT INTORMATION: DRB APPI,ICATION - TO!{N.OF VAII.,, DATE APPLICATION RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: RRnRsrcN oF FpnNT Er{'Pqy. ROCK WAr.L {NDFRONT DECK. EXTEND ENTRY TO EXTSTTNG ROOF LINE, FACE WITH RIVER ROCK AND STUCCO TO MATCH PLANTERS. TNSTALL HANDICAP RAMP AND SURFACE DEEft WITH SAIIDSTONE SLATE. B.TYPB OF REVIBW: New Constrr.lct,ion ($200. O0)Minor Alt,eration ($20 .00) xx Addition ($50.00)Concept,ual Review ($0) C. ADDRESS:9 E. ZONING: A. DESCRIPTION-: PLANTER AROUND D. LEGAL DBSCRIPTION: r,ot L_8, C_ Block Subdivision varr. vrr.r.acr: .rNn F,rr.rNc If property is_described. by a rneets and bound,s legaldescripeion, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. LOT ARBA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentlot area. .65 ACRES NAME OFMailing Phone'(303)827-5200 T NAMB OF OWNERS *SIGNATURE(S): Mailing Addres : q vaTr,..RD vaTT.f . crl A1652 Phone ?o3_a"!r_"100 Condom-inlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of DRB application. Lit,er, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of t.he proposal . The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according- to the table be1ow, to t ,ensure the correcr fee is paid ^ 47nrpg gftlq/ FEE SCHEDULE: FEE PAID: $ .JU. ' il'ktllVALUATION FBE fl .,, "$ o - $ 1o,ooo $ 20.00 T(L$10r001 -$ 50,ooo $50.00.$50,001 -$ 150/000 $100.00 $150,001_ - $ 500, 000 $200.00 $500, 001 - $1,000, 000 s400.00$ Over $1, 000,000 $500.00 * DESTGN REvrElr BOARD APPRovAr. ExPrREs oNE YEAR ArrER rrNAL JTPPRo\IAL UNLEss A.BUILDTNG PERMIT rs rssuED AIID coNsrRUCTfON rS STARTED. **NO APPITCAIION WTLL BE PROCESSED }|ITIIOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE.\-.. L APPLICANT' S REPRDSBNTATIVB: prNNAr'r.F pFcORTSAddress: p-o nox zqqe, yart., o; g165g J.- Mailing Address: q tArL Rp-ffi II. PRE-APPLICATTON MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment. with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note. that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARD]NG ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meet.ing submittal requirements, t.heapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. A1] Lrees to be removed nust be taped. A11site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normalJ-y requirestwo separaLe meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants shoufd plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. C. ApplicanLs who fail to appear before t.he Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administ.rator, be approved by t.he Community Development Department. staff (i.e. a formal_ hearingbefore Lhe DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylight.s and similar exterior changes whj-ch do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addiLion proposals not visible from anyother loL or public space. At the t.ime such aproposal is submitted, applicants nust includefetters from adjacent. property owners and/or fromthe agent for or nanager of any adjaeent, condominium association stating the association approves of t.he addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris fJ-ow,wetland, etc) r a hazard sLudy must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a To$rn planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans t,he insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed Iine on the site plan afour foot distance from t.he exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. rv. O NEW CONSTRUCTION A.Three copies of a recent toposraphic survev, stamped bva Liggn.sed survevor, at a scale of t,t = 20, or larger,on which the following information is provided: 1. Lot area Two foot contour intervals unLess the parcelconsists of 5 acres or more, in which case, 5,contour intervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees having t,runkswith diameters of 4'r or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfealures (large boulders, internittent strearns,etc. ) . Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfaIl, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, required creek orst,ream set,back, 100-year flood plain and slopes of40E or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, eit.her USGS Land.markor sewer invert. This informat,ion should beclearly stated on the survey so that aLl measurements are based on the same starting point.This is part.icularly important for heightmeasurements. See policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be shown b. Exact. location of exist.ing uLility sourcesand proposed service Lines from their sourceto the structure. Utilities to incLude: 3. 5. Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water Gas Electric B. c. Show all ut.ility meter locations, includingany pedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent Lo the site. Revocablepermits from the Town of Vail are requiredfor improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing must be shown. e. A11 easements (Tit.Ie report must also includeexisting easement Locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street/ and a minimum of one spo! elevation on either side ofthe lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines. Site Plan 1. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off sit,e. b. Proposed driveways. Percent, slope and spot,elevaLions must be shown. AII exist,ing irnprovements including struct,ures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,walks, drivewaysr off-street parking, loadingareas, retaining walls (with top and bottom ofwal1 spot elevatj.ons), and other existing site improvements. 2. I Elevati3. odqes (wions of top of roof ri th existinq and proposed qrades shown underneath). These eLevations and grades must be provided j-n orderfor the staff to determine building height. AtIridge lines should be indicated on the site p1an. Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated on the site plan wiLh corresponding finished andexisting grade elevations. Driveway grades may not exceed 88 unless approvedby t.he Town Engineer. c.Landscape Plan (!tt = 20t or larger) - 3 copies required The following information must, be provided on the landscape plan. The locat.ion of existing 4,,diameter or J.arger trees, the location, size,spacing and type (common and latin narne) of allexisting and proposed plant material . All treesLo be saved and to be removed must also beindicated. The plan must also differentiat,e between existing and proposed vegetation. Complete t.he attached landscape materials list. The location and t.ype of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring forplant material following its instaflation. Existing and proposed contour lines. 4 NOTE:In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development. proposal components, please incorporate asmuch of t.he above information as possible onto the siteplan. 3. Reductions of al] elevations and the site plan (g- L/2tt x LL") for inclusion in pEC and/or TownCouncil memos nay be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing naterials and material colorsshal1 be specified on the attached materials list.This materials list must be completed andsubmitted as a part of DRB application. Co1orchlps, siding samples etc.l should be presented tothe Design Review Board meeting. ?one check list (attached) must be completed if project.is locat,ed within the Single-Family, Primary,/Secondiryor Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where appticable, ofadjacent struct.ures. D.Siqn off from each utilitv companv verifying thelocation of utility service at.tached) . and availability (see A preliminarv title report must accompany allsubmittals, to insure property ownership and locationof all easements on property. ArchitecturaL Plans (L/8" - Lr or larger, I/4tt ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and al_l elevations of theproposed development. Elevat,ions must show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One set of fLoor plans must be "red-lined" to showhow the gross resident.ial floor area (GRFA) wascalculated. It I. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require t.hesubnission of additional p1ans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether aproject will comply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and the location (sit,e plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirement,s set forth above, provided all importantspecificat,ions for the proposal including coLors andmaterials to be used are submitted. VI. ADDITIONS _ RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original fLoor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/8" = It or larger(L/4', = I, is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construct.ion. Indicat.e roof ridge elevationswit,h existing and proposed grades shown underneat,h. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specifications for all mat.erials and. color samples onmateriaLs list. (attached) . At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also berequired to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservice and availability. See aCtacned utilitylocation verification form. H. A site improvement, survey, stamped by regist.eredprofessional surveyor - I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists all easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued, and construct.ion isunderway, and before the Building Depart,ment will schedule aframing inspection, t.wo copies of an fmprovement, LocationCertificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer rnust be submitEed. The followinginformation must be provided on the ILC: Building location (s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. Building dimensions to the nearesL tent,h of a foot. AII utility service line as-builts, showing type ofmaterial used, and size and exact location of lines. Drainage as-builts. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. AII property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvement survey. AIl easements. Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevat,ionswith existlng and proposed grades shown under the ridgelines. A. B. c. D. G. H. VTII.coNcBPTUAt DET REVIEW A.Submittal requirements: The owner or aut.horized agentof any project requiring design approval as prescribedby this chapter may submit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department, of Community Development. The conceptual -review isint.ended to give t.he applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibifity of their proposal vrit,h the Town, sDesign GuideLines, This procedure is recommendedprirnarily for applicat.ions more complex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developersof single-fanily and t.wo-family projects shall not beexcluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. Complete applications musL be subrnitted 1-0 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shalL be submitted for aconceptual review 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimumscale of one inch equals twenty feett 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior naterialsand a descript.ion of the character of the proposedstruct,ure or structures.. 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of thezone district in which t.he project is to be.located (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculat,ions, number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed DRB applicaLion form. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application forconceptual design review, the Departnent of Community Development shall review the submitted mat.erials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shall be forwarded to the DRB for concept,ualrevi.ew. If the application is not generally incompliance with zoning code requirements, theapplication and submittal mat,eriaLs shall be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whythe Community Development Depart,ment staff has foundthe project not to be in compliance with zoning codereguJ.rements. Once a complete apptication has beenreceived, the DRB shal1 review the submitted conceptualreview application and support,ing mat.erial in order t,odetermine whet.her or not the project generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote onconcept.ual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shall be present aL the DRB hearinq. B. LTST OF MATERTALS NAME OF PROJECT: HOLIDAY HOUSE ENTRY REMODEL LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII: LOCBC ELOCX SUBDMSTON @._.Y.TLLAGE ND o STREET ADDRESS: 9 VAIL. RD, VATL. co DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: REMODEL FRONT ENTRY OF HOLIDAY HOUSE CONDOS required for submittal to the Designapproval can be given: TYPB OF MATERIAL COLOR The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING I4ATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Mat.erials Fascia Soffits Windows window trim t/ar[ Doors Door Trim MoJ Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses tr F tr ?blont other EI LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TRBBS Botanical Name Common Name OuantiLy Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED * Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for trees.nr rerou . Indicate height, f,or coniferous PLANT MATERIAT? PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanicar Name "o**on Jr"Ouantitv Size* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qallon.of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS SOD J Il11IJ TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: ff exterior tighting is proposed, please show the number of fixt.ures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the light.ing planon the list below and provide t.he erattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirnmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicat.e heights of retainingwal1s. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maxinum height of wall-s elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. oo UTTLITY LOCATION VERIFTCATION SUBDIVISION .JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availabitity of utilities, whether they be maintrunk Jlrug or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communi.cations r-800-922-L987 458-6850 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-57 81 Gary HaIl Holy Cross ELectric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt. . Upper Eagle Valley Watere Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred HasLee NOTE: 1. This form is t.o verify service availabiLit,y andlocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your utility plan and schedulinginstallations . 2. For any new conatruction proposal, the applicantmust provide a completed utility verification form. 3. If a utility company has concerns with theproposed construction, t.he utility representativeshould not directly on the utility verificationform that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out. indetail in an attached letLer to the Town of Vait.However, please keep in mind that it is theresponsibility of the utilit"y company t.o resolveidentified problems. 4. ff the utility verification form has signaturesfrom each of the utility companies, and no comments are made direct,Iy on the form, the Townwill presune that there are no problems and t.hat, the development can proceed. 5. These verificati.ons do not relieve the contractorof his responsibility Lo obtain a st.reet cutpermit from the Town of Vail, Departrnent of public Works and to obtain utilitv locations beforediqqinq in any public right-of-way or. easement inthe Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not, a.street cut permit. A street cut permit. must be obt,ained separately. * Please bring a site plan, floor p1an, and el-evations whenobtaining Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanit,ation signatures. Firefl.ow needs must be addressed. DATE: TEGAL DESCRIPTION: ZONE CHECK FORR, R P,/S ZONE DISTRICTS Lot_Block_Filing o SFR, ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT PHCJNE PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Allowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed TotaI Height ToLal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks 425 = +425= Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaII Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental,/Haz ards : 3t /6' Reqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200) Pernitted Slope 8* Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes No 20t 1qt 15' (30) (s0) .,.,., 1) rlood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic llazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) RockfalIc) Debris Flow 4 ) Wet.lands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the alLowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections L8.i*2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Famity and Primary/Secondary which are less than15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Departnent, nay grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the bpplicant meets the criteria set forth underSections and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code includingpermanentry restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for furl-ti:ne employees of the Upper Eagle Va11ey. TO: MIKE McGEE TODD OPPENHEIMER Relurn lo .MNDY. sr9uDER Town Planner DATE SUBMITTEO: coMMENrs NEEDED By: t$l&f BRIEF DESCRIPTTON OF THE PROPOSAL: Enginooring: Reviewcd by: Commcnts: Tem Datc: 4lth4 i?andl - ftut rs irrre wit{rcrrcprrearqRvd Landscaping: Rcviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commonts: Dalc: Dalc: Distributcd to tho Fire Doparlment, public Works, and Landscaping on TO: Enginooring: Rcviewed by: Commcnts: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commcnls: Landscaping: GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Relurn lo .RANDY STOUDER Town Planncr .PROJECI DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTTON OF THE PROPOSAL: INTER:DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Dalo: Dalc: {"+' oaw: K-31-7y' C/,PLh'otns-/' - Distributed to the Fire Department, pubric works, and Landscaping on q€ A,b ap) - 6c(w aqot { u ?td o 2 E ,tl )ct( I I /) ///L;/ r,',\>/* Itn\/v/q'iv |.}l NsN aT\(D 9\2 D ,'t" \, I Urr. '- \ \(t) \ IA!0 'j 7 .,jj .,., ;.,. t,, - r /,,.jtl_[, DING t .t ^6cl*U" .' t{o (n o.J6: i-' a lU* b,. j.{ SIt\* 0 La., I ,al{ ' ttto \#1"-t-..lbrt() l\- sronY \ e- I lo,tlli .;l:4iL sL,ll t Ittt r',r't1.4; I ) &'O' J6't ? N til '.'6 1' cltm ^io rEonDn's cttTlflc rt: Ihli Pl.t r.5 fllcd tor rtco|{ lr th' o'cloct _li. ,- I ,.,'4r trit4 r)!tlt):;-\ t ,'to'tt :r, tro av |. tlrrrr, I. n'.Ir7. . ha|,, ' 'i;lor.'10. 'lo h.ir.uY ,trtrrt 'urlldr' .'y ouirorv r6lon aDd tnl,.ovo.Enl!, oncroach..rnLo ?i('aarc! to iht htr! ot rY kn,, lrfotnriiorr Inttr_llounttrn .r,n.lo.tnlu. eoa' lo. TllE llul PaBc 936, n cet't, ion ilo. r?5?: J q AtrprviewAction *t TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvffr\_-- LegalDescription:tot 440 Block j -Zon" Di"trirt€- Project Street Address: Commenls: 'ff( 1'?/W wa {nqg{* ,r;^;t-" O"Ylut\y /, " Ano/447, i/k 'l YIr"^ f @t. ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval se.onoeff: IACCroval Conditions: fottDAYHouS t'Condoninium Rentals uith all the feeling of Home!' :zT fsd lrAY 1 3 199{ Attached is the revised drawing of the Holiday llouse repainting proposal. The changes in- dude: * Painting the balconies the dark wood color + Resizing the small window over the door to bring them to scale * Representation of the wood window trim as discussed in the last meeting * Representafon of the barnwood accent under the small wlndows as discussed. By the date of the next meedng there should be examples prepared on the font of the bdtding for your inspecdon. I will again be out of town for the meeting but Rob LeVine should be available if you think this is necessary. Please try to give him adequate notice ifhis presence is going to be required at the meeting. Thank you for your cooperation. 9 vall Road . vall, Colorado 81657 . 3o3-479-77oo . 8oo-872-7221 MEMORANDUM TO: Randy Town of Vail Community Development FR: Bruce Gillie The Holiday House RE: Repalndng Date: 5ll3&4 t I TOV.COMI\4. DEV, DEPI