HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 GORE CREEK PUMP HOUSE LEGALCONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE D^rE 9/L6/83 ii.,,f ) I l [n lnaPz departmentbf mmmunity development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT u E D E}trtr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LEGAL DESC. LOT BL K FILING Vail Village Znd JOB NAME: Gore Creek pumphouse OWNER MA.LADDRE'' Box 7 crry VaiI, 81658 pH 476-560.| ARCHITECT rrnu J. A. White & Assoc. Lt 34-6i 19 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu Dougan qongt. Co. to** or uor. ^ec. "o. 221-A rELE. 303-753-1000 ELECTR'ICAL CONTRACTOR F'RM Vail Associates Inc TowN oF vArL REc. No. 105-A rELE. 476-560] PLUMBING CONTRACTOR t,*" lone TOWN OF VAII= BEG-NO. TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR F'RM Vail Associates Inc rowru or ver nee. ruo. 107=A rFr F 476-5601 OTHER CONTRACTOR F|RM none TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TELE. th. r. wPE oF coNsrRucnor r@rr rv v a.occuPANcYGRouP o@rn r *fr DtvtstoN ,,ut@ GENERALDEScBrprlqNgFwoRK. c4st in.P]aqq concreEe Dut ldtnq. set 'lnto n] llsld€ PERMIT NO. zotr BUITOING 125,000 ELECTRICAT 20,000 PLUM BING none MECHANICAL 60,000 equi pment TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 1l B-4 -0-125,000 BUILOING PERMIT 495.50 lceK|j\ \ $r. *- rfi <ralxlnl #\lvt PLAN CHECK 322.00 ELECTRICAT 240 .00 N€W( X) ALTERATTON ( ) ADDTTTONAL ( ) REpAtR(PLUMBING D*ELLTNG uNrrs o ^""o""ooo'o* ,*,r" o HETGHT rN Fr. 18 l:5.1 No. FTREpLAcEs 0- MECHANICAL 600.00 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE D€SIGN REVIEW BOARO 50.00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 500.00 EXr wALLs I stvrofdam I " | 2.4-4 USE TAX 625.00 ELEC, X wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 2,832.50 )Y..*-- f6dh*zJ "l llefV>..L__ ,lLDf NG OFFf Cf AL J/Z/.DATE INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE ".orr,"n 0,$\'/,lY74Tl ]NING & BUILDING NOTES: 'o"*,"c (lYl.X\ \Y) lN$ DEIVO N- a^'t\ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informalion provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other o Vail Associates Inc. Box 7, Vail, Co. 81658 ces of the Town applicable thereto. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT gf community dwelopment ro eg rtuteo burcoMpLETELy pRroR To rssuANcEoF pERMrr TYPE OF PERMIT NOTE DATE ,fi._ COPY OF PERMIT TO 8/25/ 83 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ').s? uuJ-t+ / 7 nE D trt} E_t BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LEGAL DESC. BLKLOT FtLtNG Vall Village 2nd JOB NAME: Gore Creek Pumphouse OWNER NAME Vall Associates- Tm. MAIT ADDRESS BOX 7 clrY Vail. 8l-658 PH,476-560L ARCHITECT FIRM J.A. White & Assoc. Ltd. MArL ADDRE55 12 York Street Ottawa. Ontarlo 6l-3- ClrY CAtrIADA K1N5S6PH. 1)ar.-6"119 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FtnM Dougan ConqtJuctjan lea-, TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 22L- A rELF 303-752-1000 ELECTRIGAL CONTRACTOR prnu Vail Associates. Inc. rowN oF vanLnGL-No-_ IQZ-A w, r 476-56OI PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM None TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FtRM Val1 Assoclates, Inc. TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. --lQ]:A rELE 476-560I OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM None TOWN OF VAIL FIEG. NO TELE. lht prl.l.rylva I \\ r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON @n rv v ,2.OCCUPANCVGRouP &"rd otvtstoN ,rr"$ cENERAL OESCRIPTION OF wORK : -IASLE=Ln:PleqLconcrete bulldins- aet lnto hlllside PERMIT NO. z tr J BUILDING 12s-000 ELECTRICAL 20, 000 PTUMBING None MECHANICAL 60,000next to bikepath, housing snownaklng equipment . TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMTT FEa ,-fr R-.1 l-@-l).d.ooo BUILOING PERM IT A7s,gc) PLAN CHECK ?J2. oc) ELECTRICAL 5 </o.oo NEw( l0 ALTERATION ( ) AOOITIONAL ( ) REPAIR( )PLUM BING DwELLTNG uNrrs -O- eccor,,uloDATroN uNITs --0- HErcHr rN Fr. 181:9" No. FTREpLAcEs 0 MECHANICAL 6 oa. ao ffofi€ fie$EEE__ INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD sa. ao FLooR I none I i CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT soo.ao Exr, wArLs I styrofoad 1,, I 2.4_4 USE TAX 3 as, oo ROOF TYPE OF HEAT GAS TOTAL PERMTT FEES-'3 2.da wooD AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: Y N.' INITIAL.r.crr lXl | , UILDING OFFICIAL -4.*giet ADMINISTRATOR BLASTING Y ONING & BUILOING NOTES:r^"-^" i I Y DEMO Yr' I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, UniJorm Building Code and other ordj,;rances oJ the Town applrlable thereto. SIGNATUF,E OF OW AND THE OWNER. ,*r#"rroN REouEsr OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION;TUES .WEDMON THUR 1nu PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr ]NSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQI'EST TOWN OF VAIL t ". t. t -,;', ,t -i.a- ,, -,- --. _.{t PM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIWED ,] BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELE trl trF tr( d_ trF GTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL d/Rppnoveo coRRecTlorus: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / r --t -ii ....* . i.. ,. ,'t' 'tr/- ,i Z-. -"' r- :t 4DATE INSPECTOR :ri tr-1 2 /4t /s;, INSPECTION: JOB NAME .---:1([o-ry-' CALLER TUES DATE FRI INSPECTION REQI..}EST TOWN OF VAiL orr' C, *o /C-fto-*" WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr o tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o,;:e /D-Z"tt4z rNsPEcroR lb f r li.. it JOB NAME Oc/s'23 (&.,'.. f'r- o*, t,# DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . 'y r7 - 'y'<:::: / / INSpECTfoN: ftil ruES, wED THUR FRr ,.,,irl lt-'+ ,lTi pM ,4-l .t"r ft Et;T t/Jr,a r' l.;)'" -' ,.. , /o ' '" CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: fr roorrr.ros / srEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND .tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr cl tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL g f-] tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r:l tr SUPPLY AIR tl tr El},ilL tr FINAL Wppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,(' L'' '*6 3DATE INSPECTOR .,{&; i-,!G :TTI' l|, JOB NAME * /'f ),t * .2? . INSPECTION(a,.,/r, ,7.-_./i._ TOWN OF //"J ,1-..srrr- €r REQUESTvAlL | ., 2. ir,,AM (U DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:(aF@*FRI t/. BUILDING: {roorrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, r] ROUGH / WATERtr D tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL E /..; u,/ ."",,-,{:, fr, "* i a 6 FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr tr E tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o u#t tr FINAL '--ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR f i _ As hereby amended, sald Owncrs do heroby ratlfyrconflrrn a.nd adopt tha oHrer provisions of said ;ritecttvi'of YaIl Village. Second Ailtng. aPProve, covenanta Dated thlE l5th day of, ,tunc, 1964.j I A \0 VATL WATER A.\D STATE OF coLoRADO )CITY & CCONTS OF DEI{yER ) s8 Acknov,/ledged;'Ut.;:"1,{hr' 1a!ftrt!%3: t'<:o'-lr '+;iil'+$ . Seibere, ag srATE or cor,oRADo )cITv & couNTY OF DEITVER ) 8s Acknowledged before meby Keith L. Browrr as preeident of tne6s ny hand and official comnLgelon e:qrlres August artnershlp. tneaa my hand and official seal- comnl.selon e:glree Augrrst 9, 1965. before me this l5th day General Partner of VatI tt^ i - Vail of, 'trune, 1964, Asaoclates1 Lrtd. I 15th day of .Iune, I9G4,water and Sanltation seal. 9, 1955. aTATS OP Cf)I_otaADcl t-A4Lt CouNTY. I |..rry a.dr, $.r e.,io Carrlt Cr.n ..i r.<Gc.! p:'. _, ticcorded Aucusl 2?r 1981 ll<rok 18J Paea 2.)9 AI{ENDMENT OF PROT},]CTIVE COVENANfS OF VAIL VILIAGE, SECOND FIITINC EAGT,E couNTYr coL,oRADO As to Lot6 ll, 12 and 3I. gald ownete agree thaL thie amendment will be to all owners of'proPerty wlthin vail village, -o I \ -$ wI{ERnAsrVailAssociatcs,Ltd"aLfunltedPartnership' and the vail water anct Sanitation District are the ownerF of 75% oi.'trrt privately owned land lnclurted withln the boundaxles of VaiI vlii"g"- seconcl FiLing' Eagle county. colorado' as described ln tha protectJ.ve correnant6 of VaiL Village, second Filing' recordedl ln ioolc lZa at page 431 in the records of the Clerk and Recordler of, Eagle county, colorado, and WI{EREAS, paragraph 18 of said protective covenantE pernlta the owlrers of 75% of th! plivatety owned land t''lthin eaid fdllng to amend said covenants, and IfHEREAS, vail Aosociates, Ltd' and the Vail Water and sanitation District desire to amend the limitatlons on the usage as to Lots LL, L2 and 31, vail vilLage, sccond Filing so that Lot 31 nay be used by the vail water and sanitation Dl6tric! for such u6es an(l PurPoses as necesaary in their operatlons for sanitary sewage dleposai, anal Lots 1l and 12 may be used fo! the Btorage of fiqufa itop"tt", butane. naturaL gas, or ogher similar gasea' i WIIEREAS , mutually beneficLal second I,'l1ing. NOw TIIEREFoRE, in consideralion of the prenises the own€rs' for thbneelves and thelr reepective grantees, successors' and aseigns do hereby amenal the protective covenants of Vail Village' Second PIIlnglEBglecounty,colorado,astoLotsllr12,andl3l'aafollowgr I.,ot 31, Vail Village, second !'iling may be used for such uses and purposes as necessary in the operatLon of sewage disposal Eysleme' LoeB 11 and 12, vail village, second Fillng . may be uecd, ln adalition to its other usee as Eet , folth ln th€ Protective covenants ' for the stolage' of liquial ploPane, butanel natural !ae; or ottrer ' glmilar gasea. : .tl io-r;i't'- lr' T'/ I.i., 'i iii_,T., ;. 1l - r i_'i i,,,..ii i--l-,t-.1.:f,," tlO \,-iL:ri;l:r:1't:;,, lj'r-iil 1l:.;r:c'.;i..;g;, Li.ri., a i'ir:r'i.i:_,i p::.rincr::h1p, i: iii. .iiit.rt' uf lire iollo,iil:g ucs.:l'ibcci le.i:,ir;: ;i :r;.i'l c'j.:.1::;i.io:l 5 zri:o ll:liioit '/, i'o';n:iriir 5 Sclth, ll,:n.-:r; ti.l r.r. cr;l oi lho Si.::iii l>ii:'ii:ii:::l ],.:i..:ric,i:n, (lo:,tniJ 6i r-ir;,,i1i:, 5i:i'::: of Colora.io, i;ioic iriit.;icLtl.t..iJ ie .;cri;e i i.s i'ollows: lit,:ii:'rc,-,:1-1,),.i',t ,:jlc) itui,tirr:t:'r.,;i (.:oj'i:lj.' o'i ;.;i..j.,- iict:'ii.:in 7; ;if;,.i.li: lj. U0";;11t ,J0,' 8. nii r"'1c:tiy l.lr: i:ll,::i j.it:c of i,'it-'id,*l(;aLi"ri1 '/ i,,:. cii.:lt&i:(:r't r{ ii'7..i0 1,":r.,i i-o i,lil:.1;r'iir lir:c i;f V;rri -ViLli:J'; - li:["ii\1it:;; ii;u:rci: r.i. 7! ':ii..t;i:e r,'s ,.1:L r 1ll:' \i,r . t"i1J l:l c':il\.,-,, ... icrri.i't iine i:.'lil i.rl.i-.ji",-i i.lti-r l>r;.rlh l.';.:irC of ti. S. r i;iir.;i;l iir-r. 5 a lrisilncc i;f !,i;.'1,..'!i:,'ri. lo ilrs V;esL iini: il'i s:.'-d V::i.l VilLiriie -. r'ir;.;i .i:'i1;.1r,1, ;lrti iihr.: Poiiii oi ;jrlr;l.i.1::lag; iir,c"rc: ii.jrj Cccii'i.r-.-l ')1t C0rr ij.ad.ir,L!):lli r:aiii "'".re.;i L,i.rt..: ir cii;i*r:.ce ci',-1t.1.'I'l fr.ci. io ihe. iiot";lr i'L,.rc c,f i.:.i1 'L]iii.-: : - Iii'si; rriii.:l; t-!i.r,.r.ct;\. ?t c;i.i'li:.rtl,: Z'7r Ci" -i''" airii ii:loirii :;-L,i.d.,"ii: -lir lii:':, al l'.iiliiiincr oi :i:ji'. 215 .ic.:i; ;i:;ncc :ii. :a ;c;;ti'cs iJr ''-,i" '''. :r::d :;[.Ji':.-a ]-;:iiii i,Oi'tii iiit: ;,r ,.i;;t:r.:1c,_. Cf iii_. tj1.f,::,.i; il::i:.cct ;f . 4L r.',.ic;i.:;: .lal' ij.-i'i 1: . l,:l Cir;'iai;t.-;,r of ;rl'1i.r. i;U :i - :ri ; t.l-:(-i1:.lo .,.j. 5l cicrl:'er:s C'lt ulJrr \.:'. it, cii':iruicl O:i 'li:. lj i::;.1; iirc.::e ii!. 'i 3 de,-..",:rtJ 00' C,)" 'i'"'. il c:icl:r:r,:: of 1iC. {.;0 icli-; 'i.,i::-:.lr-'' i). ii[r tir,rir:::r:.; C(,\r 00'' ],t . J. rji:i.:.rlr:e oj l.ii5. C; rrl:ri; l'.,-;ruC I:1. '7ll i,:;1,:rtrl i.,l,l' riOrr .:r . " ,,.1;:i-:r.itcr; o::ii.j0.iC fclr:: iilcirel .,.i. (,'l r'l:.'r'-',,:,r'r f.,,r i,-) I '! r, .. r''...'.',rt,ji.j iJl 1.UC.0t i,,i;1.; ,:1i.r.;;:.;,r i,i. ili.:i i_:r.:,;::C,.: 1,-t 11Jr; \. , i i..iiai.rrje o'i r'7J. i-il ;^::i.: "'-':-ii..: *;. J,; ,-,.e.;'r.c':r;'t Ijf ri;,3tt \:.'. ii, ci.:.;i.;r:i:c c;f i55"i-lc j,,:,r,,i; iircEijc i!, 6C 1i';1,1;.'!r:'i ',Cr C0" l, . ir. (j:.:i.i,-'.;-r.,::li Lii -i.75. 'C i:c;; iiiit::;i; ''l . ,:o '-i.crircc.; ,lEt 52f' .i.:1. Lr ,-,,isi.al.n.:fr rtt I'J'i,'l'j ::<,.;ci: ir;i,.i],:r:..:. v ciegi"ccl; crSt il{rrt \'. '-'cliliiiicc oi ;-j, i,i i..r':i.; ;iir:::ttc S. '/! Liir';.i?:.iio.3 J;;l i5" f , . lt. i j.:i:1,t,:r,.r:.: ij: :.,.1. .l;.1 [:rr,:; i.jlr:.:i,:, t:i. ;l.j iji;i',:,,.r:-.".: ,::it d j'' r.'. . ;,. ,- l. :.t::i:..: -i .:i,-|. i'.: ..'. ri ; i.i.,:::.:;., ;... ijj. t':,,-,1'4i..; ti-it ni:; !' , :,...,i.,-ri-;in:': C;.t:'l;].:.l.i,i :lr.,l.:j ;rl,;.:.tt.i;. tri -.ii..,1.:-,:'i -'i t l.l'l" '. . ;,,..:--.-:..-..1:.:::,-l:'-, ,. l-'/ ;i.".1.; ii.i;:1'J.f l1l. 2i; i'c'-;1'q,1;1 t l;it U:i " 'i . l;" l'r:,j;;t'.:(j': rui i'.;::;.1? :,.c.;t; :ilil.tc,:, i;. ir.i irti'i'cl':-i 1l-;t '!i1: t.. :l ii,.;'":'.1t,-:: t;l ,l:,,i1'.r! ::,:rti.; i j:::.,.:;: .,i. ii / ui:1i: ,:ii i)ir :,1.:." t,' . r,,. i i;i.:".:r,Jr: Oi l';l;.1;, i...:: ; -;.ii.,-;1,,ar 11. '1,; l;, ';.-';-.';-t lr':'i i-:ij" ',','. :l 'i"ii!:t,r:'.r r:i I-rl- l. !'/ {...r:i.; i.l.:'r.,i,:;r ;1. ii , , '''-,;"1 '1-,; llilr ;;-.i" j ',:':-,;i. .i:.r,i.ri' r,r i-"ii. li r..',::i.;" i;l.t"r,::.: ii. ti il ;.:-t ;i.:J .,..-t l',?ir -.. . l .; ;'::,t":..::.: r.'i ) ij'-), ("',, ii ..::l.; l.,L..i: :.,- :i. 'i.-,. i.:t ,i . 'i . : iiX.: i' . ;:l .:f.' l.:".,:.': : ';i l..i-i. (.,.1 i: .:';.; 11,C .:.1 .'i. -'; ,.'.,1 :.;'," i. i:.r,ir, ' t'. 1. rf -' i- 'tlI' ,.. 1 .. :'. ' .'r. ' 'i.ira;i t.L:-,t .,', '' . I r': )'' "' (.,t ij. S. Ili-,lii,';'")' .'lo. rr; -,.llcitl;.: .,'.,. '/.; u:'.,-.,. ,.; 'll .;7" i:-. ani alon,l saiC South liitc rL r-li.;;:'L.r':c ai i4Lt:.i,j iccl; 'ulicrice i\i. 83 do1-i:c,,1:s l1r 25'' li. i'.,1;* ;.1\611; tz'.() Iicuir lirrc a' ci:.siance of 94.46 feei.; tiir'nr::-'ii. 7'J ;i,^..1;^pn; r1.1r l-tlrr }a .. trii :, lnncr ,r:'r irl i})r1l]l ll-ff: Lt({' r\.,11 ., \,4rv t.,v -' ci.jic.n.c ci 7i8.73 fe ci; thci:cc )i. i.,! cc..;',:c.: il' .r2t' i:1, ;:nC alonq sa.ici Souih line ;.r ciiclanco ci,j.).t'a fcet; tircnce ii. 73 tler;rcc,; Jfit '"7tt V . ::nc :'.Ior.r1 .;eii iiouir iiric a o.isiance of 52/\.0/i fr,''1, lo a. poiir't oir i ,-ru.rvc; lhc:rc.c alon,.J Sirid South Liito on lit :t..ir,;ic to iltc r-rl ^.r n -:^.--^^- :,1 F:,AI -..^;t -tnr.= n . 1r},Va, ,O -i-.,, yi: ii._j.':.j-L JMLl.il,;UD L) t'E \'ll\-l ({turllr., cr. -Lal Irlrvi.ni; a r:,(il.rrs of 1852,r/:j f':ci xn(i tl ccniirl :ril(ilc o:' 2(; ci,lr-7:r)i-.:i ,:j3' .1'l", a c.rc cii;Llnco of 058.t3 ii;::i Lo ::. .r^irr* a:,.....r.-.7...r!, +trny1 -;r (. ,7,0 ,ln;...na:: /:11 1J,' ,:. ;.-::\llJv!:i, \./r L/-rr.l jLIl!, Lllull!|J; L). I .,/ \., (:.r.J - \,1-'J lriong s;iC t.,:.iigcnt ano along said lior;.th li.t:r: a oi:t.i:l':ce oi 5!.84 fcet; ihence S. BD ccr:r'ccs ?'11 ' 3lI Fl. rnri aloiia; saiC llo'iih }ine a clie ta"trce of 100. ?! f;.'ri-; ili:'ncc tr. ?ii dcqrecs {r1t Lll" F,. anc elon; saricl l;cu'th lirre a disiairce of 1055. BT feet to Lhe point of i3c;innlng. \iiipitlij'.'S, VeiI A;:;ocilt';es, J-td., hci'ci-ir,;.-ii.lr :;cli:;iir.ile; i:ricli:ld to rtJ O,.lttcr, dcsiies Io -013t:J c:;';l.i:: ](':::': j.'i,:i.!f,l-; cii 't-tr ii..:r: cri'iire 'Iilcis, Slocks and Lcls iillo\,,'i1 c;l iiie ii;'i-- of V':ii Tiii:lge, Secoird. Fili1g, for the bencfit or iisclf, :i:lc iis rc: -;i':-:.";,: -r-'.11ti..,\i. :rilcci'sr:io-^- ^-^ --.-i-r-' i- OfCiC1. iO :;,:lbLilif f.ni ij,t ii:-\-, - L:.-':.L\..v!t JL.\.\-!-J.)\,/t.J ClllU (lD.)li.rll)t iI:.-iiiii ti:e charac'Ler anC value of i'eal ec'raie in V;:.'ij Viilage. i.lo\\', T1itiP"iiFo;tE, in con;icierrl"l:ei] oi tl1c ii:'cini::':';, Yr:'.1 /i:.r.:oc'::r.ic;, Ltc., for itseif ana lis rcipcc:ir/e Er'iil.i.:;s, siic;e;;-:o.'3 r-.,:i i-..:,;:;ii:'r.;, ciocs irc,rcb;r iinpclc, csiabli.;lt, pll,)li'''''r, ,-.a1t;';'.r;.3'-ir;-i, d,,iiaic r.:nC ii,'.jl.oe ;"iih, to lincl ioi' Lhe bcircflt of r.Ll '-'cr';o;i:; '.,'iio '.'',.,.r ir,-'','r:'jr.fi,-y. rr,rr',il1iSe Of ICaSe And ffOni "irn:-'tO ii,',:,e;Ci oi-./n Oi' i;old lln5' of ti::'iri.,:is, Blor:l:s i:nd J,cL: !.n V:ii Vill.:-i;:, iicconC rr'it-in- th:ri *1ro'r o,,',iii a.n6i iiOlq all Of iirC i:tnds in \/ail Vllh,:, 1, -_ Illlr\-,t r,rti.L rrr!w, r/\ i: :::cr:i *rilii:.g, :;.rbjc.:l to thc" fcilouin; i:;siritilon;;, jov..-.t;.1::-jr r'^l-: coitiiiion;i, r,li of t';iiicir shall bc dcenli.rd to rurn ';1tii the ield l.:i, '-o ii::r;'c io tire b:nciii. of anC be biiuin:r u^oon |[c Ol:"ttci, it: rc:;,r':;:.vc cr j';.iliit -,s, liucceisoi';l alld assi'JTls. 1. PLrlNl{IIdG AI'J'D ARCi-IlTnCTUli:AL CO}iTfr,CL CO;''I'lv"iT?i;il f . 1. Cl,iil4try. The Pliri:::in(lt ai:d' l\,.'chileciiti:ri Co::li'cl C,,r-irrni;t6e, ncir]iiriiir:r' icfcl::ccl lO itS Tirc Col'tinittcc, "';ii:'.i} .;C,::-si i'r:- iLv:: trre;nbcrs iviro siull bc iicsit'nlico bir ovl:ttlr' its :ucc''lr'liiil'rJ rr:-,r;igtr;, io reviev,', stii.Cy, and. approv€ or: rljci.:l plo1.,o::cl i;ail.''ove- -,,.,:.-: \iiLhill ihc a.rea dc,lr:r'ibccl in [.hc i.'i,':i; o; V:lij. i'iiiL:r;e, i]cioi;'ci .ij'llit...'r, of '"','iiicirilicse rcstlictivc coveaa.ni.s e.re il'llic l. 1-':rri. 1.2. i].lc'i. Thc Cor:raiitci: :;h:li rra.l':e' ;ucit rlli".'i ir-1'-' ;;;.-i::.i,s errci;'.ili..pl:jti,.li1 proccciui'es as iL lnr.y oc ri'rr i:.il;-iropiille io i. ,-,,,:..'i: iLs ploccccii-tgs. ' t-t., '-arir.jL, ,lloi:l: ct Lot, l:or .il'IiilL z;ii'' ;'r'-'-':ric;; "11r.':":ii ' '-r-' '.,-.:.r.'l;i,:::r 'il:r: i'...i-: i),; :rL:iCe, uir'.il pl:Ln:; lr'i.rJ ::r-'''-t:'iii:'"i:o''i'; l; i'-"' ' -" l ,..:.-,O.i, Ic."..:i.iD:t, InRi.i)i.iiiS, lartCiSC:ti:ii:,-, il.ti(i :'liiiilr Oi.i:'i:a l,:-'l''..'': ..- .: -' :r,.l.i-: i 1.0 -: 'r.'L i;:ili:rov,:ri^ncni e.s T'l:c Co.,i:-,'r.i'Li)J riii')' ioi::';3:':'ij-- ' i' J rc,".l:rc:rltrll ltr,vc been subi.'iitrcd to an3 t.pptovi.ij Lrr l';;c. Jci:,.r,..1,r:r:i:: r-;l'i-::,. r. i.,J... Q:::iif. In pe:i,,:ing upo;i :,;.r,:,"r 'i.)li.:!..; t,::ri ;,;'.-'r:ii!r:aiio.:s, Tite Coi,n;:littee shail con.;iccr: i.4. 1. the suita.bility oi ihe impror'€ri,1a:n-i r.r,.1 :rrri:,.,::'i:''.1;: o;'..,ii'-:ch il:s io be coir:tructec to lhe siic upon *iiri..;h i; i: rc bi: i.+.2. Lhe neiure oi acjacent a;.rd iicigiibo;ing irnpz'oi,-Ji.rcn"'-j; 1.,!.3. the qua.liiy of ihe materials to bc uli.iizetl in a.n7 pl'cpos ed i:rtiJrovement; it]rci i.4.4. ti:c efiect of any proposeci iiap::o.,reeae::t on ihe cut- iocic,c-i any aujacerri or neighboring prope::i;;. ii: s;haii bo arn ob;eciive o: Thi-: Coi'irnittee'to iLe.ke ccii:l,iin ii:r'; nc irap:'ovencnl ['ill bc so iirnil,lr cr so ciis;ii'i:i1:r to o|hr]rit i,:, ..; ^ .,i,--...^i,r..- rr.- ! .-,_ r.-^.r qaq^l.nrr, ^,r r ^^r.r^^.': r .-..:'1 L^ . :.lpii.i,C,:.-t1.;- YrLl:iiLy LlljtL VL,.i-JU5, i.j.UrliLall y U.|. <j,\j+Lr.lJLr-, :t rll U.i Ir 1. lt. .:,ti:9,._gi-Ilc_g!",j:j!i!t!l_!_Ijji'rr.t__Jf_l_j. I-l tl:r evriili Tltrt Cc.rii,.ii'ri.cc 'raili Lo i).lrlJrcv.j oi ,.,-,;,.;,i;:"'o\'t i))irii:i :;::-' ,;,-,:ciiii::rii.ons sub;rril'lec to i.t vr:ihin sllilr ca;,5 cf ^;ubii,is;io,.r r-:ci no s;ii io enjoin lhe consiruclion has been cciiilrcit,ii)j p,';.o;' to 'Lir': t,:ici;lciion ii..ci'cof, ailpi'ovai shall noi be rcr;:rirci a;:ii Lhc i,:jl.i.:c covens.::is sira.ll be deteriniued to ha,ve baen fuLly cornpiieo vith. 2. L,,ari'i-J USE. The lancis in Vaii Village, Second Filing, siraii bc useo fol ihe following pilrposes 2.1. The nurnbei'ed l.,ol:s shaLi bc u,rcci citi)i io:' i:iiir.:io :,'r:;iie;1.:cs, cai:ir io contain noi :nore Lhan turo .Jcila.ratc a.ilil::trtici:;,;. :-?. 2. 'Il:l lcticie,l Lo'ls ;h.r.il be l:;;ccl ior-' i:r-r:.'.;'il:'rlill.i, iet:"i :1i].'i:l:jr :r;:lt'V:Lle:;11O,';.j, s,:ririce $iaiiOni, i'rlJil:'Jrl'..lil; i)i:l LC-;-;OOrr'l:jr I ^'''1 r^'' ''^'- ""lfcssioi:a-1 offices and ri:ci,ical clinics.-lULL'!i, t !Uvr.i'i.Jt l.rr. \ il.11. T'raci::.rr throuEh C sjiail bc cieciic:tild l,o r.;t-'.clt i.153 a'; 'ri ':i ;' .:ir0ci.,: i':'::. i.-,'id. , i.nci iis s''iccils,.r0.rri i ao r".JSifiilljj, ;n,,,l1 ... -,i.,.:r';i.,::, b,"rl i-: rLc ctrcnl "5"11 sur.:h qe;ii,iilricc, i.ilc bl iiico,,,rii','r-li ..,i;ir tlt ::;c cor/l'ii;i;itiJ. :1. i:rl sii iiii'-:iiTs l i',]-D ir,ic--t-iTs -OF'-"r, AY. 3. L. -:li::-ri:,r'.r-'ri.;l attc ::i hi.:-of -v;l;' ic:' ltl:'': j, ii: -:i-,.;.:.c,' :.. .ii,.'. i, ,:)..:..:iL'l,tii.r, r-,::i.:i, icii-'1-:ltcl:l.', !lihi(lr', il\-". i;::li', r:r? i.;i'ii'l-c ,-'.--.ii:, . .r.r-r ,,i. ..'';;i..:'iriit i l'. ,i,c:, il,nd iln,'y' ,.ti.l:i:i' i;iii.i t'i 'p')')!.'t.: Di' ("ii.r'-.r:,i. l';r..'l:,tic irl;.Lir-, .:,.j.,'vlili.) 3i'.' titi,iiilivcd ls r;l:ot,lii on i.ii:r '.,'ll1; r;.i. lj"i j.i i'iili.1;r.'.-r, :l: .L;si)"i .,.'i1ili,;" i{c r.eucc, i;a11, ltci1q,.;, bl,.i';:''lc.i c):.' cll)..)l: i-, .;:.' .'','i.- -j.. .. '.1,1 t:r: C,-',t, ;:......, 0.a jlr;. j.l:i:l.j.ifeir ;.iC:.:r';, Oil. :.i::i'::,i.'i C,." '..':.,',.:^ l-: ' ",-,J').",i,r,. ,.a:' t,:.'.,;i-ii'iiloi.J ;',llj f i.,l'tll'';1-,';11.:,i. t, ,:i . l-iio^l .1. i:c ;-:i.i;n.:.;, billbc:ri'r1 :, li.,::;,.'.:;.' 'i)i: ':i'.:.) (.),: irr,iroi'i"1-;ir.Li:i::iLrLl!:i."'.;'J clf lr-:y i:ii:C ;luliI ic;'.,'':.:ir;i. ci ,"..rr i:].\.',.t.'it'.:''' Ci. -:.-..' ii)'; ct' i.ru.'Jii:i':: ior lrr]1r n'Ji'?csc 1','l-.; ;::'1; ;;17.'. -" t ".--i:';'.1 :! -(::i ,'- --':;) l.r lt:\I(l i:,1i-:'it ii:li:i'ovtrci by- Tiio Coini;ri.iLcc :' ; I'i:i-t'lc::i;riiLt n:;ai: ),Jitr j ic" Liir iucniifii:eiict of rcr;iucilcos a.nd i)L3c{-'3 ci brt;!;;r:;:i;. 5. 11,. 1':llj'lj, ;,i].i;l s j: I AGil. l,'::,,,:'5 :.;i..i:.-:i,il.,e r-i-:.;i::,.1-:.. it.: - .1r.,'- r.:-.,jjj o.!'l:j3:'; ilu:iian br;in.;u:;hl:.1i i:t.r;:i:':r':l'..'j.:.ir 'tt-t"-.: "-t -::: i.ti_ .l:.-,-:i::.1i;: i;.c.ilii.icS oi tj-Ie Vi:,il \1.'i,ric.r ::r:ci. i:r.1.i;:iir-Cr:. ]l-:i-;".;:'i,-:i. -ic i:-';r,liic.r -,:ll1l .:1::,11 bc uscrj e;J a. $o''i1'cc of "'i:,11.:lr io! il' l'Lr't: c:ri- :;.'..... ,;-c-1 o; ii''ri.-t:.1-iou jn Vail Vilir.cl,i:, Sccoui .j.rl1 irIi, tror r,lirril' 1,,a;.7 i;:';iiii.7 or,,hr,::"i!ir.n ';hosc proviileC by r;i:'.:' Vsil 1j lj.t(l.i"''-tl:l tli..ni'i;Lir:r Di;:Lr'!cL bc u':ci for lhe oispo;e1 cf scvl.'go. l',lccitl:':ric:'i r.'..7.';J:.-1'' irliir.n!!il 'i:rrilitie,s shali r:e providcd in each hilchr:n cr i;c,i ::.r'ci;:;tin...l aiea. 6. TIl,riS-i] .Iil'lD G]"l':ll ,r,CU:. Nc "'iasir, r':lirc:i o:' olll'-'i i':.-ti.-.,jij ;:a,;i be;hio,v:t or Curnpcci ci1 iuil] iaitc'i r.'iLi:in V:;'il Villr'',i', l-l:conc :rili,:r';. Tiic b'.irnln,f of rc,riusc oul of clco;:; :1:::11 nol- i:::'::::' :riiLeil ir: VL.jl \rilii.g.l, Secoir'1 1"iling. iJo inlinci'atoi':1 or' c..1'r.-i' ,ri:,\'ic:,jr io:: ii:e bari-riiig of refuSe inciOors s1:r.l.I b: oor:3ix'J.(-:Lci, i:.;;tl:il'-.:ii or 'n;:ct] by it.1]1r perton e:lcept e,5 eppiol.ie';;i b;z Tire Corlrll:iil'':c' [i':h p;c;),::rL:z o\?ni,r: shill p:';rvicle suitable i'ccei)L;i(:1cs ior i:he ';o1lc;:iir:i: cl t.t*u". Su:h recepl:lcles shall be scrcencd froin pubiic vie'.v ;:r:d ll],oiec"red . fl oii'r disturbance. 7. L,nrhl51'OCl{. i'To nnir-rr'-l;, fivc':iocli, itol'':'"c;; Jl' :-*'-ii.,.t; n.i.r'rri l.-inri ^-:n r:'^,1' ilrrr-': n:'+': ?.tld OLil(j'f ilO'"ligii0li D:iI :l',Liiruu;.lLL l-J vr (ilj'J l\ril\t s-r(-i:lJL uvvt,t \'4v'J ie l;e1,i, iai;icd o1 bred in \u'al1 Village, Sccon''l ],iiiilg, e;lcci:i in rfca$ ie:;ig-laied foi' surch puiposes cy The Ccmin:'lier:' 0. ?l?rlliil. llo i:roeo si]l.Ii bc cit'';, li'ii'r-:ncd Qr' :rciJrlr"ti i:: V;:,:i ViIirclc, iicconc.i f iii.ng, c:i'icl)l ',I/iti] !llo: ui'iitc.r i.-;r:rl'i:il' ci Thc Coi:rntiiree aacl by prirr;onJ ocsiq::a'tccl b.y Ti:c Coi::i;iriiir'e' t. [jl'1- ]lAcK F"EQUiF"Ei.{f,iiiTS. Tllr:re sjllrll 0c i1o c.,,r.1ri3.i. jt:ar'-iii.ltiitcnt iO: 'ulic LocltiOn Of iini;rove!'lents 1.:riih j"'Cltrticn tf, lir'c- pa":iy i,ijns, b,;t rire locaiion of er.rch 11:tplcr.'e;j}cnt,:'tr-tst i:e r:-;,;:l)','-: i.1 i,l;,i,:,.',-, hy Tli,: Coliliit';ec. il cjc,lcrr;iinil.q lire irl"c'';-':i'Li:,:::iic:r -il:'i' .:i,.;lh i'li)ioveli-,o:ir, 'l'j:e comn:iiiee snaii co*l;iicr i;i:: ioi::.'.iior: ;r c,::!.;i'i1;L,:rd rr;t,r.ire ii:nproveercuts on adj;-'.ceni pi'oi"cri'y, 'ti-tc ";:i;i-i::": oi i,':ji.rl,.i-ii .uitollcriy oi",n,3i's,, ano Slloll olilc:' r'loneill-.;2 91' r'e:ihcii': consici:r'ations alj i'; rrrliy dcci:: eLpplol;rhic-'' i0. L,.,i;Di.]CAPING Ai.l} Gits'jji]t;ii.ic1. 1.'t.].1 siirfl'i:t .,.,:]{:.-]']J i:':;:i..'i:i:;i b;7 coi;t;'r-,a'-t".. ';i:ir.ll be rciuincc p:ro':ipiiy l'o Ll:r'''ii" ;i;i'''''-':';i .j.J;,;i:i...:1 ane;.ct'li).nicd !-t: n:lLii;(..'*;i:i::iJoiiT clii:ijl,i ''vi:ioI'e 't''l^t ;lfe:'r-; :i,.-r iJ li; i.t:!.1)to.Jci Oii'the COff,;L:,iCtii;-i'! Oi rj:r'di:l::;, L:.:'ui7i:li, ;i.:.- .-,. ic;'io;:'iii'i:rg lrr'.,el., r'rJrir:h r,';iil bc pl:l;lii'Ll'Jc cniy :lil:i' ihe pl:;il:; .:!t)i"L'lLr;' ;;imil. hi;le;;ccn approvci Jy Tiie Cci':r;iilLLee' f.i. ,r'1il:,'\::i,rll{liliii'r:l1,il:rlllil;' lrTc: :-ri-c'r.l:':i:l'i'o (i{}jii'-;iht'r i:'' jri.,ijt:i LL t:,ijo r)i: lt;-.iil.i.:r.Licit :i:ll,l.l. l:c iiOi;.::iLi:'ur:lili r..-r.il'.::;: -,: ii"ri-1 iLr';r'; ri'' r 'l ;!-1.:o:i;,ljj-::-1, :ri.;i:!i.iJivo c-'f opln j)or-i1c'jr L);l'jcir.":':''l;,. frl''!)1t'L il'' . .,. rr ..t.i. l.l i., , i.l 1,1.,:ii.i,i oi l,0i: :-iit.ri'i:i.: ia,i.i. 't-hr) i.l,-.::::, r;.1... ,: :.,: :' i ,,. .,1.i'.r: i.'t:i,, i:1i,. : '':liclii ci tltc: i;llir''c;;.';:''li'ii' '-"'':'lli'i l'i.L r'r"'' ' li- r: '- '.:' .':. 1i.-; :' ;,.-i "i:":::: .':l'i:t,il. C|'tai:'fii ir' ; ir'; -.'i:; i"i )r\| il::i 'r'- ' ' ' - . : ' .,'. ::,i.-i. i]'l:l li i)l-r.:l: i:1.'-'lii'l: if i'C:l ' (_; -,1- \. ., 1:i. '.:..i1 ;i )':i: i{:\.,]'iii ;.i,,\iO 'r,,O;,-,, ;.i't i......., i.,'ti';)rJ!, C::: t',Cif:- LO ill,.';.,it ' "ri,," '.'Crl,.1 .i',:i;..'j ', .' .C ".:.: t.. 1i1..;\1'..;:.: -:: i.; .ii '.1..-, . ., .. :t..t- h.t.VC biji:J iir",,;i i.1.',::'il.)(-... ;t J! ilrl,irf i,'I i-1-i.i :.) i ;]t:: ,.;1.:..i.1 rC L;i1l.LiL .Lli. !. i:1:',t oOrll iY ;i:fi.l'C,-n-- ifilj. iTo il:.i:'-r::.,'i-":: itl;i:'-:i:- 'i i.:i;1, :::r:;ivi:.:iO!:, r-::l.iCj'1i,.-'llir 'i.i:,iic:: Or tc-1i ;.lh:: t.I 'r"rl: ;,::::::::.'t''': :;- ';:t r.,ri;.!i 1,i-;iirr.;O, i:ir_:i:Oit,:l l?illlr;, e:;iCpt ?.ti !,Ltri,t i.l:r.nC:C€;ii.',rJ/ C.;r'ijl'J l-:i-r.r.-ri:i'-r.r..)iic'11 it.rlc :rulllori::c'.r i:.r f ic g9'-i-1iitt:i). -i-.::. Ca-;.r'.-'ii.ir.IiTY Olr COitS'f i-iuC'f.iii;. ltii ;;;:.'i;:i'-i.:',':'.i ,lori:.r,riji:.,.],,)*. in '',,':i1 1''!ilai1rt, il)co3rr liiiinL;, ;;h ,.il 'ir': ?:.i'o:r::'.'.:.^ ,.^'rliryci:i'fy to c:or'.r.1;iii;ion I'r:d shlill be coi.ji:iisioti r"'-Lii;n LJ;:-r:''-':h:i c'i ^."rn.ii r:rirh r:.rri!inn roill.; ('nL oi Ti:c Cot:li;i:-,,1t.Lit-t..r..i.irl\r\i!-lL\:,trLLt ErrlWyL !r tLlI l/l !vLvrr \, 1l:). i'iUii:ini{CiE. l'io no:;iQL1:l o:: ofi;::l:'ir:i ii."iiivi'.}r ;l'l:'.l i b:' cLii''co o:1 riol'lhril rirythiil:'i be citn'? 01'1.''c'',"'iil::ri';''i-r'i'-i1 Jiiliil cc:].;ti;-,iic a pubiic nlisan,le in v:ril villir;c, si:conj j;'i.iiili. ii. i?j..NC!.S. itro fc:rcc;, lti:.l.ll; c:' c;hci b:,.;:r'i<-:i.: r;lt'',lii bc i,c:::itt:i e:rcc;:i i,'iiii tire iv1.!'r'ten coilseni of Ti:e Co,iirii';et. L7. I':3ILrT,r.i\D Di-Iil;^rTioi'l- OF CCV;.il:l.r]'i'.'i. "-l'rii, . , . . . ^. . - .: :. .i ^ -- --., 'l-.i,'-;^..rr, - i i rri t i ., i:' n:r:':l afr:Ce j.'j;::i,-i j..'.ilu ::Ci:a:li;:''lLLi::s:L-'l-:,-), I r. rLl !.Je:L'i.le, 4L'r';;'.nt.\J;^,), ilu::.i.,r:-ac ii:i'cti;r :,:1u11 be fol' tilJ bcno'jit of ar:; i-:-n'-,i't:i':; :j.j.,r-l c: r,1' ;:.;..i:,, !:t \i':,il Viiil,.rc., $CcOnC. I'iliiig, ?IL.r C;:.a!'L ()...'n11' O'i D:'C1:,-.;';;' "h,.. lt-:ii.:, ii;; .:; -g,3g,):-r;:)ci's2 i:c.i)r'c:icntaiiitcl; a.iiii i..:.r':i.(,;};j :;1ii, '-;;; '.1; i;ga- ii:i.-,.C in full iO:.,:,1 ::n.j cfi:ct r:n,il Jr,.nr-rit.;:.tr L, L'o j-', i;t" rll:,i..:h iii:re tr:i:,.' .;l-,-.li. be a"".Lo;:i:,:.tica11y clilenu€iii for'5 s'''.ccessive lor'm;i oi 10 i'iii.Iji e;lcli. -1.t. l\i/i.!1.:'I:rj,.1ir:IT. -f i:c conc.iiiciri:, r(:i,iill:-iion'1, :;'i::,';il.iio;r;-;, i.'lr.'{loiiir-'ilirl f.n'j covccll':lii.l cc)n'il.r!'n..ri: jt:r,:tr:it ;,1:-l} i:o: U:: r.'.':t-..:.., ;..;rni-;9;1,i;.i, ie:.'i;:::.1.t-tc-, c:-';:.;i;,ililcai 6';1';1'li 9.,'"r.'';iii-:.;1 r-3*t- r,.',iL o; ihc o:.vitc:-i's o'!.'/lr;i of i-irc: .pri';t"ic,i]' oi-iiLci. l:1;1':'i laci',jri '.''!i.'ii:: ;.i:: }.;,::'r.l-.;-'.::'!c;; of -{.r'ii \iiiiage, ijcco:ril F'1i::li;, l'.;; t1':r: ';';,11; ;;; : 7' i.l,i:;I r.i,.r ::iri)'..;r Dy ,.;tc-r pi,;i on file in thtl oilice of iire Clcr'll t';.l\i R'Jccl:tcl i;i.,,ai;l.c Cou.tiiy, Coiore.oo. L'j. j:.j..i:Cli,Cli.i.,'I'Ili't-f:. if ln;i i]r)l':iro;l ::h,',il vi.cl.r'i: or 'il:;,-:,:i.. n iO .iiil.l,ili,r it..tl1 Oi ihe pr':rvi:-riLr35 O:i iill:l :ili:;il,';l"iir::t, ii ,:;l.t'Li -.::r itit.... j.il jOt :r11\i t-1Cj.^::iOIl OI' ir(]j.',.i,';i},; Oi:inln,.', .i.'t'..:I ,,,fO:;'l:'t.7 ^l: \.1;:!I ','.1i.::.-.'r l-l11':rl;.lc li'-1Ln'-;, 'tg i11,;;i!i,r.t.iC 1);'o..Ji:''-:'riiiL!';.; ;'l: i,:;: OI' ill 'i-:l::!i": "::, r,t':ic,.',:c iir: l;i'oi"i;;icili:r of ihi;,; iil,l;i.i'ir.,, '1,1tri,, Lc i' ':',:li:ri"l' !'ir''r- r:': '':c': r.i:;l:-r,.:i:'; or titl-'c:tLr:ri:iil11 io vir:ii:ir iil,-';li, lln:. lo ':'-'(:or';er c'ir'1r -':,t1 ;' 1,..,'tili r,:n.i l:iii:,iiivc, fo;' ;r-ti.llt violaLicns . )li.). r:t ;:\i ,il/1,jlILiT:. ilii:;.1!j:.. I ;itl:t r:,1 i ii..,; Oiii l.::i i.l ..: :'-:l'.,i-r ,f:l; u.i ;li.:: ..i1:j,.;ir;-.i.inl i:.i ji:j'tL.-.:;:i- or" L:tj:"'; o" ' :' c;' i ':1:':':'j .',,' ii .ii 11g :..'i;l'- :l::i,l:,,,;i. lril.i of i.he Clihrrr' LJ;'0\i ir,liO'-11 r'ltii':h' ;;l:r'lll ,:.:r, ...,i ir'r ii: :.i.lii fo,:'ce ;ii:i c,fir-iit. --5-. ir'1-,/ i',:iricU'f L'D lhi; Bih VAIL ni;i1lCI,^,T'.:r,,i, L::-. , l,.r r'l:ill;'l':T--.,i:. Vi: I i-, J(;IlPt-,1,,:,T'iO-i ( - t.\-.1,'.', a't I lJar l'ii. A r ;'f :r,Ti Ci COlOil;''.'DO Cir': r1:.-i cou..{'iY oF lf!-l'l\;lil ',li:.r.: 'li-rL::: rcin']' i.i:;i:it],lrclii 'i.i.;.-] t:ci.lir) ','i,:r..,.i::.,: i--r11-;-r;'1'3 *..1.i c:l "r ;:tr:i.r ;1' 3, i.,,iJ, b; L)oier t', . 'i,--:ibi:il, L\n.l o; iL:.,.; C:,.:i;r;ii::' I.''-'Ll:.::i..: oi ':.;:,i l: !.,:cii:li;cs, r.,ii. , a iinritcil l):i ii:tii';l.ti.r)f l'1.'. b:; tj::cr.,:',.-': !. i::.:-':i., .:1.:i, Jl.. , .r; \i'jgg*P;'cr:idc:::i: of 'f he \ir:.i Co:i;c.':liic.:., l'.'i::,-:ir uor'l)o.'L.Licit is i:irc oiiLcr Gcnol'li1 ?ar'rnci' cf \r:':.ii r'r.5ioili.l.l:;ei, r-,ici. 'i. iT'i'.rl-i Sr-i riry hilixl emd se3l. :-riJ uo-:;ili:lrioi: ex1:lics: June 2C, lJiil. ILvl Lrlsl; - irrol:trir -iriii)i,ir) ,/,i " q'l Recorded August 2? ' 1964 Book 183 Paee 2j9 ATIENDMENT OF PROII]ICTIVE COVENA}ITS OF VAIL VfLI.AGI:I , SECOND FIITING EAGLE COUNTy, COLORADO Ae to Lots 11, 12 and 31. ' _- ' 't _-- IIIEREAS, VaiI Associates, Ltd., a Limlted partnership, and the Vail Water and Sanitation District are the ownere of 75%of the privately owned land inclucted wj-thin the boundaries of VailVillage. Second Filing, EagJ.e county, coLorado, as described in theprotective covenants of vair village, second Firing, recorded in Book 174 at page 431 in the records of the clerk and Recorder ofEagle County, Colorado, and ITIHEREAS, paragraph 18 0f said protective covenantg perrnLta the owrrers of 75% of the privately owned larnd within said ftringto amend said covenante, and' I{HEREAS, Vail Associates, Irtd. and the Vail Water andsanitation District desire to amend the l-imitatione on the usagfeas to Lots 11. 12 and 31, Vail Vil1age, Second Filing so that IJot 31 may be used by the vail water and sanitation District for such uges and purposes as necessary in their operations for sanitary aewage diaposal, and Lots 11 and 12 may be used for the atorageof liguid propane. butane, natural gas, or other similar gasea. WHEREAS, eaid or^rners agree that this amendment wiII bemutually benefLcl-al to all ovrners of 'property within vail vil]-age, Second Ftling. Now THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises the ownere,for thbmselves and thelr respective grantees, successors, and aseJ.gnsdo hereby amend the protective covenants of Vail village, secondFlllng1 Eagle County, Colorado, as to Lots lI. 12, and 31, aB followsr Lot 3J., Vail Village, Second Filing ,"y i". ueed for such uses and purposes as necess.ry inthe operatlon of sewage disposal systems. i ,' Irots 11 and 12, Vail Village, Second Filing may be used, in addition to its other uses as set r forth l-n the protective covenants, for the storageof, ltquid propanel butane, natural gas, or otherefunllar gasea. J r\ d\ \$ \ ,J I /\ ,[] confirm of Vail STATE CIIY & As hereby amended, said Owners do hereby ratLfy, approve,and adopt the other provisions of said protectivL covenanteV'illagel Second Ftlfng. Dated thls 15th day of ,-Tune, Lg64. GeneIaI P.eftner oF eoroRADo ) ccuNIIY oF DENVER ) ss Acknowledged . Seibert, ae STATE OF COIJORADO )clry & couNrY oF DENVER ) 8s Acknowledged before meby Kei.th t. Brovrn as preeident of before me this 15th day of rfune, L964,General Partner of Vail Aseociateal Ltd. partnerehlp. tneFe my hand and official sea1. cormlsElon expLres August 9, 1965. this 15th day of rfune, L964.vail water and SanltatLon seal. 9, 1965. -.r'it|..t .1...i..".Qjt*,i tne s s n.y hand and o f f i c i a I t-+rt' ^{ I pv%t$L comnLseion e:rplres August ='.,..1*5 n n iffi t"t*ls'ton e:rplres Ausust VAII, WATER A}TD SANITATION Df,S t" ltlnF\% Uri;;'"-#T;;'ir$