HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT D1 SCORPIO GENERAL LEGALesign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Scorpio Condominiums Project Description: Revised landscape plan Ownel Address and Phone: Scomio Condo Ass'n Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Mark Stelle, Precision Tree Works, PO Box 606, Vail, Co 81658 Project Street Address: 131 S. Frontage Road West Legal Descripfion: Lot D-I, Vail Village 2d Filing o D Parcel Number: Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date:419199 Board / Staff Action Action: Staffapproval DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 o Qucstionlall thc Planning Staff at 't79-2 | 2tt APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcvie*, approval. Any pro.iect requiring dcsign revierv.must rcceivc Design Rcvicrv approval prior to submitting for a building pcrruit, For specific information. sce thi subrnittal rcqilircmcnts fbr thc partictrlar approval that is requcstcd. Thc application carurot be acccpted until all thc rcquired infornratiorr is subutitted. The pro.ject may also need to bc rcviewcd by thc To'w,n Courcil and/or thc Planning and Environrtrcntal Cionrntission. Design Revierv Board approval expires one ycar after final approval unless a building pcrnrit is issucd and constluction is startcd. {s soull sde o{ L I'll ha v,l RE lqh ETH nol r(.rIONPTDESC]RI u. C. D. E. ir. C. LOCAI'lON OF PROPOSAL: LOT: PHYSICAL ADDRESS. ) co !. I'ARCEL #: ZONING: r'.\AN4E OF O\\rNER(S): /r,u N,lAILI\Ci ADDRISS: 20 BLOCK:- FILING: $r-a (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Of'ficc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) JACo05 ,iounhjh Cqbe furInc- C'onstruction of a ncrv building. Iucludes an-y addition rvhct'c squarc lbotagc is added to any rcsidcntial or conurrcrcial building. lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc inlprovemcnts. such as. rcrootlng. painting. rvintlorv additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining rvalls, ctc. H. pudNe: q70 52?- 7627 O\YNER(S) SICNATIJRE NA]VIF, OF APPLICAN]:ELLE, PRICIs/o waR Mi\ILING ADDRESS: PHoNE: ?26-3512 TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D Ncrv Clonsn'uction - $200 tr .,\ddition - S50 fi ntinnr Altclation 6il' \--l DRll ltcs arc to bc paid at thc timc of suhrnittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying fbra building pcmrit. plcase identify tlrc accurate valuation of rhc pro.iect. J'hc Tor.vn of Vail rvill adjust thc fcc accolding to the.project valuation. PI,EAStr St]BI\,IIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIRENIENTS AND THE FEE TO THE D E PAIITII{ENT OF COI\IIITU N ITY DEVELO PN/I ENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL. COLORADO EI657. TOl'i[N OFVAIL *\ese *vpes qr" qliv, For Ot'licc Use Onlv: Fcc Paid: 2-D. UO Application Datc: I PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Comnron Namc PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: Botanical Nanrc P i.ue pun &hs ----r--J-- Pinvs Ynuqo.------.--T-- Ouandty 3 Sizc* g/ 3 !2t- 20 |3 36 EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: tMinirrturn rcquiruncnts for landscapiug:dcciduous trees - 2 inch calipcr coniferous trccs - 6 l'ect in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons Square FootagcType GITOUND COVER SOr) SEET) IRRICATION TYPE OR METi.IOD OF EROSION CON'TROL Ol'ltER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rctaining walls, fcnccs. su,intnring pools. etc.) Plcase spccifo. lndicatc top and bottonl clcvations of lctaining rvall.s. Maxinrunt hciglit of rvalls rvithin thc front sctback is 3 f'eet. Maximunr height of rvalls clscrvhcrc on thc propcrty is 6 fcct. Updatcd 6/97 Date Receivec APR 6 6 1999 q"64t1tt P.O. Box506 . Voil, Colorcdo 81638 . (970)S4E-8975rl(s April5, 1999 Mr. Dominic F. Mauriello Chief of Planning, Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. CO 81657 Dear Dominic, Enclosed is a completed rown of vail, Application For Design Review Approval. This application concerns a minor landscape tree adjustment at the Scorpio condominium building located just to the South of your office. As we have discussed in the past, the owners of the Scorpio complex are the victims of another initial landscape plan which failed to choose a "responsible" tree species/location planting plan.In recent years, individual owners at the scorpio have taken it upon themselves (with good intentions in mind), to alleviate conditions of overgrown trees through gtoss pruning measures. I have recently been retained by the scorpio Condominium Association to provide arboricultural consultation concerning the present situation of overgrown and deformed trees. The north side ofthis building contains five blue spruce. fhree ofthese five spruce were originally planted far too close to the building. The repercussions are the following:r Tree # 2 blocks a fire hydrant. o severe ice damage from the roofhas severely disfigured the crown and compromised the structural integrity of tree #2.o Adjacent trees have been misshaped and disfrgured due to competition.r The close proximately ofneedles to wood railings creates unsafe fire ladder.. with each years growh comes an increasing amount of ground shade which translates to walkway safety issues and detrimental impacts on ground cover.r I)espite encouragement to leave thinning and pruning to professionals, future owners will likely exercise the unacceptable practice of tree "tree topping',. "Attachment A" contains an inventory of existing trees/shrubs, identifies the removal candidates, and shows the location of proposed tree/shrub additions. .,Attachment B,' identifies the removal candidate by photograph. I will look forward to hearing from your office as soon as possible. Mark Stelle, Certified Arborist cc: R.G. Jacobs, Mountain Caretakers, Inc. Sincerely, Attachment A Site: Scorpio Condominium Assoc. Prepared by: Precision Tree Works, lnc.,4/5/99 (l)Colcdo I ,r-- i-.;,1=;;;- ! Al.j l-. \ -- i:Eisttnssor..d v-H*iNrr C L€ va. ior Tr.c# l. z 3. 1. s 6. 7.t. 10. u. ltt Spocc ($!diur &ieli!!) ItSnscI Aunll{ryL ItrCnbrplo Zt Sgts(drdinr&bli@) ldCEbqplc 2A SpocG(dnr$urdhilhc) ldCrdqlcr l2 Spnr (d nditu @lidc) Bmdrtu Pflr!hbddlrdlinb.I,EUOPZ-rytctldnt Prol!& rhqGto{tcigb Pnd TAAOVB - ttu hrldhg olrcfr&gPnd Alrc.dyF@d At.dyFrrcd Plantine PlanOt? EOgnolls! |EMOW rA}lrldryToppdby EddcNrnc Picat hrnglol Pim! lillgo 3 SColuado Sprr3 36" Mrrgo Piac 0)Mlgob e)ItfrtoPb! A Tree Evaluation Scorpio Condominiums Vail, Colorado frffi o:PF-:;ffi hcearod b$ Procisio Trec Wql$, Itc. Vril, Coltrrdo E[trcir rncnt l] S itc: Sctr:itic' Condonriniunr .\ssoc. I)te pr11.-fl by: Pr ecision li ee Worlis. Inc._ -lr5i99 'frec i] f tsr t,lilL'-t:- i FEB-1q-2005 FRr 'f'tJ: FAX N0, 9704681208 pnl u,--^\ \J, tLo,.4J 1\ ?--^-,-C-b ,{i.,^"Dnu,S (-'ho.li. -*"1-S- To*"* yoil fil'ln'oS' Fnuinr Wayne Martln, Elevator Inspecior t 9/0"46.8-0295 ext. 108 or -i1+u+ter@Np.c.o!.cLusn*te: ,it/tl /o S Prrftrt l{anre: $a6 rp io Conolo*inv*, t u I or' r:i a, Flcvator Plan Review filevahlr Tcst and Inspedion , n ,/3/ A ftleqa[ow anv{r LotEticrt, VO;l , C0. , PcrnrilNumbcr igCcoe 9t/-0QQ Eleviltorrype l-lV P "llrc pfans have been review<l anrJ I'ound to mnform to all applicable ANSi 77 '1' and UnC Cor:es The elevator / esealalor / tfit / cluwhffif;er at the above location was inspected and 1l testsl orr --E[lpf--and a: n T'EMpOMRY Certilicate has been issued, d FINAL Inspection certificate has been issued. tl NO certificate is being issuecl, cnnrmerlls: r ,r #,f#iffr'if ,!^'/.!,;: i;{,,ffi! i,"r:! "!oi .'- n"' t A- ..l-*a IO*#} Project Address: 131 W MEADOW DR VAIL Legal Description: LoE Block: Subdivisionl Parcel Number: 210107102000 Comments: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Development 75 South frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.4n.2I39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project l{ame: Sorpio DRB Number: DRB020149 Project Description: New entrance gates and dumpster enclosure Participants: OWNER SCORPIO CONDOS 0512L12002 Phone:524-7629 EILEEN JACOBS License: APPUCANT SCORPIO coNDOS 05l2Il2oo? Phone: 390-6399 RG lacobs 2000 Spring Creek Road Gypsum, CO 81637 License: location: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproyal= 09/0612002 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Torvn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construdion activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO o A r0nn,r y,{[ pplication for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depatment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, [ce .'lc-.t'-- {>.-.cy;i.; .{'u].r-< Qr^.1.. aLocati o n of th e Pro p osa I : t-ot : !'a't"ioc ii- -I'b ii;o'iri fi $fr ' =-\i:A_ D-T^rrr'lrr{5-,"a rii,g Physical Address: L, t V+it\,tlA1; )lJd f\!r3f bJ r.\{*3r..-'' b",r",..r 3 I o t o-l r o,lc'r'i''iiontaa Eagle Co. Assessor atgT0J2B-B640 for parcel no.)aro/srfr(';l(.,'J{' Narne(s) of owner(s): SCr r r-,,,-., (lo*,1..rr,^ri.^-, Cr.r..', o{t o,,: owner(s) Signature(s)r -(F1 .(J*,"a.-, tE.,t'".1r *s.) Name of Appticant: ' R (i . .-, q".*,r., Fax: ,;)4. lL.ii Description of the Request: Parcel No,: 'iJ.."-l Zoning: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: fJ Signs I Conceptual Review J New ConstructionI Addition $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or . commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).' For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retainino walls. etc. $20 For mrnor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wa'ls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans Design Review Board. No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0\ Minor Alteration \ multi-famlly/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) I Changes to Approved Plans D Separation Request already approved by Planning Staff or the For Office QsgOrllyr Fee Paid: {irA.'- Application Date: Planner: ^L''t ,si4t Sent By: i 303 753 0026; 97e82/L7sc8 May-2-02 llnout ro:dl aM Page I /1 P.2FRq'4 _TACORS I l; (Orlntname desctlption) povide this htter as writtcn 3gprwal of the phns datcd whlch hav€ b€en srbmiBed b drc Tor^,n of vall C.ommunlty Dev#n€nt Ocptrtr?nt fbr tbe Plo9o5€d fnpm/ergtE to be $mphtcd at ths addrGe not€d abop I urdeCternl that-U|e pfopo$d imgonemertr hdudc: I furthcf Understard that minor irlodificstions lt|oy bc mr(|c E thc plaff OVer th€ @Ul5e Of ths rfttrYJ t(occ3t b ensurc omplbnce with the Town? applioblc ed|r and nguhtlil1s" ltJtlr (Shnature) P4cZ c lzlotlroloz ..-_-\ \ PROPOSED MATERIALS . ../ Tvpe of MateraalBuildinq Materials Color Y,l6{- l,oe- ^, noor (cf {r.i-5\ t'",.{or",) Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes! Lolr *o -"*1,t^ . tt-r:.5 5c-pto bl4j' Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 5 of L2l0rlt0l1z {PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES,CQ88a-t3!L - AND SHRUBS VOs* t(- r ' t" r;t "t r'\ tflOet_,H'r.tfi LtttOm P€P{.t)^I& ^-l( l' ar.t I la ^lMAJli.r:---------i r,.fl ,t rJG .r r..f t4.t r.fr\ MON€, Common Name (rloo6bec:, /*1 . pnQ-ffit I OuantiW 1 Size #/ RLUE Ft-J4 v qJ_L@t$'"rrr9_4A{.8 StoG r6.z*.E nLU6.3,6"{+ tE. o .'t:Al l, */ 4E/ 4t/ str / {44./ #.1 5 3 3 3 5 q EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED FAr.fl)CA i.L',+tj(-* I\tX,%g*ts*t \r.$ Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEFD IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of I2/0I/rc102 . nPR J9 'W. Er8,:28 t-*WZ 4:36PM FR PSCO SILVERTHORNE 9?A'86? 4838 Tg fnOru fs v 454tro1Y 819?W24?6?9€,Azt P.A2 . UflLTTY LOCAIIOT{ VERTFICATION rh.s form is to verrfv *'@rl ***n*':5'* T*"*,';S,n$f;'ffiffi 5!""TllK"'':TJEH'#*;!JsLH;:::Uffiff.Ty.g1unffif vrRn prepanng yeur vuxlt Prsr' '"' '--*-'";;-m-ustbe approrcd and vertrred W the utiides, whetherrhey are main trunk lines erlropoed line f"td;"g uHlfi* tor tlre acotngtnying site plan' Autholtr.d Slan.tuts Sflg OTVEST 970.364.0238 (t€D 970J84.02s7 (far) contach JasonSharP ruEIIC SERVTC€ HIGH PRESSURE CIS Y CROSS ETECTRIC ASSOC. 970.$*9,5892 (tel) 979.9a9.a$f6 (rax) Corlttc: Tcd Ht6lq' EXCEL ENERGY-=fE =IE t*'-all. A 1^.Ai"l'4^r,I leiGex)'{".\ e'o- r,-.i- iaSS 1cz8(t€l) E uce Miller ]Ig {ij 4/so/o z -l_..----contad: ffit DISTPJCTI 970.+75.7rE0 (tel) 970.476.{089 (lsx) Qont*,: Fred fta$€e AT&T BROADBAND 9n,949.LZZq x llz (tel) 970.9{9.9t3S (fax) ConA*: FhYd Sabz.r P.gE 8 of LUotltol0z FPR 29 'Ee t6:32 +tcase sro,nde a site plan, floor pbn, aff elevattorF when otffiinirg aPproval ftom the Eagle Rlver water & Sentti'ron District- Fire fo'r neerls mu* be aoorcsseo' NOTTS: l. lf tfic utitity vefificarion foffn lrrs signeturEe rrT I of the ut{ity companies' gnd no comfients arcmodediredlyontheform,sfulgv*nwi||presrrnethatt'|ercarenoprob|em3andthe derrelopmgrt can Pr'oceed' z.Ifauu|ityGompany6zs6gnggrnswilhth€P.,oPo.s€d@ostrrrction,thecjlityrepresentetlresiu|l note dlrectrv on ,n" uu,iti-"Jir]tidoi r"*'F !.ry:ti;; p'our*h which needs to be resolved' The is5us shoulcl lhen o" l.JtiJi^ i" inact'"d rgt"i "o $ti-- routn of vail' Hgweve(' plcase keep in mind that it is the regpofisibiltty of ths $lllty com'pa-ny inO tne aFpticant ro resolve iderrtified prgblerns' 3. These verificatirrns rio not relie€ the contractot of the rcsponsiblliV to obtaln a 'Publk Way Permlt from the oepan nent or?'iii[ti"'Girin"ii'*n "nviir'-rirctsaogq Lnuiq'be gqnined rFrote clssils in any Pub|ic 'id#-*;;;st'"nt *tr,in tr'e r-il; ot vait. a-uui!dB.Es!0i!rj0e!-r il,uicwa" ;;it andhtnl bc altd@lailitr!' 9?6.?416?9 PNGE.AJ m..34.?w2il-:E-'MZ 2 tHe"ffffi="U'bsaozeag NO.095 ot5: 46fif1 '5lPM P.? .a. 5 canrp OurtrsfeR fTYazosed-e u?tltw.LocAttoil wttFrc]rfior{\-- This iorrn is to verlfy servl;ffiffi-and bcatio,t br new consbuction €nd shoukt be r.sed in otJuncthn wfth peparlng your rnility plan and xhcduling instalbtions. Tlrc hcatlon and in aftibilfty of utilities, wlnther tlry ac mtin trunk lines or proposed ltnes, must be apprgled and wvirred Dy the bllotrying sblifrcF fordte afniparyilE sih den. AutfiotEcrt Sionature grE QwErr 97!.384.0238 (tet) 970.3e+.0?57 (ro<) Contagb lason Sharp PUEUC SFR,VICE HIGH PR,ESSURE GAS 970.468.2528 (rel) @ntad: &ue Malls HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.9€.5892 (ler) 970.9a9-4566 (fax) C;ontact Trd Husky ErcELEiIERCf 303.571,751e (tej) 303.5/1.7877 (fax) Ctntach Paul f.e{ogg EAGLE RlvER WATER & SANIrANON DI5TRICTI 970.+75.7,t80 (tel) 970.475.$89 (fax) Contacn Fred Haslee ATST BROADSAND 970.9q9,1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9133 (fax) Csntach Floyd Salazar 4 -3a:. OL *Please prwide E site plan, fioor flan, and ehvations when obtaining approvsl from the Eagle Rtver W?ter & Sanltataon DbtriA. Fire flow needs must be addressed. ItoTEg: 1. If tie uility verifrcatioo fotrn has signatweg from e8dl of tie utiility compafiies, and no cpmmenE ar€ made directly on tfre form, tie Tryrn will p|lfurflc thar $er€ are no prcblems aM the dsreloprfient can pncccrd. Z. If a utility co$p.ny hes concerns wit|| the prepqsed cqn*rrctiofl, dre utitiry represenhatiw shall note di€(tly on the uf,ltty veflfletbn form th|t ttre€,is a prcUem whidr needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detall€d ln an attached Lltr to the Town df Vail. Howerer. pleE€ kecp in mind mat t as ttc rcspotEibility of the r,rdlity @mpany an(t the appllEant to rcsotlre Hentined Poblems. 3. These verificatbns do not religre Sre cofitrador of th€ responsibility to obtaln a Publk Wey Permlt f[u|i ttre Dega&rient of Public Wqks at the fovrn of Vail- Wlkv l@ Cbqhc in any gubllc dghtd-vrdy er €Fsemeht wi$rin the Town of Vaii. A buildinq peqtt $Ip& . Plbllcway permitailt mustbe obtaisd-seqllagek Page 8 of lzl0llL0l0? I{AY-Ol -02 14. ! 3 Ittis fDm Lrto r€rify servira,3il.b-ilcyand bcathfrrnew€o(*ucuon aod *odd be rrsd in agtduncooo nriltt prepadrng Vorr di[V ptil and #rtrg ir*dhbrrs The bcafin antl a€il-f*y of dsftfF. u,tr€ftertlty arc reh trud< lires or popoed lh€+ mu*.be aFudd ard yedfied bt Ute fufoiling udties fu tir amrnpaflIng sile glin, eu@cxsiq$*lnB Oiilc PAGE .)\.-\\ \sl[!*- E-\-ara IO'9?O4?Erl o€19I ) t/l qltEsr 970.3&4.0238(d) 970J8+.0257 (fdo Corffi: Jasnsbarp R'8IIC SEK\'ICE HTGH PRESSURE GAS 9n.{68.2528 (eel) Corffi Brue tlill€r ltoLY cRoss EtEcIRlc rssoc 970.9€.5StZ(Gr) to.9iB.r566(tu)Cmffi TedHrdry ErcEt EilERIGT 3r3s71.7518(d) 303-57r.7877 (rdr) Sr*act hul lclogg EAGI.E RIVER WA'TEN, & SflY5rATIgilIotsrilcr. e70.47b,7{80 {td} StO-.17t{o89 (t":.) Cooffi FedHad€e AT&TBR(NOBAIW 970.919.1224 x 112 (td) e70.9t9.9138 (fddftrffi nq/dsaEar rPbe prorUe a s'tte flan, tbor dan, end d:rdinE rhm oHa&hO apgoral i<rn ttc Edh Rir€r l^laEr & Sailathn Dieuicl fte f,os rd mt$ E dltsee4 It|orE* f . tr ttp rnil*y wrtnqmbn tbdn tres slgn*ras ftofl cgdr d it€ r,btty @dtFniEs, dr(l rio cofime'tts are made diredy cr fte ftrm, the Torur ufll Fegnr dtat $cre rre no Foblcfi$ ilrd fte (brebgtrentcan pnd. Z lf a rfitrty cdnpany lx corsms urift tn fiopo*d strrudo|} $e dfiv repcslr|taril'€ sfiail oob drl.tv on thc .liLty l,t'indba bm &il tfso.b o Fotlem uftktt neEB b b msheG The ts$ue stnrld lt*n be deBaled h ar ffiicd'letEr b llc Town of Vait Hurqrcr, ptsa$ k* In mird BrEt ft b Utc ttspord;Iv of UE dilfy etdrrDanr and BR applicartt b r€soltrc i|@ Fdle.ns 3. lfrese wrmca*xrs Oo ru, refcve the onbac$r d the rtsFnsibility b a&in a h$lic'itv"y Permk tisn t'!e Oeparmern of Puuic Wofis 4 UE Tffii ot Wit l^f,iftr_bfi.ims rnuc bgl|hin€d bcfire tloEtttg an eny 9|6ft riJtn of{sy or esrrent w&fih ttre Torvn of Vdl. 4 bpftling gc'fit b ItEt e PgDtc way pe<mf qtd rorF bc qbF irEal reoa||akv. hoe8of 12/ovm/@ 4- ZS-AZ i 2:2OtrM;OWEST ENG, f}, __ :. ..rr.i'3- j. , , ' rirrunr lacAfiofl vERrFrcATroN "\ \* This torm is to verifo servic;milffry-ffi fo""uon Ai n* aonstrucrion and should be used ln canjun*ion wlth preparhg your uUltty plan and sdreduting lndalla$ons" The locatrm and.availabtlity of udlldes, whether they are rnain trunk llrres or proposod nnes, must be ap,pfllved and redfled by the' folbrying utiltties for the accompanying site plan. Authprhcd Sionaturs Dq!? QWEsT 90.384.0238 (teD 970,384.0257 (hx) Contact Jason Sharp PUzuC SERVTCE HIGH PRESSURE gA5 9itr,468,25J8 (t€l) Conbst Bruce Miller oq-21-eL rtoLY cRoss ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970,949.5892 (teD 970,e49.4s66 (fax) Contad: Ted Husky D(CEL €NER6"T 303.571.7518 (tel) 303.571.7877 (fax) Contadl Paul Kellogg EAGE RIVER WATER & SANITANON DISTRICT{. 970.476.7{80 (tel) 970'476.4089 (bx) Cantact:. Frcd thslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 )i 112 (tel) 970.949.91311 (fax) Canbct Floyd Sahzar *Pbase poMde a slte plao/ floon plan. and elevati:rs when obtainirg approval tlom the Edgle River Water & Sanltetion Dlstrlct. Flr€ llow needs must be add|gsed. ilOTES: 1. If $e utility ve{iflcadon form has sbmAJrcE thorn €ac}r of ttre, utflity mmpanieq and no comn€nts are msde dlrecdy on $e fiorm, the Toryn wlll presunre t|at ftere arc no prabtems and the dg/elopment can proceed. 2. lf a utility company has concerns wi'th the propos€d onstiuctlon the utility representauye shall rote dlrecfly on the utility verification form that therc'is a problem wtrkh needs b be resobed. . The issue should tlren be detailed ln an attached letter to the Town of Vail. Ho,vever, please keep in mlnd that it is the rsponsibitity of the utility company and the applicant to resolve irlentified orobl€ms. 3, These verlllcatlons do not relleve fte contractor of the responsiUhty to obtain a Publh WayrPermh frorn the Department of Public Wod€ at the Tor'rrn of Vatl, tsili* lQfatlons must be obtained before dlSSlnS in any public right'of-way or ease+nent vytthin the Town of Yall, L building oermit is noJ a P,ubl'rc Wav.permlt end must be obtaincd seqaErkU. Pdge 8 of IAOLI]o/oz a.:ff#r?ffi5ff ' Bffi pn6ilcl^s= csgs 2,,7 w N0.493 p.ud.3 UfIUTY tOGTTIOil I'SRIFICATIOil \\_-* .- Thie Fonn ls to vedry 5eryice$v-i65iii66; I*.tb"J* n* *rtUrrti"n ryrd shoutd be usd In €siliunction witt Frpadng V"]ri,,riiny pgn inJ-xtrgduffng insdltdofu. The locauon anq availaHlitv of utilities, whether $ey are main Wnffi'net or Proposed lities, must be rpproved and verifcd by UE tulltrfing ffi1ftie3 br the acconrpanylng site Pl€n. . Authogilcd giogf||tt gSf QwESf 970J8{.023E (tel) 970,384.0257 (fax) Connct: laron ShsrP PUBUC 5FRVICE IIIGH PRE55UFE GAS e70.468.25e8 ftel) Contad: Brucc l"lilkr HoLY CROSS ELEqr$c A55oc. 970.94e.s88{l (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) conEtcti Ted Husky g(CEL ENERCY 303.Sr1,7518 (trl) 303.571,7877 (fsx) conbct: Paul lGllogg EAGE RryER WA]ER & SAI'IITATION blsTRIEl* 970.476.7480 (td) 970.476.4089 (hx) Conta4 Frcd Hagec AT&T BROADAAND tl0,*9.1221x 1r2 (tel) 970.9€.9138 (fax) C.Ertach FbYd Salaar 1{orEti: 1. If ttre utllity vcrlFcttion lbrm has $gnatufes from eaclr of tlrc rrtility conpanies, and no comments are m8de dfrBcfly on the forri, tlre Town wlll Pttsume that therc afle no pftrbhms and the dgralotrnlnt cln PrDaced. 2. If a uEllty cornpany ha5 @ncems with tta popooed c9h$rudbn, the utiltty rcpresentawe shdl note dtrccgy on th€ rltiifti;#tiiirJmn:furli rtt"r* t a *uem "tlg ?5q b be resolved' ' Ttle tssue should then be deihd In an att*hcd rettei o tfri fo'm of vait' Holrst€r' Please keep -in mtnd that tt Ir th. ;po-nrt5tity oi fie udlity compsr,y and the aPPlicgnt E'r$ohre identifcd poblerns. 3. Thqe rcrlflcadons do not reliCre tlp corrtseCor of tfre respotGDtliLy h ebtth I Public Wry ttrmlt frarh thc Oeprrrncnt of n,;6it w"rG A lhe Town of vall.,Ulliuibaetions must b€ oleilned !g E.,6,rtng in ;rW nrUr. tignt*t-*"V. or c"'cryrgnt wlthh t1rr Tqm ef vdl. A-bgld!4-cggt-!5-oc!-g e,Jbric Wqy FE mh and muit belEhi$Lji3DilIllgy. Page 8 of l?'loVL0loz y -Zf!?r - +please prwlde a site Dhn, flmr plan, and ;le\ations when omqining aPproval from $e Eagle Riler Waler & SEni(ati$ Disrid. fia flow neetls mu* be addtessed' 75 Soath Fro*agc Rud Vail, Cobrado 81657 9ru#92138/479-2139 FAXy7T479-2152 Depnment qf Comnunity Daelopme* May26, 1999 RayE Story 3230 lGtsos Ramb Road Vail,Colora& El65E Rc: Sctrpio Coulominium Site lmgovearents Dear Ray, On weercsday, May,lgth thc Town of Vail Design Review Boud consirlereil your poglrial for variurs sire improrrernenrs at the Scorpio Condominiurns. Upon rcview of lhe poposed impovetnens, ilre Design Review Board idenfifierl two items rhat musl bc arklres*d with the pqnsal. Firs, please explore additional ways of restricting ac€e*s arounrl thc south cnd of rhc garc bcsidcs a chain. Sccond, rhe dury)stcr m the wcst side of the propeny must be encloscd. Ple'asc rcvisr: thc plans to illu$ratg a four.sidsl and nxrferl rlurnlxter cnclosurc. Once a rcvis:d set of plans adrbessing tr above-described issucs havc h:cn submittetl to thc C.ommunity hvelopment Deparrnent, I will $taffapprove )our rcqucs{. Should you have any qucstkrnr or cunccmr, plcasc d<r no hcsitatc lo call. You can reach me by elephone at 479-2145. Sincerely, r;?,,2-, Gcorgs Ruther, AICP Senior Plana:r Town of Vail &*n"o.*rrro at Gotvttvt u ttry DeveLopMENT Roultto Fonur Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Date Routed:07t03102 Routed By:BillGibson Date Due:07t10t02 Description of work:REVISIONS Address:131 West Meadow Legal:Lot:D-1 Block:Subdivision:Resub. Lot D, VailVillage 2nd Filing Fire Department lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Status: Comments: D /.. /,.-fi-ur./zzlfl2 sri - tzff Status: I Approved ot Conttuumw DEVELopMENT Rounnc Fonur @ Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Mike Vaughn, FIRE Date Routed:06/06/02 Routed By:BillGibson Date Due:06t12t02 Description of work:Entrance gate and dumpster enclosure Address:131 West Meadow Legal:Lot:D-1 Block:Subdivision:Resub. Lot D, VailVillage 2nd Filins Comments:Date Reviewed: rtment lssues. Need additional review bv Fire From: To: Date: Subject: Lynne Campbell Bill Gibson 712U0212:43PM Scorpio Bldg. John Gulick called and said he is fine with the revisions and to go ahead and release the permit. John Gulick CCIPYT ILE Depaftment of Commwity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwvt ci.vail.co.us June 14.2002 RG Jacobs 2000 Spring Creek Road Gypsum, CO 81637 RE: Scorpio Condominiums - 13 I W. Meadow Drive/Lot D-1, Resub. Lot D, Vail Village 2"d Filing DearRG, The Town of Vail has recently reviewed the Design Review application for the proposed new trash enclosute, entrance gate, and additionai site improvements at the Scorpio Condominiums. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: Plannine I . Submit specifications and photos of the proposed gate separating the southem parking spaces. Public Works 1. The entry way from W. Meadow Drive to the proposed gate must be show on the site plan. Show any existing and purposeed changes. Public Works biggest area ofconcem is near the location where the parking lot area is being moved west four feet.2. Parking spaces existing are between 8'to 8'6'wide by 15 long. Per Town of Vail standards, they must be 9'x 19 - adjust and correct on site plan. 3. Who do the west parking spaces out side of the gate belong to? Scorpio or Alphorn ?Does Scorpio or the owners of the 3 parking spaces have enough parking spaces or are these 3 required? One of these parking spaces may need to be eliminated to allow fire department access. 4. Are any ADA parking spaces required or available? Fire Department 1. Move the gate pedestals east two feet. 2. Provide manufacturer specifications sheet on the gate mechanism. 3. Eight foot parking space should say "mini car only''4. Is the key pad and concrete post being removed - not identified on plans. Please submit revised plans and the additional information noted above. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 4'19-2173. Sincerely, \ - Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town of Vail {g *"no"o rn"o I i \" ,./a r '. Itiri r I :l--r-{L ,.. { --l *a -----.<\ ii, \t -*-+ l i 'l,"lfr\f'=i- I,-l r a t\' t'L5.l. ia-.-lJaE: +iE ' -5.E -::_-: irrt tts4 f' ] v1 {- E$g 3a*6€d &. {I *t \l -;,,r ^t Fr 3 s ui+ EF =FSF)G- aotJ,"l-:l.t.l 3c)s ietus Lr :10 .a\ .r f'. \.' - . r,j: :-; ., rli i.) a<vda1A2 rtvn Adneo4?ila ?raLgJHn& Dr--l lffiln* adAO?3 SHeOHdSINIUdwzrludu +rl -Fltltsl-+ -l _T I I {l;l ft ititr-l I I I I o t Y lt sS' !r @$ \9 7- { l( ri at ot {{. $- ll, =ll5il fril 5ll otur2\i: 5q fi* &.x &f; a,$l e :E' E Y3 iF{ 6B I F-y()Z $K \9z pJ tS ay 7A-- ktoteog\) F;(/) si z{t{tz I I udu Qqvdolo?'-llv^. tU nTo17l.q UgJSdHn( ?N I 41nA olddo)S .E SINIHd SSSHEOHd o o Z <.Js- il *ll+ Etl iull =ll $il 't ----l I Ei a;fl a1 6-sl r'i ___ i), o I L**i!+ lUau.t bt' a].1c, cilHr----a Nehl +'4lo 4!l'g -$1s -€NN il!'L | -'t-.ts' ' , r Wt4a' Id-dE-+ +i =l ._-i- - t. )lt^r, ,.' I'rr'.'..,-: - /,* {tr', J u.:t';ir c'r-f la-rr:ir.(- - '- rl,1 ii f r,:'..i o.x i ,,+ i.. : 1jr,"r.: . '^,r ',i -l', r. ! "' i r ,,.i'1 r, (.. i-'11p 1 * Y?1tz]6'5 f? i<,'J .6' .- YItl'lte+ b_, tt ^'1 d rt ".1 .rlountarn Caret :,, R. G. Jacobs 2OOO 9pnng Creelt Road Gypsum, CO 8'1637 $a.'1i,"'?. yt /, P11;'' Phoae and Fax: P70)52+7629 C ellula | : (97 0)39+6399 .': ,-.1 ' ffit"-6zso ScorpoC6ndd5 TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Develop ment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX e70-4W(&28,2000 Ace Roofing Ann: Gloria P.O. Box 276 Glenwood Spdngs, Co. 81601 Dear Gloria On cenior buitding inspector adviee.d me to go ahead ard final these permits out and refund your clearup deposit without a final inspection. due to the age of the permits. However, please bc aware that thc permits will reflect that a find inspection was uot done. should arryone question lhe fact. If at somerime in thc spring you would like 1o rcquest tlat final inspections be done on cach of tlresc permitC please call our inspection line at 9?0-479-2135. If you have any queslions, plcasc call mc at 9'7M79-2325 Thankyott, 4(o*nqlcauen Kathy rJfarrcn Permit Review Coordirutor {g o"n""ror rr* Departwent of Canununiry Development 75 South Fronuge Road VaiL Colarado 81657 e7&479-213V479-2139 FAX97A-479-2452 December l,2000 AceRoofing P.O. Box 276 'Glenwood Sptiltgsb Co. 81601 Attn: Ace Roofing; orr records indicate that building permits #896-0234. 896-0235, 896-0250, 897-0278' and 898-0214 issued to Ace noJn'ng, do not show final inspections. There is e total of $S00.00 in clean-up fees that can be-iefunded to you upon final inspections' Please catl our inspection line at 479-2135 to schedule final inspection as,sooo as possible, All fees will be considered forfeited 30 days from the date ofthis notification ifinspections have not been performed. lf you have iny questions, please call me ar 479'2325' Thank you, 4(0fi,"$DoERurl Kathy Warren Permit Review Coordinator B?t"-oZit4- Ro6s'qmsr- W\ grtqaszeee tD" g?to, &'J5 ' Olr.rro* 2*o r'{A|\t|6 €rrre* f..lst ' W. OzSo'ft&ao@56'5,- 1n1 W' MEEtlt$'DB" 9q'1- OL18.- (rcren- Solo Eodtil,- c?'*'W" W-oat4 - fuinus - ?ffi A€ceAD?.' {,gu**uo 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479_2 I 3 s FAX 970-479-2452 Departmeft of Commun,iry Deve lopment Building Softtl & Inspection Sswices Division TO: FAX NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: F'ROM: q7_A:A4Ii:le4l4 _9fo:_945:5-:Uere_ Kathy Warren. Pernrit Review Coordinaror Tor.vn of Vail Cornrnun ity Development Deparlrnent Building Safbty & lrrspection Services Division 75 South Frontagc Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Plrone 970.479,2125. direcr linc F AX 970.47e.2452 E-tnai | : kwalren@ci.vai l.co.us 10pA oDTfrA,hrs ruc*_Suuoruq pa"uT3. u$rnenrumr{ tt€ Tb d.P LtilESt Sr{ilrr/FAr.l tl AcrpuUr,lifrorlrcye Hq hfE!$UEe W.hP,Hs UP_,_TE_qpD_rAArrE_g-ESotS prEFsg $ nate: l%l/oo No. Of PagesFAX G(D\yEFT SHEET CoMPANY NAME: __eE{SrUCe_ COMMENTS, NOTE,S: REC'TLEI' PN'ER -/-.--\.i4{"}. ) CONSTRUCTION PERMITFVrl - nn\ffi/ [,,,,o, department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EF eutorlc D ElrctntcRlN MEGHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION NorE - copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBsrrE pLANs rN s,,or tl DATE ___tE€j-E APR 2I , 1992 0054i 1 r!x I' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I l rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IR M DIVfSfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : REPAINT BUILDING AND REPLACE STDTNG PERMIT NO. - - z. F- J BUITOING 60,000 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ON EXTERIOR RAILING.MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.B.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V lHR R-1 0 60,000 BUILOING PERMIT 540 \($D:- ,+- \,\\t\\q- $ ', r _'1ek) .3tr ctr-<c u\\ PLAN CHECK 351 ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION ()O{ ADDITIONAL() REPAIRO PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE THICKNESS B-VALLUE ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL ST CUT x BLASTING v PARKING x DEMO INSULATION; FLOOB EXT. WALLS ROOF ELEC, DESIGN REVIEW EOARD i00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 250 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 1,241 DAN STANEK APR 28, 1992 Irr-orHc orrrcnL -DAIE -JILL KMMERER APR. 28, 1992 INING ADMINISTRATOR OATE )NING & BUILDING NOTES: -ATERIALS AND COLORS TO MATCH DRB PPROVED COLORS AND MATER]ALS (ATTACHED). I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plol plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correcl. I agrse lo comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other thereto. UP T0: NEDBO CONST. POB 0X 3419 VAIL, C0 81658 CLEAN CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF LOT 17 FILING JOB NAME: SCORPIO REMODEL NAME scoRPIo coNDo Assoc. I21 W MEADOW DR. MAIL ADDRESSvArL 476-CITY PH. FIRM FRITZLEN, PIERCE, MATLADDRE*. Box 57 PH476-6342 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG. NO. 25I-B 476-4305 LECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANICA TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE. \,(-: -CONSTRUCTION PERMIT oere ?-2O-?affi'D ApR z 1 lgp ,<4// PERMTT HO. J /'/ . departrnent of community dcvalopmont TO BE FILLED OUT@MPLETELY PBIOF TO TSSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D pluuatNc D rouHoerpHtr &u D EUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ALTERATIOT{ AODITIONAL ( } REPAIR( INSULATION: BLASTIMi PARKING THICKN€SS R.VAI.LUE LOI / ,/ BL r. TYPE OF COI{STRUCTIOI{ Z.OCCUPANCYGROUP ^BEHt}n | 22.34 TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VAI.UATIOTI \ x x X "tl* l)A -'-- u*"n. ARCHITECT 1r?- zo=4 ,, ufr;fJ", pred Rrwep *r^,,--o*.o Box 5 7--------j-rT -,aw UAt I L0 eu.17FUys GENERAL CONTRACTOR "*" l,)edb" C",*,t 9^. rown oF vArL REc. No. )sf €,.,Jzt - 43cS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIFM TOWN OF VAII. REG. NO, PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOV/f.l oF vAtL REG.NO TFLE MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, OTHEJE CONTRACT FIRM ro! 4! !E! !l REG. NO. TELE. EXT. WATLS ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOEO: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this 8pplacation;lilled out in full lhe inlormation required. compleied an accurate plot ptan. and state that all th€ into.mation provided as requirsd as cor.ect. I agreb to comply with the iniormation and plot plan, to cornply with allTown ordinances and state lJws, and to buitO this structure according lo lhe T_own's zoning and subitivision codes. design review approved, Uniform Building CoCe and otnyflrd'ganff il |npTgfn applicable thereto. v|1l' stcuerunefrfwuea oR\coNTRAcroR FoR HlMsctF AND THESYVNER. H with the design giuidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptuaL reviewE. The property owner or hls representatlve shall be present at the DRB hearing. I a iiAllE OF PROJECT: LIST OF Ii{ATERIALS Scorpio Condooiniuns 1-I]GAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BI6CK SUBD]VISION :l1'REET ADDRESS: 131 WesE lleadow Dr.' Vail, C0 ,ESCRIpTION OF pROJECT: Facade Improverrencs to Scor!io Condominiums 'I'ne following infornation is :ieview Board before a final BUII,DING MATERIAI^9: Roof Siding Other WaLI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other I,ANDSCAPTNG: NAME Of required for subnitta] to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF }.IATERIAL COLOR no change n/a. no change a-t.ro7 Stucco B-1 Benjamin t"loore 1i992 metal frame to be covered bv ceda-r,-board s no change P- I Benj arnin l"loore lt 1652 no change S-l Benjamln Moore /i 983 no chanee no change - no change P- I Benj arnin }foore ll 1652 no change P-l Benjamin Moore ll 1652 no change ?-1 Benjamin Moore lt 1652 I x 12 Cedar T-1 Cabot Stain: semi-solid n/a no change P-l Benjamin Moore li 1652 no change stone Eo remai-n no r-hnngo qemp ac ci.ling n/a Rail lng Cap P-l Benj arnin Moore ll L652 Inslde Parking Garage Benjamin Moore # 983 i/a ll0l74 or Itor44 Designer: Phone: PI,ANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TRXES Botanical Nane gornrnon Narne Ouantitv Size* no change to existlng landscaPing 3. no trees to be distrubed or removed -S\\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, \\* \\\ JoB NAME a INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI N FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ,_ ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL EoD. t\ \1 -\ . Vdrruer- \\i'.\t\ tr F,NAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS i tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINALtOVEDtr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, /a /.r#z rNSPEcroR nffis,* EONSTRUCTION PERMIT departmont of community danelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT WPE OF PERMIT EFeurtgnrc D pluuetHc n elecrnrcll n FoUNDATToNn urcnRrutcn E Fire alarm NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE e11g R/] /R5 002184 PERMIT NO. I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H I RM DlvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : f i re a'l arm 122a34 ryPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION t'l tA rb@ ^t\ri / in ALTERATION ADDITIONAL( } REPAIR( ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIFEPLACES EXT, WALLS T ADDITIONAL PERMITS PABKING DEMO Fire alarm TOTAL PERMIT FEES _ laltergon /?-A_ _ UU/_85_ _ji-r-6i-ndoFrcniT 4t- - - -'- -DAtiE ING AOMINISTRATOR DATE t hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the informalion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building code and othet (rmwapplicable thereto. FtLtNG scoRpro coNnos JoBNAME: SC0RPI0 FIRE ALARM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. F|RM SCI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACT II ii TIIE FOLLOI'IING IS I{EEDED FOR FILiiis PERI'i i Tetiei from Condo Assoc(if applicable 2 sets of complete drawings( if no / \ t./ C\ \ -{-Ltjor[ 5]ree. I dcpartment of community dovolopmont /8ff {f 'Ft r}rffi :};5g|i"'tXE I" lif Hft ! "E R E ! 1 " " z F f Uiawings two complete explanation of rglJ:r-_-__-... PERLIIT FEES BUILOING PERMIT plah cspcx ELECTRICAL PLUUBING MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE DESIGN R€VIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES IIUITDINC OFFICIAL OATE n D w D Dn BUILDING ELECTRICAL hI€CHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION Frtt< .AL*Q'r't'-.. a X X { :ONIN6 ADMINISTRATOR I hereby acknowledgo lhat I have read this application, filled out In lull the lnformation required, DAIE TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. T OTHER CONTRACTT')R rowru o, uo,. nEc. *o. S -l 7'-f rELE. q76 ^?ia4 zoNrNG & EUrLDllG n,Or*"t w'\( 4l'4'l /.,, /<, /'/ /J,e,t ( -? fit 6.q a*t f "-t AJ , "lc,'- l6i7 completed an accurale plot plan, and slate tha t all the inf orrnation providc as rcquired is correcl. I ll ordinances and sla teagree Io comply wilh ths Inlormation and plot plan, to comply wilh all laws, and lo build this structure accor<iing to the Tow subdivisipn codes. dr'sign review approved, Uniform Building Code and other or Town iDdicable lltere lo. XXXXXXXXXXXXX E8 OR CONTRACTOR FOB HIMSETF \- f-r Re ;4.^o,^*- -Porta Xu o^ ?o^ A u n, u si tr-rt:& 5,;rlu - Sro,o* 0",^l,pAt7a^r ..=S*o*,, $r.* ,4ro- p.,+a*^-J-L...t A.na,.- fL." , du^l ?aoj t-<-raa Fi*nJ I\A*N u-a I A.**.- 5'to-o" I at\..P c.-{zhTuae 0 //-n, -D,+-{o^ @Z--f ?,. ) S*o,.. )- J.ec-to rt /4/L flPt' ,60"r* r z''zl "x 1"*l- n''o'a &4 4 oa.l 3, g: FJ zz-Z'z7zz>7" y'4.* /4//'4 s '{nZ 7-L- z-& - z'3 ' z4- z{' 76' Q neooe /t F oo,- . 24 F'oon 3 d F'*^ ft F.ooo 5T F.ro,.€LEUe'ivtz_ 27. a.a5- ,lo il tl !./'*'' oP tQ\rY rQr ls, tl 10,lo lF I o Il\- I ,,- t\ l-c I o D fr t"l d i i ul . (r i(-s.ot,p-h - Fl Irt\-l f -- {\;, ( J- il- a,too lv (A _{) Floob XJl 1 Ir l --ll N rLo- R0oDr v $ t. l i (^ \L t\o F I-JIt IA q .o IJ. {r Y-- \|s,-? ]t tnc .g t\ \ C^ ri Iood \-l +)t ta /*/ .V i.) PERMIT NUMB PROJECT INSPECTION REQUE$T TOWN OF VAIL ,or, / 0 INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON PM CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ----6e'READY FOR LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEr- PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: B TEMP. POhTER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING RoUGT . coNDr-lrT tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO 8/22/84 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 00183rr' hn fuilllz aAp.rtr""t of comrurnify f evelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E $ BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION !n D on elx-ll9_9 FtLtNG Vai I--Vi f!Sgc-znd-- JoB NAME: SCORpIO NAME5COTpIO UOn ulrmonEss P.0. Box 2443 crrv Vail 827pn.5fi2 !, ARCHITECT p1pi, Intratect MATLADDREss Box 57 crw Vail 827ea. 57 nn, Shields Construction Cor rowl or vnt nee. ruo. 'l l5A GENERAL CONTRACTO F'RM out for TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. rELE. T.TYPE OFCONSTRUCflON I ll lll lV U,/ 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM -'\t.( DtVtStON4 I rz2as4 GENERAL DESCRIPTI0N OF-WORK :...-:-.----concrete sldewa I K, qql!!_3_!d PERMIT NO v r, -.' \J \., ' z E BUILDII{G 1 5 ,600 ELECTRICAL 600 PLUMBING MECHANICAL+nrffia rrr+ao TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V NA 1 5 .600 BUILDING PERMIT I 16.50 _* is)\ C\ *{ SS PLAN CHECK 75.72 ELECTRICAL 35.00 NEw( ) ALTERATToN(^) ADDTfloNAL ( ) REPATR(PLUMBING DWELLTNG UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - ruo. rrnfl,lces RECREATION FEE OESIGN REVIEW BOARO '10.00 "oo" ! l,S I CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT 100.00 USE TAX 150.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 487.22 ^ "q,,iy"#H.rs'ts4r- 9/ L2 / 8 4 6 orE _ _Iiomqs] _Lrqun 8/|118]:,"::*"i-^Rffi"ttt r*INTNG ADMINISTRATOR DATE ".*',* ^5fiN "\ lll )NING & BUILOING NOTES:ffiq I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that atl the inlormalion provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Tgvgn's zoning and subdivisio_q codes, desig review approved, Uniform Building Code and othel/rfinanc€s ol thg.lpwn apgfseb]4therclo. Clean-up to: Shields Construction Corp AND THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF bJorK S)-,eeT- do[)nrttrront of TO 8E FILLEO OUTCOMPLET TYPE OF PER BUiLDING ELECTRICALMrc At,ICAl E ffi rnrnrunity llovololrnrorr t iTELY PRIOS TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT MIT ! pluMerNc D rouruoerroxn l. TYPE oF coNsrRucnoN tnn wO 2. OCCUr'Af,tcY G OUP n oE tt In M OfVISION L22ag4 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WOIIh : z tr J .]UILOING 15, 000. 00 600.00ELECTRICAL PLUMBING nonF MECHANTCAL none 1!e:=j-.--- TYPE qROUP G.N.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES.-.-1-4-&/a K,Cuu, -'BUILDING PERMIT Jl6 9e PLAN CHECK 7{, tz ELECTNTCAL ?5" "NEW( , ALTERATToN (ffi PTUMBING OWELLING UIIITg HEIGHTINFT. ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - NO. FIFEPLACES THICKNESS N.VALLUE N INITIAL ( INSULATION; FLOOR EXT. WALLS T ST. CUT ELASTING PANKING OEMO MECHANICAL NECRE^TION F€E DESIGN NEVIEW BOARO *14-so CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT /o o, -o USE TAX L9o,' TOTAL PERMIT FEES + x:1 ^T ONING & BUILDING NOTES: ffi,K L*fi:l"i.,jT::{l:?f'e^:l:ll,ifl:j:*-l,li?,.,-ttll..l,iqn,liiled out in (uil rhe informarion required, ::ilf,ij.:"T"1::l,llL':,1:llll::i,ll,llll il*ii,ri-ri* inro,rnarion provirrco no ,.,i,Tffi i..liJiili i'"sJ:""':r.:lfl1y,,Ii:':,,1':,:Lr^l:Trr19i ,",9 ptot ptan, io cornpry wirh al rown ",rili|"i'",,"j,Xo'|i,jiJ[;i:;"13"1:l:11,:]:,.*'H:jl';;.:"t::'^ilitl.* tdri ;;il';'#L'.",H,;fiif?".?'"::H'il;review approved, Uniform Buitcting Cooe i""d otnJ,. s^ii;;r;ir;;e the EOF AND THE OWN ER. FOR HIMSELF LEGAL ncc.| LOT PorLion BL FILING JO8 NAME: ARCHITECT Hnur Socrpio ccndo A""oa._ rurr nnnnEss p.O. Box 2443 clry Vail., OO pu.B27-5732 uerL rooREss Box 57 r srrvVail, CO ea.B27-5732 GENERAL CONTRACTOR LECTRICAL NTRACTO F'RM Shields Const. Coro- rowry or veru nrc. No. 115 A (303) 476-2868 F'RM Ort for bids - TOWN OF VAII FEG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rowN oF vAtL Rqc. No. MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR IOuJN OF VAIL NEG. NO. . OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TELE. rN toN TOWN OF t,,1, - . REQUEgT VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON . /rUEtSj THUR FRI tr FRAMING BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL B FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER - trGASPtPtNG- - tr POOL/H.TUB -r-r _ T'l tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB -r-l tr FINAL rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL iCTRICAL: TEMP. POWERtr tr tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr,DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,* pN,$F,LouEsrTOWN OI CALLER rues f weo-THUR DATE INSPECTION: 1. JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION:,:.. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL , .t rl t ' : lEI APPROVED,'1.. CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rN "toTOWN N, $F|-ouE$r DATE .READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED eq,trxuR ' rnt I j.:- . AM ; LOCATION: FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROQF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/H.TUB tr SHEETROCK ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS B SUPPLY AIR 'zdeppnovEo CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR -s{t*" Project Application o^r" &n/ (,,tff2 'a&rryn,,mf .-./3/Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: 'etr7L/r'a) fadl f/69 Arch*ect, Address and Phone: ,u,^n l/d l////uKB ry F/Le Comments: Design Review Board APPROVAL o^rc --?z/ / /tr? it' ;(:; u6 DISAPPROVAL nred o4. 4p/-Summary: E statt Approval O itrro l,lnn + $ez APPLICATI0N DATE: March 2. rqqz DATE 0F OnS YeefiNe: Aprlt I . rqq2 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI{ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-appljcation meeting with a p'lanning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No applicatjon will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appo'i ntment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Pleiie note that a C0MPLETE applica- i. tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number ', of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N: Facade Improvements ro Scorpio Condominiuurs B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: AddreSS 131 W."t M."dor Drfu olorado -Legal Description Lot / , Block- Fil ing W/lt/,aF,=*e 'etgZonins /DfilF Jacob s ,C. NAME OF APPLICANT: P.O. Box 1767, Avon, Colorado telephone 949-9t24 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: ertr Pierce - Fritzlen, Pierce, Brlner P.O. Box 57, Vail, Colorado telephone 476-6342 E. NAME 0F 0IINERS; Scorpio Condominium Association Si gnature Address D. NAME OF Address Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION The fee will be paid at the time a building FEE telephone ?r'? 7p f permit is requested. $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .5o0,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that wjll be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEl.| BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fai l to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. ^/ I ffiT APR T AIW Aprii 7. tg9z Ms. Laura Nash Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.B. Box 5? Vai l. CO 81658 Dear Laura, Scorpio Condominiuns Homeourner6' Association is in the process of coll€cting a gpeciat Assessment to cover the cost of painting the bullding. It is the intent of the association to proceed with this projeet aE Eoon as possiblB' I hope to have final aPproval of the proposed color scheme by Honday, Apri I 13, along uith the signed contract. Thanks for your help on this projeet' Sincerely, Cl - /- , ,r.t /,LIt'-ffuftc&t*tP// Ei I een Forte-J*6obs Hanager, ScorFio Condominluns bq'"e2 e{n f+J)X Gults-=t! I:Tq $r $ti ,r€t:I 'aII $ \* rn\r .Y R \l \J \* $/ \ t\t \\' ts.\I r$ [\ r$r$fl'l*6r i iufndr?-I LI xs ..1t,il .5 -'*i i '.f.i.t' \I R a-g e2)n!< T,ta ['-l )dn fttN Gutts=lrtEI ? .,t tV.\ :f-lrn..x\\ \l $.{{$j </e B $ \* l'Q o221119 \il\- \ N R\$ \ \_v \ N\' _:. ar'.\ { $t t, r$$fl if,tFrl :i:l-!l-: gesisn sruidelines. rhe DRB does not vore onconceptual reviewg-. Th. property-owner or hisrepresentative shall be present lt tne DRB hearino. i-.1l"tE OF PROJECT:io Condoniniums I EGAL DESCRIPTION: I.oT- BI'CK SUBDTVTSTON :rI-REET ADDRESS. 131 West t{eadow Dr., Vail, C0 TESCRIPTION oF pRoJBgl3 Facade rurprovemenEs to scor io Condominiums '.1'he following ;teview Board infonnation isbefore a final reguired for submittal toapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL the Design COLORBUTLDTNG MATERIAI,S: Roof siding Other Wal1 MateriaLs Fascia soffits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck RaiLs FIues FJ-ashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other i2 I.ANDSCAPTNG:Nane of Designer: Phone: PI,ANT MATERIAI,S: Botanical Narne 'RO'OSED TR'ES no change B-I Benjamin Moore 11992 no change S-l Benjamin Moore /i 9g3 P-l Benj arnin Moore tl 1652 no change P-I Benjaurin Moore ll 1652 no change P-l Benjamin Moore ll 1652 I x 12 Cedar T-l Caboc Stain: serni.-sol id n/a n/a no change P-l Benjarnin Moore lt 1652 no change stone !o rema i.n ll0l7 4 or #ot44 nal ah.ar-lop Crr'lp ec e i;jFft n/a Ralling Cap P-l Benj anin Moore ll 1652 Inside Parking Garage Benj amin Moore /l 983 n/a Common Name Ouantity Size* to exlstlng landscap ing I.]XISTING P-l Benj aurin Moore ll 1652 TREES IO no trees to be distrubed or removed *tVg. cy,niff! , W.r"- rmil'-. Se4t{;r+7q )* furrcr ?a&,*)q 4?,, to/n r,. ffi*U%,ro *< IF/-ct *, r.,_, z !.#^- " jfrr"mtlry'rqDo' /f?/ /{ C Project Application o^r" 9- ll'8'J proiect Name: Sc^p$,er Dq),*rkrr-rrP-,. kL'clcz+rrc'* I Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phon6: Architect, Adclr€ss and Phone: Legal Dgscriptioo: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comnlents: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL summary: t!^ r *,,Pr 3+r.rt-i) O^,cdi: f[rr.,p i!) t rnL'r"/ 0f,*./l.*1 L ''.t-inc/'rl6J + .CI6AJ ff. { a,.u Approval q\ \ I\i\ {, do \9\qt r$ I$8ri qa I I I I I I I o Proiect Name: Proiect Oescription: Contact P€rson and Prolect Application n .( Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal oescription: Lol Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL t ROST" ROSI, BANNEIT & Gn.IFtrETE ATTOFNEYS AT LAW A27 TOPEKA EOULEVAFID TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 (s r g) 23,1-56(}4 Jme 7, 1984 Tom Braun Town of Vail Box 100Vai1, Colorado Dear Mr. Braun: As President of gcorpio Condominium Association I have received and approve of the proposed site improve- ments to the Scorpio Building, including installation of landscaping and parking control gates. SincereJ-y yours, omas O.Rostof Scorpio Condominiurn AssociationPresident TOR:pg LEE FI. BAFINETT G. H. GRIFFETH THEALPHORN P. O. BOX 3648 VAIL, COIORADO 81658 June 81 1984 Mr. Tom Braun Planner, Tovn of Vail Box lOOVailr Colorado 81657 Dear Tom: The Alphorn Board of Managers has reviewed the nost currentsite plan for the proposed Scorpio parking controlinstalLation. Our Board unanimously supports and approvesthe plan submitted by Mr. Bill Pierce of Intratect DesignGroup. In the event any revisions to the plan are mader wewould like to be notified and given the opportunity torevielr them. Thank vou,,8t,8ffi Ben Boutellr President Alphorn Condominium Association BB: dms THE ALPHORN P. O. BOX 3648 vArL, coroRADo 81658 June 8 t 1984 Mr. Tom Braun Plannerr Town of Vail Box lOO Vail r Col-orado 81657 Dear Torn: The Alphorn Board of Managers has reviened the nost currentsite plan for the proposed Scorpio parking controlinstallation. Our Board unanimousl.y supports and approvesthe plan submitted by Mr. BilI Pierce of Int,ralect DesignGroup. In the event any revisions to the plan are mader wewould like to be notified and given the opportunity toreviev them. Thank vou,8.8ffi Ben Boutellr President Alphorn Condominium Association BB: dms o LIST Otr MA't.nnIALS NALfli or PnoJ[cT LEGAL DIJSCNIPTION DESCRIPTION O}' PIIOJECT (Wer^t l r<g cEe,Alz E'o||'j' U.ro^, hat aF LOT ur O TJLOCK Uat Uhuo.e ,eND FILI}IG AL Sro,N€ OveL TUIN- (,6le!T SV^rTasfiC g( $.-d - Tue The fo1.l olving inlormationto the Dcsign Revj,r,-w Doard A. ) BUILDING MATIIRIALS: Roof Sid in g Other 1fa11 Lfaterials Fasci a Sof fits l{indorvs IYindorv Trim Doors Door Trim Fland or Deck RaiLs tr'lrres is required tor subnrittal bybefore a Ijnal approval can the Applicant be givcn. Tvpe of llateri al.CoIor t\a T g6 . Pg) <-@e,&qr4Pt-5q4r-Tea^s- 4 zo4 -7tz llJe<te.at P,erc Ceelx*- ozVnen 7. B.) PIANT MATERIALS qig"Ei:l;i'rl$lfi"aping I-laterials including rrees , shrubs , .Flashi ngs Clr inrn e ys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Botanical Name Corrunon lilame Quantity Size I tF, ; t1'! sO<) 7.{f. ,.:d{/ii A,) C irr) € r.r . Page 2 Plant MaEerials Continued BoLanical Namc o o Corrunon Name Quantitv Size Nor Aepu.a,sr4 c.)OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining Walls, Fences, Swlmning pooLs, etc.) (Please Spectfy) f 4n Profect Application g' - tt -f o Poect Name: Prolect Description: fi.rrL I ' @llErAddress and Phone Oh/ v. e r,'{trc{*cef Address and Phone: l)a ' r o^'{' Legaf Description: Lol Lo f L) , g1o"g Zoning Approved: Design Review Board / Moiion'by: ( cA li/,',' r - >o - ?a DISAPPROVAL ../i > 4u", ),/ ' t-4 aa/{4i Chief Building Official OWNER: ARCIIITTCT: I'Jt0.lt:C'I' IlANUAL | () t' .s c()l(.1' l0 coNt)oIil N I ul! l)ohrN:;t)()U1' nDl) I TI ON and FOLINDATI ON I,'ATtlRPROOFI NG til^$,sE I (PHASE 2 DIVISIONS INCLUDED) (^_ \_=scoRpl0 coNDO)4 tNluM ASSOCIAI,ION)B;*ex_3441___- VAII., co B 1658 --=--=-- t N',t'riAl'l..CT P.o.tsox 57 vAIL, u0 81658 Al"IN: Htl-L l,1l:RCIi(303) s27-5732 JUNE 27,1986 l'il[ SCOlu,l(] DOWNSPOUT ADDITION AND FOUNDATION WATERPIIOOTING TABLE OF CONTENTS TiSlc Page Teblc of Contcnts Intornatton for Invtted Bldders Coodltlons, Plans, and Speciflcltloos lld Forras Specl f I cati.ons Divlslon A - Supplemental Condltlons Dlvlslon I - Gcneral Rerluirements Dlvislon2 -SireWork Dlvlslon 3 - Concrete - no requl-erments Dlvislon 4 - Masonry -- no requlrements Divlslon 5 - Mcrals _ (phase 2 only) Dlvlslon 6 - Wood and lrlastica -- no requirement6 Division 7 - Thermal and Moisture proteclion Dlvislon 8 - Doors and l{lndous -- no requircnentg Dlvislon 9 - Ftnishes -- (phase 2 only) Illvlslon l0 - - no requlrerlenta Dlvtslon lt - Equtpment -- no requlrenencs Dlvlslon l2 - Furnishlngs -- no regulrements Dlvision l3 - Speclal Construstlon -- no requirenents Dlvfs{on l4 - Conveying Systens -- no requirements Dlvlsion l5 - M<'clranlc.-r1 -- no rt,rltri rcnrcnts lJivJslolr l6 - l.llcctrlc:rl -- rro l.(:(lui rclucnts THE SCORP1O DO!{NSPOUT ADDITION AND FOUNDATION WATERPROOFING INFORMATION FOR INVITED BIDDERS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Invited bidders for the Scorpio Dowrispout Additlon and FoundatLon I'later- prooflng utll be given one set of plans, specifications, and addenda for bldderrs use. Addttional Contract Docunents nray bc obtained fron the Architect upon eubrnltclng a $30.00 deposit, payable to the Architect. Sald ileposlt shall be refunded in full upon return of the complete and undamaged docunents or crcdiled to the Selected Contractor. The office of the Architect ls; Intratect 472 South Maln Street f3 Minturn, Colorado (303) 827-5732 thc mailing address.of the Architect is: Intratec t P.O.Box 57 ValI, CO 81658 l. THE SCORPIO DOWNSPOUT ADDITlON AND FOUNDATION WATERPROOF'I NG COND ITION Contractor r.rill not only be seLected on cornpe! i t iveness of bld, butalso demonstration of the ability to complece the contract i.n a timelyand qua1lly nanner. Any nateriai to co.roborate this sh.uld be sub-nitted wlch the Bid. Thls would include avail.ability of off_sitestorage, required materials, labor, and supervisory personnel. ') INNUii,{I.ICd The Selected Contraccors shall haveof vandallsm, t.hef t, or unnecessaryagent or employce of the Concractor. I. SELECTION OF CONTMCTOR 3. METHOD OF BIDDING 4. TIME OF COIIPLETION 6.CONDITIONS OF WOI{K evidence of insurance covering any acEsdanage co Owrrerts property by any General Contractor is responsible foruork among separace sub-contractors rshall be good for 130 davs. coordinacion andskills and trades. divlslon of The bid prlce Selected Contractor rnusE agree toto Proceed, and Final CornpietionNotlce to Proceed. conrmence htork within 14 days of Noticeshall be achieved r.Tithin 45 days of 5. LIQUIDATION DA-i4AGES selected contractor also understands that failure Eo achleve substantialand Final comprelion wichin the above tine peri'd irirl resurt ln a ::li::lr"t Fif cv Dol1._al!_(S_o:0g1_per day unril rhese cornplerions are Each bidder nust inform himself of the conditions relating to theconstruction of the.project and the employrnent of labor tte.eon.Failure co do so will not relieve a .,r.cessful bidder of his obligationsto furnish arl materlal and labor nu"o"rr.y to ciirry ouE the provisionsof hl-s contract. Tnsofar as possible ah. C.rr,ar""f or, in carrying outh1's work, must emproy such methods as will not cause any interruptlonor lnterference with the work of any other contractor. 7. THE SCORPIO DOWNSPOUT ADDITION FouNDArroN fil?u*r*oo. r r. ADDENDA AND INTERPRETATION Al1 signiglcant inEerpretaEions of or other documents will be rnade by request of the bidder in writine. the mCaning of the p1ans, specificaCions the Architect, in writing only upon 8. NOTICE OF SPEC]AL CONDITIONS Attention is particurarly called to these parcs of the contracc Docunentsand spceificafions and special condicions; A. B. c. D. The Form of Agreement for the Work Form of Agreement BetL,een Owler and A107, uhere Ehe basis of payment is copy of the agreement is available shall be "Abbreviatedcontractorr" AIA Docurnent a Stipulated Sum. A from the Architect. F G. Ihe storage is llurlred; Sub-contraccors nay use spaces only. the Contractor, hls enployees, anda maximum of five exterior parklng scaffolding may be necessary Eo perform work at the constructlonslLe. The cosc of deli.very, ereclion, and removal of scaf_folding sharl be included in the conErac! sum. The contractorsha1l assune full responsibility for che design, sEructurecapacicy, erection, and removal of scaffolding. Excreme caution is Lo be maintained with regards to the exlstingroof and its components, no penetrations of rnernbrane shalloccur aL ilny time, pr()tection crf roof is mandaEory duringtire entire Elme of consEruction and damages shall be thesole responsibiliry of the Contractor. The Contractor shal1notify the ArchiEect. irnnediately if any damages occur. The Contractor sha11 carefully work around existing heat tape. The heat tape shall be examined carefully by Che Contractor,stored, repaired, and extended, if ncccssary, wj.Ch sirnilarmaterial.s and per manufacturerrs instruccions. Working hours shall be restricted to 9;00 am to 5:00 pn, Monday chrough Friday. the Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of Cheoccupants, ernployees, and general publlc within che consCructionslte, and the surrounding area insofar as the nature of the construc t ion warrants. The Contr:tct f)ocrrmenEs are gcneral in nature. The Contractor sha11 inspect the site prior to submitting a bld and shallfield verify all lnfornarion on the plans and contained hereln. The Owner shal1 not rcspect requests for increases in theConfract Sum for any rcrasor.l other Llr:rn unforseeable existlngcorrdlLi(,ns- .r H. 1'lrI sc()ttPI0 DOI,INSPOUT ADDITION AND FOUNDATION WATERPROOFINC The contractor shall locace any existlng utl,lltles and sprinkler sysEem that sha11 be directly or indlrectly affected byconstruction. Caution ls urged due to the nature and possibJ.e location of the varlous uEllitles close to the buildlngperimeter. The Contractor shall assume full responstblliCyfor repair of any damaged urllity and llquldated darnagee tfapproprlace. Ttre sprinkler syst(Jm shall be restored to ltsrcurrent operational condltion. 9. LAWS AND REGTJLATIONS The bldderrs aLEcntion ls diercted to the fact thaE all applicable state laws, rnunlcipal ordinances and the rules and regulations of all aufhoritfe6 have JurisdicElon over construction of the projecc, sha11 apply to the Conrract throughouc, and Ehey will be deerned to be included in the ConEracf the same as though herein written out ln full. IO. SUBMITTALS FOR APPROVALS AS EQUALS OR SUBSTITUTION The Architecf will eril-ertain submiEtals for approval for 'ror equa1"or substitution of products other than Lhose speclfled only under the fol1or.rl.ng conditions : c. Submit 3 copj,es of manufacturerts necessary to enable the Architect quality of the requesr. data and supportive data to clearly determine the B. Submit 3 copies of a letter clearly i.ndicatlng what is being substituted for a specified project or procedure, statlng the exact specificatlon being requested for review. No submittals for subsritution shall be accepted after June.30 1986 II. METHOD AM) TIMING OF AWARD Blds shall be submitred to the Archltect by June 4, 1986. All Bldderswlll be lnformed of their status by telephone or written cornngnlcatlons by June 5, 1986. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids. t2 OBI,ICATION OI' IJIDDER At the time of the Or^rner rs receipt of bids, each bidder will be presumed to have inspected the site and to have read and become chroughly farniliar wirh the plans and Contract l)ocuments (inr:l.uding all addenda). The fallure or omisslon of any bidder to cxanine any form, instrurncnt , or docuqrent shall in no way relieve any bidder from any obligation in respecE (l tris Ufa. 4. Ttts scoRPto DOI{NSPOUT ADDTTIOII AM) FOUNDATIOII }'ATER,PNOOFI HC 13. UARRENTS Ttrc contractor shall warrent the entlre lnstallaclon for a perlod of twoyears fron the date of Flnal conpletion as deternined by the Archltect. 14. ORICINAL CONDITION OT SURROUNT']NGS The contractor shall restore to the original condition any and al1 objects,grading, land forms, plant maEerial, and building naterial darr4ged as aresult of construction. BID F()R],' ,-,ftLr- Proposal of (here inafter the Laws of buslness as c a 11ed and existln[In-JE]the State of Colo rado,a parEnership, or an lndlvidual dotng SCORPIO COMOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONP.o.Box 2443VAIL, co 81658 Gentlemen: The Bidder, in compliance with your.l'vitation for bids, havlngexanined rhe plans and spccifi""ii"i"-"i.h .ur;;;; ;;;;;." and the siEeof the proposed "ork, and ;;i;;";;riil, ,icr, atl of rhe condicionssurroundlng the constructl0n oi at*-propo""d project including :d:iiiillt :iJi i:: t.5*;u -i;i: i,*:.:* iit!;;;.,; ". j*xt":,j, ln o.,,the Contract Doc urncrcover arr expenses lts and at the Price scated below. iio". prr""s are toDocuments, -.i-"ii.n'"curred in pcrf.rrnir.r.,i"-ot.i.,J;'i;'l';:.the work required "na"r tr," ionlr'". 'Bldder hereby agrees to commence work h,ithin 14 days of Noclce to proceed. Bidder acknowredges receipt of the following addendun: PROPOSAL li.o"o":^:*;:::,::.ry..{.T alr of rhe work for rheAdditlon and Foundat qrr (,r Lne work lor the Scorpio Downspoutand rnforrner{nn r^- ion,t,larcrproofing as describe; ;"";;":: .,16-jF.r^^-and rn f o rrna t lon f o r ot Ja..,",',.0"'" " "5u"L":;.:i:"$r"t;", 1::", ;pecif ica r lons ($for the sun of Bldder ag,reesH".ilJ"ii'p::::::.'"B','oL'l"lr::'':*::::.:l:rl, T achleved wirhln 45 daysl;:';:.:';:, i"::.::::"3s thai ;;;i;;;'.;';:;l"l: $:;:r":;lBlff i';"1'.:l',:Ii;. *::':i:i";:::il"l; :';:,, jiii";; ;:,:; T:ff.::($50.00) per day ".,;ii-r;;;; :jilr;;#: ::."":;i:l:J. , l{csl)ect f ully submlcted,By:_. THE SCORPIO DOWNSI,OUT ADDITION AND FOUNDATI ON WATERPROOITI NC SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION A SUPPLEMENTARY CONDI TIONS ARTICLE 7 l. ) The "Abbreviated Form of Agreement Betpeen omer and contractor,r,AIA DocunenE A-107, Artlcles I through 2l lnclusive, is "-partof thls conrract subject to ar1 changes "oncained in''eJa""i" a.the-Genera1 and Supplemencary Conditions. Coples of AIA Documenc4-107 are available at the office of the Archltect. The fol.lowi.ng supplements shall modify, delete and/or add to th€General Conditlons. Wtrere any article, paragraph, or subpara_graph shal1 remain in effect and the supplenentai pro.,,rtsions shalrbe considered as added thereto. Where any article, paragraph, orsubparagraph 1n the Ceneral Condition is amended, volded, orsuperceded by any of the following paragraphs, the provisions ofsuch article, shall remain in effect. 7.5 - In additlon Eo what is written; "In the event of conflict beEween the Specifications andthe provisions of che SpecificaEions shal1 govern exceptdrawings, where drawings shall govern. " ARTICLE 9 9.2 - Change co what is written; ItExcept as provided in paraqraph 10.5, "thc concractor sharl secureand pay for necessary approvals, easements, assessnenrs and chargesrequlred for che construction, use or occuPancy of permanent structuresor perrnanent changes.-i.n existing facilities, including building permitand plan check f ees.I' ARTICLE IO Drawings, on structural l0.l - In addition to what is vrritten; "The contractor shall be llcensed as required by the Town of vail.rl 10.7 - In addition to what is wricten; In case of work performed by subcontractors andguarantees and warranCies are required, securecontraclors addressed and in favor of ownerl where special writ ten same from said sub- SPECIFICATIONS TIIE SCORPIO DOI.'NSPOUT ADDITION AND FOUNDATION WATERPROOFING deliver orleinal :l:l_:.- 910 copy of sarne co ArchitectDellverv of saro suaranrees .na ,ri"l.'l:-:"-l::lt:::t ulon complerlon of work. f::T :"t obligation assumed uno", tTtn'ies shall not relieve c;;;;;;;";'addiclon to wfrranties, guaranLuu"utt provisions of contract. rn ;f :i ;:ff :j: " i: *''. i,**if tiir;. iii.t jiti.:t:;.#,lit";.ii ";o.i:;._." ;ll,fi:irff":,"'0"," or "ii ;;;;;;i,:. i:ii. :ii ::l::f,l"l:;j,:::i"iii;: = services .u,au."il ,ff:::":;.il Il" j.o yi*r iaeniiiic-arion or th" .._ and one "opy-io. the owner. provided one copy for the er"nit""t 10.9 - In addition to r.,hat is written; r'construction dr-sruption to the site sharl be conflned to the propertyilff:.:l:I,,oD,.th" it.. pi.r,-"irii" ,rr.."n .ppro,,._i_is sec,,r.d by the ARTICLE II ll.3 - In addirion to vhat Ls uriEren; "All subcontracrors and all materiel., suppllers perfornlng r.rork at the Job;;':r:.r:frt;;';:ir:;..'i;;""';;-;il'roo'"i,u "r,lii-i"*ii."un".a aa requlred *l 2. 'l'llu scoRl'l 0 DObJNSPOUT ADDITION ANI) FOUNDATI ON WATERPROO}' I NC SPECIFICATIONS GENEML REQUIREMENTS ll00 Submitrals and subs t i tut lons reMaterlal scraps and picces shall notaccrmolate on the slte or withln the bulldlng.shall_ be accurnulated at a cenEral Locatlon and. regr/l'ar basls by hauling forn the construction , burnlng or dlsposal wlll not be allowed. ?_!-Q_0 l4qary__o.f_wo rk lholaa:lnsg. - shop drawrngs r.r1lr be requlred only where speclficallyasked for in the varlous sectr.ons of these speclfrcatlons. t{henrequired, subrniE ln the quantity required to'Ue reruinoll-pf,,"two copies ro be retalned by the Archltect. Iggl4-D-r!cilg"- - Provlde and rn::inrain ln proper order and in good,clean condition in the field office at the pro3""t "f te,-'Jneconplete seE of bluel-ine prlnts, of all worklng drawlngs. On thisset of drawings, print. ln red pencil, neatly ,nd o""urit"ly,lnscribc any and all changes in the locatlon referred to in theworking drawings of s1>ectficaLlons. Thls set of prints "t,"f f U"presented to the Or"rne r at the Eime of Final AccepCance of Chevro rk by Lhe Owner. 4yg-rtgull-rly- - Vcrify prior ro bidding thar al1 speclfied iremst"rill bc avail;rble i. Eirnc for lnsrallatton to u*p"ditu the orderryand timr'1y pr()8rcss of rhe w.rk. In the cvent a speclfied Llemor items wi.Ll not ba available, notify the Archire;E prior torcceipc <-r f bids. (;osL of dcl.ys bccause of non_availabili.ty ofspecif ied i tcms, r"rhen suclr crclays r:orrld have been avoi ded by thecontractor, wilr be backctrarged as necessary and shall not be borneby rhe 0wner. l. 2. 3. be allowed to Such materlale dlsposed of on asite. On-slce Repalr and/or rcplacc .lny and nl gradlng and rnaterlal to orlirra lcxcavatl()n to pe rforrrr work :rcqtrj I damagcd materlal and rcsofre propercondition as a result of necessaryrcd by tlrc Corrt ract Dacuments. I100 Summary_{l-ort A slngle contr.ct shalr be let for the performance of ar1 work rtescrlbed1n the pJans and specifications for thc Scorplo Dorrnspout. Addition andFoundatlon WaLerprooflngr, prcparc<l by lnr_ratecr Design Group. TheContracEor shall aupply all inctdontnl ttorr, artlcLes., amterlals, laborand equipnent necessary to execute Lhe urork required uy tr," contractDocumencs. u__fe_qU!r&:. DIVISION 2 SITE WORK l. TIIE SCORPIO DOWNSPOUT ADDITION AND FOUNDATlON WATERPROOTINC SPECIFICATIONS 2500 Dratnase system l. DIVISION 3- CONCRETE 2. 3. Excavate to Pennit lnspectlon by Archltect of existlng underground li.rnrge ty"i"t. tlotliy Architect 24 hours Prlor to covering work. lnstall aravel drainage basins as indiceted on Sice Plan' P r,$vtl|e g "PVh cleanouts with sereu caP to underground drainage s'vstAr, "-t loa"tiotts shorcr on SiEe Plan' protr.U" I " y'vC dralnage pi'pe from downspouts to deslred locatlons as shown orr drawlngs ' Rernove existlng earch as requlred to lnstall waterprooflng systen and concrete splashblock ln areas shown on plans' Cornpac! back in 8" llfts to 957" standard Proton denslty' Install Prorectlon board against membrane as shown on plans to prevenr darnage to rnenbrane during backflll' 4. 6. I I I I l I I I I 'I III I. I THE SCoRPIO DOWNSPOUT ADDITION AND FOUNDATION I.'ATERPROOFING SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 3 CONCRETE CON'T DIVISION 4 No requlrements DIVISION 5 _ METALS (PHASE 2 ONLY) 1. General A. Furnish and erect ln place all guEters, heads, downspoucs,plates, angles, channels, anchor bolts, bolfs, and welding shor+n on the drawings. Anchor bolts and other inctdcntalitems of structural steel requrred to be built lnto concreteor masonry shaLl be furnished at the proper tlme and includercmplates for lnstallatlon. B. Subrnit shop drawings to the Architect for approval prior tofabricating any worh. 2, Materlals Al-l sceel is to be free of rust, scale, saod, or othet fordign mac Eer . A. Plpe steel shall be 12 ga. welded sean ffpe 4'! O.D. . B. Blors shall be ASfi A307.C. Welding shall be preformed wirh E-70 electrodesr.D. Provide shop coat of shop standard primer on all atructuralsteel . E. Steel plates - thickness lndicated on drawings. 3. Execut ion A. Steel sha11 be set true to rhe elevation and alignnent shown on Lhe drawings. Bases and bearing plates whlch requlregrouting sha1l be held at the proper 1evel by steel wedgeso! j amnuts. B. A11 shop connections shal1 be welded. Grind exposed welds snooth and f1ush. A11 welders shal1 have evidence of passlng tlre A.W.S. Standard Qualificatlon Tests. C. Sceel shall bc dctailed, fabricated and erected l-n accordance with latesE provisions of AISC Manual of Steel Constructlon and ArSC Code of Standard Practffi ). I I I THE SCORPIO DOI'NSPoUT A"DDITI0N AND FOUNDATION WATERPROOFING SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 6 NO REQUIREMENTS DIVISION 7 THERI.IAL AND MOIS1URE PROTECTION l. Gene ra 1 Provide materlalst labor, equipment, service', and lncidentalsnecessary to supply and apply foundatlon waterproofLng sysreuas shown on drawlngs. contacc Architec! for inspectron of uethods of installatlon"24 hours ln advance of installation. Materlals and Installat ion Provl'de and install Bituthane waterproofing per manufacturerrs instructlons(copy of nanufacturerts spectfication data attached) as indicated onplans. steam crean or high-pressure water cleas existing concretesurfaces, allow to dry, prlor ro installation. Assure that all surfacesto receive Wtaerproofing are free of foreign or Loose rnatEer. 4. Flashing A' Flashrng at cop of waterpro.f nernbrane as shown on drawlngs.B. Flashing to be type "SM" by "Fry Reglet Corp.", 625 S. pairo AVE., Alhambra, CA. 91803., (g18) 289_4144.c. Flashing to be instalred with optional corner sectlons inaccordance with rnanufacturerts recommendatlons and as perdctails described on the drawings. DIVISION 8 NO REQUIREI.IENTS DIVISION 9 - pAINTIN6 (PHaSr 2 ONLY) l.General A. Provlde materials, labor, services, equlpment, and lncldentals necessary to supply and apply all palnts, varnl.shes, staLna and coatlngs or other rnaEerials speclfically caLled for Lnthe speciflcations or on lhe drawlngs. B. Prepare samples of all naterial to be painted and obtain approvalby thc Arclritect. before proceedlng with palntlng, A. B. 2&3 ., 6. THE SC0RP10 DOWXSPOUT ADDITION Ah'D FOUNDATION WATERPROOFING SPECIFICATIONS DMSION 9 - PAINTING CON|T (PHASE 2 oNLY) 2. Materials A. Except where otherwise specified or approved by the Archltectin writing, the palnts and coatings used on thls project shall be the highest quallty (rop-Line) producrs by thefollowing manufacturers : Sherwln Wllllams Cabo t s Devoe Olyrnp i c Stain Cupr inol Pittsburgh Paints Benjamin Moore B. Colors: Submit rr.tnufacturer's color charts 1n duplicate to che Architecc as soon as possible afEer che award of the concract and naterial approval. Colors will be selected by the Archlcect and will be submitced to the Contractor in scheduled f o rrn. l. Flnal samples: Prepare sampl es of flnishes on the job fo the satisfaction of Ehe Architect. 3. Execution A. All materlals musr be delivered ro the buildlng in orlglnal cans wlth seals unbroken and the label attached. A1l varnishes must be used Just as Chey come froa the manufacturer without any reduction or alteration. B. A11 work rnust be perfectly dry before applying finlshingnaterials. ALl- metal work must be scraped and cleaned and all dlrt and grease shal1 be removed. No paintlng orfinishing shall be done in wet or freezlng r.reather. C. Final coaE of paint or coaEing rnust have visual evldence ofsolid hlding and uniform appearance. There sha1l be no vislble evidence of runs, sags, or other evidence of poor applicatlons, A11 coats shalI be throughly dry before applying succeedlng coats. Make edge of painE or coating adjoining orher materials or colors sharp and clean with no overlapping. Each coac of clcar f inislt sha11 be slightly sanded and wiped free of dusc be fore apply.i.ng nexE coat . 4. Finishes {lA. q*l-.-1.1 1 i flre painting, contractor shall bc held responsible for adherence 1 THE SCORPIO DOWNSPOUT ADDITION AND FOUNDATION I.'ATERPROOFING SPECIFICATlONS DIVISION 9 - PAINTING CONIT (PHASE 2 ONLY) to the selected palnt uranufacturers exact specl.flcstlons forthree coat quallty work. Thts shall apply to selection of allmaterials for aL1 surfaces. Finish Types The folLowing flnlehes shall be adhered to for each of the areas as deflned. Finlshed as defined are "plttsburg, of ppG rndustrletor as noted. Expoaed netal , not galvanLzed - I coat rusttnhlbltive solvent baee prirner, 2 coats solvent type alkydflat enaoel . Exposcd metal, galvanlzed - I coat galvanlzcdsteel prlner, 2 coats aolvent typc alkyd eneoel . (ppG Spec l9b). NO REQUTREI'IENTS. B. f 8. lc io, rar> U' Ol €oo o, Ct rl! Ee ltl- : (\l)co;? :!io IE !() io,z : . ,t3iu.f, D1g o. E 'E: Eto 1. PROOUCT NAME Bituthene. Waterprooling System tsrtuthene 3000 Biluthene 3100 Bilutheno Liquid Membrane_ LM.3@0 Bituthene primer p-3000 Bituthene primer p-3100 Bituthene Elaslomeric Maslic EM.3000 Bitulhene Proleclion Boarct P8.3000 Bitulhene Prolection Board Adhesive pBA-9000 2. MANUFACTURER W.B. Grace and Co. Construclion Products Division 62 Whittemore Avenus Cambridge, MA 02140 Phone (617) 876.1400 3. PRODUCT DESCRTPTION Easic Uso: Bituthene Water-proofing System is used for walerproof lng concrele or ma.sonry loundation walls, f loors,earlh shellered struclures. lun.nels, plaza decks anct terraces,parking decks, planlers, span-drels, sills, mechanical rooms, laboralories, kitchens and bath. rpoms. Wood slructures may also bo walerprooled with Bituthene. Llmltatlons: 1. Biluthene musl not be applied in areas where it will be oer- manenlly exposed to suntight. 2. Insulalion used in conjunction wilh Bituthene must be placed over the membrane. 3. Bituthene is nol recommended as a pond liner or as a lank liner except belween lwo con. crele slabs. 4. Bituthene is compatible with aged coal lar products. Bitu- lhene may be incompatible wilh certain walerprooting products _ !!! l o;o;.t-.So...Drtrf) torrnrt i.t Dcrn r.oro. iff ;:'!rt i;l;:": ;T' " i? "Jl','.n, "?1,, o'j' ;,' T* i$.td"ii.&*.,,n,.r,onr Inrt,r!i., lnc.. wrrrrrrl. ancl ,oint sealanls containing tresh lar or polysuttide polymer. Contacl your local Grace repre- senlative before applying Bitu- lhene in such applications. 5. Biluthene strips ov€r joints in T-beam slruclures will nol pro- vicle complete waterproof ing. For such slructures, g" strips over joints, followed by mem. brane coverage over the enlire surface, are lequired for a com.plete waterproof ing system. Composlilon and Mateilals: Bilulhene Membranes are coldapplied, selt.adhering preformed membranes which combine the waterproof ing properlies of lwoof lhe best known moislure andwater barrier materials_poly- ethylene and rubberizeO asphait. Membranes are a minimum ot0.060" thick wirh a 0.004, highstrength polyelhylene fitmcoaled on one side with a lhicltlayer of adhes ive-consisl e ncy rubberized asphalt. Membrane iisupplied in 36"wide rolls, inter- wound with a disposable silicone coaled release sheel. o Bitutheno 3000 is recom- mended for application al air and surface lemperalures ot40'F or above.. Bitulhene 3100 is recom- mended for applicalion al tem_peralures from 25"F to 73"F.. Bitulhene Liquicl Membrane LM-3000 is a lwo-component cold-applied waterproof ing mcmbrane malerial tor use in llashing corners and hard.to- reach areas, and as a reinforc- ing and fillet material.r Bilulhene Primer p-3000 is ablack rubber.based primer used lo condition all concrete, masonry, or wood surfaces for horizontal apptications at 25 "F and above ancl for vertical ap.pticalions at 40.F and abovb.. Bituthene primer F.31OO is apink-colored, rubber-based primer especially designed forvertical applicatlons at tow lemperatures down to 25.F.r Bituthene Elastomeric Masllc EM-3000 ls a rubberizect as-phall.base. maslic used forseallng membrane lermlna-lions. a, \r Bltuthene protect'lot:Bdard P4.3000 ls. expanded poty. styrene used tor protecting ttiemembrano from clamage irom backf llling, and other con-struclion trades or materials.r Bituthene protection goard Adhesive PBA-3OOO ls a fasldrying cement for adherlng Bituthene prolection Board. - . Appticablo Standardc: Bitu-lhene .. Waterproofing Systemmeets the lollowing standards:o Federal Constiuction Guide Specilicarion FCGS-071 I 1. General Services Administra- lion PBS 07111. lUD Materials Releaso 62gao Corps of Engineers CEGS_ 071't1-3-82. Depr. ot The Narry NAVFAC TS_ 07111r Veleran's Administration H-0g.1. Americ.an Railwa_y EngineeringAssociation (Chaple, Zg,manual) 4, TECHNICAL DATA . Bilulhene preformed Mem.branes conform to lhe require_ . menls in Table l. 5. 'NSTALLATIONSlorago.- All materials should be protected from rain and physl- cal damage. Store all malerialsaway ltom sparks or flames. Slore membrane where tempera- ture will not exceed 90.F for ex. lended periods. Ouldoors, place g( E( gr ootI eg oJ 1t,dg9 dto J(,IFelr€r E3iNJ! llrffl {tt EI:Elrot-ilsolrotr =lc6lsglz 9tc,aDlil 07100 rrl r,rt\ lr,'ll-r\1 I (J !/r\ lJtu.\ /, )l:ul lu.\) I d J TASLE I EITUTHENE PREFORMED MEIIIBRANES_PROPERTIES PROPERTY VALUE TEST I'ETHOO Tensile Strength - membrane (psi)250 minimum ASTM o 412 moditisd Tensile Strength - film (psi)4000 minimum ASTM D 412 modif ied Bilul her\c cartons on raisedpallels and cover completely. Proloclion Board should be pro. lecled |rom the wincl. ll exposed lo sun, il will yetlow, bul this witl nol atfecl ils perlormance. Surlacc Prcparation: Smooth, monolllhlc concrele surlaces are required for proper membrane adhesion. Surlaces must be free ol voids, spalled areas, loose ag. gregals, and sharp prolrusions. wilh no coarse aggregate visible. Broom tinishes musl nol be used.Concrete musl be cured (minimum 7 days) and dry bef oreapplication of Biluthene Water- proof ing System. Vortical sur.faces must be formed withsmoolh release trealed lorms and concrele musl be well con- solidated. Femove forms as soon as possible f rom below horizon- lal slabs lo prevent enl rapmenl ofexcess moislure. Never apply r Bituthena while forms are in place wilhout proper drying and ven ling. Cure concrele wilh clear resin. based curing compounds nol conlaining oil, wax or pigment. Allow concrele to thoroughly dry tollowing rain. Use form relbase agenls which will nol lransfer to lhe concrelo. Repair defects such as spalteder poorly consolidated areas. Remove sharp protrusions and torm match lines. Bituthene Mem- brane may be applied to smooth concrele block or brick walts provicled joints are struck of f f tush and Biluthene Primer p-3100 is used at all lemperatures below 90oF. ll walls arg rough, use a well- adhered pargel coat lo achieve a smoolh surf ace. Bemove grease, oil or olher contaminants lrom all surlaces lo be walerprooled. Clean strrtace (broom, vacuum cleaner, or compressed air) lo remove dust, loose stones and debris. Temperatu rc: Apply Bituthene 3000 only in lair weather when airand surlace temperatures are above 40'F. Belween 25"F and40'F, Biluthene 3i00 must be used, and may be used up lo 75'F. Bilulhene Primer P-3100 must be used on verlical surfaces be. tween 25'F and 40'F, and rnay be Colot Dark Orav black Pliability (180" bend over t " Unaffected ASTM D 146'-.--mandrel al - 25oF) E lo ng a t ion. u lt imat e railure ol rubbef ized a-sp]!all (%) Cycling over crack at - 15"F Cycling over 't " ioint at - l5oF Peel adhesion (lb./in. width) (70oF) + 7 days d(y (12OoF) 300 minimum ASTM O 412 See tootnote 1 5.0 minimum See lootnote 27 days dry + 7 days (70"F) 7 days dty (70cF) + 7 days dry (120oF) + 7 days wel (70"F) 5,0 minimum . .: See loolnote 2 Punclure resistance - Bituthene 40 minimum ASTM E 154membrane (lb.) (stretched by btunt objecl Punclure resistance - polyethylene film 250 minimum ASTM D 7Br(in. oz. tea4 (impact lrom shqrp gbject) Resistance to hydrostatic heact See tootnote 3(tl. ot water) Exposure to fungi in soil 16 weeks Unaflecled GSA.PES 071 11 Permeance.Perms 0.1 maximum ASTM E 96 Method Bins/sq. lt./hr./in., Waler absorplion - 72 hrs. (o/o by weight) 0.25 maximum ASTM D rZZB Foolnolesl Membfane is appried anct Jolred across rwo primect brocks vrith no separation br.tween blocl3. 'n a - l5.F cabinet, blocts are pult€d aparl lo t/.,, then'returned looriginal position. cycre is repeated ro0 timos. FbrJoint iycring, ttre-broctrs are ooubiecovered with membrane and arc separat€o uy i, ttrei cycieo at -rs.r uelwientA'and lr/t 'a minimum ol 1000 cycles. 2. Membrane is appriecl to prinred dry brocks and rolled. Brocks ara lhen storod tor7 days ar each resr condition. Membrane is then peeled trom tn6 concrote at go. an0le. 3' Hydrostatic head tests are performed. by apprying and roling membrano on primadconcrete then searing tha waterproored concrete ro a pressure chamber. water rsintfoduced lo 150 head feet. used up lo 90oF. Do not apply Biluthene lo frozen concrele. Bitulhene Prirner P.3000 musl be used under all other condilions. Priming:. Apply Bituthene Primer P-3000 lo concrele by spray or lambswool roller (250 lo 350 sq. fl. per galton). Allow primer lo dry one hour or unlil lack free. Primer dries to a gray color. Apply Biluthene Primer P-3100 wilh a lambswool roller (250 lo 350 sq. lt. per gailon), and allow 30 minules for drying. lt is pink in color and remains tacky. Prime only the area which will be covered with membrane in a working day. Areas not covered with membrane in 24 hours mustbe reprimed. Primed surfaces should be covered immediately where conlaminants from the air accumulale on the surlace. Metal does nol require priming but musl be clean, dry, lree ol loose paint, rust or olher contaminanls. Corner Dolails: Cover all inside and oulside corners with an in. No ettact 100 cycles No etlect See tootnote 1 150 minimum Ar1'ACI{}lF.NT To Dl\'lSlON -Z,.-Sllc-11,0}i9- 3 s -1itial mepnbrane strip a mirilm-um --6rane.- ---"---firmly. Apply a lroweled bead of of 11'wide cenlered on the axis Atl horizonlal applications Bilulhene EM.3000 lo all verlical. of lhe corner, foltowed by the futt should be tlood lested with a and horizonlal terminations. Ll.' width Bituthene Membrane ap- minimum 2" head ol water f or 24 quid Membrane LM'3000 can be plication. Oulside corners must hours. Mark any leaks and repair used as an alternalive. be lree of sharp edges. lnspect when the membrane is dry. Be- Seal all daily lerminations wilh sudaces adjacent to all corners lore llood tesling, be sure lhe alhin troweled bead of EM.3000. and repair if necessary lo provide structure will wilhstand lhe dead Patch lears and inadequalely a smooth surlace. Inside corners load ol lhe waler. For well-sloped lapped seams with Bituthene musl receive an application ot decks, f lood lests should be seg- Membrane. Slit fishmouths and LM-3000 forming a r/r " tillet and mented to avoid deep water near repair wilh a palch extending 6' exlending at 90 mils lhickness for drains.in alldirections from the slit and seal edges of lhe palch with EM-3000. Inspect membrane lhoroughly before covering and make any correcl ions imrne- dialely. Prctection ol Membrane: Bilu- thene should be protected lo avoid damage from other trades, construclion materials, or back- f ill. The Bituthene Proleclion System should be usecl on toun- dation walls and horizontal sur- faces with lighl lraflic. lt consists of Biluthene Proleclion Board PB-3000 adhered wilh Biluthene Proteclion Board Adheslve PBA-3000 applied at a rate of 250-350 sq. fl. per gallon. Prolect horizonlal decks exposed to heavy conslruction traffic wilh 1/8" asphall hardboard. For rein- forced concrele structural slabs placed over the membrane, a heavy prolection layer such as asphall hardboard or eq uivalenl is recommended. Cover any Bituthene left exposed on parapels or lhe top of a toun- dalion wall with wealher resistant flashing such as copper, aluml- num or neoprene. The Biluthene Protection Syslem should be in. stalled lhe same day lhe mem- brane is applied or immediately allet 24 hour flood tesling. No wailing before backf illing or ap- plying topping slabs is neces- sary. Placing Sleer.. In placing steel on a properly protecled Bitulhene Membrane, use chairs with plas- tic lips or rolled feet to prevent damage from sharp edges. Use special care wilh wire mesh especially it the mesh is curled. Salely, Storago and Handling lnl ormation: Bitulhene products must be handled properly. P'3000 and EM.3000 vapors are poten- tially harmf ul and flammable. LM-3000 vaoors ate harmful but 6' in each direction f rom lhe cor- ner, or a tillel must be formed wilh either latex modif ied cement morlar (such as Daraweld C mixecl in wilh cemenl morlar) or epoxy mortar. Oo not use f iber or wood cants. When LM-3000 is used as a corner lrealmenl lhe in- ilial 'l 1" strip of membrane may be deleled. Joinls, Joinls must be properly s€aled wilh waterstop, joint filler (such as Servicised& /Durajointo Syslems f rom W.R. Grace & Co.,) and sealanl as required. Bilu- thene is nol a substilule for proper joinl design. Slab and wall cracks over 1/16' in widlh and all joinls must be preslripped wilh 8" wide membrane. Application on Horizontal Sur' faces: Apply Bituthene Membrane trom the low point lo lhe high Poinl across lhe fall line so that laps shed water. All edge and end seams musi be overlapPed al least 21/2". Stagger end laps. Roll the entire membrane f irmly and completely as soon as possiblq. Use a linoleum roller or a standard watet-filled garden roller less than 30" wide. Cover lhe lace ol the roller wrlh a resifient malefial such as t/2" plas' tic loam or lwo wraPs ol indoor' ouldoor carpet. Seal all T joints at lhe end ol each work daY. Apply Bilhuthene Membrane double thickness over ProPerlY sealed exPansion, construcllon and conltol joinls. Patch mis- aligned or inadequalely laPPed seams wilh Bituthene Membrane. Slit any lishmouths, overlaP lhe llaps, and rePair with a Patch, and press or roll in Place. The edges of lho palch shall bP sealcd with a lroweling of Biluthene Mastic EM'3000 over the laP. Do not aP- ply EM-3000 where it will be coveted with Bituthene Mem- Drains and Prolrusions.' APPIy a double layer ol Bitulhene Mem- brane around posts or projec- tions at leasl 6" in all ditections, and seal all lerminalions wilh EM-3000. Apply a double layer of Bituthene Membrane around drains and place a bead ol EM.3000 belween the lop layer and lhe clamping rings and at all lerminalions. An allernate method lor drains and protrusions is to apply Liquid Membrane LM-3000 in a 90 mil layer horizontally lrom lhe drain or prolrusion and overlapping lhe Eiluthene Membrane a minimum of 2 ". LM-3000 should be applied vertically on prolrusions to a heighl of 6" or lo lhe heighl of the wearing surlace. Vertical Surfacss: Apply Bilu- thene Membrane verl ically in strips of I feet in length or less. Edge seams musl be overlapped at leasl 2r/2". On higher walls apply in lwo or more sections with lhe upper overlapping the f ower by al leasl 21h ". Press all membrane on vertical su rf aces wilh heavy hand pressure during application or roll with a wall or counter lop roller. Bituthene Membrane should be applied over lhe edge of the slab or over lhe lop ol the foun- dalion or parapet wall. lt lhe membrane is lerminaled on lhe verlical surlace, a reglel or counler flashing may be used or lhe membrane may be terminaled on the concrele by pressing very firmly lo lhe wall. Press edges wilh a melal or hard-wood lool such as a hammer or knite han- dle. Failure lo use heavy pressure al terminations can resull in a poor scal. At lhe base ol lhe foun- dation wall Bit uthene Membrane musl be drawn down lhe base of the wall over lhe edge ol the fooling and rolled or p,fcssed I ,\r lAcIl]1t--NT 1O DIYISION 7, S]-.C1'IONS 2 OJ I not ilammable. P-3100 and.P8A.3000 are exlremely ilam- mabls. For lhese products, thebesl availabls inlormation on safe handling, storage, personal prol€ction, health ancl environ. menlal consideralions has been gelhered. This information is available on requesl, and we slrongly recommend that all users ancl specif iers acquaint lhemselves with il. To obtain this inf ormation, contact your local Grace f ield representative or W.R. Gracs & Co., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140. (617) 876.1400. 6. AVAILABILIIY AND COSTS Arailability: Strategicalty lo- caled warehouses and a network Sheet Membrane: ol Bit uthene dislribulors carry Bitulhene producls lor prompl delivery lo project sites. Cost Bituthene Waterproof ing System is competitively priced. For specilic informalion, conlacl your local W.R. Grace & Co. rep- resental ive. 7. GUARANTEE Bitulhene producls are war- ranled lo be lree of defects in manuf acture for a period of f ive years. Malerial will be proviclecl al no charge to replace any defec- tave producl. 8. MAINTENANCE A Bituthene Waterproofing Syslem installed in accordance I I with manufacl urer's recommgn- dalions will not require mainlem. ance. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Support ls provided by fuil tims technically trained Grace tield sales represen tatives, architec- lural represenl al ives, and lechnl. cal service personnel, backed by a cenlral research and develop- ment and lechnical service staf f . IO. FILING Spec Datao ll See Sweets Architectural Cat- alog. For turther literature, con- tacl W.R. Grace & Co. Erlulhene Maslrc Ov?, Laps Mrn. 12" From Cornort Erlulhans LM-3OOO O, Biluthenc Ships Horizontal Application- General Sheet Membrane: Vertical Application-- General Brluthene Mastrc Ovcr Laps Mrnrmr]m l?'From Corners |h.tn|olm.lionp'o,lo.ohc'c|n|3b.se{,onoU'bts|lno*|€doe'bUrwn6.jj6. l'.|n!|t.('|od|tc|,!l|h.'||cqu|rrmer||sw|thGr1rccaltc.llcalon cond,tionr ot !d.. ttlcluotHG txos€ ttMtrtD wannllrrrts ar,ro r,fuf.6iii q?AG ConstrucllonPlo<tuclr 7) Ertuthono t embranc AllCornor! arT,or2A Plnt.d In u sA 2r8. D^,/Gpsl,eou NOTE DATE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE June 1, 1987 \iq \tt*:= department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOB TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT DXeutLor'rcn elecrnrcnl I-I MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION nn! 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll ul lV V 2. @CUPANCY GROUP A 8 EH I R M DIVISION t22a34 cENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORX : - PFPI ATF FVTSTTNC qTNFUAI K I TTI.I PERMIT NO. z tr f BUILDING A nnn nn ELECTRICAL PLUMEING CUB & SIDEWALK I'ECHANICAL TOTAL $ 6.s00.00 WPE GROUP G.B.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERITIT 86 .00 .( $f,-- J r.., a<l \ G P!AN CHECK 56. 00 ELECTRICAL 45.00 NEW() ALTERATION I AODITIONAL REPAIRXX PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 exr we_.sl lfal 1&l USE TAX i00.00 ROOF TOTAL PERMIT FEES r 387.00 JOE NORRIS ,t June 1, 1987 ADDITIONAL .,-ft?Tlt-"f,tl-dftN - - - - Sdf.. l, rse7 INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE )NING & BUILDING NOTES: oeuo \ | l/\l I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state review approved, Uniform Building Code and other T fun applicable thereto. :LEAN UP TO'! ffi[ffiP-ons7 Po r3rx sVt q Va,t / OR FOR HIMSELF JoBNAME: SCoRPIo SIDEWALK lmur Scorpio Condo. Assoc. Box 57 MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu NEDBO C0NST. rown or vrt nec. no. 251-B ELECTRICAL VALLEY ELECT. rowru or vatt- neo. no. 156-E 827-5772 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, lh. prlnbry/vail CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE - COPY OF.PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE e66 5- l- G-?THE 1 FOLLOI,IING IS NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT:Letter from condo assn. (IF AppLICABLE 2 Sets pf complete drawingsTexplanatiofim il taiillT depsrtment of community development *****PLEASE FILL OUR hJHERE THE (X) MARKS ARE To BE FiLLED our coMpLETELy pRtoR To tssuANcE oF pEBMtr TYPE OF PERMIT I gur-otNc D pt-ul,tgr.tc [] elrcrnrcRL tr FoUNDATtoN I MECHANTCAL ! r. TypE oF coNsTRucTtot{ I I t |v v 2. OCCUPANCV GROUP A8€H I R M 2. z9 k3 BUILOING oooo.o c2 ETECTRICAL 5Oo. o C) X PLUMBING xw-0t4.u-V7 MECHANICAL Xaol*l a g;a.6-.-*^- l TYPE RQUE G,R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES X X X X X I lh LEGAL I DESC. LUI tsLK- FILING BUITDING PERMIT r& .e PLAN CHECK <L-e 'JoB NAME, $co, otoaiA_a4r-l+ ,rr*p,7t.ELECTRICAL 4s-Q OWNER neue '-l nrP'ro LOz*O 4<.. no,.oon*rr. {ftv f 7 NEw( ) ALTqRATtoN ( ) ADDIIoNAL( ) nepiint PLUMBING ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNTTS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES INSULATION: TYPE THtCXNEss F.VALLUE ST. CUT BLASTING PARKING MECHANICALrt, cnv Vni l, (o en.8)7-5zi RECREATION FEE \ ARCHITECT rcuf.otrafu. f OESIGN REVIEW BOARD ulrr monFss /(c rS? crrY lh; | , Ct pu.g)7-Sa. CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT /oo :e USE TAX /oo-* GENERAL CONTRACTOR o^u AJerlLc(n t f rowlt or vlt neo. ruo. ?) {-./J rcte47t-,-*}n t - TO-IAL Pqryfitr FEES '-2.8,4,.eo J-o-r-:fl- -DATE ' ING & BUILDING NOTES: )rr..r*,.o.- CONTRACTOR ,,^" eo-)o l/llle,, Elq.Jt'f rowru or'vnru neo. Ho. t..r. 8)?-57i>- . PLUMEING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. I here.by acknowledge that l.have read this application, filled out in full the information required,completed an accu.rate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is coirect. iagree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with alt Town ordinances and statelaws, and to build lhis structure ac^cording to the Town's i6ning and subdivision coOes, OeJignreview approved, Uniform Building Code and other odi X FOR HIMSELF OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, E) on 3 INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NATLTNG GAS. PIPING tr INSULATION T] SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELE tr1 ryF trC o MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o /t( . /+-19'z-.6 , PF.OJ ECT: DATE SUBI'IiTTED: q /3 COI".i4ENTS NEEDED 8Y: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: I IITTP.-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El^, S''. o ,( ur,,, "o ,'-:ft' -P, ', , fr>r .- S1 \v' TE OF PUBLIC HEAR]NG Con/,x .-et.7 Tuo ",y'',f " tt"'(-ToLt/- PUBLICI.,ICRKS 4 | /p.eviewed by:_ /<,f- _Dut"_-4//6/gz Ccnneni.s ctu ^, fo -\,.,LV{^ v,4-e.( Fi RE DEPP.RTI,IENT Reviewed by: Conments: POL]CE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Con;-,rents: RiC i:iATi ON DEPARTI,IENT Reviewed by: Co;;ants: Date Date flafo lnwn 75 south trontage road yail, coloredo 91657 (303) 426_7000 olflce ol @mmunlly devetopment April 3, L987 Mr. William PierceP.O. Box 57Vail , Colorado 81658 Re: Scorpio, Davie and pownell projects Dear Bill: The Design Review Board at their meeting on Wednesday, April 1acted on the following projects; Scorpio Downspouts The board did not approve using black pVC, but suggested coppperdolrnspouts that could acquire patina or else a metal downspoutthat could be painted a color to blend in with the building.rectangular if possible. The vote was 5-O in favor of thedownspouts with these modifications. Davie Residence The hot tub enclosure and the change in the Pownell Residence was approved as were the material changesdriveway. The vote was 5-O in favor. upon the replacernentthe driveway The approval based on the vote of S-O was contingentapproval of the Town Engineer, and the relocation orof the evergreen tree. We wish to remind you thatmust be paved. We appreciate the fact that yourBiIl. ff you have any guestions,call. submittals are so cornplete,please donrt hesitate to Sincerely,A4Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician Project Application t Proiecl Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone CommentB: APPROVAL Design Review Board ltttI'* //r/r 1 DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval LIST OF MATERIALS I NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL t Roof Si di ng 0ther tlalI Materials Fasci a Soffi ts t,.li ndows }lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR Des i gner : phone: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for conifers. (over ) Botanical Name *Indicate caliper for deciducjous trees.Indic;ite height 'PLANT MATERIALS: Eotanical Name(con't) - SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type GROUND COVERS Common Name . Quanity Size Square Footaqe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT rrtment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT Itfn BU ILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL f pruMerNc I rounoRrroN oNLY m sidi n LEGAL LJ tr J\-. LOT BLK FILING I JoBNAMF: scorpio condominium Bldq OWNER NAM E MAIL ADORESS CITY PH ARCH ITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnrrr Wineman Const. Co. MAIL ADDRESS ELECTRICAL )oNrRAcroR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS PL U IV'IB IN G CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS IV ECHAN ICAL CONTRACTOR FIRi,1 MAIL ADDRESS - OTHER CO NTRACTOR F IR [,,! MAIL AD DRFSS crrY PH. !h€ prlniery/varl \ DArE 10-27-80 PROJECT NO.-0 It h q I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCU PANCY G ROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION I2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORh : Re-sidinq texture i BUILDING PLUI\,IBING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SQ FI VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT E LECTR ICAL PLUMBING NEW() ALTERATION ( } ADOITIONAL O REPAIRO DWELLING UNITS G.R.F.A,- ACCOMMODATION UN COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMITfEES ONING ADMINISTRATOR plp/tu "r;{-4,4- -INSULATION R-VALUETHICKNESS FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF ONING NOTES: lHl:RUBY ACKNr)Wl,ED(;l: TtlA',I I ll.\ \'tl Rl:AD THIS APPI-lCATl()N AND STAl U TllrlT Tllt AB(tVE lS C()RRtiC'l Ar_L AGRIIE I I) (lO\lPl.v wtTl{ Al-1, T(|wN r)Rl)lNANcEs A\D STAII' I.A\tS RF.(i?1RDtNG tst'tl,DtNC C()\STRl Cl l()\ VAIL WATER & SAN, DIST. TAP FEE I SPECIAL NOTES: PERMIT NO. /': ' > c0l\srRticricNPEfii'iilr-L-.-. , ) I 'lvv t l\Jl\ t r-i\Iv!! ! pi15 ro\ra\ao pilci:ci' No.- , ", /- r ir '1 ". "':': 1r'/ i l. TYzc 0F coNST,-(U:TrOri I ril I v v { .-::., -. t -:l -- | | Cepsr'.r:rir:: cl cc;:lmunity Cevelopmant | :. o:cuar;rcv crouR Ao€HrRu ll I ij',r:i-.'i3 ! as..o(>dtei , !,r-:;.,r :::^ rr r'.-. , + ! ? 2.: 3 4.iY:: O: P:RI,I:T L _..: !:G iL :1:._^ EtlCltilCAL ,l :;i3Cr:':',liCi.L fl PL U !illriic FOUIID^TION ONLY i:t -CT PAtrr-rlstt\31 :r : r r c rJstu-$l\Lea*-.zpo-S\tu- VNI.IATIC:J :,i:1"'1 ) ./1l-iirii,\ircN i ) il)l)rliolir.L( ) il5i,.r,:it i ) l./;ri ri-,o;cS E){ c.n,i A. r-r: rc lrT l r'i i"l r:r arr, r\.' ' r ( co l.,1 r.{ ! n c!.\L 5Y5T .- 6 5 5 l ^J f r r,:.r T gE /,T t j.l c i...-atli';:,a':i!:_ " 4-oo^ It )^t, t ^ t,ifaa. J.-v i.,\ r L,J.-J. D f,l:-iTU 3/9ii 0\i/e R t,tt'!.jr t. u \',\(. i: \.'r ) !. 1.!.:)t; r: i r r ,1 : i i:.r i i it,f. 4 b T | | |:l i ", | :,| c A f ) t t :: A :, : )', :,\'.., Y r, ^ ; :r, ! ,r:ir;v!: l\ (l/:rlii: : ^r;;,) ^r;i.?,,.'.tt t'(.;\,i:.\' i,,1:cllAi.r icA'. a!-) 1 ?r-'.' LF. ^.i I ei\I-\ , - ..." - o..a€o < c'. ::Aii. r.i ? j a? c l.t'l .\ -.::-.1 r I!-:.\:ni\- LU,\ii\/\U'(./.i :1 No FIREPLACES -riO, TO rr ITS COVERSO PARKI}IG -_ UNCO!!REO PARKING I i'i s u r-/.'T ic N E XT. \^/AI.IS T\J PE TirlCKNS:S J -EC: ::C l-AR: V,\1. i'/ 'f :I i qtc,4':t \rnT !-:,'i :.:.(. , 1,,,^^^. .5i:( -il:.. ia:/ r:i: : 'J ,t CT:i:R ,*rt"roN REeuEsr DATE /'/-f r JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED U REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DArE 3.25-82 PROJECT NO.-- department of community developm€nt TYPE OF PERMIT Nil {j PLUMBTNG L-] FOUNDATION ONLY BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. I, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : Repair of fi removar'of existing trash chute & patch resultinq hol PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO, FT. VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT ) ADDITIONAL I REPAIR (NEWO ALTERATION COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT, - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVEREO PARKING TOTAL PERMIT FEES ING NOTES: -"^"'";,",1",X:,,::1,:'l""'ff :;;i,":,,'^i;:'ih/' ASoVE IS CORRECT AND AGRET:'I'o (]O}IPI,Y WITH ALL TOWN oRDINANCES ,IND STA'I'I] I,AWS RECARDING tsT]I I,DI NG CONS'I'R LICTI()N. VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTEST N MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC- IOT BLK FILING JOB NAME: Scorpio Remode'l OWNER NAME MAIL AOORESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADORESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ernu Gi bbons:rylurphy lan€L_l MAIL ADDRESS ELECTRICAL FIRM MAII AODRESS rNrr{AUruK PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM I\.IAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. L rLry/varl CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development I'YPE OF PERMIT PLI..IMBING FOUNDATION ONLY DATE --- PROJECT NO a" E1 r F lnr*n Lit lirl x :: .- BUILDING ELE CTRICAL i": ECH AI..JICAL PERMIT NO.I,TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GRO UP A B E H IR M DIVISION L22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : BU IL D It,IG ELECTR ICAL MECHANICAL PERTUTT FEftSTYPE GROUP SO FT, VAI,IJATION B IJ ILD ING PER 1\,I IT ELECTRICAL PLUMBIN6 NEW( } ALTERATION(Y) AODITIONALO REPAIR( RECREATION FEEDWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS c.RF ^ A - BEDRooMs COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT.. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOITETS COVERED PARKTNG - UNCOVERED PARKING OESIGN R EVIEVr' EOARD CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES ONING N OTES; INSUTATION THICXNESS R.VAL U E I llgRl:8L1( KIlll^l.t-l)(;f: 'llli\T I l1^\'f: tr!:AtJ TtI ts '|Ft,t(; Tr'lr jr t, 5T,\: ] Trl ^ ; I Il i AllarVt: lS (i)laRl:(:l Alil, ^GRLt: 1r) ((r\lPl,Y wlTlf Al,l, T()$r_ r)Rl)t:A.\..(t:s Asl) sr\'l}. !.AWS Rl:(;ARDISC St ll.lrllt(i (it}islRl-( lli)\. ELEC: VAiL WATER & SAN DIST IAP FEE SPEC IAL NOTES' Li.GAL DESC,FILING JO8\]ANIE: 5e.*,n)Gfl, OWNER ARCH ITECT GENERAL COI'IIRACTOR *o., oroatssf o. -Ba*- /tC. v A:t 18Q8lsSELECIRICAL NT RAC.TO R PLUIU BING CONTRACTOR c .r,1,ti /l zrz--.t \'ful',lrCllAN! CCNT RACTOR OTH ER COr'lTn'ACTC ',' S;L ADDRFSS -). JOB NAME INSPE9TION: (,,\-.,- :.l)v "''L..'J-<;zt; * CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,r.. *, ,.('{.-.i' ,' (.1, .2.a.-.7' Ll 7,'srt DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER ES WED THUR tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FIN.{L tr FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION CARD (MUST BE POSTED ON JOB SrrE) CONTRACTORS NAME Lrc. No. General Contractor: 6tBBoA/s - 4r u 'nh f) Ct "c*. e.r, J23-,1 , Excavator: Foundation: Plumber: PERMfT No. fff Electrician: Mechanical: Framer: Insu lator: Dry Wall:, Painter: Rooler: CONTRACTOF NAMES AND LICENSE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED INSPECTIONS Excavation Footings / Steel Foundation / Steel Ground Plumbing Engineering (Uti lities) Temp. Electric Rough Plumbing - D.W.V. Rough Plumbing - Water Rough Electric Gas Piping THE ABOVE TO BE COMPLETED AND Rough Framing Insu lation Sheet Rock 1* Exterior Stucco Wire Nailing Final Plumbing Final Electric Final DRB Elg.lnspggl,go Final Engineering (Utilities) Final Building APPROVED BEFORE PROCEEDING DISAPPROVED APPR( UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF ALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS. RETURN THIS CARD TO BUILDING DEPT. FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPANCY $25.00 REPLACEMENT CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION CARD FOR INSPECTTONS CALL 476-7000, EXT. 235 0R 247 24 Hours ln Advance Between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday Through Friday DISAPPROVED APPROVED APPROVED ''r"r*ctoN neoue3r TOWN OF VAIL ., r' : li!, DATE ;'r',r'i. '- JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING . ROOF & SHEERu pLYwooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB ET SHEETROCK NAIL tr Dn tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FJNAL tr FINAL B.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR S-Tt= ve- 4rE6 M9a,rE 3 . Fet€prpryo {s/Ez ) F lArr'Tu,3 t4rEB t d E. A\tf f'e{iFoct I A zA4o 66, rree . IExrt 6rrEAED turreno I,F ?A Io Bc C} ED dJT o*r to5 tlr+ 'r ' Ft<e. D'-P acrt-r€ltrt eex.afltsrJ '\!fic€.. png. 2A 4o g; Nor. AVA/LA3LE AffRt-,,6rt 9, rr) t ta ltl g G-e-e.t3', 7e:z.EpH o.v E . -;( to be imprementcd at the scorpio condominium Building. Accordingto the conversatj-on which you and I had at the Town of.VaiI' : Building Department on February 12, 1982, it is my understandingthat, the forrowing measures wi-rr satisfy alr Town of Vail, FiieDepartment and relevant building and fire code requirenlentrforthe Scorpio Building it j.ts existinq confiquration. rt: ,:. I : t' '- in E Fl nv6 pu,ec4o. E -T.NG u ts,A&.r ,. ,-=* 4a oo pc lo pouttt> Rr:,7 'i\1 oF )A 4-o k" 3lto/ez : t. Pnr-5es<oV March B, 19B2 Mr. Mike l4cGee Fire Marshall Vail Fire Department 42 West Meadow D:iveVail , Colorado B 16 57 Dear Mike: The purpose of this letter is to review the corrective 'measures L The dry stanclpipc in each of the two stairwellsshal l rema in . mL^ .,^r- -L--.-l*i'lne \,ler s E.andprpe near the elevator at each floorshall be repaired if necessary and maintained inrn n r'\a r.r + j n-. 1 ',WCL', COnditiOn\?\./tlLll_ LIvtl. The existing hosc cabinets near the elevator willbe replaccd with new Potter-Roemer 1302 E cabinetassgmblies with 2AfOBC fire extinguishers in l_ieuor hoses. The doors will be 1ocked with a."break-glass" access opcning At the request of the Scorpio Condominium Association,the existing rubbish chute will be removed.and thefloor openings filled-in with concrete d.ecking andfire resistive gypsum drywall ceilings to maintainrlro annrn-r'i rf n iloor-to-f Ioor fire separationLv I. I \J IJ L Existing sprinkler head .in the ground floor store- room shall be repaired if necessary and maintainedin an operable condition 3/zt/6 e. l'{r. Mike l'larch 8 , Please these l4cGee 1982 call me at 47G-35I0 i-tems. if you have Best regards, 14. Ronald A. Todd, Architect P.O. Box 1753Vail l.lational Bank BuildingSuite 307Vail, Col-orado 81658 RAT:dd cc:Tom Rost Scorpio Condominium Association t 'I *'l. :t.. tr CONSTRUCTION PERMIT d€partmont of communaty danelopment TYPE OF PERMIT Tn E Inn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLYRe-roof LEGAL DESC. LOT B LK FtLtNG Alpborn_OSndos__ JP{NAME: Alphorn R*roof ER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 12?-S rrRu Ace RoofinE yallagppggg Box 276 crrv Glenuood SpEs. ps E LECTRICAL cOAcroF FIRM MAITADDRESL CITY PH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL AODRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM l\ilAlL ADDRESS crrY PH. DArE 6/&/79 PROJECT NO.N--285 285PERMITNO. r. TYPE OF GONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DfVfSION r22a34 GENERAT DESCRIPTION OF WORK i thnnve rrnf i ng, instal I insrr]ptinn, re-rcpf BUILDING ryPE GROUP SO. FT, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING NEW ALTERATION ADDITIONAL REPAIROI ) DWELLING UNITS G.R.F.A. - ACCOMMODATION UN COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOITETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CtEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES {J . L. Z-usJrE-._ UILDING OFFICIAL ING ADMINISTRATOR NING NOTES: INSULATION FLOOR EXT, WALLS ROOF R.VALUE LA\tt B,€GrRDINtt..49tl,tDtllc COlyslR,{JcTl()N Pald By: Walt Stoue -X I HEREBY ACKNO\['LEDGE '"A' ' "OU",- \'$ READTHTS Aptl,JgATtoN ANp srATE rHot tnt (l\'. \ ABOVE IS @RIrECTAND AGRSE TO CO54?LY WITH ALT TOWN/ ORDINANCES A$II' 'TATF ORDINANCESVAIL WATER & SAN, DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: !i-, l t\J! I t\-, \., I A\r/rt I {l-a t!!il I Farlrtr ent of community development TYPE OF PERMIT PLUMBING nallt DTa u D D BUILDING ELECTRICAL I,4ECHANICAL FOUNDATION ONLY()-z v oo r",--- EGAL LOT-BLK-_ V- ln , nFILING d,(P'Lr-mri^. Lehdcq fBNAME:t/-{Lvr(,T..ir, a), ,i ^uru RCHITECT 3ENERAL NTRACTOR LECTRICALItt1 ,LU[,t8ING .NTRACTOR ECHANICAL TNTRACTOR OTHER )NTRACTOR NA',IE I,! A IL ADDR ESS CITY PH. FtR r,r IIA!L AODRFSS CITY PH. ,,*,, Ac* (2+n ,t -affi .ITV PH FIRM .J,TLJDDL FI RII r,rAtr- AooREss F lR i.,l I.I A!L ADDR ESS F IR '\( MAIL ADDRESS criY PH. s67E G/b /?9 9ROJEgT NO. N9PERMIT NO. PERMIT FEES i\q 1 r -4- tvQt" '7 4,{ ,7 --- ;t-> treYE ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE NING NOTES: I HAREBY ACKNOWLEDCE TIIAI I HAI'E READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE ?TIAT TIIE ABO\I!: tS CORRECT A.ND ACREE TO CO5IPLY WITII ALL' TOWN ORI)|NANCSS AND STATE LA tVS RECARDINC BUIT,DINC CONSTRUCTI0N !,.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V ?.OCCUPANCYGROUP aa e H t@r,,r orvrsroN Qz z^ t a GENIITAL DESCRTPTTON OF WORK ,; K'e ^x,ov€ (\ouFt) ) lV S o,LAl / /'&' i n BUILDING PLUt!4 BING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP SO. FT, VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CH ECK ELECTRICAL PLUMBING NEWil ALTERATION () ADDITIONALil REPAIR ( RECREATION FEEOWELLING U NITS G.R.F.A. COMMERCIAL SYST HEIG HT IN FT. NO FIREPT!CES COVEREO PARKING - ACCOMMOOATTON UNITS_ BEOROOMS - RESTAURANT SEATING - BATHTU B,/SHCWER NO. TO IL ETS D ESIG N REVIEW BOARD CLEAN,UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES INSULATION TH ICKNESS R.VALUE VAIL WATER & SAN, DIST. TAP FEE : t | ) - ., ,jti".*,r'\ * - 4-c.c.el EUILOING OFFICIAL DATE. '-, - I-^.--. READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER _:L ,'i {t,THUR' FRI . t; I t",r{- .----t'rTUES fi'IED )\--=-'J INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ----{-; rt BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -" . .,. t--IflNAL .'.{.'). 1\ ,.,y it..l',. j' trF|NAL I ELEGTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER N HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 6-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED TOWI{ OF ltAIL ElUILtrlII\IG PEFIMIT BUILDING EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATION h' T A 19 MAIL ADDRESS NEW(I ALTERATION( I ADDITION ( I REPAIR ( I USE OF EUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST, PARKING OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATEF( I FOFCED AIR ( I ELEC UNIT LOT BLK FILING INT, WALLS 1. TYPE OF CONSTFUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A S C D E F G H I J DlvtstoN 12 ? 4 SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FI RE SPRINKLERS SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSUBE ENEFAL DESCBIPTION OF WOBK e-n'Dtr t AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATION PLAN CH€CK /?e PERMIT -H I HEREBY .{CKNOWLEDGE TH AT\-I- HA .l 1lp "yn/(u. "/l a APPROVAL REc ^RD)rlc BtnlntNyEoN tffu/r tor. \o INSPEGTICI FIEOUEST TOWN VAIL t,"DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM B NAME CA n ornrn tr pnnrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR I orsapPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS; APPROVED I upou rHe I IREINSPECT CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATEry ,4, - ./It/ Projocl Name: Project Application Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zonel Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Chiel Building Oflicial Proiect Application Date Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded bv: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial CONSTRUCTION PERMIT €partment of communaty development TYPE OF PERMIT '.E zutlotttc E/pluMerrucE-ElrcrRrcll n rouruoRnoN oNLY I MECHANICAL I LEGAL DESC. LOT BL K.-^runeSca@A-- AME Q*r,,t tJ*_T'-rn ER nmt*,^,pld Co.r,ra,44 MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY,,- r r l^^ Plk GENERAL CONTRACTOR ffi FIRM .ffi'^T?3h MAIL ADDRESS PLUMEING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS a\tTv pH OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, t J /-a -)sslE ///oL PRoJEcr No. N9PERMITNO.l.TYPEoFcoNSTRUcnoN t tt rrn@ 2.occuPANcYGRouP ne e H tn6^) DIVISION t22a34 BUILOING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO.FT. VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING NEW( ) ALTERATION ADDITIONAL() REPAIR UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UN COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. -BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES ADMINISTRATOR NING NOTES: INSULATION R,VALUE IItl/) /v , r"*e"" AcKNowLEDGE TtAT r HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREF: TO COMPLY ORDINANCES AND STAI'EVAII WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: gE E. Y-qP- o S/ ,"{, \-\ L} qt (r Lf-r \q \ + a\, EU\ t;dttg \s a s+ F .< ,L ag ''-J ,J .-\-A\(!-r-\'c) -s+ .r l4td o19 -'l ogt €4 {--='.-.. e3?i 5{ .F3a *.9P €- .d\ F --6 -s a-------' IITSICTIoN REQUEsT I9v-* a.7DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBIN G: IGRO 1/ D. 1/W IPIN( 'H. T4t : CAL: 'tG _ ST I- r Att tr UNDER OUND D FOUNDATION / STEE_tr ROUGH D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH WATER tr INSULATION trGAS P tr SHEETROCK NAIL o PooH ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc t:- :s:i-#toB NAME INSICTION REQUEST TOWN VAIL THUR FRIREADY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V, t] ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr otr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS C] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL E FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: .tr DISAPPROVED $Er$Et NSPEC-T.|ON BEQU I RED DATE INSPECTOR INS|ICTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL --AM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: DATE BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING d nouon B EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr u E FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORR€6fEN St /t'.:ia,&42.-' -4;', ------'? -24-/ / ? 2 ?- "V; <: ..'/''/ lNSPEcroR '€zl''- -.-- --*-.=DATE / *.3 -.2€--' o box 100 Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development December 20, 1977 Garrett Snith Alphorn -Condominiums Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Garrett: The Town of Va1l is amending the Zoning Ordlnance to allow a limited number of private parking spaces -to be leased Jn a long-term oasit. I .opv of the proposed ordinance is enclosed. Extensive studies of parking utilization were' conducted during last ski season. These studies indicated that most p"i""I" parking lots and spaces available even durlng peak ski season. You are eligible to lease 3 parking spaces ' If you wlsh to pariicipate iil tnis leasing program, please complete'!lt^^ enclosed form and. return:.t with ai apptlcation fee of $10.0O to us for review and approvaL. DST/di Enclosure S. Toughill Administrator o tnun box 100 rail. colorado 81657 B03l 47F5613 department of community development Decerrber 20, 1977 Randy Brandmeyer Scorpio/Vantage Point Box 276 Vall , Colorado 81657 Dear Randy: The Town of Vail is amending the Zoning Ordinance to al1ow a limlted number of private parking spaces to be leased onarone-termbasls.Ac.opyoftheproposedordinancej.s enclosed. Extensive'studiesofparkingutilizationwereconducted during last ski season ' These studies indicated that most privale parking lots and spaces availabel even durlng peak ski season You are ellgible to lease 3 and 8 parking spaces' If you wlsh to participite in this leasing program,.please complete tbe enclosed form and return it with an appiication fee of $10'OO to us for review and approval . Sin ly, ana S. Toughill Zoning Adninistrator DST/di Enclosure -t; #n \ THB rHONN76 w i.J-..--. '.--'-'--...- ..J--. -.<- I,lareh 29, J-973 !Irs. Diana lbughill Tnnil:g A&ninistrator ltown of Vail Vai1, Oolorado 81657 Dear Diana: Acocnpanfing this letter are ttre folloring: 1. Plans for Alptprn Rrifding C. 2. Iegal deseiptiqr for tlre land to be allocated to Hrildi-ng C irdicatlng 331750 square feet. 3. DecLaratior of Iard AllocaLion presented to the Torm of Vail July 19, tr971 allocatiryr 30,000 square feet to Alphorn Buildirq B. Attached to this is tJre lega1 description. 4. Coglr of the Declaratisr of Lard Allocation frqn the ltcnm of Vail files with the 301000 dnnged to 331000 square feet. Itle najrrtain, and I believe Irou @ncur, that ttle 30,000 square feet is ttre anrctnrt ttlat stpuLt be oonsidered as allocated to erifding B. Therefore, tlre 331750 square feet is sufficient for Alphorn llrilding C to rEet tlre flmr area ratio. I€ are reguesting the plans for Alphorn E.dfdirq C acocnpanf,irq thisletter, v*rictr will be identical to tuiLting B, be presented to the Tcum Cor:4cil for ttre ltcrvn of Vai1, for ttreir revietar. ,4 qtality condominirm by the deuelopers ol tulaxor Vail BOX 9' r VAII- COTORADO 816t7 . Mrs. Diana rurghill Masch 29, 1973 Page 2 If 1ou have anlt €Egrts regardlng tJte above, please og*acttE, Vey truly yor9, ffi/$ri Erclosrn:es (3) AIBITORN JOINT \IH\TA]RE o ALPHORN. Conmencing at the Southeast corner of Lot D of Vail Village Second Filing; thence N.25o02r15"W., 138.34 feet to the point of beginning; thence s.10o18 t 47"W. , 28.9L feet; thence 5.23o02 '15"W. , 47 .67 feet; thence S.05"55t09rrl|I., 36.92 feet; thence on an angle to the right of 90"00r00" and along a curve to the left having a radius of 525.00 feet, a central angle of 01034'51", and an arc distance of 14.49 feet to a point of tangent; thence N.85039t42"W. and along said tangent 70.65 feet; thence N.04o20r18"E. , LZL.55 feet; thence N.79o41t13"W., 154.95 feet; thence N.10618 147"E., 138.42 feeu thence S.79o41r13'rE., 165.00 feet; thence s.10o18t47"W., 138.42 feet; thence S.79o41t15"8., 94.96 feet to thepoint of beginning; containing 33750.00 square feet, nore or less 3 /(y lY3 :_--lt- o LA. STATE OF COLORADO )I ss.conNTY OF EAGLE ) DECLARATION CF. LAND. ALICCATION depos e. and say tt,ii tLuETGG! accorCing to my best knowledge, l' That thie etatement is made in conjunction with the firing of anapplication for a buildiog perrnit to the Town of ,vair and to comply withthe requirements of Articie vu, section 3, ordinance Number z (serieaof f969) Zoning Ordinance for the ?own of l/ail. 2' The description of the buitding eite for the propoeed building ieas follows: (Des.criptio" -"cription. ) , DEillrg first statements are inJormation and duly sworn upon oath, true and correct belief, to wit: ; ;.tI i, I l, llII T It i.,. [:ll ? l. 3. The proposed feet, and the proposed dee- building site containE 33,y'ItE)@ squarebuildingcontaine ffi equare feet corirpliee to the Floor Area R?tio for the zoning which appliee to thebuilding eite, aa defined io the' aforeeaid zoning_ordinanee. OWNER of area as defined in the aforesaicl zorrirffi*iffi The foregoing affidavit and declaration was subscribed andgvrorn to before sle, ar notary public, byRtl4, aay oi llt;"!;,' -'-: 47. . thie "' Cornmissisn exp,;es fexuery 13, ig/+NOTARY PUBLIC o STATI Or COLORADO CO-IINTY OF TACLE DECLARATiON CF LAND. ALI,CCA?ION :, (1, ,t.-,:. ( ::,?s_]-< z:,,1 , tlhg ii:'st duly sworr^ uPon oath. <iepose arci sa7 that thc fol.lowing staten:ents are true and correct accoil<iing to rny best knowledge, information and belief, to wit: l. That this etatement is rnade in conjunclion with the filing of an application for a building perrr:it to the 'Iown of ,Vail and to cornply with tire iequi.reinents of Article Vii, Section 3, Orciinance Number 7 (Serieo ol 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vail. Z. ',-he cesciipiion of r)he as foiiow s: builoing si'3e fol' tlie proposed buiicli::g ia feet, ani the proposed building contains ., .--" <o os.;-;e tee; oi a:ea as del^.red in tbre aforesaid Z.onl:tg Oreiinance. 4-. The p.oposed buii.ding, as i'i reiates';o';l:e buiiding 6ite aiea, coirrpliee to the Flooi Area R+tio loi the zcni,r.g which appliee to tb.e {Descripi:.on ilay be attached, ol ^..i ^'.i ^* \r,. rIJ srv.r. ., g9/oi:1 to i; ,(t,t dc.y of rJ 'I r t llt.t " L91;+. I ' -!u^ r, r vi I ..r-. (_\.:; J .v, nil ourveyorre ';:\e.?': ey be used ';o show. ces- 3" Tirc piopooed building site eon';air:e building aite, ao <iel'inecl in the afoleeaid 7,or;i,r,g OrCi:rance. Ua ''1 G Ec; 't 7 / //':< , /, )-/. ,/, r-.-_r;Z f l rti :'cregoing afficiavit and i'eclarat:on was Cuiy subscribed and"^-"" ^:1C,i CeclaraE:o:f was cuiv suoscrloeq a;rq.rr,iid\rrr.B (Ll.a!:<rv^e 6.- - f - -/j , Iber'ore:'nc, a. notary pubiic, UVJ:_] jl'tt!.n-!53ig-, this ' ,'i .t, tl .ti ow:\f,R :iOTAilY PUBLIC Z. 'o Mtunm, $rRarlrur AND IrtEURER, . - Co*ulting tngi*"ne - 29O1 Wesc 19th Avenue Denver, Colorado 8O2O4 .r"u=t *o.-4041-2- 7 /2/71 R.L-D. ?HONE 4 33.73 e t ;* (. 5, Meurer E, M. Scralinl M. R. Meurer lruc. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A PART OF VAIL VILLAGE, SECOND FILING A part of Tract D, Vail Village Eagle, State of Colorado, more follows: ,fcr, //rt /7a TMCT D Second Filing, County of particularly clescribed as Corunenci-ng at the Northrrest corner of said Tract D; thence EasrerLy elong the Ncrth f.ine of said Tract D, L65.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence along seiild North line 175.00 feet to a point; thence on an anSLe to the right of 90"00tOCt', 25L,25 feet to a point; thence on an angle to Ehe right of 81r"48r35" and along a curve to the left having a radius of 525.00 feer, a central angle o:- 09"30r3B"' an arc distance of 87.L4 feet; thence on an angle to the right of 9L"54t19", 36.39 feet; thence on an angle to the right of 90"C0f00r', t'2.85 feet;'thence on an angle to the left of 90'00tggtt, 46.50 feet; thence on an angle to the left of 90"C0r00", 72.35 feetl thence on an angle to the right of 90"00'00", 23.9L feet; thence on an angle to the lej:t of 90'00r00r', 94.96 feet; thence on an angte to the right of 90o00r00rr, L3'"i,42 feet to the true point of beginning; con- taining 301000.00 square feet or 0.689 acres, nore or 1ess. itO J ECTmtu@ Lesa I Descr i pt ion -r2.*./ il=**l 'rJse Z-rnc llDtV f_, Docs Lsr r. c.;::-r, A i I ovre o *7_o* i 1'-r!__",/./l : /. o Lc I S ize Square Footase _J6J_k,f,O *-_, Over (Ltn der) * 37/7.5-A _ Setback Req u i remen is : iircni serback proviced: ?oiEI.Farki -,c lrecui red Egl"+ -, Aliowable S,luare Focfaoe 33rLe{?200 /{, /5-_, Parkinc 7z' /D Aci ua I S 1 iies ld , Rea r ? | aza Credit S ides 'O _1A , R.ear *..7O Frovicied: Covcr+e 4-{ Uncove rea /rl:9 , i.o.|al Prcvided, 2/__ F. A. i]. A\i D DARK I NC CALCUL A.I !Ci] S € &'uuJ af.75- x la = 7X rz q < r/.c* 100 K 47 / t--zs- x c'l f 4 ^t-? ,r rV. c- 3o /r-^tht /,d 4ry /",/r*,1 //6f,.7d- /t'o o lgd.s-o qTad' a o //ff,'z a qr'o o / 30-5-1 7 ZZ,/.s*a x { =36 t72.s-o ?3,7{5'Lil. a tLAril*J '--/ fu,L C0MIiIFNTS 0N REVERSE: S ID[, lL? >- BEST COPY AVAILABLE P-o,8t"r, 7Z- Gco - Q r--n i =nr ' Use Zone is Gentie:er I - have cl^-ec<ec r:-e )far.s :-or the above-subject -o: :n accordancewith the provisioris sei for"th in the Jniforn tsuilci:ng cod.e (lg7o)as a::uiendeo ani acoptei cy the Town of vair, ancj. find the forlowing: Hor14F t Occupancy g:'oup is H Tvp. * constr.uctibn - I.t e.... ' vccupancy gsouJ as rt ; ry?e ilr constructlon, 7.-^- le-tra^ Ln - lW pU^ "MT. b+z^r*a'l+ o,-fl4 lnxi.- q tE p /ft!- -The fol-iowing items'shal-l_ be connected bv revised olans tre ,?/- lhe fol-owing items'shal-l- be corrected by revised plans =;ic,-i..* n'..i^- -r ;SSuance Of bUilcino. oenm.i :-:!v rooL.cLrr\-s \.,/ r- /-,rLirrv+-rr6 I/e! rrrl ! rollr\t sL.ll ?u.u EI,-N 0.rr- d- t,.a-.e--11"^-. ' ^,,t .l'.'ls4 - 6'lc.,eJlJn -iXl1r42- uo-e*,rt-nn frle^-,^n,^il- eA-t-*-- Al"'-rq A. +,t'L *t- ),'-il 1.- S^fuL *4- t2 lt- k ^- !-!te C..-- o-* x \v-/ Cil,. J,.- -4L/t 1,. -14 Ut e4^1144 lol;f ^ )6. ,(- -Ut 3 tgc^). t t-- z'z/ab;^ illhen tre above iter.s have T '.rj I I r-' -. ro=i'r | ' \tnrtr,c rra-arr i-vrrr'l rr "--JL!u:J' ]0vi\ Ol VAIr.- -l; Fn aa-\_r.r^anf,:rl hrz ve+!urrr5 norri qai n l -a rr < €nr.' iha crrhi aat nr^:riianjrrm Ecl Str:,ubie Buridlng 0fficial dw cc: : I fr L) a. i1 KENDALL ELEETRItr trtr. P. tr. BOX t35B r AOI ERAND AVENUE o BRAND .lUNCTltrN, CtrLORADtr Ats0l PHONE 24z.4A52 IAREASSDE 3tr31 ATt: llR. ED STRUBIE ro | .---ttArl grtt Burutruo DEPT. l suBJEcr.. ALPf,OBl{" BU)C. F8.!!--..-. Y-arl,r-*colo-. vtrL corr.. - oArE 7-26-?l Dcer Sir, Felleriag is e ligt sf itens wc digcuolod during our phone eonverntigntof the part rroekt 1.. Al1 cub-feeds to2. All brrnch wiring for rubJect bldg. be in norretrlllc are to be in tr[fl condult. rheathed aablc (rf,mcxtt). pancls is to Pl-eece acloonletlgc. DATE o SIGNED Farn NO.RI l3 @ Tie Oro{ins 8*rd, tnc,, Bor 5O5, )a:lrr, Lbs lNEtEuctrot|E I xaTiu clll'NB to REcElYlr: r. rtl. Y.Llow coaY. z. acxD fHl o STRUGTION CORPORATION June P. O. BOX ZZ . ASPEN . COLORADO . 8161r r'7, l-97]- Mr. Ed Strubl-e Building Inspector Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ed: Aq naa. .\rir i-a'l anhnna nnnrzor,qat- inn I would J.ike to inform you that we wi.ll use metal studs on the AlphornrBtr buildinq ln lieu of the noncom- bustable wood studs as shown on thepIans. I might mentj.on that we have a type f building as per our same discussion. Garage ceiling is 3 hour, the other floors and roof are 2 hour rated. The cedar siding shown onfront elevation sha11 be 3/4rt plaster. Thene is no cornbustable materials on the job in the wal1 eonstruction. Please give John Huebinger a call when you finish checking out pl-ans next week, thank you. AC 303 .925-7224 =€e+dplIy,6{l/--Robert W. C1ine General Manager RWC: jm U rt{prto,n P.O. BOX 7 vArL, colo. 81657 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE April 28, I97L Mr. Charles Gersbach Vail Colorado 8]-557 Dear Charlie: llhe Architectural Control Committee has reviewed the plans for the B and C phases of the Alphorn construction. Final approval of these plans is subject to a detailed'parking plan, a landscaping pJ-an and conformance to the Town of Vail Floor Area Ratio requirements. The Committee requests that you please let us know the square footage of the lot and the total sguare footage of alf buildings. The CommitLee has approved the change from brick to rock on the exterior of the building. The Committee recommends a stain on the exterior of the building rather than paint, and thecolors are not specified on the plans. The Architectural Control CommitLee will- be meeting on May 4th at 9:00 a.m. and would be happy to review the aboveplans at that time. Sincerely, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROT COMMITTEE .'':.''r'.,.." .- .:. ,Peter-W. Seibert Chairman PWS/san cc: Robert W. 'Cf ine Ed. Strubl-e "r NLJIVT ASPEN CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION POST OFFI'CE BOX ZZ ASPENT, OO|rORADO 81611 Telephone 9&7224 ??BI?ep1y. B/9/1I "ot"4 Enclosed please find copv of zonolite Fi-reproofing cataloque for Mono-Kote - s\7qiom fnr ehnrza mant- ianar! ny'aiant- Mr. Ed Strubl-e Build D eDa r tmen t Town of Vail Vail Colorado 81657 PLEASE REPTY TO -------> SIGNED Bob Cline enayAiq 3o.. tNc.. EiooKLyN, N.y. tt232 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ucrfoN coRPoRATtoN . P. o. Boxzz. AspEN . coLoRADo . 81611 . AC 303 .925.7224 | 28- L91I Mr.Ed Struble buuq ].ng urrr.c]-at '10wn or var_-L P. O. Box 513Vail, Colorado 8l-657 Re: Alphorn trBr? Dear Ed: Thank you for your letter of July 20r 79-71. We are pleased to submit Lhe following with regards co the items in your letter: I and 2. See attached plans for deminsional parking. 3. A11 construction is in accord with tabl_e 17-A of U.B.C.a. See attached letter on monocoat fire ratinqb. Steel columns will be protected as beamsc. According to table 43-C, page 524, section J-lof the U.B.C. 5,/8tr drwa11 conforms to 2 hourrating. This is the assembly we haved, The 7/2tt gypsum sheathing is t hour raced andis also water resistant, see page 3 of enclosed brochure e. We have no exterior wal1s above ceilinq with metal studs s ys tem 4. q We intend to conform to this requirement, Doors to linen room and trash room sha1l be ?rBtr label and doors on trash chute shal:. be IN hour rated. A mushroom type gravi.ty vent shal_l be provided. See 3/d above. 5ee qeEalt Y,i 5- and f0. See attached letter from the structural engineers. Last paragraph does not apply. 7. 9 11 . Exit signs will be inscalJed by each stairwel_l_ above grade. l'2. Bathrooms will- be mechanicallv ventil-ated to the north outside wal1 of each floor. Utility rooms will not be mechanically ,zonr-'i'l .efad trrrl- rrir "r ]rrrza dr^rra- vent to north outsidg waf 1. Mr. Ed StrubleJuly 28, l97I Page 2 T hnno +-h.r I t-h i e nl oaqo aa\rf:/-F md Robert W. Cline General Manager RWC: jn Enc los ures meets with your perS onally. approval-.Tf r,rnrr her;o :nrr nrrqg Iigng oo D ArE.,FrGrA-PAErFrc ^fu"r, OYPSUM WILLBI|IRD l[IH & PTA$IER FoR nltt AltD GErUlr0 SY$TEM$ I(EItt> olo Hle6ta- lo. =t>r! lO o| trl- €lbEtaot>cl=l5ItEola tlagl+loloIolol(5 1 ooo ro- oI!oo ooo E' I =of I -I =v,-mo stir,l B sle'rl f to gl# itil(,l(n EI o A Walluoard Products I Joint System and Accessory Froducts A Gypsum Plaster I Gypsum Lath One Sho I Plaza, Houston Tox|s Products Thickness Widths Lengths Edge Description G-P/Bestwall r'4" Regular Wallboard %" %' yB, 4',6'to l6' T, S, B, RE G'P/Bestwall Regular Gyps!m Wallboard is manufactured with Tapered or Square Edges in even and faced with a strong, cream-colored paper which will accommodate any type 0f decora-feet tive treatment. The back paper, which is gray, is as strong as the face papet.Ihe /2', and %" wallboard with Tapered edges is recommended for single layer application in new mn- struction. Tapered edges are designed to be reinlorced with G-P/Bes'twall J0int System products resulting in a smooth, seamless surface, Square edges are recommended ior use where exposed joints are acceplable. The resistance tofireerposureandsoundtransmissionincreasewiththeuseofsreaterboardthicknessand the number of lavers of board used. G-P/Bestwall Firestopo 4' 6' to 16' T, S, B, RE (2' on in evenorder) feet G-P/Bestwall Firestop carries a 45 minute to 3 horr lire resistant rating in various wood and steel wall and floor/ceiling assentbli€s. Unexpanded vermiculite li the core balances gypsum shrinkage by expanding when erposed to heat, whtle the text le glass filaments keep the core intact even after its chenically combined water has been released, giving a thermal stabillzed core. G-P/BestlYall %' Gypsum Sound D€adening Board %'G-P/Bestwall %'Incombustible Gypsum Sound Deadening Board meets the requirements of the most sophisticated sound contrOl systems available with the added convenience of being 0ne of the easiest s0und contr0l materials to install. lt is design€d and formulated Jor high sound tfansmission loss, structural strength and incombustibility. lt has a distinctive green face paper. When appled over 2[" steel studs or 2 x 4 wood studs, one layer of l2', G-P/Bestwall Firestop Type XXX over one layer ol /a'Gypsum Sound Deadening Eoard gives a 1-hour fire resistive wall and a 45 S.T.C. Refer to the brochure "Sounds Great" lor oiher assemblies lvith S.T.C. ratings up t0 55. G-P/Bestwall Regular Tile Backer Board v,'8" ll' 12', This is a waler-resistant gypsum product with a light blue face paper, designed for use as a base for lhe adhesive appIcat on of ceramic, metal or plastic tile. The gypsum core con- srsts 0f incorbustible gypsum rock, conbined w.th an emulsion giving high *aler resist- ance. ldeal {or bathrooms, k lchens, powder r00ns and olher moistu'e areas- G-P/Bestwall Trle Backer Board can be erected as easily as wallboard and requires no finishing 0f joints 0r nail heads with joint treatment nor furth€r waterprooftng under tile applied adhesrvely unless reqrired by'local code. G-P/Bestwall Firestop Tile Baeker Board 5/^'8,' 1I', 12' This contains the factory treated water-resistant core and treated face and back paper plus the addition of unexpanded vermiculrte and glass fiber reinlorcement vrhich gives increased fire protection and ilrength. Where fire raled assenbl.es are required in aieas sublect lo moisture, such as parlitions between bathrooms and other interior areas, most building codes allow the use 0f G'P/Bestwall Firestop Tile Backer 8oard. The use ol %" Fireslop Tile Eacker will sive a t hour fire ratins. G-P/Bestwall %' Regular Insulating Yr" Wallboard G-P/Bestwall Va' Firestop Insulating Wallboard A'lnlA T C AF 6'to 16' T, S, RE Regular Insulating Gypsum Wallboard is regular gypsum wallboard, with bright aluminum loil laminat€d to the back s!rface. In a single layer application it provides the advantages of regular gypsum wallboard plus having effective insulation and vapor barraer qualrties. A separate and continuous vapor barrier aut0matically ascends on the warm srde of the wall when G-P/Bestwall Insulating Gypsum Wallboard is applied. The aluminum foil, facing a %" minimum space, reflects 90% ot radiant heat, providing insulation qualities egual lo V" ol fiberboard insulation (tested by U.S. Bureau of Stand- ards). Panels must be installed with foil side against the studs. To have reflective insllation value, FHA requires the foll to face a minimum air space of %" This is the regular insulating gypsum vrallboard with the addition t0 the core 0l unexpanded vermiculite and glass fiber content for increased fire protection. Through the proper use of this product desired fire-rated assemblies can be achieved. G-P/Bestwall Regular Eternawall-'- Vinyl Surfaced Wallboard: Standard Line k' 4, (Special ofte( 3/a,, &%,,) 9'tfith1l Iengths avallable on specral 0r0er.) V,S IColors*Avocado, Gold, Flax, White, Beige, Stucco, Buff, Willow Green, Fawn, Snowdrift White, Alabaster, Tangerine, Cherry, Pecan and American Walnut. This parel has the vinyl surlace factory laninated to Regu ar Gypsum Wallboard. Available in a variety 0[ c0l0rs and texlures, it provides beauty and utility to c0mmercial, instit,ltional and home interiors. Eternawall is strong and resilient. The solid gypsum core is jncombus- tible. Eternawall colors vron't fade. The deeo linen-textured vinvl surface can be scrubbed iniithout damage to color, texlure or design. i3ecause of its abiliti t0 take hard wear and to resist stains, Eternawall is ideal for restaurants, hotels, clubs,and hospitals as well as home use. lt is also ideally suited for movable partitrons. Decorator Line yr' 4' (Special oftet %" &%") 8'(0ther lengths available on special 0r0er.) Colors*Available in 15 standard patterns and over 200 decorator colors. Samples available upon request. The lowest cost for Decofator Line Danels is based 0n a minimum order of 12,000 sq. ft. n one color and pallern. Allow eight weeks lead lime. Note: "Monolrthic" lype Etenr'awall is availabld in both the standard ard decorator colors 0n specaal order of 12,000 sq.ft.or more, in one color or oattern. Allow 12 weeks lead time. D r ..t Products Thickness Widths Lengths Edge Description G-P/Eestwallo Firestop r/.n 4'8' to 14' available on spec|al order. Thrs Danel has lhe vinyl surface factory laminated io a Firestop panel which has rrnerpanded vermiculite and slass fibers added to the core t0 give it additional fire resistance. With this technically designed gypsum core, a I hour or greater flre rating may be obtained on wall assemb|es. Same colors available as with regular Eternawail. Etornawall-Vinyl 2' and 4' 8'and 9' S, T & G Treated-G-P/Bestwall Firestop Gypsum Sheathing consists of incombustible gypsum rock combined with an asphalt emulsion to provlde high resistance to water. All G-P/Best- wall FirestoD Gvosum Shealhing meets AST|\il C79.6/, including requirement for water resistance. Thif eliminates the need for building paper (except where required by local building code). An untreated gypsum sheathing ts available. The 2' rryide sheathing is made *ith precision-cut tongue and gloove edges to provide a slruc- turally strong and sttble wall. "V" tongue and groove edges fit snugly, minimizing wind in' filtration. The 4'wide square edge sheathing, applied vertically, c0mpletely eliminates the need for corner bracing. lt is deslgned to meet requirements of FHA Technical Circular 12. G-P/Bestwall Gypsum Fireslop Backer Board yr, 2' and 4' I' to 16' S, T & G G-P/Bestwall 7s" Firestop Gypsum Backer is used as a backing lor decorative surface tleat-iA, ments ol acoustical plasters;trle, plywood and various veneers.A single lay_er application.of 7r' G.P/Bestwall FirestoD Gvosum Backer 0n b0th sides of wood or steel framing, enables ioidbeaiing or non-loadbbaridg wall assemblies to resist temperatures rising to U0tr F' in the ASTM standard time temDeratuae curve for one h0ur. Firestop Gypsum Backer consists ol a gypsum core with unexpanded vermiculite, Ieinforced with literaily miles ol high tensile strenglh glass fibres, fitmly bonded to a fibrous gray paper on both sides. G - P/Bestwa ll Regular Back6r Board 2' and 4'S, T & G G-P/Bestwall Gypsum Backer, designed for lirst 0r base layers in field lamination of gyp$um walIboards, acouitical tile and othei compatible malerials with adhesives, provades low cost' level surfaies lor further decofative tleatments. lt may be applied over loadbearing or non- loadbearing wood or metal framing with nails, screws or staples. G-P/Bestwall 1" Coreboard Custom S, T & G l" Gypsum Coreboard is available in two styles. cut up to a. A liomogenous core with a tongue and giooved joint. 14' b. Two layers of % " backel b0ald, laminated. 1" Gypsuri Coreboard is used for the mre material in various, all-gypsum partition assem- Dltes. G- P/B ostwa ll Sotfit Board Yr',%'G-P Gvosum Soffit Board is used on exterior soffits where not exposed directly to the weather. It's ai inexpensive soffit material for schools, shopping center malls, apartmenls and houses. It finishes ind decorates like interior gypsumboard with no nails or joints showing. lt has light blue Jace paper. G-P/Bestwall Fire-Block Gypsumboard Yr"New nroduct desirned for use on roofs, over latters, and under sheathing and roof covering. Tests prove it bloc-ks roof fires from entering attic and living areas. lt has a special core and paper. GEORGIA-PACIFIC GYPSUM RESEARCH LABORATORY, Portland, Oregon G-P Wallboard Edges T-Tapered S-Square RE-Tapered with Round Edge 8-Beveled (Special 0rder) T & G-Tongue and Groove trol, better sound conlrol and form to the higher standards V-Modified Beveled Edge better oroducts that will con- of tomorrow's construction. THIS lS WHERE NEW PRODUCTS DEVELOP! No matter how great a product is, it still must change to meet the needs of tomorrow. In gypsum, this means better tire con- *ts G-P/Bestwall -Triple Duty Joint Compound G-P/B€stwall Triple Duty Wallboard Joint Compound ts a vtnyl multi-purpose j0int system product. A stncle bas offers taping, topprng and texturing. ll can be used for all coats rn the reinforcing and conceahng ol joints in gypsum wallboard construction. The binder in Tr,ple Duty. being a vinyl, gives thrs product a wet life 0f 30 t0 60 days duration. This allows pre-mixing in large quantities prior to application, Triple Duty can be applied using standard hand or mechan ical tools. There is low shrinkage and rt rs easrly sanded. When the applicati0n is completed, the surface is ready lor priming-ard decoration as desired wrth no further preparation necessary. Coverage:60 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. (12.50 lbs. per 1,000 sq. fl. when used as a terluring material.) Lb. Package-25 and 50 G-P/Bestwall - Bedding, Topping Compound G-P/Bestwall Joint System products are designed to conceal joints and nail heads and "surface-weld" wallboard panels together. Properly used, these products assure smooth, seamless appearance of walls and ceilings, with joints as strong as the ',vallboard itself. Bedding Compound - Designed to provide maximum adhesion 0f tape to the joints and for initial application to nail heads and corner bead. lt spreads smoothly and may be hand or machine applied. Coverage: 15 lbs. per I,000 sq. ft. (Used in coniunclion with 45 lbs, ol Bestwall Topping Compound.) Topping Compound llsed for finrshing taped joints and nail heads. Sanding is unnecessary if carefully applied. lt ts long working with low shrinkage. Coverage: 45 lbs. per 1,000 sg. ft. 10ver 15 lbs. of Bestwall Beddrng Compound.) Lb, Package-25 G-P/Bestwall- Ready Mix Joint Compound Ready Mix Jornt Compound is an easy-working material lor the fillng of joints, and embedding lhe joint reinforcing tape In gypsum wallboard conslruction. Fulnished in cans and cartons ready lo use,lhis stable, all-purpose comDound is also excellent lor use. in covering nail heads and lorming interior and exterior angles. Ready Mix loint Compound assures a standard mlxture lor unrform workability throughout the job. lt has a long wet lile and $/ill not spoil even when the container is lelt opened. Ready Mix Joint compound produc'es an ercellent sirface for any type ol decoration. For best resulls, the surface should be primed belore being riecorated. Coverage: 5 gal. per l00tisi. ft. Package-1 and 5 gal. cans, 4 gal. cartons G-P/Bestwall -All Purpose Joint Gompound G-P/Bestwall All Purpose loint Compound is used for beddrng tape, topping, corner bead, nait spott;ng and terturing. whe4 taprng be sure the compound under the lape, and the first coat over the tape rs thoroughly dry before applying t'le next coat ovel ths Joints. When used for texturing, lor best resuits, apply a vinyl pnmer lo the entire area before textufing. The terture may be applied with a roller, s-ponge, brush or othdi sirrtable rmplement depending on the type 0l contigdratron desired. Coverago:60 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Lb. Package-25; 18 lbs. with 250, tape G-P/Bestwall-Speed Set G-P/Bestwall Speed Set Joint Compound makes possible the tsping and finishing 0f all wallboard joints within a srnSle day. lt can be used for all coats. Speed Set is a setting rather than a drying type of compound, and will not shrink. Comes in two ways-''l Hour Working Time" and "2 llour Working Time". For best resulls, use a primer sealer over surface before painting 0r texturing. Lb. Package-25 G-P/Bestwall - Laminating Compound G'P/Bestwall Laminating Compound is an exclusive product formulated to assure adhesion between sheets of wall- board. lt is a casein base dry powder product, requirrrig addition 0f water only. Easy to mix and easy lo apply, it lormsa permanent, posilive bond. G-P/Eestwall Laminating Compound has been'provdn effectrve throrrgh niany years ot aclual field use. Coveragc: Approx. 35 tbs. per 1,000 4q. ft.' Lb. Package-25 I 5frI o- 14 A SPEED Scope All wall and ceiling surfaces are included. Furnish all labor and material necessary to reinforce and conceal all loints between G-P Gypsum wallboard panels and cover nail or screw heads in accordance with sDecifications and drawings. General Provisions In cold weather, the building shall be adequalely heaied to maintain a temperature in the range of 55" to 70"F. Ade- quate veniilation shall be provided during and after appli- cation of loint treatment. When required, heat shall be furnished by designated contractor. Materials All materials specified shall be manufactured by the Georgia-Pacific Corporation, and used in strict accord- ance with the manulacturer's directions. Joint Gompound Two-Bag Syslem-Apply G-P Bedding lor the initial coat and G-P Topping for all succeeding coals and for spotting nail or screw heads. G-P/Bestwall- Grabit G-P/Bestwall Grabit is an adhesive which permits direct attachment 0f gypsum wallboard to masonry walls. lt mey be usei on Doured mncrete, cinder block or cdncrele block walls which are reas0nably straight and true and are free from surface tieatment, decorations, or protlusions. Grabit may be used on exterior walls which are above grade level wilh- out $/atetDroofinp. Grabit can be used to adhere lvDsum wallboatd t0 polvstvrene insulation material Adhesion'is secuie and permanent, with no nead'for furring strips or faiteners. Aflel being mixed with water as di- rected. Grabit can be apilied with blade or caulking gun. 0nly four l" ribbons are needed fot each 4'wide wallboard panel. The adhesive filii in all normal irregularities in the masonry. In 3 t0 4 hours, Grabit sets hard, and joint taping and finishins oDerations may then be slarted. This adhesive may be used wherevet there is need t0 attach Sypsum wallboard tdmbsonry walls:in homes, apartments, hotels,olficea, and plants. Coverage: Up lo 7r lb. per sq. ft. de- pending on roughness of base surface. Lb. Package-50 G-P/Bestwall - Texturing Materials 0.P/Bestwall Eestex A, B, C and D are texture materials designed t0 produce various texture linishes ovel drywall construction. Bestex A-contains no aggregate and can be used for both hand and spray application to produce tertures such as stiDDle. swirl. sDatter and orance oeel finishes. Beiiex B---contiins a small amourit of arqregate and produces medium coarse tertures such as sand finishes. Bester C-contains a large amount of frgre-gate and is used for coarse textures such as simulal€d acoustic finishes. Besler D-a texture wilh coarse aggregate tor simulsted acoustic celllngs. B, C and D textures are lor spray aio-olidation only. All three tertures produce hald su aced, v'rhite, decotative finishes that have excellent light refltjctiie qualities and hiding power. lf desired, Bester textures can be painted with latex 0r vinyl paint. CoveragJe: Bestex A, 12-50 lbs. per l,ffi sq. ft. depending upon te{ure. Bestex B, C and D linishes approx. 300 to 500 q. ft. Lb. Package-Bestex A 25 lb., Bestex B' C' D' 40 lb. G-P/Bestwall-Wa llboard Tape G.P/Bestwall Tape is a full 2" width, "Miracle Crease" spark perforated tape with skived edges and sanded sulface both sides. Excellent bonding qualities. Stabilized against shrinkage and movement. One Bag System-Apply G-P Triple Duty, Ready Mix, All Purpose or Speed-Set Joint Compound. Each material may be used independently for all steps in the treatment of drywall joints, spotting nail and screw heads and corner bead aoplication. Jointwork Apply G-P embedding type joint compound fully and evenly into the valley formed by adjoining edges of the gypsumboard. Center G-P Wallboard Tape and press into compound with sufficient pressure to squeeze some com- pound from edges of tape, yet leaving enough for a sufli- cient bond. Apply a fill coat extending a iew inches beyond edges of tape and feather edges of compound. When dry, apply G-P finishing type joint compound and feather the edges about 1Vz" beyond the tirst coat. (When Speed-Set is used, the taped loint can be covered as soon as the initial coat is set and before it is dry.) When dry, sand lightly and touch up any imperlections. Wipe oif dust in preparation for linal decoration. A orime coat shall be used over the entire wallboard sur- face belore final decoration is aoolied. SPECIFICATIONS FOR WALLBOARD JOINT TREATMENT tts G-P/Bestwall laths and plasters, although always consist- ently a superior product, have one unique and important additive which makes them verv much in demand. This is the addition of uniform length, tiigh strength glass filament fibers. The fiber glass content of G-P/Bestwall fibered plas- ters and laths is an important factor to consider in speci- fying lath and plaster construction. Fast Machine Application Literally miles of glass fibers (19.75 miles per bag of fibered plas- ter) otfer greater resilience and bonding properties that resolve many iob difficulties. Glass liber rejnforcement provides greater speed in application which in turn results in t etter economy. G-P/Bestwall plaslers, designed for machine applicalion, gjvegreater construclion economies and added deslgn possibilities. Glass-fibered plaster may be used when libered plaster is speci- fied. Due to the plasticity and richness oI these plasters they wilt not clog the mlxer, hose or nozzle. Even the glass fibers go th rou9h. DENS-COTE@ Veneer Systems Dens"Cole (one coai) system is designed for use whenever a strong durable finish wilh maximum speed and minimum material is desired. One application ot only y3z" minimum thickness Dens- Cole Smoolh Finish (or Textured Finish) over Dens-Cote Gypsum base, is all that is needed to give lasting strength and beauty to any conslruclion, Den8.Cole Syslem (lwo coat). This system is designed for thosewho prefer the conventional type finishes but desire modern 9peed and minimum material. The specially designed Dens-Cote Plaster, stronger than conventional sanded plasters, base shall be applied 7a" thick over Dens-Cote Base to achieve the best results. As in the one coal system, the Dens-Cote Base Plaslsr can also be used over porous masonry block with excellent results. Atter the first coat of Dens-Cote Base Plaster has set. tinish with lime putty and gauging for a conventjonal smooth finistr, or use any sand float lextured finish. For a hard durable smooth linish, use Dens-Cote Smooth Finish. Description Uses Features Neat gypsum plaster (Unfibered, Fibered, and Extra Flbered) Basecoat plasters bond securely to any standard plaster base including gypsum lath, metal lath and masonry units. Neat gypsum plaslers require addition of aggregate and waler. l. UNFIBERED: is used for scratch coat on solid surfaces and for the brown (second) coat on any backing. 2. FIBERED: is recommended l0 orovide grealer wet coh€sion and to minimize droppings with open type lath. 3. EXTRA FIBERED: is used for greater wet cohesion over metal lath as may be specitied. DURABILITY: Applied according to specifications it provides uniJormly strong, stable walls and c€ilin0s. PIASTICITY: Special scientifically controlled process maintains plasticity and easy workability. FIRE RESISTANT: Gypsum's natural incombustibility offers superior f ite protection. Lite-mix plaster (Unfibered, Fibered, Masonry Mix) Basecoar Dlaster that is 500/0 lighter than Gypsum and sand plaster. Fibered mix c0ntains 0lass fibers lor added strenolh- Requires addilion of wlter only. 1. UI{FISERED: is used for scratch coat 0n solid surfaces and for the brown (second coat on any backing.) 2. FIBERED: is fecommended to orovide greater wet cohesion and to minimize droppings vrith open type lath. 3. MAS0NRY MIX: Available for application on masonry Das6s. FIRE RESISTANT: Perlite aggregate provides higher fire resistance than sanded plastsrs. MIXES SMo0THLY: Has no tendency to cloq mixer or to block the nozzle of the plaster gun. HIGH INSULATI0N VALUE: Provides grealer insulatlon than sanded gypsum plaster. Wood fibered gypsum plaster Non.staining shredded wood fiber additive provides good working properties when used without aggregate. Int€nded for use with0ut aggregate as scratch and broryn coat, but may be mixed with one psrt of sand. For scratch coat over hiqh suction masonry it is recommended that one parl of sand be used. ECoN0MY: Can be applied quickly and easi:y. STRE GTH: Has 3 times greater compressive and lensile strength than sanded plaster; up to 2% iimes greater fesistance to lateral impact and 50% greator surface hardness. Gauging Flaster Specially ground gypsums designed to blend with lime putty. Mixed with lime to provide base for final wall and ceiling decoration. Usually over a gypsum pfaster basecoat, Yta" to Vz" thick. Available in "SIow set" or "Quick Set." WHITE C0AT Fll{lSH: Satin Spar Gauoing Plasters are very whits and when proporly mixed with lime putty they provide glossy smooth, flawless, surface of unitormly excellent, satin-like finish. Finishing limes Produced trom ground quicUime by adding an exact amount of water which chemically converts the quicklime to calcium and msgnesium hydroxides. Complelely aerated lo prevent lumping in the bag. Precision ground io produce the corect lineness for maximum plasticity and workability. To be mixed with gypsum gauging or Keene's cement for lime putty white coaL Supplies a white d!rable finish that presewes and beautifies interior walls and ceiling. Makes walls less brittle, less subiect to cracks. Prepared trowel finish A pre.mixed gypsum finish coat plaster requiring addition of water only. Made from iigh grade gypsum rock of white or local gray. Keene's cement A high strenqth, "dead-burnt" white gypsum gauging plasier. Provides stronger, harder surface when substituted for gauging plaster in a lime mix. Less lime. harder finish. Availabls regular and Fast Set. Elo For any indoor plasterinq installation where a smooth hard finish is desired. STRENoTH: Produces very hard surfaees, approximately twice lhe strength of ordinary lime.gauqing finishes. EASY DEC0RATION: Can be decoraled as soon as dry. Because o{ denser, harder surface has hiqher resistance to abrasion and water absorption it is hiqhly suitable for kitchens, bathrooms, hospitals, and any area where wear and moisture resistance are important. LoW WATER ABS0RPTI0N: Because of high density, has low absorption- VARIOUS FINISHES: Mixed with varying portion of lime, gives standard, medium hard or extra hard finishes. Type and Size Uses Description Plain lath, type X Consists of mre ot gypsum rock reinforcsd with glass fibers sandwiched between lwo layers ol special paper covering. This is standard basic construction for all Bestwall Lath. SIZE: 16 "x 48' , 16 "x 96 ,, 7e ,, ot y2,, thick (15r/"'x48" west Coast onl},) The standard gypsum plaster base for nail, staple or clip application to wood or steel framing. The exposed layer is porous and absorbeni, permilting water in the plasler to penetrate the surface. As plaster sets, gypsum crystals pierce the paper surface forming m€chanical key on the lath thus assuring maximum bond. Glass fiber reinlorcement gives the lath added strength and fire resistance. . All G-P/Bestwall Gypsum Lath, having glass fiber, is Typo X . Printed face so identifies lath. Lath paper has water resistant inner plies which prevent the water in the plaster from soaking through it and thus minimizes sagging of tho Iath and plaster. The layer against the core ls poroui ahd absorbent so as to bond the core as the plasler sets. Long-length lath cyps x The same stucture as Plain Lath erc€gt in dimensions SIZE: Availablo in %" or l" thicknesses-24" r tloor to ceiling lengths (12' marimum). This construction material is especially designed for uso as a plaster base for thin (2") solid partitions providing fire resistive ratings up lo hflo hours. Can also be used with furring over exterior masonry vilalls as a Dlaster base. Long Length Lalh comes in lengths up to 12', providing for wall assemblies in floor to ceiling heights. ldeal for solid plaster par- litions. Since there is less lathing in iob-there is a saving ln construction costs. Glass fiber reinforced for added str€ngth ' Fast and economical lo erect. Applicalion: Both plain and Long-Length Lath may be applied by nailing to wood and nailing-type steel framing, and to wood fram- ino bt 6taDles. Thev can be easily attached lo metal sections and tu;in'g, arid to wo6d with lath clips. Resilient type cliPs reduce cracking and lessen sound transmission. Pinholath, type X Plain Lath conskuction surface Derforated with %c' dia. holes. Space %' o.c. diagonally. stzE: !6"x48" ,I6"x96" ,3/s" or Yz" thick (16'/'"x48" West Coast only) Specially desiSned for machine applied plasters. Fast, high, even vraler absorption speeds plaster applicatron by holding plaster in Dlace during rodding and darbying. When attached to ceilings by clips, three coat work is required. The Scratch Coat should be dry before applyinq Brown Coat if high humidity condition exists. When Perimeter Clips are used on ceilings, Butt and Cenler CliDs should be us€d. G-P/Bestwall PINHOLATH is plain lath surface-perforated in manulacturing with pin holes no larger than he" in diamgter' spaced 7e " o.c. diagonally, Specially designed for machine applied plasters. Its unioue feature permits rapid suction of water from plasler mix to bchieve peifect plaster consistency speedlng plasler application. There is no plaster sllde, no backtracking, no coslly delays. Plaster stays ih place during rodding and darbying which can be done soon6r whbn using PlNHoLATil. Full base coat coverage is obtainable in ono operation. Perfolath Plain lath construction with 7." diameter holes spaced 4o 0.c., 48 holes per sheet. stzE: 16" r 48", %" thick. Applications identical to Plain Lath. A wood stud partition faced with Pedolath and tull thickness ol plasler specified has one-hour tire rating. Perlorations require aoDlication ol lull thickness of plaster and require separate scralch and brov/n coats. G-P/Bestwall Perfolath is plain lalh wilh 3/c" diameter holes soaied 4" center to center. The perlorations permit the plaster t6 oush throuqh the holos and "mushroom" out the back ot the lalh, thereby l6rming a mechanical key. This key plus the natural bond to lhe face paper, provides a double bond for plaster. Application: Perfolath may be applied by nailing to wood and nailino-tvoe steel framinq, and to wood framing by staples. lt can ue ealitv attached to m;tal sections and lurring, and to wood with latd clips. Resilient lype clips reduce cracking and lesssn sound transmission. Insulating lath, type X Plain lath with aluminum foil laminated on back. SIZE: 16, \ 48" , %" ot tA' thick. Rounded Edges DesiSned primarily for application to erlerior vJalls and top tloot ceiling. Sack side must lace a minimum air space of %' to develoo rellective insulation value. Contructed exactly as PLAIN LATH this lalh has aluminum foil laminated io the back. This foil rellects up to 90o/" ol radiant heat and acts as an efficient vapor barrier. Designed primarily lor application to exterior walls and top floor ceilinos. When installed the aluminum reflective surface must face i minimum air space ol le" 1o develop refleclive insulation vatue, Dens-cote gypsum base A 4' wide, long.lenglh, tapered edged. plain lath construction. lt has a highly absorbenl lath type lace paper v{ith surlace pin holed. slzE: 4'r 8', l0'and 12'iy?'lhtck (tA' ad Yt" , Y2' end tA Type X Firestop on order) Specially desrSned for receplion of Dens.Cote Smoolh and Texture Finish and olher thin coat Dlaslers. G-P/Bestwall Dens-Cote Gypsum Base is a'r/2" and 5/e " thick' 4' wid6, tapered edge, gypsum board producl, specifically designed to receive Dens-Cote Plasters. It has a hiohlv absorbent lath tvpe tace paper with lhe surrace pinholed. Aiaiiable in lengths up to 12', is shipped twin mounted. Larqe sheets decrease nimberof ioints, giving greater slrength and crack resistance to wall and ceiling surfaces' The Dens-Cote System is designed for last ereclion. and -.early occupancy; produbes a wall wlth a strong, hard monolithic finish. Combines economy oi inslallation with virtually unlimited deco- rative Dossibilities. itt DISTRIBUTION ALABAMA Birmingham Moblle Montgomery ALASKA Anchorage Fairbanks ARIZONA Phoenix ARKANSAS Liltle Rock CALIFORNIA Anaheim Berkeley Fresno Los Angeles RiYersade Sacramento Salinas San Diego San Fernando San Jose COLORADO Denver CONNECTICUT Wallingtord FLORIDA Jacksonville Mlami 0rlando Tallahasoee Tampa Wesl Palm Beach GEORGIA Albany Allanta Augusta Savannah IDAHO Bolse ILLINOtS Chlcago South Chicago Horth Peoria II.IDIANA Elkhart Evansville lndlanapolls CENTERS towA Des Moines KANSAS Wichita KENTUCKY Louisville LOUISIANA Lafayette New Orleans Shreveporl MAINE Portland MARYLAND Baltimore Easlon MASSACHUSETTS Boston MICHIGAN crand Raplds Delroil MINNESOTA Minneapolis iiilsstsstPPt Jackson MtssouRl Sl. Louis Kansas City MONTANA Billings Great Falls NEBRASKA Lincoln NEW HAMPSHIRE Manchesler NEW JERSEY Clifton NEW MEXICO Albuquerque NEW YORK Atbany Buffalo Rochester Long lsland Syracuse Yonkers NORTH CAROLINA Charlotle Greeneboro Raleigh oHto Akron Cinclnnali Cleveland Columbus Dayton Toledo OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City Tulga OREGON Eugane Porlland PENNSVLVANIA Lancasler Piltsburgh Philadelphla Sl. Clair RHODE ISLAND ProYidence SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia Greenville TENNESSEE Brislol Chaltanooga Knoxville Memphis Nashville TEXAS Dallas El Paso Fort Worth Houslon Lubbock San Anlonio UTAH Salt Lake City VIRGINIA Lynchburg Nortolk Richmond WASHINGTON Bellingham Seallle Spokane Tacoma WASHINGTON, D.C. wtscoNsrN Milwaukee I GYPSUM SALES OFFICES CALIFORNIA GEORGIA TEXAS Los Angeles Attanta Dallas san Jose rllrNors wASHINcToNDELAWARE Chicago Seatflewilminglon MIGHTGAN wAsHrNGToN. D.c. Detroit a We Suppod These Associations AAw @I OYPSUMgf -. 7I INrcCIlsl urnd. [0u5nc cfl|In muxe[ :nrm:'.i @ dftt6 @ @ .@. -=oa-ra-FAcrFlc /evesuw olvrsroN Lrlhoeraphed jn U.S A # M€MBER 9IO TW€NTY-EIGHTH STREET BOULDER, JOHNSON.VOILAND-ARCHULETA & W. a. .]OhNSON ( ROafRt ri. votLANo b.,1. ancrulerr July 26, L97L I'le. guestton the necesslty f or lgg J_ayers ot 5/grt gyp boardto achleve a 2-hour assernbJ.y on Che floors and we-also queatlonthe use of gyp board below the roof, rather thaa plaster asdetailed. The latter requLrement aay work to your advantage,however, ln.eliroineting plaeter fron the job, ff it reelly tia rated aeeenbly. coLoRADO E0303 ASSOCIATES 44/t_te5l Consulting Engineers l'lr. Robert C1lne Aspeu Conetruction Corp. Box ZZ Aspen, Colorado 816L1 Ret Alphorn trBrr Dear Bob: rt is our oplnlon that we have nade adequate provlsions for"Proper support of stone veneer on the above project. verticalload of the veneer Ls lntended to be carried at each flootlevel_by sLeel platee proJecting fron the spaodreL beams(eee secclon l1/s2). rntermltteat pLates aie lndicated at. two levels on each beam in order to arlow e random placeneatof stone UorLzontal attachnent ie indicated on your drawings, whichcall for galvanized c1lps each 2 aquare feet of arear A 26gauge by Ll}t' clip shouJ.d be abLe to resist a Load of 200pounds lf properly connected to the stude, wrrich are non tobe stee1. The Code calls for ,,approved f astenerg,r, vhlch isnot very epeclflc. Perhaps Mr. Struble has eonethlng elaeLn nind. RHV r bo l- ]n*it I'io: PLAN CHECK LIST Building t ?.r-A LP#ORN ' b ate f.r[ r" use Zone /10/ilf occupancy Group f/ +F-t 2-\(,c44*<e A/a+ 54zo)-/ Aver.age G:rade Height of Building * No. of Stonies Fw€- Floo:: Area Type of Construction T 83' Lot Anea 4. ,7 U. 9. tn 11 Lt t l-J r l-4. Floor. Ar.ea Ratio Setbacks Requi::ed:Front /5- O " sid" /o*o' R.u." /oloH Occupant Loa4 3o U, Parking Requi:red Loading Benths Requi Compliance Withr .^a) Occupancy Sec. 5 ops b) Occupancy Group c) Type Const. Sec. 17 d) Type Const. e) Exits Sec. 33 f ) General Eng::g. Sec, 2 3 g) Masonry Sec. 24 h) Wood Sec. 25 j) Concrete Sec. 26 k) Steel Sec. 27 , ', l_) m) n) o) P) r) s) v) w) x) v) z) aa) ab) a,w , I Ex., Fdtns., Bet. Wal-Is Sec. 29 Veneer See. 30 Roof Const. Sec. 32 Skylights Sec. 34 Penthouses Sec. 36 Fineplaces Sec. 37 Fir:e Systems Sec. 38 Fire Pnotection Sec. )2 Fine Standands Sec. 43 Pub1ie P:rotections Sec. 44 Occ. of Pub. Prop. Sec. 45 Drywal3- 6 Plaster Sec. 47 Pre-Fabricated Const. Sec. S0 Pl-astics Sec. 52 Glase € Glazing Sec. 54 .'.;lri t Staees Sec. 39 -' r''' i * 1zz{ July 20, 1971 Aepen Constnuction Co:rp.P. 0. Box ZZ Aspen, Colo:rado 8161I Subject: Alphorn Building B Gentlemen: I have checked the plans fon the above-subject job in accondancewith the provieions set forth in the 1970 Uniforn Building Codeas arnended and adopted by the Town of Vail , and find the following: Uee zone is Hig! Density Multi-Fanlly, occupancy.group is H; typeE' construction.In aecordance wLth your letter, this plan cheek has been made on the basis of rnetal etude. The following items shal1 becornected by revised plans on addendum p::ion to Lssuance of buildingpermit: I. Subrnit revised site plan showing dimensional panking plan (see enelosed requirements) . 2. Angle and etraight in parking in baeement not cor:rect (aee en-oloeed rnequirements) . 3. All eonst!'uction sha1l be in accondance with table 1?-A undertype II, non-eombustible Ref,enenee detail 2/5:a. Subrnit nanrrfactunerrs neport on 3/4" Monocast fire ratlng ofstructunal components.b. Stesl columns shall be Frotected same as steel beama.e. Ceili.ng shall b"c two layere of 5/8" fire-nated gypsun boand,d. A11 axtenion non-beani.ng wallg ehaU be a ninl.mum of one hourpr'oteeted non-combuetible conatruction and ther-efone,. the extenLon gyp€utr board muBt b6 5/8" flra code also (eame atroof ceiling).e. There ohall be a two hour fire nesietive bar-r.ie:r at thatportion of exterior wall that is above ceiling Level . Subnitrcvised details. The above conunents ane nelative to all details. 4. A11 two hour ceilings sha1l be carnied thnough;party walls iritha tight fit around pipee, etc., otherwiee alt'chasee shall beconstructed in accordanee with Section 1?06 and Table I7-A forshaft ncquirements. oa 'r, 7. AII wcathen oxpoaed surfaccs shall be protected in accondancerlth scction 1?0? (a). ' g. $ubait a tyPical sectiqn of balcony pnojection in pelation to thGcxtcrlor rall. 9. Ie thc Etone vansa? deeigned fo:: the foltowing:a. Diffe::ential rnovenent o{ euplnrts inctuding that eauscd bytcnptrrture ehangee, ahlinkage, cre6p and deflectlon?b. to peist a honl,zontal foree equal to twice the weight of.. the vsnbor tncluding ite attachmente?Subnlt Btatement on above. 10, Vancen does not confonm to S€ctlon 3006 (b). Il' Exit eigne rcquined In acoordanoc with Section 33]2. L2. $ubnlt plan and dstail on how bethnooms and utility will benrchsnically vcntlfftt# llhen thc above itelRs Lave boen connected by rev ised plans or: ad.dendumnI wj.Il bc neady to iseue a building pernit fon the euLject Jol. IoUra trruly, -2- 1706 (d). TCNf,}I OT VAIL Ed StrtrblcEuilding Official dw eor Chanlce Gersbach ?"k t nllof {= +-l( ,,104 +l& 56*.1 p'o,- ,r,'..f 10Jlfu G.A4e.a6reZ U- e",!4 o o TOIIN OF VAIL eno:ect y of the hereby ceffify-that I have readand understand in fulI the following exeenpts fnom theUniform Building Code and that a copy of this supplementshall be posted with the inspeetion cand at the job site; Sec. 107 Sec.202 (e) Sec. 302 (a) Sec.302 (c) Sec. 304 (a) Sec.304 (b) t'utlq:.n \JJr' f (-alDsRr LU. l- t-l aDove menttoned Prolect clo Whenever thene is ineufficient evidence of conpliance with the pnovisions of this code,the Building 0fficial may require tests as pr"oof of conpliance to be made at the expense of the or{ner or his agent, by anappnoved agency. Wheneven any wonk is contnary to this code,the Building Official may orde:r the wonk stopped until he authonizes the wonk to proceed. Appnoved plans shall not be changed, modified, on altered without wnitten authorization firom the Building 0fficial. No penmit gives authonity to violate anyprovisions of this Code, or any other ondin-ance. The issuance of a pernit shall notprevent the Building 0fficial- from thereafter" nequiring the connection of non-eonfonmities, At the request of the Building Official , aletter shall be submitted to him fr"om aregistened land surveyor or: engineer centify-ing the location of the building in relationto pnoperty lines, pr.ior to the instal-lation of the foundation walIs. Inspection cand shall be read, fi11ed out infu1I , and posted conspicuousl-y at the jobsite. Do not cover up any wonk not signedoff by Building Inspecton. Before any sign nay be used or posted, it sha1l be appnoved by the Sign Review Committee. oRD. 15-1967 BUTLDT NE rr*rT APPL,.o't* p7s- I Jurisdictionot Tb1r,,N nF V*tL Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. USE OF BU II.OING LICENSE NO. tL ttcENsE No. ICENSE NO. urh Clas of work:fadiw n AoDrroN tr ALTERATION N REPAIR Dsscribe work: l0 Change of use {rom ChEnge ol use to I I Valuation of work: $ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: WHEN PROPEBLY VAL]DATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT tr MOVE tr REMOVE CASH (d, u.n',1ilt4 rNsPEcroR I iEOiDER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' DO 50. I\\n \ ATTACI'EO SHEET) N PERMIT FEE iii,l"li3i1';,4, Fire Sprlnklers Requtred EyqsAPPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE BV: OFFSTREET PARKING SPAGES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID tF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHOFIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOflK IS COM. Form lOO.1 969 Los FroBLEs a PAIADEnA, CiLtFOFNTA 9llOl tINSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOB TRENCH BEINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC, ?HONE a33.7rA I ,. a.4 C 5, rMe urcr E. lA. $crafial lA. R. Mturr'r lfrrunn, Jrnnrrrt AND tilEURrR, rruc. - '-; (o*ufiiny Sngi*rrr - f,lol West 19th Avewe $eqvg, Colorado 8O2O1 .u"ucrNo. 40417 7 /2/7L R. L:D. '?eu /t/u //a LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A PAR.T 9F IRACT D vArL VTLLAGE, SECOND FILING A part of Tract D, 'V4i1 Vtllage Second lFiJ.i-ng, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, mo5e trlarpicularly described asfollows: . . ", irl...-, - .,'al Cornmencing at the Northr.zest corner of said Tract D; thence Easterly along ttre North line of saLd Tract D, 165.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence along seiftd North line . 175.00 feet to a pointl thence on an angl-e to the right of 90"00r00fr, 251.25 feet to a.point; thence on an angle to the right of 84'48 r35r' and along a curve to the left having a radius of 525.00 feet, a central angle of 09"30r38t', an arc distance of 87.14 feet; thence on an angle to the right of 91"54119", 36.39 feet; thence on an angle to the right of 90"00r00rr, 82.85'feet; thence on an angle to the left of 90'00r00f', 46.50 feet; thence on an angle to the left of,. 90"00tOOt'r 72.35 feet; thence on an angle to the right of 90'00100", 2B.9L feetl thence on an angle to the left of 90"00r00rr, 94.96 feet; thence on an angte to the right of 90"00r00r', L38.42 feet to the true point of beglnning; con- taining 301000.00 square feet or 0.689 aeres, more or 1ess. -__-|l .! .\ ..i , -- r:.,:';'* . r , .i. -i'...'ir:, ''" ' ,tl 'l i'+ :l it f \ i. ' .: i i,l.l:,"1J. c:r.r;lo) ,....,u,,.,C , r.l CORPORATION 1970 . P. O. BOX Z. . ASPEN . COLORADO . 816U AC 303 . 925.7224 Mr. Charles G. B5znum, P.E. uu]--Lo]-nq urr]-ct"al The Tor,^ri of Vai], Colorado P. O. Box 631 Vail-- Colorado 81657 Re: Afphorn Dear Mr. Bynum, P.E.: Thank you for your letter of July 30, I9'7O, with reference to building code requirements for the above mentj-oned project. Listed below are ouf coffnents on the ten (10) items of your l-etter; J-. T woul-d like to point out that the west side of the kitchen facing the dining area is completely open except for a 42tt bar, which has no cabinets ebove. This makes the kitchen, dining and living area one large area and this is the way that it was con- sidered as far as ventilation was concerned. fhe sliding glass doors in the living area have a total opening area of 46.9 square feet, which allows 15.63 square feet of ventilation for each ofthe three areas. The area required by Section 1305 (a) is 12 square feeb per room and we have 3.63 square feet over that amount. If the kitchen were wall-ed in I would agree that the window were necessary, however, being as the kitchen is completely open on one side I believe 1t shoul-d be considered in the total a:rea developed by the living, dining and kitchen area and vented as we have done. 2. Hearths will be made 18il. 3. A stairway to the roof will be Surnished as well- as a roof hatch. 4. Our bui]ding is a Type T. 5. For Type I construction exterior wall may be non-combustable construction Section 1803-A. Exception 1. A Qt-=nrini nac r.ri i- l,,--n 75' f'ro." wilJ- be furni.shed, two (2) per floor. (See floor plan sheet three (3). ) 7. Under Section 3305k Lhe Exception states that openings may be unprotected when two (2) seperate exterior stairways serve an exterior balcony. We have two (2) exterior stair$,ays. B. o.K. Page 2 I 9. We shal1 have no useabl-e space under the stairways. l-0. Under Section 3801 (1), we shal1 have twenty (20) square feet or rnore in each fifty l-ineal feet of exterior wal1 in the basement garage on at least one side of the building; the north side. Thark you bringing these points to our attention, and if there are any questions to the above items I shall be in Vail on Friday, Augnrst 7,l97O and we can go over thern at that tfune. Robert W. Cline.0eneral Managen RWC: jm Cord I J-*-rr-.---Z STATE OT COLORADO ) ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS. DECLARATION OF LAND ALLOCATION 2. The descniptionbuilding is as follows: of the building site fon the proposed (Descniption nay be attac on surveyor's map may t.. I' J oHJ Ll u€FroGErt la-being fir:st duJ-y sworn upon oath depose a statements are true and cornect aceording to my best knowledge, information and belief' to wit: 1. ?hat this statement is made in conjunction with the filingof an apptication for a building permit to the Town of Vail and to comply with the nequirements of Anticte VII, Section 3, Ordinance Number 7 (Senies of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of VaiI as amended by Ordinance Number I (Senies of 1970) and Ondinance Numben 15(Series of 1970). 3. The proposed building site contains lqg:l:- square feet, and the existing-building conlains 3o rru -TqTEF-Fet and the pnoposed addition contaiis -quare feet; the total building squir.e feet is --FGffied in the afo:resaid Zoning Ordinance as am6frGfl-- q. The proposed buiLding and/on existing building and addition as it nelates to the building site anea, comply to the Floo:r Anea Ratio for: the zoning which applies to the building site, as defined in the afonesaid Zoning Ordinance as amended. descniption) . STATE OF COUNTY OF The sworn tottii s COLORADO ) )EAGLE ) foregoing befone me, day c< affidavita Notaryof o snolt and declaration was duly subscr:ibed and Pub1ic, by t My Commi seion Expir:es ( Seal ) /2r"42 PLUMB,R. PERMTT APPLrcfi'o* Jurisdiction of to complete numbered spaces only, Z 1[see a rtlcr'r ro sxeet) 2 A *g--,*,r{\O-it1 A-'!f \e CENSE NO. -o ^J €-f EUc ITECT OR OE!ICNEB MAII. ADDRESS a-----:- LICENSE NO. 3GZ6 LENOEF 6 ---..- USE OF BUILDIN G 8 Clas ot work:D ADDITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR Type ot Fixtuia o? lt m SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOILET} LAVATORY (WASH BASIN} KITCHEN SINK & DI5P. LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOB A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLLCATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANC€S GOVERNING THISTYEE qF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDTIEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTqRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE ?BOVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DR INKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR-_sINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WAIER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTE RCEPTOR VACUUM AREAKERS L.AWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERM'r "^''"^''flA't fi,5" INSPECTOR REOhDER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EUILOING OFFICIALS ' 50 SO. LOS FOBLEs ' PASADENA. CALIFORNIA 9!IOIForm 1OO.2 9-69 USE SPACE BELOW FOB NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. i' I a /J7*/2 PLUMBING Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbred spaces only. roN /p/o-*- o F Suu np io {L_-lsEE ATTACHED SHEEI) MAI L OOiEg! ZIP 3 ta;/L tcEltsE No,'/Zo. Oo aRcHrrEcl oi oE9re{aF MAt L-adDlEss ^f PXONE LICENSE NO, Erl 5 LICEN9E NO. MAIL AODhESS IT NCX US' OF EUILDIXG I Clas of work:O AOOITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR Typs ol Firlur. o? ltam WATER CLOSET (TOTLET' LAVATORY (WASH BASIN' KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNORY TRAYISSUANCE WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOI D IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR AEANDONED FOB A PERIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION -OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. URINAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR..SINK OR ORAIN sLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM 5EPTIC TANK & PIT TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUF PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION n #(1 , PINK - AFPLICANT M.O. CASH .al4. , 1' .t.N't( GOLDENROO _ TEMP. FILE cK. M.O. WHITE - INSPECTOR CANARY - AUDIT MECHA o NrcAL PERMIT _ /?zs-" 4ION Lr, o Jurisdiction o Applicant to comptete numbered spaces only. IVHEN PROPEBLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT {f]see rrrecneo srrer) M I L AODFESS ZIP PHOTI E LICEN5E NO. AFCHIIECI OF-'E5IGNER MAIL ADDRESS L lc tst{sE No. ENCINEEF MAIL ADOFESS PHONE LtcEnsE No, MAIL AOORESS ARANCH USE OF BUI 8 Classof worK: E.NEW tr ADOITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR TypeofFuel: Oit E Nat. Gas E[ lPC. E PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units*H.P. Ea. Ref rigeration Units-H.P. Ea. Boilers-H.P. Ea. - Gas Fired A.C. Units-T Forced Air Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. Gravity Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnac$-B.T.U. M Wsll Heaters-B.T.U. M NOTICE THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OB CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTTON OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONEDFOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. Unit Heeters-B.T.U. M V6ntilation Fan PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT vALlDArloNn , .iii, M.o. cAsH t. l..l Ll 4(^ {" Form 100.4 9-69 INSPECTOR iEOiDER FiOM ! INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDINO OFFICIALS I5O 90. !O3 FOBLEs. PA3ADENA, CALIIORNIA 9lIOI i$ i 1.: C. 3. ^|rurerE. M. tenltnl trl. l. lliourot oa Iileunnn,.frnlrlrr AND MEuRrR, tflc.- - Co*uhrry tngi*rnt - 2901 Wcst lgth Avenuc /4r/r/ .a, r' prr/r*nver' cotorcdo 8o2o4 tEcAL DESCRIPTTON OF PART OF TRAC\ D VAIL VILIAGE SECOND FILiNC A part of Tract D, Vail Vtllale Second Fillng, County of Eagle,stete of colorado, more partl.cularly descrlued as foilowe: - Commencing at the southwest corner of sald Tract D; thence Northerlyalong the westerly llne of eald Tract D 138.42 feet; thence on an.gngle to the righr of 90'00,00t', L65.00 feet to rhe true polnt ofbeglnnlng; thence on an angle to the left of 90.00,00t', tlA,+Zfeet to a polnt of intersectlon with rhe NortherLy Llne of ealdTract D; thence on al angle to the right of 90o00100r and alongeaLd Northerly Llne 175.00 feet to the Northeaeterly corner of eaLdTract D; thence on an angle to the rlght of 90o00r0brt and al.ong theEasterly ltle o{ ggld-.Tracr D, L3g,4z feer; rhence on an angle tothe. rlght of 90'90:00t', 175.00 feer to rhe cnre polnr of belinntrrg;containlng 241223,499 square feet or 0.5560 acrei, more o" I"se. - Ptf o l att-?llt j6u-p; o I rurvrvno.-999 7l22l7o E.M.s. 'x I$ 7 C. $ rllrrnr E. l,l" Stnllal *1" l. lvbtnt s,CALE tHoxt alr.tll I Metfi, Srnlrlrl tao llrunrn, frf .at/, - Loatutlin! Legiaocet - 29Ol Wcstlgth Av.nuc' Deaver, Colottdo 8O2O4 __*-_\ \_ HGHr%y Do.e SURVEY NO. FIL€ 38oG1 oAfE 5 tZZ r6a sy AP t\taltF s _ SCALE 'l' - lOO' ' REV|SED / / 6V REVISEO / / 8Y O STEEL PINS WITH CAPS SET AA 6fiOW , + cRossEs cuT AssHorvN-g ExrgftNc coFNEn FouNo L"W* \_ A part of Traet D, Vail Village Second Flllng, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly descrlbed as follows: Conunencing at the Southwest corner of sald Tract Dg thence Easterly along the South line of sald Tract D 178.51'feet to the point of beginning; thence on an angle to the left of 90o00r00t', 120.50 feet; thence on an angle to rhe rlght of 95"58129r" 175.00 feet to a point on the East line of said Tract D; thence on an angle to the rlght of 90"00100"'and along said East line 112.83 feet to the Southeast corrler of said Tract D; thence on an angle to the right of 95o1Lr25rr and along the South llne of sald Tract D snd along a cun/e to the left having a radius of 525.00 feet, a eentral angLe of 11o09r52t', an arc distance of L02.30 feet to a polnt of tangent; thence along saLd South line and along said tangent 60.65 feet to the polnt of beginnlng; conCalnlng 0.440 acres. /o* /-'\lt :r(;ooco*o t$* /v '{$ doit' Vot'.n*1 g.-);+a ;i'='a**, -+J:::,-- _1?^ 7/t aa fr. '1)r o63 %. (t - - a ?-- Qq -+zz-,-.r-, 4d"rf ar-a.-ar r-G RF A 41/"F-,ag, A3; / -{.o rluly 30, 1970 Robcrt !{. Cllne Deslgn Planning ConeultantP.0. Box 1?95 Aepcn, Colorado PIan Check: Alphorn BEC Dcan sr.r: vail' colo' l. Kttchene do not have windowa aB required by Seetlon L30S (a). 2. Hsarth ia not 18 Lnches wLde meaeuned fnom fLne place openlng.Scction 1304 (J). 3. Stalntray to roof ie nequlned. Scction 3i05 (n). 4. A five Btory building nequlnee Type II conatructlon. SeeTablc 5-D fon H oecupancy. 5. Exterlor bea:ring wallg must be two-hour nonconbuetiblecongtruction. Section 1903 (a). Scetionc 1/8 and 2lB on Sheet 5ahora wood framing and h lnch gypsurn shacting whlch does not oonfonn. 6. lfet and dry standpipes are rrguinad. SeetlonE A0g3 6 AOB4. 7. $tction 3305 (k) ehall bc conplisd with regarding protectionof oponings. 8. A emte-proof encloaure is nequi::ed by the 1967 code; however,1wiIl over look this nequirenent due to the 19?0 eode nequirernanta.Seotion 3309 (b). 9. lhsFt shal.l be no enclosed useablc space unden stair.cys Ln an exit encloBure, nor slhlL the opan spaca und6r aueh sta*dwayebe ueed fo:r any purpoee. Section 3308 (f). 10. Tho garage shouLd be spnlnklcned. Section 3801-. o ;.FleD Check: Alphorn ( continurd) Vony tt:uly y6uns, THE TOI'N OF VATL Cha:r'las €. Bynun, P.E.Bulldlng 0ffleial o r.n-eguest a-rettg statlng-that thc abovc ltene wirl bc conplLadwl.th on reviscd pLans ehowlng the eorrestlons. ,The forego:l.ng correetionE ane hencby madc pant of the wonking ,,dneulnge and a copy of thls tcttsr wllt be- fur:nl.shad the eonl_traotor fon conetnuction purpos€6. Any building parrnlt forthla proJect ie Lseued eubJect to thesc comectiona. CGB/rao ConatructLon l 'i,l T!!er Fipe Subsidiory of Tyler Corporotio I {'* ' o $1 JOE CR,AIG P.O. Box 538 Denver, Colorodo 80201 Phone A.C 303 477-8261 f!, | | ., rtl q :t) e o at*-- . co! ':t..-: ---:-..._:!i: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE DEC LARATION EF LAND. ALI,OCATION )l ss. ) t, 1,/r/tt/ss 6 asa-zc/, tbfirg first duly sworn upon oath, depose and eay that the following statementg are true and correct accorCing to my beet knowledge, information and belief, to wit: l. That this etatement is made in conjunction with the filing of an application for a building pernit to the Town of .:Vait and to comply with tho requirements of Article VII, Section 3, Ordinance Nrr:rrber ? (Seriee of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Towu of Vail, Z. The degcription of the building aite for the propoeed building ta ae follows: subecribed and (Deecription rtray be attaehed or surveyorre map may be ueed to shour dea- cription. ) 3. The propoeed building slte contain " 3E <pe- + square ieet,andEneProPose<iburrdrngcoaEatnsffi-'-"f"-' of area as defined in the aforesaid T.oting OrdinSnce. 4. The propoeed building, ag it relateg to the building aite area, courpliee to the Floor Area Rgtio for the zoning which applies to the building eite, ae defined ia the aforeaaid. T.oaing Ordinance. arrrorn to befonru , this il,Commision sxdnr h6nrry 13, lgi4 OWNER I.IOTARY PUBLIC PatQT(, vtot'- APPLICATION TOR BUILDINC PERMIT ?HE TOWN OF VAIL licant fill in this eectton onl k(u F Bo |Jtr Buildiag address Lo. > t, -tp6 2Z- Datc of Application BUILDING INFORMATION- New V Addition Alteration- RePairs Type of oc."p"ncy-;!- --.--(Al1 parts of building) sullbtwG PIMPNSIcT's _fotif ffoor area (ss ftllg@- No of etorie" (o. ttt. ,ff ?1'/y No. of rooma- ?-q-No',.batt:s6o No. of water closete lfut No. of Familiea ?o .--.-'..- ESTIMATED COST f--n* o( o F coNsT Ru cTroN -lQ1Q3)1Ylaei 4.- (Materieli & ll-,abor) Name Addreee City Name (2-. tNC Addregs City () d}.{t CIou Name Addrese z ?.LCityTel. No.z Pe 6atitrzr,,a $j.lFt< Lot l) t'rock arr.DuDolvlaron 'fi Lt ryC. t' 2_ (Circle correct classification) l. Type of constructio@U.IU.I V V. 2. Occupancy group a.S.C.D.E.F. @l,l Approval by planning and architectural contrrpermit. Date **il^7-)er,,, f (Permittee, ll committee to obtain building Signature / nt, BUILDING INSPECTIO!{Receipt of Plans z:zzaE----- twroval of Plzne 7'4?'/a (2 sets required)*------b-aIJ-* Z@ -lJleAmount of Permit F"" $ ?Zt,SotE,lS Paid: Casb $_Check f_Amount of Clean up Fee $-Zilg_ Paid: Caah $ Check $_ Date permit issued _ Tap fee paid_Amount_ Final inapectior _Certificate of occupancy & compliance & Ff.fzta CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE Vail, Colorado --1-.'::?,-.--- I g-i:'l?- Permit is hereby granted-. -,::.i,,liiQ.i,r.'-*..l,ttdin:-tlt;-J-liI-----.----- - to occupy the building ""-.--=rJ..'.-..--::i:r,Ufi'-i'-- -..- .- on Lots --..----..i-)-----"-----, Block----.,.. - l::it;;,-;--l:------..-- Addition. located in --.1:r-.-!h-i..\:LtS.l!y--l:11 t-i.!,--:,.1!+-.iti-J.;i.--.- zoning district. The address ktron6 as -.---V:,-$ii.L- -.:,,'[-::,:.q.i='.rri.-].1:{'.r-.,.j---,.--------.---.-. Applicant shall maiinain said building in accordance ,',tnrh all Present or future ordinances with respect ro saniationl buil- ding and zoning. Official ,APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PER ? MIT TiIE ';:' /N C: VAIL licant fill in this section k Q) ? j Building address Date of -A oplication Narne A ddress City at,Te1. No! Narne City Tel. No.??--17) Subdivision (Circle correct cla ss ification) l. Type of construction I, I[, ilI, ]V, Z. Occupancy grou;r I INSPECTION (for Departmental BUILDING INFORM4 TION A iteration_ Repairs Tyoe of o.."p"""y .l!- New A ddition .A rea of Lot BUILDINC DIMENSIONS A ddres s City No. of too*" ,ld No. baths 9(t Na'n. ASPg U Co^rrt Crt",-late r c los etsNo. .of w 3L Addre s s 'rer. No.1t5-\dht Total floor area (sq ItlJfLS9-? iio- of stories 3 T>&rv No. of f"rnili.r-J!.- ESTIMATED COST 'OF CONSTRUCTION fu.OA----(Materials & L-abor) I { q I s'l s\; {a-{\I\-l .E & ? trp. o [) t0 COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE ((l d0 0) ,.i tl E T E Q c) d, r-l (n E h (0 o 3 (t t-1 o Io U) +, h c) d U 6 q d O rd l': {+ o c) +t ko o +l o t'1 { d tJ4 o (lJ o() & nl Fo trl |ro g, F 0) J{ o.td.o5D Fr -rr\ lJ t:rt !:trXr-i a1H l':r{E Y6lxs<oAdI Y'Jfioz*,ZF<izJOp,Q I Eo o) o o +ru k U] u l (J .d o-, (J tu (0o 1{ 0)u RECORD u s e only) INSPECTIO}T APPROV,^ L FOUND}.TIONS p, () L, Eou H o & d ttt |{ E ai h d q) o. l o a) o ||(trio -d ilq aro d q q) al o UJ o o g) a bo a d I(, .-g.:.-(tr u*1.. r/(0O 1r*tra)do) bo +rs'FtrF cd O*r: o'F >O f{pl{o g6u'r5".8$r-OO o-1sl';<.!.c, 0)tr +J rd bo q) +)d z Fr Itl P.tthz zH L.lJ nl t^' n FRAA4ING FTN/ L F,OT'GH(, I hl \ FI};A L RdIJGH FINAL ROUG!{ FINA L rul +, 0) r* I (t) E ,|i'r. Perrnit Perrnission is hereby as Contr:actor to Construct BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Date May 1,196I granted Aspen Constnueti o story Condirninium o@ -Address Box {2, Aspen, Colorado 81611 In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail Committee, subject to the rules and regulations as set Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1954 Type of C onstruction Group Contractor As nCo struct A pproved Vail Building Inspector A rchitectural Control forth in the VaiI Village Uniform Building Code. H INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use OnIy) bo -i 0) lrl 0n; p, INSPECTION iSove ROUGH FINA L ROUGH FINI'L ROUGH .\ PPROV,A L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE -. &4- 6 tha ^.4rr.a FOUNDATIONS ?4 (0 rurn (,) FINII L lof za,v? Ji The Town of VAIL, Colorado Box 631 . Vail, Colorado . 81657 T'elephone 30.1 476 - 5613 Apnil 15, 1969 Aspen Constnuction Company Aspen, Colorado FOUNDATTON PERMIT Permission is heneby gr"anted to Aspen Constnuction Companyto constnuct the foundation of an apartment building located onBlock D, Vail Vill-age Second Foling, in compliance with the plansfor this p::oject submitted to this offiee and in acco:rdance withthe pnovisions of the 1964 Uniform Building Code. This permit isfon Building rrAn as designated on the p1ans.This is a temponany penmit fon construction of a pontion ofa building and in accondance with Section 302 of the 1964 UniforrnBuilding Code and the holder. of such penmit shal1 p:roceed at his own n;Lsk without assurance that the pl:rmit for" the entire buildineon structune will be gnanted. Appnoved: Vail Buildins Offrcen BUILDING PERMIT Vai1, Colorado Pe rrnit rate ,iy /, rg-12 Perrnission is hereby Er^"t"d -4//-'- At/.r.lL 4rz_ at k--lto- to At/--z* ^-t story f d"-,i" , "" /.f D) TgF./,'g. !dd""," iott Zz, 4la t 4/t p/6// In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail /,rchitectural Control Committee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Village Protectiwe covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 uniforrn Buildine code. Type of Constructio" -E Group t? C ont ra cto r l,pproved INSPECTION RECORD (For Departmental use Only) INSPECTION .\ PPROV} L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE bD tr ) A.l r:ouvp;TroNsr'iir/lc/% FR.^ MING FIN"lr L ROUGH FIN/ L ROUGH u C) t'r u0 0.FINAL ROUGH bo:. (n o a g FIN.A L STRUCTION CORPORATION . P. O. BOXzz.. ASPEN coLoRADO.816ll . AC 303 .925.7224 April T4, L969 Bulldtng laspector Va11 Colorado 81657 Re: Alphorn Condminfun, Valln Colorado Dear Slr: lttts ls to certify that we shell foLlow the pl.ans and specifl.catlon ae prepered by Robert If. Cline. Very cruLy youre, [,Lk,,ffi, JH:Jnf: I tthsq o P. O. Aspen, 81611 April Box ZZ Colorado L4, L969 Bullding Inspector Vail Cotorado 81657 Re: Alphorn CondonlnLun, Vail, Colorado Dear Slr: Ittie is to certify that the drawlngs submitted herewLth conply in every respect with the Bullding Codes adopted by the torrn of Vall and that I or ny representatives plan to inspect the structureat various stages of construction to lnsure that the contractor conplies with the plans. RespectfrrLly submitted, Robert t{. Cllne Regietered Architect State of Texas #258L #+Aftc. f A. \'r+ I.t -tare --"-a \ o 1. it PIACE AND DATE OF BIRTH:' San Benito, Texes, March 28, L928 I'{ARITAL STATUS: Married - four children I.{ILITARY SERVICE: U.S. Marlne Corps, 1946 - 1948 Special l,ieapons Instructor EDUCATION: A & M College of Texas - Bachelor of Architecture ARCHITECTI.'RAL REGISTRATION : State of Texas #2581 DESIGNS HAVE APPEARED IN THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS: The Panama American La Estrella, Reorrblic of Panama Valley MornLng Srar The Missionary Digest Brovrnsville Herald The Texas Mortitian Denver Post F. W. Dodge Corporation Report "Cost Trends" PUBLICATIONS:' "Daylighting Guide" A technical manual writEen for and sponsored by Naturalite Incorporated, Dallas, Texas. This riras a 16 month research project during which I devised a system where by sky- . lights could be selected from charts for various desired levelsof illuminacion. Information on rhe Daylighting Guide has appeared in Ehe "Research and Manpower Survey'f publication of the A.I.A. and "The Architeccural Record." PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS : . American InstltuEe of Archirects Texas Soclety of Architeccs Solar Energy SocieEy Ilirulinating Engineering SocieEy ') t EXPERIENCE RECORD: 1952 - 1953 (11 years) 1954 - 19s8(3t years) 1952, 1956 - 1957(2 years) 1958 - 1960 (2 years) Cocke, Bowman & York - Architects, Harlingen, Texas. tluties included drafting, deliniation and Job supervision. The three partners dis- solved the firm and Mr. York asked me Eo go to work for him. Building tyPes: schools, residences, connterclal buildings, hospitals and housing projects. John G. York, Architect, Harlingen, Texas and Beeville, Texas. Associate member of the firm and duties included office a&ninistration' design, drafting, specification writing, de- 1i-niation, cost estimating, job supervision, client conEact and public relations work. I managed the office in Beevitle, for nine months and laEer was in charge of che Harlingen office. This firm was dissolved when I'1r- York went to the University of Oklahoma to teach in the School of Architecture. Building types: banks, schools, cornrnercial buildings, residences, housing projects' beach developmenE' U'S. Air Force work, Corp of Engineer work, FIiA work, PH \^tork' GSA work and high rise buildi.ngs. Architectural Research Division of the Texas Engineering ExperimenE StaElon, Coltege Station, Texas. I assi-sted with research work on natural ventilation and natural lighcing in buildings. Building types: schools and residences. (This was half time work while ln college-) Romieniec and Cline ArchitecEs, Bryan, Texas and Harlingen, Texas. A partner j-n the firm and in charge of the Harlingen office. Drties included office administration, cl-ient contact, public relations work, design, deliniation, drafting, job supervision, specification wTlting and cost estimating. Building types: motels, hotels, schools,beach developroent, vocational shop, banks, housing proieccs, deparEmenE score, resldential t"rork, law office and funeral hsne. Th{s firm was dissolved when Mr. Romienlec moved to New York to become assistant Dean of the School of Architecture at Columbia University. He is presently chairman of the Board of the School of Archltecture, Texas A & M Unlversity. Private practjce; Harlingen, Texas, Panama City, 1960 - T96q Republic of Panama, Canal Zone, Aspen, Colorado.(7L years) n,rilding types: schools, banks, cormnercial buil.ciings, residences, motel,s, condominiums, apartment buildings, beach development. 4, PROJECTS OF RO{IENIEC & CLINE Blbbon Building, Harlingen, Texas $ 64,000.00 Walsh Building, Brownsville, Texas 60,000.00 Brownsville Building Corp.Housing, Brorrnsville,Texas L40,000.00 D. T. tlay HousinB, Harlingen, Texas 150,000.00 Tropical Savings & i,oan Association,Harlingen,Texas 92,000.00 J. C. Hay Residence, Harlingen, Texas 50,000.00 George W. E11iot Residence, Harlingen, Texas 20,000.00 Department Store, Harli.ngen, Texas 300,000.00 Van Tyne Residence, Brownsville, Texas 50,000.00 Kreidler Ashcraft Funeral Home, Harlingen, Texas 60,000.00 Shoppers World Department Srore, Brownsville,Texas 210,000.00 Sam Houston Elementary School, Harlingen, Texas 111,000.00 Seville Hotel, Harlingen, Texas 800,000.00 Shop Build,ing, tlarlingen High School.Harlingen, Texas 82,000.00 T. J. Garcia Residence,Brov,msville, Texas 75,000.00 T. J. Garcia Ranch llc,use remodelina,Raynondville,Texas 20,000.00 A. J. Garcia Residence remodeling,Erownsville,Texas 40,000.00 A. J. Garcia Ranch Hou.se remodel ing, Raymondvllte,Texas 40,000.00 'Jr' a PROJECTS OF ROBERT W. CLINE Projects completed, under construction, or Ln design s tage . $ 45,000.00 10, 000. 00 7 0, 00c. 0c 100,000.00 35 , 000. 0c g , il[i0. 00 18 , 000. c0 50,OciJ.OtJ 4C0,00c.00 90,000.00 1 , 0[r0, 000. 00 60,000.00 25,0C0.00 45,000.00 7 1, 000. 00 12 . C0i). 00 23,CflO.0'J ?, , (:rto .00 /r5 , 0C0. 0C i 0, 001. 00 2 5 0, i100. 00 /+00,0ti0.0C l- , 000, 000. 00 F. A. Garcia Rancn iiouse, Sullivan City, Texas Addi t j on to GibLon Res idence, i{arlingen, Texas Colegio Episcopal, Panama, Repul,tic of Panama , Rio Abajo Schooln Panama. .'tepubl:'-c of Panama Cabal Res i<lence. Fan;rma . Repub, Republic ctf Panalria Dor4ntoun Moct'1 , Her:1i np-ea, Iexas 1;:; fur1in.gen St-a t e Bank, Harl ingen , Texas HcRear Res i<lence; Da I 1as , T*xas ' Folley Residencet C€-nreLn Texas I 'Kerqrotle iir-ri 1r{ing, , i'spen , (li' 1 ora,1,. .1. {spen .'\1ps .llub Far, -';soen., Colcrario iieal th Cl.'.-rt: , AsDen r1 I ls , Aspen, oolcrado Colren Re.si ciencr', ,.1sperr, Coloraric Cl {ne Res i.dence , ;is prln , Oc'l-oracl.l : .\ O t D 81i1d:i irg l).eiri,ce i inr'., \tai.l., lcllorado r . Ski Countrv l,aurtr]rv, "1,spen,. (lolcr:tdo Aspen Alps r,1r, ,'isi-ren, i--oloraCo (condorn:inltrn) I $1,100,000.00 13 , 000. 00 28, 000. 00 45 , 000. 00 30,000.00 15 , 000. 00 400,000.00 1,000,000.00 ''t'il -? 6'7. PERSONAL REFERENCES: Lleut. General Robert W. Harper 522 E. Van Buren Srreetllarlingen, Texas Blehop R. Heber Gooden Mlssionary District of the Panama Canal Zone Box "R", Balboa, Canal Zone Edward J. Romieniec, A.I.A. Chairman of rhe Board Sehool of Architecture TexasA&MUniversity College Sratlon, Texas Ben H. Evens, A.l.A. Dlrector of Research Anerican Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. I{ashlngton, D.C. ak David p. Ashcroft, A.I.A. 520 North 10th Streer McALlen, Texas . l(af,l M. Gibbon . Gtbbon Building llarll.ngen, Texas Kent Broyhill, A.I.A. 3415 Ceqtar Springs Dallas, Texas O.,H. polley Center, Texas John J. Keoendo, PresidentNaturalite, Incorporated Post Office Box 11006 Dal.las, Texes ' P" iitrY'i' i:" t' ' lr: '.j.l i' (.i; s irrr,1s1-' i1--- ':lort$,:,:n, i*,.t€, -,',):)',.:. o ?.1i.- *'P,^-.F :.-;{,-t}; % The Town of VAIL, Colo t"# Box 631 . $all, Colorado a El6i,r%c ' '""'' . ' ABnil 15' 1969 ';tili i: ,:z Aspen Constnuction Company Aspen, Colonado FOUNDATION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to Aspen Const:ruction Conpany to construct the foundation of an apantment building located on Block D, Vail Village Second Foling, in compliance with the plans fon thii project submitted to this office and in accondance with the onoviiioi" of the 1964 Un.jrforn Building Code. This permit is fo:r -Building rrAil as designated on the pIans. This iJ a temporany penmit for eonstruction of a,pontion-of a building and in iccorbance with Seetion 302 of the 1964 Unifo:rn , .h1.,. , ..r,, , , "1+ .-l*; i:i r.'i i',u,t, r*t' r . l"*i,,et,. *,'n. ', "*1. 'l .il ". -- , Ii':,t. +*---/f'r.. :,r.;.:t':- r - .,;l; ]- :- -F' ;" i _:,',,, '?:-i,'" : .' .o i',.:,,1", , . "", ".:. ,,:,i Building Eode and the holder of such permit shall pnoceed 3t.t_ti:r,l..J.-f-\rr..6 - ------ F- - - own nls[, without assurance that the permit fo:r the entire building on stnuctune will be gnanted. Approved: va1l Eualol-ng 0fficer