HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT 1 REZONING LEGAL.'t\ QiilJ i Nl.iJ( rj;j ./ i B(Eeries ol' i.9Sii?) AN OIIDtl'lAi'lCI IiIiZONING 1,O1' 1,, VA1I., VILI-,AGll SIICCTND I'ILING IlIlOi'l'I'\SO l'Al'lILY ili;,SiD}INTIAL 1'O IIIGlJ D}Ji\iSITY MUI.,TIPl,li TAbIII,Y ]jII]TnICT AND AI,I)IIOVING A SI,I,CIAl., DI]V[LOpI!11.]NT DIs]T}tIcT(KNOWMS SDD 12) AND Ttrir DEVuLoI)$1til,tT pr,AN TIiIIREtrOItl] IN ACCORDANCN IIIT}I CIIAPTEB 18.40O}' TI{E VAIL IUUNICIPAL COI]E. WHBRItAS, on the Of f icial Zoning lr1ap of the Town of Va.Lt, Coloracio, the subject property is currently zoned as Two-Fanril;y l?esiclential; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section of bhe Vail Municipal code, the Peak of vail has initiated a rezoning of the subject proper:ty requesting that the property be rezoned from Two-Iramil-y Residentla.l t<: High Densi.ty MuItiple Family District having certain specj.fied condi- tions; and IYHEREAS, Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code aulhorizes special development districts vrithin the Torvn; and WHEBEAS, the Peak of vail submitted an application for special development distri.ct approval for Lot 1, vail village second Filing t.o be known as SDD 12; anrl IYHEREAS, the rezoning of the property and the establishment of the requesteci SDD 12 will ensure us.e of the site in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated; and IYI{EREAS, the Town council considers that 1t is reasona.b}e, appro- priate, and benefj-cial to the Town and its eitizens, inhabitants and ; visitors to establish said SDD 12; NO]V, T}IERE}'ONE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE TOWN COUNCIL OF TIIE TOWN OI| VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOIfS: Section 1. Amenclntent Procedures Fu1J. i Iled, Pl anni.ng Conunission Feport. The approvar pror:edures prescribed in section 18.4o and secli.on 18.66.110 of the Vaj J- It{uniclpal Code har;e ireen fulf illed and the Torvn Council has received the reporlj of thc irl;.inning ancl llnviTonnental Com- missioll recontnetrcling dcnjal of thc "ez,rnl.lrg anrl Devel.opmerrt Plan f or SDD 12. 7 Sect j on 2. ii;1,-qt r, ! .lLttylil-qlllt:!! Ili:rl:Lj..g-lj. -1-?: -1,1,1-r1i;1,j,{t.q-.{' Pursuant to Sectlons 13.61;.160;rrrd 18.40 of tl:e \iai-l lJtttricipal Oi)(lc, Lot 1, Vail. Village Secotrd Fi.ling, is r:czoned from Two lamily llt:side'tttial to tligh Density Multiple Family and the Dcve:Ioprncnt Pl.an is hereby approved. Sect ion 3. I)evelournent Plan A. The the plan for Development l.. Development Procedure. A. prior to comrnencement of constr:ucti-on of any ilnprovements with respect to. any pha.se of development the following sha1l occur: 1. The improvements shaII have received the approval of the Design Review.tsoard ("DRB") and the plans approved by the DRB shal1 be part of the Development P1an, 2. Pay the appropriate recreation amenities fee. C. Building permits for the proposal j-mprovements shal1 have been obtained. B. Amendments to the Development Plan sha11 be in accordanqe with Subsection 18.40.040 (D)' C. The applicant must begin const::uction of the special development district within eighteen months from the effective date of this Ordinance, and continue dillgently toward the completion of the project. If the special development district is to be developed in stages, the applicant must begin construction of each stage within eighteen months of the completion of the previous stage. If tbe applicant does not bclgin and diligently tvork torvard thei completion of the special development distrj.ct or any st.age of the special deveJ-optnent clistrict. within the timcl limits imposed he::ein, the plzrnning and environmental cornmission shall t'cvierv the special de\/eLopment district. They shatl reeommend to the Town Counsil that either tlre approval of tlte special. development district Development Plan for sDD 12 is approved and shall constitute d.evelopment within the Special Derrelopnlent District. The Plan consists of the follorving docunlents: The site p1an, floor p1ans, and arehltectural elevatj-ons and sections su\mitted to the Planning and Environmental \-fr^C, Commission on{ X,4,7982. Section 4. 1 br: r:;1,c:rrdcd, i.. lrat. t,lrc lt.]r.;rr ,., ltl e i.1l t,1r0 :;;,r:i.t ili.-l rlcvr''i {)J)n()tl1.. ri-i str' jrt{ lrt-: rov(rli(jd, ol t])itt tlrr,: L;1rcr::i n J rlr:vc:L.r,r1,tltt-'tr l- tl -i l,;tr j.c1. i,{.r ollrrnded: . :s-grlign .1.. !:f'_i!_c.L*it!!_L_1.ri-lgtilii. A . ES!!-iLc_\E. Tire mi n imum settrack sha11 be trventy ( 20 ) f eet . B. IS_Lgl$. No buildinti shaII exccr:d 48 fect in height. C. Densj.ty. 'Ihe Gross Resj-cierrtjal Floor Area of the dwel),ing units shalI not exceed 11r590 square fcet. The maxj.mum number of dwelling units al]orved is 5. Sitc Coverage" The site area to be covered by buildings shal 1 be as shown on the development p1an. E. Parl<ing. Each unit sha1l have two underground parking spaces provided Section 6. As provided in Section 18.08.030 of the Vail l'lunicipal Code, the Zoning Administrator is her:etry directed to promptly modj.fy and amend the Official Zoning l,lap to indica"te the rezoning and Speciaf Development District adopted herein. ' Section 7. If any pa.rt, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of thjis ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shal1 not affect the validlty of the remai.ning portions of this ordlnance, and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and eaeh part, section, sub*section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsectlons, sentences, cJauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section B. The Council hereby states that this ordinance is necessary for the protee,tion of the pubtic health, safety and welfare. TNTRODUCED, RBAD Ot{ FIRST READTNG, AppROVED AND ORDBRED pUBLISITED ONCE IN FULL, this 6th day of Ju1.y, a982, and a public hearlng on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of t.he Tclwn Councll of the Town of Vai1, Colorado, on the day of the Town '1 qR? at 7 i3O p.m. in the l,lunicipal Building of of Vail ATTI1ST: c<,il.,..n Kfil;; Tclw,i-"tii-oi"k Rodney E. Slifer, trlayor t' i clepartment of community ctevelopmenthox 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303! 476-5613 Ju'ly 1, 1982 T0: TOI.,JN C0UNCIL FR0M: Department of Cornmunity Development RE: Rezoning Request for Lot 1, Vail Village Second F'iling from ffi o-ffi mily-R-esIE-ent- jaT-DTsTFiC{Jc-tlish-DdritiTv-iaulTIF]eTamilv D'ilItFT cE a riai -S p e c f al-Tevem pm e I r-tlTslTl c f W Attached is 0rdinance #18. This 0rdinance is exactly the same as Ordinance /17 of 1982 which was defeated unanimously at the Council meeting on l'larch 16, 1982. The applicant is again presenting the same proposal for an upzoning on the lot to the West of Ipanema. The P'l anning and Environmental Conmissjon has again reviewed the request and has aga'in recomnended denial of the request by a vote of 3-1. There are approximatel.y 20 letters onfile from adjacent property ovJners who are in opposition to the request. t )t PLAi{N I IJG AND ENV I R0Nirii.:NI AL C0i!il,l I SS I 0N June .l4, 1982 PRESINT Scott Edlards !.Iil I Trout Dan Corcoran Diane l]onovan I ater Duane Piper ABSENT STAFF Peter Patten Dtck Ryan .i im Sayre Lany Eskvri th Betsy Rosolack lQgIqlL REP Chuck Anderson Jim Viele Jim Morgan Dan corcoran, chairman, ca11ed the meeting to order at 2:] s after a sjtevisit anci after reviewing app'l 'ications for exterior alterat'i ons and modjficationsin Commercial Core I and II. Donovan moved and rrout seconded to approve the mjnutes of May 24, lggz. The vote was 3-0 in favor with Edwards abstaining. 'l . Rqyelt=for-,a,ygliance to construct a garage in a red haz che zoneonlot Z .: Peter Patten-explained the memo and showed the site p1an. He explained that thestaff would first address the avalanche problem, theh the setback variance. He stated that the house d'i d receive a sbtback variance when it was built, andsince the staff were not avalanche experts, they l,rere re.Ferring to the l4earsstudy- He read the portion of Mears' ietter that stressed that-it was imporiantfor the Town of Vail to ensure that no residential consiruction be done ih ttre ' high hazard zone. LeRoy refeffed to the.site.p'lan and gxplained that he was told that the line showing lfS:9s:.of.the high hazard area coutd'be plus or minui zs ieet, and thar p.rr,uptall or nls lot was high hazard or perhaps all of it vras medium hazard. He shorvbdphotos. of the accumulation of snow on his iot stating that he could not bujldsteps because he could not maintain them in the wint6r tirne. l-le added that hewould bury the garage into the ground on the uphi1l side adding that if he placeclile garage where it was originally planned to go, there would lre disturbanceby runoff. Edwards felt that the applicant should have a nrore detailed study made to ensure 1t.! ll," garage would be only in the moderate hazard zone, becauie it did seenlthat the streant was a hardship if the garage had to be plicect r.rhere originaliy pl anned. b/14/82 Trout questioned tfre size of the garage anil l..cRoy statccl that he wanted to parK4 cars jn the gal'age, tvro deep. Donovan felt that she couldn't approve a garage in a red hazard zone, and wanted, to be certain just where the line between-the two zones 1ay. She fe'i t that the streanl i+as a physical hardship. LeRoy answered that he felt that the entirefront of his lot ulas in the high hazard zone. Corcoran stated that the ljne as it exjsts on the avalanche study was not absolute,but that the Commission must work w'ith that. Ryan added that jf the applicantbelieves that the high hazard zone r./as not on hls lot, he shoulcl have i'Oetailedstudy made' Ryan added th.it Mears fc1 t strongly that the Town of Vail should keep structures out of the high hazard avalanihi zones. 'b Trout asked Eskwith whether or not the Towna variance. Eskwith ansvrered that there was found 'l iabl e. LeRoy said that he was wjlling to take fullfinancial damage. After more-discussjon of would be I iable if they were to grant a chance that the Town could be responsibil ity against physical andresponsibiIity, Donovan moved and Corcoran secondecl to deny the request for a variance as per the staff memo dated June .|0, .|982. The vote was 4-0 to deny the variance. LeRoy mentioned that in the same'l etter, Mears stated that the TOV should lookinto moving the water tank. Eskw'ith answered that the water tank was a separateissue, and that at the mornent, the commission was dealing with the variancerequest. The setback variance was then consirjered, Peter Patten explain'ing that the pEC must consjder both, jn case LeRoy should appea'l the decisions, so that the Councilwould have some background upon whjch to base thejr decisjons. corcoran moved and Edwards seconded to deny the setback variance request perthe staff memo dated June .l0,'l 982. The vbte was 2-l with Trout against denial ,and Donovan abstaining because she felt she couldn't vote without [nowing whetheror not there might be a physica'l hardship nor knowing whether or not the'avalanchehazard zone would affect 'it. 2.uest for rezonin of Lot Vail Villa e 2nd Fil in from esidential Prima zone of Hi units.'icant:orr J. Byrne Pet.er Patten exp'lainecl that the was the same application that had been subnrjtted0n March 8 and whjch the PEC denied by a vote of 5-l and which was then appealedto the Council and was defeated unaniinous'ly. Byrne explained that at the 'last nreetjng an argument ensued with regard to thepresentation. Eskwith felt that it was better to present both the iezoningrequest for SDD and the HDI4F at the sanre time. He explained to Byrne that thezoning laws had been atnended to that the SDD areas were limjted in use and densityalq i0 the zoning district in rvhich they were located. Byrne showed sljdes andadded that his inunedjate neighbors did irot object to the iezoning, He said that Ptc -3- 6 /14 /frz he hoC 'i'ouiril sever'a."1 r:.lse: of upzon ing iri the area. ile arlr.lr.rrl that there was a real d'i fferencc in f.i'rc archit.t:ctural scalr: in the ar<,'a ci his lot. l-lc slatrc.i that the project !'Iils v{jry flexible and y;ould vrork direr:t1y with the sta.fl- in any different solution. He gave statistics concer'ning tht: rnass, height and densities of the surround'ing properties and also I jsted da'ters .irf up,;gn'ings of those projects. l-le felt ihat Gore Crc:rk rryould be a more lo'lical huifc,I,beti'tren zones and that the duplex !,ras not the riiosL appropriate building. for iris s ite. .'1t t'ras explained to tlyrne that he must provide a buFfer zone between his project and the duplexes to ih': rr'est. Byrne sajd that he vras willing to change the ctesignto allow folmore opcn land to the west, but felt thc piann()rs' respons'ibi1 ity }.las to help plan. Ile repeated the renrark Lhat many propeities had been changeCin zonirig to allovr gi"'eater density, heiqht and massing. ltyan stated that that was the exact reason that in .l977 the Tcirn of Vail went through dovlnzoning, arld then two years ago chariged the definitioir of height. The track record for the past fet't years vras that the Town has noi allowed up zoning and there were new height regulations since the building Ipanema. Morgan Douglas, nearby property owner, explained that his was a single family home with a guest apartment, not 3 units a.s describeci by B.yrne. He added his objection to the rezoning. Ben Botel of the A1 phorn saicj that there had been 'l 9 letters to the f)i':C protesting the rezon'ing. 'He also stressed that the A1 phorn had spent $50,000 on iandscaping and vrere proud of the'ir building. Frank Havrel of the A1 phorn stressed that the project interfered with thejr view, and that if the lot next to it were built to the sanle height,, it, too would interferewith their view. Edwards,stated that he was on the PEC to try to change indiscriminate upzoning. He added that he had difficulty seeing why there was a need for a transition from lpanema. He slated that he would rather see it stay duplex, but possibly give a variance in helght to make that transition Trout said that he was sympathetic to the property aesthetically, though he wou'ld vote against 5 units, but possibly for 3-1l2 units because he felt that the transition nrade sense. Corcoran felt that the issue of Ipanema should be disregarCed total1y. Donovanfelt that the increase in units was insign'i Ficant in relation to the size of the project. lrlith rcgard to safety, the project vrould increase traffic on an already busy road. The project vrould violate section .l8.s8.300, violabes thegenera'l purpose of the zoning, (.l8.02.020 85, maintaining contmunity qual ity), and she added that people buy property wjth a clear idea-of the existing zbning, and expect that zonin.ql to remain. Donovan also addecl that the use was not appropriatr and that there would tre less open space. Corcoran stated that he did nor feel that the community needed 5 units nor ntore hei ght. Corcoran moved and Drlnovan seconded to deny the requcst tcl rezone to Scld forthe reasons stated and as per the staff rnenros dated s/]9/u2 and 3/4/Bz. Thevote was 3-1 with Trout. votjng against denial. The applicant was reminded thathe had 10 days with rvhich to appeal the decision to Tbwn Council. I L \.. -.t- vI t.ti o(. 3 . Bq,q Li-qs.t_ i'ril q- q"qlt].ritl i rr i iril -l4e_t,t-,-_j_i.! illll __/ll : /\Jr1,I icant: D,:rrn is Sii iti,l:;i Corcoran stcrted that 1.hc appf icant had rcquested to bable this item. Dcnovan moved and tdwards secorrcled to table as pcr applicant's request. Vote was 4-0in favor. At this pojnt, [dvrards left the nceting anC Piper errtered. lgqu e_s_!lqr !$__qr(_e--: it-'_q qg! orr Lot I 2-.YefL_U_llg_ij9- !le-91 A variances to alloig the const.rrtction of a residence I jl jnful Appl icant,: Gottfricd Angleitrrer Jim Sayre explained that this was a third presentation for ihis 1ot, and sholedthe different presentaiions. He said thc staff felt that thjs one was much irnproved and recommended apprcva'l . The dri veway haci been cha.nged to the front, and the setback request was for 4.5 feet on the east and 5 feet on the vrest Al Johnson, the architect, shovred plans and stated that he vlas wjlling to satisfystaff concerns regarding the design. He added that he had talked with Fischer, property ol'rner to the east, three tjnes and offered to change t,he building, but Fischer vias opposed to the building. l'le assured the staff that there would not be any other variance requests. Piper moved and Donovan seconded to approve the setback variance requests asper the staff memo dated 6/1/82. The vote was 4-0 in favor. 5. Request for a front setback varjance to allow the constructjon of an addition on-Tot I I, Matterhorr-VlffilpFllcant :,ram'ei-R.- tfi]l iams Peter Patten explained that the encroachrnent would be for 3 feet jn the frontof the lot, and that the staff felt that a design solutiorr could be accomplished within the setbacks rvith minor design changes. fljllianrs showed his site plans and elevations and stated that he did not want to push the gafage farther back as that would change the doors and would entail digging further into the bank. Duane felt that the addition could be accomplished with other solutions. Trout agreed. Trout moved and seconded to deny the request for a front setback variance as per the staff memo dated June .l0, 1982. The vote vras 4-0 to deny. Patten offered the staff's he1p to Mr. lJillianrs in redes.igning hjs additjon. 6. 8ggg9_s!l_of- a<on-d-itiotql u9e perrnit to construct an add jt.ion to the east end SgTfns !!_s-6tl"n _t_o_qq 1-e.-djt the To*r Eglt@fp=pT-iCarit: Town oi-Va it- Patten showed elevations and floor plans and explained that the building was pl anned originally to add on as shown on the drawings. Trout moved atrd Donovan seconded to approve the condjtjonal use permit as per the staff rnemo dated 5/17/g?, The vote was 3-0 witlr Corcoran abstaining. t-, ,i J.'. llqguest for approygl_d_t-Le genera] circulgt q_q9glf._ple!__t9_L!9. . 4ftgrial Business District. Applicants: Property owners in the proposed di stri ct. 'lCn..o*n stated that the applicant requested to table this item until ,lune 28. Trout moved and Donovan seconded to table as per applicant's request. The vote was 4-0 jn favor of tabiing. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. ) PLANNIIIG AND ENVIRONMI:NTAL COMI4]SSICN June |4, 1 9lt2 l2:45 pm Site inspection 1:15 pm Prel iminary review of appl ications for exterior alterations ancl modifications in Comnercial Core I and II. Dctermined vrill be whether each project has a major or minor impact and the appropriate revjell period for each project. ccI CCII Entry and facade remodel ing for Bridge Street Real Estate and Investment Company, Liquor Store Bu'i1ding. Entry'reorganized on the Covered Bridge Building. Enc'l ose north deck of Cyrano's. Enclose sunken patio south of bar to enlarge bar of Hong Kong Cafe. Enc'l ose one-half of pool wjth air-supported structure for winter-time encldsure over Lodge at Vaj'l swimming pooi Expand second floor office of Christy Sports. Exterior seating for Le Petite Cafe at One Vail Place. Exterior seating for Le Petite Cafe at Ljonshead Gondola Build'ing. Extend shop fronts toward Lions Pride Court and add awnings at Lions Pride Building. Change one enclosed parking garage garage of Village Center Shops to a ski repair shop on second story 2:00 pm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Request for a variance to construct a garage in a red hazard ava'lanche zone on Lot 2't , Vail l4eadows Fil ing #1. .App'licant: Thomas LeRoy Request for rezoning of.Lot I, Vail Village 2nd Fjling from Residential Primary/Secondary to Special Development District with an under'lying zone of High Density Multi-Farn'i1y to allor^r five dwelling units. App'licant: Ron J. Byrne Request for a condominium conversion for a 3 unjt bui'lding on 1ot 42,Vail Village I'Jest Fif ing #1. Applicant: Dennis Shimon Request for two side setback variances to al'l ow the construction of a residence on lot 12, Vai'l Vil'lage West Filing No. 2.Applicant: cottfj red Ang'leitner Request for a front setback variance to allow the construction of an addition on lot ll; Matterhorn Village Fil'ing No. 1.Applicant: James R. |.|jllianrs. Request for a conditional use permit to construct an addition to the east end of the existing bus barn located at the Town shops,in a PUD zone djstrict. Applicant: Town of Vail 7. Request for approva't of the gencral circu'lation and access p'lan. the Arterial Business District. Applicants: Property o$,ners in the proposed Arterial tsusiness for Di stri ct t MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commission - FR0M: Community Development Department DATE: June .l0,'1982 SUBJECT: Pub'lic hearing and consideration of a rezoning request for Lot l, Vail V'illage 2nd FilingfromTwo-family Residential District to High Density Mu]tiple Family District and for a Special Deve'lopment Djstrict. Appllcant: Ron .J. Byrne Since the meeting on May 24, 1982, the Community Development staff, town attorney and applicant have discussed the presentation before the Planning and Environmental Cornrnission. It was decided that the app'licant can make the presentation for a rezoning and special development request at the same time. Also the Planning and Environmental Commission motion to approve or deny the request should contain both parts of the request. I COMMISS ION ,.,? \| PLANNING AND ENVIP.ONMTNTAL tlay 24, 19Bz PRESENT Diana Donovan Dan Corcoran Jim Viele Duane Piper J'im Morgan ABSENT It was decided to change the wording noise Ievel of the amusement devices of Vail noise ordinance.rl Peter Jamar exp'lained the memo and showed the-T-ot on a the staff felt that it was'in the town's best interest rezone to a greater density. He added that a Special to have a buffer zone around it, and that this project side to be within 4 feet of the adjacent structure. STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Jim Sayre Betsy Rosolack Dick Ryan Larry Eskvrith COUNCIL REP of the first condition to read: "The should be in: compliance with the Town nap. He explained to deny the request Devel opment District showed the deck on Gail Wahrl ich l,l'il'l Trout Scott Edwards The meeting was called to order by Dan Corcoran, chairman. l. Approva'l of minutes of May .|0, 1982. Diana Donovan moved and The vote was 5-0 in favor. seconded to approve the minutes. 2. Request to install a game par'lor on the basement level of the Lionshead Gondola Building. Applicant: Vail Associates. Jim Sayre explained the memo pointing out the the conditions at the end of the memo were the same as those required for the arcade request for the West Vail Mal I approved on May .l0, '1982. Paul Go1den of Va'il Associates stated that VA wanted to have the arcade as an amenity to the Gondola rides in the summer. He added that the space would return to locker space for day skiers in the wjnter. He also felt that VA wanted to put 16 rather than l2 amusement devices into the space. l.lith that correction, Duane Piper moved and Morgan seconded'to approve the request for a conditional use application to instal 1 a.major arcade in the basement of the Gondola II Building in Lionshead with the three conditions on the memo including the change in wording stated above and concerning 16 machines. The vote was 5-0 in favor. 3.R t for rezonin of lot I Vail V'illa il in to cha e from Prima zone of Dens ti -Fami cant:yrn that to had one to Special Development Distr PEc -2- 5/24/Bz) Byrne showed a few slides of the neighborhood. Larryr Eskwith stated that coming to PEC with a specific bui'l ding was inappropriate, sjnce the quesr,ion was one of rezoning or not. Byrne objected and asked urhy he hadn't been tol<i thisat the previous meeting during whjch time he had followed the same procedure of showing a.specific building to place on the property in question. Larry Eskwith leplied that Byrne hadn't been informed because he (Eskwith) wasn't at thq meetjng.Dick (yan pointed out that the problem has two parts. l) ji it appropn'iate torezone' and 2) is it appropriatb to approve the'speciai Developmeirl Distrjct? Byrne responded that the square footage that the Town allows was not, jn his opinion,-adequate for the site. Larry Eskvrith replied that the key questionwis density. _,After more explanations, Byrne askbd to tab'le his r6qriesc untilthe June 14, 1982 meeting. Morgan moved and vjele seconded to table the itemuntil June .|4. The vote to table was 4-l (Donovan against). Donovan reminded the members that there were persons in the audience from outof state who had come expressly for this neeting. Corcoran asked them to speak,and Mr. Douglas, who owns a residence on west Meadow Drive spoke in oppos.i tionto the rezoning, agreeing with the PEC members that what coujd follow'was morerequests to rezone to higher density from neighbors. , 4.uest for an mendment to the town munici I code Section .|8.69.040 unlnna struc ures to ructe e areas.eKoy Jim. sayre' presented the staff memo pointing to an excerpt of a letter fromArthur Mears regarding the adjacent 1ot_, 2'2,, on page z of_ihe rnernu, ir whicir lvlr,Mears stated, "..it is very important for the Toi^rn"ot-viil-to ensuie'ttrat'rr'o'ibli-dentia'l construction be done in the high hazard zone...,' Sa.vre also added thatthe PEC members had received that day i report on the avalanihe entitled,"Vail Meadows Avalanchg Dynamics Study" by'Arthur Mears in which it is suggestedthattheeffectofavalanLheimpactoirttrbwatertankshouldueanityieo LeRoy read a letter explaining his positjon and his displeasure at receivingthe staff memo as late as Friday. He then read parts oi the avalanche studiand_explained to the PEC that upper Eagle valley'workers were on lot 22 on idaily basis attending to the waibr tan[,, and thit they assured h1m that it wasdifficult to keep it 75% full because of valve fa'ilurus, etc. Mark cadmusspoke as a friend who voiced approval of the amendment. Donovan wanted to know more about the streams in the vicin'ity, and asked LeRoywhether or not he had planned to put a workshop into the garige. LeRoy answeiedthat he would give to the Town of'Va'il a letter assuring ihem*that he would not Put-l!_a workshop. Larry Eskwith explained that the waier tank had been bui'ltin 1974' and the hazard ordinances were not written until .|978, indicating thatit was a pre-existing lega'l non-conforming use. Patten felt that the issue was not the water tank, nor specifically LeRoy's 1ot,but rather the amendment of the zoning code, He iooeo that if the-pEC ailowedthe antendment to the code, they would-also be al'l owing people to build decks,storage' etc. and could create activity in the red (hjgh) avalanche zone. ,k,*n AND TNVTR'NMENTAL ,orr,rt May 24,1982 'l :00 Site visits ? 2:00 Pub'lic Hearing '1, Approval of mjnutes of May 10, lggz ' 6' Request for an arnendment to the municipal code to remove a portion of jtem J of Section 18.69,050 Special Restrictions for deve'l opments on lots wherethe.average s1 ope of the'site beneath the proposed strilcture and parkingis in excess of.thirty percent in single-fimily residential, two-hamily-residential;zand two-family prinnry/s6condary residential z6nes. The -portion to be removed requires that deve'l opments falling under this section be'restrictedto that one of the units shal1 not'exceed 40 peicent of the allowable CRFA. Appl icant: Town of Vai't . Request for revisionL lg Section lg.52 parking and Loading.Applicant: Town of ValI 2' Request to instalr g ggT. parror on the basement revel of the LionsheadGondota Buildins. nppriiaii, -vuii' Ar;";i;#;, 3' Request for rezoning 9r t9t-r, va_ir vitage znd Firing to change fromPrimary/secondary to spec'iar b"veiopment District witi an underlying zoneof High Density fuutti_Famiiv.--nipii.unt, Ron Byrne 4' Request for an amendnent to the town municipal code, section rg.69.040(A)to allow uninhabited structurti i;"b" constructed in reu (high) hazardava'tanche areas. nppl tcin[i' -itoilai r_enoy 5' Request for a name change for the pitkin creek Townhouses, Applicant:pitkin creek Townhou=" iisoituiion, s'(-\ rvwrrrruu Published in the Vail Trail May 2l ,.tggl. o PUBLIC NOTICE . N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVIN that the Planning and Environmenta] Corrmission of the Town of Vajl will hold a publ'ic hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vai'l on Wy 24, .|982 at 2:00 p.m. in the counci'l chambers in the Vail munjcipal building, Public hearing and consideration of: l. A request concerning the Vail Lionshead Gondola Building on lot 4, Block ln Vail Lionshead Filing No. I jn Commercial Core II in order to install a game parlor on the basement leve'l . The request is for a conditional use permit in accordance with Section 18,60 of the Municipal code for a major arcade, Applicant; Vail Assoc'iates.. Inc, Z. Request for a rezoning of 1ot l, Vail Village 2nd Filing in accordance with Sections 18.66.100 through 18.66.160 of the Vai'l Municipal code. The proposa'l is to rezone from a Residentia'l Primary/Secondary to Spec'ia1 Development District with an underlying zone of High Density Multi-Family to allow five dwell'ing units. Appl icant: Ron J. Byrne 3. Request for an amendment to the Town of Va'il Municipal Code, Section 18.69.040(A) in accordance with Sections 18.66.100-'18.66,160. The request is to amend the wording to allow uninhabited structures to be constructed in red (high) hazard aval anche areas. App'l 'icant: Thomas LeRoy 4. Request for an amendment to the Vail Municipal Code in accordance with Sections 18.66.100-.|8.66..l60 to disallow the review of an applicatjon by Des'ign Review Board and P'lanning and Environmental Conniss'ion if the application is substantially similar to one rev'iewed within the previous year. Applicant: Town of Vail Request for an amendment to the Vail Municipal Code in accordance wjth Sect'ion 18.66.100 18.66..l60 to remove a portion of item J of Section 18.69.050-Spec'ial Restrictions for developments on'lots where the average slope of the site beneath the proposed structure alr4 parking area is in excess of thirty percent in single- fami'ly residentialo two-family res'idential , and two-family primary,/secondary residential zones, The portion to be removed requires that developments fa'l1ing under this section be restricted so that one of the units shal 1 not exceed 40 percent of the allowable total gross floor area (GRFA). App'licant: Town of Vail Request for a conditional use permit according to Sectjon 18.60 to a'l low construction of a helipad immediately northwest of the Vail Post Office. Applicant: Town of Vail The applications and information relating to the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular businessl'hours for review orinspection by the public. TOI.IN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIPARTMENT A, PETER PATTEN, Zoning Administrator 5. 8, \ Publ i shcd i n the Va j'l Tra i I May 7, 1 982. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commissjon Department of Community Development/Peter Jamar i'lay 19,-"1982 Rezoning request for Lot 1, Vail Village 2nd Fil'ing from Two-Family Residential District to High Densjty Multiple Famjly District and Specia'l Development District. Applicant: Ron J. Byrne This application is exactly the same as the appl'icat'ion presented to the Planning and Environmental Conunission on March I, .|9B2. The Planning Commission recommended denia'l of the request by a vote of 5-l at that time. The request was then heard by the Town Council at their March l6 meet'ing and was denied unanimously. At both the Council meeting and the Planning Conrnission hearing, several citizens spoke in opposition to the request. In addjtion, several letters have been received fiom adiacent property owners sjnce that hearing reiterating their opposition to the rezoning and spec'ial development district application' The staff report from the previous appljcation is attached, and the staff again reconnends denial of the request based upon the factors contajned within the TEMO. TO: F ROI4: DATE: SUBJTCT: lii: l'iO i?Itit DUi'{ PlanriirrrJ and Inviron:rcntal Ci,t;r,. is:;jon Dcpa rtmcnt of Conrnuni ty Dcve. l oljrent May '19, 1 982 Rczcning rr::;uast for lot 1, V.,il Village Secc;rid f:il ing from Tvlo i:a.tni1y Rr:;s'idr,nt ial Dj str j ct to Spcc'i;t'i Dr=vci olri;rctrt Dj si.r'ict wilh an urrderlying Higir Derrsity i4ultiple Ianrily Zt]nc Ilistrict. Appf icant: iion J. Byrnc _Di!t-ii I P! qI- Qr i qeqlgl The requ:st basjcally deais r{ith 2 issues: I i The applicant requests Lhe rezonirrg of lot l , Vail V-i llage Second Fi l'i rig fron it"s current duplex zouing to High Density t{ult'i ple Faniiiy zonirrg and 2) Ihe applicarrt. requesis ihe for- nation of a Special Developnent Dis'uricL. The reas0rr for'cl,'e overiying Special Develcrpirsnt District rr'ould be to adopi a spec-ific ntr;ilrer of ttnits, d spQCir'ic rrnxjnur;r square footage arrd overall site and bujld'i rrg dc'sign. I ) __T !r 1[ie _z.o_1]_tE_ _l_eaqr 9 i The current zoning of the lot as Tv;o Famiiy Resident.jal trould al'l ow 2 unjts with a raximum Gross Residen'uial Floor Area of 4576 sqttare feet- A rczoning to HDiiF urruld periijt l2 unjis tti'uh a r';ax'i nurn GRFA of .l3,558 square feet. Hol{e',,er, 'uhe appi icant proposes , by Lhe creaiion of tlie Spec'ia1 Devcl o;rilent Distri,ct, to cc'nstruct and I imit cievelo[)r::elli upon LIr? siic Lo 5 units c-rf ll,59C sqJare feet GRFA- The sjze of t.he lot js 22,598 square feet. The lot js currently occupied by a duplex and coni.iguous to other duplcx sites to the west anci to tlLe soutlt across Gore Crcck' The lot to the east is occupied by lpanema Condomjniurns (9 urrits) and lccated across Meadcw Drive to'uhe norih js the Holiday Inn. The reason for requesiing the rezoning is stated by ihe applicant to be the need for a zoning ciesignat'ion for his lot rr'hich enables siie intprovements that relate tcl the. -ccale and densit;r of adiacent developiiieni (exjst'i ng or potential ). The appl jcant f eels tltgt a sjte j;:Drovenent Iimited to the restrictions of the present zonlng 0l tne lot ''wil1 not permit a project that is an appropria t'e- fle riranent statelil;i:nt withjn the context of its ietting nor reirresentat.i onal of sensitive consideration as evidenced el sevthere r,lithin the cornrnunit-\,. " The lrri jn al"qulr,ent preserrted by the applic,rnt is ihat a transjtion js rreeded frcn Iparrcma, which is a flve level structure located to the east of the lot,to the 1ow densit;'duplex lots. The ap:p1 icant proposes a five-unit condominiunl cor:lp1 ex wjth a height of 48 feel on tire cast end of the siructure and 33 feet on the west io nraP"c thjs transiticn. A conrpl ..te set of proposed plans is ctirriairred within Lhe encl osed docui:r:.rrt. li.it 1, V'ji''5i tel82a :, ii,i il ili[0:.1ii ]llrA'ii0ll ii.r D,:l,,a1i.r,,,rrt 01'Cr,::':i:ufr'i ty D::vr:1 optirarlt fc;c,iil;n{lilds clcnjal of ihe requested rr:ronihg atj!)lication tr',lc L,cl jr:ve that there arc n0 r.,ds()ns vlh.y tlier Pl ani-rjng and [:-nv j | il]Ireni.al Conrlrission sltould allocate an jncre.rtr:d rJcnsjty 1.o the lrropcr'uy, iJc feel there are scvcr'al I'easons tr'iiy tlie a;ip.,ri icatiorr slroulrj be dcn jed. ? Tire Zr:riing 0rdinance:.tates that jt is ini.cnded to acl'r'i r:ve sirecific purJlcscs' c,r;q,..rf r'rjiich js to previrnt czccssjvc po;iulation dertsii.ics and overcroviditig of t.he land rvith siructlircs, l,jith 'che rc:al ization tliat iricr.tased densiiies dii have inrpacts upon L.hc qua.i ity of ccrrr,nunity services, f,.:cililies, and tfre cnvi)'on- nent, rangiiig frcrn tl-re nu;rbe r of f ircpl accs al lolved to Lrrcivid jng publ ic trcnsportal.jon, the Tovln of Vail has ltad an actjve pol icy of aitetltpting i.o r-,,rdiice the populai jorr dcns'i ty rr,ithin the Gore Val 1ey. Tirr: conirol of dcnsity hos 'r-ake n the form of zon ing lr:.qulatjons and al so tht'ough Llie pui"chase of privaie lald rrrithirr +-!re Valley by ihe Tcv;n of Vail. A n:aiu^ EOal of the 1a^nd purcitases has be e n io i-'!ijuce t.he ul tirnate amolrnt of gi"olvih that can occur uithin ihe [iorc Va11e5,, ilnd cr'nseqrie ntl y tlrc bitrden Ltpon sorvices to be provideci io the cit,izens of the coi:r:runity. l-he orriy irrs,'rarices of incrcasing the density allowed upon a piece of propcrty with'in the Tc;'rn has bcen for the purpcse of providing employee housing, a very real need for the comitlunit.v as a r,;ho'l e. It js the staff's opinion'eh"t the rezoning r,rould allolv an jncrease in density vrhjch is not consjsterrt tvith the developirerit gcals and c,bjcctives of the ccixnturijiy nor in tlre best jnterests of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Vail.- The use of the site currently as a tlo-farnily residentjal dwelling resultsjn a workablc relatjonship anrong land uses w'i thjn the area. h'e feel that the applicant's desire to replace the existing structurc with a bui'l ding of jncreased quality can be acconplished vrithin the frarrework of the existing Tv;o Family djstrict. _2) Ihe !p.pf.fe_t ggICLo_pl9lQt.s_tjq_Appl i ca tj_on In addjiion to the base zonjng of High Dansity i'iulii-Famjl5r, the applicant t^equests that a Speciai Dei,e'l oprirent District be dcsignated for thc lot to adopt a:pt'cific p'l an for developmeni. The zoning code siates that the pur;ro5s of a special cevelop- ment. djstrict is "'uo encourage flexibility in development cif land in orcier to promcie it.s tnost a1;propriate ttse; to irnprove the design. character, and quality of new deve'l opnent, to fac'i liiate adecluate and econonical provision of streets and u-uiljtjes; and'uc preserve the natural and scenjc features of open areas." As mentioned before, the prorrosed pl an consists of a 5 unjt condominiun'r conlplex with a maxjr;lurn GRFA of ll,59O square feet and a r:,axirnum lreight of 48 fect on lhe east end stepping doirn to 33 ieet on tlre wast end. The prrojcct also includcs a p'l aza and pavil jon a'l orrg l{e st l.leadotv Drive. The parkinO for the project is proposecj to be wjthin an undcr'ground pariling garage benca'uh lhe structure. i-'r l.i_tl. I r vvl -J- Jl lt/6L L ot s i ze : '/-? '598 Zoning Requested: l i{\,TI !-rM lcr! IIl!- t'f0lllt-!,iiL. sq ft ll iqh Dcnsify t4ul ti -Fai':i1y viitlt Spicial Devel optrrrnt Distrjct an ovcriyi ng .R re?/Ai I owed lEr ?n I anl 4576 sq ft 20?.1 (45.19 sq ft) _Z-_oJr I n g-_B.qq!-l r e [84!. HDI'IF Requiiiiii/lllowed SDD 20' IU 7s', .t 48' 5l % (.l1 ,590 sq ft) q 39ri (8820 sq f t) 38Y" (8115 sq ft) l3 8gqgl Se,iba cks : -*a[iTEing Stream Deck He_iOL' !g.r-t U: UKTA Site Coverage: LandscaPing_ Park'ing_ Units ?0' 30' (Spraddl e Creck) 50'(Gore Creek) 'lnl 48' 60% (13,558 sq ft) 12 55t1 (l 2,428 sq f t) 65% (14 688 sq ft) 30:i (6779 sq ft) l0 s IAli-Blqq',hl q[qAT I-0-!. The comrnunity Developrnent Department.reconmends denial of the special Development District application. Alrhough the cievlioi;;;l ;i;";"rds for a Special Deyelopment Distr.ict are to be dcterm-inc,d by the pic'ili"iotui-Councir 1s^ a putt, of 1!:.llltoutd plan, there uru r"uuiui to"ltg it"nrs wirich concern the staff' In the ddoptl0n of a sDD, there has usually been an una"ii'vlng"ioiie oisirict by which devejopnent standards have been set, in thj_s case tne irigrr Densiiy-l4uitip'le Family 1-on:^.,^ Distr.ict. The proposal seneral ly nreets"ih;';i.;;;;;;" f oi rlrli'lf ' Hovtcver ' several overall development r.egulations defin",f *jif,in"ift. Zot'ing.Code have been igtrored' The chart above peinti'out that Toiln standirds regarding-.1cck setbach's end stl'ean -sl,ii)aclis it,t.,,t -uni been conrp) je:cl ri.it'h' 1re fccl t'lrai titcsc ;rr(' l'L:rllll-l-ci- nrcnts thr'. should not be lregotiabie l)cL:nuse of the obr ious impacts of ci'tcil' 5rcond1y, t.he intr:ni- ol' ir StjD js to "r:nc0urage f 1e,,:ii:il ity jn tlre dcvelopiiii:ritc,f laric! in order to_1-.r.or;rilf-s jLs rnrtst,ii,irr.Jpriate use', arrd to ,,preserve therra'uural ai'rd ic(rnic fcatures of open ar-c.: s.t, l'i,e st,r.{,f J-r,r:is tirat the ar;rount9l^l:t" cov{:ragc upcn the lot uith bui ldjnrJ {giJ20 sq ft) ind decks and lraL.ios(5935 sq ft) has dorre Iittlr: to preserve lr,e'quat.ilv oi'a-rot whjch js boundedon tr.,'o sides by natural streams. Tlre arrount of pavi,nent, the formal ized landscapingp1 an along l4eadow Drive, and the rock fourrtain pi-cpo-sc'd ioi spraadie creek !o.1ot seem to be;rppropriate. The design stanrjdrds tor ino's state that aourler z0nc snatr oe provided in any sllO that is adjacent to a lor,l-densityresideni,ial use district. The buffei zone is to be iept frce of builor-ngs"orstructurcs and li:ndscaped to rnjnjnrize adverse effccts upon the srr"ounoingarea- Thi:re has becn no attcirpt at such a b.rrffer zonc and, in fact, the firoposeostructures upon the propcrty coine yl'i tliin 4'of the adjaceni property to tire v;e s t. tctfvz -4- 5/1s/Bz belicves that ihe pr1 an has ncrl [c.sn sensitive to thethe site, has neglected to address the requirement ofadjacent properties, arrd has negiected to fol 1ow general l,Je feel_that the proposal is not in the best interests.and welfare of the citizens of the cornmunity. 'In general , the staff physical at.'iributes of a buffer zone be+.v,'een zon'ing requ'i rements .of the health, safety, PETITION FORit{ ADDRESS I C. AIIIHORIZATION SI ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF' PROPOSAL /t-'', , ADDRESS/- .- E. FEE A list subject Petition Dateo A}4ENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR o FOR REQUEST FOR A CHANGE IN DISTRICT BOUNDARTES I. This procedure is required. for any amendmerrt to the zoning ordinanceor for a reguest for a district boundary change A. NAIIIE OF PETITIONER ADDRESS c'-.1 /-.--PHON B. NAIIIE OF PETITIONERIS REPRE -2e-; 1ENTATTV!".{. o);yz'rr'!- -- /'9,(---,- pHoN4/6/Zt7 'LA ,{/1,n F. fu2c",,-t DZ $100.O0 plus an anount equal to the. then current first-class postagerate for each property owner to be notified hereunder. of the names of owners of alt property adjacent to theproperty, and their mailing addresses. (olPotrnTta rV'-' Box //zS fu,z /4 A 4# /4r7.r'>- Ffgr /,,uuzEt/t- 1a-a.r.,''st',a,sssE- - /0 - /4 &frcn*/3,'ior 2 -, lE t/- /, 7 CO lA>, t14&:n'ff#ufftf:, ?6 23 /44tL4/{n,tr- €ut7L #+ z4fz'ngys TrtV f , Z r D t j/n lL ,//o uS{ b{,<* { rvo EEs 3 f/o4- I z-zd oEot*zn &, lal,Zgru Cz, FO4o /1: D z H/p*zrJ (a ,vDotn tn" 1//a5 p.,*tlznr.ytte - /,o/ Z ,Drf7rnr,o rfa)s- /-'-r.zV{.faa,<Z fut r-e( 7, el" + .ff,"- l, r" f ,/* r. /.a.1;Ltv-., t.,/.r t.,.C .u !"' r too of ZonI the A. The petition shall include a summary of the proposed revisionof the regulations, or a complete description of the proposed changes in district boundaries and a map indicating the existing and proposed district boundaries. Applicant nust subnit written and/orgraphic matcrials stating the reasons for request. III. Time Requirements The Pl.anning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4thMondays of each month. A petition with the necessary accompanyingrnaterial must, be subm-itted four weeks prior to the date of the meet-ing. Following the Planning and Environmental Commission meeting,all arnendments to the zoning ordinance or district bound.ary changemust go to the Town Council for f,ina1 action. form'for Amen. Four (4) copies ing Ord or Request for o following inforrnation : change in bounltaries Y I. APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAI DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DSTTELOPMENT PLAN This procedure is required for any project that would go through the Slecial Development District Procedure' until all information is submitted.The application wiII A. NA}TE OF APPLICAI{T not be accePted krval4 2-,L- aoopsss fz ht- az'rzoa-z Dz tr'/'pfto$s@-1zatlrc B. NAI'TE OT APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS c.AUTIIORIZAT FP PERTY SIGNATURE ADDRESS LOCATION ADDRESS OF PROPOSAI LEGAI DESCRIPTION /1'--,- -.-, z -PHoN\!fu'44!/!_ D. Y,l N *ttt E. FEE $100.00 plus an amollrt equal to the then cur-rent first-class postage . rate for iach Property owner to be notified hererurder' F. A List of the name of owners of all property adjacent to the Subjqct P,roPerty and their niling addresses' nl^ /\-. rX c-l \ II. four {4) coPies of the following inforrnation: A, Detailed wri.tten/graphic description of p-rgposal' B. tur environmental impact t;"6;[ ;it{if'-t;-!ubmitted to the zonS'ns administrator in accord"nJ!-*ittt Citapter 18.56 hereof unless waived by Section 18-56-030' exempt projects; c.Anopenspaceandrecreationalpl-ansufficienttomeetthedemand.sgenerated by the developm!"I-riliro"t undue burden on available or ProPosed Public facilities; Application formJ]"t Development Distrilry"t"pment PIan Existing contours having contour .intervals of not more than five feet if the averag" =ioi. of the site is twenty percent or less' or with contour iitervais of not more than ten feet if the averagle slope of the site is greater than twenty percenL' A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals ifily' ieet, "ft"*i"g--ifte-"pproximate locations and dimensions of all buildings arrd structures, uses therein, and alL principal :it?- development features, such as landscaped areas' recreational facili- ties, -pedestrian pJ-azas and walkways, service entries, driveways' and off-street p"iLittg and loadj-ng areas with proposed contours after grading and site development; Apreliminarylandscapeplan,atascalenotsmallerthanoneinch eguals fifty feei., shbwiirg existing landscape features to be retained or removed, and "no*ittg pioposed lindscaping and landscaped site development features, i""fr l" outdoor recreational facilities' bicycie paths, trailsl pedestrian Plazas and walkwaysr water features and other elements i Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor Plansr,at. a scale not smaller-than one-eigh.th eguals one foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area. gross resj-dential-'floor areaf interic circulation, focations of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the Proposed development' III. Time Requirements The...Planning and Environmental Commi'ssion meets l"londays of each month. An application with the material must be submitted four weeks priorLo D. E. F. G. on the 2nd and 4th necessary accomPanYing the date of the meetin( NoTE: It is recommenrled that befor:e a special developneDt distrj-ct application is subnitted, a review and comnent inecting should be set up with the Departrncnt of Cornmunity Development. o INVOICE uL ls, Le82 -,1!!6\ IAND TrrLE GUARANTEE co. ffi" 3:i,'"r'-:'N3I"n'Ji N.RTH DRrvE lLHilD TUT|IE 3?r-r880 I . MR. RoN BURN 82 l,l. MEADOW VAIL, C0. 81657 LI DETACH AND MAI! WITH YOUR CHECX. YOUR CANCEI.LED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT- I--G -t ORDER NO CUSTOMER NAME THE PEAK OF VAIL LEGAL DESCRIPTION PT. LOT 1, VAIL VILLAGE 2nd FILING LOAN NO. RECORDINGS OI^JNER & ENCUMBRANCE REP0RT ToTAL $50.00 LAND TITLE GUAFANTEE COMPANY PAID SY CHECK NO. 3O tll'11,1'l'Y t,(X;A l lo)i Vl;ii llrICAI'l()N SUIII) IVISION .ron Nnnc_fiL_!1,llgf tvftDU DpfUE __ Lor--ll_Br,ocK F IL iNG ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether t.heylines, nust be approved and verificd by accompanying sitc plan. bc main trunk thc following lincs or proposed utilitics for the Mountain Bel1 Western Slope Gas Public Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle VaIley lVater and Sanitation District NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a strect cut perntit fron thc Town of VaiI, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any publi.c right- of-way or eascrnent in the Torvn of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut perrnit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with prcpaling your' utility plan and scheduling installations. Dn" I'ti.t:;(; ut_. 'l'hc fol lr,r,;ini1 inforrnat ion j.:; llo:trd llul rrrr: a fj.nal irpl>r.<_rval A, BU I Llri ii(; MA'lTiRlAI.S Roof Z Siding/ Othcn I'irr11 Matcrial s <-'0'z --ltf rnq/-) Fascia Soffits l{indovrs Window T'rim . Doors Door 'l'rin Hand or Deck Rails . Flues Flashings Chi.rnneys Trash Enclosures Grecnhotrs es 0ther SHRUBS vn'D R$.fli?s * get*: _ rcrltt ircrl llor s;r.rlrr;i itt;rl by thc irlllll.i c.;inl l.o thc Dos jlirr Ilcvir.,,ir c;rrr lrt': 1;ivcn I -ileg.qt-llit!-c-r,!4 (lo1or wop G $'tslu - B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Corrnon Name TREES @ ,6PEf{ P-lg8LE&euoeuu EN4FIMANN spRrr€ l? a nacKy MTtt, tvtAffi 2l _a,i4tR MAprs Quanti ty a1 Si ze 7"JAA| l' d"c&-B+B o*lP]g+s E-6nf' €-oAr SAAr ZG,t- t!,; RSEA_PUN&ES5_ Aag&-aagguu_ foRtrtus gtaUsrrEnA BF TlAl4 h6{rlap BdlEsnt{a€BtrrcosA ctN4uEForL rg r3 qts so* E'F --.EF.r---- Hc.@FE 6ouanAou- neHerjillF . _ la_eA?fddr AREp) EUgUS-PA&urcLlus r+tllvl[|t$Bep-Ft'sd!- oROuruo COVERS tLt#3ln"' (.ul tt li"'t ', bt*s l.BoQ._l64r to,CI t&AL fuoa rlqr V-AA VrA- SOD |sNT SQUARE FOOTAGE SEED TYPE OF IRRiGATION TYPE AFFNE UJtT{)Nfi.ljFL MlX AS SQUARE FOOTAGE * IAOOO TYPE OR METHOD d COBBI€D SWAtJts OF EROSION CONTROL - C. Other Landscape Features (reta'ining wa'l 'l s, fences, swirnming pools, etc.) Please specify