HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT B HOLIDAY HOUSE AKA 9 VAIL ROAD 2000 - 2008-2 LEGAL+a!2612888 r2t54 '.@urlY AxDElstN' 3A39A4L912 RENS^IA- DEN PAGE B3 ,- rct t:tflr It rctP In mlhd thrl wlndo$' nrnul|Gtucn voluntarllt tcrt thch prodrrtr for prrlorm rG.nd dr'rbility. It'r itlport rrt fet (Ufrbmatt lo lool tot .nd rdr lot Sdaic conrPllrr. lD 6rrbli*rd t n nrndrrd ro nrlc qrre th.t |'G grttine &autlr.. rchblc iitotmadon. t!.i.ff| bt Andr|lan' Pmdu€tl .tc tcrt:d 0roloughlt rnd t||c tctulB a|t rdrrenaad t'lttoughout lhh mmuJ- How Windows and Window Components ar€ Tested Sctml proGrsiornl, noapartiren aetiond ssocietions hew ectablishcd tert smnderii m rcarretcly end onsiscntly mcasurt drc rdedonship of producrs and metcrids m pcrformencc. Thcy indu& thc folowing: AA-lWvOfvtA-Amcricu Architecrunl Manufecmring Association / Mndow end Door Mrrrufacuring Associetion At'{Sl-Amcricrn Nadonrl Standqf.Inrdtutc ASTM-Arncricrn Socicry of Testing Mrriiiels N FRC-Netio nal f"cncstredon Rering Couocil CAN / CsA-Canadian Stlndrds Association Fibrox" Composite Mrterial Rcncml brlndffscn wittdoqts arc rudc of our dusiw Fibrs mltcrid' pJp.iUyA"a.rscn, it is ecomposig blend ofrccJaimcd (not rctrclcd) rnd ,r.* "inyl ani -"od tbac prcvidcs excellcnt strEngth, dunbility rnd tow meinrcntncc, W-rndow matcrieb arc cxposcd to rrurry etrnosplrcric ctemenu such as wind sttcss, rnoisoue, and tcrt pcnnuc cxtrernes- Thc following data demonrtretcs how Fibrtr mrrcrid pcrbrns und.r thcsc clcmcnts' Modulus is thc rcicntific tcrm for a materidi ctiffilcsr. The higher thc number' thc sti&r fic meterial. The evcregc modulus for Fibrq merctirl is rwicc rbc averagc for vinyl, m.kug it a fu morc rteblc rnd rigid- rnetcrid for windon's' And fiough ;odi e'.rigc etiftc4highcn it ir fu lcs prcdicnble then Fibrsx miarid sincc *ood porccssee netunl veriadors such as grein' knos' pirch poc.Lcts, md moirture contcnr AII of r*trictr rletns we crn mrkc our winaow fo-o *d srrh nzrtowtt thra cornpaitivl windous glning rnorc glzss rrca end liglrt ftom the semc size oP€nirtg. Thc gnph bclow dcmonstretet the supctiotity of Frbra meternl owt odrcr mrrcddr. r= $',.mo.to!€ roo.ooooI t .00,000 e Mrtrrirl $nniih. Fibrar mrtatld otfrtr q<.llant long-tctn nrbility rnd dunblllv- rh. Modulut f.r turprotr vlnyl and epprorchrl th.t of pinc. FIBNEX' CO TPOSITF I'ATENIAL uew VnIl g1l pfIEti 8-4 Technk l Data confidential Ret. o5aq 4- ialzslzaaa L2:54 3039841972 RENEWA- DEN 4,* - 5PECIF]CAlIONS AND T E C H N I C A t" M A N U A T DEc^Y REs;srAt{cE (Asr M D'1'13) 5096 50 40 30 20 10 0 flbrarfl Vlrryl llrtr.i.l lJnrru.td Pin! THERtnAt co DuctlvlTY 0.@ 04s 030 0.15 o@ Alulninum Evcnnrally, without rnelntrn.ncd, crrcn ttcarcd *tod can be subjcct to decay. Fomrnatety, Fibrex- compoaitc metcrirl ir not. Our spccid composite formuletion sunounds end coats eech wood fiber in thc mrnu6cturing Ptoccss' prorriding nsistancc to rot. A.nd windows mede of Frbrex maeriel are w"rranted not to flakc, rust, blistcr, peel, cn*, pit or crrrrodc.* .$cG th. Umlt d W.rrtlrty fo. R.n.w.l bt Andartan' Pfodudt Ind lcrvl"t- The clrrngr in thc rnrss of metetial is measurd rccoding m ASTM D-l4ll' which darronsuie ilrrr Frbrx, materirl fu compnnblc m vinyl in reistaac o dcey PAGE g4 I E .9rI* D€clt Rrairtaiaa, Ot t ,padrl tolym.r formulatiqn turroundr and co.ti G.ch wood llb!| In our fib x mdlutfdqrlnq prcllt ptovldlng long term tglstanc! to rotting (hipping, pcllino, ol i ifilrifte. fhaflrd C.du.lltyatt flbt.f mEtrrirl h.r r vrry low th"rmdl Gonductiviq r.tio - or in other wardl !rr.lllrt iniulatlng prqpertir3 - thrt Put h on plr rhh plnc or vinyl. Tr€it!d Plha Fibrcx compocitc nratcrial has 1 yery low rhermal conductiviry retio-or in other won$, .xsil"nt iosuledng propcnice-that put it on a per with pinc or vinYl Unlikc alumin,.m, windoivs m:& ofFibrer metcrid will rcsist thc eftcrs of mld end hcet. Imuledng #ciency is rneasured by the amount of hset treruftrrcd or .ondu"ti,h-ugtta materi.l. A lowct valuc mcans lesc trtncftr and grcater ins"l.dng cfficiency, ] q 02-00 Rev.05l9B Confidential Technical o.t. 8-5 18.126/2684 12:54 re@al tt INDln$lr 303944L972 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0-0 Thcrnd cpension is the dcgrce to which e given matcri:l cpands rnd contncts witf, changps in tmperanra. Pine has a very low thcrmd crpluion rerc. \?ith e rrte of t.57, Fibt *nr material" like el$ninum, aPrnds and contncts vcry litde. Viny', howcr. with z thermel apension rrte of 3'42, mry cxpand end conmct mulcdln resulting ovct tirnc rn boring cnclts "nd, possibln lea.kagc of eir end *etcl tfttcning rhe color of a matcrid cen also incrcrsc is tutf".. *t p.rature and makc th. matctid morc likely to elplnd' This color chenge gnedy affcra vinyl, but docs not affect Fibrc* metcrid' ln utirrg opansioo nm, the small:r mlue indicates the lezst c$zngc to dre material. coEFFlclEf{T oF THEnitat EXPAllsloN (crE) RENEI,JA- DEN 4- PAGE A5 rfi.rd Ee.Drior. f ibGx m.tcaial hnt . r,ery low rrtc of qplrdon duc lo $tn!*t$ur.(l-5? r 'lO' lry'ln Ft dmilrr to thart ol aluminum (1.18r 1o' In/h F t. lrolbcu vlryl, howwqr, GtJl r rd' lavln Ft t,p.n8 at|d ro|fttocs mrrk€dB whlctt dlr linc aln rr.utt in bowinC! anka.nd ev.llturllY, lcokaq. ol alr rnd llfitbt- cl t! .t Fibrqrr Vlnyl PilE Matcrlrl Alumiru/m 8.6 Technical Data Confidenlial Rev. o5/99 4* IAl2U28AB I2t54 .a 343944L372 RENEhJAL DEN PAGE Z6 SPECIFICATIONs AND lECHNICAL MANUAL ln thc full hcat of summer, windsws rcccivinE dircct afternoon sun can heat uD to a surface tempereturp of 17!T or mote. fu thcse temperetures, thc *tight of the wrndow fr"m" and gless cen cause ordinary hollow vinyl fremcs to bow rnd srg. Fibtcf," composite, holwcr, rcmains rigid rnd stable to .crttp.ra.ttro of ovcr 200T in tcsts-tcmpcrlturcs hr Srclter than your window will ever qpcdcncc. }IEAT DEFLECTIOI{ TEMPEIATURE C I5'I PSI. ll'lr(a lrmpsftutc q!.rl.n!.d Lt d.t\ wlndorv| Osisrld h r U,g. rn$.onmGr* Fibtcrlr .tarlrl HEAT DEFLECTIOII TEITPERATU RE (CTE) e 66 FSlr surt .. iritcaatt|/! argathnc.d by drt r-rdoy{t n|[r al |n . U.t. r.wironmrd 200 r50 100 rAvcrage tlIt rqulb Gondudod ry our indeFndeit tatt hb. And*scn's Pcrma-Shieldo colung is aPPlied over thc Fibrex" mrterial to provide color in whitc, Sendtole rnd Teuetonco. A natural pinc wood venecr' *hi"tr ""n be peinted or rreincdJo match exirting dccor, is op'rionel on window interion. i zoo 6 p rso g 100 - t E Pibrcr'r Mitotirl Rev. 0549 Confidential Technical oata &7 16126/2ZOg 12:54 3039841972 fpl.tr G lass --' ll-^^.3P.1 -!- Sl'tgltt optic.l variatioDt in tcfDpclld gl.r5 rhould not bc miiekrn for low qu.liry ghir tempcrrd ghs will bc labelld by |nv, optimum wlalth rn'lostr' Mrkc rurt thc gles In r rrplcccmenl windoqr her a lgw cooduclvity rprclr lo. lnr,rc€sld cncrgtf cffkicncy- gt.inlllf rtc.l rpactrt rrr mott dutablc $.n tl|,tia. lMEn slecting r window product, do not b. toobd into thinkinq wider in$letino tPatg rra battaa. Vldcr rytcu .tE cretrc conveclion ctrr€trct thaa ellou hcat twnrfct rny' lower inttlating t tluct. The way in which ghss is made will rffcct ii eppeer*rrc", es *ell rs tLc cornbn end conmiena. of the home. As with tre window t e wholc, a defined and tcstcd belencc rmong 6c cornponclts rnd dranctcrirtics of Slase mrkes a superior, iruuleting product. The glass u*d in windows to&y is mznufacturcd frorn e pmcess first creeted in Englend by thc Pilkingmn brothers. Sand, soda arh culla (rcdaimcd rew glass)' and lime rrc blcnded and heated to a moltcn strte in e largc furnacc, The mixu,rrc is then pourcd qvcr firoltcn rin, end beceuse glars is lighter it florts abovc the tin, thus tfrc neme 0mt glase, Float gl.rs hu e vcry high optical quality and can be mede to varying thickncss rnd swngth to widntettd strcsses of wiud, hcet end cold. Iinpdcd nfr4 gh$is crerted in e process cellcd tcmpcring- The floet Elass shcct is hiated ro. soft bur not molcn stea, drcn quicJ<ly end ewnly coolcd while rctaining e smooth flrr surfrcc. Slight optical varietions may occur during thc cooling inge but byucing thickrr gtass, optic varietions 1e minimized' fempercd safcty glars ir ptimarily used to meet eafery building code r"q,ti**o. fhcn tempcred gtass ir brckcn it shatrers into small pieces reducing th. chancr of injury fmm large jagged sher&. Another saftty gbss, tcmpctcd laminrred glass, is crcatad by laminadng ecryJic betw*n .*" itlcccs of rcmpcred g!<Similer to the gt'f used in eutomobilc windshidds, rtrrpercd hminatcd ghss rcmiins htect whcn broken Lrsuleting gles is two pieces (liel) ofdr$ sepa;ated by a specc and assernbled inm on" unic Luul"tng d;ss 6tsr appear.d in window prodncts in the early 195ft' Ioruleting sgmel - d gpeccr scpatrtcs the two litec of glass. Historicdly, spaccrs have been mede ofaluminurn becausc it is crsy to manufarture end bend' Aluminum, hoswcg crn Pfltmotc energr conductivity around the cdgc of drc glr$s, crcating hert loss rnd rdrrcing the trindmr's insulatiag capebility' Itb I cornrnon misconception thrt th" widcr thc insulating space, thc better thc insulating raluc. The key to er cftctivc insuladng space is to optimize the width of-the space rnd rninimire ges morrcmcnt within the sp"cc. Mder spaces can creae convcction currcnrs thrt dlon, heat tranrftt end lower insulating rnlucs. Thc optimum width to marimizc insulating cfficicncy is bemrcn l3 and 16 millimeters (t/z to t/r inch). Gless spaccr tcchnology (dso caled warm edgs trlnolory) bs crcatod metcrials rnd dcsigns that ale morc cnerSr efficicpt. steinlcss srccl Gtronger then eluminlm and agriring l"$$ m"terid) enJ flestics (commonly called srvigle srrips) are ofttn uod mdry Although plasric provides orcellent drcnnrl pcrfomtncc, it can evenrually dcteriora* hom thc heatlg"rarcd in the iruulating space, rcsulting in e scal frilurc. Steinlese stccl is mort dunble and providrs a morc sable seal' Swiglc suips emit gar whco hcated by the sun dmilet to thc vinyl darhboard in * i,rto*obil.. This gar dcposits e 6Ln on thc inrcrior surface of glas contribudng to opticel dieortion o.'.r time. stainlcs strcl pmvidee a betrer seal becausc it is morc stablc, dureblg end docs not Ec to heat likc plastic. RENEI,JAL IEN 4-_ PAGE A7 8-B Technical Data confidential Rev.05/99 lql261266A L2.54 3439841972 -{'Z lAfian tlpl.cing eindorNt. mlla Pfe the 9b6t h.3 rn Atgon g.! bland In tfta In$lrtinq rpr<a. Ba lwata tlnt Xrypeon ddr wbctrntirlly to iha Ptlcc of wlndow- SPECIIICATION5 ANO TECHNICAT MANUAL RENEI4AL DEN PAGE B8 Argon end Kgrytoa -Afu qar urcd bct*pcn r*o or nore glar6 ltanee to ilsulate thc gbss spece md tbe l90e when ca'rbon dicxidc (CO2) errd Frcon (D urcrc intrcduced. Denrer thrn rit, drcy providcd bctter insulation but wert seruidve to scd failure. In thc 1980e, Argon (fu) and l&1pton (Kr) wcrc Proncn (o prorride morc efficient inrulrtion. Krypmn, bcing the morc rare of t$c two Cr$s"s, ir not r cost-effcctivc insuleting solution. Krypton ir mott cxpcnsive rnd prwides only marginal insultiry benda ov* Argon. High AftiRrdG Corui&rationr$ Iigh dritude environmenn, I windorv may noih.". g.. in thc insuleting spacc, depending on both thc ddnrdc and the sir of the gtass. Thc folloring drans idendfy srsh that will hevc gas in the insulating spece. Vhcn irsuleting alrss is fillcd wirtr gps and sealed, it is sealcd et thc rtmosphedc lo'd of th" --.j"Acturlng frcitity. As the gbss in *c rindow is moved to higher altitudcs, tlre prcsstrc in thc insuladng spacc bccomcs grc*cr tlun the otioid. pt out , trowing dre fzrs ortwerd. This cen catrsc- optical P*bF"tt and, in i*er* ""rtr, gl"" Ut*t*g.. Tempemd gl"$c cen add strength rndreduct bowing but fot some dtitudes, ibto,h.r nrbe mey nced m be intcgrrtcd inro the windon' construction m cqudize thc pressurc within thc insularing spece end the outridc. Of course, tttis elirdnatq thc usc of any gas othcr than eir fur filling Sc insuleting epace' < Rev.05/99 Confidential TechnicalData<8-9 lA126/26A0 L2254 re@al IY I{DTIllrf totxlo t 000 8000 ?0m 60ql 5ofl) 40m 100 t00m txxto alo 7(xt0 dl(lo 5000 {rx)o 3000 tfim 90m 8000 t000 6000 50m '0000 30m 3639441972 Glass Altitude Limits REI€WAL DEN < 3 MI' TEMPEf,ED 6LAS5 Unh Short Dimquion (ln lnd!., 6 l2 $ 24 l0 36 4t at 34 60 €6 72 7A U Eil xl wtlr lneth* lrur I xr ,rt M irl TEITIPEFEP GLA55 unit shod Dlmcnrlon (in intnQtl 6 t2 tB 24 iO fO iU {s 51 57 E5 Tz 78 E rpwitn rr."rn.r lro. I .rP It MM TEi,tFTRED GLASS Ufiit Jhon Dl'ntntion (in idchaa) 612 1t 2/t 30!6a2{{L6tl66727AE. PAGE Z9 s ,E ! 4 U c !lt 6 c tl E =4 c J! I e o c 3t! ? 3 lii M AIII{EALED GIA9S Unit sho Dlm.ntlon (ln In(hc!) 6 12 la 24 30 36 /U 'U sil 50 55 72 7t 84 6 HP vfih Br.rther Tube I n" a MM AI'tt{ EAtE D GtAs9 unh !hort Di.n.ndon (h In.hct! 6 12 t! 24 !036 42 /A 54 60 65 lZTt u @ HPwhl ar""th", rub. I ne 5 MM AI{'IEALEO GIAI$ unh 3ho(t Dlmlntion (in inche.) 5 lz t8 2a :to:16 42 48 ta @ co 7z 7l u 10000 9000 8000 ?000 6000 5000 tlmo 3m0 U trEt z r0m0 qtro r0@ Ttro 6000 5rxto a{t00 l|XrO tooqr s000 000 7@O 6000 50s 40m r000 E Hp wlrh rrentrcr Tube f, "t &10 Technkal Dab Con{idential Rev. 05/99 lLl26126fj8 L2154 3639841972 !.7 whcn buying rvlndout wlth low €mltrlvil{y glatr, ba rur. to rsk how thr low-E coatlne lr mtda, tottcort dl tpun$ stlne lr thc bc|t choicc rnd mon opd(clly dccr. RENEI4AL DEN SPECIFICATIONS ANO TECHNICAL MANUAI PAGE T6 ^g-lH\f.O$Y\4ltI Y.7 8c wlrY of t3llctswho chim thlt thalr xrlndotr5 will P.dcnt frding' Low Emissivity Coatings kw emirsivity (low-E) coetings rre micmscopicelly thin layers of silrc$ oridc' and protcctiw coatingl thet metcc thc'rvindon, glass more enerry ficient by rcrurning heer energy (o is cource, Lnw-E coeting are inrcgntad iln wrndow glrcs in threc waln: Surpcndcd ryrtanr - Thc first gryee of low emicsiviry coeting dadopcd arc aill in urc. The low-E cmting ir applied to a pic of acylic *1"5 it 11t* I'rqg or su*pcndcd within drc insulating splcc of tlc qlass. Although the ryctem ePPeers ecccpneble, thc two clnmbers ceuscd by the suspnded acrylic dru.rcr Prcrsure difiercncer tlret cen makc the rcrylic sfttch rnd beg, rcsulting ia optical dismnion. Thc rcrylic itsdf cruser visual clarity ptoblcrns. And as witlr rhc surigglc rtrip, outgrssinE (en anision of grs hom is own metcrial) occrrrs when the .all" film ir oparcd m heat, ceating e scd 6ilut€ or hazinerc, flard coet ryttccu - Abo ce[ed ryrolytic' hard cou eystemc ara coetings drat arc. sprryed ono hot gh$. Tttc rcaufting film offers modcretc (not lonr) anissivity and is opticdly hary bceuse dre coating poob uncrrcnly. Soft coet ryremr - Also callcd sputtcr coating' this mcthod is done by applying the emissMty coating m dre ghss in a varuum c.hambcr, This offcrs thc highcst conaolled *vi-tt-int to obtein supcrior optical clrriry. Thrs rystcro cln rbo be earily trilorad m occt specid customcr tcquircmcntc' as rcll ls prwiding multiplc leyca of 6e coeting fot superior insul+ing pcrfouaance Solar Specttum I-ow Emisivity Mhconccptio#to*-E climinets frbric Fdiog. fbcr: The majority of light nys drat cause hdrng arc ulueviolcr and somt "r' vicibte (in ftc nnge of 500 o 600 m:nomctcrs)' Inw'E coetingr block somc but not all ulmviola and visiblc light' High-Pcrformucc* gl*s blockr out 84% of ultrrviotct light. lrw EnircMty Micconocptio: Lor+ cooringp dont allow housc plarc o liw' hcc Agdn, low-E coatings affcct subsar of thc light sPccmrm shof,'n bElow' Light dtat dtetcs plotoeyndr"sil (in Sc renge of 4W to 700 rnerromctcs) is not prohibited bry low-E mtings. t&sr IntEtrd Clc.tl 4'-. . ._ Rev.05/99 Conlidential Solar ipectrum in Nenometer (nm) Wav€lengths Cl-rit l W Wbl Lgfn tectrnicat oata 8-1 1 Ib/2612864 L2i54 re@al !Y ^rOatllN' 3839841972 RENEIiJAL DEN PAGE 11 Performance Characteristics of Glass Thcre are imporant Pcrfurmrnce charactcristici of glax drat can be mgasured: nkr hcec gai)' ubi\h light pansmitance, nd falizg' Gla'ss perbrmence should nor be coifur"d *ith tolaj window perftrrmancc (see tV'indow Performance sccrion). Soler hcat gain is the amount ofhcat thm passes through glass' Shown nurncricrl! as a decimzl, it reprcsena rhe perccntage ofheat that cnrcrs rhc room. The lower thc sohr heat gein, the lcss srcss on air conditioner qc' .*-)lltHt -_\Y che(k rhe NFRC hb€l to .Esvr.tEly somptta tolor hr.t grin p(rfor 0nca of diff.rrnl windors. Sol.a Hact Grin Co€ffi11cm $HGC) 69 lTU ' 2tO ETU {t.ro 511$( = 0.10 Visiblc lighr transmittrncc dcscribes tle clarity of thc glass or thc percenlrge of visibte fifrt coming through,the glass. Thc higher rhe perccntage, the cleerer the glass. vlrlblc Light Tranrmi$ion = 7:l.A 8-12 Technical Data Confidential Rev. 05/99 lg/26/2AgA !2i54 .-. -tII2--\ -_lrlt.The lower tha Palcantggc, th. b?tter th€ protection. sofia manutacturBrr m.y qvrylg tldlng llttt for ulrriviolel r6yt qnly, but this !I(lud€t uP to 5096 ot rhe lig}n thdt caui€sleding. 3839841972 RENE|IJI DEN PAGE 72 5PECIFICATIONS ANO TTCHNICAI MANUAL Ktochmrnn Demegc Frnctioe"- rts stated earlicr, no windw glas or sPecial coatingE will complctcly prcvant fadin!) Ho'rcrct' the best way to mersure thc ability to prohibit fading is with a vdue called lGochmenn Demage function- This nurnbcr shows the percentaEt ofderraging light reys (both ultraviolct and yisible) that comc through r paniculrr glass. outdoor Condensation Condcnsetion on rhc outdoor<llfe-ce of an insuleting glass unit is not erl indicadon ther the glass or insulating uhit is ddrctivc. In fect, it indicetes that thc insulrting glassis doing is job-that of insularing the building from the environmenl Condensation mey rppcar due to the following rtmospheric conditions: . Glass temperature below dew point temperature o (lgay nighl sky ' Still air . High elative humidity . Well Insulated gla?ingi Expmed to r.hcsc conditions, thc cxterior surfacc of the glrss cea radiate away enough h"at so that thc gless temPeratute Ells bclow the dew point of thc-air .urrcirs, Vhen this happent moisture condenses on thc cxtedor glrss surfecc. !(hen rhe glass tempenture rises abow the dew point, the condensation errepoot s 6".k into thc rir. This is commonly sccn on grrss, car hoo& and roofr, rnd on brrilding roofs and walls. If outdoor condensedon creatcs iur :rnno)tencc for rhe homeownct, therc arc somc solutions that mey hclp.frapcrics should be cpcn to ellow as much heat rnnsfcr through thc glass &r poEibk- Tiees or shrubbcry immediarely adjeccnt ro tbe glass ."n it .t ."c thc locd humidicy rnd may nccd to be morred' KeeP in mind that thc exterior surfrce of tht glass will wrrm end rhe condensetion will eveporate whcn rhe heet loss m thc slcy is blocked (i.e. douds)' the wind picks up, or sunlight is absorbed on thc glasr surfrcc. Rev. 0549 Confidential rechnical Data 8- 1 3 7AlzVzaLg L2t54 ,.@ut rr ^latlllt f 30398419?2 RENEUIAL DEN PAGE 13 Window Performance \?'rndorr pcrformencc is mcasurcd by cdtcrie sct by indcpcndcnt orgadzatioru of cnginccrs and architccts. l?indow menufrcnutn mry voluntarily test tLdr productr to comply with these star&rds. These lests rrt used to conffrm the following charecteri.sticc: . t.|-valueg Sound Tremmission Class Fire Rating 4- Alr Infiftration Rating L Water Infi lttation RatinE Wind Loading outside air temperaturc-{ o F Inside air temperature-7o"F wind Load--tquivalent to l5 m.p,h, ,1 t t a a This section dccctibcs thc rnriorrs tcst prrtmetem end conditions. At the md of drc dcscriptions rc nrings of Rcnaral by Anderseno pmduca by producrsryla "How anetpr cftcient is this windovl" It'c the querdon cwry homeowncr asks, expccting to learn thc R-value nting. So why docs thc windorrr industry respond in temr of U-v"rlucl R-vduc is commonly uscd to mersurc inrqhdon of cgr$truction metcrials bccaucc it indicatcs rcsirtane to crrcrry transftr. U-rnluq wh.ich refere to the amoust of cnctg)r tlut flotrs through mrterid, mor accurately describes cncqgy cfficicncy for windom, The relationdrip betrveen R'ralue end U'valuc is rcciptocalr U-vrluc = r/r-r* , U-ralues are shown as a decimal numbcr' Thc torper dre U-rnlue numbcr, the les cncrgr is rransftrrcd &rou6h thc window U-rrducs rrc dynemic rnd dcpcnd on four vrrirbles. The most cornprdrcruive and eccurare agdng of U-nlue fu .tFblfuhd by dre l.Ietionrl furcstmtion Reting Council (t'tiRc). Tho. t*h"ia.na" c$tablish set Points for cntirc window units, not jurt thc glts, in ordcr to pmyidc consistent, oomparable enerpr efficiency data. The NFRC ser poinw are as follows: . Relatiomhip (ratio) of windor glass and ftame rnaterial - 80i20,*. a.l,#lJA,t LDok tor wandowi that olflr th" lowtrt 'U' Y.lu! th.t you crn ettord. Wlndowr rcprG.lntcd only in tarrt, of 'R' valua rhould b..voidad. a a 8-14 Technical Data Conlidential Rev,05a9 lq1261zazq L2254 3639841972 RE}€UIA_ DEN 5PICIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL MANUAL PAGE T4 All window pmducrs cerdfied by thc NFRC should display a U-nluc labcl on rhe window- ENERGY STAR'Ratings The ENERGY STAR program ir r ioint effon sponsored by thc U.S- Environmentd Protection fuency (EPA) and dre U.S. Depanmcnt of Encrg (DOE). The flocus of the program is to prcvenr pollution wlule reving rmncy through incrcucd cnctgr efficiency. Numerqu5 products ere trrgeted under dr. ENERGY STAR umbrelia' including csidential windows' {adprscn has asumed r leadc*hip role in the DlrncY Sr,rn Flomes and Mndorvs progems end uzs drc 0rsr window and door manuEcturr to partner with ttrcm in thc carly srages of - prograln developmcnt. Andersen was also thc fiat netiond window rnd door menufectucr whose entire strndard product line met the rcquircmenrs lut all drrcc dimate regions rs defined by thc ENERGY ST,{R \gindows Ptogram' Thc Eurncv $r,rn labcl ocdfics rhat thc product cxcccds the minimum cncrgy efficiency z2, \-F Look lor ih! NFR( labol on th€ wlndow. l-valuet or gancral -induttiy rtand..dt' drtr tnoY not .ctut0tcly reprtrent the trur ani?gy effician<Y ot e windovt. 8c vary csutious whcn (ontideflng windowr nor ilFl( Itbaled b€caueE trrting d.tr cln bc di$orted to mil. ratralant a windotfi lrul lnltry rlllcicrrcy in comprriton to olhct m.[ulrctur.E ilon-NFRC ttt.d windo$r! are hr.d if not imporlble to comparc. AndeGan Corporation her detlrninrd thtt ilt Droducti be.ring the Emcr lreeo logo rtl.!r thr Exricy 5r^| guidelinca to,' er.19y .tlicienq. critcrir for the applicable climarc rcgion* somctimes by as mu.h as 40 pcrcent. Ic offers the consumcr a brsic lrycl of insur2ncc that the product he/rhc is bulng is reasonably cfficienr and' is most cascs, superior in p.tformrncc and enerry savings, with up co 15 pcrccnt in "n"qry s""ings. All window manufecturcrc who obtain the ENrnGv STAR rating tn"" ttaa thcir windows certificd rnd hbeled by the I'Iationd Fenesurtion Fating Council (NFRC) for U-'alue and Solar Heet Gein Coefticient (SHGC)' fl =Nortrenrr|odt Hrdt! fl = cenrat l'lr|rx f CdlI ! = Soutlrem tLa?C{u{ Tlts ptDdttct b ETEROY ST^T qualfiad hr Uu rcaire lndlc&.t bolow: A| nglotls- l,lolUnm. Conlrul. End gouth.m Andersenr\uorporaElon Grrmrnt l{lndos mrdc ol Fllnr' uilh Arrrtt$o|f HP LoFF Cbtr0 Itli[onNl FC|Htdo|l RdiqCnml . EuIt t||fi dll drDrill 0r Ulut lt$[h Gffi, iorr. ild lftqh . Irnlll lillndlor. elll-tt]ll]lB0 rrldtllmGlrrl rlb rlr[rl3.fi lfrilid|il rtrub fii hrr nfnr Gonhrn b $dott ilf80 tnduft l0r dmilhln! lrdlprodurtciryptumm. tmo rdhFJt ffiltillu t .lb[drtdon lglililnr rilSilffi rf 4.ffc ttoilE tbt llrd u urft loi.l E .ttt Cdr I C.E.G. llr ldtdlol n.qlmntts' Rev. 05/99 contdential Technical oata 8-1 5 LAl26l2gAA L2154 3639841972 PAGE 15 A windosr's lound dcedcning cepebility is a barefit dre homeorpncr mry not be :ware of Bared on I|STM 415{7 test strn&rds, sound trrenstnitcion is mcasurcd in e lumbcr cellod Sorurd Tir.ensmission qJ""< (STC). The higher thc STC number, the greeter thc cound^dcadcning qudity' The hllowing ch* i, " ,"p*r.noh oT&c STC nting bzrcd on varying gllsc co$trucrion in r Fibrer- meterrel Fuc. lWindort stylcc dso affcct rcurrd mmmission, eod thc STC ntingl for Rcnswnl byAnderscncwindows by product qpe rrt shown in the Pctfrtmancc Retings cection of this menud' t Vindows ilr ndt flrc r$ed, iHowcqr-it-is important to norc rhet the Fibrar matcrial 'scd iu Renml by Andcrsco-viin&tun will not support combustion oncc e hcat soure ie removed. lts burn ntc ie lired as rro bascd on ASTM D- 635. In&pendent tcsts run by.ISTM $ndzide find drat rigid vinyl hrs.e higha ignition tenrpctrturc and lowr flerne sprced thrn common wood building producs. In this tcsq performrnce ratings are brsed on DP (dcsign prcssure or wind vclocity) ntingp e$"bl&b6d'dYrDMA A6 drc DP rering irrcrcercs, so docs thc wind wlocity. Testing ir donc by plecing r window in e ctrannbcr roorn wdl' Thc chernber ,oo- i".* io oii"rtcd to drew air out of thc roonr. Itesure gauges record 6c urieocc in the air prcsarrc witbin rnd oursidc the rcom to dstcrmioc the arnount of eir pr$ing dtrouSh thc windov at a r,te cqui\alcnt to 25 m'p'h' fot DP rt througfi op +o ana +S-9 m-p-h- for DP ratings orrcr 40' Thc highcr th' radng, the lerr air infiltrr'tion' It is imporurt to wrdentesd 6et undcr 6ce wind load conditions' it is ello" bL for a window o li.k rh. Thc air leakegc, horcrrcr, must be balorr a ftacdonal veluc csteblishcd by thc TYDMA. tf thc talegp is grcetcr dren allowEd, thc windon' crn be testcd rt lorer lmls until it doel pass' Tbc prinrcd information (DP ndng) for iir infftredon is dre higlrcn et which the window prsses the tert, RENEI,JAL DEN re@ar r(alrro!$lr ^-\ all windo!6 lcol .lt Thr kcY It to rded thr windos thet lrrk hr* baccd on WDI,A iandir&. 8-16 Technl<alDara Confldential Rar.05/99 LEl2612AgA Lzt54 'I 3839841972 5PECIf ICATION5 AND TECHNICAI- MANUAL In this test, thc window ic egein inseltcd in a vecuum chembcr well rnd wind velociry is incr"r:ed o highcr lcvcls. fu this occun, wetcr is rpplicd to thc window crrcrior simuleting rainfrll rt a rlte of five incher p€r hour. A window is dlowed to havt watet infiltnte between thc sash and Femc, but only into a Fame chenn.l. rVetcr cannot lcalc past drc window framc and into drc intcrior ofdtc srructure, Thc printed information (DP ntrng) for wetcr infiltretion ir thc highcst le\'cl at ,rvhich thc window peses dle tesr widtout lcaking waer into the interior of qhe struct tr". 'o op"|r REhEI,AL DEN PAGE 16 To teu the rbility of e window to widuend *rnd prcssure, a windoqr is instellcd on thc opcn cndofa box. Inside the box, a largc air brg is inflrted with air thet cort"tpond" to wind prcssurc. To pass rhe rect, the window cel bcnd under prcssuru but the srsh is nor rllowed to disengegt from thc frame' The printed info.metion (DP reting) indiceter thc highcsr wind velocity the windorr withsunds. TLroptnd ilass cen be usad to increase window strcngth if needed' ota: To d.tlrmine rtructur.l wind l@dlng tor tteelOnd wood mulhd unitt tao ChArt on p.q6 7.17 .nd 7.1E. 4* Rw. 05/99 confidential Technical oata 8-17 LAlzEl2gbA L2:54 3439841972 REI€I^,AL DEN PAGE T7 re@ar tY Al{ltrlu{' Design Windload Chart - Wood Mullion This chem indicatcs windlord r€sistatce of a wood mullcd. window co#tniti,ons in Dounds per Squre Foot (PSF). Lord valucs ere bescd on r rnuimum allowrble deflection of Lll75 wherc L = wood mull joint length. 8-18 Technical Data Confidential Rev.05ft9 ltl26/2664 12:54 3639841972 RENEhJAL DEN PAGE 18 SPEC ICAIIONS AND TECHNICAI MANUAI Casement Window Testing Data and Specifications L Re(ogni.td rerid€nritl tan unitt rizc (AAl = 24'rrl8'. Avstaga u^it tJ afld R, !6 relaiivl humldity, rnd intide ght' surf'ce t"mPtr.tum OrGall psnof i th3f m.l pr4o/msnce .rl.ulalion. :. fh. rhrding <ocffi<ienr litted ebove mry vEry (+ or') r tc|r, peruGhtlge polnB depending on u^l1tl3e' ,. rhding co.fficirnt, icl€tiv€ Heit 6.in, tnride surfrt. 6lait Tcmp, (rl nillr.e numianif"rmation, and u.v. Tlrntmitt.nct !r' from center ol 9lr'6 4. U.vetui , n-V" tu". Sot.t HaSl Gain Co€fticient, .nd v ittblc Lighr Trrni'ittinc€ tts {rom glaii Plur fram€. 5- Clc.r gldt it withour trgon get blend cnd wilh rluminum t9rttt' 6- High-Ferlormr.r<a (Hp) 9trrs i3 with rnh.rf ad gigqn gar blEnd and lofr.(ondu11ivity (rtain l.tt tt€.I) tplccr i, 'reLer tor ringte p.ne giralng .rprcrent Ds (Doublg ltrensth) gl$t and .r! Providad for .omprriron onlt' e. vietUtr r.iglr flansmistinr ln tht viribt€ rpc<trum ({dr-780 m.no.n.tcrr) thc pGrEent.qe ol llght that it transflittld thlough rhe gla$ 9. ultrrviolct Energy: That poniqn of tol6r 11{ igtion lor which rh€ w elangttrt.re rirorter then thore inlhe ei5ibl. t gion. Thir invlslblo rrdiation rrn caut€ runburn and ltbri( trdi[g. to.llnted oliJr (6.cy, h .Gprerlnted by doublE-nrrirgth aolar grey glcn (typkrl for rstidtt\till) i;. i;i;i;J;o;;;rir"-n.. ior u-""ru" sHGc rnd Vtt wercGrra on 'typicrl'orodu.ti modelcd with 'Fram€ 4 snd window 4.,|'. 12. f|'/ll.lr.me unit with grill..bctwlen-the.9l.tt (G8610rd ini€<t lcrc€n trlted. Rev. 05/99 Coniidential Technical Oata 8-23 4-'. T!st stonirard ALr W.tb I .Wlnd Load o perrtlnl Fo?!td.Entry ' F ol.r ?.'. R atl tt a rce worllA ".. .: it.t.9t . D;F::i ' '0r0i cAN/c5A A440-M90 A2 ANSI/AAMA t0t-93 c-c35 i _aq1 c-c.t5 Dual Pane Insul. Fu[ fdn l ' SlEdio!.]. . ,. .., cdrttlidffE€t :',',: ftq ,.;.:.; i v.{drltdhlil',':"', I|ii(irfifidc? ' . ,Ult'd,irlct Ugt u Irlrnilb e HP Hp!tu,1 clcir HP HPSun dtdf HF rfJljn Cur:HP HPsalri chgr HP HPSun Clerr .50 .16 .90 106 77 190 .r0 q2 73 a0%.a2%.16 .15 .57 '6reYo.5ihgler OtEy ..5ing le.GrEy SinSle 6rcy .SingF'6rey Single sj(rgts Fille. |v*ncrrffirt'.:i:6hjl 'r',:64 '' .J7 .77 5in9b Pane 0rrtrl Watdoil ,?9 1 .00 174 tr5 156 .68 '6816 90n 37 .72 .'.... Dual Pane lncd. fvll turt!) ItEr.Fttl Nrrkd'arid \rilu(tl uhn ftF.-0- ridof fternpl.Erftf lrftr ldrGt Uir Av*. 'R'Vtl'r EaoFi ol EB :ulf&{pt . ta.h}|tdltq. ,f,,ti|rlkiib*cdgof 6hr lnirh sur{ac Gloc*' Iemr.'str? fR l{Ptur dqif ltl30h ':tf:r,:iS+r::.:l{F I 'tleaii .HP tPlSwr Cle.r .fi ';',,13.i1 .4t .':\L .. alo':i.:1ifi;jr i::::.'$:.r,iia*::'.441 r'",s5r 54'45. Gr.y singla Grry Single 6roy 9ingle Grcy Single 6rey Slngle Single Fane tt Fodlwlndd,.91 ,91 t.t l.r 1 ,11 1,t 1 1f%r 396 17'17" 5ingle Pane (Maal wnd6t 1.1 1:t.1 l'. 0:9 1.l l l,t.r'i3%,l3%17"r?o LA|Zil2AAB L2254 3939841972 RENEIIAL DEN 4-'re@al lt AltDltlltf Awning Wlndow TertinE Data and Specif ications 1. Re(ognized rt|irlnti.ltrtt uniE tir! 0AAt = .r48,,,hnragaunltUrndr,if r.btiur humidity, and inridc gbtB rurt c tmperdurr ata all plrt ol t ihermal pcrf ormencr calculation. z. Tfu rl$ding (oafti{iant littad obovc mly vary (+ or ) a tcw prrcnt.g. point daP€nding on ufifi:lta. 3, Sltadint Cfudrrti. ItaL{s. t{crt 6aln, rndde furlccc Glciircnp., i idrtlrr rtumllity Form.tion,.nd iJ.V. Tnn.tnlK.n(..re from (lnter of glttl. 4, U.Valua / R"Valua. tolar Hart Gilh Coafflcl.nt, rnd Vldbl. Llga lrffirnltt{ncr atc tron glsr pJI:i flrmc. 5. Cbar glen ir withoqt rrgon g bllrd and with .luminum rp-.<e" a 5. HigFPrttorm.m. OIP) glrs ii wilh cnh.ncrd .rgon g.r blcrd rrd lorr<crductivity (rt inlasr nacD rp&f. ?, V.lucr td rlng|! pinc Atlting t!p.!l.tn DS (Doubl. Strrngdr) gl s.nd .r. providld tor .omp itdr onlt 8. Virlbl. Ll€ht '|.rEnhrl;n: tn th. vlrlble +cctrurn (4O}?iO tnrno|trlt r{ thc Ftftcnt gr ot liqm $.t it t.lngnlttad through thr gl t q' uhreviolrt Ensgy: Th.t portlon ot $lrt r.dl.tlon tot whldr th! wevllrngth; .r: fiortcr then rhors in thi vBill' f'glon' thF inviribl! r'dittlon cln cau$ $nbuln snd lrbrlc tldlng. ro.rlnr.d tl$r (Grcy) lr Taolarrntcd by doubl.-rtrength rob. grat gh8 {VDlcrl lof r.tidcm-t l)- lf.Totolprod{|Gl plrtormrnca lor U-yrluc ShcC rnd VLT rrcra barad on -qrplc.l' paoductr modclcd with 'fram! a.nd Windot a.l'. 12. Full-fr.D! unit with grillc-bcttflcEn-thr-ghs (6BG) and intcct 5(tcen t6ted. PAGE 19 8-24 Technkal Data Confidential Rev. 05199 LAl2U2gAA L2.54 363984L972 REI.IEWAL DEN PAGE 2A SPTCtf ICAIIONS AND TECHNICAI MANUAL Double-Hung window Testing Data and Specificationl Tert ttlDdrtrd Ai. tl Df ., O parlti h i. 'Fqrcr^ " .",1 WDMA is 2-93 0. l1 CAN/C5A Aaa0.M90 B3AZ H-1c40 H-LC*0 H-tcao il-n20 !evr | | 0ANSI/AAMA t0't.93 oual Pane lnsul. (Mlfqmr) ,i';,Ph .:i. Sdct:tt'; '.l frri :. r.l;: Uuardttet Uqlit '. "'1 : .tttrsrithnoa HP HISun Oear fiP HPSun Cllsr }F ilftnh tl"ir HP .J$trn 'Clt!r r{P HPliun Clcar .32 .24 ,57 106 77 190 .?2 .24 .57 73%N%e2%t6 r(.lt CrEvT sihgtdl .5lngll.9ilri fhd?Gcry'si,4Sri Grey 5inAlc 'j l-:r't !,1i00r',liflin irtt ii ii li i:F?-$tij ;':':.i:,:'-37',.72 Single Pane h+rJ gJhdsr'.79 't.00 'r74 : lt5':6? 1 :,,'ld3 -66!Xi:io*,.37 ,72 Dual Pane hsul. Fdt tnna) thrrmrt ffirirdrt Wlit: Un A!ra*.:'u' Fa(tof - Tltrnd,{kr|Dmancr tfiluef ' unit A'ftr :R' \alue cemF of Glrs.'U' fcE/l|1i6c $urtte GL$lt lqrnperrt/E fO xPr .';€leirr :llP:6err 'rf.. +FSrrft :€le!t.r .{P np*n :.Oeat.,.HP HPSUn Oert .3?':Jir'..47.;'.3.1 ..'7:9:.'.2.1 izb , ;lpl[,:.41$,','1553 54"45' 6rey 5lnql.Cny .Sinqla Crey sinsilt 6rey'Single 6rcy Single Singile Pan€ larbed un en).93 .93 t-t 'l,l l.r I ll%13%17.lr Single Pane olittrllJu.dq'vl | ,lz 1.32 0,8 0.8 iitr 1.t 'l 1396 t3%17'1T 1 Ra(ognized reridratlgl t.!t unhi ri.. (AA) F 16" r ,l8'- lr6..ge unlt u lnd n 9l relstiva humldity, and insids gl0$ turfac! temPErtlur!,ar! 'll P'rt or ' tha/mal perforDEn<e cel(uhtion. 24' r ag.. lwer8g€ unir "u " end 'B-, !{ rllarive hunldtty, ond inside gla55 turfa(a tcmp!'atvte tru 0ll p'rt of ' thcrmal Derlo/rnanc. c.rlqvl$ion Z. rhe rhaiing cocflicicnl lirt€d rborE miy vAry (+ o, -) | lEw p?rCtnl00e pointr dePending On Unil iize. l. lhrding corfficient, flelrtivc xeat Gain. Inride surir<a Gtoir Temp., r nittivt rru rniaityiotmrtion' ond u.v Trant'nittanc0 o r' lrom cnter of 9185t' {. U-Vrlu; , R.velur. 5ol.r H€rl Gti^ Co.fficiPnt, .nd Vitibl€ Llght Tlansmittrn(e rre llom 91455 plur trame $, Cle.r gltst i5 wlthout t.gon g!! blcnd rnd with .luminuD tpt(lt' i, xiqf,-i"rf o',6rn.r (xp! 9tr:sl with onhrmed i.'on gr5 bt"nd tnd low-conductivity (fl.inlcrc ttacl)iPacer ?. Vriuer for 3ingtc prn€ glazing rstrarcnt 05 (Ooubl! s1€ngthl glttt and ar. provid.d {o. conp0r69n only. i. viribtc Light ;!ntni$ion: In the "irib! 6pcclrum (rl(S-?80 mtno gtcrt) thc prrccnt.g! of light thst 15 ttanimitted thravgh th! 9lr$ 9. uhriyiolGt Enatgy: That ponron el roltr rcdlstion for wh'rch rhc wrvtlengtlr orc shoncr than those ih thc vitible region ThiJ invi{ble t'di'tion (r'r .!rJr€ sunburF rnd labri( tsding. r0. .l]||t!d gla$ (6r?yl i5 rePretemEd by Oovbledtrength 5ol.r grcy glrt' (Vpl(ol tor teiid€t itl'' t i. rotot oi,a..t p.rtormaxc lor u-vetu€ IHGC .nd vLT w?rc bired on 'typicl" prodr,<tt modeled with 'F..ma 4 cnd window il.l' 12. full.fr.rna unit wilh grille'bgt-qgn-1hc-glasr (68G) and intect t(fcen teried 4*- Rw. 0V99 Confidenrial Technical oau E-25 Ltsl2U2AAA L2:.54 3439841972 RENET^IAL DEN PAGE 2I SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL MANUAL Picture Window Testing Data and Specifications l. Re<ognized rrridentilltr't qniti rirt (AA).24- x 48". AMeragc un U.nd R, !a,tal0thra humiditt snd inride glasr rurfrtt tafipefDNle rr€ all partola thcrm.l p€rformancc cakul ion, 2, rha th6d'in9 cocfficient li$!d above m.y v.rt (. or -) o f.w prrc.nlrgt pointr drpending on u^ll rlze l. th.dint Coafficient. iehtive Hear Grin. Inride 5u/{a<? clast ?rmp., .h lcl.tivc Hir]nidiv Formrtio^, s^d U v lrrntmitt.nce .,r lrom c€Dtt/ ol (llast' n. u.valu! I fi-Value.5qlar H€tr 6!in Coafli(iant 0^d virible Light Trrnrmittracc r.€ l.oih 9l8ti plugftsm?- 5. c1... glai! ii without argon ger blrnd t.d wlth oluminum iP.(er. G- High-perform.nce (HP) gl.s! it whh €nh.artrd t,gon gat blcnd.nd low<ondudMty (n.inltlr slecl) Sprccr. 7, valett +or tlngle pane gla.ing repret.nt Di (Ooubla nrcngth) ghrt .nd r.! providrd lor comp.rilon only. 8. Mriblr Light icniitlntonr In the virible rpE.tru.n ({00-780 mrnofisteI5) thc plrcentaqr ol light thel it lranlmitted ihfough the glots' 9. Uttravioht gn.rgy: Thrt po.tion of soh r .adlotlon foi which thr wavehngthc a.e thort.l thl n thosa in the Yitlbl€ rcglon. Thir i|lvitibl? radiatlon (ln .a6erunbutn Cnd lObric frding, r0,Tinted g|!+i (G..y) lt.eprei"med by Ooubl+ttrPnglh tol!r Eref gla$ (typl(.l tor rsidcnlirll. 1 r . Totrl D.oded perlof m an(e for U-yalue 5 HGC .nd vll w€tc botcd on 'typic.l' prod ucts modelcd with - Fr.me 4 ond wlndqw 4.1 ' 11. tulLf'.mc unii wlth grille.belwren-the-glart (GgGl.nd insa(t tc/3cn tqt€d. ANSI/AAMA t 01-93 f-R60 t.i60 F-r60 N'A N,|A {- pual Pone Insul. f ril rdd ... Strodlnl:. cdcficlsflt $Cf nAadve Hst Giilf sMi..tF .r " ' UhraYiolet tlghtlt ' Tanflnnbnce HP HPSUn oear HP HPSUn (laar HP ftF6un 'tli'sr 'xp 'HP5irn Clear HP tlPSun Clerr .50 .36 .90 104 75 r86 .34 ' .25 .50 730/o 40%82%.16 .t5 ,57 .6F4/:.ilnglr'f'r-il 3in9h Gtey'1ltdc qr"v Trtgte Grw Single sinsre n:iiiaidlbodwW ''iJ.g'':"ldtiril :.:::i i :t'i'ii_.i 2i5 'irj:. ,:.:.-:1 i:gt'i .31 ,72 Sinale Pane M.rii tundor,.79 1.00 t74:lf5 . .54 ,71 689q :'9096 .37 .72 Durl Pene lnsul. (Fvl Femr) Iheimrl -hdor,rnane ValueSr l,ttit Aver. :U' Factor - ndnnol.P€tbrnihcc tbh6: Unit AvGr. 'R" lAlur cddtti of Gl6 :ljli ficor ' it.Hi€Hliiftltlffi . ifri*rqFrrhrtterbcf s&6 [6idr ss |Ee Glrsr'' Tamnafatu.e CFI , Hr.HPsrrrl Oeart 'H|,,:iflun flccr'hP::l{FSun,.Cteat HP :HPlkn:'(1!tr .HP HF5u.l Clerr -29 .31 .45 1,4 ,.3t2.z2 .28...6,'60qi , s796 '.419s 55.5'5a'45.50 GfCT Single 6rey Single Gfey 5ingle Grey Slngle GrE 5ingl. single P.ne {$'bod Wrrbw).91 ,93 1.1 1.,|1.1 I 111 l]%r3%17'1T Single Pene {llred t$rr'q4 t-31 1.3i 03 0.8 1.1I +.11 1396 '1.3*17'17" Rev.05/99 confidential Teihnical Oata 8-27 1612612646 12:54 3839841972 REI.IEhAL DEN PAGE 22 . t ,rr t re@al tr^t{DtrIlBr Gliding Window Testing Data and Specif ications 4- l. iccognircd rcrida tirl tart ualtl rLc (AA) = 2il. r 48.. Ar.raga unlt U snd l, f 'rEtiw hurnidlty, aM |tEid! qlE {rf.€a tamPcratur. -.! .ll pan of ' rharm rl tertormanca calculetlon, z. Thc thodl^g cocflicient liitld .bqy€ mly vory (* ot -) 0 tctd pEftsntrgr Poi.ttt depandl8g on unit 3ir'l- f. lhrdlng Co-efticirnt f,ct.tiv. llrrt 6rin. tngi<lr Su''.(c Ctrrr T€mp., * lrtlvc Hunldlty Folmrllon rnd U.V. Trrntmitlantc erc from center of 9lo* 4. U'vslu. , t-Vrlue, ttol- lbtt G.in Coatflcianq rnd vklbh ught Tt.ntritt n<" r.a ftom Clatt plut it'rte' 5. Char !h$ lr rdthout rgon grr blrnd end with slumlnqtn rp!c.r- A High-pcafoimaff. (Ht) 9lr!. lr wirh enhrnaad rrgon grr blcnd rnd totrr-condqctirily $talnle|3 rlccl) rnrcr. Z. Vjut' for rlngtc ptnc ghalng r.prur.nt Dg (ooubl! slrlngth) glr$ rnd aru providcd fa mrnparirm oDly. g- Grbb titttt i.|l,m'*ti,n' triOa ,rralb rpcctrum ({tx}74 rntmrtrrl rhe pcrcrr rge of ligld thd F trantmltt d rhrouqh thr sl r. 9. Uhiwioli Endtr llFt pdrlon ot rolrr ;.di.rion 16 which tht w&rdcnqtlE rra *roncr ttnn lror In lhc Yltlb|! r.Elon- That itrviilbla rcdhdon c'n (rut€ 3u bufn Ind ttbtl. t!.ll.rg. - 4- lo.Tiltrd glrlE l6rry) k r.p|.rntcd by DoublF'rtrcngth rol.r gtry ql$t (typltrl to. tcridctrti.l) ' ii.f*.f pt"Orci pc*or.r'txe for u-"jh- tH€C rnd t[T ws]. b.r.d on 'Vplc.l' ptoducit mod"H wirtt 'Faa.n* 4 .rd wlndow 4.l', 12. FslFlrarha ufh wlti gdllc-b.tr.rccn-d|!{l|!a (GBG} rnd ir$.tt rtsen trrlcd- 8-26 Technical Dar. confidential Rev. 05/99 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: 9 Vail Road Pr{ect Description: DRB Number: DRB000021 CTIANGE ALL WINDOWS AND CHANGE ONE WINDOW (TJNIT 19) TO MEET ECRESS Pafticipants: APP].,ICANT HOLIDAY HOUSE ASSOCATION 9 VAI I., RD vArlr co. drbf, / HOLIDAY HOUSE ASSOCATION 9 VAII., RD VAIL CO. MARK RAMOS 81657 Project Address: 9 VAIL RD VAIL Location: ALLWINDOWS ON 9 vAILTOAD Legal Description: Lot: I Block: Subdivision: VAILVILLAGE 2ND Parcel Number: 210107106000 Comments: all windows same I0/17/2000 Phone: 47 9 - 7I00 10/tt/2000 Phone: 479-71,00 BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Mofon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Cond: 8 ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: l0ll3/2000 No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 e7l2Ll2egT 1q:3€ tql76/2OAA l4iz4.--_:.--,. . T0l'ir,\ E10S534197 e?OEsRB gCALPELLO Prh$.tAcLs RESOlvsr PAGE O3PAffi 6I APPTICATION FOR PESIGN Questlonsl Csll th.r Planning $ari at'i79-h38 REVISW APPROVAL 87i2t|2AAE 14:38 61gg5s419?o SCALPELLO PA6E 82 G. G- Scdpollo, hcsidcnt Holi&y FbrJs. Condominirm Asrcidon 9\hil Road Vrit Color.do 81657 october 10, 2000 Design Review Board Town of Vail $outh Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Sirs: The Holitlay Housa Condominium Association at I Vail Road requests apptovalto replaoe the windows in the building at I Vail Road pcr contract wilh Renaaral by Andersen. The resolution lor he proFct was approved by the Board of Drectors of the Assocration at its regularly scheduled meeting July 8, 2000. The windours will replace the existing doublp hung windonrs, They will be gliding windolre fitt?d with grille patterns to simulate the exlsting paired double hung windots. In the abssnce of the popefty manager, Bruce Gillic, pbace feel free to contact me at €10453€144 or Merk Ramos, the building maintenance manegar, at 970-476-5300 if there ars any questions regarding this application. Sincerely, rtd*/.,q** Gwendolyn G Scalpello President Questions?Planning Staff at 479-2738 MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUITDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL INFORMANON This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMffTAL REOUIREMENTS \X Photos or sketches which clearlv convey thg existing conditions,/\ n Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). tr All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. \,/ A Condominium Association approval (if applicable). \tr If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. o Callthe( Nh,lt# a,r>',tleuaan/ 4 l^/'"*rtt' fn lranU pt,L+6rt(,tlrL) ,)i4 lw^c' ^,r*,/pl'/ fut Prshn Arl** MlEqi,tiilu, * ra" 5i DP, zr tlscil*wh hn Fv ,ffif[#'m I usrrorpnoposrourrenns O BU]LDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SofFts Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other * Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All o<Erior lighting must meet the Town=s Lbhting Ordinance 12-11-51. ff oterior lightjng is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identifu each fxture type and provide the height above gradg lumens output, luminous area, and afrach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. i'i 4 i{' g.of 9tv' l{F\6Ri 7b r\\€€i- eG(L99 lllL ilil ;.,---z? OO Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Nine Vail Road Tree Removal Proiect Number: Project Description: Removal of five large cottonwoods on the east side of the pool Owner, Address and Phone: Nine Vail Road Condominium Association Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Brice Gillie. Managing Agent, Nine Vail Road Condominium Association, 9 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Project Street Address: 9 Vail Road Legal Description: Lots A/B, Vail Village 2nd Filing Parcel Number: 2 10107106001 Buildins Name: Comments: Projecf#: ***PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBE STOS ABATEMENT ISSUES - 47 9.2325* * *'< Motion by: Pierce Seconded by: Woldrich Vote:4-0 Conditions: Approved per revised landscape plan dated 6/7/00 Town Planner: Georse Ruther Date:6/7100 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVA L\97\ I DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 )Questions? Call flanning Staff at 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specifc information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A.DESCRIPTIONeast end OF THE REQUEST:Removal of five large cottonwood on the of the _BSeLs are alamaqi_ncr pool wa.f l_ax1.d_trees_,bl-qck vie-w__of__Va;ilMountain from rooms on souteast corner. ltould rplace *ith g-10' Col oradcr |ll rro Sp1gg6 LOCAION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:A, B. CBLOCK:_ FILING: vai't vi t r aga rna PHYSICALADDRESS: 9 Vail Road. Vail, Co B. c. v, E. F. G. PARCEL #: ZONING: ? to t acl t oeot (contact Eagre co. Assessors office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): Holidav House Condomi ni un Assor.i ati o{l owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAMEOFAppLICANT: Eoliday House Condominium Association MAILING ADDRESS: same l-{TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE, New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. Addition - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial buildinq. )R Minor Aheration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when appVing for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the poect. The Town of Vail wiil adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAII- COLORADO 81657. PHONF: n u NINE VAIL ROADMay 12,2000 Design Review Board Department of Cornmunity Development 75 W. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Members of the Board: Condominiums in Yail Yillage Formerly the Holiday House Please consider the attachcd application for the removal of a group of trees on the Holiday House propcrty at 9 Vail Road in Vail Village Filing 2. We request that you approve this application for two reasons: 1) The roots of these five cottonwood trees continue to intrude into the pool deck and into thc pool itsell". For the last three years wc have had to remove the brick pavers on the deck and cut the roots back. Their continued growth threatens to breech the wall of the fiberglass pool and cause a serious leaks. This would probably require that we replace thc pool corr.rpletely at some near future date. 2) The height of the trees and the density of the branches blocks the view of Vail Mountain from all of the rooms on the Southeast cornel of the building. According to the original iandscape plan cottonwoods were never proposed for that site. In looking at the surrounding properties there are no cottonwoods anywhere in the neighborhood We intend to replace the cottonwood trees with two 8-i0' Colorado Blue Spruce the would be in keeping with surrounding landscaping. If you inspect this location you will find that it has relatively matures landscaping rvith mole than 2 dozens Aspen, fir and fruit trees up to 30 feet in height. The removal and replacement of these cottonwoods would not have any negative visual impact on the site. Thank you for your consider:ation. If you have any questions or'need turther information please do not hesitate to cali rne at 416-5300. For the Holiday House Cor.rdoniiniurn Association 9'Vail Road - Vail. CO 81657 8001 872-7221 9701 479-7rOO tluly, PROPOSED LANDSCAPING . Botrn ical Nanrc . Conrrrrorr Namc Ouantity Sizct PROPOSEDTREES prcEA PUNGENS GLAUCA COLO. BLUE SpRUtE__3_ j-19' AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO PoPuLus .ANGUSTIFoLIA NARRoYITEAF 5 50' BE REMOVED: -co-fftfiwooD- ' +Minintutl icquircntcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - (r fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons l}lc Squarc F'ootasc CROUND COVER enn qtrtrn IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis, fenccs, swimrning pools,'etc.) Ptease specify. Indicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining walls. Maxinrunr hcight of walls rvithin thc front sctback i" ? feet, .Maxirnum heisht of rvalls elscrvhcrc on thc propcny is b icct. !r t: -i' 'r' Updatcd 6/97 'Tl F I'I -lNr rrtz T I rrl Fo rrl Fo T - =mo -l(n 3{ (o{ .-. - 5< Jnrcf) o)- r+r 0)A-lrl 6 ; o o FT ? o o - =z rrl F o U rh @o\ o \ U --l.- -t \ >-o-R + -.--) :; -,i '..<- lr