HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 12 1976 DENIAL OF FOURPLEX LEGALUa/ l/ol/'1't' fr2r44 7 Lof b"lq',t, A-*1Yfr"'44 August 12, L976 Vall- VlLlage llesb Architectural Conbnol Cornrnlbtee Box ll90Vall Coloraao 81657 To Ray Marlon 1816 cone Creek Drl.veVatl Colorado 81657 {" hgf9ly dlsapprove your proJect on Eot 12 VatI VtIIago luest2gd jl1llg__for the fotlowlng reasons: - -".---------:-- ,*--' ' 1. Consbntrctlon was begun long before any plans wenesubmtrtted to thls c,ommlttee and at bhe :repeabed requesbof the comrdttee.2. Pl.ans flnally obtalnod were lnadequate, inconslsbentand too undefLned to process. 3. Recenb site lnspectlon revealg that the butLdtrrghas been constructed 1n such a nanner as to be aFgUlILffi proJect complete wtth pLumblng for FOUR KfTCHENS and separate outslde entrles etc.{. fnadequate parking. 5. Questionable set backs.6, No eontouns or. grad,e llnes.7. Exter.lor fLnlsh schedule lncomplote. Slnce vingst aren Scn_].dI.fi errr gongulbant K a-,'i r'- . X eJb-i'b r, q,p*?tYaglo County Planning end Bullding Dept. own of ValL Zonlng and Bulldtng Dept.ValI Vlllages West Flre Dlstr'lct Upper Eagle VaIIey Sanibatl.on DlstrlctValI trIest llate:r Dlstnlct Boyd,